lem^matmm UD/U6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 006 047 900 8 ^ \ \ Hollinerer Com. J 9: ^ ■.^ a^^ ^'^ CATALOGUE rr THK I ]\I E M B E R S OP THE / L NIO]S" PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY or ^ m€Kl^^HO:%* COL,IjEGE^ FRO\X ITS ESTABLISHMENT AUGUST 31ST, A. D. 1789, TO NOVEMBER 30TH, 1835. f CARLISLE. PRINTED BY GEORGE M PIIILLirS & CO. 1S3G. ■i '•-' '. # . \^^ \0 P \ 'o n i i ^ A ^ CATAZiOOUa. FOUNDERS OF THE UNION PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETT, 17S9. WILLIAM BALDRIDGE, JOHN CHEW, SAMUEL DAVIDSON, ^ FRANCIS HOLLAND, THOMAS McCOMB, THOMAS G. PEACHEY, WILLIAM T. PEACHEY, ROBERT SMITH, JOHN THOMPSON, ROBERT WILSON. HONORARY MEMBERS. John M. Mason, D. D. S. T. P. Henry Vethake, A. M. Math, et Nat Phil Prof^ John C. Slack, A. B. New-York. John S. Ebaugh, V. D. M. Carlisle^ Pa. Oeorge WoodVuff, V. D. M. Carlisle, Pa, Thomas R. Lee, A. B. Westchester City, N. K Samuel Sitgreaves, Jun. V. D. M. Easton, Pa, John L. Mason, A, M. New- York. David Hosack, M. D. L. L. D. F. R. S, N. Y. William Barrow, M. T). New -York, Nathaniel Chapman, M. D. Philadelphia, Pa, Redmond Conyngham, Esq, Carlisle, Pa, John Andrew Shulze, Esq. Harrisburg, Pa. Gabriel Hiester, Esq. Harrisburg, Pa, David Stewart, Esq. Baltimore^ Md. J. Reynolds, Esq. Ohio, Hon. Thomas Burn side. Belief onte. Pa, William Carmichael, Esq. Lewis Mayer, V. D. M. Carlisle, Pa, Isaac D. Barnard, Esq. Chester County, '^a, Joseph Hemphill, Esq. Philadelphia, Pa. Henry A. Muhlenberg, D. D. Reading, Pa, Stephen H. Long, Major U. S. Jirmy, David Scott, Esq. Hon. Langdon Cheves, S. Carolina. John W. Vethake, Chilicothe, Ohio. ^ Right Reverend Bishop Onderdonk. John K. Finley, M. D. Prof. Chemistry, D. C. William G. Ernest, V, D. M. Lebanon, Pa. W. L. M'Calla, D. D. Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. John Macbeth, A. M. Scotland. Rev. Daniel Young. Rev. Daniel Zacharias, Carlisle, Pa. John W. Curtis, V. D. M. Harrisburg, Pa. John M. Berrien, Lieut. U. S. Navy, Carlisle, Pa. Edward M. Biddle, Esq. Carlisle, Pa. Wm. Inman, Lieut. U. S. Navy, Carlisle, Pa, John B, Montgomery, Lieut. U, S. N, Carlisle, Pa. Gad Day, Esq, Carlisle, Pa. James Goodman, Esq. Jesse D. Elliott, Com. U. S. Navy. Gilbert Motier De La Fayette, of France. A. Mcllhenny, Capt. U. S. Army, Thomas Cooper, A. M. Chem. et Nat. Phil. Prof. S. A. Roszel, A. M. Carlisle, I <5eorge Gibson, Gen. U. S. Anny. Monill Man ton, Major U. S. Army. Hev. George G. Cookman, Carlisle. Rev. John R. Goodman, A. M. Carlisle, Wm. A. Trimble, Colonel 77. S. Army. Thomas Sewall, !M. D. TVashington, D. C. John M. Keagy, M. D. Philadelphia, Hon. John Taliaferro, Fredericksburg, Va, George Lane, Esq. TVilkesbarre, Pa. Hon. Charles Miner, Wilkesharre, Pa. James B. Longacre, Esq. Philadelphia. Merritt Caldvvel^.A. Mi:Me?2^. PAz7. and Pol Peon. Prof. John McClean, Ksq. Philadelphia. Hop. I. W^Chion,- Lancaster Co. Va, Hon. Samuel D. Ingham, New-Hope, Pa. H, P. C. Wilson, Esq. Princess Ami, Md. Jesse Bowman, Esq. Berwick, Pa. Rev. Samuel Harvey, Germantown, Pa. Thomas E. Sudler, A. M. Math. Prof. Annapolis, Md. Rev. H. B. Bascom, A. M. Prof. Mor. Sci, Augusta, Ky. Richard Bensoa, Esq. Philadelphia. Charles A. Warfield, Esq. Williamsport, Md. Matthew Anderson, >M. 1). Philadelphia. Alexander,F. Dubb, A,..M.- •^///eioro. Pa. George Blaney, Major TJ, S. Army. Dr. Ira Day, Mechanicsburg. Henry Antes, Esq. Harrisburg, Samuel Lyon, Esq. Washingon, Pa. t MEMBERS OF THS I7NZ0N PHIZtOSOPHICAXi S0CZET7, From Us establishment August Slst. 1789, to November 12th 1831. William Woods John Lyon James Ramsey James Smith, Jun. Joslah Leake John Brackenridge David McConaughy Andrew Steel William Noland James Martin Henry Lyon Davis Mathew Brown James J. Gilchrist Andrew Caldwell William Laird Francis Laird David Duncan Callender Irvine Alexander Dow William Elliott Samuel Duncan Edwin Watts Alexander McCoy Richard Johns Alexander Nisbet George Reid John Whiteside John Wilson James Laird Hatch Dent Geo. D. Parnham John McJimsey David Cassat, Jun. William Stuart Robert Kennedy Alexander Lyon Cuthbert Harrison, Jun. Thomas D. Carson James Irvine Abraham Craig John McCan James D. Greason Alexander McKeehan Henry M. Ridgely Samuel N. Ridgely Thompson Holmes Ralph Marl in Thomas Grier William King Moses Montgomery John Moore Thompson Moore William Irvine Jesse Duncan •« t William Patton Patrick Davidson Edwin Putnam William Creighton John Nevin John Cooper Walter Breden William Watson Elias Ellmaker Thomas Stockton Alfred W. Grayson Robert Huston James Dunlop Robert Patterson John Scott Alexander H. Bovd John Preston Samuel Ball John B. Cox Otho W. Luckett Jonathan Redick John Hunter William Walker Robert C. Carter G. Bullitt Moses Merrjman George Espy Wilson Elliott William Peterson Thomas McFerron Robert Agnew Adam Hays Joseph Briggs Henry G. Freeman Gustavus M. Brown John Lashell William Ritchie James Guthrie Thomas Macomb Levi Bull Andrew Buchanan William F. Mitchel John Oliver Moses Canan John Hylliard John Clinningham Alexander C. Wallace Charles N. Ridgely Edward G. Woodyear William Patterson James R. Black Charles Kuhn Samuel Guthrie James Buchanan George P. Forrence Walker Reed Thomas G. McAllister Stephen Carson • Samuel Herrick John B. Reynolds William Barr C. Willis Wever Richard Gustine John McAlister Thomas May T. Floyd Robert Laverty William Irwin Jonathan G. Good Jacob Zell William V. Mercer Francis Pringle 8 Daniel Dunn Robert S. Grier " A. .Brackenrldge : .. . . Samuel Parke " \ . \, John C. Grier Vacheiw. Randall Cornelius Smith. Mathew W. Brooke Samuel P. Duncan John Fisher John W. Armor William A. Boyd John Gardner - Henry Caroll John B. Gibson, Carlisle. John C,Y\oyd.y Richmond, Va. George Metzgar,'Car/^5/e. A n drew Carothers, . Carlisle. Geo. A. Lyon, Carlisle. ' . ;; William Wilkins, Pilfsbiirg, Fa. ; . Wm, l^orriSfLajica'ster. i::.., Stephen Duncan, sen. Natchez, Miss. Isaac B. Parker, Carlisle. George D. FoulkQ, Carlisle. Stephen Duncan, jr. Carlisle. John B. Alexander, Greensbwg, Pa. Wm. C. Chambers, Carlisle. James Buchanan, Lancaster . Paul S. Pierce, Neivville. Jacob B. Weidman, Dauphin County, Pa, Charles F. M. Keener, C«r/25/e, Pa. Stephen W. Forman, Martinshurgh, Va. Charles Bosley, Baltimore, Md. Steptoe Pickett, Fauquier County, Va. Isaac R. Douglas, Alexandria, D. C. Braxton Davenport, Charlestown, Va. . Edward Lucas, Shepherdstown, Va, C\i^v\es'^lorvQvr, Shepherdstown, Va, Simon Morgan, Shepherdstown, Va. Wilkin Allison, Greencastle, Pa, Jacob H. Geiger, Hagerstown, Md. Richard Johns, Baltimore County, Md. Benjamin Johns, Baltimore County, Md, John A. Henderson, Huntingdon, Fa, Thomas T. Blackford, Fredericktoivn, Md. Andrew J. Peterson, Elktontoivn, Md, Thomas B. Veazey, Elktontoivn^ Md. John D. Urquhart, Germania, Va, William Allison, Franklin county, Pa. Thomas J. Grahame, FredericktoiVTi) Md, James Foster, Leioistown, Fa. George Travers, Georgetown, D. C. Charles Witman, Reading, Pa. Dennis Hagan, Fredericktown, Md. James Johnson, Fredericktown, Md. William Goldsborough, Fredericktown, Md. Philip Wager, Charlestown, Va, William D. Mercer, Elktontown, Md. Nicholas W. Goldsborough, Fredericktoicn, Md. Jesse Taylor, Mexandria, D. C. Samuel A. Marsteller, %filexandria, D. C John G. GoU, Hagerstown, Md^ James Hamilton, Carlisle. Charles H. Carroll, Hagerstown, Md. Daniel H. Fitzhugh, Hagerstown, Md. John Mitchell,. Georgetown, D. C. Charles Chapin, Jllcxandria, D. C. Frederick D. Stone, Pert- Tobacco, Md. James D. Riddle, Jilexandria, D. C. William McPherson, Fredericktown, Md. Grafton Dulany, Baltimore, Md. William S. Stuart, Fairfax county, Va, Ed'.vard B. Addison, Georgetown, D. C. Charles C. Stuart, Fairfax county, Va. Ezra Doty, Mifflintown^ Pa. Richard H.Lee, Leeshurg, Va, Benjamin Collett, Charlestown, Va. Richard H. Field, Madison county, Va. James Sykes, Dover, Delaware. 10 Benjamin Mackall, Nottingham, Md. John H. Mason, Loudon county, Va. William M. Worthington, Georgetown, D. C Joseph W. Edminston, Lewlstoiun, Fa. Peter McFarland, Fork, Pa. William W. Potter, Beliefonte, Pa. Josras Clapham, Loudon county, Va. William A. Simpson, Shippensburg, Pa. George L. Potter, Beliefonte, Pa. Charles N. Glaggett, Prince George co. Md. Richard Woolton, Montgomery county, Md.- Notley H. Rozier, Alexandria, D. C. Edward H. Barton, Fredericksburg, Va^- Horatio R. Beatty, Georgetown, D, C. Addison Belt, Georgetown, D. C. Robert Patton, Fredericksburg^ Va. Samuel B. How, Philadelphia, Pa. Charles Eggleston, Jimelia county, Va, James Somerville, Prince George county y Md.' Andrew Pierce, Newville, Pa. Joseph Y diiQ, Richmond, Va. John McPherson, Frederick county, Md. Humphrey B. Powell, Middleburg, Va. William T. Woolton, Prince George county, Md* John Hill Carter, Prince William county, Va, Joseph Cellers, Hagerstown, Md. Henry Armistead Nelson, Fredericksburg, Va. William Eggleton, %B.inelia coimty, Va. Cassius Carter, Prince William county, Va. Edward E. Carter, Prince William county, V(^. Thomas M. Colston, Berkley county, Va, John A. French, Fredericksburg, Va, Robert Allen, Shenandoah county, Va. John J. Allen, Shenandoah county, Va, Joseph S. Spengler, Shenandoah county, Va* John D. Mahon, Carlisle. 11 Elijah T. Fox, Prince William county, Va. Daniel Hook, Frederick county, Md, John Marshall, JVashington county , Ky. Robert B. Corbin, Caroline county, Va. John F. Brooke, Ftederickshurg, Va, Ernestus A. Dunkell, Baltimore, Md. John T. Linton, Prince TT illiam county , Va, Thomas Hord, Caroline City, Va. William J. Bronaugh, Loudon county, Va. John W. Tyler, Prince William county, Va. Jones Green, Culpepper county, Va. Richard R. Randolph, Richmond, Va. Josiah Hawkins, Charles county, Md. William E. Sykes, Dover, Delaware. Wilson C. Selden, Loudon county, Va. Thomas U. Hack, Accomack county, Va. John Duncan, Carlisle. Andrew H. Woods, Baltimore, Md. Wm. A. Wright, King fy Queen county, Md. Wm. F. Carter, Culpepper county, Va. E. L. Waring, Essex county, Va. Robert L. Madison, Madison county, Va. William Price, Washington county, Md. William Croghan, Jun. pittsburg. Fa. Samuel Liggett, Chambersburg, Pa. Frederick A. Ross, Richmond, Va. Yasker C. Quinlan, Loudon county, Va. Francis W. Brooke, Fauquier county, Va. David N. Mahon, Carlisle. Festus Dickinson, Caroline county, Va. he^vis'^eWl, Frederick county, Va. Charles T. Magill, Frederick county, Va. William Brackenridge, Carlisle. JohnE. Fdige, Frederick county, Va. Robert G. Hill, Caroline county, Va. William Gemmill, York county, Pa. 12 Joshua Stoors, Henrico county^ Va, Edward Govan, Hanover county, Va. Mortimer D. Williams, Hardy county^ Va^ Richard Taylor, Elchmond, Va. William S. Bernard. Henry H. Wells, Sussex county, Delaware, George L. Brent, Stafford county, Va, John Mason, Stafford county, Va. Allen Apperson, Caroline county, Va. John Dorsey, Ann Arundel county, Md, Thomas Kelly, York county, Pa. Lycurgus Winchester, Baltimore, Md, John T, Corbin, King cy Queen county, Va. Gunning B. Read, Newcastle, Delaware. George F. Thornton, King George county, Va^ Alexander L. Botts, Richmond, Va. Levi V^'' heat on, Richmond, Va, Thomas Macon, Richmond, Va. Howard Malcom, Philadelphia, Pa. John Harris, Annapolis, Md. Stephen W. WykofT, Opelousas, Louisiana, John W. Armstrong, Carlisle. Samuel Oldham, Caroline county, Va. Thomas H. Dunn, Petersburg, Va, Reade Washington, Frederick county, Va. Walter 0. Carrington, Charlotte county, Va. Charles F. Machir, Hardy County, Va. Archibald Ritchie, Washington County, Md. Dabney C. Terrell, Louisville, Ky. John M'Rae, Petersburg, Va. Thomas Lee Orr, Frederick county , Va, George E. Harrison, Prince George county, Va* James E. Madison, Madison county, Va. Richard Hardway, Amelia county, Va. Cyrus W. Trimble, Highland county, Ohio. Washington Williams, Hardy countyy Va, 13 Ulcliard Adams, Richmond, Va. John Winebrenner, Harrisburg, Pa^ William Gilmour, Lancaster county, Pa. •Carey A. Trimble, Hillsborough, Ohio. Alexander M'Rae, Petersburg, Va, Lemuel P. Gustine, Philadelphia, Pa. Mathevv Miller, Carlisle. George A. Lyon, Jun., Carlisle. Alfred Armstrong, Carlisle. James Culbertson, Carlisle. William L. Helfenstein, Carlisle. Samuel Boyd, Jun., New-Yorh. Hugh Gaullagher, Westmoreland county. Fa, James Markoe, Philadelphia, Pa. William P. Cochran^ Millerstown, Pa. Andrew Parker, Cumberland county. Fa. Charles McClure, Carlisle. Alexander Donaldson, Danville, Fa, Erskine Mason, New-York. Digby B. D. Smith, Neiv Brunswick, N, J. Cornelius Van Cleef, New Brunswick, N. J. Isaac Labaugh, New Brunswick, N. J. Ira C. Boice, New Brunswick, N. J. Charles Whitehead, Fhiladelphia, Pa. J. J. B. Rowan, New-York. Thomas R. Lee, Yorktown, New York. Theodore H. Smith, Lancaster, Pa. William Irvin, Centre county. Fa. William Annan, Emmitsburg, Md. John E. Annan, Emmitsburg, Md. William B. Norris, Belief on te. Fa. Samuel Bryson, Mifflin, Pa. Robert P. Lee, Yorktown, New- York, John M, Dickey, Oxford, Fa. Paris Spohn, Fhiladelphia, Pa. Saniuel Smith, Gettysburg, Fa» 14 Samisel Montgomery, Columbia county, Pa. Mathew B. Patterson, Columbia county , Pa, Thomas S, Herbert, Prince, George county, Md. Joseph Grain, Cumberland county, Pa. Samuel Maclay, Leivistown, Pa. Thomas Williams, Greensburg, Pa. Charles R. Cooper, Carlisle. Thomas Craighead, Carlisle. Robert Bridges, Philadelphia, Pa. Charles A. Snovvden, Prijice George county, Md. Robert M. Taylor, Frederick county, Pa. George E. Hare, Philadelphia, Pa. Oeorge S. Armstrong, Carlisle. John H. Wells, Greensburg, Pa. William H. Postlethwaite, Greensburg, Pa. Robert L. F. Preston, Mmgdon, Pa. Alexander Macbeth, Newark, Delaware^ Joseph Mahon, Shippensburg, Pa. William D. Stratton, Northampton county. Pa. Edward H. Brien, Lancaster, Pa, Samuel R. Houston, Rockbridge county. Pa. Charles W. Kelso, Carlisle. John H. Marsden, Adams county. Pa. William Peter, Georgetown, D. C. George W. M'Kenny, Georgetown, D. C, William W, Gerhard, Philadelphia, Pa, James M. Hopkins, Lancaster, Pa. Alexander Gwin, Huntingdon, Pa. William B. McClure, Carlisle. Augustus 0. Hiester, Harrisburg, Pa. Henry L. M'Connell, Huntingdon, Pa. George W. Yeackle, Jlccomack county, Va. John H. Price, Harford county ^ Md. Robert Adair, Philadelphia, Pa, Joseph Gardner, Chester county. Pa. Andrew Work, JWConnehburg, Pa, 15 Sidney G. Fisher, Philadelphia, Pa. Albert S. Mendenhall, Philadelphia^ Pa. Richard B. Carmlchael, Centreville, Md. Daniel Denny, Chambersburg, Pa. George W. Hitner, Montgomery county , Pa. Augustus E. Shulze, Harrisburg, Pa. James Noble, Carlisle, Pa, William L. Savage, Northampton county, Va* George W. Ege, Cumberland county , Pa. Yeates Conyngham, Carlisle, Pa. James Burnside, Belief onie. Pa. Walter S. R. Turpin, Centreville, Md. Benjamin Patton, Jun., Lewis foiun, Pa. Benjamin Gerhard, Philadelphia, Pa. Edward Ritchie, Philadelphia^ Pa. Robert Bryson, Northumberland county , Pa, Peter H. Engle, Chester, Pa. John Norris, Jun., Belief onte, Pa, Samuel White, Kent Island, Md. David Gordon, Carlisle, Pa. Richard Armstrong, Northumberland county , Pa. Francis West, Jun., Philadelphia, Pa, Henry N, Troup, Baltimore, Md. Edward C. Humes, Bellefonte, Pa, ' Madison Brown, Centreville, Md. William M. Lyon, Pittsburg, Fa. Edward J. Lowrey, Bellefonte, Pa, Joseph Neide, Chester, Pa, Hiester J. Muhlenberg. Beading, Pa, John C. Spayd, Beading, Pa, William S. Ramsey, Carlisle, Fa, James Vanhorn, Neivhope, Pa, Hamilton Peter, Fauquier county, Va, James Crawford, Huntingdon county, Pa. Samuel Pollock, Milton, Pa. Charles R. Thomson, Philadelphia^ Pa, u Alexander W. Hemphill, Philadelphia, Pdo Bowles A. Lee, Loudon county, Va. James H. Bready, Philadelphia, Pa, Albert C. Ramsey, Carlisle. Persifor Frazer, Philadelphia, pa., Isaac Grier, Danville, pa. James L. Fisher, Philadelphia, George Powell, Delaware county, Pa. William Hemsley, Queen Anns county. M(£ William Donnell, Baltimore, Md. Peter F. Nagle, Beading, Pa. James Peter, Fauquier county, F«* Philip F. Thomas, Easton, Md. Tench Tilghman, Easton, Md^ John L. Mayer, Carlisle, Ezekiel Sanderson, Milton, Pa, William H. Ludwig, Union county, Pet. John B. Patterson, Columbia county, Pa, William S. Bishop, Carlisle, David Conyngham, Carlisle. Gustavus Howard, Anne Arundel county, M(f^ Thomas K. Bull, Chester county, Pa, William A.Rogers, Dauphin county. Pa, George Marshall, Union county, pa, Robert W. Porter, Beading, Fa, Samuel McLane, Wilmington, Delaware, George B. Browne, Philadelphia, Pa. William White, Jun., Philadelphia, pa* Solomon P. Allen, Philadelphia, Pa. Samuel H. Traquair, Philadelphia, Pa. Thomas H. Krecger, Philadelphia, Pa^ Philip B. Waddle, Bellefonte, Pa, George Read, Newcastle, Delaware, William M. Patterson, Qolumhia county ^ p&,- Hendrick B. Wright, Wilkesbai^re, Pa, Louis V. D. Rousseau, Philadelphia, Pa. 17 Charles N. Ege, Carlisle. Edward Crawford, Chamber shurg, Pa. Edwin Henry Nevin, Shippensburg, Pa. Alfred Nevin, Shippensburg, Pa, A. Addams Anderson, Carlisle. William Caston Bullock, Savannah^ Georgia. Constant Freeman, Baltimore, Md. Frederick E. Bailej^, Dillsburg, Pa. Isaac F. Slaymaker, Lancaster county, Pa. Robert Hays, Shippensburg, Pa. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 006 047 900 8 .•* I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 006 047 900 8