PROBLEMS of your GENERATION % Glass Book ^ Copyright^ . COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT: PROBLEMS OF YOUR GENERATION The author claims but to have been privileged to transmit the following chapters NEW YORK THE ARDEN PRESS 122 East 25th Street 1910 \->° s ^ & DEDICATION. "In memory of those whose lives on earth exemplified the meaning of this Book, who now interpret to you, illuminating the pathway to Eternity." Copyright, 1910, by the Arden Press, New York. CI. A 26 14 7 8 V PREFACE. We hope to present the truth in such form as will dispel doubt and uncertainty. The effort will be to prevent a lack of decision in the minds of those who read; that they may absorb sufficiently strong proof to enable their minds, not only to discuss these prob- lems, but to satisfactorily comprehend the tenets of a superior wisdom, and we assert without fear of failure, our ability to give out what may be desired. The mental attitude of the reader should be receptive, that is, with the intention to grasp ; holding naturally the power to discuss. We have the power to interpret. We make use of the one mind whose power we are at liberty to control. We shall unfold slowly, and with precision; it will not be an abrupt ascent, but a positive growth, so interesting as to claim attention. The unfolding of a Divine truth is the in- terpretation of the word of God. Your effort should be so attuned to the In- finite that your grasp on the Higher intelli- gence may be sufficiently strong to produce an impression upon the finite mind. We wish to assist scientific research; we mean the problems which have been pro- pounded by the great minds of the Universe ; our desire is to contest some of these problems, that is, to bring more light, more proof to them. In the meantime we shall endeavor to give you cursory glances of your future home, so that you, with others, may learn to take the necessary steps toward your advancement, for while progressing where you stand, you mate- rially advance your progress here. In this way we mean to aid mankind, working in ac- cord with the Divine mind. A task has been given; we assume the re- sponsibility; we return to your earth plane to teach ; so much has been given us, so much was given you, as shown by the fact of your desire for knowledge and improvement. We will re- turn again, and yet again, till our task has been accomplished. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE Preface iii I. The Demand 9 II. Control 11 III. The Mysteries of Life . . 23 IV. Acting Forces 28 V. The Magnetic Force ... 34 VI. The Forces at Work — Good and Evil 44 VII. The Effort to Attain ... 54 VIII. The Mind 61 IX. How Can We Know? . . 73 X. Prayer 82 XL Moral Law 87 XII. Law of Love and Order . 99 CHAPTER I. THE DEMAND. YOUR demand was to have some under- standing of i. The Mysteries of Life. 2. The Creative Forces. 3. Evolution. 4. The Soul Life. Your demand has breadth, depth, as well as a profound attitude of thought request; we will endeavor to make clear at least a part of your desire. We work within confines our- selves, our vision not being perfected. We draw our mentality from the Superior forces, making, as it were, a battery. Now this battery has incoming currents and out- going currents of mentality; the incoming 9 must be of great force to reproduce a like cur- rent. What we give we first have to collect. No current is a current or can become a dominating force without the battery. We shall endeavor later to explain the wave cur- rents, not only electrical but mental. 10 CHAPTER II. CONTROL. THE power to commune with the Infinite mind can be attained only by earnest effort; it is an endowment, the highest privilege transmitted to man. In its use, that is, in its conception of the Infinite, it draws only in proportion to its ability to conceive. This power, if rightfully used, never fades ; the gift once given can never be taken away. We do not recognize individual personal- ity, that is, in the same way that you do, for ive have no language only perception. We work with the grand force called in- 11 telligence; this force indicates personality, in- dividuality ; it becomes a dominating force, so powerful as to absorb the human faculties and erase the personality of the medium. We speak of this force as a flowing current of ideas passing through the medium. This current has no one dominating intelligence, that is, no sex, and is not an individual, or the result of a single intelligence on our plane. The concentration of thought put in the form of a question from several minds on your plane forms a wave current of thought, which vibrates, the battery responds and you get the answering current or response through our in- termediary. There is then, the question which is pro- duced by the concentration of thought form- ing its wave current, it touches the battery, giving out its response through our inter- 12 mediary. There must be the battery, for that is the center of attraction. We are the battery storage of force, through which this superior intelligence passes. Minds coming in contact with this wave cur- rent of mentality, responding in proportion as they grasp, assist in so far the development, by adding to the wave current of mentality. The wave current having been started has its response, in consequence of which the same result ensues, as when two minds meet, each having stimulated into action its own wave current of thought. These minds meet to un- derstand each other's mind, and the action thereof is the reproduction of their thought. Now, then, we do the same thing. The nor- mal brain is stimulated by the thought cur- rent of the other mind. This should be as plain to you as it is on your present sphere of 13 action, the stimulating current remaining more or less the same. Simply, the mind you stimu- late you cannot see, neither can you see the ac- tion of the mind on the human plane. Is it the more wonderful where you cannot see the workings of the human mind? Is it impossible to understand that somehow or somewhere there is a correct transmission of thought, of a mind stimulating itself to action outside of its own knowledge? The current producing this exists; our intermediary is in that current, and has the power to draw others within it. We put the human faculties in quick action by our superior thought transference. When an unintelligent answer without consecutive thought is given it is apparent that the current is not quite sufficiently strong to dominate the 14 faculties, that is, the brain faculty, into as quick action as is necessary. Say the method o'f doing this is like the tap- ping of a drum head. As you strike there is reverberation, depending upon how loudly you strike; is that clear? Now then, we understand that striking a drum head means reverberation of sound as the direct result of a mechanical action, but you can see in this mechanical action there are forces to produce sound. So it is with us, with our forces at work. We strike, not to produce sound, but thought, (meaning idea) as there can be no mechanical action as in the case of the drum which we have cited. It becomes then a wave current of superior intelligence striking on a less highly developed intelligence than that with which we are endowed, hence the enormous difficul- ties of the situation. 15 The human organ with which we work does not always respond with accuracy to the pressure of superior intelligence brought upon it. We are sent to create new thought, to de- velop the desire for improvement. When our work completes itself we shall have given out pages teeming with interest, which at least will arrest the attention of the more thought- ful, and awaken a new interest in this line of thought. * * * * Prophecy to be given in a later book. We are asked to interpret here again the solutions we have been able to reach through mental activity both here and beyond. We represent the minds at work on our side, perhaps a better word is — Combination. We represent the forces at work; so called in- 16 telligent, consecutive, currents of ideas. Names are meaningless, definitions as to per- sonality do not affect the subject. It takes more than one to create the impres- sion on our intermediary, or medium, it takes a combination on our side to start our current, or you might say intellectual force, or mental- ity, as against every other current. To set our current in motion we follow a law, which we will call a Divine Law; everything must be in accordance with the Divine. We take no steps to further any development without the aid of, or rather we act in accordance with, the Divine Law. In the frequency of Indian controls, it's a question of mental ability; the savage mind is an untutored, untrained mechanism. As the de- velopment of the savage is so incomplete, that is, on the earthly plane, it must necessarily 17 complete itself here more slowly, therefore the capacity for understanding is more akin to control an untrained, untutored apparatus with greater facility. We do not wish you to gather that we do not bring with us here, and cherish all the love that we created or that was created about us, this being in accordance with the Law of Love. We do not wish you to infer, that we so lose all identity here as to become unrecog- nizable to each other, meaning those who are kindred or of one family. You are liable to draw erroneous concep- tions, as we cannot fully explain owing to your limitations of vision, and it is with difficulty we are able to make good all your demands upon us, and make intelligible the forces. We have put in force the vibrating currents under our control, which correspond more 18 nearly to the desires or ideas or questions you wish answered. When communicating we make use of a dominating force, rather than any single indi- vidual intelligence; disabuse your mind of personality in this matter. We are working on a different plane of action, for the reason that with different human mechanisms we em- ploy diverse methods. You are subject en- tirely to our dictation. You are the instru- ment we use for this work. Later the topics will be more interesting; this is all preliminary. We have our work under arrangement, we have our plan, the de- tails are more or less subject to change, but not the main fund of information. These few papers we designate as the Primer — in dis- tinction from more profound transmission of thought which is to follow. 19 You have the power to draw from these, our forces of intelligence, what you desire most to know. We think we understand the needs of man- kind, and whether you question or not, you will get information. The active qualities of the mind of the in- termediary are in our possession, the others are dormant, asleep. Finite mind grasps our superior intelligence through the medium or intermediary of the so-called human faculty — Brain. The intel ligence that we wish to convey becomes as an electrical current so powerful as to domin- ate the mind. When carried to perfection this dominating force has complete control of all the faculties, for the time being. It does not lie within our power to dominate any mind to its destruction. Were this otherwise, it 20 would be in direct opposition to one of the greatest Laws, that of Progress, and as the creative forces work in harmony and in per- fect unison, one with the other, there can be no interference, neither on our plane, nor on yours. We learn here slowly, we trace our way through the impenetrable mysteries of the multitudinous Planets, all under one domi- nating force. Our progress is as the ratio of our spiritual advancement or power of percep- tion. As we grow in the Grace of God, so we grow in our understanding of His Laws. With our superior wisdom we give help to others just learning the Divine alphabet, so that in time, they, then understanding our Spiritual language, progress with us, thus helping to in- crease the power of our force. We mean the 21 knowledge of His Laws — the understanding of the Divine mind. Nature is the great exemplification of the Divine mind. You have only to behold na- ture and the marvels of her handiwork to grasp the magnitude of thought. We err in using the word "grasp," for you cannot hope to grasp, that word is all embracing and quite beyond your reach ; we mean rather Search for the magnitude of the Divine mind. 22 CHAPTER III. THE MYSTERIES OF LIFE. LIFE is the energy of matter. Life is an energy, a force, working in accord- ance with the Divine Law of Crea- tion. The meaning of the Law of Creation comes under the head of the creative force, which sets in motion a wave current of devel- opment. Now this development may be phy- sical, may be mental, but the creative force it- self is the Divine energy. By Divine energy is meant the creative force of the Almighty. There is the distinction always between the energy which is Divine, and the energy of matter. The Divine energy becomes the cre- ative energy. 23 Life existing in the lowest form is the in- finitesimal spark of the Divine mind. It must therefore have its creative force within. This being the fact, it has the power to recre- ate. We call this power and this recreative force the Divine energy. It throbs, it pulsates with creative force, and therefore must come under the head of Divine. It has its force, its current, its mag- netism, through its magnetic current. It at- taches itself to the great energy of living vi- tality. It is then an attribute tending towards its source; it give out as it takes in, and is then in itself a creative force. The forces (you may find this difficult to grasp ; an energy is a force, and when we refer to an energy we mean a force, or the forces.) A force increases in volume and strength 24 as it takes on its numberless attributes, it must; anything becomes larger that is added to. The beginning of life is the moment when the inanimate is drawn within the creative force or current. That is done through the magnetic force and power of attachment. Do you not see the currents are there, that is, they exist, and as they exist they also have the power of attraction, and they draw to- wards the inanimate. This is in accord- ance with the Divine Law of Progress. The greatest of all Laws is that of Prog- ress, growth, development. The inanimate has to become animate; as this is done through the power of attraction, it must in its turn not only reach its develop- ment along these lines, gaining its strength by degrees, but adding at the same time its own force to the current in which it finds itself. 25 As you develop, more of these currents will be explained. You now have the creative cur- rent. Now you are within the greater, the grander, force, of this self same current. You are a part of it. This then is the energy of Life. It is the dominant force of nature. Every- thing pulsates. We do not mean that every- thing pulsates in the same degree. There is the higher pulsation which means the greater creative force, within itself having the power to recreate. The atom may become the protoplasm, as it finds itself drawn into the magnetic current. The protoplasm is the infinitesimal form of life, the protoplasm is a combination. The atom has no life, and is therefore matter, but the atom must become the protoplasm, and 26 the protoplasm must have its action of life ac- celerated. Hence it cannot remain a proto- plasm, it must progresss. We think you should have this quite clear. We endeavor to be simple as well as explicit. This is a topic without end. We will give you more on the vital side of life. Then there comes the distinction between the mental, physical and the Divine life. We will continue with the forces first and en- deavor to make it conclusive. 27 CHAPTER IV. ACTING FORCES. THE acting forces are currents, mov- ing with a greater or less degree of rapidity, as they are able to take on, each one to itself, an increase, or greater volume of force, having a like degree of the power of attraction; that is, in pro- portion to the power ai attraction contained in themselves the ratio increases. There are also tributaries to the great cur- rents which are drawn in by the magnetic power of attraction, each smaller tributary as- suming or taking on, its own individuality, 28 that is, a single current has but the power of its own attraction. The currents then become forces, emanating, we may say, from the infinitesimal beginning of the demands of the Great Creative Force. You therefore cannot control these forces; they are the great forces of nature. First the Creative, then the recreative force, Progress, and finally Development. Vegetation has its vital 'force. While these forces work in accordance, one with the other, they never interfere with, or augment the progress one of the other. The Vegetable Kingdom has its force, we may say, its own energy of action, that is, it has a perfect development of the Creative force within its tributaries which form its life giving current. This also applies to the Animal Kingdom. 29 It has its creative and recreative force, dominated by a superior force of intelligence, which you do not find in your Vegetable Kingdom. How does this intelligence or mental attri- bute in the Animal Kingdom find its original source? This current or force draws to itself through its power of attraction a more vital current, a stronger energy. This vital force develops with the mental forces in the Animal Kingdom. The dawn of its mentality must be infinitesimal. The dom- inating, or vital force, becomes so powerful a factor as to generate within its own force the mental. This action having taken place, and the mental current established, it becomes eventu- ally a force in itself. 30 You have in the beginning of the Universe the physical forces at work. You have the physical forces producing size in the animals; you have but to study Natural History, or early conditions of your sphere to prove this fact. The mental current has its own energy, has the power to attract, to give out, always rein- forcing itself as we have already stated. These are the currents in which Man is be- ing developed, the final development on your sphere through this process, by means of the Animal Kingdom^ he has evolved. It is then evolution on the great plane of your action. Now you have the mental and the physical currents. Out of these comes the Psychic or Spiritual, as a force, and a current. This vital force develops from the power of its own energy, as it proceeds, from the very 31 nature of its force, it takes on, or takes to it- self, not only more tributaries, but becomes more dominant. Developing along these lines, it assumes grander proportions and be- comes the dominant force of life. This knowledge is not only of vast import- ance, but of the greatest difficulty to give out, owing to the necessity of exact reproduction of our meaning. You have then so far the three Kingdoms, the Animal, so-called Vegetable, and Min- eral. The lowest is the Mineral. It has no vital force, no mental energy. A force of in- finitesimal atoms, so divided and subdivided as to become legion in its qualifications and compound in its development. Having these three Kingdoms you have Nature in its entirety. These currents em- ployed by Nature develop along these lines. 32 These are the currents in the separate King- doms, each one acting independently of the other, drawing through their tributaries the necessary forces for their progress and final development. You have the three energies and the explan- ation of their sources. As we proceed we will give you their developments. Man finds himself directly in the current of the Animal Kingdom. 33 CHAPTER V. THE MAGNETIC FORCE. THE Battery, already explained, is in- tended to reproduce a force which it draws to itself through its magnetic power of attraction^ and as it does not hold or retain this elemental force, it gives it out, de- pleting itself; becomes then ready to take in fresh force. We think you asked the origin of this force? Its origin is in the Great Creator of all forces or as we say, the " Great Creative Force." It may be more conclusive to some 34 minds to say Creator. We recognize "Crea- ative Force" or Forces as the Power. This so-called magnetic force is a life cur- rent; one of its energies, or the element of power contained in this force, is its vital life. It exists through its vitality, grows in volume, and as it attracts vital force to itself, and de- velops itself in form, is it not Life itself? This vital current having life within itself, develops life in various forms. These various forms of life develop them- selves, in proportion to the vital current in which the embryo finds itself. These currents are of diverse magnitude, and as the atom finds itself in the vital current, it will depend upon the power of attraction in the atom to draw to itself a greater or lesser degree of vi- tal force, to develop its physical proportions. We refer to the Animal Kingdom ; the be- 35 ginning of this Kingdom does not show men- tality. There is growth continuous in everything, nothing is stagnant, nothing is, but what must contribute to its elemental force. No one por- tion of the Kingdom is exempt from the work of evolution. It is all a constant, gradual pro- gression. Understand that no vitality is lost. At the expiration of time what appears to you as a clod, lifeless, gives up its vitality not as a loss but as a gain to the great vital force. Do you not see that the volume of the vital force must increase, and in its use it must de- velop itself, and eventually must return to its source? To continue, in the Animal Kingdom. We are not yet on the mental plane. We are studying the vital force, or the vital forces, the 36 origin, the source, the demand upon it and its return to itself through its own power of at- traction. A life-giving current once put in motion does not cease ; as time is eternal, so a force is without end. It draws to itself, thereby accumulating force as the power to contain must equal the drain. It depends upon the power of the proto- plasm to draw to itself a larger amount of vitality through its own greater or lesser de- gree of magnetism. If it has not the power to draw on this cur- rent, it must content itself with less vitality, hence a lower, feebler form of intelligence, or life. You have now the vital life in the Animal Kingdom before its contact with any mental 37 force. The explanation of the vital current has been given, that is, the existing magnetic current, or force, the increase, which ever oc- curs, and the going out^ furthering a more vital, but always a more physical life all con- fined under the lower Animal Kingdom. This is the vital energy, with no dominant force of mentality. Now you ask, when does this vitality in- crease its mental energy? In the lower Animal Kingdom there are no organs under the denomination of mental organs. There is simply life and the sense of perception. This is the beginning; hence you will ob- serve, that in the beginning of the Universe, the great size of the Animal Kingdom is dom- inant. With time, however, this dominating force 38 has the power to concentrate through the in- creasing vitality which it must ever draw to itself. The animal itself does not become the hu- man being. A fish having very little of the vital force gives out what little force it con- tains, but this little in connection with other forces also given out from the lower orders eventually becomes a combination of force. It is not the animal that becomes man, it is the uniting of animal vitalities. We refer to the vital force as a power, as a current, starting as a physical force only, this current has only the power to draw to itself the physical vital force. Its increase is de- pendent upon its power to attract its own kind of force. You have the physical energy, that is life ; the energy of matter, this is the beginning, 39 your beginning. We are at the beginning of the Universe. You are but partially aware of the existing forces on the planet where you live. With clearer vision you will see the great forces at work in the millions of planets, all with cur- rents and forces at work, in various stages of development. With the gradual development of the physi- cal — that is with a greater concentration of vitality — there must be generated a greater volume of force than can be contained within itself. By the gradual completion of this pro- cess, a faint attribute of a faculty is evolved. By faculty we mean conception, or awaken- ing. When once the physical finds itself dom- inated by a stronger, higher force, it must ex- pand. There is no such thing in nature as retro- 40 gression; all must progress. Now in progres- sion what appears to decay is not lost, but goes on as before, that is, it attaches itself to the current which has given it life, and to v/hich it belongs. To go back, we are where the protoplasm is beginning to attain some degree of intelli- gence. Now this intelligence develops itself in pro- portion to its own power of action, or in the ratio of its speed, that is, movement. A cur- rent flows, runs, is not lifeless. Now we are at the point where the proto- plasm attaches itself through, we will say, its velocity. In the first gleam of intelligence, with the beginning of a mental growth^ the same rule holds good, it cannot remain quiescent. This vitality has its source in the Great 41 Creator* and is by him directed into a force- ful current of Life. Having an impetus given it, it increases as it advances, from its own velocity, force or power, its object being to increase, to grow and eventually to attain the Soul. This current being the energy of its ex- istence, increases in its power of attraction, therefore must assume a grander life. You have first the infinitesimal life, you have then the growth of this life, and eventu- ally you have a Soul Life. The Vegetable Kingdom does not find it- self in the same life-giving current, that is, in the vital current. It is generated, and it generates itself, and has second place. It has not the power to ever assume the Soul life, hence it remains quite distinct 42 In process of time evolution completes it- self. Any form of life in the Animal Kingdom taking on a higher form of life draws a greater vital current to itself. 43 CHAPTER VI. THE FORCES AT WORK OF GOOD AND EVIL. THE Soul development means the com- pletion of all the working forces. The process of development means the awakening. By awakening we mean, a desire for attainment, for better things, a higher purpose, loftier sentiment, and the am- bition to become more worthy, to take on such attributes as will elevate, to learn the A. B. C. of the Divine language. Man exists on your plane of action in a more or less numb condition, that is, as regards the higher life, and the highest atributes which he 44 is to attain, and must attain, before his Spiri- tual enlightenment. This stage is slow, owing to the counter cur- rents, that is, the evil surrounding Man. Temptation presents itself in every form, and there is not a sufficiently strong current of objection. The currents of good and evil are very pow- erful. Man is drawn towards these currents by the same power of attraction. The power of these currents is possibly inexplicable to you. Conditions of Evil do not surround Man, unless they are brought to him by his own weakness. Evil exists, but cannot pursue. It must ever be in abeyance to the Creative Force. It exists rather as an impartial force. Fear no Evil therefore, it must be forever under the Law of Supreme Control. 45 The evil surrounding man is of his own making. The weak or unbalanced mind gen- erates a bewilderment of the senses, which having no guide, becomes a forceful current of lower thought difficult to regulate. This force augmented in every direction becomes a great power, never overlooked, but being as featherweight in comparison to the Universal Law of Love and order. Evil can never be but the wasted energy of this force. Control, then, becomes the essential factor in every life, control of the senses. Mind must ever dominate. To regulate and guide the mind it must be attuned to the Divine mind. To attain this stage of perfection must be- come the aim of the wise Soul. Evil cannot exist in the clear light of the Heavenly World. Every Soul must purify itself before it can 46 dwell with us. We help strengthen the desire of the Soul. It is not within our power to arrest an evil influence, thought or deed, otherwise we should break one of the highest laws and put an end to the necessary conflict which is the Salvation of the Soul, as every life is account- able to itself, and must attain its perfect pro- portions through the combating of evil and the final triumph of Good. The life-giving current stimulates the ac- tion of life, but in stimulating the higher life here this current has its own force, its greater power of attraction, and would not only draw, but contain all within. But where it does not succeed in attaching itself it is because of the predominating evil intention or desire, consequently it has its dis- 47 tinctive energy which has to be reckoned with. These Evil and Good currents are always fighting each other, always. These are the Soul forces, these are the currents causing the development of the Soul. As the Soul realizes what is expected of it, it begins its effort at attachment and it depends upon the capacity of this Soul to realize the fbrces at work and the magnitude of its own effort to attain suc- cess. There must be the conscious desire. With the conscious effort comes the power to domi- nate the life and to free itself. When once this action begins, the power of attraction asserts itself, and a more continuous effort is made. There can be no retrogression. Happiness is man's highest aim. By happiness we mean 48 inward satisfaction, a life conscious of its own effort to improve. This is not a climb of unbroken serenity. There are always the obstacles to be overcome, and the fight lasts till the vision is clearer. As the atmosphere clears itself, a faint glimmer of the horizon is in sight. This comes right here, on earth. One can do more for his future advancement before he goes than after. There are many who do not see, but the en- deavor should be to create the desire for im- provement. That desire will stimulate itself by its own force, and must eventually, through its force, attach itself to the Great Current. No effort at attainment can be banished from the Soul ; that is its attribute. The degree of development depends upon 49 the effort, that is what we mean by proper ap- preciation, of high ideals. It is evolution, it must all evolve itself. Persevere. The perfection of the Soul then becomes its life work, the rapid growth depending upon efforts made in each individual case. To attain becomes one's highest endeavor, to be free from the material body means quicker progress; a Soul has no other desire than to climb. Mortal man is an unbeliever, owing to lack of faith. Without belief all is as naught. Faith is the intuitive perception of things unseen. While the material progress is man's aim, so clouding the eyes of the Soul. He climbs not at all. Faith is lost sight of in im- penetrable darkness. His Soul slumbers, it stagnates. Faith is the guide, the one source of light, 50 and as the light glows, so shall the soul wake and follow. Faith is the all absorbing prob- lem confronting mankind. It dwells in the human breast but insufficiently; some attain rapidly while others crawl. An untrained Soul has much to accomplish here but it has the example of perfection be- fore it, and the accomplishment of its pur- pose is in proportion to the desire. All recognize the worth of purity, but re- quire to be stimulated to further effort. All have their opportunity here, seeing with a clearer perception, and so grasp the Divine laws. Progress is slow, as wasted opportunities have been a clog, but the progress of man is on the increase. The stages of man are diverse, and one life time bears witness to but the faintest speck on the great horizon of time. 51 Every generation in passing has its guiding star, and leaves its imprint on the civilization of its time. Some generations mark great eras of material progress. All is important as a part, leading up to the perfect whole. Con- template the road already traversed by man. Say nothing is impossible. A gradual growth therefore is in accordance with what has gone before, meaning the Soul's progress. As man climbs, Spiritually, faith keeps apace with him. The Spirit and mind are not always in tune. The mind is not the Spirit. The mind domi- nates the physical side. The Spiritual is a thing apart, and must be sought for. The mind is only the dominating force of a life on your plane of action, and does not count for much, that is, in comparison to the Divine. The mental faculties are not lost, neither do 52 they decay. The mind is the aid in stimulat- ing the desire, it is, so to speak, the eyes of the Soul. It is not the development of that Soul. 53 A CHAPTER VII. THE EFFORT TO ATTAIN. NIMAL life is distinctive from the Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms, from the lack of their future develop- ment. By this we mean the continuance of life through eternity. In order to obtain this^ such forms ai life must be represented as will permit of Soul development. As the development on the physical plane proceeds, it must ever seek to attain its perfec- tion through Soul life. j The highest form of life in the Animal 54 Kingdom develops its own individual Soul life, this action being stimulated by a recog- nized improvement. A Soul should become conscious of the Divine purpose by its own effort to attain. You can now understand why attainment is a vital point. Attainment becomes Progress, with the knowledge of its improvement, hence the de- sire grows for greater and grander advance. The Soul is therefore from its nature de- pendent upon its own effort, this being the only current then that man has in his power to accelerate, it being given him 'for this pur- pose. This fact not being fully recognized is greatly diminished in force. The Soul is the infinitesimal signification of the Divine mind implanted in every human being or 55 mechanism. The Spirit is the Soul of man and the two are virtually the same. The Spirit is the indwelling Soul of man and the Soul is the development of that Spirit, and has its Divine life to lead, and can use the mortal body but once. Starting with the mortal it becomes immor- tal, following the Divine Law of Progress. One step backward would mar the Law of Evolution. "The mortal shall put on the im- mortal," never the reverse. First prove your hypothesis, draw your de- duction, conclude your argument. Life in the form o'f man develops a Soul. This being the only form so to develop, it should arrive at a state of perfection. You can cultivate the power of attraction. That is the point that is the least understood. We have not the power to elevate mankind. iVIan elevates himself through his individual 56 effort, and attains only in proportion as he excels. This is a Law governing develop- ment. On the plane of action in which you find yourself the material must always dominate. It is a material world you live in. The life, of necessity, is one of physical exertion com- bined with mental labor. This must ever be, and the influences surrounding man partake of the character of the life of the individual, that is, you draw to you the influences that combine with your activity in the sphere in which you find yourself. The higher your as- pirations, the stronger and the purer influ- ences you attract, the conclusion naturally be- ing that a low-lived, thoughtless Soul has not the power of attraction, and will wallow in- definitely in its own debasement until such time as it shall be aroused, through the power 57 of attraction, to some higher course. Now you have the influences which surround man, you have the influences which may become exis- tent, or non-existent; in other words, it lies within the power of the human Soul to draw to it either Good or Evil. The "Earth bound Soul" does not stimulate itself to perceive, its energies are exhausted, and therefore having marred its Progress, it stands in greater need of activity to proceed. It must accomplish its painful task, being at the same time able to clearly distinguish wherein it has failed in its mission. This does not mean that its task is hopeless but of greater difficulty. Man creates, therefore, his own atmosphere, and as he creates a higher atmosphere about him, just in that proportion can we approach. We attempt to influence. We have not the 58 power to do this of our own accord, but only in obedience to the Divine Law. There are few who strive for improvement, many who strive for knowledge for diverse reasons, but with earnest seeking for improvement, life on a higher plane will come. You will easily see the difference between the workers for wisdom and those who trail aimlessly, looking earthward. This, then, be- comes a sufficient reason why some advance, gaining at every step, while others stand still, waiting for the impossible. There can be no hasty realization of a God, for the indwelling Soul of man must climb. There can be no rapid realization. A debased Soul has no perception and must first grow in Divine knowledge in such a way as to be able to draw itself within a Superior 59 force ai knowledge. In this way only does it begin its ascent. We perceive in proportion as we grow, or develop ourselves in the Soul life. So it is with consciousness, meaning celestial cogni- zance, depending upon the power of the Soul itself. The energy of the Soul life is often a waste force, requiring great assistance to arouse itself to action here. It becomes evolu- tion, or, in other words, the carrying out of the greatest, or the fundamental "Law of the Creative Force." 60 CHAPTER VIII. THE MIND. THE mind of man is the most complex portion of the whole human struc- ture. The mind dominates and accel- erates the activities of life. We use the word, the expression, rather, human structure, pur- posely, in a distinctive way, as belonging en- tirely to the Earthly plane of action. This human body grows and develops only in proportion as it is dominated by faculties which you call — Brain. This dominating influence, this brain power, is the gift of God Almighty. 61 As these faculties dominate the frame work they should in turn learn how to dominate according to the Divine will. You have a body, merely a framework, so to speak, which has to learn to harmonize it- self with its mentality and spirituality. This then becomes a Law, that is, this dominating power with its greater or lesser degree of Divinity. It may be but a thread, but as it is attached to the Divine mind it must expand and should be made to understand the power which is within itself. How to increase this speck of Divinity is not understood. What is meant by the Divine mind, should be studied, sought for, otherwise the efTort to awaken is not sufficiently strong; hence Chaos. To teach should be the efTort of those to whom some understanding is given. This can be accomplished through com- 62 munion. By communion we mean the effort to bring before the mind the workings of the Great mind, that is, putting one in touch with the other, so that there may be illumination ; a clearer vision of what is required of humanity. Until this vision is clearer Progress is ar- rested. The matter is simple. Man has but one brain, one Soul, and has the power to develop both, if he but use it. The brain, if not properly used, if never at- tuned to the Divine, becomes merely a me- chanical, every day working machine, is en- dowed with sufficient understanding to ac- complish more or less successfully the routine of a very material world. As this is only half man's mission, he fails in proportion as his grasp is puerile. By grasp 63 we mean his understanding of the Divine pur- pose. Mortals confuse one another with useless details. The so-called subconscious mind or serf, is but a construction of man's own mind. We are Souls. We recognize the Soul of man as kindred or akin to the Divinity. In reality, there is but one mind, and it is the action of this one mind that counts, being within the power of every mind to make it count. Paraphrases confuse, and mean very little to those who pretend to understand them. If they were all eradicated it would be much better. We refer particularly to phrases in books on such subjects. Man has but one brain. This one brain has different channels of thought, more or less powerful according to the power brought to bear. 64 Thought is a power, an active force for mental development. Through the power of the Law of Attrac- tion, mental growth is stimulated to action, be- comes then an individual effort or attainment, accountable to its Creative Force for its pro- gress and final development. How about the mind that is not endowed with intelligence? That mind is working its own salvation, according to the Divine Law, exactly the same. It has not the power of at- traction or the same faculty, because a law has been broken. The unendowed mind is not held respons- ible, except on the human plane of action, an infinitesimal period as compared with Eter- nity. The mind that is irregular in its action is not possessed of what you call "the Devil." 65 There is an imperfection in its mechanism, the chronometer is not always exact in its workings. Christ healed the mind by His superior wisdom, dominating the inferior intelligence, working always in accordance with the Di- vine Law, of which He had a complete under- standing as he was endowed. We have used the word endowed with in- tended significance. The gift of superior wis- dom is an endowment, and is given only to those who seek. Christ was endowed above all men of the Christian World. It is quite possible to un- derstand that other Souls may be endowed not all to the same extent. We shall have much to say on these matters at future times. You see but a small part of the Divine 6Q workings. Some ripen through adversity, and to them it must come. The handicap of life is more physical than mental. A Soul may reach its perfection in a frame unworthy of it, as a flower may unfold in a dungheap. You see but the exterior, which is painful. It is required of each one that he should unfold to the utmost of his capacity, but if a Law has been broken and his capacity suffers, he is held accountable only in so far as he is able to grasp. But you do not ask about those who have broken a Law. Much, much, shall be required of them. "To whom much is given." Is not that the answer? To dominate the brain you open the mind to the Divine influence, to the higher thought. 67 To progress is to get out from sordid thoughts and ambitions. Sometimes it is an example that uplifts, sometimes the beauty of nature, sometimes the beauty of a life, or beautiful thought in print, sometimes, but rarely, the ambition to excel. In any case, whatever may be the stimulating cause, search for it. But it is not sought for. Men look down, there is gold, deep down in the Earth. All the earthly treasures are buried beneath the foot. The mind is trained to look earthward for the so-called advantages of an earthly life. Show me one who looks up, and I will show you millions who look down for their success. "Ye shall live by Faith alone, and walk in the knowledge of God." Digest those words, and you have the solution. Walking in the knowledge of God means 68 living with a better understanding of his Laws and his precepts, as well. By believing and making the effort to believe in the Love of God, you will receive light. The constant ef- fort of the mind to believe, drawing the facul- ties and the power of the mind or brain to one central thought, with continued effort and persistence, must in time develop an attitude of attraction, which through its attraction, draws to itself the Divine mind. It becomes an attribute of attraction and the end is accom- plished, but beware that no law be broken. So it is that the human mind is attuned to the Divine. Man has development of Soul or brain; some have more and some less, the form of de- velopment depending upon the power of the individual to attract a higher range, which would be accessible to him only by his reach- 69 tng out. You may call this action by any name you like, but that is what takes place, and illumination ensues; we mean a fuller comprehension of spiritual life. You will have to grow in order to receive. All who listen to Divine truth will first have to grow to under- stand it. There will always have to be the uplifting of the human race, and it is only by attainment that man may mark his progress, and no attainment, or rather perfection of at- tainment, is possible without ardent study. The power of one brain, or force, over an- other is an all absorbing force put into use through the active power of the brain, a dom- inating force superior in its strength to the lesser organism. This you call "Hypnotism." If in its use it is misapplied, that is, in the direction of Evil, or in promoting discord rather than harmony, 70 it becomes a crime. The force of this Law is stupendous, and not rightly understood. Control must emanate from within, and should be stimulated only by high and noble action, but through the perversity of human nature and the wilfulness of man he fails to see in this power any enobling thought and uses this gift greatly to his disadvantage. The Spirit of man is the embryo, the vital spark, the growth of which is dependent upon the Spiritual illumination. This Soul Life is separate, having its distinctive life apart from the intellectual faculties of the working mind. We would designate the mind as the men- tal laborer of the human structure. In men- tality there is the effort first to perceive, later to understand, then to assimilate what has been taken in, and finally to give out with greater 71 or lesser ability, according to the power of the human machine. Now, as aginst this force, is the illuminat- ing, or Spiritual force, having no mechanical action of its own, but implanted in the human structure with a Divine purpose, the intention being to illuminate as well as stimulate the highest attributes of mentality, so that as they function for their mental labor, they may at the same time draw on the Spiritual. The Spiritual illumination then of a mind depends upon its own power of Perception. It has no working power. We would draw your atten- tion to this difference between the two. The perceptive qualities are stimulated to growth by Endeavor, which is ever the watchword of progress. 72 CHAPTER IX. HOW CAN WE KNOW. CONSIDER the facts. Is it possible that a human brain of itself can give out adequate answers to questions of the Soul life? How can the mortal touch the ce- lestial? Beyond any question, what the human eye sees, is the impression produced by the brain. In the same way we produce our im- pressions on the brain. We grant that you can- not see us, but we have created that impres- sion. If it is not yet real to you we hope it will become so, as you progress in the study of the Soul life. 73 We can only give impressions of such reve- lations as lie in our power. We come rather to encourage and to cheer, than to battle with the facts of your existence. Faith is the one dominant feature of Progress. You live with minds attuned to the discords of your earthly plane. You live in the present hampered by anxieties. How much of your time is devoted to furthering your knowledge of the Divine Life? At the expiration of a given period, without preparation you expect to walk direct to the Almighty, when we, with our clearer vision, seeing far into the future, only dare to hope for these grander glories, made possible to us by earnest effort. Our purpose is to enlighten man, weighed down as he is in his earthly en- vironment; that he may eventually find the desire latent within him to do better things. 74 If we succeed in awakening this desire to any extent, we have not failed in our mission. The profounder the truth the greater the difficulty to grasp it. You can accept, or you can reject, but if you know, and if you feel that within yourself some ray of light penetrates the gloom of the darkness which surrounds you, you may find in that ray of light an answer to your problem, "How can we know?" In other words, look within for the answer. We hope in time to give you facts as well, which will arrest your attention, and be worthy of your consideration, and possibly substantiate some deeper glimmerings of your mind. We realize the power of convincing facts, as being the only stay, prop or guide to certain stages of development. We will endeavor to make corroborative statements, but as you can- 75 not expect the birds to soar aloft from within the narrow confines of the shell in which they begin life, so may you not dare to dream that the immortal Soul shall ascend with one bound into the realms of the Almighty. It should be clear to you now, that as the power of your vision is limited, so must the unfolding of your vision be slow and tedious. Try to decipher our meaning rather than to battle with conditions. The higher you look, the grander the ascent, and the nearer you will approach to the loved ones, and with the clearer perception which will come to you, you will progress. Do not lag by the way- side. We do not prove, but encourage and request that you, a child of God, shall open your mind and Soul to this wisdom, knowing that in so 76 doing you are more in touch with the life that awaits you here. In place of fact we give you hope. Later on we will give you the reasons why. These are the requirements we would force upon you. Think with all the intelligence and power of your mind on the Divine truths, pray, ask for guidance, make your demand unceasing, listen, and with your awakening we can ap- proach nearer. A lethargic soul remains in a lethargic state until aroused. The idea becomes not the over- powering one of, who I was, but of who I am and what I may become. The one grand Soul problem becomes one of attainment. What may I hope to become? The personality of your world, we might say the personality of the individual, being the 77 marked characteristic of your race, ends to a certain extent with the beginning of the Soul climbing. Attainment takes its place. In the desire for attainment we lose the rapturous desire for individuality known only on your plane. We do not wish you to gather from this that anything is lost by : or through this process. Individuality means nothing, individuals mean less. It is the concentrated power of thought, in- creasing, as it were, the great volume of Di- vine thought. This volume does not take on the Divinity of the Godhead. A mind may be stored with knowledge, may be endowed with great gifts, at the same time, may lack a single Divine idea. Therefore there are the two widely separate and differ- ent currents of thought, the material, and the 78 spiritual. It is the material condition in which you live which become the real stum- bling block to our forces, making the ap- proach so difficult. The wise man heeds the faint murmur; only the foolish turn a deaf ear. Work, pro- gress, and believe in yourselves. Life on the Earthly plane must come to its fulfilment through individual effort. Destiny is a false basis. Fate does not exist as so-called. Life pro- pounds your problems, the work of the mortal is to solve his problems, until such time as the mortal shall put on the immortal, when a clear vision shows the next stage of Progress. The inscrutable laws of the all wise God do not re- veal themselves in one generation but ripen with the desire for knowledge on the part of mankind. 79 You are not gripped in the clutch of an un- relenting Destiny. Fate has no power over a Soul. Climb. Listen. He who climbs hea- venward travels by the Grace of God, by the infinite power of the All Wise Sovereign, Ruler over all Laws of our Heaven and your Earth. Say not Destiny, say rather the fulfilment of a Divine Law. Fate exists not as the resent- less pursuer of man. Look for the light, gaze upward, through the clouds. As the eye of man beholds nature's marvel- ous handiwork^ so shall the soul in its progress come to a fuller realization of the glories awaiting its complete development here with us. The wish or desire on your part is all that is necessary to make good the demand for knowledge in your world. 80 It is as a command to us here to help you. Our forces here increase in volume in propor- tion to the demand. The impression created by a Holy desire becomes as a wave current, rolling and increasing in velocity until it be- comes a power or force. The combination of desire must be for the combined good of all. Only the ripe wheat is garnered. The forces live in you unaware ; the power is there. All are not equally developed, neither here; only through the comprehension of the Divine shall they progress. 81 CHAPTER X. PRAYER. PRAYER is the concentrated effort on the part of man to have direct help. There is no estimation too high to be put upon this power. It is the only con- centrated effort of man. Now the concentrated effort of many minds becomes a powerful force, a thought current. That is what becomes of the great force of which prayer is the symbol. This grandest desire on the part of man, through its very force, produces a correspond- ing current for good, as against evil. If you 82 withdraw that effort for good, the desire for improvement, you have taken away not only a portion of a great force, but have diminished to just that extent the answering current. In other words, if you do not draw on the prin- cipal, it will remain intact and you will be the loser. In the same way an undeveloped subject will remain a profound mystery until there is a concentrated force of purpose or intention brought to bear upon it. By starting a current you always get a coun- ter current. The great desire must always ema- nate from the Earthly plane. The develop- ment of any life would be in proportion to the desire of that life to uplift itself. Your world stands greatly in need of right thinking. That always will be the problem of your sphere. 83 There can be no definite answer to man other than that of arousing, or attempting to arouse him, from his lethargy. With greater effort progress becomes more rapid. The teachings are often at fault. An advance will come, not an immediate, rapid advance, that we could count; no Law could be broken to accomplish this^ but the gradual uplifting is one of the Divine tenets, and will therefore have its fulfilment. The desire sent out by man for knowledge, or help, or wisdom, becomes a current of thought, making a force which is felt here. This combination of desire on the part of man reverberates and resounds, reaching the highest realm. You understand that in answering prayer, no physical or spiritual law is broken. 84 The uplifting of the Soul during the mo- ment of prayer sends this luminous body just so much further ahead on its Divine journey. By luminous body we mean Soul; in the Soul help that would be sent, would be the direct answer to prayer. Do not ever give up prayer. It becomes the greatest, the most powerful force of man. It is one of the greatest wave currents of Force and the most powerful. You can readily see this because it emanates from the Soul for the improvement of the Spiritual condition. We cannot accentuate this point too strong- ly. It is one of the vital points of your life. We realize how material the world is, in asking for material things which mean noth- ing, either here or there. You lose sight of 85 the tremendous energy of thought, on which alone you can advance. The Spiritual must be taught. And not until man has had a glimmer of his Soul life can he ever get out of the material. We feel that if this idea reaches but one Soul, our work is not in vain. The great leaders of the world have learned this precept, have taught it, and they know it, but it is with the greatest difficulty the ordin- ary mortal arouses himself. This lethargy of the Soul is the greatest problem we have to contend with. 86 CHAPTER XI. MORAL LAW. THE Moral Law being Divine in its origin, that is, the germ having been implanted in the minds and souls of men, in all ages and in all generations, rinding its source in the Divine mind, becomes not merely a theory but a positive conclusion. Now the interpretation of this Divine mind or command is complex, owing to the perver- sion of man himself, in every clime, through all ages. At the beginning, the task imposed upon the human race, as above the Animal King- 87 dom, is that of Morality. By Morality we mean following the command of the Creator to the last letter of His Law. There are various interpretations of the word Morality, but as we penetrate the vari- ous paths leading from the great truth, we find but one interpretation. Animal life must exist on every plane. At first there was no recognition of a Moral Law. as there was but little intelligence or under- standing of any Divinity. Ignorance was bounded by superstition 5 possibly vice. In accordance with the Great Law of Evolution, in time the mental faculties were stimulated to a higher plane of thought. Consequently men became self-imposed judg- es of their own actions. An era of keener perception developed. 88 With its influence came the ability to recog- nize the effect of improper action. Men became aware that they were to be held accountable for their actions. This was the Dawn of Civilization. Various truths of great magnitude were presented to the people by the leaders who held the vision of the Almighty in their minds. These wise men were the authors of sublime truths. They realized the Divinity in every life; they translated the word of God; they dwelt upon virtue as partaking of the Divine in its origin. These tenets given out by the leaders of the various Great faiths became as Laws. A trespass meant a Sin against a law. Each man to-day has his code of morals fitted to his purpose in this Life. Forgetful 89 of contamination, blind to his Spiritual ad- vancement, he remains but of the Earth, and is akin to the untutored. We do not intend to revolutionize your Laws, but do contend that in every case there is the Divine index, pointing the way. Any deviation from this Moral Law be- comes a Sin, and puts a stain upon the Soul as well as the mind, not only for the moment, but possibly may be entailed on future generations. This Law permits of no elasticity. Now as against this, are arguments in the minds of men at all times and in all ages. In the furtherance of ambition men wander from the truth ; the end, the so-called worldly end, is said to be justification of any means. The idea being to attain, at any cost. This end is the Earthly, sordid end of the finite mind, and the very fact of any man 90 thinking himself sufficiently strong to see what he calls the end, is ample proof to convict him. You cannot see the end. Every man knows when he searches in his soul for Truth, that any end, so-called, is but the falsest basis. The end is not of the Earth, or on the Earth. What he really seeks is self gratification. When he gets it, ambition is realized. He is therefore just that much retarded in his march towards Progress. He has not only lost his real end, but the vision also, which is a far greater loss than any human consummation or gratification can off- set Now, there are worthy ambitions. We rec- ognize the necessarily active brain absorbing, intellectual life on the Earthly plane. We see * the stepping-stones leading to the mile stones, but they who climb shall be made to walk in 91 honor and righteousness. Those who deviate from this path fall by the wayside, they lose sight in their self-absorption or gratification of the vision of Him who trod the path. Man's destiny is the fulfilment of his Soul's progress, and when he allows his progress to be hindered by any cause that is unworthy, he falls behind. Man has not a body or an intellect alone to bring forward. The body is but the structure, the intellect points the way and should hold to a correct marking of the way, with no more deviation than your compass, which is easily perfected by human ingenuity and me- chanical skill. The cry is, "the way is too difficult!' Each one's path seems set with obstructions, but the needle in the compass points the way equally in storm and sunshine. 92 You say in answer, the compass is simple, it is a machine, it is made for its purpose only. That is a fact, but Man is made in the image of His Maker, each with his compass, in perfect working order. He does not fol- low his compass, hence he assumes the respon- sibility of his future, and gradually as he finds himself unable to steer, having allowed his compass to get out of order, he is lost in hope- less entanglement. This condition is the result of his own ac- tion, therefore, he is held directly accountable. To retrace or to undo a wrong becomes more than difficult. Now, as to the vision. What is it? What does it mean? Man's vision is the hope of something bet- ter, it is the belief in Progress, it is the thought of the Divine mind, it is the purpose to do 93 right, and it becomes the constant cultivation of these thoughts, while in the act of attempt- ing any form of higher progress, that advance- ment is made. There will be false moves, but keeping ever the great thought of Eternity should be a great help. By Divine Love is meant compassion, pity, tenderness, but not reproach; a love so deep as to be unbounded, reaching through Eterni- ty, where every soul shall eventually find its final and complete rest. This vision is possible to each and every one, and is given in proportion to the capacity and endowment of each individual mind. A higher intelligence commands a higher vision, and is therefore accountable to its keener per- ception. These Souls become the leaders of 94 mankind. All have the ability to follow, there is nothing which may not be understood. Increase the vision, the power to see is a simple mental effort, quite within the reach of any human being. Learn to study the effect of immorality. The study of human nature in your day is an object lesson worthy of careful consideration. You need not go to any past generations for the example or proof; you will find sufficient opportunity in your own. You will find in giving careful considera- tion to this paper and following its precepts that you will make the beginning of a fitting end. The moral force becomes the controlling force. It dominates the action not only in your present stage of existence, but is intended to gain in its power of guidance or control as the 95 vision becomes clearer. It is the most power- ful elementary force, so-called elementary, be- cause in the earlier stages of development it becomes recognizable. The perversion of this elementary Law, which has the power to function in every in- dividual intelligence to a greater or lesser de- gree becomes criminal. Man sins not only against himself, the full extent of which he is unable possibly at the time to perceive, but commits the greater crime of sinning against His Maker, 'from whom he has had the intuitive knowledge given him as a warning. Therefore, with riper intelligence, and the power to decipher the complexities of the in- finite life, the deviation from the path of honor, virtue or righteousness becomes a dark- er stain, and can be expiated only by the ear- 96 nest and oftentimes painful endeavor, not only on Earth, but here above, where the lost op- portunities are easily to be found. These lost opportunities are as the milestones in your advance. They hinder the Spiritual advancement in proportion to their size, mak- ing the way complex and problematical. It behooves man, then, in view of his fu- ture, to keep within the elementary Law of Morality. We are well aware of the difficulties of a human career. We see the physical side of Nature. We see recreation, and we see the Ani- mal or Creative force with its natural stimu- lation, but as against this force we see spiritual equilibrium as the balance. Therefore the balance should poise itself with precision. The Laws of man have been arranged as an aid to the inevitable complexities arising from 97 every civilization. The interpretation of these Laws has become so devious as to have done away, to an extent, with the Elementary Law of Morality. Instead of stimulating his Spirit with deep- er knowledge and earnestly asking for guid- ance, he substitutes the overpowering influ- ence of the fool's Paradise. To overcome temptation is the greatest struggle on your Earth. Temptation is the rock upon which your ships go down. You now have the explanation of the intel- lectual development of Man, as against his physical nature. You have the Elementary Law of Morality, as the Divine Command, and the opposition to be met with as against this Law, by Man himself, the way he should attempt, at least, his deliverance, and the ef- fect of non-compliance with God's demand upon him. 98 CHAPTER XII. LAW OF LOVE AND ORDER. THE Law of Love and Order pertains to man. It is the governing, the con- trolling influence of his Earthly, as well as his future, life. The only understanding of the Divine Love is given him through his understanding of his finite affection. As he finds himself able to draw to him this gleam of Paradise, just in proportion is he able to approach the Divine Love. It is through the development of his under- standing of this Law that he is able to make a 99 proportionate gain. In other words, he draws himself within the Law of Harmony, which is not an elemental Law of Morality but the great Law of Love, of Divine Love. One has but to view the workings of the Master's mind to decipher His teachings, to understand what is required. The first step towards the climb is the com- mand, a Love your enemies," a simpler transla- tion of which is to "Forgive one another," and live with indulgence in your minds and hearts towards those who sin against you. By developing the understanding of this Law one takes comprehensive and wide range of vision and may hope by reason of this vision to get at, not only the Divine truths, but the approach to the Law of Harmony, to which we attain. On this Law we but touch, as it becomes in its completion the Law of 100 God and is the Divine consummation of the Law of Love. Only in the atmosphere of complete Har- mony can we approach or hope to attain. Cul- tivate then this great Law. To those who seem to have little or no Love in their lives, the creative force seemingly asleep or lost for a time will become exempli- fied further on in their career. The power of Love is implanted; that is, the ability to love, but through mistaken wan- derings or lack of use this creative power be- comes dim. Only cultivate it by sending it forth to others. It is bound to return, as nothing is lost. This Soul current needs vitality. It starts, but its energy is somewhat wasted, from the fact that it does not find its own likeness or 101 similar current of attraction, when it reaches the Earth. It might almost be called a wasted energy, as it cannot draw sufficient energy or vitality to reinforce itself as it should. It is the lack of that force in Man which holds him down. How can the bucket draw from the empty well? We have given you the conditions as we see them. We have given you the forces at work. We have penetrated into the mysteries of Life, and have helped to elucidate them, have given you the cause of the present situation, that with a clearer vision of the laws and forces, and the necessity for action may come a final comprehension. We see the working of these forces, we see the Soul current, which you cannot see, to which we attach ourselves to the utmost of our 102 capacity, comprehending its power, its bene- fit to the individual, and to the great human development. That is what development means — reach- ing the source ultimately, the perfect compre- hension of the Divine, that being our soul end, our work is to reproduce this desire and to stimulate this action on the part of mankind, as we do in our own sphere. The work along these lines is almost insur- mountable, but it is in accordance with the Divine Law. The understanding of a Divine truth can but be limited, but seeking to put one's self in the light of Divine knowledge is within the power of all. Progress means a more com- plete understanding of the Law of Love, and as you live in obedience to this Law your power of attraction must ever increase in pro- 103 portion to your endeavor. Seek not for your- self alone, but make strong the power of your thought request in your aim to help others. Soul life means but development on a higher plane. Evolution of the Spirit not seen of men — Death is but of the body, what remains of the mortal — shall be as dust, out of which shall arise the immortal, seeking its source within the atmosphere of perfect harmony. Slowly it awakens to the Divine touch, re- sponsive only as it has power to perceive, but at length pulsating with Divine energy, it be- gins dimly to have some grasp of its final des- tiny. "Pax V obiscum." "Problems of Your Generation." Daisy Dewey. 104 37 1910 Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Nov. 2004 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-21 1 1 One copy del. to Cat. Div. APH 27 lift LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 522 215 A