LIBRARY OF CONGRESS D D D D D 3 1. 1. ■=] b 1 W^COMPLE f £ copy Gass ■ rvi r'^^ rj r\ a. o o UJ yj _i Q_ O O TRAVELLER'S GUIDE THROUGH THE UNITED STATES, STAINING TH CONTAINING THE PRINCIPAL- GlJLE§,jTpWNS, &c. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED ; TOGETHER WITH THE STAGE, STEAM-BOAT, CANAL, AND RAIL- ROAD ROUTES, WITH THE DISTANCES, IN MILES, FROM PLACE TO PLACE. ILI.USTI'.ATED BY AN ACCURATE MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. THOMAS, COWPERTHWAIT, & CO. 253 MARKET STREET. Entered according to the act of Congress, in the year 1836, by Mitchell & Hinman, in the clerk's office of the district court for the eastern district of Pennsylvania. CONTENTS. CoDsulling Index for ascertaining the location of places on the Map Index to the Stage, Steam-Boat, Canal, and Rail-Road Routes - - - - Page 9 - - - 21 Kou Abbeville, S. C. to Milledgeville, Ga. Aiken, S. C. to Abbeville - - - - Albany, N. Y. to EutKilo - - - - Albany, N. Y. to Burt'nlo Albany, N. Y. to Burlington, Vt. Albany. N- Y. to CoUiersville - .\' Y. to Levvislon - - - Y. to Niagara Falls Y. to White Hall - - Y. to White Kail - - .irtage Rail-Koad, Pa, , Pa. to Berwick - - - . Y. to Clarkson - - Id. to Cambridge- - ■f. C. to Bean's Sta- . C. to Nashville, Te, Ashiabula, 0. to Wheeling, Va. Athens, Ga. to ClarksviUe - - - Auburn, N. Y. to Ithaca Auburn, N. Y. to Oswego - - - - Augusta, Me. to Anson Augusta, Me. to Belfast Augusta, Me. to Bethel Augusta, Me. to Brunswick • - - Augusta, G\. to Colunjbus - - - Augusta, Ga. to Dahlonega - - - Aui^usta, Ga. to Decatur Augusta, Ga. to Mobile, Al. - - - Augusta, Me. to Phillips - - - - Augusta, Me. to Portland - - - - Augusta, Me. to Portland - - - • Augusta, Ga. to Savannah - - - - B. Baltimore and Ohio Rail-Road, Md Baltimore and Washington Rail Road, Md. Baltimore to Annapolis, Md. - - Baltimore to Chambersburg, Pi. Baltimore to Chambersburg, Pa. Baltimore to Cbestertown, Md. - Baltimore to Cleaveland, 0. - - - Baltimore to Easton, Md. Baltimore to Lancaster, Pa. - - - Baltimore to Lancaster, Pa. - - - Baltimore to New Orleans- - - - Baltimore to Norfolk, Va. Baltimore tn Richmond, Va. - Baltimore to Savannah, Ga. - - - Baltimore to St. Louis, Mo. - - - Baltimore to Vincennes Baltimore to Wheeling Bangor, Me. to Augusta Bangor, Me. to Castine Bangor, Me. to Milburn Bath, N. Y. to Rochester - - - - Beaver, Pa. to Cleaveland, 0. - Beaver, Pa. to Lower Sandusky, Ohio : Bedford, Pa. to Washington, Pa. Belleville, II. to St. Cliarles, Mo. Blake'.ey, Al. to Pensacola. Fl. T. Elountsville, Te. to Huntsville,Al. Boston and Lowell Rail-Road, Ms. Boston and Providence Rail- Road, Ms. Boston and Worcester Rail-Road, Ms. Boston to Albany, N. Y. Boston to Albany, N. Y. Boston to Albany, N. Y. Boston to Augusta, Ga. Boston to Dover, N. H. - - - - - Boston to Eastport, Me. Boston to Falmouth, Ms. - - - - Boston to Montreal, L. C. - - - - Boston to Hartford, Ct. Boston to New Bedford, Ms. - - Boston to New Haven, Ct. - - - Boston to New Orleans Boston to Newport, R. I. - . - - Boston to Portsmouth, N. H. - - Boston to Salem, Ms. Boston to Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Boston to St. Louis, Mo. - - - - Bowling Green, Ky. to Nash- ville, Te. - ... - Brattleboro, Vt. to Albanv, N. Y. Bristol, R. I. to Sandwich, Ms. - Bristol, R. I. to Taunton, M,^. - - Brookville, la. to Centreville - - BuffUo, N. Y. to Detroit, Mic. - BufTalo, N. Y. to Erie, Pa. - - - RufFilo, N. Y. to Youngstown - - Burlington, Vt. to Bennington - Burlington, Vt. to Derby Line - 527' 197- I 9. B; 10 ; no; 3j5 : 338: 1S9 ^ 402 c, 294 49 307 51 25 26 4S26 ■■ '3 CONTENTS. Camden, N. J. to Cauandaigua, N. Y. to ButFalo - Cariaudaigua, N. V. to Rochester Catlettsburg, Ky. to Frankfort - Cattskill, N. Y. to Canajoharie - Cattskill, N. Y. to Ithaca - - - - Champlain Canal, N. Y. - - - - Charleston, N. H. to Benning- Vt. Charleston, S. C. to Camden - - Charleston, S. C. to Cheraw - - Charleston, S. C. to Cincinnati, 0. Charleston, S. C. to Columbia - Charleston, S. C. to Columbia - Charleston, S. C. to Milledge- ville, Ga. - ■■ - - Charleston, S. C. to Savannah,Ga. C.iarlesinn, S. C. to Savannah,Ga. Charleston, S. C. to St. Louis, Mo. Charlotte, N. C. to Wilbesboro - Clieraw, S. C. to Augusta, Ga. - Chesapeake and Delaware Ca- nal, De. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, Md. Chicago, II. to Galena Chillicothe, 0. to Cincinnati - - Chillicothe, 0. to GallipoUs - - - Cincinnati, to Greenville- - - Cincinnati, 0. to Indianapolis, la. Cincinnati, 0. to Indianapolis, la. Clarksburg, Va. to iMarietta, 0. Cleaveland, 0. to Cincinnati - - Cleaveland, 0. to Lower Sandusky Columbia, S. C. to Greenville - Columbia, S. C. to Yorkville - - Columbus, Ga. to Apalachico- la, Fl. T. Columbus, Ga. to Carrollton - - Columbus, Ga. to Mobile, Al. - Columbus, Mi. to Montgomery,Al. Columbus, Mi. to Natchez - - - - Columbus, 0. to Portsmouth - - Columbus, (). to Upper Sandusky Columbus, 0. to Sandusky - - - - Concord, N. H. to Boston - - - - Concord, N. H. to Burlington, Vt. Concord, N. H. to Charleston - - Concord, N. H. to Conway - - - Concf-il, N. H. to Middlebury,Vt. Concord, N. H. to Nevvburyport, Mass. ----- Concord, N. H. to Portsmouth - Concord, N. H. to Portsmouth - Cooperstown, N. Y. to Oxford - D. Darien, Ga. to Macon Dayton, 0. to Indianapolis, la. - Decatur, Al. to Knoxville, Te. - Delaware and Raritan Canal, N.J. Detroit, Mic. to Chicago, II. - - Detroit, Mic. to Chicago, II. - - Detroit, Mic. to L. Sandusky, 0. Detroit, Mic. to Marshall - - - - Detroit, Mic. to Navarino,Wi. T. Detroit, Mic. to Pontiac Dover, N. H. to Conway - - - - Dover, N. H. to Haverhill - - - Dover, N. h; to Meredith - - ■ - Dover, N.H. to Newburyport, Ms. Easton, Pa. to Elmira, N. Y. - - Easton, Pa. to Harrisburg • - - - Easton, Pa. to Milford Easton, Pa. to Newburg, N. Y. - Easton, Pa. to Pleasant Mount - Easton, Pa. to Wilkesbarre - - - Eatonton, Ga. to Forsyth - - - - Ebensburg. Pa. to Butler - - - - EdentoQ, N. C. to Blakely - - - - Elizabethtown, N.J. to Ea5ton,Pa. Elmira, N. Y. to Canandaigua - Erie Canal, N. Y. Erie, Pa. to Cleaveland, 0. Exeter, N. H. to Brattleboro, Vt. Fairfax C H, Va. to Winchester Fayette, Mo. to Independence - - Fayetteville, N. C. to Lincolnton FayetteviUe, N. C. to Wilmington Florence, Al. to Memphis, Te. Florence, Al. to Tuscaloosa - - - Frankfort, Ky. to Cincinnati, O. Frankfort, Ky. to Nashville, Te. Frankfort, Ky. to Somerset - - - Frederick, Md. to Winchester, Va. Frederick, Md. to York, Pa, - - Fredericksburg, Va. to Charlottes- ville Fredericksburg ,Va. to Winchester Fulton, N. Y. to Rochester - - - G. Gainesville, Ga. to Spring Place Galena,Il. to F.Winneb.ago, Wi T. Galena, II. to Peru, Wi. T. - - - Galena, II. to Prairie du Chien,do. Galena, II. to Prairie du Chien, do. Georgetown, De. to Eastville,Va. Georgetown,D.C.totheRidge,Md. Greenville, Asheville, N.C. Greenville, S.C. to Augusta, Ga. H. Harrisburg, Pa. to Baltimore - - Harrisburg, Pa. to Dundatf - - - Harrisburg, Hagerslown,Md. Harrisburg, Pa. to Pittsburg - - Harrisburg, Pa. to Pottsville - - Harrisburg, Pa. to Winchester, Va. Harrodsburg, Ky. to Richmond - Hartford, Ct. to Albany, N.Y.- Hartford, Ct. to Haverhill, N. H. Hartford, Ct. to Litchfield - - - Hartford, Ct. to Newbury, Vt. - Hartford. Ct. to New Haven - - 39 39 40 53 29 28 29 20 29 Urirtford, Cr. to New London - - Hiirlforcl, Cl. to Norvvalk - - - - Harlford, Ci. lo W.\rc-. Ms. - - - Haverhill. N.H. toDerbv Liiie.Vl Haverhill, N. H. to Ste.varislou-n Hoboken, N. J. to Monroe Works N. V. Hudson, y. Y. to Bennington, Vt. Hopkinsville.Kv. to N.isriville.Te. Huntsville.Al. 'to Florence - - - untsville, Al. tn Mobile . . - - unlsville, Al. to Tuscaloosa - - iuntsviUe, Al. to Tuscaloosa - - luiilsville, Al. to Tuscuuibia - - I. ndianapolis, la. to Madison - - .napolis, la. to Terre Haute ackson, Te. to Memphis - - - - acksou. Mi. to Vicksburg - - - ohnstoiVD, N. y. to Bainbridsre tin?ston, N. Y. to Milford, Pa. Cnoxville, Te. to Huntsville, Al. CnoxviUe, Te. to Nashville - - Cnoxville, Te. to Nashville - - Lnoxville,Te. to Spring PIace,Ga afayette, la. to Laporte - - - - pncaster, 0. to Columbus - - ancaster, 0. to Mount Vernoa lebanon, 0. to Erookville, la. ■ .ehigh Canal, Pa. •ewistown, Pa. to Erie .exington, Ky. to Bean's sta- tion, Te. .exington, Ky. to Cincinnati, 0. .eiinffon, Kv. to Frankfort - - exington, Ky. to Nashville, Te, ^sington, Ky. lo Richmond - - .itchfield, Ct. to Poughkeepsie, N. y. I ittle Falls, N. Y. to Treuton • - ittle Rock, At. T. to Bain- bridge, Mo. ittleton, N. H. to Burlington, Vt ouisville, Ky. to Florence, Al. ouisviUe, Ky. to Frankfort- - - ouisville, Ky. to Lafavetle, la. ouisville, Ky. to Lebanon - - - pulsville, Kv. to Nashville, Te. ouisville, Ky. to Nashville, Te. ouisville, Ky. to Orleans, la. . ouisville, Kv. to Vincennes, la. ynchburg, V'a. to Danville - - e»i3burg, Va. to Newbern . - 6 367156 496,71 1S3 40 321 470 381, 378 57 23045 i\ Madison, la. to Terre Haute - - Marietta, 0. to Zanesville - . . - JIaysville, Ky. to Louisville - - Miami Canal, 0. -Middlebury, Vt. lo Royalton - - Milledgeville, Ga. to Athens - - Milledgeville, Ga. to Lavvrence- ville Milledgeville, Ga. to Tallahassee, Fl. 1'. Milton, N. C. to Yorkville, S. C. Mobile, Al. to Columbus, Mi. - Mobile, Al. to New Orleans - - Mobile, Al. to Talassee Mobile, Al. to Tuscaloosa - - - - Mobile, Al. to Wetumpka - - - iMohawk and Hudson Rail-Road, N. Y. Monroe, Mic. to Adrian Montgomer)', Al. to Claiborne - Montgomery, Al. to Columbia - .Montpelier, Vt. to Albany, N. Y. Monlpelier, Vt. to Boston - - . - Montpelier, Vt. to Burlington- - Monlpelier, Vt. lo Derby Line - Montpelier, Vt. toHavefh;il,N.H, Monlpelier, Vt. to Keene, N. H. Montreal to Quebec Morris Canal, N. J. Mullica Hill,.N.J. to Greenwich 384 58 366 56 320 5 511 1-2 25 48 N. Nashville, Te. to Huntsville, Al. Nashville, Te. to Huntsville, Al. Nashville, Te. to Memphis - - - Nashville, Te. to Mills Point, Ky, Nashville,Te. to Shawnee(own,ll. Nashville, Te. to Tuscurabia, Al. Natchez, Mi. to St. Francisville, La. Natchitoches, La. to Fort Jesup Newark, N. J. to Deckertown • Newark, N. J. to Lamberlsville New York to Newton, N. J. . . New Brunswick, N. J. to Lam- berlsville New Brunswick, N. J. to Eas- ton. Pa. Newburg, N. Y. to Owego - - • Newburyport, Ms. to Lowell - - New Castle and Frenchtown Rail M. !acon, Ga. to Columbus aeon, Ga. to Darien - - New Haven, Ct. to Albany, N. Y. New Haven, Ct. to New York - New Haven, Ct. to Poughkeep- sie, N. Y. New Jersey Rail-Road, N. J. - - Newport, R. I. to New Bedford, Ms '. New Orleans to Amsterdam, Mi. New Orleans to Atlakapas - - - New Orleans to Batesville, Ar.T. New Orleans to Ecore Fabre,ArT. ■, New Orleans to Florence, Al. - • \< 6 CONTENTS. ll No. of i No.Df i\ Route. Rob: 2. 44 New Orleans to Fort Gibson, Petersburg, Va. to Norfolk - - - 229 Mo. T. - 451 65 Philadelphia toAbsecuca, N. J. 141 36 New Orleans to the Mouth of the Philadelphia to Baltimore - - - - 159 38 Mississippi 459 66 Philadelphia to Baltimore - - - - 160 38 New Orleans to Nashville, Te. - 457 66 Philadelphia to Baltimore- - - - 424 62 New Orleans to Pittsburg, Mi. - 449 65 Philadelphia to Bridgetown, N. J. 140 36 New Orleans to the Raft 454 66 Philadelphia to Cape May, N. J. 137 35 New Orleans to Washington, La. 456 66 Philadelphia to Cape May, N. J. 423 62 New York to Albany SS 30 Philadelphia and Columbia Rail New York to Albany m 30 Road, Pa. 491 70 New York to Albany 4ie 61 Philade'phia to Detroit, Mic. - - 524 73 New York to Boston 411 Philadelphia to Easlon, Pa. - - - 166 38 New York to B«ton 412 60 Philadelphia, Germantown, and - New York to Boston 413 t)0 Norrislown Rail-Road, Pa. - - 500 71 New York to Boston 414 61 Philadelphia to Lancaster, Pa. - 161 38 New York to Ctiarleston, S. C. - 417 61 Philadelphia to Lancaster, Pa. - 163 38 New York to Chicago and Gale- Philadelphia to LongBranch,N;J. 13S 36 na, II, 519 73 Philadelphia to MauchChunk,Pa. Philadelphia to Mobile, Al. - - - 1()2 38 New York to Dover, N. J. 149 37 522 73 New York to East Hampton - • 90 30 Philadelphia to Montrose, Pa. • 164 38 New York to Easlon, Pa. 95 31 Phil.idelphiaio Nashville, Te. - 523 73 New York to Flushing - - - - - 93 31 Philadelphia to New York - - - 421 62 New York to Geneva 92 30 Philadelphia to New Orleans - - 521 73 New York to Litchtield, Ct. - - 94 31 Philadelphia to Niagara Falls - - 52,5 73 New York to Montreal, L. C. - 419 61 Philadelphia to Pittsburg, Pa. - 157 37 1 New York to New Haven - - - 415 61 Philadelphia lo Pittsburg, Pa. - 158 37 1 New York to New Orleans - - - 51t) 73 Philadelphia to Salem, N. J. - -. 139 36 8 New York to Oyster Pond 91 30 Philadelphia to Schooley's Moun- 1 New Yo,k to Philadelphia - ■ - 1 New York to Philadelphia - - - &6 30 tain N. J. - 165 38 8? 30 Philadelphia to Trenton, N. J. - I20 62 i New York to Philadelphia - - - 41S 61 Philadelphia and Trenton Rail- 1 New York to Quebec, L. C. - - - 1 New York to St. Augustine, Fl.T. 520 518 ;i Road Pa. 499 142 71 36 Philade'lphia to Tuckerton, N. J. 1 New York to St. Louis, Mo. -■ 517 73 Philadelphia to Wilmington, De. 422 t)2 Niagara, N. Y. to Ogdensburg - - 472 224 67 Philadelphia to Winchester, Va. 167 38 Norfolk, Va. to Edenton, N. C. 44 Pittsburg, Pa. to Beaver 175 39' Norfolk, Va. to Fayetteville, N.C. 221 44 Pittsburg, Pa. to Erie 173 39 I Norfolk, Va. to Petersburg - • - 429 63 Pittsburg, Pa. to New Orleans - 44S 64, Norfolk, Va. to Raleigh, N. C. - 222 44 Pittsburg, Pa. to SteubeiiviUe, 0. 172 39 Norfolk, Va. to Richmond - - - 430 63 Pittsburg, Pa. to Wheeling, Va. 174 39' Norfolk, Va. to Wilmington, N.C. 223 44 Plattsburg, N. Y. to Ogdensburg 126 34 Northumberland, Fa. to Lewis- Poland, 0. to Fairport 363 56 188 40 Portland, Me. to Littleton, N. H. Portland, Me. to Portsmouth, 12 22 0. N. H. 13 22 Ogdensburg,N. Montreal,L.C. Ohio and Erie Canal, 0. 135 35 Portland, Me. to Waterford 11 22 510 72 Portsmouth, N.H. ti)Eastport,Me. 1 21 Clean, N. Y. to Buft'alo 133 35 Portsmouth and p.oanoke Rail- Opelousas, La. to Natchitoches - Owego, N. Y. to Clean 299 104 50 32 Road Va. -- 507 71 40' Potlsvil'le, Pa. to E^llefonte - - - 'l87 P. Potlsville, Pa. to Northumberland 182 40 Princeton, la. to Mount Zion, Ky 386 58 Paterson and Hudson Rail-Road, Providence, H. L to Hartford, Ct. Providence, R. £. to Middle- town, Ct. 81 2'J j>j_ j_ 489 131 70 35 Peeksk'ill, N. Y. to Ridgefield,Ct. 82 29 Pendleton, S.C. to Gainesvil!e,Ga 259 47 Providence, R. I. to New Bed- Pennsylvania Canal Delaware fnrrl Mc 66 28 495 70 iUSU, IVib. --... ...... Providence, R. L to New Ha- ven, Ct. --- Pennsylvania Canal Main Divi- 72 28,' sion. Pa. - 492 70 Providence, R. \. to New Lon- (Jon (^(_ Pennsylvania Canal Western Di- 63 97' 1 494 70 Providence, R. L to Newport - • Providence, il I. to Springlield,Ms. 62 65 11: Petersburg and Roanoke Rail- Road, Va. 506 71 T>..„.,:J. ' D I »„ T„.?„f„., V„ '^'—^ .... >^-.|| msai OBta -*IL dence, R. I. to Worcester, Rikiirh, N. C. loAsheville - - - i; . li i-h, N. C. to Cliarlcslon, S. C h.Ki-li, N. C. toCheraw.S. C. R il.i-h, N. C. to Norfolk, Va. - Kilci:;!], N. C. to Newbsrn - - - R.iUi^h, N. C. to Shown's Cross Roads, Te. Real ill?, Pa. to Lancaster - - - - ReistePitown, Md. to Carlisle, Ta Richmond, Va. loBloun;sville,Te Richnioud, Va. toCatleltsbul■g,Ky Ricl^lll■lDd, Va. to Catletlsburjj.Ky Richmond, la. to Cincinnati, 0. Richmond, Va. to Harrisonburg Rxhnioiid, Va. to Norfolk - - - Richmond, Va. to Raleigh, N. C. Richmond, Va. to Staunton - - - Rochesier, N. Y. to Portland Har- bor Rome, N. Y. to Oswego Russellville, Ky. to Shawnee- Russellville, Ky. to Smithland - Rutland, Vt. to Walpole, N. H. Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. to Ogdens- Saleni, Ms. to Lowell Salem, N. J. to Dividing Creek - Salem, 11. to St. Louis, Ivio. - - - Salisbury, N. C. to Cheraw, S. C, Sandusky, 0. to Cincinnati - - - Sandusky, 0. to Cincinnati - - - Sandy Hill, N. Y. to Rouses Point Saratoga and Schenectady Rail- Road, N. Y. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. to Ben- nington, Vt. - - - - Saratoga Springs, N. Y. to Caugh- nawaga - - -" Savannah, Ga. to Augusta - - - - Srivannah, Ga. to St. Augustine, Fl. T. Savannah, Ga. to St. Marys - - - Schuylkill Naviga-'ion, Pa. - - - Shawneetown, II. to Baiubridge, Mo. Shawneetown, II. to St. Louis, Mo. Shawneetown, II. to Vandalia - Shown's Cross Roads, Te. to Knoxville South Carolina Rail-Road, S. C. Sparta, Te. to Gallatin Sparta, Te. to Glasgow, Ky. - - Springfield, II. to Quincy - - - - Springfield, 11. to Terre Haute - Springfield, Ms. to Albany, N. Y. Standish. Me. to Tamworth - - - 35 27 37 58 46 344 54 346,54 124 34 485 125 33 03 Ro u Staunton, Va. to Catlettsburg, Ky. St. Charles, Mo. to Vandalia, 11. Steubenville, O. to Chardon - - - SteubenviUe, O. to Zanesville - - Steubenville, 0. to VVooster - - - St. Francisville, La. to New Or- leans -- St. Joseph, Mic. to Chicago, II. • St. Joseph, Mic. to Niles - - - - St. Louis, Mo. to Chicago, II. - - St. Louis, Mo. to Fayette - r - - St. Louis, Mo. t!) Florence, Al. - St.Louis, Fort Leavenworth St. Louis, Mo. to Galena, 11. - - St. Louis, Mo. to Jackson - - - - St. Louis, Mo. to Jftterson City - St. i^ouis. Mo. to Nashville, Te. St. Louis, Mo. to New Orleans - St. Louis, Mo. to Palmyra - - - St. Louis, Mo. to Pittsburg, Pa. - St. Louis, Mo. to tlie Rapids of Illinois St. Louis, Mo. to Springfield, II. T. Tallahassee, Fl. T. to Jackson- ville Tallahassee, Fl.T. to Pensacola- Tallah.assee, Fl. T. to St. ftlarks Tarboro, N. C. to Newbern- - - Trenton, N. J. to Camden- - - • Trenton, N. J. to Newton - - - Tuscaloosa, Al. to Montgomery Tuscaloosa, Al. to Montgomery Tuscumbia, Al. (o Columbus, Mi. Tuscumbia, Courtland, and De- catur Rail-Road, Al. U. Union Canal Utica, N. Y. to Ithaca Utica, N. Y. to Ogdensburg - - - Utica, N. Y. to Pleasant Mount, Pa. Utica, N. Y. to Sacketts Harbor - Vandalia, II. to Galena Vincennes, la. to Chicago, II. - - Vincennes, la. to Evansville • - Vincennes, la. to Lafayette - - - Vincennes, la. to St. Louis, Mi. Vincennes, la. to St. Louis, Mo. W. Warm Sprmgs, N. C. to Hunts- ville, Al. Warrenion, N. C. to Danville, Va. Warrenton, N. C. to Winton - - Washington City to Annapolis, Md. Washington City to Frederick, Md. CONTENTS. Washington City to Harper's Ferry, Va. Washington City to Little Rock, Ar. T. Washington City to Lynchburg, Va. Washington City to Milton.N. C Washington City to Natchez, iVIi. Washington City to Norfolk, Va. Washington City to Richnnond, Va. ' - - Washington City to Richmond, Washington City to Tallahassee, Fl. T. Washington City to Winchester, Va. Westpoint, Ky. to Shawnee- town, II. Wheeling, Va. to Cincinnati, 0. Wheeling, Va. to Cincinnati, O. Wheeling, Va. to Cincinnati, 0. Wheeling, Va. to Maysville, Ky. Rou White Hall, N. Y. to Vergennes, Vt. Williamsport, Pa. to Painted Post, N. Y. Wilmington, De, to Baltimore - Wilmington, De. to Easton, Md. Wilmington, De. to Georgetown Wilmington, De. to Philadelphia Wilmington, N. C. to Edenton - Winchester, Va. to ElountsviUe, Te. Winchester, Va. to Cumber- land, Md. Worcester, Ms. to Keene, N. H. Worcester, Ms. to Lowell - - - - Yorkville, S. C. to Abbeville, S. C Youngstown, 0. to Salem - . . - Zanesville, 0. to Cincinnati ZanesviUe, 0. to Cleai ilici r INDEX ^Min To ascertain the Position of any Place mentioned n the Index, observe ttie letter^i oiiposite to it ; ttien find the corresponding letters on tlie top and sides of the Map : from these letters pass the eye alon? the columns due South and East until they intersect, near which point the place sought for vill be found. i.- Vermont, Vt.— Massa- Mbreviatims.—, Me.— New-Hampshire, N. I chusetts, Ms.— Rhode Island, R. I.— Connecticut, Ct.-New-York, N. Y.-New- Jersey, N. J. —Pennsylvania, Pa.— Delaware, De.— Marj'land, Md.— Virginia, Va. —North Carolina, N. C— South Carolina, S. C— Georgia, Ga.— Alabama, Ah— Mississippi, Mi.— Louisiana, La.— Tennessee, Te .—Kentucky, Ky.— Ohio, 0.— In- diana, la.— Illinois. 11.— Missouri, Mo.— District of Columbia, D. C— Michigan, Mic— Arkansas Territoiy, Ar. T.— Florida Territor>', Fl. T.-Wiseonsin Terri- tor)- Wi. '1'.— Missouri lerritory. Mo. T.— Lower Canada, L. C— Upper Canada, U. C.-New-Bruiiswick, N. B.— Texas, Tx. Court House, C. H.— f ort, Ft.— Port and Point, Pt.— Mount, Mt.— Town, T. Names or Places State. Ref. Lnfs Names ofP'.eces. state. Ref. I,et's Names of Places. Bainbridge - state. Ga. Ref. I-ef8 i\ A. Audover- - - Ms. We Abbeville - - S. C. Lm Angelici - - N. Y. Pel Eainbridge - 0. Abbeville - - Al. • P *Jinnapolis - Md. Ri Bainbridge - Mo. Ej Abbot - - - - Me. Yb Ann Arbour M.T. Ke Ballston Spa. N.Y. Ue Abbots T. - - Pa. Rh Anson . - - - Me. Yc Baltimore - - .Md. Rh Aberdeen - - 0. K i Antwerp - - N.Y. Sc Baltimore - - Al. Hn Abingdon - - Va. Mk Apalaclucola Fl.T. Jr Bangor - - - Me. Zc Adams - - - - N.Y. Rd Applington - Ga. Ln Bangor - - - N. Y. T c Adrian - - - M.T. Jf Arena - - - - Wi.T Ed Barboursville Va. Li Aiken - - - - S. C. M n Arkansas - - Ar.T. Cm Barboursville Ky. K k Alaqua - - - - Fl.T. Hq Arkport - - - N.Y. Qe Bards T. - - Ky. Ij ^Albany - - - N.Y Ue Armagh - - - Pa. I'g Bargain T. - N. J. r h Albion Me. Yc Arthursburg Mic Barnard Vt. Vd Albion N.Y. Pd Ashboro- - - N.C. 01 Barnstable - Ms. Xf Albion 11. F i AsheviUe - N.Y. Oe Barnwell - - S. C. Mn Aldie Va. Qi AsheviUe - - N.C. LI Barre Vt. Vc Alexanders - Me. Azb AsheviUe - - Al. Hn Barre Ms. Ve Alexandria - Pa. 5f Ashford - - - Ct. Vf Barry Mic. Je Alc-x.^ndria - D. C. Ashtabula - - 0. Nf Barton - - - U. C. Od Alexandria - La. Bp Aspalaga - Fl.T. iq Barton - - - Vt. Vc Alexandria Al. I n Atala C. H. - Mi. En Batavia - - - N.Y. Pd 1 Alexandria Te. H k Athens - - - Ga. K n Batavia - - - N.Y. Te Alexandria - Mo. Ci Athens - - Al. Gm Batavia - - - 0. J h Alfred Me. Xd Athens Mi. Fn Bath Me. Yd Allen's Sett. - La. Ao Athens - - Te. J 1 Bath N.H. Wc Allenton - - - N. C. Nl Athens • - - 0. Lh Bath N.Y. Qe Allentown - - Pa. Sg Atlas - - 11. Dh Bath Va. Ph Alton 11. Di Attica - • la. Gg Bath N.C. Rl Ambov - - - - N.Y. Tg Auburn N.Y. rI Baton Rouge La. Cq America - - - 11. Ej ■*Avg^^';i ■ Me. Yc Bayard - - - Fl.T. Mr ' Americus - - Ga Jo Augi>;'a Ga. Ln Beards T. - - 11. Dh AmesviHe - - 0. M h Augv.«'ji Mi. E? Beaufort - - N.C. Rm Amherst - - - N.H. W e Aug ^- ■ Ky. I Beaufort- - - s. c. No ' Amherst - - - Ms. Ve Aus, 'a'i Sp'gs Va. 6i 1 i)eaver - - - Pa. Ng Amherstburg U. C. Ke Auraria - - - Ga. Jm Bec.ancour - L. C. Va Amherst, C.^ H Va. Oj Averysboro - N.C. PI Bedford Pa. &? Amsterdam - N.Y. T e Avon - - - - N.Y. Qe Bedford - - - la. Hi Ancister - - - U. C. d B. Bedford New Ms. Xf Anderson T. - Ig Babylon N.Y. Ug Belfast Me. Zc AndersonviUe s.'c. Lm Bainbudge - N.Y. Se Bellair Md. Rh 9 10 INDEX. 1 1 Names ofPlacea. state. Ref. Let's Names of Places State. Ref. Let's Names of Places. Calhoun - - - State. Te. ji Bellefontain e lo. Bowling Greer la Gh Bellefonte - - Pa. Bowling Greer Mo. Ch Cambridge - Md. Ri Bellefonte - - A\. Hm Boydton - - ■ Va. Pk Cambridge - S. C. Lm Belleville - . Ky. Gj Brandon - - - Mi. Eo Cambridge - 0. Mg Belleville - - 0. ¥, Branch Mic. If Camden - - - Me. Yc Belleville - - 11. Branchville - S. C. Nn Camden N.J. Sh Bellevue - - - Aio. Dj Brattleville - Vt. Ve Camden - - - ■S. C. Nm Bellows Fal s Vt. vi Bridgeport - • Ct. Uf Campbellton Ga. J n Belvedere - - N.y. Pe Bridge T. - - Va Sj Canaan - - - - Vt. Wc Belvidere - - N. J. s g Bridgeton - - N.J. Sh Canandaigua- N.Y. Qe Bennetville - s. c. Om Bridgewater - Ms. Xf Candor- - - - N.Y. Re Bennington - vt. Ue Bridgewater - N.Y. Se Cane Hill - - Ar.T Zal Bentou - - - Mi. Do Bristol • - - - R.I. Wf Canterbury - De. Sh Benton - - - Mo. l\ Bristol Pa. Jl Canton . - - - N.Y. S c Benton C. h . Mo. Brockport - - N.Y. Canton Va. Pj Berkshire - Vt. V c Bronson - - - Mic. 1 e Canton- - • - Ga. Jm Berlin - - - Pa. Ph Brookfield - - Ms. V e Canton - - - - Al. Go Eernen- - - Ga. Ko Brooklyn - - N.Y. Ug Canton- - - - Mi. Do Berrien- - - Mic. H f Brooklyn - - Al. Hp Canton- Ky. Gk Eerryville - Va. Q h Brookville- • la. Ih Canton - - - - 0. Mg Eerthier - - L. C. Ua Browns T. - - la. Hi Canton - - - - 11. Eg Berwick - - Pa. Rf Brownstown - Mic. Ke CapeGirardeau Mo. Ej Bethel - - • Me. Xc Brownsville - N.Y. Rd Cape May CH N. J. Th Bethlehem - N.H. W c Brownsville - Pa. gf Cap Saute - - L. C. Wa Bethlehem • Pa. l\ Brownsville - Te. Carlinville- - 11. E h Beverly - - Va. Brownsville - Ky. Hj Carlisle - - - Pa. Qg Bev.l - - - - Tx. io^ Brownsville - 1!.' Ej Carlisle - - - la. Gi Bibb C. H. - Al. Bruinshurg - Mi. Cp Carlvle - - - n. E i Big Lick - - - Va. j Brunswick- - Me. Xd - - - N.y. Vg Bingham - - Me. Yb Brunswick- • N.J. Tg Carmi - - - - 11. Fi Bni^hamton ■ N.Y. Se Brunswith- - N.C. Pm Carnesville - Ga, Km Birminghaa 1- N.Y. Uc Brunswick- - Ga. M p Caroline - - - 0. hi BishopsviUe - S. C. Nm Buchanan • - Va. Oj Carroll ton - ■ Ga. I n Black Rock - N.Y. Pe Bucksport - - Me. Zc Carrollton - - Mi. En Blacks Blufi - Al. Gp Bucyrus - • - 0. Lg Carroll ton - - Ar.T Ak Blacksburg - Va. Buftalo N.Y. V% Carrollton - - 11. Dh Bladeiisburg - Md. Ri Bull T. - - - Va. Ni CarrolUon - - Mo. Ah Blairsville - - Pa. ?!. Bunceville- • Mic. Le Carrollville - Te. G 1 Blairsville - - Ga. Burgetis T. - Pa. Oe Cariersville - Va. Pj Blakeley - - Al. G q BurksviUe - - Ky. Ik Carthage - - - N.Y. Sd Blakely. - - Ga. Ip Burlington- - Vt. Uc Carthage - - - N.C. 01 Biakesburg Bloomfield - - Me. Zb Burlington • - N.Y. Se Carthage - - - Al. Gn - N.Y. Qe Burlington - - N. J.iTg Carthage • - - Mi. Eo Bioomtield - - 0. Nf Burlington - - Va. !Ph Carthage - - - Te. lk Bloomfield - - la. Hh Burlington - - 0. Li CaseyviUe - - Kv. IK Bloomiijgto Hh Burlington - - WiT £f Cassopoiio - - Mic. Hi Bloomiiigtor 1- 11." 11. BurnsviUe - - N.C. Cassville - - - Ga. I m BlounlsviUe - Al. Burnt Corn - Al. Gp Cassville ■ • - Wi.T De Blountsville - Te. Lk Butler Pa. Og Castine- - - - Me. Zc Blufifion - - Mo. Ah Byron Ga. Jp Caswell C. H. N. C. Ok Bolivar - - ■ - Al. I m Byron Mic. Ke Catawba Sp'gs N. C. M 1 Bnl i var - - • - Mi. F n Caiherines T. N.Y. Re Bolivar - - ■ - Te. Fl C. Catletsburg - Ky. Li Bolivar - - - 0. ^c^ Cabin Point • Va. Rj Catskill - - - N.Y. Ue Bombay ■ - Booneville • - N.Y. Cadiz Ky. Gk Cattaraugus - N.Y. Oe Gi Cadiz - - - . 0. Ng Centre Pa. Pf Boonville - n!y. Sd Cahawba- - - Al. Go CenlreviUe-- Pa. N f Bnonville - Mo. Bi Cainhoy - - - S.C. Oo Cenlreville- - Pa. S f Bordenlown - N. J. Tg Cairo - - - - N.Y. Te Centreville- - Md. Sh Biiscawen - • N.H. Wd Calais Me. Azb Centreville- - Al. Go '■^■Bostmi • - - Ms. We Calwell - - - N.Y. Ud Centreville- - Mi. ?P Boston - - - N.Y. Pe i Caldwellton- Ar. T B m Centreville- - Mic. 1 f Bowling Gr ;eii Va. Qi Caledonia - - 11. E j Centreville - - Te. GI Bowling Gr jen Mi. En! Caledonia - - Mo. iDj Centreville- - la. Ih s of Places reviUe - Ceres - - - - Chambersburg Chapel Hill - Chapiiii r. - Chai-aou - - - Chariton - - - Charleston - - Charleston - - Charleston - • Charleston - - Charleston • - Charlesion - - Charlestown • Charlotte- - - Charlotte- - - Charlottesburg Charlottesville Chaleaugay Cliathain - • Cliatialioochee Chazy - - - - CheuejTrille - Cheraiv - - - Cherry Valley Chester- - - - Chester- - - - Chester- - - • Chester - - - - Chester • - - - Chesterfield - Chesterfi'd C.H ChesierT. - - ChesterviUe - Chicago - - - ChiU.cothe- - China - • - - Chipola - ■ - Chitleloosa- - Chocchuma • Chotardsville Christiansburg Cincinnati - Circleville - Claiborne - Clarendon - Clarfee C. H Clarksburg - Cljrksburg- ClarksT. - CUrksville- Clark-viUe- Clarksville- Clarksville- Clarksville- ClaysviUe - Clayton • - Claylonv; 'e Clearfield • Clevelarv. - Clinton - - - Clinton - - - Clinton - - ■ I Clinton- - ■ Pa. N. C. Ky. O. Mo. N.H. Va. Va. S. C. la. II. Ms. N-.C. Te. U. C. Va. N. Y. U. C. Fl.T. N. Y. La. S. C. N. Y. N.H. Vt. N. Y. Pa. 0. S. C. Clinton Clinton A.1. Al. Ga. Pa. 0. N. C. N. C. Ga, Mi Clinton - • - Clinton - - Clio - - - • Clyde- - ■ • Coatsville - - Cochectoa - - Cotteeville- • Cofl'eeville - • Colchester - Colebrook Coleraiue Coleraine Collegeville - Columbia - • Columbia - Columbia - • Columbia - - Columbia - - Columbia - - Columbia ■ ■ Columbia - - Columbia - - Columbia - - Columbia • - Columbia ■ - Columbia - - Columbia - • Columbiana - Columbus - - Columbus - • Columbus - - Columbus - - Columbus - - Commerce - - Competition ■ Comslock - - Concmd - ■ ■ Concord - - ■ Concord - - ■ Concord - - ■ Concordia - ■ Connellsville Connersville Conway - - Conwayboro Conyngham Coopersport Coopers T. - Coosauda- - I Coosawhatchie Cornwall- - - Cortland - - - Corydon - - - Coshocton ■ - I Cotton Gin Port Cottrellville - Coudersport - Courlland - • l! Covington • - Covington • • Covington - - Covington - • Ar. Tl Te. Ky. la. II. N. Y. Pa. N. y. Al. Mi. CI. N.H. N. C, Ga. Ar.T Me. Me. N.H Pa. N.J. Va. S. C. Al. Mi. Ar.T Te. ^Io. O. Ga. Mi. Ky. Mic. N.H Ms. N. C. 0. La, Pa. la. Ar.T S. C. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Al. C. L. C. N. Y. J k Fk Gh C h Rd Sh Sf Fp Vf Wc Rk Lq B m Azc Az c W( Rg sg Pj Nm I P Ep Cu HI Jl Ij B i Ng I o Fn E k Lh I h Cg Ok le Wd We Nl Li Cp (Jg h Vamos of IMaces. Covington - - Covington - - Covington - - Coviiigion - - Crab Orchard Crab Oichard Craflsbury - - CrauforJsville Crau'fordbvi Cumberland Cumberl'dC.H Cummmg - • Currituck C.H CurwinviUe - Cuthbert - - - C. Vincent - - Cynthiaua - - Cyntuiana - - II, Te. Ky. Vt. Ga. la. Md. Va. Ga. N. C. Pa. Ga. N. y E 1 Jh Gg E i J 1 Jj Vc Kn Hg Ph Pj D. Dagshoro- Dahlonega Dale - - - Dallas - ■ Damascus Daubury - Danbury - - - Danbridge - - Danielsville - Danville - - - Danville - - - Danville - - - Danville - - - Danville - - • Danville - - - Danville - - - Danville - - - Darien - - - - Darlington - - Darwin- - - - Davidsonville Dayton - - • - Deal Decatur - - - Decatur - - - Decatur - - - Decker T. - • Dedham - - - reerfield - - - Defiance - - - De Kalb - - - De Kalb - ■ - Delaware - - Delaware City Delhi Delphi - - - - Delphi - - - - ! Demopolis - - Denmark - • - Denmark • - - Dennis Creek IOennysville - Oepnsit- - - - 5eRuyter - - li Sf Uf Ok Kl Km Vc Qe Rg Ok Jj Hg Fg CI M p m Gh Dk Jh II Gi Fh Tf W( Mf Jf On Fo Kg J. Y.S< Se II Hg Go Sd E 1 Th Az c Se 12 INDEX. j 1 Names or Places. State. Ref. Let'b Names ofPlaces Elkton State. Md. Ref. Lets Sh Names of Places State Ref. Let's Detroit Mic. Ke Ft. Dale - - - Al. ^l. Dexter Mic. Ke Elktou Te. HI Ft. Deposit- - Al. Dickinsonville Va. Lk Elktou Ky. Gk Ft. Early-- - Ga. fF UinwiddieC.H Va. Qj Ellicotts - - - Md. Rh Ft. Gadsden - Fl.T. Dixmont - - - iMe. Vc EUicottville - N.Y Pe Ft. Gaines - - Ga. zli Disons Ferry 11. Ef JEllijoy Ga. Jm Ft. Gibson - - Mo.T Dodgeville - • Wi.T Ee Elliott Mi. En Ft. Gratiot - - Mic. L e Dona De. Sh Ellisville- - - Mi. ir Ft. Howard - WiT G c Donaldsonville La. Dq EUisville- - - Ky. Ft. Jackson - La. Er Dorchester • - L.C. Ub Elmira n!y, Re Ft. Leaven w'th Mo.T Zal. Dorchester - - S. C. No Elyria 0. Lf Ft. Mims- - - Al. Gp I Dover - - - - U. C. Ne Elyton - - - - Al. Hn' Ft.Mitch^ll - Al. Dover - - - - Me. Yb Emmetsburg - Md. Qhi Ft. Osage- - - Mo. Zah Dover N.H. Xd Emporium - - Enfield Pa. Pf jlFt.PiS - - - La. Kq Jq Zal Dover - - - - De. Sh N.C. Q k 1 Ft. Scott - - - Ga. Dover - - - - Te. Gk Epsom - - . - N.H. Wd!| Ft. Smith- - - Ar.T Downingtown Pa. Sg Equality - - - 11. Fj i Ft. St. Phillip La. E r Doyles T. - - Pa. Sg Erie Pa. Ne Ft.Ticonderog3 N. y. Ud Dresden - ■ - Te. Fk Erie Al. Go Ft. V^innebago Wi.T Fd Dresden - - - II. Ff Esperance - - N.Y. Te Fordsville - - Mi. fn^ Drummond T. Va Sj EslellviUe - - Va. Lk Forsyth - - - Ga. Duanesburg - N.y. Te Eugene la. Gh Franceston - - N.H.'Wdll Dublin Ga. Ko Eulaw Springs S.C. Nn Frankford - - 11. Fj Dublin 0. Kg Evansham - - Va. Mk Frankfort - - Me. Zc Dubuque - - - Wi.T De Evansville - - In. Gi Frankfort - - Va. J^^ Duerville- - - N.Y. Uc Ewington - - II. Fh Frankfort - - Ky. Dumfries - - - Va. Qi Exeter Me. Yc Frankfort - - la! ^f Dumfries - - - Al. Fp Exeter N.H. Xd Franklin - - - N.Y. Dundaff Pa. Sf Exeter - - - - 11. Cg Franklin - - - Pa. Of Dunkirk - - - Va. Qj F. Franklin - - - Va. Oi Dunns T. - - - Pa. Qf Franklin - - - N.C. Kl Dutotsburg- - Pa. Sf Fairfax - - - - Va. Qi Franklin - - - Al. h\ Dwight Ar.T Bl Fairfajc C. H. Va. Qi Franklin - - - U. Dyersburg - - Ten. Ei Fairfield - - - Va. Oj Franklin - ■ - Te. Hi E. Fairfield - - - II. Fi Franklin - - - Ky. Hk Fairview - - • Pa. Ne Franklin - - - la! Hh Earleysburg - Pa. Qg Fairview - - - 0. Mg Franklin - - - Mo. B i Easton Pa. Sg Falmouth - - Ky. Ji Franklinton - La. ^I'^p Easton - - - - Md. Si Farmington - Te. HI Franklinville Ga. Eastville - - - Va. ^Wd Farmington - Mo. Dj Frederica- - - Ga. Eaton N.H. FarmviUe - - Va. Pj Fredericksburg Va. Qi Eaton 0. Jh Farrandsville Pa. Qf Fredericksburg Ky. Ji Eatonton - - - Ga. Kn Fayette - - - ■ Mi. Ff Fredericksburg ll H i Ebenezer - - - Ga. Mo Fayetteville - N.C. Frederick T.-" Md. Qh Ebensburg - - Pa. Pg Fayette V ill e - Ga. Jn Frederick T.- Mo. Sj Economy- - - Pa. Og Fayetteville - Al. Gn Fredericktor , N. B. Bzb Ecore Fabre - Ar.T Bn Fayetteville - Ar.T Ak Fredonia - - . N.Y. Oe Eddin?fon - - Me. Zc Favetteville - Te. HI Fredonia - - . la. H i Eddyville - ■ Ky. Fj Fernandina - Fl.T. Mq Freehold - - N.J. 11 Edenlon - - - N.C. Rk Fincastle - - - Va. Oj French T. - - Mic. Edgartown - - Ms. Xf Finley • - - - 0. Kf Friendsville - Pa. R f Edgefield C.H. S.C. M n Fishkill - - - N.Y. Uf Front Royal - Va. Pi Edinburg ■ - Edwardsburg Ga. Lm Flemingsburg Ky. Ki Fryeburg - - - Me. Xd N.Y. So Flemington - N.J. Tg Fulton ■ - - - Ar.T An Edwardsville 11. E i Florence - - - N.Y. Sd Fulton Te. EI Elbertou - - - Ga. L m Florence - - - Al. Gm Fulton - - - . Mo. C i Elizabeth City N.C. Rk Florida - - - - Fl.T. Fp Elizabeth T. - N.Y. Uc Florida - - - - Al. G. Elizabeth T. - N.J. Tg Ft. Adams - - Mi. Cp Gagetown - - N. E. Czb Elizabeth T. - Va. M h Ft. Anne N.Y. Ud Gainsboro - - Te. I k Elizabeth T. - Va. Nh Ft. Armstrong II. Df Gainsville - - Ga. Km Elizabeth T. - N.C. Pm Ft. Brady - - Mic. Ja Galena - - - - n. De Elizabeth T. - Te. Lk Ft. Coffee - - Mo.T Zal Gallatin - - - Mi. Dp Hk Elizabeth T. - Ky. Ij Ft. Crawford Al. Gp Gallatin - - - Te. INDEX. ,3 SamesofPlaces. ^P.| Names of Places. Greenville - - Va. Rcf. Names Of Pluces. State. Kef. Let'b Gallipolis - - 0. Li Hartsville - - Te. Hk Ralveslou - - La. Dq Greenville - - N. C. L k Ilavanna Al. Go Gardiner iMe. Yc Greenville - - N.C. Q 1 Havanna - - - 11. Dg Gasconade - - Mo. C i Greenville - - S.C. L m Haverhill - - N.H. Vd Gales C. H. - N.C. Rk Greenville - - Ga. Havre deGrace Md. Rh Gelosler - - - Mic. Greenville - - Al. Hp Hawkinsville Ga. Ko Geneseo - - - N.V. Qe Greenville- - Mi. Cp Haysboro- - - Te. Hk Geneva- - - - N. V. Qe Greenville - - Ar.T Am Hayneville - - Al. Ho Genoa - - - - N. y. Re Greenville - - Ky. I j Hazard Ky. Kj George T. - - Pa. Nf Greenville - - 0. Jg Hazel Green - Al. Hm George T. - - Pa. Ng Greenville - - 11. Ei Heathsville - Va. Rj leorge T. - - Pa. Greenville - - Mo. Uj Hebron - - - - 0. Lb leorge T. - - De. Greenwich- - R. L VVf Helena - - - Ar.T. Dm Jeorge T. • - -Md. Sh Gresbois - - - L. C. Va Henderson - - N.C. Nl leorge T. - - D. C. Q i Grindstone Fd. Mi. Do Henderson • - Ky. Gj Jeorge T. - - S. C. n Groton - - - - Ms. We Hendersonville Mi. En leorge T. - - Mi. Em Guelph U. C. Nd Herculaneum Mo. Di Jeorge T. - - Ky. Ji Guildhall - - Vt. VVc Herkimer - - N.Y. Sd Jeorge T. • • 0. Ki Hickmanton - Ky. Ek Jeorge T. - - Mo. Ai H. HickoryHill- S. C. Mo Jerman T. - Va. Oj Haddam Ct. Vf HickoryT. - Pa. Of Jerman T. - N.C. Nk Hagerstown - Md. Qh Hicksford - - Va. Qk Jerman T. - N.C. RI Hairstonville Va. Pj Hicks T. - - - Fl.T. Kq Jetlysburg - - Pa. Qh Haldimand - - U. C. Nc Highgate - - - Vt. Uc JideouviUe - Te. HI Halifax Pa. Rg Hillsboro N.C. Ok Jilboa - - - - N.V. Te Halifax N.C. Qk Hillsboro 0. Kh Jilead - - - - 11. Dh Halifax C. H. Va. Pk Hillsboro n. Eh Jilmanton - - N.H. Wd Hallo well - - Me. Yc Hollidaysburg Pa. If Jlassboro - - Ky. I 1 Hallsville - - N.C. Qm! Holmes Hole Ms. n:j. Sh Hamburg- - - N.Y. Pe Holmes Valley Fl.T. \°- Jloucester - - Ms. X e Hamburg- - - Pa. Sg Holmesville - Ga. Lp Jloucester - - Va. Qj Hamburg- - - S. C. Ln Holmesville - Mi. Dp Jolconda ■ - - 11. Fj Hamburg- - - Ga. Jo Hollon Me. Aza Joocliland C.H Va. ?l Hamilton - - N.C. Ql Homer N.Y. Re Jordoiisville - Va. Hamilton - - Ga. Jo Hopkinsville- Ky. Gk Goshen - - - - N.Y. Tf Hamilton - - Mi. Fn Hopkinton - - N.H. Wd Eoshen 11. Ef Hamilton - - 0. Jh Hopkinton • - N.Y. Tc Gonverneur - N.Y. Sc Hampton - - - Va. Rj Hornby N.Y. Se Grafton - - - - 11. Di Hancock T. • Md. Ph Hornellsville N.Y. Q,e Grand Gulf - Ml. Do Hanover N.H. Vd Horn T. - - - Va. Si Grand Haven Mic. He Hanover - - - Ms. Xe Horry - - - - Ga. Jo Jrand Rapids Mic. le Hanover - - - Pa. R h Hot Springs - Va. Oi Jrandville - - Mic. le Hanover C. H. Va. Qj Howard N.Y. Qe Jrantsboro- . Te. J k Hardin 0. Kg Howland - - - Me. Zb Jranville - - Ms. Ve Hardinsburg - Ky. H]° Hudson N.Y. Ue Jratiots Grove 11. E e Hard wick - - Ga. M p Hummels T. - Pa. Rg Jray Me. Xd Hardwicke - Vt. Vc Hungry T. - - Va. Pj IreatBend- - Pa. S f Harford - - - Md. Rh HuntersviUe - Va. Ni ireenbush - - N.Y. Ue Harleesville - S.C. m Huntingdon - Pa. Qg Jreencas'le - la. Hh Harmony- - - la. Gi Huntingdon • Te. Fk Jreenfield - - Ms. V e Harpers Ferry Va. Qh Huntington - la. Ig Jreenfield - • la. Ih Harpersfield - N.Y. Te Huntsville - - N.C. Nk Jreenock- - - Jreensboro- - Ar.T ni Harpersfield - 0. Nf Huntsville - - S. C. Mn Va. P k Harrington - - Me. Azc Huntsville - - Al. Hn, Jreensboro- - N.C. k ffarrisburs ■ Pa. Rg Huntsville - - Mo. Bh Jreensboro- - Ga. Ku Harrison ■ - - 0. Jh Hyacinth L. C. Vb Jreensboro- - Al. Go Harrisonburg Va. Pi Hyde C. H. - N. C. Rl Jreensboro - - Al. En Harrisonburg La. Cp Hyde Park - - N.Y. U f Ireensburg - Pa. Og Harrndsburg - Ky. Jj I. Greensburg - Ky. Ij Hartford - - - Md. Rh Jreensburg - Jreensville - la! 1 h Hartford ■ - - Ct. Vf Independence Mo. 7a 1, Va. N k Hartford - - - N.C. Rk Indiana- - - - Pa. Og Greenupsburg Greenville - Kv. Li Hartford - - - Ky. Hj Indianapolis • la. Hh Pa. Nf Hartleyton - - Pa. Qg Indian Valley Ky. Kj 14 INDEX. -^,1 Names of Places. State. Ref. Let's Names of Places. State. Ref. f Let's Names of Places. State. Ref. i Let's Ionia Mic. Id Jordan - - - - N.Y. Rd Lavvrenceville N. C. N 1 Irvine Ky. Kj K. Lawrenceville Ga. J n Irwinton - - Ga. Ko Lawrenceville 11. Gi Irwiaton - - - Al. Kp Kalamazoo - - Mic. He Leakesville • N.C. Ok Irwinvilie - - Ga. Kaskaskia - - 11. Ej Leaksville - - Mi. Fp Isabella L. C. vk Keene - - - - N.H. Ve Leavenworth la. Hi Islip N.y. Ug Kellyvale - - Vt. Vc Lebanon - - - Pa. a I.oiWightC.H Va. Rk KeuansviUe - N.C. Qi Lebanon - - - Va. Ithica N.Y. Re Kenjua Pa. Pf Lebanon - - - N. C. Rk Izard C. H. - Ar.T Bk KeytesviUe- - Mo. Bh Lebanon - - - Te. Hk Kilmarnock - Va. ^i Lebanon - - - Ky. Ij J, Kinderhook - N.Y. Ue Lebanon - - - 0. Jh Jacksboro - - Te. Jk Kiugfield - - - Me. Xb Lebanon - - - la. Hg Jackson City - D. C. Qi Kingsport - - Te. Lk Lebanon - - - 11. E i Jackson - - - N.C. Qk Kingston - - - Vt. Vd Lebanon Spr'gs N.Y. Ue Jackson - - - Ga. Jn Kingston - - Ms. Xe Leeds Va. Ri l Jackson - - - Al. Fp Do Kingston - - - R. I. \Vf Lcedsville - - Va. Oi Jackson - - - Mi. Kingston - - - N.Y. r f Leesburg - - - Va. Qh Jackson La. C q Kingston - - - JMd. Si Leesburg - - - Te. Lk Jackson - - - Ar.T Ok Kingston - - - N. C. QI Leesville - - - S. C. Mn Jackson - - - Te. Fl Kingston - - - Mi. Cp Leflore - - - - Mi. Dn Jackson C. H. 0. Lh Kingston - - - Te. Jl Lenox - - - - N.Y. Sd Jackson - - - 0. No Kings tree - - 3. C. On Leominster- - Ms. We Jackson - - - Mo. King Wm.C.H Va. Qj Leonard T. - Md. Ri Jacksonboro • S. C. Kiugwood - - Va. Oh Leroy - - - - Mic. Ke Jacksonboro - Ga. Mo Kirkland - - - Me. Zc Lewis N.Y. Uc Jacksonboro - La. n Kirksville - - Ky. Fj Levvisburg - - Va. Nj Jacksonville - Ga. Kittaning - - Pa. Og Lewisburg - - Ar.T Bl Jacksonville - FLT. » Knoxville - - Ga. Jo Lewis T. - - - Va. Pk JacXsonville - AL Knoxville - - le. Kl Lewiston- - - N.Y. Od Jacksonville - 11. Dh KnoxviUe - - 11. Cg Levvislown - Pa. Qs Jaffrey Jamaica - - - N. H. Ve L. Lewistown - De. Si N.Y. Ug Levvistown - 11. Dg 1 James T. - - - N.Y. Oe Lacadie - - - L.C. Ub Lewistown - U. Ee James T. - - ■ N.C. 01 Lafayette- - - Al. lo Lewistown - Mo. Ci ■James T. Te. Jk Lafayette- - - la. Hg Lexington - - Pa. Nf James T. - - - Ky. n:c. Ik Lafayette - - - Mo. Bh Lexington - - Va. Oj Jameston - - - Rl La Grange - - S. C. On Lexington - - N.C. Nl Jasper Jasper - - - - Al. Gn La Grange - - Ga. I n Lexington - - Ga. Ku Te. 11 La Grange - - Al. Gm Lexington - • Al. Ho JefiFerson - - - Me. Xc La Grange - - Ar. T An Lexington - - Mi. Dn Pa. Pf La Grange - - Te. El Lexington - - Te. FI Jefferson - - - Ga. Km La Grange - - Mo. Cg Lexington - - Ky. Ji Jefferson - - - 0. Nf Lancaster - - N.H. VVc Lexingson - - 11. Eh B Jefferson - - Mo. Bh Lancaster - - Pa. R? Lexington - - Mo. Ah I Jefferson City ' Jeffersonton - Mo. Bi Lancaster - - S. C. Nm Lexington C.H S. C. Mn 1 N.C. Mk Lancaster - - Ky. Jj Leyden- - - - N.Y. S d B Jeffersonville Va. Mj 1 Lancaster - - 0. Lh Liberty - - - - N.Y. Qe p Jersey Shore - Jerusa'em Pa. Qf i Landisburg - Pa. 3f Liberty- - - - Va. "j Va. Qk i Lanesboro - - N.C. Liberty N.C. 01 Johnsonville Wi.T De ! LanesviUe - - Ky. Lj Liberty - . - . Mi. il Johns T. N.Y. rd j Lansingburg - N.Y. Ue Liberty- - - - Ar.T Johns T. - - Pa. PI ; Lapeer - - - - Mic. Kd Liberty Te. 11 Johnstonville N.C. Og 1 Laporte - - - la. Hf Liberty- - - - Ky. it Johnsville - - Te. Ek 1 La Prairie - - L. C. Ub Liberty- - - - la. Joliet 11. Ff LaughlinsT. - Pa. g Liberty - - - - 11. Dh Jonesboro - - Al. Laiirenceville S. C. Lm Liberty Mo. Zah Jonesboro - - Te. Lk La Vallrie - - L. C. Ub Lincolnton- - N.C. Ml Jonesboro - - 11. E j Lawrenceboro Te. G i Lincolnton - - Ga. Ln Jonesboro - ■ Mo. Bh Lavvrenceburg Pa. Of Linden Al. Go Jonesboro - - Tx. Zan Lawrenceburg la. J h Lionel Te. Fl Jonesville - - Va. Kk Lawrence T. Va. Oj Litchfield - - Ct. Uf Jonesville - - N.C Nk 1 Lawrenceville Pa. Qf Litchfield - - Ar.T CI Jonesville - - Mic. Jf Lavvrenceville Va. Qk Litchfield - - Ky. 1\ 1 INDEX. 15 ouisa - - - - Kv. Marvsville - Te. MiUviUe . - - Al. Hp Wd vouisburg - • n: c. Pk MarVsville - 0. Kg Milton N.H. ^uisa C. H. - Va. Qi MasiUon - - 0. Mi Milton Vt. Uc Louisiana - - .Mo. Ch Maskinonge - Wi.T dI Milton Pa. Rf ^uisville - - Ga. Ln Massena - - - N.Y. Tc Millon - - - - Va. Ok -ouisville - - AI. Ip Mathews C. H. Va. Rj Miltonville-- N. C. Nm jjuisville - - Mi. En Mauch Chunk Va. R Milwalky -- Wi.'l Ge ^uisville - - Ky. [ i Maumee - - - 0. Kf Milwood - - - Va. Qh ^uisville - - Mo. Dh Mayfield - - - Ky. Fk Mineral Pt. • Wi.T Ee ^vingston- - Va. Pj Mays Landing N.J. Th Minervaville S.C. Nn :x>well - - - - Ms. We MaysviUe - - Ky. Ki Mobile Al. SI Lower Marlb'o Md. R i Maysville - - 11. Fi Mocksville - - N. C. Low. Sandusky 0. Kf Mavville - - - N.Y. Oe Mongoquinon la. If Lubeck Me. Bzc McConnels T. Pa. Qh Monks Corner S. C. On Luniberton - - xN.C. m McConnelsv. 0. Mh Monmouth- - 11. Dg Ok Lumpkin- - - Ga. Jo McDonoush - Ga. J n .Monroe - - - - N.C. Lynchburg- - Va. Cj Mcintosh CH. Ga. M p Monroe Ga. Kn Lyons - - - - N.Y. Qd McLeansboro 11. Fi' Monroe Mi. Ep Mecklenburg Te. Kl Monroe- - - - La. Bo McMinnviUe Te. n Monroe- - - - Te. Ik aiachias - - - Me. Azc Meadsville- - Va. Ok Monroe- - - - M^i. Ik [Mackeysville N. C. LI Meadville - - Pa. N f Monroe- - - - Kf Yb [Mackinaw - • II. Eg Meadville - - Mi. Dp Rf Monson - - - Me. Macon Ga. Ko Meansville - - Pa. Monlevallo - Al. Hn Macon - • - - Mi. Fn MechanicviUe ,S. C. Oln Montezuma - N.Y. R d Madison - • - N.Y. Se Medina- - - - 0. .M f Montezuma - Al. Hp jMadison - - - Va. Pi Memphis- - - Te. El Montgomery - Al. Ho Madison - - - Ga. Kn Mendon - - - Ms. We Montgomery - Te. Jk Madison - - - la. I i Mendota 11. De Monticello - - N.Y. Tf Madisonville- Mi. Eg Mercer - - - - Pa. Nf Monticello - - Ga. Kn Madisonville- La. Eq Meredith - - - N.H. Wd Monticello - - Fl.T. Jq Madisonville- Te. Jl Meredith - - - N.Y. Se Monticello - - Al. IP Madisonville- Ky. Gj Meridianville Al. Hm Monticello - - Mi. Dp K°ne'^ - - - Fl.T. Jq Merom - - - - la. Dh Monticello - - Ky. Jk N.Y. Tc Merritsville - S. C. L 1 Monticello - - la! Hg Manchester - 11. Dh Metcalfboro - Te. 11 Monticello - - Mo. C g iManchester - S. C. N n Micanopy - - Fl.T. Lr Monlpelier • • Vt. Vc Manchester - Mi. Do Mi ceo Town - Fl.T. Kq Montpelier- - La. Dq Manchester - Ky. Kj Michigan Citv la. Hf Montreal - - - L. C. Ub 'Manchester - 11. Dh Middlebourn -' Va. Nh Montreal - - - AI. lo iManheim - - N.Y. Td Middiebrook- Md. Qh Montrose - ■ - Pa. Sf Manlins - - - N.Y. Sd Middleburg - Te. El Moorefield - - Va. Ph Mansfield • - 0. Lg Middlebury - Vt. Ud Moorefields - 0. Ms ■ ■ ! 16 INDEX. Names of Places State. Kef. 1 Let's Names of Places. State. Ref. Let's Names of Places. State. Ret Lefi Moorsburg - - Te. Kk New Albany la. I i Norfolk - - - Va. Rk Moravian T.- U. C. Me New Albany II. Gf Norridgewock Me. Yc Morganfield - Ky. Gj Newark --- N, J. Tg Norris T. - - Pa. Sg Morgan T. - - Pa. s? Newark - - - O. Lg Northampton Mo. Ve Morgan T. ■ - Va. Oh New Athens - Pa. Rf Northfield - • Ms. Ve Morgan T. - - N.C. Ml New Berlin - Pa. Qg N. Hempstead N.Y. Ug Morgan T. - - Te. JI Newbern- - - Va. Si Norlhumberl'd Pa. Rg Wd Morgan T. ' - Ky. Hj Nevvbera- -- N.C. Northwood - N.H. Morganton - - Te. II Newberry - - S. C. Mm Norton - - - - 0. Kg Uf Moriah N.Y. Ud New Boston - 11. D f Norwalk ■ - - Ct. Morriches - - N.y. Vg New Buffalo Newburg - - Mic. H f Norwalk - - - 0. Lf Morris N.Y. Sc N.Y. T f Norwich - - - Ct. Vf Morris T. - - N.J. Tg Newburg - - 0. Mf Norwich - - - N.Y. Se Morris T. - - 0. m| Newburyport Ms. Xe Norwich - - - Pa. Pf Moscow - - - Me. Yb Newcastle - N.B. Cza Norwich - - - 0. Mh Moscow - - • N.y. Qe New Castle - Pa. N f Nottaway C.H. Va. QJ Moscow - - - Te. El New Castle - De. Sh 0. Moulton Al. Gm Newcastle - Va. Nj Moultonboro - N.H. Wd New Castle - Ky. Oakley 0. Kf Moundville - Wi.T Ee Newcastle - la. Ih Odle Town - - L. C. Ub Mountville- - La. &\ New Fane • - Vt. Ve Ogden N.Y. Qd Mt. Airy - . - Va. Newfield - - - Me. Xd Ogdensburg - N.Y. Sc Mt. Airy - - - Te. New Geneva - Pa. Oh Olean PI. N.Y. Pe Mt. Carmee - Va. Oh New Haven ■ Ct. V{ Onslow - - - - N.C. Qm Mt.Carmel • 11. Gi New Haven - Ky. Hj Opelousas - - La. Bq Mt. Clemens - Mic. Le New Haven - 0. Lf Orangeburg - Orange C. H. S. C. Nn Mt. Holly ■ - Vt. Vd New Holland Pa. Rg Va. Pi Mt. Holly - - N.J. Tg New Hope - - Pa. Sg Orleans Ms. Xf Mt. Pleasant - Pa. Og New Iberia - La. Cr Orwell Vt. Ud Mt. Pleasant - Pa. P? New Ipswieh New Kent C.H N.H. We Orwigsburg - Pa. Rg Mt. Pleasant - Va. Pi Va. R.j Osage Mo. C i Mt. Pleasant - Te. GI NewLexington In. Oswego- - - - N.Y. Rd Mt. Pleasant - Ky. Kk New Limerick Me. Za Otis Ms. Ue Mt. Pleasant - 0. Ng Hi New Lisbon - 0. Ng Vf Otsego Mic. le Mt. Pleasant - la. New London Ct. Otiovva - - - - 11. Ff Mt. Sterling - Ky. Ki New London Mo. Ch Ovid N.Y. Re Mt. Sterling - la. 11 New Madrid - Mo. E k Owego - - - - N.Y. Re Mt. Sterling - Mo. Ci New Market - Va. Pi Owenboro - - Ky. Gj Mt. Sydney - Mt. Vernon - Va. Pi ; New Market - Ky. ii^ Owingsville - Ky. Ki Al. Fp New Market - 0. Oxford U. C. Nd Mt. Vernon - Ky. J J New Milford Ct. Vg Oxford - - - - N.Y. Se Mt. Vernon - 0. Lg Newnan - - - Ga. Jn Oxford - - - - N.C. Pk Mt. Vernon - la. Gj Newnansville Fl.T. L r P. Mt. Vernon - U. Fi New Orleans La. Er Muncy T. - - la. Ig NewPhilad'a 0. Mg Pacolet Spr'gs S. C. Ml Munfordsville Ky. Ij Newport - - - N.H. Vd, Pactolus - - - Te. Lkl Murfreesboro n:c. Qk Newport - - - R. L Wf Padueah - - - Ky. Fjl Murfreesboro Te. H I Newport - ■ - Md. Ri Painesville - - 0. Mfj, Murraysville - N.C. Ll Newport - - - Te. Kl Painted Post - N.Y. ^y N. Newport - - - Ky. Jh Paintville - - 0. Mg Newport - - - 0.' Mh Palestine I). Gi Nacogdoches - Tx. Zap Newport - - - la. Gh Palmer Mic. Le: Nantucket - - Ms. Xf Newport - - - Mo. Ci Palmyra - - - Me. Yc!; Naples 11. Dh New Portland Me. Xc Palmyra - - - N.Y. Qd1 Napoleon - - 0. J f Newstown • - Va. Sj Palmyra - - - La. Co: Nashoba C. H Mi. Eo Newton - - - N. J. Tf Palmyra - - - Te. Gk Nashua N.H. We Newton - - - Ga. Jp Palmyra - - - 11. Gi Nashville - - N.C. Ql NewWakefi'Id Al. Fp Palmyra - - - Mo. Ch Nashville - - Te. Hk New York - - N Y. Tg Paoli la. Hi ; Natchez - - Mi. Cp Niagara Falls U. C. Od Paraclifta - - Ar.T Zai, Natchitoches - La. Ap Micholasville Ky. Jj Paris Me. Xc Natural Bridg 5 Va. of Niles Mic. Hf Paris Te. Fk Navariuo - - - Wi.T Gl Noblesville - la. I g Paris Ky. Ji Neel T. - - Va. Mj Nolensville - Te. Hi Paris 11. Gh Nescopeck - - Rf Norfolk - - - Ct. Uf Paris Mo. Cb. INDEX. "li (amcs of Places. State. Va. Kt-r. Names orriacus. state. lei", i L(!t'S Names of Places. State. let. Piu-isburs - - ParblivUle - ■ Pitt.sburg - - - Mi. En Pt. William - Ky. i N. y. Tc Piltslicld Mi. Ue Pulaski - - - - le. il Parktr.^burg - Va. Mh Pitlslield 1. Dh Pumpkin T. - S. C. Lm Parkiii.iii - - - 0. Mf Pittsl'ord - - - N.Y. Qd Pungoteague - Va. i j Parsonstield - Me. Xd Platleville - - VVi.T De Purdy Te. Fl Pascagoula- - Mi. Fq Plattsburg - - N. Y. Uc Purisburg - - S. C. Mo Palersoii - - - N.J. Tg Platlsburg - - Mo. Ah Q. Pattousville - N. C. Pk Plymouth - - N.H. Wd Pauldiug - - - Mi. Ko Plymouth - - Ms. Xf QueUc - - - - L. C. Wa Piwtncket ■ - Ms. VVf Plymouth - ■ N.C. Rl Queenston - - U. C. Od Peailiiigion - Mi. Eq Pocahontas - - Te. Fl Quincy - - - - Ms. We PeekskUl - - - N. Y. Ut Pocoialigi - - S. C. No Quincy - • - - Fl.T. Jq Peeliug N.H. Wc Point Chicot - Ar. T Dn Quincy Mi. Fn Pekiii 11. Eg Point Coupue La. Cq Quincy D. Ch Pembroke - ■ N. Y. Pe Poland Me. Xc R. Pendleton - - S. C. Lm Pompton - - - N. J. Tf Pennsboro - - Pa. Rf Pontiac - - - - Mic. Ke RaUi^h N.C. PI Penny Hill - - N. C. Ql Pontotock - - Mi. Em Raleigh - - - Te. El Peusacola - - Fl.T. Gq Poplar Springs Md. Qh! Randolph - - - Te. El Pen Yaa - • - N.Y. Qe Port Allegheny Pa. Pf Ravenna - • - 0. Mf Peoria - - - - 11. Eg PortBarnett - Pa. Of Raymond - - - Mi. Do Peru la. Hg Port Clinton - 0. Lf Raymond- - - Ar.T Bm Peru WiT De Port Damascus 0. Kf RaysviUe- - - In. Ih Perr>' Me. Azc Port Deposit - Md. Rh Reading - • - Pa. Sg Perry Perrysburg- - Ga. Ko Portersville - Al. Fq Redfield - - - N.Y. Sd 0. Kf Portersville - la. Hi Reisters T. - - Md. Rh Perrjsville- - la. Gg Port Frederick Md. Ri Remsen - - - N.Y. Sd PerrysviUe - - Mo. Ej Port Gibson - Mi. Dp Rd Rhinebeck - - N.Y. Uf PerryviUe - - Te. Fl Port Glascovv N.Y. Riceboro - - - Ga. M p Petersburg - - Pa. Qg Port Jervis - - N.Y. Tf Richardsonvi'e S.C. M n Petersburg - - Pa. Qh Portland - • - Me. Xd Richford - - - N.Y. Re Petersburg - - Va. Ui Portland N.Y. Oe Richland - - - N.Y. Rd Petersburg - - Va. Qj Portland - - - Al. Go Richmond - - Vt. Vc Petersburg - - Ga. Ln Port Mailland U. C. Oe Richmond • - Va. Qj Petersburg - - la. Gi Port Republic Va. Pi Richmond - - Al. IP Peters Town - Va, Nj Port Royal - - Va. Qi Richmond - ■ Ky. Jj Petersville - - Te. Fk Portsmouth - N.H. Xd Richmond - - 0. Lh Philadelphia - Pa. Sh Portsmouth - Va. Rk Richmond - - la. J h Philadelphia - re. Jl Portsmouth - 0. Li Ridge-- . -- Md. R i Philadelphia - Ky. Hj Port Tobacco Md. Ri Ripley N.Y. Oe Phillipsburg - Pa. Pg Potiesville - - Va. Qi Riverhead - - N.Y. Vg Pickens C. H. S. C. Lm Potosi - - - - Mo. Di Roanoke - - - Ga. lo PickensviUe - Pickensville - s. c. L ID Pottersville - Pa. Nf Robbinstown- Me. Azb Al. Fn Potts Town - Pa. Sg Robbs T. Pa. Og Picolata - - - Fl.T. Mr Pottsville- - - Pa. R? Robertville - S.C. uZ Pierepoat - - N.Y. Sc Poughkeepsie N.Y. Uf Rochester - • N.Y. Qd Pike N.Y. Pe Powelton - - - Ga. Kn Rochester - - Mic. Ke Piketon - • - 0. Lh PraireduChien Wi.T Cd Rockford - - - N.C. Nk PikeviUe - • - Al. Cm Pr. Anne C. H. Va. Rk Rockford - - - Al. Ho Pikeville - - - Te. 11 Pr. Ed ward do. Va. Pj Rock Haven - Fl.T. Jq Pikeville - - - Ky. Lj Prescott - - - L. C. Sc Rockingham - N.C. 01 Pilatka Fl.T. Mr Prestonburg - Ky. Lj Rockport- - - Rock Pt. - - - la. Gj ^inckneyville S. C. Mm Princess Anne Md. Si La. Co PincknevviUe Mi. Cp Princeton - - N.J. Tg RockviUe - - Md. Oh Pinderton- - - Ga. Jp Princeton - - Mi. Cn Rockville - - la. Gh pinegrove - - Pa. Kg Princeton - - Ky. Gj Rocky Mount Va. Ok PineviUe Pineville- - - S. C. Nn Princeton - - la. G i Rocky Mount N.C. Ql Al. Fp Princeton - - 11. E f Rodney - - - - Mi. Cp Pinkney - - - Mo. Ci ProvidencE ■ - R.I. Wf Rogersville- - Al. Gm Pinkneyville- a. E i Providence - - la. Co Rogersville- - Te. Lk Piqua ?ittboro - - - 0. 'o\ Province T. - Ms. Xe Rome N.Y. S d N. C Ft. Dalhousie U. C. Od Rome N.Y. Tf Pittsburg - - - Pa. Og Ft. Lookoff - Mo. Di Rome- - - - la. Hj 1 ^^^"» «™"" "^■"" Names of Places. State Romeo - • ■ Romny • - ■ Roxboro - • RushviOe- ■ Rushville- • Russell - - . Russellville Russellville Russelville • Rutherford ■ Rutland - ■ Rutledge - • N. C. la. 11. N.Y. Al. La. Ky. N.C. Vt. Te. SackettsHarbor Saco - . . . Sag Harbour Saginaw - - Salem - - - Salem - - - Salem - - - Salem - - - Salem - - - Salem - - - N.Y. Salem .... Salem Salem . Salem • . . . Salem . . . . Saline - . . . Salisbury - - . Salisbury . - - Salfville Salubrity - - - San Augustine Sandersville - Sandusky - • . Sandwich • . Sandy Hill - - Sangamon . . San Pedro - . Saranac - - . Saratoga Spr'gs Ssj-ecta - - - . Satartia- - . . Saugerties • - Savanna - . . Savannah . . Sav.umiuei^vilie Te. E 1 ■'"i-oy Te. Kk VV;ikt:tieH • - 11. F li Ky. I j Troy 0. > S VValdoboro- ■ Ale. Vc iuiupierville- i.C. Nu Troy 0. .\Ih Waliiul Grove Ky. Jj lumlerville - Al. Fo 'I'roy la. Hi Walpoie - - - .N. H. Vd luuburv - - - Pa. Rs Trov x\l0. Ui Walterboro - S. C. N ;unhurV - - - ija. >1 p Tru'rn Ms. Xe Walt.,n N. Y. S c ;u,.bury - • - 0. Lg Truxuii - - - N. Y. Re Ward»boro - - Vt. Vd lurgdiQsville - Te. 1, k Tiuxville - - 0. Lg Ware Ms. V e iurry C. H. - Va. Rj Tuckersville • Ga. M p Waresboro- - Ga. L p ;usst-xC. H. - Va. Uk Tuckerton - - N.J. Th VVarm Spring- Va. U 1 iwaiusboro - Gi. Lo TuUy Mo. Sf Warm Springs N. C. LI Ivvansboro - • N.C. Qm Tunkhannock Pa. Warren - - - S.n. Wd ;. Washington N. C. Qm Tiiscaloosa - Al. Gn Warren - - • R. 1. Wf ijTacuse - - - N.Y. Rd Tuscumbia- - Al. Gm Warren - - - Pa. f T. Tuskegee - - Al. lo Warren - - - 0. N f Tymochte - - 0. Kg Warrenshurg Te. Kk Taberg N.Y. Sd Tyrrell C. H. N.C. Rl Warren T. - Pa. Og raitsville - - Al. Up U. Warrenlon- - Va. Qi Talassee • - - Al. Warrenlon • - N.C. Pk Talbotton - - Ga. Jo UnadiUa - - - N.Y. Se Warrenlon - - Ga. Ln Talladega - - Al. Union Pa. tJh Warrenlon - - Mi. Do rcUlahassee ■ Fl.T. Jq Union ... - Va. Nj Warsaw - - - N. Y. Pe Tauaha - - - Tx. Zap Union ... - S. C. Mm Warsaw - . - 11. '^ ? Tappahannock Va. Rj Union - - - - Mo. Di Washington - N. H. Vd farboro - - - N.C. Ql Union T. - - • 0. Lg Washington - Pa. Ng rarleton 0. Lh Union T. . - - la. h| Washington - N.J. Th Tarry T. - - - N.T. Uf Unitia Te. Jl Washington • N.C. Ql ralnal C. H. ■ Ga. Lo Upp. Sandusky 0. Kg Washington • Ga. Lb TauDton • - - Ms. Wf Urbanna - - - Va. Rj Washington - .^1. Ho raylorsviUe - Va. Nk Urbanna - - - 0. Kg Washington - Mi.. C p faylorsviUe- Ky. li Urbanna - - - IL Fg Washington ■ La. Bq Tazewell- - - Te. Kk Utica N.Y. Sd Washington - Ar. T A n Tcliula Mi. Do Utica 0. Lg Washington - Te. Jl Tecumseh - - Mic. Je V. Washington - Ky. Fj reran - - - - Tx. Ap Washington - Ky. Ki Terre Haute - la. Gh Van Buren - - Ar.T Zal Washington - 0. Kh Thibadeauxv'e La. Dr Van Buren - - Mo. Cj Washington - 0. M °" Fhomaston - • Me. Yc VandaXia ■ ■ 11. E i Washington - la. Gi Thomaslon- - Ga. Jo Vannsville - - Md. Rh WaskingtonC. D. C. Ri Tboiiiasville - Ga. Jq Varennes - - - S. C. Lm Washing!. CH Al. Fp Thompson - - Ct. Wf Vergennes • - Vt. Uc Witerljury - - Vt. vi Thoru T. - - Hg Vermilionville La. Br Watcrbury- - Ct. Uf Three Rivers L.'C. Va Vernon - - - • Ga. Lo Waierford - - Me. .Kc Tiffin 0. Kf Vernon - - - - Fl.T. iq \Va;erforJ - - Pa- Uf Tinton - - - - N. J. Tg Vernon - - - - Al. f? Waterloo - - - S. C. L ni Toledo - - - - Mic. Kf Vernon - - - - Te. Waterloo - - - Al. F n, Tolland - - - Ct. Vf Vernon - - - - la. li Water T. - - N.Y. Sd Tolosa - - - - Fl.T. Lr Vernonburg - Ga. Mp WaterviUe- - .Me, Yc TompkinsTille La. Co Vemilles - - Ky. Ji WatkinsviUe Gi. Kn Tonjpkinville Kv. Ik Versailles -- Ih Waverlev - - Fl.T. J r Toms R. - - - N.J. Th Vevay - - - - la. I i •Wawarsi'ng - N.Y. Tf Vuranlo • - - U. C. Od Vicksburg - - Mi. Do Wayne la. If Tow'nsend - • Ms. We Vienna - - - - Md. S i Waynesboro - N. C. Ql Trafalgar - - U. C. Od Vienna - - - - G.i. Ln Waynesboro - Ga. Ln Trenton - - - Me. Zc Vienna - - - - Al. Fo Waynesboro - Te. GI frtnlcn - - - N.J. l\ Vienna Ky. Gj Waynesburg - Pa. N h Trenton - - - N.C. Vienna - . . - 11. Fj Waynesville - N.C. K 1 Trenton - - ■ Te. Fl ViUemont - - Ar.T Dn Wayuesvilie - 11. Eg Trenton Falls N.Y. Sd Vincennes - - la. Gi Waynesville - Mo. Bj Triana - - - Al. Hm WayneviUe - Webbville - - Ga. Lp Trinity - - - - 11. Ej W. Fl.T. ■x! Troy- Vt. Vc Wabash T. - la. Wellfleet-- - Ms. Troy Ms. W f \ Waddington - N.Y. Sc Wells Me. Xd Names of Places. State. Ret. Let's Wellsboro - - Pa. Qf WellsviUe - - U. N^ Wentworth - N.C. Ok West Chester Pa. Sh Wesltieid - - fa. N h West Hills- - N. v. Rd West Liberty a Ki Westminster - lih Weston Va. Ni West Point - N.Y. Tf Westport Md. Ph Westport - - Mo. Zai West Union - 0. K i WestviUe - • Ml. Ep Wetumpka- - Al. Ho Whitby - - - Pk Whitesboro - N. y. S d Whitehall - - N. y. Ud Whitesville - N.t;. P m Whitesville • i'l.T. r,r Whitesville - Mic. Ke Wilkesbarre - Pa. Sf Wilkesboro - N.C. Pk Wm. Henry - L. C. lib Williamsboro N.C. M k Williamsburg Me. Vb Williamsburg Va. Ki Williamsburg Ml. Up Williamsburg Pe. Ik Williamsburg K-V. Jk Williamsburg 1). .li WrUiamsport Pa. WiUiamsport Md. Qh Williamsport la. ^S Names of Places. State. Ref. Let's Williams T.- Ms. TTp Williamston - N.C. Ql Williamsville N.Y. Pp Willis - - - 0. Kb Willow Spa Wi.'l Ee WiUshire CJ. .1 f- Wilmington Ue. Sh Wilming:on N.C. Pm Wilmington 0. K h Wilsonville - Ha. Sf Winchester - Ct. TTf Winchester - v.. Ph Winchester - Mi. Ef Winchester - Te. Winchester - Kv. E= Winchester - (). Winchester - la. Windham - • (;t. Vf Windsor - - - u. c. P(l Windsor - - . vt. Vd Windsor N.C. R 1 Windsor - - - S. C. M n Winnsboro - - s. (;. Mm Winton N.(;. "R k Wire T. - - - N. .1. Th Wiscasset - - Me. Yr Woodbury - - Vt. V c Woodbury - - N.,I. Sh Woodsboro- - Va. i Woodsfield - - 0. Mh Woodstock - - Vt. Vd Woodstock- - Va. Pi Woodville - - Pa. 0? Woodville - - Va. Pi lames of Places. State. Woodville - Woodville - Woodville - Woodville - Woodville - Wooster - Worcester - Wrightsboro Wrightsville Wyatt - - - Wyoming - X. Xsnia - • - Y. Yarmouth - • Yellow Springs Ypsilanti - - York York - - - - Y'ork - - - - York - - - - Y'ork - . - - York Haven Yoi'kville- - Youngs T. - Y'oungs T. - Z. ZanesviUe - Zebulon ■ - Zebulon - - Zelienople - Al. Al. Mi. La. la. 0. Ms. Ga. N.C. Mi. Pa. Ms. 0. Mic. Me. Pa. Va. Va. II. Pa. S. C. Pa. 0. 0. Ga. Ar.T. Pa. PRINCIPAL STAGE ROUTES IN THE UNITED STATES. MAINE. Miles. 1. From PorttmouthN.H. toEastport To Kitlery, Me. 3 York Wells Kennebunk- - • - Kennebunk Port Scirsboro - ■ • - Porllmd Cumberland - - - North Yarmouth Freeport Brunswick - - ■ - Woolwich 3 Wiscasset S Newcastle ..-------12 Waldoboro 9 Warren 5 Thomaston 8 Camden il Lincolnville 7 Northport 5 Belfast 5 Prospect 6 Bucksport Iji Orland 3 Elsworth 1' Hancock 4 Sullivan 8 Gouldsboro 6 Steuben 8 Harrington 11 Columbia 8 Jonesboro 8 Machias .--- 9 East Machias 4 Whiting 10 Lubec 11 Eastport 5 2. From Augxvta i To Hallowell - Gardiner- - Richmond - - - - Bowdoinham - - Topsham Brunswick Miles, 3. Frrnn Augiista to Anson. To Sidney - 12 Waterville , 6 U Fairfield 8 2( Bloomfield ^ ^- Milburn 1 51 Norridgewock - - • Madison Anson 6 44 4. From Augutta to Phillips. To Readfield 8 Mount Vernon 4 12 Vienna J \^ Farmington 12 31 Avon-- 12 43 Phillips S 51 5. Frrnn Augusta, to Bethd. To Winthrop 10 Wayne 6 Livermore " Canton "^ Dixlieid 6 Mexico 3 Rumford 8 Bethel 14 6. From Augusta to Portland. To Winthrop • • • • Monmouth • - - ■ Greene Lewistown - • • ■ Danville New Gloucester • Gray Cumberland - - ■ Portland 7. From Augusta to Portland. To Hallowell 2 Litchfield 10 Bowdoin 8 Durham 11 Freeport & North Yarmouth Cumberland - - - Portland 10 •21 22 STAGE ROUTES IN MAINE. Miles, 8. From Augusta to Belfast. To Vassalboro ..-..-.-- 12 Palermo 6 18 Montville 8 26 Belmont 9 35 Belfast 6 41 9. From Bangor to Augusta. To Hampden 6 Neu-burg 7 13 Dixmont 10 23 Troy 5 23 Unity 6 34 Albion 9 43 China 4 47 Vassalsboro 8 55 Augusta- ....-•----12 67 10. From Bangor to Milburn. To Carmel 13 Etna 6 19 Newport - - -f 7 26 Palmyra 8 34 St. Albans 4 3S Hartland 4 42 Pittsiield 5 46 Canaan 3 49 Milburn 5 54 11. From Pm-tland to TVaterford. To Windham 15 Raymond 10 25 Otisfield 5 30 Bridgeton 6 36 Waterford 10 46 12. Frmn Portland to Littleton, N. H. To Gorham 10 Standish 8 18 Baldwin 8 26 Hiram 8 34 Brovvnfield 7 41 Fryburg • 5 46 Conway, N. H. 6 52 Bartlett 9 61 Bethlehem 38 99 Littleton 10 109 13. From Portland to Portsmouth. To Gorham 10 Buxton 8 IS Hollis 4 22 Waterboro 7 29 Alfred 6 35 Berwick 16 51 Dover, N. H. 5 56 Newingtoa 6 62 Poi'tsDjouth 6 68 Miles. 14. From Staiidisk to Tamworth. To Limington 8 Limerick 5 13 Parsonfield 8 21 ; Effingham, N. H. 10 31 Tamworlh 16 47 15. From Bangor to Castine. To Brewer 1 Orrinetou 7 8 Eucksport 9 17 Orland 3 20 Penobscot 6 26 Castine 8 34 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 16. From Concord to Portsmouth, via Exeter. To Pembroke " Allentown 7 14 Raymond 13 27 Epping 5 32 Exeter 10 42 Stratham 4 46 Greenland 3 49 Portsmouth 5 54 17. From Concord to Portsmouth, via Dover. To Chichester 8 Epsom 4 12 Northwood 6 18 Nottingham 8 26 Durham 9 35 Dover 5 40 Newington- -...---- 6 46 Portsmouth 4 50 IS. From Concord to Charleston, To Hopkinson 7 Herniker 8 15 Hillsboro 9 24 Washington 8 32 Lempster 6 38 Ackworth 6 44 Charleston 7 51 19, From Concord to Middlebury, Vt. I T' Boscawen 8 Salisbury 7 15 Andover 7 22 Wilmot- 6 28 Springfield 7 35 ■ Enfjeld „ . . 7 42 Lebanon ---: - 8 50 Hanover -6 56 Hartford, Vt. - -^ 6 62 STAGE ROUTES IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. 23 Miles. i Sharon 10 72 Bovallon ^ 79 Mi'ddlebury 46 125 I2O. From Concord, to Burlington, VI. Canterbury S NurilitiBld S 16 Saiibiinitoii 6 22 New Haiiiptoa S 30 Holdeniess 10 40 Plymouth 2 42 Roiiiiiey 8 50 HavertuU 25 75 Bradford, Vt. 6 Si Orau^e 19 100 Earre 7 107 Moutpelier 7 114 Burliugton 3^ 1^2 :l. Fronx Concord to Newhuryport, Ms. to Pembroke 7 SuLicoob 1 ° Chester 15 23 Hampstead 7 30 Atkinson ■i •^'^ Haverhill, Ms. 5 3S> West Bradford 1 39 Bradford 4 43 West Newbury 5 4b Newburyport 6 54 22. From Concord to Boston, Ms. To Hooksett 9 Chester 14 23 Uerrv 5 2S Salem ° 34 Methuen, Ms. 5 39 Aadover 6 43 Readiu; 7 o2 Stor.eham 4 30 Medford 4 60 Charlestown 3 63 Boslou - 1 6^ 23. From Concord to Conivaij. To Canterbury S Northfield 8 16 Saiibornton 6 22 Gilford S 30 Meredith 5 3d Centre Harbor 7 42 Moultonboro 5 47 SandNvich 2 49 Tamworth 7 56 Ossippee i 60 Eaton 5 6d Conway 6 a 24. From Exeter to Brattlehoro. To Kingston 6 Miles. Hawke 4 10 Sandown 4 14 Chester 4 18 Derry 5 23 Londonderry & 28 Dunstable 8 36 Milford 12 48 Wilton 7 55 Temple 4 59 Peteisboro • • 6 65 Dublin 7 72 Marlboro 8 SO Keene 5 85 Chesterfield 12 97 Brattleboro 5 102 25. From Dover to Meredith. To IMadbury 4 Bariington 5 9 Strattbrd 5 14 Barnstead 7 21 Gilmanton 10 31 Gilford 8 39 Meredith - 5 44 26. From Dover to Newhuryport. To Newingtou 6 Greenland 6 12 Hampton 7 19 Hampton Falls 2 21 Seabronk 2 23 East Salisbury, Ms. .... 2 25 Newburyport 4 29 27. From Dover .'0 Haverhill. To Rochester 10 Farmingtou 8 18 Middlewn 8 2b Wolfboro S 34 Tuftonboro 7 41 Moultonboro 12 53 Sandwich. • . - 4 57 Centre Harbor .•-..- 8 6,3 Holdern-iss 5 70 Plymouth 4 74 Wentworth IS 92 Piermont •- -H 103 Haverhill 7 110 2S. From Havei-vill to Stewartstovun. To Bath 11 Lisbon 5 16 Dalton 20 36 Lancaster 8 44 Northumberland 5 49 Stratford 10 59 Columbia 12 71 Colebrook 5 7b Stewarlstown 8 84 24 STAGE ROUTES IN VERMONT. Miles. 29. From Dover to Conway. To Rochester - - 10 Milton 8 18 Wakefield 13 31 Ossippee IS 49 Eaton 5 54 Conway 10 64 VERSaONT. 30. D-om Mjntpelier to Mlany. To Berlin 4 Williamstown 6 10 Brookfield 6 16 Randolph 7 23 Royalton 8 31 Stockbridge 12 43 Sherburn 12 55 Rutlend 9 64 Castleton 11 75 Fairhaven 5 SO Whitehall, N. Y. 8 SS Albany 72 160 31. From Montpelier to Boston. To Berlin 4 Williamstown 6 10 Brookfield 6 16 Randolph 7 23 Royalton 8 31 Barnard 8 39 Woodstock 8 47 Windsor 12 59 Clareniont, N. H. 10 69 Unity 4 73 Washington 14 87 Hillsboro 8 95 Deering 6 101 Franceston 6 107 Mount Vernon 8 115 Amherst 4 119 Tyngsboro, Ms. 17 136 Chelmsford 4 140 Lowell 4 144 By Rail Road to Boston - 25 169 32. From Montpelia- to Burlington. To Middlesex 6 Waterbury 6 12 Bolton 7 19 Richland 7 26 Willislon 4 30 Burlington 8 38 33. Froin Montpelier to Haverhill, N.H. To Barre 7 Orange 7 14 West Topsham 7 21 Miles.' Bradford 12 33 Haverhill, N. H. 6 39 l 34. From Montpelier to Derby Line. To Calais 12 Woodbury 6 18 Hardwick 7 25 Greensboro 6 31 Glover 7 38 Barton - - - ^ 45 Derby Line 17 62 1 35. From Mviit^elier to Keene. To Northfield 11 Roxbury 6 17 Randolph 10 27 ;, Bethel 9 36 • Barnard 9 45 Woodstock 9 54 ( Weathersfield 24 78 ■ Springfield 7 85 • Charlestown, N. H. 6 91 I Surry 17 108 ■ Keene 6 114 l 36. From Burlington to Bennington. To WiUiston 8 Hinesburg 8 16 , Monklon 8 24 I New Haven 10 34 ; Middlebury 6 40 i Salisbury 6 46 : Leicester - - 4 50) Brandon 8 58 > Pittsford 6 64 . Rutland 7 71 Clarendon 6 77 Wallingford 7 84 Danby 6 90 : Dorset 7 97 Manchester 7 104 Sunderland 5 109 Arlington 4 113- Shaflsbury 6 119 ' Bennington 7 126 37. From Rutland to JValpole. I To Clarendon 6 ] Mount Holly 9 15 , Ludlow 7 22 Chester 12 34 Rockingham 9 43 Bellows Falls 4 47 Walpole, N. H. 6 53 38. From Haverhill, N.H. to Derby Line. To Newbury - 4 Wells' River - 5 9 Mclndoes' Falls - • 8 17 Barnet 3 20 STAGE ROUTES IN VERMONT. 25 Miles. St. Johnsbury 13 33 Lyndeu 7 40 Sutton S 4S Barton 7 55 Broivuington 6 61 Derby 8 69 Derby Line 3 72 >. From Littleton, N. H. to Burling- ton, Vt. To Waterford, Vt. 8 St. Johnsbury 8 16 Danville 6 22 M^alden 8 30 Hardwick 6 36 Greensboro 4 40 Craftsbury 6 46 Burlingtoa 64 110 40. From Burlington to Derby Line. To Esses 8 Jericho 8 16 Underbill 8 24 Cambridge 9 33 Johnston 8 41 Hyde Park 7 48 Wolcot 8 56 Craftsbury 8 64 Albany 6 70 Irasburg 4 74 Coventry 6 80 Derby 8 88 Derby Line 3 91 41. From Erattkboro to Albany, N. Y. To Marlboro 11 Wilmington 7 IS Readsboro 6 24 Bennington 14 38 Hoosick, N. Y. 7 45 Pittstown - - - 14 59 Brunswick 7 66 Lansingburg 2 68 Troy 3 71 Albany 6 77 42. Frmn Whitehall, N.Y. to Vergmnes. To Fairhaven 8 West Haven 5 13 Benson 8 21 Orwell - ■ - 9 30 Shoreham -6 36 Bridport 7 43 Addison 8 51 Vergennes 7 5S 43. From Middlebury to Royalton. To Ripton 8 Hancock 12 20 Rochester 4 24 Miles. Stockbridge 7 31 Bethel 10 41 Royalton 5 46 44. From Charleston, N. H. to Ben- nington. To Springfield 7 Chester 6 13 Londonflerry 17 30 Peru 3 33 Winhall 6 39 Manchester 5 44 Sunderland 5 49 Arlington 4 53 Shaftsbury 6 59 Bennington 7 66 MASSACHUSETTS. 45. From Boston to Portsmouth. To Charlestown 1 Lynn 8 Salem 5 1 Beverly 2 Wenham 4 Hamilton 2 Ipswich 5 Rowley ---- 4 Newburyport 7 Salisbury 4 Seabrook, N. H. 2 Hampton Falls 2 Hampton --..----.- 2 Northampton 3 Portsmouth 9 46. From Boston to Albany via Worcester and Northampton, By the Boston and Worcester Rail Road to Worcester - - • 43 To Leicester 6 49 Spencer- - 5 54 Brookfield 7 61 Ware 9 70 Belchertovvn 10 80 Hadley 12 ^ Northampton 3 95 West Hampton 8 103 Chesterfield 6 109 Worthington 6 115 Peru - • - 6 121 Hindsdale 3 124 Dalton 3 127 Pittsfield 7 134 New Lebanon, N. Y. - - - 9 143 Nassau 8 151 Shodack 12 163 Greenbush 4 167 Albany 1 168 STAGE ROUTES IN MASSACHUSETTS, To Cambridge - - • Watertown - • Walt ham - - Lincoln - - - ■ Stow ■ Bolton Lancaster- - - ■ Sterling - - - . Princeton - • • Hubbardstown ■ Petersham Leverett Montague • . . . - Greenfield - - - - Detrfield Conwav Ashfield Plaintield Savoy Cheshire Lanesboro - . . . . Hancock ...... Stephentovvn. N. Y. Troy ... - Watervleit Albany •-..... 7 116 7 123 S 131 5 136 8 144 4 148 18 166 6 172 6 178 48. From Boston to Albany, via Green- field and Williamstuwn. To lyancaster 32 Leominster 7 39 Fitchburg 5 44 Westminster 3 47 Gardner 4 51 Templeton 3 54 Phillipston 4 5S Alhol 4 62 Orange 2 64 Montague 18 82 Greenfield 11 93 Shelburne 4 97 Charlemont 12 109 Florida 12 121 Adams 3 124 Williamstown 9 133 Hancock -••11 144 Stephentown, N. Y. ■ - - 4 148 Troy 16 164 Waiervleit 6 170 Albany 6 176 49. From Boston to New Baven, via Hartford. To Brighton 5 Newton 3 8 Natick 8 16 Framingham 4 20 Souihboro 6 28 Westboro 4 30 Worcester 9 39 Charlton 11 50 Miles. 7 57 6 63 9 72 8 80 Sturbridge Holland Staftbrd Springs, Ct. Tolland - - Vernon Harlford 11 97 Weathersfield 5 102 Middletown 9 Hi Durham 6 117 Northford 9 ]26 New Haven 9 135 50. From Boston to Saratoga , To Cambridge -- Lexington Concord Acton Litlleton Groton • Pepperel - ■ Townsend New Ipswich, N. H. Jaffrey Marlboro ----... Keene - . Walpole Bellows Falls, Vt. - . Chester Landgrove Manchester - . - . . Arlington Cambridge, N. Y. - - Union Village; - - - - Schuylerville - - - - Saratoga Springs - - - 12 56 10 66 14 £0 8 . 98 14 112 15 127 15 142 12 154 12 166 8 174 5 179 12 191 to Hartford. 10 51. From B, To Dedham - - Medfield - . Med way - - Bellingham 4 27 Milford 4 31 Mendon 3 34 Uxbridge 4 3S Douglass 6 44 Thompson, Ct. 10 54 Pomfret 7 61 Ashford 11 72 Mansfield 6 78 Coventry 6 84 Manchester --. 8 92 East Harlford 6 98 Hartford 2 100 52. From Boston to Newport, E. I. To Roxbury 2 Dorchester ......... 2 4 Milton 3 7 Stoughlon 10 17 N. Bridgewater 4 21 Easton 5 26 Taunton 7 33 STAGE ROUTES IN MASSACHUSETTS. Miles. Berkley 5 3S I'reeiown 4 42 Tioy 4 46 Tiverton, R. I. 8 54 Newport 16 70 53. From Boston to Salem* To Charlestown 1 Lynn 8 9 Salem 5 14 54. From Boston to Falmouth. To Quincy 9 Hinjham 6 15 Scituate 8 23 Hauover 4 27 Pembroke 4 31 Plymouth 7 38 Sandwich 18 56 Falmouth 22 78 55. From Boston to New Bedford. To Quincy 9 Weymouth 3 12 Abington 8 ao East Bridgewater 4 24 Bridgewater 3 27 Middleboro 9 36 New Bedford 21 57 56. From Boston to Dover, N. H. To Charlestown 1 Maiden 4 5 Reading 7 12 Andover 7 19 Plaislow, N. H. 14 33 Kinsston 8 41 Exeier 8 49 New Market 4 53 Durham 7 60 Dover 5 65 57. From Newburypart to Lowell. To Rowley 6 Boxford 6 12 Andover 8 20 Tesvkesbury 6 26 Lowell 5 31 5S. From Salem tn Lowell. To North Reading II Andover 8 19 Lowell 11 30 59. From IVorccster to Keene, N. ff. To Holden 7 Rutland 6 13 Hubbardstown 6 19 Templeton 6 25 Winchendon 6 31 FitzwiUiam, N. H. 12 43 Troy 4 47 Keene 10 57 60. From Worcester to Lowell, To Boylestown 9 Sterling 3 12 Lancaster 6 18 Shirley 13 31 Groton 3 34 Weslford 3 37 Chelmsford 5 42 Lowell 5 47 61. From Sprijigfidd to Albany. To West Springfield 2 Wes'field 11 13 Eecket 20 33 Lee 10 43 Stockbridge 4 47 Canaan, N. Y. 10 57 Chatham 5 62 Nassau 6 68 Schodac 5 73 Greenbush 6 79 Albany 1 SO RHODE ISLAND. 62. From Providmce to Newport, To Barrington 8 Warren 3 11 Bristol 4 15 Portsmouth 3 18 Newport 9 27 63. From Providenceto New London, Ct. To Coventry 14 West Greenwich 4 18 Hopkinton 16 34 North Stonington, Ct. - - - 6 40 Groton 13 53 New London 1 54 64. From Providence to Taunton, Ms. To Pawtucket 3 Seekonk 2 5 Rehoboth 8 13 Taunton 8 21 65. From Providence to Springfield, Ms. To Greenville 9 Chepacket 7 16 Thompson 12 28 Southbridge 11 39 Sturbridge 6 45 Erimfield 6 61 Monson 7 58 Wilbraham 7 65 Springfield 8 73 66. From Providetice to New Bedford, Ms. To Seekonk 4 Swansey 9 13 Tall River 4 17 West Port 7 24 New. Bedford 10 34 67. From Bristol to Sandwich, Ms. To Tiverton 6 Little Compton 10 16 Weslport 9 25 New Bedford 9 34 Fair Haven 2 36 Rochester 11 47 Wareham 7 54 Sandwich 14 68 68. From Newport to New Bedford. To Portsmouth 10 Westport 12 22 Dartmouth 3 25 New Bedford 5 30 69. From Providence to Worcester, Ms. To Slatersville 18 Uxbridge 8 26 Northbridge 6 32 Milbury 8 40 Worcester 6 46 70. From Bristol to Taunton. To Warren 4 Somerset 11 15 Dighton 4 19 Taunton 7 26 CONNECTICUT. 71. From New Haven to New York. To Milford 9 Stratford 5 14 Bridgeport 4 18 Fairfield 3 21 Sausatuck 6 27 Norwalk 3 30 Darieu 6 36 Stamford -, 3 39 Greenwich 5 44 Sawpits, N. y. 3 47 Rye 2 49 Mamaroneck 4 53 Miles. New Rochelle 4 57 East Chester 3 60 West Farms 4 64 Haerlem 4 68 New York 8 76 72. From Providence, R. I. to New Haven. To Scihiafe, R. I. 11 Sterling 15 26 Flainfield 4 30 Jewett's City 6 36 Norwich 8 44 New London 13 57 Waterford 3 60 Lyme 13 73 Saybrook 4 77 KilUngworth 9 86 Madison 4 90 Guilford 5 95 Branford 9 104 East Haven 3 107 New Haven 4 111 73. From New Haven to Paughkeepsie, To Derby 8 Huntington -- 4 12 Monroe • 4 16 Newton 7 23 Danbury .10 33 Miiltown, N.Y. 8 41 Paterson 8 49 Fishkill 14 63 Poughkeepsie 13 76 74 From Hartford to New Haven. To Farmingfon 9 Southington 8 17 Cheshire 6 23 New Haven 14 37 75. From Hartford to Norwalk. To Farmington 9 Burlington 11 20 Harwinton 6 26 Litchfield 8 34 New Milford 20 54 Brookfield 8 62 Danbury 6 6S Reading 9 77 Wilton 7 84 Norwalk 6 90 76. From Hartford, Ct. to Haverhill To East Windsor 8 Enfield 10 18 , Long Meadow, Ms. .... 7 25 1 Springfield 4 29 ^ South Hadley 12 41 STAGE ROUTES IN CONNECTICUT. 29 Miks. Amherst 12 53 Sunderlaud 5 5S MoDtague 5 63 Northfield 10 73 Hinsdale, N. H. 8 81 Bmttleboro, Vt. 6 S6 Chesterlield, N. H. - - - - 4 90 Westmoreland 7 97 Walpole 8 105 Bellows Falls, Vt. 4 109 Charlestown, N. H. - - - - 9 US Claremoat 11 129 Cornish 11 140 Windsor, Vt 1 141 Plaintield, N. H. 7 148 Lebanon 13 161 Hanover - • . - - . 4 165 Lyme 10 175 Orford - - 7 182 Piermont 5 1S7 Haverhill 6 193 T7. From Hartford to Litchfield. To Farmington - - - 9 Bristol 7 16 Plymouth 7 23 Litchfield 8 31 78. From Hartford to Albany, N. F. To Canton -13 New Hartford 5 18 Winchester 11 29 Norfolk 6 35 Canaan -.----..... 5 40 Sheffield, Ms. 7 47 Egremont 8 55 Austerlitz, N. Y. 10 65 ^encertown 4 69 Chatham 8 77 Greenbush 17 94 Albany 1 95 79. From Hartford to New London. To East Hartford 2 Manchester 6 8 Bolton 5 13 Andover 6 19 Columbia 4 23 Lebanon 7 30 Franklin 4 34 Norwich 6 40 New London 13 53 80. From Hartford to Ware, Ms. To East Hartford 2 East Windsor 6 8 Ellington 7 15 Somere - 6 21 Wilbraham, Ms. 10 31 Palmer 7 38 Ware 8 46 Miles. 81. From Providence, R. L to Hartford. To Scituate 10 Foster, R. L 6 16 Kiilingly 8 24 Poinfret 6 30 Ashford 10 40 Manslield 7 47 Coventry --..--.--• 4 51 Manchester 10 61 East Hartford 6 67 Hartford 2 69 82. From Providence, R. L to Middle- town. To Foster, R. L 16 Killingly 8 24 Brooklyn 5 29 Windham 14 43 Columbia 8 51 Hebron 5 56 Chatham 16 72 Middletown 1 73 83. From Litchfield to PoushJteepsie,N. Y To Sharon 20 Amenia, N. Y. 8 2S Washington 10 38 Pleasant Valley 9 47 Poughkeepsie 8 55 84. From Hartford to Newbury, Vt. To Windsor 9 Suffield 8 17 Springfield, Ms. 11 28 West Springfield 3 31 East Hampton 12 43 Northampton 5 48 Hatfield 5 53 Whately 5 53 Deerfield 7 65 Greenfield 4 69 Bernardston 7 76 Guilford, Vt. 10 86 Braltleboro 5 91 Dummerstown 5 96 Putney 7 103 Westminster 6 109 Walpole, N.H. 2 111 Bellows Falls, Vt. 5 116 Springfield 14 130 Windsor 16 146 Hartland 7 153 Hartford 7 160 Hanover, N. H. 5 165 Norwich, Vt 2 167 Thetford 7 174 Fairlee 7 181 Bradford 8 189 Newbury 8 197 STAGE ROUTES IN NEW YORK. Miles. 85. Frrnn New Haven to Albany, N. ¥. To WooJbridge 10 Waterbury 10 20 Watertovvn 8 28 Litchfield - 10 38 East Goshen 6._ 44 Canaan 9 53 Sheffield 12 65 Great Barrington € 71 West Stockbridge 13 84 Chatham, N. Y. 8 92 Nassau 6 93 Schodack 5 103 Greenbush 6 109 Albany 1 110 WE"W YORK. 86. From New York to Phihiddpkia, via New Brunswick and Trenton. To Jersey City 1 By New Jersey Rail Road to Rahway 20 21 By Stage to New Brunswick • 12 33 To Kingston 13 46 Princeton 3 49 Trenton 11 60 By Philadelphia and Trenton Rail-Road to Philadelphia -28 88 87. From New fork to Philadelphia, via New Hope. To Elizabethtown, N. J. - - - 15 Westfield 8 23 Scotch Plains 4 27 Plainfield 3 30 Bound Brook 8 38 Somerville 5 43 Centreville 10 53 Flemington 7 60 Bingoes 6 66 Lambertsville 6 72 New Hope, Pa. 1 73 Hartsville 14 87 Hatboro 4 91 Willow Grove 2 93 Jenkintown 3 96 Philadelphia 10 106 88. From New York to Albany : east side of Hudson River. To Tonkers 16 Dobbs' Ferry 5 21 Sing-sing 10 31 Peekskill 12 43 Fishkill 20 63 Poughkeepsie 13 76 Hyde Park 7 S3 Staatsburg 5 68 Rhinebeck 6 94 Red Hook 6 100 Miles. Clermont 8 108 Livingston --------- 5 113 Hudson 9 122 Columbiaville 5 127 Kinderhook 7 134 Schndack Centre 10 144 Greenbush - - - . . . - - - 6 150 Albany - - - 1 151 89. Frmn New York to Albany : west' side of the Hudson River, To Hoboken, N. J. 1 Hackensack 11 12 New Prospect 10 22 Ramapo, N. Y. - 10 32 Monroe Works 9 41 Monroe ---------- 6 47 Chester 6 53 Goshen 4 57 Montgomery 10 67 ShawanguBk 9 76 Newpaltz 12 88 Kingston 17 105 Saugerties 12 117 Maiden 2 119 CatskiU - 10 129 Athens 5 134 Coxsackie 6 140 New Baltimora 7 147 Coeymans 3 150 Albany 12 162 90. From New Yorkto Easthampton, L.I. To Brooklyn 1 Jamaica 11 12 North Hempstead 9 21 Babylon 18 39 Islip 7 46 Patchogue 13 59 Fireplace 7 66 Southampton 30 96 Sag Harbor 11 107 EasthamptMi 7 114 91. From New York to Oyster Poitds, L.I. To Brooklyn 1 Jamaica - U 12 North Hempstead 11 23 Jericho 4 27 Dix Hills 13 40 Smithtown 6 46 Coram 10 56 Riverhead 18 74 Auquebogue 5 79 Matlituck 5 84 Southold 8 92 Oyster Ponds II 103 92. From New York to Geneva. To Jersey City, N. J. 1 Newark 9 10 STAGE ROUTES IN NEW YORK. 31 Orange Livingston - ■ ■ Hanover Neck ■ Hanover - - - - Morristowu - - Suckasunny - • Stanhope - - - - Andover - 4 14 • - 6 20 ■ - 2 22 • - 2 24 ■ - 7 31 • - 10 41 ■ - 4 45 • 6 51 Newton 6 57 Augusta ...----.-- 6 63 Branchville 2 65 Sandiston 6 71 Montague 5 76 Milford, Pa. 3 79 Tafton 24 103 Clarksto\vn 15 118 Dundaff 10 12S Lenox 7 135 Hartford 6 141 Montrose 9 150 Friendsville 10 160 Warrenham 11 171 Owego, N. y. 8 179 Candor 10 1S9 Danby 12 201 Ithaca 9 210 Trununsburg 11 221 Covert 3 224 Lodi 9 233 Ovid 4 237 Romulus 5 242 Fayette 10 252 Geneva 3 255 93. From New York to Flttshing, To Williamsburg 2 Newton 5 7 Flushing 4 11 94. From New Torh to Litchfield, To Haerlem 8 West Farms 4 East Chester 4 White Plains 11 North Castle 8 Bedford 9 South Salem 5 Ridgefield 6 Danbury, Ct. 11 Litchfield 30 95. From New York to Boston, Pa. To Jersey City, N. J. 1 Newark 9 10 Camptown .... 4 14 Springfield .4 18 Chatham - - - 4 22 Morristown - - . . 6 28 Mendham 6 34 Chester 5 39 Washington 5 44 Miles. Schooley's Mountain - - • 2 46 Anderson town 8 54 Mansfield 3 57 New Village 6 63 Easton 7 70 96. From Albany to Buffalo, via Utica. To Schenectady 15 Amsterdam 15 30 Caughnawaga 10 40 Palatine Bridge 12 52 Little Falls 21 73 Herkimer 7 80 Utica 16 96 Vernon >. 17 113 Oneida 5 118 Lenox 7 125 Sullivan 5 130 Wanlins 6 136 Jamesville 5 141 Onondaga 7 148 Marcelhis 8 156 Skaneateles 6 162 Auburn 7 160 Cayuga 9 178 Seneca Falls 3 181 Waterloo 4 185 Geneva 7 192 Canandaigua 16 208 East Bloomfield 9 217 West Bloomfield 5 222 Lima 4 226 East Avon 5 231 Avon 2 233 Caledonia 8 241 Le Roy 6 247 Batavia 11 258 Pembroke 14 272 Clarence 8 2S0 Wiliiamsville 8 288 BuiTalo 10 298 S7. From Albany to Buffalo, via Cher ry Galley. To Guilderland 9 Duanesburg 12 21 Esperance 5 26 Carlisle 10 36 Sharon -- 4 40 Cherry Valley 12 52 Springfield 6 58 Warren 3 61 Richfield 7 68 Winfield 5 73 Bridge water 7 80 Sangerfield 8 88 Madison - - . - 6 94 Morrisville 6 100 Nelson 5 105 Cazenovia 7 112 Manlius 7 119 Fayetteville 5 124 Orville 3 127 STAGE ROUTES IN NEW YORK. Syracuse - Geddes - - Camillus - Wellington El bridge - Brutus - - Auburn - - Buffalo, as i - - 5 -. 2 -.6 - - 3 . . 5 - - 4 . . - 3 - -129 98. From Albany to Lewiston, via Rochester. To Elbridge, as in No. 97. - -148 Weed's Port 4 Port Byron 3 Montezuma 4 Lyons 19 Newark 7 Palmyra 6 Macedonia 5 Pitlsford 12 Brighton 2 Rochester 3 Greece - ■ 7 Parma .-.-------- 5 Clarkson 8 233 Murray 8 241 Gaines 9 250 Oak Orchard 6 256 Ridgeuay 3 259 Hartland 10 269 New Fane 5 274 Lockport -.-•..---- 1 275 Cambria 6 281 Lewiston 14 295 225 99. From Albany to White Hall, via Saratoga Springs. By the Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road to Schenectady - - 15 By the Saratoga and Schenecta- dy Rail Road to Ballston Lake 10 25 To Ballston Spa 5 30 Saratoga Springs 6^ 36^ By Stage to Sandy Hill To Kingsbury - Fort Ann - - White Hall 51 5' 56 3 59 14 73 100. From Albany to White Hall, via Argyle. To Troy 6 Lansingburg 3 9 Schatecoke 7 16 Easton 10 26 Greenwich 9 35 Argyle 11 46 Hartford 10 66 Granville 7 63 White Hall 9 72 101. From Albany I To Troy Lansingburg - - Cambridge - - Salem Hebron - - - - Granville - - - Poulteney, Vt. - Castleton - - - - Hubbardstown Sudbury - - - - Whiting - - - - Cornwall - - - Middlebury - ■ Vergennes - - ■ Charlotte - - - Shelburn - - - - Burlington - • ■ Miles. ) Burlington, Vt, 91 4 97 : 102. From Albany to ColUersviUe. To Guilderland 9 Knox Gallupville - - Cobleskill - - - Richmondville - Worcester - - - Maryland - - - ColUersviUe - - 103. From Ncwburg to Owego, To Montgomery 14 Bullville 9 Bloomingsburg 3 Wurtsboro Monticello Bethel Damascus, Pa. - - - Pleasant Mount - - Great Bend - - - - Binghampton, N. Y. Owego 12 104. From Owego : To Athens, Pa. Chemung Elmira Painted Post • • • - Campbelltown - • - • Olean. . -22 - - 11 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 9 - - 4 .- 13 Kennedaysville - • Hornellsville - - • Almond 4 Angelica 16 Friendship 10 Cuba 8 Hinsdale 8 Olean 7 105. From Elmira t To Horse Head • - - I CanandaigiM. STAGE ROUTES IN NEW YORK. 33 Miles. Rock Stream 10 30 Slarkey 5 35 Milo 8 43 Penn Yan 7 50 Gorham - - 12 62 Canandaigua 8 70 106. From Canandaigua to Rochester To Victor - • - 8 Mendon 6 14 Pitisford 6 20 BriglitoQ 2 22 Rochester 3 25 107. From tJtica to SicTiett^s Harbor. To Trenton 12 Remsen 4 16 Booneville 14 30 Leyden 6 36 Turin 5 41 Martinsburg 8 49 Lowville 3 52 Denmark ---■' 9 61 Champion 8 69 Rutland 6 75 Watertovvn 6 81 Brownsville 4 85 Sackett's Harbor 8 93 lOS. From Utica to Ogdensbiirg. To Denmark, as in No. 23. - - SI Carthage 6 67 Wilna 6 73 Antwerp 13 86 Rossie 1-2 98 Hammond 6 104 Morristown 10 114 Ogdensburg 10 124 109. From Rochester to Portland Harbor. To Scottsville 11 Caledonia 9 20 FowlersviUe 6 26 York 3 29 Moscow 7 36 Perry 8 44 Castle 5 49 Pike 9 58 Centreville 7 65 FarmersviUe 10 75 Franklin 5 SO EllicottsviUe 12 92 Little Valley 7 99 Napoli S 107 Randolph 5 112 Waterboro 5 117 Jamestown 12 129 Ellery 11 140 Mavville 11 151 W^tfield 6 157 Portland Harbor 2 159 Miles. 110. From Bath to Rochester. To Conhocton 16 Dansville 11 27 Sparta 4 31 Groveland 7 38 Geneseo -- 7 45 Avon 6 51 Rush 9 60 Henrietta 5 65 Rochester 9 74 111. From Catskill to Canajoharte. To Cairo - 10 Freehold 5 15 Oak Hill 7 22 Livingstonville 8 30 Middleburg 9 39 Schoharie 5 44 Sloansville 5 49 Charleston 7 56 Canajoharie 12 68 112. From Utica to Pleasant Mount, Pa. To New Hartford 4 Paris 5 9 Sangerfield 6 15 Madison - 6 21 Hamilton 7 2S Sherburne 11 39 North Norwich 4 43 Norwich 8 51 Oxford 8 59 Green 14 73 Chenango Forks 8 81 Binghampton 11 92 Great Bend, Pa. 15 107 Pleasant Mount 23 130 113. From Johnstown to Bainbridge. To Fort Plain 14 Springfield • 15 29 Cooperstown 10 39 Milford 8 47 Porllandville 4 51 Colliersville 4 55 Milfordville 5 60 Huntsville 6 66 Unadilla 9 75 Bainbridge 15 90 1 14. From Saratoga Springs to Caugh- nawaga. To Ballston 7 Milton 5 12 Galway 7 19 Broad Albin 4 23 Johnstown ..---•...15 38 Caughnawaga 3 41 34 STAGE ROUTES IN NEW YORK. Miles. 115. From Auburn to Osrvego. To Weedsport 12 Cato 8 20 Ira 6 26 Hannibal 10 36 Oswego 4 40 116. From Little Falls to Trenton. To Eatonville 4 Fairfield 4 8 Middleville 3 11 Newport 4 15 Poland 3 18 Russia 3 21 Trenton 7 23 117. From Cooperstoum to Oxford. To Burlington 11 Garretsville 6 17 New Lisbon 4 21 Butternuts 9 30 Gilbertsville 5 35 Mount Upton 5 40 Guilford 4 44 Oxford 6 50 lis. From Home to Oswego. To Taberg 5 Camden 15 20 Williamstown 10 30 Union Square 12 42 Mexico 3 45 New Haven 5 50 Scriba 5 55 Oswego 5 60 119. From Fulton to Rochester. To Hannibal 8 Sterling - 4 12 Wolcot 12 24 Port Bay 9 33 Williamson 16 49 Ontario ---..-..... 6 55 Penfield 4 59 Rochester 11 70 120. From Kingston to MUfwd, Pa. To Marbletown 12 Wawarsing 14 26 Wurtsboro 16 42 Port Jervis 18 60 Milford, Pa. S 68 121. From Auhum to Ithaca. To Flemnning 3 Sherwood's Comer - - - - 12 15 Ludlowville 17 32 Ithaci - 8 40 Miles. 122. From Angelica to Clarkson. To Belfast 5 Caneadea 7 12 Hume .--.-.- 6 18 Pike 6 24 Gainesville 7 31 Warsaw 6 37 Le Roy 18 55 Bergen 7 62 Brockport 10 72 Clarkson 1 73 123. From Catshill to Ithaca. To Cairo 10 Durham - . . . 6 Stamford 14 Hobart 4 Kortright 6 Delhi 9 Meredith 7 Franklin 14 Sidney 16 Unadilla 2 Guilford 9 Oxford 7 Greene --- 8 Triangle 6 Lisle 8 Richford 11 Caroline 5 Ithaca - 7 124. Frorr, "^andy Hill to lioust's Point. To Glenn's Falls 3 Caldwell 9 12 Chesterfown IS 30 Schrnon 12^ 42 Elizabethtown 28 70 Lewis 10 80 Keeseville 16 96 Peru 7 103 . Plattsburgh 9 112 Eeekmantown 5 117 Chazy 9 126 Champlain 8 134 Rouse's Point 4 13S 125. From Saratoga Springs to Ben- nington. To Schnylersville 10 Greenwich 6 16 Cambridge 9 25 White Creek 6 31 Bennington, Vt 11 41 126. From Plattsburgh to Ogdensburg. To Chateaugay 39 Malone 12 51 Bangor 8 59 Dickenson 11 70 STAGE ROUTES IN NEW YORK. 35 Miles. Hopkinton 7 77 Parishville 6 S3 Pollsdani 10 93 Canton 10 103 OgJensburg 17 120 127. Froyji Sackett's Harbor to Ogdetis- burg. To Watertown 9 Le RavsviUe 8 17 Philadelphia 8 23 Antwerp 6 31 Gouveiueur 13 44 De Kalb 13 57 Heuvel 8 65 Ogdensburs 7 72 12S. From Hudson, iV. Y. to Bennington. To Claverack 5 Great Barrington, Ms. - - - 20 25 Stockbridge 8 33 Lenox 6 39 Pittsfield 6 45 Lanesburg 6 51 , Cheshire 5 56 Adams 6 62 WiUiamstown 9 71 Pownal 8 79 Bennington 6 85 129. From Buffalo to Voungstoum. To Black Rack 3 Tounewanta 9 12 Niagara Falls 10 22 Lewiston 7 29 Youngstown 7 36 130. From Utica to Ithaca. •To New Hartford 4 Clinton 6 10 Marshall 5 15 Waterville 3 18 Madison •--•----.. 7 25 Eaton 7 32 ( New Woodstock 12 44 De Ruyter 8 52 Truxton - . - • - 9 61 Homer 10 71 Cortland 1 72 Dryden 11 S3 Ithaca II 94 131. FromPeeJiskilltoRidgefield,Ct. To Yorktown 7 Somers 7 14 Salem Centre 6 20 North Salem 3 23 Ridgefield, Ct. 4 27 Miles. 132. From Caiiandaigua to Buffalo. To Bristol 11 Allen's Hill 4 15 Livonia 6 20 Gcneseo «9 29 Moscow 5 34 Perry 7 41 Warsaw 9 50 Orangeville 6 56 Sheldon - 8 64 Wales 6 70 Willink 8 78 Hamburgh 11 89 Buflalo 7 96 133. From Olean to Buffalo. Chappelsburg 12 EUicottsville 16 28 Ashford 8 36 Springville 10 46 Boston 10 56 Hamburg 8 64 Buffalo 12 76 134. From Buffalo to Erie, Pa. To Hamburg 8 Evans 12 20 Kensington .--.-... -14 34 Predonia 8 42 Westfield 14 56 Portland 1 57 Ripley 9 66 Burgettstown, Pa. 8 74 Erie 16 90 135. From Ogdensburg to Montreal. To Canton 18 Madrid 15 33 Norfolk 9 42 Massena 6 48 Hogaiisburg 12 60 Fort Covington 8 68 Montreal 60 128 136. From .Albany to Niagara Falls. To Canandaigua as in No. 96. 208 Batavia 50 258 Lockport 30 2S3 Niagara Falls 21 309 NE'W JERSEY. 137. From Philadelphia to Cape May To Camden, N. J. 1 Woodbury 8 9 Carpenter's Landing - - - 3 12 Glassboro 7 19 STAGE ROUTES IN. NEW JERSEY. Miles. Malaga •-.; 9 28 Millville 12 40 Port Elizabeth 6 46 Dennis' Creek - - - - - - - 13 59 Goshen 4 63 Cold Spring ........ 12 75 Cape Isiaud 3 78 138. From Philadelphia to Long Branch, N.J. To Camden, N. J. 1 Moorestoivn 9 10 Mount Holly 10 20 Jobslown 7 27 Prospertown 13 40 Freehold, or Monmouth • 16 56 Colts Neck 6 62 Tinton Falls 5 67 Ealonton 2 69 Long Branch 4 73 Long Branch Beach .... 2 75 139. From Philadelphia to Salem, N. J. To Camden, N. J. 1 Woodbury -.- S 9 Clarksboro 4 13 Swedesboro 6 19 Sharplown - . 7 26 Salem 8 34 140. From Philadelphia to Bridgetown, N.J. To Camden, N. J. 1 Woodbury S 9 Carpenter's Landing ... 3 12 MullicaHill 5 17 Deerfield 15 32 Bridgetown 6 38 141. From Philadelphia to Msecurn, N.J. To Camden, N. J. 1 HaddonPeld 6 7 Longacoming 9 16 May's Landing 26 42 Somers Point 12 54 Bargaintown ........ 4 58 Smith's Landing 6 64 Absecum 6 70 142. From Philadelphia to Tucke)-ton N.J. To Camden, N. J. ...... 1 Haddonfield 6 7 Longacoming 9 16 Atsion 12 28 Tuckerton 23 51 143. From Boston, Pa. to Newburg, N. F. To Harmony, N. J. 6 Belvidere 6 12 Hope Jolinsonburg Newton . - ■ Fayette - - - Monroe • - ■ Hamburg - ■ Vernon - - • Miles. 8 20 ' 6 26 10 36 5 41 4 45 4 49 6 55 New Blilford, N. y. 4 59 Warwick 4 63 Florida 5 68 Goshen 6 74 Haniptonburg ....... 8 82 Blooming Grove ..... 3 85 New Windsor 2 87 Newburg 8 95 144. From Newark to Deckertowh. To Bellville 4 Acquackanonck ...... 5 1 Patersou Pompton - . . ■ Newfoundland ■ Stockholm - - - Hamburg - . - . Deckertown - - 5 14 10 24 12 36 2 38 8 46 4 50 145. From New York to Newton, N. J. To Newark 10 Morristown !8 28 < Denville 7 35 Bockaway 2 37 Dover 4 41 Sparta 11 52 Newton - 146. From New Brunswick to Easton, Pa. To Bound Brook 6 Somerville 5 11 White House 9 20 Lebanon 6 26i Clinton 3 29 Perryville 3 32 Bloomsburg ........ 6 Stillwater 3 41 ■ Easton 4 45. 147. From Trenton to Newton. To Pennington 7 Woodville 5 12 Ringoes 4 16 Flemmington 6 Clinton 9 31 New Hampton 10 41 Mansfield 5 44 Belvidere 8 Newton as in No. 143. - - 24 76. 148. From Trenton to Camden. To Bordentown 7 STAGE ROUTES IN PENNSYLVANIA. 37 Miles. Columbus 6 la Jacksonville 4 17 Mount Holly 4 21 Moorestouu 10 31 Cajndeu 10 41 149. Fro7ii New York to Dover, JV. J. To Newark, N.J. 10 BlooT!iti<-M ... - 4 14 Caldwell 6 20 Parcipany 9 29 Deiiv411e 3 32 Rockaway 2 34 Dover 4 38 150. From MuLlica Hill to Greenwich, To Woodstown 8 Alloivaytown 7 15 Roadstown 9 24 Greenwich 3 27 151. From Salem to Dividing Creek. To Quintiia's Bridge 3 Allowaytown .------ 2 5 Roadstown 9 14 Bridgetown 4 18 I'airtowa 3 21 Cedarville 3 24 Newport 4 28 Dividing Cr£ek 5 33 152. From Elizabethtown to Boston, Pa, ^x> Springfield 7 Morristown 10 17 Chester U 28 Schooley's Mountain - - - 7 33 Minsfield 11 46 New Village 6 52 Easton 7 59 153. From Newark to Lambertsville. To Elizabethtown 5 R^hway 5 10 Mitouchin 7 17 Brunswick 5 22 Lambertsville as in No. 156 30 52 154. From Camden to Pemherton. To Evesham 13 Medford 6 19 Vincent Town 5 24 Pemberton 5 29 155. From Hoboien to Monroe Worhs. To Ha-ckensack 11 New Prospect 10 21 Raniapo, N. Y. 10 31 Monroe Works 9 40 Miles. 136. From New Brunswick to Lam- bertsville. To Rocky Hill 13 Hopewell 7 20 WoodviUe 3 23 Lambertsville 7 30 From Newark to Easton, Pa., see No. N. Y. From Elizabeth Town to Flemington, see No. 87. N. Y. PEUNSYLVAUIA. 157. From Philadelphia to Piltslurg, via Harrisburg. By Philadelphia and Columbia Rail Road to Lancaster - - - 70 To Mount Joy 12 82 Elizabeth Town 7 89 Middletown 3 92 High Spire 3 95 Harrisburg 6 101 Hogestowu 9 110 Carlisle 9 119 Sloystown 13 132 Shippensburg 8 140 Green Village 6 146 Chambersburg" 5 151 St. Thomas 9 160 Louden Town 6 166 McConnelisburg 7 173 Juniata Crossings 20 193 Bedford I5 208 Sehellsfaurg 9 217 Stoys Town 20 237 Laughlin Town -.,.-. I6 253 -Ligonier 3 256 Youngs Town 10 266 Greensburg 10 276 Adamsburg 6 2S2 Stewartsville 7 2S9 Pittsburg 20 309 158. From Philadelphia to Pittsburg, via Columbia and York. By the Philadelphia and Co- lumbia Rail Road to Colum- Wa 8li To York IIA 93 Abbotts Town 15 108 Oxford 5 113 Gettysburg 9 122 Chambersburg .-...--25 147 Pittsburg as in No. 157. - -158 305 STAGE ROUTES IN PENNSYLVANIA. Miles. 159. From Philadelphia to Baltimore, via JVilmington, De. To Darby 7 Chester 8 15 Marcus Hook 5 20 Wilmington 8 28 Newport 5 33 Slaunton -------•-• I 34 Christiana 4 38 I-Jewark 5 43 Elkton 5 48 North East 6 54 Charleston 3 57 Havre de Grace 7 64 Hall's X Roads 5 69 Harford 6 75 Little Gun Powder 7 82 Baltimore 16 98 160. From Fhiladclphia to Baltimore, via Port Deposit. To Darby 7 Nether Providence .... 6 13 Concord 8 21 Rennet's Square 12 33 New London X Roads - . 10 43 Port Deposit 18 61 Herbert's X Roads - - - . 8 69 Bell Air 6 75 Kingsville 7 82 Baltimore 16 98 161. From Philadelphia to Lancaster, via West Chester. To Haverford 12 Newton 5 17 West Chester 10 27 Marshalton 4 31 Gap 17 48 Strasburg 7 55 Lancaster 8 63 162. From Philadelphia to Mauch Chunh, via Pottsville. To Nnrristown 17 Trap 9 26 Pottstown 10 36 Reading 16 52 Hamburg 15 67 Orwigsburg II 78 Pottsville 8 86 Middleport 8 94 Tuscarora 4 98 Tamaqua 5 ]03 Mauch Chunk 15 118 163. From Philadelphia to Lancaster, via Yellow Springs. To Gulf Mills 15 Valley Forge 6 21 1 Kimb'erton 6 27 I Miles. Yellow Springs .... 4 31 Marsh 14 45 Churchtown 4 49 Earl 5 54 New Holland 3 57 Leacock 9 66 Lancaster 4 70 164. From Philadelphia to Montrose. To Rising Sun 3 Germantown 3 6 Chesnut Hill 3 9 Spring House 8 17 Montgomery Square ... 4 21 Lexington 4 25 Sellersville 7 32 Quakertown 5 37 Fryburg 6 43 Bethlehem 8 51 Hecktown 5 56 Nazareth 3 59 Jacobsburg -.--.--.- 2 61 Windgap 6 67 Mount Pocono 14 81 Wilkesbarre 30 111 Kingston 1 112 New Troy 4 116 Exeter 9 125 Eaton 2 127 Tunkhannock ' - 15 142 Springville 10 152 Montrose 13 165 165. From Philadelphia to Schooley'^ Mountain, N. J. By Steam Boat to Bristol, Pa. - 19 By Delaware Canal to Eas- ton, Pa. 59f 78| By Stage to New Village, N.J. 7i 86 To Mansfield 8 94 Anderson Town 3 97 Schooley's Mountain . - . 8 105 166. From Philadelphia to Easton. To Rising Sun 3 Jenkintown 7 10 Willow Grove 3 13 Horseham 3 16 Doylestown 8 24 Danboro 4 28 OttsviUe 11 39 Monroe 11 50 Easton 6 56 167. From Philadelphia to Winchester, Va. To Lancaster, as in No. 157. - 70 Columbia 10 80 York 12 92 Pigeon Hill 8 100 STAGE ROUTES IN PENNSYLVANIA. Miles. Hmover 10 110 IVtei-sburg 7 117 Taneytowu, McL 9 126 BruceviUe 5 131 Middleburg 2 133 Woodsboro 9 142 Walkersville 5 147 Frederick 6 153 Trap 7 160 Petersville 4 164 Knoiville 4 16S Harper's Ferry, Va. - - - 6 174 Charleston 7 181 [ Winchester 22 203 16S. From Sarrisburg to Dimdaff. To Dauphin 9 Peter's Mountain 6 15 New Eulfalo 5 20 Montgomery's Ferry ... 6 26 Liverpool 5 31 McKee's Half Falls - - - - 9 40 Selinsgrove 12 52 Sunbury 2 54 Northumberland 2 56 Danville 12 68 Bloomsburg 9 77 Berwick 12 89 Nanticoke • ■ 17 106 Wilkesbarre 9 115 Pittstown 10 123 Greenville 17 142 Dundaff 10 152 59. From Sarrisburg to PottsviUc. To Linglestown S West Hanover 8 16 East Hanover 5 21 Jones Town 5 26 Stumpstown ---•.--. 4 30 Pinegrove 10 40 Fredensburg 9 49 Schuylkill Haven 4 53 Pottsville 5 33 170. From Hairisburg to Pittsburg, via Huntingdon. To Juniata Falls 14 MiUerstown 15 29 Thompsontown 6 35 Mexico 5 40 MiiTlin 3 43 Lewistown 12 55 Waynesburg - - 11 60 Huntingdon 22 88 Alexandria S 96 Yellow Springs 6 102 Frankstown -• - 9 111 Hollidaysburg 3 114 Blair's Gap 4 118 Munster 10 12S Ebensburg 5 133 Miles. Armagh 18 151 Blairsville 14 165 Salem ^ Roads 16 181 Pittsburg 27 20S 171. From Harrishurg to Baltimore. To New Cumberland 3 York Haven 11 14 York 10 24 Logansville 7 31 Strasburg 7 38 Weisesburg, Md. 10 4S 6 Hereford 3 51 ' Baltimore 21 72 172. From Pittsburg to Steubenville. To Raccoon Creek 23 Florence 4 27 Steubenville 10 37 173. From Pittsburg to Erie. To Eakerstown 16 Woodville 6 22 Butler S 30 Centreville 15 45 Mercer 16 61 Meadville 30 91 Waterford 23 114 Erie 15 129 174. From Pittsburg to Wheeling. To Harriotsville 10 Canonsburg - 8 18 Washington 7 25 Wheeling - 36 61 175. From Pittsburg to Beaver. To Sewickly Bottom - - - - 14 Economy 4 18 Beaver 10 28 176. From Easton to Elmira, N. Y. To Bath 10 Kernsville --..--... 5 15 Cherryville 4 19 Lehigh Gap 4 23 Lehighton 8 31 Mauch Chunk 5 36 Lausanne • 1 37 Couyngham 21 58 Nescopeck 9 67 Berwick 1 68 New Columbia 10 78 Shinersville 24 102 Towanda 24 126 Burlington 8 134 Ridgebury 12 146 Elmira 12 158 40 STAGE ROUTES IN PENNSYLVANIA. Miles. 177. From Eastern to Wilkesharte. To Nazareth 7 Jacobsburg 3 10 Wind Gap 6 16 Shafiers 8 24 Mount Pocono 6 30 Stoddartsville 12 42 Bear Creek 8 50 Wilkesbarre 10 60 178. From Boston to Pleasant Mount. To Windgap 13 StaDhope 20 33 Sterling 15 48 Clarkstown 20 68 Pleasant Mount 12 SO 179. From Boston to Harrisburg. To Butztown 7 Bethlehem 5 12 Allentown 6 18 Trexlertown 8 26 Cootstown 9 35 Reading 18 53 Womelsdorf 14 67 Myerstown 7 74 Lebanon 6 80 Palmyra 10 90 Hummelstown --.•--- 6 96 Harrisburg 9 105 180. From Easton to Milford. To Richmond 14 Mount Bethel 4 18 Dutotsbur? 7 25 Stroudsburg 4 29 Coolbaugh's 7 36 Bushkill 6 42 Dingman's Ferry 13 55 Milford 8 63 181. From Allen Town to Berwick. To North White Hall 8 Lehigh Gap 8 16 Lehighton 8 24 Mauch Chunk 5 29 Lausanne 1 30 Conyngham 21 51 Nescopeck 9 60 Berwick 1 61 1 82. From PottsvUle to Northumlerland. To New Castle 4 Mahanoy Creek 8 12 Shamokin Creek 14 26 Sunbury 12 38 Northumberland 2 ' 40 Miles. 183. From Lewistoton to Erie. To Bellefonte 30 Milesburg 2 32 : PhiUipsburg 24 56 ' Clearlield 16 72 Curwinsville ------- 5 77 Erookville 35 112 Clarion 9 121 Strattonsville 6 127 Shippensville 9 136 Franklin 23 159 MeadviUe 24 183 Erie 38 221 I 184. From Ebensburg to Butler. To Indiana 26 Kittaning 26 52 Butler 20 72 185. From Harrisburg to iVinehester,Va. To Hogestown 9 Carlisle 9 18 Stoughstown 13 31 Shippensburg 8 39 Green Village 6 45 Chambersburg 5 50 Greencastle 11 61 Hagers Town, Md. 11 72 Funkstown 3 75 Boonsboro 8 83 Sharpsburg 7 90 Shepherdstown, Va. - - - 4 94 Marti nsburg 9 103 Darkesville 7 110 Winchester 15 125 186. From Reading to Lancaster. To Adamstown 10 Reamstown 5 15 Ephratah 4 19 Litiz 8 27 NefFsviUe 4 31 Lancaster --- .--.--4 35 187. From PottsvUle to Bellefonte, Williamsport. To Danville - - - 32 Washingtonville ------ 8 Derry ------- ---. 5 Pennsboro 14 Williamsport 14 Jersey Shore 11 Dunn's Town 10 Bellefonte 24 73 84 94 lis 188. From Northumberland to L&wis- town. To New Berlin U Middleburg - 5 16 STAl'.K ROUTES IN DELAWARE. Miles. 11 Beavertown C 22 \l Lewistown 28 50 189. From Bedford to Washinston. Somerset 37 Mount Pleasant 25 62 Robstown - - - - 14 76 WiUiamsport 10 86 Washington 20 106 190. From Harrishurg to Hagerstown II Md. Ito Carlisle IS Menallen 18 36 ("Tellvsburg 9 45 \ Fairheld 8 53 Waynesboro 13 66 Leifersburj, Md. 6 72 Hagerstown 6 7S 191. From TVilliamspm-t to Painted Post, N. Y. To Trout Run 14 Liberty 15 29 Blossburg 10 39 Covington ---...--. 6 45 Tiosa 13 58 Lawrenceville 7 65 Painted Post II 76 DELA"WARE. 192. From Wilmington to Philadelphia To Marcus Hook, Pa. 8 Chester 5 13 Darby 8 21 Fhiladelphii 7 28 193. From Wilmington to Baltimore. To Newport 5 Staunton I 6 C'lriRtiaria A 10 N'-.vark 5 15 Eikton, Md. 5 20 Nnrlh East 6 26 Cliarlcstnn 3 29 Havre de Grace 7 36 H-iU'sXi Roids 5 41 Hirf.ird 6 47 Lltlle Gun Powder - ... 7 54 Baltimore 16 70 19i. Prom IVilmington to Boston, Md. To New Caslle 5 St. Georges 10 15 MidJietown 9 24 Miles. Warwick, Md. 6 30 Head of Sassafras 3 33 Georgetown >^ Roads - - 4 37 Cheslertown 15 52 Church Hill 6 58 Centreville 11 69 Wye Mills 6 75 Eastou 12 87 195. From Wilmington to Georgetown. To St. Georges 15 Cantwell's Bridge 7 22 Sinvrna 12 34 Dover 12 46 Camden 3 49 Canterbury 5 54 Frederica 5 59 Milford 7 66 Milton 12 78 Georgetown 8 86 196. From Georgetown to Eastville, Va. To Millsboro 9 Dagsboro 5 14 St. Martins, Md. 13 27 Berlin 9 36 Newark 8 44 Snow Hill 8 52 Sandy Hill 10 62 Horn Town, Va. 6 68 Modest Town 13 81 Drummondton 14 95 Pungoteague 14 109 Belle Haven 8 117 Eastville 14 131 3VIARYLAND. 197. From Baltimore to Wheeling, via Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road. By Rail Road to Frederick - - 60 Middletown 8 68 Boonesboro 8 76 Hagerstown 9 85 Clear Spring 11 96 Hancock 13 109 Bevansville 17 126 Flintstone 10 136 Cumberland 13 149 Frostburg 10 159 Little Crossing 10 169 Snmerfield, Pa. 19 186 Union Town 21 209 Brownsville 12 221 Beallsville 8 229 Hillsboro 3 232 Washington 11 243 ClaysviUe 11 254 West Alexandria 6 260 42 STAGE ROUTES IN MARYLAND. Miles. Trladelphia, Va. 10 270 Wheeliug ..... 9 279 198. From Baltimore to Lancaster, Pa. To Hereford 21 Weisesburg 3 24 Strasburg, Pa. 10 34 Logansville ........ 7 41 York 7 48 Wrightsville - . ■- II 59 Columbia 1 60 Mountville 4 64 Lancaster 6 70 199. From Baltimore to Annapolis. To Svveetzer's Bridge 4 Brotherton 16 20 Annapolis 10 30 200. From Baltimore tn Chambersburg. Pa. via Gettysburg. To Pikesville 8 Reistersfown 8 16 Westminster 12 28 Gettysburg 25 53 Chambersburg 24 77 201. From Baltimore to Chambersburg, via Emmitsburg. To Reistertown 16 Westminster 11 27 Uniontovvn 7 34 Taneytown 6 40 Emm'itsburg 10 50 Waynesburg 16 66 Chambersburg 15 81 202.From Washington City to Frederick. To Georgetown 2 Rockville 13 15 Middlebrook 10 25 Clarksburg 3 28 Hyatotown 4 32 Frederick 11 43 203. From Eeisterstovm to Carlisle, Pa, To Hampstead 14 Manchester 4 18 Hanover 10 28 Abbottstown 6 34 East Berlin 3 37 York Sulphur Springs - - 7 44 Carlisle 14 58 204. From Frederick to York, Pa. To Walkersville 6 Woodsboro 5 11 | Milei Middleburg 9 a; Bruceville 2 2' Taneytown 5 2 Petersburg - - 9 3. Hanover 7 41 Pigeon Hill 10 5 York 8 6 205. From Frederick to Winchester. To Trap 7 Petersville 4 1 Knoxville 4 1 Harper's Ferry 6 2 Charleston . - - - 7 ^' Winchester ^ . ^ ^ - . . . 22 5 206. From Washington to Anna'polit | To Upper Marlboro 18 Queen Anne 9 2\ Davidsonville 3 3 Annapolis 8 207. From Annapolis to Cambridge. To Broad Creek 12 Queenstowu 12 2': Wye Mills 5 2 Easton 11 Trap 9 Cambridge 5 5' 208. From Gcorgetovm, D. C. tc Ridge. To Washington 2 Piscataway 16 Pleasant Hill 10 Port Tobacco 6 New Port 11 Chaptico 8 Leoiiardtown 12 Great Mills - 12 St. Inigoes 15 The Ridge 5 VIRGINIA. 209. From Washington City to Rii nwnd, Va. By Steam Boat to Potomac Creek 50 To Fredericksburg 11 6: Vielleboro 14 7; I Bowling Green 9 8- j Hanover Court House - - - 23 lO',] Richmond 20 12- STAGE ROUTES IN VIRGINIA. 43 Miles. JlO. From Richmond to Raleigh, N. C. : via the Pderubvirg and Roaiiuke Kail Road. To Petersburg '22 By the Rail Road to Blakely - 59 81 By Stage to Halifax 10 91 To Louisburg 4S 139 - RolesviUs 15 134 Rileigh 15 169 811. From JVashijigton Vity to Milton, N.C. To Fredericksburg as in No.209. 61 To Potiesville 32 93 Gardner's ><) Roads . - - - 9 102 Thompson's X Roads- - - 21 123 Cartersville - - - 7 130 Cumberland Court House - 20 150 Ca Ira 5 155 Karmville 15 170 Prince Edward C. H. - • - 5 175 JNIarvsville IS 1S3 Halifai Court House - • - 30 223 Milton, N. C. 24 247 212. From Washingtmi City to Lynch- burg, Va. To Alexandria 7 Fairfax Court House - - - 14 21 Centreville 7 2S New Baltimore 17 45 Warrenton 6 51 \ Jetfersou 10 61 Fairfax- - - 15 76 Orange Court House ■ - - • 17 93 Barboursville 13 106 ; Charlottesville IS 124 j CoveviUe IS 142 Lovingston 15 157 I New Glasgow 20 177 ' Amherst Court House -• - 3 ISO Lynchburg IS 19S 213. From Washington City to Win Chester J Va. To Georgetown --.-.... 1 Prospect Hill 10 11 Leesburg 25 36 SnickersviUe 17 53 Battletown 8 61 Winchester 10 71 214. From Washington to Harper^s Fer- ry, Va. To Leesburg 31 Waterfcrd 7 38 Hillsboro 5 43 Harper's Ferry 9 52 Miles. 215. From Richmond to Blount sville, Te. To Lynchburg as in No. 218. 120 Big Lick - - - - i - - . - 53 173 Salem 7 ISO Blountsville as in No. 225. 152 332 216. From Richmond to Norfolk. To Cross Roads 20 New Kent Court House - - 10 30 Williamsburg 28 5S Yorktown 12 70 Hampton - 22. 92 Norfolk 22 114 217. From Richmond to Harrisonburg. To Montpelier 23 Cuckooville 23 46 Louisa Court House - - - - 8 54 Newark 6 60 Gordoiisville 10 70 Barboursville - 6 76 Sl.-innardsville 15 91 Magaughcy's Town - - - - 22 113 Harrisonburg 12 125 218. From Richmond to Catlettsburg, Ky. via Lynchburg. To Hallsboro 17 Scottsville 15 32 Cumberland C. H. • - - - 25 57 Concord 49 106 Lyncliburg 14 120 New London 11 131 Liberty 15 146 Fluke's 17 163 Fincastle - 13 176 Sweet Springs 35 211 White Sulphur Springs - - 11 222 Lewisburg 10 232 Clintonville 10 242 Sewell's Mountain - - - - 22 264 Gaulev's Bridge 28 2rf2 Charleston 33 325 Coalsmouth 15 340 Barboursville 26 366 Guvandotte 8 374 Catlettsburg 10 3S4 219. From Richmond to Catlettsburg, via Lovingston, Covington, ^c. To Goochland Court House - - 2S Columbia 19 47 Scottsville 20 67 . Warren • 6 73 Warminster 9 82 Lovingston 8 90 Lexington 40 130 Collier Town 10 140 Covington 33 173 Callaghan's , - 5 178 STAGE ROUTES IN VIRGINIA. Miles. While Sulphur Springs -- 16 194 Lewisburg 10 204 Catlettsburg, as in No.218. 152 356 220. From Richmond to Staunton. To Gooch'and Courl House - 28 Columbia 19 47 Wilmington 10 57 Charlottesville 24 81 New York. 20 101 Waynesburg S 109 Staunton 13 122 221. From Norfolk, Fix. to Fayetteville, To Portsmouth 1 Suffolk 25 26 Somerton 15 41 Winton, N. C. 22 63 Ahosky Bridge 12 75 Roseneath 32 107 Tarboro 20 127 Oak Grove 22 149 Stantonsburg 6 155 Fayetteville 80 235 222. Froin Norfolk to Raleigh, N. C. via Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Rnad. To Portsmouth 1 Bv Rail Road to Suffolk - - • - 18 19 To Blackwater River 16 35 Nottaway River 7 42 jVIargaretsville ------- 19 61 By Stages to Halifax. N. C. • - 23 84 To Louisburg - - -' 4S 132 Rolesville 15 147 Raleigh 15 162 223. From Norfolk to Wilmington, N.C. To Portsmouth 1 By Rail Road to Suffolk - ... IS 19 To Blackwater River 16 35 By Steam Boat to Winton, N.C. 25 60 To Colerain 27 87 Edenton 16 103 Plymouth 20 123 Jamestown 15 138 By Stages to Washington - - - 28 166 To Newbern 35 201 Trenton 20 221 Wilmington SO SOI 224. From Norfolk to Edenton, N. C. To Deep Creek 9 New Lebanon 22 31 Elizabeth City 12 43 Woodville - - 10 53 Hertford 10 63 Edenton, N. C. 15 78 Miles! From Winchester to Blountsville,! Siephensburg 9 Strasburg- - 11 2 Woodstock 11 3 New Market 20 51 Harrisonburg .-..---. 18 6 Mount Crawford 8 7 Mount Sidney ------- 8 S Staunton 10 9 Greenville 12 10 Fairfield 12 11' Lexington 11 13 Natural Bridge 15 14 Pattonsburg 10 15 Fincastle 12 16 Amsterdam --..--.. 4 17 Salem 18 IS' Christiansburg . • 27 21' Newbern 17 23; Evansham 28 26 Pleasant Hill 15 27i Seven Mile Ford 18 29. Abingdon -.-..-.-- 23 31' Blountsville 24 34 From Fredericlisburg to CJiarlottt] ville, Chancellorsville 10 Locust Grove 10 2i Chesnut Hill 11 3 Orange Court House ... 5 8l Gordonsville 10 41 Everittsville 14 61 Charlottesville 7 6'; From Fredericksburg to Wincheste Falmouth 1 Somerville 16 1' Germantown 10 2' Warrenton 10 3 Salem 13 51 Paris 12 6; Millwood 6 6! Winchester 13 8 228. From Winchester to Curnbcrlan Md. To Gainesboro, Va. 9 Cacapon River • . 16 2; Sprinstield 15 4( Frankfort 6 4( Cumberland, Md. 12 5! 229. From Petersburg to Norfolk. To Prince George C. H. - - - 7 Cabin Point 19 2( Surry Court House - ... 13 3( Smithfield IS 5' Suffolk 22 7' By Rail Road to Portsmouth- - 18 9' To Norfolk 1 9f STAGE ROUTES IN NORTH CAROLINA. Miles. '230. From Lynchburg to Danville. To Vfllow Branch 15 Moorinans - - 6 21 Chalk Level 20 41 Kiberlsoiis ......... 5 46 Lnmnetition 7 53 D.xnville 19 72 231. From Lynchburg to Newbem, via Salt Sulphur Springs. To Union 19 Salt Sulphur Springs - - • 3 Red Sulphur Springs - - - 13 Pelerstown 9 Parisburg 6 Newbem 30 232. From Clarksburg to Marietta, 0. To Lewisport 29 Pennsboro 12 41 Marietta 37 78 233. From Fairfax C. H. to lVin/:hesttr. To Aldie 20 Middleburg 6 26 Upperville 8 34 Paris 4 3S Millwood 7 45 Winchester 11 56 234. From Staunton to Catlettsburg, Ky. To Augusta Springs 13 Warm Springs 40 53 Hot Sprinjs 5 58 While Sulphur Springs - - 32 90 Lewisburg 10 100 Catlettsburg as in No. 218. 132 252 NORTH CAROLINA. 235. From Raleigh to Charleston, S. C To Avervsboi-o 36 FavetteviUe 23 61 Luniberton 33 94 Leesville 10 104 Marion Court House, S. C. 34 138 Lynches Creek 23 163 China Grove 13 176 Georgetown 22 198 Charleston 60 258 236. From Raleigh to Cheraw, S. C. To Fayeltevilie 61 Randallsville 25 86 Laurel Hill 13 99 Cheraw, S. C. 27 126 237. From Milton to VurkvUle, i To Yancyville 13 Lenox Caslle 16 Greensboro 25 Salem 28 Lexington - - - - 21 Salisbury 18 China Grove 10 Concord 13 Charlotte 18 Yorkville, S-. C. 35 233. From Raleis,h to AsheviUe. I To Pittsboro 33 Ashboro Salisbury - - - - Miranda - - • - Mount Mourne • Catawba Springs Lincolnton - - - Wilsonville - - Rulherfordton 36 2i6 Asheville 36 252 39 72 46 118 10 12S 16 144 12 156 11 1G7 13 ISO 39. From Raleigh to Norfolk, Tn Nashville 44 Rocky Mount 5 Tarboro 19 Roseneath 20 Winton 41 Somerton, Va. -.----- 22 Suffolk 15 Portsmouth IS Norfolk 1 240. From RaleigJt to Shown^s ^ Rnads, Tc. To Moringsville 20 Ch.ipel Hill 8 28 Hillsboro 13 41 Greensboro 43 S4 New Garden 6 90 Salem 22 112 HuntsviUe - - 20 132 Hamptonville 18 150 New Castle 11 161 Wilkesboro 13 174 Jefferson 28 202 ; Shown's XI Roads, Te. - - 27 229 241. From Raleigh to Newbem, To Smithfield 27 Waynesboro 24 51 Springhill 18 69 Kingston 11 80 Cox's Bridge 12 92 Newbern 28 120 242. From Faydteville to Wilmington. To Elizabeth Touti 38 STAGE ROUTES IN SOUTH CAROLINA. West Brook 18 56 Wilmington 30 86 243. From Fayelteville to Lhicolntan. To Graham's Bridge 38 Rockingham 20 58 LilesviUe 14 72 Wadesboro 5 77 Lanesboro 12 89 Charlotte 37 126 Huntersville 14 140 Lincolnton 16 156 244. From Wilmington to Edentm. To Trenton SO Neu bern 20 100 Washington - 35 135 Plymouth 36 171 Edenton 18 189 245. From Warrenton to Danville Va. To Ellisville 11 Williamsboro 7 18 Oxford 8 26 Roxboro 24 50 Williamsville 11 61 Leesburg 6 67 Milton 12 79 Danville, Va. 10 89 246. From Warrenion to Winton. To Littleton 14 Halifax 23 37 Jackson 12 49 Odamsville 9 53 Murfreesboro .------ 12 70 Winton 12 82 247. From Salisiury to Cheraiv, S. C. To Kendall's 25 Norwood's .-•-..-.-15 40 Wadesboro 20 60 Morven 9 69 Sneedsboro 5 74 Cheraw 10 84 248. From Tarhoro to Newhern. To Sparta 9 Greenville - 17 26 Washington 24 50 Nevvbern 35 85 249. From Charlotte to Wilkeshoro. To Alexandriana 13 Mount Mourne 13 26 Statesville 20 46 Wilkesboro 33 79 SOUTH CAROLINA. 250. From Charleston to Savannah, Ga Miles. To Jaeksonboro 33 Pocataligo 30 63 Coosawhatchie 6 69 Grahamsville 8 77 Furysburg 14 91 Savannah 20 111 251. -From Charleston to Milledgevine,Ga By the South Carolina Rail Road to Branchville ----- 65 To Aiken 52 117 Hamburg IS 135 Auffusta, Ga. 1 136 Louisville 43 179 Sandersville 25 204 Milledgeville 27 231 252. From Cheraw to Augusta, Ga. To Cool Spring 12 Lynchwood 21 33: Camden -- 22 Columbia 33 Lexington Conrt House - - 12 100 [ Leesville 18 118 Aiken 29 147 Hamburg 17 164 Augusta, Ga. 1 253. From Torkville to Mbeville, Ga. To Blairsville 9 Pinckneyville 11 20 i Unionville --------- 15 Cross Keys 13 48 Cross Anchor 5 53 Laurensville 15 68 Waterloo 14 S2 Abbeville 24 108 254. From Charleston to Columbia. \ By Rail via Beesvilleand Summerville to Branchville 65 By Stage to Orangeburg - - - - 18 83 To Columbia 43 126 255. From Columbia to Yorkville. To Winnsboro 29 Yonguesville 12 41 Chesterville 16 57 Brattonsville 12 69 Yorkville 10 79 256. From Columbia to Greenville. To Ccuntsville 28 Newberry 17 45 Pagesvilie 15 60 STAGE ROUTES IN GEORGIA. 47 Huntsville 8 6S Laurensville 10 78 Greenwood 17 95 Greenville 20 115 57. From Greenville to AsheviUe, iV. C k) Travellers Rest 9 Merrittsville 15 24 Flat Rock 12 36 Shady Grove 8 44 Limestone 9 53 Asheville 9 62 S8. Fro-m Grimville to Augusta, Ga. 'o Pickensville 15 Pendleton 15 30 Anderson Court House - - 14 44 Varennes 6 50 Abbeville 24 74 Calhoun's Mills - 12 86 Willinston 8 94 Parks 22 116 Augusta 34 150 159. From Pendleton to Gainesville, Ga. jro Tugalno 18 Carnesville 23 41 Eushville 16 57 Gainesville 21 78 260. From Mken to Abbeville. Xo Edgefield Court House - - 20 DunlonsviUe 9 29 Longmires - ---10 39 Cochransville 17 56 7 63 261. From Charleston to Camden. To Pineville 51 Vances Ferry 25 76 Jaaiesville- Friendship - • • • Sumterville - - - Bradford Springs - Camden GEORGIA 262. From Savannah to St, Marys. To Riceboro 34 Dariea 28 62 Waynesville 30 92 I Langsbury .-.--•--- 8 100 Jeffersonton 13 113 St. Mar>s 23 136 Miles. 263. From Augusta to Columbus. To Lombardy 25 VVarrenton 13 38 Sparta 25 63 Milledgeville 24 87 FortviUe 15 102 Clinton 8 110 Macon 16 126 Knoxville 25 151 Talbottnn 34 185 Ellerslie 19 204 Columbus 16 220 264. Frorti Augusta to Mobile, via sacola. To Louisville 43 Havvkinsville 82 Berrien 25 Pinderton 38 Bainbridge 72 Chattahoochee 26 Marianna --.--- ---25 Holmes Valley 36 Cedar Bluff 12 By Steam Boat to PensacoU - -120 By Stage to Blakely 50 By Steam Boat to Mobile - - - 11 265. From Augusta to Savannah. To Millhaven 42 Jacksonboro 8 50 Willoughby 37 87 Savannah 31 118 266. From Augusta to Dahlonega. T ) Applington 21 Wrightsboro - - - "Washington - - - 17 17 55 12 67 CentreviUe - - . • Lexington 13 Athens 13 Jetferson 15 Gainesville 25 133 Auraria 17 150 Dahlonega 8 158 108 267. From Augusta to Decatur. Warrenton 38 Powelton 13 51 White Plains 12 63 Greensboro II 74 Madison 20 94 Covington 26 120 Decatur 28 148 2W.Fram Abbeville, S.C. to MUledgeville. To Petersburg, Ga. 22 Danbury^ 11 33 Washington 11 44 STAGE ROUTES IN GEORGIA. Miles. Greensboro 29 73 Kaiontou 20 93 Fairfield S 101 MUledgeville 14 115 269. From MUledgeville to Tallahassee, Fl. T. To Irwinton 20 Marion 18 38 Tarversville 10 48 Hawkiiisville 18 66 Berrien 25 91 I'iiiderlon 33 124 Eainbridge 72 196, Fl. T. 25 221 Salubrily 9 230 Tallahassee 14 244 2'().From MUledgeville to Lawrenceville. To Eatonton 22 Madison 20 42 Monroe 21 63 Hampden- - 10 73 Lawrenceville 11 84 271. From MUledgeville to Athens. To Fairfield 14 Eatonton 8 22 Madison 22 44 Salem 14 58 Watkinsville 11 69 Athens 7 76 272. From Macoji to Columbus, via Forsy-th. To- Forsyth 25 Barnesville ....-...-13 38 Thomaston 14 52 Marshall's Ferrj 5 57 Liberty 13 70 Waverly Hall 14 84 Ellerslie 12 96 Columbus 16 112 273. From Macon to Darien. To Marion 15 Hawkinsville 28 43 Jacksonville 40 83 Flournoy's Mills 19 102 Perry's Mills 32 134 Darien 72 216 274. From Eatonton to Forsyth. To Monticello 18 Jackson - - 20 3S Indian Springs ---..-- 4 42 Milford 10 62 Forsyth 6 58 Miles. 275. From Columbus to Carrolltmu To Hamilton 26 Carlisle 13 39 La Grange 9 4S Corinlh - - Newnan 12 80 Rotherwood 10 CarroUton 10 100 276. From Athens to Clarhaville, To Danielsville 16 Madison • • - 7 23 Carnesville ' - HoUingsworth • Clarksville - - 13 15 51 15 66 277. From Gainesville to Spring Place To Winn's Ferry 10 Higlitower 19 Harnageville 13 42 Spring Place 45 87 FLORIDA. 278. From Tallahassee to Pensacola. To Salubrity 14 Quincy 9 23 Chattahoochee 20 43 Marianna ......-.-25 Holmesville 36 104 Cedar Bluff 12 116 By Steam Bo? t to Pensacola - -120 236 279. From Tallahassee to Jackso7ivtlle via Suwanee Springs ------ 242 280. Frrnn Tallahassee to St. Marks. ?o Magnolia 18 St. Marks 4 22 ALABA3VEA. 281. from Columbus, Ga. to Mobile. To Fort Mitchell, Al 10 TiKkegee- - - 40 50; Mt. Meigs 37 87 : Montgomery - - - 13 100 Fintelata 13 113 Hickory Grove - - - • - - 10 123 Greenville 21 144 Burnt Corn - • - 46 190 Taitsville 45 235 Rocky Hill 28 2f-3 Blakeley 'I ""'' Mobile - - , 11 STAGE ROUTES IN ALABAMA. 2.S2. From Huntsville to Mobile. !j Triana 15 Soinerville 10 25 Blount Springs 42 67 Elytou 31 98 Moiitcvallo 40 138 Selma 59 197 Cahaba 11 203 Dale Town 31 239 Claiborae 51 290 Blakely 71 361 Mobile U 372 S3. From Huntsville to Florence. 'o Athens - - 25 RogersviUe ---20 45 Masonville - - - 10 55 Florence 15 70 84. From Huntsville to Tuscumbia, via TiLKumbia, Courtland, and De- tatur Rail Road. \?o iMooresville 20 Decatur 9 29 Jy the Rail Road to Courtland 21 50 Co Tuscumbia 24 74 '!85. From Huntsville to Tuscaloosa, via Somerville and Elyton. To Triana Somerville Blount Springs Elyton Jonesboro ..-.,-•-- Buckville Tuscaloosa 10 25 42 67 31 98 19 117 S 125 32 157 286. From Huntsville to Tuscaloosa, via Blountiville. To Whitesburg 10 Lacy's Springs 16 Blountsville 39 55 Village Springs 26 81 Elyton 22 103 Tuscaloosa as before - - • 59 162 2S7. From Florence to Tuscaloosa. To Tuscumbia 5 By Rail Road to Courtland - - 24 29 To Moulton 15 44 Tuscaloosa 102 146 288. From Tuscaloosa to Montgomery, via Selina. Miles. Selma as above 43 89 Montgomery 46 135 To Carthage ■ - Havannah • Greensboro - 2S9. From Tuscaloosa to Montgomery, via Kingston. To Cenfreville - • - 39 Maplesville 24 63 Kingston 27 90 Coosauda 18 108 Montgomery 10 118 290. From Columbus, Mi. [to Montgo- mery. To Pickensville, Al. 23 Carrollton - ■ • 12 35 Clinton 24 59 Springaeld 9 68 Erie 14 82 Greensboro 16 98 Marion 18 116 Hamburg 7 113 Selma 18 141 Vernon 26 167 Washington 10 177 Montgomery 10 187 291. From Tuscumbia to Columbus, Mi. To Russellville 18 Pikeville 39 57 Columbus 60 117 292. From Montgomery to Claiborne. To Burnt Corn as in No. 281. 90 Monroeville - - 12 102 Claiborne 12 114 293. From Montgomery to Columbia. To Mount Meigs 13 China Grove 27 40 Monticello - 18 58 Louisville -.-.,.--- 7 65 Clayton 12 77 Irwinton 20 97 Franklin 24 121 Columbia 22 143 294. From Blakely To Pensacola, Fl. T. 50 IVEISSISSIPPI. 295. From Columbus to Natchez. To the Choctaw Agency - • - 23 Louisville --25 48 Doak's Stand 52 100 50 STAGE ROUTES IN TENNESSEE. Miles. MUledgeville 4 104 Madisonville 12 116 Jackson 19 134 Clintoa 10 144 Raymond 9 153 Auburn 14 167 Cayuga 12 179 Rocky Spring 4 163 Willow Spring 9 192 Port Gibson 9 201 Fayette 16 217 Greenville 6 223 Washington 19 242 Natchez 6 24S 296. From Jackson to Vieksburg. To Clinton 10 Fleetwood 8 18 Amsterdam 17 35 Montalban 10 45 Vicksburg 9 54 297. From Natchez to St. Francisville. La. To Cold Spring 18 Woodville 16 34 Laurel Hill, La 15 49 St. Francisville 14 63 LOUISIANA. 298. From St. Francisville to Neu Orleans. To Jackson 12 Baton Rouge --- 32 44 Manshac 12 56 Iberville 7 63 Donaldsonville 23 86 Bringiers 5 91 Bonnet Carre 24 115 New Orleans 36 151 289. From Opelousas to Natchitoches. To Bayou Chicot 28 Cheueyville 14 4 Alexandria 30 7 Cotile 25 9 Natchitoches 57 15 300. From Natchitoches to Fart Jesup. To Bayou Adayes 7 Fort Jesup 18 25 ARKANSAS TERRI- TORY. 301. P;-om Little Rock to Bainbridse,^. To Little Red River 67 Miles. Batesville 33 100 Jackson 50 150 Columbia 14 I64 Hix's Ferry 16 ISO Greenville, Mo. 56 236 Jackson 55 291 Bainbridge 12 303 TENNESSEE. 302. From Nashville to Tuscumbia. To Good Spring 12 Franklin 6 18 Sprmg Kill 12 30 Columbia 12 42 Mount Pleasant 10 52 Lawrenceburg 23 75 Florence 46 121i Tuscumbia - - - 4 303. From NashvilU to Huntsville, M via Murfreesboro. To Mount View 11 Murfreesboro ....... 22 Shelbyville 26 Lynchburg 14 Fayetteville ........ 13 Hazle Green 16 Meridianville ....... 7 |09 Huntsyille .... 8 117 304. From Nashville to Huntsville, vie Columbia and Pulaski. To Columbia as In No. 302. - 42 PulasJd . . - 33 75 Elkton - 15 90 Huntsville 30 305. From Nashville to Memphv To Chesnut Grove IS Charlotte 22 40 Reynoldsburg 3S 78 Huntingdon 31 109 Jackson 38 147 Bolivar - 28 175 Middleburg 7 iS2 Somerville 16 Morning Sun 21 219 Raleigh 12 231 Memphis 8 306. From Nashville to MilVs Point, Ky. To Reynoldsburg as in No.305. 78 Paris 30 108 Cullen 14 122 Dresden 9 131 Troy 29 160 Mill's Point 19 179 STAGE ROUTES IN TENNESSEE. 51 Miles. yj. From BloiintM)ille to Nuntsvilk, ^l. via KiioxvUle and McMiiiiioille. i'o Kiiii^port 16 Sur^oiuesville 17 33 Rngersville 10 43 Bean's Sta-iion 18 61 Rulledge 9 70 Blaiu's X Roads 12 82 Kuoxville 21 103 Campbell's Station - - - - 16 119 Kingstoa 25 144 Sp:.rta 62 206 McMinnviUe 25 231 Winchester 42 273 Salem 10 2S3 New Market, Al. 17 300 HuatsviUe 17 317 1. From KnoxvilU to Nashville, via Sparta and Murfnesboro. To Campbell's Station - - - - 16 Kingston 25 41 Sparta 62 03 McMinnvillle 2o 28 Danville 22 150 ReAdyville 8 158 Murf reesboro 12 170 Jeflferson 10 ISO Mount View - - - 12 192 Nashville U 203 309. From KnoxvilU to Nashville, via Sparta a7id Lehaiion. ■To Sparta as in No. 308. - - 103 I Allen's Ferry 18 121 Liberty.-- 17 138 Alexandria 7 145 Lebanon 16 lol Nashville 31 192 Miles. Bellelonte, Al. 32 165 Woodsville 21 1S6 HuntsviUe 30 216 310. From Shownh ><) Roads 16 60 Florence 8 68 Covington 11 79 Cincinnati 1 80 1. From Hophinsville to Nashville. ■To Oak Grove 12 Clarksville 13 25 Lowes 25 50 Kashville 21 71 335. From Harrodsburg to Richmond. To Danville U Lancaster 11 22 Richmond 22 44 336. From Nashville to Shawneetown, II To Springfield 25 AdairviUe 11 36 RussellviUe 12 48 Shawneetown, II. as in No. 332. 110 158 337. From Louiimlle to Lebanon. To ShepherdsviUe 24 Bardstown 18 42 Fredericktown 8 50 Miles. Springfield 9 59 Lebanon 8 67 ;. From RussellviUe to Smithland. To Elkton 15 Hopkinsville 20 35 Oakland - - 10 45 Princeton 16 61 Salem 29 90 Smithland 15 105 OHIO. 339. From Cleveland to Cincinnati. To Strongsville 15 Brunswick 7 22 Medina 7 29 Guilford 6 35 Jackson ..-.--.... 6 41 Wooster 12 53 Loudonville 20 73 Mount Vernon 21 94 Sunbury 23 117 Genoa 5 122 Blendon 7 129 Columbus 10 139 Cincinnati 113 252 340. From Wheeling, Va. to Cincinnati, via Zanesuille and Columbus. To St. Clairsville 9 Morristown ---.-.-- 9 18 Fairview 10 28 Middleburn 8 36 Washington 6 42 Cambridge 8 50 Norwich 12 62 Zanesville 12 74 Irville 11 85 Hanover 7 92 Newark 8 100 Granville 8 108 Columbus 28 136 Franklinton 1 137 LawrenceviUe 22 159 Springfield 20 179 Yellow Springs 7 156 Xenia 10 190 Waynesville 14 210 Lebanon 10 220 Sharonville 15 235 Reading 4 239 Cincinnati 10 249 341. From Wheeling to Maysville, Ky. To Zanesville 74 Somerset 18 92 RushviUe 8 100 Lancaster 10 110 STAGE ROUTES IN OHIO. Miles. Tarlton 15 123 Kingston 8 133 Chillicothe 10 143 Bainbridge IS 161 Sinking Spring 16 177 West Union 23 200 Maysville, Ky. 18 21S 342. From Wheeling to Cincinnati, via Chillicothe. To Zanesville as in No. 340. • 74 Chillicothe as in No. 341. - 69 143 Cincinnati as in No. 362. - 93 236 343. From Wheeling to Cincinnati, via Circleville and Lebanon. To Zanesville as in No. 340. - 74 Cincinnati as in No. 350. 161 235 344. J'rom Sandusky City to Cincinnati, via Dayton, To Lower Sandusky 28 Fort Seneca 9 37 Oakley 6 43 Tynaochtee 12 55 Upper Sandusky 9 64 Grand 10 74 Hardin 16 SO Bellefontaine 20 110 West Liberty 10 120 Urbanna 10 130 Springfield 13 143 Fairfield 13 156 Dayton 10 166 Alexandersville 7 173 Miamisburg 3 176 Franklin 7 1S3 Middletowa 6 189 Hamilton 13 202 Carthage 15 217 Cincinnati 6 223 345. From Ashtabula to Wheeling, Va. To Jefferson 9 Austinburg 6 15 Morgan 3 IS Orwell 11 29 Bloomfield - • 5 34 Bristolville 4 38 Warren 11 49 Canfield 16 65 Columbiana 11 76 New Lisbon 10 86 WellsviUe 12 98 Knoxville 8 106 Steubenville 13 119 Wellsburg 8 127 Wheeling 16 143 Miles. 346. From Sandusky City to Cincinnat: via Springfield and Yellow Springs. To Springfield as in No. 340. 143 From Springfield to Cincinnati, via Yellow Springs as in No. 340. 70 213 347. From Zanesville to Cleveland.. To Dresden 14 Roscoe 14 2! Coshocton 1 2< Newcomerstown 17 46 Gnaddenhutten 11 57 New Philadelphia 10 Zoar 10 77 Sandyville 4 81 Canton 13 94 Greentown 10 104 Union 4 Middleburg 8 1!6 Talmadge 3 119, Northamptonj 6 125' Stow 3 Cleveland as in No. 355. - 28 156 348. From Columbus to Sandusky. To Blendon 10 Genoa 7 17 Sunbury 5 Mount Vernon - - ^ - - - . 23 45 Frederick to H'n 7 52 Bellville 9 61 Mansfield 10 71 Truxville 12 New Haven 11 94 Tiafayette 5 Norwalk 13 112 Milan 4 116 Sandusky 12 128, 349. From Steubenville to Chardon, To Richmond - - ^ 11 Rocktown - - - 17 Centreville 5 33 New Harrisburg 7 40 Waynesburg 6 46 Canton 12 58 Randolph 15 73 Rootstown 5 78 Ravenna - 6 84 Shalersville 5 89 Mantua 4 93 Auburn 6 99 Newbury 7 106 Chardon 9 115 350. From Zanesville to Cincinnati, via Lebanon. STAGE ROUTES IN OHIO. 55 Miles. Willi.imsport 10 GS New Holland 8 76 Washington 10 86 Wilmington 22 108 Clarksville 9 117 Rochester 8 125 Lebanon 7 132 Ciacinnati 29 161 U51. From Cincimiati to India7iapolis, via Broohvillc. To Cheviot 7 Miami 10 17 Harrison .--.-.--.- 8 25 New Trenton 7 32 Brookville 11 43 Somerset 15 58 RushviUe 16 74 Hanover 17 91 Indianapolis 24 115 From Cincinnati to Indianapolis. via Lawrenceburg. To Cheviot 7 Elizahethtown 10 17 Hardinsburg 3 20 Lawrenceburg --..--- 2 22 Manchester 9 31 Napoleon 21 52 Greensburg 12 64 Shelbyville - - -• 22 86 Indianapolis 27 113 353. From Cincinnati to Greenville. To Carthage 6 Hamilton 15 2 Middletown 13 3; Franklin 6 4( Miamisburg 7 4' Alexandersville 3 5( Dayton - 7 5' Little York S 6: Union - 4 6! West Milton 6 7; Trov 6 8: Piqua 2 Si Greenville 25 lOS 354. From Dayton to Indianapolis. To Liberty 7 West Alexandria 14 21 Eaton 5 26 Richmond - - - 16 42 Centreville 6 48 Germantown 7 55 Dublin 4 59 Lewisville 7 66 Middleton 6 72 Charlottesville 8 80 Miles. Greenfield 9 89 Columbia 10 99 ludianapolis 12 111 355. From Beaver, Fa, to Cleveland, To Griersburg 12 Petersburg 9 21 Poland ----- 9 30 Boardman 3 33 Cantield-s 5 38 Elsworth - - - - 5 43 Milton 8 51 Palmyra 3 54 Edinburg 7 61 Ravenna 6 67 Stow 10 77 Hudson 6 83 Twinsburg 5 88 Bedford - - - 7 95 Newburg 5 100 Cleveland 5 105 356. From Erie, Pa. to Cleveland. To Fairview 9 Springfield 11 20 Salem 10 30 Kingsvine 8 38 Ashtabula 7 45 Geneva 8 53 Haroersfield - 2 55 Uiiionville 4 59 Madison 2 61 Painesville 12 73 Mentor 6 79 Euclid IS 97 Cleveland 6 103 357. From Sleicbenville to JVooster. To Richmond 11 Annapolis 5 16 Germano 5 21 New Rumley 6 27 New Hagerstown - - - - 9 36 Leesville 2 38 New Philadelphia 12 50 Canal Dover 3 53 Mount Eaton 17 70 Woosler 15 85 358. From Beaver, Pa. to Lower San- dusky. To Ohioville II Foulkstown 7 18 New Lisbon I4 32 New Garden 9 41 Paris 14 55 Osnaburg 6 61 Canton 4 65 Massillon 8 73 Dalton II 84 Wooster II 95 STAGE ROUTES IN OHIO. Miles. Jeromesville 15 110 Mifflin 10 120 Mansfield 8 128 Truxville 12 140 New Haven 11 151 La Fayette 5 156 Norwalk 13 169 Monroeville 6 175 Lyme 6 181 York 9 190 Lower Sandusky 9 199 359. From Youngstown to SaUm, To Hubbard 6 Brookfield 6 12 Hartford 5 17 Vernon 5 22 Kinsman's 6 28 Williamsfield - 5 33 Andover 5 38 Pierpont 9 47 Kelloggsville 9 56 Salem 7 63 360. From Steubenville to ZanesviUe. To Bloomfield - 13 Greene • 4 17 Cadiz 5 22 Moorfield 10 32 Londonderry 8 40 AVinchester 5 45 Cambridge 11 56 ZanesviUe 24 80 361. From ChveTa7id to Lower San- dusky. To Brooklyn 4 Rockport 4 8 Dover 4 12 Elyria 12 24 Amherst 6 30 Henrietta 6 36 Florence 4 40 Eldridge 5 45 Milan 5 50 Norwalk - - 4 54 Monroeville 6 60 Lyme 6 66 York 9 75 Lower Sandusky 9 84 2^ From Chilticothe to Cincinnati. Bainbridge 18 Hillsboro 19 37 Williamsburg 28 65 Balavia 7 72 Newtown 11 83 Cincinnati 10 93 Mil*', 363. From Poland to Fairport. To Youngstown -.-....-- 6 Weathersfleld -..---. 8 14 Warren .. 7 21 Sonthington 8 29 Farmington 4 33 Parkman's 5 38 Burton 7 45 Claridon 4 49 Chardon 7 56 Concord 7 63 Painsville 5 68 Fairport 2 70 364. From Cdumbus to Upper San- dusky. To Worth ington 10 Delaware 15 25 Norton 11 36 Marion •-•11 47 Little Sandusky 13 60 Upper Sandusky -•.---5 65 365. From Columlits to Portsmouth. To South Bloomfield 17 Circleville 9 26 Chillicothe 19 45 Piketon 20 65 Lucasville 13 78 Portsmouth 12 90 366. From Marietta to Zanesville. To Carroll 12 Waterford 8 20 Olive Green 3 23 McConnellsville 16 39 Blue Rock 12 51 Zanesville 13 64 367. From Lebanon to Srookville. la. To Monroe 8 Hamilton 12 20 Rossville 1 21 Oxford 12 33 Springfield 10 43 Brookville 7 50 368. From. Lancaster to Mount Vernon. To Pleasantville 6 ThornviUe 10 16 Newark U 27 Newton 6 33 Utica 5 38 Mount Vernon 14 52 369. From Lancaster to Columbus. To Courtwright 10 Lithopolis 4 14 STAGE ROUTES IN MICHIGAN AND INDIANA. Miles. 4 18 2S 370. Frmn Chillicothe to UattljioUs. to Richmond Dale 12 Jackson 16 28 Gallipolis 34 62 MICHIGAN. 371. From Detroit to Chicago, II. 'o Dearbornville 10 Ypsilanti 22 32 Saline 12 44 Clinton 13 57 Tecumseh 6 63 Springville 13 76 Jonesville 29 105 Branch 22 127 Sherman 22 149 White Pigeon 12 161 Adamsville 20 181 Edwardsburg 5 186 Niles 9 195 Hudson, la. 18 213 Laporte 13 226 I Michigan City 12 23S Chicago, II. 48 286 372. From Detroit to Marshall. To Bucldin 17 Borodino 13 30 Dixboro 7 37 Ann Arbor 5 42 Dexter 10 52 Lima 5 57 Sylvan 8 65 Jacksonsburg IS 83 Barry 6 89 Waterburg 16 105 Marshall 8 113 173. From Detroit to Lower Sandusky To Mongaugon 15 Erownston 6 21 Monroe - • - • 18 39 Erie 10 49 Toledo 9 58 Miumee, 11 69 Perrysburg 1 70 Lower Sandusky 32 102 374. From Monroe to Adrian. To Attvjnson 7 Raisinville 6 13 Dundee 4 17 Miles. Tecumseh 14 31 Adrian 10 41 375. Frmn Detroit to Pontiac. To Royal Oak 14 Bloomfield 5 19 Ponliac 7 26 INDIANA. 376. From Indianapolis to Terre Haute. To Belleville - - - - - 20 Danville 7 27 Greenoastle 22 49 Gallatin 35 84 Terre Haute 12 98 377. From Indianapolis to Madison. To Franklin 20 Edinburg 12 32 Columbus 11 43 Geneva 12 55 Vernon --•-•--•-- -11 66 Lancaster • 12 78 Madison 9 87 378. From Louisville, Ky. to Vincen- nes. To New Albany, la. 4 Greenville 10 14 Fredericksburg 16 30 Paoli 17 47 Hindostan 24 71 Mount Pleasant 4 75 Washington 16 91 Berryville 6 97 Vincennes 14 111 379. From Vincennes to Lafayette, To Carlisle 19 Merom 14 33 Terre Haute • • 32 65 Clinton 15 80 Monteiuma S S8 Newport 9 97 Perrysville 15 112 Covington •...•-... 7 119 Portland 7 126 Attica 7 133 Lafayette 26 159 3S0. From Lafayette to Laporte. To Mnnticello 42 Kankaliee River 40 S2 Laporte 32 114 58 STAGE ROUTES IN ILLINOIS. Miles. 381. From Louisville, Ky. to Orleans. To New Albany, la. 4 Jeffersonville 3 7 New Providence 18 25 Salem 17 42 Orleans 20 62 382. From Richmond to Cincinnati. To Brownsville 10 Liberty 5 15 Dunlapsville 5 20 Fairfield 7 27 Brookville 6 33 New Trenton 10 43 Harrison .---- 7 50 Cheviot 18 68 Cincinnati 7 75 383. From Brookville to Centreville. To Blooming Grove G Connersville 13 19 Milton 10 29 Centreville 10 39 384. From Madison to Terre Haute. To Lancaster 9 Vernon 12 21 Geneva 11 32 Columbus 12 44 Bloomington 35 79 Bowling Green 41 120 Terre Haute 24 144 385. From Vincennes to Evansville. To Princeton 26 Sandersville 17 43 Evansville 12 55 386. J'rom Princeton to Mount Zion, Ky. To Owensville 10 Cynthiana 6 16 New Harmony 14 30 Mount Vernon 15 43 Mount Zion, Ky. 25 70 From Cincinnati to Indianapolis, via Brookville 115 See Route No. 351. Ohio. From Cincinnati to Indianapolis, via Lawrenceburg 113 See Route No. 352. Ohio. From Dayton to Indianapolis, via Centreville Ill See Route No. 354. Ohio. IlililNOIS. 387. From Shawneetovm to Bah bridge^ Mo. Miles; To Vienna 40 Mount Pleasant 10 5C Jonesboro ---10 Bainbridge, Mo. 10 7C SSS.i^rom ShaioneetoiDn to St. Louis,M To Equality 10 Curran 19 2S Frankfort 16 Nashville - - - 46 91 Belleville 34 125 St. Louis, Mo. 15 14( 389.From Vince,nnes,Ia. to St. Louis,M To Lawrenceville^ II 10 Maysville 40 5C Salem - - - - 37 8" Carlyle - 25 U Lebanon 29 141 Belleville 12 151 St. Louis, Mo. 15 16e 390. From Shavmeetown to Vandal To Equality 10 Moore's Prairie ---.-- 43 52' Mount Vernon -------14 6" Walnut Hill IS Carlyle 17 102 Vandalia 30 132 391. From Salem to ««. Louis, Mo. To Vandalia • - 26 Greenville -20 4 Hickory Grove - - - 10 56 Edwardsville 23 Si. Louis, Mo. 22 i03 392. From Vandalia to Galena. ; To Hillsboro 28 \ Macaupin Point 23 51 Springfield 28 79!; Peoria 66 145 Dixon's Ferry 99 2441 Galena - 61 305| i 393. From St. Louis, Mo. to Chicago, I. To Edwardsville 22 Carlinville 4" 62 Macaupin Point 24 86 Springfield 28 114 Pleasant Grove 56 170 Peoria 10 180 Ottawa - - 68 248 STAGE ROUTES IN ILLINOIS. Dresden - - ■ Joliet New Albany ■ Chicago - - • Miles. 35 293 12 305 32 337 4 341 391. From St. Louis to Springfield, via CanoUton. To Lower Alton 20 CarroUtoii 40 White Hall 14 Manchester 9 Jacksonville 11 Berlin 21 Springfield 15 74 ZQh.From Springfield to Terre Haute, la To Shelbyville - - • Paradise - - - • Charleston • - - Bachelorsvillr - Grand View - • Paris Elbridge - - . - Terre Haute, la. 396. From Springfield to Quincy. To Berlin *j' - - 15 Jacksonville ''.-24 2 Exeter Naples Liberty Qiiiucy 397. From Vincennes to Chicago, To Palestine, II. - - 25 Vork 15 Darwin 10 Livingston - - - 10 Paris 16 Bloomfield 14 Georjetown 16 Danville 14 Iroquois River 48 Kankakee River 20 Chicago 54 Miles. Porters Grove 9 58 Blue Mounds 9 67 Twelve Mile Creek ---44 111 Duck Creek 8 119 Fort Winnebago 4 123 400. From Galena to Prairie du Chien. To Elk Grove, Wi. T. 20 393. From Chicago to Galena. To Fountain Bluft' 30 Fox River 13 Rock River 32 Graliots Grove 68 White Oak Point 5 Galena 13 399. From Galena to Fort Winnebago. To Elk Grove, Wi. T. - - - - 20 Mineral Point 20 40 Dodi'eville 9 49 Gibraltar ■ Cassville - - - Prairie du Chii 401. From Galena to Peru. To Dubuque -..-.-----16 6 22 402. From Belleville to St. Charles, Mo. To CollinsviUe 11 Edwardsville 8 19 Lower Alton 1-2 31 Upper Alton 2 33 St. Charles, Mo. 28 61 403. From Vincennes, la. to St. LouiS) Mo. via Vandalia. To Salem as in No. 389. - - - 87 Vandalia 26 113 St. Louis as in No. 391. - - 77 190 IVIISSOURI. 404. From St. Louis to Jefferson City. To St. Charles 20 Stocklaud 10 30 Logan - -----25 55 Lewiston ---- 11 66 Danville 8 74 Williamsburg 8 S2 Fulton -. -- Hibernia - - - - JeH'ersou City - 22 120 . 3 123 405. From St. Louis to Fayette. To Fulton as before 98 Millersburg 10 K Columbia --------- 14 1: Rocheport 14 1: iranklin 12 1 Fayette 12 1' 406. From Fayette to Independence. To Chariton 14 Wahiut Farm 7 21 Petitsaw Bluft" 30 51 Dover 13 C4 60 STAGE ROUTES IN MISSOXJEI. Miles. Lesi^flsn 10 74 Pleasant Grove 14 88 Independence 25 113 407. From St, Louis to Palmyra, To St. Charles 20 Troy 37 57 Auburn 12 69 Louisville 9 78 Bowling Green 14 92 Frankford 15 107 New London 7 114 Hannibal 10 124 Palmyra 13 137 408. From St. Louis to Jackson. To Columbia, II. 19 Miles. Waterloo 9 28 Kaskaskia 34 62 Perryville '23 85 Jackson • 27 112 409. From St. Charles to Vandalia, II, To Alton 28 Edwardsville 12 40 Greenville 35 75 Vandalia -- 20 95 From Bainbridge To Little Rock, Ar. T. See Route No. 301. Ar. T. STEAM-BOAT ROUTES. 410. From Boston to Eastport, Miles. To Cape Ann, Ms. 45 Portsmouth, N. H. ■ - - - 36 81 Portland, Me. 64 145 Bath 45 190 Augusta 36 226 Hallowell 5 231 Gardiner 3 234 Boothbay 54 288 Owls Head 48 336 Belfast 30 366 Castine 12 378 Eastport 140 518 411. From New York to Boston, via Providence, To Hell or Hurl Gate, N. T. - 6 Frog Point 9 15 Sands Point 5 20 Norwalk Island, Ct. • - - 25 45 Stratford Point 15 60 New Haven Light House - 13 73 Faulkner's Island 14 87 Saybrook Lt. House, mouth of Connecticut River - - 16 103 Off New London 14 117 Fisher-s Island, west end - 1 US Watch Hill Light House - 21 139 Point Judith, R. L 9 148 Brenton's Point 10 15S Newport 2 160 Prudence Island, south end 6 166 Canonicut Point 9 175 Miles. Pawtucket River 5 180 Providence 6 186 By Boston and Providence Rail Road to Pawtucket 4 190 To Attleboro, Ms. 8 198 Wrentham 6 204 Walpole 8 212 Dedham 6 218 Boston - - 10 228 412. From New York to Boston Norwich, Ct, To Connecticut River as in No. 411. Ct. 103 To Mouth of Thames River - 14 New London 4 Gales' Ferry 5 Norwich Landing 9 (Jewitts City 8 Plainlield 7 Sterling 4 Scituate, R. L 11 pq" I Johnson 7 1 Providence 8 LBoston, Ms. 42 413. From New York to Boston, via Hartford, Ct. To mouth of Connecticut River as before, Ct. 103 To Saybrook 2 105 Lyme 5 110 STEAM-BOAT ROUTES. Miles. Haddain - - - - 10 120 MiJJletown 12 132 Wethersfield U 143 Hartford 5 148 rVernon 11 159 I Tolland 7 166 Ashford 10 176 _ I Fonifret 12 1S8 |« j Thompson 8 196 ■5"^ Douglas, Ms. - 11 207 Mendon 12 219 MeJu'ay 13 232 Uedham 12 244 iBoston 10 254 114. From New York to Boston, via New Haven and Hartford. To New Haven Light House as before, Ct. 73 To New Haven 4 77 fWallingford 12 89 Meriden 5 94 Berlin 7 101 Hartford 10 111 '^ ^.Boston, Ms. 106 217 From New Forfi to New Haven, via Norwalk, Fairfield, ^c. Hurl Gate, N. Y. 6 Sawpits 28 34 Horseneck, Ct. 4 38 Stamford 6 44 Norwalk --...-.•--11 55 Saueatuek 3 5S Fairfield 5 63 416. From New York to Mbany. Fort Washington • Fort Independence Phillipstown - - ■ Tarrytown - - - - ■ Singsing ■ Haverstraw . - - • Stony Point - - • ■ Fort Fayette 1 St. Anthony's Nose - - . - 5 West Point 7 Cold Spring 3 New Windsor 4 10 27 6 33 3 36 3i 39i FishkiU - - - Nevvburg - - New Hamburg Milton - - - - Miles. Hyde Park 5 81 Pelham 3i 84^ Esopus Landing 6 90^ Rhinebeck Landing - - - - I 9| Redhook Lower Landing 7 98 Redhook Upper Landing - 3 101 Clermont 2 103 Catskill 9 112 Hudson 5i 117i Coxsackie - - 7^ 125 Kinderhook Landing • - - lA 126i New Baltimore Si 130 Coeyman's 2 132 Schodac Landing - - - - 3 135 Overslaugh 7 142 Albany 3 145 417. From New York to Charlestm, S. C by Steam Packet. To Sandy Hook 20 Off C:ipes of Delaware - 150 170 Chesapeake Bay 160 330 Cape Hatteras 155 485 Caps Lookout 115 600 Cape Fear 110 710 Georgetown Entrance - - 110 820 Charleston 80 900 418. From New York to Philadelphia, via Camden and Amhoy Rail Road. To South Amboy by Sieam- Boat 25 By P^il Road to Herbertsville - 6^ 31i To Spotswood 2i 34 Hightstown 11 45 Centreville 4 49 Sand Hill 7 56 Bordentown 2i 58^ While Hill li 60 Burlington 8 68 Rancocus River • 6 74 Pensauken Creek 5 79 Camden 7 86 Philadelphia by Steam- Boat 1 87 419. From New York to Montreal, U. C. To Albany by Steam-Boat • -145 Schenectady by Rail Road 15 160 Saratoga Springs 21i 18l| By Stage to Sandy Hill 14^ 196 To Kingsbury 5 201 Fort Anne 3 204 White Hall 14 218 By Steam-Boat to Ticonderoga 24 242 STEAM-BOAT ROUTES. Split Rock Burlington Port Kent Plattsburg Rouse's Point - - - - - Isle Au Noix O l^St. Johns .-...--- By Stage to La Prairie - - - By Steam-Boat to Montreal 420. From Philadelphia to Trenton, N.J To Bridesburg 6 Burlington 12 Bristol - 1 Bordentown --•.-- .-10 Bloomsbury -------- 6 Trenton 1 421. From Philadelphia to Neto York, via Bordetvlown, N, /. To Bordentown 29 By Camden and Amboy Rail Road to South Amboy - - - - 33^ €2^ By Steam-Boat to New York - 25 422. Frmn Philadelpuia to Wilming- ton, be. To Fort Mifflin 9 Lazaretto - - 5 14 Ciiester 4 18 Marcus Hook 4 22 Christiana Creek 8 30 Wilmington 3 33 423. From Philadelphia to Cape May. To Chester IS New Castle ,17 35 Delaware City 6 41 Port Penn 5 46 Bombay Hook 11 57 Cape May Light House - - 44 101 Cape Island 4 105 424. From Philadelphia to Baltimore, via New Castle and Frenchtown Rail Road. To New Castle by Steam-Boat 35 Frenchtown by Rail Road 16 51 By Steam-Boat to the Mouth of Elk River 13 64 To Grove Point - 6 70 Pool's Island 16 86 Miller's Island - -- 8 94 North Point 8 102 Sparrow's Point 4 106 FortMcHenry 6 112 Baltimore 3 115 425. From Baltimore to Norfolk. To FortMcHenry, Md. 3 Sparrow's Point 6 9 North Point 4 13 Bodkin Point 4 17 Stony Point 4 21 Sandy Point 6 27 Thomas' Point 10 37 Three Sisters 6 43 Herring Bay 7 50 Sharp's Island 9 59 Cove Point 20 79 Drum Point, mouth of Pa- tuxent Riv«r 6 85 Cedar Point 4 89 Point Lookout, mouth of the Potomac, Va. - - - - 17 105 Smith's Point 11 117 Windmill Point, mouth of the Rappahannock - - - 21 13S Gwynn's Island 7 145 Point No Point - - - - 6 151 New Point Comfort - 9 160 Back River Point 12 172 Old Point Comfort 10 182 Fort Calhoun 1 183 Craney Island 8 191 Norfolk 6 197 426. From Baltimore to Richmond. To Norfolk as before, Va. - -197 Craney Island 6 203 Newport News 9 212 Tindrel's Shoals 8 220 BurriU's Bay 7 227 James Town Island - - - - 12 239 Dancing Point 9 248 Tree Point 6 254 Windmill Point 9 263 Harrison's Point 6 269 City Point 5 274 Shurley Ferry 2 278 Osborn 10 2S6 Warwick 20 306 Richmond 7 313 427. From Washington to Norfolk. To Alexandria, D. C 5 Mount Vernon, Va 9 14 Crane Island 12 26 Sandy Point, Md. 8 34 Boyd's Hole, Va 18 52 Mathias Point 8 60 Cedar Point, Md. 7 67 Oif Pope's Creek,Washing- ton's Birth-Place, Va. - 4 71 Blackstone's Island, Md. - 15 86 Piney Point 12 98 STEAM -BOAT ROUTES. G3 Miles. Roger Point, Va. 16 114 Smilh's Point, mouth of the Potomac 5 119 Norfolk 87 206 |li2S. From JVas?imslon to Richmond. b Norfolk as before, Va. - - -206 Richmond - - do 116 322 429. From Norfolk to Peterslmrg. I'd City Point by Steam-Boat - 77 iy Stage to Petersburg 12 89 430. From Norfolk to Richmond. James Town Island - - - - 42 City Point - - 35 77 Warwick 32 109 Richmond 7 116 431. From Balti^nore to Easion. North Point 13 Annapolis 24 37 Cambridge 44 81 Easton » 24 103 432. From Baltimore to Chester Town. [•q North Point 13 Rock Hall - - - 14 27 Corsica 12 39 Chestertown 11 50 133. From Baltimore to Lancaster, via Port Deposit. Vo North Point 13 Pool's Island - - 12 25 Spesutie Island 16 41 Havre de Grace 9 50 ' Port Deposit 5 55 By Stage to Lancaster 34 89 134. FromEdenton, N. C. to BlaMy or, Roanoke River. To Plymouth » - • 18 Jameston 15 33 Williamston 18 51 Hamilton 26 77 Halifax 65 142 Blakely 12 154 435. From Charleston to Savannah. To Sullivan's Island, S. C. - - 5 Coffin Land Light House - 8 13 Stoao River 9 22 Edisto River 14 36 St. Helena Sound 10 46 Miles. Port Royal Entrance - 26 72 Calibogue Sound 15 87 Tybee Light House, Ga. - 6 93 Savannah 15 108 436. From Savaimah to Augusta. To Onslow Island, Ga. - - - - 7 Purisburg, S. C. 11 18 Ebenezer, Ga. 10 28 Sister's Ferry 12 40 Hudson's Ferry 13 53 Briar C. 12 65 Burton's Ferry 14 79 Dog Ferry 25 104 Gray's Landing, S. C. - - - 14 118 Wallicon's Ferry, Ga. - - 18 136 Augusta 4 140 437. From Charleston to Columbia. To the Mouth of Santee River 68 Vance's Ferry 94 162 Mouth of the Congaree - - 26 188 Columbia 46 234 438. From Charleston to Cheraw. To Georgetown Entrance - - - SO Georgetown 20 100 Mouth of the Little Pedee River 34 134 Mars' Bluflf 66 200 Cheraw 65 265 439. From Savannah, Ga. to St. Jlu- gustine, Fl. T. To Mouth of Savannah River 18 Wassaw Sound 8 26 St. Catharine's Sound - - - 18 44 Sapeio Sound 12 56 Darien 30 86 St. Simon's Sound 25 111 St. Andrew Sound - ... 15 126 St. Marv's 35 161 Fernandina 9 170 Mouth of St. John's River 30 200 Jacksonville 30 230 Mandann 20 250 Picolata and Bayard - - - - 41 291 By Stage to St. Augustine - - - 18 309 440. From Danen to Maco)i. To the Great Obcopee River - 65 Oconee River 34 99 Hawkinsville 94 193 Macon 55 248 44!. From Columbus, Ga. toJlpalachi- cola, Fl. T. To Roanoke, Ga. CO STEAM-BOAT ROUTES. Miles. Irwinton, Al. 20 80 Fort Gaines, Ga. 34 1)4 Porter's Ferry --.--. -42 156 Chattahoochee, Fl. T. - - - 49 205 Aspalaga - - 10 2l5 Fort Gadsden 80 295 Apalacliicola 22 317 442. From Mobile to ColuniLus. To Junction of the Alabama and Tombeckbe Rivers - 65 Jackson 50 115 St. Stephen's 9 124 Coffeeville 24 148 Pineville - - .30 178 Moscow 64 242 Demopolis 16 258 Walton's Landing 20 278 Jones' Bluflf 25 303 Gainesville 24 327 Jamestown 12 339 Vienna 17 356 Fairfield 14 370 Pickensville 39 409 Columbus 34 443 443. From Mobile to Wetumpka, To Junction of the Alabama and Tombeckbe Rivers - 65 Claiborne 72 137 Black's Bluflf 46 183 Dale Town 35 218 Canton 14 232 Portland 29 261 Cahaba 21 282 Selma - - 18 300 Benton 35 335 Vernon 39 374 Loch Ranza 6 380 Washington 16 39G Montgomery 12 408 Coosauda 26 4^34 Wetumpka 25 459 444. From, Mobile to Talassee. To Montgomery 408 Mouth of the Tallapoosa River - - - - 29 437 Talassee - - 56 493 445. From Mobile to Tuscaloosa, To Demopolis -258 Areola 16 274 Erie 40 314 Tuscaloosa 80 394 446. From Mobile to New Orleans. To Cedar Point 28 Miles Pascagoula 26 54 Bay iiiloxi 20 Bay St. Louis 31 lO; Fort Pike 33 13^ Port Pontchartrain • - - - 21 15! New Orleans 5 Ifrl 447. From Decatur, Al. toKnoomUle, T, To Triana, Al. 20 Ditto's Landing 11 31 Gunter's Ferry 25 5f Bellefonte 33 8£ The Suck, Te 60 14S Washington 70 21£ Kingston 54 275 Knoxville 80 448. Frmn Pittsburg to New Orleans, To Middletown, Pa. 10 Economy ---- 8 IS Beaver 12 Georgetown 13 Wellsville, 0. 7 Steubenville 20 70 Welisburg, Va. 7 Warren, O. .--.---. 6 Wheeling, Va. 9 Sistersville ------- --40 Newport, 0. 27 Marietta 15 174 Vienna, Va. -------- 6 Parkersburg ----,--- 5 185' Belpre and Blennerhas- sett's Island 2 187! Troy, 0. 12 Belleville, Va. 5 204 Letart's Rapids- -. 2S 232 Point Pleasant 30 Gallipolis, 0. 3 265 Guyaiidot, Va. 35 Burlington, 0. 7 307 Greenupsburg, Ky. - - - - 23 330: Concord, 0. 12 342 Portsmouth - - - ■ 8 350; Alexandria 2 352' Vanceburg, Ky. 18 3701 Manchester, 0. 16 Maysville, Ky. and Aber- deen, 0. 11 Charleston, Ky. 7 Ripley, 0. 5 Levana, 0. and Dover, Ky. 3 412 Augusta, Ky. 2 414 Mechanicsburg, 0. - . - - 7 421 Neville 3 424 Moscow 3 427 . Point Pleasant 4 431 i New Richmond - 4 435 Columbia 13 448 Cincinnati, 0. and Coving- ton and Newport, Ky. - 8 456 , North Bend 17 473 STEMl-BOAT ROUTES. 65 Miles. Lawrenceburg, (a. - - . - 7 4S0 Aurora 3 453 Peterebur?, Ky. 2 485 Belleview 7 493 Risiag Sun, la. 2 495 Warsaw, Ry. 20 515 Vevay, la. aad Ghent, Ky. U 526 Port William, Ky. 8 534 Madison, la. 14 54S New London ....-•. 7 555 BeUilehem 6 561 Westport, Ky. 6 567 Jeffersourille, la. 19 5S6 Louisville, Ky. 1 587 Shippingport 3 590 Portland, Ky. and New Al- bany, la. 1 591 West Point, Ky. 20 6U Brandenburg IS 629 Mauckport, la. 3 632 Leavenworth 14 646 Fredonia 2 64S Stephensport, Kv. and Rome, la. - - -' 34 6S2 Cloverporf, Ky. 10 692 Troy, la. 21 713 Rockport 16 729 Owenboro, Ky. 12 741 Evansville, la. 36 777 Henderson, Ky. 12 7S9 Mount Vernon, la. 28 817 Carthage, Kv. 13 830 ■VVabash River 7 837 Raleigh, Ky. 6 843 Shawneefown, II. 6 849 Battery Rock 12 S61 Cave in Rock 9 870 Tower Rock 5 875 Golconda, II. 15 890 Smithland, Mouth of the Cumberland River • - - 18 90S Paducah, Mouth of the Tennessee River - • - - 12 920 Fort Massac, II. 8 928 Caledonia 23 951 America 3 954 Trinity 5 959 Junction of the Ohio and Mississipi Rivera - . - - 6 965 Columbus, Ky. 20 9S5 Mills Point 15 1000 New Madrid, Mo. 36 1036 Riddle's Point 12 1048 Little Prairie 26 1074 Needham-s Cut-off 20 10G4 Fulton, Te. 36 1130 Randolph 6 1136 Greenock, Ar. T. 42 117S Memphis, Te. 16 1194 St. Francis River 72 1266 Helena, Ar. T. 12 1278 Montgomery's Point, Mouth of White River - 70 1348 Arkansas River 22 1370 Columbia, Ar. T. 60 1430 Miles. Point Chicot 10 1440 Lakoport 16 1456 Princeton, Mi. 27 1483 Bunch's Cut-off 11 1494 Providence, La. 20 1514 Tompkinsville 16 1530 Milliken's Settlement - - 38 1568 Mouth of the Yazoo River 7 1575 Vicksburg, Mi. 13 1588 Warrenton 10 1598 Palmyra 12 1610 Big Black River 26 1636 Grand Gulf 1 1637 Bruinsburg 16 1653 Rodney 10 1663 Nacchez 40 1703 Fort Adams 56 1759 Red River 12 1771 Bayou Sara and St. Fran- cisville, La 53 1824 Port Hickey 10 1834 Eaton Rouge 24 1858 Bayou Plaquemine - - - - 24 1S82 St. Gabriel's Church 10 1892 Donaldsonville 21 1913 Hampton's 8 1921 Bringier's 6 1927 Cantrell's Church ... 6 1933 Bonnet Quarre Church - 28 1961 Red Church 18 1979 CarroUton 17 1996 La Fayette and New Or- leans 7 2003 449.f"ro)n New Orleans to Pittsburg, Mi. To the Mouth of the Yazoo River, Mi. 415 Satartia 66 4S1 Liverpool 5 486 Manchester 25 511 Tclmla SS 599 Marion 37 636 Mouth of the Yalo BuBha River 33 669 Chocchuma 38 707 Pittsburg 27 734 450. From New Orleans to Amster- dam, Mi. To the Mouth of the Big Black River, Mi. 367 Amsterdam ..-..-.-56 423 451. From New Orleans to Fort Gibson. To the Mouth of the Arkansas River, Ar. T. 633 Arkansas 62 695 New Gascony -- 71 766 Pine Blulis 25 791 Little Rock 150 941 Lewisburg 66 1007 STEAM-BOAT ROUTES. Miles. Scotia 50 1057 Morrison's Bluff 33 1090 Van Buren 72 1162 Fort Smith 8 ])70 Fort Coffee, Mo. T. - - - 10 USD Fort Gibsoa 84 1264 To the Mouth of Red River - 232 Haurisonburs, La. 75 307 Mouroe 9S 405 Ecore F-oiiie, Ar. T. 170 575 453. From New Orleans to JBatesuille, Jir. T. To Montgomery's Point, Ar.T. 655 Mouth of Cache ------ 95 750 Mouth of the Big Black R. 135 SS5 Batesville 33 91S 454. From New Orleans to the Baft or Red Riv.r. To the Mouth of Red River - -232 ]Mack River 28 260 Bayou Saline 20 2S0 Alexandria 56 336 Regolet de Bondieu - - - - IS 334 Bayou Caae 36 390 Na'tchitcches 24 414 Bastian's Landing 40 454 The Raft 40 494 455. From New Orleans to Mtdhapas. To Bayou Plaquemine ----121 Atchaialava River 10 131 Teche River 40 171 Franklin 26 19T New Iberia 44 241 St. Martinsville 25 256 436. From New Orlea:is to VTashinston St. Landry. To Bavou Plaquemine - • • -121 Atchafalava River 10 131 B. Courtableau 46 177 B. B(Euff 28 205 Washington 7 212 457. Fror- New Orleans to Nashville, Te. To the Mouth of the Ohio Ri'ei 1038 Mouth of fte Cumber- land River 57 1095 Eddvville, Ky, - - . 56 1151 Canton 20 1171 Dover, Te. 30 1201 Palm\Ta 31 123^ Red River 6 123S Milf Harpeth River 20 125S Nashville 40 1298 45S. From New Orleans to Florence,, To the Mouth of the Ohio River 1038 Mouth of the Tennessee River 43 10 Petersville, Te. 71 1154 Reynoldsburg 36 f 19C Perryville 42 CarroUville 27 125£ Coffee 26 1285 Savannah 9 1294 Waterloo 25 131£ Bear Creek 12 1331 Colbert's Ferry, Te. - - - 14 Florence, Al. 24 459. From New Orleans to the i of the Mississippi River. To the Battle Ground 6 English Turn 12 Poverty Point 20 Wilkinson's 7 Johnson's 7 Grand Prairie 10 Fort Jackson and Fort St. Phillip 10 Pass a L'Outre ■ Bar at the South-east Pass 460. From St. Louis to New OrUans To Carondolet, Mo. 7 Merrimack River 13 2i Harrison, U. 11 Herculaneum, Mo. - - - - 1 Rush Island 10 Fort Chartres Island - - - 10 5: St. Genevieve, Mo. - - - - 10 6 River au Vases .-----. 9 Kaskaskia River 10 Lacouse's Island 15 Bainbridsre, Mo. and Ham- bure, 11. 31 12' Cape Girardeau, Mo. - - - 10 13 English Island 12 14 Dogtooth Island 15 16 Elk Island 8 17 Mouth of the Ohio River 8 IS New Orleans 1038 121 46L Frorn St. Louis to Piitslurg, To the Mouth of the Ohio R. ISO Shawneetown, II. • - - ■ 116 Louisville, Ky. 262 Cincinnati, 131 6S MaysvIUe, Ky. 59 74 STEAM-BOAT ROUTES. Wheeling, Va. 305 1053 Pittsburg, Pa. 92 1145 462. F7om St. Louis to Nashville, Te. I To the Mouth of the Ohio R. ISO Cumberland River - - - - 57 237 Nashville 203 440 463. From St. Louis to Florence, Al. To the Mouth of the Ohio R. 180 Tennessee River 45 225 Tloreuce, Al. 286 521 464. From St. Louis to Galena, II. To the Missouri River 17 Alton, II. 6 23 Grafton 14 37 Hamburg 44 81 Clarksville, Mo. 15 96 Louisiana -----••. -12 103 Hannibal 24 132 Quiucv, II. 19 151 La Grange, Mo. 12 163 Warsaw, II. 24 187 Montebello 12 199 Burlington, Wi. T. 2S 227 Oquako, II. 18 245 New Boston 20 265 Stephenson 50 315 Fort Armstrong ^ 3I5J Plum River 45^ 361 Apple River 23 384 Fevre River -. . • 15 399 Galena 6 405 From Galena to Prairie du Chien Wi. T. 'o the Mississippi River • • • 6 Dubuque, Wi. T. 20 26 CassviUe 33 59 Wisconsin River 29 8S Prairie du Chien 3 91 466. Fimn St. Louis to the Rapids of Illinois. ' 'o Grafton, 11. • Montezunu - Naples • Meredosia Beards Town Havanna Pekin Peoria - • Hennepin - The Rapids - -. .37 ... 58 95 ..-20 115 6 121 16 137 38 175 33 20b ... 6 214 ... 50 264 ... 22 186 467. Fro)n St. Louis to Fort Leaven^ worth, Mo. T. To the Missouri River 17 St. Charles, Mo 23 40 Point Lookofif 26 66 Newport 20 86 Pincknejr " 93 Gasconade River 21 114 PorUand 10 124 Osage River 21 145 City of Jefferson 9 154 Marion 17 171 Nashville 9 180 Rocheport 14 194 Franklin and Boonville • - 10 204 Arrow Rock Ferry 15 219 Chariton 16 235 Grand River 26 261 Lexington 50 311 Bluffton 18 329 Fort Osage 13 342 Liberty Landing 18 360 Mouth of Kansas River ■ - 15 375 FortLeavenworth, Mo.T. 11 384 468. From Louisville to Frankfort, Ky. To the Mouth of the Kentucky River, Ky. 53 Eagle Creek 11 64 Six Mile Creek 19 83 Elkhorn Creek 21 104 Frankfort 14 108 469. From Louisville to Lafayette, la. To the Mouth of the Wabash 250 New Harmony, la 60 310 Mount Carmel, II, 46 356 Vincennes, la. 32 388 Merom 40 428 Darwin, B. 20 448 Terre Haute, la. 24 472 Clinton 20 492 Covington 51 543 Williamsport .'"561 Lafayette 35 596 470. From Lmiisville to Nashvttle, Te. To the Mouth of the Cumber- land River 321 Nashville 203 524 471. From Louisville to Florence, Al. To the Mouth of the Tennes- see River 333 Florence 286 619 472. From Niagara, N. Y. to Ogdens- burg. To Toronto, U. C. - • - - 48 STEAM-BOAT ROUTES. Miles. Port Hope 77 125 Coburg - 13 138 Oswego, N, y. 120 258 Kingston, U. C. 75 333 Erockville 53 386 Ogdensburg, N. 7. 16 406 473. Fram Buffalo to Detroit. To Sturgeon Point, N. T. 16 Cattaraugus 10 26 Dunl£irk 13 39 Portland 13 57 Burgetts Town, Fa. 18 75 Erie 17 92 Fairview 11 103 Ashtabula, 0. 28 131 Fairport 32 163 Cleveland 30 193 Sandusliy 54 247 Cunningham's Island - - - 12 259 North Bass Island 10 269 MMdle Sister Island 10 279 Amherstburg, U. C. • - • 20 299 Fighting Island 6 305 Detroit, Mic. 12 317 474. From Detroit to Mackinaw, Fort Brady, and Navarino. To Fort Gratiot, Mic. 74 Point au Barques 86 160 Presqu' Isle 119 279 Point de Tour 45 324 Fort Brady 54 378 Miles. Mackinaw 89 467 Entrance of Green Bay - - 82 549 Navarino and Fort How- ard, Wi. T. 8 557 475. From Detroit to Chicago. To Point au Barques, Mic. - 160 Mackinaw 195 355 Big Beaver Island - - - - 55 410 , Maniton Isles 40 450 : Milvvalky, Wi. T. ISO 630 Chicago, II. SI 711 476. From St. Joseph, Mic. to Chicago, Jl To New Buffalo, Mic. 28 Michigan City, la. .... 12 40 Chicago, II. 52 477. From St. Joseph to Niles. To Royalton, Mic. 6 Berrien 22 Niles - - ' 19 47, 478. From Montreal to Qu.elec. To St. Sulpice, L. C. 27 William Henry 20 47 Three Rivers 42 St. Anne 28 117 Cap Saute 20 137 Port au Trembles 13 150 Quebec 20 170 CANAL AND RAIL-ROAD ROUTES 479. Boston and LowtXl Rail-Eoad. Miles. From Boston to Medford • - - • 6 To Wobum 5 11 Burlington 4 15 Billerica 5 20 Lowell 5 25 480. Boston and Worcester Rau-Road. From Boston to Newton - - • • 8 To Natick 9 17 Southboro 10 27 Westboro 8 35 Worcester 8 43 481. Boston and Providence Rail-Road. Miles. From Bostom to Dedham • - - 10 To Walpole 6 16 Wrentham 8 24 Attleboro 6 Pawtucket 8 Providence 4 482. Erie Canal. From Albany to West Troy, N. Y. 7 To Junction 2 Schenectady 21 3Q Port Jackson 16 4.W CANAL AND RAIL-ROAD ROUTES. Miles. Schoharie Creek 7 63 Caughnawaga • 4 57 Spraker's Basin 9 66 Canajoliarie --...... 3 69 Bowman's Creek 3 72 Little Falls 16 88 Herkimer 7 95 German Flats 2 97 Frankfort 3 100 Utica 10 lie Whifesboro 4 114 Oriskany 3 117 Rome 8 12,S New London 7 132 Loomis 6 138 Oneida Creek 3 141 Lenox Basin 3 144 Canastota 2 146 New Boston 4 150 Chilteningo 4 154 Kirkville 4 loS Manlius 4 162 Orville 3 165 Syracuse 6 171 Geddesburg 2 173 Nine Mile Creek 6 179 Camillus 1 180 Canton 5 185 Jordan 6 191 Weed's Port 6 197 Centre Port 1 198 Port Byron 2 200 Lakeport 6 206 Clyde 11 217 Lvons 9 226 Lickville 6 232 Newark 1 233 Port Gibson 3 236 Palmyra 5 241 Fair Port 11 252 Fullam's Basin 2 254 Pittsford 6 260 Rochester 10 270 Spencer's Basin 10 2S0 Ogden 2 282 Adams 3 285 Brockport 5 290 Holley 5 295 jyiurray 2 297 Albion 8 305 Portville 4 309 Oak Orchard 5 314 Medina 1 315 Middleport 6 321 Lockport 12 333 Pendleton 7 340 Tonnewanta 12 352 Squaw Island 8 360 Bufialo 3 363 483. Champlain CanaU From Albany to West Troy, N. Y. - . . 7 To Junction 2 9 Miles. Waterford 2 11 Mechanicville 8 19 Stillwater 4 23 Bemus Heights 3 26 Schuylerville 9 35 Guard Gates 2 37 Fort Miller 3 40 Fort Edward 8 48 Kingsbury 5 53 Fort Anne 7 60 Narrows 6 66 Whitehall 6 72 4S4. Mohawk and Hudson Rail-Road. From Albany to Buel's Farm - 3 To Schenectady 12 15 485. Saratoga and Schenectady Rail- Road. From Schenectady to Lake To Ballston Spa - - • Saratoga Springs 10 5 15 6h 2li 486. Moms Canal, N. J. From Newark to Phillipsburg, opposite Boston, Fa. To Bloomfield 65 Paterson 9 14? Little Falls - - - 5 19^ Mead's Basin 3| 23 Montville "> 30 Powerville 3^ 33^ Rockaway 5^ 39 Dover 4 43 Drakesville 7 50 Outlet of Hopatcong Pond 2^ 52| Stanhope 2§ 65 Hackettstown 9^ 64^ Andersontown 8 725 Mansfield 3 755 Broadway 4 79^ New Village 2^ 82 Phillipsburg 8 90 487. Delaware and Raritan Canal. From Bordentown to Lam. berton 4§ To Trenton 1^ 6 Lawrence's Meadows - • - 4^r lOj Stony Brook 3 13| Rocky Brook 3^ 17 Kingston 2 19 Rocky Hill 2 21 CANAL AND RAIL-ROAD ROUTES. Miles. Griggstown 2| 23|- Blackwell'S 4 27| Millstone 2-^ Boundbrook ........ 5§ 35|^ New Brunswick 6^ 42 7 6 12 6 18 6 24 2 26 488. Camden and Amboy Rail-Road. From Camden to Pensauken Creek To Rancociis River • Burlington Craft's Creek - • ■ White Hill Bordentown li 27^ Sand Hills 2f 30 Centreville 7 37 Hightsfown 4 41 Spnttswood 11 52 Herbertsville 2| 54^ South Amboy ... 6^ 61 489. Paterson and Hudsmi Rail-Road, From Jersey City to the Hack- ensack River - 6 To Acquackanonck 5^ Uj Paterson 4^ 16 490. New Jersey Rail-Road. From Jersey City to Newark • 9 To Elizabeth Town - • ■ Kahway 6 15 6 20 491. From Philadelphia to Pittsburg. Philadelphia and Columbia Rail-Road. From Philadelphia to the Via- duct over the Schuylkill R. 3 To Buck Tavern 8 11 Spread Eagle 5 16 Paoli 4j 20i Warren 1^ 22 Valley Creek 7 29 Downington -..-...- 3 32 Ccatsville 8 40 Gap Tavern llj 5l| Soudeijburg 9 60" Lancaster 9 69- Mount Pleasant ...... 7 765 Columbia 5 8I5 492. Main Division Pennsylvania Canal, To Marietta 3 84^ Bainbri''ge 6^ 91 Falmouth Si 941 Middletown 4^ 98f ^f Highspiretown ...... 3 lOlf Miles. Harrisburg 6j 108 Port Dauphin 7| 1153 Juniata River 8| 124 Newport - - . . - 10 134 Lower Aqueduct 6 140 Thompsontown 5 145 Mexico 7 152 Mifflintown 4 156 Lewistown 14 170 i Waynesburg 14 184 Aughwick Falls 12 196 ' Huntingdon 17 213 Petersburg 7 220 Alexandria 7 227 Williamsburg 13 240 , Frankstown ........10 Hollidaysburg 3 493. Alleghany Portage Rail-Road. To Inclined Plane No. 10. - - 4 257 Inclined Plane No. 6. - - 6^ 263^ Mountain Bridge •-•- • 9 2725 Ebensburg Bridge 3 275j Staple Bend Tunnel 10 285-, Johnstown ^a' 494. Pennsylvania Canal Division. To Laurel Hill 6| 296 Lockport 9i 306 ChesnutHill 5 311 BlaLrsville Saltzburg 16 335i Salt Works 7 342. Warrenton 5 Leechburg 10 357 Aqueduct over Alleghany River 3 Freeport 2 362 Logan's Ferry -.--•-. 13 375i Fine Creek - 12 387 Pittsburg 7 495. Pennsylvania Canal Delaware Division. From Bristol to Morrisville - - 9| Yardleyville 4^ 14 Brownsburg 3| 17 Taylorsville 3^21 New Hope 4 23 Lumberville 7 Point Pleasant I5 3S Smithville 3 36 Erwinna 4 4C Monroe 83 4^ Williamsport 9 58 Easton l| 5£ CANAL AND RAIL-ROAD ROUTES. Miles. 496. Lehigh Canal. ■rom Easton to Bethlehem • • 12 AUentown Bridge 5 17 Beil's Creek 65 22 Berlin 5^ 2S Craij's Creek 8 36 Bowman 3 39 Lehi?hton 4 43 Falls'of Lehigh 1 't'l Mauch Chunk 2^ 46| 497. Schuylkill Navigation. 'rom Philadelphia to the Canal at the Falls 4 To Manayunk 3 ( Norristown » '"^ Perkiomen Creek 83 245 Phosuisvilie Pottstown XJnionville Birdsboro Reading ...-.--■ Hamburg Port Clinton Schuylkill Haven - • ■ Mount Carbon . . - • Pottsville Port Caibon ■ Fro: r n 49S. Union Canal, Miles. 500. Philaddphia, Germanlown, and Norristown Rail Road. From Philadelphia to the Falls 3 To Manayunk 4 7 Barren Hill 4 11 Norristown 6 17 501. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. From Delaware City Georges To Summit Bridge ■ eCity- 4 6 10 4 14 m the Commencement of the Canal to Reading - - - - 4 To Bernville ISj 19 Stouchs Town Ha 31 Myers To\' Lebanon Tunnel Waler Works Swatara Aqueduct - • Beaver Creek - - • - Middletown - - • • 4 9 44 3 47 3 50 4i 54I IS 12' Sk 82 502. New Castle and Frenchtown Rail Road. From Newcastle to the Red Lion To Glasgow Frenchtown 7 5 12 4 16 503. Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road. From Baltimore to Marriotts- ville 23 To Svkesville 4 30 Ridgeville 10 40 Frederick Branch I65 56^ Point of Rocks 12 6S5 Harper's Ferry 12 80.^- 499. Philadelphia and Trenton Rail Road. From Philadelphia to Frank- : ford 4 ;To Pennepack Creek 4i 85- Pequasin Creek 1^ 10 Diiriksville 3 13 Hirlington 1 14 I Bristol 31 17^ 1 'I'ullylown 3^ 21 Tvburn 2h 23i Morrisville 2? 26^ 504. Baltimore and Washington Rail Road. From Baltimore to Elk Ridge 10 To Savage Factory Branch - • 9 19 Vannsville 8 27 Eladensburg 7 34 Washington 6 40 605. Chesapeake and Chio Canal. From Genrsetown to the Point of the Rocks 48 To Harper's Ferry 14 62 Antictam Creek 10 72 Williamsport 3S 110 506. Petersburg and Roanoke Rail-Road, From Petersburg to the NottO' Tiav River ■ To Meherrin River • Blakeley, N. C. ■ 27 S(yi.Portsmouthand Roanoke Rail-Road From Portsmouth to Sutfolb - • IS To Blackwater River 16 Nottoway River 7 Margarelsville 72 CANAL AND RAIL-ROAD ROUTES. Miles. 508. South Carolina Rail-Road. From Charleston, via Beesville, Sammerville, Branchville, Mid- way, BlacksviUe, Windsor, and Aikea to Hamburg 135 509. TuscumUa, Courtland, and Deca- tur Rail-Road. From Tuscumbia to Courtland 25 To Decatur 20 45 510. Ohio and Erie Canal. From Cleveland to Mill Creek Aqueduct 9 To Tinker's Creek 4 13 Boston 8 21 Peninsula 3 24 Old Portage 8 §2 Akron 6 38 New Portage 6 44 Clinton 8 52 Fulton 4 56 Massillon 9 65 Bethlehem 6 71 Solivar •- 9 SO Zoar 3 83 Dover 10 93 Lockport 4 97 New Castle 2 99 Trenton 4 103 Babiilard 5 108 Miles. Salisbury 4 112 New ComerstowB 6 118 Evansburg 4 122 Newport 10 132 Roscoe 3 135 Webbsport 14 149 Frazeesbur? 6 155 Kashport - 6 161 Newark 15 176 Hebron 9 185 Millersport - 6 191 Baltimore 6 196 Havensport 6 202 Carroll 2 204 Waterloo 5 209 Lockburn 12 221 Bloomtield 7 228 Circleville 8 236 Chillicothe 23 259 Waverly 20 279 Jasper 6 285 Portsmouth 25 310 511. Miami Canal. From Cincinnati to Carthage - 8 To Lockland 5 13 Hamilton 15 28 Middletown 14 42 Franklin 7 49 Mianiisburg -......- 6 55 Alexandersville 3 58 Dayton 8 66 GENERAL TRAVELLING ROUTES. The foregoing Stage, Steam-Boat, Canal and Rail-Road Routes are so connected with each other, as to form by their union a great variety of general travelling routes throughout almost every part of the United States. The following twenty-three are added as examples. N. B. The first column of figures contains the distances m miles from place to place ; the second contains the distances from the place of beginning : the tliird column contains the number of the route employed j and the fourth, the page on which each route respectively may be found. 512. From Boston to New Orleans. £ m w S ■S ^ & S s !5 sJ To Albany, N. Y. - 164 46 25 Buflalo !W3 527 4f-,9. fiH Sandusky, 0... 247 774 473 68 Cincinnati - - - 213 HH7 346 54 NewOrleans,La. 1547 2534 448 64 513. From Boston to Montreal, Lower Canada, To Monfpelier, Vt. Burlington - - - Montreal, L. C. 1 i3 £ ^ £ s S fei 169 31 38 207 32 98 305 419 GENERAL TRAVELLING ROUTES. 514. From Boston to St. Louis, Mo. 3 New York - - - Philadelphia, Pa Fittsbura; - - - - LouisviUe, Ky. St. Loui« - - - - tu m S S a 22S 411 S7 315 41S 394 709 492 5S7 l'29ti 44H 558 1B54 461 515. From Boston to Augusta, Go. New York - • - I 22SI I 41 1160 Charleston, S. C. 900 1128 417 61 - Augusta, Ga. - | 136112641 251 1 46 '16. From New Torh to New Orleans. Charleston, S. C. Augusta, Ga. - - Mobile, Al. - - New OrleanSjLa. 9001 I 417161 136 1036 251 46 54011576 264 47 164ll740l 446164 17. From New York to St. Louis, Mo. Albany, N. Y. Bulfalo Detroit, Mic. Chicago, II. - St. Louis, JVIo. I 145| 3631 508 317 S25 286 1111 I 341 1 1452 60 18. From New York to St. Augustine, Fl. T. Charleston, S.C.I 9001 I 417161 Savannah, Ga.- I OS 1-008 435 63 St. Augustine - 309113171 339153 49. From New York to Chicago and Galena. to Albany, N. T. Buffalo - - - • netroit, Mic. Chicago, U. - Galena - - - - 145 416 363 508 4S2 317 825 473 286|lin 371 16111272 620. From New York to Quebec. Albany, N.Y.- I 1451 I 4I6I60 Montreal, L. C. 252 397 419 61 Quebec | 170 j 567 1 47S|68 81. From Philadelphia to New Orleans. cJo Pittsburz, Pa. - I 3941 1 492170 Mew Orleans - 1 20031 2397 1 448 1 64 522. From Philadelphia to Mobile. lialtimore Washinijton City Milton, N. C. - Yorkville, S. C. Abbeville MilleJgeville,Ga Columbus - - - Mobile, Al. - - 6 s S fc 115 424 40 155 504 247 4(^2 211 197 59i: 237 106 705 253 115 S2C 268 133 953 263 283 1236 2S1 523. From Philadelphia to Nashville, Te. To BaUimore - - • Wheeling, Va.- Louisville, Ky. Nashville, Te. 115 424 -279 394 197 495 KS9 448 524 1413 470 524. From Philadelphia to Detroit. To Pittsburg, Pa. - Beaver L. Sandusky, 0. Detroit, Mic. • 394 492 70 28 422 175 39 U^ 621 35S 55 102 723 373 57 525. From Philadelphia Falls. To Easton, Pa. - - i 56] Elmira, N. Y, Canandaigua - Niagara Falls Niagara 158 214 70 284 101 I 385 176 39 105 32 136 I 35 526. From Baltimore to New Orleans. To Washington City Winchester, Va, Blountsviile, Te. Huntsville, Al. 317 769 307 51 Mobile 372 1141 282 49 New Orleans • 164 1305 446 64 40 504 71 111 213 341 452 225 317 769 307 372 1141 282 164 1305 446 527. From Baltimore to Vincennes, la. To Wheeling, Va.- I 2791 I J97I41 Louisville, Ky. 495 774 448 64 Vincennes, la. - I HI 885 378 57 528. From Baltimore to St. Louis, Mo. To Wheeling, Va.- I 2791 I 197141 Louisville, Ky. 495 774 448 64 St. Louis, Mo. - I 558|l332| 461 166 GENERAL TRAVELLING ROUTES. To Washington City Richmond, Va. Raleish, N. C. Charieston,S. C Savannah, Ga. - 530. Frmn Washington City hassee,Fl. T. To Richmond, Va. Raleigh. N. C. Cheraw, S. C.- Augusta, Ga. - Milledgeville - Tallahassee,Fl T 1271 169 296 1261 422 165 1 587 87 674 244 1 9 IS 504 71 209 42 210 43 235 45 250 46 209 142 210 43 236 531. From Washington City to Little Eock, Ar. T. To Lynchburg, Va. 198 I 212 Blountsville.Te. 112 310 215 Knoiville W)3 413 307 Nashville . - - 192 605 309 Memphis - - - 239 844 305 Montgomery's Ft 154 99S 448 Little Rock - - 286 12S4 To Winchester, Va. Blountsville, Te, Huntsville, Al. TuGcumbia - - Columbus, Mi, Natchez .... • & i « s g Iz; 71 213 341 41'^ 225 317 729 307 74 803 284 117 9^0 291 248 lltJS ii95 533. From Charleston, S. C. to Cincin- 126 254 115 241 256 62 303 257 99 402 317 172 574 325 88 662 326 To Columbia, S. C. Greenville - - - Asheville, N. C. Bean's Statioi:i,Te Lexingtifli, Ky. Cincinnati, 0. - 534. From Charleston, S. C. Louis, Mo. To Asheville, N. C. I Nashville, Te. - Russell ville, Ky. Shawneetown,Il. St. Louis, Mo, . I LENGTHS OF THE PRINCIPAL RIVERS IN THE UNITED STATES. Miles, Missouri and Mississippi 4490 Do. to its junction with the Mississippi...... 3181 Mississippi proper, to its junction with the Missouri ICOO Do. to the Gulf of Mexico .^ 2910 Arkansas River, a branch of the Mississippi 2170 St, Lawrence River, including the Lakes 2075 Platte River, a branch of the Missouri 1600 Red River, a branch of the Mississippi 1500 Ohio River. . . .Do Do 1372 Columbia River, empties into the Pacific Ocean 1315 Kanzas River, a branch of the Missouri 1200 Yellowstone, Do Do.... 1100 Tennessee, Do Ohio 756 Alabama River, empties into the Gulf of Mexico 575 Cumberland River, a branch of the Ohio 570 Susquehannah River, empties into Chesapeake Bay 460 Illiuois River, a branch of the Mississippi 430 Appalachicola River, empties into the Gulf of Mexico . . 425 St. Johns River, New Brunswick, rises in Maine 415 i Connecticut River, empties into Long Island Sound 410 Wabash River, a branch of the Ohio 360 Delaware River, empties into the Atlantic Ocean 355 James River, empties into Chesapeake Bay 350 Roanoke River, ..." Al bemarle Sound 350 ■ Great Pedee River," Atlantic Ocean 350 Santee River " Do.. . .^ 340 Potomac River,. . ." Chesapeake Bay 335 Hudson River " Atlantic Ocean 320 Altamaha River,.." Do 300 Savannah River,. ." Do.. -^^^ 75 HEIGHTS OF THE PRINCIPAL MOUNTAINS AND HILLS IN THE UNITED STATES. Feet Long's Peak, the highest of the Rocky Mts., Mo. T 12,000 James's Peak, one of. . . .Do Do 11,500 Black Mt., Yancy Co., N. C, highest of Alleghany Mts. 6,476 Mt. Washington, the highest of the White Hills, N. H. . .6,234' Roan Mt., N. C • ..6,"'" Yeates'Knob, N.C - 5, Grandfather Mt., N. C 5,556l Moosehillock Mt., Grafton Co., N. H 4,636' Mansfield or Chin Mt., Chittenden Co., Vt 4,279 Camel's Rump Do Vt .4,188 Shrewsbury Peak, Rutland Co., Vt .4,034 Saddleback Mt., Berkshire Co., Ms 4,000 Table Mt., Pendleton Dist., S. C .4,000 Peaks of Otter, Bedford Co., Va 3,955 Killington Peak, Rutland Co., Vt ...3,924 Round-Top, the highest of the Cattskill Mts., N. Y 3,804 High Peak one of Do Do 3,718 Grand Monadnock, Cheshire Co., N. H 3,718 Manchester Mt., Bennington Co., Vt • 3,706 Table Mt ., Burke Co., N.C 3,421 Ascutney Mt., Windsor Co., Vt 3,320 Ozark Mts., Ar. T., average height 3,200 Wachusett Mt. or Mt. Adams, Worcester Co., Ms 2,990 Whiteface Mt., Essex Co., N. Y 2,690 Kearsarge Mt., Hillsboro Co., N. H 2,461 Porcupine Mts., Chippeway Country, south of L. Superior 2,400 Cumberland Mts., average height 2,200 Moose Mt., N. H 2,008 New Beacon, the highest of the Highlands, N. Y 1,658 Butter Hill one of Do Do 1,539 Grigg's Hill, Vt 1,507 Mars Hill, Washington Co., Me 1,504 Bull Hill, one of the Highlands, N. Y 1,484 Old Beacon Do Do 1,471 Mauch Chunk Mt., Northampton Co., Pa 1,460 Crow's Nest, one of the Highlands, N. Y 1,418 BareMt Do Do 1,350 Pocono Mt., Northampton Co., Pa. 1,300 Mt. Tom, Hampshire Co., Ms 1,200 Blue Ridge, Pa 1,200 Break Neck Hill, one of the Highlands, N. Y 1,187 Blue Hills, Hartford Co., Ct 1,000 Mt. Holyoke, Hampshire Co., Ms 990 Anthony's Nose, Putnam Co., N. Y 935 " 76 '^'''^ POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES— 1840. laine few Hampshire - • ■ lassachusetts Ihode Island Jonnecticut ----.. 'ermont ...----. few York few Jersey .-.--■ 'ennsylvania Delaware )istrict of Columbia ■ vlaryland 'irgitiia • forth Carolina - - - . touth Carolina - - - ■ Jeorsjia • "lorida -•-----■ Vlississippi Mabama ■ Louisiana .-•--•. Kentucky - Dhio Indiana • - [llinois - - - Missouri - - Arkansas - • Michigan ■ iVisconsin • owa - . . - 35,000 9,491 7,800 1,225 4,764 S,000 47,000 8,320 46,000 2,100 100 9,356 70,000 50,000 33,000 62,000 55,000 48,000 51,770 48,320 45,000 40,000 44,000 36,400 55,000 64,000 55,000 60,000 100,000 200,000 Employed in the naval service Total, 269,328 610,408 97,199 297,665 280,652 1,918,608 320,823 1,348,233 76,748 39,834 447,040 1,211,405 737,987 581,185 516,823 34,730 136,621 309,527 215,739 681,904 687,917 937,903 343,031 157,455 140,455 30,388 I2,866,a20 501,793 284,574 108,'830 291^948 2,428 921 373,306 1,724,033 78,085 43,712 459,273 1,236,073 753,419 594,398 54,477 375,649 590,424 352,402 829,201 779,923 1,519,467 685,866 474,807 383,702 97,574 212,267 30,943 43,113 17,062,012 6,100 537 8,668 3,238 6,105 730 20,027 21,044 47,854 16,919 4,361 62,020 49,842 22,732 8.276 2,753 820 1,366 2.039 24,368 5,524 7,309 17,342 7,165 3,598 1,574 465 707 178 153 1 1 5 17 4 674 64 2,605 89,'536 448,987 245,817 327,038 280,944 25,717 195,211 253.532 165,219 183,059 1S2,072 3 2,486,368 COMPARATIVE VIEW OF THE OPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1830 AND 1840 Increase in ten years. Census 1830. Cenens 1840. Whites 10,532,060 - - 14,189,575 Free coloured- 319,599-- 386,069 Slaves 2,009,043 - - 2,486,368 Naval service 5,318 - - 6,100 Total, 12,866,020 ,112 Whites - 3,657,515 or about 35 per cent, Freecol'd 67,470 « 21 " Slaves - . 477,325 " 23 3-4 " White Population. 1830. Free States and Territories 6,865,700 - iSlave SUtes and Territories 3,660,548 - 1840. Increase. 1,555,922 - - - 39 per cent. 'Free States, Slave States, Free coloured. 1630. 1840. Increase. - - 137,322 - - - • 170,704 - - - - 24 3-4 per cent. - - 182,270 - - - - 215,365 IS " 77 Comparative vieio of the Population of the U. States— continud Year. 1790 ■ 1800 ■ ISIO 1S20 1830 1840 ■ Progress of Population in the United States since 1790. Whites. Free coloured. 3,172,118 59,511 4,312,841 • 110,072 5,S6_\0S3 186,446 • 7,861,906 -238,161 ■ 10,526,248 319,599 ■ 14,195,675 386,069 POPULATION OF THE PRINCIPAL CITIES AND TOWNS. Cities and Towns. New York Philadelphia New Orleans Baltimore Boston Cincinnati Brooklyn St. Louis Washington City. Providence Pittsburg Troy Buffalo Portland New Haven Hartford Savannah Wilmington, Del.. Newport Norwich Middletown Newburyport Dover, N. H Canandaigua New London Gardiner Bath Natchez Bridgeport Wilmington, N. C Dover Charleston Portsmouth, N. H. 202,589 312,234 188,797 258,832 50,103 102,191 80,625 101,378 61,392 84,401 24,831 46,382 12,903 36,283 5,852 24,585 18,827 22,777 16,832 22,042 12,542 21,296 11,405 19,372 6,321 18,356 12,601 15,218 10,678 . 14,390 9,789 12,793 7,303 11,214 6,663 8,367 8,010 8,321 5,179 7,239 6,893 7,210 6,388 7,161 5,449 6,438 5,162 5,653 4,356 5,528 3,709 5,044 3,773 5,000 2,790 4,826 2,800 4,570 2,700 4,268 3,416 3,775 30,289 29,253 8,082 7,884 78 --^IJ i c o >- a. O o UJ c c c u I- a ^ O o l> f f