.DM *" O PUBLIC SCHOOLS of me DISTRICT Or COLUMBIA OBSERVANCE OE LINCOLN CENTENARY TEBRUftRY 12, 1909 Washington : Norman T. Elliott Printing Co. 1909. PUBLIC SCHOOLS of the DISTRICT OE COLUMBIA OBSERVANCE OE LINCOLN CENTENARY PEBRUARY 12, 1909 WASHINGTl in : Norman t. Elliott Printing Co. 1909, 71 ^SoS' £/ AUG 23 1910 (0itr rlitlurrn shall brhulu his fame, ullir ktnMg-rarurst. brave, foreseeing man, $agarioit0, patient, breading p-atsr. nut blame, Nrm birth, of uitr nem anil, thr first Ameriran. — Lowell. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF THE LINCOLN CENTENARY, On Friday, February 12, 1909, will occur the centenary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. This event should be celebrated in our schools on the afternoon of February 12, by joint exercises in which all the classes of a building participate, if such exercises are possible. A considerable portion of the time allotted to history for the three weeks previous to the centennial date should be devoted to the study of the life, character and influence of Lincoln. Every effort should be made by means of picture collections, quotations from the writings and speeches of Lincoln and tributes to Lincoln by others, to vividly impress the pupils with the influence of Lincoln upon our national life. In grades one to five, teachers should emphasize stories of his boy- hood, manhood, love of study, his honest}', goodness, gentleness and wisdom. In third and fourth grades, pioneer life in the middle west may be compared with early colonial life in New England and Virginia — clearing land, building log houses, hunting, farming, hardships, home occupations, schools, etc. Teachers should correlate with the study of the life of Lincoln some consideration of topics given in the Course of Study in History for 5th Grade A on early pioneers, for 6th Grade B on Pierce, Buchanan and Lincoln, and for Sth Grade A. The Principals of the Normal, High and Manual Training Schools will each make plans for the proper observances of this event, in the study of the life of Lincoln and in the holding of such exercises on his birthday as will be most suitable and impressive. A brief bibliography which may be helpful in suggesting sources of information and inspiration is given herewith. A. T. STUART, Superintendent of Schools. A BRIEF LINCOLN BIBLIOGRAPHY. PROSE. Abraham Lincoln. Beacon Lights oi* history, v. 7. Abraham Lincoln. C. C. Coffin. Abraham Lincoln. Carl Schurz. Abraham Lincoln. 2 v. Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer. Abraham Lincoln. Great men and famous women, v. 2. Abraham Lincoln. Hamilton Wright Mabie. Abraham Lincoln. 2 v. John Torrey Morse. Abraham Lincoln. Library of American literature, v. 0. Abraham Lincoln. Library of historic characters and famous events, v. 8. Abraham Lincoln. 10 v. Nicolay and Hay. Abraham Lincoln. Noah Brooks. Abraham Lincoln. Robert Green Ingersoll. Abraham Lincoln. School and home education. January, 1909. Abraham Lincoln. Schurz and Bartlett. Abraham Lincoln and his presidency. Dial. April 1, 1904. Abraham Lincoln and the downfall of American slavery. Noah Brooks. Abraham Lincoln. The boy and the man. James Morgan. Abraham Lincoln centennial. Lilian C. Bergold. American pioneers, p. 239 Moivry. Silver. The ancestry of Abraham Lincoln. Lea and Hutchinson. Approved selections for reading and memorizing, seventh and eighth years. Hix. Hinds. Beacon lights of patriotism, p. 299. Carrington. Silver. Beginner's American history, p. 197. D. H. Montgomery. 9 Biographical sketch of Mr. Lincoln. Charles Henry Hart. Blackboard stencils. Educational publishing company. The boyhood of Lincoln. Illustrated. Eleanor Atkinson. Boys' life of Abraham Lincoln. H. Nicolay. Cabinet-making with Mr. Lincoln. Thurlow Weed. Carl Schurz on Lincoln. Library of world's best literature, v. 33. The children's life of Abraham Lincoln. M. Louise Putnam. Commencement parts, pp. 231, 251, 452. Blackstone. Hinds. Death of Lincoln. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Education of Lincoln. H. W. Mabie. Outlook. February 20, 1904. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln. Elias Nason. Exercises for Lincoln's birthday. Educational publishing company. Fifth reader, p. 361. Heath. 10 First American. Outlook. January 27, 1906. A first book in American history, p. 171. Edivard Eggleston. First lessons in United States history, p. 181. Channing. Macmillan. First Lincoln and Douglas debate. Morris. Merrill. First steps in the history of our country, p. 242. William A. Moivry. Four great Americans. James Baldwin. Gettysburg address. Reader. February, 1905. Gilder on the life-mask of Lincoln. Library of world's best literature, v. 16. Graded literature reader, No. 7. Judson and Bender. He knew Lincoln. I. M. Tarbell. American Monthly. February, 1907. Heart of oak, book 7. Heath. Heroes every child should know, p. 309. Hamilton Wright Mabie. Historical readings, p. 152. Ellis. Silver 11 History, and personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. William Henry Herndon. History of the American people, v. 4. Woodrow Wilson. History reader for elementary schools, p. l?i). Wilson. Macmillan. How Lincoln righted a wrong. Ladies' home journal. July. 1906. The Illini. Carr. Macmillan. Impressions of Lincoln. Scribner's magazine. March, 1906. In commemoration of Abraham Lincoln. Popular educator. January, 1909. Incident of Lincoln's first white house reception. Century magazine. August, 1906. Intimate personal recollections. Lippincott's magazine. May, 1906. Language lessons, p. 51. Dunton and Kelley. Language through nature, literature and ait, p. 155 Perdue and Griswold. Letters and addresses. H. W. Bell. Library of world's best literature, v. 23. Charles Dudley Warner. 12 Life, administration, and state papers of Abraham Lincoln. Henry Jarvis Raymond. Life and speeches of xVbraham Lincoln. William Dean Howells. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 2 v. Ida Minerva Tarbell. Life of Abraham Lincoln. J. G. Holland. Life of Abraham Lincoln for boys and girls. Charles W. Moores. Life of Lincoln. Arnold. McClurg. Life of Lincoln. Educational publishing company. Life of Lincoln. Stoddard. Stokes. Lights to literature, books 5 and 7. Rand, McNally. Lincoln and Gettysburg. Putnam. Lincoln as a lawyer. J. W. Weik. Century magazine. June, 1904. Lincoln as I knew him. W. H. Crook. Harper's magazine. December, 1906. 13 Lincoln at Gettysburg. Carr. McClurg. The Lincoln centennial medal. Putnam. Lincoln day program. Perry Mason Company. A Lincoln exercise. Journal of Education. December 10, 1908. Lincoln exercise. Popular educator. January, 1909. Lincoln in story. Pratt Appleton. Lincoln in the telegraph office. Illustrated. David Homer Bates. A Lincoln log cabin — construction. Popular educator. January, 1909. Lincoln ; master of men. Alonzo Rothschild. The Lincoln memorial. John Gilmary Shea. Lincoln on his own story telling. Century. February, 1907. Lincoln portrait. Educational publishing company. Lincoln portrait. McClure magazine. February, 1907. 14 Lincoln program for upper grades. School and home education. January, 1909. Lincoln souvenir in the south. M. L. Avary. Century. February. 1907. Lincoln, the first American. Library of world's best literature, v. 39. Lincoln, the lawyer. F. T. Hill. The Lincoln volume in Little masterpieces. Perry. Doubleday. The Lincoln year book. Rice. McClurg. Lincolnics. Ariel Booklet. Putnam. Lincoln's addresses. Educational publishing company. Lincoln's birthday. Thoughts for the occasion — patriotic and secular. Lincoln's defence of Grayson (The Graysons). Edward Eggleston. Lincoln's honesty. Harper's weekly. April 29, 1905. Lincoln's inaugural and first message to congress. Hart and Charming. Lincoln's knowledge of Shakespeare. Overland monthly. April, 1904. 15 Lincoln's policy of mercy. Atlantic monthly. September, 1905. Lincoln's stories. Nation. February 7, 1007. Literary readings. Curry. Rand, McNally. McClure's magazine. January, 1907. Carl Schurz. Makers of American history, p. 265. Chandler. Silver. Makers of Arkansas history, p. 223. Silver Making of the American nation, p. 299. Redivay. Silver. Masters of oratory, pp. 120, 34S. Shurter. Memorial address on the life of Abraham Lincoln. George Bancroft. Men who made the nation, p. 378. Sparks. Most perfect ruler of men the world has ever seen. Current literature. June, 1006. My day and generation. Carr. McClurg. My study windows. James Russell Lowell. 16 Nature study in elementary schools, books 1 and 2. Wilson. Macmillan. New century reader, fourth, fifth and eighth. Rand, McNally. Nomination in 1860. Harper's weekly. December 30, 1005. On the death of Lincoln. Henry Ward Beecher. Opportunism of Lincoln. Harper's weekly. February 13, 1904. Oration on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln. Richard Stockton Field. Other side of Lincoln. Harper's weekly. August 25, 1906, Park of patriotism : the Lincoln farm. Review of Reviews. March, 1906. The perfect tribute. Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews. Personal reminiscences of Lincoln. Noah Brooks. Photograph found in a farm house. Cosmopolitan. February, 1905. Pictures of Lincoln. Popular Educator. January, 1909. Political essays. James Russell Lowell. Silver 17 Portraits of Lincoln. Educational publishing company. Powers and Balliet readers, books 3 and 5. Quotations from Lincoln. Popular educator. January, 1001). Recollections of Lincoln. H. Villard. Atlantic monthly. February, 1004. Red letter days, p. 18. Hall and Lennox. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. J. G. Cannon. World's work. February, 1907. School speaker and leader, p. 173. Hyde. A short life of Lincoln. John George Nicolay. Standard selections, p. 206. Fulton and Trueblood. Stedman on the hand of Lincoln. Library of world's best literature, v. 35. Stepping stones to literature, books 5 and 7. Arnold and Gilbert. The story life of Lincoln. Wayne Whipple. The story of Abraham Lincoln. James Baldwin. Stokes. 18 Story of American history, pp. 253, 808. Albert F. Blaisdell. Story of Lincoln. Educational publishing company. Story of the Gettysburg speech. Dial. November 16, 1906. Table-talk of Abraham Lincoln. The toy shop. Margarita Spalding Gerry. The true Abraham Lincoln. William Eleroy Curtis. The true story of Abraham Lincoln. Elbridge Streeter Brooks. Washington and other American addresses, p. 31. Frederic Harrison. Washington Herald for December 16, 1908, picture of Agustus Saint Gauden's Statue of Lincoln. Washington, the capital city, and its part in the history of the nation. Rujus Rockivell Wilson. Why boys of to-day should know about Lincoln. Journal of Education. December 10, 1908. Winnowings for Lincoln's Birthday. Mawson. Appleton. 19 Words of Abraham Lincoln. French. Merrill. Words of Lincoln. Osborn H. Oldroyd. Writings of Abraham Lincoln. Dial. August 16, 1906. POETRY. Abraham Lincoln. Tom Taylor. Popular educator. January, 1909. Abraham Lincoln. Richard Henry Stoddard. Abraham Lincoln. Shirley Brooks. Library of choice literature, v. 1. Abraham Lincoln. Susan M. Best. Popular educator. January, 1909. The cenotaph. James Thomson McKay. Commemoration ode. James Russell Lowell. Funeral ode. William Cullen Bryant. Lincoln. Harriet Monroe. 20" Lincoln. James Whitcomb Riley. Reader. February, 1905. Lincoln. ■ Outlook. February 9, 1907. () captain ! my captain! Walt Whitman. A prophecy. Maurice Thompson.