IL'a Class _ZZ^y0; Bnnk . /fm\ Copyright )^° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT iSetd Centurp Club poofe of l&etipe^ lijUiAr CX^vJtil^ JLui-, f^jU^f^cUljtA*-'^ THE PHILADELPHIA NEW CENTURY CLUB BOOK OF RECIPES CONTRIBUTED BY MEMBERS OF THE CLUB COMPILED AND EDITED BY MRS. H. S. PRENTISS NICHOLS PRESIDENT PHILADELPHIA THE JOHN C. WINSTON COMPANY 1915 Copyright, 1915, by The New Century Club 4 /^ JAN 28 1916 jForetPorb There is high authority for it, that of making of books there is no end. Many cook books might easily be a weariness to the flesh ; but this little book goes forth confident of a welcome. It does not profess to be a book on cookery; it is what is far better, a imique collection of tried and tested recipes, many of which have been handed down from one generation to another and have never before been in print. They have been contributed by club members, many of whom have generously brought forth from cherished old manuscript books, written by hands long vanished, the most favorite family formulas for compounding things good to eat. There is a delightftd personal quality about these recipes, and it is interesting to see how the recipes for the same dish vary. It is a beautiful demonstration of the fact that club women are the very best home makers. They not only have their useful fingers in many public pies, but they look well to the ways of their own households. The income from the sale of this Book of Recipes is to be used for the purchase of Club china and for other special objects, so that not only those who contributed their choice recipes, but each one who buys a copy, will have a personal share in adding to the beauty and comfort of this beloved club. Isabel McIlhenny Nichols ^ (3) Contents^ PAGE Breads ^^ Soup ^^ Fish ^^ Meats ^^ Vegetables ^ ' Entrees ^^ Pickles, Relishes ^^ Salads 1^^ Puddings ^ ^ ^ Pies ^^^ Desserts . 153 Ices 1^^ Fruits — Preserved, Canned 169 Jellies, Jams 1^' Cakes ^^^ Candies ^^^ Beverages ^^^ (5) Sntrobuction Our most cherished possessions are apt to be the family heirlooms, the fumitvire, the hand-made qtiilts, the old laces of our great-grand- mothers. We learned to care for them first, because they were grand- mother's; and then we began to learn and understand their worth and their beauty. Among the personal records, which we have learned to regard as so valuable, can be found hand-written receipt books containing those price- less recipes which were perfected in some one home and exchanged between friends and neighbors. We are pennitting, in many places, valuable papers and homely records of family life to be destroyed and lost. Of the interesting com- mittees in some clubs are those called the Landmark Committees, whose duty it is to preserve the history and record of the fast-growing town or community, its landmarks, whether these be individual or public. This work should be encouraged and commended. There should be the same measure of congratulation given to any club which is preserving for us those valuable, tried and true recipes, which have been used by the most notable housekeepers of a community. Philadelphia has a reputation for good cooking, and we are all glad to welcome a contribution in the actual classics of this particular form of literature. Can there not be classic recipes as there are classic poems, and for the same reasons? In our search for the scientific basis of the art of cooking, in our study of its chemistry and physics, we must never lose sight of the fact that no matter how much we may know as to why baking powder or yeast act as they do, it is of little avail unless our knowledge enables us to make a good muffin or good bread each time. Recipes are but the worked-out proportions which will produce a desired resvdt. Without them we would each have to solve the problem anew for ourselves, and today we have not time. There are other more necessary things to do. So we welcome this little book from a club of women noted among clubs and among women for their good works of many kinds. Helen Louise JoHrjsoN, Chairman, Home Economics Department, General Federation Women's Clubs (7) " To be a good cook means the knowledge of all herbs, fruits, balms and spices, and all that is healing and sweet in fields and groves and savory in meats. It means carefiUness, inventiveness, watchftdness, willingness and readiness of appliance. It means the economy of your great-grandmother and the science of modem chemistry. It means much tasting and no wasting ; it means English thoroughness, French art and Arabian hospitality. It means, in fine, that you are to be perfectly and always, ladies, * loaf -givers, ' and you are to see that everybody has something good to eat." — ^Ruskin. (9) IRedpe for an Sbeal Club Take two parts of desire for a larger living, or what we term cul- ture, and two parts of intelligent interest in the vital questions of the day, and mix them with enough sociability to make a light sponge, and set it away to rise. When it has risen to about twice the original bulk, add some carefully picked officers and directors — washed in the waters of self-sacrifice and plentifully dredged with perseverance. Then add one part civic work, or as much as your town (or state) requires, and one part philanthropic activity; allow a gospel measure of the genial spirit of reci- procity for sweetening, and cream it up with fresh, rich thought and potir it in ; add enough of the milk of human kindness to make a smooth batter. Take a whole heart full of enthusiasm, and dilute it with a little common sense, and when the alkali of the enthusiasm unites with the acid of com- mon sense in a foaming mass — stir it quickly into the mixture. Then add yoiu" spices — womanliness, tact, htmior, broad-mindedness and talent — ^with a dash of difference of opinion. Now take a dozen fresh committees, and beat them up well — beat them up imtil they are stiff enough to stand alone, and toss them in; then throw in your afternoon programs — not too full, as they must have room enough to swell up, with animated discussion. Lastly add your flavoring — Robert Browning's extract of optimism, though some prefer Emerson's. There is also a new article on the market, which many use and consider equal to optimism, known as Fletcherism; but any good optimism will do. Now beat the whole up well with individual effort — and on this the whole success of the club depends. When thoroughly beaten, potu- it into a large vessel of opportimity, which has been previously well greased with Roberts' Rules of Order to keep it from sticking, and set it in a com- fortable clubhouse for from one and a half to two hours — it depends upon the temperament manifested. Test it by inserting a splint from the broom of experience, which splint, when the club is done, must come out clean and shining. When it has cooled a little, make an icing of afternoon teas, lectures, and various entertainments, and spread thickly over the top. This will make a feast of reason and a flow of soul for about one hundred members. Serve it once a week or every two weeks. Elizabeth A. Cornett, Woman's Club, Phoenixville, Pa. (11) (grace JBefote iHeat John Cennick, 1741 Be present at our table, Lord, Be here and everywhere ador'd : Thy creatures bless, and grant that we, May feast in Paradise with Thee. Contributed by Mrs. Thomas J. Garland (13) preabs To make your needy bread, and give them life. — Pericles. (13) BREAD 1 quart milk 4 tablespoons sugar 1 quart water 2 tablespoons lard 1 tablespoon (heaping) salt 1 yeast cake Scald the milk and turn into the bread pan; add the salt, sugar, and lard; stir until melted; add the water (lukewarm), then add the yeast cake, which has been dissolved in lukewarm water. Then add enough flour to make a batter, beat thoroughly for fifteen minutes, or until batter is full of air bubbles; then add enough flour to make a dough. Take it out on a baking board as soon as it is stiff enough to do so, and knead quickly and Hghtly for 45 minutes. Use as little flour as possible, just enough to keep it from sticking to the board or hands. If a bread mixer is used, less time is required than when kneading with the hands. Now put it back into the bread pan, cover, and let stand in a warm place until morning; it should then have more than doubled its bulk. Mould into loaves, knead each loaf, put into greased pans, and stand away until light. Bake in a moderately quick oven for 1 hour and 10 minutes. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols NUT BREAD 1 cup nuts, chopped 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups milk Vz cup sugar 2 gggs 4 cups white flour 4 teaspoons baking powder Mix well together and let stand 20 minutes, then put in two small bread pans and bake ^ of an hour. Miss Gertrude A. Barrett NUT BREAD 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon melted butter 1 ggg 4 teaspoons (level) baking powder 11/2 cups milk 4 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 c"P chopped (not ground) EngUsh walnut kernels Beat sugar and egg together. Walnut kernels should be mixed with a little flour. Stand 20 minutes. Bake in slow oven 1 hour. Mrs. Mary C. D. Geisler 2 (17) 18 NEW CENTURY CLUB NUT BREAD V4 cup brown sugar 2 cups Graham flour V2 cup molasses 1 cup white flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup chopped wahiuts 2 cups millr (sweet or sour) A little salt This should be made the day before it is to be used. Mrs. Frank H. Burpee NUT BREAD 4 cups whole wheat flour 1 pound chopped English walnuts 1 cup granulated sugar 2 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups milk Sift flour, sugar and baking powder through flour sifter. Mix dry ingredients thoroughly. Beat eggs, add milk and pour into flour; stir thoroughly. Bake in moderate oven, \}i hours for large loaf; for two small loaves, ^ hour. Mrs. Leon S. Dexter NUT BREAD 1 cup scalded mUk 1 cup white flour 34 cake yeast 2 tablespoons sugar 1 cup whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup (even) English walnut meats When milk is cooled stir in yeast. Set to rise, keeping very warm for about an hour. When light, add sugar, salt and walnut meats (broken) ; then add enough whole wheat flour to make a batter stiff enough to spoon out into a buttered basin. Let rise again and bake about 45 minutes. Mrs. Laura Chandler Booth, President, The New Century Club of Kennett Square, Pa. NUT BREAD 1 egg 4 cups flour 1 cup sugar 4 teaspoons baking powder IV2 cups milk A pinch of salt IV^ cups chopped English walnuts Let raise 20 minutes, and bake in a moderate oven about 1 hour. This will make two small loaves. This makes very good sandwiches, spread either with butter or cheese. Mrs. Abner H. Mershon BOOK OF RECIPES 19 NUT BREAD 3 cups Graham or whole wheat flour 1 cup white flour 1 cup sugar 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups milk 1 cup wahiuts (chopped) 1 egg The nuts are prepared and chopped. Mix the dry ingredients and add the chopped nuts, Add the egg well beaten and the milk. Pour into a well-greased pan and let it rise 20 minutes and bake 50 minutes to 1 hour in a moderate oven. This makes one loaf. Sliced very thin and buttered it is delicious with afternoon tea. Mrs. John I. McGuigan 2 cups white flour 2 cups Graham flour y-i cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt QUICK NUT BREAD 1 cup nuts 4 teaspoons (level) baking powder 1 egg IV2 cups milk 1 tablespoon melted butter Mrs. Thomas Raeburn White OLD-FASHIONED DUTCH CAKE 1 yeast cake 2 eggs 1 pint milk y^ pint fine granulated sugar V2 pint pitted raisins 1 spoon each of lard and butter, mixed Vi nutmeg, grated V2 teaspoon salt Put the milk on to scald (do not let it boil) ; while this is being done, beat the eggs together until very light. As soon as the milk is scalded take it from the fire and immediately add eggs and shortening; then stand this aside to cool; then add sugar, salt and yeast and sufficient flour for a very thin sponge. Set the sponge at night. In the morning add raisins, well floured, then add more flour to make a dough, not quite so stiff as for bread. Knead very little. Cover and set aside for a few hours (according to the weather) until it has become light, after which di\'ide, with well-floured hands, into two loaves as quickly as possible, without kneading; then place in greased pans and set in a warm place to get light. Bake in a moderately hot oven for three-quarters of an hour. Mrs. Henry Delaplaine 20 NEW CENTURY CLUB DUTCH CAKE On baking day when bread is ready for pans take enough for small loaf and with it mix — 2 eggs 1 tablespoon lard 1 cup sugar Raisins to taste Beat well. Set to rise. When light take — Vz cup brown sugar Butter the size of a big walnut 1 tablespoon cinnamon Spread on top and bake. Mrs. George H. Vanderbeck GRAHAM BREAD V2 puit com meal 2 teaspoons salt 1 quart water 1 tablespoon molasses 1 yeast cake Make corn meal into a thin mush, add water, salt and molasses. Make a thick batter with unbolted flour, adding 1 basting spoonful of wheat flour; add yeast cake and let rise in the bread pans. When light bake in a moderate oven. This makes four small loaves. Mrs. Lewis F. Shoemaker GRAHAM BREAD (This is recommended by a physician as especially wholesome; con- veniently made because baked immediately after mixing.) 5 cups Graham floiu" 1 cup com meal 1 cup white flour 2 teaspoons (level) salt Mix these dry ingredients, then add two level teaspoons baking soda, dissolved in — yx cup warm molasses 2 cups sweet milk 2 cups sour milk If necessary, water may be substituted largely for the sweet milk. Bake in a slow oven 1>^ to 2 hours. Mrs. H. H. White, President, New Century Club of Pottstown, Pa. BOOK OF RECIPES 21 GRAHAM BREAD (An excellent health bread which I am using in my own family with good results.) 2 cups Graham flour iVz cups milk 2 cups bran (Educator) flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt "^h cup New Orleans molasses Mix Graham flour, bran flour and salt in one bowl. Mix milk, bak- ing powder and molasses in another bowl and add to the first. Bake 1 hour in slow oven. Do not beat or knead. Just stir like a cake. Mrs. a. W. Robinson STEAMED BROWN BREAD 11/2 cups Graham flour 1 pint sweet milk 2 cups com meal Vz teaspoon soda 1/2 cup molasses Salt, and sprinkle of ginger Steam 3 hours. Mrs. W. Duffield Robinson MY GRANDMOTHER'S CORN BREAD 1 cup (small) sugar 2 cups com meal (sifted with wheat 2 eggs with salt, beaten hard floiu-) 2 cups wheat flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups sweet milk 2 tablespoons butter Mix sugar and eggs in milk, then add floiir and com meal sifted together. Steam 1 hotu-, and put in oven for 10 minutes. Mrs. John D. McIlhenny BATTER BREAD OR CORN PONE 1 pint milk, scalded (not boiled) 1 cup cold rice or hominy (cooked) 1 cup com meal 1 tablespoon sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder Piece of melted butter Salt to taste Pour milk over com meal. When cool, stir in eggs, melted butter, and rice or hominy. Just before putting into oven add baking powder. Use pudding dish and bake 30 minutes. Mrs. Elmore C. Hine 22 NEW CENTURY CLUB SCOTCH SHORT BREAD 1 pound flour Vi pound sugar V2 pound butter 2 ounces rice flour Rub the butter into flour and sugar, divide in two cakes, pinch the edges, prick the center with a fork, and bake slowly in a moderate oven till brown. Mrs. A. Gallatin Talbott CHRISTMAS BREAD (Mary R, Heygate-Hall's Recipe) 134 pounds flour 2 ounces lard 1 pound currants, seeded 2 eggs 34 pound raisins V2 ounce cream of tartar 34 pound sugar Vi ounce baking soda Vi pound citron or Vi pound orange peel 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 oxmces butter 1 pint milk Bake in bread pans. Miss Anne Heygate-Hall BATH BREAD 1 pound flour 3 eggs (yolks) Vi pound sugar 2 ounces currants Vi pound butter 1 yeast cake Sprinkle of nutmeg Set over night, with warm milk enough to make a batter you can beat. Let rise, put flotu- on board, take out with spoon, rub in flour and shape. Let rise again, and bake. Mrs. Alfred Mellor BREAD CAKES 1 pint milk 2 eggs, well beaten 1 quart stale bread 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup (small) flour 2 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder Break the bread in small pieces, soak over night in the milk. In the morning beat into this the flour, eggs, salt, sugar and baking powder. Add enough milk to make the cakes form on griddle. Do not have batter too thick. Serves 4 to 6 people. Miss Helen A. Childs BOOK OF RECIPES 23 SPOON BREAD 4 eggs, beaten separately 1 cup cooked hominy grits 4 tablespoons white corn meal 1 pint milk After mixing, bake in shallow tin. 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 tablespoon butter Mrs. Louis H. Mutschler 1 cup cooked hominy 4 tablespoons com meal 1 pint milk i tablespoon butter SPOON BREAD 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 4 eggs Beat whites and yolks of eggs separately. and bake in oven. A Southern dish. Mrs. Mix all well together Mary S. Johnson VIRGINIA SPOON BREAD 1 pint milk 1 teacup yellow corn meal Butter the size of an egg 2 eggs, well beaten Salt 2 teaspoons baking powder Boil the milk, stir in com meal; let stand for a few minutes. Add melted butter, eggs, salt and baking powder. Bake in oven about 25 minutes. The medium grade of com meal is better than the fine. Mrs. Charles H. Guilbert BEDFORD ROLLS (Wonderful) y-i pint milk (good measure) 2 tablespoons lard 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar V2 yeast cake Melt lard and milk together. Make soft batter (as for rusk); add yeast dissolved in warm water. In winter, start at 11 a. m. At 4 p. m. it will be "light as a feather." Make soft dough. By 5 p. m. it will be ready to roll out. Cut with cake tin — don't handle much. Put, not touching each other, into greased pans. Bake 20 minutes in hot oven. Serve hot at 6 p. m. This will make 12 to 15 lovely rolls. Dr. Frances N. Baker 24 NEWCENTURYCLUB ANNA'S DINNER OR LUNCH ROLLS 1 yeast cake 2 tablespoons lard or butter 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled White of 1 egg 1 tablespoon sugar 3 cups sifted floixr Yz teaspoon salt Dissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm milk. Add white of egg beaten till stiff, the floiu- gradually, the lard or butter, and lastly the salt, keeping dough soft. Knead lightly, using as little flour in kneading as possible. Place in a well-greased bowl. Cover and set to rise in a warm place, free from draft, until it doubles in bulk (about 2 hotu*s). Mould into rolls the size of walnuts. Place far apart in well-greased pans, protect from draft and let rise }4 hour, or until light. Glaze with white of egg diluted with water. Bake 10 minutes in a hot oven. It makes very pretty little rolls to put three balls of dough about the size of a good-sized marble into muffin rings or patty pans and bake. It comes out a clover leaf shape. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols TEA ROLLS 1 pint milk 1 teaspoon salt 1 cake Vienna yeast 1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon butter Warm milk slightly and in it dissolve yeast cake. Add flour to make a sponge about as thick as for batter cakes. Set in a warm place for 2 hours, then add butter, sugar, salt, and flour to make a dough. Knead until it cracks and does not stick to hands. Let it rise 2 hotu-s more, then roll out about one-half inch thick and cut with small biscuit cutter. Allow to rise in pans about 2 hours and bake in very quick oven — first put on bottom and then top of oven. Mrs. William Burnham BREAKFAST BISCUITS 2 cups flour A little salt 11/2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup milk Sift baking powder, sugar and salt with the flour. Work butter in very lightly, stir in milk, roll gently, cut with biscuit cutter and bake in quick oven 15 minutes. Mrs. Theron I. Crane BOOK OF RECIPES 25 SWEET POTATO BISCUIT iVi pounds sweet potatoes Flour enough to make a sponge 1 pint milk 6 ounces lard 1/2 cup (large) yeast A little salt Boil and strain the sweet potatoes through a colander; pour hot milk over them; add flour. Let it rise from nine o'clock until eleven, then add lard and salt. Work well for half an hoiu", let it rise again, and bake. Biscuits will be improved if moulded 2 hours before baking. Mrs. H. L. Wayland MILK BISCUIT 1 quart fresh milk Butter the size of a walnut 1 yeast cake A little sugar and salt Put yeast cake in half a ttmibler of tepid water with teaspoon of sugar. Set it in a warm place (not too hot) until the yeast rises, then put it in warm milk, add butter and flour to make a nice sponge; beat thoroughly and let sponge rise ; then add salt and more flour, just enough to knead, and set in warm place. When light, make into small biscuits with biscuit cutter; brush over with milk before putting them in oven. This quan- tity will make two large pans of biscuits. Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier ELLEN'S BISCUITS 1 pint flour 2 teaspoons baking powder V2 pint milk 1/^ teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon butter 14 teaspoon salt Sift baking powder into flour, rub in the butter with hands, add milk last. Turn out on board and roll only enough to smooth top, very lightly. Cut and bake at once in quick oven. Speed and light touch required. Mrs. C. L. Peirce PLAIN MUFFINS 2 eggs 11/2 tablespoons lard 1/2 pint milk 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder Beat eggs, sugar and lard smooth, then add milk. Add sufficient flotir to make a batter not too stiff. Bake in well-greased muffin tins in a hot oven. Miss Elizabeth Bunting Collier 26 NEW CENTURY CLUB POPOVERS 1 cup milk 2 eggs 1 cup flour V2 teaspoon salt Bake 30 to 40 minutes in moderate oven, in small brown bowls half full. One of our old family recipes, and delicious. Mrs. Edward F. Kingsley MRS. CHARLES D. B. BARNEY'S CREAM MUFFINS 3 tablespoons (level) butter 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons sugar V2 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 2 cups flour 4 teaspoons (level) baking powder Cream the butter, add sugar, separate eggs, beat the whites and add them to the unbeaten yolks; to the butter and sugar add the milk, salt, flour and baking powder; then add the eggs. Fill greased mufhn pans two-thirds full and bake in a quick oven 20 minutes. Substitute com meal, rye or Graham flour for 1 cup of the wheat flour, and you will have the different muffins. It is excellent also for cottage pudding. Miss Mary Janney OLD-FASHIONED MUFFINS 2 cups flour Va teaspoon salt 1 pint milk (warm) 2 eggs 1 tablespoon butter 2 teaspoons baking powder Made in rings on griddle on top of stove to brown on under side. Make a thick batter and fill the rings half full. Turn over when rings are filled and browned. Miss Emily Campbell QUEEN MUFFINS Vi cup butter 1 cup milk 1 egg IV2 cups flour 1/3 cup sugar 11/2 teaspoons baking powder Sift all dry materials, work in butter with tips of fingers. Add egg well beaten with the milk. Cook in hot oven 10 minutes. Put in gem pans about half full to allow for raising. Mrs. William A. Wiederseim BOOK OF RECIPES 27 BREAKFAST MUFFINS 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 2 cups fiotu: 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon melted butter IV2 teaspoons baking powder Beat the eggs and sugar together with a spoon, add the milk and salt, then stir the flour in very smooth. After the batter is smooth, put in the melted butter. Last of all, add the baking powder, but do not stir or beat the batter much after the baking powder is in. Bake from 15 to 20 minutes. Mrs. William P. Potter GRAHAM GEMS 2 eggs, beaten light 2 cups Graham flour 2 cups milk V4 teaspoon salt Beat the yolks and whites of the eggs separately. Mix the ingre- dients thoroughly and beat light. Heat the gem pans and butter them, then pour in the mixture and bake 20 minutes in a quick oven. Use no baking powder. Miss Virginia Hartshorne GEMS 1 egg Vx teaspoon salt 1/2 cup water Vz cup milk Butter the size of a walnut 1 cup flour Beat the egg light, yolk and whites together; put in the milk, add the flour, water, salt and butter melted. Have gem tins warm, put in batter. They are just like a popover — must be eaten as they come from the oven. Mrs. William P. Elwell SALLY LUNN \y-2. pints milk 5 oimces butter and lard mixed 2Vi pounds flovu: A little salt 5 eggs \y^ tablespoons sugar Vz yeast cake Put at once into greased pans and let rise for about 7 hours. An old recipe from Mrs. Alfred Paull of Wheeling, West Virginia. Miss LiDA Paull Fife 28 NEW CENTURY CLUB SALLY LUNN 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon sugar 2 cups flour 1 egg (beaten separately) 2 teaspoons baking powder Mrs. Daniel R. Harper VIRGINIA SALLY LUNN IV2 pounds flour 3 eggs, well beaten 1 pint new milk V2 yeast cake V2 cup butter 1 teaspoon salt Melt the butter and add to milk, then poirr over the sifted flour; add the eggs, yeast (dissolved) and salt. Mix all together in a batter rather stiffer than that for cake, and pour in large cake mould or pans well greased. Set in warm place to rise, and when very light bake in moderate oven for nearly an hour. Miss Mary Janney CINNAMON BUN 2 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs ^2 teaspoon salt 2 cups granulated sugar 1 tablespoon (heaping) lard Flour 3 cups milk and water (scalding) Seedless raisins and currants 2 yeast cakes Nutmeg and cinnamon Put sugar, salt and lard into a four-quart bowl. Pour over it milk and water. When cool add yeast cakes dissolved in 1 cup of lukewarm water and stir in enough flour to make a rather stiff batter. When it rises two thirds of the way to the top of the bowl, stir in eggs beaten well into sugar and a little nutmeg, and add a little more flour. When it rises to the top of the bowl, knead with a little flotir. Take off a portion a little larger than the fist and roll out on the board about one half inch thick. Spread thicldy with soft butter, and about three-quarter inch thick with dark brown sugar; cover with seedless raisins and currants, and sprinkle thickly with powdered cinnamon. Roll up like a jelly roll; cut off slices two inches thick and stand on end in a deep pan well greased with lard. Shake cinnamon over the top and let rise again. When light bake in a very slow oven (thermometer 6) for nearly an hour, and turn out immediately on buttered plates. Mrs. Daniel R. Harper BOOK OF RECIPES 29 CINNAMON BUNS y^ pound sugar V4 ounce salt V4 pound butter 1/2 ounce yeast 3 eggs 1 pint lukewarm water Rub sugar and butter to a cream, add eggs and salt. Dissolve yeast in water, and add flour enough to make a warm dough. Let it stand over night in a warm place, of about 70 degrees. In morning roll dough out to about quarter of an inch thick. Spread with melted butter, sugar, cinnamon and currants. Roll and cut in pieces and put in well-greased pan. Put sugar in greased pan before putting in buns. Let rise until light and bake in moderate oven for about 1 hour. Be careful that oven is not too hot. This will make about two dozen cinnamon buns. Miss Abby A. Sutherland SPANISH BUN Vi pound butter 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 pound sugar 4 eggs % pound flour (sifted) 1 cup cream V-fi cups cleaned currants Beat the butter, sugar and yolks well together. Then add cream and whites, well beaten; stir in flour with baking powder mixed in it. Last, the ciurants mixed with a tablespoon of floiur to keep them from sticking. Bake in round bread pans not too large. Mrs. J. Gibson McIlvain GRIDDLE CAKES 1/2 pound flotir % pint milk (nearly) 1 teaspoon sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon melted butter 2 teaspoons baking powder 4 tablespoons boiled cream of wheat or boiled rice Stir flour, salt, sugar and baking powder together and slowly add the milk. Beat imtil very smooth. Add the yolk (beaten) of the egg. Then stir in the cream of wheat or rice and beat until smooth. Add the melted butter and fold in the stiff beaten whites of the eggs. This makes about 6 griddles of 4 small cakes. Mrs. Harry A. Hornor 30 NEW CENTURY CLUB OLD-FASHIONED BUCKWHEAT CAKES 1 quart buckwheat flotir 1 % pints warm water 1 tablespoon New Orleans molasses Vz yeast cake dissolved in 1 small tablespoon salt V2 cup warm water Potir gradually on the flour, mix carefully, beat hard, cover, and set to rise for about 6 hours. Bake on hot griddle. Serve on a cold winter night with sausage that has been parboiled before browning it. Mrs. Eugene H. Austin BUCKWHEAT CAKES 33^ cups buckwheat floiu: 2 large spoons New Orleans molasses 1 level teaspoon salt 1 yeast cake V^ teaspoon baking soda Cold water, enough to make a batter Beat thoroughly. Dissolve yeast cake in ^ cup of lukewarm water, mix and let rise over night. In the morning add baking soda, dissolved in boiling water. Bake thoroughly on hot griddle. Miss G. B. McIlhenny BUCKWHEAT GRIDDLE CAKES V2 yeast cake Buckwheat Mix enough buckwheat in lyi cups of water to make a rather stiff batter; add yeast dissolved in a little warm water. Stand in a warm place over night. In the morning, add — 1 tablespoon molasses 1 egg Salt V2 teaspoon baking soda Thin with milk — quite thin, A recipe from the South which we have used many years quite successfully. Mrs. Livingston E. Jones BUCKWHEAT GRIDDLE CAKES 2 cups buckwheat flour 2 to 3 cups lukewarm water 1/2 cup white flour 1/2 yeast cake ^2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon molasses Vi teaspoon soda (just before baking) Beat thoroughly and set to rise over night. Mix in order given above, molasses as weU as soda to be added in the morning. Miss Helen Lippincott BOOKOFRECIPES 31 FLUME HOUSE FLANNEL CAKES Vz cup yeast V2 cup (short) butter 1 1/2 cups new milk 1 tablespoon granulated sugar 3 cups flour Warm the milk and melt the butter in it, then put in the flour, sugar and a little salt. Let stand over night. In the morning put into gem pans, let stand 1 hoiu- to rise, then bake 1/2 hour in a quick oven. An old and well-tried recipe, and not taken from any receipt book. Mrs. S. Bernard Chambers CORNMEAL GRIDDLE CAKES 1 pint corn meal 1 tablespoon molasses IV2 pints milk 1/2 cup flour 2 eggs 1 scant spoon salt 1 tablespoon butter 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder Put com meal in mixing pan, add salt. Scald the milk, add butter when hot, pour over com meal and beat well; add molasses. Let it cool, then add flour, well-beaten eggs and baking powder. Keep in a cool place and it will be good for foiu: or five days if not all needed at one meal. Mrs. C. L. Hutchinson . " SCHECKEN " 1 yeast cake 3 cups flour (sifted) 1 cup milk (scalded and cooled) V2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar Brown sugar 2 tablespoons butter (melted) White of I egg Raisins and nuts Dissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm milk. Add beaten ^g^ cup of butter until soft but not browned. Put in casserole, cover with 2 quarts of rich stock, add parsley. Put cover on casserole and bake for 1 hour. Pieces of toast in casserole, one for each person at time of serving, or serve in botiillon cups. Mrs. Morgan Bunting ONION SOUP Cut three large onions (white) into slices, put into saucepan with a pat of butter, salt and sugar, fry to a light brown. Sprinkle over some flour, pour in 3 cups boiling water, add a few sprays of parsley, small bay leaf, little salt, boil quickly about 5 minutes, thicken soup with yolks of 3 eggs. Warm it up without letting it boil, add a little butter in bits, take out bay leaf and parsley, place slice of toast in soup plate, sprinkle a bit of pepper, pour over soup, grate Parmesan cheese over top. If small onions are used more than three would be necessary. Mrs. Edward L. Reynolds (35) 36 NEW CENTURY CLUB ONION SOUP WITH CHEESE (Italian) Make a veal stock. When ready to use — fry 4 large onions cut very thin, in little butter — put at once into ttireen, pour over this the hot veal stock, having already prepared thin round pieces of toast, thickly covered with grated Swiss cheese (J4 pound), which are placed at once in the soup. Cover immediately, as the steam from soup causes the cheese to melt, and serve at once from the tiireen. Any cheese left over may be added to the soup. The excellence of this soup depends on quick preparation and immediate service. Mrs. William B. Campbell SPINACH SOUP 1 quart spinach 2 tablespoons cornstarch 2 quarts milk 4 ounces butter Pepper, salt and mace Boil spinach until tender, chop and put through a sieve. Boil the milk, flavor with salt, pepper and mace; add cornstarch for thickening; put in the spinach and butter. Boil up once and serve. The Misses Esherick SPINACH SOUP 1 quart spinach 2 tablespoons flour 2 quarts milk Vi pound butter Salt, pepper and mace Boil spinach till tender; chop and put through sieve. Boil milk; flavor with salt, pepper and mace. Rub together flour and butter, stir into milk, which should be in double boiler; add spinach, which must be very fine and not "stringy," and boil up once. Mrs. Joseph Pettit CLAM PUREE 30 clams 1 tablespoon flour 1 quart milk 1 tablespoon butter Vz cup cream 1 teaspoon salt A dash of paprika Mash the clams through a colander and heat in a saucepan. Mix flour and butter and then the cream and stir into the milk already heated in a double boiler. Stir the dressing into the hot clams, but do not cook the clams. This is for 6 people. Mrs. C. P. Turner BOOK OF RECIPES 37 CLAM SOUP 3 potatoes, cut fine 2 quarts water 1 cup com 18 clams, chopped 1 cup tomatoes 1 quart milk 1 onion, cut fine 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon butter Cook the vegetables \}i hours in water. Have ready the hot milk, thicken it with the butter and flour rubbed together; then add clams, cook 5 minutes; then add the vegetable soup and let remain at low temperature for 5 minutes. Serve at once. Mrs. C. L. Peirce CAROLINE'S BISQUE OF CLAM 50 clams A few pepper corns 1 quart water 1 quart fresh sweet milk Small pinch of onion 1 tablespoon butter Sprig of parsley 2 tablespoons floiir Chop the clams fine, put in the water, with a small pinch of onion, sprig of parsley and a few pepper corns; simmer for 2 hours. Put the milk in a farina boiler, rub the butter and flour together, stir into the milk and let it simmer slowly. Add thickened milk last. Do not allow it to boil after milk is added. Strain and serve. Do not use* the clam juice. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols MOCK BISQUE SOUP 1 quart Tnilk 1 tablespoon butter 1 bay leaf 1 blade mace l^ teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon sugar 1 pint stewed tomatoes (strained) 2 tablespoons flour or 1 saltspoon pepper 1 pint canned tomatoes 1 teaspoon salt Put the tomatoes into a saucepan with the bay leaf and mace. Cover and stand on the back of the stove for 15 minutes. Put the milk in a double boiler. Rub the butter and flour together, soften with a little of the milk, then add it to the hot milk and stir constantly tmtil it is of a creamy thickness. Strain the tomatoes into a soup tureen; add the sugar and soda and pour in quickly the hot milk; stir lightly and serve immediately. This soup must not be cooked after the milk and tomatoes are mixed; the acid of the tomato will curdle the milk. Add the salt and pepper. Mrs. Sarah Walker Dungan 38 NEW CENTURY CLUB BLACK BEAN SOUP 1 pint black beans Vs teaspoon pepper 2 quarts cold water Vi teaspoon mustard 1 small onion A few grains of cayenne pepper 2 stalks celery 3 tablespoons butter or V/z tablespoons flour Vi teaspoon celery salt 2 hard-boiled eggs Vi teaspoon salt 1 lemon Soak beans over night; in the morning drain and add cold water. Slice onion, and cook 5 minutes with half the butter, adding to beans, with celery stalks broken in pieces. Simmer 3 or 4 hours, or until beans are soft. Add more water as water boils away. Put through a sieve, re-heat to the boiling point, and add salt, pepper, mustard and cayenne pepper well mixed. Bind with remaining butter and flour cooked together. Cut eggs in thin slices, and lemon in thin slices, removing seeds. Pour soup over them. Mrs. Thomas Raeburn White MOTHER'S MUTTON BROTH 1 knuckle of mutton, weU broken 1 pint rich milk 1 pound mutton necks, well broken 1 tablespoon rice 1 quart cold water 1 teaspoon parsley Place all in a pot and slowly bring to a boil, then let simmer until the liquid is down to a pint. Strain this pint of liquid and add it to the milk, hot, in a double boiler. Now add the rice and let it heat in the boiler until rice is soft and perfectly done, which ought to be in about one-half hour. Flavor with the finely minced parsley about ten minutes before it is done, if it is to be served for the table, but if for the sick-room omit parsley. Mrs. John Gribbel WHITE HOUSE BOUILLON 4 poimds lean beef 1 bimch parsley (small) 1 teaspoon celery seed 4 blades mace 2 onions 12 cloves 2 carrots 2 eggs (whites) Boil the beef 4 hours in 4 quarts of water. Then add celery seed, onions, carrots, parsley, mace and cloves, and boil until these are tender. Then strain through a bag and retiun to kettle, adding the beaten whites of 2 eggs. Boil until clear, straining through bag again, when the bouillon is ready to serve. (Mrs. Harrison.) Mrs. Josephine L. Adams BOOKOFRECIPES 39 PEANUT SOUP 5 cents worth of peanuts (ground) 1 teaspoon flour 1 pint chicken stock Butter the size of a small egg 1 pint cream 1 egg Add the peanuts to the boiling stock, let this boil 3 minutes, then add cream. When at boiling point, add the flour rubbed into the butter. Let this boil a minute or two, watching closely. Just before removing from fire add an egg, beaten, "and you have soup fit to serve kings!" Dr. Frances N. Baker CHICKEN JELLY 1 chicken iVi quarts water Cut a chicken into small pieces; pound the bones with a hammer imtil they are crushed; put into a quart and a pint of cold water, and let it boil well tmtil the chicken falls to shreds. Skim the fat off while it boils. Strain it and put the soup away imtil it jellies. Cut off and warm as wanted or eat cold. Mary E. B. Perot BEEF SOUP (Excellent for invalids, or at any time) V/z pounds good beef (from bottom of 1 quart cold water roimd) Season with pepper and salt Have beef cut in squares, trim off all fat. Let stand for 3 hours at back of range. Don't let it boil tmtil just before it is ready to serve. Then season and strain. Mrs. Samuel Scoville, Jr. PALATABLE SUMMER SOUP Take some water from each vegetable that one boils (peas, spinach, tomatoes, beans, cauliflower), put in a pot with onion and parsley, and let cook until onion is done, season to taste; add egg, beaten light and serve at once. A standard German health cooking formula. Mrs. C. Shillard-Smith 40 NEW CENTURY CLUB FISH CHOWDER 2 pounds fresh fish (any kind) 2 slices salt pork or bacon 2 sliced potatoes 2 onions 1 quart fresh milk 1 tablespoon butter and flour Parsley Salt and pepper Parboil the fish, scrape off the skin and pick out the bones, leaving the fish in pieces about as big as an almond. Boil salt pork or bacon, cut in dice, with sliced potatoes and onions, in a small quantity of water. When nearly tender add the fish and boil till all the ingredients are done; add salt and pepper to taste. Boil in a double boiler the fresh milk thickened with the butter and flour rubbed together. Stir in the other ingredients and add chopped parsley. Mrs. John L. Appleton SOUP A LA REINE 1 chicken V2 cup rice 1 small carrot 1 bay leaf 2 cloves Pinch of salt 2 quarts water 1 pint cream 1 small onion Small piece of celery Small piece of mace Butter Clean chicken, put in water with rice, bay leaf, mace and cloves; simmer gently 2 hours. Clean vegetables, cut in squares. Put butter in frying pan; when hot, throw in vegetables and stir until a delicate brown; skim them out, put in the soup kettle and simmer 1 hour longer. Now add the flour to the butter in the frying pan, mix and stir into the soup. Skim as it boils after adding the butter. Now take out the chicken, remove the white meat, chop very fine and put back in the soup. Remove the carrot, spices, etc., press the rest through a sieve. Return the whole into a clean kettle, add the cream, and salt to taste; boil up once. Wine may be added. My father's favorite soup. Mrs. a. Gallatin Talbott SOUP DUMPLINGS 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon (heaping) baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon lard 1 teaspoon butter Milk enough to make a soft dough Mix into a soft dough. Drop with a spoon in small pieces and boil rapidly for 15 minutes in the soup. Serve immediately. Mrs. Edmund Webster BOOK OF RECIPES 41 RABBIT SOUP 2 rabbits 2 quarts good beef stock 1 eschalot 1 onion 1 bunch sweet herbs 1 head celery 2 carrots 1 teaspoon salt 1 drachm cayenne pepper 1 glass port wine 1 tablespoon mushroom ketchup Sippets of fried bread Cut up the rabbits, keep the Hvers apart, and fry the joints; then lay them in a stew-pan with the livers, and pour over the beef stock, and simmer for 2 hours, removing all the sctmi; then take out the backs of the rabbits, and cut off the meat, put back the bones and add eschalot, onion, sweet herbs, celery, carrots, salt, and cayenne pepper. Stew another hour, then strain the soup, rub the liver through a sieve, and heat the soup for the table, adding port wine and mushroom ketchup, and serve with sippets of fried bread, and the meat of the backs cut in dice put into the soup. Mrs. Theron I. Crane Fish for fasting days, and moreover puddings and flapjacks. — Pericles. (43) BAKED FISH 1 tablespoon butter Salt, pepper, mace Flour 1 egg V^ pint milk Bread crumbs Take the fish that is left over from a meal, no matter how small the quantity, and shred it into a small baking dish. When ready to use, make a sauce as follows: Melt the butter in a skillet, brown some flour in it, pour in the milk, season with salt, pepper and mace. When the sauce has boiled and thickened pour it over the fish and mix well. Beat up an egg thoroughly and mix in. Sprinkle bread crumbs on top, and cover with dabs of butter. Bake 15 or 20 minutes in a hot oven. For 4 or 6 persons. Miss Tirzah L. Nichols SCALLOPED FISH 3 cups flaked fish 1 quart buttered crumbs Va cup butter y-i teaspoon salt Va cup floxu Pepper 1 quart milk Make a white sauce, add fish, put into baking dish, cover with crumbs, and set dish in pan of water. Bake until brown. This makes 12 portions. Mrs. Albert P. Brubaker POISSON A LA CREME 5 pounds fish (rock or halibut) 1 tablespoon flour 1 handful of salt Pepper and salt 1 pint cream Cheese Butter the size of an egg Lemon Boil the fish, putting into cold water with a handful of salt; pick the meat off the bones. Boil the cream, butter and flour for 5 minutes; take off the fire and add the fish slowly. After all is in, stir gently with- out mashing the fish. Season with pepper and salt to taste. Ttrni all into a pudding dish; grate a little cheese over it, and bake not longer than 15 minutes. As soon as it is brown it is done. Serve with sliced lemon on top. Mary E. B. Perot (45) 46 NEW CENTURY CLUB FISH OR MEAT SOUFFLE Cod, salt or fresh fish left over 1 tablespoon butter Chicken, tongue or ham 1 cup milk 2 eggs 1 cup flour Make sauce of yolks of eggs, butter, flour and milk. Add whites of eggs, well beaten; lastly, stir in fish or meat. Bake yi hour. Serve immediately. Season to taste. Mrs. Elmore C. Hine COQUILLES Cooked fish (any kind) Salt and pepper Milk sauce Tomato ketchup Use any kind of cooked fish picked into small bits, but halibut is best. Add a milk sauce (quite thin), salt, pepper, and tomato ketchup till quite pink. Just before baking add beaten white of egg and fill shells. Put shells in pan and bake about 20 minutes. White of 1 egg and 1 cup of sauce is sufficient for 6 shells. Mrs. Frank H. Burpee RHODE ISLAND CODFISH CAKES Boneless codfish 1 tablespoon butter Boiled potatoes 1 egg Mash twice as much potato as you have codfish — 1 cup of boneless fish to 2 cups of potato; will require a tablespoon of butter added to potato while hot. Beat the egg well before adding, and then beat all very thoroughly before dropping into deep hot fat, directly from the silver fork with which the mixture is beaten. If the old-fashioned cod- fish is used, soak over night, pull into pieces and boil with the potato in morning and proceed as directed. Mrs. Frank Battles BAKED MACKEREL Use small mackerel. Slit down front and put in baking pan. Put over it in following order — Chipped onions Sliced lemon Sliced tomatoes Sliced bacon (very thin) Bake 20 minutes in quick oven. Miss Annie Heacock BOOK OF RECIPES 47 BAKED CANNED SALMON 1 can salmon (flaked) II/2 cups milk 1 cup bread crumbs 4 pieces bacon (finely chopped) 1 tablespoon butter Bake in hot oven 20 to 30 minutes. Mrs. Martha P. Falconer SALMON SOUFFLE 1 can salmon Cream 4 eggs Salt Remove skin and bones from salmon and pick fine with a silver fork. Drop in yolks of eggs and stir thoroughly. Add cream to make it the consistency of cottage cheese. Add the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Bake in a buttered pan for 20 minutes in a quick oven. Do not add salt imtil on the table. Mrs. S. Bernard Chambers SALMON SOUFFLE 1 can salmon 1 teaspoon (heaping) flour 1 cup milk 2 teaspoons butter 4 eggs 1 teaspoon celery or parsley When butter is hot (not brown) add flour; when smooth add milk slowly. Let it boil up once; add seasoning and salmon that has been minced; add well-beaten yolks of eggs; when quite cool, add well-beaten whites. Turn into buttered dish and bake yi hour. Serve with mush- room or cream sauce. Mrs. Edward F. Kingsley LOBSTER CHOPS 2 cups boiled lobster 1 tablespoon butter 3 tablespoons flour 1^ nutmeg 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 2 eggs (yolks) 1 cup cream milk Salt and cayenne pepper to taste Add all the seasoning to the lobster. Make cream dressing, add to lobster and when cool mould into chops. Dip in &gg and bread crumbs and fry in boiling lard. Mrs. Harry G. Michener 48 NEW CENTURY CLUB TERRAPIN Allow the terrapin to move about in lukewarm water for a few min- utes before plunging them into boiling water. Boil until tender, the small diamond species will become tender in 20 or 30 minutes, the larger kind in about an hoiu*. Remove from the fire when tender and allow to drain for a few minutes. To open, lay on the back, head from you ; take off the shells and remove sand and gall bags; use great care so as not to break the gaU sack. Separate the meat and cut the liver and entrails up fine. Do not use the head, except the meat on the neck. Place all in the stewing kettle, barely cover with boiling water and boil half an hoiu*. Dressing for 2 large or 15 small terrapin: 3 eggs 1 teaspoon red pepper (not cayenne) y% pound butter 3 tablespoons (scant) browned flour 1 tablespoon (even) salt % pint cream Mash the yolks of the eggs into the butter, add salt, pepper, flour and cream. Stir all tmtil smooth and the ingredients are" thoroughly mixed. Add this to the prepared terrapin and let boil slowly for 15 minutes, stirring frequently. If not thick enough, stir in a little more flour; if too thick, add a little boiling water. Serve in a covered dish very hot. Miss Jean A. Flanigen LOBSTER A LA NEWBURG (The famous recipe used by the chef of Delmonico's) 2 lobsters (freshly boiled) 2 wineglasses good Madeira or old 1 tablespoon butter Sherry Large pinch of salt Vz pint rich cream Large pinch of red pepper 1 cup milk 3 eggs (yolks) 1 teaspoon cornstarch Split two good-sized, freshly boiled lobsters, pick and cut into inch- long pieces. Place them in saucepan on hot range with tablespoon of very good fresh butter. Season with one large pinch of salt and same amount of red pepper. Cook for 5 minutes, then add good Madeira or Sherry. Boil for 3 minutes, then set aside. Now beat yolks of eggs very light and add to them cream and milk. Put the whole in separate sauce- pan and heat very hot. Stir into it the cornstarch which has been dis- solved in cold water and add the mixture to the lobster. Stir gently for a minute longer, then turn into hot tureen or chafing dish, and have hot plates ready. Mrs. Charles E. Noblit BOOK OF RECIPES 49 DEVILED CRABS— BALTIMORE STYLE 1 dozen large lively crabs 1 teaspoon (heaping) black pepper 1 cup vinegar V^ teaspoon finely minced onion 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon (even) minced parsley W pound butter Bread crumbs 1 teaspoon (even) powdered mustard Sprigs of parsley Have ready a large pot on the range with the vinegar and salt in the bottom. Heat to boiling point and turn in the crabs. Steam them with the lid on until they turn a bright red when they are done and may be put out on a waiter to cool. When perfectly cold remove the outer shell, the sand bag and the lungs, or dead fingers, as the negroes call them. Scrape out from the shells all the green and yellow fat and put in a bowl, then pick out the white meat, being careful to avoid drop- ping pieces of shell into the meat. Crack the claws and pick out the meat, but the legs have too little in them to make it worth while to use them. Now add to the meat the butter, mustard, pepper, onion, and parsley. No salt must ever be added, as it causes the delicate crab meat to taste a little fishy. Wash carefully about 9 shells, and pack them with the meat, which shotild have been stirred very gently so as to avoid breaking the pieces too small. Brown some fine bread crumbs and sift on top and put the crabs in the oven to heat, but not to cook any more. Stick a small sprig of parsley in each before sending to table. This is an original Southern recipe, over a himdred years old, and is the only one in which the dressing does not injure the true taste of the crab. Mrs. Charles MacLellan Town BAKED OYSTERS— CLUB STYLE Put oysters in half shells and sprinkle with bread crumbs, butter, pepper and salt. Then grate cheese over top and put in the oven to brown. Serve with parsley and lemon. Mrs. Harry A. Hornor OYSTERS ON CRACKERS Split common crackers, butter and brown crisply, then on each half cracker put as many oysters as will cover the surface, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and set in oven until the oysters grow plump. Mrs. Frederick L. Seeger 4 50 NEW CENTURY CLUB DEVILED CRABS 1 dozen good crabs 1 teaspoon mustard 1 pint milk Salt V4 poimd butter Cayenne pepper 2 tablespoons flour Groimd mace 2 or 3 eggs (yolks) Grated nutmeg Bread crumbs Remove the meat from the crabs, after boiling or steaming until done — perhaps 10 minutes. Scrub the shells. For 1 quart of crab meat, use a little over 1 pint of milk. Boil. Rub butter and flour together, thin with a little milk and stir into the boiling milk tmtil it thickens. If not smooth, mash through a sieve. Add the raw yolks of eggs. Mix a tea- spoon of mustard with a little cold milk, stirring into the mixture with salt, a very little cayenne pepper, ground mace and grated nutmeg. The seasoning should be to taste. Into this stir the crab meat, adding more seasoning and milk if desired. It should be very moist. When cool, fill the shells, cover with rather fine crumbs, made from stale but not dry bread. Put into a hot oven at meal-time — only long enough to heat through and brown the crumbs. Mrs. Robert P. Brown PAN-BROILED OYSTERS Drain rather large oysters well. Put a large piece of butter into a flat frpng pan. When the butter is very brown, hastily drop in enough oysters to lie flat on the bottom. As they brown, turn quickly, brown on the other side and remove to a dish, set in the oven, pouring the liquor from the pan into a bowl and save in warm place. Another piece of butter in the pan, brown and continue as above until all of the oysters are cooked. At the last, into the very brown butter sift enough floiu- to make a thick sauce, stir, add the butter saved in the bowl and a very little of the oyster liquor, if needed. Stir well until smooth, and season. Turn the oysters into this sauce and pour over well-toasted slices of bread. The sauce should be very brown (but not burnt) and thick, as a liquor oozing from the oysters tends to thin the sauce somewhat. This is an original recipe. Mrs. Robert P. Brown BOOK OF RECIPES 51 BROWNED OYSTERS 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour Vi pint oyster liquor Salt and pepper Cook together in fr5dng pan the butter and flour until brown; pour upon this the oyster Hquor and stir imtil smooth and creamy; season to taste with salt and pepper, drop in oysters and cook until they are plump. A few drops of caramel will make sauce a rich brown. Serve on toast very hot. Mrs. Frederick L. Seeger THIBAULT OYSTERS 100 oysters Vi pound butter 1/2 teaspoon parsley 1 tablespoon butter V^ tablespoon flour 4 eggs (yolks) Cayenne pepper Salt Drain the oysters as dry as possible. Put yi pound of butter in a saucepan; when it begins to bubble throw in yoiu* oysters with very finely chopped parsley, cayenne pepper, and salt to taste. Mix 1 tablespoon of butter and ^ tablespoon of flour until smooth, and stir into oysters. Add yolks of eggs, well beaten, and stir into oysters when almost cooked. The eggs will curdle if cooked too long. Serve on hot pieces of toast. This recipe can be cooked in chafing dish if desired. Mrs. E. B. Waples SCALLOPED OYSTERS 1 pint, or 30 oysters 2 cups crumbs % teaspoon salt Cayenne pepper 2 tablespoons butter Vi cup oyster juice Wash oysters by pouring cold water over them in a colander, remove pieces of shell by slipping each oyster through the fingers. Prepare crumbs by melting butter, adding crumbs, salt and pepper, and stir imtil crumbs are evenly yellow with butter. Place one-quarter of the crumbs on bottom of baking dish; then half the oysters; then the second quarter of crumbs and second half of oysters and on top the rest of the crumbs. Bake 30 to 40 minutes in one large dish; or 6 shells may be used, in which case double the quantity of buttered crumbs. Bake shells 15 minutes. Miss L. Ray Balderston 52 NEW CENTURY CLUB OYSTERS A LA THIBAULT 100 oysters Red pepper Vi pound butter 1 tablespoon butter Parsley 2 tablespoons flour Salt 6 eggs (yolks) Brown Y^ pound of butter in a saucepan and throw into it 100 oysters, well drained, with a little chopped parsley, salt and red pepper. When the oysters become quite hot, stir in 1 tablespoon of butter mixed with 2 tablespoons of flour. When it has come to a boil, pour over the beaten yolks of the eggs and serve. Mrs. Josephine L. Adams OYSTER SHORT CAKE 2 cups flour Vi cup butter 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg, beaten with 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 scant cup of milk Spread on biscuit tin, bake in hot oven, split and butter. Filling 1 quart oysters Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons butter Celery salt 1 tablespoon flour 3 tablespoons cream Scald the oysters in liquor, remove oysters and keep hot. Strain 1 cup of broth, mix butter and flour in the boiling liquor, salt, pepper and celery salt. Let boil, add cream and the oysters. Fill in short cake and serve. Mrs. John H. Jopson PICKLED OYSTERS Strain liquor through a cheesecloth, and put on to boil with 2 tea- spoons of salt. When it boils, skim well and strain through a cloth, add spice, mace, pepper corns, allspice, and vinegar to taste (no cloves). Wash oysters well in cold water, shake and put into the hot vinegar and spices. Cook until a little shriveled on edges. For 50 oysters use >^ pint of white wine vinegar. Mrs. H. L. Wayland BOOK OF RECIPES 53 OYSTER LOAF 1 milk loaf of bread 1 quart oysters 1 pint sweet cream Vi pound butter 1 tablespoon flour, wet with a little milk Pepper and salt Cut off the top crust and scoop out all the soft bread, crumbing it and leaving only a bread shell to be filled. Brown the crumbs in the butter, and set aside. Throw the oysters into fresh water, removing bits of shell. Place them, on the stove without any liquor, and allow them to get very hot. Heat the cream, season with pepper and salt, and thicken with the floiu: stirred smooth with the milk. Put a layer of crumbs in the bottom of bread crust, next a layer of oysters, seasoning them, and next a layer of cream. Another layer of crumbs, oysters, cream, and lastly crumbs, and yotu* loaf is ready for the oven, where it must bake for 20 minutes before serving, Mrs. Arthur Falkenau CLAM ROAST Open clams and in each half shell place thin piece of bacon about an inch square. Season with chopped parsley, ca^'-enne, and a drop of lemon and onion juice to each clam. Roast in hot oven. Mrs. Frederick L. Seeger DEVILED CLAMS 2 tablespoons (heaping) flour Chopped parsley, cayenne and black pepper to taste 40 medium-sized clams 1 cup cream 3 tablespoons butter Drain the clams well, chop very fine; make a sauce of the cream, butter and flour. Mix all together, cover well with bread crumbs and bake in the oven. Mrs. H. G. Michener DEVILED CLAMS 2 eggs (yolks) 2 teaspoons mixed mustard Little salt and black and red pepper 15 clams 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon (large) dried bread crumbs Wash the clams, drain dry and chop fine. Melt the butter and stir in the bread crumbs, then the clams; let them boil up, add the seasoning, and last of all, the eggs. Give one boil and take from the fire. Fill the shells, let them cool, and dip in egg and crumbs and fry as oysters. Mrs. Joshua Ash Pearson ileatsi The sauce to meat is ceremony; meeting were bare without it. — Macbeth. (55) CHICKEN A LA KING Someone has said that if you can make a better mouse-trap than any one else the world will wear a path to your door. If you can not make a better mouse-trap, perhaps you can concoct a more appetizmg dish than any one else. Experience has shown that new menu dehcacies are even more appreciated than are mouse-traps, and that they make your neighbors flock in and tread a beaten path over your front lawn iust as quickly. That is what Bill King, of Philadelphia, learned twenty years ago, when "Chicken k la King" first appeared on a hotel If Macadam is immortalized by a type of roadway, and Lord Raglan by a garment, and Sir Robert Peel by the "Bobbies" and "Peelers," why should not WilHam King, of Philadelphia, go down to fame upon the palatable, savory concoction of fowl and mushrooms, truffles, and peppers smothered in cream that wears his Twenty years ago a patron of the old Bellevue Hotel dining room, a man who considered eating no frivolous matter, sat down at a table one day and scowled at the waiter. He scowled because he had exhausted the entire range of cookery, and at the moment he was convinced that not one of the thousand dishes with which he was familiar would appeal to him. He said as much to the waiter. The man bowed, requested fifteen minutes' grace, and disappeared into the kitchen. . He returned with the following, smoking hot, m a chafing dish: Small cubes cut from the white meat of chicken, fresh mushrooms, truflles, red and green peppers; cooked in cream. When the bon-vivant had eaten the last morsel he sighed. He knew that he had done his part in assisting at the birth of a new gift from the gods. "Who made this?" he demanded. "BiU King," was the response. "He works in the kitchen." The dish was " Chicken a la King." Thus was it bom. In the twenty years that have followed that day, its fame has spread from sea to sea, until it is known wherever men eat cooked food. _, ,_ , ^^ .^.c —From Literary Digest, March 27, 1915 (57) 58 NEW CENTURY CLUB CfflCKEN A LA KING 1 five-pound chicken 2 tablespoons flour 2 green peppers V^ pint fresh cream Vz pound mushrooms 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Boil chicken until tender. Cut meat into pieces. Boil broth down to 1 quart. Boil peppers and mushrooms 10 minutes in chicken broth. Thicken broth with flour and add fresh cream, chopped parsley. Serve hot in chafing dish. Mrs. John D. McIlhenny STUFFING FOR CfflCKEN 1 large tablespoon butter 1 small loaf bread, crumbed rather 1 onion, chopped fine coarse Salt, pepper and sweet marjoram Season the bread crumbs to taste with salt, pepper and sweet marjoram. Fry the onion slightly in the butter, add the seasoned crumbs and stir till the butter is all absorbed. Mrs. William A. Flanigen CfflCKEN CROQUETTES 1 pint cold chicken meat 1 teaspoon salt V2 phit cream 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 tablespoon butter A dash of cayenne pepper 2 tablespoons flour Bread crumbs 1/2 tablespoon parsl'^sy 3 eggs 1 teaspoon onion juice 2 tablespoons milk To each pint of cold chicken meat, chopped finely (not ground), add cream, butter, floiu*, parsley, onion juice, salt, nutmeg and cayenne pepper. Put the cream on the fire in a double boiler and heat; rub the butter and flour together and add to the cream; cook until smooth and thick. Add the seasoning to the meat, mix with the sauce and turn out to cool. When cold make into croquettes. Dip in flour first to hold together, and then in the beaten eggs, to which has been added 2 table- spoons of milk. Roll in bread crumbs and fry in smoking fat. Sweetbreads and oyster croquettes are made in the same way. Miss Agnes Preston, The New Century Club Lunch Room BOOK OF RECIPES 59 CHICKEN CROQUETTES 1 five-pound chicken, boiled To each pint of meat, chopped — 1/2 pint milk (or cream) 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon butter - l tablespoon onion juice 2 tablespoons flour Salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste Put milk on to boil, rub butter and flour together, and stir into the boiling milk for 5 minutes; add seasoning, then meat, and stir until well heated. Let cool, shape into croquettes and fry in deep fat. Mrs. Alfred Mellor CHICKEN CROQUETTES Chicken, turkey or sweetbreads 1 spoon butter Salt, pepper, parsley 1 spoon flour A Uttle nutmeg 1 tumbler cream Very Uttle onion 3 eggs (yolks) Cracker crumbs Mince chicken or turkey as fine as possible, also sweetbreads. Season with salt and pepper, parsley, a little nutmeg, and a very, very little onion. Mix the butter, flour, and cream; boil and stir into the mince. When cold, make into forms, dip into yolks of eggs and cracker crumbs, and fry. One chicken and 2 sweetbreads make 1 dozen croquettes. Mrs. Lewis M. Johnson BRUNSWICK STEW 2 chickens (or rabbit) 1 Pod red pepper 1 onion Salt Stew slowly in 3 quarts cold water until the chicken is rather tender; then add — 1 quart tomatoes, peeled and mashed 1 pint Uma beans through a colander 1 tablespoon sugar 1 quart white potatoes, peeled and cut 6 ears com 1 tablespoon butter About half an hour before it is done, add the com— the grain split and cut off the cobs. Mrs. Henry P. Brown 60 NEW CENTURY CLUB JELLIED CHICKEN 1 chicken 1 tablespoon gelatin 1 lemon 2 eggs (hard boiled) Mace, salt, pepper Lettuce Boil an old chicken, about 3^ pounds, until it is tender. Allow it to stand in a cold place for at least 24 hours, after which pick all the meat from the bones and cut into small pieces about the size that would be used in chicken salad, and poiu- the juice of the lemon over it; add a little mace and salt and pepper to taste. Into lyi cups of the chicken stock place the bones of the legs and wings (thin bones only) ; let this come to a boil, then add gelatin. After the gelatin is thoroughly dissolved strain the liquid into a cold mould that has been dressed with slices of hard-boiled eggs, and turn into this the picked chicken and over the chicken the balance of the chicken stock. Stand away for several hours in a cold place. In serving, turn mould out on platter covered with lettuce leaves with either French dressing or mayonnaise. The above will serve about 8 average portions. Mrs. Henry Delaplaine CHICKEN MOUSSE 2 chickens 1 pint rich cream 2 tablespoons gelatin Salt and pepper V2 cup milk Lemon juice Remove the breasts of the cold chickens which have been either baked or stewed. Run them through the meat chopper, using the finest cutter. Put gelatin in milk, and dissolve by setting the cup in a pan of boiling water. Season a pint of the ground chicken meat with salt, pepper and some lemon juice. Mix it thoroughly with dissolved gelatin. Have in readiness a pint of rich cream (XX) which has been whipped very stiff, and fold it into the mixture. Place in a wet loaf pan or fancy mould, and chill thoroughly until the gelatin has hardened. When ready to use, turn out on a platter and serve with a good mayonnaise. If this is made carefully and permitted to stand long enough to become thoroughly stiff, the loaf may be sliced. A nice dish for Sunday supper. This recipe for Chicken Mousse is one of our stand-bys and I can highly recommend it. Miss Mariana J. Steel BOOK OF RECIPES 61 JELLIED CHICKEN Boil chicken until thoroughly done. Chop fine, season very highly, chop and add parsley; have a couple of boiled eggs in a moiild, pack chicken in tightly, add a teacup of chicken juice, in which has been soaked a tablespoon of gelatin. Set to cool. It will turn out and make a delicious dish for luncheon or tea. Mrs. Benjamin F. Richardson BEEF A LA MODE 7 or 8 pounds beef Va cup sliced carrots 2 tablespoons drippings V2 cup sliced turnips 1/2 cup sliced onion Sprig of parsley Have meat larded by butcher. Put drippings in large pot. When hot put in meat and brown on all sides by turning. This will take about one-half hour. Then dredge with flour and brown. After flour has browned place small plate iinder meat to prevent its burning, and pour on boiling water to half cover meat; add the onions, carrots, turnips and parsley. Cover pot tightly with lid so meat may cook in steam and simmer for 4 or 5 hours. Add more boiling water if necessary. When done place on hot dish and pour vegetables over and arovmd it. Make a gravy of 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of flour browned, then add 1 cup of liquid strained from pot. Season with salt and pepper. Pour over meat, or serve separately. Miss Amelia R. Coale WAKEFIELD STEAK Piece of fillet steak cut \yi inches thick. An hour before cooking, place in the following mixture — turning it two or three times: 4 teaspoons mushroom ketchup V^ teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoons brown sugar Vi teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon chopped parsley 4 tablespoons hot cider vinegar After being in above mixture 1 hour, remove, drain and dredge with flour, and cook before the fire or in a skillet with 2 ounces of hot butter, for 15 or 20 minutes, turning frequently. Then dish, drain fat from pan, and pour into the pan the mixture the steak had been in ; heat thoroughly, pour roimd the steak, and serve with potato chips. Mrs. H. J. Kaltenthaler 62 NEW CENTURY CLUB BONED TURKEY (Fine — but very troublesome !) Lay the turkey, breast down, on a cloth, and with a sharp-pointed knife bone as follows: Pass point of knife through the skin at neck and cut open straight down the back bone — then proceed to clear the flesh from the bones with knife and fingers until you come to breast bone, disjointing wings and legs as you proceed; then very carefully detach the breast bone from the flesh; be careful not to cut or tear the skin. When this is done you may remove the carcass with interior of turkey; after taking out the carcass, then holding the foot tightly, scrape the bone free from flesh of the legs to below the first joint, then cut the flesh from around the knuckles and pull the foot and the remainder of bone and sinews will come out together; then cut off the wings at first pinion, and the remaining bone is easily scraped away. Have ready for stuffing: 2 pounds forcemeat, long thin strips of ham, veal and bacon. Put in the ttu-key, first a layer of forcemeat, 1 inch thick, then layer of veal, bacon, and strips of slightly cooked ham, adding salt, pepper, and a little chopped onion. Proceed with these alternate layers until the bird is well filled, then pull over the flaps and sew up tightly, tie in a napkin, boil about 3 hours until tender, then brown in oven. A better stuffing than the above is: the forcemeat, ham, and instead of veal, the meat of a pair of prairie hens, adding a few truffles. I always serve this hot. If it is to be served cold, it must be pressed by weight before being taken out of the napkin. Mrs. Samuel P. Wetherill A SPANISH STEW 11/2 pounds beef 1 onion (small) 1/2 pint stewed tomatoes Yolk of 1 hard-boiled egg 1 teaspoon butter Vi teaspoon curry powder Take the beef from the upper end of the sirloin. Cover it with boil- ing water. Cook slowly until done. When cool, cut into small pieces. Save the liquor and strain it. Take the stewed tomatoes, highly seasoned, and add a little sugar. Put into a heated saucepan a teaspoon of butter, then the tomatoes and the beef. Pour the liquor over them. Add the onion, cut fine. Salt and pepper to taste. Cover it up and let it simmer for half an hour. Mashing the yolk of the egg, stir into it curry powder, and mix with the stew just before serving. My old family recipe. Miss Agnes Repplier BOOK OF RECIPES 63 SAVORY MEAT 11/2 pounds raw, lean beef i tablespoon salt (level) IV2 pounds raw, lean veal 1 tablespoon pepper (level) 3 eggs 4 tablespoons cream 6 soda crackers, rolled fine Piece of butter the size of a walnut Put meat through the grinder. Mix thoroughly, press into shape and bake 1^ hours. Mrs. Alfred Percival Smith SWEDISH HAMBURG STEAK 1 pound Hamburg steak 2 eggs 1 cup dry bread crumbs Celery salt 1 cup milk Onion salt V2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Soak crumbs in milk, beat eggs light and add to same; season meat with onion, salt and celery salt, and Worcestershire sauce. Mix all together, shage into loaf, add water to pan, and baste often and bake till tender. Mrs. W. F. Taft HASH 3 cups cooked meat (lamb or beef, V2 cup melted butter chopped) y2. teaspoon celery salt 1 cup boiled rice V^ teaspoon pepper 1 cup cream Thyme, sweet marjoram, etc., to taste 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Put in buttered baking dish and cover with buttered crumbs. Mrs. Albert P. Brubaker BREADED LAMB CHOPS WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE Wipe the chops very carefully to remove bits of bone that may be present. Season with pepper and salt, and dip in soft bread crumbs that have been sifted, then in an egg which has been mixed with 2 table- spoons of milk, and then in bread crumbs again. Place on a buttered baking sheet. Bake from 15 to 20 minutes. Serve with mushroom sauce. Miss Agnes Preston, The New Century Club Limch Room 64 NEW CENTURY CLUB BOUDINS V^ pint meat 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 teaspoon (level) salt Vz cup soft bread crumbs A dash of pepper Vi cup stock or hot water 2 eggs (well beaten) These can be quickly made from any bits of left-over steak, chicken or roast. For 6 moulds, only yi pint of meat is required. Chop the meat fine and season with salt, pepper and chopped parsley. Put bread crumbs in a saucepan, add stock or hot water and cook for 2 minutes. Add the meat; when hot, take from fire and add eggs. (A grating of nutmeg improves the taste.) Fill small greased custard cups two-thirds full with the mixture, stand them in a shallow pan of hot water and bake for about 20 minutes in a hot oven. Fill the bottom of a platter with cream sauce, turn the boudins out and arrange them neatly in it. Garnish with parsley. Mrs. Martha P. Falconer FRIED VEAL For a pound of veal use 1 egg beaten up with a little water. Dip the veal in the egg, then in cracker crumbs and fry imtil brown. Polu- off any siu*plus fat there may be, and add about 1>2 cups of water. Cover and move to the back of the stove, where it shoiild steam for 1 hour. This makes the veal very tender. Mrs. Alfred Percival Smith BAKED SLICE OF HAM Cut ham about 1>^ or 2 inches thick. Trim off all fat, and grind it. Mix the ground fat with 1 cup brown sugar; spread this on the slice of ham, put it in a covered baking dish with 1 cup of water, and bake 1 hour. Mrs. Abner H. Mershon BAKED SLICE OF HAM Soak a slice of ham in cold water 20 minutes. Make a paste of 3 tablespoons of brown sugar and 1 of mustard. Spread over ham. Put in a pan and cover with milk and bake in the oven. Miss Annie Heacock BOOK OF RECIPES 65 BAKED HAM Select a fine ham (not shoulder) weighing about ten pounds. Scrub thoroughly and soak over night in cold water. Put on to boil in clear cold water till tender, about 3 hours or more; test with fork. It im- proves the flavor to boil with it a small piece of onion, a bay leaf and sprig of parsley. When done let it stand in the water in which it was boiled till cool, then remove the skin. Score the fat into squares and stick a clove in each one. Cover with brown sugar and bake until well- browned, not quite an hour. Baste three or four times, adding a little lemon juice to the basting. Put a paper friU around the bone and serve hot surrounded with lettuce or celery leaves. Garnish with slices of pimento-stufEed olives. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols A DIGESTIBLE WAY OF PREPARING VEAL One povind veal cutlet, cut very thin Cut into 4 even-sized pieces. Dressing 1 cup stale bread crumbs 1 tablespoon butter y^ teaspoon sage 1 small onion, chopped or grotmd Vi teaspoon thyme Salt and pepper to taste Mix the above dressing together, put in center of each piece; roll meat over dressing and fasten with wood toothpicks or tie with cord, salt each piece of meat and roll in flour. Put 2 heaping tablespoons of butter or its substitute into a deep pot, let it brown, put in meat, turn it from time to time until rich brown all over, then cover with water that is boiling, place lid on pot and allow the contents to only simmer very gently 1 hour or longer if meat is not perfectly tender. Take meat out, make thickened gravy by adding 2 heaping tablespoons of flour stirred smooth in cold water. Miss Gertrude A. Barrett SAUSAGE ROLL Take about 2 pounds sausage meat, cover with soda biscuit dough about ^ inch thick; stand on a rack in a roasting pan and bake in the oven, basting it constantly, until the crust is very brown and the sausage well cooked. Mrs. Henry P. Brown 66 NEW CENTURY CLUB MEXICAN TONGUE 1 cup white wine vinegar 1 cup cut raisins 1 cup sugar 1 lemon cut in slices 2 dozen cloves Simmer tongue 4 hours; skin and leave in juice imtil cold. Bake in sauce until sauce thickens. Mrs. Samuel Bispham Bowen MEXICAN HAM 2 cups white wine vinegar 2 cups seeded raisins 2 cups sugar 2 lemons cut in thin slices 4 dozen cloves Simmer ham 4 hours, leave in juice until cold. Bake in slow oven about ^/i hour, basting until sauce thickens. Bake in porcelain dish. Serve with sauce poured over ham. This and the Mexican Tongue recipe have been used in my family repeatedly, and are considered very fine. They can be used cold with sauce heated, which is delicious. Mrs. Samuel Bispham Bowen SAUSAGE For every ten pounds of meat (half fat and half lean) grind and take — Vi pound salt 1 ounce (nearly) of pepper Vi ounce sage Mix thoroughly and put in cheesecloth bags to keep until ready to use. Mrs. Harry A. Hornor HOME-MADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE (Keep in cold place) 10 poimds very fat tender pork Vi ounce red pepper 2 ounces black pepper 1 Vz ounces sage 2 ounces salt Cut meat in pieces and mix with seasoning; then put all through meat chopper. You can make one-half or one-quarter quantity if desired. Mrs. Henry C. McIlvaine BOOK OF RECIPES 67 FRESH TONGUE Wash a fresh tongue, cover with boiling water and a heaping teaspoon of salt. Simmer slowly for lyi hours; then take out, remove the skin, trim off anything ragged, roll up and tie with a strip of white cloth and set aside while preparing vegetables. Brown in a pan — 2 tablespoons (heaping) butter 1 carrot (small) 2 onions (medium size) 1 potato 1 turnip (small) 1 bay leaf 1 stalk celery 2 sprigs parsley (Carrot, onions, potato and turnip to be sliced thin) Stir these over fire until they look glossy ; then take a quart of beef stock — or, if not handy — one quart of the water the tongue was boiled in. Put the tongue in with broth and vegetables, cover and bake, occa- sionally turning the tongue and stirring up the vegetables. At the end of 2 hours take out, remove tongue and put on upper grate to brown. Rub vegetables and broth through sieve into saucepan, put on stove and boil rapidly till reduced to a pint: Blend 2 tablespoons of flour and 1 cup of tomato juice, add a pinch of salt, pepper and a dessertspoon of Worcestershire sauce; stir into the broth and boil up sharply; remove tongue to platter, pour the thick brown sauce over it, sprinkle with parsley and serve. Countess of Santa Eulalia A QUICK KIDNEY STEW 1 tablespoon butter or its substitute 1 medium-sized onion 2 teaspoons white flour 4 or 6 lamb kidneys Peel off outside thin skin from kidneys, cut meat from the inside membrane in small pieces. Put butter or substitute in pan over fire to brown, put in this onion cut fine or groimd, stir in floiu: (dry) until it becomes browned, do not stop stirring lest the flotu" become full of liunps; when brown add gradually, continuing to stir, boiling water until a nice thickened gravy is made. About 2 cups of water more may be added if gravy seems too thick. Now put in kidneys that have been cut up, let them simmer from 8 to 10 minutes; never allow them to boil hard or longer, as they will become hardened and will then need an hour to cook. Salt and pepper to taste. Miss Gertrude A. Barrett 68 NEW CENTURY CLUB GALANTINE 1 pound boiled or raw ham Salt and pepper to taste 1 pound raw beef off round 1 onion (small) 2 cups bread crumbs Piece of carrot 2 eggs, beaten together A few cloves Put ham and beef through meat chopper. Add bread crumbs, eggs, and seasoning. Mix all together, form into a roll about 10 inches long. Have a cloth about size of a napkin, and roll the Galantine into it, tying firmly at each end. Boil for 2 hours in pot of water into which has been put a small onion, piece of carrot, and a few cloves. When cold, glace and serve cold. Glace V2 cup water Vz teaspoon gelatine 14 teaspoon kitchen bouquet Heat all together, and while hot put on roll with small brush. A tested family recipe. Mrs. E. B. Waples STEWED KIDNEY Soak veal kidneys 4 hours in cold water with a large spoonful of salt. Then chip off in thin pieces, rejecting every bit of the white tissue. Melt a tablespoon of butter in a frying pan, and cook the kidney in it until it loses the red look (a very few minutes will do it), then add pepper, salt and flour, and water or stock. Let it boil up, and serve. If cooked too long it will be tough and hard. Mrs. William A. Flanigen STEWED KIDNEY 2 kidneys Butter the size of an egg 1 teaspoon flour Cut two kidneys into small dice, taking out all gristle, put into col- ander, wash it once with cold water, drain and flour while in the colander. Put a piece of butter into the pan in which you will cook the kidney, add a little flour and make it very brown. Put the kidney in, stir it all up, then add boiling water to entirely cover the kidney. Let it boil up once, then put it on the back of the range, cover tightly and boil slowly 4 hours by the clock. Just before taking off, cream butter and flour, and put in it. Let it come to a boil once and take off. Season with salt and pepper. Mrs. J. Nicholas Mitchell BOOK OF RECIPES 69 HAM AND CURRANT JELLY (Very good for Sunday night supper) V2 glass currant jelly 1 tablespoon (heaping) butter 1 teaspoon mustard Sherry wine Put into a chafing dish the currant jelly, mustard and butter. When it is melted and thoroughly mixed, add as much sherry as you Hke — more or less according to taste. Just before serving, put in your ham, which has been first sliced very thin and then shredded. Cook just long enough for the ham to get hot. I use about yi cup of sherry and yi potmd of ham to this amotmt of sauce. This is one of my housekeeper's recipes. She makes everything she attempts most delicious ! When I say delicious, I mean the quality which a Philadelphian would consider delicious ! Mrs. Edward Wetherill , ! TO ROAST BEEF HEART WITH SAGE AND ONIONS ' 1 beef heart 3 ounces bread crumbs 2 oimces onion (boiled and shredded) 1 ounce sage Soak, clean and trim a heart; make a stuffing of the onion, sage, and crumbs seasoned with pepper and salt, and fill the cavities from which you have cut out the lobes; sew it up and roast before the fire for 4 hours, basting it much. It must be served with good brown gravy and apple sauce. Well worth trying. Mrs. Theron I. Crane CALF'S LIVER IN A CHAFING DISH Wash it; cover it with boiling water and let it simmer for 3 or 5 minutes. Stand away until ready to cook it in the chafing dish. Cut it up into small pieces and season with salt and pepper. Put a little butter in the chafing dish and then the liver. Add a teaspoon of hot water and cook about 5 or 6 minutes. Then add a little cream or rich milk; let it boil 2 or 3 minutes and serve. The yolk of an egg beaten up and added just as you take from the fire makes it particvilarly nice, but be sure not to cook it after the egg goes in more than to get it stirred through well. If you use wine, two tablespoons of sherry added as you take it from the fire improves it. Miss Virginia Hartshorne 70 NEW CENTURY CLUB BAKED SWEETBREAD Wash well in cold water, leaving the sweetbread whole, then drop into boiling water and boil until tender. Put in cold water to harden, pull out the strings and bits not good to eat, divide the sweetbread as little as possible. A piece of veal boiled with the sweetbread improves it and makes it go further. Save the water the sweetbread is boiled in for the dressing. Put the sweetbread into a platter or small baking dish after dipping in egg and fine bread crumbs and seasoning with pepper and salt. Put bits of butter on top and bake to a light brown; pour over it the dressing, which must be very hot. Serve in the dish in which it is baked. Dressing for Baked Sweetbreads Use the water in which the sweetbreads were boiled, add a piece of lemon peel and boil down to a small bulk, thicken with flour (or corn- starch) and butter and flavor with lemon. Make it quite tart — about half a lemon to a pair of sweetbreads. Miss Jean A. Flanigen CALF'S HEAD (TERRAPIN STYLE) 1 calf's head 2 ounces butter 3^ pound calf's liver I teacup wine 2 hard-boiled eggs (yolks) V2 teaspoon ground cloves V^ teaspoon flour Salt and cayenne pepper Get a calf's head and Ya, pound calf's liver. Wash the head and take out the brains, then put the head in a pot with just enough cold water to cover it. Let boil till tender (1>< hours is generally long enough) ; it must be tender enough for the meat to come easily off the bones. Cut the meat very fine, skin the tongue and cut it and the liver up. Put all back in the same water and boil ^ of an hour, having first seasoned to taste with a little salt, cayenne pepper and yi teaspoon of ground cloves. Then mash the yolks of eggs fine, add flour and butter; mix into a smooth paste and put in with the meat and let it continue boiling till it gets quite thick. Just before dishing, stir in a teacup of wine. The Misses Esherick BOOK OF RECIPES 71 MOCK TERRAPIN— EXCELLENT 1 calf's head 2 hard-boiled eggs, chopped up Vz cup soup stock 1 cup cream 3 tablespoons butter Sherry wine 1 tablespoon flour Red pepper 1 cup milk Salt Cut one quart of the meat in small pieces. Put the meat and stock into a kettle and let simmer, then add eggs. Rub the butter and flour together and stir into the milk; let them come to a boil, then add the meat. Season with red pepper and salt, add just before taking from the fire a cup of cream. When ready to serve add sherry wine to taste. Of course you boil the calf's head till it is done before beginning to use it. Mrs. Lewis M. Johnson TO STEW A DUCK WITH CHESTNUTS Bone the duck and fill it with a forcemeat of 2 parts lean roast veal, yi as much finely shredded beef suet, the yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs, some mushrooms, young green onions and parsley to fill up, seasoned well with pepper and salt, and well moistened with cream. Lay it in a stewpan with a whole onion and a bunch of herbs and cover with bouillon or gravy; stew gently for an hour. In the meantime make a ragout of 30 or 40 roasted chestnuts, seasoned only with a teaspoon of salt, and stewed to a ptilp in ^ pint of white stock and 2 glasses of white wine. Dish the duck and cover with the chestnuts in the sauce. Mrs. Theron I. Crane BAKED SWEETBREADS 4 pairs sweetbreads V^ teaspoon (even) black pepper 1 teaspoon (heaping) onion 2 teaspoons (even) minced parsley Vi teaspoon (even) salt 1 cup of stock Whiten and parboil 4 pairs of sweetbreads and arrange them in a baking pan so as not to touch each other. Mix together with a cupful of stock, the onion (chopped very fine), salt, pepper and parsley. Pour this evenly over the sweetbreads and bake 20 minutes in a hot oven. They must be watched to see that they do not bum suddenly. Serve very hot on a platter surrounded by peas. Cook them just before they are to be served as they should not be allowed to stand long. This recipe has long been used in my mother's and my own family, and always meets with favor. Mrs. Charles MacLellan Town 72 NEW CENTURY CLUB CANVAS BACK DUCK Pick, draw and singe like a chicken. Wipe thoroughly inside and out with a damp cloth (avoid washing or soaking, as it depreciates flavor) . Cut an onion in half and with bleeding side of one half rub the inside thoroughly and yet lightly; with the other half rub the outside of duck all over lightly. Truss the wings and legs close to the body. Do not stuff the duck, but place a piece of butter the size of a walnut in each with three cranberries. Baste well with melted butter and a little flour to brown. Place in a baking pan, add 1 teaspoon of salt and % cup of boiling water to the pan and a small piece of butter. Put into a very hot oven and bake for 18 to 20 minutes, or, if wanted better done, 25 minutes, watch- ing carefully the progress of the baking and basting well with its own gravy 4 or 5 minutes. The savory odor and tenderness of the duck are lessened if cooked longer than 20 minutes by the over-doing of the juices. Mrs. Harry A. Hornor SWEETBREADS Put them in water for 1 hour. Boil in acid water 20 minutes (using a few drops of lemon or vinegar). Plunge in cold water, remove all fat, loose skin, etc. Dredge with salt, pepper and flour. Put in baking dish, brush with melted butter, allowing 2 tablespoons to each sweetbread. Cover with thin slices of bacon and bake in hot oven 25 minutes, the last 5 without the bacon. Miss Caroline C. Hoffman MOCK TERRAPIN (Without wine) Cook calf's liver as usual, until done. Cut into rather small pieces. Wipe the pan well and put into it a large lump of butter — the size of an Qgg, or more, for 1 pound. In a bowl, mix the meat with 2 hard-boiled eggs cut into very small pieces or chopped, ^ teaspoon of dry mustard, salt and a very little cayenne pepper. It should be pretty heavily seasoned. Stir this into the butter, dust thickly with flour and brown. Pour about 1 cup boiling water over the meat, stirring quickly and well. Cold roast veal, cut into small pieces, may be used in the same way, but in this case the mustard should be mixed with a little vinegar and the gravy should not be allowed to brown. Mrs. Robert P. Brown BOOK OF RECIPES 73 TO SERVE WITH MEAT AND FISH Apple sauce with roast pork. Mint sauce with roast lamb. Oyster and chestnut dressing with roast turkey. Walnut catsup with venison. Currant jelly with roast goose. Celery sauce with quail. Tart grape jelly with canvas back duck. Orange salad with roast chicken. Cream gravy and strawberry preserves with fried chicken. Celery and onion dressing with roast duck. Olives stuffed with cream cheese with cold tongue. Olives stuffed with peppers with fish balls. Parmesan cheese with beef and veal sausage. Tomato catsup with pork sausage. Horseradish and fried onions with liver. Apple sauce with pork croquettes. Mayonnaise with boiled lobster. French dressing with sardines. White sauce, hard-boiled eggs and parsley with boiled salmon. Sauce piquante with boiled shad. Melted butter sauce with mackerel. Cream sauce with sweetbreads. Maitre d 'hotel sauce with steamed oysters. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols Vegetables! How green you are and fresh in this old world. — King John. (75) SWEET POTATOES Sweet potatoes make delicious "chips" and "shoestrings." They should be sliced thin, or cut in slender strips, just as is done with white potatoes for a similar use, dropped in cold water for a few minutes, and fried in deep fat. A slight sprinkling of salt while they are warm improves them. Mrs. Samuel Semple, President, State Federation of Pennsylvania Women POTATO FRITTERS Wash and peel 4 medium-sized white potatoes; grate the potatoes on a coarse grater, drain off the dark potato water; salt, add the yolks of two eggs, and beat. If the mass seems stiff, add a little cream. Beat the whites of the eggs stiff and fold into the potatoes. Place equal por- tions of lard and butter in a skillet, when hot, drop the mixture by the spoonful into the skillet and fry until brown, thei. turn. In hot weather these fritters quite take the place of meat. Mrs. Lucretia L. Blankenburg SCALLOPED POTATOES Slice the potatoes rather thin, put a layer in a greased pudding basin sprinkle with salt and butter, and a little pepper; continue until dish is full, having butter and seasoning on top, put on about ^ cup of cream, and sprinkle bread crumbs on top. Takes about yi hoiu- to bake in a good oven. Mrs. Mary S. Johnson POTATO PUFF 2 cups cold mashed potatoes 1 tablespoon melted butter Beat to a cream. 2 eggs, whipped light 1 cup milk Salt to taste Beat all well, pour into a greased baking dish, and bake quickly to a light brown. Mrs. John Gibson (77) 78 NEW CENTURY CLUB SCALLOPED POTATOES Cut potatoes in dice, make a good rich white sauce, and stir them into it; turn in baking dish and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Grated cheese on top improves it for some. Mrs. Mary S. Johnson POTATO AU GRATIN (University Club Recipe) Plain boiled potatoes chopped very small, mixed with a thick cream sauce, seasoned to taste with salt and pepper. Put in shallow dish, sift grated cheese thickly on top and bake till a golden brown. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols GREEN CORN AU GRATIN WITH SWEET RED PEPPERS Cut corn from cob, add butter and cream, and mild green peppers minced after removing inside and seeds. Grate cheese on top and bake in shallow baking dish. Recipe from chef at Touraine Hotel, Boston. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols CANNED CORN 8 cups com 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup salt A little water Cut corn oflE the cob, measure and put in the ingredients. Cook a few minutes until the milk sets. Put in cans hot. When ready to use, pour off brine, cover with fresh water, let stand over night, and put fresh water on again until ready for use. Fine. This keeps beautifully. I have it now two years old. Mrs. Mary Haines Kirby CORN FRITTERS Score 1 dozen ears of well ripened com, then scrape all from cob; add cream or milk, salt, flour to make batter; lastly, 3 eggs beaten very light, whites separately — and put in last. Fry in hot fat. Some use baking povv-der and less eggs. Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier BOOK OF RECIPES 79 CORN FRITTERS 6 ears com 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 eggs, beaten A little sugar 1 tablespoon flour Salt to taste Boil the com 5 minutes, grate and mix with eggs, flour, baking powder, a little sugar and salt to taste. Fry and serve very hot. Miss Clara Comegys GREEN CORN FRITTERS 12 ears corn (grated and cobs scraped) Salt 6 eggs, beaten separately Pepper Mix the yolks of the eggs, pepper and salt with the grated corn; mix and then add the very stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Bake on a buttered griddle, like griddle cakes. Do not pile one on top of another, but spread out singly on platter. Eat immediately after cooking, as they fall flat if left too long before serving. No flour used. Mrs. Henry P. Brown CORN PUDDING 12 ears com, grated Butter the size of a walnut 1 cup milk A little sugar 2 eggs Salt and pepper Break the eggs in the com, and beat; then add the seasoning and melted butter; lastly pour in milk. Bake 45 minutes. Not a very quick oven; about the same as for bread. Miss Anna S. Eckfeldt TOMATO A LA CREOLE 1 full quart ripe tomatoes 1 white onion 1 scant pint green okra 1 sprig parsley 2 sweet green peppers Salt, paprika and black pepper to taste 1 generous tablespoon butter Chop tomatoes, after peeling. Cut up okra. Remove seeds from peppers and run them, together with onion and parsley, through meat grinder. Place in stew pan, season to taste, and cook very slowly, from 6 to 8 hours. Before serving, add the butter. Care must be taken to prevent scorching. Mrs. Wilbur F. Litch 80 NEW CENTURY CLUB CELERY— SIENA STYLE 1 quart celery 1 tablespoon butter 2 eggs (yolks) 1 tablespoon grated cheese Salt and pepper to taste Boil 1 quart of celery till tender; drain and chop fine, then add salt and pepper to taste, the yolks of eggs, butter and grated cheese. Place in a mold lined with wax paper, and sprinkle cheese on top. Set in a saucepan of hot water and let it boil half an hour. Pour on dish and pour the sauce around it. Sauce 1 cup of broth from beef soup Kidney and liver giblets from chicken, Salt and pepper to taste chopped fine 1 small spoon butter If desired, garnish with points of toast spread with a fish paste. Miss Sarah C. Sower BAKED EGG PLANT (An old family recipe from Baltimore) 1 large or 2 small egg plants % cup grated bfead crumbs 3 eggs y^ cup flaked rice 1/3 cup butter 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk V^ teaspoon pepper Wash the egg plant and cut off the stem ends. Boil from 30 to 40 minutes in salted water, until it can easily be pierced with a broom straw. Put in 2 eggs with the egg plant and boil hard (20 minutes). Take from the water and drain in a colander, then place on a large platter. Skin carefully, cut open and remove the seeds. Take the shells from the eggs, mince with a silver fork. Cut the egg plant very fine with a silver knife and fork; add the minced egg to the mixture and put in a lai^e shallow baking dish; season with salt, pepper and large teaspoon of butter. Add milk, rice, and lastly, 1 raw egg well beaten. Sprinkle over the well- smoothed mixture the bread crumbs and dot with bits of butter. Bake yi hour in rather quick oven. Mrs. Mary T. Nichols BOOK O F RECIPES 81 SPINACH PUDDING 1 cup cooked spinach, chopped very fine 1 cup bread crumbs 1 pint milk Put all together on stove and cook slowly 15 minutes. Add — 1/2 teaspoon salt Very little grated nutmeg A Uttle black pepper 2 eggs (yolks) Beat all ingredients together, and let it cool and set a couple of hours. Just before putting into oven, beat up whites of two eggs very light, and add gently. Bake in baking dish 15 minutes in moderate oven, putting baking dish in another pan of hot water. A recipe tried and tested in my family, and which I do not think will be found in the ordinary cook book. Mrs. E. B. Waples TO BOIL RICE— SOUTHERN STYLE Wash 1 cup of rice thoroughly, 4 or 5 times in cold water. Have ready a fairly large pot of boiling salted water (at least 2 quarts), to which add yi teaspoon of lemon juice, then sprinkle in the rice so gradually you will not stop the boiling. When you have it all in, stir with a fork, but only stir once, as it makes the rice fall to the bottom of the pot; boil rapidly and constantly until soft (about 40 minutes), empty into a col- ander, pour over it a quart of boiling water, and drain; then stand in oven 10 minutes, to dry, leaving the door open. Serve heaped loosely in a heated dish without a cover. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols RICE OMELET 1 cup boiled rice, mashed 1 tablespoon flour 2 tablespoons milk A pinch of salt 4 eggs (beaten separately) Add to the rice the milk, flour and pinch of salt. Add yolks of eggs, beaten light. Then add whites, beaten light. Drop in large spoonfuls on buttered frying pan. Fold over as is usual with omelets. Mrs. Grace S. Williams, President, Bristol Travel Club, Bristol, Pa. 6 82 NEW CENTURY CLUB BEAN LOAF WITH BACON CURLS 1 quart lima beans, cooked and mashed 1 onion 1 egg 1 cup cream sauce Mix, season with salt and pepper, bake 40 minutes. Turn out on platter and serve with tomato sauce and very thin slices of crisply fried bacon. Creain sauce — made of bacon drippings, flour and milk. A good substitute for meat. Mrs. Martha P. Falconer STUFFED PEPPERS Cook peppers in salt water until tender, and remove seed. 1 can tomatoes Vz teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar Vz cup butter 1 cup toasted bread crumbs Cook imtil thick. Fill peppers and have about yi inch of sauce in pan. Put in oven until brown. Mrs. Martha P. Falconer Cntre'eg There's no meat like 'em. I could wish my best friend at such a feast. — Timon of Athens. (83) A DIGESTIBLE WELSH RAREBIT (For the Chafing Dish) 3 cups cheese, finely grated 1 tablespoon butter 3 eggs, beaten separately, and very 1 saltspoon mustard light 1 saltspoon salt 1/2 cup cream 1 saltspoon soda Red pepper Stir the mustard, salt, soda and pepper into the grated cheese. Melt the butter in the blazer over the hot water pan, in which the water should be boiling; slowly stir in the cheese and add the cream, drop by drop, stirring aU the time; when smooth, add the yolks of the eggs; work quickly, for the cheese will curdle if cooked too long; lightly whip in the whites of the eggs, and serve instantly on toast. This is my own invention. Miss Emma Blakiston WELSH RAREBIT 1 pint milk Vz pound cheese 1 tablespoon (even) cornstarch Salt, mustard, cayenne pepper Put the milk on the range to heat. Mix the cornstarch with a little cold milk, adding to the heated milk. Stir well until it boils and becomes like thick cream. Slice the cheese, rather soft and not too sharp. Melt in the hot milk, seasoning with salt, a small quantity of dry mustard and a tiny shake of cayenne pepper. Pour over small pieces of well-toasted bread. Mrs. Robert P. Brown MUSHROOMS SOUS CLOCHES (UNDER GLASSES) 1 poimd mushrooms 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup cream Salt, pepper Cut rounds from slices of bread with large biscuit cutter. Toast bread and arrange slices on white deep dishes like those used for poached eggs. Separate mushrooms from stems, discarding stems. Saute mush- rooms in a pan in which the butter has been melted, dust with salt and pepper, add the cream, and let it just boil. Arrange mushrooms on the toast, and pour over the cream and cover with glass bells. Stand in pan and then in oven for 15 minutes. This will serve 6 persons. Mrs. William R. Turner (85) 86 NEW CENTURY CLUB TOMATO CREAM TOAST 3 tablespoons flour V4 teaspoon soda 3 tablespoons butter y2 teaspoon salt IV2 cups stewed tomatoes (strained) ^2 cup cream (scalded) Cook the flour in the butter, add tomatoes, soda, salt, and lastly, scalded cream. Pour over 6 slices of crisp buttered toast and serve immediately. Mrs. Charles E. Noblit SANDWICHES Philadelphia cream cheese Parsley Eggs (hard boiled) Onion juice V2 green pepper Lemon juice Olive oil Mash the cheese with yolks of eggs, a few grains of cayenne pepper and salt ; chop green pepper, a little parsley chopped fine with the boiled white of egg; mix with cheese, add a few drops of onion juice, a little lemon juice. Add enough olive oil to spread easily on the crackers. Mrs. Joseph Pettit EGGS AU GRATIN Break an egg into individual ramekin, pour over it a thick cream sauce and grate a little cheese on top. Brown in gas oven. Cook not over 3 minutes. Mrs. William Shewell Ellis EGG TIMBALES Beat 6 eggs without separating. Add 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon chopped parsley V2 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon onion juice iy2 pints milk Stir all together and fill buttered timbale molds, or muffin pans, two thirds full. Put in pan of boiling water and cover molds with paper. Put in oven for 15 or 20 minutes. Turn out on platter. Serve as entree, with mushrooms sauted, put all aroimd. This will make 8 timbales. Mrs. William R. Turner BOOK OF RECIPES 87 TIMBALE 4 eggs 6 drops lemon juice 1/2 cup cream Vinegar 1 gill water Pinch of salt Dash of white pepper Beat the eggs together, not very light. Bake in a French ring. Fill with mushrooms or fried tomatoes. Mrs. James A. Develin BAKED OMELETTE 6 eggs (well beaten) 1 tablespoon flour, dissolved in cold 1 teaspoon salt milk Dessertspoon melted butter 1 pint hot milk Mix well; put in a buttered dish to bake. Bake quickly. Mrs. Lewis M. Johnson PALATABLE EGG CHOPS 6 eggs Pepper and salt to taste 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon butter Peas Boil 5 eggs very hard. Rub the yolks through a sieve, and chop the whites, not making them too fine. Put cup of milk over fire in a double boiler. Rub together flour and butter with 1 beaten egg. Mix a little of the warm milk with this, before stirring into the boiling milk; season with pepper and salt until thick and smooth. Take from fire and, when almost cool, stir into it the prepared yolks and whites. When cold enough to handle, mold into chops, dip in egg and crumbs and fry a delicate brown. Serve with peas. This, when properly made and fried, is a very dainty, delicate and appetizing dish when you do not wish to serve meat. Miss Anna Johnson CHEESE ENTREE V2 pound cheese (grated) i^ teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon flour Pinch of pepper Vi teaspoon mustard V2 pint cream or milk Mix well, put over a slow fire to melt; allow it to cook, stirring all the time. Serve with small pieces of toast about it. Mrs. William H. Hollar 88 NEW CENTURY CLUB CHEESE ENTREE 2 tablespoons flour Bggs 2 tablespoons butter American cheese 1 cup milk or cream Paprika Cook flour and butter together in a double boiler until the mixture bubbles. Add milk or cream and stir until it thickens. Then add some finely sliced American cheese and season with a dash of paprika. Put 3 tablespoons of this mixture in your ramekins, then break an egg in each, being careful not to break the yolk. Season with more paprika, and povir what is left of the cheese mixture over the top of the egg. Place ramekins in pan of water and bake about 20 minutes in a moderate oven. This recipe is very much liked in our family. Miss Seraph J. Deal CHEESE SOUFFLE Cheese 3^ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 pint milk 1 egg (beaten separately) 14 teaspoon mixed mustard Salt and pepper Line a small pudding dish with thin slices of bread and butter, place thin slices of dairy cheese, or grated cheese, on top with salt and pepper until you have 3 layers. Pour over this the milk, into which you have already put mustard, Worcestershire sauce, and egg. Pour over the bread in the pudding dish, the milk, egg, etc. Put plate over it for 5 minutes; let stand 15 minutes, and bake in quick oven about 20 minutes. Miss Anne Hollingsworth Wharton CHEESE SOUFFLE 1 oimce butter 3 eggs 2 tablespoons flour 3 tablespoons grated cheese 1 pint milk Salt, red pepper Heat the butter, and stir in the flour; season with salt and red pepper, and add the milk. Let all come to a boil, then allow it to cool off partly. When cool, add the yolks of the eggs, grated cheese, and the beaten whites of the eggs. Pour the whole into a buttered tin, lay buttered paper over the top, and bake in a quick oven 10 minutes. Serve at once. Miss Hilda Justice BOO K OF RECIPES 89 CHEESE SOUFFLE 1 cup milk 1 egg 1/4 pound cheese (grated) 1 teaspoon butter 1/3 cup flaked rice V2 teaspoon salt Heat the milk to boiling point, turn in the grated cheese, and when melted add the rice, the butter and the salt. Lastly, the egg, or two if preferred, gently stirred in. Serve at once on toast. Mrs. Mary T. Nichols CHEESE FONDUE 2 cups milk 4 well-beaten eggs Pinch of soda 1 tablespoon (level) melted butter 1 cup fine bread crumbs Pepper, salt y-i pound dry grated cheese Pinch of mace Soak bread crtunbs in the milk, with soda stirred in; beat in the eggs and seasoning, and the cheese last. Butter a pudding dish, put in the mixture, strew the top with pieces (or fine bread crumbs) and cover. Bake yi hour, and then brown quickly. Serve quickly, as it will fall in cooHng. Joseph Pettit CHEESE FONDUE 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon (heaping) flour 1 cup milk Let this thicken, then add 1 pound cheese (cut fibae) 1 cup fine bread cnxmbs 2 eggs (yolks), well beaten Cook till cheese is melted. Mrs. Edward F. Kingsley CHEESE FONDUE 1 cup scalded milk (very fresh) 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup soft stale bread crumbs V2 teaspoon salt l^ pound mild cheese, cut in small Yolks of 3 eggs pieces Whites of 3 eggs Mix first 6 ingredients; add whites of eggs, beaten until stiff. Pour in a buttered baking dish and bake 20 minutes in a moderate oven. Mrs. Albert P. Brubaker 90 NEW CENTURY CLUB CHEESE BALLS 2 cups grated cheese Little salt 2 eggs (whites) Little cayenne pepper Beat the eggs very stiff; stir the eggs into the cheese. Make into balls. Roll in sifted cracker crumbs and fry in hot deep fat. Drain on brown paper. This makes 18 cheese balls. Mrs. W. Duffield Robinson CHEESE RAMEKIN 1 cup grated cheese Small piece of butter Vz to % cup bread crumbs 3 eggs 1/2 teaspoon mustard . Salt (small pinch) 34 pint boiling milk Soften bread cmmbs in the milk. When cold, put in cheese, beat up well; beat eggs separately, put yolks in mixture, then whites (beaten very light) ; grease baking dish, and bake yi hour in a slow oven, or longer if not brown. Mrs. William A. Wiederseim SAVORY CHEESE 14 cup butter 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1/2 pound American cheese 2 tablespoons tomato catsup 6 stuffed olives (chopped fine) Little salt V2 onion (grated) 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Beat the butter to a cream, gradually adding cheese, olives, onion, sauce, catsup, a little salt if required, and chopped parsley. Mix all together, pack into a mold, set on ice until ready to serve — the next day. Mrs. William R. Turner What relish is this? — Twelfth Night. Stewed in brine, smarting in lingering pickle. — Anthony and Cleopatra. (91) SWEET PEACH PICKLE 1/2 bushel basket of firm free-stone 4 pounds granulated sugar peaches 2 ounces whole cloves 1 gallon good vinegar 2 otinces stick ciimamon 2 ounces allspice Pare peaches. Put vinegar in large porcelain-lined preserving kettle. Put sugar in smaller kettle with barely enough water to dissolve it, and let it boil till it makes big slow bubbles, then pour it into the hot vinegar in which the spice has been cooking. (If preferred spice can be put in two cheesecloth bags or loosely tied in pieces of cheesecloth.) Into this boil- ing, sweetened, spiced vinegar drop the peaches till the vinegar will cover no more. Let them get tender but not soft, and repeat the process till all the peaches have been cooked in the vinegar. Have ready a tall stone jar, clean and well scalded. As the peaches cook lift them into the jar with a strainer ladle. When all the peaches have been put into the jar pour the hot vinegar over them, drop in the spice bags and lightly cover top of jar with a napkin. The vinegar must cover the fruit. When cold, cover with a clean cloth and put on the lid. This keeps indefinitely and is a most palatable relish with roast meats. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols MANGO PEACHES 1 basket free stone peaches (firm yel- 12 pounds sugar low) Vs quart grated horseradish 2/3 quart chopped cabbage 2 tablespoons mustard seed 2 quarts vinegar 2 tablespoons whole cloves 3 tablespoons whole cinnamon Divide the peaches in halves, remove the stones and fill with the mixture of cabbage, horseradish and mustard seed, placing two or three whole cloves in each; tie the halves firmly together with tape (string will cut). Make a syrup of vinegar and sugar, boiling the spice bag con- taining cloves and cinnamon in it. Drop the peaches in, a few at a time. Boil until tender— a few minutes if peaches are soft; a little longer, if hard. Put in crocks, covering with syrup, and allow them to stand some weeks before using. Miss Anna L. Coale (93) 94 NEW CENTURY CLUB 7 pounds yellow peaches PICKLED PEACHES 3V2 pounds sugar 1 pint vinegar Boil vinegar and sugar and spices together; when the syrup is sea- soned enough, remove the spice bag and cook the peaches in this syrup until tender; then bottle, and make air-tight. Spice Bag Pinch of cloves, allspice and mace Plenty of cinnamon Mrs. Edwin F. Keen GREEN TOMATO PICKLE 2 gallons green tomatoes (sliced thin without peeling) 12 good-sized onions (peeled and sliced) 1 quart vinegar 1 quart brown sugar 2 tablespoons salt 1 tablespoon ground mustard 1 tablespoon black pepper 1 tablespoon allspice 1 teaspoon groimd cloves Mix together, cook until tender, stirring often. Put in glass jars. Mrs. Louis H. Mutschler GREEN TOMATO PICKLE 1/2 peck small green tomatoes 6 onions 1 cup salt 1 quart vinegar 2 quarts water Slice tomatoes and onions very thin, add salt and let stand all night. In the morning, drain and boil in vinegar and water. Drain again and throw liquor away. Then add: 3 quarts vinegar 2 poimds brown sugar 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1 tablespoon ground mustard 1 tablespoon ground allspice 3 tablespoons ground celery seed 1 teaspoon red pepper y-i pint horseradish Boil all together for 15 minutes, put in jars and cover when cold. The ground spices can be put in a bag and removed when boiled. A recipe of my mother's which we think very good. Mrs. George L. Mitchell BOOK OF RE CIPES 95 OYSTER BAY GREEN TOMATO PICKLES 1/2 peck green tomatoes Vz cup salt 3 green peppers Vinegar Slice tomatoes and peppers. Sprinkle with Y^. cup of salt and let stand over night in wooden or earthen vessel. Strain off the water, rinse in cold water by holding in a colander under faucet. (If you use tin, put a piece of cheesecloth between. Do not let any of it come in contact with tin, not even a spoon.) Cover with vinegar, when well drained, in an agate or porcelain-lined kettle, then add: 1/2 cup horseradish V2 tablespoon whole allspice 2 cups sugar V\ tablespoon whole cloves Vi tablespoon stick cinnamon Cook very slowly until tender. Mrs. Edwin Martin SPANISH PICKLE 3 dozen large cucumbers V2 peek onions 4 dozen large green peppers Vz peck green tomatoes Cut in small pieces, sprinkle with salt and let them stand over night, then wash in clear cold water and let them drain thoroughly. Add: 1 ounce white pepper V2 oimce celery seed 1 ounce mustard seed 3 tablespoons dry mustard Vi oxmce cloves 1 pound brown sugar Cut up some horseradish in small pieces, cover with vinegar and boil one hour. Mrs. Robert T. Boyd PICKLED CHERRIES Stone the cherries and cover them with white wine vinegar; let them stand 12 hours, then drain. When drained put in stone jar in layers of 1 quart of sugar to 1 quart of cherries and cover. Stir with wooden spoon every day for 7 days, then bottle. No cooking. Cherries done by this method are firm and of delicious flavor. Mrs. Morgan Bunting 96 NEW CENTURY CLUB FRENCH PICKLE 1 peck green tomatoes 1 pound brown sugar 1 dozen large onions Vi pound mustard 1 dozen green peppers iVz oimces white mustard seed 2 quarts vinegar V/z oimces celery seed Slice together the green tomatoes, onions and peppers; spread them on platters in layers and sprinkle salt between each layer. Let them remain so over night. In the morning squeeze dry, put in a kettle with the vinegar, sugar and mustard. Cook slowly 2 hours. Then chop rather fine and add white mustard seed and celery seed. Stir in well and bottle for use. This recipe has been used for years in our family, and is excellent. Mrs. Henry T. Dechert SWEET CHERRY PICKLE Use Murillo cherries. Stone and cover with vinegar not too strong. Let stand 24 hours. Drain, weigh, and add 1 pound of sugar to 1 pound of cherries. Put in crock and stir occasionally until sugar is all dissolved. Put in jars and seal. Mrs. Walter C. McIntire WATERMELON PICKLE Watermelon rind 1 quart vinegar Alum water Stick ciimamon 3 pounds sugar Whole cloves Pare the rind, cut in pieces and soak over night in salt water strong enough to bear an egg; then drain off and soak in altmi water 24 hours. Next, rinse, put in a kettle with fresh water. Boil tmtil tender (not soft), then pour off water and boil in vinegar and sugar until transparent. Put in cinnamon and cloves. Mrs. Samuel S. Thompson GINGER PEARS 4 pounds pears (sliced very thin) V2 pint water 4 poimds sugar 2 lemons (sliced very thin) 2 ounces ginger root (potmded to dust) Dissolve the sugar and water, put all together and boil until tender and jellied. Mrs. William P. Worth BOOK OF RECIPES 97 Cantaloupe Vinegar SPICED CANTALOUPE Sugar Cloves Cinnamon Pare cantaloupe and cut in medium-sized pieces. Soak over night in equal parts vinegar and water. In the morning drain; cover with fresh vinegar, to every quart of which add 2 pounds of sugar and spice bag filled with 1 tablespoon cloves and 2 tablespoons cinnamon. Boil until syrup is thick— 3 to 4 hours. Miss Amelia R. Coale TOMATO CATSUP 41/2 tablespoons ginger 4y2 tablespoons celery seed 7 little red peppers or 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper 54 tomatoes (medium size) 5 onions 9 cups vinegar 9 tablespoons sugar 4V2 tablespoons salt Chop tomatoes and onions quite fine; add vinegar, sugar, salt, gin- ger, celery seed and red peppers or cayenne pepper. Boil down to nearly half. Add the spice when nearly done. Bottle and seal immediately. Mrs. Edmund Webster TOMATO CATSUP 1/2 bushel tomatoes V2 cup salt 1 ounce whole cloves 2 ounces whole allspice 14 oimce cayenne pepper 1 dessertspoon black pepper 5 cents worth mustard seed (a little more according to taste) 15 cents worth ginger (not broken) 1 quart vinegar Boil until it thickens, pass through a sieve, reheat and put up in sealed bottles. Mrs. Robert T. Boyd MEAT SAUCE V2 peck ripe tomatoes 11/2 cups red peppers 1 cup chopped onion 1 V2 cups brown sugar V2 cup salt IV^ teaspoons groimd cloves 11/2 teaspoons groxmd cinnamon 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon nutmeg 3 cups vinegar Boil until it is quite thick— about 3 or 4 hours— then bottle in Mason jars. Very fine for cold meat, oysters or fish. Mrs. William P. Elwell 7 98 NEW CENTURY CLUB MY GRANDMOTHER'S BOILED TOMATO CATSUP 1 peck ripe tomatoes 1 tablespoon cloves 1 dessertspoon red pepper 1 tablespoon mace 1 dessertspoon black pepper 1 tablespoon mustard 1 tablespoon ground allspice 3 tablespoons salt 1 pint good vinegar Having cut a slit in the tomatoes, place them in a kettle and boil yi hour, then strain through a hair sieve, adding red and black pepper, allspice, cloves, mace, mustard and salt. Boil slowly 4 or 5 hotu-s. When cold add vinegar. Miss Elizabeth A. Atkinson SPICED TOMATOES Tomatoes Sugar Vinegar Whole cloves Stick cinnamon Select medium sized tomatoes, scald and skin, cover them with vinegar (not too strong), and let them stand over night. Drain them carefully, and to each pound of fruit add yi pound of sugar. Pierce each tomato with three or four whole cloves and a piece of stick cinnamon. Boil slowly until the syrup is rich enough. Bottle while hot. A delicious relish which can be served with hot or cold meats. Mrs. Fred. W. Taylor FRENCH SAUCE y-i peck ripe uncooked tomatoes 1 teacup nastxutiums y% pint horseradish 1 teacup sugar 1 small teacup salt 1 onion 1 small teacup mustard seed (mixed 1 teaspoon whole cloves black and white) 1 teaspoon whole mace 2 chopped red peppers (without the 2 teaspoons whole black pepper seeds) 1 stick cinnamon 2 or 3 stalks of celery (cut fine) IV2 quarts cider vinegar Put the tomatoes into a large earthen crock; skin and cut into medium-sized pieces; add the other ingredients and stir well. Use within 2 weeks. A delicious pickle for cold meats or fish. Miss Helen A. Childs BOOK OF RECIPES 99 CHILI SAUCE 1 gallon ripe tomatoes 11/2 cups red peppers (seeded and chopped) 1 cup onions (chopped) V4 cup sugar V2 cup salt IV2 teaspoons ground cloves IV^ teaspoons ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg iy2 pints vinegar Peel tomatoes and boil down until reduced nearly one-half, then add the other ingredients and boil down until quite thick; stir occasionally, but do not strain. Put in glass jars while hot. (A few marbles put in the kettle help to prevent scorching.) Mrs. Richard Peters 2 sweet green peppers 2 sweet red peppers 4 onions 12 large red tomatoes IV2 cups vinegar CHILI SAUCE V2 grated nutmeg 8 tablespoons granulated sugar 2 tablespoons salt y-i tablespoon mustard seed 1 teaspoon celery seed 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Skin and take seeds from tomatoes. Put onion, peppers and toma- toes through a coarse chopper. Mix all ingredients together, boil 1 hour, and seal hot. Mrs. Mary Haines Kirby PEPPER HASH 5 small cabbages 1 red pepper 5 green peppers 4 tablespoons salt 1 teaspoon mustard seed 1 teaspoon celery seed 1 teaspoon whole allspice 1 dozen whole cloves Vinegar Chop together cabbages and peppers; sprinkle the salt over them and let the mixture stand all night. Do not drain, imless a very little if the liquor is excessive. Sprinkle over the cabbage and peppers, the next day, the mustard seed, allspice, celery seed, and cloves. Mix weU, then pour cold vinegar over aU. The quantity of vinegar cannot be exactly estimated, varying from a little over a pint to nearly a quart, according to the amount of liquid covering the cabbage. Taste is the only guide, as too much vinegar wUl destroy the flavor of the pickle. Put up in stone or glass jars. This old pepper hash recipe was given to me by the wife of my father's German gardener. Mrs. Richard Peters 100 NEW CENTURY CLUB BORDEAUX SAUCE 2 gallons cabbage (cut fine) 1 gallon green tomatoes (cut up) 1 dozen onions 1 ounce celery seed 1 ounce allspice (whole) 1 ounce black pepper Mix and boil 30 minutes. 1 ounce ground ginger 1 oixnce cloves (whole) V2 pound white mustard seed 134 gUls salt 1 gallon vinegar V/z pounds sugar Place in jars while hot. Mrs. George McKeown PEPPER SAUCE (Moravian recipe) 1 head cabbage (small) 1 stalk celery 2 green peppers 1 red pepper 1 tablespoon whole cloves 2 tablespoons mustard seed 1 cup granulated sugar Vinegar Chop cabbage and celery fine and soak in strong salt water 1 hour. Squeeze water out and add chopped green and red peppers, cloves, mus- tard seed and graniilated sugar. Cover with cold weak vinegar. Mrs. Matthew James Grier CHOW CHOW 1/2 peck green tomatoes 1 head cabbage 1 quart little onions (whole) 25 large cucumbers (sliced) 25 small cucimibers (whole) 2 heads cauliflower 1 pint pounded horseradish Vinegar 1/2 pound white mustard seed 1 ounce celery seed 1/2 teacup ground pepper 1/2 teacup ground cinnamon 1/2 teacup groimd turmeric 3 pounds brown sugar 1/2 pound ground mustard V2 pint salad oil Cut vegetables up and pack down in salt 1 day and night ; then drain and lay in vinegar and water for 2 days. Drain well again and put the vegetables in the kettle in layers with the spices and sugar. Cover with best vinegar and boil from 1 to 2 hours. Just before taking up, put in ground mustard mixed with salad oil. Let it boil a few minutes after this is put in. This recipe I know to be good, having used it myself and given it to many friends. Mrs. William P. Worth BOOK OF RECIPES 101 PICCALILLI V2 peck green tomatoes % pound brown sugar 1 pint onions Vz cup salt 4 red sweet peppers 2 cups vinegar 1/2 btinch celery Vz package whole mixed spices Slice tomatoes and onions, cover with the salt, and put in an agate kettle to stand over night. In the morning drain off the liquid and add celery, cut in inch pieces, the peppers chopped fine, spice in bags, vinegar and sugar. After it comes to a boil, simmer for lyi hours and put in air- tight jars. Mrs. J. Howard Gaskill CHOW CHOW 2 quarts large pickles 1 quart green tomatoes 1 quart sweet pickles 2 heads cauliflower 1 quart onions 4 green apples 2 red apples Cut vegetables up and put in weak brine, along with the pickles, for 24 hours. Scald in brine slightly (do not boil), drain, put back in kettle and pour dressing over while hot. Put in jars. Dressing 6 tablespoons (heaping) Coleman's 6 cups sugar mustard 1 cup flour 1 cup (even) turmeric 3 pints vinegar 1 pint water Put ingredients for dressing together, mix smooth and let come to a boil (stir constantly), make thick, then pour over the hot strained vegetables. (1| dozen "penny" cucumber pickles equal 2 quarts; 1 heaping quart small pickles equals 1 quart.) Mrs. Mary Haines Kirby TO EAT WITH MEATS 1 potmd seeded raisins Melt a glass of currant jelly Juice of 2 boxes currants, or 2 oranges (sliced thin) Cook 30 or 40 minutes. Mrs. Charles Reynolds Simons 102 NEW CENTURY CLUB CHOWDER V2 bushel green tomatoes (peeled and 6 large red peppers (chopped) chopped) 8 large onions (chopped) 12 large green peppers (chopped) 2 cups salt Mix all; drain over night. In morning add: 3 tablespoons ground cinnamon 1 large cup mustard seed 3 tablespoons ground cloves 2 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons celery seed 4 quarts vinegar Boil in vinegar about 20 minutes. This will fill 12 fruit jars. Splendid for oysters and cut cold meats. Mrs. Alexander E. Patton CORN RELISH 1 dozen ears corn 4 red peppers 8 onions (mediimi size) 2 stalks celery 1 handful salt 2 poimds brown sugar 1 head cabbage 3 pints vinegar Cut com from cobs, cook 8 or 10 minutes until tender. Slice or cut fine the onions. Chop cabbage, pour cold water over it and add salt. Let stand 10 minutes. Chop peppers and onions together and cut up celery by hand. Put all in a kettle with sugar and vinegar. Make a paste of — 4 tablespoons mustard 2 big tablespoons flour 1 big tablespoon turmeric powder Take out 1 tablespoon of vinegar and mix with paste and cook 20 minutes. Add all together and put in pint jars. Mrs. Louis H. Mutschler COLD SLAW DRESSING 2 raw eggs (beaten light together) % cup cream 2 tablespoons sugar V2 cup vinegar 14 teaspoon mustard 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon salt Beat eggs, add sugar and mustard; beat all thoroughly and add cream, then the vinegar. Put the butter in a vessel, let it melt; add the mixture, cook slowly until it thickens. Put salt on cabbage, which has been cut fine; pour the sauce over. Eat cold. Mrs. William P. Elwell BOOK OF RECIPES 103 VEGETABLE CHOW CHOW y2. gallon vinegar 1 pint small onions Vi pound mustard (scant this by Vi w.) or 1 teaspoon turmeric 2 bottles pickled onions (this is pref- Vi pound granulated sugar erable) 2 tablespoons salt 1 pint lima beans Vi dozen green peppers (chopped) 1 pint green com 2 red peppers (chopped) 1 pint string beans 14 pound yellow mustard seed 1 bottle small pickles (cut) 2 cauliflowers Cook the vegetables separately, and cut the cauliflower into pieces, but not very small. Mix the mustard and turmeric with some of the vinegar until it is smooth. Put the vinegar, sugar and salt in a large agate preserving kettle, when this boils add the mustard. When this boils, put in the peppers, then add the vegetables, putting the cauliflower in last, and add the mustard seed. When this is well mixed and thoroughly boiled, it is ready to put in jelly tumblers or jars, and does not need to be air-tight. Alice Pusey Chambers ^alabg I have bought the oil, the halsamum and aqua-vitae. — Comedy of Errors. / warrant there's vinegar and pepper int. — Twelfth Night. We may pick a thousand salads ere we light on such another. — All's Well that Ends Well. (105) POTATO SALAD 1 quart cold boiled potatoes (cut in small V2 cup onion (cut fine) pieces) 1 cup parsley (cut fine) 2 cups celery (cut fine) Dressing 4 eggs (well beaten) y^ teaspoon black pepper 1 cup vinegar V2 teaspoon mustard 2 teaspoons salt V2 cup cream 1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon butter Scald eggs, vinegar, salt, sugar, pepper and mustard without boil- ing, then add cream and butter. Let cool and mix with potatoes. Mrs. Benjamin F. Richardson POTATO SALAD 6 or 8 boiled potatoes (cut in dice) 1 onion 6 hard-boiled eggs 1 pimento (cut fine) 1 small cucumber A little parsley (cut fine) Dressing 1 pint vinegar 1 teaspoon dry mustard Butter the size of a walnut 1 tablespoon flour 4 or 5 eggs V2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup sugar V^ pint whipped cream Put the vinegar (if strong dilute with Yi water) on the fire with the butter and let come to a boil; set aside to cool a little. Beat the yolks of the eggs with the sugar, mustard, flour, and salt. Add vinegar to this, strain and place in double boiler; return to the fire and cook until thick, beating all the time. When thick, remove from the fire and let cool. Beat the whites stiff, and stir this mixture into them. Before using add whipped cream. The dressing will keep if kept in a cool place. Mrs. Albert P. Brubaker SPANISH SALAD Peel and slice oranges, removing seeds; boil in salted water large chestnuts and blanch them. Mix with the oranges, chill thoroughly and serve very cold, with mayonnaise dressing. Mrs. Henry B. Costill (107) 108 NEW CENTURY CLUB RADISH AND CHEESE SALAD Lettuce Radishes Cheese Take a couple of leaves from a head of lettuce, place on a plate and fill the centers with red radishes cut in straws so that the red and white can show. Work the cheese with a spoon and form into small eggs. Put 3 on the top of radish straws, and stu-roimd with 3 radishes cut in roses. Pass dressing — French preferable. This can also be served as a cheese course. Miss Agnes Preston, The New Century Club Limch Room MEXICAN SALAD 10 tomatoes 2 green cucumbers 4 sweet green peppers 2 stalks celery Water cress French dressing Select nice large, round tomatoes; skin them, scrape out about 3 teaspoons inside of each, and place on ice to get cold. Take cucumbers, medium size, pare them; green peppers, and celery; after chopping fine, add a small bunch water cress cut with a knife. Pour French dressing over all, and fill tomatoes with this mixture. Put a piece of mayonnaise dressing on top of each tomato, and serve with water cress around. (For 10 people.) Mrs. T. Ellwood Potts FRUIT SALAD Celery Pineapple Green peppers Pimentos Mayonnaise Whipped cream Cut crisp stalks of celery into narrow straws about like matches, and throw into ice water. Peel a pineapple and shred with a fork. Chop fine a few green peppers and pimentos, and put all on the ice. When ready to use, dry the celery in a napkin and mix all together with a mayonnaise, to which a cup of whipped cream has been added. Serve cold on lettuce hearts. Mrs. W. Duffield Robinson BOOKOFRECIPES 109 LETTUCE AND TOMATO SALAD Lettuce 1 tablespoon (heaping) sweet green Tomatoes pepper 1 teaspoon (even) onion Arrange a bed of lettuce leaves on each salad plate and lay on top 3 slices of medium size red tomatoes. Chop the green pepper fine, after removing all the seeds, and add onion and put in the ice box to chill for an hour before arranging the lettuce and tomatoes. Dressing 2 spoons made mustard 1 saltspoon salt y^ teaspoon black pepper V2 teaspoon powdered sugar A dash of paprika V2 teacup cream 3 teaspoons cider vinegar Mix mustard, pepper, paprika, salt, sugar and cream. Stir well for a minute and then add vinegar and beat thoroughly for 5 minutes, or until it thickens. This amount of sauce is sufficient for 4 plates of salad. Mrs. Charles MacLellan Town APPLE SALAD Lettuce Celery Cabbage Apple Equal parts of cabbage, celery and apple. Shred cabbage very fine; cut celery and apple into small pieces, the apple about yi inch square. Dressing 2 eggs (well beaten) Vz teaspoon mustard 2 tablespoons (level) sugar y2 cup vinegar y-i teaspoon salt Vi cup cream or rich milk Mix eggs with sugar, salt, mustard and vinegar. Cook in double boiler, stirring all the while until the mixture thickens. Put into a cold bowl and when quite cold, beat into it the cream or rich milk. Mix with other ingredients when ready to serve, and serve on lettuce leaves. Half of this dressing is enough for salad for 4 or 5 persons. It will keep in the refrigerator for several days. This is a simple hearty salad for every-day home limcheons. Miss Anna M. Johnson 110 NEW CENTURY CLUB FRUIT SALAD (Good) Lettuce Malaga grapes Orange Marshmallows Pineapple Mayonnaise Grapefruit Whipped cream Equal portions of oranges, pineapples, grapefruit, Malaga grapes and marshmallows mixed with mayonnaise to which has been added whipped cream according to amoimt of salad required. Serve on lettuce. Miss Agnes Preston, The New Century Club Lunch Room DATE AND APPLE SALAD Lettuce Dates Apples Olive oil Lemon juice Cream cheese Salt Chopped nuts and celery (if desired) Slice apples in long thin strips, half the thickness of the little finger. Over 2 cups of sliced tart apples squeeze the juice of a lemon, and sprinkle salt. (This will keep the apples from turning dark.) Add scant cup of dates, stoned and shredded. Over this mixture pour the desired amount of olive oil. Chopped nuts and celery may be added if desired. Serve on lettuce, with a small square of cream cheese. Mrs. H. H. White, President, New Century Club of Pottstown, Pa. PEAR AND PIMENTO SALAD Lettuce French dressing Pears Red pepper Pimento cheese Swedish wafers Cut pears in 8 pieces. Serve in round dish, and between each sec- tion of pear place a strip of pimento cheese, so that they alternate. Sur- round the dish with lettuce. The dressing should be the ordinary French dressing, using lemon instead of vinegar and red pepper instead of black. Serve with Swedish wafers and any kind of cheese preferred. Mrs. Edward Wetherill BOOK OF RECIPES HI PINEAPPLE SALAD Lettuce Orange Pineapple Mayonnaise Cherries Lay 2 or 3 small lettuce leaves on a plate. Place on this a slice of pineapple, divided into pieces, but arranged to look unbroken; on this a sHce of orange, quartered, then a spoonful of mayonnaise in which are placed 2 or 3 cherries. Miss Agnes Preston, The New Century Club Lunch Room WHITE GRAPE SALAD Lettuce Strawberries White grapes Mayonnaise Cut in half and seed a sufficient quantity of white grapes according to the number you wish to serve. Mix with mayonnaise and serve on lettuce leaves. Garnish with strawberries. Serve very cold. Straw- berries may be omitted, but they taste good and make a pretty color scheme. Mrs. A. W. Robinson CHERRY SALAD White (California) canned cherries Pimento cheese French dressing Seed the cherries; in place of seed place a little ball of pimento cheese. Serve with French dressing. These two (Cherry Salad and White Grape Salad) rather unusual salads I have served several times and found them very popular. Mrs. a. W. Robinson FRUIT SALAD DRESSING 2 baked potatoes 1/2 cup whipped cream 1 teaspoon butter 2 tablespoons pineapple juice 1 tablespoon sugar Juice of 1 lemon Yolk of 1 egg Skin potatoes and beat in butter. Add the yolk of egg, sugar, lemon and pineapple juice. Allow to stand in a cool place, and before using add whipped cream. Use white grapes and pineapple on lettuce leaves. Mrs. Alfred Marshall 112 NEW CENTURY CLUB OIL MAYONNAISE FOR SALADS Yolks of 3 raw eggs Generous dash of cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon dry mustard V2 pint salad oil 1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 teaspoon salt Juice of 1 lemon Mix yolks of eggs, mustard, sugar, salt and pepper together lightly, then add salad oil very slowly, stirring constantly and always one way. This when properly made should grow stiff er as the oil is added, until at last the entire mass will leave the sides of the bowl; when may be added the vinegar and lemon juice. Ingredients must all be very cold, but the oil must not be so cold as to have started to congeal. Mrs. Benjamin F. Richardson MAYONNAISE 2 hard-boiled eggs V4 teaspoon salt 3 raw eggs (yolks) Vs teaspoon red pepper V2 pint olive oil Vinegar or lemon juice Take yolks of hard-boiled eggs and mash fine, then add pepper and salt, yolks of raw eggs (well beaten), then oil. Continue in this way until you have used up the eggs and oil, and lastly, add vinegar or lemon juice to thin to desired consistency. Miss Edith Sellers Bunting SALAD DRESSING 2 eggs 1 teaspoon (small) salt 1 teaspoon mustard 3 teaspoons flour 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup (small) milk 1 cup (small) vinegar Beat smooth the eggs, flour, mustard and sugar. Then add milk, vinegar and salt. Stir well; boil slowly until it thickens. Miss Elizabeth Bunting Collier MEMPfflS SALAD DRESSING To a sufficient quantity of French dressing add: Yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs (grated) 1 tablespoon pimentos 1 tablespoon chopped green peppers 1 teaspoon chives (chopped) Enough tomato catsup to redden Serve over lettuce hearts. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols BOOK OF RECIPES 113 EASY SALAD DRESSING 1 tablespoon oil (heaping to run over) 1 tablespoon (heaping) sugar 1 tablespoon mustard 3 eggs (beaten thoroughly) 1 tablespoon salt % cup vinegar % cup cream or milk Mix oil and mustard well together until smooth; add salt and sugar; mix all together thoroughly. Add eggs, vinegar and cream or milk. Cook like custard. The salt and sugar should be used according to taste. Mrs. William H. Tenbrook SALAD DRESSING WITHOUT OIL 1 egg Vi cup vinegar 1 teaspoon mustard Salt and pepper Beat egg and add sugar. Dissolve mustard with part of vinegar, add pepper and salt to taste — and a little butter if wanted. Cook until thick, about 5 minutes. Omit mustard if not desired. Mrs. Isaac S. Lowry MRS. C. C. CONVERSE'S RUSSIAN SALAD DRESSING 1 cup mayonnaise made with Tarragon 1 tablespoon Tarragon vinegar vinegar 1 teaspoon chives (cut fine) 3 tablespoons old Virginia chili sauce y\ teaspoon Escoflfier sauce a la Pro- 2 tablespoons pimento (chopped) vinciale Mix and serve over hearts of lettuce. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols COLD SLAW Cabbage Cayenne pepper to your taste 2 raw eggs (beaten lightly) 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon mustard 3 tablespoons vinegar 2 saltspoons salt 1 cup cream Shave cabbage very fine and put in a cold place. Put eggs, mustard, salt, pepper, sugar, vinegar and cream in a double boiler, let come to the consistency of thick cream. After it is quite cold, just before serving, mix well with the finely shredded cabbage. Mrs. Alfred Mellor 114 NEW CENTURY CLUB TOMATO JELLY ON LETTUCE Lettuce 6 stalks celery (chopped fine) 1 quart tomato juice A pinch of ground cloves 1 large onion 2 tablespoons granulated gelatin Mayonnaise Boil tomato juice, onion, celery and cloves 1 minute; then add gelatin dissolved in cold water. Serve on lettuce with mayonnaise. Mrs. Martha P. Falconer CHEESE Take a cake of pimento cheese, add mayonnaise, chopped olives and a little onion juice. Mould into balls and serve with crackers and salad. Mrs. Benjamin F. Richardson Blessed pudding. — Othello. (115) ROYAL ICED CABINET PUDDING 1 pound candied cherries 1 pint milk yi pound candied green gages 1 large tumbler good sherry 1 poxmd stale sponge cake 6 eggs V2 poimd sifted sugar 1 vanilla bean 1 pint rich cream 1 box gelatine Take a mould with cover and place in a pan of ice and water until very cold. Put gplatine to soak. Put milk on to boil. Whip yolks of the eggs light and add sugar; strain gelatine into milk just as it boils. Then add the eggs and sugar. See that it does not ciu-dle. When the custard is cool, add cream, which must have been whipped stiff; add vanilla bean. Then take your mould and decorate as you please. Put in a small quantity of custard. Cut your cake, soak it in the wine, cut your green gages in half and stone them. Make a layer of the sponge cake, then one of the cherries, then one of the green gages and custard; and continue thus until the mould is filled. Then ice for 3 hours at least. Serve as you would ice cream. Take the whites of the eggs, whip them with 1 cup of white sugar. Surround the pudding with it and decorate with cherries and angehca. The dish should be iced before turning the mould out. A sauce may be served with it as one might with ice cream; if you do, the wine used as a foimdation for it should be the same as that used to soak the cake. This dessert, when successfully made, is luscious. It is a recipe from our famous Twelve Dollar Dinner Club, when twelve well-known women, Mrs. J. Dundas Lippincott, Mrs. Isaac J. Wistar, Mrs. Clarence H. Clark, Mrs. Isaac Norris, Mrs. William Hunt, Mrs. William Ingham, Mrs. J. W. Pepper, Mrs. John T. Newbold, Mrs. Robert Toland, Mrs. Henry E. Drayton, Miss Susan Stevenson and myself, dined together for nine years, at one dollar apiece. At the end of the meal the hostess read the biU of fare. There was a rule that all ingredients should be included in the dollar. The dinner must cover the usual courses. If the hostess went over the dollar she was asked for her photograph and her resignation. Not only were the rules adhered to, but the dinners became so elaborate that a limit was put to the courses. Ingenuity was such that we were threatened with softening of the brain. This pudding made an extraor- dinary hit when first served. Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson (117) 118 NEW CENTURY CLUB RICE PUDDING By E. Q. a. E. 1/2 cup rice Va cup sugar 1 quart milk Vi nutmeg (grated) 1 teaspoon (scant) salt 1 cup seedless raisins Boil rice in plenty of water for ^ hour. Drain, and add the other ingredients (except the raisins, which go in a few minutes before the pud- ding is done — otherwise they cause the milk to separate). Place all in a shallow baking dish and cook on top of stove until well thickened, stirring frequently to prevent from sticking. When about done put in the raisins and place in a hot oven to brown. Serve icy cold. This quantity will serve 8 persons. Mrs. Thomas Biddle Ellis RHODE ISLAND RICE PUDDING 3 tablespoons rice Nutmeg 2 quarts milk Butter 2 coffee cups sugar 1 coffee cup (heaping) seeded raisins Wash the rice in hot water and cover with the milk. Make very sweet, using 2 coffee cups of sugar and perhaps more, according to taste. Grate nutmeg and put small pieces of butter thickly over the top. Cook in a slow oven about 2 hoiu-s. Stir very frequently and when half the time is up, put in seeded raisins. The secret of the success of this pudding lies in the stirring. Mrs. Frank Battles TAPIOCA PUDDING i/2 cup pearl tapioca V2 cup seeded raisins <■ 3 cups water V2 cup English walnuts 11/2 cups brown sugar Whipped cream Soak tapioca in 3 cups of water over night. In the morning put in double boiler and add brown sugar. Cook for 1>2 hours, then add seeded raisins; cook >^ hour longer. Break English walnuts into same, and after stirring well pour into dish to cool. Eat with cream, whipped pre- ferred. Quantity for 6 people. With one-minute tapioca, cook half the time. The Misses Longstreth BOOK OF RECIPES 119 BREAD PUDDING 4 eggs 1 pint stale bread crumbs 1 quart milk 1 tablespoon melted butter 1 cup sugar 1 lemon % cup powdered sugar Beat the yolks of the eggs, the sugar and butter together, add the milk and bread crumbs gradually and grate in the rind of the lemon. Bake for 1 hour. When nearly done make a meringue of the whites of the eggs and powdered sugar, and add the juice of the lemon. Put on top of pudding and bake to a light brown. A recipe which our family and friends heartily approve. Mrs. Mary T. Lewis Gannett PUDDING BLANC D'CEUFS ET CARAMEL 1 small plate loaf sugar 6 or 8 eggs y-2. glass water 2 tablespoons powdered sugar 6 or 8 leaves gelatin 1 pint milk To make the caramel, take a small plate of loaf sugar, put over the fire in saucepan with yi glass of water. Boil until thick and finally brown like molasses. Move to back of the stove, keeping warm and liquid. Dissolve the gelatin in as little water as possible, and put this aside like the caramel. Now take whites of eggs that have been on ice, thoroughly chilled, beat thoroughly with powdered sugar, and when light or thick, pour into this first the caramel, then the gelatin; mix well and carefully, pour into mould, and set on ice for 2 hours. Make a custard of 4 yolks of eggs and 1 pint of milk. Pour aroimd the pudding when ready to serve. Mrs. H. J. Kaltenthaler PINK PUDDING IV2 pints sweet cream 4 eggs (yolks) 8 or 10 leaves of gelatin Sugar 10 or 15 drops carmine (vegetable) 1 glass (small) kirsch Place on ice for 1 hour 1 pint of sweet cream, then whip it tmtil thick; add gelatin dissolved and carmine. Place this, after mixing thor- oughly and pouring into mould, on ice. Beat thoroughly yi pint of cream, add the well-beaten yolks of the eggs, sugar to taste, and a small glass of kirsch. Pour this sauce roimd the pudding and serve. Mrs. H. J. Kaltenthaler 120 NEW CENTURY CLUB BROWN BETTY When apples are poor in the early spring, rhubarb makes an excel- lent substitute for them in a "Brown Betty." More sugar and butter should be used than when apples are used. Mrs. John L. Appleton JERUSALEM PUDDING 1 pint whipped cream Vi cup rice V2 box gelatin 3 figs Vz cup powdered sugar 3 pieces preserved ginger 1 teaspoon vanilla Soak gelatin in cold water till dissolved. Put rice on to boil, and when tender, drain off the water and cover with cold water to separate the grains and spread on a napkin to dry. Cut figs and ginger in small pieces. Whip creatn and pour into a tin basin, which should stand in a pan of ice water. Stir in carefully the sugar, gelatin, fruit and rice until stiff, and pour into a mould. Serve with plain or whipped cream. Mrs. Joseph Warner Swain "JUDGE PETERS'* 2 cups sugar ^ 9 dates V2 box gelatin 6 figs 2 lemons 10 English walnuts 2 oranges 2 bananas Dissolve gelatin in ^ pint cold water; add 34 pint boiling water, the juice of the lemons and the sugar; strain and let stand until it begins to thicken a little, then stir into it all the fruit and nuts, cut into small pieces. Pour into mould to harden, and serv^e with cream. Mrs. Joseph Warner Swain ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING 1 pound seeded raisins 1 handful flour 1 poimd currants 1/2 cup sherry wine 1 pound brown sug,:ir 2 tablespoons brandy 1 pound bread (grated) V2 teaspoon mace 34 pound beef suet Nutmeg to taste 10 eggs Rind and juice of V2 lemon Rind and juice of 1/2 orange Boil 5 hours. Serve hot with a sauce. Miss Mary L. Roberts BOOK OF RECIPES 121 SNOW PUDDING y-i tablespoon granulated gelatin 3 eggs (whites) Vi cup cold water 3 eggs (yolks) 1 cup boiling water 3 tablespoons sugar 1 cup sugar Vs teaspoon suet V4 cup lemon juice 1 pint hot millr Vi teaspoon vanilla Soak gelatin in cold water until soft, add boiling water, sugar, and lemon juice. When gelatin and sugar are dissolved, strain into a large bowl to cool. When gelatin is consistency of a thick syrup, beat whites of eggs light, and add them to the jelly, beating until smooth and nearly hard; then pour into a mould. Make a soft custard of remaining ingredients, being careful that custard does not curdle. If it does, set saucepan in a pan of cold water and with egg beater, beat until smooth. When cold serve with the pudding. Miss L. Ray Balderston ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING 1 pound raisins V2 pound minced candied citron 1 potmd suet (chopped fine) 5 eggs 34 pound stale bread crumbs 1 pound grated carrots 1 poxmd brown sugar Rind of 1 lemon (grated) 1 poimd currants V2 nutmeg (grated) V4 pound flour 1/2 pint brandy V2 pound minced candied orange peel Salt to taste Mix all dry ingredients together. Beat the eggs, add to brandy, pour over dry ingredients and mix very thoroughly. Pack into greased bowls or moulds, boil for 6 hours when made, and another 6 when wanted to use. Enough for 4 puddings. Mrs. Alfred Mellor PLUM PUDDING y-i pound raisins V2 teaspoon cinnamon Vi pound currants V4 teaspoon cloves Vi pound citron Juice and rind of V2 lemon (grated) Vi loaf (large size) baker's bread 1 wineglass brandy (soaked in cold water) 1 cup flour 4 eggs Vi pound glace cherries Vi nutmeg 2 ounces beef suet Vz pound light brown sugar Boil 5 hours. Mrs. William P. Elwell 122 NEW CENTURY CLUB ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING 1 pound suet (chopped fine) 1 glass brandy 1 pound sugar 2 teaspoons ginger 1 pound stale bread (grated) 2 nutmegs . 1 pound raisins V4 pint milk 2 pounds currants A little salt Beat well and steam five hours. Sauce 4 whole eggs beaten light, add y^ cup melted butter 1 cup pulverized sugar Flavor with brandy Beat a long time. Mrs. Robert Beattie PLUM PUDDING I pound raisins (stoned) V2 pound citron 1 pound currants 1 teaspoon allspice 1 pound suet 1 teaspoon cloves 1 pound bread crumbs 1 nutmeg 1 pound sugar 1/2 tumbler brandy 10 eggs 1 handful flour Chop the suet fine as possible (removing all strings), add the sugar, then the bread, throw in the eggs whole, then raisins, citron, currants and spices, beating hard all the time. Then pour in brandy and leave it over night in a cold place. Next morning stir in flour, pour into a square of strong muslin previously greased and floured, tie not too tight, and boil 4 hoiu-s. Ornament with blanched almonds and serve with a dash of brandy over all and lighted at the last moment. One-half the quantity is ample for 6 persons — rich, but perfectly digestible. A hot wine sauce is required. Mrs. C. P. Turner PLUM PUDDING IV2 pounds raisins (seeded) iVa pounds suet IV2 pounds currants iVa pounds bread crumbs IV2 poxmds sugar 10 eggs Vz pound citron 1 nutmeg 2 glasses brandy Boil 8 hours, and then 2 hours before serving. Old English recipe of my mother's and grandmother's. Miss Anne Heygate-Hall BOOK OF RECIPES 123 PLUM PUDDING 1 pound grated bread crumbs 1 pound stoned raisins (chopped fine) 1 pound currants 1 pound brown sugar 1 pound citron (cut fine) 1 pound suet 8 eggs (well beaten) 1 tablespoon flour 1 teacup milk 1 teacup brandy and wine mixed 1 teaspoon salt Vz teaspoon mace (ground) Vz teaspoon cloves 1 grated nutmeg Rub the raisins with flour. Add all the dry ingredients and mix well. Then add the liquids little by little and last the eggs. Steam in a ,cloth 8 hours. This recipe was given to me more than twenty years ago I have always made mine myself, and it has been pronounced by many who have eaten it here the only Pltim Pudding — light and digestible. I am sure no one could fail in it. Mrs. William Burnham CHEAP PLUM PUDDING 2 cups bread crumbs 2 cups chopped raisins Wz cups suet 1 cup flour 1 cup molasses 1 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon soda (mixed in sour milk) y2 teaspoon cloves V2 teaspoon cinnamon 1 small nutmeg Boil 3 hours. If sour milk is rich, use some currants instead of full quantity raisins. Sauce 1 cup fine white sugar 1 egg V2 cup butter 1 wineglass wine Beat thoroughly together. Scald, not boil, in double boiler. Mrs. William H. Tenbrook 2 cups chopped bread V2 cup chopped suet Vz cup molasses 1 egg 1 cup sweet milk JOHN'S DELIGHT 1 cup raisins and currants mixed (the former stoned and chopped) V^ teaspoon soda (dissolved in milk) Vz teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon A pinch of mace and salt Boil 2 hours in pudding boiler. Eat with cold or foaming sauce. Mrs. William Burnham 124 NEW CENTURY CLUB OCEAN QUEEN PUDDING 3 eggs 1 teaspoon (small) baking powder Their weight in butter, sugar and flour V4 pound preserved ginger Beat butter and sugar to a cream. Add 1 egg and half the flour then beat it. Then add the other egg and rest of flour and beat it. Add ginger cut in small pieces and 1 or 2 tablespoons of the syrup and the baking powder. Put in a buttered mould covered with buttered paper and steam for 2 hours. Serve with soft custard sauce. Soft Custard Sauce 1 pint milk 3 eggs Vz cup powdered sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Put milk on to boil in a farina boiler. Beat eggs and sugar together, then stir them into boiling milk, and stir over fire until they begin to thicken — no longer, or it will curdle. Mrs. Robert Beattie JOHN'S DELIGHT 2 cups chopped bread (heaping full) 1 cup raisins 1/2 cup chopped suet 1 cup sweet milk 1/2 cup molasses 1/2 teaspoon cloves V2 teaspoon soda (dissolved in hot 1 teaspoon cinnamon water, added to molasses) Pinch of salt, mace Boil 2 hours in tin pudding mould. Serve with wine sauce. Have often used this, which is a good, wholesome steamed pudding. Miss Emma Klahr JOHN'S DELIGHT 2 cups chopped bread 1 egg 1 cup finely chopped suet 1 cup sweet milk 1/2 cup molasses 1/2 teaspoon baking soda (dissolved in 1 cup seedless raisins (chopped) milk) or y-i teaspoon ground cloves 1 cup stoned and cut raisins mixed with 1 teaspoon cinnamon currants A pinch of ground mace and of salt Boil 2 hours in a pudding boiler. Maple syrup, if available, is much better than molasses. Eat with hard or fairy sauce. This is much more deHcate than a plum pudding, and much less trouble. Mrs. Mary T. Lewis Gannett BOOK OF RECIPES 125 PRUNE PUDDING 1 tablespoon gelatin 4 eggs (whites) V^ cup cold water 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup boiling water 1 cup prunes Soak gelatin in cold water, about 5 minutes; then add boiling water and stir until dissolved. Beat the whites of the eggs so stiff that you can turn the dish upside down. Add sugar, primes, and stir in the gelatin very slowly, beating all the while. Set in the refrigerator for an hour or two, when it will be ready for use. Serve with cream. Delicious also made with fresh mashed peaches instead of prunes. Mrs. Benjamin F. Richardson DATE PUDDING 1 cup chopped dates 1 tablespoon butter (beaten with sugar) 1 cup nuts (pecan or walnut) 2 tablespoons (heaping) sifted flour 34 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 3 eggs (beaten together) Set baking dish in a pan of water and bake 45 minutes in slow oven. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. Walter T. Baird FIG PUDDING V^ pound figs 2 eggs 1 cup chopped suet 1 cup sugar 2Vi cups stale bread crumbs V2 teaspoon salt Vz cup milk Chop figs and suet together, beat eggs, add sugar and salt to them then milk. Add this slowly to fig mixture and beat. Steam 3 hours in a greased mould. This pudding will keep for 2 or 3 weeks in a cold place. Miss L. Ray Balderston FIG PUDDING 2 pounds figs Spices to taste 1 pound suet Vz poimd flour 1 cup sugar V2 pound bread crumbs 2 eggs Cut the figs into small pieces, grate the bread fine, and chop the suet very fine. Mix all together with sufficient milk to form a stiff batter, put into a buttered mould, and boil 3 hours. Use this with a brandy sauce. Mrs. Henry P. Brown 126 NEW CENTURY CLUB FIG PUDDING V^ pound crumbled bread V2 pound figs 6 ounces brown sugar 6 ounces suet 2 eggs 1 teaspoon salt Chop figs and suet; add bread crumbs, sugar, beaten eggs and salt. Put in pudding mould, boil 4 hours. Eat with lemon sauce. Lemon Sauce 2 tablespoons butter 8 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons cream 2 eggs 1 lemon Cream butter, sugar and eggs; grate in lightly the rind of the lemon and half the juice; stir thoroughly, adding the cream slowly; cook in double boiler until thick and glossy — about 10 minutes. Miss Anna L. Coale TURKISH PUDDING V!« pound nuts Vz pound dates 3 eggs (beaten separately) 2 teaspoons bread crumbs IV2 teaspoons (level) baking powder 1/2 cup sugar Beat sugar and yolks of eggs; add cnmibs, dates and nuts. Beat whites and fold in. Bake ^ hour in moderate oven. Serve with im- sweetened whipped cream. Mrs. Thomas Raeburn White GRAHAM PUDDING 1 cup molasses 1 cup sweet milk 2 cups Graham flour Steam 3 hours. 1 tablespoon melted butter 1 small teaspoon soda 1 cup chopped dates or raisins Mrs. W. F. Taft GRAHAM PUDDING 1 cup seeded raisins (chopped) 1 cup molasses 1 teaspoon soda (dissolved in milk) 1 cup (scant) sweet milk Vi teaspoon salt 2 cups Graham flour Steam 3 hoiu"s. Serve with hard sauce or hot dip. Miss Mary L. Roberts BOOK OF RECIPES 127 GRAHAM PUDDING 1/2 cup molasses IV2 cups Graham flour 1/4 cup butter 1 teacup (small) raisins 1 egg 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 cup milk 1 teaspoon cloves Mix well the molasses, butter, egg, milk, Graham flour, raisins, baking powder and cloves. Steam 4 hours. Serve with hot or hard sauce. This quantity serves 6 people. The Misses Longstreth HOT PUDDING SAUCE 1 cup sugar 1 dessertspoon flour 1/2 cup butter 1 tablespoon cinnamon Vi cup water Juice of \'z lemon Mix well the flour and butter, then add sugar and water. Quantity for 6 people. The Misses Longstreth STEAMED CHOCOLATE PUDDING 1 egg 1 cup flour 1/2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 cup milk 2 squares chocolate (melted in butter) 1 tablespoon butter Mix and pour in mould with lid, steam for 1 hour. Sauce 1 egg (white) 4 tablespoons powdered sugar 2 tablespoons butter Beat until creamy, then add white of egg, beaten stiff. Mrs. William Shewell Ellis PINEAPPLE PUDDING y^ cup butter 6 eggs 2 cups sugar 1 can grated pineapple 2 cups soft crumbs Cream butter and sugar, then add yolks of eggs, then pineapple. Stir thoroughly, then add bread crumbs, then whites of 3 eggs stiffly beaten. Put the remaining 3 whites on top, beaten well with confec- tioner's sugar. Bake about K of an hotir in moderate oven. You can generally tell when it is done if it is firm. Hawaiian pineapple is the best. Mrs. Robert Beattie 128 NEW CENTURY CLUB CHOCOLATE PUDDING 6 eggs V2 cup cracker crumbs 3^ cup sugar Vanilla 2 ounces Baker's chocolate Whipped cream Beat the yolks of 6 eggs and whites of 2 thoroughly with sugar. Melt chocolate with sufficient water to make a paste. Add this with cracker crumbs to the beaten eggs. Flavor with vanilla, and lastly fold in the whites of 4 eggs whipped to a froth. Butter mould well and strew with cracker cnrnibs before putting in mixture. Steam 1 hour. Water must boil constantly. Serve hot or cold with whipped cream. Mrs. Arthur Falkenau CHOCOLATE PUDDING 1 pint powdered cracker crumbs 1 quart boiled milk V^ cake chocolate 5 eggs V2 saltspoon salt Mix together. When cool add eggs, well beaten, and salt. Boil in a mould 1 hour. Sauce 1 egg 1 tablespoon hot water (or milk) 1 cup (small) sugar Flavoring Beat yolk of egg thoroughly, add sugar and beaten white of egg. Beat up very light and just before serving add hot water, milk and flavor- ing — rose flavoring preferably. Mrs. Charles Reynolds Simons CHOCOLATE PUDDING 6 eggs 1 quart milk 3 ounces Baker's chocolate Sugar to taste Grate the chocolate very fine and moisten with a little milk; put the rest of the quart of milk over the fire, when it boils mix in the choco- late until well dissolved, sugar to taste. Take off the fire and let stand until cool. Mix in the yolks of the eggs and put in a little buttered dish and bake until well done. Then take whites of the eggs beaten stiff with a little powdered sugar and spread them over the top of the baked choco- late and put back in the oven to bake a light brown. Mrs. Harry A. Hornor BOOK OF RECIPES 129 STEAMED CHOCOLATE PUDDING 1 6gg 1 teaspoon baking powder V2 cup milk 1 square chocolate (melted) 1/2 cup sugar 1 tablespoon butter , 1 cup flour Whipped cream Steam 1 hour. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. Frank H. Burpee OATMEAL PUDDING Oatmeal (cooked) Sugar Milk Egg Vanilla Let cooked oatmeal cool; add milk, sugar and yolk of egg beaten thoroughly, and put in baking pan. Then add vanilla and sugar to the white of egg beaten stiff, and put on top; brown in oven, and serve hot. Used successfully by a German cook I once had. Mrs. C. Shillard-Smith INDIAN PUDDING 7 tablespoons (heaping) yellow commeal 1 cup cold water 1 cup molasses 1/2 cup butter or lard 1 quart boiUng milk 1 teaspoon (heaping) salt 1 teaspoon (heaping) mixed spice Pour the boiling milk upon the mixture and stir until there are no lumps. Just before putting in the oven add the cold water. Stir several times while baking. Bake 1 hour or more. Mrs. Mary T. Nichols SPONGE PUDDING 1 pint milk 1/2 cup flour 1 tablespoon melted butter i^ cup sugar Pinch of salt 5 eggs (yolks) Put milk in double boiler, with melted butter and salt; when hot (not boiling) stir into it the flour and sugar (which has been rolled and stirred smooth with a little cold water). Then add beaten yolks of eggs. Do not cook in boiler. Turn into pudding dish and bake in pan of water in a hot oven for >^ hour. Serve at once. Should be light-brown crust. The Misses Longstreth 130 NEW CENTURY CLUB MARSHMALLOW PUDDING 1 quart sweet milk 1/2 spoon butter 2 tablespoons (rounded) cornstarch 2 eggs (whites) V2 cup cold milk 4 tablespoons melted chocolate A pinch of salt Vanilla 34 cup sugar Cream Boil the sweet milk; while boiling, add cornstarch, dissolved in the cold milk; salt, sugar, and butter. Stir all rapidly and cook until thick. Remove from fire, divide into two parts; into one half stir lightly the well beaten whites of eggs; into the other half stir melted chocolate; flavor with vanilla. Put into mould in alternate spoonftds, and serve cold with cream. Miss Mary Massey SPONGE PUDDING (A New England recipe) V^ cup sugar 1 pint boiled milk 1/2 cup flour V4 cup butter 5 eggs (beaten separately) Mix the sugar and flour, wet with a little cold milk, and stir into the boiling milk. Cook until it thickens and is smooth; add the butter, and when well mixed stir it into the well beaten yolks of the eggs, and then add the whites beaten stiff. Bake in cups, or in a shallow dish, in a hot oven. Place the dish in a pan of hot water while in the oven. Serve with Creamy Sauce. Creamy Sauce Vi cup butter 2 tablespoons cream y-i, cup powdered sugar (sifted) 2 tablespoons wine Cream the butter; add the sugar slowly, then the wine and cream. Beat well, and just before serving place the bowl over hot water and stir till smooth and creamy, but not enough to melt the butter. Omit the wine, if desired, and use half a cup of cream and 1 teaspoon of lemon or vanilla. If the wine is used, and the sauce has a curdled appearance, it may be removed by beating thoroughly and heating just enough to blend the materials smoothly. Miss Maude G. Hopkins BOOK OF RECIPES 131 SPONGE PUDDING Vi cup sugar 1 pint milk (boiled) y^ cup flour 1/4 cup butter 5 eggs (beaten separately) Mix the sugar and flour, wet with a little cold milk and stir into the boiling milk. Cook imtil it thickens and is smooth; add the butter, and when well mixed, stir it with the well beaten yolks of the eggs, and add the whites beaten stiff. Bake in cups or a shallow dish in a hot oven. Place the dish in a pan of hot water while in the oven. Mrs. Mary T. Lewis Gannett PUFF PUDDING 1 pint milk 6 eggs V2 pound flour A pinch of salt Mix milk and flour slowly together, add the eggs beaten well together; put the salt in the eggs before beating. Grease an earthen pudding dish, and bake in a well-heated oven from >^ to ^ of an hour, according to the oven. Serve the instant it is done. Never try this pudding by straws, etc. Strawberry Sauce 1 tablespoon butter (well creamed) 5 tablespoons confectioner's sugar Mix both well together and add 10 large ripe berries, or enough ber- ries to make quite a soft sauce. Mrs. John Gribbel INNOCENT PUDDING 1 pint bread crumbs 3 eggs 1 pint milk 1/2 teaspoon salt Bake in oven. Sauce 1 cup (small) water 1 tablespoon butter 1 soupspoon cornstarch 1 cup sugar Pinch of salt Stir in 1 pint of boiling water. Boil up till smooth, stirring all the time. Add rind and juice of 1 lemon. Miss Emily Campbell 132 NEW CENTURY CLUB HONEYCOMB PUDDING 1 pint New Orleans molasses Vi pound butter 1 teacup flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 teacup milk 7 eggs Beat whites separately, bake % of an hour in hot oven. As soon as done eat with Fairy Butter. Mrs. Mary S. Johnson FRUIT PUDDING 4 cups flour 3 eggs 1/2 pound beef suet 1 teaspoon baking powder V2 pound seeded (not seedless) raisins 1 teaspoon mace V2 pound currants 1 teaspoon nutmeg Vi pound citron 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup syrup molasses 2 cups milk Boil in a tin mould 3 hours. Sauce 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon flour 1/2 cup butter 1 egg 1 wineglass wine When ready for the table, add 1 pint of boiling milk. An old recipe used by my mother and grandmother, as well as my- self, and is especially good. Mrs. Hugh McIlvain APPLE PUDDING 1 cup milk A good pinch of salt 2 tablespoons shortening (butter and Flour lard) Apples 2 teaspoons baking powder Cinnamon Make a batter of the milk, shortening, baking powder, salt and flour enough to thicken. Fill the bottom of a baking pan with apples cut in small pieces and sugared; add a little cinnamon to the apples and cover batter over them. Bake 20 minutes in a hot oven. Serve with caramel sauce. Mrs. H. L. Barnes BOOK OF RECIPES 133 HUCKLEBERRY PUDDING 1 pint huckleberries IV2 cups flour 1 cup molasses 1 egg 1 teaspoon (level) soda • A pinch of salt Dissolve the soda in a little warm water and beat it into the molasses until it foams; add the egg and flour. Beat thoroughly, add a pinch of salt and the cleaned huckleberries dusted with flour. Bake in a moderate oven (it bums readily) or steam it. Serve with hard sauce flavored with Jamaica rum. Steam 1>^ hours. Mrs. Thomas J. Garland HUCKLEBERRY PUDDING 1 quart huckleberries 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1 pint molasses 1 teaspoon ground cloves Flour y2 nutmeg (grated) 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda Mix the berries and spices together in a bowl. Dissolve soda in a little boiling water, and beat into the molasses imtil light and frothy. Mix with the berries and make pretty stiff with flour. In a pudding mould, boil about 2}^ hours, or steam from 3 to 3^ hours. Serve with hard pudding sauce (Fairy Butter), or any desired liquid sauce. Mrs. Robert P. Brown LEMON CREAM PUDDING 4 eggs 6 tablespoons granulated sugar 2 tablespoons hot water Juice and grated rind of 1 large lemon Beat the yolks of eggs, 4 tablespoons of the sugar, and the lemon juice and rind together. Add the hot water, mix thoroughly, put over the fire (in small double boiler is best) and stir constantly until it thickens. Have ready, before doing this, the whites of the eggs and 2 tablespoons of the sugar, beaten very stiff. When the yolks, sugar and lemon are cooked, stir quickly while hot into the whites, beating tmtil thoroughly mixed. Eat cold. This is nice served in sherbet glasses, and is so rich that it is well to serve some sort of dainty imsweetened crackers with it, rather than cake. Miss Anna M. Johnson 134 NEW CENTURY CLUB HUCKLEBERRY PUDDING Flour enough to make sti£f batter 1 small teaspoon soda (dissolved in sour 2 quarts huckleberries milk or water) 1 cup sour milk 1 cup molasses 3 eggs (beaten light) Flour the fruit and stir in carefully without breaking. Steam 2 hours in a mould. Mrs. Samuel S. Thompson BLACKBERRY PUDDING y2 cup sugar 1 cup milk 3 tablespoons melted butter 1 pint flour 1 egg (beaten stiff) 3 tablespoons baking powder 1 box blackberries Beat the egg, add sugar, then melted butter, then milk; lastly, stir in flour with baking powder in it. Put one-half the dough in a pudding dish, cover with the blackberries, add rest of dough, and bake well. Eat with hard sauce. This recipe was taken from Good Housekeeping years ago, and has always been thought delicious by every one partaking of it at our table. Miss Anna Johnson DELIGHTFUL PUDDING 1 quart milk Vi pound flour Vi poimd mashed potatoes 3 eggs (beaten separately) Yz teaspoon salt Boil the milk and let it cool. Add the flour to the mashed potatoes; beat the potatoes, flour and yolks together, then add the beaten whites and salt. Bake in a slow oven }4 hour. Serve with hard sauce. Miss Hilda Justice COLD PUDDING SAUCE 1 pint whipped cream Vz cup powdered sugar 1 tablespoon melted butter Beat all together and flavor. Mrs. Charles D. Cox, President, The Woman's Club of Phoenixville, Pa. BOOK OF RECIPES 135 ORANGE PUDDING 4 oranges 2 eggs Granulated sugar 1 tablespoon (heaping) cornstarch 1 pint milk 1 tablespoon powdered sugar Slice the oranges thin, sprinkle with granulated sugar. Make a custard of the milk, yolks of eggs, and cornstarch dissolved in cold milk and stirred in the custard on the fire. When the custard is cool pom- it over the sliced oranges. Beat up the whites of the eggs with powdered sugar and spread or drop over the top and put in the oven to brown. Miss Henrietta W. Pearsall CARROT PUDDING 1 cup white potatoes (grated) 1 cup flour 1 cup carrots (grated) 1 cup raisins 1 cup (heaping) chopped suet 1 cup currants 1 cup brown sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder Mix and boil in a quart bowl (or pudding tin) for 3 hours; put it to boil in pot of boiling water. To be eaten with hard sauce. Often tried and highly approved. Mrs. Henry C. McIlvaine CARROT PUDDING 1 egg 1 cup sugar 3^ cup suet 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 cup grated raw carrot V2 teaspoon ground cloves 1 cup grated raw white potato 1 grated nutmeg 1 cup raisins Juice and rind of 1 lemon or orange 1 cup currants 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup flour A little salt Boil in pudding mould 3 hours. Sauce 1 tablespoon butter 1 wineglass wine, brandy or sour jelly 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon flour 1 egg 1 cup boiling water Pudding can be served with the above or a hard sauce. Mrs. John I. McGuigan 136 NEW CENTURY CLUB RIPE GOOSEBERRY PUDDING Ripe gooseberries 4 ounces sugar 3 eggs 2 ounces butter 4 ounces Naples biscuits (bruised) Fill a jar nearly full with ripe gooseberries and put the jar into a pan of boiling water over the fire, stewing them till the juice flows out. Pour off a pint of the juice and stir into it the sugar, butter and biscuits. Beat separately the yolks and white of the eggs; stir in when the juice is cold, the yolks first, then the whites, and bake for yi hour. Serve hot or cold, with sugar sifted over. Mrs. Theron I. Crane Why there they are both, baked in that pie. — Titus Andronicus. (137) PENNSYLVANIA APPLE PIE Apples Cinnamon Sugar Butter Cream Pare and core 3 or 4 good-sized greening apples. Cut the apples in halves crosswise, leaving the holes to be filled with sugar and cinnamon. After having lined a pie pan with good light crust, place the apple halves so that they touch (only 1 layer), then fill the holes with sugar and cin- namon and small lumps of butter on top. When the pie is quite done, remove from the oven just long enough to pour a cup of rich cream over all and return to oven for a few minutes only, then serve hot. Mrs. Theron I. Crane MARLBOROUGH PIE 1 lemon 1 tablespoon (rounding) butter 3 apples (medium size) 3 eggs (yolks) 1 cup sugar 1 saltspoon ground cinnamon Grate the rind of the lemon; peel apples, grate down to core; add sugar (take more if apples are sour), butter and yolks of eggs. Put all in double boiler until it thickens, then take it off and add the juice of the lemon, cinnamon, the whites of the eggs beaten stiff, added to the mix- ture; beat together lightly, put into crust and bake in a moderate oven. Don't put a top crust on. Mrs. Edward L. Reynolds LEMON MtRINGUE PIE 1 lemon (2 if small) 3 cups boiling water 2 cups sugar 3 eggs 2 tablespoons (heaping) cornstarch 1 teaspoon vanilla Make rich pie crust and line two tins; prick with fork and bake a golden brown. Fill with the following mixture : Dissolve the cornstarch by stirring into the boiling water (must be rather thick); add grated rind and juice of lemon and \}4 cups of the sugar with the beaten yolks of 3 eggs and white of 1. Stir all into the cooked starch and water. Fill tins and cover with meringue made from whites of 2 eggs, the remaining yi cup of sugar and vanilla. Put in oven and brown. Mrs. Martha P. Falconer (139) 140 NEW CENTURY CLUB LEMON MERINGUE PIE 3 eggs (yolks) V2 lemon (juice and rind) IV2 cups sugar 2 tablespoons (even) flour IV2 cups water Butter the size of a walnut Put sugar, beaten yolks, 1 cup water, butter and lemon in double boiler. Cook until thick. Blend flour with remaining ]4. cup of water and stir into custard, boiling a minute or two. Pour this into baked shell when cool. Whip whites of eggs, allowing a scant tablespoon of sugar to each egg. Put this on top of pie and place in oven a few minutes to brown slightly. Shell 1 cup flour Pinch of salt 1 tablespoon lard A little water In making shell use very little water and handle as little as possible. Bake in pie plate before putting in custard. Mrs. George McKeown LEMON PIE 1 lemon (rind and juice) 6 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch Butter the size of an egg 1 cup boiling water 2 eggs Mix the cornstarch with a little cold water. Pour the boiling water over it. Then add the butter and sugar. When cold add the other ingredients. Mrs. William Burnham OUR FAVORITE LEMON PIE 4 eggs Pinch of salt 2 or 3 lemons, according to size IV2 cups granulated sugar 1 tablespoon (heaping) flour 1 quart milk 1 tablespoon butter Mix yolks of eggs, juice and rind of lemons, sugar, flour and salt. Pour on this the milk, which has been brought to a boil with the butter; then add the whites of the eggs beaten very stiff; they rise to the top and brown beautiftilly. Bake with under crust only. Mrs. Lewis R. Dick BOOK OF RECIPES 141 LEMON PIE Lump of butter the size of a walnut 1 cup milk 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons flour 3 eggs (whites saved for meringue) 1 juicy lemon (grate rind first) This makes 1 pie. Mrs. Edward H. Bonsall MARYLAND LEMON PIE 2 cups sugar 1/2 cup grated crackers 1/2 cup butter 4 eggs 1 cup milk 2 lemons (juice and grated rind) Beat the eggs separately and put as a meringue on top if desired. This makes 2 good-sized pies. Mrs. Harry G. Michener LEMON CUSTARD PIE 1 cup (large) sugar 1 tablespoon sifted flour 1 cup (small) boiling water 1 lemon (rind and juice) Butter the size of an egg 3 eggs Mix sugar and flour, then hot water, butter, lemon and yolks of eggs. Put on fire, let boil up only once. Fill the crust. For meringue, use 1 tablespoon sifted sugar in whites of eggs. Pour over pie and brown. Miss Mary L. Roberts ORANGE OR LEMON PIE 3 eggs 1 teaspoon flour 1 cup sugar Butter the size of a walnut 1 lemon or orange % cup milk Beat yolks of eggs, flour, sugar, butter and lemon or orange (grated rind and juice), all together, then add milk. Line a pie plate with rich crust, and pour in. Then beat whites to a stiff froth and put in last; stir lightly and bake. I prefer the Orange Pie, but both are delicious. Mrs. H, L. Barnes 142 NEW CENTURY CLUB Pumpkin 6 eggs Vi pound melted butter 2 cups (large) sugar PUMPKIN PIE iVi grated nutmegs 1 tablespoon (heaping) cinnamon 2 tablespoons rose water Vz cup brandy V4 teaspoon salt Pare the pumpkin and cut into small squares; wash and put into a kettle with about a cup of water to a moderate-sized pumpkin; cook, then mash through a colander while hot; add melted butter, eggs well beaten, sugar, grated nutmegs, cinnamon, rose water, brandy and salt. Put in pie crust and bake. Mrs. George L. Mitchell PUMPKIN PIE 1 grated nutmeg 1 wineglass brandy and wine, mixed Currants A little salt A dash of lemon 2 poimds pumpkin 7 eggs 1 pound brown sugar 34 pound butter (creamed) 1/3 teaspoon ground mace Boil and strain 2 pounds of the pumpkin which has been nicely skinned. Squeeze very dr}^ To the pumpkin thus drained, add sugar, butter, mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, brandy and wine. Beat all well together. Add the yolks of eggs well beaten, currants if liked, salt and lemon. Mrs. Joshua Ash Pearson 3 cups pimipkin 6 eggs 1 cup milk 1 cup cream PUMPKIN PIE 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon powdered ciimamon V2 teaspoon mace 1 tablespoon Jamaica rum 1 tablespoon good brandy Pare and cut pumpkin in pieces. Put them in saucepan with enough water to cover. Stew until tender, then press through a sieve. To every cup of pimipkin add 1 tablespoon of butter and ^ teaspoon of salt; mix and let stand until cold. When cold, put 3 cups of the ptmipkin into a bowl, add to it the milk, cream, ginger, cinnamon and mace. Beat the eggs very light and add to the mixture. Flavor with Jamaica rum and brandy. Line two deep pie plates with good pastry and fill with the mixtiure. Bake in a moderate oven for about 40 minutes. Miss Agnes Preston, The New Century Club Lunch Room BOOK OF RECIPES 143 MINCE MEAT 4 pounds tender beef (pin bone) 2 pounds citron (cut fine) 3 pounds beef suet 2 pounds candied orange (cut fine) 8 pounds apples (chopped fine) 1 ounce grovmd cinnamon 3 pounds cleaned currants l^ ounce ground cloves 3 pounds seeded raisins (not seedless) 4 ground nutmegs 6 poimds white sugar 1 quart Madeira wine 1 pint brandy Boil meat in salted water until done, and after removing all fat, chop fine, remove all membrane and chop suet ; mix a little salt with the suet to remove the fresh taste. Mix all together very thoroughly and pack in glass jars and close tightly. This will keep indefinitely. Mrs. J. Gibson McIlvain ENGLISH MINCE MEAT 1 potmd suet (cut very fine) y-i orange peel 1 pound apples (cut very fine) 14 lemon peel 1 potmd sugar y-i citron 3 pounds raisins (large seeded) 4 nutmegs 3 pounds currants 1 quart whiskey Grated rind of 3 fresh lemons Cider may be used instead of whiskey if preferred. Mrs. Fred W. Taylor CREAM PIE 1 pint new milk 1 egg 4 tablespoons (heaping) sugar Butter the size of an egg 2 tablespoons (heaping) flour 1 teaspoon vanilla 6 to 9 oranges Boil milk, reserving ^ cup cold. Mix with the cold milk the sugar, butter, Qg-g and flour. Stir the mixture into the boiling milk, stirring constantly until well boiled. Add vanilla when taken from the fire. Split the sponge cake and put slices of orange and the custard between and on top of the layers. A good sponge cake for this is made with — 3 eggs 1 cup sugar 3 tablespoons cold water 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Miss Helen Lippincott 144 NEW CENTURY CLUB MINCE MEAT iy2 pounds boiled fresh tongue 2 pounds beef suet (chopped fine) 4 pounds pippin apples (chopped fine) 4 pounds raisins (stoned and chopped) 2 pounds currants 2 pounds powdered sugar 1 quart wine 1 quart brandy 1 glass rose water 2 nutmegs Va ounce cinnamon Vi ounce groimd cloves V4 ounce ground mace 1 teaspoon salt 2 large oranges Vi pound citron Mrs. Thomas J. Garland MINCE MEAT 11/2 pounds boiled meat 2 pounds suet (chopped fine) 2 poimds apples 2 pounds raisins 2 pounds currants 1 pound citron 2 pounds sugar 1 pint brandy 1 pint sherry 1 wineglass rose water 2 nutmegs 1/2 ounce cinnamon and mace V^ ounce cloves 1 teaspoon salt 3 oranges and grated rind of 1 1 pint sweet cider Mrs. Livingston E. Jones CHEESE CAKE PIE 3 eggs 10 cent cottage cheese 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon flour Juice and rind of 1 small lemon 14 cup cream Beat yolks well and add cheese mashed fine with fork, the sugar and flour well mixed, then lemon and cream. Strain through sieve and add egg whites beaten till stiff. Line pan with crust, fill with mixttire and bake about yi hour. Mrs. Frank H. Burpee 1 pint cottage cheese 1 poimd sugar CHEESE CAKE PIE 14 pound butter 8 eggs 1 lemon (rind and juice) Mix together the sugar, butter, beaten yolks of eggs, rind and juice of lemon, cottage cheese rubbed smooth, and lastly the beaten whites of the eggs. This quantity is sufficient for 3 pies. Mrs. Josephine L. Adams BOOK OF RECIPES 145 BOSTON CREAM PIE 3 eggs (beaten separately) V/z cups sifted flour 1 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon (large) baking powder 3 tablespoons milk Bake in two tins in rather quick oven; when done and nearly cool, split with a sharp knife and spread with the following mixtiire, replace the divided half and then ice with boiled frosting. Mixture 1 pint milk V2 cup flour 2 eggs 1 ounce butter 1 cup sugar Vanilla Heat milk in double boiler; when beginning to boil, stir in, after beating together, eggs, sugar, flour, then add butter. Flavor with vanilla. Boiled Icing 1 cup pulverized sugar 1 gill boiling water White of 1 egg To the pulverized sugar add the boiling water. Let this boil until it hardens in cold water, then pour in a fine stream over the white of egg, well beaten. Ice quickly. Mrs. Louis H. Mutschler FLORIDA CREAM PIE 1 egg Vz cup milk 1 tablespoon butter ' Flour enough to make a stiff batter % cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder Bake in a jelly tin. Cut in half and place filling between. Filling 1 teaspoon butter 1 cup boiling water 1 tablespoon flour V2 cup sugar Yolk of 1 egg Beat together and cook with cup of boiling water, adding water gradually while beating. Use as a hot dessert. Mrs. Grace S. Williaims, President, Bristol Travel Club 10 146 NEW CENTURY CLUB CHEESE CAKE PIE Have ready a pie crust made with — 1 pound flour Vx pound lard and butter, mixed 1 teaspoon salt Cut or chop this thoroughly with a knife (never press with a knife or mix with a spoon, as it tends to toughen the dough) ; add enough cold water to make a dough. Kept over night in refrigerator improves it. Now take — \y-i cups cottage cheese 3 eggs 2 tablespoons cream Vi cup raisins 1/2 cup sugar Vz teaspoon salt Press cheese through sieve or potato squeezer; add all ingredients to cheese, the eggs last, well beaten. Pour into a deep pie plate lined with the dough, and sprinkle with ground cinnamon. Bake in a quick oven over 30 minutes. Miss Helen A. Childs CHEESE CAKE PIE 5 cent pat of cottage cheese 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup sugar 3 eggs 1 V4 cups sweet milk 1 orange (grated rind and juice), or 1 tablespoon (scant) butter y^ glass sherry wine Cream butter and sugar together, then add cheese. Beat light; then add flour and flavoring and eggs. Beat well and add the milk last. Beat again, and bake in pastry shells. Bake about 40 minutes. This makes 2 pies. Mrs. Walter C. McIntire AUNT ABBY'S BANBURY TARTS 2 lemons 2 eggs 2 cups sugar 1 poxmd seeded raisins Grate the peel of 1 lemon, chop the inside of both. Chop the raisins. Beat the eggs slightly, and put all the ingredients together. Make a good pie crust, cut with a roimd large cookie cutter and place enough of the mixture upon the rounds to fold in; press the edges together firmly like a turnover, and bake in an oven the right temperature for pies. Mrs. Edwin Martin BOOK OF RECIPES 147 FILLING FOR BANBURY TARTS 1 cup seeded raisins (chopped fine) 1 egg 1 cup sugar 1 lemon (rind and juice) Miss Jean A. Flanigan BUTTER SCOTCH PIE 1 cup brown sugar 2 eggs (yolks) 1 cup water IV2 teaspoons vanilla Butter the size of a walnut 1 tablespoon floiir First let water and sugar come to a boil, then add butter and yolks, and finally vanilla. Meantime, have flour dissolved in cold water, as you would for gravy. Put it in last and beat a few minutes while the mix- ture is warm, then cook all together for a few minutes. Pie crust should be baked first. Fill crust with mixture, cover with whites of the eggs whipped; leave it in oven until whites are brown. The Misses Longstreth CARAMEL CUSTARD V2 cup butter 1 cup preserved strawberries 1 cup sugar Nutmeg 5 eggs Vanilla Cream butter and sugar; add beaten eggs (saving 2 whites for meringue), strawberries, a little nutmeg and vanilla. Bake on an under crust. Cover with meringue, and brown. This makes 2 pies. Mrs. Charles D. Cox, President, The Woman's Club of Phoenixville CHERRY POT PIE 2 quarts flour 6 poimds cherries (4 pounds sour, 2 1 tablespoon lard pounds sweet) V4 poimd butter 11/2 cups molasses (the best) 1 cup water Layer of cherries, sugar to taste, then layer of crust, and another layer of cherries and sugar, then crust. Boil about 2 hours. Brown in oven the last half hour. Miss Matilda Baird 148 NEW CENTURY CLUB PEACH TART Bake flaky pastry on the outside of fluted patty pans. Prick all over with a fork before baking. Remove from tins when baked. Brush the edge of the paste with the white of an egg and roll in chopped almonds. Then place half a peach into each shell; pour on a little syrup and cover with meringue. Set in a slow oven and dry out the meringue without browning. After the tarts have been removed from oven, spread a tea- spoon of currant jelly over the meringue and sprinkle with chopped pistachio nuts. Miss Agnes Preston, The New Century Club Lunch Room LEMON FOR TARTS 1 pound granxilated sugar Rind of 2 lemons grated, and the juice Vi pound butter of 3 6 eggs (well beaten) Put in a double boiler and stir constantly until it thickens. Keep in a quart glass jar, and when needed for tarts, cover small patty tins with puff paste or rich pie crust, and put a heaping teaspoon of the jelly in each and bake until the crust is delicately done. These are eaten cold. An old English recipe of my mother's. Mrs. Thomas Theodore Watson PLAIN PIE CRUST 1 quart flour Vi pound butter 1/2 pound lard 1 teaspoon salt Vi glass (small) ice water Sift flour into a bowl, cut into it the lard, butter and salt; mix thor- oughly. Then stir in ice-cold water, just enough to form a dough (about yi small glass), using a silver knife to stir. Use your hands, in mixing, as little as possible, after adding the water. Flour the pie-board, take about half the dough for the lower crust, and roll it out thin, using very little flour in rolling out. The rest of the dough is to be rolled very thin for the top crust. Mrs. Thomas Shallcross BOOK OF RECIPES 149 COCOANUT PUDDING (PIE) 1 cocoanut (grated) 1 tablespoon brandy 3^ pound sugar 1 tablespoon rose water 3 eggs 1 teacup cream A little nutmeg and salt Simmer the sugar in the milk of the cocoanut, stir in the grated nut and let stand until cold. Beat the eggs light and stir in, adding the other ingredients, and beating all well. Make only of ripe cocoanut. Use only an under crust. This amount makes 2 weU-fiUed pies. Mrs. T. William Kimber POTATO PUDDING PIE 10 eggs 1 pound sugar 1 poimd butter 2 poimds potatoes (beaten very light) 1 pint cream Lemon or nutmeg to taste Line pie plates with pastry and fill with the mixture. Mrs. Newton E. Wood, President, The Neighbors, Hatboro, Pa. Besserts Oh, in what sweets dost thou thy sins enclose. — Shakespeare. (151) CODDLED APPLES 8 apples 1 pint water 1 pint sugar Slices of lemon Boil sugar and water to a sjrmp; pare the apples and put into this syrup; keep well basted with the syrup, but do not stir. When apples are quite tender remove from syrup and put on dish — in which they will be served — ^let S3rrup cook tmtil almost jellied, then pour it over the apples with a few thin slices of lemon, and serve with whipped or plain cream. Mrs. Samuel P. Wetherill APPLES ON THE HALF SHELL (Pennsylvania Dutch Style) Select large, firm, tart apples. Pare and core. Slice into two or three parts, according to the size of apples, by transverse cuts — that is, making a thick ring like a doughnut. Wash and place in shallow pan. Sprinkle with granulated sugar and cinnamon. Add a little water to prevent scorching. Bake in meditim oven for ]/2 hour. Serve on platter with beef or fowl. Mrs. Henry Safford Hale APPLE CREAM 2 apples (grated) White of 1 egg (beaten) 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Grate apples into a bowl, add other ingredients and beat 20 minutes. Garnish with cubes of red jelly. A vanilla sauce can be made of the yolk to serve with the cream. Mrs. Samuel S. Thompson BALTIMORE FLOAT y^ peck greening apples A little grated nutmeg 6 tablespoons (heaping) sugar Whites of 2 eggs (beaten) Cut the apples in quarters, pare and core them. Steam them imtil they are soft, then mash through a colander. Add sugar and a little grated nutmeg. Stand them aside to get perfectly cold, then add the beaten whites of eggs. Now continue beating the mixture until it is snow- white after rather prolonged beating. The Float is not right imless it is perfectly white and very light. Serve with either plain or whipped cream. Mrs. Charles MacLellan Town (153) 154 NEW CENTURY CLUB BROWN BETTY V4 peck apples Cinnamon 1 loaf bread Cloves Butter Nutmeg Sugar Raisins Cut apples in quarters, stew in rich syrup the day before the Betty is to be made. Place on ice. Soak ^ loaf of bread in water, shred the other half, cutting off and discarding the crusts. Line porcelain pudding pan with pieces of stewed apple, pour some of the juice over them; cut butter in dice, spread thickly over fruit; squeeze out soaked bread, place layer of this over apples, then a handful of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, a few large raisins, shredded bread, butter cut in dice, more fruit, bread, spices, butter and sugar, until pan is filled. Bake 1 hour in a moderate oven. Baste with fruit juice and sprinkle with water. Cover pudding part of time while in oven. Serve either hot or cold with hard or cream sauce, or rich cream. Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols BAKED BANANAS 6 bananas (cut in pieces % inch thick) Juice of 1 lemon 6 tablespoons sugar 1 y2 dozen cloves Pieces of butter in holes Bake in oven about half an hour. Use plenty of butter. Bananas should be of pinkish color when finished, juicy, and browned on top. Mrs. Franklin Baker, Jr. STRAWBERRY TAPIOCA 4 tablespoons (heaping) instantaneous White of 1 egg tapioca V2 cup sugar 1 pint milk 2 tablespoons strawberry preserve or jam Soak the tapioca in a little water or milk. Put the milk on to boil, add the sugar; when dissolved add the tapioca and cook ^2 hour in a double boiler; add a pinch of salt. Take from the fire and put in your pudding dish, then stir the strawberry through the pudding, then part of the beaten white of egg, and spread the rest over the top. Put in the oven about 15 minutes. To be eaten with cream. Miss Henrietta W. Pearsall BOOK OF RECIPES 155 PEACH OR STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE 1 quart flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 pint milk Butter the size of a small teacup Rub all into the flour, making a paste, and put on two pie plates. When the crust is done split each piece with a hot knife, spread over each a thin layer of butter and a thick layer of sweetened cut peaches or strawberries while hot. Serve with sugar and cream. Mrs. Lewis F. Shoemaker ORANGE LOAF Juice of 2 oranges 1 cup granulated sugar 1 lemon 3 eggs 1 tablespoon gelatin Cook sugar, lemon and orange juice, yolks of eggs and gelatin together until thick; then beat in whites of eggs. Serve with whipped cream on top. Mrs. Alfred Marshall SOUFFLE OF RICE 4 tablespoons rice 4 tablespoons sugar 1 quart milk 6 eggs 1 tablespoon vanilla Cook the rice in the milk with the sugar. When done remove from the fire, and when cooled but still warm, add to it yolks of 4 eggs, 6 whites beaten to a stiff froth, and a tablespoon of vanilla. Mix well, and pour into a deep, buttered fireproof dish. Sprinkle powdered sugar on the top and set it in a cool oven. Leave it until it has risen, then serve immediately. Mrs. H. L. Barnes PRUNE SOUFFLE 1/2 poimd prunes 5 eggs 5 tablespoons pulverized sugar Beat the whites of eggs very light and stir in pulverized sugar. Stew prunes soft, drain them, remove the stones, then chop fine. Add the chopped prunes and 2 tablespoons of juice to the beaten eggs and turn into a baking dish. Bake about 20 minutes, or until puffed up and golden brown. Serve immediately with cream. Mrs. Charles E. Noblit 156 NEW CENTURY CLUB COFFEE CUSTARD 1 pint cold coffee 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon sugar 1 egg (yolk) Boil and fill into custard cups, and spread the following over the tops of the cups: 1 egg (white) 1 tablespoon sugar Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top, and brown in oven. Mrs. Frederick L. Seeger COFFEE CUSTARD Vi cup Java coffee 1 pint milk 2 eggs Boil coffee and add to boiling milk; sweeten to taste. Beat yolks of eggs and stir in the milk. Cook 5 minutes after all are in. Beat up whites and drop on top of the cups and brown slightly. Serve cold in custard cups. Mrs. Charles A. Longstreth CARAMEL CUSTARD 1 pint milk V2 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup brown sugar 3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla Heat milk in double boiler. Add melted brown sugar, moistened with a little of the hot milk to keep it from lumps. Do not bum sugar, only melt. Then add yolks of 3 eggs and whites of 2, beaten together very light with granulated sugar. Stir until it comes to a boil. Remove from fire and add vanilla. Let cool, and when ready to serve, prepare the following: 2 eggs 2 tablespoons jelly Powdered sugar Beat whites of eggs very light, add small quantity of powdered sugar until stiff, then beat in jelly, until egg is pink in color. Do not leave jelly in lumps. Drop egg in kisses, on top of custard after it has been put in bowl for serving. Custard should be consistency of Floating Island. Mrs. Franklin Baker, Jr. BOOK OF RECIPES 157 CHARLOTTE RUSSE 1 ounce (light) gelatin % pint milk Vs pint water 1 coffee cup (heaping) sugar 1 vanilla bean Lady fingers IV2 pints cream Dissolve gelatin in the water, stirring until it comes to a boil. Have ready a vanilla bean simmered 15 minutes in the milk in a double boiler. Add the gelatin to the milk and strain it over the sugar and set away to cool. As soon as it begins to stiffen (it must not be too stiff) have ready the cream whipped to a froth. Mix quickly with the gelatin, hav- ing ready your moulds lined with lady fingers. Pour in the mixture and set in a cool place imtil stiff enough to turn out in form. Mrs. Morgan Bunting CHARLOTTE RUSSE 1 pint whipped cream 2 teaspoons sherry V2 cup powdered sugar Vi teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon (scant) gelatin 14 cup boiling water Cover gelatin with cold water and soak }4 hour. Whip cream, place on sieve to drain. Line glasses with sponge cake. Then turn cream into large basin; flavor and sweeten, dissolve gelatin again in boiling water, strain, stir into cream until it begins to thicken; pour over cake. Cream should always be whipped whUe bowl rests in ice. Quantity — 10 sher- bet cups. Miss Jennie S. Potts CARAMEL CREAM 4 eggs 4 pieces lump sugar 4 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 cup cream 1/2 small cup milk Cream eggs with granulated sugar. Place lump sugar in saucepan with about 1 tablespoon of water and let it boil until quite brown. Slightly burned is preferable to not being sufficiently browned. Add cream and milk. Stir until it boils. To this add the creamed yolks and sugar, stirring constantly until the mass thickens and puffs up once. Remove from stove and continue stirring a few minutes longer. When cool add beaten whites, folding them in slowly. Serve very cold in glasses. Quantity for 4 or 5 persons. Mrs. Arthur Falkenau 158 NEW CENTURY CLUB CHARLOTTE RUSSE 1 pound lady fingers y\ cup powdered sugar 1 quart rich, sweet cream 2 teaspoons vanilla, or other extract Split and trim the cakes, and fit neatly in the bottom and sides of 2 quart moulds. Whip the cream to a stiff froth in a syllabub chum; when you have sweetened and flavored it, fill the moulds, lay cakes closely together on top and set upon the ice until needed. Mrs. John H. Jopson SPANISH CREAM 1 quart milk 4 eggs Vz box gelatin 2 cups sugar Vz teaspoon vanilla extract Dissolve the gelatin in the milk; place in a double boiler and bring to the boiling point. Beat the whites of the eggs imtil stiff, and put in the ice chest until needed. Beat the yolks imtil light, adding the sugar gradually ; pour this very slowly into the boiling milk, stirring constantly. Cook for 10 minutes, or until creamy, stirring as before. Remove from the fire, and fold in the whites of the eggs. Add the vanilla. Turn into a quart mould. When set, serve with cream. Mrs. Sarah Walker Dungan SPANISH CREAM V2 box gelatin 4 eggs (yolks and whites beaten 1 quart milk separately) 11/2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Put the gelatin in the milk until dissolved. Beat yolks of eggs and 1 cup of sugar together. Stir into the milk and let come just to a boil. Beat whites of eggs with Yi cup of sugar to a stiff froth. Stir in quickly. Take off fire and put in moulds. Served with cream. Miss Mary S. Parry VELVET CREAM % box gelatin 1 quart cream 1 coffee cup wine Sugar to taste Warm gelatin and dissolve in wine, then strain quickly into cream. Sweeten to taste. Put into a mould. Mrs. Richard Peters BOOK OF RECI PES 159 ITALIAN CREAM 1 ounce gelatin Vi teacup boiling water 1 teacup sherry wine 1 teacup (scant) sugar 1 pint cream Soak gelatin all night in sherry wine. In morning, pour into a large bowl and melt with about y^ teacup of boiling water, then add sugar and cream. When cool, beat thoroughly until stiff and frothy all through. Put in mould and on ice till served. Mrs. Samuel P. Wetherill QUEEN VICTORIA'S FAVORITE DESSERT 1 small box gelatin 2 lemons (juice) Vz pint cold water 2 small bananas (sliced) 1/2 pint boiling water 2 oranges (juice and pulp) 2 cups sugar 6 figs (cut fine) 10 English walnuts (broken) Dissolve gelatin in cold water; add boiling water, sugar and juice of lemons; add bananas, oranges, figs and English walnuts broken in pieces. Serve with cream. Mrs. Edmund Webster UNCOOKED QUICKLY MADE JELLY 1 package gelatin Sugar to taste 1 pint cold water 1 lemon 1 pint boiling water 1 pint wine or orange juice Soak gelatin in cold water for 10 or 15 minutes; then add boiling water; stir until gelatin is dissolved, then sweeten, add juice and grated rind of lemon and wine or orange juice. Mrs. Samuel P. Wetherill CHOCOLATE SPONGE (Uncooked) 4 eggs 1 teaspoon cold water 1 cup sugar 2 squares chocolate 3/4 teaspoon gelatin Vanilla (bean preferable) Melt gelatin in a teaspoon of cold water; beat the yolks of eggs very light ; add sugar and beat again. Melt the chocolate, pour 5 tablespoons of boiling water over the dissolved gelatin. Mix all these ingredients together and flavor. Beat whites of eggs very light; add to other in- gredients, pour into frapp6 glasses and put in a cold place. Serve with whipped cream. Miss Helen Lippincott 160 NEW CENTURY CLUB CHOCOLATE BLANC MANGE 1 box Cox's gelatin 1 pint cream 1 quart milk 1 pound white sugar 1 cup (large) grated chocolate Boil gelatin in as little water as possible to dissolve. Put in a double boiler the milk, cream and white sugar. When boiling, stir in grated chocolate, mixed in a little cold milk; then stir in the gelatin and boil all together for 5 minutes, and pour into forms to congeal. Turn out and serve with cream. Mrs. J. Gibson McIlvain CHOCOLATE WHIP 3 eggs 1 tablespoon (heaping) grated un- 1 tablespoon cornstarch sweetened chocolate 4 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon hot water 1 pint milk Beat the yolks of eggs, cornstarch dissolved in a little water, and 3 tablespoons of sugar imtil light. Dissolve chocolate, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and hot water. When dissolved, add milk heated to boiling point. Pour the hot mixture over the beaten eggs and sugar and cook in a double boiler, stirring constantly until it thickens. When cool, flavor with vanilla and place on the ice. When ready to serve, half fill small punch glasses with the custard, and heap whipped cream, sweetened and flavored, over it. This custard can also be poured over stale cake and served. Mrs. Frederick L. Seeger LEMON BUTTER 2 lemons 3^ pound granulated sugar 3 eggs Butter the size of an egg Grated rind of 1 and pulp of 2 lemons, carefully remove the seeds. Add sugar, butter. Beat all together in an agate bowl and allow it to boil slowly 10 to 15 minutes. Then beat eggs very light and add to the mixture. Boil up once, take off the fire and put in cool -place. Mrs. Mary T. Nichols AN ITALIAN DESSERT First boil 1 quart large chestnuts; shell and skin them; put through chopper; season with sugar and vanilla, or sherry. Serve in glasses, with whipped cream on top. Mrs. Henry C. McIlvaine You break the ice and do this feat. — Taming of the Shrew. U (161) LEMON ICE Juice of 6 lemons (strained) 1 quart cold water 3 cups sugar Whites of 4 eggs Freeze until very hard. This will be enough for 16 people. Mrs. Matthew James Grier OLD-FASHIONED LEMON ICE CREAM Oil from the rind of 2 lemons 1 quart milk from top of bottles 6 lumps loaf sugar i/^ pint cream 1 cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon (heaping) flour Put the 2 lemons in boiling water. When the rind is thoroughly softened rub it with the loaf sugar to extract the oil. Dissolve loaf sugar in a little of the cream on the back of the stove ; make a paste of the flour with a little of the same cream. In the meantime, have the rest of the cream and milk on the stove with the granulated sugar dissolving in it. Use double boiler. Stir in the paste, let boil 10 minutes, then stir in loaf sugar. Let cool, then freeze. Miss Emma R. Jack LEMON SHERBET 1 quart milk Juice of 3 lemons Rind of 1 lemon 3 eggs Scald together milk and rind of 1 lemon; then put in freezer. When frozen, or when it begins to harden, add the juice of 3 lemons and the well-beaten whites of 3 eggs; then freeze imtil solid. Mrs. Edward L. Reynolds ORANGE MOUSSE 1*4 pints cream Juice of 2 oranges Rind of 1 orange (grated) 14 pound stale macaroons (grated) 6 ounces sugar Whip the cream to a stiff froth, stir all the ingredients into it, and freeze as you do ice cream. Mrs. Charles F. Godshall (163) 164 NEW CENTURY CLUB ORANGE MOUSSE 1 quart cream 1 cup orange juice 1 cup sugar 3 eggs (yolks) Whip cream to a stiff froth. Add sugar (which has been dissolved in a little water over the fire) to strained orange juice, then the well beaten yolks of eggs, and beat rapidly for about 3 minutes. Place in a freezer and allow same to remain about 3 hours after it has been frozen. Miss Agnes Preston, The New Century Club Lunch Room PINEAPPLE ICE 1 can Hawaiian pineapple 1 cup boiling water 2 cups granulated sugar 1 tablespoon sherry wine White of 1 egg Dissolve sugar in the water, add fruit with its juice, and sherry. Then freeze, and just before packing, stir in the well-beaten white of egg. Apricot Ice can be made from this recipe, using a can of apricots in place of the pineapple. Mrs. J. Howard Gaskill PEACH DELIGHT On a mound of peach ice cream place half a fresh peach, the cut surface being sprinkled with powdered sugar and the hollow filled with Strawberry or Raspberry Ice. Miss Agnes Preston, The New Century Club Lunch Room FROZEN CUSTARD 1 quart cream V2 poimd sugar 6 yolks of eggs Flavor to taste Put the cream on to boil in a farina boiler. Beat yolks and sugar together until light; then stir into the boiling cream. Stir continually until it thickens, and then stand aside to cool. Add the flavoring. When cold, freeze. This quantity will serve 8 persons. Mrs. Wilbur F. Litch BOOK OF RECIPES 165 APPLE FRAPPE A rich, smooth apple sauce, sweetened and flavored with lemon juice. Freeze and serve with a sauce of cream flavored with vanilla. Miss Clara Comegys MAPLE FRAPPE 1 cup maple syrup 4 eggs 1 pint whipping cream Heat syrup in double boiler. Add yolks of eggs to syrup and cook 3 minutes. When cool, add well-beaten whites and the pint of cream, beaten stiff. Pack in freezer and let stand 2 hours. Mrs. Thomas Raeburn White FROZEN MARSHMALLOW CREAM , iVz pints whipped cream 11/2 dozen marshmallows Sherry wine to taste 11/2 pounds candied cherries IV^ dozen walnut meats Sweeten and flavor the whipped cream with sherry wine ; cut or pull the marshmallows in pieces; cut the candied cherries in pieces; break up the walnuts. Mix all into cream and put in mould. Pack in ice 2 to 3 hoiu-s. Serve in glasses. Very good quick dessert. Mrs. Alexander Patton ^resfcrtieb— Canneli // may well be called Jove's tree when it drops forth such fruit. — As You Like It. (167) RHUBARB PRESERVE 6 pounds rhubarb V^ pound blanched ahnonds 7 pounds sugar 1/2 dozen lemons Boil rhubarb until tender, then add sugar and nuts (chopped), and boil 2 minutes longer — about 40 minutes in all — though boil until satis- factory consistency. Some rhubarb requires a little water to start it. The lemons should be sliced and added when rhubarb is first put on. Mrs. C. L. Hutchinson TO PRESERVE PINEAPPLE WITHOUT COOKING Prepare pineapple as for preserving — poimd for pound. Put in a cool, dark place for 3 days. Stir well twice a day with a wooden spoon. Then put in jars. It will be perfectly clear and taste like fresh fruit, and keep indefinitely. Raspberries may be prepared the same way, but are not as rich as the cooked kind, but are delicious when strained and used for flavoring — such as Bavarian Cream, etc. Mrs. a. W. Robinson SUN-PRESERVED STRAWBERRIES To every pound of fruit allow three-quarters pound of sugar. Place over the fire in a preserving kettle and bring to a boil. When cooked about 3 minutes turn out on large flat platters and expose to the full rays of the sun most of the day, occasionally stirring that all may be equally sim cooked. Repeat this the second day, when the juice will usually be suf- ficiently thick to put them away in airtight jars. By this method the berries are full and firm and the juice rich. Mrs. Morgan Bunting CHERRIES (PRESERVED UNCOOKED) Stone firm cherries and cover 24 hours with vinegar. Then drain off vinegar; weigh the fruit. Take 1 pound sugar to every pound of fruit, and let stand in a cool place for 9 days, stirring well daily. Put in air-tight jars. Same vinegar can be used twice. Miss Anna L. Coale (169) 170 NEW CENTURY CLUB GRAPE CONSERVE 5 pounds grapes 1 cup nuts 3 pounds sugar 1 cup raisins 3 oranges Pulp the grapes, cook the skins and pulps separately, press pulp through a sieve and put both together and cook 5 or 10 minutes; then add the sugar next, the grated rind of 1 orange and the juice of 3, the chopped nuts and raisins. Cook 5 minutes, put in jars and seal. Mrs. Laura Chandler Booth, President, The New Century Club of Kennett Square, Pa. SPICED GRAPE 5 pounds Concord grapes V2 teaspoon cloves 3 pounds sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon and allspice Vinegar to taste Pulp the grapes, boil the skins until tender. Cook the pulp and strain through a sieve to remove the seeds. Add the pulp to the skins, put in the sugar and spices, and vinegar to taste and boil thoroughly. Cool and put in tumblers. Mrs. T. William Kimber KIMBALLED CHERRIES Take sour cherries, stone and put in a crock, cover with vinegar and let them stand 24 hours. Pour off the vinegar and add sugar, pound for pound; stir thoroughly every day until sugar is entirely dissolved. It sometimes takes 10 days before the sugar is dissolved. The cherries are then ready for use, and keep without sealing. Mrs. William Simpson, Jr. PLUM CONSERVE 5 pounds blue plums 2 pounds raisins 4 pounds sugar 1 pound English walnuts 5 oranges Slice oranges thin, rind and all. Not whole slices. Put all ingre- dients, except the nuts, in preserving kettle; and allow to simmer, not boil hard, for about ^ of an hour, or until the orange rind is tender. Just before taking from fire, break the walnuts in quarters and stir in with the mixture. Put in air-tight glass jars. Mrs. William Simpson, Jr. BOOK OF RECIPES 171 PERSIAN PLUM (Mrs. M. B. Torr's recipe) 2 small baskets blue plums 2 oranges 1 pound seedless raisins 1 pound walnut meats Remove seeds from oranges and pliims, but do not peel. Grind all fruit in meat grinder, and add ^ pound of sugar to 1 pound of mixture. Cook 20 minutes and before taking from fire, add broken walnut meats. Put in jelly glasses. Miss Anne Heygate-Hall SPICED PEACHES 7 pounds fruit 1 pint vinegar 3 pounds sugar V2 ounce whole cloves 2 otmces stick cinnamon Tie up the spices in little bags, 3 or 4. Boil sugar, spices and vinegar together. Pour over the fruit and let stand over night. In the morning put the syrup on to boil. When boiling hot, put in the fruit and cook until tender. Take out the fruit, boil the syrup down until just enough to cover the fruit. Put in jars for keeping. Mrs. Charles H. Guilbert SPICED WATERMELON RIND 7 potmds watermelon rind 1 teaspoon alum 3 pounds granulated sugar Ginger root 1 pint vinegar Cinnamon stick 1/2 cup salt Whole cloves Select a watermelon with a very thick rind, the long, narrow melons often have the thickest. Cut the rind into pieces about 4 or 5 inches square; if too small they will not be juicy when preserved. Cut away the pink inner part, and pare off the outer green skin. Cover with cold water, adding salt, let stand over night, then drain and weigh, parboil in alum and ginger water until tender (1 teaspoon of alum and two or three pieces of scraped ginger root). Add a few more pieces ginger root, also cinnamon stick and a few whole cloves. Add rind drained from ginger water, and cook in syrup until rind is clear. Mrs. E. B. Waples 172 NEWCENTURYCLUB PEAR CHIPS 8 pounds pears (hard big white ones) 2 ounces green ginger 8 pounds sugar 6 lemons 1 glass cold water Cut pears into small thin slices. Pare the ginger and cut into small pieces, Ctft the lemons very fine, and put in the rinds of 2. Boil until clear and put into glasses. This recipe I have used for many years, and is always liked by every one, and yet has never been in any cook book that I know of. Mrs. Samuel Scoville, Jr. CHIPPED PEARS 8 pounds pears (under ripe) V^ pound candied ginger root 8 pounds grantilated sugar 4 lemons Pare and cut the pears into tiny pieces (>^ inch). Slice the ginger, and let pears, sugar and ginger boil together slowly 1 hour. Then slice in the lemons (which have been boiled whole in clear water before slicing) and boil another hour. Put in tumblers. A box of Canton ginger to about 12 pounds of pears. Mrs. T. William Kimber GINGER PEARS (As used in the family of General Putnam) 1 peck cooking pears 2 pints water 6 pounds granulated sugar 4 ounces fresh ginger root Pare and cut into eighths the cooking pears. Make a syrup of the sugar and water. Add the pears, and ginger root cut up into very small pieces. Cook slowly about 4 hours. Mrs. Lewis M. Johnson SPICED WATERMELON RIND 8 pounds watermelon rind 4 poimds granulated sugar 1 quart white wine vinegar 1 ounce whole cloves Yz oimce stick cinnamon Cover rind with cold water, boil until slightly tender. Take out and drain. Boil sugar, vinegar and spices together, pour over rind. Second day, boil liquor again, pour over rind. Third day, boil rind and liquor together about 15 minutes. Put in sealed jars. Mrs. Allen R. Mitchell BOOK OF RECIPES 173 BRANDIED PEACHES Use clingstone peaches. Remove the skin by dropping for a few minutes into strong lye, then rubbing with a coarse towel. Throw into clean, cold water and remove the remaining blemishes with a sharp knife. Make a sjonip, allowing yi pound of sugar and yi cup of water to each pound of fruit. When the syrup boils, remove the scum and put in the peaches, a few at a time. Boil until quite tender, then remove and place on large dishes to cool. Fill jars a little more than half full of peaches, and cover with the syrup in proportion of 1 quart of syrup to 1 quart of brandy well mixed, the syrup to be cold before mixing. Mrs. Josephine L. Adams fellies— famg As clear as yonder Venus in her glimmering sphere. — Merchant of Venice. (175) CURRANT JELLY Take fresh ripe ctirrants, not soft, and if possible, not gathered after rainy weather. They are best early in July. Wash clean, and pick out all leaves and imperfect fruit. Put into a preserving kettle, mash just enough to make a little juice in the bottom of the kettle. Cover the kettle and put on a slow fire till all the skins are broken and the fruit is soft enough to strain. Strain through a bag hung out of a draft, in a moderately warm place. Measure the juice, and to every pint of juice weigh out a pound of granulated sugar. Put the juice into a clean uncov- ered kettle, and after it comes to the boiling point, if the quantity is large -let it boil hard 20 minutes. When the juice is put on to boU, put the sugar in a clean roasting pan (it is nicer to line it with white paper) and put it in the oven. When the juice has boiled 20 minutes and the sugar is very hot, pour the sugar into the boiling juice. It will hiss and instantly dissolve. Let the mixture boil up without stirring, and then try a little on a saucer. If it wrinkles as you push it together the jelly is done. Remove from the fire immediately. Have the glasses very clean and sitting on a tray covered with a warm wet cloth. Put the jelly into the glasses with a pointed ladle and set aside to cool. When cold cover with paraffine, and then the metal tops. Perfect jelly should be clear, smooth and just firm enough to quiver but not fall when turned out of the tumbler. If this recipe is exactly followed, it cannot fail. I have made it year after year, and it has never failed. Gooseberries can be used by the same recipe, and make a delicious jelly to serve with cream cheese and salad. Mrs, H. S. Prentiss Nichols CALF'S FOOT JELLY 1 set feet 1 pound sugar 4 eggs (whites) 1 pint Lisbon wine V2 pint hot water 3 lemons Boil a set of feet in water and let cool; add the whites of eggs, hot water, sugar, wine, juice of 3 lemons, and half of the rind grated fine. Run the jelly in a flannel bag before the fire — a good plan is to hang the bag between two chairs and let it drip into the mould. Mrs. George F. Klemm 12 (177) 178 NEWCENTURYCLUB CRANBERRY JELLY 1 quart cranberries 1 pound sugar 1 pint water 1 pint boiling water Put on the cranberries with the water, cook until soft, then pass through a strainer with the boiling water. Add the sugar and boil 20 minutes. This always jells. Miss G, B. McIlhenny C. O. R. R. JELLY 1 quart currant juice 1 pound raisins (stoned) 1 quart red raspberry juice 2 oranges 5 pounds sugar Cook together ^ of an hour. Cut rind of orange in small pieces, use whole of orange. It takes about 4^ quarts of red raspberries, or 4 quarts of currants for a quart of juice. Mrs. James Mapes Dodge MINT JELLY 1 quart apple juice 4 teaspoons vinegar 1 pound granulated sugar 1 teaspoon essence of spearmint Boil apple juice and sugar as for any jelly, and just before taking from the fire add vinegar and spearmint, and color to liking with Standard Color Paste — "Leaf Green." Use Blush apples or those which will make light-colored jelly. Mrs. J. Howard Gaskill SPICED CRABAPPLE JELLY 1 peck crabapples 1 cup mixed whole spices (cloves, cin- 5 cups vinegar namon, allspice, tied in bag) Sugar Water to nearly cover Stew until soft, strain, boil up and add equal amount of sugar, then boil until it jellies. Delicious served with meat. Mrs. Frank H. Burpee GRAPE JAM Wash bunches of grapes. Pulp them, cook skins until soft; cook pulp separately until soft enough to press from seeds through the colander. Put skins and pulp together; to every cupful add Yi cup of sugar and cook slowly for yi hour. It depends on your taste how you like it, jellied or more so, when to remove from the stove. Mrs. C. L. Hutchinson BOOK OF RECIPES 179 HEAVENLY JAM 6 pounds Concord grapes 1 pound seedless raisins 5 pounds granulated sugar 4 large oranges 1 cup chopped English walnuts Skin grapes and cook pulp 15 minutes. Put through sieve to remove seeds. Add skins to pulp ; add sugar, juice and chipped rind of oranges. Boil 20 minutes. Add nuts 5 minutes before removing from fire. This recipe is well named. Mrs. Spencer Kennard Mulford HEAVENLY JAM ly-i quarts pie cherries (pitted) iVz pounds raisins (seeded) 5 pounds white sugar 4 oranges (rind and juice) Boil 40 minutes. Mrs. Henry P. Costill ORANGE MARMALADE 4 large oremges 1 lemon 1 grapefruit Slice on slaw cutter, skins and all, removing seeds; weigh and add three pints of water, to every potmd of pulp; let stand over night; then boll tmtil the skin is clear (about yi hour) , and let stand over night again. Then weigh and add 1 pound of sugar to 1 pound of pulp, boil down to required thickness. Mrs. Henry C. McIlvaine ORANGE MARMALADE Cut in halves 12 large Seville oranges; remove seeds and put in a basin, covering with 1 pint of boiling water. Let stand over night. Squeeze the orange juice in a basin with as much of the pith as will come away. (The pith is all used as well as the peel.) To every pound of fruit allow 3 pints of cold water and stand over night. The next day add the strained water from the pips and boil down until the peel is soft like marmalade. Now weigh the fruit again and to every poimd of fruit add 1 pound of loaf sugar (granulated sugar will do) ; boil again 40 min- utes, pour into jars or glasses and tie down. Mrs. H. J. Kaltenthaler 180 NEW CENTURY CLUB ORANGE MARMALADE 2 oranges 2 lemons 2 grapefruits Cut very thin, using all save seeds and hard centers. Add twice as much water as you have fruit by measurement. Stand 24 hours. Second day boil 10 minutes and again stand 24 hours. Third day add 1 pint of sugar to every pint of fruit. Boil \}^ hours, or tintil done. Mrs. Lewis M. Johnson ORANGE MARMALADE 6 oranges 4 lemons Slice as thin as possible, leaving out nothing but seeds. Weigh and add 3 pounds of water to 1 pound of fruit. Let stand 24 hours. Boil until rinds are tender. Let stand another 24 hours. Add sugar pound to pound. Boil until it jellies. Each boiling will take ^ to ^ hoiu*. This quantity makes about 15 pints. Miss Annie Heacock GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE 1 large grapefruit 1 large orange 1 large lemon Cut in sections and run through the grinder, using all but the seeds. Cover with 12 cups of water, 14 cups of sugar. Let stand 24 hours. Boil until the proper consistency. Mrs. Abner H. Mershon MARMALADE 1 orange 1 grapefruit 1 lemon Shred the fruit. Add three times as much water as fruit. Let stand over night. In the morning cook 10 minutes. Let stand until next morning. Measure and add as much sugar as you have fruit and water. Cook 2 hours after it begins to boil. Put in glass jars or tumblers. Mrs. James A. Develin BOOK OF RECIPES 181 AMBER MARMALADE 1 grapefruit 1 orange 1 lemon Cut grapefruit, orange and lemon in small sections; remove seeds and tough parts; then put in meat grinder; grind, saving all juice. Meas- ure the fruit in a cup, and add to it three times the quantity of water. Now meastue it again, and add cup for cup of sugar. Put it over fire and boil steadily about 2 hours, imtil it jellies. This quantity always makes 12 jelly glasses, and sometimes more. The product should have a limpid appearance, quite different from the mushy look of some marma- lades. Stir as little as possible during the 2 hours or more of cooking. Mrs. C. L. Hutchinson RHUBARB MARMALADE 3 pounds rhubarb V2 pound English walnut meats 2 poimds granulated sugar (chopped fine) Juice of 2 lemons Skin stalks and cut in small pieces. Cook y^ hour or longer. Miss Sarah C. Sower APRICOT MARMALADE 3 pounds dried apricots 3 quarts cold water 7 pounds granulated sugar Wash fruit very thoroughly, cut in small pieces and let soak in the water 48 hoiurs. Put on fire and cook 15 minutes. Add sugar and boil yi hour. Mrs. Walter C. McIntire PLUM COMPOTE 6 pounds plums 2 pounds seeded raisins 6 pounds sugar 1 pound EngUsh walnut meats (chopped 6 oranges fine) Stone the plums; add sugar, juice of oranges, the rind (which should be peeled off very thin and cut in small bits, or ground), seeded raisins and walnut meats. Cook as you would marmalade, and put away in jars or glasses. Mrs. W. Duffield Robinson 182 NEW CENTURY CLUB DELICIOUS CONSERVE 4 quarts large blue plums 1 pound seeded raisins Brown sugar . 1 pound figs (cut into dice) V2 pound nuts (chopped) Cut plums in half, cook slowly until tender. Add equal parts of brown sugar and cook until of desired consistency. Just before reaching this stage add raisins, figs and nuts. Mrs. H. J. Kaltenthaler Cake The making of the cake, the heating of the oven and the baking. — Troelus and Cressida. (183) A general rule for making cake is first to measure accurately. Mix in bowl (not tin) and use a wooden spoon. Beat yolks and whites of eggs separately unless otherwise directed in the recipe. Cream the butter before adding sugar, beat them together very light before adding eggs. The oven must be ready as soon as cake is mixed. Do not jar it by opening oven door. Be sure it is done, then turn out on a sieve and leave till cold.— (Ed.) ORANGE CAKE 2 cups sugar V2 cup butter (cream together) 4 eggs (yolks to be used first) 1 cup milk 2V2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder (beaten in the stiff whites of the eggs) 1 orange (grated rind and juice) Bake in layer oans in moderate oven. Icing 2Vi cups confectioner's sugar 4 tablespoons cream or milk 1 orange (grated rind and juice) Mrs. Robert Beattie 1 dozen eggs 1 poimd flour 1 pound butter 1 potmd sugar 2 pounds raisins FRUIT CAKE 1 teacup molasses 1 nutmeg 1 wineglass brandy 1 teaspoon soda (dissolved in boiling water) 1 pound citron Flour the fruit and mix all together except the citron. Put in the pan in la3^ers, first a layer of batter, then one of citron, sliced very thin; the last layer must be of batter. Bake 5 hotu-s in slow oven. Half quantity takes 3 hotu-s to bake, or they can be baked at a baker's shop very perfectly at slight cost. This has been tried and proved, being an old family recipe not to be found in any cook book that I have ever seen. Mrs. Fred W. Taylor (185) 186 NEW CENTURY CLUB FRUIT CAKE V2 pound butter Vi pound candied or preserved apricots V2 pound pulverized sugar Vi pound candied or preserved pineapple 8 eggs y^ pound candied orange and lemon 1/2 pound sifted flour peel 34 pound raisins 1 nutmeg (grated) 34 pound Sultana ^^ ounce mace Vx pound citron Vx ounce cinnamon Va pound candied or preserved cherries V2 ounce cloves Vi pound candied or preserved gages 1/2 gill Jamaica rum Vz gill brandy Stem and seed the raisins, pick over sultanas, shred the orange and lemon peel and citron very fine, cut remaining fruit into tiny dice, beat the butter to a cream, add sugar gradually and give a thorough beating. Beat eggs (without separating) until creamy, add them to butter and sugar, then gradually add the fioiir; beat well. Mix all the fruit together and flour it well, add the spices to the batter, add the fruit, mix thoroughly, add the rum and brandy, mix again. Line around straight-sided cake pan with buttered paper, turn in the mixture; bake in a very slow oven 4>^ hours; when done take from pan and let stand over night to cool; next day mix 1 pint champagne, yi pint best brandy, 1 gill strawberry syrup together, stand cake in a stone butter pot and pour over it the brandy mixture, paste top of pot over with paper, put on cover, stand in cool place one month; at the end of that time remove paper, turn the cake, paste top over again with paper, put lid on and let stand another month and it is ready for use. This makes a 7-poimd cake and is excellent. Mrs. C. Shillard-Smith FRUIT CAKE 1 pound butter 1 glass apple jelly 1 pound sugar 2 pounds seeded raisins 10 eggs 2 pounds currants 1 quart sifted flour 1 pound chopped dates 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 pound candied shredded citron peel 1 tablespoon mixed spices Cream butter with sugar; add the well-beaten yolks of eggs, sifted flour, baking powder, apple jelly, raisins, currants, chopped dates, candied shredded citron peel, mixed spices, and the beaten whites of the eggs. Turn into a buttered and papered cake tin and bake slowly for 4 hours. Mrs. Sarah Walker Dungan BOOK OF RECIPES 187 FRUIT CAKE 1 pound butter 1 pound sugar 12 eggs (beaten separately) 1 cup molasses 1 pound sifted flour 1 cup sherry wine 1/2 cup brandy 2 pounds soft figs 3 povmds stoned raisins 2 pounds currants 1 tablespoon 1/2 pound citron (cut in very thin strips) Vi poimd candied orange peel yx pound candied lemon peel 2 lemons (grated rind) 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 3 grated nutmegs 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 2 lemons (juice) 1 orange (juice) Vi teaspoon soda (small) groimd mace Rub butter and sugar together, stir in well-beaten yolks of eggs, then add flour, stirring well, then well-beaten whites of eggs; now add molasses, sherry, brandy, lemon juice, spices, and soda dissolved in a little water. Now add the raisins and ourants, grated rind of lemon, and candied peel, cut fine. Line 2 two-quart pans with greased writing paper. First pour a layer of batter into the pan, then place a layer of soft whole figs (if hard, soak in the wine two or three days), then another layer of the batter, then a layer of citron, then more batter, another layer of figs and another of batter. This should be baked in a moderate oven for 4 hotirs. A recipe I have frequently used and foimd excellent. Countess of Santa Eulalia MRS. S. RHINE'S FRUIT CAKE 4 pounds raisins (seeded) 2 pounds Sultana raisins 2 povmds currants IV2 pounds citron 2 pounds light-brown sugar IV2 pounds butter 2 pounds flour 1/2 pint New Orleans molasses 2 gills brandy 2 gills rose water 15 eggs 1 teaspoon ground mace 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 2 teaspoons groimd allspice 2 teaspoons ground cloves Wash and dry the fruit, cut citron ver>^ thin and small. Mix sugar, butter and yolks of eggs well, then add fruit and half the flour. Add the liquids, the rest of the flour and spices; last the whites of eggs, beaten Hght. Line 3 pans with well-greased paper (using lard to grease the paper). Bake in a slow oven about 4 hours; turn occasionally. Cover with paper if they get too dark on top. Mrs. Thomas Shalcross 188 NEW CENTURY CLUB FRUIT CAKE 1 pound butter 1 pound brown sugar 1 pound flour 10 eggs 1 pound citron 2 pounds cxirrants 3 pounds raisins V4 pound orange peel Vi pound lemon peel 1 pound preserved cherries 1 nutmeg (grated) 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon y-i tablespoon ground mace y-i tablespoon ground cloves 1 wineglass Madeira wine 1 wineglass brandy Steep the spices in the brandy over night. Creani the butter and sugar. Add the j^olks of eggs and beat well. Add the spices, the fruit, whites of eggs (well beaten) and then the fioiir. Bake in a stead}- oven 4 hours. Mrs. Abner H. Mershon 1 poimd butter 1 pound sugar 12 eggs 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon nutmeg 1 tablespoon allspice 1 tablespoon (scant) cloves 1 tablespoon (scant) mace MY FRUIT CAKE 11/2 pounds citron \y-i poimds raisins IV2 pounds currants 1 poimd floixr 4 ounces blanched almonds (grated) 4 wineglasses orange juice 2 gills brandy V2 tumbler molasses 1 teaspoon soda Beat butter well wdth the sugar. Add graduall}?- the eggs, well beaten separately, then mix in the spices and the fniit. Use part of flour to sprinkle on the fruit. Flour well or it will settle at the bottom. Mrs. H. L. Wayland FRUIT CAKE 13 eggs 34 pound citron IV2 pounds sugar V4 pint brandy ll^ poimds flour (browned) Cloves IV4 pounds butter Cinnamon 3V4 poimds raisins Mace 2y2 pounds currants Nutmeg Mrs. Livingston E. Jones BOOKOFRECIPES 189 AN EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTE FOR REAL FRUIT CAKE 2 cups soft white sugar 1 pound currants 2 to 3 cups butter and lard mixed y\ nutmeg 4 cups flour 1 teaspoon ground cloves 3 cups buttermilk 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 pound seeded raisins 1 tablespoon (scant) baking powder Pinch of salt If desired, a wineglass of brandy, rum or anything of this character may be added to keep the cake moist. Mrs. James B. Thomas FRUIT COOKIES 1 cup molasses 1 cup raisins 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup currants 1 cup nut meats 1 cup dates Vz cup sour cream or cold coffee Vi pound citron (cut fine) 3 cups flour (more may be necessary) Vi pound lemon peel (cut fine) 1 teaspoon soda Vi pound orange peel (cut fine) 2 eggs or 4 yolks Spices Make the mixture so stiff that when you drop it by spoonfuls on pan it will stand up in little rough balls. Place them so that they may spread in baking without running together. Bake in moderate oven 10 or 15 minutes. We always make these at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mrs. Grace S. Williams, President, Bristol Travel Club, Bristol, Pa. SPONGE CAKE 4 eggs y-i weight in flour Full weight in sugar Beat whites light and put in sugar; beat very light; then beat yolks light and put them in; then 2 tablespoons of hot water and flavoring; beat well, then stir in flour very lightly and bake in moderate oven about 30 minutes. The secret of this cake is the very vigorous beating before the flour is added, and then simply folding in the flour very lightly without any beating, and baking immediately. Mrs. Benjamin F. Richardson 190 NEW CENTURY CLUB SPONGE CAKE 4 eggs (weigh in shells) The full weight in sugar V^ weight in flour Rind and juice of lemon Beat eggs separately, then mix eggs together. Cover sugar with water and boil 5 minutes. Pour sugar slowly in the eggs and beat until cold. Add lemon; fold flour in gently. A larger cake can be made in same manner by using any number of eggs. Mrs. William S. Pilling SPONGE CAKES 5 eggs 1 lemon (juice) 1 cup and 1 tablespoon sugar Vz teaspoon baking powder 1 cup, less 1 tablespoon flour A pinch of salt Separate the eggs, adding half the sugar to the yolks and the other half to the whites, beating until very light. Mix together, adding the flour, lemon juice, baking powder and salt. Bake in small patty pans. Mrs. George S. Matlack CREAM SPONGE CAKE 3 eggs 4 tablespoons water 1 cup sugar 1 large cup flour 2 large teaspoons yeast powder Mix yolks, sugar, water together; add whites and flour — with yeast powder in the flour. Bake in layers. Cream for Cake 1 egg Vz cup cream, or milk 1/2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon of flavor Mix well, boil until it thickens. Cool cream before using. Mrs. Charles H. Woolley NEVER-FAILING SPONGE CAKE 5 eggs Vi cup boiling water 2 cups sugar V2 teaspoon cream of tartar 2 cups flour Vz lemon (juice) Beat yolks first. Add cream of tartar to the well beaten whites and fold in lemon juice in the cake batter. Mrs. Charles Reynolds Simons BOOK OF RECIPES 191 SPONGE CAKE 6 eggs Full weight in sugar V2 weight in flour 1 lemon Mix the well-beaten yolks of eggs, sugar, then lemon juice and rind (grated), then stiffly beaten whites of eggs, cutting in flour last of all, with wooden ladle. Do not stir or beat the sponge, but cut it across and back until flour is absorbed. This makes a delicious sticky cake and not a dry choky one. Bake in turk's-head pan in ordinarily hot oven. Mrs. Henry T. Dechert "IDLEWILD" CELEBRATED SPONGE CAKE 4 eggs Full weight of eggs in sugar V^ weight of eggs in flour 1 lemon Beat whites thoroughly; add yolks, one at a time (do not beat them first); continue beating; add sugar gradually, beating all the time; juice and rind of lemon; small quantity of cold water (1 teaspoon of water to each yolk) ; lastly, flour stirred in carefully. Miss Mary Janney SPONGE CAKE 10 eggs 1/2 pound flour (sifted) 1 poimd sugar 2 lemons Separate eggs, beating whites stiff; to this add sugar, then yolks of eggs that have been beaten light, then rind of 2 lemons and juice of one, and lastly the flour. This is enough for two cakes. Miss Edith Sellers Bunting SPONGE CAKE 10 eggs V^ potmd flour 1 pound granulated sugar 1 lemon (rind and juice) 1 teaspoon vinegar Beat the whites of eggs very light, add the yolks one at a time, add gradually the sugar, lemon juice and vinegar, beating all the time. Then add very gently the flour, well sifted. Bake in a cool oven. If you like the crumbly crust, dust with pulverized sugar before baking. Mrs. Lewis F. Shoemaker 192 NEW CENTURY CLUB SPONGE CAKE 4 eggs Full weight of eggs in pulverized sugar V2 weight of eggs in fioixr 1 lemon Sift flour three times. Sift sugar twice. Beat yolks and sugar together and add 2 tablespoons of hot water (not boiling); add lemon juice and grated rind; add flour. Beat whites stiff and add to the mix- ture. Bake in 2 layers, or in small cakes. Frosting for Layer Sponge Cake Whites of 2 eggs, beaten stiff, and add as much pulverized sugar as they will take. Place a thin layer between the cakes and cover the cake on top and sides. Miss Maude G. Hopkins SPONGE CAKE 10 eggs 1/2 pound flour 1 pound sugar 1 gill water 2 lemons Pour the water on the sugar and heat until it commences to boil. Break eggs in a large bowl. Pour boiling sugar on eggs as you start beat- ing them. Beat this mixture for fully 20 minutes, until it is cool and very light. Now beat in the juice of 2 lemons and rind of 1. Then stir in the flour slowly, sifting it very gradually. Bake in a very slow oven about 45 minutes. If icing is not desired, dust pulverized sugar on the cakes as they are put into the oven to improve the crust. Miss Sarah Sellers Bunting CHOCOLATE CAKE 1 ounce chocolate V^ cup milk V2 cup butter 1 y^ cups pastry flour 1 Vz cups sugar 1 teaspoon (heaping) baking powder 4 eggs Vanilla to taste Dissolve the chocolate and add 5 tablespoons boiling water. Cream the butter and sugar, add the yolks of eggs; stir well, add a little of the milk. Beat the whites of the eggs until stiff, add to the butter, sugar and yolks, and beat until very light. Add the rest of the milk, the vanilla and chocolate. Fold in the flour, to which has been added the baking powder. Lastly, add the stiff whites of the eggs. Bake 45 minutes. Mrs. Abner H. Mershon BOOK OF RECIPES 193 SPONGE CAKE 5 eggs 1/2 pound pulverized sugar V4 pound flour 1/2 lemon Whites and yolks of eggs, beaten separately, then together. Add sugar; beat until sugar is dissolved. Sift in flour, stirring lightly; add juice of half a lemon. Bake in moderate oven. Mrs. John Gibson CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE Va pound butter 1 teaspoon baking powder V2 cup sugar 3 eggs 3 cups (small) flour 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat the butter, eggs and sugar to a cream. Then add milk and flour, and flavor. When well mixed add baking powder. Bake in mod- erate oven. Chocolate Icing V4 cake Baker's chocolate 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup milk Butter the size of a walnut Mix chocolate, vanilla, egg and milk together, put in double boiler, then add the butter. Let chocolate boil until it drops smooth from spoon. Miss Elizabeth Bunting Collier CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE V2 cup butter 3 eggs IV2 cups sugar 2V2 teaspoons baking powder 3/4 cup milk Vanilla 2 cups flour Salt Mix butter, sugar, milk, flour, yolks of 3 eggs, white of 1 egg, baking powder, salt and vanilla. Sufficient for four layers. Filling 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cake Baker's chocolate 1 teaspoon butter 1 egg (yolk) Let milk boil, then stir in the cornstarch dissolved in a little milk. When at the boiling point, add the beaten yolk of the egg. Dissolve choco- late in double boiler and add slowly. Mrs. C. Wilmer Middleton 13 194 NEW CENTURY CLUB CHOCOLATE CAKE 2 squares chocolate 1 teaspoon (heaping) baking powder y-i cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla V-fi cups sugar 4 eggs 13^ cups flour V2 cup milk Dissolve the chocolate in 5 tablespoons of boiling water. Beat the butter and sugar to a cream, add beaten yolks of eggs, then the milk. Add chocolate and flour. Give the whole a vigorous beating. Add baking powder, then the vanilla. Finally, stir in lightly the whites well beaten. Bake in 3 layers. Frost with chocolate. Mrs. William S. Pilling CHOCOLATE CAKE First Part 1 cup brown sugar 2 cups flour y-i cup butter 2 teaspoons baking powder 3 eggs (yolks) 1 teaspoon vanilla 1^ cup cream or milk Pinch of salt Mix butter and eggs, add yolks, milk, chocolate mixture, flour, baking powder, vanilla, salt, whites of the eggs and bake. Second Part 1 cup brown sugar V\ pound chocolate 1/2 cup cream or milk Boil until well mixed. Stand to cool, then spread on cake. Miss Jennie S. Potts CHOCOLATE CAKE 1 cup milk V2 pound butter 6 eggs (beaten separately) 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 pound pulverized sugar 1 pound flour (sifted twice) Mix yolks of eggs and sugar together; add butter, then milk, flour and baking powder; fold in whites of eggs last. Bake in 3 layers. Icing 1 pound confectioner's sugar V2 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 squares melted chocolate Enough cream to make it thick enough to spread on cake Mrs. Sarah Walker Dungan BOOK OF RECIPES 195 CHOCOLATE CAKE 14 cup milk 4 eggs (beaten separately) V2 cake Baker's chocolate ly^ cups flour 21/2 cups sugar 2 teaspoons (heaping) baking powder 1 cup (scant) butter 1 cup milk Melt Yi cup of the sugar with the milk and chocolate. Beat very light the balance of sugar, butter, eggs, flour, baking powder and milk. Add melted chocolate last. Bake in 3 layers. Icing 1 cup granulated sugar 3 tablespoons water 2 eggs (whites) Boil sugar and water. Beat into whites of eggs. Mrs. Edward H. Bonsall CHOCOLATE CAKE 2 cups sugar 3 eggs Vz cup butter 3 cups flour 1 cup milk 3 teaspoons baking powder Bake in 3 or 4 layers. Frosting and Filling y^ cake (full) Baker's chocolate 5 tablespoons milk 1 cup pulverized sugar Scrape the chocolate and put it on the back of the range to melt. When melted stir in the milk and sugar, and let it boil 5 minutes, stirring constantly to keep from burning. Spread on top and between layers. It does not thicken with cold. Mrs. Matthew James Grier CHOCOLATE BROWNIES 2 eggs (weU beaten) 1/2 cup flour 1 cup sugar 2 squares melted chocolate 1/2 cup melted butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup walnuts (cut fine) Bake in a moderate oven about 20 minutes; bake in a large sheet and cut while hot. Mrs. Charles Z. Tryon 196 NEW CENTURY CLUB 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup baking molasses 1 cup lard and butter 1 cup milk 31/2 cups flour 2 eggs GINGER CAKES 1 dessertspoon soda 1 dessertspoon cloves 1 dessertspoon cinnamon 1 dessertspoon allspice 1/2 teaspoon ginger 2 nutmegs A pinch of salt Bake in patty pans as needed, if kept in a cool place. The dough will keep a long while Mrs. George S. Matlack 3 cups flour 1/2 cup cream 1 tablespoon lard 2 tablespoons butter GINGER BREAD 1 cup molasses 1/2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda 3 eggs 1 tablespoon ginger Beat yolks of eggs with lard and butter. Dissolve soda in a little warm water and mix with molasses, which is added to eggs. Then the milk, and last, the white of eggs, which has been beaten stiff. Bake in a moderate oven about 45 minutes. Miss Agnes Preston, The New Century Club Lunch Room GOOD SOFT GINGER BREAD 1 cup rich milk or cream V2 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup black molasses 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon soda Make a thin batter. A good "pinch" of ginger, cinnamon, allspice and cloves must be sifted in the flour. Miss Mary Janney SOFT GINGER BREAD 1 cup sugar 1 cup New Orleans molasses 1 cup buttermilk 1 cup butter 2 eggs 1 teaspoon soda (dissolved in hot water) 1 teaspoon ciimamon Vi teaspoon allspice 1 tablespoon ginger 3V2 cups flour Miss Anna S. Eckfeldt BOOK OF RECIPES 197 GINGER BREAD 2 eggs 3 teaspoons ginger 1 cup molasses 2 teaspoons cinnamon Vs cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt % cup butter 2 teaspoons soda 21/2 cups flour 1 cup boiling water Rub butter and sugar together. Add eggs (well beaten), molasses, spices and flour, and last the hot water. Bake in moderate oven. Mrs. J. Nicholas Mitchell GINGER BREAD 1 cup lard and butter (mixed and melted) 2 eggs 1 big cup sour milk V2 cup molasses (Porto Rico molasses, if possible) Vi cup brown sugar mixed with molasses 1 cup seeded raisins (chopped) 1/2 teaspoon ginger A little nutmeg Flour to make batter not too stiff Mrs. Matthew James Grier MOTHER'S HARD GINGERBREADS Vi poimd butter 1 1/2 poimds flour V2 pound brown sugar 2 tablespoons (large) ginger 1 teaspoon groimd cloves 1 teaspoon groimd cinnamon 1 pint molasses 1 teaspoon (small) soda 1 tablespoon vinegar Rub butter into flotur and brown sugar, rolled fine; add ginger, cloves and cinnamon. Stir in molasses and soda dissolved in a little vinegar (a tablespoonful is enough). Make into dough as for cookies, and roll in as little flour as possible when cutting out. Mrs. Effingham Perot GINGER BREAD y^ teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon (small) salt 2 cups flour 1 cup hot water 1 teaspoon (even) baking soda After the first nine ingredients are mixed, add hot water, with bak- ing soda dissolved in it. Grease pan and bake. It makes 18 gems. Mrs. E. Boyd Weitzel 2 eggs V2 cup (small) brown sugar 1 cup molasses Butter the size of an egg 1 teaspoon cinnamon 198 NEW CENTURY CLUB SOFT GINGER CAKES 1 cup New Orleans molasses Small pinch of salt 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 cup water Melted butter the size of an egg 2 cups (scant) flour Stir the soda in the molasses, add the water, salt, ginger, butter and flour. Bake in a moderately hot oven in gem pans. Mrs. John L. Appleton SPONGE GINGER BREAD 2 cups molasses 1 cup melted butter 2 teaspoons soda 1 cup sour milk 1 dessertspoon ginger 1 teaspoon soda 4 eggs Flour Sift soda and ginger in molasses. Stir to a cream, then add well beaten eggs, butter, sour milk in which is dissolved the soda. Mix all together, then add flour to the consistency of pound cake. Mrs. James Mapes Dodge GINGER POUND CAKE 1 cup molasses 1 tablespoon ginger 1 cup sour milk 1 tablespoon ciimamon 1 cup sugar A little salt 1 cup butter and lard mixed 3 cups flour 3 eggs Mrs. Lewis M. Johnson CHRISTMAS GINGER CAKES 7 pounds flour iVz nutmegs (grated) ly-i. pounds lard 2 ounces ground cloves V2 pound butter 1 pound brown sugar V4 pound ground ginger IV2 quarts New Orleans molasses V4 pound cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt Rub flour, sugar, spices, salt, lard and butter together, and add molasses, into which soda has been beaten. Knead well, roll out and bake. These are better after several weeks. Mrs. Mary C. D. Geisler BOOK OF RECIPES 199 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup New Orleans molasses GINGER SNAPS V2 cup butter V2 cup lard 4 cups flour Dissolve soda in molasses and let it stand in a bowl of good size. Rub butter and lard into flour. Into this mix: 1 cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon powdered cinnamon 1 teaspoon ginger 1/2 teaspoon cloves V2 teaspoon allspice V^ teaspoon grated nutmeg When thoroughly mixed add the molasses and baking soda. Knead thoroughly into a solid mass and put in the refrigerator over night. Take a small piece of the dough, roll in powdered sugar, very thin, and cut with round cutter. Do not put too closely in the baking pan. Do not grease the pan. If properly rolled and baked they will keep for weeks and not become stale. This recipe has been used for thirty-six years in our family, and has never failed to please every one. Mrs. Kate H. Rowland GINGER SNAPS 2 cups molasses 2 cups sugar iVa cups lard Flour 1 cup water 1 tablespoon (heaping) soda 1 tablespoon ginger A Uttle salt Heat molasses and lard very hot. Mix and make stiff dough. Let stand over night ; roll out thin and bake in hot oven. Will keep indefinitely. Mrs. Martha P. Falconer GINGER SNAPS, OR MOLASSES SNAPS 1 quart New Orleans molasses IV^ pints milk 34 potmd butter 3 tablespoons ginger 4 cups sugar 3 tablespoons baking soda Enough flotir to mix, not too stiff Let dough stand 24 hours before rolling out and baking. Mrs. C. L. Hutchinson 200 NEW CENTURY CLUB OATMEAL COOKIES 2V2 cups rolled oats 2V2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 even tablespoons butter 1 cup sugar 3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream butter and sugar. Then rub in eggs, one at a time, then the oats and salt, and vanilla, and last of all the baking powder. Drop a half teaspoonful to each cooky on buttered tins, and bake in a moderate oven. Remove from tin immediately when taken from oven. They take from 6 to 8 minutes to cook. Miss Agnes Preston, The New Century Club Lunch Room OATMEAL COOKIES 2^/4 cups dry rolled oats 1 cup granulated sugar 2 teaspoons melted butter 2 eggs Mix the dry ingredients together, then stir in the eggs and butter. Drop by dessertspoonfuls 1>^ inches apart on a buttered sheet. This recipe has been used for many years and not found wanting. Miss Elizabeth A. Atkinson 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon butter 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla OATMEAL COOKIES A pinch of salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 2V2 cups rolled oats 1 tablespoon water (if too dry) Take out of pan while hot and soft. Mrs. George McEIeown OATMEAL COOKIES 2 eggs 2 cups light brown sugar 34 cup melted butter or lard V2 teaspoon salt 1/2 nutmeg 3 cups dry oatmeal 2 tablespoons hot water 2 cups flour, sifted with 1 teaspoon soda and 2 teaspoons cream tartar Do not roll. Either drop or mould into small cakes. Bake in a mod- erate oven, being careful not to over-bake. Used at Sleighton Farm, Darlington, Pa. Mrs. Martha P. Falconer BOOK OF RECIPES 201 OATMEAL COOKIES 1 cup (scant) sugar IV2 cups oatmeal (uncooked) 1 tablespoon butter 2 eggs iVi teaspoons vanilla Makes 12 cookies, medium size. Mrs. Edward F. Kingsley NUT OATMEAL COOKIES 1 cup butter V2 cup chopped nut meats 14 cup lard 1 1/2 cups flour 1 cup sugar V2 teaspoon salt 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon soda S tablespoons milk 3^ teaspoon cinnamon 1 3/4 cups rolled oats V^ teaspoon cloves Vz cup raisins y-i teaspoon allspice Cream butter and lard together, and add gradually, while beating constantly, sugar; then add Qgg, well beaten, milk, rolled oats, raisins (seeded and cut in pieces) and nut meats chopped. Mix and sift flour with remaining ingredients and add to first mixture. Drop from tip of spoon on a buttered sheet, 1 inch apart, and bake in a moderate oven 15 minutes. Mrs. William Wallace OATMEAL MACAROONS 1 cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon (level) butter 2 eggs (well beaten) 1 teaspoon baking powder 21/2 cups rolled oats V4 teaspoon salt Drop the size of a penny on greased pans. Bake in hot oven. Mrs. Frederick L. Seeger SCOTTISH FANCIES 1 egg 1 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup sugar V^ teaspoon salt % tablespoon melted butter 14 teaspoon vanilla Beat egg until light, add gradually sugar and then stir in remaining ingredients. Drop mixture by teaspoonfuls on a thoroughly greased inverted dripping pan, 1 inch apart. Spread into circular shape with a case knife just dipped in cold water. Bake in a moderate oven until delicately browned. To give variety use yi cup rolled oats and fill cup with shredded cocoanut. Mrs. William S. Pilling 202 NEW CENTURY CLUB EGOLESS, BUTTERLESS, MILKLESS CAKE 1 cup brown sugar 2 cups seeded raisins 1 cup water 1 teaspoon cinnamon Va cup ^^^ V2 teaspoon (scant) cloves Vi teaspoon nutmeg Boil all together for 3 minutes, then add — 1 teaspoon soda 2 cups flour Boiling water V2 teaspoon baking powder Dissolve soda in a little boiling water. Add floiir and baking pow- der (mixed in the last cup of flour). Bake in a slow oven. Mrs. George F. Klemm EGGLESS, BUTTERLESS, MILKLESS CAKE Put into a saucepan the following: 1 cup brown sugar Va cup lard 1 cup water 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 cups raisins V2 teaspoon cloves Pinch of salt Boil all together for 3 minutes. Let cool. Then add 1 teaspoon of soda, dissolved in hot water ; 2 cups of flour in which }4 teaspoon of baking powder has been sifted. Bake in moderate oven. Miss Anna S. Eckfeldt EGGLESS CAKE 2 cups dark brown sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 cups sour milk V4 cup butter 2 cups flour 2 cups seeded raisins Yz nutmeg (grated) 1 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in V4 teacup boiling water Put soda in just before putting in pan. Don't bake in very hot oven. Mrs. Matthew James Grier WHITE CAKE 2 cups sugar 1 cup milk V2 cup butter 2 cups flour 3 eggs 1 V2 teaspoons baking powdi Flavor with vanilla or lemon. ler Miss Mary L. Roberts BOOK OF RECIPES 203 AN EGOLESS SPICE CAKE 1 cup sugar Pinch of salt 3 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon ginger 1 cup New Orleans molasses 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon V2 cup sour milk into which has been V^ cup raisins beaten 1 teaspoon baking soda dis- V^ cup currants solved in V2 cup of hot water 3 cups flour Bake 1 hour in slow oven. Mrs. Lewis R. Dick COOKIES WITHOUT EGGS 1 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in l^A cups sugar hot water 2/3 cup butter and lard Flour to make a soft dough 1 teaspoon salt Flavor to taste Roll out and cut with cutter. Sprinkle sugar over the top and bake in quick oven. This recipe has been in the family over eighty years. Mrs. Caleb S. Middleton BOSTON WHITE CAKE 11/2 cups sugar 2 cups (small) flour 1/2 cup butter V4 teaspoon soda V2 cup milk y^ teaspoon cream of tartar 5 eggs (whites only) 1/2 teaspoon vanilla Add eggs last, beaten till very light. This makes 1 loaf and is dehcious. Mrs. Frank Battles WHITE CAKE 4 eggs (whites only) 2 cups sugar 1 cup milk (ruiming over) 2V2 cups flour V2 cup butter 1 teaspoon (heaping) baking powder If you want it extra nice, use 1 cup of cornstarch, instead of 1 cup of flour. If one prefers, bake this cake in layers, use any filling. One good one as follows: 1 pound figs (chopped fine) 1 cup sugar Vz cup water Put on back of stove and mash with spoon until it forms a smooth paste. Mrs. Matthew James Grier 204 NEW CENTURY CLUB Vz cup butter (creamed) V2 cup sugar 1/2 cup water (tepid) MARBLE CAKE Light Part 1 cup flour 2 eggs (whites) 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 eggs (yolks) 1 cup sugar V4 cup butter Vi cup water 1 cup flour Dark Part 2 squares chocolate (dissolved in 4 tablespoons boiling water, stir until smooth) 1/2 cup flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla part. When putting in pan alternate one spoonful of light and one of dark Miss Mary L. Roberts SPICE COOKIES S cups flotir 1 cup lard 1 V2 cups molasses 1 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt V4 teaspoon baking powder 2 tablespoons cinnamon 1 tablespoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 tablespoon allspice Put flour, salt, baking powder and lard in a bowl and stir thoroughly. Add sugar, molasses and spices. Knead slightly on a board, then roll out thin and cut with a cake cutter, and bake quickly. Mrs. Charles E. Noblit SPICE CAKE 1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 5 eggs 4 cups flour 1 cup syrup molasses 1 cup cream 2 teaspoons ginger 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves 2 teaspoons baking powder Cream butter and sugar, add beaten yolks of eggs, then cream, mo- lasses, spices and flour with the baking powder in it. Lastly add the beaten whites of eggs and bake in a moderate oven ^ of an hour. Miss Sarah Sellers Bunting BOOK OF RECIPES 205 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup molasses 1 cup chopped raisins 1/2 cup butter 2 eggs SPICE CAKES 1 cup sour cream 2 teaspoons (level) soda 1 tablespoon ginger 14 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon 5 cups (level) flour Drop in small spoonfuls on tins and bake in moderate oven. Mrs. J. Howard Marshall . cup molasses 1 cup butter V2 cup brown sugar V2 cup strong coffee 2 1/2 cups flour 2 eggs COFFEE CAKE 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 pound seeded raisins Vi pound chopped citron 1 teaspoon (large) cloves 1 teaspoon allspice 4 teaspoons cinnamon V2 teaspoon nutmeg This cake is almost as rich as fruit cake, and is improved by a little brandy or wine. Mrs. Richard Peters 1 cup molasses 1 cup butter 1/2 cup brown sugar V2 cup strong coffee 2 eggs COFFEE CAKE y-i teaspoon soda 1 pound raisins 14 pound citron 2y2 cups flour A little brandy or wine Cinnamon and cloves to taste Mrs. John H. Jopson 1 cup butter 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup molasses 1 cup strong coffee 4 cups (scant) flour 4 eggs 1 teaspoon soda COFFEE SPICE CAKE 1 teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon mace 1 teaspoon cinnamon Vi teaspoon cloves V2 pound raisins V2 pound currants V^ pound citron This makes 2 small loaves. Bake in slow oven. Mrs. Edward F. Kingsley 206 NEW CENTURY CLUB TEA CAKE 2 pounds flour Vz pound butter 1 cup sugar V2 pint milk 7 eggs 2 cups cleansed currants 1 yeast cake (compressed) Dissolve 1 yeast cake in a quarter of a cup of warm (not hot) water and then stir in sufficient flour to make a dough. Knead this into a small biscuit, and with a sharp knife make a cross almost through, and drop it — cut side up — in a good-sized pitcher, nearly filled with warm (not hot) water. Stand in a warm place 10 minutes. Cover the dough and stand in a warm place 5 hours. Line pan with greased paper. Cover and stand until very light (about 1 hour). Bake 40 minutes. This will make 2 cakes. Cut off the top of the cake, and then another slice in the same way, and so on until the whole cake is cut. Now toast on both sides and spread with butter. Put the cake together again, and then cut across like this +. Serve very hot. Mrs. Theron I. Crane TEA CAKE 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon butter 2 cups flour 2 eggs 3 teaspoons baking powder Flavor with nutmeg Bake in tin pans. Put little limips of butter on top and sprinkle with granulated sugar and cinnamon before baking. Mrs. Harrison Souder IRISH TEA CAKE 4 tablespoons butter Flour enough to make batter 2 tablespoons sugar 1 cup milk 2 eggs (well beaten) 2 teaspoons baking powder Cream the butter, then add sugar, flour, eggs and milk, and last the baking powder. Bake in very thin layers, and spread each one with butter as it comes from the oven hot. Put all together like a layer cake. Mrs. Alexander E. Patton BOOK OF RECIPES 207 CINNAMON BUNS 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon salt % quart milk 1 cake compressed yeast 1 quart water or potato water 3 pounds flour 6 eggs (well beaten) 3 tablespoons (heaping) baking powder 1 pound butter IV2 ounces cinnamon Vi pound currants 1 pound raisins 5 pounds dark brown sugar Butter, sugar, salt; scald the milk, let cool to lukewarm, add yeast cake and sufficient water or potato water to make even quart. Pour the above into bread mixer, and add flour, turn 5 minutes, set in a warm place to rise until morning, then add eggs, baking powder and sufficient flour to make a soft dough. Roll to a long length and spread with the pound of butter, sprinkle with the cinnamon, currants, raisins and brown sugar. Roll and cut as you would jelly roll, bake in slow oven. Turn out into platter greased with butter. The syrup that runs into tin, dip up with spoon and pour over buns. When cool turn right side up, and put the syrup left in the platter over the top of buns. Above recipe makes 6 tins of 8 buns each. Mrs. John C. Seltzer, President, Woman's Club, Reading, Pa. Vi pound butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs Rind of 1 lemon 1 pint milk MARION FLECK'S CINNAMON BUN y-i yeast cake Flour Pinch of salt Brown sugar Currants Cinnamon Cream butter and sugar together, add eggs imseparated, beat. Dis- solve yeast cake in a little of the milk, warmed; add milk and yeast cake to mixttire, also lemon rind. Stir thoroughly; add enough fiour to make a stiff cake batter, but not enough to make bread dough. Allow to rise over night. Spread risen dough over a floured board to a thickness of % to >2 inch. Spread this liberally with soft butter, brown sugar, currants (washed) and cinnamon. With assistance of large knife roll the dough up and cut off not thicker than yi inch. Place in well buttered tins which have been sprinkled with brown sugar. Or place in gem pans. Allow to rise till double its biilk. Bake in slow oven. Miss Emma Klahr 208 NEW CENTURY CLUB CRULLERS IV2 cups sugar 2 cups milk 3 eggs 14 teaspoon nutmeg 2 teaspoons baking powder A pinch of salt 1 teaspoon butter Powdered sugar Flour enough to make a smooth dough Roll out, cut and drop in boiling lard. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Mrs. Martha P. Falconer CRULLERS 1 cup shortening (half lard, half butter) 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup water 1 cup milk 4 teaspoons baking powder 5 eggs Salt 1 grated nutmeg 2 quarts (about) sifted flour Cook in boiling fat. Mrs. Henry P. Brown CRULLERS 3 eggs Flour enough to make a stiff batter IV2 cups sugar 1 cup milk 3 teaspoons baking powder V2 cup butter Roll, form into rings. Boil in lard. Mrs. Charles F. Godshall AUNT SARAH'S CRULLERS (Can't be beat) 1 pound sugar 1 cup thick milk 5 eggs 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda Butter the size of an egg Cinnamon to taste Flour enough to make a soft dough Melt butter, beat eggs separately, put soda into the sour milk. Stir sugar and yolks of eggs and butter well, then add sour milk, and lastly the whites of eggs, and carefully flour to make soft dough. Cut out in rings and cook in hot lard. An experienced cook needs no more definite directions. I enjoy getting into the kitchen on a wet day and doing some of these old-time dishes. Dr. Frances N. Baker BOOK OF RECIPES 209 CINNAMON RINGS V2 pound butter 2 eggs 1/2 pound pulverized sugar 1 pound flour 1 teaspoon (small) cinnamon Granulated sugar Cream butter and pulverized sugar, add cinnamon, then eggs, beaten very light, and flour. Roll rather thin with a doughnut cutter, sprinkle with granulated sugar and bake light brown in a rather quick oven. Mrs. William A. Flanigen DOUGHNUTS 1 quart milk 2 white potatoes (boiled and grated % poimd (scant) butter when cold) 2 potmds sugar Flour to make a soft dough Nutmeg to taste V^ cake yeast Mrs. George H. Vanderbeck DOUGHNUTS 2 quarts sifted flour IV2 pints milk Vi teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter W2 cups granulated sugar 1/2 yeast cake 2 eggs Scald milk, melt in it the butter (or other shortening) ; when tepid, stir it into the flour mixture and beat hard. Add >^ yeast dissolved in J4 cup warm water, and stir again. Let rise 6 hours in warm (not hot) place ; then add beaten eggs, stir all well together, and let rise again until very light (perhaps 2 hoiirs). Add sufficient flour to roll out, cut in diamond-shape strips, or with circular, double-ring cutter; fry in deep, smoking-hot fat. Test the heat of the fat by dropping into it a crust of bread; if it browns in 1 minute, it is right heat. Care must be taken that the cakes do not brown before they are thoroughly cooked. Proportions for this recipe for large family. Mrs. Eugene H. Austin JUMBLES 6 oimces butter 2 eggs 6 oimces sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 12 ounces flour Vanilla Roll as thin as possible. Miss Anna S. Eckfeldt 210 NEW CENTURY CLUB DOUGHNUTS 1 pint milk 3 or 4 eggs 1/2 pound butter 1 pound sugar 3 potatoes 2 yeast cakes Use half the sugar when sponged, add the other half when ready to knead. Keep very warm until ready to fry. Set the sponge about ten o'clock if using home-made yeast; if compressed yeast, a little later. Scald the milk, melting the butter in it. Boil the potatoes and put through patent masher. Pour the milk over the potatoes, stirring slowly. Add one-half the sugar, which must be greater in quantity if home-made yeast is used. Use flour to make proper consistency. Let rise till eve- ning, then add eggs and remaining half of sugar, and knead. In the morn- ing, cut into shape and keep very warm till light (2 hours), then fry. Put salt in potatoes when boiling. Mix sugar with potatoes while potatoes are hot after putting through masher. An old and well-tried recipe. Mrs. S. Bernard Chambers JUMBLES 1 cup butter 1 egg (beaten whole) 1 cup sugar iVi cups flour Cream sugar and butter, add beaten egg, then slowly add flour (sifted). Flavor with rose water, drop from a teaspoon on tin sheet; bake in quick oven. Mrs. C. L. Peirce CINNAMON NUT CAKES V2 pound butter 1 teaspoon baking powder ^^ cup milk 4 eggs (beaten separately) 1 lemon rind V2 pound pulverized sugar Vi pound flour Cream the butter and sugar together, then add the lemon rind grated, the yolks of eggs, then the flour and milk alternately and then the baking powder in a little of the flour, and the whites of the eggs. Bake in a shallow, long pan (the cake to be about 1 inch thick). Put on top when baked: 1 cup grantilated sugar Vk poimd ground almonds A sprinkle of cinnamon This is put on when cold, and the cake then cut into diamond shapes. Mrs. Henry P. Brown BOOK OF RECIPES 211 MRS. EDITH C. JAMES' NUT CAKE 1 cup butter 3 cups flour 2 cups sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder (mixed in % cup cream the flour) 4 eggs 1 quart shellbark kernels y-i pound raisins Flour, nuts and raisins put in last. In these days when shellbarks are so scarce I find >2 pound to be sufficient. This Nut Cake recipe came to me from my mother, and as she was so long a member of the New Century Club, I have given it her name. Mrs. William Shewell Ellis NUT COOKIES 2 tablespoons butter 3/4 cup sugar 1 egg Vi teaspoon salt V2 cup flour 2 tablespoons milk Vz cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream butter, add sugar and &gg well beaten. Mix and sift dry ingredients ; add to the first mixture, and then add milk, nuts and vanilla. Drop from a teaspoon on unbuttered sheet, 1 inch apart, and place nut on top of each. Bake in a slow oven. Miss Mary S. Parry HICKORY NUT KISSES 5 eggs (whites) 1 pound confectioner's sugar 1 quart hickory nuts Beat eggs very little, only enough to mix them. Put in all the sugar at once (powdered sugar will do if sifted as fine as flour) and beat until very stiff and stands alone. Fold in nuts that have been broken in half; bake in moderate oven. Drop on greased paper — 1 spoonful enough for one. When it cracks open and pops up, it is done and will be creamy. Take from oven at once. Mrs. Alexander E. Patton 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup wfidnut meats (chopped fine) WALNUT WAFERS Vs teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons (even) flour 2 eggs Beat the eggs together, add sugar, salt and flour; then the walnuts. Mix well together, spread as thin as possible in a buttered pan. Bake in a hot oven; cut in squares before cold. Miss Clara Lee Bowman 212 NEW CENTURY CLUB WALNUT WAFERS V2 pound brown sugar 3 tablespoons (even) flour V2 pound English walnut meats V4 teaspoon baking powder (slightly broken, not chopped) Vs teaspoon salt 2 eggs Beat eggs well, add sugar, salt and flour, into which baking powder has been sifted, and lastly the nuts. Drop a small teaspoonful of the bat- ter for each wafer on the weU-buttered pan, and allow plenty of space between, as they spread. Bake in a moderate oven and remove from pan as soon as baked, as they would stick to the pan. Delicious. My friends are always pleased when I serve them. Mrs. Thomas Theodore Watson PECAN WAFERS 2 tablespoons (level) butter 1 teaspoon (heaping) baking powder 1/4 cup sugar V2 cup flour 1 egg 1 teaspoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons (scant) milk 1 cup pecan nuts (chopped) Cream the butter and sugar, add the egg to this mixture. Beat all together with egg-beater; then add milk, flour and lemon juice. To this mixture add pecans. Bake from 12 to 15 minutes in a moderate oven. Do not grease the pan, but put the little cakes in with a teaspoon about 2 inches apart. These are very delicious for afternoon tea. Mrs. Edward Wetherill BROWN CHRISTMAS COOKIES (GERMAN) 2 pounds butter 10 cents worth cardamom seed 21/4 pounds sugar V2 pound blanched almonds 3 pounds cooking syrup (New Orleans 1 crystallized lemon peel molasses) V2 citron peel 1/2 pound crystallized orange peel Vs pound potash (baking soda) 8 pounds flour Heat and mix the butter, sugar and molasses. Put through the grinder (fine) the orange peel, cardamom seed, almonds, lemon peel and citron peel. Mix batter and stand over night. Roll about ]4 inch thick, cut into cookies, insert half blanched almonds, and bake on tins in moder- ate oven. Pack away in stone crocks, and these will last all winter. Mrs. William C. Lowry BOOK OF RECIPES 213 CHESTER COUNTY COOKIES 3 cups sugar 2 eggs 1 cup sour cream 5 cups flour 1 cup butter V^ teaspoon (scant) soda Mix sugar, cream, butter, eggs, flour, and soda, dissolved in a little warm water. Flavor with vanilla or lemon. Drop in a well-greased pan far enough apart to spread. Bake in a quick oven. Mrs. Edmund Webster FRENCH COOKIES % pound butter 1 pound flour 2 cups (scant) granulated sugar 1 egg Blend butter and sugar, work in flour, drop in 1 egg (or 2 if mixture be too dry to hold together). Put on ice over night. % pound almonds Sugar Sherry wine Cinnamon 1 egg Blanch the almonds, split them in two, wet with sherry and roU in mixttu"e of sugar and cinnamon. Take portion of dough out and roll as thin as possible, using very little flour. Cut out with heart-shaped cutter. When in pan spread cookies with egg (white and yolk beaten together very lightly), using back of spoon to spread it on, and then place 3 halves of almonds on the center of each cooky, radiating from the center. Mrs. William B. Campbell ENGLISH CHRISTMAS CAKES 2 cups brown sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon % cup butter 1 teaspoon cloves 1 cup sour milk (or boiling water) 1 teaspoon nutmeg 3 eggs 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda (dissolved in 1 table- 1 cup raisins spoon boiling water) 1 cup English walnuts (chopped) V4 citron (cut in small pieces) Flour to stiffen and drop from a spoon. These "Enghsh Christmas Cakes" were served at our Christmas Tea, and were delicious. Mrs. Charles D. Cox, President, The Woman's Club of Phoenixville, Pa. 214 NEW CENTURY CLUB LITTLE CHRISTMAS CAKES 1 cup granulated sugar 1 coffee cup hickory nuts or English 2 eggs walnuts (chopped) 7 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon vanilla Drop one teaspoonful at a time on greased paper in tin. Bake in moderate oven. A raisin, nut meat or frosting can be put in center. Mrs. Frederick J. McWade SWEDISH COOKIES 3 cups flour Grated rind of y-i lemon 1 cup sugar 1 raw egg 12 ounces butter 3 hard-boiled eggs (yolks) Chopped almonds Mash hard-boiled yolks through a sieve, add raw &^g and other ingredients, mix well with the hand and put on ice for an hour. Roll out thin, cut in small shapes, brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with chopped almonds mixed with sugar, and bake in a moderate oven, a golden brown. Mrs. Caleb J. Milne, Jr. APPLE SAUCE CAKE 1 cup brown sugar (light) 2 teaspoons baking soda (dissolved in 1/2 cup butter the apple sauce) 1 1/2 cups apple sauce 1 teaspoon cinnamon V2 teaspoon cloves 2 cups flour 1 cup raisins Bake about ^ hour in a moderate oven. Mrs. William Simpson, Jr. APPLE SAUCE CAKE IV2 cups sweetened apple sauce 2 teaspoons soda (beaten smooth) 1 teaspoon nutmeg % cup lard or drippings (melted) 1 teaspoon cinnamon V-fz cups brown sugar Vz teaspoon cloves 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon allspice 21/2 cups flour 1 cup raisins 1 cup currants Mix in order given, putting in the yi cup of flour with the fruit. Bake in a loaf for 2 hours in a rather slow oven. Test with a straw. This may be made from dried-apple sauce. Mrs. Martha P. Falconer BOOK OF RECIPES 215 POUND CAKE 1 pound sugar 1 pound flour % pound butter 10 eggs (leaving out the yolks of 2) Beat eggs and sugar until very light. Beat butter and flour to a soft cream. Add eggs and sugar to butter and flour. Bake very slowly 2 hours. This I consider the prize of my private collection and the easiest and best recipe for pound cake I have known. Mrs. Mahlon B. Paxson BOSTON POUND CAKE 1 pound sugar 1 cup cream 3/4 pound butter Peel of 2 lemons (grated) 1 pound flour Juice of 1 lemon 6 eggs 1 teaspoon soda Beat the butter and sugar very light, add gradually the cream and lemons, yi of the flour. Beat the eggs separately, and stir y^, 2X 2l time after mixing well; add the rest of the flour, beat all together 10 or 15 minutes, then put in the soda; not much beating after that. Bake in a moderate oven. Mrs. George F. Klemm ORANGE CAKE 2V^ cups flour 5 eggs (the white of 1 to be used for 2 cups sugar icing) 1 cup butter 2 teaspoons cream of tartar % cup milk 1 teaspoon soda 1 orange (juice and grated rind) Save a little rind for icing. Icing 1 cup sugar y^ cup hot water 14 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 egg (white) Stir cream of tartar in sugar dry; add hot water. Boil 6 minutes, or until it "hairs." Pour slowly into beaten white of egg, beating all the time. Add flavor; beat until thick enough to spread. Mrs. Charles Z. Tryon 216 NEW CENTURY CLUB COCOANUT POUND CAKE 1 cocoanut (small) 6 eggs (whites) 3 cups flour y-i teaspoon soda 1 cup butter 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 2 cups sugar 1 cup milk Put Yi of the grated cocoanut in last. Mrs. Hugh McIlvain ORANGE CAKE Yolks of 5 eggs 2 cups flour Whites of 4 eggs (3 whites will answer 2 teaspoons baking powder if eggs be scarce) 1 lemon (juice and grated rind) 2 cups sugar V2 cup cold water Beat the yolks until light, then with the sugar, the rind and juice of the lemon. Sift the flour and beat into the mixture, alternating with the water. Add the baking powder in the second cup of flour. Lastly the well-beaten whites. Bake in 3 layers. Orange Icing 2 eggs (whites) 1 orange (rind and juice) 1 pound pulverized sugar Beat the whites of eggs until light, adding pulver zed sugar (about 1 pound). Grate the yellow skin of 1 orange (though better with the rind of 2 oranges). Beat the rind and juice into the whites of egg alternately with the sugar. Allow to stand awhile in order to stiffen somewhat. Spread between the layers and over the top. Mrs. Robert P, Brown ORANGE SHORTCAKE 1 quart sifted flour 1 tablespoon white sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 3 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon salt Milk Mix flour, baking powder, salt and sugar thoroughly. Then add butter and sweet milk sufficient to make soft dough. Roll out in 3 layers, slightly butter each layer, lay one on top of the other, bake 22 minutes; separate the layers while warm, place bottom crust on plate, cover with sliced orange, sprinkle thickly with sugar, lay on second crust, and pro- ceed as before; dust top with powdered sugar. Mrs. H. L. Barnes BOOK OF RECIPES 217 LADY BALTIMORE CAKE Make 4 layers of rich white cake. Make a frosting (boiled) of 4 cups granidated sugar and the beaten whites of 4 eggs. Divide this frost- ing into 4 equal parts. First portion. — Stir 1 jQnely grated cocoanut and the pulp of 1 orange rubbed through a sieve. Spread on first layer of cake. Second portion, — Stir 1 cup of English walnuts, chopped fine; 1 cup of chopped raisins; 1 tablespoon of grated chocolate. Place on 2d layer. Third portion. — Stir 1 cup of chopped almonds; 1 cup of citron chopped fine; and place on 3d layer of cake. Fourth portion. — Should be spread smooth and white, thick and soft on top of cake with cocoanut, almonds and raisins. Mrs. Harry A. Hornor DEVIL CAKE 1 cup sugar Vz cup boiling water 1/2 cup (small) butter 1 teaspoon (heaping) baking powder 2 eggs 1 teaspoon (level) soda 1/2 cup sour milk 1 % cups flour 3 tablespoons (level) cocoa (put in last) If you like it thin, bake in long gingerbread pans. Mrs. Lewis M. Johnson FAVORITE CAKE 1 cup butter 1 teaspoon cloves 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 cup molasses 1 nutmeg 1 cup sweet milk 1 teaspoon soda 4 eggs 1 pound chopped raisins 4 cups flour (light weight) Pinch of salt Citron, brandy and currants if desired Mrs. Walter T. Baird SCOTCH CAKES 34 pound butter IV4 pounds flotir 1 poimd sugar 3 eggs 1 tablespoon cinnamon Roll thin, cut with cake cutter. Miss Matilda Baird 218 NEW CENTURY CLUB MOCK LADY BALTIMORE CAKE 1 egg 2 cups sifted flour 1 cup (scant) sugar 1 tablespoon (heaping) butter 1 cup sweet milk 4 teaspoons (level) baking powder Drop butter in blood heat water until softened, pour off water, and cream sugar and butter in same bowl. Add whole unbeaten egg, and mix, then alternate flour and milk. Immediately before placing in pans to bake, sift in the baking powder. Pour into two cake pans and place at very top of oven at back (of gas range) and bake 20 minutes, using only the front burner. Light oven 5 minutes before placing cake in for baking. Test layers by imprint of fingers to know when done. Filling 3y4 cup sugar 1/2 cup chopped nut meats 1/2 cup cold water V2 cup chopped seeded raisins Yolk of 1 egg V2 teaspoon vanilla Boil sugar and water until it threads, then pour over the beaten yolk and beat. Add nuts and raisins, and spread between the layers. Make white icing for top and sides. Mrs. Laura Chandler Booth, President, The New Century Club of Kennett Square, Pa. BI-METALLIC CAKE V2 cup (scant) butter 1 % cups flour 1/2 cup sugar 3 eggs 1/2 cup milk 1 y^ teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon extract almond Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add milk very slowly, then the flour (sifted), powder, almond and beaten whites. Bake in a moderately quick oven for yi hour. Icing Take the yolks, beat until light, to which add a syrup made by boil- ing together imtil it spins a heavy thread, 1 cup granulated sugar and half a cup boiling water. Flavor with 1 teaspoon of vanilla. This recipe makes a white cake with a golden icing and is quite worth a trial. Mrs. Thomas Biddle Ellis BOO K OF RECIPES 219 BOWL, CUP AND SPOON CAKE (Only these three utensils are used in mixing the cake) 1 cup sugar 2 eggs (whites) 11/2 cups flour Melted butter 1 big teaspoon baking powder V2 cup ""1^ A pinch of salt VaniUa to taste Mix these dry ingredients in the bowl. Drop the whites of eggs (unbeaten) in measuring cup. Add melted butter to half-way mark. Fill remaining half cup with milk. Four contents of cup into bowl, add- ing vanilla and stirring thoroughly. Mrs. H. H. White, President, New Century Club of Pottstown, Pa. LACE CAKES 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup (scant) sugar A pinch of salt 1 teaspoon (large) baking powder 1 tablespoon melted butter 2V2 cups uncooked Quaker oats Drop in large pan— 1 teaspoonful for each cake. Bake in slow oven. Mrs. William H. Hollar SWISS LOAF CAKE 1 cup butter 1 cup milk 11/2 cups sugar 2 eggs 214 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Cream butter and sugar, add yolks, then milk and flour, and whites of eggs. Sift baking powder and flour together. Flavor with vanilla. Mrs. Caleb S. Middleton "RIZ" CAKE yx cup butter (creamed) V2 teaspoon soda (dissolved in hot 21/2 cups sugar water) 3 eggs 1 potmd raisins 1 cup sour milk Vi poimd citron 1/2 cup sweet milk V2 nutmeg 3 cups flour Vz teaspoon cinnamon Let it stand in the bread pans 1 hour in a warm place. Bake in a bread oven. Mrs. Isaac S. Lowry 220 NEW CENTURY CLUB JAM CAKE 1 cup butter 4 or 5 eggs (beaten separately) 2 cups sugar y^ teaspoon (about) ground black 1 cup sweet milk pepper 4 cups flour 1 teaspoon allspice 3 teaspoons baking powder (sifted well 1 teaspoon cloves into the flour) 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup of jam — raspberry or blackberry is best Bake in layers, spread jam between and ice. Mrs. H. J. Kaltenthaler ONE-EGG CAKE 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon butter iVi cups flour 1 egg Vz cup milk 1 yz teaspoons baking powder A pinch of salt Bake in a loaf — add dots of butter and cinnamon on top. Mrs. Alfred Marshall COMPOSITION CAKE 5 eggs 1 cup milk 4 cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 2V2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup butter 1 lemon (juice and grated rind) Beat sugar and butter to a cream, add beaten yolks, then add milk and part of flour; with rest of flour add the whites beaten very light. Flavor with juice and rind of lemon. This will make a loaf and 12 small cakes. Mrs. James Mapes Dodge FRIED CAKES 1 cup sugar 3 eggs 4 tablespoons butter 1 cup milk 3 teaspoons baking powder Melt sugar in the milk. This prevents absorption of grease. Roll half an inch thick after mixing soft, and 'fry in hot lard. Flavor with nutmeg. Mrs. James Mapes Dodge BOOK OF RECIPES 221 Vi pound butter 2 cups sugar 10 eggs (whites) SMALL LADY CAKE 1 cup sweet milk 3 cups flour 1 teaspoon (heaping) baking powder Flavor with almond Mrs. Newton E. Wood, President, The Neighbors, Hatboro, Pa. SILVER CAKE y^ cup butter IV2 cups pulverized sugar 1 cup tepid water 2*4 cups flour 2 tablespoons baking powder 4 eggs (whites) Beat butter to a cream, add pulverized (or granulated) sugar, beat again. Add tepid water and flour. Beat thoroughly for 5 minutes, then stir in baking powder and well-beaten whites of eggs. Flavor with almond extract, bake in a moderate oven, about 1 hour. If followed exactly this makes a delicious cake. The yolks of the eggs can be used for mayonnaise dressing or cup custards. Mrs. Andrew M. Eastwick BROWN CAKE 2 cups light brown sugar 2 cups flour 2 eggs Vz cup butter V2 cup milk y-i. cup boiling water 1 teaspoon baking soda Vi cake chocolate (grated) Beat butter, sugar and yolks together, add milk, then the soda, dis- solved in half the boiling water, and chocolate in the other half of boil- ing water; then add flour, and last, the whites, beaten. Bake in 3 layers. Caramel Icing 2 cups light brown sugar V2 cup cream Small lump of butter 1 spoon vanilla Boil a few minutes, beat until thick, add vanilla. Mrs. Allen R. Mitchell 222 NEW CENTURY CLUB BLACK CAKE 1 pound butter 1^4 pounds sugar 1 pound flour 12 eggs 3 pounds raisins (seeded and chopped) 2 pounds currants 2 pounds citron 1 glass of Madeira wine 2 glasses brandy 1 glass rose water 2 nutmegs 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves 1 glass currant jelly Bake in a moderate oven 4 hours. This recipe has been used in our family for many years, and if fol- lowed closely you cannot fail in it. Mrs. Hugh McIlvain 1 cup powdered sugar 1 cup (scant) flour MOCHA TARE (CAKE) 4 eggs 2 tablespoons coffee extract 1 teaspoon (small) baking powder Beat together the yolks of eggs and the sugar, then add the flour and baking powder, and extract. Add the stiffly beaten whites of eggs last of all. Bake in 3 layers. When cold whip yi pint double cream, 2 tea- spoons of coffee extract, and sweeten to taste. Add this cream filling between the layers and on top, just as you are going to use the cake. Mrs. Henry P, Brown "SCRIPTURE CAKE" 1 cup butter Judges 5: 25 2 cups sugar Jeremiah 6: 20 3V2 cups flour, prepared with 2V2 teaspoons baking powder 1st Kings 4: 22 2 cups raisins 1st Samuel 30: 12 2 cups figs 1st Samuel 30: 12 1 cup almonds Genesis 43 : 11 1 cup water Genesis 24 : 20 6 eggs Isaiah 10: 14 A little salt Leviticus 2 : 13 1 spoon (large) honey Exodus 16:31 Sweet spices to taste 1st Kings 10: 12 Follow Solomon's advice for making good boys and you will have a good cake. An old "trusted and tried" recipe Mrs. George F. Klemm BOOK OF RECIPES 223 NEW AMSTERDAM MOLASSES CAKE 1 cup molasses 1 cup (scant) solid sour milk 1 egg 1 teaspoon (even) bicarbonate of soda y-i cup butter and lard mixed (mostly 2V2 cups flour butter) 2 teaspoons ground ginger V2 teaspoon ground nutmeg Cream your butter well, then add egg without beating; stir well together, and then add molasses. Now take sour milk, in which you have dissolved your soda before you began to mix (this you should set in a saucer, as it is liable to foam up over the cup), put all in, both from saucer and cup, using some of yoiu- flotu- alternately with it tmtil all is used; lastly your spices. If spices are not liked you can add 1 scant cup of well-mashed ciirrants, which should be well-floured with about 1 table- spoon of extra flotu-. Bake in a moderate oven, either in small patty pans, long shallow pans, or a tiu-k's head pan with a tube in the center. If in the latter, serve hot, fill the hole in the center with whipped cream and serve with a hot chocolate sauce as a dessert. This is an old recipe brought from Holland to this country before New Amsterdam became New York and was often served boiled, as well as baked in their Dutch ovens. The Molasses Cake recipe my three times great-grandmother trans- lated into English from the Dutch, so the story goes. Mrs. John Gribbel ZOLLICOFFER OR TUTTI FRUTTI CAKE V2 cup butter 1 cup milk IV2 cups sugar 4 eggs (whites) 3 cups flour 11^ teaspoons baking powder Mix together the butter, sugar, flour, milk, whites of eggs and bak- ing powder. Filling 1 potmd sugar Vi pound figs 3 eggs (whites) J/2 pound raisins Vi poimd citron 14 pound blanched almonds Moisten sugar and boil tmtil it spins from the spoon. Pour this over the beaten whites of eggs. Beat hard, then add citron, figs, raisins and almonds, all cut up fiine. Spread the mixture between layers and on top of cake. Mrs. Josephine L. Adams 224 NEWCENTURYCLUB BURGESS CAKE 34 pound butter 1 teaspoon nutmeg and cinnamon mixed 1 pound sugar 4 eggs (beaten separately) 1 wineglass brandy V2 pound currants 10 oimces (about) flour Rub butter and sugar together until smooth, then add the yolks of the eggs, brandy and spices. When thoroughly mixed, add about half of the flour, then the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff froth; mix the remaining half of the fiotir with the currants and stir lightly into the mixture. Bake on tin sheets in a moderate oven. See that you do not get too much flour or the cakes will not be crisp. Mrs. Harry G. Michener WHITE FLAKED RICE CAKES Vz to 3/4 package of flaked rice (2 cups 1 cup sugar and more) iVz teaspoons baking powder 3 eggs 2 tablespoons flour 21/2 tablespoons melted butter Beat eggs; add one cup sugar and beat again, add butter, then rice and flour (well mixed with baking powder). Drop from spoon on greased pans; push together on pan — ^must not be flat. It is best to work in a little rice at a time. Bake. Work in more when ready to make up second pan, etc. Don't add all rice at once or batter will fall fiat. Mrs. Leon S. Dexter ENGLISH CAKE 10 eggs Their weight in flour Their weight in sugar The weight of 6 in butter This has been in our family for seventy -five years — a "tried" recipe. Mrs. Newton E. Wood, President, The Neighbors, Hatboro, Pa. AMES CAKE 1 cup butter 3 cups flour 2 cups sugar 5 eggs Mix butter and sugar, add flour and then well-beaten eggs. Flavor with any extract preferred. Miss Florence E. Taylor BOOK OF RECIPES 225 TAYLOR CAKES V2 pound (scant) light brown sugar V^ pound butter 4 eggs 1 pint New Orleans molasses 1 pint thick milk Dissolve soda in molasses. 1 tablespoon soda ll^ pounds flour 2 tablespoons cinnamon 2 tablespoons ginger 1 tablespoon cloves Drop in pans and bake. Miss Annie Heacock SUGAR CAKE 1 tablespoon powdered cinnamon 1 cup granulated sugar y^ cup brown sugar 1 cup milk 1/2 cup currants 1 egg 2 cups self-raising flour V4 pound melted butter V2 teaspoon baking powder Put floiir in a bowl and add baking powder and one-half of the melted butter and three-fourths of the granulated sugar, all the milk and beaten t.^g. Add ciurants last. Pour into two pans and cover the top with cinnamon, brown sugar and the remainder of the granulated sugar. Last of all, poiu: the remainder of the butter over the top of the two cakes. Bake in a moderate oven 25 or 30 minutes. One-third of a cup of shelled black walnuts instead of the currants may be used. Mrs. Wilbur F. Litch DELICIOUS PLAIN CAKE 1 cup sugar, beaten with V2 cup butter 1 egg Bake in slow oven. 1 cup rich milk 2 cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon (level) nutmeg Miss Lida Paull Fife 6 eggs (whites) % cup granulated sugar ANGEL CAKE Flavoring yz cup flour 1 teaspoon cream of tartar Beat whites of eggs very stiff. Beat sugar slowly into whites. Add flavoring. Sift cream of tartar with flour and fold quickly into whites and sugar. Bake in ungreased pan in slow oven. Mrs. Edwin B. Newcomer 226 NEW CENTURY CLUB GOOD PLAIN CAKE (Philadelphia Cooking School) 6 tablespoons butter 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup pulverized sugar iVi cups flour 2 eggs Vi teaspoon spice, or V2 cup milk Vz teaspoon flavoring Sift flour, baking powder and spice together. Cream butter and work in sugar gradually. Separate egg, beat yolk and pour milk into it. Add portions of this and dry mixture alternately to the creamed butter and sugar. Stir well to make smooth batter. Beat whites stiff and fold in carefully. Bake % oi an hour. Try with clean straw. Ciurants, raisins, quartered and seeded, or citron or candied orange peel cut into thin slices dredged with flour may be added just before baking. For marble cake stir a little cocoa into part of the batter. For orange cake put candied orange peel in the cake and frost with confectioner's sugar flavored with orange juice. Mrs. John J. McGuigan ANGEL FOOD 114 cups grantilated sugar 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon bitter almond extract 12 eggs (whites) Sift flour and cream of tartar 4 times; beat whites stiff, stir in last, always stirring gently. Bake in moderate oven; when done turn upside down and it will in time drop free from the tin. ' Mrs. John D. McIlhenny "ROCKS" (DELICIOUS LITTLE CAKES) (Mrs. M. B. Tort's recipe) 1 cup sugar 1 pound English walnuts (chopped) % cup butter 1 pound seeded raisins IV2 cups floiur 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 eggs 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon soda Cream sugar with butter; add flour, eggs, walnuts, raisins, cinnamon, cloves and soda (dissolved in hot water). Drop by teaspoon on greased tins and bake. The dough must be very stiff. Place half an English walnut on each cake before baking. These keep as well as fruit cake. Miss Anne Heygate-Hall BOOK OF RECIPES 227 HERMITS (Delicious Small Cakes) 1 cup butter 3 eggs 2 cups sugar V2 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon (level) soda Add eggs to the creamed butter and sugar; add sour milk, with soda dissolved in a little milk. V2 pound figs (cut fine) V2 teaspoon cloves 1 teacup raisins (cut fine) 3 cups flour (add carefully; do not V2 pound English walnuts (chopped) have too thick) 2 teaspoons cinnamon 3 teaspoons liquid vanilla, or equivalent in vanilla bean Lard baking pans, drop batter, a teaspoon at a time, two inches apart on pan. Bake only until light brown. Mrs. Leon S. Dexter KISSES Vz pound pulverized sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 eggs (whites) Bake on a board ; first moisten it and cover with brown paper. Bake slowly. This will make 2 dozen kisses. Mrs. John D. McIlhenny CHOCOLATE CARAMEL BALLS 2V^ cups brown sugar 1 cup sweet cream Butter the size of a walnut V4 cake Baker's chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla (put in last) Beat until light. Roll in balls the size of small marbles and roll in granulated sugar. Do not cook imtil brittle. Mrs. J. Howard Marshall SAND TARTS 2 poimds flour iVi pounds butter 2 pounds granulated sugar 3 eggs Mix the sugar, butter and flour, wet it with the eggs, well beaten, and mix very well together. Roll very thin, and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon mixed. Cut thin, and stick in, before baking, 3 or 4 blanched ahnonds. Mrs. J. Gibson McIlvain 228 NEW CENTURY CLUB SAND TARTS 1 pound sugar 1/2 pound butter (flavored with lemon) 1 pound flour 6 eggs Roll very thin, brush with egg and put granulated sugar, pecan nut and cinnamon on top. Bake in quick oven. These cakes will keep indefinitely in tin boxes, and are fine to serve with tea. Mrs. Harrison Souder MANDELBRODCHEN 3 eggs (whites) V2 pound almonds 1/2 pound pulverized sugar 2 ounces sugar Beat the whites of eggs with pulverized sugar for 15 minutes. Blanch the almonds and chop fine or run through a meat-grinder; mix with 2 ounces of sugar and brown slightly in the oven; when cool mix with the beaten white of egg and sugar. Drop in small cakes on a greased paper and bake in a cool oven. Mrs. John L. Appleton CARAMEL ICING IV2 cups brown sugar, mixed with ^4 cup cream 1 tablespoon (large) flour Yz cup (scant) butter Boil until very thick. Stir all ttie time (about 10 minutes). Spread on cake while hot. Mrs. Walter C. McIntire CHOCOLATE NUT FROSTING IV2 cups sugar 8 squares chocolate 8 tablespoons milk Vanilla 34 poimd English walnuts Boil sugar, milk and chocolate 8 minutes. Set in a dish of cold water and beat until thick enough to spread, then add vanilla and walnuts broken in small pieces. Spread on loaf of thick plain cake. Mrs. Frank H. Burpee A GOOD ICING FOR CAKE Two tablespoons of orange juice and the grated rind of the orange. Three cups of 4 X sugar. Mix the juice and the sugar, and pour boiling water on the whole — a little at a time, until it is the consistency of boiled icing — or a thick custard. Pour over the cake and spread over — that's all. Mrs. Charles H. Woolley CanbteiS The daint est last, to make the end most sweet. — Richard IL (229) NUT CANDY 2 cups granulated sugar 2 teaspoons (about) vinegar V2 cup water Nuts Mix sugar, water and vinegar; boil without stirring, until brittle when dropped in cold water. Butter shallow pans and pour over nuts (peanuts, shellbarks, walnuts or any nuts you may have). It is well to let the nuts get warm before pouring in the mixture. Mrs. J. Gibson McIlvain NUT CHOCOLATES Grate or cut into square pieces a cake of Baker's (bitter) chocolate. Add to this about }4 cup of water and melt over a boiling tea kettle. When the chocolate is thoroughly melted remove from over the kettle, and stir in confectioner's sugar (or a fine pulverized sugar will do) imtil it is the right consistency to be formed into balls in the fingers. This is much like the French candy and when formed into balls and put between two English walnuts, is very good. Miss Alice Pusey Chambers WALNUT CANDY 3 cups brown sugar Butter the size of an egg 1 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup water 1 pound walnut meats (broken) Boil sugar and water until it will form a soft ball in cold water. Add butter and cream of tartar and beat until nearly stiff, then add walnut meats. Mrs. Edwin B. Newcomer SEA FOAM 3 cups brown sugar 2 eggs (whites) 1 cup water 1 cup English walnuts (chopped) Boil sugar and water imtil it strings. Stir this syrup gradually into the whites of eggs beaten stiff. Add walnuts and when it has been beaten nearly hard, drop from a spoon on a buttered platter. Mrs. Daniel R. Harper (231) 232 NEW CENTURY CLUB TAFFY 1 pound brown sugar y-i teacup vinegar 1 pound butter V2 teacup water Put the vinegar, water and butter on the fire imtil warm, then add sugar; boil until it will crack when dropped in cold water. This is the very best recipe for Taffy I know. Mrs. J. Gibson McIlvain CHOCOLATE FUDGE 3 ounces Baker's chocolate Butter the size of a wahiut ly-i cups granulated sugar V2 cup cream (good measure) 2 tablespoons vanilla If you wish nut fudge, add 1 cup of nuts, cut fine. Melt the chocolate on a pie plate ; melt butter in saucepan; add sugar, chocolate and cream. Put on fire to boil, and when boiling all over, time it and boil 6 minutes, then add nuts. Take from fire, stir hard imtil it begins to thicken; add vaniUa; pour quickly into pan already greased with a little butter. (Pan 10 inches long, 6 inches wide). Cut candy into blocks before it gets entirely cold. Mrs. C. L. Hutchinson FUDGE 2 ounces Baker's chocolate 1 cup milk or cream 2 cups granulated sugar Large piece of butter Vi teaspoon vanilla Do not cook too long. Take off the fire when chocolate granulates around the sides of the pan. Put the vanilla in just before you take from the fire. Beat the mixture for 3, or maybe only 2 minutes. Mrs. H. G. Michener FUDGE 2 cups sugar 2 squares Baker's chocolate 1 cup milk 1 cup raisins (cut) Butter the size of a walnut 1 cup English walnuts (broken) Boil sugar and milk well, then add butter; when melted, add choco- late; boil again well, and when cool, beat about 10 minutes; then add raisins and walnuts. Put away to harden. The Misses Longstreth BOOK OF RECIPES 233 MARSHMALLOW FUDGE 2 cups brown sugar V2 cake Baker's chocolate 1 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup milk Butter the size of a walnut Boil, stirring constantly, sugar, milk and chocolate, until the mix- ture soft balls in cold water. Add butter just before, and vanilla just after removing from fire. Stir until it begins to stiffen, and pour into buttered pans. If desired, >^ poimd of marshmallows may be added just after the vanilla. Best prepared on chafing dish. Miss Mary Craig Peacock BROOK GROVE FUDGE 1/2 cake Baker's chocolate Butter the size of an egg 2 large cups granulated sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla % cup cream Pinch of salt Cook tintil thick, then take ofl stove and beat tmtil it begins to be stiff and creamy. Stir in vanilla and pour out on buttered plates. Add salt when nearly finished. Miss Mary Janney FRUIT FUDGE 3 cups granulated sugar 14 cup seeded raisins 3 teaspoons soda V^ cup nuts 3/4 cup milk Vt cup cocoanut 1 tablespoon butter Ya cup figs (cut small) Boil sugar, soda, milk and butter. When it will form a soft ball in cold water, add raisins, nuts, cocoanut and figs. Beat imtil it begins to sugar on the sides, and pour quickly into buttered tins. When almost cool, mark in squares. Mrs. Charles E. Noblit OPERA CREAMS 2 squares Baker's chocolate % cup milk 1 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1V4 cups Ught brown sugar 1 teaspoon butter Grate chocolate, add sugar and milk. Cook slowly until mixture is smooth and boil for about a minute, or until a soft ball is formed in cold water. Remove from stove, add vanilla and butter and beat until hard enough to form. Drop from a teaspoon upon waxed paper. Mrs. Martha P. Falconer 234 NEW CENTURY CLUB CHOCOLATE CARAMELS 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup cream 1 cup New Orleans molasses Butter the size of a walnut y^ cake chocolate (Vs poimd) 1 teaspoon vinegar 1 teaspoon vanilla Boil until it hardens in cold water and stir all you wish. After boil- ing, add vinegar and vanilla. I like brown sugar in candy, but granulated will do in caramels. Mrs. Lewis F. Shoemaker CHOCOLATE CARAMELS 1/2 pound Baker's chocolate 4 cups brown stigar Vi pound butter 1 cup milk IV4 cups New Orleans molasses Vanilla extract to taste After boiling 20 minutes, stirring frequently, try in ice water till strings are brittle. These are delicious. Mrs. Edward F. Kingsley CARAMELS V^ pound Baker's chocolate 1 cup molasses y^ poimd brown sugar 1 cup milk Vi pound butter 1 tablespoon vanilla extract Mrs. Effingham Perot CANDIED GRAPEFRUIT PEEL Cut peel into strips and soak for 48 hours, changing water three or four times. Cover with fresh cold water and boil 4 hours, changing water once. Then drain and weigh, taking equal parts of peel and granulated sugar, and put on the fire again without adding water, and boil until all the syrup is absorbed. While still warm roll in granulated sugar. Mrs. J. Howard Gaskill CONSERVED GRAPEFRUIT RIND Use the rind only. Cut in pieces the size of a section of an orange. Boil these 20 minutes in water. Drain them. Put back in the kettle, as follows: A layer of the rind and a layer of sugar. Boil these imtil they are clear (about 8 or 10 minutes). Then drain again. Put them in a self -sealing jar. When you wish to use them, roll in sugar. This I can vouch for, as it is one of Sophie's recipes. Mrs. James B. Thomas peberasesf We drink this health to yow.— Pericles. (235) PURE GRAPE JUICE 10 pounds Concord grapes 2 quarts water 5 cups sugar Pick grapes off stem and wash; place them in kettle with water and boil until skins are well broken. Take off and drain, then press the skins until juice is all extracted. Return juice to kettle with sugar and boil until sugar is dissolved, skimming off anything that rises to the surface. Bottle and seal while hot. If not sweet enough to suit taste, more sugar can be added. Mrs. E. Boyd Weitzel GRAPE JXnCE 3 quarts Concord grapes 1 quart water Sugar Stem and wash grapes before measuring. Heat thoroughly and strain. To 1 quart of juice add 1 cup of sugar. Use small cup if grapes are very sweet. Let juice and sugar come to a boil, then bottle and seal with wax. Mrs. Edwin F. Keen MISS SALLY WHEELER JOHNSON'S LEMONADE (This recipe is always used at the Meetings of the Site and Relic Society of Germantown) S dozen lemons 1 pineapple (cut in fine slices or 10 pounds granulated sugar small pieces) V2 dozen oranges (sliced with the peel or left on), or 1 box strawberries (in season) Dissolve the sugar in boiling water some hours before wanted; stir thoroughly, putting in some of the lemon peel cut very thin. Add the lemon juice when cool, and the fruit and ice when ready to serve. Do not put all the s>T-up in the lemon juice at once, as it may be too sweet if lemons are not ripe and juicy. The fruit can be used to suit individual taste, one or more kinds used at a time, as preferred. Miss Anna M. Johnson (237) 238 NEW CENTURY CLUB TEMPERANCE PUNCH 6 oranges 1 bottle white grape juice 2 lemons 2 bottles ginger ale 1 teaspoon crushed mint Sugar Mix the juice of oranges and lemons in bowl with crushed mint (or a bunch of mint). Put juice in punch bowl with large lump of ice. Add grape juice; sugar to taste. Before serving, add ginger ale. Serve with strawberry or small squares of pineapple in glass. As the ice melts add more ginger ale. If the punch is not sweet enough add more sugar. (Warranted to put no one under the table.) Miss Anne Hollingsworth Wharton GRAPE JUICE Sectu-e good juicy grapes (preferably the Concord), pick and stem them, place in a preserving kettle and barely cover with water. Boil until tender, then mash and strain. To every gallon of juice add 1 cup of granulated sugar. Return to the fire and let boil for 3 minutes and then place in bottles and seal. Drink with pleasure. Mrs. Thomas Biddle Ellis BLACKBERRY BRANDY (Recommended in case of sickness) 2 quarts blackberry juice 1 ounce powdered cinnamon 1 quart brandy 1 ounce powdered nutmeg 2 pounds soft white sugar 1 ounce powdered cloves 1 oimce powdered allspice Boil the juice with the sugar and the spices for 15 minutes. Take from the fire and add the brandy. When cold, strain, bottle and seal. The spices should be placed in a bag, in order not to discolor the juice. Mrs. Sarah Walker Duncan RECETTE DE TALLEYRAND POUR LE CAFE Noir comme le diable Pur comme un ange Chaud comme I'enfer Doux comme I'amour Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols BOOK OF RECIPES 239 DANDELION WINE 4 quarts dandelion blossoms (without 2 lemons stems) 4 quarts lukewarm water 4 oranges Sugar Yeast cake Stand the water and dandelions, thin peel of lemons and oranges, 60 hoiirs. Squeeze out and strain. Put 4 pounds of sugar to every gal- lon of above. (In the meantime you have taken the peeled oranges and lemons and rolled in oiled paper to keep them over the 60 hours.) Cut oranges and lemons up fine and to every gallon put a broken-up yeast cake and the sugar, oranges and lemons and let stand 36 hours. Strain and bottle, leaving corks off until done fermenting. Mrs. Harry A. Hornor ORANGE CORDIAL 36 oranges 1 gallon water 1 gallon rectified alcohol White sugar Use the skins of the oranges, peeling very thin. Put in a large jar or vessel and poiu* on alcohol and water. Cook and let stand for 7 weeks, stirring or shaking thoroughly every day. Strain and measiu-e the juice, and to each quart of liquid add the syrup made from boiling 1 pound of white sugar, to which a little water has been added. Add the syrup hot, then bottle and cork. Miss Jean A. Flanigen Some hae meat that camia eat, And some would eat that want it; But we hae meat, and we can eat, Sae let the Lord be thankit. Robert Burns (240) Snbex Preabsi PAGE Bath Bread 22 Mrs. Alfred Mellor Batter Bread or Com Pone 21 Mrs. Elmore C. Hine Bedford RoUs 23 Dr. Frances N. Baker Biscuits, Ellen's 25 Mrs. C. L. Peirce Bread 17 Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols Bread Cakes 22 Miss Helen A. Childs Breakfast Biscuits 24 Mrs. Theron I. Crane Breakfast Muffins 27 Mrs. William P. Potter Brown Bread, Steamed 21 Mrs. W. Dtiffield Robinson Buckwheat Cakes 30 Miss G. B. Mcllhenny Buckwheat Griddle Cakes 30 Mrs. Livingston E. Jones Buckwheat Griddle Cakes 30 Miss Helen Lippincott Christmas Bread (Mary R. Heygate- Hall's Recipe) 22 Miss Anna Hey gate-Hall Cinnamon Bun 28 Mrs. Daniel R. Harper Cinnamon Bun 29 Miss A bby A . Sutherland Com Bread, My Grandmother's 21 Mrs. John D. Mcllhenny Commeal Griddle Cakes 31 Mrs. C. L. Hutchinson 16 (24 PAGB Cream Muffins, Mrs. Charles D. B. Barney's 26 Miss Mary Janney Dinner or Lunch Rolls, Anna's 24 Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols Dutch Cake 20 Mrs. George H. Vanderbeck Flume House Flannel Cakes 31 Mrs. S. Bernard Chambers French Waffles 32 Miss Emma R. Jack Gems 27 Mrs. William P. Elwell Graham Bread 20 Mrs. Lewis F. Shoemaker Graham Bread 20 Mrs. H. H. White Graham Bread 21 Mrs. A. W. Robinson Graham Gems 27 Miss Virginia Hartshorne Griddle Cakes 29 Mrs. Harry A. Hornor Milk Biscuit 25 Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier Nut Bread 17 Miss Gertrude A. Barrett Nut Bread 17 Mrs. Mary C. D. Geisler Nut Bread 18 Mrs. Frank H. Burpee Nut Bread 18 Mrs. Leon S. Dexter Nut Bread 18 Mrs. Laura Chandler Booth 1) 242 INDEX PAGE Nut Bread 18 Mrs. Abner H. Mer short Nut Bread 19 Mrs. John I. McGuigan Old-Fashioned Buckwheat Cakes. ... 30 Mrs. Eugene H. Austin Old-Fashioned Dutch Cake 19 Mrs. Henry Delaplaine Old-Fashioned Muffins 26 Miss Emily Campbell Plain Muffins 25 Miss Elizabeth Bunting Collier Popovers 26 Mrs. Edward F. Kingsley Queen Muffins 26 Mrs. William A. Wiederseim Quick Nut Bread 19 Mrs. Thomas Raeburn White Sally Lunn 27 Miss Lida Paull Fife Sally Lunn 28 Mrs. Daniel R. Harper PAGE "Schecken" 31 Mrs. Edwin Martin Scotch Short Bread 22 Mrs. A. Gallatin Talbott Spanish Bun 29 Mrs. J. Gibson Mcllvain Spoon Bread 23 Mrs. Louis H. Mutschler Spoon Bread 23 Mrs. Mary S. Johnson Sweet Potato Biscuit 25 Mrs. H. L. Wayland Tea Rolls 24 Mrs. William Burnham Virginia Sally Lunn 28 Miss Mary Janney Virginia Spoon Bread 23 Mrs. Charles H. Guilbert Waffles 32 Mrs. Robert P. Brown Waffles 32 Mrs. C. Wilmer Middleton ^DUP£i Beef Soup 39 Mrs. Samuel Scoville, Jr. Bisque of Clam, Caroline's 37 Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols Black Bean Soup 38 Mrs. Thomas Raeburn White Chicken Jelly 39 Mary Effingham Perot Clam Pur^e 36 Mrs. C. P. Turner Clam Soup 37 Mrs. C. L. Peirce Fish Chowder 40 Mrs. John L. Appleton Mock Bisque Soup 37 Mrs. Sarah Walker Dungan Mutton Broth, Mother's 38 Mrs. John Cribbel Onion Soup 35 Mrs. Morgan Bunting Onion Soup 35 Mrs. Edward L. Reynolds 36 Onion Soup with Cheese (ItaUan) . Mrs. William B. Campbell Palatable Summer Soup 39 Mrs. C. Shillard-Smith Peanut Soup 39 Dr. Frances N. Baker Rabbit Soup 41 Mrs. Theron I. Crane Soup k la Reine 40 Mrs. A. Gallatin Talbott Spinach Soup 36 The Misses Esherick Spinach Soup 36 Mrs. Joseph Pettit . Soup Dumplings 40 Mrs. Edward Webster Tomato Soup 35 Mrs. C. Wilmer Middleton Tomato Soup 35 Mrs. Martha P. Falconer White House Bouillon 38 Mrs. Josephine L. Adams INDEX 243 jfm Clara Roast 53 Mrs. Frederick L. Seeger Clams, Deviled 53 Mrs. H. G. Michener Clams, Deviled 53 Mrs. Joshua Ash Pearson Coquilles 46 Mrs. Frank H. Burpee Crabs, Deviled 50 Mrs. Robert P. Brown Crabs, Deviled— Baltimore Style .... 49 Mrs. Charles MacLellan Town Fish, Baked 45 Miss Tirzah L. Nichols Fish, Scalloped 45 Mrs. Albert P. Brubaker Fish or Meat Souffle 46 Mrs. Elmore C. Hine Lobster Chops 47 Mrs. Harry G. Michener Lobster k la Newburg 48 Mrs. Charles E. Noblit Mackerel, Baked 46 Miss Annie Heacock Oyster k la Thibault 52 Mrs. Josephine L. Adams Oyster Loaf 53 Mrs. Arthur Falkenau Oyster Short Cake 52 Mrs. John H. Jopson Oysters, Baked— Club Style 49 Mrs. Harry A . Hornor Oysters, Browned 51 Mrs. Frederick L. Seeger Oysters, Pan-Broiled 50 Mrs. Robert P. Brown Oysters, Pickled 52 Mrs. H. L. Wayland Oysters, Scalloped 51 Miss L. Ray Balderston Oysters on Crackers 49 Mrs. Frederick L. Seeger Poisson a la Creme 45 Mary E. B. Perot Rhode Island Codfish Cakes 46 Mrs. Frank Battles Salmon, Baked Canned 47 Mrs. Martha P. Falconer Salmon Souffle 47 Mrs. S. Bernard Chambers Salmon Souffle 47 Mrs. Edward F. Kingsley Terrapin 48 Miss Jean A. Flanigen Thibault Oysters 51 Mrs. E. B. Waples jWeatss Beef t la Mode 61 Miss Amelia R. Coale Beef Heart, to Roast with Sage and Onions 69 Mrs. Theron I. Crane Boudins 64 Mrs. Martha P. Falconer Breaded Lamb Chops with Mush- room Sauce 63 Miss Agnes Preston Brunswick Stew 59 Mrs. Henry P. Brown Calf's Head (Terrapin Style) 70 The Misses Esherick Calf's Liver in a Chafing Dish 69 Miss Virginia Hartshorne Canvas-Back Duck 72 Mrs. Harry A . Hornor Chicken a la King 57 From Literary Digest, March 27, IQ15 Chicken k la King 58 Mrs. John D. Mcllhenny Chicken Croquettes 58 Miss Agnes Preston 244 INDEX PAGE Chicken Croquettes 59 Mrs. Alfred Mellor Chicken Croquettes 59 Mrs. Lewis M. Johnson Chicken, Jellied 61 Mrs. Benjamin F. Richardson Chicken, Jellied 60 Mrs. Henry Delaplaine Chicken Mousse 60 Miss Mariana J. Steel Fresh Tongue 67 Countess of Santa Eulalia Galantine 68 Mrs. E. B. Waples Ham and Current Jelly 69 Mrs. Edward Wetherill Ham, Baked 65 Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols Ham, Baked SHce of 64 Mrs. Abner H. Mershon Ham, Baked Slice of 64 Miss Annie Heacock Hash 63 Mrs. Albert P. Brubaker Kidney Stew, a Quick 67 Miss Gertrude A . Barrett Kidney, Stewed 68 Mrs. J. Nicholas Mitchell Kidney, Stewed 68 Mrs. William A. Flanigen Mexican Ham 66 Mrs. Samuel Bispham Bowen Mexican Tongue 66 Mrs. Samuel Bispham Bowen Mock Terrapin 71 Mrs. Lewis M, Johnson PAGE Mock Terrapin 72 Mrs. Robert P. Brown Sausage 66 Mrs. Harry A. Hornor Sausage, Home-made Country 66 Mrs. Henry C. Mcllvaine Sausage Roll 65 Mrs. Henry P. Brown Savory Meat 63 Mrs. Alfred Percival Smith Spanish Stew, A 62 Miss Agnes Repplier Stuffing for Chicken 58 Mrs. William A . Flanigen Swedish Hamburg Steak 63 Mrs. W. F. Taft Sweetbreads 72 Miss Caroline C. Hoffman Sweetbreads, Baked 70 Miss Jean A. Flanigen Sweetbreads, Baked 71 Mrs. Charles MacLellan Town To Serve With Meat and Fish 73 Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols To Stew a Duck With Chestnuts ... 71 Mrs. Theron I. Crane Turkey, Boned 62 Mrs. Samuel P. Wetherill Veal, A Digestible Way of Preparing. 65 Miss Gertrude A. Barrett Veal, Fried 64 Mrs. Alfred Percival Smith Wakefield Steak 61 Mrs. H. J. Kaltenthaler "Vegetables' Bean Loaf with Bacon Curls 82 Mrs. Martha P. Falconer Celery — Siena Style 80 Miss Sarah C. Sower Com, Canned 78 Mrs. Mary Haines Kirby Com Fritters Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier Com Fritters Miss Clara Comegys Corn Pudding Miss Anna S. Eckfeldt 78 79 79 INDEX 245 PAGE Egg Plant, Baked 80 Mrs. Mary T. Nichols Green Com au Gratin with Sweet Red Peppers 78 Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols Green Com Fritters 79 Mrs. Henry P. Brown Peppers, Stuffed 82 Mrs. Martha P. Falconer Potato au Gratin 78 Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols Potato Fritters 77 Mrs. Lucretia L. Blankenburg Potato Puff 77 Mrs. John Gibson PAGE Potatoes, Scalloped 77 Mrs. Mary S. Johnson Potatoes, Scalloped 78 Mrs. Mary S. Johnson Rice Omelet 81 Mrs. Grace S. Williams Spinach Pudding 81 Mrs. E. B. Waples Sweet Potatoes 77 Mrs. Samuel Semple To Boil Rice— Southern Style 81 Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols Tomato a la Creole 79 Mrs. Wilbur F. Litch CntreesJ Cheese Balls 90 Mrs. W. Duffield Robinson Cheese Entree 87 Mrs. William H. Hollar Cheese Entree 88 Miss Seraph J. Deal Cheese Fondue 89 Mrs. Joseph Pettit Cheese Fondue 89 Mrs. Edward F. Kingsley Cheese Fondue 89 Mrs. Albert P. Brubaker Cheese Ramekin 90 Mrs. William A . Wiederseim Cheese Souffl6 88 Miss Anne Hollingsworth Wharton Cheese SoufH6 88 Miss Hilda Justice Cheese Souffle 89 Mrs. Mary T. Nichols Eggs au Gratin 86 Mrs. William Showell Ellis Egg Chops, Palatable 87 Miss Anna Johnson Egg Timbales , 86 Mrs. William R. Turner Mushrooms Sous Cloches (Under Glasses) 85 Mrs. William R. Turner Omelette, Baked 87 Mrs. Lewis M. Johnson Sandwiches 86 Mrs. Joseph Pettit Savory Cheese 90 Mrs. William R. Turner Timbale 87 Mrs. James A. Develin Tomato Cream Toast 86 Mrs. Charles E. Noblit Welsh Rarebit 85 Mrs. Robert P. Brown Welsh Rarebit, A Digestible 85 Miss Emma Blakiston ^icfeles;— J^elisifjes; Bordeaux Sauce 100 Mrs. George McKeown Cantaloupe, Spiced 97 Miss Amelia R. Coale Cherries, Pickled 95 Mrs. Morgan Bunting Chili Sauce 99 Mrs. Richard Peters 246 INDEX PAGE Chili Sauce 99 Mrs. Mary Haines Kirby Chow Chow 100 Mrs. William P. Worth Chow Chow 101 Mrs. Mary Haines Kirby Chowder 102 Mrs. Alexander E. Patton Cold Slaw Dressing 102 Mrs. William P. Elwell Corn Relish 102 Mrs. Louis H. Mutschler French Pickle 96 Mrs. Henry T. Dechert French Sauce 98 Miss Helen A. Childs Ginger Pears 96 Mrs. William P. Worth Green Tomato Pickle 94 Mrs. Louis H. Mutschler Green Tomato Pickle 94 Mrs. George L. Mitchell Green Tomato Pickles, Oyster Bay . . 95 Mrs. Edwin Martin Mango Peaches 93 Miss Anna L. Coale Meat Sauce 97 Mrs. William P. Elwell PAGE Peaches, Pickled 94 Mrs. Edwin F. Keen Pepper Hash 99 Mrs. Richard Peters Pepper Sauce 100 Mrs. Matthew James Crier Piccalilli lOl Mrs. J. Howard Gaskill Spanish Pickle 95 Mrs. Robert T. Boyd Sweet Cherry Pickle 96 Mrs. Walter C. Mclntire Sweet Peach Pickle 93 Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols To Eat with Meats 101 Mrs. Charles Reynolds Simons Tomato Catsup 97 Mrs. Edmund Webster Tomato Catsup 97 Mrs. Robert T. Boyd Tomato Catsup, My Grandmother's 98 Miss Elizabeth A. Atkinson Tomatoes, Spiced 98 Mrs. Fred W. Taylor Vegetable Chow Chow 103 Alice Pusey Chambers Watermelon Pickle 96 Mrs. Samuel S. Thompson ^alab£S Apple Salad 109 Miss Anna M. Johnson Cheese 114 Mrs. Benjamin F. Richardson Cherry Salad Ill Mrs. A. W. Robinson Cold Slaw 113 Mrs. Alfred Mellor Date and Apple Salad 110 Mrs. H. H. White Easy Salad Dressing 113 Mrs. William H. Tenbrook Fruit Salad 108 Mrs, W, Duffield Robinson Fruit Salad 110 Miss Agnes Preston Fruit Salad Dressing HI Mrs. Alfred Marshall Lettuce and Tomato Salad 1 09 Mrs. Charles MacLellan Town Mayonnaise 112 Miss Edith Sellers Bunting Memphis Salad Dressing 112 Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols Mexican Salad 108 Mrs. T. Elwood Potts Oil Mayonnaise for Salads 112 Mrs. Benjamin F, Richardson INDEX 247 PAGE Pear and Pimento Salad 1 10 Mrs. Edward Wetherill Pineapple Salad Ill Miss Agnes Preston Potato Salad 107 Mrs. Benjamin F. Richardson Potato Salad 107 Mrs. Albert P. Brubaker Radish and Cheese Salad 108 Miss Agnes Preston Russian Salad Dressing, Mrs. C. C. Converse's 113 Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols PAGE Salad Dressing 112 Miss Elizabeth Bunting Collier Salad Dressing without Oil 113 Mrs. Isaac S. Lowry Spanish Salad 107 Mrs. Henry B. Cos till Tomato Jelly on Lettuce 114 Mrs. Martha P. Falconer White Grape Salad Ill Mrs. A. W, Robinson 3^ubbmg£{ Apple Pudding 132 Mrs. H. L. Barnes Blackberry Pudding 134 Miss Anna Johnson Bread Pudding 119 Mrs. Mary T. Lewis Gannett Brown Betty 120 Mrs. John L. Appleton Carrot Pudding 135 Mrs. Henry C. Mcllvaine Carrot Pudding 135 Mrs. John I. McGuigan Cheap Plum Pudding 123 Mrs. William H. Tenbrook Chocolate Pudding 128 Mrs. Harry A . Hornor Chocolate Pudding 128 Mrs. Charles Reynolds Simons Chocolate Pudding 128 Mrs. Arthur Falkenau Chocolate Pudding, Steamed 127 Mrs. William Shewell Ellis Chocolate Pudding, Steamed 129 Mrs. Frank H. Burpee Cold Pudding Sauce 134 Mrs. Charles D. Cox Date Pudding 125 Mrs. Walter T. Baird DeUghtful Pudding 134 Miss Hilda Justice English Plum Pudding 122 Mrs. Robert Beattie EngUsh Plum Pudding 121 Mrs. Alfred Mellor EngHsh Plum Pudding 120 • Miss Mary L. Roberts Fig Pudding 125 Miss L. Ray Balderston Fig Pudding 125 Mrs. Henry P. Brown Fig Pudding 126 Miss Anna L. Coale Fruit Pudding 132 Mrs. Hugh Mcllvain Graham Pudding 126 Mrs. W. F. Taft Graham Pudding 126 Miss Mary L. Roberts Graham Pudding 127 The Misses Longslreth Honeycomb Pudding 132 Miss Mary S. Johnson Hot Pudding Sauce 127 The Misses Longstreth Huckleberry Pudding 133 Mrs. Thomas J. Garland Huckleberry Pudding 133 Mrs. Robert P. Brown Huckleberry Pudding 134 Mrs, Samuel S. Thompson 248 INDEX PAGE Indian Pudding 129 Mrs. Mary T. Nichols Innocent Pudding 131 Miss Emily Campbell Jerusalem Pudding 120 Mrs. Joseph Warner Swain John's Delight 123 Mrs. William Burnham John's Delight 124 Mrs. Mary T. Lewis Gannett John's Delight 124 Miss Emma Klahr "Judge Peters" 120 Mrs. Joseph Warner Swain Lemon Cream Pudding 133 Miss Anna M. Johnson Marshmallow Pudding 130 Miss Mary Massey Oatmeal Pudding 129 Mrs. C. Shillard-Smith Ocean Queen Pudding 124 Mrs. Robert Beattie Orange Pudding \i5m Miss Henrietta W. Pearsall Pineapple Pudding 127 Mrs. Robert Beattie Pink Pudding 1 19 Mrs. H. J. Kaltenthaler Plum Pudding 121 Mrs. William P. Elwell Plum Pudding 122 Mrs. C. P. Turner PAGE Plum Pudding 122 Miss Anne Heygate-Hall Plum Pudding 123 Mrs. William Burnham Prune Pudding 125 Mrs. Benjamin F. Richardson Pudding Blanc d'CEufs et Caramel. . 119 Mrs. H. J. Kaltenthaler Puff Pudding 131 Mrs. John Gribbel Rhode Island Rice Pudding 118 Mrs. Frank Battles Rice Pudding 118 Mrs. Thomas Biddle Ellis Ripe Gooseberry Pudding 136 Mrs. Theron I. Crane Royal Iced Cabinet Pudding 117 Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson Snow Pudding 121 Miss L. Ray Balderston Sponge Pudding 129 The Misses Longstreth Sponge Pudding 130 Miss Maude G. Hopkins Sponge Pudding 131 Mrs. Mary T. Lewis Gannett Tapioca Pudding 118 The Misses Longstreth Turkish Pudding 126 Mrs, Thomas Raeburn White $tes; Banbury Tarts, Aunt Abby's 146 Mrs. Edwin Martin Boston Cream Pie 145 Mrs. Louis H. Mutschler Butter Scotch Pie 147 The Misses Longstreth Caramel Custard 147 Airs. Charles D. Cox Cheese Cake Pie 144 Mrs. Frank H. Burpee Cheese Cake Pie 144 Mrs. Josephine L. Adams Cheese Cake Pie 146 Mrs. Walter C. Mclntire Cheese Cake Pie 146 Miss Helen A. Childs Cherry Pot Pie 147 Miss Matilda Baird Cocoanut Pudding (Pie) 149 Mrs. T. William Kimber INDEX 249 PAGE Cream Pie 143 Miss Helen Lippincott English Mince Meat 143 Mrs. Fred W. Taylor Filling for Banbury Tarts 147 Miss Jean A. Flanigen Florida Cream Pie 145 Mrs. Grace S. Williams Lemon Custard Pie 141 Miss Mary L. Roberts Lemon for Tarts 148 Mrs. Thomas Theodore Watson Lemon Meringue Pie 139 Mrs. Martha P. Falconer Lemon Meringue Pie 140 Mrs. George McKeown Lemon Pie, Our Favorite 140 Mrs. Lewis R. Dick Lemon Pie 140 Mrs. William Burnham Lemon Pie 141 Mrs. Edward H. Bonsall Marlborough Pie 139 Mrs. Edward L. Reynolds PAGE Maryland Lemon Pie 141 Mrs. Harry G. Michener Mince Meat 144 Mrs. Livingston E. Jones Mince Meat 144 Mrs. Thomas J. Garland Mince Meat 143 Mrs. J. Gibson Mcllvain Orange or Lemon Pie 141 Mrs. H. L. Barnes Peach Tart 148 Miss Agnes Preston Pennsylvania Apple Pie 139 Mrs. Tlieron I. Crane Pie Crust, Plain 148 Mrs. Thomas Shallcross Potato Pudding Pie 149 Mrs. Newton E. Wood Pumpkin Pie 142 Mrs. George L. Mitchell Pumpkin Pie 142 Mrs. Joshua Ash Pearson Pumpkin Pie 142 Miss Agnes Preston ^t^^txt^ Apples, Coddled 153 Mrs. Samuel P. Wetherill Apple Cream 153 Mrs. Samuel S. Thompson Apples on the Half Shell 153 Mrs. Henry Safford Hale Baked Bananas 154 Mrs. Franklin Baker, Jr. Baltimore Float 153 Mrs. Charles MacLellan Town Brown Betty 154 Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols Caramel Cream 157 Mrs. Arthur Falkenau Caramel Custard 156 Mrs. Franklin Baker, Jr. Charlotte Russe 157 Mrs. Morgan Bunting Charlotte Russe 157 Miss Jennie S. Potts Charlotte Russe 158 Mrs. John H. Jopson Chocolate Blanc Mange 160 Mrs. J. Gibson Mcllvain Chocolate Sponge 159 Miss Helen Lippincott Chocolate Whip 160 Mrs. Frederick L. Seeger Coffee Custard 156 Mrs. Charles A . Longstreth Coffee Custard 156 Mrs. Frederick L. Seeger Dessert, an Italian 160 Mrs. Henry C. Mcllvaine 250 INDEX PAGE Dessert, Queen Victoria's Favorite. . 159 Mrs. Edmund Webster Italian Cream 159 Mrs. Samuel P. Wetherill Jelly, Uncooked Quickly Made 159 Mrs. Samuel P. Wetherill Lemon Butter 160 Mrs. Mary T. Nichols Orange Loaf 155 Mrs. Alfred Marshall Peach or Strawberry Short Cake. ... 155 Mrs. Lewis F. Shoemaker PAGE Prune Souffle 155 Mrs. Charles E. Nohlit Spanish Cream 158 Miss Mary S. Parry Spanish Cream 158 Mrs. Sarah Walker Dungan Souffle of Rice 155 Mrs. H. L. Barnes Strawberry Tapioca 154 Miss Henrietta W. Pearsall Velvet Cream 158 Mrs. Richard Peters Sees; Apple Frapp^ , 165 Miss Clara Comegys Frozen Custard 164 Mrs. Wilbur F. Litch Lemon Ice 163 Mrs. Mattltew James Grier Lemon Ice Cream, Old-Fashioned . . . 163 Miss Emma R. Jack Lemon Sherbet 163 Mrs. Edward 'L. Reynolds Maple Frapp^ 165 Mrs. Thomas Raeburn White Marshmallow Cream, Frozen 165 Mrs. Alexander Patton Orange Mousse 164 Miss Agnes Preston Orange Mousse 163 Mrs. Charles F. Godshall Peach Delight 164 Miss Agnes Preston Pineapple Ice 164 Mrs. J. Howard Gaskill jFruit£{ ^re^erbcb — Canneli Cherries, Kimballed 170 Mrs. William Simpson, Jr. Cherries (Preserved Uncooked) 169 Miss Anna L. Coale Ginger Pears 172 Mrs. Lewis M. Johnson Grape Conserve 170 Mrs. Laura Chandler Booth Grape, Spiced 170 Mrs. T. William Kimber Peaches, Brandied 173 Mrs. Josephine L. Adams Peaches, Spiced 171 Mrs. Charles H. Guilbert Pear Chips 172 Mrs. Samuel Scoville, Jr. Pears, Chipped 172 Mrs.T. William Kimber Persian Plum 1 7 1 Miss A nne Hey gate-Hall Pineapple, to Preserve without Cook- ing 169 Mrs. A. W. Robinson Plum Conserve 170 Mrs. William Simpson, Jr. INDEX 251 PAGE Rhubarb Preserve 169 Mrs. C. L. Hutchinson Strawberries, Sun-Preserved 169 Mrs. Morgan Bunting Watermelon Rind, Spiced 171 Mrs. E. B. Waples Watermelon Rind, Spiced 172 Mrs. Allen R. Mitchell STellieg— famg Amber Marmalade 181 Mrs. C. L. Hutchinson Apricot Marmalade 181 Mrs. Walter C. Mclntire CaH's Foot Jelly 177 Mrs. George F. Klemm Conserve, Delicious 182 Mrs. H. J. Kaltenthaler CO. R.R. Jelly 178 Mrs. James Mapes Dodge Crabapple Jelly, Spiced 178 Mrs. Frank H. Burpee Cranberry Jelly 178 Miss G. B. Mcllhenny Currant Jelly 177 Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols Grape Jam 178 Mrs. C. L. Hutchinson Grapefruit Marmalade 180 Mrs. A bner H. Mershon Heavenly Jam 179 Mrs. Henry P. Costill Heavenly Jam 179 Mrs. Spencer Kennard Mulford Marmalade 180 Mrs. James A . Divelin Mint Jelly 178 Mrs. J. Howard Gaskill Orange Marmalade 180 Miss Annie Heacock Orange Marmalade 180 Mrs. Lewis M. Johnson Orange Marmalade 179 Mrs. H. J. Kaltenthaler Orange Marmalade 179 Mrs. Henry C. Mcllvaine Plum Compote 181 Mrs. W. Duffield Robinson Rhubarb Marmalade 181 Miss Sarah C. Sower Cafee Ames Cake 224 Miss Florence E. Taylor Angel Cake 225 Mrs. Edwin B. Newcomer Angel Food 226 Mrs. John D. Mcllhenny Apple Sauce Cake 214 Mrs. Martha P. Falconer Apple Sauce Cake 214 Mrs. William Simpson, Jr. Bi-Metallic Cake 218 Mrs. Thomas Biddle Ellis Black Cake 222 Mrs. Hugh Mcllvain Boston Pound Cake 215 Mrs. George F. Klemm Boston White Cake 203 Mrs. Frank Battles Brown Cake 221 Mrs. Allen R. Mitchell Brown Christmas Cookies (German). 212 Mrs. William C. Lowry Bowl, Cup and Spoon Cake 219 Mrs. H. H. White Burgess Cake 224 Mrs. Harry G. Michener Cake, Delicious Plain 225 Miss Lida Paull Fife 252 INDEX PAGE Cake, Eggless 202 Mrs. Matthew James Crier Cake, Eggless, Butterless, Milkless. . 202 Miss Anna S. Eckfeldt Cake, Eggless, Butterless, Milkless. . 202 Mrs. George F. Klemni Cakes, Fried 220 Mrs. James Mapes Dodge Cake, Good Plain (Philadelphia Cook- ing School) 226 Mrs. John J. McCuigan Cake, One-Egg 220 Mrs. Alfred Mar shad Caramel Icing 22S Mrs. Walter C. Mclntyre Chester County Cookies 213 Mrs. Edmund Webster Chocolate Brownies 195 Mrs. Charles Z. Tryon Chocolate Cake 192 Mrs. Abner H. Mershon Chocolate Cake 194 Mrs. Sarah Walker Dungan Chocolate Cake 194 Miss Jennie S. Potts Chocolate Cake 194 Mrs. William S. Pilling Chocolate Cake 195 Mrs. Edward H. Bonsall Chocolate Cake 195 Mrs. Matthew James Grier Chocolate Caramel Balls 227 Mrs. J. Howard Marshall Chocolate Layer Cake 193 Mrs. C. Wilmer Middleton Chocolate Layer Cake 193 Miss Elizabeth Bunting Collier Chocolate Nut Frosting 228 Mrs. Frank H. Burpee Christmas Cakes, Little 214 Mrs. Frederick J. McWade Christmas Ginger Cakes 198 Mrs. Mary C. D. Ceisler Cinnamon Buns 207 Mrs. John C. Seltzer Cinnamon Bun, Marion Fleck's 207 Miss Emma Klahr PAGE Cinnamon Nut Cakes 210 Mrs. Henry P. Brown Cinnamon Rings 209 Mrs. William, A . Flanigen Cocoanut Pound Cake 216 Mrs. Hugh Mcllvain Coffee Cake 205 Mrs. Richard Peters Coffee Cake 205 Mrs. John H. Jopson Coffee Spice Cake 205 Mrs. Edward F. Kingsley Composition Cake 220 Mrs. James Mapes Dodge Cookies without Eggs 203 Mrs. Caleb S. Middleton Cream Sponge Cake 190 Mrs. Charles H. Woolley Crullers 208 Mrs. Martha P. Falconer Crullers 208 Mrs. Henry P. Brown Crullers 208 Mrs. Charles F. Godshall Crullers, Aunt Sarah's 208 Dr. Frances N. Baker Devil Cake 217 Mrs. Lewis M. Johnson Doughnuts 209 Mrs. Eugene H. Austin Doughnuts 209 Mrs. George H. Vanderbeck Doughnuts 210 Mrs. S. Bernard Chambers English Cake 224 Mrs. Newton E. Wood English Christmas Cakes 213 Mrs. Charles D. Cox Favorite Cake 217 Mrs. Walter T. Baird French Cookies 213 Mrs. William B. Campbell Fruitcake 185 Mrs. Fred W. Taylor Fruitcake 188 Mrs. Livingston E. Jones INDEX 253 PAGE Fruit Cake 188 Mrs. Abner H. Mershon Fruit Cake 187 Countess of Santa Eulalia Fruit Cake 186 Mrs. Sarah Walker Dungan Fruitcake 186 Mrs. C. Shillard-Smith Fruit Cake, an Excellent Substitute for Real 189 Mrs. James B. Thomas Fruit. Cake, Mrs. S. Rhine's 187 Mrs. Thomas Shalcross Fruit Cake, My 188 Mrs. H. L. Wayland Fruit Cookies ^ 189 Mrs. Grace S. Williams Ginger Bread 197 Mrs. J. Nicholas Mitchell Ginger Bread 197 Mrs. Matthew James Grier Ginger Bread 197 Mrs. E. Boyd Weitzel Ginger Bread 196 Miss Agnes Preston Ginger Bread, Good Soft 196 Miss Mary Janney Gingerbreads, Mother's Hard 197 Mrs. Effingham Perot Ginger Bread, Soft 196 Miss A una S. Eckfeldt Ginger Cakes 196 Mrs. George S. Matlack Ginger Cakes, Soft 198 Mrs. John L. Appleton Ginger Pound Cake 198 Mrs. Lewis M. Johnson Ginger Snaps 199 Mrs. Martha P. Falconer Ginger Snaps 199 Mrs. Kate H. Rowland Ginger Snaps, or Molasses Snaps. ... 199 Mrs. C. L. Hutchinson Hermits 227 Mrs. Leon S. Dexter Hickory Nut Kisses 211 Mrs. Alexander E. Patton PAGE Icing for Cake, a Good 228 Mrs. Charles H. Woolley ' ' Idlewild ' ' Celebrated Sponge Cake . 191 Miss Mary Janney Irish Tea Cake 206 Mrs. Alexander E. Patton Jam Cake 220 Mrs. H. J. Kaltenthaler Jumbles 209 Miss Anna S. Eckfeldt Jumbles 210 Mrs. C. L. Peirce Kisses 227 Mrs. John D. Mcllhenny Lace Cakes 219 Mrs. William H. Hollar Lady Baltimore Cake 217 Mrs. Harry A. Hornor Lady Cake, Small 221 Mrs. Newton E. Wood Mandelbrodchen 228 Mrs. John L. Appleton Marble Cake 204 Miss Mary L. Roberts Mocha Tarb (Cake) 222 Mrs. Henry P. Brown Mock Lady Baltimore Cake 218 Mrs. Laura Chandler Booth New Amsterdam Molasses Cake 223 Mrs. John Gribbel Nut Cake, Mrs. Edith C. James' 211 Mrs. William Shewell Ellis Nut Cookies 211 Miss Mary S. Parry Nut Oatmeal Cookies 201 Mrs. William Wallace Oatmeal Cookies 200 Miss Agnes Preston Oatmeal Cookies 200 Miss Elizabeth A. Atkinson Oatmeal Cookies 200 Mrs. George McKeown Oatmeal Cookies 200 Mrs. Martha P. Falconer Oatmeal Cookies 201 Mrs, Edward F. Kingsley 254 INDEX PAGE Oatmeal Macaroons 201 Mrs. Frederick L. Seeger Orange Cake 185 Mrs. Robert Bealtie Orange Cake 215 Mrs. Charles Z. Tryon Orange Cake 216 Mrs. Robert P. Brown Orange Shortcake 216 Mrs. H. L. Barnes Pecan Wafers 212 Mrs. Edward Wetherill Pound Cake 215 Mrs. Mahlon B. Paxson "Riz" Cake 219 Mrs. Isaac S. Lowry "Rocks" 226 Miss Anne Hey gate-Hall Sand Tarts 228 Mrs. Harrison Souder Sand Tarts 227 Mrs. J. Gibson Mcllvain Silver Cake 22 1 Mrs. Andrew M. Eastwick Scotch Cakes 217 Miss Matilda Baird "Scripture Cake" 222 Mrs. George F. Klemm Scottish Fancies 201 Mrs. William S. Pilling Spice Cake 204 Miss Sarah Sellers Bunting Spice Cake 205 Mrs. J. Howard Marshall Spice Cake, an Eggless 203 Mrs. Lewis R. Dick Spice Cookies 204 Mrs. Charles E. Noblit Sponge Cake 189 Mrs. Benjamin F. Richardson Sponge Cakes 190 Mrs. George S. Matlack PAGE Sponge Cake 190 Mrs. William S. Pilling Sponge Cake i9i Mrs. Henry T. Dechert Sponge Cake 191 Mrs. Lewis F. Shoemaker Sponge Cake 19I Miss Edith Sellers Bunting Sponge Cake 192 Miss Maude G. Hopkins Sponge Cake 192 Miss Sarah Sellers Bunting Sponge Cake 193 Mrs. John Gibson Sponge Cake, Never-Failing 190 Mrs. Charles Reynolds Simons Sponge Ginger Bread 198 Mrs. James Mapes Dodge Swedish Cookies 214 Mrs. Caleb J. Milne, Jr. Swiss Loaf Cake 219 Mrs. Caleb S. Middleton Sugar Cake 225 Mrs. Wilbur F. Litch Taylor Cakes 225 Miss A nnie Heacock Tea Cake 206 Mrs. Harrison Souder Tea Cake 206 Mrs. Thero?i I. Crane Walnut Wafers 211 Miss Clara Lee Bowman Wahiut Wafers 212 Mrs. Thomas Theodore Watson White Cake 202 Miss Mary L. Roberts White Cake 203 Mrs. Matthew James Grier White Flaked Rice Cakes 224 Mrs. Leon S. Dexter ZollicofTer or Tutti Frutti Cake 223 Mrs. Josephine L. Adams INDEX 255 Canbiess Brook Grove Fudge 233 Aliss Mary Janney Caramels 234 Mrs. Effingham Perot Chocolate Caramels 234 Mrs. Lewis F. Shoemaker Chocolate Caramels 234 Mrs. Edward F. Kingsley Chocolate Fudge 232 Mrs. C. L. Hutchinson Fruit Fudge 233 Mrs. Charles E. Noblit Fudge 232 The Misses Longstreth Fudge 232 Mrs. H. G. Michener Grapefruit Peel, Candied 234 Mrs. J. Howard Gaskill Grapefruit Rind, Conserved 234 , Mrs. James B. Thomas Marshmallow Fudge 233 Miss Mary Craig Peacock Nut Candy 231 Mrs. J. Gibson Mcllvain Nut Chocolates 231 Miss Alice Pusey Chambers* Opera Creams 233 Mrs. Martha P. Falconer Sea Foam 23 1 Mrs. Daniel R. Harper Taffy 232 Mrs. J. Gibson Mcllvain Walnut Candy 231 Mrs. Edwin B. Newcomer Petjeragesi Blackberry Brandy 238 Mrs. Sarah Walker Dungan Dandelion Wine 239 Mrs. Harry A . Hornor Grape Juice 237 Mrs. Edwin F. Keen Grape Juice 238 Mrs. Thomas Biddle Ellis Grape Juice, Pure 237 Mrs. E, Boyd Weitzel Lemonade, Miss Sally Wheeler John- son's 237 Miss Anna M. Johnson Orange Cordial 239 Miss Jean A. Flanigen Recette de Talleyrand pour le Cafe. 238 Mrs. H. S. Prentiss Nichols Temperance Punch 238 Miss Anne Hollingsworth Wharton i! i'lll.'illiil II, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 480 111 8(