LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DD0DSDfl55Tb r. • V* <> ' . . • W afc*- v .<■ 4 . . » » 6 r *V>* 0' t • o V calamity, Mr. Chief Justice, is Dot confined to the Bar, or the ( Jourts, of this < lommonwealth. Ii will 9 be felt by every Bar, throughout the land, by every Court, and indeed by every intelligent and well- informed man, in or out of the Profession. It will be felt still more widely, for his reputation had a still wider range. In the High Court of Parliament, in every tribunal in Westminster Hall, in the Judicato- ries of Paris and Berlin, Stockholm and St. Petersburg, in the learned Universities of Germany, Italy and Spain, by every eminent jurist in the civilized world, it will be acknowledged, that a great luminary has fallen from the firmament of public jurisprudence. Sir, there is no purer pride of country, than that in which we may indulge, when we see America paying back the great debt of civilization, learning and science to Europe. In this high return of light for light, and mind for mind, in this august reckoning and accounting between the intellects of nations, Joseph Story was destined by Providence to act, and did act, an important part. Acknowledging, as we all acknowledge, our obligations to the original sources of English law, as well as of civil liberty, we have seen, in our generation, copious and salutary streams turning and running backward, replenishing 10 their original fountains, and giving a fresher and a brighter green to the fields of English jurisprudence. By a sort of reversed hereditary transmission, the mother, without envy or humiliation, acknowledges that she has received a valuable and cherished in- heritance from the daughter. English justice admits, with frankness and candor, and with no feeling but that of respect and admiration, that he, whose voice we have so recently heard within these walls, but shall now hear no more, was of all men who have yet appeared, most fitted by the comprehensiveness of his mind, and the vast extent and accuracy of his attainments, to compare the codes of nations, to trace their differences to dillerence of origin, climate, or religious or political institutions, and to exhibit, nev- ertheless, their concurrence in those great principles. upon which the system of human civilization rests. Justice, sir. is the great interest of man on earth. It is tin 1 ligamentj which holds civilized beings, and civilized nations together. Wherever her temple stands, and so lonu' as it is dulv honored, there is a foundation lor social security, general happiness, ami the improvement and progress of our race. And whoever labors on this edifice, with usefulness and 11 distinction, whoever clears its foundations, strength- ens its pillars, adorns its entablatures, or contributes to raise its august dome still higher in the skies, connects himself, in name, and fame, and character, with that which is and must be as durable as the frame of human society. All know, Mr. Chief Justice, the pure love of country, which animated the deceased, and the zeal, as well as the talent, with which he explained and defended her Institutions. His work on the Con- stitution of the United States, is one of his most eminently successful labors. But all his writings, and all his judgments, all his opinions, and the whole influence of his character, public and private, leaned strongly and always, to the support of sound principles, to the restraint of illegal power, and to the discouragement and rebuke of licentious and dis- organizing sentiments. "Ad rempvblicarn firmandam, et ad stabiliendas vires, et sanandum populum, onmis ejus jwgebat institution But this is not the occasion, sir, nor is it for me to consider and discuss at length, the character and 12 merits of Mr. Justice Story, as a writer or a Judge. The performance of that duty, with which this Bar will, no doubt, charge itself, must be deferred to another opportunity, and will be committed to abler hands. But. in the homage paid to his memory, one part may come with peculiar propriety and emph; from ourselves. We have known him in private life. We have seen him descend from the Bench, and mingle in our friendly circles. We have known his manner of life, from his youth up. We can bear witness to the strict uprightness and purity of his character; his simplicity, and unostentatious habits ; the ease and affability of his intercourse; his remark- able vivacity, amidst severe labors, the cheerful and animating tones of his conversation, and his fast fidelity to friends. Some of us. also, can testify to his large and liberal charities, not ostentatious or casual, but systematic, and silent; — dispensed almost without showing the hand, and falling and distilling comfort and happiness, like the dews of heaven. — But we can testify, also, that in all his pursuits and employments, in all his recreations, in all his com- merce with the world, and in his intercourse with the circle of his friends, the predominance of his 13 judicial character was manifest. lie never forgot the ermine which he wore 1 . The Judge, the Judge, the useful and distinguished Judge, was the great picture which he kept constantly before his eyes, and to a resemblance to which all his efforts, all his thoughts, all his life, were devoted. We may go the world over, without finding a man who shall present a more striking realization of the beautiful conception of D'Aguesseau, " C 'est vain que Ton cherche a distinguer en hi lapersonne privee et hi personne pubU- cjue ; un meme esprit Us an/ me, un merne objet les rtunit ; Fhomme, le jure cle famiUe, le eitoyen, tout est en lui ccrnsacre a la ghire du Magistrate Mr. Chief Justice, one may live as a conqueror, a king, or a magistrate; but he must die as a man. The bed of death brings every human being to his pure individuality ; to the intense contemplation of that deepest and most solemn of all relations, the relation between the creature and his Creator. Here it is, that fame and renown cannot assist us ; that all external things must fail to aid us; that even friends, affection, and human love and devotedness, cannot succor us. This relation, the true foundation 1 1 of all duty, a relation perceived and felt by con- science, and confirmed by revelation, our illustrious friend, now deceased, always acknowledged. He reverenced the scriptures of truth, honored the pure morality which they teach, and seized hold on the hopes of future life, which they impart lie saw enough in nature, in himself, and in all that can be known of things seen, to fee] assured that there is a Supreme Tower, without whose Providence not a sparrow falleth to the ground. To this gracious Being he trusted himself, for time and for eternity; and the last words of bis lips, ever heard by mortal ears, were a fervent supplication to his Maker to take him to Himself. 89 1 * °^ -I »v o o > v. ^ y . 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