Class. Book A CENTURY OF Vernon, Connecticut 1808—1908 SUMMARY OF VERNON'S HISTORY, EARLY AND MODERN. LITER- ARY EXERCISES AT HISTORIC CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AT VERNON CENTER. INCEPTION AND ORGANIZATION OF THE MOVEMENT. REPORT OF THE PROCEED- INGS AND PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK'S CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION. June 28 to July 4, Inclusive, 1908 PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF SPECIAL HISTORICAL COMMITTEE. ROCKVILLE, CONN. PRESS OF T. F. RADY & COMPANY JAX. 1911 f\^ vs y$* COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION JOSEPH C. HAMMOND, JR., THOMAS F. NOONE, PARLEY B. LEONARD. EDITED AND COMPILED BY HARRY CONKLIN SMITH. PART I. SUMMARY OF VERNON'S HISTORY, EARLY AND MODERN. SUMMARY —of the— Early History of Vernon —by— C. DENISON TALCOTT. The Pilgrim Fathers who founded the colony of Plymouth, and their successors who established the colony upon Massachusetts Bay, were the bearers of a new and more excellent order of life. They constituted the vanguard of a new civilization based upon freedom of spirit which aspired to religious liberty, and upon freedom of mind and of body which is the civil liberty of our modern state. From the leaders of these two colonies, with vigor of manhood and nobility of ideal, there migrated in the year 1635, the pioneer settlers of our three original towns — Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield. In 1726 from one of these original towns, Windsor, there journeyed into the territory of North Bolton. Samuel Grant, the first permanent settler. In 1808, by reason of the large increase of these pioneers, this northern part of the Mother Town. Bolton, was set off and incor- porated as a separate town. Thus it was that Vernon was not only descended from the foremost pioneers of the nation, but inherited the motives and impulses of a new era. The original towns were founded upon a distinct principle of government. Shortly after the migration, a legislative council was convened, under the name of the "Corte," afterward called the General Court, our General Assembly, The powers of this '"Corte" were delegated by the towns. The central authority was regarded as dependent finally for its claim to power upon the townships themselves. They were the creators of the state, were therefore the source of authority and finally supreme. Such has been the governing principle of all the successive towns of the commonwealth. Imbued, in her turn, with this principle of her natural autocracy. Vernon entered upon existence. 6 SUMMARY OF VERNON S HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN Vernon, as a beneficiary of Nature, has been kindly treated. The town is divided, north and south, by a range of hills, which mark the limit of the broad valley of the Connecticut Eiver. As a result, the western portion of the town is a gently undulating territory, of fair soil, and well watered by the prin- cipal streams, the Hockanum and the Tankaroosan. The eastern portion, of a variegated rock formation, precipitous and severe, possesses at its northern extremity, the outlet of a marvelous watershed. Formerly this outlet was not under the control of a high and massive dam of stone, but was bound by a low combination of logs and gravel from which there passed a rivulet, so small, that a well-known townsman, Peter Dobson, expressed considerable surprise that Colonel McLean should think of con- structing a mill upon the Hockanum instead of the Tankaroosan. Mr. Dobson, on other occasions, was an unusually able and close student of nature. While excavating for the foundation of his cotton factory, he was greatly impressed with the abraded con- dition of many of the bowlders. This unique condition, Mr. Dobson attributed to their being suspended and carried in ice over rocks and earth under water. Eminent scientists in Europe and America confirmed this original theory of the glacial for- mation, and Mr. Dobson was honored with well-merited prestige. Nature was kind to Vernon, therefore, in the diversity of her gifts, as well as in providing successful interpreters of her laws. As the new town had an inland location and manufacturers were still in the experimental stage, the inhabitants by nature and by necessity gave themselves universally to the pursuit of agriculture. The conditions of farming within the territory of a single township led to a limited and somewhat isolated population. At this early time, the town government, while essentially the same as that of today, possessed and exercised a much wider range of authority, an influence indeed which to the eye of the settler was complete and supreme. The average citizen of 1808 looked upon his town as upon a small republic, and knew little and cared less for the larger commonwealth to which he owed his allegiance. The reason for this was because the interest of every individual was bounded by the rule of the town ^VmJ 4^>^^ynSi~^-A /^i-t-mifi-Coy ~/#Vi^>} OcfcnrOf** 4*j> ff»V> 1 FAC-SIMILE OF ORIGINAL DEED by which Samuel Grant exchanged his farm in Bolton of one hundred acres for five hundred acres of land in North Bolton, now Rockville — deed executed in 1726. SUMMARY OF VERNON S HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN 7 of his residence. To secure legal residence he must either be a native, be admitted by vote of the town meeting, by the approval of the selectmen, or by election to some town office. Having acquired a legal residence, to become a voter there was a property qualification, the usual testimonial as to character, and the freeman's oath. These powers over residence and tbe right to vote were greatly modified in the formation and adoption of the new state constitution in 1818. The property qualification disappeared by an amendment of 1845, one more step in the evolution of the suffrage to a more simple and universal form. The problems of our fathers, in 1808, were primarily problems of construction rather than of maintenance as at present. Sim- ilarity of occupation brought about an identity in private inter- est, which naturally found expression in public affairs. At the earliest town meeting, presided over by the first town clerk and treasurer, Oliver King, it was voted to divide the districts and assess the labor on highways. For a long period of years the laying out of new highways was the principal subject for action at town meeting. Many acts of these early meetings have refer- ence, also, to the protection of property in ways quite unusual today. The definition of property was a matter which claimed much careful attention, as is evidenced by the office of fence- viewer. Again, men were so few, and animals so common, that the hay wards and pound-keeper were as ordained as the regular constable. Horses, mules, sheep, cattle, geese were restrained by special acts from running at large. A notable exception occurred in the case of swine which were allowed to run at large with a ring in the nose. With these various additional town offices and a comparatively small list of citizens, opportunities for public service were open at one time or another to nearly every one. Considering that the population was eager to exercise itself in this regard, it is not to be wondered at that a great amount of sound political training was accomplished. The tax, in those early days, was seldom paid in money, the greater part was work- ed out. Town meetings were held at Vernon Center up to 1856, when they were held alternately at Rockville, and in 1865 alto- gether in the latter place. 8 SUMMARY OF YERXOX's HISTORY EARLY AXD MODERN The ideal of religion was as widespread and profound in its spiritual effect as the ideal of government was stimulating in its intellectual effect. The established church being Congrega- tional, possessed the same democratic principle as the civil au- thority. In fact the relation of the church to the civil power was peculiarly unique. Taxes were by law collected for the support of the church as regularly as for town expenses. The church society used the civil tax list, and if there was difficulty in collecting, the town authority enforced the collection. Re- strictions over voting in the society meetings were as rigid, indeed were the same as in the civil town meeting. The activity of the tithing-man was clearly in behalf of the church society, yet he was a regularly appointed town officer. He constituted a sort of moral police, who on the occasion of divine service, quelled the restlessness of the youth and disturbed the slumbers of the aged. While the church society had direct control in all matters per- taining to local religion, the General Assembly held jurisdiction over the church body as a whole. This close relationship between church and state was ended in 1818 by the provisions of the new constitution. In 1749, upon petition of eighteen residents of North Bolton, the General Assembly granted the privileges of a winter parish. These privileges were allowed on account of the unusual distance from the ordained church in Bolton. They consisted of special services in the schoolhouses or individual houses as convenience allowed. In 1760, upon further petition, a separate parish was established under the name of the Ecclesiastical Society of North Bolton. The first pastor of this Society was Rev. Ebenezer Kellogg and his salary during the fifty-five years of his pastorate, did not exceed £70. (Colonial currency $233.33). A church build- ing was erected in 1762 and was located a half mile east of the present edifice at Vernon Center. The spot being elevated according to custom, became familiarly known as "Old Meeting House Hill." It was not until IT 70 that square straight-back- ed pews Mere installed, nor until 1774 that the building was finally plastered. The age of our ancestors was pervaded by the ideal of the spirit. They labored for the meat that perisheth, SUMMARY OF VERNON S HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN 9 but only in the sense that by a renewed vigor and a more ample fortune they might erect some new symbol of their faith in the spirit of man. In 1837, members of the parish living in the village of Roekville. organized a second church. The church had. as its first preacher. Rev. Diodate Brockway. and the church building, constructed at a heavy expense ($4,500) was located on the site of our present Memorial Town Hall. This church remained the Second Church in Vernon up to 1848. when the growth of the village became so pronounced that the parish was divided and a new church organized. The new edifice was erected on the site of the present Union Church and the first pastor was Rev. Andrew Sharpe. The two churches became known respectively as the First and Second Churches in Rockville. Of the other denominations the first to make its appearance was that of the Methodists. Services were held by itinerant preachers as early as 1833. It was not until 1840, however, that Vernon was placed upon the regular list of appointments. The first appointees were Revs. Benj. M. Walker and Caleb D. Rogers. Meetings were conducted in the old schoolhouse on AVest Street until 1847, when a church building was erected. The location was in the same vicinity, on AVest Street, not far from Windsor Avenue. For professions other than clergymen, there was in the Puritan regime comparatively little room. The lawyer was, according to the Scriptures, decried and regarded as a maker rather than a settler of disputes. Vernon was fortunate in that her first lawyer not only easily dispelled the prejudice of the age, but achieved a distinction far beyond the confines of his adopted town. Hon. D wight Loomis was born a judge, and to that rare temperament was added a profound devotion to the public wel- fare, and to the principles of a far-seeing and high-minded justice. A new country, consecrated to the idealism of a theocracy, had little thought for the advancement of science. Although physicians, as a profession, were prominent much earlier than lawyers, the efficacy of their cures lay fully as much in the common sense of a strong personality as in the consequences of 10 SUMMARY OF YERXOX's HISTORY EARLY AXD MODERX a huge cathartic. The list of rates for general practice, adopted in 1828, by the Tolland County Medical Society, is a significant commentary on the times — regular visits twenty-five cents, night visits fifty cents, consultations one dollar. One of the ear- liest physicians in North Bolton, and the first in Vernon was Dr. Scottoway Hinckley. Dr. Hinckley joined the Medical Society in 1803, and read a disser- tation before that body in 1807. He was particularly interested in school matters, and served many years on the visiting and district committees, (1799-1815). We recall Dr. Hinckley also for his experiments, in 1812, along with Delano Abbott, in the first weaving of cloth. Altogether Vernon may feel well satis- fied with the public spirit of her first regular physician. A school society was established in Xorth Bolton, October 31, 1796. The formation of a society was the method prevailing at that time in the promotion and regulation of all school matters. In the early days of the three original towns, the common educa- tion was a subject for action at town meeting. In those ^days there was usually but one parish or ecclesiastical society in each town. As the population increased, a division became necessary, and two or more parishes began to occupy the same general terri- tory. With this division into parishes came the gradual transfer of school supervision from the town authorities to the leaders in each parish. The school society was a self-appointed repre- sentative committee of the parish interested in school matters. The first meetings of the society in Xorth Bolton were held in the <»ld meeting house. The parish was immediately divided into districts, and the erection of the small but historic schoolhouses soon followed. In L798 the first school visiting committee was appointed. The visiting committee appointed in 1808. when North Bolton became Vernon, consisted of Scottoway Hinckley, Oliver II. King, Benjamin Talcott, Jr., and Thomas W. Kellogg. It is clear, therefore, that the school system was in working order at the beginning of our history as a town. As the southern part of the town was the earliest to develop; the Center. Dobson, PJicenix and Valley Falls Districts became the first of impor- tance. The old schoolhouse near Valley Falls, long since out of PETER DOBSON, Founder of First Cotton Mill in Vernon and one of the first in America. Co-worker with Samuel Slater, Father of Cotton Manufacturing in this Country. (Courtesy of Rockville Journal). SUMMARY OF VERNON 's HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN 11 commission, still stands the relic of a stern and somber past. In the vicinity of Rockville, the West District became the first of importance. The schoolhouse stood near the old Grant Mill. In the East District there was no schoolhouse until 1836. To meet the rapid development of the new village, schools were held in private houses. In the same year, 1836, the society voted that school should be kept four months in the year, the first reference we have to the length of the term of instruction. While an opportunity for instruction was made possible for every child in the township, we can not regard the resultant education other than purely elementary. Up to Is;;*.) there was hut one grade. The pursuit of agriculture without modern implements and in the midst of a primitive wildness afforded slight opportunities for self-culture. The foremost problem of the community was the hard practical end of gaining a livelihood. Nature was the task-master and applied mechanics was the general course of study. The field of advanced learning was reserved for the clergymen, and the effect even here was dogmatic and limited. It must he borne in mind, however, that profundity of knowl- edge was not the first essential of a community based upon free institutions. "We glorify our fathers because they recognized that a diffusion of knowledge, a high average intelligence, was the real foundation of a i'vvr democracy. In 1848, the first regular school building for both the lower and higher grades was completed at a cost of about $10,000. This marked the beginning of our modern system of education. A state law, in 185(5, abolished the school societies and transferred the school jurisdiction from the parish back to the town. Ii was some time later, however, (1866) before the various school districts were made uniformly responsible to the town authority, as we have it today. Agriculture, which in 1808 occupied a foremost position in industry, was destined to be superseded, and in a comparatively short time become second in importance to the mechanical arts. In the early days the lord of the farm looked down upon the mechanic as upon a vulgar and inferior being. Not until the constitution of 1818 were both placed upon the same level as 12 SUMMARY OF VERNON'** HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN citizens. Manufacturing at once felt the impetus of the new equality in industry. Soon after, in 1821, appeared the first real factory in the town, built by Colonel Francis McLean, and called the Bock. Other manufactories in their order of develop- ment were — the Frank (1831); New Bock (1832); afterward the Leeds (1837); Hockanum (1833), formerly Twin Mills (1814) ; Springville (1833) ; Saxony (1836) ; Panola or Stone Mill (1836) ; and New England (1837). These various enterpris- es so rapidly succeeded that by 1841, when a post office was estab- lished and Bockville entered upon history, the mechanic had passed the agriculturist, and not only in Vernon but through- out Connecticut as a whole. We became a manufacturing town, and we arrived at this condition by reason of the intuitive faculty which has given us the name of "Yankee." War has made its summons upon Vernon in the most memor- able conflict of history. Three hundred enlisted men responded to the great moral call of the Civil War, Company F of the Fifth Connecticut, Company D of the Fourteenth Connecticut, and a detachment in Company B of the Seventh Connecticut, and one German company of the Xew York military, beside nmny individuals to various other regi- ments. Upon the record of the town, as well, is the heavy expenditure of money which was none other than the labor of those who fulfilled their duty at home. At the town meeting of August 19, 1862, the sum of $25,000 was appropriated for the general expenses. By the close of the war, other appropriations brought the total to over $46,000. In addition the estimated amount paid by individuals for bounties to volunteers and sub- stitutes was $15,000. When we remember that the population was less than half of our present numbers, the measure of the sacrifices, both in men and in money, appears in a truer and more powerful light. The days of the Bebellion are gone. Only those who lived them through can know of the anguish of soul upon the field and the terrible uncertainty of mind at home. A'crnon, in 1824, by the advantage of her location on the Boston Turnpike, enjoyed an event of considerable historic inter- est. Upon this turnpike Colonel King erected a substantial FRANCIS McLEAN, Builder of the first woolen mill of importance and pioneer of the indus- try. PHINEAS TALCOTT, Delegate to Constitutional Convention in ISIS. Agent of the Rock Manu- facturing Company. Organizer of The American Mills. CAPTAIN ALLEN HAMMOND. The history of Rockville has been in- separably connected with name of Hammond since 1837. DR. ALDEN SKINNER. One of the last of the old-time phy- sicians. Father of Town Clerk Skinner — Alden Skinner Camp Sons of Veterans is named in his honor, SUMMARY OF VERXON'S HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN 13 hostelry, our present town farm, known in those days as King's Tavern. At the tavern many men of national fame from time to time regaled themselves. Finally, one of international repute, General Lafayette, on his revisit to America, had occasion to make the journey from Boston to Hartford. Vernon, to render the illustrious guest appropriate homage, called out her military for a royal salute. The general, however, was so late in arriving that the soldiers and royal salute betook themselves home. Nevertheless the historic sojourn at the old tavern took place, and many veterans of the Revolution greeted the gallant French- man. This event has been honorably commemorated by one of our patriotic societies, the D. A. E. The achievements of early Vernon must needs be to the many a tradition, to the few, only a memory. The work of our Puritan ancestry was essentially constructive. They were the precursors and guardians of a new manhood, and as such, were builders of mind, of body, and of soul. The final effect was not perfect, nor always pleasing, but citizenship was ennobled in every de- partment and life was made richer for the generation to come. SUMMARY OF YERXOXS HISTORY EARLY AXD MODERN" 15 SUMMARY of the MODERN HISTORY OF VERNON by Harry Coxklix Smith. History is a record of what man lias done, a narrative of past events. A town history treats of the rise and growth of the town, of the deeds of the town's citizens, the manners and customs of her people, from which it gains its color and inspiration. It also shows the part the town has taken in that mighty forward and onward movement, called progress. Town history is distinguished as early and modern. Usually it is the task of the historian to trace the progress of the town from its rude beginnings to its present strength and wealth. It should be a labor of love, and to be properly done, it must be the work of years. The history of the town of Vernon has been divided into two parts. The first part, or a summary of the early history of the town, has been admirably presented to the reader in the preceding pages. Xo generation in the strictest sense can begin its own work. It reaps fields that have been sown by others. To understand what we are today we need to go back to the toils and hardships of our ancestors, the descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers. It was their rude schoolhouses that prepared the way for our splendid present-day system of education. It was their struggle for political and religious freedom that gave us the greatest republic on which the sun ever shone, and our Xew England town and Xew England town meeting, institutions that typify freedom and democracy. It was their intense conviction of their accountability to God that fruited in the rugged virtues of Xew England character. While we of the present day, in veneration of that loyalty to God, home and country, which made our ancestors industrious, honest, self reliant and honored, strive to maintain the splendid character of our Xew England civilization, the 16 SUMMARY OF VERXOXS HISTORY EARLY AXD MODERX problems that confront us as a town today are vastly different from the problems our fathers had to deal with when the town was incorporated, and for many years after its incorporation. As has been truly said, they are no longer problems of con- struction, but problems of maintenance. In chronicling the events of these later days the historian must deal with plain, unvarnished facts, crowding a maximum of historic information into a minimum of space. While it will be necessary in some instances to go a decade or two back of the Civil War to properly describe conditions and chronicle events during the modern period of Vernon's his- tory, the Civil War is the point of demarcation between the early and the modern history of the town. In the summary of the town's early history the reader was given a clear idea of what Vernon did for her brave and loyal sons, who enlisted for the war, and what they in turn did for their country. The first chapter of the modern history introduces the reader to the return of these soldiers, showing the conditions that existed in the town of Vernon following the war. When the news of Lee's surrender to Grant at Appomattox reached Vernon, there was great rejoicing and a notable demonstration. One by one the Boys-in-Blue came back to their old homes and their families, conscious of having discharged the highest duty of American citizenship. Of the three hundred enlisted men from Vernon, who responded to the great moral call of the Civil War, many lost their lives on the various battlefields or died of wounds in hospitals or elsewhere. Practically all of Vernon's mill owners showed the right spirit toward their employees who answered their country's call in its time of dire need, and toward their families who were left at home, in many cases to battle with life alone. The American Mills' conduct along these lines was particularly noteworthy. VERNON AND THE WAR WITH SPAIN. Just a third of a century after one of the grandest wars ever fought by man for man, the tocsin of war again sounded throughout the land. This time the United States was forced SUMMARY OF VERNOX's HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN' 17 to teach Spain a lesson. Because she persisted in the practices of the fifteenth century in the closing years of the nineteenth century, refusing to advance with the modern laws of humanity, we entered upon a unique war, standing alone amidst all the wars of history. The young men who marched through Rockville's streets on .May 1. 1898 were the exad counterpart of the young men of '61. Never in Rockville's history was there more patriotism displayed than when Company left for Nian- tic to be mustered into the United Stales service. Over five thousand people saw them off. Public buildings and private residences were covered with "Old Glory," business was suspended and the boys departed amid cheers and tears. It was a source of great satisfaction to know that the manufacturers had made arrangements to provide for the families whose husbands or other members enlisted for the war. The sum of $25 per month was given to the married men and $15 per month to the single men. Company C was the banner company of the regi- ment, a greater percentage of its men having passed the rigid medical examination, which goes to show that the men were in their prime and enjoyed vigorous health. The First Regiment having been assigned to the peaceful department of the East, Company C hoys did not get into the thick of the fight. They sacrificed much, however. Some died, while others endured long sieges of sickness. That they did not go across the waters was no fault of theirs. They offered themselves, as did the boys of '61, for any sacrifice which might be called for. They were gone away from home a few days over six months, spending the time after leaving Xiantic at Jerry's Point, Ports- mouth, X. H. and Camp Alger, Ya. They received a grand ovation and reception on their return to Rockville on the even- ing of November 9, 1898. 18 SUMMARY OF VKKXOX's HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN ROSTER OF COMPANY C WHEN MUSTERED INTO THE UNITED STATES SEE VICE AT CAMP HAVEN, NIANTIC, MAY 17, 1898, BY LIEUTENANT ROWAN, U. S. ARMY. OFFICERS. Captain — Martin Laubscher. Lieutenants — 1st, John Paul Haun ; 2nd, Frederick W. Chapman First Sergeant — James H. Barnett. Sergeants — Quartermaster, Francis Murray; Charles B. Milne, Arthur W. Gyngell, * James W. Milne, Albert E. Usher. Corporals — 1st, William F. Schillinger; 2nd, Webster Kaye ; 3rd, William M. Hefferon: 4th, Arthur A. Gerich; 5th, William J. Breen; 6th, Albert E. M. Profe. Musicians — William J. Finley, Walter F. McCray. Artificer — Henry M. Seipt. Wagoner — George B. McClellan. Privates — George N. Aborn, Charles R. Anderson, Sylvester E. Arnold, Ernest E. Austin, Albert C. Bartlett, James A. Beaumont, Charles E. Binch, Richard Brache. Frank S. Breen. Hugo Broil, Harry J. Brown, Elmer W. Cahoon, Frank D. Chadwick, Richard G. Champion, Perlin L. Charter, Wilbur F. Charter, Jesse Clift, William J. Connolly, John Connors 2d., Jewett Collum, Philip Diedering, Jr., John Donovan, Frank P. Dowd, Francis F. Einsiedel, James B. Farrell, Francis P. Fitzpatrick, Joseph H. Flynn, Otto Flossbach, David E. Fox, Herman P. Franz, John E. Gawtrey, Thomas F. Golden, George F. Gorham, *Felix Gross, Manville Grum- back, John F. Haun, John J. Hecker, George A. Hewitt, Andrew Eopf, Squire Jackson, James S. Jones, Martin T. Leamy, Robert H. Lehmann, Jason D. Lowell, Charles F. Ludwig, James H. Lutton, Joseph H. Lutz, Thomas P. Lynch, William E. Lyons, Matthew McNamara, Philip J. Malir, Frank L. Manion, Ferdinand A. Matthewson, George Meyer, *Died of typhoid lever, contracted while in the service of the United States. SUMMARY OF VERXOX's HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN* 19 George H. Miller, Thomas L. Millot, Thomas F. Moore. John C. Murphy, John L. Murphy, John W. Murphy, William C. Murphy, Patrick J. McCollough, Donald K. McLagen, Matt- hew N. Xahigian, Thomas F. Newbury, Francis M. Norton, John J. O'Neil, William Phillips, Frederick J. A. H. Profe, James J. Quinn, Robert H. Rau, Charles H. Rauschenbach, John Regan, Emil R. Schwerwitzky, Carl C. Schmeiske, Emil W. Schmeiske, Ernesl A. Sharpe, Isaac- Simms, John H. Smith, Freedrick W. Stengel, Henry H. Tracy, Eerman C. Wagner, Charles J. Waidner. Anthony Wannegar, Waller J. Willis, Howard Winchell. Charles H. Thrall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius S. Thrall of this city, who was in Havana, Cuba, previous t<> the outbreak of the Spanish- American War, in charge of an electric light station, had a thrilling experience that he is likely to remember as long as he lives. After war had been declared, Mr. Thrall, who had been in this country, set sail for Cuba, where he was employed in the interests of the United States government and as a correspondent for the Xew York papers. He was taken a prisoner, with others, at Salado Beach by two companies of Spanish batteries. He was conducted to the Cuban fortress, Morro Castle, by seven of the Civil Guards and confined there. He was finally exchanged. The incidents surrounding his cap- ture would form a very interesting chapter. During the Spanish-American War Dr. Thomas F. Rockwell of this city was major and surgeon on the staff of General Charles L. Burdett, having volunteered his services. On May 4. 1898, he was appointed post surgeon of the military post at Xiantic, Conn., under Brigadier-General George Haven, and he served as consulting surgeon in the First Division Hospital at Camp Alger, Va. His military career has been a long and honorable one. FPHOLDIXG MILITARY TRADITIOXS. Shortly after the close of the Civil War a Grand Army Post was organized in this city, but owing to dissensions in the ranks of its members it was short lived. It was one of the pioneer 20 SUMMARY OF VERNON S HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN posts of the state. After its disbandment, a Veterans' Associa- tion was formed among many of the local veterans of the Rebellion to perpetuate the memory of departed soldiers who bad taken part in the memorable conflict from '61 to '65. Bur- pee Post, Xo. 71, Department of Connecticut G. A. R. was organized April 23, 1884, with twenty-three charter members, of whom the following are living: A. Park Hammond, D. F. Andrews, Willard Griswold, W. B. Root, H. M. Willis, J. H. Newell, L. X. Charter, John Thompson, Arthur A. Hyde and H. W. Coye. George X. Brigham was the first post commander and Charles W. Wood the post's first adjutant. Since the organization of the post to the present time one hundred and twenty-five veterans have enrolled their names on the membership book. The post is named in honor of the gallant Colonel Burpee of the Twenty-first Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, who was killed at the battle of Cold Harbor on the morning of June 9, 1864 while acting as brigade officer of the day. Colonel Burpee was a Rockville boy. Harvey Davis is the present commander and Julius H. Xewell is adjutant. Burpee Woman's Relief Corps, which has done noble work, co-operating in a splendid manner with Burpee Post, was organ- ized on January 15, 1886 with a membership of about twenty-five. Its present membership is one hundred and fifty-three. Mrs. Anna Dickinson is president. It stood first in the state last year in amount of money given for relief work. Alden Skinner Camp, Xo. 45, Sons of Veterans, is named in honor of Alden Skinner, a surgeon of the Twenty-fifth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, who died March 30, 1863, of malarious typhoid fever, contracted in the service of his country. It was organized May 7, 1890 with twenty charter members. William F. Loom is was captain and Frank B. McPherson, first ser- geant. Its present commander is John Felber and its secre- tary is H. L. Symonds. Growing out of the Spanish- American War a camp of Spanish War Veterans was organized in Rockville on May 17, 1908, by SUMMARY OF VERNON '.S HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN 21 Department Commander Henry H. Saunders. The camp is known as James \Y. Milne Cam]), in honor of Sergeant James W. Milne, who lost his life as the result of contracting typhoid fever in that war. It started with twenty-four charter members and its present membership is thirty-four. The adjutant's report at last division encampmenl showed that the camp had made the largesl gain in member- ship of any of the camps. .Martin Laubscher was the firsl commander, and Arthur \V. Gyngell is the present com- mander. Back in the early forties there was a military company in Roekville. It was commanded by Captain Chauncey Hibbard and was part of the old state militia. Captain Hibbard being a natural drillmaster. the company furnished many officers dur- ing the Civil War and many men who enlisted in that memor- able conflict received their first training in this company, and it proved valuable training. The company, which was known as Company C, subsequent to the war finally disbanded. On February 25, 1890, a company was organized in Roekville and was accepted as a part of the state militia, taking the name of Company C. The late Sheriff Amass I'. Dick- inson was captain. Frederick H. Linker, first lieutenant and Martin Laubseher second lieutenant. For several years the com- pany led the regiment in figures of merit. The present officers of the company are: Captain. James 11. Lutton; first lieutenant, Michael J. O'Connell; second lieutenant. Albert E. Scharf. The Hammond Drum Corps, organized by J. C. Hammond, Jr., brought fame to Roekville back in the early seventies. It participated in a great many memorable parades in various parts of the country. It continued in existence for several years. finally reorganizing. It has held several notable reunion.-. Roekville has had several good bands in its history, but is without a local band at the present time. YERXOX AXD HER INDUSTRIES. Snipsic Lake, as a water power, has contributed very largely to the prosperity of the town of Vernon. Through its outlet 22 SUMMARY OF VERXOX*S HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN' the winding, sinuous Hockanum, it pours down a grade of two hundred and fifty-six feet to the mile and a half into the valley below, furnishing one of the finest and most easily available water powers to be found in America. The water possesses a superior quality, which gives it a special value. The supply is practically inexhaustible, and the descent is so rapid and steady that the power may be used over and over again, at surprisingly short intervals. To the genius of "Snip," as it is affectionately known, Rockville is indebted for its growth and development during the past cen- tury. The beautiful Hockanum is the magic wand which has transformed an unfertile, unpromising, and what appeared at one time to be a worthless tract of land, into a thriving city of substantial mills, modern streets and beautiful residences. By its invisible arm, gravitation, Snipsic daily sets in motion nearly a score of water wheels, and for the space of more than a mile the Hockanum is literally studded with shops and factories. "Snip" is the ruling, the motive ]i>ower, men and machinery be- ing but the agents to do its bidding. Aside from its importance as a motive power to run ma- chinery, Snipsic Lake is a very interesting and attractive spot. Indeed, situated as it is, in the Tolland hills, it is one of Con- necticut's most beautiful glimpses of forest and water. In its setting and adornment Nature has been most prodigal of her charms. Few New England lakes surpass it in beauty, althorigh in size it is not large, covering five hundred and twenty-five acres. The original lake was half that. It is five hundred and fifteen feet above the sea level. Prior to 1847 Snipsic dam was five feet and ten inches high; in 184? ten feet were added; in 1864, seven feet, in 1872, three feet and eight inches, making the present dam twenty-six feet and six inches from bottom to coping. From top of the dam to and including Windermere privilege, the Hockanum River, fed by Snipsic Lake, has a fall of three hundred and nine feet. The company's first main in 1847 was an 8-inch cement pipe, and the first line of pipe came down to what was then a reser- voir basin in Central Park. This reservoir basin, SUMMARY OF YKKXOX's HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN 23 which was piped, supplied the lower part of the village. In 1866 a 12-inch cast iron main was laid in place of the 8-inch main. In 1893 and 1894 a 20-inch east iron main was laid, which extends as far as the corner of West Main Street and Vernon Avenue. On Union, Prospect and Brooklyn Streets LO-inch mains have been laid and on all the other city streets 6-inch mains are in use. Snipsic furnishes Rockville with its domestic water supply, which is of great abundance, superior quality, with good gravity and high pressure service. The business is conducted by the Rockville "Water and Aqueduct Company, which at the present time is largely composed of the mill owners of the city. Originally a stock affair, it was organized in October, 1847, with a capital of $7,000. The first meeting was held at the Leeds office on November 11, 1847. George Kellogg was the first president and Phineas Talcott first secretary and treas- urer. Tn 1866 the needs of the village demanded better service than the old company with its limited capital and capacity could give. Having secured a charter from the legislature at the May session in the above named year, the company was reorganized with J. J. Robinson as president and .'. ('. Eammond, Jr., as secretary and treasurer. A. Park Hammond is the president of the company at the present time and J. C. Hammond, Jr., the present secretary and treasurer, has served the company in this capacity for forty-four consecutive years — a remarkable record. The company has kept pace with the growth of the town and at the present time lias one hundred and fourteen city hydrants, about fifty private hydrants, and about twenty miles of pip''. Prior to 1894 the high service was supplied by wells and cisterns. In 1904 the present pumping station and standpipe were erected. The office was located in the New England Mill until 1877, when it was moved to a room in the rear of the Citizens' Block, where the post office was then located. Since June. 1890, it has been located on the second floor in the Rockville National Hank Building. 24 SUMMARY OF VERNON S HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN Snipsic Lake is conceded to be the best illustration of an artificial reservoir to be found in Connecticut, if not in the country. The most important event in the history of the local water company was the consolidation that took place between the old Rock vi lie Water Power Company and the Eockville Aqueduct Company. On March 1, 1893, a special enactment drawn by the late A. P. Hyde was obtained from the General Assembly, merging and consolidating the two companies. A meeting was held in the Rock Mill office, at which a charter was adopted. All the mill owners and manufacturers were present, and they became interested in the new company. Previous to the consoli- dation, the Eockville Water Power Company had to do largely with water for power purposes, while the Eockville Aqueduct Company was interested principally in water for domestic pur- poses. Vernon's era of industrial pursuits arrived in the early twen- ties. Their development during the germinating period, how- ever, was not exempt from adverse influences. "Industries," as understood in our modern classification were not any too prom- inent during the early period of the town's history, the period from the date of the incorporation of the town in 1808 down to 1845. As these have been referred to in the preceding pages under the head, "Early History," it isn't necessary to again call attention to them. There is a vast difference between early and modern industrial life. AVith the growth of the years a change swept over the community — a change likely to sweep over any community with a similar environment, surroundings and conditions. The first notable expansion in the industrial life of Vernon took place in the forties, and it can be truthfully said that the years 1847, 1848 and 1849, marked a distinct epoch— an epoch of industrial progress. The mills built during these years greatly added to the volume of business and enhanced the material prosperity of the town. The panic of 1857, which was national, paralyzing industries all over the country, hit Vernon bard and there was an extended period of business depression. SUMMARY OF VERXOX's HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN' 25 There was no marked rally until the breaking out of the Civil War, when there was an urgent demand for goods for army pur- poses. The Rockville mills, like mills in other places, had de- sirable contracts. Those mills that did not care to take army contracts found a ready market for all the goods they could manufacture. During the years of the war, and immediately following the war up to 1865, times were good and optimism prevailed in the industrial life of the town. While there was a gradual growth and development, there was no marked period of expansion akin to the expansion of '49. In the fifties, over- seers in the Rockville mills earned from -$1.50 to $2.50 per day, and other mill help was paid in proportion. The salaries paid to the mill officers were not large. George Kellogg, affection- ately known as "Uncle George," head of the Hock Mill for many years, received the very modest salary of $1,000. A. ('. Crosby, superintendent of the same mill, received what was considered then a very high salary. $1,500. When Thomas M. Barrows was engaged to come to Rockville and manage the American Mills at a salary of $2,500 per year, many of the other mill owners were actually scandalized. After the close of the war, a readjustment took place owing to changed financial conditions. When Lee surrendered at Appomattox, gold was selling at 270, and the cost of living had greatly increased. While naturally there was an inflation in wages, it didn't begin to compare with the increased cost of living. From 1865, up to the present time, Vernon's industrial life has shown a slow but healthy growth. Old concerns have passed away, new concerns have come, addi- tions and enlargements have been going on. There have been periods of industrial activity and depression. Small industries have expanded into gigantic corporations with millions of capi- tal, until today the town of Vernon enjoys an international reputation as a great woolen center. At the present time there are twelve manufacturing concerns in the town of Vernon doing business on a large scale. They are for the most part corporations chartered by the state. There are, however, several smaller enterprises conducted by private firms. Of the twelve companies nine are engaged in the manufacture 26 SUMMARY OF VERXOX's HISTORY EARLY AXD MODERN of fine woolen and worsted goods. These are the Hockanum. Springville, New England and Minterburn Mills, the Hock Manufacturing Company, the American Mills Company, the James J. Regan Manufacturing Company, Talcott Brothers and the Roekville Worsted Company. The goods of many of the companies exhibited at Chicago in competition with the best English, French and German makers were unhesitatingly pronounced by expert judges to be equal, if not superior, to any worsted goods in the manufacturing depart- ment. Thus as a result of this exhibition, it has been shown beyond peradventure of doubt that, so far as quality of goods is concerned, our American manufacturers have nothing to fear from foreign competition, and it has also been proved that Rock- ville stands at the very forefront, the products of its woolen manufacturing plants commanding world-wide attention and challenging the admiration of expert judges in the woolen in- dustry. To show the great reputation of the goods produced in the factories of the Hockanum Mills Company, it may be said that they have made suits to be worn at the inauguration by three different presidents of the United States, the Springville Com- pany having made the suit worn by President Harrison, the Hockanum Company the suit worn by President Mclvinley, and the Springville Company the suit worn by President Roosevelt. The cloth of which these different suits was made was sold thereafter as among the highest price fabrics on the market, and were named "Inauguration" cloth, "Mclvinley'" cloth and "Presidential" cloth, respectively. The cloths were all similar fabrics, being black undressed worsted made of the very finest counts of yarn used in men's wear goods. These yarns took many months to produce, as they were from the very finest selected wool that could be obtained be- taking the very best lots from an immense quantity of wool. The goods were London shrunk at the mills and were turned out with a very soft and beautiful finish. The mills of this association made the first men's wear goods that were produced in this country from worsted yarn. The C" ' : ---i.^:^**'^ HOUSE WHERE WOOLEN MANUFACTURING was first started in town of Vernon. * ■tar ■ X B i 1 ' ■ "»_! • us ,',tm ^MbH IN 1804, JOHN WARBURTON utilized this "lower" privilege as a wool- carding plant. EIRST MILL IN VERNON— Built in 1 79 ">-<> by John Warburton on this site. I I I ■ '■ 4.1 J f l I I B 1 i II II II II II I| PIONEER WOOLEN FACTORY from which Rockville derives its name. Old Rock Woolen Factory erected in J821 by Colonel Francis McLean. EIRST WOOLEN MILLS in Rockville. Twin mills erected by E. Nash on the old. Hockantim site about 1814. SUMMARY OF VERNON 's HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN 27 Hockamim Mill lias undoubted proof of this from testimony of yarn manufacturers, that their books showed the first sales of worsted yarn to any men's wear mills were made to the Hock- amim. Prior to 1841-42 the only goods manufactured by the Xew England Mill were cotton warps. It was decided to commence the manufacture of all-wool fancy "Kerseymeres/ 5 and the new- looms came from the original George Crompton. It was from Mr. Crompton that Captain Hammond learned designing. The Xew England Company's looms turned out the first all-wool "Fancies" made in America. In 1906 the Hockanum Mills Company was organized as a holding corporation by the stockholders of the Hockanum. Springville, Xew England and Minterburn Companies, with a view to centralizing the business. The capital stock is $6,000,000. Under the new plan the four mills combined for the buying of raw material. The selling of the finished product has also been facilitated by the change. The officers of the Hockanum Mills Company at the present time are: President— F. T. Maxwell. Vice-President — Robert Maxwell. Secretary and Treasurer — William Maxwell. General Superintendent — David A. Sykes. Assistant General Superintendent — Charles S. Bottomley. Assistant Treasurer and Paymaster — A. Park Hammond. Purchasing Agent — M. C. Mason. Assistant Paymaster — George B. Hammond. Office Managers — Hockanum. J. E. Maynard; Xew England, George B. Hammond; Minterburn, S. Tracy Noble. Superintendents — Hockanum. Nelson Little ; Springville. dames A. Elliott; Xew England. Frank Eastwood; Minterburn, Frank P. Reiser. The total yearly output in dollars and cents of the four mills in the Hockanum Mills Company is $3,500,000, and the total weekly payroll is $14,000. 28 SUMMARY OF YERXOX's HISTORY EARLY AXD MODERX A new central office building has just, been completed for the Hockanum Mills Company just east of the Springville Mill office. It is a two and one-half story brick building with brown stone trimmings, 70x50 feet in size. A new dyehouse has also just been completed. It is a one- story brick and concrete building with monitor roof, having a very complete ventilating system, which disposes of steam. It is 190x75 feet in size. HOCKANUM PLANT. The Hockanum plant today comprises five mills, the main one being 375x45 feet, four stories high, built of wood and brick, with a wing 180x56 feet, four stories, built of concrete reinforc- ed with steel: finishing mill 250x40 feet, constructed of brick: dyehouse 75x40 feet, connected to main mill four stories high. There is also a large brick boiler house and engine house. The plant uses about 500-horse power. The mills are equipped with 156 broad looms and 15 sets of cards and 4,440 spindles. There are also four large tubular steam boilers of 400-horse power and a steam engine of 350- horse power. Some twelve electric motors are used doing away with much belting and shafting. The mills are equipped throughout with automatic sprinklers and all advanced methods for protection against fire. Employment is given to 325 operatives. THE SPRINGVILLE MANUFACTURING COMPAXY. The Springville mill, which was established in 1833 by the late Chauncey Winchelh in 1866, just a third of a century later, underwent a wonderful expansion. At that time the property was purchased by the late George Maxwell and the late George Sykes, Avho soon commenced the removal of the old mill, replacing it with a much larger one of stone and brick, 300 feet long and 45 feet wide, with two wings, each 100x50 feet, and all four stories high, equipped with automatic sprinklers and all up-to- date appliances for tire protection. Other buildings are the dyehouse. boiler and engine house, and storehouse, all built of SUMMARY OF VKKXox's HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN 29 brick and modern and commodious. One hundred horse power is developed by water and 600 by three Large steam boilers. One large 200-horse power engine furnishes the steam power. A 75-horse power dynamo and engine furnish the electric lights. Eight sets of cards and 135 broad looms and 3. .300 spindles comprise the equipment. Employment is given to 350 operat- ives. THE NEW ENGLAND COMPANY. The New England's group of buildings on Vernon Avenue include a large frame and brick structure, also dyehouse and boiler house, constituting an important factor in Rockville's industrial life. The finished product amounts t<> nearly 350,000 yards annually. The plant will compare favorably with the other plants in the Hockanum Mills Company. Its equipment is first class in every respect, there being 9 sets of cards at the present time. 114 broad looms and 600 spindles. The mill is equipped with dynamos for providing their own light. Power is furnished by steam engines of 225-horse power. Employment is provided for 300 operatives. The old wooden water wheel, which has been in use at the New England mill since 1860, was used for the last time on Thursday, August 20, 1909. Work commenced on the follow- ing day on the tearing out of the old wheel. While the new turbine water wheel was being placed in position, the plant was run wholly by steam power. The completion of the new turbine wheel is a decided improvement, the mill now being run by electric drive, the water power being utilized to run a generator providing electricity for power. The old mill wheel, which provided 120-horse power, was 24 feet in diameter and 16 feet wide. It was the largest water wheel in the city. THE MINTEPBUEN MILLS COMPANY. This is the youngest of the four companies comprising the Hockanum Mills Company. It occupies the old site of the Rock- 30 SUMMARY OF YE RNON's HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN" ville Warp Mills Company, being the first plant on the Hockan- um Kiver. It was incorporated in 1906, and after tearing down the old and dilapidated buildings on the site, work was com- menced on the erection of a handsome, modern concrete con- struction building, which is likely to stand for a generation. It is the largest mill in the city and one of the finest in New England of concrete construction. The main building is 300 feet long by 06 feet wide, five stories high. It is equipped with the latest approved automatic sprinkl- ers and an improved steam plant of 250-horse power has been installed in a boiler and engine house in the rear of the main building. A chimney of concrete construction 165 feet high, in connection with the mill, is one of the sights in the east end of Eockville. Xo better lighted or ventilated mill, manufactur- ing woolen and worsted goods can be found in the country. Opposite the main mill is the warehouse, constructed of brick, 100x45 feet, and an office building containing counting room, large vault, private office and directors' room, lighted by elec- tricity. The machinery is the very best money can buy. The mill is equipped with 68 broad looms and there are 4,080 spindles. Employment is given to 225 hands. THE ROCK MANUFACTURING COMPANY. The plant of the Bock Manufacturing Company comprises twelve buildings at the present time. The main mill, which is 300 feet long and five and one-half stories high, attracts the at- tention of all visitors to the city. The equipment is modern throughout, including one of the finest and most up-to-date finishing departments in the country. The plant is equipped with 11 sets of carding machines, 36 spinning mules, 102 broad looms and 10,000 spindles. The company has a valu- able \v;iler power, having two wheels of 125-horse power each, and also a steam engine of 150-horse power. The Rock embraces what was formerly the Leeds Mill and lias a large group of buildings on West Main Street. Employ- ment is given to 300 operatives. The yearly output of finished SUMMARY OF YERXOX's HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN 31 goods amounts to $1,250,000. Some idea of the magnitude of the business may he gained from the fact that the company annually pays to the New York, Xew Haven and Hartford Railroad Company about $12,000 in freight charges. The Rock Manufacturing Company's product, fine coatings, thibets, coverts and uniform cloths, are known far and wide for their tine texture, splendid quality and general excellence. The Rock Manufacturing Company made the cloth worn by President Benjamin Harrison and Vice-President Levi P. Morton at the centennial celebration of the inauguration of Georg Washington as president of the United States in Xew York City, April 30, 1889. The cloth is what is known as a "Clay Twill." It was made from a very fine grade of worsted yarn. There were six thou- sand seven hundred ends and one hundred and twelve picks of filling to the inch, the dye being alozarine. Frederick Swindells, a thoroughly practical man in the woolen business, familiar with every detail of manufacture, has been with the company since 1891, first as superintendent and then as agent. He has been president of the company since 1905. Arthur T. Bissell is the secretary and treasurer and Frederick W. Swindells, son of the president, is the superintendent of the mill. Two buildings, 180x44, one story high, of regular mill con- struction, were completed in July, 1909. These are used for finishing purposes. A two-story regular mill construction building, 80x30 feet in size, fire proof, was completed in December, 1909. This is being used for a storehouse. THE AMERICAN MILLS COMPANY. Just east of the business center of the city is the main build- ing of the American Mills Company, one of Eockville's indus- trial landmarks. It is one of the largest buildings used for manufacturing in the city, and is likewise one of the old and substantial concerns, making woolen and worsted goods in Rock- ville. 32 SUMMARY OF VERNON 's HISTORY EARLY AND MODERN The plant, which is an extensive one. turns out an enormous quantity of finished product. It is equipped with the very latest machinery and keeps abreast of the times in every respect. The mill has 86 broad looms, 3 narrow looms. Vt sets of cards, 5,000 spindles. Its employees number 225. The goods manufactured by the American Mills Company have figured prominently in bringing fame to Rockville as the home of fine woolens and worsteds. Their superior quality has been tested time and time again and found to be of the very highest standard. In addition to its regular line of fine fancy worsteds for men's wear, the American Mills Company manufactures standard and fancy carriage cloths of most novel effects in fancy weaves and beautiful colorings in whip cords. Bedford cords, wide and narrow wales and diagonals. The officers of the company are : President. George Talcott ; agent and treasurer. Charles X. McLean; superintendent, Edward F. Badmington. TALCOTT BROTHERS. Talcott Brothers was organized in 1856 by II. W. & C. D. Tal- cott. The property was purchased of X. 0. Kellogg, and con- sisted of two mills, located respectively on an upper and lower privilege. The upper mill was dismantled by the freshet of 1869, and the lower mill was burned in the same year. Thereupon the two privileges were consolidated, and the present mill erect- ed. The product was principally satinets up to 1875 when a change was made to union cassimeres. In 1907 a grade of fine woolens was added to the line. In 1882, H. G. Talcott became genera] manager, and M. H. Talcott became associate manager. John . Preston, clerk and treasurer. The late William E. Orcutt RATIO X S AND ILLUMINATIONS. At last ! After mouths of preparation, of hard work, of en- couragement and obstacles, of enthusiasm and misgivings, those who had labored saw the fruition of their efforts, and the town of Vernon entered upon its grand centennial celebration. CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 101 Any one-hundredth birthday of a person or of a place is a notable events and that of our town must live long in the mem- ories of those who shared therein, and have permanent interest for such as shall make Vernon their future home. Naturally, the story of this historical event centers and circles in and about the city of Kockvrlle. Here began, and here was consummated the desire to mark the growth and progress of Vernon by a scries of spectacles and exercises which should leave a lasting record in the minds of the townspeople, and make a worthy subject for preservation in type. Doubtless the memories still freshest with those who can look back upon the events of that week in June, 1908, are the recol- lections of the decorations which transformed our streets and open spaces into a stage-setting of more than theatrical splendor. Private houses, public buildings, business places, all contributed a lavish share to the total effect of beauty and carnival-like gaiety. Never before had Rockville's natural scenic advantages been so utilized and enhanced by the tasteful touch of Art. If the daylight effects were inspiring, those of evening and night were thrilling. Myriads of many-colored lights, outlining buildings, festooning streets and parks, made up a veritable "blaze of glory." Especially worthy of mention were the bril- liant effects seen about Central Park. Here were erected Ionian columns, their white gracefulness crowned with gilt; and festoon- ed from pillar to pillar, shone thousands of electric bulbs. A pretty effect was obtained about the fountain in Park Place by twining the four lamp-posts with laurel. Memorial Hall, as was fitting, was made a chief feature in the scheme of decoration, over the main entrance shining the word "Centennial," flanked on each side by the figures "1808" and "1908," respectively, the seal of the state being also outlined in bulbs of red, white, and blue. First and foremost in the sentiments expressed by the decora- tions was that of "Welcome." This heart-stirring word was of frequent appearance by day and night, and sounded the key- note of the whole week's festivities. 102 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES Many were they who responded to the home-call, and t'oundf that "welcome" was indeed the common salutation to all home comers. Indeed, to this day, we think and speak of that time- as "Old Home Week." On the Sunday of June 28th, special services in all of the churches marked the preliminary approach of the real celebra- tion. Pastors of all denominations united in presenting to their people some thoughts of special appropriateness to the occasion. Music, too, was a large factor in putting the minds of the people- in tune with all the harmony and delight manifested within and without. Without in any way slighting the value and enjoy- ment of other musical performances, it seems worthy of special remembrance that the centennial service of the Union Church was the occasion of presenting Haydn's magnificent oratorio, "The Creation." It was indeed a fine contribution to the prog- ress of Vernon in a musical sense. Perhaps the honor of inaugurating the celebration proper remains with the Gesang and Declamation Club. Just before- midnight of Saturday night, this association assembled in Central Park and sang "Forward the Light," and "Milage Dear." Thus commenced that season of many delightful happenings which were crowded into the next few days. COMMEMOEATIVE EXEECISES AT YEKNOX CEXTEIL "Back to Vernon Center !" That might well have been the cry which stirred the people of Vernon town on Monday, June 29,. 1908. Such, at all events, was what took place. From all points,. towards the old Mother Church, the historic Congregational Church of Vernon Center — traveled crowds of people interested in the literary exercises of the day. For here was to be heard related that long train of events which had found their cul- mination in this one-hundredth anniversary. Within the walls, of this old church gathered descendants of those sturdy and God-fearing men and women, who, by their faith and their works, laid the foundations of our present-day society, both church and community. CEXTEXXIAL EXERCISES 103 Ex-Representative Henry H. Willes, master of ceremonies, conducted the exercises. Mr. Willes briefly welcomed those present, thanked the centennial committee for doing the old village the honor of having the exercises on that historic spot. and assured everyone present of his and the townspeople's ap- preciation. Following the invocation by Rev. C. E. McKinley of the Union Congregational Church of Rockville, there was an address of welcome by Parley B. Leonard, first selectman of the town ■of Vernon. M r. Leonard spoke as follows : •ClTIZEXS OF VERXOX AND 1XVITED GUESTS : We are here today to celebrate the one-hundredth birthday of the town of Vernon, and as this spot was the center of the town for many years, it is very fitting and appropriate that these •exercises should take place as planned. I do not propose to tell jou what happened one hundred years ago, or the many changes that have taken place during the time, as we have with us today able speakers who will address you along these lines. Your committee in charge has arranged a very attractive program for the entire week. Yesterday, religious services were held in all the churches, and it was an event long to be remem- bered. There will be attractions in Rockville day and night •during the week, and every day will be a big day. All roads will lead to Rockville, and the gates of the city will be wide open. All are welcome; there is no division line, as to you and jour ancestors is due the credit for the growth and prosperity of -our beautiful town. Come and be with us as much of the time as possible, for this is our home, and we want to keep the record we have already obtained of having as good a home as anyone. Your presence will help to make the week enjoyable, and it will go down into history as one of the most notable events that ever took place in Vernon. In behalf of the committee, I thank you for the interest and enthusiasm you have shown here today. We not only welcome jou, but urge you to continue with us the entire week. 104 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES Following Mr. Leonard's address, the act of the general as- sembly creating the town of Vernon was read by Town Clerk Francis B. Skinner. The following is a true copy of the record : "Upon the Petition of Oliver King and Saul Alvord, of Bolton, in the County of Tolland, agents for said town of Bolton, in their own names, and in the names and behalf of the rest of the inhabitants of said town of Bolton, shewing to this Assembly that said town is about eleven miles in length from North to South, and from three to five miles in width from East to West, and is divided into two ecclesiastical societies, and that from the situation and circumstances of the inhabitants of said town, the same ought to be divided into two towns by the society lines; and that all questions respecting the debts, poor, bridges, and all matters, which might arise in consequence of a division of said town, have been amicably settled and adjusted, — Praying for an Act of Assembly to divide said town as aforesaid and to allow each town one representative only, — as by Petition on file dated the 3d day of May, A. D. 1808. "This Petition was brought to the General Assembly hoi den at Hartford in May last, and thence by legal continuance, to this Assembly, with an order to advertise notice of the pendency of the same, which order has been complied with and no opposition being made against the Prayer of said Petition and the facts stated in the same being proved, — ■ "Besolved, By this Assembly, that the inhabitants living within the limits of the society of North Bolton, in said town of Bolton, be and they thereby are incorporated into and made a town by the name of Vernon; and that they and their successors, inhabi- tants within said limits, are, and shall forever remain a town and body politic with the rights, privileges and immunities to other towns belonging, excepting that they shall elect only one representative to the General Assembly and the lines and limits of said society shall be the lines and limits of said town of Vernon. — "And it is further resolved, that said town of Vernon shall hold their first town meeting at the meeting house in said Vernon on the third Monday of November next, at two o'clock in the CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 105 afternoon, to choose their town officers for the year ensuing, — and said meeting shall he warned by posting a notification to that effect on the sign-post in said Vernon ten days before said third Monday of November, which notification shall be signed by Oliver King, Esquire, who shall be the Moderator of said meeting; and in case the said King shall fail to perform the duty hereby assigned to him, the same may be performed by any other justice of the peace in any town adjoining said town of Vernon. — ■ "And it is further resolved, that said town of Bolton shall hereafter elect no more than one representative to a session of the General Assembly. "A true copy of Record, examined by ''Samuel Wyllys, "Secretary." Vocal selections by the school children, under the direction of Prof. T. William Sturgeon, were a pleasing feature of the exercises, preceding the reading of the historical essay pre- pared by C. Denison Talcott; reminiscences by Captain C. W. Burpee of Hartford; commemorative poem by Pro lessor Thomas D. Goodell of New Haven, and commemorative address by Bon. Charles Phelps. Each of these notable contributions will be found printed in full. Just before the close of the exercises at the church, Rev. C: E. McKinley, pastor of the Union Congregational Church, Rock- ville, arose and said that he desired to make a motion, and that was, that the congregation, before it leaves, show its appreciation of the old church at Vernon Center and the village, by subscrib- ing to a fund to rebuild the church steeple. The motion did not want for seconders. Pastor McKinley gave an impetus to the movement by making a very generous contribution himself. Ex- Representative H. H. Willes, master of ceremonies, made a few remarks, saying how pleasing such a suggestion as Mr. McKinley had made would be to the people. He announced that he would give $100 toward the object himself. Rev. C. E. McKinley temporarily assumed charge and called for subscriptions. The sum of $260.00 was secured from among those present. After 106 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES the exercises Mr. Willes went among the people and succeeded in getting additional contributions, which brought the total amount up to $800.00. At the present time only a few hundred dollars more are necessary to raise the sum. of $2,500.00, the- amount necessary to restore the spire. The literary exercises closed with the benediction by Rev. E. Payson Hammond of Hartford. Before pronouncing the bene- dict ion he made a few appropriate remarks, referring to the many years he bad lived in Vernon and of the many times he had preached in the pulpit of the Vernon Center Congregational Church, of the numerous prayer meetings he had attended and the great interest and enjoyment he had taken in them all. After the literary exercises in the church were over, there was- a social gathering on the beautifully kept lawn with selections by Ulivieri's Band of Florence, Italy. Refreshments were also- served. HISTORICAL ESSAY BY C. DEXISOX TALCOTT. Following is the historical essay, which was written for the occasion by C. Denison Talcott of Talcottville, and read by him : You have come today into this house of worship to hear recounted the glories of our beloved Vernon. This build- ing itself, in which we are assembled, teems with the hal- lowed memories of the fathers that are gone. For those who have reached a ripe old age, it will be impossible for me to lend a coloring to events which can be satisfactory or compare with living experience. I only hope that as the more important triumphs are passed in review, you will picture them yourselves, anew, in your minds, and out of this reveries supply those details which must otherwise be lacking. For those in middle life who have come from distant lands and made their homes within the boundaries of this town, I shall endeavor to dwell upon those early struggles, by reason of which it has been possible to re- ceive so many, and having received them into our strength CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 107 and fellowship, to mould a noble body politic — our pre- vious possession today. For us, younger voters, there can be from a reflection upon the hundred years that have passed but one effect — an abiding" inspiration. Eighteen hundred and eight is the year towards which our minds are turning today. On the second Thursday of October, 1808, by an act of the General Assembly of the state of Connecticut, a section of the town of Bolton was set off and incorporated into the town of Vernon. Possibly many of you have wished that this town had not been set off from another, but had entered the county along with the other towns, in 1785, the time when the county of Tol- land was set apart as one of the principal divisions of the .state. Contrary to this idea, I believe that the creation of Vernon by a special act of the Legislature reflects the highest possible credit upon those who constituted her citizens. All districts required a separation originally, and the fact that the townspeople of North Bolton were so aggressive and resourceful as to be recognized by the state government at that early time, accounts in no small measure for the leader- ship in the county which Vernon enjoy so pre-eminently today. The early settlers, previous to 1808, were attracted by the power of the two streams now familiar to us all as the Hockanum and the Tankarooson. To follow these waters through an undisturbed wildness of a thousand years was no mean task. In fact, land companies, acting as proprie- tors, were formed by leading citizens of the Connecticut Valley, for the purpose of developing and creating town- ships in just such a wilderness as was Tolland County at that time. The towns of Bolton, Tolland and Union were opened and established by companies of this sort. How was it with Vernon ? To Samuel Grant of Windsor, we give honor for that undaunted spirit which made him the •clear possessor of the land upon which the city of Rock- ville is built today. Mr. Grant was the owner of between five hundred and six hundred acres of land in North Bolton, 108 n:\ 'n:\M.\L exercises but being" a non-resident and having no particular interest in the plans of the proprietors of that township, he was induced to swap off his original farm for the rugged lands now so luxuriant with wealth. This transaction was due solely to the courage and vision of a fearless pioneer. April 29, 1726, Mr. Grant took possession and erected the first dwelling house near the corner of Union and West streets. In those primitive times the great and most natural needs soon started the saw and grist mill. Nearly, if not the first, dam across the free waters of the Hockanum. was built by the Payne family and was located on the present Minter- burn privilege. From 1730 on the Grants and Paynes made use of the abundant power, produced the necessary lumber, and took care of the grinding of the crops. The question naturally comes to us. "Did these stalwart explorers never meet the Indian?" The historian is of the opinion that this section was used as a hunting and fishing ground, but was probably never a regular abode of the red man. In 1675 by the will of the old Sachem Joshua, son of Uncas, the northern hunting grounds w'ere trans- ferred to the white men of the Saybrook plantation. This was the final trumpet, and accomplished for Connecticut, at least, the "Last of the Mohicans." An extract from this old Colonial record reads as follows : "I give and bequeath all that tract of land lying from the mountains in sight of Hartford, northward to the pond called Shenaps." Shen- aps is a confusion of Schenipset, our Snipsic, just as Mohi- can and Mohegan are applied to the Indians of the Hudson and of Connecticut, although one race. Not only by this reference to Lake Snipsic from the will of an old Indian chief, but by arrow heads and other relics, we know that the red men at least encamped temporarily, during their summer excursions, in this territory of Vernon. From 1675, moreover, we are likewise sure that their influence and ac- tivity ceased. It is perfectly safe to say, therefore, in answer to the query — did the early settler never meet the Indian? — that by 1725, the date of the arrival of Samuel CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 109 Grant, there were scarcely more traces of the red man to be found than there are today. The rude, one-story cabin, the primitive mill, the rough, hard clearing, enveloped by nature, irresistible, impassable, silent, yet slowly but surely vanquished by the sinewy arm of the man of faith, this is the scene from 1725 to the close of the eighteenth century. What shall we say of the primal virtues of our fathers? What was the moulding force, the sustainer of faith and hope? On November 24, 1762, Rev. Ebenezer Kellogg ac- cepted the call of the church in North Bolton, to settle in the work of the Christian ministry. As the North Bolton Society occupied the same territory as our town of Vernon, we are right in speaking of "Sir. Kellogg as the first pastor of the First Church of Christ in Vernon. This pastorate was alike unique for its extreme length as well as for its far-reaching and abiding effect. For fifty-five years Mr. Kellogg labored without interruption in the ministry of this one church. During this long period not only did many of the early members themselves become preachers, but. through the spirit of migration which sent far and wide fully half of the population of the town, the benignity of this first pastor was shed throughout every northern state. Flow better can we speak of this remarkable character, simple, yet so sublime, than by a few of his own words on the fiftieth anni- versary of his ordination : "Time in its nature is fleeting. It bears all the living along with it. As to myself, the time of my departure is near at hand. And in view of the pros- pect of that solemn day, I am supported with a believing hope that I trust in my all-sufficient Savior, and that I have not labored altogether in vain among you." This benign and peace-loving nature was the source of the faith and hope of the fathers. Of the Puritan mind like their pastor, our ancestors reflected every Puritan tradition. The idea, foremost in the minds of all, was the call to the serv- ice of religion. They were remarkably united and content, and next to their anxiety to know the right, and do it, was 110 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES a like fervency and loyalty toward the government. In conclusion the theory of their lives is clear — -not how much they might he ahle to get out of the society of their fellows, but rather how best they could give of themselves to the well-being of all. In 1789 North Bolton was enlarged more than a third by the annexation of a section of the town of East Windsor. This section had long been a part of the North Bolton Ecclesiastical Society, but had not been formally incorpo- rated as a part of the township. From this union of terri- tory was derived, virtually, the boundaries of our town of Vernon. We come now to the formative period of our manufac- tures, the development of which has drawn so large from the best of our life blood, and has given us in return so great a dividend of honor and respect. The first machinery for carding and spinning was built by John Warburton. Mr. Warburton came from England in 1794, and shortly after located on the privilege now held by Talcott Brothers. Here, after much preparation, were manufactured the first stocking yarns and thread. The his- torian makes mention in particular of the liberal and unique hospitality of Air. Warburton. On the highway a hogs- head of Jamaica rum was kept on tap in an open shed, free to all. Your historian feels safe in saying in general, that whatever rum comes into Talcottville today does not -come from Jamaica. Near the present iron bridge there still remain the two brick houses built by Mr. Warburton. In 1809 the Warburton property was bought by Alexander McLean, Lebbeus B. Tinker, Irad Fuller and Colonel Fran- cis McLean. L'nder Alexander McLean's leadership the property now became known as McLean's wool-carding plant. In one part of this plant Peter Dobson made his first preparations for the spinning of cotton. Together with Ches- ter King and James Chapman, he bought the privilege now occupied by the Ravine Mills Company. By the spring of 1811 a mill was completed and two mules of one hundred and CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 111 ninety-two spindles each were in operation. Mr. Dobson, as the first to assemble the yarns and develop the art of weav- ing, may rightly be called our first manufacturer. He was not only a natural mathematician, but a practical draughtsman as well. He both made his designs and constructed his ma- chinery — a rare combination of genius. Think how la- borious were those first efforts ! Much of the raw stock was carded at McLean's, then spun by Dobson in his own mill, afterwards put out by him to housewives for weav- ing, and finally sold to peddlers, owing to opposition to all goods of American make. How now do we connect these first attempts of Dobson in southern Vernon with the beginning of manufacturing in Rockville? Up to 1811 Dobson's yarns had been used especially to meet the primal needs of the home — shirtings,, sheetings, ginghams, tablecloths. All these fabrics were woven on cumbersome looms with the simplest possible weave. In this year. 1811, Delano Abbott, a farmer living not far from Vernon Center, consulted Peter Dobson with regard to a sample of woolen cloth which had particularly attracted him. Mr. Abbott made up his mind to manu- facture this cloth. He persuaded Mr. Dobson to build the necessary machinery, and in 1812, in a building close to his house, produced the first piece of satinet. The cloth was carried to Simeon Cooley's to be fulled and finished. This clothing works was located near the old Payne privi- lege on the site of a traditional iron works — clearly a con- siderable distance from Mr. Abbott's homestead. To the vision of Delano Abbott and to his faith to act upon what he saw, we are indebted for the beginning in Vernon of the regular manufacture of woolens. Two years later, in 1814, encouraged by the success of Mr. Abbott, a nephew of his, Ebenezer Xash, built a small mill on the old Hocka- lmiii Site. This effort of Mr. Xash was the start of manu- facture in Rockville. For some years Colonel Francis McLean had fostered many and varied enterprises. He was a man of great mental vigor 112 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES and the possessor of an indomitable will. In his youth there was evident this same intensity of character. Work, heavy and constant on his father's farm, developed a phy- sique of great power. Referring to his military service, the Colonel remarks : "At 18 years old I became a soldier, then was chosen corporal, then a sergeant, orderly sergeant, en- sign, lieutenant, captain, major, and at last colonel." He adds : "I went up too fast from one office to another for my good." This was the caliber of a leading spirit — gen- erous, high-minded, and firm in principle. Such nobility be- came the bulwark of the early institutions of our town. In 1821 Colonel McLean, George and Allen Kellogg and Ralph Talcott organized for the regular manufacture of satinets. They erected a building 80x30 and three stories high, on the present Rock Site. This structure loomed up so mightily and was actually so much larger than anything previously attempted, that to the inhabitants it appeared indeed a posi- tive prodigy. This was a real factory, in fact, the first that might properly be called by that name. It was called the Rock, because of the many great rocks thereabout, and the name of Rockville followed naturally from the name of this first factory. We have mentioned George Kellogg and Allen Kellogg as two of the proprietors of this mill. Another brother, Nathaniel O. Kellogg, a few years before, in 1817, bought the Warburton privilege in southern Vernon which McLean had operated as a wool-carding plant. Here Mr. Kellogg added spinning and weaving equipment for the manufacture of the same cloth — satinet. Hence the early development of this new industry was almost simul- taneous at both extremities of the town. In 1821, when the first Rock Mill was completed, the scat- tered population was hardly fifty persons all told. At least a third of these were Grants, descendants of the pioneer, and from them Colonel McLean purchased the land neces- sary for the new mill. The surrounding country was in real- ity the forest primeval. In 1823 there were only two dwell- ings in the vicinity of the Rock Mill, and these necessarily THOMAS F. NOONE, Vice-President Vernon Centennial Committee and Chairman of Com- mittee on Public Exercises. J. C. HAMMOND, JR. Secretary. .Member Committee on De- corations and Member of Committee on Historical Addresses, Events and Relics. PARLEY B. LEONARD, Treasurer General Committee. Mem- ber of Committee on Reception and Invitations, FRED WOODHALL, Assistant Secretary of General Com- mittee, Member of Committees on Decorations and Sports. CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 113 served for owners and workers alike. All at that early time felt not only the need of keeping shoulder to shoulder, but I believe, possessed a spirit of affection, a real brother- hood, which might well be a lesson for us today, in the complexity of our modern life. Up to 1826 the only changes worthy of note were within the mill itself. The most significant improvement was the introduction of power looms executed from the designs of Lewis Beach and William T. Cogswell, later the author of "The History of Rockville." The process of spinning like- wise was simplified by the adoption of the spinning jack. These mechanical improvements had a revolutionary effect both on the general business of satinets and the rapid in- crease of the inhabitants. The actual number of families was thirteen. Two hundred yards in a twelve-hour day. this was the new record for the Rock Mill in 1827. The popula- tion likewise increased a third. A new house for Mr. Kel- logg, and a reorganization of the mill company, with a much larger capital, under the name of the Rock Manufacturing Company, these were the signs of advancement. Another event, signalling the growing wealth and ambi- tion of the community, was the building by the church in Vernon of a new meeting house. This new house of wor- ship was dedicated on April 4. 1827, and is the present edi- fice in which we are gathered. Regularly on the Sabbath the people of the Rock District attended the services of this First Church of Christ. In fact, "the most notice- able sight of the day was the large team wagon of the Rock Company with four horses, driven by John Chapman, Jr., full loaded with girls from the Rock Factory." The spirit in which this building, as well as many others, was raised, shows us how remarkably universal was the license of the early part of the century. Honorable men could see no evil in drink, even the pastors indulged themselves freely on festive occasions. The prevailing idea seemed to be that liquor was always a benefit, indeed, it became a panacea for every ill. We must remember that these were 114 CENTENNIAL EXESCISES times of great hardihod and self-sacrifice. The logic was simple. Here were the crops, close by were the distilleries. If comfort were so easily forthcoming, why should they not have it? Yet, out of that age of well-meaning license, there arose a company of men, remarkable in temperance and wonderful in virtue. Colonel McLean was continually interested in some new enterprise. Following the old Rock, he built the Frank Factory, close to the site now occupied by the James J. Regan Manufacturing Company, then an oil mill at the New England bridge, and at length a paper mill near the present Belding privilege. He likewise did considerable surveying, particularly in the laying out of new roads. These varied undertakings became so pressing that in 1831, Colonel McLean closed his relations with the old Rock. George Kellogg naturally succeeded as the head of the company. In contrast to the marvelous achievement of Colonel McLean as an engineer, Mr. Kellogg presented an equally remarkable power. He was an aggressor and a sustainer, in truth — -an enduring force. As founder of the New England Mill in company with Captain Allen Hammond, he shared, when one considers those troublesome times of '37, a confi- dence truly unique. A mind of rare discrimination, a sublime morality, a constant energy, we today do honor to the char- acter of George Kellogg, consecrated in truth, "To the weal of man and the glory of God." In that same year, 1837, a committee of nine was appointed to procure a site and affix a stake for the Second Church in Vernon. This action was taken because the population had steadily increased, and was now more than sixty families, or three hundred persons. The cost of this new meeting house was met by voluntary subscription, and was necessarily borne by a few individ- uals. We know that George Kellogg was one of the first deacons of this church, we know also that he possessed the crowning virtue of all noble characters — true generosity. We may. therefore, rightly and in more senses than one, call him the "Father of the First Church in Rockville." CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 115 Mention has already been made of Captain Allen Ham- mond and his connection with the New England Mills. Mr. Hammond belonged to that group of sterling citizens, who, in recalling with honor today, we but exalt and honor our- selves. Of an unassuming nature, persistent in principle, he became a guiding spirit of every honest impulse, a vital force ever pointing upward. In addition to his associa- tion with the New England Company, Mr. Hammond was for a time agent of the Rock Company, also an organizer and first president of the Rockville National Bank, as well as treasurer of the savings bank. Through this relationship to the last-named institutions, the character of Mr. Ham- mond is revealed in its truest and most perfect light. To •distinguished probity there was added that charm of real greatness — unaffected modesty. All the manufacturing companies, except during the gen- eral depression of 1837-'38, had an excellent record. Among the small, one-set mills, the Springville Company was espe- cially notable for continuously handsome dividends. The directors of this company were unusually practical men — Alonzo Bailey, agent: Chauncey Winched, wheelwright; Christopher Burdick, machinist, and Phineas Talcott, later founder of the American Mill. Up to the year 1840, the several districts were recognized by the names of the va- rious mill companies. In 1841 the first post office was estab- lished and the name Rockville adopted. Samuel P. Rose, agent for the Rock Manufacturing Company, became the first postmaster. The New York and Boston stage (we must remember these were still the days of stage coaches), now made its regular trip through Rockville. At length, after twenty years of earnest struggle, nature had yielded her supremacy, farmers had graduated to manufacturers, a settlement had given place to an ordained village. From this time on there was in every direction a rapid expansion. In 1843. on land offered by the Rock Company, Samuel P. Rose and Hubbard Kellogg built the first hotel. Before this time there had been no suitable meeting place 116 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES for the development of the general social side of life. So great was the satisfaction, therefore, on the completion of this first public house, that a great festive gathering was held, and our fathers and mothers regaled themselves in a way, judging from the records, easily equal to any idea of gaiety that we may pride ourselves on today — not so sci- entific, perhaps, but fully as robust. In that same year, 1843, the New England Company, in a new mill, began the manufacture of cassimeres, the first departure from the time-honored satinet. Rockville began to assume the form in which we see it today. One store established in 1833, was no longer sufficient. Houses multiplied and there was heralded the first real boom in real estate. The year 1847 witnessed the building of the American Mill by Phineas Talcott. Mr. Talcott was distinctly a man of affairs. As agent of the Rock, president of the railroad company and of the savings bank, he was another example of the powerful virtues of our fathers. In the realm of politics, his temperament, eminently judicial, carried him to the principal offices, and made him always a factor of very great influence. Shortly after, in 1850, the firm of White and Corbin was organized. Cyrus White possessed a re- markable energy, and was largely interested in the develop- ment of the Brooklyn side of the Hockanum. As a supporter of the Methodist denomination, his firmness of principle and truth of heart was continuously manifest. The first Irishman came to Vernon as early as 1845, and the German a few years later. So large has been their in- crease and so prominent their work in the township, that we are glad to do honor today to the Irish and German immigrant, through whose thrift and integrity Vernon truly has builded well. During those years of darkness from 1861-'64, when times were troubled, and days and hours were racking to the soul ; in that great war of the Rebellion, Vernon cheerfully yielded her portion to the service of the nation. CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 117 Of modern Vernon and the noble lives that have been lived, men whose memories are still fresh in our minds, and whose passing calls back again regrets still lingering, of these, today, how shall we speak with proper honor or with sufficient thankfulness? Editors, merchants, farmers, the professions, artisans, manufacturers — think, for a mo- ment, of the long roll of honor ! Permit me to make mention of three whose names stand forth with peculiar luster: Dwight Loomis, Christian statesman, impartial judge ; George Maxwell, master of finance, leader of men ; George Sykes, manufacuring genius, captain of industry. These men and many more fought great battles of faith. As we turn our eyes toward the future, let me suggest a simple watchword united to the fair name of our town, and to bring these lines of reflection to a close with the words: "Forward ! Vernon !" 113 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES REMINISCENCES BY CHARLES W. BURPEE. The following reminiscences were by Charles W. Burpee of Hartford, a former Rockville boy: There were missionaries in those days. To help some of them, we bought chestnuts, each nut in a cute little phial, corked in. I came across one of those chestnuts a while ago, in my mother's attic. The chestnut was just as good as it was when I gave five of my precious pennies for it, and denied myself cornballs and soap bubbles for a week. Then the bottled chestnuts were photographed and we gave a few pennies more — or the price of a bag of precious peanuts — for the "carte de visite." Thus we paid for those actual chestnuts and so helped a worthy cause. Other "chestnuts" were given to us and, true to the law of human nature, I don't think we appre- ciated them half as much. They were given to us from the pulpit of a Sunday — I should say, from recollection, about once in two weeks, but in reality I presume it was not oftener than once a month. Those were called "missionary Sundays" ; they were not bulletined or advertised in ad- vance ; they took us as they found us, and thereby, perhaps, they found a good many more of us than they otherwise might have done. We knew it was missionary Sunday in my church when a certain tall, white-headed, sepulchre- voiced minister from another town took a seat on the pul- pit platform with our regularly employed minister. I see him yet, I hear his voice; but I've forgotten what he said, if I ever heard. Nature abhors a void. When that missionary-Sunday man ceased coming there may have been no one to fill his place ; I do not know for I was not in Rockville then. But the thought comes to me that you and nature are trying to train me to fill his place — if not as a pleader for mis- sions, at least as a dispenser of "chestnuts." And, from the way the training has gone on the past year or two I wonder if half a century from now some one will not rise up and say of my gray beard and "chestnuts" all that I say — and even all that I think — of my early predecessor. CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 11 9 Reminiscence must always be personal even if it is not respectful. It implies old age looking back upon youth. Every generation since Nestor has had men who would indulge in it. Now, the vision of youth is somewhat dis- torted. The world appears to us as children to be divided into giants, clowns and pigmies. The giants are all the self- respecting adults whom our parents know, or who get hon- orable mention on the street or in the baseball stand — a considerable class ; the clowns are those who for one rea- son or another cannot win the respect of children ; the pig- mies are those around us as other children. The giants will remain giants in our memories forever, even though some of them were pretty "small potatoes" ; the pigmies, many of them, we watch grow or find they have developed into giants after we have been away from home a few years. To illustrate: Men who always have been giants to me — and most properly so — are men like Judge Loomis, Judge Talcott, George Maxwell, Charles Harris (who somehow I always picture with a fireman's red shirt and trumpet), Gardner Grant, the Talcottville Talcotts. Congressman Henry, George Brown. Mr. Ogden, Mr. Parker, Mr. Symonds — and with them every man who wore the blue. The one or two who seemed to grow backwards into "small pota- toes" as I grew older and gained a better vision, I cannot now recall — I believe none are living. Of contemporaneous little chaps who have become giants — why, I need only call the roll from my various teachers' old record books ! And for the development of the one who first stood before us as a regulation law r student, I have only to point to Hon. Charles Phelps. For the development of the boys who were the first to receive diplomas at the High School, the "Goodell boys," I have only to refer to him who reads the ode today. I never could have aspired to step so jauntily to their level as I have on this occasion, and I must not forget that it was simply as dispenser of chestnuts that the committee boosted me here. 120 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES We boys of the sixties and seventies were on the thres- hold of a new era — a few were already over it. I heard a learned educator the other evening analyzing a Massachu- setts state report and lamenting the present educational con- ditions that surround our youth. He said with sorrow that the present course of studies in our schools did not attract our boys and girls after they had reached the legal age limit of fourteen, and they were glad to abandon their studies. If my recollection of my boyhood days is trustworthy, it is not in that particular that today differs from yesterday. But he went on to say that in this generation the child is de- prived of the home education he or she formerly received, meaning the work about the house and grounds which made girls good housekeepers and boys good jacks at about all ordinary trades. What with bread made by machinery, clothes and dishes washed by machinery, sewing done by machinery and houses cleaned by hose and suction, what is left for a girl but to go to dancing school? And with our kindling wood bought in bundles and bags over the grocer's counter, what is there for the boy but to play baseball? My learned friend treated the subject more seriously than my paraphrase might indicate — as one of the great national problems of the day; and considering the mass of children, by and large, we ought all to watch the experiments in voca- tion schools. I want to acknowledge right now my indebted- ness to my parents for bringing me into the world before the labor-saving devices for children had been invented. Many of you are even better off in this respect than I am. As I say, my boyhood was on the threshold of this new era; a few years and 1 wouldn't have known what it was to split and pile wood and do like chores before I could go. skating or play ball. And now, the last vestige of joking aside, what were we village boys learning that can't be learned from any text- books? What were we having instilled into us that would i worth more in getting on in life than tearing Milton's "Paradise Lost" into prepositions and adverbs? We were GEORGE FORSTER, .Member of Committees on Reception and Invitations, Sports, Public Safely. FRANCIS !',. SKINNER, Member of the Committees on Sports, Transportation. IHX H. ZIMMERMANN, Member Committee on Decoration. PAUL BRACHE, Member of the Committee on Trans- portation. CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 121 learning to use our hands and eyes and bodies ; and we were learning to perform heavy tasks for the general family good before we went out for selfish amusement. Some- times, when the fishing was good or the circus unusually well advertised, the parental hand may have seemed relent- less if not cruel, but by holding us to the tasks that some one must perform, we learned to subordinate personal de- sires and we gained also a power of steadfast application which was to help us in our future studies and in earning our daily bread. We know that the youth of today have their annoyances ; we know that the football arena and the tennis court can test their mettle, but if advancing civiliza- tion has reduced the number of practical ways in which their mettle may be tested until it has become a matter of grave national concern, we must grieve as loyal citizens but, in this moment of reminiscence, we may rejoice that we were born when we were. "The true man never wishes to be a child again." Ah. but those were halcyon days in the little village. We cannot say that they began and ended then, for our fathers and mothers believe that the real halcyon days were when they were young. But there was then no shriek of whistle on or around "Snip," the Vernon reservoir hadn's been fished dry, arbutus hadn't been uprooted, a boy could consume a whole day in getting to West Street and back. Exchange Building was a skyscraper, Talcott Park was a ball ground, we could coast on almost any street and the girls were al- ways ready to play Copenhagen ! For tight ropes to per- form on we had the cables in "Father" Lewis's quarry right back of the school grounds ; for "run. sheep, run" we had the full sweep from "Snip" down to the Saxony Mill and no trolley in the way. Our chief evening entertainment is re- called by the outdoor vaudeville performance this week. It was given on identically the same spot, near "the hotel," the blazing torches gathering us street Arabs from far and near. There was only one principal performer and he was selling patent medicine or cleanser. Oh, the excitement of 122 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES it when he got one of us up under his light to illustrate the virtues of his bottled stuff — to pull a tooth, bathe a bruise or clean a spot off our coats ! I can see those smoky torches and smell that stuff now, and almost can hear the swear words of some of the village elders when we stepped on their toes. For everybody attended these performances. That village didn't need much law — to our minds. When there was an infraction and a consequent enforcement by Sheriff Paulk or the constables, the whole town knew about it and assembled. The hideous violator was dragged into the damp dungeon hole under a market near Market Street bridge. Of beverages we saw little effect except in the innocent joyousness of our German citizens at the celebra- tions of the Turners in Doane's Grove. Yet there must have been evil within the knowledge of the authorities, for I recall vividly the scene (after no-license had been voted) when great casks were opened near the present Park Place and their amber contents were allowed to flow down the gutters to the canal. And when there was a fire, what ter- ror was struck into our young breasts by those booming factory bells the length of the valley and the shouts of the men running with the machine ! Every town has its precious landmarks, and buildings particularly dear to old inhabitants and former residents. Hartford has its Charter Oak Site, but Hartford never had a Talcott's Grove or a Doane's Grove. New Haven has its Hyperion Theater, but New Haven never had a White's ( >pera House. Waterbury has its Roaring Brook and its Naugatuck, but it never had a Hockanum. Bridgeport has its harbor, but it never had a Paper Mill Pond. All those towns are pleasant to live in — for a time ; I know by experi- ence ; but for boys and girls they can't compare with the Rockville we boys and girls knew. "Rockville hasn't changed much," so some of the present dwellers say. We old-timers, returning every chance we get, love it all the more on that account. It has changed and just now it is changing so rapidly that we fear most CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 125 of the old familiar places and things will be obliterated. Then shall we have to center Qur affections upon this beau- tiful Vernon Center which verily changeth not, and in its loveliness cannot be changed except to harm. I know the committee never intended that I should get up here and speak "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth," as youthful Senator Noone would phrase it. The whole of it would take the rest of the week. Every one of us has his or her particular memories, cherished and ever with us wherever we may wander. What I was to do, then, was to appear as the representative of the old boys and girls, and to say something which should voice the home sentiment of all of them. The giants of my day may have been the pigmies of the days of some of you, and the pigmies of my day the giants to others of you. Some of us may have different pictures than others of us have of "Father" Lewis' quarry, Putnam's sawmill, the Saxony, the Leeds Mill, the American, the Warp Mill, Paper Mill Pond, Snipsic Lake and even White's Opera House, but we have one thing in common — our fondness for getting back here. Perhaps some of us thought the told town was rather slow when we turned our backs and hurried down the valley to Vernon Depot where we waited only for the next train east or west; but I know that no one will dispute me when I say that those of us who went farthest east or west envy those of us who stopped nearer by because we can the more readily and the more frequently get back here to the old scenes. This implies that the atmosphere of the old town was the same for us all. We realize this fact down deep in our hearts ; I see it reflected in the faces of those before me, and it finds expression in the moments when we drop the cele- bration spirit and each communes with himself or herself. It was a Godly town ; it was a town in which the young were carefully guided into the right path. It was a demo- cratic town where the children of the rich and the poor were on the same level, and caste unknown was unknown. It 124 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES was a town of neighbors, for the most part hard-working and thrifty, innocent in their amusements, modest and hum- ble in their disposition, developing the man fiber and the woman fiber which the world stamps as New England. As such a community must be, it was patriotic. There are those of us here whose most vivid recollection still is of the days when men abandoned the loom and the plow to answer the nation's call ; and thank God ! there still are some of those men with us who can hear us proclaim our pride in the record of the town in the Civil War. We have much, then, in common memory to be thank- ful for — in the hallowed memories as well as in the rem- iniscence of frolic and fun. Most naturally, therefore, we all of us wish to renew our youth ; we all of us wish to recall and refresh the ideals of our days of worthiest ambi- tion ; we all of us like to pay tribute to the high thinking (if lowly living) of the times past, to the atmosphere cre- ated by such noble men as Winslow and Fisk and Hyde and Kelsey and Bingham and Kellogg and Maxwell and Loomis and Spaulding and Risley and Dickinson — we all of us like to grasp the hands and look into the eyes of those who shared our early joys and sorrows, and of those who blessed us as we went forth. And we all of us commend those who have remained here and those who have come upon the scene since our day, to maintain the old-time standard for the unpretentious, conservative yet ever pro- gressive town of Vernon. CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 125 PROF. THOMAS D. GOODELL'S COMMEMORATIVE POEM. The commemorative poem, written by Prof. Thomas D. Goodell of New Haven, a member of the faculty of Yale University and a former Rockville boy, was read by him. It follows in full : Tpocpela irarpiht ar]/j,epov (f>epa) TcLSe. As the Greek youth brought to his nurse a gift, So bring I this thank-offering to our town. I. "More room !" said the folk of the river towns. Hartford and Windsor and Wethersfield. "There's good land east fair crops will yield. Let the Old World fight for outworn crowns. We've better to do, building a state Godly and free — and rich, maybe; And if stepmotherly England frowns, She's a long way off!" So they spread o'er the plain Homes and billows of ripening grain. And on the hilltop consecrate The house where God's word shall be strictly taught. Wheat, rye, and the red gold of Indian corn, W ,T ool and flax, which the women wrought With distaff and spinning-wheel and loom — This was their wealth ; and children were born, Many and sturdy, and still there was room. If dwellings were plain and winters were long, They woke in June to the robin's song. In the high elm orioles hung their nest, The bobolink's rapture gladden'd the morn. And the whippoorwills charm'd their rest. 126 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES II. So in these upland fields At the valley's eastern bound Time her slow fruitage yields. Priest Kellogg, servant of God and man, long crown'ct With love and honor, in yon God's acre sleeps. The colonies are states, united, strong In hope and promise that to youth belong. From bnipsic still the river leaps Unhinder'd, pure, down the cool forest glen. Said men of Vernon, "Now why Need the hurrying waters rush idly by? Let them learn our Yankee rule : 'tis when We have done our stent we are free to play. Let our wild Hockanum do as we !" They yoked him to mill-wheels, made the spring flood stay To help in August drought. He ground their flour, saw'd the forest away ; Then to finer tasks they put him to school, With cotton and paper, silk and wool; And he toil'd for all in season and out. Till more helpers were needed, and helpers came From the crowded lands of ancient fame, From Europe over the sea. And the village along the busy stream Throve and grew, and began to dream ( )f larger things to be. in. Ah, brethren of the Southland. \\ hose fathers, with our own, 'Stablisht the dear Republic, How keen hath our quarrel grown ! Again with childish wondering eyes I see the throng'd street on that July day, The waiting coaches, music and banners gay, CEXTEXX1AL EXERCISES 12" And women weeping', while hoarse cheers arise. Now they are gone, first comers to the call. "Three hundred thousand more!" From all War ever takes the best. Cheerly they fare On toward Potomac's war-swept banks — Young fathers, from the last kiss of wife and child, And boys too young to know love's wild Deep ecstacy and woe, whose foreheads wear The mother's chrism of farewell prayer. Tho' stern forced march, Antietam's field, And Marye's Heights, and Gettysburg await them. And many shall return no more, Or come in coffined honor, or maimed sore, Their high design and inborn constancy And valorous hope elate them. Now each new May let the nation's thanks In fragrant bloom fresh wreaths of honor plait them, By whose blood and agony The nation's wound was heal'd. IV. Peace once more, and the fruitful arts of peace ! There know thy strength, my country, there Let thy pent youthful vigor dare — Not in fleets nor tropic empire — seek release. Treading new pathways to a nation's glory. Which yet are old as Athens. And Vernon's story Shall be true type thereof and prophecy. Here patience, industry, inventive skill Win nature's power to do man's will To free mankind and magnify. And whoso buildeth honest work. Taking no private gain From other's loss or pain. He builds for all time, tho' his deed Aim but to fill the daily need For food and shelter; and no subtle murk 128 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES Of social theory can befog his mind Whose hands have earn'd a home. Here Irish wit and German thrift, Slavic passion, Italian courtesy, And many an Old World people's special gift, With plain New England common-sense combined, Shall shape a people sane and strong, Full-rounded, like St. Peter's dome, Based on the old, unto new heights ascending. Here, too, the ancient Mother Church doth find Her wilful daughters, tho' estranged long. Hands of ungrudging welcome now extending, While the firm Hebrew faith still proves its power, Eldest, yet ever young, no longer forced to cower. Alike one Father-God they teach, And that man liveth not by bread alone. For every word divine he must out-reach In searching unafraid. Science and art Also are worship, and no lesser part Of our true native heaven-descended speech. And our democracy means equal right For all to climb the spirit's mountain height. Here therefore shall stand open wide All paths to ampler life — the treasured lore Of ages, and the swelling tide Of incorruptible treasures new from every shore. The hand shall here learn delicate power, the voice Grow musical, and homes be beautified With gardens, modest or stately, that all eyes rejoice. And for that sweet forest glen. Long lost 'neath streets and factories, Art shall discern a way to compensate — With shapely bridge and planted bank and park again Make beautiful, with tamer harmonies, But noble still, what now is desolate — In civic grace the lovely valley recreate. FRANCIS T. MAXWELL, Chairman of Finance Committee and Member of Committee on Historical Addresses, Events and Relics. DAVID A. SYKES, Member of Committee on Public Exer- cises and Committee on Licenses and Privileges. FRANCIS A. RANDALL, airman of Advertising, Publicity md Planting Committee, Secretary m Finance Committee, Member of Committee on Licenses and Privil- eges. FRANCIS J. REGAN, Member of Committees on Public Safety and Transportation, CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 129 V. Thou little commonwealth, our home, our pride, A fairer dawn draws nigh. The ancient Dark is fading; a light breeze Wafts dewy odors, and the trees Their leafy answer softly make. Pellucid gold drifts up the morning sky, Song-sparrow and bluebird are awake, Soon the full chorus will begin. Bathing the world in music, telling of love. Then day shall enter in. With light, with beauty, and with joy, whereof The humblest with the highest shall partake. COMMEMORATIVE ADDRESS BY HOX. CHARLES PHELPS. Following is the commemorative address by Hon Charles Phelps, president of the Vernon Centennial Committee : Vernon, our beloved and typical New England town, has reached its one-hundredth anniversary. "The horologe of time strikes the full century with a solemn chime." and bids us take note of the passing years ; to heed the lessons which were imparted when the infant town was baptized and to recall those which we may have forgotten. From modest beginnings, Vernon has assumed an im- portance out of proportion to its area and population. It has taken rank with the most progressive towns of the day and has given a splendid account of its hundred years of progress. The fame of its industries has become inter- national, and although its population numbers less than ten thousand, it is equipped with a free library splendidly appointed, a memorial building, and with site secured and arrangements made for the permanent establishment, in the near future, of a manual training school and a public hospital. We are celebrating an event which took place one hundred years ago, but incidently commemorating one which occurr- 130 CEXTEXXIAL EXERCISES ed three centuries ago. Between the years 1607 and 1609, in that portion of rural England termed the East Angelican Shires, a body of men with a purpose fixed as fate, pre- pared to leave their native country for the shores of Hol- land. No celebration of this character would be complete without their recognition. They stood for institutions and ideals which made New England history. They kept pace with the progress of independent thought, but were never swerved from their ultimate purpose. Later, when they reached the shores of America, they brought with them the principles of English liberty united to those of Dutch individualism. One of the interesting questions of the hour addresses itself to the inquiry whether it is to England or Holland that we are most indebted for the best that remains to us of those institutions founded by the fathers. The town meeting, free public schools, equality of taxation, and the authority of a representative government, are the true prod- uct of English principles united on this soil with those derived from the Dutch Republic. What was the ultimate object of those men who largely shaped the thought of our Colonial days? What dominant purpose impelled them to cross dangerous seas and to ex- plore a still more dangerous country? Obstructing forces and real and fancied" persecutions at home were perils of less magnitude than those which awaited them in the New World. Under those political conditions existing at the time of their separation, it was impossible for them to enjoy re- ligious and political liberty without incurring personal danger. But they were eager to develop and spread those principles for which they were willing to sacrifice all. With this desire, however, there was bred something of a spirit of intolerance which attempted to force upon others their form of a theocratic government. Their purpose aside from this alloy of human fraility was one of the purest and noblest that has ever actuated CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 131 the deeds of men. They wished to lead Godly lives, and to this end they surrounded themselves with those things which encouraged Godly living. They attempted to put into actual practice their own literal construction of the Bible. They insisted that others should do the same ; sincere piety was to them the test of citizenship. They dreamed of a pure theocracy and laid the foundation for such a structure. They believed it possible to square their entire existence by arbitrary rules wrested bodily from Holy Writ. Their ultimate object was impossible, but in their per- sistent search for it they revealed principles of political co-operation which has made their name immortal. Like the alchemist, they sought something visionary, but in that search they gave to the world the results of important and far-reaching experiments. We are their heirs, and much of the good which they accomplished is still with us. We are all equal before the law ; the burden of taxation is equitably distributed ; the system of free public schools established, and the old- fashioned town meeting still in vogue. Too much cannot be said in praise of this last-mentioned institution. It is the forum of the people, and if the will of the people does not here find free expression, it is the people's fault. This institution is an exponent of pure democracy which an able American writer once compared to a raft. "Your feet are always in the water," he said, "but you cannot sink." We are enjoying the blessings vouchsafed to us by the persistent efforts of a noble ancestry, but with these bless- ings have descended corresponding obligations. To our charge have been committed those principles of government upon which the hopes of a people rest, and upon this anni- versary we may be properly called upon to give an account of our stewardship. We were taught the value of the sim- ple life regulated by the precepts of the moral law ; that personal independence and individualism, properly exercised, were the stamp of character; that the will of the people, 132 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES properly expressed, was the supreme tribunal; that town and county, state and nation, had each its peculiar functions, powers and duties clearly defined and independent thought related ; and that they should experience no conflict and suffer no encroachments. Can we truthfully say that we have preserved those con- ditions or that the principles which they represent have not suffered at our hands? Facing the dawn of a new ■century, our answer to the stern inquiry must be in a measure apologetic. The simple life has disappeared and has been supplanted by one of a complex character. The excuse offered is the great and increasing" activity of the age ; the multitude of improvements and inventions impell- ing a degree of progress amazing" and bewildering, and calling for a life of such intense and ceaseless activity as to strain the mental faculties to a dangerous tension ; a life in which no space is left for reflection, meditation or prayer. These conditions, exacting and exhausting, are to be de- plored, not only on account of their personal effect upon those involved, but also on account of the sacrifices which must be made along other lines to meet their require- ments. The reflective nature and the poetic temperament have small room in which to develop, when the mind is com- pletely engrossed with the thought of material gain. These conditions partially explain the relatively meager import- ance of the fine arts in the general progress. Poetry and music, painting and sculpture have not kept pace with in- ventions and mechanical devices. He who would woo the muses must prosecute his suit for Art's sake, lie cannot be chary of his time, or be en- tirely engrossed by the desire for material wealth. He must develop the reflective faculty and abide his time ; he must wander "far from the madding crowd." The tendency of the time leaves little opportunity for such devotion, and even when exercised it is doubtful if it be sufficiently appreciated. Material wealth has been CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 133 given such undue prominence that men have envied the wearer of the golden rather than of the laurel crown. Money gatherers in their narrow and superficial review of men and affairs have classed the scholar and the pro- fessional thinker as non-productive. Consistent with the idea of ultimate attainment, indi- vidualism has been thrust aside, and enormous combina- tions effected, stifling competition and minimizing the force of personal responsibility. The advocates of this departure urge with some truth the material advantages thus derived, instancing the increase and availability of those things which a few years ago were regarded as rare and costly luxuries. Yet, these very conditions lead to extravagance and excess, and no material advantage can compensate for the loss of the personal factor. The ten- dency to combine and centralize has so pervaded all depart- ments of business that the law has been invoked to correct the resultant evils. The Federal government has concerned itself in devising means to forestall the general effect of this centralizing tendency in public service corporations. And right here it may be pertinent to inquire if the gov- ernment, whose aid has been invoked, is itself entirely free from any fault in this direction. Has it drawn to itself powers not originally designed to be exercised by it ; has it in this respect kept intact and inviolate the principles of the fathers ; has it wielded no weapon in this warfare with the alleged evil other than that delegated to it? It must be admitted that the tendency of governmental supervision is to a degree in accord with that of corporate management. Both are systemizing and centralizing their forces ; both are combining all of the elements of power in their control that they may be directed from one author- itative head. Town authority is gradually yielding to the superior power of the legislature, and the authority of the state to that of the Federal government. Such a system naturally establishes great centers of power which disturbs the general equilibrium. It removes from convenient reach and makes it difficult to locate the responsible party, or 134 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES to curtail acts "ultra vires." The very government is thus laid open to the charge that those evils so vehemently declaimed against in corporate management, have crept into our public policies. In the closing hours of the first century of Vernon's existence she, in common with New England, is concerned with the question of the conservation of our natural re- sources. The greed and folly of man have dissipated these to an alarming degree. Commercialism and selfishness, un- der the guise of progress, have with ruthless hand laid waste mountain and plain. With utter disregard of those who are to follow us or of those finer feelings which are indicative of appreciation, we on a broad scale are following the example of the spendthrift and the prodigal. Warnings of wisdom and of expert science fall upon deaf ears, or if heard are received with indifference. The wooded districts on our mountain sides protecting the sources of our noble rivers and cascades are as much en- titled to our thoughtful care and consideration as the main- tenance of our highways or of any of our erected memorials. Depletion of the soil and exhaustion of mineral wealth occa- sioned by wanton destruction are beginning to show their natural consequences. Men in high places have for some years paid little heed to the voice of entreaty or to the note of warning. We are met with the brutal proposition that our children can take care of themselves, or with the arrogant assumption of superior wisdom that when all of these things disappear something better will take their place. When the beauty of the noblest and most picturesque waterfall in the world is assailed by those who would use its power for commercial purposes, we are told that this is an age of progress. Those who have followed the discussion of this subject on the platform and in the halls of congress have had occasion to remark the general ab- sence of sentiment from the line of argument. The advo- cates of the measure looking to the conservation of our na- CEXTEXXIAL EXERCISES 135 tural resources have perhaps with wisdom urged commer- cial reasons for stemming the progress of destruction. And yet what mighty forces emanate from the familiar scenes of "Old New England" ; her hills of picturesque beauty, her numberless waterfalls and cascades, her dells, rivers and streams ! What associations cluster about each of these ! What inspirations come to us from them ! He who could witness unmoved their destruction is of a nature foreign to all principles adduced from the fathers, selfish, heartless, barbaric. He who would destroy them for gain would sacrifice any other temple and lay waste any herit- age. What would be the New England town when all that can speak to us of the past disappear; when material conditions shall be such that if one of the fathers could revisit the old familiar scene, he would fail in recogni- tion of it? What will New England be when conditions compel us to strike from our national hymn the words "I love thy rocks and rills, thy woods and templed hills," as too absurd to be continued longer? It is a commentary upon the character of our general patriotism that the president of our republic felt compelled, in the face of this menacing evil, to assemble at Washing- ton the governors of all of the states to consider the adop- tion of some systematic plan which would save us from ourselves. We are thankful, however, that the president had the courage and wisdom to arrange such an assembly under the very eaves of the Capitol and during the session of Congress. This is a good omen and a beneficent sign of the times, for it has already stirred the public conscience. The highest courts of some of our New England states have also moved in the right direction, and when of late appealed to, they have spoken with no uncertain sound. Forestry legislation, the institution of Arbor Day, and the quiet but effective work of the village improvement society, are most encouraging features. Every true citizen feels that it is his duty to do something to preserve those things which have been passed along 136 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES to him ; to use them wisely, not to dissipate or destroy them. It becomes his pleasure to help render more secure the blessings vouchsafed to him of a material as well as of a political character. The obligations existing between him and his country are not as some would have us be- lieve, all on one side ; neither can the citizen demand of the government as a matter of right those things which he does not happen to possess. This tendency leads directly to what has been aptly termed "paternalism in government" ; that doctrine which educates the idle and restless to believe that the country owes them support as obligatory as that which rests upon a parent toward a child. The words of our late ex-president on this subject are words of wisdom ; he said it is the duty of the citizen to support the government, and not the government to support the citizen. The founders of our New England towns laid great stress upon the obligations of citizenship. The duty implied therefrom could never be lawfully shifted to other shoulders. The duty exacted was a stern one, personal and perpetual. A government built upon the basis of good citizenship, acknowledging personal obligation, becomes secure in its superstructure. The splendid record of the New England towns is a natural sequence of such a beginning. Person- ality of a high character entering into all departments be- comes the most efficient force in government. Where it exists there is little to be feared from the current evils of corruption, favoritism, boss-rule or monopoly, for the citi- zen makes the state. Such was the doctrine of the fathers, and it brings us back to the point of individual responsibility. The town is what the citizens make it ; if its politics are clean it is because its citizens make them so ; if its government is wisely and efficiently administered, it is because its citi- zens arc wise and efficient. Let us then dedicate ourselves to the principles suggested and taught in the establishment of a New England town. GEORGE P. WEXDHEISER, ecretary of Committee on Public Exercises, Member of Committees on Advertising, Publicity and Print- ing, Licenses and Privileges. JOHN W. HEFFEROX. Member of Committees on Finance and Public Exercises and Ex-Chief of Rockville Fire Department. A. B. PARKER, Member of Committees on Historical Addresses, Events and Relics, Invi- tations and Reception. Died Wednesday, March 3, 1909. CHARLES X. McLEAX, Member of the Committee on Public Safety. CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 137 Let us take a stand in its town meetings on the basis of mutual obligations, and for the principles of personal re- sponsibility. COLONIAL BALL. The Colonial ball under the auspices of Sabra Trumbull Chapter, D. A. K., commemorating the centenary of the town of Vernon, which was held in Town Hall on Monday evening, June 29, 1908, was the most brilliant social function in the town's history. It was in every way a fitting introduction to the events that followed. The Tow r n Hall was magnificently decorated. Green and white were the predominating colors, and American flags were con- spicuous. There was a streamer ceiling, every streamer being edged with a deep ruffle, the green streamer containing a white ruffle and the white streamer a green. The walls were covered with pleated bunting of white all the w r ay around, partly covered with green and white fans, every fan containing a deep green ruffle. The tower was decorated in a similar manner. In the center of the tower was a D. A. R. emblem in between the laurel. The stage was made into a balcony, the front being festooned in green and white. The background was green and white with a large sized painting of General Israel Putnam in the center, with large American flags, military draped, on each side. The picture motto contained the words: "He Dared to Lead Where Anyone Dared to Follow." The booth in the southeast corner of the hall w r as decorated in white and green, with a large shield in the center, made of red, white and blue with spangled stars. Inside the booth were two flags on staffs near the lieutenant-governors chairs. The gallery was draped in green and white in an artistic manner. The back of the same was draped in white and partly covered with green fans, edged with white ruffles. The pillars on each side of the stage in front were covered with silk banners. On top of each pillar was a shield draped with flags, each shield surmounted by a gold American eagle. On the east side, as one entered the door to the hall, was a refreshment booth draped in green and white in an artistic manner. 138 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES The illuminations were magnificent. Streamers of electric- lights were under the chandeliers, all wound with laurel rope. Streamers also followed the end of the drapery around the side walls. These many white bulbs added greatly to the general effect. The decorating scheme was an original idea of the New England Decorating Company of Kockville, and the electrical effects were furnished by Williams and Goltra of Hartford. Sutherland's Foot Guard Orchestra of Hartford" furnished a delightful concert program and music for dancing. At 9 o'clock, the Putnam Phalanx, that historic military or- ganization, arrived from Hartford by special car. The members- were escorted into Town Hall by the aides, floor committee and reception committee, led by George E. Sykes and Miss Florence M. Belding. They formed two lines. The members of the Put- nam Phalanx passed through and under an arch formed by the wands of the aides. The Putnam Phalanx were seated in front of the gallery, a section being reserved for them and their ladies. Following the reception to the Putnam Phalanx came the reception to Lieutenant-Governor, E. J. Lake and Mrs. Lake. They were escorted by the aides, floor committee and reception committee. Two lines formed at the entrance to the tower, and Lieutenant-Governor Lake, escorted by Mrs. E. H. Preston, and Mrs. Lake, escorted by Colonel Francis T. Maxwell, passed under the wands of the aides, followed by the other members of the reception committee. They were seated in the tower. The aides and members of the floor committee escorted Lieutenant- Governor Lake and Mrs. Lake and Mrs. A. 1ST. Belding, regent of Sabra Trumbull Chapter, D. A. E., and all Daughters pres- ent, to the receiving line in front of the stage, where all were received. As the lieutenant-governor entered the hall the or- chestra played: "Hail to the Chief." Those present arose and remained standing until Lieutenant-Governor Lake took his seat. The gowns of the ladies were conceded to be the most elabor- ate ever worn upon any occasion in this section, all being made with the Colonial ball in mind. CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 139 To the following committees is due the credit for the success of the Colonial ball : Committee of General Arrangements — Mrs. A. N. Belding, chairman; Mrs. Robert L. McChristie, Mrs. E. H. Preston, Mrs. A. L. Martin, Mrs. L. T. Tingier, H. H. Larkum, Frank M. Adams, Dr. W. H. Eobinson, George E. Sykes. Floor Committee — George E. Sykes, chairman; Frank M. Adams, A. L. Martin, W. A. Howell, Dr. W. H. Eobinson, H. H. Larkum, Harold Loomis, Fred X. Belding, T. W. Sturgeon. Aides — Miss Florence M. Belding, chairman; Miss Mildred Orcutt, Miss Gladys Keeney, Miss Katherine Murlless, Miss Edith Hayward, Miss Grace B. West, Miss Ethel West, Miss Edith Harwood, Miss Ruth Tillotson. Press Committee — Miss Grace B. West. Reception Committee — E. H. Preston, chairman: A. \. Belding, Francis T. Maxwell, A. T. Bissell, Dr. T. F. Rockwell, Robert McChristie, C. E. Harwood, A. P. Hammond, 0. C. West. THE AUTOMOBILE HILL CLIMB. The automobile hill climbing contest on New England Hill on Tuesday afternoon, June 30, the first event of the kind that had ever occurred in Rockville, was an unqualified success. No feature of the centennial celebration aroused more genuine interest or was more thoroughly enjoyed. It was conceded by ex- perts to be one of the biggest events of its kind ever held in this country. Seventy entries were received, including several of the most famous machines in the country, with drivers of national reputation. For weeks the officers of the Rockville Automobile Club worked hard to make the event a memorable one. President George E. Sykes of the club was the moving spirit and he was a very busy man for two weeks preceding the automobile hill climb. Every precaution was taken to guard against accidents. The start, which was a rolling one of eight hundred feet, was made in front of the New England Mill office. The finish was at the telegraph pole on the east side of New England Hill, just around the corner where the road turns off from the New 140 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES England Hill schoolhouse. The course, which was practically a straight one, was about seven-eighths of a mile in length. It was put in first class condition by the city of Rockville, and the day before the hill climb, President George E. Sykes of the Rockville Automobile Club had it covered with calcium chloride to prevent any dust. The course was roped off the entire dis- tance with wire rope. By an order, issued by the adjutant-gener- al of the state, Company C of this city acted as a patrol, the members turning out in uniform. At stated intervals along the course men were stationed with red flags and megaphones. In this manner the time was announced at the grandstand. On the grandstand there were five hundred seats, which afforded the best view of the course. These seats, which were sold for fifty cents, were all taken, and thousands lined the course from one end to the other. It is estimated that ten thousand people witnessed the hill climb. Citizens of the town of Vernon were represented in large numbers, and all the adjoining cities and towns sent large delegations. Never in Vernon's history were there so many automobiles in town. The various officials who had charge of the automobile hill climb and to whom great credit is due for the success of the event, were: Umpires — William Maxwell, Francis T. Maxwell, Francis J. Eegan, A. N. Belding, L. F. Bissell, Everett J. Lake, E. J. Gar- van, Roy T. H. Barnes. Referee — C. H. Gillette, Hartford Auto Club. Starter — H. P. Maxim, Hartford Auto Club. Scorer — Frank S. Olds, Rockville. Timers— S. M. Butler, New York; Philip A. Sayles, New York; George Graham, New York. Clerk of the Course — Warren Bartlett, Hartford. Assistant Clerks of the Course — C. L. Heath, J. P. Cameron, A. E. Waite, Leslie Badmington, H. F. Loomis, J. W. McManus, William H. Yost, F. N. Belding, Fred J. Snow, William M. Lewis, P. M. Talcott, W. H. Robinson, Arthur D. Sykes, A. L. Martin, II. H. Larkum. CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 141 FIFE AXD DRUM BY DAY, FIREWORKS AT NIGHT. To such as love to hear the shrill note of the fife and the rattle of the dram, Wednesday of Rockville's big week must have been a day of days. With ten corps of fifers and drummers parading the streets, dressed in their varied uniforms, and headed by imposing drum-majors, he must have been a cold-blooded person indeed who failed to get some thrill of military fervor into his veins. The occasion for this gathering of the musical clans was the contest wherein cash prizes were to be competed for. The center of interest to the large crowds congregated about Central Park, was the judges stand, where officiated C. M. Ulivieri of Florence, Italy, and Titus Whitehead, a member of Ulivieri's Band. Drum-Major William C. Steele of Hartford, occupied a seat on the bandstand, as an interested spectator. Passing in review before the judges, each corps was accorded points on its performance, and general appearance. Both modern and ancient styles of dramming were put in competition, and awards made in each style. The following corps competed, and prizes were awarded as indicated : Father Matthew Dram, Springfield, twenty-one men, (modern) $50.00. Lancraft Drum, Xew Haven, eighteen men (ancient), $50.00. Father Matthew Drum, Hartford, seventeen men, (modern), $25.00. Deep River Drum, thirteen men (ancient). $"25.00. Plimpton Dram, of Hartford, ten men, (ancient), $15.00. McLean Drum, (colored), Hartford, ten men (ancient), $10.00. Mansfield Fife and Drum, eighteen men, expenses. Buckland Dram, thirteen men, expenses. Glastonbury Drum, ten men, expenses. Meriden Fife and Drum, fifteen men, expenses. Several individual prizes were awarded for snare and bass drumming, fifing, (both old and new style) best drum-major, smartest appearing corps, corps coming longest distance (Deep River) and oldest man in corps. This was John Bolles of Mans- field, aged 73 years, prize $5.00. 142 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES Undoubtedly the real magnet, which brought out the enormous evening crowd, estimated at twenty thousand, was the fire- works display from Fox Hill and Central Park. Although scheduled to start at 9 o'clock, it was 9 :30 before the twenty- four extra-large bombshells were heard echoing and reverber- ating for miles around furnishing a worthy and fitting salute to the visitors. Fifty pounds of red fire fired from three separate points then cast a luminous light over the entire city. The effect was indeed striking. Coupled with the gorgeous decora- tions and the magnificent electrical display, the scene about the center of the city as this red fire was set off, beggared description. The same amount of green fire was also fired from three separate points. Fox Hill was reflected as a mountain of emerald fires, a truly wonderful sight. There were many aerial pieces, a fine rocket display, numerous serenaders and a couple of set pieces in Cen- tral Park. The set piece, entitled "Vernon, 1808-1908," sur- mounted by the national colors and displaying the red, white and blue, suspended from one of the lofty elms in the park, was a striking one. The girondolas, the marvelous in fireworks, at- tracted much attention. These consisted of three pieces, placed on ten-foot posts. They rapidly revolved horizontally, display- ing a cascade of gold and silver spangles. Then rising from the post, they flew to a great height. Descending nearly to the ground, they made a second flight into the sky and finally disap- peared with a burst of brilliant stars. An exhibition piece, "Good Night," produced in two-foot letters of gold fire, embel- lished with silver gerbs, brought the display to a fitting close. CIVIC, INDUSTRIAL AND MILITARY PARADE; FIREMEN'S DAY. What would undoubtedly have been the grand outdoor event, and. crowning triumph of the celebration, could it have been carried out as planned, was the parade organized by Chief Mar- shal Moritz Kcmnitzer, and his corps of hard-working aides. But alas ! for human glory. To vary the proverb, we may say that "the marshal proposes, the weather disposes." As will be well CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 143 remembered, the parade had hardly gotten under way when torrents of rain descended, and put it out of the question for the program to be carried out. The order of the parade was so arranged as to have all in readiness at two o'clock in the afternoon, and the march was to have lasted about one hour and a half. Included in the procession would have been a review, by towTi and city officials, of the fol- lowing: First Regiment, C. 1ST. C, Sons of Veterans, Catholic Societies of the town of Vernon, Knights of Maccabees, Odd Fellows, Free Masons, Foresters, German and Polish Societies, with several bands of music. Florally decorated floats, automobiles and business wagons were also in line, and a contingent of private and unattached vehicles were scheduled to bring up the rear. All in all, there would have been presented to the citizens of Eockville and the thousands of visitors making up the largest crowd of the week, a moving picture of the civic, industrial, social and mili- tary life of the community, such as had not been seen in the town's history. Co-operating with Chief Marshal Kemnitzer and rendering valuable assistance was a special committee, consisting of Major T. F. Rockwell, Captain James H. Lutton, Ex-Captain Martin Laubscher and Captain Earl D. Church. The marshals of the various divisions were : First, Dr. Thomas F. Rockw r ell and Arthur T. Bissell; second, George B. Hammond and A. Leroy Martin; third, Charles Backofen, A. Gunderman, Ignaz Kohn, Charles F. Ludke, Conrad Sachse; fourth, Frank Goscenski; fifth, Fred J. Cooley; sixth, George E. Sykes. Firemen's Day, July 4th, was another outdoor event of im- posing proportions; and being favored with ideal weather, the various companies participating made a fine showing, and af- forded the crowds a Fourth of July celebration such as we seldom get. Companies from other towns and cities swelled the ranks; conspicuous among these being the Veteran Firemen's Association of Hartford, with the veteran Hartford fire chief, Henry J. Eaton in line, accompanied by Colt's Band. Special interest was shown in the Norwalk Fire Police, and this was 144 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES increased by the fact of their having at the head John D. Milne, a former Rockville boy. Another company receiving special notice was the delegation from Pawtuxet, R. I., which brought back to its home town for this celebration, the old fire-fighter, "Fire King." Associated with the early days of fire protection in Rockville, this piece of inanimate mechanism seemed to possess a soul to those old veterans who marched in company with it, and remembered the runs they had had together in days gone by. In striking contrast with the veterans a juvenile company styled "Our Boys," organized by Chief Hefferon and drilled by Charles B. Milne, gave a pleasing variety to the parade, and a promise to the citizens of younger men taking up the work which the old fellows must soon pass down to them. The success of the whole parade, in its inception and carrying out, resulted largely from the personal influence of Chief Hefferon, whose wide acquaintance with outside organizations brought about the large attendance, and secured hearty co-opera- tion from all. THE INDUSTRIAL EXHIBIT. One of the most interesting features of Vernon's centennial celebration was the industrial exhibit in the Maxwell Memorial Library Building. The exhibit was open daily from ten to twelve o'clock in the morning, from one to six o'clock in the afternoon and from seven to nine o'clock in the evening, with the exception of Saturday. It was visited by thousands of people during the week. In great profusion were shown the goods that have made Rockville what it is today, the "Loom City," the place where the finest cloths, the best fish-lines, the daintiest silks in the world arc made. In this age of specialization, no longer, as in bygone days, are nearly all of the industries carried on in the farmhouse. No longer does each community manufacture practically all the things it needs. No longer are the flock and the loom, the silk- worm and the spindle within sight of each other. The raw materials are now gathered by railroads and steamships from HARRY C. SMITH, Secretary Committee on Advertising Publicity and Printing. C. DEXISOX TALCOTT, Treasurer Finance Committee of Ver non Centennial Celebration. H. H. W1LLES, Member of Transportation and Public Safety Committees. MORITZ KEMXITZER, Member of Committee on Public Exer- cises and Chief Marshal of Military and Civic Parade. CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 145 the corners of the earth, and railroads and steamships distribute the finished product. Generally speaking, the people who see the place where the things they use are prepared, are few. Kockville's centennial industrial exhibit was, therefore, a real object lesson that brought enlightenment and education, affording an excellent op- portunity to see, not only the finished jaroducts, but in many instances the goods in various stages of manufacture. Profit and pleasure came to those who inspected the products of Kock- ville's plants. A general summing up of the various exhibits is herewith given: M I NTERBURN EXHIBIT. This exhibit consisted of a beautiful array of rich, soft effects, produced in a mixture, and double and twist wool cloth that showed the highest type of excellence in design and fabrication. Many novel and delightful effects were produced by the fre- quent and generous use of white silk, combined with the deli- cate grays, tans and olives of the wool mixtures. All cloths shown were of a woolen type of construction, and to the eve the effect was most attractive showing excellent taste and skill in the manu- facture. AMERICAN MILLS COMPANY. This exhibit occupied all of the space to the right of the entrance of the library, and the tasteful arrangement occasioned much favorable comment. It was the most varied and largest display of fabrics shown by any one concern, including as it did a large and attractive display of carriage cloths, in addition to the regular line of fancy worsteds for men's wear, which the company manufactures. In the exhibit of carriage cloths there were the most novel effects in fancy weaves, and beautiful color- ings in whipcords, Bedford cords, wide and narrow wales and diagonals. In their regular line of fancy worsteds for men's wear, both heavy and light weights of high quality were shown, and the colorings were the new delicate tones of gray, stone and tan, as well as the most complete lines of blues, olives and 146 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES browns, the mixture effects, as well as the skein -dyed fabrics producing a pleasing impression and giving the visitor a clear idea of the scope and great variety of the manufactures of the American Mills Company. HOCKANUM, SPRINGVILLE AND NEW ENGLAND MILLS. The Hockanum, Springville and New England Mills showed a most complete line of fancy worsteds occupying all the space to the left of the entrance on the south side of the room. They maintained their reputation for the production of these fine and high-grade worsted cloths. In their large and tastefully arrang- ed display were represented the high- textured fabrics of the Hockanum and New England Mills and the beautiful soft un- dressed worsted effects of the Springville Mill. The whole was- a bewildering display of modish, up-to-date, stylish fabrics and color combinations, all indicating the highest degree of skill in both structure and design. E. J. MARTIN'S SONS' EXHIBIT. The northwest corner of the reading room in the Library- Building, where E. J. Martin's Sons, manufacturers of the cele- brated ''Kingfisher" all-silk braided fish-lines, had their exhibit,, appealed to the sportsman. The exhibit bore out the concern's- reputation for excellence, reliability and perfection. All the lines manufactured were shown, in the various sizes, colors and finishes, both on spools and in hanks. Cards, with the various lines drawn through them, were handed. to visitors, while description leaflets were given away. The silk of which the lines are made, was also shown, as well as the- machine wiih which the lines are braided. The walls were decorated with brook trout, mounted on panels of oak or birch bark, surrounded by skeins of lines. The trout were caught by local men in nearby brooks with Kingfisher lines. CENTENNIAL EXEECISES 147 BELDING BEOS. & CO.'S EXHIBIT. This firm had a most artistic exhibit of all its products. Not only those manufactured in this city, where spool silk of the various varieties is the specialty, but also embroidery silks and many kinds of all-silk fabrics from the Northampton, Mass., mills, besides piece-dyed satins and taffetas from Belding, Mich., were shown in a tasteful manner. The display, arranged in the form of a dainty booth, the pillars of the booth being made of hundreds of spools of green sewing silk, beginning with dark at the base and gradually growing lighter in shade toward the top. The front was draped in pearl gray satin with festoons of green spool silk, while the background was of Copenhagen blue, sage green and pink. The side walls were made of countless shades of embroidery floss. Within the booth there were about a score of hand embroidered pillows and pictures, some of the latter rare works of art, requiring years of work and being valued at thousands of dollars. Practically the same line of goods was exhibited by this firm at Eockville's centennial indus- trial exhibit, as was shown at the Jamestown exposition in 1907. In addition to the finished goods there was also shown raw silk, "thrown" silk and silk, gummed preparatory to dyeing. A very interesting feature were the silk worms in all stages of growth, beginning with the eggs, about one sixteenth of an inch long, and ending with the complete cocoon. These were in glass phials. A limited number were given away free. WORSTED YAEXS. The Arlington Mills Company of Lawrence, Mass., exhibited a fine and comprehensive assortment of worsted yarns. The committee, who had the arrangements in charge for the industrial exhibit, consisted of E. F. Badmington, William Maxwell, F. J. Began, M. C. Mason, M. H. White, A. N. Belding, A. L. Martin and Frank Keeney. 148 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES IXDOOE EVENTS, RECEPTIONS, BANQUETS, CONCERTS. Never before was the social significance of the many fraternal orders of the town of Vernon and city of Rockville, so brought into prominence as during the centennial week. Lodges vied with each other in keeping open house and making welcome friend and stranger alike. The limited space at our disposal does not permit of detailed accounts of these functions, but perhaps some further mention should be made of the reception and banquet given in honor of Most Worshipful Brother, Edward E. Fuller, Grand Master of Masons of Connecticut. This notable event in the history of local Masonry marked also a half-century of existence of Fayette lodge, No. 69, A. F. & A. M., and the anniversary was fitly cele- brated on the afternoon and evening of June 30, 1908, at Masonic Hall. Chief among the incidents of the celebration was the presentation of a watch to Grand Master Fuller, from the lodge; the speech of presentation being made by Lyman T. Tingier. The responsive remarks of Grand Master Fuller, and the series of reminiscences given by Brother E. Stevens Henry, made memorable contributions to the events of the day. Amongst all the reunions of the week, both private and public, that of the High School Alumni Association, on Tuesday evening, June 30th, holds a big place in the memory of those who were present. The guest of honor was Prof. Randall Spaulding, first principal of the school, from 1870-1873. Graduates of 1873 and 1875 revived bygone history, and welded the chain of association with the events of 1908. A specially interesting feature of the occasion was the opening of the "old building,'' for refreshments and a social chat among the old classmates. The intermingling of the old order and the new gave pleasing evidence of loyalty to school spirit, and of pride in the history of R. H. S. "Auld Lang Syne" and "Home, Sweet Home," had never a more heartfelt response to their heart-stirring strains than was evoked at the service in Union Church, Sunday morning of dune 28th. Here gathered about sixty past and present mem- bers of the choir and led the good old hymns, in which the large CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 149 congregation joined heartily. Added interest was given the ser- vice by old musicians, who played instruments of reed, string and brass, as in the days when church organs were unknown in the town. Another of the chief musical events was the organ recital given in Union Church on the afternoon of July 2, by Prof. William Churchill Hammond of Holyoke, Mass., assisted by Miss Ida E. Martin, violinist, Eockville, and Mrs. Marion Murlless Chapin, soprano, of Boston. All three being claimed as Eock- ville artists, it was a fitting combination of home talent which gave pleasure to the large audience assembled. The exhibit of curios and historical relics, while not so large as had been planned, proved of great attractiveness to many people, and was open daily throughout the week. One of the most useful institutions brought into being for the occasion, was the general information bureau promoted by Manager William M. Lewis of the Eockville Gas and Electric Company. The bureau furnished much valuable assistance to visitors, and helped in every way to make their stay in the city agreeable and free from care. Best houses were also established at convenient points; and these afforded rest and comfort to many tired ones during the course of a celebration where so great a demand was made upon the staying power of sight-seers. Turn Hall was headquarters for the special events planned by our German citizens; concerts, balls, and other entertainments making up a season of gaiety and rejoicing wherein a great many people took part. At Town Hall, many similar scenes were presented. Eecep- tions and balls were given there by the Eockville Baseball Asso- ciation; D. A. B. ; military and firemen; all of which were freely patronized and made the occasion of social display. 150 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES OUTDOOB ATTRACTIONS OF CENTENNIAL WEEK. The histories of all people witness to the love of man for show, for diversion, and for spectacular entertainment. And this present history of our town would be incomplete, without some preservation of a record of those lighter features which made "Old Home Week" pleasurable to young and old alike. The committee on public exercises spared no effort to assure a season of good humor, and of delight to eye and ear; and the engagement of the Victor Amusement Company hit the popular taste. In this aggregation of talent were animal trainers, acro- bats, dancers, conjurers, and other skilled entertainers, all doing something in their own special line to attract and amuse crowds of holiday makers. A specially interesting artist was Miss Mabel McKinley, then one of the most popular singers on the vaude- ville stage. The White City Band, under the leadership of Charles M. Ulivieri, gave a series of concerts well suited to the audiences of a free, outdoor celebration; the popular and the classic styles of music being judiciously alternated, so as "to please all tastes." Besides the larger shows, all manner of smaller ones such as have come to be part of every "Midway" catered to the fun or the curiosity of the pleasure seekers. Day and night did these professional amusement makers ply their arts, and it was a person's own fault if she or he had any dull moments. The Connecticut Company rose to the occasion, and produced displays of fireworks. Ball games afforded sport to the lovers of the diamond; and a series of athletic events, comprising races and other tests of wind and muscle, took place on the Middle Road, drawing a large crowd. The success of the athletic events was due largely to the committee on sports and R. J. Murphy, who combined experience with enthusiasm. The officials were: Starter, R. J. Murphy; referee, W. J. Murphy; timers, Fred J. Coolev and A. M. Burke: judges, Fred Wbodhall, George B. Milne. Parley B. Leonard and W. A. El holt. The July Fourth parade of Antiques and Horribles was made the occasion for a more elaborate display, in keeping with the spirit of the whole week of carnival. CENTENNIAL EXEltOISES 151 FINANCING THE CELEBRATION. To properly finance Vernon's centennial celebration was no easy task. It required an untold amount of hard work, but there was a noble and generous response on the part of residents and former residents of the town. Contributions were received through the local papers, coming from all parts of the country. The first local subscription came from the Eockville Leader, the originator of the idea of a one-hundredth birthday party for the town of Vernon. Its contribution was $100. To Howard K. James of Alameda, Cal., belongs the honor of being the first out-of-town contributor. All the local mills gave' liberally and there were many popular subscriptions. Nearly $8,000 was raised as the result of careful planning and perfect system. A detailed account of all receipts and expenditures was kept by Treasurer Parley B. Leonard of the general committee. The sum of $1,800 was appropriated from the town treasury to aid the centennial celebration. There remained a substantial bal- ance on hand after all bills were paid. No enterprise of this nature was ever more ably and successfully financed than was the Vernon centennial of 1908. A synopsis of the treasurer's report follows : RECEIPTS. Town of Vernon $1,800.00 Subscriptions 4,130.75' Advertising 1,751.08 Privileges 290.00 Total $7,971.83 EXPENDITURES. Advertising and publicity $1,476.98 Auto contest 200.00' Invitations and receptions 92.20 Finance 24.00 Public exercises 3,717.22- Lights 1,861.91 Sports 93.15 Cash on hand 506.37 Total $7,971.83: 152 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES Official Program, "Old Home Week." June 28th to July 4th, Inclusive. SUNDAY, JUNE 28. Morning — Special services in all the churches, sermons by former pastors and singing of old-time hymns. Afternoon — Eendition of famous oratorio, "The Creation," in Union Church. Evening — Oratorio will be given second rendition, with solo parts by distinguished New York Artists, Orchestra, and Chorus of one hundred and twenty-five voices. Historical address at St. John's Church by Rev. Dr. Samuel Hart, Dean of Berkeley Divinity School and President of Connec- ticut Historical Society. Solemn High Vespers at St. Bernard's Church, with sermon by Rev. Edward Flannery of Hazardville. MONDAY, JUNE 29. Afternoon — Opening exercises at Vernon Center (mother settle- ment of the town), in historic Congregational Church, built in 1826, with following program: 1, Music; 2, Invocation; 3, Address of welcome by Parley B. Leonard, Esq., first selectman of the Town of Vernon ; 4, Reading of Act of the General Assembly creating the Town of Vernon, by Francis B. Skinner, Esq., town clerk; 5, Music; 6, Historical Essay by C. Denison Talcott, Esq. ; 7, Music ; 8, Reminiscences, by Captain Charles W. Burpee of Hartford; 9, Centennial poem, by Prof. Thomas D. Goodell of New Haven; to. Music; 11, Commemorative address by Hon Charles Phelps. President of Vernon Centennial Committee; 12, Benediction Following the exercises in the church there will be a Band Concert and social gathering on green in front of the church. Evening— Grand Colonial Bal] in Town Hall, under auspices of Sabra Trumbull Chapter, 1). A. R. Grand Ball at Turn Hall. Opening of Electrical Display and Illuminations; CHARLES BACKOFEN, Treasurer of Committee on Advertis- ing, Publicity and Printing. PROFESSOR THOMAS D. GOODELL. Member of first graduating class of Rockville High School. Wrote com- memorative poem for Vernon's cen- tennial celebration. CAPTAIN CHARLES W. BURPEE, Of Hartford. Former Rockville boy who took part in literary exercises during centennial week. CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 153 Band Concert; Vaudeville, and Midway, on East Main Street. TUESDAY, JUNE 30. Afternoon — Automobile Hill-Climb Contest, Vernon avenue, at two o'clock. Athletic sports, including foot races, sack races, climbing greased pole, etc. Ball game on Union Street grounds, Rockville vs. Middletown, champions of Middlesex County League. Balloon Ascension ; Band Concert ; Vaude- ville, and Midway. Evening — Meeting of Alumni of Eockville High School, with grand reunion. Reception and banquet tendered by Fayette Lodge, No. 69, A. F. & A. M., to M. W., Edward Fuller, M. W., Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut. Ball in Town Hall. Electrical display and Illuminations; Band Concert; Vaudeville, and Midway. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1. Afternoon — Fifers' and Drummers' convention and contest. Ball game on Union Street grounds, Rockville vs. Bristol Balloon Ascension; Band Concert; Vaudeville, and Midway. Evening — Grand pyrotechnical display, furnished by Clarence D. Holt, former Rockville resident. Band Concert; Midway, and Vaudeville; Electrical display and Illuminations. THURSDAY, JULY 2, Morning — Baseball game on Union Street grounds between Rockville and Springfield State League team, (game will be preceded by parade of the players of the two teams in autos, headed by band). Afternoon — Baseball on Union Street grounds, Rockville vs. Springfield State League team. Balloon Ascension; Band Concert; Vaudeville, and Midway. Evening— Rockville Baseball Association's reception to players, entertainment, and ball, in Town Hall. Band Concert; Vaudeville, and Midway ; Electrical Display and Illumina- tions. 154 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES FRIDAY, JULY 3. Afternoon — Grand military, civic and industrial parade, ending with Centennial Drill under the direction of Moritz Kem- nitzer. Band Concert; Balloon Ascension; Vaudeville, and Midway. German Entertainment at Turn Hall. Evening — Grand military ball at Town Hall. German enter- tainment at Turn Hall. Band Concert; Vaudeville, and Midway ; Electrical Display and Illuminations. SATURDAY, JULY 4. Morning — Parade of Antiques and Horribles. Band Conceit. Afternoon — Firemen's muster. Baseball, Rockville vs. Stafford. Balloon Ascension; Band Concert; Vaudeville, and Midway. Evening — Firemen's ball in Town hall. Band Concert; Elec- trical Display and Illuminations; Private Display of Fire- works; Vaudeville, and Midway. Exhibit of historical relics and curios each day. Industrial exhibit each dav. CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 155 Some Press Comments TOWN AND CITY CREDIT TO OLD CONNECTICUT. Bristol celebrated her centennial in 1883. Now it's Vernon's turn. That is really the ancient and official town name, but Rockville is the modern expression. "Old Home "Week" has meant something there this week, and its observance has been carried out in a spirit of genuine hospitality and hearty welcome. We extend our congratulations to Vernon-Rockville. Both town and city are a credit to old Connecticut. Progress and enterprise and many other good things dwell there. — Bristol Press. IT IS A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE IN There is no overestimating the value and importance of these centennial and bi-centennial celebrations through the state. They revive patriotism, encourage public spirit, and make in many ways for good citizenship and human progress. The town of Vernon is now engaged in this stimulating sort of entertain- ment. Elsewhere this morning we publish the addresses of yesterday, each of them worthy of a wide reading. The historical sketch by Mr. Talcott covers most interestingly the development of the place and its progress into a most important manufac- turing center. Captain Burpee tells entertainingly of various occurrences in the life of the town. And State Attorney Phelps, with his commemorative address, sounds the call to duty in an impressive and noteworthy oration. All the literary exercises are evidently on a high plane, and the occasion is a memorable one. Rockville, the industrial center of the town of Vernon, is one of the greatest woolen producers in the world and the quality of its goods is proverbially fine. The citizens who have grown rich with its development are constantly doing in one way and another for the town, steadily making it a better place to live in and sharing their success with their fellow-townsmen. — Hartford Courant. 156 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES OUGHT TO BE PKOUD OF MAGNIFICENT SUCCESS. Vernon's big centennial celebration came to a close Saturday night, and il is now a matter of history. It will be remembered as the greatest and most successful event ever taking place in the town. Hereafter when occasion arises to fix the time of any particular event reference will be had to its having been before or since the Vernon centennial. The attention of the entire state was centered on Vernon and Eockville last week. The magnificent scale upon which the town observed its 100th birthday will be the talk of everyone within a radius of many miles for a long time to come. Visitors were amazed at the elaborateness of everything; things were conducted on a scale that would have done credit to a place four times our size. The decorations and attractions were far beyond the expectations of the hosts of people who came to attend the festivities. Former residents who had not been in this city for years, came back for "Old Home Week." meeting old acquaintances and reviving old times and incidents. It was a great time for Eockville and everybody who had anything to do with planning and carrying out Vernon's centennial ought to feel proud of the magnificent success achieved. — Rockville Journal. EXCELLED ALL EECOEDS AND EXCEEDED ALL ANTICIPATIONS. The big centennial celebration is now a matter of history, and Vernon (Eockville) has excelled all records and exceeded all anticipations. This might sound egotistical were it not a fact that it is the plain truth, corroborated by every one who witnessed the celebration. Today the town of Vernon stands higher in the estimation of the public than it ever stood before As we look back it is difficult to name an event which should have been omitted or a feature which should have been added. A week's celebration has been held, covering every point which such a celebration should cover, dignified and formal, where dignity and formality were appropriate, informal, happy and homelike at all oilier times. From the outset doubt had been expressed whether a town the size of Vernon could keep up the CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 157 pace for an entire week of carnival. There is no longer any doubt. From the very first day of the celebration until the last day the pace was maintained. The populace and outsiders crowded the streets day and night throughout the entire week and joined in the rejoicings with the abandon of Xew Orleans at the Mardi Gras. There was something doing every minute. It was indeed a strenuous week, and when the windup came late on Saturday night there were undoubtedly a whole lot of tired people in Eockville, but not one of these regretted that the cele- bration had taken place, although possibly some of the number, if they were going to do it all over again, would bring it to an end in three or four days, instead of continuing it for a week. Aside from the entertainment and enjoyment features of Ver- non's centennial celeb ration, there have been other features which cannot fail to benefit the town. Eockville is known today from one end of the state to the other. Indeed, her name is being mentioned and her praises sounded throughout Xew England. Every person who has visited the city from near and far, (and there have been people from every part of the country here during that week) has advertised Eockville, has had a good word to say of the civic pride and public spirit of her citizens. Although small in size, everyone today is satisfied that Eockville can do big things — things that cities much larger could not do one whit bettor. 'Without desiring to boast, it can truthfully be said that Eockville's centennial celebration will compare favorably, yes hold its end up, with any of the big celebrations that have been held hereabouts in the last twenty-five years. Nature has done much for Eockville. Conditions here are ideal for such a celebration as was planned for the centennial of the town of Vernon. There isn't another city in Connecticut better adapted from a show standpoint for a centennial celebration than Eockville. With its beautiful greensward in the center, its triple- terraced streets, and its ideal spot for a midway, (East Main street), everything can be seen to advantage. It wasn't necessary to turn Eockville upside down to convert it into a show place. The spectacular and show features were kept within a very limited area. The center of Eockville certainly looked grand. It 158 CENTENNIAL EXERCISES was a delight for visitors to walk up and down the main street and pass along the midway by night, and thousands and thou- sands who did it night after night were carried away with the effect produced by the decorations and illuminations. They did not tire of them, and kept coming night after night. Ask any "Old Home Week" visitor what he thinks of Eockville and you'll get an answer that will make you feel proud. It's the unanimous- opinion of all who spent any time in the city during "Old Home Week" that Eockville's welcome and hospitality were of the 18 karat kind and all wool and a yard wide. There was nothing lacking in welcome and hospitality and the city never looked prettier. By way of review, it should be said that Vernon's centennial celebration was not only carefully planned and w r ell financed, but splendidly conducted, with every contingency provided for and no detail, however minute, escaping attention. Of course it isn't likely that everyone was satisfied with everything that took place or some things that didn't take place, but generally speaking there was little criticism and practically no fault-finding. The townspeople marveled at the magnitude of the celebration once it was under headway. To the men who labored so hard and faithfully, not only during that week, but during the eight months of preparation, they did not hesitate to award a full measure of credit, realizing that it w-as a big undertaking that demanded self-sacrifice and called for ceaseless toil. It's a good thing for the town that Vernon had the men capable of carry- ing out the undertaking and willing to do the work necessary to make it a success. It w r as new r work to most of them, but they never faltered, and from the outset displayed a spirit of enthusiasm and resistless energy that spelled success. Judging by the verdict of those of the city's guests during the week, who have travelled much and participated in such events, the great enterprise was a success. Some special points should be noted regarding the celebration. Perfect order was maintained during the entire week. Over 100,000 people occupied our streets, and there was no disturb- ance, no violence or theft, no accident of any kind, and a notice- CENTENNIAL EXERCISES 159 ableable absence of drunkenness. That such admirable order prevailed is a credit to our town and its visitors, and this com- munity owes a debt of gratitude to the committee on public safety, of which Mayor Forster, as chief of police, was an active member, and to the police department. Too much praise cannot be given to Captain Edward J. Kane and his men for the discipline and order they maintained during the week of immense crowds. Taking everything into consideration, it is certainly marvelous that there wasn't trouble during the week. Captain Kane and the men under him were onto their jobs, so to speak, every minute, day and night. Both the active head of the police department and the officers seemed to take pride in their work. They did really more than they were called upon to do, realizing that it was an unusual time — a time when too much care could not be exercised. The good nature of the thousands of centennial celebrants materially aided the police in their work, but they controlled the situation from start to finish in great style. — Rockville Leader. LONG LIVE EOCKVILLE AND VERXOX. The Vernon centenary and "Old Home Week" festivities at Rockville are bringing great throngs of people there. The weather has favored Vernon and Rockville splendidly in this celebration. Manchester has contributed a generous quota of visitors to all the attractions at Rockville this week. Wednesday night the fireworks display brought record crowds to Rockville. The display was a credit to Rockville. AVe certainly take off ■our hats to our enterprising neighbors in Rockville. Their celebration is a grand success and they are covering themselves all over with glory. Long live Rockville and Vernon. — South Manchester News. 2 7?o \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0014 1121789 O