Class JI J Copyright^ COPVRIGHT DEPOSIT. J^ttmnbrmtr? The Abridged Treasury of Prayers An Epitome from the Larger 11 Gebets-Schatz " Published by Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. American Lutheran Publication Board Pittsburgh, Pa. UB2ARY of CONGRESS two Copies Received MAR 4 ?90f t Copyrifrhi Entry /Wv> / J,/ fo L CLASS X XXc M No. /U 7/ fort. Let them be with us in our trials, as they were with the three men in the fiery furnace and with Daniel in the lion's den; let them rescue us from our perils, leading us out of them as they led Lot out of fiery Sodom, Peter out of prison and Paul out of the shipwreck. Let our country, home, family, and all we possess be under the protection of Thy holy angels, as was the house of Job, so that 140 the enemy can make no inroad upon us. Let us live in Thy fear and love, Thy Word and Gospel, into which the angels desire to look. Give us true repentance in our hearts, so that the angels in heaven may rejoice over us. Kindle ardent prayer and the praise of Thy name in our hearts, that we may perform an angel's office in singing with them : Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God of Sabaoth. And finally do Thou have our souls borne by angels into Abraham's bosom, and on the day of resurrection make us like unto the holy angels, that we may be in their company forever. Amen, 17 Prayer on Reformation Festival O LOED JESUS CHRIST, Who didst come in- to this world to call sinners to repentance and to enlighten all men unto life eternal, we praise Thee with our whole heart and thank Thy great good- ness and mercy, that Thou didst not only enter at this place and in this church and congregation with Thy divine Word and the holy Sacraments, and didst purge out the leaven of papistic doctrine and idolatry, but, that Thou hast also redeemed us poor sinners from the realm of darkness, called us to 141 the light of Thy holy Gospel and translated us into the kingdom of grace. O Lord Jesus, we are not worthy of the least of Thy mercies and Thy truth, but we pray Thee with an humble heart to remain with us also in future with the divine Word and the holy Sacraments, that Thy holy name may be known among us, be alone feared and honored and we all live according to Thy divine pleasure and serve Thee. But what- ever we have done amiss against Thee and Thy holy Word, in being disobedient to the Gospel, do Thou graciously forgive, and do Thou not, because of our sins, take from us this soul-saving treasure, but preserve it in its purity with us and our de- scendants. Yea, Lord Jesus, preserve unto us Thy Word for it is our hearts' comfort and joy. Protect and keep us and Thy whole Christian Church — particularly Thine Evangelical Lutheran Church — from all error, unbelief and other harm- ful doctrine. Restrain all enemies, persecutors, and blasphemers, and be Thou our reliance, our strength, our shelter and shield, that the gates of hell may not prevail against us. Especially do we pray Thee, Lord our Redeemer, to enter the house of our heart, to enlighten us by the Holy Ghost, to cleanse our hearts and graciously to grant, that we walk worthy of the Gospel, and continue to the end of our days in the truth once known and con- 142 fessed. Lord Jesus, let our souls obtain Thy salvation, so that we, being saved through Thee, may forever behold Thee in Thy kingdom and Thy great glory. Amen, Lord Jesus, Amen. 18 A Prayer on the Day of Church Dedication LOED GOD, Heavenly Father, Thou didst at this place gather unto Thy dear Son Christ Jesus, through Thy Word and Holy Spirit, a church and holy congregation among us, and hast preserved us against the devil and all enemies, yea, against the gates of hell: we pray Thee, O good and faithful God, let us and our dear children continue in the possession of this valuable and precious treasure that we, being instructed in the saving truths, may grow and increase in these, until we shall receive our everlasting habitation in the kingdom of Thy Son Jesus Christ, our Lord, who with Thee and the Holy Ghost is blessed forever. Amen. 143 19 Prayer on Harvest Festival O GIVE Thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, and His mercy and truth endure forever. Thank the God of heaven, because His goodness endureth forever. Let Israel now say, that His mercy en- dureth forever. Let the house of Aaron now say, that His mercy endureth forever. Let them now that fear the Lord, say, that His mercy endureth forever. O what fears we entertained, lest the fruits of the field be destroyed; what cares and misgivings, lest we be deprived, before our very eyes, of the bread God has bestowed upon us in these hard times! But it is the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not; they are new every morning. Now thank ye all our God, who wondrous things hath done at all places, who from our mother's arms sustained our lives, and blessed us with countless gifts of love. O God, give peace to Thy land, prosperity and happiness to every estate. O Lord God, heavenly Father, who dost grant a holy courage, good counsel and right works, give that peace to Thy servants that the world cannot give, that our hearts may cling to Thy commandments, and we, by Thy protection, 144 may pass our time quietly and secure from our enemies, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, our Lord. Amen. And now, O Lord, we realize and confess with thankfulness of heart, that Thou didst give us our early and latter rains in due season, and didst keep faithful watch over our harvests each year. Thou hast watered our ridges abundantly, and hast set- tled the furrows thereof: Thou didst make it soft with showers : Thou didst bless the springing there- of. Thou hast given increas to our grain and growth to our land. Thanks, honor, praise, and glory be unto God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. We also pray Thee, beloved God and Father, from the inmost of our hearts, give unto us Thy Holy Spirit, that we may receive with thankful- ness what Thou hast bestowed upon us, and sanc- tify it with Thy Word and prayer. Grant that these temporal blessings be devoted to Thy honor and applied to the support of ourselves and our churches and schools, including our needy neigh- bor, and at the same time that the harmful and despicable love of money and the cares of this life be most diligently avoided. Protect this place and the whole country from the dangers and distress of war, from hostile invasions and devastations. Give 145 to our beloved government the spirit of wisdom, of counsel, of power and strength. Confirm and pre- serve among us the peace we value. Let us pass the days of our sojourning in true knowledge of Thy holy name and in Thy fear; also in health of body, peace, and unity, and finally do Thou grant unto all of us eternal salvation, for Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior's sake. Amen. 20 Prayer on Mission Festival O ALMIGHTY GOD, Thou didst create the world and all that is therein, and hast made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth: Thou art not far from every one of us; for in Thee we live and move and have our be- ing. Thou who in times past didst suffer the Gen- tiles to walk in their own ways, but now command- est men everywhere to repent and with Thy grace dost visit the hearts of the Gentiles: We pray Thee, let the light of Thy countenance shine upon us, that Thy salvation may bud forth at all places, and the honor of Thy name extend to the ends of the earth. Look down from heaven upon the dis- tress of so many people (nations), who are still 146 sitting in darkness and the shadow of death, ig- norant of their divine origin and lying under the cruel tyranny of the devil. The light that lighteth all men that have come into this world, hath not risen for them. They are walking in the vanity of their minds. Their mind is shrouded in dark- ness. They are estranged from the life that is of God, by reason of the ignorance that is in them and the blindness of their hearts. The God of this world has blinded their minds, and the common enemy of souls has captured them according to his pleasure. Do Thou grant, O merciful God, that we profit from the misfortune of others to our salvation, and on the one hand deplore the miserable condition of blindness, wherewith Thou hast smitten the hea- then, but on the other hand apply the light given us of grace to better purpose for our sanctification. Let the light of the Gospel rise unto those that as yet are far from Christ, the true sun, and are grop- ing in the dense darkness of idolatry. Do Thou, by the attractive voice of the Gospel bring these scattered sheep back into Thy spiritual fold. Give unto us shepherds that do not rule harshly and severely over the sheep nor devour their substance and clothe themselves with their wool, but who minister unto the weak in the spirit of love and gentleness, who restore the sick, bind up the wound- 147 ed, bring back the erring, seek the lost, and in their life and walk present themselves as living examples for the nock. And since the Gospel message of the love of God as revealed in Christ is the only means of reconciling men with God and returning the lost sheep to the fold of Christ : Do Thou grant that all who go forth to preach the Gospel to the heathen, proclaim this word of reconciliation with wisdom from on high, that they overcome all ob- stacles with undaunted courage, and, setting aside all selfish ends in administering so sacred an office, that they seek naught else than the honor of Thy name and the advancement of Thy kingdom. Grant that they clearly recognize the mystery of the cross to be the center of our evangelical doctrine, and not pretend to know anything among the Gen- iles, save Christ Jesus and Him crucified, but extol Him as the hope of glory and the fountain of sal- vation, through our Lord Jesus Christ, the great Shepherd and Bishop of our souls. Amen. 21 From Casper Neumann's ' 'Cream of Prayers" Prayer of Thanks O LOED GOD FATHEE, Son and Holy Ghost, Thou art the almighty God of heaven and earth, 148 and in Thee we live, move and have our being. Thou didst decree that man should live of bread and for that reason didst, at the beginning, make the earth fruitful by Thine almighty word; and after the days of the flood, Thou dids promise that, while the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest should not cease. Behold, O Lord, this law of Thine, once established, still obtains; Thou dost continue to crown the year with Thy goodness. Thou causest grass to grow for the cattle, and grain for the good of man. Thou bringest forth bread out of the earth and dost fill our hearts with joy and gladness. How wisely Thou didst arrange all things, O Lord! And how great Thy goodness towards us is, who are not worthy of Thy bread. And how wonderfully infinite Thine omnipotence is in greatly multiplying the seed that decays in the soil. And it is this Thy unsearchable wisdom and Thine unspeakable goodness, grace, and omnip- otence, which visited our land also this year. Men had sown their seed in hope, and Thou hast hither- to blessed the fruits of the field and hast permit- ted us to see the times when every one reaps and garners into his barns what Thou hast given. O Lord, Thou God of riches, all that men harvest is indeed Thine, for we cannot, of ourselves, cause anything to spring forth out of the earth, so if we get much or little, it is nevertheless more than we 149 deserve. Thanks, therefore, be to Thy holy name for each and everything, that Thou hast given us in our fields this past year. Thou alone art the God that didst sustain us from early infancy and dost bestow on us all manner of blessings. Where- fore to Thee alone be praise, honor and thanks, now and in eternity. Amen. Petition AND WE Now beseech Thee, O beneficent Fa- ther, do not take from us again in Thy wrath, what Thou hast already bestowed in grace. Thou Thy- self hast said in Thy word, that rain is not seem- ly in harvest; so do not suffer the blessing of the field, which Thou hast shown to our eyes, to be destroyed by adverse weather. And after the har- vest has been gathered in the barns and bins, pre- serve it from danger of fire and water, from thieves and dishonest stewards, from usurers and unscru- pulous grain speculators, and from all else that might deprive us of Thy gifts or destroy them. Furthermore, let us not forget that all things we receive come from Thee and are Thine. For this very reason do Thou grant that we may never be dissatisfied with what Thou givest ; that we may not waste any of it in wantonness or frivolty; that we may not, moved by greed, envy and hard hearted- 150 ness, close our hearts against our needy neighbor, nor show distrust toward Thee by doubts and cares that what Thou hast bestowed would not suffice. But since we shall need Thy providing care also in future, do Thou not suffer our fields to remain untilled, because of Thy wrath, that they may not lie idle and become unfruitful when being neg- lected. Do Thou prevent whatever, after this har- vest, might hinder the tilling of the fields. And that we may not have any years in which we sow, but do not reap, grant, O Lord, that neither frost nor heat, neither excess of wet or dry weather, neither insects nor anything else destroy the seed in the ground which is our hope of future suste- nance. Prayer Be Thou with us, O gracious and loving Father, and preserve unto us our daily bread, which during the present harvest Thou dost everywhere distribute. Above al 1 things bestow favorable wea- ther with continued sunshine, so that the grain may mature and be saved. Bless the garnered grain in the bin and when being prepared for our nour- ishment; bless it when being partaken of, and grant us life and health, peace and quietness, so that whatever Thou dost bestow may not only 151 give strength to the body, but also be profitable to the soul, and thus this temporal blessing of Thine redound doubly to our welfare. Make us mindful also, when Thou bestowest all these things, of our obligations to Thee, and grant that we recognize all Thou givest to be the resume of Thy goodness, so that we may render Thee heartfelt thanks, be saving with our means without stinting our needs, be liberal to others, and, in short, devote all we have of Thee to Thine honor alone. Do Thou con- tinue to visit our land with Thy grace; do Thou develop and enrich it. Give warmth to the soil by the rays of the sun, and water to the field by the fruitful rain; give drink to the furrows, and moisture to the plowed ground ; give Thine increase to what shall be sown, so that the land may con- tinue to yield and our fields be abundant in crops, to the end that we may shout for joy and sing Thy praise forevermore. Intercession O LOED, Thou indeed art the God who daily openest Thine hand and satisfiest the desire of ev- ery living thing. Therefore, do Thou also during the time of this present harvest provide for alJ people, and let every one be fed with food con- venient for him. Let each one be attentive to his 152 calling that the sluggard may not sleep in the time of harvest and neglect the best interests of himself and family. Do Thou moreover sustain those who in the sweat of their brow gather their bread and ours; refresh them when tired, and after harvest let each one with his kin enjoy in good health what his field brought forth, that all of us may delight in Thy goodness. Do Thou also grant that the rich do not place their trust in their well-filled barns, forgetting that their souls may be summoned, when they least expect it, and that another may inherit what they had gathered. Lord, remember the poor, who have nothing to harvest ; make our hearts willing to gather for them, and reward those that allow them to glean on their fields, or give them of their surplus. In short, bless the scant supply, that it may suffice ; and so rule that abundance may not be misused for bad purposes. Preserve peace and quiet in all lands, that the strangers do not come and devour our harvest. Do Thou everywhere prevent failures, hard times, and famines. Fur- thermore we pray Thee to ward off from us what- ever might render our livelihood difficult. Rather let each one be contented and satisfied with his lot, that both rich and poor may recognize Thy power and may praise Thee forevermore. — Finally, O Thou Savior of all men, we ourselves are Thy spiritual handiwork in Thy Church, and Thou art 153 the Lord of the harvest, therefore we pray Thee to send laborers into Thy vineyard, and cause also Thy harvest of men to be abundant at all places; grant that everywhere good seed be sown on Thy fields and that the pure doctrine be preached among all Christians. Preserve the world at large from the tares strewn broadcast by the devil. Con- vert those that sow in unrighteousness and reap in sorrow, or sow unto the flesh and of the flesh reap destruction. But do Thou sanctify every one of us, that we may be of a Christian mind, sow unto the Spirit, and of the Spirit at one time reap life ever- lasting. Yea, when this whole world shall be fully ripe for the last harvest, then do Thou grant that we, as pure as wheat, bound in sheaves be gathered into Thy barns and be preserved in heaven unto everlasting joys. There shall we, according to Thy promise, reap without ceasing, and rejoice as one rejoices in harvest, with joy unspeakable. Hear us, O God, and grant all we ask, for the sake of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. * 154 Appendix II. HYMNS Morning Hymn God who madest earth and heaven, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Who the day and night hast given, Sun and moon and starry host, Thou whose mighty hand sustains Earth and all that she contains: 2 Praise to Thee my soul shall render, Who this night hast guarded me; My omnipotent Defender, Who from ill dost set me free : "Free from danger, anguish, woe Free from the infernal Foe. 3 Let the night of my transgression With nights darkness pass away: Jesus, into Thy possession I resign myself to-day. In Thy wounds I find relief From my greatest sin and grief. 4 Grant that I may rise this morning From the lethargy of sin: So my soul, through Thy adorning, Shall be glorious within; And I at the judgment day Shall not be a cast-away. 155 5 Let my life and conversation Be directed by Thy Word; Lord, Thy constant preservation To Thine erring child afford. "Nowhere but alone in Thee From all harm can I be free. 6 Wholly to Thy blest protection I commit my heart and mind. Mighty God! to Thy direction Wholly may I be resigned. Lord, my Shield, my Light divine, O accept and own me Thine ! 7 Lord, to me Thine angel sending, Keep me from the subtle Foe ; From his craft and might defending, Never let Thy wanderer go, Till my final rest shall come, And Thine angel bear me home. Evening Hymn Since now the day has reached its close, And sunlight shines no more, In sleep the toil-worn find repose, And all who wept before. 2 But Thou, my God, no rest dost know, No slumber dims Thy sight. Thou hatest darkness as Thy foe, For Thou Thyself art light. 156 3 O Lord, I pray remember me Throughout the shades of night, And grant to me most graciously The shield of Thy great might. 4 Turn from me Satan's tyranny Through many an angel-arm, Then shall I be from danger free, And safe from every harm. 5 I know the evil I have done Doth cry aloud to Thee ; But yet the mercy of Thy Son Hath full atoned for me. 6 Him I present Thee as my Bail, While suppliant at Thy feet; With such assurance I'll not fail Before Thy judgment seat. 7 And therefore now I close my eyes, And sleep with tranquil breast ; Why waste the time in fears or sighs? — God watches o'er my rest. 8 Away, vain, idle thoughts, depart! Koam not my soul abroad ! For now I build within my heart A temple to my God. 9 Should this night prove the last for me In this dark vale of tears, Then lead me, Lord, in heaven to Thee And my elect compeers. 157 10 And thus I live and die to Thee, Thou Sabaoth strong, indeed! In life and death Thou helpest me From every fear and need. Cross and Comfort Commit whatever grieves thee At heart, and all thy ways, To Him who never leaves thee, On whom creation stays. Who freest courses maketh For clouds, and air, and wind, And who care ever taketh A path for thee to find. The Lord thou must repose on If thou wouldst prosper sure, His work must ever gaze on If thine is to endure. By anxious care and grieving, By self-consuming pain, God is not moved to giving ; By prayer must thou obtain. Thy grace that ever floweth, O Father! what is good, Or evil, ever knoweth, To mortal flesh and blood. What to Thine eye all-seeing, And to Thy counsel wise Seems good, doth into being, O mighty Prince arise! 158 For means it fails Thee never, Thou always findst a way, Thy doing's blessing ever, Thy path like brightest day. Thy work can no one hinder, Thy labor cannot rest, If Thou design'st Thy tender Children should all be blessed. Though all the power of evil Should rise up to resist, Without a doubt or cavil God never will desist; His undertakings ever At length He carries through; What He designs He never Can fail at all to do. Hope on, thou heart, grief -riven, Hope, and courageous be, Where anguish thee had driven Thou shalt deliverance see. God, from Thy pit of sadness Shall raise thee graciously; Wait and the sun of gladness Thine eyes shall early see. Up! up! to pain and anguish A long good night now say; Drive all that makes thee languish In grief and woe away. Thine 'tis not to endeavor The ruler's part to play, God sits as ruler ever, Guides all things well each day. 159 8 Let Him alone — and tarry, He is a Prince all- wise, He shall Himself so carry, 'Twill strange seem in thine eyes. When He, as Him beseemeth, In wonderful decree, Shall as Himself good deemeth, O'errule what grieveth thee. 9 He may, awhile still staying, His comforts keep from thee And on His part delaying, Seem to have utterly Forgotten and forsaken And put thee out of mind, Though thou'rt by grief o'ertaken, No time for thee to find. 10 But if thou never shrinkest, And true dost still remain, He'll come when least thou thinkest, And set thee free again, Thee from the load deliver, That burdeneth thy heart, That thou hast carried never For any evil part. 11 Hail ! child of faith, who gainest The victory alway. Who honor's crown obtainest, That never fades away. God in thy hand will give thee, One day the glorious palm; Who ne'er in grief did leave thee, To Him thou'llt sing thy psalm. 160 12 O Lord, no longer lengthen Our time of misery, Our hands and feet to strengthen And until death may we By Thee be watched and cared for, In faithfulness and love, So come we where prepared for TJs is our blessed abode. Beloved, "It is well!" God's ways are always right ; And perfect love is o'er them all, Though far above our sight. 2 Beloved "It is well!" Though deep and sore the smart, The hand that wounds knows how to bind And heal the broken heart. 3 Beloved "It is well!" Though sorrow clouds our way, 'Twill only make the joy more dear That ushers in the day. 4 Beloved, "It is well!" The path that Jesus trod, Though rough and straight and dark it be, Leads home to heaven and God. 161 The Christian Life Am I a soldier of the cross, A follower of the Lamb ? ... And shall I fear to own His cause Or blush to speak His name? 2 Must I be carried to the skies On flowery beds of ease, While others fought to win the prize, And sailed through bloody seas ? 3 Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God? 4 Sure I must fight, if I would reign: Increase my courage, Lord! I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by Thy Word. 5 Thy saints, in all this glorious war, Shall conquer, though they die; They see the triumph from afar With faith's discerning eye. 6 When that illustrious day shall rise And all Thine armies shine In robes of victory through the skies, The glory shall be Thine. 162 Death and Eternity Abide with me! fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide! When other helpers fail, and comforts flee. Help of the helpless O abide with me' 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day; Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away; Change and decay in all around I see; O Thou who changest not, abide with me ! 3 Not a brief glance I beg, a passing word, But as Thou dwell'st with Thy disciples Lord: Familiar, condescending, patient, free, Come, not to sojourn, but abide with me. 4 Come not in terrors as the King of kings, But kind and good, with healing in Thy wings; Tears for all woes, a heart for every plea; Friend of sinners, thus abide with me! 5 Thou on my head in early youth didst smile. And, though rebellious and perverse meanwhile. Thou hast not left me, oft as I left Thee: On to the close, O Lord, abide with me ! 6 I need Thy presence every passing hour : What but Thy grace can foil the Tempter's pow- er? Who like Thyself my guide and stay can be? Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me! 7 I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless: Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness. Where is death's sting ? where, grave, thy victory ? 1 triumph still, if Thou abide with me ! 163 8 Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes, Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies : Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee; In life, in death, Lord, abide with me! I Fall asleep in Jesus' wounds, There pardon for my sins abounds; Yea, Jesus' blood and righteousness My jewels are my glorious dress. Wherein before my God I stand, When I shall reach the heavenly land. 2 With peace and joy I now depart, God's child I am with all my heart; I thank thee, death, thou leadest me To that true life where I would be. So cleansed by Christ I fear not death. Lord Jesus, strengthen Thou my faith! "Forever with the Lord!" Amen! so let it be; Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality. 164 2 Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home. 3 My Father's honse on high, Home of my soul! how near At times to faith's fore-seeing eye The golden gates appear ! 4 Ah! then my spirit faints To reach the land I love, The bright inheritance of saints, Jerusalem above ! 5 "Forever with the Lord!" Father, if 'tis Thy will, The promise of that faithful word E'en here to me fulfill. 6 Be Thou at my right hand, Then I can never fail; Uphold Thou me, and I shall stand, Fight, and I must prevail. 7 So when my latest breath Shall rend the veil in twain, By death I shall escape from death, And life eternal gain. 8 Knowing as I am known, How shall I love that word, And oft repeat before the throne. "Forever with the Lord !" 165 Appendix III. A MOTHER'S PRAYER Prayer of a Mother for Wayward Children ALMIGHTY GOD, Merciful Father, attend to the petitions of Thine handmaid, and forgive me all my sins for the sake of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ. Graciously hear me as I pour out my heart before Thee in my great sorrow. For be- side Thee there is no God to help me, I know of none other, to whom I may flee for succor. In Thee is my hope, Thou art my God from the day of my birth. Lord, Thou knowest the cause of my sorrow, before Thee is all my desire, and my sighs are not hid from Thee. Thou beholdest the grief which fills my heart on account of the disobedience and wickedness of my son (my child). As .a pre- cious gift from Thy hand did I receive him (it) and . to Thee did I again consecrate him (it) in .Holy Baptism. In heartfelt prayer have I daily commended him (it) unto Thee, and have ever sought to exhort him (it) to every good deed, (in order) that he (it) might walk uprightly before 166 Thee, and be guided by Thy Word. But how shamefully has he (it) departed from the way, and suffered himself (itself) to be misled by the devil and evil companions. From a vessel of honor, hal- lowed to Thee, he (it) has become a vessel of wrath, and must needs perish forever, unless Thou wilt graciously cleanse him (it) with the blood of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, and save his (its) poor soul. O Lord, look upon him (it) in mercy, for the sake of the most perfect obedience of Thine own dear Son; remember not the sins of his (its) youth, nor his (its) many transgressions. Take his (its) poor soul into Thy tender care, that it may not perish, but may be plucked as a brand from the burning fire, and saved from eternal dam- nation. O Jesus, precious Savior, Thou hast no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Therefore, Thou didst become obedient to Thy Father in heaven un- to death, even the death of the cross, and didst render satisfaction for the disobedience of all the children of men. Grant, I beseech Thee, that Thy suffering and dying for this wicked one may not be in vain, but do Thou guide him (it) by Thy Spirit, that he (she) may learn to see the error of his (her) way, consider well the punishment now and hereafter, in store for wayward children and 167 impenitent sinners, and (may) turn to Thee in true penitence. Lord God, Holy Spirit, who dwellest in the hearts of men and rulest them according to Thy good pleasure, Thou hast taught many a prodigal son to see and bewail his wicked course, moved him to turn again to his Father, and become a new man. Unto Thee do I cry; do Thou incline the heart of my wayward son (child) to that which is good, renew his (its) mind, lead again his (its) feet into the path of true godliness, and turn him (her) (it) that he (it) may henceforth walk the way of Thy commandments to do them. Grant, that he (it) forsake the company of the wicked, and like the prodigal son, may ere long come back and say: I have sinned against heaven and before Thee, and am no more worthy to be called Thy son; in order that I with all my household may rejoice and say: Let us make merry and be glad, for this my son (child) was dead and is alive again, (and) was lost and is found. Likewise there will be joy in heaven among the angels of God over thr- sinner; then will I also with all* my powers praise and extol Thee for this Thy mercy, in time and in eternity. O Lord, Thou triune God, have mercy upon me, hear my prayer, comfort and strengthen me in my great affliction. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation for the honor of Thy holy name. Amen. 168 Prayer of a Mother before being Delivered of a Child LOKD GOD And Father in heaven! The time has now come when, by Thy will, I must travail in labor. To Thine Almighty care do I resign myself with body and soul. Deal with me according to the good pleasure of Thy Fatherly will, and as Thou knowest it to be good for me. O Lord Jesus Christ, when Thou hadst instituted Thy Holy Sacrament, Thou didst in Thy parting words to Thy disciples, speak of the labor and anxiety of the woman about to be delivered, and also of her joy after the birth of the child, in order that Thou mightest comfort Thy Christians in their tribulations. I beseech Thee, by Thine agony and bloody sweat, by Thy death on the cross, strengthen me with the help and comfort of Thy Holy Spirit, in order that also I, after the anxiety and pain is past, may be made glad at the sight of the new-born babe, and the deliverance from my pain. But, if (indeed) the hour of my death has come, and I must give up my life in the travail, I pray Thee with all my heart not to let Thy bitter suffering and death be in vain for me, a poor sinner. My husband and my helpless little children I commend to (Thy care) Thee, who art called the Father of the orphans. 169 For I know that only while I live, am I to (have) care of them. Therefore, into Thy Fatherly hand do I entrust and commit everything; as Thou wili- est, it is all well. Should longer life be vouchsafed me, I will serve Thee as long as I am in this world. If I now die, it is Thou who takest me in my ap- pointed station to eternal life. To Thee, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, be glory, praise, and honor, now and f orevermore. Amen. Thanksgiving after a Happy Birth O GEACIOUS And merciful God, Thou, who through Thy gracious dealing with us, hast shown that Thou art the only true God, who callest into being that which is not, and raisest up from the dead, Thou hast graciously given us a living child. For this we should, are in duty bound, to thank Thee as did aforetime Elkanah and Hannah, Zacharias and Elizabeth, and others, whom Thou didst won- derfully and graciously bless with children. Accord- ingly we now offer Thee our humble praise for such unspeakable grace and gift, and pray Thee, Thou wouldst grant us grace, that this child with others which Thou may est bestow unto us, may grow up in Thy fear and nurture, and in good health; that 170 it may increase in virtue unto the end, that it may be pleasing unto Thee and unto us a source of joy without shame and disgrace, and we may here and hereafter honor and praise Thee, our Lord and Creator. Amen. Prayer of a Husband at the Birth of a still-born Child DEAR FATHER In Heaven, since it hath in Thy wisdom pleased Thee to take this, our child out of this life at its birth unto Thyself, we bow in humble submission to Thy will. And we doubt not that Thou hast heard our earnest prayer and for the sake of Thy dear Son, hast graciously taken it to Thyself in heaven, where it is preserved from all the evil which it must have endured in this wicked world. Moreover, I thank Thee, with all my heart that Thou hast preserved the life of my be- loved wife in this present travail, and hast snatched her, as it were, out of the very jaws of death, and given her anew to me and my helpless children. Grant, O Lord, that she may recover her strength which she had well nigh lost in this great labor. Then will I praise and glorify Thy great mercy here and hereafter, through Jesus our Lord. Amen. 171 Prayer of a Mother who has given Birth to a Deformed Child. GRACIOUS, Merciful God, I thank Thee with all my heart, that Thou hast with Thine Al- mighty hand delivered me from danger to my body and life, and hast graciously relieved me of my burden. But because Thou hast given me a de- formed child, and wouldst thereby uncover to me my spiritual frailty and the deformity of my corrupt nature, together with the heinousness of my sins, help me, Thou faithful God, that I may see these my weaknesses and henceforth guard against sin. Do Thou grant spiritual health and cleansing to my child through the water of Bap- tism, and in compensation for its bodily deformity, give the fear of God, and other good gifts and virtues, and thus make it meet for heaven. Grant also to me Thy grace that I may not loathe this child, on account of its deformity, but may love it as the creature of Thy hand, cherish it and bring it up as becometh a Christian mother. This I ask for the sake of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. 172 Prayer before being Subjected to an Operation MY LOED And my God, to whom shall I flee for succor in this my great distress, which Thou hast allowed to come upon me, save to Thee, who hast commanded, "Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me !" Thy hand has smitten me, Thy hand will also make me whole again. (Thou hast cast me upon the bed of pain and brought me nigh unto death; Thou canst raise me up again that I may live before Thee.) I confess before Thee that I have with my many shu, deserved not only Thy Fatherly chastening, but also eternal punishment. But I am heartily sorry that I have offended Thy Majesty, and have not kept Thy holy Law. But I know that Thou, O Father of mercies, hast no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked may turn from the error of his way and live. Therefore, do I now turn to Thee with a contrite spirit, and pray Thee to forgive all my sins. Be merciful unto me, O Lord, for I am desolate and forsaken ; deliver me from all evils that afflict me. Cast me not off according to my deserts. O God, be not angry with me, enter not into judgment with Thy servant, for whom Thy Son hath made atonement. 173 I firmly believe that if any man sin, we have an Advocate with Thee, Jesus Christ, the Righteous, and He is the propitiation for our sins. In Him is my hope, on His atonement and intercession do I fully rely in this hour to obtain grace and mercy from Thee. Of this am I persuaded, that I am and will remain Thy child, because Thou hast given the Spirit of Thy Son into my heart, who crieth with- out ceasing, "Abba, Father," and intercedes for me with groanings which cannot be uttered. There- fore, because Thou art my God and Father, Thou wilt not forsake Thy child, even as a Father pitieth his children. O Thou that healest Israel, bless the means which I am about to use in Thy name to regain my health, and grant to the physician (and to the surgeon), wisdom and skill for the difficult work which he is to do, direct his hand and grant a hap- py issue. Endow me, Thou God of patience and comfort, with Christian patience and fortitude, that I may pass through this ordeal with calmness. And if, according to Thy counsel, I must die during this approaching operation, grant that I may be gathered with the elect into life everlast- ing. Keep me in true faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and in my last hour, grant that I may think of nothing, save His Cross and bitter death, and may enter through His wounds into the 174 Paradise of Heaven. May Thy Holy Spirit bear witness with my spirit, that I am a child of God and an heir of Heaven. May my last words be those with which Thy dear Son closed His lips in death: "Father, into Thy hand I commend my spirit." Amen. Prayer for a Happy Death CHRIST, Our dear Lord and Savior, grant us grace that we may not fall into temptation, but keep us pure and blameless in the simplicity of the true faith, and deliver us from all evil through a happy departure from this vale of tears, from the kingdom of Satan and the wicked world. To Thee be thanks and praise, together with the Father and the Holy Ghost forever. Amen. Prayer of a Dying Person for his Family and Friends MEKCIFUL GOD, Faithful heavenly Father, Thou art bringing my life to a close, and wouldst take me into Thine eternal kingdom in Heaven, where I would fain be with Thee. But since I am leaving my family and my friends in great sor- row, I pray Thee for the sake of my Intercessor, 175 that Thou wouldst comfort them richly in their tribulation. Turn not away from them, withdraw not Thy tender hand from them, but cause them to see and feel that Thou canst care for them, as well without me as through me. May they in due time follow after, into the happy home above, where we shall altogether with one accord praise and adore Thee without end. As Thou gavest them to me, so do I entrust them to Thee again; faith- ful Father, Thou wilt deal with them more tender- ly than these sorrowing ones can think. I cast all my care for them upon Thee, Thou wilt abundant- ly provide for them. Amen. In Jesus' Name. Amen. * 176 Appendix IV. PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN i. Morning a. I thank Thee, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, that Thou hast kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray Thee that Thou wouldst keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please Thee. For into Thy hands I com- mend myself, my body and soul and all things. Let Thy holy angel be with me, that the wicked foe may have no power over me. Amen. b. O Holy, blessed Trinity, Divine, essential Unity, God Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Be Thou this day my Guide and Host. My soul and body keep from harm, O'er all I have extend Thine arm, That Satan may not! cause distress, Nor bring me shame and wretchedness. c. Holy Jesus, every day Keep me in the narrow way, And when earthly things are past, Bring my ransomed soul at last, Where it needs no star to guide, Where no clouds Thy glory hide. Amen. 177 2. Evening a. I thank Thee, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, that Thou hast gra- ciously kept me this day; and I pray Thee that Thou wouldst forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong and graciously keep me this night. For into Thy hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Thy holy angel be with me, that the wicked foe may have no power over me. Amen. b. ^Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to keep; If I should die before I wake, I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to take; This I ask for Jesus' sake. Amen. c. Jesus' blood and righteousness My jewel is and festive dress, With this shall I 'fore God prevail When I the heavenly portals hail. d. Lord Jesus, who dost love me, O spread Thy wings above me, And shield me from alarm! Though Satan would devour me, Let angel-guards sing o'er me, "This child of God shall meet no harm!" My loved ones, rest securely, — From every peril surely Our God will guard your heads. May He sweet slumbers send you, 178 And bid His hosts attend you, And golden-armed, watch o'er your beds! Amen. e. Lord Jesus, Thee I live, Lord Jesus, Thee I die, Lord Jesus, Thine I am, Living or dying, Lord. Amen. 3. Before Meals a. The eyes of all wait upon Thee, O Lord, and Thou givest them their meat in due season; Thou cpenest Thy hands and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. Amen. b. Lord God, Heavenly Father, bless us, and these gifts which we receive from Thy bountiful goodness, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. c. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him, above, ye heavenly host ; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. 4. After Meals a. We thank Thee, Lord God, Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, for all Thy bene- fits, who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen. b. Glory be to God most high, Glory to the Savior, Glory to the Holy Ghost, Now, henceforth, forever. Amen. 179 Appendix V. Form for Emergency Baptism AH unite in the Lord's Prayer. OTJK FATHEE, who art in heaven; hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. The person baptizing may then say: Christ, at Thy command we offer this child to Thee. Keceive it and let it be an heir of Thy kingdom, as Thou hast said: "Suffer the little chil- dren to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God". Those present say: Amen. The person baptizing says: 1 baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. In case of necessity for extreme haste, one may proceed at once to take water and baptize, saying: I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: August 2005 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township PAIS (724)779-2111 SKIMi" s^®f !§j ffi(M$&t m>0' J tSfcfV *L*3fc-^".^ ris^ n %f B , s ^a 13 iiipk 1 H Wji