Qass, Book. /B9/ ♦ ♦ OEOBOE SELL & SONS. New Edition, with a New Biographical Supplement of upwards of 970U Names. WEBSTER'S COMPLETE DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, AND GENERAL BOOK OP LITERARY REFERENCE. With 3000 lUustrations. Tho- roughly revised and improved by Chauncey A. Goodrich, D.D,, LL.D., and Noah Pobteb, D.D., of Yale College, in one Volume, (Juarto, strongly bouud in cloth, 1919 pages, price £1 1I«. Qd.', hall-calf, £2 : calf or half-russia, £2 2s. ; russia, £2 10«. Besides the matter comprised lu the Webster's Guinea Dictionary, this volume coatains the following Appendices, which will show that no pains have ^>een spared to make it a complete Literaiy Reference^book : — A Brief History of the English Lan- guage. By Professor Jamks Hadley. This Work shows the Philological Rela- tions of the English Language, and traces the progress and influence of the causes which have brought it to its present con- dition. Principles of Pronunciation. By Protessor Goodrich tind W. A. Wheelex, M.A. Including a Synopsis of "VVords diflerently pronounced by different au- ttwritles. A. Short Treatise on Orthography. By Abthuh W. Weight. Including a Complete List of Words that aie spelt in two or more ways. An Explanatory and Pronouncing Vocabulary of the Names of Noted Fic- titious Persons and Places, &c. By W. A. Wheelkb, M.A. This Work includes not only persons and places noted in Fiction, whether narrative, poetical, or dramatic, but Mythological and Mythical names, □ames referring to the Angelology and De- monology of various races, and those found in the romance writers; Pseu- donyms, Nick-names of eminent persons and parties, &c.. &c. In fact, it is best described as explaining every name which is not strictly historical. A reference is given to the originator of each name, and where the origin is unknown a quotation 1 is given to some well-known writer in which the word occurs. Ihis valuable Work may also be had separately, post »vo., 5s. A Pronouncing Vocabulary of Scrip- ture Proper Names. B>" W. A. Wheblek, M.A. Including a List of the Variations that occur in the Douay version of the Bible. A Pronouncing Vocabulary of Greek and Latin Proper Names. JBy Professor Thachejj. of "X ale College. An Etymological Vocabulary of Mo- dem Geographical Names. By the K*'v. C. H. Wheeleb. Containing :— i. A List of Prefixea, Terminations, and Formative Syllables in various Languages, with their meaning an J derivation; ii. A brief Lisi of Geographical Names (not explained by the foregoing List), with their derivation -and signification, all doubtful and obscure derivations being excluded. Pronouncing Vocabularies of Modern Geographical and Biographical Names. By J. Thomas, M J). A Pronouncing Vocabulary of Com- mon English Christian Names, with their derivations, signification, and diminutives (or nick-names), and their equivalents in several other languages. A Dictionary of Quotations. Selected and translated by William G. Webstisk. Containing all Words, Phrases, Proverbs, and Colloquial Expressions from the Greek, Latin, and Modern Foreign Lan- guages, which are fiequently met with in literature and conversation. A New Biographical Dictionary of upwards 9700 Names of Noted Persons, Ancient and Modern, including many now living— giving the Name, Pronunciation, Nationality, frofession, and Date of Bhih and Death. A List of Abbreviations, Contrac- tions, and Arbitrary Signs used in Writing and Printing. A Classified Selection of Pictorial Illustrations (70 pages). With references to the text. ' The cheapest Dictionary ever published, as it is confessedly one cf the best. The intro ductlon of small woodcut illustrations of Technical and scientific terms adds greatly tc the tttiUty of the Dictionary."— -<7/iiwc/i,? To obtained through all Booksellers, a 2 STANBABD WORKS PUBLISHED BT WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY. From the Quabtbbly Review, Oct. 1873. "Seventy years passed before Johnson was followed by Webster, an American writer, who faced the task of the English Dictionary with a full appreciation of its requirements, leading to better practical results." • • • •. " B.18 laborious comparison of twenty languages, though never pub- lished, bore fruit in his own mind, and his training placed him both in knowledge and judgment far in advance of Johnson as a philologist. Webster's * American Dictionary of the English Language ' was pub- lished in 1828, and of course appeared at once in England, where successive re-editing has as yet kept it in tJte highest place as a practical Dicti/ynaryJ^ " The acceptance of an American Dictionary in England has Itself bad immense effect in keeping up the community of 8])eech, to break which would be a grievous harm, not to Englisb-sj)eaking nations alone, but to mankind. The result of this has been that the ccmmon Dictionary must suit both sides of the Atlantic." .... *' The good average business-like character of Webster's Dictionary, both in style and matter, made it as distinctly suited as Johnson's was distinctly unsuited to be expanded and re-edited by other hands. Professor Goodrich's edition of 1847 is not much more than enlarged and amended, but other revisions since have so much novelty of plan aw to be described as distinct works." .... " The American revised Webster's Dictionary of 1864, pnblished in America and England, is of an altogether higher order than these last [The London Imperial and Student's]. It bears on its title-page the names of Drs. Goodrich and Porter, but inasmuch as its especial im- provement is in the etymological department, the care of which was committed to Dr. Mahn, of Berlin, we prefer to describe it in short as the Webster-Mahn Dictionary. Many other literary men, among them Professors Whitney and Dana, aided in the task of compilation and revision. On consideration it seems that the editors and contributors have gone far toward improving Webster to the utmost that he will bear improvement. The vocabulary has become almost complete, as regards usnal words, while the dtfivitums keep throughout to Webnter^s simple careful style, and the derivations are assigned with the aid of good modern authorities." " On the whole, the Webster-Mahn Dictionary as it stands. Is most respectable, and CERTAINLY THE BEST PKACTICAL ENGLISH DICTIONARY EXTANT." LONDON : GKORGE BELL & SONS, YORK STREET, COVENT OLDEN, 4 GEORGE BELL & SONS. SPECIAL DICTIONARIES AND WORKS OF REFERENCE. Dr. Richardson's Philological Dictionary of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Combining Explanation with Etymology, and copiously illustrated by Quotations from the Best Authorities. New Edition, with a Supplement containing additional Words and further Illustrations. 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