CS 71 .J88 1902 Copy 1 M <^w^m^vmrmnh\^m^im *'<^''Hr''^''<')v'''3si>''i(''''7^wiiMc'u 6 dC^J^b <^CiJb (iCs. NiqK>Mll|lSa(>INW^W^W'^9W( Lnglish Ancestry AND Royal Descent OF THE JOY FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1883 COMPILED BY A. A. G., Beverly. Mass. 1902 PRINTED BY H. H. JOY, South Weymouth, Mass. X ^f ! I"" -f-^^t' 'If L^ZjUt^ * l» .. t^ ,. • lit ■ A. — ■'^ ^5»rJ '^^^-aiN-i^*ii<-\S,M.r ,'tt Tire First ^^ostau Taiuii Hnuse Built in 1657 by Thomas Joy. <3^- ■< y * I^N the year 1068, Edgar Atheling, with his '^M mother Asjatha, and sisters Margaret and Sj Christina, took shipping, intending to seek "^1* refuge in Hungary with their royal kindred ; but by stress of weather the vessel in which they with many other English exiles were embarked, was driven into the Firth of Forth. Edgar, Mar- garet and Christina were the children of Edward AtheUng, (surnamed the Outlaw,) by Agatha, his wife, who was the daughter of Henry II of Ger- many, and grandchildren of Edmund Ironside, who was orreat orrandson to kinsj Alfred the Great, Malcolm Canmore, the young unmarried king of Scotland, happened to be present when the royal fugitives landed, and was so struck with the beauty of Lady Margaret Atheling that he asked her in marriage of her brother Edgar. The place where Lady Margaret first set her foot in Scotland has been known ever since as the Queen's Ferry. After their marriage. Lady Margaret became the domestic legislator of the realm, and being of a pure mind herself, she dismissed immoral persons from the court and allowed no person to hold office in the royal household unless they conducted in a ?w#^ i'Hiw / Mf sober and discreet manner. She also instituted the custom of remaining seated at the table until the meal was brought to a proper conclusion. This custom was adopted by the nobility and from them spread to all classes. She died in 1093, holding in her hands "that celebrated black cross" which she had brought with her from England. The English viewed the possession of this jewel by the royal family of Scotland with great dis- pleasure. It was enclosed in a black case, whence its name. The cross itself was of pure gold and set with large diamonds. The figure of the Saviour was exquisitely carved in ivory. After the death of Margaret it was deposited on the high altar of Dumferline. When Edward I kept court there he seized on this cross as one of the English crown jewels and carried it into England. It was after- ward surrendered to Robert Bruce by Isabella in 1327, to the extreme disgust of the English, who rated this act more exasperating than any of her multitudinous misdeeds. Matilda, daughter of the King of Scotland and Margaret Atheling, born in 1080, married Henry I (Beauclerc) fourth son of William the Conqueror and Matilda of Flanders, on the eleventh day of November, 1100, and was crowned Queen of Eng- land the same day. Henry was indebted to the glancing aside of Wat Tyrel's arrow for his crown. Queen Matilda died the first of May, 1118, passionately lamented by all classes. Through her influence Henry restored the decrees of Alfred the Great, which became the model of the Magna Charta of England. Their daughter — eldest child — Matilda, born 1104, married Henry V, Emperor of Germany, at the age of twelve years, he being forty years her senior. He died in 1125. By the death of her brothers — drowned in the "White ship" — the Empress became heir to the throne of England, and her father caused her to return to England. Soon after her arrival parliament proclaimed her the heir to the throne, the first instance since the Heptarchy of a female attaining that important position in regard to the succession of the English crown. The nobles and prelates of Norman aristocracy swore fealty to the high and mighty Lady Matilda as their future sovereign. She married, second, Geoffry Plantagenet, eldest son of Fulk, earl of Anjou. Fulk being called to the throne of Jerusalem by the death of his father- in-law, Baldwin II, resigned his patrimonial alliances to Geoff ry, his heir, who was a favorite companion of Henry I. He was a man of fine person, elegant manners and great bravery, more than all, a man of great learning. The marriage was solemnized at Rouen, Normandy, on the 26th of August, 1127. Henry II, their son, was born at Normandy, 1132, and was styled by the Normans Fitz-Empress ; but his grandfather, for whom he was named, proudly styled the boy Fitz-Conqueror in token of his descent from the mightiest monarch of the line of RoUo ; and in 1133 King Henry summoned a parliament to cause this child to be included in the oath of fealty, beins: the third time the succession was secured to Matilda. Henry I, died at the Castle of Lyons, near Rouen, December the first, 1135, and was buried Christmas day at the Abbey of Reading. He was familiarly known as the "Lion of Justice." Matilda, mother of Henry II, died September 10, 1167. Geoffry Plantagenet died about 1152. Henry Plantagenet married Eleanora,duchess of Aquitainc, daughter of William, Count de Poitou, May-day, 1152. They were crowned 19th December, 1154. The English chose to regard Henry II solely as the descendant of their ancient Saxon line. "Thou art son," said they, "to the most glorious Empress Matilda, whose mother was Matilda Atheling, daughter to Margaret, saint and queen, whose father was Edward, son to King Edmund Ironside, who was great grandson to King Alfred." Henry died 6th July, 1189. Eleanora died 1204. She declared herself to be Eleanora, by the lurath of God, queen of England. John, son of Henry II and Eleanora, born 1166, succeeded to the throne on the death of his brother, Richard, CQ3ur de Lion, 1199 ; married Isabella of Angouleme, only child of Americus, Count of Angouleme, surnamed Taillefer, August, 1200. King John died 1216. One of the monks present at his death remarked that "Hell felt itself defiled by the presence of John;" this may define his character, but he was splendidly endowed with literary ability, as all his ancestors were before him. Isabella died in 1246. Their son, Henry III, born in 1206 succeeded his father upon the throne at the family by his granddaughter, the Lady Margaret Mowbray, marr^dng Sir Robert Howard. The Howards, through this Queen unite the blood of St. Louis with that of the mightiest Plantagenet monarchs. Marguerite, daughter of Thomas Plantagenet, married Thomas Mowbray. She was created duchess of Norfolk, and was granted her father's office of earl marshal after his death. Thomas, her son, was invested with the office by her. He married Elizabeth, daughter of the famous Richard Fitzalan, earl of Arundel ; their daughter, Lady Marguerite Mowbray, married Sir Robert Howard, and brought with her, as heir, all the honors and desmenses of all those noble houses of Albinis, the Warrens and Bigods, thus blending in posterity of Henry I and his two Queens, Matilda the Good, and Adelicia the Fair, and through them to Charlemagne, which went to her son, Sir John Howard, slain at Bos- worth, first duke of Norfolk of the name of Howard ; his son Thomas — the victorious Surrey of Flodden field — married Agnes Tylney ; their son Lord William, lord high admiral, and founder of the great Effingham line, was half brother to Lady Boleyn, mother of Anoe, 2d Queen of Henry VIII, and uncle to Katherine, 5th Queen of Henry VIII, and great uncle to "Queen Bess," Anne Boleyn's daugliter. He was born 1509, married Catherine of Broughton. She died 23d April, 1533, leaving one daughter, Agnes, who married Sir William Paulet, first marquis of Winchester, lord high Treasurer ; their daughter Frances married Thomas Gallop. Their sons John and Humphrey emigrated to America with their families in the ship Mary and John, arriving at Nantasket the 30th of May, 1630. Humphrey had one son, Joseph, born at Dorchester, Mass, 1633, by his wife Anne. This family all passed away previous to 1700. Capt. John Gallop was educated at a military school in Holland, where he formed a friendship that proved to be life-long, with Capt. John Mason (afterwards of Conn., the Miles Standish of that colony.) He died in December 1649 at Boston, his wife Chrestabel following him in August 1655, leaving; three sons and one dauo-hter. Capt. John 2d married Hannah Lake, daughter of widow Madame Margaret Lake. He was killed December 19, 1675 at the great "Swamp Fight." S25» ^€^^^', John Winthrop, Jr. of Connecticut. Samuel, married Mary Phillips, November, 1650. Nathaniel, married Margaret Oveley, 1652. Joanna, married Thomas Joy, 1637. Thomas Joy, age 25, sailed from Gravesend for America in 1635, in the ship "-Constance." He was by occupation a carpenter, and the first Boston Town House was built by him in 1657, from his design. Thomas Joy died October 21st, 1678, at Hingham, Mass. He had ten children but as his will mentions but five, Joseph, Ephraim, Saiah, Elizabeth and Ruth, the inference is that they were his only surviving children. The history of Thomas Joy and his descendants has recently been published. GENEALOGY. Malcolm Canmore, king of Scotland, and Lady Margaret Atheling ; Henry I, (Beauclerc) and Matilda; Geoffry Plantagenet and Matilda ; Henry II and Eleanora of Aquitaine ; John and Isabella of Angouleme ; Henry III and Eleanor of Provence ; Edward I and Marguerite, daughter of Phillip le Hardi, king of France ; Prince Thomas Plantagenet ; Sir Thomas Mowbray and Margaret Plantagenet ; Thomas Mowbray and Elizabeth Fitzalan ; Sir Robert Howard and Lady Margaret Mowbray ; Sir John Howard ; Thomas Howard and Agnes Tylney ; Lord William Howard and Catherine of Broughton ; Sir William Paulet and Agnes Howard ; Thomas Gallop and Frances Paulet ; John Gallop and Chrestabel ( ?) ; Thomas Joy and Joanna Gallop. •*^*» (M»Si5 CONGRESS 021 549 685 f