aass_Xj&^5L2 Book // ^ _ 7 1905 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS OF THE Territory of New Mexico PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF HIRAM HADLEY, SUPERINTENDEiMT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, SANTA FE. NEW MEXICO. 1905 LAS VEGAS, N. M. THE OPTIC COMPANY ■ 1905 1905 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS OF THE Territory of New Mexico / PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF HIRAM HADLEY, / SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION^ SANTA Fe, New Mexico LAS VEGAS THE OPTIC COMPANY 1905 Li) as^^ This Volume Is Territorial Property And is for the use of . . of School District No . . X'Ounty of Territory of New Mexico. rS(Jh0'f the United States and the laws of the Territory of Nfw "Mexico, and faithfully to discharge the duties of his office, vrhich oath or affirmation shall be filed in the office of the count}'- clerk. He shall also give bond in the sum of two thousand dollars, to be approved by and filed with the board of county commissioners of his county. Sec. 1526. — Duties. Teachers' Certificates. County Examiners. Territor- ial Board to Prepare Questions. Amended' by Chap. 73, L. 1905. (As amended.) (Laws 1901.) That he shall also, on the first Monday in January, April, July and October of each 3'ear, or as soon thereafter as he has received the certificate of the Territorial Board of Education, signifying the amount 60 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS appropriated to his county for the use of common schools for the current year, apportion sucli amount, together witli all the county school fund, for the same purpose, to the several districts within the county, in proportion to the number of children residing in each, over five and under twenty-one years of age, as the same shall appear from the last annual reports of the clerks of the respective districts, and he shall immediately certify such apportionment to the directors of the respective districts, and to the county treasurer, who shall credit the several school districts on his books with the re- spective sums apportioned to them. Provided, That no dis- trict shall be entitled to receive any portion of the common school fund in which a common school has not been taught at least three months during" the twelve months preceding. It shall also be his duty to visit each of the schools within his jurisdiction at least once a year, and he shall also see that the annual report of the clerks of the several school districts of his county are made correctly and in due time. In con- junction with two competent persons, appointed by the judge of the District Court wherein the county is situated, he shall make examination of all applicants to teach, and when d;ilv satisfied of their competency, shall grant them a certificate : Provided, That said superintendent, with one of said persons so appointed, shall constitute a quorum of said examining board. Said certificates shall be of three grades, and such examination shall be necessary for the three grades as the territorial superintendent shall designate, and in school dis- tricts where the only language spoken is Spanish, the teacher shall have a knowledge of both English and Spanish. Each member of said examining board shall receive five dollars per diem, and no more, for his services, to be paid from the county school funds. The Territorial Board of Education shall annually pre- pare or cause to be prepared sets of examination questions, upon such subjects as it may elect, for applicants for first and second class teachers' certificates, to teach in the several school districts, independent districts and incorporated towns and cities of the territory; and such board shall send one of such sets, sealed, to each of the county superintendents seven days before the last Friday before the close of the Normal In- stitute, and on such last Fridays as aforesaid, the said countv OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. t)l superintendents shall open the sealed questions in the pre- sence of the assembled applicants for teachers' certificates, and the examining beard, and shall at once proceed to hold examinations on such questions. Special examinations may be held in counties of the first class at other times when necessary at the discretion of the examining board. The ex- amining board shall grade the applicants on the examinations so held, and shall immediately send the papers of the appli- cants, together with the grade it has given them, to the Terri- torial Board of Education, or its representative, to be revised if deemed proper. This revision shall be final, and the ex- amining board holding the examination shall, on notification, immediately issue a certificate to the applicant to accord Avith the action of said Territorial Board of Education; but in the absence of such revision and pending such revision the grade given by the examining board shall stand. All applicants receiving a general average grade as high as 90 per cent., with no grade in any one branch lower tlian 70 per cent., shall receive first class certificates, entitling them to teach for three years throughout the territory; and those receiving a general average grade as high as 70 per cent., with no grade in any one branch lower than 50 per cent., shall receive second class certificates entitling the recipients to teach for two years within the county in which granted, and which may be honored in other counties, for time specified in the certi- ficate only, at the discretion of the county superintendents of said other counties. Third class certificates, entitling the recipient to teach for one year within the county in which granted, may be granted as now provided by law. The mem- bers of such examining board shall not be paid for more than six days' services for au)^ one examination session in coun- ties other than those of the first class. Holders of first class certificates may have them renewed within any county at the discretion of the superintendent of said county without a for- mal re-examination, in case evidence is shown of successful experience in teaching and faithful attendance to duty : Pro- vided, That no such renewal of any certificate shall be made b}^ any county superintendent without the consent of the Territorial Board of Education; but in the absence of such renewal, all first class certificates shall be void at the expira- tion of three years from their date. All second class certifi- 62 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS cates shall be void at the expiration of two years from their date, and all third class certificates at the expiration of one year from their date. Certificates, good only in the district in which granted, may be issued by the authority of boards of education in incorporated cities, and shall be valid and sufficient for teachers in said districts for such periods as said board may prescribe. A legally qualified teacher, to teach in any school district, independent district or incorpora- ted town or city, shall be one who has been^cefti^^ed as prescribed in this act, and who possess a certificate*o^m^nd- ance upon some county or city normal institute, or summer school, or has an approved excuse for non-attendance; and in school districts where the only language spoken is Spanish the teacher shall have a knowledge of both Spanish and Eng- lish. Any county superintendent, or member of a school board, or county treasurer who shall directly or indirectly cause the public school funds to be paid for teachers' services to any other pers®n than a 1i ^i.11^ ijli *1i Tii i1 h n In i under the provisions of this act shall be guilt)'^ of a misdemeanor. and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hun- dred dollars ($500.00) for each and every offense, and maybe removed from office by the governor : Provided, No first class certificate shall be issued, nor shall an}^ person be entitled to a first class certificate, until he or she has procured the same by examinatioli as provided for in this act. Sec. 1527. — Duties in Respect to New Districts. Annual Report. That whenever a school district shall be formed in any county, the county superintendent shall within fifteen days thereafter prepare and post a notice of the formation of such district, describing its boundaries and stating the number thereof and appointing a time and place for the first district meeting, and shall also furnish the county clerk with the de- scription and boundaries of each) school district as soon as practicable after the same is formed. He shall, on or before the fifteenth day of October of each year, make out and transmit in writing to the territorial superintendent, bearing date of October one, a report containing the statement of the number of school districts in the county, and the number, age and sex of children residing in each over five and under twenty-one years of age ; the number of schools in the county, OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. the length of time each school has been taught; the number, age and sex of pupils attending the same; the number and sex of teachers employed, branches taught, and text books used; the number of private or select schools or academies in the county, so far as the same can be ascertained; the number, age and sex of pupils and teachers employed, and the branches taught in each; the amount of public money received in each district; the amount of money raised by taxes, and paid for teachers' salaries, in addition to the amount of public money raised by tax or otherwise for the purpose of purchasing' sites for school buildings, repairing and furnishing school houses, and such other information as the territorial superintendent may desire. Sec. 1528. — Penalty For Failing to Make Annual Report. That every county superintendent who shall willfull)- neglect or refuse to make and deliver to the territorial super- intendent his annual report, as required by this act, within the time limited therefor, shall be liable on his bond for the full amount of money lost to the county by such neglect or re- fusal, with the interest thereon at 12 per centum per annum, to be recovered by the county treasurer in the name of the county, from the bondsmen of said Superintendent. Sec. 1529. — Present School Districts. Declared to be School Districts, That each of the school districts of the different coun- ties as now constituted, is hereby declared to be a school dis- trict, until changed under the provisions of this act, and there shall be established in each district one or more schools in which shall be taught orthography, reading, writing-, arith- metic, grammar, geography, the English language, and the history of the United States. Sec. 1530. — Each School District a Body Corporate. That each school district shall be a body corporate by the name and style of School District Number , of the County of , and by such name may contract and be con- tracted with, sue and be sued, in any of the courts of this terri- tory having competent jurisdiction; and every such district shall hold, in the corporate name of the district, the title of lands and other property which may be required by said dis- trict for school purposes. 64 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS Sec. 1531. — Formation of New Districts. (See Chap. 25, L. 1897.) That hereafter no school district shall be created or di- vided unless it is done by a petition signed by twenty-five heads of families who are the parents of children of school age. That no school district shall be hereafter created or divided unless there shall be twenty-five children at least of school age in the new district, and leave at least fifty child- ren of school age in the district or districts from which such new district is taken. Sec. 1532. — Election of School Directors. (As amended.) That on the second Monday of May, 189 1, the present county school superintendents of the respective counties shall cause to be posted notices in at least three public places in each school district, calling an election to be held for three school directors of said district, on the first Monday in June following; said election to be held by three property holders in said district, to be named in said notice, and after said election is held, the three directors elected shall hold office for one year and until their successors are elected and qualified, and the judges of election shall cer- tify the result to the county superintendent. On the second Monday of May of each succeeding year the directors serv- ing at that time shall post notices of an election to be held by them on the first Monday in June by the qualified voters for three school directors, whose term shall be one year. Only legal voters, residing and paying taxes in said district, shall be qualified to vote at said election ; the votes shall be by written or printed ballots, and the election shall be held be- tween the hours of 8 a. m. and 5 p. ,m. on the first Monday of June, at the public school house or some other convenient place to be specified in said notice; the result of said election shall be certified by said directors to the County Superinten- dent, and the term of office of said directors shall iDegin on the first Monday of July following their election. The direc- tors so elected shall take and file with the county superinten- dent, before the first Monday of July, an oath that they will faithfully perform the duties of their office; said oath shall be administered by the judges holding the election first pro- vided for, and at subsequent elections by the directors serving, • and in said oath shall be set forth the number of said school OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 65 districts. Any school director who shall fail to call the elec- tion and post the notices therefor, or to correctly certify the result of such election as required in this section, shall be deemed guilty of malfeasance in office, and shall be disquali- fied from again holding said office by appointment or other- wise for a period of one year thereafter, and shall be summa- rily removed by the superintendent of schools, and shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not less than twenty- five nor more than one hundred days, the said fines to go to and become a part of the school fund of the district in which such person was a director. And it is hereby made the duty of the county school superintendent so removing a direc- tor to make affidavit of the facts to the district judge, or before any justice of the peace, and to act as prosecuting witness against said director. The said school directors shall truly canvass the vote cast at the election and send the ballots to the county school superintendent, together with their certi- ficate of election, where said ballots shall remain in his cus- tody for the period of thirty days, during which time notice of contests may be given by any person interested. If no such notice shall be given within such period, the county school superintendent shall destroy such ballots. But if such notice of contest be given, it shall be his duty to turn the same over, in exactly the same condition as they were received by him, to the Probate Clerk of his county, where they may be exam- ined under the same terms and conditions as ballots in other cases of contested elections for county officers, and the same provisions shall apply to a contest for the position of school director as is provided by law for contesting other county officers. Sec. 1533. — Organization and Duties of School Directors. ' That five days after their qualification the school direc- tors shall meet and elect a chairman and a clerk, and two directors shall constitute a quorum, which shall be competent to discharge all the duties of a full board. Should a vacancy occur from any cause, notice shall be given to the county superintendent by the directors or a director, and thereupon said county superintendent shall appoint a director to fill such vacancy until the next election. They shall have the care and 66 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS keeping of the school house and other property belonging to the school district, and are hereby authorized to open the school houses for the use of religious, political, literary, scientific, mechanical, agricultural, and industrial societies belonging to their district, for the purpose of holding busi- ness or public meetings of said societies. Sec. 1534. — Powers of School Directors. (As Amended by Chapter 72, Laws of 1903 and by Chapter 109, Laws of 1905. That the school directors of the several districts shall have power and are hereby required to provide, as soon as practicable, school house sites, proper school houses, and suffi- cient fuel for the schools established by this act or any prior act; they shall pay teachers' wages and interest on school house bonds, as provided in section one thousand five hundred and thirty-five, and for that purpose they are empowered to levy a tax when necessary, not exceeding five mills on the dollar in any one year on the taxable property of their respective districts : Provided, That any school district, upon a majority vote of the legal taxpayers thereof, at a regularly called election for the purpose, may have power to levy for school purposes not to exceed ten mills, including the five (5) mill levy hereinbefore authorized for such purposes. Sec, 1535. — Additional Duties of School Directors.. See Chapter 23, Laws of 1905. It shall be their duty to make an estimate for such tax levy on or before the third Monday of July of each year, of the amount of money necessary for teachers' wages for at least six months in each year, and to purchase or lease suitable sites for school houses, and to keep in repair and provide said school houses with necessary fuel and furniture, books and stationery, for the board and district meetings, and de- fray all other contingent expenses of the district, including interest on school house bonds, which tax levy shall be voted upon by the qualified voters of said district, and if concurred in by a majority of such said voters of said district, it shall be certified by the board of county commissioners of the proper county, and if such commissioners decide such elec- tion legal, this tax shall then be collected by the sheriff or tax collector, as other school taxes are now collected and accounted for : Provided, That no board shall issue warrants OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 67 or certificates of indebtedness of the school district, in ex- cess of the amount of the levy for one year, but all school orders shall draw 6 per cent interest per annum after having been presented to the county treasurer and not paid for want of funds, which fact shall be indorsed upon the order by the treasurer; and they shall further have power to levy a spec- ial tax not exceeding five mills on the dollar of taxable pro- perty, for the purpose of creating a sinking fund to pay off school house bonds, as provided for in section one thousand five hundred and forty-three. The directors of the several school districts shall also employ and pay school teachers un- der the restrictions imposed by this act, and shall have the general control and management of the schools in their re- spective districts, subject to such supervision as shall herein be conferred upon the county superintendent; and the direct- ors in the several school districts in the territory shall, on or before the first day of September of each year, make an enumeration of all unmarried persons between five and twen- ty-one years of age, giving- the names, ages and sexes of such persons in full, and reporting the same in writing, which shall be signed by all the directors and sent to the county superin- tendent within fifteen days thereafter. All resident unmar- ried persons between said ages shall be entitled to attend the schools of their districts. The clerks of the several school districts shall, on or before the first day of May of each year, make a report to the county superintendent in writing, show- ing the amount of money collected and expended for school house sites, school houses, arid fuel, interest on school house bonds, contingent expenses, and for salaries paid teachers, within the twelve months preceding. Any school director who shall willfully refuse or fail to make any report or per- form all the duties required by this section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction before the dis- tiict court of the proper county, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding sixty da3^s, in the cHscretion of the court. Sec. 1536. — Teachers to Keep Records and Make Reports. That every person employed to teach a school estab- lished by this act, or any acts now in force, shall keep a proper record, and at the end of each term, make a report to the 68 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS county superintendent, showing the whole number of pupils that have attended school during such term, giving the names, ages, and sexes, the average daily attendance, the branches taught, and such other facts as mlay be deemed important as showing the character of the school and the proficiency of the pupils; and for failure to make such report, he may be fined in the sum of not more than fifty dollars, upon convic- tion before any justice of the peace. No person shall be paid any money for teaching any school established under this act until an order is presented, signed by two of the school directors of the proper district and endorsed by the county superintendent. Sec. 1537. — Tax Levy For School Purposes. (As amended by Section lo, Chapter io8, Laws 1903.) That the territorial auditor shall annually, on or before the first day of May of each year, levy a tax of two (2) mills on the dollar upon all taxable property in the territory, and cer- tify the same to the county collectors of the several counties, who shall collect the same as other .taxes are collected. The money thus, received shall not be spent for any other purpose than for paying the expense of collection, which shall not ex- ceed 4 per cent, of the sum thus collected, and for paying the expenses of printing necessary forms of blank reports, school laws, the salaries of the county superintendents of public in- struction, the expense X)i their offices and paying school teachers. And when said taxes are collected the same shall be paid by the county collectors of the various counties of the territory into the treasuries of the counties to the credit of the general school fund of each county. Sec. 1538. — Bond of County Treasurers as Treasurers of School Funds. That the county treasurers shall severally give bond, with two or more sureties, as treasurers of the school fund in their respective' counties, in a sum which shall be fixed by the superintendent of public instruction at double the probable amount of the school funds which shall come into their hands ; said bonds shall in no case be for a less amount than ten thousand dollars and shall be approved by the county super- intendent of the proper county and filed with the superintend- ent of public instruction. OF THE TERRITORY" OF NEW MEXICO. b^ Sec. 1539.— (Repealed Acts 99. Chapter 88.) Any tax collector who shall fail to pay over all school money collected by him within thirty days after the tenth day of each month in which the same is collected, shall be summarily removed by the governor from the office of col- lector. Sec. 1540. — Penalty for Tax Collectors Failing to Turn Over Money. If the tax collector be also sheriff, such delinquent shall also be removed from the office of sheriff and forever there- after be disqualified from holding either of said offices, and the governor shall appoint a successor, who shall qualify ac- cording to law, and who shall hold his office during the balr ance of the time of the officer removed. It shall also be the duty of the collector of taxes to keep the accounts of special taxes levied by school districts, in separate books provided for that purpose. Sec. 1541. — Chapter 1, Compiled Laws of 1897, Regarding the Issuance of Bonds by School Districts, Amended by Chapter 81, Laws of 1905. That school directors shall have power and authority to borrow money for the purpose of erecting and completing school houses by issuing negotiable bends of the district, to run any period of not less than twenty years nor exceeding thirty years, drawing interest at a rate not to exceed six per centum per annum;, with interest payable semi-annually, at such a place as the board of directors issuing the same may direct, which said indebtedness shall be binding and obligatory on the school districts for the use of which said loan shall be made ; but no district shall permit a greater outstanding in- debtedness than an amount equal to four per centum of the assessed value of the property of such district. Sec. 1542. — Issuing of Bonds to be Determined by Qualified Electors. Term and Disposition of Bonds. That the directors of any school district may submit to the voters of their district at the annual or any special meet- ing called for that purpose, the question of issuing bonds as contemplated by this act, giving the same notice of such meet- ing as is now required to be given for the election of directors by this act, and the amount proposed to be raised by the sale 70 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS of such bonds, which question shall be voted upon by the qualified electors of the district, and if a majority of all the votes cast upon that question be in favor of the issue of such bonds, then said board shall issue bonds to the amount voted, in denominations of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor ex- ceeding" five hundred dollars, due not less than twent}^ nor more than thirty years after date, and redeemable at the pleasure of the district at any time after ten years, which said bonds shall be given in the name of the district issuing them and shall be signed by the president of the board of directors and approved by the county superintendent and be delivered to the county treasurer, taking his receipt therefor, and said county treasurer shall advertise for the sale of said bonds to the highest bidder, in at least four issues of some weekly paper published in his county, or an adjoining county, and shall countersigT. said bonds when negotiated; the county treasurer shall'i place the proceeds of such sale of bonds to the credit of the proper district, to be paid out as provided for in the manner of special district tax. The county treasurer shall stand' charged upon his official bond with all bonds that may be delivered to him, but any bond or bonds not sold may be returned to the district and the treasurer credited with the same : Provided, That if such bonds are issued for the building of a school house, that the contractor constructing- •the same may receive in payment such bonds at their face value, or at the price offered by the highest bidder. Provided, further, That none of the bonds mentioned in this act shall be sold for less than ninety cents on the dollar. Sec. 1543. — Special Levy. (As amended by Chapter 74, Laws 1903.) That a special levy, not exceeding seven and one-half (7.5) mills, ma)^ be levied by the district board in the same manner as such levy is made for general expenses in section 1535, title II, Chapter i, Compiled Laws of 1897, to be used as a sinking fund for the payment of outstanding bonds and for enlarging school houses or for building additional school buildings : Provided, No levy shall be made for the creation of a sinking fund at less period than ten years after such bonds have been issued. The sinking fund may be applied by the directors to the purchase and cancellation of outstanding bonds of the OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 71 district, and to the building of additional school houses or the enlargement of their present school buildings. Sec. 1544. — All Property Subject to Levy. All property, personal and real, situated in each school district, shall be subject to the general three mills levy, and also to the sinking fund bond levy, and also to the five mills special levy, for the purpose of this act and no further. Sec. 1545. — Bonds Not to be Issued Until Boundaries of School Dis- tricts Have Been Established. That no bonds of any district shall be issued or any special tax levied until the boundaries of said districts shall have been established and the property marked by monu- ments or by natural objects as provided by law. The boun- daries of all school districts in this territory, so far as possible, shall coincide with the precinct boundaries, and said bound- aries shall be established by the proper authorities, and the corners thereof marked by monuments or natural objects Math the words, District Number , in a permanent man- ner marked upon them, and an outlined map of the district made, showing the length and breadth thereof, and the pro- posed location of the school house ; a copy of said map to be filed with the county superintendent. Secj 1546. — Establishment of Boundaries of School Districts. That the count}" superintendent, the president of the school district, and some competent person, the county sur- veyor, should there be one appointed by the county commis- sioners, shall constitute the board, whose duty it shall be to establish corners, boundary lines, and draw the map contem- plated in section one thousand five hundred and forty-five; the expense of such proceedings to be charged to the county wherein the district is situated and to be allowed by the Board of county commissioners thereof, and not to exceed the sum of ten dollars for each district. Sec. 1547. — Assessor to Make Assessment of District After Boundaries Are Established. That in any school district where a special tax is in con- templation of being levied, or of bonds being issued, and after the boundaries of the district have been properly determined /Z COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS and marked for that purpose, it shall be the duty of the county assessor to visit said district and make an assessment of all taxable property, both personal and real, within said school district, as fully and completely as he is now required to make the assessment of the county and he shall be governed by the same rules, especially including in such assessment all kinds of live stock which graze wholly within the limit of such district. The county assessor shall provide each board of district directors with a copy of such lists of taxable prop- erty in the several districts. Sec. 1548. — Temporary School Fund. (As amended by Sees. I7)and 19, Chapter 119, Laws of 1903.) That the following are hereby declared to be and are to be, temporary funds for common school purposes and shall be paid to the county treasurer, to be applied by the county treasurer to the general school fund of each respective coun- ty ^ First. The proceeds of all sales of mtestate estates which escheat to the territory. Second. All forfeitures or recoveries on bonds of county, precinct or territorial officers. Third. The proceeds of all fines collected for violation of the penal laws. All moneys accruing under the provisions of this section shall, on or before the first Monday in January, April, July and October in each year, be paid into the county treasury by the officer collecting the same, who shall take duplicate receipts therefor, one of which he shall file in the office of the county clerk, and all officers who fail for two consecutive terms to make such payment and file said dupli- cate receipts with the county clerk, or who shall have failed to make quarterly reports as now required by law, shall be subject to summary removal from office by the board of county commissioners at the next regular meeting thereafter, and shall also be liable to indictment for malfeasance in of- fi.ce and false swearing, and the person so indicted shall upon conviction thereof be ineligible to hold said office for the period of two years thereafter ; and judges of the district court are hereby required at each term to give this section of the law a special charge to the grand jury, which body is authorized to especially inquire into and make presentment OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. of offenses committed under this act. Fourth. The proceeds of the sales of lost goods or es- trays. Fifth. All moneys arising from licenses imposed upon v.-holesale and retail liquor dealers, distilleries, breweries, wine presses, which now pay license or may hereafter be required to pay license. Thirty-three and one-third per cent, of all the moneys arising from the above enumerated sources, when collected, shall be paid into the county treasury to the account of the general county school fund of each county in which collected. The collector, or person paying in the above enumerated mon- eys to the county treasurer shall receive from the county treasurer a receipt in full for the amount paid in. County treasurers shall quarterly, on or before the third Monday in March, June, September and December in each year, notify the county superintendent of schools in their respective counties of all funds coming into their hands for public school purposes during the preceding quarter and the total amount of moneys on hand then available for public school purposes. Sec. 1549. — Poll Tax. As Amended by Chapter 61, Laws 1905. That a poll tax of one dollar shall be levied upon all able bodied male persons of the age of twenty-one years or over, for school purposes. It shall be the duty of the clerks of the various school districts of the Territory of New Mexico to make out separate lists of all persons liable to pay a poll tax, resident in their respective districts and the said clerk shall receive three dollars, to be paid out of an}'- funds in the hands of the directors of said school district for such services, and no other person shall receive a recompense for such ser- vice. It shall be the duty of the said school district clerk to collect said poll tax and said clerk shall receive ten per centum of all moneys collected from poll taxes. The school district clerks are hereby empowered to bring suit in the name of the school district for the collection of said poll tax, if not paid within thirty days after the first demand has been made for the payment of same from any person so delinquent. All poll taxes shall be paid to the county treasurer for the use of the respective school districts in which the same are collected. COMPILATION OF IHE SCHOOL LAWS and the treasurer shall pay to the school district clerk his percentage of the gross amount collected : Provided, That no resident of any school district shall pay his poll tax to any other district than the one in which he resides : And, Pro- vided, further, That no poll tax shall be received by any dis- trict clerk from any resident of any other school district. No property shall be exempt from execution in suits for collec- tion of poll taxes and the justices of the peace and constables shall not demand fees in advance for such suits. Sec .1550. — Duty of District Clerk in Respect to Poll Tax. Amenderl by Chapter 61, Laws 1905. It shall be the duty of the school district clerks to make at least four copies of the names of persons liable to pay poll tax, and on the first Monday in February he shall post one of said lists in some conspicuous place in their respective dis- tricts for the information of the people, and on or before the first Monday in April the school district clerks shall report to the county clerk a complete list of said persons liable to pay a poll tax in their respective districts, and shall report said list to the county superintendent in writing, and shall report to said superintendent the amount of poll tax collected, from whom collected, the names of persons still delinquent and the reasons for said delinquency, and further, one list of such persons liable to pay a poll tax shall be filed in the office of' said clerks. Sec. 1551. — Duty of Assessor in Respect to Poll Tax, Repsaled by Chapter 61, Laws 1905. Sec. 1552. — District to Acquire Real Estate. That it shall be lawful for any district to take and hold in its corporate name, under the provisions of this act, so much real estate as may be necessary for the location and construction of a school house and convenient schools : Pro- vided, That the real estate so taken, otherwise than by con- sent of the owner, shall not exceed one acre. The site so taken must be situated on some public highway or thorough- fare. Sec. 1553. — Condemnation of Land. That if the owner of any such real estate refuse or neglect to grant the necessary site on his premises, then and in OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 75 that case the directors may acquire title to so much of said land as is necessary for school purposes, in the manner now- provided by law for the condemnation of land for railroads or other public purposes, and such lands so taken shall be deemed to be taken for public use. Sec. 1554. — Joint School Districts. That it shall be lawful for communities, where lying- contiguous in the same county, though in different precincts, to form school districts according to the provisions of this act : Provided, That in such cases it shall be the duty of five of said petitioners to certify, under oath, the number of heads of families and children of school age belonging to the sev- eral parts or precincts sought to be joined in the new district. Sec. 1555. — Compulsory School Attendance. (As amended by Chapter 39, Laws 1903.) Sub-Section I. That the school directors or board of any school district, town or city in this territory, are hereby empowered and re- quired to compel parents, guardians or other persons having the control, care or direction of children, when such children do not attend some private or denominational school, to send such' children under their control to the public school for at least three months in each year, except that children referred to in this act shall not be less than seven nor more than fourteen years of age, or of such physical disability as to unfit them for school duties, which disability shall be cer- tified to by some regular j practicing physician. Sub-Section 2. x\ny parent, guardian or other persons having the control of children and who shall fail or refuse to send such children to school as required by this act, after the clerk of the school district or the clerk of any town or city school board shall have given public notice containing the substance of this act, written or printed in both English and Spanish, by posting same in some conspicuous place at three separate points within the district, or publishing the same- in some newspaper within the district, shall be punished upon conviction thereof by a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $25, or by imprisonment for not more than ten days in any county jail: Provided, That if such parent or guardian is not able, by reason of poverty, to buy books for any such child, it shall be the duty of any school board of 76 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS any town, district or city, upon the facts being shown to the satisfaction of a majority thereof, to purchase, through the County Superintendent, or through the district, town or city superintendent, if there be one, the necessary books for the use of said child or children, which books shall be loaned to said indigent pupil during the school term, yet shall re- main the property of the district under the care and custody of the district clerk : Provided, further, That a sum not ex- ceeding $50 may be expended in any district in any one year for supplying indigent children with such necessary books to be paid for out of the school fund of such district, by warrants drawn as in other cases: And provided also. That there is no school taught within two miles of the place of residence of said child by the nearest established road. Sub-Section 3. County superintendents are hereby vest- ed with general supervisory powers in this matter and shall require directors to comply with the provisions of the pre- ceding section; and it shall be the duty of the presiding judge of the district court to give, at each session of the court, the substance of this law as a special charge to their respec- tive grand juries, and it is made the duty of the district at- torneys to give particular heed to the prosecution of causes growing out of violations of this act ; and all fines so col- lected for the violation of this act shall be paid into the county treasury and placed to the credit of the school dis- trict in which the offense occurs. Sec. 1556. — Actual Residents Permitted to Attend School Regardless of Race or Nationality. (/Vs amended by Chapter 78, Laws 1901.) That pupils v^ho are actual residents of a district shall be permitted to at- tend school in the same, regardless of the time when they acquire such residence, whether before or after the enumera- tion. That any teacher, school directors, or members of any board of education connected with the common schools in this territory who shall refuse to receive any pupil at school on account of race or nationality^^ the' said pupil being entitled to attend school in said district as hereinljefore provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction before any justice of the peace or district court, shall be fined in a sum of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred, and imprisoned in the county jail for three months, and shall OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. be forever barred from teaching school or to hold any office of honor or profit in this territory. Sub-Section i. That the superintendent of the county is by this act required to summarily remove from office or employment an}^ person violating the provisions of the pre- ceding section, and upon failure to do so he shall be removed from office by the superintendent of public instruction, who is hereby authorized and empowered to fill said vacancy. Sec. 1557. — Definition of Scliool Day and Montii. That the school month shall consist of four weeks, of five days each, and a school day shall consist of six hours. Sec, 1558. — School Fund From Levy, Paid to County Treasurers. That the school fund derived from the general levy of three mills on the dollar of taxable property shall be paid directly by the several collectors to the treasurers of their respective counties to the credit of the county school r.mds, and shall be apportioned as now provided by law, together with all county school fund, by the county superintendent of schools on the first Mondays in January, April, July and October. Sec. 1559. — Expenses of Territorial Board of Education, How Audited And Paid. The actual necessary expenses of the members of the board of education, incurred in attending the me'^taigs there- of, shall be audited by the auditor of the territory, and paid out of any school funds in the territorial treasury. Sec. 1560. — ;Property Exempt From School Taxes. That the following classes of property sliall be exempt from taxation for school purposes: Propertv of the United States, of this territory, of counties, cities, towns and other municipal corporations, when devoted entirely to ]}ubHc use, and not held for pecuniary profit; all public libraries; the grounds, buildings, books, papers and apparatus of literary, scientific, benevolent, agricultural and religious institutions, and societies devoted exclusively to the appropriate object of those institutions, and not leased or otherwise used with a view to pecuniary profit ; and cemeteries not held for pecuniary profit : Provided, That mines and mining claims shall pay a 78 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS tax upon the net product and upon the surface improvements only. Sec. 1561. — Municipalities Governed by Provisions of This Act. All cities and towns now organized by viitue of the authority of former acts, and all cities and towns hereafter organized under any law of this territory, shall be governed by the provisions of this act. Sec. 1562. — Schools in Municipalities Free; Exceptions. ■ In each city or town governed by this act there shall be established and maintained a system of free common schools, which shall be kept open no less than three nor more than ten months in any one year, and shall be free to all children residing in such city or town, between the ages of five and twenty years. But the board of education may, when school room accommodations are insufficient, exclude for the time being children between the ages of five and seven years. Sec. 1563. — When Adjacent Territory May be Attached to Municipality, For School Purposes. Territory outside the city limits, but adjacent thereto, may be attached to such city or town for school purposes, upon application to the board of education of such city or town by a majority of the electors of such adjacent territory, and upon such application being made to the board of education they shall, if they deem it proper and to the best interests of the school of said city or town and the territory seeking to be attached, issue an order attaching such territory to such city or town for school purposes and to enter the same upon their journal, and such territory shall, from the date of such order, be and compose a part of such city or town for school purposes only,' and the taxable property of such adjacent territory shall be subject to taxation, and shall bear its full proportion of all expenses incurred in the erection of school buildings and in maintaining the schools of such city or town. Whenever the territory so attached shall have attained a pop- ulation equal to that of any ward of such city or town, or whenever the taxable property of such attached territory shall equal that of any one ward of such city or town, such at- tached territory shall be entitled to elect two members of the board of education, who shall be elected at the same tzme OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. . 79 that other members of the board are elected, by the qualified electors of such territory, at an election to be held at such place as the board of education may designate. Sec. 1564. — School Boards to be Bodies Corporate. The public schools of each city organized in pursuance of this act shall be a body corporate, and shall possess the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes, by the name and style of the Board of Education of the City (or Town) of , of the Territory of New Mexico, and in that name may sue or be sued, and be capable of contracting and being contracted with, of holding and conveying such real and per- sonal estate as it may come into possession of by will or otherwise, or as is authorized to be purchased by the pro- visions of this act. Sec. 1565. — School Property to be Conveyed to Local Board of Educa- tion. Any city or town is hereby authorized and required, upon request of the board of education of such city or town, to convey to said board of education all property within the limits of any such city or town heretofore purchased by any such city or town for school purposes and now held and used for such purpose, the title to which is vested in any such city or town. Sec. 1566. — How Deed Shall be Executed. All conveyances for the property mentioned in the pre- ceding section shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the clerk of said city or town, and shall have the seal of the city or town affixed thereto, and be acknowledged by the mayor of such city or town, in the same manner as other con- veyances of real estate. -Sec. 1567. — Boards; How Elected. Incorporated Towns Not Sub- divided Into Wards, to Elect Boards of Education. At each annual city or town election, there shall be a board of education, consisting of two members from each ward, elected by the qualified voters thereof, one of whom shall be elected annually, and shall hold his office for a term of two years, and until his successor is elected and qualified: Provided, That no member of the board of education shall be 80 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS d member of the council or town trustees, nor shall any mem- ber of the council or town trustees be a member of the board of education. That all incorporated towns in the territory not laid off in wards shall at the next municipal election elect a board of education, consisting of three members, one of whom shall serve for the term of three years, one for the term of two years, and one for the term of one year, and thereafter at each annual election there shall be elected one member of the board, who shall serve for the term of three years. Each member of the board of education shall be a qualified voter of the Territory of New Mexico, and shall have resided in the district at least two years next preceding the election, and shall be a taxpayer. Sec. 1568. — Vacancies; How Filled. The board of education shall have power to fill any va- cancy which may occur in their body : Provided, That any vacancy occurring more than ten days previous to the annual election and having an unexpired term of one 3^ear, shall be filled at the first annual election thereafter, and the ballots and returns of elections shall be designated as follows : To fill unexpired term. iSec. 1569. — To Elect Officers, and Establish High School, When Necessary, The board of education shall have power to elect their own officers, except the treasurer ; to make their own rules and regulations, subject to the provisions of this act; to or- ganize and maintain a system of graded schools; to establish R high school whenever in their opinion the educational in- terests of the city demand the same, and to exercise the sole control over the schools and school property of the city or town. Sec. 1570. — When Officers Shall be Elected. The board of education at its regular meeting in May of each year, shall organize by the election of a president and vice-president from among its own members, each of whom shall serve for the term of one year or until their successors are elected and qualified; they shall also elect a clerk, who shall hold his office during the pleasure of the board, and who shall receive such compensation for his services as the boa^xl may allow. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 8i Sec. 1571.— Treasurer of Municipalities Ex-Officio Treasurer of Board of Education. The treasurer of the city or town shall be ex-officio treasurer of the board of education, and shall give such bond to the board of education as the board may require, said bond to be approved by the board of education and filed with its clerk. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to deposit daily all money belonging to the board of education, in some re- sponsible bank, to be designated by the board of education, in the name of such treasurer as such officer, which bank shall pay interest on monthly average balances as may be agreed upon by such bank and the board of education, and be- fore making such deposit the board of education shall take from such bank a good and sufficient bond in a sum to be designated by the board of education, conditioned that such deposit shall be paid on the check or draft of said treasurer. The treasurer shall attend all the meetings of the board, when required to do so; shall prepare and submit in writing a monthly report of the finances of said board, and shall pay school moneys only upon a warrant signed by the president, or in his absence, by the vice-president, and countersigned by the clerk. The^ treasurer shall receive from the board of edu- cation fifty dollars per annum for his services as treasurer, and no more. Sec^ 1572. — No Member of Board of Education to Receive Pay. No member of the board of education shall receive any pay or emolument for his services. Sec. 1573. — Duties of President of Board of Education. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meet- ings of the board of education, to appoint all committees,, whose appointment is not otherwise provided for, and tO' sign all warrants ordered by the board of education to be drawn upon the treasurer for school moneys. Sec. 1574. — Duties of Vice-President of Board of Education. It shall be the duty of the vice-president to perform all the duties of the president, in case of his absence or dis- ability. 83 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS Sec. 1575. — Duties of Clerk of Board of Education. It shall be the duty of the clerk to be present at all meet- ings of the board, to keep an accurate journal of its proceed- ings, to take charge of its books and documents, to counter- sign all warrants for school moneys drawn upon the treasurer by order of the board of education, and to perform such other duties as the board of education or its committees may require. Sec. 1576. — Clerk Shall Give Bond. Before entering upon the discharge of his duties, the clerk of the board of eclucation shall give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars, with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the board, conditioned for the faithful per- formance of the duties of his office. Sec. 1577. — When and How Additional Tax May be Levied. The board of education shall, on or before the first day of August of each year, levy a tax for the support of the schools of the city or town for the fiscal year next ensuing, not exceeding in, any one year five mills on the dollar, on all personal, mixed and real property within the district which is taxable according to the laws of the Territory of New Mexico for school purposes, which levy shall be approved by the city council or town trustees, and when so approved the clerk of the board shall certify to it to the county clerk, who is hereby authorized and recjuired to place the same on the tax roll of said county, to be collected by the collector of the county as are other taxes, and paid over by him to the treasurer of the boarcV of education of whom he shall take a receipt in duplicate, one of which he shall file in his office, and the other he shall forthwith transmit to the clerk of the board of education. This section shall not be construed to change, alter, modify or amend section one thousand five hundred and fifty-eight or any part of the act of which it is an amendment, with reference to the amount to be raised by taxation for school purposes; but the provisions of this section with reference to taxation for schools under this sec- tion, and said law shall be held and taken to be in addition to the provisions of the act above referred to in this section. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. Sec. 1578. — Property Subject to Taxation. The taxable property of the whole city or town, includ- ing- the territory attached for school purposes, shall be sub- ject to taxation. All taxes collected for the benefit of the schools shall be paid in money, and shall be placed in the hands of the treasurer, subject to the order of the board of education. Sec. 1579. — Regular and Special IVleetings of Board of Education. The regular meetings of the Board of Education shall be upon the first Monday of each month, but special meetings may be held from time to time, as circumstances may de- mand. Sec. 1580. — Reports of Board of Education, Printing and Distribution of. The board of education, at the close of each school year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, shall make an annual re- port of the progress, prosperity and condition, financial as well as educational, of all the schools under their charge; and said report, or such portion of it as the board of education shall consider of advantage to the public, shall be printed, either in a public newspaper or in pamphlet form, and a copy furnished the county and the territorial superintendent. Sec. 1581. — Expenditures; Limitation. No expenditure involving an amount greater than two hundred dollars shall be made, except in accordance with the provisions of a written contract, and no contract involving an expenditure of more than five hundred dollars, for the purpose of erecting any public buildings or making any im- provements, shall be made except upon sealed proposals, and to the lowest responsible bidder. Sec. 1582. — Sectarian Doctrines Not to be Tauglit. No sectarian doctrine shall be taught or inculcated in any of the public schools of the city or town. Sec. 1583. — Sciiooi Property Exempt From Taxation. All property held by the board of education for the use of public schools shall be exempt from taxation, and shall not be taken in any manner for any debt due from the city. 84 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS Sec. 1584. — Election May be Ordered For Issuing Bonds. Terms of Bonds. Any city or incorporated town in this territory which shall, by the action of its common council, trustees or school directors, have purchased any ground and building or build- ings, or may hereafter purchase any ground and building or buildings, or has commenced or may hereafter contmence the erection of any building or buildings for school purposes, or which shall have by its school directors, common council or trustees, contracted any debts for the erection of such building or buildings, or the purchase of such ground and building or buildings, or such school directors, trustees or common council shall not have the necessary means with which to complete such building or buildings, or to pay for the purchase of such ground and building or buildings, or pay such debt, may on filing by the school directors, trustees or common council of said city or town of a report under oath with the board of education of such city or town, showing the estimated or actual cost of any such ground and building or buildings, or the amount required to complete such building or build- ings, or purchase such g' 3und and building or buildings, or the amount of such debt, it shall be lawful for the board of education to order an election for the issuing of bonds of said school district in said city or town, to an amount to liquidate such proposed indebtedness. And the said boards of education are hereby authorized and empowered to issue such bonds in conformity with the requirements, and in like man- ner that school bonds are issued. And said boards of educa- tion are authorized and empowered to issue bonds to raise funds for the purchase of school site or sites, or to erect a suitable building or buildings thereon, or to fund any bonded indebtedness for school purposes of such city or town : Pro- vided, That nc bonds shall be issued until the question shall be submitted to the people and a majority of the qualified electors who shall vote on the question, at an election called for that purpose, shall have declared by their votes in favor of issuing such bonds. The rate of interest on such bonds shall not exceed six per cent, per annum, payable annually or semi-annually, at such place as may be mentioned upon the OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 85 face of said bonds, which bonds shall be payable in no less than twenty, nor more than thirty years from their date, and the board of education is hereby authorized and empowered to sell such bonds at no less than par. Sec. 1585. — Elections to Vote Bonds. How Canceled. Returns. It shall be the duty of the mayor of each city or town governed by this act upon the request of the board of educa- tion, forthwith to call an election, to be conducted in all re- spects as are the elections for city or town officers in the same cities or towns, except that the returns shall be made to the board of education for the purpose of taking the sense of such district upon the question of issuing such bonds, nam- ing in the proclamation of such election the amount of bonds asked for, and the purpose for which they are to be issued. Sec. 1586. — Bonds; by Whom Executed, and What They Shall Specify. The bonds, the issuance of which is provided for in the foregoing section, shall be signed by the president, attested by the clerk, and countersigned by the treasurer of the board of education ; and said bonds shall specify the rate of inter- est and the time when principal and interest shall be paid, and each bond so issued shall be for a sum of not less than fifty dollars. Sec. 1587. — Tax Levy For Interest and Sinking Fund. The board of education at the time of its annual levy of taxes for the support of schools, as hereinbefore provided, shall also levy a sufficient amount to pay the interest as the same accrues on all bonds issued under the provisions of this act, and also to create a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds, which it shall levy and collect, in addition to the rate per cent, authorized by the provisions aforesaid for school purposes ; and said amount of funds, when paid into the treas- ury, shall be and remain a specific fund for said purpose only, and shall not be appropriated in any other way except as hereinafter provided : Provided, There shall be no levy for sinking fund until ten years after the issue of such bonds, if they be for twenty years; and twenty years after the issue if they be for thirty years and the levy in any one year shall not exceed five mills on the dollar for such sinking fund, and the total levy in any one year shall not exceed ten mills on the 86 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS dollar for all purposes : Provided, further, That the levy for interest on such bonds as may be issued by such city or town shall not exceed in any one year an amount required to pay the annual interest. Sec. 1588.' — Coupons to be Promptly Paid, and How Canceled. Whenever the interest coupons of the bonds hereinbe- fore authorized shall become due, they shall be promptly paid, on presentation, by the treasurer, out of any money in his hands collected for that purpose, and he shall endorse upon the face of such coupons in red ink the word, Paid, and the date of payment, and sign the initials of his name. Sec. 1589. — School Funds and Property Pledged in Payment of Interest. The school fund and property of such city or town and territory attached for school purposes, is hereby pledged to the payment of the interest and principal of the bonds men- tioned in this act, as the same may become due. Sec. 1590. — Duty of Clerk to Register Bonds. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the board of education to register, in a book provided for that purpose, the bonds issued under this act, and all warrants issued by the board, which said register shall show the number, date, and amount of said bonds, and to whom made payable. Sec. 1591. — ^Official Oaths and Filing of. Each member of the board of education and officer pro- vided for in this act shall take and subscribe an oath or af- firmation to support the Constitution of the United States and the laws of New Mexico, and faithfully perform the duties of his office. The oath and bond of the clerk shall be filed with the treasurer, and all other oaths and bonds shall be filed with the clerk. Sec. 1592. — Previous Transfers Legalized. That all transfers of school district property heretofore made in any school district in this territory are hereby de- clared valid and legal, and hereafter school district property shall not be transferred by school boards, except upon the pe- tition of a majority of the qualified electors of any school district desiring such transfer. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 87 Sec, 1593. — Board of Education to Adopt Text Books. The board of education of the territory of New Mexico shall have, and is hereby vested with full power to adopt a system, of school books for the use of the public schools of this territory, and only the school books so adopted by the said board shall be used in any and all of the public schools of this territory. The board of education shall have power to contract with the publisher or publishers of text books adopt- ed for use in the public schools in New Mexico, in the name of the territory and through the superintendent of public instruction for the purchase and delivery of said books under such regulations as the board may adopt. Sec. 1594. — Books to be Sold to Counties at Actual Cost. The books purchased in the name of the territory shall be sold to the several counties for cash only, at cost, and freight added, and additional five per centum of amount of cost and freight, to cover necessary expenses. On the tenth of each month accounts of books purchased and sold shall be settled by the superintendent of public instruction; the text books shall be supplied by the publisher or publishers in quantities on the order of the superintendent of public educa- tion of the territory, and on the first day of March and September of each year a full settlement shall be had be- tween the territory and the contractors and a full report thereof shall be submitted to the board of education, of all matters connected with the purchase of text books by the superintendent of education. Sec. 1595. — Text Books Changed Only Every Four Years. Text books once adopted shall not be changed for four years, and the first contract for same shall be entered into between the publishers and the territory on the first day of September, 1891, or as soon thereafter as possible. Sec. 1596. — Board of Education Vested With Exclusive Power With Respect to Text Books; Teacher Violating; Penalty. The board of education of the territory of New Mexico is hereby vested with exclusive power in the matter of pre- scribing the text books necessary and to be used in the public 88 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS schools of this territory, and any school teacher, school direct- or or county school superintendent violating the regulations and rules of the board of education shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined for each and every offense, and upon conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction, in a sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. Sec. 1597. — Legalizing Transfer of School Property. That all transfers of school district property heretofore made by any school board in any school district in this terri- tory are hereby declared valid and legal and all such transfers are hereby ratified and confirmed. Sec. 1598. — School Districts Only Dividsd Upon Petition. That hereafter no school district shall be created or di- vided unless it is done by a petition, signed by twenty-five heads of families who are the parents of children of school age. Sec. 1599. — Required! Number of Children For New School District. That no school district shall be hereafter created or divided unless there shall be twenty-five children at least of school age in the new district, and leave at least fifty children of school age in the district or districts from which such new district is taken. Sec. 1600. — Board of Trustees to Transfer Certain Property to School Districts. When the corporate authorities of any town, or the pro- bate judge of the county, for any county in this territory in uhich any town may be situated, shall have entered at the proper land office the land or any part of the land settled and occupied at the site of such town, pursuant to and by virtue of the provisions of the act of Congress, entitled, An Act for the Relief of Citizens of Towns Upon Lands of the United States Under Certain Circumstances, passed May 23rd, 1844, and any amendments that may be made thereto, or where such land may be entered by the proper authorities under and by virtue of any special act of Congress, and where the cor- OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 84 porate authorities have failed, or hereafter fail, to comply with the provisions of Chapter 3, Title 40, and any blocks, lots, shares or parcels of said land remain unsold, the title to said unsold blocks, lots, shares or parcels of land shall vest and be in the school district in which said land is located, and it shall be the duty of the board of trustees of such town to transfer, by proper deed of conveyance, said unsold blocks, lots, shares or parcels of land to the board of education of such school district. Sec. 1601. — Unsold Parcels of Land to be Deeded to the Board of Education. Within thirty (30) days after the passage of this act, the board of trustees of any town, located as above and hav- ing unsold blocks, lots, shares or parcels of land therein, shall deed the same to the board of education of such school dis- t-;:ct, in case said unsold blocks, lots, shares, and parcels ot land have not been heretofore transferred to the said board of education; and any transfer of such unsold blocks, lots, shares, or parcels of land heretofore made by the board of trustees of any town to the board of education of such school district are hereby declared valid and legal, and all such transfers are hereby ratified and confirmed. Sec. 1602. — Board of Appraisers to be Appointed. The board of education or any such school district, after such unsold blocks, lots, shares or parcels of land shall be conveyed as above provided, shall appoint by order or reso- lution a board of appraisers, to consist of three freeholders of any school district, who shall have no interest in said unsold blocks, lots, shares or parcels of land or the improve- ments thereon. Each of said appraisers shall take an oath to faithfully discharge his duties as such appraiser and shall file such oath in the office of the clerk of said board of edu- cation, before commencing his duties as such appraiser. In case such appraiser should fail or neglect to make the ap- praisement hereinafter specified and file the same with the clerk of such board of education within ten days after their appointment, then said board may appoint a new board of ap- praisers for the purpose herein provided. Sec. 1603. — Duty of Appraisers. Said appraisers shall appraise all such blocks, lots, shar-.^s. 90 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS and parcels of land thus conveyed to such beard of education, at their just and full cash value, and file their written ap- praisement as aforesaid. Said appraisement shall contain a description of each lot or parcel of land so appraised and a statement of the cash value of each lot and parcel of land so appraised. Said appraisers shall make a separate statement of the value of such lots and parcels of land without improve- ments and the aggregate value of both ; there shall be attached to such appraisement a written affidavit of the said aopraisers, verifying each statement of such appraisement and alleging that each of said lots or parcels of land is appraised at its just and full value. Sec. 1604. — Lots May be Sold at Not Less Than Appraised Value. Any or all of said lots may be sold at any time by such board of education either at public vendue to the highest bid- der for cash, or at private sale for cash, in the discretion of the board of educaticn : Provided ,That no block, lot, share or parcel of land shall be sold for less than the appraised value thereof. Sec. 1605. — Procedure in Respect to Sale of Lots. When any said blocks, lots, shares, or parcels of land are to be sold at public vendue, the president of the board of education shall give notice, signed in his official capacity, of the time and place of sale of blocks, lots, shares or parcels of land to be sold, by advertisement, published in the county where such school district is situated, or if no newspaper is published in said county, then in the newspaper published nearest said school district. Such public sale shall be adver- tised to be made at some public place in said town, and to be sold at some specified time between the hours of sunrise and sun'set. Sec. 1606. — How Offered For Sale. Such lots or parcels of land shall be offered for sale singly, unless a greater price can be obtained by selling several lots or parcels of land together, in which case several lots or parcels of land can be sold together. Such public sale may be continued, if necessary, from day to day, for a period not to exceed three days at any one sale. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. ':H Sec. 1607.^New Appraisements. A new appraisement of lots or parcels of land to be sold shall be made in case no appraisement thereof has been made for three months next preceding the date of snch sale. Said new appraisement shall be made, either by the old board of appraisers, or a new board of appraisers, to be appointed in the same manner and with the same qualifications as the first board of appraisers. New boards of appraisers may be ap- pointed whenever necessary to have any of said blocks, lots, shares or parcels of land appraised for sale. Sec. 1608. — Money; How Applied. The moneys arising from the sale- of said blocks, lots, shares and parcels of land, after defraying the expense of such sales, shall be paid into the treasury of such school district and applied to the support and maintenance of free, non-sectarian public schools, within the limits of any such school district, or used and expended by said school district in the erection of school buildings for the use of the public schools of said dis- trict and for furnishing such buildings, and for no other pur- pose. Sec. 1609. — Persons Having Improved, IViay Purchase. In all cases when prior to the taking effect of this act any person may have entered thereon and improved any lots be- longing to such school district, such person, after the report of such board of appraisers, may purchase any of such lots from the said board of education for cash at the appraised value of said lots, exclusive of improvements. Sec. 1610. — Purcliaser Shall Pay Certain Expenses. All persons purchasing any lots or parcels of land as above provided shall pay for the drawing, execution and acknowledgment of the deed of conveyance, together with fifty cents to the clerk of such board of education, for attes- tation with seal of said board of education, by the clerk of said beard. Sec. 1611. — Deeds, How Executed. All conveyances of lots or parcels of land mentioned in this act shall be signed by the president of the board of educa- ticnand attested by the clerk of said board, and shall have the 92 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS seal of said board of education affixed thereto, and be acknowl- edged by the president of the board of education in the same manner as other conveyances of real estate. COUNTY NORMAL SCHOOLS. Sec. 1612. — County Superintendents to Hold Normal Institutes. The county superintendents of public schools shall hold annually in their respective counties, for a term of not less than two weeks, a normal institute for the instruction of teach- ers and those desiring to teach. The county superintendent of public schools, with the advice and consent of the territorial superintendent of public instruction, shall determine the time and place of holding such normal institutes and shall select a conductor and instructor for the same : Provided, No per- son shall be selected as conductor or instructor who is not a graduate of some state or territorial normal school, or other state or territorial educational institution. Sec. 1613. — Expenses; How Paid. (As amended by Section 4, Chapter 2"/, Laws 1901.) It shall be compulsory upon all persons who expect to teach in any school district, independent district or incorporated town, to attend the county institute or to show a certificate of attendance upon some county institute or approved summer school held within the year. County superintendents are here- by forbidden to issue a certificate to. or to honor the certifi- cates of, any person who refuses to comply with the pro- visions of this act ; but any person who fails to so attend by reason of sickness or other good and sufficient excuse, ren- dered to the county superintendent and approved by him and also by the Territorial Board of Education may be excused by the county superintendent from such attendance. Teachers in city schools who possess a certificate of attendance upon a city institute held by order of the board of education in the district ii? which they are to teach, shall be excused from attendance upon the county institute. Note — Fees shall not be less than one nor more than three dollars. Section 5, Chapter 119, Laws 1903. Sec. 1614. — Name of Fund. The fund thus created shall be designated the Normal Institute Fund, and the county treasurer shall be the cus- todian of the said fund. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 93 Sec. 1615. — All Money to be Transmitted to the County Treasurer. The county superintendent shall, at the close of each in- stitute, transmit to the county treasurer all moneys received by him as provided for in section one thousand six hundred and thirteen, together with the name of the person contributing said amount, and the county treasurer shall place all such mon- eys to the credit of the normal institute fund. Sec. 1616. — Disbursements of Normal Institute Funds. All disbursements of the normal institute fund shall be open to order of the county superintendent ; and no order shall be drawn en said fund except for claims approved by the county superintendent for services rendered in connection with normal institutes, orphans' home and industrial school. Sec. 1617. — How Constituted; Legal Designation. From and after the passage of this act the Asylum of the Sisters of Charity of Santa Fe shall be constituted an orphans' home and industrial school for the care, support and education of the orphan and indigent children of the Territory of New Mexico, and to be known and legally designated as the Or- phans' Home and Industrial School of the Territory of New Mexico. Sec. 1618. — Board of Supervisors; How Constituted. Duties. The governor of the Territory of New Mexico, his grace, the Most Reverend Archbishop of Santa Fe, and tlcn. .v'an- ano S. Otero, of Bernalillo, are hereby declared a board of supervisors for the said Orphans' Home and Industrial School, and qualified to act as such by virtue of this act, and who shall serve as such board of supervisors for the term of two years, and until their successors shall be appointed by the legislature ; but in case of a change meanwhile in the office of governor, the governor succeeding shall immediately be- come a member of such board, and in case of the death, re- signation, absence, removal or inability to act of any one member of said board, the remaining two shall constitute a full board until the appointment of a new member or the re-appearance and re-qualification of the third member, as the case may be. It shall be the duty of said board of supervisors to receive and approve all applications for admission to said Orphans' Home and Industrial School, to pass upon, examine 94 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS and audit all accounts for the proper carrying on of said in- stitution, and issue vouchers therefor, to visit the said institu- tion from time to time, and faithfully look after the moral and mtellectual progress of its inmates. Sec. 1619. — Control; How Provided For. The said Orphans' Home and Industrial School shall be under the care, charge, control, and custody of the Sisters -/i Charity of Santa Fe, subject to the general supervision of the board of supervisors hereby created, and to all orders issued by said board. Sec. 1620. — Children; How Provided For. The said Sisters of Charit5^ under whose care, custody and control said orphan and indigent children of the terri- tory are hereby placed, are to board, clothe and instruct said children in the common school branches, and shall receive as compensation therefor the sum of ten dollars per month for each of said children so boarded, clothed, instructed and cared for. Sec. 1621. — Expenses; How Paid. The costs, charges and expenses which shall be incurred by the said board of supervisors hereby created, fi'om time to time, shall be met and defrayed out of the territorial treas- ury upon the written order of the said board, signed by a ma- jority of its members. Sec. 1622. — Orphan Children to be Placed in Families. Expenditures Limited; Proviso. It shall be the duty of the probate judges in the several counties to place all orphan and indigent children with some good and responsible person, who will agree to care for, edu- cate and teach them to work for a certain number of years, to be agreed upon, and it shall also be the duty of said Sisters of Charity to use their best endeavors in like manner to place such children in families for the same purpose : Provided, Iwwcver, That no more than five thousand dollars shall be expended in any one year of twelve months for the purposes of this act : Provided, Ten children may be keot at Bernalillo, but under the direction of the Sisters at Santa Fe. Sec. 1623. — Obsolete apd Omitted. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 95 DIPLOMAS AND DEGREES. Sec. 1624. — Diplomas; Power to Grant. All colleges, universities, and institutions of learning now organized, or that may be hereafter organized, under the pro- visions of the incorporation laws of the Territory of New Mexico, be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to grant diplomas, confer degrees and all other literary honors usually conferred by such institutions. Sec. 1625. — Diplomas of St. Michael's College to be Considered as First-Class Teachers' Certificates. The facultv of St. Michael's College, situated in the city of Santa Fe, is hereby authorized to issue teachers' diplomas to all graduates of said college who may apply for the same. The diplomas so issued to said graduates shall be and the same are hereby, considered as first-class teachers' certificates in any and all counties in the Territory of New Mexico, to the same extent as the diplomas or teachers' certificates issued by the faculties of the Territorial University at Albuquerque, the Territorial School of Mines, at Socorro, and the Territorial Agricultural College, at Las Cruces. ARBOR DAY. Sec. 1625a. — Second Friday of March in Each Year Set Apart as Arbor Day. Day Designated to be Holiday in all Public Schools. Governor to Issue Proclamation. The second Friday in March of each year shall be set apart and known as Arbor Day, to be observed by the people of this territory in the planting of forest trees for the benefit and adornment of public and private grounds, places and ways, and in such other efforts and undertakings as shall be in har- mony with the general character of the day so established: Provided, That the actual planting of trees may be done on the day designated or at such other most convenient times as ■may best conform to local climatic conditions, such other time to be designated and due notice thereof given by the several county superintendents of schools for their respective counties. The day as above designated shall be a holiday in all pub- lic schools of the territory, and school officers and teach- % COMPILATION OP THE SCHOOL LAWS ers are required to have the schools under their respective charge observe the day by planting of trees or other appro- priate exercises. Annually, at the proper season, the governor shall issue a proclamation, calling the attention of the people to the provisions of this act, and recommending and enjoining its due observance. The respective county superintendents of schools shall also promote by all proper means the observ- ance of the day, and the said county superintendents of schools shall make annual reports to the governor of the territory of the action taken in this behalf in their respective counties. ELECTIONS. Sec. 1698. — First Tuesday After First IVlonday in November of Even Years to be Day for Election of Territorial Delegate, Mem- bers of Legislature and County Officers. The Tuesday next after the first Monday in Novem- ber, in the year 1876, is established as the day in this terri- tory for the election of a delegate to the forty-fifth congress, all the county officers required by law to be elected in this territory, and for members of the legislative assembly of this territory. And the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in every second year thereafter, is established as rhe day for the election in this territory of a delegate to the congress commencing on the fourth day of March next there- after, and all count}^ officers required by law to be elected in this territory, and for the election of the members of the legislative assembly of this territory, commencing next after said last mentioned Tuesday. Sec. 1699. — Terms of County Officers to Begin First Day of January After Election and Qualification. Hereafter the terms of office of all county officers, who may be elected according to the provisions of the preceding section, shall commence on the first day of January, next after their election, or as soon thereafter as they may have duly qualified; and the terms of all such county officers, whether now in office or hereafter elected, shall expire on the first day of January, next after said election, or as soon thereafter as their successors may have duly qualified. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. ^ 97 (For contests of county officers, see Sections 1726- (See Sections i/ 56-1757). FIREMEN. (Active members of fire companies entitled to certain exemptions ) . Sec. 1763. — Persons Serving Five Years as Firemen in Territory En- titled to Certificate of Exemption From Certain Taxes and Military Duties. Any person who has served five years as a fireman in this territory as aforesaid, and who shall present to the clerk of the county in which he resides, the certificate or certificates of the president, foreman or captain of the company or com- panies to which he may have belonged, countersigned by the secretary of the same, shall have the said certificate or certi- ficates recorded by said count}^ clerk in a book which he shall keep for that purpose, and it shall be the duty of said probate or county clerk to return said certificate or certificates, to- gether with his own under seal, to the person entitled there- to, setting forth the name of the company or companies of which said person was a member and the length of time he had served as such, for which the said clerk shall be entitled to a fee of one dollar, to be paid by the person obtaining the certificate. Such certificate shall be received in all courts and places as prima facie evidence that said person is entitled to the exemption herein provided. Sec. 1764. — Fire company Officials Illegally Issuing Such Certificates Liable to Fine of $50 to $500, which Shall go to School District Fund. If the president, foreman or captain of any such fire company, shall knowingly grant or issue any illegal certificate under the provisions of this act, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a penalty in amount not less than fifty, nor more than five hundred dollars for each offense, to be collected before any court having competent jurisdic- tion, and when collected, to be paid into the treasury of the public school district where the offense was committed. (See Sections 1765- 1766). (See Section 1771). 98 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS Sec. 1825. — Illegal to Open Private Fences for Purpose of Using Roads Passing Through Private Property. That it shall be illegal for any person or persons in the Territory of New Mexico, to open any fence or fences of any private individual or individuals, for the purpose of using the road, or roads, passing through the private property of any person or persons. Sec. 1826. — Persons Passing Through Private Property and Failing to Close Gate, Liable for Damages Resulting to Land and Crops. That any person, or persons, who hereafter will open the gate of any fence, or fences, of any person or persons, the same being private property, for the purpose of passing as aforesaid, shall close said gate, and if any person, or persons, so passing, shall neglect to close the gate of any fence or fences after having opened the same, shall be subject and responsible for the damage to the land, crop, or grass of the owner, or owners, of such land, through such neglect; and such damage shall be appraised as now provided by law. Sec. 1827. — Failure to Close Gate Also a Misdemeanor, and Fines Collected to go to County School Fund. That in addition to the damage provided for m this act, such person or persons, violating the privilcgei^ of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof before any justice of the peace, shall be fined in a sum not less than five, nor more than ten dollars, to be collected as now provided by law, which fine shall go to the general school fund of the county. Sec. 1867. — Persons Attempting to Avoid Payment of Tolls on Toll Roads, Bridges or Ferries, Liable to Fine, Which Shall go to County Public School Fund. That any such corporation so constructing, keeping', and maintaining any such wagon road, bridge or ferry shall have power and authority to charge, receive and collect the rates, tolls and charges fixed, as aforesaid, from any person or per- sons, companies or corporations so using such road, bridge or ferry, and to prohibit any such persons from using the same until the rates, tolls and charges are paid or tendered; and any such persons using or attempting to use the same OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 99 until the rates, tolls, and charges are so paid or tendered shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before any justice of the peace having jurisdiction shall be fined in any sum, for each offense, not less than five dollars, nor more than ten dollars, said fine to go to the public school fund of the county. (District judge may issue a commission to inquire into the lunacy or habitual drunkenness of territorial residents or holders of real estate in the territory.) Sec. 1911. — Committee of Habitual Drunkard or Lunatic to Apply Estate to Maintenance of Charge and Education of Minor Children. The ccmmittee of said person found to be a lunatic or habitual drunkard, shall have the management and control of his person and estate, and shall from time to time apply so much thereof as may be necessary for support and main- tenance of himself and family, and for the education of his minor children. (If income insufficient, committee may apply part of principal of personal estate under direction of court, or sell real estate). Sec. 2055a. — Unlawful for Persons to Dispose of Property in Territory Without Making Provision for Support and Education of Minor Children. No person who has been, is now, or may hereafter be a citizen of this territory, and who has departed from, or left the same, and who shall have acquired, or may acquire, resi- dence in any other part, leaving in this territory any legitimate children under the age of twenty-one years, shall, either by will or otherwise, sell, convey, nor in any manner dispose of his or her property, real or personal, in this territory, unless he or she shall first have made provision for the support and edu- cation of said minor child or children, to the satisfaction of the probate judge of the county wherein such child or children shall be ; and any will, contract, deed, or other instrument in writing whereby it shall be proposed to convey any property contrary to the provisions of this act, shall be and is hereby declared, absolutely void and of no effect, and the same shall not be recorded nor verified in any public record in this terri- tory nor in any county thereof. 100 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS , r Sec. 2055b. — Probate Judge or Interested Party May Petition District: Judge, who May, after Suit, Decree Sale of Property for Support and Education of Minop Children, and Appoint a Guardian for Them. That the probate judge of any county wherein such child, or children shall be, or wherein any such property of any such person or persons shall be located, or any other interested party, may file in the district court of such county a peti- tion, addressed to the presiding judge thereof, stating that- such child or children of such person or persons is or are within the county, and that such person or persons have prop- erty in said territory, and that said property and the proceeds thereof, or any part thereof, is necessary for the use of said child or children for their ow^n support and education; and that said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary for said purposes, may be sold and applied for said uses, which said petition shall be filed in said district court as a bill in- equity, and thereupon said suit shall be carried and determined as other causes in equity in said court, and if the court shall be satisfied that the proceeds of said property, or any part thereof, shall be necessary for the support and education of said child or children, the court shall decree in said cause, directing the sale of said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the proper sustenance and education of said child or children, and shall appoint a proper person to act as guardian of said child or children, who shall receive and dis- burse the proceeds of any suj:h sale; and said sales shall be conducted and be made as other sales under a decree in equity in said court. Sec. 2178. — Money From Sale or Lease of Common Lands of Com- munity Grants to go to Public Schools. The money arising from the sale, lease or other disposi- tion of the common land of any such corporation (community land grant) after defraying the expenses of such corporation, may be by the board of trustees of any such corporation ap- plied to the support and maintenance of free, non-sectarian public schools within the limits of any such land grant or real' estate. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 101 Sec. 2279. — Superintendents of Territorial Military Schools Having Uniformed and Equipped Cadets, to Serve on Governor's Staff. Report of Annual Inspection of Sucii Schools to Appear in Report of Adjutant General. That all military schools within the territory, the cadets of which are fully uniformed and ecjuipped, shall be entitled to have the superintendent of said school commissioned as aide-de-camp on the staff of governor and commander-in- chief, with the rank of major, in addition to the number of aide-de-camp hereinbefore provided for. The governor and commander-in-chief shall cause an annual inspection to be made of the discipline, courses of study, and general manage- ment of all military schools within the territory, a report of which inspection shall appear in the annual report of the adjutant general. (See sections 2373-2388). Sec. 2511. — Proceeds of Rents and Tolls of Water Works in Dis- incorporated Municipalities to be Applied in Various Ways, Including Support of Schools. All moneys which may be received as the proceeds, rents, tolls or charges of any water works, water or other property of such disincorporated city or town shall be applied : First, to pay the employes provided for in the next preceding sec- tion and to keep such water works and other property in repair ; second, to pay the interest en the funded indebtedness of such corporation; third, to create a sinking fund with which to purchase, redeem or pay off such funded indebtedness or any part thereof, from time to time as such board of county commissioners may elect ; fourth, after all such funded indebt- edness shall be paid, then to the support of all public non-sec- tarian schools within the limits of such city or town as existed at the time of such disincorporation, unless otherwise provided by law ; such dispositions to be made in the order before stated. (See sections 2523-2528). (See sections 2611-2616). Se^. 2677. — Illegal to Impede Travel on Streets and Alleys by Struc- tures, Excavations or Obstructions, Though One-Third of Street May be Occupied by Building Material. It shall be illegal for any person to impede or obstruct the free travel of the streets or alleys of any city or town of 102 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS this territory; and any person or persons who shall obstruct, impede or embarrass the free transit of any street or alley within any town or city of this territory, either by the con- struction of cow or sheep pens, or by excavations or any other embarrassment or obstruction, of whatsoever nature it may be, shall be liable to a fine in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars, on conviction thereof before the justice of the peace of the respective precinct. Provided, I'hat every person actually occupied in the construction or buildiing of a house may use for his building materials one- third part of the street or alley contiguous thereto. Sec. 2678. — Justices of Peace to Cause Streets to be Cleared of Cattle and Sheep Pens, Excavations and Impediments. Jus- tices Failing to Comply Liable to Fine. It shall be the duty of the various justices of the peace of the different precincts in this territory, as soon as they receive this act, to cause the streets or alleys of the towns or cities within their respective precincts to be cleared, and all pens, either for cattle or sheep, excavation or any other imped- iment to be immediately removed by the person or persons m^aintaining the same; and if the person or persons keeping such obstructions refuse to remove the same, said justice of the peace shall cause said impediment or obstruction to be removed at the cost of the person maintaining the same: Provided, That if any justice of the peace of any precinct of this territory shall fail to comply with the duties on him imposed by this act, on conviction tliereof, before the justice of the peace of the county in which such refusal was com- mitted, he shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than ten dollars, for each time he may so be convicted. Sec. 2679. — Fines Imposed Under This Act to go to County School Fund. The fines imposed by virtue of the above sections shall be paid into the school fund of the county in which the same were imposed. LICENSES. Sec. 4125. — Lio.uor License Taxes to be Collected Annually. Officers Delivering License Before Tax is Paid, to Forfeit to School Fund Double Amount of License. (As amended). Every license herein provided foi, OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 103 (liquor) shall be issued annually, to be issued and collected and the proceeds to be disposed of as provided by law. Any officer who shall deliver to the applicant any such license until the tax thereon has been paid as herein provided, shall for- feit to the said school fund double the amount of said license, to be recovered upon the official bond of said officer. Sec. 4141. — License Taxes to be Imposed Annually on Certain Busi- ness, Half to go to School Fund. That a license tax or occupation tax, one-half to be paid into general school fund, and one-half to the general current expense fund of the respective counties, shall be imposed each year upon the hereinafter mentioned business or avocations carried on by any person within the Territory of New Mex- ico : First (As Amended). Specifying Amount of Peddler's License. Peddlers traveling on foot, or with one animal shall pay two hundred and fifty dollars ; peddlers with two animals or more, three hundred dollars : Provided, that each vehicle used in such business by the same peddler shall require each a sep- arate license, and such license so issued to any peddler shall only be good in the county in which the same may be issued. All persons Avho may engage in any itinerate trade, by sample or other otherwise, selling at retail to individual purchasers who are not dealers in the article sold, except in the selling of maps, books, newspapers, fuel, fruits, and domestic machin- ery, shall be considered peddlers within the meaning of this act. Second (As Amended. — )Tax for Dealers in Merchandise, Other Than Liquors, Whose Sales do Not Exceed $10,000 Annually. Dealers in merchandise other than liquors, whose annual sales do not exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) shall .pay a license tax of five dollars ($5.00) per annum. Dealers in merchandise other than liquors, whose annual sales exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) and do not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) shall pay a license tax of ten dollars ($10.00) per annum. Third. — Tax for Dealers in Merchandise, Other Than Liquors, Whose Sales Run From $10,000 to $20,000 Annually. Dealers in merchandise, other than liquors, whose annual 104 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS sale exceeds ten thousand dollars, and do not exceed twenty thousand dollars, shall pay a license tax of twenty dollars per annum. Fourth. — Tax for Dealers in Merchandise, Other Than Liquors, Whose Sales Run From $20,000 to $50,000 Annually, Dealers in merchandise, other than liquors, whose annual sale exceeds twenty thousand dollars, and do not exceed fifty . thousand dollars, fifty dollars. Fifth. — Tax fop Dealers in Merchandise, Other Than Liquors, Whose Sales Run From $50,000 to $75,000 Annually. Dealers in merchandise, other than liquors, whose annual sale exceeds fifty thousand dollars, but do not exceed seven- ty-five thousand dollars, seventy-five dollars. Sixth. — Tax for Dealers in Merchandise, Other Than Llciuors, Whose Sales Run From $75,000 to $100,000 Annually. Dealers in merchandise, other than liquors, whose annual sale exceeds seventy-five thousand dollars, and do not exceed one hundred thousand dollars, one hundred dollars. Seventh. — Tax for Dealers in Merchandise, Other Than Liquors, Whose Sales Exceed $100,000 Annually. Dealers in merchandise, other than liquors, whose annual sale exceeds one hundred thousand dollars, one hundred and fifty dollars. Sec. 4142. — Real Estate and Collection Agents Working on Commis- sion to be Taxed $10 Annually. All real estate, or collection agents, or those who buy and sell real estate on commission, or engaged in the collec- tion of rents from real estate on a percentage or commission, shall pay the sum or amount of ten dollars per annum. Sec. 4143. — Insurance Agents Taxed $10 Annually. All insurance agents, or those engaged in the business as agents in soliciting or issuing life or fire insurance, shall pay the sum of ten dollars per annum. Sec. 4144. (As Amended.) — Taxes for Hotel and Restaurant Keepers, Owners of Livery Stables and Stage Lines Specified. (As amended). Keepers of hotels, inns or restaurants, where food or lodging is provided, and whose annual receipts exceed one thousand dollars, and do not exceed two thousand OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 105 dollars shall pay a license tax of twenty dollars per annum; those whose annual receipts exceed two thousand dollars, and do not exceed five thousand dollars shall pay a license tax of forty dollars per annum, and all whose annual receipts exceed five thousand dollars, shall pa}^ a license tax of sixty dollars per annum. All keepers of livery or feed stables and owners of stage lines shall pay a license tax of ten dollars per annum. The provisions of this section shallnot apply to private boarding houses where food or lodging is not furnished to travelers or transients. Sec. 4145. — Pawnbrokers to be Taxed $250. All pawnbrokers, or persons whose business is to trade or receive by way of pledge or pawn, any kind of personal property as security for the repayment of money loaned, or .advanced, shall pay a license tax of two hundred and fifty dollars; Provided, That this section shall not apply, nor said license tax be required of any person advancing money, and taking such security, who shall not be regularly engaged in such business of pawnbroker. Sec. 4146. — Buildings and Premises for Public Amusements to be Taxed, Unless Used in Whole or Part for Educational Purposes, All persons who are the owners, or have under their con- trol or management any building or premises used as a place of public amusement or entertainment and who shall rent or hire the same for theaters, public balls and public entertain- ments for hire, where such hall or building has a seating capa- city of three hundred persons, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars per annum, and where such hall or building has a seat- ing capacity of more than three hundred persons, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars per annum: PROVIDED, This shall not apply to any building used in whole or in part a^i an educational institution. Sec. 4147 (As Amended). — Applicants for License Tax, Other Than Liquors or Gaming Tables, to Fill Out Application Under Oath. Duties of Assessor and County Clerk, and Penalty for Delivering License Before Receiving Collector's Receipt. (As amended). Every person, firm or corporation who is required to pay an occupation or license tax other than for 10b COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS the sale of liquors or for games or gaming taW'^s, shall, before doing business, make out an application, under oath, stating the names of the applicants, the character of the business for which the license is desired, the place where such business is to be conducted, the time the license is to run, and, if" the amount of the license tax is to be graded by the amount of business to be done, or by any other condition relating there- to, then such application shall also state the amount of busi- ness done the preceding year, or if no business has been trans- acted, then the approximate amount of the annual business expected to be done by the applicant, or the conditions required to be known in order to determine the license tax to be paid. The application, when so made out, signed and sworn to shall be presented to the assessor of the county in which the business is to be done, who shall assess and fix the amount of such license tax, and nctify the applicant ci the amount to be paid. The api)licant shall then pay the amount of such lic?nse- tax to the collector of the county, who shall issue a receipt therefor and deliver the same to the assessor. Upon receiv- ing such receipt, the assessor shall enter a description of such application in the list required by section 4155 as amended in section 5, of this act, and deliver the application collector's receipt to the clerk of his county. The county clerk shall file such application and receipt in his office for future reference, and enter a description of such application in an index to be kept for that purpose, and he shall then issue, under his hand and seal, a license to do business setting forth the name of the applicant, the kind of business to be transacted, the r>lace where such business is to be carried on, the amount of the- license tax imposed and the time the license shall expire, and deliver the same to the applicant. The assessor shall be en- titled to receive a fee of fifty cents for such assessment, and' the clerk shall receive a like amount for making out such- license, both fees to be paid by the applicant. . Any county clerk who shall issue and deliver any such license before receiv- ing the collector's receipt for the license tax for the business to be carried on, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense,, and. be, sub- ject to removal from office. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 107 Sec. 4148. — License Taxes of This Act to be Paid in Advance, and One-Half to go to County School Funds. The license tax provided for in this act shall be payable in the current funds of the United States only, and payable in advance, but such license may be applied for and taken out quarterly, semi-annually or annually, and the amount of such tax. when collected by the collector of the county, one-half shall be paid over by him to the county treasurer for the use of the school funds, and one-half to the said county treasurer of the county to the credit of the current expense fund of said county. Sec. 4149 (As Amended) — Firms or Individuals Atempting to Engage in Business Without Paying Reo.uisite Tax, to Forfeit Double Amount of Tax. Penalty for Refusal to Take Out Business License. (As amended.) Any person, firm, or corporation who shall engage in or carry on any business or avocation, for which a license is required without having paid such tax, shall be required to pay double the amount of such tax for the time which has expired from the beginning of such busi- ness or avocation until a legal application for a hcense shall have been made; and if such person, firm or corporation shall refuse or neglect to take out a license, and pay the penalty above mentioned, for thirty days after receiving a notice from the assessor, a notice such as is required by section 4155 as amended by section 5 of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, be fined any sum not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, or be im- prisoned in the county jail not more than six months. Sec. 4150. — Laws Regarding Liquor and Gaming License Not Affected by This Act. The provisions of this act shall in no manner annuU repeal, revoke, change, alter, or amend any of the laws of this territory respecting the licenses required of wholesale or retail dealers in vinous, malt, or spirituous liquors, or the law reg- ulating the licensing games of chance, but shall only be appli- cable to the business in the vocations herein especially men- tioned. 108 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS Sec. 4152. — Operators of Nickle-in-the-SIot Machines to Pay Annual License of $50 for County School Fund. Purely Musical or Weighing Machines and Those Not Gambling Devices Excepted. That all persons, firm, company, or corporation, owning, operating, or conducting an}^ nickel or penny-in-the-slot ma- chies, or other slot machines, within the Territory of New Mexico, shall pay an annual license of fifty dollars per year for each and every one of such machines so owned, operated or conducted, which license shall ■ be issued by the probate ' clerk and paid to the officer now authorized by law to collect licenses, and shall be applied to the general county school fund: Provided' That no nickel-in-the-slot machine used purely as a musical instrument, for weighing or other similar pur-' poses and not as a gambling device or game of chance, shall be regarded as coming under the provisions of this act, and the owner or operator of such last mentioned machines or machine shall not be required to pay license upon or for oper- ating the same. Sec. 4153. — Persons Failing to Comply With Requirements of Pre- ceding Section Liable to Fine, Which Shall go to General County School Fund. Any person, firm, company, or corporation who shall re- fuse or fail to comply with the provisions of section four thousand one hundred and fifty-two shall be fined by a fine ■of not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred, which fine shall be collected by action as now provided by law for the collection of fines, and when ,so collected shall go to the general county school fund. (See section 4176 et seq.) (See sections 4 177-4 184). OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 109' Territorial Educational Institutions. COMPILED LAWS OF 1897, AS AMENDED, TERRITORIAL, INSTITUTIONS. Sec. 3550. — Designated Territorial Institutions. The New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic xA.rts, the University of New Mexico, the New Mexico School of Mines, the New Mexico Normal School at Silver City, the New Mexico Normal School at Las Vegas, the New Mexico Military Institute at Roswell, and the New Mexico Insane- Asylum shall be known as the Territorial institutions. NEW MEXICO COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. Sec. 3551. — Agricultural College and Station Created. There is also hereby created and established an institu- tion of learning, to be known as the Agricultural College and Agricultural Station of New Mexico. Said institution is here- by located at or near the town of Las Cruces, in the County- of Dona Ana. upon a tract of land of not less than one hundred (100) acres, contiguous to the main Las Cruces irrigating ditch, south of said town, and now owned by Jacob Schaublin, and which said land shall, within six months from the pas- sage of this act, be donated and conveyed by said Schaublin, free of any cost and expense, to the Territory of New Mexico for such purpose : Provided, That no improvements or build- ings, as hereinafter provided for, shall be made or erected upon such land until deed is duly executed, recorded and filed' in the office of the Secretary of the Territory, as hereinafter ~ provided. 110 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS Sec. 3552. — To be Institutions of Learning; to be Non-Sectarian. The Agricultural College and Agricultural Experiment Station, created and established by this act, shall be an in- stitution of learning open to the children of all the residents of this territory, and such other persons as the board of re- gents may determine, upon such terms, rules and regulations as may be prescribed by said board of regents; shall be non- sectarian in character and devoted to practical instruction in agriculture, mechanic arts, natural sciences connected there- with, as well as a thorough course of instruction in all branches of learning bearing upon agriculture, and other industrial pursuits. Sec. 3553. — Curriculum. The course of instruction of the college hereby created shall embrace the English language, literature, mathematics, philosophy, civil engineering, chemistry and animal and vege- table anatomy and physiology, the veterinary art, entoniol .-■ geology and political, rural and household economy, horticul- ture, moral philosophy, history, mechanics and such ether scien- ces and courses of instruction as shall be prescribed by the regents of this institution of learning. The management of said college and experiment station, the care and preservation of all property of which such institution shall become possessed, the erection and construction of all buildings necessary for the use of said college and station, and the disbursement and expenditure of all moneys provided for by this act shall be vested in a board of five regents. Said five regents shall possess the same cpialifications, shall be appointed in the same way, and the terms of office shall be the same, and vacancies shall be filed in like manner as is provided in section three thousand five hundred and seventy-one and three thousand five hundred and seventy-two, with reference to the regents of the territorial university. Said regents and their success-, ors in office shall constitute a body corporate, with the name and style of the Regents of the Agricultural College of New Mexico, with the right as such of suing and being sued, of contracting and being contracted with, of making and using a common seal, and altering the same at pleasure, of causing all things to be done necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. Ill ;*cr the transaction of business, but a less number may adjourn f.cm time to time. Sec. 3554. — When and Where Board Shall Organize. The board shall meet and organize by the election of its said officers at said town of Las Cruces, or at the said college ;^ rounds, and in the said count}- of Dona Ana, on the second Wednesday in November, A. D. 1889. The officers then elected and their successors in office shall be the same, be elected in the same manner, at the same time, and possess the same qualifications, and the regents and officers shall perform their duties as provided for the regents and officers of the LJniversity of New Mexico in this act. Sec. 3555. — Powers of Regents. The regents shall have the power and it shall be their duty to enact laws for tl>2 government of the said Agricultural College and Experiment Station. Sec. 3556. — Further Powers. The board of regents shall direct the disposition of any moneys belonging to or appropriated to the Agricultural Col- lege and Experiment Station established by this act, and shall make all rules and regulations necessary for the government and management of the sarrie, adopt plans and specifications for necessary buildings and superintend the construction of said buildings, and fix the salaries of professors, teachers and other employes, and the tuition fees to be charged in said college. Sec. 3557. — Experiment Station, to be Located Upon Land Upon Which College is Situated. The Agricultural Experiment Station provided for in this act in connection with said Agricultural College shall be like- wise located upon the land referred to in section three thou- sand five hundred and fifty-one, and it shall be under the direc- tion of the said board of regents of said college for the p.urpose of conducting experiments in agriculture according to the terms of section one of an act of Congress approved March 2, 1887, and entitled. An act to establish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges established in the sev- eral states under the provisions of an act approved July 2. 1862, and of the acts supplementary thereto. The said college and 112 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS experiment station shall be entitled to receive all the benefits and donations made and given to similar institutions of learn- insf in other states and territories of the United States and terri- tories by the legislation of the Congress of the United States now in force or that may hereafter be enacted, and particularly to the benefit and donations given by the provisions of an act of Congress of the United States entitled, An act donating public lands to the several states and territories, which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and mechanic arts, approved July 2, 1862, and of all acts supplementary thereto, including the act entitled. An act to establish agricul- tural experiment stations in connection with colleges es- tablished in the several states under the provisions of an act approved July 2, 1862, and of the acts supplementary thereto, which said last mentioned act was approved March 2, 1887. Sec. 3558. — Assent of Legislation Given to Act of Congress, Grant- ing IVloney to' College for Stations. The assent of the legislative assembly of the territory of New Mexico is hereby given in pursuance of the requirements of section three thousand and five hundred and s-^ventv one of Congress, approved March 2, 1887, to the granting of money therein made to the establishment of experiment stations in accordance with section one of said last mentioned act, and as- sent is hereby given to carry out, within the Territory of New Mexico, all and singular the provisions of said act. Sec. 3559. — Power of Board to Enact Laws for Government of College. The board of regents shall have power and it shall be their dutv to enact laws for the government of the Agricul- tural College and Experiment Station, and the meetings of said board ma}^ be called in such manner as the regents may prescribe. Sec. 3560. — Several Departments Intrusted to Faculties. The immediate government of the several departments shall be intrusted to their respective faculties, but the regents shall have the power to regulate the course of instruction and prescribe, under the advice of the faculty, the books and author- ities to be used in the several departments, and also to confer such degrees and grant such diplomas as are usually conferred and granted by other agricultural colleges. The regents shall OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 113 have power to remove any officer connected with the Agricul- tural College or Experiment Station when, in their judgment, the best interests of the college require it. Sec. 3561. — Sub-Experiment Stations Established in San Juan County. There is hereby created and estabhshed a sub-Agricul- tural Experiment Station in connection with the Agricultural College and Agricultural Station of New Mexico. Such sub- Agricultural Experiment Station is hereby located at some point in the county of San Juan, hereafter to be selected by the board of regents of the Agricultural College of New Mexico ; Provided, That the County of San Juan, or some person or persons for said county, shall, within three months from the passage of this act, deed, donate and transfer to the Territory of New Mexico, for the use of said sub-Agricultural Experi- ment Station, not less than one hundred acres of good, arable land, under an irrigating ditch, such land and the location thereof to be accepted and determined by the board of regents of the Agricultural College. The sufficiency of the deed and the title to the land so to be donated to the Territory of New Mexico shall be passed upon and approved by the solicitor gen- eral of New Mexico. Sec. 3562. — Regents Autliorized to Erect Buildings. The board of regents of the Agricultural College and Agricultural Station of New Mexico are hereby authorized and instructed to apply to the construction of buildings, etc., of the sub-Agricultural Experiment Station, provided for by this act, the sum of five thousand dollars, appropriated by the legislative assembly of New Mexico for the Agricultural Experiment Station in the County of San Juan, under, and by, the provisions of House Bill No. 8i, being an act en- titled, An act and resolution authorizing the governor to re- ceive certain moneys from the United States, accepting the terms of the act of congress appropriating the same and pro- viding for the disposition thereof. Sec. 3563. — Regents Authorized to Apply Congressional Money to Es- tablish Stations. The board of regents of the Agricultural College and Agricultural Station of New Mexico are hereby authorized and instructed to apply to the support and maintenance of the 114 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS sub-Agricultural Experiment Station herein provided for so much of all the moneys now on hand and hereafter received from the government of the United States, under and by vir- tue of acts of Congress of the United States, approved March 2, 1887, and entitled, An act to establish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges established in the several states, under the provisions of an act approved July 2, 1862. and of the acts supplementary thereto, as can be applied by said board of regents in justice to the agricultural college of New Mexico, at Las Cruces, and the sub-stations, to be established in other portions of the territory. Sec. 3564. — Two Experiment Stations to be Established. There is hereby created and established in connection with the Agricultural College and Agricultural Station of New Mexico two branch agricultural expepiment stations to be lo- cated as follows : One at some point in the northeastern por- tion of the Territory of New Mexico between the Town of a physician to be named by the president of the territorial board of health, and unless such person shall wathin ten days thereafter file with the school authorities a certificate from such physician that he is not afflicted with the disease com- monly known as tuberculosis or consumption, such person shall be forthwith discharged from employment as such teach- er, instructor or professor, and no warrant or order for any salary or wages to any such person shall be paid by any school or other treasurer until such certificate shall have been ob- tained and filed as provided for in this section. Sec. 6. — Penalty for Failure of Officials to Discharge Their Duties. Any person holding any office, administrative or other- wise, connected with the public schools or educational institu- tions of this territory or any county, city or other municipal- ity thereof, who shall refuse to perform or neglect to perform the duties prescribed for him. by the provisions of this act shall, upon complaint duly filed w4th the governor of this terri- tory and duly substantiated to the satisfaction of said gov- ernor, be forthwith removed from office by the governor. Sec. 7. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after the passage thereof. Note — See Chapter 92, Laws 1903, here following. CHAPTER XCII, LAWS 1903. An Act to amend chapter 43, of the session laws of NEW MEXICO OF 1901, All Act entitled ''An Act for the protection of school children and for other purposes." .Sec. 1. — Applicants for Teachers' Certificates Found to be Afflicted With Tuberculosis. Duty of Examining Physician and Superintendent of Public Instruction. Applicants to Have Right of Appeal to Board of Health. That whenever in this act jthe phrase or expression "physician appointed by the president of the New Mexico ■"Board of Health" occurs, the same is hereby stricken out OF THE TERRITORY OF IfEW MEXICO. 157 and the following inserted in lieu thereof : "Any reputable phy- sician, who is a resident of New Miexico and has a license to practice medicine in New Mexico and who is not himself af- flicted with the disease." Whenever such physician shall find the applicant to be af- flicted with tuberculosis, or what is commonly known as con- sumption, it shall be his duty to at once notify the superin- tendent of public instruction of New Mexico, giving the name, age and sex of applicant, together with the date of examina- tion, and a general statement of the case. Whereupon it. shall be the duty of said superintendent to at once notify the school superintendents of each county in New Mexico of the information he has received. And in case any applicant so examined shall feel aggrieved he may take appeal to the New Mexico board of health and present himself for examination, and it shall be the duty of said board of health to thoroughly examine such person, and the result and decision of said board shall be final, and such decision shall be certified by it to the superintendent of public instruction of New Mexico, who shall thereupon notify the different school superintendents of each county. Sec. 2. — Right of Appeal to Board of Health Only. Violation of this Provision. Penalty. No person who has been examined by a physician under this act or of the act of which it is amendatory, and has been rejected by such physician shall apply to any other physician for examination or certificate, but he shall have right of ap- peal to the board of health of New Mexico. And if any per- soil shall apply to any other physician in violation of this act, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction shall be fined in any sum not to exceed one hundred' dollars ($100.00) and shall not be eligible as a school teacher in any county of New Mexico. The fine hereby imposed shall be collected and paid over to the territorial school fund. Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts in conflict are hereby repealed, and this act shall be in force thirty days after its passage. 158 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS CHAPTER LV. An Act to regulate the election of directors of SCHOOLS, Approved March 19, 1901. Sec. 1. — Term of Office of Directors. That at the next ensuing election of directors of schools in the several districts of the counties of this territory one of the three of such directors shall be elected and shall hold his office for a term of three years, one of such three directors shall be elected and shall hold his office for a term of two years, and the third of such directors shall be elected and hold his office for a term of one year. Sec. 2. — But One Director to be Voted For. At each election after the next ensuing election of such directors, but one of such directors shall be voted for, and he shall be elected and hold his office for a term of three years from the first day of July thereafter. Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with the pro- visions of this act are repealed, and this act shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its passage. CHAPTER LVII. An Act relative to the payment of school teachers, Approved March 19, 1901. Sec. 1. — School Teachers to be Paid Monthly. That hereafter all public school teachers engaged in teach- ing within incorporated cities, towns and villages^, as w^ell as in any other public schools in the Territory of New Mexico shall be paid monthly instead of quarterly, as now provided by law, unless there are no funds available, in which event they shall be paid so soon as the funds are available therefor. Sec. 2. All laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and this law shall be in full force and ef- fect from and after its passage and approval. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 159 CHAPTER XCV. An Act to amend section eight (8) of chapter twen- ty-two (22) OF the session laws of 1899, Approved March 21, 1901. Sec. I. That section eight (8) of Chapter Twenty- two (22) of the Session Laws of 1899 be amended so as to read as follows : Sec. 8. — Exemptions from Taxation. Amount. That section 1757 of the Compiled Laws of 1897 is here- by repealed, and in lieu and stead thereof is enacted the fol- lowing" : That there shall be exempt from taxation for territorial, county and school purposes a family homestead, actually own- ed, occupied and used as such by the head of the family re- siding in this territory, to the amount in value of two hundred dollars : Provided, That any person making claim for exemp- tion must list the property for taxation, and before any such ex- emption shall be granted the claimant must make oath before the assessor as to the true market value of such property, and further swear that he is the head of a family, residing in this territory: Provided, That any head of a family claiming the benefits of this section who shall in any manner assign, trans- fer or set over any part or portion of his homestead for the purpose of distributing its value between or among different persons, being heads of families, so that said homestead, or any portion thereof, shall be below the sum of two hundred dollars in value, and so that more than one homestead exemp- tion may be claimed in such homestead, such person shall not receive the benefits of said exemption, but the whole of such homestead shall be assessed at double its actual value, and he shall be com.pelled to pay taxation thereon without the bene- fits of any exemption thereon : Provided further, That in the event that any head of a family residing in this territory should not be the owner of a homestead, or the value of whose homestead does not amount to the sum of two hundred dollars, then such person shall be entitled to an exemption in the sum sufficient to make the total value of his exempt property two 160 COMPILATION OP THE SCHOOL LAWS hundred dollars, which said exemption shall be allowed only out of the following classes of property to-wit : real estate other than a homestead which the said head of family owns or is- possessed of in the county wherein he resides and has his domi- cile; farming implements, wagons, one team, either of horses, mules, burros, or one yoke of oxen, or one milch cow, or he may have such exemption, in the absence of such personal property, out of goats or household or kitchen furniture. Sec. 2. This act shall be in force and effect from and. after its passage. CHAPTER XCVIII. An Act requiring territorial institutions to accoumt FOR PUBLIC MONEY RECEIVED BY THEM, Approved March 21, I9OI. Sec. 1. — Records and Itemized Accounts to be Kept. Itemized Ac- counts to Accompany Requisition for Money. The boards of managers of the different territorial in- stitutions, under whatsoever name they may be legally desig- nated, are hereby directed and required to keep in suitable books of record a strict account of all moneys received by them. from the territory, and also itemized accounts of the disburse- ment of the same. They shall require all bills against such in- stitutions to be made out in duplicate, and all salaries or other expenditures except for bills and current expenses shall be receipted for in duplicate, one of such bills or receipts to be kept by the said board of managers with the other papers and property of the institution, and the other to accompany all requisitions upon the auditor of the territory for warrants, and no warrant shall be drawn by the auditor for any amount in favor of any such institution unless the requisition therefor is accompanied with such itemized receipts for the money ex- pended after the last requisition. Sec. 2. — Accounts of Charitable institutions. The persons in charge of each charitable or other insti- tution which receives territorial aid, shall make their requisi- tions upon the auditor in the same manner as is provided for OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 161 territorial institutions in section one of this act, and shall keep books and furnish itemized duplicate receipts for all moneys received and paid out, in the same manner. Sec, 3. — [Detailed Statement of Receipts and Disbursements. Penalty. It is hereby made the duty of the several boards of man- agers of territorial, charitable or other institutions which re- ceive any money from the territorial treasury, at the end of each fiscal year to make out an itemized and detailed state- ment of all receipts and disbursements of such institution up to and including the last day of said fiscal year, which shall be sworn to as correct by the secretary, treasurer or other account- ing officer of such institution who draws and receives the territorial funds, and shall be transmitted to the governor of the territory within the first thirty days of the new fiscal year ; and any failure on the part of any person or officer to per- form the duties herein specified shall subject such person to removal from his position, and in case he is a bonded officer it shall be considered as a breach of his bond and be a misde- meanor in office, for which he may be fined in any sum' not ex- ceeding five hundred nor less than one hundred dollars, which shall be recovered from him and the sureties on his bond as a. penalty. Sec. 4.— List of Pupils Enrolled to be Transmitted to Governor, The governing boards of the several educational institu- tions of this territory shall at the same time when the annual financial statement required by Section 3 of this act is to be made, also niake and transmit to the governor a list of the pupils enrolled in such institution on the last day of the pre- ceding fiscal year, stating the name, age, residence and grade' of each pupil. Sec. 5. All acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith' are hereby repealed; and this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. 162 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS CHAPTER cm. An Act to provide for the refunding of bonds issued by cities or towns for school purposes^ or to fur- nish school houses, and to validate such bonds, Approved March 21, 1901. Sec. 1. — Bonds Issued for School Purposes Validated and Legalized. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Terri- tory of New Mexico, as follows : In all cases where any of the cities or towns within the Territory of New Mexico have heretofore issued bonds for the purpose of raising funds wherewith to purchase grounds for school buildings and school purposes, or with which to con- struct a school house or school houses, or with which to fur- nish school houses, and the proceeds of such bonds have been actually used for such purpose, or for any of them, such bonds are hereby validated and legalized. Sec. 2. — Cities and Towns May Refund Outstanding Bonds. In all cases mentioned in the foregoing section, where any such bonds have been isssued, the city or town issuing the same, or the successor of such city or town, is hereby authorized and empowered to refund such bonds as may be outstanding, par for par, at a rate of interest not exceeding five per cent, and running for a period of not less than ten or more than forty 3'-ears. Sec. 3. — Manner of Issuing Such Refunding Bonds. Whenever the city council of any city, or the board of trustees of any town in this territory shall determine to re- fund any of the bonds in this act mentioned, such council or board of trustees, shall make and enter of record in their proceedings a general description of the bonds to be refunded, giving the date and amount of such issue, also an order to the effect that such bonds be refunded, stating the interest such refunding bonds are to bear, and the time they are to run; and when the bonds are refunded the refunding bonds shall bear a certificate, stating that they are issued under the authority of this act, that they are such bonds as may be prop- erly refunded under this act, which certificate shall be signed by the mayor and countersigned by the clerk, and attested by OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 163 the seal of the m,unicipality issuing such refunding bonds. A record shall be made by the municipality refunding such bonds showing the number and amount of the refunding bonds issued, to whom issued or sold, the time when payable and the rate of interest. Sec. 4. This act shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. 164 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS Extracts From Session Laws 1903. CHAPTER II. An Act to establish and maintain an asylum for the: deaf and dumb, a reform school, an institution for the blind, and a miners' hospital for disabled MINORS, Approved February 13, 1903. Sec. 1. — "New Mexico Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb" Created. Location. That there is hereby created and established an asylum- for the deaf and dumb, to be known as the "New Mexico Asy- lum for the Deaf and Dumb," which is hereby established and permanently located at the city of Santa Fe, in the county of Santa Fe and Territory of New Mexico. Sec. 2. — "New IVlexico Reform School" Created. Location. Donation^ of Land. That there is also hereby located and established a terri- torial institution, to be known and called the "New Mexico Reform School," which is hereby located somewhere within the counties of Taos, Rio Arriba; or San Juan, upon a tract of land of not less than twenty acres, suitable for the purposes of such institution, to be donated and conve5^ed free of cost to the Territory of New Mexico, the title of which shall be examined and passed upon by the solicitor general, and pro- per conveyances thereof made within six months from the passage of this act, such tract of land to be selected by three commissioners appointed by the governor for that purpose as- hereinafter provided. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO, 165 Sec, 3. — "New Mexico Institute for the Blind" Created. Location. Donation of Land. That there is also hereby created and estabhshed an in- stitution of learning to be known as the "New Mexico Insti- tute for the Blind," which is hereby located and established in the county of Otero, in the Territory of New Mexico, at the town of Alamogordo, in said county, upon a tract ot land suitable for the purposes of such institution, consisting of not less than twenty acres, to be donated and conveyed, free of cost, to the Territory of New Mexico, the title to which shall be examined and passed upon by the solicitor general, and proper conveyances thereof made within six months from the passage of this act, such tract of land to be selected by three commissioners, to be appointed by the governor for that pur- pose as hereinafter provided. Sec. 5. — Acceptance of Grant of Lands. That act of Congress, approved June 21st, 1898, entitled. An act to make certain grants of land to the Territory of New Mexico, and for other purposes, is hereby accepted with all its terms and conditions, by the Territory of New Mtexico, in so far as the same apply to the above named institutions ; and no improvements or buildings shall be made or created upon any of such lands as are hereinbefore provided for until proper deeds therefor, duly approved by the solicitor general, have been executed and recorded in the proper county and filed in the office of the secretary of the Territory. Sec. 6. — Boards of Trustees. Qualifications. Appointment. Term of Office. Organization. Secretary and Treasurer to File Bond. The management and control of each of said institutions above established, the care and preservation of all property of v/hich they shall become possessed, the erection and construc- tion of all buildings necessary for their use, and the disburse- ment and expenditure of all moneys appropriated by the Terri- tory of New Mexico, or which shall otherwise come into their possession, shall be vested in a board of five trustees, one of such boards for each of said institutions ; and each of said trus- tees shall be qualified voters and owners of real estate in the Territory of New Mexico. Said trustees shall possess the same qualifications, shall be appointed in the same manner, and their terms of office shall be the same and the vacancies therein shall be filled in the same manner as is now provided 166 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS by law with reference to the regents of the Territorial Univer- sity at Albuquerque, New Mexico. Said trustees and their successors in office shall constitute a body corporate under the name and style of "The Trustees of the New Mexico Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb," "The Trustees of the New Mexico Reform School," "The Trustees of the New Mexico Institute for the Blind," and "The Trustees of the Miners' Hospital of New Mexico," respectively, with the right as such of suingand being sued, of contracting and being contracted with, of mak- ing and using a common seal and altering the same at pleasure,, and of causing all things to be done necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. A majority of such board of trustees of any of the above institutions shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a less number may adjourn from time to time. Said trustees shall be respectively appoint- ed by the governor of the Territory of New Mexico, within thirty days after he shall be notified by the secretary of the territory that the deeds for each of the above named institu- tions have been filed in his office; and it shall be the duty of each of said boards of trustees to meet and organize by electing its officers at the county seat of the county wherein the said institutions are located, within thirty days after their appointment, which officers shall be elected in the same man- ner and possess the same qualifications as the officers of the University of New Mexico now possess; and the secretary and treasurer, respectively, of each of such institutions located as aforesaid, shall each give bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to the Territory of New M'exico, with two or more sufficient sureties resident of this territory, or by duly authorized surety company, conditioned for the faithful per- formance of their duties, and that they will faithfully account for and pay over to the person or persons entitled thereto, at the time and in the manner provided by law, or pursuant to contract, all moneys which shall come into their hands as such officers, which bond shall be approved by the judge of the district court within whose district the said institution is lo- cated, and after approval shall be filed and recorded in the office of the territorial secretary. The governor of the terri- tory shall be ex-officio a member of each of the boards of trustees, but shall not have the right to vote or be eligible to office. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 167 Sec. 7. — Powers of Boards of Trustees. The boards of trustees of each of said institutions shah have power, and it shall be their duty, to pass and enforce by- laws, rules and regulations for the government of such insti- tutions, for the proper carrying out of their several objects, not in conflict Avith the laws of the Territory of New Mexico, or any act of Congress, and to provide all proper and neces- sary books, apparatus, instruments, medicines, clothing, food and supplies, and other materials or things necessary for the proper conduct of the several institutions hereinbefore named and the care, support and protection of the inmates thereof when necessary ; also to employ all teachers, physicians, ward- ens or superintendents and employes, and to prescribe the duties and compensation of each, and they shall have full power to remove or discharge any officer or employe appoint- ed or selected by them in any of such institutions when in their judgment the interest of such institution shall require. Sec. 8. — Institutes for the Blind. Purpose. Rules of Admission. The institute for the blind herein established and created is intended and meant for the proper instruction of the blind youth of the territory, and all such persons resident in the territory between the ages of five and twenty-one years shall be entitled, upon application to the board of trustees, to free care and support and instruction at such institution; ex- cept in cases where such pupil or the parents or guardian thereof is possessed of property or means sufficient to enable himi to pay the reasonable costs and charges ' incurred by his attendance at such institution, in which case he shall pay there- for. Sec. 10. — Reform School. Whom to be Confined Therein. Duty of Courts. Terms of Confinement. The reform school hereby created and established is in- tended and meant for the confinement, instruction and reform- ation of juvenile offenders against the laws of the Territory of New Mexico, and any persons of idle, vicious or vagrant habits of both sexes in the Territory of New Mexico, under the age of eighteen years, who m:ay be convicted of any offense less than a felony punishable by imprisonment in the peniten- tiary for the term of life, and it shall be the duty of the court upon such conviction, when it is shown to the court that the 168 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS person convicted is under the age of eighteen years, to order the sentence to be executed by confinement in such reform school, instead of in the penitentiary, after such school shall be fully equipped and prepared to receive, confine and care for such offenders, which time' shall be designated by proclama- tion of the governor of the Territory of New Mexico, and thirty days after such proclamation is issued and published ic shall be the duty of all courts in the Territory of New Mex- ico to incarcerate offenders as aforesaid in the reform school instead of the penitentiary in passing sentence upon such of- fenders; and upon complaint under oath being made to any judge- of the district court that any person of either sex under the age of eighteen years is of idle, vicious and vagrant habits, it shall be the duty of such court to investigate and pass upon the complaint so made as in cases of misdemeanors during the terms of the district court as other criminal cases are tried before it, and all the laws and provisions in regard to such trials for misdemeanors are hereby made applicable to such complaints, and in case said court shall find the complaint to be sustained by the evidence it shall find the defendant guilty and sentence him to such reform school for any period not exceeding one year; such proceedings before said court to take effect at the same time after proclamation by the gov- ernor as hereinbefore provided for other sentences in the dis- trict court. Sec. 11. — Reform School. Superintendent or Warden to Enforce Rules. All persons sentenced to such reform school shall be com- pelled to perform such useful labor and submit to such rules and regulations in and about the said school and grounds as the board of trustees may prescribe, and the superintendent or warden shall have the power, and it shall be his duty, to see that all rules and regulations of the said board are properly en- forced, and infringements thereof shall be properly punished. Sec. 12. — Committee to Select Sites. Duties. Report to Governor. Compensation. Within sixty days after the passage of this act the gov- ernor shall appoint a committee for each of the institutions above named, each of said committees to consist of three com- petent and disinterested persons, not more than two of whom shall live in any county wherein any of the above institutions are located by this act ; and it shall be the duty of these com- OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 169 missioners to proceed to the localities named in this act for the establishment of the several institutions and their exami- nation of the several sites which may be presented for the acceptance of the territory for the purposes named and their designation, adoptation and selection or rejection of such lands be final, and unless the title for the land so selected shall be conveyed in the manner hereinbefore provided within six months after the adoption of this act, then no portion of the moneys received from donations under the act of Congress or by this act shall be available for the purposes of the institution so failing. The commissioners hereby named shall make a report in writing of their doings, together with a description of the land selected, to the governor of the territory, together with a statement of costs and expenses incurred by them in making such selection for each institution separately, and in addition to their actual costs and disbursements each com- missioner shall be allowed the sum of six dollars per day for each day actually and necessarily occupied in carrying out the provisions of this section, not to exceed ten days for any insti- tution, which amount, including costs and disbursements, is hereby declared to be a necessary and proper charge against the funds provided herein for the creation and maintenance of each of said institutions, and shall be paid out of any such funds that may come into the hands of the territorial treas- urer for that fund, upoii a bill therefor sworn to by each of such commissioners and approved by the governor of the ter- ritory. Sec. 13. — Erection of Buildings. Board of Trustees to Advertise for Bidte and Let Contracts. That the boards of trustees first appointed for the sev- eral institutions provided for in this act shall be empowered to contract for the erection, and shall erect all buildings neces- sary for the maintenance of the above named institutions, and shall be empowered to provide for the furnishing of the same and the improving of the grounds thereof: Provided, That the said boards of trustees in contracting for the erection or in erecting any of said buildings for the above named insti- tutions, shall advertise for bids for the erection of the same, specifying in said advertisements the character of building to be erected in the place where the plans and specifications of •said buildings may be found, and let all bids for the erection 170 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS of said buildings to the lowest and best bidder therefor: And provided further, That in furnishing said buildings or improv- ing the grounds thereof said boards shall call for bids and let the same to the lowest and best bidders therefor upon any items the cost of which is more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 14. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. CHAPTER VI. An Act entitled an act establishing an orphan chil- dren's HOME AT BELEN^ NEW MEXICO, PROVIDING APPRO- PRIATION THEREFOR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, Ap- proved February 24, 1903. Sec. 1. — Orphans Childrens' Home. Location. Board of Regents. Duties. There is hereby established and located an Orphan Child- ren's Home at Belen, New Mexico, which shall be conducted under the management and control of a board of regents, to be composed of three persons, who shall be appointed by the Governor for a term of two years each, and shall file their oaths of office before entering upon their duties as such re- gents, in the manner prescribed b}^ law for the qualification of other territorial officers. Sec. 2. — Buildings IVlay be Used for ScFiool Purposes. Until such time as the legislature may otherwise direct, any buildings which may hereafter be constructed at Belen for such Orphan Children's Home may be used as a public school building: Provided, That no appropriation for main- tenance or current expense shall now or hereafter be made or in any way defrayed by the territory during the use of such building for public school purposes. Sec. 3. — Appropriation. Tax Levy by Auditor. For the purpose of erecting a suitable building for the purposes mentioned in Section i of this act, there is hereby appropriated for the fifty-fifth fiscal year twenty-five one- hundredths (25-100) of one (i) mill, the proceeds of which shall be used for permanent improvements under the direction and management of said board of regents, and the territorial' OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 171 auditor is hereby directed to make a levy in accordance here- with, and the funds derived from such a levy shall be payable in the manner now prescribed by law for the payment of funds tc other institutions. Sec. 4. This act shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. CHAPTER VII. An Act to create roosevelt county. Approved February 28, 1903. Sec. 3. — County Commissioners. To Divide County into Precincts. To Appoint Precinct and School District Officers. The county commissioners appointed under this act are authorized and empowered to divide said county of Roosevelt into precincts, and to appoint in each precinct and school dis- trict the officers provided by law, until after the first election. Sec. 9. — Unpaid Taxes and Licenses. Proportion to be Credited cn« Debt. Sciiool Funds. Roosevelt county shall be entitled to have and receive all unpaid taxes for the year A. D. 1902, and prior thereto, which taxes have been levied or assessed upon or against property within the former limits of Chaves and Guadalupe counties and which by this act are set off from said counties of Chaves and Guadalupe and has become Roosevelt county ; and the treas- urer and collector of Roosevelt county shall collect and receipt for the same to the same extent as the respective treasurers and collectors of Chaves and Guadalupe counties might have done had said property remained within the limits of the coun- ties of Chaves and Guadalupe, and Roosevelt county shall be entitled to and shall receive from Chaves and Guadalupe coun- ties respectively, such proportion of the moneys received from licenses issued by said Chaves and Guadalupe counties in force in Roosevelt county during any part of the year A. D. 1903, as such! unexpired term of each such license shall bear to the whole term for which such license was issued; and all taxes collected from Roosevelt county and paid into the respective- 172 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS treasuries of Chaves and Guadalupe counties after January 1st, 1903, shall be credited upon the proportion of the respec- tive debts of Chaves and Guadalupe counties assumed and to be paid by Roosevelt county. All school funds in the respec- tive treasuries of Chaves and Guadalupe counties on April ist, 1903, due to the school districts of Roosevelt county, whether .apportioned or unapportioned. shall be on said date or imme- diately thereafter paid over by such treasurers to Roosevelt ■county. CHAPTER VIII. An Act to create quay county. Approved February 28, 1903. "Sec. 3. — County Commissioners. To Divide County Into Precincts. To Appoint Precinct and Scliooi District Officers. The county commissioners appointed under this act are authorized and empowered to divide said County of Quay into precincts and to appoint in each precinct and school district the officers provided by law until after the first election. Sec. 13. — County and Precinct Officers. Jurisdiction Until When, Until the appointment and qualification of the county and precinct officers of Quay county the county and precinct ■officers of the counties of Guadalupe and Union shall continue to exercise authority as before this act, and shall have juris- diction as heretofore. CHAPTER IX. An Act in relation to mayors of cities and to other OFFICERS, Approved February 28, 1903. Sec. 2. — Extention of Term of Office. Date of Next Election. The mayors, clerks and treasurers of cities, the alderman of the council of cities, and the members of the boards of OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 173 education of cities, now in office, shall remain in office until their successors are elected and qualified at the annual election to be held on the first Tuesday in April, 1904, and there shall be no election held for the election of any of the above named, officers in any city in the Territory of New Mexico on the first Tuesday of April, 1903. Sec. 3. — Election of City Officers, Aldermen and Board of Education.. Term of Office. (As amended by Chapter 93, Laws 1903.) The qualified electors of cities shall on the first Tuesday of April, 1904, elect one mayor, one clerk, and one treasurer, for the term of two years, and two aldermen of the city council from each ward, one of whom in each ward shall be elected for the term of two years, and the other for the term of four years, and. shall elect two members of the board of education from each M^ard, one of whom in each ward shall be elected for the term of two years and the other for four years. And on the first. Tuesday of April, 1906, and each two years thereafter, the qualified voters of cities shall elect one alderman and one mem- ber of the board of education from each ward, who shall hold., their offices for the period of four years. The provisions of this act shall apply to all cities in the territory, whether incor- porated under general or special laws. CHAPTER XXIII. An Act providing for the writing and publishing of THE HISTORY OF NEW MEXICO^ Approved March 10, 1903. Whereas, it is desirable and essential that the history of the Territory of New Mexico should be preserved in a sub- stantial and beneficial form for the benefit of the present and future generations of the people of the territory, and that the youth of the country should be instructed in reference thereto : Now, therefore, Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of New Mexico : Sec. 1. — History of New Mexico to be Written by J. Franco Chaves. Adoption as a Text Book. That J. Franco Chaves, of Valencia county, be, and he 174 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS hereby is, designated and selected to write and prepare for publication an accurate and correct history of this territory, and to prepare and condense therefrom a text book of such history, to be hereafter passed upon and accepted and adopted as such text book, for use in the common schools of this terri- tory. Sec. 4. — Adoption as a Text Book. Territorial Board of Education to Let Contract for Publication and Fix iPrice Per Volume. That such text book of the history of New Mexico, so condensed as above provided, for use in the common schools, shall not be considered adopted by the territory until after the same shall have been submitted to and approved by the board cf education of this territory, which board shall be authorized to enter into a contract with the lowest bidder for the printing and binding thereof, to be supplied by the publisher to the educational authorities of the territory from time to time, in such quantities as the necessities of the common schools may demand; and such board of education shall have authority to and shall fix the price per volume at which the same shall be supplied to said common schools, including a reasonable royalty upon each volume thereof, in addition to the cost of publication and binding thereof, which royalty shall be paid to the said J. Franco Chaves, or lij.s heirs, or in accordance with his order. CHAPTER XXVII. An Act to create the county of sandoval. Approved March lo, 1903. Sec. 10. — Precinct and School District Officers. The precincts and school districts now existing in the ter- ritory included in the counties of Sandoval and Bernalillo re- spectively, shall remain the same as now constituted until •changed as provided by law, and the respective district and precinct officers shall continue in office until their successors are elected and qualified under the general laws of the terri- tc ry. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 175 CHAPTER XXVIII. An Act authorizing the compilation, printing, and dis- tribution OF THE SCHOOL LAws^ Approved March lo, 1903. Sec. 1. — Superintendent of iPublic Instruction Authorized to Compile and) Have Printed ail School Laws. That the superintendent of pubHc instruction shall cause to have compiled, and biennially shall cause to have printed two thousand copies in English and two thousand in Spanish, in pamphlet form, of all existing school laws of the Territory of New Mexico, and such school laws as may be enacted by the Thirty-fifth Legislative Assembly, and after each future Legislative Assembly, if any laws shall have been enacted per- taining to schools, he shall in the first issue of said pamphlets thereafter include any school laws that may have been enacted by any such future Legislative Assembly. In the meaning of this act such pamphlets shall embrace all such school laws in one copy. The first issue of pamphlets shall be compiled and printed, ready for distribution before the first day of July of the year 1903. Sec. 2. — Appropriation for Compilation and Printing. Proviso. The compilation and' printing of the pamphlets herein referred to shall be paid for from any funds in the hands of the territorial treasurer arising from the rental or leasing of the common school lands, and for this purpose the territorial auditor is hereby directed and required to draw an order on the territorial treasurer in favor of the superintendent of pub- lic instruction for a sum not exceeding twelve hundred and fifty dollars ($1250.00). Provided, That the printing and binding authorized by this act shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder. Seci 3. — Copies of Printed School Laws to be Furnished to County School Superintendents and Chairman of School Directors. It shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruc- tion of the territory, before the first day of August of each year, to forward a sufficient number of such pamphlets of com- piled school laws to the superintendent of schools of the sev- 176 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS eral counties of the Territory of New Mexico. It shall be the duty of the county superintendent to place a copy of said- pamphlet in the hands of the chairman of the directors of pub- lic schools in each and every district of said county. CHAPTER LXXXI. An Act to prevent the cutting of timber from school SECTIONS, Approved March 17, 1903. Sec. 1. — Unlawful to Cut Timber from Certain School Sections or Territorial Lands. Hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person, persons, company or corporation to cut, take or destroy any timber from or on any school section numbered sixteen and thirty-six, or other territorial lands within the Territory of New Mexico. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in a court of competent jurisdiction in the territory shall be punished by a fine in the sum of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court trying the case. The violations of the provisions of this act upon each day shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. CHAPTER XXXVH. An Act to provide for public school houses from the SURPLUS IN general SCHOOL FUNDS, Approved March 12, 1903. Sec. 1. — Directors May Use Surplus in General School Fund to Con- struct School Buildings. That whenever there shall be a surplus in the general school fund in the county treasury to the credit of any school OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. l77 district in the territory, outside of incorporated towns and cities, to the amount of not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00) after all the expenses of maintaining the schools in said district for teachers' salary, rent and other expenses con- nected therewith, the said surplus or any part thereof may be withdrawn by the directors of said school district and applied by them to the procuring of a suitable site and the erection thereon of proper school buildings, or for the repairing of any school building or buildings for the use of such school district, in the manner following : » Sec. 2. — Surplus Fund. Available When. Duties of County Superin- tendents, Territorial Treasurer, and School Directors. That whenever a petition signed by one-half of the legal voters of such school district described in Section i of this act, as shown by the number of votes cast in said district or precinct at the last general election, shall be presented to the county school superintendent, praying that such surplus money des- cribed in Section i of this act may be turned over to the school directors of such school districts for the purpose of procuring a site and erecting school building or buildings thereon, then it shall be the duty of said county school superintendent within ten days after the receipt of the said petition, to forward the same to the county treasurer, who shall file the said petition and safely keep the same among the records and archives of his office, and it shall be the duty of said county treas- urer .to at once notify the school directors of such school district of the amount of money then on hand, subject to be withdrawn for the purposes named ; and thereafter the said treasurer shall honor and pay all warrants drawn by such school directors against such surplus fund for the purchase of site and erection of school houses thereon, when the same are accompanied by itemized and verified accounts and vouchers until the said surplus is exhausted, and it shall be the duty of the school directors to open proper books of account with the said fund, and enter therein all receipts and disbursements on account of such fund ; and it shall be their further duty to take from per- sons to whom money may be due on this account, itemized and verified bills in duplicate, one of which shall be retained by said board of directors, and the other shall be transmitted with the -warrant drawn in payment thereof to the county treasurer of the county in which said district is located. And the said 178 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS school directors shall in no event and under no pretext con- tract for or incur obligations on such account beyond the amount of money available in the county treasury for such purposes, nor shall they under any circumstances incur any debt in the erection of such school house, or houses, or improve- ment or repair thereof except as provided in Sections 1542 and 1543 of the Compiled laws of 1897. Sec. 3, — Proviso, When Surplus not Sufficient to Complete Buildings. In case there shall not be sufficient surplus moneys on hand to purchase a site and complete the building or buildings contemplated by the school directors under this act they are hereby authorized to procure the site for school purposes and to commence the erection of such building or buildings as they may deem necessary and proper for the purposes herein named, and shall carry on the construction thereof, so far as the moneys on hand for that purpose will permit, as hereinbefore provided, and in case the term of office of any sUch school directors or any member thereof shall expire, before the said buildings are completed, it shall be the duty of their successor or successors to proceed with the work in the manner herein provided until such work is completed. Sec. 4. — Insurance of School Buildings. The board of directors of any school district is empow- ered to expend, from the funds in the treasury of said school district, any moneys necessary to properly insure any school building or buildings in such school district. Sec. 5. — Failure of Officers to Carry Out the Provisions of This Act. Penalty. Any failure of any of the officers mentioned in this act to carry out its provisions in the letter and the spirit of this act, shall subject such officers to removal and to forfeiture of their official bond for the benefit of such school district so in- jured thereby, and any school director so offending shall be disqualified to become his own successor in office either by election or by appointment for a period of one year from date of such removal. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 179 CHAPTER XCVII. An Act authorizing and empowering the board of edu- cation OF THE CITY OF SANTA FE AND TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO TO PROVIDE FOR THE ERECTION OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING^ AND MAKING PROVISIONS FOR MEANS TO ERECT THE SAME^ Approved March i8, 1903. Sec. 1. — Bond Issue to Erect School Building Authorized. Form. Maturity. Rate of Interest. On Petition Question of Bond Issue to be Submitted to Vote. Form of Ticket. For the purpose of erecting a suitable and commodious public school building in the city of Santa Fe, in this territory, the board of education of the city of Santa Fe, in the Territory of New Mexico, is hereby authorized and empowered on or after the first day of June, A. D. 1903, and prior to the first day of November, A. D. 1903, to issue the bonds of said board of education of the city of Santa Fe, in the Territory of New Mexico, as a body corporate, to the amount of twenty-eight thousand dollars ($28,000.00), or so much thereof as may be required, said bonds to be of the denomination of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or any multiple thereof, not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), to be made payable to bearer and redeemable at any time after twenty years after the date thereof, and to become absolutely due and payable thirty years after the date thereof, to bear interest from the date thereof at the rate of five per centum per annum, payable semi-annu- ally at some national bank or trust company in the City of New York, State of New York, such interest to be evidenced by coupons representing each six months period of interest, attached to said bond ; said bonds shall be signed by the board of education of the city of Santa Fe, of the Territory of New Mexico, by its president and sealed with the seal of said board and attested by the secretary of said board, and the coupons thereof shall bear a fac-simile of the signature of the secretary of said board, which shall be engraved thereon; said bonds shall be numbered commencing with one and running upwards, the coupons of each bond shall bear the number of the bond and its relative number to other coupons on the same bond, and shall show the date thereof, when due and payable, and that 180 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS it is for interest on the particular bond to which it is attached for the six months terminating on the date when it becomes due and payable. Should seventy-five of the legal voters of the City of Santa Fe, who are the owners of taxable property not exempt from taxation for school purposes in the said City of Santa Fe on which each of them has paid taxes for the year 1902, within thirty days after the passage of this act, petition the said board of education of the said City of Santa Fe to cause to be submitted to a vote of the legal voters in the said City of Santa Fe the question whether or not said bonds hereinbefore provided for shall be issued, it shall be the duty of said board of education to request the mayor and the city coun- cil of the said City of Santa Fe to order an election to be held within forty days thereafter to vote upon the question as to whether said bonds shall be issued or not, and thereupon the said mayor and city council shall order an election to be held in the various wards of said city, at which all persons who may be qualified voters in said city under the laws of the Ter- ritory of New Mexico, and who were registered as such at the last city election of the City of Santa Fe, shall be entitled to vote. The ticket which they shall vote shall be in either of the following forms : "For public school house bonds of the City of Santa Fe —Yes." or : "For public school house bonds of the City of Santa Fe —No." And if a majority of those voting shall vote "yes," such vote shall be considered as consenting to the issue of said bonds, and the said board shall be authorized to issue the same ; but if a majority of those voting shall vote "no," such vote shall be considered as being opposed to the issue of said bonds, and the said board of education shall not have the right to issue the same. Should no petition be made, as herein provided, by seven- ty-five owners of taxable property as before nrtentioned within thirty days from the date of this act, then the said board of education shall be authorized and empowered to issue said bonds without further delay or any further authorization. Sec. 2. — Special Tax Levy to Pay Interest on Bonds. To secure the payment of interest on each of the bonds which may be issued, according to the provisions of the last OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 181 preceding section, as it falls due and also the principal of said bonds, the said board of education of the city of Santa Fe is hereby authorized and required, after it shall have determined to issue said bonds, to fix a rate of tax levy, to be levied on all of the property subject to taxation in the said City of Santa Fe, and not exempt by law from taxation for school purposes, at its meeting to be held on the first Monday in June in each year, or as soon thereafter as possible, making due allowance therein for taxes which may not be collected, which rate of tax- ation when so fixed shall be certified by the president and secretary of said board of education under the name of said board and the seal thereof, to the board of county commission- ers of the county of Santa Fe, which said board of county com- missioners shall include the am^ount of such rate of taxation so fixed in the order making levies for taxation for the various purposes, required to be made by them for the county, and the same shall be and become a special levy on all the property subject to taxation in the City of Santa Fe and not exempt therefrom for school purposes, and the amount thereof when collected shall be kept in a separate fund to pay said interest. Ten years after the date of said bonds and each year there- after a sufficient tax shall in like manner be levied and col- lected to pay each year one-twentieth part of the principal of said bonds, and the moneys so collected to pay such interest and principal shall be used for no other purpose. Sec. 3. — Sale of Bonds. The said bonds, authorized by this act to be issued, shall be disposed of at not less than par, out of which shall be paid the cost of issuing, printing and disposing of the same, and all the rest or remainder of the proceeds thereof shall be used solely and only for the purpose of preparing the plans and specifications of such building and aiding and assisting in the construction of the same, as a suitable and commodious build- ing for the public schools of the City of Santa Fe, of the Terri- tcry of New Mexico, and in paying all necessary expenses thereof and furnishing the same with suitable, modern furni- ture. Sec. 4. — Material and Labor to be Furnished by Penitentiary. Proviso. To aid and facilitate the construction of said building. 182 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS the board of penitentiary commissioners and the superinten- dent of the penitentiary are hereby directed and required to fur- nish, free of charge, convict labor for the excavation for the foundation of said building, with the aid of skilled siiperinten- dents, should such be necessary; said penitentiary authorities shall also furnish all the brick and lime which may be neces- sary for the construction and completion of said building, and also all other materials which can be furnished through the con- vict labor, machinery and appliances of said penitentiary, and which may be necessary for the completion of said building: Provided, That the penitentiary shall be paid and advanced the funds necessary to defray expenses of guards and actual cost of materials furnished. Sec. 5. — Boardl of Education to Provide Grounds, IVIaterial and Labor. The board of education of the City of Santa Fe, of the Territory of New Mexico, shall provide suitable grounds on which to construct the building provided for by this act, and shall also prepare, or cause to be prepared, all the plans and specifications for said building, and hire and pay all architects, necessary superintendents, foremen and skilled labor which can not be supplied from the penitentiary convicts, and all other labor which may not be supplied by the penitentiary convicts. Sec. 6. — Donation of L,and. There is hereby donated and granted in fee simple to the board of education of the City of Santa Fe and Territory of New Mexico, in order that it may be used as a school house site, for the building in this act provided to be erected, if it should be suitable therefor, all that certain lot, piece and par- cel of land situate within the City of Santa Fe, County of Santa Fe, and Territory of New Mexico, described as follows : Beginning at a point on Washington Avenue where the southern line of the abandoned Fort Marcy military reserva- tion terminates, being the southeast corner of the premises now occupied by Governor Otero, and running thence south- erly more or less along Washington Avenue 158 feet 9 inches to the corner of a brick wall enclosing a corral on the north side of the Old Palace building ; thence running westerly more or less along the north side of the adobe wall of the corral of the Old Palace building and along the wall enclosing the cor- ral or yard to the north of the building occupied by the post OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 183 office at Santa Fe, 261 feet and 6 inches to the northwest corner of the corral or yard on the north side of said building occupied for the post office; thence running northerly more or less along Lincoln Avenue 165 feet 4 inches to the southern line of the abandoned Fort Marcy military reservation and the property thereof now occupied by Governor Otero as his residence; thence easterly more or less along the southern line of the said abandoned Fort Marcy military reservation and part thereof now occupied by Governor Otero 267 feet to the place of beginning, being all of that portion of land lying be- tween Washington and Lincoln Avenues and between the southern boundary of the abandoned Fort Marcy military reservation, where it is occupied by Governor Otero as his resi- dence, and a north line described by a line extended from the north end or corner of the brick wall aforesaid along the wall extending therefrom in an east and west direction, and also extending straight along the projection of said wall, to the next wall in line therewith lying to the north of the yard or corral occupied by the post office at Santa Fe, to the northwest cor- ner of the wall forming said corral or yard on Lincoln Avenue, except that there is not included in this grant the por- tion of said lot and tract of land which has heretofore been granted to the Woman's Board of Trade and Free Library Association of the City of Santa Fe. CHAPTER C. An Act to require county school superintendents to FURNISH their OFFICIAL BONDS AND QUALIFY WITHIN CERTAIN TIME AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, Approved March 19, 1903. Sec. 1. — County School Superintendents to Give Bond. That the county school superintendents be and they are hereby required to furnish their respective official bonds within thirty days after having received their certificate of election or appointment. Sec. 2. — Present County School Superintendents to Give Bond. All present county school superintendents shall within 184 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS tl.-irty days after the passage of this act furnish their respec- tive official bonds and fully qualify as now required by law. Sec. 3. — Failure to Give Bond. Penalty. Any such county school superintendent failing to comply with the provisions of the foregoing sections shall be summar- iiv removed by the governor, who shall fill such vacancy as now provided by law. Sec. 4. — Failure to Make Apportionment of School Bonds. Penalty. All county school superintendents who shall hereafter fail in making the apportionment of school funds in their re- spective counties and to file their reports relative thereto as now provided by law, shall be dealt with as provided in Section 3 of this act. CHAPTER cm. An Act to preserve the public health. Sec. 29. — Smallpox. Duty of School Superintendents. Vaccination of Children. Refusal of Parents to Permit Vaccination of Children. Penalty. It shall be the duty of the school superintendent of each county to see that all children in his county, of school age, are vaccinated against smallpox, and to that end each teacher of a public school shall see that the children in his district are suc- cessfully vaccinated or have been vaccinated within one year previous, and it shall be unlawful for any child to attend school, or for any teacher to allow such child within any school house unless so vaccinated, or showing proper certifi- cate that it has been vaccinated ; such teacher shall make report of the number of children whom they have caused to be vac- cinated and those who have presented certificates that they have been vaccinated, to the county school superintendent at the beginning of the school year and^as often thereafter as they may deem necessary, together with the report of the names of any parents who refuse to allow their children to be vacci- nated, and any person who shall so refuse or neglect to have his or her children vaccinated in accordance with the law shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon a report to that OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 185 effect by the county superintendent, it shall be the duty of the sheriff or any constable whom he may designate, to arrest such person, and upon being convicted, he shall be fined not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), or be imprisoned in the county jail, not exceed- ing one hundred days, and the fine so imposed shall go to and be a part of the school fund of the district in which such of- fender lives. These provisions shall apply to children and parents in incorporated cities and towns, and^the duties here- tofore imposed upon county school superintendents are hereby made applicable to boards of education therein. Sec. 30. — County Health Officer to Vaccinate. Expense. The vaccination provided for in the previous section shall be done by the county health officer provided for by Section 22 of this act, or by his assistants and under his direction, and shall be paid for by the parents of such children when they are able to do so, but in case of their inability to pay for the same by reason of poverty, the same shall be paid for by the board of education, or school directors of the several districts out of the school fund. Sec. 31. — Vaccination of Adults. Refusal. Penalty. It shall be the duty of the board of health to make and enforce all necessary rules and regulations for the vaccination against smallpox of the adult population as well as of children within school age, and enforce the same by proper orders, and if any adult person shall refuse or neglect to carry out any of the orders of the said board in that behalf, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and after conviction shall be punished as hereinbefore provided in Section 24 of this, act. Vaccine matter shall be provided at the cost of the county, municipal corporation, board of education or school trustees, as herein- before provided for other expenses. CHAPTER CXIX. An Act to harmonize and strengthen the existing SCHOOL LAWS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, Approved March 19, 1903. Sec. 1. — School Year. Hereafter the school year governing all public schools in 186 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS any district, independent' district, incorporated town or city in this territory, shall commence on the first day of September and end on the last day of August of each year. Sec. 2. — Section 11, Chapter 80, Laws of 1899, Regarding Posting of Notice of Election of School Directors. Amended. Section 1532, Compiled Laws of 1897, as amended by Section 11, of Chapter 80, Session Acts of 1899, is hereby amended by inserting after the words "malfeasance in office" the following: "And shall be disqualifed from again holding said office by appointment or otherwise for a period of one year thereafter." Sec. 3. — Granting of Third Class-Certificates. Proviso. Third-class certificates, entitling the recipient to teach for one year in the county in which granted, may be granted by the county examining boards, and it is hereby made the duty of the members of such boards to prepare the list of questions to be submitted to those applying for third-class cer- tificates, and the examination of applicants for said third grade certificates shall occur at the same time and place as examinations are held for the examination of applicants for certificates of the first and second grades : Provided, That those seeking third grade certificates may also be examined by said board on the last Saturday in January, at the discretion of the county superintendent, and at no other time. Sec. 4. — Two Counties May Unite to Hold Institute. Expense. Authority is hereby conferred upon the territorial board of education to authorize any two counties, wherein the condi- tions are such as to make it expedient to do so, to unite in holding a district county institute at such place as may be mutually agreed upon, but not more than two counties shall participate therein, and when such power is delegated to the county superintendents thereof, the expense of such institute shall be equally divided between two counties participating therein. Sec. 5. — Section 1613, Compiled Laws of 1897, Regarding Defraying of Expenses of County Institutes. Amended. Amends Section 161 3, Compiled Laws of 1897, OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 187 Sec. 6. — Amends Section 5 of Chapter 3, Session Laws of 1901. Sec. 7i — Boards of School Directors. To Let Contracts. Clerk of Board to Report to the County Superintendents, Cost of Material and Labor. School Officials Prohibited! From Being Party to Contract. Boards of. school directors when letting a contract of pub- lic school buildings shall require of the contractor a good and sufficient bond for the faithful execution of said contract. And the clerks of said boards, outside of incorporated cities or towns, are required to make to the county superintendent from time to time, as the superintendent may require, an itemized statement, under oath, of the cost of labor and material used and work done, where practicable, and apparatus required and used for conducting and furnishing said building; and school directors of the latter class are further required to consult with and solicit the co-operation of county superintendents whenever it becomes necessary to purchase furniture, fixtures, etc., for the district schools and the directors and clerks of all school boards are hereby prohibited from acting as the agent for any person or firm engaged in the selling of school furniture, ap- paratus, etc., or to receive any commission attending the pur- chase of such furniture, apparatus, etc., for the use in their re- spective districts; and all persons identified in an official capacity with the public schools or with the higher educational institutions supported in whole or in part by the public funds of this territory are hereby prohibited from being a party di- rectly or indirectly to any contract for which public money is t.-) be used in connection with the operation or maintenance of such public schools or higher educational institutions. Sec. 8. — Clerks in Rural Districts, Principals or Superintendents of Town or City Schools to Make Fulf Report to County Superintendents. Contents of Reports. The clerks of the several rural districts, principals or sup- erintendents of town or city schools, shall, between the first day of June and the first day of July of each year, make a report to the county superintendent in writing, showing in detail the financial condition of the district, the amount of money received, and from what source, including receipts from 188 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS poll taxes, etc., district bonds or special levies, and the manner in which the same has been disbursed during the previous year, amount expended for repairs or improvements of school liouses and grounds, whether rented or owned by the district, the value of all school property, amount of bonded indebted- ness of district, status of interest fund, amounts paid for rent, fuel, etc., salaries paid teachers for the preceding year, the number and sex of the school population, and amount expended for books for indigent children under Section 1555, Compiled Laws of 1897, as amended, and failure to properly prepare and forward said reports shall subject such clerk, jDrincipal or town or city superintendents to prosecution as povided in Sec- tion 1535, Compiled Laws of 1897, and it is hereby made the duty of county superintendents to file information against such derelicts. Sec. 9. — School Directors to Furnished Itemized Accounts With Vouchers. Superintendents serving in districts outside of incorpor- ated towns or cities are hereby required to accompany all vouchers or warrants presented for the signature of the coun- ty superintendent with itemized statements of account, and the county superintendent shall withhold his approval of all bills until such statements are provided. Sec. 10. — Section 1535, Compiled Laws of 1897, Regarding Duties of School Directors, Amended. Section 2, Chapter 27, Laws of 1901, Regarding Teachers' Certificates, Amended. Section 1535, Compiled Laws of 1897, referring to duties of school directors, is hereby amended by striking out the word ''for" as used in the top line on page 427 of said Com- piled Laws ; and Section 2, Chapter 27, second line from bot- tom of page 56, Session Acts of 1901, referring to teachers' certificates, is hereby amended by striking out the words "and lower than 90 per cent." Sec. 11. — County Superintendent. When to be at County Seat. To Examine Books of Directors. The county superintendent is hereby required to be in attendance at the county seat on the first Saturday in the months of August, September, and October, and November for the transaction of official business. He is hereby empowered to examine from time to time the records and account books OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 189 of district directors outside of incorporated cities and towns, and see to it that the same are properly kept, and it is hereby made obligatory upon all such directors to meet at their accus- tomed place within the district at least once every thirty days during the school term for the transaction of public business. Secuj 12. — County Superintendent May Reject Warrants Illegally Is- sued by School Directors. The county superintendent shall investigate the legality of all accounts as to whether the same have been legally in- curred and allowed before the fixing of his signature thereto, and he may reject any warrant issued by district school direct- ors whenever he may deem such warrant to have been illegally issued. Sec. 13. — School Directors Failing to Make Complete Census. Pen- alty. County superintendents are hereby empowered to remove from office any school director, in districts outside of incor- porated towns and cities, who shall fail or refuse to make and return a complete census of the school population within his district as required by law, and such person so removed shall not be eligible to hold said office for a period of two years thereafter. Sec. 14. — Report of County Superintendent to Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction. Failure to Report. Penalty. Failure of Teachers or Principals to Report. Penalty. On or before the fifteenth day of August each year the county superintendent shall make out and transmit to the ter- ritorial superintendent, on blanks, the form and character of which shall be specified by the territorial superintendent, his annual report, bearing date of August ist, containing such vital statistics and general information concerning the public schools as the territorial superintendent may call for, including total amounts received by the several districts and counties on account of the poll tax and fines, and county school superin- tendents who fail or refuse to properly prepare and file such an- nual report, within the time specified by law, which report shall be properly footed, complete and consistent in its footings, as required by the superintendent of public instruction, shall be chargeable with gross neglect of official duty, and may be suspended from office by the superintendent of public instruc- 190 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS tion, and, should the circumstances demand, upon presentation of the facts to the governor, he may be removed from office and his place filled by appointment until the next general elec- tion, and any principal or teacher in charge failing to make reports required of them may upon the written complaint of the county superintendent or superintendent of public instruc- tion, filed with the directors of any public school, have his salary withheld until he has made such report so required ; and, in case the circumstances justify, he shall be removed as teacher by such directors and be disqualified to teach in New Mexico for at least one year thereafter. Sec. 15. — Apportionment of School Funds. County Superintendent to Report to Probate Clerk. County superintendents shall quarterly, and within ten days after receiving notice that any school funds are at their demand, for apportionment to the several districts, properly make said apportionment and specifying the number of the dis- trict, the number of children of school age in each district and ll)C amount of money apportioned thereto, and a copy of this apportionment report shall be filed within ten days thereafter in the office of the probate clerk of the county, and he shall also supgly a duplicate copy thereof to any newspaper printed within the county which will give publicity to the same free of charge as a matter of general information. Sec. 16. — District Superintendents. Term of Office. Duties. District superintendents in districts consisting of incor- porated cities or towns shall be employed for a term of not to exceed two years, and their duties other than now specified by law may be defined by the board of directors of such incor- porated city or town. Sec. 17. — Tiiird Paragraph, Section 1548, Compiled Laws of 1897, Re- garding Distribution of Fines, Amended. Amends Section 1548, Compiled Laws of 1897. Sec 18. — lOfficials of Higher Educational Institutions. Report to be Made. Contents. In addition to the duties now required by law of the gov- erning authorities of the higher educational institutions, they are hereby required to make duplicate copies of reports, under date of June 30th of each year, furnished by them to the terri- OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 191 torial executive for use in his annual report to the secretary of the interior, and a copy of said report shall be filed in the office of the superintendent of public instruction; such report shall show the date of establishment, general status and pro- gress of such institution during the year; it physical equipment, course of study, number of pupils enrolled and the number en- rolled who are not actual bojta fide residents of the territory, the number of graduates for the preceding year and the total number of graduates to date, the financial condition, char- acter and value of improvements during the year, value of all property, receipts from all sources, disbursements, and such other information as the superintendent of public instruction may require for incorporation in his annual report to the gov- ernor of the territory. Sec. 19. — Section 1548, Compiled Laws 1897, Regarding County Treas- urers Notifying County Superintendents of Funds, Amended. Amends Section 1548, Compiled Laws of 1897. Sec. 20. — Legal Holidays Defined, proviso. In addition to the legal holidays designated by law, viz: "July fourth, December twenty-fifth, and January first, and all days designated by proclamation of the governor as fast days or thanksgiving days," February twelfth (Lincoln's birthday) and February twenty-second (Washington's birth- day) may hereafter be observed by the public schools as legal holidays; and, provided, any teacher or teachers in the rural districts and village schools shall have arranged beforehand a program of exercises by the pupils appropriate for the occa- sion for the preceding day, the directors of such district shall not deduct any moneys from teachers' salary because of their absence from active school duty on such holidays. CHAPTER CXX. An Act to regulate county institutes. Seo. 1. — Funds Set Apart by County Treasurers for County Insti- tutes. Disbursement. Amended by Chapter y^, Laws 1905. For the purpose of meeting the expenses of county institutes, county treas- urers in counties of the first class shall set apart annually from 192 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS the general school fund of their respective counties $ioo, and in counties of the second class $75 for such purpose, and in counties of the third and fourth class not more than $50 for such purpose. The money thus set apart and that collected by county superintendents as now provided by law shall be known as the "county institute fund," and the county treas- urer shall be its custodian, but he shall not receive any of it for his services as such custodian. This money shall be dis- bursed in accordance with the provisions of Section 161 5 and 1616 of the Compiled Laws of 1897, except that all orders on this fund issued by county superintendents shall be counter- signed by the conductor of such county institutes. Sec. 2. — Territorial Board of Education to Prescribe Course of Study. To Revoke Certificates for Incompetency or Immorality. The territorial board of education is hereby empowered to issue a course of study for county institutes and to revoke certificates for incompetency or immorality of the holder, or for any cause that should have withheld the issue of such cer- tificates. Sec. 3. — Territorial Board of Education. Mileage. Compensation. The members of the territorial board of education shall receive 10 cents per mile for attending each meeting of said board, counting one way from their place of residence to its place of meeting, and $2 for each and every day said board is in session. This mileage and per diem shall be paid to the members of said board of education by the territorial treas- urer upon the order of the territorial auditor out of the funds arising from the rental of the common school lands of the ter- ritory. CHAPTER XXIII. An Act to provide for the compensation of an enumer- ator OF persons of school age in the several dis- tricts of the territory of new MEXICO. H. B. No. 23; Approved March 2, 1905. Sec. I.^School Directors to Make Enumeration of Persons Within School Age. Duty of Clerk. That the directors of schools in the several school districts OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 193 in the territory shall, on or before the first day of September of each year make an enumeration of all unmarried persons between five and twenty-one years of age, giving the names, ages, and sexes of such persons in full, and shall report the same in writing, which enumeration list shall be signed by all the directors, to the county superintendent within fifteen days thereafter. It shall be the duty of the clerk of said school direc- tors to correctly enumerate or cause to be enumerated all un- married persons of the respective school districts as specified herein. For said enumeration he shall be paid from any funds in the hands of said directors the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for each one hundred names or fraction thereof, thus enumerated. Sec. 2. — Punishment for False Enumeration. Any enumerator acting for the directors of schools of any district who shall willfully place fictitious names, or names of persons, not actually residing in said district, upon the official enumeration list, shall be declared guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof, before any court of competent juris- diction, he shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars,which fine shall, when paid, be placed in the school fund of said school district. Sec. 3. All acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage. CHAPTER XLVIII. An Act providing for a compulsory flag law for the TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. C. B. No. 79; Approved March 10, 1905. Sec. 1. — Directors and Boards of Education to Procure United States Flags for Public Schools. The boards of school directors of the various school dis- tricts and the boards of education of the cities and towns of this territory shall procure at the expense of their respective districts, towns or cities, for every public school not now pro- vided therewith, a United States flag not less than five feet 194 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS long ; together with the flag-staff, and the necessary appliances therefor; and thereafter whenever the flag, flagstaff or the necessary appliances therefor of any such school shall from any cause become unsuitable for further use, such school boards of directors or boards of education shall in the same manner purchase others in place thereof. Sec. 2. — United States Flags to be Displayed Upon Public School Buildings. The school directors or boards of education in the various districts, cities and towns in the territory shall cause the United States flag to be displayed upon the public school buildings or premises therein during school hours if in their best judg- ment it be practicable, otherwise at such times as they may direct, and such boards of school directors or boards of educa- tion shall also establish rules and regulations for the proper care, custody and display of the flag; and when, for any cause it is not displayed it shall be placed conspicuously in the prin- cipal room of the school building. Sec. 3. — Flag Day. The twelfth day of February, in each and every year hereafter, is hereby established in the annual school calendar to be known as flag day, in honor of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, and shall be observed with patriotic exercises in the public schools, but such day shall in no wise be construed to be a holiday. It is also provided that when such day shall fall on Sunday or on Saturday, the following or preceding days respectively, as the case may be, shall be observed. Sec. 4. — Superintendent of Public Instruction to Prepare Programme of Flag Day Exercises. It shall be the dut}^ of the superintendent of public instruc- tion to prepare a programme of patriotic exercises for the proper observance of flag day, and to furnish printed copies of the same to the school directors and boards of education of the various districts, cities and towns, at least four weeks pre- vious to the twelfth day of February in each year; he shall also prepare for use of the schools a printed programme pro- viding for a uniform salute to the flag, to be used daily during the session of the school. Sec. 5. This act shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 195 Extracts From Session Laws of 1905. CHAPTER LX. An Act to regulate the classification of counties and FIXING the salaries OF CERTAIN COUNTY OFFICIALS THEREOF. A. C. B. No. gg ;Lazv by Limitation, March 14, 1905. Sec. 5. — Compensation of School Superintendents. The county school superintendents of the several counties of this territory shall receive the following compensation : In Counties of Class "A" $1,500.00 per annum. In Counties of Class "B" 1,000.00 per annum. In Counties of Class "C" ., 900.00 per annum. In Counties of Class "D" 600.00 per annum. In Counties of Class "E" 400.00 per annum. Sec. 6. Section 6, Chapter 27, Laws of 1901, fixing the compensation of school superintendents, repealed by Chapter 117, Laws of 1905, to take effect January i, 1907. 196 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS CHAPTER LXXII. An Act entitled an act to aid territorial institutions . TO erect buildings and other permanent improve- ments. C. B .No. 78; Approved March 14, 1905. Sec. 1. — Territorial Institutions Authorized to Expend Funds Derived From Sale and> Lease of Lands. The New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and all other territorial educational and charitable insti- tutions in New Mexico, are hereby authorized to expend the funds derived from the sale and lease of their lands, or so much thereof as may be necessary which have been or may hereafter be placed to the credit of the respective institutions, for build- ings, equipment and other permanent improvements. Sec. 2. — Boards of Control to Make Report of Expenditures. The boards of regents or other boards of control of said institutions are hereby authorized to expend said moneys as herein provided for said purposes and said boards shall make a full and complete report of the expenditures which they may make under the provisions of this act, giving amount and pur- pose for which expended, to the governor of the Territory of New Mexico. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. CHAPTER LXXni. An Act to authorize the territorial board of education TO issue certificates to normal institute conduc- tors, TO harmonize the school law and for other purposes, a. C. S. for H. B. No. 41 ; Approved March 14, 1905. Sec. 1. — Territorial Board of Education to Issue Teachers' Certifi- cates. Provisos. The territorial board of education is hereby authorized OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 19V to issue territorial teachers' certificates to persons whom it may- deem quahfied by reason of the moral character, academic scholarship, knowledge of the theory and art of teaching, and actual practice in teaching. The certificates shall remain in force from and after the issue : Provided, No certificate shall be granted for not less than five years : And provided, further. The lowest qualifications for such certificates shall be equal, ii' respect to moral character, academic scholarship, knowledge of the theory and art of teaching, and actual practice in teach- ing to that required of those who complete full professional course in either the New Mexico Normal School or the Nor- mal University. Holders of these certificates who possess a certificate of attendance upon some county normal institute or summer school, as provided by law, shall be entitled without further examination, to teach in any of the public schools of New Mexico for the period of time designated therein. Sec. 2. — Section 1, Chapter 120, Laws of 1903, Regarding the Dis- bursement of County Funds for County Institutes, Amended. Amount to be Raised by Counties of Third and Fourth Classes. The first sentence in Section i of Chapter 120 of the Ses- sion Laws of 1903 of the Territory of New Mexico, ent'.tled, "An Act to regulate county institutes and for other purposes," is hereby amended so as to read after the word "purpose," in the sixth line thereof, "and in counties of the third and fourth class not more than fifty dollars for such purpose." Sec. 3. — Section 2, Chapter 27, Laws of 1901, Relating to Teachers' Examinations, Amended. Time of Holding Examinations. The fourth line of Section 2, Chapter 27, of the Session Laws of 1901 of the Territory of New Mexico, entitled, "An Act to amend certain provisions of the law relating to public schools," is hereby amended by striking out the word "four" and in the same section, in line ten, by striking out the words "in August and November" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "before the close of the Normal Institute" in the same section, in line fifty-eight, by striking out the words "or towns." Sec. 4. — When Temporary (Permits to Teach May be Issued. The superintendent of public instruction is hereby author- ized to issue, pending the regular examination of teachers. 198 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS temporary permits to teach in the pubHc schools of the terri- tory to persons holding certificates from educational institu- tions of good standing in any state or in this territory, or whose credentials as to ability and experience in teaching, properly certified to, are deemed sufficient to meet the re- quirements of the law, and such temporary permits shall ex- pire upon the first day of the next succeeding examination of teachers, and county school superintendents shall have like authority in their respective counties, and certificates so issued by county school superintendents shall be good only in the county where issued and shall expire at the next examination of teachers in said county. Sec. 5. — Qualifications Required of Conductors for Normal Institutes. Any person of good moral character who is entitled to and possess a certificate of the first class as a teacher, may be chosen and appointed by the superintendent of schools of the different counties in the territory as conductor for the Normal Institute in their respective counties. Sec. 6. — Section 3, Chapter 119, Laws of 1903, Regarding the Grant- ing of Third Class Certificates, Amended. The eleventh line of Section 3, Chapter 119, of the Ses- sion Laws of 1903, entitled, "An Act to harmonize and strengthen the existing school laws, etc.," is hereby amended by striking out the words "September and October" and in- serting in place thereof the word "January." Sec. 7. All acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this act shall take effect and be in full force sixty days from and after its passage and approval. CHAPTER LXXIV. An Act to validate and legalize indebtedness hereto- fore INCURRED BY BOARDS OF EDUCATION AND BOARDS OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS IN EXCESS OF THE CURRENT INCOME OF SUCH BOARDS^ AND TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OF BONDS TO PAY SUCH INDEBTEDNESS. C. B. No. I18; AppVOVcd March 14, 1905. Sec. 1. — Debts Contracted by School Boards Made Binding. All debts heretofore contracted by boards of education. OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 199 cr boards of school directors for the purpose of paying the actual and necessary expenses of maintaining the schools are hereby validated and made binding. Sec. 2. — School Boards to Issue Bonds Covering Indebtedness. It shall be the duty of all such boards on or before August 1, 1905, to ascertain the amount of their respective indebted- ness, and upon due proof of the same to issue coupon bonds to each holder of a claim in an amount sufficient to cover such claim, and to deliver such bonds to their respective creditors in exchange for other evidences of indebtedness. Sec. 3.— Denomination of Bonds. Rate of Interest. Maturity. How Signed. Such bonds shall be issued in denominations of one hun- dred dollars each, shall be numbered consecutively, shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, interest payable semi-annually on the first day of January and July of each year, shall mature at the option of the board issuing the same ir. ten years after the date thereof and shall be absolutely due and payable in twenty years after the date thereof, and shall be issued and delivered not later than January i, 1905, and shall be signed by the chairman of the board, issuing the same, and shall be countersigned by the secretary or clerk thereof. Sec. 4. — County Commissioners to Levy Tax to Pay Interest on Bonds. Redemption. Boards of education and boards of school directors issuing bonds under this act shall notify the boards of county com- missioners on or before the first Monday of May in each year of the amount required to pay the interest on such bonds, and the county commissioners shall, at the time of making the levy for other taxes levy a tax sufficient to pay the annual interest on such bonds ; and after the expiration of ten years from the date of issuing said bonds, the boards of county commissioners shall annually levy a tax sufficient to produce a smm equal to not less than ten nor more than twenty per cent of the total amount of such bonded indebtedness, and said bonds shall be redeemed from time to time as the moneys come into the hands of the treasurers of said boards issuing the same for that purpose : Provided, That the levy herein provided for to pay interest on such bonds and to create a sinking fund for the 200 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS redemption thereof shall be made only on property within the district issuing such bonds. Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after the expiration of thirty days after its passage and approval, and all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. AUTHORIZED SCHOOL BOOKS. The Territorial Board of Education at a meeting held in Santa Fe on the 8th day of June, A. D. 1903, adopted the following books for use in the Territory for the ensuing four years. FROM THE AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY OF CHICAGO. McGviffey's Revised First Reader " " Second Reader _.._ " " Third Reader - ...- " " Fourth Reader " " Fifth Reader _ " " First (Spanish and English) Baldwin's Readers by Grades, First •' " •' " Second Third, Fourth and Fifth " " " " Sixth, Seventh and Eighth.... Croshy's.Little Boolt for Littl-^ Folks Mantilla's Libro de Lectura (Snanish Reader No. 1) '• " {Spanish Reader No. 2) McGuffey's Revised Speller American Word Book Speller White's New First Book Arithmetic. White's New Complete Arithmetic Hall's- Werner's Arithmetic Book No. 1 " 2 ■' 3 " " Two Book Ed Elementary .__. " " Two BoMk Ed. Complete. Maxwell's First Book in English ' Introdu' tory LessoTi.« " Advanced Lessons in Enslish Grammar Barnes' New Elementary Geography Barnes' Complete Geosraphy Natural Elementary Geography , Natural Advanced Geography PeterinHn's Civil Government ..: Eggleston's First Book in American History.. Barnes' United States Historv MoMa<»ter's Historv of the United States De Thoma'-i Historia de Nuevo Mesico Child's Health Primer Physiology _ Hygienic Physiology Steele's Hysienic Phvsiology Tracy's Outlines of Phvsiolosy Barnes' Na'ional Vertical Penmanship, 1 to 6 Barnes' Natur.al Slant Spencerian Common ■'School Copy Books Webster's New Primary Dictionary _. Webster's Common School Dictionary High School Dictionary '■ Academic Dictionary " International Index Diction iry FROM SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY, OF CHICAGO Stepping S*^ones to Litei'ature, First Reader •' " " Second Reader " " " " Third Reader , " " " " Fourth Reader " " " " Fifth Header '• " •' " Sixth Reader " " " " Seventh Reader " • " " Reader fo'- Higher Grades " " " ■' Suecial Fifth Reader " " '• " First Reader (Spanish^ " " " " Second Reader (Spanish) " " " " Third Reader (Spanish) " •• " " Fourth Reader (Spanish) " " " " Arnold Primer (Spanish).... List Price $ .17 .HO A2 .50 .72 .32 .25 .35 .40 .4.T .30 .15 .54 .17 .25 .30 .65 .40 .40 .50 .H5 .60 .40 .40 .60 55 1.25 .60 1.25 .£0 .60 100 1.00 .75 .30 .50 1.00 1.00 .75 .75 .48 .72 -.98 1.50 11.00 E.x ch'nge price $ .18 .24 .30 .36 36 .36 .36 .36 .45 .18 .24 .30 .36 .18 Ex. Cent. Price Price a .f .13 .23 .32 .32 .54 .24 .15 ,19 .21 .27 .24 .30 .27 .32 ■";r2 .51 .13 .10 .19 .23 .49 .20 .20 .30 .20 .36 .20 .30 .20 .30 .30 .45 .20 42 .94 '"40 .45 ,45 .75 .60 .75 .30 .23 .38 .75 .60 .75 .57 ":38 .58 .78 120 Inti'O- 0.2.1 Con- dut'y tract price price $ .30 $ .24 .40 .32 .50 .40 .60 .48 .60 .48 .60 .48 .60 .48 60 .48 .75 .60 .30 .24 .40 .32 .50 40 .60 .48 .30 .24 AUTHORIZED SCHOOL BOOKS-Continued. First steps in the Histo'y of Our Country Stowell's Physiology, a Healthy Body.. Stowell s Physiology. Esst-ntials of Health Copy Books: Silver, Burrlett & Co , Normal intermediate 22^2 Degrees, Books No. 1 to 6 inclusive per doz FROM MAYNABD MERRILL AND COMPANY, OP NEW YORK Judson & Bender's Graded Literature Readf-rs First Book " " Second Book " " " Third Book •' " " Fourth Book Fifth Book . " " " Sixth Book " " " Seventh Book Eighth Book " ■' •' 6th and 6th Books Combined.. " "' " 7th and 8th Boi.ks Combined. Reed's Word Lessons Reed's Introductory Language Work .. Reed&Kell' gg's Grided Lessons in Bnelish Reed & Keli.ogg's Higher Lessons in Engl sh Merrill's New Graded Penmanship (Slant 33 degree:',) Tracing Series, Three Numbers per dozen '. Standard Series, Six Numbers per dozen PROM GINN & COMPANY, OF CHICAGO. Wentworth's Elempntary Arithmetic Wentworth's Practical Arithmetic FROM CRANE & COMPANY, TOPEKA, KANSAS. Wooster's Primer FROM APPLETON & COMPANY, OF BOSTON, MASS. Ollendorf in English and Spanish Velasques' Dictionary. English and Spanish.. FROM J. P. CHAVES, SANTA PE, NEW MEXICO. Chaves' History of New Mexico (When Completed) KX Idtro- ch'nge duct'y price price $ .36 $ .60 .30 .50 .50 .84 "■.'48 R etail Wh'l- sale price pric» .f .25 $ .20 .40 .32 .45 .36 .50 .40 .50 .40 .50 .40 .50 .40 .50 .40 .70 .56 .70 .56 .25 .20 .40 .32 .40 .30 .63 .50 "■'72 ■"54 .96 .72 List Con-. tract price pi'ice $ .30 .22 .65 .49 Lisc price $ .25 Con- tract price $ .50 .40 .67 .40 Ex- ch"nge price $ .12 .20 .22 .25 .25 .25 .25 25 .35 .35 .12 .24 .22 .38 Ex- ch'nge price $ .18 .39 Con- tract price $ .18 OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW SlExICO. 203 YEARLY CALENDAR. For the convenience of County Superintendents and Boards of School Directors the following calendar of matters to be attended to during the year is appended : JANUARY. On first Monday county school superintendents shall ap- portion school funds. Sees. 1 526-1 558. On or before the first Monday all fines collected shall be turned into the county treasury. Sec. 1548. On last Saturday an examination shall be held for third grade certificates. Sec. 3 Chap. CXIX L. 1903. The first day of January is a legal hoHday. FEBRUARY. On the first Monday the district clerks shall prepare and post at least four lists of all persons liable to pay poll tax. Sec. 1550- The 1 2th of February (Lincoln's birthday) may be ob- served by the schools as a legal holiday. Sec. 20, Chap. CXIX., Laws 1903. The 22nd of February (Washington's birthday) may be observed by the schools as a legal holiday. Sec. 20, Chap. CXIX., Laws 1903. MARCH. On or before third Monday the county treasurers shall notify county school superintendents of all funds coming into their hands for school purposes. Sec. 1548. 20+ COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS On or before first Monday the territorial treasurer shall make a complete exhibit of all moneys applicable to the sup- port of the common schools and shall deliver the same to the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sec. 29, Chap. LXXIV,. Laws 1899. APRIL. On first Monday county school superintendents shall ap- portion school funds. Sec. 1526-1558. On or before the first Monday all fines collected shall be turned into the county treasury. Sec. 1548. On or before the first Monday the school district clerks shall report to the county clerk a complete list of all persons liable to pay a poll tax. Sec. 1550. On the first Tuesday is held the election for members of the city board of education. Sec. 2, Chap. IX., Laws 1903. MAY. On second Monday each year the school directors shall post notices of election. Sec. 1532. On or before the first of MJay school district clerks shall make report to the county school superintendent showing the amount of money collected and expended. Sec. 1535. On or before the first of May the Territorial Auditor shall make a levy of two mills on the dollar for paying school teachers, etc. Sec. 1537. JUNE. On the first Monday an election for school directors shall be held. Sec. 1532. See also Sec. i, Chap. LV., Laws 1901. On or before the third Monday the county treasurers shall notify the cOunty school superintendents of all funds coming into their hands for school purposes. Sec. 1548. On or before the first Monday the territorial treasurer shall make a complete exhibit of all moneys applicable to the support of the common schools and shall deliver the same to the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sec. 29, Chap. LXXIV., Laws 1899. Between the first day of June and the first day of July the clerk of rural districts, principals or superintendents of city schools shall make a report to the county school superin- OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 205 tendent showing financial condition. Sec. 8, Chap. CXIX., Laws 1903. JULY. On first Monday county school superintendents shall ap- portion school funds. Sec. 1526- 15 58. The term of the directors elected in June begins on the first Monday of July. Sec. 1532. On or before the third Monday each year the directors shall make estimate for tax levy. Sec. 1535. On or before the first Monday all fines collected shall be turned into the county treasury. Sec. 1548. The fourth day of July is a legal holiday. Sec. 20, Chap. CXIX., Laws 1903. AUGUST. On the 15th the county school superintendents shall sub- mit their annual reports to the Superintendent of Public In- struction. Sec. 1527. On or before the first the city boards of education shall levy a tax for the support of the schools. Sec. 1577. The school year ends the last day of August. Sec. i, Chap. CXIX.. Laws 1903. On the first Saturday county school superintendents are required to be in attendance at county seat for the transaction of official business. Sec. 11, Chap. CXIX., Laws 1903. SEPTEMeeds for, how executed 3666 ^"ties of 3663, 3665, 3669 Government and discipline Sec. 1, 5, p. 137 Governor and superintendent of public instruction ex- officio members 366i Lands of, may dispose of 366.5 Lands to be sold in redeemed bonds, when Sec. 5, p. 136 List of pupils to be sent to governor Sec. 4, p. 161 Organization of 3662 Record and itemized accounts to be kept Sec. 1, p. 160 Report in duplicate to be rendered governor and super- intendent of public instruction Sec. 18, p. 190 Stores to be kept, how Sec. 3, p. 138 Tax levy for bond deficiency Sec. 3, p. 135 Treasurer of territory to pay interest on bonds Sec. 4, p. 136 Tuition free, board may charge 3671 Minor children, adoption of • 1496 Unlawful to dispose of property without making pro- vision for education of 2055a in: NORMAL SCHOOL (County) Attendance of teachers compulsory 1613 Appropriation to reimburse citizens Sec. 7, p. 130 Branches to be taught 3655 Claims on, how paid 1616 County superintendent to hold annually 1612 To account to treasurer 1 615 County treasurer to be custodian of 1614 Expen^'es of, how paid 1613 Fund, hew created 161 4 Funds not lo be used for expenses Sec. 1, p. 191 Funds io be set apart by county treasurer Sec. L p. 191 Territorial board to issue course of study Sec. 2, p. 192 Two counties may unite in holding Sec. 4, p. 186 NORMAL SCHOOLS OF NEW MEXICO— Auditor to levy tax for buildings 3658 Corporate powers of 3652 Creation of and established where 3650 218 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS Diplomas, effect of 3659 Election of officers, when 3653 Las Vegas, where to be located in 3651 Lands, to receive certain Sec. 1, p. 131 President of board, duties of 3656 Pupils, to send list to governor Sec. 4, p. 161 Records and itemized! accounts to be kept Sec. 1-3, p. 169 Regents to send list of pupils to governor Sec. 4, p. 161 Organization of, qualifications of 3653 To be in control of 3652 Sessions of, when 3653, 3654 Powers of 3655 Compensation of ' 3657 Majority of, quorum 3654 Secretary and treasurer, duties of 3656 To give bond 3653 Silver City, where to be located 3651 NORMAL UNIVERSITY, The New Mexico- Diplomas, concerning 3659 Lands to receive benefit of certain Sec. 1, p. 131 Manual training, kindergarten training Sec. 2, p. 129 Name changed Sec. 1, p. 129 Non-sectarian Sec. 1, p. 129 Records and itemized accounts to keep Sec. 1-3, p. 160 Report to governor and superintendent of public in- struction respecting 3655 o OFFICERS— District 843 Unable to read and write illegible 857 Organic Act Sec. 15, p. 3 ORPHANS— Duty and probate judge in relation to 1622 ORPHAN'S HOME AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL— Sisters Charity, Santa Fe, provisions as to 1617, 1622 ORPHAN CHILDREN'S HOME: (At Belen)— Provisions as to Sec. 1, p. 170 PROBATE CLERKS— To subscribe for and preserve newspapers 768,769,771 Pawnbrokers, tax for 4145 Private fences, illegal to open, penalty 1825 OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 219 PROBATE JUDGE— Duty of in relation to orphans 1622 Duty of in relation to indigent deaf and dumb Sec. 4, p. 142 PUPILS— Actual residents to attend school 1556 Compulsory attendance 1555 Race or nationsClity, no distinction to be made on account of 1556 School, age of 1536, 1532 Unlawful to sell liquor or tobacco to Sec. 1, p. 150 To permit them to play at games of chance Sec. 2, p. 150 To permit them to loiter in saloons Sec. 3, p. 151 Vaccination of Sec. 26, p. 152 Vaccination of Sec. 29, p. 184 Vaccination of indigent Sec. 27, p. 153 Vaccination of indigent Sec. 30, p. 185 Vaccine matter provided at cost of authorities Sec. 31, p. 185 Q QUAY COUNTY— Commissioners to divide into districts and appoint offi- cers Sec. 3, p. 172 Until appointment of officers, authorities of Guadalupe and Union Counties to act Sec. 13, p. 172 REFORM SCHOOL— Act of Congress, June 21, 1898, applies to Sec. 5, p. 165 Board of trustees to manage Sec. 6, p. 165 Duty of courts Sec. 10, p. 167 Qualification and bond of Sec. 6, p. 165 Duties of Sec. 7, p. 167 Empowered to build Sec. 13, p. 169 To keep record and itemized accounts Sec. 1, p. 160 To employ superintendent and other employes Sec. 7, p. 167 Report annually list of pupils Sec. 4, p. 161 TJause for confinement in Sec. 10, p. 167 Committee to select building site Sec. 12, p. 168 Established and located Sec. 2, p. 164 Inmates to perform useful labor Sec. 11, p. 168 Restaurant keepers, tax for 4144 REVENUE (See funds)— Sources of ^^^^ 220 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS ROOSEVELT COUNTY— Commissioners to divide into districts and appoint offi- cers Sec. 3, p. 171 Unpaid taxes and licenses — proportion to school fund Sec. 9, p. 171 SANDO'VAL COUNTY— Districts and officers changed Sec. 10, p. 174 SANTE FE, City of Board of education to provide ground, etc. Sec. 5, p. 182 Bond issue to erect school building Sec. 1, p. 179 Donation of land Sec. 6, p. 182 Election to be called Sec. 1, p. 179 Material and labor to be furnished by penitentiary . .Sec. 4, p. 181 Sale of bonds Sec. 3, p. 180 Special tax to pay interest on Sec. 2, p. 180 SCHOOL OF MINES— Board of trustees, constituted how 3594 Majority of, quorum '. 3594 To keep record and itemized accounts Sec. 1, p. 160 Officers of board of trustees may remove 3601 Board of trustees, powers of 3594, 3598 Organization of 3595 Secretary and treasurer. 3595, 3597 Report to be made to governor and superintendent of public instruction Sec. 18, p. 190 Pupils, list of to send to governor Sec. 4, p. 161 Duties and powers of 3594, 3598 Diplomas and degrees 3600, 3659 Fees for assays and other services 3603 Government of 3599 Land for, to be donated 3592 Lands, to receive benefit from Sec. 2, p. 131 Location of 3592 Management of 3594 Objects of schools 3592 President, duties of 3596 P'reparatory department 3605 Tuition, provision as to 3602, 3605 SCHOOL DISTRICTS— Bonds issued, binding on, when Sec. 1541, C. L. 1894 Not to incur indebtedness 382 SCHOOLS, Public- Flag day Sec. 3, p. 194 OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MExiCO. 221 Sec. 2, Chap. 27, L. 1901a Sec. 3, p. 197 Sec. 2, Chap, 119, L. 1903a Sec. 6, p. 198 SCHOOL, SECTIONS— Unlawful to cut timber on Sec. 1, p. 176 Preference right to lease or purchase Sec. 30, p. 148 Schools, military, superintendent to serve on governor's staff 2279 School year, what shall he Sec. 1, p. 185 Sinking fund °. . 296 Societies, literary, debating, and scientific, may elect officers, have seal 467 Provisions for organization 462 To be a body corporate 463, 4b6 Trustees of 459, 460, 461 SOLDIERS, ex-U. S.— Preference right of Sec. 30, p. 148 Stage lines, tax for 4144 Stock ranges 128, 129 Streets, illegal to impede travel on 2677 Sunday, definition of 1372 Certain labors permissable 1370 Sports .1369, 1374 SUPERINTENDENT (County) — Disbursement of institute funds 1616 Duty of on failure of bond issue Sec. 2, p. 144 Duty of presentation of petition to build school house Sec. 2, p. 144 Compensation of, Sec. 6, Chap. 27, Laws 1901 Sec. 5-6, p. 154 Sec. 6, Chap. 27, L. 1901 R Sec. 2, p. 154 Conductors of normal institutes to appoint Sec. 5, p. 198 Salaries of Sec. 5, p. 195 Temporary permits to teach, to issue, when Sec. 4, p. 197 Failure to make apportionment and report, penalty . . Sec. 4, p. 184 May be removed by governor Sec. 14, p. 189 Not to be interested in contract Sec. 7, p. 187 How elected 1524 May be suspended by territorial superintendent Sec. 14, p. 189 Oath and bond of 1525 Paying teachers not qualified, penalty 1526 Penalty for violating rules of territorial board 1596 Penalty for failure to give bond Sec. 3, p. 184 Per diem of superintendent Sec. 6, p. 154 Term of office 1524 To report to territorial superintendent annually 1527 Apportion school funds Sec. 15, p. 189 222 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS Apportion school fund 1526, 1558 Approve bonds Issued 1542 Account to treasurer for moneys 1615 Be at county seat when Sec. 11, p, 188 Call election on issuance of school house bonds Sec. 1, p. 144 Examine director's accounts Sec. 11, p. 188 Failure to make annual report, penalty Sec. 14, p. 189 Give bond within thirty days Sec. 1, p, 183 Grant certificates. Chap. 119, Sec. 3 1526 Hold normal schools 1612 Hold teachers' examinations 1526 Post notice of formation of district 1527 Refuse certificates when 1613 Reject illegal warrants of directors Sec. 12, p. 189 Remove director who fails to make census Sec. 13, p. 189 Transmit funds derived from institutes 1615 Visit schools 1526 Require directors to comply with provisions of Sec 1555 Vaccination of children Sees. 26, 27, p. 152-153 Vaccination of children Sees. 29, 30, 31, p. 184-185 SUiPBRINTENDENT (City Schools)— Board may employ Sec. 3, p. 153 Term of employment not to exceed two years Sec. 16, p. 190 To hold special teachers' institutes Sec. 3, p. 153 Report to county superintendent Sec. 8, p. 187 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION— Office created 1516 Official oath 1519 Duties of 1516, 1519, 1523 How appointed, term 1516 County superintendent to report to Sec. 14, p. 189 May suspehd when Sec. 14, p. 189 Flag day exercises, duty to prepare program Sec. 3, p. 194 Official acts of. how certified 1523 Certified, when evidence 1523 I Officers of territorial institutions to report to Sec. 18, p. 190 Permits to teach, temporary, when to issue Sec. 4, p. 197 Report, what to contain 1522 To be secretary of board of education 1516 Trustee of deaf and dumb asylum Sec. 2, p. 140 Visit each county annually 1519 Recommend text books 1520 Prepare forms and blanks 1521 P'repare and publish annual report 1522 OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 223 Have office at seat of government 1523 Turn over property to successor 1523 Enforce Chapter 46, Laws 1899 Sec. 3, p. 144 Make apportionment of territorial funds Sec. 29, p. 147 Notify county superintendent of cases of tuberculosis Sec. 1, p. 156 Compile and print school laws Sec. 1, p. 175 or TAXATION— Taxes, how collected and apportioned 1537 Taxes, proceeds, disposition of 1578 Exemption from Sec. 1, p. 159 Special, to keep account 1540 Tax collector, failing to turn over funds, penalty 1540 Levy to be voted upon 1535 Auditor to make annual 1537 Special by district board 1543 Property subject to 1544 Special not to be made until 1545 Poll 1549. 1551 To pay interest on bonds 1587 City boards to make Sees. 1577, 3, p. 153 TEACHERS— Certificates, first and second grade 1526 Certificates, third grade Sec. 3, p. 186 Certificates of attendance on normal or summer school required 1526, 1613 Certificates of health to be filed Sec. 2-3, p. 154 Of physician to hold Sec. 2-3, p. 154 Revoked when Sec. 2, p. 192 In incorporated cities and towns board may issue 1526 Examinations, time for holding Sec. 1526, p. 60 Examinations, special 1526 Examination of 1526 Examination of for tuberculosis Sec. 6, 2, 3, 5, p. 154 Failure to report, penalty Sec. 14, p. 189 Grade average required 1526 Institutes, how held. Sec. 3 1519 To attend teachers' institutes 1612, 1613 Be paid, when 1536 Be free from tuberculosis Sec. 1, p. 154 Make reports to and when 1536 Keep a record 1536 See that children are vaccinated Sec. 29, p. 184 224 COMPILATION OF THE SCHOOL LAWS Rejected by physician, shall apply to fio Other Sec. 2, p. 157 Sec. 3, Chap. 119, Laws 1903 .Sec. 6, p. 187 TERRITORIAL INSTITUTIONS— Funds derived from lands, authorized to expend .. Sec. 72, p. 196 Boards, funds to be expended under direction of Sec. 72, p. 196 TOWNS (See Cities)— TOBACCO (See Pupils)— TREASURER (County)— To notify county superintendent of funds on hand 1548 Give bond as custodian of school fund 1538 Set aside funds to build school houses, when Sec. 2, p. 144 TUBERCULOSIS (See Teachers)— XJ UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO— Board of regents, control vested in 3571 Qualifications of '. 3571 How appointed 3571, 3572 How organized 3574 Powers of board 3576, 3586 President, duties of 3575 Secretary to give bond 3574 To be a body corporate . . . : 3573 Buildings, board may contract for 3582 When completed, may be purchased 3585 Commissioners to select land 3587 Duties of 3588, 3591 Curriculum, as prescribed by board 3578 Diplomas and degrees 3578, 3559 Departments of 3577 Faculty, departments to be entrusted to 3578 Grounds, board may lease part of 3583 Lands for, how to be selected 3587. 3591 Location of, where 3568 Non-sectarian to be 3580 Objects of university 3570 Officers of 3574. 3575. 3578 Board may remove 3578 Pupils of, who may be 3579 Pupils, to send list to governor Sec. 4, p. 161 Quorum, what to constitute 3581 Report, board to make annual to governor Sec. 18, p. 190 Records and itemized accounts to be kept Sec. 1, 3, p. 160 State institutions, to be when 3569 OF THE TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO. 22^ Taxation, building exempt from 3584 Territory, when not liable 35^6 U. S. STATUTES— Concerning alcoholic drinks p. 4 County debts p. 7 Lieu lands p. 8 Private charters p. 7 Right of citizens to vote p. 8 Religious corporations p. S School lands p. 9 School sections p. 10 Territorial indebtedness p. 6 V VACCINATION (See Pupils)— WARRANTS— Costs in suits for adjustment 324 Calling warrants for payment 402, 403, 404 Holders may accept bonds 322 If lost may be duplicated 399, 400 Issued prior to Feb. 26. 1891. holders may bring suit 319, 322 To be registered 1590 To burn all warrants 402. 403, 404 Waterworks within disincorporated municipalities 2511 Weapons, deadly 1377, 1383 Year current 304 Year current, fund for 305 LE S '09