.^" -o v^- •^U-o^ • .,. ./.- v"^' ^^,^^ ^ ^ o^*,-" 'i-'^ ,<>'^ "-.. . .'?." X. %■" "V <,> , s • • ^ C- '^.- .^^ ">. .<:- ^''' ^^ \ iO' , • • °- "> .0 lO' ^^C-*^ ''^. A .*% '<^ ^^^ .,-iq*, •4 '^^ ^■5 ■^ -.-'^^^ 0^ -, ^.-.,.' ^V 'I'o- ■> v^ •^o * ° " ° ■*-^ o V Cj. ■ . . i , O O. - o . o ■ o" o, ■*. ^:i" '■ .> '^...^ ^OS"^ rH-^ ^-./ --'•%"^ /.'""."^^ /.>;^^ ,■^•^°">'^,^ c°^ * f> u O o V ■ V "^s^ A^ ^ o " <= . <* t<. ^ ■■■' ^"^o '>^i^.^ 0^"%. v-^'^v y "^v "'>^;^.^' o^"S« -.^-# y "^^ v "^i ^c < > .. ■ V A' ^^ ■V ^^ ° " " A" <^ .^^ ^^^ ^°^ ^y "o C o " c ^ <> ^o ''^^, ■^^ "^.N " »- .^ - . -' <>-P ^3 o \- ■ . ^ : "^ o V / ,<5 ^T-v ,A. ."J^^ i ■ •■> ^•^ <=.- 0' %> -.,<• <>^ °^ . °o c" •^^0^ ^^-./ .^^% 5^ /-'■' " -^^o^ •■) ^/ X '^^^?^' . ^"^^ ' ^^' .^' X ''•'f ^^ y "^ ^ V CENSUS OF PENSIONERS a FOR REVOLUTIONARY OR MILITARY SERVICESj WITH THEIR NAMES, AGES, AND PLACES OF RESIDENCE, AS RETURNED BY THE MARSHALS OF THE SEVERAL JUDICIAL DISTRICT, UNDER THE ACT FOR TAKING THE SIXTH CENSUS. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITV OF AN ACT OF CONGRESS, UNDER TIIE DIRECTION OF THE SECRETARY OF STATL'. 4 WASHINGTOx\: PRINTED BY BLAIR AND RIVKS. 18-11. / \, V ^' •*» CENSUS OF PFiVSIONERS FOR REVOLUTIONARY AND MILITARY SERVICES, AS RETURNED UNDER THE ACT FOR TAKING THE SIXTH CENSUS, IN 1840. STATE OF MAINE. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages, with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, ISIO. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, l.-i'O. YORK COUNTY. YORK COUNTY-Continued. WATEBBOROOOH. SHAPLEIGH. Noah Ricker 78 Noah Ricker. Keziah Warren ... 81 John Pitts. Jonathan Knight ... 77 Simeon C. Knight. Jonathan Horn ... 85 Simon Ross. Moses Deshon . . - 76 Moses Deshon. Jonathan Ro.ss 91 Gideon Ross. Abiffail Hutchens . . - 87 Abigail Hutchens. Elizabeth Smith 83 Abner Thing. SACO. Thomas Carpenter 76 Thomas Carpenter. Stephen Googins . 86 Alexander Googim'. Moses Grace. Sarah McKenney ... 74 Rufus McKenney. John Grace ... 79 John Hamilton 7.5 John Hamilton. Abraham Tyler ... 77 Abraham Tyler. Caleb Lassell 7'J Ivory Parcher. Moses Rhodes ... 71 Moses Rhodes. PARSONSFIEl,D. SOUTH BLRWICK. Mary Chambertin - Lydia Jay .... Henry Beedle ... Timo'thy Berdens - Peliliah Stevens - . - nci^.ham Alien 80 92 80 76 83 76 Josiah W. Seaver. Ivory Jay. Henry Beedle. John Brooks. John Welch. Barsham Allen. Noah Wedgwood - Levi Chadbourn . James Brown ... Jacob Eastman ... Josiah Davis . . _ Wentworth Lord - William Campnell 81 82 83 77 90 84 80 Allen Henry. Levi Chadbouin. Edraimd Cliase. Jacob Eastman. Enoch Hale. Wenttrorth Lord. Nathan Moulton, jr. Charles Sargent Lydia Marr 86 72 Charles Sargent. Reuben Bennett. George Newbegin Thomas Pendexter 76 08 George Newbegin. Thomas Pendexter. John Hearl ... 83 John Hearl John Stone ... S2 John Stone. Peace Peirce 69 Samuel Peirce. Thomas Towle 98 Thomas Towle. Hannah Peirce <^ - - 81 Hannah Peirce. Nathan Wiggin - 80 Nathan Wiggin. Betsey Nasan 81 ■ Betsey Nasan. Jonathan Wingate 83 Lot Wedgwood. Seammon Chadbourn 85 Seammon Chadbourn. Benjamin Nealey - 58 Benjamin Nealey. NORTH BERWICK. Ichabod Wentworth 52 Ichabod Wentworth. WELLS. Absalom Stacpole - 88 Absalom Stacpole. Aaron Warren 83 Walter Warren. Jacob Allen 82 Jacob Allen. Samuel M. Jefferd 77 Samuel Jefferd. Simeon Applebee . Jonathan Hamilton 88 Benjamin Applebee. Mary Gawen 73 James Goodwin. 85 Abraham Henderson. Joseph Hilton - . . 85 Joseph Hillon. Miriam Littletield Daniel Stuart - . - William Eaton Abigail Hobbs David Hatch 85 Joseph Litllefield, 3d. .VEWFIELb. 87 Joseph Stuart. Simeon Tibbets . . . 88 Silvester Tibbets. 85 72 79 William Eaton. James Hobbs. David Hatch. Ebenezer Colby Paul Roberts 81 78 Ebenezer Colby. Nathaniel Roberts. Joseph Williams - 90 Moses Williams. LYMAV. Benjamin Penny - Joseph Wheelwright 79 88 Benjamin Penny. Joseph Wheelwright. Nathan Raymond - Thomas Murphey - 86 85 Francis Eldreg. Joseph Murphey. Joshua Gilpatrick - 82 Benjamm Goodwin. SANFORD. JohnHurton Hepribeih Jacobs - . . Eeisey Leavitt Kunice Goodwin . luhn Cluint 'ainuel Shaw - . ^^ 'amucl Shaclilbrd 'ibert Tripp jlflliam Worster - 77 85 -lohn Hurton. Theodore Jaccb-^. Silas Grant Jeremiah Roberts - Rebecca Rii:ker ... 86 86 83 Peter Grant. Jeremiah Roberts. George W. Ricker. Simeon Chadbourn. Elizabeth Lord. 7-2 72 Daniel L. Littleheld. John L^rd. Simeon Chadbjuiu Elizabeth Lord ... 91 78 79 S3 John Quint. Sjmiiel M. Shaw. Jolm Buibink ... Uriah Hanscomb - . - 83 59 (leuben Goodwin. Felard Davis. 79 Chri.slopher Shaukford. William Clark 88 AVilliam Clark. 7-i f!nb=rt Tripp Amaziah Goodwin 77 James Goodwin, 86 ■ cuiuel Wur;ter, Isaac Coffin 84 Issaac Cofhn. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. ) MAINE— Continued. Xames of p.'nsioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of famili***; tionary or militarj- services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. tionary or military services. Ages. "ith whom pensioners re- s>t>\l June 1, 1810. • YORK COUNTY-Cominued. YORK COUNTY— Continued. I.VMA.N- — Continued. York — Continued. Jacob Rhodes 70 Jacob Rhodes. Elizabeth Witham - 83 Luther Grow. Joanna Liltleficld - ' 7-2 Joanna Littlefield. Abigail Grant 9! Joshua Grant, jr. Anna Mendum HI William Mendum. LIMINOTON. Susannah McDanicl 71 Robert Norton. Josiali Black ... 89 Pelatiah Perkins - 80 Pelatiah Perkins. . Ephraim Clark &4 Mai y Phillips 81 . George Phillips. Joshua Brackett - 78 Susaimali Littleficld 81 Samuel Plaisted, jr. Isaac Dyer - , - 82 Abraham Shaw ... 77 Abraham Shaw. Elias Foss ... 74 Eliakim Sevey 77 John Sevey. Richard EdEfcrly - 79 Aaron Bocker 88 William Voudy. Siisaimali Foss ' - - 85 Dinah Prince 105 George Woodward. Mary Kendall 7(; Jeremiah Wearo - 83 Jeremiah Weare. Lois Gove ... 70 Hannah Young ... 83 Hannah Young. AValter Higgina - 75 Libby Harvey . _ - 76 Libby Harvey. ELUOT. Lois'Sutton 70 Rufus Meserve. Lucy Simpson 82 Lucy Simpson. Deborah Robinson 77 Eliakim Robinson. Eunice Stacey . . - 80 Eunice Stacey. Joseph Rose ... 78 Ambrose P. Rose. Elliot Frost 79 Elliot Frost. Elizabeth Small - 81 Elizabeth Small. Dorcas Knowlton ... 69 Dorcas Knowlton. Daniel Small 80 Daniel Si7iall. Sarah Frost . . . 76 Joshua Frost. Ebonezer Sawyer - 8-2 Ebenezer Sa\vyer. Alexander Goold - 88 Alexander Goold. Spencer Thomas - . . 76 Spencer Thomas. John Goold ... 85 Hiram Gookl. Caleb Hopkinson - 91 Joshua Spencer. Rebecca Hill 76 William Fogg. Thomas Scriggins 7o John Staples. UMEItlCK. Hannah Spinney ... 86 Jedcdiah Witham. Mary Leavilt 79 Mary Leavitt. Peggy Wherren - . - 79 John Lvdstou. Nathaniel Libby - 77 Nathaniel Libby, Esq. Elizabeth Knight - 79 Elizabeth Knight. Daniel Warren 7.5 Daniel Warren. Parker Foster ... 79 Parker Foster. Hannah Lord 77 Hannah Lord. Elizabeth Fernakl - 79 Hiram Fernald. Elizabeth Bootliby - 80 Elizabeth Boolhby. Josiah Berry 78 Joseph Berry. KITTERV. Betsey Wilson 82 Betsey Wilson. LEB.INON. .Tohn Stevens ... 8-2 Theodore Parker. Mary Goodwin ... 70 Mary Goodwin. Charity Sargent ... 70 Henry Sargent. Love Ilobberts 8S Love Robberts. Samuel Hcrsom ... 77 Nathaniel Hersom. CORNISH. Reuben Goodwin - . . 79 Reuben Goodwin. John O'Brion ... 78 William L. O'Brion. Susan Go well - Wentworth Goodwin. Chase Sargent ... 83 William Sargent. Patience Clark ... 88 Jonathan Clark, Timothy Berry 87 Timothy Berry. Ruih Goodwin ... 71 Ruth Goodwin. Moody Brown" 75 Moody Brown. Sarah Cook 87 Samuel Wentworth. James Wormwood 87 James Wormwood. Daniel Eastman 83 Daniel Eastman. KEN*NF.EL\K rullT. Joseph M. Thompson 88 Dr. Benjamin Thompson. Abraham Currier ... 81 Nathaniel Currier. Daniel Huff 86 Daniel Hud'. HOLLIS. Robert Haiiscom ... 77 Sallv Hanscom. Noah Hill .... 50 to GO Noah Hill. Thomas Boston ... 77 Elijah Littlefield. Edmund Bradesh ... 49 Edmund Bradesh. Lemuel Miller 89 Lemuel Miller. James R. Bean 67 James R. Bean. John Millet 77 John Millet. John Gilford - - • - 70 Joim uiiroui. Jacob Merrill ... 81 Jacob Merrill. Ebenezer Carll 82 Robert Carll. Edward Nason 85 James Nason. Joshua Warren 83 Joshua Warren. Samuel Smith ... 91 Andrew Smith. Carll Tarbox 70 to 80 Gilbert Tarbox. Jonathan Stoue ... 77 Jonathan Stone. James Thompson - 79 James Thompson. EIJXTON. Nathan Thompson 85 Nathan Thompsoti. John Chamberlain 90 to 100 Orin Dennett. Benjamin Wildes - - . 78 Thomas Wildes. James Woodman - 87 James Woodman. Jabez Sawyer 72 Jabez Sawyer. KENNEBCNK. Richard Dresser - 81 Paul Dresser. Daniel Wise ... 78 Daniel Wise. Roger Plasted 86 Roger Plasted. Pauy Yonm; . . . 71 Patly Young. Joshua Woodman - 83 Joshua Woodman. DaminicMs Lord - 79 Daminicns Lord. John Bragdcn . . - 86 Enoch Bragden. BIDDEFORD. Mehitable Dav 87 John Walker, jr. Elizabeth Moore ... / / John Moore. Hiimiah Wakefield 77 Joshua Wakefield. Louisa Staples 77 Louisa Staples. Jonathan Boster - 80 Harriet Stone. Solomon Hopkins - 85 Hannah Cole. Joseph GiUpatrick - 77 Joseph GiUpatrick. Elizabeth Zouldthwait 0-3 Jacob R. Cole. Susan Treadwell - 83 .Toshua E. Treadwell. Oliver Perkins 4-i Oliver Perkins. ACTON. Hannah WaUerhouse 81 Joseph Wattcrhousc. Joshua Brackett ... 82 Joshua Bracked. Samuel Emerson - 76 Sanuiel Emerson. Ralph Farnham - 84 Ralph Farnham. Dorothy Littleficld 9-2 Jesse Taylor. ' Daniel Horn 88 Frederick Horn. Joseph Towne 78 Elias Stephen. ' Jonathan Hubbard 78 John Lord. Jowcl Stephens Jacob Fisher 94 Luther Stephens. Stephen Marsh 79 Thomas D. Marsh. 78 Jacob Fisher. BERWICK. VOBK. Aaron Downs 79 Aaron Downs. Abigail Berry 73 Abicail Berry. Samuel Lord 80 Samuel Lord. Sarah Banks . * . 88 Sarali Banks. Charles G. Clark - 75 Charles G. ('lark. Daniel BridKOS 79 John Beedle. Timothy Wentworth 93 Timothv Wentworth. ^ aac Chick 81 Adrial Chick. Ej)hraim Tebbets - Moses Fove ... 78 James Tebbets, 2d. Mgail Donnell 79 Deborah Donnell. 79 Moses Foyc. ir. Jonathan Horsaw. i TV Baker 88 Mark Fernald. Jonathan Horsaw - 83 \ CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MAINE— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided Jime 1, 1840. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. BALDWIN. Charles Hall - - - CUMBERLAND— Continued. Falmouth— Continued. 85 Jonathan Burnell. Benjamin Hodsdon 83 Andrew Hodsdon. Joseph Bryant Eleanor Spencer - Mollv Richardson - 83 75 Joseph Bryant. Daniel Cram. Daniel Lunt 78 Daniel Lunt. 87 Joseph Richardson. FREBPORT. Webber Rowe 77 Webber Rowe. Joseph Talbot Josiah Reid 76 79 SEUAGO. Jonathan Soule 84 Rebecca Moody 83 John Moody. Elizabeth Winslow 75 Tyler Porter Robert Lihby 83 Tyler Porter. David Dennison . . - 79 79 John Pugsley. Elizabeth T. Beal - 78 I'hebe Robinson - 7-2 Phebe Robinson. James Soule . . - Rachael Hooper . 85 89 ERIDGTON. Robert Townsend - 79 Robert Andrews - - - 87 Robert Andrews. John Addison 89 Phineas Installs 82 Phineas Ingalls. Samnet Scales . . - 81 .Toseph Kimball - - - 81 Joseph Kimball. Mary Aldrich 79 David Martin 71 David Martin. Joseph Mun ... 79 John Kilborn 85 John Kilborn. Mary Morr 97 Ebenezer Choate - 75 Ebenezer Choate. Jacob Hazen - - _ 78 Edmund Hanson. (iORIIAM. Deborah Blake 70 to 80 William Barlletl. BRUNSWICK. Timothy Bacon . . - 70 to 80 Timothy Bacon. Philip Owen - - - 84 Nathaniel Badger. Esther Files 70 to 80 Esther Files. John Bennct _ . - 58 John Bennet. Hannah Fogg 60 to 70 Hannah Fogg. John Cornish - - - 84 John Cornish. Edward Libby ... 70 to 80 Edward Libby, jr. Ichabod Doughty - . - 86 Ichabod Doughty. John Lombard . . - 80 to 90 John Lombard. AVilliam Gatcliell - 84 William Gatchell. William McLellan 80 to 90 William McLellan. Sarah Graffam - - . 81 Joseph Graffam. Thomas Morton - 70 to 80 ThoiTias Morton. Elizabeth Hall 70 Elizabeth Hall. Matthias March . - . 80 to 90 MaUhias March. Martha McGill 85 Martha McGill. John Phinney ... 70 to SO John Phinney. Daniel McMannus 74 Daniel McMannus. Joshua Swett 70 to 80 Joshua Swett. John McMannus - 80 Henry Meryman. Eben Storer 80 to 90 Eben Storer. Sarah Ross 82 Jonathan Snow. Edward Webb 80 to 90 William Peter. Charles Thomas - 82 Charles Thomas. Seth Toolhaker - 82 Seth Toothaker. GRAY. Thomas House ... 65 John Woodside, 2d. Amasa Dilano ... 82 Amasa Dilano. John McDonald - - - 74 John Woodside, 2d. James Welch 76 Abel Welch. Nathaniel Ham - - - 85 John Woodside, 2d. Samuel Swett . - - 76 Samuel Swett. John Merrill ... 81 Edward Harmon. CAPE ELIZABETH. Joseph Allen ... 81 Emery Allen. Lucy Fickett ... 88 John Fickett. Johii Stanford 77 John Stanford. hahpswell. Hannah Dyer 77 Catharine Dyer. James Doughty ... 76 David Doughty. Joshua Gainmon - 78 George Webster. William Coorhbs . 86 Joseph Coombs. Samuel Crockett - 79 Samuel CrocSet. Levi Diugley ... 84 Levi Dingley. Mary Dyer ... 76 Leonard Dyer. CUMBERLAND. John Coombs 77 Jesse E^sters. Samuel Gurney 76 Samuel Gurney. vV lUiam Cleaves - - . 80 William Cleaves. HARRISON. Cotton Murray - Cotton Murray. John Bracket! 79 Walker Brackett. Richard Colley - - . 86 Thomas Leighton. Simeon Caswell 77 Philip Caswell. Joseph Shaw ... 78 William Shaw. Nicholas Bray 89 Edward Brag. Charles Walker - 80 Charles Walker, jr. DANVILLE. Daniel Jumper 76 Daniel Jumper, jr. Joseph Penly ... 83 Joseph Penly. George Leach 83 George Leach. JHNOT. Jacob Larrabe ... 76 Jacob Larrabe. i Samuel Hatch 84 Samuel Ray. Theophilus Libby - 47 Theophilus Libbv. John Bridgham 86 Garish Bridgham. Robert Maxwell - 74 Robert Maxwell.' Lucy Hilborn 89 Ira Hilborn. Samuel Tarbo.K 82 Samuel Tarbox. Hannah Sanborn - 77 Samuel Versill, 2d. Joanna Jordan - - . 76 Joanna Jordan. Nathan Warren ... 77 Thomas Warren. Aaron Dresser 81 Mickel Holland. John Downing 74 John Downing, jr. William Maxwell 83 William Maxwell. Peabody Bradford - . . 82 Lewis Bradford. Nehemiah Packard 74 Nehemiah Packard. DURHAM. Lucy Moody ... 76 David Moody. Daniel Robinson - 86 James Jordan, jr. Lucy Bridgliam 71 Hersey Freeman. James Wagg 86 Joshua Miller, 2d. Gersham Holmes ... 75 Gershom D. Holmes. Isaac Davis 82 Isaac Davis. Amasa Pribou . . - 81 Amasa Pribou, jr. Jarvis Bcal 41 Jarvis Real. Nathaniel Chandler 80 George Dean. Joseph Lancaster ... 83 Joseph Lancaster. t James Murdock ... 83 James Murdock. El isha Stetson 81 Charles Stetson, 2d. James Goff 80 William Goff. Lucy Bailey 73 Edmund Penny. Falmouth. Aza'el Kinsley 79 Austin Kinsley. Joslah Hobbs 77 Josiah Hobbs. ! William Campbell 42 William Campbell. AVilliam Crooker. Benjamin Creesey 83 Benjamin Creesey. Ruth Crookei 80 AVilliam Colley 89 Joseph Colley. John Dillingham - 77 John Dillingham. Jacob Elliott 77 Jacob Elliott.' Daniel Kinsley ... 82 Daniel Kinsley. James Dobbin - . . 88 James Dobbin. Mary King 70 Paul Bowker.' Benjamin Prince - 83 Beijamin Prince. Sarah Willis 79 Sarah Willis. Job Pool .... 76 Job Pool. Isaac Allen 83 Isaac Allen. Jacob Knight 83 Jacob Knight. j Jacob Bales 80 Jacob Bate^. William R. York - 83 William R. York. 1 Jonathan Nash ... 87 John Narsh. 6 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MAINE— Continued, Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. ■with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. CUMBERLAND— Continued. CUMBERLAND— Continued, Mi.soT— Continued. STANniSH. John Chandler ... 82 John Chandler. Isaac York 81 Isaac York. Joseph Haws 87 Joseph Hodge. Margaret Menow - - - 86 Samuel F. BouUie. Samuel Downing - 75 Samuel Downing. Isaac Chase 82 I.saac Chase. Samuel Davis 78 Samuel Davis. RAYMOND. William Harmon - 78 William Harmon. Daniel Small - - 70 Daniel Small. Abigail Hunnewell 78 Ebenezer Howe. William Mayberry 82 William Mayberry. Jedediah Lombard - 81 Jedediah Lombard. Joseph Wight 83 Joseph Wight. Peltiah McDonald 86 Peltiah McDonald. Benjamin Morton . - - 55 Benjamin Morton. NAPLFa. Lydia Plaisted ... 72 Ebenezer Moulton. Sally Senter 76 Isaac Senter. Aaron Parker 81 Benjamin Parker. NORTH YARMOUTH. SCARBOROUGH. Isaac Ross - - - - 84 Isaac Ross. Lydia Milliken Margaret Milliken 79 Sewall Milliken. Elizabeth Jones 79 Elizabeth Jones. 83 Stephen Sewall. James Bibber 84 James Bibber. Abigail Libby ... 77 Abigail Libby. Amos M. Hayes - 85 Amos M. Hayes. Dorothy Libby 78 Hiram Libby. Nehcmiah Porter - 83 Rufus Porter. James Small ... 83 James Small. William Hamilton 78 William Hamilton. Mark Libby ... 90 Mark Libby. Robert Maxfield - 78 Reuben Maxfield. Edmund Iliggins - - - 83 Edmund Higgihs. Samuel Doten 83 Samuel Doten. Abigail Libby 76 Sherley Libby. Seih Blanchard 81 Seth Blanchard. Abigail Libby 78 Daniel Libby, jr. Mary Baker 71 Samuel Baker. Hannah McLaughlin 78 Hannah McLaughlin. Jacob Allen . - - 76 Jacob Allen. OTISFIELD. James Snow 87 James Snow. Aaron Fuller 83 Aaron Fuller. Zebulon Berry - , - 80 Zebulon Berry. Relief Moors 83 Johnathan Moors. Jonathan McKenney 80 Jonathan McKenney. James Sampson John Winship ... 76 Reuben Sampson. Joseph MouUon Zecnariah Eastman 83 Joseph Moulton. Zecnariah Eastman. 80 John Winship. 95 Eunice Ray 94 Henry Holden. Joseph Pilsbury - 81 Joseph Pilsbury. Robert Anderson - 79 Samuel P. Anderson. John Lombard 7G Asa Andrews. Enoch Spurr John Knight Thomas Edes 79 83 78 Ejioch Spurr. John Knight. Emery Edes. WESTBROOK. John Sawyer ... Catharine Porterfield WINDHAM. 75 81 John Sawyer. Sarah Johnson. POLAND. John Bragdon Mehi table Dacy Paul Stanton Abraham Knight - 80 , 94 83 74 Nathaniel Bragdon. Jacob Scillenger. William Stanton. Abraham Knight. Herd Brackett John Swett John Mugford Jedediah Elliott - 47 82 79 79 Herd Brackett. John SweU. John Mugford. John Elliot. Samuel Godding - 80 Allen Bangs. Jeremiah Elwell - Mary Partridge 50 90 Jeremiah Elwell. George Hanscora. NEW GliOUCESTBR. Zebulon Rowe John I.unt - . . . 91 54 Zebulon Rowe. John Luni. Joseph Johnson ... William Allen 77 83 James Johnson. Reuben Allen. William Pickett - 76 WilUam Pickett. HepzibahMay 89 David Madcaff. OXFORri^COUNTY. PORTT.AND. Ul Ward. Elizabeth Mounlfort 7-2 Elizabeth Mounlfort. ALBANY. Isaac Turner 87 Hezekiah Pingue. Sarah Henick 76 Joseph Hay. David Jordon ... 79 David Jordon. id Ward. WATERKOllD. Samuel Colby 78 Samuel Colby. Benjamin Hale Israel Hale _ . - 77 80 Benjamin Hale. Israel Hale. 3d Ward. Thaddeus Brown - 79 Thaddeus Brown. John McLellan 74 John McLellan. Josiah Procter Louis Gage . . . 79 81 Josiah Procter. Amos Gage. ith Ward. None. ^^A Wnrd Oliver Hale Lydia Chaplin Joel Atherlon 79 78 77 Oliver Hale. John S. Chaplin. Joel Atherlon. Daniel Cobb Polly Shaw Mary Preble 79 77 65 Daniel Cobb. Polly Shaw. Edward D. Preble. Mary Stevens Eliphalet Alvin - . ■ - Abijah Carter 9-2 80 78 Jonathan Slevcns. Chandler Perry. Abijah Carter. Rebecca Bailey 91 Sally N. Waile. John K. Smith Elijah Kello-g 86 79 Willi:im Smith. Joseph Kellogg. ANDOVKR. Ebcnezer Bodwcll . 55 Ebenezer Bodwell. &lk Ward. Thomas B. Parsons 51 Thomas B. Parsons. NEWRY. John Kilgore Benjamin Barker - - - Jesse Barker - - - 77 John Kilgore. Moses Coburn, jr. 7M Ward. 75 Jesse Barker. Benjamin Russell. James Eames. Thomas Runnells - Elizabeth Martin - 79 66 Thomas Runnells. Elizabeth Martin. Benjamin Russell - James Eaines 76 78 POWNAL. Job Allen - . . - 77 Job Allen. ANDOVER NORTH SURPLUS. Joshua Dun - - - 81 Joshua Dtm. Josiah Walker 84 Josiah Walker. ' Nehemiah Allen - . - Thomas Paine - - . Jacob Bemis 87 83 David Allen. Thom.is Paine. Jacob Bemis, jr. nii.EAti. Slephen llodgdon - - - Jonathan Blod^et - 82 83 Slephen Hodgdon. Jonathan Blodget. j f CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MAINE— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Ages. Names of heads of families Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1,1840. OXFORD— Continued. OXFORD— Continued. BETHEL. GREENWOOD. Nathaniel Seger - Lydia Holt ... Pliinehas Frost . - - 85 76 46 William Barker. Hiram Holt. Phinehas Frost. James Barker Frederick Ballard - Rachel Field 80 77 88 James Barker. Joshua W. Ballard. Paul Winthworth. Thaddeiis Bartlett - 81 James C. Bean. Joshua Pool • 78 - Nathaniel Cobb. James Swan 77 John Williamson. Daniel Haney 8G Amos Young. Eunice Mason 80 Aaron Mason. Eli Twitchell 81 Curatia T. Bartlett. HARTFORD. Peter Twitchell 80 Eli Twitchell, 3d. William Hayford - 78 William Hayford. Margaret Bean . - . 82 George W. Grover. William Cushman 75 William Cushman. Daniel Gage . . - 79 Daniel Gage. Jabez Churchill ... 86 Joab Churchill. Mercy Holmes ... Olive Bicknell 70 Mercy Holmes. DENMARK. 89 Nathaniel Bicknell. Obadiah True 82 Robert True. Abijah Bryant 79 Abijah Bryant. John Douglass . - - 80 John Douglass. Moses Dunham 84 Otis Alley. Sampson Whiting 75 Sampson Whiting. Ebenezer Washburn 78 Ebenezer Washburn. Jotham Bragdon - 42 Jotham Bragdon. HEBRON. BROWNFIELD. Hannah Bumpus - William Cobb 76 Joseph Howard 81 Richard Paine. 75 John Greenlaw ... 74 John Greenlaw. Mary Fuller 89 Ebenezer Seavy 53 Ebenezer Seavy. Jennet Washburn ... Gideon Cushmon • . - 79 • 89 BUCKFIELD. Elias Monk 80 or 87 Jacob Whitman . . • 86 Jabez Taylor. Ebenezer Perkins - 83 Job Packard 77 Job Packard. Gideon Bearse ... 82 Gashum Davis ... 81 Gashum Davis. Jacob Gurney ... Samuel Crafts 76 Abigail Record 82 Thomas Irish, jr. 77 Simon Record 87 Lewis Record. JohnGoodin 77 Thomas Berry 78 Peter Berry. Nathaniel Chase - 78 David W. Swett. HIRAM. Samuel Gilbert 78 Samuel Gilbert. John Goodmon 89 Alpheus Spring. Jonathan Record - - - 90 Samuel Fumald. Thomas Spring 85 Marshal Spring. Jerusha Drew 83 Mercy Drew. Eleazer Parsons - . - 79 Eleazer Parsons. nCMFORD. Tobias Ricker 80 Obadiah Berry. Philip Abbot 83 Henry Abbot. Josiah Smith ... 77 Jonathan Buck, jr. Samuel Akley . . - 76 Samuel Akley. Josiah Parris 75 Jeremiah Bean. Richard Dollotf - 85 John Do'Joff. ■ Jane Record ... 82 Rodney Chaffin. Joseph Wardwell - . - 80 Aaron Graham. Sarah Gardner 73 Hiram Coburn. Daniel Gould . - - 86 Daniel Gould. Lamard Swallow, jr. 32 Larnard Swallow, jr. Benjamia Woodbury 78 Benjamin Woodbury. LOVELL. Jabez Churchell ... 80 Amos Winslow. Nathaniel Day ... Levi Dresser . . • 77 Nathaniel Day. Thaddeus Pratt - 85 Samuel Ghesley. 79 Job A. Dresser. James Kilgore ... 82 James Kilgore. MEXICO. Benjamin R. York 79 Benjamin R. York. LIVERMORE. Ammi Mitchell ... 47 Ammi Mitchell. Elijah Fisher 82 Elijah Fisher, jr. Jabez Delano 79 Jabez Delano. noxPHRV. Pelatiah Gibbs 83 Isaac Noyes. Nathaniel Philbric 47 Nathaniel Philbric. William Churchill 75 William Churchill. Benjamin Lullcin . - - 78 Rufus K. Bunker, Thomas Chase . . . 84 Thomas Chase. William Swett 62 William Swett. CANTON. Robert Low 80 C. L. Lyford. William French - 78 William French. Ithamas Farrington 84 Ithamas' Farrington. Joel Ireland 49 Joel Ireland. Joseph Coolidge - - . 79 Joseph Coolidge. OXFORD. Joshua Davis ... 81 Joshua Davis. Nathan Nelson 80 Nathan Nelson. Polly Soule 71 Lathrop L. Soule. DIXFIELD AND PERU. Sarah Perkins . . - 77 Luther Perkins. Joseph Peterson 57 Joseph Peterson. Samuel Brown 72 Samuel Brown. Joseph Foss ... 81 Samuel Foss. Sarah Cushman ... 73 Bartlett H. Cushman. Spencer Thomas ... 53 Spencer Thomas. William Brakett. William Chipman 77 William Chipman. William Brakett ... 88 John Gardner ... 79 John Gardner. PRYEEnRS. Sarah Eastmon ... 78 PARIS. Thaddeus Bemis ... 81 Ruby Field 81 Galen Field. John Fifield 78 78 John Rowe ... 82 Mary Sturtevant. Isaac Abbot ... Seth Morse ... 76 Elisha Morse. Uriah Ballard 80 Amzi Breth 79 Martin Breth. William Eveans - . . 75 84 Edmund Dean ... 81 Edmund Dean. Ann Hatch Mary Hubbard 75 Mary Hubbard. Naomi Briggs 78 Naomi Briggs. NORWAY. Sarah Sturtevant - 72 Leonard Slu"rtevanl. Timothy Jordan - 74 John P. Jordan. Joseph Besse ... - Alden Besse. Joseph Gammond - 76 Seba Gammond. Mehitable Perkins - 70 Simeon Perkins. Joel Stevens 88 Andrew Mills. Huldah Bumpus . . - 78 Nathaniel Bumpus. Darius Holt 76 Pleamon Holt. Abigail Lord ... 79 John L. Thorn. Samuel Ames 81 Baker Ames. Joseph Swift . . - 80 Joseph Swift. Isaac Turner ... 87 Hoyet Pingrey. Jorius Shaw 85 Jorius Shaw. Margaret Cusliraan 79 Joseph Cushman. Mary Needham 75 Jefferson Needham. PORTER. Danl;! K:!isht - 81 Daniel Knight. John Thompson - 71 John Thompson. 8 CENSUS OP PENSIONERS. MAINE— Continued. Wames of pen.sioners for revolu- 1 Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of familie tionary or mililary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. Willi wliom pen.sioners sided June 1, 1840. re OXFORD— Continued. LINCOLN— Continued. Porter— Continued. BowDoiNHAM — Continued. Josiah Wood 9-2 Josiah Wood. John Sedgley 80 Emery Center. John Pearl 41 John Pearl. Rachel Coombs ... 79 Samuel Coombs. Widow Samuel Brooks - 75 Asahael Brooks. Michael Crips ... 58 Michael Crips. SOMNER. BREMEN. James Hursey 8-2 James Hursev. Mary Wellman - 78 Fanny Wellman. Meshack Keen 83 Tulob Keen.' Mary Met it ... 78 Ensign Merit. Abijah Warren . . . 78 Abiiah Warren. Isian Cushman. Sarah Palmer ... 80 Benjamin Palmer. Isiah Cushman 84 Elizabeth Fletcher 68 Cyrus Fletcher. BRISTOL. Charles Ford 8-2 Cliarles Ford. John Little 84 John Litlle. Oliver Turner 79 Oliver Turner. Jean Sproul ... John Nichels ... 78 Hiram Murpliy. Seth Sturtavant - - - 80 Seth Sturtavant. 81 John Nichels. Isaac Bonney 85 Isaac Bonney. Philip Hatch 86 Philip Hatch. Anna Tucker ... 84 Anna Tucker. Stephen Tibbets - 88 Stephen Tibbets. John Bartlett 83 Evan Robinson. WARREN. SWEDEN. Peggy Delano __ 88 James Copeland. Charles Copeland. Daniel Holden 76 Luther Holden. Rowland Cobb~ 82 David Stone 78 Hinam Stone. Aaron Davis ... James Stevens 79 44 Aaron Davis. James Stevens. TORNER. Willing Blake 78 Willing Blake. Sylvia Conant ... 81 Silvanus Conant. Amos Lawrence - 86 Joshua Lawrence. Hannah Lumbard ... 68 Emery Lumbard. Abner Farrington ... 88 Thomas Mallet. Elizabeth Pumpilly 67 Allen Pumpilly. Rufus Crane ... 83 Moses Crane. Silence Phillips 74 Jarius Phillips. James W. Head - 74 James W. Head. Sarah French 93 Charles French. Josiah Merb 85 Josiah Merb. Dan Pratt - 79 Dan Pratt. Elijah Dre.-ell - William Farris Jotham Calvin Sherman Lincoln - Hannah Hall Abram Tolbot* CLINTON. Nathan Erackelt - James Lamb Levi Flint - Michael McNally - Mordecai Moor Benjamin Roundey Isaac Keen Lemuel Jenkins Ebenezer Whitney Ages. 87 83 79 83 78 79 80 74 79 85 50 48 82 78 68 85 79 81 80 95 78 87 74 78 S-t 50 78 5-2 87 78 80 8'2 75 78 7-2 80 74 73 05 85 75 83 81 80 83 1 1 87 Da 09 80 88 10-2 48 86 70 79 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Thomas Hodgdon. James Heal. Samuel Colbv. Daniel Carr. Benjamin Greenleaf. Joseph Clark. Nathaniel Norton. Ezekiel AveriU. Reuben Wriglit. James Walch. Thurston Card. John Wright. Joseph Wright. Simeon Fish. Ralph Baker. Stephen Rider. Nehemiah Siraiton. Edward Plummer. George Shaw. John Kincaid. Daniel Cony. James C. Pitts. John Chandler. John Dorr. Benjamin Gilbreth. Elan Lyon. Josiah Rollins. Henry Servall. Amos Church. John Lincasier, jr. George Read. Seth Pitts. William Stone. Timothy Goldthwait. Ephraiiii Leighton, jr. David Willnir. John Rollins. Hannah Gaild. Samuel Andress, jr. . Samuel Breck. Michael Crowell. William Farris. Jotham Calvin. Sherman Lincoln. Nathaniel F. Norton. Abram Tolbot. Nathan Brncketl. James Lamb. David PraU. Arthur McNally. John Moor. Benjamin Roundey. Josiah Keen. Lemuel Jenkins. Ebenezer Whitney. ♦ Died since June Isl, 10 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MAINE— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. KENNEBEC— Cominueii. KENNEBEC— Continued. CLINTON OORE. Monmouth— Continued. Thomas Iluuler - C9 Thomas Hunter. Pelatiah Warren - 86 Charles Warren. John Freeman 80 John Freeman. GREENE. Susannah Adams - 72 Moses Adams. WALES. Samuel Mower 79 Samuel Mower. James Campbell - 81 James Campbell. Simon Dearborn - 77 Aaron Daggett. Hugh Owen 71 Joseph Foss. Joan Turner 78 Edwin Turner. George Fogg 73 George Fogg. Lydia Beals 71 Cyrus Beals. Mary Larbree 78 Daniel Larbree. Cynthia Allen 81 Benjamin Allen. John Mower 81 Calvin Mower. LITCHFIELD. William Sawyer - 77 John E. Sawyer. Solomon McKenney. Richard Fennin - 79 Elenor Dow. Joseph McKenny - 80 Lydia Knowles ... 84 Caleb C. Knowles. A'bner Dnnforth - 75 Samuel Danlorth. Wayne. Andrew Brown 79 Andrew Brown. Keziah Burgese - 80 John True. Roger Merril 78 Roger Mcrril. Bethiah Weeks - 78 Noah Chandler. Abiah Siinson . . - 70 James B. Sawyer. Lydia Fairbanks - 71 George W. Fairbanks. JauiesDunlap 88 James Dunlap. John Smith 83 John Smith. Mary Hutchinson - 81 Robert Patten, jr. Jabez Besse 75 Jabez Be-ise. Saul Cook 82 Saul Cook. Abigail Fills 89 John Smith. LEEDS. Noah Towns 85 Noah Towns. Mary Bate.'? 77 William Bates. Lydia Turner 88 Stephen Wellcome. MOUNT VERNON. Jabez R. Bates 79 Cyrus Bates. John Jacobs 85 John Jacobs. John Ham - - - . 81 Joshua Rayban. Laban Smith ... 79 Eldridge Wiggins. William Pettengill 80 William Pettengill, jr. Zadoc Bishop 91 Joseph Bishop. PITT.STOS. James Lindsay - . . 84 James Lindsav. David Rollins 65 David Rollin.s. Obadiah Pettengill 78 Obadiah Pettengill. , Nathaniel Berrv . . - 84 Leonard Blanchard. Increase Leadbetter 90 Ezra Leadbetter. William Batchelder 79 William Batchelder. Francis George / i Francis George. Levi Shepherd 76 Levi Shepherd. Andrew Cashman - 79 Isaac Ca.shman. David Moores 81 David Moores. Anne Stowe 70 Iihamar F. Stowe. James Lamb 79 Ira Lamb. REaDFIELD. Stephen Foster 74 Stephen Foster. Luther Sampson . 80 Luther Sampson. Joseph Woodford - 78 W. H. Woodford. PAYETTE. William Vance 80 William Vance. James Young 80 James Young. Oliver Bean 42 Oliver Bean. Joseph P. Mauton - 78 Josiah Elkins. David Smith 42 David Smith. Philip Morse . . - 85 Philip Morse. Sylvester Jones. Job Sherburn 82 Job Sheiburn. Sylvester Jones 79 Moses Nicker.son . 76 Moses Nickcrsoh. Philip Davis m Joseph French. Robert Blake. Isaac Case 79 Isaac Case. Robert Blake 87 Andrew Mace 83 Andrew Mace. William Raymond 92 Nathan Raymond. Andrew Sturdevant 79 Andrew Stvtrdevant, jr. SIDNEY. Asa Hutchinson - 89 A.sa Hutchinson. Jabez Rollins ... 73 Jabez Rollins. Richard Jackman - 84 Richard Judkins. Robert Ellis 74 Carey Ellis. Thomas Stevens - 83 Samuel Shorey. /^ A ti r\ r* XT n n Samuel Shorey ... 47 Samuel Shorey. GARDENER. Mary McCausland John Blake Mehitable Jones Jedediah Robinson - William Crawford Joseph Collins 75 80 75 87 8-2 80 Thomas McCatisland. John L. Fov. Henry Leeman. William Hopkinson. William Crawford. Joseph Collins. David Reynolds - Susanna Havward Edward Mulikin - Ebenezer Trask - . ■ - Elizabeth Cowan - . Jacob Morse 89 65 71 77 77 75 Charles Reynolds. Ambrose liaywaid. Edmund Hay ward. Asa Trask. Isaac Cowan. James Dauglieriy. John Lowell 83 Benjamin B. Lowell. . James P. Evans Hugh Potter Joseph Rollins Hannah Hazen Rebecca Sweatland William Fuller - 63 78 85 G5 82 79 James P. Evans. Hugh Potter. Anclm. Bucke. Hannah Hazen. James Sherbuni. William Fuller. VASSAUBOROnOH. Reliance Baxter Lvdia Bragg Amos Childs Sylvenus Hows Sijuire Bishop Jonathan Burge.ss - 84 71 75 77 85 81 Daniel Baxter. Lydia Bragg. Amos Childs. Sylvenus Hows. John Tabor. Jonalhan Burgess. Desire Mathews - 78 James Malhews. lULLOWKLL. Jonathan Carleton - 79 Jonaihan Carleton. Benjamin Stickney 81 Benjamin Siickney. Jane Cowan . . - 75 Jane Cowan. Abraham Pray ... 79 Abraham Pray. Samuel Bassett ... 9-1 Jabez Bassett. Samuel Prescott ... 83 Samuel Pre.scott. Caleb Randal 87 Samuel Cross. John Couch ... 54 John Couch. Richard Warren - 85 Jared Warren. MONMOITH. VIENNA. Sarah Kelloy 78 Jason King. Joseph Holland 79 Joseph Holland. Ruth Norris 74 Grecnlief K. Norris. Robert Cofren 75 Robert Cofren. Mary Brown 73 William G. Brown. Mary Wells 76 John Wells. James F. Norfis - C7 James F. Norris. John Allen 81 John Allen. John Moody ... 59 John Moody. Ebenezer Mason - 77 Ebenezer Mason. John Wilcox 80 Washington Wilco.x. Benjamin Ayer 7G William Richardson, WATER VILLE. Hannah Blue 78 Nathaniel Blue. Ri(;liard Sweetser - 90 David Parker. Benjamin Clough . 7.1 Asa Clough. Manoah C rowel 1 - 78 Manoah Crowell. David Marston 82 David Marstcn. Sanip.son Freeman 75 Sampson Freeman. John Wilherell - 8--' 1 Rufus Witheiell, Timothy Litllefield 81 Timothy Liilletield. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MAINE— Continued. 11 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu. Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. KENNEBEC— Continued. Waterville — Continued. PENOBSCOT— Continued. Sarali Gilman 8-2 Nathaniel Gilman, jr. CORINTH. John Cool - - - - 83 John Cool. Aaron Bragdon 83 Aaron Bragdon. Salathiel Penney - - - 83 Arba Penney. Susannah Rollins - 87 Anthony Rollins. SethGetchell 86 Susan Stackpole. Elisha Hallet 82 Jonathan Hallet. IIOWLAND. Solomon Hallet 86 Solomon Hallet. Arnold Glidden 87 Samuel Cram. Lot Sturtevant . - - 81 Reward Sturtevant. Thomas Bates 83 Thomas Bates, jr. MATTAMASCONTia. Asa Redington 78 Asa Redington. Leah Tourtlotle - ■ 84 Levi Lancaster. WINDSOR. CHESTER. Abraham Cleaves - - - 76 Abraham Cleaves. Benjamin Walton - 78 Benjamin Walton. Mary Hallowell - 85 John Hallowell. Mary Ridlow 74 Robert Hutchason. DIXMONT. Joseph Linn - ■ - 55 Joseph Linn. Jacob Sawyer 92 Bryant Morton. Caleb Leonard 80 Enoch Merrill. Moses Littlefield - 85 David Simpson. Simon Palmer 79 Simon Palmer. Charles Peabody - U Charles Peabody. Nehemiah Ward - 55 Nehemiah Ward. William W. Reed - .- 85 William W. Reed. Joseph Spaulding - 79 Joseph Spaulding, jr. Thomas Lowell. WINTHROP. Thomas Lowell ' - 78 Nathaniel Levering 77 Nathaniel Levering. Judith Smith 79 Greer.leaf Smith. EXETER. Daniel Allen 86 Daniel Allen. 1 Stephen Bachelder 85 Stephen Bachelder. Asa Robbins 81 Samuel True. Leighton Colbath - 45 Leighton Colbath. Jonathan Russell . - - 87 William Russell. John Oakes ... 84 John Oakes, jr. Jeremiah Brown - 79 Cephas Thomas. John S. Peavy 44 John S. Peavy. Samuel Wood 81 Samuel Wood. George Shaw 86 And!"ew Shaw. David McDulfin - 66 David MoDuffin. Elizabeth lleselton 85 Joseph Hesellon. GARLAND. Thomas Fillebrown 76 Thomas Fillebrown. Phineas Batchelder 80 John H. Batcheldflr. Rial Stanley 80 Jonathan L. Stanley. Hannah Chandler - 75 Hannah Chandler. HAMPDEN. Nathaniel Kimbal - 83 Nathaniel Kimbal. Amos Doane ... 82 Edward Doane. Adin Stanley - 78 Adin Stanley. Samuel Cone 89 Samuel Cone. Abigail Renson . . - 85 Ezekiel Holmes. Harding Snow ... 84 Harding Snow. William March - 81 Newhall P. March. VVINSLOW. Simeon Simson ... 76 MILFORD. Enoch Fuller 85 Ruth Johnstone - - 88 Benjamine Johnstone. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. DEXTER . EDENEURG. Joshua Elder ... 76 Nathaniel Hoit 45 Nathaniel Hoit. John Tucker 80 BANOOR. CORINNA. Peter Perham - . - 89 David Peiham. Susan Adams 99 Mary H. Downe - 68 Mary H. Downe. Mehi table Hubbard 85 James Mayhew - - - 81 James Mayhew, jr. Eunice Sawtelle . . . 82 William A. B. Phillips - 32 William A. B.Phillips, Josiah Hammou - 77 Abigail Dii 90 Elijah Dix. Robert Mann 52 Robert Mann. LEVANT. Joseph Mansell 89 Joseph Mansell. William Randall. Joseph Pomroy 67 Joseph Pomroy. Oliver Randall 79 William Forbes - 78 William Forbes. NEWBURG. Simeon Farnum - 85 OLENBURN. David Gilman 75 John McLellen 79 Solomon Hutchinson. NEWPORT. KIRKLAND. Lydia Richardson - 82 Jonathan Richardson. Amos Munn 79 Amos Munn. Isaac Lawrence ... Hannah Stuart. 81 Isaac Lawrence, jr. BRADFORD. Sally Steward 77 Daniel Maxfield - 55 Daniel Maxfield. James Clark 77 James Clark, jr. James Harvey ... 78 James Harvey. , George D. Marshal - George D. Marshal. STETSON. Oliver Hartwell - SO EDDINGTO.M. Park Holland 87 Park Holland. PLYMOUTH. CeliaEddy 73 William Cook. Sylvanus Harlow - 73 Tamar Putnam 74 Benjamin Putnam. William Davis 78 William Davis. OKONO. William Colburn . 79 Edward Colburn. BREWER. Daniel Shed 77 Daniel Shed. ORRINC.TON. John Fannington ... 83 John Fannington. Matilda Dole 75 William H. Dole. Samuel Gilmore . 77 Samuel Gilmore. Oliver Doane 85 James Smith. John Blake 86 Charles Blake. Solomon Bolton ... 82 James Bolton. Nathaniel Peirce . 92 Nathaniel Peirce. CARMEL. James Mayhew 81 Elizabeth Severance 69 Joseph S. Severance CHARLESTON. OLD TOWN. Levi Gould 54 OUs Smith, jr. Joshua Sinclair - Joshua Sinclair: 12 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MAINE— Continued. Names (if pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. tionary or miliiary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. PENOBSCOT— Contimiecl. WALDO— Continued. WEST IIAI.F TOWNSHIP NO 6. HOPE. Allen Dwellcy . - . 78 Alien DwcUey. George Ulmer ... 80 James P. Brown. Richard Cummings 45 Richard Cummings. WALDO COUNTY. John Nay.son ... 84 Abner Dunton. SBARSMONT. Lemuel Wentworth 86 Daniel Hilt. Cyril Brawn HI Thomas S. Brown. Stephen Sweatland 79 James Sweatland. Andrew L. Robinson 81 John L. Robinson. Benjamin Smith ... 83 Benjamin Smith. Martha Willinan - . - 77 Jacob Willman. JACKSON. APPI.ETON. Joseph Crary ... 83 Joseph Crary. Titus Melcalf 8S Titus Melcalf. KNOX. Isaac Hall .... BELFAST. 86 Isaac Hall. Rhoda Hall 70 Widow of Paul Wentworth 76 Stephen Wentworth. Lemuel Dillincham m Ruth Sufferance - 76 Mary Patterson 'JO Henry Colburn 79 Moses Blake. Hannah Smith 73 Benjamin Johnson ... 75 Charles Smith 85 Mary Haskill 83 Nalhaniel Haskill. Daniel Johnson 76 Sarah Smith 73 Levi Smith. Eunice EJmuns 83 Joseph Gordon ... 81 LINCOLNVILLE. Walter Hatch 82 Abigail Rankins ... 08 Abigail Rankins. John AVade 85 John Wade. BELMONT. George W. Warren 39 George W. Warren. James Weymou.h - 81 James Wcvmoulh. Noah Miller 66 Noah Miller. Charles White 90 William White. John Calderwood ... 88 James Calderwood. James Greer ... 81 James Greer. 1 iaac Neal .... 58 Isaac Neal. MONTVILLE. Ebenezer Allen .... 80 Nelson Allen. r.rtooKs. Samuel Bowcu - . Benjamin Silley ... James Means ... Joseph Roberts 7tj 79 86 87 BarziUar Bowen. Benjamin Silley. James Means. Alford J, Roberts. John Milliken Susannah Terry ... Joseph Emery ... Lucy Ripley ... Thomas Carter 78 71 63 75 63 John Milliken. William Terry. Alexander Emery. Nahum Ripley. Thomas Carter. Richard McAlister 78 Richard McAlister. TROV, Richard Whiltcn . 77 Richard Whitten. Noah Norton ... Betsey Abbot . - . 92 73 David Norton. Joel Abbot. L-NITV. Luther Gregory ... 60 Luther Gregory. Phebe Harden 83 Selh Hardin. Amos Jones 78 Ames Jones, jr. PALERMO. Daniel Whitmore ... 81 Je.sse Whitmore. John Dean .... 81 John Dean. Nancy Aspenwall ... 77 Hezekiah Chase, 2d. Thaddeus Bailey - 80 Thaddeus Bailey. James Packard 82 Moses Boynton. James Fowler. Asenath Brown 76 Isaac Brown. Henry Stuart 78 William Davis 83 Lewis Sabin, jr. Matthew Fowler - 77 Matthew Fowler. Daniel Plummer - 85 Eli Carr. Oliver PuUen ... 78 Franklin Newel. BUUNIIAM. Mary Longfellow ... 81 Mary Longfellow. Nathan Worthing. Olive Doe .... 87 Raymond S. Doe. Isaac Worthing ... 78 Elisha Douglass ... 71 Elisha Dougla.ss. Betsey Dodge 75 Nathan P. Dodge. LIBERTY. Asa Lassell 79 Asa Lassell. Joseph Knowlton - 90 Joseph F. Knowlton. Ichabod Tibbets - 90 Benjamin Tibbets. CAMDKN. Martha Lagson ... 80 William Lanson. Elizabeth Harkness 76 Robert Harkness. Beulah Ott ... 82 Robert Thorndike. MONROE. Deborah Ames ... 79 Alexander Thomas. Samuel Smith 82 Samuel Smith. Martha Hopkins - 69 Richard Hopkins. Ephraim Sheldon. Asa Santell. Eleazer B. Dickey - 80 Eleazer B. Dickey. Ephraim Sheldon - 75 John Sanburn ... 50 John Sanburn. John Santell 81 Benjamin Curtis - 83 Benjamin Curtis. Peter Barrows 85 Peter Barrows. Hannah Jourdan ... 83 John Ward. Lucy Brewster 89 William Brewster. Simeon Tyler Benjamin J. Porter 87 77 Beninmiu F. Tyler. Benjamin J. Porter. NORTIIPORT. Nathaniel Gitchel . PROSPECT. 79 Nathaniel Gitchel. PRANKFOKT. Samuel Spaulding Andrew Tyler John Dwellv 7G Joseph Martin David Halbrook ... 79 75 Joseph P. Martin. David Halbrook. 80 74 Moses Smith 81 Moses Smith. William Carr 81 Nick'erson - Joseph Stubbs 82 47 SWANVIT-LE. Simeon Haynes 82 Simeon Haynes, Abner Bicknell - . . 76 Solomon Collins - John Carlton, 2d - Edward Cole 77 59 59 THORNDIKE. William Philbrick Shubal Bumps 80 81 William Philbrick. Benjamin Bumps. James Clark 51 VINALHAVEN. Sarah Bowen 77 Silvanus Banks. KKKEDOM. John Plummcr 69 Brentnal Searl. W.M.no PLANTATION. Timothy Walker . 82 Luther Small. Susan Sayward 87 Abiel Gay. Philip Flanders 82 Phjneas Warren. Jolm Maddin 83 Samuel Bassett. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MAINE— Continued. 13 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of fitmilies Names of pensioners for revolu. Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided Jime 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. HANCOCK COUNTY. SOMERSET— Continued. ELIEHILL. Starks — Continued. Edith Hinckky 74 Robert W. Hinckley. Jabes Bowing 82 Jabes Bowing. Bethsheba Waugh 89 John Waugh. ELl.SWORTII. Samuel Maddocks - - - 78 Samuel Maddocks. ST. ALBANS. Benjamin Collins . - - 73 Benjamin Collins. BR00K3V1LLE. Edward Hartwell . 93 Samuel Hartwell. Jeptha Benson . . - 81 Jeptha Benson. Mary Jewett ... 76 Samuel S. Jewett. Jacob Ames . - - 83 Robert Redman. Amasa Steward ... 78 Amasa Steward. Thomas Stevens . - - 74 Thomas Stevens. Thomas Watson . - - 77 Thaddeus Sh'epardson. HARTLAND. John Warson . . - 86 John Warson. Uzizeel Withee ... 75 David Hayden. John Whiting 82 Leonard Whiting. DEER ISLE. Jndah Covill . - . 87 William Morey. FAIRFIELD. Samuel Stinson 81 Samuel Stinson. Simon Doe ... 81 Simon Doe. Joseph Whitmore - 84 Joseph Whitmore. Susannah Bates 82 Susannah Bates. Heman Nye ... 37 Heman Nye. EUCKSPORT. Jonathan Nye 83 Jonathan Nve. Benjamin Gross 85 Benjamin Gross, jr. Nathaniel Barrett - ■ - 74 Nathaniel BarreU. Nathan Atwood 82 Zabeth Atwood. Abigail Emery 80 Caleb Emery. Free G. Parker - . - 85 Harriet Goodnow. Abigail Kendall ... 74 David Hudson. Reuben Wyman - 77 Reuben Wyman. CASTINE. Edmund Bridges - 77 Edmund Bridges. PALMYRA. Richard Jaqucs 85 Richard Jaques. Elizabeth Lancey . 74 Daniel T. Robinson. Henry Keler ... 48 Heniy ICeler. Asa Longley ... 78 Asa Longley. Ebenezer Richardson 38 Ebenezer Richardson. Joseph Pratt - , - 82 James Pratt. TENOESCOT. PITTSFIELD. Alexander McCaslin 77 Alexander McCaslin. Robert M. Causland 82 Robert M. Causland. Nathaniel Patten - 7'.l Mark S. Patten. Jotham Buzzell ... 48 Jotham Buzzell. David Dunbar 83 David Dunbar. William Hutchings 75 William Hutchings. CnANDLERVILLE. Theodore Bowden 76 Theodore Bowden. Sarah Pray 74 Thomas Pray. John Condon ... 65 John Condon. EMBDEN. MOUNT DESERT. John Wilson 78 John Wilson. William Heath - 76 William Heath. Benjamin Colbey - - - 89 Benjamin Colbey. Rebecca Branscomb 95 Charles Branscomb. Joseph Felker 80 Joseph Felker. Davis Hasgalt ... 89 Davis Hasgatt. Sarah Savage ... 77 John Savage. CORNVILLE. Samuel Fogg 83 Samuel Fogg. EDE^^. William H. Hilton 80 William Fox. Phebe Remick 73 Seth D. Remick. Moses Cass 82 Moses Cass. SULLIVAN. S. ROWHEGAN. Abigail Pettee ... 60 Barry Pettee. John Wyman 64 William Wyman. Solomon Whitten - 86 Benjamin Emery. SOiMERSET COUNTY. MADISON. NORRIDGF.WOCK. Andrew Russel 81 Nathan Haughton. Lucy Gould 79 William W. Dinsmore. Joseph Maynard - . - 81 Joseph Maynard. Sybil Wood 81 Samuel Smith. Jonathan Hayden - - - 77 Isaac McKenny. Josiah Spaulding . 79 Josiah Spaulding. Amos Adams 94 Ephraim Washburn. William Spaulding 82 William Spaulding. John Piper ... 79 Wentworth Viles. Samuel C. Walker 50 SMITP.FIELD. William Walker - 73 Susannah Whitehouse 84 Susannah Whitehouse. Ebenezer Dean 80 George Sawyer 82 George Sawyer, jr. SOLON. ELOOMFIELD. William Hilton 81 Tilley Mason ... 80 George Pratt. Benjamin Patten ... 80 Lydia Pratt 78 Thomas Pratt. Matthew P. Sanborn 81 John Emery 87 Samuel Pollard. Solomon Russel 82 CAMBRIDGE. MERCER. Philip Judkins 82 Leonard Judkins. EzraWillard 72 Amasa Willard. Peltiah Boyinglon - 82 Waterman Boyington. BINGHAM. Phebe Ingalls ... _ Hermance Ingalls. Calvin Russell ... 78 Calvin Russell. Susannah Church . 84 Andrew Croswell. Benjamin Young ... 90 Benjamin Young. HARMONY. Rufus Sanderson ... 82 Rufus Sanderson. Samuel Marble - William Roberts. Nahuin Baldwin - 78 Nahum Baldwin. Nathaniel Farnham 83 Nathaniel Farnham. ANSON. William Paine 79 William Paine. STARKS. Anna Williams 79 Anna Williams, John Greenleaf ... 84 John Greenleaf. Robert Leathhead - 81 Joseph S. Houghton. Ruth Dalino ... 85 Daniel Greenleaf. Joseph Bray 76 Amreah Meso 83 Charles Meso. Luke Lawyer ... 80 Luke Lawyer. NEW PORTLAND. David Ler'ry 86 Edward L. Lerry. Josiah Parker ... 76 Josiah Parker. William Young ... 87 William Young. Thomas Wilber - 74 Thomas Wilber. 14 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MAINE— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. •with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. SOMERSET— Continued. PISCATAaUIS-Continucd. New Pohtland — Continued. Guilford — Continued. Josiah Everett 80 Josiah Everett. Consider Glass 81 Consider Gla-ss. Isaac Plumer 56 Isaac Plumer. LEXINUTON. David Morse - - 7n David Morse. FOXCROFT. Jonathan AUbee ... 97 Aaron Tucker 56 Aaron Tucker. WASHINGTON COUNTY. SEBEC. niKHlNCTON. Enoch Brown 89 Samuel Brown. Joseph Libby ... 92 Ephraim Libby. Ezeklel Chase 77 Ezeklel Chase. Zebulon Fic'kett - 81 Zebulon Fickett. ATKINSON. CHERRYFIELD. John Hart .... 78 John Hart, jr. Benjamin Sanborn 78 Nathaniel Sanborn. Elisha Small 82 William Small. FRANKLIN COUNTY. CALAIS. WELD. John Noble ... 78 James Noble. Elizabeth Grover - 85 Edsel Grover. ROBBINSTON. BERLIN. Jonas Bond 80 William Jenkins. Lucy Handy 77 Charles Heath. GMeon Dean 80 Gideon Dean, jr. James Brackett 76 James BrackeH. Peter Adley TO Peter Adley. CHARLOTTF. Robert Ramsey 76 Robert Ramsey. MADRID. Joel Pelton 83 Joel Pelton. ADDISON. Josiah Moore 80 Rishmond D. Norton. LETTER E. Eliphalet Reynolds - 80 Benjamin Reynolds. Ezra Carlton 76 Ezra Carlton William Merit 81 William Merit, jr. FARMlNGTON. JONESBOROl'GH. Jesse Bultertield 88 Samuel Watts 85 Samuel Watts. Thomas Riant Eliphalet Ginings - 80 75 COLUMBIA. Abraham Smith ... 78 Isaac Bussel 81 Robert Bussel. Samuel Stowers. Elihu Norton 53 DENNYSVILLE. Ebenezer Childs - 52 Daniel Bosworth - 7!) Daniel Bosworth. Christopher Benner 84 James Farley. INDCSTRY. Zoe Withee 78 PEMBROKE: Lemuel Ceilings - 83 Jacob Dunbar ns Moses Gardiner. Josiah Gordin - - . 83 Thomas Jones 63 Thomas Jones. Trustum Daggtt - 80 Zadok Hersey 88 Zadok Hersey, jr. Daniel CoUings 84 TERRY. SALEM. John Johnston ... 97 Samuel Trott. George Pratt 76 Georce Pratt. , William Carle 77 Willfam Carle. EASTPORT. Daniel Granger 78 Daniel Granger. PHILLIPS. Patrick Mulligan - 52 Patrick Mulligan. Charles Church - 78 Charles Church. Josiah Blake 80 J. L. Blake. LCBEC. Uriah Howard 77 Darius Howard. Joshua Oaks 81 Ebenezer Oaks. John Clough 80 Luther Russell. Ebenezer Ranisdall 78 Ebenezer Ramsdall. Jacob Whitney 77 Jacob Whitney. Martha Gove 69 Martha Gove. AVON. MACBIAS. Nathan Hanscom . . - 93 Seth Carson. Levi Bowker 77 Levi Bowker. George Goodwin - 77 A. D. Goodwin. Luniin Alus ... _ Lunun Atus. Sarah Gelchell 84 Stillman Getchell. FREEMAN. Ebenezer Inglee 76 Ebenezer Inglee. Elezer Parlin - - Jonathan True 83 83 PISCATAaUIS COUNTY. Anna Winch 80 BROWNVILLE. NEW SHARON. Tchabod Thomas - 82 Jephthah Coburn - 81 Manly Coburn. Polly Stickney 68 Samuel Bradley - 74 Samuel Bradley. Nathaniel Tibbetts 85 John Tibbetts. PARKMAN. Thomas Fields 90 Thomas Fields. Abner Merrill 49 Abner Merrill. James Dyer - -. - 86 Henry Dyer. ABBOT. STRONG. Jeremiah Ralf ... 82 Jeremiah Ralf. Silas Baker 82 James P. Baker. Eliab Eaton 77 Joshua T. Eaton. 9ANGERYILLE. John Burrill - • - 83 John Burrill. TEMPLE. John Leach . . - 83 Jeremiah Leach. Mitchell Richards - 81 Moses A. Richards. Enoch Leathers 79 Jonathan Roberts. Mary Howe 81 James Richards. Betty Ballard 83 Jonathan A. Ballard. (iVILFORD. Joel Varnum 78 Joel Varnum. Ephraim Andrews - 83 1 Robert Herring. Polly True 1 80 Gideon Staple*. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MAINE— Continued. 15 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Thames of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. FRANKLIN— Continued. FRANKLIN— Continued. WILTON. JAY. Thomas Wutting - 72 Thomas Wutting. Joseph Adams 74 Abrazus Adams. Jesse Woods , . - 75 James L. Woods. Mary French ... 82 Nancy French. Thomas Colborn - 82 William Webster. Jemima Keyes - * - 75 Lorenzo Keyes. John Wheler 90 Jesse Hiscock. Silas Alven 74 Louis Packard. Samuel Whiten 83 Thomas B. Whiten. Abigail Roach - . - 73 Samuel Jones. AROOSTOOK COUNTY. Moses Averrill 85 Moses Averrill. HOULTON. Silas Gould 83 Perham Gould. Ephraim M. Condra 48 STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. ROCKINGHAM— Continued. PORTSMOUTH. DEERPIEI.D. Caroline N. Ber.ry - 43 Sally Mathers 75 Martha Holbrook. Moses Chase 78 Ann Huntress « - 91 Francis Rollins 79 Polly Lord 75 Joshua Veasey 80 George Libbey. John Stearns 80 The heirs of Robert and Charlotte Ezekiel Knowles - 85 " N. R. Thome- Jenett Blue ... 75 One aged 17 Asa Folsom ... 86 Do^ - - 19 Abijah Ring ... 65 Sarah Willard 34 Jo.seph Robinson . - . 84 Anna Welch 84 George Boyles ... 55 George Boyles. NEW MARKET. George Coibath 84 George Coibath. Betsey Tuttle 76 George Fishley . . - 80 George Fishley. Thomas Brown 80 John^Grant 50 John Grant. Josiah Clark ff) John Hodgkins 50 John Hodgkins, David Watson ... 80 Sarah Randall 79 Sarah Randall. Ale.xander Smith - - . , 42 Alexander Smith. HAMPTON FALLS. Robert Marshall - 87 BYE. Abigail Marshall - 91 John Y. Randall - 55 John Y. Randall. Mar)' Green 80 William Caswell. EPPINO. • James Robinson 58 James Robinson. Gordon Fruse 78 Betsy Smith Michael Dalton ... 79 Ephraim Philbrick. Michael Dalton. Ebenezer Keniston 80 87 Zebulon Dow . . . 84 Martha Hayley 82 NORTH HAMPTON. Philip Blaisdell - 78 Jeremiah Brown - 76 .Teramiah Brown, jr. Sarah Rollins 77 Abigail Marston - 79 Fearborn Marston. Aaron Huntoon 83 Heprebath Marston 96 Daniel Marston. William Moulton - 82 John Haven. NOTTINGHAM. Ebenezer Lovering 84 Ebenezer Lovering. . Thomas C. Leavili. Betsev Langley - - - 88 Simon Leavitt 87 Sally' Witham 85 Abigail Wescott - 75 EXETEK. Sarah Chapman - Lovey Pickering - - - 78 Martha Speed 77 Martha Speed. 88 Temperance Walker 81 Temperance Walker. Abner Davis 86 Relief Taft 78 Nathaniel Rundleils. Jonathan Davis ... 84 Sally Durant 83 Susan Durant. Joseph Cilley ... 49 JohnTilton _ Timothy Tillon. John Crawford 55 Jacob Carter ... _ Henry Carter. Enoch Rowe ... 82 Enoch Rowe. NORTnWuOD. Abigail Right 86 STHATHJM. Lydia Weeks ... 68 John Adams 81 John Adams. John Chesley ... 89 Joseph Green ... 79 Nicholas Rollins. Joseph Shaw Simon Bachelder - 90 82 GREENLAND. John Johnson ... 83 Joseph Dearborn ... 78 Joseph Dearborn. John Bickford Betsey Fiirber 80 95 NEWlNfiTON, Sarah Fogg 82 Mary Huntress 81 Mary Huntress. Ebenezer Bennett - 78 HAMPTON. seabroof; Jonathan Seavey - 81 Jonathan Seavey. John R. Beckman - - 86 Anna Moulton 82 Anna Moulton. Nicholas Felch - 85 Daniel Lamprey - 81 Daniel Lamprey. Josiah Nudd. Sarah liaton 70 Mary Godfrey - . - 74 Jeremiah Brown - 80 Mary Stickuey 77 Comfort JLeach. Mariam Brown 80 u CENSUS OP PENSIONERS. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. ROCKINGHAM— Continued. Skabbook — ContinueJ. SylvanusEulon IJ.ivitl Eaton Mary Lock yaniuel George KINGSTON. Sarah Proctor Elizabeth Chellis - John Davis KKKSINGTON. Wimhrop Wiggin Lvdia Fogg Until Dow - Hanson llojgdon - EAST KINGSTON. Christopher Challis Dolly Blaisdell HAMPSTEAD. * James Brickett Isaac Noyes Daniel Little ATKINSON. Judith Cogswell - PI.AISTOW. Hannah Clement - Nathaniel Clark - Moses Bly - NEWTOWN. Sarah Hanson sandown. Dolly Fitis - Elizabeth Clough - DANVILI.E. Moses Hoyt Lydia Bean Jiidith Showell Abigail Diamond - SALEM. Martha Harriss Sarah Hastings Lvdia Webster Moses Austin Maria Stevens Elisha Woodbury - Israel Woodbury - Elizabeth Woodbury WINDUAM. Hannah Center Elizabeth Emerson Mehitable Huges - LONDONDERRY. Allen Anderson Olive Eastman Benjamin GriHin - William Hog- David Crowell DERRV. Deborah Waters - John Burnham James Choat Thomas Carlton Ruth Carlton Hannah Cheney William Rowell - Moses Hoyt Sarah Remicks Benjamin Shute Benjamin Warner - Robert Willson 84 83 70 81 78 80 85 - nc 73 8-2 83 82 75 77 70 90 James Brickelt. Isaac Noyes. Tristram Little 83 74 83 76 89 80 84 81 83 96 70 83 85 83 78 80 77 84 78 93 84 70 74 79 82 82 90 79 77 85 86 91 07 76 81 83 81 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Joseph B. Cogswell. Amos C. Clement. Nathaniel Clark, jr. Moses Bly. John Hasty. Nathaniel Fitls. Josiah Clougli. William Huntington. Lvdia Bean. Nathaniel George. Obidiah Diamond. Dudley W. Jones. Sarah Hastings. Thomas Webster. Moses Austin. Tristram Kimbilt. Elisha Woodbury, jr. Israel Woodbury. Elizabeth Woodbury. Syntha Clasgelt. John Hill. - John Huges. Eliza Holmes. John Follinsb;e. Benjamin Griffin. Nathan Conner. Peter Crowell. Margaret Adams. George Burnham. Humphrev Choat. Thom:is Carlton. Daniel Carlton. William Cheney. Moses Hoyt. Sarah Remicks. Benjamin Shute. Benjamin Warner. Robert Willson, Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. ROCKINGHAM— Continued. CHESTER. Thomas Anderson Lydia Shannon Thomas Shannon - . . Jacob Eliot Michael Worthcn - Maiy Sanborn Benjamin True John Shannon Joshua Brown Phebe Abbott Sarah Clark John Heath Martha Aiken John Downing John Wason Richard Heath CANDIA. Hannah Taylor Phineas Swain Moses Turner Dorothy Knowles - Ann Marden Mehitable McClure William Patten RAYMOND. Mary Prcscot Jacob Smith Mary Ricliardson - TheophiUis Lorring STRAFFORD COUNTy. DOVER. Mary Watson Reuben Ricker Daniel Cushing Margaret Tibbets - Sarah Nute Ezra Green SOMERSWORTM. Elizabeth Furber - James Burnham Rachel Randall Moses Yeaton Martha Roberts John Roberts John Philpot Ann Hodgdon CiU.MANTON. Abigail Smith Moses Currier Jemima Burter Elizabeth Perkins - Anna Hunt Abigail Burley Jonathan Taylor - John Dow - ' - Eleazer Young Mary Folsom Thomas Adams - Jonathan Hilliard - Mehitable Hutchinson Abraham Parsons - Paul Oliss - Dinah Sands Mieajah Kelley Ithiel Smith John Lougee Mary Gullerson niLPOHD. Susan Nichols J. V. Barron David Thompson - Martha Sawyer Benjamin Jewell - Anna Whitcher - Jabez James 80 82 88 70 88 94 82 80 75 86 79 &t 83 78 79 80 77 87 81 09 75 70 85 82 80 87 85 85 74 80 09 63 79 81 53 83 79 75 73 80 Names of heads of families with whom pensioneis re- sided June 1, 1810. 78 Thomas Anderson 84 Josiah Morse. 79 Thomas Shannon. 84 Jacob Eliol. HI Michael Worthen. 70 Simon M. Sanborn 70 Osgood True. 83 Meny Lane. 84 Joshua Brown. 80 Jeremiah Rann. 84 Sarah Clark. 80 John Heath. 76 Martha Aiken. 76 James Calep. 86 John AVason. 78 Richard Heath. 81 John Moore, jr. 77 Phineas Swain. 86 Moses Turner, jr. 82 Eleazer Knowles. 85 Ann Marden. 91 John BuswoH. 76 Willis PaUen. 78 John Bachclder, jr. 83 Jacob Smith. 78 Marv Richardson. 81 Moses Brown. Samtiel Walson, 2d. Reuben Ricker. Daniel Cushing. Nathaniel Tibbets. Sarah Nule. Ezra Green. Joshua Furber. James Burnham. Benjamin Andrews. Leaviit H. Yeaton. Lydia Twombly. John Garvin. Eliza Philpot. Olive Abbott'. Abigail Smith. Moses Currier. Riis,sell Phillips. Elizab.'ihPerliins. Jacob Hunt. Abigail Burley. Joseph Rowe. John Dow. Eleazer Young. Mary Folsom. John Adams. Jonathan B. Hilliard. Jamc-; Hutchinson. Abraham Parsons. Eliphalet F. Gilman. Dinah Sands. Samuel G. Kellev. Iihiel Smith. John Lougee. Rhoda Gutterson. Martha Nichols. J. V. Barron. David Thompson, Israel Sawver. Benjamin Jewelt. Timothy Whitcher. Jabez James, CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Continued. It Names of pensioners lor revolu- tionary or military services. STRAFFORD— Conlinueil. EARNSTEAD. Robert Tebbells James Marden Molly Jacobs Valentine Chapman John A i kens Ephraim Tebbells - Ebenezer Nutier Mary Avery Pelatiah Penney - Lucy Hill - Anthony Nutier John Nutter STRATFORD. Nancy Kemubton - Mary Lougee George Foss JohnPeavey George Foss Abigail McNeal - Samuel Parsley Mary Leighton Joseph Caswell BARRINGTON. Mary Buzzell Patience Watson - Mary Rermick LEE. Deborah Williams Hannah Dearborn - Josiah Barllett Charles Willey - MADBL'RY. John Twombly Dorothy Jackson - Rulh Huckins DURHAM. Hannah Emerson - John Slarbird William Applebee Hannah Crumnet - Eleazer Bennett Sarah S'.illson ' Joseph Dame Andrew Drew ROCHESTER. Simuel Rumels Henry Buzzell Sarah Hoyt John McDatTee Sarah Sargeant John Gray - SANDEORNTON. /Caleb Aldrich Sirah Burhigh Eiisha Chapman - Ebenezer Colby Amos Blodgett Asa Currier Samuel Davis John Dungin Elizabeth Morrill - Moses Oilman Eunice Jaques Jonathan Morrison Olive Pulnam John Sanders Jonathan Smart Henry Smith Dolly Sanborn Dudley Swain Louchance Smith - Jeremiah Swain - John Taylor Elias Buswell Josiah Sanborn, 2d Ages. Naines of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 81 85 84 82 88 8G 83 84 63 83 78 83 80 80 83 80 80 87 91 8-2 84 88 75 82 77 57 83 80 78 78 91 85 79 84 92 89 82 82 80 92 87 83 75 87 70 79 83 79 48 83 70 47 80 80 75 83 82 79 70 81 89 81 83 85 80 Robert Tebbells. David Marden. Joseph TuUle. Valeniine Chapman-. John Aikens. Robert Tebbells. Ebenezer Nutier. Samuel Rollins. Noah Holmes. John Hill. Anthony Nutter. Ira Parsley. Nathaniel E. Hanson. George Foss, jr. John Peavey, jr. George Foss. Mary Wingale. Enoch Libbey. Sally Clark. Joseph Caswell. Jonathan Buzzell. Joseph Hall. Solomon Waldson. James Langley. Hannah Durgin. Josiah Bartlelt. Charles Willey. Paul Brock. Ephraim Jackson. John Huckins. Joshua V. Emerson. John Siaiblrd. William Applebee. Winthrop Smith. John Bennett. William Stillson. Asa Dame. Andrew Drew. John Hanson. Henry Buzzell. Sarah Hoy'. John Richards. Joseph Dame. John Gray, jr. Caleb Aldrich. Peter Burhigh. Ellsha Cliapman. Eb:nezer Colby. Ebenezer Colby, jr. Asa Currier. Samuel Davis. John Diuigin. Willoughijy Dungin. Moses Oilman, jr. Eunice Jaques. Simon R. Morrison. William B. Pulnam. John Sanders. Asa R. Smith. Jo-iah C. Siiiilh. Dolly Sanborn. Dudiev Swain. Mark Smith. Jeremiah Swain. William Taylor. Deal born Taylor, Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. STRAFFORD— Continued. Sandbornton — Continued. Nathaniel Morrill - Sarah Brimhall - ALTON. Jonathan Richards Jeremiah Woodman Benjamin Sluper - John Rollins Tliomas Baker Benjamin Morrison Elizabeth Bennet - Hannah Web-ter - Mary Peavy Anna Dudley Polly Dudley MIDDI.ETON. Elizabeth Roberts - Doroihy Pike Martha Buzzell Eleanor S'.evcns Hannah Gailand - FARMINCiTON. Sarah Tilcomb Alice Watson Joseph Roberts Hannah Walker - Isaac Hanson Benjamin Ham MU.TON. Sarah Nute Amos Bragdon Elizabeth Roberts - Jonathan Dore David Corscn Thomas Applebee - Bennaiah Dore NEW DRNTHM. Eliz.ibelh Sumner - Abigail Milchel Charles Powers Jact'b Leigliton Winthrop Davis - BnooKFiEi.n. Judith Chamb3rlain Phineas Johnson - Edmund Tibbsts - Mary Walson EFFINGHAM. John Drake Abraham Mars'.cn James Garland Samuel Lear TUFTONnonnufiii. E'isha Smith James Renolds Eliphalet Drake - Miles Renolds James Wigsin Mehitable Severance Ichabod Horn Lydia Veazey James Whilehouse Benjamin Bean Joshua Neal Jonathan Morrison Benjamin Wiggiu WAKEFIEf.n. Betsey Cook Solomon Hutchins Mehitable Coo'.v Ebenezer Hill WOLPSBOROfCH. Sally Lucas Ages. yo 49 79 81 81 84 84 80 74 73 84 78 77 7.! 70 81 78 77 73 87 82 85 77 78 80 83 79 84 03 83 92 78 80 74 81 83 89 80 85 81 84 70 80 80 82 84 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Nathaniel Morrill. Joseph Vaughen. Jonathan Richard';. Jeremiah Woodman. Joseph Sluper. John Rollins. Daniel Baker. Susannah Morrison. Benjamin Bennel. Han nail Webster. Enoch Peavy. Abel Dudley. Samuel Dudley, jr. John Roberts. Robert Pike. Jacob P. Buzzell. George W. Stevens. Ham Garland. Jeremiah Wingate. Alice Watson." Joseph Roberts. John Walker. Isaac Hanson. Benjamin Ham. David Nute. Amos Bragdon. James C. Roberts. Jonathan Dore. David M. Corsen. James Applebee. Bennaiah Dore. 78 William S. Suir.ner 87 Samuel Mitchel. 78 Samuel Oilman. 8-2 Jacob Lcighicn. 73 Winthrop Davis. 77 William T. Gate. 03 Phineas Jjhnson. 78 Edmund Tibbels. £9 Nadian Watson. 87 John Drake. 81 John L. Marston. 87 William Mason. 75 Samuel Lear. Eiisha Smiih. James Renolds. John Drake. Wiles Renolds. James Wiggin. Benjamin Severance. Ichabod Horn. Lydia Ve.-zey. Nathaniel Whilehouse. Benjamin Bean. John Neal. Ebenezer Morris. Benjamin Wiggin. Peler Cook. Solomon Hutchins. John Fellows. Ebenezer Hill. John Lucas, IS CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Continued. Names of pensioni-i^ for revolu- tionary or miliiary services. STRAFFORD— Conlinued. WoLFSBOROUou — Continued. Nathan Lee Ichabod Colby John Sliory David Piper Manila Mooily Hannah Nuda John Clough Polly Leavett George Yeaton TAMWORTH. Benjamin Sullivan Sally Gilman Nathaniel Hayford Sarah Washburn - Drusilla Head Martha Jackson Andrew JVealley - OSSIPER. Hannah Docken - Josepli While Silas While Charity Caiiney Stephen Nason Rlioda Marston John Thompson lIOULTONBGROroH. Ebenezer Horn John Knowles William Morrill - Samuel B. Mason - Stephen Strong Martha Adams Nancy Morse Abigail Richardson Hannah Horn Charles Brown Jemima Brown Charlotte Cook NEW HAMPTON'. Naomi Farmer Levi Robinson Eunice Harris Richard Durgin Sarah Wells Judith Tilton Josiah Magoon Benjamin Smith - John Smith Thomas Woodman Hachel Sincler Joseph Smith MERrDlTU. Benjamin Perkins - John Robinson Eunice Merrill Amos Leavitt Jonathan Russell - Thomas DalloS' - Joseph Danforth - Daniel Tilton Reuben Morgan Mariam Swain Oliver Cluugh Stephen Fogg Abel Cass Betsey Cram Hannah Gorden Josiah Moulton John Wadleigh Simeon Wadleigh - Abigail Gordan John Brvant Phebe Pike CENTRE nARBOR. Ben ing Wilkinson Jacob Davis Ago 78 79 65 84 7i) 75 78 G8 80 77 78 84 77 70 93 94 C9 73 81 RO 82 75 52 85 80 77 8-2 74 90 75 78 71 77 87 86 79 89 m G9 82 82 80 88- 81 80 79 80 80 81 87 81 77 82 92 78 77 30 8S 30 75 CI 37 78 83 T2 78 74 81 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Nathan Lee. John T. G. Colby. Lyford Sliory. David Piper. Joseph W. Moody. Samuel Niuld. John Clough. Barron T. Leavell. Hannah Furber. Benjamin Sullivan. Polly Gilman. AVarren Hayford. Sarah Washburn. Andrew Nealy. Noah J. Sanborn. Timothy Tewksbury. Moses Harrison. Joseph White. Silas White. John C. Thompson. John Weelcs. Simon Philbrook. John Thoiii))son. Ebenezer Horn. Joseph Knowles. .Tacob Grave.s. Benjamin M.Mason. Slephen S'rong. Manila Adam.s. Benjamin E. Mor.=;e. Samuel Richardson. Jonathan Copp, 2d. Charles Brown. John Brown. Samuel S. Cook. . Moses Buzell. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or miliiary service.?. Ages. STRAFFORD— Continued. Centre HAHtjoR — Continued. James Tibbels Sargeant Kiiiiball - Hosea Siurdavant - Jonathan Kelley - TREEnOM. Richard Taylor Mo.ses Harmon Thomas Lord Pelatiah Harmon - Sarah fvlills John Andrews EATON. Judith Fall Eli Glenis - Moses Ferrin Jonathan Towle - CONWAY. William Burbank - James Howard William Thorns - Ebenezer Bean Samuel WiUey Elijah Dinsmoor - Amos Barnes Miles Dalloft' Jonathan Leavilt - Moses Pailen .siNnwiriT. Theodore Atkinson Jonathan Gilman - .Jonathan Vitlnm - David Kenistan Eliphalei Smith Anna Websler Betty Furguson David Collins .Tane Etherage Abig-til Mason John Church John Watson John Marston Dorcas Thompson Ebenezer Cook Waymouih Wallace Samuel Ladd CHATHAM. Louda Smith William Eaton Elizabeth Heard - Lvdia Wyman 4- MERRIMACK COUNTY. CONCORD. Daniel Arlin John Carter Samuel Davis Jonathan Wheelock John EUiol - Huldah Evans Mary Boardman Asa French Thomas Haine,s Elizabelh Stickney Miriam Hoit Levi Hutchins John Virgin Samuel Jackman - AnnaGriflin Tabaiha Gilman - Josepli Runnels Jonathan Uran Stephen Webster - Andrew Willey - HOPKINTOV. Ephraim Fisk Esther Putney Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 7G 83 89 Richard Taylor. 81 Moses Harmon. 83 Thomas Lord. 84 Pelatiah Harmon. 82 James R. Mills. 77 John Andrews. 81 Samuel H. AUard 76 Thomas Glenis. 80 Samuel Ferrin. 85 Jonathan Towle. 47 William Burbcnk 71 James Howard. 79 William Thouis. &1 Ebenezer Bean. 87 Samuel Willev. 77 Fox Dinsmoor. 84 Amos Barnes. C7 Miles Dolloft: 81 Jonathan Leavitt. 90 David Carr. 52 59 84 76 85 76 82 76 75 SO 83 82 69 80 8-t 62 78 74 84 75 71 Daniel Arlin. 81 John Carter. 81 Moses Davis. 81 Lewis Downing. 8-1 John Elliot. 76 Huldah Evans. 85 Samuel Fletcher. 98 Asa French. 79 Thomas Haines. 82 Gersham Hanson. 72 Jonathan H. Hoit. 78 Levi Hutchins. 57 Samuel Hutchins. 91 Samuel Jackman. 84 Nancy Morrill. 82 Thomas Potter. 81 Joseph Runnels. 85 Jonathan Uian. 82 Atkinson Webster 85 Andrew Willey. 81 Ephraim Fisk, jr. 79 Esther Pulnev. CENSUS OF TENSIONERS. 19 NEW HAMPSHIRE— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- , sided June 1, I&IO. i tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. ■*_.. i-- MERRIMACK— Conliuuetl. MERRIMACK— Continued. flornTNTON — Continued. Bradford— Continued. Joseph Putney 87 Joseph Putney. Abel Severance . - - 85 John Severance. Samuel Eastriian - 79 Samuel Eastman. Daniel Lord 8S Peter A. Cook. William Weeks - 85 William Weeks. ' Abel Blood 82 Robert Fulton. Moody Smith 83 Moody Smith. Jonathan Knight - 86 Jonathan Knight. Abigail Chadwick - 76 Abigail Chadwick. Abraham Smith 85 Abraham Smith. Moses Long 79 Moses Long. Daniel Hale 81 D-iniel Hale. Moses Cross 7'J Moses Cross. Ruth Tabor 77 Ruth Tabor. NORTHFIELD. Elias Abbott 83 Elias Abbott. UENMKEH. Jesse Carr - - . . 83 Jesse Carr. Oliver Noyes . . - 83 Oliver Noyes. John Dinsmore ... 85 Edmund Dearborn. James Brown 86 James Brown. Samuel Dinsmore ... 87 Samuel Dinsmore. Polly How 79 Oliver Whilconib. Samuel Goodwin - - . 93 James Goodwin. Mary Greenleaf . - - 77 Mary Greenleaf. Abner Flanders 85 Nancy Haniford. Ruth Goss 77 Cyrus Goss. Joseph Cofran 50 John Rogers. PEMBROKE. WILMOT. Timothy Hall 81 Timothy Hall. Edward Courrier . - - 77 Edward Courrier. Hannah Connor - - - 88 John Brown. Jethro Barber -79- Jethro Barber. Joanna Parker 84 Bailey Parker. Daniel Emery 79 Eben. White. Daniel Poor 79 Charles Poor. AI.LENSTOWiV. • Joseph Pedrick 75 Joseph Pedriclt. Eliphalet Rollins. Samuel Libby 81 Samuel Libbr. 1 Eliphalet Rollins - 84 - Jeremiah Bean 74 Jeremiah Bean. DnNB.^RTON. Elizabeth Leach - - - 93 Samuel Leach. SALISBURY. Esther Hammond - &t Esther D. Hammond. Samuel McGuin - 104 William Clay, jr. Janelte Stinson - 89 John Siinson, 3d. Benjamin Thompson 79 Benjamin Thompson. Waller Harris 79 Walter Harris. 1 Abraham Fifiekl - - - 85 Daniel Fifield. Sarah Whipple - . - 84 Benjamin Whipple. ! Jabez True 82 Jabez True. Esther Adams . . - 85 John Adams. 1 Nathan Bulla rd ... 76 Reuben Greeley. Isabel McCauly 85 James McCauly. 1 Enoch Adams . . . ! Moses Fellows 86 85 Samuel Scribner. Moses Fellows. HOOKSETT. j Ebenczer Currier - 77 Ebenezer Currier. 1 FRA.VKLIN. James Otterson 83 James Otterson. Thaddeus Gage - 66 David Gage. Alice Mitchell 71 Joseph Mitchell. David Flanders - - - 83 Amos Hoid. Samuel Poor 83 Samuel Poor. Caleb Brown - - til Caleb Brown. William Ash. Anna Abbot 73 Ann Abbot. [ William Ash 73 • Edward Sawyer 79 Edmund Sawyer. I30W. Nancy Currier 81 Nancy Currier. Samuel Morse Daniel Bean 87 84 Samnel Morse, jr. Daniel Bean. David Hammond - 84 David Hammond. 1 Thomas CoUey Stephen McCoy - Jonathan McCoy ... 85 81 83 Thomas CoUey. Asa Morgan. Asa Morgan. i ANDOVER. : Samuel Cilley i MarkBalchelder - 87 83 Samuel Cilley. Mark Batchelder. ' William Glines 80 Lewis Davis. T\'AHNER. Stephen Badger - - - Dudley Bailey 83 85 Stephen Badger. Albridge D. Bailey. NEW LONDON. Levi Everett 79 83 Levi Everett. Josiah Davis. Richard Straw , - - 85 Richard Straw. Josiah Davis Joseph Sargent 89 Caleb S.irgeut., ■ Moses Ttussell 8b Moses Trussell. Samuel Cheney 77 Chilis F. Colby. Joseph Evans ... 85 JoJin Withington. 1 NEWEUHV. William Leach. Charles Colburn. William Sargent. Joseph B. Hoyt Anthony Clark 78 88 Josepli B. Hoyt. Anthony Clark. , William Leach Charles Colburn - William Sargent - 84 77 78 BOSC.iWEN. John Eaton 77 John Eaton. Samuel Morse 81 Samuel Moi>e. 1 Eliphalet Kilburn - - - Joseph Little Nathaniel Burpey - Jonathan Burpey ... 87 79 84 74 Eliphalet Kilburn, jr. Joseph Little. Joseph Burpey. Jonathan Downing. CANTERBURY. Sampson Baltis John Lovis 1 Morrill Shepherd - 89 80 75 Sampson Batlis. John H. Bennett. Morrill Shepherd. Joseph Cleasby. Joseph Clough. Benjamin Bradley. Elizabeth Moore." Nathaniel Atkiiison 86 Nathaniel Atkinson. Joseph Cleasby 76 Eliakim Walker - 87 Benjamin Walker. Sarah Clough 80 Nathan Carter 78 Nathan Carter. Benjamin Bradley Elizabeth Moore - 79 76 StJTTON. Theodore Richards Benjamin Colby ... Philip Nelson ... 76 84 84 George W. Richards. Davit! Farmer. Philip Nelson. i LOUDON. ' Abner Clough ' Sarah Wiggins - 83 83 83 Abner Clough. Samuel Haines. Joseph Clough. William Jackson. Jeremiah Bennett. George B. Johnston. Joseph E". Clifford. Benjamin Page. Jonathan Davis. Jeremiah Gleeson. Daniel Seavey. Walter BertT. William Whetlcr, Isaac Liulefield 46 Isaac Littlefield. j Joseph Clough James Buswell - - . 57 James Busw«ll. Isaac Clifford 87 Wells Davis Simon Stevens Jonathan Stevens - 87 76 96 Edward Ordway. John Stevens. John Hubburt. ; Jeremiah Bennett - j Amos Currier Joanna Hayes 85 85 96 Abner Ward BRADFORD. Micah How Rufus Fuller Abraham P, Sweat 85 81 79 80 Abner Ward. Micah How. Parley Martin. Abraham P. S\veat. 1 Benjamin Page Jonathan Davis - Eleanor Gleeson - 1 Daniel Seavey Eleanor Berry : William Wheeler - 81 80 80 77 80 80 so CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. MERRIMACK— Conlinued. riTTSFIELD. Thomas R. Swell . - - Anna Sanborn . . - John Shaw . . . Anna Sanborn . - . Hannah Drake . . - David Benneit John True . - . - CHICHESTER. Gardner Edmunds - - - Molly Knox Susannah Benson - Leavilt Hook Dudley Smart . . - Moses Towns _ - - Richard Max field - Joseph Dow . - - RhodaMaxfield - El'SOM. Ruth Philbrick Sarah Mc Clary Dorothy Grant . - . Eunice Sargent - . . Mark Emerson . . . John Bachelder - . - Phebe Prescott . . - Samuel Lear - . . David Uow - . . Abigail Bickford - HILLSBOROUGH COUiNTY. HILLSBOROUGH. William Dickey . . . David Livermore - Mary Gould . . - Martha Mann . . - Thomas Killom . . - Daniel Killom . . . Nathaniel Parraenter Isaac Farrar Thaddeus Giodwin Isaac Andrews . . . William Parker . - . Daniel Russell . . . Abigail Bobbins - . - Lucy McNeil WINDSOtt. Mrs. William Jones Mrs. John Priest - . . DEEBINO. John Morrill ANTRIM. Josiah Herrick Mary Dinsmore Martha McClure - Samuel Chandler - Abijah Barker James Neswith Sarah Barker George Gates Daniel Bazzell John Thompson Sarah Uardy Thomas Brown HANCOCK. Mary Priest Samuel Eaton I2benezcr Pratt Mary Barker Jeremiah Fogg Moses Dennis Daniel Kimball Abraham Moors - Oliver Lawrence - John Brooks Timothy Moors Peter Fletcher 79 82 88 89 7G 24 78 ■JG 00 (U ■13 8'2 80 77 80 85 83 84 8U 84 78 79 82 7^^ 75 84 85 78 79 77 80 84 85 79 87 84 84 85 75 8-2 89 73 78 76 71 79 7ti 80 82 84 8t! 76 79 75 77 74 82 86 79 81 88 81 79 84 80 85 77 Names of heads of families with whom pensioneis re- sided June I, 1810. Thomas R. Swctt. Simon Mason. John Shaw. Anna Sanborn. James Drake. David Benneit. John True. Gardner Edmunds. Molly Knox. Susannah Benson. Leavitt Hook. Dudley Smart. Moses Towns. Richard Maxfield. Joseph Dow. Daniel P. Maxlield. R'.uh Philbrick. Jonathan Steele. John Grant. John Marshall. Simeon P. Locke. Levi Locke. Samuel Caie. Samuel L. Lear. David How. Sainuel B. Bickford. William Dickey. David Livermore. Geoige Gould. Martha Mann. Thomas Killom. Daniel Killom. Nathaniel Parmenter. Isaac Farrar. Thaddeus Goodwin. Isaac Andrews. William Parker. Denizen Gould. Charles D. Robbins. Solomon McNeil. Mrs. John Averile. Richard S. Smart. John Morrill. Josiah Herrick. Samuel Dinsmore. Manly McClure. Samuel Chandler. Abijah Barker. James Neswith. Moody Barker. Mary Hutchinson. William Bazzell. Thomas Thompson. Benjamin M. Buckminstcr. Thonias Brown. Daniel Priest. Samuel Eaton. Ebenezer Pratt. Mar)' Barker. Charles Fogg. Moses Dennis. Daniel Kimball. Isaac A. Moors. Nathaniel Dow. John Brooks. Timothy Moors. Peter Fletcher. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. HILLSBOROUGH— Continued. PETEBBOBOUGII. John Todd . - . - Samuel Morrison . - - Sarah Matthews . - - Rebecca Diamond - - - David Smiley . . . James Porter . . . Abner Hagget . . . Eliz-ibeth Blair . . - Phebe Hadley . . - T.YNDEBOnOUaH. Jonathan Butler - - - Jedediah Russell - - - Joshua Sargent - - - Oliver Perham - . • Abraham Rose - - - Edmund Perkins - Phiueas Kidder - - - GREENFIELD. Joseph Eaton . . - William Holley - Abigail Johnson - Ebenezer Farrington Jacob Mclnlire Lucy Percy . . . William Brooks . . - Simeon Fletcher - Ruhama Burnham Simon Low FBANCESTOWN. Eleanor Brewster - • - William Hopkins . - - Sarah Dustin . . . Mehitable Fisher - - - Winslow Lakin . - - Abigail Morse - - - Williani Campbell William McAlvin Robert BuUerfield - Thomas Fisher . . . Amos Batchelder . - - Eleanor Follansbee Daniel Fuller NEW BOSTON. Jacob Curtice . - - Abner Hogg Jeniicit Dickey - . - Elizabeth Howe . . - Hannah Griffin Joseph Haradon Sarah Jones Joseph Lamson Elizabeth Mullet - William Morgan - AMHERST. Hannah Bills Joseph Crosby Benjamin Damon - David Fisk Ephraim Goss \Iary Howard Nathan Kendall Mary Leavitt Thomas Melendy - John Purple BEDFORD. John Ferguson John Gault . . . Sarah Holbrook William Moore . . . Lydia Rundlet . . - Eunice Shcpard - . . GOFFSTOWN. Jonathan Bell . . . Michael Carter - - - Mary Poor . . - - Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. 83 John Todd. 79 Samuel Morrison. 79 Thomas MaUhews. 78 John Diamond. 80 David Smiley. 85 Samuel Mavnard. 81 Peter Twiss. 84 James Swan. 85 Thomas Hadley. 87 Jonathan Butler. 8S Ebenezer Russell. 82 Joshua Sargent. 78 Oliver Perham. 80 Abraham Rose. 80 Burnham Russel. 84 Phineas Kidder. 81 Lewis Martin. 75 William HoUev. 89 Frederick A. Mitchell. 83 Ebenezer Farrington. 8-1 Jacob Mclntirc. 73 Lucy Percy. 79 William Brooks. 80 Simeon Fletcher. 76 Ruhama Burnliam. 85 Simon Low. 77 Isaac Brewster. 77 William Hopkins. 77 Emerson Favor. 78 Winslow Lakin. 81 Winslow Lakiii. 75 Mark Morse. 89 Richard Fisher. 86 William McAlvin. 83 Oliver BuUerfield. 79 Phineas BuUerfield. 78 Amos Batchelder. 80 John Follansbee. 79 Daniel Fuller. 89 Josiah Kendall. 81 Abner Hogg. 83 Elias Dickey. 71 Jacob Davis. 82 Daniel Griffin. 81 Josiah Warren. 82 George Jones. 80 Joseph Lamson. 8G Elizabeth Mullet. 79 Ezra Morgan. 73 Hannah Bills. 87 Joseph Crosby. 79 Benjamin Damon. 83 David Fisk, 3d. 74 Ephraim Goss. 72 Levi Howard. 85 Nathan Kendall. • 75 Mary Leavitt. 91 Luther Melendy. 97 John Warren. 83 Daniel Ferguson. , 77 Daniel Gault. 75 Thomas G. Holbrook. 80 William Moore. 90 Thomas Rundlet. 77 Charles Shepard. 85 Jonathan Bell. 76 Michael Carter. 76 Mary Poor. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Coiitinued. 21 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of familie.i lionary or mililary services. Ages. Willi whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. HILLSBOROUGH— Continued. HILLSBOROUGH-Continued. LITCHFIELD. MILFORD. Reuben Barns 81 Reuben Barns. Samuel Lovejoy - 81 William Lovejoy. Isaac Burpee 81 Francis Wright. MOUNT VERNON. Daniel Averill - - - 71 Daniel Averill. WILTON. Ella Heywood - - - 73 John Heywood. Sally Marble 80 Susannah Burton. Zephaniah Kitlredge 83 Zephaniah Kitlredge. Joseph Gray 79 James B. Gray. Solomon Kitlredge 85 Solomon Kitlredge. William Pettingill 80 William Pettingill. Andrew Leavitt - 87 William Leavitt. Mary Herrick 85 Elijah Stockwell. Jonathan Lamson . - - 84 Betsey Lamson. Israel Farnum . . - 81 Mark D. Perkins. NEW IPSWICH. Hannah Perkins - 75 Hiram Perkins. John Emery ... 93 John Emery. Sarah Walker 77 Sarah Walker. MERRIMACK. Rebecca Carlton - . - m Rebecca CarUon. MAiiON. John Fields 81 John H. Colburn. Mully Adams 82 Jonas Adams. John Gilson . - . n John Gilson. James Gilman 86 James Gilman. Rachel French b-i Daniel Lanabee. Micah Gates 77 Betsey Green. John Odall 78 John Odall. Daniel Hill 77 Daniel Hill. Tryphena Kemp - 80 Jonas Prichard. M.4NCUESTEB. Peter Emerson 82 James Emerson. CHESHIRE COUNTY. Archibald Gamble - 78 Samuel Gamble. ALSTEAD. Aphia Wyman tw David Gibson. Mary Allen 92 Mary Allen. Abigail Stearns . - - 71 Moulton Mace. Samuel Garfield - . - 83 John Colburn. Ephraim Stevens - . - 8-2 Ephiaim Stevens. Sarah Howard - - - 83 Samuel Howard. Olive Pollard 7!) John Stark. Levi Pratt 84 Hannah Hutchinson. Sarah Manning 76 Samuel Worthley. Sarah Murphy 78 David Murphy. Samuel Slade 78 Samuel Slade, jr. TELIIAM. William Slade 83 Allen Slade. Seth Cutter 8-i Seth Cutter. Elisha Towne 77 Matthew W. Towne. Sarah Richardson - 91 James Griiiin. Nathan Twining . . - 86 Nathan Twining. Elizabeth Gage - - . 85 Nathan Gage. Eliphalet Taylor - 82 Eliphalet Taylor. Abel Gage 80 Abel Gage. James Wood 79 James Wood. Nathaniel Ingalls - - - 83 Nathaniel Ingalls. John Watts 81 John Watts. Jacob Marsh 79 Prescott Jones. Isaac Marshall ... 8-3 Isaac Marshall. CILSLM. Thomas Thissell - 80 Thomas Thissell, jr. William Barron - . - 74 William Barron. Edmund Tenney - 81 Edmund Tenney. Samuel Corey ... 86 Benjamin Corey. Luna Foster 76 Luna Foster. nUDSON. Levina Richardson 77 Jesse Hemmingway. Betsey CuUer 87 Betsey Cutler. David Adams 83 Calvin Mav. Betsey Marsh ... 72 Hiram Marsh. Samitel Smith 82 David Ware. Andrew Siimpson - - . 81 Andrew Stimpson. MARLOW. WE.IRE. Samuel Comstock - 84 Samuel Comstock, jr. Edmund Barnard - 84 Edmund Barnard. Prudence Whittemore 77 Prentiss Whittemore. William Hogg ... 85 Benjamin Colby. Thomas Cilley 89 Thomas Cilley. SLT.LIVAN. John Dav - - - - 88 John Day. Berthier Boynton - 72 David BojTiton. Mary Liill .... 76 Moses Lull. Mary Sawyer . . - 82 Lyman Gates. Hannah Cjlley - Abraham Morrill. Benjamin Hastings 72 Benjamin Hastings. Samuel Blaisdell - 75 Osgood Paige. Benjamin Kemp - 78 David Kemp. Rachel Whittle - 73 John Whittle, 2d. Eliakim Kemp 88 Edmund Nims. HOLI.IS. STODDARD. Abigail Youngman 78 Jonas Blood, jr. George Coffin 79 George Cofiin. Stephen Conrey ... 81 Stephen Conrey. N;yhaniel Evans - 81 Nathaniel Evans. Abigail Colburn - * - 85 Nathan Colburn. Sarah Bardin 88 Nathaniel Gilson. Mary Colburn 84 Peter U. Colburn. Rebecca Joslin 72 Luke Joslin. William Hale 79 William P. Hale. Nathaniel Joslin - . - 79 Nathaniel Joslin. Nathaniel Hubbard 75 Stephen Lovejoy. David Jenkins 82 Darid Jenkins. Solomon Pierce . . - 90 William Newton. Edward Phelps 77 Edward Phelps. Enoch Jewett ... 83 Andrew Willoby. Peter Wright 88 John Procter. Daniel Bailey 81 Daniel Bailey. Rebecca Slacey 77 William Stacey. Zubah GeroiUd ... 77 Roxana Thurston. NASHUA. George Holems ... 78 Jesse Wilder. Lydia Lovejoy ... 80 Sarah Chase. Samuel Wilson ... 85 William Wilson. Israel Hunt ... 8-2 Israel Hunt. Eunice Dow 84 Eunice Dow. Joshua Palmer 75 Joshua Palmer. Eleazer Fish 75 Joseph Waugh. SURRY. Sarah Joslyn ... 75 John Joslyn. Hollis Wilcox. BROOKLINE. Asa Wilcox 84 Abel Hodgman 82 Abel Hodgman. Enoch Whilcomb - 80 David Whilcomb. Hannah Hoit 80 Elisha Hoit. Eleazer Gilson ... 83 Joseph F. Jefts. WESTMORELAND. Ichabod Albee 81 Ichabod Albee. SHARON. Daniel Davis 79 Daniel Davis. Lydia Carlisle ... John Curtis . . - 83 78 Lydia Carlisle. John Curtis. Reuben Law ... 89 James Law. Darius Das^get 79 Darius Daggell. Margaret Moor 80 Margaret Moor. Benjamin Howe ... 53 Caleb C. Daggett. TEMPLE Betsey Goodrich ... 77 Draco Goodrich. Elias Boynton 85 Elias Boynton. John Wheeler 80 Ambrose Gravis. ^/ 22 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June I, 18-10. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. - i CHESHIRE— Continued. CHESHIRE-Continued. WEST.MOBEi.iND — Contiuued. Winchester— Continued. Joseph Sawyer ... Amasa Hignland - 87 Wilson Gleason. Francis Cook 81 Abel H. Cook. 80 Ira Highland. Eunice Dodge 79 Clark Dodge. Abiather Shaw . . . 81 Abiather Shaw. Oliver Wright 81 Edwin Jewell. Timothy Skinner - - - 79 Barton Skinner. John Jones - . - - 85 John Jones. Rebecca Wier 77 John Wier. Mary Kendall 81 George Kendall. Chary White 81 Charles White. Submit Lawrence - - - 8'2 Luiher Lawrenca. William Rixford - - - 85 William Ri.xford, jr. \V.4LP01,K. Lydia Combs 87 Phebe Turlelot. Thomas C. Drew - 78 Thomas C. Drew. Daniel Wise - - 85 Leonard Wise. Cynthia Eldrige - 74 Cynthia Eldrige. Sarah Fay - . - - 77 Sarah Fay. DLBUN. James Holland 79 James Holland. Amos Alexander - - - 79 Amos Alexander. Eliza Mead 84 Eliza Mead. Phineas Gleason - 83 Phineas Gleason. Daniel Marsh 75 Daniel Marsh. Lucy Hardy - - ■ 79 Elias Hardy. William Rust 81 Aaron Priest. Olive Phillips 85 Richard Phillips. Ephraim Stearns - Ebenezer Wellington 85 Stephen Stearns. Abijah Richardson 79 Abijah Richardson. 77 William Wellington. John Snow . - ■ 80 John Snow. David Townsend - 81 David Townsend. CHBSTKRFIELD. Oliver Brown 83 Alexander Willard. KITZW1LL1.\M. Asa Britton 77 Asa Britton. Leonard Colburn - 44 Leonard Colburn. Ebenezer Cheeny - 77 Ebenezer Cheeny. Mathias Felton 8-1 Malhias Felton. William Clark " - 83 William Clark. Joel Whitney 80 Benjamin B. Morse. Francis Henry 86 Francis Henry, •2d. Joel Miles 84 Noah Miles. William Black - 78 William Black. Ebenezer Potter 91 Ebenezer Potter, jr. Betsey Mead . . - 77 Bradley Mead. John Shirley 85 Harry Shirley. Constant Merrick - - - 81 Consiaiit Merrick. Nathan Smith 76 Nathan Smiih. John Phillips S3 John Phillips. Artemas Wilson - 83 Benjamin Wilson. John Putnam 80 John Putnam. Stephen White 78 Silas White. Hannah Rice 86 Stephen Rice. Sarah Whitney - 92 David Whitney. Eunice Witt 85 Eunice Witt. Jacob Wetherbee - 81 Jacob Wetherbee. JAFFREY. Ilhamar Wheelock 79 Nathan Blodgett. HINSDALE. Rebecca Bacon - - • 84 Rebecca Bacon. Eunice Dickinson - - - 80 Eraslus Dickinson. Jacob Baldwin - - - 80 William Baldwin. Ivoiy Soule 80 Ivory Soule. Joseph Cutter - - - 88 Joseph Cutter. David Wooley 80 David Wooley. Abel Winship 84 David Cosey. Lydia Buss 91 James Gillmore. KEENE. Nathan Hunt 80 Nathan Hunt. Mariha Bassett 83 Nathan Bassett. Rachel Cutter 73 Sarah Law. Isaac Miller 86 Dorcas Balch. Rebecca Pierce 88 Josiah Pierce. David Carpenter - 81 David Carpenter. Joseph Robbin 82 Joseph Robbin. Sarah Devinell 77 Sarah Devmell. Polly Stratton 74 John Town. Susanna Davis 84 Aaron Davis. Phineas Hamblett . - - Olive Seward 85 8-2 Benjamin Hamblett. Oliver Heaton. MARLBOROtOH. Jonas Gary . - - 79 Joseph Butler. William Greenwood. Elijah Knight 83 Elijah Knight. Abigail Worsley - 93 Silas Perry . - . 77 Silas Perry. Ebenezer Herrick - - - 81 Ebenezer Herrick. William Vose 52 William Vose. Sarah Joslin - * ■ 79 David Joslin. Philemon Wright - 58 Philemon Wright. Martha Lewis 78 Martha Lewis. Lawson Moore 84 Lydia Mason. RICHMOND. Asa Porter - - - 83 Asa Porter. Jeremiah Barrus - 83 Alvin Barrus. Benjamin Thatcher Jacob Woodward . - - 79 Levi Thatcher. Naomi Bacon 77 Uriah Brown. 78 Jacob Woodward. Waitstill Starkey - 80 William Woodward. Aaron Willard . - - 82 Aaron Willard. Oliver Whipple 89 Rul'us Whipple. Mary Tayntor 89 John Wiswell. ROXEURY. Gideon Phillips ... 8-2 Benjamin Foster. Aaron B. Kidder. NELSON. Mary Hamingway 86 Philip Atwood 84 83 Philip Alwood. Thomas Baker.' William Parker - 84 William Parker. Thomas Baker Mary Toser 83 Ellas Toser. Timothy Bancroft Joseph Felt 8-2 8-2 Timothy Bancroft. Joseph Felt. 6WAV7EY Naomi Felt 81 Naomi Felt. Russell Ballou 76 Russell Ballou. Darid Kimball - 80 David Kimball. Molly Cummings - 76 Charles Cummings. Samuel Scripture - 79 83 Samuel Scripture. Benjamin Sawyer. Nehemiah Wright. Jane White. Elisha Chamberlain 77 Elisha Chamberlain. Benjamin Sawyer - Mary Scolt Jonathan Eames - 88 84 Abel Dickinson. Jonathan Eames. Neheiniah Wright John While 83 8-2 Elizabeth Green ... 70 Elizabeth Green. Benjamin Howard 80 Benjamin Howard. RINDOE. RosiUaHill Si David Hill. Sarah Bowen 8-1 Sarah Bowen. Asaph Lane 81 Asaph Lane. Elisha Lane. Eleazcr Blake 8-1 Eleazer Blake. Samuel Lane 81 Joshua Chadwick - 85 Joshua Chadwick, Phebe Long 80 Joseph Long. Josiah Leacti. Abner Foster 79 Abner Foster. Mary Ockington - 85 Eunice Faulkner - 69 Eunice Faulkner. Jemima Stone 86 David Stone. Francis Green 85 Harry Green. Ivory Snow ... 78 Joseph Snow. Asa Jones ^i Asa Jones. Abijah Whitcomb - 88 Rosewell Whitcomb. Enos Lake ... 84 John E. Lake. Hepsabeth Lake - 77 John E. Lake. WINCHESTER. Joseph Moors - - - 8-2 Hubbard Moors, AmaBanlett 81 Ama Bartlett. Francis Smith • 67 Silas Smith. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Continued. 25 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or mililary services. Ages. CHEsiirRE-Continued. TROY. Joseph Forestall - Benjamin Tolman J.* SULLIVAN CCKJNTY. CI.AREMONT. Jabez Downs Roswell Clapp Ebenezer Sperry - Peter Niles Joseph Fuller Abigail Handerson Anna Draper Margaret Moore - Lorrin Munger Sarah Jackson Thankful Bowman Abigail Sperry Mary Goodwin Samael Abbott NEWPORT. Joel Kelsey P. W. Kibbey Solomon Dunham - Joel McGregor CORNl.su. David Davis Philip Tabor Daniel Robertson - William York PI.AINFIF.I.n. Simeon Hildrelh - Daniel Cole George Every Thomas Watsan - Samuel Clark Philip Spalding Elizabeth Hall Haden Cutter tIBiNTHAM. Lydia Sanders John Eaton Edna Smith Henry Eastman William Molton - Jonathan Bachelder Eleanor Newton Morrell Coburn Permela Stowell - Salisbury Wheeler Elijah Rekord SPRINOFIF.I.D. Anna Huggins Abigail Silman Eunice Heath USITT. Nathan Carr Moses Wright Jeremiah Gilinan - Susanna Huntoon - ORovnoN. Sherman Cooper - WF.NDF.I.r.. Samuel George Christopher Gardner ACWORTll. Joseph Blanchard - Solomon Blodget - Supply Reed Richard Chapman - Martha McClure - Charles Matthewson John McKeen John Brigham Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 8'2 84 78 85 84 87 80 81 76 85 84 73 76 89 82 78 76 82 78 82 79 79 82 82 82 81 78 83 85 82 83 74 80 73 77 77 83 85 87 83- 76 84 80 85 85 81 78 79 77 82 78 77 84 74 85 82 79 83 80 81 Joseph Forestall. Benjamin Tolman. Nathan Carr. Mose'; Wriglii, jr. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. David Bbnchard. Samuel Blodget. David Currier. Horace Chapman. Samuel McCliu-e. Horace Matthewson. John McKeen. Samuel McKeen. SULLIVAN— Continued. AcwoRTH — Continued. Anna Merrill Johnson Prouty CHARI.ESTOWN. William Bend Nathaniel Challis - Clement Corbin Eleanor Waus Sally Carryl John Hodskins Betsey Hawkley - Daniel Adams Sybil Palmer Rachel Powers - ' - GOSHEN. Mary Chase Lydia McLaughlin Edward Dame Samuel Sischo James Libbey LEMPSTER. Lydia Littlehale Jabez Alexander - Jemima Beckwith - Lassell Silsby Noah Fuller Joseph Hull John Lewis Rachel Miner Torrey Maxon Mary Tuck I.ANGDON. Anna Bidwell Stephen Whipple - Anna Warker Asa Holden Levi Jennison Nathaniel Lamb - Lemuel Royel WASIIINf^TON. .John Barney Jonathan Clark James Faxon William Graves - Olive Lowell Eunice May Asa Stevens John Putney Keziah Reed Emma Spaulding - Abraham Shattuck Ebenezer Wood Jacob Wright GRAFTON COUNTY HII.LS. Timothy Kelley - Mary Straw Anna Daniels Phineas Sargent - BRISTOT.. John Ross - David Fowler Josiah Fellows Stephen Bohonon - Benjamin Sanbone ALEXANDRIA. Molly Tenney Moses Atwood Bet.sey Sleeper Alexander McMurphy - George Bay ley HEBRON. Lemuel Fuller Jerahraeel Bowers - Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 70 88 80 78 75 78 76 70 73 89 71 83 70 78 85 84 89 82 84 80 85 82 80 87 75 79 83 81 64 83 82 58 80 84 84 75 83 70 81 79 82 70 81 84 80 81 80 86 94 83 CO 87 50 81 80 79 81 80 49 83 95 David Merrill. Robert Morrison. Silas Bond. Benjamin Challis. Ezborn Corbin. Gardner Culler. Parmelia Carryl. Frederick S. Hodskins. Adams Millikin. Alpheus Nevers. Asahel Porter. Walter Powers. Bartlett Wise. Ebenezer Stevens. Samuel Smart. Samuel Sischo. Samuel White. Penuel Allen. Jabez Alexander. Byron Beckwith. Joel Fletcher. Noah Fuller. Anthony Guild. William Lewis. Rachel Miner. Torrey Maxon. John Tuck. Anna Bidwell. Samuel Garfield. Elisha Garfield, jr. Aaron G. Holden. Levi Jennison. Nathaniel Lamb. Lemuel Rovel. John Barney. Jonathan Clark. James Faxon. William Graves. Olive Lowell. John May. Sarah Mead. John Putney. Keziah Reed. Gardner Spaulding Abraham Shattuck, Ebunezer Wood. Jacob Wright. Timothy Kelley. Moses Straw. Hirain Daniels. George W. Sargent. Luke Sumner. David Fowler. David C. Willey. Stephen Bohonon. Benjamin Sanbone. Eliphalet Blake. Elizabeth Sleeper. Colbv Sleeper. Daniel McMurphy. George Bayley. Lemuel Fuller. Samuel Hartshorn, ^4 CENSUS OF PENSIONEHS. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Conlimied. Names of pensioners for revulu- NaiTies of heads of families Names of pensioners (or revolu- Names of heads of families lionary or mllilary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June I, 1840. tionary or mililary services. Ages. with whom pensionei'i re- sided June 1, IS40. GRAFTON— Coniinuecl. GRAFTON— Conlimied. Hebrov — Conlinueil Lebanon— Continued. Mary Hazelloii . . - 84 Sarah Neal. Enoch Freeman ... 80 Enoch Freeman. James Putney HI John Smith. David Wright 83 Zelia Durkee. DaviJ Pralt 74 David Pratt. Silas Hall " . . . 81 Nalhaniel Hall. Kiuce Walker 80 Nathaniel Walker. Diarca Allen 79 Abner Allen. Levi Day 87 Lemuel Kendall. Chloe Fay 77 Joseph Fay. Anna Buswell 70 Hammond Buswell. BRIDfiF.WATEn. John Gilbert 71! John Gilbert. Nathan Hoyt 77 Enoch Brainard. Meriam Colburn ... 83 Benjamin Colburn. Reuben Rundlelt - 77 Reuben Rundlelt. Si rail Jewell ... 7« William B. Nichols. HANOVER. Benjamin Boanlinan 83 Benjamin Boardman. Hezckiah Goodrich 83 Pearl K. Hulcliings. E/.ekiel Fellows 8G Joseph Fellows. Eli Washburn 81 Cyrus Breck. Frederick McCulclieon i)0 William Fogg. Elias Buckman ... 77 Elias Buckman. Selli Spencer 80 Seth Spencer. Ruth Houston OS Charles Houston. Thomas Ross ... 79 David M. Pelkm. danbi;ry. Samuel Simmons ... 83 Caleb Ward. Junallian Clark 83 Jonathan Clark, jr. Suickman Sweall ... 80 Aden Sweatt. Isaac Palmer Curtis 8-2 PhilbricK- Curtis. Tabitha Woodward 90 David Woodward. Mary Flanders 7i) Reuben S. Long. Luther Ingalls ... 82 Sylvester Ingalls. David Tenney 81 David Tenney. GRAFTON. Daniel Kendrick - 81 Nathaniel Kehdrirk. Jonathan Barbank - 74 Samuel Davis. John Durkee ... 79 John Durkee. Betty Whitney 85 Silas Whitney. Asa Rislcy 86 Asa Risley. Sarah Barbi>r 79 John Kimball. Rebecca Newell - 82 Mary Dewey. Bariiey Tisdale. Mercy Williams - . - 92 Alexander AVilliams. Barney Tisdale 84 Hannah Peck 77 Hannah Peck. Benjamin Preston ... 79 Benjamin Preston. Alexander Pixlcy - 88 Alexander Pixley. Joseph Pineo 80 Oramel Pineo. Nancy Putter 80 George W. Potter. Ezra Lowell 83 William Hills. Charles Stickney - 4-2 Charles Siicknev. Joseph Wilmartli - 89 Nathan Stark. William Bowen - 85 Peter Bullock. DORCnESTF.R. ORANGE. Gideon Bridgman - 85 Thomas Bridgman. Nathaniel Briggs . - - 93 Nathaniel Briggs. William Elliott 88 John Hobart. Thomas Whiitier - 80 Peter Adams. Lavinia Wheeler ... 78 Amos Stetson. Jesse Dow 8G Thomas Cole. Elizabeth Burley - 74 Benjamin Bui ley. Benjamin Abbott - ■SSJ Samuel S. Abbott. CANAAN. Bridgelt Wheat - 83 Joseph Wheat. GROTON. Warren Wilson . . - 77 Warren Wilson. Theopliilus Cass - 81 Jonathan Hall. Elizabeth Currier - 74 Theophilus Currier. Josiah Clark 82 Josian Clark. LYME. Nathaniel Barllett - 83 John Presey. Temperance Sloan 75 .'Vsahel Sloan. Dan. Parker 83 Dan. Parker. Caleb Conant 78 Samuel W. Baker. Joshua Richardson 82 Joshua W. Richardson. Sarah Chapman ... 70 Sarah Chapman. Daniel Collev 87 Andrew Elliott. Mary Scott 72 Charles'!'. Scott. Sarah Poland 79 Elijah Gove. John Bi.shop 80 Samuel Horvey. Sarah Longfellow - 88 Stephen Williams. David Pushee 80 Harvcv Pushee. Lvdia Whitney ... 88 Isaac Whilney. Samuel Bixby . . - 8G William liixby. Daniel Kimb.iU ... 77 David Town.scnd. Jonathan Franklin 87 Jonathan Franklin. John Porter ... 80 Nathaniel Lancaster. F.XFIF.I.D. Daniel Hervey ... 7fi Philander Allen. .Tonathan French - 80 Jonathan French. James Downer 78 Isaac Farnsworlh. Nathan FoUansbee 7S Nathan Follansbi'e. Arthur Latham Ri Berer Latham. Matthew Greeley - 80 Matthew Greeley. John t^iivcr . - . 79 John Culver. Benjamin Powell - Z*i Enoch Niokols. Mary AVise 85 Robert Latham. David Choate ... 77 David Cli>>ate. Dpb:irah Mason . - - 78 Mo^es Edgell. James Stevens 83 James Stevens. William Porler - 79 William Porter. John Bowley ... 83 Ezra Tucker. David Whitman - 7.S David Whitman. Lydia Colley ... 78 Thomas J. Colley. Joseph Johnson 79 Joseph Johnson. OXFORn. Lucy Howe ... Hannah Johnson - - . 75) 81 J Thomas Goodhue. Hannah Griggs Abel Sawyer 87 88 Philip E. Bundy. Jonathan P. Sawyer. Sarah Colby ... 80 Milton Aldrich. Israel Morey ... 75 Israel Morey. Mary Green ... 81 Bradbury Green. John Hale 84 Aaron Hale. Elisha Fox 82 Frankliti Fox. Henry Sloper ... 81 Priscilla Maxwell. Moses Flanders 78 Daniel Smith. William Brown - 8t William Brown. Jonathan Howe - . . 79 Jonathan Howe. Eunice Rogers ... 83 Eunice Sergeni. Daniel Stickney ... 79 Hiram Stickney. Ichab.id Palmer 81 David Blood. Martha Dame ... 87 Henry S. Perren. LEBANON. Elilui Corliss 82 Elihu Corliss. Joseph Wood 80 Samuel Wood, 2d. Wills Kimball 80 Elisha Kimball. WARREN. Rebecca Deinar)' ... 75 John Ela. Marv Currier 89 Tristram Brown. Jason Downer 84 Jason Downer. William Alexander 7t; William Alexander. William Hadley - 93 George French. Stephen Lund 89 Ilosea Lund. Lois Lathop 75 Thomas Freeman. Ilaniiah Abbott ... 85 True Merrill. Lvdia Hough ... 79 Clark Hough. Lvdia Brown ... 8G .labez Kimball. Catharine Lathrop 78 George H. Lalhrop. Phebe Abbott 1 1 George Libbey. Amy Hurlburt ... Britlget Simonds - 77 Amasa Hurlburt. 82 Hiram A. Simonds. WENTWORTK. Parthena Allen 81 Howard Benton. Caleb Keilli 85 Caleb Keith. Thomas Barrows - 89 Samuel S. Barrows, Samuel Smart 77 Samuel Smart, CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Continued. 25 Names of pensioners for revolu- Nantes of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. •f-- .^.^ GRAFTON— Continued. GRAFTON— Continued. Wentworth — Continued. Lyman — Continued. Sarah Rowen - - - 78 Jacob Rowen. Lemuel Barrett . . . 77 Ezra Barrett. Molly Stevens . - - 87 Rufus Stevens. Yanaca Young 79 John Young. Rebecca Smith - - - 77 Oliver Ellsworth, Lydia Sanborn ... 84 Herod Stevens. Samuel Johnson - - - 84 Henry Johnson. m .Solomon Parker ... 87 Samuel Parker. EbenezerGove . - . 85 William Gove. Rhoda Burkley ... 80 to 90 Russell Underwood. Anna Moullon ... 75 David Moulton. BOMNEV. Jonalhan Moullon - . - 84 Jonathan Moulton. Reuben French - - - 80 Reuben French. Noah Moulton ... 82. Rinaldo Moulton. William Preston - 84 William Preston. Susan C)lmstead - . . 88 Henry Olmstead. Moses Smart 85 Moses Smart. Moses Moore 75 Moses Moore. Elizabeth Craig - 88 Tappan W. Craig. Abigail Moore 84 Archibald Moore. Abigail Kimball - - - 74 David Ramsay. Martin Barny ... 80 Daniel White. Josiah Barton 75 Josiah Barton. James Herbert 81 Samuel Herbert. PIERMONT. Amos Gould . . - 79 Aaron P. Gould. BATH. Andrew Crook 80 John Crook. Aby Harris - - - 76 Absalom Harris. Ware McConnel ... 49 Ware McConnel. Edward Pollard - 84 Edward Pollard. 1 Samuel Chase 83 Moses Chase. PLYMOUTH. * Sarah Knight . . - 75 Moses Knight. Samuel Kimball - John Emery. Josiah Martin . - - 78 Jirah Martin. Samuel Morse - Stephen Morse. Jesse Hardy 79 Jesse Hardy. Ezekiel Keyes - Ezekiel Keyes. Robert Rollins 84 Beri Bartlett. Elizabeth Healh ... - Samuel C. Heaih. John Clement 78 John Clement. Sarah Homan _ Leonard George. Moor Russell - Moor Russell. , t'OVENTIty. Jonathan Tylor 89 James Haniman. BETHLEHEM. Jonas Brooks ... 85 Jonas Brooks. HAVERHILL. Lot Woodbury ... 80 Lot Woodbury. Nathaniel Rix 74 Nathaniel Rix. Thomas Hatch 82 Thomas Hatch. Andrew Martin 84 Andrew Martin. Jonathan Blanden - 87 Jonathan Blanden. Michael Johnson - - - 76 Michael Johnson. "William Cross 98 William Cross. CAMPTOWN. Ebenezer Whitteker 86 Peter Whitteker. Tamer Taylor 74 Gilman R. Taylor. Stephen Morse ... 83 Hiram Morse. Anna Phillips 76 Henry C. Phillips. Daniel Dotey . 76 Daniel Dotey. | Edmund Mash 62 Newton Mash. Abiah Knight . - - 7-2 Kinsley H. Batchelder. i Asa Hinkley 80 Asa H'inklev. 1 I'RANCONIA. Hannah Wills - - - 79 Riley Wills'. John Wallace ... 77 John Wallace. James King . - . 75 James King. Lemuel Barret 75 Lemuel Barret. Human Penock - - - 78 Jetferson Penock. 1 Caleb Young 82 Samuel Bolls. Simon Ward 78 Simon Ward. Ezra Gates ... 8-2 Isaac F. Allen. THORNTON. James Eastman 86 Moses Eastman. i Winthrop Bagley - 78 Winthrop Bagley. Lucy Sanborn 88 Elisha Hibbard. i Ruth Smart 82 Elijah Smart. Sarah Glynn 74 Sarah Glynn. ! John Foss ... 85 John Foss, jr. Ellas Stearns 86 Elias Stearns. | Silas Whitney 73 Silas Whitney. 1 Hannah Ferr'in 79 Jonathan Ferrin. HOLDERNESS. i Phebe Palee 84 Richard Patee. Daniel Page „ Daniel Page. James P. Patee 84 Silas W. Patee. Isaac Blake 75 Isaac Blake. LAND.AFF. Benjamin York 79 Benjamin York. woonsTOCK. Hannah Clark ... 72 Moses Clark. Thomas Vincent - 79 Stephen Vincent. James Simonds . - - 79 James Simonds. Abigail Barron 80 Benjamin M. Barron, Jeremiah Bowen - . - 86 John A. Bowen. Jacob Selingham - - . 79 Jacob Selingham. Benjamin Moody - . - 78 Benjamin Moody. Royal Jackman 49 Royal Jackman. David Garnsey " - 76 Abner Garnsey. " Betsey Boies 95 Jonathan Darling. LISBON. COOS COUNTY. Joseph Young Obadiah Morse . - - 73 Joseph Young. CLARKSVILLE. 76 Obadiah Morse. Norman Clark 97 Joseph Wiswell. Moses Barron 85 Fletcher Barron. Bela Young ... 51 Bela Young. - .STEWART.STOWN. Hannah Smith 76 Ebenezer Wetherby. Abial Chandler 75 Abial Cliandler. Lydia Howard 87 Elijah Howard. Elijah Benton 80 Elijah Benton. Sally Walker 74 Leonard Morse. Thomas Chase 75 George Chase. LITTLETON. COLEBROOK. Judith Himtoon - 86 Daniel Carter. Lemuel Stoddard - 81 Asa Stoddard. Sarah Williams - 96 Timothy A. Edson. Joseph Loomis ... 74 Joseph Loomis. Ezra Foster ... 78 Ezra Foster. Phebe Lewis ... Su.sannah Bemes ... Samuel Hudson 78 91 78 Titus Hutchinson. Alvin Stow. Samuel Hudson. COLOMBIA. Job Pierce - - - - Jared Cone Benjamin Jorden - - . 81 79 79 Ora Pierce. Jared Cone. Benjamin Jorden. Joseph Hackett Abel Marshall ... 48 Joseph HackeU. LYMAN, Annis Merrill ... 89 Annis Merrill. 75 Abel Marshall. Eli Hoskins ... 81 Eli Hoskins. STBATEORD. Joshua Thornton ... 75 Joshua Thornton. William Curtis 81 William Curtis.jr. William Martin ... 91 William Martin. Isaac Stevens ... 88 Isaac Stevens. John Barber 4 78 Libbeus Hastings. Elizabeth Rider - 84 Lydia Schofl. 2^ CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of familie tionary or miliiary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military setvices. Ages. with whom pensioners re sided June 1, 1840. COOS— Continued. COOS— Continued. NOTIICMBKRLAND. DATTON. Antipas Marshall - 83 Antipas Marshall. Jacob Barrows . . - 82 Jacob Barrows. Alplieas Hutcliins - - . 47 Alpheas Hutchins. William Fisk 5-2 William Fisk. 8TAHK. bartlett. Abijah Potter 80 Daniel Rowell, jr. Enoch Abbot 48 Enoch Abbot. Rebecca Carlton - 85 Woodman Carlton. LANCASTER. Richard Garland - . - 77 Richard Garland. Samuel S. Wentworlh 83 Joseph Wentworth. Lydia Hall ... 71 Lydia Hall. Phineas Hodgiien - 81 John Hodgden. Noah Sinclare 49 Noah Sinclare. John Mclnlire ... 75 John Mclntire. Sally Stanley 77 Sally Stanley. JACKSON. Ebenezer Twambly 81 Ebenezer Twambly. Peter Coffin 81 Peter Coffin. Rebecca While ... 78 Samuel While. Pike G. Burnham ... 88 Pike G. Burnham. George W. Lucas - - . 47 George W. Lucas. William Gales, alias William Nute 49 William Gates. Benjamin Stephenson 5-2 Benjamin Stephenson. RANDOLPH. JEFFERSON. Joseph Morse ... 77 Joseph Morse. Benjamin Hicks - 85 Benjamin Hicks, jr. Lazari;^ Holmes - 6G Lazarus Holmes. SHELBURNE. Nathaniel Porter ... 76 Nathaniel Porter. WHITEFIELD. Moses Ingalls ... 85 Moses Ingalls. John Burns 84 John Burns. Moses Hunloon - . . 8t George Hunloon. HENHOAR. George Hunloon - - . 49 George Huulonn. Isaac Ilsley York • 87 Isaac Ilsley York. Susanna Eastman - . . 77 William Easlraan. Isaac Minor 7G Isaac Minor. STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS. Names of pensioners for revolu-' Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of familie tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioner;, re- tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re sided June 1, 1810. sided June 1, 1810. NANTUCKET COUNTY. BARNSTABLE— Continued. NANTCLKET HARWICH. John Wilbcr - 78 John Wilber. Abigail Smith ... Eleanor Hall 85 81 Ebenezer Smith. Eleanor Hall. DUKES COUNTY. Zuba Cahoon ... 76 Zuba Cahoon. EDGARTOWN Nathan Underwood 86 Nathan Underwood. James Brecher . 63 Samuel Cash ... 78 Samuel Cash. Lucy Norris . 78 Naomi Phillips ... 77 Naomi Phillips. Joseph Linton - 77 Mary Doane ... 89 James Long. Peggy Crosman - 81 Ebenezer Eldredge _ Jacob Eldredge. Love Norton - 85 Stephen Nickerson 86 Stephen Nickerson. Caroline Smith . 80 Marv Hollev - 74 ' CHATHAM. Huldah Cofiin * 81 Salathel Nickerson Joseph Young ... 80 78 Salathel Nickerson. Joseph Young. Tl.SBCRT. Reliance Hopkins ... 80 Reliance Hopkins. Thankful Smiih - . 85 George Smiih. Rhoda Baxter Anna Luce - 80 85 Dwight Boyce. Shubael Luce. ORLEANS. Hezekiah Rogers - 89 Yates Rogers. Mehitable Luce . 84 Mehitable Luce. Richard Rogers 82 Alvah Rogers. Obed Norton 90 Susan Worth. Eunice Taylor 82 Asa Rogers. Thomas Luce _ 83 Thomas Luce. Jabez Sparrow ... David Tavlor 86 Jabez Sparrow. David Taylor. Nathan Cliffiard - . 83 Nathan Clitlbrd. 77 Ann Waldron - 75 Warren Waldron. Hannah Rogers Isaac Snow ... 82 82 Hannah Rogers. Isaac Snow. CHILMARK. BARNSTABLE. John Ilayden - ■ 55 John Uayden. Deborah Freeman - Thankful Hedge - ' - 74 72 Benjamin Hinckley. Thankful Hedge. ' BARNSTABLE COUNTY. Violet Coffin 78 Violet Coffin. DENNIS. Alvan Jenkins ... _ Alvan Jenkins. James Taylor - 78 James Tavlor. Ansel Adams 78 Ansel Adams. Henry Hall - 78 Hiram Hall. Chloe Hinckley 78 Chloe Hinckley. Samuel Baker, 3d - - 40 Samuel Baker, 3d. Benjamin Halletl ... 80 Benjamin HalleU. Abner Robbins - 8-2 Emanuel Spindle. Prince Hinckley - 81 Prince Hinckley. Samuel Chase - 79 Samuel Chase. Leonard Chase 38 Leonard Chase. BASTHAM. Ebenezer Case ... 83 Ebenezer Case. John Hopkins • 83 John Hopkins. Sylvanus Hinckley Zenas Gage ... 83 81 Moses H. Bearse. Zenas Gage. BREWSTER. Jabez Bacon ... 83 Jabez Bacon. Daniel Rogers - 81 Eunice Mayo. George Lewis 80 Washington Crowell. Anguish McCloud - 97 Aaron Crowd. Richard Lewis ... 89 Richard Lewis. Susanna Paine - 73 Susan Paine, RebBcca Bearse ... 84 Melinda Eldridge. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. 27 Names of pensioners for revolu- Nanjes of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. BARNSTABLE— Continued. BRISTOL— Continued. FALMOUTH. Westport — Continued. Joseph Hatch 82 David Bowman. Job Sowle - - - - 84 Job Sowle. Isaac Parker . . - 82 Isaac Parker. Lydia Shaw ... 87 Lydia Shaw. Thomas Fish 77 Thomas Fish. Francis Tripp 80 Francis Tripp. Silas Lawrence 9-2 Silas Lawrence. Braddock Dimmock 79 Braddock Dimmock. FALL RIVER. Sylvanus Fish 85 Sylvanus Fish. Thomas Butts 81 Thomas Butts. Nathaniel Bourne - - - 86 Nathaniel Bourne. Peleg Brightman - 77 Peleg Brightman. Jonathan Green ... 80 Jonathan Green. Austus Bushee - - - 76 Daniel Brightman. Rebecca Swift 74 Melatiah Lawience. Ephraim Boomer - 77 Ephrairn Boomer. Zuriel Bourne ... 84 Zuriel Bourne. James Talman 78 William Cudworth. Ezekiel Cflace - - 80 Ezekiel Chace. MARSHPEE. Ephraim Larkin - 78 John Eddy. Isaac Wickhams - 78 Isaac Wickhams. John Reynolds - . - 77 Uriah Holmes. George Crocker - 84 Nathan Harding. SANDWICH.' Hannah Hart . . - 85 Almeda Raymond. Joseph Fuller 8-2 Joseph Fuller. Gardner Thomas - SO Gardner Thomas. Joshua Avery . . - 70 Joshua Avery. Elijah Reed - . . 80 Pardon Wordell. • Thankful Packard 81 Benjamin Packard. Edward McGowns 80 James P. Nye. BERKLEY. John Perry ... 81 John Perry. Mary Liudal 80 John Gardner 77 Bela White. Joanna Crane - - - 94 Abiatha Crane. Mary Nye 80 Ebenezer Nye. Thomas Andros - 81 Thomas Andros. Lemuel Fisher 80 Allen Fish. Josiah Macomber - - - 83 Venus Macomber. Hannah Paull 80 Hannah Paull. TRURO. Isaac Babbit ... 77 Adoniram Babbit. Joseph Rich 78 Joseph Rich. Simeon Chace ... 84 Simeon Chace. WEI.I.rLEET. RAYNUAM. Jeremiah Newcomb 81 Jeremiah Newcomb. Abig.Til Robinson ... 79 Abigail Robinson. Stephen Young 79 Stephen Young. Seth Dean 83 Seih Dean. Nathan Harding - 88 Henry Harding. Israel AVashburn - 85 I-rael Washburn. James Newcomb - . - 87 Elisha Rich. Olive Andrews ... 87 Carmi Andrews. Hannah Morris - - . 73 Hannah Morris. Philip Knapp ... 85 Philip Knapp. John Taylor . . - _ John Taylor. Phebe Richmond - 81 Lydia Richmond. Mary Harding ... 70 Mary Harding. Stephen Williams - . - 67 Stephen Williara.s. Joseph Shaw ... 88 Joseph Shaw. YARMOUTH. Benjamin Keen _ - . 84 Benjamin Keen. Betsey Berry 79 Betsey Berry. John Gilraore . . - 81 John Gilmore. George Baker 64 George Baker. Reuben Chase - • - 78 Reuben Chase. FREETOVm. Abigail Hall 85 David Hall. Joseph Durfee m Joseph Durfee. Samuel Taylor ... Polly Thacker 84 Samuel Taylor. James Richmond - - - 80 James Richmond. 82 Polly Thacker. Elizabeth Burr 76 Ebenezer Pierce. Bethiah Miller 79 Bethiah Miller. Asenath Leonard - - . Benjamin Haskell - fcO 44 Susan Allen. BRISTOL COUNTY. John Laurence ... 78 William N. Lauienco. NEW BEDFORD. Lucy French ... 85 ApoUos Dean. Daniel Brett 78 Daniel S. Brett. Mercy Pittsley 78 Thomas Taber 75 James B. Watkins. Priscilla Richmond 75 William Bliss 82 William Bliss. William Pratt 80 William Grinnell . 77 James M. Cranston. John Elliot 85 Thomas Allen. EASTON. John Hathaway 86 John Hathaway. Sarah Ward ■ 78 Benjamin Ward. Jabez Hathaway ... 83 Jabez Hathaway. Slimpson Williams Freelove Packard - . - 76 Stimpson Williams. Brownell Armsby - 82 Lemuel M. An'nsby. SO Almshouse. Barzaliel Washburn 78 Barzaliel Washburn. Polly French 80 Polly French. Marcy Snow ... 78 Marcy Snow. FAIRHAVEN. Lyman Wheelock . . - 78 Lyman Wheelock. Thomas Westgate 79 Thomas Westgate. Susanna Pliillips - 86 Susanna Phillips. Lattice Washburn 82 Leitice Washburn. Adam Drake . - . 81 Cynthia IC. Diake. Simeon Demoranville 76 Simeon Demoranville. Elnathan Pope ... 80 Elnathan Pope. Jared Chase . - - Noah Stoddard Patience Tupper - - - 79 85 92 Jared Chase. Noah Stoddard. Patience Tupper. NORTON. Nathan Andrews ... Abisha Smi:h John Carver 78 79 91 Naihan A. Andrews. Seth Smith. Cliflbrd Carver. Jason Blake ... 84 Benjamin Sweet. DARTMOl'TII. Joseph Whalon . - - Benjamin Woodcock 83 88 Joseph Whalon. Benjamin Woodcock. Francis GuiUo Anna Lincoln John L. Monroe . . - Isaac Rodgers . - - Rufus Hodges Sylvanus Braman . . - Josiah King ... Thomas Daliforth - Solomon Loihrop ... 77 78 85 Francis Guillo. Thompson Tripp. .Tohn L. Monroe. Elijah Macomber - Joseph Weaver - . - Lewis Giftbrd Samuel Sabins ... John Reed - - . - Thomas Wilbur . Lemuel Reed 85 83 85 84 79 84 76 Elijah Macomber. Joseph Weaver. Lewis Giffbrd. Samuel Sabins. John Reed. Thomas Wilbur. Lemuel Reed. 82 81 87 78 79 79 kaac Rodgers. Leonard Hodges. Sylvanus B. Braman. Josiah King. Thomas Danforth. Solomon Loihrop. • WESTPORT. SWANSEV. Barzilla Manchester 78 Thomas Allen. Thomas Lewin . . - 81 Thomas Lewin. Ann Cory - 83 Ann Cory. Stephen Luther 79 Stephen Luther. Richard Walker. Robert Cottle .... 83 Robert Cottle. Ebenezer Holmes - 77 Joshua Petty 85 Moses Petty, Aaron Luther 77 Mason G. Brown. S8 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. BRISTOL— Continued. SOMERSET. Noble Cummings - DIOHTON'. James Briggs Sarah Briggs Liitis Wood George Walker Thomas Rose Joshua T. Williams Hodizah Baylies - Ebenezer Stetson - Nathan Ide Rebecca Fish Abizer Briggs Ann Pearce TACNTOX. Sally Lincoln Edmund Davis Jonathan Ingell Dier Pratt Marcy Blake James Walker -Preserved Haskins Cato Fillebrown - Jane Fisher Willha Godfrey Thomas Hewitt Roby Wheeler Robert Holmes Amos Roimds Nathaniel Lincoln - Levi Woodward - Elisha Eddy Sarah Drown Sarah Morey Susanna Knapp Amos Kelton John Wilde Daniel Woodward - Timothy White - Deborah Philips - Elijah Haskins Henry Haskins Ezra Clark Richard Clark George Reed Jemima Cain Lemuel Dean Enos Dean Jerusha Godfrev - Abigail Paddleford Ebenezer Robinson Eunice Richmond - Peter Adams John Presbrey Temperance Dean John Marston Lvdia Bassett Mary Dean Anna Robinson REHOBOTIl. Mary Peck Israel GofI Thomas Handy Thomas Pearce Elnathan Lake Asa Bliss Martha Blanding - Joseph Wheaton - Jonathan Nash Friscilla Bowen Amos Martin Nathan Hicks SEEKONK. William Daggett - Richard Walker - Sarah Radloff Joel Bowen Lydia Perry Ages. 80 81 84 89 7f) 83 80 83 79 81 79 87 74 78 85 86 78 80 77 78 88 75 83 79 74 7G 75 79 78 80 75 73 80 86 81 79 79 83 79 79 78 82 87 85 78 79 78 82 86 98 80 85 84 80 78 8G 90 80 86 76 87 79 79 87 86 69 85 78 83 82 82 79 79 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. Noble Gumming.':. James Briggs. Sarah Bri^us. Gilford Waldron. George Walker. Thomas Rose. Joshua S. Williams. Hodizah Baylies.. Ebenezer Stetson. Nathan Ide, jr. Rebecca Fish. Abizer Briggs. Anna Pearce. Joseph Wilbar. Perry Davis. Jonathan Ingell. Dier Pratt. Caleb Blake. James Walker. Preserved Haskins. John Brown. Joseph Potter. George G. Godfrey. Thomas Hewitt. William Wheeler. Robert Holmes. Amos Rounds. Almshouse. Sarah Drown. Daniel Morev. Edward N. Knapp. Amos Kelton. John Wilde. Daniel Woodward. Timothy White. Deborah Philips. Samuel Haskins. Edward Haskins. Ezra Clark. William Seekell. George Reed. Samuel Cain, jr. Lemuel Dean. Enos Dean. Jerusha Godfrey. James Paddleford. Ebenezer Robinson. Asa Richmond. Peter Adams. John Presbrey. Leander B. Dean. John Marston. Anselm Bassett. Mary Dean. Ann Robinson. Benjamin Peck. Israel Gofl. Isaac Pearce. Jarvis Wheeler. William Covel. Asa Bliss. Martha Blanding. Joseph Wheaton. Jonathan Nash. Priscilla Bowen. Amos Martin. Nathan Hicks. Zebina Horr. Lewis Walker. James Radlofl". Joel Bowen. Lydia Perry. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. BRISTOL— Continued. Sf.ekonk — Continued. John Coomer Charles Cushing - Alexander Mason - Nathaniel Vial Peler Whilaker - Abel Whitaker Moses Walker PAWTrCKET. Molly Bowers Abba Eldridge ATTr.EBORorc.n. Elizabeth Briggs - Caleb Parmenter - Charles Freeman - Nathan Richards - Joel Ellis David Brown Jeremiah Peck S.imuel Tingley Mary Bowers John Chase Joseph Cushman - Obed Robinson Caroline Woodcock MANSFIELD. Benjamin Billings - Matilda White Ruth Lincoln Jo-^eph Titus Jolm White E.tperience Dunham Caleb Atherton David Grover Ruth Drake Rhoda Paine PLYMOUTH COUNTY. PI-YMOfTir. Bethiah Bagnele - Aiiiasiah Preston - Isabella Thomas - Samuel N. Holmes John Adlington James Thatcher Lucy Hardy William Robbins - Moses Nichols Bathsheba Barnes - Mary Ripley Reubah Lucas Betsey Lucas Susan Wright Lucy Briggs. Phebe Warren John Burgess James Harlow ' Patience Nickerson Deborah Raymond William Stevens - KIN'fiSTON. Hezekiah Ripley - Ezra D. Morton - Ebenezer Covel James Sever Noah Bradford Thankful D. Drew Lucy Washburn - Saba Cushman CARVEB. Daniel Bumpus Edward Bumpus - Gideon Shurtliff - Jerima Lucas Lydia Crocker Job Aplin Nchemiah Cobb - Ages. 93 93) Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 82 78 86 83 79 99 43 74 82 76 80 83 83 76 88 93 84 85 78 79 79 80 99 80 81 74 79 84 77 88 Si 83 76 85 76 83 81 82 77 73 76 82 81 84 77 86 74 77 82 73 83 72 82 TO 77 90 74 79 86 78 83 87 83 Calvin Wood. Alexander Mason, Nathaniel Vial. Joel Whitaker. Abel Whitaker. Moses Walker. Caroline M. Read. Abba Eldridge. Elizabeth Briggs. Draper Parmenter. William A. Freeman. Nathan Richards. Joel Ellis. David Brown. Jeremiah Peck. Samuel Tingley. Milton Bowers! Barton Chase. Bartholomew Cushman. Obed Robinson. Joseph Field, jr. Benjamin Billings. Matilda While. Schuvler Shepard. A. F.Lunt. John White. E.xpcrience Dunham. David Holmes. Robert B. Grover. Ruth Drake. Simeon Grover. Samuel W. Bagnele. Joseph While. Isabella Thomas. Samuel N. Hobues. John Adlington. James Thatcher. Betsey Peterson. Edmund Robbins. Moses Nichols. Bathsheba Barnes. William Ripiey. Ephraim Washburn. Sylvanus Rogers, jr. Joseph Wright. Lucy Burgess. Phebe Warren. John Burgess. James Harlow. Patience Nickerson. Deborah Raymond. Lemuel Stevens. Hezekiah Ripley. Ezra D. Morton. Ebenezer Covel. James Sever. , EzekicI Bryant. Elisha Ford. Francis Washburn. Mar)- Perkins. EMmund P. Bumpus. Edward Bumpus. Nathaniel Shaw. Consider Robbins. Haman Crocker. Isaac Vaughn. Nathan Cobb. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. 29 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. ■with whom pensioners re- tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. sided June 1, 1840. PLYMOUTH— Continued. PLYMOUTH— Cominued. WAREHAM. SciTDATE — Continued. Mesey Bumpus 87 Mesey Bumpus. LydiaCurtLs ... 83 Job Curtis. Silas Bessey . . - 79 Constant Bessey. Luther Damon . . - 84 Luther Damon. Thomas Washburn • 79 Thomas Washburn. William Hyland - 87 Hannah Litchfield. Josiah Smith - - - 83 Josiah Smith. Martha Clapp . . . 85 Thomas Clapp. Joseph Gibbs 78 Joseph Gibbs. Charles Cole ... 80 Alfred Litchfield. Silvia Bates 86 Silvia Bates. Simeon Pierson 87 Simeon Pierson. Jesse Briggs 83 Jesse Briggs. John Studley . . - 80 John Sludlev. Axy Bumpus 71 Axy Bumpus. Cornelius Bates 78 Cornelius Bates. Betsey Lucas 75 Charles Lucas. Rhoda Morris 85 Robert Williams. Francis Litchfield - 79 S. O. Ruggles. PLYMPTON. Lemuel Jacobs ... _ Lemuel Jacobs. Noah Tliomas 80 Henry L. Tliomas. Anna Webb 83 Paul Webb. Jacob Cushman 92 Jacob Cushman. Judith Cook 80 William Cook. Jerusha Ripley ... 85 .Simeon Churchill. Gideon Young 79 Moses P. Rich. Ebenezer Wright - 77 Ebenezer Wright. Rachel Clapp 80 N. B. Sylvester. Deborah Pliney - - - 90 Barnabas Pliney. Calvin Jenkins 82 Calvin Jenkins. John Bisbee . . - 84 John Bisbee. Lydia Turner 77 Samuel A. Turner. Zebedee Chandler . - - 76 Zebedee Chandler. Benjamin Cushman 78 Amos Fuller. HINOHAM. Joseph Wright 83 WiUard Ellis, jr. Peter Kersey 82 J. B. Mayhew. Simeon Loving . . - 77 Simeon Loving. Philippi Dunbar - ' - 82 Peter Kersey, jr. Polly Sherman 78 George Sherman. Bethshebi Tower - 82 Moses Tower. Samuel Briggs - . - 76 Samuel Briggs. Nabby Dunbar 77 S. L. Fearing. Levi Wright ... 83 Levi Wright. David Gardner 85 E. D. Blossom. Sarah Shurtliff 73 Zenas Washburn. Mary Stoddard 74 W. A. Hessey. Patience Wright - - - 73 George E. Wright. Jedediah Jay - - » 86 Lydia Stoddard. , Israel Stowell 84- Israel Siowell. DUXBURY. Rachel Lincoln . . - 82 Rachel Lincoln. Joseph Kinney 85 Aleihea Soul. Su.^anna Lincoln - 80 Alexander .\nderson. Priscilla Peterson - - - 75 Ruth Peterson. Lot Marsh 82 Lot Marsh. Howland Sampson 85 Howland Sampson. Milcah Dill 84 Milcah Dill. Andrew Sampson - - - 91 Andrew Sampson. Susan Stoddard 78 Susan Stoddard. Thomas Chandler - 87 Samuel Chandler. Perez Gardner . - - 78 Perez Gardner. Samuel Gardner - 76 Samuel Gardner. Elizabeth Corthell - 75 Elizabeth Corthell. Howard Chandler - 81 Howard Chandler. Ezekiel Hersey 79 Ezekiel Hersey. Jerusha Waterman 75 Jerusha Waterman. , Israel Whiton 81 Lyman Barnes. Marcia Taylor ... 72 Marcia Taylor. Edmund Hobart 85 Edmund Hobart. James Weston 79 James Weston. John Kersey 79 S. S. Kersey. Oliver Delano ... 81 Oliver Delano. Jonathan Gushing - 81 Jonathan Ciishing. Lucy Glass ... 80 Nancy Glass. Reuben Daws ... 95 Peleg Simmons. Hur.i.. Nathaniel Hodges . . - 78 Joseph F. Wadsworth. Olive Lovell 83 Pvam Gushing. Isaiah Alden 81 Isaiah Alden. Winefred Hunt 86 Winefred Hunt. Abner Sampson . . - 88 Abner Sampson. Mary Dill 73 William Pope. Levi Weston 83 Levi Weston. . Judah Alden . . - 89 Judah Alden. ABINOTON. Sarah Burgess 83 Sarah Burgess. Nancy Curtis 67 Nancy Curtis. Wealthy Drew 83 Wealthy Drew. Oliver Stetson 82 Alvin Studley. Rebecca Peterson . . - 86 Joseph Wadsworth. Ruth Lovell 74 Jacob Lovell. Drusbnry Wadswonh 79 Drusbury Wadsworlh. Sarah Reed 94 Jesse Reed. Uriah Sprague 92 Uriah Sprague. Huldah Penniman 84 Harris G. Prouty. Seth Sprague - . - 80 Seth Sprague. Sarah Cook 80 Thomas J. Cook. Margaret Delano . . - 79 Jesse Delano. Ruth Dyer .... 80 Ruth Over. Abigail Kent 75 Abigail Kent. Joseph iP. Gurney - 79 Joseph P. Gurney. Joshua Brewster - 77 Joshua Brewster. Lydia Cotherell 82 John Colherelh Jeptha Delano 81 Jeptha Delano. Asa Gurney . 81 Asa Gurney. Abigail Kent 94 Amos Ames. Luther Lazell . . - 86 Luther Lazell. Lucy Stoddard ... 75 Sally Walker. Patience Chamberlin 83 Patience Chamberlin. 'Abigail Weston - 77 Abigail Weston. Matthew Noyes ... 82) 77 Almshouse. Edward Arnold 92 Galen Arnold. Caleb Lane ... Anna Hill ... 88 Anna Hill. M4RSHFTEI.D. Susanna Tarrey - 85 Barker C. Yoimg. Susanna Delano - - - 82 Susanna Delano. Gridley Thaxter ... 84 Gridlev Thaxter. John Bourn 81 John Bourn. David Noyse 79 Albert Reed, 2d. Abigail Baker ... 76 Dwellv Baker. Luther Little 84 Luihe'r Little. EA.ST BRIDGEWATER. Wales Tilden 84 Wales Tilden. Molly French 73 Nathaniel French. Asa Lapham ... 95 Asa Lapham. Eunice Thaver . - . 83 Parmo Stetson. Anthony Hatch - . . 87 Anthony Hatch. Philip Torr'ey 80 Philip Torrey. Bethial Rogers ... 93 Bethial Rogers, jr. Lydia Ramsdell . - - 72 Lydia Ramsdell. Thomas Rogers ... 88 Hatel Oakman. Susanna Whitmarsh 71 Susanna Whilmarsli. Rachel Rogers - - - 75 Constant Oakman. ' Benjamin Pincin - - . 80 Dexter Pratt. Luther Hatch 78 Luther Hatch. SCITDATE. Margaret Wesley - 91 William Pratt. John Turner 79 John Turner. Nathan Alden 89 Nathan Alden. Martha Stetson ... 82 Samuel Stetson. Molly Chamberlin - 75 Calvin Chamberlin. Elisha Briggs 79 Elisha Briggs. Laban Souther ... 77 Laban Souther. WEST BRIDGEWATER. Robert Pierce 79 Paul Litchfield. Asa White 78 A.sa White. Jerusha Tower ... 84 E. T. Fogg. Richard Thayer - 81 Richard Thayer. Deborah Gross 87 Lewis Gross. Daniel Hartwell . - - 85 Daniel HartwelJ, Alice Gushing ... 83 Nathaniel Gushing. Seth Burr 83 Almshouse. d<> CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- I Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads o( families tionary or mililary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 18-10. j tionarj- or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June I, 1840. PLYMOUTH-Conlinuet!. PLYMOUTH— Continued. WtsT BRiDOEWiTER— Continued. MiDDLEBORoiGH — Continued. Elijah Allien 77 Almshouse. Lydia AVood 74 Lydia Wood. Samuel Wood 70 Samuel Wood. Eiisha Freeman 89 John Freeman. Hannah Ellis 85 Ebenezer Ellis. NORTH BRIDGEWATER. Moses Thompson - 78 Moses Thompson. Joseph Svlvester - 70 Joseph Sylvester. Jedediah Caswell - - . 87 Jedediah Caswell. Marv Oralis Sarali Fa .von 77 Mary Crafts. Joseph Clark . . - 84 Joseph Clark. Benjamin Thompson. 80 William Fa.xon. Benjamin Thompson 77 Thomas Wales - 89 Lewis Bunker. Mary Hoar 78 William Bourne. Abigail Sturdifanl - 73 Willard Howard. Oliver Howard 8-2 Daniel Howard. ROCHESTER. Jonas Howard - ' - 79 Nahara Battles. Lois Handv 8-2 Henry P. Young. Zachariah Gurney 73 Zichariah Gurney. Elizabeth Tinkham 90 Levi Handy. Relief Packard 79 Jesse Packard. Thomas Barrows . - - 81 Thomas Barrows. Hannah Jackson - - . m Almshouse. Gideon Hammun - - . . 86 Gideon Hammon. A'athaniel Hobarl - 7G Nathaniel Hobarl. Eben Ellis 78 Eben Ellis. /Jonathan Carey 83 Jonathan Carey. Sarah Church ... 81 Jonathan Church. Andrew Freeman ... 75 Andrew Freeman. Earl Church ... 81 Joseph M. Church. Abiel Harlwell 83 Alfred Snell. Mar}- Lumbnot 83 Phebe Peirce. Joshua Chandler . - - 84 Joshua Chandler. HANSON. Mehitable Kenny ... Lucv Tripp. Lydia Keen ... 7ri Lydia Keen. Mehitable Clark - 79 James H.Clark. J. Bowen Barker ... 87 J. Bowen Barker. Susanna Doty 86 Amos Combs. Marj- Jossclyn 78 Mary Josselyn. Deborah Briggs ... 79 Deborah Briggs. Betsey Joel ' - . . 77 Betsey Joel. ' Stephen Rider ... 80 Joseph E. Smith. Seth Perry .... 85 Seth Perry. William Clark - 8-2 John Pitcher. Ezekiel Bonney 78 Ezekiel Bonney. Timothy Hiller - SO Timothy Hiller. Jane Look ... 83 Alden Look. hanoveij. Levi Gunney ... 93 Levi Gunney. Benjamin Bales ... 80 Jared Whiting. ThankfulGunney - Samuel Gunney. Patience Mann . - . 80 John Brooks. Isaiah Cobb BO Isaiah Cobb. Riifus Farnum - 70 Rufus Farnum. Leavitt Lane ... 79 Lebbeu< Stockbridge. HALIFAX. Marv Mann 83 Mary Mann. Judah Wood 79 Samuel Wood, 3d. Elizabeth Perry - 84 Elizabeth Perrv. Ebenezer Thompson 86 Jabez P. Thompson. Lydia Tilden 79 Lydia Tilden. Zebedee Thompson 81 Zebedee Thompson. . Lydia Holmes 89 Oliver Holmes. PEMBSOKE. ; Mercy Sears ... 77 William Sears. Lemuel Lapham ... 78 Lemuel Lapham. Nathaniel Holmes . - - 79 Nathaniel Holmes. Ruth Garnett 77 Ruth Garnett. Abigail Sturtevant 92 John Sturtevant. John Osburn 7-2 John U. Osburn. Samuel Churchill ... 80 Samuel Churchill. Billy Ford 83 Billy Ford. Zenas Sturtevant . . - 79 Zenas Sturtevant. Betsey Nash ... 80 Zebulon Xash. Thomas Pope 82 Dexter C. Thompson. Chris'.opher Pierce Joshua Ala^oim 80 Christopher Pierce. Lydia Loring ... 79 Levi Morse. 79 Joshua Magonn. Averick Thomas ... 74 Ebenezer S. Thomas. BalDOEWATER. John Hix 83 Almshouse. Jonah Benson ... 81 Jonah Benson, jr. Benjamin Bearce . 8-2 Philip M. Tew. Samuel Leonard ... 77 Samuel Leonard, jr. Sallv Stetson 78 Abel Stetson. Simeon Pratt 81 Simeon Pratt. Ursula Fi.sh 77 Job Fish. Azor Howe ... 75 Azor Howe. L^aiah Sampson ... 82 Isaiah Sampson. Jacob Leonard ... 8-2 Jacob Leonard. Cornelius Holmes 85 Cornelius Holmes. MinnLEBo:?ouGn. Lydia Ashport ... 86 Lvdia Ashport. Lydia Lvon ... 80 Isaac Lvon. Bethiah Bottom 82 Martin Leonard. Abiel AVashbum ... 79 George' Shaw. Man- Perkins ... 78 Simeon Perkins. Daniel Tucker 80 Woodward Tucker. Mar)' Forbes 83 Ezra Forbes. Samuel Sampson ... 76 Samuel S'.mpson. Jo.iDua Wilbar ... 79 Isaac Wilbar. Bethiah White 83 Bethiah White. Abiah Forbes 87 Abiah Forbes. Edward Thomas - 81 James G. Cushman. James Alger ... 85 James Alger. William Drake - 79 William Drake. Jane Gurney ... George HacWeU ... 83 81 Daniel Gurney. George Hackett. NORFOLK COUNTY. Stephen Bennett ... Seth Thomas 74 Stephen Bennett. DOVER. 86 Mary Carver. Belhshebee Larabee 87 Leonaid Briggs . . - 90 Silvanus Lovell. Esther Chickering 79 William Porter 77 William Porter. Levi Sawin ... 79 Earl Sears 78 Earl Sears. Mary Baitell 73 Samuel Rubbins 78 Samuel Robbins, jr. Sarah Kerring ... 71 Caleb Bassett 83 Caleb Basket!. Humphrey Alden ... 77 Joseph Shockley. SHARO.N. Henry Andress 77 Henry Andress'. Philip Curtis Joseph Cummings - - . 85 Joshua Haskius . . . 85 Apollos Haskins, 83 Joseph Cole ... 96 Joseph Cole. Josiah Talbot 84 Andrew Cole 85 Andrew Colo. EMward French ... 79 Deborah Thompson 91 Abner Wood. Nehemiah Leonard 80 Hope WiK)d ... 74 Hope Wood. Eliphus Weston 76 Ira Haskins. MEDFIEI.n. Samuel Smith ... 89 Samuel Smiih. Nathaniel Kingsbury 91 Hope Fauncc Deliverance Cobb - - ' - 83) 76} Seneca Thomas. Nathan Allen ... Oliver Cu;ler 87 78 Sihanus Wo^ ... 81 Benjamin O. Wood. Oliver Fisher 85 Isaac Benson 80 Isaac Benson. John Bullard ... 83 Arispa Thomas 77 Eleazer Thomas. Nathaniel Steams - 76 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. 01 jNaiWes of pensioners for revolu- tionar)' or mililary services. NORFOLK— Contiuued. FOXBOROUUH. Ezra Carpenlcr Jesse Hartshorn Daniel Sallvy Cornelius Morse - Oliver Coinee Benjamin Wilbur - WALPOLE. Timothy Monn Josiah Hall Jesse Barden Jeremiah Smith William Hodges - WRENTHAM. James Holbrook - Enoch Wilson Jared Wilson David Hawes Elkanah Whiting - Cyrus Fisher Jeremiah Hartshorn Jabez Pond Samuel Sales Daniel Gillmore - Cornelius KoUoclc George Hawes Moses Craige Elias Ware Hannah George - Elizabeth Allen Patience White Nancy Colman BILMNGHAM. Ruth Wadeworih - Aaron Fanrington Samuel Darling - Deborah Scott Eliab Wight Lavina Larel Elizabeth Spear Molly Holbrook - MEDWAY. Cluinda Evertou - Beulah Farebank - Jedediah Phi lops - Samuel Patrige Mercy Richardson Jonathan Adams - Elijah Dewing Ameriah Force . FRANKLIN. Thomas Gay Leonard Fisher William Makepiece Abijah Clarke Timothy Fisher - Samuel Guild Elaher Poud David Hartshorn - William Metcalf - Asa Fisher Nathan Daniels Timothy Fisher - James Metcalf Daniel Sayles Lydia Richardson - Mary Daniels Rhoda Thayer Adena Dean Margaret Knap Juletta Tarebant - Anna Rockwood - Mary Pierce Betsey Hartshorn - Susan Fisher ROXBtJRY. Samuel Trash Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. 78 73 83 83 82 93 90 80 85 85 85 81 78 81 83 79 89 79 77 8-3 84 78 85 86 94 78 86 77 8-2 85 80 76 79 79 75 81 80 79 85 87 84 87 78 82 86 74 76 85 78 77 77 77 85 83 91 73 82 82 72 77 81 75 82 78 84 77 68 77 83 Bethiel Slorum. Aaron Fanringlon. Samuel Darling. Amos A. Wales. Eliab Wight. Daniel Larel. Perry Dawley. John Wales. Artem Brown. Leonard Farebank. Jedediah Philops. Samuel Patrige. Jeremiah D. Richardson. William Adams. Elijah Dewing. Ameriah Force. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. NORFOLK— Continued. RoxBURY — Continued. Ebenezer Fo.-c Thomas RunncU - DEDIIAM. Lewis Colburn Hezekiah Turner - William Fairbanks Joshua Whiting - - - Seth Edson Jesse Wheaton Joseph Stone DORCHESTER. David Clap Chandler Russell - James Humphreys Edward Killon Nancy Glover Edward Howard - Thomas Leeds Ann Wheeler Thomas Withinglon Hannah Lewis Samuel Capen Lemuel Withington Anna Allen Jeremiah Mcintosh Abigail Bailey John Bussey Susanna Pierce Thomas Lyon RANDOLPH. Lydia Thayer Rachel Whitcomb Sylvanus French - Relief Kingman - Samuel Ludden Elizabeth Thayer - Aaron Littleficld - Seth Turner Elizabeth Martin - Simeon Alden Bcthiah Clark Micah White Rachel Thayer Nathaniel Holbrook Hepsibah Howard BRAINTREE. Bryant Newcomb - Thomas Hancock - Hannah Clark David Loud Rachel Fa.xi>n Asa Copland Eliphaz Thayer - Lydia Thayer Jonathan Wild Abigail White Ruth Pratt Lvdia Thayer, 2d. - Susanna Fogg Elizabeth Thayer - Mary Wales Levi Wild STOUliltTON. -Rebecca Littlelield Anna Kieth Thomas Curtis Elizabeth Williams Amos Guild Silence Holmes - Benjamin Bisbee - Relief Harris Lemuel Smith Asa Waters Chloe Drake Samuel Wales Names of heads of families Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 78 72 88 88 87 82 79 77 78 81 Theophilus C. Clap. 76 Susan Whitcomb. 87 James Humphreys. 84 Edward Kilton. 74 Nancy Glover. 53 Edward Howard. 77 Thomas Leeds. 87 John Preston, 2d. 76 Thomas Withington. 78 Hannah Lewis. 80 Samuel Capen. ' 83 Jacob Bacon. 80 Thomas Reed. 89 Jeremiah Mcintosh. 73 Abigail Bailey. 89 John Bussey. 82 Susanna Pierce. 82 Thomas Lyon. 86 Ezra Thayer. 75 Rachel Whitcomb. 77 Rhodolphus Porter. 84 Relief Kingman. 79 Samuel Ludden. 82 Aminadab Thayer. 81 Aaron Liulefield. 84 Seth Turner. 84 Charles Allen. 76 Simeon Alden. 90 Luther Thayer. 86 Micah White. 78 John Nilcs. 84 Nathaniel Holbrook, 97 Thomas Howard. 78 Bryant Newcomb. _ 76 Thomas Hancock. - 93 Hannah Clark. _ 79 David Loud. - 79 Minott Newton. - 84 Asa Copland. . 78 Eliphaz Thayer. - 88 Lydia Thayer. - 80 Jonathan Wild. - 78 Moses Holbrook. . 67 Ruth Pratt. - 82 Gardner Penniman. - 76 Charles M. Fogg. - 86 Jechonias Thayer. . 82 Nathaniel Wales. - 82 Levi Wild. 75 Rebecca Littlelield. . 88 William Curtis, jr. - 83 Thomas Curtis. - 92 Elizabeth AVilliams. - 87 Amos Guild. _ 82 Silence Holmes. - 80 Benjamin Bisbee. , 74 Relief Harris. _ 81 Jesse Pierce. _ ^ Asa Waters. _ 77 Benjamin Drake. . 80 Samuel Wales. 32 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Name.-! of heads "of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tioaary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. sided June 1, 18-10. NORFOLK— Continued. BERKSHIRE— Continued. MILTON. Amos Holbrook - . . Polly Horton 87 87 Sheffield — Continued. IchabodWest Stephen Stevens ... 75 83 Ichabod West. Stephen Stevens. Joseph Hewing - - - 76 Joseph Hewing. CANTON*. Elizabeth Crane -~ Charles Echard Samuel Bisbv Martha Howard - Nathaniel French - Sarah Billings Nathaniel Wemwonh 65 47 76 80 77 80 80 Mary Andrews Amos Holden Hannah Whitney - - . Reuben Buckman - . - David Allen Joseph Brown - . - Bartholomew Parsons 84 76 81 81 88 80 84 Hannah Austin. Rodney Sage. . Henry Sanders. Heman Mclntyre. David .A.llen. Joseph Bower. Bartholomew Parsons. . Ephraim Hunt 78 86 73 Rachel Wentworth Ruth Block-man - Marv Burr Israel Bailey WEST STOCKBRIIXJE. Joseph WUber Amos Woodruff - . - 87 77 Joseph Wilber. Chester L. Woodruff. 89 93 John Easland . . - William Payns ... 82 80 John Easlamd. Philo Olds. Christopher French 88 C. French. QIINCY. John Prav - - - . Gideon F. French - Shubal Snow ... 80 Shubal Snow. 86 Benjamin Curtis. David Bradly 82 E. S. Bradly. 80 Elisha Turner. Silas Bams . . . 76 Theodore Avery. COHASSET. Aaron Pratt Priscilla Bates Lydia Nichols Deborah Brisks - Bizabeth Lincoln - Joseph Neal ... 73 EGRE.MONT. Jacob Cline . . . 79 Jacob Cline. 81 David Sandford - 81 Stephen Sandford. 80 James Baldwin 81 James Baldwin. 80 81 83 Darius Lewis Stephen Bamura ... 82 80 Albert Lewis. M. Millard. Susanna Wilcutt - Joseph Beal Ruth Orcutt Nathan Buck 77 RICHMOND. Noah Rositer ... 81 Noah Rossiler. 84 58 Levi Crittenden - 62 Asa Cone. Celia Beals 78 80 Abigail Nichols - NEW NURLBOROCGH. William Jaquins . - - 88 William Jaquins. Jeremiah Corvet - 76 Jeremiah Corvet. WEYMOUTH. John Stannard 84 John Stannard. Thaddeus Bates - 84 Thomas Clark 76 Thomas Clark. Azariah Beals Job Nash - - - - William Loud 81 Marv Hall 81 Amy Griswold. 85 Elizabeth Foot 88 Salmon Foot. 78 Isaac Brewer ... 78 Isaac Brewer. Sylvanus Loud Benjamin Tirrell - 79 Louisa Stebbins 17 Rawson Harmon. 81 Zenas Wheeler - 84 Zenas Wheeler. Isaac Pratt 80 Elizabeth Warner - 97 Gad Warner. Thomas Vinson ... 85 Michael Goodrich ... 91 Walter Goodrich. Samuel Whilmarsh 80 Lucy Holbrook 82 STOCKBIUDGE. Jonathan Lewis 81 Lillis Churchill - 86 Seymour Churchill. Rebecca Ripley - - - 82 James Davidson - 88 James Davidson. Deborah Humphrey 80 Agrippa Hull ... Caleb Bennett 79 Agrippa Hull. Mary Ricknell' 81 81 Caleb Bennett. Patience Pratt 76 Betty Pratt 84 LEE. Mary Blanchard - 90 Joseph Willis ... 81 Joseph Willis. Anna Loud 80 Reuben Marsh 78 Reuben Marsh. Elizabeth Bates - - . 74 Nathaniel Bassett - 89 Nathaniel Bassett. Hannah Pratt 75 Joel Hayden ... 78 Arthur Perry. Reb.cca Vinson - 87 Cornelius Bassett . 79 Cornelius Bassett, jr. Timothy Nash 81 Levi Robinson 78 Levi Robinson. John Webb 83 Sarah Shaw 84 BECKET. Elizabeth Laulor - 40 Anthony Church ... 79 Cvrus Church. John Messenger 89 John Messenger. BERKSHIRE COUNTY. Levi Snow ... 80 Mward C. Snow. GREAT EARBINGTO.V. Jonah Cushraan - 81 Alden Cushman. Martin Hart 82 Martin Hart. James Harris ... 86 James Harris. Abram Seely ... 79 Gilbert Ford. Andrew Bro^ ... 82 Andrew Broga. John W. Rudd. Asa Coles - - . . 82 Benjamin Coles. Nathaniel Rudd - 87 Hugh Humphrey - 90 Daniel Humphrey, John Haskins . . . 80 John Haskins. Wethy A. Patterson Hezekiel Grant 77 75 B. Patterson. H. Grant. Elizabeth Snow 81 Stephen Snow. Mary Pyncheon - 74 George Pyncheon. SiNDlsnELD. Esther Lewis 86 1 George Stanley. Leonard Bettes 69 Leonard Bettes. Elizabeth Markham 73 Aaron F. Couch. AU-OBD. Jedediah White - 69 Allen Bennett. Enoch Spern' 79 Enoch Sperrv. Samuel Willoby. Stephen Sage ... 91 Silas Sage. Samuel Wilioby - 81 Chester Couch 78 Chester Couch. Abiatha Fowler - - . Si A. Fowler. Aaron Heth 85 Alvah Heth. Jerusha Flint ... 70 Jerusha Flint. SHEFFIELD. OTIS. Oliver Judd ... 79 Oliver Judd. Benjamin Spaulding 85 Benjamin Spaulding. Daniel Webb 77 1 Daniel Webb. Joel Root .... 65 1 Joel Root. John Davidson ... 77 1 John Davidson. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. 33 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military sen-ices. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. BERKSHIRE— Continued. I BERKSH IRE— Continued. Otis— Continued. Wn.LTAMSTowN— Continued. William Crittenden 86 William S. Crittenden. William B. Sherman 81 William B. Sherman. John Fry - - . _- 83 John Blair. Henry Green • - 82 Henry Green. Richard Chase . - - 80 Richard Chase. James Haskell ... 51 James Haskill. LANESBOROUGH. David Jewet . . - 81 Oliver Jewet. LENOX. Elijah Phelps 79 George R. Rockwell. Asahel Lunduz . - - 75 Asahel Lunduz. Asa Lane - - - - 74 David Barnes. . Elijah Thomas 79 Elijah Thomas. Amos Pettibone ... 79 Amos Pettibone. JohnEells - - - - 87 Richard Parker. Elnathan Gregory - 83 EU Bradley. Daniel Canfield 80 Daniel Canfield. N. ASHFORD. IVASinNGTON. John Stills 82 John Stills. Daniel Sanger 79 Daniel Sanger. HuldahCole 79 Otis Cole. Samuel Brooker - 79 Samuel Brooker. Jonathan Ingraham 80 Jonathan Ingraham. John Kent - - - - 76 John Kent. William Millikan - 78 William JVtillikan. CHESHIRE. Sarah Viner 69 Isaac Viner. HINSDALE. Susan Bliss . . . 78 John M. Bliss. James Winy ... 83 James Winy. Nathan Wood 80 Arvin Wood. John Adams 73 John Adams. Reub;n Albe . . - 77 Reuben Albe. Natlianiel Mourey 89 Nathaniel Mourey. ZilphaChilds 78 Dexter Cole. Abraham Washburn 86 Abraham Washburn. Amos Carr 42 Amos Carr. Stephen Temple - 76 Stephen Temple. PERU. Daniel Cone 81 Daniel Cone. SAVOY. Joseph Bacon 78 Joseph Bacon. Elijah Turner 79 Elijah Turner. John Geer - - - . _ John Geer. Ruth Davis 81 Abiger Davis. Roger Haskell 87 Roger Haskell. Benjamin Burlingame 57 Benjamin Burlingame. Snellern Babbit 70 Edward Babbit. PITTSFIELD. Simeon Goft' ... 86 Simeon Goff', jr. Joseph Howland - . - 78 Joseph Howland. Rosea Merrills . . - 79 Hosea Merrills. TYRINGIIA.M. Josiah Lawrence - 85 Tliomas Lawrence. Ziba Bush 74 Ziba Bush. John Daniels ... 77 John Daniels. Ellen Hill 81 Ellen Hill. Reoben Brooks . . - 78 Reuben Brooks. Mary Patton - . - 81 Freeman Stanley, Zenas Root ... 76 Zenas Root. Olive Cannon 73 John Cannon. Robert Francis - - ' - 78 Robert Francis, jr. Lucy Buel . - - - 78 Samuel Fargo, jr. Nathaniel Freeman 83 Edward P. Goodrich. WilUarn Heath - 77 William Heath. Simeon Guilford . - - 87 Willard Gay. .^ . John Pcory 88 John Peory. /■ FRANKLIN COUNTY. Richard Barnard - 81 Richard Barnard. COLERAIN. Mary Handy - - ■ - 75 Charles Handv. DALTON. Reuben White 90 Reuben White. Henry Cleaveland 97 Cyrus Cleaveland. James McCullock - 84 James McCullock. George Walkup - 77 George Walkup. WINDSOR. Gideon Lake ... 84 Gideon Lake. Jacob Snow ... 8'2 Jacob Snow. James White . . - 84 James White. Jacob Dawes - . i 77 John Dawes. Stoddard Totman - 81 Stoddard Totman. Stejihen Hume - . - 86 Richard Hume. Jonathan Peterson - . - 86 Sylvanus Peterson. Jacob Pisk - . - - 77 Jacob Fisk. Samuel Eddy . . - 77 Samuel Eddv. Sebeus Bales ... 80 William H. Bates. Walter Bell 78 William Bell. George Shaw 77 George Shaw. ADAMS. James Potter 80 Mercy Harkness. HEATH. John Sheldon 91 Amasa Harrington. Prudence Wariield - 80 Job Warficld. Zeniah Paul . . - 85 Trueman Paul. Mary Temple Lyman Hall . . . 81 85 John Temple. Jabsz Hall. ROWE. Jemima Stanford - 93 Ebenezcr Stanford. Lydia Colgrove - - . 75 Jeremiah Colgrove. Asa Burton - - - 87 Thomas White. Edmund Badger - 60 Edmund Badger. Anna Ide - - - - 85 Anna Ide. Trvphina Slarks - - . 76 Willard Siarks. Benjamin Shumway 88 Daniel Nelson. Eli Gould . . . 71 Eli Gould. Meribalh Wheeler 69 John W. Wheeler. • FLORIDA. LEYDEN. Zebulon Bentcm ... 80 Loring Benton. Matthew Clark . - - 80 Calvin Davenport. John Manning ... 44 John Manning. Henry Thorn 81 Crandall Thorn. Edmund Jordan ... 77 Edmund Jordan. Aaron Hayes - ... 78 Aaron Hayes. DEEBFIELD. CLARKSBURG. Isaac Carter ... Jacob Brown 76 77 Isaac Carter. Jacob Brown. Jesse Billings ... Abner Goodnow - Abijah Harding - Roswell Lanfair - . - 75 77 80 78 Jesse Billings. Abner Goodnow. Abijah Harding. Robert Lanfair. WILLIAMSTOWN. Elijah Hawley ... Mindwell Waters - 96 77 Cooe Danforth. Mindwell Waters. Jeremiah Newton - Joel Smith (since deceased) Charles Warren . . - 82 80 Jeremiah Newton. Lester S;:mmis. Phineas Warren. , Nathaniel Chamberlin 83 Nathaniel Chamberlin. / Thomas Reed 101 Thomas Reed. GREENFIELD. Obadiah Bardwell ... 82 Obadiah Bardwell. Job Graves 83 Job Graves. Benjamin Briggs ... 80 Benjamin Briggs. Uriah Martindale - 82 Theodore Martindale. Azabia Dunsctt ... 80 John Leney. Elizabeth Clapp 82 Susan Ripley. Aaron Spalding. Asa Russel 87 Nabby Mills. Samuel Pickett 80 34 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— CoiUiuued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tjonar)' or military services. Ages. with whom pensionei-s re- sided June 1, laio. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. FRANKLIN— Continued. FRANKLIN— Conlinue 81 80 7G 7G 75 75 81 78 79 8'2 85 75 75 83 8t; 82 83 76 76 77 80 83 84 87 85 90 78 81 80 84 95 88 84 80 72 78 88 75 77 76 75 76 87 81 78 S:ephen Pepper. Names of pensioners for revoUi- tionary or military services. HAMPSHIRE— Continued. Ware— Continued. Lemuel Andrews - Stephen Andrews - John Wheeler Alice Stearns ' - Mille Gould John Oiborne WILT.IAMSBDRr.. Abner Hunt Solomon Snow Anthony Hunt Timothy Kingsley Elias Root - Cornelius Tilcslon Judith Wait Phebe Thayer Ann Hayden Miriam Wires Lucy Ski if ooshf.n. Ambrose Stone Zebulon Wilcott - Abigail Manning - Rachel Gloyd PI.AINFIEI.D. Ebenezer Dickinson Josiah Shaw James Richards Joseph Gloyd Vinson Cuhiss John Hamlen Samuel Slreeter - Philip Packard Jacob Nash Susanna Clark Deborah Gardner ; WORTUIXGTON-. Gersh.-m Brown - Samuel Fallett John Stone Joseph Holcotnb - Luther Pomeroy - Lot Drake - Marsh Zepporah - Lear Tower Mary Parsons Minm.r.piEr.D. John Newton Jemima Taylor CnESTF.nFIEI.D. Asa Todd - Patrick Bryant Joseph Toi^ry Abel Gushing Joseph Burncll Asa Shaw - Isaac Damon Deborah Whiting - Theodoma Phelps - Sally Utlev Margaret Davis Catharine Wilcutt - Mercy Damon Hannah King Deborah Hatch NORWICH. Sandford Holscy - Samuel Wicks Stephen Angell Giles Lvman Nathan's. Colklns Soloman Tliomas - Isaac Coit - Sally Wetherby • Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 18-10. 79 HI 79 70 79 84 85 8-! 81 78 83 86 84 82 90 83 80 77 83 83 7G 78 78 86 77 79 74 75 79 86 77 81 82 80 78 93 73 82 87 84 75 86 7ii 83 92 78 80 84 77 73 84 75 79 76 74 75 75 82 86 79 86 85 36 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. Karnes of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, ItvJO. HAMPSHIRE— Continued. WORCESTER— Continued. WEST IJAMPTON. MiLi.EtjRT — Continued. Oliver AtwcU 8.-) Jonathan Gould ... 84 Jonathan Gould. Joel Burt - - - . - 81 Benjamin Bancroft 87 Isaac Lincoln. Seberry Fisk 79 Joseph AVadsworlh 8'2 Benjamin Wadsworlh. Samuel Edwards - 87 Mary LovcU 85 Sybel Brid'^^man ... 78 Submit Clark 78 Dorothy Alvard - Rachel' Banleit 8-2 8-3 SIIREWSBIRY. Relief Harrington Phcbc Lalhrop ... 73 75 Halloway Harrington. Orville llathrop. Lydia Bellows ... 81 Stephen Bellows. IIATriKf.D. SethFrary 81 Jonas Stone ... Natlian Pratt ... 82 80 Jonas Stone. Naihan Prall. Silas PorlVr Joseph Guild - - - Sarah Smith 80 Samuel Smith ... 83 Samuel Smith. 80 8;-) Jonathan Harrington John Park - ~ - 81 81 Jonathan Harrington. Solomon Bolhwick. Martha Gearv - - - Orpha Swill' 80 77 Jonas Hastings ... 84 Jonas Hastings. SOUTHAMPTON. BROOKFlEt.D. Jacob Pomeroy - - - 8S Simeon Draper ... 75 Simeon Draper. Mansford Avery - 85 Lucrelia Hastings ... 79 Jainos Abboit. Aaron Bales ... 8-2 Jason Walker 80 Jason Walker. Abraham Losee - - . S-i Amos Rice ... 80 Amos Rice. Timothy Clapp 87 Lydia Richardson - T2 Ch. Richardson. Lemuel Bates 85 Riniben Olds 79 Reuben Olds. Thomas Rowley - 87 William Rice 80 William Rice. Anna Hannum - . . 82 Miriam Adams ... 76 Miriam Adams. E. Richardson ... 80 E. Richardson. WORCESTER COUNTY. Ezra Richmond Thankful Ross 88 79 Ezra Richmond. Esther Gilbert. WEBSTER. Jonathan Cady 85 Jonathan Cady. Israel Smith ... Elisha Conver.se ... 85 82 Israel Smith. Elisha Converse. Benjamin Barrett ... 82 H. P. Barrett. .SOCTHBRIDGE. Selh. Field - . . - 79 Selh Field. Lydia Plimpton . - - Simeon Mason_ - - - Dennison 'Wheelock Lemuel Clark 78 89 87 89 Lydia Plimpton. Alvin Streeler. Davis Wheelock. Lemuel Clark. RiUh Gilbert Mercy Blair ... Andrew Barrister ... Sarah Henshaw . - - 85 80 78 83 Dexter Bruce. Benjamin Blair. Linus Barrister. Josiah Henshaw. Charles "West ... 81 Charles AVest. Susan Blair . . . 70 Reuben Blair. Nathan Brown 8-2 Nathan Brown, jr. DUDLEY. WAHREN. Mary Brown 79 Artemas C. Pickering. Asa Keith. Isaac Moore 87 John Moore. Asa Keith . - . - S3 Robert Hathaway - 77 Robert Halhaway. Josiah Barns 88 Moses Barns. Jolm Combs ... 83 Levi Combs. Thomas Lamed ... 78 Thomas Lamed. Rebecca Barnes ... 70 Rul'us Barnes. Dolly Healy 7.'? Harvev Conant. Elizabeth Burbank 81 John Bui bank. Joshua Corbin 8-2 Carlton Corbin. Hannah Parker ... 75 Orison Hill. John Edmonds 81 Asa E. Edmonds. Olive Holbrook - 80 Ebenezer Holbrook. OXFORD. CHARLTON. David Lamb 8-2 Alfred Mower. Nathaniel Burden - 85 Nathaniel Burden. John Lamed ... 81 John Lamed. Nahum Lamb ... Calvin Laml). Chloe D. Robinson 74 Jonas Larnard. Jonathan Fuller . - - 87 Charles Curlis. Jason Collier 9G Jason Collier. Sylvia Willard - ■ - 70 Aaron Willard. Elisha Livermore - 90 Calvin Slockwcll. Hannah Hooker - . - 90 Jonathan Winslow. Mary Williams - - Mary Williams. GRAFTON. Susa'nna Child 83 Samuel May. Caleb Segar Hcnrv Rixford 89 85 { Ilhamar Slow. "James Dickey ... Luoreiia Barton ... 95 70 James Dickey. Lucrelia Barton. Tabit'ha Roberts - sc Isaac Southwick. Naihan Dexier 82 Isaac Tower. PoUv SawTer 71 Samuel Houghion. Humphrey Bigelow 78 Isaac Tower, 2d. Thankful 'Nichols - 80 Thankful Nichols. ; Nchemiah B. Stone 80 N. B. Stone. Assenalh Walker - 77 John V. Leland. Sally Smith ... 77 Sally Smith. Lois Walker ... 8:? John C. Knap. Thomas Richmond. Amos Merrill ... 79 Amos Merrill. Thomas Richmond 70 AUBCTIN. NORTIIBRIDOE. Naihan Knowlion - 80 Ezra Rice. William Rawson - 89 Caleb Rawson. David Hosmer 82 David Hosmer. Nathan Streeler 89 Aklrich Sireeter. Susan Craig ... 80 A. and W. Craig. Israel Tail 79 Israel Taft. Patty Flags 79 William Trask. STIRBRIDCE. Asa Rullard 85 John Albee. MlI.I.BtniY. Elijah Alden ... 78 Martha Taft. Susanna Holman - SO Asa Waters. Stephen Newell ... 80 Moses NcwcU. Ammi Faulkner - 84 Cyrus Faulkner. Mary Plimpton 70 George W. Holmes. Samuel Bixby . . . &1 S.imuel Bixby. Anna Plimpton ... Silas Dunton 81 Anna Plimpton. , Hannah Dwinnell - - . 87 Solomon Dwinnell. 79 Silas Dunton. Joshua Carter 81 Joshua Carter. Deliverence Marsh 82 S. M. Freeman. Amariah Brigham 85 Amariah Brigham. Mary Pliii^lon George Thomson - 94 Mary Plimpton. Amos Pierce 78 Amos Pierce. 84 George Thomas. Mrs. Pierce ... 75 Abraliam Pierce. Samuel Shumway 91 L. Shumway. Iihran Harris 49 Iihran Harris. Lucy Shumway " - 79 Samuel Shumway, ad, CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. 37 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families ; Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. WORCESTER— Continued. WORCESTER— Continued. HARDWICK. Rutland — Continued. John porham 81 John Gorham. Hezekiah Newlon - 87 C. L. Newton. Samuel Hinckley - 83 Samuel Hinckley. Tilly Flint 82 Tilly Flint. Theophilus Hastings 78 Theophilus Hastings. Barsella Miles _ - 89 B. Miles. Jeremiah Campbell 88 Jeremiah Campbell. Jonas Stone 85 Jonas Stone. Adonijah Dennis - 80 Adonijah Dennis. M. Parmeter 81 R. L. King. Timothy Hathaway 84 Timothy Hathaway. Abraham Hager - 85 Joel Temple. William Bryant. Zenas Phinney 88 Zenas Phinney. Betsey Bryant 74 Sarah Hudson 87 Apollos Fay. James Cowden 84 James Cowden. Olive Ruggles . . - 80 Martin Ruggles. Lucy Ruggles . . - 83 Gardner Ruggles. BARRE. Elizabeth Washburn 84 Hannah Washburn. -^ Noah Harrington - 76 Timolhv Adams. Elizabeth Howland 78 Elizabeth Howland. TilbyMead 84 Tilby Mead. Abigail Mandell . . - 82 Martin Mandell. Mary Smith 84 Samuel French. Eleanor Harrington 83 Eleanor Harrington. Hannah Sears . . - 84 Hannah Sears. Daniel Nourse 83 Daniel Nour.se. PAXTON. Isaac Bassett ... 84 J. P. Bassett. Braddyll Livermore 7G Braddyll Livermore. Jason Hause . . - 82 Jason Hause. Abigail Willson - 81 Abigail Willson. Abraham Stevens - . - 83 Nathan Stevens. Micah Harrington 81 Micah Harrington. Anna Brigham 83 Anna Brigham. Ruth Pike - . - - 78 Ruth Pike. Peter Fessenden ... 78 Peter Fessenden. NORTH BROORFIEI.D. WORCESTER. Jonathan Parks 87 Jonathan Parks. John Bigelow 85 S. D. Barker. Levi Hathaway - - - 78 Levi Hathaway. Zenith Walker - 85 B. P. Rice. Nathan Moore . . - 78 Nathan Moore. Martha Whitney - - Martha AVhitney. Sarah Waile 79 Sarah Waite. William Tanner . - - - Henry Tanner. Jonas Bigelow 83 Jonas Bigelow. Simon Gates - Simon Gates. Mary Bartlett m Eli Bartlett. Frost Rockwood . - - - Frost Rockwood. Jeduihan Stevens - 74 Jeduthan Stevens. Lydia Johnson ... 73 Lydia Johnson. Rhoda Potter 87 Lovey Potter. William Drury ... 82 William Drury. Rachel Wheaton - 81 Ephraim Drury. LEICESTER. Austin Flint - - - 80 Austin Flint. LITNENBURG. Huldah Yainter . - - 84 Huldah Yainter. Daniel Wetherbee . . - 83 Daniel Wetherbee. Elizabeth Burton - 69 Charles Burton. David Wood 83 David Wood. Samuel Frink 75 Samuel Frink. Reuben Adams ... 80 Enoch Adams. Joseph Wilson Asahel Matthews - 78 J Town farm. Jonathan Adams - 81 Jonathan Adams. 75 John Peabody ... 77 John Peabody. David Bryant 78 David Bn,'ant. Elijah Warren - 81 Henry E.' Warren. riTCHECRO. Rebecca Waite . . - 77 Elizabeth Jackson. Abijah Goodrich . - - 8G Joshua Goodrich. Elizabeth Fullum - 74 Elizabeth Fullum. NEW BRAINTREE. Azariah Fuller . - - 76 Dixon L. Gill. Phineas Warner - - - 76 Phineas Warner. Ephraim Osborn - 75 Ephraim Osborn. Eleazer May . - - 83 Eleazer May. Polly Burnap - - 74 Polly Burnap. Robert Hoyt 87 Town farm. John Meriara ... 78 John Meriam. Pelatiah Hawes - 84 Mary Banlett. Rebecca Pratt ... 74 John D. Pratt. Silas Knight - - -. 83 Prince Knight. Rebecca Flint 84 Rebecca Flint. Stephen Parker - - - 78 Stephen Parker. Ruth Newell 81 Welcome Newell. WESTMrNSTEB. Hannah Williams 88 Hasnah Williams. HOLDEN-. Abijah Wood . . - 86 Abijah Wood. Martha Stratton - 76 Samuel Stratton. 1 Abel Wood 84 Abel Wood. James Potter 82 James Potter. Eleazer Drewry . - - 85 Eleazer Drewrj'. Samuel Nash . - - 85 Samuel Nash. • Joanna Dike ... 76 Joanna Dike. Molly Cheny 80 Molly Cheny. 1 Ann Knower . . - 82 Thomas Knower. Jonathan Mower . - - 83 J. Mower. Abner Sawin ... 77 Abner Sawin. Artemas Drj'den - 83 Artemas Dn,-deu. I Rebecca Nichols . - - 80 Rebecca Nichols. Jonathan Rodgers - - - 85 J. Rodgers. " 1 Jeduthan Warren - 84 Jeduthan Warren, jr. Timothy Marshall 83 T. Marshall. Ebenezer Mann - - - 89 Ebenezer Mann. Andrew Brown 85 E. Brooks. Jonathan Flagg 83 Jonathan Flagg. ASHBfBNHAM. Joseph Meriam 77 Joseph Meriam. Reuben Townsend. BOYLSTON. Margaret Townsend 77 Molly Howe 77 Jotham Howe. John Bowman - - - 81 John Bowman. John Howe, 1st - i 1 John Howe, 1st. Cyrus Fairbanks - 88 Jacob Fairbanks. Jonathan Sampson 81 Jonathan Sampson. WEST BOTLSTON. 1 Joshua Fletcher ... 78 Joshua Fletcher. Eunice Holt . . - r.5 Asa Holt. '' David Clark 82 Lewis L. Willard. John Winn . . - 81 John Winn. Thomas Gibson ... 87 John Gibson. Prudence Prouty - 81 Prudence Prouty. [ Isaac Whitmore ... 86 Enoch Whitmore. Oliver Glazier ... 77 Oliver Glazier. ' Jabez Marble 85 Joel Marble. Marv Stearns 75 P. Slearns. 1 Charlotte Lowe ... 73 William H. Culler. Thomas While - 82 Joseph White. S. Walker. 1 Joseph Jewett 79 Joseph Jewett. Silas Walker 90 Leonard Stimpson - 82 Lemuel Stimnson. Samuel Brooks, 2d. Zilpher Bice 84 RUTLAND. Charles Hastings - 79 Joseph P. Hastings." Sarah Skinner 89 Joseph Skinner. WilUam Ward - 80 Benjamin Ward. Samuel Heywooil - - - 81 Samuel Heywood. John Powers 8G John Powers. LANCA.STEH. Benjamin Mead ... 81 William Mead. Thomas Davis 86 Joseph Hubbard - 81 Joseph Hubbard. 1 Phebe Emerson 67 38 CENSUS OP PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families' tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1 , 1810. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. WORCESTER— Continueii. WORCESTER-Conlinued. • Lancaster— Continued. Temi'leton— Continued. Jacob Lincoln 79 Hannah Turner - 9C Asa Turner. Nancy Goodarel ... (W Mary Dolbear 7.') Joel Dolbear. MaryWilden <):( Oliycr Brown ... 85 Abel Davis. LEOMINSTEH. GARDNER. Betsey Cobbern - «7 Rebecca Nichols - - 80 Martin Dunster. Calvin Hale . . - -8 Judo gawyer - ' - 89 Jude Sawyer. John Ba.'i.s - - - - 81 Sarah Hill HI Sarah Hill. John Cooledge r> Reuben Haynos - 80 Reuben Hayncs. Benjamin Hows - - - 80 Ebenezer Brooks - 77 Asa Reed. Samuel Jones - - - 79 Levi Fairbanks 85 Levi Fairbanks. Thomas Robins . . - 79 Ephi'aim Temple . - - 80 Levi Holden. nrBB.lHDSTOV. SPENCER. Samuel Morse HI Phineas Jones 78 Phineas Jones. Moses Hanlin<» ... U-2 Nathan Craige 80 Nathan Craige. Rachel Churcii 88 Paul Wlieelock - 84 Ephraim Wheelock. Ephraim Holt 78 Ellen Bacon 75 James Sprague. Sybel Morcon 93 Jonas Bemis 79 Jonas Bemis. Catharine Smith - 93 Elias Adams 7(; Elias Adams. Hannah Hapgood - 83 Hannah Bemis . . - 70 Reuben Bemis. Lucy Watson HO William Watson. BTEBLINO. Andrew Morgan - 79 Andrew Morgan. Mary Darling ... 80 Joseph Wheat . . - 85 Joseph Wheat. Sylvester Roper - 77 Amasa Bemis ... 82 Amasa Bemis. Elizabeth Roper . . - 79 Joel Howe ... 79 Joel Howe. Jonas Bailey ... 89 Rebecca Prouly 79 Eli Prouty. Deborah May 74 James Wilder ... i i OAKHAM. Isaac Boole 83 James Conant . - - 84 James Conant. Joseph Pearson (since dead) 82 Mary Rice ... 78 Nathan Rice. Abigail Baker. 74 • Lucy Packard 77 Parley Packard. Calvin Moore ... 85 Kezlah Fales - . - 80 William Ware. Joel Pratt . . . - 88 Elizabeth Leonard - 85 Caleb Packard. Su.sanna Robinson 75 Susanna Robin.son. PRINCETON. Susanna Conant - 73 Luther Spear. Nehemiah Parker - 79 Grindal Chase S3 , Josiah R. Deane. Israel Keyes ... 81 ' Luther Parmeter - 84 BOLTON. Calvin Kilbern 83 Jonas Houghton - 80 Jonas Houghton. Aaron Hagner ... 81 Israel Woodbury - 84 Israel Woodbury. Job Howard 82 Job Howard. jiTIini.. Benjamin Sawyer - . 82 Benjamin Sawyer. David Young 84 Moses Fisk. Jonas Welch ... 87 Jonas AVclch. Aaron Hager 8-2 Jesse Hager. Nathaniel Longley 84 Nathaniel Longley. Royal Humphreys 79 Henry Humphreys. EERUN. RnV»T.STnN. Benjamin Brown - . - .90 William Eager. David Cook 87 David Cook, jr. John Larkin ... 79 John Larkin. Nathan Bliss 77 Nathan Bliss. Squire Davis 78 Joseph Davis. sotiTnnopour.ii. Enoch Whitmore • 80 Enoch Whitmore. Persis Moore . . - 87 Elijah Crouch. Martha Fay 79 Martha Fay. WINrHENnoN. Elizabctli Angler - 79 Anna Fay. John Day - . . - 87 Joseph Day. James Dnuton 80 Elijah Bemis. John Kilhurn ... ftl John Kilburn. Ebenezer Newton - 82 Stephen Emory 9-2 I^aac Cummings. Patty Fay - - - - 79 Ephraim Ward. Daniel Warner ... 81 Daniel Wainer. PETERSHAM. Josiah Taft 84 Josiah Taft. NORTIIDOROCOII. Sophia Sanderson - 78 Jonathan Sanderson. Alice Brigham . . - 81 Alice Brigham. Samuel Hoskins ... 78 Samuel Hoskins. Elizabeth Newton - 73 Elizabeth Newton. Stephen Thayer - 8G George Walker. Jonathan Barrett . . - 79 Samuel Nurse. Widow Dunn Ki John'Dunn. Silas Bailey ... 84 Silas Bailey. Sarah Filmore ... 95 William Mann, 2d. Seraphina Eager - 72 Nahum Eager,, PHII.I.IPSTON. HARVARD. John Hagar 8-2 Washington Hagar. Elias Warner 70 Elias Warner. James Stone 83 James Sione. Jonathan Baird - - - 85 Jonathan Baird. David Pike 81 David Pike. Polly Smith 74 Henry Smith. Prudence Shepherd 82 John Shepherd. Lemuel Stone m Reuben Whiluey. Susan Lamb ... 82 Ezra L. Bates. Samuel Dickinson . - - 88 Willaid Dickinson. Earl Cutting 82 Earl Cuuing. Lewis Hayden ... 78 Lewis Hayden. John Stacy 81 Nathaniel Stacy. TEMPLBTON. Moses Tyler 82 Moses Tyler. James Crocker - James Crocker. Stephen Knowlton 78 Stephen Knowlton. Josiah Haskell. WESTBOROCOII. Josiah Haskell 84 Reuben Babcock - 88 Jesse Wood. Mehitable Mann - 83 Josiah Cutting. Fortunatus Nickols 80 Fortunatus Nickols. Silas Church 89 Joshua Church. Benjamin Smitli - 70 Benjamin Smith. Noah Kendall ... 87 Noah Kendall. Henry Marble 85 Henry Maible. ^.ucy Siinonds ... 83 Jo$hua Sawyer. Levi Smith « t W Leyi Smith, CENSUS OF PENSIONERS, MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. 39 - Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or iiiilitary services.. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 18-10. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June I, 1840. WORCESTER-Continued. MIDDLESEX— Continued. UPTON. WOBURN. Samuel Morse 89 Samuel Morse. Jonathan Tidd 84 William Tidd. Enoch Batchelder - 84 Levi Batchelder. Joshua Reed 77 Joshua Reed. Silas Warren 86 Elijah Warren. Aaron Smith ... 31 Aaron Smith. Ebenezer Lawrence 85 Ebenezer Lawrence. MENDON. Sylvanus Wood . . . 90 Sylvanus Wood. Rhoda Slreeter - - - 88 George Been. Isaac Reed ... 84 Isaac Reed. George Taft 80 Arnold Aldritch, jr. Nathan Pierce 80 Nathan Pierce. Henry Mowry - . - 80 Henry Mowry. Maiy Thompson ... 78 David Pickering - 78 David Pickering. Benjamin Pickering 8-2 Benjamin Pickering. BtLLERICA. Bilota Burden 78 Aaron Burden. James Bennett ... 82 James Bennett. Lov'ina Engly . . - 80 Joseph Engly. Joseph Dows ... 81 Joseph Dows. David Legg 84 Daniel Legg. Bill Rus.sell 77 Bill Russell. John Remington - 80 John Remington. Samuel Whiting ... 81 Samuel Whiting. Jemima Wood . - - 8-2 George AVood. Enos Taft - - - • - 61 Eiios Taft. WEST CAMBRIDUE. Thomas Burbeck - - - 81 Joseph Wheelock. Thomas Hill ' . 79 Pauper. MILFORD. MALDEN. Darius Sumner . - - 84 Darius Simmer. Jane Mills ... 66 William S. Mills. Abigail Morse 87 Clarke Ellis. Sarah Cheever ... 86 Jacob Cheever. llackaliah Whitney 78 Hackaliah Whitney. William Emerson - . . 80 William Emerson. Ezekiel Jones 82 Ezekiel Jones. John Edmonds 83 John Edmonds. Caleb Alber 75 Caleb Alber. Anna Lawrance - - - 80 Anna Lawrance. SOUTH READlNli. Samuel Wariield - 84 Samuel Warfield. Cornelius Sweetser 91 Stephen Sweetser. Nathan Wood 80 Nailian Wood. Elias Boardman ... 82 Benjamin L. B.ardman. Eiimond Bowker - 83 Edmond Bowker. Nathaniel Cowdry 81 Nathaniel Cowdry. John Sweetser ... 80 John Sweetser. DOUGLASS. Oliver Walton 82 Oliver Walton. navid White 82 David White. Barseliel Slurtevant 77 Barseliel Sturtevant. David Bolcom 86 David Bolcom. Eli Stockwell 80 Eli Stockwell. MEDFORD. Jedediah Jepherson 78 Jedediah Jepherson. Patty Stetson . - . . 82 Jotham Stetson. Noah Hill ... - SO Noah Hill. John Kin? .... 67 John King. Rebecca CiUler ... 75 Rebecca Cutter. . Elizabeth Symmes 83 Edward Symmes. UXBRIDGE. John Jepherson ... SO John Jepherson. Mary Johnson 81 Mary Johnson. Benjamin Tucker - 78 Benjamin Tucker. STONEHA.M. Moses Taft 80 Newell Taft. Nathaniel Upton ... Thomas Williams 85 A. P. Smith. James Tilley 93 Nathan Aldritch. 77 Thomas Williams. Elisha Murdock - 85 Edward F. Seagraves, Mary Bryant ... 80 Mary Bryant. SUTTON. LEXINGTON. Simeon Morse ... 80 Simeon Morse Levi Harrington ... 79 Levi Harrington. Zelek Darling 79 Zelek Darling. vSulivan Burbank - 63 Sulivan Burbank. Francis Putnam - »\ Silas Putnam. Isaac Smith ... 76 Isaac Smith. Daniel Sibley 8i Daniel Sibley, jr. Eunice Thorning - 84 Mary Wood. Thomas Smith . - - 82 Thomas Smith. Stephen Marsh . . - 79 Stephen Mar.sh. WATERTOWN. Jonathan Prke 48 Jonathan Pike. Eunice Brigham ... 72 Luke Robinson. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. CAMBRIDGE. John Stone ... 83 John Stone. CH4RLE3T0WN. Joseph Rumiill 85 Joseph Rumrill. Hannah Wiley 85 Peter B. Wilev. Parsons Smith - - - 66 Elijah F. Valentine. Mary Flint ... 80 Mary Flint. Amos Samson - - . 78 Amos Samson. READING. Mary Crowningshield - James Armstrong. Joseph Damon ... 81 Joseph Damon. Abigail Gibbs 83 Laban Turner. Josepli Bonlwell . 83 Joseph Bontwell. Jane Richardson - - - 80 Asa Caldwell. William Parker - 80 William Parker. Mary Blesriill 77 Lydia Staples. Aaron Parker ... 83 Aaron Parker. Hannah Kidder . - . 88 Mary Rand. Daniel Damon ... 83 Daniel Damon. Mary Thompson - 84 Mary Thompson. Timothy Wakefield 85 Timothy Wakefield. Abigail Locke - . - 81 Elias Crafts. David Parker 85 Thomas Rainer, jr. Eleanor Fuller - - - 76 Charles C. Fuller. Ebenezer Evans 43 Convict in pri-son. WILMINGTON. Betsey Hay ... 71 Betsey Hay. Jonathan Fames ... 83 Jonathan Eamcf. Mary Rea - . - - 81 Nathaniel R. Mansir. Jonathan Nichols ... 83 Charles Nichols. INLiry Babbitt ,. . . 76 Edward C. Babbitt. Jcrusha Upton ... 82 Paul Upton. Naomi Downes - . - 80 John Downes. Lois H. Persons ... 75 William B. Brown 58 William B. Brown. Joseph Bond 79 Joseph Bond. Caroline Lord • - 15 J. R. Covington. Hannah Bubibeer - . - 78 John Bubibeer. BEDFORD. , William Watlcy - 79 ) John Webber 80 John Webber. Robert Barry ... 68 > Paupers. David Lane ... 81 David Lane. John Skinner ... 82 3 Thomas Walcott ... 83 A3HBY. John Leland 86 John Leland. William Foster . 51 William Foste* William Cutter 82 Paschal Sprague. Asa Kendall 77 Asa Kendall. Rachel Dickson ... 73 Rachel Dickson. William Jolmson ... 79 William Johnson. \ 40 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of familie. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re sided June 1, 1840. MIDDLESEX— Continued. MIDDLESEX— Continued. AsiiBV— Conlinued. Carusle— Continued. William Green ... 85 William Green. Jolm Jacobs ... 81 John Jacobs. Abel Ricliardson - 80 Abel Richardson. Joan Adams S3 Benjamin Adams. TOWNSEND. LITTLETON. Deborah Green ... 82 George Green. Peter Wright 80 Elizabeth Wright. Hannah Searles . 82 Samuel Searles. Thomas Burbuk - 80 Samuel Connant. Caleb Sylvester . 87 Caleb Sylvester. Daniel Prentice ... 83 Daniel Prentice. William Manning Nahum Gasselt Jonathan Bailey ... Josiah Uecd ... 83 82 82 William Manning. Nahum Gassett. Benjamin Robinson. Josiah Reed. DRACUT. Rachel Coburn Mary Coburn Abiah Bowers ... Joel Fo.t .... 78 76 82 83 Nathaniel B. Coburn. Julia Carter. Peter Bowers. Joel Fox. William Richardson 82 William Richardson. PEPrERELL. Thomas Yarbell - Jonathan IBancrolt ... Jonathan Messer - 82 80 81 Abijah Whitney. Jonathan Bancrotl. Jonathan Messer. William Clough - Amos Wood Jonathan Bancroft 99 85 79 William Clough. Micajah Wood. Jonathan Bancroft. Nathaniel Sowiell - 80 Nathaniel Sowtell. Noah Wright 79 Noah Wright, Dudley B. Kemp. SUDBURY. Dudley B. Kemp . 8G John Goodnow Sarah Cutler 78 82 John Goodnow. Christopher Culler. DUNSTABLE. Isaac Pratt 78 Solomon C. Pratt. Jonathan Woodward 101 Jonathan Woodward, jr. Jonas French. Ebcnezcr Panaenter 78 Ebenezer Parmenter. Jonas French ... 83 Elizabeth Bii,i;ham 83 Reuben Moore. William French - 88 William French. WAYLAND. GROTON. John T. Roberts - 80 Susan Lawrence. Ab»l Prescott 80 Abel Prescott. Susanna Grout 79 William C. Grout. William Prescott . 72 Merrick Lewis. Richard Heard 86 Richard Heard, jr. Joshua Parker ... 76 Joshua Parker. Edmund Rice ... 85 Edmund Rice. William Yarbell . 7G William Yarbell. Jacob Nutting ... 93 Jacob Nutting. WESTON. Isaac Patch ... 78 Isaac Patch. Rebecca Brackelt . 83 Isaac Brackett. Joseph Sowtell, 2d. 76 Joseph Sowtell, 2d. Alpheus Bigelow - 83 Alpheus Bigelow. David Lakin 89 David Lakin. Lydia Traverse ... 82 John Williams. Amos Farnsworlh - . - 86 Amos Farnsworth, Abel Pierce ... 85 Charles Weston. Stephen Pingrey ... 82 John Pingrey. LINCOLN. SHIRLEy. Isaac Monroe 83 Isaac Steams. James Carter 80 Jonas K. Putney. Mary Hartwell 92 George Hartwell. Benjamin Hartwcll 81 Benjamin Hartwell. Leonard Hoar. ... 83 Leonard Hoar, jr. Moses Jennison ... 85 Moses Jennison. Joseph Colburn ... 82 William Colburn. Azuba Jones ... 80 Ephraim Brown. WESTFOED. Josiah Parks ... 84 Josiah Parks. Joan Chandler . . - 85 William Chandler. Amos Baker ... 84 James Baker. Abigail Wight 79 Caleb Wight. Eunice Parks ... 77 Jonas Parks. Mary Perry ... Elihu Reed 86 75 \ Gilbert Farmer. ACTON. Abijah Reed 86 Samuel Farwell. Daniel White ... 80 Daniel White. Isaac Duraut ... 83 Ebeuezer Blood. Abel Proctor 86 Lucy Hendley. Huldah Robbins . 75 Jedediah Robbins. Thomas Thorp - 84 . Thomas Thorp. John Oliver ... 92 John Oliver. CHEWISKORD. Charles Heudley - - 77 Charles Hendley. Josiah Fletcher 81 Josiah Fletcher. Nathaniel Johnson 78 Rufus Tenney. Samuel Davis 75 Samuel Davis. Hannah Leighton - 94 Harriet Davis. Samuel Brown ... 75 Samuel Brown. Samuel Hosmcr - - - 79 Samuel Hosmer. Samuel Parkhurst - 81 Samuel Parkhurst. Peter Wright 80 Nathan Wright. Levi Proctor ... 73 Levi Proctor. John Crosby ... 80 John Crosby. CONCORD. Hezekiah Thorndike 86 Hezekiah Thorndike. Isaac Hnrd 84 Isaac Hurd. William Adams - 78 William Adams. Abel Davis 83 Abel Davis. Martha Merrill 68 Charles A. Frost. Daniel Wood 79 James Wood. Amy Wibber 89 Hugh Pettingill. Polly Pierce . . - Rachel Dimn 83 NEWTON. 80 Nicholas Thwing . . - 82 William Park. George Stearns 80 Samuel Hyde. TBWKSBURT. Samuel Trowbridge 83 Samuel Trowbridge. Noah Hunt ... 77 Noah Hunt. Ebenczcr Brown . . - 82 Ebenezer Brown. Joel Shed .... HI Joel Shed. Catharine Hvdc - 76 Catharine Hyde. Joseph Foster 80 Moses Foster. Mehitable Seger - ■82 William Hall. Russell Mcars 71 Joseph Parkhurst. Solomon Richards 89 Solomon Richards. Esther Baldwin 82 William Baldwin. Zibeon Hooker . . . 89 Ezra Nichols. John Danforth 83 Jonathan B. Averell. BOXBOBOUGII. TrNGBBOROUGH. Peter Wheeler 76 Peter Wheeler. Elizabeth Flint 80 Charles Flint. Hannah Jaques ... - Daniel Jaques. BRICHTON. William Blodtjett - - William Blodgett. Patience Wood - 81 William Fletcher. Eleazer FarwcU - 81 Eleazer Farwell. WALTILIM. CARLISLE. Rebecca Dole 77 Almira Wyman. Amos Russell 93 Thomas Heald, jr. Nathaniel Hagg . 78 Samuel Byan. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. 41 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. MIDDLESEX— Continued. FBAMINGHAM. Thomas Nixon Ezekiel Howe Mary Trowbridge - Jacob Belcher Nathan Kendall - Luiher Eitou Uriah Rice Phineas Rice Hannah Belcher - Ebenezer Eaton Joel Coolidge Betsey Davis Betsey Fisk Sally Greenwood - Nathan Knowlton - Abel Benson MARLBOROBGH. William Gates Micali Balcom Betty Brigham James Dalrymple - Sarah Whitcomb - Sarah Thompson - "William Goodell - Isaac Brown Mary Williams STOW. Patty Rogers Ruth Stow - Abraham Whitcomb Ezra Mosman Elizabeth Conant - Mary Tower Zaccheus Robinson Sarah Brown SHERBURN. William Clark - Daniel Coolidge - Asa Clark - - - Sally Holbrook HOPKINTON. Abial Watkins John Bowker Lois Walker Sarah McFarland - Samuel Goddard - Benjamin Pond Abigail Greenwood Hannah Phipps Joseph Walker Elizabeth Pratt HOI.LISTON. Timothy Lelaud - John Fairbanks Isaac How Rebecca Hill - - - Anna New NATICK. Abigail Sawin Phebe Goodnow - Benoni Muzzy Abel Perry Lucy Rice . - - Ebenezer Bacon ESSEX COUNTY. ANDOVER. Benjamin Carlton - Eleanor Johnson - Tabitha Gray Joshua Johnson Isaac Giddlngs Hannali Berry Samuel Gunnison - Dudley Woodbridge Lucy Frye 6 Ages. 78 84 85 79 83 78 83 78 83 90 81 81 81 78 80 74 78 82 C9 83 80 78 83 80 76 75 78 82 78 82 72 75 77 87 87 76 84 86 78 83 91 81 82 78 77 79 74 81 82 86 79 79 79 78 83 79 57 84 92 75 84 85 71 53 80 84 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Thomas Nixon. Ezekiel Howe. Charles Trowbridge. Jacob Belcher. Nathan Kendall. Luther Eaton. Uriah Rice. Phineas Rice. Hannah Belcher. Ebenezer Eaton. Joel Coolidge. Timothy Davis. Joseph Ballard. Abel Greenwood. Nathan Knowlton. Abel Benson. William Gates. Joseph Balcom. Betty Brigham. James Dalrymple. Lucien B. Drury. Curtis Searles. David Goodell. Charles Miles. Mary Williams. Samuel Rogers. Ruth Stow. Abraham Whitcomb. Ezra Mosman. Artemas Conant. Charles Tower. Zaccheus Robinson. Calvin Taylor. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Sarah Carlton. John Johnson. William Styles. Joshua Johnson. Isaac Giddings. Hannah Berry. Samuel Gunnison. Dudley Woodbridge. Job T: Cole. ESSEX— Continued. Andover — Continued. Joseph ShaUuck - Lucy Bailey Dorcas Ames Rachel Furbush - Abigail Stickney - METHUEN. Hannah Barker Isaac Austin John Richardson - ,Amos Morse lohn Gage - Joshua Swan Jonathan Howe Abial Heath Abijah Cross Benjamin Kiiubail HAVERHILL. James Walker David How Daniel Bradbury - James Simpson Daniel Silver Daniel Clough BRADFORD. Silas Noyes Day Mitchel - . - Lydia Chase Mehitable Burbank Timothy Phillips - WEST NEWBURY. Nehemiah FoUansbee Ebenezer Hossum - Sarah FoUansbee - GLOUCESTER. Sally Ellery John Lowe Zachariah Stevens William Haskell - William DoUiver - James Millet Nathaniel Warner Miriam Akins Nathaniel Tucker - Lucy Davis Andrew Mauison - Patience Fears Moses Lufkin Molly Parsons Elizabeth Elwell - Dolly Adams Solomon Rowe -. ,- Susan Davis Isaac Dennison Caleb Lane Fanny Dade Jonathan Robinson Ruth Burnhaiu Eunice Hodgkins - Anna Poland Jerusha Rust Joanna Andrews - Benjamin Webber - NEWBURY. Nehemiah FoUansbee Aaron Rogers Moses Cheeney Moses Short Moses Davis Parker Jaques William Custis - Farnham Howe - Daniel Flanders - Silas Pearson Daniel Adams, jr. - Molly Dole Sarah FoUansbee - Ages. 82 73 91 75 82 84 84 88 77 83 85 85 75 82 79 90 84 77 83 77 77 76 80 85 95 81 81 76 76 75 80 75 79 81 85 79 86 79 76 56 91 83 79 86 85 86 84 78 81 74 80 73 81 86 83 96 86 81 78 80 80 88 86 79 77 80 83 80 78 78 Names of heads of famiUes with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Joseph Shattuck. James Bailey. Simeon Ames. Rachel Furbush. WilUam Stickney. Mrs. Buck. Frye Austin. Ben. Richardson. Amos Morse, 3d. John Gage. Joshua Swan. Jonathan Howe. Enoch Marshall. Abijah Cross, jr. Benjamin Kimball. James Walker. David How. Daniel Bradbury. James Simpson. Daniel Silver. Daniel Clough. Almshouse. Day Mitchel. Uriah Hopkinson. J. W. Reed. Timothy PhUUps. Nehemiah FoUansbee. aenezer Hossum. Enoch FoUansbee. WilUam EUery. John Lowe. Zachariah Stevens. Charles Haskell, jr. William DoUiver. James MiUet. James Millet. WUliam Blackford. Nathaniel Tucker. Lucy Somes. Andrew Maltison. Patience Fears. Moses Lufkin. Molly Parsons. Joseph W. HiUier. Nehemiah Adams. Richard Edgar. Experience Tucker. Isaac Dennison. Caleb Lane. William Dade. Jonathan Robinson. Andrew Burnham. Eunice Hodgkins. Enoch Bray. Jerusha Rust. Joanna Andrews. Benjamin Webber. 4^ CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families I Names of pensioners for revolu Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. ■Willi whom pensioners re- sided Jime 1, ISIO. lionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. ESSEX— Continued. ESSEX— Continued. Newbdry — Continued. AMESBCRY. Lydia Woodwell - - - Lvdia Chase . . - 80 Betty Hovt 83 William Ho\-t. 87 Jeriisha Clark 81 Lucius W. Clark. Ann Harris . _ - 80 John Pressv 83 John Pressy. Sarah Hanson - . - 77 Elizabeth Morrill - 77 Thomas J. Pratt. Elizabeth Woodman 86 Hannah Lunt 82 SALISBtTRT. Elizabeth Knight - 76 Elizabeth Knight. William Morrill - 80 William Morrill. NEWBORyPOBT. Rhoda Greelv 81 Rhoda Greely. James Bradbury - Jeremiah Blanchard Samuel Pilsbury - 79 78 78 Robert Fowler Abigail Nye Edward Dorr 80 86 81 Robert Fowler. Abigail Clark. Edward Dorr. William Tappan - Jonathan Gage . - - 80 80 Polly Crocker Moses Collins - . - 79 83 James Crocker. Moses Collins. Jonathan Kettell - John Riitheilbrd - - - Abraham Wheelwright - Benjamin Gould - - - Moses Somerby . - - 79 79 83 89 80 Joseph Stevens . . - Mary Carr . . - Moses Pike . . - Jonathan Stockman 83 81 89 78 Joseph Stevens. John Hinkson. Moses Pike. Jonathan Stockman. Samuel Emerson - - - 82 Philip Bagley Moses Davenport . . - Abraham Dodge - - - Ann Levering . - - 84 84 HAMILTON'. Stephen Brown James Brown . - - 82 87 Stephen Brown. James Broivn. 75 81 Joseph Patch 75 Joseph Patch. Olive Folsoin - . - Mani- Beck 77 82 IPSWICH. Thomas Kimball - . - 79 Thomas Kimball. Martha Bragdon . - - Sarah Murray . . - Sarah Pearson Mercv Richards - Ellen'Clark Hannah Daris Hannah Dowell - - - Catharine Cofiin - . - Lvdia Brag Sarah Hills Sarah Tucker Mehitable Cutter - Ednah Haskell Rebecca Rogers - - - Patience Silloway - 71 87 87 82 90 85 84 83 86 76 76 78 80 77 77 Susan S Farlev - - - 70 Susan S. Farley. Samuel Lancaster - 83 Samuel Lancaster. James Fuller 81 James Fuller. Nathaniel Herd . . - 76 James Peat field. AVilliam F. Andrews Daniel Ross William Kin.sman John Bumham ... 78 83 86 85 William F. Andrews. Daniel Ross. William Kinsman. John Bumham. Jeremiah Ross . . . 85 Thomas Foster. John H. Boardman 87 Aaron Cogswell, jr. Susanna Treadwell Henry Russell . - - Thomas Spiller . - - Abraham Perkins ... Thomas Ross ... 93 82 83 93 85 Susanna Treadwell. Henry Russell. Thotaas Spiller. Abraham Perkins. Thomas Ross. Daniel Smith 85 Daniel Smith. BOXroRD. Nathaniel Fuller - 80 Nathaniel Fuller. Eleanor Hall 77 Samuel Hall. John Clement . . . 51 Ira Worcester. Enos Runnels 83 Enos Rtmnels. Mary Staniford . - •- 82 Mary Staniford. Sarah Peab.xlv ... 86 Benjamin Peabody. f Simeon Cole ' - - - 78 Simeon Cole. BEVERLY. Samuel Carleton - 89 Samuel Carleton. Thomas Barrett - 81 Thomas Barrett. Rebecca Russell - - . 77 Peabody Russell. Samuel Cole . - . 88 Samuel Cole. Olivia Biiby ... 85 Solomon Perley. Rebecca-Butmau - - - 69 Rebecca Butman. Josiah Woodbury - . - 86 Josiah Woodbury. Isaac Smith 80 Isaac Smith. Ebenezer Ray ... 81 Ebenezer Ray. GEORGETOWN. Mark Morse ... 82 Mark Morse. John Flits - - - - 76 David Mighill. Rachel Lakeman - 85 Rachel L.akeman. Abigail Poor ... Nathaniel Burpee 88 Daniel Palmer. Mar)- Porter 85 Marv Potter. 79 Almshouse. Nathaniel Friend - . - 76 Nathaniel Friend. Benjamin Woodberry 82 Benjamin Woodberrv. ROWLEY. Judith Pickett 84 Judith Pickett. Sarah Hobson 85 Sarah Lambert. Anna Nash 85 Anna Nash. Susanna Dresser . - - 88 Benjamin Dresser. Marv Brown 76 Marv Brown. Mehitable Scott - 77 James T. Scott. 1 Hale Hilton 80 Hale Hilton. Elizabeth Clark - 73 Elizabeth Clark. John Annable ... •80 John A. Bancr. Aimes Spiller ... 76 Annes Spiller. Thomas Dodge 77 Almshouse. Caleb Jackson ... 86 Caleb Jackson. LYNNPIELD. TOPSriELD. Ebenezer Parsons - . - 79 Ebenezer Parsons. Elijah Cummiugs ... i $ Elijah Cummings. Daniel Needham - 79 Daniel Needham. Abigail Perkins ... 80 David Perkins. Lydia Peabody ... 75 Joel R. Peabodv. SAtJGCS. Joshua Town 85 Ebenezer Town. Abijah Cheever - 81 Abijah Cheever. Benjamin Pike 86 Benjamin Pike. Sarah Carleton . . - 91 Isaac Carleton. Timothy Ross ... 89 Hezekiah B. Perkins. ' Lydia Danforth 77 Lydia Danforth. Samuel'Flood 78 John G. Flood. JUDD1.ET0N. ■ ESSEX. Sarah Wilk-ins - 90 Sarah Thomas. Miriam Choate 68 David Choale. William Andrews 81 William Andrews. DANVERS. Abigail Butler 79 Abigail Builer. ! Benjamin Fuller - 65 John Edmonds. Aaron Low 85 Warren Low. Lemuel Horton 80 John Edmonds. Susan Foster ... 74 Eli Sheldcn. Etiward Shehane - Benjamin Bumham 85 Benjamin Bumham. , Nancy Harwood - - • 74 Nancv Harwood. Sarah Bumham . 79 Sarah Burnbam. 1 Aula' Larrabee 85 Sarali Larrabee. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. 43 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- , tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- ' sided June 1, 1840. sided June 1, laio. ESSEX— Continued. ESSEX— Continued. Danvers— Continued. City of Salem— Continued. Gideon Foster . - - 91 Gideon Foster. Joseph Thompson - - . 84 J. Thompson. Aaron Porter . - - 83 Aaron Porter. William Mugford 77 W. Mugford. William Flint 80 William Flint. Jesse Smith . . . 83 Jesse Smith. John Josselynn - - - 79 James Goodale. Edward Brown 84 George F. Brown. Elizabeth Waitt - 7S Samuel Waitt. Stephen Wood 93 E. Low. Richard Elliot 78 Richard Elliot. Jonathan Edwards - 55 J. Edwards. Elizabeth Ross 82 Elizabeth Rust. John Hentiek'. 84 J. Towns. Francis Peabody - 80 E. B. Wilkins. LVNN. ROCKPORT. Polly Berry 69 Rachel Tapley. Joshua Golt 86 Joshua Gott, jr. Sarah Ireson 82 Samuel J. Ireson. Annis Tarr 78 Annis Tarr. Ann Lye - . _ - 73 Ann Lye. Jabez Tarr 81 Jabez Tarr. Mary Ann Holmes 49 Mary Ann Holmes. Isaac Rowe 86 David Brewer. James Newhall - - - 83 James Newhall. Martha Abbot . - - 77 Martha Abbot. Abigail Tarbox - ' - 87 John Coaies. Joshua Clark 84 Peter Clark. Hannah Bruce - . - 77 Hatmah Bruce. Betsey Rovve ... 78 Samuel Parker. Eliza Simonds 49 Eliza Simonds. James Story ... 77 James Story. Eliza Organ . . - 75 Edmund Waite. Mary Mansfield - 76 Mary Mansfield. MANCHESTER. Rebecca Batts 84 William Newhall. Isaac Allen 83 Isaac Allen. James Mullen 79 Henry B. Mullen. Isaac Lee - - - - 79 Isaac Lee. Sarah Newhall 74 Sarah Newhall. John West - - - - 92 Nehemiah Goldsmith. Ainos Blanchard - 74 Amos Blanchard. Nathaniel Allen - 81 Luther Allen. Israel Wing 88 Henry Benton. Elizabeth Norwood 86 Elizabeth Norwood. William Laskey - 78 Peter Parks. Jane Burges . - - 80 Jane Barges. Dinah Haymore ... 84 Rebecca Moulton. William Catham - 84 William Catham. Rebecca Higgins . - - Betty Low . . - 33 Rebecca Higgins. Anna Lendall 79 Thomas S. Blanchard. 54 George Jillson. Daniel Watts 74 Daniel Watts. MARBLEHEAD. William Wiggins - 77 William Wiggins. William Thompson 83 William Thompson. Mary Cash - - . - Peter Rix - - - - 92 60 George Ramsdell. Peter Rii. HAMPDEN COUNTY. Mary Curtiss . . - 84 Mary Curtiss. WESTFIELD. Mary Brown 75 Mary Brown. Abel Griswold 80 Abel Griswold. Stephen Twist . . - 75 Stephen Twist. Ephraim Slaughter 85 Sylvanus Slaughter. Ambrose Allen 79 Ambrose Allen. Hannah Noble . - - 98 Electar Norton. Mary Tretry 78 Mary Trcfry. Jane Caswell. Timothy Stebbins . - - 78 Timothy Stebbins. Jane NiUling ... 85 Samuel Reed . . - 82 Samuel'F. Reed. Hannah Bridges - 82 Richard Caswell. Simon Smith . . - 81 Daniel Smith. Richard Frost 71 Richard Frost. Patience Gay lord - 73 Patience Gaylord. John Union 56 Peter Union. Luther Atkins 82 Luther Atkins. Nancy Stacey . . - 86 Asa Hooper. Margaret Savage - Sarah Fnrniss . . - &i Margaret Savage. RUSSEL. 89 John Felton. Newman Bishop - 82 Newman Bishop. Hannah Hooker - 82 Hannah Hooker. Jacob Looiuis , . - 83 Jacob Loomis. Mrs. Cheever 75 Mrs. Cheever. Sarah Ru-sell - - - 78 Samuel Porter. Elizabeth CoUey - David aiiill 84 63 Edward Dixley. David auill. MONTGOMERY. George Gorham - 84 Russel Gorham. Lydia Grant 75 Thomas Nichelson. ■ Sarah Homan ... 92 Sarah Homan. SOUTHWICK. Mary Wells 75 Mary Wells. Joshua Goss. Elisha Parker 74 Elisha Parker. Elizabeth Devereux 83 Jonathan Hutchinson 87 Jonathan Hutchinson. Mrs. Homan . . - 80 John Homan. James Taylor - - . 82 James B. Taylor. Mary C. Harriss - 68 Hannah Harriss. Abigail Cowell 47 Abigail Cowell. CHESTER. 84 Deborah Linelsey - 71 Deborah Lindsey. Elijah Churchill - Sarah Roundey 88 Sarah Roundey. Mar}- Kelly 83 Samuel Cloutinan. BLANDFORD. Mary Stephens . - - 87 Polly Proctor. Anthony Sizer 87 Anthony Sizer. Samuel Green 67 Samuel Green, Hannah Caswell - - - 73 Sarah Knapp. WEST SFRinayiELD— Feeding Hills parish. Benjamin Copley - Stephen Bumphrey Phineas Leonard - Jeremiah Liswell - Samuel Bowden - 89 Samuel Bowden. Thomas Tindley - Tabitha Darby Hannah Gilbert John D. Hammond Hannah Hamson - 48 75 78 56 81 Thomas Tindley. > Almshouse. Nancy Butman. 78 87 89 42 Benjamin Copley. Stephen Bumphrey. Dwight Leonard. Thomas Liswell. Mary James ... 82 Samuel P. Basselt. Agawsom parish. A. S. Starkweather. Sally Williams - 83 Stephen Hathaway. Amy Clart 80 Jane Roundey . . . 73 Jane Roundey. Mary Porter Mabel Bowe 87 82 Harvey Porter. Asa Austin. Gad Warriner - - . 82 Gad Warriner. CITY OF SALEM. Jane Peabody 78 J. Peabody. John Egleston 84 John Egleston, jr. Moses Townsend - 82 M. Townsend. First pai-ish. Simeon Smith. Michael Marsh. Jesse Mclntire. Louisa Rogers. Roger Cooley. Noah Hobart 83 N. Hobart. Simeon Smith 86 ■'John Howard 85 J. Howard. Abigail Allen 83 Aaron Purbeck 84 A. Ptirbcck. Abigail Colton 78 W. Prossy 91 M. Saunders. Joseph Telt 81 Joseph Eveleth 84 J. Eveleth. Roger Cooley 79 41 CENSUS OF PENSIONEKS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. J^ames of pensioners for revolu- tionary or mililary services. HAMPDEN— Continued. WEST spRiNariEi.D — Ireland parish. David Wood Naomi Ludington - - - Judith Perkins - . . Jabez Edwards . - - Jube Elv - - - - Enoch Ely - Caleb Tultle Lydia Jones . . - Erastus Morgan - - . Joseph Ely - - - . LONG MEADOW — West parish. Freelove Chandler Stephen Keep - ' - Gains Bliss . . - Mary Parker - - Levi Crandall . - . Naomi Robinson - East parish. Anna Lathrop - . - Jacob Hills . . . James Stebbins Philip Butterfield - Lewis White . . - wiLBRAHAM — Norlh parish. Charles Cooley - . - David Shields . . . Joshua Wallbridge Isaac Lewis . . . Titus Amidon . . . Either Calkins - - . Wealthy Hancock South parish. Stephen Newell . . . Ephraim Chaffee - - - Elijah Button Olive Chaffee David Stebbins . . . TOLLAND. Jesse Hall - - . - Titus Hubbard William Moore Dolly Marshall Isaac Miller Cephas Mills GRANVILLE — East parish. Olive Buttles George Hubbard - Thomas Petlon Timothy Gibbons - West parish. Seth Parsons BRIMFIELD. Sevia Sivzer C. Ward - - - ■ Joseph Griggs Thomas Charles - David Nichols Lucy Lambert BalyBond - . - . William Jones HOLLAND. Maly Pike Eunice Sherman - LCDLOW. Timothy Jones - - Jonathan Rice Peninah GSoodell - Patience Pratt WALES. Sevia Thayer Josiab Eaton Caleb Edson James Walker 77 85 72 77 78 85 79 78 76 83 84 75 79 79 80 76 79 76 79 82 80 84 84 81 80 77 77 77 82 79 85 78 80 83 76 80 74 82 80 79 85 80 78 82 98 83 90 82 85 82 80 82 83 87 78 80 a? 79 81 84 85 87 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. David Wood. Jason Ludington. Edwin Perkins. Joseph Edwards. Jube Ely. Enoch Ely. Caleb Tuttle. Pliny Jones. Erastus Morgan. Joseph Ely. Dimond Chandler. Stephen Keep. Gains Bliss. Ira Parker. Levi Crandall. Naomi Robinson. Nathaniel Billings. Jacob Hills. Samuel Markham. F. M. Hamblet. Susan Ashlev. Luther B. Bliss. David Shields. Joshua Wallbridge. Isaac Lewis. Titus Amidon. Mary Calkins. Wealthy Hancock. John Newell. David Burt. Justus Bedortha. Daniel Chatfee. David Stebbins. Jesse Hall. Tilus Hubbard. William Moore. Dolly Marshall. Jesse Miller. Cephas Mills. R. & L Buttles. George Hubbard. Stephen Spelman, 2d. Lucius Gibbons. Seth Parsons. Sevia Sivzer. Christopher Ward. Orlando Griggs. Thomas Charles. David Nichols. Elijah Lambert. Harvey Russell. William J. Shennan. David B. Dean. Zebina Fletcher. Henry Graves. Alpheus Rice. Sarah Goodell. Patience Pratt. Alfred Nelson. Josiah Eaton. Nancy Miinger. James Walker Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. HAMPDEN-Continued. MONSON. Paiil Chapin . . - 85 Patty Pease. John Shaw . . . 85 John Shaw. Ruth Thayer 80 Alexander Maxfield. Isaac Jones 87 Charles B. Jones. Fanny Gales . . - 77 Henry Gates. Stephen W. Warner 80 Stephen Warner. Joseph Peck 83 Solomon L. Peck. Anna Harvey . . - 86 Stephen Nichols. Sarah Munn . . - 80 Calvin Munn. Ezra Tucker 90 Joel Tucker. Ezra Tupper Daniel Mister - . - 78 85 E. Tupper. Azariah Butler. PALMER. Jonathan Hunt , . - 80 Jonathan Hunt. Naomi Strickland - - - 78 Warner C. Lemon. Alice Perry 70 John Perry. Huldah Ball 79 Huldah Ball. Samuel Taylor 79 Samuel Taylor. Eleanor McClintock 85 Tryphena McClintock. SPRINGFIELD. Elsea Loomis . - - 73 Elsea Loomis. BuUer Thayer 70 Carlton Thayer. Jonathan Smith - - - 79 Benjamin Walcot. Francis Bliss 47 Francis Bliss. Thaddeus Ferry - - - 80 Roswell Clements. Catharine Allen - 80 Calvin Hunter. Desire Bangs ... 79 Oliver Shattuck. Caleb Stacey ... 79 Caleb Siacey. Simson Pomeroy ... 86 Simson Pomeroy. Hannah Taylor - 85 Wid. Julius Dart. Susanna Richmond 79 • Zirari Riuhmond. John Stevenson ... 82 John Stevenson. Levi Dart .... 76 Levi Dart. John S. Edwards - 76 John S. Edwards. Dorcas Whitley . . - 77 Dorcas Whitley. Penellcr Cooley . - . 82 Abner Cooley. George Blake 82 George B'ake. Hannah Stevens - 90 Jonathan Blake. Reuben Burt 80 Reuben Burt, jr. Amos Skeele 92 Amos Skeele. Mehitable Griswold 84 Mehitable Griswold. SUFFOLK COUNTY. cin- OF BOSTON — 1st ward. John Fillebrown - 84 Lewis Snii'h. Nathaniel Emmes ... 80 Nathaniel Emmes. 1 Martin Loyd 78 Hezekiel Putnam. Joseph F. Ferdand 87 John F. Conant. Michael Orcutt ... 84 Thomas Loring. Judith Clark 79 Judith Clnrk. John Sholes 78 Edward C'arnes. Elizabeth McMillion ■ - 81 Jonathan Gushing. Elizabeth Cunill - 69 Daniel Conant. Mary Bradford 86 Samuel Ji nes. 2(i ward. Sarah Gray 80 Michael Anderson. Elizabeth Slockwell 77 Robert Hedge. John Stevens ... 82 John Jewell. Zd ward. Hannah Lilly 83 John Lillv. Sarah Baldwin 70 William French. James Cussell 84 Edmund D. Cussell. Lydia Beals ... 78 Lvdia Be:ils. Sally Annis 72 William Annis. Rachel Peabody - 72 Rachel Pt-jbody. Alh ward. Ruth Arnold 82 Ruth Arnold. Oliver Johonnet . 80 Oliver Johonnet. Abigail Sclman ... 87 Eleazer Johnson. 5/A ward. Jonas Welch 86 James Rii!?way. Richard Caswell - 83 Lewis Himhman. Sarah Ramsden 99 Reuben R.imsden. Elizabeth Smaledge 84 Stephen IV Salmon. William Jemeson - 81 William .'cmeson. Lucy Stodder 82 Su.'san Fisk. Priscilla Darling - 7(i Mary Lemuir - 76 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. 45 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. SUFFOLK— Continued. SUFFOLK— Continued. Boston— Continued. Boston — Continued. 6th vmrd. 12th ward — Continued. Elizabeth Adams - ' - 73 Ralph Smith. Nathaniel Hayden 78 Nathaniel Hayden. Elias Cotton 84 Elias Cotton. Hannah Kent ... 65 Catharine Gibbs . . - 73 James C. Wild. Hannah Allen ... 69 Samuel Allen. Sarah H. Haywood 70 Sarah H. Haywood. James McFarlen - 40 James McFarlen. Ith ward. Susanna Parker ... 77 Susanna Parker. Sarah Neagles . . - 71 George Gibson. Elizabeth Hayden - . . 75 Jonathan Dunbar. Sarah Romans 68 John Homans. Catharine Johnson 50 Cartharine Johnson. 8lh ward. George Bender ... 89 David Hill. Samiiel Dow ... 87 William B. Harding. 9^/i and \Qlh wards. William Mills 76 William Mills. None. Lucy Wells 74 Eleazer M. P. Wells. Wik ward. Mary Johnson 74 James B. Johnson. CHELSEA , Susanna Green ' - 81 Susanna Green. Margaret Kilton - - . 79 John KiUon. Persis Thajxr ... Mary Pratt Caleb Pratt 63 Zachariah Hall, jr. Mary Pratt. Caleb Pratt. Ann Hancock - - . Elizabeth Spear 79 80 Henry K. Hancock. Elizabeth Spear. 83 77 Zachariah Rhodes 85 Zachariah Rhodes. Rebecca Copeland 83 Joseph Copeland. iith ward. NANTUCKET COUNTY. .James Bradford 63 NANTUCKET,, Jemima Burnham - 84 John Wilber -itv - 78 John Wilber. STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary v\ military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionaiy or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. PROVIDENCE COUNTY. PROVIDENCE— Continued. CITY OF niOVlDENCE — \st Ward. CiTV OF Providence — Continued. Mary Dag.^ptt 84 Mary Daggett. 4th ward — Continued. Sarah Ohiii" 84 Mary J. Carr. Sarah Dyer 95 Sarah Dyer. Elisha Dillingham 75 Elisha Dillingham. Benjamin Eddy - - - 26 Benjamin Eddy. Thomas Luther - 87 Josias L. Luther. Elizabeth Slociim - .85 Ruth Spink. Susanna P.iadford - 80 Susanna Bradford. Pardon Mason . - - 81 Pardon Mason. Lewis Hill 49 Lewis Hill. Thomas Coles . . - 87 Thomas Coles. Jabez Allen ... '78 Mary Montgomery. Benjamin Peck - . - 70 Benjamin Peck. •2d ward. Sarah Earned - . - - 72 Sarah Earned. William Harding - 80 William Harding. bth u-ard. Mary Vaughan 84 Ably Vaughan. Charles Lippitt ... 86 Charles Lippitt. Rhoda Barton - - 88 Rhoda Barton. Martha Fales - - 77 Betsey Paine. William Wilkinson 79 William Wilkinson. Barnard Eddy - - - 77 Barnard Eddy. Mary Spelman 85 Robert Perkegs. Elizabeth Raitson - - - 75 Joseph Rauson. James Calder . . - 85 John Calder. Rosamond Brown - 79 John Humphrey, Hannah Wilbour . - . 82 Hannah Wilbour. Samuel Currie 79 Samuel Currie. Samitel McClanan 80 Samuel McClanan. Sarah Westcott 87 Sarah Westcott. Daniel Dexter ... 82 Stanton Thurber. Elizabeth Hull 80 Jacob C. Gould. Hannah Robinson - - - 78 Marv Lovell. Phebe Gladding - 77 John Gladding. Rhoda Newcomb - - - 49 Rhoda Newcomb. Zipporah Field - - - Nathan B. Leonard 77 Zipporah Field. Luther Buffington. Grace Man _ _ . 66 Grace Man. 78 Fenna Angell 83 Fenna Angell. Elizabeth Dawley - 83 Welthon Dawley. Andrew Burnett ... 69 Andrew Burnett. Thankful Clarke - 83 Pardon Clarke. 3rf ward. Ruth Oswell 73 Hezekiah Willard. Benjamin Pledges - . - 87 Peter Langley. Aaron Turner - - 82 Patience T. Battey. Elias D. Trafton - 73 Elias D. Trafton. &th ward. Elizabeth Page . . - 84 William Aplin. Sabia Walcott 73 Isaac Field, 2d. Simeon Ingraham - 91 Simeon Ingraham. Tabitha Smith 84 Tabitha Smith. Samuel Eihforth ... 85 Samuel Ethforlh. Daniel Pettey 83 Enos R. Weeden. John Rowland - . - 82 John Rowland. Lydia Fenner 73 Cornelius G. Fenner. Elizabeth Rogers - 4th ward. 80 Frances R. Arnold. Sarah Smith Peleg Hull 85 85 Sarah Smith. Peleg Hull. Mary Cranston - - - Mary Hoppin Ephraim Bowen - . - 85 William B. Cranston. Mary Low 85 Mary Low. 88 87 Roval Farnum. Ephraim Bowen. Penelope Williams Hejjji^hitman - 75 76 Sheldon Battev. Benjamin R. Whitman. John Perrin - - - 87 John Perrin. Ma^^weet 84 Mary Sweet. Thomas Philburk - 80 Henry Cushing. BetS|Br''iUiams - 76 Benajah Williams. Susanna Weld 79 Susanna Weld. Sarah Collins ... 68 Welcome Collins. NORTH PROVIDENCE. Benjamin Burrell. Esther Stone . . - 78 Ethan Stone. Benjamin Burrell - 81 Reuben Wright (naval service) - Susanna Anthony - 53 85 Reuben Wright. Burringlon Anthony. Huldah Swetland - Lois Marsh - - - 84 89 75 ., 93 Huldah Swetland. Jefferson Inmorn. Lucy Field. Charles Ripley. Huldat Mahony - Calvin Tower ... 84 42 Horace Capson. Calvin Tower. Lucy Field Calvin Ripley 46 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. RHODE ISLAND— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. ■with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. PROVIDENCE— Continued. PROVlbENCE— Continued. North Providence — Continued. SciTUATE — Continued. John Moni!?omery - 81 John Montgomery. William Battey 80 William Baltey. Elizabeth Gresiory - - - 91 Joseph SmUh. Nabby Manchester 74 Neheraiah Manchester. Dorcas Sherman - - - 77 Dorcas Sherman. Stephen Young ... 82 Stephen Young. Sarah Hawkins . - - 80 Sarah Hawkins. Comfort Knight ... 80 John Graves. Stephen Randall - 79 Stephen Randall. Sarah Baker 81 Sarah Baker. Leonard Williams 81 Leonard Williams. John Vaughan 86 Eharer Phillips. Waile Brown - . - 87 Jason Young. rtJMBERLAND. SMITHFIELD. Hannah Tower . - . 93 Elijah Brown. Jane Vose - - - - 79 Mary Eddy. Noah Ballow 89 Noah Ballow. Jemima Tucker - - - 93 Nancy Tucker. Noah Butterworth - . - 79 Susan Bullock. Abial Tripp 77 Abial' Tripp. Nathaniel Cook ... " 92 Nathaniel Cook. Jesse Carrol ... /' Jesse Carrol. Stephen Chace 81 Stephen Chace. Marv Morse - . . 80 Ellis Tompson. Joseph Capron ... 89 Elisha Capron. David Calwell 85 Willard Calwell. John S. Dexter 86 John S. Dexter. Noah Grossman . . - 86 Alpheus Grossman. Jerusha Darling ... 83 Jerusha Dai ling. Joel Aldrich . - - 83 Joel Aldrich. William Follett - 82 William Follett. Abigail Savles . - . 82 Olnev Mowry. Amey Fisk 79 Amey Fisk. Zeloles Tyler 80 David S. Standley. Lepha Haskill ... 72 Lepba Haskill. Delia Sprague - - - m Daniel P. Sprague. Darius Hawkins - - - 81 Rufus Hawkins. Elienezer Balcome 48 Ebenezer Balcome. Oliver Harris ... 81 Oliver Harris. Tampson Tripp . - - 73 Tampson Tripp. _ Abigail Havens . . - 75 Lovett Havens. Israel Arnold - . - 85 Israel Arnold. Levi Lee - - - - 81 Levi Lee. Mary Mclntire 84 Mary Jencks. Jonathan Peck ... 80 Jonathan Peck. Lois Baker . . - 79 Benjamin F. Holley. William Rude 88 William Rude. Smith Savles 81 Smith Sayles. Amey Scott 84 Olney Scott. Rose Savles ... 78 Rose Sayles. Mary Sawyer ... 81 Mary Sawyer. Jeremiah Mowry - 78 Jeremiah Mowrj-. Ann Wilkinson - 91 James Thompson. Daniel Wilbour - . - 79 Daniel Wilbour. Jeremiah Vose 74 Jeremiah Vose. Jonathan Muwry ... 78 Benjamin Gushing. Leah Weatherhead 81 Daniel Weatherhead. ' Susanna Mowry - 7G Susanna Mowry. Samuel Haskill ... 85 Whipple Weatherhead. Oliver Smith 83 Oliver Smith. Sylvia Whipple - 81 Sylvia Whipple. Salsbury Freeman 80 Salsburv Freeman. Elizabeth Grant 74 Eliab Whipple. Nathan Whipple. Bettv Matihewson ... 86 Lewis Follett. Lavina Whipple - - - 84 Elijah Smith 80 Simon Smith. Amaziah Weatherhead - 82 Joseph Whipple. Benjamin Evans ... 77 Benjamin Evans. Jedediah Jencks - - . 79 Welcome Whipple. Phebe Mann ... 93 Anna Mann. Priscilla Faxon ... 75 Horatio Siockbridge. Olive Aldrich 88 Welcome Aldrich. Mary Howard ... 84 Ichabod Howard. Haimah Gross - . - 83 Stephen Gro.-ss. S:ephen Hawkins ... 86 Hannah Taylor. CRANSTON. Lacretia Whitman 84 Lucinda Butler. Esek Dyer - - - - 82 Esek Dyer. Nathaniel Arnold - 77 John Waiscoit. Richard Fenner - . - 87 Welcome Fenner. Simon Paiue ... 78 Amey Burlingame. Elisha Arnold ... 76 Eli.sha Arnold. John Arnold 76 John Arnold. SCITCATE. • Simeon Smith . . - 95 Remington Smith. Joseph Carpenter - 84 Joseph Carperiler. Reuben Smith ... 80 Reuben Smith. Waity Luther 81 Zadoc Luther. Esther Waterman - 79 Henn' Waterman. Abigail Jencks ... &t Abigail Jencks. Sarah Greene ... 83 Caleb Williams. Thomas Smith ... 79 Joshua Smith. Mary Ramsey ... 89 Anstress Waterman. Hannah Hill 89 Thomas Hill. Abigail Mathewson 82 Mar>' G. Poller. Priscilla Davi-; 77 Stephen R. Davis. Marv Calvin 89 Caleb Calvin. Sarah Waiker ... 83 Jarvis Eddv. Mary Westcott 80 Niles Westcott. Sarah Randall ... 69 Sarah Randall. Jona'than Knight - 80 Sheldon Knight. Job Taylor 78 Richard Olny. / Josiah Westcott. ' James Hill 87 James A. Hill. Marcy Pakham - - - 87 Pardon Burlingame 84 Pardon Burlingame. Ezeki'el Bishop 78 Ezekiel Bishop. Thomas R. Westcott. Mary Braytou 86 Mar)- Braylon. Lydia Weslcott ... 82 Jonathan Smith ... 94 Jonathan Smith. jon.vsTON. Nicholas Thomas ... 84 Richard R. Thomas. James Olney 77 James Olney. Amey Salesbury - - Abel Salsbury. Jeremiah Manton - 77 Jeremiah Manton. Benjamin Boss 83 Benjamin Boss. Catharine Manton 79 Catharine Manton. Stephen Harris 81 Russell Harris. Esther Waterman - 85 Re.solved Waterman, 2d. Samuel Kcmball - - . 78 Robert S. W. Hopkins. John Alverson as John Alverson. Ruth Staples 79 Simon Staples. Ell ward Waterman 82 Edward Waterman. Lydia Cole ... 80 Lydia Cole. Russell Hall 81 Russell Hall. Reuben Stern 85 Reuben Stern. Roby Atwood 84 Job W. Fiske. UI.0CESTEB. Da\-id Burlingame 83 David Burlingame. Rachel Keech ... 89 Stephen Kee< h. Unldah Aldrich - 90 Huldah Aldrich. Samuel Winsor - 82 Haimah Winsor. Welthaii Hughes - 83 Welthan Hughes. Sipiire Williams - . . 88 Joshua Williams. Martha CoUvell ... 77 Uriah Colwcll. MollvWade 90 Oliver Wade. Abel Mowrv 82 Abel Mowrv. _^ Willard Wade - 83 Willard Wade. JohnW. Co..k 78 John W. C6ok. JM Jeremy Sweet ... 83 Jeremv Sweet. Stephen Weslcott - 77 Joshua Angell. ^^m Roby Wood 84 Luther Wood. Christopher Edwards 83 Otis Mathewson.^^^ Sarah Mann 93 Charles Wade. Mar)' Randall ... 78 Oliver Randall. Aaron Bardine 77 Horace Bardine. Israel Knight ... 79 Israel Knight. Nathaniel Sheldon 51 Nathaniel Sheldon. Samuel Henn-s 83 Samuel Henrj'.s. John Trask 81 John Trask. Elizabeth Colvin - &1 Moses Colvin. James Bowen 80 James Bowen. Kobv Collins ... 83 Richard Matteson. Jesse Armstrong - 80 Job Ann.strong. Rebecca Eldred - 78 Rebecca Eldred. Obed Seavcr 80 John Hawkins Sarah Ralph 77 Sarah Ralph. Eiek Brown 85 Esek Brown. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. RHODE ISLAND— Continued. 47 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or militaiy services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- ■ tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- / sided June 1, 1840. sided June 1, 1840. PROVIDENCE— Continued. NEWPORT— Continued. Gloce-ster — Continued. PORTSMODTH. Reuben Place 78 Reuben Place. Peleg Almy 79 Peleg Almy. Thankful Wilbour 84 Thankful Wilbour. Sophia Sisson . . - William Lawton - 93 Sophia Sisson. Elizabeth Mitchell 75 Joseph Mitchell. 85 William Lawton. Sarah Andrews 81 Sarah Andrews. Elizabeth Allen 84 Job Gray. Temperance Edwards 75 Temperance Edwards. George Sisson . . - 89 George Sisson. Simeon Bowen 83 Lyman Bowen. Giles Lake ... 88 Christopher Lake. Jemima Warner - - - 78 Jemima Warner. Samuel Cory 83 Samuel Cory. David Kelley 88 Abel Whitaker. Martha Medbury - 79 Samuel Steere. MmDLETOWN. Mary Sleere 77 Mary Steere. Elizabeth Taggart 73 Elizabeth Taggart. Sarah Daggett - - . 76 Seril M. Daggett. Thankful Smith - 79 Pardon Hunt. TIVERTON. Richard Durfee - 81 Richard Durfee. POSTER. Susanna Dring ... 72 Thomas Dring. Oliver Arnold 80 Oliver Arnold. Elizabeth Divelly . - - 78 Elizabeth Divelly. Patience Brayton - - . - 77 John Brayton. Isaac Negus 84 Isaac Negus. Mary Bennett - - - 82 Mary Bennett. Daniel Sherman - - - 82 Daniel Sherman. Mary Bennett . - - 83 Asher Bennett. Elihu Gilford 81 Elihu Gilford. Francis Brayton - 76 Francis Brayton. Mary Durfee 86 Mary Durfee. Dorothy Cole . - - 71 Dorothy Cole. Margaret Manchester 78 Abraham Manchester. Betsey Drown 81 Betsey Drown. Giles Manchester - - - 36 Giles Manchester. Obadiah Easton - - - 90 Obadiah Easton. William Sherman 87 William Sherman. Dorothy Howard - 82 Dorothy Howard. Thomas Remington 79 Thomas Remington. Elizabeth Wilkinson 90 Benjamin Hopkins. Knight Springer - - - 83 Knight Springer. Josiah Harrington 80 Josiah Harrington. William Albert - 78 William Albert. Peleg Hopkins 85 Peleg Hopkins. Borden Brayton - - - 80 Borden Brayton. Freelove Harrington 7-3 Freelove Harrington. Lydia Humphrej' - - - 78 Lydia Humphrey. James Howard . - - 81 James Howard. Thomas Wilcox - 81 Thomas Wilcox. Pernilepa Harrington 85 Peleg Harrington. David Lake 78 David Lake. Ezekiel Hopkins - - - 82 Ezekiel Hopkins. Nancy Taber 79 Peleg Wilcox. Peter Hopkins - - - 85 Peter Hopkins. Abraham Manchester 78 Abraham Manchester. Bethiah Morse - . - 84 Bethiah Morse. William Cook 84 William Cook. Marcy Stone ... 77 Barton Randall. Mary Wilcox - - - 70 Samuel Lake. Solomon Shipper - 92 Solomon Shipper, jr. Pardon Wilcox . - - 78 Pardon Wilcox. Mercy Taylor 77 Mercy Taylor. Phebe Manchester 96 John Grinnell. DrusiUa Tucker - 83 DrusiUa Tucker. John Carr - - 79 John Carr. Ephraim Williams Martha Cornell . . - 84 Ephraim Williams. Ichabod Simmons - - - 78 William Simmons. 87 Daniel Walker. Abner Simmons - ■ - 77 Abner Simmons. LITTLE COMPTON. BURRILLVILLE. Asa Shelldin Elisha Sayles John Williams . - - Lydia Mathewson - - - Rachel Lngee - - - Othenial Young - - - Olive Phillips Rose Bowen George Whipple - - - John Esleen Joanna Inmon - . - Martha Cook . - . 83 83 80 87 83 82 71 69 81 78 87 94 Asa Shelldin. Angell Sayles. John Williams. Jolm Mathewson. Joseph Emerson. Alpheus Young. Silas Mowry. Rose Bowen. George Whipple. John Esleen. Jeremiah Mowry. John Arnold. John Almy - - - Sandford Almy - - - George Brown Ruth Clapp - - - John Brown ... Phebe Brownell - Francis Wilbor - - - Stephen Brownell - - - Deborah Brojvnell Thomas Briggs - - - Sarah Briggs ... Gideon Church - - - Betsey Hunt 82 80 82 86 78 83 85 78 91 80 77 78 84 John Almy. Sandford Almy, jr. Humphrey Brown. Abner Brownell. John Brown. Phebe Brownell. Alfred Brownell. Stephen Brownell. James Brownell. Thomas Briggs. Job Briggs. Lydia Church. Betsey Hunt. Susanna Sisson - - - 66 William Jordan. NEWPORT COUNTY. Esther Manchester 78 Ephraim Manchester. NEWPORT, Ichabod Pearce 77 Ichabod Pearce. Martha Taber _ - - 96 Caleb S. Knights. Ruth Brownell 82 Israel Palmer. Thankful Briggs - Sarah Boss _ _ - 78 Gilbert Stanton. Emblem Palmer - .. - 91 Jonathan D. Palmer. 82 Sarah Boss. Brownell Stoddard 84 Perry Simmons. Rebecca Heath - - - 60 Rebecca Heath. Noah Shaw 82 Noah Shaw. Abigail Weaver - - - 77 Abigail Weaver. Benjamin Tompkins 81 Thomas G. Tompkins. Mary Tompkins. Mary Tompkins. Elizabeth Mays . . - 67 Elizabeth Mays. Mary Tompkins - 74 Samuel Buffam . - - 85 Gardiner Smith. Mary Tompkins - - - 85 Hannah Clarke Samuel Young - - - 75 82 Sally Clarke. Samuel Young. Samuel Wilbor John Springer - - - 81 80 Samuel Wilbor. Hezekiah Woodworth. Charles Wood. James Walden. Thomas White. Maltha Yeomans - - - 89 Martha Yeomans. Isaac Simmons - - - 75 Edith Holt - - - . - Asa Gates - - - - 87 84 Nathaniel Holt. Asa Gates. James Walden - - - Thomas White 79 79 Nicholson Ward - 80 Nicholson Ward. Jatnes Barker Elizabeth C. Perry Elizabeth M. Perry 60 49 20 James Barker. Elizabeth C. Perry. Arthur Ross. NEW SHOREtUM. Hannah Steadman Margaret Paine 75 75 JohnE. H. Champlin. Nathaniel B. Paine. Rebecca Alger - - - 81 Mary Richmond. Daniel Peckham . . - Sarah Smith 82 56 Daniel Peckham. Sarah Smith. JAMESTOWN. John Remington - 79 George Weeden. William Card Nathaniel Smith - - - 87 76 William Card. Nathaniel Smith. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Mary Dayton Henrietta Scott Sally Tifft - . - - Francis Anderson - Sarah Clarke 83 70 85 92 66 Mary Dayton. George E. Nason. Augustus Tilft. William Vars. 1 Russell J. Clarke. SOUTH KINGSTON. Samuel R. Potter - Ebenezer Smith Mary Gardner - - - William Willson - 83 84 84 1 79 Samuel R. Potter. John A. Smith. Mary Gardner. William Willson. 48 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. RHODE ISLAND— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or miliiary services. Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1*40. WASHINGTON— Continued. WASHINGTON-Continued. South Kingston — Conlinued. Thomas Billins;ton 83 William Hill. CHaBL£STOWN. Isaiah Burdich ... 79 Augustus Burdich. Sweel Bri<'<*s - - - 85 Job Briggs. Sarah Stanton ... 92 Lodowick Hoxsie. Stephen Greene - - - William C. Clarke 84 Stephen Greene. William C. Clarke. Ethan Crandall ... 82 Ethan Crandall. 83 Augustus J. Lewis 81 Joseph H. Lewis. Abi'^ail Gardner - - - 78 James A. Gardner. Margaret Anthony 69 Margaret Anthony. Joseph Champlin - - - Gideon Greeuman . - - 81 Frederick ChappeU. Thomas Chappell ... 84 Scranton Chappell. 88 Gideon Greenman. Martha Kenyon ... 78 Martha Kenyon. Enoch Lewis - - - 87 Enoch Lewis. Svlvesler WiUcox - - - 84 William P. Willeox. HOPKINTON. Rlarv Oailev - - - 75 Isaac J. Hopkins. Joseph Braman . . - 77 George W. Braman. David Knight - - - 84 Nathan Knight. James Stanbry ... 81 James Stanbry. Silas Gardner - - - 85 Cranston Gardner. Christopher Brown 84 Christopher Brown. Margaret Barber - - - 94 Moses Barber. Thomas Brightman 89 Thomas Brightman. Abigail Gardner - - - 94 William Sims. Adam B. Champlin 77 Adam B. Champlin. Marj' Smith . . - 86 Mary Smilb. Nathaniel HaU . 76 Nathaniel Hall. John Aldrich ... 81 Luke Aldrich. William Lunt - - - 95 William Lunt. RICHMOND. Timoihv Peckham 85 Timothy Peckham. Moses Clark 92 Moses Clark. Williarn Tourjee - - - 89 Williarii Tourjee. Silas Moore ... 80 Silas Moore. James Revnolds - - - 83 James Reynolds. JohnVallet 85 John Vallet. Gideon L'illibridge 86 Gideon L'illibridge. WUliam Kenyon ... 84 William Kenyon. WESTERLY. KENT COUNTY. John Cranston ... 87 John Cranston. Warwick. Rebecca Sims - . - 85 Maison Chase. Nathan Miller 88 Desire Govit 86 Benajah Govit. Joseph Arnold ... 84 Smith Murphy . - - 88 Smith Murphy. Anna Budlong 80 Paul Babcock ... 80 Paul Babcock', jr. Susanna Browning 81 Arnold Crumb ... 87 Coddinston Bliven. Caleb Arnold ... 86 Sarah Ray ... 83 Gideon Rav. PhebeLevally 78 Catharine" Edwards 83 Clarke Edwards. AnnaClapp ... Betsey Baker 94 Thomas Sissou ... 81 Lebeas Sisson. 88 Esther Greene ... 78 Charles K. Greene. Man,- Bennett ... 87 Jude Taylor 86 Jude Taylor. Phebe Gorton ... 87 Perry Brumbley ... 81 Perry Brumbley. Catharine Rhodes ... 86 Lois'Chapman ... 80 Lois Chapman. Mary Rhodes ... 85 James Crandal ... 77 James Crandal. Mary A. Budlong - 86 Mary Peckham ... 89 William York. j James Greene ... 83 Nathan Blivin ... 79 Nathan Blivin. Phebe Phillips 83 Clarke Hiscox 79 Clarke Hiscoi. Marj- Potter 82 Peleg Pukham 78 Peleg Pukham. Hannah Arnold ... 81 Martha Pearce ... 81 NORTH KINGSTON. Elizabeth Arnold ... 81 William Reynolds 87 William Reynolds. Matthew Price 80 Oliver Spint ... 85 Oliver Spink. Manha Potter 80 Robert Eldred 79 Robert Eldred. Remington Arnold 79 Elizabeth Reynolds 70 Emily Refolds. Remington Sherman 78 Ruth Whitehorne - 73 Annos Baker. James Rhodes ... 76 Hannah Sherman ... 86 Joshua C. Bakfr. Stephen Budlong - 78 « Man' Nichols ... 77 George M. Shaw. Dorcas Claiming ... 76 David Bissel 79 David Bissel. Waity Gardner 76 James Updike ... Elsey Babcock 78 James Updike. Festus L. Thompson 52 77 Elsey Babcock. Ruth Whipple 64 George Congdon . - - 80 George Consdon. Sarah Clarke 86 Sarah Clarke. COVE.NTRV. Sylvester Johnson - 84 Sylvester Johnson. Benjamin Greene - 80 Benjamin Greene. Joseph Corey 83 Joseph Corey. Mary Gorton ... 79 Mary Gorton. Elizabeth Reynolds 79 Ezra D. Davis. Orpah Staiford 87 Jared Stafford. Samuel Browning ... 86 Stephen Smith. Lucv Matteion 79 Henn- A. Matteson. Isaac Hall .... 79 Isaac Hall, jr. Olive Peck 82 Olive' Peck. Sarah Brown ... 85 Sarah Brown. Caleb Whitman ... 86 Cileb Whitman. Zebulon Northup ... 98 William Corev. James Capevill ... 84 James Capevill. Elizabeth Sweet . . - 67 Elizabeth Sweet. Betty Blanchard - 85 Oliver Greene. Peleg Card So Peleg Card. Abigail Brigas 83 Joseph Hart. StnkelyHiU 85 Stukely Hill. Reuben Potter 81 Charles Griffiths. Sylvester Northup 79 Sylvester Northup. . Marv Healy ... - Asahel Matteson. David Reynolds - David Reynolds. EXETTKR. George Andrews ... 86 'George Andrews. Anne Kinsley ... 73 Caleb Lawton. Abel Wickes 85 AbefWickes. Sarah Ann Gardner 75 Vamnm Gardner. Rhoda Maiteson - 87 Benjamin A. Matteson. Joshua Brown ... 83 Joshua Brown. Ezekiel Johnson - 80 Ezekiel Johnson. John Place 75 John Place. Jerusha Whaley ... 89 Raymond P. Goff. Sarah Bales 86 Sarah Bales. William Waterman 77 Joiiathan Whaley. William Greene ... 85 Christopher C. Greene. Robert Hames 84 William Harris. I«inderick Sherman 78 Clarke Sherman. Mary Nichols 78 Mary Nichols. Job Sherman 83 Job Sherman. John Hammond - 84 John Hammond. Daniel Sundcrlin ... 85 Daniel Sunderlin. Susanna Matteson - 89 Peleg Brown. RufiLs Sherman ... 82 Othanial Sherman. Stephen Maiteson - 81 Stephen Maiteson. Rufus Matteson. Deborah Whitman 70 Deborah Whitman. Phebe Maiteson 91 Ezekiel Ausiin ... 83 Ezekiel .■Vustin, jr. James Stafford 90 Daniel Tiffanv. Roger Sheldin ... 83 Roger Sheldin. Richard Arnold ... 78 Richard Arnold. Daniel Barber . 93 Daniel Barber. Dorcas Maneson - 93 Cory Matteson. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. RHODE ISLAND— Continued. 49 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. ■with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, l&iO. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. KENT— Continued. BRISTOL— Continued. CovE.NTRY— Continued. Bristol— Continued. Thomas Cruir 8G Thomas Gruff. Rachel Bourn ... 72 John Chadwick. Elias Young . . - 77 Hazard Champlin. Aaron Easterbrooks 89 Aaron Easterbrooks. Sarah Spencer . - - 83 Orrin Spencer. William Diman - . - 81 Calvin Simmons. Sarah Mitchell 87 John Wilcox. Elizabeth Dimond . . - 80 Fanny M. Jones. Elizabeth Knight - 90 Lawton Johnson. Catharine Lindsey- 88 Catharine Lindsey. Sarah Potter ... 82 Lourj' C. Potter. Susanna Smith ... 84 Mary Paine. ■" Jonathan Fales ... 89 Jona. Fales. EAST GBEEKWICH. Lydia Attwood . . - 78 Husey Bradford. Jonathan Andros - - - 78 Jonathan Andros. Tabitha Bosworth - 81 Ann Storrs. Oliver Wickes - ■ - 82 Oliver Wickes. Palmela Lindsey - 65 Palmela Lindsey. Daniel Updiiie - - . 79 Daniel Updilce. Betsey Smith 89 Palmela Lindsey. Eunice Miller ... 91 Waity Sweet. Phebe Smith 92 Phebe Smith. .Anna Wliitmash - - . 82 Mary Spencer. Mary Brown . . - 86 William Hoar. •^ Dute Weaver . . - 82 Thomas A. Howland. Benjamin Luther - 79 Sylvester Luther. Pelc? Wetlen 83 Pelee Weden. John D. Wolf 80 John D. Wolf. Benedict Remington 80 Benedict Remington. Elizabeth Slocum - 86 Samuel Reed. Benjamin Gardner - 84 Betsey Tanner. Jonathan Reynolds 77 Jonathan Reynolds. Wanton Casey ... 81 Wanton Casey. Bernard Haile ... 81 Stillman Welsh. James Miller 86 James Miller. Joseph Munro 79 Joseph Munro. Anthony Spencer - 78 Ezra Spencer. Lydia Bunn ... 74 Bosworth Munro. James Sweet - - - 87 James Sweet. Anthony Snell 78 Anthony Snell, jr. John Carpenter - - . 90 Colonel A. Carpenter. Anna Cole - - . - 83 Benjamin Greene. John Spencer ... 80 Richard Spencer. Thomas Church - 79 Thomas Church. Peleg Whitman - . - 78 Peleg Whitmzm. Greene Capron »2 Greene Capron. WARREN. Andrew Fry ... 77 Andrew Fry. Anna Cole . - - - 85 Samuel Luther, 2d. Jeremiah Place - . - 83 Jeremiah Place. Anna Short 84 James Short. Joseph Briggs ... 83 Joseph Briggs. Seth Cole - - . . Seaburv Sisson ... 84 75 Andrew Cole. Betsey Kelley. WEST GREEN'WICH. Elizabeth Cole 87 Elizabeth Cole. Job Whitford 84 Job Whitford. Ichabod Cole 91 Philip Short. Phebe James ... 72 Phebe James. Jesse Brown ... 80 Fracil W. Brown. Mary Bennet ... 84 Mary Bennet. Lydia Kinnectitt . - - 86 Oliver Johonnett. Mary Allen ... 95 Mary Allen. Frederick Luther . - - 78 Allen Luther. Nathan Straight - - - 85 Nathan Straight. Martin Luther . . - 75 Martin Luther. Joseph Bailey 84 Joseph Bailey. Olive Weaver ... 90 Robert Hall. BARRINGTON. Desiah Ellis ... 86 Desiah Ellis. Elizabeth Humphrey 78 Elizabeth Humphrey. Job Harrington ... 80 Job Harrington. Amy Bicknal - - - 77 Amy Bicknal. Abiah Watson 84 Abiah Watson. Griiidal Chase - - - 83 Grindal Chase. Elizabeth Martin - 85 Ambrose Martin. BRISTOL COUNTY. Anne Heath ... 95 Anne Heath. BRISTOL. Jonathan J. Drown 79 Jonathan J. Drown. Stephen Talbee - 85 Stephen Talbee, jr. Lucy Peck - - - - 67 Lucy Peck. STATE OF CONNECTICUT. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. HARTFORD COUNTY. CITY OF HARTFORD. Isaac Bliss . . . Amos Ransom . . . Elizabeth Seymour Susanna Dodd . - . Elizabeth Kilborn - - . Martha Sedgewick Isaac Spencer . . . Hepsebah Knowles Catharine Putnam - - . Abner Squires . . . Rebecca Wilcox . . . Joel Carter . . . Jonathan Olcott . . . Nathaniel Hooker - Oliver Clapp Jacob Sargent . . . Mary Kingsbury - . . Silas Fuller Sarah Wickham . HARTFORD CITY — Litidls cxcepted. Simon Wells Auiny Mix 7 Ages. 80 80 74 84 86 90 80 70 84 78 77 75 82 79 80 70 78 65 79 86 82 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. Isaac Bliss. Amos Ransom. Elizabeth Seymour. Susanna Dodd. Elihu Denslow. Charles Burr. Isaac Spencer. Heppy Knowles. George Sumner. Abner Squires, jr. Rebecca Roberts. Joel Carter. Jonathan Olcott. Nathaniel Hooker. Betsey Clapp. Jacob Sargent. Mary Kingsbury. Silas Fulle'r. James S. Wickham. Simon Wells. Amny Mix. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. HARTFORD— Continued. Hartford Cnn—Liviits excepled- Continued. Lucy Sedgewick - Abigail Whitman - Abijah Flags Mahetible Hurlbut Ruth Elmer John W. Smith - Frederick Lord Abigail Anderson - Theodore Spencer WEATHERSFIELD. Jemima Filley Mary Belden Richard Belden - Marian Ackley Deborah Goodrich - JohuKilbv William Wolcott - Bezaleel Thrasher Mar)' Dickinson - Abigail Wright - George Aboy Joseph Stillman Ages. 67 77 85 74 78 56 80 81 81 84 76 78 76 72 79 86 82 88 84 78 79 Names of heads of families ■with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. William Sedgewick. Abigail Whitman. Abijah Flagg. Roswall Hurlbut. Oliver S. Elmer. John W. Smith. Frederick Lord. Jesse B. Bull. Theodore Spencer. Hiram E. Stoddard. Mary Belden. Richard Belden. John Flint. Allen Robins. James Harlbut, 3d. WiUiam Wolcott. Bezaleel Thrasher. Joseph Wright. Abigail Wright. Elisha R. Wells. Harriet Stillman. 50 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. CONNECTICUT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military serrices. Ages. HARTFORD— Continued. WEATHERsriELD — Continucd. Abigail Wooilhouse Mary Belden Lucy Wilccx Elisha Williams - Thede Hale Rebecca May Anice Cook Ichabod Goodrich - Gideon Goff Calvin Chapin Hezekiah Whitmore Thomas Holmes - BERLIN. Lucy Dickenson - Abijah Porter Levi North Seih Savage Selah Savage Phebe Norton Hezekiah Hart Bunnel Ruth Hart - Jabez Cowles Grace Elton Giles Curiiss Sarah Rilej- Daniel Galpin Hannah Palmer - Esther Judd Elijah Francis John Bunnel Lois Carter Hooker Gilbert Hannah Hooker - Hannah Hooker - Sarah Hart Fidelia Bronson - Rhoda Andrews - Elizabeth Mugs Sarah Morse SOUTHINGTON. Samuel Hitchcock Josiah Boot Elthir Carter Julia Tyler Ichabod C. Frisby - Channev Lewis Caleb Ray - Daniel Pardu STFFIELD. Phebe Allen Jacob Cooper Silas Dewey Ebcnezer Chaplain Jehiel Harmon Ezra Hanchell John K. Kent Rosanna Miller Elizabeth Phelps - Moses Bliss Gideon Sikes John Warner Richard Warner - ENHELD. Lvdia Abbey Mary Chaffee Calvin Squires Rorannah Gowdy - Windsor Buker Ebenezer Prior John Pease Abigail Pease Simeon Pease Betsey Thompson - EAST WINDSOR. Arnold Allen Thomas Bissell 80 8-2 80 81 86 83 82 81 79 76 84 84 G9 83 80 &i 81 71 83 83 98 84 83 85 87 83 78 82 80 81 82 88 79 78 71 77 83 84 83 83 87 78 80 79 79 82 77 79 77 79 90 79 81 81 77 77 87 87 ai 79 75 81 76 68 82 95 87 86 82 69 71 82 Names of heads of families with wliom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Abigail Woodhouse. Erastus F. Cook. Lucy Wilcox. Stephen Francis. Simeon Hale. Svlvester May. Talcott A. Arnold. Ja.sper Goodrich. Gideon Goff. Calvin Chanin. Hezekiah Whitmore. Thomas Holmes. Lucy Dickinson. Abijah Porter. Levi North. Amasa Savage. Selah Savage. Henry Norton. Mary Meriinan. Luther Stocking. Lucy Hartford. Jabez Cowles. James Ellon, Giles Curtiss. D. Buckley. Daniel Galpin. Peter Jacocks. Henry Judd. ' Elijah Francis. Alfred Baley. Benjamin Hart. Hooker Gilbert. Seth Hooker. George Cornwall. Horace Hart. Theodore Bronson. Selah Andrews. Thomas Lee. William Morse. Samuel Hitchcock. Betsey Buck. Elihu Carter. Julia Tyler. Ichabod C. Frisby. Chqnney Lewis. Jared Stephens. Daniel Pardu. Ainbrose Bemont. Judah Cooper. Silas Dewey, jr. Ebenezer Chaplain. Jehiel Harmon. Ezra Hanchell. John K. Kent. John Miller. Elizabeth Phelps. Henry A. Pikes. Gideon Sikes. Rowland Taylor. Richard Warner. Lydia Abbey. Samuel Chaffee. John S. Davis. Henry Gowdy. Austin King. Ebenezer Prior. John Pease. Heber Pease. Simeon Pease. Betsey Thompson. Arnold Allen. Thomas Bis.sell. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. HARTFORD-Continued. East Windsor — Continued. Catherine Bowers - Roger Burnham - Nathaniel Chatman Stephen Eliner Eleanor Felley Guslavus Grant Rhoda Eldridge - Grace Green Lucy Grant Samuel Hiinn Zerviah Haden Ruth Morton Hezekiah Munsell Jonathan Pasco Elizubeih Strong - Mehitable Sloughton Flora Sloughion - Jerusha Woolcott - Elizabeth Skinner - Eleanor Sloughton Ephraim Warfield EAST HARTFORD. Esther House Daniel Roberts Timothy Hall Lucv Derning Russell Treat Ashbel Warren Lucretia Roberts - Hannah Reynolds - Timothy Anderson John Bennett Mary Porter Abigail Roberts Anna Norton MANCHESTER. Mabel Marsh Ashna Symonds - Moses Evans George Buckland - David Squire Hannah Jacklin - Richard Keeney - Elizabeth McKee - Eleanor Geer GLASTONEL'RY. Richard Smith Joseph Try on Azariah Taylor - Edward Potter Abel Lewis Daniel Miles Louis House Mabel Wright James McLean Elizabeth Bidwell - Mary Fer AUIiLSOROUCD. John Uxford Ezra Blish GRANBY. Thomas Stevens - Ahinoam Holcomb Rebecca Sands Joseph Dyer James Bartholomew Prudence Smith - Chloe Holcomb Samuel Benjamin - Zabina Burr Benoni Gillett William Pratt Abraham Osborne Ebenezer Godard - Mary Holcomb Samuel Warner - Names of heads of familie ■with whom iiensioners re sided June 1, I.S-IO. 79 Cyrus Bowers. 79 Roger Burnham. 58 Nathaniel Chatman. 86 Stephen Elmer. 82 Horace Felley. 81 Lucius Grant. 82 John S. Goodale. 83 Asahel Green. 79 Harvey Grant. 77 Samuel Hunn. 94 Edward Haden. 78 Ruth Morton. 87 Hezekiah Munsell. 79 Jonathan Pasco. 74 Hiram Strong. 79 Mehitable Sloughton. 78 Horace Sloughton. 84 Ursula Skiniier. 82 Elizabeth Skinner. 85 William Sloughton. 70 Chester Wolcott. 81 Elisha Smith. 79 Daniel Roberts. 82 Timothy Hall. 75 Abigail Derning. 82 Russel Treat. 78 Ashbel Warren. 84 Lucretia Roberts. 77 Hannah Reynolds. 78 Norman Anderson. 78 J. Hubbard Wellis. 74 Mary Porter. 89 Isaac Roberts. 83 Elmily Pitkin. 77 Marcus Marsh. 82 Ashna Symonds. 81 Moses Evans. 82 George Buckland. 81 Daniel Squire. 80 Henry C. Woodbridge 75 Richard Keenev. 85 Elizabeth McKee. 83 Joseph Thompson. • 82 Jennett Gillett. 78 Joseph Tr\-on. 82 Azariah Taylor. 81 Horace Roberts. 79 Abel Lewis. 89 Daniel Miles. 77 Giles House. 73 Mabel Wright. 85 Ogden McLean. 83 Elizabeth Bidwell. 81 Elijah Sparks. 85 Gibson W. Uxford. 72 Ezra Blish. 82 Thomas Stevens. 80 Elihu E. Holcomb. 75 Rebecca Sands. 72 Joseph Dyer. 80 James C' Bartholomew 80 Joseph Smith. 76 Ebenezer S. Holcomb. 83 Samuel Benjamin. 88 Zabina Burr. 78 Benoni Gillett. 89 William H. Pratt. 84 Abraham O.sbome. 88 Arsepheus Godard. 69 Mary Holcomb. &t Samuel Warner. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. CONNECTICUT— Continued. 51 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. HARTFORD— Continued. Granev— Continued. John O'Brien John Godard - Ephraim Gillett Chrispus Fox Dudley Hayes Samuel Woodruff Phineas Picket Eunice Munsell Roswell Miller Frederick Chapman Elisha N. Sill Elijah Denslow Elizabeth Sianard - Abel Barnes Submit Wilson Jemima Graham - Philip Halsey Loomis Warner - SIMSBURY. Loisa Eno Elijah Griswold John Tyler Joab Wilson Obed Higley Levi Humphrey - Salathel Cliapman Abel Case Roswell Noble Ambrose Hoskins - Catharine Andrus - Esther Slater George Cornish - HARTLAND. Asa Cowdrey Hulda Daniels Daniel Bills Cleopatra Skinner - Ebenezer Hoadley - Achsah Giddings - Affiah Giddings - Siephen Goodyear - Timothy Coe John M. Case Thomas Fox Timothy Tiffany - ELOOMFIELD. Louis Colton William Seymour - Silas Rowley Joseph Millard Daniel Hooker AVON. Isaac Osborne Thomas F. Bishop Rosanna Wilcox - Elijah Barnes CANTON. Sophia Andrus Margaret Wright - Solomon Ackart - Aber Alford Francis Bacon Elizabeth Baiber - Abi Barber BURLINGTON. Oliver Barnes Lois Benham Ebenezer Benham - Samuel Hotchkiss - Lucy Culva BRISTOL. Martha Manross - Ages. 84 81 79 84 80 83 79 79 76 93 86 74 85 80 83 76 78 74 78 83 75 80 84 82 78 87 77 79 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 18-10. Harry Alky. Grove Godard. James Gillett. Chrispus Fox. Dudley Hayes. Samuel Woodruff. Phineas Picket. Rodney Munsell. Roswell Miller. Delia Wilson. Elisha N. Sill. Elijah Denslow. Eli Wilson. Lyman Barnes. Horace Thrall. Ruth Bartholomew. Henry Halsey. Thomas Warner. Chester Eno. Elijah Griswold. John Tyler. Chester Roberts. Obed Higley, jr. Levi Humphrey. Salathel Chapman. Abel Case. Roswell F. Noble. Ambrose Hoskins. Abigail Andrus. Channcey Goodrich. George Cornish. 82 James Cowdrey. 86 Sterling G. Daniels. 82 Daniel Bills. 74 Cleopatra Skinner. 83 Ebenezer Hoadley. 77 Achsah Giddings. 69 Henry Fuller. 78 Siephen Goodyear. 79 Timothy Coe. •77 Charles Case. 77 Thomas Fox. 86 Timothy Tiffany. 79 Samuel Colton. 79 Ruel Gridley. 79 Silas Rowley. 77 Joseph Millard. 79 Daniel Hooker. 79 Isaac Osborne. 76 Thomas F. Bishop. 83 Josiah A. Wilcox. 77 Elijah Barnes. 76 Henry Andrus. 09 Henry J. Wright. 90 David Ackart. 79 Aber Alford. 81 Alvin Bacon. 86 Alson Barber. n Miles Foot. 92 Caleb Barnes. 85 Lois Benham. 84 Ebenezer Benham 84 Samuel Hotchkiss 69 Nathan Culva. 75 Elisha Manross. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. HARTFORD— Continued. Bristol— Continued. Elizabeth Gladden - Anna Bishop FARMINGTON. Chauncey Royce - Eunice Eaton Daniel Tilotson - Timothy Olmstead Moses Morse Dorcas Woodruff - Christiana Woodruff Phebe Janes Elias Brown Rhoda Warna Lydia Sherman NEW HAVEN COUNTY. CITY OF NEW HAVEN. James Nicolson Mary Wakelee Jacob Wilcox Anna Cornwall John Trumbell Benjamin Lines Nathan Beers Eneas Monson William Storer Mary A. Dwight - Marcus Meraman - Catharine Ramsdell Isaac Bussett Sarah Burney Samuel Hicks Henry Daggett Lois Peck Lydia Bradley Mary Woolcott Charles Larrabee - Huldah Barker William Wise Lois Willard Garriu De Wilt - Abiah Smith Elizabeth TuUle - Mabel Hull Sylvanus Bills Jarius Sandford Benoni Gillett COUNTY OF NEW HAVEN. Elijah Hatchkiss - HAMDEN. Samuel Warner - Joel Huff - Lois Merriman NORTH HAVEN. John Smith Sibenu Barnes John Pierpont Rebecca Chace James Donnow Martin Jelhro Joel Brockett MILFORD. Eunice Ford Ephraim Strong - Samuel Higbv Rhosmantu Rhodus Eunice Wise Benjamin GiUet Mary Glenney Martha Sackett Abigail Baldwin - Mnflv Sion William Durand - Nathan Oviatt Anna Northrop Anna Ball Samuel-Gum Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June I, 1840. 70 Elizabeth Gladden. 74 Anna Bishop. 83 John Royce. 86 Gideon Watkins. 81 Edward Tilolson. 82 Clarissa Try on. 89 Chauncey Morse. 76 Henry Mygatte. 76 Ephraim Woodness. 73 Pliebe Janes. 81 Elias Brown. 94 Sylvester Tubs. 84 Johiah Wilcox. 52 James Nicolson. 80 Charles H. Wakelee. 82 Norris Wilcox. 86 Alvan Wilcox. 84 Benjamin Sillaman. 78 Benjamin Lines. 87 Nathan Beers, sr. 76 A. E. Monson. 75 William Storer. 86 Timothy Dwight. 78 Marcus Meraman. 83 Mary L. Ramsdell. 82 Isaac Bussett. 80 Julia Gorham. 82 George Sandford. 82 Henry Daggett. 82 Lois Peck. 87 Nathan Thomas. 75 John Williams. 58 Park Brown. 80 Huldah Barker. 80 Timothy Ailing. 80 Stephen Willard. 77 Garritt De Wilt. 72 John Fitch. 75 Isaac Tuttle. 82 Thaddeus Austin. 74 Sylvanus Bills. 77 Jarius Sandford. 80 Benoni Gillett. Elijah Hatchkiss. 80 Stephen Warner. 83 Silas Andrews. 76 Lois Merriman. 85 John Smith. 80 Merit Barnes. 87 John Pierpont. 72 Horace Chace. James Donnow. Martin Jethro. 80 Joel Brockett. 75 Stephen B. Ford. 85 William Strong. 8) Samuel Higby. 53 Samuel C. Mervin. 69 Eunice Wise. 82 Benjamin Gillet. William Glenney. 80 Martha Sackett. 77 Abigail Baldwin. 87 Isaac J. Gum. 80 William Durand. 75 Nathan Oviatt. 78 Thomas Lawrence. 82 Abel Baldwin. 78 Joseph Fowler. 52 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. CONNECTICUT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pen.sioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or mililary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or iiiilitary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. NEW IIA\'EN— Conlinuca. NEW HAVEN— Continued. MiLPORD — Conlinued. East Haven — Continued. Mary Dickinson . - - 81 Samuel W. Dickinson. John A. Thomas . 70 John A. Thomas. Mary Bryan ... 79 Addison Beard. John Rowe ... 86 John Rowe. David Bristol 76 David Bristol. Enos Herringway . . - 85 Enos Herringway. Stephen Smith, 2d. Samuel Peck ... 75 Samuel Peek. Lucinda Miles 77 Joseph C. Clark - 89 Joseph C. Clark. Sarah Smith 81 Dcgrasse Mallby. Susan Beard . . - 61 Joseph Beard. Jarcd Grannis ... 85 Frederic Grannis. David Smith 84 David Smith. Jesse Luddinglon - 84 Joseph Grannis. Samuel B. Smith - 84 Samuel B. Smith. Elisha Clark 85 Amos Clark. BRANFORD. Samuel Durand ... 79 Samuel Durand. Martha Rogers ... 86 John Jowncr. Nathan Nettleton - 76 Nathan Nettleton. Mason Hobart ... 88 Mason Hobart. Isaac Clark 77 Isaac Clark. Desire Baldwin ... 83 Desire Baldwin. Jedediah Ston ... 83 Jedediah Ston. Iriphena Palmer - 86 Timoihy Bradley, jr. Edmund Morris. Elisha Sandford ... 89 Elisha Sandford. Edmund Morris . - - 82 Phebe Beach . . - 82 John Beach. ORANGE. John Monro 87 AVoodward Page. Daniel Allen 82 Enoch Summers. James Goodrich - 82 Joseph Goodrich. Lelia Trowbridge ... 70 Leman Brockett. Mary Barker 78 James Barker. Abigail Allen ... 85 Oclural Catlin. Josiah Irisbis - . , 89 Josiah Irisbie. John Bryan ... 86 Thomas Painter. Heman Rogers ... 84 Heman Rogers. Samuel Parsons - 79 Samuel Parsons. Miles Mallei 77 Miles Mallet. GUILFORD. John Stone ... 80 John Stone. WALLINCFOBD. Jerry Scranton ... 84 Jerry Scranton. Anna Tyler 78 Cyral Tyler. Mabel Meigs ... 83 Isaac Meigs. Ichabod Ires 81 Ichabod Ires. Nathan ChUlenden 82 Nathan CliiUendcn. Ruth Hall 74 Ruth Hall. Abraham Chittenden 89 H. W. Chittenden. Andrews Hall 81 Andrews Hall. Mary Hart 73 George London. Jeremiah Hull 77 Jeremiah Hull. Timothy Seward ... 86 Timoihy Reward. Fanny Henry - - "^ . 73 Fanny Henry. James Davis ... 75 James Davis. Hannah Davidson ... 74 Hannah Davidson. Sarah Talmage ... 82 Sarah Talmase. Jonathan Batholomew 85 Jonathan Batholomew. Medad Potter 84 Russell Polief. David Barnes ... 76 David Barnes. John Coan ... 77 Jolm Coan, jr. Meriman Catherine 82 Jared Dudley ... 83 Jared Dudley. Marlin Buel ... 81 Marlin Buel. Mabel Allen 75 Mabel Allen. MADISON. Gilead Bradley ... 83 Gilead Bradley. NOBTH BRANFORD. Timothy Grave ... 81 Timothy Grave. Abram Wheldon - 78 Abram Wheldon. Jeffrey Smith - - t 78 Jctl'rey Smith. John Robinson ... 79 Jolm Robinson. Jonathan Lee ... 78 Jonathan Lee. Ruth Rogers ... 83 Ebenezer Rogers. Saul Foster 85 Frederick Foster. Olhiel Stent 88 Otheil Stent. Abraham Hill 77 Abraham Hill. Stephen Smith 89 Stephen Smith. Vial Richmond 76 Vial Richmond. John Potter ... 80 David Page. Morris Jones ... 85 Morris Jones. Hannah Rose ... 78 Hannah Rose. Noah Benton 77 Noah Benton. Eunice Russell Desire Baldwin 71 84 David A. Russell. Bessie Levi. Timothy Scranton 88 Timothy Scranton. Jonathan Munson - 84 Chauncy Munson. DERBY. Sarah Lindsley 76 John Lindsley, 2d. Samuel Hawkins - 78 Samuel Hawkins. Elihu Foot .... 83 Edwin Foot. " John Beers ... 81 John Beers. Pure Bunnel ... 85 Luther Bunnel. Mary Morris ... 74 Mary Morris. Kesiah Baldwin ... 76 Anson Baldwin. Bradford Steele - 84 Bradford Sieele. N.iilianiel Johnson 82 Nathaniel Johnson. MEBIDEN. William Kenney ... 83 Isaac Kenney. Robert Smith 83 Thomas T. Baldwin. Abel Holbrook - - 77 Thomas C. Holbrook. Elizabeth Benham - 81 Elizabeth Benham. James Bassett ... 83 Josiah Bassett. Martha Ives ... 85 Phineas T. Ives. Lucy Tomlinson ... 09 Philo BasseU. Huldah Johnson ... 86 Huldah Johnson. Wilson Hurd 77 Wilson Hurd. Amasa Merriam . 82 Amasa Merriam. Abigail Pool 75 Betsey Hawkins. Joseph Juiss 79 Benjamin Juiss. Ruih Hallock 71 Garrett Smith. Abner Way ... 86 Abner Way. Anna Hawkins ... 84 Isaac Hawkins. Jerusha Brown 76 Jerusha Brown. OXFORD. CHESHIRE. Edward Bassett 84 Edward Bassett. Samuel Ta Image ... 80 Samuel Talmage. Prudence Lounsbury 76 Edward E .Mallory. Susanna Durand - 77 Susanna Durand. Samuel Candee - - . 87 Samuel Cnndee. Jolm Field 81 John Field. Phineas Johnson . - - 79 Chester Maltield. Stephen Parker ... Lydia Clark 81 Stephen Ives. Timoihy Johnson . . - 82 Timothy Johnson. 87 Aaron A. Iliich.ock. Job Candee ... 80 Daniel Tiickee. Uri Scott ... - 81 Uri Scott. EAST HAVEN. Elijah Bradley . - - m Elijah Biiulley. WOOUBRIDGE. Svlvia Brown 76 Sylvia Brown. Isaac Northrop bO AVilliam Ilaigte. Hannah Chidsey ... 83 Hannah Chidsey. Abigail Goodsei . 94 Trueman Colt. V.ATF.BBL'RV. Phebe Davenport - Temperance Hotchkiss - 81 Phebc Davenport. Edward Field (Marj-) 62 Edward Field. 79 Lyman Hotchkiss. Ransom Mix ... 48 Ransom Mix. Rosanna Pardee ... 78 Ceba Munson. Selah Bronson ... 77 Selah Bronson. Mabel Tyler 74 William Tyler. Sarah Judd ... 81 Sarah Judd. Abraham W. Johnson 89 Wyllv Thompson. Giles Brockett 79 Giles Brockett. Eli Forbes ... 80 Eli Forbes, Thomas Judd 63 Thomas Judd. Anna Smith 88 Daniel Smith. Sarah Merrell 85 Elijah F. Merrell. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. CONNECTICUT— Coinimied. 53 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families lionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. NEW HAVEN— Continued. NEW LONDON— Continued. Watehbury — Continued. East Lyme— Continued. Ebenezer Brown - 82 Samuel Bunnell. Joseph Latham - . - 81 Lebsey Latham. Ward Peck 77 Ward Peck, James Denison ... 47 James Denison. Mercy Miles ... 76 vSamuel Stocking. Horace Smith ... 32 Horace Smith. Sarah Welton 81 Isaac B. Castle. William Tinker - 78 William Tinker. Elihu Spencer . . - 78 Elihu Spencer. Jonathan Rathbun - . . 75 Jonathan Rathbun. Francis P. Gardner 26 Frances Fowler. — ■ Joseph Gillet 85 B. F. Gillet. Culpepper Hoadley 75 Culpepper Hoadley. Abigail Poole . . - 75 William H. Tomlinson. LYIME. Ursula Woosler . - - 79 Ursula Wooster. Nathan H. Jewit ... 79 Benjamin Bcckwith. Jared Merrill . - .. 49 Jared Merrill. Benajah Bill 79 Lodowick Bill. Jared Terrell 82 Horace Terrell. Robert Bramble 78 Robert Bramble. Sarah Pitts 85 Sarah Pitts. James Greenfield - 88 James Greenfield. An.scl Spencer 76 Ansel Spencer. John Lay 76 John Lay. Silas Chaiuplin - Silas Champlin. WOLCOTT. Usual Johnson ... 80 Usual Johnson. Lucius Tutlle !)1 Betsey H. Hall. Reuben Champion - Reuben Champion. Isaac Bronson - - - . 78 Isaac Bronson. Waitstill Cone 79 Oliver Cone. Joseph Miner . . - 84 Joseph Miner. Phebe Champion . . - 75 Phebe Champion. Lydia Alcox . - - 74 Lydia Alcox. Sarah Peck 78 Sarah Peck. Nathaniel Lane 76 Anson G. Lane. Seth Miner 82 Seth Miner. Benjamin Bement - - - 85 Benjamin Bement. Mehitable Burnham William S. Ely. Ruth Wooden 83 Ruth Finch. Naomi Hunlley - - . 85 Naomi Huntley. Phebe Peck 74 Moses Pond. John Brockway ... 85 Jchn Brockway. Thomas Pilgrim - 87 Thomas Pilgrim. PROSPECT. John Wood ... 83 John Wood. Elizabeth Lewis - - - 85 Chester Scovill. Rhoda Miner 75 Erastus Bramble. Ebeu. Hatchkiss - 82 Eben. Hatchkiss. Joseph Plumb - . . 81 Clement Fo«deck. Archibald Sanford 81 Archibald Sanford. Gideon Rogers 79 Gideon Rogers. Mabel Munson . - - 80 Mabel Munson. Lucy Way Hannah Spencer ... 84 Jonathan Chapel. 85 Oliver Spencer. MIDDI.EBURY. Elizabeth. Sisson ... 86 Amos . Benjamin Fenu 84 Benjamin Fenn. Hoell Huntley - Howell Huntley. Hannah Bionsun - - - 85 Hannah Bronson. Asahel Bronson 80 Asahel Bronson. GROTON. Ebenezer Richardson 56 Aaron Freeman. Catharine Crandall 77 John Merrit. Daniel Clark 77 Daniel Clark. Soloman Tift 82 John Beneham. Aaron Benedict . . - 95 Aaron Benedict. Simeon Conistock - . - 80 Thomas Comstock. Christopher Latham 84 Christopher Latham. SOUTHBUUY. Nicholas Morgan ... 78 Nicholas Morgan. Aaron Tuttle 84 Aaron Tuttle. Silas Lamb 77 Silas Lamb. Sarah Henmau 78 Sarah Henman. Rufus Avery - - - 81 Rufus Avery. Sarah Lines 78 John E. Smith. Mary White 78 Mary White. Abijah Peck 83 Abijah Peck. Jonathan Langford 88 Jonathan Langford. Mary Basselt 81 Bronson Wheeler. Mary Chester 70 Willys Clark. William Burr 78 William Burr. Mary Avery 71 Mary Avery. Samuel Smith 78 Samuel Smith. Benjamin Daball - . - 83 Benjamin Daball. Ebenezer Hyde 81 Laurens Hyde. Hannah Holdredge 70 Hannah Holdrege. Samuel Botsford - - - 79 Samuel Botsford. Jabez Edgecomb ... 77 Jabez Edgecomb. Nathan Gregory - 79 Nathan Gregory. Samuel Edgecomb - - . 80 Samuel Edgecomb. Mary Heath, 81 Mary Heath. NEW LONDON COUNTY. Thomas Wells 86 Thomas Wells. NEW LONDON. Mary Brightman - - - 74 William P. Brightman. Lebues Maynard - - - 76 A. F. Maynard. Peter Every ... 76 Peter Every. Anthony Jerome - 59 Anthony Jerome. Hannah Packer - 82 Hannah Packer. James Edgerton . . - 82 James Edgerton. Sabiua Packer ... 77 Sabina Packer. Ezekiel Fox - - - 84 Ezekiel Fox. Cathine Burrows - . - 82 Caleb Latham. Henry Burbeck . - - 85 Henry Burbeck. Elisha Lyman ... 75 Thankful Clift. John Carrol 79 John Carrol. Christopher Culver 87 John Culver. I.EDYARD. Richard Law 78 Richard Law. Ichabod Badcock ... 82 Ichabod Badcock. Charles Bukely - 87 Charles Bukely. Oliver Morgan 79 Stephen Stoddard. James Chapman - - - 89 James Chapman. Daniel Stoddard ... 79 Daniel Stoddard. Ephraim Dayton ... 79 Jonathan Lane. Robert Stoddard ... 83 William Giecn. John G. Muson - . - 32 John G. Muson. -William Forsyth - - - 78 William Forsyth. William Ashcraft - 86 Joshua Getchel. Joshua Bill - . - 79 Gurdon Bill. Mary Rose 87 . Mary Rose. WATERFORD. Mary Williams - . - 80 William M. Williams. Job Daniels ... 81 Job Daniels. John Packer ... 83 John Packer, 2d. Christopher Brown 81 Christopher Brown. Andrew GalUtp - 79 Andrew Gallup. Stedman Newbury 89 Stedman Newbury. Thomas Smith 86 Thomas Smith. John Murtins ... 55 ■ John Murtins. Jebanah Williams 82 Nathan Barns. Ebenezer Darrow - - - 86 Ebenezer Darrow. William Noyes 76 William Noyes. Ebenezer Maynard 82 Adam Larabee 53 Adam Larribee. Lydia Bukwith - - . 79 William Lathum - 75 William Adams. Jason Chapman - 78 Nehemiah Gallup - 88 Nehemiah Gallup. Deborah Davis 87 Ichabod Davis. EAST LYME. Thomas Roach ... 73 Thomas Roach. Benjamin Jinker - 80 Benjamin Jinker. Elisha Way 83 Elisha Way. STONINGTON. Asa Woodward - - - 79 Asa Woodworth. Asa DriscoU ... 90 Henry Spencer. John Tubs . . - SO John Tubs. Isaac Williams 82 Isaac Williams. Mary Dosset 86 Abby Harding. Lydia Smith n Elisha Bennct. 54 CKNSUS OF PENSIONERS. CONNECTICUT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1*10. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. NEW LONDON— Conlinued. NEW LONDON— Continued. Stonington— Conlinued. Preston — Conlinued. Cato Cliff 83 Cato Cuff. Prudence Denison - 83 Prudence Denison. Amos Gallup . . - Jonathan Wheeler ai Amos Gallup. Jacob Meach ... 82 Jacob Meach. 78 Jonathan Wheeler. 1 Phebe Rude 77 Rix Rude. Asa Baldwin - . - ai Asa Baldwin.- Hannah Tracy ... 88 Elisha Clark. Ichabod Dickcrson 81 Ichabod Dickerson. Alas Bromley 75 Alas Bromley. William Robinson 75 William Robinson. Hezekiah lugraham 80 Hezekiah logiaham. .ledediah Auslin ... 78 Jedediah Ausiin. Hannah Stanton - 72 Charles P. Sianion. GRISWOLD. Mary Tinker 76 Asa Willcox. Dixwell Lalhrop • 87 Dixwell Lathrop. Jane Birtch - . - 81 George Howe. MaryMulkins ... 86 Job Lawlon. Bishop Tyler 72 Bishop Tyler. crrv or Norwich. Nathan Belcher ... 82 Nathan Belcher. Sarah Trumbull - SO Peter Sanman. Elisha Prentice ... 74 Elisha Prentice. Elizabeth Backus . - - 74 Gurdon Pendleton. Gideon Ray ... 84 Joseph Wilbcr. Christopher Vail - - - 82 Chiislophcr Vail. Lucy Hutchinson - - - 1 1 Hazard Hawkins. Beojamin Coit 81 Benjamin Coil. Enoch Baker 86 Enoch Baker. Clark Case 55 Francis B. Lee. Anna Coit - - - - 81 Erastus Coit. NORTH STONINGTON. Anna Griswold 70 Joseph A. Griswold. Hannah Grant ... 82 Elisha Kinney. Abbv Holt - - - - 75 Elizabeth Cox. Elizabeth Ecclestone 95 Caleb Ecclestone. Sarah Comstock - 81 Otis Hilton. Lucrelia Billings - 91 San ford Main. Marv Clark 75 Mary Clark. Elisha Palmer 90 Elisha Palmer. Reuben Godfrey - 83 Benjamin Godfrey. James Thompson - - . 88 James Thompson. Ichabod Ward" - 80 Ichabod Ward. Philemon Baldwin - Philemon Baldwin. Jeremiah York - . - 76 Jeremiah York. NORwrcH, (n'ithoiil the city limits.) Elizabeth "ieomany Gershom Ecclestone 78 Gershom Ecclestone. 80 Daiid Yeomany. Martha S. Phillips - 80 Bradford Phillips. Hannah Caswell - 71 Gilbert Huntington. Bridget Leray ... 74 Bridget Leray. John Foster ... 78 John Foster. JepiKa Brown 82 Jeptha Brown. Hannah Ames ... 80 Erasmus Ames. David Main ... 88 David Main. Desire Morgan 74 Charles Morgan. Oliver Avery ... 83 Stanton Hewitt, jr. Susan Fanning 81 Sidney Gardner. Anna Bently ... 83 George AV. Bentley. Joseph Petlcs 81 Wareham W'illiams 81 Wareham Williams. Lucy Davis . . . 75 David Caswell. MOXTVILLE. Joseph Church ... 80 Jo.seph Church. S^LEM. Eleazer Tracy ... 75 Anson Gleason. Jesse Beckwith ... 88 Israel Beckwilh. James Comstock ... 90 James Comstock. Ebenezer Rogers . . - 96 Ebenezer Rogers. Thomns Rogers - 83 Thomas Rogers. William C. Beebe - 68 William C. Beebe. John Smith SO John Smi!h.~ Samuel C. Smith - 46 Samuel C. Smith. John Unc.is ... 90 Mary Church. Elijah Treadway - . . 86 Elijah Tieadway. Samuel Aiwell 80 Samuel Atwell. Lucretia Dodge - - . 80 Lucretia Dan. Guy Chapel 81 Betsey Chapel. James Ransom 78 James Ransom. Anna Bishop . - - 82 Robert Bishop. David Dart 79 David Dart. BOZRAH. Elisha Holms 81 Jonathan Forseth. Alpheus Kingsley ... 77 Alpheus Kingsley. Anna Chapel ... 82 Isaac AVhipple. Perez Chesbrongh ... 78 Perez Chesbroug'h. Daniel Ames 81 Daniel Ames. Molly Vergason . . . 76 Oliver Landpher. Lucy Chapel 87 Willard Wickwise. Abigail — ^^ ... 82 Asa Smith. LISBON. COLCHESTER. Marv Perrijo ... 79 Betsey Abel. . Lucretia Ramond - - - 80 Jonathan Morgan. Wealthy Fuller - - - 83 Wealthy Fuller. 1 Gideon Unash 86 Gideon Unash. Ebenezer Fuller ... 80 Ebenezer Fuller. David Shatiuck - 82 Giles Shattuck. Ruth Rathbone 81 John Rathbane. Solomon Dowd - - 82 Solomon Dowd. James Storey ... 80 Ruel Cook. Gamaliel R. Tracy 81 James R. Tracy. William Adams - . - 87 Raswell Adams. Elijah Taylor 81 John Bogue. Joseph Baldwin ... 89 Joseph Baldwin. Sally Lewis 80 Clark Lewis. Joel Hvde - - - . 76 Joel Hyde. Frederick Smith - 78 Thomas Smith. Daniel Downing - 78 Daniel Downing. Eimice Clark ... 73 George Clark. John B. Wartrons ... 86 John B. Wartrons. PHANKUN. John T. Otis 81 John T. Otis. Isaac Butts 80 .Mmira Bellows. Nabbv Armstrong - . - 75 Cheney Armstrong. LEBANON. Frederick Brewster 77 Frederick Brewster. Asa Jones .... 86 Andrew Lalhrop. William A. Morgan 85 Griswold A. Morgan. PRESTON. Ebenezer Meicalf . 83 Ebenezer Meicalf. Absalom Pride 84 Absalom Pride. Solomon Loring ... 78 Solomon Loring. Mar>- Giddings 76 Charles Brewster. Amasa Duttou 86 Amasa Diitlon. Joshua Bill - 78 Robert M. Palmer. Abigail Fitch 85 Jabez Filch. George Harvey 77 Georee Harvey. Elijah S.mith 76 Elijah Smith. Frederick Stoddard 79 Frederick Stoddard. Asel Gav .... 84 Asel Gay. Simeon Hewitt - Charles E. Hewitt. John Willes 89 Charles Gardner. Philip Prince 80 Bristow Swan. Eleazer Bill 81 Uriah Corning - Jedediah Corning. Elizabeth Bliss 75 Eunice Guile ... 81 Alfred Guile. , Jacob Clark 81 Abel Shoals 47 Abel Shoals. Isaiah Loomies ... 82 Jonah Witter 82 Jonah Witter. Rebecca Fowler ... 81 Isaac Williams 80 Jonah Witter, jr. Stephen Champlin ... 77 Sallv Runnolds 76 Luke Runnolds. Simon Loomies 79 - Ebenezer Avery - 78 Ebenezer Aver)'. David Aver\- 75 James Treat ... 77 James Treat. , John Loomies 8d CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. CONNECTICUT— Continued. 55 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu. Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided Jime 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. FAIRFIELD COUNTY. FAIRFIELD— Continued. C[TY OF BRJDGEPORT. Fairfield— Continued. Stiles; Nichols 79 Stiles Nichols. Nathaniel Perry ... 84 Nathaniel Perry. Dorcas Wordin - - - 70 Lebius Brown ... 83 Charlotte Buckley. David B. Perry. Abigail Hyde 75 Mary Perry 86 Molly Smith 83 Anna Lord - 73 STRATFORD. Lucy Hawley - - - lb Lucy Hawley. Nathan Burrett 77 Nathan Burrett. Griswokl Odell 79 Sally Burrett 79 Josiah Hubbed. Archibald Baldwin 87 Patience Lewis ... 89 Patience Lewis. Hannah Hilliard - 79 Sally Curtis ... 73 Sally Curtis. Hannah Merritt - 82 Sarah Blakeman ... 83 Beard Blakeman. Joi-ejih Polly . . - 82 Joseph Polly. Joemna Blakeman 79 Gould Blakeman. Sally Beardslee 73 Jabez H. Tomlinson 79 Jabez H. Tomlinson. Hannah Crawford - 72 Samuel Wells 79 Samuel Wells, Elnathan Willcox . 91 Elnathan Willcox. BRIDGEPORT. Ellen Birdsey ... 79 Hepsibah Wooster. John Brooks, sr. - 7G John Brooks, sr. Naomi Judson ... 81 Naomi Judson. Abiah Lewis . . . ■K Federal Ward. Samuel Ufford 79 Samuel H. Ufford. Eunice Saully . - - 74 Russel Morgan. Mary Hubbell 82 Mary Hubbell. Thomas Stratton - 82 Samuel Stratton. Charity Lewis ... 78 Charily Lewis. Elijah Pect - - - - 79 Elijah Pect. Dorothy Benjamin 72 Dorothy Benjamin. Daniel Jackson ... 77 Whitney Jackson. WF-STPORT. John McEwen ... 96 Aaron Beard. Thomas Saunders - 79 Thomas Saunders. Massa Loulhworth 78 Lewis Chatfield. Gillen Plait 75 Gillen Plait. Phebe Tomlinson ... 75 David Plant. Joseph Piatt 75 Joseph Piatt. Alice Thompson - ' . 76 Alice Thompson. Anna Nash C8 Keeler Nash. Jerusha Dayton - - . 84 Denra Dayton. Josiah Gre,2;orv - - - 79 Josiah Gregory. Ellen Peck 90 Job Peck. Edmund Tuttle 76 Edmund Tuttle. Mary Peck ... 83 Levi Peck. Joseph Downs . - - 75 Joseph Downs. Nancy Tavlor 73 Paul L. Taylor. HUNTINGTON. Elizabeth ISennett - 73 Marvin O. Bennett. David Blackman - 82 Joshua Couch - - - 82 Joshua Couch. Nathan Fairchild - 78 William Allen - 75 William Allen. Thomas Gilbert ... 85 Joseph Meeker . . - 80 Silas Meeker. Dan. Chatfield 79 Betsey Hanford 82 Samuel Disbro. Agur Tomlinson ... 84 Samuel Wood ... 82 Samuel Wood. Nathan Lewis 85 Daniel Dikeman - 83 John Stephenson. MONROE. FAIRFIELD. Eli Milchel 72 Thomas Brothwill- 74 Thomas Brothwill. Samuel Wilson - - - 79 Samuel Wilson. TRUMBULL. Joseph Hayes - - - 84 Joseph Hayes. Hezekiah Edwards 79 Caroline M. Wheeler 79 Nichols C. Wheeler. Everard Curtiss 81 Abraham Morehouse 82 Abraham Morehouse. Lewis Burlon ... 78 David Potter 79 David Potter. James Beardslee . . - 83 Aaron Hubbell ... 79 Aaron Hubbell. David Booth 79 Margaret Beardslee 78 John W. Beardslee. Thaddeus Hubbell - ■ 74 Thaddeus Hubbell. DANBURY. Benjamin Brothwell 81 Benjamin Brothwell. Hannah Ambler ... 77 Thomas Ambler. John Wilson 76 John Wilson. Enos Nichols 80 Enos Nichols. James Pen field . . - 82 James Penfield. Stephen Allen 74 Stephen Allen. Ann Morehouse - 83 Ann Moreliouse. Josiah Bennett ... 74 Josiah Bennett. Anna Mallelt 82 Anna Mallett. Hezekiah Bailey ... 85 Hezekiah Bailey. Abel Turney ' - 75 Abel Turney. David Weed 92 David Weed. Benjamin Bennett - 86 Henry C. Graves. Anna Weed ... 78 Anna Weed. William Jennings - . - 74 .William Jennings. Sarah Crufut 81 Mos. Crofut. Sarah A. Burr 78 Sarah A. Burr. William Patch 79 William Patch. Catharine M. Burr 40 Catharine Mills: Mary Peters 85 Uriel Gunn. Thomas Turner - . - 55 Thomas Turner. John Gregory 79 John Gregory. Abigail Sherwood - - - 80 Samuel Perry. Russell Hamlin 85 Russell Hamlin. George Wakeraan - - . 76 Gershon Wakeman. Eli Taylor - - . . 80 Eli Taylor. Ephraim Nichols - - - 81 Ephraim Nichols. Samuel Taylor 78 Samuel Tavlor. Joseph Gray - . - 82 Joseph Gray. Thaddeus Starr 80 Thaddeus Starr. Nathan Banks . . - 80 Nathan Banks. Anna Piatt .... 67 Nehemiah Gillell. Ruth Banks 86 Abraham Banks. Eliud Taylor 82 Eliud Taylor. Hyat Banks ... 76 Hyat Banks. Betsey Gunn ... 71 Betsey Gunn. Mabel Banks 64 Benjamin Wilson. Benjamin Smith . - - 93 Benjamin Smith. NEVVTOW.V. Joseph Buckley ... 81 William Bradley. Mary Botsford 82 Jabez B. Botsford. Abigail Sherwood ... 80 Abigail Sherwood. Abigail Davis ... 78 Zar Winton. Amelia Buckley - - - 86 Tiinolhy Buckley. Jerusha Crittenden - 80 Eleazer Dancomb. Sally Ogden 76 Sally Ogden. Sarah Colburn ... 77 James Bwer. Kellogg Berry. Mary Sherwood ... 79 Burr Sherwood. Kellogg Berry 77 Reuben Sherwood - - - 87 Reuben Sherwood. Eunice Taylor ... 82 Daniel Summers. , Jolm Osborn ... 84 John Osborn. Peter Jennings ... 77 Peter Jennings. BROOKFIELD. Jeremiah Osborn ... 77 Jeremiah Osborn. Lucy Ruggles ... 76 Lucy Ruggles. Grace Darrow 77 Grace Darrow. Clarina Northrop . . - 78 Clarina Northrop. Eleazer Buckley ... John Alvord . - - 77 Eleazer Buckley. Anna Hawley 81 Benjamin Hawley, 90 Nehemiah B. Alvord. David Reeler ... 87 David Reeler. Mary Smith ... Sarah Robertson - 69 Mary Smith. Abel Smith 83 Abel Smith. 78 Sarah Robertson. Anna Bostwick ... 84 Asa Reeler. 56 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. CONNECTICUT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families lionaiy or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with wliom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. FAIRFIELD— Continued. FAIRFIELD— Continued. Brookfield — Continued. DARIEN. Hannah auintard - 70 Cyrus Beers. Mary Weed 76 Samuel Bates. Huldah Recler 82 Albert Judson. John Little .... 79 John Little. Samuel Matha 75 Samuel Matha. NEW FAIRFIELD. Jonathan Bell . ^ . 85 Jonathan Bell. Gideon Chase 79 Daniel Chase. William Waterbury 78 William Waterbury. James Wheeler 81 James Wheeler. John Weed ... 83 Joseph H. Leeds. Uriah Mead ... 80 Uriah Mead. Thadens Bell 81 Thadeus Bell. Benjamin Treadwell 77 Benjamin Treadwell. Henry Weed . . - 75 Henry Weed. Benjamin Peck - - - 78 Benjamin Peck. John Dibble 81 Frederic Waterbury. Benjamin Weed - . - 81 Benjamin Weed. « SHERMAN. Abigail Darkam ... 80 William Howe. Rumas Renedict - - - 74 Hanley Hungerford. Ebenezer Hoyt 76 Ebenezer Hoyt. Hannah Hungerford 81 Uriel llungerford. Mary Wakeman - - - 75 Mrs. Pepper. NORWALK. Mercy Hinman - - - 73 Thomas Bennett. Esther Avalt 77 Joanna Squires - - - 83 Isaac Squires. Esther Fitch ... Esther Banks 77 79 BRinGF.FIELD. Jacob Bishop 85 Elisha Hawley 83 Elisha Hawley. Stephen Hvatt ... 79 Ezra Mead - - - - 82 Ezra Mead. James Jellilf ... 81 Thomas Mead 76 Thomas Mead. Thomas Trowbridge 77 Jeremiah Mead 85 Seth Mead. Thomas Aiken ... 81 Matthew Oln^stcd - 80 Jeremiah Olmsted. Abigail Edwards - . - 79 Thomas Hawley - 84 Thomas Hawley. David Mawin ... 81 Wakeman Barrett - - - 87 Walfeman Barrett. Henry Chichester ... Nathaniel Raymond 77 87 READING. Nathan Odell 79 Abiah Sanford 95 Zalmon Sanford. David St. John ... 78 Joel Merchant 78 Joel Merchant. Rebecca Seymond - 88 Ebenezer Sanford - 78 Ebenezer Sanford. Darius Benedict ... 83 Sarah Gould 83 Aaron Gould. Seth Seymond ... 76 Zalmon Read - - - 81 Zalmon Read. Samuel 'Beers ... 81 Isaac H. Bartram - 88 Isaac H. Bartram. Sarah Gregory ... 73 Abraham Couch - - - 73 Abraham Couch. Hannah Murray ... 87 Stephen Baterson - - - 79 Stephen Baterson. Hannah Macvin ... 79 Asell Solomons - - - 82 Asell Solomons. Elijah Dingee ... 82 Jacob Packen . . - 76 Jacob Pachen. Sarah Bonton . . - 88 James Sauford - - - 81 James Sanford, jr. Moses Webb John Woolsey ... 84 79 WESTON. Nathan Knapp ... 77 Samuel Fairwether 79 Samuel Fairwether. Daniel Hoyt . . - 82 John Knapp . - - 87 Nathaniel W. Knapp. Ann Knight 78 Betsey Lacey . . - 80 Jesse Lacey. Nehemiah W. Lyon 81 Nehemiah'Lyon. WILTON. Ebenezer Seeley - . - 79 Ebenezer Seeley. Rebecca Dikeman ... 90 Joseph Seeley - . - 84 Joseph Seeley. Phebe Whitlock - 75 Justus Whitlook - 85 Justus Whitlook. Deodate Gavlord - . - 80 Wildman Hall 75 Wildman Hall. Seth Ronton 86 Eleanor Wilson 80 Walter Wilson. Eber Dudley 87 Hannah Whaley - 81 Jonathan Whaley. Clapp Rockwell - 77 Ezekiel Obauks 81 Ezekiel Obanks. Mary Cole 77 Isaac Hubbell . - - 82 Hannah Fanton. Daniel Birchard ... 80 Hannah Robertson 84 Alanson Robertson. Samuel Stewart - 95 Elias Bennett ... 88 Elias Bennett. Jesse St. John . . - 81 Jonathan Godfrey - . - 87 Samuel Smith. Job Hodges ... 82 Thomas Squairs - 79 Thomas Squairs. Zadok Rainnond - 76 Fanton Beers ... 85 Fanton Beers. Cato Treadwell - Thad. Mead 74 76 STAMFORD. Daniel Wescott 86 Joseph Selleck - . . 81 Joseph Selleck. Isaiah Belts ... 75 Hezekiah Knapp - 90 Hezekiah Knapp. Daniel Belts 84 Ezra Scofield ... 84 Ezra Scofield. Josiah W. Scofield 77 Edward Scofield. NEW CANAAN. Samuel Provost . - - 75 Samuel Provost. Mary Waterbury ... 75 William Knapp ... 8-1 William Knapp. Warren Hoyt ... 78 Enos Watcibury ... 79 Enos Waterbury. John Conlv ... 41 Jonathan Weed - - - / Jared Scofield . . - 82 Jonathan Weed. Elizabeth Wrid - 84 84 Jarcd Scofield. Lavis Stebbens . - - 83 Ebenezer Dean - . - 74 Ebenezer Dean. Isaac Smith 78 Samuel Dean ... 77 Samuel Dean. Isaac Benedict . . - 89 David Raymond - - - 80 Gould Raymond. Ann Comstock 85 Halt Scofield 84 Hait Scofield. Enoch St. John 75 » Aaron 'Vbbott 82 GREENWICH. Elias Gregory - - - 89 Noah Lockwood - 73 Noah Lockwood. - Allen Clintoii ... 77 Messens;er Lockwood 75 Messenger Lockwood. Daniel Weed ... 74 Ebenezer Jessup ... 77 Ebenezer Jessup. Joshua Lyon ... 87 Jo.^hua Lyon. WINDHAM COUNTY. Smith Mead 80 Seely Mead. CANTERBURY. Phineas Rimdle - 81 Gilbert Close. Samuel C. Adam ... 76 Samuel C. Adam. Charles Smith 73 Charles Smith. Susanna Monroe ... 79 Susanna Monroe. Solomon Mills 84 Soloman Mills. Benjamin Smith - 77 Benjamin Smith. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. CONNECTICUT— Continued. 37 A Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, IfvlO. WINDHAM— Continued. WINDHAM-Continued. Cantkrbury — Continued. Hampton — Continued. Sarah Manning - . - 78 Mansur Manning. - Anna Holt 79 Ezra d' Beers. Philena Bradford - - - 70 Archibald Bradford. Tamma Barnham 74 Tamma Barnham. Richard Cady 78 Richard Cady. Gideon Popple . . - 94 Gideon Popple. BROOKLYN. Hezekiah Kingsley 81 Hezekiah Kingsley. Jaben Kingsley ... 82 Jaben Kingsley. Ebenezer Packes . - - 81 Ebenezer Packes. Ezra Franklyn . • - 87 Ezra Franklyn. Lucy Smith . . - 89 Asher Smith. Anna Wheeler ... 72 Timothy Herrick. Nathaniel Luce - - - 8-3 Nathaniel Luce. Joseph Davison - - - 82 Joseph Davison. Samuel Shepard - - - 79 Samuel Shepard. Abigail Brown 70 Abigail Brown. KILLINGLY. Candes Lilly Bristee 83 Theodore Bristee. Oliver Chase 79 Oliver Chase. Martha Hoitgh 77 Samuel L. Hough. Simon Place . . . 88 Calvin Place. Susanna Adams - - - 98 Peleg Lewis. Reuben Robinson - 84 Reuben Robinson. Phebe Leach - - - 87 Harvey Leach. Elihu Warner ... 77 Elihu Warner. Seth Babbit 80 Silas Tucker. PLAINFIELD. Mary Eddy ... 79 James Bussey. Judith Watson - . - 87 Moses Packes. Daniel Farman 80 Daniel Farman. Marvil Laurence - 7.5 Marvil Laurence. Seth Short ... 82 William Button. Reuben Briant 77 Reuben Briant. Samuel White 82 Samael White. Stephen Bennet - - - 83 Stephen Bennet. Shubal Hulchins ... 81 Shubal Hutchins. Squire Cady 88 Squire Cady. Nathaniel Thurber 80 Nathaniel Thurber. Hannah Adams ... 80 Joseph Adams. STERLING. Aaron Buck ... 86 Aaron Buck. Reuben Camp 85 Reuben Camp. John Fisher 84 Laben Fisher. Simon Titus . . - 87 Joseph Titus. Oliver Torry ... 84 Oliver Torry. Edward Babbit 77 Edward Babbit. VOLCNTOWN. Margaret Raynolds 82 Matilda Raynolds. Thomas Robins - - - 75 Thomas Robins. Moses Lippet ... 89 Nathaniel Lippet. Zeruviah Robins - - - _ 85 Zeruviah Robins. James Simmons - 77 James Simmons. William Stewart - 89 William Stewart. Annis Day ... 79 Annis Day. Gershom Ray 80 Gershom Ray. Benjamin Palmer - 83 Benjamin Palmer. POMPRET. Freelove Kinney - - - 89 Avery Kinney. Olive Hyde ... 79 William Sherman. Agnes Kennada - . - 82 Charles Kennada. Jeremiah Wheaton 84 Jeremiah S. Wheaton. Moses Thompson - - - 76 Charles W. Thompson. Amasa Copeland ... 82 Amasa Copeland. Income Potter 94 Income Potter. t Deliverance Caswell. 85 Jedida Griggs. Elisha Cady ... 91 Rachel Richmond. WINDHAM. Reuben Sharp ... 77 Reuben Sharp. Mercy Bingham - - - Loisa Raymond 97 l.ucirHa ^Thite ... 76 Lucinda White 81 Edward Rivmond. Sarah Bagbee ... 88 Aaron Tucker. Eliphalet Ripley - 55 Eliphalet Ripley. Albey Stone ... 78 Albey Stone. Jonathan Robinson 80 Jonathan Robinson. Andrew Robinson - - - 77 Andrew Robinson. ASHFORD. John S. Billings - 77 Gilbert Billings. Amasa Robinson ... 77 Amasa Robinson. Peter Sanders - - - 88 Peter Sanders. Hannah Bedlow - 86 Hannah Bedlow. Benjamin WiUard 85 Benjamin WiUard. George Dunworth - 81 . Horace Whiton. Nehemiah Ripley - - - 78 Nehemiah Ripley. Ambrose Brown - 73 Ambrose Brown. Asa Bates . - . 8-2 Asa Bates. Samuel Whitney - 83 Warren Whimey. Lucy Snow ... 87 Edward Chappel. Ebenezer Robbins ... 82 Ebenezer Robbins. Pompey McCuffe . . - 80 Pompey McCufti^. Josiah Eaton ... 83 Josiah Eaton. AbnerWeble 81 Abner Weble. Willard Watkins . 75 William Orcutt. Dudley Hovey ... 78 Dudley Hovey. Sarah Lawson 74 Ariel Kevs. Seabry Manning - . - 76 Gamaliel Manning. Jacob Bosworth ... 79 David Fiiller. Mary Manning ... 93 Walter Kingsley. Prudence Scarborough 71 Uriah B. Carpenter. Lydia Lo«ell ... 95 John Losell. Eliphal Caqienter . Esther Chapman ... 72 Lucius Carpenter. Eunice Rudd 87 William R. Dorrance. 71 Timothy Backus. Nathan Fuller 76 Nathan Fuller. Ephraini Squire ... Philip Squire ... 92 Ephraim Squire. Prudence Welch ... 73 83 Philip Squire. Martha Bugbee 82 Martha Bugbee. CHAPLIN. David Scares ... 87 David Scares. Eunice Fisk ... 85 Eunice Fisk. James B. Felch - 47 James B. Felch. Lucy Kenneda 76 Thomas Baldwin. . Aaron Flint 81 Aaron Flint. David Dean' ... 81 David Dean. Frederick Knowlton 79 Frederick Knowlton. Matthew Smith . , - 80 Matthew Smith. Nathaniel Round - 81 Nathaniel Round. Foster ... 78 Joseph Foster, jr. John Davis ... 85 John Davis. Lucy Simons ... 76 Otis Whiton. Abigail Utlcy 82 James Utlcy. THOMPSON. Amos Clark ... 78 Amos Clark. Sarah Allton ... 77 Daniel Allton. Elizabeth Lamphere 81 Solomon Lamphere. Ph(;be Stone ... 87 Joseph Wheaton. Ira Elliott. Thomas Elliott 81 HAMPTON. Jonathan Converse 80 Jonathan Converse. David Spencer ... Amasa Clark ... 78 David Spencer. Susanna Day 77 George Day. 76 Amasa Clark. Robert Tucter 80 Robert Tucker. Amos Ford ... 78 Amos Ford. Susanna GoodcU - 68 Amos Goodell. Amasa Martin ... 76 Amasa Martin. Ebenezer Covill ... 81 Ebenezer Covill. William Durkee - . _ 81 William Durkee, 1st. Arculaus Sibley - 79 Arculaus Sibley. Nathaniel F. Martin 80 Nathaniel F. Martin. Eleazer Bowen 86 Eli R. Gleason. Chloe Farnham ... 79 Philip Pearl. Joseph Ashley. Joseph Matthews - Stephen Rubbins - 88 Nathan Matthews. Joseph Asliley ... 84 79 Amos Robbins. Silas Cleaveland ... 84 Mason Cleaveland. William Town - 83 Harmon Shuruway. Lucy Dennison 77 William Clark. Rebecca Davis 76 Thomas Davis. Daniel Ashley 82 Daniel Ashley. William Walker - 83 Richard Carpenter. 58 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. CONNECTICUT— Continued. Names of pensioners (or revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, J 840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. WINDHAM-Continued. LITCHFIELD— Continued. Thompson — Continued. Haiihington — Conlinned. Ebenezer Greene ... 81 Samuel Greene. Lyman Clark 89 Lyman Clark. Jacob BlacUniar - - - 80 Jacob Blackmar. Joseph Richardson 78 Joseph Richardson. BABKnAMSTEAD. Asa Jacobs ... 80 Asa Jacobs. Abner Slade ... 82 Abner Slade. Molly Woodlin - 88 Christopher Corlis. Tahpoenes Wilder 79 Thomas Wilder. Sarah Benson ... 88 Ebenezer Thompson. Medad Munson ... 83 Medad Munson. Alpheus Bowers ... 85 Delano White. Esther Moses 76 Evcliu Kilborn. Aaron Bixby 79 Aaron Bixby. Mercy Wilson - . - David Lee 82 Martin Rust. Molly Bi.vby 72 Halsey Bixby. 76 Daniel Lee. Chester Cha tree 85 Chester Chaffee. David Hoskins ... 81 Lyman Hoskins. Joseph Tonrlelolt - 82 Joseph Tourtelolt. Strong Sanford ... 79 Strong Sanford. Nancy White 93 Martin While. Martin Moses 79 Martin Moses. Mary Gilbert ... 74 Franklin Gilbert. WOODSTOCK. John Masb 82 John Mash. Anna Fowler ... 80 John F.Williams. Andrew Parsons ... 79 Nelson L. Elmer. NEW HARTFORD. John Fox 83 Nehemiah Fox. ^ Roswell Marsh 79 Roswell Marsh. David Clark 85 Mary Clafk. Levi Watson ... 79 Levi Wausou. Hezekiah Herrendeen - Hezekiah Herrendeen. Reuben Messenger 87 Reuben Messenger. Oliver Dorsett ... 68 Phebe Austin. Lydia Thorp . . - 78 Lydia Thorp. Elijah Mason ... 83 Jacob Lyon. Salome Marsh - . . 77 Miles Marsh. John Clark 85 Thaddeus Clark. Nathan Barns - - " - _ Nathan Barns. Calvin Holbrook - . . 82 Calvin Holbrook. Susan Seymour 77 Martin S. Goodwin. Lucy Underwocd - - - 82 Rufus Child. Milchel Spencer ... 74 Mitchel Spencer. Mary Curtis ... 86 Ebenezer Hibbard. Israel Barns ... 82 Israel Barns. Jemima Harding - 80 Hezekiah Bugbee. Huldah Crow 74 William Butler. WiUard Child 82 WiUard Child. William Carter 88 Abicrail Child. COLEBROOK. Abiel Chaffee 79 Abiel Chaffee. John Thomas 80 Miles H. Bidwell. Ephraim While ... 86 Asa White. LITCHFIELD COUNTY. Jesse Taylor ... 87 Hiram Smilh. LITCHFIELD. John Phelps ... 84 John Phelps. Amos Galpin ... 80 Amos Galpin. Mehitable Simons - . - 78 Abel Bunnell. Martha Moss ... 90 Lery C'atlin. Simons . . - 82 Abial Cose. Eunice Sanl'ord - - . 84 Stephen Moss. Titus Hart 83 Tims Hart. Athnel Gilcot 81 Athnel Gileot. Mary Tinker ... 81 James Marvin. Elisha Mason ... 81 Elisha Mason. David Orris ... 93 Chandler Watlen. James Baldwin - . - 82 James Baldwin. Eleazer Bidwell ... 88 Phineas Bidwell. WilUamGibbs 86 William Gibbs. . Solomon Giblxs - . - 80 Solomon Gibbs. WINCHESTER. Eliada Orsborne ... 79 Eliada Orsborne. Seth Bishop 82 Alonzo Bishop. Samuel Blakesly . . - 80 Samuel Blakesly. Hooma Rogers ... 80 Samuel Rogers. Levy ... 74 Zebina Sm'ith ... 80 ^ehin.i Rmhh i-j^uniA k.^ijjiin. Thomas Stone ... 86 Thomas Stone. Jamima Jose ... 70 Lavina Hawly. Rhoda Chase ... 82 Charles Buel. Daniel H. Cone 87 Ira Loom is. James Bir^e 82 James Birge, Abigail Hatch - Washington Halch. Oliver Pickinson - . . 83 Samuel Wright. Sillimon Hiibbel ... 75 Silliman Hubbel. Thankful Poller - 76 Oliver Pickinson. John Hall 85 John Hall. Gershom Gibbs . . - Patience Gibbs ... John Welch 90 75 82 Willis Gibbs. Jarvis Grisnold. John Welch. ROXBURY. Deliverance S, Painter Thomas Beardsley Roswell Wheaton ... 75 85 80 Henry Painter. Nallian Beardsley. Roswell Whealon. Ruth Waugh 79 Ruth Waugh. Philo Hodge David Buel - - - 83 Philo Hodge. Lydia Parmer ... 85 Alanson Hall. 83 David Buel. Olive Barwos ... 89 Rufus Ames. Rachel Porter 79 John Porter. Grant Wicknire ... 80 Grant Wicknire. MILFORD. Rebecca Sevmour - 78 Rebecca Seymour. John Waoiier - - - 76 John Waoner. Elisha Taylor 79 Elisha Taylor. Chesler Emmons. Nathaniel Wilson - 76 Nalliaiiiel Wilson. Joseph Mason ... 85 57 Sylvester R. Lane. Smith ... 81 George Smith. Henry Nearing ... Daniel Copley ... 82 84 Henry Nearing. Daniel Copley. TORRINGTON. David 79 David '. Thomas White - 76 Thomas While. John Cavenan . . - 82 John Cavenan. Mary Brown ... 80 Sylvester Coe. Henry Bristol. John Camp 78 John Camp. Rhoda Birrell 78 Timothy Randall - 82 Timothy Randall. Justice Reed 79 Justice Reed. Phineas Gorham . 83 Phineas Gorham. Ebenezer Miller ... 76 Ebenezer Miller. Benjamin Hamblin 76 Benjamin Hamblin. Noah Drake ... 82 Noah Drake. David Lockwood - . - 80 David Lockwood. Polly Filer 82 Julia Filer. Jonathan ... 78 Jonathan . Prudence Taylor - 86 Fanny Taylor. Samuel Ovialt 77 Samuel Oviati. Levi Smilh. Thomas Walson - 79 George Walson. Levi Smilh 76 Charles Randall . 76 Charles Randall. HARHINCTON. Darius Fool - . . 78 Darius Foot. WOODBURY. Martha Bull 76 John Bull. John Strong ... 87 John Strong. Bcnoni Johnson . . . 73 Sherman Cloveland. Enoch Hayes ... 75 Knoeh ITaye.s. George Jones ... • 85 GeorKe Jones, Jesse Hayes ... Abram Smith . . - 77 Jcs.se Hayes. John Winchcl 77 John'Winchel. 80 Abr.im Smith. Simeon Barhfiiir ... 87 Simoon Barhotir. Benjamin Andrews 81 r.eni^iinin 11 Andrews. Widow Barnes 78 Barson Piarnc;. Josiah Bacon . . - 84 Willitim U Bacon. Erastus Baidwik - 80 Eraslus Baldwin. Nchemiah Judson - 82 Nehemiah Judson. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. CONNECTICUT— Continued. 59 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided Jime 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. LITCHFIELD— Continued. LITCHFIELD— Continued. PLY.MOUTH. Sharon — Continued. Electa Allen 79 Roger Allen. David Adkins ... 80 David Adkins. John Hatch ... 80 Daniel Hatch. Thaddeus Brack - 76 Janus Brack. Theophilus M. Smith Henry Stevens ... Lydia Jones . . - 82 75 Theophilus M.Smith. Horace Stevens. GOSHEN. William Browne - . . 83 William Brown. 79 Horace ToUes. Ruth Hart Samuel Miles ... 79 84 Warren Brown. Charles H. Dear. VTATERTOWN. Anne Bradley - - - Elizabeth Osbom - 85 William F. Osbom. 82 Anne Bradley. Jeremiah M. Kelly 81 Augustus Miles. Obed Doolittle - - - 76 Obed Doolittle. Mary Howe 85 Mary Howe. Tliomas Frun _ - - 77 Thomas Frun. Paimelia Thompson 76 Charles M. Thompson. Cliauncey Garnsey Benjamin Hull 80 76 Chauncey Garnsey. John P. Hungerford. Francis Beach ... Julius Beach ... 85 75 Francis Beach. Julius Beach. Anne Merriman - 70 George F. Merriman. Samuel Woodruff - - - 81 Samuel Woodruff. CORNWELL. Jane Baldwin ... 81 Henry Baldwin. BKTHLEHEM. George Clark - . . 88 George Clark. Ebenezer Hall - - _ 83 Brack Zophar. Edwin Clark. Abel Avery ... 79 Abel Avery. Champion Clark - Abnev Everett _ - - 79 Burret Jennings ... 81 John Jennings. 77 Abner Everett. David Mallery 80 David Mallery. Samuel Jackson - - - 82 Samuel Jackson. ChloeProut 68 Chloe Prout. Sarah Brown - - - 78 Leman Thomas. Oliver Burnham ... 79 Oliver Burnham. Abigail Pratt 89 Abigail Pratt. ^Xf t ^jiiiivriiTnM Jacob Scoville ... 88 Jacolj Scoville, 2d. WAhHINd 1 UN . Meriam Armstrong 84 Meriam Armstrong. Martha Dean ... 78 Ethel Dean. John Day ... 74 John Noble, Adonijah Pangman 83 Gideon P. Pangman. Susanna Osborn - . - 77 Daniel Prentiss. Joseph Titus ... Olive Whitney ... 82 80 Joseph Titus, jr. Elisha Whitney. NORFOLK. Richard Beckley - John Strong ... 80 79 Richard Beckley. John Strong. WARREN. Reuben Palmer - - . 79 Reuben Palmer. Daniel Beeman - - - 84 Daniel Beeman. Joseph Rockwell ... 82 Joseph Rockwell. Mary Battcrson - - ' - 77 Mary Battcrson. Dilly Curtis. Ichabod Alwater - - - 80 Ichabod Atwater. Lysander Curtis - . - 77 Hessibah Warner - 79 Russell Allen. Lovisa James - - - 82 Lovisa James. Ephraim Brown . . . Mary Heady ... 68 Ephraim Brown. Benjamin Sackett - - - 78 Benjamin Sackett. Ebenezer Tanner. 79 John Heady. Lydia Tanner - - . 85 Esther White 77 Daniel White. John Welch 77 John Welch. Elin Tilbals 79 Orrin Tilbals. Sarah Wickwire - . - 80 Alvan Wickwire. CANAAN. KENT. Thomas Judd ... 86 Chauncey Morriss. Michael Bailey - - - Naomi Burton . . - Lucy Roots . . - Silas Leonard - . - 90 Philo Bailey. Esther Post 76 Esther Post. 92 76 Joseph Benson. Hiram H. Roots. Esther Hunt Abraham Holcomb 77 78 John Hunt. Timothy Morton. 83 Amasa Leonard. Joshua Bolden 77 Jeremiah Bolden. Joseph Segar ... Mary Stone ... 82 81 Joseph Segar. Levi W. Stone. Nathaniel Merrils - Jonathan Gillett ... 80 78 Nathaniel Merrills. Jonathan Gillett. Elias Taylor 87 Agur Beardslev. Nela Wadsworth ... 77 Benjamin Wadsworth. Elizabeth Hubbell - 77 Chester Hubbell. Olive Jaqrua ... 77 Daniel Jaqrua. David Whitehead - . - 75 David Whitehead. Amy Stevens ... 79 Seth Stevens. Tracy Beeman ... 78 Tracv Beeman. Edmina Demming - . . 75 Edmund Demming. Daniel Stone ... 81 Daniel Stone. Judd 92 Joseph J. Cass. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. MTDDLETOWN (without the city.) SALISBURY. Rachel Crowell 79 Henry CroweU. Rufus Landon 81 Henry Landon. Allen Evans 79 William Builcr. John Russell ... 78 John Rus.sell. Zarnah Phelps ... 79 Zarnah Phelps. Sylvia Sardam ... 63 Solomon Sardom. Jesse Caples ... 92 Jesse Caples. Archibald Campbell , 75 Archibald Campbell. Sylvanus Nichols - - . 77 Sylvanus Nichols, jr. Elijah H. Bundy ... 72 Elijah H. Bundy. Joshua Slow ... 78 Joshua Stow. Joseph Hollista - - - 88 Horace Hollista. Elijah Roberts 78 Elijah Roberts. Catharine Wilsey ... 74 Lewis German. William Bacon . . - 82 Oliver Alkins. Simeon Sage ... 87 Simeon Sage. Samuel Golpin ... 81 Samuel Golpin. Mary Evaets 91 Mary Evaets. Ebenezer Roberts ... 82 Harley Bowers. Elizabeth Treat - 82 Seth Cornwell. SHARON. Benjamin Gilbert - - . 79 Benjamin Gilbert. Daniel Clark 78 Daniel Clark. John Cornwell ... 80 John Cornwell. Asahel Hotchkiss ... 80 Asahel Hotchkiss. . Samuel Butler ... 74 Samuel Cutler. James Lloyd 76 William Loyd. Chrislina Belden - 85 Christina Belden. Thomas Heth 85 Thomas Heth. Elizabeth W. Sage - 83 Elizabeth W. Sage. Adonijah Maxam ... 86 Clark Maxam. Hannah Taylor - 79 Samuel Miner. David 76 Henry Van Densen. Lois Lambert ... 79 Lois Lambert. CITY OF inDDLETOWN, Johanna Lyman ... 85 Abram Weed. Jack Randall 84 Jack Randall. Tabitha Merchant - 82 Samuel Merchant. Hamet Achmet 81 Hamet Achmet. Alpheus Jewitt ... 85 Alpheus Jewitt. Samuel Froihingham 81 Samuel Frothingham. John Fuller ... 76 Cyrus Fuller. Thaddeus Nichols - 78 Thaddeus Nichols. Samuel Ames ... 47 Samuel Ames. Rachel Carter 91 Rachel Carter. John FuUerton - . - 81 Rufus Chamberlin. William Plumb - 91 William Plumb. Nathaniel Hunter ... 82 Nathaniel Hunter. Louis Crofoot ... 83 Ephraim Crofoot. William Sumner. Joel ChafTee 81 Joel Chaffee. William Sumner - - - 83 John Wilson ... 78 John Wilson. Rebecca Burr ... 78 William Warner. 60 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. CONNECTICUT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. MIDDLESEX— Continued. CHATHAM. Rachel Strong Esther Warner Rebecca Bowers - Jacob lliiril Benjamin HiuJ Richard Fkiod Jesse Graham John Marliham Abel Abel - Elijah Abel - Eli>ha Nilcs Daniel Morgan Anna Usher Philip White John Johnson Sparro Smiih Benjamin Cobb Amos Clark Rebecca Johnson - Benjamin Pettis David Sears Stephen Clark Seymour Hurlbut - Simeon Pen field - Darid Shepard George Bush Ezra Potter DURHAM, Jabez Chalker Eber Lee - - - John Barkhardt James Parmalee - Rejoice Camp Manoah Camp Elizabeth Bishop - nADDAM. Abisha Smith Nehemiah Tyler - Sarah Lewis Phebe Cow Jonathan Sabin Noadiah Cone Huldah Cook Concurrance Bonfoy James Thomas EAST HADDAM. William Gelston - John Foster Olive Hungerford - Gurdon Ely William Babcock - Samuel Fargo Samuel Palms Samuel Lord Lydia Brainerd Temperance Smith Jabez Maynerd John Watson George Plum Joel Spencer Nathan Burnham - Samuel Emmons - Daniel S.Emmons - Isaac C. Ackeley - Joshua Cone Crippen Hurd KILLINOWORTH. Jonathan Wellman CLINTON. Elnaihan Ilurd Constant Parmelee - John Wright Jimmy Post Elias Stevens David Griffin Ages. 79 93 82 79 77 78 79 83 77 79 79 78 91 92 81 78 79 83 85 84 85 83 83 85 83 83 85 83 79 79 81 79 71 86 80 86 71 83 80 8G 78 87 81 92 82 80 54 79 85 85 82 76 83 76 74 77 81 79 83 80 82 77 78 83 19 78 79 76 77 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided Jtme 1, 1840. Rachel Strong. Esther Warner. Rebecca Bowers. Jacob Hurd. Benjamin Hurd. Richard Flood. Jesse Graham. John Markhain. Abel Abd. Elijah Abel. Elisha Niles. Daniel Morgan. Soph roll Ushtr. Philip White. John Johnson. S. Smith. Benjamin Cobb. Amos Clark. Rebecca Johnson. Benjamin Pettis. David Sears. Stephen Clark. Seymour Hurlbut. Simeon Penheld. David Shepard. George Bush. Asa Dickerson. Jabez Chalker. Elah Camp, 2d. Daniel Thompson. James Parmalee. Lemuel Camp. Manoah Camp. Henry Canfield. Abisha Smith. Nehemiah Tyler. Sarah Lewis. Ephraim Parsons. Jonathan Sabin. Noadiah Cone. Huldah Cook. Concurrance Bonfoy. James Thomas. William Gelston. John Foster. Olive Hungerford. Gurdon Ely. William Babcock. Samuel F'argo. Samuel Palms. Samuel Lord. Lydia Brainerd. Temperance Smith. Jabez Maynerd. John Watson. George Plum. Joel Spencer. Nathan Burnham. Samuel Emmons. Daniel S. Emmons. Isaac C. Atkeley. Joshua Cone. Crippen Hurd. H. Griffin. Elnaihan Hurd. Constant Parmalee. John Wright. Jimmy Po.st. Elias Stevens. David Griffin. Names of pensioners for revolu tionary or military services. MIDDLESEX— Continued. SAYBROOK. Rufus Clark Atnbrose AVatcrhouse Joel Drane - - - Oliver Chalker Moses Chalker John Jones - - - EliasTuUy- Gcorge Clark John Salter CHESTER. Harmon Dudley - Joseph Clark WE3TER00K. ' ' Richard Stokes Elijah Stannard Jedediah Chapman Cornelius Chittenden John Chittenden - Naih,an Kirtland - Job Stannard John Stannard TOLLAND COUNTY. HEBRON. Sarah Flint John Taylor Andrew Mann Daniel Phelps Amos Phelps Joseph Mann Roger Phelps Hannah White Deborah Brown Robert Holdridge - Hannah Peter Mary Mack VERNON. Roswell Smith Jusius Talcott Jane King - - - Leonard Rogers Leavitt Millard BOI.TON, John Coleman Abigail Filch Tabitha Carver Abner Backus Cary Clark COLUMBIA. Simon Babcock Jemima Dewey Samuel Barstow - David Skinner David Strong MANSFIELD. Temperance Bennett Esther Bennett Samuel Dunham - Nathaniel Brown - Selah Turner Marilla Bronson - Ruth Janes Sylvanus Conant - Jonathan Atwood - Lydia Dewey Isaac Arnold Mary Davis Josiah Fuller Gardiner Spencer - Martha Martin COVENTRY. John Clark- Mary Lyman Ebenezer L. Sweelland Bela Bovnton Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided Jime 1, 18-10. 75 Rufus Clark. 83 Ambrose Waterhouse. 78 J(jcl Drane. 80 Oliver Chalker. 81 Moses Chalker. 79 John Jones. 88 Samuel M. TuUy. 78 George Clark. 83 John Sailer. 82 Harmon Dudley. 78 Joseph Clark. 76 Richard Stokes. 87 Elijah Stannard. 81 Jedediah Chapman. 74 Cornelius Chittenden. 83 John Chittenden. 77 Nathan Kirtland. 78 Job Stannard. 80 Jolm Stannard. 78 Joshua C. Flint. 83 John Taylor. 85 Caleb Hubbard. 81 Daniel Phelps. 83 Amos Phelps. 78 Joseph Mann. 77 R. L. Phelps. 80 to 90 Hannah White. 81 Harvey Brow'n. 77 Robert' Holdridge. 78 Hiram Goodale. 78 P. R. Gilbert. 82 Roswell Smith. 80 Justus Talcott. 72 Eli-sha Pember. 85 Leonard Rogers. 80 Leavitt Millard. 87 John Coleman. 88 Elijah Fitch. 83 Tabitha Carver. 78 Abncr Backus. 84 Cary C. Clark. 82 Simon Babcock. 83 Jemima Clark. 80 Samuel Barstow. 88 David Skinner. 78 David Strong. 95 Temperance Bennett. 79 Ann Bills. 85 Samuel Dtuiham. 83 Nathaniel Brown. 74 Selah Turner. 71 Greene Capron. 77 Josiah Janes. 89 Sylvanus Conant. 79 Jonathan Alwood. 72 Alaihea Jones. 76 Isaac Arnold. 76 Joseph Solace. 87 Josiah Fuller. 81 Gardiner Spencer. 79 Martha Martin. *' 88 -Tohn Clark. 88 Martin Lyman. 87 E. L. Sweetland. 87 Bela Boynton. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. CONNECTICUT— Continued. 61 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. TOLLAND— Continued. TOLLAND— Continued. Coventry — Continued. Celia Grossman - . - 82 David Robertson. UNION. Asa Parker 83 Asa Parker. Orthanial Brown ... 81 Orthanial Brown. Solomon Judd . - - 83 Solomon Judd. Joseph Snell ... 85 Joseph Snell. Ashcr Wright 80 Asher Wright. Samuel Stone ... 80 Samuel Stone. Stephen Dunham . - - James Dunham 79 70 Stephen Dunham. James Dunham. Hannah Sessions . . - Ebenezer Lawson ... 86 81 Joanna D. Sessions. Isaac B. Booth. Mary Philips 80 Samuel Cooper. Elijah Morley 72 Elijah Morley. T0LL.1ND. Luoy Slocumb . - - 7-i David Man. Hannah Bugbee ... 77 Alanson Bugbee. Jacob Benton. Daniel Avery 78 Daniel Avery. Jacob Benton 80 Nathaniel Root - . - 84 Nathaniel Root. Lydia Chapman ... 81 Ashbel Chapman. EInathnn Grant. Rebecca Talcott - 81 Chester Talcott, Einathan Giant ... 78 Daniel Loorais , - - 82 Daniel Loomis. Ebenezer Grover ... 86 Ebenezer Grover. Benjamin House - - - 82 Benjainin House. Lemuel Pinney ... 88 Daniel Grigg,s. Mary Ensworth 80 Jedediah Ensworth. Samuel Johnson - 83 Ira Johnson. Dow C. Brigham - - - 77 D. C. Brigham; Jabez Kingsberry ... 84 Jabez Kingsberry. Medad Kellogg ... 91 Medad Kellogg. SOMERS. Ellis LilUbridge - 79 Daniel Lillibridge. Eleanor Jones 87 Jonathan Clark. Ammi Paulk ... 84 Joshua Luce. Abigail Morgan - - - 78 Charles Morgan. Ruth Scott ... 67 Leverett Luce. James Spencer . - - 80 James Spencer. Samuel Reed ... 79 Samuel Reed. George Risley 77 George Risley. Simeon Webster - 80 Milton Webster. Oliver Chapin . - - 82 Oliver Chapin. Huldah Bourn 77 John Bourn. Asa Wood - - - Jonathan Clark ... Lorica Russell ... Frederick Kibber - - 78 78 84 78 Martin Wood. Jonathan Clark. Lorica Russell. Frederick Kibber. F.LLINfiTON. Jonathan Buckland Timothy Carpenter Charlotte Foster - 76 74 74 Jonathan Buckland. Timothy Carpenter. Ephraim Ely. Sarah Pease . . . 81 Sarah Pease. Solomon Eaton ... 82 Solomon Eaton. Martin Enoe . . . 76 Martin Enoe. Sarah Wallis 84 James M, Gardener. Daniel Brace ... 83 Daniel Brace. John Dimmick ... 86 Ezekiel Newell. Anna Pease ... 92 Oliver Pease. Jemima Steele ... 77 Oliver W. Steele. .STAFFORD. WII,LINGTON. Abigail Blodgett - 87 Abijah Blodget. Mary Brigham 87 Eli.sha Atwood. William Rice ... 78 William Rice. Ellis Anderson ... 72 Thomas Anderson. Amy EUethorp ... 86 Samuel E. Fairfield. Mrs. Walker 92 Jacob Clarke. Abigail Rogers ... 84 Samuel Colbuin, jr. Solomon Fenton ... 81 Solomon Fenton. Hannah Thresher - - , . 77 Thomas H. Thresher. Eunice Fuller ... 77 Chester Fuller. Sarah Converse - 79 Parley Converse. John Fuller 87 John Fuller. Sarah Converse . . - 84 Roswell Converse. Joseph Scott 77 Hazzard Hull. Molly Cady 78 Absalom Cady. Sarah Crocker ... 82 Joseph Hull. Israel How ... 81 Israel How. Nathan Jennings ... 86 Elisha Jennings. Stephen Orcutt . . -. S3 Stephen Oroutt. Thomas Knowlton 74 Thomas Knowlton. Silas Dean ... 85 Silas Dean. Andrew Manning - 86 Lalhrop Manning. William Patten 88 William Patten. Lois Pearl 76 Austin Pearl. Stephen Whitaker . . 81 Stephen Whitaker. Frederick Pearl ... 78 Frederick Pearl. Rebecca Huntington 79 Rebecca Huntington. Eleanor Sparks 78 Ro.tana Sparks. Seth Vinton. Noah Saunders 84 Noah Saunders. Seth Vinton 84 STATE OF VERMONT. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, IWO. CHITTENDEN COUNTY. CHITTENDEN— Continued. BDRLINGTON. CHARLOTTE^Continued. David Russell 82 David Russell. Skiif Morgan 79 Ski fJ' Morgan. Nathan Seymour - - . 84 William Seymour. Samuel Andrews . . - 77 Samuel Cunningham. William Kilburiie 77 William Kilburne. Asa Narramore ... 78 Samuel L. Narramore. Lydia Sawyer . . - 65 Lydia Sawyer. Ephraim Page ... 45 Ephraim Page. John Stacy ... 79 John Stacy. Stephen Russell ... 75 Stephen Russell. Alanson Adams - Reuben Bostwick ... 48 81 Alanson Adams. Reuben Bostwick. Benjamin Adams ... Elisha Owen ... 74 80 Benjamin Adams. Elisha Owen. AlpheusHall 83 Alpheus Hall. Samuel Mills Dorcas Pierson - - - Elizabeth Collamer 77 73 74 Samuel Mills. Hiram Pierson. Ira A. Collamer. Oliver Howard John Blake ... William Hewes ... 77 81 79 Oliver Howard. Jonathan Blake. Benjamin Hewes. CHARLOTTE. ST. GEORGE, Stephen Turrill - 94 Lucy Simons. Jehiel Isham ... 78 Jehiel Isham. 62 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. VERMONT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of familie tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re sided June 1, 1840. CHITTENDEN— Continued. FRANKLIN— Continued. IllNESBURG. Beiikshihe — Continued. George Palmer 7!) Robert Palmer. Arthur Danow 81 Arthur Danow. Nanny Wilcox . - - 8H John Wilcox. ElishaShaw 78 Elisha Shaw. Moses Dow 80 Moses Dow. Lucy Chatiee . . - 82 John Chaffee. Rhoda Beach 7y Thaddeus L. Beach. Benj. B. Searle 74 Benjamin B. Searle. Elizabeth Bowen . - - 84 Otis Clapp. COLCHESTER. Levi Darling . - . 78 Hiram Darling. Jeremiah Fisher - 77 Jeremiah Fisher. Lemuel Tubbs - - - 91 Amos C. Richardson. FAinPIELD. Amos Preston . - - 85 Amos Preston. Dolly Beardslcy - 80 Lewis Beardslcy. ^ Benj. Fairbanks. • Elizabeth AUbrd - 75 Joshua Barnes. Abel Fairbanks 86 David Webster - - - 81 John S. Webster. John B. Mitchell - 81 John B. Mitchell. Claud Montv ... 88 Jolin Monty. Sarah Runnels - - - 70 Ebenezer Runnels. Amos Mansiield, jr. 47 Amos Mansfield. Josiah Osgood ... 82 Lucy Page. Wir.T.ISTON. MONTGOMERY. Daniel Ishara - . - 88 Daniel Ishara. Joshua Wade 75 Joshua Wade. Thaddeus Graves - 84 Thaddeus Graves. Ebenezer Bradley . - -. 79 Timothy M. Bradley. RICHFORD. Zachariah Hart ... 81 Zachariah Hart. Hezekiah Goff 86 Hezekiah Goff. Solomon S. Miller - 79 Harry Miller. Gideon Wood . 79 Gideon Wot>d. John Brown . - . 82 John Brown. Paul Clark 83 Wright Clark. SHELDON. Leonard Hodges ... 81 Leonard Hodges. Ebenezer Chamberlain 86 John Fish. Francis Duchms ... 85 Philip W. Duclous. RICHMOND. Elim Gilbert 76 Ahira Tracy. John Deveraux 84 Alnnson Deveraux. Joseph Lamb . - - 76 Nathan Lamb. William Humphrey 57 William Humphrey. Uriah Higgins 68 Stephen Marvin. Daniel Robbins . . - 7(j Daniel Rubbins. Josiah Peckham ... 85 Josiah Peckham. 'htntington. ST. AI.BAN."?. Benjamin Hawley - - - 79 Nathan Hawley. Jehiel Holdridge ... 88 Jehiel Holdridge, jr. John Filch ... 85 John Fitch. John Delawny 82 Chauncev Smith. Jolin Moses - ' - 81 Jonathan Moses. Eleazer Brooks . - - 73 Eleazer Brooks. Sophia Bael 77 Ebenezer Buel. Jeremiah Virginia 83 Jeremiah Virginia. William Ishain ... 81 Asahel Isham. ESSEX. Noel Potter 79 Levi Beals. Stephen Butler 81 Stephen Butler. Daniel B. Meigs ... 77 Daniel B. Meigs. David Day 8-2 Horatio Day. Hezekiah Keeler ... 81 Lewis Keeler. Abigail Bradley . . - 81 Horace Halberl. Bates Turner 80 Bates Turner. Gideon Curtis ... 71 Gideon Curtis. F.VIRFAX. WESTPORD. J. Danforth 79 Jonathan Danforth. James Taylor 75 Bartholomew F. Taylor. E. Faxan 81 Francis Faxan. Simeon Hooker - 100 Hart Woodruff. George Magars ... 85 George Magars. Jesse Ide . . - - 80 Jesse Ide. Thomas Keyes . . - 85 Thoiiias Keyes. Sylvester Crandal - 87 John Coon. Archibald Cook 77 Hiram Cook. Huldah Wilmouth 84 Henry Woodruff. Joseph Cross ... 80 John Macomber ... 80 John Macomber. Eunice Starks ... 93 Solomon Hobert ... 80 Solomon Hobert. Hannah Blaisdell - 85 Thomas Atwood - 85 Thomas Atwood. GEORGIA. BOLTON. Abel Parker 74 Abel Parker. James Bennett ... 83 James Bennett. Elisha Bartlett 82 Orson Bartlett. Edmund Town ■ - 77 Ira Town. Frederick Cushman 82 Roswell Cushman. Ethiel Scott . ' - 78 Ethiel Scott. UNDERUILL. Josiah Sheldon . - - 85 Josiah Slieldon. HIGUGATE. Rebecca Wells 85 Rebecca Wells. Israel Jones ... 80 Israel Jones. Barnard Ward ... 76 Barnard Ward. John Johnson 82 Nathaniel Johnson. George Olds ... 90 Peter Martin. Philip Shelters 78 Philip Shelters. Caleb Sheldon 84 Caleb Sheldon. Samuel Calhoim ... 79 Alonzo Calhoun. SWANTON. Chauncey Graves . . - 79 Chauncev Graves. John Otis . - - - 81 Joseph Otis. Esther Rider 73 Esther Rider. John B. Joyall ... 96 John B. Joyall. James Fiske 77 James Fiske. JERICHO. Peter Barsha 83 Peter Barsha. Isaac Benham 79 Isaac Benham. Erastus Hathaway . 80 Harry Hathaway. J. I. Warner 79 J. I. Warner. John Austin ... 82 John'Auslln. Esther Chapin 81 Esther Chapin. BenonI Chapin ... 8-3 Benoni Chapin. CALEDONIA COUNTY. Roger Stevens ... 79 Roger Stevens. BAHNET. Ichabod Chapin ... 79 Ezra Church. William Strobridge 84 William Strobridge. Peter L. Allen 52 Peter L. Allen. Levi Hall 79 Nathaniel Hall. Trvphena Hathaway 8G Arthur Bostwick. Ellen Lee ... 80 Ellen Lee. ST. JOHNSBURY. Simeon Davis ... 82 Simeon Davis. Lemuel Jenkins - 82 Lemuel Jenkins. -Simeon Cobb ... 82 Elkanah Cobb. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Samuel Clark ... 77 Nathan W. Clark. RERESHTRE. Oliver Phelps ... 77 Oliver Phelps. Ezekiel Pond 79 John Busbec. Isaac Stowell 82 Lewis Pierce. Job Barber ... 78 Job Barber. Daniel Fuller 80 Daniel Fuller. Edward Whitmore 77 Edward Whitmore. Lydia Farnara 83 Aaron Farnam. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. VERMONT— Continued. 63 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. ■with whom pensioners re- tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- ^ sided June 1, 1840. sided June 1, 1810. CALEDONIA— Continued. CALEDONIA— Continued. Sr. JoH.MSBURY — Continued. PEACHAM. Comfort Healey - 75 Comfort Healey. Simeon Walker - 84 Abel Walker. Barnabas Barker - - - 78 Barnabas Barker. Judson Farrar ... 58 Judson Farrar. Jedediah Coe - - - 78 Nathaniel Kelly. Ebenezer Spencer - - - 76 Ebenezer Spencer. Joel Roberts ... 78 Joel Roberts. James Miner ... 82 James Miner. Lemuel Northrop - 92 Joseph Northrop. LYNDON. Rebecca Bartlett - 86 Alfred BartleU. Abel Carpenter 86 Abigail Willard. Hastings Blanchford 50 Isaac Sturtevant. Ephraim Niles ... 86 Oliver Niles, John Bly ... 83 Reuben Pike. RYEGATE. Wells Goodwin - - - 47 Wells Goodwin. WATERFORD. Sylvanus Larnard ... 77 Sylvanus Larnard. Samuel Hill 79 Cyrus Hill. Samuel Johnson - 78 Hugh Johnson. Thaddeus Potter - 76 Thaddeus PoUer. Allen Stuart 86 Cyrus Heath. Jolin Melendy .... 83 John Melendy. Sarah Gray 80 William Nelson, 2d. John Chaplin 73 John Chaplin. Samuel Spalding - - - 76 Carlton Spalding. GRAND ISLE COUNTY. Moses Huntly 80 Dennis Huntly. ISLE LA MOTT. Gardner Wait 81 Gardner Wait. BRADLEYSVAt.E. Elisha Reynolds - 77 Elisha Reynolds. Asa Parker 81 Asa Parker, jr. NORTH HERO. SUTTON. Samuel Doty . . . 84 Samuel Doty. Jesse Anger - - - 79 Jesse Anger. Abram Woodard - 51 Abram Woodard. Jonathan Sprague ... 83 Jonathan Sprague. Samuel Winslow - - - 85 James Ruggles. GRAND ISLE. William Hodgkins 82 William Hodgkins. BURKE. Benjamin Farmer - 90 Uriali Fanner. ORLEANS COUNTY. Abner Coe ... 77 Oliver Coe. CRAFTSEURY. Seth Clark 80 Seth Clark, jr. Joseph Scott 79 Joseph Seott. Daniel Davison ... 75 Daniel Davison. KIRBY. Robert Trumbull - - 86 Robert Trumbull. Stephen Watkins - - - 75 Stephen Watkins. John Hadley ... 50 John Hadley. Jonathan Lewis ... 82 Jonathan Lewis. Zcbulon Boroughs 82 Zebulon Boroughs. ALBANY. Merrill Pillsbury - 44 Merrill Pillsbury. DANVILLE. Samuel Rns.sell . . - 43 Samuel Russell. Benjamin Deming- 85 Benjamin Deming. Joshua Johnson ... 76 Joshua Johnson. Uri Babbit . 80 Uri Babbit, Ebenezer Watson . . - 52 Ebenezer Watson. Thomas Colby 82 Page Colby. Ebenezer Sawyer ... 84 Jeremiah Kittredge. LOWELL. Sarah Rollins 92 Benjamin Rollins. Hosea Sprague ... 89 Hosea Sprague. Jethro Bachelder ... 93 John Bachelder. Jonathan Powers - 82 Jonathan Powers. Clarissa Trescott - 72 Matilda Bussell, Elizabeth Sanbern . - . 68 Jonath.nn Clifford. TROY. Eli Bickford 85 Eli Bickford, Cyrus Allen . . - 69 Cyrus Allen. Eleazer Nutting - 79 Moses B, Nutting. Moses limit 79 Moses Hunt. Thomas Hoyt 78 Abner H. Hoyt. Stephen Dexter ... 85 William H. Stone. NEWPORT. John Jenness ... 79 John Jenness. WHEELOCK. Stephen Barnard ... 61 Stephen Barnard. Ebenezer Chandler 85 Theophilus Chandler. Nehemiah Phillips 78 Nehemiah Phillips. IRASBtlRG. Judith Darling ... 78 David Darling, Benjamin Burton - 85 Benjamin Burton. Edward Magoon ... 83 Edward M. Magoon. Benjaiuin Hardy . . - 79 Asa Hardy. HAHDWICK. COVENTRY. Jonathan Stevens . . - 79 Jonathan Stevens. Frederick Herman 87 Frederick W. Herman. John Fox ... 83 John Fox. Joseph Priest ... 78 Joseph Priest. Abel Conant 84 Joseph Conant. Edward Welch - 72 Edward Welch. Jonathan Curtis ... 87 Benjamin Thomas. David Lathe ... 43 David Lathe. Reuben Wheatley - 79 Ward Wheatley. DERBY. V/ALDEN. Timothy Hinman - . - 78 Timothy Hinman. Nathan Barker 76 Nathan Barker. Isaac Hinman 85 Isaac Hinman. Benjamin Dow 81 Benjamin Dow. Simeon Pope ... 78 Simeon Pope. Timothy Shiirtliff- 82 George Miller. John Healey . . - 79 John Healey. Nathaniel Dow 82 James B. Dow. Abram Alexander ... 76 Abram Alexander. Elisha Gate 83 Elisha Cate, jr. Nathaniel Perkins, 1st 84 Nathaniel Perkins, 1st. GLOVER. Jesse Thomas ... 77 Samuel Hoyt. CAEOT. Paul Cook 82 Amos Cook". Mehitable Webster 80 Alpha Webster. Deborah Warner . . - 78 Oliver A. Warner. GREENSBOROUGH. Fi field Lyford 78 Filicld Lyford. John Cross ... 86 Jolm S. Avros. Thomas Osgood - 79 Thomas Osgood. Thomas Tolraan - 84 John C. Ellsworth. Amos Smith ... 83 Amos Smith, jr. GROTON. Samuel Badger ... 87 Samuel Badger. Hepzebah Johnstone 85 Barnard Brickett. John Clark ... 85 Elijah S. Clark. CHARLESTON. Ebenezer Fisk 53 Ebenezer Fisk. John Palmer ... 84 D. W. Palmer. Samuel Randal ... 74 Samuel Randal. William Sawyer - 84 WilUam Sawyer, jr. G4 CENSUS OF TENSIONKHS. VERMONT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or miliiary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1 , 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 18-10. ORLE A NS— Continued. WASHINGTON-Continued. BROWNINGTON. Barre— Continued. Joel Priest 9-2 Joel Priest. Elizabeth Harrington 74 Joseph D. Harrington. Jonas Nickols 95 Peter Nickols. HOLLAND. Abijah Holden ... 87 Eli Holden. John Bishop •ir. John Bishop. Isaac Clement ... 81 Isaac Clement. BERLIN. James Braman 75 James Braman. MORGAN. Thomas Spears . . - 80 Thomas Spears. Abraham Townsend. James Taylor . - - 72 James Taylor. Molly Townsend - - - 81 Christopher Bartlett 73 Christopher Bartlell. James Perley 75 James Perley. Samuel Elliot 76 Samuel Elliot. Nabby Sawyer ... 74 Moses H. Sawyer. Nathan Wilcox - - - 81 John M. Wilcox. Stephen Persons ... 81 Jeremiah Persons. Nathaniel S. Clark 8i Nathaniel S. Clark. Solomon Nye ... 76 Solomon Nye. Joshua Bailey 77 Joshua Bailey. Nathaniel Bosworth 87 Nathaniel Bosworth. BARTON. ROXBURY. Jonathan Robinson 75 Jonathan Robinson. Jedediah Smith 78 Jedediah Smith. John Moneam - . - 73 John Moneam. Benjamin Sampson 84 Benjamin Sainp.son. Joseph Hyile . - - 74 Jarid Hyde. Hannah Haines - 74 Hannah Haines. John Adams . - - 77 Ammon"Jourdon. Stephen Rumney ... 49 Stephen Rumney. WASHINGTON COUNTY. MORETOWN. CALAIS. Reuben Hawks ... 85 John Parrial. Richard Ringe 84 Davis Flint. Bissel Phelps 86 Bissel Phelps. Welcome Ainsworth 60 Welcome Ainsworlh. John Martin - - - 80 John Martin. DUXBURY. Nathaniel Jacobs - - - 78 Nathaniel Jacobs. Mehitnble Lyman . - - 73 Richard Lyman. Stephen Hall 82 Stephen Hall. Samuel Ridley ... 87 Samuel Ridley. David Phelps 85 David Dow. MARSHFIELD. Thankful Wallice 87 Frederick Wallice. Jonas Cummings - . - 78 True Eaton. John Colt .... 86 Elias Wells. John Pike - - - - 78 Sylvester Pike. Joseph T. Eaton - 82 Joseph T. Ealon. WAlTsriELD. Jonathan Willis - - - 82 Jonathan Willis. Gaas Hitchcock - 71 Lewis Dumas. Nathaniel Corbin - 87 Rufus Flood. Mary Smith ... 75 Ithamer Smith. Henry Dvvinnell - - - 89 Henry Dwinnetl. Doud Bushnel ... 77 Doud Bushnel. Stephen Rich 78 Stephen Rich. Daniel Bemus . - - 85 Daniel Bemus. fayston. Jesse Mix - . . - 76 Jesse Mix. MONROE. William Waite - &4 Nathaniel Waite. Comfort Wheeler - 8-2 Comfort Wheeler. Elizabeth Huteherson 77 Benjamin Adams. Ebenezer Cutler ... 81 Ebenezer Cutler. MONTPELIER. Timothy Hatch - 87 Timothy Hatch. WARREN. Mieah Hatch 81 Bulah Wentworth. Ruel Sherman ... 77 Elias D. Sherman. Mrs. Davis ... 82 Samuel Davis. William Portler ... 91 Oliver Portler. Edward West 85 Edward West. llezekiah Tinkham 81 Hezekiah Tinkhara. ESSEX COUNTY. Samuel Patterson ... 87 Samuel Patterson. Elias Metcalf 80 Elias Metcalf. BLOOMFIELD. John Putnam ... 76 John Putnam, Adin Bartlett 46 Adin Bartlett. Richard Paine ... 83 Richard Paine. BRUNSWICK. PLAINFIELD. Samson Wait 69 James B. Davis. Phebe Shattuck - 74 James M. Shattuck. CANAAN. WATERBURY. Mary Luther 74 Moses Luther. Roswell Hunt t 63 Roswell Hunt. Oliver Goss . . . 79 Oliver Goss. Levi Gleason 62 Hiram Gale. John Hugh ... 77 John Hugh. Cephas Sheldon 8G Cephas Slieldon. Gilman Clough 79 Gilman Clough. Asaph Allen 88 Asaph Allen. Lucy Beecher ... 79 Marcus Beecher. Nancy Wright 69 Tilman Wri(;ht. Paul Dillingham ... 80 Paul Dillingham. CONCORD. John Hutson ... 83 John Hutson. Hinds Reed 82 J. M. Darling. Patty Adams ... 80 Samuel Adams, WORCESTER. Hannah Woodbury 76 Hannah Woodbtiry. Stephen Spear ... 76 Stephen Spear. Martha Woodbury 80 Benjamin Woodbtiry, 2d. David Hibbard 85 Josiah Gregory. NORTDFIELD. Josiah Goodale ... 86 William Nichols. Ebenezer Fox ... 87 Ebenezer Fox. Betsey Nickols ... 67 William Nickols. GtTILDHALL. John Loyd ... 51 David R. Tilden. Samuel Howe . - - 83 E. H. Webb. Susanna Latham - - . 88 James Latham. 2: Silas Roise 80 Silas Roise. I.UNENBI7R0. Moses Cluimby ... 84 Z. Snow. BARRE. Zuriah Mar.shall ... 87 Levi Bowker. Malin Stacy 76 Malin Stacy. Samuel Gates 79 Samuel Gates. Ansel Paterson ... 77 Ansel Paterson. Polly Belknap 83 Stephen Adams. Rebecca Parker - 75 John Parker. Azariah Webb 93 J. R. Webb. Zebedee Beekley - 76 Zebedee Beekley. Louis Cook 77 William Cook. Francis Davis ... 82 Samuel Davis. Susanna Daniels . - - 77 Leonard Haleh. Nathaniel Holden - 87 Elijah Holden. Samuel Martin 80 Samuel C. Martin. James Briton . . - 73 James Briton. Dorcas Bastin ... 70 Isaac Bastin. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. VERMONT— Continued. 65 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re. sided June 1,1840. ESSEX— Continued. ORANGE— Continued. LEMINGTON. Brookfield — Continued. Mills De Forest - - - 77 Abdil Blodget. Lucy Bigelow 74 W. L. Bigelow. Anaa Abbot . - - 77 Stephen Harris, jr. Ruth Fisk 87 Artemas Fisk. Elizabeth Williams 83 » 86 J Hezekiah Williams. MAIDSTONE. Amaziah Giove ... Jacob Schoff _ - - 83 Jacob Schoff. Amasa Edson 76 Amasa Edson. t^t^\^\JtJ •%^\*1A\..» Ai Abigail Adams 76 Abigail Adams. ORANGE COUNTY. Philomela Lyman - . - 80 Elijah Howes. TOPSHAM. Solomon Smith - . . 77 Jos. G. Smith. Jacob Wilds 78 Jacob Wilds. Samuel Bayley ... 87 Benjamin Bayley. Adam Dickey . - - 89 Adam Dickey. Elisha Wilcox 77 Elisha Wilcox. Anna BanfiU 82 Ephraim Bagley. Dorothy Weed 88 Isaac Weed. NEWBURY. William Tice 80 Joshua Bayley, jr. ORANOE. Asa Coburn 83 Asa Coburn, jr. Alden Freeman - - - 80 Bradford Freeman. Sarah Ladd ... 72 Sarah Ladd. Samuel Judkins - - - 78 Samuel Judkins. Daniel Heath 76 Daniel Heath. Joseph Herriman - 85 Arad Kent. WASHINGTON. John Smith ... 82 John Smith. Hannah Clements . - - 94 John Hoyt. Samuel Johnson - 77 Joseph Whitcher. Joseph Kinneson . - - Enoch Cheney . . - 76 Joseph Kinneson, jr. Sarah Ladd ... 79 Ward Buell. 83 David Cheney. Mary Smith 79 Jonathan Smith. Shubal Smith ... 78 Shubal Smith. Thomas Mellen ... 83 Thomas Mellen. Thaddeus White - 81 Thaddeus White. Peter Bagley ... 87 Peter Bagley. Nathan Avery ... 81 Geo. W. Avery. WILLIAMSTOWN. Elijah Whitney - 85 Elijah Whitney, jr. TUNBRIDUE. James Kilburn . - - 76 L. A. Simons. William Ballou . 81 Sanford Ballou. Submit Cowdry . 82 Orpha Cowdry. Cyrus Tracy ... 82 Moses Lunt. Asa Hatch - - . - 80 Asa Hatch. Hannah Allen ... 89 Eli Austin. Joshua Oilman - - - 85 Richard Martyn. Jonathan Foster . . - 81 Jonathan Foster. Enoch Hoytt 80 Enoch Hoytt. BRADFORD. Lydia Morsell ... 78 Lydia Morsell. Israel Putnam - - - 79 Israel Putnam. William White - 77 William White. Lucy Blood 74 Elijah Blood. Timothy Dewey ... 85 Asahel Dewey. Emerson Corliss . - - 82 Emerson Corliss. Daniel Hackett ... 87 Ephraim Hackett. Elizabeth Pratt 80 Elizabeth Pratt. Dorothy Eastman - Theodore Barker - . - 70 Samuel F. Eastman. braintree. 79 Theodore Barker. Daniel Flint 79 Nathaniel Flint. James McParlin - - - 81 Francis De Cato. Jonah Flint ... 85 Augustus Flint. Samuel Aspenwall 73 Samuel Aspenwall. Mary Battles 99 Caroline Battles. Susan Bean ... 78 Thomas Morey. Susanna French ... 89 Oilman Vose. Reuben Martin ... 85 William Martin. Dorcas Nichols ... 103 Isaac Nichols. Balhsheba Bass ... 89 Samuel Patridge. CORINTH. John Gooch ... 83 Micah Ford. Daniel Stevens 75 Daniel Stevens. Lydia Cleavland . 81 Abel Thayer. Reuben Page ... 86 Reuben Page, jr. David Smith ... 82 Jabez Smith. Nella Towle 85 Ira Towle. RANDOLPH. David Grow ... Jeremiah Bowen - 86 Jeremiah Bowen. 78 David Grow. Ebenezer Berry 80 Ebenezer Beriy. Olive Carpenter ... Deborah Carlisle - - . 83 George Carpenter. Peter V. Mahew . . - 89 Paul Bickford. 84 Michael Carlisle. Amos Boardman ... 76 Amos Boardman. Henry Blodget ... Chancy L. Temple 80 Henry Blodget. Dorothy Raymond 69 Simon Raymond. 38 Chancy L. Temple. Nathan Nye 78 Perley Orcott. VERSHIRE. Ruth Kibbee . - - 80 Ruth Kibbee. Lyman Child 79 Spencer Town. William Corley - Lydia Wales . - - Huldah Weston ... 74 Alpheus Corley. Enoch Cotton 0- 78 Solomon Cotton. 81 Anson Wales. Martha Frizzle 83 Eliakim Frizzle. 73 Edman Weston. Sanruel Southworth 83 Sewel Godfrey. BeDJ. Blodgett . - - Levi W^ilder , - - 81 James Blodgett. Jesse Painqg ... 81 Jesse Paine. 81 Levi Wilder. Nathan Pierce 82 Lemuel Church. Benj. Woodwoith - 84 Wm. Woodworth. Dyer Hebard - - - 83 Simeon Boothe. CHELSEA. Anna Dearborn Enos Smith 76 78 Wilder Dearborn. Enos Smith. Stephen Herrick - Isaac Thayr - - - Elizabeth Martin - - - 80 76 74 L. D. Herrick. J. C. Thayr. Joshua Martin. Ananiah Bohonon 75 Ananiah Bohonon. J.J LA CrfU IkJ^ kit .Lr.ft.(XA i-fllA Joseph Hobart ... Elisha Lilley John Mclnlire _ - - 84 Jonathan Hobart. Thomaj^^ore 84 Salmon J. Moore. 76 Elisha Lilley. Annis C^Kins ... 85 Ebenezer Merrill. 79 Reuben Mclntire. Laban uBwn ... Emma Brigham . Elkanah Sievens ... 69 84 79 Jonathan Scribner. Samuel Brigham. Elkanah Stevens. ^ !_/ 1.111 X.V.1 w xm 1 J v.' Abner Washburn - Sarah Smith _ - - Alvin Ejdson - • - 82) 82$ 43 John Smith. Luther Edson. Jonah Gates ... 76 Jonah Gates. X^l * 111 1— JUJV^AA Tafoh Oobb _ - - 82 Jacob Cobb. Mary Snow ... 84 Joseph Thompson. J ay^KJU \J\JU\J Hannah Allen ... 75 Hannah Allen. STRAFFORD. Samuel Lincoln ... 87 Samuel Lincoln. Nathan Cobb 76 Daniel Cobb. Ebenezer Allen . . - 86 >ihed Allen. Robert Hayes Mary Lillie . . - 76 89 David Hayes. John Hilliard. BROOKPIELD. John Slade ... 88 John Slade. Benj. Tucker ... Edward Felch 78 53 Benj. Tucker. Edward Felch. Timothy Kendall ... Gashum York ... 79 88 Samuel Kendall. W.York. Elias Carpenter . - - Lydia Bourrows ... 78 78 Elias Carpenter. Ashley Bourrows. Asahel Durkee ... 74 A. Durkee. Phebe Miller 76 Moses Miller. John Reynolds, jr. Edmund Pease 9 76 Edward Pease.] John Reynolds . r 81 66 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. VERMONT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families 1 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families lionaiy or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- lionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. sided June 1, 1840. ORANGE— Continued. WINDHAM— Continued. TIIETPORD. WARDBORo' — Continued. Mary Hubbard 84 Orange Hubbard. Daniel Read ... 79 Daniel Read, jr. Belheal Briant 75 James Campbell. Ephraim Rice ... 82 Ephraim Rice. Eunice Parker ... 74 Justus Newcomb. Lucy Smith ... 82 Gardner Smith. Edward S. Meeder 47 Edward S. Meeder. Thomas Simpson - . - Edward Walker . . - 85 Thomas Simpson. Richmond Crandall 8G Richmond Crandall. 84 Bliss Walker. Robert Farris 81 Robert Farris. Asa Wheelock - 82 Asa Wheelock. Simon Gillett 83 Joseph Gillett. Mary Emerson . . - 79 Joseph Fletcher. MARLBOROUGH. Samuel Shepard - . - 79 Samuel Shepard. Huldah Mather ... 81 Rufus Mather. James Tyler ... 80 James Tyler. Amos Prouty ... 76 Fosdick Prouty. Joseph Bruce - . - 82 David Bruce. Justus Angurs ... 99 Sally Allen. Jeremiah Tyler 74 Wm. M. Tyler. John Philips . . - 78 John Philips. Mary Chamberlain 86 Mary Chamberlain. FAIRLEE. Boomer Jenks ... 79 Andrew N. Jenks. Asa Woodward - 83 Asa Woodward, jr. Benj. FoUelt 85 Benj. Follett. SOMERSET. Sarah Houghton - 75 A. L. Hou<;hton. Elijah Morse ... 82 Joseph Morse. Francis Churchill . . - 86 John E. Churchill. Hannah Putnam ... 73 P. B. Putnam. WE.ST PAmlXE. DOVER. Jonathan Lougee - 83 Jonathan Lougee. Ebenezer Sears ... 83 Ebenezer Sears Jr. Stephen May ... 85 Elisha May. Luther Ward 80 Wm. M. Wood. Hannah Colton . . - 75 Ebenezer P. Colton. David Dexter 80 David Dexter, jr. Joseph Foster 93 John L. Wilson. Balah Kendall ... 82 Ebenezer Sparks. Calvin Morse . - - John Guild 47 79 Calvin Morse. John Guild. Joseph Briggs ... Gardner Howe . . - 83 80 Joseph Briggs. Gardner Howe. Solomon Dickinson 83 Jefferson Dickinson. Anna Perry ... 77 A. P. Perry. Francis Whitcomb 79 Daniel West. Elijah Baldwin ... 84 Ezra Baldwin. Gamaliel Ellis 83 Joseph Ellis. WINDHAM COUNTY. BROOKUNE. TOWN OP HALIFAX. Samuel Bennett - 83 Samuel Bennett, jr. Lydia Allen 81 Daniel Allen. Ebenezer Harwood 87 Joel Harwood. Francis Phelps . . - 83 Francis Phelps, jr. Rebecca Rist - . - 82 Samuel Rist. Chloe Bullock 74 Stephen Niles. Jotham Stebbins - 79 Jotham Stebbins. Jesse Guild . . - 75 Jesse Guild. Jonathan WooUey - 82 Jonathan WooUey. Anna Collins ... 85 Robert Collins. Timothy Wellman 83 Deluis Wellman. Elijah Pike 77 Elijah Pike. John Farnham . . - 77 John Farnham. JAMAICA. .J^leazer Whitney - - . 85 Jonathan Whitney. Timothy Fi.sher - 78 Abi Ames. Moses Lamed ... 78 Nathan Lamed. Nathaniel Cheney - 82 Nathaniel Cheney. Hezekiah Smith - . - 88 Elisha Harris. Ichabod Higgins - 81 Elisha Higgins. Artemas Woodard 80 Benjamin Woodward. Joel Hill - . - - 83 Joel Hill. Israel Jones 79 Israel Jones. Hannah Jenison . . - 68 Elias Jenison. John Harris ... 74 John Harris. Jerusha Kellogg - 77 Alpheus Kellogg. Samuel Stafford - 84 Samuel Stafford, jr. Esther Puffer 78 Sally Puffer. Bailey Rawson - . - 79 Bailey Rawson. WILMINGTON. John Bradley 79 Harvey Stone. Judah Moore 85 Zephaniah S. Moore. Elizabeth Chase . 72 Russel Underwood. Jesse Mosman ... 88 Levi Cushraan. Calvin P. Perry - 61 Calvin P. Perry. NEWFANE. Sarah Winchester - 71 Franklin Winchester. William Hills 82 Nathaniel Hills. Israel Lawton - . , . 82 Israel Lawton. William King 78 Wm. King. Margaret Blodget . - - 79 Randolph Blodget. Elizabeth Lincoln - - - 74 Amasa Lincoln. Simeon Chandler - - - 86 Ezra B. Chandler. Ephraim Hall . . - 78 William H. Morse. Pain Phillips 76 George Phillips. WIIITTINGIIAM. Burden Lake. Esther Allen 84 William Sledman. Deborah Tolhingham 78 Jonathan Carley - - - 80 Joseph Carley. STRATTON. Amy Dix .... 81 Jonathan Dix. « Jonathan M. Bissell 77 Jonathan M. Bissell. David Jillson ... 79 David Jillson, jr. Abel Grout 82 Abel Grout, jr. Stephen Putnam - - - 79 Stephen Putnam. Amos Parsons . . . 81 Amos Parsons. Samuel Parker ... 76 L. A. Warner. Bille Mann ... t 83 Richard Scott. WESTMINSTER. TOWNSHEND. Seth Arnold 82 Seth S. Arnold. Mary Austin 76 Asa Austin. Mary Hall ... - 72 Mary Hall. ^ George Aastin ... 77 George Austin. Aaron Bixby 76 Aaron Bixby. ^B Ruth Burt - . . . 95 Warner Burt. Josiah Eaton . . - 81 Josiah Eaton. " Martha Mansfield 86 Harry Cary. Mark Richards . - - 79 Mark Richards. Amos Gray Meriam Holbrook . . . 79 Amos Gray. Hezekiah Abby ... 85 Hezekiah Abby. 90 Meriam Holbrook. Jabez Paine ... 84 Jabez Paine. Mary Seargeant - 81 Ruth Dunkle. Seth Gould 80 Seth Gould. Thomas Low 53 Thomas Low. Elisha Johnson ... 104 Elisha Johnson. John Priest ... 95 Jolm Priest. WARDBORO'. Amaziah Richmond *•'' 78 Amaziah Richmond. Hannah Barllett - Elizabeth Phillips - 84) 81: Joel Bartlett. Benjamin Stone - Reuben Lippenwill 81 80 Benjamin Stone. Reuben Lippenwill. Nathaniel Chamberlin 79 Moses Chamberlin. Maverick Eaton ... 85 Jere. Eaton. Samuel Kenney - . - 84 Almond B. Freeman. Pearly Fairbanks - 79 Pearly Fairbanks. ATHENS. Daniel Harris 79 Daniel Harris. George Porter Charles Colton ... 81 George Porter. Charles Colton. Abner Lewis 84 Abner Lewis. 78 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. VERMONT— Continued. 67 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided Jime 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. WINDHAM— Continued. WINDHAM— Continued. WINDHAM. BRATTLEBORo' — Continued. John Gould - - - 80 John Gould. Ben. Chamberlain - . - 82 S. Chamberlain. Archibald Mack - 87 Archibald Mack. Benajah Dudley . . - 77 Ben. Dudley. Abial Whitman . - - 82 Abial Whitman. Salathiel Harris - 81 Alfred Harris. James Smith . - - 90 james Smith. Income Jones ... 83 Benson Jones. Lucy Kelsey ... 77 Aaron Kelsey. LONDONDEKRY. Reuben King ... 94 Isaac King. Jemima Geryl . - - 87 Waldo Barton. George Loveland - - - 80 R. Loveland. Edmond Ingalls - - - 83 Edward Ingalls. Reuben Stearns 81 Reuben Stearns. Thomas Read . - - 74 Thomas Read. Sylvanus Sartwell 82 M. Sartwell. Samuel Davis . . - 87 Amos Davis. John Carpenter ... 84 Jotham Warren. Mary Shalluck . - - 81 Silas Davis. Bethiah Howard - - - 76 Allen Howard. Gtnr.FORD. Benjamin Pierce - - - 78 Benjamin Pierce. Betsey Andrews . - - 86 Solomon Andrews. Nathan Whiting . . - 75 Jabez Temple. Thomas Harris - - - 86 Reuben Colgrove. Berreck Bolster . . - 78 Berreck Bolster. Ebenezer Chamberlain 89 W. Chamberlain. Jeremiah Wheeler 8-2 Jeremiah Wheeler. Eliel Washburn . - . 87 Joel Eddy. Abraham Abbott - . - 87 Reuben Harrington. Samuel Larabee ... 82 Samuel Larabee. William Marsk ... 76 William Marsk. GRAFTON. Eunice Rose ... 83 George Rose. Asa M. Wvman - - - 82 Asa Wyman. Tabiiha Smith ... 83 Tabitha Smith. Margaret Palmer - - - 78 Hiram Palmer. Aaron Wilder 86 John Wilder. Henry Davis . - - 82 Henry Davis. Eunice Wild 75 Isaac Wild. Jonathan Warner . - - 80 Elisha Warner. Mima Goodnough - 75 Henry Goodnough VERNON. Ruth Hill - - - - 73 Thomas Hill. Jabez Clark 82 Jabez Clark. John Kider ... 79 John Kider. Sarah You ... 88 G. W. Lee. Nathaniel Cutler - 80 George W. Beard. Solomon Gilson - . - 79 Solomon Gilson. ELMORE David Blood 78 David Blood. Ebenezer Capin ... 81 Hiram S. Putnam. Samuel Spaulding 79 Samuel Spaulding. Betsey Conant 73 Betsey Conant. LAMOILLE COUNTY. WOLCOTT. ACTON. Ejither Peirce - - . 97 Samuel Stiles. Susanna Huzzy - - . 88 Susanna Huzzy. Jabez Newland ... 76 Jabez Newland. Judith Jennerson - . - 74 Joseph Jennerson. Eleazer Cobley . - . 87 Eleazer Cobley. HYDEPARK. Amos McKinstry - - - 81 George McKinstry. ROCKINGHAM. John Collins ... 54 John Collins. Lydia Wyman - . . 75 John Wyman. John McCloud ... 63 John McCloud. Jonathan Steams - 77 Jonathan Stearns. John Fish - . - - 84 Joseph Davis. EDEN. Lona Holt - . - - 79 Levi Hoit. Samuel Plumley . . - 80 William Plumley. Philip Adams . . - 89 Philip Adams. Isaac Lackey ... 86 Samuel Plumley, jr. John Dudley . - . 79 John Dudley. Peter Wylie 84 Peter Wylie. William Stearns - . - 84 William Stearns. Jonas Harrington - - - 54 Jonas Harrington. John Stearns ... 77 William B. Stearns. Eli Hinds, Jr. 48 Eli Hinds, jr. Abraham Tuttle - 85 Sylvester Tuitle. Joshua Reed . - - 79 Joshua Reed, jr. CAMBRIDGE. Nathan Woolley - 83 Nathan Woolley. Parker Page ... 79 Amos Page. Joseph Muzzy ... 77 Joseph Muzzy. Joel F. Perham - 79 Joel F. Perham. Jane Fullington - . - 76 John Fullington. PUTNET. Lucretia Parker - . . 78 D. C. Hatch. Abigail Haynes ... 84 H. H. Barton. Elizabeth Prior 82 Alva Prior. Huldah Reed 80 F. T. Glynn. Trueman Powell ... 81 Egbert Powell. Zenas Hyde 81 Zenas Hyde. Elias Green ... 84 Giles A. Barber. Elijah Houghton - - - 77 Elijah Houghton. Elihu Grant ... 80 Bridgeman Grant. Isaac Palmer 89 R. W. Palmer. Sarah Stearne-s ... 75 Benjamin W. Harvey. Ezekiel Pierce - - - 86 Ezekiel Pierce. John Smith, 1st - 81 John Smith, 1st. WATERVILLE. Daniel Morse . . - 79 Ezekiel P. Morse. DUMMERSTON. Sally Keith 77 Scot Keith. David Bennett - . - 79 D. Bennett. Jemima Bernis - . - 87 Joseph Bernis. BELVIDERE. Elijah Brown . . - 81 Elijah Brown. Moses Brown ... 79 Asahel Brown. Nathaniel Bixby - 81 Nathaniel Blxby. John Rosier ... 85 Lewis Carpenter. James Chase ... 88 A. T. Chase. Isaac Taylor ... 79 John Foster. JOHNSON. Elijah Gibbs 75 Elijah Gibbs. Daniel Perkins . . - 77 Joseph Fletcher. Arad Holton 87 W. Holton. Solomon Briggs . - - 87 William Brown. Ellis Griffith 79 C. Haladay Joel Knight 79 Joel Knight. STOWE. Rachel Moore ... 72 Martin Moore. Asa Poland ... 75 Asa Poland. Calvin Munn ... 79 Calvin Munn. Susanna Bennett - 69 Zebina W. Bennett. Benjamin Peirce - 74 Benjamin Peirce. Lucy Town . . - Noah Robinson ... 84 Nehemiah Town. Prudence Fairbank 82 David Reed. 83 John R. Robinson. William Robertson 89 William Robertson. Abraham Moses ... 84 Abraham Moses. Martha Lester ... 87 A. Stockwell. Aaron Clough ... 76 Thomas Biglbrd. Polly Alden 81 Adam Alden. BRATTLEBORO'. Thomas Akeley - 85 R. Akeley. MORRtSTOWN. Joel Bolster ... 78 Joel Bolster. Joseph E. Westgate 79 William Westgate. Mary Chapin 74 Mary Chapin. Adam Sumner 65 Daniel F. Gates. 68 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. VERMONT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. LAMOILLE— Continued. MORRisTOWN — CoHtinued. Joseph Burk Thomas Youngman John Cole - - . Phebe Wilkins Crispas Shaw James Liltle Joshua Morrill STERLING. EUsha Town BENNINGTON COUNTY. STAMFORD. Elisha Raymond - Ira Hill - BENNINGTOK. Martin Norton Esther Robinson - Samuel Rockwood Simeon Thayer Aaron Hubbell Cornelius Bracy - Sarah Rudd WOODFORD. Ebenezer Temple - Hannah Knapp READSBORO'. Archelaus Dean - Ezra Keyes POWNAL. Moses Hastings Zacheus Hovey Lucy Angel John Sherman Benjamin Grover - Jerusha Lilly John Magoon Louis Dunham Joseph Thorp David Jipson SHAFTSBURY. Cynthia Hewlett - Prosper "Wheeler - John Fuller James Sweet Aaron Denio Hezekiah Carey - Thankful Elwell - SANDGATE. Lewis Hurd Adam Hurd Deborah Wakely - Abel Buck John Wyman Mercy Parsons • ' - PERU. Luther Barnard Peter Gould LANDGROVE. MaryShattuck Judy Clark SUNDERLAND. Simeon Hicks John Rowen ARLINGTON. Simeon Littlefield - John Calkins Benoni Hawkins - Mary Wright Ephraim Blowers - Mary Leonard Hopsebeth Pollord - Ages. 77 80 87 86 76 82 80 81 79 76 75 89 83 75 82 74 95 83 86 78 77 85 76 82 84 73 86 75 75 79 77 70 83 80 79 85 77 81 83 69 85 81 93 89 77 80 83 85 90 74 77 79 86 77 82 79 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Sampson Burk. Simeon Whitcomb. Harvey Cole. Aaron Wilkins. Crispas Shaw. Roswell Clark. Aaron B. Morrill. Amos Paine. J. Harris. Ira Hill. Martin Norton. Stafford Robinson. Samuel Rockwood. S. Thayer. Aaron Hubbell. C. Bracy. Enos Rudd. E. Temple. Cyrus Knapp. A. Dean. Ezra Keyes. A. Hastings. Z. Hovey. Lucy Angel. J. Sherman. B. Grover. Caleb Lilly. John Magoon. Eber Dunham. Joseph Thorp. D. Jipson, jr. A. Johnson. B. Wheeler. J. Fuller. James Sweet. Aaron Denio. Henry Carey. L. Elwell. Hurd. Hurd. Deborah Wakely. Abel Buck. John Wvman. David Hill. E. Messenger. Peter Gould. Maria Walker. Robert Clark. Simeon Hicks. David Little. Simeon Littlefield. David Rounds. Benoni Hawkins. Wm. C. Campbell. Ephraim Hastings. Edward Brownson. Hepsebelh Pollard. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. BENNINGTON-Continued. RUPERT. Joel Taylor Israel Hayes Ashbel Sykes John Parker E^och Shirman Isaac Clapp Daniel Warner Moses Sheldon Hariy Sykes John Blanchard DORSET. Noah Fuller Stephen Martindale Elizabeth Manly - Nathaniel Vial Jonathan Crandall - James Wrin Asahel L. Finton - Benedict Eggleston Hannah Brock Mary Dunlon John Sergeant WINHALL. Daniel Benson . MANCHESTER. Caroline Goodwin - Samuel Walker - Eunice Tucker Gideon Moody Samuel Vial Elijah Burton Eli Pettibone Elisha Cook Nathan Eaton Abigail Wakefield ' - Frederick Smith - Martha Purdy Lucy HoUister RUTLAND COUNTY. CASTLETON. EliasHall - - . . Daniel Eaton William Bromley - Daniel Lowden BENSON. Solomon Martin - William Manning - Simeon Goodrich - Ozias Johnson James Noble - . Allen Goodrich Rufus Ewen ORWELL. Samuel Griswold - Ephraim Blood Jonathan Belden - SUDBURY. Adams Stevens - . . Azel Williams Noah Merritt Abner Hull Peter Reynolds . . . Stephen Murray - - . HUBBARDTON. Jonathan Slason . . . John Rumsey - . . Azel Wright . . . Frederick Dikeman CHITTENDEN. Asa Durkee - - ■ - Names of heads of familie with whom pensioners re sided June 1, 1840. John Smith CLARENDON. 76 88 85 83 77 77 87 89 47 76 77 80 72 78 75 79 78 77 89 78 79 79 75 87 74 76 81 79 84 80 84 76 69 78 80 86 78 77 80 87 82 81 82 79 79 80 81 78 79 89 80 85 79 79 82 80 82 89 80 45 78 Stephen Taylor. Isaac Hays. Daniel Warner. Aaron Sheldon. Harry Sykes. John Blanchard. Noah Fuller. Stephen Martindale. William Manly. Jonathan Crandall. James Wrin. Isaac Finton. William B. Dunton. John Sergeant. Daniel Benson. Matthew Goodwin. Hiram Walker. Gideon Moody. Eli Pettibone. Elias Hall. Daniel Eaton. William Bromley. Daniel Lowden. Ebenezer Martin. Joel Manning. Eleazer Goodrich. Ozias Johnson. James Noble. Allen Goodrich. John D. Hunt. M. Griswold. Ephraim Blood. Joseph Simons. Adams Stevens. Azel Williams. Noah Merritt. Abner Hull. John Hull. Stephen Murray. Jonathan Slason. John Rumsey. Azel Wright. Frederick Dikeman. Asa Durkee. Jolm C. Smith. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. VERMONT— Continued. 69 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. RUTLAND— Continued. RUTLAND— Continued. CLARENDON— Continued. WALLINGFORD. Samuel Parker 85 Joseph Parker. Nathaniel Keyes - 80 Nathaniel Keyes. Ephraim Parker - - - 80 Ephraim Parker. Eli Calkin - - - - 79 Eli Calkin. Zcbalon Crane . - - 79 Orin Hewitt. Asa Anderson . . - 77 Philo D. Hart. Abel Titus - - - - 79 Abel Titus. • Andrew Hewitt . - - 79 Andrew Hewitt. Isaac Southworth . - - 81 Isaac Southworth. Mary Ives - - - - 75 John Ives. Sarah Smith . . - 84 John Learnard. Nathan Dennison - ■ . 82 Trueman L. Reed. James Eddy - - - 76 James Eddy. Eunice Soverence - . - 75 Wm. Johnson. David Dean . - - 81 Eli Baxter. Philbrook Barrows 85 Philbrook Barrows. Abel Horton 83 Hopkins Horton. Jerchamell Doty - 76 J. Doly. Sarah Holden . - - 83 Luther Holden. DANBY. Mary Hubbard - - - 84 Ebenezer Miles. Ruama Lincoln . . - 74 Wm. Johnson. Miner Hilyard . - - 76 Miner Hilyard. WELLS. Elijah Lilly 84 Hiram Lilly. Samuel S. Merriam 78 S. S. Merriam. Peter Blossom 83 Seth Blossom. IRA. John Davis ... 79 J. S. Davis. Jason Newton - - - 78 Jason Newton. Savia Tower 86 Amos Tower. RUTLAND. Artemus Taft 90 MENDON. Asa Hall - - - - 80 I^aac Sanderson - 85 Parley Wilkins. Simeon Post . . - 88 Hilkiah Grout 78 Hilkiah Grout. Nathan M. Loundsberry - Nathan Osgood 84 79 MIDDLETOWN. Moses Head - . - 74 David Enos ... 79 David Enos. Benj. Cheney . . - 77 David Griswold - . - 90 David Griswold. Roswell Staples - - - 80 Jedediah Edgerton - - - 80 Jedediah Edgerton. Ephraim Jackson - . - 80 Peter Crocker 82 David Stafford, jr. Eleazer Wheelock 83 Richard Haskins - 78 Ezra Haskins. Philo Stoddard 81 Philo Stoddard. PITTSFORD. Francis Perkins . . - 81 Francis Perkins, Amos Lawrence - - - 82 David Parker ... 77 David Parker. Margaret Ingersol - Sarah Gilbert . . - 80 75 MOUNT HOLLV. Dennis Miller . . - 83 Silas Proctor ... 89 Silas Proctor. Lucy B. Bauge ... 79 Royal Crowley ... 74 Royal Crowley. Thomas Hammond 80 Ichabod G. Clark - 85 John White. RufusWheeden - - - 79 Ebenezer Andrews 86 Jurial Andrews. Luvitia Kellogg - . - 76 Mary Foster 77 Mary Foster. Hannah Jackson - Oliver Wolcott 86 79 MOUNT TABOR. Prudence Molton - 76 Joseph Daggett 82 Abel Kelly. James Walker Sabia Bowen . - - 80 75 PAWLET. Peter Powers 75 Isaac Reed - - - - 85 Solomon T. Reed. Jeremiah Rann 78 Sibal Leach . . - 84 Sibal Leach. Zebulon Pond - - . 75 Jacob Sacks 82 Jacob Sacks. Joel Will - - - - 80 Mary Evings . . - 96 Mary Evings. Nathaniel Robinson 88 Nathaniel Robinson. BRANDON. Ephraim Robinson 80 Ephraim Robinson, jr. Ebenezer Squires - - - 82 Josiah Munroe ... 76 Josiah Munroe. Sophia Burnell ... 80 JudahMoffit 79 Jndah Moffit. Roger Smith . . - 78 James Pratt ... 78 Ervin Pratt. David Meriam - . - 80 Jennett Halister - . - 79 Hartley Halister. Phebe Tracy 73 PITTSFIELD. WINDSOR COUNTY. Penuel Childs 83 Penuel Childs, jr. HARTFORD. Elijah Segar - . . 83 Elijah Segar. David Colburn 78 David Colburn. Roger Huntington . - - 82 Roger Huntington. POULTNEY. William Champlin 84 Wm. Champlin. Oliver Wright 70 Oliver Wright. Jacob Hall - - - - 92 Jacob Hall. James Hooker ... 80 James Hooker. Hannah Kilbee - . - 81 Samuel Nutt. Abel Hubbard 72 Thomas Davis. Samuel Harrington 79 Samuel Harrington. Samuel Prindle ... 93 Samuel Prindle. Philip Sprague 75 Philip Sprague. Selh RuKglcs 83 Seth Ruggles. Burpy Prouly 78 Burpy Prouty. Joseph Manning - - . 78 Hiram H. Swallow, Solomon Hazen - 81 Solomon Hazen. William Lewis 83 William Lewis. Josiah Tilden - - . 80 Josiah Tilden. Jeremiah Armstrong 79 Jeremiah Armstrong. Jesse Soper 78 Jesse Soper. HARTLAND. Peter Gibson 76 Mehitable Bugbee - 81 Wm. Lemmex. SHERBtTRNE. Joseph Adams . - - Amasa Fuller 91 82 Roswell Adams. Amasa Fuller. Solomon Brown . - - Moses Webster ... Elizabeth Lamphear 79 85 73 Solomon Brown. John Webster. David Lamphear. Elizabeth Lamphear 75 Reuben Lamphear. SHREVfSBORY. Eliphalet Rogers - 83 Eliphalet Rogers. Abram Eaton 85 Daniel Brick 92 Daniel Brick. Hannah Perkins - 78 John Short. TINMOtJTH. Mary Alexander - 82 H. S. Alexander. Nathaniel Chipman 87 Nathaniel Chipman. Cluai'tus Alexander 81 Consider Alexander, 3d. Thomas Rogers ... Abigail Ambler - 81 Thomas Rogers. Lucy Cushman - - - Noah Aldrich 76 Lucy Cushman. Noah Aldrich. 73 Abigail Ambler. 75 70 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. VERMONT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of farailie tionary or mililary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re sided June I, 1840. "WINDSOR— Continued. WINDSOR-Continued. I1.4RTLAND— Continued. ROYAi.TON— Continued. Elizabeth Raymond 82 David Rogers. Tryphena Davis - 79 Calvin Davis. Patuma Billings . - - 83 Willard Billings. Permilla Cleveland 78 Bradford Cleveland. Elizabeth Marcy - 77 Elizabeth Marcy. Gideon Crandall . . - 78 Tracy Crandall. Phebe Dinsmoor - - - 79 J. R. Dismoor. Samuel Metcalf - 77 Sanniel Metcalf Hannah Richardson 83 Hannah Richardson. Abraham Waterman 85 Abraham Waterman. Ebenezer Dewey - 78 Ebenezer Dewey. WOODSTOCK. Benjamin Cole 79 Alsop Latham. Seenee Hatch 83 John D. Powers. William Waterman 82 William Waterman. Henry Roby . . - 81 Henry Roby. Polly Root 71 Stephen E. Root. Esther Sterns 78 Jacob Eaton. Lyman Back ... 79 Lyman Back. Rhoda Marsh . - - 74 Henry Marsh. Daniel Lovejoy ... 79 Daniel Lovejoy. Mary Wales 77 Mary Wales. Matthew Artherton 81 Matthew Artherton. Jacob Wilder 83 Jacob Wilder. Elias Stevens 85 Elias Stevens. Eleazer Wood 78 Orrin Wood. Darius Dewey ... 83 Darius Dewey. George Sampson - 81 George Sampson. Acenath Darling - - - 74 Acenath Darling. BETHEL. Hannah Shaw ... 75 Barnabas Thompson. B. L. Cotton 77 B. L. Cotton. Philemon Sampson 78 Philemon Sampson. Amos Crain 75 Amos Crain. Barnabas Caswell . - - 84 Earl Cox. Joseph Wood ... Steph. Fisk 79 Joseph Wood. Stephen Fisk. Prudence Emmons 77 Harrv Emmons. 82 Asahel Dubledee - - - 83 S. C. Dunham. Hannah Cleveland 72 Charles E. Cleveland. Seth Starling . . - 77 Seth Starling. Ezra Putnam 88 Daniel Putnam. Sylvanus Shaw ... 88 Sylvanus Shaw. Reuben Brooks 76 Reuben Brooks. Elizabeth Waldron 76 L. Ransom. Jason Bannister . . - 77 Jason Banister. Abram Snow ... 78 Abram Snow. Moses Bragg ... 76 Moses Bragg. Zebedee Haekett - 77 L. Benjamin. Catharine Fletcher 80 Catharine Fletcher. BARNARD. Noah Crocker ... 79 Noah Crocker. William Buckman 89 William Buckman. Elijah Royce - . - 80 Chester Royce. John Ellis .... 81 John Ellis. Charles French 74 Charles French. BKIDOEWATER. Gideon Newton -, 79 Gideon Newton. James Toplift" 80 Josiah Joslin, jr. William Harlow-^ 74 Daniel Sharp. Phineas Sanderson 80 Artimas Sanderson. Daniel Sharp ... 86 Daniel Sharp, jr. Isaac Bisbee . - - 80 I.saac Bisbee. Nathaniel Richmond 75 Nathaniel Richmond. Mary Robinson .... 78 Nathaniel Robinson. Samuel Bennett ... 80 Lemuel Gibbs. Nathan Pratt 88 Hiram Pratt. William Charaberlin 87 C. Chamberlin. Joseph French ... 76 Jacob French. George Cox 78 George Cox, jr. Josiah Gibbs 77 Jesse Gibbs. John Foster ... 83 John Foster. Roger French ... 82 Roger French. NORWICII. Ezra Spalding 88 Bela Spalding. Joseph Cushman . . - Jos. Tucker ... 82 Joseph Cushman. Asa Whitcomb. Charles Spooner ... 76 Charles Spooner. 87 Benjamin Clapp - 78 Benjamin Clapp. John Gould ... 81 Elisha Culver. John Gambel ... 78 John Gambel. Solomon White ... 81 Solomon White. Thomas Freeman ... 78 Thomas Freeman. Mendwell Strong - 82 Samuel H. Clark. Hannah Kinney - 88 L. S. Kinney. Jonathan Spear ... 74 Jonathan Spear. Henry Burton 81 Henry Burton. STOCKBRIDGE. Elizabeth Boardman 81 Eleazer J. Boardman. Jonathan Norris ... 67 Jonathan Norris. Mabel Goodrich ... 76 William Wilson. Walter Pollard - 78 Walter Pollard. Hezekiah Goodrich 83 H. G. Knapp. Stukely Angel ... 77 Asa Chamberlin. Ruth Waterman ... 83 Joel Morris. Lydia Taggart 73 Lydia Taggart. Sarah Waterman - 78 Aaron Keyes. Sarah Hatch ... 75 Sarah Hatch. ROCHESTER. Daniel Nye . J 84 Daniel Nye. Seth Tinkham 79 Seth Tinkham. Calvin Seaver ... 82 Otis Seaver. David Clough - - 83 David Clough. Ruth Poor . . . - • 82 Thomas W. Poor. Kiles Paul 84 Kiles Paul. Betsey Hews ... 81 Daniel Menard. Clark Young ... 87 Clark Young. Calvin Johnson 84 Calvin Johnson. Jerome Hutchinson 77 Jerome Hutchinson. CHESTER. Reuben Ray ... 72 Reuben Ray. SHARON. John Kibling ... 83 Joshua Chureh, jr. Susanna Foster 82 Isaac Parkhurst. Jemima Holden ... 91 Joseph S. Holden. Nathan Hitchcock 84 Henry Hitchcock. Seih Hart. Benjamin Whitmore 89 Benjamin Whitney, jr. Seth Hart .... 83 David Earl 93 Roswell Earl. Reuben Spalding - . - 82 Reuben Spalding. Jason Rice ... 79 Jason Rice. Benjamin Metcalf ... 84 John Mamsel. Lydia Leiand ... 76 Phineas Leiand. Mary Benjamin ... 79 Ira Benjamin. Simeon Kelh ... 75 Aaron Harrington. Joel Barrett 77 Joel Barrett. Ebenezer Farrington 75 Abraham Farrington. Asahel Holt 75 Asahel Holt. Daniel Fletcher . - - 85 Daniel Fletcher. Ebenezer Currier - 83 Samuel Gilman. Jeremiah Dean 85 Jeremiah Dean. Nicholas C. Wells 70 L. Harrington. Amos Weatherby ... 82 Newel Weatherby. Oliver Sexton ... 75 H. Fuller. Araasa Turner 51 Amasa Turner. Joshua Church ... 75 Joshua Church. nOYAI.TON. Solomon Wilson - 79 George Wilson. Benjamin Bosworlh 84 Benjamin Bosworth. William Stoodley - 75 Amos G. Gould. Temperance Skinner 79 Jonathan Kinney. John Thurston ... 83 John Thurston. Isaac Finney 82 Isaac Pinney, jr. Joshua Jordan ... 79 Joshua Jordan. Isaac Skinner ... 81 Isaac Skinner. Benjamin Parkhurst 95 Simon Parkhurst. ANDOVER. John Hutchinson - 85 Jonathan Dyer. Solomon Howard - 83 Solomon Howard. Stephen Baccus 82 Andrew Baccus. Ebenezer Parnsworth 82 Ebenezer Farnworth. Sarah Waldo 67 Warren Waldo. Lucy Abbott 80 Luther Abbott. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. VERMONT— Continued. 71 « Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. WINDSOR— Continued. WINDSOR— Continued. ANDovER — Continued. PLYMOUTH. Thankful Walker 88 Thankful Walker. • Daniel Clark 87 Caleb Weaver. Hart Balch 89 Obadiah Parker. Esther Knight 73 Elbridge Knight. Vashti Gassett 91 David Gassett. Francis Ackley - . - 89 Francis Ackley, jr. Benjamin Green ... 78 Joseph Green. Eliphalet Wood. BALTIMORE. Caleb Snow . . - 75 Leah Harris - - - 79 Luke Harris. Robert Bishop 79 Daniel Bishop. Samuel G. Allen - 81 Samuel G. Allen. WESTON. Elizabeth Holt 78 Elizabeth Holt. Samuel Proctor ... 75 Samuel Proctor. Asa Pratt ... 81 Asa Pratt. Nicholas Lawrence 76 Nicholas Lawrence. Asa Green ... 79 Asa Green. Ezra Ritier ... 79 Ezra Ritter. Henry Hall 82 Elijah Fuller. LCDLOW. Jonathan Whitcomb 78 Hiram Whitcomb. SPRINGFIELD. EphraimDutton ... 87 Zelotus Dutton. Joseph Hodgman - 87 W. L. Hodfman. Thomas Weatherby 82 Thomas Weatherby. Joseph Hulet, - 88 John Jenkins. Eunice Woodward 85 N. Woodward. CAVENDISH. Silas Parker 81 William F. Parker. John Spaulding 79 John Spaulding. Jed. Ward - - . . 80 Simeon Randall. Elnaihan Reed - . - 85 EInathan Reed. William Bragg - 77 Joshua Spencer. Sally Proctor 78 Stilman Proctor. Asahel Powers 81 Asahel Powers. Timothy Adams - 78 Timothy Adams. Josiah Belknap 81 Josiah Belknap. John McLane ... 83 John McLane. Mary Chase 71 Joel Griswold. •• Joel Davis ... 85 Timothy Davis. Samuel Dyke . . . 7G Samuel Dyke. Nabby Giddings ... 89 Hiram Giddings. Hannah Lynds 85 Aaron P. Lynds. Nathaniel Farr 94 Nathaniel Farr. David Stimson - - •78 David Stimson. Lincoln Stiles ... 76 Lincoln Stiles. William Brown - . . 75 Josiah Wells. Eunice Morse ... 90 Abel Burbank. Jonathan Luke - . - 78 Daniel Luke. Prudence Kirk . - - 75 William Kirk. ADDISON COUNTY. Stephen Dyer ... 85 Stephen Dyer. ADDISON. Lucy Bradford 79 Richard Bradford. Oliver Smith 75 Ephraim C. Goodale. Damaris Williams 81 Jasper Williams. Benjamin Everest ... 88 Benjamin Everest. Benjamin Spooner 93 Benjamin Spooner. Lorain Evens - - 76 George Everts. Sylvanus Chapin ... 83 Sylvanus Chapin. WEATHERSFIELD. Sally Eaton ... 73 Zadoc Everest. Priscilla Cheney ... 87 Benjamin Page. Jacob Post ... 78 Jacob Post. Jewitt Bovinton 78 J. Bovinton, jr. William Nichols - 84 William Nichols. ERIDPORT. Lucretia Stone 65 Lucrelia Slone. Solomon Howe ... 87 Solomon Howe, jr. John Mallard ... 77 Samuel Mace. Jonathan Eldridge 88 Joseph Eldridge. John Chase ... 79 John Chase. Ephraim Holdridge 84 Ephraim Holdridge. Stephen Reed 86 Stephen Reed. Windsor Johnson . - - 78 Lewis Johnson. Lydia Chapin ... 77 Wolcot Chapin. David Whitney ... 83 David Whitney. Thomas Prentiss - . . 81 Thomas Prentiss. Sarah Bennett ... 80 John Bennett. CORNWALL. John Haskill 77 John C. Haskill. Daniel Foot ... 80 Daniel Foot. Isaac Brown ... 48 Isaac Brown. William Pratt 73 Trueman Dewey. Molly Hatch ... 74 Nathaniel Hatch. Reuben Peck ... 80 Reuben Peck. Caleb Litchfield - 80 Caleb Litchfield. Felix Benton 78 Felix Benton. Samuel Richards ... 81 Samuel Richards, jr. WINDSOR. Jeremiah Bingham 92 Jeremiah Bingham. Thomas Craig 86 Thomas Craig. William Gilkey - 82 William Gilkey. FERRISBnRGH. Simeon Pomeroy - - . 86 Thomas M. Pomeroy. Mary Ingham ... 77 Abner Wing. Henry Slevens ... 79 Henry Stevens. Rebecca Powers - 72 Hartwell Powers. Mary Hunter ... 82 Asa Aiken. Daniel Champion - . - 77 Daniel Champion. Jonathan Hall ... 83 Jonathan Hall. Sarah House ... 81 Hiram Curler. Nathaniel Cobb - 81 Nathaniel Cobb. Elizabeth Cady 81 Lyman Cady. LEICESTER. Jonas Adams ... 77 Jonas Adams. Joseph Swinington 78 Adin A. Swinington. John Blood ... 81 John Blood. Isaac Atwood ... 80 Isaac Atwood. Oliver Osgood ... 78 Oliver Osgood. Benjamin Whitman 83 Benjamin Whitman. Abel Fling 76 Abel Fling, jr. Susanna Aiken ... 74 Israel Aiken. MIDDLEBtJRY. Sibel Houghton ... 82 Peter Houghton. Lydia Judd ... 73 Daniel Judd. Huldah Chapin ... 86 James Bailey. Justus Cobb ... 75 Justus Cobb. Reuben McAlister 81 Reuben McAlister. Benoni Shurtleff - 83 Benoni Shurtleff. RufusRoot 77 Rufus Root. Ethan Andrews 84 Ethan Andrews. Asahel Smith ... 84 Asahel Smith. Samuel Cook ... 87 Samuel Cook, jr. Jerome Sawins ... 78 Jerome Sawins. Eleazer Barrows . . - 75 Lucius Barrows. Samuel Hutchinson 90 Samuel Hutchinson. Alpheus Brooks ... 82 Alpheus Brooks. James Crane ... 78 James Crane. READING. Nathan Case ... 77 Nathan Case. Molly Chubb 85 Molly Chubb. Mary Hooker ... 88 Charles Hooker. Sally Orcutt 79 Roland Fletcher. Israel Wadsworth - 80 William Dewey. Bathsheba Nichols 78 Amos Williams. Calvin Goodno ... 78 Asa Goodno. Abiah Rice ... 81 Abiah Rice. Freeman Foot ... 80 Allen Foot. Lucy Rust ... 88 Oliver Rust. Ebenezer Sumner - - - 82 Ebenezer Sumner. Daniel Weatherby 82 Daniel Weatherby. Ebenezer Robinson 75 Ebenezer Robinson. PANTO N. Robinson - - . 72 Ezra Robinson. Rupee Bacheller - 90 Jesse Grandy. Elijah Williams - 82 Elijah Williams. Lucy Haven 84 Luoy Haven. 72 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. VERMONT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or miliiary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 18-10. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. ADDISON-Continued. - ADDISON-Continued. SHOBEHAM. MONKTON. Elizabeth Hunsden 76 Robert R. Hunsden. L*muel Tracy . . - 79 Lemuel Tracy. William Jones - - . 81 William Jones. William Niles 84 William Niles. Samuel Sunderland 87 Charles Turner. Koah Jones ... 81 Noah Jones. NEWHAVEN. Stephen King - - - - 84 Stephen King. William Seymour 76 William Seymour. Ruth North 81 Ruth North. Lois Andrews . . - 73 Oliver D. Cole. Martha Pratt 85 Benjamin Hunt. Eliakim Culver 85 Eliakim Culver, jr. STARKSBOROUGH. Hebbord Morrill - 82 Hebbord Morrill. WEyBRIDGE. Sarah Porter 81 Timothy O. Flanagan. GRANVILLE. Pliny Stannard ... 83 James Kelly. Eli Lewis .... 77 Eli Lewis. Thomas Dickenson 84 Silas Herendeen. James Shaw . . - 77 Amos Rice. John Halsey 84 John Halsey. Jeremiah Snow 72 Jeremiah Snow. Isaac Cady ♦ - 75 Isaac Cady. WHITINO. Abiathar Austin ... 85 James H. Jinney. Gershom Justin 89 Azim M. Goodrich. Elijah White 77 Lyman P. White. HANCOCK. Patience Bidwell - 89 Patience BidweLl. BRISTOL. John Curry 82 Peter Danforth. SALISBORT. Amaziah Hawkins 81 Elisha Briggs. Thomas Savery . . - 82 William Savery. Abraham Vreedenburgh - 53 A. Vreedenburgh. Hannah Pierce - . - 79 William Pierce. Samuel Hall 81 Samuel Hall. Jiriah Chamberlin 78 Jiriah Chamberlin. WALTBAM. Rufus Barnard . . - 78 Rufus Barnard. Mary McKenzie - - - 78 William McKenzie. Jeremiah Hatch ... 73 Jeremiah Hatch. Joseph Bird ... 79 Frederick A. Bird. LINCOLN. John D. Holly 49 John D. Holly. Dorothy Palmer - 76 Simeon Palmer. Paul P. Holly 44 Paul P. Holley. Walcott Burnham. Joshua Rugg 78 Eli Vasney. Walcott Burnham 76 Owen Briggs ... 82 Thomas Briggs. STATE OF NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionarj' or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. ALBANY COUNTY. ALBANY— Continued. City of Albany — fHrsl ward. NEW SCOTLAND. Jonathan Kidney - 75 Jonathan Kidney. John Ramsay . . - 81 John Ramsay. Mathias Rimharl - 77 Henry Chandler. Ganet J. Sager 87 G. J. Sager. Second ward. Rachel Van Hosen 80 John Taylor. Richard Hilton 81 Edwin James. Christopher Winne 80 Jonathan Hoard ... 85 Jonathan Hoard. Waller Whitney - 87 Walter Whitney. KNOX. Nathaniel Smith - - . 77 John Davison. Mary Dennison - - - 81 Amos Crary. Joshua Weldon 83 J. Weldon. Jacob Shoultes 80 Jacob Shoultes. Mathew Gregory - 82 Mathew Gregory. Johan Jost Deitz . - - 79 Jacob Deitz. Third ward. ^ Gideon Deming - 84 Sylvester Hale. BERN. FaurLh ward. Andrew Secor ... 87 Andrew Secor. Wilhelmus Ryckman 81 Albert Ryckman. John Salsburg . . - 89 Harmon Salsburg. Piflk ward. Evan Philips ... 63 Evan Philips. Abraham Vo.sburgh 84 Abraham Vosburgh. Thomas Frisbee - . - 79 Thomas Frisbee. Frederick Dumph 94 Eli Van Volkenburgh. Francis Garvy ... 77 Isaac J. Garvy. Anthony Van Sanford 81 A. Van Sanford. Joseph Owen . - - 81 Joseph Owen. Paul White. Levit Head 84 BETHLEHEM. William Ball 76 John Ball. Conrad Goss 90 Conrad Goss. Simeon Church 89 Simeon C. Church. Jacob Laraway ... 82 Jacob Laraway. Esau King - . - - 77 Jackson King. Joshua Bailey Minardi P. Vandenburg . 76 Paul J. Hogstrasser Elizabeth Skinner - 78 Jacob Hoghstrasser. 83 82 Chester Skinner. WATERVUET. RENNSELAERVILLE. Samuel Gallatin - 91 Nathan Dayton ... 82 Nathan Dayton. Mary Hills 83 Doctor Smith ... 76 Jared Smith. Isaac Qrote 82 Mathew Mulford - - - 83 Charles L. Mulford. John Rogers ... 84 Sands Jervis. GUILDERLAND. MaryBliven . . - 77 Auguslils L. Cross. Abraham Lowe ... 82 James L. Lowe. Sylvanus Purrington Eliphaz Kilbourn ... 85 Sylvanus Purrington. Henry Sever John Vanderpool . 82 Peter Sever. 83 Eliphaz Kilbourn. 86 Abraham Vanderpool. John J. H. Burnett 83 John J. H. Burnett. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YURK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. 73 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. ALBANY— Continiied. ALLEGANY— Continued. RENSSELAER viLLE — Continued. HUME— Continued. Joel Elmer. Reuben Kins' - - * 75 Asa Woodford. Joel Elmer . . - - 78 Henry Cline - - - 86 George Benn. Billing Slarkweather 77 B. Starkweather. Apollos Moore 75 Apollos Moore. David Smith John Bostwick . - - 81 78 J. Bostwick. WESTERLOO. Simeon Whitconib 84 Simeon Whitcomb. NEW HUDSON. John Preslon - - - 84 Ezra Preston. Hugh McKeen 85 S. McKeen. Jacob Ingalls - - - 76 Jacob Ingalls. Stephen V. Tompkins William Whedton 82 Abraham Tompkins. PIKE. 83 Darius Lockwood. Seymour Talraadge 86 J. Talmadge. Stephen Allen 79 Stephen H. Allen. William Vanslyke 81 William Vanslyke. Sarah Hurlbert 83 Simeon Lobbdell. Henry Bennet 78 H. Bennet. Johiel Lamb - - - 84 Johiel Lamb. Robert L. Hurd 76 Robert L. Hurd. Margaret Wilsey - 88 John Arnold. Joshua Whitney - 80 Joshua Whitney. Joseph Hinlcley - - - 80 Josiah Hinkley. David Sullivan - ■ - 88 David Sullivan. RUSHPORD. Levi Tracy 80 Daniel Spalding. Billa Root - - - - Ephraim Morrison 84 77 Billa Root. E. Morrison. COEYMANS. Zachariah Dodds - 89 Z. Dodds. Sarah Mead 74 David Mead. Elisha Coy - - - . 77 Elisha Coy. Daniel Wicliham - 78 Daniel Green. Enos Gary - - . - 83 Jacob Spaunberg ~ 74 George Spaunberg. Gertrude Vanderpool 83 John Vanderpool, sen). Benjamin Jones 83 Benjamin Jones. ALLEGANY COUNTY. John Gowdy 81 E. Gowdy. iNUELICA. Stephen Taylor ... 72 Charles Stewart - 80 Solomon S. Childs. Simon Grant ... 83 County poor-house. WIRT. Aaron Swarthout . . - 79 J. Swarthout. AMITY. Carey Crandall ... 79 Carey Crandall. Hezekiah Wadsworth 84 Trueman C. Wadsworth. William Sherman . . - 77 • J. Sherman. Elisha Dakin ... 91 E. Dakin. ALMOND. Isaiah Crandall 81 John How. BROOME COUNTY. CHENANGO. WEST ALMOND. Jesse Hinds 81 Jesse Hinds, jr. Richardson Dunham 80 Richardson Dunham. John P. Smith 86 M. Smith. Peter Mills ... 62 Peter Mills. BURNS. Abel De Forest - 79 Abel De Forrest. Jesse Tutlle 83 Jesse Tutlle. Mary McNelly ... William Rose ... 40 76 Mary McNelly. Elanson Rose. PORTAGE. Jedediah Seward - 82 Jedediah Seward. Joseph Hasford - . - 78 Franklin Hasford. Samuel Puller . - - 74 Samuel Fuller. UNION. Eraslus Booth ... 80 D.ivid Booth. Elias Bayless ... 88 John Bayless. Wm. G. Deake - 79 Wm. G. Deake. Stephen Rust 67 S. Rust. Allen Sears ... 80 Nathaniel Rathburn. John Wilson ... 76 John Wilson. Oliver Gary 80 Oliver Cary. .lohn Wilkinson - . . 79 J. Wilkinson. David Mosher ... _ Jabez Mosher. Daniel Chamberlain 86 D. Chamberlain. Ebenezer Patteson - . - - Wm. B. Patteson. Samuel Ingham ... 80 S. Ingham. NCNDA. VESTAL. William Gould - 84 William Gould. William Weston - 78 WaUam Weston. BELFAST. Borden Potter 76 CONKLIN. John Conklin 84 James Conklin. John Vreeland 89 Josiah Haywood . . - John Phelps ... 76 82 WINDSOR. Samuel Scoville - Paul Atwell 80 75 S. M. Scoville. Paul Atwell. CUBA. Patience Heath ... 79 John Heath. Joseph Gilbert Ezra Stanard ... 85 John Heath ... 84 J. Heath, jr. 76 Joel Gamsey ... 75 Joel Gamsey. John Burt ... - 78 COLESVILLE. CANEADI4. Luther Mason 83 L. Mason. Benjamin Webster 80 Joel Curtiss ... 76 Joel Curtiss. Seth Edson .... 79 S. Edson. CENTRETILLE. James Wiley ... 88 James WUey. Edward Dewolf 75 Edward Dewolf. Joseph Pike 82 J. Hurlbert. Samuel Leach 84 S. Leach. Joshua Baker ... 77 J. Baker. Heman Hatch ... 74 FRIENDSHIP. SANDPORD. Nathan Burlingame 78 Nathan Burlingame. John Baiter ... 79 Jonas Underwood . - - 77 J.Undeiwood, jr. Silas Seward ... 80 S. Seward. GENESEE. Daniel Edwards - Zacheus Maxson ... .83 84 BARKER, John Rogers ... Solomon Armstrong 78 89 J. Rogers. H. Fergtison. HUME. NANTICOKE. Remember Pratt . 4 ^\ 84 S. H. Pratt. 1 Asaph Morse 80 J. French. 10 74 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of famili tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners sided June 1, 1840. BROOMD^— ContinueJ. CATTARAUGUS— Continued. NANTicoKE— Conlinued. NEW ALBION. Samuel Pliipps 80 Samuel Phipps. Joseph Davis ... 80 Eben. Davis. John Durl'ee 77 H. Durfce. DAYTON. USI,E. James Gordon ... 87 James Gordon. Keen Robinson 87 M. Livcrmore. Jesse Worden 86 Abram Eastward. TniANGI.E. EI.LICOTTVILLE. - Joseph Sanders 77 J. Sanders. Ale.xander Phelps - 83 Ralph R. Phelps. Joseph Sandl'ord - 84 J. Sandford. Justin Rust 76 Huldnh Rust. Elijah Gaylord . . - 77 E. Gavlord. Abiathar Vinton - 81 Abiathar Vinton. Ashbel Olmsted 76 J. Stan dish. Nathaniel Rogers - 79 J. Sparrow. B. Hodges. ASHPORD. Ejihraim Hodges - - - 83 Henry Hill 79 Henry Hill. CATTARAUGUS COUNTY. PERRYSBUUG. FREEDOM. James Mallory 78 M. Mallory. Bet.sey Fuller 83 Chase Fuller. Isaac Rugg ... 75 Isaac Rugg. John Nichols - - - 80 Samuel Nichols. Ezekiel Perkins . . - 76 Ezekiel Pel kins. Zera Norton ... 76 John C. Moore. Lemuel Mynard - - - 91 Lemuel Mynard. Susanna Champlin 78 Samuel Champlin. Edmund Farnsworlh 79 Edmund Farnsworlh. YORKSHIRE. OTTO. Ellsha Randall 79 Elisha Randall. John Boulell 78 John Bontell. Jacob Winters - . - 54 Jacob Winters. Sylvanus Parkinson 78 John T. Ferris. Bishop Coston ... 81 James Coston. William Gould 88 William Gould, jr. RANDOLPH. Ahner RecUard ... 76 William Lanijmade. Seth Berry - - - - 75 Seth Berrv. Elisha Plumb 53 Elisha Plumb. Jehial Niles 86 Jehial Niles. PARIWERSVILLE. FRANKLINVILLE. Jeremiah Parish . . - 75 Jeremiah Parish. John Doty . - - - 88 Palmer Doty. Susanna Champlin 76 Elizabeth Champlin. Samuel Sullivan •• 83 Samuel Sullivan. Matthias Lane 81 Matthias Lane. Pyram Ripley 77 Walter Blount. Stephen Volentine 48 Stephen Volentine. Robert Bnrdiclt 52 Robert Burdick. EtniTON. John Lafferty 85 Daniel Phillips. Hannah Clark . . - 81 James R. Clark. Oliver Holt 84 Elnathan Toby. Zachariah Blackman 79 Gain R. Blackman. CAYUGA COUNTY. AUBURN. MACBIA8. Joseph Marshall - - - 82 F. Richardson. Gad Taylor 81 Gad Taylor. Richard Connell - - - 81 Hiram Bostwick. John Farrar ... 81 John Fa'rrar. Abel Williams - 83 Nathaniel Williams. Richard Odell 80 Richard Odell. Lois Sexton . - . 81 Charles Sexton. Edward Burt 68 Edward Burt. E. B. Cobb - . - - 42 E. B. Cobb. James Pease ... 87 James Pease. HINSDALE. Moses Fay 78 Moses Fay. BRUTOS. Enos Luddon ... 79 Enos Luddon. Nathaniel Bristol . - . 85 J. St. John. Jonathan Gowing - . - 78 Eliab Gowing. MBNTZ. PORTVILLE. Ashbel Treat 76 A. Treat. Daniel Carpenter - - . 80 Daniel Carpenter. Benjamin F. Wellington - 36 S. P. Trimper. Marietta Avery ... If- E. Avery. CLEAN. Philip King ... Josiah Baldwin - - 78 E. A. King. Ebenezer Reed 79 Ebenezer Reed. 83 J. Baldwin. Russell Willis 77 R. Willis. UTTLE VALLEY. Aaron Fredenburgh 87 A. Fredenburgh. Zebulon Stratton - 88 Jaraes Stratton. Richard Daimwood 81 Richard Daimwood. CONEWANCO. AmiELICS. John Ash - . - . 77 Benjamin Barrett - - . 80 B. Barrett. Abner Lovejoy . - . 79 Almond Lovejoy. Nathaniel Scofield - 77 J. Scofield. John Cowen 86 John Cowen. Joseph Barron ... 77 J. Barron. Jo-seph Woods worth 82 Joseph Woodsworth. SENNETT. NAPOU. Caleb Adye Jacob Rice ... 86 79 Zyenas Rice. Thomas Willson - Ira Pomeroy Frances Ganett ... 81 81 72 T. Willson. I. Pomeroy, jr. William Sprague. COLD 8PRIN0. William Mitchell - 83 William Sprague. Charles Crooks 89 Charles Crooks, M. SPRINGPORT. LEON. Barnet Cris.se 80 Barnet Crisse. Anthony Day 77 Anthony Day. Samuel Wesner - 77 Samuel Wesner. Nicholas Blur 94 Abraham Low. Gideon Allen 93 Zimri Allen. Samuel Whitcomb 87 Samuel Whitcomb. Reuben Weed 77 Reuben Weed. Ambrose Squires - 74 Ambrose Squires. Frederick Noyes. Dudley Noyes ... 76 OWASCO. Samuel Hanbeck - . . 86 Samuel Hanbeck. GREAT VALLEY. Powell P. Ammerman 78 Richard Ammerman. Jonathan Fuller - 87 Jonathan Fuller. Martin Cuykendal 76 Martin Cuykendal. Benjamin Chambers 83 Benjamin Chambers. Garret Van Fleet - 84 Daniel Bevier. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. 75 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. CAYUGA— Continued. CAYUGA— Continued. LEDYARD. SCMNER HILL. Daniel A. Ward - 80 Joseph Esters. Ebenezer Hathaway 84 Ebenezer Hathaway. Sarah York . . - 76 Stephen Gifford. Harman Peters ... 78 Cornelius Peters. Asa Burnham . - - 87 Sherman Smith. Jesse Woodward - 76 Horace Woodward. Daniel McDowel . - - 83 Daniel McDowel. John Vermilye 76 John Vermilye. GENOA. David Price - 87 David Price. CATO. David Bartlett 47 David Bartlett. Sarah Palmer 78 Edward Palmer, 2d. John Bennett ... 75 John Bennett. Henry Siudwell . - - 84 Aaron Lyon. James Mead 86 James Mead. IRA. Margaret Henderson 74 Charles Denison. Benjamin Bartlett - 77 Harry Ferris. Samuel Branch . - - 73 Samuel Branch. Reuben Peck ... 80 Jonathan Smith. Hannah Tilly 75 Hannah Till}'. Rosina Napp . - 74 Gilbert Lockwood. CONttCEST. Joshua Fuller ... 77 Francis R. Petty. VENICE. Thomas Fro.st . . - 77 Charles J. Frost. Benjamin Clark - - 84 Benjamin Clark. Valentine Wheeler 84 Valentine Wheeler. William Huffman 78 Caleb Nye. Zadiack Bateman - - - 78 Zadiack Bateman. VICTORY. Ebenezer Parks 94 Ebenezer Parks. Elijah Starkweather 84 Reuben Blanchard. William Mane 82 William Mane. Levi Wilkinson . . - 84 Levi Wilkinson. Henry Hewitt 77 Henry Hewitt. Jacob Stanley ... 85 Thomas Chapman. James Thompson - 75 James Thompson. Christian Fihck . . - 81 Phebe Finck. Hannah Neely 77 Dennis Robinson. Asa Way - - - - 80 Asa Way. STERLING. Gilbert Tracy 80 Gilbert Tracy. William McCoy - 84 William McCoy. Sarah AVeeks 66 Sarah Weeks. James Wasson ... 79 James Wasson. Abijah Hunt Cornelius Ackersoa 78 Abijah Hunt. SCIPIO. 85 William Ackerson. Joseph Culver . - - 79 Ansel Culver. William Deusenbury 82 William Deusenbury. Samuel Gray . . - 46 Samuel Gray. Lucenia Johnson - 77 Lucenia Johnson. CHATAUaUE COUNTY. Elias Manchester - - - 83 Elias Manchester. HARMONY. William Graham - 89 James Easterly. Phineas Chamberlain 74 Phineas Chamberlain. Nathan Sheffield - 76 Nathan Sheffield. JohnWillman . . - 78 William Blanchard. Eleanor Elliott 82 William Elliott. Thomas Shepherd . - - 47 Thomas Shepherd. Nathaniel Mather . . - 81 Nathaniel Mather. LOCKE. David Holister ... 86 Anson Phelps. Jacob Barret 76 Jacob Barret, jr. Samuel Benedict . . - 87 William Dean, John Croft - - . - 78 John Croft. Amy Bowker . . - 70 Abraham Dates. POLAND. Daniel Harris 82 Joseph Harris. Seth Baker 78 Seth Baker. Benjamin Heath - - - 75 Benjamin Heath. Elias Tracy 78 Elias Tracy. Ebenezer King 79 Benjamin King. Joshua Woodard - - - 84 Peer Woodard. Aaron Murphy . - - 47 Aaron Murphy. Phineas Allen ... 81 Sumner Allen. E^lher Martin 77 Erastus Souihworth. Nathaniel Fenton - 77- Nathaniel Fenton. John White 84 J. Thompson. Joel J. Reynolds - 79 Joel J. Reynolds. William Wattles - 84 William Wattles. Jonathan Bill ... 85 Joseph Bill. MORAVIA. ELERY. Eliphaz Alexander 76 Eliphaz Alexander. Lemuel Bacon 77 William Bacon. Zadock Cady ... 76 Zadock Cady. Luther Barney ... 83 Luther Barney. Daniel Wood - . - 88 Thomas Ferguson. Jonah Maples 78 Charles G. Maples. Nancy McGuigan - 73 Zebulon Hall. Jeremiah Griffith . . - 83 A. Griffith. Susanna Terry ... 77 Ansel m Terry. Selah Scofield 82 Haran Scofield. Henry Thomas ... 85 Henry Thomas. Jonathan Babcock - . - 78 Benjamin Parker. Esther White 83 John White. Jacob Annies ... 77 Jacob Annies. Joseph Boyd ... 81 Alvin Boyd. NILES. Cornelius D. Dcwitt Egbert Dewitt 80 79 Cornelius D. Dewitl. Egbert Dewitt. ELLINGTON. Abijah Hitchcock - 81 Abijah Hitchcok. John Ellis ... - 69 John Ellis. Roswell Fairman - William Hall Samuel Jones ... David Johnson Sarah Lazell ... 77 78 82 82 69 Roswell Fairman. William Hall. John D. Hakes. David Johnson, Joseph Lazell. SUEUMAN. David Waldo William Turner ... Reuben Thompson Isaac Osborn ... 76 85 77 79 David Waldo. Richard Piatt. Jos. A. Hubbard. Isaac Osborn. Ebenezer Plumby - 86 Allen J. Plumby. Joseph Newland . . - 89 Lemuel A. Newland. CLYTiIER. Job Shirley ... 83 Simpkins Snow. Gardner Cleavland 77 Gardner Cleavland. Henry Van Etten ... 80 Levi W. Van Etten. John Campbell ... 78 John Campbell. Othniel Williams - 75 Othniel Williams. BnaTi. John Smiley ... SEMPRONIUS. 79 Samuel Smiley. Samuel Gurnee ... 43 Samuel Gurnee. Barnabas Willman 83 Homer Willman. ' Elisha Hewitt 82 Elisha Hewitt. Martin L. Comstock 83 Martin L. Comstock. Joseph B. Miller - 58 Joseph B. Miller. Phineas Parmenter 78 John Parmenter. Nicholas Potter ... 80 Nicholas Potter. Stephen Wilcox ... 78 Ephraim Wilcox. Puryer Reeves 90 Manassah Reeves. Hannah Lake ... 73 George Sawyer. FRENCH CREEK. Reuben Woodworth 79 Reuben Woodworth. William Adams - 85 William Adams. 76 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioneis re- sided June 1, 1840. C HATAUaUE— Continued. CHATAUaUE— Continued. MINA. SHERIDAN — Continued. .hivenile Winters - - - 82 Juvenile Winters. Jesse Clothier 81 A. R. Clothier. David Madden 77 Ichabod Thayer. Susanna Swift 70 Lyman Swift. Stephen Bush 81 Stephen Bush, jr. CARROLL. Otis Ensign, 1st. ... 78 Otis Ensign, 1st. Asa More - " - 75 Joseph R. More. Jasper Marsh . . - 80 Jasper Marsh. ARKWRIOHT. John Owens ... 100 Reuben Owens. Stephen Pratt 76 Stephen Pratt. Hannah Evans ... 78 Stephen Hill. ELLICOTT. James Olmstead - - . 86 Chauncy Webster. Thomas Matthews 93 Jabez Blackmar. Nalhan Hatch 84 Edmund Hatch Daniel Deming 77 Daniel Deming. Eliakim Thatcher . ... 78 Eliakim Thatcher. William Washburn 72 William Washburn. William Wood - 76 Arna Wood. Charles Wood ... 80 Edward F Wood. CHARLOTTE. GERRY. Anna Seaver 74 R. W. Seaver. Benjamin Matthews 85 Caleb Matthews. John Coe . . . - 83 John Coe. CHERRY CREflt. Darius Wiard 83 Darius Wiard. RIPLEY. Daniel Osborne ... 89 Daniel Osborne. Benjamin Bennet ... 84 A. F. Bennet. Isaac Stone ... 75 Isaac Stone. Moses Dustin 75 Moses Dustin. David Jenkins 49 David Jenkins. VILl.ANOVfA. Levi Adams, sen. . - - 86 Levi Adams, sen. Thomas Phillips - 78 Thomas Phillips. Elias Clark 87 Jesse Jay. WESTFIELD. Mehitable Spencer 78 John Spencer. Daniel Bamham . . - 78 Daniel Barnham. Nathaniel Warner 71 Nathaniel Warner. Samuel Wheeler - 76 Samuel Wheeler. Solomon Norton - 90 G. B. Aldritch. Samuel Penfield - 76 Samuel Penfield. Joseph Maiher 85 John Mather. Sarah Hall 77 Sylvester Hall. Fisk Durand ... -74 Fisk Durand. nANOVER. Jonathan Dyer 75 B. Parrish. Christopher McManus 82 Christ. McManus. Reuben Wright - 91 Reuben Wright. Isaac Van Camp . 80 Joseph Van Camp. David Rumsey 82 David Rumsey. Reuben Bams 84 Dennis Barns. Lent Bradley ... 84 Lent Bradley. Silas Nash 78 Silas Nash. Nathaniel Bird ... 77 Nathaniel Bird. Thomas Frink ... 77 Harvey Frink. William Chase - 78 William Chase. Robert Love ... 85 Levi Love. Zilpha Cranston . 80 William Cranston. CHATAUQUE. Solomon Rolhbone 76 Solomon Rothbone. Bethuel Bond 77 Bethuel Bond. Comfort Herrington 86 Andrew Irish. Jonathan Brigham 85 Jonathan Brigham. Cornelius Phelps ... 77 Cornelius Phelps. Adonijah Fenton ... 86 Henry Whitney. Phebe Howard 81 Abram Osborne. Nancy Hawkins ... 74 W. W. Hawkins. Richard Whitney - 81 Richard Whitney. CHEMUNG COUNTY. Abigail Thayer - 83 Abigail Thayer. BIG FLATS. William Mapes ... 79 Elijah Mapes. PORTLAND. Frederick Vaughn 72 Wm. F. Reeder. Anne Taylor 77 Anne Taylor. William Couch - 81 William Couch. CATHERINES. Joseph P. Peters - 79 J. P. Peters. George Brink 80 George Brink. Calvin Barns 74 Calvin Barns. Noah Agard 85 Levi Beardslcy. Daniel Barns 76 Daniel Barns. John Cooper 87 Aaron Cooper. Simon Burton ... 71 Simon Burton. Joseph Frost 85 Eli C. Frost. Erastus Taylor ... 52 Erastus Taylor. Jonathan Hitchcock 79 Jonathan Hitchcotk. Mary Eaton 87 ) 58 ] David Eaton. Israel Lee - - . 81 John S. Lee. David Eaton Levi Sylvester ... 85 Levi Sylvester. Samuel Munson ... 78 Samuel Munson. John Mitchell ... 82 John Mitchell, jr. Amos Standish 90 John Robins. CHEMtJNG. POMFRET. Daniel Van Campen 79 Daniel Van Campoi. William Seymour - 85 John Seymour. James Green 90 James Green. Roswell W. Fitch - 77 R. W. Fitch. Jacob Decker ... 84 Jacob Decker. Elizabeth Crane - * - 86 Elizabeth Howes. William Lamont - 84 William Lamont. CAVUTA. Vaniah Fox ... 78 Vaniah Fox. Abraham Losey 73 Abraham Losey. Nicholas M. Bovee 81 Ebenezer Baldwin. Silas Marsh 78 Silas Marsh. CATLIN. Sarah Barker. ... 75 Sarah Barker. Samuel Shoemaker 79 J. M. Shoemaker. Jonathan Phelps . 76 Jonathan Phelps. Sarah Matteson ... 85 D. J. Matteson. DIX." Lucy Ingham 83 Isaac Ingham. Mary Rosenerant - . . 76 Tunis Voorhees. Zim'ri Hills 77 Heman Hills. EHjenezer Smith ... 79 Ebenezer Smith. Reuben Thompson 78 Reuben Thompson. STOCKTON. ERIN. Richard Andrews ... 76 Richard Andrews. Elijah Look ... 82 Elijah Look. Thankful Cleland - 82 Nathan Cleland. EI.VnRA. Asa Turner 75 Reuben Jones. James B. Decker - . - 102 Pamelia Decker. Thomas Curtice - 79 Jeremiah Curtice. Silas Hall - . . . 84 Joshua Hall. Theodore Norton ... 76 Theodore Norton. SHERIDAN. James Swarlwood - 93 Benj. Smith. James White 82 James While, jr. Jonathan Sturdevant 79 Jonathan Sturdevant. Ephraim Htrriok - 85 Ephraim Hcrrick. Benjamin Woodward 76 Benj. Woodward. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. 77 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. CHEMUNG— Continued. CHENANGO-Continued. SOUTHPORT. SHERBURNE — Continued. John Carr . - . - 83 Nathan Carr. Jeremiah Purdy - 77 Jeremiah Purdy. Edward Comfort - . - 78 Edward Comfort. Amos Cole ... 80 Amos Cole. John Fitz Simmons 79 John Fitz Simmons. Josiah Lathrop ... 83 Josiah Lathrop. David Griswold - - - 79 David Griswold. Timothy Hatch - 82 Timothy Hatch. Eleanor Hass . . - 77 Wm. Jenkins. Sarah McCormick 72 Abraham Miller. SMYRNA. Samuel Nichols . - - 76 Samuel Nichols. Timothy Dunn ... 84 Timothy Dimn. Ezekiel Rhodes - . - 86 Ezekiel Rhodes. Williani Jones ... 81 William Jones. Nathan Sayre . . - 92 Nathan Sayre. Joseph Simonds - 83 Joseph Simonds. Jesse Wheeler ... 83 Merritt Wheeler. VETERAN. Conrod Mowers - 79 Henry Mowers. Joshua Kendall - ■ - 79 Joshua Kendall. Ichabod Meeker - 90 Elijah Meeker. COVENTRY. Abigail Goodnuugh 89 David Goodnough. CHENANGO COUNTY. Catharine Smith - - . 69 Matthew B. Smith. LINCKLEAN. Mercy Packard - 77 O. H. Packard. Joseph Breed - . - 85 Joseph Breed. Sarah Parker ... 83 Lucia Parker. Anna Corey ... 79 Amasa Corey. Heth Helsey 83 Clark Smith. Jacob Aljpn 85 Jacob Allen. Roger Edgarton ... 79 Roger Edgarton. George Champlin - . - 83 Joshua Sanders. Joseph Fairchild - - . 82 Joseph Fairchild. Jonathan Babcock - - - 76 Harvey Babcock. Elizabeth Cook ... 83 Loren Cook. GREENE. Zemis Jones ... 79 Betsey Wheeler. OTSELIC. Nathan Bennett 87 Nathan Bennett. Joseph Carey ... 80 Joseph Carey. William Root - - . 80 R. Lyon. William Coiey 82 William Coley. Robert Gallup 79 Erastus Foote. NEW BERLIN. SMITHVILLE. Thomas Loomis . - - 84 Charles Knapp. Thankful Matteson 83 Jesse Matteson. Richard Guff 76 Elisha Herrington. Daniel Sage ... 83 William Shaw. PITCHER. Matthew Calkins ... 76 Matthew Calkins. John Blanchard ... 76 John Blanchard. Joseph Sheffield - 80 Joseph Sheffield. Reuben Huntly ... 89 Ezra Huntly. PHARSALIA. Elisha Babcock - 78 Elisha Babcock. Jonathan Champlin 84 Michael Champlin. Comfort Meeker ... 76 Fanny Brown. NORWICH. GUir,PORD. Jedediah Randall ... 83 Jedediah Randall. Nancy Richmond ... 90 Seth Richmond. Thomas Hadlock ... 81 Thomas Hadlock. Rachael Twilager - 80 Josiah Twilager. George H. King - 77 George H. King. John Secor . . - 78 John Secor. John King . - . . 87 John King. Elisha Jewel ... 86 Gilbert Jewel. Nathaniel Church - 92 Nathaniel Church. Theophilus White 86 Jeremiah White. Peter Keith 85 Peter Keith. Daniel Johnson ... 80 Seth Johnson. Nathan Daniels ... 80 Leonard Daniels. John Diclcerman ... 74 William Dickerman. John McNitt 79 John McNitt. Anna Denning ... 80 Nicholas Slater. Joshua Aldrich ... 80 Joshua Aldrich. Elisha Smith 84 Elisha Smith. John Hicks ... 79 John Hicks. Sarah Clark ... 88 William Clark. Polly Aylesworth ... 80 Polly Aylesworth. PLYMOUTH. Abram Terry ... 86 Abram Terry. Eliphalet Cutting - 73 E. Cutting. John Brewer ... 78 John Brewer. COLUMBUS. Esick Olney ... 84 Esick Olney. PRESTON. Jacob Tillotson ... 80 Jacob Tillotson. William Clark - 86 William Clark. Htpe Howard ... 76 Richard Dulton. Roswell Dudley - 79 Roswell Dudley. Henry Williams ... 77 Henry Williams. Daniel Eccleston ... 85 Daniel Eccleston. James C. Church - 79 Eli Church. John H. Avery 79 John H. Avery. John Willis 54 John Willis. James P. Denison ... 78 Nathaniel Denison. OXFORD. John Fletcher 78 John Fletcher. Mary Throop 69 Nancy Packer. Caleb Church 86 Varnum Church. Phebe Hanco.'c 76 Charles Hancoj'. Josiah Hacket ... 82 Daniel Hacket. BAINBRIDGK. Thomas Welch - 84 Benjamin Welch. James Whitmore - 79 James Whitmore. Zophar Betts ... 80 Warren Betts. John Elsworth - 84 John Elsworth. Polly Vickery ... 84 Silas Blowers. Charity Banks 79 William Banks. Catharine Bennett ... 76 Samuel Wheeler. Solomon Hallet ... 81 Solomon Hallet. Hezekiah Brackets 78 Hezekiah Brackets. William Johnston - 89 James Johnston. Mary Cooley ... 80 David Polly. William King 81 Jacob King. John Harrington - - . 83 John Harrington. Edward Walker - 83 Edward Walker. Asa Wells 71 Daniel Hall. Ebenezer T.anders - . • 82 Solomon Landers. Matilda Brown - - . 73 David Brown. James Basford ... 80 James Basford. CLINTON COUNTY. SHERBURNE. PLATTSBOBG. Abram Crego 82 Daniel S. Crego. Levi M. Roberts - 45 Levi M. Roberts. Newcomb Raymond 76 Newcomb Raymond. Charles Cortwite ... 53 Charles Cortwite. Garrett Reed 86 Garrett Reed. Joshua Buzzel ... 49 Joshua Buzzel. Samuel Blackman 78 Horace Morse. Placid Monty ... 74 Placid Monty. Andrew Stafford - . . 84 Andrew Stafford. John A. Ferris ... 82 John A. Ferris. Thomas Higgins ... 85 Thomas Higgins. John Lee ... 80 John Lee. Isaac Sheldon 84 S. Harrington. Mary Wilson ... 83 John Rugar. Joseph Guthrie ... 80 Joseph Guthrie. Polly Reed 75 Zanthy Reed. 78 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or niilitaiy services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. , CLINTON— Continued. CORTLAND— Continued. PLATTSBtmc — Continued. THuxTON — Continued. Francis Rogers 47 Francis Rogers. Betty Andrews 80 Asa W. Andrews. John Roberts - - - 80 John Roberts. -Timothy Crosby - - . 84 Timothy Crosby. Isaac ICcnnon 84 David Kennon. John Maxson ... 85 Roxana Perrj'. Allen Smith 81 Allen Smith. Walcott Justice ... 76 Joseph Justice. Mary Young 72 John T. Addoms. Darius Benjamin . . - 82 Varnum M. Burdick. Joshua Hilyard - . - 83 Joshua Hilyard. David Morse 79 David Morse. Lucy Bradford 79 Elisha Bradford. Reuben Cadwell ... 77 Reuben Cadwell. Rebecca Hilyard - 74 Rebecca Hilvard. Elias Benjamin . . . 57 Eliius Benjamin. S. Francis Huttinack 79 Stephen F. Huttinack. A. Parrot. Adoniram Parrot - 83 EAST HALC CORTLANDVILLE. Esther Scribner 83 Jeremiah Scribner. Aaron Day ... 73 Aaron Day. Nathan Blodget . 83 Enoch Mosely. BEEK^UNT0WN. Timothy Andrews 88 Timothy Andrews. Lorin Larkin 85 Elam Larkin. Reuben Stiles - . - 80 Reuben Stiles. HOMER. Israel Rand 79 Ephraim Rand. Samuel Gofi' 89) 79 J Benj. Goff. John Monty . . - 66 John Monty. John Albright ... Luther Drury 78 Luther Drury. Daniel Durkee ... 85 Nathaniel Durkee. Phebe Howe 93 > 84 J Almshouse. Hannah Price 74 Aaron L. Price. Nicholas Conslantine Geradus Clute ... 85 James Clute. Thomas Kddy .50 Thomas Eddy. Nancy Alvord ... 72 Jacob B. Alvord. Jonathan Scribner - 81 Jonathan Scribner. Margaret Houton ... 69 Margaret Houlon. Thomas Reynolds - 45 Thomas Reynolds. Helen Devon ... 65 Helen Devon. Daniel Broom ... 78 L. B. Canfleld. CHAMPLAIN. Isaac Bellows 78 Zcbulon Bellows. Samuel Ashmun - 76 Samuel Ashmun. A.bram Rosa 79 Rufus Rosa. Arcosh Martin . - - 73 Nelson Martin. Araable Bilow . - - 72 Joseph IC. Bilow. Michael Currier. SCOTT. Mary Currier 86 James Brow-n ... 82 Samuel Ames. Bozziel Nadeau 84 Francis Nadeau. Alexander Kinyon 81 Alexander Kinyon. Reuben Huntoon - 78 Reuben Huntoon. Ezra Loomis - . - 84 Alva Loomis. PREBLE. Dan. Beaumont - . - 77 Dan. Beaumont. Asa Blood .... 76 Asa Blood. John Wilson . . - 79 Chester Wilson. Richard Severson ... 85 Nicholas Severson. Juliana White ... 82 Henry W. Anderson. CHAZY. Amos Skeel ... 73 Amos Skeel. Joseph C. Marsh - Gardner Good.'speed 77 Joseph C. Marsh. Gardner Goodspeed. Lucretia Trowbridge 74 Job J. Johnson. 59 William White - 77 William While. Benjamin Graves - . - 80 Benjamin Graves. William Collins - 67 William Collins. George Merriman - 84 Francis Kinsley. Eli Pierce .... 79 George D. Pierce. Mary Amlaw 80 Mary Amlaw. Alexander Feriole 76 Alexander Feriole. VIRGIL. Mary Lezotte - . . 80 Joseph LezoUe. Jeremiah Chase ... 84 Jeremiah Chase. Peter Rob.irge 82 Peter Robarge, 3d. Elizabeth Ryan 75 Jonathan Ryan. Agat Amlaw 73 John Breette. Elizabeth Robinson 71 L. Robinson. Walter Durfee 89 Waller Durfee. Joel Hancock ... 49 Joel Hancock. Joseph Monty 67 Joseph Monty. Thos. Kiug.sbury ... 88 Marvin Baulch. Francis Delone; 80 Francis Delo'ug. Ste])hen Kelly ... 84 Stephen Kelly. Margaret Belonga - 74 Isaac Abate. Simeon Leruy ... 85 Simeon Leroy. Daniel Bixby 78 Joel Hickok. George Totnian ... 78 Lorenzo Totman. John Wilson . . - 57 John Wilson. Joel Morton ... 87 E. Jones. Asa Stearns 83 Asa Stearns. John Gee .... 77 A. Gee. Stephen Howard - . - 82 Stephen Howard. Elisha Brewer ... 75 Elisha Brewer. Cornelius Lament ... 85 Hiram Lament. MOOF.RS. John Stanbro ... 82 , J. Stanbro. David Southwick - 78 David Southwick. Elnoch Smith ... 70 Enoch Smith. Margaret Smith - . - 76 Chauncey Sperry. Levi Stockwell 86 Levi Stockwell. ' SOLON. Ebenezer Blake 82 Ebenezer Blake. PKRU. Edward Goddard - 89 Edward Goddard. Martha Blanchard 69 A. Blanchard. Josiah Terry 82 Josiah Terry. CINriNNATU.S. Joseph Westcolt - 73 Joseph Westcott. Peter Fosburgh ... 85 Jephiha Hewit ... 60 Jephtha Hewit. Enoch Blackman - 77 Enoch Blackman. Clarissa Marvin - 77 Hiram Marvin. James Walker - . - 87 James Walker. Isaac Webb 73 Sally Fish. Samuel Roberts 79 Eliza Roberts. Laurence White - . - 81 Laurence White. ANSABI.E. M. Robins .... 79 J. L. Robins. Avery Sanders 78 Avery Sanders. Lydia Woodward - 77 Hiram SaflTord. MARATHON. Ezra Pond - - - - 84 Cephas Clark. Asahel Bently ... 80 Caleb Sherwood. Lucy Barnes ... 82 James Burgess. ELLENTIUBO. Frederick Perrigo 75 James D. Perrigo. J. Knight - - - - 79 Elijah Knight. FREETOWN, John Tinker ... 82 Isaac Hawley. CORTLAND COUNTY. TliOXTON. Nancy Richardson Elisha Wood 83 79 Alvah Harman. E.Wood, jr. Allen Webbter 75 Hiram Webster. EzekielKent 78 Jerome ICent. WILI.ETT. Paul James . . - 84 Sheflield James. Archibald Campbell 87 Archibald Campbell. Stephen Pendleton 84 Esther Maxham. Joseph Gordon ... 80 Joseph Gordon. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. 79 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June], 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. CORTLAND— Continued. DELAWARE— Continued. vvi LLETT — Continued. Edward Nickerson 80 E. Nickerson. BOVINA. James Vanderburgh 81 Clarion F. Vanderburgh. Hezekiah Allen - 77 Horace Allen. WEST HALF CORTLAND. ANDES. Abigail Newton - - - 79 Robert Jones. Trueman White. Alexander Milliner 74 A. Milliner. Trueman White . - - 48 Hezekiah Herrick 83 W. B. Sturlevant. Jotham Hanks ... 75 Jotham Hanks. Sibbel Craim . . - 75 Wm. Goodell. John Shaver ... 77 John Shaver. Anstis DaboU ... 76 Elias DaboU. Gilbert Edgecorab . - - 78 G. Edgecomb. COLCHESTER. Lydia Allen. Hezekiah Elwood. Hopestill Haskins . - - Mead Merrill 85 77 G. Lamphier. S. R. Hunter. Lydia Allen . . - Abigail Elwood 80 73 Martha White 85 J. R. White. Darius Waterman - - - 79 Tercius Eels. HAMDEN, Isaac Hitt. Sarah Barber. Lydia Basselt - - - Benajah Story 76 Lydia Basselt. Abigail Hitt 84 93 Stephen Story. Sarah Barber ... 93 Anna Kinney 76 M. L. Hopkins. HARPERSFIELD. Roswell Hotchkiss 78 Roswell Hotchkiss. DELAWARE COUNTY. Susanna Mark - . - Jedediah Gaylord - - - 7G 82 Susanna Mark. Jedediah Gaylord. TOMPKINS. James Smith - . - 78 James Smith. Silas Underwood - - - 78 Samuel R. Underwood. Abijah Baird - . - 83 David Baird. Joseph Wobb Aaron Stiles - - - 80 78 Joseph Webb. Samuel Stiles. Robert Inglis . . - Roswell Mallison - 91 78 Wm. Inglis. Roswell Mallison. Rachel Butterlield - 78 Samuel Butterlield. Submit Rickey ... 72 Thomas Rickey. .SIDNEY. David Hall 75 David Hall. MIDDLETOWN. Elizabeih Delamater 82 Abram J. Delamater. Josiah Thatcher - - - 76 Josiah Thatcher. John Nicholas Taple 78 John Nicholas Taple. Benonah Paige . - - 88 Benonah Paige. Thomas Sweet 91 Valentine Sweet. Levi Barllett . . - 80 Luman Cohoon. Issachar Robinson . . - 78 Samuel Termilgar. Ichabod Case - . - 85 Ichabod Case. Samuel Todd 83 Darling Todd. MASONVILLE. Benjamin Wheaton Mehitable Clarke . - - 80 84 George A. Northrup. Jeremy Thurbur. WALTON. Matthew Hawin - Levi Hanford . - . 86 80 Thomas Hawin. Wm. B. Hanford. Wm. Andrews. Nicholas Groat . - - 79 Nicholas Groat. Wm. Andrews - - - 82 Moses Lyon ... 78 Richard Lyon. Susanna Weed Hannah Webb 77 78 Daniel Weed. Daniel While. DELHI. Patty Butler 77 Jabez Wakeman. John Moore . . - 78 Greene Moore. Jonathan Finney - - - Sarah Bishop . . - Joseph Howland - 86 71 77 Jonathan Finney. .Tohn Bishop. Gideon Frisbee. STAMFORD. Wm. Johnson . . - Noah Davenport - - - 83 82 Elisha Wetmore. Nicholas P. Champlin. March Farrington - 80 Henry More. Aaron Rollins - - - 82 Bern Rollins. Rufus Perkins ... 79 Rufus Perkins. Shubal Randall - 86 Hiram Skinners. Josiah Shaw ... 84 Josiah Shaw. Seth Whitney 78 Seth Whitney. ROXBURY. Nelly Pattison - . - 76 Abm. Lock wood. DAVENPORT. Samuel Cranston . - - 83 Samuel Cranston. Jesse Utter - - - - 91 Stephen Utter. Edmund Kelley . . - 72 Martin Kelley. Hugh McGuire - - - 95 Sarah Teneick. Avery Benlon ... 61 Avery Benton. Daniel Herrick ... 81 James Harlow. Nathan Osborn ... 76 Moses Sherwood. Daniel R. Campbell 78 Daniel R. Campbell. Ephraim Decker . - - 82 Martin Decker. Uriah While 80 Daniel White. Cornelius Calor ... 78 Abm. J. Cator. Gershom Van Wager 85 Hontice H. Coux. Solomon Jenkins - - - John C. Cator . - - 48 83 Solomon Jenkins. John C. Cator. HANCOCK. Richard Conkey ... 78 Richard Conkey. Christopher Rofl' ... 78 Christopher Roff. Bridget Benham ... 70 Matthew Benham. Elijah Thomas ... 87 Elijah Thomas. Zophar Wicks ... 85 Zophar Wicks. Lovina Gleason - . - 76 Fisher Gleason. FRANKLIN. Philip B. Travis . 77 Philip B. Travis. Levi Miles ... 77 Levi Miles. Nathaniel Jenkins - - . 84 Nathaniel Jenkins, jr. David Ogden 75 David Ogden, jr. Daniel Wood . - . 83 Daniel Wood. Ebenezer Bennet - 88 Ebenezer Bennet. Edward Gay . - . 77 William Gay, 1st. ERIE COUNTY. Anthony Judd . . - 88 Jesse Judd. CITY OF BUFFALO — Ist Ward, Mary Parker ... 82 Epaphras Bowles. Horace Phelps. Manuel Grace 00 Andrew Murray. Ada Phelps 74 2d ward. Daniel Hicks ... 80 John Hicks. CORRICT. Stephen Champlin 50 Stephen Champlin. Hannah Hunt - - - 79 Hiram Hunt. Solomon Raney . . - 84 Harvey Davis. TOVAV/ANDA. Samuel Andrus ... 83 Joseph Mud. Hezekiah Mosby - 86 Hezekiah Mosby. John Armstrong ... 78 John Cease. 4^ EDEN. David Corbin . - . Jesse Stewart ... 81 Foreman Denison. 82i John Baker. Amos Conant 78 Benjamin Grover. MEREDITH. Chloe Pox .... 78 Amasa Fox. CLARENCE. Eleazer Wright - 85 Eleazer Wright, jr. Benjamin Nesmith 84 David Diesmith. Ruth Dutton ... 81 Street Dutton. Jacob Cummings - 77 Simeon R. Cummings. Silas Brooks 78 Silas Brooks. Abraham Carmer - 79 Abraham Carmer. 80 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensionnrs for revolu- tionary or niililary services. ERIE— Continued. NEWSTEAD. George Bugbee Martin Lewis Robert Pennell William Anderson Andrew Bell Olive Pixley Gad Sutlief Thomas C. Love - LANC.iSTER. Benjamin Clark Betsey Johnson Pardon Peclcham - Joseph Williams - Asa Severence WALES. Enoch Kellogg Ithamar Arkley Omer Warner HAMBURG. Johnson Guin Moses Smith Reuben Cobleigh* - Jonathan Skiuuer - Selathial Alen Caleb West Abner Amsdill Dennis Canfield Peter Ferro COLDEN. Asa Gould - - - Asa Partrige HOLLAND. Joseph Cooper David Hunt Joseph Brant BOSTON. Richard Carey CONCORD. Consider Bement - Joseph Rose John Frost - . - SARDINIA. Reuben Nichols Caleb Hamet Roswell Goodrich - Ephraim Briggs David Shedd Hisha Pomeroy COLLINS. Wm. Morgan Margaret Gilbert - John Stanclift ESSEX COUNTY. CHE.STERFIELD. David Waller Joseph B. Covel - Elnathan Stephens - Clotilda Harford - CROWN POINT. Sarah Nichols Israel Gillet Stephen Spaulding William Shearer - Benjamin Warner - Abijali Wint-h William Perkins - Asa Stowell Edmund Farasworth Ages. 77 73 78 90 84 81 85 50 81 70 77 43 78 78 77 78 81 84 79 79 76 75 79 78 86 88 80 84 80 76 83 79 81 77 93 84 87 83 77 84 74 85 78 79 82 72 79 4fi 63 88 83 82 88 79 78 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. George Bugbee. Martin Lewis. Robert Pennell. Samuel Anderson. Ebenezer J. Brown. Abigail Gilman. Asa Greenman. Thomas C. Love. .Tames Clark. Isaac S. Johnson. Pardon Peckham. Joseph Williams. Corbin W. Powers. Ithamar Arkley. Omer Warner. Obed Guin. Joseph D. Welhwell. Reuben Cobleigh. Stephen Celchell. Samuel Okes, jr. Caleb West. Benj. J. Clapp. Dennis Canlield. Peter Ferro. Asa Gould. Asa Partrige. Joseph Cooper. Zaccheus Hunt. Joseph Conner. Richard Carey. Consider Bement. Chauncey Rose. Richard Hurd. Clark Nichols. Erastus Graves. Josiah Goodrich. Allen Briggs. David Shedd. Elisha Pomeroy. Elias Morgan. Wm. Potter. John Stanclift. Harry Walter. Joseph B. Covel. Enos Stephens. Louis Grinean. Aaron Nichols. Israel Gillet. Stephen Spaulding. Thomas Shearer. Samuel Warner. Elisha Rhoades. Obadiah Baldwin. Asa Siowell. Thomas Farnsworth. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. ESSEX— Continued. ELIZABETHTOWN. Levi Brown Josiah Fisher Thomas Mitchel - Joseph Durand ESSEX. Sarah Derby Oliver Barker Betsey Gardner Eldad Sabin Nathaniel Rogers - John Greely Thomas Warden - Shubal Sumner David Nichols Sarah Clark Isaac Finch Aaron Fenne Sally Hull - Caleb Ingalls LEWIS. Ephraim Pratt Oliver Edwards Jacob Sargeants Elizabeth Smith Martha West MORIAH. John Titus - Ebenezer Bailey - Rufus Mason Oliver Parmenter - Thomas Dudley - Abel Allen Rhoda Spear Timothy Moore - SCHROON. Russell Pitkin Charles Abraham - Daniel Ciishman - Joseph Gray John Wyckum Anna Rawzon David Stowell Freeman Perry TICONDEROGA. Ezra Snow - Jason Eager Robert Hammond - Moses Finney Abraham Holden - Constant Whitford Joel Allen - Michael Spicer Aaron Haskins PiVul Harvey William Graves Elijah Gould Jacob Winter Jonathan Treadway Nathaniel Miller - WESTPOBT. Samuel Pangburn - Ziba Howard Jonathan Cady Asa Grandy Brazilla Myrick - Abner Fisk' Ebenezer Durfee - Levi Frisbee Levi Cole - Sarah Hardy Ages. Names of heads of families ■with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 59 Levi Brown. 80 Josiah Fisher. 77 Thomas Miichel. 76 Alyron Durand. 85 Asa Derby. 78 Oliver Barker. 81 Richard C. Gardner. 75 Erastus W. Sabin. 79 Nathaniel Rogers. 81 John Greely. 75 Thomas Warden. 81 Shubal Sumner. 83 Thaddeus Bowman. 84 Sylvanus Minor. 56 Isaac Finch. 79 Joel Bull. 70 William H. H. Hull 84 Caleb Ingalls. 79 Ephraim Pratt. 83 Stephen Perry. 49 Jacob Sargeants. 74 John Smith. 70 Anson West. 76 John Titus. 79 Ebenezer Bailey. 81 Rufus Mason. 78 Ira Dutton. 83 Joel Dudley. 84 Abel Allen. 80 Hiram Spear. 79 Benjamin Whitney. 47 Russell Pitkin. 50 Charles Abraham. 85 Allen Baker. 86 Joseph Gray. 55 John Wyckum. 81 Josiah H. Rawzon. 83 David Stowell. 86 Phineas Hodgkins. 85 Ezra Snow, jr. 67 Jason Eager. 76 Robert Hammond. 76 Moses Finney. 79 Aaron Holden. 79 Constant Whitford. 64 Joel Allen. 74 Michael Spicer. 53 Aaron Haskins. 78 Paul Harvey. 81 Oliver Graves. 83 Elijah Gould. 53 Jacob Winter. 82 Thomas J. Treadway 80 Nathaniel Miller. 82 Samuel Pangburn. 80 Ziba Howard. 80 Jonaihan Cady. 87 Asa Grandy. 81 Brazilla Myrick. 81 Asahel Havens. 78 Ebenezer Durfee. 67 Levi Fri.sbee. 88 Levi Cole. 83 Jason Dunstead. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. §1 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. ESSEX— Continued. WILI.SnOROUGH. Abraham Allen Ephraim Hayward Joseph Sl;irt'ord Elisha Collins Job Stafford WILMINGTON. David Fuller FRANKLIN COUNTY. MALONE. Simeon Graves Enos Wood Aaron Parks Samuel Smith Jesse Chipraan Samuel Forbs Nathan Beman Chester Morris FORT COVINGTON. Francis Clark DICKINSON. Bet.sey Lathrop Asa Jackson WESTVILLE. Barnabas Berry BANGOR. Gabriel Cornish FRANKLIN. Sally Merrill BRANDON. Henry Stevens MOIRA. Jonathan Lawrence Thomas Spencer - John Kimball Elkanah Philips Uriah Kingsley BELI.MONT. Ebenezer Webb FULTON COUNTY. NORTHAMPTON. Jacob Shew John Chambers Abigail Bennett Joseph Collins John GifFord Joseph Brown BLEEKER. Nicholas Stoner OPENHEIM. Jacob Yonker Jonathan Bacon Hannah Yonker - Jacob Failing Joseph Stark Marcus Dnsler Frederick Baum - Augustus Flanders John J. Failing JOHNSTOWN. Joseph Balch Benjamin Sammons . Rachael Van Antwerp Nelly Putman Jacob Davis Elias Crum David Morse 11 Ages. 57 80 81 77 58 80 87 79 75 81 85 74 86 71 86 78 79 82 82 83 83 78 84 76 84 80 82 77 79 65 86 79 80 73 83 81 77 79 89 78 78 83 74 80 83 77 98 ts 75 83 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided Jime 1, 1840. Abraham Allen. Ephraim Hayward. Joseph Stafford. Elisha Collins. Job Stafford. David Fuller. Simeon Graves. Enos Wood. Harry C. Parks. Samuel Smith. Elon S. Chipman. Samuel Forbs. Aaron Beman. Chester Morris. Joseph Briggs. Matthew Davidson. Eliphalet Jackson. Philemon Berry. Gabriel Cornish. John Merrill. Andrew Stevens. Sidney Lawrence. Eleazer Austin. Samuel Philips. Lucinda Philips. George Kingsley. Samuel Webb. Jacob Shew. John Chambers. Giles C. Van Dyke. David Collins. John Gifford. Joseph Brown. Nicholas Stoner. Jacob Yonker. Jonathan Bacon. Hannah Yonker. Nicholas Failing. Phebe Failing. Isaac Dusler. Jacob F. Baum. Augustus Flanders. John J. Failing. Joseph Balch. Jacob Sammons. Peter Conghuet. Peter Putman. Jacob Davis. Elias Cram. Eldad Nutting. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. FULTON— Continued. JOHNSTOWN — Continued. George Newton Catharine Van Voast Louis Bennett Stephen Gillet Samuel Giles Elijah Cheadle Jesse Foote Charles Belden William Van Ostead Lemuel Lewis John J. Wilson George Walter Jonathan Smith Deborah Graff Alexander Hay Samuel Kennedy - James Van Atten - James Wilson Abel Dunning David Blood STRATFORD. Mary Bleekman - MAYFIELD. Peter McArthur - Mary Van Sickler Samuel Woodworth Samuel Petit John Schoonmaker Frances Gurner - Sarah McKinlay - Samuel Bigford Samuel Blowees - Eldert Fonda Abiel Kinsley BROADALBIN. JonathPB Pinckney Angelica Banta Deborah Kennedy - Joseph Degolyea - Zenas Hathaway - David Atkins Jacob Groves Lydia Thorp John Green Isaiah Belts Isaac Newman Asa Mark ham Gideon Potter Timothy Green Noah Wells Dennis McCormick John Loder Samuel Thatcher - Henry Perry Anna Clark Richard Van Vranken Samuel Putney Stephen Sherman - James Benedict Giles Miller Abraham Philips - Ichabod Peck William Smith Samuel Hills Elizabeth Spontnable Elizabeth Kretcher Elizabeth Getman - Rachael Kumble - Elizabeth CoppernoU Peter Getman William Powell - John Shaver Philip Johnson Ages. 60 80 79 87 83 78 82 79 73 79 71 84 40 67 85 79 84 63 77 75 87 90 73 76 78 77 84 76 78 78 89 50 79 72 94 77 84 80 49 76 81 82 74 79 80 77 85 78 77 87 77 79 77 83 78 78 80 92 79 77 77 88 79 76 78 88 76 80 51 16 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. George Newton. John Van Voast. Elisha Bennett. Chester Gillet. Amos Beach. Elijah Cheadle. Jesse Foote. Norman Belden. William Van Ostead. William Lewis. John G. Wilson. George Walter. Charles Peck. James A. Stewart. Alexander Hay. Samuel Kennedy. James Van Atten. Matthew Potter. Abel Dunning. David Blood. Thomas Bleekman. Peter McArthur. Mary Van Sickler. Samuel Woodworth. Samuel Petit. John Schoonmaker. Frances Gurner. Alexander McKinlay. Samuel Bigford. Alanson Warner. John Holenbeck. Abiel Kinsley. James Smith. John Hartley. Deborah Kennedy. James Degolyea. Levi Ingraham. David Atkins. Jacob Groves. Lydia Thorp. John T. Green. Isaiah Betis. Henry Winney. Asa Markham. Varnura Potter. Timothy Green. William J. Monteith. Peter Robertson. Henry Loder. Samuel Thatcher. John Perry. Alexander Clark. Richard Van Vranken. Samuel Putney. Stephen Sherman. James Benedict. Peter Miller. E. B. Gilbert. Ichabod Peck. William Smith. Sylvester Hills. J. I. Spontnable. Henry Kretcher. Peter C. Getman. Isaac Padrick. George E. CoppernoU. Peter Getman. William Powell. John Shaver. Philip jDhnsdn. 82 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of familie tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military .services. Ages. with whom pensioners rt sided June 1, 1840. GENESEE COUNTY. GENESEE— Continued. ,ltEXANDEB. CASTILE. numphrev Willard 8-2 Humphrey Willard. Daniel Foster 86 Hepzee Brady. William tloyt 74 William Hoyt. Sailor Weels 79 Sailor Weels. Benjamin Porter - - - 80 Philo Porter. Green Hurgerford 76 H. Martin. Philo Porter 53 Philo Porter. Hannah Gilbert . 8-1 Jonathan Gilbert. Richard CoriU ... 74 Richard Covill. Elkney Fuller 76 Elkney Fuller. Leverett Seward - 48 Leverett Seward. Eliphalel Peek 82 Eliphalet Peck. COVINGTON. Rodolphus Hawkins 82 Roddlphus Hawkins. Isaac Storme ... 87 Isaac Storme. Lot Barge . . . - Abel Baker 78 Lot Burge. 6.4 T. 0. Ashton. PERRY. Silas Ran.son ... 75 Silas Ranson. BATAVIA VILLAGK. Abraham Vookcrs 86 Abraham Vookers. Huldah Brunson - 71 John D. Gillet. Jacob Sent .... 84 Jacob Sent, jr. Anne Wells 74 Elizabeth Williams. John Willard 78 Mary Walson. ' Mark Andrews ... 80 Mark Andrews. BATAVIA. Ebir Higgins 83 William Tebbets. Samuel S. Foster - 79 Samuel S. Foster. Bela Armstrong ... 86 John Brown. John Vaughan 80 John W. Vaughan. Stephen Barthwick 83 Stephen Barthwick. John Hubb:ird 78 John Hubbard. Daniel Barker 84 Aram Beardsley. EF.RGEN. Thomas Beckwith 80 Richard Beckwith. Ebenezer Green ... 77 Ebenezer Green. Samuel Huntinffton 8t John W. Martin. Jacob Spafford 80 Jacob Spafford. Baxter Sherman - .53 Balden Potter. Amos Allen 80 Horace Sandon. Joseph Osborn 85 Joseph O-sborn. ATTICA. BI!TnANV. Benjamin Nelson ... 82 John Willard 85 Thaddeus Rowe. Rowland Cotton - 82 Seth Allen - - - - 79 Seih Allen. Eliphalet Hodsjes - 80 Eliphalet Hodges. Lydia Churchill - 82 Nathaniel Churchill. Temperance Tinney Ebenezer Bullock ... 85 Festus Tinney. I^aac Davis ... 89 Samuel Bartlet. 84 Ebenezer Bullock. Theophilus Crocker 78 Theophilus Crocker. John Fisk 79 John Fisk. William E. Persons 82 William E Persons. PelegPeck 78 Peleg Peck. Nathaniel Brown - 75 Lvsander Brown. Reynolds Whaley - 76 Atanson Whaley. Sibbilla Taylor 91 Nathaniel Huggins. Josiah Gardner ... 84 Josiah Gardner.' Edmund Hoar 86 Edmund Hoar. Isaac Smith ... 77 Isaac Smith. DARIEN. Samuel Mattison . - ' - 77 Samuel Mattison. BENmNOTOV. Thomas Gratton - 83 David M. Gratton. Vine T. Hibbard • 74 Vine T. Hibbard. Moses Holmes 93 William Holmes. Benjamin Willis . . - 76 Benjamin Willis. Joshua Clark 82 Joshua Burdich. CUINA. William Williams 53 William Williams. Thomas Root 86 Annath Roberts 81 Urania Farnham. Sally Humphrey - 73 Alva Jefferson. GAINESVIt-LB. Crary Gratton 79 Crary Gratton. JabezElv . - . . 85 Jabcz Ely, jr. David Long 79 David Long. Conrad Ten Eyck . 83 John Bordwell 83 Samuel Edson. Lucy Warrener 75 Lucy Warrener. Isaac AmsHem ... 86 Elihu Amsdem. BLBA. Nathan Fuller 81 William Fuller. Gideon Dunham - - . 78 Gideon Dunham. Oliver Butrick 92 Nathan Waldo - 78 Nathan Waldo. Borden Wilcox 79 Bnrden Wilcox. .TAVA. Sunderland Patterson 83 Sunderland PaUerson. Timothv Torry - 74 Timothy Torry. Sherman Patterson 87 Josiah Patterson. Enoch Jenkins 76 Enoch .Tenkins. John Fuller 80 John Fuller. Joanna Bartlett - . 84 John C. AVilford - 53 John C. Wilford. Nathan Mann 80 Stephen Sellech - 78 Stephen Sellech. Aaron Francis 75 Aaron Francis. Solomon Hill ... 86 Jesse Lord. Abraham Benedict 94 John T. Benedict. MIDDLEBHRT. Peter Kendall 77 Peter Kendall. PEMBROKE. Alexander Tackles 85 Daniel Chnrch 87 Arson Church. E!k"inah Brown 82 Abigail Safford 77 Abigail Safford. Abram Bishop 78 Abram Bishop. Ebenezer Marlindale 82 Ebenezer Martindale. Daniel Delong 80 Daniel Delong. ORANGEVILLE. John Webb 80 John Webb, jr. Jotham Mead ... 84 Jotham Mead. Thomas Cathcart - 81 Enos Cathcart. Samuel Pethey 75 Zaccheus Darrow . 79 Zaccheus Darrow. Marv Babbctt 78 Harry Babbett. Asa AVright 80 Asa Wright. Michael Morse 80 Wait Lewis 85 Curtis Childs. John Laman 80 John Laman. Samuel Luscombe 89 William Bro\vn. Nathan Durkee 80 Nathan Durkee. SHELDEN. STAFFORD. Royalt Palmer 75 Elijah W. Palmer. Isaac Bishop Mercy Hall Philena Disbrow ... Peter Davidson ... 62 81 08 84 Isaac Bishop. Hiram Half. Philena Disbrow. Martha Annis. Ivory Ltice Joseph Poller ... Paul McKinstry ... Lodowick Thomas James Bentley ... 82 85 80 85 88 Ivory Luce. Zebina Potter. Porter McKinstry. Lodowick Thomas. BYRON. Martin Terry 98 John Howe. Samuel Parker 82 Samuel Parker. Leonard Perkins . 78 Harlow Perkins. WETHERSFIELD. John auimby 86 John Whimley. Well ham Davis . 79 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. S3 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. GENESEE— Continued. HERKIMER— Continued. WETHERSFIELD — Continued. WARREN. Joseph Warren - - - 80 Joseph Warren. Simeon Ely 78 Horace Ely. Mary Langdon . . - 77 Abigail Ward 79 Joel Nonhrup. Arnold Bennett 42 Arnold Bennett. WARSAW. Lvmnn Noble - ^ - 82 jSbez B. Noble. FRANKFORT. William Whiting - - - 81 William Whiting. Andrew Piper ... 80 Andrew Piper. Benjamin Seeley - 81 Benjamin Seeley. Eli Brown - . - . 82 Edmond Adams. Samuel Conable - - . 78 Samuel Conable, jr. Anne Dygert ... 78 John B. Dygert. Jared Knapp 88 Jared Knapp. Joseph French 79 Joseph French. Lucy Kinman 77 Anne Francisco 81 Samuel C. Frances. Oliver Holt 8.5- Conrad Eddee 78 Conrad Eddee. Niles Giddings 75 Niles Giddings. Benjamin Harvey - 105 Benjamin Harvey. Jacob Lints 90 Phillips Lints. HERKIMER COUNTY. Roswell Stevens 66 Roswell Stevens. COLOMBIA. Marks Grants 78 Marks Grants. FAIRFIELD. Tliomas Smith ... 80 Thomas Smith. Robert Nolton 81 Robert Nolton. Mary Gelman . - - 71 Mary Getman. Joseph Lobdell 79 Emelias Pickert. Kaiharial Adder - 77 Adam Ackler. Eliab Peirce 78 Eliab Peirce. Mary Wormworlh 75 William Wormwfrth. Simuel Evans 89 Silas S. Evans. Nicholas Chrisman 86 Henry Chrisra-nu. Cyrus Pouer 75 Robert Potter. Henry Crim .... 7^1 John H. Crim. Nathan Rix 80 Nathan Rix. Asahbl Alford Id Cyrus Alford. J(jhn Wood ... 81 John Wood, 4th. Reuben Mather 92 Davi'l Raynor. Isaac Churchill bb Isaac Churchill. C:EnM-\>J FLATS. Joseph Hess ... Eli Brown - - . . 83 80 Dennis Clapsaddle. John W. D. Heald. David liensley Hannah Nelson ... 85 86 David Bensley. Zachariah Reed. George R. T. Hawes lOG William Morrison. James Haight Barnabas Youngs - . - Flavel Clark Henry Seeber ... Richard Casler 76 81 79 99 73 James F. Haight. Barnabas Youngs. Flavel Clark. Sylvanus Seeber. Richard Casler. HERKIMER. Margaret Weath^rstone - Reuben Hildreth - Ansieen Sterling ... John Rowland John Dockstader . - - 70 85 80 78 80 David Weatherstone. Thaddeus Hildreth. Henry Jellyers. Samuel Rowland. Frederick Dockstader. Lodowick Moyer - Peter Flagg ... Robert Babcock - 79 89 82 Lodowick Moyer. Peter Flagg. Stanton Denison. Elizabeth Shoemaker William Hagadom 81 83 Michael Hartman. William Hagadom. George Lighthall - . - 93 Giles R. Brown. Absalom Gifl'ords - - . 75 William Giffbrds. LITTLE FALLS. Edward Arnold ... 80 Edward Arnold. Catharine Rankin - 68 Catharine Rankin. WINFIELI). Nicholas Spink 74 Robert Beasley. Jacob C. Edick 77 Josiah Ackler. Catharine Moseley 72 Elizabeth Bluod. Adam Burdock 80 Adam Burdock. Stephen Hammond Elijah Stanton ... 73 Stephen Hammond. Joseph Moors 79 Joseph Moors. 85 John Eaton. JohnGoft' .... 85 Orange Goff. Jonas Churchill ... 79 Jonas Churchill. Nathan Brown . - . 75 Nathan Brown. John Buell .... 91 Erastus Hall. Anthony Rhodes - 79 Rodley Randall. Henry Wallradt - 80 Richard J. Casler. JudahEldred 86 Zenas Eldred. Martha Wheeler - 82 Charles S. Daniels. Dan. Chapman ... 85 Dan. Chapman. LITCHFIELD. William Bacon ... 82 William Bacon. MANHEIM. Mary White 64 Milton White. Stephen Every ... 77 Stephen Every. William Fewer ... 84 William Fecter, jr. DANUBE. Barbara Casselman 77 John Casselman. Nathaniel Waldron 82 George D. Rightmyer. Henry Ritter 80 Joseph Ritter. Anna Eve Shall - 75 John Shall. Peter Wolcver ... 75 Nicholas Wolever. Neal McNeal ... 83 Joseph Sholl. Jacob Pettibone 80 Jacob Pettibone, jr. Solomon Waggoner 77 Abraham S. Waggoner. Adam Armstrong ... 75 John H. Starring. NEWPORT. Charlotte Waterman 76 Henry Waterman. Darius Hawkins - 58 Darius Hawkins. SCHUTLER. Chloe Cady Jacob Widrig 93 79 Amos Smith. Jacob Widrig. Eleazer Daniels Lois Munn ... 79 83 Eleazer Daniels. Cady Howe. Israel Ward ... 89 Nathan Ward. Jonathan Gilbert - Cheney Luke Sarah Sweet Thomas Wood Joseph Willis ... 78 91 78 85 77 Jonathan Gilbert. Samuel Luke. Vaughn Sweet. Thomas Wo.xl. Joseph Willis. NORWAY. Aaron Buck John Parsons ... John Vanderburgh Jabez Green ... 73 83 80 86 Stephen M. Tompkins. Addison Manley. John Vanderburgh. Jabez Green. STARK. OHIO. William Mcintosh 80 William Mcintosh. John Shall .... 80 David J. Shall. Gilbert Ferguson - - - 77 Gilbert Ferguson. Chris, John House 85 John Siver. Simeon Dutcher - 78 Simeon Dutcher. Hannah Wendell - 88 Jacob Wendell. Richard Renter ... 74 Richard Renter. RUSSIA. Lucy Baccus ... 88 William Baccus. Phineas Briggs - . . 91 Daniel Carpenter. Richard Skimmel ... 74 Richard Skimmel. Elisha Hall 79 Elisha Hall. John Mount ... 90 John Mount. Abel Ru.t .... 83 Hiram Rust. Chri.'-topher Norton 78 Felix Bronner. Sarah Enos ... 87 Alva Enos. Henry Shaver ... 80 Henry Shaver. Isaiah Johnson ... 84 Isaiah Johnson. Margaret Snyder . 81 Daniel Snyder. Thomas Kellogg ... 82 Ebenezer KeUogg. 84 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NKW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families lionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re sided June 1, 1840. HERKIMER— Continued. JEFFERSON— Continued. SALISBURY. ' ELLi.sBURo— Cdntinued. Amos Ives . - - - 91 Philo Stiles. James Gaull 83 Noah Lamon. Jcmim.i Seamans . - - 76 Jemima Seamans. Simeon Russell 84 Jesse Littlefield. Samuel Mixer 82 Grant Mixer. HAMILTON COUNTY. Simeon Russell . . - 89 Simeon Russell. HOPE. Levi Smith 85 Hiram J. Babbit. Olive Wooster 89 J. P. GroC Abiezar Phillips - 81 M. Phillips. Ezeliiel Sloan 76 Ezekiel Sloan. Thomas Worden - 82 Benjamin Randall. Joseph Courier - - . 80 Joseph Courier. Ebenezer Wallace - 79 Charles Wallace. Tryphenia Grain - 79 Tryphenia Grain. Stephen Hicks . . - 85 Barnev Hicks. Henry H. Fall - 90 Henry H. Fall. WELLS. Charles Turner 77 Charles Turner. HEN-DERSON. Ebenezer Dunham «1 Ebenezer Dunham. John Petlingcll 73 John Pettingell. Ebenezer Sawyer - 86 Ebenezer Sawyer. JEFFERSON COUNTY. Abijah Stickney . - - 82 Alexander Carte. ANTWERP. John Carter 78 John Denison. Lydia Turner 7fi Allen Thompson. John Morris 81 John Morris. Noah French ... 86 Noah French. Stephen Hawkins - 82 Stephen Hawkins. Martha Clark 76 Asa Southworth. Josiah Drake ... 78 Josiah Drake.' HOUNDSriELD. Jared Olcott 81 Jared Olcott. ORLEANS. Charles Ripley. ... 76 Charles-Ripley. Joseph Rhodes Adolphus Picket - 78 Joseph Rhodes. Sumner Adams . . - 65 John Gill. 79 Adolphus Picket. Solomon Livermore 78 Solomon Livermore. William Collins - 80 Hnnnuh Horr. Anna Dorchester . . - 79 Alfred Dorchester. John Monk 89 John Monk. Elias Tavlor 72 George W. Taylor. Moses Limon 78 Walter Chandler. Thomas Cole 72 John Cole. Elizabeth Rixford - 75 Anson Squares. Julius Terry ... 64 Julius Terry. Nicholas Smith 85 Robert Smith. Ebenezer Phillips - 80 Ebenezer Phillips. Elizabeth Barret - 80 Chesterfield Persons. Caleb Willis 78 Caleb Willis. RUTLAND. M. Contreman 70 M. Contreman. Mary Barney ... 74 John Barney. LYME. Samuel J. Mills Stephen Durham . - - 88 Stephen Durham. 81 Samuel J. Mills. ADAMS. Jacob H. Ores 83 Jacob H. Ores. Peter Doxtater 88 Peter Doxtater, jr. Nicholas Smith 85 Lucy Thompson - 73 Lucy Thompson. Prudence Hodges . - . 73 Timothy Soper. Cynthia White 77 Joseph Green. Lucreiia Marsh 84 Luther Sleadman. John Merriam ... 84 David H. Parham. Felix Powell 77 Olive Butterfield. Abel Bassett 80 Abel Bassett. Danforth Doty 85 Danforth Doty, jr. ALEXANDRIA. George Rappole - 89 Henry Rappole. LORRAINE. William Carter 83 James Carter. Jacob Weaver 83 Daniel Whorry - 75 Daniel Whorry. Benjamin Fletcher 80 Edith Patten 80 Ira J. Patten. Caleb Tift - 81 Caleb Tift. Ephraim Hogert ... 84 Daniel S. Hoyt. Peter Liitz 76 John Sharon. RODMAN. Abram Newman . . - 81 Abram Newman. Ephraim Wright - 73 Ephraim Wright. John Russell - John Russell. CLAYTON. Elijah Wals worth - 78 EUjah Walsworlh. Solomon Ingalls - 90 Henry Ingalls. Hosey Randolph - 72 Allen Randall. [ LE RAY. Lydia Dixon 85 Samuel Perry. Timothy Tomblin . 83 John W. Tomblin. Amos Richards - . . 82 Polly Richards. Joel Dodge - - 79 Clark Dodge. James Bothell 82 David Bothell. Hiel Truesden 78 Mary Davis ... 73 John Rummell. Ezekiel Lyman ... 80 Abraham Joy 78 David Joy. William Rogers ... 83 William Rogers. James Rankin ... 82 Daniel Casler. Hannah Harwick - 81 Jacob B. Harwick. Thomas Fetterly - 76 Thomas Fetterly. Elizabeth Ainstead 74 Elisha Scofield 76 Elisha Scofield. PAMELIA. J. Gloyd - - . . 85 Nathaniel While. I'HILADKLPHIA. Editha Tailor 84 BROWNVILLE. John BaTter ... 88 85 James Hewitt Jonathan Garr 77 83 Waller Wilson - Isaac Hurd 79 Isaac Hurd. Selah Burton 79 WILNA. David Rimiston ... 93 Peter Brown . . - 88 John P. Beecber - 78 Stephen Shew ... 79 Stephen Shew. Josiah Hurlbert 79 Josiah Hurlbert. ELLISBURO. Solomon Cleavland 86 Fassett Cleavland. Solomon Tracey - 81 Solomon Tracey. Jonathan Fish 83 Jonathan Fish. LEWIS COUNTY. Stephen Lindsey - 81 R. Waaliver. DENMARK. Mrs. Deuse 80 Mrs. Deuse. Elizabeth Graves - 77 Lewis Bond. Bryant EMdv 79 C. Boomer. John S. Clark 78 Owen Clark. Lyman Ellis 80 Lyman Ellis. Louisa Munger 79 Abner Munger. Jonathan Matteson 78 Samuel Matteson. Hannah Mores ... 88 Levi Mores. Rufus Richardson - 79 Rufus Richardson. Elias Sage 83 Elias Sage. Joseph Van Ingen. Abel Potter 80 Abel Potter. Joseph Van Ingen - - Samuel Hubbard - 79 Moses Burrei Peter Ryall 80 Peter Rj-alL CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. . 85 NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. LEWIS— Continued. LIVINGSTON— Continued. GREIG. SPRINGWATER— Continued. John Slaughter 86 Stephen Murphy. Reuben Gilbert 83 Reuben Gilbert. Elisha Capron 74 Sylvester Capron. HARRISBURQ. Elias Jones - - - 81 Elias Jones. SPARTA. William Risner - 81 William Risner. William Sprague - - - 77 William Sprague. Garrett Marcel Ins - - - 80 Garrett Marcellus. Shem Truman 87 Ebenezer Porter. Benjamin Sweeter - . - 78 Ezekiel Reed. LOWVILLE. James Palmer ... 85 James Palmer. John Buck- - - - - 76 Samuel Buck. James Scott ... 80 James Scott. Elisha Back 75 Henry Back. William Perine 85 William Perine. William Chadwick 79 Joseph Chadwick. James Roles ... 80 James Roles. Altha Gordon 80 J. V. Gordon. Susanna Jencks - . . 80 L. Jencks. Moses Van Campen 84 Moses Van Campen. LEY DEN. John Sample ... 79 John Sample. Lydia Dewey . - . 79 Abram Dewey. William Howell - 82 William Howell. Elizabeth Cone . . - 76 Curtis Higby. Ada Miller 86 Ada Miller. LIMA. Lewis Smith - - - 87 Lewis Smith. Benjamin Knapp - 78 William Topping - . - 75 William Topping. Pehial Bunnel 76 Dennis Bunnel. Hezekiah Johnson 79 Nathan Bassett. Moses S. George - 45 Moses S. George. MARTINSBDRG. LEICESTER. Ruth Adams . . - - Melas Adams. Abijah Crabbe - . . 86 Abijah Crabhe. Jesse Benjamin . . - 81 Jesse Benjamin. Samuel Horton 75 Samuel Horton. Anna Easton 69 Henry Easton. Alexander Murray 78 Alexander Murray. Lydia Green 80 Willard Green. Noah Bigelow 75 Noah Bigelow. EJward Johnson - - - 81 Edward Johnson, jr. Salmon Root - 77 Salmon Root, AVON. Peter Vandriesen - - - 75 Richard Vandriesen. Ephraim Trickey - - - 86 Bartholomew Williams - 76 Bartholomew Williams. Thomas Torrance - 85 Richard Torrance. William Rich 77 William Rich. PINCKNET. John Whelmore . . - 84 John Whetmore. Catharine Forbes - - - 84 William Ralston. MOUNT MORRIS. TURIN. Christopher Bergen 81 Jacojj Bergen. Benjamin Doud - 79 Eli Doud. Eli Mead - - . . 70 Giles Foster 83 Giles Foster. WEST TURIN. YORK. Giles Lyman - . - 75 Giles Lvman. Jonathan Collins - . - 84 Jonathan C. Collins. Robert McKnight - 86 Robert McKnigh'. Simeon Strickland ' - 54 Simeon Strickland. CALADONIA. WATSON. David FttUer 80 David Fuller. Sarah Puffer 75 Ebenezer Puffer. Jacob Shults 78 C. J. Shults. MONROE COUNTY. Elizabeth Webb - 81 Elizabeth Webb. CITY OF ROCHESTER. Lewis Day ... 73 Lewis Day. First vmrd. Sarah Farr ... 73 Alvin Farr. JoyBabbett 73 Joy Babbett. Barney McGuire ... 76 Barney McGuire. LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Loisa Ann Mathews 73 C. M. Bartlett. CONESUS. John D. Concklin - . . 83 E. S. Treat. Abram Holden . - - 78 George Robbins. Second ward. Paul Sanburn ... 79 Paul Sanburn. Sarah Root 78 Silas Pierce. ThaddeusGage - 81 Thaddeus Gage. Third toard. Lemuel Richardson 74 Lemuel Richardson. None. David Soper ... 97 Richard Blasdell. Fourth ward. - Carine Hills 76 Marcus Holmes. GENESEO. Levi H. Parish ... 47 Levi H. Parish. Abijah Hutchinson 83 James Hutchinson. John Chamberlin - 76 O. P. Chamberlin. Aaron Adams - . - 78 Aaron Adams. Jehial Felt - . . . 71 Jehial Felt. Theoda Bissell 75 D. H. Bissell. Philip Allen 83 Philip Allen. Lucy Justin . - . 75 Ralzamon Beckwith. Fifth ward. Margaret Wickham 83 James Wood. Moses Hall 74 Moses Hall. JohnGifford 49 John Gifford. GROVELAND. Mary Reynolds ... 83 Levi Brown. William Parker - 79 William Parker. LIVONIA. GATES. Alexander McGregor 88 Robert Baker 78 Robert Baker. David Gage ... 82 Moses Gage. Joseph M. Pine ... 77 Samuel Benham. Selah Stedman 77 B. L. Stedman. RIGA. Noah Amsden ... 82 Noah Amsden. Oliver Church - . - 76 J. B. Avery. PhiloGibbs 75 Philo Gibbs. Thomas Hill 78 Joseph Emmons. Rhoda Pierpont . . - 74 William McCoy. James Gay ... 96 James Gay. Nehemiah Olmsted 87 Nehemiah Olmsted. Thomas Adams - 78 Thomas Adams. Timothy Baker 80 Timothy Baker. Rufus Hibbard 82 Hezekiah Hibbard. Oliver Woodrufi' ... 86 Oliver Woodruff. SWEDEN. SPRINQWATEB. Charles Treat 84 Charles Treat. Gilbert Weed 72 Gilbert Weed. Jonathan Fanning - 86 Anson Sparlin. Lewis Carpenter - - - 70 Lewis Carpenter. Trueman Tiffany. Thomas Cooley 76 Thomas Cooley. Joel Tiffany 80 Anson Comstock - 77 A. Comstock. 86 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or miliiary services. Ages. ■with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with wfiom pensioners re- sided June 1, IS40. MONROE— Continued. MONROE— Continued. SWEDEN — Conlinued. MENDON. Elisha Locke ... 79 Elisha Locke. John Dixon 79 John B. Dixon. Ebenezer iVftirtin ... 78 Ebenezer Martin. Jonathan Ogden - 74 Jonathan Ogden. Josiah Crossman - 78 Josiah A. Crossman. BROOKPORT VILLAGE. Cornelius Treat - 74 Cornelius Treat. Sarah Smilh ... 75 Rebecca Hinraan. OGDEN. MADISON COUNTY. Hannah Slone Nathan Walden ... 73 75 Hannah Stone. N. Walden. LEBANON. Abigail Willis 71 Hezekiah Willis. Elizabeth Paterson 91 Samuel Kilborn. Joseph Bachellor - Hannah Watson - 77 80 Jo.'^eph Bachellor. Hannah Hart.shorn. ^ CLARKSON. David Smith William I^ennett - 73 David Smith. Henry Seabott. John Younglove - . - Rhoda Eddy Archibald Campbell 83 89 81 Daniel Younglove. .4dolphus Eddy. Archibald Campbell. VTHEATLAND. DE RUYTER. Ira Merrill - . - - 81 Israel Merriman. Betsey Jones 76 Charles Jones. Stephen Maxson - 86 Stephen Maxson. CHILI. Rowland Swift ... 84 Jonathan Coon. Abijah Britton 84 Robert Thompson. Bet.sev Clark 83 Eliakim Clark. Ellas Wells 78 Matthew Wells. PARMA. Noah Downs 80 Nathan Wright. Jeremiali Peny . - - 86 Jeremiah Perry. DUOOKFIF.LD. Lucy Davis 75 Erastus S. Fitch. GREECE. Bethia Reed Kitchel Reed - - - 81 80 Samuel Reed. Silas Walker. Pain Wait - - . - Thomas Griffin Samuel Reed . . - 85 73 83 82 ) 77 < 82 86 Sephen Whitford. Thomas Griffin. Samuel Reed. Philip Caldwell - Samuel Parder - . . Jacob Hayden J. C. Doss 84 88 78 48 Philip Caldwell. S. F. Hunting. Jacob Hayden. M. Warner. Joseph Congdon ... Jason Miller Mary Murphy Thomas Giles John Miller. Randall Whitman. Thomas Giles, jr. PEN-FIELD. CAZENOVIA. Samuel L. Brooks - , - 83 Garry Brooks. Nicholas Welch - 77 Nicliolas Welch. Joseph Burrows ... 77 Amos Chappell. Simeon Dodge ... 76 Isaac Dodge. Lucv Owen . . - 73 Calvin W. Owen. Matthew Chandler 76 Lury Chandler, Levi Francisco . . - 83 Levi Francisco. Cirad Cook ... 77 Cirad Cook. Oihniel Preston 84 Othniel Preston. Jotham Hall 80 Jonathan Hall. Elizabeth Shoecraft 84 William Harris. Edward Parker 80 Edward Parker. Abigail Tillotson . 81 Ephr'aim Tillotson. WEBSTER. Kesiah Pollard ... 73 Fletcher Billings. Samuel Millard 79 Samuel Millard. Sally Mav - . . - 85 L'lke May. Mary Robbe . . - G6 Henry Robbe. James Williams - 74 James Williams. Josiah Barce 84 William Roe. William Shankland 79 William Shankland. David Parkhurst - - - 72 David Parkhutst. Mary Taber 88 David Taber. Chester Cleavelaud • 78 Chester Cleaveland. Gideon Anthony - 87 Gideon Anthony. Rinaldo Webber ... 78 Rinaldo Webber. HENRIETTA. Hannah Hamblin - 77 Abner J. Hamblin. Edward Dunham - 93 Seneca Dunham. Elizabeth Davenport 81 Adson Davenport. Melinda Burr 72 W. Burr. William Huston - 83 Samuel Titus. HAMILTON. Joel Clark - - - - 72 Joel Clark. Samuel White 77 Samuel White. Aaron Webster ... 87 Samuel Webster. Louis Blanchard ... 78 Walter Blanchard. Elizabeth Cranston 75 Phineas Cranston. BRICnTON. David Craw ... 83 Justus Craw, Ichabod Worden - 79 Ichabod Worden. Abram Averv 86 Abram Avery. Eliphalet Edmonds 76 Eliphalet Edmonds. Versalla Newton - 76 Anson Newton. John Smith ... 25 Horatio Adams. Jonathan French ... 75 Jonathan French. Ezra Sibley 78 Chauncey Sibley. Abigail Torrey . . - 86 Hosea Thayer. Sarah Collister ... 74 William Cobson. PERINTON. David Brown 78 Daniel Brown. Catharine Butler ... 77 Elisha Fulham. Edward Wilcox - 80 Sandlbrd Wilcox. David Cadv 75 George Cady. White Osborn 82 Sally Carder. William Tyler 75 William Tyler. Huldah Warner ... 83 Thomas A. Warner. Robert Jackson 79 Robert Jack.son. Oliver Teal 81 Oliver Teal. Lydia Scovil ... 80 Henry Scovil. PITTSFORD. Ebenezer Graves - 78 Samuel Hughes. GEORGETOWN. Josiah Purdy 78 Isaac Purdy. Peter Rose - - . . 76 Peter Rose. Jeronimus Vannest Andrew Uuniingion 74 79 Mumford Clark. Andrew Huntington. MADISON. Abner Burnham ... Ezra Holmes ... 84 82 Abner Burnham. Ezra Holmes. RUSH. John Brown ... 73 Asher Brown. Isaac Campbell 78 Isaac Campbell. John Wheeler 79 Alexander White. Noah PraU 77 Philip B. Keeler. Peggy M. Carpenter 72 J. E. Burton. Amos Jones ... 94 Amis Jones. Rhoda Blakely 71 J. Urgcburger. Eliphalet Gordon ... 82 Emery Bowen. Mary Tompkins . . - 70 Philip Tompkins. Abigail Green 80 John (Sreen. Benj. Simmons 82 Benj. Simmons. Wells Clark 80 Wells Clark. Seth Blair - . - . 80 Seth Blair. Elnathan Perry ... 80 Elnathan Perry. Elizabeth Barker - 80 Elizabeth Barker. John Pratt .... 77 Jacob Thomas. Israel Rice .... 79 Francis Rice. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. 87 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. MADISON— Continued. STOCKBRIDUE. Thomas Powell Ebenezer Hills Sarah Sloan Asel Powel George Buck Philip Peterson Job Francis Oliver Stewart Lemuel Smith John Nelson George Ratnom John Roberts Nathan Stewart Reuben Perkins Peter Hendrickson Adam Phillips Asa Cranson Jacob Laughton ^^Phebe Truesdell - ^■' Abraham Humphrey Chloe Lyon Paul Griffith Jesse Carpenter Dyer Mattison Joanna Grummond Eunice May Elijah Farnhara Samuel Nichols Roswell Welch - Siblius Slannard - Mary Harris Wra. Loundsberry Benj. Wood worth - Alice Hill - Asa Dana - Nathaniel Kaler - Phineas Cadwell - Stephen Northrup - Abner Sherman Lucas Salsbury Adonijah Bond Daniel Shippey Elizabeth Tutlle - Timothy Page Catharine Ehle Henry Rightmyer - Peter H. Ehle SMITHFIELD. Benj. Wllber Rhoda Woods ' John Bush - Abraham Bartlett - Francis Dodge EATON. Daniel Rider Ichabod Woodworth Benj. Hatch Ezekiel Merritt Simeon Chubbuck - Thomas Omans Mary Phelps Lois Burdwin Const;mt Avery Benj. Blanchafd - Moses Bump Deborah Morse Gideon Simmons - Ashbel Mason 75 100 87 81 80 8-2 75 79 88 79 75 53 82 76 75 80 79 74 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Thomas Powell. Thomas Stanton. Lyman G. Sloan. Asel Powel. Austin Carver. Philip Peterson. Job Francis. Oliver Stewart. Lemuel Smith. John Nelson. George Ratnom. John Roberts. Nathan Stewart. Caleb Perkins. P. Hendrickson. A. A. Phillips. Asa Cranson. John Laughton. 79 George Rich. 78 Willis Humphrey. 76 Eliphaz Lvon. 87 Otis Griffi'th. 91 Elijah Carpenter. 77 Dyer Mattison. 90 John Simons. 81 A. C. Ehle. 80 Daniel Farnham. 82 Samuel Nichols. 75 H. Cushing. 82 Alvan Stannard. 71 Elisha Bradley. 92 James Loundsberry. 80 Benj. Woodworth. 72 Howes. 86 Wm. Johnson. ' 81 Nathaniel Kaler. 83 E. S. Cadwell. 82 Stephen Norlhrup, jr. 78 Abner Sherman. 80 Lucas Sal.'-bury. 87 Adonijah Bond. 64 Daniel Shippey. 77 P. Tattle. 80 Timothy Page. 88 John C. Young. 87 H. Rightmyer. 86 Peter H. Ehle. 83 Andrew Crout. 88 Eli Wood. 80 John Bush. 81 John G. Curtis. 82 Francis Dodge. 75 Daniel Rider. 74 Enos Merill. 86 Benj. Hatch. 73 Ezekiel Merritt. 84 Simeon Chubbuck. 80 Thomas Omans. 85 Stephen Coman. 79 J. R. Burdwin. 81 D. Avery. 80 Daniel Green. 79 Moses Bump. 77 Sylvester Macomber 95 Judson Boothe. 83 A. Mason. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. CHARLESTON. Thomas Thompson George Young Samuel Hubbs Martin Becker Elijah Herrick Hendrick Kunck - ROOT. Daniel Dey James Lettis Philip Hamestreet - William Allen Albert Vedder David Parks Coonrad Friday CANAJOHABIE. Peter Lambert Nicholas Dunckle - George Dunckle - John Roof - - - Elizabeth Cochran - John Wood Hiram Chappell - Daniel Spencer Benj. Button Adam Brown Christian Rapp Margaret Stillwell - Margaret Van Netter Maria Gates Henry Lake John H. Waffle - Christian Hufnoglo Gideon Elliot Hannah Ritter Percy Elliot Jonathan Silsbury - Abljah While MINDEN. Nicholas Casler Peter Sitts - Frederick Weller - Adam Casler Elizabeth Wilson - Jacob A. Diefendorf Peter Young William Hackney - Peter Eggabroat Margaret Charlesworth - FLORIDA. Amos Daws Nicholas Hill Joseph Earl John Lott - Derrick Van Vechten AMSTERDAM. Catharine Craw Amos Schenehorn - Banajah Mills Gerrit Smith Abraham Hoagland Abraham Siesco - Samuel French Lucinda Shepard - Mary Lepper Israel Stearns MOHAWK. Ann Schenk John Degraff Abraham Vo^burgh Nancy Van Dusen Jacob Van Alstine - GLEN. JoVm Mount John Serviss Abigail Vanslyke - Names of heads of families ■ Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 77 Thomas Thompson. 81 George Young. 75 Samuel Hubbs. 91 Martin Becker. 79 Elijah Herrick. 83 Hendrick Kunck. 83 James Dey. 86 Jacob Lettis. 95 Benjamin Hamestreet. 52 William Allen. 80 Albert Vedder. 75 David Parks. 77 Coonrad Friday. 84 Peter Lambert. 81 Nicholas Dunckle. 84 George G. Dunckle. 78 John Roof. 74 Phenix Lone. 77 Isaac Wood. 76 Benj. Sixbury. 77 Daniel Spencer. 81 Jacob Hodges. 92 Daniel Brown. 69 Christian Rapp. 77 John Wemple. 72 C. Frolick. 87 Andolph Seebar. 73 Henry Lake. 78 Peter Hevener. 77 Henry Stam. 77 Gideon Elliot. 76 .John K. Ritter. 79 Percy Elliot. 78 Jonathan Silsbury. 77 Abijah White. 76 Nicholas Casler. 81 Peter Sitts. 82 Frederick Weller. 75 .Peter A. Casler. 82 John Wilson. 72 Jacob A. Diefendorf. 80 Peter Young. 75 Adam Hackney. 82 George Phillips. 74 James Burns. 79 Palmer Ohlin. 74 Nicholas Daws. 83 Joseph Earl. 80 87 Derrick Van Vechten. 75 Abraham Craw. 76 99 88 Gerrit Smith. 82 Jacob Hoagland. 92 Abraham Siesco. 82 William French. 86 Horace Shepard. 88 Jacob F. Lepper. 76 Israel Stearns. 82 Edward J. Scheiik. 86 Haronymus Degrafl'. 82 John Vosbiirgh. 75 Abraham Van Dusen. 91 Jacob Van Alstine. 80 John Mount. 85 Samuel Serviss. SO Richard Hudson. 88 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or mililary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. MONTGOMERY— Continued. ONEIDA— Continued. GLEN— Continued. DEERFiELD — Continued. James Williamson 81 James Williamson. Justin Cooley ... 80 Juslin Cooley. Rulh Cady - - - - 6-i Heny Cady. Thomas Cummings 86 Hosea Cummings. Susan Woiiliver - 86 SiLsan Wooliver. Calvin Preston 78 Philip Preston. Caty Gluackenbuss 78 John Q.uackcubuss. Magdalera Ciuackenbuss - 79 Isaac Quackenbuss. FLOYD. Caty Newkirk 79 Catharine Newkirk. Joseph Merchant ... 80 Joseph Merchant. Isaac Conliover . . - 80 Isaac Conhover. Salmon Moiilton ... 82 Salmon Moulton. Catharine Frank - 85 Widow Frank. Obadiah Wheelock 78 Obadiah Wheelock. Stephen Moulton ... 78 Stephen Moulton. ST. JOHNSVILLB. Lot Fuller - . . . 80 Lot Fuller. Elizabeth Tumierman 88 Jacob H. Tumierman. Mary Ward 76 Josiah Ward. William M. Sanderson 75 William M. Sanderson. George Hopkins ... Sarah Jacobs ... 82 George Hopkins. George R. Turca - 85 George Hillccoss. 73 Sarah Jacobs. Catharine Nestle - 86 Betsey Wright. KIRKLAND. PALATINE. Dinah Root 81 Dinah Root. Henry Flanders - 80 John Flanders. Elisha Lee .... 76 Enoch Lee. Hannah Walker - . - 86 Jacob Shill. Eli Bristol - - - - 84 Eli Bristol. John Nellis 78 John J. Nellis, jr. Eleazar Warner - 76 Eleazar Warner. Peter Fox - - - - 81 Peter Fox. Thomas Goodsell - 99 Thomas Goodsell. George Ecker 79 George Ecker, jr. Samuel Bingham - . . 87 Obadiah M. Benedict. Elizabeth Kelly - 80 John Kelly. Charles Bartholomew 81 Charles Bartholomew. Gloudy Vandusen - - - 86 Gloudy Vandusen. Solomon Wood ... 79 Solomon Wood. Delilah Casler 84 John Casler. John F'iteh ... 90 John Fitch. Fred6rick Gibbs - 79 John Currie, 2d. NIAGARA COUNTY. David Comslock - 79 David Comslock. NEWFANE. Thankful Foot 83 Noel Foot. David Wisner 83 David Wisner. James Look 86 Harrison Earl. Christopher Lewis - 84 Oliver Lewis. Barnabas Pond ... 84 Barnabas Pond. George Fiilts 88 Conrad Fults. Archibald C. Crary 45 Daniel Parkhurst. Samuel Royce ... 83 Samuel Royce. SOMERSET. Molly Meifitt ... Asa H. Morse 81 Molly Merrill. John Cassway . - - 48 Charles Pratt. 53 Asa H. Morse. George Thrasher - . . 77 Jared C. Aldrich. Henry McNiel 76 Henrv McNiel. Rulh Hibbard 78 Burnham Hibbard. HIRTLAND. Ozias Marvin ... 77 Ozias Marvin. Noel Potter 82 Noel Potter, jr. Sarah Marsh ... 65 William N. Marsh. David Waterman - 80 David Waterman. Asa Ripley . . . 80 Asa Ripley. MARCY. James Edmonds 79 James Edmonds. Edward Burlison . 75 Edward Burlison. Jabez Carey ... 79 Jabez Carey. royalton. Nancy Howe 74 Ezra Clark. John Coakley 84 Roswell Kelsev. Cynthia Risley ... 70 Cynlhia Rislev. Reuben Clane ... 81 Samuel S. Foot. Eleazar Russell 78 Eleazar Russell. Roger Avery 79 Alanzo Smedley. Loomis Kellogg ... 83 Loomis Kellogg. Nathaniel Thompson 88 Ethan Thompson. wheatfield. Martin Porter 81 Martin Porter. John Sweney 5-2 John Sweney. Ephraim Buss ... 95 Ephraim Buss. Thomas Wadworlli 76 Thomas Wadworth. CAMBRIA. Siukely Sayles 79 Artemas Sayles. Daniel Smith - . . 87 Josiah Crane. Clemence Hurlbiirt 82 Benjamin F. Hurlburt. Amos Benedict 84 Ira Benedict. ROME. lewiston. Henry F. A. Kirkland - 90 Henry F. A. Kirkland. Jeremiah Allen 76 Jeremiah Allen. Jeremiah Steves - 78 Joshua S. Steves. Depeudance Colbreath 77 Dependance Colbreath. Silas Wells 91 Russell Tennant. Luther Smith 76 Luther Smith. Mary House 88 Phineas Abbe. Nathan Baxter 79 Nathan Baxter. Eraslus Root ... _ Erastus Root. Hannah Hamlin . 73 Josiah Hills. lockport. Daniel Green 84 Daniel Green. Thadeus Wright - 79 Solomon C. Wright. Adin Swan ... 76 Adin Swan. Alexander Roman - 60 William A. Townsend. Martha Hubbard - 94 John Elden. Ezra Doty - - . . 81 Z. S. Doty. Manin Van Buren 81 John Van Buren. Noah Levings ... 76 John Downing. William Horton - . . 77 Joseph Sheles. Jonathan Ruraery - 81 Jonathan Rumery. Rhoda Adams 85 Horace Adams. Stephen Wakeman 78 Stephen Wakeman. Jason Bushnell ... 76 Jason Bushnell. Alexander Freeman 79 Alexander Freeman. Solomon Williams 86 Solomon Williams. John Williams ... 81 John Williams. LOCKPORT village. Lucy Williams ... 80 Jesse Williams. Benajah Malory - 76 Benajah Malory. Molly Fellows 89 Molly Fellows. John Griswold ... 79 John Griswold. ONEIDA COUNTY. Betsey Bloomfield - 77 John W. Bloomfield. ciTT OF otica — 2d ward. Abigail Fuller ... 86 Orrin Fuller. James Battles 81 Samuel Cruckshank. Roxana Graves 77 Asa Graves. 3d ward. Lucy Dickinson ... 86 Lucy Dickin.son. Levi Kellogg 82 Spencer Kellogg. Ely Piatt. Winslow Clark ... 53 Winslow Clark. Daniel Buckly 82 WESTMORELAND. PEERFIELD. Peleg Havens 78 Peleg Havens. Gate Root Weaver 73 Amasa Weaver. Abigail Goodwin - 81 Israel T. Goodwin. Richard Harter 78 Richard Harier. -Phineas Bell 79 Phineas Bell. Andrev- Mann 81 Andrew Mann. Ebenezer Benjanrin T6 Ebenezer Benjamin. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. SJ Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. ONEIDA— Continued. WESTM0REL.1ND— Continued. Samuel P. Goodsell Asa Ellis - Sarah Yale Roderick Morrison William Hatch Nathaniel Sweeting Selah Woodruff - WniTESTOWN. James Green Rosanna Olmsted - Savil Moors Enoch Storey Jeremiah Powell - Reuben Wilcox Fortune C. White - William Gallup - Simeon Rogers WESTERN. Ahasuerus Teller - VIENNA. Calvin Dunham Jonathan Harvey - Caleb Robinson Thomas Harrison - Lucretia Murray - Richard J. Wilson David Newland William Gates Isaac Seeley Jeremiah Giffbrd - Samuel Bloss CAMDEN. Zephaniah Smith - Bartholomew Pond Daniel Tuthill Luther Washburn - Sela San ford Joseph Lathers FLORENCE. Jonathan Barnes - Mary Robinson Daniel Letts Samuel Loomis amesville. Peter Mowers Eliakim Miller Levi Hitchcock Mary Fowler Nathan Frink I.EE. Mary Potter Irt ... - 81 Asa Hart. ApoUos King 76 ApoUos King. John Fiddler Eleazer Boughton - 78 75 Henry Task. Asahel Boughton. ONTARIO COUNTY. Abijah Williams . . - 83 Abijah Williams. CANANDAIGUA. Polly Gildersleeve - - 1 William Cox 84 James Williams. EA.ST BLOOMFIELD. 89 William Cox. Edmund Richards - 84 Edmund Richards. Abner Barlow - . - 89 J. G. Haskins. Timothy Buell 83 Timothy Buell, jr. Mary Gould 89 Phineas P. Bates. Gershom Salmon - 86 Stephen Salmon. John Debow 78 Harvy Debow. Benjamin Gauss - 75 Benjamin Gauss. James Blair 85 William Blair. Ebenezer French - 79 Ebenezer French. Isaac Morse 84 Orlando Morse. Celia Wheeler 77 -Andrew Sleght. WEST BLOOMFIEI.D. Isaac Booth 84 Isaac Booth. John .'Vdams 80 John Adams, Cyrel Eaton 73 Cvrel Eaton. 1 John Martin ... 79 John Martin. Daniel Ensign 79 Daniel Ensign. Anna Hogan 65 Anna Hogan. Epbras Nott 84 Ephras Nott. John Shepard 75 John Shepard. PHELPS. BRISTOL. Ezra Post . - . - 76 William Post. Israel Conant 77 Jonas Pickarel. Joseph Vandermark 78 Benjamin F. Salisbury. Elihu Morse 81 Elihu Morse, jr. James Davis 75 James Davis, jr. John Worden 86 Barzilla Worden, James McMillan - - - 76 Charles S. Jenkins. Seth Gerry 76 Seth Gerry. Susanna Cozart - 75 William Henry. Daniel Tibbits 51 Daniel Tibbits. ; SOUTH ElilSTOL. Mercy Humphrey - 77 Cornelius Vanalstine. : Roxana Tulile 77 Jeffrey A. Blackman. Oliver Hutnphrey - 81 Olivsr Humphrey. 1 Thomas Brown 86 Jacob'Shaw. Susan Benton _ - - 2i Moses C'ortriglit. I .Tames Parmely 82 James Parmely, jr. William Palmiler - 77 Asenalh Palmiter. 1 Israel Buttler " - 80 Israel Buttler. Timo'.hy Ray ... 78 Timothy Ray. William Pierce 73 AVilliam Pierce. George Willson 84 George Willson. Joseph Snow 93 Sherman Snow. Darius Seager 89 Darius Seager. Thomas Covel 49 Thomas Covel. Thomas Wood 85 Thomas Wood. Asa Brown 92 John Brown. Elisha Grain ... 86 Chester Crain. Hannah Crocker - 70 Chauncey Pease. Enoch Crosby ... 76 Enoch Crosby. Jonathan Melvin - 89 Jonathan Melvin. RICHMOND. Andrew Palmer - 85 William F. Reed. MANGHE3TEB. 1 James Voorhees ... 95 James Voorhees. Oliver Fletcher 84 Oliver Fletcher. Joseph Cleveland ... 92 Joseph Cleveland. Thomas Hill 86 Thomas Hill, jr. Aaron Briggs 85 Aaron Briggs. Philip Lemangon - 85 Pardon Butts. Jesse Stevens 77 Jesse Stevens, jr. Robert Robinson - 77 Randal Robinson. Abijah Wright - 77 Abijah Wright. [ Elijah Laton 66 Elijah Laton. SENECA. i Jonathan Presler - 89 Northrup Green. CANADICE. Samuel Smith ... 83 Samuel Smith. Nathan Morse . . . 90 John Adams. Cornelius Roberds 84 Cornelius Roberds. Mary Ryder 78 Sylvester Brown. NAPLES. Isaac Amsden 85 William .Amsden. Marv Kibbc 90 Betsey Pottle. Otis Pierce. Hugh W. Dobbin - 73 Hugh AV. Dobbin. OtisPierce 49 Sarah Wells 77 Mary Jane Black. Rebecca Pierce 86 Rebecca Pierce. Charlotte Thurston 77 Joseph Clement. John Hinckley 77 John Hinckley. Catharine Tellinghart 76 Ezekiel Lewis. Margaret Ca.s'sady . - . 93 Tunis Moshier. Jane Hay - - . - 90 Philip C. Hay. Eleazer Wales ... 84 Solomon AVales. Wheeler Lanphire 56 Wheeler Lanphire. Amasa S. Tili't 53 Amasa S. Tifti. John Cronk 52 John Cronk. GORH.tM. Benjamin Garliaghouse - 78 Benjamin Garlinghouse. Salmon Child 75 William Child. LyJia Dunham 73 Jo.sepli Smith. .Stephen Marcy. ORLEANS COUNTY. Stephen Marcy ... 84 BAKPE. Ebenezer CriUenden ■ 83 Orrin Crittenden. Lot Swift - - - - 82 Henry Swift. William Morrison 96 William Morrison. '' S'ephen Anijevine - 39 Stephen Angevine. Solomon Blodgett - 84 Solomon Blodgett. ;■ William Butts 84 Lockwood Butts. Henty Green 77 Henry Green. 1 Arlemas Thair 77 Washington Thair. Joseph Chase . 87 Benjamin Blodgett. jj Elisha Wright 87 Elisha Wright, jr. Ludim Blodgett - 70 Joseph Blodgeu. ; Israel Root . - - - 80 ' Amos Root. John Waller 1 94 Luman Walter. ii Elisha Shelden 78 , Elisha Shelden. 92 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- lioiiaiy or mililaiy services. ORLEANS-Continued. BARRE — Contiuued. Silas Phelps Daniel 3ennett Abiai Harding Stephen Brown Samuel Lazendry - Josepn Root RIDQEWAY. Hannah Hubbard - SHELBY. Benjamin Porter - John Letis - Oliver Cone Moses Bacon CLARENDON. Lemuel Cook Mathan Chadwick - Benj. Petingal Samuel Milikin MURRAY. Amos Frink Aaron Warren Thomas Kelicoll - John Rutherford - TATE8. Joshua Brigs KENDALL, Chaffe Green William Ogle Eve Bird - OSWEGO COUNTY. ALBION. Sarah Powers E^nezer Carr AMBOY. Billings Wordcn - Lydia Coop Jesse Kinney Esther Brown EOYLSTON. Almon Ormsby CONSTANT! A, Anna Ford Joel Legg - Moses Nelson HASTINGS. William Heincr - Joseph Farrer Gilbert Parkhurst - MEXICO. Jesse Smith Caleb C. Whipple - Elxperience Ormsby John Kinyon Amos Reed Alexander Beebe - Bathsheba Alexander ORWELL. Samuel Stowell John Brooks Allen Gilbert PARISH. ' Philip Chesley Nathan Franklin - Timothy Rider 83 80 80 80 52 75 75 79 87 80 78 87 42 87 80 78 87 85 87 87 78 79 92 75 82 75 84 67 79 83 78 71 80 87 81 87 77 81 84 78 78 76 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. Calvin C. Phelps. Le\'i Bennett. Abial Harding. Stephen Brown. Elisha Lazendry. Joseph Root. John Letts. Lemuel Cook. Nathan Chadwick. Benj. Petingal. Aaron Warren. John Rutherford. Austin Brigs. Chaffe Green. Edmund Bird. Benj. Cross. Stillman Preston. Billings Worden. James Riddle. Jesse Kinney.J Asa Brown. Alanson Ormsbv. William Ford. Stephen Tail. Moses Nelson. William Heiner. Jo.seph Farrer. Gilbert Parkhurst. Jesse Smith. Caleb C. Whipple. Philander Ormsby. John Kinyon. Amos Reed. Asa Beebe. Gardener Hagan. Samuel Stowell. Michael Calb. Jabez H. Gilbert. Philip Chesley. Nathan Franklin. Putnam Rider. OSWEGO— Contiuued. READFIELD. E.xperieni:e Warren Josiiua Wood Amos Johnson William Lord niCHl.AND. Sally Weed Ezra Lampher Abigail McChesanv Ruth Price Isaac Fellows Levi Cary Mary Mason John Ear.skin Edward Wade Ebenezer Roberts - John Breed Abijah Hubbel Dennis Wright SANDY CREEK. Nathaniel Jacobs - Peter Barga Ephraim Kimdie - Nicholas Winters - VILLIAMSTON. Peter Bergen HANNIBAL. Daniel Dunham Epapliious Loomis - GRANBT. Austin. Smith James Wheeler Joseph H. Perigo - Elihu Bradley Aaron Fish PALERMO. Samuel Murray - SCHROEFFEL. Isaac Packard SCHIBA. Aaron Wheeler NEW^ HAVEN. Richard Risley OSWEGO. Samuel Starks Jason Thomas William Colby Svlvanus Bishop - Simon J. Vrooraan OTSEGO COUNTY. HARTWICK. Edward Bowe Benjamin Camp - Samuel Holmau - Nicholas Camp Joseph Crofts Joseph C. Hawley - Noali Eddv T. Whaley James Newton John Wells John Tucker John Wells Elisha Bills WESTrORD, Jonas Babcock David Smith David Hull Swain Seward Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 102 Samuel Warren. 74 Joshua Wood. 76 Samuel N. Johnson 81 William Lord. 82 Elihu Phillips. 83 Ezra Lampher. 76 J. A. McChesany. 80 Isaac Price. 82 Augustus Fellows. 81 Zenas Cary. 82 E. Mason. 88 John Earskin. 87 Edward Wade. 84 Ebenezer Roberts. 85 Joseph Breed. 79 Abijah Hubbel. 79 N. Wright. 80 Nathaniel Jacobs. 84 L. Widick. 84 E. Kimdie. 83 N. Winters. 94 Peter Bergen. 77 David Dunham. 84 Joseph Langden. 87 Sidnev Tracy. 79 L. A. Wheeler. 77 Robert Perigo. 84 Elihu Bradley. 81 H. Norton. 84 T. Secly. 78 Isaac Packard. 80 Aaron Wheeler. 86 Richard Risley. 79 Samuel Slarks. 78 Jason Thomas. 80 AVilliam Colby. 74 Lewis Bishop. 81 Simon J. Vrooman. 83 Edward Bowe. 77 Benjamin Camp- 78 Samuel Holman. 85 Nicholas Camp. 78 Joseph Crofts. 83 M. Blackford. 80 William Eddy. 80 T.Whalev. 81 J. S. Newton. 81 John AVells. 77 Ira Tucker. 46 Stephen Holden. 91 Elisha Bills. 76 Jonas Babcock. 80 Samuel Shellan. 81 David Hull. 63 Swain Seward. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. 93 Names of pensioners for revolu- ! Names of lieads of families | Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, IS-IO. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. OTSEGO— Continued. ^ 1 OTSEGO— Continued. WESTPORD — Continued. Aaron Baldwin - - - 78 Aaron Baldwin. BUTTERNUTS. ! Nehemiah Daniels 77. Nehemiah Daniels. Timothy Canfield - 81 Timothy Canfield. Ebsnezcr M. Holden 76 Ebenezer M. Holden. Norris Collar. Henry Slever ... 91 Alexander Lovd. ; Norris Collar 93 j Alexander Bryant 78 1 Alexander Bryant. MARYLAND. i Daniel Nash V Daniel Nash. Samuel Ketchum - 78 Jonathan Ketchum. Timothy Donaldson 89 Eli Donaldson. John Marsh. Simeon Durham ... 73 C. Chamberlin. | John Marsh - - - 78 Cyrus Brown 76 Amos Brown. ! Mordecai Bedient - 76 Mordecai Bedient. Jared Parmer 80 Jared Parmer. DECATDR. ' Reuben Chitenden 81 Reuben Chitenden. Isaac Lane 76 Isaac Lane. Calvin Donaldson - 85 John Magee 82 John Magee. Josiah Beardslee - — Henry Cooper ... 67 Henry Cooper. Jeremi.-.h Townsend 83 76 Justice Lewis 78 Justice Lewis. Isaac Bedient Mary Weston 89 MIDDLEFIELD. Mary Gilbert 74 Mary Gilbert. UNADILLA. Oliver Cory 76 Oliver Cory. Sarah Collins 76 Peier Slingerland - 73 Geo. W. Stillman. Seth Rowley 80 Wm. Straight 82 Win. Straight. Abaer Griffis 88 John Loudon 75 John Loudon. Josiah Reed 72 Caleb Babcock 86 J. Pierce. Thomas Card 78 Jehiel Todd 86 M. Hamilton. Thomas Wild 77 Nicholas Righton - 87 N. Righton. Asahel Packard - 77 George Boyd 78 George Boyd. Ezra Allen 83 85 Elisha Luther WORCESTER. Susan Hough - • - 82 Francis Dickson - -77 Francis Dickson. Sarah Childs 80 Amasa Childs. EDMESTON. John Brooks 87 Ira Lane. Polly Bennett 76 Lewis Hammond. Joseph Powers 85 Chester Powers. Amos Sherman ... 62 Leonard Povrers. Samuel Hartwell - 80 D. Refinhurgh. Stephen Colegrove 77 Stephen Colegrove. David Jones ... 88 Enoch Jones. Daniel Green 82 Horace Green. " Thomas Terry 81 Thomas Terry. CHERRY V.tLLEY. Jacob Campbell 78 Pquire C-ampbell. Andrew Pette 81 Anna Gillet. Gideon De Forest - 75 Gideon De h orest. Benj. Allen . . . 76 Isaac Allen. Peter Parker ... 73 Peter Parker. James Bradley 85 James Bradley. Lemuel Anderson - 76 Lemuel Anderson. John Thompson 82 John Thompson. Zebe Granger 78 Zebe Granger. BURLINGTON. Benj. Denslow ... 80 Benj. Denslow. John Jackson 85 John Jackson. Asa Glazier 55 Asa Glazier. John Hood - 86 David Hood. Jerome Clark 85 Jerome CUnlc. Levi Miller f Henry Newton. Stephen McGown - 78 Stephen McGown. A. McKillip. ; Samuel Blanden - 80 Zeno Blanden. Archibald McKiUip 85 j Lydia Siory ... 78 Rufus Lines. Jesse Wilson 40 David Cary. Susanna Herrington 73 Susanna Herrington. : Chloe Meacham - 82 Chloe Meacham. ONEONTO. Tabiiha Peck 74 Nathaniel Bolton. James Young 79 James Young. Elizabeth Cushman 74 Almon Cushman. Henry Larue 84 Henry Larue. Daniel Rolo 78 Daniel Rolo. Walter Fitch 77 Walter Fitch. Lemuel Hubbell . 85 Lemuel Hubbell. Michael Hilsinger 81 . Jacob Van Wort - 86 EXETEll . Lawrence Swart . . . 86 David Swart. Hannah Palmer - 75 Christopher Palmer. Humphrey Palmer 82 Humphrey Palmer. MILFORD. Elizabeth Wilber - - Elizabeth Wilber. James Westcott 77 William McKoun - 45 William McKoun. Joseph Vars ... 79 Augustus Vars. Asahel Williams - 86 Sherman Williams. Olive Waters 75 - Amos Waters. Smith HolUster - 78 Smith HoUister. Barnabas Bales ... 79 Dewitt Bates. David Janes 77 David Janes. Ezekiel Seger 87 Edward Seger. William Russel - 84 NEW LISBON. William Barnard - 75 Moses Barnard. Patience Briggs 82 Patience Briggs. William Petlingill 82 Samuel Petlingill. Abiel Cooke 77 Abiel Cooke. Benoni Weliman - 75 William Welman. Joseph Neariug 77 Joseph Nearing. Asaph Buck 78 Asaph Buck. LAURENS. William Russell - 55 William Russell. John Hubbard 82 Uriali Warren . 54 Uriah Warren. Ezekiel Bennett 78 Ezekiel Bemietl. Mary Mars 85 Robert Barton. John Potter 85 John Peter. Zachariah Downer 84 Zachariah Downier, John Cooke ... 84 John Cooke. Caroline Mather - 74 Caroline Mather, PITTSPIELD. ElishaWood John_ White 79 85 Elisha Wood. Jolin White. OT.SEG0. Mary Spencer Uriah Luce ... 89 77 Mary Wood. Harry Knowlton. OTKOO. Abijah Farchild 85 Stephen Gregory. Moses Stephens 70 Simeon Stevens. Elizabeth Hand 75 Hannah Ray. Judy Hyatt 79 Charles Hyatt. John Reed 63 John Iteed. Polly Emerson 77 Charles L. Emerson. j Samuel Short 74 Samuel Short. Benjamin Edson 81 Freeman Edson. 1 Amos Rexford 71 Amos Rexford. Joseph Northrup - 86 Joseph Northrup, jr. j Mercy Smith 70 Eleazar Jo.slyn. David Smith 85 John Smith. ! John Dunbar 74 John Dunbar. 94 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of familie tionary or miliiary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re sided June 1, 1840. OTSEGO— Continued. RENSSELAER-Continued. OTSEGO— Continuerf. N.tss.\u— Continued. James Baily 86 John S. Baily. Amaziah Baily 90 Asa Uphara. Green Tifl"i. Samuel McKeen - 75 Samuel Mclteen. Rufus Tifft 65 Joel Squire 80 Joel Squire. Joseph Carr 82 Joseph Carr. Abigail Bover 84 Eleazer BroAvn. Allen Gcer 86 Elias Geer. SANDL.4KE. Daniel Preslon 77 Joan Preston. Elizabeth Frothingham 82 Elizabeth Frothingham. Stephen Gregory - 83 Stephen Gregory. rr.AiNPiELD. William Sliter - William Sliter. Ezekiel Sheldon - 80 Elisha Bently. Reuben Babcock - 8-2 Reuben Babcock. David Treadway - ■97 David McLaughlin. Joseph Huntington 82 Joseph Huntington. niCHFlELD. STEPHENTOW.V. Parley Herrington 85 S. P. Herrington. Moses Bishop 83 Moses Bishop. Daniel Patchem - 81 Daniel Patchem. Amos James 80 Amos James. John Siewart ... 77 John Stewart. John Horton 78 John Horton. John Bloodgood ... 77 John Bloodgood. Nathan Williams - 84 Nathan Williams. Daniel Hannahs - 73 Amos Beardsley. Eli Young 84 Eli Young. Wardwell Green - Si Wardwell Green. Jesse Bennett 93 H. Bennett. William Eddey - 80 WiUard Eddey. Jacob Wright 80 William Boughton. Sisson Cole 94 Leroy Cole. Benjamin Andrews 83 Reuben Andrews. Nancy Yoimg 84 Salathiel Young. BERLIN. SPRINGFIELD. Job Taylor 83 Job Taylor. Robert Wood 89 Robert Wood. William Bell 77 William Bell. Anthony Davor 77 Anthony Davoe. Moses Hendrick - 85 Moses Hendrick. Polly Farijo 79 Nathaniel P. Ransom. Joseph Crandall 84 Joseph Crandall. William Thayer ... 46 William Thayer, jr. Caleb Benllev 74 Caleb Bentley. Merril Hoke ... 93 Jacob Hoke. Asa Beebe ' - - - 79 Asa Beebe. Thomas Van Home 96 Philip Van Home. Nanov House 73 Hamilton Coleman. PETERSnunO. H. Vedder 81 Richard Vedder. William Scriver - 84 William Scriver. PoUv Hicks 69 Pollv Hicks. John Armsbry ... 89 John Armsbry. Christer Walter - 81 C. Walter. Stephen Potter 81 Stephen Potter. William Brown ... 8-2 William Brown. Christopher Colegrove 79 C. Colegrove. Anson Hall ... 83 Anson Hall. Augustus Lewis - - 87 Augustus Lewis. George Dunbar 81 John Shaw. Sterry Hewitt 84 Sterry Hewitt. Moses Franklin - 76 Moses F.anklin. Jason Babcock 85 Benjamin Babcock. Jedcdiah Beech - 85 Jedediah Beech. Henrv Silts 86 SCHODACE. Joseph Farnham - 76 Joseph Farnham. Sarah Potter &l . Henry Potter. John Ostrander 87 Sarah Ostrander. RENSSELAER COUNTY. Abraham Van Buren 89 Abraham Van Buren. noosicK. Phebe Birch 81 Isaiah Birch. Frcebjrn Sweet 83 FreebDrn Sweet. Nathaniel Barnett . 86 Nathaniel Barnett. GREENBLSH. John Palmer 82 John Palmer. Albert Clafliu 84 William Clallin. Frederick Outerkirk 85 Frederick Outerkirk. Nicholas Van Rensselaer . 89 Nicholas Van Rensselaer. Timothy Graves . 86 Timothy Graves. William Van Benthuysen 80 William Van Benthuysen Abner Crandall '78 Abner Crandall. Peter Best - - - . 81 Peter Best. Jacob Boovie 77 Jacob Boovie. Darling Shaw 81 Darling Shaw. BRUNSWICK. . Morriss Tucker - .83 Morriss Tucker. Christopher Gray - 9-2 Martin Springer. Charles Hall 82 Charles Hall. PITTSTOW.V. Henry Smith 84 Henry Smith. Asahel Eastman - 76 Isaiah F. Eastman. Isaac Van Wart (since dead) 89 A. Van V/arl. GRAl'TON. Richard Anthony - 76 Richard Anthony. David Barnhart - David Barnhart. Gilbert Eddy 79 Gilbert Eddy. Rufus Parks 80 Rufus Parks. James Scrivner ... 89 Caleb W. Scrivner. LINSINOBURO. Rufus Gallop 84 Rufus Gallop. Nathaniel Martin. Margaret Louk 80 Margaret Louk. Amos Martin 8-2 Mary Biggs Stephen Pelton _ Peter Morriss. 79 Chauncey Ives. TROT — \st ward. Prudence Barton - 77 Prudence Barton. Elijah Reed 76 Elijah Reed. Lucy Morgan ... 79 Lucy Morgan. Ephraim Whittaker 85 Ephraim Whittaker. Catharine Oakly - 80 Andrew Folleit. John Folliard 88 John Folliard. Timothy Cone ... / 1 Timothy Cone. 1 Elizabeth Grace 76 Elizabeth Grace. Mary Leonard 79 F. B. Leonard. Love Perady Henry Hart. ■ Sarah Wilbur _ Curtis Wilbur. SCAOHTICOKE. •2d ward. ' John Welch 77 John Welch. None. Elisha Phelps 82 Freeman Baker. 3(/ ward. Peter Akart 84 Peier Akart, jr. Martha Boolle 87 Benjamin F. Randall. John L. Van Antwerp 80 P. Y. Vau Antwerp. Benjamin Pierce - 77 Benjamin Pierce. Nathaniel Robinson 82 Nathaniel Robinson. Phebe Prescm 79 E. Prescol. Amasa TilTney 73 Amasa Tiffney. NASSAU. Charles Dickinson 83 Jane B. Gale. Esther Hendry.T ... ilk leard. Elizabeth Crowley 82 I. J. pendryi.' Abijah Bush Simeon Griswold - 85 87 Abijah Bush. Simeon Griswold. 77 G. Buckingham. William Hunt 84 Alva Hunt. 5M ward. Gluain Tanner 78 Cluain Tanner. , Sally Knight 71 Sally Kulghi. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. 95 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with v/hom pensioners re- tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. sided June 1, 1840. RENSSELAER-Continued. SARATOGA— Continued. TROY — Continued. EALLSTON — Continued. CM ward. Anrt Hanson 79 Aurt Hanson. Henry S. Myers - 49 P. C. Marble. Thaddeus Scribner 78 Thaddeus Scribner. 'Ilk ward. Elijah Armstrong 55 Elijah Armstrong. Jacob Miller . - - 82 Charles Moray. Justus Jennings - 84 Justus Jennings. Olive Woodward - "4 ■Lewis Woodward. James A. McDonald 63 James A. McDonald. SARATOGA COUNTY. CHARLTON. GREE.MFIELD. Esther Lefferts - -^ 86 Esther Lefferts. Jared Hood 78 Norton Hood. Jacob Layport - - - - Jacob Layport. Abraham Weed 81 Abraham Weed. Lydia Chambers - - Ann Chambers. Giles Pitch 78 Giles Fitch. Alexander Van Eppes 78 Tennis Nisbeth. Nathaniel Seymour 83 Thomas Seymour. Ahasuerus Wardwell at A. Wardwell. Elijah Smilh 82 Elijah Smith. Benjamin Maivin i 1 Timothy Marvin. Kiel Savafj^e 80 Samuel Wood. Elijah Spencer 85 Elijah Spencer. Catharine Bishop - 88 William Woodcock. John P. K. Taylor 77 John P. K. Taylor. Daniel Scott 8- Daniel Scott. Joseph Bemiss 84 Daniel Davis. CLIFTON PARK. James Knights 83 James Knights. SARATOGA. Mayhew Daggett 83 Mayhew Daggett. Charles Cluky - - , - 97 Charles Cluky. EIn'alhan Finch 79 Elnathan Finch. Anthony Glean 89 Anthony Glea'n. Abijah Peck . . . 82 Abijah Peck. Evert E. Van Vranken 83 Evert E. Van Vranken. SARATOGA SPRINGS. Benjamin Chadsev ■ 72 Benjamin Chadsey. Isaac Weatherbee - 73 John Weatherbee. Marybee Jones ' - 70 Robert D. Graff. James Ide - - - - 83 James Ide. Samuel Brewster 85 Samuel Brewster. Caleb Fish - . - - 84 Othniel Corbel. Rev.ben Stokehara 98 Reuben Siokehaiii. Ezra Ketchum 91 Job Reynolds. James Barhyte - - 78 James Barhyte. GALWAY. Elijah Curtiss 79 Elijah W. Curtiss. CORINTH. Joel Burr - . . - 81 Joel Burr. John Rhodes 80 Stephen F. Rhodes. John Carter ... 88 John Carter. George Hart 82 Jonathan Weeden. HADLEY. Desire Tourgie - Joseph Berniss. N. Scofield 86 A. Scofield. Martha Murray - 86 Catharine Murray. Squire Wood . - - 79 Comfort Wood. Aaron Berniss ... 60 Aaion Berniss. Thomas Reed - . 74 Thomas Reed. Israel Phelps ... 82 Israel Phelps. Joseph Gilbert . . . 85 Joseph Gilbert. Joseph Brewster ... Andrew Sprague ... 80 86 Joseph Brewster. Joseph Van Every. DAY. Arthur Colwell 78 Arthur Colwell. S. Holcomb 70 W. K. Holcomb. Mary Demming . 81 Mary Demming. Malta. Vincent Foster 85 Deborah Foster. EDINBURGH. Dean Chase . . - 78 Dean Chase. Maria Simpson 80 Isaac Rhodes. Andrew Albro 77 Andrew Albro. MILTON. Samuel Downing - 76 Samuel Downing. Samuel Barnum - - - 81 Anna H. King. Joseph Olmsted 83 Jo.';eph Olmsted." Isaac Lent 88 Daniel A. Collamcr. Sampson Hosley - 86 Sampson Hoslev- George T. Waiger 50 Daniel A. CoUaiRer. Robert Sumner 78 Robert Sumner.' Sarah Wandle 81 Sarah Wandle. Ormel King 77 Henry Noves. Sarah Danforth - . - 83 John Dunning. Elkanah Sprague - 80 Anthony De Golier. .Tames Merrill 82 James Merrill. Benjamin Axley - 81 Benjam'in Axley. Sarah Radford 86 Sylvester Alexander. John Ellsworth 89 John Ellsworth. MOREAU. Asa Beach . . - 78 Asa Beach. Joseph Carr 83 William Carr. Jonathan Nash 80 Isaac Nash. Nehemiah Stevens 78 J. B. Stevens. Lucy Herrick ... 78 Miles Herrick. Zachariah Ray 81 Zachariah Ray. John Whitid 80 John Whilid. Peter Stephenson - N.ithaniel Calkins 87 Peter Stephenson. David Ames . . . 77 Jacob Goodrich. 87 John Roberts. Catharine Crumb - 101 J. S. Waiger. John Bitely 84 J. L. Bitel}-. Caleb Burrows 73 Amos Burrows. PROVIDENCE. Lucy Hall 76 Ruth Hall. WILTON. Elizabeth Bundv - 67 Elijah Bundy. Amos Goldin 84 Amos Goldin. Elijah Walworth - 49 Elijah Walworth. Jonathan Woodward 81 Jonathan Woodward. Isaac Colonv 77 Isaac Colony. Benjamin Dimmick 84 Giles Dimmick. Rachel Smith 78 H. V. Smith. Roswell Ray 74 Roswell Ray. Mehitable Landers- 79 Moses Landers. William Bearsly - 77 William Bearsly. NORTHUMBERLAND. John Crage 84' John Crage. SCHENECTADA COUNTY. Grace Wood 83 A. Wood. DUANESEURG. Gideon Whitmore 80 David Coflinger. Jonathan Herrick - 79 Isaiah Tower - . - 80 Isaiah Tower. BALLSTON. David Hi Hard 80 Sanborn Ford 84 Sanborn Ford. Enos Howard ... 80 Enos Howard. David Howe 78 David Howe. Henry Head ... 82 Henry G. Plead. Sarah Filz:;erald - 87 James Fitzgerald. Samuel Rogers 76 Samuel Rogers. Uriah Gregory 86 Uriah Gregory. Marv De Forest - . . 81 William C. De Fore.st. GLENVILLE. Paul Wilson 85 Paul Wilson. Sally Goodenough - 78 William Kingsley 75 William Kingsley. Rebecca Shelly 80 Catharine English 83 Ephraim Miller. Job Hedden ' - 86 G. Hedden. 96 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- j lionary or military services. ' Ages. 1 Names of heads of families ! with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, li^SO. Names of pensioners for revolu- ' lionarv or miliiarv services. Ages. SCHENECTAD A— Continued. Gi.EN-vrL'.E — Continued. Benjamin Crandall Abraham Seppius - Garret Van Eps - Nicholas G. Vcedcr Angelica Kane Andrew Seaman ■ Philip Cariiei- Jacob Wallace Frederick Van Fallen James Van Vorst - Jo.seph Carley Reuben Wheaton - PKINCETOV.'.N . Margaret Brougham BOTTEBDAlt. William Coyt Bartholomew Schermcrhorn John Myers Lewis D. Peck NISKATCNJ. Dinah C. Groat - SCHEXECTADi CITY — Isl Ward. Joseph Pock Catharine Mercellis C. L. Van Santford . - '2d irard. Sarah Vedder . . - John Carl Mary Perry - . - John Van Voast - - . John J. Scbermerbom Rebecca Groat . . . Joseph Briltian Jacob Leport .3 Joel Messenger. 80 John Larkin. 67 David Burgh. 90 Ebenezer Williams. 8S Abram Caton. 87 Jacob Becrafl. 78 Lorenzo Haugh. 76 John H. Kvser. 87 Peter Becker. 8fi Henrv Rosefelt. 7ft Jacob Schoolcraft. 78 Christian H. Shafer 80 Andrew Slater. 83 Benjamin Bivin. 84 78 86 86 85 81 84 84 79 48 86 85 86 77 86 80 79 I Charles Patchen. 75 ' Henrv Haser. Charles Duncan. Adam Mattice. L. Ferris. T. Coven. A. Low. N. Huff. P. J. Huff. Feter Depew. Henr)' Robinson. Henry Shoemaker. Cornelius Boylon. Lyman Dod;;e. Margaret Jerolomon. Thomas Blain. Ijaac Atchley. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. 97 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Uonary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re. sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. SENECA— Continued. ST. LAWRENCE-Continued. Lom. DE PEYSTER. Sylvanus Travcrs - 85 Joseph Benedict. Joseph Shaw ... 79 Lebus Curtis, John Emmons - . - 83 Amos Peterson. Jonathan Fellows . 78 Jari Fellows. Peter Van Zandt - 82 John Myers. John Garrison . . - 85 Christopher duick. OSWEGATCHIE. William Stacy - . - 77 Peter Covert. Sarah June . . - 81 James Beaty. Benjamin Sails ... 78 Benjamin Salts. TYRE. Esther Dolleslun - 78 Benjamin Edsell. Asa Smith . . - 82 Stephen B. Crane. Richard Van Ornum 82 R. Van Ornura. Nathaniel Burchard 73 Lucas Ekerson. Noah Spencer 87 Noah Spencer. Henry Brink 89 Calvin Pinson. Daniel Chapman . - - 81 Daniel Chapman. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. MORBISTOWN. PARISUVILLE. Phinehas Maxon ... 85 Uriah Mead. Joseph Armsby . . - 76 Joseph Arrasby. M. Demming . . - 80 N. Worden. Hepsebah Mitchell 78 Horatio Mitchell. Stephen Smith . . - 84 Stephen Smith. Simeon Howard - 79 Jabez Healey. Sarah K. Thurber 91 John Thurber. Elijah Allen 82 Samuel Hoit. William Lee 74 William Lee. HOPKINTOM. HAMMOND. Solomon Chittenden 78 Asel H. Chittenden. Emanuel Dake - 79 David Fell. STOCKHOLM. ROSSI E. Ephraim Knapp - . - 83 Moses Knapp. Reuben Dunham. Henry Apple ... 86 Thiciam Apple. Mercy Dunham - 78 Luke Fletcher ... 81 Luke Fletcher. GOUVERNEUR. Marlin Brockway - . - 79 Martin Brockway. John Garrett ... 85 WiUard Smith. Rhoda Skinner 83 Ashbel Skinner. Polly Hulbert 72 Augustus Hulbert. William Burrows - 81 William Burrows. Solomon Cross ... 82 Solomon Cross. Thomas Scott 80 James Scott. Eli Skinner ... 81 0. S. Skinner. Elizabeth Whiston 83 Joseph W. Glidden. Stephen Porter ... 79 Stephen Porter. LAWRENCE. IIERMON. Elizabeth Sanders - 78 Daniel C. Baslin. David Page ... 57 David Page. Sarah Barnes ... 74 Joseph Eggleston. Asher Williams . 79 Asher Williams. NORFOLK. DE KALB. Daniel Bradish 79 Daniel Bradish. John C.Cook 27 John C. Cook. Tryphena Collamer 79 Dolly H. Collamer.' Theodorus Woodard 79 Theodorus Woodard. LISBON. Elizabeth Lawrence 81 Hiram Lawrence. Isaac Mitchell ... 80 Isaac Mitchell. Elijah Brown - - . 84 Ira Brown. Samuel Wallace ... 80 Samuel Wallace. Jemima Sawyer ... 75 Benjamin Sawyer. Hughey Willson ... 84 Hughey Willson. GrifRn Place' 78 Nathaniel Flagg. Amon Lawrence - - - 49 Amon Lawrence. Guy Carpenter ... 56 Guy Carpenter. Jane Turner 89 Jane Turner. Russel Atwater ... 79 Phineas Atwater. CANTON. MASSENA. Asa Briggs 88 George Simmon. Daniel Kenney 80 Hiram Anderson. Eber. Goodnow 75 Eber. Goodnow. Elijah Flagg - . - 80 Elijah Flagg. Joshua Conkey . . - 80 Joshua Conkey. Daniel Kinney - . - 80 Peabodv Kinney. Lucy TuUle 95 Azariah Place. John PoUey ... 79 Foster Policy. Isaac Robinson ... 79 I.saac Robinson. Eben. Pol ley ... 53 Eben. PoUey, jr. Lvdia Low 72 Alvin C. Low. John PoUey ... 55 John Polley. Olive Tuttle 67 James Lemon. John Daniels 80 Theodore Trisba. LODISVILLE. Asa Day - - - . 80 Asa Day. POTSDAM. Oliver Barrett 79 Salsbury Barrett. William Carpenter 87 Samuel Carpenter. Asher Blunt ... 81 Palmer' Blunt. Eunice Perigo ... 93 Nathan Gifhn. Elias Kingsley ... 79 Elias Kingsley. Elijah Ames 79 Elijah Ames. Ebenezer Atwood . . - 74 Henry Robinson. PIERPONT, Mary Aikins 74 John Aikins. Frederick Squire - - - 45 Frederick Squire. John Bowker ... R5 John Bowker. Reuben Butler ... 45 Reuben Butler. Jane Dailey 88 Simeon Hall. Joseph Dirnick ... 73 Joseph Dirnick. Stephen Chandler - 86 John Chandler. Nathan Crary ... 78 Nathan Crary, jr. Lucy Chandler 76 Charles C. Chandler. David Bradley ... 81 David Bradley. Daniel Shaw ... 86 Daniel Shaw. Nathan Estabrook ... 80 Joel Higley. RDSSELL. Nathaniel Parmeter 54 Nathaniel Parmeter. Miles Cook 75 Miles Cook. Nathan Parmeter - 81 Nathan Parmeter. John Knox ... 81 Henry Knox. Ruth Brush 77 Ebenezer Brush. Samuel Barrows ... 73 John Kelsey. Dver Williams ... 81 Dyer Williams. Abraham Wells ... 83 Charles Ellis. Giles Parmele ... 76 Benjamin Lane. Gilbert Ray 76 G. B. Clark. John Fobes 78 John Fobes. John Gillmore 87 John Moore ... 82 Trueman Moore. Arami Courier ... 75 Ammi Courier. FOWLER. Sylvanus Willes ... 84 Wilder Willes. Ebcnezer Parker - 84 Charles Ryon. Jacob Deland 78 Benjamin Ross. VILLAGE OF POTSDAM. Thomas Palmer . 60 Thomas Palmer. EDWARDS. Abel Pratt - - - . 83 Abel Pratt. MADRID. Comfort Johnson - 87 Hugh McGill. JohnErwin 59 John Erwin. 13 98 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of famili tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners i sided June 1, 1840. ST. LAWRENCE— Continued. STEUBEN— Continued. MADRID — Continued. PRATTSBURO. Samuel Daniels - - . 78 Samuel Daniels. Enoch Niles - - . 82 A. D. Voorhees. Abiram Hurlbut - - . 76 Abiram Hurlbut. Nathan S. Strong - . - 85 Nathan Strong. E. Foster. Peter Eaton 58 Peter Eaton. Erastus Foster 79 Rebecca Packard - 66 Samuel Bailow. Moor Wilson 90 Moor Wilson. Lucy Byington ... 80 Henry Hilliard. Jonathan Sweet 90 David Herrrck. James Covey ... 78 James Covey. John Riker ... 75 Arthur Odell. Isaac Buck 77 Leonard Doran. Isaac Polmentier . . - 80 Isaac Polmentier. Manasseh Sawyer - . - 81 John Lockwood. John Spore ... 80 John Spore. Saml. Orris. Isaac Bartholomew 78 Charles D. Bartholomew. Samuel Orris ... 80 Margaret Allen 86 Samuel Allen. Samuel Hotchkiss - . . 86 Sainl. Hotchkiss. Jacob Ridington - 81 Nathaniel A. Ridington. James Sturdevant ... 84 James Sturdevant. STEUBEN COUNTY. POULTNEY. READING. Peter Tyler 80 Luther Parker. Elijah Bacon ... 79 Peter Hanmer. Benjamin Watrous 78 John Watrous. David Barrett 47 David Barrett. Phineas Parker 83 Asel Parker. James Hawkins ... 81 James Hawkins. Thomas Horton . 76 Thos. Horton. TYRONE. BATH. John Rapellee Samuel Bi?elow ... 66 John Rapellee. Lucy Kanna 84 John Handy. 77 Benjamin Carpenter. Stephen Smith ... 79 •Stephen Smith. Saml. Thomp.son. E. McCov. David Silsbe 47 David Silsbe. Samuel Thompson 72 Silas Daily 84 Silas Daily. John McCoy 90 Joseph Paulding - 76 Joseph Paulding. Allen Butler 86 Allen Butler. John Hight ... 85 Alexander Arnold 85 Alexander Arnold. WAYNE. Neheraiah Sherwood 7< Nehemiah Sherwood. Timothy Hastings - 78 Timothy Hastings. .TASPER. Anthony Swarthout 81 Asa Swarthout. Philip Hailing 7G Philip Hailing. Andrew Simpson - 79 Andrew Simpson. CRB.^NNA. Levi Holcomb - . . 74 Levi Holcomb. David Hawkins ... 82 David Hawkins. John Heliker ... 81 John Heliker. Amos Stone ... 81 Amos Stone. Nathaniel Kellogg 82 James Ingersoll. Robert Harrison ... 80 Robert Harrison. Nathaniel Kellog . 78 Nathaniel Kellog. HORNELLSVILLE. William Foster - 76 William Rowley. Chloe Harding ... 78 Chloe Harding. Benjamin Eaton ... 78 Jonathan Eaton. Elizabeth Hurlbut 81 Christopher Hurlbut. Isaac Train ... 81 William Bird. John M. Dnke 74 Bartlett Dake. Stephen Allen 78 John Hood. BRADFORD. Daniel Bartholomew 85 Daniel Bartholomew. GREENWOOD. Abraham Vaugorder 75 James Barclay. Nathaniel Shelden 100 Ithamar Farrell. Luke Covert 82 Luke Covert. ERWIK. ORANGE. Peter Tice - . . . 45 Peter Tice. Charles Jones 66 Charles James. Daniel Mulholon ... 45 Daniel Mulholon. Abraham Dewitt - 72 Abraham Dewitt. CAMERON. HORNBY. Jonas Yournans ... 83 Abijah Yournans. Christopher Shelts Peter Fero 77 77 Christopher Shelts. Abraham Fero. Hias Vananken - CANISTEO. 79 William A. Loghery. CAMPBELL. Uriah Stevens 80 George H. Stevens. David Minor 83 Jededinh Minor. John Moore ... 62 James W. Moore. Stephen Corbin ... 80 Alson Pierce. Reuben Eddy 86 Jesse J. Madison. WOODHULL. William Woodworth 76 William Woodworth. John Boldman ... 74 John Boldman. Sampson Bi.xby ... 81 Samuel Bixby. David Cook ... 68 David Cook. Hinsdell Hammond 80 Simeon Hammond. TBOCPSBl-Rcn. WHEELER. Eli Moffitt .... 76 Eli Moffitt. Peter Robins ... 87 Peter Robbins. Sylvanus Dygart - 80 Sylvanus Dygart. PAINTED POST. Joseph Gillet 68 Joseph Gillet. CONHOCTOK. Lambert Burget . 78 Lambert Burget. Ebenezer Pettis ... 78 Ebenezer Pettis. Walter Patchen . 76 Walter Patchin. ADDISON. Mathew Halscy ... 87 Andrew W. More. Samuel Haskins ... 100 James F. Haskins. Isaac Blood ... 80 Constant Cook. James Miles ... 77 Isaac Miles. Selah B. Benjamin 75 E. Bentley. DANSTILLE. Nicholas Rouse Henry Southard ... 86 87 Nicholas Rouse. Wm. McCashn. Joseph Ogden Amos Holiday 77 89 Joseph Ogdcn. Amos Holiday. Daniel Spike 84 Daniel Spike. EInathan Phelps - Thos, Buck 45 EInathan Phelps. Gabriel Dasenbury 80 Seth Dasenbur)'. 79 Joshua Woodard. William S. Lemen 79 William S. Lemen. HOWARD. James Moore ... 81 James Moore. Timothy Chapin ... 80 Timothy Chapin. Samuel Gillet 81 Samuel Gillet. Pardon Dolbie - Pardon Dolbie. Nathan Delano 75 Nathan Delano. TIOGA COUNTY. Ephraim Chambers 68 Ephraim Chambers. BERKSHIRE. Samuel Chriswell Daniel Evsrett 88 76 J. M. Armstrong. Daniel EvareU. Elizabeth Prentice - Sarah Akins 74 76 Joseph Prentice. Lyman P. Akins. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. 99 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1,1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. TIOGA— Continued. TOMPKINS— Continued. BERKSHIRE — O'ontinued. ULYSSES — Continued. Bilb Toiney 79 Bilb Torney. Jabez Hanson ... 79 Jabez Hanson. Waterman Baker - 77 Waterman Baker. Lemuel Beckwith - 79 Lemuel Beckwith. William Deny . . - 77 John Dony. John Robinson . . - - 84 John Robinson. Samuel Collings - - - 76 Abbent Collings. Olive Leonard - . - 76 Isaac Hitchcock. ENFIELD. John Flitcher 81 Joseph Flitcher. BARTO.V. Judah Baker 77 Judah Baker. Luke Saunders . . - 83 Christopher Saunders. Benjamin Bennett - - - 89 Aham Bennett. John Hannah 93 William Hannah. William Knapp - . - 76 William Knapp, jr. HECTOR. Stephen Mills . - - 89 Stephen Mills. William Curry - - - 92 Robert Curry. Ralecha Moor 79 Joseph L. Moor. Jesse Youngs 48 Jesse Youngs. Joshua Monroe - - - 77 Joshua Monroe. Jacob Doty - - - 78 Jeremiah Doty. James Smith 85 James Smith. CANDOR. Jasper Taylor . . - Joel Strong . . - 76 77 Jasper Taylor. Joel Strong. CAROLINE. Laurence Johnson - - - 83 Laurence Johnson. Abel Galpin . . - 84 Simeon Galpin. Solomon Midaugh 84 Solomon Midaugh. Moses Brink ... 76 Wilman R. Brink. Francis Norwood . - - 85 Jonathan Norwood. Rhoba Tallmadge - 79 John Elwell. Salathiel Dunham - 83 Salathiel Dunham. Samuel Hull 85 Libeus Hull. James Geeman 78 James Geeman. Thomas Gridley ... 79 Adney Gridley. Joel Smith .... 83 George W. Smith. NEVVFIELD. Penley Rodgers - 82 Penley Rodgers. John Abbott 77 John Abbott. Richard Hewitt 78 Richard Hewitt, jr. Peter PuiT - - - - 82 John Puff. Job Beckwith 80 Job Beckwith. NICHOLS. Griffin Kinyon 87 Daniel Burch. LANSINO. Anna Miens 81 William Osborn. William Hunt 76 William Hunt. Mercy Lyans 74 Sidney Baldwin. Mary Bishop - - - 75 Lambert Bishop. Francis Conyell - 82 Francis Conyell. Ebenezer Brown . . - Zenas Conger 87 84 Ebenezer Brown. — Zenas Conger. NEWARK. Abraham Wright - 83 Sanford Comstock. DRTDEN. Samuel Johnson - 83 Samuel Johnson. Catharine Townley 71 Henry Townley. Phineas Spaulden . - - 80 John Henman. Lydia Williams - - - 82 Louis Clark. Joseph Jones 88 Joseph Jones. Samuel Knapp . . - 82 Samuel Knapp. OWEGO. Joseph Mosley - - - Samuel Fcx ... 79 81 Joseph J. Mosley. Samuel Fox. Richard Walen - 80 Hiram Dennison. Henry Steward - - - 74 Henry Steward. Amos Mead 84 Amos Mead. George McCutcheon 80 George McCutcheon Jeremiah French ... 81 Jeremiah French. Isaac Carmer ... 80 Isaac Carmer. John Jewitt 83 John Jewitt. Jonathan Sperry - 82 Rexford Sperry. Asa Camp - 81 Asa Camp. Edward Griswold - - - 82 Timothy Stone. -Joseph Smith 83 Paddock Smith. Elias Laraby 74 Elias Laraby. -Bethiah Tuesdell - 80 Jonathan Tuesdell. Moses Stephens ... 84 Moses Stephens. Mary Pratt 80 Abijah Pratt. Marcus Williamson 81 Marcus Williamson. GROTON. G. Cortrite - - - - 86 Oso Hall. Abel Cobb - - - - 77 Abel Cobb. Richard Sarles 87 Richard Sarles. Simon Loomis 82 Simon Loomis. James Holmes ... 85 James Holmes. Ede Hatch - . - - 79 Ede Hatch. Admatha Blodget - ^l\ Admatha Blodget. OWEGO VILLAGE. HulahEldrege 74 Elisha Eldrege. Catharine Frank - 77 John Frank. Ama Austin ... 82 Francis F. Hasting. Elijah Dewey 78 Alanson Dean. Lodowick Weaver 77 Denison Weaver. Nathaniel Dearborn 81 Asa Dearborn. Ziporah Virgil 72 Philip Luther. Isaac Seamans ... 89 Isaac Seamans. RICHl'OKD. Alexander Miller - 84 John Hopkins. John R. Brown. -"^ Eli Osborn .... 81 Eli O.sborn. John Brown 81 Eliakim Hamilton - 84 Eliakim Hamilton. Philemon Tiffany 78 Noah Tiffany. Mathias Park 79 Whiting Russell. George McKenzie 85 George McKenzie. Gedor Woodruff - . . 79 Gedor Wooduff. SPENCER. Eunice Brabrook - 82 William Brabrook. Clatira Cumings - 64 Daniel McCluigg. Thomas Benedict ... 87 Thomas Benedict. Hannah Martin - 73 Ward Martin. John Jones - - . . 79 John Jones. DANBY. Tunis Riker ... 70 Tunis Riker. John S. Huntington - John S. Huntington. Richard Ferris 78 Richard Ferris. Mathias Mount ... 84 Mathias Mount. Jemima Babb ... 83 Benjamin Elliott. TIOGA. Isaac Wright ... 82 Isaac Wright. Josiah Cleveland . - - 85 Elijah Cleveland. Ezekiel Montgomery 78 Ezekiel Montgomery. Stephen Emerson - 88 Stephen Emerson. Job Lockwood ... 84 Titus Dawson. Peler Demoriest . - - 83 Gradis Yaninwagen. TOMPKINS COUNTY. William Swartwout 87 James Swartwout. ITHACA. Lament Duplex 85 George Duplex. Brillon Head 77 Britton Head. John Bruce ... 82 John Bruce. ULY38E9. Jacob Levingston - 53 Jacob Levingston. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Jeptha Lee - - - - 77 Jeptha Lee. SALEM. Isaac Markhams ... 86 Isaac Markhams. George Field 80 Perry Wilkinson. Conrad Teetu 84 Conrad Teetu. James Harvey - - - 46 James Harvey. 100 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW YORK— NORTHERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. WASHINGTON— Continued. WASHINGTON— Continued. SALEM— Continued. KINGSBURY — Continued. Robert Stewart 73 Robert Stewart. Elijah Butlerfield - 77 Elijah Butlerfield. Sarah Willson 70 N. W. Willson. Uriah Yates 87 Augustus Underbill. Robert McCarter - - - 87 Robert Hanna, jr. Philip Loraway ... 82 Phipps Loraway. Sarah Sanderson - . - 80 Lyman Sanderson. John King ... 75 John King. Sarah McNish 82 William McNish. George Fowler 79 George Fowler. ARGTLE. Asa Fitch .... 74 Asa Fitch. John Smith ... 76 John Smith. Margaret Gray 75 Margaret Gray. HARTFORD. nEERON. Asher Ford ... 79 Asher Ford. Eunice Tyrrell 78 Eunice Tyrrell. Samuel Taylor 78 Samuel Taylor. John Willson 85 John Willson. James Rogers 77 James Rogers. JACK30N. Ebenezer Chapman 77 Ebenezer Chapman. Benjamin Scott 83 Anderson Simpson. HAMPTON. CAMBBIDOE. Thomas Todd 7'J Thomas Todd. Azor Bonton 75 John Donehugh. Eleazer Lyman 74 Eleazer Lyman, jr. Samuel Beeman . 84 Samuel Beeman. FORT EDWARD. Caleb Warren 76 Caleb Warren. Zachariah Reynolds 82 William Bugber. Benjamin C. Owen 77 Benjamin C. Owen. Nathan Hatch 82 Nathan Hatch. Joseph C. O'Brien 44 Mary O'Brien. Thomas Galusha - 87 John Galusha. ORANTILLE. DRKSDEN. Reuben Van Gilder 80 Reuben Van Gilder. Thomas Huntington 83 Erastus Huntington. Neheroiah Hewlet 75 Nehemiah Hewlet. Noah Day .... 83 Noah Day. Benijah Hill. WAYNE COUNTY. Benijah Hill 85 ARCADIA. Jonathan Brown . - - 80 Jonathan Brown.;:;^ Wessel Comue ... 76 Wessel Comue. William Town . 81 Benjamin BrownT Shevah Houghton 85 Simeon Howard - . - 87 Lyman Howard. Thomas Treet 77 Samuel Standish - 86 Samuel Standish. George Babcock . 77 George Babcock. Jacob Allen 79 Jacob Allen. John Kirkland 82 Edwin S. Kirkland. MARION. Jesse Averill 86 Jesse Averill, jr. Obediah Archer - 79 John W. Archer. Lewis Hatch ... 80 Lewis Hatch. Solomon Leonard - 81 Solomon Leonard. Samuel Weeks ... 82 Harry Weeks. Mason Law ... 75 Mason Law. ONTARIO. Isaac Doty .... 81 Levi Doty. John Mack ... John Speller ... Willard Church - 82 74 Abraham Mack. FORT ANK. 82 Willard Church. Moses Harvey 75 Moses Harvey. Sallv Root .... 78 Lucy Root. PALm-RA. David Butler 50 David Butler. William Jackways 81 William Jackways. George Clark ... 81 George Clark. Daniel Wood 83 Daniel Wood. Lucinda Weller . 78 Lucinda Weller. Durfee Hicks 83 Gardner Hicks. Israel Lamb 78 Israel Lamb. James G. Smith . 56 John Parish ... 89 John Parish. Samuel Fenton 83 Samuel Fenton. WAl.WORTn. Benjamin Cutter - 78 Benjamin Cutter. Joseph Carey 83 Joseph Carey. John Granger ... 79 John Granger. Jenkins White ... 79 John While. WILLIAMSON. Michael Mason ... 80 Ebenezer Mason. James Calhoim 77 James Calhoun. Jonathan Kingsley 80 Jonathan Kingsly. Isaac Curtiss . - 86 Isaac Cuniss. John Simmons ... 79 John Simmons. Marshal Barmore - 84 Dorcas Goss ... 87 Benjamin Bacon. Valentine Hahn ... 80 Valentine Hahn. William Patison - 80 William Patison. Amos Allen ... 88 Amos Allen. BtTTLER. John Baker ... 84 John Baker. Simeon Merrill 80 Simeon Merrill. Roger Olmstead ... 76 Philo Olmstead. WHITE HAI.L. Reuben Barnes 84 Reuben Barnes. Pclcg Dewey ... 79 George Johnson. Ezekiel Scou 81 Ezekiel Scotl. Jonathan Reynolds 99 Nicholas Reynolds. Josiah Munson 75 Hiram Munson. Judith Bnrbank 71 John S. Burbank. Ebenezer Pierce - 78 Ebenezer Pierce. Levi Falcounbury 79 Levi W. Falcounbury. Reuben Smalley . 78 Reuben Smalley. 'iALEN. Simeon Holchkiss 85 John Meriam. Bceri Foot 78 Albert Fool. Abigail Russell 74 Mary Ann Prindle. Benjamin McClary 59 Benjamin McClary. Hannah Jones 77 Dennis Jones. John Selfridge 82 Sarah Smith. Israel Warner 72 Israel Warner. Timothy Mcintosh 80 Timothy Mclnlosh. John Porter 77 John N. Porter. Gilbert Hooker 82 Zina Hooker. Sarah Parrons 89 Arel Parrons. Annah Barreu 76 L. Bartholomew, LYONS. Josiah Dtmning ... 86 John Dunning. Jacob Patrick 76 Jacob Patrick. KINGSBVRV. Joshua Harris ... John Gray Simeon Moss Asa Barney 80 84 83 83 Joshua Harris. William Gray. Simeon Mos.s. Throop Barney. Eliza Day. Nathan Smith Elijah Whiiring - David Plidden Benjamin Avery - 79 82 81 82 Nathan Smith. Elijah Whiiring. David Plidden. Cyrus Aven,'. Solomon Day 78 4 ROSE. John Featherly Emanuel Winfield William Moncy Stockman . . - 81 Moses Stockman. Moses Dickerson - 87 Moses Dickerson. Sayres Roberts, sen. 65 Sayres Roberis, stn. J. B. Osbom 86 J. B. Osborn. Sarah Meeker ... 89 Zadock Meeker. J. H. Osborn 60 J. H. Osborn. Timothy Bigelow ... 76 Timothy Bigelow. Daniel Hatfield - 84 Daniel Hattield. Sarah T. Phillips - 37 Sarah T. Phillips, GLOUCESTER COUNTY. Mary Dolbeer 85 Mary Dolbeer. NEWTON. Nancy TerriJl 76 Nancy Terrill. James B. Cooi>er ... 80 James B. Cooper. Sarah Murry ... 85 Elijah Shotwell. Rachel De Camp - 81 Rachel De Camp, WASHINGTON. Ichabod Clark- 78 Ichabod Clark. Daniel Park 84 Almshouse, Isaac M£iDning ... 82 Isaac Manning. GLOOCESTER, ELIZABETHTOWN. Benjamin Bates - 81 Bcnoni Bates, Bavid Williams - 83 David Williams. John Mapes ... 92 John Mapes. Jerusba Crittendon 81 Sophia Criitendon. Charlotte Townly - 83 Charlotte Townley. DEPTPORD. Jonas Cattell ... 82 Jonas Cailcll. Bt,OOMriELD. Moses Harrison - 79 Moses Harrison. GREENWICH. Timothy Gould . . . 88 Timothy Gould. Hugh Aggings 86 Hugh Agging.s. Aiiry King ... 86 Edmund H. Davey. Abraham Jones ... 80 Nehemiah Cowgill. John E. Smith 86 John E. Smith. laaac Dodd 78 Isaac Dodd. WOOLWICH. Lewis Bender ... 108 John E. Bender. SPRINGFIELD. Aaron Hand ... 76 Isaac M. Hand. FRANKLIN. David Dean ... 76 David Dean. James Ferrell ... 91 James FericU. Siephen Lvon 84 Stephen Lyon. Thomas F*. Randolph 77 Margaret Hutchings. HUNTERDON COUNTY. Matthias Denman - 89 Matthias Denman. BETHLEHEM. Samuel Tubs ... 66 Samuel Tubs. Jacob Johnston ... 87 Jacob S. Johnston. John Head K? James Smiih. CAt-DWELL. John Bigler 84 John Bigler. Henr)' Lane ... 78 Henry Lane. Leonard Martin - 8-1 Leonard Martin. Isaac'Pear ... 81 Isaac Pear. John Clifford 92 John Clifford. Josiah Gould ... 79 Josiah Gould. Jacob Kent ... 87 Simon Kent. AMWCLL. WilUam Gould - - -' 82 William Gould. Jacob WiUidinson, ien. SO Jacob Williomiun. CENSUS OF PENSIOiNERS. NEW JERSEY— Continued. 109 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. HUNTERDON— Continued. MERCER— Continued. AMWELL — Continued. PRINCETON. Peter Williamson - 77 Peter Williamson. Mary H. Stockton - 32 J 79' Mary Hunter. John Abbolt, sen. . - - 82 John Abbott, sen. Mary S. Hunter - Araos Peters . . - 81 John Peters. Jacob Gray ... 93 Jacob Gray. Jacob Williamson - - - 80 Jacob Williamson. Mary G. Fergeson - . - 80 Mary G. Fergeson. Oliver Hunt 84 David Bartine. HARITAN. Martin Smith 84 Peter Smith. EAST WINDSOR. Joseph Gray, sen. . - - 81 Joseph Gray, sen. Jacob Hall 89 John Shepard. John Bessou . . - 90 Andrew Bearder. William Morris ... 87 Mary Baibour. John Howe ... 86 John Dilts. William Fi-sher - • - 81 Samuel Chamberlain. READINOTON. WEST WINDSOR. Cornelius Laioureiie 85 James Williams. John Stevens ... 83 John Stevens. Adrian Johnson . - - 85 Adrian Johnson. William Updike - . - 81 Levi Updike. Cornelius Messier - - - 81 Isaac Messier. John Rue, sen. 86 Joseph J. Rue. Edward Mitchell - 85 Jacob Mitchell. John Hulfish 81 Jolm Hulfish. Peter Shirts, sen. - - - 93 Peter Shirts, sen. Robert Ayres ... 86 Robert Ayres. John Wiley ... 78 Eli Rogers. DELAWARE. William Dilts 86 William Dilts. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. Elijah Humraell ... 84 Elijah Huramell. MONROE. Tunis Case ... 79 Timis Case. Isaac Sncdaker ... 85 Peter Snedaker. Andrew Butterfoss 81 Andrew Butterfoss. James Clinton 87 James Clinton. James Underwood - - - 77 Henry Seaght. William Geary ... 85 E. Butterfo,ss. PISCATAWAY. Daniel Ent ' - 83 Daniel Ent. James T. Dunn ... 80 James T. Dunn. Samuel Barber . . - 84 Samuel Barber. Benjamin SuUard - 73 Benjamin Sullard. Sarah Martin . . - 81 Benajah Martin. ALEXANDRIA. Gabriel Mundav . - - 81 Gabriel Munday. Catharine Hogland 85 James Larreson. James Longstaff . - - 86 Henry Longstafl'. Edwin Dalrymple - . - 88 Elizabeth D.nltymple. Sarah Kent 78 Samuel Sielle. John Wiling (since dead) - 77 Nathaniel Witlng. Benjamin Field . . - 77 Michael Field. Dennis Field ... 79 Dennis Field. LEBANON. Jacob Nitzer 97 Jaccb Nitzer. John Blane . . - 82 John Blane. WOODBRIDGE. Thomas Lee ... 76 Adam Lee. Isaac Sayre ... 79 Isaac Sayre. KINGWOOD, John Mires ... John Bray - - - - 81 85 Francis Mires. John Brav. Thomas Bloomfield Archibald Augar - 70 75 Thomas'Bloomfield. Archibald Augar. Richard Heath 84 Richard Heath. Christy Little 77 Christy Little. NORTH BRUNSWICK. Anthonv Collins - 78 Anthony Collins. TKWKSBURY. Enoch Dunham ... 79 Enoch Dunham. Christopher Fhilhower 86 Adam J. Apgar. Hannah Norman . - - 79 Edgar Hardenbrook. Runyon Barcalew ... 84 Runyon Barcalew. Abm. Merserell ... 82 Stephen Wines. MERCER COUNTY. Francis Letts ... 81 James Townsend. Lewis Johnson ... 80 Lewis Johnson. TRENTON. Abm. Vantine ... 93 John Strong. Josiah Jones . . - 79 Clemens Jones. Darby Oram ... 88 Darby Oram. John Burroughs - 86 Charles Burroughs. Daniel Kemper ... 91 Daniel Kemper. Joseph Reed ... 92 Jane Hart. John Vanderventer Hb Jacob Wyckoff. William Robinson 62 William Robinson. David Voorhees . 83 David Vooi hees. David Vliet . - - 93 David Vliet. EWING. John Nevius ... 77 John Nevius. Mary Laning 72 Ralph Lnning. Margaret Hulse ... 78 Margaret Hulse. Elizabeth Green 83 James B. Green. LAWRENCE. Sarah Reeder Ralph Laning ... John Lott ... 78 81 83 Charles Reeder. Ralph Laning. John Lott. SOUTH AMBOY. Cornelius Siiydam Mary McGee . . - David Laraberson David Hall 79 80 80 82 Cornelius Suydam. William McGee. David Lamberson. David Hall. David Owens ... 80 David Owens. HOPEWELL. Israel Hunt 83 Israel Hunt. John Booraem Daniel Pettv Ruth Biirlew Mary Hillyer ... Thomas Lamberson James Campbell ... 80 77 > 73 81 87 80 John Booraem. John Fidler ... John R. Hart Deborah Golden ... Sarah Swaim Rachel Stout 82 87 76 80 74 John Fidler. Dean Hart. Anna Lewis. Sarah Swaim. Westly Burroughs. John Burlew. Ruth Martin. Thomas Lamberson. Rice Campbell. NOTTINGHAM (including SOUTH TREN- SOUTH BRUNSWICK. TON.) Henry Corileyou ... 79 Hendrick Corileyou, Joseph Parker, sen. 81 Joseph Parker. Elizabeth Groves ... 79 John Slover. Robert Carson 77 Washington Carson. Garret Brecse ... 80 Garret Breese. Robert Phares 78 Elizabeth Nelson. John Groves ... 92 John R. Applcgale. Gershom Loveless ... 84 Gershom Loveless. John Gulick ... 80 John Gulick. Jabez Ashmore ... 79 Jabez Ashmore. Peter Wyckoff 83 Johnson Stout. Mary Davis ... 77 Joseph Ashmore. Richard Sutphen ... 85 Richard Sutphen. M irtlia Cannon ... 93 Hannah Thompson. Dcnjainin Griggs ... s.--. i;.f ubcn Grigvpj. Sjrah Lipcs ... 63 William H. Dye. David Chainbi.rs - 91 Mary Lewis. 110 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW JERSEY— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of famil tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners i sided June 1, 1840. MONMOUTH COUNTY. MORRIS COUNTY. OTDDLETOWN. PEat'ANNOCK. John Elctridge - . - 81 John Eldridge. John Estler 9-2 James Doremns. Henry Johnson . . - 8.5 Lambert Johnson. Jonathan Morgan . . . 78 Jonathan Morgan. Leah Maxen 75 William Masen. David Provost . . . 90 David Provost. Job Compton ... 76 Job Compton. Evont Vangelder - . . 88 Evont Vangelder. Eupheniia Willct ... 75 Eupheniia Willet. John Sanford . . . 8-2 John Sanford. Daniel Wallen - 81 Daniel Wallen. William Ribbet - 81 William Ribbet. MORRIS. John Chacy 85 John Chacy. Hannah Wager . . . 78 Hannah Wager. John Rulslian 81 John Rulshart. Nehemiah Osborn . . . 79 Nehemiah Osborn. Nicholas World - 84 Nicholas World. Peter Hendrixon . . . 79 Peter Hendrixon. John Brewer ... 80 Aaron Brewer. David Lindsly 79 David Lindsly. John P. Leisler . . - 70 John P. Leister. Calharine Parrot - 78 Catharine Parrtt. James Bowne 86 James Bowne James Rodgers 79 James Rodgers. John Carhart ... 84 Jacob Von Brocklc. Ebenezer Little 82 Ebenezer Liule. William Ommuck 79 AVilliam Ommuck, sen. Peter Mesler ... 79 Peter Mesler. Martha Emmet ... 81 Martha Emmet. SHREWSBURY. Israel Canlield 79 Israel Canfield. Zebel Maps 81 Elias West. John Springsteen ... Amelia Lippincott Mary Wall 8-2 89 88 Enos Patterson. Amelia Lippincott. James Schureman. CHATHAM. Isaac CJenung ... Daniel Wilcox 63 78 Isaac Genung. Daniel Wilcox. John Matthews ... 78 John Alatlhews. David Bennet ... 78 David Bennet. William Paviton ... 89 William Pa^'iton. Luke Miller 82 Luke Miller. Anthony Holmes ... 81 Anthony Holmes. Benjamin Si urges ... Brown Brookfield . . - 83 80 Benjamin Slurge*. Brown Brookfield. John Campfteld ... 83 John Cauipfield. FREEHOLD. AVilliam Mclntire 77 Thomas Mclntire. MENDHAM. Thomas Errickson 7S Thomas Errickson. Heniy Clark 82 Henry Clark. Ann Conover ... 77 Ann Conover. Isaac'Bedell ... 78 Isaac'Bedell. Daniel Applegale ... 8-2 Mathias Applegate. J. Martin Mundv - 90 Isaac M. Mundy. James Chambers . . - 76 James Chambers. Peter Kise - •" - 82 Peter Kise. Elizabeth Burk 86 Joseph T. Parker. Ephraim Cams ... 88 Ephraim Cams. Peter M. Johnson - 89 Peter M. Johnson. Job Loree .... 79 Job Loree. Catharine Moimt ... 84 John H. Moimt. Aaron F. Walker . 81 William Crawford. HANOVER. John Clayton ... 7i> John Cla>non. Jeremiah Howell - 92 Jeremiah Howell. Samuel Herbert ... 85 Samuel Herbert. Stephen Cook 87 Stephen Cook. David Sulphen ... 80 William R. S. Bells. William Ball 86 William Ball. James Ye;man ... 80 William McDormat. Abraham Fairchild 86 Abraham Fairchild. Michael Neighmaster 77 John Leonard. Mary Tuttle 80 Marv Tuttle. Stephen Seabrook - 82 William H. Herbert. Chai'les P. Christian 50 Charles P. Christian. John Read - . . . 86 John Read. John Garrigus ... 60 John Garrigus. Elizabeth Hays 78 Charles Hays. Eunice Casierline - 78 Daniel Casierline. Matthew M. Hulshart 84 Matthew M'. Hulsharl. David Gordon 84 David Gordon. Joseph Van Cleaf - 80 WilUam J. Van Cleaf. John Anderson 88 John Anderson. RANDOLFB. John Conk ... 78 William Conk. David Horton 89 David Horlon. William Applegale 81 William Applegale. Aaron Voorhees ... 80 Aaron Voorhees. Lewis Conover ... 88 Lewis Conover. Robert Pierson ... 81 Robert Pierson, Garret Wickoff . 81 Garret Wickoff. John Aumock - . . 81 John Aumock. ROXEIKY. Levah Williamson 86 Garret AV. Wickoff. John Ross .... 83 Tohn Ross. Sarah Striker 78 Philip Striker. , John Muir .... 77 Walter S. Dickerson. Aaron Sutphen ... 79 John A. Sutphen. Daniel Jones 83 Daniel Jones. Thomas Gearon ... 80 Thomas Gearon, jr. John Wiley 86 John Wiley. Maihias Smith ... 87 Thomas M. Smiih. Samuel Maize ... 80 Ann Merrill. Richard Thorn 86 Richard Thorn. Elizabeth Craig 71 Elizabeth Craig. CHESTER. Ada King ... 77 Ada King. UPPER PREEHOI.r) Margaret Dorland ... 74 Margaret Dorland. Walter Karr 81 Walter Karr. John Locke ... 86 John Locke. George Haley William Parent - . - 80 83 George Haley. William Parent. Hugh Runyan ... Richard Riinyan ... 84 82 Hugh Runyan. Richard Runyan. Jesse Mount ... 8-2 E^ekiel Mount. WASHINGTON. Cornelius Vansvche 84 Coraelius Varsych?. noWELL. Daniel Swezey" - 8-1 Daniel Swezey. Aaron Chamberlin 85 Aaron Chamberlin. John Chamberlin . 91 John Chamberlin. PASSAIC COUNTY. James Hendrickson 88 James Hendrickson. MANCHESTER. Samuel Johnson ... 79 Samuel Johnson. William Shippy ... 84 James Shifpy. Joseph Miller, sen. 89 Joseph Miller, ^en. Naomi Lyon ' - 74 John Lyon. James Smith 01 James Smith. Henry Cooper 79 Francis Hfndric'.f. Thomas Blane 90 Thomas B'ane. DOVER. Benjamin Romine - - . 94 Peter Demi rest. William Williams 85 William Crawford. Bartholomew Appjegats - 83 Bartholomew Applegale. WEST MII.I OBD. Joseph D. Tichenor 78 James Tichi nor. Nathaniel Sisco ... 78 Nathaniel Si CO. STirPORD. Peter J. Sisco 84 Peter J. Sisci . Samuel Ucnncu . 70 SamuLl Bcnncit. Gilci Sisco ... 94 Giks Siico. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NEW JERSEY— Continued. Ill Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June ], 18^10. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. PASSAIC— Continued. SOMERSET— Continued. POMPTON. BaiPGEWATEK. Tunis Falter 78 Tunis Felter. John A. Autin . . - 78 John A. Autin. Anthonv Beam - - - 88 Josiah Beam. Henry Vroom ... 83 Henry Vroom. Robert Gould ■78 Robert Gould. Richard Brokaw ... 83 Richard Brokaw. Abraham Vreeland 82 Abraham Vreeland. Jacob Degroot ... 90 Jacob Degroot. Thomas Carman - 70 Thomas Carman. Robert Little 86 Robert Little. Lucius Vosseller - - - 83 Lucius Vosseller. PATERSON. Paul Voorhees ... 82 Philip A. Tunison. Abraham Rutan - - - 77 Abraham Rutan. John Steele, sen. ... 85 John Steele, sen. Mary Pope 78 Mary Pope. Richard Galway. Rulif Van Pelt - 82 Ruhf Van Pelt. Richard Galway - - - 32 Mary Brower 79 Mary Brower. HILLSBOROUGH. Sarah Colt . - . - 82 Sarah Colt. Peter J. Cluick ... 81 Peter J. Quick. Willet Tavlor 81 Gilbert B. Taylor. AaUACKAVfONK. Dinah Van Cleaf - 86 Jacob S. Van Cleaf. John H. Post 81 John H. Post. Peter Voorhees ... 84 Binear Staat. Mary Tures - - - G5 John Tures. George N. Scamp - 89 ' George N. Scamp. Garret G. Vreeland 80 Garret G. Vreeland. Adam BelUs ... 91 John Hall. SALEM COUNTY. UPPER PENn's neck. SUSSEX COUNTY. John Jourden . . - 80 John Jourden. MONTAGUE. Margaret Cluick ... 69 UPPER alloway's creek. Abraham Kittle ... 82 William Brown . . - 84 William Brown. Henry Holdron ... 84 Charles Wintzell - 90 Benjamin Fogg. Abraham Harris - - - 94 Samuel Harris. FRANKFORD. James Reed . . - 76 James Reed. David Silsbee 79 David Silsbee. William Smick ... 80 Andrew Shidener. Lemuel Tingley ... 79 Lemuel Tingley. SALEM. Thomas Ware 87 Lewis Mairs. HARDysTON. George Anthony . . - 77 George Anthony. MANNINGTON. Joshua Allen ... 51 Josiah Allen. NEWTON. Jacob Drake ... 84 Jacob Drake. piles' grove. Reuben Peterson . . - 88 Joseph Titus. WANTAGE. PITTSGEOVE. Caspar Rorick 89 Caspar Rorick. Jacob Briant 84 Richard Burt. Lewis Mead ... 75 Lewis Mead. Samuel Lambert ... 82 Samuel Lambert. SOMERSET COUNTY. BEDhUNSTER. VERNON. William Todd 79 William Todd. Luke Degraw ... 81 Luke Degraw. Joseph Annin ... 89 Joseph Anniu. Ichabod Tompkins 79 Evi S. Tompkins. Hendrick Field - 88 Hendrick Field. John Cooper ... 77 John Cooper. George Parker 76 George Parker. BERNARD. Hannah Van Sickel 84 Hannah Van Sicke!. John Toiilin ... C9 Samuel Slanbury. WARREN COUNTY. Joseph Kennan 58 Jonathan fland. HOPE. Mary Kennan ... 70 Alva LewLs. Jesse Parr .... 80 Jonathan A. Parks. Henry Southard . . - 92 Samuel S. Doty. Nathaniel Whitaker 80 Nathaniel Whitaker. HARDWICK. Ziba Norris ... 78 Ziba Norris. Isaac Dickerson ... 89 Henry M. Sherrer. FRANKLIN. GREENWICH, Isaac Brokaw ... - Isaac Brokaw. Philip Weller ai Philip Weller. James D. Perrien - - - _ Henry Hagaman. Ellen Van Tyne - 78 Ellen Van Tvne. FRANKLIN. John C. Wyckoff - 83 John C. Wyckoff. John Wilson ... 89 John Wilson. Elijah Warne ... 80 Abraham Warne. WARREN. John Coddington ... 78 John Coddington. OXFORD. John Pennington ... 78 John Pennington. John Daylay ... SO Philip Daylay. 112 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. PENNSYLVANIA— EASTERN DISTRICT. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of familie tionary or miliiary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners r( sided June 1, 1840. ADAMS COUNTY. RUSCOMBMANE. HAMILTON BAN. John Everhart ... 81 Captain David Wilson 89 Captain David AVilson. Simon Link ... 82 Joshua Heidler. sen. 77 ROCKLAND. MOONT PLEASANT. Jacob Walter ... 84 Michael Clapsadale 91 Conrad Fry ... 85 FRANKLIN. OYEY. Joseph Chamberlin. John Yenger. BEADING. WASHINGTON. William Johnston - 83 Frederick Glass . . - 87 BUCKS COUNTY. CHESTER COUNTY. SOUTHAMPTON. WEST CALU. John Scott . - . . 60 James Brown 79 John Calwell. BENSALEM. BRANDVWINE. Andrew Ott ... 103 William Mooie, sen. 84 William Moore, sen. John Byres ... 86 John Wilson. DOTLESTON. Eleanor Lacy ... 75 WEST NANTMEAL, Nathan James . . - 85 John D. James. Thomas Rankin - 58 Thomas Rankin. Andrew Denison - - - 84 Andrew Denison. Jacob Conrad 78 EAST NANTMEAL. Borick Beas^le 88 Jacob Starrett. BOCKINGHAM. Alexander Neisbit 85 Mary Robinson. Martin Herlinger ... 78 WEST FALLOWFIELD. NEWTON. Charles Wallace - 79 Edmund Taylor. William WiUard - 76 Nathaniel Burrows 85 WEST BRADFORD. William Walker - 48 William Walker. NOCHAMIXION. Thomas Custerd ... 84 Thomas Custerd. EAST VINCENT. Benjamin Hawldren 89 Benjamin Hawldren. Anthony W. Hayraan 55 John Miller. Andrew StuU ... 85 Andrew SluU. WEST VINCENT. plumstead. Lewis Harple ... 82 Lewis Harple. Robert Beaty 78 Jarnes Thomas 83 James Thomas. Evan Evans ... 82 Evan Evans. DORHAM. Michael Fackenthall 84 Michael Fackenthall. COVENTRY. Jacob Zombro ... 80 John Byer. MILFORD. Colonel Caleb North 87 Colonel Caleb North. Christian Huber - - - 84 Christian Huber. Philip Nimon 80 Jacob Nimon. WEST ROCKBILL. SCHUYLKILL. Adam Richert 88 Adam Richert. William Jones ... 49 William Jones. RICHLAND. CHARLESTOWN. Henry Heft 82 Henry Heft. Thomas Bodly 81 Matilda Carter. Jacob Wisner ... 78 Jacob Wisner. BERKS COUNTY. HEADING. TREDYPRIN. Michael Spats 78 Elizabeth Howell - . 82 Elizabeth Howell. Sebastian Algiar - - . 83 Sarah Woodman . . - 81 William S. Woodman. Peter StickMes ... 78 Aaron Wright 78 LONDONDERRY. Henry Styles 84 Carswell Gardner ... 84 George Thomas. Christian Miller ... 85 William James 79 EAST NOTTINGHAM. Joseph Snabble ... 84 James All - 82 Levi K. Brown. John P. Nagle 83 James A. Dremren 88 William Collingsworlh. James Ewing - . . 88 John Allen. MAXATAWNY, Henry Grim Frederick Bower ... 75 LOWER OXFORD. 83 George Rudolph - . . 60 William W. Lyle. Jacob Wink H-Z Philip Noyes ... Christian Smick ... 84 UPPER OXFORD. 76 Peter Fry .... 85 James Ross. GREENWICB. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Andrew Camp ... George Hincley ... Peter Stiger 84 NORTH MIDDLETON. 82 Jacob Hefflebower- 85 Michael Frisburn. 80 Philip Lehnliart - 79 Benjamin Thompson. WINDSOR. EAST PENNSBORO'. Nicholas Grate ... 81 Peter Beaty ... CARLISLE. 78 Peter Beaty. RICHMOND. James Hutlon 83 Henry Stine ... 71 Archibald London - 86 • John Hains — Michael Tanno - 65 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. PENNSYLVANIA— EASTERN DISTRICT— Continued. \VJ Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. CUMBERLAND— Continued. WEST PENNSBOBO'. E^zabeth Ferguson FRANKPORD. George S. Rinehart DELAWARE COUNTY. NETHER PROVIDENCE. George Hizer . . . MIDDLETOWN. John Lindsay Samuel Carr DAUPHIN COUNTY. HARRISBURO — Houlh WUl'd. Ann Maria Keefer Justina Weiser L'PPER SWATARA. John Rickerd, sen. - George Yeager Robert Gray LONDONDKHRY. Jar-ob Scheller DERRV. Philip Pishburn - Ludwig Fishburn - LOWER PAXTON. Jacob Schope SCSdUEHANNA. Simon Fulk John Lehman FRANKLIN COUNTY. CIIAMBERSBURO. John Henebarger - ANTRIM. Jacob Skully Frederick Byers - Joseph Davidson - GREEN. John Dine Nicholas Frilz George Kehl Peter Stambaugh - John Renfrew MERCERSBURCr, William Dick James Irwin WASHINGTON, Adam Hartman auiNcy. John Barnsheeser - ■pANNET. John Krouse Peter Foreman HAMn-TON. Christian Weest - Fred. Siucky PETERS. Leonard Croborga - ST. THOMAS. Jacob Line George Harmony - LETTERKENNY. Michael Fitz Strasburg - 15 Ages. Names of heads of families ; Names of pensioners for revolu- 75 94 93 88 54 70 82 79 76 83 80 8G 84 78 97 84 85 85 86 96 82 82 89 87 with whom pensioners re- sided J ime 1, 1840. 53 8ii 77 91 83 87 95 100 90 87 52 84 Thomas Deram. William Saunders. John J. Black. John Lingle. John Rickerd, sen. Peter Landes. John Levingstone. Peter Foreman. tionary or military .services. Names of heads of ^faniilics Ages. I with whom ponsicners re- I .sided June 1, 18-JO. FRANKLIN— Continued. SURGAN. Peter Pinkey George Gunter METAL. John Goyer Thomas Forsythe - John Jones WARREN. Frederick Keefer - LANCASTER COUNTY. RAPHO. Jacob Brown MONHEIM. Peter Maurer WEST DONEOAI.. Peter Sheaffer EAST HEMPriEI.D. John Patterson WEST HF.MPFIEI.D. Isaac O Dnnnel LANCASTER CITY. John Roberson Joseph Peterman - Polly Merrit Mary Carpenter - Jacob Keller Eliza Trisler Molly Longnecker - Samuel Ludwig Susan Roth Catharine Gonech - Caspar Hubbert George Leonard - Jolin Goniz Michael Gumpli - Frederich Seip ! Catharine Gemshom j] Legal Dutrich ; j Jacob Long John Gonter Peter Shindle. I Christopher Gumph Peter Bruner i Catharine Eichholty i, Thomas Shay ! I Catharine Fry I William Low EAST tOCALICO. Andrew Ream Harry Ream WEST COCALICO. David Landis Henry Rinchold - ' ELIZABETH. Abraham &hleman EARL. David Diffenderfer Jacob Diffenderfer - CAF.RNARVON. Adam Northamcr - BRECKNOCK. Barbara Sweigan - Jesse Stover • LITTLE BRITAIN. Robert Dugless MARTICK. John Bain - William Henzell - 70 83 80 35 110 78 85 83 89 81 07 - Mrs. Roberson. - Mrs. Peterman. _ George Merrit. - Ann Green. 78 Mrs. Keller. Mrs.C. Trisler. John Longnecker. David Ruaer. - Mrs. Mo\-cr. - Peter Gonech. 78 Caspar Hubbcri. H-2 George Leon.ird. _ Elizabs'.h McGrann 70 Michael Gumph. , Rudolph Suler. James Ro:^er, - James Corev. 82 Jacob Long. 79 John Goater. 80 Peter Shindle. 80 C. Gumph. 77 Peter Bruner. 1 Susan EichhoU-v. 1 Thomas Sliay. 1 Catharine Luiy. i 83 Jacob Eshleman. 84 ^ 1 84 1 1 : 84 - i- 1 83 82 91 S3 81 76 103 90 114 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. PENNSYLVANIA— EASTERN DISTRICT— Continued. JSames of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of familic tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or nrililary services. Ages. with whom pensioners i sided June 1, 18-10. LEBANON COUNTY. LEHIGH— Continued. LEBANON BOROVGH. NORTH WHITEHALL — Continued. George Hess 79 George Hess. Christian Acker - 85 Elias Semel. George Fisher 84 John Esh. SWiTARA. Pfter Witmoyer - 80 F. Witmoyer. MONROE COUNTY, Anna Barbara Yeagley - 78 Anna Barbara Yeagley. HAMILTON. Peter Sailor ... 77 Peier Sailor. Moses Swartwood - 75 John Actruan. John Shalley 79 John Shalley. John Staples . . - 87 Jacob Heira 75 Jacob Heim. Aaron Depny . . . 80 John Bickei, jun. - 88 John Bickel, sen. Valentine Shoufler 88 Valentine Shoufler. SOUTH SMITHFIELD. Martin Meily 78 Martin Meily. Daniel Labar 70 George Heilman - 81 George Heilman. STROUDSBURO. EAST HANOVER. John Fenner - - - 78 Thomas Kopenhaver John Hetrich 80 William Kopenhaver. John Coolbaugh - - - 80 ' 77 John Hetrich. John Cooper . _ . - Jacob Decker . - - »1 Jacob Decker. Philip Witmoyer - 80 Philip Witmoyer. MIDDLE SMITHFIELD. John Garberich 81 John Garberich. Margaret Vananaken 75 James Steward 83 John Winter. TOBYHANNA. LONDONDERRY. Philip Trausu 82 Jacob Lentz - - 81 Jacob Lentz. Adam Frist . . - 80 David Flory. ROSS. Jacob Keaner ... 86 Jacob Keaner. Mary Smith 75 Andrew Rolieson - - - 81 Joshua Robeson. CHESNOT HII.L. HEIDELBERO. Benjamin Vanhorn 81 Gsorge Wolf . . - 70 Christian Smith. Margaretta Leob . - - 79 Henry Leob. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Elizabeth Derr . . - 81 Elizabeth Derr. ABINOTON. Baker Barns 80 LEBANON — SoiUh ward. Andrew Hoover ... 75 Andrew Hoover. MOORLAND. yoHk ward. William Prikhe - 86 Dilman Doup 81 Oilman Doup. Marlain Freas ... 77 Mary Weaver 75 Jacob Weaver. WHITEMAR3II. BETHEL;* Christopher Carr - 9S Elizabeth Lentz. Catharine Walborn 85 John Walborn. MONTGOMERY. JACKSON. Daniel Harrar 84 Mar)' Bainny 75 Mary Bainny. Rebecca Bowers - . - 74 Rebecca Bowers, GWYNEDD. John Smith 86 John Smith. Henry Neavel Henry Yelles .87 87 LEHIGH COUNTY. ALLENTOWN. HATFIELD. Cliarles Deshlu . . - H-2 Charles Deshlu. Edward Hoxworth 78 John Miller 71 John Miller. Frederick Kemerer 84 Timothy Geidner. WORCESTER. Peter Houk 88 Peter Houk. Adam Homsher - 80 Andrew Gangwer - - - 92 Andrew Gangwer. Philip Lehr 57 Philip Lehr. P0TT8T0WN. George Leader 87 George Leader, t 8AL1SBURT. Catharine Drace - 91 Major M, Kinney. Jacob Wilt 79 Andrew Wilt. POTTSOROVE. UPPER SAUCON. Fredeiick Miller - 79 Jonas Freed. George Deily 87 Joseph Morey. Matliias Laughman 83 Jos. Laughman. George Rumfeldt - 80 Elizabeth Rumfeldt, LIMERICK. LOWE^ MaCUNOY. Christian Mattis - 84 Christian Matlis. Michael Kehm 87 Micliael Kehm. tPPER PROVIDENCE. UPPER MILPOHD. Widow Harple . - - 84 Mary Harple. John Tillow 81 John Titlow. NEW HANOVER. David Alshouse ... 8G David Eberhad, jr. Widow Doeker 77 Jacob Decker. Sophia Barnhart - 80 John Barnhart. L0WH1LI„. Jacob Erb 80 Jacob Erb. Andrew Knerr - ' • 83 Andrew Knerr, sen. Marlboro'. Catharine Rushon 80 John Shaid. SOCTH WHITEHALL. George Gangewer - 82 George Gangewer. Christopher Brev . - - Catharine Shively - 82 79 Christopher Brey. John Haring. WEISBNEBRn. John Salada 70 John Salada. Christian Boycr - 82 Christian I'oyor. Lower merion. Andrew Rupp Lorenz Holbcn 82 Jeremiah Snyder. Jacob Latch, sen. - 81 Jacob Latch. 91 Solomon Ilolben, John Wilfong, sen. Grilliih Smith 80 John Wilfong, ken. 79 Grittith Smith, NORTH WHITEHALL William Holdgate John C, Fcrl 79 Jacob Rodenboh, Peter Gross 79 Pvier Gios^. W JohnCFerl, ' CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. PENNSYLVANIA— EASTERN DISTRICT— Continued. US Names of pensioners for rev olu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 18-10, NORTHAMPTON COUN TY. PIKE— Continued. LEHIGH WARD. MILFORD. Daniel Yansen 86 Daniel Yansen. Elizabeth Bunnel - 82 Elizabeth Bunnel, Isaac Blackmore - - . 89 Isaac Blackmore. LOVI-ER MOUNT BETHEI,. Samuel Hellems - . - 79 Hyram Hellems, Thomas Silaman - 84 Thomas Silaman. William Stinson - 81 William Stinson. SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Ludwick Shoup - 76 Ludwick Shoup. ORWIGSEURG, Frederick Hesser - 78 PLABIFIELD. s Philip Diley 86 Philip Diley, WAYNE, Adam Snyder 82 WILLIAMS. George Zegman ... 83 John Eckert 87 John Eckert. PINEGROVE. ALLEN. John Dollinger 91 One female 83 One female 85 I-PPER MAHANTANGO. Philip Bechtel Abraham Zimerman 82 BUSHKILL. 83 "William Seifert - 78 • Jacob Reinert ... 81 M. Miller 69 P. Steinmetz 69 BARRY. Valentine Kuter - 81 T.EHIOR. Heckman - 80 Charles Heckman. .SCHm'LKlLL. Godfreid Duher - 84 MOORE. C. Schlegel 85 C, Schlegel. RUSH. P. Deemer 80 Phil. Deemer, Adam Kline 78 J. Frey 80 Jacob Frey. WEST PENN. LOWER SAWCON. Peter Steighwalt - . - 78 John Mann 83 John Mann, James Nmiimacher 80 Henry Bcown 85 Henry Brown. Ad. Frey 79 Ad. Frey. WEST BRUNSWICK, John Ohl - 83 John Ohl, Adam Mengle . - - 87 PERRY COUNTY. EAST BRUNSWICK, CENTRE. Philip Swartz ... 86 Miniran Dickson - 8-1 William H, McClain. Barnard Kepner - Frederick Bensinger 76 80 • GREENWOOD. Henry Hoftman - 80 Benjamin Bonsell - 70 Abraham Knittle - m Andrew Burd 78 Christopher Boyer Andrew Bolich 77 83 . HVERPOOL. John Miller 76 Jacob Essick 81 Michael Lepkichler 81 CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. NORTH MULBERRY WARD. NEWPORT. Ann Fletcher 75 Benjamin Rodgers. John McDowell, Ephraim Williams 85 Susan KoUock ... 84 - Sarah Stanert 81 Edward Dickinson, WHEATFIELD. Andrew Lash 79 SOUTH MULBERRY WARD. Patrick Dougherty 45 John McDowell. RYE, Paul Mu*er 84 NORTH WARD, Frederick Buikart 79 Frederick Burkart. BOROUGH OP LIVERPOOL. Richard Baker 81 MIDDLE WARD, Elizabeth Billingham 39 Jonas P, Falum. MADISON. Melchoir Spohn - -■ 81 Melchoir Spohn. SOUTH WARD, Jacob Stremback - 85 Jacob Stremback. SAVILLE. John G. WatmoHgh 45 John G. Watmough. Elizabeth Jacobs - 7-2 George Jacobs, Nicholas Barack - 81 Nicholas Barack. LOCUST WARD, Elizabeth Nagle - 48 Elizabeth Nagle, JUNIATA. Mary Savel 95 Mary Savel. Michael Robison - 81 William Robison. Susan Bainbridge - 62 Susan Bainbridge, Adam Netrow 52 Adam Net row. Leonora Parsons - 77 L. Parsons. Comfort Richards - - . 80 Delia Richards. CARROLL. Abigail Conover - - . 77 M. A. Lawrence. Robert Lackey 76 Robert Lackey. Mary Hodgson ... 80 Alexander Hodgson, John Murphy "', — 81 John Murphy. Mary Baton 75 James Hickey, . ..'. . .. Ann Butler 89 Samuel Butler, PIKE COUNTY. Sarah Parris 73 Sarah Parris. LEHMAN. .oJauLluj u.r. Sarah Inskeep - - 83 Sarah Inskeep. Peter Benson Barnadus Swartwood 45 /. 80 ^ ''Chalin Chamberlain. NEWMARKET WARD, ' Ann Mayhew 79 Enoch Mayhew. DELAWARE, CEDAR WARD, Frederick Sboff - 88 Frederick- R. Shoff. Sarah O'Neill - - S3 Humphrey Hunt. ;,.3»i..l .V'iis/»JiT» uv. .:jtii*i 'tuujl'jU J ',, rjUutl-Jklulfjy i"' 116 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. PENNSYLVANIA— EASTERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- 1 ( Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of familie lionaiT or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided Juuf 1 , 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. 1 with whom pensioners re j sided June 1, 1840. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA— PHILADELPHIA— Continued. Conlinued. OXFORD. J-lNE WARD. ! Benjamin Vandergritt 81 Benjamin Vandergrill. Andrew Kce 30 John C. Righter. I Jacob Foulkrod 80 Jacob Foulkrod. Margaret E. Shaw 50 Wm. H. Odenheimer. John McVaugh 88 John McVaugh. Barnet Rogau 21 Lewis Perot. BOXBOROUUH. PHILADELPHIA COUNTY. Elizabeth Matthias 90 Charles Silverthorn. NORTHERN LIBERTIES — 5M icard. Phebe Righter 81 Phebe Righter. John Kevel Ilk learil. 40 John Revel. Edith Nunemaker - Marj' Levering 79) 75 i Joseph H. Hoffman. Jacob Madlock - 83 Ann Bigony ... 82 Joseph Lare. Christopher Ozies - 89 Christopher Ozies. sooTHWARK— Irf icard. Margaret Striizel - 79 Margaret Stritzel. Jane Cmbeit 78 James Ciilbert. Marv T. Pniller - 67 Andrew Philler. Robjrl M. Wilsou 84 Robert M. Wilson. WAYNE COUNTY. Jeiuiina Smiili - . - 73 James S. Smith. BERLIN. John Douglass, sen. 94 John Douglass, sen. John Bunnell 83 "N 2ard. Elizabeth Phillips - 68 James League. 8tH DISTRICT. Richard Wells 82 John G. Dorcy. Aaron Vinson ... 78 Aaron Vins(in. IMh ward. None. WORCESTER COUNTY. 12/A iPord. SOUTHERN DISTRICT. Elizabeth Haupt ... 81 Elizabeth Haupt. Nancy Handy Nancy Handy. Henrietta Frazier - - - 79 Alexander Yearly. STATE OF VIRGINIA— EASTERN DISTRICT. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June ], 1840. tionar)' or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. ACCOMACK COUNTY. AMELIA— Continued. ACCOMACK PARISH. Elkaneh Andrews - 77 Elkaneh Andrews. Claiborn Wade ... 85 Claiborn Wade. Boswell Richards . . - 53 Boswell Richards. ST. George's parish. John Hutcherson ... 76 John Hutcherson. John Charnock ... 81 John Charnock. Samuel Burton ... 85 Chas. H. Featherston. Peter P. Copes 76 Peter P. Copes. William Kiunehorn 91 William Kinnehorn. AMHERST COUNTY. ALBEMARLE COUNTY. Jones Gill - 78 Jones Gill. . FREDERICKSVILLE PARI3H. William Lockard - 110 William Lockard. James Dunn, .sen. - - - 80 James Dunn, jr. Thomas Coppedge 88 Abraham Martin. James Gentry 82 James Gentry. .- William Cashwell 78 William Cashwell. William Harris, sen. 80 William Harris, jr. Ale.ifander Logan - 79 Alexander Logan. James Herring- - - - 90 James Herring.— — James Evans ... 82 Nancy Blair. George Gentry 80 James A. Johnson. Jeremiah Brown - 82 Jeremiah Brown. William Jordan - 79 William Jordan. Thomas Miles 79 Thomas Miles. Adam Keblinger - 77 Adam Keblinger. Dudley Calaway . - - 90 Susanna Thacker. Walter Wat.son - 79 F. F. Kirby. Jesse Beck - - . . 85 Jess&Beck. William Maupin - 80 William Maupin, jr. Giles Davidson 78 Giles Davidson. Richard Snow ... 8G Richard Snow. Greorge Wise ... 83 Almshouse. John Wood, sen. - - - 83 John Wood, sen. Ebenczer Hickok - 81 Ebenezer Hickok. ST. Ann's parish. Samuel Backsdale ... 81 Samuel Backsdale. BEDFORD COUNTY. M. Bowen ... - William Boyd L. Drumheller Richard Harrison ... John Jones ... Jesse Lewis William Morgan ... Thomas Burton ... David Strange 83 90 75 83 82 77 51 83 78 William Bowen. William Boyd. L. Drumheller. Richard Harrison. John Jones. Jesse Lewis. William Morgan. William Reynolds. David Strange. Jonathan Grooms - William Oliver - Thomas Andrews - Thomas Pullin Joseph While ... John Arthur, sen. . . - Isaac Gross, sen. . . - Isaac Cundiff ... John McCormahay 84 85 79 78 100 82 96 79 78 Reuben Atkinson. James C. Oliver. Thomas Andrews. Thomas Pullin. Joseph While. John Arthur, sen. Isaac Gross, sen. Isaac Cundiff. John McCormahay. AMELIA COUNTY. John Hudnall 78 John Hudnall. William J. Walker, sen. - 79 William J. Walker, sen. Larkin Foster 79 Larkin Foster. Francis Woods . . 79 WUliam Green. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. VIRGINIA— EASTERN DISTRICT— Continued. U9 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionar)' or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. BEDFORD— Continued. CAROLINE— Continued. Jane Hancock - - - 75 Samuel Hancock. Edmund Gatewood 78 Edmund Gatewood. John Buford - - - H3 John Buford. William Madison - 75 William Madison. John Carter . - - 88 Thomas Slewarl. Betsv Perry 72 Betsy Perry. William Arthur, sen. 78 William Arthur, sen. Moses Stanly 82 Moses Stanly. John Haynes . - - Jonathan Dakin - - - 88 Edmund Haynes. Robert Satterwhite 87 Robert Satterwhite. 79 Jonathan Dakin. Lucy Souihworth - 75 Lucy Southworth. Henry Brown, sen. Abram Blankenship 79 Henry Brown, sen. George Saunders - 79 George Saunders. 82 Abram Blankenship. Bartholomew Taylor 78 Bartholomew Taylor. Gray Jones . - - 84 Grav Jones. Catlett Thomas 77 Catlett Thomas, sen. T. Minor, sen. Si T. Minor, sen. James Thomas 75 James Thomas. John Wieginton - - - 80 John Wigginton. William Tucker - 75 William Tucker. Ann Hancock 79 Marv Brown. Agnes Yarborough 74 Agnes Yarborough. Jacob Shepperd 80 Jacob Shepperd. - David Saunders, sen. at David Saunders, sen. CHARLOTTE COUNTY. Joseph Crews . . - 84 Elizabeth Ashworch 69 Elizabeth Ashworch. — John Halley 79 Joanna Bouldin - - - 88 Joanna Bouldin. Mary Beard . - - 85 Martha Brown . - - 78 Martha Brown. William Davenport 75- Clement Carrington ^Susan Davis - - - 77 Clement Carrington. Richard Austin 84 91 Susan Davis. John C4ills . - - - 80 Solomon H.Elam - - - 82 Solomon H. Elam. Ann Moseley 75 - David Bartee - - - 74 George Harvey. Philip Lockhust - 90 William P. Hamlett 81 William P. Hamlett. Benjamm Robinson 85 Daniel Hendrick - - - 78 Daniel Hendrick. Ambrose Hailey - - - 82 Ambrose Hailey. BRUNSWICK COUNTY. James MuUins 89 James Johnson. Jesse Vaughan 83 John M. Vaughan. James Rudder Nancy Mathews - Isaac R'obertson sen 80 80 Major J. Druiy. Nancy Mathews. Riiel Lewis - - - 81 Ruel Lewis. 86 Isaac'Roberlson, sen. Thomas Whiilock -84 Thomas Whitlock, Isaac Smith _ • - 74 Isaac Smith. AVilliam Wilkinson 79 William Wilkinson. A '"'lies St Tolin _ . - 75 Jacob A. St. John. Thomas Delbridge 74 Thomas Delbridge. Lucy Spencer ... Joseph Sammons - - - William Skelton - - - 80 William W. Spencer. BUCKINGHAM COUNTY. 55 83 Joseph Samnions. — William Skelton. ■ NORTHERN IMSTRICT. F.lizabeth Tombs - - - 75 Charles Tombs. William Starks - 85 William Harrison. William Walker . - - 78 William Walker. Abram Jones 79 Abram Jones. ^1 iixittm Tf (.^£«x'--i. John C. Harris - . - Mary Mosely 85 75 James Harris. Rolfe Eldridge. CHESTERFIELD COUNTY. I'PPFR DISTRICT. John Thomas 85 John C. Thomas. William Hill 80 to 90 William Hill. Charles Howel 80 Gideon Howel. TT 1111I.4.1XJ. .L-LIJA Jordan Anderson - - - 80 to 90 Jordan Anderson. John Harris 7!) Joseph Riddle. Nathaniel Puckett - 85 Nathaniel Puckelt. Mosos Fergusson - - - 79 Moses Fergusson. SOOTHERN DI.STKICT. Timothy Scruggs - 86 Timothy Scruggs. William Goode, sen. John Bass, sen. - - - 79 79 William Goode, sen, John Bass, sen. James Routon - - . Olive Branch 79 80 James Routon, sen. Olive Branch. John Spears Jacob Flournoy 80 79 John Spears. Jacob Flournoy. William Thornhill 82 William Thornhill, sen. John Doss - - . . William Duval - 85 92 Rane Walker. Major William Duval. LOWER DISTRICT. Trthn Dv'son 78 John Dyson. James Wilkerson . - - 85 Archibald Drinkard. Isham Andrews - - - 93 Isham Andrews. William Bigbie - 83 William Bighie. Ezekiel Perkenson 82 Ezekiel Perkenson. CAMPBELL COUNTY. Levi Newby Thomas Newby - . - Thomas Gregory, sen. 85 79 Levi Newby. Thomas Newby. SOUTHERN DISTRICT. John Preble 81 John Preble. 88 Thomas Gregoiy, s«n. Thomas P. Franklin John Cobbs - 76 80 Thomas P. Franklin. John Cobbs. CULPEPPER COUNTY. Jesse Rice - - - - 80 Jesse Rice. .-• Catharine Allen - - - 79 Catharine Allen. Isham Hall 90 Isham Hall. Nancy Bailey . . - 75 Armstead Bailey. John Willard 84 John Willard. John Creel-' - John Creel. Edward Herndon - Edward Herndon. Sarah Calvin " - 78 Sarah Calvin. John Caiinady . - - 77 John Cannady. NORTHl': ASTERN DISTRICT— LYNCHBURG. . Lucy Pettit 78 John L. Ctmner. General Joel Leftwicli 80 Rug Lefiwich. Elizabeth Edwards 90 Elizabeth Edwards. Aiihur Lilchlbrd - 83 Arthur Lilchlbrd. John Freeman . - - 83 John Freeman. Richard Daniel 92 Richard Daniel. Zacharinh Gviflin - 79 Zachariah Griffin. David Calleham - 82 David Calleham. Gabriel Gray 77 Gabriel Gray. Sampson Evans - . - 89 Sampson Evans. Humphrey Hill 77 Humphrey Hill. James Brooks . . - 85 James Brooks. Julius Hunt 78 Julius Hunt. Thomas Franklin - 83 Thomas Franklin. John Hall - - - - 79 John Hall. Harry Walthal - 79 Harrv Walthal. William Jett 77 William .Tetl. Samuel Mathews - 77 Samuel Mathews. William Lewis - . - 77 William Lewis. James Howard 75 James Howard. Mary Lambkin 78 Mary Lambkin. James Whilaker - 77 James Whitaker. Hannah Clark - - - 87 Madden Willis. Abnci- Newman - 85 Abner Newman. CAROLINE COUNTY: Richard Paj'ne, sen. 77 Richard Payne, sen. Reuben Ro.sson . . - 87 Reuben Rosson. Dan, el Atkinson - 89 Daniel Atkinson. Randolph Stallard - Philip Slaughter - 83 Rar.dolph Stallard, j-. .T!*ines Bradley 89 James Bradley. 82 Philip C. Slaughici. »v-;tiip.mCoates - 85 William Coates. Peter Triplelt 88 Peter Triplelt. •ikCarnall - 80 Patrick Carnall Almond Vaughan - 84 Almond Vaughan. an Gatewood 76 William Gatew «A, Isaiah Welsh - Isaiah Welsh. 17 130 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS, VIRGINIA— EASTERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ases. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Eartlett Cox Ric'hard Taylor - Daniel Tolly Jnines Morton William AValkcr - DINWIDDIE COUNTY. James Bishop, sen. Samuel Major George Simmons - Thomas Wilkinson .losiah Grigg Joel Slurdivant, sen. Claiborne Elder BoUin? Wells Peter Epes - - - William Nunnally James Boss James Spicely PETER8BURU — Centre ward. Joseph Scott South ward. William R. Cheeves ESSEX COUNTY. John Armstrong - Carter Croxlon Benjamin II. Mimday Reuben Atkinson - Thomas Cognell - Ann D. Butler FAIRFAX COUNTY. Daniel Saunders - FAUaUIER COUNTY. Ann Blackweel Susan Burke Robert Combs Anthony Ethel George Purcell George Green M.nrtha Howell Alexander Jeffries Haimah Lear Elizabeth MafTett - William Pattie Manha Roach William Rawles - Michael Wiser Rose Merry John Welch Amie Claggett Elizabeth Arrowsmith Ann Vowles I''rances Walker - FLUVANNA COUNTY. Stephen Mayo Isaac Lucado •Hopper Ward Martin Faris Charles Clements, sen. John S. Haislip Daniel Thacher - Zacchens Granger Jesse Saunders Richard Cawthorn, sen. 'I'homas Shores - .1 Jesse Wood John Maddo.x Nathaniel Harlow 8,'-) 84 75 83 83 '9 78 83 8-2 79 78 82 81 81 81 80 78 78 8t> 77 '.to 78 80 00 70 Oli 87 83 90 80 70 77 70 8-J 78 80 80 85 75 68 08 73 88 80 8-2 8-2 88 77 81 80 81 79 88 70 85 8(i 70 97 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. Bartlett Cox. Richard Taylor. Daniel Tolly. William S. Morton. William Walker. James Bishop, sen. Samuel Major. George Simmons. Thomas AVilkinson. Theoderick H. Grigg. Joel Slurdivant, sen. Claiborne Elder. Boiling Wells. Peter Epes. William Nunnally. Jane Boss. James Spicely. Joseph Scott. William R. Cheeves. Joseph Armstrong. Carter Croxton. Benjamin H. Munday. Robert Atkinson. Thomas Cognell. Lewis Warner. Daniel Saunders. James Blackweel. Susan Burke. Robert Combs. Anthony Ethel. William German. George J. Green. Martha Howell. George Jeffries. James Lear. John A. Maflctt. William Pattie. James M. Roach. William Rawles. Michael Wiser. Samuel Wharton. William A. Bowen. Ferdinand Claggett. Day Mildred. Newton Vowles. Solomon Walker. Stephen Mayo. Littlebury Lucado. Archibald Crcary. Martin Faris. Charles Clements, sen. John S. Haislip. Daniel Thacher. Allen T. Watson. Jesse Saunders. Richard Cawthorn, sen. Thomas Shores. Jesse Wood. John Maddox. Nathaniel Harlow. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Walter Bernard - Thomas Crag ... Lewis Davis - - - Richard Dale Mariti Lashow Richard Robertson Bednego Hodge - . - Martin Woody . . - Elisha Walker Abraham Absher - - - Elisha Barton . - - John Campbell Will Cull" . - - - Isles Cooper Cheseham Grifleth Leonard Hutts . . - Jacob McNeal Richard Pew ... Jacob Paitsell, who was a pensioner, and lost his warrant Richard Richerson Abraham Sink . . . William Siuard - John Wright . . . Benjamin Wray - GLOUCESTER COUNTY. Thomas Hogg Lucy Berry, widow of Robert Berry .... William James . . . GOOCHLAND COUNTY. Elizabeth Clark, widow of Turner Clark . . - - Elizabeth Johnson ... Jesse Wite - Joseph D. Watkins William Grinstead Elizabeth Alvis John Sanders . . . James Gray . . . Jacob Woodson John Mallory Henry Lsbell John Beadshaw . . . Benjamin lsbell Richard Toler John Banks . . . S. Chandoin - ■ - B. Woodward John Salmon . . . Joseph Shelton . . . Nathaniel Smith - Robert Pace . . . A. Layno - . - . Thornton Lowry - - . Jolin Martin . . . "John Richards GREENSVILLE COUNTY. John Goodrum . . . Balaam Bowers, sen. GREENE COUNTY John Davis, sen. . . - William Davis . . - Richard Goodall - Nehemiah Greening Robert Holberl James Holmes William Parrotl, sen. George Sherman - . - Bland Shillctt (died 15th of July, 1810) - - - "- Ages 8-2 90 84 81 85 79 81 80 94 ■92 80 79 92 90 80 86 81 82 83 84 75 80 94 84 75 88 80 78 83 74 85 80 70 78 77 79 79 79 78 77 79 92 87 62 87 79 77 77 81 ■ 78 88 86 Names of heads of familie; with whom pensioners ro sided June 1, 1810. Walter Bernard. Thomas Crag, sen. William Davis. Richard Dale. Marlel Lashow. Richard Robertson. William Stegall, sen. Martin Woodv. Elisha Walker. George A. Absher. Elisha Barton. John Campbell. Will Cuff. Isles Cooper. Cheseham Griffeth. Leonard Hutts, sen. Jacob McNeal. Richard Pew. Jacob Paitsell. Richard Richerson. John Sink. William Stuard. John Wright. Benjamin Wray. Thomas Hogg. James Berry. William James. Elizabeth Clark. Elizabeth Johnson. Jesse Wite. Joseph D. Watkins. John P. Wile. Elizabeth Alvis. Samuel H. Sanders. James Gray. Jacob Woodson. John Mallory. H. lsbell. John Beadshaw. Z. I.-bell. Richard Toler. N. Banks. S. Chandoin. B. Woodward. John Salmon. Joseph Shelton. Nathaniel Smith. Robert Pace. A. Layne. Thornton Lowry. John Martin. John Richards. 84 John Goodrum. 87 Balaam Bowers, sen 80 John Davis, sen. 82 William Davis. 82 Richard Goodall. 84 Nehemiah Greening. 39 Robert Holbert. 82 James Holmes. 86 William Parrolt, sen 77 George Sherman. 89 Bland Shiflett. CENSUS OP PENSIONERS. VIRGINIA— EASTERN DISTRICT -Continued. 131 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. GREENE— Continued . Zachariak Taylor Richard Wliite . - HALIFAX COUNTY. NORTHERN DlSTRirT. William Abbott - Charles Allen Thomas Bailey John Coats, sen. Charles Hudson - William Hubbard David Street Moses Woosley John Yates SOUTHERN DISTRICT. Edward Tuck, sen. Wallace Wilson - William While James Willis Andrew Porgan John Wesby Alva Oliver Alexander Kent Patrick Mason Thomas Tuck Lewis Harley Noah Harbour John Phillips William Guill HANOVER COUNTY. Richard Shackelford John Oilman John Woodson John Hope » Edmund Oilman - Ann Fontaine John Hall - . - James Seay Hensley Grubbs - HENRICO COUNTY. Samuel D re win .John Hudson, sen. Thomas Clopton - John Whillock, sen. John Tinsley William Roundtree Samuel Drewin CITY OP RIi;HMONn. Jefferson w.rd, No. 1. Jane Dunn - . - Isaiah Parker Muiflson wanl, Na. 2. Robert Pollard Ages. Monroe yard, No. 3. None. HENRY COUNTY. John Redd - - - - Moses Spencer . - . Lewis Franklin . . - Nusom Pau Elisha Arnold John Price Matthew Seay Benjamin Stratton William Shacklelbrd James Johnson John Thompson - James Johnston - - - ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY. Joseph Parkinson - 81 84 84 78 75 84 75 82 86 86 87 78 87 78 77 79 76 76 84 75 77 100 83 80 77 84 80 77 77 78 74 85 80 8.3 76 89 79 77 81 77 76 74 5-3 84 84 88 83 86 82 78 75 87 81 84 83 94 53 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Zachariah Taylor. Richard White. William Abbott. James Allen. Thomas Bailey. John Coats, sen. Hilary Hudson. William Hubbard. David Street. Holeman Woosley. John Yates. William White. James Willis. John Wesby. Patrick Mason. Ambrose Harley. Hartwell Harbour. John Phillips. William Guill. • John P. Shackellbrc John Oilman. John Woodson. John Hope. Edmund Gilraan. Edmund Fontaine. John Hall. James Seay. Stephen V. Stone. Samuel Drewin. John Hudson, sen. R. M. Pulleam. Charles Whitlock, sen. John Tinsley. William Roundiree. Richard Deny. Jabez Paiker. Robert Pollard. .Tnhn Redd. Elizabeth Stone. Lewis Franklin. Nusom Pau. Elisha Arnold. John Price. Matthew Seay, sen. James Stratton. William Shackleford. James Johnson. John Thompson, r James Johnston. Joseph Parkinson. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. KING GEORGE COUNTY. George Strother George Strother - - - KING WILLIAM COUNTY. John Butler - - - James Whitlock - - - Mason Collins KING AND aUEEN COUNTY. Wilson Lumpkin - - - William GatewooJ John Clarke - - - Leonard Shackleford LOUDOUN COUNTY. James Hogland John Russell Charles B. Atwell- Edward Harvin Issachar Brown - - - Enoch Furr . . . Hannah West . - . Sarah Copeland' - - - l.ST CITY mSTRICT. Margaret M. Slousonberger Joseph Gilbert . . - Mary Magdalena - - - Sarah Butler John H. Richardson Elizabeth auick - Mary E. McPherson Benjamin Widington Jacob Long Jesse Dailey . . - William Newton - LOUISA COUNTY. Joseph Spicer John Morrison •'*['- Thomas Poindexter Samuel Wharton - Austin Hancock, sen. Henry Bibb Robert Tate Thomas Badget - - Dudley Degges Nathaniel Snelson - John Meeks, sen. - Harden Duke Nathaniel Scales - LUNENBURG COUNTY. Charles Cooksey - Shadrach Clark John Estes John Frame Peter Hudson Julius Hite John Mohorn Robert Mitchell - William Stokes - MADISON COUNTY. Churchill Gibbs - J. & B. Haneson - L. Taylor Tavner Jones William Madi.son - Abram Tanner William Taylor - William Tuyman - MATTHEWS COUNTY. Thomas Davis Avarilla Owen - - : Ages. 80 80 76 77 82 86 83 80 81 81 92 75 85 80 95 68 72 92 73 78 83 78 40 76 88 79 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 7H 74 James Strother. Benjamin Weaver. John Butler. James Whitlock, sen. Mason Collins. Susanna Watkins. William Gatewood. John Clarke. Leonard Shackleford. John Hogland. John Russell. Hugh Smith. Edward Harvin. Issachar Brown. Enoch Furr. John Onison. Sarah Copeland. Margaret M. Slousonberger, Joseph Gilbert. Samuel Dan. George Marlow. John Wor. Elizabeth Cluick. John S. Edwards. Benjamin Widington. Jacob Long. Jesse Dailey. Judith Newton. 79 Joseph Spicev, sen. 79 John Morrison. 79 Thomas Poindexter. 77 Samuel Wharton. 78 Austin Hancock, sen 81 Henry Bibb. 88 Robert Tate. 82 Thomas Badget. 80 Seneca T. P. Degges 88 Nathaniel Snelson. 76 John Meeks, sen. 80 Harden Duke. 82 Nathaniel Scales. 78 Charles Cooksey. 81 S. S. Field Clark. 84 John Estes. 83 John Frame. 78 Peter Hudson. 83 Julius Hite. 84 John Mohorn. 80 Robert Mitchell. 79 William Stokes. 84 Churchill Gibb=. 81, 83 John Haneson. 90 Ann Huffman. 86 Tavner Jones. 82 William Madison. 78 Abram Tanner. 86 — William Tavlor. 84 AVilliam Tuvinan. Thomas Davis, sec James D. Own, 132 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. VIRGINIA— EASTERN DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Age!!. MATTHEWS— Continued. George Callis Johanna Watson . . - Nancy Morgan William Degges - - - Bathsheba Brooks - - - Mary Minter . . . Josiali Pugh Mattliias Gayle Thomas Hall Dorothv White William D. White Elizabeth White - Mary Davis - . . Hugh Hudgins, sen. Joice Gayle . . - MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Joseph Butler, sen. Charles Hudson - James McCarton - Royall Lockett, sen. EASTERN DISTRICT. William Coleman - Daniel Hicks Abel Farrar Varney Andrews - - . Barlleit Cox MIDDLESEX COUNTY. Elizabeth Daniel - . - George Gardner ... NANSEMOND COUNTY. Henn,- Skinner - . . William Boytt, sen. William Byrd Jeremiah Peale . . . NELSON COUNTY. Hawes Coleman - Benjamin Fitzgerald Richard Hare AViUiam Jordan Alexander McAlcxander - Hudson Martin - . - Henry McLayne - Micass Pendleton - John Pugh Clifton Tomb5 Bransford West - Mica.ss Wheeler - - - Thomas Ware ... NEW KENT COUNTY. Anselm Bailey, sen. Samuel Moss ... James Williams - NORFOLK COUNTY. John Butler - . . D. Wright William Stark NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. Obadiah Johnson - - . James Carter William Dennis - ORANGE COUNTY. John Almond Lucy Cowherd Suwn (;ampbell - William Criiiendon 78 84 74 80 75 76 78 78 75 78 48 67 86 76 79 84 89 81 79 78 75 86 74 85 81 82 81 83 83 81 91 90 84 79 90 82 82 46 85 81 78 77 85 84 85 48 85 87 86 77 71 80 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, IMO. George Callis, sen. Nnncy Morgan. William Degges, sen. Bathsheba Brooks. Mary Minter. Jo'>iah Pugh, sen. Matthias Gayle, sen. Thonia.s Hall, sen. Dorothy White. William D. AVhiie. Elizabeth White. Mary Davis. Hugh Hudgins, sen. Bartleti Gayle. Joseph Butler, sen. Charles Hudson, sen.' James Henareck. Royall Lockett. Wesley Coleman. Daniel Hicks. Abel Farrar. Varney Andrews. Bartlett Cox. Mecklenburg Daniel. George Gardner. William Boytl, sen. Jeremiah Peale. Hawes N. Coleman. Benjamin Fitzgerald. Richard Hare. William Jordan. Alexander McAlexander. Hudson Mariin. Henry McLayne. Micass Pendleton. John Pugh. Clifton 'J'oiiibs. Bransford West. Micas.s Wheeler. Thomas Ware. Anselm Bailey, sen. Samuel Moss. James Williams. J. O. Butler. D. Wright. William Stark. Obadiah Johnson. Sarah Becket. Nathaniel Dalby. John Almond. Lucy Cowherd. Susan Campbell. William Crittendon. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. ORANGE— Continued. James Chiles . - . William Fisher . - - George Morris . - . Jonathan Pratt - - - Philomel Richards Daniel Young - - - PATRICK COUNTY. William Tinch - James Harris . . . Benjamin Beasley - Martha Mariin . - - Elihu Ayers James Boyd William Carter ~- James Boaz Joseph Varuer . - - John Spencer - - - PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY. James Thomas James Hopkins . - - John Robertson Moore Lumpkin . - - Henr)' H. Norvell - ~^ - Joseph Hundley - . . Elisha Jones . - - Joseph Hubbard - - . Anthony P- Lipford Ann Miller, (died July 28, 1840) .- James Roach John Neal ... William Dove, sen. GrilTeth Dickenson SOUTHERN DISTRICT. Robert W. Fitz - William M. Nance . — ^ - William Dickson - . . Peter Wall ... Jennings Thompson Zachariah Pruit . . - John D. Mariin . . - Elisha Ford Jacob Anderson POWHATAN COUNTY. Hemy Lipford Thomas Tucker - Seth Hatcher - . - Susanna Mosby Sally Taylor Susanna Mosby ... Archibald Short - JohnSledd James Hall ... PRINCESS ANNE COUNTY. John Brown, sen. ... Chailes Anderson . PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY. Charles Brightwell John Crule ... John Cunningham. Bartholomew Cyrus Joseph Davidson ... Mary Dupey Nathan Grubbs Obadiah Hendrick- William Hill William Jesse ... James Moss Ann Pugh ... William F. Scott . Jehu Simmons ... Samuel Walker - Ages. Names of heads of famili with whom pensioners r sided June 1, 1810. 81 79 75 74 84 49 81 85 82 81 80 81 82 94 82 80 81 75 78 78 82 95 82 78 85 73 78 79 82 83 82 85 87 78 83 45 79 90 91 86 80 72 72 75 79 81 87 82 85 83 85 82 82 86 73 81 82 82 81 80 74 80 78 48 James Chiles. William Fisher. George Morris. Jonathan Pratt. Philomel Richards Daniel Young. William Tinch. William Cassel. WiUiam Blancitt. Stephen Mariin. Elihu Ayers. John Boyd. William Carter, sen. James Boaz, sen. Joseph Varner. John Spencer, sen. James Thomas. James Hopkins. John Robertson. Moore Lumpkin. George Dove. John Parker. Alexander Jones. Joseph Hubbard. Auihony P. Lipford. Samuel J- Miller. James Roach. John Neal. William Dove, sen. Gridelh Dickenson. Tandy W. Pilz. William M. Nance. William Dickson. Peter Wall. Jennings Thompson. Zachariah Pruit. John D. Jlailin. Eli.sha Ford. Jacob Anderson, jun. George W. Pace. Thomas Tucker. Seth Hatcher. Edward C. Mosby. Sally Tavlor. Susanna Mosby. Duioy Ba.ss. JohD Sledd. James Hall. John Brown, sen. Charles Anderson. Charles Brightwell, sen. John Crule. John Cimuinghain. Bartholomew Cyrus. Joseph Davidson. Mary Dupey. Nathan Griibbs. Obadiah Hcndrick. William Hill, sen. William Jesse. James Moss. John M. Pugh. William F. Scott. Jehu Simmons. Samuel Walker. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. VIRGINIA— EASTERN DISTRICT— Continued. 133 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided Jtme 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY. SPOTTSYLVANIA-Continued. Samuel Temple - - - 78 Samuel Temple. BERKELEY PARISH. Augustine Heath - 78 80 Augustine Heath. William Casou . - - 75 William Cason. Daniel Hair Thomas R. Jones - - - 85 Thomas R, Jones. Joel Cheives 85 Joel Cheives. William Knight - 80 William Knight. PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY. John Pierce, sen. - P. Pendleton 88 79 John Pierce, sen. Phil. Pendleton. 82 Richard Stears . . - 78 Jenny Stears. John Sullivan John Sullivan. John Stewart _ - - 79 John Slewarl. John Gill 80 John Gill. Philip Smith James Smith S3 Philip Smith. Hugh Davis - - - 81 Hugh Davis. 90 James A. Smith. PORTSMOUTH COUNTY. George Trible Philip Vass 85 78 George Tiible. Philip Vass. Elizabeth Porter - 75 H. Willoughby Abr. Wilson 79 80 Henry Willougliby. Abr. Wilson. Ann Watts 74 RAPPAHANNOCK COUNTY. ST. George's parish. William Griffin - 86 William Griffin. George M. Houck - 83 Francis Carey. George Mansfield - 84 George Mansfield. Mary Drummond - 75 Mary Drummond. John Soirill . - - 88 Frances Strutton. William Brown - 85 William Brown. Lucy Sla tighter . - - 71 Robert Slaughter. STAFFORD COUNTY. Elizabeth Towles . - - 80 Samuel Decamp. Mason Colvin ' - 80 Mason Colvin. James Nickens 85 James Nickens. John Corder - - - 80 John Corder. Travel's Fritter ... 43 Travel's Fritter. Spencer Withers - 75 Spencer Withers. William Smith 84 William Smith, sen. SURRY COUNTY. John Roberts ... - 82 John Roberts. Vincent Tapp . - - 7« Vincent Tapp. Jesse Brown 83 Benjamin Brown. David Kennaird . . - 83 David Kennaird. Jesse King 80 Jesse King. Delpha Smith 68 Jolin W. Garner. George Mozingo - 79 George Mozingo, sen, SUSSEX COUNTY. James Jones 83 James Jones. William Chappell - 78 William Chappell, RICHMOND COUNTY. Absalom Flowers - - . 82 Absalom Flowers. Joseph Prince 76 Joseph Prince. John France, sen. - 78 John France, sen. John Wrenn 78 John Wrenn. James Burgess, sen. 77 James Burgess, sen. Henry Bailey . . . 84 Henry Bailey. John Brown ... 58 John Brown. William Shands, sen. 82 William Shands, sen. SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY. WESTMORELAND COUNTY. Jesse Croker 80 Jes.se Croker. William Brann 93 William Branu, .sen. Samuel Corbit 83 Johnson Corbit. Robert Beale 82 Robert Beale. Joshua Joyner 83 Joshua Joyner. James Deally" 90 James Deatly. William Owney . - 7H William Owney. Charles Green 81 Charles Green. Revell Holiday, sen. 83 Revell Holiday, sen. Charles Hegdon - 76 Charles Hegdon. • Gerard Hutt - 75 Gerard Hutt, sen. SPOTTSYLVANIA COUNTY. William S. Jett - 76 William Starke Jett. TOWN OP rREDERICKSBURi;. James McKoy, sen. 80 James C. McKoy, sen. James Jones 80 James Jones. Samuel Templeman 82 Samuel Templeman. VIRGINIA— WESTERN DISTRICT. ALLEGANY COUNTY. BROOKE COUNTY. AU,E0.4NT. Jacob Persinger - 9en. 79 Jordan Sherrod. 72 Abram Hedgepeth. 80 Benjamin Williams. 86 Thomas Hambleton. 84 William News. 91 John R. Taylor. 89 Thomas Wells. 79 John Pages. 68 Mary Powel. 106 Eleanor Lams. 80 James Lee. 88 Evan Larkins. 77 Ann Taylor. 88 F. J. Croom. 90 Zack Holmes. 84 James Lewis. ^ 79 Francis Predgm. 84 Lazarus Cook. 86 James Seat. 76 Samuel Williams. 90 Nicholas Tyner. 88 Jesse Bruton. 77 John Porterheld. 79 Sanmel Allen. 140 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NORTH CAROLINA— Continued. Names of pensioners lor revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. ORANGE>-Contiiiued. Henry TroUinger - Philip Mason Abner James Elizabeth Lackey - John Dolly Thomas Bowles - George Foster John Sirader Nathan Mann BOUTHEHN DIVISION. William Dollar George Carringlon Alexander Gaties - Thomas Jacobs Alexander Hatch - James Caner James Turner John El'eland John Rawson Christopher Daniel John Bowers Charles Rowe John Bowden ONSLOW COUNTY. Stephen Costen PASaUOTANK COUNTY. Will. Palmer Colonel John Roen PERSON COUNTY. John Wilkerson - Isaac Lint ... Abram Gregory - George Duncan . . . PERaUIMANS COUNTY. John Goodwin - PITT COUNTY, Charles Smith, sen. Giles Nelson ... Britton Jones ■; - Thomas Bemly - . . Robert Williams, sen. Henr)' Smith - . . John Brvant ... Moses Hysmith - . . Henry Bainhill ... Charles Rollings ... Reuben Gaganus . . - William Spain ... ROBESON COUNTY. James McNatt ... Nazra Mitchell - ' - William Lewis ... Nathan Mussehvhite R'OCKINGHAM COUNTY. James Griflin ... Robert Burton ... William H. Rice - Peter Crawford ... Elijah Brown ... William Stratton ... Nicholas McCubbin Adam Sharp ... William Godsey ... John Riddle Thomas Carter ... John May ... 77 88 77 86 86 78 83 8-2 8-2 85 84 77 73 76 81 78 77 91 82 79 90 85 85 85 84 81 86 79 83 90 100 86 81 80 83 83 80 80 83 87 78 78 81 82 79 86 79 78 79 80 88 82 81 77 78 91 92 84 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Henry TroUinger. John Danielly. Abner James. William Lackey. John Dolly. Thomas Bowlcv. George Foster. John Strader. Nathan Mann. William Dollar. George Carrington. Alexander Gaties. Thomas Jacobs. Alexander Hatch. James Carter. James Turner. John Efeland. John Rawson, Christopher Daniel, John Bowers, Charles Rowe. John Bowden, Stephen Costen. Will. Palmer. John Roen. John Wilkerson. .George Gray, Abram Gregory. George .Duncan. Caleb Goodwin. Charles Smith, sen. Caleb Nelson. Britton Jones, Thomas Bently. Robert Williams, sen. James Smith. Jesse Thomas. Moses Hysmith, Henry Barnhill. Charles Rollings. Saving Jolly. William Spain, sen. James MtNatt, sen, Nazra Mitchell. William Lewis. John Jackson. John Griffin. Robert Burton. W, H, Rice. Peter Crawford. H, Hulgan, William Stratton. N. McCubbin, Adam Sharp. J. God.sev, Ran. Riddle, Thomas Carter. John May. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. ROCKINGHAM— Continued. Samuel Woodall - . - Alexander Semmons ROWAN COUNTY. Archibald Woodside Joseph Sawyers - . . Nathan Morgan, sen. John Melchor Eller Martin Hollher Abraham Arey ... John McLaughlin - . . Benjamin Knox - . - Richard Smith ... John McNeely RICHMOND COUNTY. Edwin Ingram ... John Ciurie . . . Walter Leak, .sen, - . . Tillotson O'Brian - .Tn. Macalister Lot Stricklin ... James Hasty ... William Brown . . - [Of this number, one has discon- tinued his pension foi a year or two,] RUTHERFORD COUNTY. Robert Lemons ... Thomas Hutchins - James Dobbins ... Moses Warters ... William Brooks ... Edward Cook Sereny Monroe Asey Walrop ... Richard LedbeUer - - . William Daltou ... Thomas Dalton ... John Hyder, sen. - - - Cornelius Clemmons RANDOLPH COUNTY. Starling Cooper . . - Richard Bell Elizabeth Luther ... 'Margaret Slack ... Elizabeth Gauing - ' - NORTHER.N DIVISION. Lemuel Glascow ... Dan, Merrill ... Edmond Hags ... William Wadsworth STOKES COUNTY, Noah Baley George Krce'ger ... Benjamin Marshall Thomas Jones ... William Beck ... Abner Powel ... NORTHERN DIVISION. AVilliam Merrit - Thomas Ring, sen, Jacob Hilsabeek ... John TuUle Jerusha Hooker Edwin Hickman - Stephen Rierson - Howel Hartgrove - Leonard Zeglar ... William Young ' . Aces Names of heads of familie; with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 82 William Knight, 81 Alexander Semmons 84 Archibald Woodside. 76 George Wilhelm. 85 Nathan Morgan, sen. 88 John Melchor Eller. 78 Martin Hoffher. 84 Abraham Arey. 88 Robert McLaughlin. 82 Robert Knox. 84 Hiram Smith. 84 John McNeely. 89 Elisha Bostii-k, 92 Duncan Currie. 79 Walter Leak, sen. 81 Tillotson O'Brian. 76 Jn, Macalister. 81 Calvin Stricklin, 86 James Hasty. 78 William Brown, 84 Robert Lemons, ^ 87 Thomas Hutchins. 78 James Dobbins. William Doggett. 96 William Brooks. 83 Edward Cook. 27 48 65 74 William Dalton, 77 Thomas Daltou, sen. 38 John Hyder, sen. 82 Cornelius Clemmons 86 John Cooper. 81 Richard Bell, 78 Elizabeth Lulher, 74 Charles Slack. 80 Edward Galling. 91 Miles Glascow, 85 Dan, Merrill. 79 Edmond Hags. 77 William Wadsworth 82 Thomas Sprinkle. 81 George Kreeger, 81 Mariin Marshall, 76 Thomas Jones, 75 William Beck. 87 Abner Powel. 77 William Merrit. 83 Thomas Ring, sen, Jos. Hilsabeek. 78 80 John Tuufe. 83 Elizabeth Lawson. 78 Edwin Hickman. 83 Stephen Rierson. 77 Howel Hartgrove. 77 Leonard Zeglar. 90 William Young. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. NORTH CAROLINA— Continued. 141 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. STOKES— Continued. NORTHERN DIVISION — Continued. William Eaton William Poffurd - - Hartwell Borliam - Henry Carter Francis Steel John (iuillin Benjamin Jones William Steel SAMPSON COUNTY. Daniel Merrill Thomas Gregory - William Gainy Thomas Tart Jeremiah Simmons John Stewart Elizabeth HoUingsworlh - William Hays Mieajah Springs - Henry HoUingsworth Christopher Manuel Peler O. Ryan John Boykin, sen. - Loll Ritchj'sen. John Wright, sen. - SURRY COUNTY. William Going Morris Richards - John Reaves Felix Vansant Edmund McKinny - Benjamin Shinalt - Robert Davis - / - David Cockram - Thomas Wright - • - Perry Chinn Widow Eliz.Apperson John Marler William AUgood - Daniel Cockram - Reuben Bryanl John Rose George Nix John Angel WAYNE COUNTY. Ezekicl Slocumb - John Wiggs John Howell WAKE COUNTY. Thomas Holland - Joseph Shaw William Wood Frederick Rigsbee - Aaron Roberts William Burton - John Green Jesse Bryant Ages. 57 78 85 83 84 85 84 8G 78 91 88 8n 87 78 88 88 85 80 90 89 77 8-2 81 78 79 79 85 53 78 85 78 82 77 79 78 85 91 85 79 79 78 87 8-t 83 82 85 84 80 88 84 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Williain Eaton. William Poli'urd. Hartwell Borham. George W. Carter. Andrew Steel. John Uuillin. Elizabeth Jones. John Boyles. Daniel Merritt. Thomas Gregory. William Gainy. Thomas Tart. Jeremiah Simmons. John Stewart. Nathan Dudley. William Hays. Mieajah Springs. H. HoUingsworth. Christopher Manuel. Peter O. Ryan. John Boykin, sen. Loll Ritch, sen. John Wright, sen. William Going. Morris Richards. John Reaves. Felix Vansant. Edmund McKinny. Benjamin Shinall. Robert Davis. David Cockram. Thomas Wright. Perry Chinn. Thomas Apperson. John Marler. William Allgood. Daniel Cockram. Reuben Bryanl. John Rose. George Nix. John Angel. Ezekiel Slocumb. John Wigg.s. John Howell. Lewis Barker. Drury King. Markham Wood. Frederick Rigsbee. Anron Roberts. William Burton. Samuel Green. Wyott Freeman. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. WAKE— Continued. William Sledd James Harward - Burwell Whitehead James Rigsbee James Browne, sen. Jesse Ilorris John Williams James Hughes Robert Sneed John Walker Richard Pipen Samuel Scarborough, sen. Rufus Willie WARREN COUNTY. John Watkins Thomas Hilliard - Willi^im Duke Augustin Baltrip - BurrcU Davis Francis Riggan John Dowton James Durham Frederick Shearin Henry Southall William Askew - Robin Harris David King WILKES COUNTY. Abednego Easpe - John Swanson David Laws, sen. - Alexander Gikealh James Smoot John Love - - " - Sterling Rose James Gray William Spicer, sen. William Harris - Jacob Wall Edmund McKenney George Combs Jarret Crabb John Sparks Jacob Lyon Jemiina Yates John Lane - - - Samuel Castle Amos Church John Montgomery Abel Rollen John Bryan, Esq. - William Jenkins - YANCEY COUNTY. Z. Horler, sen. John Green Edward Wardrop - Jonathan McPeeteis Thomas Reede John Blayl«cker, sen. 79 80 95 76 91 80 86 79 80 85 86 80 75 77 78 90 80 83 7ti 79 8t 77 82 103 82 78 79 85 85 73 ■ 78 83 77 93 83 92 59 82 82 97 78 85 85 100 8-3 81 73 87. 80 79 73 90 84 84 78 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. William Sledd. Daniel Parham. Lazarus Whitehead. James Rigsbee. James Browne, sen. Jesse Horris. John Williams. James Hughes. Robert Sneed. John Walker. Willie Chamblee. Samuel Scarborough, sen. Rufus Willie. Thomas G. Watkins. Thomas Hilliard. Doctor M. Duke. Augustin Baltrip. Edward Davis. Francis Riggan. John Dowton. James Durham. Frederick Shearin. Henry Soulhall. William Askew. Robin Harris. David King. Abednego Easpe. John Swanson. David Laws, sen. Alexander Gilrealh. James Smoot. John Love. Sterling Rose. James Gray, sen. William Spicer. James Harris. Joseph Wall. Edmund McKenney. George Combs. Jarret Crabb. Reuben- Sparks. Jacob Lyon. David Yates. Edward Lane. Jesse Farmer. Amos Ohuich, sen. Huf;h Montgomery. Abel Roll';n. John Bryjn, Esq. Tiiomas D. Kelly." Z. Horter, sen. James Buchanan. Solomon Wardrop. Charles McPeeters. Thomas Reede, sen. John Blavlocker, sen. 142 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of liimilies Names of pensioners lor revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June I, 1810. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. CITY OF CHARLESTON. Isl ward. Joseph Righlon EDGEFIELD— Continued. TS Joseph Righton. Zilpha Nobles _ Theophilus Loudy. Many G. Malhews 79 O. L. Dobson. Abner Corley ... 82 J. W. Devore. Richard Wall J02 Richard Wall. Phebe Randal 76 Alfred Randal. Elizabeth Jeffords - 86 Richard Clark. Mrs. Isaac Motte - •85 Mrs. Isaac Motte. LEXINGTON DISTRICT. 2(i vjard. David Sarzcdas ... FO F. Spencer. Clem. Clcmmolis ... 76 Clem. Clemmons. S. Cardozo - - - - 74 S. Cardozo. •Ncedhara Busby - 80 Needham Busby. Susanna Hall ... 8l Susanna Hall. Mrs. C. C. Smith - 68 Mrs. C. C. Smith. RICHLAND DISTRICT. Mrs. Rachel Lazarus 78 Mrs. Marks Lazarus. Mrs. Mary Brown 78 Mrs. Mary Brown. Nancy Higgins 83 Martha Howell. 3rf ward. Margaret B. Gruber 81 Margaret B. Gruber. SUMTER DISTRICT. Mary R. Hatch - 61 Mary M. Hatch. ith ward. Obadiah Spears ... 76 Obadiah Spears. Sarah Godfrey ... 74 Ann Jacks. Redden McCoy - 82 Redden McCoy. Catharine Lafar ... 78 Catharine Lafar. John China ... 76 George Broadway. Judith Abrahams - - . 77 Judith Abrahams. John James ... 80 John James. Charlotte Head 80 Malhias Malhewsou. Joseph West 80 Joseph West. Nap Raymond 79 C. P. Frasier. William Vaughan 76 William Vaughan. Ann Kingman 65 Ann Kingman. Charles Spann, sen. 88 Charles Spann, sen. Samuel Huggins. Job Palmer ... 93 B^l Lanneau. Samuel Huggins . 81 Peter Dubose ... 79 Peter Dubose., CIIAHLESTON NECK. John McDonald, sen. 83 John McDonald. Charlotte Haskell - 71 James Rhell. Ripley Copeland, sen. William Mcintosh 79 Ripley Copeland, sen. Catharine Edwards 80 H. L. Banks. 76 William Mcintosh. William Purse 79 William Purse. Samuel Chandler, sen. - 77 Samuel Chandler, sen. ST. James's (goose creek) i arish. WILLIAMSBURG DISTRICT. V John Stoutmay ... 95 John Stoutmay. Thomas Burbagc - 83 Rev. Thomas Burbage, Archy Campbell - 75 Archy Campbell. Jesse Hicks, sen. - 78 Jesse Hicks, sen. ST. George's, Dorchester. Elizabeth Stroble - 71 Davi*etroble. ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. 1st part. ST. Luke's parish. Willis Scroggins ' 78 W. Scroggins. Richard Freeman - 83 Richard Freeman. James Lockhart ... 84 James Lockhart. James Carlisle ... 78 James Carlisle. BARNWELL DISTRICT. Solomon Hall 82 S. Hall. Pollajd Brown ... 78 P. Brown. Tarlton Brown 83 Tarlton Brown. Peter Roberts 79 P. Roberts. Jesse Griltin 81 Malhew Alexander. Christiana Teuton 85 William Beazly. Daniel O. Dom ... 83 Daniel O. Dom. Henry B. Rice 26 Henry B. Rice. 2d PART. James Frashier 74 James Frashier. ORANGE PARISH. Zachariah CorwiU 90 Zachariah CorwiU. Leven Argrove - - . 85 Leven Argrove. Thomas Milford ... 84 Thomas Milford. Hugh Phillips 85 Hugh Phillips, Joseph Black 77 Joseph Black. Andrew Houser ... 82 Andrew Houser. Erasmus Gibson ... 86 Erasmus Gibson. LAURENS DISTRICT. ST. Matthew's parish. Captain Ambrose Hudgens 76 Major John Hudgens. Adam Garick 80 Adam Garick. Andrew Burnside - ' - 78 Andrew Burnside. Tlujmas Word 88 John Walcomb. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. Robert Long, Esq. - . . 79 Robert Long, Esq. John Freeman 73 Henry Pope. Smith Brooks 76 Smith Brooks. Sally Downs ... 83 James Bruster. Miles Radfnrd 94 Richard PrescoU. John Osborn 77 John Osborn. Basil Lowe 81 Basil Lowe. Joseph Griffin 77 Joshua Burns. Dennis Lowe ... 70 Samuel Posey. Charles Allen, Esq.- 76 Charles Allen, Esq. John B. Mitchell - 83 William Riley. Leonard Beasly 76 Leonard Beasly. George Seigler 76 George Seigler. John Farrow ... »2 John Farrow. Richard Burton ... 81 Richard Burton. Henry Pitts 81 Henry Pius. William Nobles - 8b William Nobles. Henry Meredith ... 83 Henry Meredith. U. Richardson 81 U. RIcliardson. John Knight - . r 92 William Pncket. Drewry Huarn ... 85 Drewry Hearn. William Blakely, sen. 80 William Blakely, sen. James King ... 82 Margaret Sharpton. Paul Finley ... 78 Paul Finley. Daniel Rodgers 82 Daniel Rodgers. William Howie . 85 William Howie. NEWBERRY DISTRICT. Colonel Samuel Hammond James Eidson ... Benjamin Lindsey William Smith 85 74 87 78 Colonel Samuel Hammond. James Eidson. Benjamin Lindsey. William Smith. Thomas Denson - John Hays - - . . Edmund Kelly 77 76 95 Thomas Denson. John Hays. Robert Kelly. Moses Harris - - - Jacob Wise 88 82 Moses Harris. Jacob Wise. FAIRFIELD DISTRICT. Elizabeth Carter - 74 Elizabeth Carter. Robert Killpatrick 105 Thomas Killpatrick, sen. Thomas M. Chandler 29 Thomas M. Chandler. John Sloan 77 J. Sloan. Thomas Williams Henry Timmanson 98 82 Warde Glover. Wm. T. Timmanson. KERSHAW DISTRICT. Willi'«niCook 86 Jeremiah Cook. Delilah. Williams - i;6 Delilah Williams. Peter liiUiard - Peter Hilliard. Lewi; Cook Si Lewis Cook. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued. 14^ Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. KERSHAW— Continued. Adam Teem John Steward Nathaniel Jones Samuel Jones DARLINGTON DISTRICT. Martin Dewett Albert Forte Ephraim Gandy Jesse Jordan John Kolb - - - James NeiU Augustin "Wilson MARION DISTRICT. Ezeliiel Daniel Levi Odam L. R. Munnerling - Dura Pilkington, sen. PICKENS DISTRICT. Levi Phillips » Charles Williamson .T;>cob Jones John Verner William Day William Hughes - William Guest Jesse Neville John Wilson John Buckner Smith John Thrift William Dodd Benjamin Neighbour Andrew Hughes - John Craig John Cobb - Jordan H ilcomb - Charles Smi;h Thomas Hays Archibald McMahan Jesse Smith Thomas Henderson ANDERSON DISTRICT. 1st part. Joseph Caldwell - James Caldwell James Brown William Grant John Burns John Harris Samuel Warren - David Saddler, sen. William Armstrong Harmon Cummins Joshua Betterton - David Verner James Young '2n PART. William Moore John Warnock William Entreken Frederick Owen - Shedrick Owen William Hubbard - Stephen Huft" Aaron Guyton Peter McMahan - William Gibbs John Willson Reuben Brock John Bagwell William Williamson Joshua Pruett John Parker Nicholas Bishop - Major William Millun - Ages. 79 86 86 78 77 85 98 80 83 85 85 76 83 88 79 94 76 87 77 83 79 77 83 107 79 79 80 78 85 81 82 78 81 89 82 82 79 78 84 83 80 83 87 86 78 78 81 78 81 88 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Adam Teem. John Steward. Nathaniel Jones. Samuel Jones. Martin Dewelt. Albert Porte. Ephraim Gandy. Jesse Jordan. John Kolb. James NeiU. Augustin Wilson. Mary Meggs. Levi Odam. Tliomas M. Munnerling Dura Pilkington, sen. Levi Phillips. Charles Williamson. Major Cole. John Verner. Reuben Day. James Hughes. William Guest. Ale.xander Neville. John Wilson. Buckner Smith. John Thrift. William Dodd. Benjamin Neighbour. James Hughes. John Craig. John Cobb. William Ilolcomb. Cullen Rains. Thomas Hays. Archibald McMahan. Jesse Smith. Thomas Henderson. Joseph Caldwell. James Caldwell. James Brown. William Grant. John Burns. Andrew Harris. Samuel Warren. David Saddler, sen. Thomas Runnels. Harmon Cummin', John Chappel. Mary Ledbitter. John Young. !83 James Moore. 84 John Warnock. 79 William Entreken. 83 Frederick Owen. 79 Shedrick Owen. 79 James Smith. 83- Nicholas Tripp. 1*79 Aaron Guyton. 85 Peter McMahan. 76 William Gibbs. 85 John Willson. 80 Headon Brock. 79 John Bagwell. 77 William Williamson. 87 William Pruett. 84 Robert Parker. 79 Nicholas Bishop. 87 Major William Millun Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. GREENVILL^ DISTRICT. 1st PART. William Bagwell - - - John Brooksher . - - Henry Canon Greeiibury Caps . - - William Crane, sen. Jonathan Davis ... Robert Duncan - . - Runnels Dill" Philip Evans . . - Isaac Gregory Ezekiel Henderson Jacob Kittle . . - Richard Locke - - - Lewis Land . . - David Morton . . - Alexander Peden . - - John Rogers - - - Samuel Roberts, sen. 2d part. William Gossett - . - SPARTANBURGH DISTRICT l.ST PART. Newman Wilson - - - Joel Calaham - . ^ Samuel Fowler - - . William Wingo - George Roebuck - - - Reuben Newman - - - Paul Castleberry - John Collins, sen. - - . Ellis Johnston . . . Thomas Farrar - - - William Holme - . . Solomon Crocker - - . Samuel Morrow - - - William West, sen. Drury Parkham . . . John O'Shields James Seay . . . Mourning Smith - - - Geoffrey O'Shields Howell Johnson - - . John King - . - - Anthony Crocker - Rowland Johnson - - - Claburn Holt Solomon Abbott Robert Belcher . - . William G. Hopkins John McClure Edward Clement - - - 2d PART. Henry Emerson - . . George Walker . - - UNION DISTRICT. Richard Addis Robin Savage - - . Hancock Porter . - - Mordecai Chandler Mrs. E. F. Farr - James Smith - . . Ann Rochester - . . Thomas Word - . . Major Thomas Young Meshack Chandler ^ - ^\lajor Joseph McJemkin - l''erry Evans -• . . Tilmon Bobo James Hollis - . . James Howard - . . Daniel Palmer Daniel Holder Sherwood Nance - James McWherter William Morehead William Bailey Nicholas Cump, sen. John Bird - . . . 83 80 89 80 76 82 78 76 81 102 78 80 79 78 80 84 91 79 85 81 93 81 89 80 83 85 86 85 85 86 81 80 85 80 88 82 82 80 87 83 8-2 80 81 81 91 82 92 89- 70 88 76 96 85 80 78 82 78 85 83 86 83 77 !»2 88 82 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Jesse Bagwell. John Brooksher. Henry Canon. Greenbury Caps. William Crane, sen. Jonathan Davis. Robert Duncan. Runnels Dill. Philip Evans. Isaac Gregory. Ezekiel Henderson. Jacob Kittle. Richard Locke. Lewis Land. Da-vad Morton. Robert Peden. John Rogers. Samuel Roberts, sen. William Gossett. Isham Wilson. Joel Calaham. Samuel Fowler. John Wingo. Willis Pierson. Reuben Newman. Paul Casileberry. John Collins, sen. Samuel Brice. Thomas Farrar. Mcrdecai Taylor. Solomon Crocker. Samuel Morrow. AVilliam West, sen. Drury Parkham. John O'Shields. James Seay. Mjnrning Smith. Geotirey O'Shields. Howell Johnson. John King. Anthony Crocker. Rowland Johnson. Claburn Holt. Solomon Abbott. Cyrus Belcher. ■William G. Hopkins. John McClure. T. J. Rollins. Henry Emerson. George Walker. Andrew Culbertson. Robin Savage. Hancock Porter. Mordecai Chandler, Mrs. E. F. Farr. James Smith. Ann Rochester. John D. Word. Major Thomas Young. Meshack Chandler. «. Major Joseph McJemkin.7 Perry Evans. Tilmon Bobo. Thomas Hollis. James Howard. Daniel Palmer. Daniel Holder. David Adams. James McWherter. Walter Morehead. William Bailey. Nicholas Cump, sen. Daniel Smith, \u CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued. Names of pensionei-s for revolu- tionary or mililarj' services. YORK DISTRICT. 1st part. Daniel Gihnore Daniel duinn .1. B. Fulton John McEhvee John Barber Gilly Moss Samuel Turner, E-^q. William Carson - James (Campbell James Brian, sen. - Robert Wilson Jacob Black Joseph Jameson Henry Rhay David Siinson, sen. Thomas Bailey Robert Harris William Shaw Andrew Kerr William Clarlj. - David Patton Benjamin McWhorler \!n PART. Thomas Boggs John Starr - Robert Hannah Samuel MoElhenny CHESTER DISTRICT. John Brown Jane Gaston John McDill John Gulp - . - John Bishop Ages. 76 82 75 75 80 76 77 77 86 80 82 86 76 81 84 84 83 82 85 79 78 05 70 80 81 87 79 79 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Daniel Gflmore. David Gaston. A. Fulton. John McElwee. Robert Barber. Samuel Moss. Samuel Turner, Esq. James Campbell. James Brian, sen. Robert Wilson. Jacob Black. Joseph Jameson. Henry Rhay. David Stinson, sen. Robert Harris. Andrew Kerr. William Clark. David Patton. J. W. Jennings. Marv Boggs. Eli More. ■ Allen Robertson. David Sexton. James A. H. Gaslon. James McDill. John Gulp. John Bishop. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. CHESTER— Continued. Isabella King . . . Francis Wylie - - . John Holcomb - - . Colonel George Gilt Stephen McEihenny John Con - - John Colwell Robert Cowley - . . LANCASTER DISTRICT. John Hinson, sen. Mrs. Bell, widow of George Bell - William Hopkins - Isham Peonies - - . Thomas IVIcKay - - - Reuben Bennett P. Conner - . . W. Valendenham - - - Ji'mes Rams'.-y John McMurry - . . R. James Hunter - - - CHESTERFIELD DISTRICT. Peter Arant . . . John Blakney . . - George Bone - .» . Thomas Davis Ahaz Rogers . . . MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. John Uaskew ... William Hodges - Lewis Stubbs, sen. ^ - - William Co.xe ... William Lister, sen. Ages. Names of heads of familie: with whom pensioners re sided June 1, 1840. 88 Martin King. 90 Francis Wylie. 52 John Holcomb. 79 Colonel George Gill. 80 Stephen McElhenny. 85 John Con. 79 Jolm Colwell. 88 Robert Cowley. 89 John Hinson, sen. 80 Nelson Bell.' 84 William Hopkins. 70 Isham Peoples. 78 Thomas McKay. 80 ■ Reuben Bennett. 88 Philemon Conner. 87 William Valendenham 80 James Ramsey. 92 John McMurry. 70 James Hunter. 91 Peter Aranl. 83 John Blakney. 77 George Bone. 81 Thomas Davis. 84 Ahaz Rogers. 76 John Haskew. 83 William Hodges. 81 Lewis Stubbs, sen. 77 WilUam Coxe. 81 William Lfster. STATE OF GEORGIA. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- • Names of heads of families tionary or mililavv srrvifps. Ages. with whom pensioners re- tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. sided June 1, 1840. CAMPBELL COUNTY. CAMDEN COUNTY. William R. Gunnell William Clinton - 88 80 William R. Gunnell. William Clinton. Lew i.s Wei ford - 95IO100 Lewis Welford. George Norwood - 77 Harrison McCain. Benjamin Bledsoe - - - 77 Benjamin Bledsoe. COBB COUNTY. James Akins . . - 90 James Akins. Jeremiah Nesbit - 105 Lindsey Ellsbury. CHATTOOGA COUNTY. Peter Grover 79 Daniel Grover. John Sumers 77 AVilliam Gann. Daniel Orear 8:5 Daniel Orear. Robert McDowell - 86 R. McDowell. John Barnwell . . - 88 John Barnwell. CHEROKEE COUNTY. Israel Eastwood 82 Mary Avery. John Collins ... 80 John Collins, Charles Smith 75 Charles Smith. Adonijah Edwards - 73 Adonijah Edwards. Nathan Willaford - 82 Nathan Willaford. Ephraim Martin - 80 G. W. Crawley. CRAWFORD COUNTY. ■ CASS COUNTY. Philip Matthews - 88 Philip Matthews, John Lewis ... Reuben Edwards - Hugh Brewster ... 83 80 Bayles W. Lewis. Reuben Edwards. William Brewster. Jason Meador ... Jai.ies Bailey Joel Ethridge ... Thomas Turner ... Daniel Hartley . . '. Lewis Goodwin 81 80 77 Jason Meador. James H. Wright, .lohn Anthony. Benjamin Haris . . - Charles Baker ... 81 79 John Stokes. Charles Baker. 89 97 74 Thomas Turner. Daniel Hartley. ' L. Goodwin. CLARK COUNTY. Jacob Fudge 82 Jacob Fudge. Francis Farrar 76 John Killgoar. CARROLL COUNTY. John Olivet ... 78 John Oliver. John Espy 84 John Espv. Zachariah Stedham 89 James H. Sledhani. Benjamin Parr - - - 83 E. H. Rodgers. Jesse Rowell ... 87 Jesse Rowell. George Wilson ... 88 Reuben Hambleton. John Robinson, sen. 88 John Robinson, sen. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. OKORGl A— Continued. 145 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or ;nililaiy services. L COWETA COUNTY. Allen Gav William Srailh John Neely . . - James Akens William Butisler - BURKE COUNTY. Abraham Thomas - James Allen BALDWIN COUNTY. William Anderson Benjamin Talbjt - Jeriah Robinsun James G. Russell, sen. BIBB COUNTY. None. BULLOCK COUNTY. John Banks BUTTS COUNTY. E. Price - - - DADE COUNTY. Moses Perkins DE KALB COUNTY. Lewis Stowers, sen. William Terrell - William Copeland - George Brojks Thom-is Roberts - John Macomeson - William Reeve ELBERT COUNTY. J.ihn Cook William Kelley - David Carter James ililey Richi .1 G'lly John Davis Benjamin Brown - William Ward - John Daniel William Gains Amos Riuhardson - William Trammel Leonard Rice William Glasgow - EMANUEL COUNTY. Benjamin Fareclauth David Edenfield ■,- Matthew Curl Wilson Drew Henry Brown ■ A. Sutton - Jacob Durdan EFFINGHAM COUNTY. Jonathan Rahn EARLY COUNTY. Redman Wells ■•osiah Bagget jbeth Jordan - 19 Ages. 75 91 83 74 83 86 H-I 78 70 70 78 31 87 76 84 73 79 95 84 81 79 83 8i 62 i5.'> 87 77 8'2 80 83 76 83 81 78 83 79 78 75 70 82 85 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. Allen Gay. William Smith. Rebecca Neely. James Akens. James Bunsler. James Allen. William Anderson. Benjamin Talbot. Luke Robinson. James G. Russell. Elijah Aspinwall. E. Price. Isham Perkins. Lewis Slowers, sen. William Terrell. William Copeland. Stacy Strickland. Simeon Acre. John Macome''On. William Pi,eeve. John Cook.' William Kelley. David Carter. James Rilev- William Roberl.'.on, John Davis. Benjamin Brown. Williar.i Ward. John Daniel. William Gains. James V. Richard'on. William Trammel. Leonard Rice. William Glasgow. Benjamin Fareclauth. David Edenfield. Matthew Curl. Levi Drew. Henry Brown. Abner Sutton. Jacob Durdan. 58 78 Redman Wells. 57 Charles B. Jordan. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Ann Cash - Elislia Dyer William'Murdock William Mitchell - John Stonecypher - Stephen Fuller Thomr.s Clarke - William Aaron Jesse Holbrook William Spears Samuel McCoy Robert Flemming - Abner Sherdin FAYETTE COUNTY. Karen Hapuck Mills James Waldroup - Jared Suddeth William Black - Susan Gilleland FORSYTH COUNTY. Leonard Wells Ambrose Brown - James Nolen John N. Lagi'an - Philip Whilten James Carroll GY/INNETT COUNTY. John Davis Benjamin Conger - Daniel Clowers Isaac Horlon Joseph Curbi) William McRight - Nathan Wiliiains - Nathan Dobs Stephen Harris John McDadde Owen Andeis John Laurence Philip Iscley I Edward Jackson - Robert Patison Reuben Bramlell - Littleton Hunt Abil Gowers Enoch Benson George Thrasher - Joseph Herringdon GILMER COUNTY. Richard Co.'C, sen. - Enoch Smith James Kelt Ebenezer Fain Mary Ellis - j GREENE COUNTY. I George Sloughter --' -'' '-' -' ! Robert Pullin ! Stephen Gatlm Matthew Harris^ - John Shurr HEARD COUNTY. James Stewart HALL COUNTY. .Toseph Bonds James Anderson - Isaac Reed - John Moore James McCleskey - 75 77 81 81 84 88 79 93 76 95 79 77 80 79 85 76 76 80 81 83 90 87 95 75 109 84 79 81 86 21 89 85 86 93 87 80 91 86 78 75 97 86 ai 85 77 79 81 81 78 84 77 85 54 88 77 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Howard Cash. John Dyer. Thomas H. Murdock. William Mitchell. John Stonecypher. Stephen Fuller. Thomas Clarke. William Aaron. Jesse Holbrook. William Spears. Samuel McCoy. Robert Flemming. Abner Eherdin. Richard Phipps. David Waldroup. James N. Suddeth. Samuel Black, 84 72 87 83 8G Leonard Wells. Ambrose Brown. Thomas Wiley. John N. Lagran. William Arons, jr. Martin R. Pa.\lon. Joseph Rutlcdgc, Benjamin Conger. Daniel P. Clowers. Isaac Horton. Joseph Curbo. William McRight. Nathan Wil!ianu>. Nathan Dobs. Stephen Harris. Lucmdi SaXlon. David Anders. John Laurence. Philip Iseley. Edward Jackson. George A. Paiison. Reuben Bramlett. Sarah Chambers. Abel Gowers. Enoch Benson. George Thrasher. Joseph Herringdon, Richard Cox, sen. Asahel Smith. Alexander Kell, Ebenezer Fain, Elijah Ellis. George Sloughter. Robert R. Pullin^_ Stephen Gallin. Matthew Harris, John Shurr. John Stewart. Joseph Bonds. James Anderson. Joseph Reed. John Moore. James McCleskey. 146 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. GEORGIA— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided Jime 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. HALL— Continued . LIBERTY COUNTY, William Flanagan iU William Flanagan. Mary Hart 72 Joseph Jones. Robert Kell 89 V William Kell. James Gilmer, sen. 80 James Gilmer, sen. LUMPKIN COUNTY. Elias Allread 82 Elias Allread. Milliner Childers - 77 Wiley Childers. William Allen 101 William Allen. Jesse Hulsey . . . 81 Jesse Hulsey. William Fleming - 79 Isaac N. Fleming. James Pitts 77 James Pitts. John Hames 94 John Hames. John Nicholson . . . 77 John Nicholson. Reuben Hill 69 Reuben Hill. Charles Guntcr 78 Charles Gunter. Richard LedbeUer - 101 Johnson Ledbetler. Beal Baker 84 Beal Baker. Edmond Singleton - 85 Overstreet Singleton. Robert Robertson - - . 83 Robert Robertson. John Nix .... 75 JVIicajah Walker. William Clark- 84 William Clark. Michael Pilgrim - 86 Samuel Etres. Basil Shaw 92 Roland Johnson. Benjamin West - ■ 81 Benjamin West. LINCOLN COUNTY. HENRY COUNTY. William Linvill - 85 William Linvill. Ezekiel Cloud 78 Ezekiel Cloud. John Guyse ... 79 John Guyse. Francis Adams ... 77 Francis Adams. LAURENS COUNTY. James Gilbert 87 James Gilbert. Thomas Cook ... 88 Jesse M. Cook. None. Charles Upchurch 85 Charles Upchurch. Shelldeake Chandler 88 Joel Chandler. MACON COUNTY. HARRIS COUNTY. " Daniel Whatley . 87 Daniel Whatley. William Norris ... William B. Swan - 84, 8-3 William Norris. W. B. Swan. Joseph Passmore - Dempsey Baker . 79 77 Joseph Passmore. Dempsey Baker. HABERSHAM COUNTY. MORGAN COUNTY.^ -^ Daniel McCollans - 80 John Stovall. William Barkly - M. Cochran ... 80 83 R. J. D. Barkly. Matthew Cochran. Thomas Pilgrim - Garrett Vandegriff 74 89 Thomas Pilgrim. GarreU Vandegriff. George Campbell - 86 George Campbell. Robert Turner 80 Robert Turner. MADISON COUNTY. , HANCOCK COUNTY. Robert L. Tate 76 Robert L. Tate. Malone Mullins - 80 Malone Mullins. Charles Tugle - 87 Martin Rowe. William Shuffield - 70 William Shutbeld. James Thompson - 77 James Thompson, sen. Timothy Rossiter . 80 Timothy Rossiter. Alexander Hainan 80 Alexander Haman. John Hill .... 80 John Hill. William Cheek - 89 William Cheek. John Dennis 70 John Dennis. Bird Brasel ... 70 Bird Brasel. MURRAY COUNTY. Isaac Blount 80 Isaac Bluunt. Joseph Grant ... 80 Levi Spighls. William Stone - James Stone. Mills Howel 70 Mills Howel. William Faison - 70 William Faison. MARION COUNTY. JONES COUNTY. George Buchanan - 81 George Buchanan. John'Mayo 81 Axom Mayo. Oliver Morton, sen. 77 Oliver Merlon, sen. Reuben Roberts 85 Reuben Roberts. McINTOSH COUNTY. John C. Slocumb . 80 John Slocumb. \ George White. 81 Waldegrave C. Street. JASPER COUNTY. JohnCaldor 77 John Calder. Sion Barnelt David Waters 79 105 Sion Barnett. Wiley Henderson. MONROE COUNTY. Juhn Davidson 79 82 89 78 John 'Davidson. Tolover Davis 84 Tolover Davis. William Joues, sen. William Jones, sen. William Stewart - 87 William Stewart. John Spears Lewis D. Yancy . John Spears. Lewis D. Yancy, sen. Williaiii Jones 45 John M. Woolsey. JEFFERSON COUNTY. MERIWETHER COUNTY. ■ Jacob Sodown 80 Jacob W. Sodown. Ale.xander Smith - 1 Samuel Bowen 81 83 Alexander Smith. Samuel Bowen. Lewis Jenkins ... 87 Lewis Jenkins. JACKSON COUNTY. John Black 77 John Black. Giles Kelley 78 Giles Kelley. Isaac Mathews 79 Milton Mathews. George Earnest 80 Elisha Earnest. William Mathews •• 77 William Maihcwi. Solomon Saxon ... Ansell Cuningham 73 77 Solomon Sa.xoii. Ansell Cuningham. MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Levi Lowerv Jesse White John King .... 7C 79 85 Levi Lowery. Jesse White. John King. 1 Philemon Hodges . Richard Chri-.linas 83 77 Samuel K. Hodges. Richard Christmas. George Levay t*5 George Levay. 1 Henry Angli'u 81 Henry Anglin. ! NEWTON COUNTY. Sherrod Thompson 83 Sherrod Thompson. James Wheeler 85 Jairos Wheeler. 1 John Webb Sb John T. Webb, CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. GEORGIA— Continued. 147 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. NEWTON CITY. Richmond Terrell Ricliard Fretwell . - - "Valentine Weathers Wyatt Hewell Robert Carter Thomas McLane - OGLETHORPE COUNTY. William Finch . . - Thomas Dunn, sen. •Joseph Woodall - - - Miller Bledsoe Samuel Ward Jacob Eberhart Charles Carter William Kidd, sen. Charles Strong . . - UNION COUNTY. Michael Tanney - UPSON COUNTY. Hiram Chelfench - PIKE COUNTY. John Jenkins, sen. - John Wise William Harper - David Grisham Faddy Whittington WILKINSON COUNTY.: Robert Rosier, sen. John Meadows William Jenkins - WILKES COUNTY. Jolm Combs - - . William Williams Andrew Woolf WASHINGTON COUNTY. William William.s Lustatia Tliompsou George F. Howard Uriah Peacock Thomas Love Moses Cox Isaac Jones WALTON COUNTY. Henry Harden Benjamin Harris - James Swords WALKER COUNTY. Daniel Newnan Robert Story WARREN COUNTY. William Casou John Doud James Draper John Wilson Benjamin Rickerson Ages. 80 87 76 84 84 80 76 76 76 78 85 83 88 77 77 81 85 84 88 83 87 89 87 99 25 93 85 89 85 80 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Richmond Terrell. Richard Fretwell. Valentine Weaihers. Jesse W. Hesiell. Thomas McLane. William Finch. Thomas Dunn, sen. Joseph Woodall. Whitfield Landrum. Samtiel Ward. Jacob Eberhart. Charles Carter. William Kidd, sen. Charles Strong. Michael Tanney. Hiram Chelfench. John Jenkins, sen. Nathan Vinson. William Harper. David Grisham. Faddy Whittington, jun. 84 78 83 Robert Rosier, sen. Joseph Meadows. Jorial Bennet. 78 78 88 John Coinbs, sen. William Williams. Andrew Woolf, sen HG 74 27 88 90 81) 79 William Williams. Greene H. Warthin James Collins. Uriah Peacock. Lovey Love. Moses Cox, jun. Isaac Jones. Henry Harden. Benjamin Harris James Swords, Daniel Newnan. John Foster, William Cason. John Doud. James Draper. Elias Wilson. Benjamin Rickerson. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. WARREN— Continued. John Jackson Charles Studevenl RABUN COUNTY, Edward Williams - John McLain John Dillard Josias Cpllahan Jonathan Dunlap - RICHMOND COUNTY. John Marten RANDOLPH COUNTY. Peter BuchoUer Ezekiel Bryan John Brown Thomas Davis Richard Darby TALIAFERRO COUNTY. Thomas McCormack Richard King William Evans Henry Stewart TELFAIR COUNTY. Joseph Williams - TALBOT COUNTY. Shadrach Ellis TWIGGS COUNTY. John Keeth Ephraim Lile Thomas Taylor, sen. TROUP COUNTY. William Thomason Fountain Jordan - Joseph Johnson PULASKI COUNTY. Jacob Parkerson - CITY OF SAVANNAH. Sheftall Shefiall - j Elias Bullough John Cabos SUMTER COUxNTY. Daniel Flanigau - SCRIVEN COUNTY. John Arnell STEWART COUNTY. Zachariah Elliott - Benjamin Smith - Robert Melton Prescott Bush Thomas Glenn Nalhaniel Slaiham - Ages. 85 80 102 81 @l 81 81 103 77 75 77 85 102 90 88. 98 81 80 80 90 77 77 92 77 8S 79 78 77 94 83 80 84 88 82 81 81 70 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Lewis Jackson. Charles Studevent. Edward Williams. John McLain. John Dillard. Josias Collahan. Jonathan Dunlap. John Marten. John S. Harrison. Ezekiel Bryan, j John P, Taff. Thomas Davis. Richard Darby. Thomas McCormack. Richard King. William Evans. Henry Stewart, Joseph Barrows. John Ellis. John Keeth. Ephraim Lile. Thomas Taylor, sen. John O. Thomason. Fountain Jordan. Daniel Johnson. J. Parkerson. Sheftall Shefiall. J. K. Bullough. John Cabos. G. H. Hayship, Levi H. Best. Zachariah Elliott. Benjamin Smith. William Melton. Prescott Bush. Thomas Glenn, Nathaniel Statham, I 148 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. STATE OF ALABAMA— NORTHERN DISTRICT. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of fami ie tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with -whom pensioners sided June 1, 1840. re BLOUNT COUNTY. LAWRENCE COUNTY. WESTERN DIVISION. Samuel McGaughy Abrm. Haughton - - - 78 81 Samuel McGaughy. William Boyce. Charles Holt 78 C. Holt. John Harvey 82 John Harvey. Jeremiah Files 75 J. Files. JarvisEllett Abrm. Ellege ... 75 SO Jon. Wilson. Abrm. Ellege. EASTERN DIVISION, William Mitcliell - William Lackey - 8G 87 A. Mitchell. William Lackey. George Husstullar - 7G G. Husstullar. Thomas Fulton ... 81 Thomas Fulton. Thomas C. Jones - - - 82 Thomas C. Jones. Andrew White 78 Andrew White. Jos. McDenr.ent - 8.-! John Cook. James McDonell - 82 James McDonell. BENTON COUNTY. LIMESTONE COUNTY. Hezekiah Posey - 90 Hezekiah Posey. Thomas Holland - 78 Thomas Holland. John Piesnell 81 John Presnell. John Craig 75 John Craig. James AV'atkins 92 James Walkins. William IVIalone - 85 William IVIalone. '" Samuel Tulbcn 87 Samuel Tolberi. James McConnell, sen. 83 James McConnell, sen. John Landers 8-2 John Landers. Je.sse Mitcliell 75 Jesse Mitchell. Tobias Honev 78 Abel Brooks. John Cliandler 8<) John Chandler. MARION COUNTY. Samuel Ridner 80 Jos. Ridner. John MalioiT 7.5 Henry H. Mallory. Thomas Stanford - — William Cunningham 93 William N. Cunningham. William Kennedy - — J. Kennedy. Jiitm Roper 75 Stephen Roper. S.in'.uel Warden - 84 David Barn-veil. MORGAN COUNTY. CHEROKEE COUNTY. Thomas Queen E. Thompson 80 91 Thomas Queen. E. Thompson. E. Moss ■ - 74 E. Moss. James Lynn ... 76 James Lynn. JohnGrewer . . - 42 John Qrewer. N. 'i'hom'pson ... 81 N. Thompson. Jos. Garner, sen. - 95 Jos. Garner. Jos. Nelson Cornelius Malone - 87 81 Jos. Nelson. Cornelius Malone. DE KALB COUNTY. Robert Barclay, sen. Thomas Hubbard, sen. 76 87 Robert Barclay, sen.'* Thomas Hubbard, sen. Jacob Froxil 85 J. Froxil. William Walker - 78 G. Walker. MARSHALL COUNTY. George Upion 80 George Upton. Samuel West ... 103 Butcher West. FRANKLIN COUNTY. John Bradley, sen. - . . Thomas Cargill - 83 77 John Bradley, .sen. Thomas Cargill. Hugh Randolph - 85 David Fuller. Thomas T. Duty - Robert Rains - 44 56 Thomas T Doty. Robert Rains. Elijah While 78 ■ Samuel B. White. *" MADISON COUNTY. FAYETTE COUNTY. NORTH DIVISION. Reuben Cook ... 80 Reuben Coolr. Fred. Bagwell 80 Fred. Bagwell. Clement Blackboum 80 Thomas Glaze 89 Thomas Glaze. Richard Harris 82 Isaac Lansdale . - - 80 Isaac Lansdale. Andrew Martin - ■ 105 Andrew Martin. Benjamin Guess - S3 Jesse Howard. Peyton Powell '^- 80 Peyton Powell. Johnson Siroi^g 82 Johnson Strong. Samuel Davis 85 Samuel Davis. David Black - - 80 David Black. Jacob Caulk Edward Bevill - . - 85 78 John H. Webster. Edward Bevill. JACKSON COUNTY. Reuben S'.one Richard Johnson - 84 82 Reuben Stone. R. chard Johnson. John Duncan R3 Robert Duncan. Sturdy Garner 78 Sturdy Garner. Jesse Sampels Jos. R. MeCormack 79 •96 Jes.se Sampels. Joseph R. McCormack. SOUTH DIVISION. Jonah Mclnally John Wood Thomas Russell - John Brftnt John Morris ... 52 89 79 85 70 Jonah Mclnallv. Thomas Campbell. Thomas Rus ■ Joshua Hamilton. Matthew Williams 85 Matthew Williams. Elijah Cro.ss 84 David L. Cross. Abraham Cross ... 90 Abraham Cross. MEIGS COUNTY. Edward Cox ... 83 John Cox. Jacob Bealer 89 Jacob Bealer. John Dyer .... 80 Robert Phariss. Joseph Grey - . . Jacob Hawk 76 Joseph Grey. John Sutton 90 Thomas P. Davis. 82 Jacob Hawk. George Bushong - ■ - 48 George Bushong. MARION COUNTY. ■ Jacob Slaughter ... 84 Jacob Slaughter. William Snodgrass 80 William Snodgrass. Ransom Smiili ... 81 Ransom Smith. Samuel Taylor ... 85 Edward Taylor.-. Ezekiel Stone 83 Richard W. Stone. Thomas Cox 84 Stephen Mi'ller. Letitia Rains - 71 Robert Rains. Henry Maggot 80 Richard Shipley. Laton Smith . 84 Aaron Smith. John Hudson 85 Hamilton Perry, William Everett - 78 William Everett. Henry Maggot 54 Henry Maggot". James Morgan 81 James Morgan. Ankey Godsey 77 Jacob Millers. William King ... 88 Benjamin H. King. POLK COUNTY. William Bolen . 83 William Bolen. David Childress - 78 W. P. Nelms. William May 75 William May. Benjamin Birdwell 74 Benjamin Birdwell. William Longley - 8-2 William Longley. William Goad 86 William Goad. Samuel Walker - 80 William Parker. Richard Parkers . 55 Richard Parkers. Thomas Towns . 89 John Towns. John Chester 86 John Chester. Samuel Carter 85 Amos Carter. John Douglass 70 John Douglass. Robert Tribbetl 57 Robert Tribbetl. RHEA COUNTY. Micajah Adams ... 81 Micajab Adams. Daniel BroiiCs 80 Cornelius Broiles. SEVIER COUNTY. James Furgison - - . 81 Samuel Furgison. Thomas Hamilton 80 Thomas Hamilton. Penelope Porter - 77 Ashley Winn. Thomas McKeddy 86 WiUiam McKeddy. Lydia Atchley 75 Noah Atchley. Mary Reace 23 Mary Reace. Jacob Layman 78 Jacob Layman. Harris Ryan 7G Harris Ryan. William Trotter - 77 William'Trotier. Jeremiah Compton 87 Cyrus Compton. ROANE COUNTY. George Parsons 79 George Parsons. Martha James. Daniel Fox 66 Thomas Landrim . 86 Thomas Landrim. John McCroskey - 84 John McCroskey. James Acree 86 James Acree. John Baman ... 86 John Baman. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Adam Miller 83 Adam Miller. David Blackwell - 8-2 David Blackwell. John Crouch. 84 David Mains. Benjamin Chapman 78 Benjamin Chapman. Loyd Ford 83 Loyd Ford. Samuel Evans - . 84 L. B, Davis. Anion Hale ... 83 Aiion Hale. John Hood 78 John Hood. William Ledmon ... 67 William Ledmon. John Wooddy 81 Samuel Wooddv. Jeremiah Keys 43 Jeremiah Keys. John McNalt 78 John McNatt. Elizabeth Lacky ... 80 Elizabeth Hundley. James Allen 81 James Allen. James Simmons ... 49 .Tames Simmons. Edward Wyatt 81 Daniel White. William Slaughter 85 David Lawson. James Akin 80 James Akin. John Thornburg - 01 John Thornburg. Robert Liles ... 81 Robert D. Liles. Jacob Brown 91 Jacob Brown. Thomas Ives 82 Thomas Ives. Hugh Harriss 84 Hugh Harris-s. Carter Barnard 78 Carter Barnard. Adam Harman 75 Adam Harman. Solomon Gearran . 80 Solomon Gearran. Andrew Hannah - 79 Andrew Hannah. ' Tandy Senter Lard Burns 82 Tandv Senter. Zadoc Freeman - 55 Zadoc Freem4n. 85 Lard 'Barns. Adam Ingle 86 Adam Ingle. John Cox .... 8-2 Samuel Cox. James Sevier 76 James Sevier. George Fuller, sen. 83 George Fuller, sen. Elizabeth Jackson - 75 Alfred Jackson. Nathaniel Orsboum 89 Elizabeth Burk. Darling Jones - - J 77 Darling Jones. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. TENNESSEE-MIDDLE DISTRICT. 155 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. BEDFORD COUNTY. Robert Majors Samuel Knox Richard Keel Malt Martin, sen. - John Davidson Zadoc Wood John Moore, sen. - - ■ John Gibbs Horatio Coop Jackson Lisle John Morrison David Ostean John Tacke Jacob Bledsoe Ezekiel Reynolds - Abram Hilton James Murray John Williams CANNON COUNTY. John Bynum Enoch Berry John Stephenson - Isaac End' - Daniel Carroll Hardy Lassetor David Faulkenburg Gisbin Lane COFFEE COUNTY. Isaac Street Morton Jones John Nelson Lewis Taylor Charles Pearson - Sterling Pearson - George D. Sherrell DICKSON COUNTY. Benjamin C. Waters Abraham Hogins - William Willie - James Daniel George Clark Christopher Strong John Nesbiit Robert Nesbitt, sen. Simon Deloach William Jaraes Gideon Carr • John Maybourn Isaac Walker Gustavus Rape William Tatorn - Mary Thompson - Benjamin Darrow DE KALB COUNTY. John Fite - . . Leonard Pite James Saunders Elijah Duncan Elijah Hoolon Joseph Rankhurn - John Pucket John Beven DAVIDSON COUNTY. Norvell Lipscomb - Perkinson Jackmair- James Haley Peter Leslie Gideon Johnson James Barnes Nicholas Hale CIVIL UISTKIOI' .NO. 9. Cabler Frederick - Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 79 83 87 77 77 74 80 81 84 78 77 79 86 79 80 90 88 79 83 77 89 79 77 88 101 89 78 91 84 79 80 87 77 93 85 90 54 94 80 84 80 57 45 90 97 85 77 SO 71 78 81 81 79 90 93 81 76 86 i Robert Majors. William Eoff. Richard Keel. Matt Martin, sen. John Davidson. E. B. Jones. John Moore, sen. Ebenezer F. Gibbs. James Coop. Jackson Lisle. John Morrison. David Ostean. John Tacke. Jacob Bledsoe. Michael Reynolds. Abram Hilton. James Murray. John Williams. John Bynum. Enoch Berry. Abner Alexander. Isaac Eoti'. George W. Thursi.on. Luke Lassetor. William Pace. James C. Greer. Isaac Street. Morton Jones. Jolin Kelson. Lewis Taylor. William Pearson. Ellis Pearson. George D. Sherrell. Benjamin C. W.ilers. Archibald D. Hogins. Reddick Myatl. James Daniel. Benjamin Clark. Christopher Strong. Allen Nesbitt. Robert Nesbiil, sen. Simon Deloach. William James. John B. Carr. Howell Underwood. Isaac Walker. Gustavus Rape. William Tatorn. Mary Thompson. Benjamin Darrow. Henry Fite. Leonard Fite. Joseph Saunders. Elijah Duncan. John Reeves. Joseph Rankhorn. John Pucket. John Bevert. 84 James Walker. 77 Perkinson Jackmai 84 James Haley. 80 Peter Leslie. 86 George Chadwell. 79 James Barnes. 78 •Nicholas Hale. i-i John Corbett. Names ol pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. DAVIDSON— Continued. CIVIL DISTRICT NO. 9 — Continued. Joseph Vick CIVIL DISTRICT NO. 10. John Williamson - CIVIL DISTRICT NO. 11. John McCutchin - CIVIL DISTRICT NO. 1*2. William Watkins - Caleb Mason CIVIL DISTRICT NO. 18. John Casey Isaiah Alley CmL DISTRICT NO. 19. Peter Bashaw Benjamin Morgan CIVIL DISTRICT NO. 20. William Coats CIVIL DISTRICT NO. 22. John McCaslin DISTRICT NO. 23. Thomas Hickman DISTRICT NO. Thomas Douglass George Smith 24. FENTRESS COUNTY. Lucy Chapman Andrew Shortridge Anna Flowers Jane Evans Bailey Owen George Chilton George Helm Smith Willis V/illiam Dor.se FRANKLIN COUNTY. Samuel Handley - Enoch Breedon Thomas Wakefield Elihu Berk Patrick McElyea - Richard Erwin William Calwell - Larkin Ragan Ann Wil.'^on William Jackson - William Calwell - Jonas Hill Jacob Reynolds Samuel Reynolds - GILES COUNTY. Joseph Jones Nathaniel Taluin - Henry Goodnight - John Jones John Everly John Ross Thomas Williams - Benjamin Cheatham James Tinner Aaron Grigsby John Erwin Piichard Jones George Dodson Hugh King Elles Wood John Bradberry James Higgins, sen. John Watkins Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 78 Joseph Vick. 79 John Williamson. 87 John McCutchin. 85 William E. Watkins. 87 John Davis. 77 Charles S. Casey. 91 Thomas Alley. . 78 Peter Bashaw. 78 Benjamin Morgan.' 80 Beverly E. Coats. 90 Joshua Drake. 78 Thomas Hickman. 84 Thomas Douglass, 80 George Smith. 70 Lucy Chapman. 8.T Andrew Shortridge. 78 Archibald Stonia. 72 Thomas Evans. 82 Bailey Owen. 88 George Chilton. 89 George Helm. 78 Smith Willis. 78 William Dorse. 89 John Handley. 82 Enoch Breedon. 76 Thomas Wakefield. 75 Alexander Donaldson 91 Archer Hatchet. 30 Richard Erwin. 78 William Calwell. 93 Larkin Kagan. 40 Mrs. Ann Wilson. 78 William Jackson. 78 William Cowan. 76 Jonas Hill. 47 Jacob Reynolds. 84 Samuel Reynolds. 82 Joseph Jones. 79 Nathaniel Tatum. 79 David Goodnight. 90 Hizar Jones. 74- George Everly. 89 George B. Ross. 79 Henry E. Williams. 89 Benjamin Cheatham. 81 James Tinner. 85 Araos Grigsby. 85 John Erwin. 77 Richard Jones. 79 George Dodsou. 85 Hugh King. 87 George Erwin. 104 J. Bradberry. 89 James Higgins, jun. John Watkins. , 83 156 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. TENNESSEE— MIDDLE DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads ol' families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. GILES— Continued. LINCOLN-Continued. DISTRICT NO. 3. Lester Morris ... 80 T. A. Westmoreland. Samuel Isaacs ... 82 Samuel Isaacs. Robert Patiorson - 83 Robert Patterson. ' Josiah Brandon 80 Josiah Brandon. Samuel Baker ... 88 Robert Chapman. Lawson Hobson 86 Lawson Hobson. DISTRICT NO. 6. Thomas Hudson - 78 Jolm Sandusky. Thomas Armstrong 85 John Armstrong. Samuel Watson 79 Richard Sultle. Aaron D. Gage 82 Easier Wesierman. William Pamplin - 77 Henry Pamplin. HICKMAN COUNTY. DISTRICT NO. 7. Elijah Mayfield - 80 Elijah Mayfield. ' William Shaw 82 William Shaw. Josiah Grimetl 74 Josiah GrimeU. Jerdon Milum 90 Jerdon Milum. ' DISTRICTS NOS. 10 AND 11. John TucUor 87 John Tucker. William George - 85 William George. Richard Campbell - 8-2 Richard Campbell. Richard Nails. David Henderson - 49 David Henderson. Richard Nails 77 W. C. Smith 82 Larkin Smith. Benjamin Rowe - 82 Benjamin Rowe. Philip Koonce 75 Philip Koonce. HUMPHREYS COUNTY. DISTRICT NO. 1. DISTRICT NO. 14. John Plant 5tJ John Plant. John Gibson ao John Gibson DISTRICT NO. 3. DISTRICT NO. 17. Simon Sieptoe 77 Hilary Caps. William Beard 80 Francis A. Beard. DISTRICT NO. 5. DISTRICT NO. 22. Josiah Pucket 91 Josiah Pucket. William Brown ... 70 Joshua B. Brown. Alexander Anderson . - 85 Ale-xander Brown. DISTRICT NO. 23. DISTRICT NO. 9. John R. Vickers ... 91 John R. Vickers. Isaac Hale 78 Isaac Hale. Alexander Forbes, sen. 79 Alexander Forbes, sen., William Gibson - 98 Patrick Spicer. Rapel Smith, sen. - 77 Rape! Smith, sen. JACKSON COUNTY. LAWRENCE COUNTY. DISTRICT NO. I. James Cayson 83 Edm. Cayson. Wilson Rogers 82 Jacob Blyche, sen. Richard Gordon - 78 Richard Gordon. Palmore Kendred - 95 William A.yers. Richard Robinson - 104 Catharine Brown. DISTRICT NO. 2. Joseph Spears ... 80 Joseph Spears. Thomas Wilkerson 77 Jesse Jinkins. John Evans ... 77 John Evans, jun. Jeremiah Bentley - 82 J. Benlley. DISTRICT NO. 3. Reuben Graves James Waters, .sen. 88 James Waters, .sen. 79 Reuben Graves. William H. Redding 81 William H. Redding. DISTRICT NO. 4. 1 MARSHALL COUNTY. William Carlisle - 75 William Morse. Yelvalon Neville - 76 Yelvaton Neville. Lewis Paiham - . - 55 Lewis Parham. Benjamin Copelaiul 7G Benjamin Copeland. DlSTRICr NO. 5. John Wood 92 Philip Condia. William Marlin John Dysart, sen. - - . Richard Long, sen. 81 91 82 William Marlin. John Dysart. Richard Long, sen. James Shaw 69 James Shaw. DISTRICT NO. y. Joseph Hawkin.s - Jeremiah Brown - 74 86 Joseph Hawkins. Jeremiah Brown. Robert Walker - James Wilson Ezekiel Billinglon - 80 86 82 Robert Walker. James Wilson. Ezekiel Billinglon. DISTRICT .NO. 10. David Phillips Charles Harmon - ' James Bass - ' - 83 James Bass. 85 83 Davfd Phillips. Charles Harmon. Sylvester Chunn - Robert Cowdcn Frederick Fisher - 86 86 78 Sylvesier Chunn. Ruben Cowden, 3d. Frederick Fisher. Shadrach Weaver - 74 Shadrach Weaver. DISTRICT NO. 11. David Lyles Daniel Ilamsey 84 77 Joshua Draper. Daniel Ramsey. William Dickson - Emanuel McConnell Jacob Lawrance 54 84 82 William Dick.'-on. Emanuel McConnell. John Lawrance. , Samuel Uilles 81 John Hilles. DISTRICT NO. 1"J. Michael Saylers - 82 Thomas Saylers. William Bingham - Elijah Alexander - . . 84 81 William Bingham. Elijah Alexander. Alexander Ewens ... 79 Alexander Ewens. DISTRICT NO, 13. John Henley 89 John Henley. Peter Crumb 81 Peicr Crumb. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Joseph Jarcd, sen. - Jact Newman 80 Joseph Jared, sen. 75 Catharine Murphv. ■ Benjamin P. Persons 58 Benjamin P. Persons. Lncinda Pool 75 John Pool. DISTRICT NO. 15. John Vick ... 84 John Vick. James Fentress 77 James Fentress. William Ferrel - 83 William Ferrel. Alexander Frazier 81 Sol. Neville. Joseph Ligon ... 85 Joseph Ligon. LINCOLN COUNTY. DISTRICT NO. 1. Thomas Hackney - James Bowers ... 88 84 D. W. Hackney. James Bowers. Thomas Davis 81 Thomas Davis. MAURY COUNTY. DISTRICT NO. 2. 4tH DISTRICT. John McNott 105 Charles McNott. Joseph Haynes 89 Joseph Kennedy. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. TENNESSEE— MIDDLE DISTRICT— Continued. ni Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or mililary services. MAURY— Continued. 9th civil, district. Zachariah Butler - Jacob Biffla 10th civil district. Samuel Mayers 12th civil district. William Gordoa •• James Mitchell 14th civil district. Jacob Gilliam 15th civil district. James Love 17th civil district. Martin True David Dobbins Abner Johnson 20th civil district. Abraham Parker - 22d civil district. Jacob W. Young - 23d civil district. James Lockridge - James Hardison Elisha Williams - David Long 24th civil district. George Barker , - - OVERTON COUNTY. Samuel Tays Cornelius Carmack William Phillips, sen. Jesse Ashlock Abraham Sevier - Henry Dillon Benjamin Reader - Henry Hoover, sen. Joseph Taylor, sen. Smith Ferril Andrew Swallow - David Gentry, sen, George Henderson RUTHERFORD COUNTY. Cornelius Saunders William Burnett - John M. Leak George C. Booth - John Ealter Joseph Bennett John Bruce Peter Jennings William Mitchell - William Leckie - A. Miles - John Bradly Samuel Rillougli - Joshua Ford James Saunders - John Brown John Stephenson - John Barclay Jordan Williford - Benjamin Todd Daniel Bowman - John Newman, sen. Thomas Blanton - Stephen White Joseph Newman - Timothy Parker - George Bruce Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 76 Zachariah Butler. 78 Jacob Bitile., 81 Samuel Mayers. 83 Joel Fagg. 88 Josiah Gordon. 74 James Miichell. 79 Jacob Gilliam. 78 James Love. 80 Martin True. 82 David D. McFalls. 81 Abner Johnson. 77 Abraham Parker. 78 Jacob W. Young. 84 James Lockridge. 81 James Hardison. 80 Elisha Williams. 82 David Long. 81 George Barker. 79 Samuel Tays. 82 John Carmack. 91 William Phillips. 84 Jesse Ashlock. 80 Abi-aham R. Sevier 80 Abraham Grimsley. 80 John Walker. 8G Henry Hoover, sen. 78 Joseph Taylor, sen. 80 Smith Ferril. 80 Andrew Swallow. 97^ David Gentry, sen. 81 George Henderson. 79 Cornelius Saunders 91 William Burnett. 88 John M. Leak. 82 George C. Booth. 81 John Ealter. 83 Tiiomas Bennell. 4.'3 John Bruce. 88 Peter Jennings. 75 William Mitchell. 77 W. Leckie. 91 Patterson Miles. 84 John Bradly. 77 Samuel Rillough. 83 Joshua Ford. 77 Mary Acuff. 80 John Brown. 87 Enos McKnight. 77 John Barclay. 85 Robert Williford. 78 Benjamin Todd. 82 Daniel Bowman. 85 Jolm Newman, sen. 78 Thomas Blanton. '77 Stephen White. 81 Joseph Ne.sbiU. 81 Timothy Parker. 81 Joseph Arthur. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. RUTHERFORD— Continued. John Stone - - - Daniel McCoy Nathaniel Winston Sylvania Tucker - John Clark ROBERTSON COUNTY. John C. Coon Charles Gent James Jones David Jones Martin Walton Wiiliam W. Walker David Henry Fendal Roland John Zeck - Charles Ellison Ann White SMITH COUNTY. Willis Hodges - • - Philip Pope William Denny - Isom Beasley Elizabeth Darnes - Ann Ford - - - Robin Hayse Berry Gregory William Gregory - Francis Cauly Dabney Cooper i Henry Wakefield - Benjamin Jones Susanna Boon STEWART COUNTY. Thomas French - John Ross . - - Benjamin Daniel - Alexander Anderson SUMNER COUNTY. Bathl, Stovall Thomas Parrish - John Carney, sen. - Reuben Pruelt William Fortune - Jamrs Garablin Hudson Thompson. William Beard Willi.im Bruce James Pond John McM trtry - Joseph Jackson Henry Pitt John B. Miller . - Richard Johnson - Elijah Bayles John Sloan John Cleburne Benjamin Hayncs - William Morris - John McClung Albert Hendricks - Samuel Cockram, sen. William May - ■ John McAdams Ezekiel Marshall - William Bell WHITE COUNTY. district no. 2. Patrick Hewet John While, sen. - Turner Lane, sen. John H. Miller - DISTRICT NO. 3. Edward Helton 76 89 73 84 80 Names of heads of families ■with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. John Stone. Thomas Dalton. Nathaniel Winston. David Tucker. John Clark. 85 Eliza Saunders. 85 James W. Gent. 88 James Jones. 86 David Jones, sen. 79 Martin Walton. 25 William W. Walker. 89 David Henry. 80 Reuben Adams. 81 John Zeck. 76 Charles Ellison. 81 Ann White. 93 Willis Hodges. 78 Philip Pope. 47 William Denny. 87 Isom Beasley. 79 Elizabeth Dames, 67 Ann Ford. 46 Robin Hayse. 79 Berry Gregory. 76 William Gregory. 100 Francis Cauly. 84 Dabney Cooper. 88 Henry Wakefield. 81 Simeon Jones. 79 Susanna Boon. 88 Thomas French. 88 ■ John Ross. 87 Benjamin Daniel. 88 John Brown. 80 Bathl. Stovall. , 80 Thomas Parrish. 106 John Camey, sen. 80 Reuben Pruett. 94 Joseph Smith. 90 James Gamblin. 77 H. Thompson. 86 Frank Yourn, sen. 77 William Bruce. 75 Mary Rice. 86 John r.IcMurtry. 84 Joseph Jackson'. 75 Henry Pitt. 79 J. B. Miller. 80 W. A. Sanders. 81 Elijah Bayles. 83 John Sloan. 82 George Cleburne. 94 Thomas Haynes. 80 William Morris. 80 John McClung. 80 Albert Hendricks. 8.1 Samuel Cockram, sen 85 Major May. 79 John McAdams. 82 Ezekiel Marshall. 82 WilUam Bell. 100 Jonathan Clenny. 83 John White, sen. 78 Turner Lane, sen. 77 John H. Miller. 77 Joseph B. Glenn. \ 158 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. TENNESSEE— MIDDLE DISTRICT— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of familie tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- tionary or military services. Ages. wiih whom pensioners re sided June 1, 1840. - sided June 1, 1840. WHITE— Continued. WILLIAMSON— Continued. DISTRICT NO. 3 — Continued. Thomas Hill 84 Winkfield Hill. Joshua Pierce 82 Joshua Pierce. Elijah Alverson ... 78 Elijah Alverson. Richard Vernon ... 82 Leonard Vernon. Jacob Grimmer 84 Jacob Grimmer. DISTRICT NO. 1. John Secresl 82 John Secrest. Thomas Crawley . 86 Thomas Crawley. William Kennedy - 85 William Kennedy. Zachariah Smith - 81 Chas. S. McCall. DISTRICT NO. 5. Robinson Ross ... 78 Robinson Ross. Burgess Clark 77 Burgess Clark. George Ailsworth - 83 George Ailsworth. 20th district. Da\id Ivey 82 David Ivey. DISTRICT NO. 8. Laban Hartley Sherrod Smith 95 Lycurgus McCall. Sherrod Smith. John Dilty .... 84 John Diity. 79 John Ell isson 78 John EUlisson. John Hall .... 83 John Hall. DISTRICT NO. 11. Thomas Welch - 91 Thomas Welch. WILSON COUNTY. m^TBIPJ KCi 13 Samuel Shepard . 78 Samuel Shepard. Alexander Cooper Samuel Weaver ... Henr\- Marsh William Bertram - Isaac Graham John Weaver 77 78 75 81 100 78 Alexander Cooper. Reuben Briles. Henry Marsh. William Bertram. Charles Graham. John Weaver. Abednego Rutland SamuerWilliams . John Crunk ... John W. Beashamp John Garrison ... John Gunn, sen. ... Robert Crisswell - 80 80 78 33 82 80 80 Joseph Rutland. Samuel Williams. John Crunk. John W. Beashamp. John Garrison. John Gunn, sen. John Crisswell. DISTRICT NO. 13. Solomon Yager, sen. 82 Solomon Yager, sen. Nancy Williams ... George Avery ... William L. Sypert 83 70 45 Nancv Williams. George Avery. W. L. Sypert. Thomas'Conner. , Thomas Conner ... 83 DISTRICT NO. Id. Thomas Moore ... Abel Pearson Thomas Shockley Joseph Cummings Jesse Hopkins ... Samuel Moore 78 78 80 78 78 81 William Shockley. Joseph Cummings. William Shockley. Joseph Cummings. Jesse Hopkins. Samuel Moore. John Bonner ... William Colly Austin Colly Susan Oakley ... Moses Allen ... Henry Criswell Jonathan Tipton ... 76 88 84 82 86 80 85 John Bonner. WilUam Colly. Austin Colly. Susan Oakley. Moses Allen' Henn' Cri.sweil. James Tipton. WAYI^E COUNTY. Charles Blalock - William Donald . 75 94 Charles Blalock. Thomas Pentacost. Benjamin Shaw ... Richard Copeland, sen. . 75 81 Hugh Liston. Richard Copeland. Humphrey Goforih. Charles Smi'h William Teag 88 78 Archibald Ray. John Pemberton. Zachariah Goforih 81 Roberi Cypert 85 Robert Cypert. WARREN COUNTY. Isaac Horion, sen. - 81 Isaac Horton, sen. John Broadway 80 John Broadway. Robert Brown . *■ . 78 Robert Brown. Thomas Brown 91 Thomas Brown. WILLIAMSON COUNTY. William Bond 75 AVilliam Bond. John Cunnincham - 93 WilUam Kennard. James Potts 81 Jatues Potts. Samuel Hand 85 James Hand. Benjamin Ragsdale 82 James Ragsdale. Reuben Roberts, sen. 80 Reuben Roberts, sen. Taplev M. Lightfoot 81 Taplev M. Lightfoot. Robert Carson 87 Andrew Michael. Isaac Ferguson 83 Isaac Ferguson. John Lockheart . . * . 83 Robert Tate. Charles Allen, sen. 82 Charles Allen, sen. John Kersy ... 84 Jonah Duly. BENTON COUNTY. William Cockran . Samuel Wadkins - Thomas Petty CARROLL COUNTY. Elias Miars Thomas Searaore - William Maiheny - Plea.sam Henderson John McKenzie Fiederick Miller . Matthew Sparks - Jonathan Montgomery John Chambers Arthur Brown William Whitesides DYER COUNTY. 73 J. T. Florance. John Given 76 80 Samuel Wadkins. Joseph Scobv 66 76 Thomas Petty. FAYETTE COUNTY. 83 William Stoker. Samuel Martin 84 80 William Seamorc. David Blalock 93 96 Peter Maihenv. Mark Miller 75 84 James M. Henderson. James McKee . . - 76 M John McKenzie. Benjamin Slarrct . 76 81 Frederick Miller. John Birdsong ... 77 79 Isaac Sparks, sen. 1 Andrew Pickens - 86 78 Jonathan Montgomerv. 1 James Belloat ... 80 83 Wilson Chamb.Ts. Henr\- Randolph - 84 78 Arthur Brown. Charles Turner - 75 77 John Whitesides. 1 Hugh Luckey 77 Alexander McCullock. Joseph Scoby. Samuel Martin. Margaret Hurley. Jefferson Miller. James McKee. Benjamin Starret. John Birdsong. J. S Pickens. C. S. Belloat. Samuel Morgan. Colyi Turner. Hugh Luckey. CENSUS OP PENSIONERS. TENNESSEE— WESTERN DISTRICT— Continued. 159 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. GIBSON COUNTY. HENRY— Continued. Thomas Frazier ... 81 Thomas Frazier. Susanna Palmer - 77 John L. Palmer. Thomas May 78 Thomas May. Matthew Alexander 85 Matthew Alexander. David Hainbleton . - - 89 David Harableton. William Powel 74 William Powel. Stephen Richards - 75 Patrick Glason. Joseph Weatherington 82 Joseph Weatherington. William Myrick, John Crisp ... Beverly Williams 85 William Cri.sp. Matthew Myrick - • 88 57 Beverly Williams. James Haynes . . - 79 James Haynes. Thomas Morton - . - 45 Thoraa." Morton. Martin Neace, sen. 82 Martin Neace, sen. James Givens . . - 76 James Givens. William Bunton - 73 William Bunton. Anderson Davis - 30 Benjamin Wickum. Robert Ramsey 82 Robert Ramsey. Josiah Reed ... 84 Josiah Reed. Britton George 102 Britton George. Jacob Trout 105 Joseph Trout, James Bell - . - - 79 James Bell. LAUDERDALE COUNTY. HARDIN COUNTY. James Barefield - 58 James Barefield. 1st di.strict. Shadrach ElUins . 79 Robert Walker. William Lingo 44 William Lingo. Allegany McGuire 78 Halladay McGuire. McNAIRY COUNTY. 2d district. , Pugh Cannon 80 Terrill Siveai. Erekiel Fortner • 79 Elzekicl Fortner. Jovan Cox . - - - 79 Jovan Cox. Alexander N. McCoUer, sen. 81 Alex. McColler, sen. 5th district. William Barns . . - 75 William Barns. John Thorp 63 John Thorp. Robert Moore ... 78 Janey Moore. James Roland 87 James Roland, 7th district. John Stewart 83 Jane Edwards. George Ross 79 George Ross. Daniel Hill 83 Daniel Hill. Robert Rankin ... 83 Robert Rankin, 8tii district. Allen Sweat 81 Allen Sweat. Stephen Austin 83 Saunders Austin, » John Perkins ... 77 James Saxson. MADISON COUNTY. 9th district. Daniel Madding . 45 Francis Madding. Shadrach Nolen . 89 Shadrach Noleu. Ann Fenner 73 Ann Fenner. David Eckleburger 43 Isaac Malett. IOth district. Jonas Clark, sen. - 82 Jonas Clark, sen. Richard Strame 77 Richard Strame. Bradley Medlin . . - 80 Eaton Lenusford. 12th district. OBION COUNTY. Samuel McFerren 79 Smith D. Cooper.. Thomas Parker - 85 Thomas Parker. HARDIMAN COUNTY. PERRY COUNTY, Sames Vales 82 Samuel Vales, jr. Richard Glasgow - 87 John Glasgow. Philip Rushing - - - 78 Berrill Rushing. Jeremiah Doxcy - 87 Stephen H. Doxcy. Bartholomew Murphey - 81 Bartholomew Murphey. John HoUiday . . - 78 John Holliday. John Tolly 78 John Tolly. William Higginbottom, James Kelly. Elijah Warren 87 William Warren. William Higginbottom James Kelly 79 81 HENDERSON COUNTY. John Eply - - - - Edward Box - - - 78 68 John Eply. Edward Box. Joseph Purviance - - - 78 Joseph Purviance. William Gib.son - 92 William Gibson. Nathan Green 80 Nathan Green. Richard Ru.shing - 92 Richard Rushing. Archibald McCorcle 81 Archibald McCorcle. John Bregins 67 John Bregins. John Foster . - - 86 John Foster. Daniel Murphy - 78 Daniel H. Murphy. SHELBY COUNTY. John Andrews 52 John Andrews. A, B, Shannon 48 A. B. Shannon. HAYWOOD COUNTY. William Hope ... 79 William Hope. Weslword A. Jones 64 James Waddill. TIPTON COUNTY, John Maxwell . - - 76 John Maxwell, Hemdon Hamilton 82 Hemdon Hamilton. Colonel Thomas Good 81 Colonel Thomas Good. John Moore 77 John Moore. William McFerrin 85 Cullin Curlee. Vincent Voss 84 E. O. Chambers. HENRY COUNTY. Henry Yarbrough, sen. - 84 Henry Yarbrough. Elias Bowden ... 77 Elias Bowden. WEAKLEY COUNTY. Daniel Rogers v^- 72 Daniel Rogers. Alexander Craig ... 85 Alexander Craig. John Chester 88 John Chester. Polly Simmons ... 74 James P. Simmons. Presley Thonton - 86 William Jones. 16'0 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. STATE OF KENTUCKY. / Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionar)' or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. ADAIR COUNTY. BATH— Continued. WEST OF SLATE CREEK — Continued. Thompson C. Lovd 52 Thompson C. Loyd. AVilliam Boyd 74 William Boyd. Samuel Ellis 79 Samuel Ellis. James McClehany 80 James McClehany. John Montgomery 78 Robert M. Montgomery. Richard Thomas" - 81 Richard Thomas. James Irvin ... 85 John Irvin. William Hurt 82 William Hurt. EAST OF SLATE CREEK. Thomas White 77 Thomas White. " Moses Botls 94 Benjamin Bolts. Alexander Elliott - 75 Alexander Elliott. William Waruacic 76 William Warnaok. BOONE COUNTY. William James ... 82 Elijah Leech. ' Zachariali HoUiitay 78 William Holliday. Eliz.ibelh Allen - 65 Elizabeth Allen. John Hamilton 83 John Hamilton. John H. Craig - . . 77 John H. Craig. Philip Winfree 76 Reuben AVinfree. \ A. Ross .... 77 A. Ross. Solomon Royce 76 Solomon Rovce. { Isaac D. Sanders - 51 Isaac D. Sanders. William Mosby - 85 William Mosby. | Hugh Steers 81 Hugh Steers. Henry Armstrong - 85 Elijah Green. ' | Jane Bridgis 74 James Bridgis. Elisha Bailey 75 . Elisha Bailey. Peter Brumback ... 87 Peter Brumback. Thomas Cochran - 77 Thomas Cochran. j Jerusha Alexander 86 John T, Alexander. ! Richard Hubbell - 74 G. L. Hubbell, ALLEN COUNTY. 1 George Vest 80 George Vest. Josep'h Barlow 80 Catharine Barlow. James Mcllroy 80 William B. Mcllroy. i Daniel GoS 80 Alexander Marshall. Asa Tiffany 60 Joseph Martin. ! Joseph Cobbs 50 Samuel Craig. Elizabeth Wright - 81 Elizabeth Wright. ' Cave Johnson 79 Cave Johnson. John Durham ... 88 John Durham. Jacob Brewno ... 86 Moses Brewno. Nancy Gaiewood . . - 74 Fletcher Gatewood. John Grant 51 John Grant. Dorcas Alexander . 74 John G. Alexander. William Brady - 81 John Brady. George T. Hector ... 89 George T. Hector. John Tomlinsou ... 81 John Tom'linson. Daniel Pitchford - 79 Daniel Pitcbford. Stephen Merritt - 78 Stephen Merritt. , BOURBON COUNTY. Christopher Haines 80 Christopher Haines. NORTHERN DIVI.SION. George Stovall 79 George Stovall. Abner Shropshire ... 76 Abner Shropshire. John Brooks ... 86 John Brooks. Joseph Jackson ... 85 Joseph Jackson. Michael Hatter ... 81 Michael Halter. Edward McConnell 68 Edward McConnell. 1 Michael Smith 88 Peter Smith. ANDERSON COUNTY. ! Phoebe Pritchard - 78 Phcebe Pritchard. 1 Benjamin Henniss 80 William Sugg. Roadham Petty 89 Roadham Petty. \ Thomas Hays - . . 80 Griffin Kelly. Ann Hill - " - 75 James Searey. John Hinkson ... 69 John Hinkson. Jane Hawkins 77 John Hackly. Nathaniel Harriss . 81 Jacob Jacobv. George Jordan 87 George Jordan. James Davis ... 79 James Davis. William Cummins 53 William Cummins. ■ George Brvan 82 William S. Bryan. Benjamin Warford 89 Samuel B. Petty. -| Archibald Bell 84 Pamela Bell. Reuben Boston 75 Joel Boston. | Henry Wiggington 84 Henry Bover. James Robertson - 86 James Robertson. John Debruler - 92 Beverly B'. Wright. BARREN COUNTY. _ SODTHERN DIVISION. NORTHEASTERN DIVISION. Isaac Clinkinbeard 81 Isaac Clinkinbeard. Frederick Smith - 86 Frederick Smith. Andrew Hause - . - 94 William Hatise. John Watson 77 John M. Watson. William B. Branham 77 William B. Branham. Thomas Goodman 77 Littleberry Goodman. Henry Towles - ' - 54 Henry Towles. Callam Bailey 92 William T. Bailey. Henri' Willson - 84 James Willson. Sarah Key .... 73 James Bennett, j 1 John Brest, sen. John Brest, jun. 81 > 52 John Brest, sen. SOtrTHWESTERN DIVISION. ! AVilliam Scott, sen. 67 William Scott, sen. Ambrose HuiTman 86 Heniy Huffman, Joseph L. Stevens - - 76 Joseph L. Stevens, Margaret Higdon . - - 74 Margaret Higdon. \ WilUam Bell 89 William W. Bell. BRACKEN COUNTY. Richard Bailey 78 Richard Bailey. NORTHERN DIVISION. Philip Carter 74 Philip Carter. James Arbuckle - 80 James Arbuckle. Thomas Green - - v . 77 Thomas Green. Philip King 53 Philip King. Philemon Sanders - 78 Philemon Sanders. William Sargent - 81 William Sargent. Jonathan Hunt 80 Jonathan Hunt. John Hamilton 76 John Hamilton. John Ren fro ... 80 ^^ Joseph Ren fro. 1 Bartholomew Taylor 80 Joseph Taylor. Liddy Harris . 78 John R, Harris. | John J. Thomas - 82 William Thomas, jr. Absalom Hughes . 86 Absalom Hughes. William Carson - 80 William Carson. , SOtJTBERN DIVISION. John Cosby 99 John Cosby. John King - . . . 78 John King. John Duff .... 80 John Duff. William King, sen. 80 William King, sen. Rodeham Laurence 78 Rodeham Laurence. John Cole - . . - 88 John Cole. BREATHITT COUNTY. BATH COUNTY. Roger Turner ... 83 Thomas Turner. OWINOSVILLE. William Kearns - 84 William Kearns. Drury Bush Jesse'Boling 83 82 Drury Bush. Jesse Boling. WEST or SLATE CREEK. John Sims . . - - 79 John Sims. BRECKENRIDGE COUNTY. Michael Moors 84 Jacob Tregely. Josiah Collins 83 Silas Moors. James Wells 77 James Wells. Andrew Linam ; 81 Andrew Linam. George Seaton 86 William K. SeatoD. Holman Rice , 82 Holman Rice. George PuUin 81 Elisha Pullin. Gordon Griffin 1 86 Gordon Griffin. Susanna Sharp 71 Isom Sharp. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. KENTUCKY— Continued. 161 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. BRECKENRIDGE— Continued. John Goattey James Braniblett . . - BULLITT COUNTY. Lawrence Bishop - - - Reuben Northern - - - Joseph Lloyd Jacob Hubijs ... L. Pilkenton Isaac Skinner . . - John Buzan John Humphrey - John Stringer BUTLER COUNTY. John Sorel - - - - John Clark ... Abner Wornack . - - Jesse Scowfield . - Mark Whitaker . - - Matthew Kt kendoU William Btesley . . - CALDWELL COUNTY, Reuben Bowers . - - Joseph McConell ... Thomas Beck . . . Michael Freeman . . . John Blick . . . Solomon Freer - . . Judith Freeman . - . William Ford William Asher - . - William Blackburn John Hart - . - . Major Groom CALLOWAY COUNTY. Kimbrou2;h Ogilvie Rolling Stone . . . Peter Waterlield - Charles Galloway. - Joseph Dunn Nicholas Henson - William Wilkins - . . Nathan Frizzell CAMPBELL COUNTY. Jacob Meftord Joseph Dickens Samuel Todd Thomas Stevens - David Dukes Henry Smith Thomas Harris, sen. Edward Turner Benjamin Sutton - Nicholas Long William De Comcy William Orcutt, sen. Edward Morin CARROLL COUNTY. John Short John Deen, sen. Robert Scott David DriskiU James Coghill Amos V. Matthews CARTER COUNTY. No returns. Ages. 88 79 81 79 78 70 83 84 77 85 81 103 76 83 93 82 78 74 56 73 76 77 76 80 77 79 82 88 73 78 75 80 83 89 81 81 83 77 75 83 65 28 90 93 63 85 85 85 81 96 78 &1 77 79 83 79 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June ] , 1840. 21 John Goattey. James Braniblett. Lawrence Bishop. Reuben Northern. Joseph Lloyd. Jacob Hubbs. Larkin Pilkenton. Isaac Skinner. John Buzan. John Humphrey. John Stringer. John Sorel. Braxton Clark. Abner Wornack. Jesse Scowfield. Mark Whitaker. Matthew KirkendoU. William Beesley. Reuben Bowers. Joseph McConell. George Beck. Michael Freeman. Dennis Blick. Solomon Freer. Hardy F. Freeman. William Ford. William Asher. Harrison Blackburn. John Hart. Major Groom. Kimbrough Ogilvie. Rolling Stone. Orville E. Waterficld. Charles Galloway. John P. Dunn. Nicholas Hen.son. William Wilkins. William Frizzell. Jacob Mefford. Levi Dickens. Samuel Todd. Thomas Stevens. David Dukes. Henry Smith. Thomas Harris, sen. Edward Turner. Benjamin Sutton. William Coldwell. William De Comcy. William Orcutt, sen. Edward Morin. R. M. Tandy. John Deen, sen. James Scott. Green Driskill. James Coghill. Amos Mafthews. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. CASEY COUNTY. John Royalty James Carson . . - Jacob Coft'man Elizabeth Hailley - William Stitherland CHRISTIAN COUNTY. James Sullenger - Isaac Palmer Charles Thomas - John Cain Thomas Woolsey - Jona. Clark William Gray CLARK COUNTY. James Bush Reuben Franklin - Smallwood Acton - Richard Oliver Thomas Lourey - Vachael Faudre - John Arnald Robert Bush Lincefield Burbridge CLAY COUNTY. John Chandler David Burge, sen. - John Garland William Burnes - CLINTON COUNTY. Charles Worsham - Richard Wade John Miller Francis Puree ■ - Nicodemus Barnes John Davis -James Woody CUMBERLAND COUNTY. NORTHERN DIVISION. Samuel Smith Mariin Glider Elijah Bledsoe - - • John Self Abram Esters Joseph Jewell Thomas Cash, sen. David Bowen Thomas Brothers - John Hurt .SOUTHERN DIVISION. Solomon Prewet, sen. James Sewel John Gibson George King DAVIESS COUNTY. NORTHERN DIVISION. Charles Hansford - James Jones SOCTHERN DIVISION. Benjamin Tayloe - Benjamin Field ESTILL COUNTY. Phebe Witt Barbara Meadowes Mary Eastes Susan Horn Andrew Leckey Susan Winkler ■William Johnson, sen. Ages. Names of heads of famiUeg with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 70 John Royalty. 70 James Carson. 84 Chloe Cotfman. 83 Jacob Haifley. 95 William Sutherland. 77 James Sullenger. 93 Isaac Palmer. 76 Charles Thomas. 77 John Cain. 79 Thomas Woolsey. 81 Jona. Clark. 86 William Gray. 83 James Bush. 85 David Fanner. 83 Smallwood Acton, 97 Joel Oliver. 79 Thomas Lourey. 79 Vachael Faudre. 86 John Arnald. 53 Younger Histle. 80 Thomas Burbridge, 75 Joseph Philpot. 80 David Burge, sen. 102 John Garland. 87 Sarah Bishop. 88 James C. Sutherland. Richard Wade. 78 John Miller. 81 Francis Puree. 80 James Bell. 83 James Davis. 79 James Woodv. 98 Samuel Smith. 88 Mariin Grider. 68 Elijah Bledsoe. 78 Guy Self t)8 Abram Esters. 8.-* Richard T. Phelps. 03 Thomas Cash, sen. 56 j David Bowen. 63 Thomas Brothers. 71 John Hurt. 96 Solomon Prewet, sen. 86 James Sewel. 95 Jesse Gibson. 90 George King, 80 *William Hansford. 79 James Jones. 8-1 John A. Tayloe. 84 Benjamin Field. 82 Silas Will. 91 Barbara Meadowes. 81 Eli Sieward. 77 Lewis Barnett. 73 Andrew Leckev. 81 WilUam Winkler. 81 William Johnson, sen, 163 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. KENTUCKY— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of famili< tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners r( sided June 1, 1840. ESTILL— Continued. FRANKLIN— Continued. SOLTHERN DIVISION. Dudley Fardin 49 Dudley Fatdin. Mrs. Polly Reading 78 George William*. Ambrose Pqwell ... 79 Ambrose Powell. Robert Hedges 80 Robert Hedges. Joseph Proclor ... 86 Joseph Pruc or. ^ 'John Cruicher 78 Mrs. N. Cruicher. — Martha Elkius 74 Robert Crow. Elizabeth Ward - 107 H. Ward. GALLATIN COUNTY. John Stuffleban 101 David Snowden. William Harris - 72 William Harris. JohnBirks- 67 John Birks. Batbara Noliyid - 80 Silas Noland. Abijah North 80 Abijah North. James Fuinish 74 James Furnish. FAYETTE COUNTY. John Waters • - 55 John Waters. EASTERN DIVISIO.N. Charles Goins 71 Charles Goins. Jeremiah Haydon, sen. 78 Jeremiah Haydon, sen. Francis Epperson - 90 Cheslev Epperson. William Thompson 77 William Thompson. Thomas Clark 85 Thomas Clark. Mary Slaughter ... 89 Comelius Sullivan 84 James M. Smith. Abraham Ferguson 79 Abraham Ferguson. GARRARD COUNTY. Lyilleton Geier 86 Dorothy Rogers. Joseph Mojby ... 84 Joseph Mo,-by. Michael Salter 82 Michael Salter. John Graves, sen. - 83 John Graves, sen. John Floyd 82 Davis Floyd. Randall Haley 84 Randolph Haley. Mary Sutton ... 68 Benjamin Sutton. Goolsbury Childers 85 John Orr. WESTERN DIVISION. John Buford ... 73 John Buford. James Laflbon 73 Anderson Laffoon. David Kennedy ... 70 David Kennedy. Sarah Bowman 84 George H. Bowman. Leanna Pollard 77 James Pollard. Daniel Cowgill 85 George Cowgill, Thomas Ramsey, sen. 85 Thomas Ramsey, sen. Francis Falconer - 79 Jos. Falconer. John Walden . . . 78 John Walden. James McDowell - 84 John L. McDowell. Arabia Brown 86 Arabia Brown. EUzabelh Scruggs - 74 Thomas M. Scruggs. Robert Brank 79 B. G. Brank. Naman Roberts 75 Fountain Rothwell. FLEMING COUNTY. John Slavin 83 John Slavin. William Haggard 84 William Haggard. 1st division. John Crutchlield ... 87 Mordecai Cruichfield. Burlis Ringo ... 78 Burlis Ringo. Jesse Robbards ... 80 Jesse Robbards. Daniel Ferhune - 81 Daniel Ferhune. Jane Poore 72 Robert C. Poore. ZaccheusCoid - - . - 64 Zaccheus Cord. Averriler Edgington 75 B. P. Edgington. Elizabeth Madden - 87 Jeremiah Madden. Timothy Logan 84 Timothy Logan. Jane Rasson ... 65 Jane Rasson. 2d division. Sarah Bryant 70 Sarah Bryant. Samuel Blackburn 80 Samuel Blackburn. Thaddeus Wormoth, sen. 79 Thaddeus Wormoth, sen. Peter Mauzy 80 Peter Mauzy. Redman Smith 80 Redman Smith. GRANT COUNTY. Hugh Drennan 80 Hugh Drennan. John Linn .... 79 John Linn. 3d division. Daniel Seward ... 79 Lucinda Seward. .Tohn McKee 88 John McKee. John Jump, sen. ... 96 John Jump, sen. William Proctor - 82 William Proclor. Aaron Adams 71 Aaron Adams. Jes.'se Davis 76 Matthew Lee. John Lawless 89 Uriel Tongate. Moses Clark 76 Moses Clark. James Theobald •; 81 James Theobald. John Fraziire 78 John Frazure. Joshua Jones - - . 79 Joshua Jones. William Davis 83 John Swer. Stephen Barker - 81 Stephen Barker. Aley Ilumplireys . 86 Harrison Hnpres, William Cook 47 William Cook. John Page - 78 John Page. Patrick McCann - 80 Patrick McCann. GRAVES COUNTY. Joseph Goddard - 70 Joseph Goddard. FLOYD COUNTY. John Brimage John Slall'ord 85 74 Thomas Brimage. John Stafford. Joshua Gamblin ... 75 Joshua Gamblin. Amy Justice SO Amy Justice. Daniel Fo.x 75 Daniel Fo.x. Sally More . - • - SO John More. Charles Gilbert 84 Catharine Gilbert. Rebecca Henrel - " - 90 James Herring. Willis Odem 85 Lewis Odem. Anthony Ilall 78 Anthony Hall. William Thompson 80 James Birch. Reuben Thacker - 65 Reuben Thacker. Joseph Glover ... 80 Joseph Glover. Patey Harris ... 85 Samuel Harris. Benedict Watkins - 84 Benedict Watkins. GREENUP COUNTY. Cudbeih Stone, sen. 80 Cudbeih Stone, sen. John Porter - .' 74 John Porter. James Lawson 80 James Lawson. Elizabeth Preston - 85 JetTrey Preston. Godfrey Smith ... 76 Godfrey Smith. Thomas C. Brown 80 Thomas C. Brown. James Patton ... 89 John Patton. Philip Williams - 87 PhiUp "Williams. James Norton 73 James Norton. Mexico Pits 75 Mexico Pils. John Chadwick 75 James Chadwick. Thomas Hackwilh 77 R. Hackwilh. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Thomas Dixon 75 Thomas Dixon. NORTHERN DIVISION. GRAYSON COUNTY. George Swingle - 83 John Swingle. Virgil Poe fe3 Andrew Baldwin. Henry Skaggs 80 James Skaggs. Mrs. Eiherlon 90 Mrs. H.iU. Isaac Goar ... 80 Jacob Han. James Biscow 80 James Biscow. Simon Pryor ... 80 Simon Prvor. ' Silas Douihard 76, Silas Dotuhard. Exiward De Haven 84 John De ilaven. John McDonald ... 75 John McDonald. John Decer ... 90 John Decer. •Charles Tyler 78 Alfred Tyler. Isaac Vanmetre - 85 Isaac Vanmelre. i .-incis Brown 85 Isaac Morgan. i John Rowr . ^ . , 98 John Row, CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. KENTUCKY— Continued. 163 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or militaiy services. Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. 1 Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. GREENE COUNTY. 4 • HENRY— Continued. SOUTHERN DIVISION. WESTERN DIVISION — Continucd. Jamas Sherrill - - - 81 James H. Sherrill. Joseph Davis 77 James Wentworth. Thomas Parsons - - - 92 Thomas Parsons. Little Berry Wells 79 Little Eeiry Wells. John S. Sublett 47 John S. Sublett. William Jeffries - 77 William Jeffries. Thomas Smith ... 77 William Hall. Jeremiah Ingram - 81 Harriet Ingram. HICKMAN COUNTY. Sherrod Griffin - . - 81 Sherrod Gfiihn. NORTHERN DIVISION. Daniel Tribal Thomas Gains - - - 80 Sally Anderson. Jacob Williams ... 75 Benjamin Garrison. 81 Thomas Gains. -W. B. Warden - 49 W. B. Warden. Andre\v*Barnett - - - 81 Andrew Barnett. Henry Pickett . . - 96 Elizabeth Kimber. John Depoister 8G Gabriel Davis. NORTHERN DIVISION. Jotn Thurman - . - 73 John Thurman. SOUTHERN DIVISION. James Cowherd - - - 81 James Cowherd. Murril Cunningham 81 Thomas J. Cunningham. Moses Meers - - - 80 Moses Martin. Thomas Vincent - - . 81 George Vincent. William Siurman 85 William Sturman. Lewis Huey 79 Lewis Huey. Peter D. Spain 75 Peter D. Spain. Jesse Meshew ... 79 William Meshew. Andrew Chaudoin r- 7S Andrew Chaudoin. John Bane, sen. ... 84 John Bane, sen. Mary Wright . . - 75 Elizabeth Ship. Joshua Lee . . - 83 James Lewis. HOPKINS COUNTY. Jonathan Cowherd 85 Colehy Cowherd. James Bibb - - - 87 Robert Bibb. George Timmonds 82 George Timmonds. John Greenwell 80 Reason Sterling. Lemuel Hulett ... 51 Lemuel Hulett. Richard Piercell . - - 99 James Newcomb. Manley Winslead - - . 80 Manley Winstead. John Dickin ... 81 John Dickin. ■ William Givins ... 78 William Givins. Samuel Downey - 78 Samuel Downey. HART COUNTY. John Herron 102 John Herron. James Curtis 84 James Curtis. Lawrence Campbell 75 Benjamin Shrieve. John Montgomery 72 John Montgomery. John Bomar - - « - 83 John Bomar. Joseph Timherlalje 88 M. K. Dye.' HANCOCK COUNTY. Daniel Morris ... 74 Daniel Morris. Benjamin D. Corder 77 B. D. Corder. Edmund Newman 78 Colonel Ed. Newman. John Potterson ... 77 John Potterson. Joshua Crump. - - 75 Jos. Crump. HARDIN COUNTY. Jeremiah Harfcer - - - 47 Jeremiah Harber. John Smoot ... 89 Elijah Smoot, HARLAN COUNTY. John Scolt - . - . 99 William ScoU. Warren Cash . - - 80 W. P. Cash. James Jackson, sen. 84 James Jackson, sen. Thenas Hoskins ... 82 AViUiam Harring'onJ Stephen L. Jones . . - 99 Sally Holanes. Anthony Ament ... 83 Anthony Ament. Benjamin Caurod ... 80 George Buckhart. Samuel Aubry ... 82 Craven Aubry. Michael Hargan - 85 Joseph Hargan. HENDERSON COUNTY. Rebecca Van Meter 63 Joseph Smith, sen. 78 Joseph Smith, sea. James M. Edwards 53 James M. Edwards. Susan Hardin ... 79 John Ramsey . . • 84 John Ramsey. Alexander McDugle 101 Alexander McDugle. Edward Baldwin . - • 78 Barret Baldwin. Richard Winchester 86 Richard Winchester. Patrick Marven ... 82 Patrick Maiven. HENRY COUNTY. Margaret Haycrafl - ^ 80 EASTERN DIVISION. Benjamin Haydon 82 Benjamin Haydon. HARRISON COUNTY. Thomas Bell 81 Thomas Bell. EASTERN DIVISION. Joshua Wallace - 79 John Wallace. Ann Whiteaker - 79 Josiah Whiteaker. Charles Hugeley ... 80 Charles Hugeley. Senoni /ameson - 67 Benoni Jameson. Archibald Johnston • 91 P. Johnston. Samuel Caswell ... 77 Simuel Caswel). David Criswell 77 David Criswell.3 William Smith 58 William Smith. Peter Force ... 96 J. P. Force. Thomas McCalla - 87 Joseph McCalla. Simuel Hisle 78 Simnel Hisle. James Bcnn . . - 77 William Rees. Divid Welch 44 David Welsh. V/iUiam H. Layton 83 James Whiteaker. William Morgan - 78 William Morgan. Philip Roberts 77 Philip Robert.^;. Darcus Antle 77 ,' Andrew Ward ... 55 Andrew Ward. Thomas Wooldridge 89 Thomas Wooldridge. Mrs. Meares (since dead) - 76 George W. Rohr. Elisha Bishop 83 Elisha Bishop. Richard Minyard • 91 John Minyard. WESTERN DIVISION. Marv Jevidend 75 Mary Jevidend.jl Lewis Wolf, sen. . - - 89 Lewis Wolf, sen. Thomas Pettit 76 Thomas Pettit. Jacob Miller 75 Jacob Miller. Jacob List .... 81 Jacob List. Leonard Eddleman 79 Aaron Eddleman, James Johnston ... 77 James Johnston. Williana Saiton 78 William Sutton. William Adams - 92 William Adams. John Wood 90 Benjamin Brandon. MaUhias Shuck - - •: 84 Matthias Shuck. Henry Kephart - • l 78 Jacob Kephart. JESSAMINE COUNTY WESTERN DIVISION. Daniel Bryan 82 Thomas Brvan. John Martin ... 80 Mary Browning. ■ Samuel B.' Todd - 47 Samuel B. Todd. George K. Mitchell 77 George K. Mitchell. Henry Oversireet . . . 76 Josepli Baughm. John Blakemore - 78 Lewis Blakemore. BetseV Knight ... 77 Grant Kniglil. James Logan 76 James R. Logan. Kesiah Jenkins 78 Elisha Jenkins. Rebecca Goode - - . 85 Lemuel Goode. James Martin. 82 James Martin. Sarah Powell 83 John Powell. Alexander Willoughby 80 Alexander Wil'oughby William Simmons 97 William Simmons. j Ann Hunter 75 John Portwood.. Barrack Bryant 99 Barrack Bryant. i Jeremiah King 81 Jeremiah King. Thomas Robertson 58 Thoa.as Robertson, John Carroll - - . 85 John Carroll, 164 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. KENTUCKY— Continued. NauiM of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re sided June 1, 18-10. • • sided June 1, »W. JESSAMINE— Continued. LIVINGSTON-Conlinued. James Graves 70 James Graves. William Fires 81 John Fires. Abraham Cassell - 84 Thomas J. Cassell, James Clinton 80 Peter Clinton. Jacob Grindslafl' - 88 Benjamin Willis. James Ervin ... 85 James Ervin. CITY OF LEXINGTON. James Walker 81 James Walker. Mar>' Hicks 80 Benjamin Goforth. Thomas Chamberlain 59 Thomas Chamberlain. Giles Hawkins 8t) Giles Hawkins. John Baker ... 40 John Baker. Robert Campbell - 79 Robert Campbell. Fielding Jeter 81 Fielding Jeter. • Benjamin Adams - 96 George W. Adams, John Fowler ... 85 John Fowler. John Megee 79 John Megee. John Peck - . . . 70 John Peck. E, K. Hendley 48 E, K, Hendley. JEFFERSON COUNTY. Leslie Combs ... 47 Leslie Combs. NORTHERN DIVISION. Samuel Conn . . - 78 Michael Shroat. LOGiVN COUNTY. Benjamin Wilkenoon 95 Benjamin AVllkenoon. • William Addison - 72 William Addison. SOCTHEBN DIVISION. Judith Williams - 75 J. C, Jones, Levin Cooper, sen. 87 Levin Cooper, sen. John Wited 76 John Wited. Jane Wilson 78 Jane Wilson. William Patillo - bO 1 W.E. Johns. John Murphy 76 John Murphv. Alexander Gufley - Ti Alexander Guffey. John P. Gillum 79 John P, Gillum. KNOX COUNTY. John Ham .... 95 Joseph Ham. George Blakey 91 George Blakey. Richard Baloo 72 Richard Baloo. James Stevenson - 73 James Stevenson. Edward Brownin - 100 Paschal G, Bryant. Lawrence Houx . 80 Sarah S. Gill. Jacob Cooper 109 Eli Blackburn. Rodham Kenner ... 77 Rodham Kenner. John B. Horton 81 William Horton. George Hemdon ... 78 Richard Burnett. Joshua MuUins ... 8-2 Joshua MuUins. Moses Hendricks - . - 75 , Moses Hendricks. Peter Ham'monds - 78 Peter Hammonds. James Miller 93 Thomas Marsa. MADISON COUNTY. E.ISTERN DIVI.SION. KENTON COUNTY. John Crook 74 Kiah Crook. \ Robert Covington - 77 Robert Covington. Nancy McGlassen - . - Joseph Casey ... 72 Nancy McGlassen. Richard Oliver 87 Isaac Oliver. 78 Joseph Casey. , Joseph Todd 81 Joseph Todd. William Worthingto.T 90 William Worlhingtin, Robert Burnside - 80 Robert Burnside. Stephen Collins 85 Stephen Collins. Samuel Walkup - 82 Samuel Walkup. Edmund Massey - 95 Joseph Wayland. Thomas Morris ... 80 Thomas Morris. John Ducker . - - 81 John Ducker. -John Hunter, sen. ... 78 John Hunter, sen. John Keen - - . - 81 John Keen. William Kindred - 80 William Kindred. Jacob Dooly ... 85 Jacob Dooly. LAUREL COUNTY. Thomas Mason ... 74 Thomas Mason. ! Jesse Ogle.*y ... 76 Jesse Oglesby. Solomon Slansberry 85 Solomon Slansberry. l Henry Duke 81 Henry Duke". John Nicks 84 Jolm Nicks. Joseph Kennedy - 81 Joseph Kennedy. John Simpson .... 87 John Simpson. Ambrose Pitman, Yelveiton Peyton ... 86 Yelverton Peyton. Ambrose Pitman - 9-2 Richard Gent'rv 77 Richard Gentry. Titus Mersham . . - 91 Titus Mersham. •Thomas Beck-nell - 77 Thomas Becknell. John Fanbush ... 81 John Fanbush. John Cook .... 81 Hezekiah Cook. Joseph Watson ... 86 WiUiam Watson. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Thomas Dunbai - 80 Thomas Dunbar. Isham Lane ... 82 Isham Lane. Gilbert Bloomer - 87 1 Loftus Pullin - - 80 Loftus Pullin. Josiah Marcum 81 Nathan Gutherage - 76 Nathaniel Gutherage. George Hardwick - 82 James Ward 80 WESTERN DIVISION. Silas Woo'.ou ... 84 Gabriel Duncan ... 80 Gabriel Duncan. Mo.ses Henny ... 83 Mar)- Barnett 77 James B. Miller. William Lyons - - 88 John Ross .... 78 David P. Ross. George Tenual 89 George Tennal. LEWIS COUNTY. John Wood ... 44 John Wood. Richard Bane John Dyal 77 Richard Bane. John Dyal. | James Cooly John Lnnd, sen. ... Raljih Magee, sen. 60 86 86 William Cooly. John Land, sen. Ilalph Magee, sen. Authonv Purkins. Richard Harris. LINCOLN COUNTY, . Anthony Purkins - Richard Harris 76 78 Caldwell Wood - Anthony Gale 83 78 Caldwell Wood. W, A. Gale. McCRACKEN COUNTY. Abraham Sublelt - Micajah Frost Samuel Duncan 84 79 80 Abraham Sublelt. ] Micajah Frost. Samuel Duncan. Sarah Moore Nancy B. Lovelace Benjamin Jones - 83 84 Edward Stevens. Robert R. Hester. Joseph Hall 79 Joseph II.tII. 79 Isaac Davis. Dunn Salvers Mark Mc'Pherson - 81 8G Dunn Salvers. Mark MclPherson. MARION COUNTY. John S. Alverson ... Robert Givins Abraham Eastas - - 85 83 76 John S. Alverson. i Robert H. Givins. 1 Abraham Eastas. | Mrs. Hardin ... James White Cotton Perrv Tharp 80 91 93 Lewis C. Raley. James White Cotton, Perry Tharp. LIVINGSTON COUNTY. William Hcndrick 2^ Archibald Brown. James Ramsey 79 ' Frances Ann Ramsey. William Weils - 80 William Welb. Coon rod Beaiiis ... 82 Coonrod Beams, Arthur Travi* 76 Arthur Travis. ,, ' James Corbet 81 i Jacob Corbet. CENSUS OP PENSIONERS, KENTUCKY— Continued. 165 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. MARION— Continued. Margaret Smock - George Spalding, sen. MERCER COUNTY. Samuel Hackney - Mary Pipes Henry Sparrow William Kelly Timothy Corn James Rains Leonard Taylor - Mauhew Colter George Gabbard, sen. Henry Hamler Lewis Webb Henry Deshazer - John Sneed Christian Snail Rebecca Veibryck Cornelius O. Vanarsdale - Edward Willis Ebenezer Gary, sen. Charles Brown Robert Jones John Comingore - Ellas Fisher Peter Hufl' John Grant Jane Shelton Claiborne Bradshaw John Rice Susanna Jourdon - Mary Wilson - v Elizabeth Moore - Martha Sandefer - Thomas Graham - Thomas Kyle Edward Houchins - Philip Bourd James Galloway - Sarah Bohon Isaac PoUis Reuben Smithy John Potter, sen. - Charles Hart MASON COUNTY. NORTHERN DIVISION. Mary Ann Shepherd Leonard Bean William Bickley - Isabella Pelham Elizabeth Cole John Campbell John Ward Samuel H. Stilt - John White SOUTHERN DIVISIO.M. Daniel Bell William Owens - William Devin Abram Williams - John Rust John Solomon MONROE COUNTY. Joseph Gist Jacob Goodman Pleasant Haily Matthew Kidwell - Fleming Smith ■ Elijah Veach John Rainer John Giles Harden Denham - Solomon Dickerson Thomas Brown, sen. Thomas Bartlee - John Morehead 79 81 79 84 84 82 83 81 79 81 83 81 86 89 83 80 78 83 88 75 90 87 85 85 82 83 78 79 76 75 83 78 83 80 80 84 76 77 85 79 81 83 74 81 65 78 49 82 71 98 86 85 89 80 ai 80 96 89 85 84 78 80 84 77 90 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided Jime 1, 1340. Margaret Smock. George Spalding, sen. Samuel Hackney. Mary Pipes. Henry Sparrow. William Kelly. Timothy Corn. James Rains. Leonard Taylor. Matthew Colter. George Gabbard, sen. Henry Hamler. Lewis Webb. Henry Deshazer. John Sneed. Christian Snail. Rebecca Yerbryck. Cornelius O. Vanarsdale. Edward Willis. Ebenezer Gary, sen. Charles Brown. Robert Jones. John Comingore. Elias Fisher. Peter Hull'. John Grant. Jane Shelton. Claiborne Bradshaw. John Rice. Susanna Jourdon. . Mary Wilson. Elizabeth Moore. J.ickson Roberts. Thomas Graham. Thoiuas Kyle. Edward Houchins. Philip Bourd. James Galloway. Sarah Bohon. Isaac FoUis. Reuben Smithy. John PoUer. Charles Hart. Mary Ann Shepherd, Leonard Bean. William Bickley. John Pelham. Elizabeth Cole. Thomas Holland. Benjamin Kirk. Samuel H. Stilt. Caleb White. James Morris. Albeit Owens. William Devin. Abram Williams. Mason Rust. Delilah Vincamp. Joseph Gist. Jacob Goodman. Pleasant Haily. M. Kidwell. Dorcas Page. Samuel B. Jinkins. John Painter. John Giles. Harden Denham. Solomon Dickerson. Thomas Brown, sen. Thomas Bartlee, jtin. Rebecca Morehead, Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. MONTGOMERYCOUNTY. James Dunlap - - - 99 James Ramsey - - - 78 James Bourn - - - 78 John M. Howard - - - 45 John B. Fisher - . - 70 William Conner - - - 74 Benjamin Grig^by - - - 91 John Stephens - - - 79 William Gray ... 85 Beverly Daniel - - - 78 Daniel McCarty ... 78 Edward Steen - - - 70 Ruben Garrett ... 88 Samuel McKee ... 76 Benjamin Robenson - - 84 MORGAN COUNTY. Mary Hopkins - - - 84 Benjamin Wages - . - 106 Levi Sevanson - ^ - 85 Thomas Lewis - - - 85 Gilbert Stevens - - - 78 David Ellington - - - 78 B. Hamilton - - - 76 Rebecca Day - - - 74 John Smothers - - - 79 John Kuiby ... 87 Martha Jones ... 80 Isaac Rulon - - - 79 John Preewitt - - - 85 MUHLENBURG COUNTY. John Bone - - - 79 Sihez Garriz - - - 77 Joshua El kins - - . 86 Britain Willis ... 80 William Hopkins ... 73 Benjamin Neal - - - 80 Andrew Glenn - - - 88 NELSON COUNTY. WESTEDN DIVISION. William Thompson - - 101 Barnabas Carter - - - 84 NORTHEASTERN DIVISION. Susan McCown - - - 74 Benjamin Smith - - - ' 79 John Bell - . - 91 John Lawson - - - 83 NICHOLAS COUNTY. James Filzpatrick - - - 88 Reuben Walls ... 86 Edward Adkins - - - 85 Edward Stoker - - - 77 William H. Layton - - 86 Esau Rilchey - - - 63 Coleman A. Collier - - 61 HughMcClintock- - - 82 Sarah Barnett ... 76 OHIO COUNTY. Zebra Arnold - - - 83 William L. Barnard - - 81 William Campbell - - 67 William Carter, sen. - - 80 John Middox, sen. - - 78 Francis Petty - - . . 87 Peter Parks - - - 81 Diadama Shutts - - . 78 Chesley Calloway • . - §1 OLDHAM COUNTY. Benjamin Coons - . - i 66 James Hoskins - . . | 83 Merrett Humphrev - - 1 80 John Austin '. . - | 102 Ed"""'' Archer - - . 1 81 Names of heads of families Ages. I with whom pensioners re- sided Jime 1, 1840. William Dunlap. Matthew Divine. James Bourn. John M, Howard. John B. Fisher. Abraham Ingram. James Grigsby. John Stephens, jun. William Gray. Beverly Daniel. Daniel McCarly. Sarah Vise. Robert Garrett. -' Samuel McKee. Moses Groomer. William Defer. John Wages. Levi Sevanson. Thomas Lewis. Gilbert Stevens. David Ellington. David Hamilton. Jesse Day. John Smothers. John L. Little. John Jones. Isaac Kuton. John Freewill. John Bone. Sihez Garriz. Joshua Elkins. Britain Willis. William Hopkins. Benjamin Neal. A. Glenn. William Thompson. Barnabas Garter. Susan McCown. Benjamin Smith. William Bell. John Lawson. James Filzpatrick. Reuben Walls. Thomas Adkins. Edward Stoker. James Whitaker. Esau Rilchey. Coleman A. Collier. Hugh McClintock. James P. Barnett. BaylisB Axton. William L. Barnard. William Campbell. William Carter, sen. John Maddox, sen. Pinkney Petty. Peter Park.s. Joseph ShiUts. William Simmons. Benjamin Coons. James Hoskins. Merrett Humphrey. John Austin. E. Archer, 166 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. KENTUCKY— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionarj- or miliiarj' services. f Ages. j Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- I sided Jnne 1, 1840. OWEN COUNTY. John Guill - - - 82 William Ligon - - - 78 John Bond - - - , 78 Lewis Vallandingham - - 79 Edward D. Kenny - - - 78 John Searcy - - - 78 Rebecca McCormack - - 88 James McHaiton - - - 56 Jacob Hunter - - - 83 Robert Burk - - - I 78 William Lorance - - - | 77 Nancy Ellis - - - l 77 John Sanders, sen. - - - 89 Thomas Parsley - - - ' 78 Henri- Carter ' - - - i 91 Samuel Boone - - - I 88 PENDLETON COUNTY. Adam Taylor - - - 78 James Pri'bble - - - 79 Gabriel Mullins - - - 87 Robert Taylor - - - 82 John Glinii - - - 80 Isaac Conner - - - ! 83 Phebe Clarkson - - - I 66 James Cordv - - - i 87 Elizabeth Wyatt - - - j 78 Leonard Highfill - - - ' 53 Ebenezer Jane - - - i 55 John H. Frigate - - - 59 James Hammertv - - - 1 70 William Cleveland - -83 Jane Hand - - -75 James Yelton - - - ' 94 Peter Demoss - - - 88 PERRY COUNTY. i James Candill - - - 90 Archilons Croft - - - ' 81 Simon Justice - - -87 Edmund Pally - - - i 64 PIKE COUNTY. i Moses Stepp - - -86 Christian Trant - - -87 Jo?. Ford - - - 88 PULASKI COUNTY I George Decker - - - j SO Robert Anderson - - - | 70 Robert Savers - - - 80 John Wilson . - . 70 Barnabas Murray • - -80 ROCKCASTLE COUNTY. ] EUijah Dennv - - - 77 Reuben C. Pew - . - 81 William Lawrence - - 76 Greorge Harloe - - - 89 Moses Farris ... 7^ William Swenev - - - 8) Nicholas Houke' - - - 100 Hnoiphrey Bates - . - 70 William Abney ... 86 Jacob Stephens' . - . S4 George Sigmon - - - S3 Francis Ramsey, sen. - - 76 RUSSELL COUNTY. Thomas Graves ... 77 Isham Sharp . - . 85 Henry Law . - - K Matthew Robertson - - | 78 William Perryman - - 1 81 Jordan George - - - ' 76 John Polly . . . . fiO Names of pensioners for revola. tionarj' or military services. Ages. SCOTT COUNTY. John Guill. John Morgan. John Bond. Lewis Vallandingham. Edward D. Kenny. j James Crowder. I Margaret Stuart. James McHattoiL Jacob Hunter. Robert Burk. William H. Lorance. Duncan Ellis. John Sanders, sen. Thomas Parsley. Hepry Carter. Smaliwood Moon. Adam H. Taylor. James Pribble. Patrick Mullins. Robert Tavlor. Martha Talbott. Isaac Conner. Isaac S. Clarkson. W Cordv. Elizabeth Wyatt. Leonard Highfill. Ebenezer Jane. John H. Frigate. James Hammerty. W. Cleveland. James S. Hand. James Yelton. Peter Demoss, WiUiam Candill. Archilous Croft. Simon Justice. David Pally. John Bnrgett. Christian'Trant. Polly Ford. George Decker. Robert Anderson. Robert Sayers. John Wilson. Barnabas Murray. Elijah Denny. Reuben C. Pew. Neely Lawrence. George Harloe. John Newcom. William Sweney. Richardson Roberts. Humphrey Bates. William Abney. Jacob Stephens. George Sigmon. Francis Ramsey, sen. Thomas Graves. Isham Sharp. Coleman Law. Matthew Robertson. William Perryman. Jordan George. John PoUv. 1 William Beary David Keer James Dooly Thomas H. Graves sHerman Hill Achilles Stapp James Jones Mary Cbisam Eleanor Tarlton - John Payne Jeremiah Miner - Paul Leathers Robert Nimley Kindness Giisham Daniel Ganoe, sen. •Joseph Burch Abigail Patterson - Henrietta Downing Samuel Sharon John Hiles John Jacobs Samuel Barnhill - John Gatewood John Cainpbell Thomas H. Graves —Herman Hill SHELBY COUNTY. Benjamin Conyers Daniel McCalfster, sen. - Peter Camine John Rielv - - - Robert F.Gale Charles Mitchell - Delilah Maddoi - Joseph Thompson - Samuel White StHherland Mayfield - . Francis Basket' James Hickman Benjamin Washburn Joseph Reeves Mesheck Pearson - Sarah Christy Sarah Ford SHEIBTVILLE. William French, sen. B. W. Ballard Nich. Blankenbaker Elisba Gibson Seth Strattan Nancv Davis Robert Woolfolk - George Hawkins - Henfv Wilev Elizabeth Co'Uett - Samuel Butke Edward Miller Nancv Clark SIMPSON COUNTY. Mari.- Roper Laton Cooper George Pearce William West Nancy Kelley James Moore - SPENCER COUNTY. John Barr - John Davis -M. Reason - John Strange Brant Stone John Ringoe Philip Taylor Names of heads of familie: with whom pensioners re- sided Jime 1, 1840. 78 G. G. Gorham. 93 John A. Gorham. 106 Nancy Leach. 46 Thomas H. Graves. 87 William T. Wood. 86 Achilles Siapp. 74 James Jones. 86 "Benjamin Chisam. 78 James W. Fenwick. 44 John Payne. 95 Jeremiah Miner. 96 Margaret A. Lemon. 48 Robert Nimlev. 97 Robert Power'. 82 Daniel Ganoe, sen. 77 Joseph Burch. 70 WUliam Moore. 95 John Downing. 48 Samuel Sharon. 80 John Hiles. 78 John Jacobs. 82 James Vance. 77 John Gatewood. 75 ! John Campbell. 46 Thomas H. Graves. 87 William F. Wood. 9l Brvant Davis. 80 Daniel McCalister, sen. 85 Peter Carnine. 79 I John Rielv. 72 j Robert Gale. 83 ! Gideon Mitchell. 72 i James McCann. 70 j Joseph Thompson. 64 I Samuel White. 55 j Sutherland Mavfield. 73 [ Jesse Basket. 81 j James Hickman. 72 ' Benjamin Washburn. 73 Willis Reeves. 86 Mesheck Pearson. 79 Sarah Christy. 75 Oswell Herron. 80 William French, jr. 81 B. W. Ballard. 82 Luke Blankenbaker. 95 I John Painter. 78 1 Seth Strattan. 81 1 Prisly Davis. 85 ' John Carvan. 92 ' Giiben Hawkins. 95 I Henrv Wiley. 7l I John CoUeit. 8} ; Samuel Burke. ^ I Robert MiUer. 75 1 Mary Roper. 82 I Joseph Wright. 85 ' George W. Pearce. 87 James Millikin. 85 Nancv Kellev. 84 Edwa'rd L Gaines. 85 ' John Barr. 82 John Davis. 85 I James Reason. 90 I John Strange. 90 B. Stone. 80 John Ringoe. 75 I Philip Taylor. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS, KENTU CKY— Continued. 167 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, ISIO. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. TODD COUNTY. WASHINGTON- Continued. Jonathan Smith ... 83 H. B. Davidson. Andrew Young - . 82 Andrew Young. Robert Acock 86 Robert 4pock. H. G. Bodue. Jacob Lea - . 75 Jacob Lea. Anna Boone 67 Martin IJughs . 81 Richard Smith. John M. Boyd 77 G. W. Boyd. Peter Adams - 79 Peter B. F. Adams. James Flack ... 79 James Flack. Samuel Booker . 82 Samuel Booker. Samuel Gordon 81 G. W. Gordon. Amos Graham - 85 Amos Graham. George Gibson ... 78 George Gibson. Jeanette iVI .bon 70 Thomas Mariin. WHITLEY COUNTY. Elizabeth aualls - 75 Thomas Moss. Benjamin Pannel - 83 Benjamin Pannel. Darley Smithheart 81 D. Smithheart. Peter Petree 77 Peter Petree. Michel Stephens - 54 Michel Stephens. William Turner - 85 William Turner. Thomas Adkins - 82 85 75 Thomas Adkins. TRIGG COUNTY. Henry Porch He»r>' Porch. Daniel Twig 86 Daniel Twig. John Mabry, sen. - - - 7G John Mabry, sen. James Rogers 86 James Rogers. Balaam Ezell 84 Balaam Ezell. Anes AViu - 80 Samuel Witt. Miles Hallowell - 79 Miles Hallowell. John Hood 80 John Hood. James Barham 78 James Barham. • Thomas Laughlin . 77 Thomas Laughlin. TRIMBLE COUNTY. • WAYNE COUNTY. Isaac Gray . - - - 66 Isaac Grav. Bartholomew Hadcn 61 Bartholomew Haden. Thomas Hardin - 81 Thomas Hardin. Patrick Coyle . 71 Patiick Coyle. George Wright 76 George Wright. William Doss ' - 76 William Doss. Joshua Prewett . - - 77 Joshua Prewett. George Rogers - 76 George Rogers. Samuel Vanhorn - 86 John Wright. Isaac'C'rabtree - 82 Isaac Crabtree. Samuel Kelly ... 53 Samuel Kelly- James Jones, sen. - - 81 James Jones, sen. Kennard Younger - 85 Kennard Younger. Frederick Cooper - - 80 Frederick Cooper. John Logan . . - 82 Joseph Logan. John Parmley . 79 John Parmley. Thomas Morgan - 79 John Lamastus. Mastin Durham . 85 Mastin Durham. Thomas Mcintosh 83 James Johnson. James Piercey - 80 James Piercey. Reuben Coffey - 81 Reuben Coffey. UNION COUNTY. James Turner, sen. . 77 James Turner, sen. Stephen Pratt . 75 Stephen Prau. Armisted Anderson 83 Armisted D. Anderson. James S. Davis . 60 James S. Davis. Lewis Richards . - - 77 Lewis Richards. Abrara Hunt - 80 Abram Hunt. A. Davenport 81 A. Davenport. John Adair - 87 John Adair. Charles Washam - . 80 Charles Washam. WARREN COUNTY. Zachariah Sanders - 81 Zachariah Sanders. Peter Catun - 86 Peter Catun. Miles Bellows - . - 80 William W. Bowers. Caleb Cooper . 80 Caleb Cooper. John Billingsley - 87 John Billingsley, William Hayse - - . 77 William Hayse. WOODFORD COUNTY. Christopher Haven 88 Samuel Haven. NORTHERN DIVISION. Jesse Kerby, sen. ... 83 Jesse Kerby, sen.- Bird Smith - 53 Bird Smith. Leonard Kerby ... 79 Leonard Kerby, jr. Dennis Dayley - 79 Dennis Dayley. Ralph Young 87 Ralph Young. John Gregorv - 84 John Gregory. Jane Ellis - . 77 George Byvis. WASHINGTON COUNTY, John Mitchell . 75 John Mitchell. Peter Ale.xander . . 83 Robinson Ruddle. Jonathan White - 78 Jonathan White. John Combs ... 81 Joseph Good. SOnTHEB.N- DIVISION. Joseph Sweeney - 81 Joseph Sweeney. John Cox . - 78' John Cox. Elijah Farris 80 Elijah Farris. Stephen Chilton - - 80 Stephen Chilton. Philip Burns ... 84 Philip Burns. James Hamilton - - 77 James Hamilton. John Lambert ... 81 John Lambert. John McUuiddy - . 80 John Mcauiddy. Nathan Lawson - 85 Chesley Lawson. George W. New . - 76 Daniel Taylor. 168 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. STATE OF OHIO. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families 1 Names of pensioners for revolu- tibnar)' or miliiary services. Names of heads of families tionary or miliiary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. sided June 1, 1840. ASHTABULA COUNTY. 1 ATHENSCOUNTY. CONNEACT. BOMEB. Haunaniah Brooks 83 Daniel Chapman. 1 Amos Stackhouse 82 Joshua Hinds. Shadrach Dodge - 78 Ezekiel Bonney. William Stanly . 65 V. C. Stanly. MOXROE. CANAAN. Joseph Raihbnm - . . 7b Joseph Rathburn. Thomas Arnold - 84 William Arnold. PIEBPONT. AMES. WaiiamGonld 79 Harlow B. Seager. Ja.son Rice 89 Sabinas Rice. George Wolf 1 Jonathan Sweat 87 George Wolf. Jonathan Sweat. iXDOVER. 79 Isaac Bartlett 81 Isaac W. Bartlett. John Pick-elt 86 Luther Wight. : TROT. Seth Hillver 81 Seth Hillyer. Phebe Waterman ... 83 Jonas Smith. Nathan Mason 63, Calvin Mason. Eunice Griffith 81 Nica Griffin. WILLtASUPIBLD. ALEXANDER. Elnathan Pratt 83 Ranjeller S. Pratt. Thomas Htideral - - - 80 Thomas Hudeial. Uriah Tippy 82 Uriah Tippy. WATNE. Nai^aa Bur'rell 80 Josiah Hook. Benjamin Ward - - - 77 Benjamin Ward. JoplLouiher 85 Asa Wade. Joel Pease - . . . 79 Joel Pease. ; Joseph M. Jewett - 77 Joseph M. Jewett. ^URION. Nathan Brewster . 82 Nathan Brewster. DENMARK. Aaron Fall ... 79 Aaron Fall. Joseph Rogers ■^7 Joseph Rogers. \ i BERNE. SHEFFIELD. 1 Samuel Collins 87 W. W. Collins. Nancy Schermerhom &i John D. Clute. j Samuel Brown - . . 82 John Henry. John McManners - - - 80 Johtt McManners. 1 CARIHAGE. KTXaSVrLLE. 1 C. Vanderhoff 89 C. Vanderhoff. ObadiahWard 87 Elijah Ward. | Benjamin Barrett - SO Amos Barrett. BROWS. Ephraim Pratt ... 80 Luther Pi^tt. COLEEROOK. Samuel Phillips - SO Samuel Phillips. ; ELK. 1 Daniel Gill S3 Joseph Gill. NEW LVME. Asa Doty - - - . < i Oliver Brown. ATHENS. Philip Bovee 51 Philip Bovee. Jane Brown 86 A. G. Brown. Lull;er Reeves 81 Luther Reeves. Daniel Stewart ADAMS COUNTY. 77 D. Stewart. LENOX. Benjamin Waters - - . 78 Benjamin Waters. | GREEN. Thomas Holman - - - | 85 Thomas Holman. John Toland 76 John Toland. 1 Nathaniel Rejiiolds 77 Charity Reynolds. JEFFERSON. ! Nathaniel Foster - so Nathan Foster. Alien Hackelt 83 James M. Hackett. MONROE. PLTJIOtTTH. William Yates 90 William Yates. Thomas Willis - 81 Asahel WilUs. Charles Slevenson 78 Charles Slevenson. ASHTABCLA. LIBERTY. Thomas Benham - . - 81 Thomas Benham. John Stivers 74 Robert Stivers. John McPike . - 90 John McPike. ORWELL. George Smith 79 George Smith. JEFFERSON. James Williams ... 83 Newton Williams. ROME. Richard Woodworlh 85 Richard Wocdworth. Henry Straight 80 Henry Straight. 1 ' ACSTIXBCBG. [ SPRING. John Blair 78 Andrew Marton. John Crissey ... 83 Ebenezer A. Mills. Jesse Ellis . - - - 86 Jesse Ellis. Nathaniel AusJin - 87 Lewis Austin. , WEST r.NlON. JohnKillin ^ - j SATBROOK. 83 John Kill in. Jacob Jenks 80 John Sherman. ! alle/county. Ezra Se.xton ... 83 William C. Sexton. | rsancy Streeton 80 Rhoda Knowles. DUCHOiaCET. 1 John Ridley ... 81 John Ridley, jr. geneva: Levi Gaylard Rl Harvey R. Gaylard. GERMAN. Enoch Barnum 52 EJQoch Bajnard. Simon Cochran - 86 Simon Cochran. HARFERSHELD. AMANDA. John Lamont S2 Ann Place , . 76 Abraham Miller. ' Selina Hendry 73 /- Haimah Skinner ... 87 BUTLER county. ST. CLAIR. ■WT.VD80R. William Davis 90 Jackson Davis. Caleb TSbraas 77 Oliver Loomis, jr. ' James Reiley 93 J. and F. Reiley. Skene » Sackeu - 76 Jonathan Wilder. 1 WilUam Caldwell 76 William CaldweU. cmm^ OF PENSiONMB. OHIO— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. i Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military service.s. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. BUTLER— Continued. BELMONT— Continued. WAYNE. RICHLAND. John Craig 79 James Craig. Richard Hardesty - 86 Richard Hardesty. Thomas Simmons 75 Thomas Simmons. William Rennison - 83 Joseph Rankin. William Craig 85 James Parrish. MADISON. Robert Thompson - 81 Poorhouse. Pardon Starks 76 Pardon Starks. SMITH. UNION. William Dawson - 47 ■ William Dawson. Ashabel Waller - 81 Ashabel Waller. John Beckett 87 James C. Beckett. GOSHEN. ' James Irwin 82 James Irwin. Sarah Windham - 79 Sarah Windham. LIBERTy. MORRISTOWN, UNION TOWNSHIP. William Knox 70 Robert S. Knox. William Ramsey - 84 William Ramsey. John Games - - 77 John McGuire. William Wright - 79 William Wright. UNIO.V. John Line - . . - 76 John Line. William Musgrove 79 William Musgrove Eve Mitchell 85 Sarah Berry. LEMON. James Grimes - ... 80 James Grimes. FLUSHING. Joseph Compton - 80 Joseph Compton. George Brokaw, sen. John N. Smith 86 , 76 George Brokaw, sen. John N. Smith. HAMILTON. John Reily 77 John Reily. MEAD. Plerson Sayre 77 Pierson Sayre. Resell Beach 86 Rosell Beach. David Lockwood - 70 David Lockwood. FAIRFIELD. , John Walker, sen. 75 John Walker, sen. WAYNE. Abraham Gray 86 John Gray. ROSS. Nathan Griffith ' 82 Nathan Griffith. SOMERSET. _ , Levi Davis 76 Levi Davis. HANOVER. George Morgan 92 George Morgan. Ezekiel Ross 84 Amos Ross. Joshua Leach 85 Joshua Leach. CARROLL COUNTY. Martin Rinehart - 82 George Rinehart. ORANGE. REILKY. James Deneen 84 Alexander Deneen. John Raignsbearger Robert West 81 86 John Raignsbearger, James West. John Smith 78 John Smith. Henry Martin 83 Henry Martin. Heman Adams 79 Warren Smith. PERRY. OXFORD. Mordecai Amos - 94 Henry Amos. John Freeman 83 John Freeman. AUGUSTA. MILFOBD.' Diana Westfall - 80 Simeon Westfall. Daniel Baker 85 ■ David Baker. HARRISON. BROWN COUNTY. John Gribbins 89 William D. Gribbins. STERLING, James Waits 78 James Waits. ROSE. Nicholas Criss - 74 Nicholas Criss. WASHINGTON. Michael Ccniey - 94 Michael Conley. COSHOCTON COUNTY.! George Marshall - William Reeves - 82 George Marshall. 76 William Reeves. . FRANKLIN. Israel Buker 84 Israel Buker. GREEN. Theodore Melott - , 89 Prater Melott. JEFFERSON. James Beatty 80 Samuel Martin, SCOTT. Joshua Davidson - 87 John Bingaraan. PERRY. William Watson - . - 84 George Beckley. FRANKLIN. David Lee - - ■ 56 David Lee. Benjamin Wills - 87 Sarah Rice. Christian Musser - 80 Christian Musser, Benjamin Wells - 88 Benjamin Wells. James Erwin - . - 77 James Erwin. WEST CARLISLE. Richard Smith 48 Richard Smith. CLARK. James Rounds 82 James Roimds. WASHINGTON. Lloyd Pyott 52 Lloyd Pyott. HUNTINGTON. Edward McDaniel - 95 Edward McDaniel. VIRGINIA. James L. McGregor Joseph Thompson - 79 DECATUR. Benjamin Sutton - 87 Benjamin Sutton. ROCHESTER. William Critchfield 77 William Critchfield. BOYD. Samuel PickeriU - 77 Samuel PickeriU. MILL CREEK. Luke Tipton 85 Adam Bible. BELMONT COUNTY. 83 ST. CLAIKSVILLE. Marmaduke S. Davis 80 Marmaduke S. Davis, REENE. Samuel Wiley Samuel Wiley. 83 t16 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. OHIO— Continued. fJames of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families ' Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families lionar}' or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- tionar)- or military services. Ages. With whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. sided June 1 , 1840. CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. COLUMBIANA COUNTY. KNOX. *DA.MS. Thomas Tipton - 108 Asahel Wilkinson. James Beer ShHTH. 82 O09HEN. John Davis ' - - - 65 John Odle. John AUerton MIDDLETON. 77 John Allerton. RL'SH. Daniel Baker ■?> Daniel Baker. James Bovd Matthias Shirts ... 80 90 James Bovd. Matthias Shirts, jun I'R Banna. Thomas Kent 94 Thomas Kent. John Dawson 9-2 John Dawson. Frederick Qump - 99 Frederick Gump. WATNE. James Figgins SO WATNE. Elizabeth Barrett - James Witty William Gutridge - 85 78 G4 Elizabeth Barrett. James Witty. William Gutridge. LIVERPOOL. Samuel Lyons William Camagey 78 86 Samuel Lvons. William Camagey. CLARK COUNTY. CALCLTTA. Samuel (iuigley, sen. W Samuel duigley, sen. MOORFIELD. William Rogers - 83 William Rogers. ST. CLAIR. John Hight ... 83 John Hight. ^UDlsoN. James Smith ... 84 James Smith. Isaac Wilson - - - 80 baac Wilson. UNITY. MAD RIVER. Bernard Boatman - 83 Bernard Boatman. John Parsons 9:j George Parsons. Alfred Stewart 51 Alfred Stewart. BETHEL. ELK RCN. William G. Ser^-ace 53 William G. Servace. William Mankins - 80 William Mankins. PIKE. FAIRFIELD. Samuel Lippencot - 81 Samuel Lippencot. John Crozer 86 Jonathan Piggoti. CT.FRMONT COUNTY. NEW LISBON. BATAVU. Jacob Hawke 81 William Sanders. John Henlick 88 Jane Gest. Nathaniel Reeves - 84 Nathaniel Reeves. CENTRE. James McClelland 80 James McClelland. TATE. Oakey Van Osdol - 83 Oakey Van Osdol. GREEN. Philip Bowman ... 85 Joshua Bowman. MONBOE. William Snyder - 55 William Snyder. John Dennis Hugh MuUoy 80 88 •Tohn DeDni>-. Hugh MuUoy. CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Banon Lowe 78 Barton Lowe. NEWBrrtaH. ; Edmund Rathban - 83 Edmund Rathban. OHIO. ; Elizabeth Cochrane 83 Aliner Cochrane. Nehemiah Ward - 84 Nehemiah Ward. John Wheeler 88 William Wheeler. i CLEVELAND. Thomas Mannin? - . - Thomas Manning. ' Nathaniel Andrews 77 N. Andrews. Christian Placard - 88 Jeremiah GasUinv. , Rice Beckworth - t 85 Joseph Wyley. NEW RICHMOND. James Arthur , - _ 76 James Arthur. BROOKLYN. Phineas Shepard - 83 Phineas Shepard. Zebulon Applegate 8C Lev\ Moss. , Sybil Sawtle 77 Benjamin Sawtle. STONELICK. William Cowen - 85 William_Coweii. ROTALTON. Elias Keyes John Miner 77 78 Elias Keyes. John Miner. WATNE. James Caiter 85 James Carter. STRONOSVILLE. Joshua Hudson 80 Joshua Hudson. JACKSON. J. Meyreck ... 84 Justin Meyreck. Sarah Stoner 74 Ann Smith. John Hair - 86 Arthur Clark. DOVER. Joseph Porter 89 John Porter. CLINTON COUNTY Jared Farren Jedediah Crocker ... 79 78 J. Farren. J. Crocker. LIBERTY. David Shields 87 PARNU. Isnac Bumam 75 Isaac Burnain. VERNON. Mrs. Azuba Norton 87 Asher Norton. Thomas Hardin - 85 WARRENSVILLE. CLABK. Moses Warner 80 Moses Warner. Aaron Ruse ... 78 Aaron Ruse. John Jone« 84 John Jones. MATFIELD. William Elswonh - 79 William Elswonh, WASHINOTON. George Howard - 9-i Mary H. Howard. BRICESVILLE. George Niioa l» Joseph Willcox 86 DooUnle Willcoi. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. OHIO— Continued. 171 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or inililary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners rs- sided June 1, 1840. CUYAHOGA— Continued. ERIE— Continued. CLEVELAND CITY. HORON. Second ward. John McMillen 80 John McMillen. Samuel Adams 78 Samuel Adams. r.ROTON. DELAWARE COUNTY. Joseph M. Remington 77 Joseph Turner. SCIOTO. William Warrington 86 William Warrington. PORTLAND. David Carswell 76 Esther Hurd. IIAIILEM. Elam Blain . . - 80 Elaai Blaiu, jr. FAIRFIELD COUNTY. Mille Hills 77 Sherman Fairchild. CLEAR CREEK. Elizabeth Adams - 73 Silas Adams. Joshua Chrishfield Peter Wotring 87 83 TRENTON. John Rimnels 89 Philemon Bidlack - 76 Philemon Bidlack. Sarah McCoy 71 John Simpson. HOCKINO. John Wort . - . - 84 Israel B. Wort. John Thompson - 82 Martha Hough - - - 82 Owen Hough. Sibel Orion 78 Polly Gall. WALNUT. Walter Newman - 79 PORTER. Peter Vansickle - - - 90 Ira Finch. BLOO.M. William Steward - 88 James White, Charles Bolen 75 'Charles Bolen. BENNINGTON. FAYETTE COUNTY. Eunice Smith. •. - - 76 William Smith. UNION. Felix McElhany - 90 Felix McElhany. GENOA. Ralpli Boon 95 George W.Ritchie, Katharine Bennett 80 Katharine Bennett. Charles Sexton 78 Adam Mcltnight - 76 Adam Mi:Knight. JEFFERSON. BERKSHIRE. Adam Allen 81 Adam Allen. Morgan Young 89 Andrew Young. George Rupert ... 84 Johanna Jones 80 Johanna Jones. Andrew Hemrod - - - 80 Zelotus Jones. CONCORD. Jacob Fisher 81 George Fisher. John Newlin 97 Nich, Newlin. Sliles Parker 75 Sliles Parker. Thomas Crawford 87 Ebenezer Landon - 79 Ebenezer Landon. Ezekiel Brown 80 Samuel Leonard. GREEN. John Priddy ... 82 KINOSTON. Jesse Roe . - - - 86 Pelatiah Morgan - 74 Ira Blackman. Katharine Coykendall 77 Katharine Coykendall. FRANKLIN COUNTY. CITY OF COLUMBUS. LINCOLN. Tkird ward. Alexander Kingman 7.5 Alexander Kingman. Henry Stoving Thomas Smith 57 81 Henry Stoving. Thomas Smith. BERLIN. George Whiteman 80 George Whiteman. Eunice Caulkins - 77 Thomas Beddo ... 80 Thomas Beddo. JEFFERSON. Mathias Dague 87 WESTFIELD. Reuben Martin 93 Samuel Martin. NORWICH. Phebe Hopkins 81 Abraham Hopkins. Phoebe Champe 83 William Champe. Elizabeth Patee 75 Henry Patee. JACKSON. DELAWARE. William Ballard - 81 William Ballard. Benjamin Newell -• 73 Peter Poland. Azariah Root 78 Azariah Root. TRURO. Joseph Mapes 79 Joseph Map©». TROY. Perris Main ... 77 Perris Main, WASHINGTON. Rebecca Beal 73 MARLBOROUGH, Jehiel Wilcox 81 Jehiel Wilcox. BROWN. Samuel Davis 73 NORTON. Abel Spaulding 75 John Spaulding. GEAUGA COUNTY. THOMPSON. DARK COUNTY. Katharine Morey - 73 Moses Stragler. TWIN. Retire Trask 82 Cooper Blakeslee. William Thompson. Henry Penney . . - 86 Henry Penney. William Thompson 95 Ezekiel Farmer 79 CHESTER. OERNUN. John More - - - - 90 John More. John Reed - . - . 74 John Reed. Lavina Phelps - 77 Lavina Phelps. Ezekiel Morley. Reuben Gillmore. IIAHRiaON. Ezekiel Morley - Lucy Brass 81 71 William Graham - 76 Addison Graham. RKSSEL. ERIE COUNTY. Josiah Rogers 74 Josiah Rogers. OXFORD. CJxauncey Cooke - 82 Chauncey Cooke. AUBURN. David Smith 77 David Smith, 172 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. OHIO— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or mililar)' services. Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- 1 Names of heads of famili Ages. with whom pensioners re- tionary or militar)- services. Ages. 1 with wliom pensioners r sided June 1, l*iO. i sided June 1,1840. GEAUGA— Continued. GUERNSEY— ConUnued. 1 NEWBURY. Ephraiin Jewell Frederick Loveland 60 Epbraim Jewell. LIBEBTT. John Lewis ... 68 John L«wis. 76 Frederick Loveland. ' 1 !■ HAMILTON COUNTY nAMPDEN Samael M. Starr - 74 ,,, „ ;' SPRINGFIELD. Samuel M. Starr. . james Woodruff - 64 .. Abel Damon SO Abe Damon. ■ g tucker - 84 ' Daniel Morgan 87 Lydia Br.gham. ,, j^hn gav . - - - 53 Nathaniel Hickock 82 Daniel Ingraham. ,, jj^j,^^ Vf^ison - 64 Ichabod Pomeroy - 83 Noah Pomeroy. j g,^„i,ael Carpenter Squire Davenport. 1 ^^^^ ^J^.^ . 52 Squire Davenport - 76 78 ii John AVilkinson 80 CLAMDON. '\ Rebecca Elliot 75 Lewis Elliot. COLERAIX " Priscilla Dimock - 75 Daniel Dimock. Henr}' Deatz Henry Love ... 84 85 BENTON. James Gofi - - - - 78 James Gofi. Alexander McNult 62 Nathan Parks 81 Nathan Parks. , ^^^ Meriman Cook 79 S... J J ■ T, J, ' Charles Vathier - 78 Charles Vathier. Thaddeus Bradley 84 Thaddeus Bradley. j Reuben Gage Elijah Sargent 74 82 TROT. Ira Phelps . - - - 7S Richard Phelps. CROSBY. Othniel Looker ... 83 MONTVILLE. Israel Wilson 81 Lyman Williams. colcmbl*. William Finch ... 78 GALLIA COUNTY Israel Ward 77 SPRINGFIELD. Amasa Howe 74 , ' n- IJobn W. Langdon Amasa Howe. fDaniel Davis . 81 91 Abraham Parmetor 79 HARBISBtrKG. Abraham Haptonstall 79 ANDERSON. ' Amos Mitchel - - 80 aACOON. Robert Welsh 58 Oliver Scott 74 Oliver Scott. John Charlton 78 CBESHIRE. James Martindale 93 James Martindale SYCAMORE. ""Bethnal Norris 89 ■ Price Thompson - 84 ADDJSON. Alexander Martin 80 Gideon Viah 84 Samuel Viah. rCLTON. HtWTCJGTON. John Hamond 87 David Keeton 83 Moses Gee 85 Moses Gee. Mn.L CREEK. James Lyon - . . 85 GREEN. Daniel Wiggin 85 - Daniel Wisgin. George Gwinnup ... Andrew Coi . . _ 85 81 Benjamin Williams 7*7 Benjanun Williams. Alice Newton 82 CITT OF CINCINNATI. 1st tcard. HARRISON. "John Straightsr 82 John Straightar. Abijah Phelps . - 4th tcard. 79 • GRFF,NE COUNTY. John Brooks 78 BATH. Benjamin Bridge. William Worthington btk mard. 91 XENU. Thomas Adams ... 83 Thomas Adams. Daniel Moss ... John Nelson ... 91 77 James Small 81 James Small. 6/A ward. cjesar's cnr.EK. George Deeds - . 7S George Deeds James Skaats, sen. 1 John Hudson ... 87 73 1 John R. Douslass - 80 SlivCR GREEK. S. B. Hebb 80 WHITE WATER. GUERNSEY COUNTY John Hakted 86 RICHLAND. Epbraim Dilly, sen. 85 Ephraim Dilly, sen. 1 HANCOCK COUNTY. UNION. SPENCER. Jacob Foi - . - . 77 Jacob Foi. William Wallace - 86 William Wallace, jr. John Fox . . . - 73 John Fox. Robert Bay 86 Peter Whitaker. William Carroll - 84 Elizabeth Gwin. WELLS. George W. Morrison 47 George W. Morrison. PORTAGE. Nicholas Helmeck 81 Nicholas Hehneck. MLLWOOD. Michael L. Montgomery - 101 Michael L. Montgomer}-. 1 ^CASS. 1 Samuel Freeman - 78 Job Freeman CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. OHIO— Continued. 173 Names of pensioners for revolu- lionarj' or military services. HANCOCK— Continued. MARION. Hugh Pierce AMANDA. Zebulon Lee RIDGE. John Fisher Ephraim Hubbard HARDIN COUNTY. BENTON. John Briby HARRISON COUNTY. RCMLEY. George Dickerson WASHINGTON. John Parlcer VILLAGE OF CADIZ. William Boggs. TOWN OP CADIZ. Robert Alexander - Charles D. Wells - HANOVER. Charles Conaway - NORTH. Mordecai Amos' - STOCK. Frederick Wallers NOTTINGHAM. William Todd Isaac Suddith HIGHLAND COUNTY, FAir.FIELD. Evan Evans Beverly Milner -Daniel Tyler M.'.DISON. John Robbins John Strange BRUSH CREEK. George Gall, sen. - John Middleton - ■ Jos. West . - - PAINT. John West - Robert Montgomery Peter Snider John W. Sparger, sen. JACKSON. Joseph Horn, sen. - James Anderson, sen. CONCORD. William Smith John Richardson - Stephen Ogden NE'iraURKET. William Vanwinkle William Boatman, sen. v.mTE OAK. Anthony Sonner - Lewis Robinson John Mahappy DANVILLE. Andrew Shaper, sen. Ages. 81 83 85 86 78 94 81 45 82 90 80 84 80 87 85 83 82 85 75 85 83 84 81 86 86 84 74 90 78 84 84 84 79 86 81 81 Names of heads of families with whom pensioner.^ re- sided June 1, 1840. Hugh Pierce. Richard Lee. John Fisher. David Graham, Robert Ale,xander. Charles D. Wells. Charles Conaway. Mordecai Amos. Frederick Walters. Alexander Todd. Evan Evans. Beverly Milner. -Daniel Tyler. John Robbins. John Strange. George Gall, sen. Benjamin West. Robert Montgomery. Jacob Snider. John W. Sparger, sen. James Anderson, sen. Thomas Miller. William Vanwinkle. Mitchell Boatman. Anthony Sonner. Andrew Mahappy. Andrew Shaper, sen. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. HIGHL AN D— Continued . DODSON. George Speckard, sen. LIBERTY. William Higgins John W. Harper - John Crawford HOCKING COUNTY. STARR. Caleb Williams - SALT CREEK. Samuel Wycoff - HOLMES COUNTY. MECHANIC. John Palmer William Hendrickson WASHINGTON. John Critchfield - KILLEUCK. John Guinn HURON COUNTY. RIPLEY. Joseph More WAKEMAN. Lemuel Kingsbury Isaac Curtiss GREENWICH. Charles Eastman - BRONSON. Michael Parks SHERMAN. Abram Bennet FITCaVILLE. E. H. Cook Abram Hand CLARKSFIELD. Noah W. Norton - NEW HAVEN. Henry Brewer RIDGEFIELD. Benjamin Reed Prince Haskell NORWALK. Abner Baker JACKSON COUNTY. FRANKLIN. James Dawson Job Foster LIBERTY. John Hanna WASHINGTON. Enoch Russell JEFFERSON COUNTY. WARREN. John McElroy John Humphrey - John Fry Thomas McCune - Ages. 84 97 82 92 James Barcus WELL3. 81 78 84 81 86 82 75 81 79 76 85 84 86 77 84 85 81 85 87 85 86 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. George Speckard, sen. James Higgins, sen, John Crawford. 75 ■ Caleb Williams. 89 Jacob Alexander. 84 83 William Irvins. Lemuel Kingsbury. Isaac Curtiss. Charles Eastman, Michael Parks. Abram Bennet, E. H, Cook. Abram Hand, Z, C. Norton. Henry Brewer. James Brakenridge, Admiral Haskell. Timothy Baker. John McElroy. David Humphrey, Susanna Staver. James McCune. 80 James Barcus. 174 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. OHIO— Coutiaued. Names of pensioners for revolu- lionary or military services. I Names of heads of families Ages. with whom pensioners re- ' sided June 1, IMO. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Names of heads of families Ages. I with whom pensioners r»- ' sided June 1, 1640. JEFFERSON— Continued. t 1 LAKE— Continued. 1 SiUNE. Willis 90 Isaac Willis. 1 ' MADISOX. jl Joseph Fuller 82 1 Joseph Fuller, jim. 1 • Joseph Green 74 1 Jesse Green. BOSS. William Starr William Roach 100 100 1 William Starr. 1 Je.'emiah Roach. 1 William Branch - Joshua Emmes Joseph Emerson ... 80 88 86 , William Branch. Joshua Emmes. Joseph Ejnetsou, jun. SFRUiOFIELD. Philip Crabs 50 Philip Crabs. , Samuel Smead Amasa K.U . . . ': Abel Kimball 93 77 74 Oliver Smead. Amasa Hill. Abel KimbaU, 2d. KNOX COUNTY. |; LAWRENCE COUNTY. raiNKLiN. ! FAYETTE. Abraham Blair - &> Abraham Blair. Joseph L. Rowley . 90 Thomas Row lev. HOWARD. ! PERRY. Benjamin Critchfield 79 Benjamin Critchfield. 1 ; Elisha B. Greene - M Eiisha B. Greene. CU.VT0.N. EUZABETH. I Thomas Davis 87 Thomas Davis. ; , Jacob Hufiman i 80 Jos. Huiiinan. PLEiSANT. 1 CPPEK. Carey McCleUand- 89 j George Sparlin? . i| Peter Wakefield - 62 George Sparling. Jos. Nonhrup ... 89 75 Peter Wakefield. UBEHTY. t-iWR£XCE. Christopher Myers 83 Samuel Lane ... 1 81 Samuel Lane. MlDDL£BLRa. ] MASOX. John Ackerinan - 81 John Ackerman. Samuel Dowd. Cornelius Vanarsdall 81 Minedred W. Vanarsdall. Samuel Dowd 77 Humphrey Brimfield 96 Humphrey Brimfield David Welch Sd Peter Welch. ROME. WAyxE. William Losey & WUliam Losey. Peter Doty &4 E^hraim Doty. Nathaniel Prilchard 77 Nathaniel Pritcbard. MORRIS. LICKING COUNTY. Benjamin Jackson - 88 Benjamin Jackson. GR.IXV1LLE. 1 Stephen Mead 61 Stephen Mead. MOMROE. Solomon Freeman - 78 William Freeman. H. H. Yoimg 82 H. H. Y"oung. ' Achsa Rose 77 C. C. Ro;e. Levi Chadwick 88 Levi Chadwick. BURUNGTON'. CUESTEH. Samuel Edman 84 Samuel Edman. John Holt 80 John Holt. John Riney John Riney. BEX.NIXGTON. Marv Perkins 85 Wesley Perkins. .EERUX. David Hess 97 David Hess LIMA. A^^a « ftVI * ■ m --fc'* . ' Geoi^ Home 76 Jesse Home. L.AKF COUNTY. IIARRISU.V. PlIXESVILLE. Mary French 78 Warren French. Benjamin Dewolf - 81 Banjamjn Dewolf. Elka'nah Jones 79 1 Jonathan Goldsmith. ST. ALSA^'S. Roger Crane 78 Tower W. Crane. Sewell Gilbert 75 Sewell Gilben. C>-pnam Parish 74 Lewis Parish. , Chloe McCuller - 81 W. W. Blake. Edward Paine 96 Sally M. Paine. Henry Treviit 80 Henry Trevitt. Jesse Stockwell 81 Benjamin Bills. COXCORD. Samuel Rogers Oliver Brown 73 79 Samuel Rogers. Oliver Brown JBR.SEY. Joseph Headley Michael Beam' 83 Benjamin Parkhorsl. MarvCarll 81 ' AsTOD Scribner. 84 Michael Beam, jun. William R. Eddv - 79 1 WiUiam R. EAdv S. D. Ball 85 S. D. Ball. Jacob Tyler 79 William Fos. Henr)- Jolly 83 Vachel Dickerson. KmrtjiSD. ETXA. George E. Lloyd - 82 J. D. Shank. Thomai! Morley - 9i Alfred Morley. Joseph Brvant 60 Joseph Bryant. MOKROE. Oliver Hajmon 83 Oliver Harmon, jcm. | Caleb Hill 83 Thomas Lunn Elijah Adams 87 EUisha Adams. WILLOLGUBV. 1 Horace Simmons - 78 Horace Simmons. JOUNSTOW.S. John Campbell 78 James Campbell. Jacob Martin 100 Jacob Martin. JohnFurguson ... 84 John Furguson. Rachel Scovell 78 David Scovell. LCSOY. CNION. Nathan French ... 80 Nathan French. John Colter 78 John Colter. Lvdia Cbappell 93 Ejastus Rogers. Jonathan Benjamin 101 Mary Ford. Joel Hokum 80 Joel Hokum. James Taylor 86 James Taylor, jr. PERRY. BOWXISG CREEX. Mary Hanks 77 John Youngs. William Uairis, sen. 66 William Harris, sen. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. OHIO— Continued. Its Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- 1 Names of heads of families lionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionarj' or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. LICKING-Continued: LORAIN— Continued. . JACK30NT0WN. AMHERST. Anthony Pitzer Japliet Mentzer 70 Anthony Pitzer. Calvin Dyke 78 Calvin Dyke. 87 Gershom Richerson 79 James Cossing. PERRY. EATON. John Ferrell 89 James Ferrell. John Taylor 39 Nicholas Taylor. NEWTON. AVON. Zaohariah Albaugh 82 Zachariah Albaugh. Joseph Moor 76 J. Moor, UTICA. HENRIETTA. Elias Hughes 8G Jonathan Hughes. Rebecca Wellman 78 Chauncey Remington. WASHINGTON. RUSSIA. 7.arah Curtis 78 Zarah Curtis. Joshumy Campbell 78 R. A. Campbell. Jonathan Buck - . - 90 J. Buck. MADISON. John Larabee, sen. 86 John Larabee, sen. BRIGHTON. Ebenezer Matto.\ - 45 Ebenezer Mattox. Abner Looveland - - - 7C S, H. Looveland. Josiah Ward 78 J. Ward. NEWARK. Justice Battle 86 S. T. Battle. George W. Parks - 47 George W. Parks. Jos. Kingsbury 79 Austin Kingsbury. 'Anna Shenefglt . . - 78 John Shenefelt. Eldad Steele 76 Eldad Sleele. BROWNHELM. Seth Morse 83 Seth IVIorse. LOGAN COUNTY, COLUMBIA. PERRY. John Howard ... 83 John Howard. Peter Howard ... 95 Peter Howard. Thomas Williams 78 Abel Goodwin. Henry Kudisilly - 85 Josiah "VVhileear. Samuel Hoadly 68 Samuel Hoadly. MONROK. William Carrell_ - 73 William Carrell. CARLISLE. Zachariah Beers ... 82 Abiram Drakely. Eli Pember 78 Eli Pember. UNION. Moses Allis - . - 86 William Allis. Judah Chamberlin 80 Judah Chamberlin. Tesse Morgan _ - - 79 E. H. Morgan. James Hays 50 John W. Hays. HUNTINGTON. MIAMI. Ben Risiii°' _ - - 92 Oliver Rising. Michael Cox 84 Evan J. Schooler. LUCAS COUNTY. HARRISON. James Sargent 85 James Sargent. GORUAM. John Kendall ... 47 John Kendall. Rll.sn CREEK. Christian Neighharger 76 Jacob W. Neighbarger. ROYALTON. ' Richard Tinev ... 77 • Richard Tiney James L. New 77 James L. New. ' Amos Jordan " - 84 Amos Jordan, JEFFERSON. MORGAN COUNTY. Codema Knapp 76 Sarah J. Brooks. BROOKFIEI.D, Benjainin Severance 78 Benjamin Severance. LORAIN COUNTY. Jesse George 86 Jesse George. F.LYRI.'.. John Bain . - - - 72 John Bain, Abraham Welhnan 60 Abraham Wellman. Adna S. Clark- 77 A. S.Clark. BRISTOr.. Betsey Squires 73 Andrew Myers. Hugh Osborn 75 Ezra Osborn. Matthew Wilson - 85 Matthew Wilson. aur.i.lTAN. Jonathan Crapo 77 Jonathan Crapo, JACKSflN. Eddy Birch 80 Oliver Birch. RIDGEVII.T.E. Eunice Terrel 81 Wvllis Terrel. MANCHESTER. Elihu Terrel 81 David M. Tyler. Casper Mohlet 81 Casper Mohler. David Beebe 93 Garry Root. Jonah Hanchelt 83 J, Hanchelt. WINDSOR. Timothy Blackmore 72 Timothy Blackmore. LAORANOE. Submit Langden - Charles Rounds - 90 80 F. Langden. Nathaniel Rounds. MORGAN. John Clancy DEERFIELD. - Charles Clancy. SHEFFIELD. Elisha Brown 86 E. Barilet. Philip Saylor 89 Philip Saylor. WELLINGTON. MEIGS COUNTY. Samuel Pelton 83 Samuel Pelton. • COLUMBIA. William Howell - 92 Philip D. Barnhour. BLACK RIVER. Anthony Haly 81 Anthony Haly. Eleazer Crawford - 78 Eleazer Crawford. ORANGE. ORAPTON. Asa Dains . . - - 76 Leonard Dains, E. A. Turner ' . - - 49 E. A. Turner. Isaac Moss 91 Jeptha Dains. Jolin Cam. Aaron Burt 82 Aaron Burt, Daniel Stivers 77 l?fi I KNSUS OF PENSIONERS. OHIO— Continued. Names of pensioners for revoln- liooaiy or miliiarr services. MEIGS— Continued. CBESTES. John White -MUes Oakley Jeriah Osbom ixtabt. George Harrell sapio. Robert Townsend - snroK. George Roosh Jonas Roush Luther Danielson - ilsther Russell BCTJ.AXD. Brewster Hieby Abijah HnbbeU - . Thomas Evenon - sausei:bt. James Wbaly MARION cor>rrv BIG ISI_lS1>. Joshua Vanilee: SiLT HOCE. Frazier Gray GILEj.r>. Campbell McDonald MOBTTX. Amariab Chase - Jacob Foust MEDINA COUN'TV , CHATHAM. Jehiel Green Ephraim Palmer - >iebediah Cass Susannah Allen waDswohth. Joseph Banholomew shabox. Elizabeth S:ephenson G3AXGES. Samuel McClond - Seth ChxxlTin KISSI.ET. Isbnel Jennings Josiah Brovn CnLFOBD. Jane AVilsoa Hannah Peiton Thomas Lelcjii Mary ShieM? Katharine Radnback SEVILLE, Nathan Gray Anna Houghion - BHCSSWICE. Solomon Denning - John Halei Asa Hulet - John Steams WESTTIZLD. Deliverance Fastman Names of heads of families Ages. ; with wTiom pensioners re- sided Jtme 1, IS40. 8t 93 84 78 Si 77 19 80 86 Samnel Fair. Beimat Oakley John Coleler. ' George Harrell. Daniel Dntton. 80 • George Roush. 77 David Chemiller. S4 Luther Danielson. Moses Russell. CvTus Higbv. Abijah Habbell. Benjamin Dickersoa. 90 James Wialv. To 1 Joshua Vanflcei. I Frazier Gray. Campbell McDonald. 77 Solomon Chase P5 Jonas Foust. 7? 55 74 Jebiel Green. E?'.ira!m palmer. Neb^diah Cass. Jacob Alien. Si Joseph Bartholomew 71 G. W. Stephenson. 1 1 Samuel McCloud. David Goodwin. _- Ubuel Jennings. Melville Brown. ^2 James Huffman. ^7 Coryd^m Culver. 83 Thomas Leland. 79 WilUam Shields. 75 Thomas Radutack. 80 Nathan High. 79 Oliver Hauehtoc. 76 ■ Carrol Denning. 85 Fletcher HaleL fi Elisha Mason. ^3 I Daniel Steams. 79 I J, M. Eastman. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names cf heads of familie tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners r« sided June 1, 1&40. MEDtSA— ConUnned. TOBE. Ezra Brown 77 E. D. Brown. Ebeaezer Armf.rong 80 Ebenezer Armstrong. HiBBlSVILIX. John Hc-reboom - 83 Bartholomew Hogeboom. Elizabeth Poe - - - S7 D. W. Poe MONTGOMERY COUNTY. : daytox. Benjamin Coi George Snider CtAT. Conrad Witters - GEHMA.X. Philip Negly P^ter Ke^fer Charles Brooks Georse Clencv Jacob Larose ( MUSKINGUM COUNTY. ZiXZSVTLLE. William Davis John Campbell Joirn Kelley David Findley WASHISGTOS. Samuel Beaveis - PESST. Philip Richcreek - MOSBOE. John Baird James Sprague John. Kent - John Johnson DBESDEX. Lucinda Henry - LICKING. David Brondaee - John Davis KTSKIKStrM Am:« Mix - Enos Devose HOPEWEU.. John Reddick Jaccb Crijger F1LI.S. Captain James Taylor XEWTOS. Martin Rohrer Jeremiah Woods - SPBIXGHELD. Je^se Smith Jacob Addison BaCSHCC£EI. Robert Boyd OaBRISO.C. John Wolf - Josiah Thomas 94 William Cox. 89 . George Snider. i S3 ' Conrad Witiers. 92 John C. Nee^v 81 Peter Kesler.' Peter Frank. 9C George Clency. 86 Jacob Larose. 86 William Davis. 79 ! John CampbelL 50 John Kelley. 75 David Find!ey. 73 82 84 Sami2el Beavers. Philip Richcreek. John Baird. James Sprague. 92 John Kent. 81 Thomas Berry. 80 Henry ShuOs. 74 David Brondsge. I I 82 j John Davis. I re I Amos Mil. 49 ! Enos DevosA. 81 67 John Reddick. Jacob Crigger. 71 James Taylor. 63 86 Martin Rohrer. Jeremiah Woods. 81 79 Ezra Smith. Jacob Addison. 80 Robert Boyd. 80 83 Michael Wc!C William Thomas. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. OHIO— Continued. 177 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. -f^ MUSKINGUM— Continued. PERRY COUNTY. MEIGS. READING. Richard Marshall - 79 Richard Marshall. Samuel Parrot 83 Samuel Parrot. MADISON COUNTY. THORN. SOMMERFORD. Johnson Cook 80 Johnson Cook. Thomas Davis ... 83 Thomas Davis. David Colver 76 David Colver. CLAYTON. Ruel Sayres 87 Isaac Bennet. FAIRFIELD. Stephen Morris 94 Stephen Morris. MADISON. Edward Ward SO Edward Ward. PIKE. Jer. Simms 79 Jer. Simms. George Jones 77 Michael Rosenbeiy. William Dusenberry 8-4 William Dusenbeny, Thomas Moore 79 Israel Moore. CANAAN. PREBLECOUNTY. Oble Beach 81 Oble Beach. ISRAEL. DABBY. David Madill 77 Samuel Austin. Samuel Smith 83 James Smith. Samuel Heran ... 80 Samuel Heran. UNION. DIXON. Andrew Sifard - - - 88 Andrew Sifard. Thomas B. McCohan. William Gray 84 William Gray. MERCER COUNTY. David Truax ... 84 DUBLIN. John Sutton 84 Isaac H. Sutton. Jackson. John Campbell ... 79 WAYNE. William Williams 77 John Latimer 84 William Latimer. 1 1 WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON. i Barnabas Vandeventer 85 Barnabas Vandeventer. James Scoonover - 44 ■ James Scoonover. MONROE. MIAMI COUNTY. David Heriman - 84 Charles Vanhorn. CONCORD. John W. Meredith 80 John W. Meredith. JEFFERSON. John R. Bold 50 John R. Bold. Elijah Mitchell - 79 Alexander Telford 86 James Telford. tL Aaron TuUis 95 Aaron TuUis. PIKE COUNTY. Abram Thomas - 85 Abram Thomas. SEAL. John Violet 90 . John Violet. BETHEL. 1 Benjamin Daniels - 64 Benjamin Daniel?, Daniel Fielding - 73 Daniel Fielding. William Price 96 William Price. John Hall - . . - 92 Elijah HoU. ELIZABETH. Isaac Taylor 83 Benjamin Goodwin. BEAVER. John Barnes ■ 87 Michael G. Gavon. Zachariah Cook - 90 Zachariah Cook. Jacob Prillainan - 83 Philip Wolfinberger 80 Philip Wolfinb;rger. John Steward - - . 92 John Steward. UNION. John Oblinger 89 Amos Oblinger. MIFFLIN. Reuben Bristol 86 Reuben Bris:ol. SPRING CREEK. Benjamin Winanji Benjamin Regg 100 85 John Winans. Benjamin Regg, PREBELE. Charles Love GO Charles Love, Lewis Boj-er 73 Lewis Boyer. PICKAWAY COUNTY. MONROE COUNTY. GREEN. JACKSON. John Fisher, sen. - SI John Fisher, ieii. Thomas Jordan 93 Thomas Jordan. PERRY. John Devauss . . - 87 John Devauss. SUNBURY. Joseph Tomlinson - 84 Joseph Tomlinson. John Derham HAHRISON. 80 John Derham. ADAMS. John Walters 81 John Walters. John Brown, sen. - WALNUT. 76 John Brown, sjn. FRANKLIN. John Carmichael - 94 John Carmichael. Charles Dea - WASHINGTON. 85 Charles Dea. SENECA. Lemuel Rucker, sen. 89 Lemuel Rucker, sen. Jos. Clark CIRCLEVILLE. 70 Jos. CUrk. ENOCH. Basil Morris 82 Robert Morf is. John C. C. Smith - 2 ■IX Zadoc Smith, OHIO P0RTA6E COUJSTY. William McClain - 81 William McClain. FRANKLIN. John Qaylord ... 79 John Gaylord Moses Adams 86 Moses Adams. CENTRE. Joseph E'alhersun, sen. 85 Joseph Fulherson, sen. BRIMPIELD, Nathan HoUester - 80 Nathan HoUester. Constant Chatman- 70 Henry C, Chatman, John Pratt 83 John Pratt. John Agard 78 John Agard. 23 178 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. OHIO— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of familie tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or mililarj' services. Ages. with whom pensioners re sided June 1, 1840. PORTAGE-Continued. RICHLAND— Continued. STREETSBOROUGII. JEFFERSON. Reuben Randall - Zebulon Whipple - David Crocker 73 >^ "Reuben Randall. 76 Zebulon Whipple. 80 David Crocker. William Gillaspie - VERNON. James Gamble 104 81 William Gillaspie. Silas Mavier. AURORi. Ebenezer Hecox - John Seward as 82 Joshua Hecox. John Seward. ORANGE. John Tillon 82 John Tilton. 1 James McKenzie - 71 James McKenzie. CHARLESTOWN. 1 Christian Fast 88 Christian Fast. Ozias Norton 80 Leverett Norton. Jacob Heiffner 83 Jacob Heiflner. niRAM. Allen Turner - « j MONTGOMERY, (including ASHLAND.) 78 Lewis M. Turner. James Swenev 84 James Sweney. _ RAVENNA. Philip &hafer' 82 Philip Shafer. Dr. Bostwick Darius Ely Obadiah Stephenson J Lane - - _ 75 Dr. Boslwick. VERMILION. 79 Ashley Ely. John Mowdy 95 John Mowdy. 82 Obadiah Stephenson. Aaron Hoaglan - 75 Aaron Hoaglan. 85 John Lane. Charles Stewart - - - 72 Charles Stewart. NELSON. Samuel Backus - 75 Roswell Manby. GREEN. Joseph McCumber- 72 Joseph McCumber. PREEDOM. Paul LarkooiTi _ - - Jacob Freed . . - 73 Frederick Shafer. Clement West 82 Clement West. EbbeDurkee 76 72 Arvillas C. Larkcom. Joel Durkee. Joseph Jones . . , 84 Joseph Jones. WINDHAM WORTHINGTON. David Wolcott - . . Amasa Flaharty - PI Nicholas Flaharty. ^-^ ^•**^4TT%/IV\-/iL 75 David Wolcolt. Moses Beeman ... 84 Moses Beeman. PALMYRA. Samuel Phips ... 104 Jephiha Carlton. Amariah Daniels - Nathan Muzzy Elijah Canfield Amos Thurber 69 Amariah Daniels. MONROE. 77 82 Nathan Muzzy. Charles Canfield. Charles Young 80 Sol. Gladden. Truman Gilbert ... 80 Amos Thurber. MIFFLIN. ^ " •.»••— »*fc% ^a^ AA^/VAfc ^ ^ " 87 Margaretta Gilbert. Matthias Young - . - 84 Michael Yotmg. DEERFIELD. Lewis Day ... MILTON. Ebenezer Svilliams 8G 82 Solomon Dav. Ebenezer Williams. William Anderson 79 "William Anderson. SHALERSVILLE. Ichabnci Lord MADISON. Alex. McDougle - 86 John A. McDougle. Noah Shirtleft' 77 Irhabod Lord. Samuel Taylor 49 Samuel Taylor. Joliii Turrel 75 78 81 Selah Sliirtleff. 4 Job Thompson James Thompson. ROSS COUNTY. ATWATER. Jona. Baldwin ... SCIOTO. 8-2 Jona. Baldwin. John Poe .... 91 - ROOTSTOWN. Peter Robinson ... 84 Josiah Mix ... Valentine Coosard - Solomon Payne 86 97 79 Samuel R. Mix. Valentine Coosard. Solomon Payne. CONCORD. Thomas Arrowhood Chris. Depoy - ' - 79 79 • EDINBURGH. Hendrick Roseboon 84 Eliza Bostwick Nathan Freeman - 83 78 Edmund Bostwick. Stephen R. Freeman. TWIN. Caspar Pliley 77 William Pliley. PUTNAM COUNTY. OTTAWA. James Jack GO James Jack. UNION. William Beard - 81 Jos. Beard. aiLEY. Israel Hubbard 80 Bildad Hubbard. EAGLE. John Clark 86 John Clark. RICHLAND COUNTY. HUNTINGTON. Chris. Young 81 Jacob Miller. SPRINCFIELT). Sampson Price 77 Sampson Price. David Post 87 John Post. Benning Wentworth 77 Benning Wentworth. PLYMOUTn. BUCKSKIN. William Bodley - 76 William Bodley, jun. Joseph Waugh Adam Howard 76 30 Lemmon Waugh. SANDUSKY. James Collier 89 . Christian Riblet - 60 Christian Riblet. COLERAIN. CON0RES9. Philip Kemer ■ 75 David Snell 79 David Snell. Catharine Dumm - 78 , PEBRT. FRANKLIN. Jona. Bow«ll 80 Paul Broderic. Thomas Elsey - - . 81 Patrick fihey. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. OHIO— Continued. 179 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. ROSS— Continued. SHELBY— Continued. DEERFIELD. Peter Jackson 84 GREEN. Samuel Woodward 81 Samuel Woodward. HARRISON. Benjamin Cave . . - SANDUSltY COUNTY. TOWNSEND. Pbineas Stevens - Alpheus Mclotyre- 81 ORANGE. Peter L. Hall Edward Severns - 77 84 Peter L. Hall. John Barneu. '87 51 Zelotus Parkhursl. Alpheus Mclntyre. STARK COUNTY. TUSCARAWAS, Jonathan Woods - Michael Hahn 83 95 Alvah Woods. Michael Hahn. EALL3VILLE, William Seberel - GREEN CREEK. Job Wright Daniel Bates ... Allen Waters William Bundey - 54 80 77 81 66 William Seberel. Job Wright. Daniel Bates, William Waters. William Bundey. LAKE. John Henry ^ SUGAR CREEK. Joseph Kroninger - . - BETHLEHEM. Adam Cook 82 91 88 John Henry. Joseph Kroninger. Adam Cook. YORK. David Dalrymple - George Armstrong 75 83 Daniel Pierce. J. S. Chapman. LEXINGTON. AVilliam Kingsbury John Shreve 66 79 John Kicgsbur)-, Jos. Shreve. SANDCSKT. John Waggner Samuel Thompson 77 45 John Waggner. Samuel Thompson. PLAIN. Moses Nelson 80 Charles Hortz. SCIOTO COUNTY. BRUSH CREEK. Jesse Edwards 85 Jesse Edwards, CANTON. Jacob Nag;.': SUMMET COUNTY. 79 John Black. CLAY. Uriah Barber ... 78 Uriah Barber. NORTON. Henesdale Bates - 84 NILE. James Dawson ... George Hutton 77 86 Otho Dawson. John Patton. COVENTRY. Lambert Clement . . - John Herrington - 83 77 John Herrington. WAYNE. Robert McClurg - JEFrERSON. Jacob Hill 86 83 Samuel J. McClurg. Jacob Hill. HUDSON. Jonathan Draper - John Walker John Ellsworth 89 ;7 78 A. Draper. John Walker, jr. John Elhworth. PORTER. Benjamin Burt James Salter MADISON. John Canter 79 84 94 Benjamin Burt. Robert Kenady. John Canter. BOSTON. Simeon Tappan - TALLMADGE. Reuben Beach Isaac Dudley Thomas Granger - William Neal 74 82 79 76 78 Simeon Tappan. Reuben B. Beach. Isaac Dudley. L. Granger. William Neal. SENECA COUNTY. ADAMS. Jere. Williams 81 Jere. Williams. STOW, Charles Wooden - Isaac Steel . - - . 85 76 Isaac Steel. CLINTON. Francis Ditto 90 Francis Ditto. NORTH AKRON. Elijah Bryan 84 C. Bryan. HOPEWELL. Frederick Shawhen 79 Lorenzo Shawhen. ■7^ TUSCARAWAS COUNTY. REED. Aaron Deen 73 Aaron Deen. BUCKS. Asher Walker - 80 SENECA. Eli Wright 76 Eli Wright. PERRY. George Biner 80 George Biner. SCIPIQ. TRUMBULL COUNTY. Peterson Watson - Daniel Groscost - 75 7B James S. Sparks. Daniel Groscost. BROOKPIELD. Ethan Newcomb - - - Henry Taylor 78 81 Daniel Newcomb. Henry Taylor. SHELBY COUNTY. CVNTHIANA. Benjamin Morris - DINSMORE. Lawrence Curts - 76 81 Benjamin Morris. Jacob Click. COITSVILLE. Amos Loveland - BOURDMAN. Edward Evans - - - 78 73 Daniel Loveland. Edward Evans. JACKSON. Timothy Wale - 78 Timothy Wale. ' canfield. Charles Wood Eleazer Gibson 90 80 Chailes Wood. Ansel Beaman. 160 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. OHIO— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary iir military services. y^ TRUMBULL— Continued, HARTFORD. AVilliam C. Jones - YOONOSTOWN. Jonatlian Smith VERNON. Joseph De Wolf - Mariin'Smith Mary Beach Isaac Rice ... Gl'ST.tVCS. Wanton Berlingane Stephen LIndsley - Elijah Wliipple Luther Fri.sby John's town. Sarah Webb Josiah FiiiMcy VIENNA. Amasa Schoville - FOWLER. Peter De V/olf Ahira Actley Hannah Uemmingfton Silas Jones WARISE.V TOWNSHIP. William Netteriield ■WARREN VILLAGE. Joseph Reeves Oliver Brooks CHAMPION. John Gordon BRISTOL. Freeman Gates FaRMINCTON. Moses Burrows Peter Bellows sodthincton. Benjamin Maitsly - LORDSTOWS. Nathaniel Kelley - JACKSON. Samuel Calhoon - adstentown. Wendle Grove Abraham Searl WEATHERSriELD. John Newell Richard Shaw George Own' James Cook MECCA. UNION COUNTY. MILPORD. James Willard PARIS. Sally Hartwell JEROME. Joseph McClung - MILL CREEK. William Thompson Ases. 60 80 73 78 80 78 7'J 89- 80 80 84 80 • 83 79 77 78 89 85 82 81 74 95 83 90 75 87 86 92 8G 89 87 78 69 40 82 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1810. William C. Jones. Jonathan Smith. Joseph De Wolf. Martin Smith. Mercy Beach. Phebe Rice. Wanton Berlingane. Stephen Lindsley. Nathan Webb. Joseph Finney. Amasa ScRoville; Eetsev Card Plin Aclley '••"• William P. Barnes. Silas Jones. William Netterfield. J. F. Reeves. Oliver J. Brooks. Isaac Lane. Henry Chaffy. Lorenzo D. Wilber. Eli Young. Daniel Mattsly. Nathaniel Kelley. Samuel Calhoon. Hen.y Petre. Jesse Bailey. John Newell. Richard Shaw. William Johnston. James Cook. James Willard. Ambrose Meeker. Joseph McClung. William Thompson. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or militar)' services. WARREN COUNTY. UNION. Robert Hamilton - Burgan Covert TTmTLB CREEK. Richard Davis Daniel Staggs Elijah Pelham EzeUiel Irvin Leonard Peckinpaugh Abraham Storm - WAYNE. George Baine CLEAR CREEK. Anthony Bradenburg \ Richard Davis, sen. ' Thomas Arneu Peter Kesling I ; Moses C ropley I Daniel Gray ! ;Stephen Kinney HAMILTON. ohn Scott )hn D. Bowers fWilliam Marls DEESFIELD. John Clark -^ WASHINGTON COUNTY. EELPRE. Sherebiah Fletcher FEARIKG. Barnabas Otis GRANDVIEW. Henry Franks LAWRENCE. Nancy Mitchell MARIETTA. Christopher Burlingame - NEWPORT. Oliver Woodward ROXBCRY. Andrew Dennis - . . Ephraim Ellis - - . SALEM. Ignatius Waterman Nathan Rice WARREN. Rufus Inman WATERFORD. Age.v John Paj-ne WATERTOWN. Peter Howe WESLEY. William Dunb.ir - Thomas Perry Benajah Hays i WOOD COUNTY. HENRY. Jos. Badger WAYNE COUNTY. PERRY. Harnett Hagerman 80 80 93 68 82 80 82 85 87 77 83 82 90 83 91 78 80 80 76 84 78 83 91 78 87 91 86 76 82 79 77 79 84 97 84 79 83 80 Names of heads of familif with whom pensioners ri sided Jime 1, 1840, Robert Hamilton. Burgan Covert. Richard Davis, jr. Ezekiel Irvin. Leonard Peckinpaugh. Abraham Storm. Thomas Arnett. Peter Kesling. John E. Kinney. William Marts. B. Clark. Sherebiah Fletcher. Barnabas Otis. William Ellis. Nancy Mitchell. John B. Burlingame. Eleanor Wri?ht. William Woodward. Ephraim Ellis. Ignatius Waterman. Nathan Rice. Aaron Inman. John Payne. Elias H. Wolcoii. Daniel Dunbar. Thomas Perry. Benajah Hays. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. OHIO— Continued. ISl Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1 , 1840. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionarj- or military services. Ages. Names of heads of familiea with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 4.^ WAYNE— Continued. 4— ■ ■"" WAYNE-Continued. PLAIN. Augustus Case 87 MILTON. Benjamin Foster . . - Benjamin Cotton - - - 86 83 William Cotton. JACKSON. Ezra Tryon 80 GREEN. Conrad Metsker ... 82 Conrad Metsker. CANAAN. Rufus Freeman . - . 78 EAST UNION. Jesse Richards - - ' - Simon Goodspead - - - 84 76 James McFadden. Simpson Goodspead. WATNE. John Davidson 84 WOOSTEH. Robert Cain , - WILLIAM COUNTY. ERaDY. James Hr.gaman - 57 CHIPPEWA. Christina Franks - Isaac Under >vood - 73 74 Christina Franks. Isaac Underwood. 85 John J. HagamaE. STATE OF INDIANA. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. ADAMS COUNTY. CRAWFORD COUNTY. WA3ASH. George Emery 87 William Shepherd. Alexander Black . . - SO Alexander Black. George Keesucker 90 William Keesucker. Jesse Toney ... 78 Jesse Toney. ALLEN COUNTY. John Ruth .... 89 John Ruth. WAY.\E. Michael Crance - 97 Michael Crance. CLARK COUNTY. PERRY. Jacob Mikesell 83 Jacob Mikesell, Charles Weeks, sen. 79 Charles Weeks, sen. John Mitchill 79 Jo.'^n Mitchill. William Gobin 82 William Gobin. CEDAR. John Brenlon ... 79 James McClary. • William Berry 76 William Berry. Elias Kelly 78 Jeremiah Perry. ■ Ezekiel Jenkins, sen. 77 Ezekiel Jenkins, sen BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY. Enos Tutlle John Norris ... 78 66 Solomon Tultle. WAYNE. Samuel M. Hall - 53 Samuel M. Hall. Elijah Carl Samuel Carr 78 58 Samuel Carr. CLIFTY. Jonathan Moore - 86 Jonathan Moore. CASS COUNTY. Timothy Brown - 78 John Mittan. John W. Sutherland 75 Z. Sutherland. ROCK CREEK. CLAY COUNTY. John Corney 83 Pleasant Comey. BOWLING GREEN. John Wheeler ... 56 John Wheeler. COLUMECS. Solomon Tracy - 90 James Carter. WASHINGTON. Stephen Goble 81 Stephen Goble. Benjamin Wheeler 92 Benjamin Wheeler. BLACKFORD COUNTY. JACKSON. Michael Crooks - 80 J,-.mes Harland. LICKING. David Kirkpatrick 76 Lawrence Thompson 99 Thomas Wheeler. John Sax?on 75 John Saxson. . POSEY. John Yocom ... 96 Samuel Reffet. BOONE COUNTY. RiChard Cunningham 84 Francis Cunningham. John Kersey 77 John Kersey. PERRY. John McManis 81 John Shelburn. David Christy, sen. 68 David Christy, sen. Joseph Wheatler - 79 Joseph Wheatler, John Forgason 86 John Forgason. DEARBORN COUNTY. Abram Utter 75 Abram Utter. Ephraim Bobbins ... John Dickson ... 79 77 BROWN COUNTY. Nathan Ricketts - 81 WASHINGTON. Robert Ricketts 75 Abraham Floyd - - 85 Abraham Floyd. Francis McDonough Timothy Ward, sen. 59 89 JOHNSON. David Johnson _ 85 David Johnson. MANCHESTER. William Wilkerson - 101 William Wilkerson 'chn Kiles .... 84 Thomas Kiles. 182 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. INDIANA— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. DEARBORN— Continued. FLOYD— Continued. KELSO. NEW ALBANY. Moses HendricUson 95 Moses Hendrickson. 'rov:n^hip. James Skates 84 William Row. Richard Jones 73 Richard Jones. William White, sen. 77 William White, sen. Adam Hart 81 Adam Hart. William Wells - 78 Hiram Miller. MILLER. Job Judd . - . - 86 Job Judd. GREENVILLE. John C. Gibson 74 John C. Gibson. Reuben Smith, sen. 83 Reuben Smith, sen. Thomas Jam-s 85 Jehu Goodwin. Ingram Mitchel - 83 Ingram Mitchel. LAUGBERV. FAYETTE COUNTY. Peter Cabah 83 Peter Cabah. ORANGE. Samuel Marsh 79 Samuel Marsh. Benjamin Pierce - - - 81 James Stevens. John Baker 78 John Baker. POSEY. DAVIESS COUNTY. ' Nicholas Kemmer 80 Nicholas Kemmer. William Horrall - 86 William Horrall. WATERLOO. George Lashly 100 George Lashly. i^ Chrisr Cunningham 60 Chris. Cunningham. J. Rainev . . . - 83 J. Raincy. Charles Ivilgore - 76 Charles Kilgore. CONNERSVILLE. James Justice 90 Rosanna Justice. DECATUR COUNTY. GREENE COUNTY. Jeremiah J. Dogan Edward Duncan - Thomas Hooton - John Prichard John Demoss ... Elijah Barnes Charles Harry JobnGuUion ... Benjamin Gosnell - William McCoy - 77 83 88 78 88 85 79 77 80 81 Jeremiah J. Dogan. Elijah W. Burris. Hirara Hooton. John Prichard. John Demoss. Absalom Barnes. Charles Harry. Thomas GulUon. Benjamin Gosnell. William McCoy. Joshua Burnett James Blevins Edward Purcell Daniel Woodsworth Joseph Lawrence - Adam Stropes ... John Buskirk John Chaney Francis Lang 87 79 81 88 b6 48 83 8-2 79 Joshua Burnett. James Blevins. Jesse Purcell. Daniel Woodswor'.h. Joseph Lawrence. Adam Stropes. Joseph Buskirk. Henry Burch. Francis Lang. Joseph Collins 84 Joseph Collins. GIBSON COUNTY. DELAWARE COUNTY. I'ATOKA. John Wiiherspoon, sen. - 83 John Witherspoon, sen. John duin .... William Williams 82 78 John Cluin. William Williams. Robert Skelton, sen. James Wheeler 47 82 Robert Skelton, sen. James Wheeler. William Wicker - 81 Asa Wicker. JOHNSON. DUBOIS COUNTY. John Prilchett 84 Elisha Pritchett. James Harbison, sen. 81 James Harbison, sen. HARRISON COUNTY. HARRISON ELKHART COUNTY. Alexander Gilmore 73 Alexander Gilmore. William Tuffs John Maxon ... 93 49 James Selders. John Maxon. HEATH. Joseph McClelan - 75 Joseph McClelan. William Wilson - 103 William Wilson. PRAT4KI.TW FRANKLIN COUNTY. Patrick Hunter 80 Patrick Hunter. David Gray, sen. - 92 David Gray, sen. WASHINGTON. Samuel Meredith ... 85 Samuel Meredith. Philip Acres 83 Philip Acres. Hezekiah Stiles . 79 Freeman Aulger. James Ryan 67 James Ryan. POSEY. John Mann ... 90 John Mann. James Johnson 82 James Johnson. Joseph Runnels 77 Joseph Runnels. Hanson Johnson - - - 77 Hanson Johnson. William Wiggons 97 William Sherwood. James Case 79 James Case. Henry Eads 85 John Cluick. John Low .... 77 John Low. BLUE RIVER, William Symes ... 80 Thomas Symes. Thomas Reneau - 80 Thomas Reneau. ZachariahCookry 83 Zachariah Cookrj'. John Williams 84 John Williams. John Colyear ... 84 John C'jlyear." John Poftlock 77 ■ John Por'tlock. HENDRICKS COUNTY. Peter Griner 99 Thomas Meredith. Edward Flolhers - 90 Edward Flothers. FULTON COUNTY. Daniel Higgins 90 Daniel Higgins. Thomas Hardin - 81 Noah Hardin. James Porter 36 James Porter. W. Sacree 73 Abram Spicklemorp John Ward 90 John Ward. FOUNTAIN COUNTY. TROT. HENRY COUNTY. Robert Mclnty re - 75 John Bodly. PRAIRIE. * Andrew Ice - - - 84 Jesse Ice. WABASH. Eaos Davis 77 Samuel Campbell. FALL CREEK. Michael McDormit 69 Michael McDormit. FLOYD COUNTY. NEW ALBANY. LIBERTY. CUy. James Slevenson - 86 Robert Boyd. Epaphras Jones - 76 Epaphras Jones. Richard Conaway - 75 Richard Conaway CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. INDIANA— Continued. 183 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. i tionary or miUiary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1640. HENRY— Continued. JENNINGS— Continued. HENRY. Aarott Dunn 84 John Dunn. Heth Frederick - 77 Heth Frederick. Michael Courtney ... 83 Woods Courtney. STONEY CREEK. Charles Haney 81 Charles Haney. Philo Stodard. John Pearce 61 John Pearce. Philo Stodard 75 Frederick Kyser - 84 Frederick Kyser. DUDLEY. Isaac Cocks 87 William H. Smith. KNOX COUNTY. • W4YNE. Moses Knight 87 Jacob Morris 78 William Deaver. Daniel Langton 81 Daniel Langton. John Parker, sen. - 76 John Parker, sen. HAMILTON COUNTY. William Pnrcell - 79 V/illiam Purcell. WEttTE BIVBR, Philip Catt 91 Philip Catt. Michael Thorn. Levi HoUoway ... 107 Ebenezer HoUoway. Michael Thorn 78 William J. Welton 51 William J. Welton, FALL CREEK. William McCord - 80 John Hare 83 John Hare. Cornelius Merry - 77 Cornelius Merry. Peter McNelly • 85 JACKSON. Isaac Hamman 79 Isaac Hamman. George Snapp LAGRANGE COUNTY. 89 George Snapp. ADAMS. VAN BCREN. William Cutts 87 William Cutts. David Cowan 78 David Cowan. HANCOCK COUNTY. GtJEENFIELD. BROW.N. Mosby Childers - 93 Mosby Childers. Morgan Young LAPORTE COUNTY. 85 Morgan Young. ■ JONES. Mr. Lawson 57 Abijah Bigelow ... 78 Herbert Williams. Peter Bladley 53 Peter Bladley. CENTRE. Robert Wilson 95 Simeon Wheeler ... Frederick DroUinger 79 87 George Bentley, Gabriel Drollingw. JACKSON COUNTY. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Robert B. Smith - Benjamin Scott . . - 54 86 Robert B. Smith. John Scott, Zachariah Godfrey John Henderson - 64 78 Zachariah Godfrey. John Henderson. Christian Branaman 82 Christian Branaman. David Biles ... 89 David Biles Thomas Prather - 78 Basil Prather. George Sipes Alexander Reed - 81 George Sipes. Alexander Mitchell. David Benton 76 Walter Bentcn. 85 Michael Bierly Daniel Ross 82 88 Michael Bierly. Mar»ha Ross. Leonard Houston ... 48 Leonard Houston. John Russell - . - 96 John Russell. Samuel Lee 77 John L. Young. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Philip Langdon - 80 Philip Langdon. BROWN. JAY COUNTY. Alexander Foster . 83 Alexander Poster. Peter Mason James Campbell - 76 77 James Campbell. COLE CREEK. Thomas Mason ... Matthias Hanlon ■ 79 89 William Mason. Matthias Hanlon. JEFFERSON COUNTY. MADISON. LANCASTER. David Sutton 64 David Sutton. Presley Sims, sen. - 90 Presley Sims, sen. SHELBY. MARION COUNTY. Samuel Welch 76 Samuel AVelch. FRAKITLIV Sally Robinson ... 100 Jos. Tague. Thomas Wells 74 John Conor ... 83 John Conor. James Acheare . » . 71 William Hall, sen. 95 William Hall, sen. James Dobbing 79 SALUDA. Thomas Arbuckel - 95 John Arbuckel. WABREN. Joseph Rouse 91 .Tos. McCume 87 Thomas Griffin - 84 JOHNSON COUNTY. WAYNE. Benjamin Miller - 90 James Miller. Matthias Parr Abner Hanks 83 77 James Parr. Abner Hanks. Robert Caldwell . 85 William McVey, John Parr 81 Abraham Jones. PERRY. Joshua Harris 83 Joshua Harris. Charles Orms 79 Moses Orms. John Duke ... 100 Washington Duke. James Kerr. John M. Johnston - - . 75 John ft 1 . Johnston. James Kerr ... 84 Alexander Monroe 85 Jos. Wallace. John George ... 84 John Stuck. JENNINGS COUNTY. Edward Hall 80 Edward S. Hall. Samuel Smith ... 80 James P. Smith. PIKE. William Messerve 79 William Messerve. John Humes - - j; 79 Thomas Humes. John Stagg- 80 John Stagg. e William Howlett - 82 William Howlett. WASHINOTON. Amasa Spencer 87 Amasa Spencer. Stephen Pitts « ; » iX Stephen Pins, 184 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. INDIANA— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Name' of heads of families j Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1S40. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- siiled June 1, 1840. MORGAN COUNTY. PERRY— Continued. Devoult Keller - 86 Thomas Bowlin - 77 Thomas Bowlin. Mordecai Miller - David Irwin 86 85 Lemuel Mallory - 77 Lemuel Mallory. Benjamin Utterback 85 PARKE COUNTY. George F. Baker - Thomas Smith - - - 84 77 David Johnson ... 79 Isaac Johnson. Jacobns Hines 78 Jacobus Hines. MARSHALL COUNTY. Jesse Duncan Samuel Musgrove 85 80 William Green. Samuel Musgrove. William Bailey - 66 William Bailey. William Long Laikin Lane 80 79 William W. Clark. Alexander Lane. MONROE COUNTY. Daniel Strmgham - Abel Hall .... 75 86 R. H. Wedding. Abel D. Hall. Nicholas Fluner - Isaac Buskins 52 81 PUTNAM COUNTY. George W. Hardin John Baflf ... 46 .81 82 CLINTON. Thomas Rhoten - 85 Thomas Rholen. Andrew Fe'-guson - Isaiah Slavens 75 Isaiah Slavens. William Wilkison 105 FLOYD. MARTIN COUNTY. William Shepherd 80 William Shepherd. John Hopper ... Qarrei Vores 93 89 Garret Vores. FRANKUN. Robert Whitehead 79 Robert Whitehead. ORANGE COUNTY. PAOLI. JEFFERSON. Isaac Armstrong - 81 Crawford Tuggle. Zachariah Lindlev 64 Zachariah Lindley. Meredith Tongate - 51 Meredith Tongate. OREENCASTLE. Laban Hall 87 Abel D. Hall. ORLEANS. William Irvin 1 Peter Stoner, sen. - 77 Peter Stoner, sen. 78 William Irvin. Elizabeth Cunningham 69 Benjamin S. Cunningham, Joshua Nichols 85 Martin Nichols. JURION. NORTHEAST. Samuel Denny 85 Isaac Storm. Jnlius Turner 51 Julius Turner. Benjamin Mehornay 79 Owen Mehornay. SOCTHEAST. Isam Stroud ... 49 Isam Stroud. MADISON. Nimrod H. Stone - 75 Thomas C. Duckworth. John A. Miller - 80 John A. Miller. OWEN COUNTY. Andrew McPheters 79 Andrew McPheters. ORATSON. James Lloyd 50 'James Lloyd. POSEY COUNTY. PLYM. JEFFERSON. Philip Greenwood - 85 Philip Greenwood. John Walker George Nelson 80 80 John Walker. George Nelson. HARRISON. Elijah Lacy 76 SMITH. Jos. McReynolds - 70 Jos. McReynolds. Vf^fSZ, NEW HARMONY. Bartlet Asher 77 Jolm Six .... 80 John Six. Andrew Evans 81 RIPLEY COUNTY. MONTGOMERT. John McCully Samuel Newel 85 JACKSON. Edward Pcndergast 70 EfVvard Pendergast. 86 John Tucker 80 John Tucker. John Snoddy 89 > Jacob Dawers 79 Jacob Dawers. Conrad Dowers 76 Conrad Dowers. FRANELIN. James Delapp 85 Nathaniel Delapp. John Carpenter ... 85 Henry Myers 0. . . 93 Lewis Myers. CLAY DELAWARE. Obadiah Turpin - . - Peter Withirn ... 81 John Eurchfield ... 74 John Burchfield. 77 Robert Eurchfield - 81 Robert Burchfield. Husrh Barnes ... 67 Samuel Gookins - 78 A^a Gookins. *■* P *^**»»av-^^ ^ Daniel Welch 77 Esau King. WASHINGTON. James Bryant 91 JOHNSON. Thomas Aslibrook 82 Lemuel Chapman - 82 Isaac Levi .... 91 Martin Levi. PORTER COUNTY. John Boldly B4 Samuel BoUirj'. Henry Baltia 91 George W. Turner. Samuel Marquest - Ephrsim Wilson . 81 84 Benjainin Richardson. Henry Wilson. PIKE COUNTY. RANDOLPH COUNTY. Isaac Fisher • . < . 76 STONEY CREEK. Samuel Ambrom - 79 Samuel Ambrom. PERRY COUNTY. Drumraond Smithson (does not draw pension yet) 85 Drummond Smilhson. James Lanman ... 90 George Lanman. NETTLE CREEK. Terence Conner - 1 84 Terence Conner. ) Robert Lumpkin - 84 Robert Lumpkin. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. INDIANA— Continued, 185 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Npmes of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. RANDOLPH— Continued. SWITZERLAND— Continued. WASHINGTO.M. William Fitzjerrell 97 William Fitzjerrell. YOKK— Continued. Robert Gulion 76 Robert Gulion. green's rORK. SULLIVAN COUNTY. Chris. Borders - . • . 79 William B. Borders. Robert Bedwell, sen. 80 Rob?rt Bedwell, sen. JACKSON Matthew McCammon 85 Edward Neal. Jos. Chandler ... 87 Henry Chandler. James Williams - - - 77 Stephen Williams. Ellas Porter 84 Elias Porter. William Dougherty Jos. Ransford 78 78 William Dougherty. William Ransford. RUSH COUNTY. NOELE. ST. JOSEPH COUNTY. Joel Berry - - . . John Carson 86 79 Holsworth Berry. John Carson. James Wilson 59 83 75 James Wilson. Isaac Ross. Eli B. Mead. Michael Smith ... 77 Hugh Smith. Isaac Ro.-s . - - - John Mead- RICHLAND. John Riley ... 89 John Riley. SPENCER COUNTY. Henry Smith . . • 76 HenVy Smith. Zachariah Bryant 75 Zachariah Bryant. Nicholas Miller - 77 Barnev Miller. ORANGE. David Chancellor - . - 84 John Smith. John .A.ldridge 79 Nathan Aldridge. Lodowick Davis - - -. . 76 Lodowick Davis. James Fordice 77 Thomas F. Smith. TIPPECANOE COUNTY. RUSHVILLE. SHEFFIELD. John Robinson - - 85 John Robinson, jr. Henrv Miller 81 Henry Miller. John Wright 60 John Stean. POSEY. . Mary Collins 75 Andrew McRoberts. TIPPECANOE. James Shaw 82 James Shaw, sen. JACKSON. James Hunt 85 James Hunt. WABASH. Henry David 78 Henry David. Isaac Davidson 98 William W. Robinson. CENTRE. UNION COUNTY. George Isham 81 Robert Brooks. Matthew McClerkin 85 Matthew McClerkin. SCOTT COUNTY. Rowly McMillan - 96 Rowly McMillan. William Hopper, sen. _ William Hopper, sen. VERMILION COUNTY. John McCornent ... 55 John McCornent. KELT. John Young ... -. Francis Malone - 80 Jos. Malone. Phedrick Pierson, sen. - . - 86 i John Hancrous ... 8S Jeremiah Hancrous. John Clark ... 80 Richard Mack 74 Richard Mack. David King 51 Abraham White - 78 Abraham White. Benjamin Spader - 78 VIGO COUNTY. SHELBY COUNTY. h niLEY. ADDISON. William Ray (since dead) 99 John Thomas 77 Buckner Candel. Joseph Boon 7-2 Joseph Boon. LOST CREEK. Walter Dickerson 73 W. Dickerson. BLACK HAWK, IN JACKSON. Elisha Collins 49 Elisha Collins. VANDERBURG COUNTY. PIGEON. LIBERTY. Charles Harringion 42 Isaac Wheeler 78 Isaac Wheeler. WARREN COUNTY. lUNOVEH. John Watson 81 John Watson. John Osborn ... 77 Robert Gordon 85 James Vanskoyke. David Nichols 71 SWITZERLAND COUNTY. WASHINGTON COUNTY. PLEASANT. WASHINGTON. Stephen Rogers 60 Henry Rogers. Micajah Callaway - 83 Micajah Callaway. Charles Steward ... 82 Charles Steward. FRANKLIN. JErPERSON. James Gainson 78 James Gainson. John M. King 42 John M. King. Thomas Flower - 77 Thomas Flower. P9SEY. JACKSON. William Preston - 75 William Preston. Jesfe Alvis 81 William Johnson. William Buck 77 Morion Buck. John Galamore ... 78 John Galamore. Thomas Mouitz - 76 Thomas Mountz. Benjamin Buckman 81 Benjamiii Buckman. COTTON. VERNON. Andrew Stepleton 90 Andrev.' Stepleton. William King ... 87 William King. Stephen G. Peabody 45 Stephen G. Peabody. William Moore - 82 William Moore. Daniel Heath 83 Daniel Heath. Thomas Porter 78 James Porter. MONROE. ' William Bowman - 60 Isabella Stuart. YORK, Nathaniel Chambers 9!) Nathaniel ChambciJ. Abraham Scudder 77 William Scudder. 1 Buckner Daniels - 79 Buckner Daniels. 24 186 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. STATE OF INDIANA. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. sided June 1, 1840. WASHINGTON— Continued. WAYNE— Continued. BROWN. RICHMOND. Joel Corkins ... 81 Joel Corkins. Francis Jones - - . - • 75 Samuel Vest 81 Samuel Vest. George Holman - 77 George Holman. WAYNE COUNTY. V/AYttK. NEW GARDEN. Richard Rue 81 Henry Hansford. Benjamin Bishop - 82 John Dougan 77 John Dougan, jr. CENTER. WASHINOTON. Abram Hendershot 96 Jacob Forry 8.5 Jacob Fnrry. JEFFERSO.V. WARRICK COUNTY. Stephen Fo-x 81 OHIO. John Alexander - 84 Thomas Alexander. OREEN'. William Cook 80 , HART. Nimrod Jester 78 William Williams 8.5 William Williams, jr. STATE OF ILLINOIS. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military servicis. Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. Names of heads of families with wliom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. • ADAMS COUNTY. auiNcv crrv. Second jrard. Stephen Jones Tkird ward. Israel Walters Albert Ammerman Richard Rose Charles Shepherd - 77 55 49 81 86 Moses Jones. Israel Walters. Albert Ammerman. Richard Rose. Benjamin Ramsey. CALHOUN COUNTY. Isaac Ruland DU PAGE COUNTY. Parker Chase John Dudley Thomas Mattison ... 54 77 82 86 Isaac Ruland. S. Dodge. John Dudley. Stephen Mattison. BOND COUNTY. DEWITT COUNTY. Joseph McAdams - Huldah Brigsfs Peter Hubbard 87 T3 84 James McAdams. William U. Draper. Peter Hubbard. John Scott .... Peter Cartwright . DEKALB COUNTY. 77 81 John Maxwell. Samuel Cartwright. BROWN COUNTY. None. Mill hell Kindrick- .50 Mitchell Kindrick. EDGAR COUNTY. BUREAU COUNTY. Aaron Sturge-ss 80 Aaron Sturgess. ' ' James Ewing Daniel Rowell ... Lucretia Hotchkiss William Gannon - . - 35 80 71 95 James Eiving. James Wilson. Lucretia Hotchkis'^. Henry Penington. CRAWFORD COUNTY. EFFINGHAM COUNTY. George Bay the ... 85 Martha J. Brockett 85 Thomas J. Brocketi, COLES COUNTY. FRANKLIN COUNTY. John Tutwiler Jame-j Ryan ... Joseph Frost ... S3 83 87 A. Wiley. James Rvan. Joseph Fro^I. William McElyea - John Scarborough - Moses Jones 82 79 80 William McElyea. John Scarborough. Moses Jones. CLINTON COUNTY. Joseph Taylor CLAY COUNTY. .55 Joseph Taylor. FULTON COUNTY. TOWNSHIP 5. Christopher ZoU - James Kitchen ... 88 77 Henry ZoU. William Hall. Samuel Parks - - . Moses Johnson Nathaniel We=t - 9-.! 100 90 TOWNSHIP 8. Robert Beer Jones Cline 97 75 Robert Beer. Jones Cline. CLARK COUNTY. Samuel McCurc - . . 90 Samuel McCure. TOWNSHIP 6 N. 5 E. Alexander Wilson Hezekiah Hardesty R. C. Rowley 47 77 88 .Alexander Wilson. Richison Spencer. R. C. Rowley. CARROLL COUNTY. FAYETTE COUNTY. i'^auiel Cbristiau . 85 George W. Christian, Henry Ginger 94 William Rodger. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. ILLINOIS— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of familien tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. FAYETTE— Continued. - LA SALLE COUNTY. WESTERN DIVISION. James Verdon : - ■ 88 James Verdon. Henry Misner, sen. 84 Henry Misner, sen. GREENE COUNTY. MONROE COUNTY. Francis Miller - - - 90 David Miller. James McRoberts - 78 James McRoberis. John Hewitt 79 John Hewitt. John Jerrod 48 John Jerrod. John Clark . . - 75 Ab'^aloin Clark. Peter Rodgers 86 Peter Rodgers. Allen J. Bridges - 80 Allen J. Bridges. Michael Miller 86 Jesse Wiswell. James Garrison 99 Edward Flatt. Jonah Scroggin - 77 R. H. Scroggin. MORGAN COUNTY. Adonijah Griswold 88 Adonijah Griswokl. James Wright, sen. 84 James Wright, sen GALLATIN COUNTY. Samuel Jackson ... rA. Tanner 86 86 Samuel Jackson. Mr. Tong . . - - 90 Thomas Tong. Reuben Ross 78 Reuben Ross. William Roark 78 Michael Roark. William Springer - 67 ^ John Barger 46 John Barger. Samuel Brown 70 Reuben Bramlett - 82 Reuben Bramlett. Abner Foster 81 Abner Foster. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. John Emmet - - . 81 James Barker. Joseph Mings 85 Daniel Miner. James Richardson - 82 James M. Rutlidge Thomas Hamilton 84 Thomas Hamilton. Mason Owen 80 Mason Owen. John Thadowen - - • - 85 John Thadowen. Ezra Bostick - - . sc Ezra Bostick. William Bolton - 40 William Bolton. John Lamb, sen. - 84 John Lamb, sen. MERCER COUNTY. HAMILTON COUNTY. Jane Meadows 71 William Meadow's. None. MENARD COUNTY. HANCOCK COUNTY. Lewis Fergerson, sen. 80 Lewis Fergerson, sen, Joshua Short 90 James Short. Charles Betteworth 79 D. Betteworth. William Hohimer- 42 William Hohimer. S.imuel Colwell - 77 Samuel Colwell. Benjamin Walker - 82 James Walker. JEPPEESON COUNTY. McLEAN COUNTY. George Roper ... 78 George Roper. William Hicks. Abner Case . - - 64 Abner Case. Francis Haney 80 John C. Karr 81 Tharasco Karr. William McGhee - 84 William McGhee. JACKSON COUNTY. McDONOUGH COUNTY. Zacbariah Linsley - • - 85 Zachariah Linsley. Jesse Gordon 85 Jesse Gordon. WilUamWillard - 83 Robert Fry 85 Robert Fry. MARION COUNTY. IROaUOIS COUNTY. Samuel Young - ~ - 80 Matthew Young. Thomas Williamson 79 Thomas Williamson. Peter Finn 90 William Layson. Michael Lutrell - 89 Elizabeth Sheltoi. JO DAVIESS COUNTY. MACOUPIN COUNTY. Jeremiah Bettis 49 Jeremiah Beltis. Uriah Gilinore - . . 92 Seburne Gilmore. JOHNSON COUNTY. Robert Busby Samuel Brown - . • 84 76 Lewis Harmon. Alexander Montgomery. Josliiia Richardson - - 79 Joshua Richardson. Samuel J. Cliapman 46 Samuel J. Chapman. ^....Olll^U Al.1'. H.*I tl' V... HezekiahWest - 76 Hezekiah West. Daniel Chapman - 80 Daniel Chapman. MADISON COUNTY. KNOX COUNTY. Michael Deck 83 Michael Deck. William McAdarn 83 Aaron Rule. Samuel Chapin 80 Gustavus Volvridge. . Francis Roach - - . 101 David Roach. John Strange . - - 94 John Strange. William Hall, sen. 88 William Hall, sen. Benjamin Johnson - - . 82 Benjamin Johnson . Martin Pruitt _ _ _ 93 Solomon Pruitt. KANE COUNTY. John Cornelison - 82 W. C. Johns. Anthony A. Harrison Asa Brooks _ - _ 77 William L. Harrison. Nathan Brown 87 Nathan Brown. 4^^ Asa Brooks. Daniel Burroughs,. sen. - 85 Daniel Burroughs, sen. W^illiam Bates . - _ 82 Wiiliam Bates. William Bennett - 86 William Bennett. Richard Randlc - 88 Richard Randle. LAWRENCE COUNTY. OGLE COUNTY. John T. Vandeventer 48 J..T. Vandeventer. Aaron Payne 50 Aaron Payne. James Thompson - 27 James Thomp.son. William Mellon - 82 Benjamin Melton. Benjamin Melton - - - 76 Benjamin Melton. POPE COUNTY, John Struple 45 A. Andrews. Jame: Mb'soi] 49 James Gib.son. Arthur Hagan 41 Thomas 'V-.- 52 1 Thomas West. Daniel Hancock - 78 188 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. ILLINOIS— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or mililary services. Ages. ■with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. PIKE COUNTY. TAZEWELL— Continued. Samnel Reagan 48 Samuel Reagan. Basil Mecks 79 Basil Meeks. John Patterson - . - 50 John Patterson. Horace S. Holladav 36 UNION COUNTY. David Kehr 78 Jane Watson. David Callier 48 David Callier. George Brown, sen. 78 George Brown, sen. Elias Scouton 66 Elias Scouton. Hush McNnry 79 James iVlcNary. VERMILION COUNTY. Nathaniel Perrin - ' - 78 Nathaniel Perrin. Martha Hulse 78 John Johnson. Huldah Bolion 66 Jonathan Patterson. PERRY COUNTY. JusephCoughran - 74 William Fields. Jacc.b Gundy 73 Joseph Gundy. W. C Murphy 40 William C. Murphy. , Robert Bailey 85 Robert Bailey. Lcna-d Li?)e' 77 Leonard Lipe. John Banes' ... 80 John Banes. WILLIAMSON COUNTY. John Painter 84 John Painter. PEORIA COUNTY. Benajah Gill 80 Benajsh Gill. John G. Lumpkins- 64 John G. Lumpkins. ■William Crow 81 James Crow. "VVinney Rr.inearson 51 Winnt-y Rhinearson. WILL COUNTY. John Mon'L'omery - - . ■/S John liinos. Phiness BronsoA ... 76 Phineas Bronson. Ebenezer Collins . . - — John V. Singer, James Pierce 53 WHITESIDE COUNTY. RANDOLPH COUNTY. • Alexander Thompson 82 Alexander Thompson. William Sharp - 78 WHITE COUNTY. Nathan Gaggers . - - 81 Anna Driggers. SANGAMON COUNTY. Mathias Pa'rr 85 Edmund Thomason. Henry Morgan 87 Henry Morgan. Philip Crowder - Joel Maxcv ... 80 Philip Crowder. Daniel Powell 48 Daniel Powell. 73 Joel Ma.xcy. Daniel Chapman - 70 Daniel Chapman. John Oveistrett 80 Dabna Overstrett. Joseph Hawthorn - 84 William Hawthorn. John Lockridge 79 William A. Lockridge. Joseph R. Young . 32 J. R. Young. WAYNE COUNTY. John H. Mills 79 John H. Millj. ST. CLAIR COUNTY. Thomas Sloan 79 Thomas Sloan, James Stuart ... 78 James Stuart, Moses Land, sen. - - . 76 Moses Land. George Clark 84 George Clark. Hosca Rigs 80 Hosea Rigs. WASHINGTON COUNTY. SHELBY COUNTY. George Brown 88 George Brown. John Jenkins 87 Van. C. Dawson. M. S. McMillon - 33 M. S. McMillon. Zebedee Smith 46 Zebedee Smith. Thomas McClerken, sen. - 93 Thomas McClerken, sen. SCOTT COUNTY. James Thompson - 36 James Thompson, Margaret Stout 83 Nathaniel Stout. WARREN COUNTY. John Clarke Louisa McEvers - 69 78 Jacob Bryan. Seneca McEvers. Benjamin Blankenship William Willard - 80 89 Benjamin Blankenship. John Willard, SCHUl'LER COUNTY. ( David Lynn 76 Samuel Lynn. Anna Hinman 63 W. Hinman. WABASH COUNTY. Moses Justice 85 Moses Justice. Jonathan Goss 80 Jonathan Goss. TAZEWELL COUNTY. Natlianiel Hendryi 85 Nathaniel Hendrj'i. Andrew Tuttle 81 Andrew Tuitle. Norman Newell - 79 Thomas Brooks. Alexander Stewart 90 Alexander Stewart. EUotGray 83 EriGraj'. Allen Ramsey 76 Allen Ramsey. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. STATE OF MISSOURI. 189 JMames of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. BUCHANAN COUNTY. M/VRION. Page Stanley BOONE COUNTY. PERSIA. Elizabeth Burks - MISSOURI. Robert Lemon Reuben Hatton William Pennington Samuel Elgin CEDAR. Abrm. Grindstaff - Gershom Fleeke - COLUMBIi . Ann Gentry William Armstrong ROCKY FORK. Radford McCargo John Deavenport - John Connelly John Reams BARRY COUNTY. 3M1TH. William Lumley - Augustin Sims Samuel Nelson Charles Dildy ■< Thomas Walker - CALLAWAY COUNTY. BODRBON. Robert S. Russel - Abel Dood Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. CEDAR. Thomas Boyd ... FULTON. Jesse D. Oldham - - - James Thomas . . - Samuel Bowles George Harding . . - NINE MILE PRAIRIE. Henry Overley ... COTE-SANS-DESSEIN. Sylvester Baker - . - CAPE GIRARDEAU COUNTY. APPLE CREEK. Thomas Hill BTRD. tthamer Huble . . • LORANCE. James Hutchison . - - HANDLE. David McLane ... Robert Brevard ... CRAWFORD COUNTY. MERRIMAC. Levi Arthur Thomas Snelson - LIBERTY. WilUam Mitchell - Jarret Bricky John W«lch WITKJNS, 40 78 85 78 55 45 43 49 S2 78 48 78 58 82 78 88 77 90 79 76 48 77 90 84 76 83 79 78 82 82 76 84 76 83 86 Page Stanley. George Sexton. Robert Lemon. Reuben Hatton. William Pennington. Samuel Elgin. Abrm. Grindstaff. Gershom Fleeke. Ann Gentry. John Reed. Radford McCargo. John Deavenport. Sanford Connelly. John Reams. William Lumley. Charles Dildy. Thomas Walker. Robert S. Russel. Thomas Miller. Thomas Boyd. Jesse D. Oldham. George Thomas. Thomas Bowles. George Harding. Pearson V/. Overley. A. J. Baker. Thomas Hill. Ithamer Huble. James Hutchison. David McLane. Robert Brevard. Levi Arthur. Mary Snelson. William Mitchell. Jarret Bricky. John Welch. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. CHARITON COUNTY. Charles Finnell CLAY COUNTY. James Wells .Tames Sewell James Crowley John Evans Richard Simms John Majors CARROLL COUNTY. WACONDA CREEK TOWNSHIP. William Goodson - COLE COUNTY. JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. William L. Cearnel Jos. Kingry Christopher Casey JEFFERSON CITY. Robert Raphael WALKER. Enoch Tobe COOPER COUNTY. tlark's fork. Edward Robertson - LF.BANON. Robert Kirkpatrick MANITEAU. Hugh Larremore - James Kelly DAVIESS COUNTY. John Hamilton FRANKLIN COUNTY. BOJUFF. Judith Miller BOWLES. John Pritchett calvary. George W. Elliott - GREENE COUNTY. Samuel Steel Thomas Thompson GASCONADE COUNTY. Jesse Evans HOWARD COUNTY. RICHMOND. James Noble PRAIRIE. Edward Williams - William Burton - JEFFERSON COUNTY. MERRIMAC. William Drinning, sen. - JACKSOM COUNTY. Jacob Stuart JOHNSON COUNTY. JACKSON. Moses Ferguson, sen. Ages. 77 90 75 48 48 77 79 81 82 79 84 57 Names of heads of familici with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. 78 80 75 • 64 86 81 David Wells. James Sewell. James Crowley. John Evans. Richard Simms. Elisha Major*. 80 William Goodson. 38 73 88 Archibald Cearnel, Greenbury Kingry. Hardin Casey. 21 Philip Megerle, 80 Enoch Tobe. 85 Edward Robertson. 77 John Read. 81 86 R. LarremoN. James Kelly. Nicholas Shukman. John Pritchett. George W, Elliott. Caleb Headlee. Malcom McDougal. Robert Shaw. Edward Williams. James Wallace. William Drinning, aen. Jacob Stuart. 78 I Moses Ferguson, »e«. ido CENSUS OP PENSIONERS. MISSOURI— Continued. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionar)' or miiiary services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, I&IO. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June ), 1840. LINCOLN COUNTY. POLK COUNTY. Hl'RRICANE. BENTON. James Cannon . . - 82 James Cannon. Bracket Davison - 4G B, Davison. WilUam Butler - 84 WilUam Butler. VAN BUREN. WOODSON. John Burnes 48 John Burnes. Thoma"! Hampton 81 John S. Besser. Joseph Brown 86 Shadrach Woodson. PLATTE COUNTY. CLARK. Frederic McLinn - 46 Frederic McLinn. John Cliambers . - - 110 James Chambers. Sabert Sellers 84 Mahala Sellers, Michael Glass 78 Charles Helfly. James Potter 81 Bemly PoUer, Hezekiah Murphy 71 Hezekiah Murphy, RAY COUNTY, MACON COUNTY. RICHMOND. John Sconce . . - 40 John Sconce. rHARITON. Nicholas Tutile - 8'J Pleasant Tuttle. FISHING RIVER TOWNSHIP. AbramHill 81 William Hill. LIBERTY. Bennel Tilley Henry Lineh 89 80 Benn«t Tilley. RANDOLPH feOUNTY. . Daniel Rardin . . - Cl Daniel Rardin, GOSIIEX. James Fletcher 83 Elias Plelclicr. RALLS COUNTY. SPENCER. MADISON COUNTY. Robert Jaraerson - 84 Willis M, .lamersou. LIBERTY. Robert Sinclaire - 83 Charles Sinclaire. CLAY. Rodam Sims 8G Lewis Garnet. TWELVE-MILE, TOWNSHIP. Samuel Burks 77 William Burks. SALT RIVER. William Boren - . - 74 Sarah Ann Duncan, Ignatius Granville - 90 William Little. Samuel Turner - 87 Samuel Turner. MARION COUNTY. RIVES COUNTY. R0T5ND GROVE. William Jeffries - Anderson Long 83 80 James W. Jeffries. Anderson Long. LEABO. William Baylis - ST. LOUIS COUNTY. 81 William Baylis. LIBERTV. AViiliam Pollard - 79 William Pollard. CITY OF ST. LOUIS. Alphonso Wetmore - Alphonso Wetmore. MILLER COUNTY. B0NH0M,\1E. HENRY. D. Martin . - - - 44 Mrs. Molly Martin. Andrew Salisbury 90 William J. McKay, ST. TERDINAND. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. J. D. Putnam 48 John Putnam. DANVILLE, William Hall 79 William Hall. ST. CHARLES COUNTY. PORTAGE. LOWER LOUTRE. Reuben Bernus 30 James A. Ead.s, Peter Rock 92 Andrew Hunter. CVIVRE. MONROE COUNTY. Mary Zumwalt - - - 74 Solomon Zumwalt. JACKSON, John Kippers 79 Samuel Kippers. ST, CHARLES. William Turney - 67 William Turney. SOUTH rORK. Nealey Bybee 77 Nealey Bybee. ST. GENEVIEVE COUNTY. BOVEY. MORGAN COUNTY. William R. Brown 84 John S. Brown. HICHLiND. John Chitcoat 80 John Chitcoat. ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY. .ST, FRANCOIS. James Cunningham 84 James Cunningham. PIKE COUNTY. 8PENCF.R. SHELBY COUNTY. Zaehariah Birch - 83 Zaehariah Birch. Je.sse Brown - 45 Jesse Brown. CALUMET. John Mulherrin . . - 85 William Mulherrin. STODDARD COUNT rY. William Slierwood 80 John Calvin, Benjamin Taylor - - - 79 Benjamin Taylor. CUIVRK. Cornelius Beazly - 82 Jacob Rhi^des. SALINE COUNTY M.\R10N. PETTIS COUNTY. Benjamin Chambers - 76 Benjamin Chambers. BOWLING OREEN. Joshua Roberts - 75 Joshua Roberts. Jonathan James id Jonathan James. SCOTT COUNTY FLAT CREEK. MORELAND, Oeorge Cathey 65 James McCormick, t Uriah Brock - 79 Hartwell Brock. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. MISSOURI— Continued. 191 Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. VAN BUREN COUNTY. WASHINGTON COUNTY. OSAGE. UNION. James McHenry - 78 John McHenry. John Bailey ... 85 John Bailey. John Hawkins 80 John Hawkins. John Paul - - - . 80 John Paul. WARREN COUNTY. BELVIEW. CHARETTE. Edward Thomas . - - 85 Reuben Thomas. Benjamin Sharp - 78 Benjamin Sharp. John Wyatt, sen. - 81 John Wyatt, sen. HARMONY. Thomas Sherley - 85 Jordan Sherley. STATE OF ARKANSAS. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. WASHINGTON COUNTY. JACKSON COUNTY. Warren Phi Upott - 84 Warren Phillpott. Joel Hill - - - - 78 Joel Hill. Henry Scott 28 CyrUs Gaibraith. Aaron Smith ... 75 George Taylor. INDEPENDENCE COUNTY. Martin Randleman 79 Jonathan Holden. Samuel Gregg ... 83 Henry Gregg. Benjamin Harden 77 E. L. Harden. James Leeper 79 James Leeper. John Liggett 77 William Mayfield. HEMPSTEAD COUNTY. Reddin'-Putman ... 48 Redding Pntman. James Williams ... 78 J. W. Williams. SCOTT COUNTY. Eli Collins .... 83 William R. ColUns. William Black - 85 WilUam Black. Peter Richie 98 James Richie. CRAWFORD COUNTY. PnCE COUNTY. William Orrick - 85 Samuel Orrick. Wilson Jenkins - 80 Jesse Jenkins. MARION COUNTY. BENTON COUNTY. ObadiahWood - 95 William Wood. John Robinson 81 J. H. Morrison. MADISON COUNTY. w RANDOLPH COUNTY. James Gage ... 86 Jacob Gage. Edward Hufson 84 Edward Hutson. James Stewart ... 87 Pleasant Stewart. Daniel Sutherland 85 John Holmon. POPE COUNTY. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Daniel Cownover 77 Darnel Cownover. William McKnight, sen. - 80 William McKnight, sen. SALINE COUNTY. JOHNSON COUNTY. Asher Bagley 89 Asher Bagley. Philip Jones 78 Philip Jones. Benjamin Bryant - 80 Benjamin Bryant. 102 CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Karnes of pensioners for revolu- 1 Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu. Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided Jime 1, 1840. tionary or military services. Ages. wiih whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. ALLEGAN COUNTY. LENAWEE COUNTY. MARTIN. nnnsoN. Jeremiah Selerieg - James Selerieg. Thomas Gratton - 83 BERRIEN COUNTY. « WOODSTOCK. BERTRAND. Abram Osborn ... 85 Samuel Osborn. John Silsby 56 John Silsby. Thomas Swarlwout 83 Andrew Swartwout. CASS COUNTY. RAISIN. aoWARD, Lophario Donaldson 75 Lophario Donaldson. Jonathan Wells - 50 Jonathan Wells. BLISSPIELD. SILVER CREEK. Samuel Black 77 Luther Smith. James Selleck 78 ' James SeUeclt. MONROE COUNTY. MASON. BAISINVILLE. Jotham Curtiss ... 84 Jonathan Curtiss. Asher Seaton 78 Salmon Owen. CHIPPEWA COUNTY. LONDON. William Perrybum 84 John G. Thayer. Abel Bingham 54 A. Bingham. CALHOUN COUNTY. DCNDEE. Samuel Stone 76 Samuel Stone. SHERIDAN. Martin Smith ... 57 Martin Smith. Wealthy Chamberlain 70 Julius Chamberlain. MONROE CITY. MAR.«aALI,. Isl ward. Jonathan Babcock 76 A. C. Babcock. George Alfred 76 George Alfred. XLBION. ilh ward. Polly Finch 71 Abel Finch. Stephen Downing . 78 . Stephen Downing. BURLINOTON. MICHILIMACINAC COUNTY. Charles Meseroll • 98 John L. Meseroll. Jonas Slone ... 60 Jonas Stone. GENESEE COUNTY. Nathan Puffer 70 Isaac Blanchard. Reuben Robinson ... 82 J. N. Robinson. MACOMB COUNTY. Samuel Roam 52 Samuel Roam. CLINTON. William Olds 69 T. Turner. HILLSDALE COUNTY. CAMDEN. UaComb. L. Laraby .... 73 T. Laraby. B. Hsward ... 70 B. Howard. READING. OAKLAND COUNTY. George Fitzsiramons 48 George FitEsimmons. ADDISON. Derrick Hulick . • . 81 Dennis Snyder. SCIPIO. Daniel Couch 76 Uriah B. Conch. ROYAL OAK. Ezra Parker 95 W. M. Parker. ADAMS. B. Sharp - - . . 47 S. Sharp. TROY. "Zadoc Wellman - 79 -Joel Wellman. SOMERSET. E>bon Gregory 80 Jesse Gregory. Edmund Pratt 87 Heman Pratt. Peter Havens 78 Peter Havens, jr. AVON. Nathaniel Baldwin 79 Freeman Burch. INGHAM COUNTY. LE ROT. HOLLY. Mary Brink 74 Lewis S. Rouse. Elias Cady - - . . 80 Elias Cady. Altamom Donaldson 77 Altamont Donaldson. JACKSON COUNTY. SANDSTONE. NOVI. Catharine Lighiall 103 Benjamin Huntley. Hooper Bishop 85 EAST PORTAOE. WHITE LAKE. Rhodei Hall 82 William Hall. John Blanchard Jos. Brace - - . - 77 74 JACKSON. Benjamin Brace - 79 Abiathar Lincoln - 82 Jotham Wood. Jos. C. Darling 76 Chris. 0. Darling. SHIAWASSEE COUNTY. John N Van Austin 65 David Adams. VERNON. John Gib<;on 88 T. Ruggles. Ebenezer Brown . 50 Ebenezer Brown. William J. Moody 44 William J. Moody. ST. JOSEPH COUNTY. COLUMSIA, SHERMAN. David Haynes 78 P. E. Hajmes. Ahira Brocks 81 Ahira Brooks. OSASa LAKE. MOTTVILI.E. Adam Overocker - 79 Adam Overocker. Thaddeus Gilbert . as George Gilbert. LAPEER COUNTY. LF.ONIDAS. MCTAMORA. Esther Watkins - 73 Levi Watkins. JamM Banker . - • \ 89 James Banker. Esther Madden . - ■ ; 75 William Orcutt. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. M ICHIGAN— Continued. 193 Names of pensioners for revolii- tionajy or military services. Ages. Name.s of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Names of pensioners for revolu- 1 tionary or niilitary service.s. Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. ST. CLAIR COUNTY, WASHTENAW— Continued. CLYDE. Richard Bean 49 R. Bean, jr. SALINE. Archibald Armstrong 81 Archibald Armstrong. COTTRELLVILLE COUNTY. WAYNE COUNTY, Edward Locke Thomas Fargo VAN BUREN COUNTY. LAWRENCE. James Stevens 50 82 83 Edward Locke. Samuel Ward. Allen Briggs. Jonathan Kearsley - Henry Myers John Winchell Elizabeth Trowbridge Edward Vickney - Abram Cook ' - 54 45 43 79 65 Jonathan Kearsley, Henry Myers. Abram Cook. DECATTO. William Dyckman 77 E. B. Dyckman. VAN BDHE.V. Abner Rawson - - . 76 t HARTFORD. Ira Allen - - - - WASHTENAW COUNTY. 54 Ira Allen. DEARBORN. Edward Howard - James Randall 84 45 Joshua Howard. John McVey. Martin Dubois ... John Thompson - - - Elijah Drak» YPSILANTI. Ebenezer Hawkins 77 79 80 75 J. D. Duboi?. Flemon Drake. E. Hawkins. RBDFORD. 1 David Sraead John Woodward - . . David Warren Bennet Joy ... CANTON. 74 77 CO 45 Jacob Rutenaw ... 81 George Rutenaw. Vespasian Hoisington John L. Shear 78 56 Vespasian Hoisington. John Shear. BROWNSTOWN'. Michael Vrelandt - 80 Curren Vrelandt. YORK. John Stoddard Daniel French 43 55 John Stoddard. Daniel French. 1 NANKIN. Hubbel Stevens - 80 A. L. Stevens. TERRITORY OF FLORIDA— WESTERN DISTRICT. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. WALTON COUNTY. Joab Horn - - - - i 86 Aaron Snowden - - - 73 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Joab Horn. Aaron Snowden. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or militaiy services. Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners rs^ sided }\.m^- 1, ISIO. ESCAMBIA COUNTY. Amanda M. Dade - Mary S. Wilkinson 24 20 EASTERN DISTRICT. CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE. 1 NASS-4.U COUNTY. Amos Latham 85 Amos Latham. Ambrose Cooper - 35 Ambrose Cooper. John D. Vaughan - 73 Jonn D. Vaughan. Crecencio Pacetty - 29 Crecencio Pacetty. William Coates - 22 Francis Newcomer. DUVAL COUNTY. Martin Stephens - 26 Martin Stephens. i John S. Pickitt 28 John S. Pickitt. 25 194 FLORIDA— MIDDLE DISTRICT. Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families Names of pensioners for revolu- Names of heads of families tionary or military services. Ages. wiih whom pensioners re- tionary or military services. Ages. with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. t sided June 1, I8i0. LEON COUNTY. GADSDEN— Conlinued. Rhesa Oliver 84 Rhesa Oliver. John Fletcher ... 76 Zaberd Fletcher. \ William Rawls - 79 Nealle Anderson. HAMILTON COUNTY. MADISON COUNTY. Henry Penningion 38 Henry Pennington. Charlotte Davis - 35 Charlotte Davis. GADSDEN COUNTY. Elizabeth Triplet - 25 Elizabeth Triplet. Sarah Fiinn 35 Sarah Flinn. Bozeman Ralph - 74 Bozeman Ralph. Martha Langford - 35 Martha Langford. WASlllNGTON COUN' Joslah Jones EvoLs Aiidrews 74 APPALACHICOLA DISTRICT. i .Tosiah Jones. Evaus Aadrews. JACKSON COUNTY. Richard Levens - 100 TERRITORY OP WISCONSIN. Names of pensioners for revolu- | : Names of heads of families j; Names of pensioners for revolu- j Names of heads of familiss tionary or military services. Ages. I with whom pensioners re- |j tionary or military services. Ages. : with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. BROWN COUNTY. James Singleton - GRANT COUNTY. David Marshall Joseph H. Dickson • GREENE COUNTY. George McFadden - Hcbcrt Baley James Singleton. ^l 1 Lemuel Gillham. 35 j Joseph Dickson 35 75 IOWA COUNTY. John McNear RACINE COUNTY. Helmont Kellogg - JEFFERSON COUNTY. Eliada Brown . WALWORTH COUNTY. William F. Lyon - i sided June 1, 1840. 45 John McNear. 77 Seth H. Kellogg. I 76 I Enoch G. Darling. William F. Lyon. TERRITORY OF IOWA. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. 1 Names of heads of families j with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioiiers ra. sided June 1, 1840. LEE COUNTY. i DES MOINES COUNTY. George Perkins - CLINTON COUNTY. 89 George Perkins. Daniel Bainc John McDonald - ■ 71 86 Daniel Baine. Hugh McDonald. .Tchn Lepper 79 . George Parker. DUBUaUE COUNTY. HENRY COUNTY. Sarah Hensling - 83 John Dawson. Charles Shepherd - - " 82 ' Charles Shepherd. CENSUS OF PENSIONERS. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 195 Names of pensioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Names of pen.sioners for revolu- tionary or military services. Ages. Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. WASHINGTON CITY. Richard Suter Mrs. Eaton Jacob Gideon, sen., (since dead) - WASHINGTON COUNTY. Joseph Nourse ... 55 26 86 87 Richard Suter. Jacob Gideon, jun. Joseph Nourse. WASHI^GTON-Continued. Cornelia Lansdale ALEXANDRIA CITY. Morriss Pearce John Pipsecow Dorcas Henderson - Lawrence Hurdle - 75 51 88 83 81 John F. Cox. Tliomag Wiley. John Simms. Lawrence Hurdle. [The return for Carter county, Kentucky, is inserted below, not having been received in time to appear in its proper place.] STATE OF KENTUCKY— CARTER COUNTY. Names of pensioners for revolu- j tionary or military services. ' Ages. Elzaphan Rucker 57 Names of heads of families v/itli whom pensioners re- sided June], 1840. Elzaphan Rucker Names of pensioners for revoltf- tionary or military services. William Bates Ages. 77 Names of heads of families with whom pensioners re- sided June 1, 1840. Rial M. Jones. m. :■{, fefX-4«:8 .o^^: -5- ,1 , o " o r,v , >■ ' • , ■^^K'- ^"''K ■^A rO'-' ■J % ^o^ 0^ , ./.-. <'^ ?^^v. V <*''•■•'' A^ V => -^o .0" .•' ■^^ ,-Jv^^ ■. '^j A .4 o,. • r.1; 5: •A'" ,fir^ (, « O ^ "<.. ^ .^' .v^ 3 « O ,0^ .V \/' .•*" 11 -^0* A "^ ,0' ,'?► v\^ o V '•t> ■;>• •^. 0' O t- V % ^O^ A^-V -^-^r. A^-^. - c^^^. ■t &* » » o "Ca c- o V ^-^ C V 9 » O ^* ■■■^^■^^%./° '^^.\/ ^-'^''-S./ \ y /°-^ -;-%g?^ <.'"'% ''^^^ /\ A^