B B B IE ational Society of ew England Women ®i§i# ® m ® « □ Eli o DRAMATIC AND SCENIC REPRODUCTION OF AMERICAN HISTORY l620 TO 1865 THE JOHN ALDEN RELICS UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF NEW ENGLAND WOMEN ASSISTED BY GENEALOGICAL AND PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES AT THE METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE November 30th and December ist, 1897 Mrs. Charles Elliot Fitch, Historical Director. L. £/79 71/27 >15 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Russell Sage, Honorary Chairman Mrs. William Gerry Slade, tActing Chairman Mrs. Orlando B. Potter, Secretary Mrs. Henry Clark Coe, Treasurer Mrs. George B. Hurd, Assistant Treasurer Miss May Bleeker, Clerk Mrs. James B. Hunter, ) Mrs. Charles E. Wetherbee, } Auditors Mrs. Edward Addison Greeley Mrs. Charles Atwood Edwards Mrs. Alfred Mills Judson Mrs. Allen C. Washington Mrs. Charles H. Brush, Mrs. Charles Elliot Fitch, Historical "Director . FINANCE COMMITTEE Mrs. Russell Sage, Chairman Mrs. Wm. G. Slade Mrs. O. B. Potter Mrs. H. C. Coe COMMITTEE ON SOCIETIES Mrs. Charles S. Jenkins, Chairman Mrs. C. A. Edwards Mrs. A. C. Washington COMMITTEE ON PROGRAMMES AND PRINTING Mrs. Charles H. Brush, Chairman Mrs. H. C. Coe Mrs. Geo. B. Hurd Mrs. Otis Livingston Mrs. E. A. Greeley CHAPERONE COMMITTEE Mrs. C. L. Witherbee, Chairman Mrs. R. H. Greene Mrs. C. A. Edwards Mrs. Russell Sage Mrs. A. C. Washington MUSIC COMMITTEE Mrs. C. A. Edwards, Chairman Mrs. W. Hall Mrs. A. M. Judson Mrs. G. H. McKinley Mrs. W. C. Demorest Mrs. S. C. Bushnell COMMITTEE ON ADMISSION TO SCENES Mrs. O. B. Potter, Chairman Mrs. H. C. Coe Mrs. Russell Sage Mrs. Wm. G. Slade PRESS COMMITTEE Mrs. Westover Alden, Chairman Mrs. Welch Miss A. P. Paret Mrs. Hayton Miss Mayland Mrs. Jane Pierce Miss Hamm Miss Mary Mullett Miss Emma de Zouche STAGE COMMITTEE Mrs. A. M. Palmer, Chairman Mrs. A. M. Judson Mrs. Edwin Fowler Mrs. Wm. G. Slade Mrs. E. A. Greeley Mrs. H. C. Brewster Miss Sara Palmer Mrs. A. T. Nye COSTUME COMMITTEE Mrs. E. D. Jones, Chairman Mrs. E. T. Field Mrs. A. C. Dexter Mr. William Parry, Stage Manager Mr. Wm. Marshal Brewster Fuller, "Decorator. Mr. Oscar Duryea, "Director of the Gavotte. The Seventh Regiment Band, Ernst Neyer, Leader. THE PILGRIMS KEEPING THEIR FIRST SABBATH ON SHORE. THE MAYFLOWER PERIOD By the Mayflower Society. CHAPERONES Mrs. Russell Sage, Chairman Mrs. Charles Atwood Edwards Mrs. Allen C. Washington Mrs. Richard Henry Greene Mrs. Henry C. Coe Miss Rebecca M. St. John SCENE I. Ye Pilgrims prepare to keepe ye First Sabbath on Shore, January 14, (O. S.) 1621. " In its importance, the compact on the Mayflower remains one of the most remarkable documents of modern history." — Borgeaud. " Many of the men having passed on shore at least two Sabbaths be- fore this date, this seems to have been the first Sabbath on shore for all the passengers, women as well as men." — Young's "Pilgrim Fathers," p. 177. CHARACTERS Governor Carver, John Alden, Edwin Winslow, William Brewster, Miles Standish, William Bradford, Mary Chilton, Priscilla Mullins, Stephen Hopkins, Isaac Allerton, Francis Eaton, Richard Gardiner. These parts are represented by lineal descendants of Mayflower Pilgrims. SCENE II. Ye First Marriage; Plymouth, Mass., 1623. CHARACTERS John Alden Priscilla Mullins Edward Winslow SONG : " The Breaking Waves Dashed High" By Mr. Ericsson Bushnell. WELCOME TO STUYVESANT. THE DUTCH PERIOD By Dutch Descendants CHAPERONES Mrs. Jacob Shrady, Chairman Mrs. Eugene Hoffman Mrs. Malcolm McLean Mrs. Frederick Reed Mrs. Louis Schultz Mrs. John S. White Mrs. Frank L. Barry SCENE : Welcome to Governor Petrus Stuyvesant at New Amsterdam, 1647. " The landing took place at the old Water Port, near the foot of Wall Street. Along the bank of the East River, gathered the inhabitants with their wives and children, ready to give hearty welcome. On landing, Stuyvesant proceeded to the Fort (the present Battery), followed by the principal burghers, where all the ammunition that remained was consumed in firing salutes." — Tuckerman. CHARACTERS Governor Stuyvesant . Mrs. Judith Bayard Stuyvesant Mrs. Bayard Mrs. Bayard's \ Three Sons ) Sarah Rapleyea . Tutor Ex-Governor Kieft Cornelius Melyn Barent Dicksen . Abraham Pietermen Officials and Councilmen. Mr. Baylies Clark Miss Eucy May Olcott Miss Anna Estelle Rogers . Sinclair Martin Frank E. Maybury Roland Riggs Miss Madeline Shrady William H. Combs Mr. F. Morton Clark Laurence Knickerbocker . Addison Kellar . G. C. Dempsey THANKSGIVING DINNER. COLONIAL NEW ENGLAND PERIOD By New England Descendants CHAPERONES Mrs. A. T. Nye, Chairman Mrs. John T. Van Sickle Mrs. Charles H. Brush Mrs. Henry Peirce Mrs. Wm. Gerry Slade Mrs. Paul A. Meyrowitz Mrs. Cephas Brainerd, Jr. SCENE : New England Thanksgiving, 1735. Edward Winslow wrote from Plymouth to a friend in England, De- cember 11, 1 62 1 : "Our harvest being gotten in, our Governor sent four men 011 fowling that so we might, after a special manner, rejoice together after we had gathered the fruits of our labors. At which times, among other recreations, we exercised our arms, many of the Indians coming amongst us, and among the rest their greatest King, Massasoit, with some ninety men, whom, for three days, we entertained and feasted, and they went out and killed five deer, which they brought and bestowed on our Governor." " The picture of that Thanksgiving Day, the blockhouse with its few cannon, the Pilgrim men in buff breeches, red waistcoats, and green or sod- coloured mandillions ; the great company of Indians, gay in holiday paint and feathers and furs ; the sad, over-worked, home-sick women, in worn and simple gowns, with plain coifs and kerchiefs, and the pathetic handful of little children, forms a keen contrast to the prosperous, cheerful Thanks- givings of a century later." — Customs and Fashions in Old New England. CHARACTERS Jonathan Warren ... - - Mr. W. de Haven Abigail, his wife - - - Mrs. Hardy Doroth y | daughters at home} " Jf* Kitty Gillespie Elizabeth ) t - Mrs. Paul A. Meyrowitz Samuel, youngest son, from Harvard - - Mr. Mitchell Hall Thomas, eldest son - - Mr. Clarence Biddaulphe Ruth, his wife - - - Miss Edna Earle Hester, his child - - Miss Alice L. Demorest Stephen Allerton - - - - Mr. P. A. Meyrowitz Rebecca, his wife - - - Miss Dow Rose 1 (.-..- Florence Mitchell Marv 1 -ij - - - - - - Maida Peirce ivully I children J Mercy | )..--- Greta Woodward Myles j I Henry Simons Ebenezer Adams, son-in-law - - - - Mr. Morris Sarah, his wife - - - Miss Van Sickel Uncle Joseph Warren - Mr. J. Parmly Paret Aunt Matilda, his wife - - Mrs. Niebuhr Aunt Roxy Starbuck - - Miss Caroline E Edwards Cousin Jerusha, from New York - Mrs. A. T. Nye Mrs. Brewster - - Mrs. Patterson EVACUATION OF NEW YORK. THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD By Representatives of the Continental Guard The Old Guard, Major Ellis N. Briggs, Commanding The Sons of the American Revolution The Mary Washington Colonial Chapter, D. A. R. CHAPERONES Mrs. Geo. B. Woodward, Chairman Mrs. Isaac Lloyd Mrs. R. Eccleston Gallaher Mrs. Walter S, Logan Mrs. Lewis C. Hopkins, Mrs. John Ritter Mrs. C. H. Bridgman Mrs. Howard Sumner Robbins. SCENE I. Evacuation of the City of New York by the British Under Gene. Carleton Nov. 25, 1783. General Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, with his staff, and Governor Clinton of New York, with his escort, awaited tidings of the departure of the last boat-load of Gen. Carleton' s army which had left the city in accordance with the terms of surrender. Under this agreement the Continental troops were kept outside of the city until the British had left. Amid the acclamations of the rejoicing citizens, the victorious army then took formal possession of the City. CHARACTERS Gen. Washington ----- Col. W. H. Washington Governor Clinton ... - - Mr. Clinton Major Henry Jackson - - - Dr. C. N. Walker Gen. Knox ------- Mr. Henry C. Stewart Col. Humphreys ----- Dr. Edwin Van D. Gazzam Col. Talmage ------ Mr. Edward Lee Young British Courier, - Alfred Wendt Gen. Washington's Staff : By Members of Squadron A under command of Capt. Oliver B. Bridgman Lieut. Henry W. Williams William Patterson W. D. Judson Lieut. Louis V. O'Donohue Frederick Becker J. G. Clark, Jr. Arthur W. Corning Thomas F. Bates Ross C. Bayne Waldron P. Belknap Charles Wendt SCENE II. Raising the Flag — G. Harold Silleck by citizens Percy Pentz J. C. Pumpelly Dr. Dwight Tracey George Rollstede James M. Flagg J.S.Adams George Gilmore Stewart Flagg J. Wolsey Shepard Lewis H. D. Fraser Mrs. J.J. Hoppie Jesse Larabee Harry Anderson Mrs. William Moores J. C. Halie Walter S. Logan Miss Nellie Mitchell Miss Cornelia Frank A. Sumner Miss L. W. Clark Miss Mary Banks Stacy Mrs. Paul A. Meyrowitz Miss Mary P. Redington Miss Mary Hamilton Farley Mrs. Ella Marie Sanger Miss Belle Moores Mrs. Jesse Larabee Mrs. Jane Pierce Wise H. Trafton Mrs. Emma Montells Mrs. S. E. Bourne A. F. Staniford Mrs. Blackstone Franklyn Paris Paul M. Meyrowitz John Q. Adams Wm. M. Crane Edward A. Sumner INAUGURATION OF WASHINGTON. THE CONSTITUTIONAL PERIOD. By the Founders and Patriots Society CHAPERONES Mrs. George Edward Wentworth Mrs. Arthur L. Root Mrs. Eugene Clarke Mrs. Henry A. Topham Mrs. F. W. Hopkins SCENE I Inauguration of President George Washington in front of Federal Hall, Wall Street, New York, April 30, 1789. "With the act which completed the organization of the government of the Union, the impressive oath of office solemnly administered and rev- erently uttered, the life-current leaped into a perpetual flow and our national greatness was secured." — Lamb's History of New York. CHARACTERS George Washington Chancellor Livingston George Clinton Gen'l Knox Alexander Hamilton Col.W. deH. Washington Col. F. W. Hopkins Charles Potter Morris Ferris L,. Blackstone And Pierre Van Courtlandt, James Duane, John Jay, John Langdon, Augustus Muhlenberg, Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Clinton. CITIZENS Mrs. Washington Morton Miss Curley Mrs. J. De T. Blackstone Miss Emma Wi g Mrs. W. H. Trafton Miss Bessie Wells Mrs. Jessie Larrabee Miss Vera de Cordova Mrs. James R. Franklin Mrs. William Moores Mrs. Outwater Miss E. K.. Bouyage Miss Edith Jones The Misses Trafton Mrs. James Tyler Mr. William M. Crane Miss Viola Tyler Mr. G. Harold Silleck Mrs. E. M. Stephan Mr. Frank B. Silleck Miss Cornelia Stephan Mr. Alfred Walker Ireland Miss Marie Dacie Mr. Herbert Claxton Miss B. Olive Whitman Mr. E. H. Yale Mrs. Gam brill Mr. J. J. Peoli Miss Beloni Mr. Leander de Cordova Mrs. Elmira Millette Mr. Rienzi de Cordova Mrs. G. Smith Mr. George Newshafer Miss Coventry Mr. Charles Walter Smith Mrs. Philips Miss Anna Beals Mrs. Clark Mrs. Higgins Mrs. Rupert Hughes The Misses Smith Mrs. Richard Blackmore Miss Philips Miss Nellie Mitchell Miss F. W. Clark Mrs. H. N. Hyneman Mrs. Helene Douglas Miss Anna Riley Miss Margaret Wentworth Miss Rogers Miss Lindsley Miss Belle Moores Miss May Godwin Miss Fleming Mr. Washington Lee Jaques, Jr. Mr. William F. Pares Mr. J. Earle Cheeseman Mr. H. N. Hyneman Mr. Lorenzo Blackstone Mr. Trafton Mr. Cushin Mr. Louis Emerson Mr. George Millette Mr. Robert Dunkley THE EMBASSY BALL. SCENE II. THE EMBASSY BALL, MAY 14, 1789. At the residence of the French Minister, M. de Moustier. CHAPERONES Mrs. Chas. L. Wetherbee Mrs. Jos. D. Bedle Mrs. Arthur Elliot Fish Mrs. Henry C. Brewster Mrs. George F. Shrady Mrs. Edward Davis Jones Mrs. F. B. Fernald, Jr. Mrs. J. Lee Morrill Mrs. William Gerry Slade. " Madame de Brehan, the sister of the French Minister, said that she had exhausted every resource to produce an entertainment worthy of France. ' ' CHARACTERS George Washington - - Col. W. de H. Washington M. de Moustier - - Mr. E. J. Flerrick Mrs. John Adams Mrs. Joseph D. Bedle Mrs. John Jay - - - Mrs. Hinman Madame de Brehan - Mrs. Demorest Gen. Knox ------- Mr. Morris Ferris Chancellor Livingston - - Col. F. W. Hopkins John Jay - - - Mr. Hinman Alexander Hamilton - - - Mr. Blackstone Louis Otto - - - Mr. Holden And members of the Old Guard under command of Major Ellis N. Briggs. GAVOTTE '"Two sets of cotillion dancers in complete military costume, one in that of France and the other in the buff and blue of America, represented our alliance with that country. Four of the ladies wore blue ribbons round their heads, with American flowers, and four were adorned with red ribbons and the flowers of France. Even the style of the dance was uniquely arranged to show the happy union between the two nations." — Lamb's History of New York. GAVOTTE Of 1 6 young people in American and French colors. LADIES. Miss Lilah H. Wetherbee Miss i " 1 1 ude Chase Miss Lillian Jones Miss A. Jones Miss G. IS Whitcomb Miss Hattie Slade Miss Grace Jenkins Miss Smith Mr. Harry Hoyt Good Mr. Fred Mase Mr. Frank llurd GENTLEMEN. Mr. H. T. Spence Mr. Gerald stratton Mr. C. G. Goss. Mr. Toseph Schenck Mr. M. B. Friller Mr. W. M. Crombie Miss Mr. Robert Jones Miss Osborne Mr A J. Squire Miss Shailer Mr. Roger Miller Miss Dick SIDE GAVOTTES. Mr. C. Craney Miss Miller Miss Schley Miss Hoyt Mr. Royal Kurnald Miss Eastman Dr. Wall Miss Wheeler Miss Bertha Shrady Mr. B. F. Warner Miss Einley Mr. E P. Fisher Miss Allison Mr. I rosby Miss Woodward Mr. Percy Pentz Miss M. H. Hicks Mrs. llazen Morse Mrs. Jasper Cairns Mrs. John Tait Miss Hazel llufcutt Miss Nellie Mitchell Miss F. Wyncoop Clark Mrs. Geo. Geis Mrs. B. Fort Mrs. Curly Miss Curly Miss Anna Riley Mrs. 11. M. Shrady Mrs. J. Lee Morrill Miss Hoyt Mr. Gilman Stanton Mr. F'red Stanton Miss Bell Miss McAdam Miss A. Clark Miss Stewart Miss Cushin Miss Cushin GUESTS. Miss Tucker Mr. F. Underbill Mrs F. Underhill Miss E. Moore Miss Ethel Moore Miss Marian Moore Mr. M. Campbell Miss Susie Adams Mr. C. D. Shrady Dr. Secor Mrs. Secor Miss Denman Miss Palmer Miss Greeve Mrs. A. G. Dexter Mine. R. F". von Klenner Mrs. J. D. F. lilackstone Mrs. E. L. Young Mrs. Kelty Mrs. S. M. Stone Miss E. Prentice Miss C. Prentice Miss Gane Miss Pippey Miss Gambrill Miss Skitt Miss J Andrews Miss McAdams Miss E. P. Harris Miss Crace Eastman Miss M. R Eastman Miss May Pearce Miss A. Pearce Miss S. Knight Miss M. Barts Miss Jessie Mclnty Miss Mclntyre Miss Marr Miss Clegg Mr. Kelly Mr. Henry Prentice Mr. W. W. Crane Mr. Marr Mr. Armstrong re PRESENTING THE FREEDOM OF THE CITY TO COMMODORE HULL, 1812. THE AMERICAN PERIOD By Representatives of the Society of 1812. CHAPERONES Mrs. Lowell T. Field Mrs. Louis J. Allen vSCENE : Presentation of the Freedom of the City to Commodore Isaac Hull, of the U. S, Frigate Constitution. " It was Christmas 1S12, the day before the banquet, that the cere- mony of presentation occurred in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. A Committee introduced Commodore Hull to the Council, when Mayor De Witt Clinton addressed him in a felicitous manner, presenting a testimonial, superbly executed upon vellum, and in an exquisite gold box containing the freedom of the City." CHARACTERS Capt. Isaac Hull - - Two Officers - - - John Lloyd and H. A. Edson Gen. Morton ----- Mayor De Witt Clinton Pierre Van Wyck, Recorder - Messenger - Aldermen Louis J. Allen John Lloyd and H. A. Jarvis B. Edson Arthur Ellery Harry S Kelty O. A. Pope Wards 1st Peter Mesier 2nd John Vanderbilt 3rd Charles Dickinson 4th Richard Cuningham 5th John Morse - 6th Isaac Smith 7 th George Buckmaster 8th Peter H. Wendover 9th Nicholas Fish Wards Assistant 1st John Nitchie - 2nd John W. Brackett 3rd Augustine H. Lawrence - 4th Elisha W. King - 5th Thomas R. Smith - 6th Josiah Hadden 7th Asa Man 8th William J, Waldron - 9th William A. Hardenburgh Walter Jones Hewlett Cephas Brainerd, Jr. Alexander Gliddon R, L. Spiller Robert Hewlett Robert A. Bogart Charles E. Fay Robert K. Potter Oliver Ashley Pope Aldermen Robert Moulton Caxton Brown Fred N. Cowperthwait Ernest Miller Burton R. Ward F. H. Gans James Hathaway Pope Willard W. Ward - L. T. Field DEPARTURE OF THE 7th REGIMENT, 136t. THE CIVIL WAR PERIOD By Company G, Seventh Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y. and Volunteers from other Companies of the Seventh, by permission of Col. Appleton, under the command of Captain William J. Underwood. And Women's Relief Corps, G. A. R. CHAPERONES Mrs. Augustus C. Dexter Mrs. Orlando B. Potter Mrs. Joseph J. Little Mrs. John Beaver Mrs. William Curtis Demorest Mrs. Alfred Mills Judson Mrs. William J. Underwood Mrs. George T. Wilson SCENE I. Departure of the 7TH Regiment. " On April 19, 1 861 , the Seventh Regiment, 991 strong, commenced their march to Washington, under command of Col. Marshall Lefferts. Forming on Lafayette Place, opposite the Astor Library, they marched through Fourth Street, down Broadway and Cortlandt Street, through a crowd so dense that it seemed to block the way impassably, and uuder a perfect canopy of flags. With bayonets brightly gleaming in the sun, with firm step, with bearing proud and erect, as befitted the men and the occasion, the Seventh marched down Broadway." — History of the Civil War. Mrs. Orlando B. Potter Mrs. John Beaver. Mrs. H. M. Hoagland Mrs. Bushnell Mr. Charles York Judson Mr. Arnold Schramm Miss Helen Niebuhr Mrs. Mackey Mrs. George T. Wilson Miss Wilson Mrs. H. A. Tappan Miss Howes Miss Gambrill Mrs. Edward Rober Mr. Edward Rober Mr. Walter Gano Miss M. Smith Miss E. Woodworth Mr. Alexander Cook Mis. Alexander Cook Mrs. H. M. Judson Miss Josephine Judson Miss Alice Louise Demerest Mrs. Sarah E. Bourne CITIZENS Mr. George Polk Ozier Miss Manderlich Miss Ella Cluise Marston Miss Hiram Clever Kroah Mrs. E. A. Sawyer Mr. O. E. Wilson Miss Carey Dr. Colburn Mr. F. A. Hendrick Mr. P. Corey Misses Jones Mr. T. K. Conway Mr. H. B. Leach Mr. E. A. Howe Miss E. M. Scott Mr. Alexander Cook Mrs. Clark Mrs. F. W. Clark Mrs. C. C. Niebuhr Miss Frances Niebuhr Mr. Edward M. Cutler Mr. Fred Cutler. Miss Nellie L. Howes Miss Grace L. Howes Mrs. George L. Cutler Mr. George Prott Cutler Miss Mollie Burton Mr. John F. Kurton Mr. Jacob Burton Miss Hiller Miss Helen Hiller Miss A. W. Cruikshank Miss Joslin Mrs. Hibbard Mrs. Augustus Wincoope Miss Abbie Dunning Mrs. Hewlett Miss M. Brown Miss M. L. Weeks Miss C. Rockwell Miss K. Gilbert Miss Reed Miss Lunt Mr. H. Chapin Mr. J. Cante Mr. J. D. E. Irving Mr. R. A. McCulloch Mr. F. Schrimper Mr. Erdall SCENE II. AT THE FRONT SONG, - - " Tenting To-Night on the Old Camp Ground." By Mr. Ericsson Bushnell, assisted by the Lotus Glee Club, George Leon Moore, Charles L. Lewis, C. Morgan Stricklett and Miles R. Brasewell. and a detail from the 7th Regt. as relief guard. THE RETURN FROM THE WAR. SCENE III. THE RETURN OF THE VETERANS May, 1865 By Lafayette Post, No. 140, G. A. R., Department of New York. COMMITTEE Col. Joseph J. Little, Chairman Col. A. G. Mills Col. C. F. Homer Col. Eugene H. Conklin General Robert Nugent Major Richard F. Ware Col. J. B. Hyde Major P. H. Murphy Major Allen C. Bakewell Commander Josiah C. Long ) Ex-offit Adjutant Wilbur F. Brown ) CIO ASSISTING LAFAYETTE POST BY INVITATION. The " Old Fifth " (Duryee Zouaves) under command of Major Andrew Coats. The Veteran Zouave Organization, under command of Col. Frederick L- Schaefer. The 165th New York Volunteers (Second Duryee Zouaves), under command of Captain Matthias Johnston. A delegation of Koltes Post, No. 32, G. A. R., with Battle Flags, under Commander Frederick Letzeiser. The Daughters of Lafayette Post. Maj. General Wager Swayne will welcome and review the troops; their relatives, friends and the populace being represented by the following : PARTICIPANTS The Woman's Relief Corps, G. A. R. Mrs. A. C. Hewlett Miss M. E. Hewlett Miss E. A. Hewlett Dr. Hough Misses Holly Miss Oliver Miss F. W. Smith Miss S. L. Bradley Miss A. Pierce Mr. J. C. Cook Mr. G. Newman Mr. A. N. Cook Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Adams Mr. D. B. Sheppard Mr. C. L. Williams Miss Andress Miss Hayes Mrs. Akers Miss Lampre Mr. Hubert Mrs. Mc Allister Mr. Mc Allister Mr. Mc Allister Mr. and Mrs. Scott Miss Holmes CITIZENS Mrs. Hall M*. E. A. Cruikshank Mr. Frank Cruikshank Miss A. Bloom Miss Hutchinson Mr. Roland Riggs Mr. Frank Maybury Miss Annie Le Prince Madam Le Prince Mr. Le Prince Mr. J. Le Prince Mr. Alexander Cook Miss Philbrick Mrs. Clement Mrs. Wescalt Mr. and Mrs. Giken Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Middleton Mr. Fenn Le Prince Miss Elsie Pierce Miss J. M. Doe Mr. St. Clair Martin Miss Spofford Miss Moulson Miss Challoner Miss Bergin Mrs. Brown Miss F. Camp Mrs. B. F. Gambrill NATIONAL SOCIETY OF NEW ENGLAND WOMEN. PROGRAMME. Patrons and Box Holders. Mrs. Russell Sage Mrs. Orlando B. Potter Mrs. Seth Low Mrs. John D. Rockefeller Mrs. Allen C. Washington Mr. Warner Van Norden Mr. Henry H. Rogers Mr. Richard Henry Greene Mrs. John P. Munn Mr. Charles Atwood Edwards Col. W. De H. Washington Miss Rebecca M. St. John Mrs. Francis P. Fernald Jr. Mrs. William Curtis Demorest Mrs. E. J. Herrick Mrs. William Gerry Slade Mrs. Henry B. Wilson Mrs. William Tod Helmuth Mrs. Charles Elliot Fitch Mrs. George B. Studwell Mrs. C. A. Miller Mrs. William Gihon Mrs. M. S. Rogers Mrs. Henry C. Coe Mrs. George Brown Hurd Mrs. James B. Hunter Mrs. George F. Shrady Mrs. Henry Sanger Snow Mrs. Charles F. Roe Mrs. Chas. Lincoln Witherbee Mrs. P. R. Whitcomb Mrs. E. M. Hoagland Mrs W. W. Hoppin Mrs. Joseph U. Bedle Mr. Chauncey M. Depew Mrs. Howard Towssend Mrs. C. P. Bushnell Miss Mary V. B. Vanderpoel Mrs. K. M. Mabley Mrs. Alfred Mills Judson Mrs. Charles Henry Brush Mrs. J. T. Van Sickel Mrs. Allen T. Nye Mrs. Henry T. Pierce Mrs. G. B. Woodward Mrs. William Schley Mrs. George M. Donaldson Mrs. J. M. T. Pope Mrs. W. W. Cole Mrs. E. W. White Societies Represented. Society of Mayflower Descen- dants National Society of New Eng- land Women Colonial Dames of America Colonial Dames of State of New York Mrs. J. B. Moffatt Mrs. J. C. Hatie Mrs. John S. White Mrs. Cyrus Clark Mrs. Kichard Arnold Mrs. Isaac E. Gates Mrs. Charles Herter Mrs. C. P. Hayes Mrs. C. H. Murray Mrs. H. H. Noble Mrs. Silas M. Stone Mrs. James Grant Wilson Mrs. James B. Belden Mrs. Joseph Stickney Mrs. William Shrady Miss L Van W. Dempsey Mrs. J. Hood Wright Mrs. Walter S. Logan Dean and Mrs. Hoffman Mrs. J. L. Zebley Mrs. W. A. Bowron Miss Anna Perrin Miss Mary Perrin Mrs. Gerard Sons of the American Revo- Daughters oi the Revolution, lution General Society Mary Washington Colonial Knickerbocker Chapter, Chapter, DA. R. D. A. R Holland Society Emma Willard Association Founders and Patriots of Daughters of the Seventeenth America Century Colonial Dames of Slate of Daughters of the Cincinnati New Jersey Holland Dames of the New Netherlands Souvenir Program me Distributed by Hamilton Institute Cadets. Herbert Briggs William Houghton William Collins Le Roy Parsons J. Arthur l!ro%\ n Franklin Gunther, Jr. Herbert Drake Wynne Matteson i TBRflRV OF CONGRESS ill 011 461 S» ■ S