^S37 Class. Book_-„-JC<#'^ ^,- iTTf- OFFICIATE DONATION. HAND-BOOK Kansas State Agricultural College, MANHATTAN, KANSAS, HANGP. y MANHATTAN, KANSAS: PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE NATIONALIST: i§r4. Table, of CorLterxts oit Fctges 1;S3, 1:^4. Since the names of the Board of Regents were printed, John H. Folks, of Wellington, Sumner County, has been appointed to succeed Chas. E. Bates, whose term had expired, and N. A. Adams has been elected Sec- retary, vice Wm. Burgoyne, resigned. Errata :— To Faculty, add name cf W. C. Stewart, Superintendent Telegraph Department. / HAND-BOO^K ^^ xoY Kansas State Agricultural College, MANHATTAN, KANSA.S. MANHATTAN, KANSAiS: PllIN'TEn AT THE OFFICE OF THE N ATjOVA,I,I^T : I8r4. : '"'''" !y ^ ^ KANSAS STATi; / ^A BOARD OF REGENTS. J. K. HUDSON Topeka, Shawnee Co. X. A. ADAMS Manhattan, Riley Co. JAMES ROGERS Burlmgame, Osage Co. B. L. KINGSBURY Burlington, Coffey Co. JOSIAH COPLEY Perry ville, Jefferson Co. CHARLES E. BATES Marysville, Marshall Co. J. A. ANDERSON Manhattan, Riley Co. WM. BURGOYNE, Secretary Manhattan, Riley Co. PI B. PURCELL, Tremurer Manhattan, Riley Co. E. GALE, Loan Commimoner ]\[anhattan , Riley Co . L. R. ELLIOTT, Land Agent Manhattan, Riley Co. FACULTY .J. A. ANDERSON, President and Prof. Political Economy. J. H. LEE, Prof English and History. M. L. WARD, Prof Mathematics. J. S. WHITMAN, Prof Botany Entomology and Geology. WM. K. KEDZIE, Prof Chemistry and Physics. E. ]\I. SHELTON, Prof Practical Agriculture and Supt. of the Farm. E. GALE, Prof Horticulture and Supt. of the Nursery. J. E. PLATT, Prof Elementary English and Mathematics. MRS. H. V. WERDEN, Teacher of Instrumental ^lusic. A. TODD, Supt. Mechanical Department. MRS. PI. C. (^HESELDINE, Supt. Sewing Department. .V^-.A-.NrTpW^^I^Ti ^"P^- Pi'iiting Department. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. E X P L A N A T O R Y Radical changes have been made iu the Kansas State Agricui-- ruRAL College since the publication of the last catalogue. As a State Institution it is morally bound to place before the people, as well as in the hands of the Legislature, full information respecting the nature, and, so far as developed, the results of these changes. The close of the collegiate year affords the first fitting opportunity for so doing. Accordingly, the design of the following pages is to set forth the more important facts in regard to the existing management, objects, and methods of the College, together with statements of the work actually performed in its several departments during the past year ; thus presenting a view of the Institution as a whole, as well as of the facilities which it ofiers to those who desire a liberal amd prac- tical education. This pamphlet is a hand-book of the College, rather than a mere catalogue ; and is intended to answer the many different enquiries, respecting wholly dissimilar matters, which are constantly received. It is not expected that all the subjects treated will be of equal interest, or, for that matter, of any interest to the same person. Hence each is presented somewhat fully, and the table of contents will enable the reader to turn at once to the subject concerning which he desires information. KANSAS STATE MANAGEMENT In accordance with au act of the Legishiture recoustructiug tlic Boards of the several State Institutions, approved March 6, 1873, Governor Thomas A. Osborn appointed the following gentlemen as Regents of the Kansas State Agricultural College, who entered office April 1, 1873. Name. Post Office Address. Term Expires. James Rogers Burlington, Osage Co . . .April 1, 1876 Charles Reynolds Fort Riley, Davis Co April 1, 1876 N. A. Adams Manhattan, Riley Co April 1, 1875 J. K. Hudson Wyandotte, Wyandotte Co April 1, 1875 JosiAH Copley Perry ville, Jefferson Co April 1, 1874 N. Green Holton, Jackson Co April 1, 1874 During the summer of 1873, the Board filled the vacancies created by the resignation of the Rev. Joseph Denison, D. D., as President, and of the Hon. Isaac T. Goodnow, as Land Commissioner, by the election of John A. Anderson and L. R. Elliott. It also established three additional Professorships, namely : Botany and Entomology, Prof. J. S. Whitman : Chemistry and Physics, Prof. Wm. K. Kedzie ; Mathematics, Prof. M. L. Ward . Early in 1874, Regents Green and Reynolds, on account of the pressure of private duties, reluctantly tendered their resignations; and the Governor appointed in their places Charles E. Bates, Marysville, Marshall Co., and B. L. Kingsbury, Burlington, Coffey Co. Prof. E. M. Shelton accepted the chair of Practical Agriculture, April 1, 1874 — Prof. E. Gale having temporarily discharged the duties thereof subsequent to February 7th, 1874, at which date it became vacant. Policy of the Kegents. In its first Annual Rci)ort the Board issued the following explicit statement of the princii)le,s which would control its action in the man- agement of the Institution : In the outset we endeavored to obtain a clear idea of the object sought to bo accomplished by the creation and maintenance of Agricultural Colleges. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 5 The fundamental law governing these institutions is an act of Congress en- titled "Au act donating lauds to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts," approved July 2, 1862. The fourth section requires that the interest of all moneys derived from the sale of the lauds donated " shall be inviolably appropriated by each State which may take and claim the benefit of this act, to the endowment, support, and maintenance of at least one college, where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including mili- tary tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the Legislatures of the States may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes, in the several pursuits and professions in life." By transposing the clauses, and omitting those which prescribe the mean by which the object is to be gained, rather than the object itself, the section may be fairly stated, thus: "In order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life, each State " accepting this grant " shall maintain a college where the leading object shall be to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts." Without detailing the steps by which we have reached our conclusions, suffice it to say that we are unanimously agreed upon the following points : I. We understand the "industrial classes" to embrace all those whose vocations or pursuits ordinarily require a greater exercise of manual or mechan- ical than of purely mental labor. It is impossible to draw a sharply defined line between the industrial and professional classes, for every occupation demands both mental and manual effort. But in the absence of any authoritative definition, either by courts or lexicographers, and for the purpose of marking the general boundaries which, in our opinion, should divide agricultural from other colleges, we accept the recognized distinction between the mechanic or industrial arts and the liberal arts, as given by Webster: the industrial arts are those In which the hands and body are more concerned than the mind ; the lib- eral arts are those in which the mind or imagination is chiefly concerned. II. While not necessarily ignoring other and minor objects, the leading and controlling object of these institutions should be "to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts." Prominence should be given to these branches in the degree that they are actually used by the farmer or mechanic. III. As against the opinion that the aim of these colleges should be to make thoroughly educated men, we affirm that their greater aim should be to make men thoroughly educated farmers, and for three reasons : 1. A student may receive the highest scholastic education afforded by uni- versities, and yet know nothing of practical farming. 3. Although we hold that the mental faculties are as well disciplined by the mastery of those sciences which relate most directly to agriculture as by the study of any other branches of learning, and therefore that mental development can be as truly gained in agricultural as in other colleges, yet we affirm that b KANSAS STATE their greatest aim should be to teach the farmer how best to apply the truths of science in the maaagemeut of his farm, and how most to profit thereby. 3. The primary aim of literary colleges is, aud for centuries has been, to discipline the mind, other purposes being secondary. The doors of these noble institutions are alike open to the childre:i of the industrial and the professional classes. It is neither necessary, economical nor wise for the Sta'e to maintain an agricultural college which shall seek to do precisely the same work for the same purpose. Congress evidently had quite a different purpose in view when, as in the title of the organic act, it designated these colleges as for the benefit of " Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts," instead of " for the benefit of the children of farmers and mechanics." IV. As a larger number of the citizens of Kansas are engaged in farming than in any other industrial pursuit, we are agreed that in this institution greater attention should be paid to the sciences which most concern agriculture than to those which relate to the mechanic arts. Nevertheless, since most of these branches of learning are equally useful to the mechanic; since tsome skill in the use of the mechanic's tools is advantageous to the farmer; and more especially since the Congressional grant was made " to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes,''' upon conditions which cannot be repealed by State sentiment or enactment ; we feel bound, in so far as we shall have the ability, both as the lawful trustees of that grant, and because of the peculiar necessities of a young and growing State, to place fairly within reach of the youths of Kansas, such knowledge and skill as will best and soonest enable them to earn an honorable livelihood by the practice of some one of the industrial pursuits, common in the State. In accordance with these views, the Board has made every effort and fully purposes to use every proper means for executing the policy first officially an- nounced September 3d, 1873, and hereby reafiirmed: " For the purpose of defining the policy of the Board of Regents of the Kansas State Agricultural College, and as a guide to the Faculty in preparing a new curriculum — " Besolved, That the object of this institution is to impart a liberal and prac- tical educitiou to those who desire to qualify themselves for the actual practice of agriculture, the mechanic trades or iudnstriil arts. " Prominence shall be s-iven to agriculture and these arts in the proportion that they are severally followed in the State of Kansas. " Prominence shall be given to the several branches of learning which relate to agriculture and the mechanic arts, according to the directness aud value of their relation." A statement of the reasons why the Regents hold this policy was made in President Anderson's first report to the Board, as follows : The act of Congress endowing agcicultnral colleges, prescribes that their leadit-g object shall be "to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture aud the mechanic arts, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life." AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, < 1. What is a Liberal Education as prescribed by this Act V Words, like trees, are the product of various elements, and often of many centuries. Liberal is a case in point. The Roman slave was subjected to a bond- age compared with which the worst form of American slavery might be deemed liberty. A man who was " no slave" was called "liber." In those days more than in these, manual labor was the chief service of the slave. Hence the con- dition of the "liber" was, in a general sense, a condition of freedom from man- ual labor. During succeeding centuries, but still under tyrannies, the French liberal and the English liberal retained the leading signification of general free- dom from that physical toil which is the warp and woof of a slave's daily life. Early English authors designate by it " that which befits a ' gentle'-mau " as dis- tinguished from a manual laborer, and that it yet expresses the original mean- ing is evident from its present use as applied to the arts. Webster draws the line between the liberal and the mechanic or industrial arts in these words : " The liberal arts are such as depend more on the exertion of the mind than on the labor of the hands; and regard amusement, curiosity or intellectual improve- ment rather than the necessity of subsistence, or manual skill." A glance at history will show how pertinently this word described education. The Refor-, matiou exerted a resistless influence upon the scope and direction of education. The new order of things forced the clergy, who had previously constituted " the learned " class, to the acquirement of greater information, especially concerning the ancient languages and beliefs. The growth of constitutional governments necessitated the careful education of men skilled in the principles and prece- dents of law. Increased knowledge compelled a corresponding education of physicians, of scientists, and, as indispensable to all, of competent teachers These vocations compose what are yet commonly known as " the professions." It certainly is emphatically true of each of them, that the labor required in their practice is mental. As compared with the farmer, the preacher, lawyer or doc- tor is relatively exempt from physical toil. Hence an education designed for these professions would naturally be called "liberal;" and until quite recently, no other pursuits have been deemed worthy of the educator's notice. It is in this light, glinted to us by the billows of many centuries, that we are to read Webster's definition of liberal, i. e., " Befitting a freeman or gentle- man, as liberal arts or studies; liberal education, that is, such as is extended beyond the practical necessities of life." The debates of Congress upon this bill, everywhere show that both its friends and enemies used the phrase " liberal education " in the proper and accepted sense. A single extract from the speech of Senator Harlan, of Iowa, in reply to Senator Mason, of Virginia, will suffice : "There may be those who are not disposed to give the means for the devel- opment of the minds of the masses, those whose interest it is that the laboring men of the country should be ignorant, should be uneducated and dependent; that their sweat and toil may be used to advance the interests, and promote the happiness of those more highly educated and refined; it may be that it is a blessing to Virginia that she is now more largely represented by adult white KANSAS STATE people who are unable to read and verite, in proportion to her population, than any other State in the Union. It is a blessing, however, the people of my State do not covet. They prefer that the mind of the laborer be developed ; that the intellect of the man who labors and sweats for his own bread should be more highly endowed, in order that that class of people may become their own rep- resentatives, even in the legislative halls of the nation." [Feb. 1, 1859.] There can be no doubt that by the use of the word "liberal" Congress marked out the broadest pathway to mental power and culture. Whatever long experience had proven to be valuable in the education of the professional classes. Congress designed that agricultural colleges should use in the education of the industrial classes. It was eminently fitting that the widest scope of study, the best appliances, and the most competent teaching enjoyed by the sons of the English aristocracy, should be freely provided for the American farmer aud mechanic. For if any liber, or " no slave," is entitled to a Uher-a\ education, it is the son of American liber-ty. He possesses a liberal education who has learned that which is known or be- lieved of the more prominent subjects of knowledge. Literary is that which pertains to learning; hence I have designated the departments of this college through which it seeks to give a liberal education, " Literary Departments." They have for their broad foundation the purpose which Congress expressed by the word liberal; their scope is equally wide ; their aim, as far-reaching ; their rule, thoroughness; and their only limitations such as are imposed by the youth and poverty of the College, or by the student's lack of ambition, time or money. 1 have dwelt at such length upon this point in order that the line which divides these from the industrial departments may be more sharply drawn, and in order, by contrast, to throw into bolder relief the further idea which Congress expressed, by using the word practical — " liberal and practical education." II. What is a Practical Education as prescribed by the Act ? Practical means "pertaining to practice;" practice signifies "actual doing, or the thing done; that is, the regularly doing, or the thing regularly done." The Greek verb prasso, meant "to do, to work; to follow a business, trade." The adjective praktikos, "fit or disposed for doing or performing; fit for busi- ness, business-like ;" hence our word practical, that which belongs to the actual doing. It matters little in this connection what particular shade of its meaning is taken. We may say with Webster, that a practical education is one " capa- ble ot being turned to use or account ; useful in distinction from ideal or tJieoret- ical" and since the sciences as taught in a liberal education are but collections of ideas or theories, a practical education must be quite distinct therefrom ; or we may say that such an education, like practical skill, is one "derived from actual doing." All of this simply amounts to saying that a practical education, as prescribed by the act, is one that " fits a person for actually doing business," be the kind of business what it may. We have already noted the influence of the Reformation upon education. A glance at the causes which impelled Congress to require for the industrial classes a practical as well as a liberal education, will show yet more clearly what it meant thereby. These causes are to be found in the magnificent progress of AGRICULTUEAL COLLEGE. 9 American inveution. They spring from the same sources that have filled the patent office with models, and the world with machinery. And if any ele- ments may rightfully mold and energize the processes of education, certainly may those which, since the days of Frauklia aud Pulton, have placed Ameri- cans in the foremost ranks of the world's appliers of science. The nation of plows and reapers; of cotton gins, spindles and sewing machines; of railroads, clippA-s and Atlantic cables; a nation which has reached out its countless roots broadly and deeply into the exhaustless soil of liberty, and whose forces, there- fore, are as active and eternal as the will of the God who created them; the nation of a free Bible, free schools, free press, and a free ballot-box ; such a nation, both as a measure of justice and necessity, would be apt to demand, and very apt to enforce the demand, that the processes of education should be as precisely and as fully suited to the special wants of the thronging industrial classes as is the education of the English university suited to the special wants of the English professional and aristocratic classes. And the fact <.hat such an education must of necessity require manual labor so far from deterring, would rather stimulate Congress in making, and the peo- ple in enforcins!, this new demand. When the Hue is drawn between those persons whose chief work is mental and those whose chief work is physical or with machinery, who so nearly constitute " the people " of America as do the industrial classes? From the very extent of our territory and the exhaustless- ness of its seen and unseen resources, the.se classes, for all time to come, must, as compared with all others, be the nation. In what quarter of the globe does the plowshare annually turn over so vast a breadth of virgin soil, and press onward even more rapidly than the sword to conquer the wilderness? What laud is so netted and meshed with iron highways that groan under the weight of whirl- ing products? What air is so filled with the hum and clang of mechanism? American products and fabrics, the results of manual labor, are carried in American vessels, the creation of manual labor, to the ports of Europe, Asia and Africa. And it is very easy to see what Congress meant by the demand for an education capable of actual use in daily business, and, therefore, one got- ten by actual practice; and just as easy to see why it made such demand. It is a significant fact, and worthy of mention in this connection, that the only opposition to the act came from those who looked upon workiugmen as " mud-sills" and " greasy mechanics." In the year 1859, under the leadership of Mr. Morrell, a Representative from the State of Vermont, this bill passed both houses, to be vetoed by American slavery, with the pen of James Buchan- an. In the year 1863, under the leadership of Mr. Morrell, then a Senator from the State of Vermont, it again passed both houses, to be signed by Amer- ican liberty, with the pen that wrote the Proclamation of Emancipation and the death warrant of American slavery. III. In what respects should a Practical Education differ from a Liberal Education ? It is well to revert again to the influences which have brought what is com monly regarded as the standard education into its present shape. All of the best American colleges provide about the same course of study. Where did 2 10 KANSAS STATE they get it? Originally from England, with some modifications of details. Bat whore did the English institutions obtain it? Nowhere. It grew. Two necessities governed its growth : 1st, The need for certain kinds of kn9wledge which men wished to use; and 3d, The need for training those faculties by which that knowledge was applied. It is evident that the classics first obtained their place in the curriculum simply because those languages contained infor- mation that was useful to clergymen, histories and precedents indispensable to lawyers, and theories deemed valuable to ^physicians. The notion that the classics afford better mental discipline than do other studies, was an after- thought, not an original purpose. Mathematics was introduced mainly for the benefit of the astronomer, and not of the merchant ; any crumbs picked up by the latter were dropped by accident. Physiological studies were gradually pro- vided for the embryonic physician, and political economy for the heir to a seat in the House of Lords. In later days, the natural and physical sciences have been included, but chiefly for the benefit of scientists. We can thus see not only why the standard curriculum [has its present proportions, but also that it is admirably adapted to impart just the knowledge that will be mo-;t useful to professional men in aftrr-life. And now, what laculties or organs does it aim to train— the meutal, or the physical? Those of the mind. Why? Is it because mental discipline is more valuable than physical training? Is it u^t because the theolosjiau or lawyer who seeks to apply the truths of reason, only usea his mental powers in making the application ? In such work it is wholly immaterial whether his feet be trained, or for that matter whether he have feet. His mind acts independently of his physical organs, save as it depends upon the bod}'. If in later days Shakspeare had lost the use of every organ except the tongue, he could never- theless have given to the world those masterplkjces which will endure long after cathedrals have crumbled. The mind is the only power which can grasp truths, handle inferences, construct arguments, or shape policies, even though these oiuide nations to the grandest victories. The blind Milton erected a palace tha^ will challenge the admiration of centuries; but it was built of ideas, not granite; framed and bolted with thouiiht; glorified by resplendent genius. From the nature of the case, a professional educatiou does not require any discipline of the physical organs ; and the fact that when a particular skill is needed in a profession, as that of the hand by the surgeon, this drill is given, only strength- ens the general proposition that the standard education of to-day, is chiefly de- signed for the benefit of the professional classes. But when we seek to apply the truths of science to matter, physical as well as mental ability becomes essen- tial. Just as the finger cannot touch thought, so thoue:ht cannot touchstone. The will of the mind can only be carried into effect by the body. And for the very reason that the professional classes required mental discipline, the indus- trial classes require manual training as well; for these are the men whose work is with soils and wood; rocks, ores and metals; winds, waves, steam and light- ning; and that work can only be done by the use of the physical organs. This distinc' ion ought never to be forgotten. The use which is to be made of any science should determine the form and extent of its presentation to the AGRICULTUKAL COLLEGE. 11 Student, the faculties or organs to be trained, and the relative strength or dex terity required. If that use is professional, adapt the studies thereto, and train only the mind ; but if it is industrial, reapportion the studies, and train the physical organs by which th^y are industrially applied The degree of this dis- cipline or drill must be equal to the mental or manual skill, or both, required by the vocation. What assiduous study by the student is in school, equally assiduous labor is in the field or shop ; for skill is the result of much " actual doing." Only at the handles of the moving plow can the boy become a plow- man. The student of carpentry may have mentally learned t'ue scientific truth that a straight line is the shortest distance from one point to another ; but when he tries to rip a straight line through a board he discovers that his eye and hand must learn the same truth, that it is far more difficult to educate the body than the mind, and that practice alone makes perfect. IV. Design op Congress. When, therefore, Congress ordained a liberal and practical education for the industrial classes, it logically and inevitably required both the teaching of learning and the teaching of the trades. For then, as now, scores «f venerable and vigorous colleges afforded a lib- eral education. They not only taught all the branches of learning which relate to agriculture and the mechanic arts, but, because of their strength, taught them better than could be done by younger institutions. Nevertheless, that education was virtually adapted to the wants of the professional classes. After showing its appreciation of these institutions by liberally endowing new ones of the same kind. Congress yet more liberally endowed colleges for the education of the industrial classes, and called for an accurate revaluation of the several branches of learniag by the original standard of their exact useful- ness. It demanded their reapportionment, their presentation from a new stand- point, their application in new directions and along the shortest lines, and the provision of wholly new appliances. It demanded for these institutions all the knowledge, instruction and apparatus which then existed, or would exist, in the best literary colleges, so far as useful to the industrialist; and then, in addition and beyond all this, it demanded farms, nurseries and herds, kitchens, sewing- room and dairies, workshops, printing and telegraph offices, photographic, pharmaceutical and assayer's laboratories — in short, every appliance employed in industrial work. And from the very nature of the case it required that these appliances should be for the personal and continued use of the student, and not merely as means of illustration in the hands of the teacher; because only by such use can the student acquire a "fitness for doing actual business." As already stated, the function of the Literary Departments is "to teach fcuch branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts." The function of the Industrial Departments is to render the student skillful in the several operations by which the farmer and mechanic can apply that learn- ing with the least labor and greatest profit. Neither of these general departments must overshadow the other; neither must interfere with the other. Their respective foundations are equally broad and their missioa equallv noble. Thoy must walk hand in hand at any and every sacrifice, and must harmoniously work to a single end — the benefit of the student. 12 KANSAS STATM Course of Study* It is frequently urged that the majority of the graduates of agricul- tural colleges become professional men. The charge is correct, so far fis this Institution is concerned, and, for two or three years, it will likely be correct. Either these colleges must turn out real farmers, mechanics, or those who follow other industrial pursuits, or else be logically adjudged to have failed in the execution of the purpose for which they were endowed. There can be no radical change in results except there first be radical changes in the producing causes. Let us seek for these causes through the results. What governs the newly fledged graduate in his choice of a voca- tion, when forced thereto by the necessity for earning a livelihood? If another man has a capital of $10,000, upon the income of which ]\e must live, he invests it in that bu&iness which, promises to pay best. Usually, the only capital of the graduate JiB the knowledge which he has gained in college, and the use he can make of it : in other words, his " education." If he can make more out of this capital as a teacher than as a farmer he will be a teacher. But if he knows more about farming than about dead languages, and has greater skill in handling stock than in handling the technicalities of science, self-interest will make him a farmer. He will invest his capital where it pays best. Now, the course cf study which he has followed in college must inevit- ably determine the kind of cajiital he has acquired, just as the direc- tion of the tongue determines the direction of a moving wagon. Hence, in deciding upon the best course of study for an Industrial Institution, two questions arise : 1. Is that knowledge which experience has shown to be of most value to the future lawyer, doctor or preacher, equally valuable to the farmer, mechanic or business man ? 2. In educating men for the farm are we to teach the same sciences, in the same proportions, and with the same applications, as when edu- cating meu for the professions ? The routine work of the farmer is as different from that of the min- ister as is the work of the merchant from that of the sailor. The knowl- edge which is of most use to the one is not equally, if at all, useful to the other. Hence, it certainly is clear that the course of study fol- lowed by the future farmer should differ from that taken by the future preacher, just in the degree and to the extent that the uses Avhich each will make of knoAvledge are different. Farmers need an education as AGRlCtJLTURAL COLLEGE. 13 broad, thorough and practical as that of lawyers, but they do not need the sama education, any more than the astronomer and surgeon need the same education. What knowledge will be most serviceable to the future agriculturist? He cannot, in a life time, much less in the few years spent at col- lege, acquire all knowledge, or learn a tithe of all that is interesting, curious, or even distantly related to agriculture. He is limited by want of time, and often by lack of money, so that he must select from among the things known those which will give him the best success as a farmer. He needs a practical knowledge of his own language, that he may fully understand the ideas of others, and sufficient skill in the use of that language to express his own ideas clearly and vigorously ; but does he need the same familiarity with Latin, Greek and Hebrewjjthat is essential to the best success of a professor of philology in a Euro- pean university? or does he need the same skill in rounding sen- tences and selecting rhymes that is prized by the poet ? He needs a knowledge of mathematics as used in business life, and such skill jis will enable him readily and accurately to make all the computa- tions and keep all the accounts incident to his occupation; but are conic sections and the calculus as serviceable to him as to the astrono- mer ? Up to a certain point, English and Mathematics, if practically taught, are of great value to every man, no matter what his vocation ; but, neither is in itself an end. Each is only an instrument to be used in gaining an end ; and the first object of the student should be the acquisition of a ready skill in the use of the instrument. If, after so doing, he is able to study the curiosities of literature, as an expert, so much the better ; but ability to write legibly, to spell correctly, to speak grammatically, and to use the word which exactly expresses his meaning, is of far greater moment. And it is a fact that oftentimes pi-actical English and practical mathematics are sacrificed in the efibrt to rush the student through the " higher," and, so far as he is con- cerned, the " fancy " branches of each. The principle of selection thus indicated is applicable to a score of other sciences ; all of which are interesting to the scholar of elegant leisure : each of which is of great value to one specialist, but of no value whatever to another specialist, and many of which are practi- cally valueless to the farmer. 14 KANSAS STATE But now there are some kinds of knowledge which are of especial service to him, and which are not equally so to the physician, jurist, or mechanic. His daily work is with plants ; and plants are but so many curiously wrought machines. These have different parts, which perform different services, and which depend upon dissimilar condi- tions. For exactly the reason that a practical knowledge of anatomy is useful to the surgeon, is a practical acquaintance with botany useful to the farmer. But plant machinery does not impel itself ; it is driven by forces chained in the earth and air, as the engine is driven by steam. He needs to know both the mechanical and chemical action upon plant growth of light, heat, water and soils ; and how to increase or decrease this action, as his interests may require. Hence, a practical knowl- edge of physics and chemistry is valuable to him. Plants are subject to the depredations of insects and birds. These, in turn, are devoured by others. He should know and cherish his zoological friends, and use their instincts in the destruction of his foes. Two reasons make a knowledge of the habits and value of domestic animals indispensable. First, because they furnish his motive power for the plow ; and second, because many of his crops can be profita- bly sold only after their conversion into flesh and milk. The knowledge of these, as of other sciences, should be imparted and acquired with reference to the use which he is to make of it, viz : as enabling him to correctly answer the question that is always upper- most in the true farmer's mind — " Will a given thing pay ? '" Real farmers do not plow from dawn to dark, swelter in the harvest field, or shiver in the corral, just for the fun of the thing. They farm for profit. They do not toil in order that the sweat may trickle to the earth, but in order that they and theirs may eat the bread which can only be earned l)y the hard labor which brings sweat. Neither work- ing nor sweating is the chief end of farming : profit is. And if the farmer can gain the end by substituting machinery for his own mus- cles, he will. Nor is a knowledge of the sciences which relate to agri- culture the chief end of farming : it, like work and wagons, is only a necessary means to be used in gaining the real end. As in the case of English and mathematics, so botany, physics, chemistry and zoology may be taught in either of two ways : — First, as pure sciences; second, as practically useful to the farmer. In the former ease, the student will become a scientist ; in the latter, a capable farmer. And often AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 15 there is as much difference between the two men as there is between a law library and a successful lawyer. Hence, even those sciences which relate most directly to agriculture must be re-arranged and presented to the student with controlling reference to the use he will make of them. So widely different is this use from that which the " man of sci- ence" makes that, unless they be so taught, nine graduates will become professors of a given science where one becomes an actual farmer. It is not improbable that the real experience of those col- leges in which these are taught as pure sciences, and to which there is merely an agricultural attachment, will corroborate this statement. And, it may be incidentally remarked that, were there no other objection to the mooted proposition of increasing the endowment of the University of Kansas, by removing this College to Lawrence, the above would be insuperable. Desirable as it undoubtedly is that the State Institution which is expressly designed to educate lawyers, doc- tors, preachers and professors should be liberally supported, yet, because of the difference between the uses which the industrial and professional classes make of knowledge ; and, therefore, because of the •lifference which there ought to be in teaching the same science to the (me or the other, the mooted consolidation would inevitably be death to the practical education of farmers. Whether the professional classes of Kansas should be educated by the absorption of an endowment expressly made by Congrsss for the education of the industrial classes of Kansas, is a question in the decision of which the voters of Kansas would be very apt to take part, either directly, or, if accomplished, in affecting the political welfare of the accomplishers. This re-arrangement and special presentation of a science does not necessitate either narrowness or superficialness, because knowledge must be acquired before it can be applied ; because it is more readily acquired when presented as a system, or science, than as hotch potch ; and because he who intends to make a specific use of knowledge, for profit, will study better than he who only aims to pass the examination for a diploma. A competent machinist must thoroughly understand the principles of mathematics and be able to apply them in his busi- ness. Is he less a mathematician than the college graduate who also understands the principles, but who, very often, can make no practical use of them ; and who, though able to calculate an eclipse, with greater or less accuracy, cannot tell the capacity of a cistern or corn crib, or be safely trusted to measure wood ? It is very well to talk 16 KANSAS STATE flippantly about the " bread and butter sciences," but, as between these and the cake and candy sciences, men who work for a living prefer the former as a regular diet, if they cannot have both. It is better for an Agricultural college, at least, after furnishing its students of agriculture with plates and knives, in the shape of English and mathematics, to first give them a full course of roast beef and vegeta- bles, in the shape of economic botany, chemistry, practical agriculture, etc., and afterwards, a dessert of dead languages and fossils, than to invert the order ; because, if the student has not time to take the whole meal — and the majority of students have not — the main course will be of more value to him than the dessert. If he can, let him take both. But when all the sciences useful to the farmer have been taught as indicated, and with the best results,«the student has still an essential part of his education to gain, namely, such skill — both mental and manual — in applying knowledge to farm work as will ensure him the largest income with the least outlay of money, labor and time. Notwithstanding a common opinion to the contrary, there is evi- dently a necessity for professional teachers of Practical Agriculture and Practical Horticulture. If agriculture be regarded as the aggre- gate of several recognized sciences, and, therefore, as itself a science, it deserves the srme carefulness in teaching accorded to the sciences of which it is composed. Or, if regarded as only an art, so completely does it depend upon these sciences, so complicated are its applications of their interwoven truths, and so important are the consequences of a skillful or bungling exercise of the art, that no pure science presents a stronger claim for capable masters and thorough drill. The teacher of an established science necessarily views it from the standpoint of investigation or inductive discovery, and so presents its facts and theories, directing them to the wants of the farmer as best he may. The teacher of Practical Agriculture must vicAV the same science from the wholly different standpoint of "Will it pay the farmer?" The conclusions reached by the two men will sometimes clash, for trial frequently shows that a proven fact of one science is so modified by an equally proven fact of another science as to be rela- tively valueless in combination. This experience is not confined to agriculture The keenest experts of the Patent Office, after close study of a working model, and upon seemingly the best scientific grounds, frequently decide the proposed application of a given })rinciple to be AGRICULTUKAL COLLEGE. 17 correct aud valuable ; whereas, the construction of the machine .show!« that it either wont work at all, or wont work profitably. And if such be the fact in the .science of mechanics, the priuciplei^ of which are mathematically demonstrable aud easily traced in a comVjinaticn, how much more is it apt to be the fact when we attempt to deal with the .subtle forces of light, heat and moisture, hidden in mysterious combi- nations and producing fantastic results? No science used by man more imperatively demands the constant test of actual experience. The iron used by the blacksmith in every state is practically the same, but the soil which the farmer in Kansas work.s is not practically the ;3ame as that of Ohio or Maine, and sometimes the same farm has as many different soils as acres. The flame and tools of the smith are the same everywhere, but how great are the diversities of the warmth , and rains which build plants and furnish fruits ! It is frequently asserted that a boy will become more skillful in the practice of agriculture if kept at work on the hom.e farm, under his father's guidance, provided the latter be a farmer, than if placed un- der the instruction of a professor of practical agriculture ; hence, that there is no necessity for professional teaching. Evidently, this depends upon several things. If the father has a better knowledge of the scientific principles actually used in agricul- ture ; if he can apply these principles more successfully ; if he has better apparatus for illustrating both the principles and their applica- tions, in the shape of a greater variety of soils, of the best implements, (cultures, crops, cattle and fruits ; if he is a better teacher ; and if he will fully devote himself and his farm to the task of teaching the boy what to do and what not to do as a practical farmer, and of drilling him in the best ways of doing a desirable thing and of preventing an undesirable thing — certainly such a farmer should keep his boy at* home, unless the latter is deficient in that branch of education given by the literary departments of the college. But is this fortunate com- bination of essential advantages often found? On the one hand, man}' capable farmers are not able to buy the necessary apparatus. On the other, many rich farmers have not the requisite scientific knowledge. And he who possesses both the means and the knowl- edge, however willing to teach his own son, is usually not so willing to follow the business of teaching other men's sons, simply because farming pays better than teaching. These advantages should be pro- vided by Agricultural Colleges, and should be used in giving the best 18 KANSAS STATE instruction and drill in the practice of agriculture. Whether they really are so provided and used is another question, but evidently they <«.n be. The above assertion would not be so frequently made by experi- enced farmers without some reason. In many instances, their observa- tion of men who claimed to farm " scientifically,'' has justified one, and often both, of two conclusions : either, that the given claimants made false pretensions, or, that " scientific farming " mixed a little sense with a deal of humbug. Furthermore, there is a natural ten- dency to overestimate the actual power of science, and to believe it [)ossessed of a greater practical value than it really has. And there is no doubt that in many colleges too much attention has been given to overestimated branches, and too little, or none at all, to drill in the practice of agriculture ; as an inevitable result their graduates have not succeeded in farming as well as neighbors who never attended college. The only remedy is to give thorough instruction m practical agricul- ture, that is, agriculture "fit for doing business." Evidently, culti- vated fields are the true text books for this instruction ; the best expe- rience of successful farmers is its proper lesson ; and their balance sheets its final authority in deciding doubtful points. Ordinarily, {)ractical agriculture comes to the sciences as a questioner, asking for the explanation of a fact, rather than as an apprentice seeking rules by which to work. And, while giving an attentive ear to the state- ments of science, its true function is to test these statements by the sole standard of real profit; to reject those which, though scientifically valuable, are found valueless in practice ; and courageously to adopt, exemplify and proclaim methods which ensure the greatest profit, even , though these be inexplicable or ridiculous to pure science. As the pefidulum of a clock at one instant checks and at the next helps the action of the weight, so should it now check, then help, but always regulate the utterance of science to the student of agriculture. As in other arts, it is much easier to memorize the principles oi agriculture than to become skillful in their application. Educators are apt to forget that the bulk of the farmer's work requires manual or mechanical force. He deals chiefly with matter. Probably more pounds of dead weight are annually lifted on a given farm than in any shop employing the same capital. In plowing one hundred acres six inches deep, 80,600 cubic vards of earth must be AftKlCULTURAL COLLP^GE. 19 moved ; then follow.s the work of harrowing, rolling, stirring, harvest- ing, housing, cleaning and marketing. If, on the first of January, each farmer were shown a mound to be leveled, equal in weight, bulk and solidity to that of the material which he must handle during the year, and which could be removed only by a force equal to that which he must use, many would despair of accomplishing the task at all, or at least of making a profit; and all would realize the imperative necessity for employing the best and cheapest power, for using the best tools, and for exercising the greatest skill in their use. The amount of work to be done would show why, in turning the soil, a spade is cheaper than a stick, though it costs more ; why a plow is cheaper than a spade, and the strength of a horse than that of a man. It would equally show that dexterity in the use of tools is a deal cheaper than awkwardness, though its first cost be greater. No one doubts that the mechanic needs skill, or that his education should include the practice in the use of tools by which alone skill can be acquired. Why,, then, exclude from the education of a farmer a corresponding practice since, year by year, he has a greater weight to lift, and tasks to perform equal in variety and exactness ? This practice, too, is clearly to be regulated by the standard of profit. If a boy can already plow well, why keep him at it when his time can be better expended otherwise ? If he cannot, why not make him as skillful in plowing as in naming the capes of Greenland? It will not pay him to acquire the skill of the cabinet maker because such skill is not needed in building fences, but it will pay him royally to acquire the ability to make a gate, put in a spoke, point a plow, set a horse shoe, paint a wagon, mend a strap, set up a reaper, replace a box, build a wall, cut a stone post, and lay a drain. The cry of " mak- ing him Jack-of-all-trades and master of none" may be quite startling to those who don't think. When applied to a carpenter or printer it may be pertinent ; but, because farm work daily calls for the perform- ance of the simpler operations of some one of these trades, "Jack skill" makes just the difference between a handy and a helples? farmer, the difference between success and failure. Hundreds of farm- ers will testify to their loss of precious hours because of an inability to make repairs which any boy can be taught to make. The acquisition of this skill requires physical labor, just as the acquisition of a science requires mental labor. Hence, physical labor should be " compulsoi-y," "^n the same sense, and for the same purpose. 20 KANSAS STATK that mental labor is compulsory; but in no other sense, and for no other purpose. Thei'e is no greater " dignity " in labor than in rest, but there is a noble dignity in that kind of manhood which faithfully discharges every duty of life, whether it involves labor or rest. Washiugton displayed as much heroic generalship in his wise retreats as in his furious attacks ; but neither retreating nor advancing is val- uable save as a necessary means of winning the final victory. No man labors for the mere purpose of laboring, but only because a desired end cannot be gained in an easier way ; nor does any animal. And it is difficult to see why a boy should be made to do that which no other creature does,- and which he will never do when a man. So long as a student feels that he is gaining either knowledge or skill that will be valuable to him a.s a farmer, he will work in the field, in the nursery, with the cattle, or in the shops as cheerfully as he plays, and more cheerfully than many study ; but beyond that point,or for any other purpose, "compulsory labor" is no more beneficial to him thau it would be to his father. So far as "exercise" is concerned, the natural tendency of healthy youtli toward fun and frolic may be safely trusted a few more centuries. The practice required in any branch of practical agriculture should be determined by the actual wants of the farm and the aptness of the student. Little things should not be overlooked, nor greater ones be unduly magnified ; the object being to produce a graduate able to suc- ceed as an intelligent and skillful farmer. The majority of Kansas farmers raise grain as a market crop, and vegetables, fruit and butter chiefiy for their own tables. Practical agriculture should cover the 8 ime ground, and proportion its instruction and practice accordingly. Frequently, however, some other product becomes the leading market article, and demands a different distribution. To the stock raiser, .skill iu manipulating the conditions upon which animal life depends is more valuable than skill in raising cereals. The dairyman, nurse- ryman, market gardener and florist have difierent problems, and each must make a wholly different arrangement of its elements. Now these specialists .should have a general knowleilge of, and competc^ncv for, ail branches ol' farming ; because the profits of each branch may at times be increased by a greater or less following of all, and because permanent changes in th(! general market nec;essitate corresponding changes in general fa:-ming. Neverthele.S8, when a student has de- cided to h.-come a specialist, he should, aft*- acquiring general skill. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 21 have an opportunity for extended practice in the chosen branch, whether in the handling of cattle, iu the dairy, the nursery or the greenhouse. Provision is made therefor. The same principle — that of determining the educatiou by the real demands of the proposed vocation — should decide the proportions of the whole course, literary as well as industrial ; and the student should at once take the course leading to his vocation. There is no greater difference between the skill valuable to a law- yer and that which is profitable to a sailor, than there is between the skill needed by a farmer and that needed by a machinist, or that of a druggist and that of a printer. The same knowledge has a difierent value to each. Puttiug off the choice of an occupation until after the student leaves college as a graduate, instead of making it when he enters college, or as soon thereafter as possible, is a grand mistake. Studies are taken and years spent without a' definite aim ; much is acquired only to be forgotten in after life, simj^ly because not demanded by the occupation of after life ; and much is omitted that would have been of great value. Few fathers would send a son to New York to spend $10,000 without first deciding upon what to pur- (ihase. But many fathers send their sons to college to get an "educa- tion," without further thought. Education for what? What does the boy want to buy ? — ability as. a lawyer or as a farmer, as a preach- (^r or as a mechanic ? The sooner the objective point is decided the more profitable will be the expenditure of time, brain and muscle. One thing is certain : that the majority of men who, after ten years of semi-starvation in a " learned profession," find themselves and their little ones facing the prospect of whole starvation, could better increase their income by farming, had they the requisite skill, than in anv other way. There are men iu every community who remain in a pro- fession, not because they are fitted for it, or because they like it, but only because they can do nothing else. This condition of things is a necessary result of the convergence of our whole educational machin- ery, from the t'ommou school to the University, upon the professions. They must be overcrowded. And it is equally certain that until a boy has chosen his occupation, it is better for him to take the farmers' t'ourse in a good agricultural college than to take the aimless course of a literary institution, and find himself, on graduation day, " with the best education his country affords, and unable to make a liv- ing!" In proof of this statement, take, as an illustration, the case of 22 KANSAS STATJE a boy who is able to earn, including boarding, thirty dollars a month as a farm laborer. His wages are equal to the interest on $3,600, at the rate of ten per cent. In other words, what he knows and caix do is worth as much to him as $3,600 would be if he did nothing. He spends four years at a literary college. How much has he increased his capital? Very few of its graduates can go on the market and at once command situations at more than thirty dollarfs per month. Usually, two or three years must then be spent in pro- fessional schools, and oae, two or five years more in waiting for a prac- tice that will pay one hundred dollars a mouth. Or, if the graduate enters commercial life, from one to three years are spent in learning the business. Suppose, instead, that he spends the four years in an industrial college. At graduation, he can command, in the market, sixty dollars per month as the foreman of a grain or cattle farm, or on his own homestead. Mechanics, printers, druggists and operators can do the same. The student has doubled his capital, or has made $3,600, when before he had made nothing that was in shape to use, And, with the same frugality, industry and shrewdness which the pro- fes,*ional graduate must exercise, he will, at any subsequent period, earn more with the same labor. In other words, his industrial educa- tion is worth more, costs less and is more available. It is well for men to look the educational question squarely in the face, and to substi- tute common sense for traditional and groundless sentimentality. In regard to the question whether a former should be as generally educated as the professional man, evidently that is a matter which each student must decide for himself, and which an agricultural col- lege must furnish according to the decision. If, after first learning those things which will be of most value in the transaction of his bus- ness, he has the time and means to take an extended course in classics, history, mental, moral and other sciei ces, it can be given. The only point made is, that the interests of students who are limited in means and time shall not be tramped out by a blind obedience to a senseless custom. The farmer needs a thorough and direct education as much as doe.« the physician. Both ileal with the subtlest of forces — life ! The one seeks to con- trol the conditions on which human life depends; the other, those on which animal and vegetalde life depend. The one grapples with the «liseases of an impaired body, and his battle is usuallv short and deci- AGKIOULTURAL COLLEGE. 23 ^sive. Tlie other struggles to wiu from earth aud air that food with- out which all bodies must perish. His battle is longer, less exciting, but none the less decisive ; for continued defeat brings poverty, and grinding poverty brings exposure, exhaustion aud diseases that laugh at medical skill. There is no apparent reason why a direct education. {IS valuable to the farmer as is the best medical training valuable tu the physician, cannot be provided ; and it is believed that the princi- ples above set forth must alone and absolutely determine the studies and assign their propoi'tious. For, if an industrial college provides the same road to knoAvledge found in literary colleges, its graduates must inevitably walk to the same point reached by their graduates, other things being equal ; and. having gained the same knowledge and skill, or capital, and this capital commanding a greater profit in the practice of, say, law than in farming, the chances are that its graduates, actuated by a proper self-interest, will ])ecome lawyers, and will not become farmers, because the skill demanded by the two voca- tions differs as wholly as ability to write a poein differs from ability to con.struct a locomotive. The average curriculum of literary col- leges is the result of careful thought, corrected by the experience ol' centuries ; and it justly claims the confidence awarded to a route over which, for generations, men have passed to the highest eminences of law, theology, medicine and science. But for this very reason it is neither the direct nor the best road t<^ succe.ss in the field, the shop, oi' at the counter. After so full a presentation of the principle.* which should determine a course of study for the education of farmers, it is not necessary to discuss with equal detail a course for mechanics. The points to settle are: What ability does the given trade require? How much of this ability is mental, and how much manual ? What sciences furnish the requisite knowledge, and what drill the needed manual skill ? It is not essential that the carpenter should know how plants grow or how $40,000 cows are bred, because his business is as different from farming as is farming from preaching. But it is essential that he .should know the fitness of the different kinds of wood for different purposes, and the principles of framing, ornamentation and stair build- ing. He requires dexterity in the use of the rule, saw and plane, and not of the plow. 24 KANSAS STATE Each trade requires a special ability, aud, therefore, a special knowledge as well as specific manual drill. So great is, the diversity in these respects that, at first glance, there seems to be no leading sci- ence which is useful to all, in the sense that botany and chemistry are useful to the farmer. Notwithstanding this diversity, it will be found that practical mathematics, either as it treats of numbers or of lines, has a greater or less cash value for each of the trades. Take the case of two carpenters of equal skill in the use of tools and equal credit, about to bid for the erection of a costly building, the one a poor arith- metician, the other a practical mathematician. The latter understands exactly what the detail drawings indicate and what the specifications require ; his estimates for material and labor are more exact, for his greater knowledge solves many questions that remain doubtful to the former ; hence he allows less margin for woi:k that is new to both, bids lower, employs his competitor at journeyman's wages, performs less physical labor and receives a far greater profit. With increased cap- ital aud experience he is more apt to become a builder and to earn a builder's per centage than the former. His extra knowledge has a cash value equal to the difference between the incomes of the two men. With less hard labor, the stone cutter earns more than does the stone mason ; the machinist more than the blacksmith ; the job piinter more than the compositor ; the milliner more than the seamstress ; and so on all the way through. The worth of mathematics to the builder, machinist, aud engineer is apparent, but it may be asked : How many dollars will a knowledge of algebra add to the wages of a sign painter, or a kuowledge of geometry to the pay of a clerk? Evidently, none, except in the way of general mental discipline, which we are not now consiitcring, and whisi's of analysis, it is well enough to resolve woman AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 39 iuto the component elements of body, mind and soul, and to consider her education with reference to the functions of each ; yet we must be careful to put the elements together again in the shape of a living being, and to regard her education as a unit. Such divisions are the- oretical, not actual. A woman without a body is dead, and no man marries a corpse. A woman without a mind is an idiot, and such a wife, no matter how brilliant her beauty, cannot retain a husband's Jove. A woman lacking moral nature is a fiend, and not until physi- cal pain becomes as agreeable as pleasure will men knowingly marry fiends. The vitality of true marriage is love, and the vitality of love depends partly on the physical, partly on the mental and partly on the moral nature of men and women. Hence the natural action of each and all the elements is essential, and if either fails to do its proper work disappointment will strangle contentment. Love cannot con- tinue where confidence is lacking; nor confidence where respect is wanting ; nor respect where there is an absence either of truth or of a reasonable performance of any natural duty. As no sensible woman could really love a brainless Dundreary, so no sensible man can love a wife whose mind is as flabby and forceless as a jelly-fish. Without seeking to determine the relative importance of woman's physical and mental power, and while insisting that both are absolutely essential, it is clear that a large part of wifely work requires for its performance the best action of her mind and soul, and, therefore, that they should be developed and trained to the fullest practicable extent, and in the best way. How shall this be done ? What are the best lines to follow, and what the best means to use? Is the course pursued in the education of professional men therefore the best for the education of women ; and are the agencies employed for disciplining the ininds of the , one therefore the best for the other ? Evidently, this depends upon whether woman's mind is the same in substance and degree as that of man ; and, if so, upon whether it acts under the same laws, and produces similar results in the same way. A moment's thought will show how greatly the average mental work performed by woman differs from that of man, not in quantity or quality, but in nature. Imagine woman reduced to a physical toy, or to a mere operator of machines, would humanity lose anything of intellectual value ? Perhaps not a great deal from the departments of medical, legal and theological research ; nor from those of philosophy 40 KANSAS STATE and statesmanship. Likely, as many volumes having erjough vitality to live a century would be added to these sections of the world's li- brary as now. Perhaps, also, mechanical invention would progress as rapidly, the great streets of the world's commerce be as thronged, and the smoke trails of ships and trains be as numerous. Something would be missed from the studios of art, those laboratories of imagina- tion, feeling and taste ; and much would be missed from the purest, most heartful and ennobling literature of the age. But how about those mental laboratories, vastly more numerous than the combined factories, stores and offices of men, dotted and clustered through the land as the stars in the sky, and as ceaseless in their work as these in their shining : how about the homes of the lawyer and scientist, of the manufacturer and merchant, of the banker and farmer : ^ould these be the same ? Would men have the same inspiration in their daily toil ? Would the philosopher be as real a philosopher without the smile of his wife ; or would the defender of right and assailant of wrong be as brave and endui'ing were it not for the little eyes that sparkle around the evening table? Would there be as much truth, integrity, virtue, courage, patience, nobility, as much of God in the world? And yet these things are worth something to humanity ; as much, perhaps, as are logical tomes, scientific icicles, or deeds, stocks and coin. These things are woven by the mind and soul of woman, as are philosophies by men. It is true that there never has been, and likely never will be, a female Bacon, Newton or Napoleon: but it is equally true that there never has been, and will never be, a male Florence Nightingale, Martha Washington or Cornelia. Because, forsooth, we cannot meas- ure truth with a yard stick, let us not deny that truth exists ; and because we cannot measure woman's mental work by the same gauge that we apply to Bacon let us not deny either its existence or value. The very fact that we cannot, shows how greatly the intellectual pro- duct of woman differs from that of man. To deny that the woman is as much a mental worker as man, is to deny the long, plethoric years . of wifely tenderness and of motherly watchfulness, counsel and prayer, without which the world would become a lair of wild beasts. It is not so much her physical work which most endears and makes hal- lowed the memory of mother : that serve,^ only as a goblet into which the mental, moral and affectional forces of her whole life distilled a spirit nearest like that of deity ; and we instinctively lift it to our lips in moments of worship, when wealth, fame and ambition seem as pro- AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 4] fanities. The greater our distance from childhood the more clearly do we see how different iu its nature is the mental work of the mother from that of the father. And the more thoroughly we analyze the intellectual labor performed by woman in all her relations, the moiC apparent will be its difference from that of man. Men may fancy that they do a given thing as a woman would, but any bevy of girls could easily demonstrate and enjoy the absurdity of the fancy. Now, suppose the Creator to have acted only as wisely as do human inventors, it is probable that he as expressly designed her mental organism for the performance of her distinctive mental work, as is her physical organism exactly adapted to her physical work. And if her mental work differs in nature from that of man, it may be antece- dently probable that her mind differs in nature from his, just in the degree that the work of each requires, for its best performance, either different faculties or different strength of the same faculties. From this stand point, the question whether her mind is equal to his bears a wonderful likeness to the question whether a lark is equal to a trout. Both were made by the same hand, out of the same chemical substan- ces, though in different proportions ; yet, as a swimmer the lark is a failure, and as a flyer the trout is a fraud. Each has its own Avork, and each its own instincts, adapted precisely thereto. And while we can more easily see the difference between swimming and flying than between the action of woman's mind and man's, yet it may really be no greater. We are not asserting that the substance, so to speak, or nature of her mind is different from his, or that in quality or quan- tity it is either superior or inferior. No one knows, or can certainly know, whether either of these suppositions be true or false. Nor are we claiming that Avoman's faculties have a different proportion from those of man ; though some facts may seem to confirm the antecedent probability. But, if none of these propositions be correct, then, in order to account for the difference between the mental work performed by wo- man and by man, we submit that the action of her mind is so modi- fied by her physical structure that, either it does a less amount of work, and, therefore, has not the same power, or else it works in a way of ita own. All admit that the action of man's mind is affected by the con- dition of the body : a fever, for example, wholly deranges mental action. It makes no difference whether the fever be the effect of inter- nal causes, as liialaria, or external causes, as torture ; nor whether thtt 6 42 KANSAS STATE causes be themselves the results of physical organization, or otherwise. In either case, the disturbance of the mental system will correspond to that of the physical system, and the quality and amount of mental work will be in proportion to the degree and extent of the disturbance. During the greater part of woman's life there are physical causes which inevitably must and actually do affect the brain, and, therefore, mental action. And the fact that these forces are organic and periodic, so far from showing that they produce no effect, only shows more clearly that they must inevitably exert a sure and proportionate effect, which cannot but appear in the action of her mind. If it be claimed that, as these causes are natural, corresponding compensation has been made in the structure of her mind, then, this is to say that her mind is organically different from man's, because physical condition always affects mental action ; and, if her mental constitution is different, her mental education should be proportionately different. But, on the other hand, if it be claimed that her mind is constituted as his, then it must act in a way of its own, that is, under different laws ; and, there- fore, her education should be proportionately varied. The presence and activity of disturbing forces in woman, that do not exist in man, cannot be denied ; nor can their necessary effects be denied. Hence, so far as educational lines and agencies are •concerned, it is wholly im- material which of these alternatives be taken. In the light of physiological facts, it would be most surprising, indeed, if the action of woman's mind were the same as that of man's, supposing its natui'e to be the same. She has periods of mental rest, inexorably enforced by a weakened brain ; while he has none. She probably has intervening periods of clearer, freer, higher action than he; for every wave-hollow has its crest, each sleep its waking: because,^ what is termed the " intuitiveness " of woman, as compared with the slower "reasoning" of man, can only be accounted for upon this sup- position, or upon that of a different and more perfect mental organism. An accurate comparison of the mental work performed during a year by one thousand women, with that accomplished by one thousand men, would probably show that the type- woman thinks as much, as skill- fully and as effectively as does the type-man. If both were placed at the same task, it would likely appear, also, that each would use differ- ent methods, though the result might be the same ; and that her pro- cesses would reveal a keener perception of the exact facts in the case, a readier acceptance of truth, a firmer trust in the active power of AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 43 truth, a more fertile imagination, and a finer tact ; in short, mental action infused and impelled by more of that wliich is greater and stronger than mere reason — soul ! At least, these qualities seem to be indicated by the general workmanship of woman. And, if the average woman equally acccomplishes her purposes by taking fewer logical steps than does man, it may, after all, be just as well ; certainly for her. Though near-sighted persons find glasses of great value, it does not follow that all eyes need them, nor disprove that some would be injured by them. So with respect to certain educational agencies ; while valuable in the training of men, they may be both useless and hurtful in that of women. But, let the comparison show what it might, it is undeniable that the action of woman's mind is character- ized by periodicity and intensity ; whereas that of man is marked by continuity, evenness, and, perhaps, by greater breadth. Details and results seem natural to the one ; classification and causes to the other. A woman intuitively sees every visible fabric, shade and ornament worn by each profusely dressed lady met in a crowded street, and will need many minutes to describe the perceptions of a single glance ; her mind acting as the camera, which at the same instant images each tree, twig, and grass blade of a whole landscape. It is doubtful whether any training would give men the same degree of power, or enable them lo exert it with as little effort. On the other hand, it is doubt- ful whether she as often asks, or cares to know, why things are so ; or as naturally seeks for the principles about which to group facts. In her mind perception and feeling seem naturally dominant ; and in his, reasoning. If it be claimed that all this is the result of a differ- ent education, we ask for the proof of the assertion. The mental action of the uneducated classes shows the same characteristics. And if it be said, that this is itself an indirect result of the influence ex- erted by the educated classes, then, the skill and taste of the squaw woven into the buflTalo robe, as compared with that of the warrior, or the mental adaptedness of the female slave to house work and of the male to field work, equally show that these differences spring from something back of education. And it is clearly immaterial whether they arise from a distinct mental structure, from the action of the same structure modified by physical causes, or from education. The fact that there is a practical difference of some sort seems undeniable, be the cause one thing or a dozen. The educational system is based upon the idea that the mind, like 44 KANSAS STATE \ the body, grows upon what it eats, and is strengthened, by exercise ; and, that some kinds of knowledge are more nutritive to one faculty than to another, or give better gymnastic drill. Thus, the imagina- tion is enriched by familiarity with the best poets ; the perceptive power is strengthened by the mastery of those sciences requiring the closest observation, and the reasoning power by the labor of welding link after link in a mathematical or logical demonstration. Suppos- ing the idea correct, should the same mental diet and exercise be giv- en to the girl that are prescribed for the boy ? What is to be aimed at in her education ? Is her mind to be made as much like his as possible, that she may perform his work ; or, are her faculties to be developed along their own natural line, that she may perform a wo- man's mental work in the best way ? In other words, do we want to develop manliness or womanliness in woman ? If the former, then her educational regimen should be the same as the boy's; if the lat- ter, it should be determined by its supposed effect upon the faculties sought to be strengthened : in each case, due respect being paid to the periodicity of her mental action. Apart from bodily structure, is it advisable to have mentally-male women any more than mentally-female men ? Does either man or woman desire to marry a mental, any more than a physical, counter- part? Would there be as much pleasant variety in the home, were it an exact intellectual repetition of the street, and were the same facts viewed from the same stand point, and argued, in the same way, to the same conclusions ? If so, men would only associate with men ; and home would become merely a continuation of the day's business. The truth is, that man craves something intellectually different from the foil and thrust of daily life, as does the woman something different from her routine ; and this craving of nature protests alike against intellectually masculine women and feminine men. Or, would poster- ity be the gainer by the transmission of identical mental qualities ? If so, family intermarriages would not be physiologically prohibited by the death penalty of insanity and idiocy. Individuality is the law of nature, everywhere stamped on matter and mind. Without it, varie- ty is impossible ; and nature abhors monotony. Identicalness only characterizes the articles turned out by machines which man builds ; never those from machines which God builds. The mechanicaluess of the attempt to make the mental woman an exact copy of the mental man clearly indicates that man, not God, originated it. It is the twin AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 45 brother of the mechanical garden ; in which, nice little beds, straight- elded and right-angled, ire sepai'ated by lean little walks cut off, in lengths to suit, from the post holes of space ; and where wayward plants are perpetually clipped into primness, and the surrounding trees are eternally abused for not growing in line : all of which, every one can see, is a vast improvement on the valleys, hills and plains of ■a, continent, with its winding streams, wild flowers, forests, and snow- veiled peaks ! However desirable that nature should be conformed to such a standard, it would cost a deal less to conform the standard to nature; and, possibly, the world mi^ht be just as beautiful. Per- haps, in the matter of female education, as in that of gravitation, it may be as well for us to follow the laws of nature : certainly the tum- bles will be fewer, the pain less, and, likely, the progress greater. The system of female education prevailing in the United States has made a fair trial of the effjrt to develop the girl into a mental man. In common and graded schools, in academies, seminaries and female colleges, the same course of study has been adopted that is provided for the education of boys. And those institutions which most plume themselves upon their excellence, triumphantly cite the fiict that their curriculum is that of Harvard, Yale or Princeton. What are the results ? Take their graduate who has studied as diligently, learned as rapidly, and assimilated as thoroughly as has the male graduate, and who has as fairly won an equal diploma, and there are many such ; what use does she make of the knowledge gained and the strength acquired ? At the end of ten yeai's is she found in the same profession as he ? At the end of twenty years has she attained the game position? At the end of thirty years has she proven herself a successful competitor in doing the same work as he ? Or if, impelled by a woman's promptings, she has performed woman's work, has she, on that line, attained the same relative eminence? Is her husband a,» much happier than other husbands as her education was " better " than that of other wives? Ave her children healthier than other children? Are her dishes more toothsome, her rooms more attractive, and, which is a fairer as well as more important test, is her home warmer and brighter with the glow of wifely love, of motherly ten- derness, of all that constitutes the radiance of womanliness? If so , where are the proofs ; just such proofs as can be culled from any Uni- versity catalogue of alumui ? If this education is really worth any- thing, it will produce effects in proportion to its worth. If it is a.1 46 KANSAS STATE valuable to the woman as to the man, it will produce •similar effects. And if it have only a tenth of the value which its advocates claim, certainly they should be able to cite the facts, specific and visible facts, not general twaddle. On the other hand, is any of the connubial discontent, more prevalent in these than other days, fairly chargeable to this system? Is any of the incompetency of body, incongruity of temper, or disregard of what was formerly considered the sacredness of the marriage vow, so frequently plead in our divorce courts, fairly attributable to it as an ultimate cause? How many of the germs of that decay which is visibly eating out the heart of domesticity were planted by it? Usually, the daughters of the wealthier classes have received this education iii its purest form ; and, usually, they have married those of equal affluence. Will the attending physicians tes- tify that their wifely work is proportionately better done, and that a greater degree of motherly and womanly perfection is the rule of their homes ? Would that the veil could be lifted long enough for us to determine the effects of this education, by a comparison of the lives of its pupils with those not its pupils ; that we might really know how much, or how little, we are indebted to it for the physical weak- ness,* domestic incapacity, anguish, disease and death of wives ; for the disappointment, sorrow, dissipation, adultery and maladies of hus- bands ; for the enfeebled constitutions, stunted minds, frozen affections, mangled and distorted souls of children, which, fresh from the arms of the All Father, bright in promise and glorious in possibilities, have been murdered by the slow torture of womanly incompetence or neglect. Most admirable ladies and excellent brethren, let us gently press the spotless cambric to our lips, and turn from thoughts so unpleasant, and on no account let us enquire of physicians for the facts ! We by no means assert that all conjugal imperfection is due to this cause, and by no means believe that all girls so educated make worse wives and mothers than others. Thousands of happy homes, not only in great cities, but in villages and on homesteads, prove the contrary. * See " Sex in EdncalioD," by Edward H. Clarke, M. D., Boston : Jas. R. Osgood & Co., publishers. We take the liberty of suggesting that the able author of this timdy essay, to which we gladly acknowledge our indebtedness, discuss, from a medical standpoint, the qucttion : Should the knowledge taught the girl, as well as tlie times of studying and modes of recitation, be molded by the peculiarities of her mental action. ? and, if so, how?— J. A. A. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 47 But we do believe that the power of womanhood was stronger in such girls than that of the education, and that they became what they now are, not because of the manliness of their training, but in spite of it. In proof, is the very fact that they are in homes, and not in pul- pits or courts; because their education directly fitted them for profes- sional life, and unfitted them for womanly life in the degree that the one diff'ers from the other ; so that their performance of womanly and not of professional work shows the force of their education to have been less than that of nature. And the fact that they have made true wives and noble mothers is to be credited to their inherent womanli- ness, and not to the education, unless it can be shown that without the latter they would have failed in these respects ; for any prepara- tion it gave them for marital duty was, in a great measure, indirect and accidental : and it is to be charged, on the other side, with the knowledge it should have taught directly, but did not, and which they were forced to pick up afterwards. If there be any one thing for which humanity should be especially thankful it is the wonderful vitality and reproductive energy of na- ture ; and, if ther-e be any one monitor which parents and teachers should more heed than another, it is what they term the "stupidity" of the pupil. Viewed from an educational stand point, stupidity has been, and will be, the preserver of the human intellect! It acts as do the bumpers of mental cars, which keep them from splintering dem- olition; or, as the elasticity of fluids, which prevents the granite cliffs of the understanding from being ground into ooze by the lashing waves of owlism. Stupidity may be adduced as an evidence of fore- knowledge and compensating mercy, equally with the wing of the bird or the fin of the fish. It is to the mind what instinct is to the horse, which, though he be lead to water, delivers him from the sagacious and philanthropic destructiveness of the superior being man. For generations the young have been placed in educational hot-beds, where regardless of individuality and requirement, all germs have been treated alike, and all seedlings sought to be forced by the same pro- cesses to the same size. No one questions the value of hot-beds, or the necessity for gai^deners ; but, are all hotbeds properly managed, or have either all gardeners or teachers attained perfection ? When the florist finds that a desirable plant is not thriving, he tries to discover and meet the wants of its nature. Relying upon the skill of its crea- tor, he regards its " stupidity " as indicating an error in his own work. 48 KANSAS STATE So, also, does the true teacher; aud there are many such, justly mef- itiug aud I'eceiviug praise from which we would be the last to detract. But how much can the best teacher really effect under the require- ments of the prevailing system of female education ? It provides a standard bedstead, properly iron ; aud, heedless of the proportions of mental organism, palls out, ligatures, or cuts off the several mem- bers, in an earnest endeavor to send forth the graduates as nearly uniform in length, breadth aud thickness as untrollable circumstances permit. The fact that one student has a strong taste for plants, or animals, or chemistry, and a feeble power for abstruse computation, is deemed the best evidence that nothing short of a perfect mastery of all terrestrial and celestial mathematics cau remedy the defect in his na- ture ; and he is treated accordingly, to the necessary neglect of the dominant faculty of his organism. Another is found to have a vigor- ous imagination, or love for argumentation, finfe art, or mechanism: are these developed as nature developes the physical organs? By no means; for order is the primal law of this educational hospital. It classifies these patients upon the ba^is of the amount of medicine they have already taken, as directed in the regular course. To all of the same class it gives the same diet aud exercise, aud does its very utmost to perform the same operations upon all. Sa perfect are its methods that the attending physicians can tell to a dot just what they will pre- scrll)e in any day of any month. Besides, for years and years, the greatest ingenuity has been exercised in devising exquisite instruments of torture, in the shape of text books, w^hich are warranted to pinch a nerve a little harder, or stretch a leg au inch further than any pre- viously used. For example, take the grammar's which treat of the philosophy of language as a .science, instead of the art of using lan- guage. The fact that each rule and exception in them can be perfectly recited by those who blunder hourly in their use of words, or for the W'ant of words, clearly shows that they do not necessarily, or, perhaps, usually, give skill in the use of words as too's. Either botany, physics, or chemistry, if naturally taught, can be more readily mastered by the young student ; and it is a debatable question whether Blackstone is more difficult to understand. At any rate, the assertion may safely be risked that there is not a Justice on any Supreme Bench in the United States who could to-day, and without special preparation, pass a creditable examiuation in the latest technicalities of grammar ; aud yet, are not these gentlemen adepts in the art,of conveying exact ideas AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 49 by the employment of precise words ? Were the United States Sen- ate to apply to the Kansas State Board of Education for commissions as common school teachers^ it is possible that not a single senator would receive a first grade certificate, and that many would receive none at all; yet do not these gentlemen know something about real life, its necessities, and the knowledge it most demands? We admit the difference between the work of the teacher and that of the judge, and heartily desire that instructors shall be thoroughly quali- fied for their work. The only point we urge is, that the knowledge of language which the judge uses is vastly different from the knowl- edge of language which the grammars set forth, and that of the two, the former is the most practical, and therefore the most preferable. It would not be so objectionable if the art were taught first, and the philosophy of the science, as explanatory of the art, were taught afterwards, when the mind of the pupil is more ma- tured ; but, judging by results, the majority of American students rarely attain skill in the art, either during college life or at the aver- age common school. The system imperatively requires the attending physician to use daily just such instruments as grammar, which com- bine a greater variety and power of torture than adults realize ; and it is not surprising if the patients suffer accordingly. Now, what force less than that of the vitality of natux'e itself could preserve the human intellect under such treatment? The system is certainly bad enough for the boy even, with a mind stronger than a quartz mill, and ii steadily sustaining body ; but how much worse for the girl, with a mental organism more delicately con- structed than any chronometer, and dependent upon a body that period- ically varies in vital force? Differences of both mind and body, that are as marked as those between the birch tree and the rose, are wholly ignored. The same nutriment, discipline and stimulus are administered to all alike. Yet the average girl is a more conscientious student than the average boy. She is more sensitive to praise and blame; and is more ambitious, especially, when daily competing, on his own line, with one supposed to be her intellectual superior. By this system, her stronger perceptive power, so far from being trained as the florist would treat a lily, is " corrected" by pure mathematics and argumen- tation. Her faith-power, which accepts truth as the lung accepts air, is trained, not with the design of enabling her to discriminate between fact and falsity, but chiefly for the purpose of showing her why received BO KANSAS STATE facts are facts! And the dominant power of her nattire, that which most distinguishes her mind from man's, and which most constitutes her strength, beauty and glory — the power of loving truth just for its own sake ; of freshly robing it in shining vestments of innocency ; of crowning it with sparkling gems of purity ; of breathing into it the very soul of glowing sympathy with the wearied and fainting ones in daily life — resting, vivifying, cheering them anew ; this grand power, wrought of God, best translating God to men, and gentlest yet strong- est in its wooing, is fed upon a diet of antique dates " A. D." and " B. C. ;" is exercised by fossilitic strolls with the vivacious icthyosaurus ; and sanctified by pensive meditations upon the untimely death of the noble megatherium, cut off, in the flower of youth, but a few billions of years since ! Is it not surprising that so much of femi- nineness, and so little of masculinity, exist in these graduates? And can we do less than halt, in genuine admiration, before the grand repro- ductive energy of woman's mental nature, which, after years of suth treatment, so easily regains its own line, and so quickly and perfectly forgets inutilities most laboriously acquired? Happy were they who were clad in the water-proof of " dullness," and right cosy were they who nestled in the warm furs of ''stupidity!" It is nature, and not the bungling, yet well meant, attempt of tactless men to educate girls into manliness, which we should gratefully thank for what remains of the womanliness of woman, and to which we must trust for its future growth and luxuriance. Our answer has thus been given to the question, whether the course devised for the education of man for professional work, is best for the education of woman for woman's work as a wife and mother. We claim that this work is essentially different from man's ; that it requires different knowledge and skill ; that her mental organism is different from his, either radically, or in the mode of its action, or both ; that it should be differently fed, nourished and exercised ; that the practice of curbing faculties naturally dominant, by seeking to force others relatively dormant, is against the practice of nature in physi- cal growth, and only submitted to by plants and pupils powerless to help themselves, and that its effects are sloughed off as speedily as possible when the treatment ceases; that the faculties should be devel- oped in the proportion of their dominance, and as inseparable mem- bers of a completed organism, since, if one of the members suffer the whole organism suffers with it; that the controlling object should be AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 51 to develop the best power and skill of womanliness along the line of womanly nature, and that this line is the shortest as well as the easiest ; that knowledge should be presented in the forms most grate- ful to the taste, and not pill-powdered with dust, or gritty with pouud- ed-glass abstractions, or nauseous with cloying uselessness ; that skill in a given art is more essential than a philosophic comprehension of its science; that no system of female education, guided by ordinary common sense, and really aiming to prepare the girl for woman's daily work, can be less illogical than the one now generally followed ; that no mistakes made in any reasonable effort to determine the line of woman's nature, and to adapt educational methods and agen- cies thereto, can, by any possibility, be more wasteful of the pupil's energies, or more hurtful to her nature, than are those crystalized in, and daily perpetrated by, the prevailing system ; that those educators and physicians who have paid the closest attention to its tendency and effects, are best satisfied of its unfitness for the coming generation; that it is continued in use, not because of its merits, but because the mar- ket, by the voice of usage and fashion, demands it ; that it is a sham, a farce, and a fraud; that when the American press and the American public, guided by their own experience, and by the testimony of the best family physicians, who, because of a broader field of observation, are more competent witnesses than the professional educator, fully realize the nature, organic tendencies, and actual results of the prevail- ing system, it will be starved out of the market ; that the defensive cry of the conductors of female colleges " Where is a better one?" will be properly answered by the response of parents, " It is your bus- iness, for which you are liberally paid, to find a better one!" and, finally, that a fair application of the above principles will furnish a better one. The final group of a woman's work is that presented by the possi- bility or probability that she may be forced, by circumstances heed- less of sex or position, to follow some industrial vocation as a paid laborer. To furnish an education that will prepare the girl for such labor is clearly the main purpose and chief function of this Institution, so B2 KANSAS STATE far as females are concerued. It was endowed by Congress "to pro- mote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life;" and the whole Act, as well as the debates, shows that not "the learned," but " the indus- trial" professions were intended, and that the design was not to edu- cate the industrial classes into general knowledge, but into such knowl- edge as is most valuable to them in the practice of their industrial callings. AVhen the Legislature, in view of the fact that both females and males engage in the industries of the state, decreed that the benefits of the endowment should be ofi'ered to both sexes alike, it merely declared that the design of Congress in creating the Institution should be executed for both. Because, the relation which the legislature holds to the grant is simply that of a trustee, who, voluntarily accept- ing the trust, becomes legally bound to employ it for the purposes, and under the conditions, specified by Congress as the grantor. It has, therefore, no legal power, either by its own act, or that of any agent which it may appoint, to make such a use of the fund arising from the endowment as will either defeat, pervert, or fail to accom- plish the expressed will of the grantor. The furnishing of what is usually termed "a literary" or "highly finished'' education, designed to prepare "the accomplished woman" for her life of elegant leisure, would evidently be such a perversion, just to the extent that har life diflfers from that of the woman who works as an industrialist. How- ever desirable it may be that Hortense should have a training especi- ally qualifying her to amuse Charles Augustus with comedy, song, and the poetry of intellectual motion, Congress did not create Agricul- tural Colleges for that purpose. It had previously e.idowed the many State Universities for her j)articular benefit; which provide a course generous in Latin, Greek and polite literature, liberal in the purest of pure sciences, and garnished with the rarest blossoms of the hot- house arts. In granting a new and wholly diflTjrent endowment, " in order" to make the industrial workers "fit for doing industrial busi- ness," it by no manner of means intended to duplicate the Universi- ties. For, had such been the intention, the word " professional " would have been substituted for " industrial," and Congress, itself, would have " consolidated " this endowment with that of the Univer- sities. The fact is, it had turned from Hortense, already so generously provided for, and was making a grant for the especial benefit of Mary, AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 53 Martha, Susan and Jane; and it enjoined the trustees to aim directly, fully and fairly, and to endeavor wisely, honestly and vigorously, to put these girls in actual possession of such knowledge and skill as would best enable them to earn the most money, in the easiest way, by intelligent labor AVe 'admire Hortense ; and, from a distance, most respectfully contemplate Charles Augustus. It is delightful, on commence- ment days, to mingle with the numerous and influential friends of their respective fathers, and listen to orations, great in power and glory, which describe the educational dainties feasted upon by the young couple, praise their remarkable appetites therefor, and predict the future greatness they must inevitably attain because daily ' fed on Cassar's meat.' Hortense is so charming and happy, C. Augustus so stroug and self-restrained, the influential friends so beaming, and the fathers so radiant, that all of us concur in the absolute necessity of instantly providing yet more generously for their education. And, as we roll away in easy carriages, the air seems more balmy with perfe Legal, Mental and Moral « Algebra «_! Mechanics' Course — First Four Years. Shops Q IS:3SrO"^VI..BI3C3-H TJSBID. Practical Mathematics mmim^^^mm^^^^^m,^^mmm^m& Physics, Chemistry, &C mmm^^^mmma^^^mmx^ .A.IX3S. English '^ Political Economy and Practical Law ^mmi^mS, AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 75 AA^oman's Course — Six Years. I>R.A.OTIOB. Domestic Economy Industrial Drawing Shop and House Practice. .13 :K;Kro-w"x-Ei3C3-E xjseii^. Arithmetic and Book-keeping Botany and Entomology Physics, Chemistry and Hygiene. Practical English Language and History. Legal, Mental, Moral. . . Physical Science SUMMARY. E'El.A.aTIOB. Parmer's . . . Mechanic's. Woman's. . . Farmer's . . . Mechanic's. Woman's. . . Farmer's , , . Mechanic's. Womaa's . . . ii.ii.l *^ - Fi rst four years. ic isr o -^AT" Ij 3B ra C3- B XJSBI3. .13 First four years. .A.II3S. 14 First four years. .13 19 76 KANSAS STATE DEPARTMENTS OF INSTRUCTION. Practical Agriculture. By the term Practical Agriculture is understood that system of farm management which considers only ways and means, and the most pro- ductive methods. It does not pretend to give a scientific reason for all its processes, but is essentially practical, and the answer to all its ques- tions is given in dollars and cents. Scientific or theoretical agricul- ture, on the other hand, concerns itself most with causes and effects, and the theory of farm operations. The answer to all its questions is not given in pecuniary values, but in formulas expressing relations to known laws. In short, practical agriculture is agriculture considei;ed as an art based upon the experience and observation of men. While it is true that the mass of empirical rules embodied in the term practical agriculture have had their origin in the wants of farm- ers, it is equally true that these rules, modified to suit the variations of soil and climate, are universal in their application. There is a ten- dency to ignore the fact that there are fixed principles in agricul- ture, and that these principles are not mere theories or scientific gen- eralizations, but general truths having a substantial foundation in the practice of farmers. The following course has been prepared with reference, first, to the full presentation of those j^rinciples everywhere recognized in the best practice of farmers ; and, second, such modifications of their details as shall adapt them to the wants of the state of Kansas. SIMPLE TILLAGE. Under this head, are discussed the various implements used by the farmer in the pulverization of the soil, the preparation of the seed bed, and the extirpation of weeds. Tlie Plow: — The mechanical principles involved in the construction of the various kinds of plows ; the action of the plow upon the soil AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 77 and subsoil ; the different adjustments of the implement required in different soils and situations ; the use of the swivel plow, trench plo w and subsoil jjIow. Draught : — Principles of draught ; difference in the draft of differ - ent plows and adjustments, and the use of the dynamometer ; influence of the different parts of the plow on draught ; effect of speed upon draught. The implements and operations of harrowing ; cultivating ; rolling. Hoed Crops : — The value of hoed crops in a system of husbandry ; the cultivation of corn and roots. Farm Drainage : — Soils that need drainage ; influence of draining in mitigating the effects of drought and floods ; tile drains ; mole drains ; open drains ; how to lay out a system of drains ; house drain- ing ; draining farm cellars ; sewerage. STOCK BREEDING. Position of stock raising in a system of husbandry ; history and description of breeds ; their economic value and adaptation to special localities ; principles of breeding ; in-and-in breeding ; cross breeding. The above course of instruction in practical agriculture and stock breeding is given in lectures. The lectures on stock breeding are delivered, in part, in the barn, the animals themselves being used as illustrations. In addition, the care of our entire herd is given to the students of the class in practical agriculture, and they are expected to become ■practically familiar with the methods of stock men. The elementary c6urse, thus briefly shadowed forth, has been shaped with reference, first, to the wants of the student as an intelligent worker, and second, to his advancement in the general course. The advanced course, on the other hand, is arranged for advanced students, and presupposes a knowledge of the elementary course, and considerable familiarity with the natural sciences, and especially mechanics, chemistry and botany. FARM IMPLEMENTS. Fourth Year : — Applioation of mechanical principles in the con- struction of farm machinery ; calculating strength of parts ; simplicity of machinery ; nature of friction ; estimation of amount of friction ; the best way to apply strength ; power of horses and of men ; con- struction and use of farm implements 78 KANSAS STATE PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. General view of agriculture, ancient and modern ; agricultural progress of the last century ; relative a'dvantages of mixed husbandry and special farming ; the selection and arrangement of the farm, with reference to the system to be pursued ; rotation of crops ; general advantages of a rotation ; the best rotation with reference to disposi- tion of labor, production of manure and extermination of weeds ; pasturage and the production of grain and forage crops ; manures ; how best housed and applied ; composting manures ; commercial fer- tilizers ; systems of feeding ; stall feeding ; steaming food ; soiling ; experiments in feeding ; farm buildings ; farm houses ; barns ; pig yards ; sheep barns. Books of Meference : — Morton's Cyclopedia of Agriculture, Low's Practical Agriculture, Stephen's Book of the Farm, Allen's New American Farm Book, French's Farm Drainage, Waring's Draining for Profit, Low's Domesticated Animals, Randall's Practical Shep- herd, Harris on the Pig, Allen's, Bell's and Carr's History of Short- horns, Mayhew's Illustrated Horse Management, Allen's American Cattle. MEANS OF ILLUSTRATION. A farm of two hundred acres, upland prairie, well provided with yards, lanes and interior fences, and abundantly equipped with imple- ments and machinery. Among these ai'e the Marsh harvesters, Buck- eye mower and reaper, with plows, harrows, drills and cultivators of the latest pattern. A large two story stone barn, 46x96 feet, well provided with stalls for horses and cattle ; a piggery, 14x54 feet, implement shed, 16x40 feet ; together with poultry house, graineries and corn cribs. Shorthorn, Devon, Jersey and Galloway cattle ; Essex, Berkshire, Lancashire and Poland China swine. The college stock of cattle and swine, in quality, takes rank with the best in the country. Practical Horticulture. The instruction in this department is given wholly by lectures, accompanied by constant practical drill in all the work of the fruit. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, 79 flower and vegetable garden, nursery, orchard, vineyard and orna- mental grounds. The lectures embrace the following and kindred subjects, viz : The Atmosphere : — Its moisture, temperature and circulation consid- ered with reference to horticulture. Horticultural Implements : — Their care and use. Movable and permanent horticultural structures ; cold frames ; hot beds ; green houses : embracing not only the modes of constructing but their after care, or mode of working. Culture : — Weeds ; means of eradicating, etc. Seeds : — Their vitality ; modes of collecting and preserving. Propagation : — By seeds ; by cuttings ; layers ; suckers ; grafting ; budding. Care of young plants : As sheltering, thinning, weeding, watering, manuring, training, pruning, keeping and working. Improvement of Varieties : — By selection, and by hybridizing. The Commercial Nursery : — All branches of the work considered in detail. Pruning : — In nursery, fruit garden, orchard and forest. The Orchard : — Selection of site ; laying out of orchard ; selection of trees ; after culture. Fruits for Orchard Culture : — Apple — history, varieties, classifica- tion ; pear ; quince ; cherry ; peach ; nectarine ; apricot ; plum ; almond ; gooseberry ; currant ; raspberry ; blackberry ; strawberry ; barberry ; cranberry ; chestnut ; filbert ; mulberry, and walnut. Grape : — Varieties and modes of culture. The Garden .-—Both the vegetable and flower garden ; their influ- ence upon the home : their social and economic relation to the family considered; Woman's work in connection with the garden, in adding to the attractiveness and comfort of home. The flower garden as a home institution ; its claims ; its location extent and cost ; general principles to govern in laying out ; shrubs and flowers suited to our climate. The Commercial Garden. — Floriculture as an occupation. Forest Culture : — Importance and practicability of forest culture in Kansas ; difiiculties in the way, and the direction in which we may 80 KANSAS STATE secure success ; immediate and ultimate returns ; shelter belts, and their influence ; modes of planting and cultivating different varieties. We have already as ample means of illustration and practical instruction as the financial condition of the College will permit. We have about seventy acres of land devoted to this department. The collection of varieties of fruit is already large. We have large exper- imental apple, pear and peach orchards, vineyard and nursery, where all the ordinary business of the commercial nursery is regularly done. There are ample grounds devoted to artificial forests and lawns. Ar- rangements are already in progress to have upon the grounds suitable vegetable and flower gardens the coming season. The ■vxork in this department, as far as practicable, is done by the students. Books of Reference : — Downing's Fruits and Fruit Trees ; works of Loudon, Dr. J. A. Warder, J. J. Thomas and Lindley ; Fruit Trees, by M. DuBreuil ; Field's Pear Culture ; Clement Hoare and others upon the grape ; Gardening for Profit and Practical Floriculture, by Peter Henderson ; Book of Flowers, by Joseph Breck ; Book of Roses, by Parkman'; Forest Trees, by Bryant ; Forest Tree Culturist, by Ful- ler ; Book of Evergreens, by Josiah Hoopes ; My Garden, by Alfred Smee, F. R. S. ; Downing's Landscape Gardening ; Kemp on Land- ;^cape Gardening ; Hand-book of Landscape Gardening, by J. Weid- enman ; Man and Nature, by Hon. G. P. Marsh. w Botany. In the study of Vegetable Physiology, to which the first term is devoted, the various organs of the plants are traced through their suc- cessive stages of development, from the root of the germinating em- bryo to the stem, bud, leaf, flower, fruit and seed. By means of liv- ing plants, herbariums, charts and microscopes, the student is made familiar with the functions and name of every organ, and learns how the plant, by powers of its own, converts earth and air into living tissue, which, in turn, becomes the food of man and animals. lu the Farmer's course, the second term is devoted to the cereal grains, grasses, and other food plants, and the native and foreign weeds that are troublesome in their cultivation. Special attention is given AGKICULTURAL COLLEGE. 81 to the forest and fruit trees, and such hedge and textile plants as are suited to our climate. In the Mechanic's course, the second term is given to the study of artistical botany, or the history of those plants which are employed or afford materials in the processes of the arts and manufactures. This also includes the texture, color, strength, durability, and other import- ant qualities of wood, and the most important uses to which the differ- ent species are applied. In the second term of the Woman's course, prominence is given to garden botany, which embraces not only the ordinary vegetables of the garden but also the herbs, shrubs and trees planted for ornament in the pleasure grounds, and the plants cultivated in the hot-house, parlor and conservatory. Means of Illustration : — To this department belongs a Wardian case, filled with a choice collection of growing plants ; a herbarium, including nearly all the grasses of Kansas ; sections of native and for- eign wood ; and blocks of wood showing cell formation, etc., of our forest trees. A collection of plants is being made as rapidly as possi- ble ; and classes are drilled in the field at the proper season. ENTOMOLOGY. After the knowledge necessary to the proper grouping of the indi- viduals of this numerous and diversified division of the animal king- dom is proj)erly mastered, the orders, and those individuals of the orders, which come into the most direct and serious conflict with the farmer's interests, either by depredating upon growing crops or har- vested grain and fruits, and those that infest domestic animals as well as their predaceous and parasitic enemies, are taken up in the order of their importance to the agriculturist. By the practical instruction in this department the student learns to recognize insect enemies in all their stages of development. In the Woman's course, special attention is given to the insects that infest the house and garden, either in the larvae or fully developed state. The Bee : — The great interest universally manifested in this insect, since long before the process of making sugar was known to the pres- ent ; the ease with which it is multiplied and improved by intelligent treatment, and its direct commercial value to man, invest its study with a special interest. This subject is thoroughly illustrated by colo- ir : 82 KANSAS STATE nies of living bees aud model hives, and is presented to the student under, the following heads : The different individuals of which a hive is composed ; the different kinds of bee hives ; the laying of the eggs ; the development of the young ; the swarms ; the collection of honey and wax ; the combs ; the honey harvest ; the uses of honey and wax. Means of Illustration : — This department owns a large collectioh of mounted insects injurious to vegetation ; and those that are either directly or indirectly beneficial, are represented. Also breeding cases, in which insects are propagated, and improved vivaria, in which insects are kept for study by the classes. Class drill in the field. GEOLOGY. In accordance with the practical character of this Institution, the elaborate discussion of theories, the excessive use of technical terms, and dry accounts of fossils unimportant in the identification of strata, are avoided as far as possible. The student is made acquainted with the geography and characteristic plants and animals of each geological age ; and thus traces the progress in the formation of rocks, lands, mountains, rivers and seas, and the changes in the physical condition of the earth, as to heat, moisture, etc., and the i^rogress in vegetable and animal life ; and learns the causes that uplifted, folded and frac- tured the strata, and how the fissures thus produced often become veins of metalic ores. This knowledge not only teaches the miner the mode of occurrence of minerals, but often enables him to decide, on a mo- ment's inspection, whether a certain mineral may or may not be found in a given region, and thus save the time and means too frequently expended in searching for minerals where they cannot occur. In the relation of geology to the arts, the agriculturist learns the composition of the soil he cultivates, the origin and distribution of the natural fertilizers, and how to detect beds of peat, marl, gypsum, phosphate of lime, etc. The miner not only learns the origin of faults, dikes, veins, and the mode of occurrence of the valuable minerals, but also many facts in mining essential to success in his occupation. As in the selection of sites for large buildings, the choice of stone for walls, slates for roofs, and clay for brick, a kno^Yledge of geology is as necessary to the mechanic as it is to the engineer in locating a canal, constructing a railroad, or building a dam, special attention is given to the practical lessons of this science. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 83 Means of Illustration : — The appliauces iu this department consist of the largest and best selected cabinet of minerals and fossils in the West. It contains a full set of the minerals that enter into the com- position of rocks, and the characteristic fossils of the geological pe- riods as developed in America. Also geological maps showing the superposition of the strata, faults, dikes, etc. The students of this department also have access to the large conchological collections belonging to the professor of Geology. Department of Chemistry and Physics. The Chemical Department, in which is also included that of Phys- ics, is furnished, considering the crowded condition of the college building, with comparatively commodious quarters, occupying one-half of the second floor. When taken in hand by the present professor in charge, upon September 1st, 1873, the whole chemical outfit of the Institution was contained in a small box about two feet square. There is now offered for the use of the student iu this department a chemical laboratory complete in all its appointments, and, connected therewith, a lecture room. It has been pronounced, by many impartial observ- ers, one of the most complete iu the west. The Means of Illustration of the department are ample for a thor- ough course of instruction in theoretical and applied chemistry. The Laboratory is fully equipped with chemicals, chemical and philosophical cases, closets, large analytical tables, etc. Many of the rarer chemicals and pieces of apparatus are the only specimens of the kind iu the West. The laboratory now offers accommodations for about twenty students in analysis. The Lecture Room is conveniently connected with the laboratory. The room affords a seating capacity of about sixty, and is arranged in the most approved manner. The seats are placed upon a raised amphitheatre floor, thus enabling pupils from all parts of the room to witness, without inconvenience, the experiments of the lecturer. Apparatus : — The department is amply supplied with choice appa- ratus, both chemical and physical — air pumps, electrical apparatus, Jelate machines, Holtz machines, Ruhmkorff's coils, Geissler's tubes, 84 KANSAS STATE fine balances, Prof. Jolly's specific gravity balancers, Browning's spec- troscope, projection lantern, &c., &c. A complete outfit of photo- graphic apparatus has also been recently purchased. The object of this addition is two-fold : First, to afford facilities to special students desiring instruction in this branch. Second, as a means of illustration in all lecture experiments — now generally adopted in eastern universi- ties — by which means a picture of any delicate specimen may, with a projection lantern, be much magnified upon a screen, and thus be made visible to a large class. THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION in Chemistry and Physics, as furnished in this Institution is an emi- nently practical one. Without resting satisfied with imparting a mere theoretical knowledge of these sciences, a practical application of their principles is insisted upon at every step. The student must, with his own hands, and in the laboratory, perform the experiments which have been presented to him in the lecture room, thus fixing indelibly in his mind the principles which these experiments serve to illustrate. Especially useful and important is this course of instruction to the student who is desirous of fitting himself for the work of a farmer. By analysis with his own hands he is made practically familiar with the properties and composition of the soils he is to operate, and the probable sources of its sterility or fertility. By study and experiment, he becomes intimately acquainted with the chemical and physical forces which guide and control his work, and upon which depend, in a great measure, all plant life and activity. Elementary Physics — popularly known as natural philosophy. This course embraces a full consideration of mechanical principles, mechan- ics of liquids, gasses and vapors ; then following with the phenomena of light, heat, electricity, magnetism, etc. Inorganic Chemistry embraces a full consideration of chemical forces, and of the laws governing chemical combinations. Then fol- lowing with the elements in succession ; their history, property, uses ; and the general application of chemistry to the arts. The instruction in this course is imparted wholly by lectures, the student being re- quired, in addition, to devote a certain number of hours each week to practice in the laboratory. Organic Chemistry embraces the chemistry of organic compounds, and is likewise imparted by lectures and accompanied by laboratory AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 85 practice. This six months of preparatory study enables the student to enter advantageously upon the next step : Chemical Analysis : — Here the student is provided with stands at the analytical tables furnished with apparatus and reagents, for which he is held personally responsible. In the course of his work he per- forms analyses of mineral waters, salts, alloys, ores, ash of plants, farm soils. During the past college year, the laboratory has been crowded to its utmost capacity, more desiring instruction than could be conven- iently accommodated. Thus prepared by the general study of the science, the student is qualified to next take the special departments, which naturally follow . To the student in the agricultural course, Agricultural Chemistry, in which is embraced a full discussion of the application of chemical principles to farm economy ; composition of ash of plants; the soil, composition and properties; vegetable nutri- tion; sources of the elements of plant food; green manuring; com- mercial manures, rotation of crops, etc. To the student in the mechanical course, Metallurgy — in both courses the instruction being imparted almost wholly by lectures. Chemical Physics, pursued by students of the fifth year, embraces a full course in higher physics, including, weights and measures, specific gravity, molecular forces, nature and laws of light, heat, statical and dynamical electricity, magnetism and spectrum analysis, with practical work with the spectroscope. The choice apparatus at the disposal of the department fui-nishes material for an elaborate course of experi- ment. Meteorology is imparted by lectures and text book ; includes consti- tution and properties of the atmosphere ; laws of the variation of atmospheric pressure ; temperature and humidity ; laws of storms ; rain ; snow ; hail ; atmospheric electricity. A meteorological record was inaugurated at this station some fifteen years ago. The observa- tions are now recorded from a very complete set of instruments, and are under the general supervision of the chief signal oflBcer of the United States Army. Mineralogy embraces a full consideration of the laws of crystallo- graphy, with the properties, forms and uses of the principal minerals within the limits of the United States. Much attention is given in 86 KANSAS STATE this course to Blowpipe practice and analysis, 'each student being required to identify, by blowpipe examination, a large representative series of minerals. A fine mineralogical cabinet furnishes abundant material for class work. SPECIAL COURSES. In addition to the regular course of instruction, as above delineated, there has been constantly in progress a special course in chemistry for select and post graduate students, occupying from three to five hours each day. The department will ofier every facility to young men desiring to make chemical studies a specialty. Many students in higher analysis and in pharmaceutical chemistry have already availed themselves of this opportunity. To those completing a thorough course, a diploma will be given, stating the extent, character and per- fection of their work. Household Chemistry : — A special course of lectures is given to the ladies of the institution, upon chemical topics especially important in every day life. The course will embrace the chemistry of cooking ; bread ; tea and coffee ; butter ; cheese ; ripening and preparation of fruits; dyeing and coloring ; bleaching; disinfectants; ventilation, etc. Telegraphy : — A special course of lectures will also be given to the students in telegraphy ; comprising a consideration of the elementary principles of electricity ; the^ine; the battery; the signals, etc. ; prin- ciples^ of electro-magnetism ; history of the electric telegraph; mod- ern improvements in battery, line and signal. The desire is to pro- duce intelligent operators, thoroughly familiar with every principle of the telegraph. Special Work : — The work of the department has been by no means confined to student instruction in laboratory and lecture room. Its aid is constantly called into requisition from various quarters, in the examination of specimens requiring minute analysis ; mineral waters ; lead, silver, gold, tin, iron and zinc ores ; farm soils, etc. By direc- tion of the Board of Regents, analytical work for the State in the development of its resources is performed free of expense. Books of Reference : — Miller ; Muspratt ; Watt's Chemical Diction- ary ; Ure ; AVurtz' Dictionaire de Chimie ; AVittstein ; Fresenius ; Johnson's Ag. Chemistry ; Liebig's entire works ; Johnson's " How Crops Grow," and " How Crops Feed ;" Journal Royal Agricultural Society of England ; Roscoe ; Angus 'Smith ; Fox ; Loomis ; Otto ; AGRICULTUKAL COLLEGE. Storer ; Plattner ; Wagner ; Chemical News ; American Chemist Annanles de Chimie et de Physique. English Language and History. Words are simply tools used to express ideas ; and, since the vast majority of our communications are made by the employment of spok- en or written words, skill in using them is as profitable to the indus- trialist as is dexterity with the needle profitable to the seamstress. The direct aim of the course is to make the student skillful and intel- ligent in handling the machinery called language, just as an engineer handles a locomotive ; and no drill will be omitted, or efibrt spared, to gain this end. Apart from the course itself, which is far more prac- tical and complete than that usually found in literary colleges, the constant attention given this subject b}^ all the departments, and, espe- cially, the practice required in the the printing and telegraph classes, affords superior advantages to the student. DRILL IN ENGLISH. " As grammar was made after language, so ought it to be taught aftoi lan- guage." — Herbert Spencer. Sou7ids of the language ; drill in producing the vocal, subvocal and aspirate elements with accuracy, distinctness and volume ; vowels, con- sonants. Letters : — Form ; power ; rules for spelling, drill. Words : — Signification, properties, modifications, variations, rela- tion and dependence. Sentences : — Drill in statement of ideas ; description, clearness, terse- ness, vigor ; business letters ; discussion ; capitalization ; syllabication ; punctuation ; construction and analysis of sentences ; elements, uses and names ; criticism of compositions printed as written ; proof read- ing ; grammatical construction ; superfluous words and clauses ; drill in reading, speaking and penmanship. Text Books : — Webster's Academic Dictionary ; Lee and Hadley's Advanced Lessons in Language. Pupils deficient in spelling, etc. should enter the printing class, the printing oflfice being the workshop of language. 88 KANSAS STATE STRUCTURE OF ENGLISH . This includes the following subjects : A Sketch op the History of English. This is preparatory. It enables the student more fully to comprehend the genious of his mother tongue : to make acquaintance with " the soul of the language :" to master more readily and perfectly the principles and reasons under- lying and explaining its structure. The review embraces a sketch of the several sources, Saxon, Norman, Latin, etc., whence our lan- guage has been derived ; the circumstances under which they made their respective contributions, and the historical events which have had an influence in molding it to its present form and structure. English Sounds and their Signs. Sounds : — A more extended investigation of the system of English pronunciation, with the reasons for it. Signs : — An examination of the letters of the alphabet, their pow- ers in English and the influences which determine or modify those powers. The laws and principles governing their combination into syllables and words. As far as possible, the reasons underlying the rules of spelling and pronunciation are given. The subjects of punc- tuation and the proper use of capital letters are also kept before the the student, and the rules referred to the history, which explains their existence. Elements of Sentences. The purpose in view in studying this subject is not to traverse the ground gone over in the study of gram- mar, but to fix in the mind of the student a clear understanding and remembrance of the names, the properties and oflices of the several classes of words entering into an English sentence, by showing him the reasons for these things : to make more simple, as well as interest- ing and practically useful, a study otherwise " dry and unprofitable," in many cases, by explaining the rationale of the verbal forms and changes, the rules and maxims he is to remember and observe in his use of language. In the same manner he is conducted through a study of the mutual relations and dependencies of the several elements making up a sentence. Elements op Words. The end aimed at in this study is to learn everything about words which will aid in the effective use of them. Among the topics included are : Roots : — What they are ; their origin ; their force and value as an AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 89 element of language ; the manner of their growth into different parts of speech. Stems : — Their derivation ; their offices and properties ; their rela- tions to the other parts of words. Prefixes : — The several sources whence derived ; the relation of their force or significance to those sources ; explanation of the laws and principles governing their use along with stems. Suffixes : — The same topics here come up as in the study of prefixes. Compounds : — Their value ; their properties and uses ; the laws gov- erning their formation. Synonyms : — Definitions ; causes of their abundance in English ; the principles to be observed in choosing among them, to express a thought. Remarks. Criticism : — This constitutes a prominent part of the exercises of the pupil through his whole course in the study of Eng- lish. It not only diversifies and enlivens the class room exercises, but reduces to practice the principles of the structure of the language. By this means, the student acquires not only a knowledge of English, but readiness, skill and accuracy, in speaking or writing it. The exercises in criticism embrace not only examination of selected matter, but of original composition. Each pupil is required, from time to time, to submit original articles to the class for criticism. They are printed on the college press, and a copy given to each member for study. At the appointed time, every one is called upon to make such corrections or amendments as he thinks desirable. Method : — The Structure of EnglisR is taught by lectures, a synop- sis of each lecture being printed on the college press and furnished the class. Meferences : — Among the authorities referred to on the subject, are Trench, Marsh, Earle, Latham, Haldeman and Morris. Dictionaries : Bosworth, (Anglo-Saxon) Richardson, Wedgewood. In spelling and pronunciation, Webster is taken as the standard. RHETORIC. This embraces a rhetorical classification of sentences, a study of the peculiarities of the several kinds, and of their proper combination in discourse ; figures of speech, with the rules to be observed in their use ; style, its varieties, and the requisites to a good style ; exer- 12 90 KANSAS STATE cises in writing and criticism ; also, in delivery of selected and orig- inal orations, and in reading essays. Text Book: — Hart's Composition and Rhetoric. Books of Reference : — Quackenbos, Haven, Coppee, Whately, Campbell. « LOGIC. This embraces a brief course in Deductive, and a fuller course in Inductive Logic. Araong the topics belonging to the former are appre- hension, judgment, reasoning ; or, the term, the proposition, the syllo- gism ; fallacies, arrangement, etc. Among the topics belonging to the latter are the subsidiary processes and the methods of inductive rea- soning ; relation of induction to deduction ; fallacies incident to induction, etc. Along with the study of these topics, exercises are regularly held in writing ; in forensic and extemporaneous discussion, with criticism of the same by the class. Also criticism of articles selected from the press. Text Books : — Fowler's Deductive and Inductive Logic. Books of Reference: — Schuyler, Coppee, Boyd, Whately, McCosh. HISTORY. This includes outlines both of Ancient and Modern History. Not only the leading events which lie on the surface of history are reviewed, but, as far as possible, the influences which in any country have fash- ioned the character and determined the history of its people are sought for. The geography, local and physical ; the institutions, laws, man- ners, customs, occupations, arts, literature and religion of the several nations whose history is studied, are subjects of investigation. In connection with the history of England and America, the His- tory OP Literature becomes a prominent topic. The end proposed is to give to the student broad and just views of human life and its duties ; of the conditions to individual, social and national honor and prosperity. The volume of history is opened to him that he may " thence take for himself and his country that which he is to imitate, as well as learn the base which he is to avoid." Text Books : — Wilson's Outlines of Ancient and Modern History, and Collier's History of English Literature. Books of Reference: — Rollin, G-rote, Thirl wall, Niebuhr, Arnold, Merivale, Gibbon, Hallam, Guizot, Hume, Lingard, Mackintosh, Ma- AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 91 caulay, Froude, Prescott, Motley, Craik, Taine, Shaw, Chambers, Allison, Felton, Allibone. Mathematics. Figures and lines, like words, are only instruments with which to convey ideas, or perform operations, that cannot be easily done with- out them. The arithmetical principles used in business are few and simple ; but accuracy and rapidity in computation are only gained by practice. College graduates fail to retain clerkships, not because they do not know why given operations are performed, but because they can neither add, multiply nor divide with that habitual correctness which renders their work reliable. DRILL IN ARITHMETIC. The chief design of this study is to make the student expert in the use of numbers, as employed by the industrialist for profit. The occupation of a successful farmer demands the application of every principle of practical arithmetic, and is taken as a starting point, rather than that of an abstract system. Beginning with a simple cash account, book-keeping is gradually developed to the full extent of its real utility. The areas of fields, expense of crops, construction of houses, sales of produce and investment of capital, involve all the fun- damental operations, and those of profit and loss, commission, taxes, insurance, exchange and stocks. Following this line, the student, so far from hammering away at " pure " science, draws from the mathe- matical storehouse what he needs, and sees why he needs it. Accuracy of calculation and posting, rather than a mere comprehension of the principles, is aimed at. Beside the recitation room drill in business forms, practice in the field is also given. Estimating the number of cords in a pile of wood said to be 100x4x4 feet is one thing ; measur- ing a pile of wood, through which any number of cats may be harm- lessly thrown, and in which four feet sticks are the exception, is quite another and more difficult thing. ARITHMETIC AND BOOK-KEEPING is a continuation of the above, having the same purpose and adopting such methods as the necessities of the class indicate. Thorough 92 KANSAS STATE instruction in the principles and forms of business law is given. It will be seen that this method of teaching book-keeping, besides ensur- ing arithmetical practice, developes practical skill in that important art. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Not one farmer in five hundred ever uses the transit in surveying his land, the testimony of the County Surveyor being decisive in court ; but every farmer makes countless applications of lines and angles in laying ofi roads, planning houses, determining levels, etc. The object of this study is to make the pupil skillful in applying geometrical principles, by the aid of such simple instruments as are always at his command — in other words, to give him the same expertness therein that is profitable to the tinner or carpenter. The study, with suitable modifications, is also embraced in the Woman's course, and is valuable to every girl who cuts a dress or lays out a garden. HIGHER MATHEMATICS. " He who shall prepare a treatise simply aud concisely unfolding the doctrines of Algebra, Geometry and Mechanics, adding examples calculated to strike the imagination, and showing their connection with other branches of knowledge and with the arts of common life, may fairly claim a large share in that rich harvest of discovery and invention which must be reaped by the thousands of ingenious aud active men thus enabled to bend their faculties towards objects at once useful and sublime. — Lord Brougham. The text books thus called for by Lord Brougham twenty years ago are still needed. The nearest approach to them is found in the hand-books of the carpenter and machinist. The points to be attained by the student are set forth by the operations stated in these books, and the principles upon which the operations are based must be culled and taught from the ordinary authorities. As no man sharpens a chisel merely that it may be sharp, but that he may use it, so we aim to teach the mathematics useful to the industrialist, and not as a mere means of "mental discipline." Algebra is studied with reference to its value in the subsequent course in mathematics. The student is made familiar with algebraic terms, symbols and formulas, so that he will be able to use intelligently the hand-books of his future trade or art. He is also taught the use of the equation in solving problems, and to demonstrate geometri- cal theorems. As few or none of the industrial pursuits usually fol- AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 93 lowed by women require this knowledge, algebra is omitted from the Woman's course. It can be taken by those so disposed. Geometry: — In geometrical drawing the student becomes familiar with geometrical forms and their construction. Next follows a rigor- ous demonstration of the theorems, step by step, which lead to the principles embodied in the rules and tables of the trade hand-books. Then follows Trigonometry, plane and spherical ; surveying, level- ing and plotting; field practice being given until the student be- comes expert with the transit, compass and level. Mechanics, or the application of mathematics to physics ; the laws of motion ; me- chanical powers ; friction ; fluids, etc. Civil Engineering, build- ing material, mortars, cements, masonry, arches, bridges, etc. DRAWING. Drawing, as used by the industrialist, is taught thoroughly, during the terms indicated in the several courses ; the practical system of Walter Smith, Art Director of Massachusetts, being followed. Legal, Mental and Moral Science. In addition to the study of commercial law, as a part of book-keep- ing, arrangements are being made for a course of lectures, by an emi- nent jurist, upon Practical Law, presenting those principles and requirements of both National and Kansas statutes which will be of most value to the farmer, mechanic and business woman. The Constitution of the United States, Political Economy. Mental Philosophy, Moral Philosophy and Butler's Analogy are taught as in other colleges, there l)eing nothing in these subjects requiring special shaping for the industrialist. Studies Special to Woman. Besides those already indicated, attention is called to the following : special hygiene. Thorough instruction is now given in physiology, from the text-book 94 KANSAS STATE of Dr. J. C. Dal ton. It is designed, so soon as a* competent and judi- cious woman can be secured as teacher, to give full and careful atten- tion to the subject of special hygiene. FARM ECONOMY, This study considers those operations which usually come under the supervision of the farmer's wife or daughter, and which are not includ- ed in " gardening " and " household economy ;" such as butter and cheese making, dairy management, care of poultry, curing meats, etc. A course of lectures will be commenced, by the Professor of Practical Agriculture, at the opening of the Fall term of 1875 ; and it is hoped that facilities for dairy practice will have been provided. GARDENING. These lectures are delivered by the Professor of Horticulture, begin- ning January, 1875, and are designed to prepare the girl for the super- vision of either the vegetable, flower and ornamental garden, or for the occupation of a commercial florist. The department possesses am- ple facilities for illustrating the subject, and "gardens for profit," While the pupil will not be expected to perform manual labor that should be done by men, proper drill will be given. HOTJSEHOLD ECONOMY. Lectures upon household chemistry, as previously mentioned, will be delivered by the Professor of Chemistry in the January term, 1875. Beginning with the fall term of that year, instruction will be given, by text-books and lectures, in the art of housekeeping ; embracing cook- ery, domestic management, and kindred topics. Many elderly gentle- men sufiiciently know, and more young gentlemen will duly discover, that systematic knowledge of how cooking ought to be done is lumin- ously difierent from the ability to do it.* Instruction without prac- tice can effect but little. And drill will be given in a kitchen-labora- tory ; the work will chiefly differ from that of a kitchen in the fact that, after a girl has learned to wash dishes or pare potatoes, she will * There cau hardly be a better illustration of the practical difference between " science " and " art," or one which flashes through humanity with greater vividity ! If the happiness of men depended as much upon the efficiency of agen- cies for the " mental discipline " and " culture " of women as it does upon their housewifely ability, the owlism would have been punched out of a score of very respectable studies long ago. — J. A. A. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 95 not be kept everlastingly at either. It is just as feasible to give prac- tice in cooking, with pleasure and profit to the pupil, as it is to give laboratory practice in chemistry ; and no more expensive. With or without facilities, we propose to try it during the next Fall term. SEWING. During the past year, instruction has been given in hand and machine sewing, cutting, fitting and making dresses ; which will be continued, both because of its real value to those receiving it, and because of the success of what was an experiment, but is now a fixed fact. ISee Industrial Department.'] Languages. French : German : — To those desiring it, instruction is given to the fullest extent, as these languages are frequently of practical value to the industrialist. Latin is only taught for the purpose of enabling the pujnl to under- stand more readily the technical terms and names found in the sci- ences. The study is optional ; but in no case will it be carried farther than the point indicated. The fact is that all the knowledge supposed to be acquired in this way, can be drawn more directly and easily from any standard dictionary of the English language. And, so far as the plea of " mental discipline" is concerned, any student complet- ing the course of this Institution will have had a deal more of it than is given by a mastery of Cicero or Plato. Industrial Departments. The fourth study in each term is designated as an " Industrial." By this is meant that, in addition to the three literary recitations, every student must practice in some one of the following departments, under the direction of its superintendent, and at a designated hour. There is no diiference whatever between these and the literary recitations, the grade of each affecting the pupil's standing. No student will be allowed to take less than two literary studies, and then only by special 96 KANSAS STATE permission of the President ; and, while the pupil may, if able, take more than one industrial, one must be taken. The choice of indus- trials is left to the pupil or parent ; otherwise assignment will be made by the President. LABOR. Manual labor by the students may be for either of two purposes First, to acquire skill in a given art ; second, to earn money. In the first case, the labor is educational ; in the second, it should be paid for by the party benefited. Educational Labor : — Manual labor in the recitations of the indus- trial departments, like mental labor in those of the literary depart- ments, is purely educational and will not be remunerated. While the interest of the student is held paramount in the direction of this labor: the practice necessary to dexterity will be required. As no charge is made for material or tools, the College will utilize the work of the industrial classes when this can be done without impeding their prog- ress. Remunerated Labor: — When the Institution needs labor on the farm or elsewhere, which is not educational, but simply for its own profit, and which a student is able and willing to perform, it becomes an employer instead of a teacher, and he an employe instead of a scholar. It pays for work ; he works for pay The relation between them is commercial, not educational ; and both parties must act upon business principles. Hence, the College will only furnish such employ- ment as its own interests require, and will pay, according to the value of the service rendered, at from three to ten cents an hour. FARM. t Paid labor on the farm is limited to the members of the^class in Practical Agriculture. The evident justice of giving to those who intend to be farmers, rather than to those who do not, the opportunity of earning such wages as this department can afford to pay, renders further explanation of the regulation unnecessary. Members of the class, so electing, can also employ their industrial hour in farm work ; and whenever, in the judgment of the Professor of Practical Agricul- ture, such work is needful for their acquisition of manual skill in fai-m operations, it will be given, taking precedence of any other industrial. When the practice is not required, owing to the dexterity of the pupil AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 97 or to the seasou, a recitation will be made in some other industrial. The facilities provided by, this department enable it to give the best prac- tice in all branches of farming, and, especially, in stock raising. HORTICULTURAL GROUNDS. The same regulation in regard to paid labor applies to work in the Horticultural Department ; employment is limited to the members of the class in Practical Horticulture. And equally true is it that the best of practice can be given in any operation of the commercial nur- sery, orchard, garden and forestry of Kansas. CARPENTER SHOP. Each member of the class is furnished a bench, material for prac- tice, and a case of the best tools, the key of which he retains. The Institution bears ordinary wear; extraordinary damage or loss of tools would be charged to the student — none having yet occurred. The pupil is taught the uses and names of tools, required to put and keep them in order, and carried through regular practice in sawing, plan- ing, tenoning, mitering ; house framing, building and finishing. After acquiring sufficient skill, he is permitted by the Superintendent to em- ploy the industrial hour in making articles for his own use, paying for the material at cost price. Tables, office desks, book racks and ento- mological cases, are more commonly chosen, thus requiring the careful workmanship of the cabinet shop. Pupils learn more rapidly when at work on something they themselves want, and when receiving the profit on their own labor ; and, as our sole purpose is to develop the skill of the student, every encouragement is given. It is confidently believed that after a boy has acquired market skill, and after experi- ence has shown what articles yield the best profit in Kansas, second or third year students will, in this manner, be able to earn better wages than as teachers, and at the same time support themselves in college. Inquiry shows that Manhattan alone imports more than $70,000 worth of wagons and agricultural implements yearly, to say nothing of other articles ; and, if the boys of Kansas can maintain themselves by manufacturing such, certainly no sensible person will object there- to. Outside of recitation hours, the student can work as much as he pleases. The only drawback to this department is the contracted size of the building, which, while large enough for four benches, is more than 13 98 KANSAS STATE crowded by the eleven now in it. Besides the general set of tools, there are twenty-six student's kits. Each kit contains thirty-five pieces, as follows : Rule ; try square ; level ; scribe awl ; compasses ; marking gauges ; chalk line and reel ; hatchet ; drawing knife ; rip, cross-cut and tenon saws ; jack, jointer and smoothing planes ; firmer chisels; fr^ifing chisels; screw driver; bitstock and bits; winding sticks ; bench-hooks. WAGON SHOP. Instruction in the Wagon Shop embraces names, uses and care of tools ; sawing and dressing spokes, fellies, axle-trees, tongues, hounds and boxes ; turning hubs ; building harrow^s, wheelbarrows, farm and spring wagons. The equipment is complete, and the wagon and black- smith shops are under the same roof. BLACKSMITH SHOP. A full equipment of tools has been furnished, and the instruction and practice include management of bellows, striking with sledge, cut- ting threads on bolts and nuts, use of hand hammer in drawing down iron and sharpening plows, fitting and nailing horse shoes, ironing wagons, setting tires, making tools, etc. PAINT SHOP. Preparing work for painting, mixing colors, manner of applying, making putty, staining, graining and varnishing. A complete stock of tools and materials. S^^ Members of the classes in Practical Agriculture and Horticul- ture are advised to take- some one of the mechanical industrials, in addition to the farm or nursery, for the purpose of acquiring that kind of skill in using tools which is daily demanded in the repair or con- struction work of the agriculturist, and which saves him so much annoyance and expense. The " haudiness " thus gained is apt to be of more value in after life than dexterity in telegraphing or type set- ting. Of course a pupil who has chosen a mechanical trade, as that of the carpenter, should devote his attention to it exclusively. In time, Harness and Stone-cutter's shops will be added to the above. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, 99 TURNING SHOP. A splendid foot and power lathe, with complete attachments for doing all kinds of wood and metal turning, has just been received from the machine shop of the Worcester Institute, and a class will begin practice in the January term of 1875. Instruction will embrace the care and use of tools ; wood turning, plain and fancy ; brass, ditto ; iron, ditto. The lathe will also be used by the advanced classes in the wagon and carpenter shops. Reasonable proficiency in drawing is required as a condition of admission into this industrial. Much of the additional apparatus needed by the chemical, telegraph and other departments will be made in this shop, at a saving of fifty per cent, on market rates. We are now building machines to be used by girls in scroll sawing, running as easily as the average sewing ma- chine ; also, light lathes for fancy wood or ivory turning, for cutting gains in bracket and box work, and for cutting vines, monograms, etc., on glass, with the emery wheel. SCROLL SAWING, CARVING AND ENGRAVING SHOPS. When a pupil has acquired the skill and taste inseparable from expertuess in industrial drawing, it is as easy to produce forms in fab- rics, wood, metal or glass, as it is upon paper, provided dexterity in the use of the appropriate instruments is also possessed. A girl who can guide the needle of a sewing machine around sharp curves, can with little practice use a scroll saw more exactly, because wood is stiflfer than cotton. By multiplying instruments, the education of her percei^tive faculties is increased. The draftsman uses a pencil ; the dress maker the scissors ; the turner a lathe ; the carver, the engraver, and the stone cutter use chisels ; the painter the brush. But it is evident that skill and taste in using lines constitute the common stock applied by all. Hence, as educational agents, and as means of profit or amuse- ment, the kinds of practice given in this de^Dartment are more than " fanciful;" each has a real market value. And it is clear that admis- sion to these classes must be governed by the pupil's proficiency in drawing. Scroll Sawing : — A suitable machine for healthful use by girls has just been received, and will be used by the advanced drawing classes. The experiment whether both girls and boys cannot more than make good wages will be fairly tested. 100 KANSAS STATE Carving : — A complete equipment. Engraving : — Complete equipment for wood work. One young lady has been taking this industrial witli such marked success as to strengthen the convictions exj)ressed on pages 56-62. STENOGRAPHY. ' A class will be fully instructed and drilled in short hand report- ing during the January term of 1875. PHOTOGRAPHY. A class of students sufficiently advanced in the chemical course will be started in the August term of 1875. SEWING DEPARTMENT. Besides the ordinary instruments and patterns, this department is constantly using the Wheeler & VVil^n. Wilcox & Gibes, Secor, and American Compound Button-Hole machines, each of which has given perfect satisfaction. The instruction includes all the work of the dress maker and milliner. Material for ordinary practice is fui-nished by the Institution ; and the expense has been less than was anticipated, owing to the fact that the members of the class are usu- ally engaged on work for themselves. Harpeb's, Demorest s and Buterrick's journals are regularly supplied ; and the latest styles are artistically reproduced, yet without extravagance. It costs no more to make a calico dress neatly and tastefully than in the gunny sack order of feminine architecture ;* and our experience thus far shows that a consciousness upon the part of the girl that she is dressed in the current mode is the surest prevention of extravagance. While, since the opening of this department, there has been no increase of the latter, there has been a marked improvement in the appearance of the young ladies generally, and of the members of this class par- ticularly. * If tlie Good Father did not intend our daue;liters to look well, he made a t^ad mistake in endowing them with such a taste for taste; and a sadder one in ffiviug us so vigorous an appreciation thereof. Neither dowdyism nor prevent- able ugliness is a virtue ; and both are as different from extravagance as is per- simmon sanctimony from genuine piety. Greater taste makes Mary the supe- rior of Hortcuse, at one quarter the outlay. — J. A. A. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 101 PRINTING DEPARTMENT. The office contains twenty-six pairs of cases, a corresponding supply of type, composing sticks, a " proof" press, and all needed facili- ties for practice. The student is taught the boxes, indentation, ca])i- talization, spacing, punctuation, etc. Several different drills are em- ployed for the purpose of developing rapidity in composition ; and the rules of book printing are enforced from the outset. A boy designing to become a printer will find all appliances needed for acquiring expertuess as a compositor, and, in addition, a course of thorough instruction in the English language, as used by the proof reader and editor ; in book-keeping, adapted to subscription and job accounts ; and in drawing, as the best developer of that true and facile taste which is the back bone of success in job printing. While he is an apprentice in an office, he cannot attend school; while attending school he cannot be an apprentice. Here, he can obtain precisely those advantages of manual and intellectual education which are most directly valuable to the compositor. As the classes advance, facilities are added to meet their necessities. The teaching of type-setting, by itself, might be objectionable to many printers ; but when, in connection therewith, is afforded the op- portunity of obtaining a practical and full education directly shaped to meet the literary requirements of printers working for profit, it is believed that all compositors, mindful of their own experience and of the costly and toilsome methods by which they acquired literary knowl- edge, will greet this earnest effort to advance the interests of their craft with the same frank spirit in which it is made. The printer's money is laboriously earned, under the best circumstances ; and any practical attempt to make his labor less, by giving him greater knowl- edge and skill for the daily task, will, when fully understood, commend itself. Mention has heretofore been made of the invaluable aid given by type setting in mastering the English language. As an educational drill in spelling, punctuation, etc., it has thus far proven itself supe- rior to any other one known to us ; and its union with the agencies employed in the literary class room makes a combination of greater efficiency than is elsewhere found. The cases are as valuable to the student of practical English as is the blackboard to the student of practical mathematics, or the anvil to the blacksmith. 102 KANSAS STATE TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. The equipment of this departmeut is probably superior to that found in any telegraphic school in the United States. A line, of American compound wire, four miles in length, and having sixteen offices, con- nects the depot of the Kansas Pacific Railway with the Horticultural and Farm grounds, the President's house. College, Telegraph room, Boarding house and Superintendent's office. The superiority of such a line to a wire strung around a room is apparent. In addition, are "jumpers," "locals" and a register, which latter is only used for the purpose of showing defective writing. Practice is given in the alphabet and " reprint " sending, until the student can write and receive at the rate of six words per minute, when a line office is assigned. The rules and regulations of the West- ern Union Company are strictly enforced in all line practice; and dur- ing class hours all communications are in message form, and charged by tariiF rates. The blanks, account books and reports are exact copies of those used by the Western Union ; and the business of the office is conducted and settled precisely as are commercial lines, a week being counted as a month. The result is that a student completing the telegraphic course is thoroughly familiar with the whole detail of reports, errors and accounts. To the advanced classes, the Associated Press dispatches and market reports, found in the daily papers, are sent by the Superintendent during two hours every collegiate evening. The literary course of instruction is directly adapted to the wants of operators, usually embracing drill in English, drill in arithmetic, book-keeping, penmanship, and, during the January term, a special course of lectures by the Professor of Chemistry, comprising a con- sideration of the elementary principles of electricity ; the line ; bat- tery ; signals, etc. ; principles of electro-magnetism ; history of the electric telegraph ; modern improvements in battery, line and signals. The desire is to produce intelligent operators, thoroughly familiar with every principle of the telegraph. A certificate is issued to pupils able, upon examination, to receive in writing at the rate of twenty-five words per minute, and to keep office accounts. The Institution does not hold itself responsible for the ability of persons unable to show such a diploma, but it does pro- pose to make every word thereof true as respects those properly obtain- ing oue ; and thus, in due time, to secure the influence of railroad and AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 103 telegraph superintendents in favor of its graduates. The advertise- ments of " telegraph colleges " that " positions are guaranteed " are deceptive, simply because the proprietors of such establishments do not own the railroad and commercial lines of the United States. The superintendents of the latter, who alone appoint to paying offices, are very different gentlemen from the former. Students in this department are furnished its " text books," in the shape of blanks, journals and ledgers, at cost price, say two dollars per term. Of course, no charge is made for instruction or use of instruments. All messages are sent over the line free, and persons desiring to communicate with friends at the College are invited to do so. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. PIANO. First Year : — First Term : New England Conservatory : Finger drill, study of letters and signs, time, accent, syncopation and expres- sion. Blackboard drill : Transposition of scale by sharps and flats, writing major scales with relative minors. Second Term : New Eng- land Conservatory : Wrist movement, full and half staccato, rules for playing slurs, scale drill, portmento touch. Elementary harmony; Chromatic scale, scale intervals, triads of the major scale, triads of the minor scale. Second Year : — First Term : New England Conservatory : Study of arpeggios, double thirds, scale exercises, embelishments, free sixth and octaves with studies by Schubert, Schuman, Auber„ and others. Harmony analysis : First and second inversions of triads and harmor nies of the seventh, first and third inversions. Second Term : New England Conservatory : Chromatic scales, scale drill, treralo, trill, turn, studies by Beyer, Heller, Wolf, Lemoine, Burgmuller and Kul- lak. Practical Harmony : Dominant seventh and its resolutions, harmonizing to a given base. Third Year : — First Term : New England Conservatory : Grand scale and arpeggios, broken chords, repeating octaves, triplets, with sonatas and studies by Schmidt, Duvernoy, Bertine, Mendelssohn, Hayden, Heller and Mozart. Theoretical and Practical Harmony : Harmonizino; to a o-iven base continued, chords of the seventh with other tone degrees. Chords of the ninth, eleventh and thirteenth.. 104 KANSAS STATE Second Term : New England Conservatory : Glrand arpeggio study, chromatic scale in major and minor thirds, drill study, arpeggioes of the chord of the diminished seventh, scales of double thirds and sixth, passages with alternate hands, instrumeutals and studies by Czerny, Heller, Spindle, Kohler, Loeschorn, and (jthers. Ajdvauced Harmony : Chromatic altercations of the fundamental harmonies, cadence. Fourth Year .—First Term : Czerny Op. 299 and Heller Op. 45. Harmony and composition: Modulations, suspensions, the organ point. Second Term : Czerny Op. 740 and 337. Composition : Sta- tionary voice, passing notes and chords, writing four part music. Fifth Year.— First Term: Moschelles Op. 70. Cramer, first book. Second Term : Cramer, second book. Chapin Op. 10. Sixth Year .-—First Term : Chapin Oj). 25. Moschelles Op. 95. Second Term ; Studies by Thalberg, Liszt and others. Instrumeutals given throughout the whole course. Two lessons per week. ORGAN. First Year .— First Term : Elementary Exercises ; Musical nota- tion, finger drill, time, accent. Second Term : Home Recreations, part first : Elementary scale drill, studies in various keys. Second Year: — First Term- Home Recreations, part second: Major and minor scales, octave studies, recreations. Second Term : Clark's Method, part first: Double thirds, triplets, grace notes chord practice, turn. Third Year : — Clark's Method, part second: Grand scale practice, drill in sixth, close harmony and transcription. Second Term: Clark's Method, part third : Sonatas by Beethoven, voluntaries and playing from the score, selections from the opera. Fourth Year: — First Term; Selected studies and church music. Second Term : Sight reading, studies and chorus practice. Fifth Yenr : — First Term: Mozart Sonatas, part first. Second Term ; Mozart Sonatas, part second. Sixth Year : — Historical and practical work, with readings. Harmony course same as Piano. Two lessons per week. GUITAR. Though small, it has its place to fill in iIr- musical world. Text AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 105 books : N. P. B. Curtiss, Carcassia and Carulli, with songs and iustru- meutals. Practice on the Piano or Organ is counted as an industrial in the Woman's Course only. Guitar practice is not. JJ@°" The only charge made by the Institution is in this department, where a fee of fifty cents per week, payable monthly, in advance, is required for the maintenance and purchase of instruments. VOCAL MUSIC. Vocal Music is taught both as a science and an art. Members of the elementary class are drilled on the tones of the scale, keeping accurate time, reading notes upon the staft', the transposition of the scale, singing easy music at sight, the articulation of words, etc. The advanced class is drilled in a higher cultivation of the voice, the read- ing and singing of more difiicult music, the minor and chromatic scales, and a more perfect articulation and modulation of voice to express the true sentiment of the music. Unusual opportunities are afibrded those who desire to improve themselves in this art, and many homes may be made happier through its influence. S^" Vocal Music is not accepted as an industrial required by the schedule of studies. It is heartily commended to all students, and, apart from its intrinsic worth, as taught in this Institution it is a val- uable drill in vocalization ; but it is not presented as one of those industries by which a livelihood is to be earned. All of the Industrial Departments above mentioned, except those of the Farm, Nursery and Music, have been opened since September 1873, or will be opened at the dates heretofore specified. Hence, in no one of them is there an industrial class more than a year and a half advanced. The instruction and facilities furnished to each are ahead of the neces- sities of the pupils, and will always be kept so. Every additional year will place the student upon a higher industrial plane ; and the departments will be correspondingly developed and equipped. We do not claim that they are yet perfected ; but only that they are fully equal to the work now required of them, and that they shall in due time be made perfect. 14 106 KANSAS STATE Directions to Applicfiiits. TERMS OF ADMISSION. Candidates for admission must be fourteeu years of age and pass a satisfactory examination in reading ; arithmetic, through decimal frac- tions ; English grammar, to syntax; and in descriptive geography. Classes are started at the beginning of each term in Drill in Arithme- tic and Drill in English ; and the pupil must have the knowledge above indicated, else he will be unable to retain position if admitted. The object of the examination is to determine what classes he can enter with greatest profit to himself, and whether he is qualified to receive the information therein given. As the Institution is endowed for the express benefit of the industrial classes of Kansas, we shall not defeat its purpose by requiring a kind of knowledge upon the part of candidates which can only be gotten in the graded schools of towns or cities; but begin our course at the point to which the aver- age common school of Kansas carries its pupils. Out of the fifty- five hundred such schools reported last year, probably less than three hundred are graded schools ; and the advantages of these are not available to boys and girls residing in the country. Hence, a lit- erary standard of admission, evidently proper for a University or Normal School, is as evidently improper in an Agricultural College. The real test of the efficiency of the work performed by such a college is not what the pupil knows when he enters, but what he learns while in it ; and by this test we challenge comparison with any institution, literary or otherwise. fi@°° Pupils will be received at any time during the year, if able to pass an additional examination upon the subjects studied by the classes which they expect to enter. But they will find it very greatly to their advantage to be present at the opening of each term, or as soon there- after as possible. GRADES. Recitations are graded daily upon a scale of 100 ; and an examina- tion of all classes is made at the close of each month, the grade of which is reckoned in the monthly average as equal to that of five recitations. By this method, the real progress of the student is more fairly measured ; since it often happens that the daily standing of a AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 107 diffident pupil is raised by the examination grade, and that of a glib reciter, who learns easily and forgets as easily, is lowered. When pos- sible, all examinations are made in writing. A student not attaining an average grade of sixty for two mouths, is promptly dropped to a lower class, and, if there be none, is excluded from the Institution until able to do so. The work of grading is strict and uniform in all the departments, and this process is rigorously used for sifting out incompetent or indolent pupils ; thus more than accomplishing all that is designed to be effected by a " high standard of admission." Hence, the student's continuance in the College wholly depends upon his own action. The course is based upon the determination to make the labor required in the preparation of one industrial and of three literary recitations as much as the average student can healthfully perform, in ten hours a day. We design to give the pupil the worth of the time expended at College ; and, in order thereto, he must do a full day's real work with brain or hand. Only those students who can maintain a standing of ninety in each study will be allowed to take more than the prescribed number of recitations ; and no one will be permitted to have less than one indujstrial and two literary recitations, as already indicated on pages 95, 96. RECITATIONS. Recitations of fifty minutes begin at 8:40 A. M., Saturdays and Sun- days excepted. The limited number of rooms in the College building renders it impossible to handle all the classes in the forenoon. Indus- trial recitations are interspersed with those in the literary departments, and the majority of students are tlirough by 12 M. or 2 P. M. RELIGIOUS. Unless otherwise directed by parents, students are required to attend chapel at 8:30 A. M., on academic days, and divine service once every Sabbath, either in the College or elsewhere. Officers of State educa- tional institutions virtually act as agents for two different parties, namely, the State and the parent. As agents of the State we are not empowered to require or enforce attendance upon any form of religious services, and should be exceedingly chary of exercising such power even were it possessed. The above regulation is not based upon any such foundation. It rests solely upon the expectation of the mothers 108 KANSAS STATE and fathers who commit their children to our care, that, being them- selves absent, we will do, in their stead and as their agents, what we suppose they would do if present. There is not much danger of pupils receiving too much knowledge of God, or exercising too great a love of God, truth and man. Godliness is vastly different from sectarian proselytism. The latter we eschew, and will be nobody's agent there- in. But it is our experience that the very great majority of Kansas parents desire their sons and daughters to attend religious services. Those who do not, will confer a favor by promptly notifying us there- of, and their wishes will be fully respected. It is easier for them to write to us than for us to write to the majority. EXPENSES. There are no charges whatever for attendauce, either in the shape of tuition or contingent fees, with the single exception of fifty cents a week in the department of Instrumental Music. All instruction is absolutely free, as we have a right to suppose that Congress intended it to be when giving the endowment. BOARDING. Boarding can be had at from three to four dollars per week in private families. The College owns, but does not conduct, a boarding hall near by. It is well kept by Capt. A. Todd, who is now furnishing good boarding at $2.50 per week, and to whom applications therefor ■should be addressed. The price in Manhattan and farm houses varies from three to four dollars. In a club of four students, renting a house, the average cost to each during the present term, has been $1.11 per week. AMOUNT EARNED. All of the work needed on the farm, in the nursery and shops is given to students, as indicated on pages 96, 97. It is impossible to say how much any one can earn, since that depends upon what the student can do and what work there is to be done. Some are making one half their expenses, some the whole, and exceptional men have made more than expenses. As a, rule, a faithful boy skilled in farm work can earn half his expenses by entering the Labor class of Prac- tical Agriculture. During the year he can ordinai-ily acquire suffi- cient skill in the wood or iron shops to enable him to make articles AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 109 for sale. The whole question is one for his own consideration and decision ; and he should not be too sanguine. We can teach all who come, but it is impossible for us to guarantee anything more. RULES. 1. Behave as a true man or woman should, at all times and in all places. 2. Attend to your own business promptly, thoroughly and cour- teously ; and vigorously let alone that of other people. 8. Penalty : " Leave ! " S®"" New students will report to the President, after chapel exer- cises or at his office. CALENDAR. The current Collegiate Year began August 20th, 1874, the first term closing December 17th, 1874. Jg®"" The second term begins Thursday, January 7th, 1875, and closes Wednesday, May 26th, 1875. STUDENTS' SOCIETIES. Webster Society : — Organized October 10th, 1868; chartered Jan- uary, 1871 ; meets Saturday evening, at half past seven. J. E. Wil- liamson, President : H. C. Rushmore, Secretary. Alpha Beta: — Organized October 17th, 1868 ; chartered Decem- ber 20th, 1870 ; meets Friday afternoon, at one o'clock. G. H. Fail- yer, President : C. A. Streeter, Secretary. Young Men's Christian Association: — Organized February, 1872. Devotional exercises Sabbath evenings. L. E. Humphrey, President: A. A. Stewart, Secretary. 110 KANSAS STATE FIN^A^INTOES. ENDO^VMENT. The Congressional grant to this Institution was ninety thousand acres ; but certain portions of the lands selected falling within railroad limits, and, being reckoned as two acres for one, only 81,601 acres have been received. Owing to a subsequent change in the line of the Kansas Pacific railroad from the Republican valley to that of the Smoky Hill, it is probable that the Government will restore sections thereby placed outside of the limit. At the close of the fiscal year ending November 30th, 1874, 34,425 acres remained unsold, lying in the counties of Clay, Riley, Marshall, Washington and Dickinson. These are appraised and offered at an average price of $6.35 per acre, representing a cash capital of $218,598,75. A larger sum will probably be received from this source, as the rate of other lands in the state must advance. Sales are made on seven years time, the notes bearing ten per cent, interest, the land remaining untaxed until patented. At the date mentioned, the Land Agent held notes amounting to $86,242.63. The fund received from sale of land is invested by the Loan Com- missioner in District School Bonds. The interest upon these notes and bonds constitutes the revenue derived by the Institution from the endowment. The principal of the Land account was as follows, No- vember 30th, 1874 : Value of unsold lands $318,598.75 Laud notes 86,24363 Securities held by Treasurer 134,480.40 Balance uninvested at date 3,184.18 Total $433,505.96 LIABILITIES. The only indebtedness is that arising from the maturity of certain AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Ill scrip, or " College Greenbacks," issued by the Regents of 1870, in denominations of $100 each, and bearing seven per cent interest. An account of the transaction can be found in the First Annual Report of the Board of Commissioners on Public Institutions, 1873. The total issue was $33,700, of which one-half is yet outstanding, and payable, as follows : 1875 16,175.24 1876 6,620.56 1877 '. 4.187.40 Total $16,983.20 As the Institution cannot, even upon their present small scale, carry on its operations and meet these payments, and as the debt was not contracted by the present management, it is hoped that future Legis- latures will follow the examj^le of the last and provide for these war- rants at maturity. CURRENT YEAR. The present Regents received from their predecessors an additional liability to that just mentioned, and, after reducing it as much as pos- sible, obtained from the Legislature of 1873 an appropriation for can- celing the balance, and for the necessary equipment of departments. The funds have been proi:)erly expended. Notwithstanding the universal financial stringency of the past year, which has affected our income, all expenses have been promptly and fully met ; and there remained in the hands of the Treasurer, Novem- ber 30th, 1874, a balance of $601.20. What has been done in a "grasshopper" year can certainly be done in ordinary years. SELF-SUPPORTING. These facts .'^how that the Kansas State Agricultural College is not a " State " institution in the sense that tax payers must either foot its bills or see the doors closed. Preceding Boards might easily have withheld its lauds, waiting for an average price of thirty, fifty or one hundred dollars per acre, and so have secured a royal income ; in the meanwhile asking the pioneer generation of Kansas to defray its cur- rent expenses. But there is also a question whether pioneer genera- tions, having everything to do with scant capital, may not, both justly and generously, permit posterity, inheriting capital and having com- 112 KANSAS STATE paratively little to do, to foot some of its owu educational bills. Should this or any other institution, ten, twenty or thirty years hence, satis- factorily demonstrate a real worth, the men of those days can better afford to swell the endowment than can the property owners of these days afford to pay each professor and buy every cord of wood, while the untaxed lands are scattered through the counties as idle capital, . and as hindrances to settlement. Those charged with the previous management of this endowment have wisely sold, as opportunity offered; aild the proceeds are safely invested in paying securities. The income received by the Institution from this source amounts in ordi- nary years to about $20,000, a sum which now meets, and should always be made to meet, the expenses of instruction. Ultimately, the revenue will be $40,000 or $50,000 annually. The industrial departments, as a whole, should pay their own ex- penses, both as a matter of ordinary business, and as educational agen- cies. Anybody can farm at a loss, and boys do not require instruction in that kind of farming. They should be taught to farm for profit, and the " means of illustration " should, by example as well as pre- cept, show them how to do it. The same is true of all similar depart- merbts. From these sources the Institution derives some revenue. Even during the past year, the farm has cleared about one thousand dollars, over all expenses, excluding the legislative appropriations for permanent improvements. Ordinarily, the Nursery has exceeded this sum ; and the Mechanical department has made a profit, which will yearly increase. Were the Kansas StatS Agricultural College pos- sessed of cheap industrial and educational workshops, it would be amply able to take care of itself, thanks to the generosity of the nation and state, and to the sagacity of its early financiers. BUILDINGS. Congress has prohibited any expenditure of the endowment for buildings, in the following section of the Organic Act : No portioa of said fuad, nor the interest thereon, shall be applied, directly or iadirectly, uoder any preteuse whatever, to the purchase, erection, preservation or repair of any buildlug or buildings. If the Legislature will meet the greenbacks and appropriate twenty five thousand dollars for the immediate erection of five workshops, we can, at the present low rates of material and labor, provide all the joom needed for the instruction of five hundred students. A building AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 113 costing $150,000 would be as unsuited to our purposes as is a cathe- dral unsuitable for tlie purposes of a hotel. This Agricultural Col- lege is not a University ; it does not want a University building ; it will not voluntarily marry into the possession of one : but it does, most particularly and persistently, want educational workshops ! The State would save much money and needless bother by erecting them at once. For when any Mary inherits an annual income of twenty thousand dollars, there is sure to be some Charles Augustus or other everlastingly figuring how to get it, and keeping the young woman in the parlor though her presence is needed in the kitchen or dairy. PROPERTY. Apart from the value of the educational services rendered to the more than twelve hundred diflferent pupils taught since the opening of the Institution, the inventories rendered by the several departments, November 30th, 1874, aggregate as follows : In no case have extrav- agant prices been given, and the total is certainly under rather than over the mark. Market Value of Property as per Reports, November, SOth, 1874. Land Department $304,841.38 Treasurer „ 128,265.78 Farm Department: Land .....' $14,700.00 Barn 11,000.00 Other Buildings 4,548,00 Live Stock and Implements 8,255.00 38,503.00 Horticultural Department: Land and Buildings $6,800.00 Stock, etc 6,485.00 13,285.00 Chemical Department 3,418. 35 Department of Botany, Geology, etc 3,435.35 Library Department 4,947 30 Mathematical Department 294.17 Music Department 1,262.00 Sewing Department 304.70 Telegraph Department 698.88 Printing Department 447.53 Mechanical Department 2,132.43 College Building and Furniture 27,077.55 Total $528,913.33 15 114 KANSAS STATE LIST OF STUDENTS ENROLLED FEOM September 11, 1873, to December 17, 1874. NAMES. POST OFFICE. RESIDENCE. Baggerly, P. W Grover Ottawa. Barnes, Wm. A Albany Nemaha. Bates, Jennie M* Marysville Marshall. Beamer, David A Netawaka .* Jackson. Bell, Franklin P Towanda Butler. Bill, Wilbur F Manhattan Riley. Bird, Nathaniel S Atchison Atchison. Bishop, Josie M Kit Carson Colorado. Bowen, Frank E Leavenworth Leavenworth. Broughtou, George W Olney Illinois. Brous, Alfred H Manhattan Pottawatomie. Brous, Harry A Manhattan Pottawatomie. Browning, Alice M Manhattan Riley. Browning, Emma E Manhattan Riley. Bubach, George M Hiawatha .^. Brown. Burnham, Wm. P Toi)eka Shawnee, Burroughs, Frank C Manhattan Riley Burroughs, Julia A Manhattan.. Riley. Caldwell, Stephenson A College Springs.. Iowa. * Died, September 19th, 1873. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 115 KA9IES. POST OFFICE. RESIDENCE. Caldwell, Stewart S College Springs Iowa. Caldwell, Thomas J Carlisle Allen. Campbell, Fannie Manhattan Riley. Campbell, Florence A Manhattan Riley. Cannon, Wm. Randall Carlisle Allen. Carson, Renick Perry Jefferson . Chamberlain, Willis P Manhattan... Riley. Chenpweth, Simeon West Jefferson Ohio. Child, Ella S Manhattan Riley. Clark, Edgar F Manhattan Riley. Clark, Myron Irving Marshall. Clark, Wm. B Aberdeen Indiana. Cole, Fannie I Manhattan Riley. Copley, John T Perry Jefferson. Cormack, Joseph M Junction City Davis. Crouse, Clay C Oswego Labette. Davidson, George K Fort Sill Indian Ter. Davidson, John A Richmond Franklin . Davis, John E Manhattan Riley. Dearborn, Carrie A Manhattan Riley. Dearborn, Leila D Manhattan Riley . Dennis, Ella N Manhattan Riley. Denison, George A Manhattan Riley. Detmers, Henry E Manhattan Riley. Dow, Charles A Hartford Lyon. Elliott, Clara Manhattan Riley. Failyer, George H Columbus Cherokee. Failyer, Mariam Columbus Cherokee . Failyer, Miriam Columbus Cherokee. Fields, Wm. H Manhattan Riley. Flack, John B Enterprise Dickinson. Fraunberg, Wm. S Chetopa Labette . Gale, Ella M Manhattan Riley. Gale, George A Manhattan Riley. Gifford, Fred. M Milford Riley. Gillaspie, Martha A St. George Pottawatomie. Gilbert, Wm. D Grasshopper Falls Jefferson. Godfrey, Albert N Madison Greenwood. Graves, James M Monrovia Atchison. 116 KANSAS STATE NAMES. POSTIOFFICE* RESIDENf'E. Green, Mary E Manhattan Riley. Gregg, Horace P Manhattan Riley. Gregory, Wesley Lyndon Osage. Griffing, John S Manhattan *. Riley. Griffith, Beecher F Belleville Republic. Grover, Mortimer C Americus City Nemaha. Hancock, John A Gar nett Anderson. Harper, Josephine C Manhattan Riley. Harris, Charles S Ottawa Franklin. Hart, Sanford C Grasshopper Falls Jefferson. Hiddleson. Frank W vSolomou Rapids Mitchell. Himes, Phoebe Manhattan ! Riley. Hopkins, Viola Milford Davis. Howard, Jasper M Manhattan Riley. Howard, Walter C Manhattan Riley. Horner, Wm. M Holtou Jackson. Houston, Charles S Manhattan Riley . Houston, Lawrence N Manhattan Riley. Houston, IT. Grant Manhattan Riley. Hoyt, Fred. O Hiawatha Brown. Humphrey, Louis E Milford Davis. Huston, Charles M Junction City Davis. Ingraham, Florence M Manhattan Riley. Irwin, Harry B Leavenworth Leavenworth. Ish, Monroe S Vermilion Marshall. Jaquith, Walter M Milford Davis. Jarbeaux, Emma Manhattan Riley. Jellison, Horace C Cawker City Mitchell. Jenkins, Wm. H Topeka Shawnee. Johnson, James S Longton Howard. Johnson, Newton Longton Howard. Johnston, Gough G Parsons Labette. Johnston, May Clay Center Clay. Johnston, Nellie Clay Center Clay. Jones, Carrie L Wabaunsee Wabaunsee. Kimball, Carrie N Manhattan Riley. Kimble, Martlia Manhattan Riley. Kimble, Mary A Manhattan Riley. Knipe, Lucy A Manhattan Riley. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 117 NAMES. POST OFFICE. RESinENCE. Kiiipe, Wm . A Manhattan Riley. Landou, Frank B Vienna Pottawatomie. LaTourrett, James F Ft. Lyon Colorado. Leasure, Marion F LaCygne Lynn. Liebengood, John W Hiawatha Brown. Leigh, Jesse D White Rock Republic. Little, Charles C New Eureka Jackson. Lofiuck, Reuben E Manhattan Riley. Lowe, Harry B White Rock Republic. Mails, Jennie E Manhattan PottaAvatomie. Maltby , Wm Salina Salina. Martin, Alice H Denison Texas. Martin, George T Denison Texas. Maynard, Henry S Ossawatoraie Miami. McBride, John H Holton Jackson. McBride, Ralph W Perry Jefferson. McCallum, Daniel E Alida Davis. McCormick, Henry H Bramlette Woodson. McCormick, James G Bramlette Woodson. McCoy, Jacob H Grasshopper Falls Jefferson. McLean, Henry A Florence Marion. Meeker, Julian L Ottawa Franklin. Meeker, Oliver Wetmore Nemaha. Merrifield, Mary E Manhattan Riley. Miller, Kilbv D Grautville Jefferson. Morgan, Lillie M Washington Washington. Morgan , George C Manhattan Riley. Moses, George C Manhattan Riley. Mosher, Cephas F Prairie City Douglas. Mudge, Eusebia B Manhattan Riley. Murphy, Forrest W Manhattan Riley. Nasou, John E Springside Pottawatomie. Nichols, Richard A New Eureka Jackson. Noble, Alice E Barret Station Marshall. Noble, Ina C Barret Station Marshall. Noyes, Ida L Wabaunsee Wabaunsee. Noyes, Mary A AVabaunsee Wabaunsee. O'Leary, Alena Abilene Dickinson. Ouey, Joseph H Garnett Anderson. 118 KANSAS STATE POST OFFICE. Oursler, Alphonso R Circleville.'. Jacksoa. Owens, Lillie L Leavenwortli Leavenworth. Paige, Albert W Manhattan Riley. Parish, Ella A Manhattan Riley. Parish, Ida H Manhattan...? Riley. Parish, Effie D Manhattan Riley. Parkerson, Julia E Manhattan Riley. Parsons, Mildred Kansas City Missouri. Pechner, Lizzie M Manhattan Riley. Pierce, Frank H Manhattan Riley. Piatt, Hattie M Manhattan Riley. Pound, Byron H Manhattan Riley. Pound, Isabella B Manhattan Riley. Powell, Wm. H Pavilion "Wabaunsee. Proctor, John C Twin Springs Lynn. Quimby, Frank B Wakefield Clay. Redenbaugh, Lydia A Lyndon Osage. Reed, Almeda J Milford Davis. Reser, Isadora F Barret Station Marshall. Reynolds, Wm. R Longton Howard. Richmond, Corydon S Delano Sedgwick. Richmond, Gustavus A Delano Sedgwick. Richmond, Irving Delano Sedgwick. Rogers, John H Burlingame Osage. Rogers, Julia F Burlingame Osage. Rogers, Louis B Solomon City Dickinson. Root, Frank O Wyandotte Wyandotte. Root, Hiram C Topeka Shawnee. Rose, Charles A Alma Wabaunsee. Rose, Edgar D Alma Wabaunsee. Rushmore, Hai'ry C Grantville Jefferson. Russell, Co] eman L A¥akefield Clay. Russell, Effie C Wakefield Clay. Rust, Bverett R Eureka Jackson. Rust, Louisa M Eureka Jackson. Sater, Harvey D Worthington Miami. Sawyer, Nellie Ottawa Franklin . Schillerstrom, Melchor W Topeka Shawnee. Schaeffer, Horace B Grasshopper Falls Jefterson. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 119 NAMES. POST OFFICE. RESIDENCE. Shannon, Albert M Hiawatha Brown. Sherman, Marcus Robinson Brown, Shinkle, Ezra M Twin Springs Lynn. Shofe, Ella Cottonwood Falls Chase. Shuemaker, Simon C Wetmore Nemaha. Sikes, Melva E Vienna Pottawatomie. Simpkins, Daniel R St. George Pottawatomie. Smith, Edwin Netawaka Jackson. Smith, Henry B Lyndon Osage. Smith, James A Netawaka Jackson. Sternberg, Wm. A Ft. Harker Ellsworth. Stewart, Albert A Oswego Labette. Stewart, Alice E Manhattan Riley. Stewart, Wm. B Netawaka Jackson. Stone, Wm. S Towanda Butler. Streeter, Abbie J Bala Riley. Streeter, Alfred C Bala Riley. Streeter, Charles A Bala Riley. Swearingeu, Belle M Marysville Marshall. Taylor, Wm. B Wyandotte Wyandotte. Tempero, Louisa E Merton Wisconsin. Thompson, Charles H Alma Wabaunsee. Thorpe, Elsie L Manhattan Riley. Thorpe, Ervin L Manhattan Riley. Todd, Ida E Topeka Shawnee. Todd, Irving Manhattan Riley. Troth, James T Alexandria Virginia. Ulrich, Edwin H Manhattan Riley. Ulrich,Wm Manhattan Riley. Vail, Mary A.* Manhattan Riley. Wade, Mary Neosho Falls Woodson. Wake, George A Wakefield Clay. Walker, Claudius D Winchester JefFerson. Walker, John C Pleasant Run Pottawatomie. Wanemaker, Celia M Barrett Station Marshall. Ward, Wilbur S Redstone Cloud. Waring, Edwin F Manhattan Riley. * Died, June 2d, 1874. 120 KANSAS STATE KAME8. POST OFFICE. RESmENCE. Webb, Manning S Grasshopper Falls Jefferson. Webster, Lucy Blue Rapids Marshall Weeks, Abbie C Irving Marshall. Wertzberg, Mary A Alma Wabaunsee. Wheeler, Charles G Nortonville' Jefferson. White, A. Judson Manhattan Riley. White, J. DeWitt Atlanta .* Rice. Whitman, Minerva E Lyndon Osage. Whitney, Genevieve Manhattan Riley. Wiley, Lura L Marysville Marshall. Wilkin, Frank H Wichita Sedgwick. Williamson, Joseph E Royal Center Indiana. Willes, Edmund J Skiddy Morris. Wilson, Wm. G Junction City Davis. Winnie, Ella M Manhattan Riley. Winter, Wallace Richmond Franklin. Woodward, Ida Manhattan Riley. Young, Willoughby Junction City Davis. Special Students in Cliemistry. Brous, Harry A. — Analytical. Kekoe, Frank B. — Pharmaceutical. Kehoe, Peter P. — Pharmaceutical. Whitehorn, S. — Assaying. Williston, S. W. — Analytical. AGRICUl/fURAL (JOJ.LKGK. 121 Table stowing Classes, average Age and number of regular Students by Terms. NO. STUDENTS. AVERAGE AGE OP STUDENTS. CLASSES. MALE FE- MALE tot'l MALE 1 [ FALL TERM: September 11 lo December 20, 1873: First Preparatory 38 30 18 10 1 5 108 3S 26 14 8 1 5 90. 25 14 6 4 1 5 55 24 28 lit 3 3 1 78 124 130 25 14 5 4 2 1 51 24 15 5 4 2 1 51 13 3 1 1 24 15 11 8 2 2 1 39 59 69 63 50 23 14 3 6 159 60 41 19 12 3 6 141 38 20 9 5 2 5 79 39 39 27 5 5 2 117 183 208 ! 18.8 19.5 18.3 21.2 21 21.8 19.8 18.6 19.2 19.3 21.1 22 21.8 19.3 19 18.6 19 20.2 22 21.8 19.4 18.5 19 19.6 19.6 21.3 22 19.1 19.5 19.2 16.7 17.8 19 8 Second Preparatory 19 18 5 19 C5 90 7 23 ! 22.3 20 21.5 Total 17.7 16.7 18 18.6 19.5 23 21 17.8 16 16.5 18.6 17 19 16.6 16.3 18.8 WINTEU TERM: January 2 to March 25, 1874: Firat Year. .... 17.8 Second Year 18.8 Third Year 19.1 Fourth Year 20.6 Filth Y'ear 22.6 Sixth Year 21.6 Total 18.8 SPRING TERM: April 2 to June 24, 1874: First Year 18 18 Third Year 18.8 Fourth Year 19.6 Filth Year.. . . ... 20.5 Sixth Year 21.8 Total. .. 18.6 FALL TERM : Augu st 20 to December 17, 1874: First Year 17.6 Second Year 17.1 1 18.4 Third Year. .. . 17.5 1 19 Fourth Year 17 19 20 17.1 17.3 17.7 18.6 Fifth Year 20.4 Sixth Y'ear 21 Total 18.4 C;OLLEGIATE Y'E AR 1873-1874 CALENDAR YEAR 1874 18.7 18.7 16 122 KANSAS STATE LIST OF GRADUATES. 18 6 7. NAMES. OCCTPATION. RESIDENCE. Denison, Heury L Reporter , Boulder City, Col. Haines, Belle M Topeka, Ivans. Haines, Emma L Teacher Wamego, Kans. Points, John J Law Student Omaha, ISTeb. White, Martha A Chicago, 111. 18 7 1. Campbell, Emily M Concordia, Kans. Denison, Ellen F , Baldwin City, Kans. Houston, Luella M Manhattan, Kans. Wheedon, Chas. O Lawyer Lincoln, Neb. White, Kate E Manhattan, Kans. 18 7 2. Haines, Theophania M Teacher Ellis, Kans. Todd, Albert Cadet U. S. M. Acad.,West Point, N.Y. Williston, S. Wendell Medical Student Manhattan, Kans. 18 7 3. Davis, Eliza Z Manhattan, Kans. Kimble, Samuel Law Student Manhattan, Kans. 18 7 4. Brous, Harry A Medical Student Manhattan, Kans. Clark, Edgar F Law Student Manhattan , Kans. Davis, John E Student Dentistry. .Manhattan, Kans. Gilbert, Wm. D Law Student, Grasshopper Falls, Kans. White, A. Judson Theological Student, Manhattan, Kans. Whole number of Graduates, 20. Intended occupation of men : Lawyer, 5 ; Physician, 2 ; Dentist, 1 ; Minister, 1 ; Reporter, 1 ; U. S. Army, 1 : total, 11. It will yet be two or three years before classes can graduate upon the present course of instruction. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 123 C O ]^ T E ]Sf T S . REGENTS AND FACULTY 2 EXPLANATORY 3 MANAGEMENT 4 POLICY OF THE REGENTS 5 INTENT OF THE CONGRESSIONAL ACT 6 Liberal education, 7. Practical education, 8. DitJerence between tlie two, 9. Des^ign of Congress, 11. PRINCIPLES BY WHICH THE COURSES OP STUDY IN AN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SHOULD BE GOVERNED 12 farmers' course. Influence of Collegiate education upon the choice of a vocation, 12. Influence of course of study upon~such education, 12. Sliould the education of the Farmer be that of the Lawyer, 12. Relative value of dift'erent kinds of Ijnowledge to the Parmer, 13. The Ivinds of knowl edge UiOSt serviceable to the Farmer, 14." Should be tnught with reference lo profit, 14."^ Eftect of reiLOval to Lawrence, 1-5. Such teaching not superficial, 15. Value of skill in applying knowledge to farm work, 16. Necessity for and aim of teach- ers of Practical Agriculture, 16. Advantage of such instuiction to the boy, 17. Function of Practical Agriculture. 1^. Value of manual skill, 18. Practice lobe guided by profit, IS). '•Compulsory labor," 19. The usefulness of knowledge to the Farmer should determine the proportions of the whole course, 31. Vocation should be chosen before entering college, 21. Industrial education worth more than literary, 21. Scope of Farmers' education, 22. Should be as thorough and direct as that of professional men, 23. mechanics' course. Value of practical mathematics, 24. Relative value of skill in calculation and in rep- resentation, 24. Cash value of industrial drawing, 26. Pure mathematics aud the classics as means of "mental discipline.'" 26. The arts and trades as means of mental discipline, 28. Need for new text books. 29. Value of physics aud chemistry to the mechanic, 29. A direct education as liberalizing as an indirect one, 30. woman's course. Absnrdity of the UMial curriculum, 31. Difficulties, 32. The girl's right to be educated for a woman's worK, 33. I. Oraranic group of woman's work stated, .33; defined, 33. Objections to proposed classification, .34. Can a direct education be given? 35. Simpler operations, 35; rarer, 36. Necessity for such an education not dependent upon the limits assigned to woman's sphere, 36. II. Probability of marriage, 38. Distinction between first and second groups, 38. Men- tal requirements of wifely work, 39. Is the course followed in the education of men for the professions the best one for the mental training of woman? 39. The mental labor performed by woman ditlereni in nature from that performed by man, .39. Possible that her mind may differ in nature, 41. Action of her mind modified by physical structure, 41. Characteristics of wo- man's mental action, 42. Thenrv of educational system, 43. Should manliness or womanliness be developed? 44. Results of prevai.ing system of education: negative, 45: positive, 46. Nature stronger than the system, 47. Blessedness of "stupidity" as a preserver of woman- hood against the system, 47. System worse for the girl than the boy, 49. Answer to the question, 50. III. Work of woman a^ an industrialist, 50. Agricultural Colleges bound to furnish an industrial education, .51. Relation of the Legislature to the congressional endow- ment. 52. Asricultural Collc^'ps not to be dui)licates of the Universities, 53. "Con- solidation " fraud, 53. Snch'education to be liberal as well as practical, 54. OCT 15 1900 124 KANSAS STATE What iudiistries may best be followed by woman, and taught to the girl, 55. Relative fitnescof W07nau and man for labor, 55. Supposed distribulivn of the industries upon this basis, 56. Physical adaptedness, 56. Mental adapt edness, 57. Marriage, 58. Facts to be regarded in shaping the girl's industrial education, 58. Manufacturing labor more protitable than personal service, 59. Wages of female teachers, 60. Pay- ing industries for women, 61. Advantages of a system of fmnale educaiiou conformed to woman's nature and work over^he prevailing system, 6:i. THE LINE TAKEN BY THIS INSTITUTION 64 Progress during the past .year, 65. Whijrein tliis line difiers from that of other Agri- cultural Collcgus, 65. Purpose of the Regents, 6U. A literary kite wiili an agricul- tural tail, 67. THE BEST BUILDINGS FOR A REAL AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 67 OOUSES OF INSTRUCTION 69 EXHIBITED BY LINES 74 DEPARTMENTS OF INSTRUCTION. PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE 76 PRACTIC .\L HORTICULTURE 78 BOTANY 80 Entomology, 81. Geology, 82. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 83 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND HISTORY" 87 MATHEMATICS ♦ 91 LEGAL, MENTAL AND MORAL SCIENCE 93 STUDIES SPECIAL TO WOMAN 93 LANGUAGES :95 INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENTS. " INDUSTRIAL " 95 Educational labor, 95. Paid labor, 95. FARM 96 HORTIC ULTUR AL GROUNDS 97 CARPENTER SHOP 98 WAGON SHOP .. 98 BLACKSMITH SHOP 98 PAINT SHOP 98 TURNING SHOP 99 SCROLf. SAWING, CARVING AND ENGRAVING SHOPS 99 STENOGRAPHY 100 PHOTOGRAPHY 100 SEWING DEPARTMENT, 100 PRINTING DEPARTMENT .' 101 TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT 102 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC 103 VOCAL MUSIC 105 DIRECTIONS TO APPLICANTS. Terms of admission, 106. Grades, 106. Recitations, 107. Religious services, 107. Expenses, 108. Boarding, 108. Amount earned, 108. Rules, 109. Calendar, 109. Student's Societies, 109. FINANCES. Endowment, 111). Liabilities, 110. fJiirreut Y'ear, 111. Self-supp.)rtin3, 111. Needed Buildings, 112. Property, 113. CATALOGUE. LIST OP STUDENTS 114 Statistics, 121. Graduates, 122. imr'05 The Farm Department will have for sale, during the coming year, somH very choice specimens of BLOODED STOCK. Parties wishing to purchase such stock, or to improve their own herds, are solicited to address E. M. SHELTON, Supt. of the Farm, K. S. Ag. College, MANHATTAN, KAN8. Tlie I^XJIISERY. The Nursery connected with the College was established by the Board of* Regents, March 31, 1871. It is proposed to keep in the commercial department of the Nursery a general assortment of HARDY NURSERY STOCK, which ia offered for sale at as reasonable rates as a like quality of stock can be purchased anywhere term;© :— Cash with the order, if from a distance, or on delivery here. When orders cannot be filled the money will be promptly returned. All stock guaranteed good. The packing will be carefully done, for which a slight charge, just sufficient to cover expense, will be made. After pack- ing and delivery at the depot, express or po.st office, the forwarders or trans- porters alone are responsible for loss or neglect. Any mistakes of ours will be cheerfully and promptly corrected. Orders solicited. Address, E. GALE, Sup't H&rt. Dept. K. 8. A. College, MANHATTAN, KAN8. Aincultural These lands were carefully cboseu in 1863, by Commissiouers, who examined the immense body of Kansas land then unclaimed, selected the most desirable tracts, and reported that " Each quarter section would make a good farm." By reason of the improvements 7iea7' these lands, often on adjoining tracts, they have been much increased in value, and at the prices and terms of sale offered, are certainly very desirable. They are located nnar to markets, churches, schools and railroads, and are FR££ FROM TAX, until patents are due. This is an important item. Terms of Purchase : — One-eiglitb cash, and balance in seven equal annual installments, with annual interest at ten per cent., or any greater portion of the whole amount may be paid in cash at time of purchase. For further particulars, address L. R. ELLIOTT, Agt.for sale of Ag. College Lands, MANHATTAN, KANS SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS. The endowment funds of the College, as fast as paid into the treasury, are re-invested in School District Bonds. For these we offer the highest market price. School District Boards having Bonds to negotiate are invited to apply to us for our prices, and all necessary blanks concerning all matters relating to the sale of Bonds. Address, E. OALE, Loan Commissioner, MANHATTAN, KANS.