Qass Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT OCT 28 1897 / TWO COPIES RECEIVED Entered according to Act of Congress^ in the year iSgy, by Frederick W. Cock, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. i?;^'^ ^ HATRED IS HAPPINESS. CHAPTEE I. I have not written this book for profit, but rather for pleasure. In fact, I expect to lose money by the venture, but as I have plenty of money of my own to lose, the enterprise is purely my own affair. I will say to you, critics and readers, be ye friends or foes, if you ever saw me, or think that you did, that I am a hater of mankind, and the living world in general ; I have no friends, and never had ; furthermore, I have desire for none. I never cared for any one in the least — father, mother nor relative ; and I hate all those who are friendly to me with as deadly a hatred as I hate those who hate me. I would show no difference between friend, father, mother, relative and inv most bitter enemy. If they were in my power I would treat them the same. I defy mankind and the worst they can do. The worst is only imprisonment or death ; but what of that ? Life is short anyhow. I can conceive nothing more worthless or insignificant than honor and respect of man. There is one limit to my hatred, and it is for those creatures who are mental wrecks, or with not enough brain power to make them objects of hatred, as all females and the majority of males. What would I do with you all whom I consider my enemies (for I consider the whole world so) ? If I had the power, I'd lay you dead or drive you into slavery, which is worse than death ; yes, put you in chains, torture you by driving you with a whip and red-hot irons. I deal only with human beings. I have no religion, and want none ; neither am I a Spiritualist or Atheist. I do not believe in a Kepublican, Democratic, Kepresenta- tive or Socialistic Government, yet I am not an An- archist, but I believe in despotic rule by force and fear; death punishment by chopping off the head. I think all of the blacks should be kept in slavery, and the majority of the whites also. This may be queer logic for a free-born man and a resident of a civilized country, but, having lived in nearly every nation under the sun, I have become embittered and made the cynic I am. I take pleasure in writing this because it gives me not only the privilege to gloat over the injustice and misery which exists in this world, and will continue to exist as long as this world stands, increasing day by day, but it gives me the un- bounded scope to make known to all readers who enjoy life and the friendship of man, that it is all a delusion and hallucination of the mind, as I haven't a friend in the w^orld, but, I am glad to say, have plenty of enemies. I enjoy life and am perfectly happy in hating all humanity. Although I have no religion, I believe that the world and universe is controlled by a power so great, grand, wonderful and strong, that it is not only be- yond my comprehension, but of all others living. I fear this wonderful power, and I could praise and 6 worship such a power, only I feel, on account of my unworthiness and wickedness, it would be considered so worthless as not to be accepted. However, I feel this wonderful power, but it is beyond my ability to describe or comprehend its greatness. In expressing my different ideas of good and evil, I'll call the thoughts "Spirits;" the good thoughts, " Spirits of Good,' ' the evil thoughts, " Spirits of Evil." This book I solemnly dedicate to my great enemy, mankind, and because of my deadlj^ hatred and my happiness in that hatred, I call the book, ''HATRED IS happiness:' Note. — If I have repeated a subject or sentence a dozen times, more or less, I have done it because I wanted to emphasize it particularly, and that is my business; and if I have jumped from one subject to another without rule or order (dialogue gives me that privilege), that is also my business ; and if you don't like it, and don't want to read it. and tell others not to read it, that is your business ; do the worst you can ; I can stand it. CHAPTER I. You have heard of fiends and devils in human form ; you can imagine them in all their horror. Those who have read Dante's Inferno, for instance, do not need to rely on their own imagination ; these fiends and devils have the most deadly, undying, indescrib- able hatred for all humanity, even the hatred of Satan and his devils for all humanity ; and the hatred of these human fiends and devils is nothing compared to my hatred of humanity ; and the worst of these fiends and devils are good compared to myself, for I know about what I am talking. The hatred of none can or will ever equal my hatred for all mankind that have attained the years of accountability, but in my estima- tion, all females and the majority of males haven't enough sense to be worth hatred. I am not writing this to please any class cf people, but to please myself, and I speak of the different spirits, expressing my thoughts as they are, I'll call the evil thought, full of hate, the " Spirit of Hate." The different kinds of thoughts are named according to their meaning — good, medium, or bad. The Spirit of Love, which represents thoughts of love ; the Spirit of Destruction, which represents destructive thoughts ; Spirit of Com- mon Sense, which means what the name signifies. Spirits of Eeason, Lust, War, Destruction, Eevenge, Imagination. When these thoughts come into my mind according to their names, I will converge with them mentally, in dialogue, and write the results in this book for my own pleasure and to make enemies. I will commence with the Spirit of Hate, as I always did have more use for it than any other spirit, and have now and always will have more use for it than for any other spirit. Well, most honored Spirit of Hate, can you give any new ideas, and tell me how I can increase my hatred for human beings? If you can, I will be most grateful and under everlasting obligations to you. (Spirit of Hate.) No, I cannot possibly do it as you have been the chief of all haters for many years. You are far in advance of all other haters of humanity and none can be compared to you. You are perfect in the art of hating, and I believe that your equal will never be known in that respect. (Writer.) Most honored Spirit of Hate, I believe you are right, and I find there is perfect happiness in hatred, not in violent outbursts of short time hatred, but in hatred perfectly under control — cool, calculat- ing, life- time hatred and revenge, with perfect control over all the faculties of the brain, and not allowing myself to get angry under any circumstances whatever. I have had my angry passions and all passions under complete control for many years. Can you understand how I can use the Spirit of Love, Spirit of Hate ? (Spirit of Hate.) No, I cannot, you surprise me greatly ; how can you, who never had any love for parents or any one, but only the most intense hatred, which is beyond imagination. How can you, the 10 chief master of hatred, lust, and all that's evil, use love, is beyond my comprehension. (Writer.) Most honored Spirit of Hate, I will explain to your complete satisfaction. You know in- toxicating liquors, such as whiskey, brandy, wine and beer, do more damage in the world and cause more mis- ery of all kinds than anything else. I hate all human beings of all nationalities, races, and colors, all those who have brains enough to be worth hating, savage or civilized, poor or rich, learned or ignorant, that ever lived since the beginning of the world, all those who are dead, those who live now, and the countless millions who will live in time to come as long as the world lasts. If I had the power I would destroy the human race, wipe it off the face of the globe. Now as intoxicating liquor makes far more misery, as you well understand, in this world, than all else, and as my hatred is directed to the world, I love intoxicating liquor, as it does most harm and destroys most. Not for my own use — I am too sensible a man for that ; I have had misery enough, but I love it dearly for the 11 misery, ruin and destruction it has caused in past ages, causes now, and will cause in the future. I will call all intoxicating liquors under the name of whiskey. Whiskey, Whiskey, my good friend Whiskey ! I hope you will always be used in the world. I love you most sincerely ; no words can express my love for you as you are the chief agent of destruction. I believe there is more true happiness in hatred than anything else. I believe I take more happiness in hatred in one year than other people take in a lifetime of love. How much true happiness I experience in walk- ing alone after dark in the largest cities of the earth and watching the work of my best friend, whiskey, which works surely, swiftly, and extensively. See the magnificent drinking palaces, restaurants, gambling hells, and palatial hotels, crowded to their utmost and in full blast, in parts of the large cities where the wealthy classes spend their money. Hark ! listen ! a fight, a shot, a stab, murder, police. The excitement is intense, the scene appalling, and another one of my enemies lies dead. It is done as effectually as if I had 12 done it myself. I go into a saloon and buy a bottle of liquor, hug the bottle up in my arms, go into a dark alley, get down upon my knees, and worship it the same as a heathen Chinee would worship his gods. Exult and gloat over the fiery liquor. Look ! Both the old, hoary-haired man, tottering upon the brink of the grave, and the youth with all his life before him, coming to taste the liquor and judge of its effects. The old man, white-haired, yet a blossom on his nose disgracing that white hair, which should be an honor to old age ; the youth, blear-eyed, unsteady in his gait, more uncertain in his actions, the cause of a mother's broken heart — oh, revenge, how sweet ! Others, with incurable diseases, covered by the finest raiment, male and female, arm in arm, and my best friend, whiskey, leading them. Could I ask for greater happiness ? Look at the large number with the glitter of insanity in their eyes, the seeds sown by strong drink ; see the ones in the dark places examining their knives and firearms, with the eyes of beasts of prey. On the op- posite side of the street is a ball and banquet of the 13 so called highest class, with carriages waiting. There the liquor can be said to flow. The theaters are out, people rush to the drinking resorts and gambling dens to follow their vices ; there is plenty to be seen and heard as well. They yell, stagger, quarrel, and fight — Oh, I have found the secret of happiness for me ! Look at the large number with diseased minds, in all stages of decay ; and what caused it ? A fight, three on one ; they have him down and use him for a foot- ball. Now they run away ; he doesn't move ; must be dead or crippled for life. They all look like they be- long to what is called the best society. This is Satur- day night. I will walk toward the poor part of the city, commonly called " the slums ! " I carry a large bottle of fighting whiskey in my pocket, and a small glass to drink from, but not for my own use — I would not touch a drop of it ; yet I give it to different people who I am sure will commit crime under its influence. I meet some street walkers shivering with the cold, or for the want of a drink ; I give them a good drink to give them nerve. A little farther along, I meet some 14 tramps, who ask for money ; I give them a drink and tell them to stop begging and do anything for money, but never to beg. They promise to take my advice, and by reading the papers, I believe they did. Eveny where I go, in the slums and the better districts, I find fighting, yelling, singing, and quarrelling. I come to a crowd at the corner ; a policeman has a finely-dressed drunken man in custody, waiting for a patrol wagon to take him to prison ; he is telling the policeman how highway robbers used him for a foot-ball and robbed him. I wonder if it was the tramps to whom I gave the whiskey, that robbed him. There are plenty of broken hearts as well as broken and bruised heads to make my heart glad. Ah, what can't whiskey do? Now we'll see what love will do. My old friend whiskey has fixed quite a number of my personal enemies, who hated me almost as I hated them. They had plenty of reason to hate me, because I ruined their homes and some member of their family, but I have no other reason to hate them only my hate for all responsible people naturally, and 15 of course I like to make them as much misery as pos- sible, aod I did my share, and now whiskey may fin- ish it. One got the delirium tremens, but was about to recover, when I called to see him, purposely to make him worse, as I had ruined his home, and the sight of me was enough to give him the horrors. I took an artificial snake, with movable mouth, tongue, and eyes, in my pocket. The sight of me nearly set him wild with rage, but he managed to control himself. I showed him the snake without the others seeing it, and away he went into the worst fit of delirium he had at any time ; he continued that way with short inter- nals of consciousness, when he would curse me and go into another fit. I rubbed my hands with the great- est pleasure imaginable, and shouted with joy over this death. Another of my enemies went violently in- sane by drinking, but was rational at times, with some prospect of recovery. I bribed his keeper to let me see him during one of his rational spells. I gave him one of my exultant laughs of concentrated hate, and showed him the artificial snake. He went raving, hope- 16 lesslj mad — no hopes of ever recovering. Even the hardened keeper was horrified, and refused my bribes to see him any more. So I exulted over whiskey's work and my own combined. A large number of my acquaintances have ruined themselves, mentally and morally, shortened their lives, and died horrible deaths, by using whiskey ; and many of them are living mis- erable living deaths now. If it be possible for me to hate one class or classes worse than others, it is the class of gamblers, brokers, bankers, etc. Of course, they are among the chief human agents of misery and destruction in the world, but yet I would not care to destroy them for that reason, unless there are others to take their places. However, whiskey is mowing them down continually, and they are splendid exam- ples of destruction to the younger generation. I have spent many dollars in " the nickel in-the- slot " phonograph, which records the insane ravings o£ a lunatic who became insane through drink. I enjoy hearing the natural sound of the mad ravings of a vic- tim. I feel like getting the records of the mad ravings 17 of a large number of lunatics who lost their reason in this way, and set all the phonographs in motion at once, to gloat over the work of whiskey. The mixed up ravings, as mad laughter, screams, groans, yells, rattling of chains, and iron doors of their cells, as they try to escape, and all the noises of a mad house, would be many times more pleasant to my ears than any music ; and I should like a continuation of this, night and day. I believe that the majority of all the insane of the world is made so by liquor, directly or indi- rectly. How I gloat over this misery. Just think what idiots their offspring are born. The world is full of them and I glory in it. Just visit one of these mad dens and you will have the horrors yourself when you hear the jeering, yelling, laughing, and see the wild, staring, rolling eyes, distorted features, beating them- selves against the walls and floors, biting themselves, foaming at the mouth, indecent postures, and worse language. Instead of horror, to me, there is rejoicing. To convince my readers that whiskey is the great- est evil, and for that reason I love it, I will recite an 18 incident that I have noted. On a sidewalk, near a saloon door, was a man, apparently drunk, but in the stupor of death. The jeering crowd was taking turns feeling his heart, to see if he was dead, when a casual observer had only to glance to tell that he was dead. It was an amusing sight to see the drunken crowd, both male and female, in a drizzling cold rain, feeling for a dead man's heart, shaking hands with him, fall- ing over him, lifting him and putting his hat on his head, calling him by name, talking to him, telling him he is all right, to get up and go home, and holding him in a sitting position, when he was as dead as could be, white as chalk, eyes open and staring, but all the crowd was drunk, first one and then the other saying he could feel his heart and pulse beat. At last some one more sober than the rest, suggested a doctor. One ran in one direction for a doctor, another for an ambulance, and lastly a policeman came, who immediately tele- phoned for a patrol wagon. It was more fun than an Irish wake, where they stand the corpse up in the cor- ner, and try to pour whiskey in its mouth, and end up 19 with getting the corpse on the floor with about a dozen on top of it, fighting. At last came doctor, ambulance, and patrol wagon. Well, of course they pronounced him dead. Anyone but a drunkard could have seen that plain enough. The facts of the case were inves- tigated. The man stood up in front of the bar and poured down my good intoxicating liquors until he dropped dead. Intoxicating liquors, you are diamonds. You do my work nicely. The same night I saw a man killed by a billiard cue ; he was a stranger, and drink- ing ; the murderer was drunk also. Whiskey, you are a pearl of great price to me. I saw plenty of such sights the same night. I heard screams, shouts, and yells, some of murder, and all caused by rum. I fill my bottle again, with fighting whiskey^ and give it to the different ones, who will commit crime with a little stimulant and artificial whiskey nerve. I never fail to give a little advice where it will do the most good. Note. — I have run dives in all the largest cities, and in many of the smaller ones, and towns also, under the guise of groceries, saloons, restaurants, 20 and other kinds of shops, where drinking, gambling, dancing, and all kinds of vice were taught the young of both sexes. I continued through different parts of the city until daylight, seeing the good work of my splendid good friend, intoxicating liquors, every place I go. I buy the morning papers, and gloat over the accounts of drunken murders and drunken crimes of all kinds, which are graphically described in them, and retire at the break of day, perfectly happy in the drunken sights I have witnessed in the night in the one city, knowing full well I had only seen a small portion of said city, and only think of the immense and glorious work of misery in all the largest cities, towns, villages, in all the countries of the earth ; it's almost beyond compre- hension — it's splendid. As I retire I know without doubt that my good friend intoxicants will continue to cause misery and destruction while I sleep ; it's a glorious, satisfying, happy thought, and I gloat over it, saying with all the power of which I am capable, " My Intoxicating Liquors, Live Forever ! " 21 The damage that suits me best is when the intoxi- cants undermine reason, more or less. There is no es- timating the ruin wrought in this way. The parent may not show it much, but their offspring inherit a weak intellect and an appetite for this curse. To my chief belongs all this honor and praise for my joy and satisfaction, knowing that life is nothing to these idiots, but they are living reproaches to their parents. How happy it makes me, to think that this good friend of mine never rests day or night, be I sleeping or waking. When I lay dying I will have the satisfaction of know- ing that my only friend still lives to deal out misery and ruin to my enemy as long as the world stands, although I may have returned to dust and my name and deeds be forgotten. Now, Spirit of Hate, you can understand how I can use love in connection with intoxicating liquors, because they do more damage to my natural enemies than all else besides. I own stock in a whiskey distillery in a certain 22 part of the world. The money profits which I receive on this stock I almost worship like the heathen wor- ship their brazen idols, but I can use love in connec- tion with other destroying agents. 23 CHAPTER II. I love gold and money for the misery, injustice, and destruction it causes in the world. I believe it comes next after intoxicating drinks in that respect. I will give a list of those I love because they cause misery and destruction. This is the glorious list of all kinds of intoxicants : — gold, money, diamonds, luxuries, all kinds of contagious diseases, such as fevers, leprosy, and others that I might mention. The more infectious and incurable they are the better I love them. I love storms, cyclones, hurricanes and other destructive storms. I love opium, and other poisonous drugs which cause misery and woe. I love locusts and all kinds of insects which destroy the crops and cause famines. I love the beasts of prey, birds of prey, and poisonous reptiles, because they 2 24 are destroyers of man ; love the drought which parches and dries up the earth's substance ; the floods which drown ; fire arms; metal weapons, and explosives which kill ; love tidal waves ; earthquakes ; volcanic erup- tions, which cause loss of life. I love wars, because of the largo numbers killed and crippled, and the misery and destitution caused by them. I gloat daily over the Turkish- Greek, and Spanish-Cuban, and all wars of the present day. I was taught in my youth to despise slavery, but now I love it, all blacks should be slaves and all others. I would be a despot if I could rule, and I esteem monarchs of all kinds ; the more despotic the rule, the better it pleases me. If there is anything of which I have not thought that causes misery and destruction to man, I am sorry, as I love everything that does. (Spirit of Hate.) I understand quite plainly how you love everything which causes misery and destruction to your natural enemies ; and I understand now how you can use it in connection with hatred. (Writer.) Spirit of Hatred, you are exactly right. (Spirit of Hate.) You can't be equalled in this matter. (Writer.) I believe you, most honored Spirit of Hate. 26 CHAPTEE III. Spirit of Common Sense, I will have a talk with you, for a change ; what is your opinion of my idea of hatred vs. happiness? (Spirit of Common Sense.) You make me very weary ; let me show you how foolish you are. Suppose you should gather together a large number of intelli- gent animals, viz., dogs, monkeys, apes, horses, cats, cattle, etc. If you should shake a whip or your fist a^ them and say, how I hate, you can see how foolish that would be. Well, one-half of the men in the world know no more than intelligent animals. Many dogs can understand what they are told, and obey, but they can't talk ; if they could talk and had hands to work, and with the same strength, they could do the same as the majority of men in the world do. 27 (Writer.) I know all this, but just in proportion as a man has brains, he is mean just as his mind is. The smarter a man is, generally, the meaner he is ; the only exceptions to this rule are those who fear a punishment or a power after death, or a desire for re- ward. Some desire worldly praise and honor, but they are the meanest hypocrites at heart. But in order to receive honor and fame, they build hospitals, colleges, and schools, to perpetuate their memories. Some ac- quire their fortunes by holding offices and robbing the unsuspecting public, and yet are considered good and pious by their friends, and strangers and relatives. Take all these selfish objects away, the fear of punish- ment and belief of reward after death, and you will soon see what they are. They would torture you to death, drive you into slavery, and if they had power, yes, or lynch you without mercy. All these self inter- ests make them artificial. They are victims of circum- stances and surroundings. (Spirit of Common Sense.) What is your reason for hating men ? 28 (Writer.) I could give reasons enough to fill a book ; besides, it is natural instinct for me to hate. All responsible people that have ever lived, or will live, are naturally vicious ; and more than half the males in the world are fools and beneath contempt, and only useful to stop bullets. I don't believe any of the females are responsible for their acts, for the lack of brains, or for the want of well balanced brains, and consequently are only useful to prolong the de- spised human race. As I don't consider females re- sponsible for their acts, I don't think them worthy of hating. If I speak of hating all humanity people will hold up their hands in horror ; yet it is an indisputa- ble fact that hatred is one of the most common attri- butes of mankind, and I will prove it. The French hate the Germans and Italians* and the Germans hate the French and the English ; the English hate the Germans, Russians, French, Yankees, and Irish ; the Italians hate the French ; the Turks hate the Greeks, Armenians, and all Christians; the Greeks, Armenians, and Christians hate the Turks; 29 all black races liate the white instinctively ; all white races hate the blacks the same way ; the Chinese and Japanese hate each other ; the Spanish and Yankees hate each other ; the United States hate England and Spain ; most of the Irish in Ireland and the world, hate England ; but the Irish in Ireland and all over the world are divided among themselves on religion and politics, and hate each other. So it is all over the world ; one nation hates another, and all nations are divided among themselves on religion, politics, and color, and hate each other individually. I can imagine myself a Frenchman hating the German, or a Russian hating the English, or an Eng- lishman hating everything that is not English, or I can imagine myself a Turk, hating everything but Turkish rule. Can you find a Turk who does not hate a Christian ? No ! And they are honest enough to say so ; but the Christian will tell you he does not hate the Turk, but despises him, or some other milder word than hate. However, it will take a mind reader to tell the difference. I don't believe there is any dif- 80 ference. There is no one living who has not been treated mean himself, or treated some one else mean, consequently all are mean. I don't have to be bitten by a venomous reptile before I am convinced that such a bite would kill me, because I have known of others who have been bitten, and the consequences ; I don't have to be bitten by a rabid dog and go mad lo con- vince me of facts, because I know it has happened to others. I don't have to expose myself to contagious diseases before I will believe they are catching, be- cause I know of the evil effects to others. So it is with man. I don't have to be robbed, murdered, swin- dled, or insulted, by them, before I believe that they would do it ; because they would do it if they had un- limited power and had no fear of punishment here or hereafter. Now, Spirit of Common Sense, these are a few of my reasons for hating all human beings, alive and dead. I believe they are more than sufficient, but the reasons I could give are beyond limit. I have read all the history of the world up to the modern his- tory of today, and what is it but a continual story of 31 injustice, slaugliter, and torture, by those in power ? But there never has been any crime, injustice, slavery, slaughter, or torture, since the beginning of history on this earth, that I would not have increased if I had lived in those days ; and if I had power today I would make despotism and slavery the only rule on earth. All those who have been persecuted, slaughtered, or driven into slavery since the world began, and inclu- ding the present day, but would have done the same to their persecutors under the same circumstances and belief. I believe in a monarchy, royalty, despotism, nobility, and classes. If I had had a pleasant life from the time of my birth up to the present time, I would hate all human beings just as I do now. It is not a personal matter with me, born and bred therein. I must hate human beings for their meanness to each other throughout all past ages and the present time ; they don't have to treat me mean when I see how they treat each other. Now, Spirit of Common Sense, if you wash another reason why I hate man, just contemplate the life of 82 Napoleon Bonaparte. How any one can study the history of that Hfe and have faith in human nature is a mystery to me. After creating himself Emperor and conquering several countries, he was not satisfied with the countries he had conquered ; the more he had the more he wanted, until he wanted to rule the whole world and to leave it to his heirs. He had strong brain power, more than a number of ordinary men combined. You see how he used it ; only for selfish purposes ; he made war systematically, and slaughtered millions, di- rectly or indirectly, for his own advancement. I, the chief enemy of humanity, review the work of Napoleon with pleasure and satisfaction, for it destroyed life. Yet I hate Napoleon as much as his victims. There never was a man who lived in the world before Napo- leon's time, or in his day, or at the present time, who, having enough brains and believing as Napoleon did, would not have done the same, or much worse if they could. I honor Napoleon greatly for the slaughter and misery he caused personally, but I honor him more for the example of slaughter he set the world, and which has been followed and will be followed for ages, with unlimited war, slaughter and misery. Every country of the world has numerous military men, who take Napoleon for their model, and who are anxiously wait- ing for an opportunity to follow his example as near, and as soon, as possible. I believe there are generals in the United States who would like to be the Napo- leons of today if they were capable. They are more than willing to do the slaughtering and killing, but have not the brains to do the planning. All the histo- ries are fall of selfish examples like Napoleon's ; not a care for suffering but a wish to further their own gluttony and ambitious pride. The more wealth or power they acquired the more they fought for. So it is at the present day ; fight for gold and honors. Now, Spirit of Common Sense, I believe I have given suffi- cient reasons for my hatred. Monarchy is filled with despotism, injustice and misery. I have no words to express my praise for this agent of destruction. I be- lieve in all countries being monarchical, ruled directly by glorious Royalty. Some have more power than 34 others, but the more power they have, the more grand- ly they rule. Glorious Royalty, live forever ! Most all glorious governments have suffrage and are ruled to a limited extent by the mob ; these governments are only making the best of the present time and cir- cumstances ; they are like mighty lions and beasts of prey, sleeping ; yes, they are most mighty and power- ful, but only sleeping. Never fear, they will arouse in time and great and magnificent will be their awaken- ing. There is no estimating the power after this rest and sleep. No words can express such grandeur. They will place the latest improved cannons and rapid fire guns at the end of every street, covered with im- pregnable armor, and sweep the streets in every direc- tion of the fool mobs ; or by captive balloons, airships, hidden mines of explosives fired by electricity, or many other deadly plans. They would not stop the slaughter until they were sure their power was estab- lished for good, and all their subjects would shout as with one voice, that would echo throughout the earth and sky, "Royalty forever." They would abolish all 35 mob rule and suffrage of all classes, and establish themselves on a permanent foundation of despotism. Might is right. Few people have any idea of the power of the fire-arms of today ; the wealthy and titled classes, and Jews keep it as quiet as possible. There are all kinds of improvements, all kinds of explosives, and the possibility of using electricity and armored, horseless, self-propelling vehicles, mob proof, with rapid fire guns. The next mob or revolution will not have the easy times overthrowing the governments that they had a hundred years or more ago. Once Eoyalty gets into power, backed by the wealth of the world, it will stay there until all the architecture has crumbled away and time tumbled into space. Even if it should come to a question of war, Royalty would win, for the wealthier class is on the side of Royalty. Their money pays the soldiers, buys the amunition and fire-arms, and is all powerful in war as it is in peace. The middle and poorer classes are divided among themselves. You can hire any number of them to shoot each other down without the 36 least provocation. I don't believe in the rule of some despotic countries, where they are ruled by permission of the fool mobs ; no, I want a rule that can be hon- ored, respected, and praised. I honor and praise all Royalty and respect them the same as whiskey, wars, famines, plagues, beasts of prey, venomous reptiles, floods, hurricanes, earth- quakes, volcanic eruptions, and everything else that causes human misery and woe. Can the meanest fiends and devils ask for more than this Royalty can do ? " Live on. Glorious Royalty of Misery and De- struction," forever ! 37 CHAPTER lY. I am sure, with all my hatred for humanity, that I could not improve on " Glorious Royalty" as human tools to cause misery, woe and destruction to all my natural enemies. "Glorious Royalty, live forever!" From the beginning of the reign until now is only a continual glorious story of war, torture, slaughter, mis- ery, woe, and destruction ; and may it continue so. Look at the slaughter of the blacks, armed with spears, and bows and arrows, in large numbers, shot down by the hand of glorious Royalty. It must be an amusing sight to see the black savages wiped off the earth in large numbers. They should either be exterminated or put into slavery. Look at Royalty, governing In- dia, where millions are dying of slow starvation. I tell you it's splendid ; there's nothing slow or half way about the work of Royalty, when it sees a chance to reduce a troublesome population, or an overpopu- 38 lated country, either by war, starvation, strict laws, or taxation, and numerous other plans. Ireland is a good example. It has decreased in population about one half in fifty years. There is nothing slow about the Royalty of Great Britain. The glorious Royal government of Spain is doing its best to exterminate the Cubans or put them in tax- ation slavery, and I wish for its success. Royalty is increasing in power aud favor in the world. France is liable to go back to it at any time. All the wealthy classes and most of the middle classes are in favor of it. It would be very easy in times of civil war, international revolutions, sympathetic strikes and riots, to overthrow the United States Government. The moneyed men or capitalists could very easily start international war by withholding their money from manufacturing companies, railroads, and other indus- trial pursuits. The object of the speculators and cap- italists in withholding their money would be starting a revolution to overthrow this republic and establish a military or monarchical government. The moneyed classes could and would pay a large army big wages, and give them gorgeous uniforms, with gold and lace to catch the female eye, and plenty to eat and drink. The females of all classes would hug and kiss them, and the newspapers would make heroes of them all — from the soldiers of the rank and file up to the officers. Such soldiers would shoot into the quiet citizens. They would shoot their own people, school-mates, neighbors, friends, and relations — father and mother, brother and sister, if by doing so they could win favors from the female sex, which they would be sure of, and they would receive unlimited praise from the newspa- pers for their acts. An example and proof of this was in 1894, in Chicago, during the railway strikes. When the soldiers came in from the plains and other places, every news- paper in Chicago (excepting one or two) devoted whole pages to making heroes of every " common " soldier, and everywhere they went they were greeted with ladies' smiles and waving of ladies' handkerchiefs. The newspapers knew very well by adopting this plan 3 40 the soldiers would not only shoot the mobs down, but the innocent citizens, like dogs, on the least provoca- tion, if any. There is nothing slow about the news- papers and all connected with them or the editors. They are well supplied with brains and money. It is easy to pick out those in different cities now who secretly favor the overthrow of this government, but with the least encouragement would openly declare their views for the overthrow of the government and establishment of a military despotism until a heredi- tary monarchy could be established. And the various papers, backed by unlimited capital, could soon accom- plish this ; and could scare people into subjugation by fear of anarchy. No man with even a hundred dol- lars in the bank would hesitate in joining in this war- like spirit ; then money and property holders would rank as one. The poor classes would fight on the side that gave them the most money. After enlisting all comers, they would secretly organize guerilla gangs of cut-throats and bloody rapiers of all the irresponsible parties and negroes in all states to cut down and de- 41 • stroy all until their purpose had been accomplished. It would be easy for the wealthy class, which is the government, to organize such gangs, aided by whisks ey, and the source of money and supplies kept secret. They would divide in small companies to capture and destroy villages ; and in large armies, to destroy cities and towns, committing all kinds of crime. This, with an exaggerated account in the papers, would soon sub- due all unbelievers. If I had the power, I would organize a band of robbers and murderers for the wealthy and governing class ; and I could fill the position of captain, and run the business to perfection on a large scale, for who would be less merciless than I ? When my array would capture a city, my orders would be "to the victor be- longs the spoils;" which means rob, slaughter, kill as I would, and have all the booty brought to me to be divided. I should order all males of every age to be slaughtered, but the females to be reserved for luorse than death. After such a sway of terror as I would make, the 42 strongest friends of the republic would be willing to accept a monarchical form of government, or despotic government of any kind. Their first act would be to disarm all except the regular army ; then everything would be in their power, but it would be good bye to all republics and democracies in the United States. The moneyed classes of England, Germany, and France, aided by the monarchical class, could bring on just such revolutions at the same time in the same way for the same purposes, and with the same results — the destruction of freedom and suffrage. Then glorious despotic Royalty would rule the world. The monarchi- cal governments of the world would swoop down on South America and Africa, and try to divide them up,, which would cause a general war throughout the world. All nations would then be under monarchical rule and there would be continual war, slaughter, destruction, and misery, which would be my greatest delight and joy- There are numerous other ways the wealthy could begin the overthrow while claiming to be very patri- 43 otic, but traitors at heart. They might even make pa- triotic speeches, but when necessary show their hand openly when it came to the time. Men naturally are deceivers, dishonest, and traitors born. 44 CHAPTER V. The majority of the married men in the United States are henpecked, and yet they believe there is nothing like home. They would sacrifice the govern- ment rather than leave their wives and children to fight for their country ; so many men are base and vile at heart, yet to the world and their friends they are stealthy as the cougar that inhabits the Indian jungle, and only a move in the wrong direction shows what they really are. These men have a standing and a personality in the highest society, and yet they are as corrupt mentally, morally, and physically, as the laws of this government. So what has the government to depend upon with such a footing ? The greatest evil of this government is the self- ishness of man. It isn't what will do the most good for the people, but what will put the most money in the pocket of the office holder and all others. When 45 they fight it isn't for the good of the government ; it is for their own honor and profit. If man generally should be weighed in the balance, he would be found wanting! Day by day he loses more and more, yet to all appearances he is as fat as well fed swine. Not all the patent medicines, prepared food, or expensive drinks, could rebuild this loss, for it is weight of char- acter, not flesh. For instance, look at the large number of men who resort to medicines, sea air, and foreign lands, for their health. They think they are getting thin, but if we could see their brains and their thoughts, we would not require an X-ray to examine them, for the thinness and vileness of those same thoughts would be discernible to the naked eye. They physic the body when it is the mind that needs the physic most. Wash their character, and the bodies would take care of themselves. Some men run to the doctor with the first sem- blance of a pain, or upon the least complaint whatever, and why is it? Does their imagination picture a 46 grinning skeleton called Death, which they are fighting back from their sight ? Ah, who knows ? Men are naturally cowards. There are in this case exceptions, as in every rule, but we will say the manly man is in the minority. If there should be a w^ar and they were drafted and could not hire a sub- stitute, two-thirds of the "butterfly " men of fashion to-day would desert the ranks before meeting danger and would turn and fly, like the cowards they are, before they would face the enemy. It would take coercion to make them fight, cannons at their heels or chains on their legs to prevent running, but they will shoot down the unarmed mob with the greatest pleas- ure in life. In the United States there are so many selfish men that it is impossible to choose out of millions a president whose only aim is not selfishness. There was one president in particular who was the model of selfishness, and if prizes were being awarded men for such characteristics, he would be the winner in both looks and action, except when he was playing the 47 hypocrite for some purpose. He hired a substitute in time of war and he had millions of followers. There is another such a one, a little, short, heavy-set general, wearing a bullet proof armor, who was just as selfish in a way, who would have liked to have estab- lished a hereditary monarchy. The others would do the same. The government of today has not the honest fighters to depend upon that it had in the former wars, for selfishness rules the country and the overwhelming majority of all inhabitants. The poor classes have to depend upon the wealthy classes, and the wealthy control the government by ruling the poorer classes and all classes. I don't suppose there ever was a nation in the history of the world where dishonesty of all kinds is so universal among all classes as in the United States; thefts, brutal assaults, and the murders and lynchings (papers are full of such) happening every day. Although the men belong to a civilized nation, they are more brutal than the savage, of whom nothing good is expected, but in torturing their enemies some 48 of the modes of death are no more horrible than the murders and lynchings of this civilized country. Men make promises only to break them ; office seekers promise anything to buy voters, only to forget them when they achieve their own object. The capi- talist promises the laborer higher wages, from day to day, until the men's patience wanes and the end thereof is the "strikes," which terrorize the peaceful and law abiding citizen. 49 CHAPTEE VI. Spirit of Destruction, what is your opinion of the modern independent females? (Spirit of Destruction.) They are objects of pity and cannot possibly be blamed as they are victims of this modern age and circumstances. They have un- limited power over men at the present time, in fact they are running the country to ruin fast enough ta suit any enemy of humanity. Their influence is sure to increase until there is war, and how joyful that will be; the different ways the modern females have of driving the government to ruin are almost innumerable. One of the chief causes is females taking employment from men ; this is rapidly increasing and continually advancing into almost all trades and occupations, until hardly any male occupation is free from female competition. Thousands of men with families are turned out of employment now, and the number still 50 increases by unmarried females who should be married and have families of their own. There are over a hundred female stationery steam engineers in one city; and there are a number of large tinware factories where all the work is done by females. And they per- form all kinds of work, light and heavy. Several new bicycle factories are employing females exclusively. The number of different trades formerly called men's trades have no distinguishing names now. Do you people who believe in right and justice believe in this ? It surely leads to destruction, and that's what I want. If I was employing hands I should only have females, and discharge all males. What should I care if all the males and their families starver My reasons for employing females in preference to males would not look well in print. There are millions of men who would hire females in preference to men. I would pre- fer to employ female dentists, shoemakers, shirtmakers, fcailoresses, barbers, and all others. I would always employ and trade with unmarried women in preference to men, if I knew that they and their families were 51 starving. I think that any government will be short- lived compared to what it should be, which allows fe- males perfect freedom to compete with men in the different occupations, or which allows them freedom and equal education. (Writer.) So, Spirit of Destruction, you and I can find nothing but perfect pleasure in contemplating the work of the modern independent females, who are rapidly advancing, as it surely leads to misery and de- struction. 52 CHAPTEK YII. (Spirit of Common Sense.) Did you never desire to do any good in the world ? (Writer.) No ; if I ever did one good act in my life it was not intentional, and I am sorry for it. I continually gloat over all my evil acts ; and the only pleasure and satisfaction I will have when dying will be the thoughts of damage and ruin I have caused ; and my only regret is to know that I can do no more ; and my only hope is that I will be able to come back in the form of a venomous reptile, or a beast or bird of prey, or an evil spirit. (Spirit of Common Sense.) Can you suppose for a few moments, just for amusement, that you had al- most unlimited power in this world to do good ? I have a curiosity to know what you would do. (Writer.) Well, for amusement, and it's very amusing truly, I could not imagine anything more lu- 53 dicrous or ridiculous to my nature. But to satisfy your curiosity and show you I know good from evil, I will suppose I valued the honor of humanity, and had al- most unlimited power in this world over human beings, to do good, and I should do the very best I could for the living of today and the generation to come hence both in permanent prosperity and happiness. (Spirit of Common Sense.) Yes, that's the idea, exactly. Suppose you had a large number of flying machines, or airships, the only successful ones in the world, and that you were the only one in possession of the secret and power of locomotion ; that they were perfectly useless to others, until you had charged them with your secret of power, and you had this large number of airships manned by the most desperate and fearless class of men in the universe, or manned by the worst devils or fiends, being perfectly in your power ^ through superstitious fear, they believing you to have supernatural power ; said air ships being loaded with new explosives many times more powerful than any others known, and an invisible vapor and rays which 64 you could send on an army or city, destroying millions in one day, when out of the sight of the earth ; and that you could destroy the largest city in the world in • a few hours, all the navies of the earth in a few days, consequently, you would have power to dictate to the whole world. With all this power, you only had one object, and that to do the most good now and in all coming generations until the end of the world. (Writer.) I will tell you honestly just what I be- lieve would do the most permanent good ; I believe that all past history, up to and including the present day, positively proves that hereditary monarchies and despotism of all grades have caused more damage, misery, woe, war, starvation, torture, and injustice of all kinds ; and has prevented the advancement of the world more than any other human agency, and if it were wiped out entirely from the earth, the world would advance in perfection, universal peace and knowl- edge in every way. So I would proceed with the aid of my airships to capture and destroy all the royalty and hereditary monarchs of the world, male and fe- 55 male, old aod youDg. The best way to get the largest numbers at a time would be at a family reunion, death, wedding, or celebration of some kind, and destroy them all at one stroke. They could be located in dif- ferent places separately, and in families or in compa- nies. And I would destroy those who offered them succor or aid in any way; after capturing them, I would order all their heads chopped off, male and fe- male, old and young, cremated, and their ashes scat- tered to the four winds of heaven. I would not leave one titled human being live ; the only way to destroy venomous reptiles is to exterminate them entirely, and to get rid of royalty to serve them the same way. This would require the death of many, but just think of the countless numbers that royalty has slaughtered. Read the ancient histories from time immemorial up to and including the present day, and what do you learn ? Look at the millions in India dying from starva- tion caused by the English injustice and taxation ; look at the war of barbarity taxation and extermination waged by the royal government of Spain against Cuba. 4 £6 With Germany a republic, and all titled classes de- stroyed, I believe the cause of friction between France and Germany would be removed ; that they would be able to settle their difficulties as to territory, bound- aiy, and everything else, peaceably, and be perfectly friendly, if they were both republics. If England, Eussia, and all the other countries of northern and southern Europe were republics, they would be friend- ly one with the other, and with Australia and all civil- ized countries, and not so much jarring and confusion among themselves over the islands in the oceans, and division of Africa, etc.; and all civilized nations would join together to keep the heathens of the earth in order and let them rule themselves by hereditary mon- archies, and exterminate themselves by wars, famines, cannibalism, starvation, ignorance, and superstition. The only place for the hereditary monarchies is among the heathen, such as Chinese and South Sea Islanders. (Spirit of Common Sense.) But republics have wars. The republics of South America have interna- tional revolutions and civil wars quite often. 57 (Writer.) Yes, I know, but they don't amount to much ; it's more like family quarrels, not much de- struction and loss of life, and soon settled. I believe there is no better proof of the governing power of re- publics than that they can rule the fighting class of people who compose the South American Republics. The fact that the republican form of government rules them at all, even with occasional revolutions and small wars, is positive proof of the practicability of this form of government. The men of South America are vain, proud, and boastful ; their wars are simply for excite- ment, as they can't live without it, besides the admira- tion and respect they win for themselves. (Spirit of Common Sense.) But the greatest re- public of modern times, the United States of ximerica, had a very destructive civil war, both in property and life, which lasted a number of years, and the spirit of ill-feeling has not altogether disappeared in some sec- tions of the country yet. (Writer.) Yes, but the republic is still here another proof of the practicability of a modern repub- 58 lie. That war was caused by the noisy, know-it-all, book- writing, northern females, and henpecked preach- ers, etc. It might have been prevented but for th& yelling of northern females which influenced the soldiers, the citizens and the statesmen. Look at the misery, the destruction, and loss of life, just for paltry negroes, who would be better off in slavery now. I was born in the north, in 1857 ; my parents were on the northern side and I was taught slavery was wrong, but I loas ivrongly taught. One of the greatest damages and dangers to the United States Government today is the modern yell- iug females who want to vote, but if I had the power, with the airships that you mentioned, the modern fe- male would be the first I would compel to keep their place. Any form of government will fail that allows freedom to females. I honestly believe the Turks are one of the few nations on the earth who understand how to manage the females ; I think their plan might be profitably copied in all ways, excepting the plurality of wives. 59 which might be limited to two or three ; in all other ways, the Turkish plan of managing the female is per- fect ; they put them in schools and keep them there until they are married, and keep them shut up after marriage. If this thing were done in civihzed coun- tries, there would be less rottenness in society as it stands today. Shut up the females and make them keep their places and this will be a different world, with little use for law, prisons, or poor-houses. I firmly believe that there will be war as long as royalty and millionaires exist, and females allowed lib- erty ; and if I had this power, I would obliterate both from off the earth, and shut up all females, making all men equal in wealth ; that is, supposing I wanted to do human beings good. But I can't fancy anything more useless or more amusing than to want to benefit humanity. Still supposing I was aiming to do the most last- ing good to humanity, in the coming generations, I should order all civihzed governments to confiscate the property and money of millionaires and all females as 60 warniDgs to others. I would confiscate all property, real and personal, above a certain limit ; when a man reached that limit he should be compelled to retire, and give some other man a chance. The retired men to have the privilege of loaning their money to the be- ginners at a reasonable rate of interest as a means of income, to live upon in retirement ; but I would not permit a female to be either a money or property hold- er. The confiscated money and property to be used for public improvements by the government. If all the Jews, male and female, old and yoang, were destroyed, or transported to an island, and all their property confiscated, I think it would be for the world's good. All of the black race in the world should be transported to Africa and in slavery, the proceeds of black slavery to be divided equally among the re- publican governments of the world, according to popu- lation ! Said profits in Africa to be used by the dif- ferent republics for making public improvements ; and if the blacks increase too rapidly, exterminate as many as may be necessary. The white race would have to 61 work on the plan of self preservation and self defense in dealing with the blacks. The only way to govern the blacks is to keep them in their place. Slavery only will accomplish this. Therefore, if I had the necessary power to dictate to all the world, and wanted to do the most permanent good, I would do all the things I have mentioned. Now, Spirit of Common Sense, I have told you, just for amusement, and to satisfy your curiosity, what I would do had I enough power, and if I wanted to do good ; but I claim it is foolish, and worse than use- less, to try to benefit the human race, for the plain reason that the majority are worse than fools, and as it is impossible to give them brains, the only thing to do is to rule them by despotic power. I would not benefit them even if it were worth doing. Spirit of Common Sense, I have told you what I would do for your amusement ; now I'll tell you what I'd do for my amusement : I would use such power in making misery, woe and destruction upon this earth. As the chief enemy of humanity I would 62 use Glorious Eoyaltj as my principal tool. I would strengthen all monarchies and make them despotic, take away freedom and suffrage from all people, and abolish all republican governments ; and if they re- volted and complained, I would put chem beyond misery and woe. I would not want to rule personally, as monarchy would rule with misery and destruction enough to satisfy me. I would order the tax taken off of all intoxicating liquors, opiums and injurious drugs, so that all classes, rich and poor, could have plenty. (Spirit of Common Sense.) But if you had this wonderful power and would do lasting good to the world, all the people would honor and respect you in every country as long as you lived, and build monu- ments to your memory, and name rivers, countries and cities for you after you are dead. (Writer.) I can't imagine anything more worth- less than honor of any class. It is as useless to my existence as the barking of dogs, the grunting of pigs, or the hissing of reptiles. I prefer hatred ; I don't 03 ^ant to do all the hating ; I want to be hated in return. (Spirit of Common Sense.) Did it ever occur to your vicious mind that human beings of the highest ■class, educated and intelligent classes, or any class are all beneath contempt and not worth hatred ? (Writer.) Say, Spirit of Common Sense, that is what I call a wise idea ; there is plenty of wisdom in it ; it is a convincing argument, but it's natural for me to hate human beings; it's an instinct as natural as life itself. I hate myself as much as any. I am a natural fightpr. (Spirit of Common Sense.) That's no excuse, you have sense enough, and will power enough, and self control enough to overcome this instinctive hate. You say you are a fighter, but you will get more fight- ing than you bargain for by publishing this book. You will make lots of deadly enemies, and they will kill you or hire an assassin ; they will libel you, make all kinds of fabrications imaginable, and every crank will try to murder you, because they know they will 64 not be punished for it, but, on the contrary, get only the highest praise from the Jews, wealthy, titled, female and all other classes, for ridding the country of such a fiend. You may be slowly tortured to death, and the newspapers will make heroes of your destroyers for the way you have spoken of them, and the wealthy traitors of this country and titled classes and Jews of Europe, who they represent. (Writer.) You are not talking to a coward. I am perfectly responsible for all my acts and willing to suf- fer the consequences. I will fight the whole world single handed. I defy all that can be done. If I have to die I will die game and fighting. I am ready to die at any time ; but I will fight, and defend myself by fighting my own battles. After I publish this, I will go to some foreign country, civilized or barbarous, where there is a war and join the army ; will fight and kill as many as possible before I get killed myself. If I fail to get killed I'll extend and increase the sale and use of intoxicating liquors and drugs throughout the difierent countries, the rest of my life. I could do 65 more damage this way, than by fighting, although I am an expert artillery man, consequently I would choose the greater of the two ways of misery and de- struction to human beings, that is if I am able to leave the United States alive after I publish this book. This is the land of the free and home of the cowardly lynchers, and I do not expect to get out alive. But if I were stationed in a mountain pass with a good sword, I should not fail ; that is, a mountain pass with per- pendicular walls above and a precipice beneath, where only one lyncher could get through at a time. How much nicer it would be to lead a whole host into a val- ley surrounded by mountains, and only one pass lead- ing in and out, and have this pass undermined with explosives, and after they are all in, to fire the mine and close up their only means of escape. Then what joy unspeakable to walk on the top of those perpen- dicular walls and watch them slowly die a horrible death. I wouldn't only harm in this way those who would harm me, but all human beings. But it would be a grand sight to see a flood in a valley, only one 66 outlet, and the water full of human beings, beasts of prey, and venomous reptiles, all swimming for this one opening. And if I stood guard at this pass with a sword, I would only allow the beasts of prey, venom- ous reptiles, and the human females by, and I would behead all the males, old and young. Spirit of Com- mon Sense, you have asked my object in writing this book. It is to make as many enemies as possible. I want as many men to hate me as possible, and this is a good way, by writing a book. My motto is, " the more enemies the better." While other men desire to make friends, I desire to make enemies. If any one has new ideas or any ideas of his own, he is called a crank ; but I am not a crank. I can give reasons for both my ideas and actions. You can all give reasons for happiness in love, and I can give just as many reas- ons for happiness in hatred, if not more. I claim that I have as much right to hate and make enemies as others have to love and to make friends. (Spirit of Common Sense.) You say you desire power so you could spread misery, woe, and destruc- 67 tion throughout the world. I should think that it would aggravate you not to be able to do so only in a small way. (Writer.) I as the chief enemy of humanity, am well satisfied with the way the world is going ; it's drifting fast towards despotism ; it's worse than slavery in many countries. Almost all countries are in debt, and the people are in the grip of the money-lenders and Jewish usurers. Intoxicating liquors, opium, and Royalty, the wealthy and the Jews, are increasing in power, and I have plenty to gloat over, even if I cause no misery myself. (Spirit of Common Sense.) You say you are about ready to die, and don't want to live to be old and help- lers. What would be your favorite death ? (Writer.) Any death in which I could kill, maim, or cripple the largest number of human beings ; and I suppose I could do this best in an army in time of war. I would have two two-edged swords, pointed at each end and to be fastened on the bottom of each foot so I could fight with my feet as well as with my hands, 68 in close quarters ; I would have a heavy knife in my left hand, and a two-edged sword in my right ; with my feet, I could kill by kicking either forward or backward ; I would have a belt full of revolvers and a gun, and as I am a dead shot I think I could kill quite a lot before I should get killed myself. I would only fight for the pleasure of killing, not honor. If I were mortally wounded on a battle field, with crippled ones lying about thick, I would like to kill them all before I die. I would drag myself from one to the other, who would be begging for water, and plunge my knife into their hearts; yes I loould give them water ^ or drag myself to a rapid-fire gun and turn it on the largest crowd in sight and watch them fall. (Spirit of Common Sense.) Don't try to say that you would have to be mortally wounded to do that. You never did kill the wounded when you were in the artillery, infantry, or cavalry, in a number of the different republics of South America, in times of revolutions. Oh, you are capable of anything. (Writer.) A dead man is a good man and they 69 are all my enemies while living. A grand death on a battlefield would be just as I have pictured mine to be, with each of the swords on my feet sticking into the vitals of a man, the knife between my teeth in another, and my sword in another, and knife in another; I dying too, there would be six in one death struggle. I should like to see the field strewn with the dead, see them fall like grain before the reaper. I am always satisfied when I do my best and should be in this case, many or few. (Spirit of Common Sense.) You hate human beings so much, you must be in a rage all the time because you can't destroy them yourself or make enough misery for them ; I should think you would be in danger of murdering the first one who bothered you in any way. (Writer.) My hatred is strong for all men, but my hatred is cool, calculating, and perfectly under control of my reasoning faculties ; as for getting in a rage or being in a rage all the time, you are entirely mistaken. I never allow myself to get angry under 70 any circumstances whatevei', consequently there is no clanger of committing murder, in any country where there is plenty of law in time of peace. (Spirit of Common Sense.) Don't you desire some friends or associates ? (Writer.) I would associate with no one of any class. The farther they keep away from me the better I like it. I have told people who have been inclined to be friendly, that I had an incurable contagious disease, and that it was so bad that they would be liable to catch it by breathing the same air as myself, and I had plenty of room in consequence. The animal electricity or magnetism of the female sex is necessary to my well-being, yet I must say I have no use for them otherwise. I believe in some parts of this book I have com- pared human beings to beasts of prey and venomous reptiles and I want to apologize. To make such a comparison is a mean and cowardly insult to the poor beasts and reptiles, who cannot talk to defend them- selves. It is quite common for despicable human 71 beings to compare each other to wolves and other beasts, and to call each other or their works and actions beastly. If these poor beasts could under- stand what they say, they would be justified in de- stroying them. What beast would kill or destroy more than is necessary to supply its wants or appetite? I acknowledge I am worse than any beast and I be- lieve all human beings are who spend their lives in greed and injustice. These people suit me exactly because by injustice and greed they make misery, woe, and destruction in the world, and that is just what I want. But to compare them or myself to beasts and reptiles when it's a well known undisputed fact that they are clean, sexually, compared to mankind, is a mean cowardly act. (Spirit of Common Sense.) I can do nothing wath you, you had better have a talk with the Spirit of Love. (Writer.) I have explained the only way I can use love is to " love everything " which causes misery, woe, and destruction. (Spirit of Common Sense.) You had better have 72 a talk with the Spirit of love, anyhow; it may do you good. (Writer.) All right; I am always ready to learn ; waltz out the Spirit of Love. 73 CHAPTER YIII. (Spirit of Love.) I am a perfect stranger to you because you never had any use for me at any time of your existence. You say you have use for love in lov- ing all that makes misery, woe, and destruction. You are mistaken. That is not love. It is just the oppo- site of love. In every way love is on the side of good. What you take for love is only exultation of hate in your nature for the works of liquors, Royalty, etc. (Writer.) I am glad that you told me. My feel- ings in this matter are so pleasant and satisfying that I thought it was love. I cannot believe any love can excel the satisfaction and happiness I experience in watching the works of these destroying agents. No words can possibly describe this feeling of pleasure and happiness which I experience in hate and in watching what satisfies that hate perfectly. Well, Spirit of Love, I suppose you are mixed up with the Spirit of Lust, more or less ? 74 (Spirit of Love.) No, I am not in the least mixed up with Lust. When Lust comes in I go out. There is a deal of hypocrisy in Lust and it can go under the guise of Love quite successfully for a long time, but it usually shows itself, sooner or later. (Writer.) When two healthy human beings of the opposite sexes live together, then love is hardly ever equal. I suppose one loves the other the better, or one does all the loving and the other has nothing but lust. When it comes to the facts of the case, it would take a mind reader to tell lust from love where healthy males and females are concerned. I believe the only love that is of account, and is genuine, is the love of human females for their young, and some chil- dren for their mothers, and the one they think is their father. There is a doubt about the father in all Chris- tian countries. I have been in the private detective business in Europe and America, and I know jast what I am talking about. I have watched all classes, as a matter of business and profit. In Turkey and all countries where they keep the females confined, and 75 make them keep their places, and where lust takes the place of love, illegitimate children are unknown. But in any Christian country, where so called love rules, and females are allowed their liberty, can a man swear he is legitimate ? In fact, does he know any- thing about it, or does he only think or believe he is ? China is a very old government, and they get along there without love. I don't believe any government that teaches love will last half as long as China. It has an immense population in a comparatively small terri- tory. (Writer.) There are lots of crimes committed through love. I found this out through my business as a private detective, and I know of a large number of murders by poison, etc., committed for love; not only murders, but suicides and other crimes, and fool- ish actions while under the influence of love, which were never discovered and never will be. I am very thankful I am a stranger to love. I am free, not a slave of love. Some people will tell you a happy mar- riage and a happy home with love is a paradise or 76 heaven on earth. Well, they are welcome to it. The whole social system founded on love is disgusting to me. I can well understand how a Turkish harem with one or several pure minded females could be a para- dise on earth, with no free, corrupt love, or go as you please free love society. The conservatories, hotels, summer resorts, and ball rooms, are good places for this society love. There is no danger of being detected, and it is practised con- tinually by all classes in Christian countries where love, sioeet love, rules supreme. They are welcome to all the happiness they can get out of this love. I don't want any. I know I can get more happiness in lust. (Spirit of Love.) Don't you believe in love of country and native land as a good virtue ? (Writer.) That all depends upon what kind of a government my native land would have. If it had the best government on earth, and should be perfect — an impossible condition — I could love it ; but if there were any other country in the world with a better govern- ment, and I should go there and prospar in every way, 77 and if the country of my adoption should go to war with my native country, I would jBght against my na- tive country, and kill as many of my countrymen as I €Ould. The world is my native land, and the country which I believe has the best government I desire to be my home. (Writer.) I believe the world would get along just as well without you, if not better. (Spirit of Love.) You are in darkness; have you no conscience ? (Writer.) I have knocked conscience out so often and so repeatedly, that it has become a stranger to me, and has not bothered me since I was twelve years old. (Spirit of Love.) You had the best of parents, and you know that they both loved you dearly, yet you never gave them any in return for their love. Your mother said she would give her life to save yours; she would have willingly died to save you, and you know it. This is the proof of the love at which you scojff. Your father was a good, honest man, and he loved you ; and now you are going to disgrace your parents' good name by writing this book. Every one who reads it will make mean remarks about your parents and blame them as well as yourself for what you do. (Writer.) It is natural for all human and animal females to protect their young ; the love of the human female is stronger and will last longer than the instinct of protection of the animal mother. I never had any love in my nature and I am glad of it. I can't under- stand how a man can have love for parents, wife or children. I cannot. I have plenty of lust, which satisfies me perfectly ; love is only for the females and males who are the dupes and slaves of females. You say readers will blame the innocent for my faults, and yet you and the Spirit of Common Sense ask why I hate all human beings. I expect to get worsted in the battle over this book; they will not be satisfied in tearing me to pieces, but they will drag my dead parents from the grave like hyenas and gnaw their bones and hiss worse than any reptiles — blame those who are perfectly innocent for my faults. This is 79 characteristic of all human nature ; blame parents for the sins of their children, when it is a positive fact, and has been proved countless times that the best parents often have the worst offspring. Such are the beauties of human nature. (Spirit of Love.) You admit that there are good people in the world. (Writer.) Yes, I admit there are quite a number of good people in the world, but it is only because of their fear of punishment and the desire of reward after death. There is all to gain and nothing to lose by having a good name ; a good name helps any one in every calling and occupation in life ; and there are a great many reasons why a man acts the hypocrite to win a good name, consequently they are all artificial victims of times and circumstances. I will describe some of the beauties of human nature, Spirit of Love, and I suppose according to your doctrine, I should love all human beings. The paupers of Europe have scarcely enough to eat in their native countries. They are fortunate if they caa get meat once a week, they 80 live on bread and water most of the time. It takes them a long time at their starvation wages to earn enough to pay for the cheapest passage to this country, and then they arrive here as paupers ; but they can earn from two to six times as much here as they can for their labor in those countries, and have the best to eat and drink, meat to eat three times a day. About the first thing they buy with the money they save, is the " flag " of their country, and pictures of their native monarchical rulers, who nearly starved them to death and butchered their friends and relatives in war ; this is the nature of the dog that licks the hand of the master who whips and abuses it. Some of them who become independent here would even join their native countries if this country should go to war with them. They get together in crowds, sing their national songs, hoist their national flag, use abusive language against the country of their adoption, that brought them out of their mire and starvation. They want their languages taught in our public schools, their songs sung, and their national holidays kept, in this 81 country. If Eoglisb, they want to celebrate the birth- day of the " Female Koyalty." Look at the majority of these foreigners. They <3urse this government, while they would bleed it, and sell their votes to the highest bidder ; but to go back to their own countries, oh, NO ! They have free- dom here and no starvation. And still they would fight for a monarchy, especially the ignorant classes, who, if told it would be to their interest (they believe black is white if told so), would fight for that side, be it right or wrong. Now, Spirit of Love, after all the beauties of hu- man nature I have enumerated to you, and after con- templating the work of injustice, taxation, and staiva- tion — England against Ireland and India, famine and starvation ; taxation, injustice, and the extermination practised by Spain against Cuba, and all the injustice of monarchies, usurers, money-lenders, and Jews, and the wealthy traitor classes of the United States, and voting traitors of all classes, and "ring-rule" politi- cians, and the thousands of multi-headed monsters, 82 called trusts, companies, etc , at the present time, and in all past centuries, nothing but injustice, according to your doctrine, I must still love human beings. I hate both the persecuted and the persecutors, as the persecuted would be the persecutors if they had enough power. (Spirit of Love.) I give you up ; you are incu- rable. You had better have a talk with the Spirit of Keason. 83 CHAPTER IX. (Writer.) Well, Spirit of Reason, what is your opinion of my plans ? (Spirit of Reason.) Your plans will lead you to ruin and destruction. They aie suicidal. Your ideas are so radical and di£ferent from the ideas of the world that they will call you a crank, or crazy. (Writer.) Yes, I suppose that I must follow after the world and do as it does, and do as it tells me, to follow after the crowds, like sheep, cattle, horses, and geese follow a leader, or go in droves ; do as I am told and ask no questions ; never think or have an idea of my own, but follow the example of the fools of the earth, and make the best of injustice, wrong, and ev- erything else ; be a victim of circumstances and civili- zation, and I will not be a good citizen if I do not do that. If I have independence and a mind of my own, I am liable to be called a crank, imprisoned, or tor- tured to death. I give my reasons for my opinions, as 8i I go along in this book, and I claim a right to those same opinions in this world. I deal entirely with facts, and the past history of humanity, as well as the pres- ent every day history also, it gives me no end of reas- ons to hate human beings. I can't understand how any one who has made just such a study, could either have faith in man or have any respect for him. I have travelled much around the world, and in almost every country ; have had experiences wdth different nationalities, and have studied human nature, there- fore, I claim to be a judge, and I give my reasons as both logical and true. I have intentionally and sys- tematically driven all good impulses out of my nature. I will prove to you that I have perfect control of all my passions. There is plenty of lavr. I can wait sev- eral years if necessary, to kill, when ^mother revolution or riot breaks out. I never saw a good looking female since I was young until the present date, that I would not like to grossly insult, and I never expect to do so, what is more, but I have perfect reason and control of my passions, and never will molest one, only on the 85 safe side of the law. I have sense enough to go to a country or state where females are allowed to do as they choose from twelve years up if I want to marry a young one, and in times of war or revolution it would be different. If I carried weapons in every pocket, in any large city of the world, I would not use them under any cir- cumstances ; notwithstanding I would love to slaughter and kill all males who are worth notice, but I never forget the consequences to myself ; and my reason tells me that there is too much law, and they are not worth death or imprisonment. I would kill every male who is worth notice if I could, whether they molested me or notj if I was in an isolated place, for my reason would tell me there was very little danger of the law in that out of the way place ; I would be revenged on those who insulted me in the large cities, full of Chris- tian law. Note. — Of course I would not kill females any place in the world, under any circumstances, as they are not responsible. £6 (Spirit of Eeason.) What reason would there be in kilhng those who did not bother you in revenge for those who did ? (Writer.) They would be liable to have money and valuables, which I would like to keep as souvenirs to gloat over, would bo one reason ; and they are men and I hate them, would be another. Those who don't bother me are as much my enemies as those who do, as they all would bother me if they could, and had protection and power, but I watch the law when I am in a country where there is lots of it, as there is here ; I don't break it, but will wait until a war, riot or revo- lution, or until I get into a thinly settled country. I always prove my reason and knowledge and self con- trol by suiting myself to my surroundings and the conditions in which I find myself. You will all hold up your hands in holy horror about my hatred, but you all have hatreds of your own ; you hate or despise, which is the same. Hatred is one of the most common traits of hu- man nature, as common as lust or love, but most peo- 87 pie hate only a few of a kind — nations, religions, or societies, and individuals, but I hate^tlie whole world from the beginning to the ending ; I only enlarge on their hatred to the limit. I don't have to see human beings to hate them ; it is my nature as^well as an in- stinct, and for good reason and^cause, 6 88 CHAPTER X. (Spirits of Hate and Destruction.) Our old friends the Teusts are doing splendid work in causing misery, want, and destruction, and they are liable to cause a revolution, civil war, and the overthrow of the govern- ment. (Writer.) Yes, they are working perfectly and extensively ; they are increasing their power wonder- fully and rapidly ; they buy up the most influential newspapers in the principal cities ; they hire them to keep quiet and leave them alone by the week, month, or year. You will notice one day the columns of a paper will be full, exposing them in details, and then days and sometimes months elapse before you read any more in that paper about them ; the limit for which they were hired has run out and the paper shows them up again to receive its hush money. This includes all trusts, such as fresh meats, provisions, coal, oil, sugar 89 and numerous others on the trust list, and many other robbers of the public ; they buy up courts, judges and juries ; buy up United States Congressmen, Senators and State Legislators. I tell you, Spirits of Hate and Destruction, there is nothing slow about the trusts for causing misery, want and destruction ; conse- quently, they are one of our best friends and agents. What better plan could be imagined to arouse the hatred of the masses for the wealthy classes than the Tkusts, which raise the prices of the necessities of life ? And the sooner the civil war is started the bet- ter, because the masses are sure to get the worst of it. So Good-Bye, Republic, and welcome to a military despotism which will prepare the way for a glorious royalty. " BoYALTY ! Live forever ! " with your necessary accompaniment of destniciio7i. (Spirit of Reason.) Why is it you are not aggra- vated with the little harm you can do ? (Writer.) I have always done as much damage in the world as I could since I could remember ; and. 90 as I have said before, I am satisfied when I have done my best. Thousands of Uves have I ruined, directly or indirectly, in my life, and have started thousands on their downward course to ruin, male and female. I have run a large number of gambling dens, dance halls and other dives, concocted all sorts of schemes for the special purpose of ruining young lives of both sexes in the principal cities of several countries; I have ruined all I could, but there is no limit to the numbers that I would like to ruin. My good agents, liquor, opium, gold, money, and the grand people who have the wealth of the world, monarchies and despot- isms, Jews and humanity generally, are all driving the world to destruction fast enough to suit even me, the chief hater of humanity ; consequently I am satisfied and happy. (Spirit of Eeason.) What reason or common sense is there in your hating people who are dead, who lived thousands of years ago ; people who are alive now, but you never saw, and people who will live 91 after you are dead and decayed, or as long as there is a human being living on the earth ? (Writer.) You have my idea exactly ; I hate all from first to last, excepting females and the majority of males who are not accountable. To begin with, those who are dead, under favorable circumstances and no restraining influences, would have used me in whatever way would have suited them best ; those living to-day would do likewise but for the fear of punishment or an impending doom ; and the gen- erations to come would do the same and no arguments would lead me to believe differently, therefore, I hate all human beings from the beginning to the end. Yictims of superstition, victims of circumstances, and victims of civilization are all artificial. Take away the restraining influences of superstition and civilization and see what they will do and what they are. How can you students of history and human nature have faith ? (Spirit of Reason.) Have you no gratitude for the founders of your native land, the United States, 92 who risked everythiQg and fought and died for liberty which enables you to live in peace and plenty ? (Writer.) No, you can't expect, with my nature of hatred, any gratitude. I suppose the founders of the United States Government (I believe their inten- tions were honest enough and they did the best they could) valued human honor, had faith in human na- ture ; but I think that they were wrong in that. If the founders of this Government and they who fought to establish it could look at this Government to-day, they would say that their work was in vain. This country is a garden spot, with almost unlimited resources, and is of immense size, but it is a regular hot-bed of dishonesty and immorality of every kind and full of traitors to the Government, with the wealthy classes running all over the world after royalty when our fore- fathers fought and died to dri\e it out of the country, with foreign traitors as citizens who prefer the flag of their country of starvation and shackles, to the flag and government of this country of freedom and plenty, the majority of whom are ready to fight at the insti- 93 gation of the wealthy classes, who are all traitors and who will pay well to destroy the Government. All the States and Government are ran by the wealthy classes, with all the law courts controlled, bought and sold by the highest bidders. A sham patriotism used as a cloak for all kinds of injustice, dishonesty and vice which possibly can be imagined ; politics run by bosses who control votes ; do you think if George Washington or Patrick Henry could come back and view the United States Government, that they would recognize it ? This country under honest gov- ernment is capable of supporting five hundred million inhabitants with ease and plenty, but over-crowded now with less than one hundred million, on account of the greed and dishonesty of 7iice humanity. If the founders could see all these things I have mentioned, the corruption connected with the government, and all grades of society, negroes voting and living on a lawful equality with the whites, helping to run the country to ruin, females in some states voting and holding office ; the people the most extravagant and 94 wasteful ever known on earth, not satisfied with the- comforts and the necessities of life, they want the lux- uries, and not satisfied with the luxuries that can be produced in this country, they must send to foreign countries for gew-gaws of luxury and extravagance. There's no limit to the millions wasted by the modern females for useless stuffs of fashion which is only good for a few months. If the founders could see all this evil, they would say with one voice "there is no use to try to benefit humanity; we wasted our time and lives ; '' and I believe they would curse the whole human race. After fighting and whipping the Eng- lish, whom they hated and despised most justly and with no end of causes and reasons, if they could have observed in 1846 or thereabouts the landing of an heir of that hated government which they risked all to whip, the Prince of Wales, who landed in New York about the year 1846, with such an ovation of honor and cheering as he received. The heir of the hated government that tried its best at two different times to destroy this government, then to receive the heir of 95 such a despicable government with honor, respect and eclat— bah ! When, if there was any decency, honor, honesty or gratitude in human nature, he should have been received with scorn and hisses, as an heir pre- sumptive to the English throne and a representative of a hated monarchy ; that one incident in history is enough to make any man who believes in right and jus- tice hate the human race. At the present day military companies of Boston going to England and marching up and down before the old Queen ; and to use Fan- euil Hall, Boston, in 1887, for a birthday celebration of the said old female head of England who has as many lives as a cat. This government sent two am- bassadors to England to represent this country at the time of the old Queen's Diamond Jubilee of sixty years of slaughter, injustice and starvation ; all these beauties of human nature only show how fast this government is drifting towards a monarchical form of government ; it also shows very plainly that the government is becoming very easy to overthrow. Then it will be war, slaughter, misery, woe and 96 destruction, which will have fall sway in the world, as this government is the only drawback and preventive of despotism all over the world. I would prefer to be a common soldier under a monarchy than a wealthy citizen of a peaceful republic. I am like a fish out of water in times of peace, and would rather live one year in the army of a despotic government where the motto is "to the victor belongs the spoils " (when the spoils consist of money, valuables and females) than I would fifty years in a peaceful republic surrounded by wealth. All monarchies and despotisms have use for soldiers, and so have some republics ; but war in republics is too humane. When they capture a city there is no spoils in money or females to amount to anything, and the soldiers only stand around and look at the captured. (Spirit of Eeason.) Do you fully reahze the con- sequences of fighting the whole world alone ? (Writer.) Yes, I am attacking the whole world alone, and I will fight them all single-handed ; and I'll 97 face them without a friend if it is ruin, torture or death. I never had a friend except my parents and some females, but I never cared for any of them, and I was glad when my parents died, and my female friends have gone from my sight. I have always delighted in making enemies, for men have always bothered me as much as they could, but all who ever bothered me are beneath notice and contempt. I intend to make all the enemies I can while I am living and hope my book will do so when I am dead. The only men I envy in history are those who were most hated, scorned and despised, and the ones who are most hated, scorned and despised now. My own hatred is so strong that it can't be described. There are lots of hypocrisy in all friendship ; the man with a handsome wife can have no end of male friends, or if he has pretty daughters or sisters or female friends, he can have plenty of male friends ; this friendship, like all friendship, has a selfish object in view, and a per- sonal one, but it is policy to have friends rather than foes. Friends will help one in every way, that is if he 98 uses them for his own profit and amusement, and not let them use him instead. Friendship is made up of two classes — foolish and wise. The wise use their friends for purely selfish purposes and profit by it, the foolish are continually being used by their wiser friends with no return but kind words. I understand all these tricks, but I am too independent and have too much hatred to use any of them. (Spirit of Eeason) What do you expect to gain by writing this book ? (Writer.) To make enemies ; I don't expect there will be many books sold, but I'll be satisfied with the result, few or many. Life is not worth living, there is nothing in it, it is an old story and I'm tired of it. I am ready to risk my life on this for I am willing to die and won't care if I live only ten days or ten weeks, but I prefer to die soon in the full possession of all my faculties and strength. (Spirit of Reason.) You had better take my advice and not publish this book. 99 CHAPTER XI. (Spirit of Lust.) With your disposition, you can enjoy this Hfe all right, although you have no love nor desire for it and don't want any friends ; but you have plenty of lust and hate, which is all that's necessary for happiness to you. The only use you have for men is to swindle, cheat, rob and murder them, under fav- orable circumstances, and far enough away from rail- roads and telegraphs, in time of war, revolution and riots ; and the only use you have for females is lust; you can have a fine time travelling around the world as you have for many years, ha ! ha ! simply looking at the young females of all nationalities of all sizes and shapes, and joining wars and revolutions once in a while for robbery and excitement, to satisfy your de- sire for slaughter, murder and destruction. (Writer.) I did find much pleasure in that for a number of years, but it has gotten old and stale. I 100 want to make one last vicious kick at the world with this book, and then die ; life is not worth living. (Spirit of Lust.) But only think of the damage you could do by living ten years and pursuing your old plans. You take great pleasure, enjoyment, and satisfaction in corrupting the morals and lives of the young, of both sexes ; you have ruined many, and if you keep out of this book business, you can ruin thousands more. You have many successful plans, some of them original. You go into a city a perfect stranger, and in one week have a large number of both males and females in your power. Just think of it ! you can use the males to fix the females, and get them in your power. You know how to do it success- fully and on a large scale. (Writer.) Yes, but there are others to put my plans in operation. I am always sure to have disciples and followers wherever I go. There are many work- ing my plans all over the world now, and most of them have plenty of money. But none of my plans for the corruption of the morals of the young equal 101 dancing, bicycles, and love novels, for accomplishiQg that purpose — three great curses to humanity. (Spirit of Lust.) Honestly, I could not improve on them. You had better give up the scheme of pub- lishing this book, for it may be the means of your losing your life, and if you were more successful you might die happy and satisfied. (Writer.) The corruption of morals of aU classes in all Christian countries is advancing so rapidly that I am nearly satisfied. The bicycle is a great help to both sexes of all ages; they can go so far, stop so often and return so quickly. I tell you it is a great invention, and I gloat over it continually. Give human beings plenty of freedom, let the males and females associate together freely, and I will be satisfied with the results. (Spirit of Lust.) Do you believe religion is a damage or help to immorality ? "Would you change it in any way if you could ? (AYriter.) I do not find any fault with any Chris- tian religion, as it is used for a cloak to cover all kinds of immorality, and I would not change it in the least. 102 as it is respectable to be religious, and makes a fine covering for hyprocrisy. Millions have been killed in past ages on account of the Christian religion, and it looks now as if millions more would be killed and tortured to death in years to come as long as the world lasts, consequently I can find no fault with religion. (Spirit of Lust.) The summer resorts aid us in this ruin. They are perfect schools of vice and lust. (Writer.) Yes, I am proud of these summer re- sorts and delight in watching the results and example to the young growing generation. Have watched people in both Europe and America at these various resorts, in what is called the best and middle classes of society, and I am in a position to know there is no joke in the old saying, " it takes a wise man to tell his own father." If all the bastards were taken out of Christian countries, there would be a number to surprise the world if they could be counted, and my belief is based on my own personal observation in so many different countries. You would be sur- prised at the number of cases in the highest society 103 and amoDg all classes that has been hushed up for fear of bringing disgrace on the family name, etc. If all the stars which are visible at night are worlds like this and inhabited by people similar to the human beings on this earth, and if any of them have such free love as this in all Christian countries, they are in a bad fix indeed. Spirit of Lust, would you wish to change any of the social customs of society or religion in any Christian country of the earth so as to benefit or increase your power ? (Spirit of Lust) — I would not improve or change the customs in any way to increase my power ; they are perfect. (Writer) — I agree with you ; it amuses me greatly to hear people talk about pure minded males and females in this age of Christian countries. How can they be pare minded ? Education includes his- tory and history includes all the vile lives of royalty, male and female, kings and queens. Read the history of Cleopatra, the siren of Egypt ; her impure life ; and many others, male and female, in all ages. Even 7 104 if they do not study history, the papers tell a little of the truth and facts about the few cases in Court ; if they did not read history, newspapers, or novels, there are plenty of older or younger friends who take par- ticular delight in teaching them and poisoning their minds sufficiently. (Spirit of Lust.) Yes, their minds are naturally full of lust and everything connected with modern civilization, education, and society of all grades, has a tendency to increase it. I have no fault to find with the management, as it is in my favor ; but I advise you to give up this plan of publishing this book, as it will spoil your career in this respect. 105 CHAPTER XII. (Spirit of Destruction.) How do you like the blacks and all colored races of the earth ? (Writer.) Spirit of Destruction, I have the most friendly feeling for you, and if I had more power I'd have lots of use for you ; that is, if you could give me any new ideas, which I doubt very much . I will take the greatest pleasure in answering your questions and tell you what I think of all black races and what I would do with them if I had the power. They should be in slavery, colonized or shipped to Africa, but to allow them to live in white nations, equal before the law, is one of the worst and most humiliating curses any white nation can be sub- jected to. My parents taught me that slavery was wrong, and that blacks should be free and have equal rights with the whites, but they were wrong and very badly mistaken. 106 (Spirit of Destruction.) Yes, that was what might be called a black mistake, and that mistake bj so many people brought on the war in the United States and caused an immense amount of destruction of lives and property, and as you and I both favor any- thing that causes war, misery and destruction, we cannot find fault with that. The blacks have al- ways been a curse to the United States and have caused much destruction, and are doing so now, all the time, and always will. They may be termed our agents. How long do you suppose that the whites will stand such a black outrage on decency as blacks liv- ing on an equality with them ? The negroes will con- tinue to make trouble until they are shipped or colon- ized. I have some idea how you hate the black races of the earth and would like to destroy them and drive them into slavery, so I am just supposing this for amusement. Suppose there was a war, and you were at the head of a large army of many thousand whites and J07 several thousand blacks, and you were about to engage the enemy in a battle ; but there were many deep ditches between you and the enemy and high ground, which made it impossible to get your artillery across the ditches to the high grouad so you could sweep the enemy off the earth, and to complicate matters your artillery ammunition was nearly exhausted, what would you do under the circumstances ? (Writer.) That would be very easy. I would order the blacks marched up to the ditches and the ammunition wagons driven close to the ditches, when I would order the heads cut off and the bodies thrown into the ditches and their black heads to be used as €annon balls, which I believe would answer the pur- pose exactly ; when the ditches would become filled with the black carcasses, I would transfer my artillery across on them and occupy the high ground. If I were anywhere and needed to throw up breast works I would use their bodies for that. If I were fighting the enemy along side of a large river, said river hav- ing embankments higher than the land with a big 108 flood Id the river, the enemy being towards the mouth of the river in the same direction the river was run- ning, and the water in the river was about to over- flow the banks and spoil my war plans, if they were not built up quickly, I should use the negro carcasses for that purpose, making the bank safe, and always using the heads as before mentioned. When the banks were built up in this way that would cause more pressure on the banks below, opposite the enemy's- position, and would be liable to burst the banks and exterminate them ; or in case of a prairie fire they would be useful to stop the fire and the said fire would aid in destroying my enemy. If any nation which has a large black population would get in a foreign war it would be invincible if it adopted this plan of using the blacks ; it would accomplish two purposes, in destroying the enemy and destroying a worthless, despicable, odorous, black, living, increasing curse of the country at the same time. (Spirit of Destruction.) That's right ; call up the Spirit of Hate, and let's have a good laugh together. i09 Just fancy the black heads flying through the air as cannon-balls, mowing down the white enemy, and using the black carcasses for breastworks and to fill up ditches. Let's all laugh together once more. Ha! ha! ha! (Spirits of Justice, Common Sense, and Reason.) Don't think for one moment you can make us believe you would only do this to the black races ; yoa would do the same to the white, under favorable circum- stances. (Writer.) As you say, that would depend upon circumstances. If I could use one against the other as a destroying agent, I would always do all in my power, every way, to cause the most misery and de- struction. (Spirits of Justice, Common Sense, and Reason.) You are fully capable of turning the blacks on the whites in overwhelming numbers and destroying them if you had the power. (Writer.) If I thought I could do more damage that way, I most certainly would try. But if I wished 110 to cause the most humiliation, misery, and destruction in the world, in future years I would leave the blacks as they are now, scattered over the earth, mixed with the whites to a great extent in many countries, and protected by equal laws. However, I should think there would be a good opportunity for the right parties to agitate some plan of colonizing the negroes and shipping them out of the country. If all whites were taxed from 5 per cent, up, according to their wealth, the blacks could soon be gotten rid of. I believe every white working man or day laborer could afford to pay ten dollars or more towards such a fund, as they would have more employ- ment. The negroes are a perpetual danger to the government, and millions of whites, both north and south, would favor any form of government in prefer- ence to this, which would drive all the negroes out of the country. Who would blame them ? All this pre- tended friendship of white men for the blacks is hypoc- risy. There is abundant proof that the majority of white females admire all black races, but that is one Ill more proof human females are not responsible for their acts. The blacks bearing equal votes and rights before the law causes it. The miserable politicians of all parties are sucking after the negro vote. Do they not know, or have they no idea what the blacks would do if they (the blacks) were in the majority? Ah, they would treat the whites much worse than they were treated before the " emancipation proclamation ! " The United States would be a different country if all the negroes were driven out. What a horrible thing it is to raise a family, and have it thrown up to them that negroes are as good as they, or their parents, and what a shame to allow the colored children to attend the same schools as the white children, and mix up in the same room and classes. It is no wonder they grow up without seeing the distinguishing line between black and white, inter- marrying, as in most of the northern State?. But all of this suits me exactly, but the whites are fools to allow it. There is much controversy in regard to the large number of suicides in this country. Contemplate the black curse of allowing the negroes to 112 live in the same cities, counties, and States with the whites, voting, and with equality before the law, and the modern, advanced, independent, aggressive, pro- gresive females, trying to vote and taking employment of all kinds away from men. These two curses are much more than sufficient to cause any man with any self-respect or decency to commit suicide. The only wonder I can see is that so few destroy themselves. (Spirit of Eeason.) What do you mean by say- ing females are not responsible for their acts ? (Writer.) From my experience with them, what I have read, and what I have been told, there are times in their lives when they are mentally wrong. Bat I give them the benefit of all doubt, consequently, I count them irresponsible all the time. (Spirit of Eeason.) They get over that. (Writer.) But I believe the effect lasts as long as they last ; they do queer acts and follow queer fash- ions at all ages, which proves they are not responsible beings. I am no female hater ; I would have been 113 better off now, mentally, morally and physically, if I had. I always did like females from my earliest recollection, not for the noise they make with their tongues in talking and singing, but I like them for the animal magnetism which they possess, and which is necessary to the health of my carcass, in limited quantities. The more animal magnetism any one female possesses, the better I like that one ; of course, I never had any love for them, only very strong lust, which, with my nature, answers the same purpose. I want a change once in a while. I don't want them to love me. If there were two young females of the same age, just alike in every way, in looks, age and disposition, only one loved me and the other hated and despised me, and I had my choice, I would marry the latter, and get a divorce or make her get a divorce in a few months. I believe I could tame her in about twelve hours, and she would either hate me worse or like me better ; I would not care which, but they are queer animals. Xow, if the Christians managed their women like 114 the Turks, Persians, and all followers of Mohammed, the country would be better off. American married men are the worst dupes, tools, €at's-paws and hen-pecked slaves upon earth. England and France are rapidly becoming the same, and bas- tards are increasing in all the Christian countries. The more freedom the females have, the more bas- tards. Any man, or any class of men, who would be satisfied wdth the rotten state of all society in Chris- tian countries, would be satisfied to share a wife with another man, if it was the common custom of one wife for two men. But as the majority of men in Christian countries are fools, free lovers, and men whose only thought is lewd women, anything will suit them, and the more corrupt society is, the better they like it. There is no wonder in that, as the whole system of society in all Christian countries is perfectly rotten to its core, and you can't expect sound fruit from a de- cayed tree. No man of any observation or self-respect would marry now unless for money. Look at the scandals in the papers, and only a small percentage 115 get into the papers and courts, when there should be thousands in courts, according to right and justice. Still they marry, which proves the filthiness of Chris- tian nations. Some of the intelligent men in past and present history, who are the most honored (and honor is what they value), have married widows. The way I understand that is, that they are close observers of the ways of the world, see the corruptness of society and the difficulty and chance of getting a virtuous single female, and they don't want to marry a single female and have a number of males laughing at them secretly, or openly saying, " he thought he got a vir- tuous female, but I and others know differently.*' So the intelligent men make the best of circumstances and modern society, marry widows, and by so doing acknowledge to the world that they are taking a second- handed one, at least, and no one can laugh at them. Every one knows what widows are. If they are all like the ones I have had experience with, there is no wonder their husbands are dead ; but the least said about the widows the better. 116 CHAPTER XIII. I, the chief hater of all men of intelligence, am well satisfied with the works of the females. Many of the governments of the world can trace their failure and overthrow, directly or indirectly, to the influence of females, and I believe that they yet will be the downfall of this republic, and when this is gone, all republics will fall. Then will follow the establish- ment of monarchies over all the world, which will cause perpetual wars, famines, pestilence, injustice, misery, torture, slavery or worse than slavery ; and this is just what I want to happen. I will give a few of my reasons for believing the females will overthrow this Republic : All females have a secret or open re- gard for royalty and all titled people ; and in proof of it they are always running after the titled class and gratefully accepting any crumbs of favor or notice which are thrown them ; and there is no country upon 117 the earth where females honor the titled class more than in this republic. This is plainly proven. If there is no royalty or titles to run after, they will run after military titles and those who are in a higher so- cial circle than themselves, and those so-called higher circles only look down in scorn upon them, but their flattery and coddling are sweet, nevertheless. They who are treated with the most scorn are always more than ready to take the least favors from them. To prove that all females in the world admire and honor royalty, look at all the newspapers and magazines de- voted entirely to females. Can you find one of them which does not publish stories and anecdotes about titled people, their movements, where they are going, what they are doing, and all the disgusting particu lars? And the newspapers, with pages devoted to female readers, never fail to have a paragraph, some- times whole columns, about these foreigners of title and rank — kings, queens, princesses, etc. The novel writers all know this fact, and the majority of the suc- cessful ones have titled characters in their novels ; 118 the writers of family story papers do the same, and the play writers kaow the value of having titled persons and characters in their plays, as they are well aware they draw the females. They also know that females and their bond slaves — men — are the sup- porters of the theatres. They know the powerful in- fluence that females possess over their male dupes and slaves, who are willing to make monkeys of themselves all their lives to please them. Just as well do they know that the success of theatres and novels depends upon females. One of the strongest proofs that females worship titles is the large number of the wealthy ones of the United States, who go to Europe, buy titles with their money and beauty, and marry the impoverished sons and heirs of English Earls, or any title whatever, that may be added to the bargain. Give the female power to vote in all the States and at national elections, then good-bye Republicanism and Democracy in this country, and the death knell of all republics in other countries. Agents of royalty in Washington work the females. 119 wives, daughters, and sisters of henpecked statesmen and friends, in favor of monarchical governments. The work of female influence can be seen in the works of several Presidents in favor of monarchy. One of the greatest dangers to the government is the influence of the female relatives of the henpecked statesmen, and it proves, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that all females honor hereditary royalty. The titled foreigners at Washington give balls and banquets, and use all kinds of tricks to make friends of these hen-pecked statesmen and their female relatives, knowing full well the said females have power in numerous ways to rule their husbands, which is always in favor of hereditary rulers. The govern- ment being undermined and weakened by the titled class of people of Europe and the world, are strongly aided by the female agents of trusts, railroads, tele- graphs, and all such who are corrupt lobbyists, and who play the prostitute and practise blackmailing. You hear much about kind-hearted females, when it is an undisputed fact that the Spanish are slaughter- 120 iog the Cubans by thousands, and starving them to death, and selling the young females at auction, every- thing fully as bad as in Armenia, and instead of send- ing help to the Cubans, a few hours' sail from this country, they collect an immense amount of money and send a professional female, who makes charity a business, to Armenia, the other side of the earth. And what is the reason for all this injustice? It proves the power and influence and friendship of all prominent females, and all females, for monarchies. Spain has a queen and the females will not interfere in Cuba on that account, and they use their all powerful influence upon their henpecked husbands and their henpecked presidents for mere personal matters of their own, preventing them from helping Cuba. The Queen of Spain writes charming, sweet, pathetic, lovely letters, as they call them, to the wives of the president and statesmen, while they talk sentimental rot about the poor Queen of Spain. Kind-hearted females, how amusing. I believe this will hold good in all Christian countries. How plain was the female influence shown 121 in the Cleveland rule of ruin ! The black Queen of the Sandwich Islands first visited all the monarchies of Europe, and was received with great pomp and cere- mony by all those monarch s — male and female. Some of the titled Europeans wrote to Mrs. Cleveland and her friends to do all they could for the kicked- out black queen. AYhen she arrived here she called on Mrs. Cleveland, and all the female relatives, who vied with each other in honoring her, because a Queen and the titled classes of Europe and the world had directed them to do so. Black Queen Lilioukalani worked on the sympathies of Mr. Cleveland, his wife, and the other females in the ring. At last, Cleveland ordered the American flag pulled down at Honolulu, and the black Queen Lil to be reinstated. That was only fe- male influence. No wonder the Turks are the best fighting men of the world— they have something to fight for ; and to prove their government is practical, it has existed for thirteen hundred years. If it were possible for any modern nation to adopt their marriage laws and ways of managing females, with a limitation 122 of two or three wives, I believe such a nation would rule the world. Freedom of women, in both France and America, will lead them to ruin, and to prove it> both of said countries are decaying in population ; there is less increase of population in France than any other nation, and there would be the same, in fact, in the United States, if it were not for immigration and increase of the ignorant, foreign-born paupers. What more proof do you want that unlimited freedom of fe- males is destruction ? I am more than satisfied with the work of the modern " know it all," advanced females ; and I hop© their power and influence will increase in every way, for it means ruin and destruction. This female sovereignty in society, running and ruling men, is a great pleasure to me. The worst enemy of humanity who desired the most misery and destruction could not ask for anything better than perfect equality among the sex with belief in love. How amusing to watch these poor female ruled dotards stand around quietly and let the females take their 123 occupations away from them and vote to help the females rob them of their natural right of employment and vote themselves into the poor house or starvation. If laughing would make any one fat and healthy, surely there is enough to laugh at, in watching such society in the United States. There is no occupation in which men are engaged that is safe from the " new woman ; " she will do anything. They work at all the trades, occupations and professions now, more or less. In some of the Western States and Territories the women vote. I tell you it is great fun to watch the crowing-hen expression on their faces when they go to the poles to vote ; there will soon be as much com- petition between the female candidates as the male, but the contests will be hotter ; instead of fist fights and black eyes, it will be tongue lashing and hair pulling. I desire no more pleasure than this, and the downfall of the government, which is sure to follow. Let us laugh at these female clubs ; we can easily judge their conversation by the items we read in their magazines as to the way the titled class of Europe and 124 the world dress, what they eat, what they do, and al! the scandals connected with them. It is difficult to find a female who does not like and admire praise and flatter the titled and most wealthy class, which lead to ruin. These clubs only help to make misery and woe at the present time, and especially for years to come. Can anyone estimate the large amount of money wasted yearly by extravagant females of all classes combined, in the United States, for useless gewgaws of fashion, which are only fit to burn or destroy in a few months, when they are not in fashion ? It is impos- sible to control the modern advanced female, unless by a revolution or foreign war and the destruction of the government. But if it were possible to shut up the females in separate schools, within large grounds^ from the time they could walk until they were mar- ried, and keep them shut up after they were married, and compel them to wear the plainest clothing, this would be a different government. Then every State and county from the Atlantic to the Pacific could 125 build the finest public marble buildings, and all kinds of the finest, substantial, ornamental public improve- ments of every description with the money that is now wasted by the modern extravagant females. Not only this, but the government could build a navy which could whip all the rest of the navies of the world combined, and could build armored forts every few miles on the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and have railroads with armored cars running the whole length of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The armored car railroad running as close to the coast as possible — so as to protect the coasts and to prevent the landing of enemies. All these things I have men- tioned could be accomplished, and many more of the same kind, and be of substantial, lasting, useful grand improvements for the advancement of the nation in a short time with the money which is wasted by modern females. Then this would be a nation to be proud of, on a substantial foundation, and men would be more liable to honor and fight for such a nation than to make monkeys of themselves, as at present, running 126 after the females and being used as slaves bj them. Such a nation could be called a male nation. This nation, as it is now, can be called very appropriately a female nation, as the big majority of men are female ruled and hen-pecked. Signs similar to the following, are very plentiful in all cities of the country, as everyone knows : Abra- ham, Isaac, Jacob & Co., importers of the latest styles of millinery from Paris and London ; also, importers and wholesale dealers in the finest feathers of all the countries of the globe ; also, live birds, starved to death so that the feathers will not come out, for trim- ming nice ladies' hats ; also, new Parisian novelties for trimming ladies' bonnets, consisting of artificial snakes, lizards, and all kinds of reptiles and animals, in miniature ; also, natural small reptiles prepared by a new process, which causes them to retain all their natural beauty of color; also, the finest hand-made lace, made by females in damp, underground cellars, where the average life is less than twenty-five years ; also, the new Parisian fad — live chameleons, with small ]27 gold chains around their necks, and brooch to fasten to the hat or waist ; also, the latest London corsets, which make a long, slim, tapering waist. This is very similar to the countless advertisements in this female- ruled, henpecked country. But in a government such as I mentioned, where females were shut up all their lives and compelled by law to wear the plainest clothing, and the money saved that way to be used in substantial government improve- ments of all kinds, these are the kind of signs and ad- vertisements you would see : " Washington, Adams, Jefferson Co-operative Co., manufacturers of all kinds of marble work, such as statuary and ornamental marble work of all descriptions. Ten thousand marble workers employed on the co-operative plan; we are State and government contractors ; we built the new marble State library of Pennsylvania, and the four fountains, and furnished everything complete ; we also built the new marble patent office for the United States Government at Washington, D. C, covering two acres of ground, with over a hundred statues and one of the 128 largest marble fountains in the world in front of the building ; we have built, in the last few years, fifty county libraries, all of marble, with large fountains and ornamental marble wall fences and statuary ; also, twenty marble arches for State capitols, one hundred feet wide, two hundred feet high, and fifty feet thick ; we also manufacture bronze work of all kinds, and bronze statuary and ornamental iron work of every description. As the ten thousand men who have op- erated this co-operative company for the last ten years have all obtained the highest limit of wealth allowed by the government, they will all retire for life in less than six months ; the books have been opened for new members for several months and there are only a few vacancies left, as there are less than one hundred po- sitions left out of ten thousand new beginners." Now, this last is the kind of an advertisement which would be possible in fifty years if the females were shut up and compelled to keep their places. Compare the two advertisements : the first 129 advertisement, which is a truthful representation of this female ruled government, everything for' the present, all wasteful, nothing substantial or lasting ; the last advertisement represents everything which is grand, substantial and permanent, but the last advertisement is impossible under present female rule, which is in- creasing in power all the time, and I am glad of it, as the present government will fail with great misery and slaughter, and only despotism can rule it afterwards. If there was some way to excite the contempt of males for females and cause them to treat them as inferior beings as they are, and treat them more as necessary incumbrances, aad teach love of country and govern- ment above all, then there would be more hope of the perpetuation of the government. To prove this as a fact, the pagan republic of ancient Rome treated females as inferiors and with comparative contempt they honored the government above all, and it had a wonderful power and advancement for the barbarous age in which it existed, but it began to decay as soon as females commenced to have influence. All these 130 reforms I have mentioned are impossible to the female ruled males of this country. If I thought they were possible, I would not men- tion them, as I gloat continually over the rapid way this government is rushing to ruin, and it is very amusing to watch it being ruined directly or indirectly by females, and surely it is the most disgusting way any government could fail. 131 CHAPTER XIY. (Spirit of Imagination.) We will suppose a case just for amusement and let the imagination have full sway. Suppose the largest star which can be seen from this world similar to ours, inhabited by beings the same as this world, only they live to be a thousand years of age. Suppose one of these beings had power to come to this earth as a representative in the form of a spirit and communicated to me an offer he wanted me to make to you ? This spirit representative of the other world would make the following proposition to you through me ; now saying he has the power to transfer your spirit to the world he represents, and either give your spirit the highest power in that world, or put your spirit in a beast of prey, reptile or other animal, or destroy your spirit entirely and completely, and he would give you your choice. In the country he represents there is a female princess just born ; sho 132 is heir to the throne and will be ruler of the whole world he represents ; all the inhabitants will honor her as long as she lives, which is for a thousand years, and her wealth and power will be greater than any of this world ; she can marry or not marry, just as she wishes, but she has inherited a very weak mind from her parents. However, she is not capable of governing her subjects strictly, systematically and practically as they should be, and now the proposition he makes to you is for you to allow him to transfer your spirit into the body of this infant princess ; refuse, and he will transform you into some hideous beast or destroy your spirit entirely. What is your answer ? (Writer.) I would not stop to consider the proposition ; I would jump at the chance of escape and would willingly be any kind of a male beast or entirely destroyed, anything imaginable, than become a female human being, or a female of any kind. (Spirit of Imagination.) The representative 133 spirit of the other world says you are a victim of ignorance. (Writer.) Tell him if that is ignorance, I am thankful that I am ignorant ; that he has grossly in- sulted me, and to get out. 134 CHAPTER XV. (Spirit of Destruction.) What is your opinion of the little dwarfs who hop around the world and make lots of noise ? (Writer.) The majority of them are beneath contempt. Their minds are as small as their stature ; they are good in time of war for lackeys, and in time of peace to marry and raise young ones for the same purpose. Many of them are kept out of war by their size. Of course, there have been intelligent little men in all ages, and at the present time, but, intelli- gent or not, they hate the big men. I suppose the reason for this is, they were used for foot- balls by the big boys in their school days, and knocked around by the big men after they were grown. Any big man who gets into the power of a little man, in any way, is in a bad fix. There have been many small generals in different parts of the world, in the armies of differ- 135 ent nations, in the past and present history, and they seem to take great delight in killing the large men. One nation had many large men until one of its little generals began to make a target of the tall, and now its armies are full of men short in stature. The said nation lost its last war on that account, I believe. As all of my desire is for misery and destruction, I am glad of this planning of the little men, which they will execute if they get the chance. The majority of the large men are fools, and the intelligent lot of them are the meanest on earth. AVhere I would be satis- fied to drive the small men into slavery 15 hours a day, I would drive the big men into slavery 20 hours a day. (Spirit of Destruction.) If you were furnished with the power to return in spirit after death and take the form of a beast of prey or a bird of prey, or some invisible spirit of which the world would be ignorant to see or know the cause of, to cause either misery and destruction, or good ; what would you do ? (Writer.) As I believe it is worse than useless to y 136 try to benefit humanity, which all past ages prove, and as I hate mankind, of course I would do all the dam- age I could. If it were possible for me to take the form of a bird of prey, and fly over the world and spread the dreaded disease — leprosy, among all nations, I would do it ; I would prefer this to any other method, as it is a slow, lingering, horrible death. To kill the most of the people in the world now would be the kindest thing you could do for them, as there is noth- ing but misery and slow starvation and worse than slavery for them, consequently I would prefer all meth- ods which caused the most misery ; but still I would spread diseases, such as the black plague, yellow fever, cholera, and all loathsome diseases, if possible. I would aid royalty or any other destroying agency, and do all I possibly could to damage all republics in the world. I would silently, swiftly, and secretly sow^ the seeds of disease in the armies of all republics ; horses and cattle of all republics should die from disease ; founder their ships on the rocks at sea, destroy the light-houses and create false lights in their stead, tam- 137 per with the compasses, fire the cities, forests, and everything else possible which belongs to all republics, if I had the power. I should like to be able to change the course of ships, drive them on the rocks, but save the crew in boats, so they might slowly starve to death, or drown quickly ; but I would prefer that they slowly starve — turn cannibalistic and eat each other. In fact, I would do everything possible to aid monarchy to destroy all republics. I would work and destroy until the whole remain- ing world was a monarchy, then the balance living could fight among themselves, and my work would be finished. I would perch on the highest mountains as a bird of prey, or roam the forests as a beast of prey, or float over the earth as a spirit, and gloat over my work. I would visit the different countries in the darkness of night, and with a voice that would make all the inhabitants tremble, if possible, say, " Koyalty Forever." If my power was limited in the spirit, so I could do comparatively little damage to human beings ex- 138 cepting in one way, I would keep within my limit. But I should like to cause destruction upon both sea and land, and allow no rescues. (Spirit of Destruction.) The majority of men on land are fools, and beneath contempt ; but all who fol- low the sea as an occupation, from the captains to the lowest sailors, without exception, are fools. (Writer.) I believe yon are right ; but yet I would kill them all, on general principles, if I had the power ; and all who took their places, as fast as possible. (Spirit of Destruction.) There is nothing slow about yon, according to your power, and I can give you no additional advice on destruction, as your ideas are perfect in that respect. (Writer.) You are right. Suppose my power for destruction in the spirit form was confined to the land only, and Hmited to a certain extent. If I had the power to transfer locusts from one country to another,, destroy all crops and create famine, I w^ould be quite weU satisfied. Or if I was allowed the power to in- crease storms, heat, and cold, I would be most thank- 139 ful. Did you ever notice miserable human beings complaining about the weather ? It is always too hot or too cold to suit them, too wet or too dry ; then again, no snow or too much snow. There is no limit to the presumption of despicable humanity. They should be thankful they are permitted to live in any kind of weather, without any fault-finding whatever. I can imagine what kind of weather I would give them if I had control of it for a short time. One day I would blister them with intense heat, the next day extreme cold and snow ; then there should be such a deluge of rain, that all the buildings would be floating around like Noah's ark in that long ago. I would make them glad to get any kind of endurable weather. If my power lay in an invisible spirit, and was confined to cities, towns, and villages of different na- tions, I would be sure to do all the destruction that was possible in the above-named places. I would use fire, contagious diseases, opium, and liquors, if pos- sible, in every way, to their fullest extent. All this feeling of pretended friendship in nations of hereditary 140 government for those of republics is either for self- interest, or purely hypocritical ; and as all republics are the natural enemies of the titled and wealthy classes, I would use one country against another ; if possible, get up a regular war of extermination, in favor of monarchies against all republics. All mon- archies are liable to combine against all republics for self-preservation ; then see the dead fall in all repub- lics of the earth, as if the pestilence had struck them, and much worse. 141 CHAPTEE XYI. SECRET SOCIETIES.' (Spirit of Destruction.) What is your opinion of all secret societies ? (Writer.) Some of them are full of traitors, some have branches all over the world, and have a large number of titled members. Citizens of a republic who will belong to any society which allows citizens of a hereditary monarchy as members, are traitors to a re- publican form of government ; not as an open traitor, but worse — a hypocritical traitor. No citizen of a republic can be friendly to a monarchical government, or titled classes, and be an honest, patriotic cititizen of a republic at the same time. The majority of mem- bers of all secret societies are fools, and it would take at least ten of them to make one average common sense independent man, and they can only be led or driven like cattle ; consequently, as the majority of all 142 members of all secret societies are fools or traitors, you and I, Spirit of Destruction, can find no fault with them, or their work, because] they aid war and destruction. 143 CHAPTER XYII. " BEAUTIES OF HUMAN NATURE." A very old saying is, " man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn." I beUeve that could be changed to '^ man's humanity to man makes countless millions mourn.'' If there can be anything imagined more despicable than human natare, I would like to see it. When I talk of human beings I mean the big majority of males ; I do not include the fools, and the females who do not know enough to be either good or bad. It is an infallible rule that the most in- telligent are the most grasping after wealth. Look at them ! the more they get the more they want ; if they get a hundred acres of land they want a thousand, and so on, no limit ever satisfies them. If they get a block of houses, they want more without limit ; if the 7 get a million in gol ^ they want another, and so on. If they make a million in business in one city, they 144 want to make the same in many other cities, never satisfied ; however, there are a few exceptions to the rule, caused by other selfish or superstitious reasons. Another beauty of human nature is to witness the wealthy people in this country, who, either they or their ancestors, made their money here ; they are all traitors to this government. Are not millionaires worse than murderers ? A murderer kills a man, or perhaps more than one ; a millionaire is the cause of many deaths, either directly or indirectly, because he has many times more than his share and many others are sure to die in consequence. He cares not how he gets his money, so he gets it ; mines cave in, trains are wrecked, men starve and are killed in his employ by needless carelessness of some defect, yet it is to help him make his millions ; is it not blood money ? Did some man not lose his life to save him money, when it should have been used to strengthen some wall or brace some partition ? that is, if you believe in justice. Observe the wealthy classes of the world. Could more despicable deeds be imagined or viler 145 schemes to ruin and destroy than they perpetrate, to grasp the filthy hicre from others. Of course I am worse than any of them, for I gloat and glory in the misery and destruction they cause in innumerable ways. A few of them donate hospitals, libraries, colleges, etc., but every one with common sense knows their selfish object in so doing. I praise and honor all the wealthy and titled classes and Jews, because they are all the same where self-interest is concerned. How can people with common sense, who claim to like right and justice, like the wealthy people, after reading the history of past ages and watching the works of to-day, is a mys- tery to me. They would not be able to run the world if the majority were not fools* The masses should organize societies to regulate the wealthy and titled classes, and have international societies for the same purpose, because no one country can regulate the wealthy and titled classes and Jews by taxation or otherwise with- 146 out international co-operation of other countries, for, if one country compels the wealthy to do what is right, they will only be for moving to some other country where they can have protection to rob the public in numerous ways, according to law. Much capital is going from France, England and all Europe and the United States, to be invested in Russia in manufacturing enterprises, because the majority in Russia are ignorant brutes. Old families with histories, who have had ances- tors in government positions, and the v/ealthy classes and descendants of army and navy officers, are as much a danger to freedom in this republic, and all republics, as the old families of Rome were to that government. 14^ CHAPTER XVIII. CLUBS. (Spirit of Destruction.) What is your opinion of clubs ? (Writer.) Well, neither you nor I can find fault with them or any other of the worst enemies of human beings which desire to cause them the most misery. A large number of clubs are only blinds for drinking and gambling ; and what more could we ask for ? All of these clubs are full of traitors ; they make all ma,nner of fun of George AYashington and the other founders of this government in private, and in public they make patriotic speeches and laud George Wash- ington to the skies. In the wealthy clubs, the traitors have had their plans laid for years to overthrow this government and establish a hereditary monarchy. If France would go back to a monarchy, they would put their plans into execution immediately, by starting 148 riots, revolutions, and a civil war, by withdrawing their money from the different industrial enterprises. All the hereditary monarchies of Europe would lend their co-operation, and also the wealthy Jews of the world have promised the wealthy club traitors their support, through their representatives, the clubs. Some of the countries have promised soldiers, ships and ammunition to aid in the overthrow. All of these traitor plans have been matured and perfected for years ; all that is wanting now is the opportunity. After-dinner speakers and females are the mediums of communication between the wealthy club traitors of this country and the monarchical countries of Europe and the world. These foreign countries might ignore the "Monroe Doctrine," and go to war with South American countries and draw the United States into war ; or some one of the countries of Europe declare war against the United States, and all the monarchies then back it up. In fact, there is no end of ways for them to start the game, and they are sure to do it sooner or later ; and they are sure to be successful. 149 All monarchies would prefer to combine against all republics rather than fight among themselves, as ail republics are a perpetual menace to their own existence. The working classes of Europe do not recoojnize that their only future hope of freedom will be in the United States, and if it fails, they fall. Would any industrious citizen of any monarchy of Europe have as much freedom and justice, and the use of the ballot, in their native country, or on coming to this country when it becomes a monarchy, as they have now ? When this country does fall, it will be the greatest slaughter known in the world, with more brutal horrors, with millions of blacks and vicious fool whites overrunning the country. It will be almost horrible enough to satisfy even me. No matter how slender the hope of the industrious workers of Europe is on the advance- ment of the United States — that is, if the United States curtail the females, by shutting them up or otherwise — it is their only hope. There is a possible chance for it yet by the use of the ballot, and a pos- 150 sihle chance is better than no chance. These foreign countries will say when this country fails, that they must curtail or abolish the ballot, or we will go to ruin the same as the United States ; then, good-bye liberty. You would think the plainest common sense would show this fact to the industrious workers of all the different nations of Europe, but they can't see it. At the first call for help to fight the United States, these foreigners would leap for joy ; it would not be necessary for a second call. Yet it would be with de- struction to their last and only safe guard, which is freedom in this country, but will be slavery yet. If the fools do not wake up and study these things, and combine for protection, they will find when they look up, before long, air-ships navigating the air, controlled by glorious royalty ; and if they raise a protest, they will be blown off' the earth. How long do you suppose the war would last in Cuba, if Spain had air-ships? They would exterminate the Cubans, who would be helpless, or drive them into slavery. Air- ships are sure to come. 151 I am a traitor, but I am not more of a traitor or a worse traitor to my native republic, than any other wealthy citizen of this republic, or the wealthy class in all republics. Now, Spirits of Hate and Destruction, call up all your fellow- spirits that you can, and let us all drink the health, prosperity, and success to all of glorious royalty. Let us imagine that we are continually drink- ing the health, prosperity, and success to monarchies, and let us continually curse all republics of the earth. I will shout with the loudest \oice, and if you cannot shout, try to collect the atmosphere into a storm, and when I shout for " glorious royalty, live forever ! " you try to take up the echo by the wind or storm which you will try to control, and sweep around the earth to all nations and howl in the storm and tempest, if possible, or try to make the storm and tempest howl on the oceans, on the mountains and in the forests, in the villages, cities, and towns, " Gloki- ous Wealthy Classes, Jews, and Royalty, Live For- ever 1 '' 10 152 CHAPTER XIX. Can you find more impure, insultiog language used in the slums of any large city than the college students use ? They are the same through life, al- though they may cover their low, insulting natures with hypocrisy and deceit. There is no end of scan- dals in the papers, by the acts of college students ; and only a small percentage get into the newspapers that should. If any one has doubts upon the subject they can soon find out for themselves by going to a college town and to the college games — boat races, foot- ball, base-ball, etc. Most all highly educated people are as vindictive as demons if any one offends their dignity. Their politeness is like the hissing of serpents ; read the ed- itorial pages in the papers of Europe, which represent the monarchical and wealthy class, and Jews and clubs, and the papers of this country, which represent the 153 same, and you can almost hear the spiteful hiss of the intense vindictiveness of the reptiles. This proves what the vampires would do if they had the power. Contemplate the people who run the trusts of all kinds ; the greedy land-grabbers who own thou- sands of acres, one often has sufficient land for hun- dreds of men. Look at the greedy things they call the wheat kings, corn kings, cattle kings, coal kings, copper kings, cotton kings and merchant princes ; each one of them having more than their share aod many times over,. and still grasping for more, and the majority are college graduates. Bat all this injustice of highly educated, greedy vampires, could be con- trolled, regulated and limited by the ballot, if the voters were not dishonest and sach fools ; yet I am asked why I hate human beings. (Note.) I admit there are some poor college graduates working as barbers, hotel and restaurant waiters, Turkish bath attendants and dry goods clerks, etc. Voters are anxious to sell their votes, helping to ruin this government of right and justice, which was 154 established under such favorable circumstances for advancement in 1776, and now one hundred and twenty-one years old, the most corrupt nation in every respect that can be imagined. And with al- most every abuse of justice and right, which is in the power of the voters to remedy by ballot, thej vote themselves to ruin and destruction. This government was started on the most just, liberal and unselfish foundation, a perfect model of righteousness and justice, in every respect ; and the men who founded it were models of honor. They were unselfish, self sacrificing citizens, but what have been the consequences to their noble and almost more than human work ? Look at the results, then ask me why I hate human beings. Behold, the politicians and office-holders, with their dishonest methods and tricks of every kind, and the despicable citizens of all classes, all looking out for themselves, and traitors to the government ; all in favor of any kind of gov- ernment which would protect their own individual interests best.! 155 CHAPTER XX. Is there anythiDg gold will not accomplish in Tilling this world ? Money is necessary to every gov- ernment. The Jews of Europe have a mortgage on nearly every nation of the earth ; the wealthy classes of Europe and other nations have mortgages on every other country. These mortgages are called national ■debts ; and the majority of the citizens of all nations have their property mortgaged. All classes of wealthy people of all nations of the earth are bound together by self interest, regardless of nationality, race, or €olor ; and the poor middle class are simply tools of rich. The civilized nations of the earth will hold up their hands in horror at slavery when millions of citi- zens are worse than slaves. Slaves are not allowed to starve, but they are permitted to starve in large numbers with the greatest pleasure by the rulers and wealthy classes. The Jews are considered the greed- 156 iest class in the world, but they are no worse than the wealthy classes of all nations. Yoa can find no class more greedy than the wealthy of this country, with their trusts and companies. They do not like to call them trusts, but every company or combination of capitalists in the United States from the smallest to the largest should be classed under the one heading. Trusts, as it is only a question of time when they will all combine to rob toe public. All republics of Central America and South America are run by the wealthy classes of Europe, and the wealthy traitors of their own countries com- bined, directly or indirectly, and all South American republics are naturally and justly, and with no end of reason, suspicious of the monarchies of Europe. Sa the wealthy and titled classes and Jews of Europe and the world have gone into partnership with their most faithful and reliable allies, the wealthy classes of the United States, and have instructed them to buy up the national debts of the South American republics and build railroads, and get immense tracts of govern- . 157 ment land, send vast numbers of their foolish emi- grant subjects there to gradually undermine the gov- ernment, and at the proper time to revolt. In all South American republics they would be backed by the wealthy classes of Europe and the wealthy class of each separate republic of the world, who are all traitors to their native republics. When the proper time arrives, the republics in these countries will be obliterated in this manner. England has long been trying to get control of some Central American republic, so she could transport her war material quickly from the Atlantic to the Pacific. All Central American republics are justly suspicious of England, and all other monarchies. England's wealthy classes and Jews, and the wealthy classes of the United States, ha\e just the same as bought the republic of Honduras ; they have agreed to pay the national debt of Honduras for the right to build a railroad from the Carribean Sea on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west, and a government grant of three thousand acres of land for each mile of railroad built, and the 158 choice of the land along said railroad. The govern- meDt has given them the right to run the banking business of the country. Of course all the business transactions are done and contracts signed by a United States company as a blind, and they will pretend to run the country in favor of the United Sta^^es, but England furnishes most all the money and will secretly control everything to her own advantage and interest, the same as she secretly controls the Panama canal, with her most friendly co-operators, the wealthy traitors of the United States. Look at the map of Central America. England has a possession called British Honduras, separated from the Eepublic of Honduras by a perfect harbor for ships. All England would have to do after the railroad is built, which she will control, is to lay in war material in her own pos- session, ship it through the Eepublic of Honduras on the railroad, bring in as many European emigrants as they desire, who will always fight for royalty, then good-bye to the republic. The hen-pecked statesmen of the United States will sneer and scoff at this fact 159 if it's mentioned to them, but they are paid by Eng- land to keep quiet and keep others quiet. Now, all of this is a fact, as any one can prove by an investiga- tion ; but if you inquire of the newspaper men you may be sure they will deny it, as they are in secret com- munication with these traitors, and well paid by them. The same combination of wealthy traitors, Jews and monarchies that is engineering the plot against the Hepublic of Honduras, is plotting against all the other republics of Central and South America and the United States. It is all in the power of the ualimited gold which the wealthy classes, hereditary rulers, and Jews of the world possess. So the end of all repub- lics is rapidly drawing to a close, as money rules the world. So, Spirit of Destruction, call up the Spirit of Hate, and let us all sing and shout for joy. Royalty rules forever ; then we are sure of a reign of misery and destruction. A few years ago there was a bill presented to the United States Congress to allow Russia to land soldiers 160 in this country in case of war. This proves what the wealthy traitors of the country are. There is bound to be a war between the combined monarchies of the world, and against all republics. They will have to start such a war for self-preservation, and the mon- archies are sure to win, as they control all the wealth aud brains of the world, and all the wealthy class of each and every republic are on the side of monarchy. (Spirit of Destruction.) You and I cannot ask for anything better to insure the most misery and de- struction, than a money- ruled world by the glorious agents of royalty, who are the wealthy classes of all nations of the earth, including wealthy Jews. (Writer.) That is one of the reasons why I hate human beings. The big majority waste their money on females, etc. ; but the Jews are the wisest people in the world, for they know that money rules the world, and they who have the money are the actual rulers. They have been going on this principle for ages, and the consequence is, they are the actual rulers behind the thrones of several hereditary monarchies. They 161 rule other nations directly or indirectly ; they are care- ful to cover up and hide their influence and power, and the extent of their wealth. They own many na- tional debts, in the form of bonds, mortgages, etc., on nearly every nation, and it is only a question of time when they will own and rule the whole world, in friendly combination with other wealthy classes and monarchicF. The wealthy classes and Jews of all nations of the world believe that wealth is better protected in every way by monarchy. There is no end to the power of money,' and as a proof I will mention a few things which show its power. Honesty is very scarce ; it is like patriotism, it has a limit. Some will not steal a small amount of money, when ninety-nine out of a hundred of all so- called honest men will sell out for a large enough amount. Of course they would prefer to do it secretly and that can almost always be done satisfactorily. The same way with traitors to governments. Some 162 will not do it cheaply, but the majority will for enough money, power or titles. The history of ages proves this, although almost all will deny it. If the politicians and wealthy classes desire to con- trol the votes of the farmers they can advance the price of wheat and other farm produce, and while they make immense profits for themselves, the poor and the consumers are the losers. When it is necessary to raise or lower the price of any article for their own benefit, it is done easily enough. They make millions by such profits and run no risks, as they balance the profits and loss between themselves for political purposes. I believe there has been quite a number of un- selfish men who honestly desired and intended to spend their lives trying to benefit the working classes, as they had faith in human nature ; but, being intelli- gent men, they soon discovered it to be worse than useless, as they received only insults and abuse for their undertakings, and then they would go over to 163 the side of the wealthy class, where they are sure to get money and honor for their work. I hope the Jews and their power will increase. I could not desire better human agents of misery and destruction than the Jews. I hope all the wealthy classes of all nations will continue to concentrate the wealth in the hands of the fewest number possible, in combination with monarchy, then I would be satisfied with the result of misery and woe that would follow. (Spirit of Destruction.) If there should be a civil war, and two generals organizing armies, and every man could take his choice, and one general be- lieved in humane warfare and the other in slaughter, robbery, etc., which general do you think would organize the largest army in this so-called civilized age in any Christian country ? (Writer.) That is a foolish question. There is no thinking, chance or doubt about it. Why the " slaughter " general would organize the largest and most powerful army in every respect ; many times as large as the humane general. 164 (Spirit of Destruction.) Then the boasted, so- called modern civilization does not amount to much, according to your opinion ? (Writer.) That's my honest opinion, it is the greatest humbug imaginable. It is built on a female foundation ; that is, the females are equal before the law with equal education, ownership of wealth and equal freedom, and consequently as unreliable, treacherous and unstable as a foundation of sand at low tide by the ocean. 165 CHAPTER XXI. (Spirit of Destruction.) The gambling in grains and provisions and all kinds of stock pleases me greatly and, of course, pleases you. (Writer.) Yes, you are right; it is a grand insti- tution for misery and destruction. In the past ages, the speculators who raised the prices of food by specu- lation had their ears cut off, or they were nailed up to the side of buildings by the ears — now they are hon- ored, praised and respected ; this is " advanced civili- zation," I suppose. To compare these provision gamblers to thieves or murderers, is an insult to the thieves or murderers. I have known the price of an article of food to double in twenty-four hours' time. Imagine the poor people with large families sending to the stores, expecting to pay the same price as for- merly for absolutely necessary articles of food, and only receiving half the quantity they did a few days 166 before. This is bad enough for people with money ; but for poor people with large families, it means partial starvation in countless cases, which causes disease in many forms, and plain starvation in many cases. Every town or city has its gang of thieves who speculate in necessary provisions ; they just naturally raise the price and have an agreement among themselves not to allow it to go below a certain price, notwithstanding what the wholesale price may be. All the large cities have large gangs of worse than thieves or murderers, the large, fine palatial buildings where they gamble in provisions are called by high sounding names, such as the Boards of Trade, Provi- sion Exchange, Bourse, Stock Exchange, etc. All stock gamblers harm the citizens as much as the pro- vision gamblers. All these gambling vampires should be abolished by the ballot, but two-thirds of the voters are fools and dishonest themselves, and there is no way to make them more honest or give the fools more brains. Provision and stock gamblers can be classed with wliiske}^ monarchy, famine and 167 pestilence, as chief agents of human destruction and misery. Consequently, Spirit of Destruction, you and I must help them all we can, and glory and gloat over the destruction and misery they cause. (Spirit of Destruction.) How would you like to have the latest improved steam yacht, of large size and greatest speed, provided for propulsion with elec- tricity and steam power ; both or either power could be used ; also the yacht armed with the latest, im- proved, most powerful torpedo guns and agents of destruction, besides on board a number of the most desperate cut-throats which could be found, then go on a piratical cruise, rob passenger ships, with m'il- lions of gold on board coming from Australia and Africa and all the world, bound for England, the wealthy shylock, Jew and Christian usurer nation of the world. You could see by the papers when these ships would sail. (Writer.) No words could express my extreme pleasure in such a life. I would rather follow such a life for a few months, than a peaceful life for a 11 168 hundred years. Of course, if I started such a life I would follow it as long as possible, the longer the better, and only stop at death. When I should stop one of these gold laden vessels, I should blow up a few dozen of its sailors, or blow off the captain's bridge or funnels, and then demand of them to hand over the gold ; then I should slaughter and kill the whole of them. I would order every male to the front part of the ship — passengers and crew— and lock them up with a good guard over them. Then I would transfer the gold and females to my ship, and sink their ship with all the m'cdes on board. I would get all my crew on deck, get them intox- icated, then go below, turn the electric lever, which would close all the secret doors and shut the crew on deck, after which I would turn on a powerful electric current and kill them all instantly, and I would have all. Then I should only have to kick their dead car- casses into the sea to be rid of them, and the gold would be all mine. After I had disposed of all on board I could go to some secret place, secrete my gold. 169 and take another lot of cut throats and repeat the same operation again, as long as possible. I would establish large numbers in the wholesale and retail liquor business in different countries before I died, on my gains, and start distilleries. I would leave the money in trust, to start the different kinds of liquor business, gambling places, etc., and give them a chance to buy the business and pay in small payments, by the week. 170 CHAPTER XXII. (Spirit of ReasoD.) Did it ever occur to your be- nighted mind that all human beings who have plenty of sense, or the most intelligent who have the most wealth, possessed of everything which is supposed to be the most desirable in this world, are more objects of pity than hate ? (Writer.) Perhaps they are objects of pity, but they would be much more so if I had the power even for a short time. (Spirit of Reason.) If you had led a good life^ there would be more sense in your fault finding of human beings; but you acknowledge to being the meanest and the worst man in existence, so why should you be a fault finder when fiends and devils are good compared to you? What sense, reason, or justice is there for you to hate all ? (Writer.) There never was any justice in the 17L world, and there is none now, and I do not believe there will ever be ; so in dealing with humanity I would never have any use for justice. (Spirit of Reason.) You claim all is evil in the world and all that appears to be good is done for selfishness. If you believe that, I should think you would have a felloiu- feeling for the evil-doer in the world. (Writer. ) I have fellow feeling enough to cause all the misery and woe that I possibly can in the world, and when I think of all the damage I have caused in my past life, and all I would like to do, I always remember to do unto others as they would do unto me if they had the power, and under other iavorable circumstances with no restraining influences whatever that would be torture and death. (Spirit of Hate.) You want to do all the dam- age and cause all the misery you can ; you will not do any harm by publishing your book — people will only call you a " fool-crank." Give up the idea of publishing the book, act the hypocrite, and make all J72 the friends that you can and join a church. There is sure to be a revolution in this country in a few years. The wealthy classes want just such unprin- cipled cut-throats as you are to spread misery, terror and destruction in the country. You would have an opportunity to divide gold and booty of all kinds to suit yourself. There is nothing visionary or unlikely about this idea ; it is more than likely to happen, but even if it should not, you know hundreds of other plans to accomplish a great deal of damage. (Writer.) Yes, I agree with all you have men- tioned, but I am threatened with heart disease, and I want to make one vicious blow at the world with this book before I die. (Spirit of Reason.) What right have you to find fault with human beings and hate them, their laws and their customs ? (Writer.) Because their characteristics, laws and customs are unjust aod rotten to the core. I claim I 173 have the right to find fault with such corruptness, and hate what is offensive to me. (Spirit of Keason.) There has been advancement in the world for the last few hundred years, and in the last hundred years in particular. (Writer.) How slow has been the advancement, and how weak is tbe foundation upon which it rests. The advancement in some ways has been made at the expense of others. There has been advancement in inventions and sciences, but it has been all used for selfish purposes, and it is all controlled by the wealthy classes of the world, and they will use all the inven- tions of the world to enslave the majority of people as soon as they can. The wealthy classes are the ene- mies of all the working classes, but they, by hypocrisy and lies, make the fool laborers believe they are their friends, and yet give only a small mite in comparison to their wealth for charity, which should prove their hypocrisy, but fools are blind. It is useless for one to start reforms alone ; it requires the co-operation of many. All classes are looking out for themselves in 174 some way. To blazes with the government, is their motto. (Spirit of Reason.) What fault can you find with your native country, the United States ? (Writer.) You ask what fault I can find, and I ask what good I can find in it. The negroes are a curse to the nation, the wealthy classes are the most despicable traitors on the earth. They control the government and buy all the courts of justice ; there is nobody good ; all are dishonest, corrupt and immoral, more or less. (Spirit of Hate.) What is your opinion of the wealthy Jew^s — the Rothschilds, for instance ? (Writer.) They are a good example of human greed, and are never satisfied. Wherever gold, silver, or precious stones are found, they send out their agents, like claws or talons, to buy and control all mines, crowd out the individual miner and others who are trying to lay up something for their old age. We can ask for nothing better as agents of misery and woe than these same Rothschild Jews ; but they 175 are the same and do worse than all the wealthy classes of every nation of the earth. Could the worst fiends and devils which were, which are now, and which will be, desire more misery, woe and destruction than I have described in this book, or be capable of more than I and my agents would do with enough power ? 176 CHAPTER XXIIL You cannot expect the chief hater of humanity, as I claim to be, to be anything but the chief of traitors for everything which promises any advance- ment or justice for humanity ; yet, chief of traitors as I am, I am not a hypocrite. I have depicted a few of the deeds that I know of concerning the wealthy classes, both Jew and Gen- tile, of the world ; the wealthy and titled classes of the monarchies of Europe, the negro curse, and the evil to our country of the "new woman." You who are interested in your country's welfare and have watched your nation's controversies with other nations, will allow that there is danger of war. England has touched on serious questions, the Alaska Seal Fishery and the boundary of Venezuela in South America being the principal two, and that it did not become a case of fire and ammunition is only chance. 177 If the United States annexes Hawaii there is a ques- tion of war with Japan, and if the United States rec- ognizes the independence of Cuba, there will be cause for another breach with Spain, which is liable to be anyhow if the United States refuses to accede to the demands of Spain for indemnity for United States vessels filibustering in Spanish waters. So there is a chance of war on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, and if the L'nited States goes to war with one of those countries she may have them all to fight, for the whole world of monarchies hate all republics. The majority of our citizens do not care what be- comes of the government so long as it lasts while they live, and would be more than happy to know it would fail as soon as they died. They are all ideal personi- fications of selfishness ; their main object is self. Some of them think they are such important factors in the world that when they die the world must stop and stand still. This is the kind of traitors of which this republic is composed ; they can all be bought and sold if you only have the price. Money will buy both 178 conscience and vote. A politician with the necessary price buys a voter as easily as an English nobleman buys one of the wealthy females with his title. Many of the monarchical countries are bothered by republican societies, and democratic tendencies are very strong in some of them, so they will welcome war with republics, to stop the discontent of their subjects, and in time of war it's easy to kill off leaders of repub- lican ideas. I believe republican governments have advanced as far as they can without war or revolution. I be- lieve that the world has come to a turning point, either to go back or advance ; either that hereditary mon- archies are to rule the world, which would be a per- manent backward step, or a republican form of gov- ernment to rule the world, which would cause advance- ment in every way ; that is, if the females were shut up. Furthermore, I believe it is impossible to have two principal forms of government in the world so 179 equally divided without there being war between them for a supremacy ; and, as the hereditary monarchies control nearly all the wealth of the world, and wealth controls nearly all the brains of the world, they will be the sure winners. 180 CHAPTER XXIY. (Writer.) Well, Spirits of Hate, Destruction, Lust, and all kindred spirits, what is your opinion of the theatres of all kinds, from the lowest to the so- called highest ? (Spirits of Hate, Destruction, Lust, etc., in chorus.) They are perfect ; we have only praise for them, as they are some of the chief human causes of misery, woe and destruction in the world ; their in- fluence for evil is hard to estimate. (Writer.) You are right; they are useful tools of monarchical rulers, and all rulers of republics and all nations. As all rulers like to get all citizens, wealthy and poor, interested in theatres and music halls, because they know when they are so occupied they will pay no attention to the government, then they can play their government tricks and rob the public to their heart's content. 181 Theatres influence the majority of people in every government for evil. There is no end of proof that the overwhelming majority in the world are fools. One of the plainest proofs is that they waste their money on theatres. The theatres in all monarchical countries are tools of the government. The most successful writers of plays are those who use titled characters in their plays. The most successful English writer of plays in the past, and the one most honored and whose plays are most popular now, used one or more titled characters in nearly all his plays, and that is the principal reason of his success. The titled class naturally, for self-preservation, patronized those who serve them, and nothing helps them more than a suc- cessful play with characters representing monarchy, and monarchy has the power to make a play success- ful, so they have all in their power to increase their own power. What I have said of the most successful English author of plays, is the same with all play writers, in all monarchies. The successful ones have to use titled characters, 182 as it strengthens the power of royalty. Nearly all citizens of the United States, ignorant or learned, know the history of the country, how a monarchy tried to destroy this country twice, still they will patronize plays with characters representing monarchy. Sup- pose a just man should come from some planet or other world and all this should be explained to him ; I believe he would surely say the people of this coun- try will not patronize a play which represents mon- archy, which tried to destroy the country twice ; and after he was told such plays were the most successful I believe he would try his best to go back to his own world or destroy himself, anything rather than live in such a despicable, ungrateful world. It is enough to make any man hate all humanity. Look at the large number of these plays, with characters representing monarchy, traveling all over the country, some of them representing young members of monarchy five or ten years of age, of both sexes ; this is intended to corrupt the youth of the country and teach them to be traitors and to desire monarchy in this country. 183 These Diimeroiis plays, with characters representiDg mocarchy, are helping the wealthy traitors of the country greatly, as it teaches fools and prepares them for a monarchy, when the time comes for the wealthy traitors and all traitors to overthrow the government. The wealthy traitors of the country pay the titled characters plays immense sums of money secretly ; the other plays which have no characters representing monarchy, but which use love instead, damage any government greatly, and the others which depend on dancing and showing as much of the female form as the law allows, will damage any government beyond calculation, but all theatres and plays of all grades use the female form divine, or otherwise, exposed more or less, to draw trade. The females are the support of the theatres of all grades. If all females were shut up and prevented from going on the stage, and prevented from patronizing theatres, I believe the theatres would close up, and be turned into libraries. Nearly all the poor and middle class of industrious English workers have a friendly feeling for the United States govern- 12 184 ment, because they realize better than any workers of Europe that their freedom would be curtailed if this government would fail, and many of them have friends and relatives in this country who have pros- pered and become independent. The same with all the governments of Europe. All the industrious pro- ducing classes have friendly feeHngs for the United States Government, but if the monarchical heads of the governments of Europe see a danger to their ow^n existence in the success of the United States Govern- ment, all they have to do is to order all the musical halls and theatres to sing songs calculated to cause a warlike feeling against the Yankees, and such is the foolishness of human nature that I believe they will be successful and cause them to fight their best friend and protector, the United States Government. The music halls and theatres are the strongest powers to make the industrious wealth producing classes of two nations fight and exterminate each other for the ben- efit of the titled and wealthy classes and Jews. The facts of the case are, that all the industrious, 185 wealth-produciog workers of all civilized natioDS have the same interest in common, and if they could have international agreements, with constant communication, they might be perfectly friendly, instead of being made to believe they are enemies to each other, as they are now, by the monarchical rulers and all rulers and wealthy classes who make them ready to fly at each other's throats in war, by the aid of their tools, the theatres, music halls, and newspapers. So, Spirits of Hate, Destruction, Lust, etc., we can have only the highest praise for theatres of all descriptions, as they are the principal human agents'of destruction, in com- bination with monarchy and the newspapers, wealthy classes and Jews. 186 CHAPTEE XXY. (Spirits of Hate, Destruction, and all kindred spirits.) I will tell you a story about our best human agents of destruction — monarchical rulers : A great king was visiting a neighboring powerful king, in the year 1897, and the powerful king wa& showing his royal guest over his large kingdom, show- ing him his immense works for making cannons, fire- arms, swords and explosives of all kinds; then he took him to inspect his powerful navy ; he showed him his immense farms, where he bred the best war horses in the world ; then the powerful king took his royal guest for a drive over his immense domain, ac- companied by a body-guard of soldiers, and as they arrived at the top of the hill they came in view of a quiet village in a peaceful valley, with children playing on the village green, and men working in the fields. The powerful king said to his royal guest, " This is 187 one of my principal works for supplying war material for both the army and navy." The royal guest, look- ing surprised, said, " I can see no buildings of any kind for manufacturing war material ; I only see a peaceful village, with men working in the fields and children playing in the streets. " The powerful king, looking amused, answered, " Well, they are the war material. They are as much war material as the guns, cannons, explosives, war ships and horses I have shown you." And the royal guest, seeing the joke, laughed heartily, and they both laughed together long and loud. They both agreed that the population in each of their kingdoms was becoming troublesome and too numerous, so they agreed to have a war as soon as possible, to attract attention and kill off the excessive population, as in time of war they could kill off the principal leaders of republican ideas with the modern destructive improved firearms of all descriptions ; they could reduce each other's troublesome population by the million, with comparatively small cost. The two kings made a friendly bet as to who would be the 188 wiuner. After leaving the peaceful village they came to the immense game preserves of the king, of many thousand acres. " Yes," said the powerful king to his guest, " the dirty dogs [meaning his subjects] have the au- dacity to complain about my game preserves, but I will put them beyond complaint ; " and they had another hearty laugh together. After passing the game preserves they came in sight of numerous build- ings of immense size, and the powerful king explained to his royal guest that they were distilleries and brew- eries for the manufacture of all kinds of intoxicating liquors. The conversation turning to intoxicating liquors, both kings agreed that it was their greatest help to govern their subjects, as it undermined their brains and reason, and made beasts of them, so they could be easily governed and driven to war like horses ► As they drove into the royal capital city towards the royal palace, passing companies of musicians playing national airs and waving flags, and cheering of the subjects, they passed numerous theatres, music halls 189 and newspaper buildings, and the powerful king, ad- dressing his royal guest, said : " By using these theatres and music halls to sing my warlike songs and act war- like plays, and using the newspapers for the same purpose, I can declare war against any nation in a few days, when my subjects become troublesome and too numerous, as they are now, and I am going to use them very soon against you, as we have agreed." " Yes," answered the royal guest, " I can manage my subjects the same way by using the theatres, music halls, newspapers and intoxicating liquors, which will cause my subjects to desire war ; of course the world must think it is genuine warfare between us. All we have to decide on now is, when to start it ; but the sooner the better, as republican ideas are advancing too rapidly, but after a few weeks of war with our new engines of destruction, and the newly discov- ered secret deadly vapor destroyers, which are capable of destroying millions, which methods are exceedingly valuable, as they destroy all the inhabitants of a city without damaging the property, what a great chance 190 for confiscatioD of property there will be, and we can maoage so as to divide equally and satisfactorily." Meanwhile the powerful king and his royal guest drove to the royal palace, amid the tumultous applause of their subjects and loud cheering of crowds of wealthy American tourists, male and female. The two kings acknowledged the applause and cheering of the subjects and the cheers of the wealthy American tourists, and the powerful king, addressing his royal guest, said : " You and I, as well as all the monarch- ical rulers, can always depend on the wealthy classes of the United States of America, as well as the w^ealthy classes of every republic in the world, for they are all traitors to their native republics. They all be- lieve their immense wealth would be better protected by monarchical rule. " The royal g;uest, answering, said: "There is no doubt that, as you and I know, everything has been in readiness and perfected for years between the monarchical rulers of the world and the wealthy classes and Jews of all the monarchies, in friendly combination with all the wealthy classes of 191 each and every republic in the world. The wealthy clubs in every republic are the mediums of communi- cation between wealth and monarchy. The wealth of the world, in combination with the monarchies of the world, have power now to destroy all the republics of the earth at once." The powerful king, answering, said : " Yes, I know all this, but what is the latest plan for attacking the Yankees? I haven't seen any of the late reports. Are they going to make the at- tack through Canada, or will they attack the South American republics ?'' (Royal Guest.) You are behind the times. The attack is to be made on the South American republics and the Monroe doctrine first — the latest plan, rather than to attack by the way of Canada, which may be the next and as soon as possible. If France should go back to monarchy, everything could be fixed immedi- ately, as all mob-ruled republics are dying, and all their wealthy and other traitors will betray and kill them. So, Spirits of Hate, Destruction, Lust, and so 192 forth, .we have plenty to gloat and glory over, as the world is going fast towards universal monarchy, and we can ask for nothing better for misery and destruction. iy3 CHAPTEK XXVI. If any one says anything against monarchy, or tells the truth about it in the United States of America, the native traitors and foreign- born traitors and all trait- ors say they are Irish. I can prove I am not Irish, as my father was of English descent, and my mother of German descent, but I hate the EogHsh, Germans, and Irish with as deadly a hatred as I hate all human beings ; but the Irish are not traitors to the United States Government, like the overwhelming majority of native-born Americans and descendants of other na- tionalities. I acknowledge I am the chief of traitors, and would sell the government and all the inhabitants to the Turks or English for one piece of gold, as a souvenir, if I had the power ; but, depraved as I am, I cannot help admiring that patriotic people — the Irish. There is abundant proof that they are pa- triotic and the best of fighters. It is a matter of history 194 that the Irish are patriotic, as proven in all the wars of this country. If this nation should have a war with Germany, would the Germans fight against the father- land ? I believe the overwhelming majority of them would not. The same with all the people who come from the nations of northern and southern Europe — they would not fight against their native monarchies, and with a war against England the wealthy traicors are all on the side of England, and millions of others ; but the Irish can be depended on to fight and protect the government ; they will fight any nation in the world, but the same cannot be said of any other race or na- tionality in this country. Who can blame the Irish, as a race, for hating monarchy? They have been victims of a monarchical rule of slaughter, starvation, and injustice for ages. If all nations hated it as much as the Irish, monarchy would soon be expelled from the earth, and the world would advance. Of course I do not want this to happen, and there is not the least chance of it coming to pass ; the monarchial class are disgusting to me, still I honor and respect them for 195 tlie misery and destruction they have caused and are causing and always will cause, as long as the world lasts ; consequently, I will always do what I can to help increase their power. I have written considerable about the wealthy traitors and club traitors of the country, and how much all females love titles — there is no end to the proof of this fact, every paper and magazine has abundant proof in every issue, but most human beings will deny everything. Quite lately a newspaper denied this fact in a long article, because one female ran away from a titled libertine, as if one case would prove anything ; where one snubs a title, a thousand run after it, and millions would run, if it was any use. To prove all I have written on this sub- ject, I selected the following filthy stuff out of thou- sands of the same kind in newspapers, etc. I hate to be compelled to use such printed carrion — I only do it to prove what I say. The following is the filth: 196 Philadelphia, September 4. Prince George's American Trip. Special to The Inquirer. " Lenox, Mass., Sept. 3. — Aristocratic residents of Lenox are anticipating pleasurablj the contemplated visit of Prince Alexander George, youngest son of the Duke and Duchess of Teck. The Prince will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burrell Hoffman, at their magnificent country seat, Brookhurst. The date of the Prince's arrival is not fixed, but preparations are in progress befitting the reception of a royal person- age. Prince Alexander is 23 years old, a handsome, manly chap, an athlete and sportsman. He is the brother-in-law of the Duke of York, the future King of England. His stay in America is limited ; probably three weeks will be passed at Lenox, and some days at Philadelphia. Among the plans for the Prince's entertainment is a hunting trip beyond the Kockies. Mrs. Hoffman said, yesterday afternoon, 'We have not been apprised of the exact date of the Prince's arrival at Lenox. He may decide to visit Philadel- phia first. We are hoping, however, that he will come to us at once.' It is possible the royal guest will re- main only two weeks. He will be a spectator at the annual golf tournament of the Lenox Country Club, which takes place at the height of the fox season. The Hoflmans have spent their summers in Lenox for the last ten years; Mrs. Hoffman was the beautiful Miss Shattuck, of New Orleans, a daughter of William B. Shattuck, one of the wealthiest cotton brokers of the Crescent City. Mr. Hoffman was, during the 197 Hayes administration, in the American Legation in Paris, and it was on a visit to England on official busi- ness that he met and first gained the friendship of the Duke of Teck, whose son is now to visit him. Mr. Hoffman is one of the most popular men who come to Lenox. Ha is a member of the exclusive Lenox Club, and of the Country Club, and is an enthusiastic golfer. Mrs. Hoffman is a brunette, with a very erect carriage and large, lustrous dark eyes. Her name has been identified with almost every prominent social event in Lenox, and the coming visit of a member of the royal family adds to her prestige and success as a queen of Lenox society." As a further evidence of the condition of the press in pleasing the great American free born public, I quote the following, which was published in the col- umns of a great New York paper : "A lot of fuss is being made about the new heir to the dukedom of Marlborough being the luckiest baby in the world. " What is the matter with the son of the Duke of York, heir prospective to the British throne ? " The little ' Vanderbilt Duke,' as we love to call the infant Marquis of Blanford, is lucky as babies go, but there is no need to become hysterically superlative about him." This is nauseating stuff, bat I glory and gloat over 198 it contiouallj, as it is positive proof that all the wealthy classes are traitors, and it proves there are millions of traitors in the country, or the newspapers would not be allowed to print such putrid stuff. 199 CHAPTER XXVII. (Spirit of Eeason.) Are you a woman hater ? (Writer.) No ; nothing could be farther from the truth. Perhaps you beheve I am a woman hater be- cause I advise shutting them up. I believe all of them should be protected and well cared for; that is the reason I advise shutting them up. They are not capable of protecting themselves, as is proven by the hundreds of thousands who are ruined yearly in this country. It is as plain as can be. It is no experi- ment, as the Turks have shut them up for thirteen hundred years ; and I believe the Turkish women are more contented and happy than the women in Chris- tian countries. Every Christian and every citizen who upholds the modern society in all Christian countries are personally and collectively responsible for the large numbers of females who are ruined every year. They are supposed to be protected by the law, but what IS 200 good is the law when they haven't enough brains or knowledge of human nature to protect themselves? Every female who ever led a life of vice could have been a good wife and mother if she had been shut up and compelled to do what is right ; this is a fact that will admit of no argument. Not only are all citizens of a Christian country who uphold and champion thia kind of society responsible for the hundreds of thou- sands of females who are ruined every year, but they are also responsible for the large numbers of males who are ruined by the female victims of Christian society. (Spirit of Reason.) It is impossible to shut up all females. (Writer.) I say you are a liar, and I can prove it. The young females in many countries of Europe of certain classes are shut up in the schools most of the time until they are married, — the same in many South American republics, — but after they are mar- ried they make up for lost time. Every man in this world has a right to an eighth of an acre of ground^ 201 at least, with a high wall around it, to prevent the fe- males wasting their time watching their neighbors and talking to them, — with the house in the centre ; and all female children put in government schools sur- rounded by large grounds, and kept there until they are married. If married women wanted exercise they <30uld have plenty by running around the inside of the walls, or working in the garden, and any man who was not capable of supporting a home like this should be put in prison or slavery on government work. When a man wanted a wife he could go to one of the State female schools and pick one out, without any monkey business as at present. Widows should be shut up as soon as their husbands die ; the widowers only should be allowed to marry widows. When a widower wanted a wife he could go to the fire-proof building where the widows were confined and take one. All buildings should be fire -proof ; all residences should be built alike, and females should wear the plainest clothing ; but all the city, government and public 202 buildings should b built out of stone, marble and iron — the more substantial and ornamental the better. In a government like the above not one female would be ruined in a year, instead of hundreds of thousands as at present by so-called Christian society, and, to prove this as practical, the Turks and a few other nations have practiced it for over a thousand years. I have written this to prove I am not a woman hater. I denounce the whole system of Christian society, which slaughters them by the million ; consequently, I am not responsible for the work of Christian society, but every one who does advocate it is re- sponsible. (Spirits of Hate, Destruction, Lust, &c., in chorus.) You amuse us greatly by your talk about shutting up the females. Do you forget Sodom of old? Men are just the same to-day, if not worse, as is proven in every country of the world by the numer- ous cases in court, but only a small per cent, get in the courts. (Writer.) You are right. I give up. You have 203 the best of the argument. And still those good spirits, as Love, Justice, &c., ask me why I hate all human beings ; but that could be stopped by making it a capital offence, punished by death. 204 CHAPTER XXYIIL (Writer.) Well, Spirits of Hate, Destruction, Lust, and all kindred spirits, in summing up society of all grades and all connected with it, and all so- called Christian countries of the world, as well as all the world, we can find no fault whatever ; in fact, we could not possibly improve on it in any way so as to increase misery and destruction to our natural ever- lasting enemies, mankind ; so, let us all laugh and shout aloud for joy continually. AVe must imagine we are drinking the health and advancement of our best agents of destruction ; of course we will help them all we can. The following, as we all know, is the glor- ious, magnificent, powerful combination : Intoxicating liquors, hereditary monarchies, despotism, gold and money, the wealthy classes of every nation of the world, the Jews, wealthy and poor; negroes and all colored races, provision and stock gamblers, all 205 wealthy and all other traitors of republics, all trusts and combinations of capital, Christian and Jew usurers, and all usurers of the world, the modern in- dependent aggressive bicycle-riding-voting-females, dancing, love novels and theatres, as well as every- thing which causes misery and destruction to humanity. The above is a list of our principal agents of destruction to be proud of. No words or language can express how I honor and praise all agents of destruction in this glorious, powerful list, and I know all of you evil kindred spirits agree with me. I am about ready to die and join you, and I hope all of us will be furnished with sufficient power to aid all these destroying agents in the glorious list as much as pos- ible, in spirit form or otherwise, to cause the most increasing misery to all humanity on this earth, secret- ly, swiftly and as extensively as possible. So, all evil and kindred spirits, let us all laugh and gloat together over the misery in the world, which is constantly and rapidly increasing toward destruction. Let us all / 206 : ^ shout together in an ecstacy of joy, of concentrated, powerful, satisfying hate for all humanity, and curse all human beings who ever lived on this earth, all who live now, and who ever will live, and curses on the last human being that dies on this earth ; so, once more, all evil and kindred spirits, altogether, curses I curses! curses! for all human beings, from first to last I curses continually ! everlasting curses ! ■-y