64 8i CIassX£^5L^- BookJlT3. ?^? ] tf^Wff ^-^^'^J^l^^ -^^ .::^fe^ D C^CS>->0 C u ®®W?j:? .* * \ AN ADDRESSED TO THE CITIZENS OF UTICA, N. Y., JULY 4, 1848. <o look only backward for their lessons of humanity, like the oarsman who faces sternward of the course he is steered, these results appear as mere incidents pass- ed, which may not be seen again ; and they who wish to believe, ask hojiefuUy if they can be the effects of practicable means which they may adopt and apply. Let us not forget, in the approaching great political contest, that the minds of millions in other lands, will be anxiously watching us, and noting every movement in this recurring test of our political engine, one portion of them to ac- quire and adopt our principles of action, for their more conflicting interests, and another portion to detect, if possible, defects in the machinery itself, or a visible decline and corruption of the spirit with which it is propelled. There are grave responsibilities devolving upon us, and public duties before us, in which we are bound to act well our part in the preservation of our civil liberties and blessings, for ourselves, for other nations and for posterity. The fathers and guardians of our community, who have borne the heat and burden of the day, should not allow the just deductions of their wisdom and exj>erience to be lost to their successors. The young men to whom are committed the chief care and active culture of our tree of liberty, ought to be vigilant, intellicrent and honest in the discharge of their sacred trust. And it is incumbant upon the gentler sex, the mothers and sisters, who have the higher and holier duty ot giving the primary inclinations and habits to the rising sovereigns of this happy land, to inure them to the control of their passions, to the subjection of their will to principles, and to devote them to the love and practice of Christianity. Finally, Fellow Citizens, let me urge upon you all, and let us this day resolve, henceforth to commune and act together, as one people, conceding Equal Liberty for the basis of our rights, main- taining Equal Justice in our laws, adhering to Truth as our stan- dard, and throughout every vicissitude, manifesting a strict fidelity to our only sovereign, Jehovah.