1 \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 Account of the Battle of San Jacinto. 139 AN ACCOUNT OP THE BATTLE OF SAN JACINTO.^ JAMES WASHINGTON WINTERS. I was born in Giles county, Tennessee, January 21, 1817. I came to Texas from Memphis, Tennessee, with my father and all his family. Mr. Bankhead and his family came with us. We came through Arkansas on the TrammelFs Trace. In Arkansas Mr. Geo. Lamb, who wa^ on horseback, joined us, and remained with us all the time, even after reaching Texas. Bankhead never obtained any lands, but just rented. He was taken sick and died soon after his arrival. Lamb eventually married Bankhead's widow. My father's family located in the "Big Thicket,'' between the eastern and western prongs of the San Jacinto river. When we heard of Cos's entry into Texas we were among tlie volunteers who started out to repel him. When my father, my brothers, and I reached San Felipe, on the Brazos, we heard that Cos had 'already been whipped out of the State. We met Sam Houston, who told us to go back home and make all the corn we could, for in the spring would come the clash. This was late in the fall, about De- cember, 1835. I was then about eighteen years of age. On March 12, 1836, about eighteen of us organized a company on the San Bernard; we chose William Ware captain. Job Collard first lieutenant, George Lamb second lieutenant, Albert Gallatin 'Contributed by Mrs. A. B. Looscan, historian of the Daughters of the Republic. The narrative of Mr. Winters was recounted at the resi- dence of Mrs. M. J. Briscoe in Houston, June 7, 1901, in the presence of Mrs. Briscoe, Mrs. Looscan, Miss Belle Fenn, Miss Adina de Zavala, Mr. P. Briscoe— part of the time— and Mr. Winters's sou. Mr. Winters had just been serving as the appointee of the Texas Vet- erans' Association to assist in designating important localities on the San Jacinto battle ground, which were marked by the San Jacinto Chapter of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, The narrative which follows is the result of what might be termed an interA-iew, different members of the party asking questions, and the answers being written down by Miss de Zavala and Mrs. Looscan, the whole afterwards being read to and certified by Mr. Winters. Though the circumstances of its construction have given the narrative some irregulari- ties, it has been thought best to retain them.— Editor Quarterly. 140 Texas Historical Association Quarterly. first sergeant, William Winters second sergeant. We went to Denese crossing on the Colorado with the intention of Keeping the Mexicans from c^osc^iIlg. We acted independently, witliout instruc- tions from any one. Houston, at Beason's on the Colorado, sent orders for us to fall back. We did so, marching to the prairie be- tween the Colorado and the San Bernard. Here we jomed Hous- ton, our company by this time being composed of from 100 to 200 men. From here we marched to San Felipe, thence to Groce's I do not remember seeing Moseley Baker; do not think he came to the army. At Groce's the artillery was sent for — two iron G-pounders, We remained in the bottom until they arrived. The steamer Yellow- stone was in waiting, and Houston crossed hi^ army on this. We camped on the other side and worked all night preparing cart- ridges for the cannon. Early next morning we received orders to commence a forced march in the direction of Harrisburg. Our next camp was at Don- ohue's. Our march was continued the following morning, and the next stop was at McCurley's. The weather was very bad all the time. We now stopped in succession at Cypress creek, at the head of a little bayou, and opposite Harrisburg. A little after 12 a. m. Deaf Smith crossed over to the last named place and captured Santa Anna's courier with valuable papers containing information as to the route of the Mexican army. We were then ordered forward with all the speed possible that we might intercept Santa Anna at Lynch's ferry. I never heard any talk as to Houston's not design- ing to fight; or of officers or men insisting on his taking tlie road to Harriisburg; or of any one doubting his intention to do so. We went as straight as we could go towards Harrisburg. IMrs. Mann did take her oxen from the ammunition wagon before we got to camp at McCurley's. She needed them herself. They had been pressed into service l)y our wagon master. Mrs. ]\Iann went after them herself and took them from the wagon. The boys had a good joke on the wagon master, and they did not forget to use it. The wagons were left at Harrisburg. I saw men pulling the can- non there. There may have been horses there, but I don't remem- ber seeing any. Roer [Rohrer] was wagon master. Wo crossed the bayou about two milos below Harrisburg, just below Sims' bayou. We fixed up the old ferry boat with flooring Account of the Battle of San Jacinto. 141 from Mrs. Batterson's house and some new lumber which we found there, and took over the cannon. It took all day to cross. We lost no time after crossing in taking up our forced march, and never halted until late that night, between two o'clock and day- light. Houston ordered a halt that the men might get a little rest, as they had been working and marching through mud and water for several days. I did not get to rest as I was on guard duty. It was Houston's intention to try to head oflE the Mexican army at Lynch's ferry, and he was in such haste that we had no time to prepare meals or to eat them. On the morning of April 20, as soon as we could see we set out for the ferry. Immediately after arriv- ing there, one of our spies came running in with the information that Santa Anna was near us. Houston immediately ordered his men to turn and march back to a small grove of timber, distribut- ing them along the bank for protection. We no sooner got set- tled in our positions than the Mexicans opened fire on us with their artillery. There was more or less skirmishing all day. I never heard of any talk of the Texans building a bridge for re- treat. Houston intended to fight and fight to a finish. After the first onslaught the Mexicans fell back, and we got our breakfast. When we first reached Lynch's ferry we saw a sail coming up the liayou. Houston ordered a squad of men to see what it was and capture it. I heard the reports of firing as we continued our march. It was a ferry fiat which Santa Anna had previously cap- tured. It was loaded with flour and supplies, and was also in- tended to transport Santa Anna and his army across the bayou. The supplies were very timely for the Texans. Sherman was in command of the infantry, but with Houston's approval and permission he called for volunteers, who could obtain horses to attempt the capture of the Mexican artillery. Houston sent out Burleson's men to support Sherman and cover his retreat if necessary. The attempt was not successful. Two men were wounded, one of whom afterwards died. The next morning, April 31, a council of war was held. Some- time before noon, Houston passed around among the men gathered at the campfires and asked us if we wanted to fight. We replied with a shout that we were most anxious to do so. Then Houston 142 Texas, Historical Association Quarterly. replied, "Very well, get your dinners and I will lead you into the fight, and if you whip them every one of you shall be a captain". There had been so many "split ups" and differences that Hous- ton preferred the opinions of the men themselves, feeling that be- fore hazarding battle he must find whether they would enter the engagement with a will. For the men had marched so long with- out food or rest that, perhaps, they might not be physically pre- pared. I never heard orders given as to Vince's bridge. I heard that Deaf Smith had asked permission to cut it down. I never heard that Vince's bridge was mentioned in any address to the army, or any prominence given to the fact that it had been destroyed. After leaving Harrisburg, I saw no wagon transports. We packed all there was on our backs. After dinner the men were ready for battle. 1 was in Sherman's division — left wing of attack — but under my own captain, Wm. Ware. Rusk started out with us, but turned and went with the ar- tillery. When we ran over the ridge we lost sight of the rest. On beginning the battle, before we got in sight of the Mexicans, they began firing at us. They were lying down in the grass. We ex- amined the places where many had been, and found as many as five ends of cartridges where each Mexican lay, .so supposed that each man had fired at us as many as five times before we reached them. Their breast^vo^ks were composed of baggage, saddle bags, and brusli, in all about four or five feet high. There was a gap eight or ten feet wide through which they fired the cannon. I saw Houston in the midst of the enemy's tents near the first regi- ment to the right. A Mexican officer tried to rally hi-=. men, but was soon dispatched by a rifle ball and fell from his horse. Our regiment passed beyond the Mexican's breastworks before we knew it, while our otlier two regiments came up in front of them, so then we did them up in short order. I never heard any halt or- dered. We never halted. The battle was won in fifteen or eigh- teen minutes. The Mexican cavalry broke in disorder, while ours was hotly pursuing them. Houston had two horses killed from under him, and was on his third one before he passed the Mexican's works. We ran and fought fully two miles. After the fight was ended Houston gave orders to form in line and march back to camp, but we payed no attention to him, as we Account of the Battle of San Jacinto. 143 were all shaking hands and rejoicing over the victory. Houston gave the order three times and still the men payed no attention to him. And he turned his horse around and said "Men, I can gain victories with you, hut damn your manners/' and rode on to camp. Joel Eobinson and Sylvester brought in Santa xA.nna. I was there when he was brought in; was digging the grave to bury our eight men. They passed by us and halted at our guard lines. The Mexican prisoners clapped their hands, and gave other signs of joy, shouting, "Santa Anna, Santa Anna !'' I dropped my tools and followed after them to Houston, who was lying on his cot at the camp near the bayou. Santa Anna introduced himself, and they began to talk. I do not know who captured Cos, but he was the most frightened man I ever saw. He covered his head with a blanket. I could see it tremble twenty feet off. The greatest slaughter in the battle occurred between the breast- works and the lake; here the Mexicans and horses killed made a bridge across the bayou. General Wharton tried to get us to cease and grabbed a Mexican and pulled him up behind him on his horse, saying that was his Mexican, but Jim Curtis shot the Mexican. The Mexican infantry near the lake would jump in occasionally and would dive to get away from our shots, but the minute they would raise their heads they were picked off by our men. Only a few followed the flying Mexicans to Vince's bayou; the Mexicans finding the bridge burned, tried to cross, but their horses bogged. Only one of those trying to cross there got away — all the others were shot. Wlien Santa Anna was brought into camp some called out "Shoot him, hang him !" General Houston ordered the men who made these threats taken away. I^ext day after the battle, finding that many Mexicans were hidden in the marsh grass, some one set fire to the grass and burned or smoked them out. In this way about forty were captured. One who tried to rim was shot. The same day I found a dead Mexican who had silver in his belt — about ten dollars. The money had slipped out when he was shot. Orders were given that all money found be brought in to headquarters. I turned this in. Money so captured was distributed to the soldiers, the amount so distributed averaging almost $11 per man. Santa LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 495 517 1 144 lexas Hidorical Association, Quarterly. Anna's handsomely ornamented saddle was held up and the men voted that it should be given to General Houston. Other nfFi( prs' saddles were sold. One brought as high as $300. I certify that the above statement is correct, or a.s nearly correct as I can remember. J. W. Winters.