COPYRIGHT, 1893, BY WALTER H. BAKER & CO. plays for /Amateur 5f?eatrieals. BY GSORCE 7U£. BHKER, Author of "Amateur Dramas," '''The Mimic Stage," "T/te Social Stage" "The Drawing* Room Stage" "Handy Dramas," "The Exhibition Dramas " "A Baker's Dozen" etc. Titles in this Type are New Plays. Titles in this U ype are Temperance Plays. DRAMAS. In Four A c'.s Better thnn Gold. 7 male, 4 female • /// Three A cts. unr F'«ll char. Seeing the Elephant. 6 male, 3 female char. . . „ The Huston Dip. 4 male, 3 female char. The Duchess cf Dublin. 6 male, 4 fe- male char. ......... Thirty Minutes for Refreshments. 4 male, 3 female char. ...... We're nil Teetotalers. /, mrJe, 2 fe- male char Male Characters Only. A Close Shave, 6 char. ...... Lie Benefactor. 6 char. , . . A Se/» of Troubles. 8 char. .... COMEDIES, etc., continued. Male Characters Only. A Tender Attachment. 7 char. . . Coals of Fire. 6 char. ...... Freedom of the P'ress. 8 char. . . . Shall Onr Mother* Voti? 1 1 char. Gentlemen of the Jury. 12 char. . . Humors of the Strike. 8 char. . . . My Uncle the Captain. 6 char. . . . New Brooms Sweep Clean. 6 char. The Cheat Elixir. 9 char. . . . . . 'I'm' Hypochondriac. 3 char 1 he. Man Willi, the Demijohn. 4 char The Runaways. 4 char The Thief of Time. 6 char Wanted, a Male Cook. 4 char. ... Female Characters Only. A Love of a Bonnet. 5 char, .... A Precious Pickle. 6 char No Cure No Pay. 7 char The Champion of Her Sex. 8 char. The Greatest in Like, 8 char. The Grecian Bend. 7 char. . . . . The Red Chignon. 6 char Using the Weed. 7 char ALLEGORIES. A rrangedfor Music and Tableaux. Lighthart's Pilgrimage. 8 female char The Revolt of the Bees. 9 female char The Sculptor's Triumph, i male. 4 fe- male char. Tin; Tournament of Idylcourt. 10 fe- male char. . The War of the Roses. X female char. The Voyage of Life. 8 female char. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. An Original Idea, i male, 1 female Bonbons; or, the Paint King, 6 male, 1 female char . Capuletta; or, Romeo and Juliet Restored. 3 male, 1 female char. Santa Claus' Frolics Snow-bound; or, AlonzO the Brave, and the Fair Imogene. 3 male, 1 female char. The Merry Christmas op the Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe, . . . The Pedler of Very Nice. 7 male char. ...... The Seven Ages. A Tableau Entertain- ment. Numerous male and female char. Too Late for the Train. 2 male char. The Visions of Freedom, ii female char WALTER H. BAKER & CO., 23 Winter St„ Boston. Sublime and Ridiculous & Nrgro Set AS PERFORMED BY SCHOOLCRAFT AND COES ARRANGED FROM THE ORIGINAL AS FIRST PRODUCED IN SAN FRANCISCO, JUNE, .S64 BY / GEORGE H. COES ( V 0C1 ^1893 BOSTON 189: CHARACTERS. are both good parts; Benner (heavy) and Con o' the Bogs (heavy comedy) very effective. (1880-1890.) CHUMS. A College Farce in One Act. By the author of "Class Day." Three male and two female characters. Scenery and costumes, very easy. Tom Burnham wears ladies' costume throughout the piece, and all the characters may be played by men, If desired, as in the original performance by Graduate Members of the Pi Eta Society, of Harvard College, at Beethoven Hall, Boston, February 29, 1876. A very funny piece and a sure bit. (1890.) Price, 25 Cents. WHEN THE CURTAIN RISES. A collection of short plays for parlor performance. By Clara J. Demon. The plays in this collection are short, bright and easy to get tip, just the thing for the " Home Theatre." No scenery is needed, and no costumes that do not hang in every one's closet. Con- tents : The Man who went to Euhope. A Comedietta in One Act, for four males and two females. All is Fair in Love. A Dr.. ma in Three Scenes, for three males and two females. " W. H." A Farce in One Act, for one male and three females. A Change op Color. A Drama in One Act, for two males and three females. To Meet Mr. Thompson. A Farce in One Act, for eight fe- males. (I.s90.) Price, 25 Cents. BOUND BY AN OATH. A Drama in Prologue and Four Acts. By David Hill. Six male and four female characters. Scenery, not simple, but easily simplified ; costumes, modern. This is a strong and stirring melodrama of modern life and times. The comedy element is furnished by a negro and a quaint old woman's part. Elias, the "oath-bound," is a strong part; Setb is a good light comedy villain, and Jacob a strong "heavy" part. (1890.) Price, 25 Cents. THE CRANCER; or, Caught in his own Trap. A Comedy in Three Acts. By David Hill. Eleven male and two female characters and 6upers ; six male characters only being important. Costumes modern and ec- centric rustic. Scenery may be made elaborate or simple, according to circum- stances. John Haymaker is agood character, new to the stage, and full of rustic 'minor and shrewdness. Alvin Joslyn, as played by Mr. Davis, comes nearest to it in flavor. The other characters are excellent, generally rustic types and those of low life in the city, where the incidents of "The Granger's" second act occur. The story is original in idea, and of great humorous possibilities. Just the thing for a Grange entertaiment. Can be played with the simplest accessa- ries, yet will amply repay care in getting up. (1890.) Price, 25 Cents. THE BOOK OF DRILLS; Part First. A group of entertainments for stage or floor performance. By Mary B. Horne, the author of "The Peak Sisters," etc. Containing : A National Flag Drill (as presented by children in Belmont, Mass., at a Fair given by the Arachne, in December, 1888. Also as given by ten young ladies of the Unity Club in Watertown, Mass., Feb. 22, 1889); The Shepherd's Drill; The Tambourine Drill (as given at a Rainbow Party by twelve little girls of the Third Congregational Society, Austin St., Cainbridgeport, May 2, 188s'); The Mother Goose Quadrille (as danced at the Belmont Town Hall, May 10, lt89). (1889.) Price, 30 Cents. Baker's Monthly Bulletin. THE OLD-FASHIONED HUSKING BEE. An Old Folks' Entertainment in Oue Scene. By NkTTIK II. PKLHAM. ror eleven male and five female characters, and as many more as desired. Scene, the Interior of a barn, easily arranged; costumes old fashioned. Plays forty minutes or more, according to number of songs and specialties Introduced. Very easy to get up, and very funny. An excellent introduction for a dance, supper, or sociable, where a mixed entertainment is desired. (1891.) Price, 15 Cents. A VISION OF FAIR WOMEN. A Dramatic Paraphrase In One Scene. Based upon Tennyson's " Dream of Fair Women." By Edith Lvnwood Winn. Thirty-nine girls are called for, besides the *' Dreamer " who has the vision; but a smaller number may be used, at pleasure, by simply reducing the number of tableaux. No scenery Is required, and the costumes can be easily contrived by home talent. This is a very picturesque and enjoyable entertain- ment, and by giving a large number of pretty girls a chance to look their best, is sure to please them and every one else. (1891.) Price, 15 Cents. JOINING THE T'NPANITES; or, Paddy McFi.ino's Expert- KNCE. PAHT I. A Mock Initiation for the amusement and instruction of Secret Societies. Adapted to all orders, and containing nothing to offend any secret organization. By David Hill. For thirteen male characters and supers. Scenery ^unimportant, the stage representing the interior of a lodge-room. Costumes, burlesque regalia, l'lavs forty-live minutes. This is an uproariously funny travestie of the forms of initiation, and Is just the thing for a lodge-room entertainment. Any number of men cau assist as members, etc. (1891.) Price, 15 Cents. JOINING THE TINPANITES. Part II The second Degree of this popular Burlesque Order. Characters, scenery, and costumes same as in Part I., of which it is a continuation. Can be played Independently, or In connection with Part I., which it naturally follows, but without in the least depending upon it. (1892.) Price, 15 Cents. JOINING THE TINPANITES. Part IN. The Third and Highest Degree of this laughable "side" Order. Characters, scenery, and regalia, tho same as in Parts I. and II. Like the other two, can be given as an independent Mock Initiation, or as the third part of a more elaborate ritual. ( 1892.) Price, 15 Cents. THE CHAPERON. A Comedy in Three Acts. By RACHEL E. BaKKB. Fifteen female characters. Scenery not difficult. Costumes, tennis gowns and modern street and evening dresses, with picturesque Gypsy costumes for Miriam and Jill. Time in playing, two and a half hours. Tins clever play of life at school and in society continues the series of plays for ladies so admirably begun by " Rebecca's Triumph," and is deservedly popular. It unites refined fun with a strong dramatic story, and is at once amusing, interesting, and picturesque. (1891.) Price, 25 Cents. THE SPY OF GETTYSBURG. A Drama in Four Acts. By CHARLES Townsknd. Eight male, three female characters. Time of playing, two hours and thirty minutes. Scenery, two interiors. Costumes, modern and military — easily arranged. This is one of the best war dramas ever published, and is especially suitable for amateurs. It is full of bright fun and soul-stirring incidents. The interest is awakened at the outset, increases with each act, and the final climax brings a whirlwind of applause. The characters are all first- class. Solomon, the negro, is one of the most laughable darkey characters ever seen in any play. The incidents of this play cluster about the tremendous strug- gle at Gettysburg, and depict the adventures of the hero while acting as a scout for General Meade. The book contains a chapter of special interest, giving careful instructions regarding the style, make-up, and costuming of each character. (1891.) Price, 35 Cents. PROF. BAXTER'S CREAT INVENTION; or, Old Maids Made Nkw. A Farce Comedy iu One Act. By Mary B. Horne. For three male and three female characters. Modern every -day costumes. Scenery of the very simplest character. Plays about an hour, or longer, according to specialties, songs, etc., introduced. This entertainment is a decided novelty, and is excru- ciatingly funny. First-rate Irish soubrette part, and capital comic old man. Prof. Baxter's patent process for making old people young again suits everybody, both on the stage and off. (1891.) AN ENTIRE NOVELTY. THE GREAT MORAL Dime Show AH ENTERTAINMENT IN ONE SCENE, By MARY B. HORNE, Author of "The Peak Sisters," Prof. Baxter's Great Invention," '•Tin; Book of Drills," "The Carnival of Days," "Plantation Bitters," Etc. Nine male, seven female characte<'S. Costumes simple; scenery an ordinary interior, or may be dispense*! with altogether. Plays from half an hour upward, according to the number and character of additional specialties introduced. Printed exactly as first performed by the Unity Club, "NVatertown, Mass., on Friday evening, February 5, IS'Jl'. This must amusing entertainment is a burlesque of the ordinary "ditne- mv.seuin,'' so-called, but is entirely devoid of the vulgarity of its original) ;i"y. No chorus. Very easy and tuneful. Price, 25 Cents. The Four-leafed Clover. In Three Acts. By Mary B. Horn'e. For children of from six to fifteen years. Seven boys, seven girls, and chorus. Very picturesque. Prick, 50 Cents. Beans and Buttons. In One Act. Words by Wm. H. Lepeue; music by Alfijed G. Robyn. Two male and two female characters; no chorus. Very comical and easy. Price, 50 Cents. Hunt the Thimble. In One Act. Words by A. G.Lewis; music by Leo R. Lewis. Two male, two female characters and small chorus. Simple and pretty. Price, 50 Cents, Red Riding Hood's Rescue. In Four Scenes. Words by J. E. Estabrook; music by J. Astor Broad. Three male, four female characters and chorus. Price, 50 Cents. Golden Hair and the Three Bears. In Five Scenes. By J. Astok Broad. Three adults (2 m., 1 f.), eight children and chorus. Music is easy, graceful, and pleasing. Price, 75 Cents. • R. E. Porter ; or, The Interviewer and the Fairies. In Three Acts. Words by A. G. Lewis; music by Leo R. Lewis. Six male, six female characters, and chorus. Very picturesque and pretty. Price, 75 Cents. Gyp, Junior. In Two Acts. Words by Eare Marble; music by D. F. Hodges. Two males, one female (adult), three children and chorus. Very successful and easily produced. Price, 75 Cents. AlvinGray; or, The Sailor's Return. In Three Acts. Written and composed by C. A. White. Ten characters, including chorus; can be made more effective by employing a larger number. "Price, 75 Cents. Catalogues describing the above and other popular entertain- ments sent free on application to WALTER H. BAKER & CO., THEATRICAL PUBLISHERS, No. 23 Winter Street, - Boston, Mass.