Class t:h^n~: Book^ 4^ GopyrightN?. COPYRIGHT DEPOSm I V \ ■ ^ \ tA / SHAKESPEARE'S HISTORY OF :Li-l KING HENRY THE FIFTH. Edited, with Notes, BY WILLIAM J. ROLFE, A.M., FORMERLY HEAD MASTER OF THE HIGH SCHOOL, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. ^ » WITH ENGRA VINGS. NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 1878. IT Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S77, by Harper & Brothers, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PREFACE. The text of this edition of King Henry the Fifth is essentially that of the first folio (see p. lo) collated with the quartos and the leading modern editions. For the readings of the quartos I have depended mainly on the Cambridge edition and the reprints of the New Shak- spere Society. The notes, when not original, are as a rule credited to the sources whence they are derived. It has been my aim, as in the earlier volumes of the series, to give in concise form all the comments of former editors that seemed of any real value or interest ; in other words, to prepare what may be called a popular " Variorum " edition for the general reader and student, as distinguished from an Exhaustive work for the critic and the advanced scholar such as my friend Furness is elaborating. I have kept in mind the fact that few persons, not excepting teachers in our high schools and academies, have ready access to a complete Shake- spearian library ; and that few except teachers would often avail them- selves of such a library if it were open to them. In schools, moreover, it is simply impossible for all the members of a large class to make sys- tematic use of the limited number of books of reference in the library. Each pupil really needs all of them all the time he is preparing his les- son, but there are perhaps twenty or thirty others who want them at the same time. I have endeavoured to render the student comparatively in- dependent of books of reference. With the " Globe " Shakespeare— the cheapest and most convenient of the " complete " editions — and Abbott's " Shakespearian Grammar "—which no student can afford to do without — he is fully equipped for his work. The former book enables him to look up all the quoted passages in which Shakespeare is allowed to be his own commentator, and the latter explains and illustrates the pecul- vi PREFACE. iarities of the poet's English ; the notes furnish everything else that is needed in the ordinary study of the text. So far as I am aware, no other edition gives frequent references to Abbott, and no other gives with equal fulness the " various readings " and critical comments on controverted passages. Indeed, no other edition known to me (with the single exception of Furness's) contains so large and varied a body of notes. Most of these are condensed to the utmost, but I have found room for a long note whenever it was necessary for the thorough eluci- dation of the text. I am here only stating what my plan has been, and how I have tried to carry it out, without presuming to claim that the plan is the best pos- sible or the execution faultless. While I am grateful for the favour with which the little books have thus far been received, I shall be even more grateful for any friendly hint that may help me to make them better. Cambridge, Oct. 15, 1877. Note. — In my references to other plays of Shakespeare, the numbers of the lines are invariably those of the "Globe" edition; as in Abbott's Gramtnar, Schmidt's Lexicon, etc. In the case of scenes entirely or partly in prose, these numbers may not correspond with those of my edition, on account of the differences in type and length of line. The references to Halliwell are to his great folio edition, kindly loaned me by my friend, Dr. J. R. Nichols. Those to Collier, Dyce, and Knight are to their second editions ; those to Hudson are to Mrs, first edition. CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction to King Henry the Fifth 9 I. The History of the Play 9 II. The Historical Sources of the Play 10 III. Critical Comments on the Play 11 KING HENRY THE FIFTH 21 Act 1 23 " II * 38 " III 57 " IV 80 " V 112 Notes 129 # I « — I INTRODUCTION TO KING HENRY THE FIFTH. I. THE HISTORY OF THE PLAY. King Henry the Fifth, in the form in which we now have it, was first published in the folio of 1623, where it occupies pages 69-95 ^" the division of " Histories." A mutilated and incomplete quarto edition had been printed in 1600 with the following title-page : lo KING HENRY THE FIFTH THE I CRONICLE I History of Henry the fift, | With his battell fought at Agin Court in | France. Togither with Auntietit \ Fistoll. \ As it hath bene stmdry ti??ies playd by the Right honorable \ the Lord Chafnberlaine his seruants. \ LONDON I Printed by Tho7?tas Creede, for Tho. Milling-| ton, and lohn Busby. And are to be | sold at his house in Carter Lane, next ] the Powle head. 1600. This edition appears to have been hastily gotten up, and was probably compiled from short-hand notes taken at the theatre. It was reprinted in 1602 "by Thomas Creede, for Thomas Pauier," and " sold at his shop in Cornhill, at the signe of the Cat and Parrets, neare the Exchange ;" and again in 1608, "Printed for T. P." The folio must be considered the only authority for the text, though the quartos are occasionally of service in the correction of typographical errors. The date of the play is fixed by a passage in the Chorus of the last act : *' Were now the general of our gracious empress — As in good time he may — from Ireland coming," etc. This evidently refers to Lord Essex, who went to Ireland, April 15, 1599, and returned to London, September 28, of the same year. Unless the passage was a later insertion, which is not probable, the play must have been written be- tween those dates. It is not mentioned by Meres in 1598 in the list which includes Richard II., Richard III, Henry IV., and King jfohn.^ II. THE HISTORICAL SOURCES OF THE PLAY. Shakespeare took the leading incidents of his Henry IV. and Henry V. from an anonymous play entitled " The Fa- mous Victories of Henry the Fifth," which was written at * See the extract from Meres's Palladis Tamia, in our ed. of ^ Mid- summer-Night^ s Drcani, p. 9. INTR OD UC TION. 1 1 least as early as 1588,* and had a popularity far beyond its merits ; but he drew his historical materials mainly from Holinshed's " Chronicles of Englande, Scotlande, and Ire- land," as the illustrative extracts from that author in our notes will show. As in the case of Richard II. (see our ed. of that play, p. 14), he doubtless used the second edition of Holinshed, published in 1586-87. III. CRITICAL COMMENTS ON THE PLAY. [From Gervinus's ''^Shakespeare Commentaries.'''' W The whole interest of our play lies in the development of the ethical character of the hero. After the poet has deline- ated his careless youthful life in i Henry IV., and in 2 Hefiry IV. has shown the sting of reflection and consideration pierc- ing his soul as the period of self-dependence approaches, he now displays Henry as arrived at the post of his vocation, and exhibits the king acting up to his resolutions for the future. At the very beginning of the play we are at once informed of the utter change which has passed over him. The sinful nature is driven out of him by reflection, the cur- rent of reformation has suddenly scoured away the old faults; as the wholesome strawberry ripens best " neighboured by fruit of baser quality," so his active practice, his intercourse with lower life and simple nature, has matured in him all those gifts which etiquette and court ceremony would never * It was entered on the Registers of the wStationers' Company, May 14, 1594, to Thomas Creede, as "a booke intituled the Famous Victories of Henrye the Fyft, conteyninge the honorable battell of Agincourt," but it is known that the famous actor Tarlton, who died in 1588, took the part of the Clown in the play. The earliest printed edition that has come down to us bears date in 1598, and has the following title-page : THE I FAMOUS VlC-jtories of Henry the | fifth: | Containing the Honou-lrable Battell of Agin-court : | As it was plaide by the Queenes Majesties \ Players, \ LONDON | Printed by Thomas Creede, 1598. t Shakespeare Commentaries, by Dr. G. G. Gervinus, translated by F. E. Bunnctt : revised ed. (London, 1875), p. 340 fol. 12 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. have produced in him, and which those now around him per- ceive in him with admiration. The poet expressly tells us, through the prelates who discuss the king in the first scene, that there are no miracles, either in his poetry or in the world, and that the natural grounds for this wonderful change are to be sought for really in the unpromising school of this apparently untutored man. There this many-sidedness was developed which now astonishes them in him, and on ac- count of which he now appears equally acquainted with all things, ecclesiastical and secular, in the cabinet as in the field. He no longer squanders his now valuable time, but weighs it to the last grain ; the curb of mildness and mercy is now placed on his passions, and even foreign lands con- jecture that "his vanities forespent Were but the outside of the Roman Brutus, Covering discretion with a coat of folly." . . . In his courtship and on the day of battle Henry is just as plain a king as if he had " sold his farm to buy his crown."' He has shaken off his old dissolute companions, but the remembrances of that simple intercourse are recalled to our mind at every moment. The same inclination to rove about with the common man in his army, the old mildness and fa- miliarity, and the same love for an innocent jest, exist in him now as then, without derogating in the least from his kingly dignity. He leaves his nobles waiting in his tent while he visits the posts of his soldiers ; the old habit of night-watch- ing is of use to him now ; he sounds the disposition of indi- viduals ; he encourages them without high-sounding words ; he fortifies them without ostentation ; he can preach to them and solve moral scruples, and can make himself intelligible to them ; he contrives a trick quite of the old kind in the moment of most gloomy suspense ; like a brother, he bor- rows the cloak of the old Erpingham ; he familiarly allows his countryman Fluellen to join freely in his conversation rNTRODUCTION. 13 with the herald ; and in his short appeal before the battle he declares all to be his brothers who on this Crispin's day shed their blood with him. This contrast between his repose and calmness and his martial excitement, between his plain homely nature and the kingly heroic spirit which in the moment of action exercises dominion over him, is, however, not the only one in which the poet has exhibited him. The night before and the day during the battle, which form the centre of our play, is a pe- riod so prominent, and one in which such manifold moods, emotions, and passions, are roused and crossed, that the best opportunity was here afforded to the poet for exhibiting to our view this many-sided man in all the richness and the di- versity of his nature. When the mind is quickened, he him- self says, "the organs break up their drowsy grave, and newly move with casted slough and fresh legerity;" and thus is it with him in this great and decisive moment. We see him in a short time alternate between the most different emotions and positions, ever the sam^ master over himself, or we may rather say, over the opportunity and the matter which lie for the moment before him. . . . How popular after his old fashion, and at the same time how sublime, is his encouragement to the battle ! How calm his last words to the French herald 1 How far is he from being over-hasty in giving credit to the victory! When he hears of the touching death of the noble York, how near is he to tears ! and at the same moment, alarmed by a new tumult, how steeled to a bloody command ! how impatiently furious at the last resistance ! and at the moment when vic- tory decides for him, how pious and how humble ! And again, a short time after this solemn elevation of mind, he concludes his joke with Williams, careful even then that no harm should result from it. The poet has continued in the fifth act to show us to the very last the many-sided nature of the king. The terrible warrior is transformed into the merry 14 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. bridegroom, the humorous vein again rises within him ; yet he is not so much in love with his happiness, or so happy in his love, that in the midst of his wooing, and with all his jest and repartee, he would relax the smallest article of the peace which his policy had designed. . . . Throughout the whole play, throughout the whole bearing of the king, sounds the key-note of a religious composure, of a severe conscientiousness, and of a humble modesty. The Chronicle, which extols Henry so highly that it placed him before the poet as an historical favourite, praises the king's piety at home and at every page in his campaign ; Shake- speare accepted this historical hint in no mechanical man- ner, but wrought it appropriately into the characteristics of his hero. The clergy, at the very beginning of the play, call him a true friend of the Church, and have reason to rejoice over his respect for it, as well as over his knowledge of sa- cred things. When he is occupied with the plan of war, he charges the Archbishop of Canterbury with a solemn oath to take heed in his counsel; he "will believe in heart" that what he speaks as to his right to this war is in his "con- science washed as pure as sin with baptism." When he has no thought but France, those to God alone " run before " his business. He receives it as a promising ordinance from God that the treason lurking in his way is "brought to light." He delivers his "puissance into the hand of God, putting it straight in expedition ;" " God before," he says several times, he will come to take his right. He orders his old friend Bar- dolph to be pitilessly executed for robbing a church ; he wishes all such offenders to be cut off; for he well knows that when "lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom, the gentler gamester is the soonest winner." We have seen him previous to the battle in solemn preparation, and engaged in edifying con- versation with his soldiers. His first word on the certainty of the victory is, " Praised be God, and not our strength, for it !" When he reviews the greatness of the victory, he says INTRODUCTION. 15 again, " Take it, God, for it is only thine !" And that this is in earnest, he orders even death to be proclaimed to any who may boast of it or take the honour from God. At his tri- umphal entry into London, he forbids the sword and helm, the trophies of his warlike deeds, to be borne before him ; and the poet says expressly of him, in the prologue, what once the prince had said of himself on that day at Shrews- bury over Percy's body — that he was " free from vainness and self-glorious pride, giving full trophy, signal, and ostent, quite from himself to God." The atonement which his father could not attain to, for want of energetic, persevering, inward stimulus, is accomplished by him. In his prayer to God be- fore the battle, when he wishes that " the sense of reckoning" may be taken from his soldiers, and that his father's fault may not be thought upon, he declares that he has " interred anew" Richard's body, has wept over it, and has ordered masses to be said ; that he has five hundred poor in yearly pay "who twice a day their withered hands hold up toward Heaven" for him. The po,et, we see plainly, adheres to the character of the age, and invests Henry with all that outward work of repentance which in that day was considered neces- sary for the expiation of a crime. To many he will appear to have gone too far in this, both as regards his hero, who is otherwise of so unshackled a mind, and himself, rising as he does generally so far above the narrow views of his own, to say nothing of older times. But above this objection, also, the poet soars victoriously in those excellent words which he puts into the mouth of the king at the close of that peniten- tial prayer : "More will I do; Though all that I can do is little worth, Since that my penitence comes after all, Imploring pardon." 1 6 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. [Fj-o?fi Doiuden^s '•^ Shakspere.'''"^^ Henry's freedom from egoism, his modesty, his integrity, his joyous humour, his practical piety, his habit of judging things by natural and not artificial standards — all these are various developments of the central element of his character, his noble realization of fact. But his realization of fact produces something more than this integrity, this homely honesty of nature. It breathes through him an enthusiasm which would be intense if it were not so massive. Through his union with the vital strength of the world, he becomes one of the world's most glorious and beneficent forces. From the plain and mirth-creating comrade of his fellow-soldiers he rises into the genius of im- passioned battle. From the modest and quiet adviser with his counsellors and prelates, he is transformed, when the oc- casion requires it, into the terrible administrator of justice. When Henry takes from his father's pillow the crown, and places it upon his own head, the deed is done with no flut- tering rapture of attainment. He has entered gravely upon his manhood. He has made very real to himself the long, careful, and joyless life of his father who had won for him this "golden care." His heart is full of tenderness for this sad father, to whom he had been able to bring so little hap- piness. But now he takes his due, the crown, and the world's whole force shall not wrest it from him : "Thy due from me Is tears, and heavy sorrows of the blood, Which nature, love, and filial tenderness Shall, O dear father, pay thee plenteously: My due from thee is this imperial crown, Which, as immediate from thy place and blood, Derives itself to me. Lo, here it sits, * Shaksfere : a Crtiical Study of his Mind and Art, by Edward Dowden {2d ed. London, 1876), p. 215 fol. INTRODUCTION. 1 7 Which God shall guard ; and put the world's whole strength Into one giant arm, it shall not force This lineal honour from me." Here is no aesthetic feeling for the " situation," only the profoundest and noblest entrance into the fact. . . . Shortly before the English army sets sail for France, the treason of Cambridge, Scroop, and Grey is disclosed to the king. He does not betray his acquaintance with their de- signs. Surrounded by traitors, he boldly enters his council- chamber at Southampton (the wind is sitting fair, and but one deed remains to do before they go aboard). On the preceding day a man was arrested who had railed against the person of the king. Henry gives orders that he be set at liberty : " We consider It was excess of wine that set him on ; And on his more advice we pardon him." But Scroop and Grey and Cambridge interpose. It would be true mercy, they insist, to4Dunish such an offender. And then, when they have unawares brought themselves within the range of justice, Henry unfolds their guilt. The wrath of Henry has in it some of that awfulness and terror sug- gested by the apocalyptic reference to "the wrath of the Lamb." It is the more terrible because it transcends all egoistic feeling. AVhat fills the king with indignation is not so much that his life should have been conspired against by men on whom his bounty has been bestowed without measure, as that they should have revolted against the loy- alty of man, weakened the bonds of fellowship, and lowered the high tradition of humanity : ** O, how hast thou with jealousy infected The sweetness of affiance ! Show men dutiful .? Why, so didst thou : seem they grave and learned .'' Why, so didst thou: come they of noble family? Why, so didst thou ; seem they religious ? B 1 8 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. Why, so didst thou : or are they spare in diet, Free from gross passion or of mirth or anger, Constant in spirit, not swerving with the blood, Garnish'd and deck'd in modest complement. Not working with the eye without the ear, And but in purged judgment trusting neither? Such and so finely bolted didst thou seem: And thus thy fall hath left a kind of blot. To mark the full -fraught man and best indued With some suspicion. I will weep for thee : For this revolt of thine, methinks, is like Another fall of man." No wonder that the terrible moral insistaiice of these words can subdue consciences made of penetrable stuff; no wonder that such an awful discovery of high realities of life should call forth the loyalty that lurked within a traitor's heart. But though tears escape Henry he cannot relent : " Touching our person seek we no revenge ; But we our kingdom's safety must so tender, Whose ruin you have sought, that to her laws We do deliver you. Get you therefore hence. Poor miserable wretches, to your death; The taste whereof, God of his mercy give You patience to endure, and true repentance Of all your dear offences !" And having vindicated the justice of God, and purged his country of treason, Henry sets his face to France with the light of splendid achievement in his eyes. On the night before the great battle, Henry moves among his soldiers, and passes disguised from sentinel to sentinel. He is not, like his father, exhausted and outworn by the care- ful construction of a life. If an hour of depression comes upon him, he yet is strong, because he can look through his depression to a strength and virtue outside of and beyond himself. Joy may ebb within him or rise, as it w^ill ; the cur- rent of his inmost being is fed by a source that springs from the hard rock of life, and is no tidal flow. He accepts his INTRODUCTION. ig weakness and his weariness as part of the surrender of ease and strength and self which he makes on behalf of England. With a touch of his old love of frolic he enters on the quar- rel with Williams, and exchanges gages with the soldier. When morning dawns he looks freshly, and " overbears at- taint," with cheerful semblance and sweet majesty : " A largess universal like the sun His liberal eye doth give to every one, Thawing cold fear." With a prayer to God he sets to rights the heavenward side of his nature, and there leaves it. In the battle Henry does not, in the manner of his politic father, send into the field a number of counterfeit kings to attract away from himself the centre of the war. There is no stratagem at Agincourt; it is "plain shock and even play of battle." If Henry for a moment ceases to be the skilful wielder of resolute strength, it is only when he rises into the genius of the rage of battle : " I was not angry since I came to Fiance Until this instant. — Take a trumpet, herald; Ride thou unto the horsemen on yon hill: If they will fight with us, bid them come down, Or void the field; they do offend our sight. If they '11 do neither, we will come to them, And make them skirr away as swift as stones Enforced from the old Assyrian slings. Besides, we '11 cut the throats of those we have, And not a man of them that we shall take Shall taste our mercy." It is in harmony with the spirit of the play, and with the character of Henry, that it should close with no ostentatious heroics, but with the half jocular, whole earnest wooing of the French princess by the English king. STREET IN HARFLEUR. ^ a <^ .; .r^- ■A^ ^ -^ U 9 DRAMA TIS PERSONS. King Henry the Fifth. Duke of Gloucester, I i ., * «i t^- Duke of Bedford, ) ^^^^"^^^^ to the King. Duke of Exeter, uncle to the King. Duke of York, cousin to the King. [wick. Earls of Salisbury, Westmoreland, and War- Archbishop OF Canterbury. Bishop of Ely. Earl of Cambridge. Lord Scroop. Sir Thomas Grey. Sir Thomas Erpingham, Gower, Fluellen, Mac- morris, Jamy, officers in King Henry's army. Bates, Court, Williams, soldiers in the same. Pistol, Nym, Bardolph. Boy. A Herald. Charles the Sixth, King of France. Lewis, the Dauphin. Dukes of Burgundy, Orleans, and Bourbon. The Constable of France. Rambures and Grandpre, French Lords. Governor of Harfleur. Montjoy, a French Herald Ambassadors to the King of England. Isabel, Queen of France. Katherine, daughter to Charles and Isabel. Alice, a lady attending on her. Hostess of a tavern in Eastcheap, formerly Mistress Quickly, and now married to Pistol. Lords, Ladies, Officers, Soldiers, Citizens, Messengers, and Attendants. Chorus. Scene: E7igland ; afterwards France. « r THE PRESENCE-CHAMBER (sCENE II.). PROLOGUE. Enter Chorus. Cho7'us. O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend The brightest heaven of invention, A kingdom for a stage, princes to act, And monarchs to behold the swelline: scene ! 24 KING HENRY THE FIFTH Then should the warlike Harry, like himself, Assume the port of Mars; and at his heels, Leash'd in like hounds, should famine, sword, and fire Crouch for employment. But pardon, gentles all. The flat unraised spirit that hath dar'd On this unworthy scaffold to bring forth lo So great an object: can this cockpit hold The vasty fields of France ? or may we cram Within this wooden O the very casques That did affright the air at Agincourt? O, pardon ! since a crooked figure may Attest in little place a million ; And let us, ciphers to this great accompt, On your imaginary forces work. Suppose within the girdle of these walls Are now confin'd two mighty monarchies, 20 Whose high-upreared and abutting fronts The perilous, narrow ocean parts asunder. Piece out our imperfections with your thoughts; Into a thousand parts divide one man. And make imaginary puissance : Thitik, when we talk of horses, that you see them Printing their proud hoofs i' the receiving earth ; For 't is your thoughts that now must deck our kings. Carry them here and there, jumping overtimes, Turning the accomplishment of many years 30 Into an hour-glass : for the which suppl}'. Admit me Chorus to this history; Who prologue-like your humble patience pray, Gently to hear, kindly to judge, our play. ^Exit. ACT 1. SCENE I. 2C ACT I. Scene I. Lo?ido?i. An A7ite-chainber in the King's Palace. Enter the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop OF Ely. Ca?iterbiiry. My lord, I 'II tell you ; that self bill is urg'd, Which in the eleventh year of the last king's reign Was like, and had indeed against us pass'd, But that the scambling and unquiet time Did push it out of farther question. Ely. But how, my lord, shall we resist it now? Canterbury. It must be thought on. If it pass against us. We lose the better half of our possession; For all the temporal lands which men devout By testament have given to the church Would they strip from us; being valued thus: As much as would maintain, to the king's honour, Full fifteen earls and fifteen,hundred knights, Six thousand and two hundred good esquires ; And, to relief of lazars and weak age, Of indigent faint souls past corporal toil, A hundred almshouses right well supplied ; And to the coffers of the king beside, A thousand pounds by the year: thus runs the bill. Ely. This would drink deep. Ca?iterbury. 'T would drink the cup and all. 20 Ely. But what prevention ? Ca?iterbnry. The king is full of grace and fair regard. Ely. And a true lover of the holy church. Canterbury. The courses of his youth promis'd it not. The breath no sooner left his father's body. But that his wildness, mortified in him, Seem'd to die too; yea, at that very moment Consideration, like an angel, came 26 KING HENRY THE FIETH. And whipp'd the offending Adam out of him, Leaving his body as a paradise 30 To envelope and contain celestial spirits. Never was such a sudden scholar made; Never came reformation in a flood With such a heady currance, scouring faults; Nor never hydra-headed wilfulness So soon did lose his seat and all at once As in this king. Ely. We are blessed in the change. Canterbury. Hear him but reason in divinity, And, all-admiring, with an inward wish You would desire the king were made a prelate: 40 Hear him debate of commonwealth affairs, You would say it hath been all in all his study: List his discourse of war, and you shall hear A fearful battle render'd you in music: Turn him to any cause of policy, The Gordian knot of it he will unloose. Familiar as his garter: that, when he speaks. The air, a charter'd libertine, is still, And the mute wonder lurketh in men's ears, To steal his sweet and honey'd sentences; 50 So that the art and practic part of life Must be the mistress to this theoric: Which is a wonder how his grace should glean it, Since his addiction was to courses vain, His companies unletter'd, rude, and shallow, His hours fiU'd up with riots, banquets, sports, And never noted in him any study. Any retirement, any sequestration From open haunts and popularity. Ely. The strawberry grows underneath the nettle, 60 And wholesome berries thrive and ripen best Neighbour'd by fruit of baser quality : ACT I. SCENE I. 27 And SO the prince obscur'd his contemplation Under the veil of wildness; which, no doubt, Grew like the summer grass, fastest by night, Unseen, yet crescive in his faculty. Canterbury. It must be soj for miracles are ceas'd, And therefore we must needs admit the means How things are perfected. Ely. But, my good lord, How now for mitigation of this bill 70 Urg'd by the commons? Doth his majesty Incline to it, or no ? Canterbury. He seems indifferent, Or rather swaying more upon our part Than cherishing the exhibiters against us \ For I have made an offer to his majesty, — Upon our spiritual convocation And in regard of causes now in hand, "Which I have open'd to his grace at large. As touching France, — to give a greater sum Than ever at one time the clergy yet 80 Did to his predecessors part withal. Ely. How did this offer seem receiv'd, my lord ? Canterbury. With good acceptance of his majesty; Save that there was not time enough to hear, As I perceiv'd his grace would fain have done, The severals and unhidden passages Of his true titles to some certain dukedoms. And generally to the crown and seat of France Deriv'd from Edward, his great-grandfather. Ely. What was the impediment that broke this off.? 90 Canterbury. The French ambassador upon that instant Crav'd audience; and the hour, I think, is come To give him hearing: is it four o'clock? Ely. It is. Canterbury. Then go we in, to know his embassy; 28 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. Which I could with a ready guess declare, Before the Frenchman speak a word of it. Ely. I '11 wait upon you, and I long to hear it. \Exeunt. Scene II. The same. .The Presence- chamber. Enter King Henry, Gloucester, Bedford, Exeter, War- wick, Westmoreland, and Attendants. King Henry. Where is my gracious Lord of Canterbury ? Exeter. Not here in presence. Kmg Henry. Send for him, good uncle. Westmoreland. Shall we call in the ambassador, my liege ? Ki?ig Henry. Not yet, my cousin : we would be resolv'd. Before we hear him, of some things of weight That task our thoughts, concerning us and France. Enter the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop OF Ely. Cante7'bury. God and his angels guard your sacred throne, And make you long become it ! King Henry. Sure, we thank you. My learned lord, we pray you to proceed And justly and religiously unfold lo Why the law Salique that they have in France Or should, or should not, bar us in our claim. And God forbid, my dear and faithful lord, That you should fashion, wrest, or bow your reading, Or nicely charge your understanding soul With opening titles miscreate, whose right Suits not in native colours with the truth : For God doth know how many now in health Shall drop their blood in approbation Of what your reverence shall incite us to. 20 Therefore take heed how you impawn our person. How you awake our sleeping sword of war: ACT I. SCENE II. 29 We charge you, in the name of God, take heed ; For never two such kingdoms did contend Without much fall of blood; whose guiltless drops Are every one a woe, a sore complaint 'Gainst him whose wrong gives edge unto the swords That make such waste in brief mortality. Under this conjuration speak, my lord; For we will hear, note, and believe in heart 30 That what you speak is in your conscience wash'd As pure as sin with baptism. Canterbury. Then hear me, gracious sovereign, and you peers. That owe yourselves, your lives, and services To this imperial throne. There is no bar To make against your highness' claim to France But this, which they produce from Pharamond, — *In terram Salicam mulieres ne succedant:' *No woman shall succeed in Salique land;' Which Salique land the French unjustly gloze 40 To be the realm of France, and Pharamond The founder of this law and female bar. Yet their own authors faithfully affirm That the land Salique is in Germany, Between the floods of Sala and of Elbe; Where Charles the Great, having subdued the Saxons, There left behind and settled certain French ; Who, holding in disdain the German women For some dishonest manners of their life, Establish'd then this law; to wit, no female 50 Should be inheritrix in Salique land: Which Salique, as I said, 'twixt Elbe and Sala, Is at this day in Germany call'd Meisen. Then doth it well appear the Salique law Was not devised for the realm of France : Nor did the French possess the Salique land 30 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. Until four hundred one and twenty years After defunction of King Pharamond, Idly suppos'd the founder of this law, Who died within the year of our redemption 60 Four hundred twenty-six; and Charles the Great Subdued the Saxons, and did seat the French Beyond the river Sala, in the year Eight hundred five. Besides, their writers say, King Pepin, which deposed Childeric, Did, as heir general, being descended Of Blithild, which was daughter to King Clothair, Make claim and title to the crown of France. Hugh Capet also, — who usurp'd the crown Of Charles the duke of Lorraine, sole heir male 70 Of the true line and stock of Charles the Great, — To fine his title with some shows of truth. Though, in pure truth, it was corrupt and naught, Convey'd himself as heir to the Lady Lingare, Daughter to Charlemain, who was the son To Lewis the emperor, and Lewis the son Of Charles the Great. Also King Lewis the Tenth, Who was sole heir to the usurper Capet, Could not keep quiet in his conscience, Wearing the crown of France, till satisfied 80 That fair Queen Isabel, his grandmother, Was lineal of the Lady Ermengare, Daughter to Charles the foresaid duke of Lorraine : By the which marriage the line of Charles the Great . , Was re-united to the crown of France. So that, as clear as is the summer's sun. King Pepin's title and Hugh Capet's claim, King Lewis his satisfaction, all appear To hold in right and title of the female. So do the kings of France unto this day ; 90 Howbeit they would hold up this Salique law ACT I. SCENE IL o, To bar your highness claiming from the female, And rather choose to hide them in a net Than amply to imbare their crooked titles Usurp'd from you and your progenitors. King Hcfiry. May I with right and conscience make this claim ? Canterbury. The sin upon my head, dread sovereign ! For in the book of Numbers is it writ. When the man dies, let the inheritance Descend unto the daughter. Gracious lord, loo Stand for your own ; unwind your bloody flag; Look back into your mighty ancestors: Go, my dread lord, to your great-grandsire's tomb, From whom you claim ; invoke his warlike spirit, And your great-uncle's, Edward the Black Prince, Who on the French ground play'd a tragedy, Making defeat on the full power of France, Whiles his most mighty father on a hill Stood smiling to behold his Jion's whelp Forage in blood of French nobility. no O noble English, that could entertain With half their forces the full pride of France, And let another half stand laughing by, All out of work and cold for action ! Ely. Awake remembrance of these valiant dead. And with your puissant arm renew their feats. You are their heir; you sit upon their throne; The blood and courage that renowned them Runs in your veins ; and my thrice-puissant liegfe Is in the very May-morn of his youth. Ripe for exploits and mighty enterprises. Exeter. Your brother kings and monarchs of the earth Do all expect that you should rouse yourself, As did the former lions of your blood. Westmoreland. They know your grace hath cause and means and mi^ht : 32 KIXG HEXRY THE FIFTH. So hath your highness ; never king of England Had nobles richer and more loyal subjects, Whose hearts have left their bodies here in England And lie pavilion 'd in the fields of France. Canferbtiry. O, let their bodies follow, my dear liege, 13^^ With blood and sword and fire to win your right ; In aid whereof we of the spiritualty Will raise your highness such a mighty sum As never did the clergy at one time Bring in to any of your ancestors. King Henry. We must not only arm to invade the French, But lay down our proportions to defend Against the Scot, who will make road upon us With all advantages. Canterbury. They of those marches, gracious sovereign, 140 Shall be a wall sufficient to defend Our inland from the pilfering borderers. King Henry. We do not mean the coursing snatchers only, But fear the main intendment of the Scot, Who hath been still a giddy neighbour to us ; For you shall read that my great-grandfather Never went with his forces into France But that the Scot on his unfurnish'd kingdom Came pouring, like the tide into a breach, With ample and brim fulness of his force, jso Galling the gleaned land with hot assays, Girding with grievous siege castles and towns ; That England, being empty of defence. Hath shook and trembled at the ill neighbourhood. Canterbury. She hath been then more fear'd than harm'd, my liege ; For hear her but exampled by herself: When all her chivalry hath been in France, And she a mourning widow of her nobles. She halh herself not only well defended, ACT I. SCENE IF. 33 But taken and impounded as a stray i6o The King of Scots ; whom she did send to France, To fill King Edward's fame with prisoner kings, And make her chronicle as rich with praise As is the ooze and bottom of the sea With sunken wrack and sumless treasuries. Westmoreland. But there 's a saying very old and true, * If that you will France win, Then with Scotland first begin :' For once the eagle England being in prey. To her unguarded nest the weasel Scot 170 Comes sneaking, and so sucks her princely eggs, Playing the mouse in absence of the cat, To tear and havoc more than she can eat Exeter. It follows then the cat must stay at home : Yet that is but a curst necessity, Since we have locks to safeguard necessaries, And pretty traps to catch the petty thieves. While that the armed hand doth fight abroad, The advised head defends itself at home; For government, though high and low and lower, i8o Put into parts, doth keep in one consent, Congreeing in a full and natural close. Like music. Canterbury. Therefore doth heaven divide The state of man in divers functions. Setting endeavour in continual motion; To which is fixed, as an aim or butt. Obedience: for so work the honey-bees, Creatures that by a rule in nature teach The act of order to a peopled kingdom. They have a king and officers of sorts; 190 Where some, like magistrates, correct at home. Others, like merchants, venture trade abroad. Others, like soldiers, armed in their stings, C 34 KING HENRY THE FIFTH Make boot upon the summer's velvet buds, Which pillage they with merry march bring home To the tent-royal of their emperor ; Who, busied in his majesty, surveys The singing masons building roofs of gold, The civil citizens kneading up the honey, The poor mechanic porters crowding in 2cx3 Their heavy burdens at his narrow gate. The sad-eyed justice, with his surly hum. Delivering o'er to executors pale The lazy yawning drone. I this infer. That many things, having full reference To one consent, may work contrariously : As many arrows, loosed several ways. Come to one mark, as many ways meet in one town, As many fresh streams jneet in one salt sea, As many lines close in the dial's centre ; 210 So may a thousand actions, once afoot, End in one purpose, and be all well borne Without defeat. Therefore to France, my liege. Divide your happy England into four; Whereof take you one quarter into France, And you withal shall make all Gallia shake. If we, with thrice such powers left at home, Cannot defend our own doors from the dog, Let us be worried, and our nation lose The name of hardiness and policy. 220 King Henry. Call in the messengers sent from the Dauphin. [Exeunt sojne Attefidants. Now are we well resolv'd ; and, by God's help. And yours, the noble sinews of our power, France being ours, we '11 bend it to our awe. Or break it all to pieces : or there we '11 sit. Ruling in large and ample empery O'er France and all her almost kingly dukedoms, ACT I. SCENE If. 3-5 Or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, Tombless, with no remembrance over them : Either our history shall with full mouth 230 Speak freely of our acts, or else our grave, Like Turkish mute, shall have a tongueless mouth. Not worshipp'd with a waxen epitaph. Enter Ambassadors of France. Now are we well prepar'd to know the pleasure Of our fixir cousin Dauphin ; for we hear Your greeting is from him, not from the king. First Ambassador. May 't please your majesty to give us leave Freely to render what we have in charge; Or shall we sparingly show you far off The Dauphin's meaning and our embassy? 240 King Henry. We are no tyrant, but a Christian king. Unto whose grace our passion is as subject As are our wretches fetter'd in our prisonS : Therefore with frank and witli uncurbed plainness Tell us the Dauphin's mind. First Ambassador. Thus then, in few. Your highness, lately sending into France, Did claim some certain dukedoms, in the right Of your great predecessor. King Edward 'the Third. In answer of which claim, the prince our master Says that you savour too much of your youth, 250 And bids you be advis'd there 's nought in France That can be with a nimble galliard won; You cannot revel into dukedoms there. He therefore sends you, meeter for your spirit, This tun of treasure; and, in lieu of this. Desires you let the dukedoms that you claim Hear no more of you. This the Dauphin speaks. K if ig Henry. What treasure, uncle.? 36 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. Exeter. Tennis-balls, my liege. King Henry. We are glad the Dauphin is so pleasant with us; His present and your pains we thank you for. 260 When we have match'd our rackets to these balls, We will, in France, by God's grace, play a set Shall strike his father's crown into the hazard. Tell him he hath made a match with such a wrangler That all the courts of France will be disturb'd With chases. And we understand him well. How he comes o'er us with our wilder days, Not measuring what use we made of them. W^e never valued this poor seat of England, And therefore, living hence, did give ourself 270 To barbarous license; as 't is ever common That men are merriest when they are from home. But tell the Dauphin I will keep my state. Be like a king, and show my sail of greatness When I do rouse me in my throne of France : For that I have laid by my majesty And plodded like a man for working-days, But I will rise there with so full a glory That I will dazzle all the eyes of France, Yea, strike the Dauphin blind to look on us. 280 And tell the pleasant prince this mock of his Hath turn'd his balls to gun-stones; and his soul Shall stand sore charged for the wasteful vengeance That shall fly with them : for many a thousand widows Shall this his mock mock out of their dear husbands. Mock mothers from their sons, mock castles down ; And some are yet ungotten and unborn That shall have cause to curse the Dauphin's scorn. But this lies all within the will of God, To whom I do appeal ; and in whose name aoo Tell you the Dauphin I am coming on, ACT I. SCENE IL 37 To venge mc as I niiiy, and to put forth My rightful hand in a well-hallow'd cause. So get you hence in peace; and tell the Dauphin His jest will savour but of shallow wit, When thousands weep more than did laugh at it. — Convey them with safe conduct. — Fare you well. \jRxcunt Ambassadors. Exeter. This was a merry message. KingJ^enry. We hope to make the sender blush at it. Therefore, my lords, omit no happy hour 300 That may give furtherance to our expedition; For we have now no thought in us but France, Save those to God, that run before our business. Therefore let our proportions for these wars Be soon collected, and all things thought upon That may with reasonable swiftness add More feathers to our wings ; for, God before, We '11 chide this Dauphin at his father's door. Therefore let every man no\y task his thought. That this fair action may on foot be brougiit. 310 \Jlxeunt. Flourish. m ';||||(|lllliiiiiiiiSiiMiIiiiiiimiilminiiilliiiiiir,iiiiiiiiiliiill 1 ROOM IN THE FRENCH KlNU's 1>.\I..\CK V-SCKNK IV.). ACT II. V R C) L O G U E. Enic?' Chorus. Chorus. Now all the youth of England arc on fire, And silken dalliance in the wardrobe lies: Now thrive the armourers, and honour's thought ACT //. PROLOGUE. 39 Reigns solely in the breast of every man. They sell the pasture now to buy the horse, Following the mirror of all Christian kings, With winged heels, as English Mercuries; For now sits Expectation in the air, And hides a sword from hilts unto the point With crowns imperial, crowns, and coronets, 10 Promis'd to Harry and his followers. Tlie French, advis'd by good intelligence Of this most dreadful preparation, Shake in their fear, and with pale policy vSeek to divert the English purposes. O P^ngland ! model to thy inward greatness, Like little body with a mighty heart, What mightst thou do, that honour would thee do, Were all thy children kind and natural ! But see thy fault! France hath in thee found out 20 A nest of hollow bosoms, which he fills With treacherous crowns ; and three corrupted men, One, Richard Earl of Cambridge, and the second, Henry Lord Scroop of Masham, and the third, Sir Thomas Grey, knight, of Northumberland, Have, for the gilt of France, — O guilt indeed! — Confirm'd conspiracy with fearful France ; And by their hands this grace of kings must die, If hell and treason hold their promises. Ere he take ship for France, and in Southampton. 30 Linger your patience on, and well digest The abuse of distance ; force a play. The sum is paid ; the traitors are agreed ; The king is set from London ; and the scene Is now transported, gentles, to Southampton ; "• There is the playhouse now, there must you sit: And thence to France shall we convey you safe, And bring you back, charming the narrow seas 40 A'lXG HEXKY THE FIFTH. To give you gentle pass ; for, if we may, We '11 not oftend one stomach with our play. 40 But, till the king come forth, and not till then, Unto Southampton do we shift our scene. [^Exit. Scene I. Loudon. A Street. Enter Corporal Nym and Lieutenant Bardolph. Bardolph. Well met. Corporal Nym. Nym. Good morrow. Lieutenant Bardolph. Bardolph. What, are Ancient Pistol and you friends yet? Nym. For my part, I care not : I say little ; but when time shall serve, there shall be smiles ; but that shall be as it may. I dare not fight; but I will wink and hold out mine iron: it is a simple one ; but what though ? it will toast cheese, and it will endure cold as another man's sword will : and there 's an end. Bardolph. I will bestow a breakfast to make you friends ; and we '11 be all three sworn brothers to France : let it be so, good Corporal Nym. 12 Nyjn. Faith, I will live so long as I may, that's the certain of it; and when I cannot live any longer, I will do as I may: that is my rest, that is the rendezvous of it. Bardolph. It is certain, corporal, that he is married to Nell Quickly : and certainly she did you wrong ; for you were troth-plight to her. Nym. I cannot tell; things must be as they may: men may sleep, and they may have their throats about them at that time ; and some say knives have edges. It must be as it may : though patience be a tired mare, yet she will plod. There must be conclusions. Well, I cannot tell. 23 E?iter Pistol and Hostess. Bardolph. Here comes Ancient Pistol and his wife : good corporal, be patient here. How now, mine host Pistol ! ACT II. SCENE I. 41 Pistol. Base tike, call'st thou me host ? Now, by this hand, I swear, I scorn the term; Nor shall my Nell keep lodgers. 28 Hostess. No, by my troth, not long ; for we cannot lodge and board a dozen or fourteen gentlewomen that live hon- estly by the prick of their needles, but it will be thought we keep a bawdy house straight. \Nym and Pistol dnnv.^ O well a day, Lady, if he be not drawn now! we shall see wil- ful adultery and murder committed. Bardolpli. Good lieutenant ! good corporal ! offer nothing here. Nym. Pish! Pistol. Pish for thee, Iceland dog! thou prick-ear'd cur of Iceland ! Hostess. Good Corporal Nym, show thy valour, and put up your sword. 41 Nyi)i. Will you shog off.? I would have you solus. Pistol. ' Solus,' egregious dog.? O viper vile ! The 'solus' in thy most mervailous face; The 'solus' in thy teeth, and in thy throat, And in thy hateful lungs, yea, in thy maw, perdy, And, which is worse, within thy nasty mouth! I do retort the 'solus' in thy bowels ; For I can take, and Pistol's cock is up. And flashing fire will follow. 50 Ny7n. I am not Barbason ; you cannot conjure me. I have an humour to knock you indifferently well. If you grow foul with me. Pistol, I will scour you with my rapier, as I may, in fair terms: if you would walk off, I would prick your guts a little, in good terms, as I may: and that 's the humour of it. Pistol. O braggart vile, and damned furious wight ! The grave doth gape, and doting death is near; Therefore exhale. 59 Bardolph. Hear me, hear me what I say: he that strikes 42 A'/NG HENRY THE EIFTH. the fust stroke, I '11 run him up to the liilts, as I am a soldier. \Draws. ristol. An oath of mickle might ; and fury shall abate. Give me thy fist, thy fore-foot to me give ; Thy spirits are most tall. Nym. 1 will cut thy throat, one time or other, in fair terms ; that is the humour of it. Pistol. ' Couple a gorge !' That is the word. I thee defy again. hound of Crete, think'st thou my spouse to got ? 70 No; to the spital go, And from the powdering-tub of infamy Fetch forth the lazar kite of Cressid's kind, Doll Tearsheet she by name, and her espouse: 1 have, and I will hold, the quondam Quickly Vox the only she; and — pauca, there 's enough. Go to. Enter the l^oy. Boy. Mine host Pistol, you must come to my master, and you, hostess; he is very sick, and would to bed. — Good l>ar- dolph, put thy face between his sheets, and do the oOice of a warming-pan. Faith, he 's very ill. 81 Bardolph. Away, you rogue ! Hostess. By my troth, he '11 yield the crow a pudding one of these days. Tlie king has killed his heart. Good hus- band, come home presently. yExeuut Hostess and Boy. Bardolph. Come, shall I make you two friends? AVe must to France together: why the devil should we keep knives to cut one another's throats? Pistol. Let Hoods o'erswell, and i'lends for food howl on ! 00 Nym. You '11 pay me the eight shillings 1 won of you at betting? Pistol. Base is the slave that pays. Nvm. Tliat now I will have : that 's the humour of it. ACT II. SCENE I 4- risfol. As manliood shall coinpoiiiul : push home. [ I'licy drmv. JianfolpJi. Hy this sword, he that makes the first thrust, I '11 kill him; by this sword, J will. ristol. Sword is an oath, and oaths must have their course. Bardolph. Corporal Nym, an thou wilt be friends, be friends ; an thou wilt not, why, then, be enemies with me too. Prithee, ])ut up. ,„. Nym. I shall have my eight shillings I won of you at betting.'* ristol. A noble shalt thou have, and present pay; And liquor likewise will I give to thee. And friendshii) shall combine, and brotherhood: I '11 live by Nym, and Nym shall live by me. Is not this just? for I shall sutler be Unto the camp, and profits will accrue. Give me thy hand. no Nym. I shall have my noble.'' Pistol. In cash most justly.paid. Nym. Well, then, that 's the humour of 't. Re-enter Hostess. Hostess. As ever you came of women, come in quickly to Sir John. Ah, poor heart ! he is so shaked of a burn- ing quotidian tertian, that it is most lamentable to behold. Sweet men, come to him. Ny77i. The king hath run bad humours on the knight ; that 's the even of it. Pistol. Nym, thou hast spoke the right; 120 His heart is fracted and corroborate. Nyt7i. The king is a good king; but it must be as it may: he passes some humours and careers. Pistol. Let us condole the knight; for lambkins we will live. 44 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. Scene II. Southampfon. A Coimcil-chamber. Enter Exeter, Bedford, and Westmoreland. Bedford. Fore God, his grace is bold, to trust these trai- tors. Exeter. They shall be apprehended by and by. Westmoreland. How smooth and even they do bear them- selves ! As if allegiance in their bosoms sat. Crowned with faith and constant loyalty. Bedford. The king hath note of all that they intend, By interception which they dream not of. Exeter. Nay, but the man that was his bedfellow, Whom he hath dull'd and cloy'd with gracious favours, — That he should, for a foreign purse, so sell lo His sovereign's life to death and treachery! Trumpets sound. Enter King Henry, Scroop, Cambridge, Grey, and Attendants. King Henry. Now sits the wind fair, and we will aboard. My Lord of Cambridge, and my kind Lord of Masham, And you, my gentle knight, give me your thoughts: Think you not that the powers we bear with us Will cut their passage through the force of France, Doing the execution and the act For which we have in head assembled them ? Seroop. No doubt, my liege, if each man do his best. King Henry. I doubt not that ; since we are well persuaded We carry not a heart with us from hence 21 That grows not in a fair consent with ours. Nor leave not one behind that doth not wish Success and conquest to attend on us. Cambridge. Never was monarch better fear'd and lov'd Than is your majesty: there 's not, I think, a subject ACT 11. SCENE IT. 45 That sits in heart-grief and uneasiness Under the sweet shade of your government. Grey. True : those that were your father's enemies Have steep'd their galls in honey, and do serve you 30 With hearts create of duty and of zeal. King Henry. We therefore have great cause of thankful- ness ; And shall forget the office of our hand, Sooner than quittance of desert and merit According to the weight and worthiness. Scroop. So service shall with steeled sinews toil, And labour shall refresh itself with hope, To do your grace incessant services. King Hc7iry. We judge no less. — Uncle of Exeter, Enlarge the man committed yesterday, 40 That rail'd against our person : we consider It was excess of wine that set him on ; And on his more advice we pardon him. Scroop. That 's mercy, but too much security: Let him be punish'd, sovereign, lest example Breed, by his sufferance, more of such a kind. King Henry. O, let us yet be merciful. Cambridge. So may your highness, and yet punish too. Grey. Sir, You show great mercy, if you give him life, • 5^ After the taste of much correction. King Henry. Alas, your too much care and love of me Are heavy orisons 'gainst this poor wretch! If little faults, proceeding on distemper, Shall not be wink'd at, how shall we stretch our eye WHien capital crimes, chew'd, swallow'd, and digested. Appear before us?— We '11 yet enlarge that man, Though Cambridge, Scroop, and Grey, in their dear care And tender preservation of our person. 46 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. Would have him punish'd. — And now to our French causes : Who are the late commissioners? 6i Cafnbridge. I one, my lord : Your highness bade me ask for it to-day. Scroop. So did you me, my liege. Grey. And I, my royal sovereign. Kifig Henry. Then, Richard Earl of Cambridge, there is yours ; — There yours, Lord Scroop of Masham ; — and, sir knight, Grey of Northumberland, this same is yours : — Read them ; and know, I know your worthiness. My lord of Westmoreland, and uncle Exeter, 70 We will aboard to night. — Why, how now, gentlemen ! What see you in those papers that you lose So much complexion? — Look ye, how they change! Their cheeks are paper. — Why, what read you there, 1 That hath so cowarded and chas'd your blood Out of appearance ? \ Cambridge. I do confess my fiiult; And do submit me to your higimess' mercy. Lrrey. ^ y^ which we all appeal. Scroop. S ^^ King Henry. The mercy that was quick in us but late, By your own counsel is suppressed and kill'd : 80 Yqu must not dare, for shame, to talk of mercy \ For your own reasons turn into your bosoms. As dogs upon their masters, worrying you. — See you, my princes and my noble peers. These English monsters ! My lord of Cambridge here, — You know how apt our love was to accord To furnish him with all appertinents Belonging to his honour; and this man Hath, for a few light crowns, lightly conspir'd, And sworn unto the practices of France, 90 To kill us here in Hampton : to the which ACT II. SCENE II. 47 This knight, no less for bounty bound to us Than Cambridge is, hath likewise sworn. — But, O, What shall I say to thee, Lord Scroop? thou cruel, Ingrateful, savage, and inhuman creature! Thou that didst bear the key of all my counsels, That knew'st the very bottom of my soul. That almost mightst have coin'd me into gold, Wouldst thou have practis'd on me for thy use, May it be possible that foreign hire loo Could out of thee extract one spark of evil That might annoy my finger? 't is so strange. That, though the truth of it stands off as gross As black and white, my eye will scarcely see it. Treason and murther ever kept together, As two yoke-devils sworn to cither's purpose, Working so grossly in a natural cause, That admiration did not whoop at them ; But thou, 'gainst all proportion, didst bring in Wonder to wait on treason and on murther : no And whatsoever cunning fien'd it was That wrought upon thee so preposterously Hath got the voice in hell for excellence. All other devils that suggest by treasons Do botch and bungle up damnation With patches, colours, and with forms, being fetch'd From glistering semblances of piety; But he that temper'd thee bade thee stand up. Gave thee no instance why thou should'st do treason, Unless to dub thee with the name of traitor. 120 If that same demon that hath guU'd thee thus Should with his lion gait walk the whole world, He might return to vasty Tartar back. And tell the legions, ' I can never win A soul so easy as that Englishman's.' O, how hast thou with jealousy infected 48 KING HENRY THE FIFTH The sweetness of affiance! Show men dutiful ? Why, so didst thou : seem they grave and learned ? Why, so didst thou : come they of noble family? Why, so didst thou : seem they religious? 13c Why, so didst thou : or are they spare in diet, Free from gross passion or of mirth or anger. Constant in spirit, not swerving with the blood, Garnish'd and deck'd in modest complement, Not working with the eye without the ear, And but in purged judgment trusting neither? Such and so finely bolted didst thou seem : And thus thy fall hath left a kind of blot, To mark the full-fraught man and best indued With some suspicion. I will weep for thee ; 14c For this revolt of thine, methinks, is like Another fall of man. — Their faults are open : Arrest them to the answer of the law ; And God acquit them of their practices ! Exeter. I arrest thee of high treason, by the name of Richard Earl of Cambridge. I arrest thee of high treason, by the name of Henry Lord Scroop of Masham. I arrest thee of high treason, by the name of Thomas Grey, knight, of Northumberland. ,50 Scroop. Our purposes God justly hath discover'd. And I repent my fault more than my death; Which I beseech your highness to forgive. Although my body pay the price of it. Cambridge. For me, the gold of France did not seduce, Although I did admit it as a motive The sooner to effect what I intended : But God be thanked for prevention ; Which I in sufferance heartily will rejoice. Beseeching God and you to pardon me. 160 Grey. Never did faithful s-ubject more rejoice ACT II. SCENE II ^g At the discovery of most danf^eroiis treason Than I do at this hour joy o'er myself, Prevented from a damned enterprise : My fault, but not my body, pardon, sovereign. J^m^ Henry. God quit you in his mercy ! Hear your sen- tence. You have conspir'd against our royal person, Join'd with an enemy proclaim'd, and from his coffers Receiv'd the golden earnest of our death ; Wherein you would have sold your king to slaughter, 170 His princes and his peers to servitude, His subjects to oppression and contempt, And his whole kingdom into desolation. Touching our person seek we no revenge ; But we our kingdom's safety must so tender, Whose ruin you have sought, that to her laws AVe do deliver you. Get you therefore hence, Poor miserable wretches, to your death ; The taste whereof, God of his mercy give You patience to endure, and'true repentance 180 Of all your dear offences !— Bear them hence. \Exeu7it Cambridge, Scroop, and Grey, guarded. Now, lords, for France ; the enterprise whereof Shall be to you, as us, like glorious. We doubt not of a fair and lucky war, Since God so graciously hath brought to light This dangerous treason lurking in our way To hinder our beginnings. We doubt not now But every rub is smoothed on our way. Then forth, dear countrymen : let us deliver Our puissance into the hand of God, 190 Putting it straight in expedition. Cheerly to sea ; the signs of war advance : No king of England, if not king of France. \Excuut. D ^o KING HENRY THE FIFTH Scene III. London. Before a Tavern. Enter Pistol, Hostess, Nym, Bardolph, a?id Boy. Hostess. Prithee, honey-sweet husband, let me bring thee to Staines. Pistol. No; for my manly heart doth yearn. — Bardolph, be blithe : Nym, rouse thy vaunting veins : Boy, bristle thy courage up ; for Falstaff he is dead, And we must yearn therefore. Bardolph. Would I were with him, wheresome'er he is, either in heaven or in hell ! Hostess. Nay, sure, he 's not in hell : he 's in Arthur's bosom, if ever man went to Arthur's bosom. A' made a finer end, and went away an it had been any christom child ; a' parted even just between twelve and one, even at the turning o' the tide: for after I saw him fumble with the sheets and play with flowers and smile upon his fingers' ends, I knew there was but one way ; for his nose was as sharp as a pen, and a' babbled of green fields. ' How now, Sir John !' quoth I : 'what, man! be o' good cheer.' So a' cried out 'God, God, God !' three or four times. Now I, to comfort him, bid him a' should not think of God ; I hoped there was no need to trouble himself with any such thoughts yet. So a' bade me lay more clothes on his feet : I put my hand into the bed and felt them, and they were as cold as any stone; then I felt to his knees, and they were as cold as any stone, and so up- ward and upward, and all was as cold as any stone. 24 Nym. They say he cried out of sack. Hostess. Ay, that a' did. Bardolph. And of women. Hostess. Nay, that a' did not. Boy. Yes, that a' did ; and said they were devils incarnate. Hostess. A' could never abide carnation ; 't was a colour he never liked. m ACT II. SCENE IV. . 51 Boy. Do you not remember, a' saw a flea stick upon Bar- dolph's nose, and a' said it was a black soul burning in hell-fire? Bardolph. Well, the fuel is gone that maintained that fire : that 's all the riches I got in his service. Nym. Shall we shog? the king will be gone from South- ampton. Pistol. Come, let 's away.— My love, give me thy lips. Look to my chattels and my movables : 40 Let senses rule ; the word is ' Pitch and Pay :' Trust none ; For oaths are straws, men's faiths are wafer-cakes, And hold-fast is the only dog, my duck : Therefore, Caveto be thy counsellor. Go, clear thy crystals.— Yoke-fellows in arms. Let us to France ; like horse-leeches, my boys, To suck, to suck, the very blood to suck ! Boy, And that 's but unwholesome food, they say. Pistol. Touch her soft mouth, and march. 50 Bardolph. Farewell, hostes's. {^Kissing her. Nym. I cannot kiss, that is the humour of it ; but, adieu. Pistol. Let housewifery appear: keep close, I thee com- mand. Hostess. Farewell; adieu. [Exeunt. Scene IV. France. A Room in the King's Palace. Flourish. Enter the French King, the Dauphin, the Dukes OF Berri ajid Bretagne, the Constable, and others. French King. Thus comes the English with full power upon us ; And more than carefully it us concerns To answer royally in our defences. Therefore the Dukes of Berri and of Bretagne, Of Brabant and of Orleans, shall make forth, 52 KING HENRY THE FIETH. And you, Prince Dauphin, with all swift dispatch, To line and new repair our towns of war With men of courage and with means defendant; For England his approaches makes as fierce As waters to the sucking of a gulf It fits us then to be as provident As fear may teach us out of late examples Left by the fatal and neglected English Upon our fields. Dauphin. My most redoubted father. It is most meet we arm us 'gainst the foe; For peace itself should not so dull a kingdom. Though war nor no known quarrel were in question, But that defences, musters, preparations, Should be maintain'd, assembled, and collected. As were a war in expectation. Therefore, I say 't is meet we all go forth To view the sick and feeble parts of France: And let us do it with no show of fear; No, with no more than if we heard that England Were busied with a Whitsun morris-dance: For, my good liege, she is so idly king'd. Her sceptre so fimtastically borne By a vain, giddy, shallow, humorous youth, That fear attends her not. Cojistablc. O peace, Prince Dauphin ! You are too much mistaken in this king: Question your grace the late ambassadors. With what great state he heard their embassy, How well supplied with noble counsellors. How modest in exception, and withal How terrible in constant resolution. And you shall find his vanities forespent Were but the outside of the Roman Brutus, Covering discretion with a coat of folly ; ACT II , SCENE IV. 53 As gardeners do wilh ordure hide those roots That shall first spring and be most delicate. 40 Dauphin. Well, 't is not so, my lord high constable ; ]^ut though we think it so, it is no matter : In cases of defence 't is best to weigh The enemy more mighty than he seems: So the proportions of defence are fill'd ; Which of a weak and niggardly projection Doth, like a miser, spoil his coat with scanting A little cloth. Fretich King. Think we King Harry strong; And, princes, look you strongly arm to meet him. The kindred of him hath been flesh'd upon us; 50 And he is bred out of that bloody strain That haunted us in our familiar paths. Witness our too much memorable shame When Cressy battle fatally was struck, And all our princes captiv'd by the hand Of that black name, Edward, Black Prince of Wales ; Whiles that his mountain sire, on mountain standing, Up in the air, crown'd with the golden sun. Saw his heroical seed, and smil'd to see him. Mangle the work of nature and deface 60 The patterns that by God and by French fathers Had twenty years been made. This is a stem Of that victorious stock ; and let us fear The native mightiness and fate of him. Enter a Messenger. Messetiger. Ambassadors from Harry King of England Do crave admittance to your majesty. French King. We '11 give them present audience. Go, and bring them. [Exeimt Messenger and certain Lords. You see this chase is hotly foUow'd, friends. Dauphin. Turn head, and stop pursuit; for coward dogs 54 KIXG HEiVRV THE FIFTH. Most spend their mouths when what they seem to threaten Runs far before them. Good my sovereign, 71 Take up the English short, and let them know Of what a monarchy you are the head : Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin As self-neglecting. Rc-cntcr Lords, 7uith Exeter a)id train. French King. From our brother England? Exeter. From him ; and thus he greets your majesty. He wills you, in the name of God Almight}^ That you divest yourself, and lay apart The borrow'd glories that by gift of heaven. By law of nature and of nations, longs So To him and to his heirs; namely, the crown And all wide-stretched honours that pertain By custom and the ordinance of times Unto the crown of France. That you may know 'T is no sinister nor no awkward claim, Pick'd from the worm-holes of long-vanish'd days, Nor from the dust of old oblivion rak'd. He sends you this most memorable line, In every branch truly demonstrative, Willing you overlook this pedigree; 90 And when you find him evenly deriv'd From his most fam'd of famous ancestors, Edward the Third, he bids you then resign Your crown and kingdom, indirectly held From him the native and true challenger. French King. Or else what follows? Exeter. Bloody constraint; for if you hide the crown Even in your hearts, there will he rake for it: Therefore in fiery tempest is he coming, In thunder and in earthquake, like a Jove, 100 That, if requiring tail, he will compel ; ACT ir. SCENE n\ And bids you, in the bowels of the Lord, Deliver up the crown, and to take mercy On the poor souls for whom this hungry war Opens his vasty jaws; and on your head 'I'urnin^ the widows' tears, the orphans' cries, 'I'he dead men's blood, the pining maidens' groans, For husbands, lathers, and betrothed lovers, That shall be swallow'd in this controversy. This is his claim, his threatening, and my message; Unless the Dauphin be in presence here, To whom expressly I bring greeting too. French Ki/ii^. For us, we will consider of this further: To-morrow shall you bear our full intent Back to our brother ICngland. Dauphin. l^'or the Dauphin, I stand here for him: what to him from England ? J'lxctcr. Scorn and defiance ; slight regard, contempt, And any thing that may not misbecome The mighty sender, doth he prize you at. Thus says my king; and if your father's highness Do not, in grant of all demands at large, Sweeten the bitter mock you sent his majesty, He '11 call you (o so hot an answer of it, That caves and womby vaultages of France Shall chide your trespass, and return your mock In second accent of his ordinance. Dauphiti. Say, if my father render fair return, It is against my will ; for I desire Nothing but odds with luigland: to that end, .\s matching to his youth and vanity, I did present him with the Paris balls. Exeter, lie 'II make your Paris Louvr(^ shake for it, Were it the mistress court of mighty Europe : And, be assur'd, you '11 find a difference, As we his subjects have in wonder found, 55 56 KING HENRY THE FIFTH Between the promise of his greener days And these he masters now. Now he weighs time Even to the utmost grain ; that you shall read In your own losses, if he stay in France. French King. To-morrow shall you know our mind at full. Exeter. Dispatch us with all speed, lest that our king 141 Come here himself to question our delay; For he is footed in this land already. French King. You shall be soon dispatch'd with fair con- ditions : A night is but small breath and little pause To answer matters of this consequence. \Flourish. Exeunt. ACT III. PROLOGUE. Enter Chorus. Chorus. Thus with imagin'd wing our swift scene flies, In motion of no less celerity Than that of thought. Suppose that you have seen The well-appointed king at Hampton pier Embark his royalty; and his brave fleet 58 A'/XG I/EAKV THE FIFTH. With silken streamers the young Phoebus fanning: riay with your fixncies, and in them behold Upon the hempen tackle ship-boys climbing; Hear the shrill whistle which doth order give To sounds confus'd; behold the threaden sails, lo Borne with the invisible and creeping wind, Draw the huge bottoms through the furrow'd sea, Breasting the lofty surge. O, do but think You stand upon the rivage and behold A city on the inconstant billows dancing; For so appears this fleet majestical, Holding due course to Harfleur. Follow, follow! Grapple your minds to sternage of this navy, And leave your Fngland, as dead midnight still, Guarded with grandsires, babies, and old women, ao Either past or not arriv'd to pith and puissance ; For who is he, whose chin is but enrich'd With one appearing hair, that will not follow These cuU'd and choice-drawn cavaliers to France? Work, work your thoughts, and therein see a siege; Behold the ordnance on their carriages, AVith fatal mouths gaping on girded HarHeur. Suppose the ambassador from the French comes back; Tells Harry that the king dolh ofTer him Katherine his daughter, and with her, to dowry, 30 Some petty and unprofitable dukedoms. The offer likes not : and the nimble gunner With linstock now the devilish cannon touches, \ A hi rum, an if cJuimhcrs ^^^o ojf. And down goes all heforo them. Still be kind, And eke out our performance wilh your mind. [TT.v//. ACT III. SCENE I. 59 Scene I. France. Before Harfleur. Alarum. Enter King Henry, Exeter, Bedford, (Ilouces- TER, and Soldiers, with scaling-ladders. King Henry. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more. Or close the wall up with our English dead! In peace there 's nothing so becomes a man As modest stillness and humility; But when the blast of war blows in our ears, Then imitate the action of the tiger : Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood. Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage ; 'I'hen lend the eye a terrible aspect ; Let it pry through the portage of the head lo Like the brass cannon ; let the brow o'ervvhelm it As fearfully as doth a galled rock O'erhang and jutty his confounded base, Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean. Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide. Hold hard the breath, and bend up every spirit To his full height. On, on, you noble Itnglish, Whose blood is fet from fathers of war proof, Fathers that, like so many Alexanders, Have in these parts from morn till even fought 20 And sheath'd their swords for lack of argument ! Dishonour not your mothers; now attest 'I'hat those whom you call'd fathers did beget you. Jie copy now to men of grosser blood. And teach them how to war! — And you, good yeomen, Whose limbs were made in England, show us here The mettle of your pasture: let us swear That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not. For there is none of you so mean and base. 6o KING HENRY THE FIFTH That hath not noble lustre in your eyes. 30 I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, Straining upon the start. The game 's afoot : Follow your spirit, and upon this charge Cry ' God for Harry, England, and Saint George !' [Exeunt. Alarum, a?id chambefs go 0^. Scene II. The same. Another Part of the Field. Enter Nym, Bardolph, Pistol, a7id Boy. Bardolph. On, on, on, on, on ! to the breach, to the breach ! Nym. Pray thee, corporal, stay : the knocks are too hot ; and, for mine own part, I have not a case of lives : the hu- mour of it is too hot, that is the very plain-song of it. Pistol. The plain-song is most just, for humours do abound : ^'Knocks go and come, God's vassals drop and die; And sword and shield, In bloody field, Doth win immortal fame.' Boy. Would I were in an alehouse in London! I would give all my fame for a pot of ale and safety. u Pistol. And I : ' If wishes would prevail with me. My purpose should not fail with me, But thither would I hie.' Boy. '■ As duly, but not as truly, As bird doth sing on bough.' Enter Fluellen. Fluellen. Up to the preach, you dogs ! avaunt, you cullions ! [Driving them forward. Pistol. Be merciful, great duke, to men of mould ! Abate thy rage, abate thy manly rage, 20 Abate thy rage, great duke! Good bawcock, bate thy rage; use lenity, sweet chuck! ACT III. SCENE 11. 6 1 Nym. These be good humours ! your honour wins bad humours. [Exeimt all but Boy. Boy. As young as I am, I have observed these three swash- ers. I am boy to them all three: but all they three, though they would serve me, could not be man to me; for indeed three such antics do not amount to a man. For Bardolph, he is white-livered and red -faced; by the means whereof a' faces it out, but fights not. For Pistol, he hath a killing tongue and a quiet sword ; by the means whereof a' breaks words, and keeps whole weapons. For Nym, he hath heard that men of few words are the best men; and therefore he scorns to say his prayers, lest a' should be thought a cow- ard: but his few bad words are matched with as few good deeds; for a' never broke any man's head but his own, and that was against a post when he was drunk. They will steal any thing, and call it purchase. Bardolph stole a lute-case, bore it twelve leagues, and sold it for three half-pence. Nym and Bardolph are sworn brothers in filching, and in Calais they stole a fire-shovel : I knew by that piece of service the men would carry coals. Tfiey would have me as familiar with men's pockets as their gloves or their handkerchers: which makes much against my manhood, if I should take from another's pocket to put into mine; for it is plain pock- eting up of wrongs. I must leave them, and seek some bet- ter service : their villany goes against my weak stomach, and therefore I must cast it up. \_ExiL Enter Fluellen, Gower following. Gower. Captain Fluellen, you must come presently to the mines ; the Duke of Gloucester would speak with you. 5° Eluellm. To the mines ! tell you the duke, it is not so goot to come to the mines ; for, look you, the mines is not accord- ing to the disciplines of the war: the concavities of it is not sufficient; for, look you, th' athversary, you may discuss unto the duke, look you, is digt himself four yard under the coun- 62 KING HENRY THE FIFTH termines: by Cheshu, I, think a' will plow up all, if there is not petter directions. Gower. The Duke of Gloucester, to whom the order of the siege is given, is altogether directed by an Irishman, a very valiant gentleman, i' faith. 60 Fliielle?i. It is Captain Macmorris, is it not? Gower. I think it be. Fluellen. By Cheshu, he is an ass, as in the world : I will verify as much in his peard : he has no more directions in the true disciplines of the wars, look you, of the Roman dis- ciplines, than is a puppy-dog. Enter Macmorris a7id Captain Jamy. Gower. Here a' comes; and the Scots captam, Captain Jamy, with him. Fluellen. Captain Jamy is a marvellous falorous gentle- man, that is certain ; and of great expedition and knowledge in th' aunchient wars, upon my particular knowledge of his directions: by Cheshu, he will maintain his argument as well as any military man in the world, in the disciplines of the pristine wars of the Romans. Jamy. I say gud-day, Captain Fluellen. ^s Fluellen. God-den to your worship, goot Captain James. Gower. How now, Captain Macmorris ! have you quit the mines? have the pioners given o'er? Macmorris. By Chrish, la! tish ill done: the work ish give over, the trumpet sound the retreat. By my hand, I swear, and my father's soul, the work ish ill done; it ish give over: I would have blowed up the town, so Chrish save me, la! in an hour. O, tish ill done, tish ill done ; by my hand, tish ill done ! Fluellen. Captain Macmorris, I peseech you now, will you voutsafe me, look you, a few disputations with you, as partly touching or concerning the disciplines of the war, the Roman wars, in the way of argument, look you, and friendly commu- ACT III. SCENE II. 63 nication; partly to satisfy my opinion, and partly for the sat- isfaction, look you, of my mind, as touching the direction of the military discipline; that is the point. 91 ya7ny. It sail be vary gud, gud feith, gud captains bath; and I sail quit you with gud leve, as I may pick occasion ; that sail I, marry. Macmorris. It is no time to discourse, so Chrish save me: the day is hot, and the weather, and the wars, and the king, and the dukes : it is no time to discourse. The town is be- seeched, and the trumpet call us to the breach ; and we talk, and, be Chrish, do nothing: 't is shame for us all; so God sa' me, 't is shame to stand still; it is shame, by my hand: and there is throats to be cut, and works to be done ; and there ish nothing done, so Chrish sa' me, la! 102 Jamy. By the mess, ere these eyes of mine take themselves to slomber, ay '11 do gud service, or ay '11 lig i' the grund for it; ay, or go to death ; and ay '11 pay 't as valorously as I may, that sail I surely do, that is the breff and the long. Marry, I wad full fain hear some question 'tween you tway. Fluellen. Captain Macmorfis, I think, look you, under your correction, there is not many of your nation — Macmorris. Of my nation ! What ish my nation ? What ish my nation ? Who talks of my nation ish a villain, and a bastard, and a knave, and a rascal. 112 Fluelleji. Look you, if you take the matter otherwise than is meant. Captain Macmorris, peradventure I shall think you do not use me with that affability as in discretion you ought to use me, look you; peing as goot a man as yourself, poth in the disciplines of war, and in the derivation of my pirth, and in other particularities. Macmorris. I do not know you so good a man as myself: so Chrish save me, I will cut off your head. 120 Gower. Gentlemen both, you will mistake each other. jfamy. Au ! that 's a foul fault. \A parley sounded. Gower. The town sounds a parley. 64 KING HENRY THE FIFTH Fluellen. Captain Macmorris, when there is more petter opportunity to pe required, look you, I will pe so pold as to tell you I know the disciplines of war; and there is an end. \Exeunt. Scene III. The same. Before the Gates. The Governor and some Citizens on the walls ; the English forces below. Enter King Henry and his train. King Henry. How yet resolves the governor of the town? This is the latest parle we will admit: Therefore to our best mercy give yourselves; Or, like to men proud of destruction, Defy us to our worst ; for, as I am a soldier, A name that in my thoughts becomes me best, If I begin the battery once again, I will not leave the half-achieved Harfleur Till in her ashes she lie buried. The gates of mercy shall be all shut up, lo And the flesh'd soldier, rough and hard of heart, In liberty of bloody hand shall range With conscience wide as hell, mowing like grass Your fresh-fair virgins and your flowering infants. What is it then to me, if impious war, Array'd in flames, like to the prince of fiends, Do, with his smirch'd complexion, all fell feats Enlink'd to w^aste and desolation.^ What is 't to me, when you yourselves are cause If your pure maidens fall into the hand 20 Of hot and forcing violation? What rein can hold licentious wickedness When down the hill he holds his fierce career? We may as bootless spend our vain command Upon the enraged soldiers in their spoil, As send precepts to the leviathan ACT III. SCENE III. 65 To come ashore. Therefore, you men of Harfleur, Take pity of your town and of your people, Whiles yet my soldiers are in my command ; Whiles yet the cool and temperate wind of grace 30 O'erblows the filthy and contagious clouds Of heady murther, spoil, and villany. If not, why, in a moment look to see The blind and bloody soldier with foul hand Defile the locks of your shrill-shrieking daughters ; Your fathers taken by the silver beards, And their most reverend heads dash'd to the walls; Your naked infants spitted upon pikes, Whiles the mad mothers with their howls confus'd Do break the clouds, as did the wives of Jewry 40 At Herod's bloody-hunting slaughtermen. What say you? will you yield, and this avoid, Or, guilty in defence, be thus destroy'd.^ Governor. Our expectation hath this day an end: The Dauphin, whom of succours we entreated, Returns us that his powers are yet not ready To raise so great a siege. Therefore, great king, We yield our town and lives to thy soft mercy. Enter our gates ; dispose of us and ours. For we no longer are defensible. 5 folly, see his weakness, and admire our sufferance. B,d h m therefore consider of his ransom; which must proportion the losses we have borne, the subjects we have lost, the disgrace we have digested; which in weight to re-answer, h.s petti- ness would bow under. For our losses, his exchequer is too noor- for the effusion of our blood, the muster of his king- dom too faint a number; and for our disgrace h.s own per- son kneeling at our feet, but a weak and worthless satisfac- tion To this add deaance: and tell him, for conclusion, he hath betrayed his followers, whose condemnation is pro- nounced. So far my king and master: so much my office. 74 K/A'G HENRY THE FIETH. Ki7ig Henry. What is thy name? I know thy quality, MoJitjoy. Montjoy. King Hejijy. Thou dost thy office fairly. Turn thee back, And tell thy king I do not seek him now; 131 But could be willing to march on to Calais Without impeachment ; for, to say the sooth, Though 't is no wisdom to confess so much Unto an enemy of craft and vantage, My people are with sickness much enfeebled. My numbers lessen'd, and those few I have Almost no better than so many French ; Who when they were in health, I tell thee, herald, I thought upon one pair of English legs 140 Did march three Frenchmen. — Yet, forgive me, God, That I do brag thus! — This your air of France Hath blown that vice in me ; I must repent. Go therefore, tell thy master here I am : My ransom is this frail and worthless trunk, My army but a weak and sickly guard ; Yet, God before, tell him we will come on. Though France himself and such another neighbour Stand in our way. There 's for thy labour, Montjoy. Go, bid thy master well advise himself: 150 If we may pass, we will ; if we be hinder'd. We shall your tawny ground with your red blood Discolour: and so, Montjoy, fare you well. The sum of all our answer is but this : We would not seek a battle, as we are. Nor, as we are, we say we will not shun it : So tell your master. Montjoy. I shall deliver so. Thanks to your highness. " \^Exit. Gloucester. I hope they will not come upon us now. King He7iry. We are in God's hand, brother, not in theirs. AC 7' III. SCENE VI f. ye March to the bridge; it now draws toward night. i6i Beyond the river we '11 encamp ourselves, And on to-morrow bid them march away. {^Exeunt. Scene VII. The Fretich Camp, 7iear Agincoitrt. Eiiter the Constable of France, the Lord Rambures, Orleans, Dauphin, with others. Co?istable. Tut! I have the best armour of the world. Would it were day ! Orleans. You have an excellent armour; but let my horse have his due. Constable. It is the best horse of Europe. Orleans. Will it never be morning.^ Dauphin. My Lord of Orleans, and my lord high con- stable, you talk of horse and armour .^^ Orleans. You are as well provided of both as any prince in the world. lo Dauphin. What a long njght is this! — I will not change my horse with any that treads but on four pasterns. Qa, ha! he bounds from the earth, as if his entrails were hairs ; le cheval volant, the Pegasus, chez les narines de feu ! When I bestride him, I soar, I am a hawk: he trots the air; the earth sings when he touches it ; the basest horn of his hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes. Orleans. He 's of the colour of the nutmeg. Dauphin. And of the heat of the ginger. It is a beast for Perseus: he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him : he is indeed a horse ; and all other jades you may call beasts. 23 Constable. Indeed, my lord, it is a most absolute and ex- cellent horse. Dauphin. It is the prince of palfreys ; his neigh is like the bidding of a monarch, and his countenance enforces homage. 76 KING HEiXRY THE FIFTH. Orka?is. No more, cousin. Dauphin. Nay, the man hath no wit that cannot, from the rising of the lark to the lodging of the lamb, vary deserved praise on my palfrey: it is a theme as fluent as the sea: turn the sands into eloquent tongues, and my horse is argument for them all. 'T is a subject for a sovereign to reason on, and for a sovereign's sovereign to ride on ; and for the world, familiar to us and unknown, to lay apart their particular functions and wonder at him. I once writ a sonnet in his praise and began thus : ' Wonder of nature,' — 37 Orleans. I have heard a sonnet begin so to one's mistress. Dauphin. Then did they imitate that which I composed to my courser, for my horse is my mistress. Orleafis. Your mistress bears well. Dauphin. Me well ; which is the prescript praise and perfection of a good and particular mistress. Constable. Nay, for methought yesterday your mistress shrewdly shook your back. 45 Dauphin. So perhaps did yours. Dauphin. I tell thee, constable, my mistress wears his own hair. Constable. I could make as true a boast as that, if I had a sow to my mistress. 50 Dauplwi. 'Le chien est retourne a son propre vomisse- ment, et la truie lavee au bourbier :' thou makest use of any thing. Constable. Yet do I not use my horse for my mistress, or any such proverb so little kin to the purpose. Rambtires. My lord constable, the armour that I saw in your tent to-night, are those stars or suns upon it? Constable. Stars, my lord. Dauphin. Some of them will fall to-morrow, I hope. Constable. And yet my sky shall not want. 60 Dauphin. That may be, for you bear a many superfluous- ly, and 't were more honour some were away. ACT III. SCENE VI L 77 Constable. Even as your horse bears your praises; who would trot as well, were some of your brags dismounted. Dauphin. Would I were able to load him with his desert ! — Will it never be day? I will trot to-morrow a mile, and my way shall be paved with English faces. Constable. I will not say so, for fear I should be faced out of my way: but I would it were morning; for I would fain be about the ears of the English. 70 Ratnbiires. Who will go to hazard with me for twenty prisoners ? Constable. You must first go yourself to hazard, ere you have them. Datiphi?!. 'T is midnight; I '11 go arm myself. \Exit. Orleans. The Dauphin longs for morning. Rambures. He longs to eat the English. Constable. I think he will eat all he kills. Orleans. By the white hand of my lady, he 's a gallant prince. 80 Cofistable. Swear by her foot, that she may tread out the oath. Orleans. He is simply the most active gentleman of France. Constable. Doing is activity; and he will still be doing. Orleans. He never did harm, that I heard of. Constable. Nor will do none to-morrow: he will keep that good name still. Orleans. I know him to be valiant. Constable. I was told that by one that knows him better than you. 91 Orleans. What 's he ? Constable. Marry, he told me so himself; and he said he cared not who knew it. Orleans. He needs not; it is no hidden virtue in him. Constable. By my faith, sir, but it is ; never any body saw it but his lackey: 't is a hooded valour, and when it appears it will bate. 78 KING HENRY THE FIFTH Orleans. Ill will never said well. Constable. I will cap that proverb with 'There is flattery in friendship.' loi Orleafis. And I will take up that with 'Give the devil his due.' Constable. Well placed: there stands your friend for the devil : have at the very eye of that proverb with ' A pox of the devil' Orleans. You are the better at proverbs, by how much 'A fool's bolt is soon shot.' Constable. You have shot over. Orleans. 'T is not the first time you were overshot. no Enter a Messenger. Messetiger. My lord high constable, the English lie within fifteen hundred paces of your tents. Constable. Who hath measured the ground? Messenger. The Lord Grandpre. Constable. A valiant and most expert gentleman. — Would it were day ! — Alas, poor Harry of England ! he longs not for the dawning as we do. Orleans. What a wretched and peevish fellow is this king of England, to mope with his fat-brained followers so far out of his knowledge! 120 Constable. If the English had any apprehension, they would run away. Orleans. That they lack; for if their heads had any in- tellectual armour, they could never wear such heavy head- pieces. Rambures. That island of England breeds very valiant creatures ; their mastiffs are of unmatchable courage. Orleans. Foolish curs, that run winking into the mouth of a Russian bear and have their heads crushed like rotten apples! You may as well say, that's a valiant flea that dare eat his breakfast on the lip of a lion. 130 AC 7^ III, SCENE VI I. 79 Constable. Just, just; and the men do sympathize with the mastiffs in robustious and rough coming on, leaving their wits with their wives: and then give them great meals of beef and iron and steel, they will eat like wolves and fight like devils. Orleans. Ay, but these English are shrewdly out of beef Constable. Then shall we find to-morrow they have only stomachs to eat, and none to fight. Now is it time to arm: come, shall we about it? 139 Orleans. It is now two o'clock: but, let me see, by ten We shall have each a hundred Englishmen. \Exeunt. And giddy Fortune's furious fickle wheel, That goddess blind, That stands upon the rolling restless stone (iii. 6. 25). •HE FIELD OF AGINCOURT. ACT IV. PROLOGUE. Enter Chorus. Chorus. Now entertain conjecture of a time When creeping murmur and the poring dark Fills the wide vessel of the universe. From camp to camp through the foul womb of ni* The hum of either army stilly sounds, That the fix'd sentinels almost receive :ht ACT IV. PROLOGUE. 8l The secret whispers of each other's watch. Fire answers fire, and through their paly flames Each battle sees the other's umber'd face: Steed threatens steed, in high and boastful neighs lo Piercing the night's dull ear; and from the tents The armourers, accomplishing the knights, With busy hammers closing rivets up, Give dreadful note of preparation: The country cocks do crow, the clocks do toll, And the third hour of drowsy morning name. Proud of their numbers and secure in soul. The confident and over-lusty French Do the low-rated English play at dice; And chide the cripple tardy-gaited night, 20 Who, like a foul and ugly witch, doth limp So tediously away. The poor condemned English, Like sacrifices, by their watchful fires Sit patiently, and inly ruminate The morning's danger ; and their gesture sad. Investing lank-lean cheeks ahd war-worn coats, Presenteth them unto the gazing moon So many horrid ghosts. O now, who will behold The royal captain of this ruin'd band Walking from watch to watch, from tent to tent, 30 Let him cry ' Praise and glory on his head !' For forth he goes and visits all his host. Bids them good morrow with a modest smile. And calls them brothers, friends, and countrymen. Upon his royal face there is no note How dread an army hath enrounded him; Nor doth he dedicate one jot of colour Unto the weary and all-watched night, But freshly looks, and over-bears attaint With cheerful semblance and sweet majesty; 40 That every wretch, pining and pale before, F 82 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. Beholding him, plucks comfort from his looks: A largess universal like the sun His liberal eye doth give to every one, Thawing cold fear. Then, mean and gentle all. Behold, as may unworthiness define, A little touch of Harry in the night. And so our scene must to the battle fly; Where — O for pity ! — we shall much disgrace With four or five most vile and ragged foils, so Right ill-dispos'd in brawl ridiculous. The name of Agincourt. Yet sit and see. Minding true things by what their mockeries be. \^Exit. Scene I. The English Camp at Agincourt. Enter King Henry, Bedford, and Gloucester. King Henry. Gloucester, 't is true that we are in great danger; The greater therefore should our courage be. — Good morrow, brother Bedford. — God Almighty! There is some soul of goodness in things evil. Would men observingly distil it out; For our bad neighbour makes us early stirrers, Which is both healthful and good husbandry: Besides, they are our outward consciences. And preachers to us all, admonishing That we should dress us fairly for our end. lo Thus may we gather honey from the weed, And make a moral of the devil himself Enter Erpingham. Good morrow, old Sir Thomas Erpingham : A good soft pillow for that good white head Were better than a churlish turf of France. Erpingham. Not so, my liege: this lodging likes me better, Since I may say, now lie I like a king. ACT IV. SCENE I. ^z King Henry. 'T is good for men to love their present pains Upon example; so the spirit is eas'd : And when the mind is quicken'd, out of doubt, 20 The organs, though defunct and dead before. Break up their drowsy grave and newly move, With casted slough and fresh legerity. Lend me thy cloak. Sir Thomas.— Brothers both, Commend me to the princes in our camp; Do my good morrow to them, and anon Desire them all to my pavilion. Gloucester. We shall, my liege. Erpingham. Shall I attend your grace? King Henry. No, my good knight \ Go with my brothers to my lords of England: I and my bosom must debate a while. And then I would no other company. Erpingham. The Lord in heaven bless thee, noble Harry! [^Exeimt ail but King. King Henry. God-a-mercy," old heart ! thou speak'st cheer- fully. Enter Pistol. Pistol. Qui va la ? Ki7ig Henry. A friend. Pistol. Discuss unto me; art thou officer? Or art thou base, common, and popular? King Henry. I am a gentleman of a company. Pistol Trail'st thou the puissant pike? 4' King Henry. Even so. What are you? Pistol. As good a gentleman as the emperor. Ki7ig Henry. Then you are a better than the king. Pistol. The king 's a bawcock, and a heart of gold, A lad of life, an imp of fame; Of parents good, of fist most valiant. 30 84 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. I kiss his dirty shoe, and from heart-strings I love the lovely bully. What is thy name? King HeJiry. Harry le Roy. Pistol. Le Roy! a Cornish name: art thou of Cornish crew ? 50 King Henry. No, I am a Welshman. Pistol. Knovv'st thou Fluellen "i King Henry. Yes. Pistol. Tell him, I '11 knock his leek about his pate Upon Saint Davy's day. King Henry. Do not you wear your dagger in your cap that day, lest he knock that about yours. Pistol Art thou his friend } King Henty. And his kinsman too. Pistol. The figo for thee, then ! 60 Ki7ig Henry. I thank you : God be with you ! Pistol. My name is Pistol call'd. [Exit. King Henry. It sorts well with your fierceness. Enter Fluellen and Gower. Gower. Captain Fluellen! Fluellen. So! in the name of Cheshu Christ, speak lower. It is the greatest admiration in the universal world, when the true and aunchient prerogatifes and laws of the wars is not kept. If you would take the pains but to examine the wars of Pompey the Great, you shall find, I warrant you, that there is no tiddle taddle nor pibble pabble in Pompey's camp; I warrant you, you shall find the ceremonies of the wars, and the cares of it, and the forms of it, and the sobriety of it, and the modesty of it, to pe otherwise. 73 Gower. Why, the enemy is loud; you hear him all night. Fluellen. If the enemy is an ass and a fool and a prating coxcomb, is it meet, think you, that we should also, look you, pe an ass and a fool and a prating coxcomb? in your own conscience, now? ACT Ii: SCENE I. 85 Gower. I will speak lower. Fliiellen. I pray you and peseech you that you will. 80 \Exeunt Gower and Fliiellen. King Henry. Though it appear a little out of fashion, There is much care and valour in this AVelshman. Enter Bates, Court, and Williams. Court. Brother John Bates, is not that the morning which breaks yonder ? Bates. I think it be : but we have no great cause to de- sire the approach of day. Williams. We see yonder the beginning of the day, but I think we shall never see the end of it. — Who goes there? Ki7ig He?iry. A friend. Williams. Under what captain serve you ? 90 Ki7ig Henry. Under Sir Thomas Erpingham. Willia?ns. A good old commander and a most kind gen- tleman : I pray you, what thinks he of our estate.'* Ki?ig Henry. Even as men wracked upon a sand, that look to be washed off the next tKle. Bates. He hath not told his thought to the king? King Henry. No; nor it is not meet he should. For, though I speak it to you, I think the king is but a man, as I am: the violet smells to him as it doth to me; the element shows to him as it doth to me; all his senses have but hu- man conditions: his ceremonies laid by, in his nakedness he appears but a man; and though his affections are higher mounted than ours, yet, when they stoop, they stoop with the like wing. Therefore when he sees reason of fears, as we do, his fears, out of doubt, be of the same relish as ours are : yet, in reason, no man should possess him with any appear- ance of fear, lest he, by showing it, should dishearten his army. los Bates. He may show what outward courage he will ; but I believe, as cold a night as 't is, he could wish himself in 86 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. Thames up to the neck; and so I would he were, and I by him, at all adventures, so we were quit here. King HeJiry. By my troth, I will speak my conscience of the king: I think he would not wish himself any where but where he is. Bates. Then I would he were here alone ; so should he be sure to be ransomed, and a many poor men's lives saved. Ki7ig Henry. I dare say you love him not so ill, to wish him here alone, howsoever you speak this to feel other men's minds. Methinks I could not die any where so contented as in the king's company, his cause being just and his quar- rel honourable. 122 Williams. That 's more than we know. Bates. Ay, or more than we should seek after; for we know enough, if we know we are the king's subjects. If his cause be wrong, our obedience to the king wipes the crime of it out of us. Williams. But if the cause be not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make, when all those legs and arms and heads, chopped off in a battle, shall join together at the latter day and cry all 'We died at such a place;' some swearing, some crying for a surgeon, some upon their wives left poor behind them, some upon the debts they owe, some upon their children rawly left. I am afeard there are few die well that die in a battle; for how can they charitably dispose of any thing, when blood is their argument? Now, if these men do not die well, it will be a black matter for the king that led them to it; who to disobey were against all proportion of subjection. 139 King Henry. So, if a son that is by his father sent about merchandise do sinfully miscarry upon the sea, the imputa- tion of his wickedness, by your rule, should be imposed upon his father that sent him; or if a servant, under his master's command transporting a sum of money, be assailed by rob- bers and die in many irreconciled iniquities, you may call ACT IV. SCENE /. 87 the business of the master the author of the servant's dam- nation. But this is not so: the king is not bound to answer the particular endings of his soldiers, the father of his son, nor the master of his servant; for they purpose not their death when they purpose their services. Besides, there is no king, be his cause never so spotless, if it come to the ar- bitrement of swords, can try it out with all unspotted sol- diers. Some peradventure have on them the guilt of pre- meditated and contrived murther; some, of beguiling virgins with the broken seals of perjury; some, making the wars their bulwark, that have before gored the gentle bosom of peace with pillage and robbery. Now, if these men have de- feated the law and outrun native punishment, though they can outstrip men, they have no wings to fly from God: war is his beadle, war is his vengeance; so that here men are punished for before-breach of the king's laws in now the king's quarrel: where they feared the death, they have borne life away; and where they would be safe, they perish: then if they die unprovided, no more is the king guilty of their damnation than he was before guilty of those impieties for the which they are now visited. Ev^ery subject's duty is the king's; but every subject's soul is his own. Therefore should every soldier in the wars do as every sick man in his bed, wash every mote out of his conscience: and dying so, death is to him advantage ; or not dying, the time was blessedly lost wherein such preparation was gained : and in him that escapes, it were not sin to think that, making God so free an offer, He let him outlive that day to see His greatness and to teach others how they should prepare. 174 Williams. 'T is certain, every man that dies ill, the ill upon his own head; the king is not to answer it. Bates. I do not desire he should answer for me; and yet I determine to fight lustily for him. Kifig Henry. I myself heard the king say he would not be ransomed. iSo 88 KING HENRY THE FIFTH Williams. Ay, he said so, to make us fight cheerfully; but when our throats are cut, he may be ransomed, and we ne'er the wiser. King He7iry. If I live to see it, I will never trust his word after. Williams. You pay him then ! That 's a perilous shot out of an elder-gun, that a poor and private displeasure can do against a monarch. You may as well go about to turn the sun to ice with fanning in his face with a peacock's feather. You '11 never trust his word after! come, 't is a foolish saying. Kifig Henry. Your reproof is something too round : I should be angry with you, if the time were convenient. 192 Williams. Let it be a quarrel between us, if you live. King Henry. I embrace it. Williams. How shall I know thee again? King Hefiry. Give me any gage of thine, and I will wear it in my bonnet: then, if ever thou darest acknowledge it, I will make it my quarrel. Willia7ns. Here 's my glove : give me another of thine. King Henry. There. 200 Williams. This will I also wear in my cap : if ever thou come to me and say, after to-morrow, 'This is my glove,' by this hand, I will take thee a box on the ear. King Henry. If ever I live to see it, I will challenge it. Williams. Thou darest as well be hanged. King Henry. Well, I will do it, though I take thee in the king's company. Willia7ns. Keep thy word : fare thee well. Bates. Be friends, you English fools, be friends: we have French quarrels enow, if you could tell how to reckon. 210 King Hemy. Indeed, the French may lay twenty French crowns to one, they will beat us ; for they bear them on their shoulders : but it is no English treason to cut French crowns, and to-morrow the king himself will be a clipper. \Exeiint Soldiers. ACT IV. SCENE I. 89 Upon the king! let us our lives, our souls, Our debts, our careful wives. Our children, and our sins lay on the king! We must bear all. O hard condition, Twin-born with greatness, subject to the breath Of every fool, whose sense no more can feel But his own wringing! What infinite heart's-ease Must kings neglect, that private men enjoy! And what have kings, that privates have not too, Save ceremony, save general ceremony? And what art thou, thou idol ceremony? What kind of god art thou, that suffer'st more Of mortal griefs than do thy worshippers? What are thy rents? what are thy comings-in? O ceremony, show me but thy worth ! What is thy soul of adoration ? =^30 Art thou aught else but place, degree, and form, Creating awe and fear in other men? Wherein thou art less happy being fear'd Than they in fearing. What drink'st thou oft, instead of homage sweet. But poison'd flattery ? O, be sick, great greatness, And bid thy ceremony give thee cure! Think'st thou the fiery fever will go out With titles blown from adulation ? Will it give place to flexure and low bending? 240 Canst thou, when thou command'st the beggar's knee. Command the health of it? No, thou proud dream, That play'st so subtly with a king's repose; I am a king that find thee, and I know 'T is not the balm, the sceptre, and the ball, The sword, the mace, the crown imperial, The intertissued robe of gold and pearl, The farced title running fore the king, The throne he sits on, nor the tide of pomp 90 KING HEiYRY THE FIFTH. That beats upon the high shore of this world; 250 No, not all these, thrice-gorgeous ceremony, Not all these, laid in bed majestical. Can sleep so soundly as the wretched slave, Who with a body fiU'd and vacant mind Gets him to rest, cramm'd with distressful bread. Never sees horrid night, the child of hell, But, like a lackey, from the rise to set Sweats in the eye of Phoebus, and all night Sleeps in Elysium; next day after dawn, Doth rise and help Hyperion to his horse, 260 And follows so the ever-running year, With profitable labour, to his grave: And, but for ceremony, such a wretch. Winding up days with toil and nights with sleep, Had the fore-hand and vantage of a king. The slave, a member of the country's peace, Enjoys it, but in gross brain little wots What watch the king keeps to maintain the peace, Whose hours the peasant best advantages. Enter Erpingham. Erpiiigham. My lord, your nobles, jealous of your absence, Seek through your camp to find you. King He7iry. Good old knight, 271 Collect them all together at my tent: I '11 be before thee. Erpi7igham. I shall do 't, my lord. {Exit. King Hen7'y. O God of battles! steel my soldiers' hearts; Possess them not with fear ; take from them now The sense of reckoning, if the opposed numbers Pluck their hearts from them. Not to-day, O Lord, O, not to-day, think not upon the fault My father made in compassing the crown ! I Richard's body have interred new, 280 AC 7' IV. SCENE II. 9 1 And on it have bestovv'd more contrite tears Than from it issued forced drops of blood. Five hundred poor I have in yearly pay, Who twice a-day their wither'd hands hold up Toward heaven, to pardon blood; and I have built Two chantries, where the sad and solemn priests Sing still for Richard's soul. More will I do ; Though all that I can do is nothing worth, Since that my penitence comes after all. Imploring pardon. ^9° Enter Gloucester. Gloucester. My liege ! King Henry. My brother Gloucester's voice ? Ay ; I know thy errand, I will go with thee: The day, my friends, and all things stay for me. [Exeunt. Scene II. The French Camp. Enter the Dauphin, Orleans, Rambures, and others. Orleans. The sun doth gild our armour; up, my lords! Dauphin. Montez a cheval! My horse! varlet! laquais ! ha! Orleans. O brave spirit ! Dauphin. Via! les eaux et la terre. Orleans. Rien puis? I'air et le feu. Dauphin. Ciel, cousin Orleans. Etiter Constable. Now, mv lord constable! Constable. Hark, how our steeds for present service neigh ! Dauphin. Mount them, and make incision in their hides. That their hot blood may spin in English eyes, And dout them with superfluous courage, ha! 92 KING HENRY THE FIETH. Ramburcs. What, will you have them weep our horses' blood? How shall we then behold their natural tears? Enter Messenger. Messenger. The English are embattled, you French peers. Constable. To horse, you gallant princes! straight to horse ! Do but behold yon poor and starved band, And your fair show shall suck away their souls, Leaving them but the shales and husks of men. There is not work enough for all our hands ; Scarce blood enough in all their sickly veins ' 20 To give each naked curtle-axe a stain, That our French gallants shall to-day draw out, And sheathe for lack of sport: let us but blow on them, The vapour of our valour will o'erturn them. 'T is positive 'gainst all exceptions, lords, That our superfluous lackeys and our peasants, Who in unnecessary action swarm About our squares of battle, were enow To purge this field of such a hilding foe. Though we upon this mountain's basis by 30 Took stand for idle speculation : But that our honours must not. What 's to say ? A very little little let us do. And all is done. Then let the trumpets sound The tucket sonance and the note to mount; For our approach shall so much dare the field That England shall couch down in fear and yield. Enter Grandpre. Grandp7-e. Why do you stay so long, my lords of France? Yon island carrions, desperate of their bones, Ill-favouredly become the morning field : 40 Their ragged curtains poorly are let loose, ACT IV. SCENE III. 93 And our air shakes them passing scornfully: Big Mars seems bankrupt in their beggar'd host, And faintly through a rusty beaver peeps : The horsemen sit like fixed candlesticks, With torch-staves in their hand; and their poor jades Lob down their heads, dropping the hides and hips, The gum down-roping from their pale-dead eyes, And in their pale dull mouths the gimmal bit Lies foul with chew'd grass, still and motionless ; 50 And their executors, the knavish crows. Fly o'er them, all impatient for their hour. Description cannot suit itself in words To demonstrate the life of such a battle, In life so lifeless as it shows itself Co7istable. They have said their prayers, and they stay for death. Dauphin. Shall we go send them dinners and fresh suits, And give their fasting horses provender. And after fight with them ? Constable. I stay but for my guidon : to the field ! 60 I will the banner from a trumpet take. And use it for my haste. Come, come, away! The sun is high, and we outwear the day. \Exeunt. Scene III. The Etiglish Cainp. Enter the English Host; Gloucester, Bedford, Exeter, Erpingham, Salisbury, and Westmoreland. Gloucester. Where is the king? Bedford. The king himself is rode to view their battle. Westmoreland. Of fighting men they have full threescore thousand. Exeter. There 's five to one ; besides, they all are fresh. Salisbury. God's arm strike with us ! 't is a fearful odds. God be wi' you, princes all ; I '11 to my charge: 94 KING HENRY THE FIFTH If we no more meet till we meet in heaven, Then, joyfully, my noble Lord of Bedford, My dear Lord Gloucester, and my good Lord Exeter, And my kind kinsman, warriors all, adieu ! lo Bedford. Farewell, good Salisbury ; and good luck go with thee ! Exeter. Farewell, kind lord; fight valiantly to-day: And yet I do thee wrong to mind thee of it. For thou art fram'd of the firm truth of valour. S^Exit Salisbury. Bedford. He is as full of valour as of kindness; Princely in both. Enter the King. Westmoreland. O that we now had here But one ten thousand of those men in England That do no work to-day ! King Henry. What 's he that wishes so? My cousin Westmoreland.? No, my fair cousin : If we are mark'd to die, we are enow 20 To do our country loss ; and if to live, The fewer men, the greater share of honour, God's will! I pray thee, wish not one man more. By Jove, I am not covetous for gold. Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost ; It yearns me not if men my garments wear; Such outward things dwell not in my desires: But if it be a sin to covet honour, I am the most offending soul alive. No, faith, my coz, wish not a man from England : 30 God's peace! I would not lose so great an honour As one man more, methinks, would share from me For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more ! Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host, That he which hath no stomach to this fight, ACT IV. SCENE J If. 95 Let him depart; his passport shall be made, And crowns for convoy put into his purse : We would not die in that man's company That fears his fellowship to die with us. This day is call'd the feast of Crispian : 40 He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam'd, And rouse him at the name of Crispian. He that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours, And say ' To-morrow is Saint Crispian :' Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,^ And say 'These wounds I had on Crispin's day.' Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot, But he '11 remember with advantages so What feats he did that day: then shall our names, Familiar in his mouth as household words,— Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter, Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester,— Be in their flowing cups freshly remember'd. This story shall the good man teach his son ; And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by. From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers: 60 For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition: And gentlemen in England now a-bed Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day. E7iter Salisbury. Salisbury. My sovereign lord, bestow yourself with speed 96 KJNG HENRY THE EJFTH. The French are bravely in their battles set, And will with all expedience charge on us. 70 King Hairy. All things are ready, if our minds be so. Westmoreland. Perish the man whose mind is backward now! King Henry. Thou dost not wish more help from h'ng- land, coz? Westmoreland. God's will! my liege, would you and 1 alone, Without more help, could fight this royal battle! KiJig Heniy. Why, now thou hast unwish'd five thousand men. Which likes me better than to wish us one, — You know your places: God be with you all! 2'ucket. Enter Montjoy. Motitjoy. Once more I come to know of thee. King Harry, If for thy ransom thou wilt now compound, so Before thy most assured overthrow : For certainly thou art so near the gulf. Thou needs must be englutted. Besides, in mercy, The constable desires thee thou wilt mind Thy followers of repentance ; that their souls May make a peaceful and a sweet retire From off these fields, where, wretches, their poor bodies Must lie and fester. King Henry. Who hath sent thee now? Montjoy. The Constable of France. King Henry. I pray thee, bear my former answer back ■ Bid them achieve me, and then sell my bones. gi Good God! why should they mock poor fellows thus? The man that once did sell the lion's skin While the beast liv'd was kill'd with hunting him. A many of our bodies shall no doubt Find native graves; upon the which, I trust. ACT IV. SCENE in. 97 Shall witness live in brass of this day's work ; And those that leav-e their valiant bones in France, Dying like men, though buried in your dunghills, They shall be fam'd : for there the sun shall greet them, '°° And draw their honours reeking up to heaven. Leaving their earthly parts to choke your clime. The smell whereof shall breed a plague in France. Mark then abounding valour in our English, That, being dead, like to the bullet's grazing, Break out into a second course of mischief, Killing in relapse of mortality. Let me speak proudly: tell the constable We are but warriors for the working-day; Our gayness and our gilt are all besmirch'd "o With rainy marching in the painful field ; There 's not a piece of feather in our host- Good argument, I hope, we will not fly — And time hath worn us into slovenry: But, by the mass, our hearts are in the trim; And my poor soldiers tell me, yet ere night They '11 be in fresher robes, or they will pluck The gay new coats o'er the French soldiers' heads. And turn them out of service. If they do this, — As, if God please, they shall,— my ransom then 120 Will soon be levied. Herald, save thou thy labour; Come thou no more for ransom, gentle herald : They shall have none, I swear, but these my joints; Which if they have as I will leave 'em them. Shall yield them little, tell the constable. Montjoy. I shall. King Harry. And so fare thee well: Thou never shalt hear herald any more. {^Exit. King Henry, I fear thou 'It once more come again for ransom. G 98 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. Enter York. York. My lord, most humbly on my knee I beg The leading of the vaward. 130 King Henry. Take it, brave York. — Now, soldiers, march away: And how thou pleasest, God, dispose the day ! \Exeunt. Scene IV. The Field of Battle. Alariifn. Excursions. Enter French Soldier, Pistol, and Boy. Pistol. Yield, cur ! French Soldier. Je pense que vous etes gentilhomme de bonne qualite. Pistol. Quality! Callino, castore me! Art thou a gentle- man ? what is thy name ? discuss. French Soldier. O Seigneur Dieu ! Pistol. O, Signieur Dew should be a gentleman: Perpend my words, O Signieur Dew, and mark; O Signieur Dew, thou diest on point of fox, Except, O signieur, thou do give to me 10 Egregious ransom. French Soldier. O, prenez misericorde ! ayez pitie de moi! Pistol. Moy shall not serve, I will have forty moys ; Or I will fetch thy rim out at thy throat In drops of crimson blood. French Soldier. Est-il impossible d'e'chapper la force de ton bras? Pistol. Brass, cur ! Thou damned and luxurious mountain goat, 20 OfFer'st me brass 1 F7'e?ich Soldier. O pardon nez moi! Pistol. Say'st thou me so? is that a ton of moys? AC7' IV. SCENE IV. 99 Come hither, boy: ask me this slave in French What is his name. Boy. Ecoutez: comment etes-vous appel6? French Soldier. Monsieur le Fer. Boy. He says his name is Master Fer. Pistol. Master Fer ! I 'II fer him, and firk him, and ferret him : discuss the same in French unto huii. 3° Boy. I do not know the French for fer, and ferret, and firk Pistol Bid him prepare; for I will cut his throat. French Soldier. Que dit-il, monsieur.? Boy II me commande de vous dire que vous faites vous pret; car ce soldat ici est dispose tout ^ cette heure de couper votre gorge. Pistol. Owy, cuppele gorge, permatoy. Peasant, unless thou give me crowns, brave crowns; Or mangled shalt thou be by this my sword 40 Frauh SoldUr. O, je vous supplie, pour I'amour de Dieu me pardonner ! Je suis gentilhomme de bonne maison. gar- dez ma vie, et je vous dormerai deux cents ecus, /'/j-/^/. What are his words? Boy He prays you to save his life : he is a gentleman of a good house ; and for his ransom he will give you two hun- dred crowns. Pistol. Tell him my fury shall abate, and 1 The crowns will take. French Soldier. Petit monsieur, que dit-il? 50 Boy Encore qu'il est contre son jurement de pardonner aucun prisonnier, ne'anmoins, pour les ecus que vous 1 avez promis, il est content de vous donner la liberte, le franchise- "''^W. Soldier. Sur mes genoux je vous donne mille re- mercimens; et je m'estime heureux que je suis tombe entre lermrins cKin 'chevalier, je pense, le plus brave, vaillant, et tres distingue seigneur d'Angleterre. lOo KING HENRY THE FIETH. Pistol. Expound unto me, boy. Boy. He gives you, upon his knees, a thousand thanks; and he esteems himself happy that he hath fallen into the hands of one, as he thinks, the most brave, valorous, and thrice-worthy signieur of England. 53 Pistol. As I suck blood, I will some mercy show. Follow me! Boy. Suivez-vous le grand capitaine. \Exeimt Pistol a?id French Soldier^^ I did never know so full a voice issue from so empty a heart: but the saying is true, 'The empty vessel makes the greatest sound.' Bardolph and Nym had ten times more valour than this roaring devil i' the old play, that every one may pare his nails with a wooden dagger; and they are both hanged; and so would this be, if he durst steal any thing adventurously. I must stay with the lackeys, with the luggage of our camp: the French might have a good prey of us, if he knew of it; for there is none to guard it but boys. {Exit. Scene V. Another Part of the Field. Enter Orleans, Bourbon, Dauphin, Constable, atid Rambures. Constable. O diable! Orleans. O Seigneur! le jour est perdu, tout est perdu! Dauphin. Mort de ma vie! all is confounded, all! Reproach and everlasting shame Sits mocking in our plumes. O mechante fortune! Do not run away. \_A short alarnm. Constable. Why, all our ranks are broke. Dauphin. O perdurable shame ! let 's stab ourselves. Be these the wretches that we play'd at dice for.? Orlea?is. Is this the king we sent to for his ransom? Bourbon. Shame and eternal shame, nothing but shame ! Let us die in honour: once more back again! n ACT IV. SCENE VI. loi Constable. Disorder, that hath spoil'd us, friend us now ! Let us on heaps go offer up our lives. Orleans. We are enow yet living in the field To smother up the English in our throngs. If any order might be thought upon. Bourbon. The devil take order now ! I '11 to the throng : Let life be short: else shame will be too long. \Exeunt. Scene VL Another Part of the Field. Alarums. Enter King Henry and forces, Exeter, and others. Kiftg Henry. Well have we done, thrice valiant country- men : But all 's not done; yet keep the French the field. Exeter. The Duke of York commends him to your maj- esty. King Henry. Lives he, good uncle? thrice within this hour I saw him down, thrice up again, and fighting; From helmet to the spur a!l blood he was. Exeter. In which array, brave soldier, doth he lie, Larding the plain ; and by his bloody side. Yoke-fellow to his honour-owing wounds, The noble Earl of Suffolk also lies. lo Suffolk first died : and York, all haggled over. Comes to him, where in gore he 'ay insteep'd, And takes him by the beard, kisses the gashes That bloodily did yawn upon his face. And cries aloud ' Tarry, dear cousin Suffolk ! My soul shall thine keep company to heaven ; Tarry, sweet soul, for mine, then fly abreast, As in this glorious and well-foughten field We kept together in our chivalry!' Upon these words I came and cheer'd him up: 20 He smil'd me in the face, raught me his hand, 102 KING HENRY THE FIFTH And, with a feeble gripe, says ' Dear my lord, Commend my service to my sovereign.'' So did he turn, and over Suffolk's neck He threw his wounded arm, and kiss'd his lips ; And so espous'd to death, with blood he seal'd A testament of noble-ending love. The pretty and sweet manner of it forc'd Those waters from me which I would have stopp'd; But I had not so much of man in me, 30 And all my mother came into mine eyes And gave me up to tears. King Henry. I blame you not; For, hearing this, I must perforce compound With mistful eyes, or they will issue too. — \Alarum. But, hark! what new alarum is this same? The French have reinforc'd their scatter'd men: Then every soldier kill his prisoners; Give the word through. \Exeiint. Scene VI I. Another Part of the Field. Ejiter Fluellen arid Gower. Fluellen. Kill the poys and the luggage! 't is expressly against the law of arms: 't is as arrant a piece of knavery, mark you now, as can pe offert ; in your conscience, now, is it not? Gower. 'T is certain there 's not a boy left alive; and the cowardly rascals that ran from the battle ha' done this slaughter ; besides, they have burned and carried away all that was in the king's tent ; wherefore the king, most worth- ily, hath caused every soldier to cut his prisoner's throat. O, 't is a gallant king ! 10 Fluellen. Ay, he was porn at Monmouth, Captain Gower. What call you the town's name where Alexander the Pig was porn ? ACT IV: SCENE VI I. 103 Goiver. Alexander the Great. Fluellen. Why, Ipray you, is not pig great? the pig, or the great, or the mighty, or the huge, or the magnanimous, are all one reckonings, save the phrase is a little variations. 17 Gowcr. I think Alexander the Great was born m Mace- don: his father was called Philip of Macedon, as I take it. Fhiellai. I think it is in Macedon where Alexander is porn. I tell you, captain, if you look in the maps of the world, I war- rant you sail find, in the comparisons petween Macedon and Monmouth, that the situations, look you, is poth alike. There is a river in Macedon; and there is also moreover a river at Monmouth: it is called Wye at Monmouth; but it is out of my prains what is the name of the other river; but 't is all one, 't is alike as my fingers is to my fingers, and there is salmons in poth. If you mark Alexander's life well, Harry of Monmouth's life is come after it indifferent well ; for there is fi-ures in all things. Alexander, Got knows, and you know, in his rages, and his furies, and his wraths, and his cholers, and his moods, and his displeasures, and his indignations, and also peing a little intoxicates in his prams, did, m his ales and his angers, look you, kill his pest friend, Cleitus 34 Gower. Our king is not like him in that: he never killed any of his friends. Fluellen. It is not well done, mark you now, to take the tales out of my mouth, ere it is made and finished. I speak but in the figures and comparisons of it : as Alexander killed his friend Cleitus, peing in his ales and his cups, so also Harry Monmouth, peing in his right wits and his goot iudgments, turned away the fat knight with the great pelly-doublet: he was full of jests, and gipes, and knaveries, and mocks; I have forgot his name. 44 Gower. Sir John Falstaff. Fluellen. That is he: I '11 tell you there is goot men porn at Monmouth. Gower. Here comes his majesty. 104 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. Alarum. Enter King Henry ^//^//^rr To re-survey them, we will suddenly Pass our accept and peremptory answer. King Henry. Brother, we shall. — Go, uncle Exeter, And brother Clarence, and you, brother Gloucester, Warwick and Huntingdon, go with the king; And take with you free power to ratify. Augment, or alter, as your wisdoms best Shall see advantageable for our dignity, Any thing in or out of our demands, And we '11 consign thereto. — Will you, fair sister, 90 Go with the princes, or stay here with us ? Queen Isabel. Our gracious brother, I will go with them : Haply a woman's voice may do some good, When articles too nicely urg'd be stood on. King Henry. Yet-leave our cousin Katherine here with us : She is our capital demand, compris'd Within the fore-rank of our articles. Queen Isabel. She hath good leave. [Exeunt all except He?iry, Katherifte, and Alice. King Hemy. Fair Katherine, and most fair, Will you vouchsafe to teach a soldier terms Such as will enter at a lady's ear 100 And plead his love-suit to her gentle heart ? Katherine. Your majesty sail mock at me; I cannot speak your England. King Henry. O fair Katherine, if you will love me soundly with your French heart, I will be glad to hear you confess it brokenly with your English tongue. Do you like me, Kate? Katherine. Pardonnez-moi, I cannot tell vat is Mike me.' I20 KING HENRY THE FIFTH King Henry. An angel 4s like you, Kate, and you are like an angel. Katherine. Que dit-il ? que je suis semblable a les anges ? Alice. Oui, vraiment, sauf votre grace, ainsi dit-il. m King Henry. I said so, dear Katherine; and I must not blush to affirm it. Katherine. O bon Dieu ! les langues des hommes sont pleines de tromperies. King Henry. What says she, fair one } that the tongues of men are full of deceits 1 Alice. Oui, dat de tongues of de mans is be full of de- ceits : dat is de princess. King Henry. The princess is the better Englishwoman. I' faith, Kate, my wooing is fit for thy understanding: I am glad thou canst speak no better English; for, if thou couldst, thou wouldst find me such a plain king that thou wouldst think I had sold my farm to buy my crown. I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say ' I love you :' then if you urge me farther than to say ' do you in faith ?' I wear out my suit. Give me your answer; i' faith, do: and so clap hands and a bargain : how say you, lady ? 128 Katherine. Sauf votre honneur, me understand veil. King Henry. Marry, if you would put me to verses or to dance for your sake, Kate, why you undid me : for the one, I have neither words nor measure ; and for the other, I have no strength in measure, yet a reasonable measure in strength. If I could win a lady at leap-frog, or by vaulting into my saddle with my armour on my back, under the correction of bragging be it spoken, I should quickly leap into a wife. Or if I might buffet for my love, or bound my horse for her favours, I could lay on like a butcher and sit like a jack-an- apes, never off. But, before God, Kate, I cannot look green- ly nor gasp out my eloquence, nor I have no cunning in prot- estation ; only downright oaths, which I never use till urged, nor never break for urging. If thou canst love a fellow of ACT V. SCENE //. 121 this temper, Kate, whose face is not worth sun-burning, that never looks in his glass for love of any thing he sees there, let thine eye be thy cook. I speak to thee plain soldier: if thou canst love me for this, take me ; if not, to say to thee that I shall die, is true ; but for thy love, by the Lord, no ; yet I love thee too. And while thou livest, dear Kate, take a fellow of plain and uncoined constancy; for he perforce must do thee right, because he hath not the gift to woo in other places : for these fellows of infinite tongue, that can rhyme themselves into ladies' favours, they do always reason themselves out again. What! a speaker is but a prater; a rhyme is but a ballad. A good leg will fall ; a straight back will stoop; a black beard will turn white; a curled pate will grow bald; a fair face will wither; a full eye will wax hol- low: but a good heart, Kate, is the sun and the moon; or rather the sun and not the moon ; for it shines bright and never changes, but keeps his course truly. If thou would have such a one, take me ; and take me, take a soldier; take a soldier, take a king. And what sayest thou then to my love ? speak, my fair,*and fairly, I pray thee. 162 Katherine. Is it possible dat I sould love de enemy of France ? King Henry. No; it is not possible you should love the enemy of France, Kate : but, in loving me, you should love the friend of France ; for I love France so well that I will not part with a village of it; I will have it all mine : and, Kate, when France is mine and I am yours, then yours is France and you are mine. ^7° Katherine. I cannot tell vat is dat. Ki?tg Henry. No, Kate? I will tell thee in French ; which I am sure will hang upon my tongue like a new-married wife about her husband's neck, hardly to be shook off. Quand j'ai le possession de France, et quand vous avez le posses- sion de moi,— let me see, what then? Saint Denis be my speed ! — done votre est France et vous etes mienne. It is 122 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. as easy for me, Kate, to conquer the kingdom as to speak so much more French : I shall never move thee in French, unless it be to laugh at me. iSo Katherme. Sauf votre honneur, le Frangais que vous parlez, il est meilleur que I'Anglais lequel je parle. King Henry. No, faith, is 't not, Kate : but thy speaking of my tongue, and I thine, most truly-falsely, must needs be granted to be much at one. But, Kate, dost thou under- stand thus much English, canst thou love me ? Katherme. I cannot tell. King Henry. Can any of your neighbours tell, Kate ? I '11 ask them. Come, I know thou lovest me : and at night, when you come into your closet, you '11 question this gentle- woman about me ; and I know, Kate, you will to her dis- praise those parts in me that you love with your heart : but, good Kate, mock me mercifully ; the rather, gentle princess, because I love thee cruelly. If ever thou beest mine, Kate, as I have a saving faith within me tells me thou shalt, I get thee with scambling, and thou must therefore needs prove a good soldier-breeder. What sayest thou, my fair flower- de-luce ? Katherine. I do not know dat. 199 King Henry. No ; 't is hereafter to know, but now to promise: do but now promise, Kate, you will endeavour for your French part, and for my English moiety take the word of a king and a bachelor. How answer you, la plus belle Katherine du monde, mon tres-cher et divin deesse t Katherine. Your majestee ave fausse French enough to deceive de most sage demoiselle dat is en France. Ki?ig Henry. Now, fie upon my false French ! By mine honour, in true English, I love thee, Kate : by which honour I dare not swear thou lovest me ; yet my blood begins to flatter me that thou dost, notwithstanding the poor and un- tempering effect of my visage. Now, beshrew my father's ambition ! he was thinking of civil wars when he got me : ACT V. SCENE IT. 1 23 therefore was I created with a stubborn outside, with an as- pect of iron, that, when I come to woo ladies, I fright them. But, in faith, Kate, the elder I wax, the better I shall appear : my comfort is, that old age, that ill layer up of beauty, can do no more spoil upon my face : thou hast me, if thou hast me, at the worst; and thou shalt wear me, if thou wear me, better and better : and therefore tell me, most fair Katherine, will you have me ? Put off your maiden blushes ; avouch the thoughts of your heart with the looks of an empress; take me by the hand, and say ' Harry of England, I am thine :' which word thou shalt no sooner bless mine ear withal, but I will tell thee aloud ' England is thine, Ireland is thine, France is thine, and Henry Plantagenet is thine ;' who, though I speak it before his face, if he be not fellow with the best king, thou shalt find the best king of good fellows. Come, your answer in broken music; for thy voice is music and thy English broken ; therefore, queen of all, Katherine, break thy mind to me in broken English ; wilt thou have me ? 231 Katherine. Dat is as it sail please de roi mon pere. King HeJiry. Nay, it will please him well, Kate ; it shall please him, Kate. Katherine. Den it sail also content me. Ki7ig Henry. Upon that I kiss your hand, and I call you my queen. Katherine. Laissez, mon seigneur, laissez, laissez : ma foi, je ne veux point que vous abaissiez votre grandeur en bai- sant la main d'une votre indigne serviteur; excusez-moi, je vous supplie, mon tres-puissant seigneur. 241 King Henry. Then I will kiss your lips, Kate. Katherine. Les dames et demoiselles pour etre baisees devant leur noces, il n'est pas la coutume de France. King Henry. Madam my interpreter, what says she } Alice. Dat it is not be de fashion pour les ladies of France, — I cannot tell vat is baiser en Anglish. 124 KING HENRY THE FIFTH King Henry. To kiss. Alice. Your majesty entendre bettre que moi. King Henry. It is not a fashion for the maids in France to kiss before they are married, would she say ? 251 Alice. Oui, vraiment. King Henry. O Kate, nice customs curtsy to great kings. Dear Kate, you and I cannot be confined within the weak list of a country's fashion : we are the makers of manners, Kate ; and the liberty that follows our places stops the mouth of all find-faults; as I will do yours, for upholding the nice fashion of your country in denying me a kiss : therefore, patiently and yielding. [Kissing her.'] You have witchcraft in your lips, Kate : there is more eloquence in a sugar touch of them than in the tongues of the French council; and they should sooner persuade Harry of England than a general petition of monarchs. Here comes your father. 263 Re-enter the French King a7id his Queen, Burgundy, and other Lords, Burgundy. God save your majesty ! my royal cousin, teach you our princess English ? King Henry. I would have her learn, my fair cousin, how perfectly I love her; and that is good English. Burgundy. Is she not apt ? Kijig Henry. Our tongue is rough, coz, and my condition is not smooth; so that, having neither the voice nor the heart of flattery about me, I cannot so conjure up the spirit of love in her, that he will appear in his true likeness. 272 Burgufidy. Pardon the frankness of my mirth, if I answer you for that. If you would conjure in her, you must make a circle ; if conjure up love in her in his true likeness, he must appear naked and blind. Can you blame her then, being a maid yet rosed over with the virgin crimson of modesty, if she deny the appearance of a naked blind boy ? It were^ my lord, a hard condition for a maid to consign to. ACT V. SCENE II. 125 King Henry. Yet they do wink and yield, as love is blind and enforces. ^^* Burgundy. They are then excused, my lord, when they see not what they do. King Henry. Then, good my lord, teach your cousin to consent winking. Burgundy. I will wink on her to consent, my lord, if you will teach her to know my meaning : for maids, well sum- mered and warm kept, are like flies at Bartholomew-tide, blind, though they have their eyes. King Henry. This moral ties me over to time and a hot summer; and so I shall catch the fly, your cousin, in the latter end, and she must be blind too. ^ . 292 Burgufidy. As love is, my lord, before it loves. King Henry. It is so : and you may, some of you, thank love for my blindness, who cannot see many a fair French city for one fair French maid that stands in my way. French King. Yes, my lord, you see them perspectively, the cities turned into a maid; for they are all girdled with maiden walls that war hath never entered. King Henry. Shall Kate be my wife ? 300 French King. So please you. King Henry. I am content; so the maiden cities you talk of may wait on her : so the maid that stood in the way for my wish shall show me the way to my will. French King. We have consented to all terms of reason. Kitig Henry. Is 't so, my lords of England ? . WesUnoreland. The king hath granted every article : His daughter first, and then in sequel all, According to their firm proposed natures. Exeter. Only he hath not yet subscribed this : 310 where your majesty demands that the King of France, having any occasion to write for matter of grant, shall name your highness in this form and with this addition, in French, Notre tres-cher fils Henri, roi d'Angleterre, heritier 126 KING HENRY THE FIFTH. de France ; and thus in Latin, Praeclarissimus filius noster Henricus, rex Angliae, et haeres Franciae. French Ki?ig. Nor this I have not, brother, so denied, But your request shall make me let it pass. King He?iry. I pray you then, in love and dear alliance, Let that one article rank with the rest; 320 And thereupon give me your daughter. French King. Take her, fair son, and from her blood raise up Issue to me ; that the contending kingdoms Of France and England, whose very shores look pale With envy of each other's happiness, May cease their hatred, and this dear conjunction Plant neighbourhood and Christian-like accord In their sweet bosoms, that never war advance His bleeding sword 'twixt England and fair France. All. Amen ! 330 Kifig Henry. Now, welcome, Kate : — and bear me wit- ness all. That here I kiss her as my sovereign queen. \Floiirish. Queen Isabel. God, the best maker of all marriages, Combine your hearts in one, your realms in one ! As man and wife, being two, are one in love, So be there 'twixt your kingdoms such a spousal. That never may ill office, or fell jealousy. Which troubles oft the bed of blessed marriage. Thrust in between the paction of these kingdoms, To make divorce of their incorporate league ; 340 That English may as French, French Englishmen, Receive each other. God speak this Amen ! All. Amen! Ki7ig Henry. Prepare we for our marriage :— on which day My lord of Burgundy, we '11 take your oath, And all the peers', for surety of our leagues. EPILOGUE. 127 Then shall I swear to Kate, and you to me ; And may our oaths well kept and prosperous be ! \Sennet. Exeimt. EPILOGUE. Enter Chorus. Chorus. Thus far, with rough and all-unable pen, Our bending author hath pursued the story. In little room confining mighty men. Mangling by starts the full course of their glory. Small time, but in that small most greatly liv'd This star of England : Fortune made his sword j By which the world's best garden he achiev'd, And of it left his son imperial lord. Henry the Sixth, in infant bands crown'd King Of France and England, did this king succeed ; 10 Whose state so many had the managing. That they lost France and made his England bleed : Which oft our stage hath shown ; and, for their sake, In your fair minds let this acceptance take. {Exit. Pistol. By this leek, I will most horribly revenge: I eat, and yet 1 swear-(v. i. 42). NOTES ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE NOTES. Abbott (or Gr.), Abbott's Shakespearian Grammar (third edition). A. S., Anglo-Saxon. A. v., Authorized Version of the Bible (1611). B. and F., Beaumont and Fletcher. B. J., Ben Jonson. Camb. ed., " Cambridge edition" oi Shakespeare., edited by Clark and Wright. Cf. {confer^, compare. Coll., Collier. Coll. MS., Manuscript Corrections of Second Folio, edited by Collier. D., Dyce. H., Hudson. Hen. VIII. (followed by reference to page), Rolfe's edition oi Henry VIII. Id. {idem)., the same. J. C. (followed by reference to p^ge), Rolfe's edition of yulins Ccesar. J. H., John Hunter's edition oi Henry V. (London, n. d.). K., Knight. Macb. (followed by reference \o page), Rolfe's edition oi Macbeth. Mer., Rolfe's edition of The Merchant 0/ Venice. M. N. D. (followed by reference to page), Rolfe's edition of .^ Midsummer-NighC s Dream. Nares, Glossary, edited by Halliwell and Wright (London, 1859). Prol., Prologue. Rich. II. (followed by reference to page), Rolfe's edition oi Richard II. S., Shakespeare. Schmidt, A. Schmidt's Shakespeare- Lexico7i (Berlin, 1874). Sr., Singer. St., Staunton. Temp, (followed by reference to page), Rolfe's edition of The Tempest. Theo. , Theobald. W., White. Walker, Wm. Sidney Walker's Critical Examination of the Text of Shakespeare (London, i86o\ Warb., Warburton. Wb., Webster's Dictionary (revised quarto edition of 1864). Wore, Worcester's Dictionary (quarto edition). The abbreviations of the names of Shakespeare's Plays will be readily understood; as T. N. for Twelfth Night, Cor. for Coriolanns, 3 Hen. VI. for The Third Part of King He7iry the Sixth, etc. P. P. refers to The Passionate Pilgrim ; V. and A . to Ventts and Adonis ; L. C. to Lover' s Complaint ; and Sonti. to the Sonnets. NOTES. THE GLOBE THEATRE. INTRODUCTION. The following extracts from Holinshed (which we select from Halli- well's Introduction) contain the more important passages used by the poet in the play : — A.D. 1413. — " Whilest in the Lent season the king laie at Killingworth, there came to him from Charles Dolphin of France certeine ambassa- dors, that brought with them a barrell of Paris balles, which from their maister they presented to him for a token that was taken in verie ill part, as sent in scorne, to signifie that it was more meet for the king to passe the time with such childish exercise, than to attempt any worthie ex- ploit. Wherfore the K. wrote to him that, yer ought long, he would tosse him some London balles that perchance should shake the walles of the best court in France." 132 NOTES. A.D. 1414. — " In the second yeare of his reigne, king Henrie called his high court of paiiement, the last daie of Apiill, in the towne of Leices- ter, in which parlement manie profitable lawes were concluded, and manie petitions mooved, were for that time deferred. Amongst which, one was, that a bill exhibited in the parlement holden at Westminster in the elev- enth yeare of king Henrie the fourth (which, by reason the king was then troubled with civill discord, came to none effect) might now with good deliberation be pondered, and brought to some good conclusion. The effect of which supplication was, that the temporall lands devoutlie given, and disordinatelie spent by religious, and other spirituall persons, should be seized into the kings hands, sith the same might sutifice to mainteine, to the honor of the king, and defense of the realme, fifteene earls, fifteene hundred knights, six thousand and two hundred esquiers, and a hundred almesse-houses, for reliefe onJie of the poore, impotent, and needie persons, and the king to have cleerlie to his coffers twentie thousand pounds, with manie other provisions and values of religious houses, which I passe over. " This bill was much noted, and more feared among the religious sort, whom suerlie it touched verie neere, and therefore to find remedie against it, they determined to assaie all waies to put by and overthrow this bill ; wherein they thought best to trie if they might moove the kings mood with some sharpe invention, that he should not regard the importunate petitions of the commons. Whereupon, on a daie in the parlement, Henrie Chichelie, archbishop of Canturburie, made a pithie oration, wherein he declared, how not onelie the duchies of Normandie and Aqiiitaine, with the counties of Anjou and Maine, and the countrie of Gascoigne, were by undoubted title apperteining to the king, as to the lawfull and onelie heire of the same; but also to the whole realme of France, as heire to his great grandfather king Edward the third. " Herein did he much inveie against the surmised and false fained law Salike which the Frenchmen alledge ever against the kings of England in barre of their just title to the crowne of France. The verie words of that supposed law are these, /// terrani Salicam midieres ne succedaiit, that is to saie, into the Salike land let not women succeed. Which the French glossers expound to be the realme of France, and that this law was made by king Pharamond ; whereas yet their owne authors aftirme that the land Salike is in Germanie betweene the rivers of Elbe and Sala ; and that when Charles the great had overcome the Saxons, he placed there certeine Frenchmen, which having in disdeine the dishonest maners of the Germane women, made a law, that the females should not succeed to any inheritance within that land, which at this daie is called Meisen, so that, if this be true, this law was not made for the realme of France, nor the Frenchmen possessed the land Salike, till fourc hundred and one and twentie yeares after the death of Pharamond, the supposed maker of this Salike law, for this Pharamond deceased in the yeare 426, and Charles the great subdued the Saxons, and placed the Frenchmen in those parts beyond the river of Sala, in the yeare 805. *' Moreover, it appeareth by their owne writers that king Pepine, which deposed Childerike, claimed the crowne of France, as heire generall, for INTRODUCTION. 133 that he was descended of Blithild, daughter to king Clothair the fii^t : lluoh CaDct also, who usurped the crowne upon Charles Duke ot Lo- raiifc, the sole heire male of the line and stocke of Charles the great to make his title seeme true, and appeare good, though m deed it was starke nau-ht conveied himselfe as heire to the ladie Lingard, daughter to kmg Cha'Iicmaine sonne to Lewes the emperour, that was son to Charles the ereat Kin<- Lewes also the tenth, otherwise called samt Lewes, benig verie'heir to the said usurper Hugh Capet, could never be satisfied in his conscience how he might justlie kecpe and possesse the crowne of France till he was persuaded and fullie instructed that queene Isabell his cvrandmother was lineallie descended of the ladie Ermengard daugh- ter and heire to the above named Charles duke of Loraine, by the which m -uriao-e, the bloud and line of Charles the great was againe united and restored to the crowne and scepter of France, so that more cleeare than the sunne it openlie appeareth that the title ot king I'epin the claime of Huoh Capet, the possession of Lewes, yea and the French kings to this daie are derived and conveied from the heire female, though they woulcl under the colour of such a fained law, barre the kings and princes of this realme of England of their right and lawfull inheritance. " The archbishop further alledged out ot the booke of Numbers this saiein-- 'When a man dieth without a sonne, let the inheritance de- scend" to his daughter.' At length, having said sufficienthe for the proofe of the kings just and lawfull title to the crowne of France, he ex- honed him to advance foorth his banner to fight for his right, to conquer his inheritance, to spare neither bloud, sword, nor fire sith his warre xyas i fst his cause good, and his claime true. And to the intent his loving c apleins and obedient subjects of the spiritua tie might shovv themse ves wi 1 n- and clesi.-ous to aid his majestic, for the recoverie of his anciei doht and true inheritance, the archbishop declared that in their spintuall convocation, thcv had granted to his highnesse such a summe of mome, as neveiby no spirituall persons was to any prince before those daies ^' '' Whe.Tl]he\'rd;bishop had ended his prepared tale, Rafe Nevill earle of Westmerland, and as then lord Warden of the marches against Scot- land understanding that the king, upon a couragious desire to recover his ri"ht in France, would suerlie take the wars in hand, thought good to moove the king to begin first with Scotland, and thereupon declared how eas?e a matfer it should be to make a conquest there and how greatlie he same should further his wished purpose for the subduing of fhe Frenchmen, concluding the sum of his tale with this olcl saying : that Who Tol^m France ...«, \u.t ^mtk Scotland first begm. ^^^^^^^^^ he touched, as well to show how necessarie the conquest of Scotland shouk be, ks also to proove how just a cause the king had to attempt it "rusting to persuade the king and all other to be of his opinion '"But after he had made an end, the duke of Exces er, uncle o the kin. a man welllearned and wise, who had beene sent into Itabe by his fa her! intending that he should have been a preest, rephed agamst the Se of Westmedands oration, affirming -^her that he whi^h would S^^^^^^^ land win, he with France must first begin. For if the king might once 134 NOTES. compasse the conquest of France, Scotland could not long resist ; so that conquere France, and Scotland would soon obeie. For where should the Scots lerne policie and skill to defend themselves if they had' not their bringing up and training in France. If the French pensions main- teined not the Scottish nobilitie, in what case should they be. Then take awaie P>ance, and the Scots will soon be tamed ; France being to Scotland the same that the sap is to the tree, which, being taken awaie, the tree must needs die and wither. "To be briefe, the duke of Excester used such earnest and pithie per- suasions to induce the king and the whole assemblie of the parlement to credit his words, that immediatelie after he had made an end, all the companie beganne to crie, Warre, zvarre ; France^ France. Hereby the bill for dissolving of religious houses was clearlie set aside, and nothing thought on but onelie the recovering of France, according as the arch- bishop had mooved. . . . '* Immediatelie after, the king sent over into France his uncle the duke of Excester, the lord Greie admerall of England, the archbishop of Dub- line, and the bishop of Norwich, ambassadors unto the French king, with five hundred horsse, which were lodged in the temple house in Paris, keeping such triumphant cheere in their lodging, and such a sol- emne estate in their riding through the citie, that the Parisiens and all the Frenchmen had no small mervell at their honorable port. The French king received them verie honorablie and banketted them right sumptuouslie, shewing to them justs and martiall pastimes, by the space of three days togither, in the which justs the king himselfe, to shew his courage and activitie to the Englishmen, manfullie brake speares and lustilie tournied. When the triumph was ended, the English ambassa- dors, having a time appointed them to declare their message, admitted to the French kings presence, required of him to deliver unto the king of England the realme and crowne of France, with the entier duchies of Aquiteine, Normandie, and Anjou, with the countries of Poictiou and Maine. Manie other requests they made : and this offered withall, that if the French king would, without warre and effusion of Christian bloud, render to the king their maister his verie right and lawfull inheritance, that he would be content to take in mariage the ladie Katharine, daugh- ter to the French king, and to indovv her with all the duchies and coun- tries before rehearsed ; and if he would not so doo, then the king of England did expresse and signifie to him, that with the aid of Cod, and helpe of his people, he would recover his inheritance, wrongfullie with- holden from him, with mortall warre, and dint of sword. . . . " The Frenchmen being not a little abashed at these demands, thought not to make anie absolute answer in so weightie a cause, till they had further breathed ; and therefore praied the English ambassadors to sale to the king their maister, that they now having no opportunitie to con- clude in so high a matter, would shortlie send ambassadors into Eng- land, which should certifie and declare to the king their whole mind, purpose, and intent. The English ambassadors returned with this an- swer, making relation of everie thing that was said or doone. King Henrie, after the returne of his ambassadors, determined fullie to make INTR OD UC TION. 1 3 5 warre in France, conceiving a good and perfect hope to have fortunate successe, sith victorie for the most part followeth where right leadeth, being advanced forward by justice, and set foorth by equitie." . . . A.D. 1415. — "When king Henrie had fullie furnished his navie with men, munition, and other provisions, perceiving that his capteines mis- liked nothing so much as delaie, determined his souldiors to go a ship- boord and awaie. But see the hap, the night before the daie appointed for their departure, he was crediblie informed, that Richard earle of Cam- bridge, brother to Edward duke of York, and Henrie lord Scroope of Masham, lord treasuror, with Thomas Graie, a knight of Northumber- land, being confederat togither, had conspired his death ; wherefore he caused them to be apprehended. The said lord Scroope was in such fa- vour with the king, that he admitted him sometime to be his bed-fellow, in whose fidelitie the king reposed such trust, that when anie privat or publike councell was in hand, this lord had much in the determination of it. For he represented so great gravitie in his countenance, such modestie in behaviour, and so vertuous zeale to all godlinesse in his talke, that whatsoever he said was thought for the most part necessarie to be doone and followed. Also the said sir Thomas Greie (as some write) was of the kings privie councell. " These prisoners upon their examination, confessed, that for a great summe of monie which they had received of the French king, they in- tended verelie either to have delivered the king alive into the hands of his enimies, or else to have murthered him before he should have ar- rived in the duchie of Normandie. When king Henrie had heard all things opened, which he desired to know, he caused all his nobilitie to come before his presence, before whome he caused to be brought the offendors also, a"rid to them said. Having thus conspired the death and destruction of me, which am the head of the real me and governour of the people, it maie be (no doubt) but that you likewise have sworne the con- fusion of all that are here with me, and also the desolation of your owne countrie. To what horror (O Lord) for any true English hart to con- sider, that such an execrable iniquitie should ever so bewrap you, as for pleasing of a forren enimie to imbrue your hands in your bloud, and to mine your owne native soile. Revenge herein touching my person, though I seeke not ; yet for the safegard of you, my deere freends, and for due preservation of all sorts, I am by office to cause example to be shewed. Get ye hence, therefore, ye poore miserable wretches, to the receiving of your just reward, wherein Gods majestic give you grace of his mercie and repentance of your heinous offenses. And so immediate- lie they were had to execution. . . . Diverse write that Richard earle of Cambridge did not conspire with the lord Scroope and Thomas Graie for the murihering of king Henrie to please the French king withall, but onelie to the intent to exalt to the crowne his brother in law Edmund earle of March as heire to Lionell duke of Clarence : after the death of which earle of March, . . . the earle of Cambridge was sure that the crowne should come to him by his wife, and to his children, of hir be- gotten. And therefore (as was thought) he rather confessed himselfe for need of monie to be corrupted by the French king, than he would 136 NOTES. declare his inward mind, and open his verie intent and secret pur- pose. ... " But now to proceed with king Henries dooings. After this, when the wind came about prosperous to his purpose, he caused the mariners to weie up anchors, and hoise up sailes, and to set forward with a thousand ships, on the vigil of our ladie daie the Assumption, and tooke land at Caur, commonlie called Kideaux, where the river Saine runneth into the sea, without resistance. . . . The French king being advertised that king Henrie was arrived on that coast, sent in all haste the lord de la Breth constable of France, the seneshall of France, the lord Bouciqualt mar- shall of P'rance, the seneshall of Renault, the lord Lignie, with other, which fortified townes with men, victuals, and artillerie, on all those frontiers towards the sea. And hearing that Harflue was besieged, they came to the castell of Caudebecke, being not farre from Harflue, to the intent they might succour their freends which were besieged, by some policie or meanes ; but the Englishmen, notwithstanding all the damage that the Frenchmen could worke against them, foraied the countrie, spoiled the villages, bringing manie a rich preie to the campe before Harflue. And dailie was the towne assaulted ; for the duke of Gloces- ter, to whome the order of the siege was committed, made three mines under the ground, and approching to the wals with his engins and or- dinance, would not suffer them within to take anie rest. For although they with their countermining somewhat disappointed the Englishmen, and came to fight with them hand to hand within the mines, so that they went no further forward with that worke ; yet they were so inclosed on ech side, as well by water as land, that succour they saw could none come to them. . . . " The capteins within the towne, perceiving that they were not able long to resist the continuall assaults of the Englishmen, knowing that their wals were undermined, and like to be overthrowne (as one of their bulwarks was alredie, where the carles of Huntington and Kent had set up their banners) sent an officer at amies foorth about midnight after the feast daie of saint Lambert, which fell that yeare upon the tuesdaie, to beseech the king of England to appoint some certeine persons as com- missioners from him, with whome they within m-ight treat about some agreement. The duke of Clarence, to whome this messenger first de- clared his errand, advertised the king of their request, who granting thereto, appointed the duke of Excester with the lord Fitz Hugh, and sir Thomas Erpingham, to understand their minds, who at the first re- quested a truce untill sundaie next following the feast of saint Michaell, in which meane time, if no succour came to remoove the siege, they would undertake to deliver the towne into the kings hands, their lives and goods saved. The king advertised hereof, sent them word, that ex- cept they would surrender the towne to him the morow next insuing, without anie condition, they should spend no more in talke about the matter. . . . " The king, neverthelesse was after content to grant a respit upon cer- teine conditions, that the capteins within might have time to send to the French king for succour (as before ye have heard) lest he intending INTR OD UC TION. 137 greater exploits, might lose time in such small matters. When this com- position was agreed upon, the lord Bacquevill was sent unto the French king, to declare in what point the towne stood. To whome the Dolphin answered, that the kings power was not yet assembled in such number as was convenient to raise so great a siege. This answer being brought unto the capteins within the towne, they rendered it up to the king of England, after that the third dale was expired. . . . All this done, the king ordeined capteine to the towne his uncle the Duke of Excester, who established his lieutenant there, one sir John Fastolfe, with fifteene hun- dred men, or (as some have) two thousand and thirtie six knights, where- of the baron of Carew, and sir Hugh Lutterell, were two councellors. . . . " King Henree, after the winning of Harflue, determined to have pro- ceeded further in the winning of other townes and fortresses ; but be- cause the dead time of the winter approched, it was determined by advise of his councell, that he should in all convenient siTeed set forward, and march through the countrie towards Calls by land, least his returne as then homewards should of slanderous toongs be named a running awaie \ and yet that journie was adjudged perillous, by reason that the number of his people was much minished by the flix and other fevers, which sore vexed and brought to death above fifteene hundred persons of the armie ; and this was the cause that his returne was the sooner appointed and concluded. . . . "At length the king approched the river of Some, and finding all the bridges broken, he came to the passage of Blanchetake, where his great grandfather king Edward the third a little before had stricken the battell of Cressie ; but the passage was now so impeached with stakes in the botome of the foord, that he could not passe, his enimies besides there awaie so swawning on all sides. He therefore marched forwards to Arames, marching with his armie, and passing with his carriage in so martial a maner, that he appeared so terrible to his enimies, as they durst not offer him battell. And yet the lord Dalbreth constable of France, the marshall Boncequault, the earl of Vendosme great master of France, the duke of Alanson, and the earle of Richmont, with all the puissance of the Dolphin laie at Abuile, but ever kept the passages, and coasted aloofe, like a hauke though eager yet not hardie on her preie. The king of England kept on his journie till he came to the bridge of saint Maxence, where he found above thirtie thousand Frenchmen, and there pitched his field, looking suerlie to be fought withall. . . . " The king the same dale found a shallow, between Corbie and Peron, which never was espied before, at which he with his army and carriages the night insuing, passed the water of Some without let or danger, and therewith determined to make haste towards Calls, and not to seeke for battell, except he were thereto constreined, because that his armie by sicknesse was sore diminished, in so much that he had but onelie two thousand horssemen, and thirteen thousande archers, bilmen, and of all sorts of other footmen. "The Englishmen were brought into some distresse in this jornie, by reason of their vittels in maner spent, and no hope to get more ; for the enimies had destroied all the corne before they came. Rest could they 138 NOTES. none take, for their enimies with alarmes did ever so infest them ; daih'e it rained, and nightlie it freesed ; of fuell there was great scarsitie, of fluxes plentie ; monie inough, but wares for their releefe to bestow it on, had they none. Yet in this great necessitie, the poor people of the coun- trie were not spoiled, nor anie thing taken of them without paiment, nor anie outrage or offense done by the Englishmen, except one, which was, that a souldiour tooke a pix out of a church, for which he was appre- hended, and the king not once remooved till the box was restored, and the offendoor strangled. The people of the countries thereabout, hear- ing of such zeale in him to the maintenance of j-ustice, ministred to his armie victuals, and other necessaries, although by open proclamation so to doo they were prohibited. " The French king being at Rone, and hearing that king Henrie was passed the river of Some, was much displeased therewith, and assem- bling his councell, to the number of five and thirtie, asked their advise what was to be done. There was amongst these five and thirtie, his Sonne the Dolphin, calling himselfe king of Sicill ; the dukes of Berrie and Britaine, the earl of Pontieu the kings yoongest Sonne, and other high estates. At length thirtie of them agreed that the Englishmen should not depart unfought withall, and five were of a contrarie opinion, but the greater number ruled the matter ; and so Montjoy king at armes was sent to the king of England to defie him as the enimie of France, and to tell him that he should shortlie have battell. King Henrie advisedJie answered : Mine intent is to doo as it pleaseth God, I will not seeke your maister at this time ; but if he or his seeke me, I will meet with them God willing. If anie of your nation attempt once to stop me in my journie now towards Calls, at their jeopardie be it ; and yet wish I not anie of you so unadvised, as to be the occasion that I die your tawnie ground with your red bloud. When he had thus answered the herald, he gave him a princelie reward, and licence to depart. Upon whose returne, with this answer, it was incontinentlie on the French side pro- claimed, that all men of warre should resort to the constable to fight with the king of England. Whereupon, all men apt for armor and de- sirous of honour, drew them toward the field. The Dolphin sore de- sired to have beene at the battell, but he was prohibited by his father ; likewise Philip earle of Charolois would gladlie have beene there, if his father the duke of Burgognie would have suffered him : manie of his men stale awaie, and went to the Frenchmen. The king of England hearing that the Frenchmen approched, and that there was an other river for him to passe with his armie by a bridge, and doubting least if the same bridge should be broken, it would be greatlie to his hinderance, ap- pointed certeine capteins with their bands, to go thither with all speed before him, and to take possession thereof, and so to keepe it, till his comming thither. . . . " The cheefe leaders of the French host were these : the constable of France, the marshall, the admerall, the lord Rambures maister of the crosbowes, and other of the French nobilitie, which came and pitched downe their standards and banners in the countie of saint Paule, within the territorie of Agincourt, having in their armie (as some write) to the INTRODUCTION. ^-^^ number of threescore thousand horssemen, besides footmen, wagoners and other. They were lodged even in the waie by the which the Eng- lishmen must needs passe towards Calis, and all that night after their comming thither made great cheare and were verie merie, pleasant, and full of game. The Englishmen also for their parts were of good com- fort, and nothing abashed of the matter, and yet they were both hungrie, wearie, sore travelled, and vexed with manie cold diseases. Howbeit, reconciling themselves with God by hoosell and shrift, requiring assist- ance at his hands that is the onelie giver of victorie, they determined rather to die, than to yeeld, or flee. The daie following was the five and twentieth of October in the year 141 5, being then fridaie, and the feast of Crispine and Crispinian, a day faire and fortunate to the English, but most sorrowfull and unluckie to the French. . . . " When he had thus ordered his battels, he left a small companie to keepe his campe and cariage, which remained still in the village, and then calling his capteins and soldiers about him, he made to them a right grave oration, mooving them to plaie the men, whereby to obteine a glorious victorie, as there was hope certeine they shoulcl, the rather if they would but remember the just cause for which they fought, and whome they should incounter, such faint-harted people as their ances- tors had so often overcome. To conclude, manie words of courage he uttered, to stirre them to doo manfullie, assuring them that England should never be charged with his ransome, nor anie Frenchman triumph over him as a captive : for either by famous death or glorious victorie would he (by Gods grace) win honour and fame. " It is said that as he heard one of the host utter his wish to another thus : I would to God there were with us now so manie good soldiers as are at this fioure within England ! the king answered : I would not wish a man more here than I have ; we are indeed in comparison to the enimies but a few, but if God of his clemencie doo' favour us, and our just cause (as I trust he will) we shall speed well inough. But let no man ascribe victorie to our owne strength and might, but onelie to Gods assistance, to whome I have no doubt we shall worthilie have cause to give thanks therefore. And if so be that for our offenses sakes we shall be delivered into the hands of our enimies, the lesse number we be, the lesse damage shall the realme of England susteine ; but if we should fight in trust of multitude of men, and so get the victorie (our minds be- ing prone to pride), we should thereupon peradventure ascribe the vic- torie not so much to the gift of God, as to our owne puissance, and there- by provoke his high indignation and displeasure against us ; and if the enimie get the upper hand, then should our realme and countrie suffer more damage and stand in further danger. But be you of comfort, and show your selves valiant, God and our just quarrell shall defend us, and deliver these our proud adversaries with all the multitude of them which you see, (or at least the most of them), into our hands. . . . The French- men in the meane while, as though they had beene sure of victorie, made great triumph, for the capteins had determined before how to divide the spoile, and the soldiers the night before had plaid the Englishmen at dice. The noble men had devised a chariot, wherein they might trium- I40 NOTES. phantlie conveie the king captive to the citie of Paris, crieng to their soldiers ; Haste you to the spoile, glorie, and honor ; Httle weening (God wot) how soone their brags should be blowne awaie. " Here we maie not forget how the French thus in their jolitie, sent a herald to king Henrie, to inquire what ransome he would offer. Where- unto he answered, that within two or three houres he hoped it would so happen, that the Frenchmen should be glad to common rather with the Englishmen for their ransoms, than the English to take thought for their deliverance, promising for his owne part, that his dead carcasse should rather be a prize to the Frenchmen, than his living bodie should paie anie ransome. When the messenger was come backe to the French host, the men of warre put on their helmets, and caused their trumpets to blow to the battell. They thought themselves so sure of victorie, that diverse of the noble men made such hast towards the battell, that they left manie of their servants and men of warre behind them, and some of them would not once staie for their standards ; as amongst other the duke of Brabant, when his standard was not come, caused a baner to be taken from a trumpet and fastened to a speare, the which he com- manded to be borne before him insteed of his standard. . . . " And so about foure of the clocke in the after noone, the king, when he saw no appearance of enimies, caused the retreit to Idc blowen ; and gathering his armie togither, gave thanks to almightie God for so happie a victorie, causing his prelats and chapleins to sing this psalm, hi exitii Israel da Acgypto, and commanded everie man to kneele downe on the grounde at this verse : noii nobis Domine, non nobis, scd nomitii tiio da gloriam. Which doone, he caused Te Dciitn, with certeine anthems to be soong, giving laud and praise to God, without boasting of his owne force or anie humane power. That night he and his people tooke rest, and refreshed themselves with such victuals as they found in the French campe, but lodged in- the same village where he laie the night before. " In the morning Montjoie king at armes and foure other French her- alds came to the K. to know the number of prisoners, and to desire buriall for the dead. Before he made them answer (to understand what they would sale) he demanded of them whie they made to him that re- quest, considering that he knew not whether the victorie was his or theirs. When Montjoie by true and just confession had cleered that doubt to the high praise of the king, he desired of Montjoie to understand the name of the castell neere adjoining : when they had told him it was called Agin- court, he said. Then shall, this conflict be called the battell of Agin- court.* . . . " It was no marvell though this battell was lamentable to the French nation, for in it were taken and slaine the flower of all the nobilitie of * Agincourt, or Azincour, is about twenty miles south of Saint-Omer, a station on the railway from Calais to Paris. Of the "castell neere adjoining" only the foundations now remain. The hottest of the fight raged between Azincour and the neighbouring commune of Trammecour, where a wood still exists corresponding to that in which Henry is said to have posted his archers, who contributed so much to the victory. The battle-field of Crecy (see ii. 4. 54) is only about twenty miles from that of Agin- court, being some twelve miles from Abbeville, on the route from Boulogne to Paris. The windmill from which Edward III. watched the battle is still standing. INTRODUCTION. 141 France. There were taken prisoners, Charles duke of Orleance, nephne to the French king, John duke of Burbon, the lord Bouciqualt one of the marshals of France (he after died in England) with a number of other lords, knights, and esquiers, at the least fifteene hundred, besides the common people. There were slaine in all of the French part to the number of ten thousand men, whereof were princes and noble men bear- ing baners one hundred twentie and six ; to these, of knights, esquiers, and gentlemen, so manie as made up the number of eight thousand and foure hundred (of the which five hundred were dubbed knights the night before the battell) so as of the meaner sort, not past sixteene hundred. Amongst those of the nobilitie that were slaine, these were the cheefest, Charles lord de la Breth high constable of France, Jaques of Chatilon lord of Dampier admerall of France, the Lord Rambures master of the crossebowes, sir Guischard Dolphin great master of France, John duke of Alanson, Anthonie duke of Brabant brother to the duke of Burgognie, Edward duke of Bar, the earle of Nevers an other brother to the duke of Burgognie, with the erles of Marie, Vaudemont, Grandpree, Roussie, Fauconberge, Fois and Lestrake, beside a great number of lords and barons of name. Of Englishmen, there died at this battell, Edward duke of Yorke, the earle of Sufifolke, sir Richard Kikelie, and Davie Gamme esquier, and of all other not above five and twentie persons, as some doo report. . . . "The king, like a grave and sober personage, and as one remember- ing from whom all victories are sent, seemed little to regard such vaine pompe and shewes as were in triumphant sort devised for his welcom- ming home from so prosperous a journie, in so much that he would not suffer his helmet to be caried with him, whereby might have appeared to the people the.blowes and dints that were to be scene in the same ; nei- ther would he suffer anie ditties to be made and soong by minstrels of his glorious victorie ; for that he would wholie have the praise and thanks altogither given to God." . . . A.D. 1420. — " W hi lest these victorious exploits were thus happilie atchived by the Englishmen, and that the king laie still at Rone, in giving thanks to almightie God for the same, there came to him eftsoones ambassadours from the French king and the duke of Burgognie to moove him to peace. The king minding not to be reputed for a destroier of the countrie, which he coveted to preserve, or for a causer of Christian bloud still to be spilt in his quarrell, began so to incline and give ear unto their sute and humble request, that at length (after often sending to and fro) and that the bishop of Arras and other men of honor had beene with him, and likewise the earle of Warwike, and the bishop of Roches- ter had beene with the duke of Burgognie, they both finallie agreed upon certeine articles, so that the French king and his commons would thereto assent. Now was the French king and the queene with their daughter Katharine at Trois in Champaigne governed and ordered by them, which so much favoured the duke of Burgognie, that they would not, for anie earthlie good, once hinder or pull backe one jot of such articles as the same duke should seeke to preferre. And therefore what needeth manie words, a truce tripartite was accorded betweene the two kings and the 142 NOTES. duke, and their countries, and order taken that the king of England should send in the companie of the duke of Burgognie his ambassadours into Trois in Champaigne, sufficientlie authorized to treat and conclude of so great a matter. The king of England, being in good hope that all his affaires should take good successe as he could wish or desire, sent to the duke of Burgognie his uncle, the duke of Excester, the earle of Salis- burie, the bishop of Elie, the Lord Fanhope, the lord Fitz Hugh, sir John Robsert, and sir Philip Hall, with diverse doctors, to the number of five hundred horsse, which in the companie of the duke of Burgognie came to the citie of Trois the eleventh of March. The king, the queene, and the ladie Katharine them received, and hartilie welcomed, shewing great signes and tokens of love and amitie. After a few dales they fell to councell, in which at length it was concluded that king Henrie of Eng- land should come to Trois, and marie the ladie Katharine ; and the king hir father after his death should make him heire of his realme, crown and dignitie. ... " King Henrie being informed by them of that which they had doone, was well content with the agreement, and with all diligence prepared to go unto Trois. . . . The duke of Burgognie accompanied with many no- ble men, received him two leagues without the towne, and conveied him to his lodging. All his armie was lodged in small villages thereabout. And after that he had reposed himselfe a little, he went to visit the French king, the queene, and the ladie Katharine, whome he found in saint Peters church, where was a verie joious meeting betwixt them (and this was on the twentith dale of Male) and there the king of England, and the ladie Katharine were affianced."* * Saint Peter's Church, or the Cathedral of Troves, was begun in the early part of the 13th century, the choir being completed about A. I). 1250. The nave was added in the beginning of the 14th century ; and the west front, which was never completed, was begun in 1506. The interior has been admirably restored in our day, under the direction of RI. Viollet-le-Duc. The windows retain much of their original glass, which is re- markable for its beauty and brilliancy. The marriage of Henry and Katherine took place on the 2d of June, 1420, not in the cathedral where they had been affianced, but in the Church of Saint John, which was built in the 14th century. It is still standing, though in a comparatively ruinous con- dition. Within the church is a well which furnishes water to the people of that quarter of the city. ACT /. PROLOGUE. Prologue.— The folio has " Enter Prologue ;" but see Ihie 32 : " Ad- ""'1 "JN^Trrseerhere an allusion to the Peripatetic system with its sev;ri;i heavens, "the highest of which was one of fire ;" but, as Douce remarks, the po;t " simply wishes for poetic fire and a due proportion of inventive genius." ^^ NOTES. Invention is metrically a quadrisyllable. Gr. 479. 7. Leasli'd in like hounds, etc. Cf. J. C. iii. I. 273 : "let slip the dogs of war ;" and i Hen. VI. iv. 2. 10 : "You tempt the fury ot my three attendants, Lean famine, quartering steel, and climbing fire." Holinshed says that Henry V. declared to the people of Rouen " that the goddesse of battell, called Bellona, had three handmaidens, ever of necessitie attending upon her, as blood, fire, and famine." 9. Flat, tmraised spirit. " Opposed to the Muse of fire, etc." (Schmidt). The folio has "spirits." 12. Vasty. For similar adjectives, see Gr. 450. 13. This wooden O. The Globe theatre (see cut, p. 131). Cf. A. and C. V. 2. 81 : " The little O, the earth." See also M. N. D. p. 165. The very casques. The mere casques, even the casques. Cf. T. of S. iv. 3. 32 : " the very name of meat :" Rich. III. i. 4. 60 : "with the very noise," etc. 14. Affright the air. Steevens quotes Prudentius, Psychoinachia, 297 : " clypeo dum territat auras." 16. Attest. " Serve as a certificate for" (Schmidt) ; stand for. 18. Imaginary. Imaginative. Gr. 3. 22. Perilous. Steevens would make this an adverb ( = very), as in B. and F., Humorous Lieictenant : "She is perilous crafty," etc. ; but it is clearly an adjective. M. Mason cites M. of V. iii. i. 4 : " wracked on the narroiv seas — the Goodwins, I think they call the place — a very dangerous flat," etc. 25. Puissance. Army ; as in ii. 2. 190 below. Cf. K. John, iii. i. 339 : "draw our puissance together." S. makes the word a dissyllable or a trisyllable, as suits the measure. Cf. iii. prol. 21 below, and 2 Heii. IV. ii. 3. 52. 30. Accomplishment. Work, performance ; as in R. of L. 716. S. uses the word only twice. 31. The which. See Gr. 270. Scene I. — The Archbishop of Canterbury was Henry Chicheley, a Carthusian monk, recently promoted to that see ; the Bishop of Ely was John Fordham, consecrated in 1388. It appears from Hall and Holinshed (see p. 132 above) that the business of this scene was transacted at Leicester, where the king held a parliament in the second year of his reign ; but the chorus at the beginning of the next act shows that the poet intended to make London the place of his first scene (Malone). I. Self. Cf C. of E. V. I. ID : " that self chain," etc. Gr. 20. 3. Was like. Was likely to pass. For the ellipsis, cf. Gr. 397. 4. Scambli7tg. Scrambling. Cf v. 2. 196 below. See also Much Ado^ V. I. 94 and IC. John, iv. 3. 146. Steevens and Halliwell give many ex- amples of the word from writers of the time. e,. Question. Debate, consideration. Cf. ii. 4. 17 below. 15. Lazars. Diseased beggars, lepers, Cf T and C. ii. 3. 36 and v. I. 72. ACT I. SCENE I. i6. Corporal. Corporeal. See Macb. p. 162. onfbvYhTaS became the habitation of celestial sp.nts so the kings hSr^since "S^^ has driven out his follies, is now the receptacle ^^^rt^.>l/t;;i^i.^^jSlnson thinks, to the clewing of the Auc?ean stables by Hercules, who turned a river through them Coc^ance. Current (compare concurrence, occrcrrence, etc.). The later* folios substitute " currant " or " current. fc Nor never. For the double negative, see Gn 406. ,^ , ^. ,,. 36. All at once. "And all the rest, and everything else" (Schmidt). Cf. A. Y. L. 111. 5. 3 •• ,,^j^^ ^jgj^^ ^g yg^^ mother, That you insult, exult, and all at once, Over the wretched?" St says it wa^ a tnte pl.- in the .in,e of S and quotes^R Sa^ie, STTnd SfddllfotV/.''^.*,:?i'v.3: "Does love turn fool, run mad, and all at once ?" . . n .r.^ AT. list For the transitive use, see Cr. 199- . ,. . ,. , % FamJr. Used adverbially. Gr. .. For .. omitted before t/mt, "'Itrf/air, etc. "This line is exquisitelj beautiful" (Johnson). Malone quotes A. Y. L. ii. 7- 48 : " I must have liberty Withal, as large a charter as the wind, To blow on whom I please. ., P,-art!'c Practical. Used by S. nowhere else. rtor^V (= theory) 5 1 iv \lTili and Otki. I. 24. The meannig of the passage, occurs nr A. W^.v 3. "l^^j^J^i^ theory must have been taught by art as Johnson remarks '■; "^j^^^ ;, ,t„„ge%ince he could see little of the r" '"for oVactice 'among his oose^ompanions, nor ever retired to ^gtsrhis prScThuTtlre'ory.-- On the "redundant object" tn 53, see ""'Anpauus. Companions. The use of the word here favours Theobald's emendation of J/. N. D. 1. I. 219. 57. Never noui. ..F?;;,*^j"lP;|,^,^g j ^ plebeian intercourse" ,sf ev^S "sfin thltty ?.he/ iSstlci in wEich S. uses the word, fkTiV. iii. 2. 69 : " Enfeoff-d hinrse to V^-^^- ,„ ,,, ,„, oft-tlSX^ gr-i^gTog the.- imbiS^feTJh other-equalities. . Sweet ::L,'',irg"o™"g-len wfca„n:t=but admire the fresh innocence and K NOTES. purity of the strawberry, because although it creeps along the ground, and is continually crushed by serpents, lizards, and other venomous reptiles, yet it does not imbibe the slightest impression of poison, or the smallest malignant quality — a true sign that it has no affinity with poison ;" and again : " In this manner you may remain innocent amidst the hissing of serpents, and, as a little strawberry, you will not suffer contamination from slimy things creeping near you." 63. Contemplation. His seriojjs or thoughtful nature. 66. Crescive in his facility. "Increasing in its proper power" (John- son). S. uses crescive nowhere else ; but he has crescent in the same sense in Ham. i. 3. n, A. and C. ii. i. 10, and Cymb. i. 4. 2. Steevens quotes Drant's Horace'' s Art of Poetry, 1567 : "As lusty youths of cres- cive age doe flourishe freshe and grow." On ///j — its, see Gr. 228. 73. Swaying, etc. Inclining our way. 76. Upon. Used temporally, or perhaps — in pursuance of the decrees passed there (Schmidt). 81. Withal. See Gr. 196. 86. Severals is explained by Abbott (Gr. 433) as " details." It is op- posed to "generals " in T. and C. i. 3. 180 : " Severals and generals of grace exact." In W. T. i. 2. 226 ("some severals Of head-piece ex- traordinary") it is = individuals. M. Mason would read "several." Un- ///V/i/f« =open, clear. " The passages of his titles are the lines oi snccession by which his claims descend " (Johnson). Schmidt explains unhidden passages doubtfully as "open, manifest traces (?)." Scene II. — 2. Good nncle. "The person here addressed was Thomas Beaufort, Earl of Dorset, who was half-brother to King Henry IV., being one of the sons of John of Gaunt by Katharine Swynford. He was not made Duke of Exeter until after the battle of Agincourt, Nov. 14, 1416" (Malone). 3. Shall we, etc. The quartos begin the play here. 4. Be resolved. Be satisfied. Cf. J. C. iii. I. 131, iii. 2. 183, iv. 2. 14, etc. II. The law Saliqiie. See extract from Holinshed, p. 132 above. 15. Or nicely charge, etc. " Take heed, lest by nice and subtle sophis- try you burthen your knowing soul, or ktiowijigly hm-t hen your sonl, with the guilt of advancing a false title, or of maintaining, by specious fallacies, a claim which, if shown in its native or true colours, would appear to be false" (Johnson). Miscreate — \\\Q.g\\\v(\-x\.^, For the form, see Gr. 342 ; and for with, Gr. 193. 19. Approbation. Proving, establishing. Cf. Z! A^. iii. 4. 198 : "more approbation than ever proof itself would have earned him ;" Cymb. i. 4. 134 : " on the approbation of what I have spoke," etc. 21. IfHpawn. Pledge, engage. The meaning appears to be, Take care how you commit us to a policy involving such serious consequences. 27. Wrong gives. The folio has "wrongs gives," and in the next line " makes." See Gr. 247. 35. There is no bar, etc. How closely this speech follows Holinshed will be seen by comparing it with the chronicle, pp. 132, 133 above. 40. Cloze. Also spelled glose. It means to explain, though generally ACT L SCENE 11. with the added idea of sophistry. Cf. T. and C. ii. 2. 165 : " Have gloz'd but superficially;" jRic/i. II. ii. i. 10: "whom youth and ease have taught to gloze," etc. ^, , . . . 46 Charles the great. That is, Charlemagne. Charlematn m 75 is Charles the Bald, who also assumed the title of Magnus, or Great. C7 Four hwidred one and twenty years. No commentator has called attention to the error in subtracting 426 from 805, which leaves 379 not 421 S. follows Holinshed, who appears to have taken 405 from 826. eV Which. See Gr. 265 ; and for ^/-from, in 67, Gr- 166 7^ To tine his title. The reading of the quarto of 1608 ; the folio has " To find his title." Johnson suggested "To line" (that is, to strengthen, as in Macb i. 3. 112), but afterwards preferred " find" ^" to determine in favour of." The Coll. MS. has "found," but Coll. retains/;/^, as W. does, though both favour line. To fine, as Steevens remarks,^ is " to make showy or specious." Schmidt prefers /«^=" to trace out.' n A Convey d himself as heir. Managed to be considered the heir. Co7wey often means " to do or manage with secrecy " (Schmidt). See Macb. p. 239, note on Convey your pleasures. _ The Lady Lingare. No such person appears in French history. Ritson remarks that "these fictitious persons and pedigrees seem to have been devised by the English heralds, to 'fine a title with some show of truth ' which ' in pure truth was corrupt and naught.' " 77. The tenth. It should be the ninth, as some modern eds. give it ; but S. wrote the tenth, copying the error from Holinshed (see p. 133). 79. Conscience. Metrically a trisyllable. Gr. 479. 82. Lineal of. Directly descended from. 88. King Lewis his. See Gr. 217. 93. Them. For the reflexive use, see Gr. 223. 94. Imbare. The quarto has "imbace;" the folio, "imbarre. Ln- bare (=lay open, expose to view) was suggested by Warb. and adopted by Theo. ; also by Halliwell, D., W., and others. K. and the Camb. editors prefer "imbar" ( = bar in, secure). . ^ ^ , ^ 98. In the book of Numbers. See Ntimb. xxiv. 8. For the form writ, 99 When the man dies. That is, without a son. The reading is that of the folio ; the quarto has " the sonne," which is followed by some modern eds. 103. Great-grandsire's. That is, Edward III. 107. Defeat on. Cf. Ham. ii. 2. 597 : "Upon whose property and most dear life A damn'd defeat was made." 108. Whiles. See Gr. 137. The allusion here is to the battle of Cressy, as described by Holinshed: " The earle of Northampton and others sent to the kincr, where he stood aloft on a windmill-hill ; the king demanded if his sonne were slaine, hurt, or felled to the earth. No, said the knight that brought the message, but he is sore matched. Well, (said the king,) returne to him and them that sent you, and saie to them, that they send no mere to me for any adventure that falleth, so long as my son is alive; for I will that this journeye be his, with the honour thereof. The slaugh- NOTES. ter of the French was great and lamentable at the same battle, fought the 26th August, 1346." 114. Cold for action. Malone explains this "cold for want faction " (Gr. 154). Cf. Macb. \. 5, 37 : "dead for breath ;" Cyjnb. iii. 6. 17 : "to sink for food." K. says : "The unemployed forces, seeing the work done to their hands, stood laughing by and indifferent for action — nn- m oved to actio ;z . " 118. Renoivned them. Made them famous. Cf T. N. iii. 3. 24 : "that do renown this city." 119. Runs. S. often uses the singular inflection with two singular nouns as subject. Gr. 336. 126. So hath, etc. The hath is emphatic ; " your highness hath indeed what they think and know you have " (Malone). /132. For the measure, see Gr. 463. '\Ji;^7. Lay dozvn our proportiojis. Assign the proper number of troops. Cf 304 below, also ii, 4. 45. 139. Advantages. This may mean "opportunities," as J. H. explains it (cf iii. 6. 112), or "conditions favourable to success," as Schmidt gives it. 140. Marches. Borders, border country. Cf 3 Hen. VI. ii. i. 140 : " For in the marches here we heard you were." 142. Inland. The quarto has " England," which Coll. quotes in proof that the "copy" for that ed. was obtained by taking notes of the acted play. 144. Intendment. Intention. Cf. V. and A. 222, and A. V. L. i. i. 140. 145. Still. Always. Gr. 69. 6'/fl'^- excitable. Cf 2 Hen. IV. iv. / " Be it thy course to busy giddy minds I With foreign quarrels." See also T. A. iv. 4. 87 and v. 2. 78. The Coll. MS. substitutes " greedy." 150. Brim fulness. Virtually one word (as Schmidt gives it), though the preceding words compel us to print it as two. 151. Gleaned. Exhausted, laid bare (Schmidt), or "drained of sol- diers" (J. H.). /4j-j'^_j/j' = attacks, incursions. 153. That. So that. See on i. i. 47 above. 154. At the ill neighbourhood. The folio reading ; the quarto has " at the bruit thereof" For shook, see Gr. 343. 155. Fear'd. Frightened. Cf M. of V. ii. r. 9 : "this aspect of mine Hath fear'd the valiant ;" and see note in our ed. p. 137. 162. Fame. The Coll. MS. substitutes " train." 163. Chronicle. " The similitude between the chronicle and the sea consists only in this, that they are both full, and filled with something valuable" (Johnson). The quarto has "your," the folio "their chron- icle ;" her is Johnson's emendation. 165. Sumless. Inestimable. The quarto has " shiplesse treasurie." See Gr. 446. 166. The folio gives this speech to the Bishop of Ely, but it appears ) ACT I. SCENE II. from Holinshed that it belongs to the Earl of Westmoreland. As Warb. remarks, it is absurd to give it to one of the churchmen in confederacy to push on the king to war with France. 167. lyance. Metrically a dissyllable. Gr. 486. 173. Tear. The quarto has " spoile,'' and the folio "tame." The emendation is Rowe's, and is adopted by Coll., Sr., W., the Cambridge editors, Halliwell, and others. 175. Curst. The quarto reading; the folio has " crush'd," which Schmidt explains as "forced, strained." C//rj-/=" perverse, fro ward" (Walker), or "sharp, bitter" (W.). 176. Safeguard. Also used as a verb in Rich. II. i. 2. t,^: "to safe- guard thine own life." 177. Pretty. Steevens wished to substitute "petty," hni pi-etty is used colloquially in a diminutive sense (Schmidt). Cf. A. and C. v. 2. 243, etc. 178. While that. On that as "a conjunctional affix," see Gr. 287. 179. Advised. " Heedful, wary" (J. H.). Cf. Jll.o/V. i. i. 142 : "with more advised watch," etc. 181. Consent. Some editors here and in 206 read "concent" (=^har- mony) ; " a needless emendation," as Schmidt calls it. 182. Congreeing. Agreeing. The folio reading ; the quarto has " congrueth." 184. ///. Into. Gr. 159. 185. Setting endeavour, etc. "The sense is, that all endeavour is to terminate in obedience, to be subordinate to the public good and gen- eral design of government" (Johnson). 189. The act of order. Malone explains this as " tlve law or statute of order ;" but it probably means orderly action. Pope changed act to "art," as does the Coll. MS. 190. They have a king, etc. Malone cites a long passage from Lyly's Enphnes and his England, which S. may have had in mind. K. remarks : "This is probable ; but, nevertheless, the lines before us are a remark- able instance of the power of S. in the improvement of everything he borrowed. It is not only in the poetic elevation of the description that the improvement consists, but in the rejection of whatever is false or re- dundant." Sorts— -dxEexenX. kinds, or degrees. 191. Correct. Set things right. Not elsewhere used absolutely by S. 192. Venture trade. Johnson compares the phrase " hazard battle." 194. Make boot upon. Seek booty in, plunder. Cf. 2 Hen. VI. iv. r. 13 : "make boot of this." In A. ajid C. iv. i. 9, " make boot of" = take advantage of 199. Civil. " Well-governed, peaceful" (Schmidt). 202. Sad-eyed. Sober-looking. For sad=gx?ive, serious, see M. N. D. p. 175- 203. Executors. Executioners. For the accent, see Gr. 490. Else- where it has the modern accent ; as in Rich. II. iii. 2. 148, etc. 210. In. Into. See on 184 above. 212. End. Here the quarto enables us to correct the misprint "And" of the folio. 220. Hardiness. Bravery ; as in Cymh. iii. 6. 22 : 1 NOTES. "Plenty and peace breeds cowards; hardness ever Of hardiness is mother." S. uses the word only twice. Folicy = ^'i\\e. art of managing public affairs" (Schmidt); as in i. 1.45 and ii. prol. 14, etc. 221. Daiiphiji. The folio has here, as elsewhere, *' Dolphin," which W. retains. 226. Empery. Empire, dominion ; as in T. A. i. I. 19, 22, 201. It is used in the concrete sense ( = country under a prince) in Rich. III. iii. 7. 136 and Cyjuh. i. 6. 120. 233. Waxen. The folio reading; the quarto has "paper." Either = "easily effaced" (Schmidt). As Hunter remarks, ivorshipp'' d x's, used in the sense of honoured, and the passage means " a grave without any in- scription, not even one of the meanest and most fugitive." 239. Or shall zve, etc. That is, shall we spare your feelings and state our message indirectly .'' Cf. Rich. III. iii. 5. 93 : "But touch this sparingly, as 'twere far off; Because you know, my lord, my mother lives." 245. /;/ fezv. In few words, in brief. Cf. Temp. i. 2. 144; M. for M. iii. I. 237 ; Ham. i. 3. 126, etc. 248. For the measure, see Gr. 469. 252. Galliard. A lively French dance. Cf. T. N. i. 3. 127 : " What is thy excellence in a galliard, knight.-"' Sir John Davies, in his Orchestra, describes the dance thus : "But, for more divers and more pleasing show, A swift and wandring daunce she did invent, With passages uncertaine, to and fro, Yet with a certaine answere and consent To the quicke musicke of the instrument. Five was the number of the musicks feet, Which still the daunce did with five paces meet. A gallant daunce, that lively doth bewray A spirit, and a vertue masculine, Impatient that her house on earth should stay, Since she herselfe is fiery and divine : Oft doth she make her body upward fline : With lofty turnes and capriols in the ayre, Which with the lusty tunes accordeth faire." Halliwell quotes Lanqnettes Chronicle: "About this time [1541] a new trade of daunsyng galiardes upon five paces, and vaunting of horses, was brought into the realme by Italians, which shortly was exercised commonly of all yonge men, and the old facion lefte." 256. Desires yon let, etc. For the construction, see Gr. 349, 369. 258. Tennis-balls. In the old play of The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth (see p. 10) this present consists of a gilded tim of tennis-balls and a carpet. The answer of King Henry there is as follows : "My lord, prince Dolphin is very pleasant with me. But tell him, that instead of balls of leather, We will toss him balls of brass and of iron : Yea, such balls as never were toss'd in France. The proudest tennis-court in France shall rue it." ACT I. SC£/v^ , Cf. Drayton's BaU/e of Agincoiirt : ■ " I '11 send him balls and rackets if I live ; That they such racket shall in Paris see, When over line with bandies I shall drive ; As that, before the set be fully done, France may perhaps into the hazard run." 261. Rackets. The bat used for striking the ball at tennis. Cf. 2 Hen. IV. ii. 2. 23. 263. Shall strike. For the omission of the relative, see Gr. 244. 266. Chases. According to Douce, "a chace, at tennis, is that spot where a ball falls, beyond which the adversary must strike his ball to gain a point or chace.'' It seems to have been often used in this latter sense of a point gained in the game. Cf. Sidney's Arcadia, iii. : "Then Fortune (as if she had made chases enow on the one side of that bloody Tenis-court) went on the other side of the line," etc. Halliwell quotes a dialogue from the Marow of the French Tojigne, 1625, of which the fol- lowing is part: " I have thirty, and a chase And I, I have two chases. — Sir, the last is no chase, but a losse." 267. Cojnes o'er us. " Wakes us to sad remembrance" (Schmidt); or, perhaps, simply = reminds us. Cf. 0th. iv. i. 20 : " O, it comes o'er my memory," etc. 269. This poor seat of England. The throne. Cf. i. i. 88 above : " the crown and seat of France." See also Rich. II. ii. i. 120, iii. 2. 119, iv, I. 218, etc. 270. Living hence. Probably = " withdrawing from the court," as Steevens explains it. Cf. i Hen. IV. iii. 2. 32, where the king says to the prince : "Thy place in council thou hast rudely lost, , Which by thy younger brother is supplied. And art almost an alien to the hearts Of all the court and princes of my blood." See also Rich. II. v. 3. i, where Henry IV. asks : "Can no one tell of my unthrifty son? 'T is full three months since I did see him last." 274. Sail. For the metaphor, cf. Sonn. 86. i : " Was it the proud full sail of his great verse," etc. The Coll. MS. substitutes " soul." 276. For that, etc. " To qualify myself for this undertaking, I have descended from my station, and studied the arts of life in a lower char- acter" (Johnson). 282. Gnn-stones. Cannon-balls were at first inade of stone. Steevens quotes Holinshed : " About seaven of the clocke marched forward the light pieces of ordinance, with stone and powder." In the Br7it of Eng- land, it is said that Henry " anone lette make tenes balles for the Dolfin in all the haste that they myght, and they were great gonnestones for the Dolfin to playe with alle. But this game at tenes was too rough tor the besieged, when Henry playede at the tenes with his hard gonnestones," etc. 292. Venge. Not " 'venge," as often printed. See ^/V/^. //. p. 158. NOTES. ^\j^^. Happy. Favourable, propitious; as often. Cf. Mitch Ado, iv. i. 285 ; Rich. II. i. 3. 276, etc. 304. Proportions. See on 137 above. 306. Reasonable. The Coll. MS. needlessly substitutes "seasonable." Steevens quotes T. and C. ii. 2. 44 : "if he do set The very wings of reason to his heels." 2,0^. God before. "God ^^/;/o- before" (W.). Abbott (Gr. 203) explains it as a case of the preposition transposed. The expression occurs again iii. 6. 147. Johnson there quotes an old Dialogue behveen a Herdsman and a Maiden going on a Pilgrimage to Walsinghai7i, in which the herds- man takes his leave in these words : "Now, go thy ways, and God before." 309. Task his thought. Cf. 6 above : "That task our thoughts," etc. SOUTHAMPTON. ACT II. That is, are doing a good business. The Prologue.— 3. Thrive. Coll. MS. reads " strive." 6. The ?nirror, etc. Cf. I Hen. VI. i. 4. 74 : " mirror of all martial men;" Hen. VIII. ii. i. 53 : "The mirror of all courtesy," etc. 8. For now sits, etc. Steevens remarks that the idea is taken from the ACT //. PROLOLrL,^. ancient trophies, in which swords were often encircled with naval or u»^ ral crowns. For the personification, cf. Milton, P. L. vi. 306 : "while Expectation stood In horrour." Henley says that the image is borrowed from a wood-cut in the ist ed. of Holinshed. 19. Kind. True to their nature or kinship; "not degenerate and corrupt, but such as a thing or person ought to be" (Schmidt) ; nearly equivalent to natural. Cf. M.for AI. iii. i. 229: "in his love toward her ever most kind and natural." 21. Hollow bosoms. False hearts. Cf. Hen. VIII. iii. i. 104: "hollow hearts," etc. 23. Richard carl of Cambridge. Richard de Coninsbury, younger son of Edmund of Langley, Duke of York. He was father of Richard Duke of York, who was fajther of Edward IV. 24. Henry lord Scroop. Third husband of Joan Duchess of York, mother-in-law of Richard Earl of Cambridge. 26. The gilt of France. The gold of France ; the only instance of this sense in S. Steevens quotes An Alarum for London, 1602 : "To spend the victuals of our citizens, Which we can scarcely compass now for gilt." For the play on gilt ^ndgnilt, cf 2 Hen. IV. iv. 5. 129, and see Macb. p. 192. 28. This grace of Icings. Used in a complimentary sense, like "mirror of all Christian kings " in 6 above. Steevens quotes Chapman's Homer: " with her the grace of kings. Wise Ithacus, ascended ;" ^nd again : " Idaeus, guider of the mules, discern'd this grace of men." 31, 32. The folio reads : "Linger your patience on, and wee '1 digest Th' abuse of distance; force a play:" etc. The passage is " evidently corrupt " (Schmidt), and perhaps hopelessly so. Well, suggested by Pope, is generally adopted ; and many editors accept his reading of the next line, " The abuse of distance, zvhile zve force a play." The Coll. MS. has ''and so force a play." K. believes that the lines were meant to be erased. Steevens explains y^rr^ a play as "to produce a play by compelling many circumstances into a nar- row compass." Force is used by S. in the sense oi fwce (=stuff, as in " force-meat " still) in T. and C. ii. 3. 232 and v. I. 64. 35, Gentles. Gentlefolk. Compare L. L. L. iv. 2. 172: "the gentles are at their game." It is usually a vocative, as here. Cf. L.L.L. ii. i. 225 ; M. N'. D.\. I. 128, 436 ; M. W. iii. 2. 92, etc. 40. We '// not offend, etc. " That is, you shall pass the sea without the qualms of sea-sickness" (Johnson). 41. Till the king come, etc. The meaning evidently is that the scene is not to be changed to Southampton until the king makes his appear- ^^ NOTES. *■" ^ i-r- ■ .x-t^i'Dut there seems to be a "confusion of construction." Cf. Gr. 409-416. Of the emendations suggested, Hanmer's " But luhen the king comes forth " is the only one worth mentioning. Scene I. — 2. Lieutenant Bardolph. Some commentators would make Bardolph a " corporal," and not a " lieutenant ;" but, as K. remarks, they overlook the tone of authority which he uses both to Pistol and Nym. It appears from an old MS. in the British Museum, that Wm. Pistail and R. Bardolf were among the cannoniers serving in Normandy in 1435- 3. Ancient. Corrupted from ensign. In i Hen. IV. iv. 2. 34 it means the standard. 5. Smiles. Farmer suggested "smites" (also in the Coll. MS.), which W. adopts. Malone says : " Perhaps Nym means only to say, I care not whether we are friends at present ; however, when time shall serve, we shall be in good humour with each other : but be it as it may." 18. Troth-plight. Betrothed. It is also an adjective in W. T v. 3. 151 : *' Is troth-plight to your daughter." In W. T i. 2. 278 it is a noun. 22. A tired ma7'e. Steevens quotes Pierce's 6'?//£'r^ri, which some explain as=drunk. Lady refers to the Virgin Mary. 39. Iceland. The folio has " Island," the quarto " Iseland." Steevens quotes Ram-Alley, 161 1 : "A baboon, a parrot, and an Izeland dog;" and Tzvo Wise Men, etc., 1619 : "these Iceland dogs." Halliwell says that Fleming in his English Dogges, 1576, mentions "Iseland dogges, curled and rough all over." 42. Shog. " Nym's word foryV^" (Schmidt). Halliwell quotes ex- amples of it from B. and F., and other writers of the time. Solus is of course the Latin for alone. 44. Mervailous. The folio reading, probably = " marvellous," which many eds. substitute for it. Schmidt calls it " an unintelligible word." 46. Perdy. A corruption oi par Dieu. Cf C. of E. iv. 4. 74; Ham. iii. 2. 305, etc. 49. / can take. The quarto has " talk," which Malone prefers. As K. suggests, / ca7i. take may mean, as in modern slang, " 1 understand you ; I know what you are about," 51. Barbason. A demon ; also mentioned in M. W. ii. 2. 311. "The unmeaning tumour of Pistol's speech very naturally reminds Nym of the sounding nonsense uttered by conjurers" (Steevens). 59. Exhale. The commentators are in doubt whether this means "draw your sword" or "die." Either makes sense — if it be necessary to make Pistol speak sense. 68. Couple a gorge ! The folio reading, which some editors think it necessary to change to good French, " Coupe la gorge ;" though, as we see in iv. 4, Pistol has but a poor smattering of that language. 70. Hound of Crete. Malone thinks that here is an insinuation that ACT ll«a. Nvm " thirsted for blood," as the Cretan horn, bloodhounds ;" but as Steevens sagely remarks t'l^^t. as on many other occasions, makes use of words to whicu ... "^li^r^^ ; as in the London Sp^.rlJleMs It occurs again \ny\ 73 FozvJrin/tu^ refers to the treatment of certam diseases '^^^|i:;;^:^S.'teevens quotes Gascoigj^e, ^-^-^^{f^ ofBat/ie 1^87: "Nor seldom scene m kites of Cressids kind, and GreeT'Car] of Fancy, 1601 : "What courtesy is to be found in such kites of CressidTs kind ?" In TAe Forrest of Fancy, 1579, we find any catte of Cressid's kind." , . . 95. Compound. Agree, come to terms. Cf. iv. 3. 80 and iv. b. 33 ^'u6* Quotidian tertian. The dame jumbles together the quotidian fever the paroxysms of which recurred daily, and the tertian, in which "^^ftZt^^^: Cf. T. of A. ii. I. 22: "his fracted dates." Stranae to sav, no critic has attempted to make sense oi corroborate. Tfllmblms. Cf. 2 Hen. IV. v. 3. 121 : "thy tender lambkin now is Lht." The folio has "for (Lambekins) we will line ;" and some mod- ern ech give " for, lambkins, we," etc. Condole is used by S. only heie and in Bottom's blundering talk in M. N. D. 1. 2. 29, 43- Scene II -i. Fore. Usually printed " 'fore " in the modern eds. _ We follow the early eds. and Schmfdt m giving it>.. It occurs often in S. 2. By ajtd by. Presently, soon ; as often in S. Cf. V. and A. 347 • '" But now her cheek was pale, and by and by ^^ It flash'd forth fire, as hghtning from the sky ; T.G.ofV.\.-i-^S'. " The uncertain glory of an April day, Which now shows all the beauty of the sun. And by and by a cloud takes all away. Ham.'\\\.2.3()i: ^^Polo7tius. My lord, the queen would speak with you, and presently. Hamlet. Then I will come to my mother by and by," etc. ^ -His return to more coolness of mind" (John- 409-416. Of ti-''-'^*A'*^. has " our " for his, but no change is called for. Cf comes fo-'-'- ^- 6 : " upon more advice" (that is, upon reflection) ; M.for . V. I. 469 : "after more advice," etc. Gr. 17. 44. Security. Carelessness, confidence. Cf. J. C. ii. 3. 8 : " security gives way to conspiracy ;" Macb. iii. 5. 32 : " security Is mortals' chiefest enemy," etc. 46. By his sufferance. By tolerating him. Cf. Cor. iii. i. 24 : " Against all noble sufferance," etc. 53. Heavy orisons. Weighty petitions. Cf, Cynib. i. 3. 32 : " to en- counter me with orisons," etc. 54. Proceeding on distemper. " Committed in the state of drunken- ness" (Schmidt). Cf. Gr. 180. Distemper oii&w means mental derange- ment or excitement — in this case, due to intoxication. Cf. 0th. i. i. 99 : " Full of supper and distempering draughts." Steevens quotes Holin- shed : "gave him wine and strong drink in such excessive sort, that he was therewith distempered and reeled as he went." 55. Hoiu shall we, etc. " If we may not zoink at small faults, how wide must we open oiir eyes at great ?" (Johnson). 61. Late. Lately appointed ; as in ii. 4. 31 below it means lately sent. The Coll. MS. substitutes "state." 74. Paper. That is, white as paper. Cf. Macb. v. 3. 16 : " those linen cheeks of thine." 75. Coivarded. Not elsewhere used by S. as a verb. Gr. 290. 79. Quick. Living. Cf. Ham. v. i. 137 : " 't is for the dead, not for the quick," etc. See also Acts, x. 42 ; 2 Tim. iv. i ; Heb. iv. 12, etc. %']. Appertinents. Used by S. as a noun only here. We have the adjective in L. L. L. i. 2. 17 and 2 Hen. IV. i. 2. 194. 95. Ingrateful. Used by S. oftener than iingratefitl. Gr. 442. 98. Coin\i me into gold. Cf. J. C. iv. 3. 72 : "By heaven, I had rather coin my heart, And drop my blood for drachmas," etc. 102. Annoy. Harm. Cf. J. C. i. 3. 22 : " without annoying me," etc. 103. Stands off, etc. Stands out as distinctly, etc. 106. Either's. Each other's. Cf. Temp. i. 2. 450 : " They are both in either's powers," etc. 107. Grossly. "Palpably; with a plain and visible connection of cause and effect" (Johnson). For cause the Coll. MS. has "course." 108. That admi?-ation, etc. That they excited no exclamation of sur- prise. Boswell quotes A. Y. L. iii. 2. 203 : "wonderful, and after that, out of all whooping !" 113. Voice. Verdict, judgment. Cf. 31. of V. iv. i. 356: "'gainst all other voice," etc. 117. Glistering. S. does not use ^//j/t';/. See Tl/^r. p. 145. 118. Tempered. Fashioned, moulded. Cf. T. G. of V. iii. 2. 64, etc. 122. Lion gait. Cf. i Pet. v, 8. 123. Vasty Tartar. On vasty, cf. i. prol. 12 and ii. 4. 105 ; and on 77?r- /izr=Tartarus, T. N. ii. 5. 225 and C. of E. iv. 2. 32. 127. Affiance. Confidence. Cf. Cymb. i. 6. 163. "One of the worst consequences of breach of trust is tht, which makes the happiness of life, and the u.^ wliich is the poisOn of society" (Johnson). S/iow. Appear. Cf. V. and A. 366; R. of L. 252, 395 ; ..^. 193, iv. I. 196, etc. 134. In modest complement. "That is, in a corresponding outward appearance " (Schmidt). St. makes complement — " accomplishments, perfection, completeness ; applied sometimes to mental, sometimes to physical attainments, and occasionally, as here, merely to the taste and elegance displayed in dress." He quotes a note of Drayton's upon the Epistle from Geraldine to Lord Surrey : "but Apparell and the outward Appearance intituled Compleinent.'" The modern distinction oi comple- ment and compliment is not found in the early eds. of S., the former being the only orthography. 135. JVot working, etc. Not trusting the air or look of any man till he had tried him by enquiry and conversation (Johnson). 136. A)id but in purged judgment, etc. And trusting neither eye nor ear except after careful scrutiny of the reasons for doing so. 137. Bolted. Sifted, refined. Cf. Ccr. iii. I. 322 : " bolted language." 139. To mark, etc. The folio has " To make." The emendation is due to Theo. Full -fraught and best indued— w\o?>\. gifted and most richly endowed. Gr. 398. For the thought, cf. Cymb. iii. 4. 63 : "so thou, Posthumus, Wilt lay the leaven on all proper men ; Goodly and gallant shall be false and perjur'd From thy great fall." 147. Henry. The quarto reading ; the folio has " Thomas," which is wrong. 151. Discover'' d. Uncovered, disclosed. Gr. 439. \^<^. Which. As to which. Gr. 272. Sufferance — ^\\^&\\\\g; or "death by execution" (Schmidt). 165. My fault, etc. Reed quotes the words of Parry, a conspirator against Queen Elizabeth : " Discharge me a culpa, but not a pa:im, good ladie." 169. Earnest. Earnest money ; "a part paid beforehand as a pledge" (Schmidt). Cf. W. T. iv. 4. 659 : " Indeed, I have had earnest ; but I cannot with conscience take it," etc. 175. Tender. Cherish, take care of. CL Rich. II.'i.i. t,2 : "Tender- ing the precious safety of my prince," etc. 176. You have sought. The quarto reading; the ist folio omits have, and the later folios have "you three sought." 181. Dear. Grievous. See Rich. II. p. 164, or Temp. p. 124. 188. Rub. Obstacle, impediment. Cf. A'/V//. //. iii. 4. 4 : "the world is full of rubs ;" and see note in our ed. p. 197. 190. Puissance. See on i. prol. 25. igi. Expedition. March. Cf. y. (7. iv. 3. 170 : " Bending their expe- dition toward Philippi," etc. ^^ NOT^S. *^" ^^. ur. (T-^.adlv, a. Temp. \. 1.6 : " Cheerlv, cheer- w. , t)ut there seei^^^^ ;_ ^3° ^g / u ^heerly drawing breath," etc. 409-416. Ui f'^'t:V^=i. banners. On ««W«r^, cf. L. L. L. iv. 3. 367 : '' Ad- comestoy Standards ;" A", y^?//;/, ii. i. 207 : " These flags of France, that ', Jluvanced here," etc. Scene III. — i. Hojiey-stveet. Cf. T. and C. iii. i. 71 : "honey-sweet lord;" Id. iii. i. 154: "honey-sweet queen." Bring ///^^ = accompany thee. Cf. W. T. iv. 3. 122 : " Shall I bring thee on the way ?" 'See also Gen. xviii. 16 ; Acts, xxi. 5 ; 2 Cor. i. 16, etc, 3. Yearn. Grieve, mourn. The word is "erne" in the ist and 2d folios, "yern " in the 3d and 4th. See J. C. p. 153, note on The heart of Brutus yearns to think upon. 8. Arthur's bosom. Mrs, Quickly is not strong on Scripture. 9. Finer. Johnson thought this a blunder for final, but it is more likely =7?//^', as Malone and Schmidt make it. 10. Christojft. A blunder for dirisom. The chrisom was the white vesture put upon the child after baptism, and worn until the mother came to be churched. Blount, in his Glossography, 1678, says that chrisoms in the bills of mortality are such children as die within the month of birth, because during that time they were to wear the chrisom cloth. 12. The turning 0' the tide. Alluding to the old notion that nobody dies except at the ebb of the tide. 15. M babbled of green fields. The folio has " a Table of greene fields." The emendation is Theobald's, and is generally adopted. W. calls it " the most felicitous conjectural emendation ever made of Shakespeare's text." It is sustained by the preceding "play with flowers." Various other corrections have been suggested, but they are hardly worth men- tioning. 19. 'A shoidd not think of God. Malone suggests that S. may have been indebted to the following story in Wits, Fits, and Fancies, 1595 : " A gentlewoman fearing to be drowned, said, now Jesu receive our soules ! Soft, mistress, answered the waterman ; I trow, we are not come to that passe yet," 23, Upward and upzvard. W. prints "up'ard, and up'ard," and says, "Thus the original, very characteristically." But the folio has " vp- peer'd, and vpward ;" and the quarto, " vpward, and vpward." 25. Of sack. For ^=about, concerning, see Gr. 174. 30. Carnation. Mrs, Quickly confounds incarnate and carnation ; but the former was sometimes used for the latter, Henderson quotes Questions of Love, 1566 : " Yelowe, pale, redde, blue, whyte, graye, and incarnate ;" and Heed adds from the Inventory of the Furniture to be provided for the Reception of the Royal Family, at the Restoration, 1660 : "the rich incarnate velvet bed;" and again: "his majesty's incarnate velvet bed," 41, Pitch and pay. A proverbial expression of the time, Steevens quotes several examples of it; as from Blurt Master Constable, 1602; "will you pitch and pay, or will your worship run,?" Farmer adds from Florio : " Pitch and paie, and go your waie." 44- Hold-fast, etc. Alluding to the oiv but hold-fast is a better" (Douce). 45. Caveto. Take care, be cautious. The quarto Hc.. 46. Clear thy crystals. Dry thine e3'es ; though Johnsu.. might better mean "wash thy glasses." Scene IV. — i. Comes. For the singular form, see Gr. 335, 2, More than carefully. " With more than common care " (Johnson). 5. Make forth. Go forth. Cf. J. C. v. i. 25 : "Make forth ; the gen- erals would have some words," etc. 7. Line. Strengthen, fortify. Cf. Macb. i. 3. 112 : "did line the rebel ;" and see note in our ed. p. 164. See also on i. 2. 72 above. 9. Englajid. The King of England. Cf. K. John, iii. 4. 8 : " And bloody England into England gone," etc. See Macb. p. 239. II. Fits. Befits, becomes. Cf. T. G. of V. i. i. 81 : "A silly answer and fitting well a sheep," etc. 13. Fatal and neglected. " Fatally neglected, neglected to our destruc- tion " (Schmidt). 16. Dull. Make inert and careless. Cf. 0th. ii. 3. 394: "Dull not device by coldness and delay." C/ 18. Musters. Levies of troops. For the arrangement, cf. M. N. D. iii. I. 113, 114; Ham. iii. i. 151 ; Macb. i. 3. 60, etc. 20. As were. See Gr. 107. 25. A Whitstin morris - dance. An ancient dance in which the per- formers were dressed in grotesque costume, with bells, etc. For a full description of it, see Douce's Illustrations of Shakespeare. 26. King'd. Furnished with a king. In Rich. II. v. 5. 36 it is = made a king. Steevens quotes Warner's Albion'' s England, viii. 42 : " and king'd his sister's son." 28. Himtorons. Capricious. In K. yohn,\'\\. i. 119 Fortune is called "her humorous ladyship." 31. Question your grace. For the "optative subjunctive," see Gr. 364. 34. In exception. In taking exception, making objections. Cf. I Hen. IV. i. 3. 78 ; Ham. v. 2. 242, etc. 35. Constant. Firm, unshaken ; as in ii. 2. 133 above. Cf. J. C. iii. i. 22 : " Cassius, be constant ;" Id. iii. i. 60 : " constant as the northern star," etc. 36. Forespent. Past. In Cymb. ii. 3. 64, it is = previously bestowed; and in 2 Hen. IV. i. i. 37, exhausted. 37. 38. Malone compares R. of L. 1807 : " Brutus, who pluck' d the knife from Lucrece' side, Seeing such emulation in their woe, Began to clothe his zvti in state and pride, Burying in Lucrece' wound his/oliys show. He with the Romans was esteemed so As silly-jeering idiots are with kings, For sportive words and uttering foolish things. " But now he throws that shallow habit by, Wherein deep policy did him disguise, And arm'd his long-hid wits advisedly, To check the tears in Collatinus' eyes." ^^ NOT^S. *^" ^ f-r- ■ ,T- .adbmnientary on the passage will be found , .-c-^ out there seen^- ; i,^^^"^ j ^^„. //z j. 2. 219-241. 409-416. Of t'^'-^J^^Yojecting, plan, calculation. Cf. Gr. 451. The con- comes foj^« ^v-^omewhat confused, but the meaning, as Malone suggests, \ ^'^jMirciy is, " which proportions of defence, when weakly and niggardly projected, resemble a miser who spoils his coat," etc. 50. Hath beenJiesJi'd. Hath preyed. Cf. 2 Hen. IV. iv. 5. 133 : "the wild dog Shall flesh his tooth on every innocent." For of him=\i\%, see Gr. 225. Cf. 64 below. 51. Strain. Lineage, race. Cf. J. C. v. i. 39: "the noblest of thy strain ;" T.o/A.i. i. 259 : " The strain of man's bred out Into baboon and monkey." 53. For mzich, see Gr. 51. 54. Wasstnick. wSchmidt compares C)'w/;. v. 5, 468: "the stroke of this battle." Steevens quotes the title of one of Sir David Lyndsay's poems: " How king Ninus began the first warres and strake the first battell." 55. Captiv'd. S. does not use the verb elsewhere. Gr. 290. 57. His mountain sire. Theo. would read " mounting " = high-minded, aspiring. The Coll. MS. has " mighty." Steevens quotes Spenser, F. Q. i. 1 1. 4: "Where stretcht he lay upon the sunny side Of a great hill, himselfe like a great hill." As Malone remarks, the repetition of mountain is much in the poet's manner. See Macb. p. 250, note on Stuffs d bosom of that perilous stnff. 64. Fate. "Great good fortune ordained by destiny" (Schmidt). Cf A. a7id C. iii. 13. 169 : " I will oppose his fate." 70. Most spe7id their months. "That \'&^bark ; the sportsman's term" (Johnson). Cf. V. and A. 695 : " Then do they spend their mouths." See also M. N. D. iv, i. 128 and i Hen. VI. ii. 4. 12. 72. Good my soverei^^^n. See Gr. 13. 80. loftgs. Not " 'longs," as often printed. See HeJi. VIII. p. 162, note on Longing. For the singular form, see Gr. 247. 85. Sinister. For the accent, see Gr. 490. Awkward — " perverse, unbecoming " (Schmidt). 88. Line. Pedigree ; as it is called two lines below. 90. Overlook. Look over, read. Cf. 7%r;//. iv. 6. 13 : " when thou shalt have overlooked this," etc. 91. Evenly. "In a straight line, directly " (Schmidt). Cf. i Hen. IV. iii. I. 103 : " In a new channel, fair and evenly." 99. Fiery. The folio has " fierce," an easy misprint for " fierie." Walker made the correction, which is adopted by D., W., and others, loi. Will compel. See Gr. 311 and 348. 103. For "/^ omitted and inserted," see Gr. 350. 105. Vasty. See on ii. 2. 12^ ; and for the use oi and, Gr. 95. 113. For Its. As for us. Gr. 149. 124. Womby. See Gr. 450. 125. Chide your trespass. That is, sound it abroad, proclaim it aloud. Ac. Cf. Temp AW. 3. 99 : "it did bass my tresp. ing, cf. _^6m Holinshed, p. 136 above. In iii. prol. 26, where the word is a ^ syllable, the folio has " Ordenance ;" so "Ordinance " in Hajn. v. 2. 281. But we find " Ordnance" in T. of S. i. 2. 204 and i Hen. VI. i. 4. 15. 132. Lonvre. According to some writers the ancient palace of the Louvre was built in the 7th century. What is now called the "Old Louvre" was begun in 1528 under Francis L, and completed by Henry IL in 1548. 137. Masters. Possesses. Cf. Sonn. 106. 8 ; " Even such a beauty as you master now ;" M. of V.v. i. i"]^-. " the wealth That the world mas- ters," etc. 143. Footed. Landed. Cf. Lear, iii. 3. 14 and iii. 7. 45. lilOllT.s BETWEEN HAVRE AND HAKFLEUK. ACT IIL Prologue. — With imagin''d wing. With the speed of imagination. Cf. M. of V. iii. 4. 52 : " with imagin'd speed." lurnished, well equipped. Cf. i Hen. IV. . . The folio has "Douer peer," which is an obvious error. ^.oi. 30, 34,42. J. His royalty. His majesty. Cf. L. L. L. v. 2. 670 ; W. T.\. 2. i^; K. John, V. 2. 129, etc. 6. Fanning. The folio has " fayning ;" corrected by Rowe. Ci. Macb. i. 2. 49 : "Where the Norweyan banners flout the sky And fan our people cold." 10. Threaden. Cf Z. C. 33 : " her threaden fillet." 11. With. By. See Gr. 193. The Coll. MS. has " Blown" for Borne. 14. Rivage. Bank, shore (Fr. rivage). Cf. Spenser, F. Q. iv. 6. 20 : "The which Pactolus with his waters share Throwes forth upon the rivage round about him nere." 17. Harfienr. The folio has here, as elsewhere, " Harflew." 18. Sternage. " Stern, steerage " (Schmidt). Holinshed has the verb j/^r« = steer; and Chapman the noun = rudder. See Wb. I. Puissaitce. For the pronunciation, see on i. prol. 25. On pith — s/rength, cf 0th. i. 3. 83 and Ham. iii. i. 86. 30. To dowry. On /^— for, see Gr. 189. 32. Likes not. Pleases not. Cf. iv. 3, 77 : " Which likes me better," etc. Gr. 297. 33. Linstock. " The staff to which the match is fixed when the ord- nance is fired" (Johnson). In the stage-direction that follows, cham- <^^rj-=small cannon. Cf 2 Hen. IV. ii. 4. 57 : " the charged chambers." See Hen. VIII. p. 9. On devilish cannon, cf Spenser, F. Q. i. 7. 13 : " that divelish yron Engin." 35. Eke. In the folio "eech." In M. of V. iii. 2. 23, we have "ich." In Per. iii. prol. 13, it rhymes with speech. W. believes, however, that in this case speech was pronounced like speak, and not eke like each. Scene I. — 7. Summon. Rowe's correction of the "commune" of the early eds. 8. Hard- favour'' d. Hard-featured, ill- looking. Cf V. and A. 133: " Were I hard-favour'd, foul, or wrinkled-old," etc. 9. Aspect. For the accent, see Gr. 490. 10. Portage. Port-hole. 11. Overwhelm. Lower above. Cf. V. and A. 183: "His louring brows o'erwhelming his fair sight," etc. 13. Jutty. Project beyond. Used by S. as a verb nowhere else. CoTifounded = •w2i'&X.ed, wave -worn. Cf Temp. ii. i. 120: "wave -worn basis." On confound= Ats,ixoy, see Macb. p. 189. 14. SwiWd with. Swallowed by. S. uses swill only here and in Rich. III. V. 2. 9 : "The wretched, bloody, and usurping boar, That spoil' d your summer fields and fruitful vines, Swills your warm blood," etc. On ocean, see Gr. 479. 15- Now set the teeth. Cf. Cor. i. ^. i6. Bend up, etc. " A metaphor from t.. i 7 79. 17. ^^/!'/^. The 1st folio has " noblish ;" the later . which some modern eds. adopt. K. has " nobless." 18. Fet. Fetched. Cf. Spenser, F. ^. v. 3. 11 : " soone the pr.. fet " The ist folio has " fet " in Rich. III. ii. 2. 121. " Deep-fet occms, in 2 Hen. VI. ii. 4. 33, and " far-fet " in Id. iii. i. 293. 21. Argument. Matter, busmess m hand (Schmidt). Ct. y. ^wof C. i. I. qc : "I cannot fight upon this argument," etc. ^ ^ ., ■XI. Slips. Nooses in which the dogs were held until started for the game. Cf. Gascoigne, Absent Lady's Cojtiplaint : "The greyhound is aggreev'd, although he see his game, ^^ If still in slippe he must be stayde, when he would chase the same. To /et slip was to loose the hound from the slip. Cf. i Hen. IV. i. 3. 278 : " Before the game 's afoot thou still let'st slip." See also Cor. 1. 6. 39 and y. C. iii. i. 273. Scene II —3. A case of lives. A pair of lives ; as a case of pistols. ^^ 4. Plain-song. In music " the simple melody, without any variations. Cf.iT/. iV. /?. iii. I. I34andi%«. r///. i. 3. 45- , , , . . ^ . 18 Preach. The folio has " breach " here, and elsewhere it is not uni- form' in marking the peculiarities of Fluellen's pronunciation. None ot the modern editors have made this perfectly consistent throughout, and we have not attempted to do it. Capell remarks : "Ihe poet thought it sufficient to mark his [Fluellen's] diction a little, and m some places onlv ; and the man of taste will be of the same opinion. . IQ. Duke. Perhaps = commander (Latin dux\ as Malone explains it. ^ See AT. N.D V 125. More likely it is a bit of Pistol's peculiar English Men of mould. " Men of earth, poor mortal men," as Johnson and Schmidt explain it. W. understands it to mean men " ot large trame, and so of strength, of prowess." . r; / k,,^ oi 22 Bawcock. " A term of endearment, synonymous to chuck, but al- ways masculine" (Schmidt). Cf. iv. i. 44 below ; also T. N. 111. 4. 125 ^"2:;. Swashers, braggarts, bullies. Used by S. nowhere else ; but we have jwa^/zm^= swaggering, in A. V. L. i. 3. 122 and R and J. 1. i. 70. 28. Antics. Buffoons, fools. See Rich. II. 111. 2. 162 ; P and C. v. 3. ^^'2^^'white-liver'd Cowardly. Cf. M. of V. iii. 2. 86 : " livers white as milk." See Macb. p. 249, note on lily-hver'd. 38. Call it purchase. "This was the cant term for money gained by cheating, as we learn from Greene's Art of Coneymtching (boswell). A2 To carry coals meant '* to endure affronts " (Johnson). Cf. v^. and 7. i I I • "we'll not carry coals." Nares says that the phrase arose troiii the fact that the carriers of wood and coals were esteemed the very lowest of menials, the servi servorum. , , „ , 47. Handkerchers. The folio has " Hand-kerchers " here, as in sun- dry other places ; but " Handkerchiefe " in 0th. iv. i. 10, 18, 22, etc. ^ -^'^ to the Welsh pronunciation of ^. - IS, blow up. -. oood evening; as in A^ 7o/i;i, i. i. 185 ; Cor. ii i lo:: --v..^^<^. p. 175, note on God ^ield. Pioners in 78-pioneers. ' ^' yj, Quit you. Requite you, answer you; or, perhaps, "tell vou also interesting thnigs " (Schmidt). Cf. jRid. If. v. i. 43 : ^ ^ ^° ^ n .1 .,. 1 ,/'*° ^"^t ^heir grief, lell thou the lamentable tale of me,' etc. 103. By the mess. That is, by the mass. atV°' ?^,?fT "''f^'^^'' etc. The folio gives the passage thus- "Of mv Nation.^ What ash my Nation.^ Ish a Villaine; and'a Basterd and ^ Knaue, and a Rascall What ish my Nation > Who talkes of my Na- Le L.^;'"^^''.'''^ '^''' '^r-^ ^^^ ^'^" ^^ accidental transposition of the type heie, and corrected it as in the text. The change as W re marks, is supported by the fact that while the other clausef are marked as interrogations the transposed clause has a period after it St Thinl s ^^^^^S::^^^ ^^^'^ -^^^-'- designed to^LVt\^S 2of,'e'tr ^"•~'- ^"'^'- ^^'^'^' ^^' ^''^'' '^' '- '■ '92 ; ^. 7oku, ii. I. 5. On the measure, see Gr, 503. 10. The gates^ of mercy. Cf. 3 Hen. VI. i. 4. 177 .• " Open thv gate of mercy, gracious Lord!" As Steevens notes. Gray has borrowed mlkhfd"""" '^ '" ^''''' '"'• "^"^ ^^"^ ^'- g^'- " -ercron " flVsh^'lYins^^lL^d^'dog^^^^^^^^ " ^'^'""^^^^- ^^- ^-^^- ^^^- -• 3- 6 : 14. Fresh-fair. On "compound adjectives," see Gr 2 In this ra^P /the hyixhen IS not m the folio, and might perhaps as well be omitted 17, IS. All fell feats, etc. "All the savage practices naturallv mn \i comitant to the sack of cities" (Johnson). naturally con- 24. Bootless. Used adverbially ; 2.s m M. N. D \\ i ^n ^ r \\\ t 75, etc. ■ * ^'' -^' • ^' 26 Precepts For the accent, see Gr. 490. According to Schmidt the accent is on the first syllable when the word means " instruct 'les' son ; on the second when it means " mandate, summons." Th s "s the tnlmn. //v I 14 ' '"'''' '""' °''"" "^ '''''■ ^^'^ h-^ '^' "' l--e . 2I: ^£:'L G?.\t^ ^"'P°"'""' ^^^ ^^- ^74^ -cl cf. 45 below. Zi. O'erbloras Blows over, or away. Cf. Pich. II. m. 2 iqo • " This K"n' ' :t?" " ''"■'^°"" ' ' ''' '^^'^' ^- 3 = " -^Pes and p'e^rils oL" als^i ^.^rV i7?^r8"'''i''/''''^-''^'^ " (Schmidt). Cf. i. i. 34 above ; ACT Jjj. 35. Defile. Rowe's emendation for . also found in the Coll. MS. Je7u>y. Judea. Cf. Rich. 11. ii. i. 55, etc. See c. 43. In defence. That is, in keeping up your resistance. 46, Returns us. Sends us back word. Cf. Rich. II. iii. 3. iz. , thus the king returns," etc. For /^7t:/6V'j- = forces, cf. ii. 2. 15 above. 54. For. See Gr. 149. 58. Addrest. Prepared, ready. Cf. J. C. iii. i. 29 : " He is address'd," and see note in our ed. p. 156. Steevens quotes Hey wood, Brazen Age, 1613 : "these champions are addrest for war." Scene IV. — Warb. considered this scene "ridiculous," and Hanmer rejected it. Johnson says : " The scene is indeed mean enough when it is read ; but the grimaces of two French women, and the odd accent with which they uttered the English, made it divert on the stage. It may be observed that there is in it not only the French language, but the French spirit. Alice compliments the princess upon her knowledge of four words, and tells her that she pronounces like the English themselves. The princess suspects no deficiency in her instructress, nor the instruc- tress in herself. Throughout the whole scene there may be found French servility and French vanity." W. remarks : "Shakespeare sought to enliven his History by humour ; and his intention here was to excite mirth by the exhibition of a Frenchwoman in the ridiculous emergency of sudden preparation for amorous conquest of an Englishman. This could best be done by making her attempt to learn his language, in doing which she must of course speak French ; and Shakespeare here, as in the subsequent scene between Pistol and the French soldier, instinc- tively preserved dramatic propriety at the expense of the mere verbal consistency of his work. That the scene is Shakespeare's the promise in the epilogue to 2 Hen. IV., that in the continuation of the story the audience shall be made ' merry with fair Katherine of France,' is sufficient evidence, as Tyrwhitt remarked. Shakespeare's design was known to the writer of that epilogue." The French is very blunderingly printed in the quarto, but is quite correct in the folio. Scene V. — i. The folio has here the stage-direction, '■'■Enter the Kiitg of France, the Doiphifi, the Constable of France, and others.'''' To the speeches beginning with lines 10 and 30 it prefixes " Brit.^'' But the Duke of "Britaine" does not appear elsewhere in the play, and the edi- tors generally follow Theo. in substituting Bourbon. The stage-direction in the quarto is '■'■Enter King ^France Lord Constable, the Dolphin, and Burbon" (given incorrectly in the notes of the Camb. ed.) ; and '■''Bur.'''' is prefixed to the first of these speeches, the second being omitted in the quarto. The Camb. ed. remarks : " In Holinshed (p. 1077, ed. 1577), the Dukes of Berry and Britaine are mentioned as belonging to the French king's council, and not the Duke of Bourbon. Shakespeare probably first intended to introduce the Duke of Britaine, and then changed his mind, but forgot to substitute Bour. for Brit, before the two speeches." '"",-m oiwith.^' See Gr. 196. - IS. i\lnly meaning of the word in S. Cf. M. W. v^jQ>3,' etc. . -siVyrt''-'uncultivated (Johnson). yo-rChrlook. Look down on, tower above. For a different sense, see ir. 4. 90 above. 12. But See Gr. 126. 13. Slobbery. " Wet and foul " (Schmidt). S. uses the word only here ; but we find the verb slubber in 0th. i. 3. 227 and M. of V. ii. 8. 39, and beshibber in i Hen. IV. ii. 4. 341. 14. Nook-shotteji. Warb. and Schmidt make this=shooting out into capes and necks of land ; K. and W. think it more probably means "thrust into a corner apart from the rest of the world" — the "penitus toto divisos orbe Britannos " of Virgil. Halliwell compares " cup-shot- ten "=full of cups, intoxicated. 19. Stir-reifi'd. Over-ridden. S. uses the word only here. Steevens quotes Jack Drtini's Entertainment, 1601 : "A sur-rein'd jaded wit, but he rubs on." There is an allusion to the custom of giving horses over- ridden or feverish a mash ; that is, a mixture of ground malt and hot water. Barley broth. A contemptuous term for beer. 31. Lavoltas. A kind of dance, in which there was much lofty caper- ing. Cf. T. and C. iv. 4. 88 : " Nor heel the high lavolt." It is thus described by Sir John Davies, in his Orchestra : " Yet is there one the most delightful kind, A lofty jumping, or a leaping round, Where arm in arm, two dancers are entwin'd. And whirl themselves in strict embracements bound, And still their feet an anapest do sound : An anapest is all their musick's song, Whose first two feet is short, and third is long. "As the victorious twins of Leda and Jove, That taught the Spartans dancing on the sands Of swift Eurotas, dance in heaven above ; Knit and united with eternal hands, Among the stars their double image stands. Where both are carried with an equal pace. Together jumping in their turning race." The coranto, or corranto (from the Italian correre, Latin currere, to run), was also a lively dance. Davies says of it ; "What shall I name those current traverses, That on a triple dactyl foot do run. Close by the ground, with sliding passages. Wherein that dancer greatest praise hath won Which with best order can all order shun : For every where he wantonly must range. And turn and wind with unexpected change." Cf. A. W. ii. 3. 49 : " he 's able to lead her a coranto ;" T. N. i. 3. 137 : "go to church in a galliard, and come home in a coranto." 33. And that. On that, see Gr. 285. 37. More sharper. See Gr. ii. 38. Ddabreth. S. fol. modern D' Albret., 43. Foix. Capell's emendation for m^ ter was not the name of any French family ot u.. 44. Knights. The folio has " kings ;" corrected u,^ 85 below : " princes, barons, lords, knights, squires." 45. Quit yoic. Free or clear yourselves. Cf. ii. 2. i66 above , 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. 218, etc. 47. Pennons. Schmidt thinks that the meanings of wing and flag are here combined. 50. Void his rhenni. Cf M. of V.\. t^. 118 : "did void your rheum upon my beard." Steevens quotes Fur. Bibac. ap. I/or.: "Juppiter hibernas cana nive conspuit Alpes." 53. Rouen. Spelt " Roan " in the early eds., which probably indicates the English pronunciation of the time. Cf Holinshed's " Rone," p. 138 above. 58. For achievejnent. For the exploit (Schmidt). Malone explains it : " ///j/t-^?^ of achieving a victory over us ;" and Abbott refers to Gr. 148. Scene VI. — 2. The bridge. The reference here is to an historical fact. After Henry had passed the Somme, the French attempted to break down the only bridge over the Ternoise, at Blangy, and thus cut off his passage to Calais ; but Henry, learning their design, sent forward troops who put the French to flight, and guarded the bridge until the English had crossed. II. An aunchient. See on ii. i. 3, and cf 28, 47, and 50 below. The folio reads "an aunchient Lieutenant," the quarto "an Ensigne." 24. Buxom. "Lively, fresh, brisk" (Schmidt). S. uses the word only here ; unless we are to add Per. prol. 23 : " buxom, blithe, and full of face." Cf Milton, Z'^//. 24 : " buxom, blithe, and debonair." Spenser' uses it in the sense of yielding, obedient ; as in F. Q. i. 11. 37 : "the buxome aire ;" Id. iii. 2. 23 : " Of them that to him buxome are and prone." For the derivation, see Wb. 26. That goddess blind, etc. Ritson quotes The Spanish Tragedy, 1594 : "Fortune is blind — Whose foot is standing on a rolling stone." 29. Micffler. Apparently here = a bandage over the eyes. In M. W. iv. 2. 73, 81, 205, it means "a wrapper worn by women and covering the face" (Schmidt). 37. A pax. Altered to " pix" by Theo. Johnson says the two words mean the same, but this is not true. The pax, according to Nares, was " a symbol of peace, which, in the ceremony of the mass, was given to be kissed at the time of the offering." In Capt. Stevens's Spanish Diet., we are told that it was the cover of the sacred chalice. The pix was the box or shrine in which the consecrated wafers were kept ; and the word is still used in the same sense. Cf. Longfellow, Nurejnberg : " In the church of sainted Lawrence stands a pix of sculpture rare," and see the author's note on the line. Steevens quotes Stowe's Chronicle: "palmes, chalices, crosses, vestments, pixes, paxes, and such like." In the pres- •ee p. 138 above) that "a , c. , but, as the two words were ocem worth while to change the folio Spanish word iox Jig ; often used as a term of con- ct lull discussion of the origin and various meanings thereof, ouce's Ilhistratiojis of Shakespeare. In llie fig of Spavi just below, oteevens sees an allusion to the use of poisoned figs, and quotes several passages in support of that explanation ; as from Shirley, The Brothos, 1652 : " I must poison him ; one fig sends him to Erebus ;" Ben Jonson, Every Man iii His Hujuour : " The lye to a man of my coat is as omi- nous a fruit as the fico," etc. But the jDhrase here is probably a mere repetition of the contemptuousy^j^^?. 61. See in a sutnmer''s day. Cf. M. N. D. \. 2. 75, and see note in our ed. p. 135- / 67. Learn you. For the expletive use of the pronoun, see Gr. 220. / 68. Sco7tce. Bulwark. In C. of E. ii. 2. 37, it is applied in jest to a ^covering for the head (Schmidt). 72. Aeiv-tttned. The Coll. MS. has " new- coined." W. thinks it should probably be " new-found." Cf. T. G. of V. iv. 4. 134 : *' new-found oaths." A beard of the general' s cut. Certain professions and classes seem to have been distinguished by the cut of the beard. Thus we read of the bishop's beard, ihe/ndge's, the soldier's, the citizen's, etc. St. quotes Greene, Quip for an Upstart Courtier, 1592 : " he [the barber] descends as low as his beard, and asketh whether he please to be shaven or no ? whether he will have his peak cut short and sharp, amiable, like an inamorato, or broade pendante, like a spade, to be terrible, like a warrior and soldado ?" 75, For on = o{, see Gr. 182 ; and for mistook, just below, Gr. 343. 81. From the pridge. That is, about the bridge. 86. Passages. Acts, occurrences. Cf. T. N. iii. 2. 77: "such impos- sible passages of grossness ;" Cymb. iii. 4, 94 : " It is np act of common passage, but A strain of rareness," etc. 96. Bubickles. " A corrupt word, formed half o{ carbuncle, half oi bubo, probably meaning a red pimple " (Schmidt). Steevens quotes Chaucer, C. T. 623 : "A Sompnour was ther with us in that place, That hadde a. fyr-reed [fire-rad] cherubynes face. Ther nas quyksilver, litarge, ne bremstone. Boras, ceruce, ne oille of tartre noon, Ne oynement that wold dense and byte. That him might helpen of his whelkes white, Ne of the knobbes sittyng on his cheekes." loi. We give express charge, etc. See Holinshed, p. 138 above. 104. Lenity. The folio has " Leuitie ;" an obvious misprint. 107. Habit. The herald's coat. The person of a herald being invio- lable, he was distinguished by a peculiar dress. 108. Of thee. From thee. Gr. 166. ■\ 112. Tlioiigh we seemed u "The law hath not been dea^ vourable opportunity. 115. Upon our cue. In our turn. SeciTf. ^v. 118. Proportion Be in proportion to, corresponu . up with. 120. /;/ weight to re-answer. Fully to make amends for. Cf. Ai. j. M. i. 2. 125 : " Make us pay down for our offence by weight." 128. Quality. Profession. Qi. M.W.v.^. i^'- "your office and your quality," etc. 133. ItnpeacJwient. Hindrance, impediment (the French ^w/#r//^w^«/). \yQ,{. Holinshed's " impeached "^hindered, p. 137 above. Sooth ^Xx\x\,\i. See Mer. p. 127. . , . , . , 135, Of craft and vantage. That is, who is cunning, and is besides favoured by circumstances (Schmidt). 142. This yonr air. This is to be added to the examples given in Macb. p. 179, note on That their fitness. See Gr. 239. 147. God before. See on i. 2. 307 above. 149. There 'sfor thy labour, etc. Cf. Holinshed, p. 138 above. It was customary to reward a herald, whatever might be the character ofMiis message. \t^^. Deliver so. Say so. Cf. Temp. ii. i. 45 : "as he most learnedly delivered," etc. Scene VII.— i. The stage-direction of the folio here is, " Ejiter the Constable of France, the Lord Ratnburs, Orleance, Dolphin, with others:' The quarto has '' Ettter Burbon, Constable, Orleance, Gebon ;"* and it gives to Bourbon the speeches assigned by the folio to the Dauphin, or " Dolphin." It is evident from iii. 5. 62 fol. that the Dauphin was not at the battle ; and it has been suggested by Mr. Johnes that either the name of Sir Guichard Dauphin (cf. iv. 8. 91) led S. into the error, or the editors have confounded two persons meant by the poet to be distinct. It is curious that here (as in the substitution of Bourbon for Britaine in iii. 5, and some other instances pointed out by Mr. P. A. Daniel in his ed. of Henry V. published by the New Shakspere Society, 1877), the editor of the quarto appears to have corrected an historical error in the 13. As if his entrails were hairs. That is, as if he were a tennis-ball, stuffed with hair. Cf. Much Ado, iii. 2. 47 : " the old ornament of his \ cheek hath already stuffed tennis-balls." \ 14. Pegasus. Cf i Heii. IV. iv. I. 109 : "a fiery Pegasus." For chez \ ("ches" in folio) Capell substituted "qui a." , , . ^ , 17. Hermes. The only instance in which S. calls Mercury by his Greek name. Cf ii. prol. 7, etc. , 20. The dull elements, etc. Alluding to the old notion that all things * Gebo7i does not resemble any French name mentioned by the Chronicles m this connection. Possibly, as Mr. Daniel suggests, it was the name of the actor who played the part. ^ , air, fire, and water. See , etc. Cf. also T. N. ii. 3. 10 : xour elements ?" A. and C. v. 2. 292 : . lire and air ; my other elements 1 give to baser life." ^.r were supposed to preponderate in the higher forms of life, and water in the lower. 21. Jades. Warb. wished to transpose yVzrf'ifj and beasts, on the ground that the former, not the latter, was the term of reproach. K. remarks that Jade was not always contemptuous, and quotes Ford : " Like high-bred jades upon a tilting day In antique trappings." But the word always has a depreciatory meaning in S., and we see no difficulty in explaining it so here. 24. Absohite. Faultless, perfect. Cf. M. for M.v. i. 54: "as grave, as just, as absolute As Angelo ;" Ham. v. 2. iii : "an absolute gentle- man," etc. W. remarks : " We have lost a very good word in losing absolute with its Elizabethan signification, if indeed it be hopelessly gone. It meant something more than perfect, or even unexceptionable, and was sometimes used to convey the idea that the thing of which it was predicated had standard or authoritative merit." 32. Argument. Subject. Cf. i Hen. IV. ii. 2. 100 : " it would be ar- gument for a week," etc. 35. Familiar to us, etc. That is, whether familiar to us or unknown ; the whole world. The Camb. and Globe eds. print " the world, familiar to us and unknown to lay apart," etc., which is to us unintelligible. 42. Prescript. Normal ; or, perhaps, prescriptive, immemorial. 45. Shrewdly. "In a high and mischievous degree (quite = the Ger- man adverb argy (Schmidt). Cf. 136 below ; also A. W. iii. 5. 91, Ham. i. 4. I, etc. 47. Wears his own hair. Alluding to the custom of wearing false hair, to which S. seems to have had a special aversion. See Mer. p. 149. 51. Le chien, etc. See 2 Pet. ii. 22. 61. A many. Now obsolete, though we still say a few and many a in a distributive sense. Cf. iv. i. 117 below; also M. of V. iii. 5. 73, Rich. III. iii. 7. 184, etc. Tennyson uses the expression in The Miller's Daugh- ter : "They have not shed a many tears." Gr. 87. 71. Who will go to hazard, etc. Cf iv. prol. 18 below. 97. But his lackey. That is, he has beaten nobody but his footboy (Johnson). ^Tis a hooded valour, etc. An allusion to the practice of keeping hawks hooded until they were to fly at the game. To bait was to flap the wings, as the bird did when unhooded. Here there is a pun on bait in this sense and bate — dih?iie, diminish. 100. Cap. "Alluding to the practice of capping verses" (Johnson). 104. Well placed. Well put, well said. 105. Have at, etc. Cf. C. of E. iii. i. 51 : " Have at you with a prov- erb:" P. and y. iv. 5. 125 : "have at you with my wit," etc. See also Hen. VIII. p. 1 74, note on / '// venture one have-at-kim. io8. AfooPs bolt. A I.. Ii8. Peevish. Silly, chila. S. Cf. Rich. III. i. 3. 194, iii. i. ^., on Cymb. i. 6. 54) gives many examples ^. ers. Schmidt does not recognize the modern m^ Wb., strangely enough, makes no reference to this obsoiv,.^ 119. Fat-braiiied. Dull, stupid. 121. Apprehension. Capacity to apprehend, perception, intelligence. Cf. Ham. ii. 2. 319 : " in apprehension how like a God !" 132. Robustiojis. Stout, sturdy. Cf. Ham. iii. 2. 10 : "a robustious periwig-pated fellow." Robitst does not occur in S. 133. Give them, etc. Boswell quotes Otway, Venice Preserved: " Give but an Englishman . . . Beef, and a sea-coal fire, he 's yours for ever." Prologue. — 2. Poring. " That is, straining its eyes and yet seeing pnly the nearest things, purblind" (Schmidt). 3. Fills. For the form, see Gr. 336. 5. Stilly. Softly. Used nowhere else by S. Cf. M. AT. D. iv. i. 80 (stage-direction), and see note in our ed. p. 174. St. quotes from an ac- count of the baptism of Prince Frederick Henry, 1594: "After which ensued a still noyse of recorders and flutes." 6. That. So that. Gr. 283. According to Holinshed, the armies were only two hundred and fifty paces from each other. 9. Battle. Army ; as in iv. 2. 54 below. Cf. K. John, iv. ii. 78 : " two dreadful battles set," etc. In iv. 3. 69 below, ^a///^j = battalions ; as in y. C.w.i. 4, etc. .wned, darkened ;" but it che effect of the fire-light on .^er, " mixed with water, produces _ gleam of fire by night gives to the .. in this sense, it is an exceedingly picturesque ^fie nighfs dull ear. Steevens quotes Milton, Z'^//. 42 : "And ainging startle the dull night." 12. Accotnplishing. Furnishing, making complete. According to Douce, closing rivets up refers to fastening the bottom of the casque to the top of the cuirass, which was done after both had been put on. 16. Name. The folio has " nam'd," which was corrected by Tyrwhitt. 18, 19. Cf. Holinshed's statement that "the soldiers the night before had plaid the Englishmen at dice" (p. 139 above). Over-histy — '-'-X.oo lively and merry" (Schmidt). Cf. Lear, ii. 4. 10: " over-lusty at legs." 20. Cripple tardy-gaited. The folio gives it " creeple-tardy-gated." 26. Investing. Attending (Schmidt). Warb. would read " invest in," that is, clothed in ; and Heath, "in fasting." 27. Fresenteth. Steevens's emendation of the "Presented" of the folio. 28. Who. The relative, not the interrogative, referring to him in 31. Gr. 251. 35. No Jiote. Nothing to indicate. Cf. Much Ado, iii. 2. 54 : " The greatest note of it is his melancholy," etc. 36. Ejirounded. Surrounded. Gr. 440. 38. All-zvatched. " Watched throughout" (Schmidt), spent in watch- ing. Gr. 374. 39. Freshly looks. Cf. A. V. L. iii. 2. 243 : " Looks he as freshly," etc. Overbears attaint— represses the anxiety that wears upon him. H. ex- plains it, " overcomes all disposition on the part of the soldiers to blame or reproach him for the plight he is in ;" but this does not agree so well with the context. The king puts on a cheerful look himself, and thus revives the drooping spirits of his soldiers. Cf. Virgil, y^n. i. 208 : "Talia voce refert, curisque ingentibus aeger, Speni vultu simulat, premit altum corde dolorem." 41. That. So that. See on 6 above. 43. A largess, etc. Holt White quotes Quinctilian, Inst. i. 2 : " Non enim vox ilia preceptoris, ut coena, minus pluribus sufficit ; sed ut sol, universis idem lucis calorisque largitur." 45. Then, mean and gentle all, etc. The folio has " Thawing cold feare, that meane and gentle all Behold, as may vnworthinesse define. A little touch of Harry in the Night, And so our Scene," etc. We have adopted (with D. and others) the emendation of Theo,, who says : " As this stood, it was a most perplex'd and nonsensical passage ; and could not be intelligible but as I have corrected it. The poet first expatiates on the real influence that Harry's eye had on his camp ; and then addressing himself to every degree of his audience, he tells them, he'll shew (as well as h» little touch or sketch of 11.. that cheerfulness and resoliu himself and inspired in his foliu*,. retain the folio reading, with some chaui, . stand mean and gentle to refer to the various rauK^ Thai must then h^—so that ; and as may tmworthiness acj,. pear to mean, so far as inferior natures can appreciate it. Pern.^^, Delius conjectures, a line is lost after 45. 51. Foils. Swords used in fencing; here = fencers, or swordsmen. 54. Minding. Calling to mind, thinking of. Scene I. — 7. Husbandry. Thrift, economy. Cf. T. and C. i. 2. 7 : " And, like as there were husbandry in war, Before the sun rose he was harness' d light." 10. Dress us. Prepare ourselves. Cf. i Hen. IV. iii. 2. 51 : "And dress'd myself in such humility," etc. Some eds. print it " 'dress," as if a contraction oi address : but the original meaning of dress is to put in order, prepare. See \Vb. 16. Lilces me. Pleases me, suits me. See on iii. prol. 32 ; and cf. iv. 3- 11- 19. Upo7i example. " Through comparing them with what others en- dure " (J. H.). 23. Casted. Cast off. Cf. T. N. ii. 5. 161 : " cast thy humble slough." S. elsewhere uses cast for the participle ; as in A. Y. L. iii. 4. 16, etc. Slongh — \.\-\& skin of a snake ; aS in the passage from T. A\ just quoted. See also 2 Hen. VI. iii. i. 229. Z^^^r/Vj^ lightness, alacrity ; used by S. only here. 26. Do my good morrozu. Cf. J. C. iv. 2. 5 : " To do you salutation," etc. Gr. 303. 27. Desire. Invite. Cf. T. of C. iv. 5. 150 : " I would desire My famous cousin to our Grecian tents." 28. 29. For the measure, see Gr. 513. 32. 1 7vould. On would— w\s\\, see Gr. 329. 34. God-a-mercv. A corruption of " God have mercy ;" here, as often = gramercy, thank you (Schmidt). Cf. K. John, i. i. 185 ; Ham. ii. 2. 172, etc. 38. Popidar. Of the people, plebeian. Cf. Cor. ii. i. 230, ii. 3. 109, iii. I. 106, etc. 39. Gentleman. On the measure here and in 42, see Gr. 465. 40. TraiVst thou, etc. Farmer quotes Chapman, Revenge for Honour : " Fit for the trayler of the puissant pike." 44. Bawcock. See on iii. 2. 22. 45. Imp. Youngling. Used only by Armado, Holofernes, and Pistol. Cf. I. L. L. i. 2. 5, v. 2. 592, and 2 Hen. IV. v. 5. 46. Steevens quotes Holinshed : " his sonne prince Edward, that goodlie impe." On the measure of the line, see Gr. 505. xl . *' not sorting with a nup- ^ lewer," changed to " lower " in .v.vver," which Steevens was inclined to fa- ,.11 — lower. He adds : " In Sussex I heard one fe- ^ciy to another : Speak fewer, or my mistress will hear you." ^. J. think it be. Cf. C. of E. v. I, 379 : " I think it be, sir," etc. Gr. 299." 91. Thomas. The folio has "John." 99. Element. Sky. Cf. 2 Hen. IV. iv. 3. 58. See also J. C. i. 3. 128, and note in our ed. p. 140. ^//i^wj-^^ appears, looks. Cf. ii, 2. 127 above, loi. Co7tditions. Qualities. Cf. Much Ado, iii. 2. 68 : " his ill condi- tions," etc. 105. Be. See Gr. 300. 106. Possess him, etc. Cf. 275 below : *' Possess them not with fear ;" I He7t. IV. ii. 2. 112 : '* possessed with fear," etc. no. As cold a night as V is. See Gr. 276. 113. My cojiscience. My judgment, my opinion. Cf. 2 Hen. VI. iii. I. 68 : " Shall I speak my conscience V iiy. A many. See on iii. 7. 61 ; and cf. iv. 3. 95 below. 118. To wish him. As to wish him. Gr. 281. 121. Quarrel. Often — cause or motive of quarrel (Schmidt). Cf. Macb. iv. 3. 137, and see note in our ed. p. 153. 131. Latter. Last ; as often. Cf. i Hen. IV. v. i. 92 ; i Hen. VI. ii. 5. 38 ; A. and C. iv. 6. 39, etc. 134. Rawly. " Without due preparation and provision " (Schmidt). Cf. rawness in Macb. iv. 3. 26. Afeard. Used by S. interchangeably with afraid. Cf. M. N. D. iii. i. 28 ; Macb. i. 7. 39, etc. 136. When blood is their argnment. When engaged in " bloody busi- ness" {Macb. ii. i. 48, 0th. iii. 3. 469). See on iii. i. 21 above. 138. Who to disobey. See Gr. 274. 139. All proportion of subjection. All " reasonable service." 141. Miscarry upoji the sea. Be lost at sea. Cf. M.forM. iii. i. 217 : " who miscarried at sea ;" M. ofV. ii. 8. 29 : " there miscarried a vessel of our country," etc. 151. Never so. See Gr. 52, 406. 154. Contrived murther. Plotted, preconcerted murder. Cf. 0th. i. 2. 3 : " To do no contrived murther." 158. Native. In their own country. Cf. iv. 3. 96 below: "native graves." 161. Bef ore-breach. See Gr. 429. 166. The which. See Gr. 270. 169. Dying so. For the participle, see Gr. 378. 175. Man. For the "confusion of construction," see Gr. 417. 187. An elder gun. A pop-gun. 188. Go about. Attempt, undertake. Cf. M. N. D. iv. i. 212 ; Much Ado, i. 3. 12, iv. I. 65, iv. 2. 28, etc. ACT IV. SCENE L lye 189. With. By. Gr. 193. 191. Round. Plain-spoken, blunt. Cf. T. N'. ii. 3. 102 : "I must be round with you ;" Lear, i. 4. 58 : " he answered me in the roundest manner," etc. 203. Take thee a box on the ear. Cf. iv. 7. 118 below ; also M.for M. ii. I. 189, T. ofS. iii. 2. 165, T N. ii. 5. 75, etc. 211. French crowns. A French crozun was a common expression for a bald head (cf. M.for M. i. 2. 52 ; M. N. D. i. 2. 99 ; A. IV. ii. 2. 23, etc.) ; but the pun here, as Tyrwhitt rematks, may turn simply on the double meaning of crown. To cut French crowns is an allusion to the crime of clipping coin. 216. Careful. Full of care, anxious. CJ. Rich. II. ii. 2. 75 : "careful business ;" C. of E. v. i. 298 : " careful hours," ei*. 220. Wringing. Suffering. Cf. Much Ado,\. i. 2h : ~ '^r^ those that wring under the load of sorrow." 230. Thy soul of adoration. The soul of thy adoration, the essential nature which men adore in thee. The folio reads : "What ? is thy soul of odoration .^" Johnson wished to read, "What is thy soul, O adora- tion?" — that is, "O reverence paid to kings, what art thou within? What are thy real qualities? What is thy intrinsic value?" Malone reads, " What is the soul," etc. 245. Balm. The anointing-oil used in the coronation ceremony. Cf. Rich. II. iii. 2. 55, iv. i. 207 ; 2 Heti. IV. iv. 5. 115. See also Heit. VIII. iv. I. 88. On ball, cf Macb. iv. I. 121. 248. The farced title, etc. "The extended or swollen title prefixed to the king, as for example His Most Gracious Majesty, the king " (J. H.). Y ox fore, see on ii. 2. i above. 255. Distressful. Earned by painful labour. 260. Helps Hyperion to his horse. Is up before the sun. 265. Had the forehand, etc. Would have the advantage of a king. 267. Wots. Knows. Used only in the present tense and the partici- ple wotting. Cf M. N. D. iv. i. 161, etc. Wots what watch would hardly be tolerated by modern rhetoric. 269. The peasant best advantages. Most benefit the peasant. For the verb, cf Temp. i. I. 34: "our own doth little advantage." See also V. and A. 950 ; J. C. iii. i. 242, etc. For the form, see Gr. 412, and cf. 333. 2']^. Shall do' t. Will do it. Gr. 315. 276. If The folio has "of;" the emendation is Tyrwhitt's. Theo. had suggested " lest." K. and Sr. point the passage thus : "Take from them now The sense of reckoning of the opposed numbers ! Pluck their hearts from them not to-day, O Lord, O not to-day! Think not upon the fauU," etc. The Camb. editors suggest that a line may have been lost, which with the help of the quarto they supply as follows : "Take from them now The sense of reckoning of the opposed numbers, Lest that the muhitudes which stand before them Pluck their hearts from them." 176 NOTES. 279. Compassing. Obtaining. Cf. T. G. of V. ii. 4. 214: "to compass her J '11 use my skill," etc. 286. Chantries. " One of these monasteries was for Carthusian monks, and was called Bethlehem ; the other was for religious men and women of the order of Saint Bridget, and was named Sion. They were on op- posite sides of the Thames, and adjoined the royal manor of Sheen, now called Richmond " (Malone). 287. Still. Continually. Gr. 69. 288-290. Johnson explains the passage thus : " I do all this, says the King, though all that I can do is nothing worth, is so far from an ade- quate expiation of the crime, t)iat penitence comes after all, imploring pardon both for the crime and the expiation." Heath's explanation is perhaps to be prefe"*:d: "I am sensible that everything of this kind (works of pie*-;- dlid charity) which I have done or can do, will avail noth- inr^ ♦^'- ..ticls the remission of this sin ; since I well know that, after all chis is done, true repentance, and imploring pardon, are previously and indispensably necessary towards my obtaining it." Scene II. — 4. Via^ etc. Begone "the dull elements of earth and wa- ter !" Cf. iii. 7. 20 above, and see note on the passage. 5. Rien puis ? Pair, etc. " Can you add nothing more ? Is he not air and fire ? Yes, says the Dauphin, and even heaven itself" (Malone). II. Dout. Do out, put out. Cf. Hajn. iv, 7. 192 : "this folly douts," etc. The folio in both passages has "doubt," which W. retains here, making it — to make to doubt, to terrify; a sense not found elsewhere in S. 14. Embattled, In battle array. Cf. K. John, iv. 2. 200 : " embattled and ranked," etc. It is used intransitively in A. and C. iv. i. 93 : " and they say we shall embattle By the second hour i' the morn." 17. Suck away thei}' souls. Steevens quotes Dryden, Z>^« Sebastian: "fucking each other's souls while we expire," and Pope, Eloisa to Abe- laicd: "Suck my last breath, and catch my flying soul." pi 8. Shales. Shells. Used by S. nowhere else. ■21. Ctirtle-axe. Cutlass (Schmidt). Cf ^. K. Z. i. 3. 119 : " A gallant curtle-axe upon my thigh." "■-'28. Squares. Squadrons. CL A.and C.\n. 11. ^o : " the brave squares of war." 29. Hilding. Properly a noun^^a base menial. Cf. T. of S. ii. i. 26 : " For shame, thou hilding," etc. It is used again as an adjective in 2 Hen. IV. i. I. 57 : " He was some hilding fellow." 31. Idle speculation. Inactive looking-on. 32. What 's to say ? Cf. T. N. iii. 3. 18 : " What 's to do ?" Gr. 359. 35. Tucket sonance. A ttuket was a flourish on a trumpet. Steevens quotes The Spanish Tragedy: "a tucket afar off." Sonance = ?>Q)\\\\(S.. Cf. Heywood, Rape of Lucrece, 1630 : " to hear their sonance." 36. Dare the field. " He uses terms of the field as if they were going out only to the chase for sport. To dare the field is a phrase in falconry. Birds are dared when by the falcon in the air they are terrified from J ACT IV. SCENE III. 177 rising, so that they will be sometimes taken by the hand Such an easy captSe the lords^ expected to make of the English "^(Johnson). Cf. Hen. VIII iii. 2. 282 : " dare us with his cap like larks. 39. Desperate of their bones. Cf. 0th. ii. 3. 337 = " I am desperate of my fortunes." . , , Ai Their ra^^ed curtains. Their tattered banners. 11: Beaver. The visor of a helmet. Cf. 2 //-.«. /K iv. i. 120 : their bpTvers down :" Ham. i. 2. 230 : " he wore his beaver up. . ^"'Z L^^Mdcandlestuks.' '< Grandpre alludes to the forrn of ancient candlesticks, which frequently represented human figures holdmg the sockets for the lights in their extended hands (Steevens). Ct. yttto7ta CoromboVili2% "he showed like a pewter candlestick, fashioned like fmant armour; holding a tilting staff in his hand little bigger than a 4.7. Lob do7un. Hang down, droop. 51. C/;;.;;.a/ bit. A bit made of rings or inks Steevens cites Kt^ Edward III i. 2 : " Nor lay aside their jacks of gymold mail. t^^^- ff^Siz/wa; armour coniposed of Hnks like those of a ^ nuotes Minsheu, i?/V/., 1619: "A gimmal or gemmow from the Lxal Sm'^Lat!;^..//^..; double, or twinnes, because they be rmgs with "^^r'^Si'Thl'foliohas ''guard; on," etc. Theemendationi^^^^^^^^^^^ in Rann's ed., and is adopted by the Camb. editors, K. and otheis. It s favoured by what follows; but the folio reading is defended by Ma- one who considers that ^^ guard means here nothing more than the men 7^'J whose duty it was^to attend on the Constable of France, and among those his standard, that is, his standard-bearer. (32. For. Because of. Gr. 150. , nc ir .„^ a 9.A^ • <^Wex e^.Outzuear. Are wearing away, wasting C^' ^.^f^:f; ^f^-,, ":f' song was tedious and outwore the night;" L.L.L.r^ 1.23 : JHl pain- ful study shall outwear three years," etc. S. uses the word only of the lapse of time. Scene III.— 2. Is rode. See Gr. 295, 343- 9. For the measure, see Gr. 469. \l ^i';^«r"/-.e-'«S.//.v.,n4: "Asfullofvalou. " °tj%T:!-L, etc. Cf. extract from Holinshed, p. .39 above. 18. Wliat V he, etc. Gr. 254- For the measure, see Gr. 500. 20. En,m,. The old plural of .W^. „ 7:']v^.7^'".3^Ct^l^res^•"'i.1/z:597;'•'o do him shame," "24. By J«/'/)/ = quickly in A. V. L. iii. I. 18 ; "Do this expediently," etc. 77. Likes me. Pleases me. See on iv. i. 16 above. Gr. 297. 83. Enghttted. Swallowed up. Cf. 0th. i. 3. 57 : " it engluts and swal- lows other sorrows ;" T. of A. ii. 2. 175 : " How many prodigal bits have slaves and peasants This night englutted!" 84. On thee, see Gr. 414 ; and on wilt mind, Gr. 348. See also on 13 above. 86. Retire. See Gr. 451. 91. Achieve. " Finish, kill " (Schmidt). Some make it = capture, get possession of; as in M. ofV. iii. 2. 210, etc. 94. With. See Gr. 193. 95. A many. See on iii. 7. 61 above. 104. Abounding. Theo. preferred to read "a bounding," which some eds. adopt. 107. Relapse. For the accent, see Gr. 492. 109. For the ivorking-day. Cf. i. 2. 277 above. no. Gilt. Gilding. Cf. T. of A. iv. 3. 302 : "in thy gilt and thy per- fume ;" Rich. II. ii. I. 294: "our sceptre's gilt," etc. W. misprints "guilt." 1 14. Slovenry. Slovenliness ; used by S. nowhere else. 117. Or they will plnck, etc. Though they have to pluck, etc. 130. Vaward. Vanguard. Cf. Cor. i. 6. 53 : " Their bands i' the va- ACT IV. SCENE IV. 179 ward," etc. It is used metaphorically in M. N. D. iv. i. no and 2 Hen. IV. i. 2. 199. 132. How. As. Gr. 46. Scene IV. — 4. Callino, etc. The folio has " Qualtitie calmie custure me." Various emendations had been proposed before Boswell found an old Irish song called " Callino, castore me," which, he suggests, Pis- tol probably hums contemptuously. 9. Fox. A cant word for sword. The figure of a fox was often en- graved on blades, Steevens quotes B. and ¥., Philaster : "I made my father's old fox fly about his ears ;" and The Two Angry Wonien of Abiugton, 1599 : " I had a sword, ay the flower of Smithfield for a sword ; a right fox, i' faith." 15. Rim. Steevens remarks that some part of the intestines was an- ciently called the rini^ and quotes Sir Arthur Gorges, Lucan, 1614 : " The slender rimme too weake to part The boyling liver from the heart." The word is also used by Holland in his Pliny, and by Chapman in his Iliad. Cole, in his Diet, 1678, describes it as the caul in which the bowels are wrapped. 19. Brass. As Sir W. Rawlinson notes, either S. had little knowledge of French or his fondness for punning led him here into an error; for the s in bj-as is silent. Johnson suggested that the pronunciation may have been different in the time of S., but Malone and Douce have proved that it was the same as now. Sir W. Davenant makes the word rhyme with drazv ; and Eliot, in his Orthoepia Gallica, 1593, directs that bras de fer be pronounced "bra de fer." K. thinks that though the Frenchman might have said bra, the sound might have suggested to Pistol the word which he had seen written bras ; but this seems a little forced. 20. Luxurions. Lustful ; as always in S. Cf. luxury in iii. 5. 6. 23. Moys. Apparently meant for money of some kind, and perhaps suggested by moidore, though Johnson is wrong in giving the derivation of "that word as " inoi d'or.''' Douce says that inoy was a measure of corn, but it is not likely that it has that meaning here. 24. Ask me. For the omission of the preposition, see Gr. 201. 29. Firk. Beat, drub (Schmidt). Ferret— worry, as a ferret does its game. Schmidt quotes the old play of King Leir : " I '11 ferret you ere night for that word." "70. This roaring devil, etc. In the old " moralities " or comedies, the Vice or buffoon had a sword or dagger of lath with which he used to beat the devil, and sometimes attempted to pare his long nails. Cf. T. N. iv. ii. 134 : ^^ " Like to the old Vice, Who, with dagger of lath, In his rage and his wrath, Cries, ah, ha! to the devil: Like a mad lad. Pare thy nails, dad," etc. 73. Adventurously. Daringly, boldly. l8o NOTES. Scene V. — i. Here, as in iii. 7 above, the quarto omits the Dauphin from the list of speakers. The stage-direction is simply '■'■ Enter the fonre French Lords " — that is, " Burbon, Constable, Orleance, and Gebon" (see on iii. 7. i). 7. Perdurable. Lasting. Cf. 0th. i. 3. 343 : ** cables of perdurable toughness." 8. Be. Often so used in questions. Gr. 299. 11. Let Its die in honoitr. The folio has "Let vs dye in once more backe againe." K. suggested the reading in the text. The quarto has "Lets dye with honour, our shame doth last too long." 12. Friend. Befriend. Gr. 290. 15. On heaps. Cf. v. 2. 39 below; also T. and C. iii. 2. 29^ J. C. i. 3. 23, etc. Scene VL — 8. Larding. Enriching (Schmidt). Cf. i Hen. IV. ii. 2. 116 : "lards the lean earth," etc. The Coll. MS. substitutes " loading." 9. Honoiir-cnuing. Honour-owning, honourable. Cf. Temp. iii. i. 45 : "the noblest grace she owed," etc. 11. Haggled. Cut, mangled. 12. Insteep'd. See Gr. 440. 18. Well-foughten. See Gr. 344. 21. Raught. The old imperfect of reach, and the only one in S. Cf. L. L. L. iv. 2. 41 ; 3 Hen. VL i. 4. 68, etc. We have the participle raught in 2 Hen. VI. ii. 3. 4^ and A. and C. iv. 9. 30 ; but reached in 0th. i. 2. 24. 22. Dear my lord. See Gr. 13. 24. So. Then. See Gr. 66. 33. Perforce. Necessarily ; in this sense always joined with must. Cf. M. N. D. iii. 2. 90. etc. 34. Mistfid. The folio has " mixtful ;" the emendation is due to Warb. Some eds. read " wistful." 35. The alarum was sounded by affrighted fugitives from the English camp, who declared that the French were making an attack in the rear. Henry, not knowing the extent of the danger, gave the order for killing the prisoners (Malone). Scene VII. — i. Kill thepoys, etc. The English baggage was guarded only by boys and lackeys, and some French runaways, learning this fact, attacked them and plundered the baggage. It is this villainy to which Fiuellen alludes. 8. The king most worthily, etc. Johnson points out that the king gives one reason for killing the prisoners (iv. 6, 36), and Gower another ; but S. follows Holinshed, who gives both these reasons for Henry's conduct. 49. / zvas not angry. For the tense, see Gr. 347. 55. Skirr. "Move rapidly, scour" (Schmidt). Cf. Macb. v. 3. 35: " skirr the country round." 56. Enforced. Thrown with force. Cf. 2 Hen. IV. iv. I. 71, etc. 64. Fin^d. Fixed as the sum to be paid (Schmidt). 67. To look. To look for. Gr. 200. Cf. M. W. iv. 2. 79 : "I will look some linen ;" A. W. iii. 6. 115 : "I must go look my twigs," etc. The ACT IV. SCENE VIII. l8l folio has " book " in the present passage ; the emendation is from the Coll. MS. K. and St. retain " book." 69. Woe the while. Cf. W. T. iii. 2. 173, and J. C. i. 3. 83. 74. Ycrk. Jerk, thrust. Cf. 0th. i. 2. 5 : " to have yerk'd him here mider the ribs." 79. A many. See on iii. 7. 61. 92. Ifi a garden, etc. King Arthur won a great victory over the Sax- ons "in a garden where leeks did grow," and Saint David ordered that every one of the king's soldiers should wear a leek in his cap in honour thereof. Hence the Welsh custom of wearing the emblem on St. Da- vid's day, March ist. 93. Monmouth caps. Fuller, in his Worthies of Wales, says : " The best caps were formerly made at Monmouth, where the Capper's chapel doth still remain." Reed quotes the old ballad of The Caps : " The sol- diers that the Monmouth wear," etc. 108. Our heralds go, etc. For the construction of^^, see Gr. 364, 109. Just notice. Exact information. Cf J/. ^F. iv. I. 327 : " a just pound;" 6>//^. i. 3. 5: "a just account," etc. __ 1 16. S'.caggered with vie. Bullied me. Cf 2 Hen. IV. 11. 4. 107 : he 11 not swagger with a Barbary hen, if her feathers turn back m any show of resistance." On who, see Gr. 249. 126. Great sort. High rank. Cf iv. 8. 71 below : " prisoners of good Quite from the answer, etc. " Quite debarred by the laws of the duello from answering the challenge of one of such inferior rank" (J. H.). On /;wz =away from, cf J. C. ii. I. 196 : " Quite from the mam opinion, etc. Gr. 158. There is a play upon this sense oifrom in Rich. III. iv. 4, 258 : " That thou dost love my daughter from thy soul," etc. 130 Jack-sauce. Fluellen's blunder for Saucy Jack. For Jack as a term of contempt, cf i Hen. IV iii. 3. 99> v. 4- 143 ; ^- ^'^^ 7- "• 4- 160; M. ofV. iii. 4. 77, etc. , , . • , r * 144. When Alen^on and myself, etc. This alludes to an historical tact. Henry was felled to the ground' by the Duke of Alen9on, but recovered himself and slew two of the Duke's attendants. 165. If that. See Gr. 287 (cf v. prol. 17 below) ; and for as, Gr. ill. 168. Valiant. Metrically a trisyllable. Gr. 479. 169. Touched. See Gr. 377- ^ , . . ^ ^^^ 170. Will return. For the ellipsis of the nominative, see Gr. ^99. Scene VIII —7. 'Sblood. A common oath, abbreviated froni God's blood; usually omitted or replaced by other words in the foho (Schmidt). 20. In a sunnyier's day. See on iii. 6. 61 above. 39. Bitter terms. Bitter words. Cf v. 2. 99 below. 48. Lowliness. Humble bearing. Cf. L. L. L. iv. l. 81 : ''thou the beggar ; for so witnesseth thy lowliness." 56. Needs. Of necessity. Gr. 25. 64, I will none, etc. See Gr. 53. 70. Sort. Rank. See on iv. 7. 126 above. 84. Mercenaries. Hired soldiers, common soldiers. 1 82 NOTES. 100. Davy Gam, esquire. This gentleman, being sent by Henry, be- fore the battle, to find out the strength of the enemy, made this report : " May it please you, my liege, there are enough to be killed, enough to be taken prisoners, and enough to run away." He saved the king's life in the field (Malone). loi. Of na77ie. Of eminence. Cf Rich. II. ii. 3, 56 : " None else of name and noble estimate." 106. So great and little loss, etc. Cf Macb. i. 3. 60 : " Speak then to me, who neither beg nor fear Your favours nor your hate ;" and see note in our ed. p. 162. 109. Go we. Cf 118 below : *' Do we all holy rites," etc. Gr. 364. 121. WeUl. The quarto reading, adopted by Capell, D., and others; the folio has "And." "ACT V Prologue.— 2. Of. From. Gr. 166. 3. Them. For the " redundant object," see Gr. 414. 7. For the measure, see Gr. 480. 10. Pales in. Encloses, encompasses. Cf Cymb. iii. i. 19 : "As Neptune's park, ribbed and paled in With rocks unscalable and roaring waters." 12. Whifjfler. " An officer who walks first in processions, or before persons in high stations, on occasions of ceremony" (Hanmer). In the play of Clyomo7i, 1599, a whifiler makes his appearance at a tournament, clearing the way before the king, Cf The Isle of Gtills, 1606: "And Manasses shall go before like a whifiler, and make way with his horns." 17. Where that, etc. Where his lords wish him to have his bruised helmet, etc., borne before him. See Holinshed, p. 141 above. 21. Giving full trophy, etc. " Transferring all the honours of conquest, all trophies, tokens, and shows, from himself to God" (Johnson). For quite from, see on iv. 7. 126 above. 25. Sort. Manner, style. Cf T. of S. iii. i. 67: "in a more fairer sort," etc. ACT F. SCEA'ES I. AND II. 183 26. Antique. Spelt anticJz or a?ttique in the old eds. without regard to the meaning, but always accented on the first syllable. Gr. 492. 29. Likelihood. Similitude. ^o. The general. The Earl of Essex. See Introduction, p. 10. 32. Broached. Spitted, transfixed. Cf. T. A. iv. 2. 85 : "I '11 broach the tadpole on my rapier's point." 34. Much more cause. With may be understood, or " and there was much more cause" may be a parenthesis (Gr. 202). 38. The e?nperor. The folio has " emperor's ;" the emendation is M. Mason's. The reference is to the emperor Sigismond, who was married to Henry's second cousin. 41. Back-return. See Gr. 429, and cf. iv. i. 161 above. 43. Remembering you. Reminding you. Cf. Temp. i. 2. 243: "Let me remember thee what thou hast promis'd," etc. Scene I.— 5. Scald. Scurvy, scabby. Cf. A. and C. v. 2. 215 : "scald rhymers;" M. ^K iii. i. 123 : "This same scall [Evans's pronunciation of the word], scurvy, cogging companion." 18. Parca' s fatal web. The Parcce were the Fates. 25. Cadwallader. The last of the Welsh kings. 27. As eat it. For the ellipsis, see Gr. 353. , , • u 35. Astonished. Johnson and Steevens explain this as = stunned (with the blow) ; M. Mason and Schmidt as = confounded, amazed. K. says that the word is still a pugilistic term = stunned. 66. Gleeking Scoffing, sneering. Cf. M. N. D. lii. i. 150: "I can gleek upon occasion." Galling, which has much the same meaning, is not elsewhere used intransitively by S. 70. Condition. Temper, disposition. Cf /)/. of V. 1. 2. 143 : the con- dition of a saint, and the complexion of a devil," etc. ^ ,. _ , . ,^. 72. Huswife. The usual spelling of hozisewife in the folio (Schmidt). The word is here used contemptuously = hussy. Cf. A. and C. iv. 15. 44 •" " the false housewife Fortune." • o- /• ^ 73. Spital. Hospital. Cf ii. i. 71 above. So spital-house in 7. of A. '^'7^7 CudcrelVd. The folio, which prints the passage as prose, has "Cud- geld" and " He turne." The quarto reads, " Bawd will I turne, and vse fhe slyte of hand," etc. Coll. and the Camb. ed. have " cudgelled and "I'll turn;" W. has " cudgell'd " and " I '11 ;" D., K., H., and others give the reading we have adopted. 81. Johnson remarks here: "The comick scenes of The History ot Henrv the Fourth and Fifth are now at an end, and all the comick per- sonages are now dismissed. Falstaff and Mrs. Quickly are dead ; Nym and Bardolph are hanged ; GadshiU was lost immediately after the rob- bery • Poins and Peto have vanished since, one knows not how ; and Pistol is now beaten into obscurity. I believe every reader regrets their departure." Scene II.— i. Wherefore. For which. 17 The fatal balls. The eves of the basilisk were fabled to kil ^'ith a 1 84 NOTES. glance. Cf. W. T. i. 2. 388 : " Make me not sighted like the basilisk ;" Rich. III. i. 2. 151 : " Gloster. Thine eyes, sweet lady, have infected mine. Anne. Would they were basilisks, to strike thee dead!" See also Cynib. ii. 4. 107, etc. J. H. remarks : " Balls is here used in word-play, implying comparison between eye-balls and cannon-balls.'''' 19. Have. For the " confusion of proximity," see Gr. 412. 27. Bar. Barrier, place of congress (Johnson). On a previous occa- sion, Henry with his friends had had a conference with Katherine and her relatives in a field near Melun, where two pavilions were erected for the royal families, and a third between them for the interview. The Frenchmen, according to the Chronicle, " ditched, trenched, and paled their lodgings for fear of after-clappes ; but the Englishmen had their parte of the field only barred and parted." Malone suggests that S. may here have had this former meeting in his thoughts. The present con- ference took place in St. Peter's Church at Troyes, but the editors agree in supposing it to occur in a palace ; because, as Malone tells us, " St. Peter's Church would not admit of the French king and queen, etc., re- tiring, and then appearing again on the scene." See p. 142 above. 28. Mightiness. Plural. See Gr. 471. 31. Congreeted. Met in a friendly way (Schmidt). 33. Rub. Hinderance. See on ii. 2. 188. 34. \Vhy that. See Gr. 287 ; and cf. 46 below. 39. On heaps. See on iv. 5. 13 above. 40. It own. Its own. Cf. Temp. ii. i. 163 : "it own kind;" Ham. v. I. 244 : "it own life," etc. See Gr. 228, or Temp. p. 120. 42. Even-pleach' d. " Interwoven so as to have a smooth and even surface" (Schmidt). Cf Much Ado, i. 2. 10 : "a thick-pleach'd alley;" Id. iii. I. 7 : "the pleached bower," etc. 45. Fumitory. The plant Fnmaria (five species are found in England), Z2\\&di fiuniter in Lear, iv. 4. 3. For doth in next line, see Gr. 334 47. Deracinate. Uproot, extirpate. Cf. T. and C. i. 3. 99 : "rend and deracinate The unity and married calm of states Quite from their fixure!" Savagery here = wild growth ; in K. John, iv. 3. 48, it means savage con- duct, atrocity. 49. Freckled cowslip. Cf. M. N. D. ii. i. 10 : "The cowsHps tall her pensioners be: In their gold coats spots you see ; Those be rubies, fairy favours, In those freckles live their savours." The biirnet is the Poteritmi sanguisorba. It was valued as a salad plant, and Bacon {Essay of Gardens, ed. 1625) says of it : " But those which Perfujne the aire most delightfully, not passed by as the rest, but being Troden tipon and Crushed, are Three : That is Burnet, Wilde-Time, and Water- Mints. Therefore, you are to set whole Allies of them, to have the Pleasure when you walke or tread." ACT V. SCENE II. l3c 52. Kecksies. Properly the dried and withered stems of the hemlock, but the name is occasionally applied to the living plant. .61. Diffiis'd. The folio has "defus'd;" as in Rich. III. \. 2. 78. Schmidt would retain that form, explaining it as = " shapeless." Warb, defined diffiis' d zs, " extravagant ;" Johnson, as " wild, irregular, strange." 63. Favour. Aspect, appearance. Cf. J. C i. 2. 91, ii. i. 76, etc. 65. Let. Impediment, hinderance. Cf. R. of L. 330, 646, etc. 68. Would. Wish. Gr. 329. 73. Enschedid^d. Written down. Gr. 440. 77. Cursorary. Cursory, hasty. The folio has " curselarie," the quarto "cursenary." 78. Pleaseth. May it please. Gr. 361. 79. Presently. Immediately; as in iii. 2. 49. Cf. TemJ>. i. 2. 125, iv. i. 42, etc. 82. Pass our accept. Declare our acceptance. Malone conjectured "pass or accept " (= agree to, or take exception to), which is also in the Coll. MS. 84. Neither Clarence nor Huntington appear in the dratnatis personce, as neither speaks a word. Huntington was John Holland, Earl of Hunt- ington, who afterwards married the widow of Edmond Mortimer, Earl of March (Malone). 88. Advantageable. Profitable. The Coll. MS. substitutes " advan- tage." 90, Consign. Agree. Cf. 2 Hen. IV. v. 2. 143 : " God consigning to my good intents," etc. 92. Our gracious brother. See Gr. 13. 94. Too nicely urg'd. Too sophistically pressed. 131. You undid me. You would undo me. 133. In measure. That is, in dancing. There is a play on the differ- ent senses of the word ; as in Alicch Ado, ii. i. 74, L. L. L. iv. 3. 384, and Rich. II. iii. 4. 7. 137. Buffet. Box. Cf. K. John, ii. I. 465 : "Our ears are cudgell'd; not a word of his But buffets better than a fist of France." 138. Jack-an-apes. An ape or monkey. Cf. M. W. iv. 4. 67 ; A. W. iii. 5. 88, etc. 139. Greenly. Foolishly. Cf. Ham. iv. 5. 83 : " we have done but greenly," etc. See also iv. prol. 39 : " But freshly looks." 140. Nor have I no. See Gr. 406. 145. I speak to thee plain soldier. Cf. K. John, ii, I. 462 : " He speaks plain cannon fire ;" A. Y. L. iii. 2. 227 : " speak sad brow and true maid," etc. 149. Plain and uncoined constancy. That is, like a plain piece of metal, that has not yet received any impression. Perforce. See on iv. 6. 33 above. 154. Will fall. Will fall away, shrink. 176. Saint Denis. The patron saint of France. Cf. Z. Z. Z. v. 2. 87 : " Saint Denis to Saint Cupid !" 196. Scambling. Scrambling, struggling. Cf. i. i. 4 above. 1 86 NOTES. 204. Tres-cher et divin. The error in gender may be intentional ; but some editors print " tres-chere et divine," though they do not correct the preceding nion. The folio has " trescher &^ deuin ;" the passage is not found in the quartos. 210. Untenipering. Not producing the desired effect, not moving or persuading. Cf. temper— idi&Mxo^^ mould; as in ii. 2. 118 above. See also T. A. iv. 4. 109. 228. Broken mtisic. Mr. Chappell {Popular Music of the Olden Time, p. 246) explained this as " the music of a stringed band ;" but, according to Mr. W. A. Wright (C. P. ed. of A. V. L. p. 89), he has since altered his opinion, and now gives the following explanation : " Some instruments, such as viols, violins, flutes, etc., were formerly made \\\ sets of four, which when played together formed a 'consort.' If one or more of the instruments of one set were substituted for the corresponding ones of another set, the result was no longer a 'consort,' but 'broken music.'" Cf. T. and C. iii. i. 52 and A. Y. L. i. 2. 150, where, as here, there is a play upon the expression. See also Bacon, Essay 37 : " accompanied with some broken Musicke." 240. Dhine voire indigne servitenr. The folio has " dhcne nostre Seig- neur indignie sernitetir ,^'' which i^ nonsense. The Var. of 1821, following Pope, reads, " d'une vostre indigne se7-viteiire,^^ which is adopted by K., W., H., and others ; but we are not aware that there is any authority for the form serviteure. D. prints "serviteur." The Camb. editors give a reading of their own : "d'une de votre seigneurie indigne serviteur." We may remark here, by the way, that we see no more reason for re- taining the old French orthography in the text than the old English. We follow D. in giving the modern spelling. 255. List. Barrier, boundary. Cf. A. V. L. ii. i. 53 ; i Hen. IV. iv. i. 51 ; Ham. iv. 5. 99, etc. 257. Find-faults. Fault-finders. For similar compounds, see Gr. 432. 269. Condition. Temper, disposition. See on v. i. 70 above. Smooth =bland, gentle. Cf. i Hen. IV. i. 3. 7 : "my condition, Which hath been smooth as oil, soft as young down." 279. Consign. Agree. Cf. 90 above. 290. This moral. " That is, the application of this fable. The moral being the application of a fable, our author calls any application a moraV (Johnson). Cf. iii. 6. 35 above; also Much Ado, iii. 5. 78, M. N.D.w.i. 120, T. ofS. iv. 4. 79, etc. 297. Perspectively. As through a perspective ; an optical contrivance, for which see Rich. II. ii. 2. 18, and note in our ed. p. 180. 299. Maiden walls, etc. Malone quotes R. of L. 468 and L. C. I'jd; to which might be added A. W. i. i. 137, 309. Acco7-ding, etc. That is, in the exact form in which they were proposed. 315. PrcEclarissimus. It should ho. prcecarissimus, as it is in the orig- inal treaty (printed in Rymer's Fcedera) ; but S. copied the error (doubt- less a typographical one) from Holinshed. The fact that the poet did not correct it confirms Ben Jonson's statement that he had "small Latin." EPILOGUE AND ADDENDA, 87 328. That never war, etc. So that war may never, etc. Gr. 368. 332. I kiss her. In accordance with the ancient ceremony of atfiancing (J. H.). Cf. T. N. V. I. 161 : "Attested by the holy close of lips;" K. John, ii. I. 534 : '^'' King Philip. It likes us well; young princes, close your hands. A ustria. And your lips too ;' ' etc. 339. Pactio7i. Agreement, alliance. The folio has " pation ;" the "^^mendation is due to Theo. 340. Incorporate. Cf. M. N. D. iii. 2. 208, etc. Gr. 342. EPILOGUE. 1. All-tinahle. Weak, impotent. Cf. Lear, i. i. 61 : "speech unable," etc. 2. Bending. " Unequal to the weight of his subject and bending be- neath it ; or he may mean, as in Hamlet [iii. 2. 160], ' Here stoopitig to your clemency'" (Steevens). Schmidt is also in doubt between these two explanations, of which we are inclined to prefer the former. 4. By starts. That is, by a fragmentary representation. 7. The world's best garden. France. Cf. T. of S. i. i. 4: "The pleas- ant garden of great Italy." Achiev'd—g-aXwtA, won. Cf. iv. 3. 91 above. II. The. The article "frequently precedes a verbal that is followed by an object" (Gr. 93). 14. Let this, etc. Let this play find acceptance. ADDENDA. Drawn (p. 154). Drawn— v^'i'Oii. drawn sword ; as in Temp. ii. I. 308 : " Why are you drawn ?" See also M. N. D. iii. 2. 402, R. and J.'x.i. 1Z, etc. Gr. 374. Of sack (p. 158). Sack was " the generic name of Spanish and Canary wines" (Schmidt); but sometimes the particular kind was specified. Cf. 2 Hen. IV. iv. 3. 104 : "a good Sherris-sack ;" that is, Sherry wine. Nares quotes the ballad of Mad Tom : " a cup of Malaga sack ;" and Herrick : "thy isles shall lack Grapes, before Herrick leaves Canarie sack." For the derivation of the word, see Wb. The fatal balls (p. 183). It may be added that there is also a play upon the word basilisk, which sometimes meant a piece of heavy ordnance. Cf. I Hen. IV. ii. 3. 56 : " Of basilisks, of cannon, culverin ;" also Marlowe, Jew of Malta: "Which with our bombards, shot, and basilisk, We rent in sunder at our entry," etc. King Henry. Give me any gage of thine (iv. i. 196). INDEX OF WORDS EXPLAINED. a many, 170, i74> 178, 181. absolute (=perfect), 170. accept (noun), 185. accomplishing, 172. accomplishment, 144. achieve, 178, 187. achievement, 167. addrest, 165. advance, 158. advantage (noun), 148, 169, 178. advantage (verb), 175. advantageable, 185. adventurously, 179. advice (^reflection), 156. advised (=heedtul), 149. afeard, 174. affiance, 156. Agincourt, 140. all at once, 145. •all-unable, 187. all-watched, 172. ancient (=ensign), 154. annoy (=harm), 156. antics (=buffoons), 163. antique, 183. appertinents, 156. apprehension, 171. approbation (=proving),i46. argument, 163, 170, 174. aspect (accent), 162. assays, 148. astonished, 183. attaint, 172. attest (=stand for), 144. aunchient, 167. awkward (=perverse), 160. back-return, 183. bait (in falconry), 170. balls, 183. balm, 175. bar (=barrier), 184. Barbason, 154. barley broth, 166. basilisk, 183, 187. battle (=army), 171. battles (=battalions), 178. bawcock, 163, 173. beard of the general's cut, 168. beaver (= visor), 177. bedfellow, 155. before-breach, 174. bending, 187. best indued, 157. bestow (reflexive), 178. bolt (= arrow), 171. bolted, 157. boot (=booty), 149. bootless (adverb), 164. bras (pronunciation), 179. bravely, 178. brim fulness, 148. bring (=accompany), 158. broached, 183. broken music, 186. bubukles, 168. buffet, 185. burnet, 184. but, 166. buxom, 167. by and by (=soon), 155. Cadwallader, 183. Callino castore me, 179. candlesticks (fixed >, 177. captived, 160. _ careful (=anxious), 175. carnation, 158. carry coals, to, 163. case (=pair), 163. casted, 173. caveto, 159. chambers (=cannon), 162. chantries, 176. Charlemain, 147. chases, 151. cheerly, 158. chide, 160. christom, 158. civil (=weil-governed), 149. comes o'er us, 151. companies ( = companions), '45- . , u. • ■ N compassmg ( = obtammg ), 176. complement, 157. compound (=agree), 155. condition ( = temper), 183, 186. conditions (=qualities), 174. condole (=moum), 155. confounded (=wasted;, 162. congreeing, 149. congreeted, 184. conscience ( = judgment ), 174. conscience (trisyllable), 147. consign, 185, 186. consort (in music), 186. constant (=firm), 159. contemplation, 146. contrived (^plotted), 174. convey, 147. convoy, 178. coranto, 166. corporal, 145. correct (intransitive), 149- cowarded, 156. create (=created), 155. Crecy, 140. crescive, 146. Crispian, 178. Crispin, 178. crystals (=eyes), 159. cue, upon our, 169. currance, 145. cursorary, 185. curst, 149. curtains (=banners), 177. curtle-axe, 176. dare the field, 176. dear (=grievous), 157. dear my lord, 180. defeat on, 147. Delabreth, 167. deliver (=say), 169. deracinate, 184. desire (=invite), 173. desperate of, 177. diffused, 185. digested, 169. discovered ( = uncovered ), 157- distemper, 156. distressful, 175. do (loss), 177. do my good morrow, 173. Dolphin (=Dauphin), 150. dout, 176. drawn, 187. IQO INDEX OF WORDS EXPLAINED. dress (=prepare), 173. duke, 163. dull (verb), 159. earnest (money), 157. cither's (=; each other's), 156. eke, 162. element (=sky), 174. elements, 169. embattled, 176. enipery, 150. enforced, 180. England, ( = King of Eng- land ), 159. englutted, 178. enow, 177. enrounded, 172. enscheduled, 185. evenly, 160. even-pleached, 184. exception, 159. executors, 149. exhale, 154. expedience (^^haste), 178. expedition (=march), 157. faculty, 146. familiar (adverb), 145. farced, 175. fat-brained, 171. fate, 160. favour (=aspect\ 185. feared (^frightened;, 148, ferret, 179. fet, 163. figo, 168. find-faults, i86. fine (=make specious), 147. fined, iSo. finer (=fine?), 158. firk, 179. fit (=befit), 159. fleshed, 160, 164. Fluellen, 164. foils (=fencers), 173. Foix, 167. footed (=landed), 161. for, 148, 165, 177. force (=farce), 153. fore, 155, 175. forehand, 175. forespent, 159. fox (= sword), 179. fracted, 155. France (dissyllable"), 149. freckled (cowslip), 184. French crowns, 175. fresh-fair, 164. freshly (looks), 172. friend (verb), 180. from (=away from >, 181, 182. full-fraught, 157. fumitory, 184. galliard, 150. galling, 183. gentle (verb), 178. gentles, 153. giddy (=excitable), 148. gilt (=gilding), 178. gilt (=gold}, 153. gimmal bit, 177. gleaned (=exhausted), 148. gleeking, 183. glistering, 156. gloze, 146. go about (=:attempt), 174. God-a-mercy, 173. » God before, 152, 169. god-den, 164. grace (of kings), 153. greenly, 185. grossly, 156. gun-stones, 151. habit (=herald's coat), 168. haggled, 180. handkerchers, 163. happy (=propitious), 152. hard-favoured, 162. hardiness, 149. Harfleur, 162. have at you, 170. heady, 164. Hermes, 169. hilding, 176. his (--its), 146. hollow (=false), 153. honey-sweet, 158. honour-owing, 180. how (=as), 179. humorous, 159. husbandry (=thrift), 173. huswife, 183. Iceland dog, 154. imaginary, 144. imagined, 161. imbare, 147. imp (=:youngling), 173. impawn, 146. impeachment, 169. in (=into), 149. in a summer's day, 168, 181. in few, 150. ingrateful, 156. insteeped, 180. intendment, 148. invention (quadrisyllable), 144. investing, 172. it own, 184. Jack-an-apes, 185. Jack-sauce, 181. jades, 170. Jewry, 165. just (=exact), 181. jutty (verb), 162. kecksies, 185. kind, 153. kinged, 159. lambkins, 155. larding, 180. late, 156. latter (=last), 174. lavoltas, 166. lazar kite of Cressid's kind, 155- lazars, 144. legerity, 173. let (noun), 185. let slip, 163. like (=likely), 144. likelihood, 183. likes ( = pleases), 162, 173, 179- line (=pedigree), 160. line (^strengthen), 147, 159. lineal of, 147. linstock, 162. list (=barrier), 186. list (transitive), 145. lob down, 177. long (=belong), 160. look (=look for), 180. Louvre, 161. lowliness, 181. luxurious (=lustful), 179. luxury (=lust), 166. make boot upon, 149. make forth, 159. marches (=borders), 148. masters (=possesses), 161. measure (=dancing) ^85. mercenaries, 181. mervailous, 154. mess (=mass), 164. mightiness (plural), 184. mind (=remind), 179. minding, 173. ! miscarry, 174. I mistful, 180. Monmouth caps, 181. moral, 186. morris-dance, 159. mortified (=killed), 145. mould (men of), 163. moys, 179. muffler, 167. musters (noun), 159. name (=eminence), 182. native, 174. INDEX OF WORDS EXPLAINED. 191 needs, 181. never so, 174. nicely, 146, 185. nook-shotten, 166. note (=indication), 172. O, 144- o'erblows, 164. o'erwhelm, 162. of (=about), 158. of (=from), 147, 168, 182. of (=on), 164. of him (=his), 160. on (=of ), 168. on heaps, 180, 184. ordinance (=ordnance), 161. orisons, 156. outwear (=wear away), 177. overbears, 172. overlook (—look down on), 166. overlook (=look over), 160. over-lusty, 172. paction, 187. pales in, 182. paper, 156. Parca, 184. parle, 164. passages, 146, 168. pax, 167. peevish (=silly), 171. pennons, 167. perdurable, 180. perdy, 154- perforce, 180. perilous, 144. perspectively, 186. pioners, 164. pitch and pay, 158. pith (=strength), 162. plain-song, 163. pleaseth, 185. policy, 150. popular, 173. popularity, 145. poring, 171. portage, 162. possess, 174. powers (=troops), 155, 167. practic, 145. prcEclariisi}7ms, 186. precept (accent), 164. prescript, 170. pretty (diminutive), 149. projection ( — plan), 160. proportion (verb), 169. proportions, 148. puissance, 144, 162. purchase, 163. quality (—profession), i6g. quarrel, 174. question (=:debate), 144. quick (=living), 156. quit (reflexive), 167. quit (=requite), 164. rackets, 151. raught, 180. rawly, 174. re-answer, 169. relapse (accent), 178. remember (=remind), 183. renowned (transitive), 148. resolved (=satisfied), 146. retire (noun), 178. returns (=answers), 165. rim, 179. rivage, 162. Roan (=Rouen), 167. I robustious, 171. round (=blunt), 175. j royalty (=majesty), 162. rub (:=obstacle), 157, 184. sack, 187. sad-eyed, 149. safeguard (verb), 149. Saint Denis, 185. Salique law, 146. savage (= uncultivated'*, 166. savagery, 184. 'sblood, 181. scald, 183. scamlaling, 144, 185. sconce, 168. seat (=:throne), 151. security ( = carelessness ) 156. self (adjective), 144- severals, 146. shales, 176. shall (=will), 175- shog, 154. show (=appear), 157, 174. shrewdly, 170. signs of war, 158. sinister (accent), 160. skirr, 180. slips, 163. slobbery, 166. slough, 173. slovenry, 178. smooth (=bland), 186. so (omitted), 145. M^, 171- so (=then), 180. sonance, 176. sooth (=truth), 169. sort (=manner), 182. sort (=rank), 181. sorts (=agrees)i 174. sorts (^degrees), 149. speculation, 176. spend their mouths, 160. spital. 176. squares (^squadrons), 176. sternage, 162. still (^always), 148, 176. stilly, 171. strain (=race), 160. strawberry, 145. sufferance, 156, 157. sur-reined, i66. sumless, 148. swaggered with me, 181. swashers, 163. swilled, 162. take, 154. Tartar (=Tartarus), 156. tempered, 156. tender (=cherish), 157. terms (swords), 181. theoric, 145. threaden, 162. thrive, 152. tike, 154. to (=for), 162. trophy, 182. troth-plight, 154. Troves Cathedral, 142. tucket, 176. umbered, 172. unhidden, 146. untempering, 186. upon, 146. valiant (trisyllable), 181. vantage, 169. vasty, 144, 156. vaward, 178. venge, 151. very (=mere), 144. vigil, 178. voice (=verdict), 156. void his rheum, 167. ■waxen, 150. well-appointed, 162. well-foughten, 180. ■well-placed, 170. wherefore, 183. ■which, 144, 157. 174- whiffler, 182. whiles, 147, 164. white-livered, 163. with (=by), 162, 175. withal, 146, 166. woe the while, 181. womby, 160. wots, 175. would (=wish), 173, 1S5. wringing (=suffering), 175. writ (=writ ten), 147. yearn, 158, 177- yerk, 181. Fluellen. Stand away, Captain Gower; I will give treason his payment into plows, I warrant you (iv. 8. ii). LB Act '05 ^