POEMS 1849-1915 The- CsJiforryje*. Floppy THE OFFICIAL FLOWER OF THE GOLDEN STATE Class LO. oDfOA GofiyrightN? M COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT 4 'To worship rightly is to love each other, Each smile a hymn, each kindly deed a prayer.'* J. G. WHITTIER. BROTHERHOOD THE FATHERHOOD OF GOD THE BROTHERHOOD OF MAN / BY WARREN JONES MASTEN 7 COPYRIGHT By WARREN JONES MASTEN SAN FRANCISCO PUBLISHED NOVEMBER, J9»4 DEC I4I9I4 Printers JOE WILSON PRINTING CO San Francisco, U. S. A, / 3L.f> o ^f^*^**^ CI.A387954 POEMS OF BROTHERHOOD, ^f^K INDEX Paok A Cloud Rift 56 All Is Well 17-18 All Is Well 109 A Message 79 "Am I My Brother's Keeper?" 73 A Sunflower 50 A Vision 5 Birthday Message 21 Birthday Message 23 Birthday Message 46 Brotherhood 89-90 California Poppy (Official Flower of the Golden West) 39 Charity 81 Christ's Second Coming 64 Completeness 104 Conditions of Growth 63 Conditions of Growth 107 Consecration 14-15-16 Desires Three 80 Doing Good 95-96 E'en Now 94 > INDEX, Continued i Page Fogs 57 Free Riches 19 Generosity 69 God Is Love 1 God's Kindergarten 29-30 God's Poverty Cure 72 God's Touch Upon the Soul 26 Heaven Within 37 Heaven Within 84 Influence 83 Inspiration 52-53 Joy 51 Judge Not 70 "Let Thy Light Shine" 71 Life 20 Like a Streamlet 82 Like a Streamlet 91 Love's Prayer 75 Lullaby 27-28 My Prayer 13 "Not Every One That Saith Unto Me Lord, Lord, Etc." 66 i l INDEX, Continued Page Poise 10 Prayer 22 Prayer 29 Prayer 32-33 Prayer 34-35-36 Prayer 67 Prayer 78 Prayer For Love 62 Protection 9 Realization 102-103 Recompense 74 Refraction 31 Refraction 98 Regenerated 38 Regenerated 85 Salvation 99-100-101 Sea Music 2-3 Service 65 Song 40-41 Sympathy 76 Sympathy 110 The Christ Within 86-87 The Day's Rringing 47-48-49 I INDE.X, Continued Pagb The Kingdom Come 60-61 The Land of Promise (California 1849-1915) 25 The Larger Life 92 The Larger Life 105 The Love and Will Divine 24 The Master Musician 59 The New Day 43 The Right Touch 55 The Soul's Daytime 11-12 The Unsung Song 93 The Unsung Song 106 "Thy Will Not Mine"— Hymn 54 Thy Will, Not Mine 97 Thy Will, Not Mine 108 Tiny Hands 42 To the Healer 68 To the Violin 8 True Success 58 True Success 77 True Work 6-7 Unbound 4 Unbound 88 Upliftment 44-45 sP*******^ OD is Love, Oh never doubt it E'en when times are hard to bear, Live above thy griefs and worries, Trust them to a Father's care. He can make the darkest place Seem to thee like brightest day, For His smile will pierce the darkness, And illumine all the way. He can so uplift thy spirit Earth's woes seem of small account, On the wings of hope and courage, It will ever upward mount. Help me, O God, I pray throughout the day To listen to the music of Thy voice, Then I shall hear from all created things Some notes arise which say "rejoice, rejoice" ! And when the day dawns cold and dark and drear, Of outward joy and beauty seeming bare, Open my senses to that kingdom near, Flooded with sunshine and with flowers most fair. Beneath the darkest cloud that glooms the sky, Point where the gleams of purest silver hide, Show that earth's discord and her bitterest cry Foretell the harmony that shall abide. ^PTf**** Sea Music T TWILIGHT time I sat beside the sea And listened to the waves' sad mur- muring; Waiting- till they should sound less mournfully, And to my ears some notes of glad- ness bring. But with a deafening, maddening, clashing roar, As if they battled with an unseen foe, They only beat the louder on the shore, To die away in a long wail of woe. As deeper grew the shadows, one bright star Arose above the cliffs, high in the sky, And from its luminous throne in heights afar Looked down as watching with all-seeing eye. Then, when again I listened to the sea, Methought the waves rang paens of victory. Thou must be lifted far Above all worldly care, E'en thou canst with Him share Such deep tranquility, That naught the senses jar Nor evil passions mar The soul's serenity. He who lives near to God Will rise above the sod, Into those mountain heights, Whose every sound delights The ear, and wondrous sites Of loveliness satisfy The soul's deep sense of beauty. Live in the deep sense of my abiding tenderness to thee and others, then thou wilt have true blessed- ness. ^W^ The Ideal is ihe Real Believe, it has power All foul disease to heal; Men need no more cower In dread of coming harm; This truth falls like a balm Upon all listening ears And routs disturbing fears. Once raise the thought to things above, Then every little flower that grows Becomes a token of the love That breathes in all and overflows Into a stream that fills the earth With power to give beauty birth. Be at peace, an angel's hand is troubling the waters of thy soul; when it is o'er there comes a rest- ful stillness to abide forevermore. Be lifted up above all earthly strife, Be consciously at one with the true life, Then shall thy love for others be intense, Thy very presence bring with it the sense Of Him and His abiding tenderness. Tell him to put his hand in mine And trust to me; I will safely lead Him all the narrow way till he Reach that haven where All storms are past. u^r^cr SAD SOUL! moaning in the web which Fate Hath spun around thee so thou canst not fly! Be still! No more bewail thine abject state, For thee deliverance soon draweth nigh; A voice from soundless depths the secret tells; Nothing can bind a soul whose thoughts are stayed Upon eternal things, for in it dwells A consciousness which makes it unafraid. It looks beyond the seeming to the real; Knows that, which here apparently doth bind, Doth make it reach out after the ideal, Helps it the freedom of the truth to find; And now, at will, it soars above the world; Fate can no longer keep its pinions furled. 'PWARD I soared unto a sea of light, Around me surged great waves of melody. Each breath I drew brought with it strange delight, And life flowed into me abundantly. I realized my oneness with the All, My ears were opened to the overtone Of harmony which freed me from the thrall Of those discordant notes which make man moan. From this vast sea of light, of love, and song, I saw bright rays descending unto men, Uniting them to that inspired throng Who sing- "All's well for God is Love, Amen!" While o'er the earth the Son of Righteousness Spread healing wings in brooding tenderness. True WorK NTO all thou doest Put a grain of love; Twill the sense of drudgery From all work remove. That done in the kitchen Will as noble seem, As some grand achievement Wrought in fondest dream. Never chiseled marble Proves a work of art, Bears it not the impress Of the sculptor's heart. Matchless in its color, Every line most true; Painted without feeling — Wooden through and through. Faultless in its measures, Sweet of sound the song; Voice it not the poet's soul — No song lives for long. Eloquent the sermon, Beautiful the thought; Lies no life behind it, It will come to naught. Homely words and diction, But the Spirit's power Brought through them upliftment To crushed souls that hour. ^m^uu^ Perfect execution, No discordant note; Theme sublime, but lacking — It was played by note. Just a simple ballad, With such feeling sung In all listening to it Answering chords were rung. Earnest be of purpose And thy motive pure, Then whate'er thou doest Will for aye endure. To tKe Violin YE dumb, dumb notes within me That my voice cannot express, My heart will break, oh! set them free For me, to thee I can confess All my wild longings and the dreams Of loveliness which haunt my soul, Bringing the echoes from far streams Of heavenly melody which seems A part of me; the distant roll Of mighty waves of song awake Beneath my touch I now partake Through thee of bliss and find mine own Completeness; Joy will ne'er forsake Me now for I am not alone ! Out! out! upon the fast flowing tide Which bears her swiftly from me, Into that Bourne from which few return, That undiscovered country. God gives me songs to sing in the night, But now their burden is pain, Or a yearning cry for one dear face To smile upon me again. Sometimes methinks that my cry is heard And she whom I love is near, For answering chords which bid me hope Fall softly upon my ear. When through me a certain chord vibrates I smile even through my tears, And think of the joys still left to me To brighten my lonely years. All whom I love are forever mine, They are enshrined within my heart; What we call Death is naught but a dream For those who love do not part! i Protection SINK to rest within the arms of Sleep, But first I bid my purest thoughts to keep Guard o'er me, lest aught of evil creep Too near the portals of my soul and find Entrance there; Nature's laws are always kind, She also rules the kingdom of the mind, And has an antidote for every ill That comes to vex us; were we not so blind To her true teachings, gladness would enfill Our inmost being; Fear would cease to bind Us with its chains; at last we should partake Of that repose that never doth forsake Those who trust fully to the Over-soul, To strengthen, purify and make them whole. OME day, despite the world's discordant noise, The soul will hear the undertone most sweet To which creation's mighty heart doth beat — Will find at last a point of perfect poise. Ah! Not till then will it know of those joys, Unlike the ones that on life's path we meet, Which pass away too soon on footsteps fleet, So frail one whiflf of adverse wind alloys. The ocean hath a place of calm unshaken By fiercest hurricane that o'er it blows; So, when to consciousness a soul doth waken, Nothing can move it from its deep repose; But not until the chains to earth are riven Can unto it a bliss so great be given. TKe Soul's Day Time t is the day-time of the soul, When, piercing- through earth's night Come flashes from that light Which point unto life's goal. Its day-time is when 'neath the pain, Resounding soft and clear, Ring notes of hope and cheer From heaven's own glad refrain. When in the midst of sin and strife There falls a blessed calm Which doth all fears disarm, It is the dawn of larger life. Tis perfect day when human love Provides the wings whereby The soul can upward fly — Drink from Love's fount above. When I can let the sheen of heavenly regions Fall full upon me as I tread life's way, Small power o'er me hath Satan or his legions To make one footstep into bypaths stray. But should I let a light than it less holy, My higher vision blind by its fierce glare, Angels who, in the purest abide solely, Flee, and foul beings from their caverns stare. 11 Sun of the Soul so shed thy rays around me, A circle will be found none can break through, Save those at least who long to see Thy glory And have their lips baptized with heavenly dew. The Ideal is the Real Believe, it has power All foul diseases to heal, Men need no more cower In dread of coming harm This truth falls like a balm Upon all listening ears And routs disturbing fears. Once raise the thoughts to things above, Then every little flower that grows, Becomes the token of the love That breathes in all and overflows Into a stream that feeds the earth With power to give beauty birth. 12 ^S7 My Prayer SPIRIT of life and love Divine, Remove from my soul its weight of woe, Let me the joy of Thy presence know. Reveal the truth to this heart of mine, Keep my thoughts ever most pure and true, Help me desire Thy will to do, Guide my steps upward along the way That leads at last to the Perfect Day. Never let Sorrow from me depart, Till I have looked deep into her heart, Fathomed the secret under her strings, Garnered the strength that suffering brings. Give me of Wisdom as my bequest That I see clearly to choose the best, Grant me some power to bless the world And stay Evil's darts against it hurled. 13 Consecration RITE it in letters of fire! Till it's burned upon thy brain! Cleanse thine every desire, Let not one foul stain remain. Be given up wholly Unto the labor of love; May thy aim be only To lift men to thoughts above. Trust Infinite Wisdom To reveal just what is best; Enter heaven's kingdom Where is heeded each request. Be one with the Master In doing the Father's will; Life is the true tester, Obedience, doubts can still. Faith gives a broad outlook For what the years have in store. He whom the world forsook Shows how to make little, more. To the wells of living waters, O, make haste to go; Cast away the filthy tatters Of the garbs of woe. 14 Whoever takes of this refreshment, In his soul abides A deep sense of true contentment, Whatsoe'er betides. For God's Wisdom seeth deeper Than man's eyes can see. Never is life's pathway steeper Than the strength may be. Life is never to hard Unless we make it so; Our groanings but retard True progress. Soft and low The voice saith, Child, let go Thy self-hood. Strive no more For what the world calls fame ; But only take His name And live it. He once bore The cross, now raised doth draw All men to Him by love's law. Let my life be not one lived in vain, But spent in easing others' pain; With cleansing fires burn up all my dross, Teach me the true meaning of the Cross, Go and work in my vineyard, Trust to the Lord of the harvest To give thee what is thy due. He prayeth, and his countenance is bright, He seeth wondrous things through Faith's clear sight. He thinketh and his thoughts are pure and white, He speaketh words the Spirit doth indite, He liveth so that others seek the light, Soon cometh the victory of the right. By our trials we're receiving cleansing as by fire, Through our weakness we are learning where strong souls inspire. Be not like a reed, shaken by the wind; be stead- fast, immovable, always abounding in works for the Lord; for ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. My servant shall be blessed Though now his burdens press Too heavy with their weight; At last will come a day I'll take them all away And he shall find true rest. I will shine upon his darkness and there shall be light. 16 Peace rides in the teeth of the storm, Joy bides at the heart of sorrow, The soul hath no need of alarm That trusteth to God the morrow. All is Well LL that may come to me Of weal or woe Is from the Father's hand And He doth know Just what each soul requires To make it grow. Aught He in love sees fit To take away, He doeth what is best, Trusting I say; Naught can disturb my peace When I obey. All things result in good To those whose will Is fully one with His; What may seem ill Comes that it may some wise Purpose fulfill. Therefore I fearlessly Travel along, Feeling a mighty arm, Saving from wrong, All is well, "God is Love," This is my song. 17 We cannot gaze directly at the sun, But when at night the silver moon doth shine, We are reminded of the Perfect One Who came to show man he, too, is divine. When like the moon upon his upturned face Reflected glory from His sun falls there, Filling it full of loveliness and grace As when created in God's image fair. And as the likeness groweth more and more, He lighteth all around the dreary night, And guideth many a weary traveler o'er The pitfalls which had else been hid from sight. Soon, conscious of his kinship to the One, He shines as doth a star, himself a Sun! IS Free RicKes UTTERCUPS and grass stars nodding in the breeze, Children's happy voices as they bring us these; They are but a portion of Dame Nature's wealth, Wealth none need ever fear thieves will steal by stealth. Birds are singing blithely in the budding trees, Brooks are rippling gaily toward the summer's seas, Everything is striving to bring us heart's ease. O ye weary plodders burdened down with woe, Learn from such happy things how to let care go. Take the goods that each day offers at your door, Then indeed you will have an increasing store Of such treasures as will give you lasting joy, For naught can their beauty mar nor worth destroy. Lord! remove the film across mine eyes, Which hides from me the brightness of the day, E'en when I look from earth into the skies 1 see no azure, only dismal gray. There was a time winds sweeping through the trees, Brought music to mine ears sweet, soft and low, But now, in place of soothing melodies They bring the sobbing tones, bespeaking woe. Once I could feel a presence ever near, Watching o'er me with brooding tender care, Taking away all sense of haunting fear. Now I am left alone with grim despair! Lay on my head thy hand with touch divine, No longer dimmed, mine eyes with joy will shine. 19 Lif« EATH stepped across my threshold And took me by the hand, To lead me through dark waters Unto an unknown strand. While thus my lay panting, Stripped of its robes of clay, One came with shining raiment And with it flew away. Higher, still higher mounting, From heaven to heaven they soar, Angels who guard the portals, Fling open door by door. Beyond all mortal vision, Beyond its fondest hope, My soul to new life wakens Of ever widening scope. Birthday Message HY star still shines upon thee from on high And some day thou wilt mount unto a height From which its portals open to thine eye And its full glory bursts upon thy sight. Strive every day to live so thou canst take One upward step to help thee reach thy goal; Unceasing pray until in thee awake Desire thy star shall all thy walk control, God gives unto each soul a guiding star, Following whose light it will that pathway see, Which unto the glistening peaks afar, Bathed in the radiance of Eternity. ^m^Mk^ Prayer lREAK, Lord, I pray, the chains of the flesh. Make thou a rent within its coarse mesh Through which will enter one pure white gleam Caught from the fount whence all light doth stream. Like a freed bird my soul then will soar Until it comes to heaven's own door, Gaining the courage to knock with hope, Some Being fair unto it will ope. ) 22 Birthday Message E THIS the birthday message to thy soul, Let none save God thy thoughts and acts control. Then will the Spirit grant thee for thy dower The gift to write true songs of deathless power. Songs which shall live within the hearts of men Long after thou art gone and give again Some measure of what into being brought Their words of life with inspiration fraught, Each day draw nearer unto Being's heart Until it doth unto thine own impart The perfect rhythm which makes its every beat Send through the world vibrations strong and sweet. ^dMWk-^H^. 23 The Love and Will Divine HOU knowest what is best, O Love Divine, E'en when I weep and wail in agony; If I can lift my soul in prayer to Thee, And try to merge my will in that of Thine, I taste the sweetness in life's bitterest wine; The Everlasting Arms most tenderly Enfold me round, and through the dark I see Some gleams of light upon my pathway shine. One comes with dextrous touch and mends the strings Long broken of my harp and softly plays A soothing melody which with it brings A sense of peace and solace and of praise. Closer unto the Universal Heart Mine own is drawn and all its aches depart. 24 California Poem 1849-1915 TKe Land of Promise GLORIOUS land of sunshine! Of fruit, of flowers and song. As to a land of promise The nations to thee throng. Thy Golden Gate stands open, To welcome all who come; Thy vine-clad hills and fertile vales Of plenty speak and — home. The sick and broken-hearted Beneath thy warm, blue skies Find life and hope reviving, And old ambitions rise. Thy grand, soul-stirring scenery Doth inspiration give To poet, painter, sculptor, To bring forth works that live. Thou art the longed-for Canaan To many a weary soul, And many a restless wanderer Reaches in thee his goal. Flowing with milk and honey, In richest raiment dressed — Surely thou art most worthy To fulfill every quest. The gold which drew men thither Is not thy greatest wealth, But the free gifts thou offerest Of beauty, sunshine, health. &**^* m ** i 25 God's ToucH upon tKe Soul ITHOUT the touch of God upon the soul The fullest life that earth can give is marred; With it, as portion of the Perfect Whole, Is shown the one which seems most bare and hard. What otherwise had proved a stumbling block Hath now become a means whereby to rise, And when the shadows gather fast and dark, Faith points beyond where clearest azure lies. No longer crushed beneath environment, None is too narrow for the soul to see Wherein its walls God's hand hath made a rent To let in glimpses of Infinity. Nor yet too thick has any wall been made But that through it the listening ear can hear Sweet strains of music by Immortals played, Wafted to earth God's children there to cheer. And when the soul seems utterly alone, Bereft of all the ties that make life dear, God comes to it and makes His presence known, Whispering, "Be not lonely, I am here." Lullaby AKE me and cradle me in thy arms, Weary am I and oppressed; Soothe me by singing thy lullaby- Rock me to sleep on thy breast. Soft is thy bosom, O Mother Earth, Sweet are thy kisses to me; Folded close in thy fond embrace, From every trouble I'm free. Lay me down gently upon thy couch, Peacefully there I shall sleep; Over me for a warm coverlet, Daisies and grasses will creep. Breezes are singing my requiem, But a glad bird of the skies Flings down some notes of a higher song, Bidding my spirit arise. Fettered no more by its house of clay, Joyfully it wings its flight; Wends its way upward where evermore It shall abide in the Light! The glory of the hills is mine, When unto them I raise my eyes; They give to me the strength to climb, Unto the skies. O^OsO 27 Nor matters it how far below, I now am dwelling if I see A pathway from the valleys low, Prepared for me. Great things from small beginnings grow, The acorn holds the tree; A single talent rightly used A mighty power may be. One little kindly word or act, If prompted by the heart, May make this whole round world of ours Of heaven to seem a part. A look of recognition given Unto the lonely soul, May waken it to consciousness Of oneness with the whole. In thine inner chamber There is always light, Though oftimes earth's shadows Hide it from the sight. In this same still chamber, Truth doth ever dwell; And to those who listen Life's deep secrets tell. Prayer OME, heavenly love, Into my soul. Take all my passions 'Neath thy control. Lift them, I pray, Above the sod, So I can see The face of God. God's Kindergarten XQUISITE works of color and designing God scatters freely all along life's way; By their rare beauty our taste so refining, He makes us long for lovelier ones than they. Like children in the kindergarten playing, Through object lessons we are being taught How God through symbols is forever yearning To help us grasp some holy, deathless thought. When all around us we see bright things dying, He whispers, look beyond this world of sense ; From them you might see beauteous forms upflying Were your love for things the temporal less intense. Nothing is lost, then why for it be sighing 5 What we call Death is sent that touch to give Which frees the living germ in all things lying, So it henceforth a higher life may live. 29 A heart received a barbed word Which cut it like a two-edged sword. Quivering with pain it nearly broke, But in the end true strength awake. The pain was there allowed to lie Just long enough until thereby Grew knowledge how to others bring Some succour in their suffering. Then! then! at last was gone the sting. With firm intent to reach my goal 1 upward press, nor do I mind How rough the path, for in my soul New life I find. Which groweth stronger day by day, As I inhale the atmosphere Of mountain heights upon the way, So pure, so clear. When notes of trouble Float on the air One word Love utters Brings music rare. It gives the courage To go through life Full of rejoicing In midst of strife. Garners the sweetness From bitterest things, Gives by its touching The soul its wings. On them it soareth Up to the sky, Where it discovers Love cannot die. 30 Refraction 'N ARROW speeding through the air Smote a lone bird that hovered there. Fluttering its wings, it heaved a sigh, Then fell upon the earth to die. A passerby who saw the bird Was by its cry of anguish stirred. He drew the arrow from its breast, With healing balm its wounds he dressed. The little life that in it breathed Grew stronger as it care received. Had not Love Death's course it must Too soon have passed into the dust. Weary sojourner Beside the sea, God's loving kindness Protecteth thee. Wherefore be lonely? There's one is near Who watcheth o'er thee — Then have no fear. ggAKE me a channel, Lord, Through which Thou canst express, 'Some portion of Thy living word Wherewith the world to bless. All obstacles remove From the inflowing free Of that sweet stream of harmony Which ever flows from Thee. Then I shall find the voice To sing some little song, Whose notes have caught a power divine, To help dispel the wrong. Upon thy bosom, gracious Love Divine, I lay my head and through me feel the beat Of thy great heart's pulsations strong and sweet, Filling with melody this soul of mine, Upon the waves of music wondrous fine, It soars to regions higher, ever higher, Until it comes where the angelic choir, With myriad voices in thy praise combine. Now earth's discordant notes but serve to make The ones of harmony more clearly ring, And in my soul those inner senses wake, Which help it find its voice in time to sing With life's own song glad in its undertone, However much its surface ones may moan. 32 White light of Love shine full upon my way, Then it will matter not how rough it grows, Nor yet how dark or drear may grow the day,' For thy clear light such radiance on it throws, I walk as one whose eyes are fixed on heaven, Unmindful of what lies beneath my feet. For unto those Love-lighted it is given, To see its glory, hear its music sweet; No more alone, no longer desolate Since thou dost shine, O light of Love, am I; Thou showest me, if I in patience wait, My heart's desire will greet me by and by, My part is it to let Love's overflow Drive from my soul all that which binds below. / 33 Prayer OME, heavenly love, Into my soul. Take all my passions 'Neath thy control. Lift them, I pray, Above the sod, So I can see The face of God. A heart received a barbed word, Which cut it like a two-edged sword; Quivering with pain it nearly broke, But in the end true strength awake. The pain was there allowed to lie, Just long enough until thereby Grew knowledge how to others bring Some succour in their suffering; Then ! then ! at last was gone the sting. With firm intent to reach my goal I upward press, nor do I mind How rough the path, for in my soul New life I find. Which groweth stronger day by day As I inhale the atmosphere Of mountain heights upon the way So pure, so clear. When notes of trouble Float on the air, One word, "Love others," Brings music rare. It gives the courage To go through life Full of rejoicing In midst of strife. Garners the sweetness From bitterest things, Gives by its touching To soul its wings. On then it soareth, Up to the sky, Where it discovers Love cannot die. The glory of the hills is mine, When unto them I raise my eyes; They give to me the strength to climb, Unto the skies. Nor matters it how far below, I now am dwelling if I see A pathway from the valleys low, Prepared for me. Great things from small beginnings grow, The acorn holds the tree ; A single talent rightly used A mighty power may be. One little kindly word or act, If prompted by the heart, May make this whole round world of ours Of heaven to seem a part. A look of recognition given Unto the lonely soul, May waken it to consciousness Of oneness with the whole. ^am^m^- 35 In thine inner chamber There is always light, Though oftimes earth's shadows Hide it from the sight. In this same still chamber, Truth doth ever dwell; And to those who listen Life's deep secrets tell. OO long have we bent all our energies To reach a heaven created by the brain, And there be saved from everlasting pain, When in ourselves lies all of bliss there is. For in a low condition of the mind A hell more frightful than e'en Dante saw Or Dore by his mighty brush could draw, We can within its loathsome chambers find. Christ came to teach us how to saviours be, By daily striving some live word to speak; To raise the fallen and make strong the weak — His is the truth that doth from bondage free. Who follows in the footsteps that He trod, Will find his heaven within and there see God. i 37 Regenerated BROWN and withered atom I lay upon life's shore, O'er which wild waves came crashing With maddening, deafening roar. While lying faint and gasping, From soundless depths within A voice spake words so powerful They rose above the din. Then with a mighty effort, Although so near to die, Once more I stood upon my feet And looked into the sky. Into my withered tissues I drew God's vital breath, Which thrilling through my being, Loosened the clutch of Death. Like one just new-created I set sail on life's sea, With overmastering passion To serve humanity. 38 California Poppy Official Flower of tHe Golden State To the California Poppy- ROM thee, thou sun-kissed flower, More real wealth comes to me Than what is hid in gold mines Or buried in the sea. All through thy life, though skies may change, Thy sunshine never fails To shed its brightness all around O'er hills and meadow dales. Were the first pioneers of old, Who came here seeking gold, Too deeply steeped in glittering dust To watch thy buds unfold? Some of them must have written, When the day's work was o'er, About the beauty blooming Upon the Western shore. While gazing in thy challice, Clairvoyant grow mine eyes, And see where in the future Love's kingdom shall arise. In it those with abundance blessed Give generously as thou, For to no God of Mammon, then, Does mankind longer bow. Now, every one the message reads Within this beautiful state, And each ship that nears its harbor Sails through a "Golden Gate." PON a sea of glory, Stretching from hill to bay, My soul with sails set westward, Embarked at close of day. Above the sky was trembling With color-waves of light, The sun's last farewell token, Today ere fall of night. Some tender tints of twilight Dropped softly from the sky, Giving to earth the signal, The reign of night was nigh. Then darkness for a moment, O'er all the world held sway, Till myriad glittering star-beams, Pierced through it ray by ray. So soul that soareth skyward, For thee is no real night, What comes is for revealing Unto thee fuller light. Blind not thine eyes so that they cannot see The hidden good beneath thy grief and pain, That joy the loss of which thou didst complain Was taken by love's hand to set thee free. i j^T* 4 ***^' From what would keep a greater joy from thee, Earth's seeming evils never prove a bane To those who from all bitterness refrain And trust themselves to love implicitly. Unless the seed deprived of light had lain Buried a season in the dark of earth, Sufficiency of strength it could not gain To give the beauty sleeping in its birth; Likewise, O soul, impatience bide thy time Till loss and sorrow bring forth joy sublime. 41 Tiny Hands HREE tiny blades of grass Whisper to those who pass, Like us, always aspire To climb a little higher. Yet do not scorn the ground, For therein may be found The means where with to rise Nearer unto the skies. Learn to contented be, Where God for us He Knows just the fittest place For you to grow in grace. TKe New Day O FORTH and greet the day; the night is done; Put by thy past; with it begin anew; Come forth and do obeisance to the sun, And let his rays enkindle light in you. Life is too precious, and too fair a thing, To let one day of it unwelcome go; Come forth and greet the dawn, and with it sing, E'en though your song be wrung from the heart's woe Receive each hour, as if it were a gift, Sent unto you with tender, loving thoughts; Should some bring clouds, have faith that they will lift Or through their falling harvests will be wrought. When, toward the day, this attitude you take, Within your soul the morning's joy will wake. i 43 Upliftment ETHOUGHT I looked upon the face of Christ, and as I gazed all doubt- ing fled away, For in His presence naught but truth can stay. Desires were changed and what had once enticed me by its outward beauty, from those heights where truth and beauty are as one, lost power o'er me, for at this most uplifting hour alluring things in which the sense delights, charmed me no more. I was so filled with bliss unspeakable. Every aspira- tion seemed realized; from Him inspiration flowed to my soul, like to a holy kiss. It touched me, awak- ing there a spirit kin to His own, wide love the heart of it. Altho my life in outward things Seem cramped and mean and poor, Of hidden treasures of the heart I have an ample store. The picture of the earth, sea, sky I have the eyes to see, And nature's myriad voices sing The sweetest songs to me. Altho no fixed abode have I, But like a wanderer roam, Builders unseen are helping me To rear a lasting home. i&f^fiHi 44 Its turrets tower into the sky, Its treasures, rich and rare, Naught can corrupt its garden's bloom With blossoms wondrous fair. Into its inmost chambers love Entered and with a kiss Opened for me another world, One steeped in light and bliss. Now love has left me all alone, Wherefore need I repine; He gave to me this gift of gifts — The soul of all — for mine. And when I listened to its voice, Far, far above the sod, I soared aloft on outspread wings Unto the breast of God. 45 BirtHday Message |E THIS the birthday message to thy soul, Let none save God thy thoughts and acts control. Then will the Spirit grant thee for thy dower The gift to write true songs of deathless power. Songs which shall live within the hearts of men Long after thou art gone and give again Some measure of what into being brought Their words of life with inspiration fraught, Each day draw nearer unto Being's heart Until it doth unto thine own impart The perfect rhythm which makes its every beat Send through the world vibrations strong and sweet. 46 THe Day's Bringing BRING to some life's crowning joy, To some its bitterest woe; Some greet me with their brightest smile, Some with the tears o'erflow. But could they look into my heart, E'en those who suffer pain; They'd see since love is at its core, For none I dawn in vain. I bring what wisdom I can find To help the soul to soar Upon the wings of joy or grief Straightway to heaven's own door. Close by a babbling brook I build my nest; Each eve its rippling notes Lull me to rest. Cp^ Each morn its happy voice Helps me to rise And out on life to look Through hopeful eyes. All day while at my work, Its silvery tones Tell how to smoothly glide Over rough stones. Like thee, O little brook, Blithesome I'd be, For are we not both bound Unto the sea? And as I seaward go Melody make Which will responsive chords In others wake. When near the sea's great heart, Thro ours will thrill Music none hear until Earth's noise grows still. Free from the depths of ages' dust, Wherein it hath too long been hid, The living beauty of the word, Then when it shines forth clear and bright Those who now sit in doubt's dark night Will strive to read its meaning right, And journey onward in the light of day. Let thy words come fresh from the heart, For only thus can they have power To speak and rouse as from the dead Those who now slumber. In their stead Live men should walk the earth made free — Glad, hopeful, strong, content to be One with God's whole eternal plan of life. There is joy at the heart of creation; The song which it sings is glad Tis only the minor surface notes That ring with a cadence sad. There is love at the heart of being, So great it embraces all Nothing save what in good results Can any soul befall. m^u^ 80 HY heart should so o'erflow with love for all, On those whom thou regardest as un- clean, Thou wilt thy cloak of charity let fall, To cover what were better left unseen. As Cinderella in the tale of old, Into a lovely princess was transformed, So through the eyes of love thou wilt behold, The noble born though outwardly deformed. Henceforward let it be thy daily care To remove aught impeding the free flow Of that true life which maketh all things fair, And causeth man in God-likeness to grow; When conscious of that life a light will shine Upon thy path to show all men divine. 81 2 LiKe a Streamlet IKE a streamlet we should be, Make for others melody As we journey toward the sea, Ere within the main we hide In its great heart to abide; It has scattered far and wide Joy and freshness everywhere, Giving unto all a share Of what keeps it glad and fair. Leaving all along its wake Green things, growing flowers and brake- Living just for other's sake. 82 Influence 'F THOU wilt draw thy inspiration from The never failing fount of life above, A blessing to the world thou wilt become, And thy whole life express the widest love. Then although fame forget thy name to breathe Upon the unwrit history of the race, Thou surely wilt a lasting impress leave, One which e'en time itself cannot deface. From those who with the highest in touch keep, Influence flows which will outlast the grave, For like a stream that digs its channels deep, Twill sink into men's hearts and many save From stagnant waters, unseen by the eye Its presence there, their thoughts will purify. { Heaven WitKin r OO long have we bent all our energies To reach a heaven created by the brain, 'And there be saved from everlasting pain, 'When in ourselves lies all of bliss there is. For in a low condition of the mind A hell more frightful than e'en Dante saw Or Dore by his mighty brush could draw, We can within its loathsome chambers find. Christ came to teach us how to saviours be, By daily striving some live word to speak; To raise the fallen and make strong the weak — His is the truth that doth from bondage free. Who follows in the footsteps that He trod, Will find his heaven within and there see God. 84 Regenerated BROWN and withered atom I lay upon life's shore, O'er which wild waves came crashing With maddening, deafening roar. While lying faint and gasping, From soundless depths within A voice spake words so powerful They rose above the din. Then with a mighty effort, Although so near to die, Once more I stood upon my feet And looked into the sky. Into my withered tissues I drew God's vital breath, Which thrilling through my being, Loosened the clutch of Death. Like one just new-created I set sail on life's sea, With overmastering passion To serve humanity. ^m^m^ 85 AM yearning for the coming Into this heart of mine Of the Christ-child, pure and holy, Born of the Love Divine. Therefore, while I am waiting, I will make my dwelling fair; Of everything unseemly Will sweep its chambers bare. Should any thought of evil Have found a harboring, I'll open wide my casements And from my portals fling. Oft keenest pain and anguish The richest blessing bring, So ere I gain my heart's desire I must pass through suffering. But when my hour cometh, And in travail am I, I shall forget my agony In listening for His cry. His birth will prove unto me A resurrection morn; Forth from the tomb of self-hood My spirit be reborn. ^*^fHi 86 { { Forever evil passions Have lost their power o'er me; I pray for those who curse me, Or use despitefully. Through eyes full of compassion My fellow men I view; See 'neath the meanest faces Gleams of the good and true. I seek the weak and erring, And take them to my heart; I heal the sick and wounded With heavenly Christ-like art. In every word and action The Christ-child works through me, Since with Him and the Father I have grown one to be. Love's touch is on my brow and on my lips, Her holiest kiss, therefore my heart's glad, With gladness drawn from the great heart of all, Whose every beat gives forth as waves of joy, Wherewith to bless, So likewise I diffuse Some measure of that which I have received, And by my very presence witness Of happiness, naught earthly can destroy. Love opens in the soul an inner fount, Whence flows a stream of joy and melody Which will, if fed aright, And through life's journey make a pathway bright. 87 Unbound SAD SOUL! moaning in the web which Fate Hath spun around thee so thou canst not fly! Be still! No more bewail thine abject state, For thee deliverance soon draweth nigh; A voice from soundless depths the secret tells; Nothing can bind a soul whose thoughts are stayed Upon eternal things, for in it dwells A consciousness which makes it unafraid. It looks beyond the seeming to the real; Knows that, which here apparently doth bind, Doth make it reach out after the ideal, Helps it the freedom of the truth to find; And now, at will, it soars above the world; Fate can no longer keep its pinions furled. 88 HE Fatherhood of God, The Brotherhood of man, Once realized, lift from the sod- Reveal Creation's plan. One Father of us all, One common aim for each — To listen humbly for his call, And His perfection reach. One universal good, From which we all must draw Until the truth is understood — Love's whole redemptive law. Once walked upon the earth A Brother true, indeed; His teaching; gave the soul new birth— His words of life still feed. He came to teach that Love, And not the threatening rod, Will every evil thing remove Between men's souls and God. No longer eye for eye — He said: Forgive, forgive; Have love so broad, so deep, so high, It gives as God doth give. His boundless charity Embraces everyone; To good and bad the rain is free, Upon all shines the sun. So let us mindful be To give as we receive; Leaving to God what faults we see, Ours is it to relieve. What hurts one hurts us all, Our joys we share with each; Broken for aye is self-hood's thrall — The Golden Rule we preach. Together bound are we; Our Father, the All-Good, Unites us in one family, A loving Brotherhood. 90 LiHe a Streamlet IKE a streamlet we should be, Make for others melody As we journey toward the sea, Ere within the main we hide In its great heart to abide; It has scattered far and wide Joy and freshness everywhere, Giving unto all a share Of what keeps it glad and fair. Leaving all along its wake Green things, growing flowers and brake- Living just for other's sake. TKe Larger Life O OUT into the larger life, my child, Go out and seek the fallen and the weak; Show them, however much they are de- filed, They have a friend in thee; most gently speak. Tell them of One who never turns away From any who to Him repentant come; He only asks ye will His call obey — Ye weary ones, ye heavy laden, come. Go put thy petty cares and griefs from thee; They look too small compared with others' wrong. Love not thyself save in humanity, And sing unto it some sweet heaven-caught song. ^f*^Hi^ 92 The Unsung Songs HE sweetest songs as yet have not been sung; They wait in silence deep For one to come whose voice shall have the power To waken them from sleep. He must be one whose heart is kept in tune With that grand music sweet, Which doth forever through the Universe In wordless rhythm beat. He must have love for all created things, However weak or small, In loving service find his chief delight Done for the good of all. With nature he must close communion hold His senses to refine, Until upon his listening ear shall fall Her melodies divine. He must so live unto the Spirit's touch He will responsive be, Then from his lips inspiring words of life Will pour exultingly. Cpso^ 93 E'en Now 'EN now, when everything seems going from thee, If thou wilt strive to live a life of trust, These words of comfort will be set vi- brating; God will not let thee perish in the dust. Uplifted eyes will look beyond the seeming; Behold arising from this vale of sense A mount upon whose summit angels beckon, Offering to those who gain it joys intense. Be not discouraged; start with steadfast purpose To scale the heights, however steep they be; Falter thy footsteps ? Keep a dauntless spirit, Then unseen hands will reach themselves to thee. Doing Good ONG ago there walked among us One whose mighty words still speak, Trust His promise "All things have ye Who will first heaven's kingdom seek." In no undiscovered country Is this kingdom to be found, But in hearts where love and mercy Make thoughts kindly to abound. Thoughts which blossom out in doing For the universal good, Individual wants are fully By the Father understood. A heart received a barbed word, Which cut it like a two-edged sword; Quivering with pain it nearly broke, But in the end true strength awake. The pain was there allowed to lie, Just long enough until thereby Grew knowledge how to others bring Some succour in their suffering; Then! then! at last was gone the sting. i 95 7^^ With firm intent to reach my goal I upward press, nor do I mind How rough the path, for in my soul New life I find. Which groweth stronger day by day As I inhale the atmosphere Of mountain heights upon the way So pure, so clear. When notes of trouble Float on the air, One word, "Love others," Brings music rare. It gives the courage To go through life Full of rejoicing In midst of strife. Garners the sweetness From bitterest things, Gives by its touching To soul its wings. On then it soareth, Up to the sky, Where it discovers Love cannot die. 96 "Thy Will, Not Mine" Hymn WOULD, O Father, That this will of mine May ever be -Subservient to Thine. Do unto me As seemeth to Thee best, To make me flee For shelter to Thy breast. "Know the power of self and smile on all." When thou has conscious grown, O self of mine, That thou dost draw thy life From source divine. Thou wilt cognizant be Of wondrous power, And all good things of life Shall be thy dower. Thou wilt become a sun, And from thee stream A living radiance On all to beam. 97 Refraction N ARROW speeding through the air Smote a lone bird that hovered there. Fluttering its wings, it heaved a sigh, Then fell upon the earth to die. A passerby who saw the bird Was by its cry of anguish stirred. He drew the arrow from its breast, With healing balm its wounds he dressed. The little life that in it breathed Grew stronger as it care received. Had not Love Death's course it must Too soon have passed into the dust. Weary sojourner Beside the sea, God's loving kindness Protecteth thee. / i Wherefore be lonely? There's one is near Who watcheth o'er thee — Then have no fear. 98 ISTEN! In the silence and in solitude there is strength. There the voice of God speaks to the soul, directing, guiding and giving it full power. In the sanctuary of thine own soul there is rest. There the Most High hath enshrined His tabernacle. Peace, peace be still! The Master faileth never, Joy will enfill The soul that trusteth ever. . Through the tempest raging In the weary soul, Hear the Master saying, "I have full control." Only wait with patience Till the storm is past, With a holy silence Rest will come at last. Out of the heart of the silence Things of beauty unfold, With their message of thanksgiving Unto all the world. Live always for thy best, Then when night draweth nigh Thou canst in peace repose, For thou hast earned true rest and happiness. No other life can give Thee joy, nor hope to be A help to souls rejoiced, Truth's message to receive to set them free. Arise, then! Girt thee round With strength that faileth not; Go forth, let loving deeds Along thy path be found — speak words of cheer. So shalt thou come ere long- To mountain heights of song, Where reigneth harmony And truth and beauty dwell in perfectness. Purity of spirit must manifest itself in activity. Stagnation breeds disease and death. What of truth is revealed inwardly give forth outwardly to bless thy brother man. Live the sermons you would preach. Be yourself a message to the world. Seek thy inspiration from the highest — let no human medium intervene between thy soul and the true free revealing direct from the source of all life and wisdom. So shalt thou come into a conscious union with God the Father, even as did Christ Jesus. Great things from small beginnings grow and their growth is slow. To hasten growth too often kills or dwarfs the thing to be made manifest. Lift up thy heart to the light; let thy growing be the Spirit's care. There are many laborers at work in His vineyard, but the Master has need of thee also. The Father must to thee true wisdom give, Ere thou the truth canst teach. For he who hath the Spirit's power The hearts of man can reach. I will to him true inspiration give That he may be God's messenger to souls, Awaiting knowledge of the way to live, To cast out Sorrow's sting and gain repose. 100 The flowers, the sunlight, the sea and the sky Each offers its wealth to the passerby. To him who is wise to receive it, He takes this gift to his inmost heart And gives it forth as a deathless thought, Thereby making the whole world sweeter. Rejoice! in the glory That shineth so free; Some of its radiance Falls e'en upon thee. keep thy heart holy, Walk on in its light Till life transfigured be. Rejoice in the glad thought — All is good and fair. Things in darkness once sought Are the Father's care; He knoweth thy needs, And in wisdom heeds Thy cry and gives to thee. Rejoice! night time is past; Full day dawneth at last; Love rules over the world, Flags of peace are unfurled. Discord is over, Men now discover Truth that makes equal and free. 1 will guide him day by day Nearer to the goal he seeketh; Give to him just what he needeth, Tell to him what words to say To the hungry souls awaiting Bread that gives the strength for living* In full accord with law Divine. \ t 101 ^->^ f>. Realization ) HE power from on high enfills my soul! Away from me the clouds of darkness roll! A sense of His abiding presence steals O'er my being, the comforter reveals To me the truth I so long sought with tears, Forever past are those tormenting fears That kept me sad and downcast all these years; My soul rejoices in such glorious light That daily life brings with it new delight And I am taught to walk by faith, not sight; Those things that once brought with them only pain. Now, that my ears have caught the glad refrain Of heaven's music, show what I deemed loss Were really sent for my exceeding gain To help me learn the meaning of the cross. Although it may not seem to thee Just what thy wish would have it be, He always heedeth thy request And sends just what He knows is best. Look up, oh! be not sunk in woe. How canst thou slight His promise so? "A bruised reed he will not break," Nor any burdened soul forsake. / 102 >^CP" Ask and receive, and lo; thy joy No doubt nor sorrow can destroy. Knock and there shall open wide Doors that wondrous regions hide. Take courage, bid thy soul rejoice; It hath been granted thee free choice Of seeing merely trouble's sting, Or letting it new insight bring To sense the inmost heart of things. Not tares, but wheat, the seed will reap, That lie within the heart so deep; Thou shalt be a power for good, To teach mankind true brotherhood. i ^r^ 7 103 Completeness H, FOOLISH one! None but the Over- soul Is great enough to satisfy thy own; Be one with it, for then thou shalt be whole, And never more feel that thou art alone. "He giveth His beloved in their sleep" The truths which we are ready to receive; No life can be too hard, no path too steep, For those who fully all His words believe. Make the word flesh as did the Son of Man; He came to earth to teach us how complete All life might be when God's eternal plan Is understood and with His our hearts beat. 104 { The Larger Life O OUT into the larger life, my child, Go out and seek the fallen and the weak; f Show them, however much they are de- §^*£2 filed, They have a friend in thee; most gently speak. Tell them of One who never turns away From any who to Him repentant come; He only asks ye will His call obey — Ye weary ones, ye heavy laden, come. Go put thy petty cares and griefs from thee; They look too small compared with others' wrong. Love not thyself save in humanity, And sing unto it some sweet heaven-caught song. / *^*rr*^ 105 TKe Unsung Songs HE sweetest songs as yet have not been sung; They wait in silence deep For one to come whose voice shall have the power To waken them from sleep. v He must be one whose heart is kept in tune With that grand music sweet, Which doth forever through the Universe In wordless rhythm beat. He must have love for all created things, However weak or small, In loving service find his chief delight Done for the good of all. With nature he must close communion hold His senses to refine, Until upon his listening ear shall fall Her melodies divine. He must so live unto the Spirit's touch He will responsive be, Then from his lips inspiring words of life Will pour exultingly. 106 Conditions of Growth ASK thee, Lord, that thou wilt give to me A heart so full of love for all my kind, In every one I meet mine eyes shall see Some likeness there which shall of Thee remind. Why are we taught such reverence for a book, To bow the knee in a cathedral's hall, While with a careless eye too oft we look On man — who of Thy works is chief of all? From one, however worthless seemingly, Bid me before in scorn I turn away, Remember that in God's own image he was first created to regain some day; No mark divine is ever quite effaced, Love's eyes can see it in the most debased. i 107 "Thy Will, Not Mine" Hymn WOULD, O Father, That this will of mine May ever be Subservient to Thine. Do unto me As seemeth to Thee best, To make me flee For shelter to Thy breast. "Know the power of self and smile on all." When thou has conscious grown, O self of mine, That thou dost draw thy life From source divine. Thou wilt cognizant be Of wondrous power, And all good things of life Shall be thy dower. Thou wilt become a sun, And from thee stream A living radiance On all to beam. ^JMW^H^ 108 / \ \ All is Well LL that may come to me Of weal or woe Is from the Father's hand And He doth know Just what each soul requires To make it grow. Aught He in love sees fit To take away, He doeth what is best, Trusting I say; Naught can disturb my peace When I obey. All things result in good To those whose will Is fully one with His; What may seem ill Comes that it may some wise Purpose fulfill. Therefore I fearlessly Travel along, Feeling a mighty arm, Saving from wrong, All is well, "God is Love," This is my song. 109 Sympathy PICKED a little flower up from the ground — A careless hand had flung it there to die; Since Love forbade that I should pass it by, I bore it home just as it was and found, Although so badly crushed and foully stained, Something of life and beauty still remained. When given a drink and freed from all its stains It tried, methinks, to thank me for my pains, And once more raised its head, looking so glad. Thoughts came to me of how to help the sad, Down-trodden ones a proud world deems outcast From all things good; did we but know their past How often we should find their beauty marred, Not through their fault, only by others scarred. no