.Y- "^ r.,:.^.,%^ Jo,. c. .^" %..,^^' x^ * '-Tj^O^ 0' '-<• -'^>. ■,^' / % ^.^ ^"v & 'S ,^' ^. ■^ . ^ "^ ■ ,<^^ <5< cv^*~- .^^^ S" . r. V^ V, 2V' -C^ .0^ .-0 •■-V^.,. ^^V^ "'^b'-^V THE PROPRIETORS' RECORDS TOWN OF MENDON MASSACHUSETTS {jUft-I^K^'^ INCORPORATED MAY 15, i66-j BOSTON ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL PRESS 1899 '>' The Present Towns of MENDON, UXBRIDGE '■, UPTON, NORTHBRIDCE, MILFORD, BLACKSTONE, AN D HOPEDALE are shown by broken lines. Samuel Thaxter's PI. in of Mendon (1723) on same scale Is shown by solid lines. (Scale, E iOOO ft. per Inch.) ^v MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. The manuscvipt records were fast l)ecoming illegible through age and worn out from much usage. A transcript has been made, and is now puljlished in order to preserve and make more accessible the interesting and valuable matter therein contained. Published jointly by the present towns of Mendon, Uxbridge, Northbridge, IVIilford, Blackstone, and Hopedale, towns made wholly or largely from the territory of the original town of Mendon, under the supervision of the following committees, viz. : Julius A. George, Benjamin T. Clancy, Nathan R. George, George S. Whitney, Horace C. Adams, Lewis Hayden, 3Iendon. Milford. William W. Thayer, James Daley, Crysis T. Scott, Uxbridge. Michael Carroll, James Buckley, James Cusick, Blackstone. J. M. Lasell, F. E. Taft, D. S. BOSTWICK, Northbridge. E, A. Darling, Lewis B. Gaskill, eToHN M. French, Hopedale. !Mi:m)()n, June 1, \s\\\). I lM'n'I)y ccrtifN lli.il tlic in.-itlcr roiilaiiUMl in this volume lias hoen compjirt'd with the oriifinal records ot the l*ropiiel(trs of the town ot Mendon, and is a true eopv ot said records. llnuACK ('. Adams, Town Clerk of Mendon, ]\fassac/iuseUs. PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. TOWN OF MENDON. [1.] Whereas upon a petition put up to the Honorable Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts l)y the inhabitants of Braintree for a tract of land within the Government for the settleing of a plantation upon it. It pleased the Hon. Court to gratify their their request as more fully appears by their choosing Mr. Peter Bracket & Ensign Moses Paine for to purchase a title of the Indians containing eight miles square about fifteen -miles from Medfield Town at a place commonly called Mascousapoug as more fully appears liy a deed of sale bearing date 22*^. day of April one thousand six hundred sixty & two made to the said gentlemen from the Indians that were the proper owners of the said land which was signed sealed and delivered the twenty second day of April one thousand six hundred & sixty two. Under the above said Peter Bracket & Moses Paine and assigns to the selectmen of Mendon for the use of the town by the above said gentlemen ui)on the twelfth day of May in the year one thousand six hun- dred & seventy in presence of Samuel Simons Esqr : The Grant of the great Meadow. At a General Court the 15th May 1667 in answer to the peti- tion of the inhabitants of a new plantation called Sgshapauge. The Court doth grant them the meadow lying out of their line it running through that parcel. — And that the name of their town be INIendon — And that they & their successors be invested with town privileges as other towns of this jurisdiction enjoy At a Gen. Court held at Boston 16th October 1660 in further 6 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. ansurr to Rmiiitroo jxMition the Court declares tijat they judfjp mete to irrjuit a plantation eiirht miles s»|iiare and that the persons named have lil»erly to enter upon and make a l»e«,nnninir thereof and to take such j)eisons into their society as tiiey shall ju : l«i(>2. We whose names are hereunto sul»- scrihed, beinjr thereto empowered by the Gen. Court to assist the orderino; & settling of the plantation granted at Xepmugg do agree and declare therein as followeth viz: The division of lands there, shall he hy the ensuing rules, that, to one hundred pounds estate be granted one hundred & fifty acres of land viz., The house lot & ten acres of Meadow meadows, swanijts, wali'iToursos, ponds cVi brooks layin*; within the sd. tnu't of land as it is hounded with all oilier privile pn>s<'nts, and that it shall and may Im- lawful for the said Thayer, . White, Chapin, MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 11 Staples, Hayward, Lovett & Read, their heirs & assigns, to record and enroll, or cause to be recorded & enrolled the title & tenor of these presents, accordins; to the true intent and mean- ing thereof, [5.] and according to the usal order and manner of recording deeds, and evidences in such case made and provided, and to acknowledge the same before lawful authority, when called thereunto in witness whereof the said John Awasamog, Amos Awasamog & Peter Ephraim set to their hands & seals this nineteenth day of February in the year of our Lord sixteen hun- dred ninety and one or two and in the third year of the Reighn of our sovreigns William & Mary King & Queen of England &c : Signed, sealed, & delivered and John Awasamog possession given in presence of us. — his ^J/' mark O Joseph Wphte Jun" Amos Awasamog Samuel Read Jun" his O mark © Peter Ephriam liis JpC. mark © At a General Court of election at Boston 19th of ]\Tay l(ifi9 In answer to the petition of the inha])itants of Mendon, the Court finding that the place is but meanly provided for of meadow, and that the distribution already made is l)ut small to them that have the most, do order & grant the said town the meadow petitioned for as appears in a paper annexed being ninet}^ acres which is on file. This is a true copy of the Court's grant to this part of the petition. The town, obtaining the above said grant, made choice of a committee to purchase the Indian title to said meadow, viz : Deac. Simon Peck, Josiah Chapin, Joseph White, Fardinando Thayer, Abraham Staples, Samuel Read, James Lovett and Samuel Hayward which we have done. With the lands adjacent for conveniences to said meadow, as will appear by the ensuing deed. — Jl'^ The deed of the great meadow is not found, [6.] The names of the first proprietors of the former town- ship of Mendon, and the number of acres of each mans lot, 12 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. £rrant('^ noiHi (5 d«'ijf. west 14 lods to John Head's land to a white oak tree niarkeil near the northwest corner, and is hounded northwanlly on .lohn Read's land to his own land, the whole heing 7 acres : half an acre allowed for had land, laid out hy Thomas White sur- veyor, Ehenezer Read chaimnan, — l)ecemher24th 1742. Laid out for the heirs of Khene/er Read deceased, ten acres tenth division of land, and is hounded south- wardly on the land of Timothy (iuy, eastwardly cSc northwardly on the land of Ehenezer Read senior, to said reads corner it heing a three cornered piece of land containinjj: 12 acres, 2 acres and 3.') rods allowed for had land. More for said Read. Half an acre, is hounded westwardly on their other land, south on common, west- wardly on Sunmers land, it hein*; a small gore of land, contain- ing 100 hundred rods, 20 rods allowed for l)ad land, laid out hy Thomas White surveyor, Joseph Taft and John Read C'hainmtn May 3**. 1745, Then laid out for Jolm Corhet 24 acres of land 23 acres cVc half eleventh division, and half an acre that was for- merly laid out in other men's lands thi-ough a mistake joining on Hopkinton line, heginning at a hhick oak tree, heing the south- west eorner, thence running east 72 rods, hounded south partly on common and partly on Jonathan Whitney's land to a white oak tree & stones at the root, heing the southeast corner, and the northeast corner of said Whitney's land : east on Hopkinton line hi) rotls to a heaji of stones, heing the northeast corner : then [8.] turning cNc running west full point 72 rods and hounding north on common to a heap of stones the northwest corner, thence lM)unding west partly on connnon and partly on Daniel C'orhit's land to the first hounds. Laid out hy William Torrey surveyor, Daniel Lovett iSc John Coihet chainmen, — MEN DON, MASSACHUSETTS. 15 August 26th 1745 Then hiid out for John Corbet 70 rods of land joining to his meadow in the great meadow, bounding east on said meadow, nortli on the land of John Kilburn, westerly on a two rod road, southerly on the land of Jonathan Hayward ,Junr. Laid out by William Torrey surveyor, Jacob Aldrich chain- man. — February 12th 1722^. Laid out for Thomas Thayer, 12 acres sixth division of land, laid joining to the south side of his other land in the south woods, beginning at a heap of stones, being his former southeast corner, then running south 28 degrees east 40 rods to a heap of stones being the south east corner, then west 23 degrees south GO rods to a heap of stones, then north 23 degrees 40 rods to said land, then bounded on said land 60 rods to the first bounds, the whole containing 15 acres, 3 acres allowed for bad land. Laid out by Robert Evens surveyor, Jacob Aldrich & James Keith chainmen. April 27th 1745. Then laid out for Jonathan Whitney twenty acres of land, ten acres of David Taft's ninth and ten acres of David Taft's tenth division, joining to his other land west from his house beginning at a maple tree marked being the southwest corner, and the northwest corner of his other land : then bound- ing westerly on common 70 rods to a heap of stones on a rock on a little hill being the northwesterly corner, then bounding northwardly on common ii2 rods to a heap of stones, being the northeastwardly corner, bounding eastwardly partly on common and partly on his other land, southwardly on his other land the whole containing thirty five acres, 15 acres allowed for 5 acres and a quarter formerly laid out within the compass of said land, and for bad land. Laid out by William Torrey surveyor, Jacob Aldrich & Jonathan Whitney chainmen. NB. One return, joining Benjamin Thomson's land we cannot find out to whom it was laid out — Vid, the old leaf — supposing it to be Sam'. Thayer. Ai)ril 6th 1738. Laid out for Samuel Thayer eleven acres of land being tenth division, laid in the north purchase joining to the land of Philip Chase 48 rods, the northwest corner being IG PKOI'HIKTOHS' HKCOKDS. [9.] a lioap oi' stones ami \\\v north rast ('(unor a lica)) of stones tlun riimiiiiir south full point 40 rods to a heap of stones being the >outh cast corner, then west full point IH lods to a heap of sloiiex Ix'inj.'^ the southwest corner, then north 40 rods to the tirst l»oiinds : the whole heinir twelve acres, one acre alli>wcd tor had land. Ivaid out hy Thomas White surv< yor, Kolxil Taft and Sanuiel Thayer chainincn. (X'toher ITlh 174.i, Laid out for Samuel Thayer 43 acres of hind laid in the southwest corner of Uxhridgeund is bounded north on the land of Ebenezer Read, west on the town line, south on the laud of .lohn Arnold, east jjail on the land of said Arnold tt part on connnon, running from the noi-tiiwardly corner of said Arnold's land, north 18 degrees east 24 rods to said Read's land, it being a broken piece of land containing 4(j acres tt half, com- passing in 20 acres of land that was given to Joseph Bullard, 23 acres «& half allowed for said 20 acres & bud land : said land being part of several divisions. Laid out by Thomas White surveyor Jacob Aldrich and Sanuiel Thayer chainmen. November 2''. 1731). Laid out for Samuel Thayer live acres of land being part of several divisions laid out on the west side of the great river joining Deborah Aldrich's land, and is l)ounded north on said land 7S rods the whole breadth of said land : and is bounded east on common nineteen lods to a heap of stones being the southeast corner, south on connnon with a direct line to a heap of stones being the southwest corner, west on common (5 rods to the southwest corner of said Aldrich's land, the whole being six acres cSc 10 rods, one acre it 1(> rods allowed for ]»ad land. Laid out by Thomas AVhite survey(»r, .Facol) Aldrich t^c Samuel Thayer chaimnen. — April 27th 1745. Then laid out for Jonathan Whitney two acres of Thonms Beard's tenth division of land joining to his other land west from his house and is bounded east on his other land titly nine rods to a heap of stones being the southeast corner of the north purchase thence running west on common <> rods to a heap of stones l)eing the northwest corner, th«>nce running south- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 17 wardly on common 5!» rods to a. licap of sloncs on his other land being the southwest corner ])oundino- southwardly on his other land (j rods to the first bound, the whoh; contailiing two acres & 34 rods, 34 rods allowed for bad land. The same day, and by the same committee, Laid out for the above said Whitney, 1(3 [10.] acres of land, 8 acres of John Killmrn's tenth division, and seven acres of Samuel Hayward's, and one acre of Thomas Baird's beginning at a white oak tree marked, being the southeast corner bounding east on Hopkinton line 80 rods to a white oak tree with stones at the root, being the northeast corner, thence run- ning west full point 37 rods on common to a heap of stones in a rocky swamp, the northwest corner, thence south full point 80 rods on common to a black oak tree with stones at the root, the southwest corner : then east 37 rods on common to the first bounds : the whole containing 18 acres & half, 2 acres & half allowed for bad land. Laid out by William Torry surveyor, Jacob Aldrich & Jonathan Whitney chainmen. June 4th 1729, Laid out for Benjamin White, five acres eighth division of land, laid joining to his other land, near cedar-swamp meadow, and is l)ounded east on said land, north on the land of Richard Holbrook forty-six rods to a heap of stones being the northwest corner : thence running south full point 60 rods to a heap of stones being the southwest corner : thence with a direct line to the southwest corner of his other land : a broken piece of land containing nine acres & half four acres & half allowed for bad land, and a four rod way to Joseph White's house, and a private way to John Daniels' land, Laid out by Thomas White surveyor, Jacob Aldrich & Nathan Tyler chainmen. June 4th 1729. Laid out for Benjamin White, 3 acres & three quarters of land, viz : one acre & half of his father's eighth divi- sion, half an acre he purchased of James Keith, one acre & three quarters of his own eighth division, laid together joining his other land at the head of the pond, and is bounded northeastw^ardly on said land 58 rods : southeast on Daniel Taft's land, 16 rods to a white oak stand being the south corner : thence running' north- ]9, I'UorUTETORS' RECORDS. west two (loo:rocs wohI 4H rods !(► the wjiy loadin«ij from town to .John DaiiiolH' lu)uso, and is lioiindfd northwest on said way 1(5 rods [10.] to his other land : the whoh' eontaininj; tive acres tSc forty riirlit rods one aere and half iSc ei«xht rods, aUowed for \ku\ land. Laid out by Thomas While surveyor, Jacob Aldrich & Nathan Tyh'T chainnu-n. .lune the IMh 1732, Laid out for Benjamin AVhite three acres cV!: half of his ninth division of land joining; to his other land near ins house beginnin<^ at a northeast corner of said land : thence runninj; Southeast four de<;rees east 40 rods to another piece of his other land formerly laid out and is bounded on all other j>arts [11.] on his own land: it bein<; a rocky broken piece of land conlaininj; by estimation 7 acres and half: four acres allowed for bad lancL Laid out by Thomas \\'hite surveyor, Daniel Lovett &, Joseph White chainmen. December ;V'. \1'M\, Laid out for Benjamin White, 2 and half acres, tenth di\ isi()n of land, laid joining to his other land, east from his house, and is bounded southwardly on the land of John Cook's 3(> rods, and is lioundcd on all other parts on his own land, it being a three cornered piece of land, containing 2 acres iVc lOf) rods, 25 rods allowed for bad land. Laid out by Tluunas \N'hite surveyor, Joseph White and Benjamin ^^'llile eliaimuen. June !>"' 1732 Laid out for Benjamin White, 7 acres 9"' divi- sion of land : viz : (5 acres of Thomas White's and one of his own, and is laid joyning to his other land, south from his house : begining at a southwest corner of said land, thence running soutln-ast full jjoint 32 rod to a heap of stones, being a corner : then northeast 92 rods to a heaj> of stones, at his other land : and is liounded northwardly on said land to the tirst bounds: it being a tln-ee cornered piece of land, eonlaining ten acres & .*)(> rods, 3 acres *Nc 5(5 rods allowed for bad land. — Laid out by Thomas White sun'eyor Daniel Lovett & Joseph White chainmen. • May 20th \S'M\. Laid oul for l>ani«l Taft 9 acres tenth division of land joining to his other land near Shoeeolog, and is Itounded MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 19 west on said land 40 rods to a heap of stones, being the south- east corner : thence running north 6 degrees & 24 minutes east 40 rods to a heap of stones, being the northeast corner and is bounded north on the land of Solomon Wood Junr. 40 rods to his own land, the whole being ten acres, one acre allowed for bad land, Laid out by Thomas White surveyor, Daniel Taft & Joseph AYhite chainmen. January 14, 1730''", Laid out for Daniel Taft 9 acres tenth division of land laid near the south meadow, and is bounded westwardly part on the land of John Cook, and part on the land of Joseph White, southwardly, part on the land of Robert Taft and part on his own meadow : eastwardly on said meadow, north- wardly on the land of Joseph White it being a broken piece of land containing eleven acres & 119 rods; two acres 119 rods allowed for bad land : and a three rod way through said land. Laid out by Thomas White surveyor, Robert Taft & Daniel Taft chainmen. [12.] September 2S\ 1740, Laid out for Daniel Taft, 45 rods tenth division of land laid joining to his other land southerly from Thomas Taft's, and is bounded northerly by said land 20 rods, westerly part on common, part on Philip Leasure's land, five rods : southerly on said Tafts fence 20 rods, it Ijeing a three cornered gore of land, containing 50 rods, 5 rods allowed for bad land, Laid out by Thomas White surveyor, Daniel Taft & Robert Taft chainmen. Noveml)er 7th 1741, Laid out for Daniel Taft, one acre & half tenth division of land, laid southerly from Thomas Taft's dwell- ing-house, and is bounded west on the land of Isaac Taft 38 rods, from a heap of stones by a black-birch tree to Isaac Taft's south- east corner, and is l)ounded south & east on a four-rod-way, it being a three cornered piece of rocky land containing two acres, half an acre allowed for l)ad land. Laid out by Thomas White surveyor, Robert Taft & Isaac Taft chainmen. March 23". 1743, Laid out for Daniel Taft, one acre 10"' divi- 20 nioriuiyroHS' hkcoiids >;i()ii (>r land, laid jdiiiiiiL' to Tlioiiias 'I'al'l, and is houiidrd iiorlli on said iaiui — cast on W'illiaiii llayward's land, sontli on land in the possession of .losiah Talt, west on his owniaiulor athico-rod- way, tlu'ic lu'injr allowantc lor a tlirce-rod-way, across a corner of said land next said way. Laid out l»y Tlionius White surveyor, ,la«-ol. Aldricli X Daiiiil 'fait cliainnuMi April 2''. 1711. Laid out for Daniel Taft one acre tenth divi- sion of land, laid out joininji; to his nieaM said meadow, southwardly on the land of Isaac Thayer, eastwardly on the land of Robert Taft, it l>ein«r a three cornered piece of land, laid for one acre, hy Thomas White sur- veyor, Robert Taft P Joseph Emersons Lott and that : Laid out by — Mosps Paine : The Dubling Lott or second Deuission of upland IteiuL' thirty tiue acres Twenty Acres of sd T^and Lyiui? In the Mill Plainc bounded NoHherly with the Land of Samuel Spenser and south- erly upon the Lanouth Ceder swamp: down MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 21 streauie Ijounded with an alder swamp and marked Trees : so round Avith upland) Another part Att the foot of Wigwam hill one the North weast side of the hill l)ounded Weasterly with a swamp so Round with ui)land:) Another part Lying upon the south East side of the way that gose to Jepsons Mcddow Lying att the Lower end of John Thomsons || || Meddow : Another part Lying In fine spots one the weast side of the Cart way that gose to II II Jepsons Meddow) Another part Lying upon Jepsons Run two spots of Meddow with an || l)etween them) Another part Lying upon A Run that Coms out of M' Emersons ]Meddow l)Ounded upon the south east side with the Run : so round with upland : The Remainder of that share of Meddow Lying upon Hop brook bounded Downe streame upon John Jepsons meddow : so Round with upland : Laid out l)y Joseph White. The secon Deuision of Meddow l>elonging to the aboue sd Lott being Thre Acres & half: Lying part of it upon the Weast Riuer Wheare the Rock medow brook co|| || || into the weast Riuer east upon upland weast part upon the Riuer part upon swamp North and south upon the Riuer) Another Part Lying upon the wea|l|| side of the great pond: bounded North and south with up- land East and weast wit|| Swamp:) Another part Lying att the south a litle below Shokaloge Parth buting || || A stake Att the East Corner so Round with upland:) Another Part Lying upon A Run that Runs out of the litle pond bounded North and south with upland. East and weast with Marked Trees) The Remain- ing Part of sd devission Lying upon the Mill Riuer above the old cart way that went to the North ceder swamp Ijounded Downe streame upon sd cart way up stream upon marked Trees — East and weast with upland : Laid out by Joseph White [U.] Cap^ Joseph White. His swamp Lot being fine Acres and Three quarters thirteen Rodds Part of it Lying upon a Run Runing threw Philip Kings Medow a small swamp up streame of sd Kings medow bounded Round with upland : Another part of It Lying upon the south east side of the Weast Riuer bounded up streem upon y* Rock medow brook Downe streame to A point of upland with A 22 l'!{()PKIK'K)KS' HKrORPS. sponji^ lip ill 1(1 llic upland to A m!iik<'<| Tire Aiiotlicr Part Lyiii;; I)(»\\ii slitaiiH" upon tin' same side (if s(\ Hiiht hoinidrd iip.-stivaiMc upon Maiki'd Trees uilli A sponir Ivmiiiiir up Stapls Hun to A niarUed I'lee : Downe stream to A walliuit tree \>\ tho Kiuer : Another pari Lyiuir upon tlie oast side of the Mill Itiuor hounded I )o\\ ne stream upon Danill Louets Medow : up strejimo with a point of upland North with a maiked tiee South with the i\iuer: Laid out l»y Joseph White : The (ireat LotI i)elontt Laid out upon the Last side of the weast Kiuer Aboue tlw Rock Meddow brook bounded Down streame u|)on the Land of said white Weast upon the sd Riuer: Northerly part : upon the swamj) of fb)seph Plumly and l)art uponComon and pai'tly upon the (Jreat Lott of M' Kmerson : Easterly upon ('onion by A line of Marked Trees: and soutlu-rly upon Koek Meddow brook in pari and i)artly upon sd Whits med- dow : Laid out by »Iosiah Chapin : Ajn-ill 2.S : ](\\)\. The Remain ing Pai-t of sd Lott being fourteen Acres Laid out upon the east side of the Mill Riuer Above the Mill Plaine. The fourth Dcuission of Land belonging to the Aboue sd lott beiui; seuentv Acres Pai1 of it beiiiir Twcntv two Acres aixi MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 23 four Acres of Land Granted unto the said White by the Towne the sixt of March l(i98g Lying upon l)oth sids the Weast Riuer bounded Northerly upon A Run that Conis out of the south Ceader swamp : the northerly corner l^eing An ash tree by the Run Weasterly i)artly upon said Whits Land and nieddow and partly upon Comon : Crosing the Weast Riuer l^elow sd Whits great Lott so Runing with sd Land on the Weast side of said Riuer thirty two Rodds to A pint of Maples : l)y the Riuer being the south corner so crosing the Riuer to a swamp white oake [15.] Easterly on Comon with A dirict Line Eighty Rodds to a stake And heape of stones then Turning weasterly with A dirict Line eighty Rodds To the AsshTree att the North East Corner — Two Acres more of sd fourth Deuission on the South side of the Rock meddow brook : bounded as followeth Northerly eight Rodd upon sd brook : the Northeast Corner being A maple Tree upon said brook : Easterly upon comon forty Rodd to A Stake and Heap of stones : being the south east corner South on comon Eight Rodds to sd Whits Meddow : Weasterly partly on sd Whits Meddow partly on the Weast Riuer unto sd brook. Laid out by Thomas White Nouember fifteenth 170(^ The lift Deuission of Land belong to the sd Lott being one Hundred and Seventy five Acres Thirty six Acres being Laid out for eighteen Acres is l)ounded as followeth weasterly partly upon the great Riuer & partly upon the Land of Robert Taft Easterly Part on the Weast Riuer And part on sd Whits other land : Northerly on the Land Afore sd : Another Part of sd deuission Lying on the East side of the Weast Riuer bounded as followetii : the South weast Corner being A pine Tree : Southerly upon comon and Partly on sd Whits Meddow : fifty Rodds : to A black oake Tree being the south east Corner. Easterly with A dirict Line one Hundred Rodd to A black oake stand being the North East corner : Northerly on comon with A dirict Line thirty Eight Rodds to A heap of Stones and A Rock being the Norweast corner Weasterly upon Comon with A dirict Line one hundred Rodd to the south weast Corner the w^hole being Twenty seuen Acres Nine Acres being Alowenc for Ruflf Land. Four Acres Moi-e of sd Deuission Lying upon 24 rKoruiKious' ukcokds. tlu' Woast side of [Uv Lille Pond Meddow hounded: as follow- clli Kasleily on sd M»«(ldo\v liftv l\oruarv the si\t seuentecn hundred and Niiu"'" : Laid out MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 25 four Acres of M"" Rawsons fifth Deuission and two Acres of Ephraim Chapins fifth Deiiission for El )enezer White on the West side of the great Riuer neer Shokah)g brook bounded Round with Comon Land the southwest Corner being A wahiut tree : markt the south line Twenty four Rod to A white oak tree being the south east Corner East seventy Rod to A white oak tree : being the Northeast Corner North sixteen Rod to a white oak tree being the Norwest Corner West Seventy Rod to the south west Corner the whole Containing eight Acres and three quarters two Acres and three quarters AloAvance by Thomas White Samuel Read and Samuel INIore Commitee. Aprill y'^ 14 :"> 1718 laid ovt for thomas white the second one acer and half sixth division on the east side the west river near his hovse joyning to his other land it being a three cornered peace bovnded sovth on sd land thirty two rod to stones on a rok being the east corner north on comon with a direct line thirty eight rod to a heap of stone by the way being the norwest corner west on sd way twenty rod to his other land the whole contain- ing two acres and thirty rod half an acer and thirty rod alowed for bad land by thomas White Robard evens Jacob aldrich com- mittee Aprill the 14"': 1718 laid ovt hy the same committee for thomas white joyning to his other land by his hovse two acers sixth division bovnded west on said land sixty six rod to a heap of stones near the west river being the sovthwest corner sovth on comon ninteen rod to a white oak tree markt being the sovth- east corner east on the way that leads to John cooks farm f^ixty six rod to a heap of stones being a corner of his other land the whole containing three acers and three qvarters one acer and three qvarters alowed for bad land March y'' 24"^ 1720 laid ovt for thomas white jvu"" sixteen acers of land seventh division sovthward from his hovse begining at a sovth west corner of Joseph whites land then Rvning west 20 dgr^ sovth sixty Rod to a heap of stones Being a sovthwest corner then sovth 20 dgr* east part on comon part on his other land one 26 IMtol'KMKTOHS' UKCOKDS. Ii\ iidicd rod to :i lu'Jip of stons heiiijr h SovthoMst corner then oast 2(>di;r' noitli sixty l{<«l to Joseph \vliit«'s land then on sd hmd one hvndrod Rod to the first Hovnds the whole e()ntuinin<; thii-ty seven aeersand HO rod 21 aeers and MO rod alowed for 80 rod of medow laid ovt hetor*' and had land. By Kohert Kvens Tliijnias white and .huoli Aldrieh coiiniiittee [17. ] .losei)h While Nath" Thay(>r Aprill y" 11"': 17 IS laid ovt for Joseph white sejn : nine rtoors of land sixth division joynini; to his other land on the east side the west river lyineirinin<; at the norwost corner of sd land then hovnded west on eonnnon : one hvndrod rod to a stone sett up near John cooks land l)oini>: a corner : sovth on common with a direct lino twenty ei^dit rod to a heap of stones being a corner : then bearing a little so\ th with a direct line thirty fovr rod to a white oak tree markt on the east side the brook then beaiing easterly with a direct line twenty six rod to stones on a rock near sd whites medow then on sd meadow forty rod to his other land : the whole containing thiiieon acers and half fovr acers and half alowed forbad land by thomas white Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich connnittee. November y^' 21"': 171H laid ovt for .Iose[)h white sein"^ ten acers and sixty rod sixth division of land joyning to his other land att the norwost corner of the great pond itt being a broken peace of land bovnded east on John Kawsons land thii'ty fovr rod then rvning west 10 dgr"* sovth eighty rod to a heap of stones being the norwost corner then rvning sovth 10 dgr" oast ninety eight rod to a heap of stones being the sovth west corner then rvning oast 10 dgr" noHhtothe jjond on all other parts on sd pond the whole containing twenty eight acers seventeen acers and half and twenty rod alowed for bad land a three rod way throvgh sd land Hy thomas white Robert Evens Jacob aldrich committee November y'' 21': ITS laid o\ I foi- Joseph white fo\r acers sixth division of land joyning to his other land on the east side the west river bovnded west part on sd land or medow jiart on a rvn rvninu' into sd medow a walnvl stand marUl near the sovth MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 27 west corner sovtherly on comon with a direct line sixty rod to a black oak tree l)eing the sovtheast corner east on comon twenty seven rod to a white oak tree being the northeast corner north on comon thirty fovr rod to his other land the whole containing eight acers three qvarters and ten rod fovr accrs three qvarters and ten rod alowed for bad land by thomas white Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich committee. Sepf y*' 12th 174,:; j^^^^^ ^^^|- f^^. Nathanael Thayer 7 Acres one Acre of ninth 4 acres of y° tenth and 2 Acres of the Eleventh Division of land Joyning to his other land north from his house and bounded South on his other Land East on Bellingham Line north on y*' Road Leading by Aaron Thayers to Bellingham Line to a heap of stones by sd road being y*" norwest corner west on the land of Aaron Thayer with a Direct Line to y® norwest corner of his other Land with allowance for a two Rod Road a crost said Land : Laid out by William Torrey Surveyer Jacob Aldrich and Nath'^ Thayer Chainmen [18.] Joseph White March y*' 24*'' 1720 laid ovt for Joseph white twenty acers of land viz twelve acers of John darlings seventh division and eight acers of his own seventh division joyning to his medow on the sovth side the Rode leading to Joseph Whites begining att a black oak tree beino- daniel tafts norwest corner rvnino- sovth o o fvll point by sd tafts land forty rod to sd tafts sovtheast corner being a heap of stones then tvrning ^sd corner rvning east twenty rod to a heap of stones being a northeast corner then sovth thirty three rod to a heap of stones att Benjamen thayers land then west by sd land fifty six rod to a black oak tree markt Ijeing sd thayers norwest corner then crosing a part of his medow forty seven rod : then by sd medow part and part by common rvning west 17 dgr^ sovth seventy one rod to a heap of stones being a sovthwest corner then north fvll point forty nine rod to a heap of stones being a norwest corner then east by common one hvn- dred and seven rod to the first bovnds the whole is thirty fovr acers and one hvndred and fovr rod fovrteen acers and one hvu- 28 rK()i'i;ii:i(»i;s- kkcokds. (lird Mild Ion r rod ;ili»\\fd lor iiicdtiw mikI ltaininitt('(> May y <;"' : ITi'll laid ovl Cor Hcnjaincn white llncc accr- of land whicli he |)\rclinsrd of the proprictoi-s of Mciidoii and is laid o\ 1 joN iiini:- 1<» Ids other land near Richard holhrook lio\sc Bc- liinin-- at the northeast eornei- of sd land then Kvinni:- noi'th 20 ihj:v- west lovrteen 1^M| to an heap of stones Heini:- the northeast eoi-nei- then west l'O dur^ north twenty three l\od to a heap of stoiios alt sd holhrooks land then Bov nded norlh on sd land si.\l\ Rod to a heap of slons l)oin<>: llu- noiwcst corner then r\ nini: sovtii 20 de Lott of doim Woodland and easterly npon the House Lott of ,Iohn 'I'homx.n : Southerly iipr S|(»ii('s Wciiiii' tlif iioilli r;isl ( 'oiiicr Miisl on ('(Hiioii with a Diivrl Line l') red tea lilack oak live iiiarki hciiii: the south Kast Corner south on ( "oiuon with a Diiv.l I l' lod to a heap ol' stones by the Koad ItcinL"" llif south west Corner west on sd Road 1.') rod to his own Land Laid out l»y williaiu toiicy sur- \ (>\ cr Jaeol) ahhieh ( 'hainnian [20.] John Co(d< an airret'inent ol"di\isiou of" land niat divi- sion for there pait l"or ever and that the sd david hill an.l benja- men white shall lia\c the second division and all the medows as aboNf discribcd to l)e to theni their heirs and asignes for ever as their part in wittnes whereof the parties above named have liere- vnto sett their hands and seals the tirst day of febi\aiy anno DouMui : \12S-'. - Mil. I. (f Thomas Sanfoho P»i:n.i\mi:\ wmii; i(|c ol .i ((iriicr (if ditch I'ciicr Mil s(l l^Mwsniis ImikI: mihI I.v i1ics<' pi-csciil < we Hind on i- selves (.\r heir- Miid Ms>i-ii<'- t<> -tMiid hv iiiMiiitMin mih! dctriid the mIk.vc sMid line to l»»' tin- dividiiii:- line littwcii o\ r lands lor cNcr ms withies o\ 1- liMiids this l.s"': day of iio\ fiiihcr anno hoiuini: 1 7;; 1 — rlnSKI'll WllllK TlloMNs WllllK .Iviu' y' -j;}'': 1711 Kiid o\ 1 lor dolm rMinviu lH Mcers of land: \ i/ : S aeers of natliaii peiieiiiaiis iiiiitli and lentil divisions: of land aiitl ele\iii aeeis of his own ninth division of land laid loirelher joyniiiii; to his other land noai' the saw mill and is Ixtvnded oast on sd land rvninu' from the norwest corner of sd land west 17 dirr Sovth IS rod to a white oaU Iro*' markt l.ein«2- the norwest corner then Sovth l-s doiMvest ;')L' rod to ,I(.hii Keads land and is hovnded Sovtherly part on sd r.'ads land an.l part on eomon and part on his ow n land and part on the way leading to Samvel whites itt beini: a hroaken peace of land containiiii; 21-5 iicers 4 acersalowed tor had land, laid ovt by Phoinas White svr- vayer Josciph taft and rlohn farnvm chainmen April y' 4"' 1744 laid ovt for John farnvm 8 acer.s and three (|varler> of land it heiiiir j>:u"t of severall divisions laid joyniiiir to lii> <.tlier land near sainvel whites and is hoviided sovlh on sd land C.d ro(> rod to his own land llie whole conlainiiii:- eleven acers and three t|\arteis :\ ac.-rs alowed for bad Iniid laid o\ 1 l)y 4'hoinas white svrvayer Joseph taft and John farn\ni : chainmen. March y 11" 1711 foiiileen acres of Land laid out tbi" John Cook. JiiyniiiLT l<» iii- other land on the l-'.asl side the L^-eal river which land was Mianti'-l to l.c Clian-vd l>\ lli.'town at llirir M.-iicli MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 38 meeting for the year 1711 the said fourteen acres of Land together with two acres and three quarters of his fifth Division of hind being almost Compast in whith his other land formerly Laid out by Cap* Chapin l)ounded Easterly on Comon 40 rod from an ash tree being a former bound to a white oak tree markt near Joseph Whites Land Southerly part on sd land part on Comon with a Direct Line 32 rod to a white oak tree being a former bounds of said Cooks Land and so round on said land Laid out l)y Thomas White Surveyer. [22.] Seth Chapin May y*" : 4*'' : 1720 laid ovt for cap' Seth Chapin fovrteen acers of land viz ten acers of Sam" bridgeses seventh division and fovr acers of his own seventh division joyning to his other land near the north seders wamp begining att the norwest corner of John chapins land then rvning east 25 dgr^ north by sd land eighty five rod to his own land then by sd land forty two rod to a heap of stones then west 25 dgr'' sovth ninety rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then sovth 25 dgr^ east forty two rod to the first bovnds : containing twenty two acers and one hvndred thirty fovr rod : Eight acers one hvndred thirty-fovr rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land by Robard Evens Seth Chapin Jacob Aldrich committee. Mendon May 18 1721 Then Laid out for C^ap* Seth Chapin thirteen acres of Seven Division on the North Side of the Town Bounded on the Town Line about half a mile West of R^ound hoppines, Begining at a heap of stones on the West side of a Pine Swamp Neare Said Line on a Ledg of Rocks so Runing Southerly on sd Ledg of Rocks with a Direct Line to a heap of Stones Sixty Rod on the west side of a Litle Run Coming out of a said Swamp 15 **•■* then East fifteen '''^ South on Common 22 Rod to heap of Stones on a Rocky hill being a South East, by East Corner, then with a Direct Line to a heap of Stones neare sd Line Sixty three Rod then on sd Line to the first Bounds Sixty Rod Containing Seventeen acres ;V4 I'KOI'IJIK'I'ORS' KK('(>K1)S. and Kiiilily Hod, l«»iir acres and ImitIiIv Kod a Lowcl <.r l.ad Land Laid .ml \*\ WolxTt Kvcns Jacol. Aldiicli Srlli Cliapiii MciidcM Irl.niMry y \-2 \ll-2-^ 'VUru Lai.l ..III [\>r Cap' S.'tli ('li:i|.iii T.'u a.-ivs ..f S.-v.-n l)r\isi..M J...VMiii.l to a lu-ap ..f Sloncs, lli.-ii N.)rlli S '-^ wcsl <.ii ( "oin- inon Sixly Ixo.l to a li.-ap ..I" SL.iu's l..-iiiu a N..rlli Kasl ('..ni.T, Ihi'n West S'"" S.)ulli ..n ('..niiiioii a liiindrc.l liod lo a heap .if Stoiu's, hciiii; a N'orlli wcsl ('.»rn.'r lli.-n Sonlh Kiulit '''' MasI ..n Conuuon lilly two Hod, Tnin over lo y' Next Lcavr 'l\) a Inap {"l*i.] "• Sloncs then W«"s( S ''■- S.»n(li on C'onnnon Twi-nly H.ul t.) a nolli.T IN'i..' .•!" sai.l haywards Laii.l, llicn H.tiind.Ml .m sai.l Land lo Ins own Lan.l Conlainini: I'julil'.'ii a.i.'s, ImliIiI a.i.'s a Lowed lor a Hoa.l an.l Had Land Lai.l .ml l»y l\.tl).rl Lxcns ,);„•,,!. Al.lri.li 'I'll. .mas Wliil.' ('..mile.' ('hap' Sotli ('liai)in dolm ('....k May y"" "i.'V : 172S laid ovl lor ( 'ap' Sdli ( "liapiii I wo ac.Ms ..r land llial his son Saniv.'l chapiii p\ r.-hased of the pr..piialfrs of Mention an.l is laid j.>yninu to liisollier land near llie seool nie.low one ac.r l».>vnded west on his ollu'r land forly Hod north on eoin- num fo\ r H...I Last on the land of Lhene/er \\'ood forty H.ul sovlh ..n 111.' west H.ule fovr H.ul : the other aeer lai.l joyninu- 1.) sd Chapins lan.l and is H..vn.l.'.l Kasl pail ..n sd land and \>:i\l on Llea/er lafls lan.l an.l sovlheily ..n his own lan.l an.l ii.irlh ..ii Llu-ne/er W....ds lan.l it IV'iiii:- a l.r..alf lan.l ..mlain- \uil liv Ivsteinali.in ..ne aeer laid ovl By 'rii..nias while S\r\ayei' Seth ehapin an.l Ja...l. aldrieh eoininitlee. ()rl..l..-r y -22'': I7;;i lai.l ..\l tor Cap" S.^lh .liapiii d..hn posts share of sederswainp lai.l in a swamp lwn l»y the name of moors lireasl an.l is li.>\n.le.l ii..illi.rly .m his other Imii.I an.l Kastei'lv oil Ids ..Iher lan.l >.-\ fiil.'.ii r..il to a maph' tree marUl lieinir the so\lhea>t .'..riier tlieiie.' I\\ iiiiii: with a .Mr.. I line ('i-..s MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 35 sd swamp to a luapk' tree Ix'ini:- a fonucr Itoviuls of his other land : it being a three eornered peace of swanij) containing one acer hiid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John fainvni and Jacob ahlrich chain men April y* 7"' : 1737 hiid ovt for John eooi<: J> acers tenth division of land laid joyning to his other land near ,Ionathan cooks begin- ing at the sovtheast corner of sd land thence rvning east fvU point 23 rods to Jonathan cooks land then bovnded on sd land to the scool land then bovnded on the scool land to Robert tafts land and is bovnded northerly part on sd tafts land and part on common rvning from the sovthwest corner of sd tafts land west fvU point to his own land to a heap of stons on a rock and is bovnded west on sd land to the tirst J)ovnd the whole being nine acers and 120 rod 120 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and John cook chainmen March y'' 2P* 1722 then Laid out for John Cook 23 acres seventh Division of Land Joyning to the Westerly Side of Winters broad medow begining at a heap of Stones on the north side of sd medow then runing west 38 D"^^ north on conion 120 rod to a heap of stones being a northwesterly corner then south 38 D^^ west on Comon l!() rod to a heap of stones then East 38 D'"^'^ South on Comon 120 rod to a heap of Stones then North 38 Deg^ East on Comon (30 rod to the first bounds Compassing said medow the whole Containing 45 acres 22 acres alowed for said medow and bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich and Thomas White Com«« [24.] Cap' Joseph White Jvne y" it"': 1733 laid ovt for .Joseph whit 26 acers of land: viz 18 acers of Cap' Seth chapins ninth division and 8 acers of sd chapins eighth division laid together joyning to his other land near the Sovth niedows l)egining at the northeast corner of Daniel tafts land thence Rvning west 20 dgi-^ north 64 rod to sd whites land to a heap of stons l)eing the sovthwest corner and is bovnded westerly on sd land northerly on steven Hshes land Easterly part 36 ri{()iM:iK'i"()Ks' niicoiiits. on lii> own land mikI |>:irl on aln:ili:mi staples land to llic lirst Ixtviitls a liioaki'ii pt'acc of land f(»iitaiiiiMir hy csliiiialioM ')1 acers 2.') acrrs alowrd a pcatc of inctluw loniicily laid o\ 1 and a llircc rod way lliroviili sd ian*l and a tliicc lod way rros sd land and land Kaslcrly on (he land of sanivtl lliaycr and nc.rtlii riy on tin- land of Hicliard liolhiook it Ucini: a tliivr ((.r- ut'ictl |)fa«c ol" land containini:- one acn- and ^JO lod l'O .-dowcd for had land laid ovt l»y Tlionias white svrvaycr .lacol> aldridi ami .loscj)h whitt' chainnicn Jidy y' ;')<>"': 17;'.") laid ovt for Joscpli wliit(> ;> ai-ci's ninth di\ision of land laid joynini:- t(» his other land near the sovth niedows and is hovnded Ivasterly on sd land 40 rod northerly on hcnjanien whites land l'S rod to a In^ap of stons heini!' the sovtli- west corner of sd land thenee with a direct line on eoinon I') rod to chesnvt tree heini:- a hovnd of John cooUs land and is hovnded sovtherly on sd cooks land 27 rod to his own land the whole being 4 acers cVl: 120 rod one acer and 120 rod alowed tor bad land laid ovt by 'i'lionias while sviveyer fb>se|)h tafl and ,Iose|)h white chaininen (.ctober y 22"': 17;'..". laid ovt foi- .b.sej.h white !• acers and 12 rod of land : vi/, I acers of William li<. II. rooks eiohth divi of Ills own ninth division and 2 acers and 12 rod of land granted him W^v a highway all laid together ncai- K(.l.ert P.eniiam land and is hovnded north part on sd benhanis land and part on connnon 40 rod rvning from the sovthoast corner of sd benhanis land Hast 10 dgr^ sc.vth 2(> rod to a hea|. of st<.ns being the north- cast corner then sovth 10 dgr~ west IS rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast c(.rncr then west 10 dgr^ iK.rth 10 i(.d to a heap of stons being the sovtlnvest cornel- then north 10 iU^V Hast 4.S rod t(. a lieaj) of stons att sd benhanis land being the norwest corner the wlioh* containing 12 acei-s 2 acers and MS rotl alowed for bad land laid ovt by 'Phonias white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Jo>eph white chaininen MKNDON, massaciiusp:tts. 37 October y'" 80"' 1 785 laid out for Joseph white 8 acers of samvel torys ninth division of land laid on the west side mvm- ford river and is bovnded west on the ministry land 20 rod sovth on the eovntry Rode 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth- east corner then north 8 dgr'* East 20 rod to a heap of stons heiuo- the northeast corner then west 40 dgr'' sovth 40 rod to the ministry land the whole containing 4 acers one acer alowed for l>ad land laid ovt by Thomas Avhite svrvayer fJoseph white and eloseph taft chainmen deseml)er y^ 19"': 1785 laid ovt for Joseph white (5 acers of woodland tompsons ninth division of land laid west from samvel Reads on the sovth side Kilinly Rode begining at a black oak tree markt being the sovth west corner thence rvning East 20 dgr' north 80 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 20 dgr' west 44 rod toa chesnvtt tree markt being the northeast corner: then west 20 dgr' sovth 30 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 20 dgr'^ west 44 rod to the first bovnds the whole being 8 acers and 40 rods 2 acers and 40 rods alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Jacol) aldrich and Joseph white chainmen [*J5.] John Sadler and cap' Joseph white May y'' 81"* : 1781 laid ovt for John Sadler 5 acers eighth divi- sion of land ioynino- to his other land near his hovse beg-inino- at the lower end of his medow on andrvses Brook thence rvning west one degr^ north 47 rod to the sovthwest corner of his other land and is bovnded on all other })arts on his own land and medow it being a broaken peace of land containing (i acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land — the same day laid ovt for sd Sadler one acer and three qvarters of sd division joyning to his other land and is bovnded north on angel torys land 28 rod and on all other parts on his own land a broaken peace containing 2 acers and 28 rod one acer and fi8 rod alowed for l)ad land. — the same day laid ovt for sd sadler 20 acers of sd Eighth division laid joyning to his other land East from his hovse and is bovnded west on sd land 126 rod and sovth on Jalnz l)illowes land 80 rods 38 I'KOIMdKIOIfS- KKCOIIDS. lo M licip i(iii> Itciiii: tlif >()vllic:isl coiiifi- (Ikmu'o Rvninir north Iti (li:r^ w 111 nxl to the (own line mikI is Itovndcd north on sd line ;')() rod to lii> other ImikI ihcic hcinL' ;i |»inc tree ni.-irUl near the northeast corner the whoh' <-ontainin«r 22 iwors and half 2 aeers and hailahiwed lor had land laid ovt hy Thomas white s\ i- vayer dacol» aldrich and natlian tiler chainnK'n oetolter y' 2")"': 1 T.")!'. laid ovt for cap' Joseph white 1 2 acers tenth di\ ision of land laid joyinni:- to his othei- land near Kohert Henhanis land he-inin-' att the northeast coiner of >d land thence Hvidnir Kast 1(> dur^ sovth 'M rod to a hoa]) of ston.s heinir the northeast corner then sovth 10 dirr"* west 50 rod to a hea}) of stons lieiniT the s()vthea>t ( oiner then west 10 d<^v^ noi-fh 70 rods to a heaj) of stons atl a three Hod way and is hovnded west on sd way ')S rod to a heap of stons heinL^ the norwest corner then East 10 dirr" so\th ;>1 rod to his other land itt heinix a hroaken peace of Ian lyini: on one side and two ends of his other land containing!: 11) acers and 120 rod one acer and 120 rod alowed for had land laid ovt hy Thomas white svrvayer Khenczer Kea() rod alowed for had land laid ovt hy Thomas white svi'vaycM" dacoh aldii«'h chainman May y* 27"'. 1 7;)S laid ovt for the heirs of ca})^ Joseph white ten aeers of land : viz: 5 acei-s tenth division and 5 acers alowed hy the selectmen of vxhriduc for a hiiihway thi-ovirh his land East tVom his ho\ se now laid (»vt Joynini:- to his othei- land near the linery and is hovnded north on sd land and west on the covnty Hode and sovthcrly on timothy iryes land to the northeast corner of sd land then tvrnin rod to his other land to a heap of stons being the northeast corner it being a broaken peace of land con- taining ten acers and 100 rod 100 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Ebenezer Read chainnian [26.] Seth Chapin Jvn-- January y' 15'" 1734^ laid ovt for Seth Chapin Jvu"" ten acers of his fathers ninth division of land six acers and half of it laid joyning to James godmans land near his dweling hovse and is bovnded westerly on sd godmans land sovtherly part on thomas whites land and part on Joseph corl)itts land easterly on sd corbitts land : it being a broaken gore of land containing eleven acers and 18 rod 4 acers and 98 rod alowed for bad land — the Remainder of sd ten acers being 3 acers and an half laid joyning to- his other land on the East side of the mill River above the north medows begining at a norwest corner of sd land thence rvning west 15 dgr^ north 4 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 15 dgi-^ west 67 rod to an other peace of his land to a heap of stons being the sovth west corner and is bovnded sovtherly on sd hind 44 rod to James godmans land and is bovnded Easterly part on sd godmans land and part on his own to the first bovnds it being a l)roaken peace of land contain- ing 5 acers and 148 rod 2 acers and 68 Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich daniel lovet chainmen Jvne y^ 4'": 173(i laid ovt for Seth chapin Jvn' 7 acers and half tenth division of land viz : seven acers of his own and 80 rod of John chapins and is bovnded Easterly part on the land of samvel waring and part on the land of samvel scraton 40 rod the north east corner being a heap of stons on a Rock thence rvning west 9 dgr^ sovth 14 rod to a black oak tree raarkt being the norwest corner then sovth 11 dgr^ west 46 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 9 dgr' north 44 rod lo sd w^arings land to a heap of stons near the sovtheast corner the whole being 8 acers and 34 rod 114 rod alowed for bad land — the same day laid ovt for sd chapin Eleven acers and 60 rod 40 n;(»i'i;ii:ioi!s- iikcoiids. tenth division .lolm t lH d-r' north (iO rod to a heap of stons l.eini:- llie n(.rtheast eoinei- then s(.vth I'.i (h^r east li; rod to a heap ol" stons heini:- the sovtheasl coiiirr then west i:i d-i- >o\th ;;(» i-od to said John ehapins land then l»ovnd land to th(« lii>t l.ovnds the whole l.eini:- 1 1' aeer> aneth cha|)in .l\ n' Once acer and 10 rod tenth division of land laid jos nino- to his other land neai- henjamen havwards and is lio\iided westerlv on sd land 1'.' rod sovtheily on Khenezer alhees land 10 rod to a hea}) of stons heiiii^ the sovthoast corner thence rvninir north IM dgr' Kast IS rod to a hoaj) of stons at daniel svinners land heing the northeast corner and is hovnded northerly on sd land 14 rod to his other land the whole being one acer and ()2 rod 22 rod alowed for had land laid ovt l»y Thomas white s\ rvayer dacol» aldrieh and seth ehajjin chain men — [27.] seth ehapin .Ivn' Thomas ihayer rJvne y'' 4"': 17;'>7 laid ovt for seth ehapin Jvn"^ 17 acers and 120 rod of land which he |)vrchased of sainvel hrowii itt heing tenth division of .loseph svnnier> lott and is laid o\ t near nathan- iel Joneses and is hovnded corhits norwost corner: thence rvning north 2 dgr' Kast iJ-S rod to the Brook a little ahove the dam then crosing the hrook and is lto\ nded : we-teily and norwesterly on >\ nnieis and l)alls medow to a heap acers alowed for had land laid ovt hy Thomas white svrvayor ,Iacol) aldrieh and seth ehapin chain men MEN DON, MASSACHUSETTS. 41 Jvne y« 7'»> : 1738 laid ovt for seth chapin Jvii"^ 120 rod of Joseph svuiners tenth division of hmd hiid on the west side the mill river joy ning to his other land 1)eoining at a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land eight rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then rvn- ing north 37 dgr^ west 14 rod to a heap of stons then north 20 (jgi-s west 29 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is bovnded north on the land of John post 3 rod to his other land then bovnd west on his own land to the tirst bovnds the whole being 144 rod 24 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and seth chapin chainmen. febrvary y*" 29"': 1 73 9^^-^ laid ovt for thomas thayer one acer and 120 rod of John haywards tenth division of land laid joyning to his other land att battses farm and is bovnded westerly on common 16 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner northerly part on common and part on his own land 30 rod and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land : the whole being 2 acers and half 120 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land — the same day laid ovt for sd thayer one acer and 120 rod of the al)ove sd haywards tenth division of land layd joyning to the above sd land and is bovnded E.sterly on his own land forty rod sovtherly on his own land 15 rod to a corner of sd land thence with a direct line 40 rod to stons on a rock being the north corner it l^eing a three cornerd peace of land containing one acer and 140 rod 20 rod alowed for bad land — the same day laid ovt for : sd thayer 74 rod of the above sd division of land laid joyning to his other land and is bovnded east and north on sd land west on the land of samvel thayer sovth on the land of charls sherlock 24 rod it being three rod wide — — more the same day of the same division laid ovt for sd tha3^er 120 rod laid Joyning to his other land on the South side fox brook and is bovnded east on the land of John case one rod and is bovnded sovth on verrees land one rod wide 27 rods to a heap of stons thence with a direct line 30 rod to a black oak stand and stons Ijeing the north : corner and is bovnded west on his own land 31 rod to sd verrees land a broaken peace of land contain- I'UOl'KIKTOKS' IJKCOKDS. in«r l.')l rod :\\ rod jilowcd for had land laid ovt l»v 'l'li(.m:i> wliilf svrvaycr ,Iacol> aldricli and llioiiias lliayrr cliainiiMii. Ilif same day lai.l ovt l.y llic same cominittrr 2 accrs and half of tlic >aMic divi'^ioii of land laid i<»y iiini:- to lii-otlirr land near woolsons and is lio\ nded casl on liis own land north and wc-t on HtMisoMs land sovlli on |tliili|)>t's land llif whole hcini: •> accrs half an accr alowcd for had land — [2S.] Dani.-l h.vcl april y' !!"' : IT.'.i; laid ovt lor Daniel lovcl 1.". acer> lenlh : division: (»f land laid join ini:; to his othci- land near dohn Bacons and is hovndcd west on sd land 10 rod rvinnii" from the sovthoast collier of sd land East S dgr" sovlli S rod to K/cUcI woods land then hovndcd sovthorly on sd woods land S2 rod to a heap of st(»ns Itcinii- .l A.c t.. .locpli ,lurll : tor lii> Sc.iiiit\ . ('Iirliir-loid llii> lift of llic fourlli iiioiitli one lliousMiid >i\ liiiM(lr»'(l x'liciity line Wilhio our IImikIs Willi.iiii Ili-cli.T John I'.ui-v 'riii> i> A triH- ("opi'V of llic Lclrr xiil from W'illi.im llcli.-r :in(l .loliii l-.uri:r to llic Select Men of Mendoli And Now K'ee(.rded l.\ tli.re order the "J 1 of the I"' Month Hu.'. : Ateslt Sanniel \{v.u\ Clerk: TaUcn out of the liisl lio(»k of lu-cord pMi:!' i>',\ : Know all men ])V these ])resents tlial I Joseph Juell of Ports- moth in tlu' Prouinee of Newhampshiie Miller haue Assiirned onlaiiu'd and made and in my place and stead put and Constituted my trusty ».*c well hidoued tVeind Sanuu'l Kead of Mendon in the County of Sullolk in the Masachiisots t.) I.ee my true and Law- fid Attorney foi- me in my Name and stead and to my Proper use ancal and deliver as allso other Atorny or Atornys undci- him to >ul»>titutc and Make and all other Actt and Acts deuice and deuices In the Law whalsoeui'r Needfidl and neeesery to he done in and altoulc the premises for n>ee and in my Name to do and L.xccutc as Amply Largly and l<>feelually as I my s*df nnght oi ((tuld doe if I ware [30.] personally present Katifying Allowing and h(d(ling Holding lirme NN'hatso i^ver my sd Attorrney shall Lawfully do or cause to lice done in and ai)oule the pi-emiscs As wiltnes my iiand and MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 45 Seal this Eighth of August one thousand six hundred and eighty and two his Signed Sealed delivered Joseph T Juell O In Presents of us . n^k her Phillip Cayrly Isabel! Juell O JnO BaTSHAM mark Portsm" : in Newhampshire Aug" 8"' 1G82 Joseph Juell and Isabell his wife Came and Acknowledged the Aboue Instrument or Letter of Attorney to bee their free Act and deed, Ijefore mee Richerd Martyn of Councill Lib 7 page 70 :71 Entered with the Records of the Notary Pul>like of the Collonie of the Masachusets Bay in New England As attests John Hayward Notary publik This is A true C'oppy of Joseph Juels Leter of Attorney as Attests Sam" Read Clerk Boston in New England Nouember 21 : 1684 Know all men by thes Presents that I William Needham of Boston in New England Cooper haue formerly Receiued of Sam- uel Read of Mendon in New England afore sd Yeomen nine pounds in mony and of Josiah Chapin of Mendon Aforesd Yeo- men Att two seuerall Payments twenty pounds In mony being in all twenty nine pounds ffor the Acount and by the order of Joseph Juell of Newbery In New England aforesd Yeoman and is for a percell of Land sould by sd Read to the sd Chapin by order of the sd Joseph Juell and for his account, Situate In Mendon aforesd as witness my hand the day and year tirst Aboue Written Witness James Landon William Needham John Hayavard No*". Publik William Needham Appearing In boston May y'' 5"' : 1685 Ac- knowledgd this Instrument to bee his Act and deed Before Elisha Cook Asistant 46 iMtoiMMirroKS' ijkcoijds. Lilt 7 : |)Mi:(' 71 Knlivd with the Kccci-.U oftlu" Noliv I'lihlicU (.Itlic Colon.v d llic M:iss:icliiis('ls l>;iy In N«'\v I'^iinlaiid As Allcsls ,l(.ii.\ ll\v\vAi:i) Notcrv Pul.lick This is A Inic Coppv of William NCc(|Ji:mis K'cct'i|.t willi the ArUnowicdu-mcnl and litTordiiiu- In llic |)iil)licl< Nolcrv Attests Samiki. 1\i:ai> Clcr [in.] .losiah Chapiii (Ji-antrd to (JriscI (iurny A twenty Acre lionsc Lott with all Riiihts and I'liiicliiics there unto l)eh)nii:in<:- and hy her uiuen to her son .loseph Juell by her Last Will upon Record in pag 2t)) and hy sd Joseph ,Fuells Lawtull Attorney as A})pe!irs ui)on Record in pair ^5*) And Now Josiah Chapins as Ai)pears b^' A deed of Sale harinu' Date the twenty Hl't of Aprill one thousand six hundred and Li^hly and three and now In IN.ssioii of sd ('hai)in as it is hutted and hounded Soulheily partly upon the Land of »Iohn Thomson and partly up(ui a fouer Rodd hiah way Leadinu' to nuuldy brook and Easterly upon the sd nuuldy brook and Northerly upon the house Lott of Thomas ,Iuell Now In the possesion of Samuel Tiler and AVeasterly upcm a small Run of Water Runinu' betwene sd lott and John ^^\)odlands House Lott with A ten Hodd hivay Across sd Loott sd Chapins Dubblinn Loll beini:- twenty Acres, ten Acres of sd Land Lyinii" In the mill plaine butted and bounded as followeth Northerly u])<>n the Land of John Thomson Lasterly upon A runill of watt'r and southerly upon the Land of James Albee and westerly ui)on ,Ioseph Steuenses medow with a two Rodd hiuh way throu the midle of itt breadthways Laid out by Jonathan Spraj^e 2.S"' March Km.? Ten Acres more of sd l)ublin<:' Lott liaid out uixui the Last side of the mill Iviuei- l>uttcd and bounded as followclh N.)i-tlierly upon the Land of riohn Woodland Last upon ('onion with a Line of marked trees and slakes southerly upon comon with a Line of stakes W'ea^tcrly upon a Nerrow slipp of medow or swampy MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 47 Land : Lying by sd Riuor, Laid out 15'"' Aprill 1685 by Sergnt Joseph White The first deuision of meddow belonging to the aboue sd Lott L}'ing upon the Weast Riuer bounded upstreme upon Samuel Reads bridg upon the weast side of the River downe streeni bounded upon Thomas Juels niedow and so Crosingthe Riuer and soe upstreeme to the old Cart way : An other part Lying upon the East side sd River being half one Acre bounded upstreem upon the abovesd bridg and downe streeni upon a maple tree marked the whol lieing 6 Acres and a half & 27 Rodd more or Les : Laid out by Joseph AVhite The Great Lott belonging to the abouesd Lott being Eighty Acres be it more or Les as it is l)ounded and butted Westerly upon Muddy brook Noilherly upon the Land of Ephraim Wilder Now In possesion of Samuel Read and partly upon Coiuon, the sd Line ending in a small swamp the Corner marked being a yung maple Easterly upon Coiuon l)y a line of Marked Trees to the Cartt path Leads to magamiscok that Corner being A heap of stons southerly by a various Line Against Coiiion Land Joining- home to muddy brook att the south east Corner of the above sd house Lott Laid out by : Sergnt : Joseph White IS''^ Decmber 1683 [32.] Josiah Chapin The swamp Lott belonging to the Aforesd Lott bounded as followeth Northerly upon Joseph Pluml^^s great Lott AVeast upon swamp of sd Chapins which formerl}^ was Timothy Winters and south upon the browe of the hill which is the North end of mors pine plaine and Easterly upon Comon with A line of marked Trees from the Corner of sd plumlys Land Crosing a swamp to the browe of the hill Aforesd Laid out By Josiah Chapin Twenty Acres : of the fourth Deuision of land l)elonging to the Abouesd Lott : and Twenty Acres of Land the aforesd Chapin had formerlv Laid out that was o-ranted to him bv the towne for IS iMioiMMKTons- i:i:c()i:i)s. twciily Acics ..f I.:iii(l l-:ii.l I )..\\ nc ..I' xl ('li.-ipiii- lour score Acres I.Mi.l olll upon Ihr i::i>l >i m1I>.. pMlt ..f 'riiiK.lhv Wiiilcis swMiiip I... II l.ciiiu iw.i Anc> : pmvlioc.l l.y tlu> nloiv S.I J.isi.ih ('li.-ipin : luilted mikI Itoiiiidcd :is foilowrt li : Ivislcily ii|>(.n the cdi: of m liiH upon llic K.-isl sid of lli<- l.rcM.k Kiiniiii! into llic Norlli ( 'cm.U'I- swMiiip .ill llic NOilli wmsl sjd,., Norllicrly upon ("omoii: uilli :i \:iriiiu> line <>l" iiiMikcd 'rircs. ^^'(•,•lslt•|■ly with M \:iri(tiis Line of MMikrd I ices upon ( "(iiiioii : soiillici'Iy upon ("0111(111 Willi :i line ol" M.irkcd 'I'rcrs nil llic Souih East coriHM- Iloiiic to llii' Al.o\(>(l Norlli Ccdcr s\v:iiiip L:iid Olll l.y Jo>i:ili Cli.ipiii •_'.'> of M:iy 17(10: Ten Acts more of sd roiiilli Dcuisi.ui ;iiid Iwo Aciv^ of Land ruirliesed of the 'l\»\viie Laid olll in a plaiiie l^aslwaid from Kiisiirnc Loiicis orcal Loll Soiillieid of llie I\oad Leadiiii: lo Slu'rborn hounded forty Kodd upon sd Koad from A l\oeky hill to A suainp and so hounded Hound upon Coinnion Land with Line of Marked Trees: forty L'odd In hicdtli an forty eioht in Lentil twelve aei's in all : — Laid out hy dosiah Cliapin i^C of May 1700 — Ten Acres More of sd h>uith Deuisi.m with Tliirly line Acres ofthefou II II Devisioii of Land heLonuini: to dolin llarhurs Lott Laid out to Soth Chap || || And In Possesion of sd Chapin : In ('oiiipa>iiiL: Ihe sd Capiiis hoinested and Moddow upon 1 he M ill Iviiier : hounded weaslerly upon the weast side of || || Kiuer : upon ("onion willi a \ari(»iis Line: of Marked trees tVoni Lnsiou James L(»uet swamp Downe streame to Th(»mas whits Land, souther || || with Thomas Whits Land: ("rosinir the Kiuer iheii Turnini; weasterly with sd \N'hits Land to the Kiuer then Kiinini:- with the iiuivv to A hlack cake Tr<'e marked nere the old Path tlu'n'l'urn- iiig Easteily forty Kodd upon a diriek Line, Ixniiided easterly u])on a Koeky hill with A \arioii> Line of marked Tie.'> to the North Corner then liiniiii- willi a westerly Line home to ten Acrsof Land Laid out to John || 1| In posesion of J«.hn Jones and from sd Joneses Land hy uaiious line home to Knsigne Fvoiiels swamp |l 1| : MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 49 Josiah Cliapin [33.] Three Acres More of sd Chapins fourth Deuission Laid on A Island on the East side of the Weast Riuer Att the Wading Place : Next Down streame from the bridg upon the Cuntry Roade : bounded as foUoweth Weast on the Medow of sd Chapin Southerly upon the Land of M'" Grindall Rawson Easterly on the swamp Land of Sanmel Read In and Nere upon the medow Land of Josiah Chapin Laid with one Acre Alowance : Laid out by Josiah Chapin : Robert Taft Josiah Thayer Comite The Return of thirty one Acres of Cap* Chapins fift deuission as it is Laid out butted and bounded sixteen Acers Laid In a peice of Comon : Land on the Weast side of the Weast Riuer : North partly upon the land of M'' Grindall Rawson and part upon A pond : and Part upon the Land of Ephraim Chapin and south- erly upon the Land of Josiah Chapin Laid out with Alowance of two Acres for one : by Josiah Chapin Robert Taft Josiah Thayer Comitee fifteen Acres More of sd fift Deuission Laid out on the East side of the Great Riuer : A little upstreme of M"" Rawsons house bounded Weast upon sd great Riuer : Northerly upon : the Land of Josiah Chapin Easterly upon Comon under the foot of a steep : Rocky hill : southerly upon the Enterual : Land of M' Grindal : Rawson ther being half one Acre Alowance : Laid out by Capt Josiah Chapin Robert Taft and Josiah Thayer Comitte 28 febu- ary : 1707^ : fourteen Acres More of the Abouesd Chapins tift Deuission Laid out to his son Joseph Chapin : Eight Acres of it Laid out Nere Wolf hill bounded North and East upon the Land of the aboue sd Joseph Chapin : south upon the Cuntry Road : by A line of thirty Rods : and weast upon common by A line of Marked trees threw a swamp : to the North weast Corner that Line Con- taining fifty Rod : Laid with one Acre and half Alowance by Josiah Cha[)in Robert taft Josiah Thayer 2i^ febuary 1707g^ six Acres' More of sd forteen Acres Laid out on the Weast side of the Weast Riuer at the foot of the Weast hill a litle distance s()ulli\\:ir.l iVoiii the lu.nd : I.rMdinu down to the Wcasl l>i-id<: In the Pn.hil.clrd I.iiid : :is it i> l.iitcl Miid iMUiiidcd WcMsl ))Mrl on llic liMiiil of doscph Cliapin :ind l*;irl on the swMin]) land of Sannicl Kcad : and M|)on all ollitrsidc Ity liincs of niarUl Tires and licaps of slons ui)on ("onion: liand: llicrc l)«'ini: : one Acic for Allow- ance Laid out -JS fel.uai-.v 1707^ hy dosiali Cliapin IJoheit 'i'aft .V^ .losiah Thayer Comile Josiali Cliapins six Acres of his lift i)ciiis>ion to he Laid out In the rrohiheled Coinon Laid out for 'i'h(.nia- Sanfoid on the Last side of iMudy hrooU .loyninii' 1<> his other Lan'est on sd Land seuenty tw(. Ifod : to his own Land 'i'he whole C.)ntainini:- t(>n Acres and thirty three liod four Acres and thirty thre*' Rod Alowance January 2") 1 7 L'> by Thomas While Thomas Sanford I'c John Thompson Comitte riosiah ( "hapin JMlnn nd Rawson [34.] danvary y' l^C" : 171l»-" laid ovt for dosiah Chapin thirty two acers of land of the seventh division on the sovlh si(h> the ro(h' on the we?>t hill hciiininu- <»n sd rode a white oak tree markt heini; tlie northeast coinei- of the land heloiiLjinir to llie heirs of Roijfer carary (h'sest then r\ iiinu on sd carares line sovtli 87 di:r' east ninety <'ii:ht rod to «ararees sovtheast corner tlwii t\ mini:- sd corner and r\ ninu- hy sd land west 'M (hj:v^ so\th ."h! rod to his sovlh c..iner I.eiiio- a heap of stones then sovth fvll point on common thirty six rod to a hv',\\) of stones heinir the sovthwi'st corner then rvninir east on comon sevcMity eiirht rod to a heap of stones near winters medow lieini: the so\lliea--l ciU'ner then r\ iiiiiL:- north on comiiKni to sain". R'eatls sovth line sixty rod then west to sd reads Sovthwest c(n-ner hcinii- a walint tree then tNrninLT '^d corner and rvnini:- hy sd read> line to the covntry rode ninety eiLdit i-od then on sd rode seventy two rod to the tiist l»o\ lids compasiiiu in a peaee of niedy W dohn Hint 'I'he Duhlinjr Lott holongiiiii- tx> the Abouesd L(»tt Lyinii upon the East side of the Mill Kiuei- Westerly ujKtn the medow of sd C'hupiii Northerly upon Coiikui l)y A line of Li«;hty liodd. Kast- erly by Comon with a line of marked trees and Southerly hy a line of marked Trees sixty Kodd the whole C'ontaininj; thirty Acres more or Les Luid out By .Iosei)h White The first Deuision of medow heloniriui:: to the Ahouesd Lott Lying in the North Medow : one part In the Lower north m<>dow upon the East sid of the Riuer l)oun(hMl downe streanie with a point of upland up streauje upon John Ilerhurs medow: The Re- mainder of his share In the uper north medow hounded Downe streame with upland upstreame with -iohu llMilmrs medow the whole being ten Acres more or Les : Laid out l)y Joseph White The (ireat Lott belonging to the Abouesd Ilomelott Laid out upon the Weast Side of the Weast Riuer Eighty Acres of sd Lott bounded Easterly parly upon comon Land and paitly ui>on the medow of sd('hai>in Noitherly upon Comon Land by A line of fifty six luxld Wcslcily l»y A vaiious Line one hundred sixty six Rodds part on ('onion upland and partly on Ccader swamp and southerly hy a linr of uiarkrd trees sixty Rodd nerelhc partli that leads from I^lia/er Wheloeks to the town*' Laid out on hoth sids the ("untry Ri.ade And forty Acres mon- of sd (Jreat Lott Laid out A lille sMiilliuard from M' (irindall b'aw<(.ns farm MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 53 bounded Round with Conion Land y' south East Corner Coming home to the Weast Kiucr the whole being six score Acres more or Les Laid out by Josiah Chapin 22 febuary lf)ll3 The second Deuision of Medow belonning to the A])ouesd Lott being three Acers Butted and bounded as followeth Southerly upon the medow that l)elongs to John Parishes Lott Northerly u})on u})land Wcasterly i)artly upon SAvam[) and partly upon upland Easterly upon the Ministry s medow the whole being three Acres more or Les Ijaid out by Joseph White Josiah Chapin [36.] The fourth Deuision of Land belonging unto the Aforesd Lott l)eing sixty Acres Is as followeth viz Ten Acres Adioyning to the Land of Joseph Cha})in : bounded P^asterly upon the Land of sd Chapin : by A line of fifty Rodd And Northerly upon a line of Marked Trees : so In Compasing of a swamp the south Line Coming Round under the fof)t of Wolf hill home to the Ceder swamp Known ])y the Name of Mores breest : so turn- ing with sd swamp home to sd Chapins Land all other sids bounded with Comon : Laid out by Josiah Cha[)in 10 December 1700 — Eighteen Acres More of sd fourth Deuission Laid Adioyning to Ephraim Cha])ins Medow sd Land being In Possesion of sd Chapin : as It is bounded East and south upon the Weast Riuer and Partly upon sd Chapins Medow : and Weasterly upon Comon and Partly upon the Land of M"^ Grindall Rawson. Northerly Partly upon the Land of M"" Grindal Rawson and partly by a uarious Line upon Comon home to the sd Chapins Medow Aforesd : — Laid out by Josiah Chapin 10 December 1700 Eighteen Acres More of sd fourth Deuision Laid out on both sids of the gi-eat Riuer bounded Easterly partly upon sd Chapins Land and Partly by a steep Rocky hill upon Comon : Northerly 54: rK()i'i;ii;r()i:s- uixokds. u|)..iillic: I.:iii.l ..r Ja.'ol. A l.liirli : Wc.-isl .tI v l';irl I \ upon ( '(.iiioii liittTiiMlIc ;iiiil I'lirllv ii|Mm xl K'iiici- mimI soiitlicrly ii|i(»ii ( 'oiiKtii Iiitcruall l»v A line of M.irktil 'I'lccs Iih.im sd Kiiici- to llic up- land- Laid o.il \..nciul.cr 111'" 17(M» l,v dosiali Cliapii. A lu'foid of 'rcii Acres of Land (Jraiilcd lo Sdli ( 'liMpiu Ity the Sclcctiiicii for Sitlisfaclioii for a livwav Laid out l.\ >d Sdccl- iiicii : lliii-w >d ('lia|.iiis Land Nfic his liou>f Lcadin- lo\vai(|> SIutIm.111 : Now Laid out: Is l.ouudcd as followctli : Wrastcrly upon llic Land of sd ('lia])in South and Last upon Connnon and North ..n ('. 1 : the Line Kunini: : on the North si.h' of A swamp upon the Kili; of the upland: Laid out hy Josiali Chapin : — Octol.vi- i:. : 1702 — Scucn Acres Moic of sd fourth Dciiision Laid out Nciv M' Ifaw sons farm ujxin tiic Last side of the ur»'at Kiuer : ltoiin(h'd Weasterly upon the Land of nd C'hupin Northerly upon (he southerly Koade Leading to the Townc from M' Rawsons farm : Easterly upon the hyway Leading In to the Neek Knowne l»y the Name of Newfound Land southerly upon Comon from sd hyway to the Ceader swamp Laid out y*' 20"' Decemher 1705 by Thomas White riosiah ( 'hapin : [37.] A Record of four score and ten Acres of Land (Jranted tti (apt in riosiah C'hapin for satisfaettion of A debt of teen })ound Att a (lenerall Towner Meeting the first of may one thousand six (')()) hundred Ninty and three — lifty Acres of sd Land Lying ujuju tin' east side of the ( Jreat liiuer bounded Northerly upon AL ( Jrindal Ivawsons faiin \\'ea>teily by tlie(ireatt Kiuer southerly })artt upon the Land ofdolm more and partly upontlu' Land oftheal»ove sd (2S) ("hapin And Easterly upon ('onion Land — Twenty l-jglit Acres more of sd Ninty Acres of Land Laid out upon the Last siile of the nl)ovesd (Jreatt Kiuer Neer to Jacob Aldriches (Jreat Lott bounded up-streame upon An Arnu' of sd Kiuer Coming home to the ui)laiid and from the Kiuei- Kuning forty rodd by a line of marUed trees: upon ( "oinon, l^astcrly upon Comon In ("ompasing MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 55 sd swamp the Line Runing ui)on the edg of sd hill liom to sd Riuer wher the l)rook that Corns out of the sd Swamp Emptys it self in to the Riuer southerly and weasterly upon sd Riuer (10) Ten Acres ISIore of sd Kinty Acres of Land Laid out upon a Hill a litle distance from the great Riuer Neere the falls on the East side of sd Riuer Laid forty Rodd. — Square the south east corner a l)lack oake the north east a white oake the North- west a walnut south weast a heap of stons bounded Round with Comon — (2) Two Acres More of sd Xinty Acres Laid out together with sd Chapins Land nere the Road Leading to Sherborn Laid out by Josiah Chapin (36) Thirty Six Acres of the tift deuission belonging to the Aforesd Lott Laid out to Joseph Chapin and l)Ounded as followeth : Northerly on the Land of Epharim Chapins Land one hundred and ten Rod the Northweast Corner being A stake and stons the North East Corner being A black oake tree Easterly on Timothy winters Land partly and Part on Comon : one hundred and six Rod to A Stake being the south East Corner : southerly on Comon ten Rod to Thomas Tafts Land then turning Northerly : with sd Land forty six Rod : then Joyning weasterly with : sd Land Partly and Partly on comon with A dirict Line sixty three Rod to A white oake tree being the south weast Corner Weasterly on Comon forty Rod : to the Norweast Corner : by Thomas White Robert Taft Josiah Thayer Comitte May 9"> 1707 : on the Weast sid of y*" Great riuer (44) forty four Acers jNIore of the Aboue sd Deuission Laid out to Ephraim Chapin on the weast sid of the great Riuer bounded Southerly on Joseph Chapins Land one hundred and ten Rod the South weast Corner A heap of stons the South east Corner A black oake tree : Easterly on Timothy Winters Land Ninteen Rod : to A white oake tree being : a Corner : then turn- ing weasterly with sd Land fifty six Rod : to A white Pine : being a corner : then Turning : Northerly with sd winters Land : Eighty Rod : to Benjemin Tafts Land : Northerly on sd Tafts Land part 50 I'IKtnilKTOlJS- RKCOKDS. on ('(•moil lilly ••i-lil lu»«l : lo A lir;i|) of >loiis l.ciiii: tlir Noilli wc.-isl Collier wc.-islcrly on ('onion with A diiicl Line: one Inmdii'd and loiirlcm K'od : lollir >ontli\vcsl ( 'oinrr the whole ( 'ontainiiii:- liHy lliree Acres niii Acres Alowanc: as also Alowance tor A lour l\od way ( 'ros sd Land: May y'' !!"' 1707 hy Tlioinas While KolxMt Tafl and ,losiah Thayer CoiiiiHe Two Acres of sd chapins lil'lh (h'uission sold to Kiienezer White dosiali ( 'ha|)in [38.] Six Acres More of the Aforesd lift deuission Laid out In Conmion Land Kasteily from hare Hill: as it is In comimsed with Ivocky hilly Land the sd six Acres Laid in A swamp out of which Kuns A small hrooU that l-Jiiptis Into the great Medow : In coni])ased with iiaiious Lines of Marked Trees Laid out the tiftli of March 17l;i, , — l»y dosiah Chapiii Thomas Sanford and Seth Chapin ( 'omite four Acres More of the Aforesd lift DiMiission Laid out to Ljiherim Chapin n\Hni the Last side of the ;5— 1711 — by Thomas White Thomas Sanford cV^: El»t"ne/,er Kead Comitte A Return of Seuen Acics More of sd Chapins tift Deuission Laid out rioyning to the Land Laid out to him self Now Tn the Possesion of Seth Chajiin A litle Eastward IVom Lei"': Lovets Plaine : upon Sherborn Road butted anlerly upon Common My A line of I weiity-six Rods : Easterly upon the Land of Seth Chapin seuen Acers More Laid on the North side of seth Chapins Land as it is bounded all the Nor- weast ('oilier by a szrcat Diiltle Chesnut Ti'ee : and from sd I MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 57 Chesnut tree : bounded upon Sherl)orn Road by A line of forty fine Rods then Crossing sd Road In Compasing of a swamp bounded on Common and east on Common hy A line of thirty seuen Rod hom to sd Cha[)ins Land : Laid out with the Alowance of one Acre for Ruff Land : and Allowance for A Road cross sd swamp Laid out march the fift 17L3^^ by Josiah Chapin Seth Chapin Tho: Sanford Comite October y® 24'^ : 1723 laid ovt for Josiah chapin one acer and 1() rod of seders wamp laid ovt on the west side the west river joyning to the west side of sederswamp formerly laid ovt to ephraim chapin begining at a stake being sd chapins sovtheast corner then rvning north 13 dgr* west on sd chapin 20 rod then bovnded on other swamp and vpland }>y a line of mark trees rovnd till it comes to the first bovnds : containing one acer and 80 rod (34 rod alowed for l)ad swamp laid ovt by Rol)ert Evens seth chapin and Jacob aldrich Josiah Chapin : [39.] Know all Men by thes Presents that I Grindal Rawson of Mendon in the County of Suffolk and Prouincc of the Mas- sachusets bay in New EngLand Clerk : for and in Consideration of A Certaine sum to me in hand Paid to my Just and full satis- faction : by Josiah Chapin of said Mendon Esquire the Receipt wheare of I doe Acknowledg and of all further Claime upon and payment of any other sum or summes doe A quitt him the sd Josiah Esquire his heyers & executors and Administrators for euer have sold bargained and granted to him the sd Josiah Chapin : and his heyers for Euer the Priuelidge of A priuate. way throu that Part of my great Lott on the other side of the Weast Riuer as shall be Conueniant to him and his heyers : to goe from his Land on the other side of the sd weast Riuer to his Land Called and knowne by the Name of Newfound Land : : the which Priuate way shall be either that which he hath on sufferance used for many years Past : or Another as Conueniant to : be occupied used and Im Proued by him and his heyers for euer : Either with or without Cart : with free Liberty on the same of Ingress Egress 58 ritoritiKroiis- iikcokds. :iiis lor (lie ii>«' : ;iii(l Iiiipioiiciiiciil : of lii> >ai(l L;tii(l> All 111*' Nrwloiiiid LmikI : IIhv >rltiii- ii|i llic l.;ii> : or -liiil in- up llu- i^atcs iil'lci- lliciii : and doin-' no : (.llici- luiil I )(l rinuiil or DaiiiaiT*' llicn wlial will Ni'ccsrri'ly ArrriU' \>y 'VvvmUwiS and war- iMir sd way: wliicli sliallu' Asforlaincd to liiiii and liis licit is and I'crmilcd lo lu- used and Jmi)ronc(l as AI»onr Liniilcd : willi out an\ Lfll liindrancr or Molestation: iVoni inc my licyci> : or Asiii-iics lor fucr In W'itncs wlicai-c of 1 liaiif Im ic unio >»'ll my hand ancal I liis sixteenth Day of Apiill: Ano Dom 171iiaiiAI. IvAWsoN O In Presents (.f us : KuKNi:/i:i; Kkad : I'liii.ii' Amidownk Sullolke ss ,Ian'> 1")"' 171l)jj M' (irindai Kaws(.n Paix.nally : Ai)i)eaiini: AeUnowlodired this Iiistruinenl to lie his free and Vohiiitaiy Act and deed before me John Chandler .lustis l*aec This is A true C'oppy of the Ai^reiui-ut Made hetweeii M' (irindai Kawson and Josiali Cliapin Es(|uii' About the way Aboue- sd : and Recorded dune 2'2 171o Attest Samuiol Kkad C'lerU Seth ( 'ha pin [40.] Seth Chapin- lift Deuission ten Aeio of it Lai.l out n|)on the riain on the West side of the North Ceder swamp Joynini:- to lln' sd ('ha))ins Land and bounded North cast on sd Land by A Line of seuen score Rod In Len;^lli and twehu' in bivdth dune: 11: 1707 by dosiah ('hapin Robert Tall .V^ dohn DarliuL' Comile Ten A lift l)eui»i(m Land on the wot si(U' of the North Ceder swamj) Nere the north end of the swamp boujidcd North upon the Land (»f sd Chapin and South Part on Ihc Land of sd Selli Chapin and Partly u|ion : niedow fornn'rly MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 59 hclong to John S|)rao;e : and Easterly upon the sd Ceder swamp l)y Josiah Cha})in Robert Taft cth chapin half an ac.-r of the liisl i(lcs tlic \\;iy I(';iutte(l and hounded as foiloweth Southerly on the house Loll of Samuel Spencer Northerly upon the house Loll of .lohn I'ai-ish Lasterly upon Muddy hrook AN'easlerly upon A small Hunill of water that Huns partly hetwen sd loll and (liiirrey Cooks house Loll and partly I.elwen ye al.ouesd Loll ;iud John Mores House Loll with A l.-n K'odd way CrosiuL^ sd Loll Laid oul \\\ Uenjamiu Ail.ee Sd K'ead. DuMin- Loll hein- lliirly Acres More or Le. hulled and hounded a> followelh: four Acres of sd Loll up(.n the east MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 63 side muddy brook bounded Northerly upon Comon l)y A line of marked trees eight Eodds Easterly upon Comon by Aline of marked Trees Southerly upon the Land of the abouesd Read and weasterly upon Muddy brook, And twelve Acres more of sd Lott Laid out upon the East side of Mancoge Riuer bounded Weasterly by the Riuer thirty Roddsthe south Line being Eighty Rodds a uarious Line of marked Trees A Small Black oake att y*' East Corner marked : S : R : Easterly upon Comon Lighten Rodd with A line of marked trees with A stake att the Northeast Corner and the North line being Eighty Rodd with marked trees downe to sd Riuer — And forten Acres more of sd Lott upon the weast side of the Weast Riuer Aioyning to sd Reads medow fifty six Rodd the other three Lines bounded upon Comon A small black oake att the north west Corner marked. S : R : — Laid out by Josiah Chapin "28 June 1687 Sd Reads first deuission of medow l)elonging to the Abouesd Lott part of itt Lying upon the Weast side of the Weast Riuer bounded up Strem with a Stak & a maple tree marked by the Riuer downe streame upon Samuel Spencers medow the Remain- ing part of sd medow Lying upon the East side of sd Riuer up Stream upon A point of upland that parts John mores medow and his : Down strem upon a point of upland that parts John mors medow and his the Whole being ten Acres more or Les — Laid oute by Joseph White January 1673 80'^ Acres of The Greatt Lott belonging to the Abouesd House Lott with the second Deuission of Medow and part of the swamp Lott belonging to the abouesd Lott Laid out upon Manchoge Riuer one both sids of sd Riuer upon the first Road Laid out to Coneti- cut threw Chapanagoncomoge bounded southerly upon sd Road one hundred and sixty'four Rodd : Westerly by a Line of marked Trees one Hundred Rodds and then Turning Easterly by A line of marked trees to the Edg of the hill Against the Riuer tb-e Line then turning along upon the Edg of the Hill with a various Line of marked trees to an oake upon the point of the hill : then by A line of marked trees Crosino- the Riuer to the Edo- of the Hill (Il IMJOl'HII'yrOlJS- IIKCORDS t.ii llic Kast sidr (.f llic liiiai- A uicmII wliilr oak iiiarUcd on llic l.iiiiU of \\w KiiuM- (Ml llic Wra>l side Saiiiucl Kcad [44.] anes ('rosiiiir the Kiner to A maple marked att the south Corner uh : S : H : stand- inii l»y A tlatt Ivoek Part of the afoi-esd inedow Lyiiiir altont half A mile iij) slicaine from sd Land upon both sids the Kiner north and south with Lines of Marked trei's Last and West hounded with upland Another jiart of sd ine(h)w Lyinjj: Alitle Last ward from sd me(h)W ujion A })laine hounded Last weast witli upland north end hounded Crosl the swani}) with marked trees from upland to uphmd and southerly with two white oake trees marked with : S: H : the whole l>eing Eighty seuen Acres and a (|uarter more or Les Laid (»iit hy .losiah Cliapin 27 octolier ICSd forty Acres more of the Ahouosd (ireat Lott Laid out Xere to Heuer jiond hounded Northerly upon Aline of marked trees partly and partly upon the Road that Leads to Mettfeeld South- erly upon Aline of marked Trees it heing A uarious Line, Last- crly partly upon Aline of marked Trees and |»aitly upon Peter I lolhrooks niedow Xere tothejiond (\inionly knowne ]>y the name of Pmuci- pond And Weasterly upon Aline of marked Tr<>es with A four Kodd hyway being the Cuntry Koad going threw part of it and A persell of y' ahouesd Holhrooks nicdow w ith in >d Land Laid out l.y .Io>iah ("hapin 7 Xoveinl.er HIm; Another pari of llie swani]) Lot heloliging lo the Aforesd Lott Laid upon the Last side of the Mill Kiiiei' I.elow the Lower MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 65 North Modow bounded up stroanic and Northerly upon the medow of Geoi'g Aldrich and downe the Streamc and southerly upon A point of upland Coming near the Riuer with A white oak marked It Lying In two peices the up Land eoming to the Riuer between them and a cartway Crosing the Riuer betwixt y" Weast upon sd Riuer Easterly upon upland Laid out l)y Josiah White febrr 16 74 Samuel Read [45.] Samuel Reads fourth Deuission of Land belonging to his Thirty Acre house Lott being sixty Acres part of it lying upon the East side of the Weast Riuer bounded Northerly upon the Land of Samuel more in part and partly upon Comon aliout four Rodds A whit oake being marked Att the North east Corner of sd line wh is sd mors south corner so Runing to the point of upland wher the sd Reads medow and mores Joynes together southerly upon the Al)ovesd mores Land upon the sid of the Weast hill with A uarious Line of marked Trees untill it corns home to the Riuer att the uper end of sd mores Lower medoAV and Westerly upon sd Reads medow : on the same side of sd Riuer Another part Lying upon the Weast side of sd Riuer bounded northerly by the sd Reads other Land easterly upon sd Riuer home to the Cuntry Road nere the bridg southerly by the Cuntry Road Westerly hy the hyway Leading to the Aldriches farm thirty tiue Acres more of sd fourth Deuission with Eight Acres of Land Allowed for the Land taken out of sd Reads Land for the Road to Woodstock l)ounded Northerly partly upon sd Cuntry Roade and partly upon sd Reads other Land Weasterly upon Comon by aline of fifty Rodds A heap of stons att the south corner so Turning an Easterly Line one hundred and fifty Rodds acros A pine hill : with A uarious Line Runing threw A plaine Downe to mumfords Riuer the Line Ending where A smal brook that Runs threw sd Land Emiitys it self in to Mumford Riuer and easterly upon sd Riuer Twenty Acres more of sd sixty Acres Laid out Down streame about half a mile and the most of it upon the weast side of Mumfords Riuer as it is bounded southerly upon the edg of A 66 rU( U'KIK'IOIIS- IlKCOltDS. K(.l:iM(c iVoiii a smal l.iook that Line ("rosi's iiMiinlords K'iiici- wlicic sd Inook Kiiiplys in to sd Killer Kastcrly u\)ou the l.r(.\v (.f the hill on the cast side of sd immirords Kiiicr and part on the nicdow ol' sd l\«'ad Noi-thcily on ('onion and Wcastcrly l»y a \arioiis Line partly ii|)on the Land of M' (uindall Kawson and partly (.n ('onion Laid out l.y dosiah Chapin \o\ cinl.ci- IS: 1701 I'ctrr llolhrooks honst' Lott u^rantcd to \Mlliain Ilolltrook hy the Townc of Mcndon Now Samuel Reads As Appears by A deed of Sale bariiii!; date .lanuary 10 : sixteen hundred eiirhty and six : and AeknowledL^ed before Jolin usher Ks(y 14 .lannary 1()S(*>: ^ butted and liomuh'd as followeth Northerly upon the Land of .lohn Sj)rai;(' l'>asterly u|>on Mudy lirook southerly upon A four Uodd Highway the Line i.eini:- narious all the soulli ('onicr Weasterly upon ( 'onion Laid out by Danil Louet The till heiiission of Laiul belon^ini:; to the Aboui'sd Lott Part of it Laid out to Ebenezer Read on the Weast side of INIuin- ford Killer: Att the south Roade bounded as followeth the south- east Corner being A white oake tree south on sd lieads Land forty four Kods : to Samuel Reads Land : Last on sd Reads Land Ninty and three Rod to A blaek oake tree beini; the North Last Corner: North on ('(.inoii : Willi A dirid line forty and LiLdit Rod to a white i)ine beinu the North Weast ('(.iiier Weast on C'omon : Willi a .lirecl line Eiirhty two Rod : to the sonlh weast CoriM-r ( '(Uilaininu- twenty fine Acres Laid (»ul feliiiary 2S : 1707 by Thomas: white Sam" IJead John DailiiiL'-: Coinite : Samuel b'ea.] Thirty Acres of Kbeiic/.er Keaein\' easterly on ( 'onion wilh A diiicl i>inc one Imndivd b'od : lo A white Line tree beini:- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 67 the south wcast Corner Southerly Part on his other Land : Part on Samuel Read Juniors Land to A black oake tree on the East side of the Riuer : being thee South East Corner : Easterly on Comon with A dirict Line twenty eight Rod : to the North east Corner the whole Containing thirty fine Acres : and sixty four Rod : ther being fiue Acres and : sixty-four Rod Alowance : Laid out December twentieth 1709 — by Thomas White Samuel Read & Samuel More Comite Twenty fiue Acres of Samuel Read seniors lift Deuission and six Acres of Ebenezers Reads lift deuission Laid out on weast side of the o:reat Riuer : l)elow shockaloo; bounded as followeth the North east Corner being A pine tree Easterly on Comon with A dirict Line Eighty Rod : to A maple tree being the south east Corner southerly on Comon with A dirict Line sixty two Rods : to A heape of stones : on A Rock being the South weast Corner : Weasterly on Comon : with A dirict Line Eighty Rod : to A Stake being the Norweast Corner Northerly on Comon with A dirict Line : sixty two Rod : to the North east Corner Laid out y^ fourth of Aprill one thousand seuen hundred & seuen l)y : Thomas White Samuel Read and Robert Taft Comite Jvne y® IS*** : 1718 : laid ovt for Ebenezer Read twelve acers sixth division Joyning to his other land on the west side mvm- fords river bovnded east on sd land one hvndred rod : north on his own land twenty rod to a black oak tree markt l)eing or near the norwest corner west on common with a direct line twenty seven rod to stons on a rok thence on comon with a direct line forty three rod to a pine tree markt being the norwest corner of his land by his hovse bovnded on all other parts on his own land the whole containing sixteen acers fovr acers alowed for bad land by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich committee : Jvne y" : 19"' : 1718 laid ovt for ebenezer Read seven acers sixth division partly on a Rokey hill l)y his hovse compased in wholely with his other land the whole containing : eleven acers fovr acers alowed forbad land by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich com*'''^ 68 rKoiMtiiMOKs' i:i:r()Ki)S. SMim.rl IJcM.l [47.] S:miiu'l Spcnccis House Loll ('oiilaiiiini: twenty Acers 1)0 it Moiv or Les with :ill the Kinlils .iiitl |>iiiieli(lL'i"^ tliereimto he- lonjfiiiir or Aportaiiiinij: — Now Samuel Heads as Appeal's l>y A deed of" Sale hariiiir Hale the twenty Kiirht of May (»Me thousand six hundred and Ninly and AeUnowh-docd the (hiy al.oue \\'rillen — and Kecor.h-d with the lieeold of (h'eds for the County of Siitlolke— Lil» : l."> : to : K'7 : KlS : hulled and houu.h'on the Land of dosiah Chajtin and westerly upon Mu.ldy iirook Laid out hy do>iah Chapin 2S Oeloher Klsr. The lir>l Deliisiouof Medow l.elon-ini:- to the Ahouexl Loll IvyiiiLT upon the wea>t Side of the \\'ea->l Hiuer hounded u|)>tream upon SanuM'l KN-ads Medow and Downe slr«'ame lo A marked tree upon the upland And A Hock l)y the Hiuer the whole heini:- six Aei-es and half and twenty st'ueii Hodd more or Lt> — Lai.l out By Joseph Whit.- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 69 The great Lott belonging to the Abouesd Lett Containing Eighty Acres more or Les butted and bounded as followeth fifty Acres of it Lying upon the AVeast side of the Weast Riuer East- erly upon the Al)ouesd medow Northerly upon the Land of Samuel Read Weasterly upon Comon with A various Line of marked Trees and southerly upon Comon with Aline of marked trees home to the Abouesd medow : — Thirty Acres more of sd Great Lott Lying upon ^Nlisco Hill bounded Round with Comon by four Lines of marked Trees Con- taining Seuenty Rodds In each Line Laid out by Josiah Chapin 2ii October 168(5 [18.] Sam" Read The fourth Deuission of Land belonging to the Aforesd Lott Twenty four Acres of sd fourth deuision Laid out upon the Weast side of Mumford Riuer : Bounded Down streame Ss^sioD upon the ]\Iedow of sd Read so continuing upstreame by Aline of Marked Trees one hundred and thirty six Rodd then turning a head Line Crosing sd Riuer that Runtng by A swale of Water Runing to sd Riuer and two Rocks In the Riuer whear the line Croses the Riuer the East Line Runing A Litle distance fi*om the Riuer to John pecks Corner then Run- ins with the Riuer untill it Corns to y*' aforesd Reads IMedow : Laid with Allowance for A three Rodd way Cross sd Lott Laid out by Josiah Chapin Decemlier 16 : 1700 sixteen Acres jNIore of the alwuesd fourth Deuission Laid out upon the weast side of the Weast Riuer Eight Acres of sd Land Lying neere the uperend of sd Reads IMedow : l)ounded easterly on sd meddow : Northerly on Rough Common Land Weasterly by a uarious Line on Comon Land southerly upon the Land of y® Aforesd Read, Eight Acres More Laid out Adioyning to the sd Reads Land on the weast side of it In aswamp with A strem in it that Runs acros sd Reads Land and is Knowne by the Name of spencers : Hole : the swamp is Iwunded Round with A uarious Line of Marked Trees A Rock In the brook lieing the Ixninds att the Lower ends : Laid out by — 70 riiorKii: TORS' uecokds. ,I..si:ili CliMpiii Novniil.cr lH. 17y tlio Townc Tii Liif (if Land taken ol" llic south weast corner of sd Heads Iious Idtt l>\ Dccon \H'{ks Ldtl and liyway Lcadini: to tlic wcast liiner Laid JoNnin;: to >d Ucads swamp upon scool iiicdow hrook l.onndcd \\Ca>lrily upon sd swamp sontlinly upon ( 'oinon to rioscpli IMundys Land A hlacU oak tree Ix'iui: a cornel- of Itotli llieir Lands Laslerly and northerly l>y a line ot" marked trees on ('onion ouei- the s|)rinL: lln'U tuiiiini:- to A white oak honi to the sd l\ea«ls swamp : hy Josiali Chapin Xovemher I'.l, ITIH March y' : 2'»"' : ITl'.l kaid ovt for Samvel Head nineteen acers of liis >i\th division of hind k-iid Joynini:- to his other hand at shockcoh)^ phiin hegininii- at a mapU" tree in a corner of a seder swamp heiiiiT y' sovtheast corner of sd land and is bovndod westerly on sd land to a white oak tree inarkt beini\lv lour K'.mI N..iI Ii ..ii (•<.iii..ii luiir K...I : to A Mark oaUc hciiiLr 111*' Norlh »-a-l ( 'oriirr l^asl on ('oinon with A dirict Line sixty four I0..I lo A licap (.!' stons 011 A loxk : l.cin- llic South Ka-I Coiiici-: xMill ('onion: scvfn Kod to lii> oIImt Land ('..nlainin- ..nr A.iv an.l liali": half <.nr Acr.' Alouancc. 'I\'ii Aiiv> and half .M.nv Lai-I oi.l ..n Misco,. hill line Acniors lift Ihaiission hcundt'd >onlh ii|)on >d lu-ads l^and sixty ("our Ixod.s : ht-ini:; 'I'wcniy : six Kod and half In hrcadlh the North cast Corner a hcai) of stmis on A lo.ck the X(.rth wot Corner A stake: half one Acre more of sd Sannnd Kead -^enii.r- lift Deuission Laid onl on the south sich' of Sawmill hrook hounded easterly on , lattice Itcllowscs swamp: Norlh on sd licads Land: forty lu.d : It hein-- t wo Ivod wide :) Sixty Acres More of Sanniel Ivcad duniors lift dciussion Laid out l..'twen the North Med(»w And Kobcrl Halls hounded Kound with Coinon r^and : the Norlh weast (\)rner hcinu' A wliite oakc South Ninty one Kod : to A black oake licini:- the South east Corner east one hundred and Six Kod: to A whit oake heini: the Northeast corner North Ninly one Kod lo a A ston on A \un-k l.eini:- the North Wca.st Corner Weast one hundred and six Kod to the south Weast Corner : her heinix two Acres Alowanc :) the Kcmaindre ofsd Reads lift Deuission : I>aid out on both sids of Almnfords Kiuer Alis Manchoi; Kiuer Nere the trench Koad hounded as {'ollowi-th the south east cornel- heini:- A white oake south pari on Comon Part on Comon and part on Sannn-I Kead seiiiois Land sixty Kod to A|»incli-ee heini: the sonthweasi Corner Weast on Comon one hundred and two Kod: to A white oake: heinir the North weast Coi-ner : Xoi'th part on C(»mon : Part on sd Reads Land : sixty Kod to A white oake l.ein<:- the North east Corner: east on Comon: and hundred and two Rod : to thi-'south east ( 'oiiier the whole coii- lainin-- thirty ei_i;ht Acres and half to Acres: and Naif Alowanc l)ecend)er 2S : 1707 Laid out i.y 'I'honia* White Sam" Read .Sc Kohert Taft Comitte ll'orly tour Acres : of Sanuud Read seniors lift (U-uission : Laid out : on the north side Shokaloii" l.rook N«Me sd hiook Compasinir A peice of swamp: Laid oiil In exchan:^ lor a peice of swamp: MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 73 Lying without the line : aboue John Jones ses Medow : which was Thomas whites : since Sanuiel Reads Junior as Apears by A deed of exchang : bounded as followeth the south east Corner being A white oalvc tree East on Comon : eighty Rod : to A wahiut tree : being the North east Corner. North on Conion : eighty eight Rod : to A stake and stones : Ijeing the North weast Corner Weast on Comon : one hundred Rod to A stak and stons : being y*^ the south weast Corner : South on Comon : Eighty eight Rod : to the south East Corner : Dirict Lines on eury side : Laid out April! 7 1707 by Thomas white Sam" Read & Robert Taft Comite Laid out to Sanuiel Read Junior four Acres of Swamp and LowLand A little below his fathers Medow Ncre mishoquonog Plaine on the sam brook the said Medow Lyeth on bounded as followeth the North Weasterly Corner A white oak stand thenc forty Rodd Downe Streame to A Red oake marked and thenc by the side of the brook sixteen Rodds to A duljle Maple marked and thenc by A line Compasing A swamp to a Chesnut Tree marked [51.] and thenc upstreame To the South weasterly Corner which is A white oake the sd uarious Line from the Duljle Maple to the south weasterly Corner l>eing Seventy Rodds and thence Ijy A line of ten Rodds to the first Corner Aboue Named this sd four Acres being for two Acres of Medow Laid Downe l)y Towne grant the one Acre being purchsed of Joseph plunily being part of his second Deuission of Medow : In the great medow the other Acre of medow purchesed of Joshua Lazell on the westerly side of the Mill Riuer Next Joseph plumlys being out of the Towne l)ounds Laid out by Josiah Chapin October lift 1711 Laid out to Samuel Read Junior upon the North end of Mum- ford plaine Joyning to Samuel Read seniors Land upon sd plaine six Acres of Land granted by the towne to sd Read senior aioyn- ing to his other Land : and to that of philip Amydowns lift Deuis- sion tiften Acres and half and to that four teen Acres of Ebenezer Read lift Deuission being thirty seven Acres & half one Acere Allowance bounded as followeth southerly upon Sanuiel Read 71 ri;(UMMi:r<)i;.s- KKcouits. sriii II Land >i\ty Mii.l >i\ luxl \\«:isl.il v <>ii xl lv(:iil> Land IwcIih' Iu..l lo A wliilf <.aU st:m«l x) liiniiii- NiMtli and l»v «'a>l upon ('(•ninn luilv ^VL li\t' luid to A \Uh\< willi >l(in> upon it >«» on ("onion: I wo Inmdicd and Iwclvc Ivods : lo A Kock willi A urcat -Ion npon it llu-n si\l\ lv'od> on ('•)nionlo A piiir her lirinLMln- ("oin.r <.r his own.- Land Ndillinly on >d Land lirtccn Uod> (•a>lrily on lii^ lal licr> Land onr luindicd and xiicnl y four Kods : ) Laid oiil l.y 'I'lionia- W liilr Vv\vv Iloll.rooU .v: Sannirl Krad Ju . daniiaiy 1 1\ I 7(»:i Coniilcf May llir M"'. 171.S Laid out for Saiuiu'I licad onf lumdrcd acer || Sixlli I)inissi(»n ol" Land Joyniiii; to his olhci- I>and on the west Si(U' ol' Mnniloi'ds I\iiiri-, bounded Last on his oUn r Land one humhcd and line Ivod a hi'a|)c of Sloiios licini:- y' north IOa->t corner north on ( 'oininon with a direct Line: two humlretl ^M: twenty Uod to a heape of Stones heinjji; y' norwesl Corner then Uunini: South twenty line Den'"^ Ivist one hundred cVc twenty two lux! to a white oak t i-ee marked hein-- the south we>t corner then Ivnnin-- I-^a.-t twenty Deii'^ north two hundred .^ twenty Kod to his olliei- Land, tiie whole eonlainini:- one hundred titty and three acres, fifty tlirei" aeivs aUowed for bad I^and. Laid out by 'Idioinas white Sery''^ Thomas tliayer iSc fJaeob Aldrieh Coniniittee. Recorded May y'' 11"' I7IS Laid out for Sannul Uead Joynin- 2o"n2i. to l''-^ other Land on y' west Side of Muinloids Kiver boundet ("oi-ner Stones South on ( 'oininon fourteen lu.d. to a i)lack oak tree niarkd l»eing the South west Coinei-, West on eonnnon thirty one Kod to liisown Land a black oak tice marked iH-ar his othei- Lan(L Laid for two acres and an half. l»y Thomas white Ser |||| Thomas Thayer cV^ dacob .VIdrich ("oininittee Sam" Read [52.] .Mayy I I"' I71S Laid out for Sanniel Kead Sixty acres of Sixth Diuision doynini: to his otiu'r Land on the west Side of Mumlbrds Hiiiei- l»ounded Last on si\ Land Seventy Kod to a heape of Ston<'s beini:- \' n(Mtheast (Vnner, thence Kuninir west MENbON, MASSACHUSETTS. 75 ten Deg''' South two liuiulrcd i!c thirty Rod to a heape of Stones being the nor west corner, then Runing south twenty Hue Degrees East Seventy Rod to Stones on a Rock being the South west Corner : then Runing East ten Degrees : north two hundred & thirty Rod to his other Land this peace containing one hundred acres, forty acres aHowed for bad Land and a Two Rod Way Cross sd Land : by Thomas Wliite Thomas Thayer & Jacob Aldrich Connnittee Juney'' 19"'. 1721. Laid out for Samuel Read tliirty fowr acres of Sixth Diuision, floyning to his other Land at Shoccoiog Bounded East part on sd Land, part on Cf)mmon one hundred and thirty Eight Rod a black oak Stand markd at y'' northeast Corner, thence Runing West ful point forty Rod to a heape of Stones being the norwest Corner, then Runing South full point one hundred and thirty six Rod to a white oak Stand l)eing the South west Corner, then Runing Easterly I)y a Direct Line of Markd trees fifty Six Rod to a forked black oak markd being a bound of sd Reads Medow, the whole Containing thirty nine acres, fine acres allowed for Bad Land. Laid out by Thomas White riacob Aldrich and Thomas Thayer Connnittee. March y° 17"'. 1719. Laid out for Sanmel Read, twenty six acres of Plumleys fifth Diuision : between Mumfords Riuer and Chistnut plain, the north east Corner : a white oak : then Runing South twenty three Deg'** East one hundred & fourteen Rod to a Stake and Stones being y'' South west Corner. Then East twenty three Deg'^ north, forty one Rod to Stones on a Rock, being y" South East Corner, then North twenty three Deg"*. West one hundred and fowrteen Rod. to a white oak being y" North East Corner, then west twenty three Deg''*. South forty one Rod to the norwest Corner containing twenty Nine acres, and thirty four Rod : three acres and thirty four Rod allowed for bad Land : by Thomas White Robert Taft & Jacol) Aldrich Committee. March y'' 17"'. 1711). Laid out for Samuel Read, nintecn acres (of John Darlings Sixth Diuision) Joyning to his own Land the 76 ri;()ri;iKi()Ks- ijkcokds. S.uilli l':;i>l Corn. 1- ;i l.lnck ...-ik: llicii NCrlli fill poiiil Sixty Ivt Si\|y K'.xl li. ;i Walnut Stand l.ciiiL'-y" Xorwcst Coi imt, \\'«st ..nC.nMi willi a Dirrct Line Sixty one iu.d to Stones on a Ixiduc Hill. South part on s(t Lantl part on ('onnnon I'oi-tN' VAaid out l.y the Same Coinmitlee. Iwenly aei'es moicTen of the s(t I )ailini:s Sixth Diuision and seven of sd Keads for SauHul lu-ad at Shoeeoh)u-e the South Kast Corner a white oak Stand, then West 1 \)v'^vv South forty Rod to a l.laek oak heinir y" Southwest Coiner, then North one Dei^ice Wi'st Kii:lity Rod. to Stones heini:- IIk' norwcsl Corner then l'>ast one Deir' [53.] north forty Rod. Kast on sd Land Ki^hty to the South- oast Corner, Laid for seventeen acres, three acres aMowed for had Lan.L Sam" Read March y l':>"' ITl'.l Laid out for Samuel Read one acre of the second l>iuision of Meih.w, lieloniiiui: to Leasels Lott torniorly Laid out of the Town hounils and nine acres of sd Reads Sixth Diuision Laid on the west Side of IIoo})pole hill houndeast, forty Rod \o a hea})e of Stones heinj; the North Lust Corner, then West Kij^dit Dejj^'^ and half north forty nine Rod, to the Town Line, the who! Con- tainini; twelue acres vV: a <|uarter, two acres cSc a (piarter all(»wed for had Land, Laid out l.y Thomas White, Rol.ert 'I'afI .^^ .Iac(.l. Aldrieh Coininiitee march y'" Li^dith : 1720 laid ovt for samvel Read fovrteen aeers xveiith division ide the RckK" to Kilin<:;le hcL'ininir at a l»lak oak tree mai'ked heini: y" sovthwest corner then Rvniiiir north i;; dirr^ east I'oriy Rot corner then east l,'. (li:r^ >ovth >i.\ty Rod to an heap of MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 77 stons being the northeast corner then sovth 13 dgr^ west forty Rod to an heap of stons Being the southeast corner then west 13 dgr** north sixty Rod to the first Bovnds, the whole containing fifteen acers one acer alowed for Bad hind hiid ovt by Robert Evens Thomas White & Jacol) ahlrich committee October y'" 15^'' : 1719 hiid ovt for samvel Read twenty acers of land being seventh division laid on the sovth side of the covntry Rode and on the west side of a Brook Known by the name of scool brook bovnded easterly part on land laid ovt for the min- estry and part on common thirty two Rod Rvning from sd Rode sovthwesterly to a white oak tree marked then sovth fvll point thirty eight Rod to a heap of stons being a sovtheast corner then west on common sixty Rod to a walnut tree marked l)eing the sovthwest corner then north on connnon seventy Rod to a heap of stons by sd Rode being a norwest corner then l)y sd Rode Eighty two Rod the Avliole containing thirty two acrs and forty Rod twelve acers and 40 rod alowed for five acers and half of sederswamp and two acers and half of other swamp laid ovt before, and fovr acers and 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Robert Evens Jacol) aldrich and Thomas white committee Samvel Read [54.] octol^er y^' 14'": 1719 laid OAi; for samvel Read six acers of land of the seventh division on the northeast side of Mvdy Brook Joyning to his other land : Bovnded westerly on sd land twenty three Rod sovtherly on Cap* seth chapins land seventy two Rod easterly on the eight Rod Rode that leads down the neck : nineteen Rod northerly on angel torys land seventy two Rod : the whole containing nine acers and 72 Rod three acers and 72 Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt B}^ Robert Evens Jacob aldrich and Thomas white committee October y'^ 14*'> : 1719 laid OAi; for samvel Read forty acers of land seventh division on the sovthwest side of misco hill beo-in- ing at a heap of stons Being el)enezer woods norwesterly corner and his sovtheasterly corner thence Rvning west 23 dgr^ so\i:h 7S I'Koi'KiirroKs^ wkcoiids. |>;irl (Ml s(l woods |;iM(l Mild pMil on lii> own Kind iiincly liod to :i hcnp of slons hciiii;- a sovlh\V(>sl coriHM- llicii on his own land 'sovlli 25 dirr" cast niiu-ly Rod to a Iicap ol" slons tlicMi west 2") dirr^ sovtli on coinnion twenty Kod to a licaj) of stoiis llicii north twt'iilN ti\c dirr^ west on coninioii one h\ ndrcd and sixty Rod to a hca]) of st(»iis lu-iiii:- :i noiwcst crly coriKT then cast 23 dgr" north on coimnon one hviidrcd and ten lJo(l to a hca]) of stons Ix-ini;- a northoaslcrly corner then w ith a direct line on coimnon sixty KNtd 1() the tlrst Hovnds: laid ovt l.y Kol»eit l":ven> dacol. ahhich 'I'homas white coniniitlcc. — inarch y tirst 1720 laid ovt for Sainvel Read sixteen accis of land Beiiiii- seventh division laid Joynini;' to his other Irtiid on inisco hill l)ci:inin«r at the sovthwesl corner of sd land near nicolas hvmeses land Rvniiiii: on sd hvnieses hind ninety six Rod to a heal) <*^ stons then north 27 dei^r" west eiijhty fovr Rod to a hea]) of stons then east 27 dirr' north forty Rod to a norwesl corner of his other land then on sd l:ind to the lirst hovnds it : l.eini:- : a thr«'e cornered peace of land conlainiiii:- thirty accrs fovi'tccii accrs aIowy Rohert Evens dacoh aldrich and Thomas white committee. Jose]>h Pliimly [55.] Stencil ("ooUs L(.tt l.eini,^ twenty Acres more or Les with all y' Riuhls and itriiiilii:s thereto lt(donufiii,ir Now Joseph Pliimlys As Appears l.y a i\rri\ of Sale T.ariiiL^ Date th<< ninteiith of .Ma\ one thousand six hiiiidiv(l .^ «-ii:lil\ and l-Jiihl and Now MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 79 In the Possesion of sd fFoseph Plumly is Butted and bounded as followeth southerly upon the house Lott of John Parish and Northerly upon A four Rodd Highway Leading unto Muddy brook Easterly upon Mudd}^ In-ook Wcasterly upon the house Lott of Grigery Cook with a ten Rodd high way Crosing the Lott Laid out by Danil Louet Sd Plumlys lirst deuision of Medow belonging to the abouesd Lott Part of it Lying Ijetwen the Mill Riuer and Hop Tilers medow : bounded on the Northeast side with a swamp so Round with upland) Another part of it Lying upon the mill Riuer bounded upstreame with Job Tilers Medow downe stream with marked Trees : the Remainder of sd share of medow : Lying upon ))oth sids of the Weast Riuer below Georg Aldriehes medow bounded upstream with marked trees downe streame with A marked tree upon the East side of the Riuer and a stake on the Weast side the Riuer the Whole being six Acres and half and twenty seuen Rodd more or Les Laid out by Joseph White : — Sd Plumlys Swamp Lott belonging to the aboue sd Lott Lying upon the Weast Riuer on both sids the Riuer Partt of it bounded upstreame upon Georg Aldriehes medow downe Stream upon his owne medow : The Remainder of sd swamp Lott Lying upon the Weast side of sd Riuer bounded upstreame upon his owne medow down the streame to A point of upland with a great Rock by the Riuer : the whole being three Acres and A quarter and thirteen Rodd and a half more or Les : — Laid out l>y Joseph White Sd Plumlys dubling Lott and fifty fine Acres of his Great Lott Laid out together A litle distance downe streame from the saw- mill built att the Pine Plaine bounded Northerly Part upon the Land of Deacon John Warfeeld and part upon Comon by A line of one hundred Rods : Weasterly by a line of marked Trees part on Common and partt on the weast Riuer : by a line of one hundred and twenty Rods : Southerly upon Comon ])y A line of 80 ntOlMlIK'IOlJS- ItKroitDS. iMMikt'd Trees ('(tiil:iiiiiiiii«>iic liiiiidrcd K'od- I^Mslerly upon Coiiioii l>V a line «>r Marked 'I'rees ( 'oiilaiiiinii- one liiiiidicd and 1 went y Hods, Twenly fnif A nioiv d" \u^ (Ir.al L(.lt Laid upon llie hill Next to the Seoole niedow hounded I'^aslerly on llie Land ol" Simon Peek and part n])on ('onion l>y n line of one Inindred Kods linnie to the seoolle I. rook : \(.rtlielly upun seiM.il l)i-(.(.k l.y a line of forts Kods: \\«-asterly npon eonnuon Ity A \arioiis Line fioni seoole l.rook li(.nie to seooll niedow and Sontlierly part on seooll inedow and part on a point of npland Leadinir to the |)ine swamp the sd Twenty liiu' Acres is Laid onl with an Alowcnee for A four Kod highway thorow the sam« Laid (»ut l>y Josiah Chapin 2-2 Nouemltei- If.lM) Joseph IMnndy [50.] The fourth Deuission of Land l.elon-ini:- t<. the al.ouesd IMumhs Lott heinj:; forty Acres f) Acres of it Laid hetwcn sd Plumivs i:r(>at Lott and the Weast Kiner hounded oast on the Land of sd IMundy North Part on Comon and Part on the niedow of Kohert Taft and NVeasteily on the Weast Piuer Sontheily upon the irreat Lott ol" \" sdjjlnndy which comes home to thePiuer afore sd — Senen Acres more of sd Land Laid on the <>ast si(h' of sd Plumlys ijroat Lott Adjoyniui: to his sillci-: houiuh'd Weast (»n the Land of the sd phnnly : the other three sids with Pocky Conion hy A veiious Line of marked Trees Lii^hteen Acres moi'e of sd Land : Laid In a Pocky swaiujiy vally upon A smal Pun Comim:- Down from Misco Hill hounded weasterly Part on the Land of Steuen La/ell and part (»n the Land of sd plumly hy A Line of lifty Pod fourth deuission sold to M' lo.l)erl Taft ;,i,| ,,iit on the Wea>t >ide of t he LMeat Piner doynini:to the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 81 Land of Samuel Hayward l)ounded Southerly with the Land of sd Hayward : easterly on the Riuer and on all other sids with the Land of sd Taft Laid out by Josiah Chapin The Remainder of the al)Ouesd fourth Deuission ))eing Eight Acres Laid out Adioyning to the Land of sd Plumly : as it is butted and l)ounded South and Weast upon the Land of sd Plumly North and East u})on Comon Rocky Land Laid with allowance three Acres for on and with A various Line upon the Comon : Laid out April 13 : : by Josiah Chapin James Louet Comite The lift Deuission of Land belonging to the Aforesd Lott l)eing one hundred Acres tifty acres of it Laid out on both sids of the great Riuer al)oue the Lazells Land upon sd Riuer and is bounded Southerly partly on Comon and Partly upon Lassels Land seuenty Rods to the Riuer on the ^^^east sid of the Riuer East on the Riuer one hundred and twenty Rods to A forked black oak tree marked by sd Riuer being the north east Corner North on comon with A direct Line : Eighty Rod to a white oak tree being the North weast Corner Weast on comon with A Direct Line : sixty six Rod : being the south weast Corner : the Avhole containing forty fine Acres and half here being four Acres and half Alowanc Nine Acres more Laid on the east sid of sd Riuer : In A three cornered peice : bounded south on Leassels Land sixty and six rods Weast on the Riuer forty six Rods to A black oak tree markt nere sd Riuer Northerly on Comon with A direct Line sixty six Rod to A pine tree marked att sd Lessels Land being the south East Corner Containing nine Acres and half half an Acre Alowance :) December y^ 12 : 1707 by Thomas whit Robert Taft and Samuel Read Comite Joseph & Allexander PlumlJy [57.] June y*' 9 1718 Laid out for Joseph plumly seven acers and half sixth division Joyning to his other Land on the west side the great river bounded east on sd Land Sixty G Recorded ^.q^j l)eing the whole breadth of sd Land the southeast October y 3 ~ 1718 corner l)eing a blak oak tree southerly on comon forty rod to a heap of Stones being the Southwest corner 82 rKorniKToiis- hkcokds. west coiiuT w est (tii cdiiKHi \silli ;i diircl line >i\ly (i rod to :i while »>:ik lice Ix'iiii:- :i «M>rnci- ol lii> oilier I.mikI it Im-Imi:- m llncc CoriKMi'd peaec tlu' Same day Laid out lor S' lMiiiid\' lliiily one aeeis and hall of S'' division Joyninir to S'' I^and hounded SoiilJi on S'' I^and a white oaU 1 ree heilii: the norwest eonier of his foiiiier Lniid thence niiiini;- north twenty ti\f dei:rees east Sixty Seven rod to stons on a loU heini:" the norwest corner then iiin- u.-coriied ini; east thirtv «'iirht deii:reos north seventx line rod to October y ' . " ' ' 3.. 171S the irreat river a hhdv oak tree inarkl on the hank ol the river east on S'' river to his othei' Land the whole eontainini: thirty fonr acers and and lialf three aeers alowed for bad Land Laid ont l.y Ihonias white dacoh Aldrich 'IMionias Thayer ( 'oniniittee Jnne y' It : 1718 Laid ont for elexander ])hMnly one acer and half niedow in Lewe for niedow formerly Laid ont withont the town hounds now hiid ont with thirty t\s(t acers and Ktiordid half sixth divission hounded as foloweth the south east C)ctober y 20.. 1718 coiner heinu- a hiak oak tree markt thence runini:' north twenty deiirees west eii2:hty rod to a heaj) of ston«'s heinii the northeast corner then runing west twenty degrees south one hundred rod to a blak oak tree markt being the norwest corner then runing south tw<'nty degrees east seventy four rod to a hea|> of slons being the Southwest corner then bounded southeily with a various line pai't on the country idde part on ebene/ei' woods swamp pait on conion one hundicd rod to the southeast corner the whole containing fifty two acers eighteen aeers and half alowed for bad Land Laid out by Thomas white .Jacob Aldri.h Thomas 'Hiayer ('onuuittec May y" 2i) : 17 is Lai.l out for ele.xandci- phunly h\ acer> and half Sixth division doyniug to his other Land on the east side the \v«st ii\er boundt'd as foloweth the southwest corner KecorOf.i hciuiT H blak oak tree west on S' Land seventv two rod October y . ■ . i 31,1718 to a heap oi Stones near the norwest cornel' noitli on comon with a direct line tliirt\ i-od to a h. aix.f Stones MENDOM, MASSACHUSETTS. 83 being the northejist corner east on samuel mores Land sixty rod to a swamp oak being the south cast corner south on S"" mores Land twenty rod to the south west corner the whole containing Eleuen acers and five rod four acers and half and live rod alowed for bad Land Laid out by Thomas White Jacol) Aldi-ich Thomas Thayer Committee Alexander Pluml)ly [58.] January y« 'l" 1728^ Then Laid out for Allexander Plumbly his share of Ceeder Swamp on y" West Side the west River in a Small Swamp in Joseph Chapins Land bounded north on Woodland Tompsons Swamp on all other parts on upland. Laid out hy Thomas White Jacob Aldrich Rol)ert Euens Com- mittee Mendon June y*" 16*". 1721 : then Laid out for Allexander Plumbl}^ Thirty acers of Land (viz) twenty acres of William Ha3^wards Sixth Diuision : and ten acres of his own Seuenth Diuision Joyning to his other Land near Samuel Wharfields : begining at a Stake : being Samuel Reads Southwest Corner, then Runing west 38 Degrees north on Common one hundred and sixty fine Rod to a Pitch Pine tree being the former bounds of his other Land : then Bounded on sd Land till it Comes to y" norwest Corner, of Samuel moors Land so East on Sd Moors Land Eighty Rod to Sd Reads Land then Bounded on Sd Land to y^ first Bounds being a broken piece of Land Containing fifty one acres twenty one acres allowed for bad Land : Laid out by Robert Euens Jacob Aldrich, Thomas White Com'*'''. Mendon June y® 17"\ 1720 then Laid out for Allexander Plumbly twenty two acres of Land of Seuenth Diuision on the West Side of y® Great Riuer Joyning to ye West Side of his other Land, l)egining at a heai)e of Stons on a Ridge of a Hill, being a norwest- Corner of his Land Laid out before: thence West 25. Degrees South, partly on Timothy Winters Land Partly on Common, forty Rod to a white oake tree Marked, Ijcing a Norwest Corner, then South 25 Degrees East on Common one hundred & forty four Rod to a heape of Stones being a South- 8-4 1'R()1m:ii:t()US' kkcokds. west Corner, llu'ii l^:isl 2"). 1 )ci:'^ iioilli on Coimiioii Ten IJod, to A hcaiu' of Stones l.eini:- lornierly a South west Corner hounded Hroakenly on all other parts on his own Land. I*:steenie(| :it one and Thirty aeres nine acres allowed tor had Land : Laid out l)y Uolu'it Luens ; ,Iaeol) Aldrieh. Thomas White, Coniiuitloe Men.lon dune y' IS"'. 1720. then Laid out for Alexander IMuinlily line acres of Seuenth Diuision of Land on y' north Side of the North hill near Marlhury Rode, heufininir at a Chistniitt tree Marked: hointi- a Norwe.st Corner, then East full point on Conunon thirty two Rod to a heap of Stones, hein^: a North Last Corner, then Sontii on Connnon thirty Two Rod to a heape of Stones cVc Stake in it, heinj:- a South Last Coi-ner, then AN'est on Connnon thirty Two Rod to a heape of Stones heini:- a South west Cornel-, then Noith to the tirst lionnds thirty Two Rod. Containinir Six acres eSc Sixty four Rod, one acre and Sixty four Rod allowed for bad Land: Laid out by Robert Eueu ; Jacob Ahb-ich Thomas \Vhit(> Committee. ffardinando Thayer [59.] tfardinando Thayer foi-ty Acre Mouse Lott ^Vith all Rijjjhts and prineliucs there unto belonirinir or Apertainini: is buted and l)onnded as foloweth Easterly upon nmdy brook : South or Sntherly upon the house Lott of .John Rocket ^^'easterly ui)on the lions lott of Sauuud Ilayward and Northerly upon the house Lott of John Gurny, \\\\h A ten Rodd liyway Crosiiii: .sd Lett I^aionnded Teen Acres of it upon the East si(U' of .Mudd\' brook att the Vau\ of his house liolt bounded AVeast upon his ow lie medow south and east upon Coinon Land Northerly upon the Land <»f William liolbrook, 'f wcnty four Acres more of sd DuldiiiiT Lotl Lyini:- upon the Mill Plaine lu.und.'.l North- erly upon the Land of rlaines .\lbee, southerly and W'easlerly upon Joseph sleveiises medow and Easterly upon a Ixiinnill of Water: with A two Ivod hvway Cros sd Lott, -i\ Aere^ iikmc of MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 85 sd Dubling Lott Laid out upon theWeast side of y*" Roade Lead- ing to Relioboth l)ounded southerly upon a brook Runing into Mathias Puft'ers House Lott Weasterly upon Samuel Sheperds swamp Lott Easterly upon the Road aforsd Northerly upon sd thayers twelue Acres of Land bought of the Town first of Jan- uery 1674 as appears page 59 first book : Laid out By Josia chapin 27 May 1686 The first deuission of medow being thirteen Acres and a quarter be it more or Les is bounded as followeth one part of it Lying upon y"" second brigg Riuer bounded up strem upon the hyway it gos to beuer dam medow : down strem upon the East sid of y" Riuer upon Benjemin Albees medow upon the west side of the Riuer upon John Rockets medow Easterly and westerly with upland) Another part Lying Att the uper End of beuer Dam medow liounded Northerly upon Comon Land Down streem upon Samuel Haywards medow Easterly and Weasterly upon Comon Land) the Remainder of sd medow Lying upon the East side of muddy brook l)ounded up strem Avith Wiliam Ilolbrooks medow down strem with the Line of his Lott Weasterly with the brook Elasterly with Comon Land — Laid out by Joseph White The second Deuission of medow being four Acres more or Les part of it Lying upon the Weast sid of the Mill Riuer below Chepunte Queseet boundd up strem With William Holbrooks medoAV down strem upon A stake Easterly upon the Riuer Weasterly with upland. Another part Lying upon the same Riuer below the aboue sd medow bounded Downe streme with hopp brook Wher it Emptys in to sd Riuer and up strem with maple trees y'^ upland Coming to sd Riuer Easterly upon sd Riuer Weasterly upon upland Another part of sd medow Lying upon the Weast side of the way Leading to the mill Riuer bounded Round With upland and A swamp In the midle of it that Was Left Comon Laid out by Joseph White 8G ruori; IK rolls- niicouhs. nardiiiaiid.. TliMy.'i- [00.] SwMiiii) '"" '""' ^'■'■'' =^" 1'"' ^^'<'^< >'•••' of tlic uitmI Iviiui- Ixiiiiidctl Iv-isl iipoii s(l l\iiicr North ii|ioii prouitlciirf lvo:i Line of Mi.'irkcd lives nilli .-I whil omU upon llic hank of the Kinrr, half an A» Tf and Iwcniv ximii Kodd more of >d Loll niall linn of ^\■al.•^, West ant on the Hivei-. Xoi-tli and s(tnth on upland \\'«"st upon marked 'l'i»-e> ten Lodds tVom the Kiuer : one humh'ed and forty Kodd nun'c farther iipstrenie houncK-d Hast on the Hiuer North and south I>v upland A\'est hy a line of maik«(l trees fore one Imnthcd and forty four Kodd more farther up>ti'eanie Lyiui: in a valy hounded north and south upon y' Ivinei- Ka>t and W'east uixm upland : one Acre and lialf more upon the Hast si(U' of the iireat Kiuer ujion the Weast side of a small hrook Kunini:: In to sd Kiiur lOasterly hounded upon the hrook south upon a i)()iiit of ui)land Cominir home to y' hrook Wcast u\h)U upland upstrem hy a hiaek oak marked. Half an Acre more alt the south Kast eoi-ner of william Ilolhrooks faiiu all y' head of a small hrook north of hop hr..ok) thrc snial pereels more Laid out upon the weasl -ide of the mill Kiuer Litell upstrome from Kehohoth Koad one hundrod 'M ivodd boundcMl down streem with A steep hill Kuninir Close to sd Kiuer another pereell a litle distance upstreame houndecl with two points of upland Comini:- home to the Kiuer: another |tei'c(dl up f^trcnio ahout sixty Kodd helow sd Thayers medow the whole (.■ontainiuL'' six Acres and half and twenty Kodds : — Laid out Hy Josiah ("hapin 20 July JiisT The ureal Lot! Pari of it l>aid out upon the Plain h.-low Mud.ly In-ook hutted and hoiin.led Ivi-terly I'artly upon Malliia- Pullers forty Aei-e L(»tl and part u|ion('onum) \\'ea>lerly u|>on ('onion Land Neerthe Koad that Leads to Kehoh,.thand norlherlv Part MENDON, ]\IASSACHUSETTS. 87 upon the Land of Joseph Steuens & partly upon the Dubling Lott of John Herbur and i)artly upon Conion and Northerly upon Comon Land) the other part of it Laid out upon the East side of the mill Riuer bounded southerly ujion Joseph Steuenses great Lott Weasterly partly upon the mill plaine and Parly upon the Dubling Lott of John Bartlet Northerly upon the Road to Mett- feeld Easterly upon Comon Land nere the midle of second plaine the whol being one hundred and sixty Acres : Laid out by Josiah Chapin 25 may ITxS || [61.] Joseph taft Jun' ifardinando Thayer Benjamen thayer fhm' Hardinando Thayers twelve Acres Land bought of the towne January 1674 Laid out upon the Weast side of the Ten Rodd hyway Neer to Mathias Puffers House Lott bounded Easterly upon the aboue sd hyway and Weasterly upon Comon Land south- erly upon part of the said Thayers Dubling lott and Northerly : — april y^ 3'' : 17o() laid ovt for Benjamen thayer jvn'' five acers and half tenth division of land laid joyning to his other land near wigwam hill and is bovnded : west on s'' land 86 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner of sd land thence rvning east 1 dgr*^ sovth 28 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 2() rod to william haywards land then l)ovnded east on sd land o7 rod and sovth on sd haywards land 29 rod to his own land the whole being six acers and half one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvaycr Robert taft Chain man. — Janvary y*^ 21* : 1737-S- laid ovt for Joseph taft jvn^' 14 acers of land viz : 4 acers of Jonathan Richersons ninth division and 4 acers of sd richersons tentli division and 6 acers of his own tenth division laid together near his hovse and is l)ovnded west on the land of John farnvm 70 rod sovth on the land of James emerson 17 rod to his own land then on sd land to the great river and is bovnded east on sd river 18 rod and north on his own land it being a broaken peace containing 17 acres and 80 rod 3 acers and 80 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd 88 iM;()iMJii;'r()i;s- iikcokds. .l.Ml.l.icl.MIHl .I..>n.l laii.l l:ii(l (.\t l.v 'rii(.iii;i> While -viviivci l:,fl ,li:iiii iiK'ii — III*- -;iiiic lim.' l.v the >:iiiif ((.miiiil I .•<• l:ii(l cvl lor xl t;il( ;i iiriTs and SO rod of land \ i/. : one aci-r llial he |.\ irliascd of the proprialors ofllic lornici- lown^iiip of incnd<»n and Iwo accrs and SO rod of lii- ninlii division laid o\ I near al.rl aldrichcs and is l.ovndi'd wc^lcijy on a tinvc rod way ilO rod and sovliu'riyon I he land of iKiijanicn (aft l' I r<.d an accrs one art-r and half aloui'd for had land — May y l'i;"'. 17:;i» laid ovl for Joseph tall jn n' I a(cr> lenlh division of land laid Joynin-- lo his other land near shokeoh.- aii«l is l.ovnded sovlherly pail on s.l lan«l and pari on the land of l.en- Janien tail eleven rod to a l.laek oak lr(>e I.ein-lhf -llieasl corner llienee with a direct line IS ro<| lo the sovthwesl corner of soh)- nion wootls land and is l.ovnded weshM-Jy on chcMU'Zcr reads lan- and is hovndeci northerly and wcslcrly oil henjamcn lafts land and sovthcrly on his own land it iK'inir a throe cornered jx-ace of land containinu- 4 acers and 110 rod 70 rod alowed for had land the same day laid ovt for sd taft '.) acers tenth division of land laid o\t near nicolas h\nis«'sand is I»o\ndcd soNtherly on a Ihice I(k1 way 10 lod from janics l-jncrsons land to a heap ol" slons near a i:rcal rock heini: the so\thwcst c(»rnci" westcilyon connnon l>y a line of inarkt trees 2S rod to shokcoloir : Bi-ook northerly on sd hrook to sd eniersons land it heinir ■'» tliree cornered |)eace of land containinu: .') acers and half SO i-od alowed for had land laid (tvt hy 'JMionias white svrvayer flacoh aldrich and rloscph tall chain men — r>enieniin Thayer [02.] A Kecord of Land I>aid ont hy the Snrnayers to U«'n- jeniin Thayer Thirty Rods of Swamp heloniiinL'' t<> \\'altcr Cooks Loll and six Acres of Jonathan 4'lia\cr> lift I)eni»ion and two MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 89 Acres of sd Beniemin Thayers lift Deuission : ten Rods of sd Swamp and the abouesd six Acres of Land in Prohibeted Land A Litle Distance : Eastward from the Mill Riuer : as it is l)ounded Weasterly Part upon Comon : and Part upon the Land of Elien- ezer Thayer by A line of seuenty one Rod In Length Northerly upon Comon Land by A line of fourteen Rods : A white oak att the Northe east Corner and and Easterly upon Comon by A line of seuenty one Rods : A black oake Att the southeast Corner and southerly upon Comon : by Aline of Eighteen Rods : A stake and A heap of stones for the south Corner Laid out with An Alowance for A hyway thorow it and one Acre for Rough Land Laid out the Eighteenth of March 1710^^ By Josiah Chapin : Thomas Thayer : Samuel more : Connnittee Twenty Rods more of said Thayers swamp Lott and one Acre of Beniemen Thayers : tift Deuission Laid out In Prohibeted Land : as it is l)ounded Northerly upon Land of John Rockets Easterly upon Comon : by A line of Twenty Rods : from Rockets Line : then Turning Cros A swamp : by A line of Twelue Rods upon Common : Weasterly l)oundcd : upon the Land of John Har- bur by A Line of Twenty Rods ; by Josiah Chapin Thomas Thayer Samuel More Comitte 16 march 1710^^ One Acre More of sd benjemin Thayers tift Deuission : Laid out on the Weast Side of the Mill Riuer as it is butted and bounded : south on the Land of Samuel Cook Now sd ])enjemin Thayers : by A line of Eighteen Rods Easterly upon the Medow of benjemin Whelock : Eleven Rods Northerly on Comon : by A line of Eight Rods : Weast l)y A line of A Eleuen Rods : Laid out the 18"' of march 1710yj: by Josiah Chapin, Thomas Thayer & Sanuiel more Com"''' The Return of one Acre of Swamp formerly Granted unto Jonathan Hayward on the East side of the Mill Riuer as It is bounded Downe Streame upon the Land of Ensigne William IIol- brook : Easterly Part upon upland and part on swamp : Att the upper end bounded on swamp Which formerly : belonged to John Rockit that Line : Markt with two Maple Trees one by the Riuer : 90 IMtolMMKTOUS- Ki:(()llI)S. Mild one l.y llir ll|il:in(l >i\ IumIs — I )i>l:ilirc iVollI (.lie lii.tl k to the otluT Laid (.lit M.-nvli the In : 1710, , hy rl<>si:ili Chapiii l'>si|' l»('iijriiiiii 'rii;iycr [(»:{.] 'riiii-tccii A»iv> (.r I.mii.I KI.micm A.iv> iKin- I'art of tr:ii-si..ii and two Aero (.ftlicxl iM-iiiciiiin Tliayrrs till D.Miissidii Laid out l(. the sd 'I'liaycr on tlir l-^asl side of the Mill liiiicr l.y the Tartli Lcadiiii: to Wicntliaiii : IV..I1I Isaac- Thaycrs: l.oiindcd as followi'lh Nodiicrly on Land Laid out to KIk'IU'/at lliaycr : Kaslcrly on Coininon l.y A line: of niarUcd Trees Xinty and lour K(.ds to Land Laid out to .lolin llail.iiis Lott Soutlierly (.n sd Land Weasleily Partly ..n Medow l.ottem and I'aily (.n the Mill Kivir: l.y 'riioinas white dnly y' 2(1"' 17(i;; : — forty Kiiiht Acres of l>enieinin 'I'hayeis tilt |)eiii»ion: Laid <.iit on the Last si.le ,.r the l.e.ier Pond Medow : hounded As lolh.weth Weaslerly Pait on Med(.w and Part (.n I.eiier Pond l.nx.U (.ne lumdr.Ml and ..lie K(.ds The Northwest ('..rner: A Ked <.ek Tree l.y s.l l.r..ol< the south Weast ('(.rner A lied oak l.y the Medow S(.iilh Pait (.11 Peter Ilolhrooks Medow : and Part on Coiuon: \\\\\\ A diriel Line: seucnly lour Rods: to A I. lack (.ake : tree: l.eini:- llie:s(.uth Last ("orner: Hast on ("(.iiK.n: With A diriel Line one hiindi-ed : .^ (.ne KN.ds : t(. A l.laek oak tree: I.ein-- the North ('(.iiier North (.n ('(.iik.ii with A direct Line t.. the N(.rth- we>l ( '(.nier here l.eini^- two Acrs Alh.waiice — Laid (.lit March y 111'": 17(17 l.y Thomas white dolin 1 )arlini: and dosiali Thayer Comilte Twenty Aciv> .M(.re (.f xl l.eiiieinin 'I'hayer- lilt l)eui»ioii : A litle Distance: hounded l^ast on the t(.wne Line: I'J-hty lu.ds In Leiiirth aiuhloiiy lu.ds in l.readlh : the Northeast :( '(.rner A swamp white oake : the N(.rthw('ast ( 'oiner A Stake: the Soulh we:ist Corner A stake: the s(.utli Last Corner A maple Tree: Nere sd Corner Laid out the: lit'" ,,r Mnreh 1707 — l.vTlionia> White J. .hn Darlin-and .Io>iali Tliaver Coininite — MEN DON, MASSACHUSETTS. 91 March y« : 28: 1718: John bartlits Swamp lott Laid out for Beniaiiien thayer which was formerly Laid out in a medow com- only known by the name of round hopins now Laid Recorded down and Laid out part of it on the east Side calii:)S Noumber . ■ _ ^ ye. 13. . 1718 hill l)ounded west on the Land of beniamen whelook iifty rod a blak oak tree markt being the South west corner a chesnut tree merkt near the norwest corner it beino- fiue rod wide and fifty rod Long containing one accr and half and teen rod the remainder of Sd Swamp lott being one acer and thre || quar- ters and three rod and a half Laid a little northward Recorded from S'' cali|)s hill bounded round with comon Land Noumber yoi3. . 1718 the southeast corner being a white oak tree markt be- ing the northeast corner being a small blak oak markt th||s line being thirty four rod so riming west ward nine rod Laid out by Thomas : white [63a.] Benjamin Thayer March y'' 2>^ : 1718 Laid for Beniamen Thayer sixty rod of John mores Swamp lott which was formerly Laid out in a medow known l)y the name of round hopins now Laid down Recorded j^^^^j Laid out bctweu the mill riiier and mudy brook Noumber _ ^ yo 13. . 1718 on the south side the way that Leads from town to whiloks mill ouer against the southeast corner of the scoll lott bounded round by comon Land the south cast corner being a white oak stand markt south six rod to a white oak stand markt beino- the south west corner So continuino" S'' breadth teen rod northward, l)y Thomas : White Aprill y*" : 9: 1718: Laid out for Beniamen Thayer eight acres sixth diuision compasing in sixty rod of swamp in lew : of sixty rod of swamplott formerly Laid out to flohn Recorded moors lott iu a iilace known l)y the name of round Noumber ^ / '' y 13. . 1718 hoppins now Laid on the neck near the Scool lott the Land and swamp bounded as foloweth the west part on the Land of Tho' Sanford part on the land of Jetliro cotfen 92 I'Koi'KiKroKs- i;i;(oui)s. sixty lour rod south |.,irl (.n llic LmikI ct' D.iiiicl 'riiiii--tuii> p.iil on tlir I.:iii(l of rohard i-urii- twriily >i\ r.id f:i>l on llic I>:iii tliiity rod iioflli on llic \v:i\ lliiit not-s cios lli.' neck to wlu'locks mill thirly six rod the wJKdc coiilainiiii: ciulit accrs and llircc »|nar(rrs sixty i»>d alowcd lor had land l.ai.l out l.y 'n.onia>: Whilr: Kol.cil : Kncn> : Jacol. : Aldiich: Connnittcf May y" .(l.. ITlS.. Laid out for Hcuiaiucn : Thiiyor : six acers sixth division on the cast side calips hill conip'asinir oin' aror and hall' ye s\vani|i lolt l)clon_irin_ir to i(.hn l.arllil> loll Kocord...i Wounded cast, on the Lands (.f Thonia> Tliaxcr partly Noumbor yMa..nis part on thi- Land of W dliani haywards lorly one rod noith pail on S' haywards land pait (Ui .Iclhio Collins Land forty foui' rod to a walnut tree Ikmuj; a corner of ('ollins Land then sctinii <>' northerly l>y S*" Lund thirty rod to a white oak tree inarkt then turnini:- west by (\)llins Land eleuen rod to: henianien wheloeks Land west on S'' Land lifly seiu'ii rod to a heap of stones heinu' the sonlh west eoiner south part on Thomas Thayers Land part on wheloeks Land to the south east eoinei- whare wee ltei;an the whole eontaininic twelue aeers fouracers and half alowed for had Land and a three rod way throui2:li S'' Land Lad out : hy Thomas : White : daeoh : Aldrith : Thomas. Thayer : Commit ee [64.] Henjamen Thayer May y'iU : 171^: Laid oult for lieniamen Thayer Twenty aeers sixth division noith from Calips hill eonipasinii' in one Recorded aoerand three ouarters and thirteen rod and half (.f the Noucraber y'i4..i7i8 swamj) lolt 'heloni^ini:- lo.lolin h:irtlil> lolt l)ounded east on the Land of. det hro ( 'oliins twenty lod to william haywards Land then turnini:- westerly hy S' Land forty lw(. rod to a hiak oak tree markt heini:- the iioiwesl corner thence runinir south seuenteen dcirrees west fifty two rod to a white oak tree mark! heini; the soutwest cornel- then runini: cast ea>l ten de- irrees south to eollins Land then on S' Land I wenty t w o rod to the southeast <'orner w here wee hcLian the whole conlaininir t went v MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 93 seuen acers fine acer and twenty six rod alowed for l>ad Land and a three rod way cros S'' Land Laid out by Thomas : White : Jacol) : Aklrich : Thomas : Thaye Committee May y*= 31. 1718 : Laid, for beniameen Thayer eight acers sixth diuision Joyning to his medow on y" east side second Recorded bridge river bounded west on S'' medow forty rod to a Nouember ^ ye. u. . 1718 heap oi stones on a rock being the southwest corner thence runing east five degrees north forty four rod to stones on a rock being the southeast corner then runing north fifteen degrees east forty rod to a heap of stones being the north- east corner then runing west hue degrees south forty six rod to his medow compasing some medow the whole containing teen acers and a quarter two acers and a quarter alowed for bad Land Laid out by : Thomas : White : Jacob : Aldrich : Thomas : Thayer : Committee Jvne y*^ 11"' 1719 laid ovt for Benjamen thayer fifteen acers seventh division joyning to his other land on the east side the mill river l)elow the mill plain l)ovnded as foloweth begining att a heap of stones being a corner of his other land then rvning sovth fvll point 20 rod to a heap of stones on a rock being the sovthwest corner then east fvll point ninety rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north fvll point ninety rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then rvning west fvll point to his other land : it being a brokeen : peace of land con- taining nineteen acers fovr acers : alowed for bad land by Robard evens thomas white : Jacob aldrich committee Benjamen Thayer [65.] Janvary y** 22"': 1719^-S^ laid ovt for Benjamen thayer thirty : eight acers of land sixth division on the east side of wood- land tompsons medow on both sids the Rode laid ovt to scvll Rock Bridge Begining att a doble blak oak tree markt being the so\i^hwest corner thence rvning east fvll point vnder the north side of a hill on the sovth side of a brook one hvndred rod to a 94 ri;()i'i;ii; rolls' i;i;(()ki»s. lu'Mp of stones hciiii:- lli«' sovlhcMst coiik r tlicii r\ iiiii-- iiortli t\ II point ninety nxl !<• a li'-Mp "t" stones on the >o\tli >i(le sd \v:iy heini: the nor(lie:ist (-oiner then i\ nini: \\c>t IN II point ninety lo\ r rod to :i lil:ik oak tree niarkt uvnv sd toin|)sons niedow heinir the nor\\e>t corner thence w ilh a dir<'cl line to the lirsl hovnds : the wliole containini: lii'ly l"o\ r acers and ninety rod >i\teen acers and ninety rod alowed lor liad land and a io\ r rod way cros a ,-oiner of sd land P.y K.il.anl Kvens Thomas white .lacol. aldiich committee ,lan\arv \' _'-!'' : 171!»^-' laid ovt Cor Henjamcn Ihayer his share of sederswam)) in the swamp l»y solonion woods hovnded nortli- erlv (»M aliel aldriches swamp easterly on \ pland eiuht rod sovlh- orlv on comon swamp tifty rod l»y a line of marked trees westerly on vpland ciirht ro\ ens dacoh aldridi lliomas white. Committee Meuiloii May y' S"'. ITl'I. then Laid out for r.enjamin 'Phayei- sixteen acres of Lanonn(h'(L southerly on y'' Land of John IIarl»our: Deceased: seuentv four l\od, west on other Land north on Common sixteen Ivod. hounded (Ml all other ))arls on his other LancL Containini:- thirtN two acres: sixteen acres allowed for r)ad Land. Laid out l.v. KoI.eit Knens, Thomas White .v: dacol. Aldrich, Conuuitt.'c novenihery' 4"'. MM laid ovt for the heirs of Uenjamen thayer 'M\ acers eiL^lith Division of land laid ovl on the west side the •jreal IJiver lieirinini: at the northeast corner of timothy ixyes l;,nd thenc.' i;\ ninii- <'ast -_><> ih^v^ sovth Cl' r(.d to a heap of slons then east -JO di^r^ sovth l(i rod to a heap of stons th<'Ueast l'O dirr^ sovth l.S rod to a heajt of stons heinn- the northeast corner then sovth 20 d.LM" wc>t 7<) icd t(. a heap of >tons Lein-- the ^ovth- easl coriH'r then west •_'(> (hjiV noi-th so rod to a heap (•!' stons heinir the sovthwest corner then hov n.| 1 i"od to a \)\nv tree iiiarkt hciiii! a former Itovuds and is hovnded northerly on their other land 7 1 rod to the tirst hovnds the whide lieinu- f) aeers and lialf half an aeer alowcd for l.ad lan.l: — the same day laid for sd heii's six aeers and half more of sd division laid j(»inini;- t(» their other land near thomas thay«'r jvnr l)e dirr"" cast II rod to a heap of stons heinir tlic sovthwest eorner tluMice with a direct line 72 rod to a hea)) of stons at fox l>i(»(»l< heinL! the sovtheast corner and is l»o\ nded east on sd hic.oU "JO rod t(. their other land and is l.ovndcd noiih on sd land 72 rod to the tirst hovnds the whole hein*:- 7 aeers and half and 1 I ro() rod to a heap (A' ston> heinir the n(»rtheast eorner then west 2;') (h^v" sovth 40 rod to a hea|) of stons at rehohoth i-ode heinir the norwest corner and is liov nded west on sd viAr ">() i(.d to. the lirst l.ovnds the whole I.ein-- i;; aeers and three (|naitei-s comi.asinii- in 2 aeers and HO rod of land formerly laid ovt one acer and CO rod alowed lor had land laid ovt l>y Thomas white svr\ayer dacoh aldrich and inoses tliayer chain men. danvary y' 10"': 17;{7^ laid ovt loi- the heirs of Joscj.h ihayer fovr acei-s and half tenth division of land laid joynini:- to their uthei- land on the s..vtli -i.le of ho|> l.rook an iM.vndcd north on m1 land li rod and west on sd land |0 uu\ !(• a while oak -^land heinL^ the sovthwest collier and is l.ovn.led so\lh on comon 2.s rod to a heap of stt»ns at chickerins land heini: the sovtheast : ,-,,rner and is iM.vnded ea->l on sd chickerins land lH rod to th.'ir MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 97 own land the whole l)eing 4 acers and 150 rod 70 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white : svrvayer Jacob aldrich and moses thayer chain men. Thomas Taft [67.] may y*^ 12"' 172G laid ovt for Thomas taft fovrteen acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriaters of mendon and is laid joyning to his other land at little pond medow Begin- ing at the sovtheast corner of his other land thence Rvning sovth- • west to the northeast corner of Robert evenses land then Bovnded sovtherly By sd land sixty Rod to a maple tree markt being the sovthwest corner then Rvning north fvll point sixty seven Rod to a heap of stons on a rock Being the norwest corner then east h\\ point forty Rod to his other land then bovnded on his other land and medow to the first Bovnds it being a Broken peace of land containing twenty six acers : twelve acers alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James Keith and Jacob aldrich committee march y*' 15^^ 1726^ laid ovt for Joseph taft jvn"^ fovr acers and half of land which he pvrchased of israiel Keith and is in Ive of land James Keith laid down By Reson of providence men claim- ing of it : and is laid joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded east on sd land one hvndred and twenty Rod and north on solomon woods land eleven Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner of John farnvms land and west on sd land one hvndred and ten Rod and sovth on sd farnvms land eleven Rod the whole containing seven acers two acers and half alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer james Keith & Jacob aldrich com*'''* Jan vary y'^ 20"' : 1719^-2- laid ovt for Thomas taft thirteen acers of land joyning to his other land on the west side the west River : Begining att a pitch pine tree marked being the northeast corner then Rvning Ijy sd land sovth fvll point seventy five Rod to a stvmp with stons upon it being a sovtheast corner then west sixty rod to a heap of stons being y*" sovthwest comer then north (13) seventy five Rod to a pitch pine with stons at the Rvte 98 I'KOI'RIKTOIJS- KKCOUDS. l.riiiM- tlir iiorwcsl coiiuT llicii vnM sixf y i-(.(l lo llu- lirsl lioviids six aci-rs ot' y' :il»(t\r xl hind hciiii:" sixth (li\ isidii .-iiitl seven :ieers of his seventh div i>ion : the whole eont:iininii twenty eiirht ;ieers :md twenty Kod : fifteen aeers and twenty Kod ahiwed tor had hmd and a three Hod way thi-ov.i:h sd land laid (.vt l»y l{<.l)eit Kvens svrvayer daeol. aldrieh and 'i'honias White eoinniittee oeloIxT y' K!"' : 17 17 Laid out for Thomas Tafl one Acre Eleventh Division of Land adjoyninir to his otlu'r Land near David Tafts and is Bounded S..uth Lasterly (Ui said Laud northeily on a Road Leadini:- to Pxiijiu Crairiniis 14 rod westerly (Ui said C'rairinirs Laud to a heap of stones l)y his own Land. Laid out \)\ William Torivy Sury'' Daniel Lovett Chain man Kol>ert Taft And Sauill Simi)s<)n [68.] ( 'ohuiol William ( 'rowns forty Acre house Loll \\ith all the Hiiihts c'c Priueliiios there unto helouiiini:- or Apertaiuiui: Now : Kohert Tafts and Sauill Simson As A|)i)ears l>y Lott'^ "^ l^^*^^^ of Sale hariujr Date the tifteuth day of August Sixteen Imndred seuenty nine : and Recorded In Lihery and Pai:- the: Is l.uted and hounded as llolloweth Northerly Partly upon the house Lott of John .lepsous and Partly upon Comon Land and Easterly upon a four Kodd hyway Leadinjjf to the South medow and Southerly upon a Strait line with marked Trees ujion A four Hodil hyway hetween sd Lott and the irreat pon.l till it comes nere the Hocks att the north coiiiei- (.f the pond: and so hy a marked Tree to dohn Jepsons Lott) The Hemainini: Part of sd house Lott with the l)ul)lini: Lott Lyinu" In the forte feeld hutetl and hounded as foUoweth Dubiing Northerlv u|)on the ahoue sd hvwav Leadiuij to the South meed(.ws afore sd heiui:- f«»ur Hodd wide cSc W«asterly upon a line of marked Trees to A hlack oake att the South Corner: and so huttinndu ('ouiiuiui Land Southerly Cros- iuiT strait oueito a >wamp one the Hast ^itje to a Tree marked so takinir in all the swamp so lOsterly with a line of marked frees untill it Com.s to the ahoue sd hyway att the noith Cornel-: the whole of sd Lotts heinir Kiirhty Acres moic oi- Les Laid <.ut hy Bi-njemin Alh.-e and do^-ph White MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 99 The first Deuissioii of Medow l)el()ngino- to the ahoue sd Lott Is butted and l)ounded as followeth partt of It Lying In the Rock medow bounded Downe streme with ni'' Eniersons The first medow and so bounded Round with upland another Deuission of Medow part Lying in the Litle medow being south from the Rock medow, bounded Northerly upon M' Joseph Emerson medow so bounded Round partly with swamp and parly with upland, the Remainer of the aboue sd share Lying by the Weast Riuer l)ounded Downe streame with a marked Tree : upon the Weast side of sd Riuer and so all the medow upstream to the marked Trees one both sids of the Riuer the whole Contain- ing thirteen Acres and a quarter more or Less : Laid out by Joseph White The second Deuission of medow belonging to the aboue sd Lott Lying upon the Weast Riuer part of it upstream aboue the other share of Medowe bounded southerly upon the aboue sd The second medow Northerly u])on the Line or bounds of the Deuissiou ^ c/ i of medow Towne East and Weast with upland A nother part lying downe stream upon the Weast side of sd Riuer bounded northerly upon the aboue sd first deuission of medow Southerly upon Samuel Reads medow East with the Riuer Weasterly with upland the whole C^ontaining four Acrs more or Les. Laid out by Joseph White Robert Taft Sauill Simpson [69.] The Great Lott belonging to the aboue sd Tafts and Simpsons forty Acres House Lott Part of it Lying upon the Weast side of the West Riuer butted and bounded as followeth Northerly l)artly on the Weast Riuer and Partly on Common Land by A line of seuenty Rodd Weasterly upon Comon by A various Line Containing one mile and teen Rodd : southerly l)y A line ot Sixteen Rodd and East and Easterly upon the medow and swamp of said Taft and Simson The Whole Containing Eighty acres more or Les — The other Part of the Aboue sd Tafts and simpsons great Lott L.ofC. 100 PHOl'KIiyroHS' HKCOUDS. Lyini: In llic |»inc i)l:iinc ii|)()ii the cms! side of (li(> Weast KiiuM- ItouiuU'd Wt'.istcilv |»:nlly (Hi iiic(l»t\\ l)cl(>iii:iiiir unto said Tal't and Siinson and parly upon the seing Equall Propriotors In said feeld haue upon the Day tirst Aboue A\'rit(n Made An E(|uall Deuission, which Deuission was Made by and betwen Robert Taft senior on the one \)nvt and Josiah Chai)in on the other part Atturny to Sauill Simpson Aforesd Is as followeth : viet : tinding an E(|uall Quantity of Land on Each, side of A four Rodd Highway Leading Cros sd feelds Into the South AVoods Have Mutualy Agreed and Determined the sd Highway to be and Remaine to bee the stand- ing bounds betwen us and our heyers for Euer As witnes our Hands JosiAM CllAl'IN RoHKiiT Taft J) ^uT^ This is A true C'o})y of the AI>ou(' Deuission Attest Sam"^'- Read Town Clerk Sauill Simpson Isaac Thayer [70.] The fouilh (ieuisiou of Laud belonging unto the Aboue sd Sim|)sons Lotl Now Lai*! out upon the Pine Plaine ( 'ontaining ft)rty .Acres is butted and bouudi-d as followeth : Southerly upon the Land of tlic Aboue sd Simpsons great Lott by A Line of one hundred ami fourteen Kodds : A\'easterly upon the \\'east Kiuer by A line of iifty ^i\ Hod.l and half: Northerly upon ("oin- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 101 mon by A line of one hundred and forteen Rodds that Line marked at sd Riuer by a small pine nere the Riuer and Easterly by a Line of tifty six Rodds and half upon Common Land Laid out by Josiah Chapin March 26 : 1706 : The tift Deuision of Land belon^^ino- to the Aboue sd Simpsons Lott Now Laid out upon the Weast side of the Great Riuer Alis Nipniug Riuer betwen sd Riuer and Shokalog Pond with the swamp Lott belonging to sd Lott the whole of both Containing one Hundred and three Acres and halfe : as It is butted and bounded southerly Parly upon the Land of John Cook and Partly on Comon the South weast Corner being a maple Marked : West- erly upon Comon Runing upon the Weast side of a swamp tak- ing in sd swamp by a Dirict Line of one hundred and sixty Rodd : the north weast Corner being A chesnut Tree Marked Northerly upon Comon one Hundred and four Rodds the North east Corner being A Rock with stones upon it Easterly upon Comon by A line of one Hundred and sixty Rodd the south East Corner being A Stake and A heap of Stons Laid out the seuenteenth of June 1707 By Josiah C^iapin Esq'" Robert Taft & Josia Thayer Select Men beinij Asistino; — Thomas taft April y^ 7*'^ 1726 laid ovt for Thomas taft thirty Rod of Sam- vel thayers seventh division of land joyning to his other land near his Barn and is bovnded Easterly on sd land twenty rod and sovtherly on Daniel tafts land three Rod and westerly on a fovr Rod way twenty Rod : it being a goar of land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer capt seth chapin & Jacob aldrich committee September y*' 11*^ 1746 Laid out for Isaac Thayer 2 Acres Eleventh Deuision of Land Joyning to his other Land norwest from his house and is Bounded Easterly on said Land 40 rod to y*" norwest Corner of his other Land then Bounded northerly on his Son Sam" : Thayers Land Eight Rod to a heap of Stones be- ing y'' norwest Corner thence Runing South 10 Deg"^* west on Comon 40 rod to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner 102 i'KolMUKTOKS- KECOKDS. tliciicc K'liiiiii- l-;i-t 10 Dt'L^'" Stmlli <.ii Coiikui I*ji:1i1 Rod Id m ConuT of his otlicr Land I.ai.l out l»y \\illiaiii Torrcy SiinirytT ,1ju-o1) aldrich ('liaiiiniaii. 'riidiuas Talt [71.] mciidcii fcl.niarv y' i:V'' 1722^ Then Laid out for Thomas 'I'afi >i.\ltt'M acres of Sam" Moon-s stncnlh Division .lovniiiir <<• N' north si(h- of Lilh- pond mo(io\v R('y a Line of Marked 'i'rees and lieai)s of stons on ( "oiunioii Ki^hty Kod to a heap of slons then South Twenty Liirht deirrs Last on ("oininon thirty Hod to sd medow, then Bounded on sd niedow Partly and Partly on Common to the first Bounds Containinjjr thirty Two acres, .sixteen acres allowed for a Koade a Cross one Corner, of three Rod wide and Bad Land Laid out l>y Hohert Lveiis dacoh Aldrieh James Keith Comm-tee. April y'^ 22'' : 1700 laid ovt to Thomas taft of his fathers swamj^ lolt one fovrth part as it is Bvtted and Bovnded on the west side of the Rode that leads to the Sovth medows over against sd lafts dwelinir hovse twenty one Rod in leuL^th vpon the Rode : and seven Hod in Breadth laid ovt By Josiah chapin svrvayer fehrvary y' 12"': 1702^ laid down (.f m' Hoheit tafts oreat lot on the west side of the west Hiver ten aceis as it is hvtted and Bovnded Lasterly on the medows ol' sd taft By a line of twenty eiiiht Hod: and so Hviiiiiii- cros sd tafts land fi(Mii the fore sd medow to the coiiiinon By a line of sixty six Hod and we-teily on coiiniioii Ity a line of twenty eiiiht Hod and so hovnded north and sovth on y' land of sd taft — the same day ten acers of land taken v|) and laid ovt to Ihomas taft in lew of the ten acers that was laiirc(t I.iiM- Sixtv l\ soutli west Corner v' uliolc Conlaininii: sixteen acres lieic Heini: ono acre aLowanee ti\t' atre> and halt' more of said l>ivisi(»n and Three acres and thive (^iarl of Kohort Tafts fifth Division Laid out on the \\'e>t side theCreal Kiver IJelow thei'e Other Lands bounded as toloweth Konnd with ( 'oinnion Land l»y Diroet Lines fifty two Hod in Leiiiith and Twenty Ki.uht Hod in Breadth the South Wost Corner BcMni; a while oake the North AVest Corner a Bhicke oake, this line heiiiii' fifty two rod y^ noith east corner, the South East Corner a Stake and slons. The Heniainch-r of Thomas Tafts fifth Division Laid out .loyning to his otiier Land l»y his House Bounded as followeth the South East Corner with a Walinift Tree, East on sd Land forty Ei<>ht Hod to the Lands of Daniel Taft North on sd Land fifty five Hod to a Chest nutt oake Beinix the Nor west Corner South West with a Direct Line fifty five Hod, to the South East Corner the whole Containing Eight acres here Being three acres and half aLowanee By Robert Taft Josiah Thayer Thomas White May y' Isth 1718 foui-feen acres of Land Wanting Twenty Hod Laid out for Thomas Taft on the West side the (Jreat Hiver .loyning to his other Land Bounded northerly on sd Land thirty one Hod WestiMly on Conunon sixty Rod to a heap of stons on a Rock Being the South A\'est Corner Southerly on Common forty Rod to a stak(^ and stons being the South East corner. Easterly on Common sixty Hod to the Corner of his other Land it Being Land (hanged With the Town at our March Meeting for sd year y' Land Laid I )own being at an E(|ual Breadth Cross the West End of his Land forty (.ne Hod wide By Th<.mas White [73.] Joseph Taft Robert Tall Daniel Taft Aprill 1718 fifleen Acres of Land Laid Down for Danil Tafft which was gi-anled to be exchanged all our March Meeting In the y«-are 171()j, on the West side the west Kiner it being all he had MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 105 In that Place Joyning South and west on Comon : North on his fathers Land by A line of marked trees : to the West Riuer : East on sd Riuer Laid Downe hy Thomas White May the 18'": 1713 two Acres of Land Laid out for Daniel Tafft Att the West End of his Land by his house l)ounded Northerly on sd Land Thirty two Rod Westerly on Comon Twenty Rod from the southwest Corner : of his other Lands : to A maple tree : being the south C^orner : southerly on coinon thirty two Rod to his other Land it being A three cornered Peice by Thomas White five Acres and Twenty Rod more of sd Land Laid to Daniel Taft't on the West side of the great Riuer Joyning to his other Land liounded as foloweth : the south West Corner being A stake and heap of stones West on Comon fifty two Rod to A stake being the Norwest Corner North on Timothy Winters Land Twenty two Rod so Round with sd Taft'ts Land home to the great Riuer : East on sd Riuer fifteen Rod to A black oak tree markt Nere the Riuer : south on Comon twenty seuen Rod : to the south West Corner It being Part of the fifteen Acres of Land the towni granted to be Changed : att our March Meting 1710 : y^ : Laid out l\y Thomas White IVIay y*" 9 : 1707 seuen acers and half and thirty rod of Robard Tafts fifth division laid out for his son Joseph Taft on Recorded ^|^g wcst sidc the Great river below mumfords river March y 13:1718:19 liouudcd as folowetli easterly on s** river northerly and westerly on Joseph Tafts land southerly on Daniel Tafts land by : Robard : Taft : Josiah : Thayer : Thomas White : Com- mittee : Febuary j^ 26, 1711 = 12 fine acers of Robard Tafts fifth Diuision of land laid for his son Joseph Taft on the west side the great riuer Joyning to his othe Land bounded as Recorded folowct easterly on s'^ Land thirty two rod the north March ye ./ ^ I9:i7i8yg east corner being a heap of Stones on a rock northerly on comon with a direct line forty rod to a heap of lOG ruoi'ini-yroHs' kixohds. StoiK^s ItfiiiL!- Hie ii(>r\v»v>t coi'ih-i- wcslcrlv on ((iiikhi with :i diifcl liiir tliiriN two i<»tl to M wliitc o.-ik tree hciiii; tlir Soiitliwot conicr xHitlicily on comoii with ;i dircM-l line lorly nul lo a licap of Stons lu'iiii: (lie sotilhcast coi-ucr tlir whole couf aiiiiiiii r\ : While : Thomas: Thayer, Sainiill More ( '(.iiiiiiitee [74.] KN.I.eil Tail Hohert Tafts fourth neiiision ol" Land heinir forty Acres with two Aeres of liis Swani|) Lott and one Acre of Swamp houuht of ('apt .losiah Chapin as Ajipears l)y A Deed of Sah' l»arin fonrlh of AuirusI Senentc'en hundi'ed and three: IS bounded as followelh Norlheriy hy Muiufords Hiuer the East Line I\uninu- pail upon Ihe edi; of A oravily liill : variously: with sd hill and pari willi a Direct Lim« : thorow conion Intervaill : Home to Samuel Hay wards Land and Southerly Part on the Land of Said Hayerd and Part on Comon : that S(mth AVeast Corner In a swamp marked wilh a while oaUe Weasterly on Comon home lo Mumfords Kiuer: A Kock Xeer said Kiuer hc'uv^ the Norlh Weast Corner Laid oul by .losiah Chapin May y' 12 17(11 Kiiiht Acres of Decon flohn Warfeelds fourth Deuission of Land Now Robert Tafts as Appears by A deed of Sale barinjr Date the fourth of Auirust Seuenteen hundred and Three Is : butted and l)ound(Ml as followeth North part u])on the Land (»f sd Taft : and part on Comon: by A line of Ihiily and two I\(»dds : Last and Weast by Lines of forty Hodds : Laid out by ,Iosiah Cliai)in the Twenlv second of febuary 1702, Two Acers of ,Iose])h Plumlys fourth Deuission of Land Now Hobert Tafts as Appear by A deed of Sale barin()ntli ur>l ( "«iiiicr xtiillifily on ( 'oiinui thirty IJods to the soutliwcasl Coiiu'i- hy TliomMs White Samuel More mikI John Jono (oniite t'el)ii:iai-y -jr.: 171<> 'Pwehie Aeiv^ and half of Kohert Tallt> tilth l)enis>i..n Laid ont lor his son Danil Tall't on the \ve.>t si(h' of the irreat Ixinei- doyninir t<> Ids othei' Lainl Ixmnded Northefly (»n sd Land Last ])ai-l on sd Land Pait on the iri'<"d liiuerto A swainj) \\hit(> oak on the baiu'k of" sd Hiner Meiiiir tli«' south Last Corner south on C'oninion thirty Hod lo A white oake tice l)ein«f the south west Corner Westerly on Conion scuenteen Kod to the Corner of Timothy Winters Land so on sd Land home to sd tatl'ts Land — l>y 'iMioma> White 'I'liomas Thayei- and Samuel More Comite — Dec-ember 1 7 : 17<>7: Laid out for Danill Tatft on the West sid the irreat Kiuer hetwcn doseph Talfts and I^ltenezer Keads Mill Liuht Acres of Land want inn- twenty Kod It lu-ini:- l;ind ex- ehaiiixed with the Towne : and one Acre for A way Cross one Corner of his Land hy henjemin Tafi'ts Land Laid out on both sids of the way Huidiiix throw sd Land hounded northerly upon the Land of Khenezer Head Kighteen Hod A whit oake tree marked att thenorwest Corner Westerly sixty Rod to A blaek hureh being th(> southwest Corner southerly on Comon twenty Light Hod to A white oak tree being the south Last Corner Easterly on Comon thirty Light Rod to nuimfords Hiuer att the uper end of do>e|>h talfts Land so on sd Hiuer to Lbene/er Reads Land by TlH.mas White may y' : lit'": 171!i : laid ovl for Hol»ard tall sen"^ live aeers of sixth division on the sovth side the sovth medow rode bovnded west on thomas tafts land forty eight rod rvning from the north- east corner of sd land east A dg"^ north thirty rod to a lu'ap of stones on a roek being the northeast corner then sovth 5 dgr" east forty eight rod to stones on a rock being the sovtheast corner then west ') dgr' so\th thirty rod to the sovth wt-st corn(>r it ix'ing a waln\t tree markt the whole containinir nine aeers fo\ r aci'rs MENBON, MASSACHUSETTS. 109 alowed for bad land by thomas white Jacob aldrieh Rol)ard taft committee — May j"" 19"': 1719 laid ovt for Robard taft sein'' and his son tiioraas their share of seder swamp in the sovth seder swamp bovnded northerly on daniel tafts sederswamp sixty rod five rod wide rvning cros the swamp by a line of markt trees rvning north 35 dgr^ west laid ovt by thomas white Jacob aldrieh Robard taft committee [76.] John Harbur John Harburs Thirty fine Acre house Lott with all the Rights and priueliges there unto belonging or Appertaining is House butted and bounded as followeth the House lott is Lott 1)ounded Northerly upon the Land of M' Joseph Emerson southerly upon the Land of Georg Aldrieh Weasterly upon the ministrys Lott and Easterly upon a smale Run of water Runing betwen sd Land and Joseph Aldriches Land Laid out by M^ flint The first deuission of medow belonging to sd Lott part of it Lying in the Lower North medow upon the Weast side of the Riuer bounded upstreame with the Cartway Leading to 1 deuission ^]jg noi"th fccld dowuc streame upon A point of upland of medow . . "^ ^ ^ upon the east side of the Riuer bounded downe streame upon John Woodlands medow upstreame partly with upland partly with swamp) An other part of sd medow Lying In the uper North medow bounded down streame with John Wt)odlands medow upstreame with peter brackets medow) An other part of sd medow Lying upon the mill Riuer below moody brook upon the weast sid of sd Riuer bounded upstreame upon John Gurnys medow downe streame to A point of upland that gose home to the Riuer An other part upon the same side of y® Riuer bounded upstreame upon upland downe streame upon mathias Pufters medow : the Remainder of his share Lying In the Round medow bounded southerly upon John Gurnys medow Weasterly upon Walter Cooks medow : the other part with upland the whole being Aleuen Acres and half 21 Rod more or Les Laid out by Joseph White 110 I'KoritlK'POliS' KKCOKDS. Tlic ui-cMl Lott ('(.MlMiiiiii- <.li.- Iiiiii.liv.l :iii(i loilv Acres mikI Twciilv liiu- Acn-s (.f llic Diil.liiii; l«'ll l-ii«l <>iil with it scin'iily Aci-.-s (.1 it I.ai.l out iiix.ii the plainc on the Kasl si(>uiul('(l soiilli W'casl upon the Land greui >o « of I'ardinando Tliavcr and rloscph Slcucns) Norlli jjailly on niiiddv hi-ook and Partly <>n Malliias Pnllrrs nicdow any a line of marked Iree.s from the sd harlmrs medow to fardinando Thaycrs Coiner) Xinty fine Acres more Laid out on the Last side of the Mill Kiiicr honnded upstreanie hy A line ol marked Trees Northerly and \ point of upland Kuning threw mathias pufers medow to the Riuer Weast- erlv downe the Kiiier one hundred and sixty Hodds bounded part on mathias I'lilfer.s medow and part on Comoii swamp and part on a |)oint of upland att end by a line of markt'd Trees Cros sd point of u))laiid) Southerly I»y a line of marked Trees Hunino- Cros a small Kiin of water Kunin<:- threw the south line nerc the Corner theiic t(. the VaIj: of a plainc hill sixty Kodd Lasterly by A line of marked Trees on Coiiion Land the line Kuninii- threw A pine swaiii}) and other swampy I^and to A marked white oake att the north <'ast Corner. Laid out the 28 of May lOHG By dosiah Chapiii [77.] Simon P.-ck dohn Ilarbnr Daniel Taft Ls,,' T«-n Acres more of sd Dnbliiiii; Lott Laid out cm the Last side ol' the Mill Riiu'r bounded southerly partly upon sd ^"'*''"'« haibuis medow and partly upondohn Woodlands Land : Last up(»n Comoii Land by A line of marked Trees forty liods the north end boiindcl upon ( 'onion by A line of thirty l{ods A diible while oak Near the Kiuer marked: I: C with A markiiii: Iron and Weaslerly liy the mill Riuer home to -d liMrbui> mc(|ow Laid out by Josiah Chapin I'l' Ifebiiiary IClt;!, MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. Ill 8d Harl)iirs secon deuissioii of mcdow being Three Acres and half Lying In the Great medow is bounded as foloweth 2r|.l. Km.ix.n [7H.] M' KiiuTsonslorly Acre lioiis.' L(.lt LM-:inf(>(l to liini hy llir Tuwnr Willi MJI III.- K'i^.'-lils.S" Piiiu'lidircs hdoiiLMiiLMo A Inrly Aiiv Loll lioiiiKJc*! :i> tullowt'tli l-::istci-|y u|i(>ii A Ixiiii of wiilci- t li:it i*:ilt- hi- i,..|| :iliil Jo>.|.li Wliilo Loll s<.iil licl-jy lllmii the liotlx' Loll (.iJoliii ll.irl.iir \\r-.|cily upcii the Minislrv L.-tl Noillinly upon lilt' 'r..\\ii> ((.111. .11 with A tciiii 1\(.(| \\':iy ( 'i(.-c ^.1 L..lt Laid out l.y M' John Hint 'riic Diil.lini: L(.tt or second l)ciiission holonjijiiior to the Afor*'- sd L(.(t : Laid ..iit on the llill at tii.- head of the Ministry L(.tt l>omuU'd l-:a>t I'ait on {',ri>\'j: Aldricho Ik. use Lolt and Part (.n ('onion l.y A line (.f sixty Rods: south on ('onion l.y A Line of inaikt trees (.lie hundred Hod : and west on A r(.iir lu.d liyway one hundred Hods: and North on the Minisliyes Lott l.y A line: ol" sixty liod : all eoiitaininir Jorty Aeics liaid out N(»ueinl.er second liiSC l.y .losiali ('liapin The lir>t Deiii-Hoii (.f nied(.w l.ei(.ni:inir t(. the Al.oiie sd L(.1t Part of it Laid out in the Medow called the Hock niedow : hounded upstreauie u))on Colonal Crowns Medow so lound with upland — Another Part (.fit Lyin- In the lille nied..w ^(.iitli fr(.ni -d Pock medow: hounded southerly up(.ii ( 'olloiiall Cn.wiies Medow so lii.iind with >waiiip: The l\eiiiainiii- Part (.f that share (.f Medow Lyinir in the Lowei- end of the Medow called the scooll Medow hounded Northeasterly with tlu' Ministrys Medow southerly part upon A line (.f inaikt trees in the pine swamp Part on upland \\'e>t(ily on upland the whol heing thirteen Acro.s and (Quarter more or L»'ss : Laid out l.y Joseph white AP Joseph Lmersons (ir»'at Lot! Containiiiir <>n<' hundi-e .*; half the whole as siinicycd aceordiiii: l(. The platt Taken There of l.ein<: (.lie hundred AL niiit\ line acre- l.eiiii: I'w cut \ i'-ii:lit acre< alh.w- MENDON, massachusp:tts. 113 ance for a highway Leading to y*^ south niedows Through said Land, being hiid out at y® Rock Medovv Brook and is Bounded Westerly partly on Oapt: Smiths Land, & part on Common Two hundred & forty Rod, The Norwest Corner a White oak Tree marked The Southwest Corner a White oak Tree marked, North- erly on y" Road Leading Towards y'^ west Riuer from Town : one hundred & forty Rod to a black oak Tree marked Easterly on Common Two hundred Rod. to a black oake Tree marked being y^ South East Corner. South on Common one hundred Rod to y^ Southwest Corner. April y*^ 29*" 1700. Laid out by Josiah Chapin Jvne y® 18*'' 1719 laid ovt for James Emerson fifty eight acers sixth division on the west side the great river on the sovth side shokcolog l)rook bovnded east part on John farnvms land part on comon with a direct line one hvndred and forty rod the sovtheast corner being a heap of stones then rvning west 8 dgr^ & ^ north eighty rod to a heap of stones being the sovthwest corner then rvning north 8 dgr' & ^ east one hvndred and forty rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then rvning east 8 dgr^ & ^ sovth eighty rod to John farnvms land a white oak tree markt att the northeast corner : the whole containing seventy acers 1 2 acer alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros a corner of sd land laid ovt by thomas white Roljard evens Jacol) aldrich com- ittee. James Emerson [79.] April y'^ 7*" : 1720 laid o\i; for James Emerson Jvn' six- teen acers of land seventh division on the west side the great river joyning to his other land on the sovth side of shockcolog Brook begining at his land near sd brook by John farnvms land then bovnded northerly by sd land eighty fovr Rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then rvning sovth 5 dgr^ west fifty five rod to a heap of stones being the sovthwest corner then east 5 dgr** sovth eighty fovr rod to his own land then on sd land to the first bovnds the whole containing twenty eight acers and one- hvndred and forty rod twelve acers and hvndred and forty rod ulowed for bad land and a three Rod way through sd land by Rol)ert Evens Jacob aldrich thomas white committee 1 1 I rijoi'Kiiyroiis' iikcouds. Mciidi.M .Iimcv' N''. ITlM. 111. 11 I.Mi.l ..111 lor .Imiiics Kincrs.m four ac-i'cs of SciMMilli Diiiisioii on y North Si.lc of Kock Mcdow Brook : .loyninir 1<> lii;^ Mrdow, l»(\iriniiiir :i1 -i \\r;i\H' of Sons near llic Scliool iiK'dows Six Hod from his M('(h)\v, ihcii KimiiiL' South west. [.MitlyoM Conunon: Partly on .losiah ('hajiiiis Laud Kidity Six Hod to a h.'M]).' of Stous. then South t.-u Dciirccs Kast on CouniKUi 1.) Sd Hr.).>U twenty liuc Rod, then liouu.h'd ou s.l Hrook and Mc.h.w. t.) y' lirst li.tmids. ( 'outaiiiiui:- Six acics. two arrt's aMowrd for had Laud, Laid out, hy Kolx-rt l^iu-us. ,Iacol» AUlrith and Tlionias White Coiuuiittec. Mcudon ,hino y'" 8*''. 1721, then Laid out for Janu's Kniersoii four acres of ScnuMitli Diuisiou Joyuinsr to y" West Side of his other Laud. Lyiiiii near where the oM Saw uull Stood on Kock Mech.w r,r..ok. I...un!• acres cSc 40 Rod is of 7 l)i\ision ou the \\'est sid of the (J real RiNcr on R)oth sides of the mine Koad Beginiuu at a whit.' oak Tice .Marked heinjjj John Farnums Bound then Kunini:- South S deores West partly on sd farnums Land and partly on Connnon 140 Kod to a li.a]. of Slous the south east corner then West .S de*i:rees North (Ml ('.)uuu(ui SO Kod tea heapof stons, Beinu a Southwest Coi-ner then North S degrees P^ast on Connnon 140 Rod i.. a hcaj) of St.uis heinga North West Corner then Last S dif'-' South on Com- mon to the lirst liounds SO rod containing 70 acres 12 acres aLowed for had Land lS:: a Koad ."i Kod wi.l Laid ..ut hy Roheit Kuens Jacoh .Mdrich c<: .lames Keith Comitee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 115 James Emerson : nathuniel Emerson [80.] march y*" 8'" : 172() then laid ovt for m'" James Emer- son his share of sederswamp in the sovth seder swamp bovnded northerly on Thomas tafts sederswamp westerly on vpland seven rod and an half to an heap of stons l)eino- the norwest corner sovtherly on vndivided swamp with a direct line to an heap of stons being the sovthwest corner Easterly on vpland seven rod and an half to Thomas tafts swamp laid ovt by Thomas white seth chapin Jacob aldrich connnittee Jvne y*" fovrth : 1729 laid ovt for nathaniel Emerson six acers eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near the scool medow and is Bovnded sovth on sd land eightj^ six Rod north part on cap' seth chapins land part Thomas Reads land to the sovth corner of sd Reads land then Rvning east 20 rod to the northeast corner of liis other land it being a broaken peace of land containing ten acers and one hvndred and twenty Rod 4 acers and 120 Rod alowed for a small peace of medow formerly laid ovt and l)ad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler Chain men Desember y'^ 27"' : 1718 laid ovt for James Emerson ten acers sixth division of land laid ovt at the west end of the pine swamp and is bovnded sovtherly on the Rode leading from twon to Ephream chapins thirty two Rod from Ebenezer staples land to a heap of stons on a Rock being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning north 10 dgi-^ west to the scool medow or s'' Emersons medow at the old sawmill and bovnded north on sd medow thirty Rod to John Rawson land and east part on sd rawsons land part on common part on Ebenezer staples land to the above a'^ way the whole containing twenty fovr acers fovrteen acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer : Robert Evens and Jacob aldrich committee October y*" 2P* : 1730 laid ovt for James Emerson 14 acers and 24 rod of land in leve of land claimed by providence peticioners in; rilOl'ltll/roiIS- KKCORDS. :iii(l i- l:ii lii> "tlirr hmd h.mi- sIk.UcoIc.l' mikI is l.oviid.d >n\lli (III -d Imu.I i'\'j:\\\\ rod iMiiiii: liom the iioiwf-t (•(.ni.T of >d I:md iK.rth Id ih^v rn^\ :U\ r..d lu >k(dv(u|..o r,n,ok tlu'iT ItciiiiT :i lu'iip ot" stones lu'ai" the norwt'st coiiu'r :iiul is hoMidcd Moitli oil sd hiook and cast on .lolin farnvins land it lii'in«r a l>roakcn lu-acc of land containinir 17 a((i> : '2 actMs and \M\ rod aiowcd for had lan aldiicli an.l .losrpli taft .liMin nun may y' 211"': \i:V.\ laid ovl foi-daincs l-ancrson J vn' finlit acers ninth division of land laid .Ioynin«r 1<> lii.*' otlu-r land sovth from his ho\ sc and is hovndi'd cast on sd land ')(! rod rvninL^ from the sovlhwcst corner of sd land west f \ II point 2S i-,„l to .lohn f:ir- n\nis l;ind to a heap of stons heiiiLT the so\th\ve>l corner and i> Itovnded west and north on sd farnvms land the whole ey Thomas white svrvaycr .lacoh aldrich and .Joseph while chain men. [81.] nathaniel KnuM'son. l-ancrson Joseph Benson henony Nathan Cass. march y'' : sixth: ir.7 1 nivcn to in' .Iosci)h lancrson al)ovl three (|\ai-tcrs of an acer of land for convcniency to >elt his hovsc vpon •March y' l(i"': IT.ifi laid o\ 1 for Henony licnson ;i accrs and 40 rod of tenth division of land laid Joyninir to his olhei- land sovthcrly from his hovsc and is hovnded sovtiierly on thomas t havers land 2(1 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner and is hovnded easterly on John whites land 2)S rod and is hovnded on all othci- parts on his own land : it being Ji broakcn ])eacc of land <-ontaining :'. acers and S| rod M rod alowed for bad land laid o\l liy 'riioinas white s\r\ayei- Jacob aldrich and henony lien^on chain men. febrvary \'' 2f l:nid uhi.'h he p\rcli:isc.| ..f danirl hill :in|i|| ('. Meors ol" land \ i/. : .") aeeis ol" I>aae lliayers eii.di|| 1| and one aeer alowed liim l)y lli<- selecl men lor a'wav llirovL' {{ |{ {{ land and i^ laid doynini:' t<' Ids other land west iVoin || |1 lio\se heiriiiini; al a heap of slons on a Kock thene rvninj; sovlh (S A act-rs and II' rod alowed for had land laid ovt l>y 'IMioinas while svrvayer ,Iacol» aldrich and John farnvm chain men march y'^ iU' 178.'^ laid ovt for lienonie henson two acers and half ninth division of land laid Joynin<>: to liis other land sovtli tVom his liovse heirininir- at a sovthwest corner and is lto\ nded lOast and north on his own land and westerly on common with a direct line from a sovthwest corner of his other land to the tirst l)ovnds it l)ein<2; a three cornered ])eace of land containini:- .") acers and half one aeer alowed for bad land. the same day laid for sd l)enson 4 acers of land vi/, one aeer and half of nathanicd farehanks and two and half of his own I'Jiilitli and ninth divisions laid lou-elher Kast from his liovse and is hovnded west on his other land rods to a heap of stons beinjr the sovtheast corner thence rvninu north fvll point IS rod to a lieaj) of stons lieiniJi; a coi'ner then north 22 d'^v" west 74 rod to his other land and is hovnded north on sd land <> rod the whoh^ contaiiiin,<:- 7 acers and half :\ acers and half alowed for l.aepii white chain men ,Ivly y" 1")"': 1 7;>') laid ovt for Beiiony I'cn^oii ("> acers and half of cap' John darlinirs ninth division of land laid sovtherly from sd Bensons hovse ])e«:inini: att a cliesnvt tree markt heiiiir the sovtheast corner thence Kvnimr north 2'.\ di:r- west 40 rod to MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 119 a heap of stons being the northeast corner then East 23 dgr** north 32 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 23 dgr^ East 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 23 dgr** 32 rod north to the first l)Ovnds the whole containing Eight acers one acer and half alowed for bad land : the same day laid ovt for sd benson 2 acers and half of sd darlings ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land sovtherly from his hovs begining att a sovthwest corner of said land thence rvning sovth 23 dgr^ East 12 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 23 dgr^ sovth 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 23 dgr^ west 12 rod to cap* Thomas thayers land to a heap of stons near the norwest corner and is bovnded northerly part on sd thayers land and pai-t on his own land 40 rod to the first bovnds the whole being 3 acres half an acre alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men William Holbrook [83.] Moses Paincs farm or forty Acre Lott with all the Rio-hts and Priuelidaes thereunto belongino- Now William Hol- brooks as Appears by A Deed of sale baring Date the seuenteenth of febnary sixten hundred and seuenty And Acknowledged before Edward Ting Esquire the Twenty fourth of Aprill sixteen hun- dred & seunty & two Two Hundred Acres of it Laid out upon Chepuntaquisit Hill : And is bounded Round with Comon Land : the East line a litle distance from Rehoboth Road A great white oake Att the south East Corner : then Turning A westerly line of Marked Trees : A black oake att the Corner : so Runing A North & south Line : With A litle variation : A ])lack oake att the Northwest Corner A litle distance from A swamp : then Run- ing with Aline of marked trees and A stak att the North East Corner about forty Rods Northward from Graue Medow : Twenty four Acres more Laid out Ajoyning to sd holbrooks Medow upon the Weast side of the Mill Riuer : bounded Easterly upon sd Medow : Northerly upon the swamp of Samuel Cook : and then Runino- with A uarious Line Neer the Path that Now leads to I'Jl) I'KOl'lMHIOliS' nr.COKDS. H«'1i(»1m»||i :in»l XI Kmiiiii: with ;i \rrioiis Line mi\'licl(»| |)eiii»i(.n of Medow l.eh.nMJnLi- to Ihe Al)oue-l si(h' of the Mill Uiiier hounded down >treaine with A point of upland A lioek and stake: u|»streame with the Ivun that Coins onl of the Round Medow : Another Pai't upon the sanu' Hun hy the Indian gnuios : Another Part Lyinir In two spots More doyniuL'^ to the Round Me(h»w : hounch-d upstreame upon dohn Lfuniys Medow : the Reinaininir jtart Lyini:' In the Round Me(h)w : at the south Weast End: the Northerly houmh'd upon AN'ater Cooks Me(h>w : the Last side jtartly with Ceader swamp and Partly cm dohn (iurnys Medow all other parts with u])land : the whole Conlain- \\\)l thirteen Acr(\sand three (luarteis heit more or Les : Laid out hy Joseph White. the Swamp lott fovr acers and twenty seven rod of it laid on the oast side the mill river ahove Kchoboth rode hovntled west on s(l river east on \ pland [84.] William llolhnMd< The Sci'ond I)«Miission ol" Medow helonirinir to sd Ilolhrooks Lott Laid out A Litle distaiua' from Chesnut hill Northward of >d hill up..n A >lreame known hy the Name of lioj. hrook Ahoiit one mile np-treame: from Samuel Thayers Medow hounded Ivound wilh Rocky upland Laid out l'.'. of octoher HI'.IS hyd.i-iah Chapin : The fourth Deiiission of Land Tiaid out to the Ahone sd Ilol- hl(»oks L(»tl : ujxtn the I^ast side of the Round M(m1ow hounded aslolloweth: Last on srooks Land : formerly Samuel Cooks : North on Comon — Twenty nine Acres & six score Rod More of sd fourth Deuis- sion Att Quick Streame bounded as followeth : South on Dedham Line : Eighty Rods : the South East Corner : being A heap of Stones : the South Weast Corner A Pine Tree : Weast on Comon : With A Dirict Line : thirty Eight Rod to A Stake being, the North weast Corner : North on Common : With A dirict Line : Ninty Rod to the : South East Corner of John Darlings Land : so Joyning twenty four Rod on sd Darlings Land to A Stake being the : North East Corner : East on Comon with A Direct Line : fifty Rod to A heap of Stones : at Dedham Line — Sixteen Acres and seuen score Rod : more of sd fourth Deuis- sion Laid on the East side of the Mill Riuer : Joyning to sd hol- brooks swamp l)ounded as followeth : North upon John Darlings Land : twenty six Rod In l)readth : East on Comon : with a Line of Marked Trees : the North Corner being a Avhite oake : the south East Corner A stake south on Comon With a Line of Marked Trees : to the Riuer Weast part : on the Riuer Part on sd holbrooks swamp: Laid out: Aprill y'' third 1704 — by Thomas White Two Acres More of sd fourth Deuission Laid out In the Ceder swamp In the Round medow : bounded as followeth : Northerly by A dirict Line : from A Dich on the Weast side : to a Red 122 ri;()i'i!ii:r(>i;s- kkcoim*^ o-aUv: ..II llic KmsI >i,l,- .•ind >.. i;..iin.l willi >.l lIollM-o..k^ Mr.low (.(•tol.rr V' ;>(!"' 170 1 l.:ii.l ...11 l.v 'riK-iiiMs Wliil.- — lour Acres More ..I" xl luiiilli I ).-iiissi()n Laid out upon Hie Kiist side ol" (he mill Iviiicr ,l..yiiiiii:- 1.. sii the Lan.l of .lolin I)arlin«r: Twcnly two Hod: lo A wliih- ..ak 'I'lcc : hciiii: tin- Noilli lOasl ( '..iium- : Kasl.Tly ..n ("oni..ii willi A .liri.l l.iiic : sixty and lour l\od : to Iiis ..tiici' Land: lli.Mv l..-iii- A |.in.- Tiv Marked >y Thomas White William II..ll.r..ok [85.] The Hfl IVuission of Land heion^i^nn^r t.. >.l Lotl I.ein- two Iliindi-ed Aer(>s oiK^ : Hundred and sixty and lour Aeics ..f it Laid out ui>..n the \\'easl side of llie <2i-eat Kiuer Xeei' the saw iSlill Att the falls: hounded as followeth l)..wnellie Stream." ..n fardinando Thaycrs swamp: \u part and part ..n ('..uioii : with A diriet Line : tifty four Rods: to A ston sett u}) hy a small Huii : Weasterly : on Comon with A diiiet Line: sixty Kod to A hlaek oako on A l\o.k : then Kuniiii:- X.)rllieily : ai:ain : l.»w Hundred Kod with A .lirict Line: to A while ..ake Tr.-e h.-iim- tii." N<.rtli weast ('..i-ii.'r: N..rtherly : on C.mon with A .liri.-t Line : ..ii.' hundred sixty four Kod to the sd Kiuer: Lasterly ])art ..n s.l Kiuer and ))art on sd Thayers swamp: liaid out the loiirth of ^lareh 1 707 hy Th..nias White Kohert 'i^ift and Samuel Thayer Comittee Another j.art ..f s.l Deuissh.ii Lai.l out ..n th.- W.'a>t side ..f the Mill Kiuer .I..yn in,-- t.) his ..Ih.-r Lan.l: h..iiii.l.'.l Wea>terly : on K.Oiohoth Ifoad: Twenty Nine Ko an. I half Alowanee Laid: out the I maivli 1707 hy Th..mas Wiiit : Kohert Taft Sanuud Thaver C.mit.' Aii..tlier part ..f >.l lift .l.Miissioii Lai.l .>;it ..n th." Wea>l >ide of the Mill Kiuer h..un.l.'.l as lull.. well. N,,it li.'il v on ('..iii..n MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1'23 Twenty four Rods A l)unch of Ma})lc,s INI.-irked att the Riuer : so with a dirict Line to A Stak and stons l)eing the : North Weast (^orner : Weast on Comon : With a dirict Line sixty Rod : to A pine tree : being A Corner : then Turning : towards the East : With A direct Line : to the south Weast Corner of his other Land then Turning southerly with A dirict line sixty Rod to a white oake tree being the : South weast Corner : South on Comon : four Rod to the Riuer : East on sd Riuer Partly : and Partly : on Ben- jemin Thayers Medow : and Part on his other Land : the whole Containing Twelve Acres : here being two Acres alowanc : as ail- so Allowanc for A two Rod Avay Cros sd Land Laid out the Plight of June: 1707 — by Thomas : White Thomas Thayer Sanniel more Comitte Part of the sd holbrooks fourth Deuission l)eing eight Acres and half Ajoyning to his Twelve Acres of Land Laid out betwen his farm and Hop brook is bounded as followeth four Acres and half of it is bounded weasterly upon the Land of Josiah Thayer Two Acres more on the North end of the sd Twelve Acres bounded Northerly upon the Land of Benjemin Whelock and Two Acres more of sd Eight Acres Laid att the Weast End of y'' sd twelve Acres bounded North on the Land of Mathias Puffer Now In the Posesion of benjemin whelock and Weast on Comon Laid out the Ninth of May : seuenteen hundred & one by Josiah Chapin Twenty Acrs of sd deuission giuen to Joseph balkcom Six Acres of Alexander Plumlys lift deuission Now William Hol- brooks as Appears l)y A deed of Sale baring Date : now laid out to sd holbrook Joyning to sd holl)rooks Land bounded Weast- erly upon sd Land : southerly upon Comon Eleuen Rod : Easterly Part upon swamp Land of Eliazer Danills Part on the Land of sd Holbrook and Part on Comon Northerly upon Comon : by A Line of markt Trees : Twenty Eight Rod : the Lenth is one hun- dred 12 Rod Laid out September y'' lift seuenteen hundred and nine — by Josiah Chapin Peter Hol])rook & Samuel more Comite 124 riioiMJiKroiis- kecohds David |M.n.l Davi.l Hill Record..! [^^' \ Mmv, .V . -M : I7lS: Laid out lor .lames Keith jo^y^s/if, one Hundred sixty two accrs liftli division which was tonneily laid out and lihei'ty ^ivein^ atl our march nieeliiii:- (or S' year to lay down and layout else whare in s'' in<'n- don in our un di\ ided land now laid out hetwen Shockoloi;- seder swamp and the ureal liiier hounded as loloweth the south east cornel- heini:- .'i swamp oak marUt thence i-uninn- north ei^dit de- jjjrees west two hundred and forty rod to a hea}) ol" Stones l)ein<; the noi-fhoast corner then runinir w<'st eiouth eiiiht degrees east two hundred ancj foity rod to a heap of Stones heinjj: the South west corner, then runin0 rod 8 acers and 20 rod alowed for bad land the >ame day laid ovt for sd hill 2 acers and Si) rod iculh divi- sion of land laid doyning to the land of ebenezer tomi)son at tthe northeast (-orner of the tow nshi]) begining at sd lompsons sovth- west corner thence rvning west S dgr- and 2 noi1h 12 rod to stons on a great Kock being the norwest corner then sovth S dgr" and 2 west 20 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then east S dgr' and 2 sovth 21 rod to a hea)) of stons l)eing the sovth east (-orner and is bi.vnded east on the land of .Io>iah i)ati-ich 20 rod to sd tompsons land the whole being 2 acers and 100 rod 2o MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 125 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas White svrvayer Jacob aldrich and david hill chain men December y*" 9*'' 1747 Laid out for David pond half an Acre of Joseph penemans Eleventh Division of Land on the East side Rehoboth Road where his Barn now stands and is bounded west- erly on Rehoboth Road 32 Rod Easterly on Comon 32 Rod it being a piece of Land 5 Rod ^vide in the middle & nothing at Each End Laid out by William Torrey Sur :y' Daniel Lovett & David pond Chainmen Eleazcr Daniels [87.] Aprill y** 3 : 1718 Laid out for eliezer daniels one acer and a quarter and ten rod sixth division fJoyning to his Land near his house l)ounded south on s'^ Land twentv one rod Recorded October ye east ou s'' land four teen rod north part on James Keith's Land part on comon twenty one rod west on comon six rod lad for one acer by Thomas white Jacol) aldrich Thomas Thayer Committee May y*" 10"' 1718 Laid out for elezer daniels eight acers of James Kiths sixth division and four acers of ^'' John Darlings sixth division and three acers of his own sixth division Recorded October ye Joyniug to liis other Land east from chesut hill bounded south on s*^ Land seventy rod to stones on a rock being the south west corner west on comon sixty rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner north on comon eight rod and on nathaniel rawsons Land eighty rod to stones being the northeast corner east on James Keiths Land forty live rod to his own Land the whole containing twenty eight acers : thii-teen acers alowed for bad land. Laid out by Thomas White Jacob Aldrich Thomas Thayer Committee May y® 10 : 1718 Laid out for eleazer daniels live acers sixth division on the east side the mill Riuer Joyning to his other Land bounded south on his own Land forty rod west part Recorded ^ -^ ^ October ye OU liis owu Land part on herbers Land twenty rod north on comon forty rod to a heap of stones ))eing the northeast corner east on comon twenty rod to a heap of stones 12G I'lJoiMJii'/roriS' ukcouds. bcinu- M coi-ncr of liis otlicr LmikI Laid (uit l.y 'IMioiiias ^^'llit(• J:ic(.l) Aldrich 'I'll. .mas 'riiaycr ('(.iniiiillci" Aprill y' "J.'): 17IS: Laid our lor cliczcr daniols four accrs sixth (liiiisioii of Land Laid oiil di.yiniii; lo his olhcr Land west from his house Ixmudcd cast on S'' Land one limi- Ri'cordcd Miirchy (Ircd and six rod Ixdnu- tlu' wholes Itrcadth of s' Land 13:1718:19 I, ,,,11, ,),, colli,, I) one rod west on conKHi one liundrcd and six rod to a heap of stones bein^- the southwest corner south on Josiali 'riiayers Land lilteen rod to the southwest eoi-ner of liis other hind the whole e()ntainin : While. Thoinas: Thayer Jaeoh : Aldrieh ( 'oiuinittee : : Llia/.er Danills [88.] .John Spray Tho w hi Kol.cit l^iims .Si .larol) aldricii ( 'oiiiinilhM-. Kh-a/.(-r Dani.-l [89.] api-ill y 12"', 1720 laid ovt I'oi' Kica/ci- daiiids two af<'rs of land seventh division on the north side of the mill River floyninir to the sovth side of his other land a hioken peace ot" land heuinini:- att a stake heinu- his So\th west corner ol' his other land i-vninii- on sd land east (i dur" sovth thii'ly one rod then sovth C. diii" west thirty two lod to a heap of stono then with a direct line to sd stake then eontinveinir the tirst line east (5 djri"* sovth to his sovtheast corner twenty nine rod then sovth 1) dur' west eight rod to a heap of stones being now his sovth- east corner then west (5 dgr' noitli hy comon twenty nine lod to his other land containing fovr acers and eighty eight rod: two acers and eighty eight rod alow^ed for bad land l)y Kobard e\ ens Jacob Aldrich James Keith — committee Men(h)n March y' 2;)'' ITU* then Laid out for Eleazer Daniels Eight acres of AVilliam Spragues Sixth Deuision Joyning to his other Land on l)oth sides Chistnutt hill Brook, y*" South P^ast Corner Stones on a Rock then Runing west four Deg" South fifty three Kod to a heape of Stones l)eing y'' Southwest Corner, then noi-th four Degrees AVest nint}' Rod to a hea})e of Stones being y^" norwest Corner then East four Degrees north tifty three Rod to his other Laud being twenty acres wanting Twenty Rod. Eleuen acres & one hundred tSc forty Rod allowance Laid out l>v Thomas White. Robert Euens cVc Jaeol) Aldrich. Com"> Meiidon Apiil y' 1' 1 Tl'.t. then Laid out for Eleazer Daniels fifteen acres of Nathaniel Morses Sixth Deuision .Joyning to his other Land att Chistnutt hill it being a Hi-oaken Piece of Land. I»y Estemation thirty acres : Laid for liftccn : lioundcd n<»rth on Connnon with a Direct Line til'ty Si\ R..d to a heape of Stones on MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 129 the west Side hop bro4>k then Runing west four Deg'" north thirty Rod to Stones on a Rock being y® norwest Corner, Then South four Deg'* East, ninty Rod. To Stones being y'' South west C(n-ner, then East four Degrees North thirty Rod to his other Land : Laid out l)y Thomas White Robert Euens : & Jacob Aldrich Committee, here being allowance for a three Rod way Cross sd Land. John Thomson [90.] flohn Thomsons House Lott Containing forty Acres heit more or les with all the Rights and priuilidges thereunto belonging or Apertaining is laited and bounded as followeth Easterly upon muddy brook Nortlierly from sd muddy brook by A Town hyway of four Rodd wide upto the Ten Rodd hyway then by the house Lott of Joseph Juell unto the weast Corner Weasterly upon Walter Cooks house lott Southerly partly upon a four Rodd hyway from Walter Cooks Land to the ten Rodd hyway from thence to nmddy brook upon the house Lott of Joseph White The Dubling Lott being forty Acres part of it being twenty Acres Laid out upon the Mill Plaine bounded as followeth Southerly upon the Land of Joseph Juell and North upon the Land of Joseph Steuens East upon a Runill of Water and West upon Joseph Steuenses meddow : Laid out by Jonathan Sprage with A two Rodd hyway Cros sd Lott 28 march 1673 — Twenty Acres more of sd Dubling Lott Lying att the East end of his house Lott bounded westerly upon muddy brook Southerly partly upon the Land of Joseph White and i)artly upon Comon Easterly upon the Towns Comon Northerly upon A town hyghway of four Rodd wide Leading to the mill Riuer : The tirst Deuision of medow l)elonging to the Aboue sd Lott Lying in the south uiedows one part Lying below the seder sw^amp bounded up stream upon A maple swamp Northerly upon John Jepsons medow^ : so Round Avitli upland : Another Part Ivving upon a run Comonly Caled Jepsons Run bounded upstream upon the Cart way that gose to the uper South inedows Downe 130 IMtorKIK'IOHS' KKCOlins. slrcMiiic |):irlly iiitdii s\v:iiii|) p.-iilly upon u|»l;in(l : AiiolluM- l*;irt Lyiiiil- upon the south cmsI Side of the (';ir1 \\:i\ lli:il uosc to John ricpsons nicdow : and Ixmndcd Ivound with upland. — Another part lyinir upon the \\'t'ast side of a Litlc pine swamp) the licmaindcr ot" his share of niedow Lyinir l>eyend Sliokah)^e path : hounded upon the Kast side with A pine swamp so Kound with uj)land tiie whoh' Ix'ini:- Thirteen acres and a tjuarlei- more or Less: Laid out l»y Seru' .l«»seph While The swamp Lott Ixdon^ini:- to the ahoue sd Lott pail of it heiiit; three and half Aeres Laid out upon A Run that Huns out of the south seder swtimp att the foot of the Lonuhill Cominu' from the south mechtws about one (|uartei' of a miU" downe streame tVom the Cart path hounded up streame with A white oake on the south si(h'and a hhieU oake on the north of the Hiuer and with upland on both sids : to a small Walnut tree by the ed»r of the l)i()ok on the weast side of the brook:) half an Aero more of it and Twenty three Rodds Laid out att the south weast Corner of the south seder swamp bounded Kound with upland Jind seder swamp:) one Acrs and thirty Hodd more Laid out on the weast side of the Mill Riuer Aboue .lolin Joneses Land bet wen sd Joneses Land and the North niedow half an Aere of sd swamp on the east side of y' Riuer near Cap' Whits swamp bounded weast on sd Riuer so round with upland only att the Lower end y'" upland being four Rods from the Riuer) one Acre and Thirty Rodds more of sd swamp Laid upstreame the Riuer bounded Northerly and Lasterly with ui)land En Comi)asini:- sd swamp by A line of forty Hod markt att the uper end with a great black oak aii.l A Koek att the stump : of sd Tre(> so with markt trees on the edgof the ujjland : the Lower end with A smal l>laek oake by A Rock the sd swamp being four Rodd In breadth all and six all the Lowei- end East and south with l»rushy swam]) Laid out .lanuary : i^ 1 : \{\\)',\ by .losiah Chapin — dohn Thomson .lunior [91.] Twenty Aciv< of dohn Thomsons ureal Loll and sixty Aeres of his fourth Deui^-ion of Land bclonuinu i,, .d Tliomx.ns MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. l3l forty Acre liott on the other side Laid out unto John Thomson rJunior on the East side of beuer Pond brook bounded as fol- h>weth : East on the Towne Line one hundred and forty Rodd ; North on the Land of Peter: Ilolbrook Eii^hty Rodd, Weast Partly upon sd Peter IIoll)ro()ks Land and Partly on beuer pond brook and Partly on Jacob Aldriches Medow : to A pine tree: l)elow sd niedow by the brook, South on Conion with A direct Line sixty two Rodds : to A stake and Heape of Slons being the South East Corner Laid out by Thomas White Nouem1)er 21 17(M) Part of the tift Deuission of Land l)cl()nging to John Thomsons Lott now : Laid out to ffohn Thomson Junior : it l)eing : Eighteen Acres upon both sids of Beuer Pond brook : Nere Charles Riuer att the towne Line : bounded as followeth : Northerly on the sd Thomsons other land as a1)ouc sixty two Rodd East on the towne Line : one hundred and twenty Rod to sd brook Weast part on sd brook Part on beniemen Whelocks Medow : then Crosing the brook aboue sd Whelocks medow Nineteen Rod Weasterly to a pine tree being A Corner : so With A dirict Line seuenty Eight Rod : to beuer pond brook att his other Land the whole contain- in)mon : sixty two Rods to A stake : and Stons being the North Weast Corner : Weast on Comon with A Dirict Line : sixty six Rod : to A stake and stons : being the South Weast Corner : South Part on Comon : part on medow : seuenty: six Rods : to A white oake l^eing the South East Corner : East on Comon : with A dirict Line sixty six Rods : to the North weast Corner : the Whole Containing Twenty Eight Acres and half: ther being one Acres and half Allowance for a peice of Medovv^ Lying with the bounds of sd Land: Laid out June IG 1707 by Thomas White Samuel Thayer & Josiah Thayer Comite : 132 PKOrKIETOllS' KI-X'ORDS. DcccmiIkm- V 21>"' 171S L:ii(l out lor Kii>ii:ii .loliu Tonipsoii liis SliMif of ( "ccdcr SwMiiii) ill v' Norlli ( Vcdcr Swrniip on y' Kasl Si-uninir out of y'' m7M^' |«»nd whore y' Kiucr Comes near y'' upland, west on y'" pond. Laid out l.y Tlios White Kol.eit Kuens .S- .la- col) Aldrieh, C'oniniittee. John Thomson sein -J [92.] T^aid out to John Thomson tit'ty and two Aeios of his o-reat Lott or third Deuission on the cast side of the i^real Hiuer iil)stroame of Jaeol) Aldriches farm bounded southerly upon the Land of said Aldrieh Partly and Partly upon A bent or Crook of the Hiuer then Turnintj Northerly with sd Kiuer one hundred antl Twenty Kodds then Turninir an Easterly Line from the Riuer to- wards the Ilill Twenty Kodds then bounded Easterly by A varios Lyne of markt Trees upon the brow of the hill which encom- paseth the sd tifty and Two Acres : of Low Land : only barinir of att the south End of that Line home to Seth Aldriches his Cornel- of the Three Acrs of Land that the Towne oaue him : ])y Josiah Chapin 2 1 June 1701 Ten Acres More of Land belonuinir to the sd Thomsons Lott one Acre of second Deuission of Medow and nine Acres of the foui-th Deuission Laid In A swamj) A litle Distance southward from forty Acrs of sd Thomsons Land the sd ten Acres bounded att the North End with A great Rock with A ston upon it so Runs with the sd swamp ten Rods In bredth and one hundred and sixty Rods In Length by Lins of marked Tres Laid out by Jo- siah Chapin Esq"' 24 June 1701 : 40 ti'orty Acres More of Land belonging to the Al)oue sd Lott Laid on the Plaine on the Weast side of the great Hiuer up streauie of Jacob Aldriches farm l)()unded Easterly and N(»rtherly on the brow of an hill: that Encompases th«' Ndrtii weasi Corner of sd .Vldriehes farm liy Lines of markt trees bv Josiah Chapin K^(|' June i' 1 . 1701 MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 133 fine Acres More which is one Acre of second Deuission of Meclow and four Acres of fourth Deuission Laid In A swamp A litle Northwards from Jacob Aldrich his house that stands on the four Acres of Land the towne gaue him Laid forty Rods in Length and : Twenty Rods In In-edth ])ounded Round with Lines of Markt upon Comon Land — Laid out by Josiah Chapin Esq' June 24 : 1701 John Thomson [93.] Sixty fine Acres of John Thomsons Seniors tift Deuission Laid out Att the North East Corner of the Township bounded East on the Towne Line Seuenty Rodd A black oak Tree Marked Neer the South East Corner : South on Common one Hundred and Twenty Rodds to A heap of Stons upon A Rock : being the south Weast Corner Weast on Common one Hundred and forteen Rods to A Chesnut Tree : Marked being the Northweast Corner North upon the Towne Line : one Hundred and Twenty Rodd to the Corner of Mendon Township the Whole Containing sixty Nine Acres four Acres Allowed for Sherborn Roade Laid out the 29 of May 1707 — By Thomas White Samuel Thayer and Josiah Thayer Ci)mitee (2^) Twenty four Acres and A half More of sd Thomsons fift deuission Laid out for Woodland Thomson two Acres and half of it Laid on the East side of the great Riuer Ijounded south on sd Thomsons Land Twenty four Rod : to A stake att the Cor- ner of sd Land Easterly on Comon With A direct Line Thirty four Rod to A white oak Tree by sd Riuer Weast on sd Riuer to his other Land it being A three Cornered Peice (22) Twenty two Acres More of sd Land Laid on the Weast side of sd great Riuer : Aboue Aldriches farm bounded East on sd Riuer the Northeast Corner being A white oak Tree : North- erly on Common with A direct Line sixty Rod to A stake being the Nor Weast Corner Weasterly on Common : With A direct T^ine : Eighty Rod to A pine tree being the southweast Corner Southerly on Comon with A direct Line thirty Rod to A small 134 riioiMMKToKs- i:i:(()in)S. Klin: ;itt t lie iircil Ixiiin- Ix-ini: the s(.iitlic:i>l ('oriicr: Laid oiil Maivli L^tl : 1707 — 1)V Tlioiiias AVhilc l\()l»cil 'I'all and J()>iali Tliavcr ("oinito :\-2 'Phirly two Acres More (.1" sd Tl sdiis liftli Dcuission of Land Laid out upon the Wcast side of llic (iical Kiiirr : Ahoiic Aldrichcs fanu iKiundcd south on >d Land Partly Thu:32. :,,id Part on( omon Ekditv two Hod : to A stake l)oin Laid out for David Toini)son sixty aeor.s of Land that formerly Laid out at the south medow since granted by the town to be Laid down and taken up els where now laid out between C'hesnut hill and the great river together with tine aeers of his fathers fifth division the sixty aeers being the third division bounded as foloweth the south east corner a hea)) of Stones south part on Beniamen : darlings l^and ))art on dosiah Thayers Swamp part on comon eighty rod t(t a blak oak tree markt being the southwest corner west part on comon part on Josiah thavers Land one hundred and thirty three rod Recorded •■ November (,, a l)lak oalc Stand being the norwcsl corner north on comon eighty, thn^e rod to Stones on a rock being the northeast corner east on coiiion oiu' hundred and twenty rod. t(» the southeast corner Laid out by Th.unas \\'hite. desomber y' l»th : 171!i laid ovt for David T<)mpson 'M) aeers and half of land: vi/ : ]'.• aeers and half sixth division and 20 aeers seventh division doyning to his medow begining att a rock with slons vpon it by the medow on the west side of a Prook near the new Rode Rvninu- cros sd brook near said bridii'c east MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 135 13 dgr' north 58 rod to stons on a rock being- the northeast cor- ner then sovth 13 dgr^ East 140 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 13 dgr^ south 58 rod to a stake then north 13 dgr' west 140 rod to the first Iwvnds the whole con- taining 50 acers and 120 rod Eleven acers and 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Ro])ert Evens srvayer Thomas white and Jacob aldrich chain men Jvne y^ 14th: 1740 laid ovt for nathan tiler 15 acers of land viz 8 acers of land laid ovt for land formerly laid vnder a mis- take in william toreys land and 7 acers tenth division laid Joyn- ing to his other land on the west side the vper north medow begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence rvning west fvll point 36 rod to stons on a rock being the norwest corner then sovth fvll point GO rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 36 rod to a heap of stons then tvrning sovth 13 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then rvning East 20 dgr* north 44 rod to his medow and is bovnded on all other parts own medow and land : the whole containing 16 acers and half one acer and 80 rod alowed for bad land. the same Day laid ovt for sd tiler 2 acers and half tenth di- vision of land Joyning to his other land by samvel woods begin- ing at the norwest corner of sd land and is bovnded west on sd woods land 15 rod to the town line north on sd line ,20 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning sovth 32 dgi-* east 48 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast cor- ner thence with a direct line to the sovtheast corner of sd woods land the whole being 3 acers and a qvarter 120 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men Ebenezer Tompson [95.] Nouember y^ 30*^. 1718 Laid out for Ebenezer Tompson ninteen acres & half, Sixth Deuision of Land near Round Hop- |)ins : Bounded East on Sherborn Line Eighty Six Rod a Black oak Tree mark*^ near y" northeast corner, South on obadiah Wheel- ocks Land : Thirty Eight Rod to a heape of Stones, being y" 136 PKOPKIKI'OKS- UKCORDS. Soiitli Kasl CoiMci-. \\'c>l ..II ('..iiiiiK.ii I-:ii:lil\ Six KN.d to m licapo of Stones, hciiiir >' iiorwot ( 'nnicr, north on ( "oiiiiiioii Tliirty Kiirlit Rod to Slicrhoiini \A\u\ 'V\iv whole ( "oiit;iiniiiL^ Twenty aeio iVc hall" wantin;; tweliie Hod, one acre want inir fine Hod cS: half alowed for Had Land, Laid out hy Thi' 1721 Deeeliil.eiy 2!i'". ITls. Laid out lor Kl.eiie/.ei'roini.^oii his Share of ( 'eeder S\vaiii|i in y' North ( 'eeder Swamp on \' i-'.ast Side y' Kiiier, Pxmnded, north mi r>eiiiamin I lay wards Swam)), l^ast on upland. South on Khenezer Thayers, Suam|> West on y' Killer. Laid out by Thomas White Scr""' Rob'. Lueiis cV: Jaeob Aldiieh Committee. Desember y'' 25"', ITi's laid ovt for Lbenezer Toinpson lifteeii aeors of lan(i bein<> rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svixayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men Jvne y'' 8'*'. \1M\ laid ovt for Ebenezer tompsoii 1(» aeei> ninth division of land laid .loyninu" to his sovth medow and is bovnded west on the laiidof flohn cook oS rod to aheap of stons beinu" tlu' norwest eoriier: then East HS di.n" sovth li' r(.d eoolo land it beinj; abroaken |)eaee of land containiiii:- 1 I acers and half I acers and half alowed foi- two acers of medow and a three rod way cros sd land and for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayei- dacob ahhich and ,I()seph white chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 137 [96.] William Torrey John toinpson Jvn'' Ehenezer tompson Jviic y' 11 : 1719 laid ovt for John tompson Jvn' twenty acers sixth division on the west side bever pond brook Joyning to his other land bovnded east part on the town line part on his own land or medow bottom sixty rod sovth on charls river eighty rod west on James albees land eighteen rod north on Jonathan thayers land sixty rod it being a broaken peace of land containing twenty two acers two acers alowed for bad land and a two rod way cros a corner of land by thomas white Robard evens Jacol) aldrich commitee — Jvne y*" : IP'' : 1719 laid ovt for John tompson Jvn'" thirty acers seventh division and one acer sixth division bovnded east on his medow on bever pond brook one hvndred and twenty rod sovth on Jonathan thayers land forty fovr rod to John corbits land then : tvrning norwestcrly one hvndred and twenty rod on comon to a pine stand near holbrooks swamp then on sd swamp thirty six rod to his own medow : it beipg a broken peace of land contain- ing thirty seven acers : six acers alowed for bad land by Robard evens Jacob aldrich thomas white committee Jvne y'' 10"': 1736 laid ovt for P^benezer tompson ten acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near qvick stream begining att the sovtheast corner of sd land thence rvning with a direct line to the norwest corner of calip philipses land and is bovnded easterly part on sd philipses land and part on david aldriches land 44 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast cor- ner then west 25 dgr^ north 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth west corner then north 25 dgr'East 40 rod to a heap of stons })eing the norwest corner and is l)ovnded northerly : part on com- mon and part on his other land 33 rod to the first bovnds : the whole being 12 acers 2 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas Avhite svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Eleazer daniels chain men april y'' 9"' 1748 Laid out for William Torrey tiue Acres of Land (viz) three acres of Sam" Hay wards 11"' Division & 2 acres M\H i'Koi'i;ii;i()Ks- iiKcoiths. of Join. I.cL'L^s 11"' I)ivi>i(.n Laid out <.n Mi^.o liill :i(|J..Miiii,i: t.. JaiiU's Woods Land and is houiKh-d Kastt'iiy on said NN'oods Land toniu'ily M' Dons lK'r Dorrs thence Knnini:- South IS Dcrr" KmM l.y >aid Land A] Hod to an old while oaU tree inaikt I.eiui:- the South Ka>t ("oilier then hounded Southerly on .lames W'oi.ds Land that was formerly Alexan(h>r jilumhlys -il Kod ^^ a half to a liea|» of Stoiie> heiiii; the Southwest Corner thenee Kunin>i; north is I )('irrs west on Coinon :\2 Hod to .losiah A(h»ins Land wliieh wa> formerly Sam" luads to a heap of Stones heiiii:- the liorwesl ('oilier aiitl is lioiiiided northerly part on >aid adaiiis .s!: part on said Woods Land tt. the tirst hounds iiientione daeoh al.lri.li dame^ Keith (•(Hiimittee — May y*^ 22'': 1780 laid ovt for Benjamen alhoe JvnMon aeors of cap' Thomas thayers Ki<>hth division of land laid on tiie East side second hridrook sevi'iity Hod a hlaek oak tree heinir markt near the noiiheast eorner thenee Kvninenianien thayers land it heiiiL^a hroakeii peace of land (•ontainiiiL^ sixteen acers and twehc rod six aci'rs and 1 1' rotl MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 139 alowed for liad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men September y*" fifth : 1730 laid ovt for l)enjanien albee Jvn'" seven acers and three qvarters Eighth division of land viz : five acers of ca])'. Thomas thayers and two acers and three qvarters of his own laid ovt near the great medow and is bovnded sovth on the land of obadiah wheelock seventy one Rod to a white oak tree markt near the sovtheast corner thence Rvning north 3 dgr^ East sixty rod to a heap of stons ])eing the northeast corner and is bovnded north and w^est on the land of benjamen Brvce sd land being twenty seven Rod wide at the north End the whole containing nine acers one acer and a qvarter alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men — laid ovt for James albee one acer second division of medow which was formerly laid ovt vnder a mistake in fardinando thay- ers first division of medow noAv laid ovt on the Avest side second bridge river : vpstream of John Bartlits medow and is liovnded east on sd river 27 rod a maple tree markt by sd j;iver down stream and so six rod wide to a stake being the sovthwest corner so continving .six rod wide and 27 rod in lentil to a stake beinsf the norwest corner sd medow belong-ino- to Thomas Barnses lott James Albee [98.] Thomas Barns twenty Acre House Lott Now James Albees with all the Rights and Priuelidges there unto belonging As Appears by A Deed of sale baring Date Sixteen hundred and seuenty four febuary y'^ fourth and Acknowledged before Thomas Ward Assistant y'' twenty first of October 1679 — Is buted and bounded as followeth With nine acres of the Dubling Lott and fourteen Acres of beniamen Albees Land granted for Incoredg- ment to build A grist mill : Westerly upon the Land of Mathias puffer Att the North Corner A Rock with a spring of water Run- ing from under it Northerly upon A Ten Rodd Hyway Leading 140 riidi'Kii/roKs- HKconns to the mill : l''.:isl('ily upon the Lnnd ol" Briiiciiiiii :ill»c iiowr In the possesion of .lanics Allx" Soullicily l»oiiii(lc(l pmlly upon llic mill Killer ^V: partly upon Medow of >;ii(l Allu-e :in(l Pailly upon nniddy In'ook — Laid out l)y Joseph Wliil(> Kleuen . Veres more of sd Duhlin^^ Loll L;tiepli ,Iu(dl and Kasterly upon A Kun of Water and south upon the I>and of llardinando Thayer and Weast upon riosepli Steuenses Medow : with a two Kodd Ilyway acros sd Land — Laid out l>y ,h)nathan Sprag 28 Mareh 1(57^ The tirst Oeuission of Medow holonirinjx to sd Lolt Pari Lyinir upon nuiddy l.rook hounded southerly l»y sd nuiddy l)rook northerly upon sd Alhees twenty Aere hous lott and upon the Land of Renieniin Alhee Down stroame : An other Part Lyin*: u])on tlie seeond hridu' LMuei' lionnded upstream upon .lohn Koekits medow : I)own(> slrcame With Mathias Puti"er> Me.low : Comon Land on hoth sides: 'IMie Remainder of his share heinu" one Aere Lyinir upon the seeond hridu" Kiuer Att the uper end of his fathers : medow — Laid out i)y Joseph NVhile The seetuid Deuission <»f Medow l.elonin_ir to sd Lott on(> part of it Iteinir oue Aere Lyinu upon the South side of muddy Itidok l.ound<'terly with A markerly upon swamp:, 'I'lu^ He- mainder heinu one Aere more hounded southerly upon the Aboue sd nuidd\ l)rook Northerly and \\'easterly u})on upland the La>t End With A stake and A marked Tree — Laid out i.y doxpli White : The i:icat Lott Iteloniiini: to the al)oue sd Loll : Twel\f Aires and half Laid (»ut upon the seeond Plaine att a litle Distanee from Ifardinando Thayers Medow : that Lyeth upon seeond hridir Hiuer hounded Round \\itli Comon I-jl^iIn Kod- Li Lentli and MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 141 Twenty iiue In l)i-eadth Laid out: 1"*: Nouenil)cr IHSl? hy Josiah Chapin. fifteen Acres more of y"" Aboue sd great Lott with one acre of the swamp Lott Laid out upon the North side of the Ten Rodd Hyway Leading from the mill to John Rockits bounded southerly by sd hyway Weasterly by Land belonging to Walter Cooks Lott In possesion of John Rockit and partly upon Comon Land with A heape of stons att the North Weast Corner Northerly by Comon Land Easterly upon Comon the Line Runing threw a small Pond and A Rock att the End of that Line nere the Aboue sd Hyway : Laid out by Joseph Whit and part by Josiah Chapin Nou'' 1()8() The remaining part of the swamp lott belonging to sd All)ees Ten Acre Lott A^^ith Ten Acres of the fourth : Deuission of Land Laid out to gether u})on the north side of ye second bridg Riuer bounded southerly upon sd Riuer upstreame bounded upon a maple Tree Weasterly upon Comon Land with a Line of marked trees to A Red oake being the north west Corner northerly upon C\)mon Land with a line of marked Trees to a stake : beino- the north east corner this line being forty three Rod in Length Easterly on Comon Land with a line of marked Trees to the Riuer forty Rod in Length Laid out by Thomas White 23-of May 1702 James Albee [99.] The fourth Deuission belonging to the Aforesd Lott Ten Acres of sd fourth Deuission with half one Acre of the swamp Lott Laid out to Benjemin Albee by his father James Albees order bounded as foUoweth : Easterly upon Dedham Land : Northerly upon Comon A litle Distance from Dedham Tree Weasterly : by A line of marked Trees fifty Rodds so Runino- with Joseph Steuenses : Line to A. brushy swamp And so Run- ing With A line of marked Trees by the side of said Swamp to the Northeast Corner of the swamp There Crosing the Runn that Comes out of the swamp home to A Rock In Dedham Line Laid out by Josiah Chapin July 10 : 1701 142 i'K()i'i!ii:r()i{s' ukcokhs. Hciijciniii Allu'cs Acre d" LmikI (iiaiili-d to liiiii l.y the Towno All A irciuM-allTowiu' Mdliiiir March llic sixl 1 •'•'.•>'„ : homxlcd as tollowclli Soiillu'ily upon llic 'I'cii Kodd liyway Lcadiui; lo ihc mill iVoiu Ihc Townc Kaslcrly upon The Land of .John Spiai^c Norllicily ii})on ( 'onion and Wcaslcrly : upon Ihc Land of Jainos Allx-c : Laid oul by Josiah Clmi)in y*^ 11"' of Manli KlOSg William Sprags fourth Deuission of Land lifinu' Iwenty Acres Now .lanu's Alhos As Appears l>y A Deed of Sale haring Dale Apricl 'A : 1704 : duly 17: 17<»1 Liiihleen Acres of Lan.l Laid oul for James All.cc on the Last sid of scioud hridg Hiuer Ik'Iow Melfeild Hoad .loyninu to his other Land Six acres of it hounded on his other Land southerly Ihirly Iwo Rods \N'esterly on C'oiTion Ihirly Rods to A while oakc Ire heinui; the Norwest Corner Xorllierly on ("onion tiiirly two Rod East thirty Rod — Twelue Acres More Westerly bounded on sd Albees Land Northerly on Comon twenty seuen Rod and half: to A white oak tre l)ein£: the Xortheiist Corner Easterly on Comon seuenteen Rods to A bunch of Maples being the south East C(n-ner : south- erly on second bridg Riuer to his otluu- Land — by Thomas while — July 17, 170 1 Two Acres more of sd twenty Acres Laid on the West sid second bridg Riuer aboue Melfeeld Road Joyning to sd Albes Medow : bounded southerly on sd Medow Easterly on second bridg Riuer thirty Rods : Northerly on Comon Eleuen Rods Westerly oii ( oiiion thirty Rod the Whole twenty Acres l)eing Part of the fomth deuission ..f John S Prages L(»tl : by Thomas whit febi\Mr\ y' : 1 :: 170(;" laid o\ t for danies albeetwehc acers and half tliiid di\i>i white — MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 143 James Albee [100.] Beiijemin Albees Land Granted him for Incoredgment to l)uild A grist Mill Now James Albes As Appears l)y A Deed of Sale baring Date January the Twelfh Seuenten hundred and one two : It Lying nere the Corn mill is bounded as followeth Twenty tiue Acres of it upon the mill Plaine bounded Northerly upon the Cuntry Road Leading to Metfeeld and Southerly upon the Land of John Sprage : and Easterly upon a small Run of Water and Weasterly Partly upon the Mill Riuer and partly upon the Hyway that goeth to the Clay pitts With a Cart Way threw sd Land, Ten Acres More of sd Land bounded Northerly and AVeasterly upon the Ten Rodd hyway Leading from the aboue sd Albes house to the Mill Plaine Easterly upon the Mill Ruier Southerly upon the Land of the abouesd James All)e — fourteen Acres more of sd Beniemin albes Land now James All)ees As Appears by A Deed of Sale baring Date the twelueth of May : 1679 : And Acknowledged the thirtenth of may 1679 before Thomas Ward Asistant : and bounded as followeth south- erly partly upon muddy brook and partly upon the sd James Albes medow Easterly Northerly and Weasterly upon the Land of the aboue sd James Albee Laid out by The Medow belonging to the Same grant and Land being six Acres More or Les Is bounded As followeth Part of it Lying upon the Weast side of the mill Riuer southerly by sd Riuer Easterly and Northerly upon sd James Albes Land and Weasterly l)y muddy brook The Remaining Part Lying upon the East side of The second bridg Riuer Bounded Downe stream upon John Rockits Medow and upstreame With upland and A stake Att the Riuer Comon Land upon The East side The Ruier upon the Weast side Laid out by Joseph white A Eleuen Acres of James Albes lift Deuission and Eleuen Acres of Josiah Thayers lift Deuission Laid to gether att the south east Corner of the Great Medow bounded as followeth : the 144 im{()1'kii:t()US' ukcords. NortlicMst ( 'oriicr Ix'inii- A >l;ikc and sloiis Ndillicrly on Coiiioii til'ty Uod 1«» A white Mich iiiarkl Ix-iiin- the Nor \\'(>:isl ( "onicr Weastorly rail on ( 'onion and Pari on .lohii ('oihits Land fifty two Hotls : iind so Koiind on Shcrborn Land to the North I^a>t C'onuM- Laid out octohor ;5()"' 1707 — l.y Thomas White John Darlin-- and .losiah Thayer Coinite Thirty Acres More of «l Alhees fill Deuission Laid on the Last side of the irreat Kiiier : Ahoue fox hrook the Norwest Corner heintf A hhiek oak Tree : Markt Nere the Hiuer North on Conion with A diriet Line : tifty Kod to A stake and heap of stones : be- ing the north Last Corner Last on Common with A diriet Line = Eighty Rod : to A white oak tree markt on A point of an hill : then Kuning southerly l>y the edg of sd liill to A l)laek oak tree markt by the Kiuer \N'east on the Kiuerto the North \N'est Corner Laid out by Thomas white Benjemin Albee [101.] The six Aeres of John Darlings tifth Deuission W'iiieh might be Laid out In the Prohibited Land Now Benjemin All)ees as Api)ears by A deed of Sale baring Date December 20 n\r> Six Acres of John Darlings tifth Deuission Laid out for Benje- min Albee on tlie West sid second bridg Kiuer Aboue Metfeild Koad : Joyning to his other Land bounded East on sd Land Seuenty Rods : the south East Corner being A white oake tree Markt the Northeast Corner being A white oak tree and walnut Stands Marked North on Comon twenty tiue Rod to A white (»ak tree markt being the North West Corner West on Comon seuenty Rods: to A stake being the south west Corner south on Comon sixteen Rod to the southeast Corner the Whole Containing Eight Acres and three quai-ters two Acres and three Quarters Allowane January 25 : 1715 : by : Thomas White John Thomson and Thomas Sanford Comitte Six Acres of James Albees tifth Deuission Laid out to his son James Albee on the East side of bare hill .loyning to the sd Albees Medow bounded as f(tlowetli the >olith \\'e>l Coiner beiliii MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 145 a black oak tree : southerly on sd Albees medow forty six Rod : to A maple tree : being the south East Corner Easterly on Comon with A direct Line Twenty one Rod to A maple tree : being the north East Corner Northerly on Couion With A direct Line : forty six Rods to A Chesnutt tree : being the North west Corner Westerly on Comon With A direct Line Twenty one Rod : to the south west Corner — Laid out the twenty ninth of October: 1707: by — Thomas White John Darling and Josiah Thayer Comitee : — Mendon Apral y*" 9"% 1718 Laid out for Beniamen Albee four acers and an half of Land Joyning on the norwesterly side of the rode leading to the mill to his own Land Esterlv Recorded ^ October ye twcnty uiuc Rod Southerly partly upon Lands formerly his fathers & partly upon Lands of flames Albees fifty five rod westerly upon Nathanile rawsons Twenty rod northerly partly upon comon partly upon John albee scA^enty two rod five acers and an quarter alowed for bad Land. Laid out by Thomas AVhite Robert Evens Jacob aldrich Com- mittee. Mendon 170(5 Laid out for James Albee two acers of medow bottom on the west side Second river Joyning to his other Land bounded South part on S'' Land part on comon a eleuen rod east on S*^ riuer twenty nine rod north on comon a eleuen rod to a seder tree markt being the norwest corner west on comon twenty nine rod it being a eleuen rod wide and twenty nine rod Long- Laid out by Thomas : White. Benjamen albee [102.] Nouember y*' : 15: 1718 Laid for benjamen albee seuen acers sixth diuision on the west side the mill riuer aboue medfield rode bounded northerly on daniel louets land and Recorded hundred rod westerly on S'^ rode fifteen rod to a heap January ye yf gtoncs bciug the southwcst comer thence, runing ' ' north east full point to the mill riuer or mill pond east on S'' pond or riuer fifteen rod the whole containing nine acers 14() rUOPKIKTOKS" KKCOKDS. .-iiitl Sixty i-()(l two :ic('i-s :uu\ sixty ivnl mIowcI lor liad LmikI : Laid out l.y : 'riioiiiMs : >Vl.itc. KN.hcit Kiicii^ : .lac. I.: Al.lii.li. ('ouimittrc Di'scmiIkt y'" 2!> : ITl-s Laid out loi- hciiianiin alltc liis Shaic of Rei-onic.i Seder s\vaiii|) in the iiorlli seder swaiiip on the east Feboaryy side \' livei' iKUUided noi'lli on henianiin wlieloUs "' Swanij) I'ast on ui)land throe rod and halt' then runini:- west two de;j:rees south to the |)()n(l west on S'' pond hy Thoinas : white Robert Euens c*c .Ineoh : Ahlrieh, ( oniinittee, Jul\' \' 2;i"' 17111 : nieniorandoin that whereas the niedow liranted to Benjanien alhees mill lolt on the east side seeond hridjio river is now in the posesion ot" .John alhee and was hounded on eonion \|)hind the sd vpland hein\ ci- S.'th ('li;i|iili. ,l:irol. Aldl'isli, ( 'oiiiniil lee (u'oro- Smnncr HciiJMiiiiu .•illicc .Iim'^ liciijaincn ))alm('r [104.] The one llalfor Moiclc of Simon l*ccks House Lotl Puivlu'scd (.r (ircoMvn CooUc l)v y' s.-iid I'cck : Now (icoii: Suiuiu'i-s with all the Kinlits and l'iiuclidL;('> thereunto Ik- lioni:- inii- or any ways Apeitainini:- as Appears hy A (h-ed of S;de Itariiii:- Date the 'fwcnty third day of .May sixteen hundred Ki^hty and two: And AeknowU'dired before William Sloniihlon Ks(|uire y'' Day and Year Abouo Writcn The W'hoK^ Lot ('onlainin«r foueily Aeres ho it more or Less: A\'hieh the sd Sinn)n Peek Purehesed of ( irery ('ook siluat Lyinji- and lu'ini:- In the 'I'ownship of Mendon : afore sd The said Twenty Aeres or half Lott aforenamed : and haruained for And sold to the said (Teor<>- Snimier : to l>o .Mesured and Staked out on the Westward side of the full one Half of the Lot for (juantity the said Simon Peek Heseruinii: to him self the whole Orcherd and that sid(> of the Land or house Lott W'hear his orcherd is Planted and his huildinns Did Stand: the whole L(»lt Lyes bounded Eastward With the Land of ,lohn More and with the Ten Rodd Hyway Southward and with the Comon towards the North Weast and with the Land of Steuen Cooke the Land of John Parish and the Land of Sanuiell Head Northeast : — A Return of ( ieorii- Sunnieis House Lott ('ontaininir Twenty Acres be it more or Less : bein«; : the one half of Simon Peeks hous Lott boundetl Weast or Westerly upon the ten Rodd High- way : that Leads to the North medow : that Line C'ontainini:: sixty seuen Rodd Northerly by a four Rodd hiirhway Leadinir to tln' \\'ea>t Riner: that Line Containini!: 70 Seuenty Rodds : Easterly by the Land of John liridires and ,]osej)h Plumly : thirty one Rodds-Southerly by the Land of Simon Peek seuenty fouei- Rodds: this Line is lo Run strei<:ht out. Deuided by .losiMh C'hupin: l.s"' of NOuendx-i- IUSC: Twenty Acres uku-.- or Les with Sum Small Adilion that Lye- with In il the -aid tWiMit\ Aeie- bein- Part of Dublini- Lotl MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 149 which was Laid out to the said Simon Peck since his Purchess A highway Lying threw it to fech timber out of the pine swamp : to be secured by gats or bars : the said Land Lyes bounded southerly by the said swamp — and Northerly by the ten Rodd Highway : six acres Wheare of the said Simon peck Reserues to himself: In that End of it Next to the Land of John More : Pro- uided that Six Acres take in none of the Planting Land : that is broake n\) : and all the Remaindcrr to be the said Georg Sumner : Janvary y*' Eleventh 1742-^- laid ovt for benjamen albee f]v\V 120 rod tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land by his hovse and is 1)ovnded P^ast on sd hind north on land laid ovt to samvel thayer west on the land of ()l)adiah whelock sovtli on a three rod way itt being a broaken peace of land containing 13H rod 16 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and benjamen albee chain men April y* 28'' : 1744 laid ovt for benjamen palmer 3 acers of land viz — one Eighth division 2 acers tenth laid together and is bovnded north on the land of samvel nelson rvning from the sovtheast corner of sd nelsons land with a direct line 5 rod to the north east corner of his own land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land it being a l)roaken peace of land containing 4 acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and benjamen palmer chain men — Georg Sumner [105.] The Great Lott or the third and fourth Deuissions belonging to the aboue said Sumners Twenty Acre Lott being- six score Acres one hundred and tiue Acres of it one the south East End of Magomiscok hill bounded as followeth the South East Corner being A White oake the South Weast Corner A stake and heap of stons : this Line being an hundred and sixty four Rodd : AYeast With A Dirict Line one hundred and Twenty Rodds : to a stak and stones being the Norweast Corner North with a Dirict Line one hundred and Twenty Rodd to A black oake : being a Corner then Turning Southerly with A dirict Line Ninty 1")() I'ltorUIKI'OllS- HKrOKDS. :iii(l lorn- I\(.(1t(»iis : So 'riiiiiiiiL^ K.-istcrly with A diiict Line i'oviy Kodd 1<. A Wiiliiul tnc S<. Tiirninir soiithcrly \\'ith A dirict Line 'I'wciily >i\ Ivodd : to A \N'hitc oakf l)oiii<; the Southeast C'oitn'i- Kiiiv sidt" on Coiiion : liMiid: I''.ii2hty Acfcs hcinjr Ids «rr('Mt Lott Twenty line Acres I.eiiiLr part of his lourth I)euissioii-\\ith Allowan : 1702 — lifiecn Aei-es more of sd lourth l)cui»ion of Land doyidni: 1«' said Lands: att the southeast Corner hounded as foMoweth : North on >aid Land forty Kodd Last with A diriet Line thirty Seuen Kodd 1(. A \\hite oake t ree lu-ini:- the south Last Corner South ui>()n A diriet Line on Conion tifty Ixodds to A stake and heap of stons : hcini: the South Weast CV)rner AVeast on Conion Land With A Diriit Line of Marked Trees to the ahouc said Land Seuenty Kodds — Laid out by Thomas AN'hite dune 27: 1701 dune y' I'd"' 1 7 1 N Laid out fordosephcSc l''d)ene/,er Sumner nine acres Sixth Diuision of Land rioyninjji; to Their own LancL where they Dwell, on y'' north Side Serbourn Koat bounded soutli on sd Road, partly part on William Chaneys Land. Sixty four Rod, West ])art on Connnon ])art on s'' Chaneys Land Sixty Kod, Kuniuir from \' Southwest Corner of Their other Land, South 2') Dgi*. west, with a Direct Line of marked Trees to S*^ ehayneys T^and, forty six Kod. it beini:- m broaken |)i('ee of Land ('ontain- intr Ten acres tVc half, one acre iNl: half allowed for bad Land. cph svinner thirty three aeers sixth di\i>ion Joyninir to their other land where thay now dwidl bovnded easterly on sd land northerly jtai-t on seth chapins land part on william chencys land one hvndrrd and thirty rod to a l)Iak oak tr.'c inarkt beini: the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 151 norwest corner then rvning sovth 7 degr" east fifty rod to a heap of stones being the sovthwest corner then rvning east 5 dgrs sovth sixty three rod to a white oak tree markt being a corner then rvning north 2 dgr^ east sixty fovr rod to a heap of stones being a corner of their other land on all other parts on sd land it being a broken peace of land containing fifty one acers eighteen acers alowed for l)ad land and a three rod Avay cros sd land : by thomas white thomas thayer Jacolj aldrich committee — October y'' IH*'' : 1718 laid ovt for ebenezer and Joseph svmner their share of seder swamp in the north sederswamp on the east side of the brook ])ovnded noi-th on ebenezer staples swamp east on vpland five rod sovth by a line of marked trees rvning west 2 dgr' sovth to sd brook west on the brook laid ovt by : thomas white Rolmrd evens Jacob aldrich committee — desember y'' : 8'": 1718 laid ovt for ebenezer and Joseph svmner thirty six acers sixth division on y*" west side the great river below Shokcolog Brook l)ovnded sovth on the land of James Keith eighty eight rod rvning from the northeast corner of sd land north : 5 dgr^ west seventy two rod to a heap of stones* being the northeast corner then rvning west 5 dgr^ sovth eighty eight rod to a blak oak tree markt being the norwest corner then rvning sovth 5 dgr- east seventy Iavo rod to sd Keiths land : the whole containing thirty nine acers and half and sixteen rod three acers and half and sixteen rod alowed for ])ad land laid ovt hy thomas white Robard evens : Jacob aklrich committee George Svmner [107.] may y** 8 : 1707 eighty acers of the fifth division of land belonging to gebrge svmners lott laid ovt on the west side the great river below shokcolog bovnded as foloweth begining above the dvgg way a red oak tree markt near the norwest corner westerly on comon with a direct line one hvndred and thirty seven rod to a stake and stones l)eing the sovth west (corner sovtherly on conmion with a direct line one hvndred and sixteen rod to a white otik tree markt being the sovtheast corner easterly 152 PHOPRIKTOHS' KKCORDS. <»n coiiiiiKtii with ;i diicct line one li\ iidrccl mikI tlncc rod to the i-ivcr iioithcrly on >d river to tlir noiwcst cornel- the whole eon- lainin<: eiirhty one :ieer> and an half one aeer an tilth divi- HJoii luMnj; twenty acres hiid ovt att the northeast corner of the north soderswani]) hovnded as t()h)wetli the sovfheast corner })ein«j a l)hd< oak stand niariand I-.aid out before and Had Land. Laid out by Robert Euens Seruayer, Thomas White tSc »Iacob Al- drich ("om"^'^ dosiah Thayer [108.] dc^hu (iurnys twenty Acre House Lott Now dosiah Thaycrs As Appears by A Deed of Sale baring Date the third Day of May one thousand six hundred Xinty and two, and Ac- knowledged before Kdinond (^uincy : Hs.|^ : dustic of the peace MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 153 13 febuary 169| and Recorded with the Record of Deeds for the County of Suffolke Liber : 19*'' Pag 35H-7 The House Lott being Twenty Acres is l)utted and bounded as folloeth Easterly upon Muddy brook Southerly upon the House Lot of fardinando Thayer And with Comonon Northerly and Weasterly upon Comon Laid out by The Dubling Lott belonging to the Aboue sd Lott being Twenty Acres is butted and l)ounded as followeth Southerly upon the Aboue sd House Lott Easterly upon Muddy brook Northerly by the Land of William Holbrook Weasterly partly u[)on A four Rod highway ner Joseph- Steuenses Lott and partly with Conion Laid out by The first Deuission of Medow belonging to the Aboue sd Lott Part of it Lying upon the Mill Riuer bounded upstreame upon Muddy Brook Down streame upon John Harburs Medow :) An- other Part Lying In the Round Medow bounded southerly upon William Holbrooks Medow : In part : part upon upland : North- erly upon John Harburs Medow : Easterly with Comon Lands : Weasterly upon Ceder swamp — Another Part Lying In the Lower North Medow : bounded Downe streame with Walter Cooks Medow: up streame with Mathias Puffers Medow :, the Remainder of the sd Deuission In the uper North Medow bounded upstreame upon Mathias Puffers Medow Downe streame with Wal- ter Cook Medow : Containing six acres half and Twenty seuen Rod: Laid out by Joseph AVhite The second Deuission of Medow belong-ino; to the Aboue sd Lott being two Acres Laid out at y*" Weast End of the great Medow : bounded North upon Ephraim "perces Medow : south upon Georg Aldriches Medow : Easterly and Weasterly upon upland Laid out by Joseph White The great Lott or Third Deuission of upland being Eighty Acres which belongs to the aboue sd Lott Laid out betwen Chi- poutiqueset and hop brook forty two Acres of it Ijounded as fol- 154 i'i;(HM;ii:'r()i:s- nKcouns. lowrlh : K:ist\v:ir(l A White (.:ikc tree (.n tlio conicr of A hill NCi- Hchol.oth KoMch': hciii-r (he south Corner: thcnc homidcd hy A uarious Line iiiKh'r the foot of A hill hoiiic to the Mill Hiiic r : A (luhlo Maple Marked on the l)anek of sd Hiuer: the Line hy the HiiKM- ConlayniniT seiienty two Hods: then 'rurnint Line home to henianiiii Whelocks forty Acres : ('ontainin: North wai-d : forty : FjL^ht K(»d : then Turninir Jin East and Weast of twenty and two Kod then tiiniini: A north and south Lino: home to the Lino of Lighty Rods: and is hounded Woastorly upon Comon) Thirty Light Acres More of sd Eighty Acres is l)ounded as followeth : Partly upon the Land of Samuel Ilayward and Partly upon Comon : hy A Line of one hundred and Twenty four Rods A maple the Xoi-th East Coi-ner Northerly upon Comon : hy A line of forty Rods AVoast on Comon l»y A line of: one hundred and sixteen Rods: A White oake [109.] att the south end of that Line and A heap of stons att the North End of that Line and Southerly by A Line of Sixty six Rod upon Comon : home to sd Hay wards Corner, the forty and two Acres was Laid out with Alowance for a four Rod hyway thorow it And an Allowance for one acre of swamp or Medow of Beniemin Whelocks In it hy .losiah Chapin May the lift 1(;03 — Part of the swamp Lott belonging to the Abouesd Lott l)eing half one Acre. Laid out on the south weast side of Chesnut Hill: bounded Nor weast on Comon Land the Nor weast Cornel- with a black oake tree : so C'rosing the swamp with A dirict Line to A White oake tree : ])eing the North East Corner: southerly on Comon T^and : on both sids bounded with Marked Trees: — by Thomas White May 27. 1702 !» Part of the fourth Deuission: of Land belonging to the >d Thayers Lot containing Nine Acres bounded North wea>t pait on sd swamp: and part on Comon l^and N\'ilh A line of Marked Trees the North Weast Corner being A white oake tree: Sc.uth with A various Line: of marked trees to A white oak(> tice by A lirook being the south east Cornel': so crosing sd brook to an A-h tree: aixl so on the Last with A line of Marked Tree. : (.ii MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 155 Conion Land to A Walnut Tree l)eing the North East Corner Laid out ye 27 may 1702 by Thomas White 4 fouer Acres INIore of the fourth Deuission behonging to the Aforesd Lott Laid out on the Weast side of the aboue sd Josiah Thayers Land bounded South on Comon : by A line six Rods Weasterly on the Land of William Holbrook In part and Partly upon the Land of Beniemin Wheloek : by A line of one Hundred and Twenty Rods Northerly upon Comon Laid out may 9 : 1701 by Josia Chapin 25 Twenty fine Acres More of the sd fourth Deuission : Laid out upon the Plaine upstreame of the bridg ouer the mill Riuer upon Rehoboth Road : bounded Easterly on the mill Riuer Northerly part on sd Thayers Land and Part on the Land of William Holbrook : Weast part on : the Land of sd Thayer and Part on the Land of Samuel Hayward southerly part on Comon and Part on the Land of Samuel : Thayer Laid with an Allow- ance for A four Rod Way through it breadth ways : Laid out y° 22 of May 1701 by Josiah Chapin 1 one Acre more of fourth Deuission belonging to the Aboue- sd Lott : att the Round Medow being A narow strip of swamp Lying In sd medow :. Lying betwen sd Thayer Medow and Will- iam Holbrooks Medow : Laid out by Thomas White 3 Thre Acres and half of the lift Deuission of Land belonging to the Aboue sd Lott by sd Thayers Chesnut hill Medow In A thre Cornered peice bounded weasterly Partly on sd Medow and Part on his other Land forty Rod Northerly on Comon : Avith A dirict Line forty Rod : from the Corner of his other Land to A black oake tree being the North Weast Corner Easterly on Comon with A dirict Line forty Rod to A white Tree marked 156 riJoPIUKTOlJS' KKCOUDS lUTc llif >(1 iiM'dow : ('(»nl;iiiiin«: tlirc Ai:ili 'I'liaycr (■(.mile [110.] .Icsiali Tliaver J'.i All (.Iher Pail of xl till Deiiissioii Laid out on tlir x.utli .side (.f Hop I. rook l>oiiiided as followelli the North \vea>t Corner V)oin_ii' A ( hesnnl Tree: Noilheriy on ("onion with A diricl line .sixty six Rod to sd hiook A white oak*' tree niarkt Neei' the Northeast Corner Kasterly I*ait on swamp Part on sd hrook one Hundred and forleen Hod to A swamp oake : Ner the south east (\)rner. Southeily on Comon with A diriet Line: sixty four Hod : to A While oak Stand heini:- the south \\'east Corner Wcasterly on Comon with A direct Line one Hundred and thirteen Rod to the North weast Cornel' the whole Containing Thirty Eight Acres Nine Acres Alowance two Acrs of sd Land heing Part of John Whits tift Douissions September y« tift : 1707 l.y Kohcrl Tall d.)siah Thayer i^c Thomas white Coinite Ten Acres More of the Ahouesd lift l)eui>si(.n Laid out Att the North Weast Corner of the great Me(h>w .loyning to the Ahouc sd flosiah Thayers medow hounded East on sd Medow tifty Rods to Jonathan Haywerd Land Northerly on sd land thirty Rod to Sanuul Hay wards Land so on sd Land to Samuel Hay wards medow thirty Rod Southerly Part on sd medow and part on Comon with A line of Marked Trees: to his owne Medow her being Alowance for A twoRod way threw sd Land June y'seuenth 1707 by Thonia> White Josiah Thayer i*^ Samuel Thayer Comite forty Acres More ol the Aboue sd lift Dcuission Laid on the south side of Hop brook ('oinpasing A small burnt Ceder swamp bounded as tblloweth the south East Corner a small Ash lice Easterly Part on Samuel Cooks Land part on Coiiuui one hun- dred and Ninty two Rod to A stake being the North East Corner North (►n Comon (me hundred and thiily Kotl : to A white oake Tree bcin-- the North Weast Corner Wea>lcil\ on Comon one MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 157 hundred and Thirty Rod : to A white oak tree : being the South Weast Corner : south on Comon fifty two Rod : to the south East Corner : Nine Acres more of sd forty Acres Joyning to sd Land It being A three Cornered Peice : bounded south on sd Land Sixty Rod the south East Corner l)eing A stake the south weast Corner being A heap of Stons : Weast on Comon fifty Rods to A white oak Tree : being the North Corner East on Comon sixty Rods to the south East Corner the whole Containing fifty Nine Acres and half Laid out for forty Acres here being Allowance for A Road towards Providence : Cros sd Land as Also In compasing A peice of Beniemin Thayers medow : July 13. 1710 by Thomas White Seth Chapin and Samuel more Comite A Eleuen Acres More of sd Thayers fift deuission Laid oiit Att the south East Corner of the great Medow bounded as fol- loweth southerly and Easterly upon Comon Land Part of it be Longing to Sherborn Northerly upon the Land of James Albe Weasterly Part on Comon Part on John Corbits Land Laid out with Eleuen Acres of James Albes fifth Deuission as will more fully Appear by sd Albes Return upon Record Pag 100 :) October 30. 1707 by Thomas White John Darling and Josiah Thayer Comitte Josiah Thayer [111.] Six Acres and half of Josiah Thayers fourth Deuission Laid out on the East side of the Mill Riuer Joyning to Land be- longing to John Harburs Lott bounded weasterly on sd Land fifty two Rods the Nor Weast Corner being A Duble black oak : North- erly on Comon Twenty Rod to A black oak stand being the Northeast Corner : East on Comon with A Dirict Line : fifty two Rod to A white oake Tree : being the south East Corner South on Comon twenty Rod to sd harburs Land Aprill 13. 1706 by Thomas White September the fift seuenteen hundred and seuen Part of Josiah Thayers fift Deuission Laid out by his Chesnut hill Medow : bounded weast on Peter Holbrooks Land and Part on Comon this 158 rK(UM{ii;i()i:s' kkcouds. Liiir l.ciiiL; one liiiiidifd niid I liiitccii K'o.l the soutliwcast Conicr A swaiMj) (»;ilv tree: the .\(»i' W Cist ( onu'i- A Walnut tree iiiarkt Nt'ic tlic Conicr: North on Comoii fitly two Hod to A Reed oakc trf(> Mai-kt Kast Part on sd Tliayi'is Mcdow and |)ait on (' on one hundred and Thirteen l\od : to A Chesnul fice l»eini:- the south Kasl Corner: south on Conion : lilly I\od to the south weast ('orner ( 'ontainiui:' forty thice Acres Thirteen Aeic^ AMowance l.y Th(»nias >N'hite l\ol)erl 'l\-il"t and dosiah Chapin Coniile Menihui april y' i;'."'. ITlM. Laid out lor doiah Thayer lifteen acres of Scuenfh Diuision of Land fl()ynin«2: t*» his other Land, heiiinnini:- at a Norwest Corner of dames Keiths Land Recorded j|^^.,j South Tcu (h'^rccs West on Sd Keiths Land foitv May y 1" ' . ^ • 17:^1 one Hod, to a hiack oak heini:- a South East ('orner, thence west ten Deu'"^ North on Connnon I'Jiihty foui' Hod to his other Land then Broakenly on Sd Land thirty Liirlit Hod to his other Land formerly harlturs. then Easterly on Sd Land fifty four Hod to Sd har])urs South East Corner, then South- erly on y' Land of Benjamin Thayer thirty Hod to a heape of Stones l)ein*»: Sd Tliayers South ^^'est Corner, thence on Sd Thayers Land Easterly forty Eight Hod: to the first Hounds, the whole Containing twenty three acres «Sc seuenty Eight Hod Eight acres and Seuenty Eight Hod allowed for an acre of Swamp Land Laid out heretofore cSc had Land. Laid out l>y Hohert Euens Sery' dacol) Aldrish cV:: dames Keith Com*^' Peter llolhrook [llt>.] William Ilolhrooks House Loft hcing forty Acres With all the Hijrhts And Priyilidges there unto IicIoul^ or any ways Apertaining Now Peter Holbrooks as Appeers hy A Deed of Sale haring Date the second Day of December H)79 cVc Ac- knowlc2 Is butted and bounded as followeth Northerly upon the House Houne Loll Loft of 'John Sprage Easfci'ly upon the bi-ook ("onionly Known by the Name of Muddy brook Sonthcriy ui)on A four Hodd highway: the Line brini: variou- all ihe Souih Corner: Weasterly upon Ctunon Land: Laid out by Daniel Louet MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 159 being forty Acres Thirty one Acre and sixty Rodd l^nng Nere to John Gurnys house Lott bounded southerly upon the Land of John Gurny and Easterly upon Muddy brook, Xorth- DubiingLott p^.]^, ^^^-jQj^ Comon Land & Partly upon the Training feeld : Weasterly upon A four Rodd Highway Leading Into the Common the Remainder of the Aforesd forty Acres with six acres of Land Granted to Moses Paine Now sd Peter Hol- brooks as Appears by A Deed of Sale Imring date the 26 of December 1705) Acknowledged the same day: Is butted and bounded as followeth Weasterly upon the Dubling Lott aforesd Southerly upon the Land of fardin Ando Thayer Easf'^ by A line of Marked Trees and Northerly partly, upon the Land of Danil Louet Partly upon Comon Laid out by Joseph AYhite and Josiah Chapin The first Deuision of Medow l)elonging to the sd Lott Lying- in bever Pond Medow up streame bounded partly upon fardinando Thayers Medow and Partly upon Samuel Hayerds MedoAv : Downe the streme bounded upon the Highway to Mettfeeld : A nother part of said Medow : Lying upon the weast side of that upon A Run that Runs In to the Aboue sd INIedow : The Remaining part of sd Medow Lying In the Low^er end of bare Medow : bounded up streame upon John Sprages Medow : Downe stream Partly with swamp and Partly with upland : The whole being Thirteen Acres and quarter 14 Rod More or Les Laid out by Joseph White A Record of fourty Acres of Samuel Reads great Lott Now Peter Holbrooks As Appers by A deed of Sale baring Date 13 day of January 1686 : and Acknowledge before John Ussher Es^'' ye 14 of January 1686 : Laid out nere the Road to medfeeld by beuer Pond brook bounded Round with Lines of Marked Trees upon Common : With A four Rodd Highway Threw sd Land Leading to Medfeeld Laid out by Josiah Chapin 21 October 1686 The Abouesd holbrooks great Lott l)elonging to the Abouesd lOO I'Koi'KiiyroKS' kkcouds. Lnit I.:ii(l out l)y hciicr Pniid l.iook cue liiiiiilrcil mikI loity Acres iiix.ii llic l-::isl si.lc (if s(l hr.x.k liduudcd Kast l»_v llic cir.«ti...ii •j'.nviic Line: Iwo limidrcd and ten Kodds a LM«'al uliil oakc hciiiir tlif Xorlli Corner Mark<'d willi P-| : Then 'rnrnini; an Kast and W'easl Line lifty six Kodds : to a ( "eder s\vani|) then Kuninu' with: the ( '((Ut s\\ain|) home to iK'uer Pond so Kunini:- with the Pond to xl Ilolliiooks Medou : so Kuninii- with sd nie Land hou»rht of the aforesd Kead then Turiiinij: a south and hewcast Line four score Kodds iqion the vdtt and tifty acres of the fourth Deuision of Land belonging to the abouesd Lott Laid out upon the East side of the great Kiuei- A little l)(.wne waiup streanie from John Cooks Land : bounded \\'easterlv 4 deuision u[)on sd Kiuer North upon Comon by a line of Eight Kodds a great white oake Marked upon the bank of sd Kiuer and a pine Tree atl the other end of sd Line: then Turning Downe streanie and Continuing a \arious Line two huiidrt'd and Twenty Kods Inconii)asing A swamp the south end of that liiu^ being a llatt Kock and a iieap ot stons : upon it then turning A ii with A dirict Line one liimdrcd and Kiirhly Kod lo a licap (»f" Stons upon A Hoi-k Ikmiij:: tlic Norlliwcast Cornel- Norlli one conion with A direct Line one Ihindivd and Twenty Kod lo A lieap of Ston> : hy an a-li l.ein;^ the Northeast Coiner l-:ast on Conion with A dirict Line litt> four Kod to A hea]) ol" Stones: hy A l»lacl< oaUe stand heinu- the Southeast Cornel- South Part on Conion with A dirict Line to the north east Cornel', of hi'- owne Land so Kound with sd Land to the Kilter (uie liundred A<-res More of sd lift l)euis>ion Laid on the Last side otthe Ahouesd (ireat Kiuer houiuh'd as foUowelh : Kaslerly : on Conion one hundred and tifty Kod from an heap of Stons: on A Koek : heiii"; a Corner of his other Land with A dirict Line: to A heap of Stons: and A Koek: So with A dirict Line to A pine Tree utt his other Land: so Kound witli his other Land: only A Small space on the Kiuer I^aid out the Twenty second of niart'h 17(»7 l)V Thomas White flohii Darling and Josiah Thayere Comittee : Tlie Keinaininu- Part ot the lit Deuission helonnini: to the Ahoue sd forty Acre Lott Laiil out on the East side of P>euer pond Ceader swamp : bounded as followeth : East part on the Towne Line : and Part on Beiiiemin Thayers Land : South : on sd Ilolhrooks Land Weast j)art on Ceder swamp Part on sd IIol- brooks Medow : to benjemin thayers Land North : on sd Land : thiily six Kod then setting of: North: tw(Mity Eight Kods : to A heaj) of stons: on A Koek being the \(.rth Weast Corner th»-n turning East with A dirict Line: of Marked trees: unto the Towne Line: Her being AUowance for a way Cros sd Land to Benjemin Thayers Laiul : Laid out .lune sixteenth 17(»7 Ity Thomas N\'hit<' Samuel Thayer and Josiah Thayer Coinitti' : Tin' Land belonging to the AI>oues(l Lott In the seueral Percels of them Ware Keeorded In theVi-ar 1711 before Deeon holbrooks .leath MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 163 Peter Holljrook [115.] In observance of A towne vote March the thh*d 1712 Wheare in it was granted to Decon Peter Holbrook to Lay downe and Leave Thirty Acres of Land all Redy Laid out on the East side of the great Riuer and take up Thirty Acres Instead of sd thirty Acres Ajoyning to Twenty Acres of Land Latly bought of M'' Coffing upon the Weast side of the great Pond Which Was Part of Linefords great Lot May the first 1713 Thirty Acres of Decon Peter Holbrooks Land Laid Downe on the East side of the great Riuer : Acording to the grant Alioue att the Dugg way ouer sd Riuer thirteen Rodd and Half wide att the Riuer A black oake tree markt up streame and Downe streame one hundred and fifty and two Rod In Lenth forty nine Rod wide att the Comon A Pine tree markt Nere the Noi-thweast Corner : A black oake stand markt Neer the North East Corner : by Thomas White The aboue sd Twenty Acres of Land which was M'" Coffins Bought of him by the Abouesd holbrook as will Apear by A deed of sale baring Date and Acknowledged before Josiah Chapin Esq'' Now Laid out with the Thirty Acres granted to be taken up In- steed of that thirty Acres Laid downe as Aforsd the Whole being- fifty Acres is bounded as followeth Northerly on Comon with A uarious Line the north corner being A larg White oake marked with the marking Iron R : H. the south weast Corner being A heap of stons About A walnut stand : this Line Runs all upon the north Weast side of A swamp being A uarious Line : the Weast- erly Line being various with marked trees and stons A black oake being the south East Corner and A black burch upon A Rocky hill : Nere the Northeast Corner so to the sd Corner then turning the Corner witn A line of Marked tres to the swamp then turning with the swamp by marked trees home to the Abouesd Laro; white oake : The North weast Line l)eino; one hundred and Eight Rodd : in Length Laid out 21 Aprill 1713 by Josiah Chapin ]{'){ I'Koi'UIKroKS' KKCOKDS. NoucinlxM' y'' "_".•"'. 1717 : Then tour acres of Laud Laid out tor y' heirs ot l*('l»'r Ilolhrook Dcc-o'', ,Ioyiiiii*r to tlu-ir other Land on y' west Side of Tafts pond, it liein*; Land in Lue Keconh-.i ,,j- M,.,l,,\v hottoui Taken awav from thcni by SiJi-ai^ues March y . * * . 6.h nis" Lolt Itounded as foUoweth. westerly on their othei* Laud Kiuhteeii Hod to A White oak stand, marked ni-re v' noiwesl cornel-, a wahmt Stand heinfj: y' Southwest corner vV: a corner of their othei- l^and Southerly on Connnon thirty Two Kod t(» a l>lack oak Tree, l)ein«j: y'' Southeast corner. Lasterly on Connnon Ei<^hteen Kod to A white ash Tree beinj^ y'' northeast corner, northerly on common thirty s(>uen Kod to y'" nor west corner. I^aid out By Tiiomas White William Ilolhrook — Kichurd [116.] Septemhery^-2r) : 17 IS Laid out for William holhi-ook nineteen acres and half sixth division doyninp: to Sanudl hole- hrooks sixth division of Land l)ounded west part on uecordcii «^>i Laud part on comon eighty eight rod the southwest October y \ , , . • . 22, 1718 corner being a stake the norwest corner a wiiite oak tree markt north on comon forty rod to a heap of Stones being the north east corner east on comon with a direct line eighty eight rod to a heap of Stones being the south east corner south on comon forty rod to the south west corner the whole containing twenty two acers three acers and half alowed for bad Land Laid out by Thomas white robert taft Jocob Aldrich Committee September y*" 25: 1718: Laid out for Sam" holljrook 19 acers and half sixth division Joyning to his other Land on the east side tlu' great river bounded southerly part on his own Land iiecorded p.j,.| ,,„ \vijli;ini liolcbrooks Land iiart on comon the October y * 22 1718 southwest corner being a stake westerly on comon with a direct line seuenty four rod to a pine tree l)eing the norwest corner thence runing east eight degrees north eighty rod to stones on a rock being the northeast corner thence runing south eiirht decrees cast forty rod to a stake being the southeast corner the whole coMtaitiinu twenlv two Mfer>> and sixty four rod thr»'e MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 165 acers and half and sixty four rod alowed for bad land Laid out l)y Thomas : WTiite roliert taft Jacob Aldrich Committee May y*" 12 : 1718. Laid out for richard hoi brook two acers & an half sixth division Joyning to his medow commonly Known by the name of four acer medow bounded north part on Recorded g^^j medow part on James emirsons great lott twenty October yo ^ . '=' "^ 22,1718 tAvo rod the northeast corner being a l)lak oak tree markta double maple markt near the norwest corner west on comon twenty rod to a heap of stones being the southwest corner south on comon twenty two rod to a heap of stones being the south east corner east on comon twenty rod to the northeast corner the whole containing two acers and three quarters forty rod alowed for medow lying in S'* Land Laid out by thomas White Jacob Aldrich Thomas thayer May y*' 12, 1718 Laid out for richard holbrook two acers sixth division compasing in two acers of medow bottom wich he pur- chased of timothy winter Ijounded as foloweth the Recorded southcast comcr being- a white oak tree markt south on October y ^ 22, 1718 comon twenty rod to a heap of stones west on comon twenty four rod to a maple tree markt near rock medow brook north on James keiths Land twenty rod wide by the com- pas an elm tree markt near the northeast corner east on comon fifty rod to the south east corner Laid out by Thomas White Jacob Aldrich Thomas Thayer Committee May y** 12 : 1718 Laid out for Richard holln-ook fiften acers sixth division Joyning to his other Land on the east side ye west river bounded sout on S*^ land seuenty eigh rod Recorded ^^.^^^ qj-^ j^j^ q^^,,-j L^ud thirty four rod to a white oak Febuary yc *^ 21 17 IS tree markt iieing the norwest corner north on comon seuenty eight rod to a heap of stones being the north east corner east on comon thirty four rod to a black burch being the north east corner of his other land the whole containing sixteen acers & half and twelue rod one acer and half and twelue 1()() l'l{()lM{Ii:i()KS' HKIORDS. ;ilo\\...l for l.M.l ImimI I.ni.l ..ul l.v 'riiMm:i> Wliilr I'll. .in,-.. TliMv.-r Jiic.l) Al.lri.h, Cumiiiillcc J. .Ill) Ilolhiook [117.] Mcn.lci. .mIoImt y' i>(l'" 171S, Laid ..iit lor.lclin lld- l>i()()l< Ills >liaic (»(■( '(•(•(Icr Swamp : in y' BcaiM-r Dainm ( icdcr Swamp IxMiJiT V' scauonth Lott. iVnm \' lun-llicrlv rud Kecorded . iioiicmbor ol" S«t Swaiiipo, S(t Lott Ix'iii^^ (Hie Rod aiid half" and ^' ■' ' Two fool wide, as it is I»(iuMdcl('rly I'v: westerly on y'' Sd IlolhrooUs mcdow Bottom : y' Southeast Corner lieinein own land and med ro alowed laid out to j)eter holbrook before and thirte(>n acers and ninety two rod alowed for bad land Laid out by Thomas White Robert euens: dacob aldrich ("onnnittee Nouend.er y 20: 171.S, laid for dohn Holbrook one acer and half sixth divisi(m rioyning to his other land neai- dohn ('orbits bounded ca>t on s'' land twenty rod South on conion twenty two rod to the rode leading to dohn tomi)sons west on S'' Hccordcd _ _ '^ ' deccnibcr Way lifteu rod to eliu(det holbrooks land north on S** land twenty two rod the whole containing two acers and a »|uarter three (piartei-s of an acer alowed tor bad laud by Thomas: White: Robert Luens dacob : Aldrich Committee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 167 Nouember the 18: 1718 laid out for eliphelet holebrook one acer and half sixth division Joyning to his other land on the east side second riiier south from medield rode bounded east on S** Recorded ^^"^^ twelue rod north on Joseph rockwoods land thirty Febuaryy' tAvg rod a stake att the north east corner a heap of '^ stones on a rok at the norwest corner west on the way leadino- to John Tonipsons twelue rod a stake at the south west corner south on comon twenty three rod to the south west corner of his other land the whole containing two acers half an acer alowed for bad land by Thomas : White : Robert : Euens : Jacol) : Aldrich, Committee : [118.] Nouenil)er y*" 28 : 1718 Then laid out for Peter Hol- brook of six division five acers of land Joyning to his other land Northerly on the Cuntry Road Leading to Medfield twenty two rod East upon his Land formerly Laid out Sixty tAvo Recorded ^ t ' i t-» December rod to a Stake west upon Joseph Rockwoods land y 19, 1718 gixty two rod to a black oak tree upon the road being a three Cornered peice Containing seuen acers two acers alowed for half an acer formerly Laid out and bad Land Laid out by Thomas : White : Robert : Euens : Jacol) : Aldrich, Conunittee Nouember y*^ 20*'' 1718. Laid out for i)eter Holbrook fourteen acres & half of Land, being part of his sixth Deuision. Joyning to his other Land by his house, on y'' north side of Medfield Road Beoining: at a white oak Tree near Sd Road it beino- a Recorded e? O o January comcr^of his othcr Land. Thence Runing north, fifteen ^' i** Degrees west. Seuenty four Rod, to a heape of Stones, being y'' norwest Corner Then Runing East fifteen Degrees north one hundred Rod to his other Land, it being a Three Cornered piece, Containing Twenty Three acres & Twenty Rod, Eight acres & half & twenty Rod. alloAved for bad Land, Laid out by Tho' White Robert Euens Jacob Aldrich, Committee : November y** 20 : 1718 laid out for eliuelet holebrook eighteen acers sixth division on the west side beuer pond brook Joyning lliS I'RorHII/roKS l{l.(()KltS. lo lii> oilier LmiiiI iM.midrd cii-t t.ii S' L.iii.l loilv rod -oiitli on Kccordo.i l>«'lt'i- liolt'luooks land an htmdrcd r other land llie whole ((.ntaininL^ twenty xiieii ac re-- an and a (piarter aloued fori.ad laiidl.y/i"lionia>: \\hite, K'oI.erl : Knen>. Ja<-ol. : Aldii.h, ( 'onnnittee January y' 7: 17lS'^ laid out for cliuolot holchrook his Sharo ol' Seder Swamp do\ iiiiii: to his othci- land att lieuer Recorded ' Febuary lioud houud south y Thomas : White. l\ol»ert : FLuens : Jaeob : Aldrieh. Committe(> [119.] desemi.er y' iM : 171S Laid out for peter holel.rook Recorded '"''^ share of Seder swamp in heater ])ond Swamjt March y 3 hounded northerly on John holehrooks Swamp west ^^ on his own Land one rod and u <|uarter then runin*; east twenty three degrees noi-th cros S'' Swamp hy 'rhonia> White Ro))ei-t : Euens : Jaeob : Aldrieh ('onnnittee Thirty Nine aen's it one hundred i.^!; twenty Rod of Land, nine aeres & one hun DviT^" W\'^\ on common (Uie hundred iS!: lorty Hod, to a heape of Stones being a Sou westerly Corner, then Last ;i/) Deg''* north on common 70 Hod to a heajx' of stones being a norwestcrly corner, then South thirty line Degrees Last on Common one hundn'd iVi fort\ Hod to Sd .loaneses Norwesterlv Corner, then on Set MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 169 Joanses Land seuenty Rod to the first bounds the whol Contain- ing Sixty one acres and forty Rod : twenty one acres c8: forty Rod allowd for bad Land, Laid out l^y Robert Euens, Seruy''. Jacob Aldrich, and Seth Chapin Committee. Mendon December y''. 1'*. 1720. then Laid out for peter Hool- brook twenty acres of Land of y'' Seuenth Diuision Lying be- tween Richard Holl)rooks & John Danielses Land, begining at a heape of Stones being a norwest corner, Thence East Recorded y ^ 291. of May Seuentccn Deg""^ north part on Common part on Sa ^^^^ Holbrook Sixty Two Rod to a heape of Stones being Sd Holbrooks South East Corner. Thence turning Sd corner Runing West Seuenteen Deg*^^ South, twenty Rod to a black oak tree being a former bounds, then bounded on William Rutter till he comes to Sd Danielses Land, then bounded on Sd Danielses Land Seuenty two Rod to Danielses norwest Corner, then West Seuenteen Degrees South on Common forty Rod to a heape of Stones being y^ South west Corner then north seuenteen Degrees West on Common to y° first bounds being a broaken peace of Land containing twenty three acres, three acres allowed for bad Land Laid out by Robert Euens Serueyer* Jacob Aldrish & Thomas White : Comt<=« John Rockite [120.] John Rockits House Lott with four Acres of his Dubling Lott is bounded as followeth Northerly upon the House Lott of fardinando Thayer Easterly upon Muddy brook Southerly upon Comon Land AVeasterly upon Comon Land With A ten Rod hygh way Crosing sd Lott : the full breadth the whole Con- taining Twenty four Acres.. Laid out by Beniemin Albee The remaining part of the Du1)ling Lott being sixteen Acres is bounded as followeth Northerly upon A highway Leading by Samuel Haywards Land In to the Comon from the Teen Rod highway threw the Towne : Easterly upon the Aforsd teen Rodd way Southerly upon Comon Land Weasterly upon Comon Land Laid out by Joseph White 170 ri;l I).Mli-.-i..Il d" MclcW LrlcIiLrillL^ to llir AI.(.IICS<1 Lott Is boimdcd ms folldwctli \\ to Metleehl hounded hown sti'eauie u])on >d Hoad upstreanie upon the ll:i>t si(h' ot" the Kiuer upon heuieuiiu Alhes Med(h)W u])on the W'e.-ist sioth sids upon ('onion Land:) Another part heinir the Heniain(h'r of that Deuis- sion Lyinjjf upon tlie ahoue sd Kiuer Downe streanie uj)on the Cart way that iroso to l»euer Danu' Medows upstreanie and hoth sids with uphmd : and A Marked Tree In y' swamp Laid out hy dos(>i)h White The seeond Douission of Medow l>eh)n of sd Hiuer line Acres on the >outh sd of Kiuer — Laid (Mit by .losiah Chapin Aprill i"' : li;:il : one Acre More of the aboue sd swamp Lott Laid out upon the south side of the Mill Kiuer below Mathias ])utlers Medow bounded upstreanie upon the Aboue sd Medow with two Marked trees In a line betwixt sd puU'ers Medow and that downe >treame MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 171 upon a Line of marked Trees south upon up Land North upon sd Riuer :) Laid out by Joseph White febuary 1*^74^. The fourth Deuission belonging to the al)oue sd Lott being forty Acres Twenty nine Acres of it Lying Att the burnt swamp on the East sid the Mill Riuer In Compasing Thirty Acres of said Rockits great Lott is bounded as followeth weasterly upon Comon by A line of one hundred and Twenty six Rodds with marked trees and three Rocks in that Lyne : Southerly partly upon Comon and part upon the Land of John Harbur of mendon decesed : by a line of forty six Rodd East on Comon by a line of one Hundred and seuenty Rodds Northerly upon the Land of Thomas Thayer The line Runing threw a burnt swamp to y° Con- tents of eighty four Rodds : Laid out by Josiah Chapin : July : 10 : 1701 John Rocket [121,] James Albees ten Acre hous Lott with all the Rights & privilidgis Now John Rockets as appears by A deed of Sale baring Date sixteen hundred : seuenty eight nine and Acknowl- edged before Humfery Dauie Assistant the seuenth of January 1685 Twenty Acres of which is al Redy Laid outt with the first deuission of Medow and is bounded as followeth Avith A ten Rod hyway Northerly and upon Mudy In-ook Southerly and Easterly upon the Land of the aboue sd James Albe and on the Land of Mathias Pufer weasterly : being the first and second deuission of sd Lott : The third Deuission of Land belonging to sd lott being forty Acres Laid out upon the south side of the Road to Metfeeld : on the weast side of the second bridg Riuer bounded Downe streame : upon the Lower end of sd Rockits Medow : by and east and weast Line : Containing fifty Rod : then turning a : weast North weast Line one hundred and ten Rods then turning an East and weast Line of sixty and six Rods : home to the Riuer : on the south side of Metfeeld Road : Laid out the second of April 1691 — by Josiah Chajiin 172 I'ROl'HIKTOHS- RKCOIJDS. P;iil (d'sd Horkcls roiiiMli I )cuissi()ii ( "()iit;iiiiin<: ninotcon Acres Laid out on the Hast side ot" second Itridi: Hiiier, Ahouo Metleeld R()ad hounded as followeth south on sd Roekets Land being forty one Rod In breadth Weast on Benjeniin Alhees Medow : ^Veast- erly on sd Alhees inedow : Easterly on conion Land : with A diriet Lino from A walnut tree Nere the Riuer to A white oake l)ein«r the south east eornei- heinir seuenty t<»ur Hod In Lenth onc^ Aere half more Lying on the weast side (tf sd Rockets Land : hounded weast on sd Roekets Land : forty Rod In Lenth south on the Cuntry Road ten Rod In breadth the south east Corner being: A white oake tree: East on ('onion Land with A direct Line from sd Rockets Corner to \ white oake : being the noi-theast Corner North on sd Rockets Land two Rod In In-eadth By Thomas AVhite : July 17 : 1702 : More of sd Rockets foui-th Deuission : Laid out on the East side of y'' secon bridg Riuer: below Metfeeld Road: bounded as followeth : weast on sd Rockets Medow North on sd : Land : the north east Corner being A stake this Line being thirty two Rods East on Comon : Land with A direct Line to A white oake : tree being the : south east Corner south on Comon : with A direct Line : to A white oake and so sd Rockets medow this Line being forty Rod : Containing nine acres one Acre of sd Land being: In consideration of a way Laid out of sd Rockets Land on the south side of nuuly brook : by Thomas White March 22 : 107H : Joseph Rocket [122.] The tift Deuission of Land belonging to the sd Rockits Lott Laid out below Sherborn Road : weast from the great medow : one part bouiKh'd as followeth the North east Corner A hvi\\) of stons on a Rock North on Comon with A diriet Line twenty four Rods: an ash being the north weast Corner weast on Comon with A diriet Line: one huneinir the south East (Vuner Easlerlv (Ui Comon MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 175 sixty four Rods : to the North East Corner the whole Containing forty Nine Acres and half : fine Acres and half Alowance as allso alowance for A two Rod way threw sd Land : Laid out Nouem- ber y'^ tifteenth 1707 l)y Thomas A¥hite John Darling Josiah Thayer Comitee June the lift 1710 half an Acre of swamp Laid out for Joseph Rockwood giuen by the selectmen : June 17 : 1709 : for satisfac- tion for A way Cros A Corner of his Land : by John Corbits house : granted to be laid out Joyning to sd Rockwoods Medow on the East side of the second bridg Riuer bounded as followeth : together with one quarter of an Acre of sd Rockwoods swamp Lott Weast on sd Medow ten Rod : the south weast Corner A stake and stones the Northweast Corner A Rock with a ston upon it North with Comon : twelue Rod : to a pople tree : being the north east Corner East on Comon ten Rod to A walnut : stand by A Rock : being the south East Corner south on Comon twelue Rods to the south weast Corner) The same day Laid out of Ben- jemin Albes swamp : Lott : one quarter of an Acre on the Weast side of sd Riuer : betwen sd Rockwoods Land and sd Riuer being a small slip of Land or swamp : bounded East on sd Riuer : Weast on sd Rockwoods Land North on Comon : square of from his other Land to the Riuer : By Thomas White Steuen and Joshua Lassell [124.] John Sprags Twenty Acre House Lott first bought of the Towne of Mendon Now Steuen and Joshua Lassell With all the Rights Priuilidges and Apurtinances there unto belonging or any wise Apertaining as Appears by__a deed of Sale baring Date And Acknowledged before Josiah Chapin Esq'^ The Hom Lott being Twenty Acres is buted and bounded as followeth Northerly upon Comon Land Easterly upon muddy brook and Southerly upon the Hom Lott of William Holbrook now In the Possession of Samuel Read and Weasterly upon Comon with A ten Rod Hyway Across sd Lott Laid out by Danill Louet 17G IMJOPKIiyiOKS" HKCORDS. The Second Deiiissii.n or Diil.Iiii-- Loll I.eloiiniiiL:- to the iihoue s(l Lott Iteiiiu' Twenty Aeres Ki^ht Aers and thre (|Mai-ters Adioninu' to the ahoue sd hous lott hounded xitherly with sd House Lott Kasterly upon Muddy hrook northerly upon the Land of Peter Braekite and Weasterly upon the ten Kodd Ilyway : tlie other ICh'ui'ii Acii's and one (|uartor Laid out at the wea.st End of the sd sprats House Lott and William HoUnook- liouse Lott : hounded I^asteriy upon the al)oue sd Lotts southerly upon the four Rod way Leading to the ^\'east Riuer AN'easterly upon Conion Northerly upon the Land of Hope Tyler Laid out by Joseph White The first Deuission of Medow belonging to the Aboue sd Lott one part Lying aboue the uper north niedow upon both sid of the mill Riuer bounded u})strein upon Steuen Cooks Medow Down streanie upon the ('art way aboue ,Iose})h Aldriches medow : the remainder of ad Medow Lying ui)on the Last of the Weast Riuer Downe streame upon dohn mores Medow : autl upstreame upon marked Trees the whole being six acres and halfe and Twenty seuen Rod more or Les : Laid out by Joseph White The second Deuission of Medow Itelonging to the Al)oue sd Lott Lying u})on A Run that Runs Into the Mill Riuer aboue the North medow : bounded southerly with A tree marked on the East side of the medow and staks Easterly with a Rocky hill Weasterly with upland. Laid out by Joseph White The Great Lott and Twenty Acres of the fourth I)eui»i(.n belonging to the .Vboue sd Lott Laiil out upon both siils of the Great Riuer : ui)streame from Aldriches farm against the Shining Rocks as it is bounded Northerly by a line of Marked trees Grose A pine Plaine on the East side of the Riuer: A trel)le AVhite oake Marked on the banck the Line diricting ( "ross the Kiucr : to the foot of the Next hill: and so ( "onlinuing the line on the weast side of >aid Kiucr: with the tool of the hill Lnt-ouipa^ing MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 177 all the Entervall and Low Land : iintill the Hill Corns Closs Down to the Kiuer : and the Land on the East side of the Riuer : Lyeth Downe streame untill : the hill or hyLand Corns home to the Riuer the Easterly Corner l)y the banck of the Riuer : marked with A single White oak : so the Line Continuing various Line along A litle Distance from the Edg of Rocky hilly Land untill it Corns to the North Corner marked with a yung pine — Twenty Acres More of the fourth Deuission belong to sd lott Laid out upon the pine plaine : on the East side of the Weast Riuer bounded South East upon the Land of Samuel More : and Part on Comon : Northerly upon the Land of Joseph Plumly and all other Points bounded upon the medow and swamp land of the aboue sd Lazells Laid out May 13. 1700 : by Josiah Chapin Steuen and Joshua Lezell [125.] The swamp Lott belonging to the Aforesd Lott Lying upon the East side of the Weast Riuer bounded Northerly upon the swamp Land of Joseph Plumly Weasterl}^ upon sd Weast Riuer Southerly upon sd Lezels Medow Easterly upon sd Lazels Land : Laid out l)y Josiah Chapin The lift Deuission of Land belonging unto the Aforesd Lott being one Hundred Acres part of it Lying upon the Weast side of the Weast Riuer Neer the Shining Rocks is bounded as follow- eth fifty thre Acres of sd Land : bound Round with Comon the South AVeast Corner A White oake Tree marked the southerly Line being Eighty fine Rod to A pine Tree Marked being the south East Corner : Easterly A dirict Line : one hundred Rod : to a stake and stons being the North East Corner : Northerly : with a Dirict Lyne Eighty fine Rods to a stake and stones being the North weast Corner Weast with A dirict Lyne one Hundred Rod unto the South Weast Corner : Containing fifty thre Acrs and Twenty Rod there being two Acres and twenty Rodd Alow- ance, Laid out the twenty first of June : 1707 by Thomas White Sam" Read Robert Taft ITS I'ROI'KIKTOPvS- KKCOUDS. lorlytwo Acrs M(.n'(.fsh Now -Mid Lm/.cHs as: AppcMfs l.y A d.'cd of Sale l.aiiu- dat»' — Bounded Round on Conion : llio North wcast Corner Ixinir A uhilo oake Two inarkt'd the south Woast Corner l)ein«i" A wallnut Tree marked this Lyne l»ein«jf one Hundred and 'ruche Kod : Southerly with a Uiriet Lyne seuenty Eight Rod to A lilaik oake Tii-e Marked being the South East Corner: East with A diriet Lyne : forty four Rod to A l)hick oake Tree marked being the North East Corner: North with A Diriet Lyne Ninty six l\o(l : unto the North Weast Corner: Containing forty two A(( IS lour Aeres for Alh)wanee Laid out DeecMuber Twenty ninth: 1707: by Thomas White Sam" Kea other Land Laid out Twenty Ninth of Deeember 17(>7 by 'I'homas White Robert Taft cSc Sam" Read : Comitee The Swamp Lott belonging tt) John Parishes Lott Now Steuen Lazells As Appears by A deed of Sale baring date — Lying on both sids tlie Weast Riuer one part Lying upon the weast side of sd Riuer bounded u})streame u[)on the Cuntry Road downe streame upon ,b)se})h rluels Medow Now In the Posession of Joseph Chai)in the other Part Lying in a swamp upon the East side of sd Riuer a little beLow the Road bounded North weast side Partly upon upland and Partly upon a Lyne of Marked Trees: with a line of marked trees att the southweast End: Nere tlie way ai ros the swamj) to Cap' Chapins wading place and so Round with upland on the other sids and Ends Lai.l out by JoH-ph Whit.' MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 179 [126.] Steuen and Joshua Lazell John Corljitt Sanmol Read December the Eight seucnteen Hundred and fourteen then Laid Downe the Second Deuission of Medow bek:)nging- to John Spraugs Lott and Part of the first Deuission of Medow belonging to tlie said Lott the second Deuission medow of said Lott being- Laid out in the Medow Known by the Name of bunggy With out the Towne bounds That Part of the first Deuission of Medow Laid Downe was Laid out upon the AVeast side of the Mill Riuer Aboue the Towne Line It l)eing all the Medow he hath on that side of the Riuer With out the Towne bounds by Thomas "White The Same Day Laid out Again In A swamp Neer the Scoole Medow Known by the Name of Mores Ceader swamp bounded as followeth the southeast Corner l)eing A Maple Tree southerly on Comon forty Rod to A Ceader tree : being the south weast Cor- ner : Weasterly on Comon : Thirty Rod to A Maple Tree : being the North Weast Corner Northerly upon Comon forty Rod : to A black oak Tree : being the North east Corner Easterly on Com- mon : fourteen Rod to the Southeast Corner : by Thomas White December 8*^ : 1714 October y" 16"' 1721 then laid ovt for Samvel Read twenty seven acers seventh division of land on the west side the west River Joyning to a peace of land of his own laid out heretofore begining att a heap of stons being a former Bovnds then Rvning East 33 dgr^ north by a line of markt trees one hundred and twenty Rod to a heap of stons then north 33 dgr^ west by a line of markt trees one hundred and sixty two Rod to a pople tree then west 33 dgr' sovth Eighty Rod then to the first Bovnds com- pasing fifty three acers of land laid ovt Before the whole contain- ing ninety acers and one hvndred and twenty Rod ten acers and 120 rod alowed forbad land, laid ovt By Robert Evens svrvayer : — Thomas White Jacob aldrich comtee. this is William Greens and Benjamin Greens divisions October y^ 30"' 1737, laid ovt for John Corbitt 10 acres and 52 rod of land in Ive for land which was formerly laid ovt for him ISO rH( )IM J I irroiis' kkcouds. \ iidci- :i iiii-.|;ikc in oilier pcrsoiis 1:111(1 now l;ii(l o\ 1 joynini:- to his other l.-ind in \\l.ri.l-e Mnd is hovn.le.l e:isleil\ (.n xl hind CI lod noi'theilv on the hini'..ok Hi lod to a lihieU oak live niarkt near said holhrooks land thenee Kviiiiiic sovlli 2;') dirr' cast to a lieap of stons att the wav leadiiiir to ozekcd wliilcs and is hovnded sovtlu'ily on sd way 20 rod lo his other land laid ovl l»y 'I'hoinas while s\i\ayer Jaeoh aldiieh and .lolin eoihitl Chain men elohn eoi-i.itt [127.] April y'' I"' M:V.\ laid ovt for John eoi-hitt C aecrs and half ninth di\ ision of land laid floyniiii^ to his otiier land near the great inedow and is hovnded westerly on sd land 2(1 rod to a lieap of slons heini:- the so\thwest eornei- and is l)o\ nded so\ th- erly on the land of Jonathan hayward ,"> I rod to a heap stons at the tow n line heinir the sovtheast corner and is Uovnded east on sd line 12 rod to the irirat medow and is lio\ nded northerly on stl niedow 'M) rod to his other land the whole eontaininir 7 aeers and 140 i"od one aeer and ('»() rod alowed for IkkI hind the same day laid ovl for sd eorltitl 10 acres ninth division of land joyniiii: to his other land Hasl of hear hill an(! rod and is hovnded on all other parts on his ow n land the whole containinii- 12 ai-res and 14') rod 2 aeers and I l."» rod alowed for had land — the same day laid o\ t for sd eorl»itt 7 aeers ot" land \ ix : 'A aert's (»f land that was foiinerly laid o\ t vnder a mistake in holhiooks land and 4 aeers ninth division laid doyninir t<> lii^ other land Kast of hear hill and is hovnded East on sd land north on the land of ohadiah alhe»' .'iO rod lo a heaj) of stons heing the norwest corner tlnnce ivninii- sovlh fvll point 58 rod to a heap of slons heinir the soNlhwesl corner then east fvll point .")0 lod pail on common part on Ismmc thayer- land the whole eontainini:- 10 aceis :ind lol rod ;; acer^ an.l Ml ro.l alowed for had land laid ovl hy ihoma> while >vr\ a\ er Jacoh aldrieh and Daniel lovct chaimnen March V 12" 17;'..". laid o\ 1 for .lolin .orhilt :'. ai'ei> of lan.l IMENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 181 vi/ : half an accr of ciiihth division and 2 acers and hall' ninth division laid joyninii; to his other land on the east side of bear hill and is hovnded east on sd land IB rod north on the land of E[)hraim daniels 44 rod rvning from the sovthwest corner sd daniels land sovth fvU point 16 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then east 2 dgr' north 44 rod to his other land to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner the whole contain- ing 4 acers and 64 rod one acer and 64 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer jacol) aldrich and daniel lovet chain men March y'' 31* 1786 laid ovt for John corbitt 71 accrs of land viz : 24 acers of ninth division and 47 acers tenth division laid ovt sovtherly from samvel whites and is bovnded easterly on samvel dvgleses land 36 rod to a heap of stons on a stvmp being a former bovnds of sd dvgleses land thence tvrning sovth 25 dgr'' east 144 rods to the way leading from y" meeting hovse to ezekel whites to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then bovnded sovtherly on sd way 75 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth- west corner then north 25 dgr'* west 16(i rod to Thomas Reads land to a heap of stons l)eing the norwest corner and is l)ovnded northerly part on m"" nathan wel)s land and part on sd Reads land the whole being 89 acers 18 acers alowed for bad land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white chain men John Darling [128.] Mathias Puffers Thirty fine Acre Lott vi''* the House Lott Now John darlings As Appears partly by a deed of Sale baring Date the first of December sixten hundred Ninty one : And Partly by an Agrement betwen sd Darling and the Rest of the Persons Conserned in the Estate of Samuel Sheperd Deceased : and Partly by A nother deed baring Date January 1706 : and All the Rights and Priuilidgs and Apurtinances be Longing unto A Twenty Two Acre and A half Lott The Abouesd House Lott is bounded As folio weth Northerly upon comon from the ten Rod Hyway Leading to Chepuntiquiset 1S2 I'Kol'KIKTnKS' HKCORDS. iml(. Ihc Miidv l.rodk iIkm upon llir '\\u 1v«m1 Iivwmv L<':i(liii- to tli«' mill iiiito the North cMsf Conicr : Kastcrly itoimdiim upon Another lliirlnvny LcMdiiiir from .lohn Hockits ouci' Miidy l»iook to the south cMst Cornel- south upon (onion to the Hiuny Le.id- iiiLr unto (^ueset AV easterly u|)on the sd ten l\od hyway unlo the Northlweasl Corner: the north Line heiiii: A \'aiious Line) — Laid out l)y lienieniin Ail»ee. Tlie Ahoue sd John I)ailin<:s Ten Acre Lott Purchesed of the Towno with all the Hiirhts and Priuilidires there unto helon^rin or Any wise Apertaininir w ith I^iherty to lake up his home Lott and serolid deilission toplther — Seuell Acres of sd house Lott is Laid out and hounded as followeth North upon the Al»oue sd thirty tine Acre house Lott Kasterly upon A fouer Rod hiway Leadiiiii- from Mudy brook to Samuel Thayers Southerly upon Comon to the Ten Kod hyway Leading:- to Quessitt Weasterly on sd ten Hod hyway iioiiie to the other house Lott : Thirten Acr<'s More of sd House Lott and Duhlin.i:- Lott Laid out and hounded as followeth: Northerly upon second hrooke Kasterly upon the Aforesd ten Rod hiway Southerly and weasterly ujjon Conion — Laid out l»y dosiah Chapin The (ireat Lott or Thirde : Deuissiou belongino- to : the Aloresd Twenty two Acre Lott and an halfe : heinn; Ninty Acres : Laid out and hounded as followelh : \ it Twenty line Acres of the I)ul>lin_U- Lott: helonuinir to said Lot Part of sd Kiirhty Seiien Acres with the sd Duhlinir Lot or 25 Acis is hounded Northerly partly upon sd Darlintrs Swamp lot partly upon second hrook Alise Daylys hrook partly upon Comon to A white oake tree marked which is the Northweast Corner ^\'easterly l)y a Line of on(> Hundred Rods upon Comon: Southeily u])on Coiiuui Ity A line of uiaikt trees to A Hock with a heap of stons u])oii it from theiic unto the ten Hod hyway Kasterly upon the ten Hod Hyway horn to sd Darlings other Land nere sd daylys hrook) Tin* Hemainin^j^ Part of the ahouesd Kighty seuen Acres: Laid out hounded Kasterly hy ("onion with marked trees to y' Corner tree Iteiiii: A white oak at y' south Kast Corner then Huniiiir hy a MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 183 westerly line to the south Corner being A Rock and heap of Stons : the Weast side bounded u[)on A Rocky hill with A uari- ous Line to A white oak being the north weast Corner ; North on Comon Home to the Line of the Dul)ling Lott ; Laid out by Josiah Chapin 18 of Aprill 1(592 John Darling [139.] Thirty four Acres of sd John Darlings great Lott be- longing to his ten Acre Lot that he bought of the Towne Laid out with twenty six acres of his fourth Deuission : Laid out and is bounded Northerly upon the Land that was Laid out for John Harburs Great Lott sixty eight Rod Weast part on the mill Riuer : and part on swamp Granted to Jonathan Haywerd on the East side of the mill Riuer; Part on the swamp of William Holbrook South upon Comon by A line of Marked Trees : A white oake Marked with A Marking Iron Nere William Holbrooks swamp Which is the south Weast Corner : so Continuing a Line of sixty Eight Rod on Comon on y*' south side of A Run of Water which Runeth in to the mill Riuer to : a duble whit oak on the lirow c^f an hill : ner sd brook : and on Comon by A Line of one hundred and forty and Eight Rod home to sd Harburs Land A black oake In Harburs Line the North East Corner : Laid out by Cap^ Josiah Chapin: June. 7 : 1700 Thirty Acres more of the Abouesd Darlings Land : Laid out with his first Deuission of Medow and swamp Lott belonging to his ten Acre Lot With Part of his fourth Deuission of upland Is bounded as foloweth Northerly upon Comon by A uarious Line of Marked Trees In Compasing A swamp fifty four Rod the East side by A line of one hundred and ten Rod to A gravely hill with A pine Marked : with A marking Iron The south side by A strait Lyne Cros the plaine ten Rod Southward from A great Rock which is In the Weast line so bounded Weast part on A pond or Medow of benjemin Whelocks the whole Pond or Medow Lying within the sd line of Darlings Land : and bounded part on Comon With A uerious Line of marked trees : Laid out by Cap' Josiah Chapin: June 7: 1700 — isi i'i:(»i'i;ii:r()i;s i;i;((»i:i)s. MrMM.nm.limi llinv i> hn A. iv- ..f .h.liii I ),irliii-- foinllMlciiis- si,.M ..r l.ai.d s(Milinis(.-() hill : Tin- s\vMiM|) lotl hcloiiiriiiL'^ lo llic Atorcsd thirty line Acif Lot Laid (»ii( on holh sids of r^croiid hrook : lioiindcd on lli.- Ila-t Conin-: ii|h.ii llir W('a>l ( "onicr (.f >d DarliiiL's Land: Soullicilv n|)on ('onion Land l.y a line of inarUcd lrrr> a -real while oaUr all thr npci- end NiTc A l.ro..k llial lvun> Into nnidy l.rooU : and Wcaslcrly npon ('onion Land A slaUc all thr North \\ra>l C.r- ncr : North upon ('onion Land l»y A line of inaikc(l lircs: and La-tniy upon ( 'onion l.\ A line of inarUcd 1 rc.'> : nrr 1 lie head of the Land Now In the ro>sc>ion of doliii Dayly: Laid owl the tenth of Septeiiil.er I r.S'.i l.y ( 'aj)' dt)siali Chapin dohn Dailin- \\'M).] Tho Hft Dcnission of Land ludonLrinir to holh y" sd harlinus Lolls Laid out loirdhcr and hoiuuh^d as lollowcth one pari of it Laid out on holh sids of Pc'lcis Hiiier XtTC (U'dhani Line: on the North I'^asl Corner heiiiLT l><'oulh- (■rly on Coliion ten Hods to A white oake tree l.eiiit: the: south l*:ast ('(Miier I^ast upon Coiiioii with a I )iiiet line: Ninly Hod>: to the N<.rtlieasl Corner: the \\ho|e Conlainini: thirteen Aeres : and half her hein-- lhre<> Acres and half Ah.waiiee Laid out felmaiy I'.'t. 1707 l>y Tlionia- white Saintt thayer doliii Darlinir Coinite The other part of sd Darlinirs fift douission Laiton> south on Coiiioii with a diriet Line: one IIundr»d and 'i'weiily K..d to a Red oaki- tree iM'in;:- the south ea-1 Corner : •■'"''"' "" ^'onioiiwilh A diriet Line: two hnndrod Ixods : to an heap of slon-: on a Koek heiiii: the: North cast Corner : North on Conion : with A diriet Line: (Hie hundred and twenty Ko(| : to A pine tree: hciiii:- ihr North MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 185 Weast Corner : Wea.st part on Peter Holbrooks Land : part on Comon Crosing the Riiier below : sd Holbrooks Land with A dirict Line : twenty four Rod to a pine tree so with A dirict Line one hundred and seuenty Rods : to the south Coj*ner : the whole <',ontaining one hundred and sixty seuen Acres her being twenty Acres Allowance : Laid out by Thomas White Josiah Thayer John Darling Coniite febuary 27 170| The tirst Deuission of Medow belonging to the Aforesd twenty two Acre and half Lott one Half of sd Medow Lying In the North Medows one part or moiety of sd half Lying in the u})er North medow : bounded Downe streame with John Gurnys Medow up- streame with Joseph Aldriches medow.) The other Moiety Laid out in the Lower North Medow bounded Down streame with John Gurnys Medow : upstreame with Joseph Aldriches Medows : Laid out by Joseph White. The other Half of the medow laid out on the mill Riuer & sec- ond bridg Riuer Jan vary y'^ 10"" 1737^ laid ovt for John darling three qvarters of an acer of his seventh division it being part of the land he sold to Thomas sanford and was not laid ovt Avhen he sold itt now laid ovt and is bovnded sovtherly : on his other land 23 rod and on the ten Rod ways north and west itt being a three cornered peace of land ten rod wide att the west end and comes to a point at the east end : laid ovt by Thomas White svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Thomas sanford chain men John Darling [131.] One Acre and half of the first Deuission of Medow belonging to John Darlings Lott Laid out on the East side of the Mill Riuer on A small Run neer Dedham Line bounded as follow- cth Downe stream on the North sid sd Run : with A white oake : An Elme being Marked in The Medow : so with A dirict line to the upland upstreame on the south side with A walnut tree on the North side : with A white oake : East and Weast with upland : by Thomas White January 29 1706y. 1S«) i'K()iMni:'i(»Ks' Ki:( <)i{i)s. The soooikI I)ciii>si(iii df Mcdow hrldiiLiiii;: Id sd Dai'lin^s Lott \jh'u\ ((111 upon A sinul rim liiiiiMinu: Into the lirsl Dcuission of iiii'dow : l)dim(l(>(l as followrth (lowiic stroainc on the Woasl side with A siii.-d while oakc on the cast side with A iiicat while oaUe : ii|)>lreaiiie : dii the \\'eust side with a loiked Red <>ake on the east side with A white oake East and Weast with iiijland : hy Thomas White danuaiy 2li : ITOli^. The sd Darliiiirs swanij) Lott Laid out tipstroamo from his Modow on the same Hun : hounded as followeth Powne streame on th«> North side sd Run with A forked hur.h on the North si(h> with A niaph' : up stream on the south side with a pojth' : on the Nortli sid with A white oake North and s,,uth with iipk-md, l._v Thomas White danuarv ITOC- To Aeros of the fourth Deuission hidonjring to sd Lott T^aid on tlu' Weast side tlu' mill Hiuor : as foHoweth East on sd Darl- ings Medow South on Coinon : two l^)d to A stal^e and heap (»f stones : heing tlie south weast Corner Weast on Conion : with A diriet line tiftv four Rod to A stake and stones heing the Noi-fh weast Corner North: on: Conu)n one Rod to sd Medow, l>y Thomas White January 211 : ITOfiy Octolter y' 17, 17 IS: Laid out foi- John Darlinfr Sein' his ^ , share of Seaders Swamp in the north swamp on the Recorded ' ' Novembery west side the lu'ook hounded east on Josiah Chapins seaderswani]) southerly on other swamp west and north on upland Ity Thomas ^^'llite : Robert : Euens : daeoh: Aldrieh : Committee Alendon fehuary y 7"' 1722=^ Then Laid out for Caj)* John Darlinir Twenty three acres of Seventh Division on the we>t >ide of y'' CJreat River l^eiriniiiir at a hea}) of stoju's, on a west Line of Land Laid out to him of the tirst Division to the norward of the South Corner then l\unint l)y a Line of marked Trees on Connnon Eighty Rotl to a heap of stone- then MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 187 south full })()int on Common thirty four Rod to a heap of stones on A Pine hill then East on Common forty two Rod to a heap of stones in a Valley then North on Common by a Line of marked thirty four Rod to Nicolos Cooks South Weast Corner then partly on Cook and partly on his own Land to y*" first bounds Containing thirty two acres nine acres aLowed for bad Land Laid out by Roliert Evens flacob aldrich James Keith Robert Taft Daniel Taft [132.] Then Laid out for Robert Taft three acres of the Seventh Division Joyning to the South 'East Side of Thomas Tafts Litle Pond Medow Begining on sd medoAV Runing south East on Common nineteen Rod to a Wallnut Tree Marked then South west on Common forty Rod to a heap of Stones Being a south Corner, then North West on Common twenty one Rod to sd Medow, then Bounded on sd Medow to the first Bounds Con- taining five acres, two aLowed for Bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacol) aldrich James Keith Commitee desemlier y'' 28"': 1733 laid ovt for Ro1)ert taft: 3 acers and 48 rod of land which was formerly laid vnder a mistake in John harwoods medow : laid Joyning to his other land near the sovth medows and is bovnded west on sd land 30 rod north on the land of Ebenezer tompson 2fi rod east on his own land 2 rod sovth part on Ebenezer Thayers land and part on comon 42 rod the same day laid ovt for sd taft one acer of Samvel thayers seventh division of land which he sold to Thomas taft and is laid joyning to the sovtherly side of his other land begining at a sovtheast corner of sd land and is ])ovnded notherly on sd land 20 rod west on comon 8 rod the sovthwest corner being a heap of stons and the sovtheast corner being a hornljine tree markt sd land being 20 rod in length and 8 rod in breadth : — The same day laid for sd taft 3 acers of land for alowance on 16 acers of land which was granted to him by the Select men of Vxbridg for a way throvgh his land from his hovse over the great river to Benjamen tafts laid joyning to his other land near Isaac 18S i'i;(>i'i;ii;r()i;s- kkcokds. I.olstcrs :iii(l is l.oviulcd lu.rtli (.11 lii> nun l.-iiid :.'(> i.nl l^.-ot 011 >;mi\rl tliMvcis land 20 rod sonIIi on coinon '2S rod rsiiiiiir (Voni KmsI to w.^l I dui" sovlli to sd I.olstcrs l:md laid ovl l.,v Thomas wliitr svrvM.vcr dacol. nldricli aiul docpli lafl Cliain men — .l\nc V' S"' 17;;;; laid ovl lor lolx rl lafl nine accrs of land : vi/ '.\ Jicors Hl'lli : the north cast corner then west 10 d^r' north '22 rod to the tirst hovnds the whole hein^ eleven acers 2 accrs alowcd for had land laid ovt Ity 'riionias White .svrvayer flacoh aldrich Joseph white chain men rxl.ridii-c April l!l'" 174') Laid out for Daniel Taft Ks.|' 12 acres and half of Land it being part of his 10"' |)i\ision half an acre for had Land Laid ont near nj)t()n Line and Boun() Hod to a heap of Stones hcini: Ihe South Last Corner then Kuiiing west Rounded Lasterly Part on sd Land Part on Coininon Twenty l\od the south west Corner a white oaU<' Tree the North East ("oiuera While oaUe tree \oi-|licrly on Couunon Twenty 'I'wo Hod to awhile oaUc Tree ihen Tuniiu'! a lille lo lliewc>l Twenty MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 189 two Rod to a Avhite oake Tree being the North West Corner Westerly on Common seventeen Rod to a white Oake Tree Being the South West Corner Southerly on Common thirty Rod to the South West Corner By Sam" moor moore John Jones Thomas White March 23,-1720 Then Laid out for Robert Taft three acres and Eighty Rod of Land of six Division Joyning to his medow on the North side of the Rock medow, Begining at a stake and stones being Daniel hills norwesterly Corner then Runing West 28 degr' South on Common forty Rod to a heap of Stons on Edmund Rawsons North Line then South full Point on sd Rawson twenty six Rod to a heap of Stones Being a south west Corner then East on Common Twenty Seven Rod to a great Rock with stones upon it, then Bounded on sd Medow to sd hills Land a Broken Peice of Land Containing five acres and forty Rod one acre and a hundred and twenty Rod aLowed for Bad Land — Laid out By Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Thomas White March 23 1720 then Laid out for Robert Taft one acre c^^ half of Land of six Division Joyning to his other Land on the south side of the Road Leading to Joseph AVhites between his sd Land & sd Roade Begining at a heap of stones Being a former Norwest Corner Runing North five dgr* West on Common : IG Rod to a heap of Stones neare sd Road then on sd Road 30 Rod to a heap of Stones being a south west Corner then south five dgr^ East on Common twelve Rod to sd Land Containing two acres and one hundred Rod, one acre and twenty Rod a Lowed for bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Thomas White March the Twenty third, Seventeen hundred and twenty then Laid out for Robert Taft seven acres and Eighty Rod of seven Division Joyning to his other Land Lying on the south Side of the Roade leading to Joseph Whites Begining at a heap of stones Being Benjamin Thayers Nor East Corner then Runing East five degres North on Connnon Seventy two Rod to a ('hestnut Tree Being a North East Corner, then with a Dirict Line twenty six 190 I'Hoi'iUKToiis- HKcouns. K()(l oil ("(.iHMioii to a Corner of lii> other Land tlieii West live (li^grees South Partly on sd Land and l*artly on Thonios Tutts Land to sd Thayors Land Seventy Rod, th(>n on Thayer twenty six Kod to the tirst Bonnds ('ontainin«r KK'ven aeres and Kiirhty six Hod four aeres and six Hod a Lowed lor Bad Land Laid out l.y HoI.erl Lvens daeol. ahhi.h Tlionias White .lames Louet [134.] Oanill Louets Thirty tiue Aero IIous Lott \ow James Louets as Api^'ares by the Last ^^'ill ot" sd Danill Louet Deeesed is hounded as foUowoth Part of the House Lott vict seuentecn Aeres and half of it hounded Xortlierly n\Hm the House Lott of George Aldrich Weasterly upon A ten Kod Hyway witli A uari- ous Line unto the ten Rod hiway hy the Traininir Phiee : the southeast Corner heino; A stake then turniniii; North is hounded Easterly u})on a ten Rod hyway Leadino; to the Meetiuir house A stake heing North East Corner hounded Northerly Partly uixju the Towns Comon and Partly upon the l)uring Place home to gorg Aldriehs Corner Laid out hy .Fosiali Chapin The Remaining Part of the Ahoue sd house Lott heing seuen- tecn Acres and half with Part of the Duhling Lott heing twtiity 8euen Acres Laid out. Eastward from the ahoue sd Lott and is bounded AV easterly : upon the Abouesd ten Rod hyway Leading to the Meting House : In Part and on Comon Land to a Whit oake l)eing the North Weast Corner then turning East : is hounded Northerly on A tiue Rod Hyway Leading ouer Mudy brook to the mill: With A Various Line: to the Northeast Corner: Whieh is a Chestnut tree then turning southerly : hounded with a uaiious : Line home to Peter Holhrooks : Land A Idaek oake tree heing the southeast Cornei- then turning \\'easterly : hounded southerly: by sdjiolhrooks. Land: to the training Place: then tuining North is boundt'd weast and south with sd Training Place home: to the Aforesd Hyway: Leading to the Aloresd Meeting House Lai\\:iiiii) »»M(' IiuikIiccI Kods niid Soiillicrly l»y A liiu' of iiiarkcd li-cos: upon Coiiioii scucnly four Rods Loui:" : llicu turniui; southerly upon A uarious line to the south east Cornel- heinir a hhiek oake tre marked the south Line heini; twenty Hod : to the Kiuer a black oake heinjjf marked nere y'" Kiuer \\"\\\\ AMowanee of two Acih's for A hyway llirew it. hy .losiali ChajHU Nouendier: iM : lil'.t: Thirty Aeres more of sd Lireat Lott Laid out on the weast side of sd Seeontl hridi; Kiuer : Ai:aiust the falls a litle downe streanu' oftheahoue sd Coader Swamp: hounded Kasterly part ujxtu sd liiuer and ' part upon swam[) Land belonginu to the Ahouesd Aldrichs Ijott Lighty Rods : then turning by an Easterly Line sixty Kods so with a strait Line upon Comon Land : the northern Line turniiii:- Downe to the Kiuer: Laid out with Allowauc foi- A hyway threw it April L>.S : ICDO hy Josiali Chapiu Thre aeres and half of sd Louets second deuission of Land Laid out on the Weast side of Sherborn Road on this side second bridg Riuer bounded as foUowcth the Noi-th east Corner beinir :i black oake Easterly upon sherlK)rn Rod with A dirict line twenty eijrht Rod to a whit oake bein"; the South east Corner southerlv on Conion twenty Rods to A white oake l>einj; the south ^^'east Corner Weasterly on Comon thirty Rod with a dirict Line to a l»lack oake beinir the north weast Corner Xoi-therly with a dirict line to the north east Corner i)einu- A Itlack oake Laid out deccmber 2;") : ITOC by Thomas White James Lt.uct [136.] The Kemainiug Part of sd Lou<'ts second Deuission with : tiue vVcres of sd Louets fourth Deuission of Land b«)umled as followeth the north weast Corner bi'iuir A black oake tree: Weasterly on sd h.iicts In part and Karl on Conu.n sixty Kod to A black oake tree: bcin- the South wca>t Corner Southei-ly on Coniou with A :iid out on the Kast side (.1" the mill Kiiier : Ahoue iiKiiiomiseo Nere the Town Line hounded as t'oMoweth : the south \\'east Corner with A white oake marked \N'east on ("(.nion with A diriet Line one hiindivd and t w ent v ei^hl liod : to A I. hick oake tree: l.eini:- the nor Wi'a-1 ('..iiier: .\(.ith on ('onion: with A diriet Line sixty Ki.iiht Kod to A (liolnnt tree heinii" thi' Noith east ('orui'r Last on Comon: with A diriet Line one Inindred and twenty eiiiht Kods : to a stake and >tons heiuir the: southeast Corner South on Conion : with A diriet Line: sixty Eiirht Rod: to the south wcast Coiner the whoh' Contain- ing titty four vVeres and sixty loui- Hods: two Acres AMowane also Allowane lor A hyway Aeros one Corner of" sd Land — Sixt\ nine Acies more ol" sd Denission Laid out Adioyning to the ahoue sd Land hounded noitli on sd Land sixty eight KikI East on Comon : with A diricl Line one hundred and three Hotls : to a white oake tree : heing the south east Corner south Part (tn Comon and Part on .John Whits Land with A Diiiet Line: one [137.] hundred and Nineteen Hod to A white oake tri-e I>eing the South weast Corner AVeast on Comon with A diiict Line: and forty Kod: to his other Land : her heing three acres Allow- ance :) Twenty four Acres more of sd tilt denission Laid 24 out on the East side of the north Ceder swamp : Adiovning to sd Louets other Land hounded as followeth the north weast Corner: with A maple: tre \\'easteriy on his other Land one hundred Hod to A hlack oake stand: heing the South Weast Corner: South on C(»mon with A diriet Liiu' : thirty six Hod to A hjaek oak tree ix'ing the South East Corner East partly : on his other Land and partly t)n Comon one hundred Kod to a l»laek oake heiuLi' tlie norweast Corner North on ("onion thirty >ix I\od : to the North NVeast C(.rner : Laid out Khiu'iith of dune 1707 \>y Thomas White Samiiei Thayer and Jo-iah Thayer Ci.mite Six Ai-res more of the Al.ouc-d Louets lift Deiii^-ion Laid out MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 195 on the East (3 side of the second bridg Riuer l>elow Sherl)orn Road : Joyning to said Louets other Land bounded north on sd Land : twenty Rod to a l^hick oake to A Ijlack oake tree being the North East Corner East on Comon : with A dirict Line forty Rod to A wabiut stand : being the south East Corner : Southerly upon low swampy Land home to the sd Riuer : that Line being- thirty three Rod Weast on sd Riuer honi to his other Land : that Line l)eing forty Rod : 7 Seuen Acres more of sd Louets tift Deuission : Laid on the west side of second bridg Riuer : aboue Sherborn Road : l)etwen sd Louets Land and Seth Chapins Land bounded south and East on his own I^and north on sd Chapins Land west on Comon twenty nine Rods with A dirict Line : from the Corner of his owne Land unto the Corner of Seth Chapins Land : The Remainder of sd Louets tift Deuission being four Acres Laid Adioyning unto his other Land : bounded East on sd Louets other Land : sixty Nine Rods 4 to a bkick oake : being the southeast Corner : south on Common : sixteen Rod : to A black oake Stand : being the south weast Corner : weast on Comon : with a Direct Line : sixty Nine Rod to A walnut Stand : being the North weast Corner : North on Comon : wnth A direct Line fourteen Rod to the Corner of Seth Chappins Land. Laid out l)y Thomas AVhite John Darling and Josiah Thayer y« Comite : June 28 : 1707 eTohn Warfeeld [138.] one third Part of Georg Aldriches forty Acre house Lott with all the Rights and Priulidges thereunto belonging or any wise Apetaining Now John Warfeelds as Appears by A deed of Sale baring Date the twenty second of August Sixteen Hundred Eighty and three : And Acknowledged before Simon Broadstreet Esquire Gouerner the twenty eight of March sixteen hundred eighty fiue The House Lott Containing Thirteen Acres and the third Part of one Acre is bounded as follow^eth : Southerly upon the House Lott of Joseph Steuens weasterly u})on Comon) Northerly upon the other part of y*^ aboue sd House Lott : East erly upon A ten Rod Hiway HM; 1'K()I'i:ii:i()KS' kkcokds. The >(•(■(. 11(1 I)riiis>iuii (.r Diil.liiiL;- Loll Lddiiiiiiin- to ihc AIm.uc s(l Ldtl Ixiiiu' 'riiirlccii Aci'fs cSl: one third pari olaii Acic is L:ii(l (Mil .111(1 iMUiiidcd as lollowclh : Xoi-HhtIv iiixdi the lloiix' Loll ot'.losrpli Aldricli : and caslcrly upon .Muddy ln'ook : Soutlicrly upon ('onion I^aiid And wcaslcrly upon a ten Rod Ilyway : Lcad- iiii: llircw tlic lownc Laid oul hy Joseph While The lirsl Dcuission of incdow l.ch.iinin- to Ihc Al.oucsd Loll Laid (.lit in Ihc North Mc(h.\\ : it l.ciiio- the third pail of the incdow Laid out to th(' ahouc sd ( Jcorac Aldrich forty Acre Loll : and is hounded as foMowoth : Lyini; In y'' North mcdows In the • ui)i'r M»'(h»\\ one part lioiiiuhMl iipsl rcaiiic upon |)aiiil Loiicis Mcdow : 1 )o\\ lie strcanic upon tht' iii('(h»\v lichuiiiiiii:- to sd Loll: thf oilier part Lyiiii:In the Lowcm- north iiie(h»\\ : liomuhd up- sti-eanie upon Danill Lonels Me(h»\v : and Downe Strenine upon: ui)on tho Medow ludonuinir t<> the Ahoue sd forty Acre LotI the whole of the nicdow I u'h.noi no- to sd 10 Acre L(.ll l.eiiii: Ihirleii Acre« and ((uarter. Laid out l.y Joseph While The second Dcuission of niedow and the i:real Lot l»eh»nL;inL!- to the AI)o\iesd Lott fjaid outto irotlier holh eonlaining tifty line Acres more or les : Laid out hi the pine phiiiie Ineonipasinir IIm' <>hl Saw mill : is hounded as foUoweth Northerly upon Coinon Plaine Land : hy a line of one hundred : Rodds the Last Knd of that Line In the hrooU alt the foot of the falls: niaiUed with A duhle Aslu- The weast Line under the edu" of a hill i>y A line : of one hundred and: forleii Hods home to Joseph Pliiiiilys Land: and southerly I'arl (.11 the Land of sd phinily : and pari on CoiiK.n : and Lasl- erly : l.y A \eri(.ii> Line under the ed- ..f A UiA.y Hill: and so KuniiiL^ Southerly : to A small Kiin of Water that l-Jiipty- Into the Sawmill sti-eame Laid (.ul -Jl fehuary IClt.;: I l.y Josiah Chapiii Twenty loiiic Aeiv- (.f Land v Laid out Adioynini:- toy' Al.oue xl Land l.cini: part of the toiiith I )eui>d(.n (.f Land l.e- l(.n-in- l(. Tl a^ JueL Lett N.-w J..lin WarlehU A^ Apear-^ hy MENDON, IMASSACHUSETTS. 197 A deed of Sale l>aring Date y'' tenth of January 1693 and is Laid out In the aforesd Pine Plaine Northerly from the old sawmill and bounded as followeth southerly part on the Land of said AYarfeeld aforesd and partly on Comon : Weasterly : Part on a })ond and part on Comon Northerly : on Comon by A line of one Hundred Rods by marked trees ; and easterly by a line of thirty nine Rodds : upon Comon : two Rocks and two marked Trees on that Line : Laid out : the Twelth of April 1694 l)y Josiah Chapin John Warfeeld [139.] The fourth deuission of Land belonging- to the Aforesd Lott Part of it Laid out on the East side of the Weast Riuer : bounded southerly : on Joseph Plumlys Land weasterly Part on the weast Riuer and Part on Robert Tafts Medow : Northerly Avith A uerious Line of marked Trees ther being Nine Acres) Another Part of sd fourth Deuission Laid out on the North Side of sd Warfelds other Land : bounded south on : sd Warfeelds other Land East on Comon : with A Line of marked trees : to a stake being the North east Corner North on Comon Land : with A line of marked trees : to A stake being the North weast Corner weast Avith A line of marked trees on Comon Land : the sd Land being sixty fine Rod In Lenth and T^venty Rod in breadth : the whole being sixteen Acres Laid out may 26 1702 by Thomas White Tavo Acres and three quarters More of sd fourth Deuission Laid out upon the Aforesd plaine bounded as folloAveth : Easterly on sd Warfelds Land Aforesd : forty Rod to A pine tree being the North East Corner North on Comon Eleuen Rods : to A pine tree : being the North Weast Corner : Weast on Comon : forty Rod to a pond : South on sd pond Eleuen Rod to his other Land Laid out September 26 : 1700 the other Eight acres sold to Robert Taft & Recorded . (by Thomas white The fift Deuission of sd Warfelds Land part of it Laid out on the East side of the Weast Riuer bounded as folloAveth : south on 198 rROPRIKTOHS- RIXOHDS. his other LmikI. \VcM>t pMilly (Ui the \Vc:i>l Ixiiicr : P;irl (.11 SwMiiip North oil ("onion l^ast Part on Saiimcl Hv.uU Land and jiartlv on sd ^\'ar^(•(•Uls other Land the whoh- ( 'ontainin^ Seuenty six Acres sixteen Acres lu'inir A Lowanc: Laid out y'' ninth of fchiiary 1707 by Thomas white John Darling iVc -losiuh Thayer Coniite — The swain]! Loft l)olon«xinott hein^r two Acres and thirty seuen liods Laid out ujion the I'-ast si(h' ot" iiiiidy hrooU doyiiin^ to his House Lott bouiKh'd ^Veasl(•rly upon sd hrook so Hound upon ('onion Land witli A ijreat white oake att the North Corner: and A stake att the south ( "oriier Laid out the •J7 of Ajuil ICSC, hy Joseph White c^L Josiali ("hapin other Lands (Jrantod to the Aforosd John Warleeld At A pul.- li.k 'l\.wn Mootinjr: March y fourth ICHf* and IJeconh-d In folio (Mie huiidr(Ml and Souontccnc Tn the lirst hook : one part of sd Land uranted as aforesd is hounded AVeasterly ui)on the aforesd Land or swamp Lott Northerly upon the Land of Ahraham StapU's KasterJN' upon (Vuiioii Land Southerly upon the Land of Samuel Cook (the otiier part of sd grant of land Adioynes to his house Lott : to hej^in att the south Weast Corner of sd Lott on which his house stands with A diriet Line home to the >outh weast Corner of Samuel Cooks house Lott so hounded southerly u])on the hyway l^eadinir to the mill Easterly upon the Land of Samuel Cooke Northerly and ^'easterly up(.ii the Ihm-c Lott of the >d John Warfe(«Id Jacoh ahlrich henjamen alhee Jun'' [140.] Desemher y' 7'": 172:) laid ..vt for Jacol. al.lrich tiv.- acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators ot" Meiidon laii\lh di\ isidh on the rast side of the cijjfhl ro(l \\a\ luar Ihr iioilh hill l» l\ol»ai(l tal't eoinitee desend)er y' 12'": ITl'.t laid out lor da.M.h aldricli thirty six atcrs and halt" of land on the sovth side of wikwani hil eoinjmsino^ in fovr aeeis of nioses aldfiches sixth division of land twelve acers and half of his sixth division and twenty fovr aeres of Moses ald- riehes seventh seventh division hejjfininii: att a heap of stones near williani Boyees land hcinjj:; the sovtheast corner thence rvninjj^ west : 3 : djxr"" north one hviuhed and thirty rod to a lieap of stones heinir the sovtlnvest corner then north H dgi** east sixty six rod to a heap of stones heinir the noi west corner then east 3 dfri' sovth one hvndred and thirty rod to a heap of stones heinjr tlic northeast corner then sovth A diii" west sixty six rod to the tirst liovnds the whole containiiiij tifty three acres and one hvndred rod thirteen acers and twenty rod alowed for had land and a three rod way cros a corner of sd land : l.y Kol.ard Kvens dacol. aldri.h llionia> white connnitte — deseinl)er y" 12"' 171!» laiion .loyinnu' to his other Ian. I on the east -ide the sovth inedows near wikwani hil l>e : rpstri'ainc with Danil Liiu»'t> Mcdow Ihc lu-iuainiui; Part In the upcr North incdow lioiuuh'd Downc str«>aui(' with .l(»hii Ilarhuis Mcdow up str.-ani with Danil Loucts Mcdow : the Whoh- Itcini: 'I'liirtccn Acres aiimin<; nere home to a Kocky hill So with A vai'ious Line: under A Kocky hill Last ( '(Uitaininir one hundred .^ forty Rods to the North ('(uaier: markt with an oake nere unto A short turn of the Kiuer and on the wea>t side of the Hiuer: the North Line marked with A >lakc In the l.auck of the Kiuer and w ith marked Trees : threw A small swamp home to the foot of A jiine hill : with A stake att the end of the Line, so hounded (in the weasterly side Konnd with sd hill: home to the Kiuer: and >o Kuninj:: with the Kiuci- : sixty Kods Loni:- and ci^ht Kods in breadth: and so tnrniuir with A dirict Line from y*" Kiuer to the Corner ol" A |iine hill nere A |>ine >\\anip so Kuniiii; with a Narious Line under the: fool of a hill to A maple Swamp: and so erosinu: sd Swamj) by A line of marked tree--: and >lill : Continuing A uarious Line of marked trce> upon Low Land untill it meets with the pine hill: with marked tre<'>: a urat hlack oake: att the -(uitli wea>t Cornel- and >o with A line of Marked trees : to A maph' all the South ( 'oi'ner and from -d maple to the Kiuer l>y A line of marked trees: A hunch of small mapls : marked on the haid< of the Kiuer: Laid out Att Seuerall times Acordini: t(. the Towns (Jrants hv do>iah Chai.in MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 203 Jac(il) and Scth Aldrich [143.] one third Part of Georg Aldriches forty Acre house I^ott with all the Rights and Priuelidgs there imto belonging or any ways Apertaining which belong to Peter alldrich son of Georg Aldrich Deseced : now Jacob and Seth Aldriches sons and heyers of flacob Aldrich formerly of Mendon Deseased as Ap- pears by A Quit Claime to all the Land and Estate of Georg Aldrich : Aforesd under the Hand and seal of Jacob Aldrich son and only IVIale heyer of Peter Aldrich Decesed baring Date the the Sixt Day of July one thousand seuen hundred and Eight The one Moity of the Abouc sd third Part of the forty Acre Lott Now Jacob Aldriches as Appears by A deuission deed bar- ing Date the Thirtieth Day of December : one thousand seuen hundred and Eight : And is Laid out thirty seven Acres of sd Land betwen the great Riucr and fox brook bounded as follow- cth : Easterly upon Seth Aldriches Land one Hundred and four Rod the north east Corner being A black oake tree : the south East Corner A heap of stons southerly on Comon with A dirict Line seuenty Eight Rod : to A black oake tree : being the south west Corner Weasterly on Comon with A dirict Line : Ninty six Rod : to an heap of stons : on A Rock : being the North Weast Corner : Northerly on Comon with A dirict Line tifty Rod : to the Northeast Corner the Whole Containing forty Acres there being three Acres Alowance. y" twentyeth of June 1709 by Thomas White Peter Hoi brook and Samuel More Comite three Acrs and half and 27 Rod fourth deuision thirty three Acres and fifty thre Rod fift deuission : — Three Acres More of sd fourth Deuission Joyning to Seth Aldriches Land Nere fox brook being A three Cornered Peice bounded Northerly upon sd Land: Eighty Rod Easterly upon Comon twelue Rod : to a stake being the south east Corner : southerly on Comon : with A dirict Line Eighty Rod to the south weast Corner of seth Aldriches Land : Laid out the day Aboue and by the Aboue sd Comitte : Thirty thr^ Acres of Land belonging to y" al)oue sd Lott L'Ol ri;(>ri;ii;i(iKs- kkcouds. Iwciilv >i\ Aci(>> :iii(l liair i.f thir.l I )('iii>>i()ii L.-iid out on ihr l''.!ist side of tin- urt'jil KiiuT alxxic to\ IdooU as tollowclli KoiiihI with Comoii upland : llir soiilli casl CorniM" iKMnjr A while oakc tree ICaslcrlv : wilh A (Uriel Line seueiity two Hod: to A heape of Stoiis : (.11 A K'oek : heiiiLMhe N(.i-lh east ( 'onier : Noi-therly wilh A (liiict Line Sixly Kod : lo A heap of >lon>: on A l\oek heinir the Noilh Weasl ( "oiner : Weast wilh A diriel Line Ki-hly Kijzlil Hod lo A Mack' oake 'I'lce : l.eini:- the x.ul heasl Coiner : Southerly wilh A diriel Line: sixty Hod: to the southeast ( orner the whoh' heinix: 'Phiily Acres and six score Hod here Inini:- three Acres and six score Hod Ah)wance:) Six Acres and hall" of lourlh Deuission A litle uj) streaine : the south \\'e>l ("orner doyniui:- 1<» 'lames Alhees Land : .and so Hound with ( "oinon liand : the south weast Cornel- heiuir A white oake Tree weasterly with A dirict Line: thirty six Hod to a white oake stand l)ein^the North Weast Corner Northerly with A dirict Line Twenty Hod to A ])lack oake Tree Ix'inir tlie Northeast Corner Easterly with a dirict Line forty Kiuhl Hod: to A heap of slons on A Hock: heinulhe south (>asl Corner: Southerly wilh A dirict Line: thirty Hod to the south W(>asl Corner r>aid out Noueniher the twenty Hft 17(>:t hy Thomas White Peter Iloll.rook and Samuel More Coniite »Fac()h Ahhich [144-.] 'Phe swamp Lott heloiiirinir to th<> sd Lott of ,hicol> and Seth Aldrich l)einu\ the Hiuer hounded on ('onion: hy A line of Marked 'I'rees — a litle (h)wne streame from the North ceder swamp : Laid out Nduem- hcr 4"' KiSIl hy .losiali ( "liapin : one Acre of Medow helonirin^ to John hartlets Lott that was Laid out without the Line upon the North sid of Charls Hiuer Now .lacoh Aldricho A> Appears l.y A (h-ed of sale harin- date MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 205 the third of Aprill 1G79 — Laid witli In the Towne Line npon both sids of beiier Pond brook behiw Metfeeld Road : and bounded as followeth : Down streame : by upland Coming nere to the Riuer with two pine trees Marked on Either side of the Riuer one and with upland on both sids to upland Coming Nere home to the Riuer by A line of Marked Trees diricting Cros the Riuer A white oake on the East side and A maple on the Weast. Laid out by Josiah Chapin October 27 : 1686 : four Acres of Jacob Aldriches sixt deuission Which is Part of the Nine hundred Acres granted by the towne to be Laid out in sd deuission : the sd four Acres Laid out on the Weast side of second bridg Riuer below the North Ceader swamp bounded East on sd Riuer A maple tree marked upstreame Neer the falls : be- low sd Ceader swamp A black Ash tree marked Down streame : neer the Riuer south twelue Rod Wide : to A maple being the south west Corner : Weast on A uarious Line : of marked trees eighty Rods : formerly made ])y Captin Chapin : for sd Aldriches Lott and Peter Aldriches swamp lott as Aboue : the whole con- taining six Acres and Twenty three Rods the other four Acres six Deuission ; Lei"' : Louets Lott bounded upon sd line Eighty Rods by Thomas White May y^ 8"^ 1713 Recorded octobcr y® 26, 1718: Laid out for Jacob: Aldrich his y« 14^17^18 Share of seader Swamp on the east side the brook in the north seader swamp bounded north on John, far- nums swamp east on upland thre rod South by a line of marked trees runing west two degrees South west on the brook by : Thomas : White : Robert : Euens : Robert : Taft : Commttee Seth Aldrich [145.] one Moyety of peter aldriches Land son to Georg Aldrich Decesed : Now Seth aldriches As Appears by A quit Claime baring Date : sixt day of July 1708 as allsobyA deuission deed baring date December the thirtyeth 1708 and Acknowledged y'^ 7 January 1708 : 20(J rUol'IMKrollS- KKlOliDS. All the L.-md <.r llircc I )cuissi()iis I.yiiii: to -•.■tlicr: l.clwrii Ihc irn'Jil liiiu'iand lox Itiook Moimdcd as rollowrth llu- North Wcust ("oilier lu'iiiir A l)I:u'k oak trco Xorthcrly on Coiiioii ^^'itll A (liriil Line one liiiiidri'd twenty Rods to A white oak tic Ix-iiii: llif Norlli llast ( "oriier I^asterly on Coiiion: Kasterly on ('onion: with A diii.l l/mc: one limidred and forty Rod: to A hia.k oake tree: hein;: Hk' South Kasl Corner Southerly on ( 'onion: with A diiicl liiiie one hundred and Twenty Rods to A lieape of >ton^ heiiiii the south Weast Corner Weasterly upon on ('onion with A diriet Line one hundred and fo Rod to the North AVeast ("oiner: twenty six Acres and half and 2^ Rods of third deuissioii : 'riiirteeii Aeres and 2S Rod fourth (h'liission thirty tiiree Aeres and lifly three Rod of lift deuissioii Her heini:- four Aeres an«l tliie (|uarters Alowanee Laid out March 1('. : ITO'.i hy Tlioiiias \\hitc Peter Ilolhrook tSc Samuel more ('(»inite Ninteen Aeres of LItenezer Whits lift Deuissioii Now Setli Aid- riches as Appears hy A deed of Sale haring Date the 'rweluethof March 17(>(S And Laid out on the weast side fox ))rook houiKh'd as followeth the Norwest Corner lieing A white oakc treeNortlierly on Comon : with A diriet Line : Eiirhty Rod : to A heap of stons : on A Rock I)ein«2f the North East Corner : Easterly on Comon : with A diriet Line forty four Rod to a walnut stand : lu-iiiL:- the South East Corner Southerly on Comon with A tlirict Line : I'^iiihty Rod: to A heap of stons: on A Rock being the South Weast Corner : Westerly on Comon : witli A diriet Line foi-ty Rods : to the North weast Corner: the whole Containing twenty one Acre here heingtwo Acres Allowance: Laid out March y' 1»! : 17(Ht l»y Thomas White Peter IIoll)rook iSc Samuel Mcnc Coniitc : Twenty Acres of Seth Chapins lift Deuissioii of Land Now Selh Aldiiches as Ap Pears hy A deed of Sale l.aring Dal.' the lift Day of felmary In the yeare : of our Lord seuenteii Hundred and ten Laid out to Seth Aldrich on the Weast side the Great Riuer in A narow slip: hounded a- f(.llowelli : Easterly on sd Aldricli> fariii Nine score and fourteen Roil: A white oak tii'c Ix'iiiii- the south l^a>l ( 'oriier : >outhcil\ on ('onion: ICiirli- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 207 teen Rods to A Pine tree being the North west Corner : Weasterly Part on Comon Part on M'^' Grindall Rawsons Land and Part on John Thomsons Land : Coming to Nothing at the North Elnd : December y'' Eleuenth 1710: by Thomas White Seth Chapin & Samuel more Comitee Seth Aldrich [146.] Twenty fine Acres of Samuel Hay wards lift Deuission Now Seth Aldriches as May Appear by A deed of sal baring- Date Laid out for Seth Aldrich Twenty three Acres and half Laid on the Weast side the great Riuer Joyning to his other Land Southerly on Comon Twenty Eight Rod on Comon to A pine tree being the south weast Corner Weasterly on C\)mon forty two Rods to A white oake tree being A Corner of Ephraim Chapins Land so l)ounded Round Part on sd Chapins Land and part on Aldriches Land the whole Containing twenty line Acres and half Laid for twenty three and half two Acres Alowance The Remainder being one Acre and half Laid on the East side of the Great Riuer Joyning to sd Aldriches other Land betwen the hyway and his other Land : by his house bounded east on sd way : Weast on his own Land from his house to the North side of his Land: the whole Containing two Acres and half: one Acre Alowance : Laid out Aprill the 23 : 1714. by Thomas White Thomas Sanford and Ebenezer Read Comitee desember y^ 2(3^^ 1718 laid ovt for seth aldrich forty acers sixth division of land on the west side the great river below shokcoloo- bovnded as followeth the northeast corner being a hornbine tree markt thence rvning west 20 dgr^ sovth eighty rod to a white oak tree being the norwest corner then rvning sovth 20 dgr' east eighty two rod to a blak oak tree being the sovthwest corner then rvning east 20 dgr' north eighty rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner then rvning north 20 dgr^ west eighty two rod to the northeast corner the whole containing forty one acers one acer alowed for bad land Laid ovt by thomas white Robard evens Jacob aldrich com^'^^ this land laid down by reson of providence farms 1>()8 riioi'iniyroiis' kkcokds. (IcsciiiImt _v' 2t'."' 17 is l:ii(l ovt lor mIIi aldricli twciilv nccrs of Joliii (laiTiiius sixlli (livi>i()ii (.11 llio wot >i(lc lliri:rr;it ri\ ci- s(.\ tli lV(.m sviimcrs laiid Loviidcd as loh.w clli llic x.vlliw.^t (•(.riicr l)i'iiiir :i pino lice iiiarkl liu'iut' rvniiiji: cast .') d^r' noitli forty to\ r rod to a slako and stones hcinir the sovllicasl corner then r\ nini: north .'> disv" west eiuhly rod to a lieap of stone- Ueini: the noith- east corner then rxninL;- west .") dui'" so\th forty fo\ r rod toaliea]) of stones beinii- the norwest (-(n-ner then rviiinn- >onth .'» (h^rv" east cij;hty rod to the sovthwest corner: th«' w iude containinL'^ twcntx two ucers two acers alowed foi- l»ad lan\ : thonias w Idle : rohard evens jacolt aldrich eonnttee ,Ivne y'' 10"' 171H laid ovt for sot h aldrich live acers and half sixth division joyiunir to his other land on the east si and llt'ly fovr rod fovr acers and lifty fovr rod alowed lor i.a.l Ian. I l.\ thonias white ihoinas thavcr iacob aldrich comittee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 209 May y" 30"' 1719 laid ovt for soth aldrich nine acors sixth divi- sion joyiiiiig to his other hind on tlie west side the great river near svmners hind bovnded sovtii part on sd hind part on conion forty eight rod the sovthwest corner being a heap of stones then rvning north 5 dgr^ west thirty rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then east 5 dgr* north 48 rod to aheap of stones being the northeast corner then sovth 5 dgr^ east thirty rod to his other land to a heap of stones near the Corner of his other land : laid ovt by thonias wliite Robard evens Jacob aldrich coniittee deseniber y*" 10*'' 1719 laid ovt for seth aldrich forty acers seventh division on the west side of the town bovnded on the west line begining at a great oak on sd line being the norwest corner west on sd line seventy eight rod to a white oak tree being the sovthwest corner then east 8 dgr** sovth by a line of markt trees eighty fovr rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner then north 8 dgr^ east by a line of markt trees seventy eight rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then west : 8 dgr^ north by a line of mark trees eighty fovr rod to the first l)ovnds the whole containing forty acers and one hvndred and fifty two rod : one hvndred and fifty two rod alowed for bad land : by Robard Evens Jacob aldrich tliomas white committee deseniber y° 10'"' 1719 laid ovt for seth aldrich fovrteen acers seventh division of land on the east side the great river north of his hovse fToyning fo sam"' Reads land begining att a white oak tree near the sovthwest corner of sd land thence rvning sovth : o3 : dgr' east sixty rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheasterly corner then east 33 dgr'^ north fifty rod to a heap of stones being the northeasterly corner then north 33 dgr'^ west sixty rod to sd reads land the whole containing eighteen acers and one hvndred and twenty rod fovr acers and an hvndred and twenty rod alowed for bad land : by Robard evens thomas white Jacob aldrich com- mittee John Cook [148.] The one INIoiety or half of A\^alter Cooks forty Acre hous Loft With all the Rights and Priuelidoes there unto belong- 1>1() PKoritlKTOUS* RKCOIIDS. Iiil; t»r ;iii\ \\i>f A |ifil;iiiiiiii:- Now .loliii ('ooUs :i> will Apcic I'miIIv l.v A (Icr.l I.Mrint: .ImI.- And I'.irly l.y lli«- Lm>1 \\ill (.lllic s.l WmH.t C.M.k Dcf.'sc.l l..iiiii- DmIc Hi.- 'I'Im- s(1 'I'wciily Acre lioiisc Lotl :is :il.(iiic Lyiiii:- within the 'rownsliij) of Mcndon N( it the Centre of the 'I't.wn : \\hi(li \\:i> |..ill ..r the S(I \\:illel- C.oks House. \aA that paft ..f m1 h.tt on the \\e:i>t >i(h' of t he Ten IxNxl Iliwa.v: now S(l .lohn c.oks l.y (l.'e.l l.y will and l.y puivhes (.f Sam" Cook and is l.oun.led as lolh.weth: S(.utherly u|.on A lour IJod hyway W'ea-terly upon ('onion the N(.ilh W'easi ('(.nier I.eiii;:- (.n the Tine >\\aiii|> Northerly upon the House Lotl of ,I(.lin Woodland N(.w in the Possesion of ,Iosiah Chapin : Kasfei'Iy upon the ten Rod liyway Leadin- from John Mc.ivs L<.tt t(. J(.seph Steiieiises Lott — Laid (.lit l.y .lohn Hint : — The seeoud Diuission or Diildinir T><»lt heloniriiiir 1<> lli»' Al.oiie Twenty Aere Loll I-iaid out upon the IMain l»eycnd the second l)rid Kiuer; and is hounih-d as followelh : Norlheily on Samiud Cooks Land sixty Rod I^aslei-jy on Coinon with A diiiet Line: lifty tiii-ee K'ods to A White Lurch Li a smal -waiiii. I.eiiii: the s(.ullieasl C(.iner: Soiitheily on ('(.iiK.n : With A dirict Line sixty Hod : to A white oaketree: l.eini:- Ihe Southwesl Corner: AN'easterly on Coinon with A diiiet Line: lifly llifee l\(.d : lo Samuel Cooks Land : I^aid out flune Ihe ninth 1 702 Ity 'IMiouias While The lirst Deuissi..!. <.f Med..W l.clon-ino- to tjie Al.olM' s,l Twenty Aefe Loll Part of it l>yini:- upon the Weasl sid deiiission Lyinu- In the Round Medow Itoiinded l^ast upon John llail.iir^ Medow : s.,utheily pail iip..n \\illiam Iloli.rooks M.dow partly upon the ( 'eder swamp: >o luniiid with upland upon all other p(.ints An(.llier Part of sd deiiission of Medow Lyini:- In lh«' Lowei- North ined(.w ltound«'d Down slreame upon Nicolus ( 'ooks Medow l.cin- Pail ol Waiter ( 'ook- Medow up slreame up..n .lohn iiuinys MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 211 medow now ,I()liii Cooks The Reniaiiiing Part of the Aboue sd Deuission of Medow Lying in the uper North Medow bounded Downc streame upon Nicohis Cooks Medow : upstreame upon flohn gurnys now In the possesion of ye aboue sd John Cooke the seuerall percels of medow being the one half of Walter Cooks first deiussion of medow : as it was first Laid out by Joseph white The o-reat Lott or third Deuission of Land belona-ino; to the aboue sd Lott being Eighty Acres seuenty three Acers of sd third and forty acres being sd Cooks fourth Deuission belonging to sd Lot and his second deuission of Medow l)eing two Acres : Laid out upon the East side of the great Riuer below the place Avhear the AVeast Riuer Emptys it self Into the sd Riuer and is l)ounded as followeth : Nor weast on the great Riuer : tlie north end forty Rod In breadth from sd : Riuer to the foot of A Rocky hill : [149.] Just Wheare the Weast Riuer Emptys In to the great Riuer : A swaill of Water being great Part of that Line : and so Runing : with sd hill the East and south sids l)}'- Various Lines upon Comon : until 1 it Meets with the sd great Riuer :) Seuen Acres More of sd great Lott Laid out A Litle upstreame of the AVeast Riuer att A litle distanc from the Riuer : bounded Round With Comon : the End Line taking in A smal brook : that Coms out of the south Medows the side Lines Containing forty Rods A peice and the End Lines Twenty Eight Rods Apeice bounded Round With Comon upland and Lines of Marked Trees : Laid out twenty third of may 1701 l)y Josiah Chapin The tift Deuission of Land belonging to the Aboue sd Lott l)eing one Hundred Acres : one Part of it Laid out betwen Slioc- olog Ceder Swamp and the great Riuer : bounded as followeth the South East Corner being A stake Easterly on Samuel Reads Land : Eighty Rod to the North weast Corner of sd Reads Land then sitting of : to wards the : Knst : Twenty six Rod : to A forked l)lack oake then Turning : Northerly : with A dirict Line : Eighty Rod to A stake and Stons being the Northeast Corner : Northerly 21: i'i;()i'i:ii:i()KS' iti.coiMts. with A .liii.l Lin.': ..ii ('..iiioii .\iiil_\ h\ IwxU to A wliitr o.-ikc Tire \h'\\\d ('o(.k> Laud: Laid out the twehith of may : 17(»7 — hy 'l"lioma> White Uoh.rt Taft aud J..>iaii 'I'hayer Coiuite Three Aeics and three (^narleis More of sd lifl deuiss'i(»n Laid out on the Last side of tlie ^^^'asl Kiuer floyninii' to his other Laii.l l.ouuded as foh)weth: A\'easterly on sd Hiiu-r >ixty Ivod to hi^ other Land s.uith.rly on >d Land : sixteen LN.ds : to a Mack oake tree: I.ein- the xuith I'last Corner Kasterly on CoUKm : with A dirict Line sixty K'od to A l.kack oak tree: I.ein- the: n<.rthea>t Corner: Northerly on Conion : line Kod : to A Walnut Tree : on the hank of the Kiuer) Two Acre> aud half more of sd lift Douission : Laid Joyniuij;- to his other Laud: hounded Weasterly on sd Land: inne Hod: A DuMe H'ed oake hein-- the south Weast Corner Southerly on Comonwith A dirict Lin*- : tifty six Hod: t(. A Mack ash Tree: heiuu- the south l-:a>l ('(Uiier Lasteily cm: Comon with A dirict Line nine Kods t(» a hhuk oake stand: heinu- the North l^ast Corner: Northerly on Comon with A dirict Line: foity six Hod: to his .)ther Land there a Clu-snut tree markt nere the north weast ('(Uner: her lieiu- A (^)uarter of one Acre Alow- ance Laid out the Second of fel)uary IToi*: l.\ Tlioiua> White Saimn-I Moic and Sannu'l IJead Comitee dohu Cook [150.] May y 2(1: ITIH: laid o\ t tor John Cook twenty aeers sixth (le\ ision joyninn- to his other land on the west side the irreat rivci' l\»inir on one side aud one end of sd land l>o\ nded sovlherly on sam" H<'ads landlwciNc rod to a hea|> of stones Iteiuir the so\lheasl cornel- east tin eoiuou ninety: fo\ i- rod to a heap of stones heiuL!' the uoi'lheast <-(»iuer north on eom(m ei:L!hty t<'\r idd to a heap of stone> hcini; the n(uwe>t corner \\f>t m(m MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 213 forty rod to his other land the whole containing twenty one acers one acer alowed for l)ad land the same day laid for sd cook sixteen acers sixth division joyning to his other land on the east side the great river it being a broken peace of land bovnded west on his other land by a various line one hvndred and forty rod sovth part on the way to scvll bridge part on conion twenty eight rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner then rvning north 17 dgr^ east one hvndred and sixty rod to ebenezer whits land then on sd land to his own land eighty rod north on his own land twenty two rod the whole con- taining twenty nine acers thirteen acers alowed for l)ad land and a three rod way betwen sd whits land and sd cooks land and a three rod way cros a corner of sd Cooks land formerly laid ovt : laid ovt by thomas white Robard taft Jacol) aldrich comitee May y" 23: 1719 laid ovt for John cook thirty acers sixth division on the east side the great river near scvll bridge on l)oth sids the way bovnded as foloweth the sovthwest corner being a heap of stones near silvanas holebrooks land then rvning north 20 dgr"^ east sixty rod to stones on a rok l)eing the norwest cor- ner then rvning east 20 dgr^ sovth eighty rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then rvning sovth 20 dgr^ west eighty rod to a heap of stones being the sovth cast corner thence with a direct line to the sovthwest corner : the whole containing thirty- tive acers tive acers alowed for bad land and a way cros a corner of sd land the same day laid ovt for sd cook twelve acers sixth : division of land on the north side the pond known by the name of tafts })ond Ijovnded east on John Rawsons land sovth on Joseph whits land west on woodland tompsons land north on the way leading to Avilliam rvtters the whole containing twenty 24 acers twelve acers alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y thomas white Ro])ard taft Jacob aldrich comitee May y° 19'^ : 1726 laid ovt for John cook twenty eight acers of his seventh division joyning to his other land at shokcolog l)ovnded east on said land one hvndred and twenty fovr Rod then 'Jll iMion.'iKioiis- i;i;c(»i!i)s. lv\ niiiL! iVoiii thr Mt>i\vr>t (•(.nirr (if >.| l:iii(l \\.>l Iv II |Miiiil tifl y l\\(. luMJ l(. :i l>l,i(k (.;ik -Imii.I iii.iikl ImIiii: IJir iK.iwc-l <(.iiiri': Ihcli >(.\ til f\ II |>iiiiil oiir liiiii.livd :iii(| IwciilN tu\ I- K ;d(.\v.(l for l.;id l;iiid l;iid u\ I l.y Tl m^uhilr >\ i\ My kfilh Mild .l;ii(.l. aldrirh cDinmilt.r d..|lll C.H.k [151.1 iiwiivh y n;"': IT.'.l l:iid..vl jnr John (-....k two Mccrs ICiuhlli division ol" land joyiiini; to his other laml on second plain and is hovnded Kaslerly on sd land 2il rod corl)it> land I I rod lo a .-take heinu' th.' lli- «'ast corner the whole containini:- 2 ai-ers and 2.S rod 2S lod alowed for had land laid ovt by Thonias white svrvayer Thomas sanford jacol) aldrich ( 'hain men noveniher y' 2' : IT.'ll laid ovt Tor dolin cook 1 2 acers eii:htli division ol" land laid joyniiiLr to his other land on the «'asl side of the great river and is hovnded west on sd land ;'>•) rod and sovth pai-t on sd land and part on eonnnon !M) rod to a heap of slons heinu' the sovlheast corner then north "JO dur' west ."»() rod to a heap of stons hein^; the noitheasl coiner then west liO di:r' north !•(» ro.l t<. his otiu'r laiKl the whole ((.ntaiiiin- 17 aceis .") aeers alowe.l for had land: the >aiiie day laid o\ t ') aeers iiior*' of sd division laid joyninir to his other land Kast from his ho\ se and is hovnded west on sd land 7') rod sovth on isaek holsters land i' I rod to a three rod way and is hoxnded Ma>t part on sd way ami part on tlioina- whites land to >d cook> northeast corner it heini: a tlii«'e ((.niered |teace of land containiiin' •> aeers one acer alowed tor Itad land — laid o\ t li\ 'riioina-^ while s\r\ayer .lolin t"arii\iii and jacoli aldrich chain men : Oclohcr V' :>"' : 17;;.") laid o\ t for John cook l'O acei> ani forlv l{ot .(.rii.r III, 11 I':ms( C. dirr^ s(.\tli thirty \Uu\ l<> tlir lii'-t Im.vikU til,' whole ,-oiit:rmiiii:- seven accrs :iii,| IimII" hall' an aeer :il,.\ve,| for l.:il y ;;i : ITi's l.-iid o\ l lor .hmathan ( 'ooU >eveii ;i, •(•!•> seventh ,livi-ion of laii.l lai.i JoyniiiL: to his ,.tlier lain! atl the soNth llie,l,)\vs r„-oiiiiii- at the x.vtheast ,',.nier ,)f >,1 I.iikI theliee Kviiini:- so\th ."JS dui-^ west lorly eii:hl Kod to -;iiii\,l tliayei> hmd to a heaj. of stons l.eini:- a sovtheasf eoiiur t hen lM.vn.|e,l \V('st«'i-ly on sd thaycrs laiid land one li\ n,lre,l and six Ivo,| lo th,' liiM : l.o\ ii,l it hciuiT Ji ln'oakcn jx'ac-e of hind coiilaininir Kiirhl aicrs and 1 1 J Rod ono aeer and 112 Hod alowcd forbad land laid o\ t liy 'riiomas whiti' svrvaycr flames Keith and jaeoh aldridi ('haiii men March y :2s"'. 1 7;>7 laid ovt for Jonathan ( "ook 7 aeeis tenth division of land laid joyniiii:- to his other land near the sco,)| land and is hovndcd sovtherly on tlu' land of" Thomas i\ic,' j^a>t- crly on the scool land northerly part on his own land and part on common and westerly part on his own land and i)art on common it lieini: a inoaken peace of latid containinir 7 acers and S!l rod Sll rod alowed lor had land: the same day lai ninth ,li\ i^ioii ,>f land lai,| joyniii- t<. his oth.-r laii.l l.y his Iu.vm- and i> l.ovn.h'd westerly on sd land lOO rod sovtherly on coimnon .') I rod l']ast- erly ))art on the land of John cook and |)arl on common Sl rod to a heap of >-lons l>,iii^- the northeast corner northerly on eoinnuiii 2i» rod to his other land it heinu: ''i Hotkey |)eaee of land contain- iiiL' ];; acers and KlO ro.l I acers and 10<» rod alowed lor had land laido\t liyTlioma- w liite s\ r\ ayei- ios,'pli white ami ),>natlKin cook C'hai n men MENDON, aiASSACHUSETTS. 217 .September y' •^"'- 1743 laid ovt foi- Jonathan cook 56 rod tenth division of land laid joyning to his other land on the north side of shokcolog' l)rook and is bovnded north and west on sd land sovth on sd brook East on a three rod way laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer jacolj aldrich and Joseph taft ehainmen M'' Sanivel Terrey Ephraim Daniels * [153.] November y'^ 17*'^ : 1727 laid ovt for M'" Samvel Terey two acers of Jonathan thayers seventh division of land and is laid ovt joyning to his other land on the sovtherly side of mvmfords River by his sawmill and is Bovnded west on sd land twelve Rod Rvning from the sovtheast corner of sd land East : 8 : dgr* sovth fifty six rod to sd mvmfords River a Red oak tree markt near sd river bovnded on all other parts on sd River it being a Broken peace of land containing fovr acers two acers alowed for l^ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keitli and Jacob aldrich committee May y" 13"' 1728 laid ovt for m'" samvel Terey twenty acers of land given him By the [)ropriators of mendon att a propriators meeting on feljrvary y" G"' : 1727^ laid Joyning to his other land on the sovtherly side of the mvmfords River Bcgining at a heap of stons near his sawmill thence Rvning sovth 10 dgr'* west sixty rod to a heap of stons and a blak oak stand being the sovtheast corner then west 10 dgr'* north fifty fovr Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 10 dgr'' east sixty Rod to sd River then bovnded north part on sd River part on his other land fifty fovr Rod to the first Bovnds : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee [154.] April y-^ 18"': 1732 laid ovt for m' samvel terrey 18 acers of land : viz : 1(5 acers of Jethro cofiins Eighth division and two acers of Jonathan thayers ninth division laid Joyning : to his other land near the sawmill and is bovnded East on sd land 54 rod north part on angel torys land and part on common 72 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner and is bovnded west on his own land 64 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest 218 n;on;iKi()i;s- itKcoi^Ds. ct.ni.'r llu'iif iviiini! I'>:i>l S (|o|- sit\lli :r2 nid to hi> ollin- ImikI llic wlioir (•(tiil;iiiiiiii: 1^2 .'U-cis .-iikI IS idd lyiiii; on Im>||i >i(l> ol" oxl'oid Ivodc I .-iccrs .-iikI IS nxl alowcd lor l»ad land laid ovi Ity rii(tinas wliitc s\ i\ay('r jacoh aldrirli and daiiici lovrt tliaiii men [!.'):{. I ni..rc III.' sanii' day l:ii«l <»vl 2S -JS accrs of land l.cloni;- inir lo sd Collins KMulils vi/ S accrs |-"/n:lilli di\ i>i(»n and l'<) accrs nintli di\ision laid joynini:- to sd lciTcy> lanilso\lli I'loin lii-^ liovsc and i> iM.vndcd noilli on >.l land I -JO i-,m| an rod to a heap of stons Ixmiil: the x.vlheasl corner then ni.rlh S d^r^ Ka>l I I rod to lii> other land the wIk.Ic eonlainini:- ;;;'. accrs : :► accrs alowed for l.ad lanaid land ."i I rod Kvninij: from the sovthwest corner of sd land sovlh 1(1 dirr' west 12 rod t(t a heap of stons heinir the sovthwest corner then Kast 10 d-r' sovlh :. I ro rod to his other land the wh lii> ••tlici' land near hi> hovse and is hovnded Lasterly on his other Land :\2 rod Sovth- crly on the Land of .loiiathan Ilayward L') rod westi-rly on the Land of Daniel Svmner '.\2 rod it beinir a three (\ti'nere(l piece of Land Laid ovt hy William Tori-cy Sviveyer .lacol. Aldiich and Kphraim Daniels Cliainmen [154.] april y" -2 1'": 17;'.;'. laid ovt for iaeol. aMiich 12 accrs ninth division of land at the ikm-wc-I i-(.i-ner ..f iiii-ro hill and is l>ovn : heinij:: the sovthwest corner thence K'vnin- northea-t 2 di:r^ noith 10 rod to a heap of MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 219 stons being the norwest corner then sovtheast 2 dgr^ north 72 rod to a heap of stons being y'^ northeast corner then sovthwest 2 dgr'' sovth 40 rod to sd Reads land to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner the whole containing 18 acers 6 acers alowed for l)ad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land : — the same day laid for said aldrich 2 acers and half ninth divi- sion laid joyning to his other land near the sovth medows and is bovnded East and north on his own land and west on winters land 50 rod it being a three cornered peace of land containing 3 acers 2() rod 10(5 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land — the same day laid for sd aldrich 3 acers and half ninth division joyning to his other land near the sovth medows and is bovnded north on sd land 80 rod East on comon 6 rod sovth part on Boyses land part on comon 80 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north fvll point 10 rod to his other land the whole being 4 acers and half one acer for bad land the same day laid for sd aldrich 2 acers of land viz : one acer which he purchased of the proi)riators of mendon and one acer alowed him by the selectmen of mendon for a highway laid throvgh his land near wigwam hill and is laid joyning to his other land on tompsons hill and is bovnded sovth on sd land 40 rod west on daniel tafts land 10 rod north on sd tafts land 3G rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence i-vning sovth fvll point Eleven rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner the whole containing 2 acers and 60 rod 60 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chainmen obadiah Whelock Jacob aldrich John Jones [155.] Nouember ye : 11: 1718 Laid out for obediah whelock twenty six acers sixth diuision Joyning to his other Land near the great medow bounded south one s'' land thirty jMuLy eight rod cast on Sherbon line an hundred and thirty y i-^. rod a blak oak tree markt near the north cast corner north on comon thirty eight rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest corner west on comon a hundred and thirty 220 iMiorini/inKs- i;i;( (tuns. i-d.l tu lii- utiicr L;iii(l llic wliulr cuiilainiiiL: tliiilv ••iif :icfr> line ■Mvv> Ml..\vr.l r..r I.M.l I.Mi.d l.v Til. .111,1^: While: KcImtI : \-]nru> : Jmc.I.: Al.lii.h : ('(.iimiitl.'c orloL.T >' L'-J'': 17.;:) I:ii mm.I tiO rod ol" l.-iiiii wliicli \\;is nldwcil liiiii lor .i liii^liw :i\ l.iid llir(»VLdi lii> l.-iiiil ill \ \liii(li:c ii(»\v i.-rnl (i\l iicir willi.iiii ln>|lii(M)k> ImikI oh III.' l-::i>t >i.l.' !iiviiilor.l> riv.T mikI i- Im.vikI.'.I x.vIIi .>ii >.| Inn. I 1 1' rod ;md west (tii the land ol" daiiici l^iilt ."JCi rod llicii iviiiiii:: iVoiii the norlhrasl conuM- of sd KJills land Kast ;')() diri" sovlh IC rod to a hi'aj) of stons Ix'iiii; llif iiorlh.a^t c.mii. r tli.ii >.i\tli ils .1l;i' west •_'(► rod t.) HIiv.-I.'ll WMir.cl.U Ian. I Ih.-ii ..ii ><1 laii.l 1.) >l .til the lan.l .if l''Jtene/er thaver l.» the lioiwot eoriier and a [teaee of sd aldi'lehes land and is hovnded sovtli on sd land Kast on hoycos land and on all other parts on his own land the whole h.'iiii:- nine acors one aeer and SO rod alow.. I f.u- Itad land laid .ivt l»y Thomas white s\i\ayei- seth ehapiii aii.l jaeol) aldrieh ( 'hain men Av-vst y i:>"' 17 10 lai.l ovt f..r ja.-..l. al.lii.h >..n t.. jaeol. al.liieh hall" an aeer tenth di\ ision of land and is hovnded sovth- eily .HI the li.)vse lott of ireorij-e aldrieh deeeast (> rod and half an.l is lt.i\n.l.'d w.'-l.'ily .m III.' way lea.liiii:- freiimi -.1 aMri.hes : t.t the iiH'.'liiiL: li.i\>.' 1 "J r.i.l lo a h.-ap .if sl.»ns li.'ini; ih.' noiwest .■.•riHT and i>^ l»o\ii.l.'.l n.tith on eom.di t> r.t.l an.l half an.l i> hovn.led Kasterly .mi llie l>vryin,i'i;ii:r()i:s- i;i:('(Hii>s. All. . 111. r I'.-.il (.r ^.l .Mf.|..u Lvin- upcii llic 'I'.-p ..f A hill Ix'twcii tlic Mill liiii.'i' Mii.l D.'.jli.'iiii l.iiic: li.>mi(l I)(>\vii slrt'.-iiii ii|i.)ii il.)pf 'l'\ Ins Mcdow s(» IuhiikI t.tllic K'iiuT with itpl.iii.l l"!;isicrlv wilii \' s»l Iviiicr — TIm' sciirnill p.-ic-s (.1" iiiclcw AI..»iic Mfiili.mcd wmic Liii.l out l.v ,l..>.pl, Wliih- Aiiollu'r pari ol" sd mcdow hciiii:- one Acre Laid out on llic Kas( sidf of the Mill Ixiiicr: Ixdow Jos(.|)li Slfiiciiscs L.iii.l : boundi'd in)s(r('aiii(' u|)on sd Lau.l : W'casl on sd iiiill Kiiirr: Downo slrcamc up(»ii : A iiiapK' Irccon a point of uplaii.l : iicrr tilt' Killer: l^asl on upland: this Itcini:- In Lfw of iiichnv that was fornicrly Laid In M' Kawsons faniu' : ) Lai. I out octolx-r i".i : 1 7(Il' l.y Thomas Whit(> M.'iiDi-an.lum the Iv.'maind.'i' Lai. I .uit with his other Laixl The seeon.l Deltission of Me(h.w I.eloli-in-- to the Al.olie sd Lott Lyini:- upon ll.ip l>ro.»U is l.oiinde.l as follow. -th Ka-^tei-ly ii|)on upland \\'easterly Partly upon U|»laii.| ami partly up.ui swamp Northerly with A Line of MarUe.l Trees an. I -oiith. riy with Marked Trees Laid out hy-Ioseph \\'liite : The(iivat Loll or third Deuission ..f Lan.l l.el..n-iu-- t.. the Al.oue sd Lott : Kii:hty Acres of it Lai. I on the Last si.l <.f the i^real Kiuer : iDunde.l ^Veasterly upon sd ureat KMmi- f'asteily u\ ("..m..n: with A line of Marked Trees: a siual I. lack oak : att the south Last Corner: heinir in Jm <»I<1 Indian feehl : southeily dowue streame : Marked with two white oaks Xere the l\iuer: an.l Nditheily upstivame: A litle ai...u.' A p.'i.-.' of Inleiiial: iM.unde.l on ("..111. .11: l.y A line of Maike.l riv.'> A i^ivat pin.' Ire.-: marke.l : tak.' att the North Last Corner: Laid out l.y .l..^.ph Whit.' an.l .L.^iah Chapin the thii'd of duly It.Sj Ht'iiji'inin \\'heloek [157. I The <.lher I'ait ..f the (uvat L..tt I.ein-- Li-lity Aeres Laid ..lit iip.>u Calel.> Hill an.l l...iin.le.l a> lolh.weth: l-la-t.rly MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 223 l)}^ dirict Line of marked trees one hundred and Twenty Kod : y*^ north P^ast Corner A white oake the south East A wahiut southerly on Comon one Hundred and Seuen Rod a stake and stons l)eing the south A^^east Corner Weasterly upon Comon one hundred and twenty Rod to A Chesnut tree being y'^ north weast Corner Northerly upon Comon one hundred and Seuen Rod to the North East Corner : Laid out ))y Joseph White 1674 The Swamp Lott belonging to the Abouesd Lott being six Acres and half and Twenty seuen Rodd Part of it Laid out : upon the East side of the second bridg Riuer : below James Albees Medow below the Roade to : Metfeeld : bounded East with upland and A marked tree In A small Run Weasterly upon the Riuer : Northerly upon James Albees Medow Southerly u})on John bartlets Medow :) Another Part of sd swamp Lott Laid out In a swamp beyend Chippuntequiset Joyning to his forty Acre Lott: bounded Weast on sd Lott East upon A line of marked trees & North and south upon upland : the Remaining Part Lying- in a Swamp Ijeyend the old feeld : l)ounded southeast with A Line of markt Trees so Round With upland, Laid out by Joseph White The fourth Deuission belonging to the aboue sd Lott beino- Eighty Acres Part of it l)eing forty Acres with forty Rod of Medow that was Laid out without our town Line is bounded as foloweth : y'' sd Land Lying bet wen the great Riuer and fox brook and is bounded ' Easterl}^ Part on sd brook and Part on Medow fifty two Rod : to A white oake tree Marked Neer the Medow : Northerly on Comon : with A dirict Line : one hundred forty Eight Rod : to A white oake being the North Weast Corner Weast on Comon with A direct Line thirty two Rod to A black oake stand by the Riuer : Southerly on sd Riuer to fox brook : Nine Acres more up sd Riuer Joyning to sd Land Nine Rod In breadth and one hundred and sixty Rod In legth : bounded ^^"easterly : with A line of Markt Trees : att the botom of A Rocky hill : two small stands beino- Markt att the North weast •Jl> 1 i'i:(H'i;ii;i()i{s- i:i:( oiths. ('(.iimt: mii.I a r..ikr.l Wliilc ..kr luMikl l.v III.- l:iiMT: M.iit licil.v l.N 111.' Kiii.T:) l.;ii,l oiil l.v rii..iiia> Wliil.- J:miiMr_v 2.".: ITOH 'I'w.'iily Acres MoH' ..f sd lomlli l).'ui>-i.m Liiid ..iil .l..yii- iiii: mil.* 111.- AIm.im-s.I loi-ly Acn- Ikmis.- I...lt : Ixxiiid.-.l Norlh.-rly ..11 -.1 l-..n : Niiily l{...l K:istcily willi A I >iii.- ..f .M:irk.-.l Tr.-o : li. A \sliil.- ..;ik.- Ti.-t- : L.-iii-- llu- st.iilli KnM ("..ni.-r llii> I>iii<' hi'iiii:- lillv l\.»(l Soulli willi A iiarious Liiu' of M:irk<'.l Irc.-s: l.» A black oak l>y l^»'liol>olh Ix-inir llic soulli wcasf Conu-r : wcaslcrjy on said KN.a.l : sixty Hom<>ii Laii.i tli.- south weast Coiner heinsx A white oake Tree N.-r.- sd Kiiier W'.-sl- orly with A dirict l C.ni.-r l-:a-t.-rly ..lu- hundred and Kiiihty iv.. : May th.- Thirl. -enth 1710 l.v Tli..iiia^ Whil.- Saiim.l Thav.-r .^: ,I..-^iali Thav.-r C..niit.- MENDON, IMASSACIIUSKTTS. 225 Thirty and four Acres more of sd Hft deuission Laid out att the North East Corner of the great Medow : ])ounded as foUoweth : East on Sherborn Line : Eighty Rod to A bhxck oak Tree niarkt nere the north east Corner North on Conion with A direct Line : sixty and six Rod to Land In y'' Posesion of Jonathan Hayward : here being A bhick oak Tree niarkt nere sd Land : Weast on sd Ivand : fifty Rod : to A Ijlack oak tree Ijeing the South Weast Corner south ui)on Conion Land Left for A way l)y the great JMedow : scuenty seuen Rod to Sherl)orn Line May Ninetenth 1707 by Thomas White Samuel Thayer & Josiah Thayer Coinite : Two Acres of Swamp or Medow l)ottuiii belonging to the Aforesd Lott I>rSli)iirs ln-iiiir V' Soul lic:i-l ('ollKT I\:i^l pMil on ( "oni- nion. pari on 'rii..ni:is Tliaycrs I.an.l i:i-lil> K'o.l To a I, ..ape of Sloncs, licinL^ y' noilli lOast ( "ornrr, norlli on Connnon lifhM'M l\o«l lo y' noi-lli\V('st ( 'oincr. llic whole ('onlaininL^ Six acres and a hair, one aeiv c\: half allowance for P.a.l Land, Laid ..ill l.y 'I'honia^ While S.TIley'. UoI.eil Llieiis .v: dacoi. A hllicll Colli" ' . Mend..!. April y II"'. ITlS. Laid oiil for lienianiin \\helocU dn'. Sciieiileen acres ol" his Sixl |)eiiision. doyniiiL; lo hi- oilier Land at (alcl.s hill lioiind..! Soiilh on Sd Land one Imn.liv.Ks:: 'Pweiily l\()(L Ka>l on ( 'oniinon Twcnly liiu' l\od to ;i Ked oak Iree: Marked Ihe noilliea>l ( 'oriier, norlli on ( 'oimnon one hmi- divd .V^ Twcnly KN.d 'l"o a h.-ape of Sloncs l.cini: y' ik.iwoI ( 'orner. W'csl on ( 'oniinon 'I'wcnly line IumI lo y norwcsl ( "ornci-. ofhisolhcr Land, lh«> whole ( "onlainini: lli.-hleen acr<'s ^s: one hundred cVc Twcnly IJo.l one acre X 1l>(I j{od, alowed lor I'.ad Lan(L Laid oiil l.y Thomas While Scriiey'. K<.l.ert Kihmi- Jacol. AMrich ("oniinillcc Mendon April y" 11"'. 171s. Laid onl lor i'.eniaiiiin Whelo.k dn'. Si.\|«>en acres of his Sixl Deiiision of Land doynin- lo hi- other Lan.l at (alcl.s hill, rM.iinde.l Last on Sd Land, one hun- dred .v: Twcnly Six K'od, a h<-ap of Slons l.cino- y \,,|-ih Last ('(.rncr, north on (V.iTK.n Twenty two lu.d 1(. a heape ofStc.ns, hcinir y"' norwcst Corner, west on CoinnK.n (.nc hiindrcd vVl: Twenty Six Hod to .\ heape olSt(.nes in a Small Swamj.c lu'inir y*' Soiitlnvcst C(.rncr, South on Common Twenty Two Hod to y'' Southwest ('(.rncr of his former Land, this peice ( '(.nlainiiiL^ Sciicntecn acres .S^ lifly two H<.(1, one acre and fifty two K'od al- lowed foi- l.ad Laiul, Laid out l.y Tli..nia- W Idle Seiiiey..r K'oI.eil I'aicns .\" da.ol> Aldri
  • ioii of Land, l.i.uuded \\'esterly Tiii»imKe "H ('oUK.u thirty K'od to a lie.apc of Stcuu's, HeiuL' Kocordo.1 ^, SoulhweslerL Coiiu-r, Soiithcrlv on CoiTiou one Aprlly ■-••." 171 s hiiiidicd \ TwcnlN six l{oL>S i'i;(H'i;ii:i(n;s' m.coitDs. Il:iir<.iic A(l<- (.1 >\\:iiiii» : l.cloii-iiiM- !(• sd W li.-l(.«U> ot Iht I. ..It willi lour Acres of sd wIm-IocUs loiirlli dfiiissioii one Acre of sd lour l.rloiiiriui: lo his other Loll l>ouii(h'd :is loHowt-th \Ve:isl on ( 'ouiou I.Mud with :i diriel Liiu' iVoui the soulli Weast Corner of the Alx.iic >d swani)) to A wahuil 'Pi-ee heiuL' the south weast Corner lhi> Line l.einn Thirl y six 1{.m1 : South on Couion Twenty two K'od with A diriel Line: lo A K'e.l oak Tree : I.eiu-- 1 he x.ulh {•la>l (' heini:- the southeast ( orner : W«>ast<'rly Part on sd Land and Part on Coin(.n With A diri.t Line t(. A white oake 'I'ree : Immu- the N(nth Wea-t Corner noitherly on Conionwilh A direct Line: sixty six Rod: to A hiaek oake 'I'ree Ikmui:- IIm- North Last C.nner Laslerly on Conion With A direct Lino: sixty six Rods to the south easl C(.rner hy Thomas Whito octohor 2!) : 1702. Henjamin Wholock Bonj'" ^^'helock ^' . [ini.] Fo]»ruary y LI'" 1722^ then Lahl out tor Lenjamin Whelock three acres of Seventh Devi^icm on the West side of his otiuM- Land on Calohs his Hounded on \\'e-l with his other Land Twenty four Hod on the South by Thomas Tliayei> Land twenty Six Hod l^ast (Ml Sd tliayei- twenty \\\o Hod north on hi- own Lan(L thirty two Hod ('onlaininir four acres and liftysix L'od one a<-r<" and lifty six H'od a lowed fiU- P.a.l Land Laid out hy KN.I.ert Lven> Jaeol) Aldrieh James Keith Committee se))teinl»er V' lirst : 1 7.'.."> laid out tor lienjamen whelock .» acers and one half ninth divisiim of land hiid joynini: to his other land on the west >ide the mill ri\er and is l»ounded ntu-th and ea->l on lii> other land and -oulherly j.arl on the land I.eloniiin- to the heir- of LeniaUK-n I liayer desea-t and part on the kind r>eniamen MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 229 Ihayer (|ii;ikeraiKl westerly on sd (|iuikers laud : it heino- abroaken peace of land containing 4 acers and 45 rod 125 rod alowed for l>ad land laid out l)y Thomas white servayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet Chain men the same day by the same committee laid ovt for said whelock half one acer of said ninth division laid joyning to his other land on the west side the mill river and is bovnded westerly on sil land 2(! rod northerly on Johnathan haywards medow 5 rod to a black oak stand mark thence with a dire«ct line to a walnvtt stand markt 2 rod from his former line and is bovnded sovtherly on his other land two rod niendon avgvst y*' oV^ : 1741 an agreement made and concluded vpon by and l>ctwen benjamen whelock and Jonathan hayward both of mendon in the covnty of worcister : &c in order to settle the bovnds betAven them : viz betwen the homsted of the said Benjamen whelock and a certain peace of medow belonging to the said Jonathan hayward lying joyning sotherly to the said whelocks homsted and the said medoAV is bovnded begining at a Avhite oak by the mill river marked thence with a direct line to a black oak tree marked thence as the fence now standeth to a black oak tree marked thence to a stake and stones being the westerly corner thence tvrning sovtherly cros the slange to a heap of stons : in order to be Kecorded in the town book as witnes ovr hnds Benjamen whelock Jonathan hayward March y'^ 20"' 1745/(> Laid out for Benjamin Wheelock Jn'' two acres Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on both Sides the Road Leading to John Leoos beffinino- at the nor- west Corner of his other Land running north three rod to William Haywards land then bounded northerly on S'^ Haywards Land ten rod to s*' haywards South East Corner thence running northerly & bounding westerly on said haywards land to his other land and is Ijounded on all other parts on his other land a three rod way Crosing one Corner of S*^* land Laid out by William Torrey Surucyer Jacob aldrich Chainman Benjamin Whelock Jn' [162.] May y*" 21 : 1718 Laid out for bon Jamen Avhelok •J.'JO ri;(>n;ii;i()i;s- imicords. Jimrr lliiilN niiif .hi'i- liftli dixi-icii mikI Iwnily :ifci-s si\l li divi- si»»il (III I, Mild olll licl w .(11 Slidckcdloi: >(m|\v;ilM|» Mild the LlfrMl riii.r Ix.iiikI.mI m- IoIowcIIi tlir Soul licM>t .oiimt Lrin- m IC.-.onl.-.l oololK-ry ll»-Ml> ol" >l.>llr> rM>l Oil S' JmIIK'S K.il|l> I.MIld t W « • •'*■''"*• hiiiidivd Mild Inrtv rod to m Iicm|> of Slono Iniii- tli.- iiorllicMsi coiiici- Ihcii niiiiiii: wc-l ci-lil dcurct-s south fort v mA lo M llcMp of -tones hrilii: t lie lioiwot colKT ill. '11 III 111 lli: >oUlll cio-lil .M-t tw.> liiiii.lrcl Mild loit\ i-.mI I.) m h.-MpoC -Ioiio l)ciii-- thr soulliwol .diiici- then iiiiiini: eMst ei-lil .h-iri-ees north lorly r.xl l(» he south west einiier of .Imiiics Keillis Land il heiiiii' .'i Ih;i1> ••!' sloiu's the whole coiilaiiiiiii:- sixty Me.'r> one Mcer Mhtwed lor Iwid LmikI Laid out hy : rh..inMs : white: daeoh : Aldrieh : Thomas: Thayer: daiii.- Keith ( 'oiiiiiiittee M.n.h.ii i)ee.Miil»er y -ill'". ITls, I.m!.! ..lit lor I'MiiJaniin Whe- Rccoidcd ''"'^ ''"'• ''i-^ ■^''="-'' ••<■ <''•'■'"'■'■ ^^vaiiip, ill y north Mnrchy ("e.'.h'r Swaiiip, oil I lie l']a>t Si.h' of y' Kiiier, l)..iiii.h'd '"' north on Daniel Loiietts CV'ccUt Swaiiip, Kast on vpland, nine Ivo.l. then Himinu west Two Doi;'"'* South to y*^ pond, ^^'est on y pond. Laid ..lit l.y Tli..inas White i:..l.erl Kiieir- dae..!. Mi.iii>li ( "onilllittec scpteniher V •Jl>"'' ITl'.t hiidoNl for I>eniMineli whe|..eU ten Mcers ot" John t(»iusons sixth divisif.n on the west side the i:real lixcr S..vth fn. Ill hvpp..!.' hill l.ovn.led ii..rlh on sain" K'ea.ls lan.l lifly r<..l w.'-t ..II til.' town iiii.' thirty fo\ r r..d lo a lieaj. ..f -t<.iie- l..'ini: the s.ivt Invest eonier so\lli on eoinnion lifly Kod lo a heap of stones lieini:- the sovtheast cornor Kast on e..niinon thirty fovr rod t.. the -..\lliea-l corner of sanivel i;ead> lan.l: l.y tli..iiia> white liol.ert evell> .lae..l> aMli.ll eoniniittee deseml.er y' 7"': I 7 I'.*, laid ..\l for r.eiiiMiii.'ii whelo.k twiiity two at-ei-s of lan.l ><-veiilli di\isi..ii on I...II1 >i.l> Uilin-ly r...l.' joynini: to his ..I her land i>e<:iniiii:- att the sovthwcsl ...riier ..f sd lan.l >o r\iiiiit\ t(» a ihirt I.iikI • _ • •lobic heap (.f ston-- near said i-ode then I'^ast -s .|or^ >..\th iiiiiely >ix r...| lo a heap ol stones heinir the -..\tli east eorii.r lli.'ii partly ..11 .'(.iiinion mikI |iuii <>ii thr |-::i^l pari of W i-\\:iiii hill I'M-iiiiiiiii: ..ii A l.i;ili;iiii .^l.i|.|.> S..11II1 Linr. llicM Iviminir Soiilli 22 dcir" K:i>l |..iilly .'ii TIioiili^ '\'u{[^ Laixl .-111(1 partly <>ii Coiiii 1 lii'ty lv(»t(Mi-> llicii K.ot lull roiiil (III ( '(•iiiiiioii lorty (MIC rod Id :i licip ol'Slon- ihcn Noilli oil ( 'oiiiiiKiii Iwciily --ix Iv(m| Id Jdliii I.(m:^> Land llicii on ,SI I.(-i:s ICi-lilccii U(.(l Id III.- SdiiiJi WCsl ('(.nici-df -^d Lc--> l..iiid llicM N(.rlli (Ml Sd l.ciTos I,;,i,d Id said Stapirs Line Tw.Mily riiivc lidd lluii S.iid slaph's 1». tile lirs( HiMinds foHy >i\ Kdd ( '(Milainiiii: rdiirlccii .k res and one liniidi-cd liod lMt:lit acre- .iiid Tui-nly K.mI — a I.ducd Idi- L.-id L.iiid Laid out l.y IJoImiI Kmu. Jacob Aldrich d.iiiics Kcilli Cdiiiiiiilcc dh.adi.ali wlicldk fl«4.] Xouciiil.ci- y 7: 171S L.aid dul for dl.;idiali wliildjv lliirly two accrs sixth di\isi(Mi »mi llifc.i>l >idc the mill ri\ci- near John (Ircciis hdimdcd .S,,iitli on Jdii.athaii h.tw.ard- Land tdity six rod: west <»n .loliii (iicciis Land t'orly nine rod lo Recorded .j ht*ap of'SloMcs hciiii: a conu'rof S'' irrccns Land then Noucmbcr « ' i • ■ • . i i y- 14 1718 ninini:- wcsr tccMi : d('<;r('('s soiilli with S' l^.-ind t<» 'rhdin.as whites liand and so on Sd uliils Land tliirly live rod Id ;i heap ot" SttMics hciiiL'' the iKMwcst cdnicr llicii niiiiiii: (•;i>t teen d(';irccs north (Mic hiin(lrc(l and twenty >ix i(i(l to Joii- alh.aii li:iw:ii(l> L:indc;ist Part on S" li:iward> Land p.arl (Mi .SmiiiuII tiiayers Land lo the StMithcast corner it heini:- •"• heap ot" .'*^ldne> near S'' Ihayers L.iiid the whole ccMilaininir forty I w o .icer- letMi :icer> .ildwed lor had Land and a ihree rod way Ihrdiijih S' L.ind L.aid dill hy 'Ihoni.as: Wile: Kohei-1 : Lueiis : Jacol. : Aldiich ('oinniiltee N(»iieinl»er y' : 7 171.S: L.aid out IdP dl)adi.ili wliilock teen acers sixth division Joyniiii: t(» hi- olliei' Land near llocorded l,i^ hoU.se IxiUllded we>t oil .^'' L.lIld .^euellt V ro(lt(.:i Noueinber _ _ ' . y 14, 1718 while oak tree heini; the southeast corner of hi-> other Land thence runiuir east Iweiily deirrees iidilh --ixty lod to a st.ake heinn the Southeast coiner llieii riiniiiL; ikmwcsI MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 238 full i)int sixty six rod to a stake and stones near the way Leading to John rockwods north on S'^ way fine rod to his other Land the whole containing- thirteen acers & one Imndred and thirty rod. three acers & one hnndred and thirty rod. tliree acers one hun- (h'ed and thirty rod alowed for bad land by Thomas : White ; Kobert : Enens : Jacob: Aklrich : Committee desemlier y'' 24"' : 171.S hiid ovt for oljadiah whelok his share of seder swanii) — in Bever pond swamp bovnded northerly on Jona- than thayers swamp east on the land of John holeljrook fovr rod and a quarter then rvning west 23 dgr** sovth cros sd swamp laid ovt by thomas white Robard evens jacol) aldrich committee obadiah whelock [165.] April y« 5*" : 1732 laid ovt for obadiah whelock one acer and a qvarter eighth division of land laid joyning to his medow at the great medow and is bovnded east on said medow 21 rod north on common 14 rod to a stake and stons being the norwest corner and is bovnded west part on the land of eleazer Bvllard and part on the land of John corbit 12 rod to a stake and stones being the sovth west corner Sovth on common 9 rod to a white oak tree near sd medow the whole containing one acer and half and 27 rod : 67 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh said land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet Chain men April y'^ 5*'' : 1732 laid ovt for o))adiah whelock eleven acers ninth division of land laid joyning to his other land near the great medow and is bovnded south and east on sd land north on the land of benjamen Brvce and west on the land of benjamen Albee the whole containing 17 acers 6 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas wdiite svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men march y'^ ()"' : 1734 laid ovt for obadiah wdielock one acer and 40 rod of william sprages ninth division of land laid on the north side the way leading to Benjamen all)ees and is bovnded sovtherly on sd way 31 rod and easterly on common 8 rod and northerly 'J.'i I i'i;(»ri;iKi"()i!s- i;i;("()i;i)S. p.'trt oil tile ImikI ol' same (lav laid lor sd wliclocU .") atcrs of >d -praiics ninth division of land and is laid on llic west side llir mill l\i\crand is lM)\n(> lod to a lliree r(»d way a \vliit«' (»al< stand inarUl near sd way llienee ivninir norwcst fvll point to rod t(» cap' tlionias tliayei's land and is liovnded westerly on sd land 3.S rod to his other hind then on sd land to sd niedow the wlioh' eontaininu' (! aeers and !>4 rod one aoer and 1 I rod alowe.l for had laii.l laid ovt l.y Thomas white svrvayer Jaeol. aldii.-h and daniej lovet eliain men, d\ne y' 17"'.. 17 10 we the svl»seril»ers luott and preanil)vlated : the line hetwen vs on the mill plain henininii' att a heap of stons on the east the two rod way near a great rork thence i\ ninn- west 12 diiT" sovth to another heap of stons on the west side sd two rod way it Iteinu- a forinanie with all the l^i-lits and Priniledii-es of A ten Acre Lott In all denisit)ns Ivxeepinu" the swamp lott and hall one Acic of niedow As allso all the other half ol the tirst Denission of Me(h>w lv\eeptin«i- one Half A< iv : A> Appears by two Di-eds of Sale the one harini;- date rinne the third sixteen llnndred Ninly and I'Jiilit and AeUiiowled-ed the foiirlh of the >aiiie Instant I.efore Nicoliis Teck l-:s,|iiirc ,Iii>tis (.f y INace the other deed I .a li nil' I )at e the ninth of Noiieini.cr >i\- teen llnndicd Ninety and VAtaht and Aeknowed hetore I'Misha llnehison Septemliei' t he I'Jiihth one Thousand senen Hundred: and L'ecorded With the K*c.(.ri\ly Nine .s^c The Iloii-e Lott Containini: Twentv acr»-s and l.einii s(l l.iooU -i\lv Ivo.l lo s(l iiirdow : Dcc.'iiilMr \' 2': 17U(i — Laid mil l.v I'll. .mas >Vliif,. Two Acivs .M..IV i.r the alMmc >.l lliird 1 ).iii»i(.ii and Twciitv AciTs nl" llir loilllll l>cuissi(.il Laid (Mil Di.wii slicaiii.' on llir x.iilli >idr of >(| inrdow iM.undcd Noil licii v on >d M.-dow : I-'/i-lil srorc and sixli'cii Kod : to A while oakc Trrc l»ciiii:- llic >oiilli W('a>l Corner Weasleilv on ( "oinon Twenty Kods : to A piix- liee: l.eini:- the sonlh «-as| (\.iiiei- Soiilheily on ConK.n Ki-ht sc'oiv and sixtcn I\o(L- to A pine lico hcinir the : Northeast ( ornei Easterly on ('onion l»y A direct Line: Twenty Rods to A whil oaUe Tree l»y m\ niedow IteinL!' the North west ( '(diier Decendx-r: ■2 : ITOC, Laid oul l.y Thonia> White 'I'he lilt |)eiiis>ion of Land I.eh.nuin.i:- 1<» ><1 h'H I'arl of il Laid oul on Ihe North >ide of An(ho>e> I. rook l.oiiiKh'd I'.a-leily ..n L'oI.erl Halls Laud forty Rod south on sd l.ri Land and part on ('onion thii-ty Kods to a pine: tree heiiii: the norweast Corner: North on Conion with A Diriet Line one hun- dred and Twenty six Rod to hills Land A pine tree heinii" Market nere the north Last Corner the whole Containinir thirty two Aers an.l half: her l.eiuir Allowane f..r A f.Mir Rod liyway Cn.ss sd Lau.l as allso four Aers and half Alowaiie Lai.l oul Deeenil.er 10: 1707 : l.v Tli..nias while Sanui.'l Rea.l dohii Darliii- ('..niilee Seneiile.ii A. re^ more ..f sd lift Deuission Laid .ml .m Ih.' soulli side of the ;ilioiie sd hrook hounded as followelh weasi .m 8(1 l>ri(lij<'s (»ther Lan.l f.)rly Rod l.» A pine stan.l : luinir the south weast Coiner s.mth on ('oiimn with A .liriel Lin.- sixty Rod to A stake and stons : I.eiiio- : the: south l>:asl C..iuer l^ast on Coinon : Hfty Liirlit Rod: to sd hrook A pine heinir inaikt nei-e sd lirook North on sd hrook sixty Rod lo his (»ther Land: the wimie ( 'onlainiuL;- i-]ii:lileen Acres and si\l\ R.xl here heiiii; al.iw- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 237 anc for A four Kod wa}' Cros sd Laud) Laid out December y^ 10 : 1707 : l>y Tho white Saui" Read Johu Darliuo- Couiite The Remainder of the sd fift Deuission l)eing six Acrs Laid out on the South side Androses lirook bounded Weasterly on his other I^and sixty Rod southerly on Comon : with a dirict line of twenty Rod : from the south East Corner of his other land to A pine tree being the south East Corner : Easterl}^ on Comon : Avith A dirict Line sixty Rods to A white oake being the North East Cornel- : Northerly on Comon : with A dirict Line : Twenty Rod to his other Land the whole Containing seuen Acres and half here being one Acre half Allowanc by Thomas white Sam" Read John Darling Comite December 10 : 1707 : Ephraim daniels John Bridges Timothy gy [168.] jvne y« IG^'^ : 1731 laid ovt for James Bridges 3 acers and 120 rod Eighth division of land laid joyning to his other land on the west side mvmfords river and is bovnded sovth on sd land 50 rod rvning from the northeast corner of sd land north 9 do-r^ East 18 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 9 dgr^ north 50 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 9 dgr' west 18 rod to the norwest corner of his other land the whole 5 acers and 100 rod one acer and 140 rod aloW'Cd for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrveyer John farnvm and Jacol) aldrich chain men jvne y^ 16"': 1731 laid ovt for timothy gy nine acers Eighth division of land laid west from Ebenezer Reads land beginino- at a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning sovth 20 dgi-^ west 50 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 20 dgr^ north 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 20 dgr'' East 50 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 20 dgrs sovth 40 rod to the first bovnds the whole 12 acers and half 3 acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacol> aldrich chain men >:58 i'i;()i'i;ii:'ioi;s' hkcokds MmicIi y' IJ"' : 1 7;'..'» Im'kI ovl loi- I<:|)li;iiiii (l:iiiicl> S MctT- mikI hair and 27 rod (.!' Ixiijaincii mIItcs iiiiitli (tivi^iun of land laid jovninir lt» lii> nthn- l.md near lii-- lio\ >c >c\ en accrs of sd land laid sovlliwcsl from his hovsc and i> l»(»\ ndcd cast on the land (»t .lohn Corliil lU) rod to a lu-ap of slons hciiiir Ihc sovlhcasl rdint r Ihcncc ivnin^^ w csl 2 l..ns l.cin- the soNlhwcsl corner then north 2 (\'jiv^ wcsl II rod l(. John LTarncrs land then Ix.vndcd on sd land .'rJ rod 1(. a heap of slons Ixdni:- a ((irncr ol" his othci' land and is l»o\ ndcd on all other part- on his o\\ n land it iieinii a i>roal and three (parteis ,") acers and three <|\arlers alowed lor had laiul the Keniainder of said land heini:- <'ii(' acer and half and i'7 I'od laid Joyninii- to his othei- land iKUth from his ho\ser\nini: from the norwest corner of said Ianer V'' IS"': 17.")() laid o\ t for timothy iiy 11 aceis mikI one (|varter of land: \ i/, : (J acers ninth division and <> acers tenth division and two acers and tO rod alowed him hy the Select men of \ xltridis-c foi- a hii:h way cros his land : laid toi^-ether joyn- in- to his other land (■> rod to a heaj) of stons heinir the northeast corner then west -JO (li:r^ north l(» rod to his other land the whole heinL^ 1»I .-iccrs one acer and 1 20 rod alowed for had land lai.l ..vt l.y 'fhoma-^ white svr\eyer l*'J»ene/er read ^^^ joseph white chain men Kl.ene/cr staples >ilvanas ho|l.r(.ok eli\clet waifeld I KllK ] noNcnihery': 7"': \T.'>'2 laido\t for l''J)ene/.er staph's lii acers ninth division of land laid joynini:' to his other land on the wot -iterl\ on -d lan.l MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 239 80 rod bcgining at the norwest corner of sd land thence rvning sovth 34 deg''^ west 60 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the norwest corner then East 34 dgr^ sovth 80 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the sovth west corner then north 34 dgr' sovth (30 rod to the sovth west corner of his other land the whole containing 30 acers 14 acers alowed for had land laid ovt by Thomas AMiite svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men april y^ 7"" : 1737 laid ovt for silvanas holbrook 4 acers tenth division of land laid joyning to his other land near scvll Bridge and is bovnded west on the great river north on scvll rode East on the land of Jonathan cook sovth on his other land the whole being : 5 acers one acer alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh said land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and silvanas holln'ook chain men September y'^ 2'' : 1737 laid ovt for Ebenezer staple ten acers tenth division of land laid joyning to his other land on the west side the west River begining att the northeast corner of sd land thence rvning west 32 dgr^ north 40 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 32 dgr^ west 46 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the norwest corner then east 32 dgr^ sovth 40 rod to his other land a small black oak tree markt near the sovth- east corner and is l)ovnded Easterly on sd land 46 rod to the first bovnds the whole being Eleven acers and half one acer and 80 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt l)}^ Thomas White svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Ebenezer staple chain men desember y'^ 20'" : 1742 laid o\i; for Elivelet warfeeld 23 acers of land : viz : 20 acers is of daniel hills tenth division and 3 acers is of william sprages eighth division laid together joyning to his other land on the east side of mvmfords river begining att a norwest corner of sd land thence rvning norwest 10 dgr'' north 20 rod to a l)lak oak tree markt being the norwest corner then sovthwest 10 dgr'^ west 98 rod to Ezekel woods land to a heap of stons att sd woods land and is bovnded westerly part on sd woods land part on gyes land part on aldriches land and on all 210 I'lionni-yroKS' i{i:('()in)s. olhci- pMils on liisowM l.-nid ill l»ciiii::i l.ioakcii |.r:icc of ImikI coii- l.-iinini:- l'H .-iccrs six Mccr> Mlowcd tor IkkI ImikI laid ovi l.y Tlioiiias white s\ i'\ a\ rr jacol* aldricli and l'-li\»'lct waifcidd cliain iiicii Ma.v >' N"' 17 14 laid ovt for l-:iivclct uartVcId fovci- accrs of land uhi.-Ii he |.\rclias<'d of williaiu spiauc itt l..-ini:- |.arl of sevcrail divisions ol" land laid joynini; to his ollici- land in \ \- hridiit' and is hovndcd sovlh on sd land 7") rod west on the land of l'ldni\ nd lawson 12 rod to an hca]) of stons hcini;- lh<' norwcst corner thence r\ ninn' I^ast ;»") dur^ north '»'J ro(| to stons on a rocU then Ivrnino- sovtherly with a direct line L^•; rod t(» a heap of stons at his other land tlu' whole hein*;- 4 aeers and an \'22 rod 12'2 rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt 1)V Thomas white svrvaycr jacol» aldiich and Kdnnmd rawson chain men Abraham Stapls [170.] Ahraham Stai)ls Twenty A<-re llonse L..tt Laid ont and bounded as followeth ICasterly upon Muddy brook Southerly upon the House Lott of Josojih Aldrieh Weasterly u]ion A small Hun of watcM" that Runs betwene sd T^ott And AT rIosei)h Kmer- sons I Ions Lott Northerly upon the house Lott of floseph AVhite Laid out by Moses Paine, A ten Kod hyway ( "los sd L(.tt The Dublini:- Loll or second Deuission beini:- Twenty Acres with the swamp lott bcdoniiing to John Ilarburs thirty line Acic Lott Latly I'urchesed by sd Stapis The sd swam)) Lott with fortccn Acres of sd Twenty Acres on Ihe Last side of the i:reat Kinei-: on the North si of Marked Ti-ees : Southerly n|)on tJK' sd Hoade The Kemaininii' part Ijoiuir Six Acres Laid out upon A plaine on the south side of the Cuntry Koad bounded \\'«'asl- terly upon the Lantaks Laid out by dosiali ( 'liapin A|)rill y fourteenth ICS.') 'Ihe tir>t Denis-ion cf Mcdow bel(»ni:in- to the Aboiic sd Lott beiuL^ Six Aers c\^ Half and 4'wciit v and Sciicn b'od be it iiich)w the south Ceder Swamp bounded Easterly with swani}) Southerly with John Jepsons Medow So Round with up- land) Another Part on the Northweast side of the Litle Pond : bounded southerly upon sd Pond In })art and Part upon Swamp) so Round with upland : The Remainder of sd Medow Lying the Run that Coms out of the south Ceder swamp so bounded Round with upland) Laid out by Joseph White The Swamp Lott belonging to the Aboue sd Lott With two Acres of Josiah Chapins Swamp Lott Laid out on the East side of Mudy l)rook Against the End of sd Stapls house Lott : bounded Northerly with the Land of Joseph White : Easterly on Comon Land : Southerly upon Comon Land with A line of Marked Trees : A maple at the East Corner : AYeasterly on Mudy brook by Josiah Chapin Aprill L5 : 1(385 The second euission of Medow belonging to the Aboue sd Lott with part of the great Lott Laid out betwen the weast Riuer to y** great Riuer the Medow Ijeing two Acres bounded Northerly upon the Land of Samuel More being sd Mores secondeuision of Medow Weasterly upon the great Riuer Southerly by A direct Line from the Riuer to the upland A Duble l)lack oake marked Nere the Riuer and A du1)le Maple Nere the upland and Easterly Part on the Land of Al)raham Stapls aforesd and Part on the Land of Joseph White Junior: Abraham Stapls : [171.] Thirty Seuen Acres More of sd great Lott or third Deuission belonging to the Aforesd Lott Laid out to Ebenezer Stapls on the East side of Rock Medow brook bounded as fol- loweth the North East Corner being A white oak tree Northerly with A direct Line : Seuenty Eight Rod : part on Comon and Part on sd Stapls Land : to A maple tree by sd brook : being the north Weast Corner : Weasterly Part on sd lu-ook and Part on M' Emersons Land Eighty Rod : to A black oake : tree Neer the southweast Corner : Southerly on Comon : AVith A dirict L>l: riioi'iMirioits- i;i;c()i:i)s. Line: sciiciity Ki,i:lil luxl : !•' A w.ilnul Trc.' l.ciii-- ihc S(.iillir:isl ("(.nicr : IImsIciIv (.11 ('omk.m : w illi A diiicl \A\n-: lo Ilir Nnilli l!:i-l ('<»rinr: line liriiii: Aldw.-imc: lur A I wo \Uh\ Iivwmv lliirw S.I Land : l.v ■ni..iii:i> While I ).-(ciiil.rr Id. 1 TOC : S.'iiciilrt'ii Aries .if llic luiirtli D.-iii^si.m ol" Land hrlnniiiiiLMo the AloH'sd Loll : Laid oiil on llic Noilli >id ol" -d Sla|.l> W'vuM Mcdow LyiiiLT in A lliicc ctirncrcd Pcicr : iMUindcd as rulluwclh Ihc soiilhcasl ("orncr willi A hhuU*' oaUc : tree Nfcr sd Mcdow : Soullicrlv on sd Mcdow Scucnly Hod: to A Mack <.al< lice: hy A l.ridi:- In sd Mcdow: hcin- llicsonlli Wcast Corner: \\'<'asleily on ("oint.n willi A dirici Line one linndr.'d an»l six lvo(U : lo A wliiti- oake live licin-' the Noilli Coiner: Kasleily willi A dirid Line: l^i^lily Kod : llic soiitli<'ast Cornel' : lier lieint: Alowaiicc lor A tour K(»d way llircw llic sd LaiuL l.y 'riiomas While Dcccinl.er y' 10"' I Toil: Six Acrs More of sd fonrth Dciiission Laid onf on the Kasl sid of Mudy l>rook Joyiiini:- to sd slapls olhcr Land : hounded Wcast on sd Land: llic Whole hreadlh ofliis other Land: Norlh on Thoiuas Whits Land: to the south cast Corner of sd Land Lastcrly on ('onion with A dirici Line thirty six Hod to A hea|» of Htons hciiii: the South \\'east Corner: southcily on Coinon scucnlccn io>d : to the south Last C(»riicr : ol" his itthcr Land l.v Thomas While 17(»2 jaiivary y' 12"': 17;'.() laid ovt tor Khcnczcr staple thirty accrs Kii!lilli division of laud laid ovt on the wcsl side the west Ivivcr near sacarvs pond: viz: 24 accrs of his own and il that he |t\r- chased of l.enjainin wludock laid loii-clhcr and is l.o\ndcd sovlh- erly on Ihc lan.l ol' John aldri
  • rod I., a heap ol' stoiis l.eini: lh«' iioiwot corner then north .'.1 ilj:^ cast Si rod to a heap of sloiis Itciiiiillic noilheasl corner then cast :\\ ih^r sovth Kiiihly rod to sd aldrichcs land loa heap ».f slons :,l the sovllicasl corner the whole coulainiiiL:- li'accr-- I 2 accrs alowcd MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 243 for hud land : laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldricli and nathan tiler chain men Abraham Stapls [172.] The lift Deuission of Land belonging to sd stapl.s Lott being one hundred Acres one part of it Laid out for Ephraim Stapls on the south side of the great medow : l)ounded as follow - eth Weasterly on the Land of John Thomson Junior Sixty four Kod the South Weast Corner being A white oak tree the North- weast Corner A Red oak tree : Northerly Part on Comon : and part on John Corbits Land : Seuenty two Rod to A black oak tree being the north East Corner East on Comon : sixty four Rod : to A white oak stand : l)eing the south East Corner south- erly Part on Comon Part on John Rockits Land Seuenty Rod : to the south weast Corner the whole Containing Twenty Eight Acres three Acres Alowanc : December the tift 1707 by Thomas White John Darling and Josiah Thayer Comite More of the abouesd fift Deuission being John stapls Part of it Laid out to E)benezer Stapls : one Acre and sixty Eight Rod Nere the Rock medow In A thre Cornerd Peice Joyning to his other Ijand : bounded as followeth. the North East Corner being A white oake tree : North on sd Land twenty four Rod : and weast on sd Land Eighteen Rod : to A white oak l)eing the : south Corner Easterly on Comon : with A dirict Line : Twenty Rod to the North p]ast Corner being one Acre and 68 Rod Eight Acres and A quarter more of sd tift deuission : Laid on the North of sd staples Weast Medow : Li A three Cornerd Peice Joyning to his other Land bounded Southeast on sd Land Eighty Rod : to A white oake tre being the south weast Corner Weasterly on Comon thirty four Rod : to A white oake : being the North weast Corner : Northerly on Comon : seventy six Rod : to A whit oak being the northerly Corner Nine Acres and six score Rod more of sd Deuission Laid on the south side of sd Weast Medow : Joyning to sd medow : Eighty Rod in Lenth Twenty six Rod wide att the East End : and thir- iJI I i'i;t)i'i;ii:r()KS' hiicords. Irni li...l Mil 111.' Wr.i^l l-ji.l: l.onii.l.'.l NOilli <>ii s.| Mc.low : so l\(niii(l (III ('(iiiinii l:ml ('(inicr A licapc ol' sloiis on A stiimi): llic soiitli\vc:i>l ('(.riicr A li<-.ii. of >loiis on A lUnk llic south Kasi ('(.iiicr A hlack oak 'I'rcc : llic Noilli I^asl ( "orncr A lu'il oak 'rrrc : tlic whole ( 'oiilaiiiiiii:" Niiittii«' Acrs and A <|narl('r h.'i- l.cini: l<'iir A.t.-s an. I A .|iiarlcr Aih.waii.-.- : IrLuaiN y' (ill I7(»7 l.v Thomas Whilr l^.l..■l•| TmH ,l..lin Dailin-Coinil.'.' I':i)fnc/cr Slaph's share of Cech-r Swaini. '^■'''•' '" ''"' '""''' Cee.lei- Swanip on ihe easi side the l>r..oke l...iin.le.| n.)llli on d.'Hir.t e.)|lins s\vani|) easi on upland four r.xl and Recorded j, ,,.,.,, „.,,.,, .,.s s,.uth hv a iiu.' ..f Uiaik.'.l lives luuiu- October y ' '^1.1718 west two de*!fivt's southwest .ui eoUKUi swauip oeloher y' III. ITlSby )»y Thomas White Rol.rt Eueus Jaeol) Al.liish ("ommittee Noueinl)er y 1. ITlS: Lai. I out for eh.'ue/ei- Staples the re- main. h-r .»f his sixth division ,loyninir to his otii.i- Land atl hi- west niedow hounded west on sd hmd and medow ninety Recorded thrcc lod soutli i>ait ou a Small run part l>y a line ye 1. 1718 of" inarkt trees a ehesnul t ice maikt near S' run a l»la«-k oak tree l>eini; inarkt atl th.' s.)ut east eoin.'i- th.'Uee runiiiu' north Seven (U'ljrees west ninety three rod erosinn' a (•.)rn.r of Joseph White duniers Land to a white oak tree marki lieini: the n.)rlh «'ast e.)iner then ruiiini! west s.ai.'U dej^rees south nin.-- teen 1...1 t.. his .)tlier lau.l a I.Ja.k ..ak tr.'.> markt near S''. Jan.! the wh.tle .-.intainini: tw.-nty aeers and thirty three ro.l tour ae Ai.lri.'h ('.>mniitt.'.- Dani.-I Tall i'^-i' an.l Cap' Kolu-rt 'I'aft- aoicnn-nt Khene/.'r Sta])!.- [\l'i.\ N« mlM-iy: 1: ITlS Lai.i ..iil f..r elu^ne/vr Staph- fourteen aeers >i\lh di\i->i.in helwen llie pill.' S\\;ini|t an.l rok m.'dow Immiu.I.'.I s.Milh .ui lli.- r.xh' i.'a.liiii: l.> ephrini < 'liapins MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 245 fifty rod from tiinoth>' winters Land to a heap of Stones on a rok being the south west corner thence runino- north ten degrees west sixty nine rod to a heap of stones being the Recorded norwcst comcr then riming east ten degrees north January ^ ^ '^ ye 1.1718 fifty rod to a heap of Stones l)eing the north east corner then runing south ten degrees east sixty rod to winters Land near S'* rode the whole containing twenty acres six acers alowed for liad land Laid out by thomas : white : Jacob : Akh-ich robert taft Conmiittee may y'^ 1() : 1718 fourten acers of the sixth division that l)e- longs to ei)hraini staples laid joyning to his other land on the east side mudy brook bounded west on sd land thirty eight rod noith on thomas whits land eighty five rod to the eight rod way east on sd way thirty eight rod to a heap of stones being the south- east corner thence runing west 35 dgr'* south to his other land by a line of markt trees the whole containing twenty two acers and half eight acers and half alowed for bad land : by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich comitee jvne y° 2V : 1720 laid ovt for Ebenezer Staples Eileven acers of seventh division of land joyning to his other land near Joseph whites begining at a black oak tree being the sovtheast corner of sd land then Rvning sovth eight dgr^ East : Eighteen Rod to a heap of stons then partly on common and partly on the lands of Joseph and Thomas white sixty two Rod to a walnvt stand on the side of a hill markt then west 83 dgr' north six Rod to a Black oak tree marked then with a direct line to an heap of stons being the sovthwest corner of his other land on all other parts bovnded on sd land the whole containing fifteen acers and seventy four Rod fovr acers and 74 Rod alowed for bad land and a three rod Avay through sd land : laid out By Robert Evens svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Thomas white committee Mendon March y'^ IH"' : 1747^ We the Subscribers Do mutualy agree that where the partition fence now Stands l)etween our Land on the East Side the Road Leadino- bv our Houses Shall be the 24() ri{<»i'i;ii:i"()i{S' i;i:c(>ki)s. n(.iiii(l> l.clwrcii (.111- -:ii(l I.mikI for I-jht mikI tli;it KoL.tI Taft iii.ikfiVL inaiiil.-iiii llic oiir half dl" >ai(| Iciirc \vli< ic it in.u >laii (\i/.) Ilir wr-l |-:ii<| next v' K..auilncs> (»iir liMnds Jac.l, Aldrirh i Dani.l Tall WlllU'SSt'S ' William Toircy ( iu.lM'it Tall The heirs of Ahi-ahaiu StM|)l(> [17i.] .Iiincy 7"". ITlM Laid out for the hrjr. ol' Al.iahain Slai)l('s Dcfc''. Ihirly nine acres and half of Land (vi/, ) iiintccn aeivs cVi half of Sixth Diiiisioii and Iweiily acres of Seiienlli IHiii- sioii oM the noi-wcsl Side of the Lilll(> |>on«l l>e;iiiinini: at a Ixed (>al< tree with a Iieape of Sic.iies ahoiit the i\oot thei-eof near Thomas 'i'hayers Land near the Iviiiiiii-- out of S' {•oiid. K'lininL^ north full point Crossinua ("ornerof Sd 'IMiaycrs Land tluii on Connnon scnonly four Hod to a heape ol Stons beiiiL'' the north west Corner, then West on ( 'oimiion to William I lay wards ( 'or- ncr, S(» on S'' Ilaywards Land in |»arl ..<: part on ('oinnion one hnndrecUV: soucnty Rod to a heape of Stones lieiiiL;- the iiorwcst Corner, then South on Connnon senenty four IJocl lo a heape of Stones hcinir a south west Corner, then l]a>t on ( 'oiiiiiion by S'' ])ond to tiie tirst hounds souonty Kod to S' Hed oak. heinir :i south East Corner. Containiiiir scuenty six acivs cVc half, thirty seuen acres alowed for ten acres of Jiand and four acres of Medow Laid out heretotore and had Land, Laid .ml hy Kohert Kuens. .Iac(.h AIdri also a three Hod way allowed cros ahovesd land fehrvary y' ;")"': 177 laid ovi for the heirs of ahraham staples Deseast the lifth division of land helouiiiuL^ to sd staples loti : it iM'iiiL:- twenty live acers and i> laid ovI on the l-:a>lerly side of the s(.vth niedows and is T.ov nded as folowelh the nortliea-t corner lieinj:- a white oak I i-ee inaikl and is Ilov iidcd nortlicrly on com- imm land twenty Kiirht l^lod to a heap of stones on a Hock heiuii: the norwest corner west on common one hvn(h'ed Hod to a white oak tree niarki hcini;- lhei\l\' MENDON, INIASSACHUSETTS. 247 fovr Rod to a black oak tree niarkt heing the sovth East corner East on comon one h^'nd^ed Rod to the first Bovnds the whole containing twenty Eight acers and six score Rod three acers and six score Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white Robei-t Taft and John Darling committee jvne y^ 21*: 1720 laid ovt for P^benezer staples twenty two acers and half of land : viz : twenty one acers of his seventh divi- sion, and one acer and half Ijeing sixth division : and is laid sovthward of his medow near Joseph whites Begining at a heap of stons on the sovth side a litle Rvn of water coming out of woodland Tompsons medow thence rvning west 25 ^^'^ north Eighty Rod to a heaj) of stons on a great Rock ]:»eing a north northeast corner then sovth 25 dgr" west fifty two Rod to a heap of stons being a west norwest corner then East 25 dgr'^ sovth Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being a sovth sovthwest corner then with a direct line to the first Bovnds 52 fifty two Rod the whole containing twenty six acers : three acers and half alowed for l)ad land laid ovt By Robert Evens svrvayer Thomas white and Jacob aldrich committee abraham Staples jvn'^ [175.] Jvne y*" 7'" 1729 laid ovt for abraham staples fifteen acers Eighth division of land and is laid joyning to his other land near the sovth medows l)egining at the northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning north 10 dgr' west Eighteen Rod to : Benja- men Cragins land then Iwvnded East on sd land thirty two rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 10 dgr'' sovth sixty two Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 10 dgr^ East fifty Rod to a heap of stons being a corner then Rvning sovtheast fvll point to his other land : it : Ijeing a broaken peace of land containing twenty one acers six acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros a corner of sd land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer jacol) aldrich and jose[)h Taft chain men april y'' 12*'' : 17,33 laid ovt for abraham staples 5 acers ninth division laid joyning to his other land at tompsons hill and is 248 IMIOI'IMKIOUS' IJKCOltDS. I)t»\ii(lr(l \\f>t on >»1 l.iiiil 1' I i(»(| liciiiiiiii^: :it :i lit'Mp (if --lims l.ciii- 111.' Ii..illir:i>t .oiiirr of >.| hiii.l lliclicr IvMiiii- |-::i>l 1 I.iiid ((.in- l<. >d l;iiid llir wlidlc (•((iilainiiiL^ : >t'\cii accrs :tiid '.m; : rod i' ;icfi> ;iiid IHI rod mIowcI r..r l.ad land — III.' >aiiic d.-iv laid iorsd staples 'l a and 12(1 rod iiiiitli ,li\i- >ion ioviiin- lo lii> oIIkt land \vrs( Iroin liis lio\ sc ami i> l.(.\ iidcd Ma-I on >d land "J 1 rod x.vlli (.ii (alls land .Vl rod wr-l on tail- land 111 cod iK.rtlion ja.M.l» aldricli.-s land ;;(> rod I lir u li..lr ;; accrs and 1 10 rod one uccr and 20 rod alowcd lor had Iaiila|.Ir-> lo lo.l iiinlli divi>ioii oi' land laid joyiiiiiL:- 1(. his other land north tVoin hi- h()vs<' and is hoviKh'd so\tlirrly on sd land iiortht riy on llic land of John hayward and westerly on the liiLdnvay t! rod it I.eiiii: a throe cornered peaee of land laid o\ t hy Thoinas white >\ ivayer jacol) ahlrieh and Daniel h)vel ehain men jvne y 1!!'" : 17;?;*. laid ovt for al.raliain -taple- 1 |o ro.l of land in l\c of land that was foinieily laid to him \ iider a ini-taUe in Henjamen ("raisins land: and is laid ovt .loynini:- to his other land Kast from his hovso and is hovnded sovthei'ly on sd land lo iml aii,and Joyninir lo his other Land at tlioiiip>..ii> hill iM-inin-- at the ii..rtli Last (•(.riicr of lii> other Land riiniim La-leily ."• rod to i.eniaiiiiii wheeh. cUs land to a wal- nut tree niarkl the iiorlli La-I Corner then Loiindin-- l-:a>t on Sd wheelocUsland |0 rod toThoinas 'Lafts land then l.oiindin-- South on S'' Tafls land lOiirhl ii.d to a heap of Stones y noiwcst ("oiner of S' Tafts land then l.onndin- Lasterlv (Ui Sd 'fait- land with a MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 249 varice line to the southwest Corner of S'^ I^and and so whome to liis other land l)ounded westerly on his other land Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Jacob aldrich Chainnian John and William SPrage [176.] John Sprages second Lott bought of the Towne Janu- ary Twenty eth IC^JO^j being A Twenty Acre house Lott with all the Rights aud Priueledges ther to belonging or Any ways Aper taining Now John and William SPrages sons of sd John Sprage As Appears by his Last will upon Record The house Lott being Twenty Acres fifteen Acres of it Lying upon the weast side of the ten Rod hyway Leading from the mill to John Rockets house bounded Southerly upon sd ten Rod way Easterly upon A towne hyway Leading from sd mill to the 'Towne Northerly upon Comon Weasterly upon the Land of James & beniemin Albe Laid out by Joseph White tiue Acres more of sd Twenty Acres with Ten Acres of the dubling Lot or second Diuission Laid out upon the mill Plaine and bounded as followeth North upon the Land of Benjemin Albe and East upon A Runill of Water South upon tlie land of Joseph Steuens : and Weast upon Joseph Steuenses Medow : • Laid out l)y Joseph White With A two Rod hyway Cros sd Land October tenth l(i72 one Part of it Lying by A swamp side upon the East sid of the Cart way : that gose to the beuer Dam medow^s bounded East- erly upon Swamp : so Round with upland. The Remainder of sd Deuission Lying In bare Medow : l)Ounded upon the North East with William Holbrooks INIedow : Northerly : with swamp : southerly with ui)land Weasterly upon the Medow of John Bart- let the whole Containing six Acres and half and Twenty seuen Rods more or Les Laid out by Joseph White The great Lott or Third Deuission belonging to the Aboue sd Lott being Eighty Acres Thirty Acres of sd Eighty Acres with i>r)() IMKM'IMiri'OKS" KKCOHIKS. Irli A(lr> ..r the mImhK' sd x'c.nd I)rlii>>i(Hi I., lid oiil upon tlir Nullli |-:;.>1 >i.lc <.r 111.- Mill riail.c mikI iM.im.lr.l :.> r..liou.lli N\'r:i^lciiv upon llic Lmii.I of J. .Jim J.px.ii aiLl Siiiiuii |.r.k l.rin- tJK-ii- mill pl.'iiiK- l>(>tl>: Nditlirrlv iiptm ('( mi I.mikI witli A Liiir of MmiIsI tie.--: lo llii' K.I- of s,-n.ii(l l.iidL' IM:iiiic: l-:,i>t- .tIv I.v a Kill.' of .M;iikl 'riv.-> iip.>ii ll.c Hd^r ,,nj„. Plaiiic: an. I S.)utli('i-lv Tarl up.>n Coiiioii Laii.l and Pari upon Lan.l l.ai.l .)iil lo dohn Harlli-ts L«)ll licini: liis second dcuision l.y Jt.siali ("liapin lli.' 'I'w.nt v x'.'oiid ..f May : li'.SS lilly A.r.> .Moiv..r>d j-j-lilv A.ics Lai.l ..iil up..n lii.' \V.-a>t M.I.' ol CliarU Kiu.T Ali.f >.•.-.. n. I Ini.l- KMii.t )..• I...\v D.'.lhani Tic.-: Down Slicain.' up.>n A Im'ii.I In lii.' IJiii.-r : l»ound.-d Wcaslcily Part uponlli(« Mcdow of Sd Spra-cs and Tarlly upon tlic Iviucr and Parlly upon: the Kdir of the liiil all A litl.-.lis- tan..' iVoiii ,Iain.'> All.ys M.-.lo\v : \..rt licrlv np..n ('oni..ii Lan.l: I..V A iiii.' of Mark! 'I'lv.'s : Kasl.-rlv I'ail up..n lli.- Lan.l ..f Walt.T ('o.»k : and I'arlly upon (".)ni.»n Lan.l. Soiillicrly : u|)..n Couion Land l>y A line of I'rccs (o tlic Kiu.-r. bv flosiali Cliapin the 'rwcnty second of May KISS : . The swamp Loll l.cl..noini:- 1.. III.' AIm.uc s.j L..I l.cin- Tliiv Acres and (^)uart.T Ihiflccii Ko.l an. I lialf more or liCs i> Lai.l .>ut and ]>()undod as folowctli Pari of it Lyinir upon A >mal >trcann' llial Huns In to hare niedow all tlic North weast lOnd >.» lioun.l with TplaiKL Laid out hy floseph White [177.] An olh.-r Pail of Ih.' Ah.rcsd Swamp Loll LyiuL' upon A slr.'inc Ihal Piin^ In t.. Hi.' ureal Med.)W : all lli.xuilli Ln.l ..f s.l m.-l Ln.l ..f A >wamp: lh.' Wal.-r Kiinin- inl.. h.-u.-r P..n.l MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 251 medow : bounded with A line of Marked Trees so Round with uphind Liiid out l)y Joseph White 10 Ten Acres of John Sprags fifth Deuission of Land and one Acre of his second deuission of medow Laid on the West side of the Mill Riuer bounded Round with Common Land as fol- loweth the North East Corner A white oak tree the North weast Corner A pople stand the south Weast Corner A stake the south East Corner A pine tree : It being sixty six Rod In Length and twenty nine Rod In bredth Laid out the twenty eigt of march 1707 l)y Thomas White Robert Tatl't & Josiah Thayer C-omite Thirty one Acre More of sd Joh Sprages tifth Deuission of Land Laid out on the West sid the mill Riuer Neer the great Riuer l)ounded as followeth East on Ebenezcr SPrags Land one Hun- dred and Twenty six Rod to A White oak tree : being the North- east Corner North on Comon forty Rod to A stak being the North West Corner West on Comon one hundred and Twenty and six Rod to A heap of Stones on A Rock by the great Riuer being the southwest Corner south on sd Riuer forty Rod the Whole Containing thirty one Acre and half Half one Acre Alow- anc for A two Rod Way l)y the great Riuer Cros sd Land Laid out the Twenty Eight of March 1707 by Thomas Wliite Robert Tafft and Josiah Thayer Comittee May the thirteenth 1707 forty four Acres of William Sprages tifth Deuission Laid on the East side of the great Riuer bounded Easterly on the Land of Benjmin Whelock fifty tine Rod to A stake being the North East Corner North on Conion one hundred and seuenty two Rod : to A white oake tree : lieing the : norwest Corner Westerly on C^onion : thirty Rod : by A line of markt trees to the Riuer: southerly on sd Riuer to the southwest Corner of AVhelocks Land xVboue fox })rook : Laid out by — Thomas White : Samuel Thayer & Josiah Thayer Comitte march y^ 'iO'*" : 1731 laid ovt for wiliam sprage 3 acers Eighth division of land laid joyning to his other land on the neck near 2/52 rK(HM{ii:r<)i!s- kkcoijds. .lolin mIIxm- mikI i> Im.vii.I \]:ui.\ on tli.' I.in.l ..i' uili.iiii -li.-tirl.l C I-.mI x,,v|1„.|In ..n llic IJ.Mlr (•,;; ic.l \v.>t <.ii >.ii.l ^|.l;i-^ l:iii.| 1 L> i-,mI nuillinly cii lii> (•wii ImikI i;.". io.I il l.ciii- m l»r(.;ikcii pcMcr of l;iM(l iM»ii(;iiiiiiii: '.\ Mccrs mikI halt' and 7 rod S7 rod alowcd I'oi- liad land laid ovi l»y Tlioiiias while svrvayiT 'riionias saiilnrd and jacoli aldritli chain nicii [17N. 1 Noih'IiiIht y' 1 •') : 171s : Laid oiil lor William Sprap- niiio ai'cis sixth diiiision doyninu to lii> other Land near his house it lieinu" .'i hroakini: l>cace ol' Land iyini; on liecordod ,,^|.^.^. ^j^,^.^ ^;^. ,,j^ ^,,,,^,j. ,.,,^^, ,,,,,,,^^, ^^,,,,1, i.n nied- Juniiary y 1.) 1-1813 |i,.|,l rode twenty seuen rod to a liea|> of Stone> l»ein- the southeast corner thence i-uniui; north ten deirrees west one hundred and twenty ro(l to a white oak tree mark! Ix'inir the nortlica>t corner, north pail on conion pari on ohadiah whe- h.ks Land on all other pails on his (.wn Land the whole eontain- iuLi t«n acers and half and >i.\ty rod one acer and half and sixty ro.l alowed foi- had Land Laid out l.y : Tl las : White: I{ol.ei-t Luens: dacol): Aldrich : Connnittee -iaiHiary \' 7"' 171.S'^ Laid out for William Sprauue, his Share of Ceeder Swamj) in y'' (iivat Medow : Bounded Last on y' Land of dohn Corhet. South on Sd Corhets T.,and Sixteen Kod, then Kuidn- north T.-n D.-re.-s Last l.y a Line of Marked Trees Cross Sd Swamp north on Medow iM.ttom, l)y Thomas White. KoI.ert Kuens an.l dacoh Aldrich. ('omnnttee : a ion of kinds made and pa^ed r>etwen v> the >\ l»>cril»ers : \ i/. : the heirs and leL^•ll Keprescntat ives of the lands of svndry : pcr--on> de-easi hereafter to lie named to wilt Jonathan spi-aire of providence lvs(|uir and d(»seph waterman of providence afore- >aid yeoman, on the one parly vpon the Kiuhts of hanah spraire and |)ei-ces spraiic which land> is as folowctli to witt the hom- >teed on which dames T.i.k dwelt at the tinii- of hi- dex'ace hovndcd on the Kasterly >ide of the i:real river in a lirook of ^1 riv«'r more a jteace of medow at a place conmionly known l»y the name of Txare medow with tifteen acers of upland adjoynin-. [179.] Mendon february the 1 2'" 1722^ Then Laid out for Thomas Thayer Jnr five acres of his fathers Seventh Devision Joyning to the West Side of his other Land Neare his House Begining at a heap of Stons on Sd Land then Runing Southerly Partly on (Jonmion and Partly on Benjamin Darlings Land Twelve Rod to a heap of Stons Then South 22 degrs East Partly on Common and Partly Seth Aldrichs Land one hundred and fifty Rod to his other Land Bounded on Sd Land to the first Bounds a three Cornerd Peice of Land Contain- ing P^leven acres Six acres a Lowed for a Road of three Rod wide and Bad Land Laid out By Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich & James Keith Committee Mendon fel>ruary y^ 12"\ 17223. Then Laid out for Thomas Jun'' four acres of his fathers Seventh Devision Joyning to the Weasterly Side of his other 254 I'llol'lIIKToKs' UKCOKDS. L.-iinl ncLiiiiini: ;il a iii:i|tlc iii.iikcd ItfiiiLi lii^ rDiiiicr NOrwot ('..iiuT and llriij.-miin I Jarliii- Si.iil li \\'r>l ('..iii.T. llicii \Vc>1 lO (li'iT'" Soiilli (.11 S<1 D.iirm- rwciily Two W.xl 1(. a licap of Sloiis Hciiiir S(l l>arliii_Lrs Sonlh W'ol ( '..nicr. IIkmi South Ki •Ic-'^^ l-:as| on ('oiiiiiion to Ills other liaiid, then Soiithcrlv aiui l-la>tri'ly on S(l Land lo \\\r liisl lionn<> rod .-dowed for had land — the sMine day laid ovt for said thayer S .-leers of sd Kinhtli divi- sion laid neai- llateses farm l>e;LiiMin2- at a heap of stons lieini!' the norwest corner thence i\ nini:- sovlh 'J") dur" Last .>() lod to a h.-:ip of stons i)eino- the sovthwest corner then Last 2:> di:i- 1»» lod to a Mack oak tree inarkt Ix-iiii:- the sovtheast corner then north L"> dirr" Last l)(I rod lo a heap of stons lieini:: <''»' northeast i-orner then west 25 ih^v" sovth ()4 rod ))art on conmion and part on P.enony r.ensoiis land to the tirst Im.vikU the whole |(»acer< mikI 1;;<; rod 2 acers and l.'.C r..d alowed for l.ad land — the same day laid ovt for sd thayer !• acers ninth division of lan rod the sovthwest coi-nei" heinir <*i heap of stons thence rviiiiii: Last 2:. iniitlie s,.vtli- east corner then north 2:> d-r^ west CO rod to a I. lack oak >land inarkt l.eini:- the northeast corner then we>t 2'. diri" sovth .'.2 rod part on common and part on Iteiioiiy lieii-on-^ land to \u^ father- jan.l the whole l.einv- 12 acers;; acer> alowed loil.ad land laid o\t li\ Thnma> w hite -\ r\ ayer jacol. aldrich and lieiiiaiiiiii dailiiii:- ( hain men MKNDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 255 Nathan tiler [180.] iVIay y" 17*" : 172(5 laid ovt for Nathan tiler forty acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriaters of Mendon and is laid ovt joyning to his other land at the great River near ye shin- ing Rocks begining at y'' northeast corner of his other hind thenc rvning East 25 dgr^ north twenty Rod to a heap of stons Being the northeast corner then Rvning sovth 35 dgr'' East one hvndred Rod to a heap of stons on a rock being a corner then Rvning East 15 dgr'* north twelve Rod to a heap of stons Ijeing a corner then East 15 dgr** sovth seventy four Rod to a pine tree niarkt on shining Rock being y*" southeast corner then sovth 35 dgr' west one hvndred an forty Rod to his other land a black oak tree markt near sd land then bovnded west on sd Umd two hvndred and forty Rod to the tirst Bovnds the whole containing twenty three acers Eight acers alowed for bad hind and a three Rod way through sd land the Remainder of sd forty acers being twenty live acers is hiid on the w^est side the River and is bovnded East on his other land one hvndred and sixty Rod and is Bovnded north on the land of alexander Plvnily seventy six Rod to a white oak tree niarkt near the norwest corner thence rvning sovth 34 dgr' East one hvndred and sixty Rod to a heap of stons Being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning East 25 dgr' north sixty Rod to his other land : — it being a Broken peace of land containing sixty five acers forty acers alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and seth chapin Com**'^ May y*" 23 : 172S laid ovt for nathan Tiler twenty two acers of land viz : twenty acers which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon & two acers of seventh division which he pvrchased of Robert Evens laid together joyning to his medow at the vper end of the lower north medow liegining at a heap of stons on the East side the River lieing the northeast corner thence Rvning west 14 dgr'' north seventy rod to a heap of stons being the : norwest corner then sovth 14 dgr^ west seventy two rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 14 dgr'' syvth seventy to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 14 dgr' East .>(> IMIOlM.'IKroilS- KKCOKDS. >('\ciitv 1\V(. rod 1(. the lir>l I.cvikIs \\\v wli tliiitv llircc Mtcrs of incilow in sti ImikI ;iih1 1 wo iIiicc rod \v;iys lliro\i^li sd l:iiid .•iiid Icid liilid : l;iid o\ I \\\ 'riiolii;i- wliitc >\ r\:i\rr c'lii' x-tli »li:i|iiii .s: J:m(.I» :ildri(li coimnil trr ii.-itliMii lilci- D.isid TmII [181.] Jviu- V'- 4"': ITl'.s ImLI ovt lor nalli.-in lil.T .i-lit -Am^ ofl.-llid tliMt li(> |)M-cli:is(>(l of his r>|-otli(-r joliii tiler whi.'li l:iiid he pvrcliascd of sclli :ddii(li wliicli hind w.-is in lew of l.iiid iMkcii fidiii ->d nldiicli 1)V providciu'c claims : mow laid joyMiiii:- 1<» lii> other land near the noi-tli nicdow iK'uinini:- alt a heap of ston> l.cini!- the Morwcst coiiici-: and is l.o\ ndcd noitli on >d land lifly Kod t(. the sovthcast corner of sd land thence iv\ nin-- sovth 1 .'. dur'' west to the al)ovesd niedow then on sd incijow to another peace ol" his land and then is hovnded sovlh on >d land Kii:htecn K
      tirst l»o\ nds it Iteinij- a hioaken peace of land (•(Hitaininu- Kleven acers and one h\ ndred Uod : 1 hree acer> and 100 rod alowcd for had land and a private way with ;iates or r>ais to u'o to the niedow : laid o\t V>\ 'i'honia-- white -n rvayer seth chapin and Jacol) aldrich. connniltee jvne y IC."': ITi'Il laid ovt for nathan tiler j-'deven acers Ki-hth division <.f land lai.l ..vt on the Ka-t >i.le of tiie mill K'iver ani\ly Ixod I.eiiinin- at the s(.\lh«'ast coiner of -d lvocl land tln-nce Kvninj:: sovtli ;"> dL^r- Kast thirty six Hod to a heap of stone- heini^ the sovtiieast corner then west f) dor" sovth >i\ty K'od to a heap ofstons heini; the sovtinvest corner then north ."> dirr' west thirty six Rod to a heap of stoiis at sd Ki.ckits line I.eiiiij; lh<" norwest eorner the wli(de containing;- thirteen acers and an half two a«-ers and half alowed for had land laid ovt \\\ 'I'll. .ma- white m rvayer daeoh aldrich and nathan tiler chain men DesemI.er y" i<;'" : IT-JH laid o\ I for nathan tiler fo\ r acer- and half Kii^-hth division ol lanvninij t.> hi- nie.|..u at th.' MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 257 vper north medow begining at a wliitc oak tree marked near the sovthwcst corner of sd medow thence Rvnhig west fvU point thirty two Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north fvll point fifty six Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East thirty Rod to a bUik oak tree marked near sd uio(h)\v then bovnded East on sd medow fifty six rod to the first bovnds it )>eing a broaken peace of hind containing seven acers and half three acers and half alowed for bad land and a two Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrva^er Jacob aldrich and nathan Tiler Chain men March the 10'". 1747/8 Laid out for David Taft half an acre of his Eleuenth Division of land Joyning to his medow that he liought of John Eish that Lyeth on y® brook that Runs oat of the south Ceeder swamp and is bounded Easterly on his own Land bounded norwesterly on the Brook Southwesterly on the medow of John Eish Jun"" Southerly on the Land of Benjamin Craging — Laid out by AYilliam Torrey Sury"^ Samuel Read Chain man John Sprage [182.] John Bartletts Twenty Acre house Lott With all the Rights and Priuiledges there unto beLonging Exept one Acre of Medow and the swamp Lott Now John sprages as Apjiears J)y A deed of Sale baring date , And by sd John sprags Last will bequethed the one moiety or half of it to his Yungest son El)en- czer. sprage : the other Moiety or half of it to his Daughters The house Lott being Twenty Acres was Laid out upon the Weast side of the Mill Riuer A litle al)oue the Mill and is bounded East- erly by A line of Marked Trees a litle distance from the mill Pond Northerly upon A line of Marked Trees upon the Towns ( 'omon : Weasterly upon Comon In Part and Partly upon A way Leading from the Town to the mill : Southerlv upon Comon with A line of Marked Trees : Laid out 1670 by Joseph white The Dubling Lott or second Deuission Ijeing Twenty Acres Laid out on the East side of the Mill Plaine liounded Weasterly 2ryS rnoriiirroiis' uk(()|{|)s. r.-iilly ii|)()ii A siiimN' K'liii (.r \\:il( r tli.il is on tlir I^iist side df thr mill IM:iin<' mikI r.-nllv on tiic I.mihI L:ii<1 lM:iiiir lor -lohii Jc|.-ioii of linii.-iiiiii Wli.lo.k : soiitlicily on M line of marked Trees: on ("onion tlirew A sinal S\v:imi» I-'"^t«'i"lv mxtn ( 'omoii ii|)laii Hiuer:] Another Pai't of it Lyiuir In the hare Mcdow : l»oiiiidc<| southerly jtart iipon -^\\allllt and Par on John Sl'iaiics niedow : s(. Koniid w itli upland Another Tart of it I.y in-- upon second lirid- Hiuer: ahoiic the way that Uose to hare medow upstreaiue upon the I'^ast side: ltouu(h'd up(m Samuel I lay wards Medow : u})on th»' W'east side : to A jioint of u|)laud : and so up the Huu to Sam" llaywards medow : hounded ujjstreame and Down sti-eame with Swamp Anothei- Halt of sd niedow: Lyiiii:- ujioii the Ncutli side of A swamp the water Huniiii:- Into second Hiuer: houucU'd : uixm the North sid With upland : Another Part of sd Medow r.yino- uju)!! the sanu" sid of second hridi"- Hiuer (Ui the \\'^oast sid of sd Hiiu'r al)()ue Sam" IIay«'rds tirst Deuission of inedow hounded u])s1reame With Swamp and downe stream with swamp Another part of sd me medow east oil \ i>laiid west on swamp J<.hn SPra-v Sam" Head [1S3.] The Deiii^sinii or iireat Lott h.-iiii: Linhty Acres tin- one nioity or half of it Laid out upon the |-:a-t -id<- of the i^real MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 259 Riuer Laid In a hook of the sd Riucr : a litle upstreame from the falls bounded south and Weast by the Riuer : the East Line Con- taining one hundred Rods the North Line marked l)y A line of Trees : two black oaks one White oak : the side Line : Line marked with Trees : two White oaks and A tree Nere the midle of the Line : bounded Down streame : upon the Medow of Richerd Arnold l)y A line of Marked trees : two black oaks and one white oak 18 may 1698 by Josiah Chapin janvary the 14: 17181-2^ laid ovt for james bick seven acers of the sixth division of sd lott joyning to his other land on both sids the mill river bovnded west part on his own land })art on ebenezer cooks land the sovthwest corner being a pine tree markt south on sd cooks land sixteen rod to a pine tree markt being the sovth- east corner east on comon seventy one rod to a pine tree markt being the northeast corner north on comon fovrteen rod to the river a white oak tree markt near sd river laid ovt by thomas white Robard evens Jacob aldrich comitee — March y*" 20 : 1711: laid o^ t for James Bick twenty five acers of the fifth division of John Bartlits lott joyning to the third division of sd lott on the east side the great river above John ar- nalds mill bovnded west part on sd land part on John arnals land north on y® land of Jonathan Richardson one hvndred and twenty rod to a pine tree being a corner of sd land then on common fifty six rod to a white oak tree markt l>eing a corner of the land laid ovt to John Sprage then l)ovnded sovth on sd land forty rod : and on land formerly laid ovt to william sprage eighteen rod then bovnded east on sd land one hundred and one rod to the great riA er sovth part on sd river part on John arnals land one hvndred and two rod the whole containing thirty five acers and an half ten acers and an half alowed for bad land and a fovr rod way through sd land and a two rod way by the river cros the sovtheast corner of sd land by thomas white thomas thayer sam" moore committee lidO I'UorinK'ioKs' i!i:("(n;i)S. M.Mvli Ihr 12"' 17H; I.:ii(l (.111 lul- SmiiuicI Kc:irily Recorded the Said piece was Laid out to Stephen iS^ flosliua Leassell cSc Recorded in Paj^e 124 as may appear l>y this Book of Records. W" Torrey Clerk Thomas thayor jun"^ James Bick Kdmojul mors [184.] Mendon March V 14'" IT'iO. then Laid out for James Bick to Bartlets Lott, twenty line acres (vi/.) Ten acres of Sixth Diiiision e^ tifteen acres of y' Seuenth Diuision, -loynini:' to a piece of Medow Laid out to Sd Lott. hereto fore, nere y'" South End of liear hill : heuininir at a white oaU Ti-ee heini:- \N'illiam SpraiTUi's Bounds of his Medow. Runini:- W'e>t lull point (Ui Sd Sprairues Medow seuenty Rod To a Dultle r)Iack oak "^rree mark' heiuir Sd Sprauues norwest (\)rner, and William Ilaywards North- east ( 'ornei'. and .lonathan Thayers South East corner, and his South west then northerly hy Connnon Eii^hty Seuen Rod to a white (.aU Tree Marked : fourteen Rod, from KI.ene/.er Thayers Land, lieini,^ a norwest Corner then East full point hy Connnon Eiirhty Rod, to a heape of Stones l)einij y' North East Corner, then South ful |)oint hy C()mnu)n thirty Rod to a white oak tree Marked hy Sd M»'dow, then hounded on Sd Medow to y' lirst hound-. I\steemed at thirty Six aci'cs, Eleuen aci'cs allowed foi- l*)ad Land and half an acre (»f Swamp ^^'illiam SpraiiiU's. Laid «»ut hy Rohert Euens, Jacoh AUlrich i< -lames Keith Conmiittee Jvne y 17'" : 1 7;'.'> laid ovt for Edmond Mors l;; acers of land : \ i/, : 12 acei-s of Joseph Brvces seventh division and (tne acer of John tiler i\ n'' ninth dixision laid toL''ether joyniuL^ to his othei- land niscohill mu.I i- h.-vuded sovth.-rlv <.n sd land KaMerlv MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 261 and northerly on the land of John tiler sein"" and westerly on the land of Thomas Read the whole containing 16 acers and 9 rod 3 acers and 9 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throyoh ^d land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph Avhite Chain men April y'^ 12'" : 1736 laid ovt for Thomas thayer Jvn' 6 acers and three qvarters tenth division of land laid joyning to his other land near Bateses place begining att a chesnvtt tree being a bovnds of his fathers land thence rvning sovth 40 degr^ East 43 rod to a heap of stons being a sovtherly corner then East 40 dgr" north 10 rod to the sovthwest corner of his other land : and is bovnded northerly part on his fathers land and part on Bennony Bensons land and East on Benjamen darlings land and on all other parts on his own land itt being a broken peace of land lying on one side and one End of his other land containing 8 acers and 40 rod one acer and 80 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white Svrvayer benjamin darling and Thomas thayer jun' chain men april y® first 1738 laid ovt for Thomas thayer jvn' five acres tenth division of land : viz : 3 of his own and 2 of henery Bos- worths laid together Joyning to his other land sovtherly from his liovse and is ])ovnded north and west on sd land sovtherly on the land of Joseph verry 13 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth East : corner thence rvning north 1 2 dgr' Plast 80 rod to a pine tree markt near the northeast corner : the whole being 5 acers and half half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Thomas thaj'er chain men Elienezer Read [185.] Jvne y' 18^'' : 1718 laid ovt for ebenezer Read thirty fovr acers sixth division Joyning to his other land on the east side mvmfords river compasing in twelve acers of land formerly laid ovt bovnded as foloweth the northeast corner being stones on a Rok then rvning west 30 dgr* south seventy rod to blak oak tree markt near oxford rode thence rvning with a direct line forty fovr rod to a heap of stones near mvmfords river below sam" Reads bridge 2()2 ruoi'iMi/roKs- i;i:c()i!i)s. Ilicii Im.\ ndrd \\r>t |.;irl (Hi >i I ii\ (.iIht ImikI (.iic 1iiiii(1i«mI mikI Invr rod Id .1 -mail w liilc «..ik hcc iiiaikl iiraitlir sovtiiwot ((.rii.T thru i\ iiiii;^ iioitli |() (j-r ca-t (mic 1i\ iidird and sixly tu\ r rod l.v a line «.r iiiarki lrrc> In >t..ii.- on a lok Ix'iiiir 111*' so\lli cast conicr fa>tcrl\ on ad land and a lov r lod way ci-os side mviulords rixcr wcsfeily iVoiii his hoN se coinpasini:- in a peace of" swamp he halli on a ion ivimini;' into samlt Iveads plain hovnded as I'olowelh the sovlheasi eofnef heini: a while oak tree maikl then r\ iiini:- \\<'-o\tliwest corner then i\nini: iioilli ."•(» dtir \\ c-l to a white oak tree marked l)eini; the norwest corner thence north 11 dirr" east twenty sm-en rod to a eliesnnt tree niarkt beinira corner then on common thirty live rod with a direct line to the iioilliea>l coi-ner of his olher land then on common with a direct line eii:lilecn rod to a heap of stones thence rvniiii:- south .lo di:i" east twenty two rod to the sovth east corner the whole conlainiiiij: tit"toon aeers and half and twenty fovr rod one accr and half and twenty fo\ I- rod alowed for had land l»y ihoinas white thomas thayer jacoh aldri<-h committee jvne y 1:1"': 1 TIN laid (.vt for l-:iteiit |.art on a pond part on his other land sixty rod then ivniiii: from the norwest corner of lii-< other land we>t 1 i\'j:r north fifty eiLdit rod to a heap of stones lieini: the norwest corner then sonth 1 (Ilh-' west sixty rod to a heap of stones l)ein«r the sovthwest corner then ea>l 1 d;:)-^ south to the p(.nd a Mak oak tree niarkt near the pond : the whole conlainiiii:- t\\»nty one aeers and three: <|\arters: two aeers and three (|\art«'rs alowed for I'ad land and a <-oniei- of the pond: l>y tlioiiia> white thomas thaser : .lac(»l» aldrich committi'c MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 263 Ebenezer Read [186.] September j« : 29'" : 1710 laid ovt for Ebenezer Read : thirty acers of angel torys sixth division bovnded as foloweth the sovtheast corner beino- a blak oak tree marked thence rvning north 22 dgr' west eighty rod to a ))lak oak tree marked being the north- east corner then west 22 dgr^ sovth sixty six rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then sovth 22 dgr^ East eighty rod to a heap of stones being the sovth west corner then east 22 dgr* north sixty six rod to the sovtheast corner the whole con- taining thirty three acers three acers alowed for bad land by thomas white Robard taft Jacob aldrich committe September y® 29'" : 1719 laid ovt for Elienezer Read six acers of jabish belowses fifth division on the sovth side y' sovth rode westward from his hovse the norwest corner being a white oak tree marked thence rvning sovth 25 dgr* east forty rod to a stake being the sovthwest corner then east 25 dgr^' north 24 rod to a stake l)eing the northeast corner then west 25 dgr' sovth twenty fovr rod to the : norwest corner laid ovt by thomas white Robard taft Jacob aldrich committee. febvary y'' 29'": 1719^il laid ovt for Ebenezer Read thirty fovr acers seventh division of land joyning to his niedow at shokcolog att the north side sd medow bovnded westerly on Robard tafts land twenty rod to a white oak tree l)eing a corner of sd tafts land then rvning north 20 dgi^ west eighty rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then east 20 dgr' north eighty one rod to a white oak stand being the sovtheast corner then south 20 dgr' east sixty eight rod to a blak oak tree being the sovthwest corner then west 20 dgrs sovth to his medow then sd medow to sd tafts land so : on sd land to the first bovnds the whole estemed at thirty seven acers and half three acers and half alowed for bad land by Rol)ard Evens Jacob aldrich thomas white committee Mendon Aprill y*' first Seventeen hundred & 23 Then Laid out for Eljcnezer Read Two acres of Ccader Swamp 2r,i n;<>i"i;ii;r(>i;s- iir.cdiiDS. Mild li.ill uiir :n It r 111' Siiiioii rc(k> ( 'cMiltr S\\,iiii|i. .iml live ;icrf> ol" Land on llic S.miiIi of Sd S\\:nii|). I'.cuciiiiiL^ at a licap of >t.iii> (.11 the S.Mitli \\(-t >i.lc of Said Swaiiij) Ixiiiiiiiir North \']:\>\, lull point l»v ("oiiinion on ii|iland. twenty two Kod aiit l.y Coiiiiiion l^iihteeii IJod in said S\\ aiiip and Twenty two roti on I'l.laiid to heap of >toii> heiiii: a l"!a>t Corner then l^iiniiii:- S(.iith We>t l.y ('(.iiiiikmi forty lv..d to a heap (.f St(.n> Heinu- (lie South Corner then Ndrlh West l.y Coiiiiiioii loity K*(.d to the lirsl Bounds the \\Jio|e i-ontainiiii; ten aeic-, ti\(> aero ah. wed two acres and three .niarteis (.f Ceach-r Swamp and l.a.l land. Laid out l.y K(.l.ert Kveiis Jucol. Aldiieh Coiiiniittee I'J.eiiezer Koad [187.] Meiidoii May the ■>:', ITiM : Laid (.nt for Ll.eii.v.er Kea.l Six JU'ivs and iMiihty I-iod live aeres of his own seventh Devision and one aoro and Kiiihty Kod formerly Laid out under a mistaUe on the North si(h' of Mnmlords l\i\-er upon Simon Peeks Land Joynini:- to his (.ther Land S..utli West of his Ih.iix- Lc.tt I'.e-in- iii-- at a West C(.riier (.f said Land Iviinini:- S(.iitli West on Com- mon ',\2 Kod to a heap of Stons heini:: !i West Corner Ihi'ii South Kast forty Kod on Common to a heap of stones hciiiir a South C<.iner then North Kast (.n CoiimK.n 'I'hirty two Kod to -d Land then to the tirst Rounds f(.rly \uu\ Coiitaiiiiiii: l':ii:lit aeie> (.ne acre and Ki-hfy Kod a Lowed f(.r I'.ad Land Lail ..n C<.iniiion thirty KN.d to a heap (.f >tons lieiiiLT ii Nor West Corner, then South on Common Twenty Kod to a heap <.f stt.ns Beinir South West Corner tln'n Kast on Common forty Kod to Sd Land Conlaiiiiiii:- loin- aeres and sixty Kod, -ixty Kod a lowed tor Bad Land Laid out hy Kohert Kvens ,laeol> Ald- rieh ( 'omniittee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 265 Mendon May y*^ 23 1721 Laid out for Ebenezer Read sixteen acres James Keiths Seventh Division Northerly of Wechiisesuck Hill Joyning to the North side of his other Land Begining at the Nor East Corner of Sd Land Runing North 22 dg*^' West on Common forty seven Rod to a heap of Stons then West 22 dg'^ South on Common to a heap of Stons on the Town Line. Eighty Rod. then South 22 deg'"' East on Common to a heap of Stons at the Root of a tree forty Seven Rod then East 22 deg'"' North Partly on Common and partly Said Land to the first Bounds Eighty Rod Containing Twenty Three acres and Eighty Rod, Seven acres and Eighty Rod alowed for Bad Land Laid out by, Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Committee Mendon May the 23 1721 Laid out for E))enezer Read nine acres of Seventh Division on the South Side of hoop poll hill Brook Joyningto the South side of Joseph Chapins Land Begen- ing at a Great White Oake being sd Chapins West Corner then Runing West 8 deg''^ North on Common fifty Rod to a heap of stons being a Nor West Corner then South (> degres West on Common thirty rod to a heap of Stons Being n South West Corner, then East 8 deg'* south on ('ommon Eighty Rod to Sd Chapins Land then on Sd Land to the first bounds Containing 10 acres & 150 rod one acre & 150 rod alowed for bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich Commitee Simon Peck [188.] Grigery Coks Lott Now Simon Pecks with all the Rights and Priuiliges of A forty Acre lott as Appears by A deed of Sale baring Date sixteen Hundred and seuenty And the one Moiety or half of sd Lott sold by sd Peck With all the Rights and privilidges ther to belonging unto Georg Sumner as Appears by A deed of Sale baring Date the Twenty third of INlay : sixteen hundred Eighty and two : and Acknowledged before William Stoughton Esquire the Day and Year aboue. The other Moiety or half of sd Lott with all the Priuilidges tlierto belonging be- quethed by sd Peck unto his two sons ^lohn and P4)hraim Peck In his Last Will The House Lott belongin<>- unto sd Pecks is bounded L»()(l I'HOI'KIK'IOHS- Ki:C()KI)S. :i> lulldwcth Sdiillinly ii|)(>ii tlh- I.mikI ..f S.iiimrl Moiv \\r:i->tril v ii|)(>ii A Ircii IumI liN \v:i\ N(.illi(ily U|»mi llir L.mikI (.I( itM.iii SiiiiiiMT |-:;i-l.ll\ |.;irlly il|...ii lli.' Ii..ii>r Lnll d" -luliii l.ii<|-c> and r.iilly iil...iillir Land ..!• liou.M' L(.lt (.rSainiicl Kcad and I'arlly upun \\\v liuiix' Loll (.rd.»cpli IMiindv : Laid <.iil IS of Noiiciii'" IC-SC, l.y Joial. Cliapin TIh' Dul.liiii: Loll or second l)«Mii>si(.n of Land l.don-inL^ lo tlir AlM)m-sl llir I )\\ clini:- lionx- l»oniiilcd l^aslci-Iy upon sd Irn l\od way : NoiIIh riy upon llic Land ol" (Jcori; SuniMci- W'caslcrly upon swamp with a line of marked trees III the swamp: Soulliei'ly upon ("omon Land: Nouemher IS KJSd by riosiali ( 'liapin The Kemaindcroi" >d DuLlinu' L(.ll : Laid oul In llic mill Plaine : hounded Norllierly upcm llie Land of ,I(.>epli While \Vcasl<-ily upon Ihe mill Pond Soulhcrly upon the Land of -lohn Jepson Kasterly upon Ihe Iwo Koy ,I(tnalhan Spia_ir«' ^7 .Inne: ICiT;'): The (ireal Lolt or Third Denission of upland l.clon-in- lo ihe Al.ouesl side of Mumford Kiuer houiKhnl A\'easleily upon >d Kiuer oidy all Ihe South Corner : l»y A line of maiUe.l I ices on llic l.row of an hill on Sannnd I\(>ads Land A great \\'hite oake on the Ldg of the hill Against sd Read Land and Swamp then Turning an Ivisl and WeasI Line four sere Rods wil li A Ma.k oake al 1 the l-:a>l Corner: Then turning a north and Soiilli Line In Compar- ing A Itrushy Swamp: (»ne hundred and sixty Rod: Markt Ity A Line (.f Trees A Walnut all the \orlh Cornel- then Turning an f:a>l and Wca-I Line: I le lo the Riiier the llire La>l Line- hounded Round with Conion Land Laid out the Tweiily second of Aprill Kill] hy do>iali Chapin The fourth l)euissi(.n ..f Land helonging lo xl Loll and ihe second Denission of nicdow is Sold and Recorded lo Sam" Read the tirst division of iifedow Helonging to the ahove sd lott laid out upon a Rvn that Rvns into the north s(>(h'r swamp: Houndcil lip stream \vith a marked tree the west corner r>oundcd upon MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 26"? hope Tilers medow : and so Round with vpland the whole Being thirteen acers and a qvarter more or less the second division of medow l^elonging to the above sd lott laid ovt in the great medow and is bvtted and bovnded as tbllo^veth sovtherly vpon the medow of P^phraim perce and northerly upon the medow of John dike East and west vpon vpland : containing fovr acers more or less, John Peck [189.] June 2H : 1707 Laid out for John Peck the Whole of his fifth deuission of Land and Twelue Acres and half of John Sprags Daughters that I)elonged to his daughters on the south East Corner Magomisco : hill bounded Southerly Part on the Land of Nathanell Morses Land and Part on Common sixty three Rod the south East Corner Ijeing A stake and stones : the south West Corner being A black oake tree markt W^est on Common one hundred and twenty Rod to A white oake tree l)eing the nor- west Corner Northerly on Comon : forty Eight Rod : to A wal- nut tree : l)eing : the Northeast Corner Elasterly Part on Seth Cha})ins Land Part on James Louetts Land Part on Comon. two hundred Twenty and six Rod : to the South East Corner the Whole Containing : Eighty four Acres : three Acres and half Alowance by Thomas White John Darling and Josiah Thayer Comite Janvary y*" 26*^ : 172(3-^- the swamp lott belonging to sd pecks forty acer lott laid ovt joyning to the second division of land and is Bovnded sovtherly on sd land forty four rod northerly on the land of captain seth chapin forty tow rod westerly part on land in the posesion of Ebenezer wood and part on comon 40 rod to a white oak tree markt being y*^ sovthwest corner and on the scool medow and part on comon twenty seven Rod to the second di- vision of land : laid ovt l)y Thomas white survayer Janvary y'^ 12"': 171(> (ll,'I- >u\lli InllV l-;i-lll I(m1 In .1 wllilf u;ik lire liiMlkl ]h'\\\<^ llic M<»l\\('s| corii.T tlini ><)\lli ;;o .1-1- |•::l■^l Iwnilv luxl to :\ piiir lire iiiMikl l.riiii: tlif x.vlliwfst ((.rii.T: llicii l';:i>l ilitdiir' imrlli hi ihc iiiirwol corner ol' >;iiii\ (I iikkh's Ikivsc lotl then on sd ni»M»i-s l:ini\lh division and I'O aeeis sev.nlh division laid joynini: I" lii- other hind lieiiininir near his ho\ > an•) d'j:v^ Kast till if conis to the rode leadin- to the mill then l.y sd ro(le to a ureal rock willi slons upon it (12 rod then avcsI 2.'t din-^ so\lli to the first liovnds the whole containinu' 17 acers 7 acers and SO lod alowed for had land laid ovt l.y Kol.ert Kvens TlK.nias white and jac(.l. aldrich Khene/er Kead [VM).] March the l'.'.' 17llt^-'i Then Laid out foi- Kl.eiie/cr Head loiiy four acres ;'.:i acri's (.(■ hisSe\cnth I)e\i>ionand five acres of F.and Laid out Tnder a .Mistake on Lan.l that wa- laid out to M' Taft Sd Land Laid out on Shocki.lloii" Tlain .loyninir to the \\'e>t Side (.f his othor Land Bcirinini: at a Heap (.f Stons heiuL^ a Norwest Corner of his former Land then on Sd Land one hundred and Sixty U'od t.. a While Oake Marke.l then North 7 deues west on ( 'onunon Sixty Ki.d to a heap of Stons r.ein- a Noith l':a>t ( 'ornei- then West 7 de-" South i'artly on (■(•nu and Tartly on his Medow one hun.lred aii.l Sixty K'od to Soh.nion Woods Land, then on Sd W<.(.ds thirty and Six iiod to the first liounds Containinir forty l^ii:hf acres four acre's aLowcd f(.r Had Land Lai dacol. Aldrich 'Ph. .mas White Conunite MEN DON, MASSACHUSETTS. 269 Jvne j" 13^'' 172G laid ovt iov Ebonezer Read forty accrs of land wliicli he pvrchased of the in-opriators of inendon and is laid ovt joyning to his other land near hoopole hill begining att an heap of stons on the East side sd land thence Rvning East 22 deg""^ north thirty five Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner : then sovth 22 deg'"^ East one hvndred and seven Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 22 dgr** sovth ELighty two Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 22 dgi-^ west Eighty Rod to his other land to a heap of stons near the norwest corner : it l)eing a broken [)eace of land lying part on one side and one End of his other land containing forty six acers & 150 rod six acers and 150 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer janies Keith and Jacob aldrich committee jvne y^ 13"' : 172(5 laid ovt for El)enezer Read three acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of the town of mendon laid joyning to his other land : a little westward from his hovse Bovnded west on sd land forty Rod the whole Breadth of sd land and is : fovrteen : Rod in breadth the sovtheast and northeast corners l)eing heaps of stons : the whole containing three acers and half: half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer james Keith and Jacob aldrich committee agvst y'^ 22'^: 1728 laid ovt for Ebenezer Read ten acers of John Bridges seventh division of land laid ovt on the west side the great River near chesnvtt plain begining at a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning sovth 10 dgr^ west forty rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 10 dgr^ north fifty rod to a heap of stons l)eing y'' sovthwest corner then north 10 dgr^ East forty rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 10 dgrs sovth fifty rod to the first bovnds the whole containing twelve acers and half two acers and half alowed for liad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James Jveith and Jacob aldrich committee Ebenezer Read [191.] Desember y'' : 3'': 1729 laid ovt for Ebenezer Read ten acers of John holbrooks Eighth division and is laid joyning to his other land at shokcolog and is bovnded westerly on a three 270 I'Koi'KiirroKs' iii.coijds. IumI w.iv Ihirly liv«' iiul tVom lii> (.tlitT l.iiid to a licap of >loii-^ Id'iiii:- llic iiorwcsl coriHT llifiicc Ivsniiii: I'i.-ot I wo di^r^ son lli forly fovr Hod to a \\lnl<- oak lice ImIum il,,. ii,.illica>t coiiirr llicii sovth IS dn-r Kast Kiiilitv lovr Ivod lo a lic:i|) of stoii> l.ciii- llic sovllicast corner tlirn wcsl IS dirr^sovlli 10 l\od to hi> oilier land il heiiii; a Itroakeii peaee of land lyinn' on one side an land thence K\iiing I^asl IS dgi-" north lifty live Kod to a heap of stons at a three Kod way then l{\ning norwest f\ 11 point sixty Ko<| to a heap of stons I.eing the ii..rth cornel- then w est IS dgr^ sovth I'jght Ko.l to his other laiKJ then l.oviided w.sl on sd land to the liisl Im.mhIs the whole containing l-:ie\<'n aeers and half and twenty K'o.l one acer and sixteen Kod alowed foi- l.a.l land laid o\ t liy Thoiiia- white svrvayei' .iohn farm in and jacoli aldrich chain men saniNcI thayer solomon wood sojonion wood )\n^ [1!»*2. I april y C"' : 1 Ti'.S laid ovt foi- -ainvel thayer 1 1' aeers and half 10"' divi-ion of lan.l laieing the sovth west corner and is l)ovnded : sovtherly part on said land and part on the land of charls sherelock to the first bovnds l)eing a heap of stons at sd thayers land it being a Ijroaken three cornered peace of land containing 22 acers : 2 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and samiiel thayer chain men may y'' 26*^'' : 1739 laid ovt for solomon wood 9 acers of land : viz : 7 acers of his tenth division and 2 acers of Ezekel woods land laid together joyning to his other land near shokcolog and is bovnded westerl}^ and sovtherly on the land of benjamen taft northerly on his own land Easterl}^ on a small brook of water it being a broaken peace of land containing 10 acers and three qvarters one acer and three qvarters alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Ezekel wood chain men april y*" 6"' : 1 738 laid ovt for solomon wood Jvn'' 4 acers and half tenth division laid Joyning to his other land near Benjamen archers land and is bovnded East on sd land sovth on his own land west and north on daniel tafts land the whole being 5 acers half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vaj^er Joseph taft and solomon wood chain men March the first 1756 Remeasnred and Surueyed 18 acres of Land being Eight Division to Sam" Thayer & Eleazar Taft nine acres to Each Laid together in the South woods it being Land LirJ i'ii()iM:ii:'r()i;s' iiiicoitDs. Ihal u:.^ I.iii.l .>iit ti. Williiim I5..V.1 .liiiir tlir .'.u"' 17;'. Sai.l 'l"li;iv»'r> .SL S.ii.l 'r.ifls l;iulil> Mild Krcuid.d lo tli.- S.iid \U>y\ :i> iii;iy :ii»|.c.ir l.y Im-coicI in pMuc ">i'-^ mikI lul iinicd the KImIiIs (.f tlu' i>i-ciMis('s to (lie S;iid TliMyci- i<: 'r.-ilt :ii:;iiii :is ni.-iy ;i|>|)c;ir Nv Said lu'cord the whole of Said Land l»«'inir 21 acres iS^ half (lii-ec acres and half all<.\ve.l lor l.ad Ueads land seventy three Kod to the \(.itheast corner of sd L'cads land then west two di^r" north l.y sd Ixeads land forty fovr l{(.d to a three Rod way then settinLr of sovth l»y sd way live Kod to a heap of st(.ns and so l.o\n(h'd (.n sd Keads land twenty F/iiihl Kod t(. a heap of st(.ns l.einii Ihe sc.vlhwesl c(.rner then tvrnin- north S do-i- K:,st Liiiht h'od t.. Iii> own lan.l : l.ovn.led (.n all other parts on his own land a l.roaken peace of lani\ acers: and twelve K<.d alowcd lor had land and a three K<.d way throv-h >.l Ian. I laid ovl by 'i'homas white -v r\ ayer John farn\ in and jacl. ahlrich Chain men jvney' -2 1"': 1 T.'.O laid ..\ I lor s(.|..nion wood -e\ of William haywar othei' land near slK.kcoh.-- l.e-iniii- at a s<.\tliwesl corner (.f -d land thence lv\ niiii:- in.rwest f\ II point jtart l.y LI.ene/.er Kead> land and part on ((.iniiK.n. lorly fo\ r rod loaheap of -ton- I.einn the sovthwot .(.iiier then north lo d«rr~ lOast fort \ rod to a heap (.f -ton- I.ein- the iiorwe-l corner then I'.a-t 1(ll;m(l Sniithcily upon <\v:iiiii) I-^Mslcily upon till' scool Mt'dow Norllicrly upon ii|)l:iiii| llif whole liriiiL: two Acres L:ii(l out l.y Joseph While The seeoixl .iikI ihiid Deiiissioiis of iipl:in*l L:ii(l out upon ihe \Ve:isl hill Containing one llundici Aeics tilty Aeivs of il I.ai.l on the s..uth Kn.l of Ihe hill A-Min>t .loiah 'I'oiiys Me.h.w thi.l lyelh on the Wea>l Kiuer the Weast Line of sd lifly Aeiv- l{nn> Upon the hrink of the second hill: from sd Weast Kinei- the Noilh Wi'asl Corner marked with A white oake the south Wea-I Cornel- With A Mack oake: that Liiu' Containim: Ki-hly lio.U : the sonlh si(h' with A line of marked 'I'rees : on the ( 'onion : that Line ConlainiiiL: «»ue huiuhed and 'i\venly Rods: A \\'alniit Tree: Marked alt the s..iitji Kast Corner Die Kaslerly Line: on Rocky CoMKui: l.y A line ..f Ahirke.l trees: Kiohty Ifo.U : the Northerly side Containin;^- : Kiiihty Rods l.y a line of marked upon Comon lifty Acres nu.re of sd Hundred Acres Laid on the same hill : att A litle I)islance Northward l.oiinded as followelh : the souther- most ("(.riier: ConlainiiiL:- (.ne hiindred and twenty lour lu.ds on Comoii : marked on trees: A Smal hiirch att the I'ine swamp and two smal hiack ouks att the south weast Corner the Weast Line (.11 the brow of tiu^ hill Containinir ^^ixty six Rods: with two nial Mack oak.' att lli.' north Ka-t ("oilier: that line Containini:- Sixty six Rods : :ni(l then tiirnini: with a strait Line: oner the hill to the North Weast C..rnei Laid out the tenth <.f May IClt,".. l.y d..siah Chapin The Ministrys swamp L(.ll : I .s^ ;'. deiiissii.ns [lJ>r>.] 'I'he swamp L(.tl and twenty A.re-^ <.f the foiirlh |)<-uission of the Ministrys L<.tt Laid 011 l.oth sid> of the >cool hrook hounded southerly on the iiiiiii>tiys Medow Lasli'riy upon Joseph Rluuilys Land sixty liod to A while oake tree Marked Nerc the Ciinlrv i»«.ad Noil herU <.n C(.ni<.n -ixt \ -i\ iv..d : to A MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 275 White oak Tree Marked : Neer the bridg ouer scool brook, Weawterly Part on Samuel Reads swamp on the Weast side of sd Road : In part and partly on Comon Crosing sd brook att the Lower end of sd swamp with A line of Marked Trees to A white oake stand being A Corner then with A dirict Line To A Maple tree marked att the edg of the swamp : so with A dirict Line to the Weast End of the Aboue sd Medow : Laid out December 19 : 1712 By Thomas White John Tyler & Samuel Read J' Comitte Twenty Acres of the fourth deuission l)elonging to the foresd Lott and the lift Deuission Containing one Hundred and 20 Acres Laid out to gether on Chesnut Plain on the Weast side of Mum- ford Riuer Att the Towne Line by the Cuntry Road to Wood- stock bounded Southerly on sd Road one hundred and twenty Rodd the south East and south Weast Corners l)eing Rocks With Stons upon them bounded Weasterly on the Towne Line on hun- dred and sixty Rodd to A White oake stand : and heap of stons l)eing the North AVeast Corner North on Comon : one Hundred and Twenty Rods to A white oak tree being the North East Corner East on Comon one hundred and sixty Rods to the south East Corner Laid out the 18*'' of Deceml)er 1712 — by Thomas White John Tyler and Samuel Read Jn. Comitte Mendon June the 18"' 1722 Laid out for the ministr}^ Lott Seventy : Eight acres of y*^ Sixth Devision and five acers of the Seuenth Division Laid on The West Hill & Compaseth one hundred acres of the Third Division of Sd Lott formerly Laid out, and is Bounded Northerly on the Country Road, Thirty Rt)d, Easterly on the Land and Medow Bottom be Longing to the heirs of Roger Corrary Deseased Southerl}^ Part on Josiah Chapins Land. Part on Daniell Hills Land Part on Rol)ert Tafts Land. Part on Edmund Rawsons Land, part on Jethro Coffins Land to the Road Leading over the West River By Rutters then one Sd Road Thirty six Rod thence Runing north full point one hundred & Twenty nine Rod, To Land formerly Joseph Chapins so on Sd Land to the Country Road. V'' whole containino- Bv Estimation. Besids the Third Divi- L'7<) I'Koi'Kii/i'oKs' i;i:('()i!i)s. sidiu oiir limiilrrd X 'rwcnl y nine Mcrrs, loity >i\ ;icrc> ;i Lowed lor I'.M.l LmikI, mikI :i l'ri\:i1c \\':iy Cross |.:ill ol" S(t LmikI to llic liir.|o\v< oil IIm- WoI L'ivcr I.:ii Alldii.h Coiiiinl.- Sniiitt Kcn.l iiiiiu'slry liiiid [im;.] ,l:mvMry y 1 ."."' : ITl'l'-' l:iid ovi for Hi.- miiioliy loll sixty JU'crs scvciilli di\isioii on llio wcsl side llic irrcil Kivci- iic:ir josoj.li laris land and is T.ox iid.-d iioilhcily pail on sd lalN land and part on John tarnvnis land and )>arl (»n tonioii one In ndrid and Icii l\od KvniniT norwcsl .S d^r^ \v«'sl to a iicap ofslons hciiiir llic iiorwi'sl coi-iMM- llicn sovllicasl S dor" Kasl one iiNiidrcd and Iwcniy Rod to an lica)) of sloiis hcino th," sovlliwcsl corner llicii Norlhcasl S <|ui- noilli one li\ iidivd and Iwmly IJod to a i:ray oak tree niarkl Im'Jiii:- IIk' so\tlica>l coiiicr. then noitliea-1 S d<.|- north to Heiijainen lal'ls land lln-n pari on sd land pari on eoinon to : Joseph lafls land the wliole conlainiiiii- sevenly acers ten aeers alowed foi- had land : laid o\ 1 hy Thomas while : >anivel Read and jaeolt aldrieh eoinniillee lel.ivary y' -JS^^' : 17H7« laid ovl lor llie niineslry loll CC acers of land : \ i/ : CO acers Kinlilh division and f. acers seveiilh division laie and is l»o\nded northerly on lio|)kinto\\ n : line !Mi rod lo a heap of slons all jo^iah r.all> laixl l.eiiiL; llie noilheasl coiner and i^ l.o\ ndd Ka^t- erly pari on sd r>all> land and part on the land of ioiiatlian sterns and pail on the land of set h cliai)in jvn' and part on Joseph svniners inedow and is lio\nded so\lherly pail on >d svnniei's niedow and part on sd IValls niedow lo the west corner of the neck of land that coins into the crook of >d niedow thence: iMiiiiL!- west 1 •_> (jui- noitli cros a corn«-r of -d liall- niedow to a heap of slons all sainvel warin-s land Iteiiiii ihe south west corner and i> lio\ nded woleily pari on >d \\arini:> land part on the land of doliii tiler Jvn' and part on the north pond to ho|)kinlown line ill l»eini: a l>roakin jieacc ot' land conlaininir Nl acers 1 '> acers alowed for had land laid o\ t iiy Thonias white svrvaver danii'l lovel and >etli <'liai>in chain iiicn IMENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 277 March y'' : 4"': 173.S laid for the minestry lot one acer and half seventh division of land laid joyning to the land belonging to sd lott att the scool medow and is bovnded westerly on the land of nathaniel Emerson 26 rod to the sovtheast corner of: thonias reads land and is bovnded on all other parts on the minestry swamp and medow the whole being one acer and 100 rod 20 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer daniel lovet and seth chapin Chain man March y*' first 1738 laid ovt for the minestry lott 87 acers and half of land : viz : 80 acers ninth and tenth divisions and seven acers and half seventh division laid together on the East side the north seder swamp and is bovnded north on the town line 160 rod East on the land of El)cnezer tompson a 176 rod and sovth part on the land of Josiah patrich a 160 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning north 8 dgr' East a 176 rod to a heap of stons att the town line being the norwest corner: the whole l)eing a 176 acers compasing 48 acers of land formerly laid ovt forty Eight acers and half alowed for Eockey land laid ovt l)y Thomas White svrvayer seth chapin and daniel lovet chain men. Soloman wood and Ezekel [197.] September y'' 18"': 1733 laid ovt for soloman wood 10 acers ninth division of land and is bovnded northerly on the land of sanniel chapin 80 rod west part on the land of sd chapin and part on his own 30 rod and sovtherly on his own land and easterly on the way leading from sd woods to seth aldriches 40 rod it being a broaken peace of land containing 18 acers and 106 rod 8 acers and 10() rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men March y'' 2{V^' 1734 laid ovt for solomon wood Eight acers ninth division of land laid north from william Browns begining at a heap of stons being the sovth east corner thence Rvning west 30 dgi-* sovth (i6 Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 30 dgr' west 36 rod to a heap of stons being the nor- 'J7S ri;<»i'i;ii: rolls i;i;( oiids. Ufsl ((.nifi- then l"-:is| ;i(l .|m|- ikuIIi liC, i-,m1 to :i Ii.m)! of -t(tii> lu'ilii: the ii(.illic:i>l (•(.nirr tlicii >n\tli .Id d-i^ I'!:!-! ill", lod I., llic first l»(i\iii|> the wlidlc ii.iilainiii- 1 I :i and loC, i,,d li ;ir.-i> and lot", lod :do\v«'d lor had land laid (.\l l.\ 'niuiiia> uliilr >vr- vaycr jat'dl) aldricli and Joscjili while »haiii tiicii ()ct()h(M- V' 17"': 17.").") laid ()\t lor: solumoii : wood 2 accrs and 10 r.xl ..r land -r.'inlcd him lor a wav Ihi-ov-li hi- lan.l :ni.l i> laid ioviiiiii: to his otlnr land near william hrow lis and i.s hovndcd >o\th on >d land 12 rod the >o\thw('sl conicr hciiiL'' slons on a IJo.U liirnc.' ivninu north L^Odirr^ west .'.O rod to a licii. oi"-lon>: l.cini: tin' norwcst corner then Kast 20 d-r^ noitli 12 rod lo >ton> on a rock hriiii: the hcast corner then sovth 20 d^r Kast .10 rod to a white oak tree heinir 111*' sovtheast corner: laid o\t hy Thomas white svrvayer jaeoh aldrieh and josejih white (liain men October y" 1 (I"' : 1 7;'..") l.aid ovl for lO/.ekel wood is acers and half of l;ind viz: 10 acers of lienianieii wlielock> ninth division and I :icers of James Keiths ninth division and I acei> and h.alf of s.amvel daiiielses ninth division laid to-cthci' and is hovnded sovth on the hind of sanivcl Kcad t coiner then -o\th <; dirr^ west n rod to John h'cads land then on m1 land to sanivel Heads land lli.> whole containing- 22 :icers and 1 20 rod : I acers and 40 rod alowed for l)ad land and a three rod w.iy ci-o> >d Land :ind a two rod w:i\ hctweii sd land and John IveatU land : — the >ame d.ty l.aid ovt for sd wood 2 acers of land which \\a- alowed to lienj.amen wheelockjvn' for .a way throv-ii lii> iaii.l laid o\ t north from wilii.am P>idwns hei^iniiiL: all a heap of >ton> on a roek heiiii: t corner then lla>t 2.") di;r- noilli II rod MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 279 to the first bovnds laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men apri] y*'. 12"': 17o9 hiid ovt for solomon wood 18 acers tenth division of hmd kiid joyning to his other land near samvel morses and is 1)Ovnded west on sd morses land 40 rod to a bhick oak tree markt being the norwest corner thence rvning east 35 dgr* north 50 rod to a heap of stons ])eing the : north east corner then sovth 3 dgr^ east ()0 rod to a heap of stons being the : sovth East : cor- ner then west 4 dgr*^ sovth 20 rod to the northeast corner of his other kind then bovnded sovth on sd land 25 rod to sd morses hmd the whole being 15 acers 2 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer jacol) aklrich and Ezekel wood chain men Jonathan Thayer Jvn'" Daniel lovet [198.] april y*^ first 1730 hiid ovt for Jonathan thayer jvn'" sixteen acers of Eighth division of land and is laid ovt in the north pvrchase begining at the northeast corner of sd pvrchase and is liovnded East on hopkinton line fifty rod to aheap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence rvning west fvll point forty rod to the northeast corner of philip chases land then bovnded sovth on sd chases land 110 rod to the norwest corner of sd land then rvnittg north 8 deg'' & \ East Eighteen Rod to a heap of stons at hopkinton line being the norwest corner then })ovnded north on sd line one hvndred and fifty Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing 31 acers and 140 rod fifteen acers and 140 Rod alowed for l)ad land laid out by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and jacol) aldrich chain men desember y'' 9*'' : 1732 laid ovt for Jonathan thayer 19 acers of land : viz : 14 acers ninth division and 5 acers eighth division laid ovt on the east side the mill river above qvick stream begin- ing at a heap of stones near Eleazer daniels fence then rvning East 20 dgr'* north i^'o rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 20 dgr' East 60 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 20 dgr* south 6(3 rod to a white oak tree markt being the sovthwest corner then north 20 dgr* 2S0 I'Kol'KIKTOIlS' nKPORDS. Wi'st (■.() HmIs ((I llic liisl hovilds till- wlii-lr colllaillillir •_' 1 ;i(rrs Mild iL'O i-.mI .") a<-.-i> and 120 rod ah.wc.l fur l.ad laiwl laid ..vl l.y rii«iiii:i> w liilc >\ i\ a\ fi- jacol) aldiidi and daiiicl loxci cliainnit'ii llii- land laiti dnwn l>\ rcs<»n l\\a> laid s iidt r a ini>lakf in iaiiio Ki'illis lan.lan.l laid ..\l l-'Jx-wlinv a|.ril V' lit"': 1 7.'. I laid ..vl lor doii.il li.m lli,iy nf land: \ i/, : .") of i'Jiililli di\ isit.n and II a.fi> of ninlli .li\i>i(.ii laid near i|\ ick >1 ream and is Ixtx ndcd j-^a-t tni rn'llini:liain liiir li'C. rod iK.itli on KhciMv.crlliaycrs land CI icd to a licap ofstoiis Ix'iiii: ill*' iiorwcsl (•(•iiicr llinicc r\ nini: >o\(li S diri-^ west sc, jod to I*'d)«MU'/,('r toiiii)S(in> land to a ln'a]* of sions liciiii; llu' so\ tli\\(>1 corner tlicii hovndcd on sd toiiipsons land to liclliiiLrliaiii line tlir whole eoiitaiiiiiii:- I- acers and white s\ rvayer Jaeol. aldiieh and Dani.d lovel ehain men noveiuher the lir.st 17i;{ laid ovt lor Daniel h.vel 1 .; aeer> tenth division of land laid joyiiini;- to his other lainl near wheal. o\it Ix'i^iniiii; utt a sovthwest corner of sd land theme i\ iiiiii: west .'.."» dirr'* sovth :>2 rod to balls land then on sd land 2.". rod to tlu' sovth east eoriier of sd land theiiee rviiinu: lOasterly 1 1 rod to a heap of stons ;it his (.ther land I.einu a sovtheast ((.nier and is I.ovnded on all .)tlier |)aits on his own land itt l.eini: a l.ii.akeii peace of land containing:- i:> acers -J ac.-rs alowed for had land the sMine day laid for sd l,.v(>t live acers and SO lod tcMitli .livi- sion of land laid Joyninii 'o the al»o\c >aid land and i> l)o\ nded l':a>t and Ian. I west ..n the covntry r.>ad Nit r...l to an h.'aii of >t..ii> Ix-inii- the s..vtliwest c..i-ner x.vtii on c..in..n l'i» r...l with a dirict line to the sovth west c..rner of his othei- land the wli..le .•..ntainini:- C acers and l<» rod li'O r..d alowe.l for l.a.l land lai.l ..\t l.y 'rii..nias white >vivayer jacol. al.lrich an. I .lani.l lovet chain iiieii Nathan Tiler \\m.] n..venil.er y 11"': 1 7:'. 1 laid ..vl for iialhan tih-r i'. acers an. I: l(»(i r..d ..f laii.l : vi/ : I acei- ..f hi> father i..lin tilers ninth .li\ i>i .f Ian. I an. I ..lie acer an. I KM) i-.m| ..f hi-^ own ninth MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 281 division and one acer of thonias white : y'' : 2'' : his Eiirlith divi- sion laid together joyning to samvel woods iand and is Ijovnded westerly on sd woods land 1 1 4 rod begining at sd woods north- east corner thence ivning East 31 dgr^ north 20 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 81 dgr^ East 48 rod to a heap of stones thence with a direct line (36 rod to the sovth- east corner of sd woods land the whole containing 10 acers and 20 rod 3 acres and 80 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thonias white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men febrvary y'^ 2'2'-^ : 1734^ laid ovt i^)r nathan tiler 5 acers and : 80 rod of Thomas wdiite the 2'' his Eighth division of land and is laid ovt on the west side the mill river al>ove the north medows and is bovnded north on the town line 50 rod East on the land of daniel thvrston 26 rod from sd line to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence rvning west 8 dgr^ and half north 50 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then : north 8 dgr** and half East 26 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner : the whole containing 8 acers and 20 rod 2 acers and 100 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men October y'^ 14"': 1735 laid ovt for nathan tiler one acer and half of land being tenth division and is l)ovnded west on his medow at the lower north on the East side the river : 13 rod rvn- ing from the sovtheast corner of sd medow East 12 dgr^ north 18 rod to Thomas whites land to a heap of stons the sovtheast corner and is bovnded Easterly on sd whites land 13 rod to stones at the Root of a black oak being the northeast corner then west 12 dgr^ sovth 31 rod to the northeast corner of sd medow the whole being two acers half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men deseml)er y"" 25*^. 1736 laid ovt for nathan tiler 5 acers tenth (liA'ision of land laid joyning to his other land in the north pvr- chase and is bovnded sovth on the town line 90 rod from the mill I'.s*.: ri;()i'i;!i:i<)i{s- iikcokds. livrr l(. a ).l:i(k oak hvriiiaikl ii.af tlir >u\llna-l cuii.T llini iK.illi s iImi- |.:..,.t :i |-,,.| to lii> oiIht kind ami i> l.(.\ ndcl ii..rtli (Ml >il kind lo llir mill ii\ci- and i> Ix.viidrd wot |)arl on >d liser mihI pari on nicdow Uottoin IS rod the whole iM-inir live arci- and l;;i i-.mI lai rod ak-w.-d lor l.a.l land l;i acris nioic of >d di\ision laid joviiini; to the al>o\c --d land aiKJ i> l.o\n.lrd sovlh on sd land JO rod lo a li('a|) ol >lon> Ixini: llic s(.vllica>t corner then rvnin- iioilli S ,h^r \va>\ '.is i-,,d h, inedow holtoni and is l)o\iide(l wt-sleilv part on niedow part on >d ri\crand pail on liis oilier land ill l.ein-- a l.roakeii peace ol' land coiitaininir l'» :iccrs cVc SO rod.) accrs and half alowcd for l)ad land nioic i> accis of sd Iciilli division laid joyninir 1<» lii>* (tllicr land iK-ai- |)lvinlys nicdow l»(\Lriiiini: al llic so\llieast coniei' of >d land llicnce rvninii" KasI 7 dirr" sovlli is rod !<» a while oak tree inarkl I.einu- the northeast corner then sovlh 7 di:r" K:isl 22 rod to a heap of slons heiiiii- Ihc sovlheasl cornel- tln-n west 7 (\i[V^ sovlh 7(; rod I,, a licaj) of slons on a rock l.eini: the sovlhwest corner ihen north 7 diii' west 22 rod to the sovlhwest coiner of" his other land the whole beiiiix ten acres and 72 rod one aeer and 72 rod alowcd for kad land : laid ovt ky Thoinas while svrvayei- selli chai)iii and natlian tiler chain men [2 and Priniliducs ludonuiiiir to liolls of that kimies : Laid out upon the Neck kelweii Mnily l.rook and the Mill Kiuer : iM.un.kMl a> lollow.Hi s.Milherly upon the lli-hway to the Mill Ki-lity Uo.kl upon >d way the >.)iilliweasl ( "orner A I. lack oak >laiioiith Ivi-t Corner A Clu'sniit Tree Kasterly ..n Conioii : loity lvod> to l.lack oak stand heiiiir the North KasI Corner Northerly (.n Coinon Kiirhly l^.ds : to A licaj) of s|oii> on A K'ock heinu- the North W'east C<.rner : \\'ea>leily on Coinoii forty Kod to the eolith Weast C<.riicr Laid out Dccenil.ci- 17: 1712 l.y 'i'li<.nia> White dohn Tyler .V' Samuel K.-ad dn Coiuile : The secondeiiission of Land l.eloiii:iii- to >d Loll l.eini: Iweiilv Acres >eueiiteen Acre- of -.1 Laud Lakl out oil Loth >id> :\IENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 283 of the Weast Road bounded southerly on Sumners Land Easterly [)artly on A ten Rod Way and part on : Samuel Reads Land Northerly on Tylers Land Weasterly on Joseph Plumlys Land : Here being Alowanc for A four Rod Way on both sid.s sd Land Aboue the Weast Road Laid out December 19*^ 1712 by Thomas White John Tyler and Samuel Read Jn Coniite The tirst Deuission of Medow : belonging to the Aboue sd Lott Part of it Laid out In the Medow Comonly Caled the Scool Medow bounded Weastei'ly upon the Ministrys Medow Southerly upon A line of marked Trees In the pine swamp : Easterly and Northerly upon upland) the Remainder of sd Deuission of Medow ]>eing fine Acres Laid out Att the great Medow : att the North East Corner two acres for one being ten Acres is bounded as folio weth Northerly and Easterly upon upland Southerly upon the Medow of M"" Joseph Emerson Weasterly upon the INIinistrys Medow In sd great medow : Laid out January 1674 by Joseph White March y^ 19'" 1746 Laid out for Nicolas Cook 5 Acres of Land (viz) two Acres of his 9'". Division & 2 acres of his 10'". & one acre of his Eleuenth Joyning to his other Land west from his house and is l)ounded East on his other land ()2 Rod South- west on Rehoboth Road 40 Rod to a heap of Stones being the westerly Corner thence with a Direct Line on Comon to the norwest Corner of his other land by David Aldriclis Land it Iteing a gore of Land with alowance for Road Cross Said Land: Laid out by William Torrey Sury' Daniel Lovett & nicolas Cook Chain men The Scool Lott [201.] Twenty Acres of the fourth Deuission and the tift Deuission l)eing : 100 Acres Laid out upon Chesnut Plaine on the south side of AVoodstock Road Nere the towne Line l)Ounded Northerly : on sd Road one Hundred and Twenty Rod the north East Corner A chesnut tree the north Weast Corner A [)ine tree 2S1 rK()i'i;ii:'i(n;s- i;i;c()i;i)S. \Vc:t>lrrlN (Ml Com. .11 ..iir liii ii.liv.l aiiil sixty K(»<1 : 1(. A wliilc ...iklivr: l.ciii- llir >..iilli \V.:i>l (•..filer: -<.ii1 licily ..ii ('..111..11 .,11.. liiiii.liv.l :iii.l Turiily K...I : to A >iii.ill l.l.i.k ...ik : ^l.iii.l l.riii- tin- sdiilli lvi>l ("uiiMT K:isl«Tly on ('(Hiioii: ..lie I liiiidriMl and sixty Iv.. Willi.' J..I111 'I'yl.i- aii.l Saimiil U.a.l.- .In Coiiiinc Til.' Iliir.l l>.iiis>i..ii ..r ><1 L..II and Iwciily A.ir> ..fllif l"..iiilli Dcvission aii.l tlir.'.' Acres ..I" the see..n.| l)eiiissi..ii Lai. I oill JK-twcn the south Me.low an. I the ureal . Iviuer : I.01111.I..I Koiiii.l on Coinon Land the soiitli Ivist ConuT JK'iiijx A ('iH'sniit tree the south W'east ("ofiuM- A hlaek oak tree: this lino heiii- ..ii.' liuii- .Ire.l aii.l Twenty K...1 \V easterly ..ne liun.lre.i and -ixty Ko.ls to a l.laek ..ak tive l.eini:- Hh- North Weast Coiner N..ilh.Tly ..n.- iluiuhv.l an.l Twenty l{..(ls : t.. A chesiiut tree: l.ein- the north oast Conief Lastorly one hundred and sixty Rod to the s..iith cast Corner the Whole Coiitaininii- <*ne liuiidr.'.l and tin.' A.r.s tw.. Acres Alowanc: 1 )eceinl.ei- : 2i) : 1712 l.y Th..nia> White .Joini T\ Icr c^i Saintt Kcad J 11 Coniitlc fehrvary y' ^.'V : 171!»^^ laid ovt to the .scool lott seventy eijrlit acers of the sixth division and seventeen acers of the seventh division laid Hetweii the sovtii iiied(.ws and the irreat river hovnded as lolowtth l.e-iniiii: att williani lioll. rooks land a <-hesii\t tree iiiaikt near the so\tliwcst c..iner t hen r\ iiinir I-'.ast ") di:r^ iK.ith ..lie iixn.lred and sixty I-...1 to a heap ..I' stones l.eini: the sovtheasl ciiier then lu.rtli ") il^r west part l.y c. .111. .11 part l.y toiiips..iis iiiedow two livndre.j and sixty rot! to a heap of stones l..'iiii: the n..rtlieast corner then west ."» .lur' sovth one hvndred and >ixty ro.j to a li.'ap ..f stoiio L.-iiiL! theii<.rw.'-t cornel- then x.vtii ") .l-r^ east two hvn.lre.l an.l thirty iovr r..d to a whit.' ..ak tr.-.- niarkt near s.l li<.ll.r....ks lan.l then on m1 lan.j t.. the tirst Itovnds: twenty six r..d the wli..le is two li\ ndre.l an.l titty acers: includini; in ..ne hvn.lre.l an.l live a.ers that was fornierly laid ovl : lifty acers aloweil for l.a.l lan.l and a fo\ f rod way thi-ovirh sd land Ity Roburd Evens jac..!. aldrich thonias white c..niinitt«-e MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 285 Mendon February y" 24*" 1719^1 the Committee to Lay out y« Seventh Diuision : Determined (that whereas a Corner of y'' hous Lott belonging to y*" School Lott was taken of by y*" Eight Rod highway Leading up y" midle of y'' neck) That all y*" Com- mon Land, that Lay Jo^ming to Sd School Lott betwixt the three highways Should Be and Remain to Sd Lott in Recompence for [202.] the Same; and tine acres of y** Seuenth Diuision and that Sd hous lott and Hue acres of Seuenth Diuision is Bounded with highways on all parts scool lott Joseph taft Jvn'' the second division of medow belong to sd lott lying in a medow known l)y the name of tompson's great medow it being two acers and is that part of sd medow that was formerly Benjamen whetons november y'^^ 12"'. 1732 laid ovt for Joseph taft Jvn'" 6 acers of his fathers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land at shokcolog and is bovnded sovth on sd land (iO rod west on the land of Eljenezer Read 25 rod to a pine tree markt being the nor- west corner thence Rvning East 20 dgr' sovth ()8 rod to seth aldriches land and is liovnded East on sd land 10 rod to his own land the whole containing 6 acers and 128 rod : 128 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men the same day as above laid ovt for sd taft by the same com- mittee 18 acers ninth division laid Joyning to sd land att shok- colog : viz : 14 of the scool lott and 4 of his own and is l)ovnded north part on seder swamp part on his own land and part on seth aldriches land Rvning from sd aldriches sovtheast corner sovth 25 dgr'' East 97 rod : to a heap of stons being the sovtheast cor- ner then west 25 dgrs sovth 8 rod to his other lanfland is bovnded on all other parts on his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing 22 acers : 4 acers alowed for bad land. more for sd taft the same day as above 15 acers of land : viz : 7 acers and half Eighth division and 3 acers of his fathers ninth division and one of his ow n and 3 acers and half of m"^ kiths laid together Joyning to his other land att shokcolog begining at the 1>H(; i'KOlMMK'l'OliS- ItKCOItDS snvllir:i>l t(.riirr(.r xl lillld lll.llcr K \ 111 IILT s( tvl ll -J') (11^- IC.Mst hi rod t(» ;i lw:ii» of >loii-^ l.ciiii: tlif >o\llicMst coi-iicr llicii wcsl L^s (lo-l- s<.vlll 1(».S |-o ninth division of land : \i/. : ."> aeers of Isiail keiths and one of his own hei^inini:' :d :' sovlhwest corner ol his other land thence I{\ nini; Kasl 10 diri'" north -SO rod to the sovlhwcst corner of ahitts farm then l>ovn(U>d • Kasli'rly on sd farm 2l» rod to his other land then liovnded northeily on sd land to the lir>t hovnds it hein-- a thice cornered peace of land <'ontainini: fi a<'ers and half half an acci- alowed for l.ad land laid o\ t l.y Thomas white svr\ay.-r Jacoh aldrich and Joseph white chain men Joseph Taft Jnn' Mendon June y 12"' 171 'J [203.] Laid out for Joseph Tafl jun' Six acics of Six Division South of his house B(\ii"ininii- at a South ( 'orner of his fence K'nninL; South full Point on Connnon forty IJod to a Stake Heinir a South Corner then West thirty Hod to a heap of Stons heino- a South\>'est Cornel' Then North on Connnon foity Ivod to his own \\"\\\\ . allowance for a Koade of three Kod wide Laid out hy Koliert Kvens Jacol. Aldrich Mendon fel.ruary y !•"' 1720-' Then Laid out for rlosej)!! Taft rin' Six acres ol" Sescn l>i\ i-ion Last of his house Heirininn- at a South l^ast Corner of iiis other Land iinnini:' I'^ast full Point on Common fifty four iiod to a Mack oake Tree Neare the (ireal IJivcr then to Tinioth \\inters Land then (.n Sd Land twenty Six U'od to a Chotnut tre.- a for- nwr hounds of Sd Land then (Ui Joseph Chapins Land twenty four l\od to his other Land then hounded on Sd Land to the tirst r,ound> >ixty iiod a r.rocken Teace (.f Laii.i Containing: fourteen acre^ an.l Ki-hlv Ko |Im> Ki-I.ll. Dm.v ..r .lulv cmc 'l'liMn>:.ii.| >ciicii ll.iii- (Irc.l .•111.1 ..lie) And Ackiiowlcdovd l.cr<.ic Diidly Hr..:id-t r.cl on.' of luT ,M;.i,'sli<- Jii>liscs 111.- I'j-lil ..r Jiilv 17(11 And ilccor.l.d \\i!li tlio luu-ords oi" Deeds for llie Couiily of Sullulkc IJliciy Twenty Ihird : folio the second H(.stoii May the 2d 17(k; — The Ilonse Loll with line Acres of the Dnl.lin- LotI or M'cond Henission ( "onlMininL: Twenty Acres jind is hounded as followeth Sontheriy n])on the Land of Samuel Tyler Deseaced Northerly upon Ihe Land of l^hene/er Read Ivislerly upon A hi'ooU ('t»ni- im\\ Kni.wne l.y the Name of Muddy l.i-o.d< W'easterly upon the lIou>e LotI of John More |),>seced Now in the PoM-i.m ..f Samuel Moore Laid (»ut hy r.eiiieniin Alhee 'llw lirsl Deiiission of Meddow l)eloni!ini:- to the Ahoue sd Twenty Aei-e Loll l.eini: Sixe Acres And Hall eV" -27 IJods : one pail of it Laid in the niedow Caled the Lioht Acre Medow hounded Hound with ui)land : Anothei- Part of it Lyinj: upon A small that liuns Intothe Medow Knowne by the Name of llarluiis hole: hounded upstream: with ivocks 1 )ow n strcamc With Marked 'i^ves : Another Part Lyini:- upon A IJun that lvun> into tii<' North lAiuer that ivuns into the Alu.ue sd medow ivn(»wn hy tile nauu' of ilarhurs liole Aforesd : houndiMJ Partly with swamp and I'arlly with upland : the H(»unded u)>slream with Marked 'I'rees Down sti'eame ^^'ith Steuen ("ooks Me.low : the Whole heiu-- six Acres .V" half and 27 IJo.j he it more or i^es : i.aid out H;7;; l.y Joseph While 'III.' i;.-niain.lcr of tli.- Dul.lin- l>ott .)r sec. nd D.Mii>M..n ol upland hcini: ten Acres With tine A<-r.'> ..f the tliir.l |)eiii>sion of upland Lyin-- upon the Northweast >idc of llic ll\way Lead- in- from .I..I111 'iMcrs 1.. d..lin iN.ks .lohn llarnum [205.] tifty line Acre> ..f ih.' (Ircat L..lt ..r 'i'hir.l |).'ui--i<.i (•f the Afon-sd lillecn Acr.' L..lt Lai.l ..ut .>n the i-:a>l -i.lc ..f Ih. MENDON, IMASSACIIUSETTS. 289 Eight Acre Medow : bounded Southerly on Hope T3 lers Land one Hundred Eodd Easterly on Common with A direct Line one Hundred and forty Rodd to A White oak tree Marked being the North East Corner Northerl}- on Comon With A direct Line one Hundred and thirty tine Rods to A l)lack oake tree marked l)eing the North AA'east Corner Weast on Comon With A direct Line Twenty tiue Rodds to Hope Tylers Land the Whole Containing sixty Acres fine Acres Alowanc for Rocky Land : by Thomas White Noueml)er : y« 30**^ : 1713 The fourth Deuission of upland belonging to the aforesd Lott being thirty Acres With half one Acre of the second Deuis- sion of Medow Laid upon the Weast side of mumfords Plaine l)ounded as followeth Easterly on the Land of Samuel Read Eighty Rodds Northerly on sd Reads Land sixty Rodds Weast- erly on Comon AYith A Line of markt trees to A heap of stons : on A Rock : being the South Weast Corner this Line ninty Rodd : South on Comon With A line of marked Trees to A Red oake on the south side of A smal brook this Line being Sixty Rodd There being Alowanc for the Cuntry Road of four Rodd l)road Cross sd Land : l)y Thomas White May 29*" : 1705 : Twenty Eight Acres of the lift Deuission of Land l^elonging to the Aforesd Lott Laid out on Ijoth sids shoconog brook l)ounded as followeth the North East Corner being A White oak tree Easterly on Comon b}' A dirict Line forty Rodd to A White oak tree being the South East Corner Southerly on Common With A direct Line one hundred and six Rodd : to A White oak Tree being the southweast Corner Weasterly on Comon with A Direct Line : forty and four Rodd : to A Stake being the North Weast Corner Northerly upon the Land of Samuel Read one Hundred and Eight Rodd : to the North East Corner by Thomas White Samtt Read & Rol^ert Taft Comite Aprill y^ 5*": 177 John tfarnum [206.] Thomas Juels House Lott Alis Cap* Smiths Lott Now Jf)hn farnums As Apears by A deed of sale l)aring Date January thirtenth one thousand seuen Hundred and Nine And Acknowl- l!!)() i'i;()ri;ii:'i"()i:s' ki:('()1ii)s. «M|<|iiir tlir lirntcciilli of .l:iiiii:irv (Hie tli.)iis:iii.l sciM'ii liiiii.livd Mild nine Aii.l K'croidcl Willi llic Kcfonl (.f D.M'ds r..r llw ('..mily of Sullulkc Lihiv XX: 1)1 lolin: L> : l...sl(Mi: ;»'" : 1711 'I'll.' AIm.im' sd House I...II ('(.iilMiiH-> 'I'wciily A !..• It v or !..•>>: Is iM.iiiidcd ,is lollowctli S<.iillirilv Tpoii lln- L.iiid ol do>i:ili CliMpiii l-:>.|' Norlli.rl.v Tpoii llir L.ind of lli.- ALoiH^d doliii l:iriiiiiii l"::islcrly rpoii A l.rooU Coiiionly known l.y lli.' N;iiiif ol Muddy l»rook : and W'caslcrly upon A small Iiiin of water that Is the Itounds hetwcn ,Iolin mores house Loll and -d Lott Laid out l.y r.eiiieinin All>ee Forty Acres and Twenty tlire Kod More iA' the sd tanuini- lltl Di'uission Laid out on the ^\■east sid(> of Miiiiiloi(l> K'iii. r Al.oue tlu> Plaine l)ound<-d as follow: Klh the south Last ( "oiner heini: A \\'hile oak Tree l^a-^terly pai't on the Land of Samuel Kead : Pari on ('onion one Hundred and Xinty six Hod to A heap of Stons heini:- ihe Xorth Last Cornor Northerly on ('(»nion with A Direel Line: sixty two Kod to A heap of Stones: heiiii: the .\ swamp and Medow The Kemaiiider jtart Lyiiiii upon A Ikiin atl the ^outh Wea>t Klidof tin' Kinht Aieie Medow: hounded iip- -lre;ime and I )owii>t ivaine wit h Marked Tiee> the Wli..|e l.einii 2 acres and half I.e it M.mv or Less ( L.-.i.l ..nt l.y d..^ep|i Uhit.' i«;74 MEN DON, MASSACHUSETTS. 291 .John farnum [207.] June the sixt seiienteen hundred and ten Laid out to John farnum one Acre of second Deuission : of Medow and four Acres and one hundred and seuenteen Rod of lift Deuission Laid In two Pecis on A smal liun Runing Into the south End of ]VIuui- iords Plaine : half one Acre of Medow In Each Phice bounded as foloweth the uperniost Peice up the Run the North East Corner being A white oake stand the North on Common ninteen Rod to A black oak tree : then turning A litle south Twenty nine Rod : to A maple Tree : being the northwest Corner Weast on Com- mon : Eleuen Rod to A chesnut tree : being the south Weast C'orner Southerly on Conmion forty Rod : to A horn l)ine tree : l)eing the south East Corner : East on Conion twenty two Rod to the North East Corner this Peice Containing four acres & Six score Rod sixty Rod Alowanc : one Acre and fifty seuen Rod A litle Down stream l)ounded as followeth The North East Corner being A heap of stons on A Rock North on Common Thirty Rod to A maple tree : l)eing the Norweast Corner West on Conion on : ten Rod to A chesnut tree : being the south Weast Corner south on Comon twenty two Rod : to A black oak stand : beino- the south East Corner : East O .s on Comon twelue Rod to the North East Corner By Thomas White Sanuiel Read and Samuel More Comite May y^ 2P'' 1718 laid ovt for John farnvm thirty nine acers sixth division on l)oth sids shockcolog brook bovnded as foloweth the sovthwest corner being a white oak tree marked sovth on comon fifty rod to a white oak tree markt being the sovtheast corner east part on James emersons land part on conion with a dirict line one hvndred and two rod to a heap of stones being the nortlieast corner north on comon with a direct line ninety rod to a walnvt, tree markt being the norwest corner west on his other land one hvndred and forty rod to the sovthwest corner the whole containing fifty fovr acers fifteen acers alowed for l)ad land and a o rod way throvgh a corner of sd land next emersons land l)y thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich comitee 'J!)L> I'KoritiKioiis' iiKcoitns. (Ic-ciiil.. r y' S"' : 171s l.iidovl lor .lolm t:iiii\iii lii^ sIimit of seder >\\:iiii|) in m -WMiiip know ii 1)\ lli<- ii.iiiie ol" >li(>lN«'(t|(i^ >\\ miiii) l»ei:iiiiii;: ;ill llir iinitliiily «ii.| of xl -^wmiiiii -k rviiiiiL: down -d swamp al»o\( twenty ii>d so\tlierly iVoiii a small pond to a eliesMvt trc'e iiiaikt on the norlliei-ly side st\ swamp tlience i\ idnu sovth 01 dirr" east eios sd swamp laid o\t liy tliom:i-> w liil<- IJoliard I'vens ,Iaeol> aklricli committtc M' ( Jrindal Ivawsoii [208.] Laid ont llii> till Day of oetoi.er one 'niou>and >euen hundred and Kleuen of M' (irindal Kawsctn his lilt Heiiission six At res ( wlii«h was formerly Laid out In A jx'iee of Medow hottem Adit»ynini: to the Towne Line: Alioue Sanuud l\ead> Medow Neer : Mi>ho(|nonoi: and Laid I )o\\ ne l»y Allowane of the '{'owns Committee hereaftei- Named) A litle upouth- erniost Ldi:; of a swamp whii-h is the Northwesterly ( 'ornei- and tluMK'O by A line of forty Liuhl Kodds : to A small While (.ake wiiieh is the North Kasterly ('oi-n«'r : and thene hirietly A ( idse to the tirst ( 'orner ahou*' speeitied l.y .lo^iah Chapin dames Loiiet .^ Samuel K'ead dun' ( 'oni- mitte.' A|>rill the Twenty tirst Seuenleen Ilundj-ed and Thirteen Laid (.ut to M' (irindal Rawson Pari of his sixl Deuis-ion Aeordini: to lheT(.wne ALn-»'meiil and Aeordim: to his Draught In the L(. ti- ll l.ein;i- the tirst In the Drauiiht : on tlu- Last sid ..t S.eon.l l.ri.l-- Iviu.r ;ill the North scd.-r swamp l.oundrd North Part on uj.land: and PartlN on ..ther ( 'rder >u;imp: tifly four U'odd- : Thi' Northwea-t C.ruer l.ein-- A l.l.i.k oMk Tree Marke: linn tmiiiii-- l._v :i Ndilli r:;i>l mikI x.iilli \\r;i^t Line Ki-lil \UhU\> >.. ('..liipMsin- A iirrk lliMt \av> Willi: in llir s\v:ini|) 1>\ A line ofsixtrfn Kod l ,in.l x.ntli i;:i>l : and llinc In.ni tin- Point of s«l Nrrk linnini^^ tlirou-ii A (■.•.idcr s\v:ini|) : liy A line of TwcmI y our Hod : hounded SonI licily upon llu- Pailli -oiuii to >d \VlicIo(k> ;ind >o u|mmi mu {•■..■olcly .lud \\'r:i>l»'il\ Ijuf up(Ui C.unon : I.:ind Toil y -nu-n Kod> :ind on the Wc.-isl hounded hy 111.' >\v:iui|. lifly lu.ds The Duhlin- Loll hein- folly Aeics tlie-lTMt Loll hrin^r Liirhl sidic Ancs and llic lirsl and serond Dcuission of Mcdou hciuL'^ scucntcfn Acres and lifty four Hod Willi four Acres and half and twcnly M-ucn Hodds : of the swani)) loll Laid oiil lo-vlher hehui--- in- to th.' sd Loll and h..un(|ed a> foilowelh Noilheily Pai'lly upon Conelicol old I'arlli and Partly upon llial Twenty Acre> ah(.ue Which is Part of the thirty Acres of (he house Lolt A hone : and Partly upon Coinnion Land: Easterly: upon Comnion Land l.y A Lin.- Well Marked: Hunin- Ihrou-h Hi." south Coiner ..f a small C.-.l.T swamp: th.' ( "orn.-r heiui:- turned: ujion A -real \\'hiteoak." mai'k.'d n.)l far from th.- \\'.-asl K'iu.'i- South. -rly upon Ctnunon Land: hy A line of marked 'I'rees th.' sd Lin.' Hunini: lhroui:h a pond takiiii!; in a Considerahh' Part of it and so IvuniiiL: ov.-r a i:r«'at Pine hill and alt th.' foot of it thorou-h A snial Cea.i.-r swamp: thenc hy A line of Marke.l tr.'.-s: .)iH'r A |)lain.': ('r.)sinL:- Nipmuii- Hiu.-r : then 'furnini:- I >o\\ n.- >l r.'Ui ( 'oni- pasini:- A .'.uisideiald.' P.-i..' of Low Land ('ouiini: to A ureal ^^'llil.• .lak.' standini:- N«"t'r tii.' I'^idLr .)f sd Hiiur : tli.'u..' Kunini: up a smal hill to A heap of stones: att the Corn.'r : Weasl.'ily up.>n Comon Land hy A uarious Lino well mark.-d 'I'he Seuerall Tracts of Land Med. »w and >\\auip Ahoii.- nun- ti<.n.' s.1 War.' Lai.l out hy (apt .Io>.'ph While and Le"'' dosiah ("hapin : suruay.-rs for th.' Town ..f M.-n- don and Ih.' H.'turn> Pertetled 1 ).'cend>.'i' th.' louilh >i\leen hun- .Ired Liirhly and Nin.' M' (nin.lal Haws..n [210.] Th.' Hemaininu- Part .)f the Afor.'xl swamp Loll he LiuiLnuL^ lo M' Haws.)ns Lott heinirlwo A.r.'s i> houn.j.'d lla-leriv MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 29/) Partly upon Land in the Pose.sion of Abraham Stapls senior and Partly upon Connnon Land Northerly upon Common swamp Weasterly upon Nipmug Riuer southerly upon of the aboue sd stapls : Laid out by Josiah Chapin December 4 : 1G87 The fourth Deuission of Land l)elonoino: to the sd Lott being;^ flighty Acres Seuenteen Acres and half of sd Eighty Acres Laid out upon A plaine on the Weast side of the great Riuer bounded Easterly upon the Land of Samuel hayward North North Part on the Land of Robert taft senior Part on the Land of Roliert Taft Junior Weast and south upon Comon Land March lO^*" : 1702 by Josiah Chapin Seuenteen Acres and half more of sd Deuission Laid on the same side sd Riuer l>ounded south on the Land of Robert Taft senior Easterly on sd Riuer North on Comon Literuall that Line marked With A white oake nere the mouth of A swail Runing in to the Riuer and the other End of that Line markt with A White oake att the foot of A pine hill and Weast Part on sd hill 'and Part on the Land of sd Taft senior : Laid out by Josiah Chapin March 10*'' 1702 fine Acres Mor of sd Eighty acers Laid out upon the Weast side of the Road Leading in to the south Woods ouer against Danil Tafts house bounded East on sd Road by A line of forty Rods south upon the Land of Thomas Taft : by A line of thirty six Rodds : Weast on Comon North on Comon this tiue Acres is Laid out with Alowanc : of two Acres for one Laid out : by Josiah Chapin and James Louet Comite Eighty Acres More of sd fourth Deuission Laid upon the Weast side of the great Riuer bounded southerly upon Part of Eliazer Whelocks great Lott Easterly upon the Great Riuer Northerly Partly on his owne Land and partly on on Comon and weasterly on Eliazer whelock fourth Deuission : Laid out June 27: 1701 l)y Josiah Chapin Aprill the tenth 171o sixteen Acres and half of Land Laid Downe for M' Grindal Rawson on the West side the Great Riuer Nere John Pecks Land Acording to A towne vote att our March Melting for sd yeare And Laid out on the East side sd Riuer Joyning to John Aldriches Land bounded south on sd Land East 20() ri:()iMiii:T()i;s' iikcoiids. on Coinoii sixty Inni- K'.mI |.. A pine live ni.iiki Ix-iuL-- fli<- NOrtli Kast ConuT N(»i-fli (.11 ('..iiioii luiiily IumI ic. A |>iii(' lice iiiMikl liciii;: 111.- NOilli Wol Ciiriirr \\C>I on ('<.iii«.n W itii A iiaiioiis Lin.-: of iiiarki (ivc^: lo A |iiii(' live marUt NCh' >.| Aldriclics Lan.l: I.n 'lliuma. Wliitr K(limin«l Ivawxm Joliii Kawxm [211.] Jiiiir y' 1-J: 17I.S Laid ..ut lur .h.lm i-a\v>()ii iiiiiraf.Ts ami ciuliltii 1(1(1 sixtii division the loks all the noitli side (lie pond near lat'ts hounded cast on liniolliy uinlci-s Land Recordoi c\n;h{y v\,j:\\{ p, ,d (o i|,r r,,,!,- Lca( 11 II- iVoni tini(.lliv win- october y ' " ' 25:i7is tl(M-s lo ("pliiraini cliapins noilli on S' lod luity ci-lil rod to a heap of Sloncs Lcin- llic noruc-l coiiicr tiKMicc i-unini: Sonlh Iccn dc^nTcs oast one hundicd icd to tlic pond a chcsnnl tree niarkl att the odirc of the |)ond Soiitli on S' pond til'ty two rod to S' winters Land the whole eontainini:- twenty nin(> aeei-s and sixty rod twenty aeer> and forty two rod alowed lor had Land and a peace of Swamp lielonuini: to the heii's of ahrahani staple deseast and tor a three rod way C'ros S' Land Laid ont l)y : thoinas : White ,Tueoh Aldrich : Thomas : Thayer Connnittee .hme y' 12"': 171S. Laid out for flohn rawson 24 aeres Sixt De- nision alt the norwest eorner of the Pine Swamp l»ounded as foloweth north pail on the medow helon-ini:- to the Kecordod niiiiestrv Lt.lt on dames emersons medow eii:htv n.d October y ' ' " 25 1718 a maple ti"ee markt neai' the norwest corner thence 111 nini;- South twenty eiuht deirrees east lifty two rod to heap of >toiies heinii- the southwest corner then riinini:- ea>t twenty eiiiht de-rees north ei-hty rod to a clionul lice markt l.ein-- the south ea>l corner Then riiniiiL:- iioitli twenty ei-iit de-ree> we>t l.y a line of markt trees to the miiieslry medow tiie wiioh' c(nitain- ing twenty six aeers two acers alowed for had Land Lid out l>y : Thomas: White: Jaeol) : Aldrich: Thomas Thayi-r : Coimnittee damiary y' 2"' 1 7 1 s ^ '■' then Laid out for l-ldniond rawx.n Six acers of Sixth diiii^ion on the west side of the we>l ii\er hounded woteily on l^pherim ( 'liapins Land and --out h- K,.cordcd rrlv (»n S' ('liapiii> Land La>terl\ on the liuer and jHnnary y " . 15. i7i8ii> northcrh' on lii> own medow the whole containiiiL; nine MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 297 acers and one half three acers and one half alowed for bad Land : Laid out by. Thomas White Robert : Euens : Jacob : Aldrich : Committee Mendon Decemlier y*^^ 2d 1719 Laid out for Eduumd Rawson of his Sixth Diusion forty and one acers upon the West Side of the Great River Begining at the great Brige on the North side of the Country Roade Runing up Stream one hundred & twenty Rod Bounded partly on the River and Partly on Land formerly Laid out, then Turning West Twenty degrees South one hundred and Seventy Rod to a heap of stons, Then South Twenty degrees l^ast one hundred and thir- teen Rod to Ebenezer Reads Land So Round a Corner of Said Reads Land then south twenty degrees East on Reads Land Seuen Rod then East Twenty degrees Noi-th to the first the Wholl Contains one hundred and three acres Sixty two acres aLowed for liad Land by, Roliert Evens and Jacol) Aldrich Com- mittee M'" Grindal Rawson Edmund Rawson [212.] The fift Deuission belonging to the abousd M'' Raw- sons house Lott Part of It being one hundred thirty Eight Acres Laid out on the Weast sid of the great Riuer Aboue the Cuntry Road : bounded as followeth East on Cap*^ Josiah Chapins Land : one hundred and Twenty Rod : North on Jacob Aldrichs Land one hundred and two Rod to A maple tree marked : l)eing A Corner of sd Land : then turning North : on sd Land Twenty four Rod : to A w^hite oake tree Markt then Turning Weast and bounded North : fifty Eigt Rod to A heap of stones on A Rock : being the North Weast Corner Weast on Comon one hundred and twenty Rod : to A pine tree marked : so turning Weasterly thirty four Rod : to A pine tree Market being A Corner then Turning southerly : fifty six Rods to stons on A Rock being the south Weast Corner : south on Comon one hundred : and forty Rod : to A pine tree markt then Turning North with sd Rawsons Land forty four Rod : so Turning : East with sd Land Twenty four Rod to an Elm tree markt : Ncer the great Riuer : by sd Chapins Land : the Whole Containing one hundred and thirty Eight 298 rK(H'i;ii"i'<)i;s' i;i;<()iii)s. Kn-cs : lliiv.' .\« TO Al..\v:mc Jiiiic iM 1707: l._v 'I1i<.m.i> While UoluM-t 'I'alt .l..>i:.li Tli.i.v.r Comih' Thii-ly I'^iiiht Aiic- .111(1 llircc scuic IJo.l mk.ic (.1' llic xl lilt Di'uissioM liMid (Hit on Ilic s.-mic side ofllH' >;iiiir K'iiici- A lillc up slrrniiH' iMHin.lcd :is folloctli tlic south Kast ( 'oni.i- 1m in- A pine tri'c: south on ( 'oiuon Scnciity line Kotl to A -w.iini) o.ikr Ix'inL'' the south \\'.':ist ( "orncr : \Vc:isl on John 'riionison- L:iU(l : Ki-htvtwo I{(m|(1 to A pine live: l.rini: the North Wc-ist ( "orucr : North |»:irt on ('onion and I'arl on floiiiriMioiiisoiis Land : scuciity roiiic : lvo(l to A hlacU hiirch : tree hciiiir llu- north KastConn'r : I'^ast (HI ('onion : I^iirhly two Kod to the south Kasl (.'orncr : six Acres M(»re of the sd Deitission Laid out on the Last side of the Weast Kiiier l.elow the \\:\y to WhelocUs hounded as foj- loweth: the North Last ( 'orner l.eini: hy sd way att the Kiuei- {•:as| oil Conioii twenty two l\(.ds : to A maple t ice : l.ein-the south lOast Corner: south on ('onion Thirty six Rods: to the Uiuer: a hlack oake Tree: marked ncer sd Kiiier ixHinded Weast and North on sd Kawsons Laud and Medow 2') dune 17<)7 by Thomas White Kohert Taft .^^ dosiali Thayer ('(.initeo four Acres more of sd llawsous tifth dcuission sold to l"'J»ene/er White as Ai>i)cars hy deed harinu: dale 170.S april y' li)"' : 17 10 laid ovl for Kdinvnd Hawson L') acres tenth division of laud on the west side the ureal river and is hovnded sovtherly on his own land westerly and luHtherly on soloiiian woods land l'>a>terly jiart on sd woods land and |tail on- couion with a direct line to his own laud: itt I.eiiii:- a luoakeii peace of land containinir 21 acer.s (5 acers alowed for had laud — laid ovt hy Thomas white svryayer Joseph taft and Ivlmund Kawsoii chain men — I'Miiiuud Hawsoir- [213.] Meiidoii Deceml.er y -Jd 17l!i Laid out lor Kduiuud liawson Thirty acres of hi> Sexcnlh I )i\ision (»f Land Near the South Knd of the West hill on y South Side of the Road lu'irin- iiiLT at a heap of Slons heinir the Nor AVesl Corner of .lames Keiths Land Kunin^ South full Point l>y Sd Keiths Land ninty MENDON, IMASSACHUSETTS. 299 and two Rod then West on Keiths Land to the West River Sixty Rod so bounded up the River part on a peace of Medow of Solo- mon Woods, and Partly on Sd River and partly on his own Land here to fore Laid out up to the Bridge then to the first Bounds the whole Containing thirty nine acres, nine acres alowed for a Road from the Bridge and Bad Land Laid out By, Rol^ert Evens Jacob Aldrich Comite Mendon December y*" 2d 1719 Then Laid for Edmund Rawson Eleven acres of James Keiths Seventh Division Neare the Rock medow Joyning to Jethro Coffins Land Begining by the Road Sid up Coffins line Runing Easterly by said Road thirty Rod on the North side then North full Point, Eighty, Eight Rod to a heap of Stons being the North Corner then West thirty Rod. to a heap of Stons being the north West Corner, then South part on Comon and part on Coffins Land Eighty Rod, to said Road the Wholl Containing fifteen acers and a hundred and twenty Rod, four acres & an hundred and 20 Rod aLowed for bad Land By, Robert Euens & Jacob xA_ldrich Coimnitee Mendon December y*" twenty ninth 1722 Then Laid out for Edmund Rawson four acres and forty Rod of James Keiths Seventh Division of Land on the East sid of the West River bounded Westerly On his other Land Sixty Six Rod Northerly on floseph Chapin Deseased twenty two Rod, Easterly on y'' Ministry Land Thirty five Rod Southerly on Solomon Woods Land nine- teen Rod Containing Six acres and Seventy five Rod two acres and thirty five Rod aLowed for Bad Land by Robert Evens, Jacob Aldrich James Keith Commitce Mendon December y*^ Twenty ninth 1722^ Then Laid out for Edmund Rawson Seven acres and four Rod of James Keiths Seventh Division Land on the West Side of the Great River on the North Side of the Country Road Begining at a Turn of Sd Road with stons on a Rock then Northerly on his other Land Eighty Eight Rod, Westerly Partly on Ebenezer Reads Land and on Comonon Thirty one Rod to a Black Oake tree marked Southerly on y*" Road Leading to Oxford Sixty Rod. Easterly on Sd Road forty Rod Containing Sixteen :')00 ri;()i'i:iri()KS' kkcouds. ;i»Ti-s X thirty lx<"l. Niiir ;hiv> ;m.l tliirt\ IJ.mJ .-tlowrd fur L.-id I. -I IK I Wv Kul.cil Kv.'i.>.lMr..l. Al.lii.li 'riiuMm> Wl.ilr (uiimiitcc: M' (niii.lMl K:iws,.m: Klcn/.cr WlicclocU \'i\i.\ Kli.-i/cr Wild. .(Us ten Aciv I...H With .-ill the l{ii:ht> Mini rriiirlr iIh Tc tt> I ifh uii: i 111: «ir .-iiiyw i>r A|)(it;iiniMir Wiiic-h W.i> ..lie Moycly of .lohii raiishcs 'i'wciity A. ic Lolt foi-nici-jy Now M' (iiiinhil IvMWsoiis As Appears l»y a {U'{'i\ i)\' >ah' harinir Datf the 'rwciilclh (layof .lime Scii.Mitccii liiiii(lrc.l and four: and Arkiiowii'dovd h.forc Kdwar.l r.innif.'ld Ivs.,' NoinnilMr t ii.' : It : 1701 (the whole of y' landllim Laid out l.rin- one hniidrcl X line Acres 'Ph.' Ilon>.' LotI aii.l rail of the Diil^liiii: h.tt Laid out upon the Ka>t side of the (Ireal Iviiier Ix.iinded southerly iij^.n the ("imtry Koad fi(Mii the i^reat Lrid-- l^asterly .^ Noitlierl\ Part on Coiuon and pai't on Land In possesion of ( ap' Josiah ('lia|»in Weaslerly Partly on the liival Hiver Pait on A Roey hill the >.l Killer Kiininii- threw Partof itt tlu- Whole of it l.eiiii: lifleeii Acres 'I'lie third Denission or iifoat Lott heloiiiiinu to sd Lott heinu' forty Acres Laid out upon the Weast sid the ufeat Hiiier A litlo upstreanie of the nioiith of Manchoi; Hiuer hounded Kasterlyupon Nipinuir Hiuer the southerniost Line ('ontainiiiir one hundred an two Acres taken on the hill on the Lack >idc of his Now Dwcdiiiii: house: from the line (.f his (.wiie Land lioiiie to the Lin.' of Isaec Stapls Land: Which wa> A uranto him hy the Town A> will Appeare by Hoeord Laid out May !»'" ICHl Hy ,losiah Cliapin 'llie fourth Deuission lu'loiiiriniT to sd Lot heini: Twiiity Acres iM.iiiided N(.rtlierly upon John Peeks ureat Lott in Part ami I'arlly on ( "oiiinioii weaslerly u))oii the l>ro\\ of the hill: dii^t Ahoue Mumford K'iiicr: Soiilherly upon hi^ own Land: La>leily up«m M' Hawsons Liiihl Acres it I.eiii-- Part of the >ame Deiiis- sion : Laid out .Iiine 2 7 : 1701 hy .Io>iali ( 'liapin MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 301 Seuen Acres of Al>rahaiii Stapis great Lot Laid out to Eliazer Whellock as it is bated and hounded Southerly upon the Land of M'' Grindal RaAvson by A line of thirty four Rods Easterly l)y A line of fifty Rods upon Conion Northerly upon Conion by A line of twenty Rods >Yeasterly by Nipniug Riuer only an Alowanc to Grose sd Riuer for Convenincy of fencing : att the foot of the hill that Comes nere honi to the Riuer Laid out this the 2H^^' of Sep- tember lf>95 by Josiah Chapin Twenty and fiue Acres of Josiah and Angel Torreys great Lott Now Eleazer Whelocks As Appears by A deed of Sale baring- Date the Twelue of January sixteen hundred and Ninty and three and is Laid out to said Wheh^ck on the west side of the Great Riuer and is ))ounded Southerly upon upon A bent of sd Riuer and so Runing with sd Riuer home to the foot of A hill to a marked Tree : and bounded Weasterly with A various Line of Marked Trees att the foot of sd hill : untill it Coms up to A pine swamp all other Parts upon Comon Land: May 1092 by Josiah Chapin M' Grindal Rawson [215.] Jvne y^ 25^'' : 1707 laid ovt for m'' grindal Rawson fif- teen acers tift division on the west side the Avest River bovnded as foloweth the northeast corner being a pine tree niarkt Bovnded East part on conunon part on sd Rawsons land forty Rod to a white oak tree markt being the sovtheast corner sovth with a direct line of mark trees sixty Rod to a white oak tre markt be- ing the sovthwest corner west on comon by a line of markt trees sixty Rod to a pine tree markt being y*' norwest corner north on whelocks Avay forty Rod to the first Bovnds : By Thomas white Roberd taft and Joseph thayer committee — Janvary y*^^ 17^''. 1723-^ laid ovt for Edmvnd Rawson two acers of land which he pvrchased of the town at a: pvblick town meet- ing Janvary y*' 13"' 17234- the sd two acers of land is laid ovt Joyning to his other land on the west side the west River near sd Rawsons Bridge over the west River : and is Bovnded north on the Rode : leading from y'" meeting hovse to sd Rawsons By the rock medow : ninety four Rod and is bovnded on all other parts 'MY2 i'i;(>i'i;ii;i(H;s i;i:(oi;i>s. oil lii-> oilier land it lu'ini; a lnoakni |>r;i(c of land conlainiiiir lliiff Mt«Ts amlliair and sixtmi Kod oiir a\ 'riioiiia> white -vrvayer J.ini.-s Urilh and Ja.ol, aldri.li eominillre Mpiil \' I" 172t'i we wose names are \ iider wiiteii heiiii:' apointed l.v tlii- propiialors att their meet iii-cii t h.' l' 1' dav of iiiaivh 17-'.')'' to tor a peace of hind of l-lchnviid raw-on^ on ih.' \\e>t side the Toik iiiedow Joyiiini:- 1" lli«' niine>tr\ Liiid i del to I.e KxehaiiL^ed for some of t he inilie>tl\ land and we tindili- that to inak«- an l^xehaiiLT*' <»f -d land will he no daiiia-v to the minestry loti l>ul ovr diidiz-einent i>lliat ill will he iMMiilieial to the mineslrv lott ;ind lo sd ruwsons laiiy record IT) aeers.-ind three (|\arteis and have measN red out the same (|\anlyly of land ovt of the so\tli\\c-t eor- iKToflhe mini-tiy lan.l .HI the Ivast >ideth<-we>t river: iM rod in hivadth anon> As App.-ais l,y A deed of >ale : l.aiini:- Date the Mav y i;'."': 17<»1 laid ovt foi' m' -rindal Kaw-oii tifly aeers of land on a plain on the west side of nixmfords river torty lixc aeers beinL'' |>:irl of v:\\A smiths irreat lolt live aeers heiiiM fo\iih di- vision Itovnded sovtherly on a small Hrook westerly l»y a various line of marked trees oii the eonmion northerly with eoinmoii IIh- plain iMin- lhro\-li ai.oiit thirty rod wide j-la-terly i.y a uariou> line of marke.l tree- on the l-^d-e of an hill and I.y a i;.>key hill vpon eonmion land laid ovt l»y Jo-iali Chapin a l;.'...rd ..f TwrUe aeer- ol land 'jianlrd to m' (iriixlal K'aw- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 303 son By the selectmen for Reconipence for a way thay laid ovt throvgh his land on the East side of nivnifords River : on Septem- ber the third 1712 the sd twelve acers of land was to he laid ovt on a Rockey hill on the sovth side of the covntry Rode : which acordingly was done and is Bovnded as foloweth begining at an heap of stons on a Rock l)eing the sovtheast corner thence Rvning westerly forty six Rod to a heap of stons being the sovth west corner then northerly forty Rod to a heap of stons on Rattle snake hill being the norwest corner then : bovnded north part on common part on the covntry Rode fifty rod to sd fovr Rod way where the covntry Rode and sd way meets and is bovnded East part on sd way and part on common to the first bovnds A Retvrn of twenty acers of land laid ovt to m' (irindall Raw- son which the Towne gave him in fvU satisfaction for all arears dve from James Beck and his wife and is laid ovt on the East side of Rock medow Brook the west corner coming home to the Brook aforesd so Rvning part on the l)rook and part on the ))row of the hill by a line of markt : trees then tvrning Easterly to the brow of the next hill then tvrning a northeast line : incompasing a swamp home to whelocks Rode and then Rvning on or near the parth home to the Brook laid ovt with an alowance for a way of two Rod wide throvgh it to the fovr acer : medow : laid ovt the 28*'' : of april : 1700. By Josiah C'hapin John Rawson Edmvnd Rawson [217.] Jvne y« 23'^ : 1730 laid ovt for John Rawson Eighteen acers of Eighth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land at hoopole hill and is bovnded sovth on sd land Eighty Rod and west on the town line forty two Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner : then East 8 dgr' & | sovth P^ighty rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 8 dgr* & f west : forty two Rod to his other land to a heap of stons Ijeing the sovtheast corner the whole containing twenty one acers three acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnum and Jacol) aldrich chain men febrvary y*^ 20"' : 1729^ laid ovt for Edmvnd Rawson 23 acers :]0\ ntoi'ini; rolls- i;i;c(n:i)s. I'li-hlli division of land l:ii(l Joyniii- to lii> otiici' Iniid wr-l ti-oiii his hosx'Miid is hoviidfd Kasl |.:iil on a t'o\ r rod wav and pail on liis oilier land and wcslcily (.n llic land of sinion pccU 11 C rod and north part on the land of I'lNenc/cr iu'ad and |>art on his own it iH'inir a KocUy Wroakm pcacr of land containin- IC accr- L^■'. accrs ulowcd lor had land laid o\t hy Tlionia-^ white >\r\ayer John larnvin and Jaeoh aldrieh chain men dvn.- y 17"': 17;;i lai.lovt loi- Kdnivnd IJawson Id aeei-s j-yn^hth dixision ol" land laid floyninu' to his other land near ni\ni- lords hridii'e and is l)o\nded west on sd land l(> rod i\ ninn" iVoni a while oak tree mark! north !» dui" Kast 50 rod to a heap of slons heinu" the north eorner then Kast ;U i\*^v' si.vth 10 rod to a heap ot" stons heinii; the Kasl <(»rner then sovlli il dj^r" west "tO lod to his other land the whole eontainini:- 12 aeers 2 aeers alowcd lor had lanide the ureal l\i\('ral>ove the co\ntiy rode heijinini:.- at a heap ol" slons near a iireat Kock heini:- the sovtheast coi-ner them-*' r\ nini: noi- wesl fvll point r>0 rod to a heap ol" slons heing the northea>l corner then so\thwesl ,')0 rod to a licaj) of stoiis : hoinir tli<' west cornel- Iheii s(.vlheast :}{) rod to the tirsl hovnds the whole con- lainini: 1.") aeers and I'H) rod ') aeers and 120 rod ah. wed for IkkI laiul the -^aine day laid for sd IJawson 7 aeers ninth tjivision of land laid: doyiiinii : to lii> other land on the l-'.asl >i.h' iii\mford> river and is hovnded : so\ th on sd land "»0 rod : wolerly on Solomon woods land 1(> vloii- l.eini:- the norlliea>t corner then sovlh 17 di^r^ l':a>l l(". lo.l to the tirsl hovnds hein-- a heap of slons at the sovthea>t corii.r the whole containiiiL^ 1 I a<-ers and CO rod 7 acer> and Co rod alowcd for had land laid ovl l.y TlK.ma^ white >vrvay.r Jacol. ald.rich and do-epji while chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 305 James heaton [218.] March y'' first 1726^ laid o^i; for James heaton two acers and half of land which he purchased of israiel keith laid ovt on the west side the great River near his hovse and is bovnded East : on a fovr Rod way fifty one Rod and North on Joseph Deamons land twenty Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence with a direct line fifty one rod to a heap of stons on a Rock : at John Emersons land being y*^ sovthwest corner sovth part on sd land part on common twenty rod to a heap of stons at the above sd way being y^ sovtheast corner the whole containing six acers and sixty Rod three acres and half and sixty Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee March y'^ first : 1726^ laid ovt for James heaton Eight acers of land which he pvrchased of the above named keith laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded East on sd land one hvndred Rod to the sovthwest corner of sd land then seting of East by sd land twelve Rod to a white oak tree markt thence Rvning sovth 6 dgr^ west forty two Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west (3 dgr' north forty Rod to John Emersons land then Bovnded : west on sd land one hvndred and forty Rod to the first bovnds being a heap of stons at his other land it being a l:)roaken peace of land containing seventeen acers and three qvarters nine acers and 3 qvarters alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas White svr- vayer James keith and Jacob aldrich : committee March y*" first : 1726^ laid ovt for James heaton two acers more of land which he pvrchased of the above sd keith Jaid Joyning to his other land on the East side the fovr Rod way and is bovnded west on sd way fifteen Rod and sovth on his own land and north on Joseph Deamons land a three cornerd peace of land con- taining two acers and half half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white s^Tvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee the above specified twelve acers of land being laid in he for land that James keith laid down by Reson of providence mens claimins: it : 800 I'lloPKIK'I'OKS- KKCOHDS. Willijiin Holu'isoii [219.] (U'souiIkm- v- 12"': 1 TIM l.-iid <.vt lui- William I{(.I..t-^(.ii Kiirlit ariTs ofdavi*! l(tin])>(Mi> iiiiitli dcvi-^ioii ul" land laid .lovii- iiiij to his oilier land on tlir west side the West RiviT and is liovndcd wcsti'ily on the land of KI)enezor staples 48 rod and on all (itlicr parts mi his own land and inedo\v and on sd v'wvv it Ixiiiii a nccU of land containinLT 1'^ acers f) acers alowcd for had land laid ovt l)y Thomas white: svrvayer .laeoh aldiidi and Joseph white chain men the same day as ahoNc laid ovl for said Kohersoii A aceis ninth ilivision of land : viz : 2 aeers of david tonipsons and one of Nathan parks laid doyninir to sd Kohersons land on the west side the west liver and is hovnded northerly on sd land :'r2 lod Hvn- inii" from the sovtherly corner of said land so\theast 7 dur' Kast 22 rod to a heap of stons heinu a sovtheily corner then northeast 7 d^v^ north 2JS rod to said river and is l>o\iided Kasterly part on sd river and })art on niedow hottoin to his other land the whole eontainini:- \ aeers and Iti rod one acer X Itl rod alowed foi' bad land — May y*" : 14"': Kiii") william Hoheison and mosi's ti'iniey made a division of their land on mauoiniseo which was pvrehased of flumes lovet which division is as folowetli the sai*l Koherson to have twenty (nie Rod in breadth att the s(»vtherly End of said lan«l and said tenney to have the Remainder the said twenty one Rod to be an K(|vall bi-eadth eros said land desembcr y 11"': 17:^4 laid ovl for william Robcison 1 2 acers of nathan pai-Us land : laid doyninu to hi> other land on the west side of the west river beu:ininir att the northeast corner of sd land and is bovndecl westerly on sd land to a heap of stons beinu' the norwest corner then East .ilJ d^r" north ^)'2 rod to a heaj) of stons Ijeinj; a northerly coiner then sovth fvll point .')2 rod to the sovth- west corner ofdaniel hills land then so\th 12 dirr" west 1.') rodtt» the tirst bovnds the whole containiiii: 1") acci-s A acers alowcd for bad land laid o\ t by Thoiiias white s\r\aycr Jaccib aldiich and .Joseph white chain men .lanvary \' 12"' IIM^ laid ..vl f..r William Robcrscn lOa.crs tenth divisii 1 land laid (.\t near the north -cder -wamp and i- iMENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 307 bovnded Avcst on the land of Jonas parks and north on sd parkesis hind in part and part on common 80 rod to stons on a rock being the northeast corner thence rvning sovth 15 dgr* East 55 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner and is bovnded sovtherly on a three Rod way to sd parkeses land itt being a broaken peace of land containing Eleven acers and 100 rod oneacerand 100 rod alowed for ])ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and William Roberson Chain men Nathan Gaskil Edmvnd Rawson [320.] Jvne y« 18*'' : 1721) laid ovt for nathan Gaskil Eighty six acers of land : viz : iifty acers of land which he pvrchased of James keith and thirty six acers of land which he j^vrchased of samvel Thayer as may more fvlly apear By deeds of sale which he sd Gaskil had of sd keith and Thayer : and is laid ovt Joyning to his other land in mendon on the west side the great river : and is Bovnded sovth on the province sovth line two hvndred and twenty fovr Rod to a heap of stons l^eing the sovthwest corner thence Rvning north fvll point : one hvndred and three Rod to a heap of stons Being the norwest corner then East 6(3 dgr^ & 24 minets sovth one hvndred and thirty live Rod to the great River : to a heap of stons on the Bank of sd River Being the northeast corner : then Bovnded Easterly part on sd River and part on his other land to the province line the whole containing one hvndred and thirty seven acers fifty one acers alowed for l)ad land and part of Daniel Darlings land which is compased within sd bovnds laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacol) aldrich committee Jvne y*^ 18"' : 1735 laid ovt for Edmvnd Rawson two acers and three qvarters of land : viz : 2 acers pvrchast of samvel thayer and 120 rod which was laid vnder a mistake in william Johnsons land and is bovnded sovtherly on his other land Rvning from y*" nor- west corner of sd land northeast 4 dgr' north 10 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovtheast 4 dgr^ East : 43 rod to william Johnsons land and is bovnded Easterly on sd land to his own land the whole being 3 acers and 15 rod 55 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt liy Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Joseph white chain men 'M)S I'KOI'HIKTOHS' KKCOKPS. .Iviicy'': IS'": 1 7;;.') I;ii(l u\l lor Kdiiiviid Hawsoii niiir Mccrs ninth .livisioM of liind laid ncai- danid l''di<>t> and is Ix.vndcd west un lli»- town line Ml lod noilli (in martin arnist roniis land ."»(> lod t(t sd annslronirs s(tvtln.'ast corner tlu'iu-c rvniiitr sovtli « djjr'' west ','}[ rod 1(» a heap of slons heintj the sovtheast corner then west 8 ilur'' north ")(> rod to a heap of stons att the town line hein«r tlie sovthwest eorntr : the whoU' heino: 10 aeers and 100 rod one acer and 100 i-od aiowed for l)ad land : the same day laid ovl for sd Kawson two acers more of sd ninth division laid att the East End of daniel Eliots land and i> Ixivndi'd Avcst on sd land (50 rod and is (5 rod wide ilt lieinir ^ acers and 40 rod 40 rod alowed for had land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and .Joseph white chain men octo])er y" 22'' : 173;') laid ovt for Ednivnd Rawson 13 acers of land : viz : ,") acers of John Bowns Eighth and ninth divisions and 8 acers of his own ninth division laid Joyning to Timothy : gyss land and is bovnded sovth on sd land 52 rod west on his own land 48 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning East 8 dgr'* sovth 52 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 8 dgr west to Robert Benhains land then on sd land to gys land the whole being 15 acers and H»j rod 2 acers and 9(j rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white s\rvayer .Iac(tb aldrich and -bi^^eph white chain men Seth Aldrich [221.] May y 20"' : 1728 laid ovt for set h aldrich 35 acers of land in Ive of land taken from him by Jenkes farm : and is laid .loyning to the west line of the township begining att a black oak tree markt being the norwest corner thence rvning East 8 dgi"* & 2 sovth 70 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the northeast corner then sovth 8 ilgr" eing the sovth East corner then west 8 dgi** <& 2 north 88 rod to the town line and is bovnded west on sd line 110 rod to the tirst bovnds it being a : brooken : peace of land containing 4»; acers 50 ro(»\tlu'Ms( conxT of sd land llifiwc rvniiiL'^ >(>vlli .')."» dirv" \\vs{ 'As nu\ to a heap of slons l»oiMr\v«'s< coi-iicr : lliciicc with a direct liin' to the iiorwot conirr ol" liis otlicr land tlir whole Iteiii;,'- eN'\cnaeers and 1 10 rod 1 III rod alow<'\ Thonia- white svivaver: Jal.ol. :.ldii.-li and >etli aldiieh .hail, ni.'n Saimiell llayuard [222.] Saimiell llaywards 'Pwenty Acre hoii>e Lott with all the Ki Land and Partly on ('oiu..n Weast and south on Coinon Laid out l)y Henjeniin Alhee The second Deuission or Duhliiii: Lott l»eini: Twenty Acres T^aid out floyninj; unto his house Lott hounded Last on sd house Lott fifty and two Kodds Xortli on conion : oi- hyway fifty Liirht Rods to a lilack oak stand niaikt on the east side of a swamp Wcast on comon with A dirict Lino fifty two Hod: to A ^^'hite oak tree l)ein«r : the south Weast Corner: south with a Dirict I^ine : sixty six Rods : Part on .John Ilarhurs fourth Deuission and Part on Comon to A stake l)einl.> Hill iM.un.h-.l with A Run of Water ui).)n the Last side and >.. K.miikI with Mai-kc^l Trees An.tthei- part Ivvinir upon A Hun tliat Huns Into seeond l>rid«r Hiuer hounded Downe streaine with marked Ti-e<^s upstr«*ame marked Tre<'s : upon the south si(h' with A maiked Tree: Another Part of it Lyin,«r att the s.)uth Last Ln.l of the ;ireaf hill Ahoue l)euer P uliilr >\ rvayci- .l:i((»I> aldridi aii.l Daiiirl Invrt ( 'haiii iiicii May y' ll>"': 1 T.i.i laid ovt loi- w iliaiii hayward M) aci'is of land \ i/ : lM acfis olMoliii haywaids Kiiihlli division and srvcn of liis own l'!iulilli division and 1 1' arcrs of his ninth division laid: loncthcr nr.-ir saniNci wailcclds and is l»ovnd«'d noi-lhcily on Ihr way l.a.iini: to Isiail lafls : KM) rod l.cLriMi„i, ;,1 a hca). of >tons nrai >anivcl warlVolds land at sd way l)«'in<2; tho norwesl cornel- thence Hvniiiir sovth 2o dp;!'" wes^t H(; rod to sd warfoelds land to a lu-ap of stons lieini: tli»' sovthwest corner (hen F'.ast 2.") (Il't^ sovth : SO rod to another peace of sd \varfe<'l(ls land, then hovnded on sd land 20 r<»d to a hea]) of stons l.eini:- the m.vIIi- east coiner then north 25 dgr'^ Kast '.•") rod to a heap of stons at the ahove >d way l)eind land laid ovt l)y Thomas while svrvay(>r dacoh aldrich and daniel lovet < hain men Sanmell Hayward [226.J Sanniel llayerds second Hon>e Lolt l>ein,<:- Twenty Acres with all the Ki«ihts and Prinelidirs ther to he Lonirini; Laid ont and lK)nnded as followeth the House Lott and tine Acres of the fourth I)euis>ion l.el..noino- to the sd house Lott Laid out on the Last side of Calel.s Hill : hovnded as followeth the South Last MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 315 Corner being A White oak Tree Marked South on Comon forty Rod to A chestnut tree being the south Weast Corner Weast on Comon Eighty Eight Rodd to A black oak tree being the North Weast Corner north upon Comon sixty three Rod to A forked Maple being the North East Corner East on Comon Eighty Rod to the south East Corner the AVhole Containing Twenty six Acres and A half Encompasing one Acre and half of the firs Deuision of Medow : By Thomas White October : 8'^ : 1705 : Ten Acres of the Dubling Lott or second Deuission belonging to the Aboue sd Lott Laid out Joyning to his other house Lott bounded Northerly on sd house Lott forty and six Rod : to A black oak tree being the Norweast Corner Weast on Comon Twenty Eight Rod to A whit oak Tree being the south Weast Corner south on Comon with A Direct Line forty six Rod to A White oak stand : being the south Weast Corner East on : Denice Darlings Land forty six Rod to his other Land : l\y Thomas White December: 16: 1705: The first Deuission of Medow belonging to the Aboue sd house Lott one Part of it Lying upon the East side of second bridg Riuer bounded Downe with A Point of upland and A stake to the Riuer bounded upstreame : With A marked tree and A Rock : Laid out by Joseph White : Another Part of it Lying upon A run that Runs Into second bridg Riuer Aboue the Cart Way that goes to beuer Dam medows bounded up stream with swamp Down streame with Marked Trees by Joseph White An other Part of it Lying upon A Run that Runs In to the great Medow bounded upstreame with his owne Medow that belonged to his house Lott bounded Downe streame : with marked Trees — The Remaining part being half one Acre Laid out upon the Mill Riuer on the south side sixteen Rods of it a litle below Hop brook bounded upstreame by A hill Coming home to the Riuer so Lying Down streame sixteen Rods 31H PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Thirty thro Rods niorr of it A litlo Downo strcamc on the saiiif >i(l ot'sd Riiier) ;iml Thirty six Rods More on the East side of sd Riiicr a lith' dowin' stirMiiic tVoin the Afore sd Medows Laid out l»y .losiah Chapiii Samuel Playward (227. J The NWMUip Lott ))eh)nging to the Aforesd Lott Laid out III A I>unit swaiu)) on the Weast sid of the Mill Riuer beyend ('hipmitc (^uescl Xcrc I'aidiu.'indo Thayers Afedow bounded Hound with upland by Josiah Chapin, 2»i Ajirill lti!>o The Great Lott or third I)s. 'I'wo Acres More ol" sd Iweiily Acics Laid on tlu' \\'c:isl side ot" said second Kiuer Ixmnded Kast on s> Jo\nin<: to his swamp Lotf : Iturnt swamp hounded Northerly npon ( "oinon and AN'easterly upon ( 'onion : the Noith Line ('onlainin;:- thiily nine Rods: and the Weast Line sixty and lour K'ods ) hy do-iah Chapin fourteen Acres More of sd fourth Deuission Laid out Adjoyn- iuirTo his other Land atl the second Inidu Kiuer l>ounded as tol- oweth the south east ( 'onier l»t'ini>" A stake s(»utheily on ('onion: With A direet Line sixty four Hods to A ehesnut tree Marked l.y A irreal Hock heing the south weast ( 'orner Weasteily on Coinon With A dirict Line forty Rod to A stake Nere sd Hay wards Medow so hounded North and Last Partly on sd haywards Med- o\v and Part on his other Land to the S(.uth Last ('(.rnei' Maivh 27, 1702 by Thomas White Samuel Hay ward Jonathan hay ward [2'i9.] six Acres More of the Afore sd fourth Deuission L.-ii.l on the Weast side of the Aforesd secontl l>ridu- Kiuer A litle up- streaiue from his other Land hounded Last on sd Kiuer Downe Streaine pari cm ('onion and Pait on A small iiun Kunini:- out (»!' sd Haywards Medow twenty Kod Weast with A dirict Line sixty Kod to A slake heini:- the Nor Weast Corner upstieume on ('onion ten Ko.l to A Maple 'five Markt hy sd Kiuei- Maivli JT. 1702 hy Thomas White March y 2M"' : 1 7:J2 laid ovt for Jonathan haywar«l lilty nine aecrs of land: vi/: 20 acers and half Liiihth division an.l .'.s a«-ei-s and half ninth di\ i>ion laid loMclher on the wot si.h- the irreal Kiver joynin<: to P»ach«'lders land aiiy 'riionias while svivavcr .lacol) aldiicli and .loiiatliaii liaywai'd chain iiini William I lay ward ['230.1 I'arl ..r William llayward tift Dcuissh.n of Land Lai.l oil tht' wt'asl side of the j^reat RIirt : by Aldrichs faiiii iMHiiidcil : south u|>on ("omoii tlifly flue Hod A pine tice Marked Neic the southeast CoiMier A while (»ak lice heiuLi lh»' southweast ( 'oiiier Weasterly hounded att the bottom of A outh with sd Land Twenty Rods to an Ash stand : neer sd Land then turninir to the East with A dirict Line fortv Rods tt) A white oake tree: being the south East Cornel- East on Comon forty Rods: to A black oak tree being the north East (orner North on Comon with A direct Line: seuenty Hod to A Hed oake tree : Markt then turning to the Weast with A dirict Line tliiity six Hod to A white (take tree being the North Weast Corner Weast on Comon With A Dirict Line: sixty Hod lo the s,.uth East Corner Laid out 28 of January 17(i7 by Thomas white MJ:ND0N, MASSACHUSETTS. 321 A Peice of Land Laid out and bounded for William Hay ward for and In Consideration of A hyway Leading from Isaac Thayers to the Mill Eiuer of A hundred and seuen Rods In Length and two Rod In bredth and for ReCompenc he is allowed A peice of Land Joyning to his owne Land begining Att the Corner upon sd way Leading to the mill Riuer so Runing to A white oake Markt So from that to A black oake markt so In A direct Line to the Riuer c^ from thenc to his own Land on the weast side of the mill Riuer febuary : 19: 1713^^ Robert Euens : Thomas Sanford Sam" Thayer Selectmen William Hayward [231.] Laid out for William Hayward Part of the six Acers belonging to John Harburs lift Deuission Laid out on the : North side of Calebs Hill In A three Cornered Peice bounded Weast on Comon with A direct Line seuenty two Rod A white oak tree beino; the south .weast Corner A black oak stand being; the North Corner south and East on his other Land the Avhole Containing six Acers and Quarter Laid for four Acres and half one Acres and thre quarters Alio wane febuary 19 ITlSyj by Thomas white Robert Euens and Samuel thayer Comite one Acre and half More of the Aboue sd six Acres belonging to sd harburs Lott and three Acres of the six Acres belonging to Samuel Haywards Lott Laid Joyning to the sd William Hay- wards Land bounded Weasterly on sd Land Easterly on Comon with A direct Line fifty six Rod A white oak tree being the south Corner : A black oak stand being the North East Corner It being A three Cornered peice Containing fine Acres and sixty four Rods Laid out for four Acres and half one Acre and sixty four Rod Alowance : febuary 19 1713^-^ by Thomas White Robert Euens & Samuel thayer Comite Sixteen Acres & half More of the Aboue sd William Hayward fift Deuission Laid out on the AYeast side of the great Riuer : Joyning to his other Land : bounded Northerly on : sd Land fifty hue Rodd : Weasterly on Comon : with A Direct Lyne : thirty Eight Rodd to A Maple tree being the South weast Cor- ner : Southerly upon Comon : with A Direct Line : Seuenty ;}22 I'UOI'IMKI'OKS- KKCOliDS. Kodd : to A iniiplc Trcf : hciiuj the south Kast ( 'onuT Kasterly l*:irl on ( oiiioii and Part on John Thomsons Land Sixty six Hodd to his olhfi- Land: the whoh' Coiitainini: Twenty Ancs Thicc Aci-t's and hall" Ah)\vanc : I^aid out Aj)!-!!! '2'.'> : 1711: Ity Thomas white 'I'homa^ Sant'ord iS^ l^ln-nczn- Ivt-ad : ("omittc Mt-ndon ()clolici- ye l^ii:ht Sc\ cntffn hundicd and T\scnly two Laid out lor NN'illiam Ihiyward Seven aires ot" Seven Divi- si(»n Joyniiiir to y' North sith' lA' his ( Vadei- Swam)) at y^' LM'eal Medow Hehn (hirlinofs Land si\t\ fine rod then MENDON, massachusp:tts. 323 tarning to the east thirty tour rod on S'' darlings Land here being alowance for a three rod way betwen S*^ Land and John darlings land bounded : on all other parts on his other Land, the whole containing forty five acers twenty acers. alowed for l)ad land and a Three Rod way Round S'' Land. Laid out by Thomas White : Jacob : Aldrich : Thorns. Thayer : Commitee Noueniber, y*" 10: 1718. Laid out for william haward ten acers sixth division Joyning to his medow on the east side Second bridge riuer the norwest corner being a black oak Recorded stuniD or lopt trcc uiarkt thence runing; east twenty January ^ ^ . ^ ^^ "^ ye 15/17]^ degrees north sixty two rod to a walnut Stand markt l)eing the north east corner then runing south twenty degrees east forty four rod to a white oak tree being the south- east corner south part on coinon part on Joseph Rockwoods Land west on S*^ haywards medow the whole containing thirteen acers and thirty two rod thre acers and thirty two rod alowed for bad Land by : Thomas : White : Robert : Euens : Jacob : Aldrich. Committee Nouember y^ 10: 1718: Laid out for William hay ward one acer sixth division on the east side second river it being a narow Slip of Land lying betwen S"^ hawards medow and Joseph Rock- woods Land partly part on the east side on comon runing derect from the south west corner of S*^ rok woods Land to Samuel Thayers Land South on S*^ Land to S*^ hawards medow West on S*^ medoAv Laid out by Thomas : White Robert Euens : Jacob Aldrich Committee William hayward [233.] febvary y« 28 : 1718i^ laid ovt for william hayward his share of seder swamp att the great medow bovnded east on william sprages swamp twenty two rods : sovth on John corbits land twenty two rod to a maple tree markt near the sovthwest corner then rvning north 10 dgr^ east to a maple stand markt being the norwest corner then rvning east 3 dgr' north twenty :\24 rUOrRIEToKS' ItKCOUDS. two rod to williain spi-jij^i's swjinii) laid u\t l»y llioiiias while Kol)- :ird I'Vt'iis ,Iafol> aldiii-h coiniltcc March y 27"' : ITIH laid o\ 1 lor williaiii haywaid lovr a(ri> and half sixth di\isiuM and three aeeis liffh division on the sovth side witrwani hill Itovnded as foloweth the northeasi cornel- heinii- a hlak hvrch tree niarkt then I'vninir sovth tVII point thirty rod to stones on a rok hein«r the sovth Kast cornei- then r\ ninL'^ west t\ II point forty rod to a stake in a swamp Iteinu lheso\thwest cor- ner then rvning noith fvll point thirty rod to a maple tree markt being the norwest corner then rvnini:- east fvll point forty rod to the northeast corner the whole containing seven acers and half laid ovt l»y thonias white Kohard evens ,Iacol) ahh'ich connttet- \ovend>er : y'' 17"': 1 7 U* laid ovt for williain hayward sixteen acer.s of his seventh division of land l»y the way leading from thonias tafts to little i)ond medo\v neai- philip leasvres land l>e- gining at a heap of stones being the norwest corner then i\ iiing east 10 dgr' sovth sixty rod to a heap of stones being the north- east corner then rvning sovth 10 dgi"^ west sixty rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner then rvning west 10 dgi-* north forty six rod to an ash tree then north 10 dgr' east twenty rod to a heap of stones : then west 10 dgi-* noi-th to a chesnut tree twenty rod then with a direct line forty rod to y* tirst bovnds the whole containing nineteen acers and sixty rod three acers and sixty rod alowed for bad land l»y Kohard evens Jacol) aldrich James keith committee Jonathan Hayward [234.] Seuenty and tiue Acers of Land Laid out for .Jonathan Hayward by Sherborn Road Nere the great Medow : Pait of it being great Lott and Part fourth Deuission that belonged unto the Lott of John Warfeeld Late of Mendon Decescd bounded as followeth North Part on Conmion and Part on the Land of Cap- tin Chapin with A dirict Line from sd C'hapins Land to A black oake being the Northeast Corner sixty KodEast on Connnon With A dirict Line to A black oake Nere the North Corner of the great Medow : being the south south east corner Seuenty Rod South on Comon with A direct Line : to A lilack i>ake Iteinsi" the Soutli MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 3^5 Weast Corner seiien score and ten Rod : Weast Part on Common and Part on Captin Chapins Land with A direct Line from sd Land to the south Weast Corner Ninty Rods : the whole Contain- ing Seiienty fine Acres by Thomas White October L5 : 1702 fine Acres of the fourth Deuission : of Land belonging to John Harburs Lott Laid out to Jonathan Hayward by Sherborn Road bounded North on Comon the North Weast Corner being A Rock with A heap of stones on the top of it so with A Direct Line twenty Rod to A White oake being the North East Corner East on Captin Chapins Land and Part on the Aforesd Hayw^ards Land forty Rods south with A Direct Line to A Maple being the south Weast Corner twenty Rod : Weast on Comon with A Direct Line : forty Rods : October 15 : 1702 by Thomas white Twelue Acres and half of Samuel Haywards fift deuission be- longing to his flue Acre Lott Laid out to his brother Jonathan Hayward on both sids Sherborn Road Eastward of bare hill : bounded as followeth the south East Corner A heap of stones on A Rock : East on Comon with A direct Line fifty Rod to A black oak : being the North East Corner North on Comon with A direct Line : thirty three Rod : to A maple tree being the North Weast Corner Weast on the Land of James Louet fifty Eight Rod to A Red oake being the south Weast Corner south Part on Comon and Part on John Whits Land : forty six Rods to the south East Corner her being two Acres and half Alio wane by Thomas White June 3^ 1707 Nine Acres More of the Aboue sd Haywards fift Deuission Laid out to the abouesd Jonathan hayward betwen the great medow and the bare hill : In A three C'Ornered Peice bounded as followeth the south Corner A stake Weasterly on John Rockets Land fifty six Rod to Land Laid out for John Warfeelds Lott North on sd Land sixty two Rods to A stake being the north East Corner Easterly Part on Comon and Part on his fathers Samuel Haywards Medow Eighty Rod to the south Corner This Line Crosing sd Medow so part of sd Medow Lyeth with In this Tract of Land : Laid out June 3" : 1707 by Thomas White Samuel Thayer & Josiah Thayer Comite 326 PROPRIETORS' RF.CORDS. .Fonathan Hayward [235.] Ki^rhteen Acres of Land Lai«l »»ut to Jonathan Hay- ward six Ac-ros of it the six Acres heloii^nnir to Sanmel Ilaywards Lot Which Miixht l»c Laid In the Prohihotcd Land and Six Acres l)el()n<2:in«i: to John Warfeelds lift deuission and six Acres of Jonathan Haywards tift Deuission all Laid out to sd Ilayward .loyning to his Land AVheare he Dwells part of it l)ounded North Part on sd T>and and Part on Coninion Seuenty Rod With A direct Line : to A stake and stones beinfj the North Weast Corner Weast on Common : AVith A direct Line forty Eight Rods fo A white oake stand being the south weast Corner P^ast Partly upon Ben- jemin Albees swamp part on second bridg Riuer home to his other Land : Two Acres More of sd Land Laid In A thre Cornerd Peice bounded East and south on his other Land AVeast on Comon Wheare his fenc Now stands one Acre More on the East side second bridg Riuer : being thre Rod wide Cros his Land : the Whole Containing twenty one Acer three Acres Allowanc all tift Deuission Aprill 10'": 1713 by Thomas White Sam" Thayer c^- Robert Euens ( 'omite febvary the: 29: 1718-L5 laid ovt for Jonathan hayward his share of seder swamj) in beaver pond swamp bovnded west on elivelet holebrooks land and swamp twenty six rod north on Josiah thayers swamj) tw^enty two Rod to an ash tree markt near the northeast corner then rvning sovth 28 dgr' East twenty six rod to a seder stvmp markt being the sovth east corner then rvning west 28 degr' sovth twenty two rod to sd holebrooks land laid ovt l\v thonias white Robard evins Jacob aldrich coniittee March y'- 20'" ITlit laid ovt for Jonathan hayward six accrsand three (|varters of sixth division rioyning to his other land on the east side second bridge river bovnded sovth on sd land sixty rod west on common eighteen rod to a heap of stones l)eing the nor- west corner north on connnon sixty rod to a hea]) of stones l)eing the northeast corner east on connnon eighteen rod to the north- ca-^l conici- of his othei- land : laid for lixc accrs and an half one MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 327 acer & a qvarter alowed for bad land by thomas white Robard evens Jacob aldrich committee Jonathan hayward [236.] Nouember y^ 5. 1718 Laid out for Jonathan haward thirty eight acers sixth division Joyning to his other Land by his house lying on two sids S'' Land bounded east part on Recorded [^d Land Dart on beniamen albees medow north on Nouember y. 14. 1718 Beniamen hawards Land Sixty four rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest corner thence runing South full point an hundred rod to a heap of Stones being the South- west corner South part on comon part on Samull thayers Land an one hundred and eighty four rod to S*^ albees medow the whole containing seuenty six acers and an half thirty eight acers and an half alowed for bad Land and a three rod way through S** Land Laid out by Thomas : White : Jacob : Aldrich : Thomas : Thayer : Committee Nouember y^ 7 : 1718 Laid out for Jonathan haward three acers sixth division Joyning to his other Land att the mill Plain bounded west on S"* Land Sixty eight rod South Recorded ^^ couioii Sixteen rod to a heap of Stones beino- the Nouember y i c 14.1718 southeast corner east on comon Sixty eight rod to the northeast corner of his other land it being, a three cornered peace containing three acers and sixty four rod sixty four rod alowed for bad land the same day Laid out for S'' haward twenty acers sixth diuision floyning to S** Land att the head of the mill plain bounded south part on S*^ Land part on comon fifty eight rod west Recorded on John Greens Land Eighty three rod to a hea[) of 14.1718 stones on a rock being the norwest corner thence run- ing east seuen degrees north forty six rod to Samull thyers Land east on S** Land to the northeast corner of his other Land the whole containing twenty six acers and a half six acers and half alowed for bad Land and a three rod way through S'^ Land Laid out by Thomas : White : Robert : Euens : Jacob : Aldrich march y'^ : 20**^: 1719 laid ovt for Jonathan hayward twenty two acers sixth division on the east side second brido-o river near 328 riior'KiKTOKS' rkpords. sht'rb«irn rodo Iwtvmlcd cast on oliadiali wholocks land sixty Otvr rod the sovtli west corner stones on a rok the northeast corner stones on a rok tlnMiHc rvnin«r west t\ II point seventy rod to stones on a rok beinir the norwest corner then sovth 8 dLM'" ^ west sixty tbvr rod to a heaj) of stones being the sovthwest corner then east tVlI point seventy lod to the sovtheast corner: llic whole eontaininir twenty eiirht acers six aeers alowed for l)ail l.tiid Ity thoMias white Rol)ard Hvens ,Iaeob aldrich committee rionathan Hayward [237.] Mendon february 8'" : 17223 Then Laid out for Jona- than hayward forty four acres of Seventh Division on the North side of the Town. Joyning to the North side of his other Land Laid out heretofore. Begininir at a heap of Stons being his former North East Corner and Oljediah Whelocks Nor "West Corner then Runinir North S degrees East partly on Ebener Thomson, iSc partly on Common one hundred Rod to a heap of Stons being a Nor West Corner, then South S degrees West on Com mon one hundred Rod to a heap of Stones, Being a south West Corner, then East Eight degres South on Common one hundred Rod to a heap of Stons being a south East Corner, then partly on Common on his S'' T^and to the tirst Bounds one hun- dred Rod Containing Sixty two acres and eighty Rod, Eighteen acres and Eighty Rod a Lowed for a Road of three Rod wide and Bad Land Laid out By Robert Ev«'ns, Seth Chai)in Jacob aldrich Com- mittee sixteen acers and a (jvarter of this land Recorded above is taken of By Reson that itt was formerly laid out and Recorded to Eben- ezer tompson may y*" 20"': 172.5 laid ovt for Jonathan hayward sixteen acers and a <|\arter of land being seventh division which was laid ovt vnder a mistake in Ebenezer tompsons land and now measvred of and laid ovt again Joyning to his other land near sherbond line on both sjds ot" sherbond rode and i> I»o\nded north part on his own land and part on comon forty Ro(l to an heap of stons being the norwest corner thenc Rvning sovth N dgi-* f, west Eighty one Rod to an heap of stons being the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 329 sovthwest corner then East 8 dgrs ^ sovth thirty two Rod to an heap of stons Being the sovtheast corner then north 8 dgr^ ^ East Eighteen Rod to his other land then bovnded on sd land to the first bovnds the whole containing Eighteen acers one acer and three qvarters alowed for sherbond Rode throvgh sd land By thomas white seth chapin Jacob aldrich : coni'^'° march y'' G**" : 1731 laid ovt for Jonathan hay ward Eight acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his raedow on the west side second bridge river and is bovnded west on a ft)vr rod way 30 rod sovth on vriah thayers land 44 rod to a ditch fence then tvrning sovtherly by sd ditch 20 rod to Ebenezer thayers meadow and is bovnded East on his own medow north part on John albees land and part on Jonathan thayers land 62 rod to the above sd way it being a broaken peace of land containing Eleven acers and 40 rod 3 acers and 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men John Jepson Timothy Winter [238.] John Jepsons forty Acre hous Lott being Laid out Neer the great Pond upon the south End of the Pine swamp bounded Northerly upon A hyway Runing betwen sd Lott and the Aboue sd swamp : Southerly : Partly upon the Land of Col- lonol Willim Crowne : and Partly upon Comon : Weasterly upon Common Easterly Parly upon A hyway and Partly upon CV)mon half wanting of measure Laid out by Beniemin Albe 1666 John Jepsons forty Acre Lott aboue With all the rights and Priuilidges there unto belonging or apertaining sould unto John Dike and Possesed by him In the Year of our Lord sixteen hun- dred and seunty three — And then the Contents of A Thirty Acre Lott sould by sd John Dike unto John Holbrook Junior of Waymoth with all the Priu- iledges and Apurtinances there unto be Longing or any Ways Apertaining As Appears by A deed of sale baring Date July the Twenty lift Sixteen hundred and seunty three the sd Dike Re- serving the Dubling Lott being forty Acres Laid out upon the jNIill Plaine : and the second deuision of Meddow being four Acers and A ten Acer Lott with all the Priueledges belonging to It In 880 PRoPKipyroRs' records. all tutiuo (liuissioiis : lor liiiiisclf mikI Dispnsod df Ity him mhcI Ket'onlod l<» Hciii«'iiiin Whclock senior. And after soiild l)y sd Holhiook unto Thomas Thayer of bran- try as AppcMis l>y A d«H'd haiinir 'Ijde sixteen hundred and spu- onty Nine : Then sould l»y 'IMioiuas 'I'hayer unto John Tli.-iyer of Rrantry as Appears Ity .1 (U'a] harincf Date sixteen hiiiidn'd ;ind Kiirhty six : The Alioue sd dolm .lepsun> lu.use Loll And the tirsf Deiiis- sion of nieddow and all the Kiirhts and Pruelidgis of A Thirty acre Lott In all futer de\ isions l»oth of swamp an oul oj' dolui Thomxius .Me\v:ini|) the line all thai K)id KuninL'^ thi-cwtlic pine swamp to A point of upland: the Land in the >\\ainp beinpf Twi'liic Kod In hrcdcth : All the LmL^tli of said \Vint heyrs 1702 Seuenty Nine Acres of the fift Deuission belonging to the afore sd Timothy Winters thirty Acre Lott : Laid out on the East side of the great Riuer : Aboue Lassels farm : bounded North upon Mendon Towne Line : one hundred and forty three Rodds : to A heap of stons on A Rock being the North East Corner : East on Comon one hundred and Thirty Rods : to A bend in the Riuer : her being A Redd oake tree : Marked nere sd Riuer Weast on the Easterly branch of sd Riuer home to the Towne Line) : Laid out the 29"^ : of March 1707 by Thomas White Robert Taft and Josiah Thayer Comitee Twenty four & half Acres of the third deuission or great Lott Ijelonging- to the sd Winters Lott aforesd : Laid out to Christo- pher winter on the weast side of the great Riuer butted and bounded as followeth North upon the Land of Daniel Taft by a line of Twenty Rods A swamp White oak by Haywards Inter vail and A great White oak att the other End of that Line : of Twenty Rods weast by A uarious Line on the Edg of Rough Land : A small Maple in the Edg of a swamp : South on Comon the south Line A litle Distanc fi-om A brook : that Runs threw sd Land the East Corner Markt with A great White oak : and so bounded East Part on Comon and part on the Land of Samuel hayward Laid out by Josiah Chapin Jun 12**' 1703 More Eleuen Acrs of sd Third deuission Laid out to the aboue sd winter as It is bounded North on the Land or house Lott of Thomas Taft by A line of fifty Eight Rods weast on Comon by A Line of Thirty Rods A litle Distant Eastward from the south XU I'Koi'iiiKioKs- Ki:("()m)s. Mfdow Cart wjiv so In c-oiiipascd willi ('(iiimioii: with A iiari(»iis {j'uw honw to s(l Tafts Land At'orcsd Laid out l),v .losiali Cliapin dune llir 1 2" : IKKi 'I'iinotliv \\iiit«T [24-2. J A Hcliini of twelve Acics (•!" Tiiiiotliy Winters third Deuission of Land Laid (»ut on the west sid of the (ireat Hiner as it is hutted and hounded Easterly Part on the Land of Hohert Taft senior and Part on the Land o\' Danill Taft and on all other sids on Conion A small Red oak at the Northeast Corner hy A heap of Rocks An upland Pine alt the Norwest Corner and so l»y A line of Markt trees: the south Corner Markt with A Duhl swamp Pine so with Markt trees to the south East Corner an up- land Pine on the l.row of A hill Laid out dune 1 •_> ITO.i: by dosiah Chapin Nouember y'' 20"'. 17L7 Laid out for peter Holbrook Two acres of Timothy Winters Third Deuision, Joyning to his other Land nere his house one acre & half bounded South t)n y' Recorded Couutry Road twenty Eijjht Rod to a Red oak Stand, february >•« ' , , t> , ^ •js't. 1717TS benio; y* South East Corner, west on Common tour Kodd to a iiieat whit oak Tree, being y* norwest Corner north on Comon Thirty four Rod to a white oake Stand marked nere his other Land Twelue Rod : the other half acre Lying in a narrow Slipe l)etween A pondy swamp and his other Land, a Small Walnut tree marked at y'^ East End, and So Round with his other Land, by Thomas White. Ser.y^ danvary y". 10"' 1718^^ laid ovt for Timothy winter ten acres of sixth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the great River begining at a black oak tree markt near the norwest corner thence Rvning East 35 dgi"* north twenty live Rod to a white oak tree markt ])eing the northeast corner then sovth 35 dgi*" East Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovth- east corner then west 35 dgr' north to the great River a blak oak tree markt near sd river and is l)ovnded west })art on sd River and part on his other land Eighty Rtul to the lirst i)o\ uds : the whole containing twelve and half two aciis and half aloweil : for l)ad land laid ovt By Thomas White svrvayer Robert Evins and Jacob aldrich committee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 335 Janvary y" 10"^ : 1718^-9 laid o\^ for Timothy Winter thirty acers sixth division laid out on the west side the great River against his other land and is l)0vnded as followeth the norwest corner beino; a blak oak tree markt thence Rvnino- sovth 20 dar^ East Eighty fovr Kod to a stake and stons being the sovthwest corner then east 20 dgr' north Eighteen Rod toalexander plvmlys land then on sd land to the River and l)ovnded East on sd river north part on sd River and part on Comon to the first bovnds the whole containing thirty Eight acers lying in a crook of the River Eight acers alowed : for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Robert Evens and Jacol) aldrich committee John white Ezekiel wood [243.] Janvary y*^ 30*" : 17(U laid ovt for John white sixteen acers of captain Joseph AMiits fovrth division laid for his son John white twelve acers and a half of it laid ovt on the East side the west River below Rock medow Brook bovnded as foloweth the northeast corner being a white oak tree markt thence with a direct line twenty five rod to a white oak stand markt being the norwest corner thence with a direct line Eighty Rod to a black oak tree markt being the sovth west corner then with a direct line twenty five rod to a white oak stand being the sovtheast corner thence whith a direct line Eighty Rod to the first bovnds : laid ovt by Thomas white — three acers and half more of sd sixteen acers laid out on the East side the mill River ]:»elow the lower north medow and is bovnded sovth part on sd whits medow part on common twenty fovr rod a white oak tree markt being the sovthwest corner west on common twenty rod to a black oak tree markt being the norwest corner north on common twenty Rod to John Jonses land a chesnvt tree markt near s*^ land East on sd land thirty rod to sd whits medow laid o%i: by Thomas white — Jvne y^ 1^^ : 1707 part of John whits fifth division of land laid ovt on magomisco hill bovnded sovth on Ebenezer tilers land ninety five rod to a white oak tree markt being the sovth- west corner west on comon thirty Eight rod to a white oak tree markt beins; the norwest corner north on common ninetv five :VM) I'Koi'KiKroits- i:i:(oi:i)s. lotl to a wliit»> oak tree iiiaikt l>riiii: the norllicast coruor Kast on coiniiioii lliiily KIl^IiI rod to sd lih is laud the whole coiitain- iiii: iwciity Iwo accrs and liall" laid lor 1 went y accrs two acrrs and lialf alow.-d foi' l.a.l land laid o\ 1 i)y Tlionias whit.- m ivaycr sain\rl tliaycr and Jo^iali tliaycr t-oinniittcc april y 2()"' : 17(»!> laid o\i loi- .lolin white «)ne aeer and half of his lifth division of land laid (.vt on the Kast side thr mill ii\'ei- l»(»vn(l(>d north on his othei- land sixteen rod west on eoin- nion twenty lod to a maple tree markl att the river a litth' \ p the river from his medow : and is hovndod Kast on sd inedow to his other hmd the whole eontaininir tw(> aeers lialf one aeer alowed for had land laid ovt Ity Thomas white Avrvayer samvel Head and samvel more committee february 2.')"' •• 1744/^ Laid out for Ezekiel Wood two acres cSl half of George Briiees Eightii Division Easterly from his house near to Said house begining at a heap of Stones & Kuning Soutli twenty Hve D" East and hounding Easterly on Swamp Laid out for Solomon ^Yood on mores Right and on all otiiei- parts on his own Land Excei)ting ten Rods northerly on Land of Sam" Cliapin the whole eontaining three acres & half one acre alowed for had Land Laid out hy Olivei- Hay ward John Read C'onnnitlei' the ahove land laid o\t to Kzekiel Wood wroUii Recorded John White Ezekel wood [244.] dvne y^ lo"' : 171H laid ovt for John white forty five acers and an half of land nineteen aeers and an half is of his sixth division and twenty acers is of his seventh division and six acers is of Jacob aldriches seventh division laid ovt on tlu' west side ot the great river liegining at the northeast corner of John arnaUls land thence rvning north 23 dgr" west one hvndred an iiintli di\i>i(iii and "J ncrrs of sd wlu'loi'ks tciitli division laid out on tiir wc^l -idf iIk- iTivat rivi'i- and is hovndcd Kast on sd rivi-r ^^ lotl noilli on tlif land of" .I<)l»n sprinir 41) ron sd rawsons land (i rod to a licaji ot" stons in sd I'uwsons liuf tlirn r\ninL^ so\tli 10 di:r- west iitl rod to a heap ol' stons beiui; tlu- --o\ t liwcsl coiner and is l»o\ ndcd so\tli('rl\ on >d niw.sons land hi rod to the uit'at river: tin- whole heiiii:- (i aeer> :iud 10 rod 2 acers anil 10 rod alowed tor had land — the same day laid o\t for sd wood 18aeersofsd wheloeks tenth and .'^O rod 2 acers aud 60 rod alowed for bad land. the same day laid for sd wood 20 acers of obadiah wheloeks tenth division aud laid ovt on the west side mvmfords river and is bovnded sovth on the covntry Rode 71 rod west on the mines- try land 106 rod north on the prohibeted land 6 rod to a heap of stons on a rock thence rvning north 8 dgr" East 41 rod to a black oak tree markt being the norwest corner then ivning East 12 rod to a heap of stons att Reads land being the northeast corner then bovnded East on stl reads land 9<) rod to the rode compasing in 7 acers of land formerly laid ovt the whole being 32 acers 12 acers alowed for sd 7 acers and bad land laid o\t l>y Thomas white svrvayer .lacoli aldrich and E/ekeil wood chain men november y' 7"': 1738 then laid ovt for Ezekel wood 12 accr-. and half of John albces tenth division of land laid Joyning to the land of timothy gy on the East side of mvmfords river begining at a northeast corner of sd land then rvning west 3') tlgr" sovth l)y sd land 24 rod to a heap of stons being a corner then n«>rth 35 dgrs west 30 rod to a In-ap of stons bi-ing the norwest coi-ner MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. :J39 then East 35 dgr^ north 50 rod to a heap of stons being the north East : corner then sovth 35 dgr' East 70 rod to a heap of stons being the so^^heast corner then west 35 dgr^ sovth 26 rod to stons on a rock the sovthwest corner at sd gys land then on sd kind to the first bovnds it being a broaken peace of land contain- ing 15 acers and 140 rod 3 acers and 00 rod alowed for bad land — the same day laid o^i; for sd wood Eleven acers and half of land : viz : 8 acers of Ebenezer woods tenth division and one acer and half of John albees tenth division and 2 acers of obadiah whelocks ninth division laid together Joyning to his other land near John springs begining at a sovthwest corner of peter aldriches land and is bovnded north part on sd land and part on common 50 rod to a heap of stons : Ijeing the northeast corner then so\'th 5 dgr' East (50 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth- east corner then west 5 dgr* sovth 50 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 5 dgr* west (30 rod to the tirst bovnds the whole being 18 acers and 120 rod compasing in 2 acers formerly laid out : 7 acers and 40 rod alowed for sd 2 acers and bad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and sd wood chain men Joseph White Junior [246.] Part of: Sergent Joseph Whits land Which was part of Cap' Joseph whits Land and medow Now Joseph Whits Juniors As Appears by A deed of Gift baring Date seuenteen hundred and Thirteen January 25 and Acknowledged the Day Aboue before Josiah Chapin Esq'' The seuerall Tracks of Land and medows Comprehended In the Afore sd Deed ar bounded as followeth With A tiue Acre Right In all futer Deuissions After the lift Deuission of upland Part of the Aforesd Lands Lying upon both sides of the West Riuer and bounded as followeth : sixteen Acres be it more or Les on the East side of sd Riuer Twelve Acres on the North side Ceader swamp brook : as it was Laid out to the sd white and buted and bounded to him upon the Towne Records four Acres more upon the south side sd brook bounded southerly upon Land In possesion of the sd white by A line of Markt :U0 PKOPKIKTORS' RECORDS. trcs A wliilc oak*' tic inarkl iicrr ><1 l.rook l»y an old Way so Kouiul l.y Ihc Kdir of A hill to A l.lack oakr tiv»- iiiarkt Ncic the inodow hottoin tVoiii tluMic with A dincl Line to thr Kiiici' A whit oakc tree inarkt nvw sd KiiuT the alxnu' Itouiidrd upland l>e it more or he it Lcs with all the niedow hottciii on ihi' brook and HiutT with in the hounds of sd Land And Thirty six Acres of Land on the West side of mI West Kiner bounded Northerly on the Land ol" Kbenezer Stapls : Weast on Intei-vaill Southerly on Land in the Possion of th<^ urantoi- Easterly on the West Kiuer As AUso six Acres of hitervail Part bounded on sd Land As Also A peice of Medow Land Lying Xere Timothy Winters south Medow Lying on the West side of A small Pine swamp be it more or be it Less us It is bounded upon the Towne Records Ebenezer Whits six Acres of tift Deuission which was Alowed to be taken up in Prohil)eted Land now Joseph Wliite Juniors as Appears by A deed of Sale baring Date the Eighteenth of febu- ary 1701' and Acknowledged befoi-e Josiah ('liapiii Es(|uire dune 25: 1711 The six Acres of Ebenezer Whits tift deuission Aforsd Laid out on the East side the weast Riuer for dosei)h white Junior: bounde\\ani|. Lott belonging to John Gurnys Lott and one Acre of my tifth deuission of Land Now Joseph whits Ju. as Appears by A deed of sale baring date March the Twenty Eight 171(5 and Acknowledg before Josiah < 'hapin Es(/ the second of July 171(i : Allso four Acres of Laml beintr Part of The third deuission of Land lud^onirinir to Timothv MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 341 Winters Lott Now the Aboiie sd Joseph Whits as Appeared by a deed of Sale baring Date the 27 September 1717 and Acknowed before Josiah Chapin Esqr September 27. 1717 July the 27 1717 Laid out for Josiah White Ju"°'" on the East side the West Riuer thirteen Rod and half of the swamp Lott belonging to John Gurneys Lott and one Acre of the fourth deuission of Land belonging to sd Lott and two Acres and Quarter of Land belonging to Timothy Winters third deuission of Land up stream with A Reed oake tree marked Neer sd Riuer thence Runing Westerly twenty Rods to A walnut stand being the south East Corner then Runing Westerly thirty one Rod to the West Riuer : A Reed oake tree Marked Neer sd Riuer this Land Lying between sd Whits House and Rock Medow brook by Thomas White July 27. 1717 Laid out for Joseph White Junior one Acre and three Quarters of Land of the third deuission of Land : belonging to Timothy Winters Lott on the Ceder swamp brook Aboue stapls west Medow : bounded Round on Common Twenty Rod In Length : sixteen Rod wide att the West End twelve Rod wide att the East End the north Corner being A walnut tree the south West Corner A stake the south East Corner A heap of stons on A Rock the North East Corner A walnut stand by Thomas White Aprill y*' 14/1718 : Laid out for Joseph White Jun' twenty eight acres sixth division on the east side the west river Joyn- ing to his other Land near his house bound South on January y^ ^"^ Land Seucuty four rod west part on his own Land 1. 1718 part on the west river one hundred and sixty rod to another peace of his own Land north on S^ Land thirty three rod from the river to a walnut tree mearkt being a corner of his other Land east on comon with a direct line one hundred and eighteen rod to the northeast corner of his Land by his house the w^hole containing forty seuen acers nineteen acers alowed for bad Land Laid out by Thomas white Robert Euens Jacob Aldrich Committee 'U2 riiorKiKroKs- hkcohds. Mcndon Aprill V 11/I71M: Laid out lor .losopli White .Inn' of the Six division Iwo accrs of Swamp hounded upon the South east side upon upland twenty eight rod uarious Line: Recorded j,, ., |,,,.,p , ,f Stoucs Sou west ou hls niedow six rod January y* . 1.1718 nor west on his niedow I went v eii^hl rod northeast on his niedow sixteen rod to a heap: of Stones hein : ITlUlaidovl for Joseph while dvn' ninety Kod sixth division on the east sid«' the west river Hetwen two rockey hills twenty rod long and fovr rod wide att the noiih end and five rod wide att the sovth end the norwest corner being a blak oak stand the sovthwest corner a walnvt stand the northeast corner and soNtheast corner hea])s of stones: laid ovt l»y tlioiuas white Robard taft Jacob aldrich committee May y" 28 : 1710 laid ovt for Joseph white Jvn'dne hvndred and fifty rod sixth division on the east side the west river on a small rvn that rvns into stai)leses west medow lying on both sids sd rvn it being fifteen rod long and ten rod wide the corners being att heaps of stons laid ovt By thomas white Robard taft Jacob aldrich committee November: y* : 27"' : 1711> laid ovt for Joseph white Jvn"^ nine acers seventh division joyning to one acre of land formerly lai rvning sovth 21 dgi"* east thirty two rod to a walnvt stand : then rvning east 21 dgi-* north 80 rod to a heap of stones : then north 21 dgi** west to a iieaj) of stones then to the first bovnds Rvning west 21 dgr"* sovth eighty rod the whole containing sixteen aiers seven acers alowed for bad land and one acer formerly laid ovt : laid ovt by Robard evens Jacob aldrich thomas white committee Xovember y'' 27"': 1710 laid ovt for Joseph white Jv"Mwo acers seventh division Joyning to his other land it being a thriM* cornered |)eace bovnded west part on his own land p;irt (Ui ebenezer stapls land forty live rod soxlheriy pari on his own land pari cbene/er staples^ land I'orly loil tlini on couiou lifly MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 343 rod to his other land the whole containing six acers fovr acers alowed for bad land and the rode leading from town to his hovse : laid ovt by Robard evens Jacob aldrich thomas white committee Joseph white Jvn'^ William Hayward [249.] November y'' 27 : 1719 laid ovt for Joseph white six acers seventh division on the sovth side the rode leading from town to his hovse Joyning part on his own land part on ebenezer stapleses land rvning sovth 6 dgr^ east from sd rode sixty rod to a heap of stones then east 6 dgr^ north thirty six rod to a heap of stones then north 6 dgr' west sixty rod to sd way so bovnded on sd way to the first bovnds : the whole containing thirteen acers and half seven acers and half alowed for bad land and one acer and three qvarte^s of land formerly laid ovt by Robard evens Jacob aldrich thomas white committee November y*" 27*'' : 1719 laid ovt for Joseph white Jvn'^ seven acers of his own seventh division and two acers of Willson RaAv- sons seventh division near the West river on the east side of a peace of land formerly laid ovt to John white deseased begin ing att a white oak being the northeast corner of sd whites land thence rvning east fvll point sixty rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then sovth fvll point forty rod to a heap of stones being sovtheast corner then west to sd whites land sixty rod the whole containing fifteen acers six acers alowed for bad land : by Robard Evenes Thomas white Jacob aldrich committee March y^ 24*'' : 1720 laid ovt for Joseph white Jvn' ten acers of John darlings seventh division and fovr acers of John tomp- sons seventh division Joyning to his other land near flag medow compasing in sd medow begining att the sovthwest corner of his other land then rvning sovth 20 dgr* east forty rod to a heap of stones being the sovthwesterly corner then east fvll point fifty four rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner then north 20 dgr' west one hvndred and twenty two rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then west 20 dgr* sovth twenty rod to his former land bovnded on one side and one end of sd land the whole containing twenty three acers and forty rod eleven acer 344 ruoPHU TORS' kf/ords. and forty rod nlowcd tor sd incdow and l>ad land : R\ Rtth.ird Evens Thomas White Jacob aldrich Connnittoc Jimc y* 4"' 174H Laid out for Will iani Hayward 12a(<'rs()f land (uiz) 7 acers c'i half of his Eleuonth Hivision and 4 a(;prs iSc liMlfof his ninth and Irnlh Divisions ,Ioynin«r to his oth<'r T^and near Isra«d Tafts and is hounded west on his other Land 1>5 rod Southerly (»n Lliphelett whartields Land 22 rod P'.asterly on Reads Land to Edujond Kawsons Land then hounded north on S*" Raw- sons Land c'C- Easterly on S'' Rawsons Land to the Road Leadin*:; to Isi-ael tafts then Ixtunded mtrtherly on said Road to his other Land Laid out by AVilliani Torrey Surueyer daeob aldrich and ^^'ill- iani Hayward Chain men Josiah Thayer [250. J Mendon April the seuenteenth seuen hundred and thirteen Laid Down for Josiah Thayer : seuenty four xVcres of M"^ Joseph Emersons great Lott In the Rock medow woods Acord- ing to the grant of the Towne Att A Publick Meeting the Day Aboue : by ,Iosiah Chapin Seuen Acres and Twenty Rod of the aboue sd seuenty four Acres Laid out to the Abouesd Josiah Thayer the Twentyeth of April] seuenteen hundred and thirteen on the East sid of hop brook bounded Northerly Part on sd Thayers Land and Part on Comon Twenty two Rods Weast on hop brook : fifty two Rods southerly on Samuel Thayers Land Twenty one Rod ; Easterly on Samuel Thayers Land fifty two Rods : l)y Thomas White fiftcn Acres More of sd Land Laid out on the East side of the Mill Riuer Aboue Rehoboth Road : bounded Weast on sd Thay- ers Land sixty six Rod : North on Eliazer Danils Land : thirty Rods: then with A direct Line on Comon forty Rods to A slake being the North East Corner: Easterly on Comon on hundred and four Rod : to A pine tree Markt : Neer his other Land : it being almost A : Three Cornerd peice by Thomas AN'liite Apiill I'o 171H Tcnn Acres more of sd seuenty four Acres Laid out on the >auu> side of the sd Mill Riuer A litle Downe streame b..uiuled Weast MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 345 upon Eleazer Danills Land fifty four Rod : the southweast Cor- ner being : a black oak tree the : Norweast Corner : A white oake tree Northerly : on sd Danils Land : twEnty Rod to A Avhite oake tree : being the Northeast Corner : Easterly on Comon Thirty Eight Rod : to the south Weast Corner : being A pine tree : southerly on Comon : fifty Rod : to the south Weast Corner : by Thomas White Aprill y^ 20 1713 : Thirteen Acres More of sd seuenty four Acres of Land In A three Cornered Peice a litle More upstrearae bounded Weasterly upon sd Danils Land one : hundred Rods to A pine tree : being the North Weast Corner : Northerly on Comon forty Rods to A stake : being the : North East Corner : Easterly on : Comon one hundred and four Rods : to the south Corner : being A white oake Tree : by Thomas White Aprill 20. 1713 : Twenty and Eight acres INIore of sd seuenty four Acres of Land Laid out on the East side of the Mill Riuer as It is bounded Westerly on sd Riuer southerly upon Comon Land by A Line of Ninty Rods Easterly by A uarious Line upon hilly Pine Land Containing one hundred and sixty Rods Northerly upon the Land of Ensigne William Holbrook by A Line of six Rods from the Riuer : March 13^*^ l^lOyy V Josiah Chapin Esqr — Josiah Thayer [251.] October 15 1717 Laid out for Josiah Thayer Twenty Acres of the fourth deuission of Land belonging to M"" Joseph Emersons Lott and one Acre and half of Land Which Was for- merly Laid out to sd thayer In Samuel Thayers Land nere hopp brook : Now Laid out Joyning to his other Land West Ward from his house bounded southerly on sd Land twenty Rod A heap of stons on A Rock Nere the southerly Corner A black oak tree markt nere the south West Corner : West on Comon : one hundred and thirty Rod to stones on A Rock being the Nor West Corner North on Comon forty Rod : to A swamp oak being the North East Corner : East on Comon one hundred and thirty Rod : 341 1 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. to his othoi- Land the ^^'h()l(' ( 'onlainin^f Twenty two Acres and half one Acre Alowanc for Hutf Land : by Thouias white : October IS. 1717 T>aid for Josiah Thayer betwen the Round Mrddw and Chesniit hill In A small Ponhole by Estemation half one Acre of the second deuission of Mnty rod to the sovthwest corner att his other land : laid ovt by thomas white -losiah Thayei [252. I .laiiiiary the Twenty second on thousand >euen hun- dred & six fifty Aeie> (if M' dosepli Knieisons tourth Deuission Laid out to .losiah Thayer on the East side of the Mill Kiuer : Neer Dedham Line: bounded as followeth It beiuL^ lifty Rod In breadth and dUe hundred and sixt v Roeing allso : half an Acre of the second Deuission of Medow belonging to the sd Emersons Lott formerly Laid out In the great Medow Now laid out within sd fifty Acres. by Thomas White Twelue Acres of the fift Deuission belonging to M"^ Emersons Lott Laid out for Josiah Thayer on the East side of the great Riuer aboue fox brooke : Compasing in forty Rod of sd Thayers swamp lott formerly Laid out by Capt : Chapin bounded as fol- io weth : the southeast Corner being A heap of stones : on a Rock East fifty Rod : to A black oake tree : being the north East Corner : North on Comon seuenty Rod to A stake and stones being the north Weast Corner Weast on Comon Twenty Eight Rod to A white oake tree : being the south Weast Corner : south on Comon : fifty Rod to the south East Corner the Whole being fourteen Acres and half and Twenty Rod : two Acres and Sixty Rod Alowance — by Thomas Whit Seth Chapin & Sauuiel More Comite Twenty three Acres More of sd fift Deuission : Laid to Josiah Thayer Joyning to his other Land : att Chesnut hill medow liounded East on his other Land : one hundred and thirteen Rod : being the whole bredth of sd Land south on Comon forty Rod : to A black oake tree : being the soutth weast Corner weast one hundred and thirteen Rod : to A white oake tree : being the Norweast Corner : North on Comon forty two Rod to his other Land : the whole Containing Twenty nine Acres : six Acres Alowanc by Thomas white Seth Chapin & Samuel more : July 13: 1710 Comite : Ten Acres More of the fift Deuission belonging to M"^ Emer- sons Lott Laid out for Josiah Thayer to Jonathan Richerdson : Joyning to his other Land : bounded south on sd Land : sixty Rods : the South East Corner : A white oake tree : the south weast Corner A white oake tree : weast on Comon thirty four 348 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Kods ; In m poplc lice Ix-iii;.' Ww Morwoast Corner: North on Coiiion sixlv six Kod : lo A liraj) of stones })eing A Corner ol his other L.iiid : K:ist on sd I.:md thii-ty six Rods; to the Sonth F.ast Corner the whole Containing: thirteen Aeres and half and Twenty tour Rod three Aeres and half and twenty four Kod Alowane: July i;i:171(> l.y Thomas white Selh ChMi)in .si Sam- uel more Coniitte dosiah Thayer [253.] Two Aeres of W Joseph Emersons rift Deuission Laid: out for Josiah Tliayer on the East side «»f hopj) l>rook ))ounded Northerly part on samuell Thayers Land Part on Comon ten Rods: the Norweast Corner: A : heap of stons on A Roek In sd hrook the north East Corner A white oake Tree : East on Comon thirty Rod : to a black oake stand being the south East Corner: south on Comon: twelue Rods to A heap upon A Rock on the banck of sd brook being the south weast Corner: Southerly part on Sanuiel Thayers Land Part on Josiah Thavers Land 80 rod to the Nor weast the whole containing two Acres and ten Rod ten Rod Alowane by Thomas White Seth Chai)in and Sauuiel More : Com" July 10, 1710 Sixteen Aeres and half more of the Aboue sd Deuission Laid out for the Aboue sd Josiah Thayer on the East side of the mill Riuer : bounded south on Samuel Thayers Land : thirty Rod : Easterly Part on Nicolus Cooks Land Part on .losiah Thayers Land Eighty Rod : North on Comon thirty six Rods weast on Comon : Eighty Rod : the south East Corner being : A white oake tree the other thre Corners being Pine trees the whole Containing sixteen Acivs and half six Aeres and half Alowane: July: 10"> 1710 by Thomas white Seth Chapin and Sanmel More Comite — Twenty one Acres and half more of th(> sd m' Emersons tift Deuission Laid for twelue Acres Nine Acres and half Alowane for the Aboue sd Thayer on the East side of the Mill Riuer bounded South on sd thay<'rs land one hundred and Twelve Rod the North East Conu-r \)v]wj: A white oak tree: north on Nieo- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 349 lus Cooks Land Twenty four Rod to Dedham Line East on sd Line one hundred and Twelve rod weast on Conion : thirty Eight Rod home to his other Land July 10 1710 — by Thomas White Seth Chapin and Samuel more Comite — Seuen Acres More of sd m' Emersons lift deuission Laid for four unto the sd Josiah Thayer together with half one Acre of Medow formerly Laid out in the great medowe Laid out on both sids the Mill Riuer : bounded southerly on Samuel Thayers Land : thirty Rod : the south weast corner being A swamp oake and on the East side sd Riuer a white oake markt : nere the southeast Corner Easterly on : Comon fifty Rod : to a pine tree : being the North East Corner : north on Comon sixteen Rod to A white oake : tree being the North weast Corner : Weast on Comon: fifty Rod: to the south weast Corner July lO*'' 1710 by Thomas white Seth Chapin and Samuel More Comite Twenty nine Acres of fift deuission Laid out for Josiah Thayer Joyning to his other land att Chestnut hill Medows : bounded south on sd Land Eighty Rod A black oake tree : Markt neer the south East Corner : the south weast corner being A white oake tree weast on Comon seuenty Rod to a walnut stand being the North weast Corner : North on Comon Eighty Rod : to A heap of stons upon A Rock being the north East Corner East on Comon Seuenty Rod : to the south East Corner the whole Con- taining Thirty fine Acres six Acres Alowance : Aprill y^ 9 : 1714 by Thomas white Seth Chapin & John Jones Comite Josiah Thayer [254.] Thirty Acres of Samuell Hay wards fift Deuission of Land Laid out for Josiah Thayer on the south side of hopp brook : Nere the Mill Riuer bounded southerly part on sd Thayers Land and Part on Comon : A pine tree Marked Nere sd Land on the brow of a hill Nere A slang of Medow : from thenc with A dirict Line : to A. White oake tree : being A Corner of Samuel Thayers Land East part on sd Thayers Land and Part on Mill Riuer : home to hopp brook. North on sd brook to A Reed oake tree : marked Neere hop brook medow : Weast on Comon with A dirict Line to A white oake : tree marked Neer sd Thayers 350 IMtOl'KlEi'OHS' KKCOKDS. (.tli.T Land hci- l.ciii-- AlcwMiic lor a tnmv Kcd hy\va\ llucw >.l Liiiul : ;is also ( 'i(lcialilc Alowaiic tor uin'\ n an l*oic Land: July 27. 17i;{ l»y Tlioinas whili' Tlioinas Saiitord cS: KohiTt Huons ( oinilc May TwtMily third Laid out to Josiali Tliayt'i- Kiirht Aciu's of Land that foiincrly l.clonut'd to .lolin Dilo urcat Lott one Acre and half Lai^ l.uttt'd and houn(h' npon the Land of sd Thayer: Northerly hy A line of forty Rod: hounded Part on the Land of William Ilolhrook and Part on the Land of Thomas thayer Easterly part on the niedow of Thomas Thayer and Part on the mill Riuer : and southerly on the Land of sd thayer, — six Aeres and half more of sd Eijifht Acres Laid out Ine()mpasin«r A swum}) Lyini> nere the sovth Corner of William Ilolhrooks farm : hounded Xortherly*l>y A various Line : of >ixty Koiiiall black oake : the south weast Corner so lound with the swamp (»n upland home to the sd Ebenezer Thayers Land : Laid with an Allowane: of forty Rod for Rocky Land: by .losiah ("hapin thirty Rods more <^f the aboue sd two Acres Laid In A swamp A Litle Norweasterly : from Seth Ahbiches house : on A smal Run: bounded Dowue streamer by A lint' Trees: Crosing and an Ash and a burch markt In the Line and so Continuing up- streame : to the Contents of A quarter of An Acre Laid out May 23 1710 by Josiah Cliapin MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 351 Josiah Thayer [255.] September 5^^ 1709: Laid out to Josiah Thayer twekie Acres of eTohn Dikes great Lott AVhich was Part of John Jepsons Lott and two Acres of Land in hie of two Acres of Medow Which was Laid In the midst of sd thayers Land belong- ing to benjemin Whelock fourteen Acers in All Laid on the West side of sd Thayers Land bounded Easterly on the Land of sd thayer and Part on the Land of William Holljrook Southerly Part on the Land of sd Thayer and Part on the Land of Samuel Thayer and part on Conmion A stake the south West Corner : Westerly part on Comon : and part on the swamp of Thomas Thayer and from sd swamp by A Line of Markt trees to the southermost Corner of William Holbrooks farm — by Josiah Chapin Esq' January y"^ 1: 1718^-^: Laid out for Josiah thayer twelue acers sixth division near James Keths it being a broaking peace of Land left for S*^ thayer containing twenty six acers Recorded compasiuo' in two acers and half Swamp or Medow January . yei7. i7fa l>otom formerly Laid out bounded east part on James : Keiths Land part on nathan penimans Land north on said penimans Land west on nathaniel rawsons Land south on S** Keiths Land eleuen acers and half alowed for bad Land by : Thomas : White : Robert : Euens Jacob : Aldrich Committee. Aprill the 25 : 1718 laid ovt for Josiah thayer two acers sixth division Joyning to his other Land Bovnded east to his other hind near eliezer daniels land one hvndred and thirty rod north on comon seven rod west on sd daniels land part on comon one hvndred and thirty rod it being a narow gore or three cornerd^ peace containing two acers and seventy live rod seventy five rod alowed for bad land and a private way cros sd land for eliezer daniels to go to his land : laid ovt by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldi'ich comitee apri" y« 25 1718 laid ovt for Josiah thayer fovr acers sixth di- vision Joyning to his other land west from his hovse Bovnded 8o^i;h on his other land fifteen rod west on his other land one 352 I'HorKIKTOKS' hkcokds. Iiviulrcd and thirty i-od to a white oak tret- iiiai-Ut Ix'iiii:- the north corner: cast part on .lames keiths land part on eliezer danii'ls hind one h\n(h«-d an\ thoinas white thoinas ihaycr ,lacol» al a hea}) of stones being the sovthwest corner then Kvniiig east fvll point by a line of uiarkt trees one hvndred and fifty rod to his other land compasing two peaces of swamp or Methjw Bottom the whole containing one hvndred acers fovrteen acers alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros a corner of sd land laid ovt by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich coniitee » Mav y' 21 ITU* laid ovt for Josiah thaver thirtv two acers ^ sixth division of land on the west side the great river at the ^ S province line bovnded southerly on said line sixty fovr rod a IE blak oak tree markt att the sovtheast corner east part on 1 §• sani" cooks land part on conion eiiJ:htv rod to a heap of stones ♦? t '>t^"i^ tlie northeast corner then rvniiig west ion >old to Khene/er Head and Joseph White and laid out to tliein novemlier y' 1")"': 1737 laid ovt foi- .Jonas parkes 3 aeers and half tenth division of land laid .loyning to his other land and is bovnded East on sd land 7U rod and sovth on sd land (5 rod west on a three rod way 70 rod north on the land of nathaniel Jones Eleven rod the whole being 3 aeers and 115 rod 35 rod alowed for had land laid ovt by Thomas white and seth ehapin november y*' 25"' 1737 laid ovt for .Isaae }>arkes 4 aeers and half tenth division of land and is laid Joynin^r to his other land near the north seder swamp and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land 30 rod Easterly on seder swamp 15 rod northerly on 5 rod of common left for a rift way to : sd swamp 32 rod westerly on a three rod way 39 rod it being a broaken peace of laud containinjj^ 5 aeers and 37 rod : 117 rod alowed for bad land the same day laid ovt for Jonas parkes one acer tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land neai- his sawmill Ijegining att a sovtheast corner of sd land thence rvniug west 19 dgi** sovth 24 rod to a white oak tree markt att his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his other land itt being a three cornered peace of land containing one acer and 40 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer seth chai)in chain man Benjamin Tatt [268.] may y* 10'": 1735 laid for benjamin taft Eight aeers of land which was alowed him by the selectmen of vxbridge for a highway thnngh lii> land and is laid Joyning to his (»ther land MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 355 near abell aldriches land and is bovnded East on his other land 88 rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner thence rvn- ing west 24 dgr^ sovth 18 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth- west corner then north 24 dgr" west 88 rod to a heap of stons being a corner of his other land and is bovnded north on sd land 18 rod the whole containing 9 acers and 144 rod oneacerand 144 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Joseph taft chain men October y*^ 2(3"' : 1736 laid ovt for benjamen taft 10 acers tenth : division : of land laid Joyning to his other land near the iron works begining att the sovthwest corner of sd land thence : rvn- ing sovth 10 dgr^ west 14 rod to a heap of stons att Ezekiel woods land then bovnded on sd woods land to william holbrooks land then bovnded on sd holbrooks land to his own land then bovnded on sd land to the first bovnds itt being a broaken peace of land containing Eleven acers and 32 rod one acer and 32 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas whit^ svrvayer Joseph white and benjamin taft chain men may y^ 31* : 1737 laid ovt for benjamen taft one acer and 40 rod tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded Easterly on sd land 42 rod to a maple tree being a former bovnds thence rvning west fvU point 10 rod to a heap of stons being the so\i:hwest corner thence with a direct line to the nor- west corner of his other land the whole being one acer and 50 rod 10 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Benjamen taft chain men november y*^ 24"* : 1737 laid ovt for Benjamen taft 13 acers of land : viz : 5 acers and 28 rod which was alowed him for land lost by providence farms and 7 acers and 132 rod of tenth division laid Joyning to his other land near John Jonsons and is bovnded west on sd land 92 rod sovth on sd Jonsons land 50 rod and is bovnded East with a direct line 92 rod to a heap of stones being a former bovnds it being a three cornered peace of land contain- ing 14 acers and 60 rod one acer and 32 rod alowed for l)ad land : the same day laid ovt for sd taft one acer tenth division laid Joyning to the abovesd land and is bovnded north on sd land 40 rod East on sd Jonsons land 8 rod sovth on Benson^ farm 40 rod ;i;j(; I'HOrKIKTOUS- HKCOKDS. it l»t'in«r :ilhrt>t' i-onu'i't'd. pfju-r ol" land laid ovl Ity 'riidiii.-i-; wliilc s\ rvayrr Jat-ol) aidrit-li and Ht'njaniin latl rliain inm ,lMn\aiA y : 2<»"' : M'M^ laid (»\1 lor l.cnjanicn latl I'rJ ac«'is of land hcinii ninth and ti'ntii divisions of land laid o\l ncai- alirl aldiiclio and is hovndfd Kast on llic land of dolin l.cnson \2S rod ivninsx from tlic noiwt'st roiiior of sd licnsons lam! with a direct line to a hoap of stoiis near sd aldriehes hind : l»ein«r : the norwest coiinr then rvninj; sovth .S dtrr" west 128 rod to liu- province so\th line and is bovnded so\th on the province line 1(> rod to sd bensons land laid ovt hy Thomas white svrvuyer Joseph taft and Benjamen taft chain men Klea/.el' Daniels [259. J Mendon June y^' 8^''. ITlil. then Laid out for Eleazer Daniels : thirteen acres of Seuenth Diuision of Land on the East Side of y mill Kiuer ; l)eirining at a Noi-th East Corner: of Josiah Thayers Land : then Runintj East Six Degrees South on Common tifty Six Rod & half to a heape of Stones, being a South East Corner, then Runing northerly on Coumion one hundred ovtlicasl corner then bovnded so\tli on connnon six Rod to liis oilier land it heiiiLT -"i broken j)eace of land containine five acers three acers alowed foi- had land One acer and three <|varters more of sd pvrchast laitd laid »Ioy- ninjr to sd Daniels other land on the P^ast side the mill River and is l)ovnded sovth on Josiah thayers land forty fovr Rod and on all other parts on his own land it bein^r .i broken peace of land con- taininfj lo\ r acei-s two acers and a (|varter alowed for bad land: the whole of sd pvrehased land being six acers and the Remain- ing part of sd six acers being one (jvarter of an acer laid ovt on the west side the mill River near sd Daniels Dweling hovse a lit- tle northward from sd hovse and is Iwvnded westerly on Rehobath Rode twenty Rod and East on his other land it being a gore six rod wide at the sovth end and nothing att the north End contain- ing sixty rod twenty rod alowed for bad land the whole of sd six acers laid ovt l)v Thomas whik svrvayer James keith and dacoli aldrich connnittee October y*" 20"" 1748 Laid out for Jonas parkhust four acres & three quarters Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Tiand near Decon C'orbetts Land and is Bounded westerly on his other liand 110 rod northerly on y*" Land of Dec" Daniel Corbett 4 rod a heap of Stones on S*" Corbetts Line being y' north East Corner thence with a Direct TJne of IJx'ue/cr \\'lii!c- Se\cnlli MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 35^ Division of Land and five acres of Sam" Bridges Seventh Division, and four acres of William Whites Seventh Division and four acres of Wilson Rawsons, Seventh Division and Two acres of his own Seventh Division, Begining at a heap of Stmis Being a Nor East Corner of his other Land, Runing Northerly ten Rod to a heap of stons, by the Side of Rockmedow Brook Then down S** Brook, Seventy Eight Rod to James Keiths Medow. then Partly on Sd Keiths medow, and upland and partly on the West River, to his other Land Eighty Seven Rod then Runing southerly on Sd Land one hundred and thirty Eight Rod then Easterly on his other Land fifty two Rod to a White oak, being a North West Corner of a Peice of medow, then Easterly on Common Thirty Two Rod to heap of Stons, then Northerly on Common Sixty Rod to a heap of stons Being a former South East Cornner, then Bounded partly on his other Land, and partly on a Peice of Land of John White. Deseased a Broken peice of Land Containg Sixty acres, and a hundred and Twelve Rod, Thirty seven acres and a hundred and Twelve Rod a Lowed for Bad Land, Laid out By Robert Evens Thomas White Jacob aldrich Commite Erors excepted Mendon Janauary the Twenty first Seventeen hundred Twenty two three Then Laid out for. Joseph white one acre & twenty Rod of Ceader Swamp in Shokollog Ceader Swamp at the South part Begining at a Maple Tree marked Being Sam" Thayers West Corner of his Ceader Swamp Then Running South East on sd Thayer, thirty Rod to Sam" Reads Swamp then South Weast on Sd Read Six Rod to a Ceader Stake marked being a South Corner, then North West on Common Thirty Rod to a Stake being a Weast Corner, then North East on Sd Thayers Land to the first Bounds Six Rod Laid out by, Robert Evens,. Jacob aldrich, Thomas White Committee march y'^ 10'*' : 172oi- laid ovt for Joseph white Jvn'" two acers of his seventh division of land and Eight acers of land pvrchased of the town att a pvblick tow^n meeting Janvary y*" 13 : 1723^ the sd ten acers of land laid ovt on the west side the great river 3f>0 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. noar hoopolr hill .lovnirifj to Bi'iijaincn tafts land begining att an hoa|» of stons being tho sovthwt'st cornoi- thcnci' Rvning north 21 (Igi** west forty Rod to a white oak tree inarkt being the nor- west corner then East 21 dgr" north sixty Rod to an heaj) of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 21 dgr" Kast forty Rod to an heap of stons being th<> sovtheast corner then west 21 dgr' sovth twenty rod to the northeast corner of sd tafts land then by sd land forty Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing fifteen acers five acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svTvaver James Keith > ,.^ . . > com"^'^ Jacob aldrich > Eben' Read Joseph white Jvn' [262.] may y*" 19: 172H laid ovt for Joseph white Jvn' twenty acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon and is laid Joyning to his other land near hoopole hill : begining att the sovth East corner of sd land thence Rvning : KrM 28 dgr^ north forty Rod to a heap of stons Being the sovth- east corner then north 23 dgr' west Eighty six Rod to a white oak tree markt being the northeast corner then west 23 dgi** sovth : 20 Rod to an heap of stons then seting of sovth six rod to an heap of stons then Rvning west 23 dgi-* sovth forty Rod to a Black oak stand markt being the norwest corner then sovth 23 dgr' East forty Rod to his other land : it being a broken peace of land lying jiartly on one side and one end of his other land containing twenty five acers and three (piarters five acers and three (|varters alowed for bad land and a three rod way through s own land and part on Tlioiiias whites land and part on coinindn begining at a lu-ap of stons being the ii(trthea>t corner thence Rvning west 2 dgi"" sovth ten lod to his other land then on sd land and Thomas whits land to a walnvt tree markt and stons about it thence rvning sovth 2 dgr' East forty Rod to Jchn cook- land then l)ovnde laid ovt for rb>scph white .Inn"^ ten acers Ki^rhth division of land laid Joynins: to his other land near Rock nicdow Br(»ok and is bo\ iidcd north on sd brook sixtecji Rod west on his otln'i- land ninety two Rod to a Red oak tree niaikt near the sovth west corner then East 22 dgr- sovth forty two rod to Richard holbrooks land and is bovnded East on sd holbrooks land thirty Rod to James keiths land then bovnded on sd keiths land to rock Rock medow Brook before named : it being a l>roaken peace of land containing thirteen acers and three qvarters three acers and three qvarters alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John Farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men Jvne y*^ 23'': 1730 laid ovt for Joseph white Jvn' six acers Eighth division of land at the north P^nd of hooppole hill and is Bovnded sovth on the land of John Rawson 28 rod and west on the land of sd Rawson 42 rod to a heap of stons being the nor- west corner thence Rvning East 8 dgi** & | sovth 26 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 8 dgr' (Sc 2 west 42 rod to sd Rawsons land to a heaj) of stons being the sovtheast corner the whole containing six acers and half and o2 rod half an acer and 52 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayt'r .lacol) aldrich and John lainvni chain men Jvne y^ : *.>"': 1732 laid ovt for cap^ Joseph white 1(> acers ninth division of land and is bovnded west on the way to John <-ooks sovth on the land of Bcnjamen white Easterly part on the land of Steven Hsh and part on a three Rod way it being a i)roaken peace of land containing by Estimation 111 acers !> acers alowed for bad land laid out by Thomas white svrvayer daniel lovet Joseph white chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 363 peter aldrich William Cheny Ebenezer Cheney [264.] forty Acers of Timothy Winters fourth Deuission of Land Now William Chenys xA.s Appears by A deed of Sale baring Date January y^ : 11"' 1704^ and Acknowed before Josiah Chapin Esq"'-- Aprill y^ : S'"" : 1706 April 13"^ 1706 Laid out to William Cheny forty Acers of Tim- othy winters fourth Deuission And butted and bounded as fol- loweth thirty four Acres Laid out upon A hill A litle Eastward from Seth Chapins Land : Easterly upon the swamp Lott of benje- min Wheton and all other sids upon Comon Land Laid out w4th Alowanc for A hyway through it Leading To Sherborn Laid out two Acres for one by Josiah Chapin & James Louet comite Aprill 13'*' : 1706 six Acres More of the Aboue sd forty Acres : Laid out Ajoining to the North End of Seth Chapins Land bounded Southerly on sd Chapins Land westerly upon the Land of John Jones Northerly upon the Land of beniemen wheton Laid out with Alowanc for A hyway of three Rod wide Leading to Magomiscok : Laid out with Alowanc two Acres for one by Josiah Chapin & James Louet Comite Jvne y® 26**' : 1730 laid ovt for Ebenezer cheney Eighteen acers of land which he pvrchased of Joseph Brvce : viz : twelve acers seventh division and six acers Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land near Thomas Beards and is bovnded East on his other land one hvndred rod and sovth on sd Beards land 33 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence rvning north 25 dgr* west one hvndred rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner, then East 25 dgi-* north 33 rod to his other land the whole : containing 21 acers and half three acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men november y^ 7"': 1738 laid ovt for peter aldrich 14 acres of Benjamen thayers tenth division laid Joyning to his other land att Waboxet and is bovnded East on sd land 64 rod rvning from the sovth west corner west 18 dgr' sovth 24 rod to the sovtheast corner of daniel lovets land and is bovnded west on sd land 70 rod to stons on a rock being the norwest corner then East 3 dgr* 384 PROPRIETORS' H FJORDS. north S4 lotl to m u.ilnvt stand at lii> otlici- land the whole hpin\v<'d foi- l»ad land and a small jxtnd in sd land the sanu" day laid toi- sd aldiicli I accrs tenth di\ ision of" land : viz: 3 of his own and one of licnjanicn thayers laid .loynintf to his other land west tVoni hi- lio\ sc and is hovnded Kast on sd htnd 40 rod rvninii tVoni the sovthwest corner of sd land west 20 djir' south 22 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner iIhmkc with a direct line 40 rod to a heap of stons beinof the nor- wcst corner then East 20 dgr' north 22 rod tt) his other land the whole containing 5 acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land and a three rod way throw sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer rJacol) aldrich and ])eter aldrich chain men John tarnvni [265.] march y' 25'*^ : 171!> laid ovt for John farnvm ten acers sixth division on the west side the great river near Joseph tafts bovnded as Voloweth the norwest corner being a white oak tree markt thence rvning sovth 35 dgi** west sixty rod to a heap of stones being the sovthwest corner then East 35 dgr' sovth thirty Rod to stones on a Rock being the sovtheast corner then north 35 dgi-' east seventy rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner thence with a direct line to the norwest corner the whole containing twelve acers and thirty rod two acres and thirty rod alowed for bad land By thonias white Rol)ard taft Jacol) aldrich committee Jvne y*^ 12"' : 171!* laid ovt for John farnvm ten acers of sixth division and twenty tive acers of seventh division on the sovth side shokcolog Brook begining att a white oak tree being the sovthwest corner of his : other land thence Runing sovth 10 dgr" west one hvndred Rod then East 10 dgi"* sovth sixty r(»d then north 10 dgr' east one hvndred and twelve rod to his other land the whole containing thirty eight acers and half: three acers c^ half alowed for bad land By K'obard Evens Jacob aldrich thomas white connnittcc Jvne y*" 12"': ni'.t laid ovt for John farnvm thirty acers of land seventh division on the west side the great i-iver Joyning to h\< other land l»o\ nded -o\tli on sd land -i\t\ rod \\»"-l on John MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 365 cooks land partly part on conion ninety six rod to a white oak tree thence rvning East 4 dgr^ north sixty rod to a chesnvt tree then sovth 5 dgr* east ninety six rod to a heap of stones att his other land: the whole containing thirty six acres: six acers alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros sd land By Robard Evens Jacob aldrich thomas white committee Jvne y^ 12*'' : 1719 laid o\'t for John farnvm three acers of land seventh division on the west side the great river Joyning to his other land near Joseph tafts hovse bovnded west on sd land ninety rod sovth on common twelve rod P^ast on comon ninety rod to his own land it l)eing a three cornered peace containing three acers and sixty rod sixty rod alowed for bad land by Robert Evens thomas white Jacob aldrich committee John farnvm Jvn'" [266.] march y'^ first 1726^ laid ovt for John tarnvm Jvn'' nine acers of land being part of the land that James Keith laid Down by Reson of providence claims now laid ovt Joyning to sd farnvms land Begining at a forked pine tree being y*^ norwest corner of James Emersons land and is bovnded sovth on sd Emersons land twenty three Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence Rvning north fvU point : Eighty fovr Rod to a whit oak tree markt being the northeast corner then west fvll point thirty two Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then so%i;h fvll point twenty two Rod to his other land a heap of stons being near the sovthwest corner : it being a broken peace of land containing fifteen acres six acres alowed for bad land and a fovr Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James Keith and Jacob aldrich committee march y^ fifteenth 1726^ laid ovt for John farnvm Jvtf five acers more of the above sd land laid Joyning to his other land by his hovse and is bovnded west on sd land one hvndred and five Rod and is bovnded sovth on his other land fifteen Rod East on Joseph tafts land one hvndred and ten Rod and north on solomon woods land seventeen Rod the whole containing nine acers fovr acres alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land : laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James Keith & Jacob aldrich committee 3(3() riioi'KiKTOHs* i:i:r()i{i)s. avirsl y^" 22'' : 172 laid ovt for John hirnvni twenty one acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his land near niviiifords plain begining at a forked red oak tree niarkt near a three Rod way thence rvning north 15 dgi-* East one hvndred and forty one rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 15 dgi*^ sovth forty two rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner: then so\'th 15 dgr' west one hvndred and thirty six rod to a heap of stons l)eing the sovtheast corner and is bovnded sovtherly on sd way forty two rod to the tirst bovnds : the whole containing thirty tive acers and ninety six rod : compasing in seven acers formerly laid ovt seven acers and sixteen rod alowed for bad land laid (»vt l)y Thomas white svrvayer »Iacob aldrich and John farnvm chain men Desember y'' 8"' : 1729 laid ovt for John farnMii nine acers and a qvarter Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near samvel whites hovse begining att y"" northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning north 20 dgi** west thirty rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 20 dgi*" sovth sixty rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 20 dgi-" East thirty rod to his other land then l)ovnded sovth on sd land sixty rod to the tirst bovnds the whole containing Eleven acers and a qvarter two acers alowed for l>ad land laid o\t l>v Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich ami ,b»hn farnvm chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 367 desember y^ 2^: 1729 laid ovt for John farnvm sixteen acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side of mvmfords River and is bovnded Easterly part on the land of John Read and part on his own land seventy fovr rod : and is bovnded sovtherly on minestry land tifty six rod to the norwest corner of sd minestry land then rvning north 36 dgr' East to the ministers land then Ijovnded northerly on sd land to the sovtheast corner thence Rvning East 25 dgr^ sovth to John Reads land : it being a broaken peace of land containing twenty fovr acers Eight acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and John farnvm chain men Samuell Cooke [268.] one fourth Part of Walter Cooks forty Acre House Lott With all the Rights Priuelidges there to belonging In all the deuissions of Land medow and swamp Now Samuel Cooks As Apears by A deed of Gift baring Date The Home Lott being- Part of the forty Acre Lott Which Was his fathers upon the Weast side of the Ten Rod Hyway bounded East on sd hyway Northerly upon the Laud of Josiah Chapin Westerly upon the Land of John Cook Southerly upon A four Rod Hyway The Dubling Lott or Second Deuission being ten Acres Laid out to Samuel Cook upon A smal Plaine on the North sid of the brook that Runs out of the Graue Medow bounded southerly upon the Medow of ad Cooke : and Easterly Partly upon the medow of said Cooke : And Partly upon the medow of John Cooke : and Northerly upon Comon by A line of Twenty Rods to the foot of A hill : A heap of Stons for the Corner : the West Line Runing under A hill home to sd Cooks Medow : A white oake and A black oake markt In that Line : Laid out the Twenty seuenth of Aprill 1693 by Josiah Chapin The first Deuission of Medow belonging to the Aboue sd Lott Joyning to the aboue sd ten Acres of Land Northerly southerly upon the Mill Riuer Easterly on Comon Westerly upon the Run of Water ;{(;S l'i;()l'l{IK'I'()KS- ItKCoKDS. Vlw (ii'eiit Lott or lliini Dcuissioii lu-inij: toi1y Arri's Tliirty six Ac-ivs ol" it Liiicl out on \\\v Norlii side of ^^'illi!lln Ilolhrooks thrill : Itouiult'd Soul IhtIv pari upon ('oiiioii and Part upon tlit- Land iA' William lIoll>i-ook : W'cslcily Part on ( "onion and Part nil wiUiani liolhrooks Land: that part on the ("onion li.aind.'d with A iiiu- ol" Markt trees Part on upland and part in A swamp Huniu^^ NCcr llu' Kound Mcdow : with A i)lac'k oake all that Corner: A little distance tVom the Medow : Aforesd and Twenty Kods of the West Line is hounded upon the Land of William lioll.rook from sd Iloll.rooks ( 'orner so Kiiniiii: Ni-re the ( iraue Medow : Northerly hounded With the Kound medow In the seueral Crooks of it Exeej)! one smal Point of upland that Runs Into William Holhrooks Medow : and Part on Comon to A small hlaek Walnut A top of A Koeky hill and Easterly hounded upon Comon land by A various Line A Kock hy A smal streame Att the south East Corner and A walnut att the North East Corner Laid out with A two Rod Hyway threw it Leading from the Towne to William Holhrooks houses Laid out this Twenty seuenth of Aprill H)9a — hy Josiah Chapin Samuel Cook [269.] The Kemaiuing Part of sd Cooks Great Lott being four Acres Laid out upon the North weast side of the Ten Kod hyway that Leads to Puffers Mill: bounded North East on liu* Land of James Albee and south East on the Aforesd hyway and southwest on Comon : the Line Kuning upon the fc^dg of A Rocky hill and Norwest on Comon : Land Laid out the fourth of Aprill 1684 hy Josiah Clia})in septendjer y"" 6*'': 1727 laid ovt for samvel cook fovr acers and half and Eight Rod of land : viz: half an acer and Eight Rod swamp lott fovr acers fovrth division laiil ovt on the west side the mill River hegining att a white oak tree markt being the norwest corner thence K\ iiing northeast lOdgr' iioitli Iweiily rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovlheast lU dg"^ East forty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast cor- ner then sovthwest 10 dgr' sovth thirty Rod to a heap of stons MEN DON, MASSACHUSETTS. 369 l^eing the sovthwest corner thence with a direct line to the first Bovnds the whole containing six acers and a qvarter one acer and half and thirty two Kod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee September y'' 6^'': 1727 laid ovt for samvel cook three acers fovrth division of land laid Joyning to land formerly John sprages and is bovnded west on sd land sixty Rod Rvning from sd land East 23 dg''' north ten Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 23 dgr' wxst sixty Rod to a heap of stons being the : north East corner then west 23 dgr' sovth ten Rod to the northeast corner of sd sprages land the whole con- taining three acers and three qvarters : three qvarters alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith : and Jacob aldrich committee September y*' 6"' : 1727 laid ovt for samvel cook fifteen acers of land : viz : Eleven acers sixth division and three acers fifth division and one acer fovrth division laid Joyning to the prov- ince line on the west side the great River and is Bovnded sovth on sd line seventy Rod the soHhwest corner being a heap of stons the sovtheast corner a pine tree markt thence rvning north Eight dgr* East forty Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west (3 dgr' & \ north seventy rod to a heap of stons near the norwest corner then sovth 8 dgr^ East forty Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing seventeen acers and half two acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee Ebenezer cook Ebenezer Torreys heirs [270.] desember y^ 23"^: 1719 laid ovt for ebenezer cook six acers of his seventh division of land north of his hovse between peters river and deadham line begining near sd river on the east side of his own land rvning northerly part on his own land part on samtt comstocks land to deadham line then part on sd line and part on his own land one hvndred and forty eight rod then rvning west on his own land twenty eight rod a crooked peace of land in among his other land esteemed att nine acres :J7(> I'KorUlKl'OI'vS' HKCOKDS. ;mad land hy Kohard Kvcns ,Ia«-ol> Aldrich and .lames kritli coniniilh-c desenihiT y' 'J.l' : ITll* laid ovt lor clK'nc/cr cook ciLdit accrs sovenlh division of land north of liis lio\ sc on the \\c->l >iynin«>' to his other land I»e>:inin^ att a piteh pine tree near said river on his own land beinu' a corner tlien sovth on -d land >i.\ty rod then we^l on lii-~ oilier land twenty --eNcn rod then pari on eonion part on his other land north to a corner of lii> other land then r\ninu- east part on sanitt conrstoeks land part on hi> own to the sd pine his first hovnd.s conipjisini:; in a hroken : pt-ace of hinil on the westerly side west on »Jaincs Hicks land twenty rod then north on connnon twenty three rod to a heap of stones l)eing a norwest corner then east on iiis other land thirty two rod south on his own esteemed att forteen accrs om- hvndrcd and thirty two rod six acei's cnie h\ ndred and thirty and two rod alowed toi- had land l>v Kobard excns Jacob aldiich Janice keith committee Mendon January the 21 172^ Then Laid out for Ebenezer C'oock one uCre ami thirty Ei^rht Kod in the South Part of Shockolog Swamp, Six. W'riijhts of his fathers, and four Wrights of his own Bounded North on Jo>eph Tafts Eight Rod, South on Ebenezer Read fouteen Rod, \\ fst on Sam" Thayer Eighteen Rod, East on Conmion Eightein Rod Laid out by Hobert Evens Jat-ob Aldrich Thomas White CVun- mittee April y^ 18"' 1745 then Laid out for the heirs of Ebenezer Torrey Dee** ten acres of land (viz) li\i' acies cV: one thii-d of an acre ninth Diuision & four acres eVL two thirds i>t an acre tenth Diuision on y" Easterly side y" mill riuer Joyning to his medow Si is l)ounded westerly part on S"* medow i!C: part on y' ii\«i Southerly on the Land of John Jones Easterly on Common 21 rod from y' north East Corner of John Jones Land to a heaj) »»f Stones by y' I^and of y^' heirs of Seth Cha|)in northerly on sd ( 'hapin's land to a white oak tree mark :t b\ a lock it l»eing tlie Southwest corner t)f Sd ('hapin> land then bounding Ea>terly on MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 371 S*^ Cliapins land to a black oak tree mark :t a little north of a swamp that runs into the medow thence riming and bounding on Comon to the medow the whole Containing twelue acres two acres alowed for bad land Laid out by AVilliam Torrey Surueyer Daniel Louett chain man Ebenezer Cook [271.] January y*^ : 14; 17l^| : Laid out for ebenezer cook 1 welue acers sixth division Joyning to his other Land near his house on l)outh sides the mill riuer l)egining att a white oak Recorded ^y^^Q bciug a comcr of his other Land then runino- north- January y<= ... 30.. 17181 y erly with a direct line sixty rod to a white oak tree being another corner of Sd Cooks Land then runing east twenty four degrees north forty seuen rod to stones on a Stump near James bicks land then runing southerly twenty eight rod to a pine tree on a Steep hill on the east Side Sd riuer then runing east Kue degrees north near twenty six rod to a pine tree markt being the northeast corner then runing south tiue degrees east to his other land it being a broaking peace of land containing seuenteen acers tiue acers alowed for bad land by Thomas : White : Robert : Euens : Jacob : Aldrich : Committee January y*" : 14: 17181^ Laid out for Ebenezer cook three acers sixth division near his house Joyning to dedham line a white oak tree markt near the southeast corner east on Sd Recorded jj^e forty rod to a stake and Stones being the northeast January y* "^ , ^ 30.. i7i8itt corner north on comon eighteen rod to a walnut Stand markt being the norwest corner west on comon forty rod to a Stake and Stones being the southwest corner south on comon eighteen rod to dedham line the whole containing four acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad Land by : Thomas : White : Robert : Euens : Jacob Aldrich : Committee. desember y** : 23*^ : 1719 laid ovt for Ebenezer cook ten acers of land a litle vp the great river above the I'vning in of the mill river north on the land of John Sprage deseast : one hvndred and six rod west on James Bicks land seventeen rod to a pitch pine :\~'2 IMtOPKIK'I'OKS- HKCOKDS. licf hcin*:: liif^ sovthwost coriiti' >(>\tli on sd Hicks Ijihd iiiiu'ty six loil to tlu' irrt'til liver tluii oii xl ii\('i' twenty toAi" rod to sd sprujfes hiiid : eid land is (d' oii\ ci- li:iy\vard> scnchIIi division: two aeers is of his own seventh division : tlie wli(»le eontaininir t\\»'l\t' aeei> and one li\ ndicd and lifty id(l two aeers antl one livndred and titty rod alowed tor had hind and a three rod way eros a eoinei- of sd Land \>\ Kithard Kveiis Jai-oh aUlrieh James Keith eoininitlee Josiah and An^el Toirey [2752. J on Peter hrackets forty At r«' hous Lott Now dosiah and Angel Torrys with all tiie Kiirhts and Priueledjjfes thereto he- longinii; or any ways Apertaining as Appears hy A Deed of Sale haring Date The House Lott heing Kxehanged with the 'lowne for lifty Acres of Land Which is Laid out Neer the hog mines Listed of the forty Acres and bounded as fojioweth southeily upon the Land of flohn Sprage Easterly on niuudy l»ro(d; Nortiierly on CV>mnion Westerly upon the ten Kodd way l^»'ding to the North Medow hy rloseph White Decendjer 17 : LiTl — forty Acres beiug the second deuission or Duhling Lott laid out Att the south East sid of Misco hill Ixumded Easterly upon the highway Leading from the North Medow to Simon Peeks Southerly Westerly and Northerly upon connnon with A four Kod way Cros sd Land Lito the Towns Connnon Laid out by Jt)nathan Sprage The tirst Deuission of Metlow belonging to sd Lott Part of it Laid out Att the North Medow : bounded Downe streanie with Joseph Aldriches medow up the streame with marked trees and A point of upland : the Remainder of his Share Lying on both sids the West Kiuer bounded u}) strem upon John Mores Medow and Downe streame with a marked tre on the East side of the Kiuer so Dirictly Crosing the Kiuer to the upland on the west side Laid out by Joseph white The second Deuission of Medow belonging to the sd Lott being four Acres Laid out In the great Medow l>ounded as followeth Ea:?terly upon the Medow of Simon Peek W'easteily ui»(.>n the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 373 Medow of John Gurny Northerly and southerly upon comon u})- land Laid out by Joseph White The Great Lott or third Deuission being Eight Score Acres hfty Acres of sd Eight score Laid out Joyning to the Aboue sd fifty acres and bounded southerly upon the aforesd fifty Acres : West- erly upon the Highway Leading to the North medow : Northerly upon A hyway Leading ouer Mudy brook to the north hill : and Easterly upon Comon : by A Line of Marked Trees : Laid out before the wars and sine the bounds Renewed by Capt Josiah Chapin Eighty fine Acres of sd Eight score Acres Laid out upon the North hill bounded Round With Comon Land the West Line Containing one hundred Rod the south End of that Line : markt with a great Duble AVhite oake the North End of sd Line markt with A yung White oak the north sid Containing one hundred and Nine Rod Markt with A stake att the North East Corner the East side Con- taining one hundred and sixty Rod Marked att the south East Corner with A smal Walnut tree : the Whole is Eighty fine Acres : Laid out with A hyway of four Rod broad Leading to the North Meedows May y« fifth 1691 by Josiah Chapin 25 Acres more Laid out upon the west sid the great Riuer John farnvm [273.] march y'^ 21* : 1732 laid ovt for John farnvm 27 acers and half of land : viz : Eleven acers and half in Ive of land taken from him by providence farms and 16 acers ninth division laid together on the west side the ministry land in vxbridge and is lK)vnded Easterly on sd land 126 rod rvning from y'' sovthwest cor- ner of sd land norwest 7 dgr^ west 80 Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north east 7 dgr^ East 20 rod to the way leading from the meeting hovse to Ezekel whites then bovnded northerly on sd way to the northeast corner of the ministry land it being a broaken peace of land containing 33 acers and half six acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer .Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men .S74 IM«»I'KIK'r<»HS- HKCOKDS. iKiVi'mlxT V' tir-t : 17;>7 hiid (i\l lor .Idliii rMiiivm: iM .iccrs tnilli division of land laid Joynini: to hi-, other land near lii>sau- Miill and is l>o\ ndcd Wi'stcrly on sd land ]'M\ rod licLdniiiLT att a so\thtast cornrr of sd land th«'ncc rvnini: \\:[>\ ."i d^i'- north 2S rod to a heap of stons licinL' the s(»vtli('ast coim-r then north 17 d^r^ East \'Mt rod to a hca)) of stons Ix'injr thr northeast cortu'r then west o (I'rr sovth -IS rod lo a northeast corner of his (.ther land the whole beinir 2;> aeers and 1 2S rod 2 aeei>and 1 2S nu] alowed foi' had land the same day laid for >d farnvni one a<-er ninth di\i-ion of land and is hovnded sovtherly on the above sd land l(» rod: and i- hovnded Hast on eoniiiion (i rod to a heap of ston>on a : rock l»e- inir the northeast eorner thence rvnin^^ west 17 dirr' >ovfli |(» roil to a pine stand niarkt n«»ar the noiwest coinei- and i- l)o\ iided west on connnon (> rod to the norwest corner of his other land : it heiiiiT otie acer and half S(» rod alowed foi- had land : the sani*' ther doyninir to his other land near sanivel w^hitos and is hovnded westerly on .sd land nH rod rvnini: from : the noi-theast corner of sd land East fvll point «i(» r<»d to a heap of stons l)einir the northeast corner then sovth lM (hj[v- Hast If! rod to a heap of stons heinir the sovtheast corner and is iioviided sovtherly on the land of Ehenezer printic tirst hovnds heint; a heap of stons the whole hein«r !!» acers and SO rod 2 acers and MO rod alowed for had land laid ovt hy Thomas white svrvayer Khene/er Head and dohn farnvni chain men Ano-elTorry [274.] Thomas duels Twenty Acre House Lott Now Angel Torrys with all the Hi«:hts ,Vc priulide Lott of Cap' dosiah Chapiii l-'.asterly iiixui iiiudy l)ro.)U westerly upon A snial Hun of water Northerly iqxui tlu- House L(ttt ofdoh Tyler Laid out hv Henjemiu Alhe MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. ' 375 The first Deuission of JNIedow belonginp; to the Abouescl Lott Lying on both sids the west Riuer bounded up stream upon Joseph Juels medow so crosing the Riuer Down the stream upon John Mores Medow Crosing the Riuer the Whole being six Acres and half and Twenty seuen Rod more or Les Laid out by Joseph white The second Deuission of medow belonging to the Aboue sd Lott Lying upon the East side of the west Riuer bounded Downe streame upon the Cart way ouer the Riuer up stream upon A point of upland south East upon A line of marked trees the whole being two Acres more or Les Laid out by Joseph White The swamp Lott belonging to the Abouesd Lott being three Acres & A Quarter and thirteen Rod and half more or Less Lying upon A Run that Runs In to the scool Medow Part of it Lying betwen the two Cart wa3'S that gose ouer the brook bounded upon the sd ways so Round with upland) The Remaining Part Lying In the same swamp aboue the Cart way bounded upon the Cart way att the south weast End the North East End upon Ephraim Wilders swamp Lott : North and south upland. Laid out hy Joseph White March the Twenty fifth 1707 Eighty Acres of the fifth Deuis- sion of Land belonging to the Al)ouesd Lott Laid out to Angell Torry Joyning to Robert Halls Land att the Towne Lyne bounded north on the Towne Lyne one hundred Rod to A heap of stones being the norwest corner West on Common with A dirict Line one hundred and Twenty Eight Rods to A stak and stons being the South west Corner South on Comon one hundred I'od to A stake att sd halls Land East on sd halls Land on(^ hundred and Twenty Eight Rod to the Towne Lyne here being Allowanc for A way Cros A Corner of sd Land by Thomas White John Darling & Josiah Thayer Comite Angel Torry [275.] May the sixteenth twenty Acres of Land granted by the Towne to sd torry to be Laid out In the Prohibeted Land which is the Dublin^ Lott l)elonoinof to Thomas Juells Lott Laid .STJ-) I'RorRIETORS- RKPnlinSi. on the East side of miuly hrook l><)un(loV('st Conicr: West on Muddy brook In part and Part on sd Reads Land att the southeast Corner here l»ein<; Alowanc Left for a foiii-e Hod way ('rose sd Laiul l)y Thomas white Aprill the sixl 1 707 sixty Acres of Land lieintr fourth deuiseion Laid out to Auirel Torry Att the south East Corner of niafiorniseo hounded Round with Conioii Land six score Rod In Lenads Land hounded west on sd Riuer one hundred and thirty Rod so Kound with Comon T^and by Lines of Marked Trees A White oake tree Markt tree : Nere the south West Corner and A white oak Nere the Nor Weast Corner the South East Corner A white oake tree markt the North East Corner being stons uj)on A Rock the Whole Containinp: seuenty Acres three Acres and A <|uarter Alowanc for A Road threw sd Land and 20 two Acres three quarters Alowanc for Rufl" Land by Thomas White Samuell Thayer & Thomas Sanford Comite Nouember y'' 28: 171S: Laid out for angel torey seuenteen acers sixth di\ ision Joynini: to his other land on the east side nuiddy brook bounded west on S'' land ninety rod run- Recordcd j,^,, j-,.,,„, j j,,. southeast corner of S'" land east forty .Tanuary >" . . ' 1/niR degrees north forty scueii : iml to the citrlit rod w:iy east on S'' way seuenty ro(l then niiiini: \\('>t twenty two (h'grees south twenty nine rod to williaiu i:reen> land then on S' hind forlv two rod to hi- own land the whoh' containiuLrt went v MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 377 nine acers twelue acers alowed foi' bad land and a three rod way through S" land — Thomas White : Kobert Euens : Jacob Aldrich Committee. Xouember y*= 26 : 1718 Laid out for angel tory twenty acers sixth division Joyning to his other land on the east side mudy brook bounded west on S** land thirty seuen rod north januI^V ^*^ nathan tilders land eighty rod to the eight rod way 1/1718 east on 8^ way fifty six rod to Joseph bruces land south on 8" eighty rod to his own land the whole containing twenty three acers and a quarter three acers and a quarter alowed for bad land by Thomas : White : Robert : Euens : Jacob : Aldrich Committee Angell Torry [276.] March the IT'*" 1722 Laid out for Angell Torry seventy four Acres of the Seventh Devision on the West side of the Town Joyning to the Town Line Neare George Woodward Begining on the Nor West Corner of Sd Woodwards Land on 8d Line Runing North 8 dgr^ East on Sd Line ninety Rod to a heap of stons then East Eight deg'^ South on Common one hundred and fifty Rod to a heap of stons being a North East Corner, then South 8 deg"*^ West on Common Ninety Rod to a heap of stons on the North Side a Litle Swamp Being a South East Corner, then west 8 deg"^* North part on Common and Part on Sd Woodard one hundred and fifty Rod to the first Bounds, Containg Eighty four acres and sixty Rod, tten acres and sixty Rod aLowed for Bad Land Laid out By Robert Evens Cap^ Seth Chapin Jacob Aldrich Comm'*' March the 17'*" 1722 Then Laid out for Angel Torry twenty acres of Seventh Devision Joyning to his other Land Neare Mum- fords River Begining at a heap of stons on the North side of the Roade Leading to Oxford then Runing North 40 deg*^^ East on Sd Land Eighty Rod then West 40 deg"^^ North on Common sixty Rod to a heap of stons then South 40 deg" West on Common one hundred and twenty Rod to a heap of stons, then with a Direct Line to y'' first bounds Containing thirty seven acres and Eighty 878 PHopinEroKs- kp:corus. Hod, seventeen .leres and Kifrhtv I\'y HoI.ert Kvens C.'ip' Setli Cliapin Jaeul. Aldii.-li. Cuniinilee Muivh the lM' : ITIH laid ovt tor an;^cl toiy thirty three a(er> sixtli division of land and throe accrs seventh division ot hmd laid to Deir' Last o 1 • • ^ (U Rod to a heai) of Stones on v' north line of land belonuini:- ° to }•'' heirs of Seth ('hapin Dec'^ bounding northerly on Sd land ? 17 rod to \' southwest corner of Sd ('hai)ins land then Ixtimd- o • ' rt inir Kasterh' on Sd ('hai)ins land 1() rod to a lilack oak tree p- ^ marked on y' north side of a swamj) that runs into y" medow being y'' north East ( "orner the runing west bounding on ( 'oinnion 4 rod to the nieddow y' whole being i> a<-res iVj a half one acre ^v!: a half aiowcd for bad land laid out by ^^'illialn Toric^y Surueyer Jacob aldrich Chain man : the aboue Sd land is l.ounded west partly on niedow iS!: partly on y*" riuer to John Jones Land South on said Jones land to the first bounds menti(»ned Wiliam Tory Joseph taft J\nr [277. J May y' 2.'V' : I7'JS laid ovt for wiliani Tory -even acers of tlu' seventh ol" land belonging to his father angel 'Porys lot laid Joyning to his medow at the inidle north on the west -ide the Kiver: and i> bo\ nded >o\th on the land (.f nathaii tiler MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 379 twenty Rod from the river to ;i white oak tree markt being the sovthwest corner thence rvning north 14 dgr^ East Eighty Eight Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 14 dgr^ sovth fifty Rod to the mill river and is Bovnded East part on sd river part on sd medow to tilers land aforesd the whole con- taining Eighteen acers & half Eleven acers & half alowed for bad land and medow lying within sd land laid ovt By Thomas White svrvayer cap* seth chapin & Jacob aldrich committee : here being alowance for a three Rod way cros a corner of sd land november y'' 2'': 1731 laid ovt for the heirs of angel tory Eighteen acers and half F^ighth division of land : viz : 9 acers for mary tory and 8 of Ebenezer torys and one and an half of samvel torys together with two acers of sederswamp laid Joyning to their other land on the East side the west river and is bovnded north on sd land one hvndred rod sovtherly on John sadlers land 80 rod west on the land of daniel hill 80 rod it being a three cornered peace of land containing 24 acers and one half: 8 acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men March y^' 29*'': 173(i laid ovt for Joseph taft Jvn' IS acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near shokcolog and is bovnded Easterly on sd land 62 rod begining at a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence with a direct line 46 rod to a black oak tree markt thence with a direct line 14 rod to a heap of stons being a sovth East corner of Joseph taft seiners : land and is T)ovnded westerly on sd land 46 rod to a chesnvt tree markt : being : the norwest corner and is bovnded northerly part on common vpland and part on seder swamp 52 rod to his other land the whole being 18 acers and 140 rod an 140 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Joseph white chain man May y^ SO*"^ : 1737 laid ovt for Joseph taft Jvn"^ of vxbridge 32 acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of the former : towMiship of mendon at a propriators meeting on may the sixteenth 1737 as by record may more fvlly apear sd land being l)ovnded Easterly on the land of John Benson 128 rod to a heap of stons :]80 PKOPRIETORS' RECORDS. being the northea-^t conu'r thmcc with a direct lino to tho nor- west corner ot" soiis (>l;iiin 1 l'n ro()\th lino and is bovndod sovth on sd lino 10 rod to sd Bonsons farm : laid ovt by Thomas white svi'vayer .Jacob aldrich and Henjanien taf't chain men .\hiy y 3P' : 17H7 laid o\{ lor Joseph taft ,i\\V 21 acers and SO rod tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near shokcolog bogining at a ])ino tree being a norwest corner of his other land and is bovndod westerly on Ebenezer Reads H4 rod t(» a white oak tree being a former bovnds and is bovndod northerly on common with a direct line thirty fovr rod to the norwest corner of Benjamen tafts land and is bovnded Easterly on sd tafts land t2 rod to a heaj) of stons thence Rvning sovth fvll point 20 rod to a ))ine tree markt then sovth H dgi"* East 44 lod to his other land and is l)ounded on all other parts on his other land the whole being 23 acei's and 140 rod 2 acers and fiO rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer .lacob aldrich and Jose])h taft chain men. Eight acers and 40 rod of this land l»eing of his own ninth division Walter Cook .(osepli aldrich Twing John Josej)h Taft .Ivn' [278.] May y^ : HP': 1787 laid ovt for Joseph taft Jvn^ lo acers tenth division of land laid out near abits farm and is bovnded westerly on his other land 70 rod northerly i)art on the land of seth aldrich aiid part on common o7 rod to abits farm and is bovnded Easterly on sd farm 70 rod to his own land it being a three cornerd peace of land containing 12 acers and MO rod 2 acers and HO rod alowed for l>ad land and a three Rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men Joseph aldricho TmsI Division of medow laid o\ t in the north medows one pari of it laid in the lowei- medow and i> Bovnded Down stream vpon mathias I'vtl'ors medow : and is Bovnded vp stream ))artly vpon (ioorge aldrichos medow and partly on vpland : the Keniaiiider of -d nieclow is laid o\ t in the vper noith metlow MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 381 and is Bovnded Down stream vpon mathias Pvfters niedow and is Bovnded vp stream with vpland the whole svm Being six acers and an half and twenty seven Rod Desember y^ 21 : 1728 laid ovt for John Twing three acers of Benjamen albees Eighth division of land Joyning to his other land near Thomas Beards and is bovnded west on his other land tift}' Eight Rod : north on Thomas Beards land nineteen Rod to sd Beards sovtheast corner East on common with a direct line to the sovtheast corner of his other land a thi-ee cornerd peace of land containing three acers and forty Rod 40 Rod a lowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men Joseph aldriches second division of medow being two acers laid ovt in the swamp below the great pond and is bovnded north and sovth with vpland East and west by a line of marked trees laid ovt by Joseph white Jvne y'' 10^*" : 1735 laid ovt for waiter cook 2 acers of his fathers Eighth division of land and is laid Joyning to his sd fathers land : near his hovse and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land 23 rod west on land laid ovt for Josiali thayer now in the posesion of daniel Jones 32 rod to a pine tree markt being near the norwest corner then East 10 dgi'' north 4 rod to a heap of stons being the north- east corner thence with a direct line to the northeast corner of his sd fathers land the whole being 2 acers and 128 rod : 128 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Benjamen Darling chain men Samvel cook Jvn"^ waiter cook [279.] May y^ : 2-2^ : 1732 laid out for samvel cook Jvn'' 2 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded west on sd land 50 rod rvning fi'om the sovtheast cor- ner of sd land north 3 dgi-^ west 36 rod to a black oak stand markt being a corner then west 17 dgr^ north '2b rod to the northeast corner of his other land the whole containing 2 acers and 130 rod 130 rod alowed for bad land 382 I'ltOl'KlKTOKS' l!i;(()K|)S. tlu' sanu' (lay laid loi- sd ((xik !• :i(('r> of his tatlifis l^iulilli division laid .loyninjr to \u> iiicdnw on llif mill river and is lMi\nd('d sovtii part on sd nu'dow part on connnon M) rod hcirin- ini; al :i licap (»!" slons ln'inir tin- so\1li\vi'sl corniT llu/ncf rvnini:' n(.rlli a:. cook- land tluii l.ovn.lc.l noi-lh on sd land iW) rod t(. a la-ap of slon> Ix'ini:- llic norllira>t fornt r then soxtli .'I.'* d^j:r wol CC rod to :i licnp of -ton- iM'ini:- till' sovtlu'ast forncr : tlic whok- t-onlainini:- 12 aia-rs and 20 rod .S ac'cis and 20 rod alowed for l>ad land : tlu" sanu' day laid ovt for sd cooU !!• aciM's of land viz : 1 accis of his fathers Kinrlith division and 1 ."» acers ninth divisi(»n and is hovndcd west on his otlu-r land llo rod and sovth on his fat hers land .;;; rod Kast part on his o\\ n land pari tm roninion 1 lo rod st'tin<>- of ICa-t from a norwcst cornci- of his other land fo\ r rod theni-e i\n inn- north () diri"" 78 rod to his other land it being a hroaken : peaee ot" land eontaininir HI aoers and half 12 aeors and half alowed for i)ad land laid ovt l»y 'rhoma> white svrvayer da<<»l. aldiidi and daniel lovet ehain men May y 2i2'' : 1732 laid ovt for waiter Cook ;'> aeers of his fathers Eighth division laid .loyning to his other land and is hovnded west on the laml of timothy sewall 4V> rod to his northeast cor- ner thence with a direct line to a pine tree markt near sd cotiks land near the Kode and is hovnded on all other parts on his own land it lieing a Ijroaken peace of land containing 5 aeers and nO rod 2 acers and 50 rod alowed for Itad land laid ovt hy ThonKi- white svrvayer »Jacob aldrieh and daniel lo\et chain men Jvne y"^^ 10"': 1735 laid ovt for waiter cook 4 acers of his fathers Eighth division of land laid west from his sd fathers dweling hovse and is bovndcd north on the land of -nmvel cook .Ivn"" It) I'od from Benjamen Boyees hmd to a white <»ak st\nip markt ln'ing the northeast corner thence Kvning so\th f\ II point 4tl roil to a heaj) of stons l>eing the sovtheast corner then west fvll i)oint 30 rod to sd Boyees land to a heap of stons near y" sovthwest corner and is bovndcd west on >d Boyees land li> i'oiii ('(.miiiittrr AkMulon Kt'ltiujiry y^' lil"': 1721. {Uvu Laid out tor ."^jiiuiu'l Torii'v Sixteen aores of Seuenth Diuisioii of Land .Ioynin«r to his other Land on hotli sides of MarIhoroiit(>n> on a Rock being the norwest corner thence Kvning East 2 lU^r >(>\lli foity Rod to a whit*' oak tree niarkt being the northeast corner then -o\lh 2 tlgr west thills Rod l<. :i heap ot" -^l.-n- bcin>: llu' >o\thea-t MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 387 corner then west 2 dgr' north forty Rod to his other land then Bovnded west on sd kind forty Rod to the first Bovnds : the whole containing seven acers & half one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer cap* seth chapin & Jacob aid- rich committee Samvel Tory and wiliam Tory [283.] Desember y« 6"^ : 1728 laid ovt for samvel Tory : and wiliam Tory Eighty acers and half of land being Eighth division and is laid together in the north pvrchase and is : bovnded sovth part on the land of seth chapin Jvn"" and part on common one hvndred Rod : begining at an heap of stons being the sovth west corner thence Rvning north 10 dgr^ west one hvndred and forty rod to an heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 10 dgr^ north one hvndred Rod to a heap of stons being the north- east corner then sovth 10 dgi-* East one hvndred and forty Rod to sd chapins land the whole c^ontaining Eighty seven acers and an half seven acers alowed for bad land laid ovt b}' Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan Tiler chain men — 44 acers and half samvel torys 36 acers wiliam torys September y'^ 20"' : 1728 laid ovt for samvel Tory six acers of his fifth division of land that was to be laid ovt within the pro- hibeted common and twenty five Rod of his seventh division laid together Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is Bovnded East part on sd land part on Benjamen Greens land twenty six rod and north on sd greens land forty Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then Rvning sovth 3 dgr'' west twenty six Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 3 dgi-* sovth to his other land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and Jacob aldrich committee, Desember y'^ 21': 1728 laid ovt for samvel Tory twenty two acers Eighth division of land Joyning to his other land at Mago- uisco : and is bovnded Easterly on Thomas Beards land thirty Rod north on sd Beards land sixty fovr Rod west part on his own laud and part on Benjamen whetons land seventy rod and sovth on his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing twentv five acers three acers alowed forbad land and a three Rod ;i88 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. way iTos s(l land laid ti\l l»y 'I'Ikhhm^ wliitf ^s\ rvayer .lacolt aldiidi and iiatlian tiler chain mm apiil y 20'": 1732 lai«l ..\1 lor >aMi\cl tory 2 a»-ci-> nintli ynin<; to his otlu'r land near the Hight acer inedow and is l>ovndc'd Hast on sd land 24 rod to a heap of stons l)ein«r the northeast I'orner then west 10 diri"" sovth 12 rod to his niedow and is boNiided west part on sd niedow part on asananiiseo rode and sovth on sanivel lhay«'rs land 2t'» rod to his own land the whole being 3 acers und 38 rod one aeer and 'Ax rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrieh and daniel lovet chain men September y'' 0"' : 1731 laido\t for sanivel tory Eleven acers 8"' division of land laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse 2 acers second division of medow and 5 acers second divi- sion of land and is bovnded north and Kast on his other lami so\'th on the seool land 30 rod to a red oak tree markt near the sovthwest corner thence with a direct line to the sovthwest cor- ner of his other land the whole containing 18 acers and 3 qvar- ters 120 nxl alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrieh and nathan tiler chain men [284.] Samvel Tory »Joseph taft Jvn"^ Ezekel Woo»l febrvary y" 2(i"' : 1734^ laid ovt for samvel tory nineteen acers and half of ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near hopkinton and is bovnded west on sd land 141 rod and is bovnded north on the tow n line 50 rod to nathan tilers land then rvning sovth 15 ilgi-'' East 113 rod to a heap of stons being a corner this line crosing a corner of said tilers land : then seting of west 8 dgi"" north 10 rod to a heap of stons then sovth 3 dgi** west 28 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 3 dgi-^ north 31 rod to his other land to a heap of stons be- ing the sovthwest corner it being a broaken peace of land c(»n- taining 30 acers and lOtJ rod Eleven acers and 2H rod alowed foi- bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrieh ami daniel lovet chain men septembej- y' .'>"' : Wl.'i laid o\t for Jo>epii taft rl\n' 5 acers and 80 rod of land that was i^ranted tct John Emerson in satisfaction MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 389 for land taken from him by providence farms laid Joyning to his other land near nicolas hvmses and is bovnded north on a three rod way west on said hvmses land and on all other parts on his own land : itt being a broaken peace of land containing 6 acers and 38 rod : 118 rod alowed for bad land : the same day laid for sd taft 50 rod of sd Emersons land and one acer and 30 rod of land : granted : to samvel cook in satic- faction for land lost by providence farms laid Joyning to his other land near hvmses and is bovnded west on sd hvmses land sovth on a three rod way East on his other land north on shock- colog brook : the same day laid for sd taft one acer and three qvarters of sd cooks land laid joyning to the above said land and is bovnded East on the land of Moses farnvm noiih on the land of Jonathan cook Avest on a three rod way sovth on his other land — the same day laid for sd taft one acer and three qvarters of sd cooks land laid Joyning to his other land near Jacob aldriches and is bovnded north on sd land 20 rod East on the land of Joseph damon : 24 rod westerly on comon with a direct line 32 rod to a sovthwest corner of his other land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men april y*" d^^ : 1736 laid ovt for Ezekel wood 27 acers of land : viz : 21 of nathaniel Emersons and 6 of samvel toryes laid Joyn- ing to his other land near the finery and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land 174 rod westerly on comon 56 rod rvning from the nor- west corner of his other land with a direct line to a black oak tree with stones about itt being a sovthwest corner of daniel lovets land and is bovnded north on sd land 80 rod to sd lovets sovtheast corner thence with a direct line on comon 63 rod to the northeast corner of his own land itt being a three cornerd peace of land containing 30 acers 3 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Ezekiel Avood chain men October y^ 9*^ : 1744 laid ovt for : Ezekel wood 15 acers of Jonathan thayers tenth division of land layd Joyning to his other 390 ru()]'Kii;r<>i;.s- i;k( ords. Innrl near tho minrsli y land rviiinjr tVoiii the northeast corner of the niincstrv land north S ih^v' .•md .")(» ni'" Kast 11 1 rod to his nlhcr land il l>rinir a l»roaUcM |.c:i(«- of land ((.iitaiiiiiii: 17 accrs and lOi; red 2 a.rrs.-md Km; n.d alow cd : for l.a.l land and a thn-c rod way cro^ sd land laid (>\ I l»y Tlionia- wlntc: >vr\ayrr: and .!os('j)h tat'l ( "liain man oi-tol.cr y 1(»"': 17 11 laid ovi for K/cUd w 1 I acrrs t<-nth division of land laid Joynin::- lo his other land s(»vtherly from sanivel morses and is hovnded sovlherly on sd land northerly on sd morses land westerly part on Wenjamen wlndoeUs land and part on samvel reads land it Ixini: a three corerd peace of lan tenth division of land : vi/ : 12 of vriah thyers and 2 of nathaniid Kmersons laid Joynin nul t(» a heaji (»f stons beinjx the northeast corner then sovth 4 dgv Kast 4H rod to his other land the whole heing 15 acers and 40 rod one acer and 40 rod alowed forbad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph taft and P>,ekel wood chain men [285.] Kzekr'l wood (reorg Pike william sprage May second 1711 Laid out for Georg Pike Twenty Acres of Land on the West side of Mumfords Hiner below the south Road Which Was given to sd Pike att our March Metting for sd Veare It being bounded Round with ( 'omon Land the Kast Knd being twenty six Rod wide iho south Kast Corner being A heap ol Stones: on A Rock tlu' North East Corner being A pine tree Markt the T^and being Kighty six Rod In Length the \orth AVest Corner being A white oake : tree markt the West Knd of sd Land being forty Light Rod wide the south West Cornei- : l)cing an oak tre Markt l»y Thomas White March y' 14"': 1720 laid ovt foi- william >piage 7 acers >eventli divi^i(.n of land laid doyiung to his medow att l>arc hill begining at dames IVick> line thence livnini:- I-'-ast Id (br >ovth bv xl MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 391 medow 24 rod to James albees land then north 10 dgr* E pait on sd albees land and part on common 80 rod to a walnvtt tree markt on vpland then west 10 dgr* north 14 rod to sd Bicks land then by sd land to the first bovnds the whole containing 7 acers and (iO rod 60 rod alowed for bad land the same day laid for sd sprage 7 acers seventh division laid on the sovth End of Bear hill liegining at a black oak tree being a norwest corner of James Bicks land laid to Bartlets lott Rvn- ing by sd land East fvll point 80 rod to sd Bicks northeast corner then north 44 rod to a great Eock with stons vpon it then west 80 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 44 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing 22 acers 15 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens svrvayer Jacob aldrich and James keith chain men March y^ 12*^ : 1735 laid ovt for william sprage 2 acers and half of ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land at Bear hill begining at a walnvt tree being a sovtheast corner of his former land thence rvning north fvll point 8 rod to Jsacc thayers land then bovnded Easterly on sd thayers land to Jona- than haywards land then : bovnded : north on sd haywards land 1 7 rod to his own land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land the whole : containing 3 acers and 68 rod : 148 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men March y^ 14*'' : 1720 laid ovt for william sprage 9 acers seventh division of land laid : Joyning to the west side of his medow at bear hill l^egining at a heap of stons being a corner of his medow and now his : north East : corner rvning west to Joseph Rock- woods corner 30 rod then west on sd rockwoods land 38 rod to william haywards land then northerly on sd hay ward 44 rod then East fvll point 70 rod to his medow then by sd medow to the first l)ovnds : containing : 19 acers and 156 rod 10 acers and 156 rod alowed for bad land laid by Robert Evens svrvayer Jacob aldrich and James Keith chain men October y*' : 10"" : 1744 laid ovt for Ezekel wood 3 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near hoop pole 392 PROPRIETORS' RKCOKDS. brook rvninfr from the northcasl corner ol" sd land sovth 35 dcry^ East 24 rod to hcnjanicn tatts land tlirn on sd tafls land 2(i rod to his own I:ind and on all other parts on his own land tho whole being H aeers anr. Rawsons farm Itoundeil North- erly by Joseph Plumlyes I^and P^asterly by Decon Waifeelds Land sand and Capt ^^'hits Land and IxMinded Wcsterh- lt\- the iireat K'iiier — si\l\- Acre> nim'c ol" MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 393 it Laid on the East side of the West Riiier. upon the Plain against sd mores Medow the first Line Coming home to the Riuer so Runing Cros the Plaine by A line of trees : to A Rock att the North Corner : with stones upon the Rock : then Turning East- erly by A line of Eighty Rods : by a line of trees and A stake att the Corner : then turning A southerly Line Containing one hun- dred Rod the East the Line is various giuing Way : betwen the hill and the Line : for A Cart Way to Samuel Reads Medow : the Last Line turning down toward the medow of Samuel Read afore sd : then turning Directly Cros A swamp About Eight Rods : then Runing home to mores medow : upon A point of upland about two Rod Distanc from sd Reads Medow : The Remainder of sd Land Laid on the West hill which is sixty seuen Acres and half: bounded westerly on sd mores Medow and all the other Lines on Comon : the first Line Containing one hun- dred and sixty Rod : Runing with the Road to Chapins Medow on the North side said Roade att a Litle distance then turning A head Line : of twelue score and Twelue Rods fiue Acres Alowanc for Rocy Land then turning A Westerly Line home to the medows there Lyes within the Aforesd bounds sd mors second deuission of medow : two Acres and half of the dubling Lott Laid out by y^ towne grant with y^ home Lott Laid out by Josiah Chapin may 29 : 1691 Samuell More [287.] The swamp Lott belonging to the sd mores thirty Acre Lott being fiue Acres more or Less : Part of it Lying upon the West side of the second bridg Riuer : bounded Westerly upon marked trees Easterly upon farthinando Thayers Medow : so Round with upland and A markt tree Att the North Corner : Another Part of it Lying by beuer Pond medow liounded Round with upland An other Part Lying upon the East side of the Cart AVay that goes from the Mill Plain to the North Ceader swamp : bounded East with upland : Weast Part with upland Part with marked trees : the north End upon Samuel haywards Medow the south East End with marked trees : the Remainder being sixty 391 rROPKIEToRS- KKCORDS. Hod was Laid out In Ik. pin- nir.low willi .l(.lin Iciiflcf- Mv.-iMip Lott Laid out .lanuaiv l(i74 l)y .loscph Whitr DrcoiulHT >•■' 13"^: 1707: pail of SaiuucI Moorc^ tit't D.-uision Laid out ..n l.ollisid.'s Munifords Kincr: .Io,vnin<: to y' Town liinr Bounded Wrsl on Sd Line, one hundred tM: sixty four Rod. the South west Cornor hciuir a AVhilo oak ircv Mark"^ tho norwcst cornel' Ix'ini:- a white oak tree marked nere y'' eorner. north on eoiTion one huiKhcd vVc TweiitN l\od. to a pine Tree. hein«r y' north East Corner, Last on Common one hundred & sixty four Rod to a Small pine being y' South East Corner. South on Com- mon one hundred tSc Twenty Rod. to y' South west ( 'orner. the whole Containing one hundred cSc Twenty three acres, here being Three acres alowanee for a way (^ross Set Land. Laid out by Robert Taft Seru'. Josiah Thayer. & Tho" white Com'". December y'' \IV^\ 1707. Laid out for Samuel Moore fourteen acres of fourth Deuision of F^and of Stones [288.] being the norwest corner then runing east thirty degrees South one hundred and sixty rods to a heai) of Stones Recorded , . , , ,' • ' i i • Nouember being the uortlieast corner then runing South thirty ^'^^ degrees w<'s( seventy six rod to a hea)) of Stone- by the rod*' Leading to moors plain >outh on S' rode one MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 395 hundred and sixty rod to his other Land the whole containing eighty acers twenty six acers alowed tor bad Land and a three rod way cros a corner of S'' Land Laid out by Thomas : White : Jacob : Aldrich : Thomas : Thayer : Committee Janvary y'' 1 : 1718 laid ovt for sam" moore ten acers and half sixth division of land att the sovth end of misco hill and is bovnded northerly on his own land forty rod from m"" Joseph dors hind to a white oak tree niarkt then rvning sovth 30 dgr' west to the covntry Rode then bovnded sovth on sd rode to sd dors land the whole containing sixteen acers and half six acers and half alowed for bad land and a three rod way crqs sd land by thomas white Robaii; evens Jacob aldrich comitee Janvary y" 12"^ : 1718 laid ovt for samtl moore twelve acers and half sixth division Joyning to his other land in the pine swamp bovnded east on sd land fifty seven rod rvning from the norwest corner of sd land west 30 dgr* sovth twenty seven rod to a stake being the norwest corner then rvning sovth 30 dgr^ east fifty seven rod to a hornbine tree markt being the sovthwest corner then rvning east thirty dgr^ north forty fovr rod to his other land : laid ovt by thomas white Robard evens Jacob aldrich committee desember y*" 2S^^ : 1719 laid ovt for samvel moore five acers and seventy rod seventh division of land in the pine swamp Joyning to the sovth side of his other land begining att the sovthwest corner of sd land then rvning sovth 30 dgr^ East part on John pecks land ]3art on common twenty rod to timothy winters land then by sd land fifty seven rod to a maple -tree marked being the sovtheast corner of his other land, laid ovt by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich thomas white committee' Samvel moore [289.] Jvne y^ 14*'' : 1720 laid ovt for samvel moore twenty acers of land seventh division on the north side of mvmfords river begining att a heap of stones near the bridge leading over sd river then rvning on the north side a three rod rode by Samvel Reads land westerly Eighty rod : then north 34 dgi-* East thirty Kve rod to a heap of stones being an East northeast corner then 396 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. East 34 dgr^ sovth by a line of marked trees to Ebenezer Reads land then with a dirict line part on sd Reads land part on sd Rode to the first bovnds the whole containing twenty fovr acers and one hvndred and twenty rod : fovr acers and : 120 rod alowed for bad land by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich thomas white : com*^^ Janvary y^ 14'*': 1720 laid ovt for samvel moore 12 acers seventh division of land laid Joyning to the north side of williani Browns land on the East side of oxford Rode and is bovnded on sd Rode 50 rod to a heap of stons being a norwest corner then East 32 dgr^ north 50 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 32 dgr' East by a line of markt trees to sd Browns land so by sd land to the Rode the whole being 15 acers and 100 rod 3 acers and 100 rod alowed for bad land laid ovi: by Robert Evens svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Thomas white chain men april y*' 21* : 1736 we the svbscribers being apointed by samvel moore and Eleazer taft to measure of and bovnd ovt that 5 acers of land which samvel moore sold to Jsaac waters on the East side the ten rod way and sd land bovnded sovtherly on the land of Joseph chapin 40 rod and East on the land of cap* seth chapin 20 rod and two foott and half and north on the land of sd moore 37 rod and half and west on the ten rod way 20 rod and half and two foot and half said five acers of land so bovnded ovt with heaps of stons att Every corner by vs cap* Robert taft and william Brown desember y'' 13"' : 1707 laid ovt for samvel moore Eight acers and half of land viz : six acers of fifth division and two acers and half of second division laid Joyning to his medow on the west side of the west River and is Ixjvnded northerly part on seder- swamp and part on sd medow and Easterly part on sd medow and part on the medow of John harwood down stream to stons on a great Rock on the Bank of sd River and is bovnded sovtherly on the Rode leading from Joshva witneys to solomon woods to a pine tree markt being the sovthwest corner thence with a direct line to the seder swamp there being a white oak tree markt near sd swamp the whole being by Estimation 16 acerg 7 acers and 80 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Robert taft and Josiah thayer chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 397 [290.] DaniU Tatfl forty Acres of W (jrindall Rjiw.sons fourth Deuission of Land and A thre Acre Right In all futur deuissions with all the Priue- lidgs and Appurtenancs Now Danill Talfts As Appears by A deed of sail baring Date 1702 and Acknowledged before Josiah Chapin Esq"" May : 6 : 1717 March y^ tenth 1702 Laid out to Danil Taft't fovty Acres of M' Rawsons fourth Deuission as it is butted and Ijounded thirty tiue Acres of sd forty Acres Laid on the we.<^t side of the great Riuer : : 17 Acres and half on A plaine bounded East on the Land of Sam- uel Hayerd North upon the Land of Robert Taft't senior and Part on the Land of Robert Taft Junior West and south on Comon seuenteen Acres and half more of sd forty Acrs Laid on the same sid of sd Riuer bounded south on the Land of Robert Taft senior Easterly on sd Riuer North on Comon Interuail that Line markt with a white oake Nere the Mouth of A swail that Runs Into the Riuer : and the other End of that line Marked with A white oake att the foot of A pine hill and west on said hill and part on the Land of Robert Taft senior : by Josiah Chapin The Remaining Part of sd forty Acres which is tiue : Laid on the west sid of the Road that Leads Into the south Woods ouer Against sd Danil Tatfts dwelling house : bounded East on sd Road by A line of forty Rod south upon the Land of Thomas Tafit by A line of thirty six Rod west on Comon and north upon Comon the sd tiue Acres is Laid with the Alowanc of two Acres for one : Laid o\i: as aboue sd by — Josiah Chapin and James Louet Comite March y" 27 1707 tw^elue Acres fift Deuission Laid out for Danil taft't on the south side the Pond Laid for six : for six Acres l)(>unded as foloweth : East on sd Taftts Land fifty six Rod : south on Comon with A direct line forty Rod to A Chesnut oake being the southwest Corner West on Comon with A direct Line fifty six Rod to A pine tree being the norwest Corner North on Comon With A direct Line thirty Rod to the norwest Corner of his other Land by Thomas White Robert Taft't & Josiah Thayer Comite 398 proprip:tors' records. february Twenty sixt 171 ly^ Nine Acres of Dunil Taffts fifth Deuission of Land out on the West side the great Riuer Joyning to the Town Line neeiie shokalog bounded as foloweth West on sd Line : fifty four Rod the norwest Corner being : A white oake tree : North on Comon : thirteen Rod : to A black oak tre being the Nor East Corner East on Comon with A direct Line sixty six Rod to A white oake : tree being the south East Corner south on Com- mon forty Rod : to A White oake : tree marked : nere the south west Corner — the Whole Containing ten Acres one Acre Alow- anc -^- by — Thomas White and Thomas Thayer and Samuel more comite Daniel taft [291.] may y'' 19"' : 1719 laid ovt for daniel taft his share of sederswamp in the sovth sederswamp begining att the northerly end of sd swamp rvning cros sd swamp north 35 dgr* west by a line of markt trees the norwest corner being a small blak bvrtch tree and heap of stones : the sovthw^est corner a heap of stones : then ading to it eleven acers and three qvarters of his sixth divi- sion bringing it to a three cornerd peace the sovtherly line being seventy five rod the northeast corner being an ash tree markt the northerly line being sixty one rod the whole containing twelve acers and three qvarters one acer alowed for bad land by thomas white Jacob aldrich Robard taft committee March y'^ S^^ : 1726 laid ovt for Daniel taft in the sovth seder- swamp a thirty acer Right of sederswamp which he pvrchased of severail persons : as by deeds may apear : and thirty acers and an half of his seventh division of land, and is bovnded as foloweth begining att the sovtheast corner of John Daniels swamp thence Rvning west 15 dgr^ so\i:h one hvndred and nine Rod to Joseph whites land then bovnded westerly on sd land seventy Rod to the northeast corner of sd whites land then Rvning East 15 dgr^ north to the Rode near Richard holbrooks land then bovnded northerly on sd rode till it comes paralel with John Daniels swamp to an heap of stons being the northeast corner thence Rvning sovth 35 dgr' East to the norwest corner of sd Daniels swamp then bovnded MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 399 on sd swamp to the first boviids compasing in half an acer of medow Bottom formerly laid ovt to John Tompson the whole con- taining tifty two acers twenty one acers and an half alowed for sederswamp and Tompsons medow and a fovr Rod way cros sd land and for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer capt seth cha|)in and Jacob aldrich committee. April y*^ 7"' : 172(5 laid ovt for Daniel taft a qvarter of an acer of his sixth division of land Joyning to his other land near Thomas tafts Barn Bovnded north on common three Rod west on the sovth medow Rode and East on his other land it being a small gore of land containing forty Rod : laid ovt by Thomas white seth chapin and Jacob aldrich committee the same day laid ovt by the same committee two acers more of sd division Joyningto sd land and is bovnded north on his other land tifty Rod and East on a fovr Rod way Eighteen Rod and sovth on william hay wards land fifty rod it being a three cornerd peace of land containing two acers and three : qvarters three qvarters of an acer alowed for bad land [292.] Daniel Taft April y*^ 7*'' : 172(3 laid ovt for Daniel taft one acer of his seventh division of land Joyning to his other land near the sovth sederswamp Bovnded westerly on sd land thirty Rod sovth on comon with a direct line fifteen Rod to the westerly corner of wiliani Boyces land Easterly on comon with a direct line twenty seven Rod to his other land : it being a three cornerd peace of land containing one acer and a qvarter a qvarter of an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and Jacob aldrich committee march y^ 11"' : 1720 laid ovt for Daniel taft ten acers of land of his sixth division on the north side of his swamp and the west side of the pond. Begining at a little tree marked being a nor- west corner of his swamp then Rvning north fvll point twenty nine Rod to a chesnvt tree marked then north 34 dgr^ East Eighty Rod to sd pond so bovnded on sd pond twenty six Rod 400 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. to his other land then by said hind and swamp a various line to the first Bovnds the whole Esteemed at twenty one acers and forty Rod Eleven acers and forty Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Robert Evens Jacob aldrich and cap' seth chapin May y*" 17"' : 1728 laid ovt for Daniel taft two acers of land that he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid Joyning to his other land on the north side of the sovth sederswamp and is bovnded west on sd land Eleven Rod and sovth on sd swamp and East on his own land twenty one Rod to John Daniels land then with a : direct line of markt trees to the Rode : thirty two Rod then on sd rode twenty two Rod to his own land : it being a broaken peace of land containing fovr acers : two acers alowed for bad land : laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer cap* seth chapin & Jacob aldrich com*®** May y'' 17"' : 1728 laid ovt for Daniel Taft thirty acers of land viz : three acers of his seventh division and twenty seven acers of land which he pvrchast of the propriators of mendon laid on the East side the sovth medows begining at a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence Rvning west 3 dgr' north twenty six rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the so\i;hwest corner then north 3 dgr' East Eighty seven Rod to a heap of stons on a rock : being a corner then setting of East 3 dgr' sovth forteen Rod to : a white oak tree markt being a corner then north 15 dgr' East thirty Rod to a heap of stons being a norwest corner then East 3 dgr' sovth twenty Rod to a heap of stons being a northeast corner then sovth Eleven dgr' East thirty Rod to the sovthwest corner of abraham staples land then seting of East by sd land fifty five Rod to a walnvt tree makt near a northeast corner then sovth 3 dgr' west forty rod to a white oak : tree markt being a sovtheast corner then west 3 dgr' north sixty five rod to a chesnvt tree markt being a corner then sovth 37 dgr' west ten : rod to Jacob aldriches land then bovnded on sd land fifty rod to the first bovnds : it being a broaken peace of land containing thirty fovr acers and seventy rod fovr acers and seventy Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 401 [293.] William Rutter NoLiember y'' 1 : 1718 Laid out for william rutter eight acers sixth division Joyning to his other Land near the rok medow bounded east on S"* Land by a uarious line forty eight Recorded j.^^^j south Dait ou S'' land part bv a line of niarkt trees January ^ ^ *■ a i. y 1/ 1718 thirty eight rod to a heap of Stones being the south- west corner west on conion with a direct line fifty rod to a heap of Stones being the nor west corner north on eomon with a direct line forty six rod to the norwest corner of his other land the whole containing twelue acers four acers alowod for bad Land Laid out by Thomas, white : Robert Taft .Jacob Aldrich : Committee. ^ March y« 23^^ : 1720: laid ovt for william Rvtter eight g 5- ^ acers of land seventh division to the westward of his hovse I « & Joyning to his other land begining att a heap of stones I §^ r being a norwest corner of his other land by the rode lead- I I < ing over the west river rvning by sd rode to Jethro cofiins »• 5- 5 land twenty five rod then sovth fvll point part by sd coffin " part by common seventy three rod to a heap of stones be- ing the sovthwest corner then east seven dgr"" sovth to his other land on all other parts Brokenly bovnded on his own land : con- taining fovrteen acers and thirty one rod : six acers & thirty one rod alowed for bad land b\- Robard Evens seth chapin Jacob al- drich : committee Desember y'^ : 23'' : 1723 laid ovt for wiliam Rvtter an aqvife- Unit for what land was formerly laid ovt to him under a mistake in James Emersons land the land laid ovt in sd Emersons being five aqers and a qvarter the land laid out for Recompence being- seven acers and half it being a three cornered peace of land and is : bovnded north on Jethro coifins land sixty Rod and west on James Keiths land forty Rod sovth on James Emersons land : laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer : James Keith and Jacob aid- rich committee : this land laid ovt by order of the town at a pvblick town meeting april y*" 22'^ : 1723 febrvary y'^ 16"' : 1729^-2- laid ovt for william Rvtter one acer Ei":hth division of land laid Joynino- to his other land : near his 402 PROPRIETORS^ RECORDS. hovse and is bovnded sovtli on sd land sixty rod north on the Rode leading from town to solonion woods (50 rod East on Rock medow brook Eight rod it being a three eornerd peace of land containing one acer and half half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and John farnvm chain men [294.] William hay ward november y*^ 17^'' : 1719 laid ovt for william hay ward forty acers of land seventh division part swamp part vpland near chesnvt hill begining att a heap of stones near a run of w^ater rvning out of sd swamp being the northeast corner thence rvning sovth fvll point one hvndred and ten rod to stones on a Rock then west one hvndred and twenty rod to a blak oak tree marked then north one hvndred and ten rod to a walnvt tree marked then East one hundred and twenty Rod to the lirst bovnds compasing in seven acers and half formerly laid ovt the whole containing Eighty two acers and half: forty two acers and half alowed for sd seven acers and half and bad land : By Robert Evens Jacob aldrich James keith committee febrvary y^ 25"' : 1720^3. laid ovt for william hay ward ten acers seventh division Joyning to his other land northeast from little pond begining att a heap of stones att his other land thence rvn- ing north 10 dgr^ East by sd land thirty two rod to philip leasvrs land then on sd land : ten rod to the corner of sd land then tvrn- ing by sd land north 10 dgr* East Eighteen Rod then East 10 dgr' sovth by benjamen thayers land forty rod to Jethro coffins land then sovth 10 dgr' west fifty rod to a heap of stones on a great Rock being a sovtheast corner then west 10 dgr^ north fifty rod to the first bovnds : the whole containing fovrteen acers and half fovr acers and half alowed for bad land By Robert Evens Jacob aldrich James Keith committee febrvary y*^ 25"' : 1720^1 laid ovt for william hay ward sixteen acers of land seventh divisicm on the west side of chesnvt hill and on the sovth side of his other land begining att a heap of MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 403 stones being his sovtheast corner : then rvning fvll point twent}' Kight rod to niithan penemans land then by sd land twenty rod then sovth fvll point sixteen rod to Benjamen darlings land then by sd land to the corner twelve rod then west on common one livndred and Eight rod to a heap of stones being a sovthwest corner then north on common fort}-^ rod to his other land then by sd land one hvndred and twenty rod to the first bovnds the whole containing twenty Eight acers and half twelve acers and half alowed for I)ad Land By Robert Evens Jacob aldrich James Keith committee [295.] william hay ward febrvary y^ 25"' : 17202 1. laid ovt for william hay ward twelve acers of land seventh division Joyning to his other land north- ward from little pond begining att an ash tree being his former corner and thomas whites bovnd then by sd white's land thirty two rod to sd whites sovtheast corner then by said whites land west 10 dgr'' north fifteen rod to a heap of stones then sovth 10 dgr^ west twenty five rod to a heap of stones being a sovthwest corner then East 10 dgr* sovth. 50 rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner then north 10 dgr' East to his other land then on sd land to the first bovnds the whole containing fovrteen acers and one hvndred and thirty rod two acers and one hvndred and thirty rod alowed for bad land by Robert Evens James Keith Jacob aldrich committee febvrary the twentieth: 1722^ laid ovt for william hay ward seven acers sixth division of land two acers of sd land being two acers of land which was wanting in a peace of land formerly : laid ovt and Entred : doble : what it contains being : Recorded forty fovr acers and is Bvtt twenty two acers : the sd seven acers of land laid Jovning to his other land in the sovth woods beo-inino; att the northeast corner of his other land then bovnded Easterly on Jethro cotfins land sixty Rod to Benjamen whelocks land then bovnded on sd land twelve rod to a heap of stons then Rvning west 10 dgr^ north twenty six rod to the sovtheast corner of his other land then bounded on sd land to the first bovnds : itt being a three cornered peace of huul containing Eight acei's and forty 404 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. six Kod : one acer and 46 rod alowcd for a three rod way Betwen sd land and coffins land : and whelocks land By Robert Evens tliomas white Jacob aldrich febrvary y*" 20^'' : 1722^ then laid ovt for wiliani hay ward twenty acers of his sixth division being land mentioned in a retvrn baring date may y'' 19"': 1718 lying on the north side of Jethro cofins land the lins new Rvn there is fovnd wanting of what sd retvrn specify ed 22 acers the sd twenty acers is laid Joyning to the Easterly side of wiliam hay ward Jvn'"" land beginning att a heap of stons on the north side of a cleft of Rocks near Benjamen whelocks north line thence Rvning sovth fvU point by markt trees and heaps of stons fifty four Rod to a heap of stons at y*^ Rvte of a walnut tree markt being the sovtheast corner then west by markt tres and heaps of stons sixty Rod to a maple tree markt being the sovth- west corner then north by a line of mark trees forty Eight Rod to sd haywards land then East on sd land nine rod then on sd land six rod to a heap of stons then on comon by a line of mark trees fifty one Rod to the first Bovnds the sd land new svrvayed and fovnd wanting 22 acers and alowed for it as above specify ed By Robert Evens Jacob aldrich and Thomas white committee Edward Rawson Richerd Holbrok [296.] Eleuen Acres of Josiah Thayers fift Deuission and Twenty two Acres and half of Robert TafFt Juniors fifth Deuis- sion Now Richerd Holbrooks As Ap]3ears by two Deeds of sale Josiah Thayers 28"' of march 171(3 : and Acknowed before Josiah chapin Esq-" March 22 : 1717] Robert tafts Dated 28"' of march 1716 The Abouesd thirty thre Acres and half of Land Laid out to Richerd Holbrook on the West side the great Riuer below shok- anog brook bounded Easterly on the Riuer sixty six Rod A maple tree markt upstreame upon the banck of the Riuer being the North East Corner North on comon with A direct Line : seuenty Rod to A heap of stones on A Rock being the Norweast Corner West on Comon with A direct Line sixty six Rod to A stak and stones MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 405 being southwest corner: south on Conion with A direct Line: Ninty and six Rod to the Riuer A pine tree mark nere sd Riuer the whole Containing- thirty seuen Acres and half four Acres Alowanc Aprill y'" second 1716 by Thomas white .losiah thayer and Roljert Taft Comitte true Acres of Benjemin Whelocks lift Deuission of Land Now Rhicherd Holbrooks Apears by A deed of sale baring Date : April 12: 1716 Fiue Acres of Benierain Whelocks fift Deuission Land Laid out for Richerd Holbrook : on the west side the great riuer below shokanog brook Joyning to his other Land : bounded East on sd Land sixty six Rod : south on Common : thirteen Rod : to A stake and stones : being the south west Corner west on Coirion sixty six Rod to A heap of stones on A Rock being the Norwest Corner : North on Coinon : sixteen Rod : to his other Land : the whole Containing fiue Acres and Thirty three Rod : thirty three Rod Alowanc by Thomas white Robert Tafi't and Jacob Aldrich Aprill 13 1716 Comitte Mendon December y'^ first. 1720. Laid out for Richurd Hol- brook nine acres of y^ Seuenth Diuision north of his house joyn- ing to his other Land begining at a Little white oak being a former bounds Thence Runing East Ten Deg""^ South on Sd Land to y'' Road Leading to John Danielses, then part on Sd Road and partly on his own Land & partly on Common, fifty Rod to a heape of Stones being a north East Corner, Then West 30 Deg""^ north on Common to his other Land, then by Sd Land fifty Rod to y'' first bounds, the whol Containing Eighteen acres nine, acres allowed for Bad Land Laid out by Robert Euens Serueyer Jacob aldrish & Thomas White Committee April y*' 20'" 1747 Laid out for Edward Rawson one Acre of John Chapins 11'" Division of Land adjoyning to his other Land and is bounded westerly on said Land Southerly on the Land of 406 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. fJohii Cliapin 14 Rf)d Easterly partly on the Land of Sam" Hay ward and partly on the Land of Thomas Hayward 14 Rod to a white oak tree markt being the north East Cor- ner thence with a direct Line 8 Rod to the north East Corner of his other Land : Laid out by William Torrey Sury'' Daniel Lovett and Edward Rawson chain men Richard hollirook Sam" White [297.] march y*' W"^ : 1727 laid ovt for Richard holbrook Eleuen acers of his seventh division laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse Begining att the northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning with a direct line to the norwest corner of John Danielses land and then Bovnded East on sd Danielses land seventy six Rod to a heap of stons Being the sovtheast corner then sovth 22 dgr' west thirty one Rod to his other land to a heap of stons l)eing the southwest corner then Bovnded west on his other land to the first Bovnds : it being a Broaken peace of land containing seventeen acers six acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee Jvne y*^ 14''^ : 1729 laid ovt for Richard holbrook six acers of his Eighth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is Bovnded northerly on sd land Easterly on the land of John Daniels and sovtherly on the Rode that leads from Town to Joseph Whites : it being a broaken peace of land containing Eight acers two acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer John farnuni and Jacob aldrich Chain men Jvne y*" 14"" : 1729 laid ovt for Richard holbrook one acer and a qvarter of Eighth division of land laid joyning to his other land north from his hovse and is bovnded west on samvel Thayers land sovth on his own land north on soloman Bvlards land it be- ing a three cornerd peace of land containing one acer and half forty Rod alowed for a three Rod way cros a corner of sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich Chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 407 Jvne y^ 14*'' : 1729 laid ovt for Richard liolbrook one hvndred and twenty Rod of Eighth division of hmd laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is Bovnded northerly on sd land and sovtherly part on Benjamin Whites land and partly on the Rode leading to Joseph whites a Broaken Bitt of land containing 136 rod: l(i Rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvni and Jacob aldrich Chain men May y*^ 2P: 1730 laid ovt for Richard holbrook seven acers Eighth : division of land laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded East on sd land 74 rod and sovth part on the land of Joseph white and part on common 14 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence rvning north "1^2 dgr" East 70 rod to James keiths land to a heap of stons being the norwest corner and is bovnded north on sd keiths land 16 rod to his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing nine acers and half 2 acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas AYhite svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich Chain men December y*" 15"' 1748 Laid out for Samuel White two Acres & half of William Thayers 11"' Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on the west hill and is bounded westerly on said Land 34 Rod Southerly on the Land of Joseph Alexander 54 Rod northerly on the way Leading to moores plain 46 Rod it being a gore of Land. Laid out by William Torrey Sury'" Jacob aldrich & Sam" AVhite Chainmen Daniel Taft [298.] May y^' IS"^ : 1728 laid ovt for Daniel Taft twenty six acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon and is laid Joyning to his other land near shokcolog and is Bovnded East on sd land one hvndred and fifty Rod sovth on the land of nicolas hvmes thirty six rod then with a direct line one hvndred and fifty rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then west fvll point twenty Rod to his other land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee 408 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Jvne y° 3": 1729 laid ovt for Dcaniel Taft five acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near the sovth sederswamp and is bovnded north on sd land East part on com- mon part on Thomas Tafts land sovth on the way leading from town to cap* Joseph whites hovse it being a broaken peace of land containing six acers and three qvarters one acer and three qvarters alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph Taft Chain men September y® Eighth : 1731 laid ovt for daniel taft five acers of his Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the sovth medows begining at a white oak tree being the sovtheast corner of sd land thence Rvning East 3 dgr^ sovth thirty fovr rod to a heap of stons being y*^ sovtheast corner thence Rvning north fvll point part on common part on Robert Evenses land fifty two Rod to sd Evenses norwest corner then west 3 dgr^ north 32 rod to abraham staples land then bovnded west part on sd staples land part on his own land 52 fifty two Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing 10 acers five acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men September y® 8"' : 1731 laid ovt for Daniel taft five acers of his Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near the sovth sederswamp and is bovnded sovtherly on wiliam Boyses land 32 rod to sd boyses norwest corner then tvrning sovtherly with sd boyses line 14 rod to a white oak tree markt then Rvning sovth fvll point 32 rod to a heap of stons on a rock then seting of East : 4 : rod to daniel hills land then bovnded on sd land to Thomas tafts land then on sd tafts land to his own land : and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land and swamp : it being a broaken peace of land containing : 7 acers and a qvarter two acers & a qvarter alowed for l^ad land laid ovt l\y Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler Chain men May y'' 17*'^ : 1736 laid ovt for daniel taft the Avhole of his ninth division and 4 acers and half of his tenth division of land and is laid Jovning to his other land near shokcolog and is bovnded MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 409 sovth on the province line 36 rod west part on silvanas holbrooks land and part on common 123 rod to soloman wood flvn""^ land and is lx)vnded north on sd land 72 rod to the sovtheast corner of sd land then tvrning north by sd land 50 rod to Joseph taft Jvn"^ land and is bovnded north on sd land 58 rod to samvel thayers land and is bovnded East i)art on sd thayers land and part on his own land to the province line laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men [299.] Daniel Taft October y^ 27'"': 1731 laid ovt for daniel taft sixty one acers Eio-hth division of land viz : 30 acers of Josiah chapins and 30 of Joseph chapins and one acer of his own laid together on the west side the west River Joyning to the town line and is bovnded north on sd line and part on John hazeltins land 210 rod begin- ing at a walnvt tree markt near the norwest corner thence rvning sovth 8 dgr' west 22 rod to winters land then bovnded on sd land to nathan parks land then on sd parks land to the northeast corner of sd parks land thence rvning East 8 dgr' sovth 162 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner : then north 8 dgr^ East to the town line to a heap of stons being the northeast corner the whole containing Eighty one acers 20 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men Jvly y'' 24"^ : 1735 laid ovt for daniel taft 4 acers Eighth divi- sion of land laid Joyning to his other land near the sovth medows : and is bovnded East on sd land the sovthwest corner being a heap of stons on a Rock thence Rvning west 10 dgr^ north 14 rod to Robert tafts land then bovnded part on sd land and part on com- mon to woodland tompsons medow and is bovnded westerly on sd medow : it being a broaken peace of land containing 5 acers and 40 rod one acer alowed for bad land : — two acers more of sd Eighth division laid Joyning to the above- said land and is bovnded northerly on the land of Joseph white and westerly on woodland tompsons medow and on all other 410 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land contain- ing 2 acers and 24 rod 24 rod alowed for bad land — fovr acers more of the abovesaid Eighth division laid ovt for said faft eloyning to the East side of the abovesaid land and is bovnded Easterly on common 32 rod with a direct line from the northeast corner of a peace of land sd taft pvrchast of Jacob aldrich to chesnvt oak tree being a bovnds of his land formerly laid ovt : and is bovnded on all other parts on his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing six acers 2 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Joseph taft chain men April y" 6'" : 1738 laid ovt for daniel taft 13 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near abbitts farm and is bovnded East on the land of Benjamen archer 33 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning west 6 dgr^ north 112 rod to samvel thayers land to a heap of stons l)eing the norwest corner and is bovnded west part on sd thayers land and part on his own land and sovth on solomon wood Jvn*'* land the whole being 14 acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph taft and daniel taft chain men Benjamen hay ward [800.] Nouember y^ 10, 1718 Laid out for beniamen haward teen acers sixth division Joyning to his other Land near his house it being a broaken peace of land y*" southeast corner Recorded beinff a Stak thence runing north twenty degrees east Nouember ^ '^ i • i i ye 14/1718 twenty two rod to a blak oak tree markt being the north- east corner then runing west thirty fine degrees north to Sumners Land then Avith S" Land to beniamen wheatons medow south part on S*^ medow part on his other Land to the south east corner the whole containing eleuen acers and thirty two rod one acer and thirty two rod alowed for bad Land by Thomas : White : Jacob : Aldrich : Kobert : Euens : Committee Nouember y*' 10.. 1718 Laid out for beniamen hawerd Joyning to his other land on the east Side Second brids; riuer the re- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 411 mainder of his Sixth diuision all but Seader Swamp bounded west part part on S'' riuer part on S'' hawards other Land north on the Land ot" John uardner thirty rod to a heaj) of Recorded Stoues ou ti rf)ck being the north east corner then run- y^u/'ms i"c «oiith tiue degrees east seuenty rod to a heap of stones being the southeast corner south on conion with a direct line thirty Rod to S** riuer a maple tree markt near S"* riuer the whole containing fourteen acers one acer alowed for bad Land l)y Thomas : White : Robert Euens : Jacob : Aldrich : Committee June y" 26.. 1718 Laid out for beniamen haward tifteen acers : and half sixth : diuision Joyning to his other Land near his house lying on an half moon on two sids of his Land bounded easterly on S'' Land fifty two rod a blak oak bush markt near the north- east corner thence runing w^est fine degrees north fifty eight rod to a blak oak stand markt near the norwest corner then runing south two degrees west fifty eight rod to a heap of stones on a rock being the south west corner then runing east two : degrees south sixty six rod to the southwest corner of his other Land the whole containing eighteen acers Tw^o acers and half alowed for bad Land and a three rodway cros S'' Land Laid out by Thomas : white : Jacob : Aldrich : Thomas Thayer Committee Benjamen hayward [301.] Jvne y" 22'^ : 1728 laid ovt for Benjamen hayward ten acers seventh division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side second Bridge River and is Bovnded west on sd land seventy two Rod : sovth on vriah thayers land thirty one Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner : thence Rvning north 3 dgr' west fifty six rod to John garners land and is bovnded north on sd garners land to his own land the whole containing twelve acers and sixty fovr Rod two acers and 64 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer cap' Seth Chapin and Jacob aldrich committee Jvne y" 22"^ : 1728 laid ovt for Benjamen hayward seven acers seventh division of land, laid ovt on the East side y"" north pond 412 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Beo-inino- at a black oak tree inarkt beins; the norwest corner then Kvning sovtheast fvll point forty Rod to a heap of stons lieing the northeast corner then sovthwest thirty rod to a blak Bvrch tree markt being the sovtheast corner then norwest forty rod to : a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then northeast thirty rod to the first bovnds the whole containing seven acers and half half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer cap' seth chapin and Jacob aldrich committee november y*" 25"' : 1728 laid ovt for Benjamen hayward twenty five acers of land being Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the north pond begining at the sovthwest corner of sd land thence Rvning norwest fvll point forty Rod to A black oak tree markt being the sovthAvest corner then northeast thirty three Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner at hopkinton line then on sd line Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth fvll point one hvndred and twelve Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then norwest fvll point to the northeast corner of his other land the whole contain- ing thirty fovr acers and 35 rod nine acers and 35 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich committee desember y"" 4"' : 1735 laid ovt for Benjamen hayward 2 acers and half Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded northerly on the land of Joseph svmner 14 rod and on all other parts on his own land the whole being 3 acers and three qvarters one acer and a qvarter alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros a corner of sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvaj'er Jacob aldrich and benjamen dar- ling chain men daniel Eliott Josei)h tiler Benjamen hayward Sam^ Torrey [302.] Jvne y*^ 18"' : 1735 laid ovt for daniel Eliot 21 acers and half of land viz 20 acers of daniel Reads ninth division and one acer and half of land granted to him by the selectmen of vxl)ridge for a high way throvgh his land laid Joyning to his other land and is MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 413 l)Ovnded sovth on sd hind 110 rod west on the town line 8 rod north on Ednivnd raw sons land 50 rod to sd rawsons sovtheast corner then north 8 dgr' East 52 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 8 dgr^ sovth (K) to a heap of stons being the north east corner then sovth 8 dgr' west 60 rod to his other land the whole being 25 acers 3 acers and 80 rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men November y^ 17"' : 1736 laid ovt for Joseph tiler 16 acers and 80 rod of tenth division of land : viz : 10 acers of benjamen thayers and 6 acers and 80 rod of samvel thayers laid Joyning to his other land near samvel whites and is bovnded East on sd land north part on samvel whites land and part on common 62 rod west part on dvgleses land and part on common 36 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the sovthwest corner sovth part on common and part on his own land 105 rod the whole being 18 acers and 80 rod 2 acers alowed for bad land laid o\i; by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Joseph tiler chain men April y'^ 'IG^^' : 1737 laid ovt for Benjamen hay ward 3 acers and 36 rod of land : viz : 3 acers tenth division and 36 rod for land formerly laid : viz : a mistake in nathaniel morses land now laid Joyning to his other : land north from his hovse and is bovnded north on the land of sd morse 31 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning sovth fvll point 22 rod to david hills medow then bovnded sovtherly on sd medow to his own land then bovnded westerly on sd land to said morses land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and benjamen hay ward chain men febrvary y^ 7'" : 17375. laid ovt for Benjamen hay ward 3 acers and 80 rod of land : viz : 2 acers and 80 rod being ninth division ai^d one acer tenth division laid ovt on the East side second bridge river eToyning to his other land and is bovnded west on sd land 52 rod sovth on the land of John Kockwood 12 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence rvning north fvll 414 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. point 48 rod to william Eobersons land to a heap of stons near the northeast corner and is bovnded northerly on said Robersons land 14 rod to his own land the whole being 4 acers and 10 rod 90 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer : Jacob aldrich and benjamen hayward chain men November y'' 2'' : 1744 laid ovt for samvel torey 19 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his niedow att the vper north medow and is bovnded : west part on sd niedow part on gerge brvses medow part on daniel thvrstons land : north by the land of nathan case rvning from a sovtheast corner of sd cases land sovth 8 dgr^ west 20 rod to stons on a rock then sovthwest fvll point 22 rod to sd medow and is bovnded on all other parts on sd medow it being a broaken peace of land containing 21 acers and 80 rod : 2 acers and 80 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and samvel torey chain men John holbrook Joseph tiler [303.] April y*^ first : 1729 laid ovt for John holbrook : ten acers of land being Eighth division laid northeast from hoopole hill begining at a white oak tree marked : being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning East 8 dgr^ & | sovth thirty six rod to a heap of stons being y" sovtheast corner then north 8 dgr' & | East fifty rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 8 dgr^ & | north thirty six rod to a walnvt tree markt being the norwest corner then sovth 8 dgr' & | west fifty Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing Eleven acers and a qvarter one acer and one qvarter alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Joseph taft committee febrvary y*" 2'': 1731?- laid ovt for John holbrook three acers and one hvndred rod Eighth division of land one acer and twenty rod of it being in Ive for one acer and twenty rod of land that was laid vnder a mistake in John Reads land in vxbridge now laid together Joyning to his other land on the East side Beaver pond and is bovnded East on sd land fifty one rod and westerly MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 415 part on his own scdersAvamp and part on Jonathan haywards seder swamp northerly on peter holbrooks sederswanip twenty Rod it being a broaken peace of hind containing three acers and 145 rod 45 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men desember }•'' 18"': 1735 laid ovt for Joseph tiler 8 acers of Cap* Eleazer danielses ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near samvel whites rvning from the northest corner of sd land norwest fvll point 48 rod to the sovtheast corner of sd whites land then bovnded northerly part on sd whites land and part on connnon 40 rod to a black oak stand being the norwest corner thence rvning sovtheast 47 rod to his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on sd land the whole being 10 acers 2 acers alowed for bad land the same day laid for sd tiler 5 acers of land : viz : 3 acers Eighth division and 2 acers ninth division being part of John plvmlys Rights laid sovth from samvel whites begining att a white oak tree being the norwest corner thence rvning sovtheast 40 rod to a white oak tree being the sovthwest corner then north- east 25 rod to a white oak tree being the sovtheast : corner then norwest 40 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovthwest 25 rod to the first bovnds the whole being 6 acers and 40 rod one acer and 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men Janvary y*" 20*'' : 1735 laid ovt for John holbrook 15 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land in vxbridge the sovthwest corner being a heap of stons thence rvning north 16 dgi-^ west 64 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 16 dgr^ north 18 rod to a heap of stons at his other land and is bovnded Easterly on sd land 64 rod to a pople tree markt near the sovtheast corner then west 16 dgr' sovth 48 rod to a heap of stons at his other land the whole being 15 acers and 40 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Ebenezer Read chain man 416 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. [304.] Joseph tiler John tiler sein"" John tiler Jvn'' May y'' 20*'' : 1730 laid ovt John tyler six acers of Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near misco hill beo-inino; at- the north east corner of sd lahd and is bovnded northerly part on the land of Eobert tyler part on common part on the land of John tyler Jvn' one hvndred and five rod : sovth- erly on the land of Thomas Read 25 rod to the northeast corner of sd reads land thence rvning sovtheast 2 dgr' north 35 rod to his other land : and is bovnded on all other parts on sd land it being a broaken peace of land containing nine acers and half three acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob Aldrich and nathan tiler chain men May y'^ 20*'' : 1730 laid ovt for John tiler Jvn'' five acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his medow on the north side herbors hole and is bovnded sovth on the land of nathan tiler forty Rod begining at a heap of stons being the sovthwest : corner thence Rvning north 15 dgr' East forty Eight Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 15 dgr' Sovth forty rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 15 dgr' west forty Eight Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner : the whole containing twelve acers compasing in two acers of medow bottom formerly laid ovt five acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men a Retvrn of fovrteen acers of land which John tiler pvrchased of the town att a pvblick town meeting march the 5'" : 171011 : viz : 13 acers lying on the East side the way leading to the north medows and is bovnded west on sd way and on all other parts on his own land and one acer on the west side sd w^ay Joyning to his other land which w^as formerly M'' : torys : mesvred ovt by me Thomas white svrvayer : in the year 1711 acording to town grant as Entered in the old Book in paige 135 — november y'^ 19"' : 1735 laid ovt for Joseph tiler 10 acers of land viz : one acer of land which he pvrchased of william adams and 6 acers of Benjamen greens ninth division and 3 acers of John far- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 417 nvms ninth division laid together Joyning to land belonging to the heirs of Benjanien thayer deseast and is bovnded East on said land 78 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 15 dgr* north 27 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 15 dgr' west 94 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner : and is bovnded sovtherly on the way leading to Ezekel whites the whole containing 14acers and 55 rod 4 acers and 55 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrva3^er Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chainmen Sam" Torrey Sargent [305.] March y« 31^'. 1718. Laid out to William Sargent Twenty acres of Land granted him by y*" Town att a publick Town meeting. March y^ 17*''. current in Consideration Recorded ^f j^jg finishing the work at pawtucket falls, at John April y« ^ , 8«h.i7i8. Arnolds Judgment So as y*" fish might come up Sd Eiuer, which being Done : y** Committee Laid him out y^ Land according to Sd grant between Calebs hill and y*". Little pond, and is bovnded as followeth. the northeast Corner being A whit oak tree, marked, the South east Corner a heap of Stones, this Line being sixty Rod. South on Common fifty four Rod. To a black oak Tree marked being y^ South west Corner, west on Common Sixty Rod to a Stake & Stones, being y^ norwest Corner, north on Common to y^ north east Corner. Laid out by Thomas White Servy''. Thomas Thayer Jacob Aldrish Committee Mendon Aprill y'' IS'** 1721 Laid out for William Sergant Nine acres & Eighty Rod two acres of Sd Land is of the sixth Devision and Seven acres Eighty Rod the Seventh Devision Neare the Great River East of the Roulling Dam about one hundred Rod Begining at a heap of Stons on a hill of Rocks Runiug North 15 degrs East on Common thirty nine Rod, then west 10 dg''" Noi'th on Common fifty six Rod then South 15 dgr^ West on Common, thirty Nine Rod to a heap of Stons then East 15 deg*' South on Common to the first Bounds fifty Six Rod Containg thirteen acers and one hundred and four Rod four acers and Twenty four Rod aLowed for Bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich James Keith Committee 418 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Mendon Aprill y<^ 13'". 1721. Laid out for William Sargent two acres & Eighty Rod West of his house Joyning to his other Land Begining at a Westerly Corner of his other Land Euning South, West fourteen Eod to a heap of Stons Being a Westerly Corner then South Easterly on Common Sixty Rod to a heap of stons being a Southerly Corner, then North East on Common to sd Land then on Sd Land to the first Bounds Containing five acres and forty Rod two acres and one hundred & Twenty Rod a Lowed for Bad Land Laid out by, Robert Evens Jacob aldrich, James Keith Seuenth Devision, Committee March y^ 2P'. 1745/6 Laid out for Samuel Torrey 150 rod Eleuen'*' Division of Land Joyning to his other land on magon- isco beo'inino; at the southwest Corner of his other land runino; west one rod & a half to aheap of Stones being southwest Corner and is bound west on comon with a dirict Line 100 rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner thence one rod & a half to the norwest corner of his other land & is bounded East on his other land 100 rod : Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Jacob Aldrich Chain man [306.] Solomon wood Joseph tiler October y^ 22*^ : 1730 laid ovt for solomon wood Eight acers and 66 rod of land : viz : five acers and an half of James lynceys Eighth division of land and two acers and 106 rod of land which was granted him by the select men of vxbridge for a way laid throvgh his land now laid together Joyning to his other on the East side of the great River north from his hovse and is bovnded westerly on aldriches Rode 40 rod sovth part on his other land part on common Rvning sovth 40 dgr^ East 34 rod to the covntry Rode then bovnded on sd Rode 40 rod to samvel chapins land then bovnded Easterly part on sd chapins land part on common Rvning north 40 dgr' west sixty Rod to aldriches Rode to a heap of stons near sd rode it being a broaken peace of land containing 12 acers and an half fovr acers and 14 rod alowed for bad land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 419 September y'' 18*'' : 1733 laid o\i; for solomon wood 2 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land north from his hovse and is bovnded East on the land of samvel chapin noilh on the covntry Rode west on his own land sovth with a direct line from a northeast corner of sd land to a sovthwest corner of sd chapins land it being a broaken peace of land by Estimation 3 acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white Chain men April y'^ 15*'' : 1740 laid ovt for Joseph tiler 8 acers and half of land : \'iz : 8 acers of John haywards tenth division and half an acer of his own ninth division laid Joyning to his other land sovtherly from samvel whites and is bovnded north and East on sd land and so\i;h on a three rod way 32 rod to a heap of stones being the sovthwest corner west on common with a direct line 40 rod to his other land to a heap of stons the norwest corner : a broaken peace of land containing 10 acers and 80 rod 2 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Ebenezer read and Joseph tiler chain men. September y'^ 27*'' : 1744 laid ovt for Joseph tyler six acers of land tenth division of land which he pvrchast of aron thayer laid Joyning to his other land near samvel whites and is bovnded Easterly on sd land and is bovnded westerly on comon 80 rod rvning with a direct line from the sovthwest corner of sd land to the norwest corner : itt being a broken peace of land like a half moon compased in with his other land containing seven acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Ja- cob aldrich and Joseph tyler chain men December y*" 29*'' 1718 Laid out for Benjamin Hayward his Shear of Ceder Swamp in the north Ceder Swamp on the East side the River Bounded north on thomas thayers Swamp East on upland 15 Rod then Runing west full point to Said River west on Said River l)y thomas white Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Com*' [307.] solomon wood march y^ 2H^^' : 1728 laid ovt for solomon wood fifteen acers & half of land laid Joyning to his other land near hoop pole hill : 420 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. viz : twelve acers of land which he pvrchased of James keith and three acers and half that he pvrchased of John Emerson : and is bovnded west on sd land one hvndred Rod from benjamen tafts land to a heap of stons being a sovthwest corner thence Rvning East 40 dgr' north forty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovth- east corner then north 40 dgr^ west sixty one Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west fvll point to Benjamen tafts land then by sd land to his own land the whole containing twenty acers and tw^enty Rod fovr acers and one hvndred Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee j^; March y*" 29*'' : 1728 laid ovt for solomon wood three acers of land that he pvrchast of John Emerson and is laid Joyning to his other land near his liovse on the west side the covntry Rode and is Bovnded sovth on sd land forty Rod to a l)lack oak tree markt being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning north 25 dgr^ East thirty Rod to a black oak tree markt being the norwest corner then East 25 dgr' Sovth to a heap of stons being the northeast corner : then sovth 25 dgr' west thirty Rod to his other land : the whole containing seven acers and half fovr acers and half alowed for bad land and a two rod way cros sd land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee Jvne y^ 22'* : 1729 laid ovt for solomon wood Jvn"" Eleven acers of James Emersons Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded East on sd land sixty fovr Rod and sovth on his other land forteen Rod and west part on his own : land and part on Joseph Tafts land sixty Eight Rod to sd tafts northeast corner thence Rvning East 5 dgr^ sovth thirty Rod to the minestry land then on sd land to his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing forteen acers and half, 3 acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer : Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men Jvne y*" 22'* : 1729 laid ovt for sd wood six acers sd division : viz : one acer of sd Emersons Eighth division and tive acers of cap* MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 421 John Darlings Eighth, division laid together Joyning to his other land and is bovnded East on sd land forty nine Rod sovth on Jo- seph Tafts land twenty fovr Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then rvning north fvll point forty nine Rod to a heajj of stons being the norwest corner then East fvll point twenty fovr Rod to his other land the whole containing seven acers and a qvarter and 16 Rod one acer and a qvarter and 16 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph Taft chain men [308.] Solomon wood Jvne y"" 23'' : 1729 laid ovt for solomon wood Jvn"" thirty one acers of Eighth division of land : viz : twenty Eight acers of cap- tain John Darlings and three of his own laid together betwen shokcolog sederswamp and the province line laid Joyning to Benjamen Tafts land Begining att sd Tafts sovtheast corner thence Rvning sovth 15 dgr' west tifty Rod to a heap of stons l)eing the sovtheast corner then west 15 dgr^ north one hvndred and tifteen Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 15 dgr^ East fifty Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 15 dgr^ sovth sixty two Rod to sd tafts land then on sd tafts land to the first bovnds the whole containing thirty six acres and 70 rod five acres and 70 Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men November y"^ 2{i^^' : 1729 laid ovt for solomon wood nine acres Eighth division of land laid ovt on the west side the great river Joyning to william Browns land and is bovnded west on said Browns land forty two Rod then Rvning from the northeast corner of sd browns land East 13 dgr' north forty rod to sarah Reads hind and is bovnded East part on sd land and part on common fifty Rod to Daniel Reads land bovnded sovth part on sd land part on common thirty six rod to sd Browns land the corners being all iioaps of stons : it being a broaken peace of land containing Eleven acres two acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) Aldrich and Josci)h Taft chain men 422 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. November y^ 26*'' : 1720 laid ovt for solomon wood twenty one acers Eighth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river and is bovnded sovth on sd land forty two Rod, and East part on Edmvnd Rawsons land and part on common one hvndred and twenty Rod to a heap of stons being y'' northeast corner thence Rvning Avest 22 dgr' sovth forty two Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 22 dffr* East : one hvndred and sixteen Rod to his other land the whole containing thirty one acers ten acers alowed for bad land laid ovt. By Thomas white, svrvayer : Jacob aldrich and Joseph Taft chain men [309.] seth chapin Jvn'' May y® y'' 3 : 1718 Laid out for seth chapin Jnr four acers and a qurter sixth diusion Joyning to his other Land on the west side y'' mill river Landed east part on his own Land part on thomas whits Land fifteen rod. the southeast corner a heap of stones south on comon by a line of markt trees sixty rod to a chestnut tree being the southwest corner west on comon fifteen rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner north on comon by a line of markt trees sixty rod to his own land the whole containing six acers one hundred and sixty rod lying in a three cornerd peace between S** chapins Land and thomas whites land : one acer and three quarters alowed for bad Land Laid out 1)y Thomas White Jacob Aldrich Thomas Thayer Committee May y'' 3 : 1718 Laid out for seth chapin Jnr eighteen acers and half sixth division Joyning to his other Land near his dweling house bounded west on S*^ Land one hundred and twenty Recorded Qj^g j.q(^ ^]^g soutli wcst comcr bciug a heap of stones October y t n t^ 23. 1718 southerly on comon by a line of markt trees ninety rod to a white oak tree markt being the southeast corner cast on comon by a line of markt trees forty four rod to a ches- nut tree markt being a bound of william cheneys land then on S*^ Land to Sherband rode north on S'' rode thirty one rod to his own Land the whole containing thirty one acers twelve acers and half MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 423 alowed for bad land and a three rod way through S*^ Land Laid out by Thomas White Jacob Aldrich Thomas Thayer Committee May y*" S'' : 1718 : Laid out for seth chapin Jur six score rod sixth division Joyning to his other Land near Sumners Land where they now dwell bounded south on comon six Recorded y^^^ ^|jg Southcast comcr being a chesnut stand markt October yo ^' 23. 1718 east on comon with a direct Line twenty eight rod to a maple stand markt being the northeast corner north on comon three rod west on his other Land Laid out by Thomas white Jacob Aldrich Thomas Thayer Committee may y"" 4"" : 1720 laid ovt for seth chapin Jvn' thirty nine acers seventh division of land twenty fovr of his own and fifteen acers of Benjamen haywards : seventh division Joyning to the norwest side of John Joneses medow in the north pvrchase begining on the norwest side sd medow rvning north 24 dgr' west by comon thirty six rod to : stake and heap of stons being the norwest corner then west 24 dgi-* sovth one hvndred and thirty rod to aheap of stones being the sovth west corner then so\i;h 24 dgr^ east ninety eight rod to a heap of stones being the southeast corner then with a direct line part by common part by sd Jones one hvndred and thirty rod to the first l^ovnds : containing fifty fovr acers and seventy rod : fifteen acers and seventy rod alowed for bad land by Robard Evens seth chapin Jacob aldrich Com**'® [310.] Seth chapin Jvn-- may y*^ 4*'^ : 1720 laid ovt for seth chapin Jvn'" five acers of Josiah chapins seventh division east from his hovse Begining att a doble chesnvt tree being his former bovnds now his west corner sovthwest on his own land forty three rod tvning a corner of his other land fovr rod to thomas whits land sovthwest by sd land forteen rod to Benjamen albees land then sovth on sd land forty fovr rod then east on common twenty fovr rod to svmners land : then by sd land twenty rod to a corner of sd land then by sd land east forty eight rod to wiliam cheneys land then by sd land thirty eight rod to the first bovnds : Esteemed att fifteen acers ten acers 424 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. alowed for bad land by Robard : Evens seth chapin Jacob aldrich commtte nov ember y'^ 19*'' : 1720 laid ovt for seth chapin Jvn'' seven acers of william greens seventh division and three acers of Josiah chapins seventh division Joyning to the west side of his own land near John Jones medow Begining att a heap of stones being heretofore his norwest corner then Rvning west 24 dgr^ sovth thirty rod to a heap of stones being a norwest corner : then sovth 24 dgr' East ninety Eight Rod crosing a corner of Daniel lovets land about a Rod in itt to a heap of stones being a sovth west corner : then East 24 dgr' north thirty Rod to sd land : containing Eighteen acres & sixty Rod : Eight acers and sixty rod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Robert Evens seth chapin Jacob aldrich : committee nov ember y'' 19*'' : 1720 laid ovt for seth chapin Jvn'' Eleven acers and forty Rod of John Jones : seventh division of land on the north part of Magomisco hill begining att a heap of stones near the Rode leading to John Joneses medow on the sovth side sd rode being an East sovth East corner then rvning north 34 dgr^ west : seventy rod to a heap of stones being a north north East corner then west 34 dgr' sovth thirty six Rod to a heap of stones Being a west norwest corner then sovth 34 dgr^ East seventy rod to a heap of stones being a sovth sovth west corner then with a direct line thirty six Rod to the iirst Ijovnd : contain- ing fifteen acers and three qvarters fovr acers and Eighty rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens seth chapin Jacob aldrich committee [311.] seth chapin Jvn'' march y° 22" : 172(i laid ovt for seth chapin Jvn'' ten acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of the town of men- don and is : laid ovt acording to their order Joyning to his other land Eight acers and an half of it is bovnded northerly on his other land one hvndred Rod and Easterly on nathaniel Joneses land twenty Eight Rod to a white oak tree marked being the sovtheast corner : then Rvning west 42 dgr' sovth one hvndred Rod to an heap of stones Being the sovthwest corner then north MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 425 39 dgr^ west twenty Eight Rod to his other land the whole con- taining seventeen acers and half nine acers alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer cap* seth chapin and Jacob aldrich committee the Remainder of sd ten acers of land being one acer and an half laid ovt the same day Joyning to the above sd chapins land is bovnded Easterly on sd land twenty Rod begining at an heap of stons beincr the sovtheast corner then Rvnino- west 26 do-r^ o o o sovth twenty Rod to an heap of stons l)eing the sovthwest corner then north 26 dgr^ west twenty Rod to a Red oak tree markt be- ing the norwest corner then East 26 dgr' north twenty Rod to his other land the whole containing two acers and half one acer alowed for Bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer cap* seth chapin and Jacob aldrich committee november y^ 27*'' : 1728 laid ovt for seth chapin three acers of land Granted to him By the select men in Recompence for a way laid cros his land he })vrchased of wiliam cheney and one qvarter of an acer of his Eith division of land laid together Joyning to his other land East from his hovse and is l)ovnded west on sd land twenty six Rod and sovth on Benjamen al})ees land twenty three Rod to a black oak tree markt being y^ sovtheast corner then Rvning north 5 dgr^ East twenty Rod to a heap of stons at svm- ners land being y'' northeast corner then bovnded north on sd land twenty three Rod to his other land the Avhole containing three acers & a qvarter and 9 rod 9 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich & nathan tiler comt^® Desember y*^ 5*'' : 1728 laid ovt for seth chapin forty three acers and a qvarter Eighth division of land viz : twenty Eight acers and a qvarter of his own and fifteen of nathaniel nelsons laid north from nathaniel Joneses begining att a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning East 10 dgr^ north ninety fovr rod to a maple tree markt being the sovth East corner then north 10 dgr' west Eighty fovr rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 10 dgr^ sovth ninety four rod to a heap of stons being y'' norwest corner then sovth 10 dgr' East Eighty 426 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. fovr Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing forty nine acers and a qvarter and sixteen rod : six acers and sixteen rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler comt"® [312.] Jsacc Thayer May y"' 23*^ : 1707 : Laid out for Isacc Thayer sixty four acers fifth diuision betwen chesnut hill and fox brook bounded as fol- oweth the South east corner being a white oak tree Recorded marlvt cast on comon eighty two rod to a blak oak tree Nouember *" " , ye 20 1718 niarkt being the northeast corner north on conion with a direct line one hundred and twenty six rod to a white oak tree markt being the norwest corner west on conion eighty two rod to stones on a rock being the sout west corner sout on Jonathan thayers Land one hundred and twenty six rod to the sout east corner the whole containing sixty four acers and ninety two rod ninety two rod alowed for bad Land Laid out by Sam" thayer : Josiah : Thayer : Thomas : white : Committee January y*" 6, 1710^-1 Laid out for Isack Thayer his six acres and Ebenezer Thayers : six acres of their fifth diuision which was to be Laid out within the prohibated comon Laid Joyning to his other Land bounded north on S*^ Land forty eeigh rod the nor- west corner being a white oak tree niarkt near S*^ corner west on comon forty rod to a stake being the South west corner South on conion forty eight rod to dedham line a white oak Land niarkt near the south east corner east on dedham line forty eight rod to his other land by Samull Thayer : Saniull More : Thomas : White Committee It being thirteen acers and thirty two rod one acer and thirty two : rod alowed for bad land november y^ 10"': 1719 laid ovt for Jsacc thayer five acers sixth division of land Joyning to his medow on the East side of bear hill Joyning to the Rode that leads to the great medow beirinino; att his sovth corner so : rvning by his other land west 10 dgr' sovth seventy two rod to a heap of stones then sovth 10 dgr" East twenty Eight rod then to the first bovnds itt being a MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 427 three cornerd peace of land containing six acers and forty Eight : rod one acer and forty Eight Rod ah) wed for bad hind by Roliert Evens Jacob aldrich thonias white : committee [313.] Jsacc thayer november y" 10'*' : 1719 laid o^i; for Jsacc thayer thirty fovr acers sixth division of land betwen the Rode that leads to the great medow and bare hill compasing in three acers of his medow l)egining att a blak oak tree markt a little to the westward of Jonathan haywards so rvning a little to the sovthward of the west one hvndred and twenty rod to a stake then sovth 10 dgr* East seventy rod to a heap of stones then East 10 dgr^ north one hvndred and twenty rod to a heap of stones on the East side sd rode then north 10 dgr* west by sd haywards land seventy Eight rod to the tirst bovnds the whole containing fifty five acers and half twenty one acers and half alowed for sd medow and bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land to the great medow : by Robert Evens thomas white Jacob aldrich com'*"^ desember y® 9"': 1719 laid ovt for Jsacc thayer forty Eight acers seventh division of land on the west of chesnvt hill Joyn- ing to the north side of AVilliam Boyses land begining att sd boyses sovthwest corner then rvning sovth fvll point one hvndred twenty two rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East Eighty rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner then north one hvndred and twenty two rod to sd Boyses sovth East corner then by sd Boyses land Eighty rod to the first bovnds the whole containing sixty one acers : thirteen acers alowed for bad land by Robert Evens thomas white Jacob aldrich committee march y"" B*"" : 1723 laid ovt for Jsacc thaj-er nine acers of seventh division of land Joyning to the north side of James Keiths land begining at sd Keiths northeast corner then sovth- west on sd land sixty six Rod to a heap of stons then north 8 dgi"* East part on common part on Benjamen thayers land thirty Rod to a heap of stons being a norwest corner then East 8 dgr^ 428 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. sovth by a line of mark trees sixty six Rod to the town line then on sd line to the first Bovnds thirt)'^ Rod : the whole containing twelve acers and sixty Rod three acers and sixty Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Robert Evens James Keith and Jacol) aldrich : committee april y" 19"' : 1734 laid ovt for Jsacc thayer 7 acers ninth divi- sion of land and is laid Joyning to his other land near his dwel- ing hovse and is bovnded north on sd land 17 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning sovth 8 dgr^ west 5G rod to stons on a rock then tvrning East 8 dgr^ sovth Eleven rod to a heap of stons then sovth 8 dgr' west 26 rod to stons on a rock being the sovthwest corner then East 8 dgr^ sovth 30 rod to Bellingham line to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner and is bounded East on sd line to his other land : it being a In-oaken peace of land lying on one side and one End of his other land containing 11 acers 4 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men [314.] Daniel Darling seth aldrich Jvn"" June: y*" : 5: 1710: John all)ees fifth diuision Laid Laid out for Daniel Darling It being five acers bounded southerly on S'' Darlings other Land on the west side Second bridge Recorded river thirty fine rod west on comon twenty four rod to Nouember y * . ' 20:1718 a white oak tree markt being the nor west corner north on comon with a direct line thirty five rod to a stake near S'^ river being the northest corner east on medow bottom twenty four rod to his other Land the whole containing fiue acers and forty rod forty rod alowed for bad Land Laid out by seth chapin Sam" moore : Thomas : white Committee april y'' 9''^ : 1734 laid ovt for seth aldrich Jvii"" 10 acers of John plvmlys ninth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land East from his hovse and is bovnded west on sd land 122 rod sovth on Benjamen tafts land 28 rod to stons on a rock being the sovtheast corner thence rvning north 13 dgr' & ^ East 30 rod to a heap of stons then north fvll i)oint : 14 rod to his MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 429 other land then on sd land to a norwest corner of sd land then west 30 dgr** north 8 rod to his other land it ])ein acers alowed for had land laid ovt hy Thomas white svrvayer .Facob aldrich and danicl lovet chain men May y'' 17"' : 1734 laid ovt for seth chapin Jvn"" 10 acers ninth division of land : viz : 5 acers of Joseph Rockwoods and 4 of Josei)h chapins and one of Thomas beard Jvn""" laid together north from magomisco begining at the nor west corner of daniel svmners land and is bovnded sovth on svmners land 35 rod and Easterly on svmners land 26 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning west 15 dgi^ north 17 rod to a heap of stons then setting of sovtherly 5 rod to a black bvrch treemarkt then west 15 dgi"* north 40 rod to a heaj) of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 15 dgr^ west 46 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth- west corner then East 15 dgr** sovth 40 rod to James godmans land then bovnded Easterly part on sd godmans land and part on svmners land to the first bovnds it being a broaken peace of land containing 15 acers and 12 rod 5 acers and 12 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet Chain men March y« ll^'' 1747^ Laid out for Cap* Robert Taft 3 acres and half of his Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on the west side of the Road Leading by his house and is Bounded East on his other Land north & west on the Great pond Southerly on the Land of Daniel Taft Esq' Laid out by William Torrey Sur- veyor Jacob Aldrich and Robert Taft Chain men Benjamen tompson [324.] Janvary y*" 10'^: 1718 laid ovt for benjamen tomp- son twelve acers of woodland tompsons sixth division on the east side the great river Joyning to his other land near his hovse bovnded west on sd land eighty rod the whole breadth of sd land north on comon forty : rod rvning east 19 dirr' north to a blak 44:2 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. oak stand being the northeast corner then sovth 19 dgr^ east ninety fovr rod to a stake and stones being the sovtheast corner : sovth part on comon part on seth aldriches land forty rod to a fovr rod way : conipasing in three acers of land formerly laid ovt : the whole containing twenty acers and half five acers and half alowed for bad land by thoiuas white Jacob aldrich Robard taft : comitee Janvary y'' 10"' : 1718 laid ovt for benjamen tompson nineteen acers and half sixth division on the west side the great river : bovnded as foloweth the northeast corner being a chesnvt tree markt thence rvning sovth : 18 dgr' west eighty rod to a chesnvt tree markt being the sovtheast corner then west 18 dgr* north forty two : rod to a white oak stand being the sovthwest corner then north 18 dgr' east eighty rod to a bvnch of ash stands : being the nor west corner then east 18 dgr" sovth forty two rod to the northeast corner the whole containing twenty one acers one acer and half alowed for bad land by Thomas Avhite Jacol) aldrich Robard taft commitee Janvary y'' : 9"' : 1718 laid ovt for benjamen tompson his share of sederswamp on the west side the west river near ephraim chapins a seder tree markt in the north corner of the great swamp thence rvning sovth 25 dgr' east cros sd swamp to the sovtheast side laid ovt by thomas white Jacob aldrich Robard taft commitee desember y'' 10"': 1719 laid ovt for Benjamen tompson ten acers seventh division on the west side the great river Joyning to his other land begining att the norwest corner of sd land bovnded west on Ebenezer reads land twenty two rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then east 15 dgr' sovth eighty rod to a heap of stones being his northeast corner then rvning sovth 15 dgr^ west twenty two rod to his other land sovth on sd land : laid ovt by Robard Evens Jacob aldrich thomas white com"'''^ [325.] Benjamen tompson Daniel Taft Esq'' desember y*" 10"': 1719 laid ovt for Benjamen tompson ten acers of land seventh division Joyning to his other land rvning MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 443 from the sovthwest corner of sd land sovth 15 dgjf west twenty two rod to a heap of stones being the sovthwest corner then rvn- iiig east 15 dgr* sovth eighty rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner then north 15 dgi-^ east twenty two rod to his other hind north on sd hind the whole containing eleven acers one acer alowed for had land by Robard Evens Jacob aldrich thomas white committee March y*' 24'": 1730 laid ovt for Benjamen Tompson : 15: acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river and is l)ovnded sovth on sd land Eighty two Rod Rvning from the northeast corner of sd land north 16 dgi-* East 30 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 16 dgr* north 82 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 16 dgr^west 30 rod to the norwest corner of his other land the whole containing 15 acers and 60 rod 60 rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svr- vayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph Taft chain men fel)rvary y*' : 19"' : 1734-^ laid ovt for l)enjamen tompson 2 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land East from his hovse Rvning from the northeast corner of said land East 16 dgr' north 12 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 16 dgr* East 46 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth East corner then west 16 dgr* sovth 12 rod to his other land a pine tree markt near the sovthwest corner and is bovnded west on sd land 46 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing 3 acers and 72 rod one acer and 72 rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men febrvary y" 19"' : 1734^ laid ovt for benjamen tompson Eight acers ninth division of land on the west side the west river begin- ing at a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning sovth 6 dgi-* East 40 rod to stons on a rock being the sovtheast corner then west (i dgi** sovth 40 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the sovth west : corner then north 6 diri-* west 40 rod to a hcaj) of 444 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. stons being the norwest corner then East 6 dgr^ north 40 rod to the tirst bovnds the whole being 10 acers 2 acers ah)\ved tor bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men March y^ 11"'. 1747/8 Laid oat for Daniel Taft Esq'' 105 Rod of his Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on the west side of the Road Leading by his house and is Bounded Southerly on Said Land 30 Rod and westerly on said Land 7 Rod to the Great pond a Large heap of Stones on a Rocky hill a Little East of the pond being near the norwest Corner thence from said heap of Stones with a Direct Line on Comon 30 Rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner of his other Land it being a gore of Land : Laid out by William Torrey Sury*" Jacob Aldrich chain man Sanivel Thayer [326.] April y« 19^'^ : 1732 laid ovt for samvel thayer 9B rod of land : viz : 6 rod of land granted to Thomas white at a : pvblick town meeting march the first 1696-Z- and 90 rod of his own ninth division laid together Joyning to his other land near M'" Emersons and is bovnded north on his own land 24 rod and west on a six rod way 8 rod and an half sovth on sd Emersons stone wall as it now standeth 24 rod East on common 7 rod the whole containing one acer and 32 rod 90 rod alowed for a fovr rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men May y® 23'*: 1732 laid ovt for samvel thayer 9 acers ninth: division : of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the oreat river beg-ining at y*^ norwest corner of sd land thence rvning west 21 dgr' north 42 rod to benjamen tompsons land to a heap of stons being the norwest corner and is bovnded west part on sd tompsons land and part on seth aldriches land 108 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 2 1 dgrs Sovth Eleven rod to a sovthwest corner of his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land it being a MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 445 i)r()kcn poaco of land containino- I'.] acors and 45 rod 4 acers and 4 ") rod alowed for bad land — the sanio day laid ovt for sd thayei- 5 accrs ninth division laid floyning to sd land begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence with a direct line 55 rod to the northeast corner of daniel lovets land and is l)ovnded on all other parts on his own land it being a Rockey broaken peace of land containing 10 acers 5 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men April y*" 20'": 1732 laid ovt for samvel thayer 2 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near the Eight acer medow and is bovnded sovth on sd land 26 rod East on samvel torys land 20 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then rvning w^est 30 dgr* sovth 26 rod to asanamisco rode and is bovnded west on sd rode 10 rod to his other land the whole containing 2 acers and 70 rod 70 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men October ye 2V : 1731 laid ovt for samvel thayer 8 acers and half Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great River and begining at a wdiite oak tree markt on the sovtherly side sd land thence Rvning sovth 10 dgr* west 28 rod to woodland tompsons land and is bovnded sovth on sd land 54 rod to daniel lovets land and is bovnded west on sd land 70 rod to sd lovets northeast corner then tvrning Easterly 25 rod to a black oak tree ])eing a former bovnds of his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land the whole 10 acers and 29 rod one acer and 109 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by rhomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men Samvel Thayer [327.] septemlier y'^ 24*'' : 1733 laid ovt for samvel thayer 36 acers of land being ninth division : viz : 24 acers of william torys and 12 of his own laid together near abitts farm and is bovnded East on the land of Benjamen archer 42 rod to his sovth west 446 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. corner thence rvning west 2 dgr' north 74 rod to a black oak tree niarkt then sovth 22 dgr* west 40 rod to a black oak tree markt being a corner then west 2 dgr* north 54 rod to a black oak stand markt being the sovthwest corner then north 22 dgr' East 82 rod to the sovthwest corner of abitts farm then on sd farm 128 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing 4(3 acers and 96 rod 10 acers and 96 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men September y*" 10*'': 1735 laid ovt for samvel thayer Eleven acers of land : viz : seven acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of Mendon and 4 acers seventh division laid together begining att a heap of stons on a rock being a bovnds of daniel darlings land thence rvning north 10 dgr' west 60 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 10 dgr' north 18 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovtheast 3 dgr^ East part on common and part on Charls sherelocks land 60 rod to a heap of stons : being : the sovtheast corner and is bovnded sovtherly part on his own land and part on daniel darlings land 64 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing 16 acers and 23 rod 5 acers and 23 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and benjamen darling- Chain men October y** 18"' : 1735 laid ovt for samvel thayer one acer and half seventh division of land laid Joyning to his other land near bateses farm begining att a walnvtt tree being a bovnds of said farm thence rvning north 25 dgr^ west 12 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is bovnded northerly part on common and part on charls sherelocks land 62 rod and sovtherly part on his own land and part : on sd bateses farm : it being a three cornered peace of land containing 3 acers and 58 rod one acer and half and 58 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh said land — the same day laid ovt for said thayer 6 acers and half of land : viz : 6 acers and 60 rod of ninth division and 20 rod of Eighth division laid out Joyning to his other land near daniel darlings MEXDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 447 begining att a northeast corner of sd land thence rvning north 10 dgr' west 22 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 10 dgi*^ sovth 41! rod fo land formerly laid ovt to his father then bovnded west on sd land ()2 i-od to the sovtheast corner of sd land then East 10 dgr north 10 rod to his other land to a heap of stons the whole l)eing 9 acers and 24 rod 2 acers and 104 rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer flacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men May y" 17*": 178() laid ovt for samvel thayer 5 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near alntts farm and is bovnded East on his other land 82 rod north on Joseph tafts Jvn""' land twenty two rod to stons the norwest corner thence with a direct line to the sovthwest corner of his other land the whole l)eing ;"> acers 102 rod 102 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men 5 acers 102 rod 102 rod for bad land [328.] Ebenezer thayer Nouember y'^ 10 1707 Laid out for ebenezer thayer part of his fifth division on the sout side chesnut hill bounded as followeth the sout east corner being a doble chesnut tree markt Recorded soutli ou Thouias : Thayci's Land seuenty six rod to a decembery ^ ^ "^ 17/1778 maple tree markt being the Southwest corner west on comon one hundred and four teen rod to a heap of Stones on a rok being the norwest corner north on comon eighty rod to stones on a rok being the northeast corner east on comon one hundred and twenty rod to the Southeast corner the whole containing fifty seuen acers Laid for fifty : Seven acers alowed for bad Land Laid out by robard taft Josiah thayer Thomas White the Same day by the Same comittee fourteen acers more of S^ thayers fifth division Laid out on both sides fox brook be twen the soutli medows and the great river bounded as Recorded foloweth the norwest corner being an ash tree markt decemUer y _ ^ 17/1718 north on comon forty rod to a blak oak Stand markt being the northeast corner east on comon fifty six rod to a white oak tree markt being the southeast corner south on 448 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. comon forty rod to a chesnut tree markt being the southwest corner west on comon fifty six rod to the nor west corner May y** 27 : 1715 : Laid out for El)enezer Thayer nine acers & 100 rod of the fourth diuision of Land belonging to Fardinando Thayers Lott bounded as foloweth the norwest corner Recorded being a Stake and Stones north on his own Land March y , ^ 311718-19 thirty rod to dedham Line east on s'^ Line fifty one rod to a Stake and Stones being the south east corner south on comon twenty six rod to a walnut tree markt being the south west corner west on comon fifty nine rod to the norwest corner Seuen acers of S*^ Land being Land Exchanged with the town at our march metting for Sd year by Thomas Whitte Desember y'^ 30 : 1718 : Laid out for Ebenezer Thayer Seuen acers and half sixth diuision on the east side Second bridg riuer aboue J oh Corbits Land compasing three acers fourth Recorded division formerly Laid out bounded south part on Sd March ye ^ •' '- 3 1718-19 corbits Land part on comon to a walnut Stand and Stones being the south east corner east on comon twenty eight rod to the south east corner of beniamin Thayers Land north on Sd Land to his medow west on S*^ medow The Saim day Laid out for S** Thayer fine acers sixth diuision Joyning to his other Land by his house bounded South on Sd Land twenty eight rod a blak oak Stand markt near Recorded ^}jg Southwcst comcr wcst ou coiuou fifty rod a l)lak March ye 3-1718-19 oak bush markt by a rock being the norwest corner north on comon twenty rod to his medow east on S*^ medow fifty rod the whol containing seuen acers and half two acers and half alowed for bad Land by Thomas : White : Jacob : Aldrich. Robert : Euens : Committee Ebenezer thayer Vriah thayer [329.] Desember y^ 29 : 1718 : Laid out for Ebenezer Thayer his Share of Seder Swamp in the north Seder Swamp on the east side of the riuer at the South end of Sd Swamp bounded Recorded north ou Ebeuczer Tompsons Swamp easterly on up- 3-1718-19 land to Iho riuer west on the riuer by Thomas : White Robert : Euens Jacob Aldrich Committee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 449 Desembor y''30*'> :'1718 : Laid out for Ebenezer Thayer Nine acers Sixth division bounded north on the Land of beniamin hawards runing from the southeast corner of S*^ Land south Recorded fifteen deo^rees cast forty rod to a bhik oak tree niarkt March y ^ 3-1718-19 by a rock being the southeast corner then rvnino- west twelve degrees south to another peace' of Beniamin liauards J^and sow one S^' Land to Second ))ridg riuer west on S'' riuer by Thomas : white : Kobert : Eucns : Jacob. Aldrich Committee Mendon Marcli y'^ 22'^' 1721 then Laid out tor Ebenezer Thayer four acres of y'' Sixth Diuision Joyning to his other Land north- ward of his house on y'^ East Side of S'' Land begining at a heape of Stones being a north East Corner of S'^ Land, Runino- South ful point on Sd Land thirty Kod to a heape of Stones, then East on Common twenty Six Kod to a heape of Stones being y'^ South East Corner, then noi-th on Conunon thirt}- Rod to Jonathan Thayers Corner, then ^^^est on S'' Thayers Land twenty Six Rod to y*" tirst bounds. Containing four acres and Sixty two Rod, Sixty Two Rod allowed for bad Land Laid out by Robert Euens. Jacob Aldrich cVc Seth Chapin, Com'^'*^ March y'" 6^'' : 17H1 laid ovt for vriah thayer tive acers Eighth division of land laid out fbnning to his other land near his liovse and is l)ovndcd north on sd land 2S rod west on the land of Thomas thayer 40 rod sovth on the land of Daniel thayer : 22 Rod East on a fovr rod way 36 rod the whole containing five acers and !")() rod 150 rod alowed for bad land and a two rod way to thomas thayers land : laid ovt l)y thomas Avhite svrvayer Thomas sanford and , Jacob aldrich chain men .] Ebenezer thayer vriah thayer Daniel thayer March y*" G"' : 1731 laid ovt for vriah thayer fovr acers Eighth division of land laid out a little East from his hovse and is liovndod west on a fovr rod way 20 rod a walnvt stand markt being the norwest corner thence rvning East fvll point 44 rod to .Jonathan haywards ditch fence a blak oak tree markt at the north- east conicr Kasl on sd ditch 20 rod to sd thayers medow and is 4/]!0 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. hovnded sovth part on daniel thayers land part on comon 32 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner the whole contain- hig fovr acers and 120 rod a 120 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men Jvly y*" 4*'' : 1782 laid ovt for daniel thayer 10 acers of land : viz : 6 acers of Eighth division and 4 acers ninth division laid Joyning to Belingham line and is bovnded East on sd line 27 rod north on James keiths land 70 rod west on comon 27 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the sovthwest corner thence rvning East 8 dgr' sovth 70 rod to belingham line to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner the whole containing 10 acers and 130 rod 130 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer eTacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men Jvly y*" 4*'' : 1732 laid ovt for Ebenezer thayer Eleven acers of land : viz : one acer of william whites seventh division and 2 acers of sd whites Eighth division and 3 acers of John darlings Eighth division and 2 acers of sd darlings ninth division : and 3 acers of Eleazer daniels Eighth division laid together : and is bovnded East on belingham line 32 rod north part on daniel thayers land part on common 80 rod to a heap of stons being the nor west corner thence rvning sovth 8 dgr' west 32 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 8 dgr' sovth 80 rod to a heap of stons at belingham line being the sovtheast corner the whole containing 16 acers 5 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men November y® 15"' : 1735 laid out for daniel thayer 22 acers and half of land in Ive of land that was fovnd wanting in John sprages third division laid ovt on the East side of mvmfords River Joyn- ing to William holbrooks land begining att a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence Evning sovth 31 dgr^ East 60 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 31 dgi-^ north 60 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 31 dgr^ west 60 rod to a stake in a pond hole then west 31 dgr* MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 451 sovtii to s(l liolhrooks lund thou l)()vndcd on sd land to the first Itovnds laid ovt l)y Thomas white svi'vaycr Jacob ahli'ich and .lose})h white chain men P^phraim ("hapins [331.] May the VA : 17 IS Laid for eplirim Chapin thirty four acers and three quarters sixtli diuision Joyning to his other land on the west side the west rivcM- hounded north ])art Recorded ,„j ]jj^ ,j^y,^ Land i)art on Common with a direct line december y 17. 1-18 of markt trees eighty four rod to Stones on a rock being the northeast corner then runing South fifteen degrees east fifty rod to a white oak tree markt being a corner then i-uning east three degrees south 38 rod to the west river then on S'' river to his own Land and then on all other ])arts on his own Land and edmond rawsons Land the whole containing Seuenty Seuen acers forty two acers and one quarter alowed for bad Land and a priuate way cros S'' Land Laid out l)y Thomas : White : Thomas : Thayer Jacob aldrich Committee May y*" 12 : 1718 : Laid out for ephraim Chapin one acer and an (|uarter sixth diuision on the west side the great riuer Joyning to his other land bounded East on S*^ Land twenty rod Recorded south ou eduioiid rawsous I^and twelue rod to a heap iriTis^"^ ^ "^ Stones being the south west corner west on comon twenty rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest corner north on comon eight rod to his other Land Laid out by : Thomas : ^^'hite : Thomas : Thayer : Jacob, aldrich : Committee May y^ 12 : 1718 : Laid out for ephraim Chapin on the east side the great river three acers sixth diuision Joyning to his other Land bounded west on S^ Land forty six rod south Recorded on hls own Land eighteen rod to a stake being the irms^"^^ south east corner east on comon forty six rod to a heap of Stones being the north east corner north on Justis Chai)ins Land four rod to his own Land the whol containing three acers and tw enty six rod twenty six rod alowed for bad Land Laid out by Thomas : White : Thomas : Tha3^er : Jacob : AUlrich Committee 452 PROPRtEtORS' RECORDS. Soloman ^Yood [333.] January y'' 2 : 17181^ Laid out for ephraim chapin his share of seder Swamp on the west side the west river Recorded bounded east on Joseph Chapin s Swamp south on up Febuary y . ill i 21: i7|f Land nine rod and a quarter then runing north twenty degrees west cros S*^ Swamp by Thomas White : Robert : Euens : Jacob : Aldrich. Committee March y^ 8"' : 1720 hiid ovt for soloman wood forty two acers of seventh division on the west side of shokcolog plain Joyning to Ebenezer Reads land begining att the sovthwest corner of sd Reads land thence Rvning west fvll point seventy two rod to a maple tree marked l)eing the sovthwest corner : then north fvll point one hvndred and twelve rod to a white oak tree marked be- ing the norwest corner : then east by common seventy two rod to a white ash tree being the northeast corner : then sovth part on conmion part on Ebenezer reads land one hvndred and twelve rod to the first bovnds : the whole containing fifty acers and sixty fovr rod eight acers and sixty fovr rod alowed for bad land by Robard Evens thomas vv^hite Jacob aldrich committee April y*' : 7"' : 1720 laid ovt for soloman wood one acer seventh division on the East side the rode Joyning to his other land bovnded sovth on sd land eight rod from sd rode to the seder swamp east on sd swamp twenty rod to seth aldriches land then on sd aldriches land thirteen rod to the rode west on sd rode twenty rod to his other land : the whole one acer & fifty rod fifty rod alowed for bad land and a private way cros sd land to the sederswamp by Robard Evens thomas white Jacob aldrich com- mittee April 1 y« 7*^^ : 1720 laid ovt for soloman wood two acers & half of land seventh division betwen the sederswamps near his hovse bovnded sovth on his other land forty six rod easterly and northerly on sederswamp westerly part on vpland part on seth aldriches sederswamp twenty rod the whole is two acers and one hvndred and forty rod sixty rod alowed for bad land by Robard Evens thomas white Jacob aldrich committee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 453 febraary 25"* 17445- Laid out for Ezekiel Wood a five acre Right of Cedar Swamp Joyning to his other Swamp East from his house and is Bounded on all parts on his other Swamp and upland (Excepting) ten Rods Bounding northerly on land of Samuel C'hapin the said 5 acre Right he })urchesed of Benjamin thurston. Laid out l)y Oliver Hayward Survey"^ John Read chain man [333.] Solomon wood aprill y^ 7"' : 1720 laid ovt for soloman wood one acer of land seventh division Joyning to his other land begining att an oak tree marked on the East side the covntry rode being the norwest corner of seth aldriches land bovnded sovtherly by sd land twenty rod to the northeast corner of sd land East part on his own land part on sederswamp twenty rod to a white oak tree markt by sd swamp then northerly by common : eight rod to the rode to a heap of stons then with a direct line twenty rod to the first bovnds the whole being one acer and an hvndred and twenty rod the hvndred and twenty rod alowed for bad land by Robard Evens thomas white Jacob aldrich committee ^Nlendon December the twentieth seventeen hundred and twenty two Then Laid out for Soloman Wood thirteen aCres of Angell Torrys Seventh Division on the East Side the West River LTp- stream of the Bridge South on the Roade Leading to the Town, forty two Rod, East on the Ministy Land Ninety five Rod no part on Common and part on Edmund Rawsons Land thirty two Rod, West Bounded on two Rod of Common of Common Joynining to the medow ninety five Rod Containing Twenty acres and 125 Rod. seven acres and one hundred and twenty five Rod a lowed for Bad Land by — Robert Evens Jacob aldrich Thomas AVhite Committee Mendon february the Eleventh seventeen hundred & twenty two three Then Laid out for Soloman Wood four acres and Eighty Rod, three of sd Land is of angel Torrys Seventh Division one acre and Eighty Rod is of his own sixth Division on the West side of Great River Begining at Ebenezer Reads Land on the North side where Edmund Rawsons Line falls on S'' Reads Land / 454 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. then Running North Twenty two deg""' West on Sd Rawsons forty Rod to a heap of stones one sd Land, then West 22 dg''' South on Common forty six Rod to a heap of stones, then South 22 deg''^ East on Common to John Browns Land forty two Rod, then Partly on Sd Brown, and Partly on Sd Sd Read to the first Bounds, for six Rod, Containnig Twelve acres and iifty Eight Rod Seven acres and one hundred and thirty Eight Rod a Lowed for Bad Land Laid out by Rol)ert Evens Jacob Aldrich Thomas White Commitee Janauary y" 17*'' 1723-^ Laid out for Solomon Wood Seven acres of Seth Chapin Junors Seventh Division Betwen the Great River and the West River Near Sd Woods Dwelling house Bounded on the Town Road the Neare Way to the Meetting house from Sd Woods 27 Rod Easterly on Eljenezer Whites Land 29 Rod, on all other Parts on Land in his own Posesion it being a Broken Peice of Land Containing twenty one acers and half, fourteen acres & half allowed for bad land by Thomas White Survayor James Keith Jacob Aldrich Committee [334.] Joseph chapin May y"" 13 : 1718 Laid out for Joseph Chapin nine acers sixth division on the west side the west riuer Joyning to his other Land bounded west on the countery rode ninety rod a Recorded pine trcc bciug markt for a corner near S*^ rode near the 17 ins*" ^' seder Swamp by ephraim chapins thence by a line of markt trees twelue rod to S*^ Swam}) then on S'' Seder SAvamp to Justis Chapins Land then on Sd Land to his own Land So on S'' Land to the country rode compasing in a small seder swamp the whole containing twenty two acers thirteen acers alowed for bad Land and a way to the Seder Swamp Laid out by Thomas : White : Thomas : Thayer : Jacob Aldrich Committee May y*" 14 : 1718, Laid out for Joseph Chapin six acers sixth division Joyning to his other Land on the east side Recorded thc grc^t Hucr bounded east on Sd Land thirty one rod rrinr'^^' a white oak tree markt near the southeast corner a white oak tree markt att the northeast corner north on comon forty rod to a white oak tree markt being the norwest MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 4:55 corner west on comon part, on his own Land forty rod to a white oak tree markt being the Soutwest corner South on comon thirty one rod to his other Land the whole containing eight acers two acers alowed for bad Land and an two rod way through S*^ Land Laid out by : Thomas : White : Thomas : Thayer : Jacob : Aid- rich : Committee May ye : 13 : 1718 : Laid out for Joseph Chapin twenty four acers sixth diuision on the east side the west riuer bounded west on his other I^and fifty four rod south part on edmond Recorded Rawsons Land part on comon eighty six rod by a line Febuary y« ^ & .7 ./ 21, 1718-j-- of markt trees to a heap of Stones being the south east corner then runing north full point forty rod to a heap of Stones being a corner then runing east full point forty rod to a white oak stand being a corner then runing north full point forty rod to the country rode north on S** rode ninety six rod to his other Land the whole containing thirty four acers ten acers alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros a corner of Sd Land Laid out by Thomas White : Thomas : Thayer : Jacob : Aldrich : Committee. January y*' 2 : 1718^-^ Laid out for Josep Chapin his Share of Seder Swamp on the west side the west river bounded easterly on S** chapins medow south on upland eight rod and half then runing north twenty degrees, west cros S'* Swamp l)y, Thomas : White Robert : Euens : Jacob Aldrich Committee. Joseph Chapin & solomon wood [335.] febrvary y« 29*" : 1719^-0 laid ovt for Joseph chapin forty acers seventh division of land Jo^^ning to his medow at hoop pole brook begining att a white oak tree being the sovtherly cor- ner of his medow then runing west 40 dgr^ sovth forty rod to a white oak tree markt being the sovth corner then south 40 dgr* east one hvndred and forty fovr rod to a doble chesnvt tree being the easterly corner then east 40 dgi-^ north seventy one rod to a heap of stones being the north corner on the soi'th side sd brook then north 40 dgr^ west seventy three rod to a horn 456 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. bine tree marked then Avith a direct line to a heap of stones seven rod from the northerly corner of sd medow : lying on two sids and one end of sd medow estemed att fifty three acers and forty rod thirteen acers and forty rod alowed for bad land by Robard Evens Jacob Aldrich thomas white committee Janvary y" 17*'' : 1723^ laid ovt for solomon wood a sixteen acer Right of samvel moors seder swamp laid near sd woods dweling hovse in the west seder swamp and is Bovnded northerly on Daniel hills seder swamp westerly on vpland five Rod to a hea}) of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning sovth 25 dgr^ East fifty three Rod cros sd swamp to a stake being the sovthwest corner Easterly on vpland Eight Rod to sd hills swamp laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich com- mittee March y'' 3P* : 1727 being a town meeting the town voted that the svrvayer and comittee for the seventh division shovld Exchang a small peace of the minesty land with cap* seth chapin : which acordingly was done on may the seventh: 1729 and the Ex- changed five acers and sixty rod which makes Betwen sd chapins land and the minestry land a straight line which line was made and well marked by Thomas white Jacob Aldrich and seth Chapin febrvary y-^ 24"' :. 1719^^ laid ovt for Elihu warfield 23 acers and half seventh division of land laid on the sovth side the rode leading to roberd halls near the Eight acer medow begining att a black oak tree marked being the Easterly corner then by sd rode west 38 dgr** north 40 rod to seth chapins land then by sd chapins land 140 rod to a heap of stones being chapins sovtherly corner then East 38 dgr^ sovth 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth- erly corner then north 38 dgr^ East to the said black oak tree 140 rod the whole is 35 acers Eleven acers and an half alowed for bad land laid ovt by robert evens svrvyer Jacob aldrich chainman Solomon Wood [336.] March the 16*" 1723-4- Laid out for Solomon Wood nine acres and half Land Purchased of the Town att a Generall MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 457 'I'own Meetting Laid Joyning to his other Land Neare Shokcollg ( 'oador Swaiiij) Bogining at the North west Corner of Sd Land Ihciuc Hulling north (S deg*^ | East Twenty Rod to a Bhick Biirch Trt'o niarkt l)oing the Xor West Corner, then East 8 deg"^ | south fortty four Rod to a heap of stons Being a C'orner then Turning Xorth full Point Ton Rod to a heap of stons ])eing a Corner then i'.ast full Poiul forty Rod to a heap of stons being North East Corner thciu-e with a Dii-cet Line lo the North East Cornei- of his other Land then Part on sd Land Part on Connnon to the tirst Bounds the Whole Containing Eleven acres one aerer and half a Lowed for Bad Land laid out by Thomas White -lames keith fJacob aldrieh : Com""^ May y*' 18"': 172(i laid ovt for solomon wood thirty accrs of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid ovt .loyning to his other land on the west side the great river and is l)ovnded Easterly part on his own land and part on : fJoseph tafts land tifty six Rod the sovtheast corner being a heap of stons and i1 is Bovnded sovth part on connnon ])art on John farnvnis land and i)art on ffohn cooks land one hvndred and seventy three Rod to a black oak tree markt l)eing the sovthwest corner then north fvll j)oint sixty Eight Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 5 dgr* sovth sixty Eight Rod to the so\'th west corner of James penemans land then on sd land to his own land the whole line being one hvndred and twenty five Rod : it being a broaken ])eace of land containing forty six : acers 16 acers alowod for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich connnittee November y*" 21)"': 172(j laid ovt for soloman wood fovr acers of land w ich he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid .loyning to his other land att shocologg and is bovnded north part on sd land and part on Ebenezer Reads land forty Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth fvll point sixteen Rod to stons y" sovtheast corner then west fvll point forty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north fvll point 458 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. sixteen Rod to his other land kiid ovt by : Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee [337.] Solomon wood May y" 26^'' : 1726 laid ovt for solomon wood twenty acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid Joyn- ing to his other land at shokcolog begining at the northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning north fvll point twelve Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 8 dgr' f north sixty fovr Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then Bovnded west on the town line one hvndred and twenty two Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East fvll point twenty Eight Rod to his other land a black oak tree markt near sd land : a broaken peace of land containing twenty three acers and 52 rod three acers and 52 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jams keith and Jacob aldrich com- mittee febrvary y*" 2(3"' : 1726^ laid for soloman wood two acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of Mendon and is laid Joyning to his other land at shokcolog begining at the northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning East 6 dgrs north part on com- mon and part on Ebenezer Reads land forty Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth fvll point sixteen Rod to his other land : then Bovnded on all other parts on sd land : it being a broaken peace of land containing three acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith & Jacob aldrich com*'* febrvary y*" 2fP : : 1726^ laid ovt for solomon wood Jvn'" ten acers of land which his father pvrchased of the propriators of Mendon and tifteen acers of land in leve of land which James Keith laid down By Reson of providence men claiming it and is laid down acording to the propriators vote : now laid ovt together Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded Easterly ])art on sd land part on common seventy Eight rod to a heap of stons being the noriheast corner thence Rvning west fvll point MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 459 Eiirhty ^iix Rod to :i heap of stons beiiii; the norwest corner: then sovth fvll point seventy Eight rod to a heap of stons Being the sovthwest corner : then rvning East part hj^ John cooks land and part on conion Eighty six rod to his other land : the whole containing forty one acers and 148 rod sixteen acers and 148 rod alowed for l>ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James Keith and Jacol) aldrich connnittee [338.] Solomon Wood tel)rvarv y' 20"' 172()^ laid for solomon wood -Ivn' tifteen acers of land in leve of land which James Keith laid down by Reson of providence men claiming it : laid down acording to the propriators vote now laid ovt for sd wood Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded north on Bcnjamen tafts land tifty Rod : west part on the ministry land and part on common 103 rod Rvning from the sovtheast corner of the minestry land sovth 38 dgr' west to his other land then bovnded sovth on sd land sixty Rod to the sovthwest corner of James pennemans land then : bovnded Easterly on sd land to sd tafts land it being a bi'oaken peace of land containing thirty five acers : twenty acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James Keith and Jacob aldrich committee fel)rvary y" 26"": 172(5^ laid ovt for solomon wood three acers ol' land which he pvrchased of the propriators of Mendon laid ►loyning to his other land at shokcolog and is l)ovnded sovth on sd land sixty fovr Rod from the town line to a heap of stons being a northeast corner of his other land : and is : bovnded west on the town line twenty fovr Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence with a direct line to the first bovnds it being a three cornerd peace of land containing fovr acers and three aere Lott Lott Jsacc thayer a 5 acer lott IIo})e Tilers 20 acre Lott Steuen Cooks 20 acre Lott ,Iolin Corbet a 5 acre Lott Joseph plumbly. a 10 acre Lott Sanuiel Torre}' a 5 acre Lott Alexander plumbly. a 10. acre Lott the above 5 acre Lott Entered to John Corbett was a mistake it appears to me it l)eing only the Land in the Sixth Divi- sion John Corbett John Rockwoods 20 acre Lott the ]\Iinistrys 20 acre Lott Joseph Rock wood : a 15 acre Lott John Corbet a 5 acre Lott Grizel Gurneys 20 acre Lott The Scools 20 acre Lott Angel Torrey a 10 acre Lott to Ebenezer Read a 10 acer lott Dauid Tiler a 2 acre Lott seth aldrich a 2 acer lott Nathan Tiler a 4 acre Lott eTohn Tiler a 2 acre Lott John Tiler Jn'. a 2 acre Lott 464 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Beniamin Albeys 20 acre Lott William Holbrooks 40 acreLott Robert Euens a 7 acre Lott Thomas Sanford a 2 : l . acre Lott Benjamin Albey a 4: |. acre John Holbrook a 7| acre Lott Lott John Albey a 1. | acre Lott Peter Holbrook a 5 acre Lott James Albey a 4 : | acre Lott Siluanas Holbrook a 5 acre Lott Joseph White Jn"" : a 3 acre Lott Richurd Holbrook a 5 acre Lott Eliphelet Holbrook a 5 acre Lott William Holbrook a 5 acre Lott Samuel Holl)rook a 5 acre Lott [342.] John Spragues 20 acre John Darlings 10 acre Lott Lott Josiah Thayer a 7 acre Lott M' Joseph Dor a 1 acre Lott John Albey a 1 acre Lott William Sprague : a : 10 : acre Lott eliezer Daniels a 1 acer lott Matthias Puffers 40 acre Lott Samuel Cooks 10 acre Lott Thomas Sanford a 5 acre Lott Nath' Rawson a 2 acre Lott Beniamin Whelock a 20 acre Lott Sanniel Cook a 8 acre Lott obadiah Whelock a 10 acre Lott John Albey a 5 acre Lott Samuel Haywards 20 acre Lott Jona*'' Richurdsons 10 acre Lott William Hay ward a. 12. acre Lott Seth Aldrish a 5 acre Lott ,Tohn Spragues 20 acre Lott Mr Grndal Rawsons 40 acre Lott Samuel Read a 20 acre Lott James Keith a 5 aci-e Lott Moses Aldrish a 3 acre Lott M'"^ Toppins 20 acre Lott Samuel Read a. 3.^ acre Lott John Joanes a 20 acre Lott Daniel Taft a 4^ acre Lott AVilliam Rutter a 2 acre Lott MENDON, JMASSACHUSETTS. 465 John Biirtletts 20 acre Lott John Rawson a 8 : |^. acre Lett Samuel Thayer a 10 acre I^ott Edmund Rawson a 2 acre Lott James Bick a 10 acer lott M'^ Joseph Dor a 2 acer Lott Willson Rawson a 9 acer Lott [343.] Corayes heirs Jonathan haywood Jvn'' Ebenezer Boynton "march y*' 6"' : 1734 laid ovt for Jonathan hayward Jvn*^ seven acers and 83 rod of land : viz : one acer of Eighth division and one acer and half of ninth division and five acers and 3 rod in Ive of hind formerly vnder mistakes in other persons land now laid together and is bovnded Easterly on Jsacc thayers land 42 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the sovtheast corner thence rvning west 15 dgi"^ north 40 rod to a heap of stons on a rock be- ing the sovthwest corner then north 15 dgr'' East 40 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 15 dgr^ sovth to the sovthwest corner of John corbitts land then on sd corbitts land to sd thayers land the whole containing 10 acers and 3 rod 2 acers alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aid- rich and daiiiel lovet chain men ^larch y*" 12"^: 1735 laid ovt for Jonathan hayward 2 acers of land in he of land formerly laid vnder a mistake in william sprages land : laid Joyning to his other land on the East side Bear hill and is bovnded East on John corbits land 10 rod and north on sd Corbitts land 44 rod to the sovthwest corner of said corbitts land thence rvning sovth fvll point 23 rod to sd sprages land then bovnded sovth on sd sprages land 10 rod to his own land then on sd land to corbitts land it being a broaken peace of land containing 2 acers and 143 rod 143 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas wdiite svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men November y'^ 15*"' : 1737 laid ovt for Ebenezer Boynton G acers of samvel toryes tenth division of land laid Joyning to the land of Jonathan sterns and is bovnded sovth on sd land 2(5 rod and west on land formerly laid ovt to Benjamen hayward 4l) rod to a 466 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. heap of stons being the norwest covner thence rvning East 10 dgr" north 20 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is bovnded Easterly on a three Rod way leading to hopkin- ton 46 rod to sd sternes land the whole being 6 acers and 98 rod 98 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and Ebenezer Boynton chain men April y*" S'' : 1736 laid ovt for the heirs of Roger corrary 17 acers of land : viz : 6 acers Eighth division and 4 acers ninth division and 4 acers tenth division and 3 acers of land in that lott of land that was taken from Thomas sanford by settling the prov- ince line now laid ovt together att the sovth end of chesnvt hill begining at a heap of stons being the northeast : corner : thence rvning sovth 80 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 42 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest cor- ner then north 80 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 42 rod to the first bovnds the whole being 21 acers 4 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Thomas sanford chain men agust y*" 19^'' 1745 Laid out for Jonathan HaywardJ'. 16 rod Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land at the Great medow & is Bounded South & East on his other Land north on John Corbetts Land 4 rod west on the road Leading by the Great medow 4 rod By William Torrey Surveyer Jacob Aldrich chain man [344.] Roger Corrays heirs Jonathan hay ward Jun' Mendon. January y^ 26*". 1719/20. then Laid out for the heirs of Roger Corrary ; Deceased ; forteen acres and half of Land ; being his sixth & Seventh Diuisions ; Joyning to his Medow, on y® East Side of the West Hill begining at a Black oak tree marked, by y" Country Road, then Runing South Easterly, partly on Land Laid out to y® ministrie, and partly on Common one hundred and Six- teen Rod to a heap of Stones on y** west side of a Little Run of water, Coming out of a pine Swamp, being an Easterly Corner, thence East 37 °^^^ North on Common thirty Six Rod, to a heap MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 467 of Stones being y'' northerly Corner, thence North 37 Deg". West on Common ninty Eiglit Rod to a White oak tree at Said Road ; then Bounded on S'' Road to y^ first Bounds, Compassing two acres of Medow Land Laid out before ; the whole is twenty Six acres and one hundred and twenty Six Rod ; twelue acres and forty Six Rod allowed for Sd Medow & Bad Land ; Laid out by Robert Euens. Jacob Aldrich, c^ Seth Chapin Committee April y"" 4"' : 1733 laid ovt for Jonathan hay ward Jvn'' 7 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near the great medow begining at the northeast corner thence rvning East () rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is bovnded westerly on his other land 56 rod and is 6 rod wide the wiiole length then tvrning Easterly 30 rod to the town line then bovnded East on sd line 40 rod to John albees land and is bovnded sovth on sd albees land 28 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence rvning north 5 dgr* East 25 rod to the sovtheast corner of his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing 8 acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men Maivh y'' (>'" : 1734 laid ovt for Jonathan hayward Jvn*' 3 acers of hind in Ive of land formerly hiid ovt vnder a mistake in staples land near the great medow and is bovnded sovtherly on his own land and Easterly on the land of John Corbitt and w^esterly on the great medow : it being a three coruerd peace containing 3 acers and 30 rod 30 rod alowed for bad land the same day laid for sd hayward the one half of the second division of medow belonging to simond pecks 40 acre lott as it was formerly laid ovt the whole being 4 acers and was laid ovt in the great medow as apears by Record : now laid to sd hayward in leve of land formerly laid ovt vnder a mistake in stapleses land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and danicl lovet chain men Janvary y*" 3'^ : 1737^^ laid ovt for Jonathan hayward Jvn*^ 7 acers and three qvarters of land : viz : 6 acers : tenth division and one acer and 128 rod ninth division laid together near Rovnd 468 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. hopins^and is bovnded East on the land of Ebenezer tompson GO rod north on the town line 26 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thense rvning sovth 8 dgr' west 60 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 8 dgr' sovth 26 rod to a heap of stons at sd tompsons land being the sovtheast corner the whole containing 9 acers and 120 rod 2 acers alowed for bad land by Thomas white and seth chapin philip chace [345.] Jvne y*^ 12"' : 1730 laid ovt for philip chace thirty seven acers and sixty Rod of land : viz : twenty one acers of his Eighth division : and nine acers of Benjamen hay wards sixth division and six acers of land which the selectmen granted to Thomas sanford for a way throvgh his land and one acer of sd sanfords Eighth division and sixty rod of sanfords seventh division all laid together in the north pvrchace Joyning to the land of John Jones Jvn'' begining at the northeast corner of sd Joneses land thence Rvning East fvll point thirty Eight rod to a heap of stons markt with p : c : being the sovtheast corner then north 8 dgr^ & \ East fifty rod to a stone markt with p c being the northeast corner then west fvll point one hvndred and fifty six Rod to a heap of stons markt with p : c being the norwest corner then sovth fvll point fifty rod to a heap of stons markt with p c : being the sovthwest corner then East fvll point to sd Joneses land then by sd land to the first bovnds the whole containing forty seven acers and one hvndred rod : ten acers and fifty rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich Chain men ^ Janvary y'^ 27"': 1731^ laid ovt. for philip chace: 14 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land in the north pvrchace and is bovnded north on the land of Jonathan thayer : 23 rod East on the town line : 90 : rod to a heap of stons on a Rock near the sovtheast corner thence rvning west fvll point 57 rod to John Joneses land and is bovnded west part on sd Joneses land and part on his own land 90 rod it being a broaken peace of land containing twenty one acers seven acers alowed for bad MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 469 land hiid ovt by Tliomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and danicl lovet chain men april y*" 6"': 173(i laid ovt for philip chacc 14 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land in the north pvr- chace and is bovnded East on sd land : 50 rod rvning from the norwest corner of sd land west fvU point 48 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth fvU point 50 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the sovthwest corner then East fvll point 48 rod to the sovthwest corner of his other land the whole being 15 acers one acer alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Kobert taft chain man [346.] Sanford Mendon xVpril y'^ 4"'. 1718 Thirty Two acres of Land Laid out for Thomas Sanford on y^ Sixt Deuision account. Joyning to his own Land att the Mill Riuer, on his own Land Eighty Six Rod, a white oake Tree marked nere y'' Easterly Corner, So home to y"^ :\Iill Riuer, from Sd Tree, then Turning from Sd Riuer South west by a Line of ]\Iarked Trees one hundred Rod To a high way going on y'" Tope of y^ neck, Lengthways Sd Neck, a black oak Tree marked nere y® south corner, Recorded Thcu tumino; with Sd way. and bounded thereon April y^ 4. ^^ "^ , , , i - 1718 Eighty Six Rod to y*" west corner a black oak tree marked near Sd corner. Then Turning Northeast by a Line of :Marked Trees Eighty Rod, to a heape of Stones being y'^ corner of his other Land the whole containing tifty acrs, being Eighteen acres allowance for a Three Rod way Through Sd Land, & for bad Land Laid out by Thomas AYhite Seruey^ Thomas Thayer & Jacob Aldrish Com^'^'^ April y"^ 7'\ 1718 Eight acres of Six Deuision of Land Laid out for Thomas Sanford, Joyning to his other Land on y« East side of Muddy Brook bounded on his own Land West April' ye 8.".. Seuenty nine Rod, South on Common Seuenty one ^"'^ Rod by a Line of :Marked Trees, to a white oak Tree :\rarked for a Corner with a marking Iron : with S. being y^ Soutii East Corner, East on Common Twenty nine Rod to 470 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the highway Leading from Town ouer y® Neck to Whelocks Mill, a black oak tree marked nere y*' Corner. North on Sd highway home to his other Land, the whole Containing Twenty Three acres, being fifteen acres allowance for bad Land : Laid out by. Thomas White Seriiey'. Thomas Thayer. & Jacob Aldrish Committee Mendon April y" ninth 1718. one acre & half of Sixt Deuision of Land Laid out for Thomas Sanford. on y^ Neck on y^ South west Side of y*^ highway Leading to Whelocks Mill : Recorded bouudcd Wcst on his one Land Twenty nine Rodd. ms ^' South on y'' Lands of Jethro Coffin Twelue Rodd : to Sd Coffins Northeast Corner being a heap of Stons East on Common with a Direct Line. Twenty Rod to y'^ highway a heape of Stons. being y*' north East Corner north on Sd way to his other Land the whole Containing one acre & Three quarters and Eight Rod : one quarter of an acre & Eight Rod allowance for badd Land : Laid out by Tho^ white Serueyer. Robert Euens & Jacob Aldrish Committee Laid oute October y^ 20"\ 1718) for Thomas Sanford. his share of Ceeder Swamp, in y'' beauer Damm Ceeder Swamp, being y'' fourth Lott at y® northerly part of Sd Swamp and is bounded northerly on Eleazer Danielses Ceeder Swamp Lott. Southerly on Nathaniel Rawsons Ceeder Swamp Lott, Easterly & westerly on y'' Holbrooks medow, the Sid Lines of These Lotts Runing west Twenty three Deg*"^ South : the Breadth of Sd Lott being Three Rod & Three foot Avide a maple Tree marked nere y'^ Southeast Corner, with T S and y*" N°. 4. a ceeder Tree marked a Directer near y^ South west Corner. l)y Thomas White. Robert Euens & Jacob Aldrish Committee [347.] Thomas sanford Aprill y*" 6"' : 1719 laid ovt for thomas sanford on the east side the great river Joyning to his other land half an acer sixth division and two acers and half fifth division belonging to Benja- men whelock which was misrecond in when laid out bovnded MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 471 sovth on sd land fifty eight rod west on coraon ten rod to the sovthwest corner of sam" thayers land north on sd thayers land to his sovtheast corner east on comon eighteen rod to a heap of stones att his own land : the whole containing five acers two accrs alowod for had land by thonias Avhitc thonias thayer Jacob aldrich comittce the same day by the same comittce laid ovt for thonias san- ford Joyning to his own land on the east side the great river the remaining part of his sixth division it being five acers and twenty fovr rod : bovnded sovth on sd land thirty rod to stones being the sovthwest corner then rvning north 24 dgr* west forty rod to stones beino- the norwest corner then rvnino- east 24 do;r^ north thirty rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then rvning sovth 24 dgi-* east to his other land the whole containing seven acers and half two acers and fifty six rod alowed for bad land Jvne y" 10*"' : 1719 laid ovt for thomas sanford twenty six acers seventh division on the east side the great river Joyning to his other land bovnded west on the great river easterly on sam" thayers land the whole Breadth of sd land from sd sanfords land to a white oak bvsh l)eing sd thayers norwest corner and on all other parts on his own land the whole containing eighty acers fifty fovi' acers alowed for bad land l)y thomas white Roliard evens Jacol) aldrich commitee Jvne y^ 10"' : 1719 laid ovt for thomas sanford thirteen acers and one hvndred rod seventh division and sixty rod sixth division on the east side the great river Joyning to his other land bovnded west on sd land one hvndred and sixty rod north on comon twenty eight rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner east on comon one hvndred and sixty rod to sam" thayers land sovth part on sd thayers land part on his own land twenty eight rod the Avhole containing twenty eight acers : fovrteen acers alowed for bad land ])y Robard evens thomas white Jacob aldrich commitee October y*" 14"': 1729 being a propriators meeting leaguly Avarned voted that Thonias saford shall have that land that James 472 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Keith laid down on the westerly side of the great Eiver betwen the province line and sd Eiver as it was fomerly laid ovt to him the sd James Keith : this land was granted to sd sanford in lew of land taken from him by the province line on the Easterly side sd River. [34:8.] Nathaniel Rawson April y« 3'^, 1718 Laid out for Nathaniel Rawson Sixteen acrcer of Land of y® Sixt Deuision which 4ie purchased of James Keith. Joyning to Sd Keiths Land on y'^ East Side of Chistnut hill Bounded East part on Sd Land part on common Sixty Rod. the Northeast Corner being a heape of Stones, the South East Corner a heape of Stones. Thence Runing West full point Eighty Rod to a heape of Stones, being y'' Southwest Corner, Thence Runing North 10 Deg'" : East, Sixty Recorded j^q^j ^q ^ hcapc of Stoucs bciuo; y^ Norwcst Corner. April ye. 5. '■ ^ "^ 1718 thence Runing East on full point Eighty Rod to y" North East Corner, the whole Containing Thirty acres, fourteen acres alowance for a Three Rod highway Through Sd Land. & for bad Land. Laid out by Thomas White Thomas Thayer & Jacob Aldrish Committee April y** S*''. 1718 Laid out for Nathaniel Rawson Seuen acres & one hundred & Twenty Six Rod of Land of y'' Sixt Deuision Joyn- ing to his own Land. Bounded South on y** Ten Rod Recorded Way by his house. Sixteen Rod East part on his own i7i" ^° ' Land, part on James Albeys Land, part on common, one hundred, & Eighty Rod, To a heap of Stons, being y° North East Corner north on Common Twelue Rod. to y^ North East Corner of Robert Euenses Land. West on Sd Land one hundred & Eighty Rod to y*^ Ten Rod Way the Whole Con- taining fourteen acres & half & Twenty Rod Six acres & Three quarters allowance for bad Land. Laid out by Thomas White Seruy*". Jacob Aldrish & Robert Euens Committee April y'' 21^*. 1718. Laid out for Nathaniel Rawson four acres of Robt Euenses Sixt Deuision : Joyning to his other Land on y*" MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 473 East Side of Chestnute hill : bounded South on Sd Land : Twenty Six Rod. from Nathan Penemans Land to a white oake Tree marked. by y'' South west Corner, west on Common with a Direct Recorded Line forty Rod to a hcape of Stones beino^ y'^ norwest 1718 Corner, north on Common with a Direct Line Twenty Six Rod to y*" norwest corner of Sd Penemans Land East on Sd Land forty Rod to Sd Rawsons Land, the whole Contain- ing Six acres & half. Two acres & half allowance for bad Land Laid out by Thomas White ^Seruey"". Rob'. Eucns Jacob Aldrish Committee October y*' 21'': 1718: Laid out for Nathaniel Rawson, his Share of Cecder Swam]) in Beaucr Danmi Ceeder Swamp, being y'' fifth liott, at y*^ north End of Sd Swamp bound Recorded North ou Thouias Sanfords Lott in Sd Swamp South- October y *• 2i«. 1718 erly on John Corbets Lott Easterly & westerly on y*" Holbrooks medow. Sd Lott being one Rod Seuen foot & half wide y® Lines on y'^ Sides Runing west Twenty three Degrees South, by Thomas White Robert Euens and Jacob Aldrish Committee Nathaniel Rawson Jetliro Coffin [349.] June y'^ 8"': 1719. Laid out for Nathaniel Rawson Six acres of his Seuenth Diuision of Land, Begining at a heape of Stones, being y^ norwest Corner of his other Land formerly Laid out near Calebs Hill, Runing West full point forty Rod. Crossing a high way Leading to Chestnut hill, of Three Rod wide, then Runing South ful point Sixty Rod to Eleazer Daniels his Land to a heape of Stones, then by Sd Danielses Land. East full point forty Rod To his own Land, the whole Containing fifteen acres, nine acres allowed for Sd Way & Bad Land, Laid out by Robert Euens Surueyer : Jacob Aldrich & James Keith Com- mittee. Recorded J^„c v"= 8'^ 1719 Laid out for Nathaniel Raw^son of April yo _ " i3y Thomas : White Robert Euens Jacol) : Aldrich committee 482 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Mendon May y« 9'\ 1720 : Laid out for John Albee thirty acres of Land Sixteen acres & thirteen Rod of Sixth Deuision and thirteen acres and one hundred &, forty Seuen Rod of Seuenth Deuision Joyning to the Southerly & Easterly parts of his Land near the great Medow, begining at a Red oak tree marked being a Corner of his Land Laid out before : then Southerly by Sd Land Sixty four Rod to a heape of Stones, and Stake being formerly a South west Corner then turning Sd Corner Recorded Runing wcst by Said Land forty Rod to a heape of ye 1.1721 Stones, then South Eight Degrees west on Common thirty two Rod to a heape of Stones being a nor west Corner, then on Common Eighty Rod by a Line of marked trees to y*^ Town Line, then by Sd Line ninty Seuen Rod to a white oak tree, being a South east Corner then with a Direct Line to the first Bounds fifty Six Rod Esteemed at thirty Six acres & ninty Six Rod : Six acres and ninty Six Rod allowed for bad Land, Laid out by Robert Euens : Jacob Aldrish & Thomas White. [356.] John Albee Mendon March y*^ 22** 1721 : then Laid out for John Albee three acres of Seuenth Deuision of Land Joyning to his Medow on the west Side of Second Brige Riuer begining up Stream on Sd Medow by the Land of Joseph Rockwood, Runing on Sd Land west ten Degrees South fifty Rod to y*^ fence as it now Standeth. then with a Direct Line to a Certain Ditch, at y*^ Lower end of Sd Medow. Down Stream bounded on Sd Medow to the first Bounds, a three Cornered Piece of Land Containing four acres one acre Alowed for Bad Land, Laid out by, Robert Euens. Jacob Aldrich Seth Chapin Committee May y*" d^^ : 1720 laid ovt for John and James albee twenty seven acers of seventh division of land : viz : ten acers to John albee and seventeen acers to James albee : laid together begining at a heap of stons on the sovth side of bear medow being wiliam sprags bovnds then west by sd sprags land to Joseph Rockwoods land then sovth fvll point by sd Rockwoods land sixty rod to sd Rockwoods corner then sovth 38 dgr^ East partly by John rock- woods land and partly by common Eighty Rod to a heap of stons MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 483 l)eing the sovthwest corner at y*' sovth End of a peace of raedow belonging to sd albecs then by sd niedow forty rod to a pople tree niarkt being a sovtheast corner then north fvll point forty Eight rod to another peace of medow of sd albees then by sd niodow twenty fovr rod to a wahivt tree being a northeast : corner then westerly by a line of marked trees thirty Eight Rod to Bear medow then Bovnded on sd medow to the first Bovnds the ^vhole containing fifty Eight acers : thirty one acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich and thomas white committee [357.] Daniel lovet John fish May y'' 16: 171 laid ovt for samvel warfeeld 4 acers ninth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded west on his own land 34 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the sovthwest corner thence rvning East fvll point 27 rod to another peace of his own land : East on sd land 30 rod north on the land of william hayward the whole being 5 acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men April y*^^ 10"" : 1739 laid ovt for Elivelet warfeeld ten acers of daniel hills tenth division of land laid on the East side mvmfords river and is bovnded north on the land of william holbrook west- 490 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. erly on oxford rode sovth on the land of williani brown East on the land of daniel thayer the whole being 15 acers and 139 rod 2 acers and 139 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Elivelet warfeeld chain men november y^ 7"' : 1741 laid ovt for Jsaac taft one acer and an half of his fathers Eighth division of land laid on the west side the rode by his fathers dweling hovse lying betwen sd rode : and his other land and is bovnded west on sd land and East part on his other land and part on sd rode : 54 rod to a heap of stons by a black bvrch tree it being a broaken peace of land containing one acer and three qvarters 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Robert taft : and Jsaac taft chainmen [362.] Josiah Wood Eliphelet warfeeld May y^ third: 1718: Laid out for Josiah wood fifteen acers and ninety three Rod the Sixt diuision Joyning to his other Land on the west side the mill river bounded east on S*^ Recorded Land oue hundred and Sixty rod to a blak oak tree October y ^ 22.. 1718 markt being the northeast corner north on comon twenty four rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner west part on capain chapins Land part on comon by a line of marked trees one hundred and twenty four rod to Sher- bond rode then on S'* rode to seth chapins Land to a heap of stones by S^ rode being the South west corner South on seth chapins Land sixty rod to his own Land the whole containing forty acers twenty five acers and seventy three rod alowed for bad Land and Sherborn rode and a way from John Joneses to S'^ rode Laid out by Thomas White Jacob aldrich Thomas Thayer Commite Aprill y*^ : 30"': 1720 laid ovt for Josiah wood and his son James sixteen acers of land seventh division to the northward of hovse itt Being a Broken peace of land lying Betwen his own land and John Joneses and svmners and william cheneys bovnded north on sd Joneses land one hvndred rod East on svmners sovth part on William cheneys land part on his own land Esteemed to MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 491 1)0 twenty nine accrs : thirteen acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd hind : by Kol)ard Evens Jacob aldrich Thomas white : Committee niarc-h y** first: 1734 hud ovt for Elivelet warfeehl 10 acers and 53 rod of John albees ninth division of hind hiid Joyning to his other land in vxl)ridge near william holl)ro()ks bcgining at a iieap of stons being the sovthwest corner and is bovnded westerly l)art on common and part on sd land 52 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 33 dgr^ north 38 rod to a white oak tree markt being the northeast corner then sovth 33 dgr** East 52 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 33 dgr* sovth 44 rod to the first bovnds the whole con- taining 13 acers and 40 rod 2 acers and 107 rod alowed for bad land the same day laid for sd warfeeld 5 acers of sd all)ees ninth division laid on the west side the great river near the way lead- ing from Joseph tompsons to the iron works begining at a heap of stons on a Rock being the north corner thenc || rvning sovth 40 dgi-* East 26 rod to a heap of stons being the East corner then west 40 dgi-^ sovth 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth corner then north 40 dgr' west 2(5 rod to a heap of stons being the westerly corner then East 40 dgr" north 40 rod to : the first bovnds the whole being six acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svi^vayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men [363.] Nathan peneman Josiah Taft this may signify that we Jonathan thayer of mendon in the covnty of Worcister and province of the masachvsets Bay in new England and Daniel corbitt of Belingham in the covnty of Svf- folk and province aforsd hvsl)and men have agreed vpon the Bovnds Betwixt ovr land in sd belingham and stated them as foloweth : viz : begining at a stake and heap of stones at the most Eastern corner and thence Rvning toward : west to another stake and heap of stons thence Rvning toward the sovth to 492 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. another stake and heap of stons By the River to which agreement we do hereby Oblidge ovrselves ovr heirs and asignes to abide by for Ever by these presents as wittness ovr hands and seals the fovrth day of Jvne anno Domini 1733 signed sealed in presence of Daniel corbitt • Jonathan hayward Jonathan thayer • John corlntt Jvne y® 8"': 1719 laid ovt for nathan peneman 8 acers of Eleazer daniels seventh division of land laid Joyning to sd danielses land att chesnvtt hill begining att a heap of stones near Thomas thayers medow on the sovth side of the Brook on sd daniels line then north on common 20 rod to a heap of stones near sd thayers medow then Rvning west 10 dgr' north 40 rod to a heap of stones then sovth 5 dgr' west 120 rod then East 5 dgr^ sovth 20 rod to sd daniels corner so l)ovnded on sd danielses land to the first bovnds it being a broaken peace of land contain- ing 16 acers 8 acers alowed for bad land and Rode cros the East corner laid ovt by Robei't Evens svrvayer James Keith and Jacob aldrich chain men Jvly y^ 29"' : 1735 laid ovt for Josiah taffc 10 acers ninth divi- sion of land laid Joyning to Joseph tafts land on the north side shokcolog brook and is bovnded Easterly on sd land 36 rod and sovtherly part on sd land and part on common 54 rod to a heap of stons beino; the sovth west : corner thence rvning north 30 dgr' west 36 rod to a black oak tree markt being the nor west corner then East 30 dgr^ north 54 rod to sd tafts land a black oak tree markt near the northeast corner the containing Eleven acers and 144 rod one acer and 144 rod alowed for bad land laid by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Joseph taft chain desember y° 18"': 1735 laid ovt for Josiah taft 8 acers of Eleazer danielses ninth division of land laid sovth from samvel whites begining at a heap of stons being a former bovnds of dvgleses land thence rvning west 10 dgr' north 50 rod to a black oak tree being the norwest corner then sovth 10 dgr^ west 32 rod to a stake beino- the sovth west corner then East 10 dg-r' MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 493 sovth 50 rod to a stake being the sovtheast corner then north 10 dgv^ East 82 rod to the first bovnds the whole being 10 acers 2 acers ah)\ved for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldricli and Joseph taft chain men [364.] John Green Mendon Xouember y*' 5*''. 1718 Laid out for John Green Twenty four acres & fifty Three Kod Sixth Deuision on y*" East Side of y'' mill Riucr Joyning to his other Land, it Recorded beino" a broalvcu piece of Land. Bounded South on y^ March >••> o i -J 1" iTis-p^ Land of Jonathan Ilayward. fourteen Rod. to a heap of Stones being y'^ South East Corner, Thence Runing north Ten Degrees West one hundred c^ Thirty three Rod to a heaj^e of Stones, being y*" northeast Corner Then Runing west Ten Degrees South Eighty Two Rod To Thomas Whites Land : Avest part on his t)wn Land one hundred & Thirty three Rod The whole Containing Thirty fine acres & fifty Three Rod Eleuen acres allowed for Bad Land, Laid out by Thomas white Thomas Thayer Jacob aldrish. Committee Jvne y*" 28"' : 1730 laid ovt for John Green twenty acers Eighth division of land on the East side the north medows and is bovnded East on the land of Daniel lovet 80 rod Rvning from a heap of stons near sd lovets sovthwest corner Avest fvH point 48 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north fvll point 80 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East fvll point 48 rod to sd lovets land a heap of stons near the northeast corner the whole containing 24 acers : 4 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men May y^ 2*^ : 1707 laid ovt for John green the second division of land and swamp lott and forty acers of the third division of land belonging to Edward linefords lott laid together on the East side the mill River above the mill plain at a place known by the name of linefords plain and is bovnded as foloweth the norwest corner being a pine tree and is bovnded west with a direct line 110 rod to a white oak tree being the sovthwest corner and sovth with a 494 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. direct line 71 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner and East with a direct line 100 rod to a blak oak tree being the northeast corner thence with a direct line 124 rod to the first bovnds laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer febrvary y^ 11"' : 17312- laid for John green : 12 acers and 113 rod of ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the north medow and is bovnded sovth on sd land 44 rod rvning from the norwest corner of sd land north fvll point 52 rod to a heap of stons : being the norwest corner then East fvll point 44 rod to Moses gaiges land then bovnded East on sd land 52 rod to his own land the whole containing 14 acers and 48 rod : one acer and 48 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men [365.] Roger carary m'' Thomas Welb : Elihv warfeeld febrvary y'' 10*^'' : 1735^ laid ovt for the heirs of Roger canary 17 acers of land viz: 6 acers Eighth division and 4 acers ninth division and 4 acers tenth division and 3 acers in lew this land Qf ij^j^^j taken from them by setleing the province line doble -^ O 1 Recorded laid ovt near John whites begining att a heap of stones beino- the sovthwest corner thence rvning north fvll point 80 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East fvll point 40 rod to a heap of stons being the north East corner then sovth fvll point 80 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west fvll point to the first bovnds the whole being 20 acers 3 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich Chain man July y'* first : 1736 laid ovt for m^' Thomas welb 27 acers : and an half tenth division of land : viz : Eleven acers and half which he pvrchased of Jsrail taft and six acers he pvrchased of vriah thayer and five acers he pvrchased of James Rix and 5 acers which he pvrchased of Jonathan wood all laid together Joyning to his other land near vpton meeting hovse and is bovnded East and sovth on sd land west on the land of John sadler 114 rod to mendon former town line and north on said line 120 rod to his other land : it being a Rockey broaken peace of land containing MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 495 fifty acers twenty two acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Jonathan wood chain men March y« 20^" : 1740 laid ovt for the heirs of Elihv Warfeeld ten acers tenth division of land laid ovt on the west side the great river Joyning to the land of deborah aldrich and is bovnded East on the land of wodland tompson 54 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning west fvll point 41 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth fvll point 40 rod to a heap of stons being : the sovthwest corner then East fvll point 23 rod to deborah aldriches land then on sd land 1 8 rod to sd tompsons : hind it being a broaken peace of land containing Eleven acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Jcobod amidown chain men Janvary y^ 1719 laid ovt for Elihv warfeeld his share of seder swamp in a swamp by solomon woods bovnded westerly on vpland the norwest corner a maple tree marked being Benjamen thayers sovthwest corner of his seder swamp north on sd thayer 60 rod to a seder tree marked East on vpland 4 rod to a seder tree marked then sovth on common seder swamp, 60 rod to a hem- lock tree marked then on vpland 4 rod to the first bovnds laid ovt by Robert Evens svrvayer Thomas white and Jacob aldrich chain men [366.] M-- Joseph dor May y'^ 12"' : 1719 laid ovt for m' Joseph dor twenty six acers sixth division of land att the sovtheast corner of misco hill viz : eight acers being part of M' grindall Rawsons sixth division & eight acers being part of Sam" Moors sixth division & six acers being part John bridges sixth division & fovr acers being part ot angell torys sixth division : bovnded as foloweth the sovtheast corner : being a heap of stones near the scool lott thence rvning north 18 dgr* west one hvndred and forty rod to william greens land y". liovnded north part on sd greens land part on ebenezer woods land seventy rod to a heap of stones being the norwest 496 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. corner then rvning sovth 18 dgi^ east thirty one rod to alexander plvnileys land then tvrning east by sd land forty rod then tvrn- ing sovth by sd plvmlys land and is bovnded west part on sd land part on ebenezer woods land and sovth part on francis always land part on the scool lott to the sovtheast corner the whole con- taining thirty six acers and half ten acers and half alowed for l)ad land by thomas white Robard evens Jacob aldrich Coniitee Janvary y° first : 1718^-^ laid ovt for : m'' Joseph Dor thirteen acers of angel torys sixth division of land on the west side scool brook : bovnded east part on alexander plvmlys land part on common ninety two rod : west part on sam" moors land part on common ninety rod & sovth on the covntry rode : seventy six rod : it being a three cornerd peace of land containing twenty one acers and half: eight acers. and an half alowed for bad land laid ovt by thomas white Robard, Evens Jacob Aldrich Committee febrvary y'' 25"^ : 1719-?-^ laid ovt for IVP Joseph Dorr fifty tliree acers of land : viz : twenty acers of land given him l>y the town and Eight of cap* John darlings sixth and seventh divisions : and Eight acers of M"" Grindal Rawsons seventh division : and Eio-ht acers of samvel moors seventh division and six acers of o John Bridges seventh division and three acers of angel torys sixth division : laid together on the sovth side of the town Joyning to the province line about half a mile sovth from shokcolog begin- ing at a black oak tree in sd line being the sovthwest corner then north 6 dgr' & | East Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East (3 dgr' & | sovth one hvndred and six- teen Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 6 dgr^ & | west Eighty rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then to the first l)ovnds : the whole containing fifty Eight acers five acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens : svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Thomas white chain men M"" Joseph Dorr M"" nathan web [367.] Jvne y"^ 16"\ 1730 laid ovt for M' Joseph Dorr twenty one acers and half of land : viz : nineteen acers and half Eighth division and two acers of angel torys sixth division laid Joyning : MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 497 to his other land noar sliokcolog and is ])ovnded East on sd land Eighty Rod and sovth on the province line sixty rod to a heap of stons l)eini>- the sovthwest corner thence Rvning- north () do-r'' & \ East Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East G dgr'' & | sovth sixty rod to the norwest corner of his other land the whole containing thirty acers Eight acers & half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvaycr John farnvm and -Jacob aldrich chain men May y" 8"' : 1784 laid ovt for M'" Joseph Dorr 13 acers ninth division of land hud Joyning to his other land near the province sovth line and is bovnded sovth on sd land 9G rod rvning from the northeast corner of sd land north G dgr' & y East : 80 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 6 dgr'* & | noi-tli 44 rod to the sovtheast corner of samvel thayers land then bovnded north on sd thayers land 52 rod to the sovthwest corner of sd land then sovth (> dgr'* c^ 2 west 25 rod to his other land the whole containing 17 acers 4 acers alowed forbad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich : and daniel lovet Chain men May y'' 2P: 178(5 laid ovt for M'' nathan web nine acers and 120 rod of land : viz : 8 acers and 120 rod of John cooks ninth division and G acers tenth division which he pvrchased of Robert taft Jvn*" laid Joyning to his other land on the sovth side the wa}' to Ezekel whites beginiilg at the sovtheast corner of sd land thenc rvning sovth 15 dgr' East 10 rod to a heap of stons being y*" sovth- east corner then west 15 dgr'' sovth 82 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 15 dgi"* west 42 rod to a hea[) of stons being the norwest corner and is bovnded on sd way 32 rod to his other land the whole being 12 acers and 52 rod 2 acers and 1)2 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Joseph taft chain men October y^ : (S>i^^' : 1740 laid ovt for M' nathan web one acer and 100 rod of land in Ive of laud that was formerly laid ovt vnder a mistake in Ebenezer reads land sd land is bovnded East on the land of Joseph tiler sovth part on the land of John read and part 498 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. on his own west on his own nortli part on the land of Ebenezer read and part on his own laid ovt by Thomas Avhite svrvayer Ebenezer read and benjamen darling chain men [368.] Nathan web November y'' 11*'\- 1729 laid ovt for m'" nathan web the 30 acers of land which the propriaters of the former town of mendon gave to the town of vxbridge for the incoridgment of a minester to settle amongst them : and since given by them to m"" web as abears by record sd land is l)Ovnded Easterly on comon land and northerly part on the land of El)enezer Read and part on comon rvning from a black oak tree l)eing a bovnds of sd roads land to a black oak tree markt near another peace of sd reads land then bovnded on sd land to the sovthwest corner of sd reads land thence rvning sovth 35 dgr' East 60 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthAvest corner then East 35 dgr' north 88 rod to a heap of ston"s being the sovtheast corner then north 35 dgr' west 40 rod to John Reads land then on sd land to the northeast corner of sd land : it being a broaken peace of land containing 40 acers 10 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Joseph taft chain men laid ovt acording to the propriaters grant Jvly y*^ 30*'' : 1735 laid ovt for m*" nathan web 16 acers ninth division of land : viz : 6 acers which he pvrchased of Robert taft Jvn' and 4 acers which he pvrchast of John chapin : and 6 acers which he pvrchased of John holbrook : laid : together and is bovnded northerly and Easterly on his own land and westerly on the land belonging to the heirs of Benjamen thayer deseast : and sovtherly part on the way leading from the meeting hovse towards Ezekeil whites and part on the land of John farnvm it being a broaken peace of land containing 20 acers and half 4 acers and half alowed for Ijad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Joseph taft chain men November y*" 27"' : 1735 laid ovt for m'' nathan web nine acers of John holbrooks ninth division of land laid on the west side of mvmfords River on the sovth side the wav leadino; to Ezekel MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 499 wliils and is l)ovnde(l northerly on sd way 50 rod Easterly on the land of Joseph taft 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence Rvning west 13 dgr^ sovth 50 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 13 dsr* west 39 rod to sd way to a heap of stons being the norwest corner the whole containing 13 acers 4 acers alowed for bad laud laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Joseph white chain men march y*" 31*: 173(5 laid ovt for m"* nathan web 38 acers tenth division of land viz 14 acers of Benony Bensons and 4 of Joseph chapins and 20 acers which he pvrchased of Robert taft Jvn'" and is laid .loyning to the land of samvel white and is bovnded north on sd whites land : and East on the land of samvel dvgles 72 rod to a hea}) of stons being the sovtheast corner thence: rvning west 25 dgi"^ sovth 97 rod to a heap of stons at Thomas Reads land l)eing the sovthwest corner : and is bovnded westerly part on sd reads land and part on Joseph chilsons land the whole con- taining 40 acers and 72 rod 2 acers seventy two rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by thomas white svrvayer and Joseph white chain men Bcnjamcn darling .VUexander Plumbly Daniel plvml}' [369.] Mendon June y'' 18'" : 1720, then laid out for Allexs- ander Phiml)ly forty three acres of Land (viz) forty acres of Joseph Plumblys Seuenth Diuision and three acres of his own Scuenth Diuision ; on the East Side of the Mill Riuer Joyning to the uper North Medow, begining at a White oak Tree a Smal Distance from the Riuer ; with Stones at y*^ Root of it, then Run- ing East ful point on Common Sixty Rod to a heape of Stones, l)eing a South East Corner, then North on Comon one hundred tSc forty Rod to a heape of Stones being a North East Corner, then AVest on Common to y'' Riuer ninty Six Rod. then Bounded Hroukenly, partly on Ebenezer Woods Medow. and partly on Sd Riuer to the first Bounds, Containing Sixty one acres, Eighteen acres allowed for a three Rod way from one Medow to y*" other, and bad Land T^aid out. ])y Robert Euens. Jacob Aldrich Thomas White Com"^^ 500 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. febrvaiy y^ 22'^ : 1734^- laid ovt for daniel plvmly 2 acers and 40 rod ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the west river and is bovnded north on sd land 51 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning sovth fvll point 23 rod to John aldriches land to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner and is bovnded sovtherly on sd aldriches land to his own land it being a three cornered peace of land containing 4 acers and 20 rod one acer and 140 rod alowed for bad land More for sd plvmly 3 acers and 120 rod of sd ninth division laid ovt the same day as above laid joyning to sd plvmlys other land on the west river and is bovnded East on sd land 79 rod westerly on John aldriches land 49 rod to the sovtheast corner of sd land thence rvning sovth 6 dgr^ East 30 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 6 dgr' north 30 rod to his other land to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner : it being a three cornered peace of land containing 8 acers and 20 rod 4 acers and 20 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men March y'' 27*'' : 1739 laid ovt for Benjamen darling 5 acers of land : viz : 2 acers of samvel moors seventh division and 3 acers of david thayers tenth division laid on the west side the great river Joyning to his other land below tompsons mills and is bounded west on the land of samvel tompson and sovtherly on the land laid ovt to nathan gaskin and East part on the river and part on his other land it being a broaken peace of land contain- ing 10 acers 5 acers alowed for bad land the same day laid ovt for sd darling 7 acers of land viz : 2 acers of samvel moors seventh division and 5 acers of david thayers tenth division laid Joyning : to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded East on the land of david thayer and north part on the land of Eleazer daniels and part on nathan penemans land and part on John leggs land and part on william haywards land and west on sd haywards land and sovth on his own land it l)eing a broaken peace of land lying part on one side and one end of his other land containing 8 acers and 50 rod one acer and 50 rod alowed for bad land. MENDON, MASSx\CHUSETTS. 501 tln' same day laid ovt for sd dailino; one acer of Benjamen allx'es tenth division of land laid Joyning to the abovesaid land and is l)ovnded north on williani haywards land 20 rod to a heap of stons being the nor west corner thence rvning sovth fvll point 20 rod to his other land it ])eing a three cornerd peace of land containing one acer and 40 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Benjamen darl- ing chain men [370.] John Kockwood Kleazer Daniels John Benney march y*" 31*: 1732 laid ovt for Eleazer daniels sixteen acers ninth division of land laid northerly from his hovse and is bovnded west on the land of James Keith in part and part on this laud j^jg (^^,j^ . ^j-,p hvndred and twenty two Rod north on laid down ^ by Resou of gravc iiicdow 20 rod Easterly on Rehoboth Rode it be- ciaTmingontt ^"» '^ broakcn peace of land being 36 rod in the widest })lace and nothing in the sovth end: containing 16 acers and 16 rod 16 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacoli aldrich and daniel lovet chain men March y^ 31': 1732 laid ovt for Eleazer daniels 80 rod ninth division of land and is bovnded sovtherly on the land of david thayer and on all other parts on his own land the whole contain- ing 112 rod 32 rod alowed for Rehoboth Rode laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men ]March y" 31': 1732 laid ovt for Eleazer daniels 4 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near grave medow and is bovnded East on sd land 52 rod north on grave medow Brook in part and part on cooks medow west on Rehoboth Rode 54 rod a three cornerd peace containing 6 acers and 100 rod 2 acers and 100 rod alowed for ))ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men Jvne y^ 10th: 1736 laid ovt for Eleazer daniels 10 acers of land : viz : 3 acers Eighth division and seven acers tenth division laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the mill River and is bovnded northerly on sd land 65 rod rvning frofn the sovtheast 502 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. corner of sd land sovth 16 dgr* west 46 rod to a heap of stons be- ing the sovtheast corner then west 16 dgr^ north 70 rod to david thayers land a pine tree markt near the sovthwest corner and is bovnded westerly on sd thayers land 46 rod to his own land the whole being 20 acers eneompasing in 4 acers and half of land formerly laid ovt 5 acers and half alowed for bad land the same day laid ovt for sd daniels 3 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the mill river and is bovnded westerly on sd land 80 rod rvning from the sovth- east : corner : of sd land East 16 dgr^ south 12 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence rvning north 13 dgi-^ East 80 rod to a heap of stons l^eing the north corner itt Ijeing a three cornered peace of land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Ebenezer tompson : chain men febrvary y" 5"' : 1738-2- laid ovt for John Benney one acer and 137 rod of his tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land north from his hovse and is bovnded west on sd land 86 rod north on conmion 6 rod East on Thomas Baleys land 86 rod sovth part on common and part on his own land 5 rod it being a broaken peace of land containing 3 acers and 36 rod one acer and 98 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and John Benney chain men May y'' 8"' 1746 Laid out for Ensg" John Eockwood hue acres Eleuen*'' Division of Land on the East side Second Bridge river Joyning to his other Land and is Bounded west on his other Land 40 rod North on the Land of Benj"' Hayward 23 rod East on y^ Land of William Sprague 45 rod South on the Land of Eliphelet wood 14 rod Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Jacol) Aldrich & John Rockwood chain men [371.] James Keith April y'' 3"^, 1718. Laid out for James Keith Three acres of his Sixth Deuision, Joyning to his other Land near to y° Round medow Bounded west on a Two Rod way fifteen Rod to a heap of Stons being the norwest Corner, Thence Runing East Ten Deg"■^ MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 503 north Eighteen Rod to Stones on a Rock being y'^ north cast Corner, thence Riming South ten Deg'■^ East forty Rod to his other Land, a black oak stand marked near S*^ Land, South on S'' Land Thirty four Rod to S*^ way. the whole containing four acres & Sixty Rod. one acre and Sixty Rod alowed for bad land. Laid out by Tho^ White : Tho^ Thayer & Jacob Aldrish. Com^''^. The Same Day Layd out by y° aboue S*^ Committee for James Keith one acre & Twenty Six Rod of Sixth Deuision Joyning to his other Land near Eleazer Danielses house, bounded with Sd Land Tweluo Rod, East on his own Land. Thirty one Rod to a black oak Tree being a bound of his other Land, west on conunon thirty one Rod to S** Danielses Land. April y*' 2''. 1718. Then Laid out for James Keith Thirty two acres & half of Sixth Deuision of Land Joyning to his other Land, near his house. Bounded East on Sd Land, Seuenty tiue Rod a l)lack oak tree marked near y** northeast Corner, Thence Runing west Ten Deg'■^ north one hundred and Twenty four Rod to a heape of Stones being y'' norwest corner Thence Runing South Ten Deg"^. w^est one hundred & fine Rod. to a Walnute Tree marked being y*' Southwest Corner. Thence Runing East Three Deg". north one hundred & Twenty four Rod, to his other Land, the whole Containing Sixty nine acres and three quarters, Thirty Seauen acres & Three quarters alowed for bad Land & a Three Rod way Through S'' Land, Laid out by Tho\ White Tho^ Thayer & Jacob Aldrish Com*'^^ Ma}^ ye 9*'\ 1718 Then Laid out for James Keith Three acres of Sixth Deuision Joyning to his other Land near his house, it being a piece of Land forty four Long and Twenty Eight Rod wide bounded north & East on his own Land, South on Josiah Thayers Land, west on Eleazer Danielses Land, being Seuen acres & half & Thirty two Rod, four acres & half & Thirty Two Rod alowed for bad Land, Laid out by Tho". White, Tho^ Thayer, & .Jacob Aldrish Committee. These Returns Recorded October ye Mo-i' ijC 1 Atli 20»>. 1718 May y« 10"'. 1718, Then Laid out for James Keith Twenty Two acres of his Sixth Deuision of Land on 504 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the East Side of the mill Riuer near Dedham Line Joyning to his other Land or medow bottom, bounded East on Dedham Line one hunch-ed & Twenty fine Rod, a heape of Stones being y" norwest corner, a heape of Stones being y*" Southwest Corner. South on common Seuenty Rod to a heape of Stones being the South East Corner, west part on Coinon part on Samuel Thayers Land, one hundred & Twenty fine Rod to a heape of Stones being y*" norwest Corner, north on common Seuenty Rod to y*' north East corner the whole containing Thirty fiue acres, com- passing in part of his own Swamp & part of Samuel Thayers Land, Thii-teen acres alowed for bad Land, Laid out by Tho^ White, Thomas Thayer, & Jacob Aldrish Committee. [372.] James Keith May y« 12'". 1718. Laid out for James Keith Six acres of Sixth Deuision of Land four acres & Three quarters of his own and one acre and one quarter of Nathan Pennemans Sixth Deuision Joyn- ing to his own Land, on y® East Sid y" West Riuer. bounded South on his own Land forty one Rod, a heape of Stones l)eing y" South East Corner, East on Common Thirty one Rod To a Red oak Tree, marked, being y® North East Corner, north on common forty one Rod to a heape of Stones being the norwest Corner. West on Coiiion Thirty one Rod to his other Land the whole Containing Eight acres & half. Two acre & a half allowed for Bad Land. Laid out l:)y Tho^ White. Tho^ Thayer. & Jacob Aldrish Commttee. Mendon October y'^ 20"\ 1718 Then Laid out for James Keith, his Share of Ceeder Swamp : being y*" Right of a fifteen acre Right, in Beauer Damm Ceeder Swamp : being y^ first Lott at y^ norther End of S*^ Swamp : and is Bounded northerly on y^ Hoi brooks medow, Southerly on Nathan pennemans Ceeder Swamp. Easterly and Westerly on y*^ Holbrooks Medow. A Stake* y^ Easterly Corner and a Ceeder Tree marked being y® westerly Corner The Line Runing west Twenty fiue Degrees South Laid out by Tho^ White. RoV. Euens. & Jacob Aldrish Com'^^ MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 505 AjJiill y'' first 1719 laid ovt for James Keith fifteen acers of ediiiviul Kaw::;ons sixth division and seven acers and half of John and Joseph Balkconis sixth division laid ovt on the west side the great river Bovnded as fiiloweth the northeast corner beini>- a pine tree niarkt then rvning west fvll point eight}' rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then rvning sovth fvll point fifty rod to a heap of stones being the sovthwcst corner then rvning east fvll point eighty rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner then rvning north fvll point fifty rod to the northeast corner : the whole containing twenty five acers two acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y thonias white robert evins Jacob aldrich coni'*^^^ [373.] James Keith may the 16"' : 1719, laid ovt for James Keith five acers of edmvnd Rawsons sixth division on the west side the great river a little westward from l)enjamen whelocks land bovnded as fol- oweth the sovtheast corner being a chesnvt tree markt thence r\ning north 10 dgi-^ west forty rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then rvning west 10 dgr^ sovth twenty rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then sovth 10 dgr^ east 40 rod to a heap of stones being the sovthwest corner then east 10 dgi-^ north twenty rod to the sovtheast corner laid ovt by thomas white Rol)ard evins Jacob aldrich com*®*' May y*" 21 1719 laid ovt for James Keith ten acers of sam" warfeelds sixth division Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river bovnded as foloweth the sovthwest corner being a maple tree markt west on sd land thirty rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then rvning east 8 dgi'^ north fifty eight rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then sovth 8 : dgr' east thirty rod to a sprvce or hemlock tree markt being the sovtheast corner then west 8 dgr* sovth fifty eight rod to the sovth west corner the whole containing ten acers and one hvndred and foi-ty rod : one hvndred and forty rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by thomas white Robard evens Jacob aldrich comittee may y'' 80"' : 1719 laid ovt for James keith two acers and half swamplott and half an acer of sam" warfeelds sixth division : laid 506 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. on the west side the great river bovnded East on sd river twelve rod sovth on the : province line forty rod west on comon twelve rod north on comon forty rod By thomas white Robard Evens Jacol) aldrich committee Nouember y*' 16^^. 1719. then Laid out for James keith Twenty acres of M''^ Rawsons Seuenth Deuision on the South End of y^ west hill. Joyning to his other Land on y^ north side, begining at a corner of his other Land. Runing North full point on Com- mon Seuenty four Rod to a heape of Stones, being y® norwest Corner, thence west Seuenty one Rod to a heape of Stones l)eing y" Southwest Corner near the Road Leading ouer y*" West River then South on Comon to his other Land Seuenty four Rod by a Line of jNIaked trees then Runing a Cross a Corner of his own Laud heretoforo Laid out to y® first Bounds : the whole Contain- ing thirty Two acers one hundred & thirty four Rod twelue acres & 134 Rod allowed for Sd Corner of Land & l)ad Land. Laid out by Robert Euens Seru*". Jacob Aldrish & James Keith Committee [374.] James Keith Isaac Taft Mendon January 29'''. 1719/20, then Laid out for James Keith twenty Eight acres of Land on y'' South west Side of y® Great Riuer ; Commonly known by the Name of Black- thisiand stones Riuer below 7"= Runino; in of a Small Riuer laid Down ./ o this land kuowu by y*^ name of Comstocks Branch: begining laid down ^^.j^gj. e Colonic Line Comes ouer S*^ Riuer : So^ Run- by Keson that -^ providence mg on S'^' Line West Six Degrees and half north one it hundred and Eighty Eight Rod to Sd Riuer where S*^ laid down Line goes ouer to y*^ north Side S*^ Riuer. bounded on march ye 2* "- ^ 1726-7 all other parts with S'' Riuer there being by Estema- tion thirty three acres & half; fine acres and half allowed for three acres Laid out before of Sixth Division, and two acres and half for Bad Land. Laid out by Robert Euens. Jacob Aldrich and James keith Committee March y" 2*^ : 1726/7 laid ovt for James keith one acer and half of land in lew of land laid Down by Reson of providence peti- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 507 cioncrs claim now laid Joyniiiir to his other land it bcinir land that was left for landing- and carinir timber from the pine swamp to the covntrv Rode it being three Rod wide throu sd land and three Rod wide by the pine swamp : the whole containing one acer and half & 21 rod 21 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich James keith com- mittee april y' !>"' : 172*'' : 1719 hiid ovt for Benjamen Darling ten acers of land sixth division on the west side of Chesnvt hill near elizer daniels land beoinino- att a white oak tree markt thence rvning west 25 dgr^ sovth forty rod to a heap of stones being the nor- west corner then sovth 25 dgr* east fifty six rod to an heap of stones being the sovthwest corner then east 25 dgr'' north forty rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner then north 25 dgr^ west fifty six rod to the first bovnds being the northeast corner the whole containing fovrteen acers fovr acers alowed for bad land by Thomas white Robard Evens Jacob aldrich com- mittee iSIendon Feal)rnary the 12^'' 1723 Then Laid out for Benjamin Darling five acres of Seventh Division Joyning to the East Side of his Laud Now fenced in Begining at a heap of stones Being his former North East Corner then East on Common Sixteen Rod to a heap of Stons on Josiah Thayers West Line Then Southerly Partly on Sd Thayers Land Partly on Samlt Thare and Partly on Thomas Thayer on hundred and seventeen Rod then West on Thomas Thayer four Rod to his other Land so Bounded on Sd Land to the first Bounds Containing Seven acres and fifty Rod two acres and fifty Rod alowed for Bad Land, Laid out by Robert Evens Jacoli Aldrich James Keith Comitee Mendon February the 12^" 1723 Then Laid out for Benjamin Darling 2 acres of Seven Devision Joyning to the west Side of his other Land neare his house Begining at a South west Corner of Sd Land Runing west 10 degrs on Common 22 Rod to a heap of stons being a South Westerly Corner then North 10 degrs west on Common Thirty seven Rod to a Chestnut Tree Marked then East 10 degr^ North on Common Twenty Two Rod to Sd Land there Containing five acres and fourteen Rod, three acres 520 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. and fourteen Eod alowd for Bad Land, Laid out By Robert Evens, James Keith Jacob Aldrich Commitee Benjamen Darling [384.] September y^ 24"^: 1735 laid ovt for lienjamen darling 14 acers of land : viz : 12 acers of Eighth division and 2 acers of ninth division laid Joyning to his other land west from his house begining at a norwest corner of sd land thence Rvning sovthwest 2 dgrs west 32 rod to thomas thayers land and is bovnded westerly part on said land and part on common 94 rod to the northeast corner of sd land and is bovnded Easterly on a three Rod way to a white oak tree markt near a small Brook so to a heap of stons by sd brook then bovnded northerly on sd brook to his other land itt being a broken peace of land contain- ing 17 acers and half 3 acers and half alowed for Ijad land laid ovt by Thomas White svrvayer Jacob aldrich and lienjamen darling Chain men October y^ 20"' : 1735 laid ovt for Benjamen darling 14 acers and 100 rod of land : viz : 4 acers of Jonathan Richersons seventh division and 2 acers and 100 rod of william whites Eighth division and one acer of his own seventh division and 4 acers of his ninth division and 3 acers alowed him for a way throvgh his land all laid together and is bovnded East on land laid ovt to Josiah thayer 52 rod and is bovnded north and sovth on his own land and westerly on common 94 rod with a direct line from the nor- west corner of his land by his hovse to the sovthwest corner of another peace of his other land so Joyning two peaces of land together it being a broaken peace of land containing 33 acers and 100 rod 15 acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and benjamen darling chain men desember y'' 11"^: 1736 laid ovt for benjamen darling 2 acers and half tenth division of land laid sovth from his hovse and is bovnded East on a three rod way north on the land of Thomas thayer west on his own land itt being a three : cornered : peace MEN DON, MASSACHUSETTS. 521 of land laid ovt l)y Tliomas white svrvayer Joseph white and benjainen darlinji' ehaiii men : deseml)er y"" 11"' : IToi) laid ovt for benjanien darlino- 28 acers of land : viz : 2 acers of benjamcn albees ninth division and 20 acers of samvel terryes tenth division and 4 acers of his own 10"> division and two acers of david thayers ; laid together Joyn- ing to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded East on sd land begining at a chesnvt tree being a former bovnds thence rvning west 18 dgr^ north 63 rod to a heap of stons at cararys land then bovnded west part on sd cararys land part on John whites land and part on thomas thayers land and sovth on sd thayers land home to his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing 39 acers Eleven acers alowed for bad land and two three Rod ways throvgh sd land laid oa^ by Thomas White svrvayer Joseph wdiite and benjamen darling chain men [385.] Woodland Tompson desember y*' 27*" : 1718 laid ovt for woodland tompson Eight acers sixth division on the north side the pond near the Rock medow bovnded west part on W : m Rutters land part on common with a direct line : one hvndred rod sovth on Joseph whites land thirty two rod to a heap of stones being the sovth- east corner then rvning north 30 dgi** w^est one hvndred rod to the way leading to Ephraim chapins a heap of stones being the northeast corner then w^est 30 dgr' sovth thirty two rod to the northeast corner of Rvtters land : the whole containing twenty acers twelve acers alowed for ])ad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land By Thomas wdiite Robard Evens Jacob aldrich committee desember y'^ 27"' : 1718 laid for woodland tompson one acer and half sixth division on the cast side mvdy Brook bovnded west on his other land sovth on thomas whites land East on the six rod way north part on sd way part on John posts land containing by Estemation three acers one acer and half alowed for bad land by thomas white Robard Evens Jacob aldrich commitee 522 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Janvary y*" 2*^ : 17181^ laid ovt for woodland tompson his share of sederswainp on the west side the west river in a small swamp lying in Joseph cha})ins land begining att the north end of sd swamp then rvning sovth seven rod to a white oak tree markt by a rock then rvning East 20 dgr' north cros sd swamp laid ovt by thomas white Robert Evens Jacob aldrich committee Jvne y" 5'*' : 1719 laid ovt for woodland tompson twelve acers wanting fifty six rod of sixth division and three acers & fifty six rod for a way laid throvgh his land : laid on the west side the great river bovnded East part on sd river part on samvel Reads land sixty Eight rod from his other land to a white oak stand markt being the northeast corner then rvning west 18 dgr^ sovth sixty rod to stones on a rock being the norwest corner then sovth 18 do;r^ East 40 rod to stones on a rock being- the sovth west cor- ner then East 18 dgr^ north Eighteen rod to a heap of stones att his other land then by sd land to the river the whole containing sixteen acres and half one acer and half alowed for bad land by thomas Avhite Roliert Evens Jacob aldrich committee — [386.] Woodland Tompson Jvne y'^ 5"' : 1719 laid ovt for woodland tompson thirteen acers sixth division of land on the East side the great river Joyning to his other land bovnded w^est on sd land sixty rod sovth part on Benjamen tompsons land part on common fifty fovr rod to stones on a rock being the sovtheast corner then north nineteen dgr^ west sixty rod to a heap of stones being the north- east corner then west 19 dgr' sovth forty fovr rod to his other land a pople stand markt near sd land the whole containing Eighteen acers and three qvarters five acers and three qvarters alowed for bad land and a fovr rod way cros sd land by thomas white Robert Evens Jacob aldrich committee Jvne the first 1725 laid ovt for woodland tompson : twenty one acers and an half of land five acers of sixth division and sixteen acers and an half seventh division laid on the west side the great river a little distance from the norwest corner of his other land : MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 523 l)ouiniiio- att a wliitc oak tree markt l)einir the sovthwest corner thence Kvnino- north: 11 dgr^ East Eighty Rod to an heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 1 1 clgr'' sovth sixty three Rod to a liea}) of stons being the northeast corner: then sovth 1 1 : dgr^ : west Eighty Rod to a pine tree uiarkt being the sovtheast corner then west 11 dgr^ north sixty three Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing thirty one acers and an half ten acres alowed for bad land By Thomas white James Keith Jacol) aldrich : com*''° Jvne the first 1725 laid ovt for woodland tompson seven acers of land seventh division on the East side the mill River below the north inedow compasing in one acer and a (jvarter of sd tompsons medow bottom begining near a white oak tree markt near the sovthwest corner then Rvning East 35 dgr* north thirty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner : then rvning north o5 dgi-* west sixty three Rod to an heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 35 dgr^ sovth Eleven Rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being a corner of samvel Bridgeses land then on sd land to the River thence bovnded west on sd river to the first bovnds the whole containing Eleven acers and a quarter : fovr acers and a qvarter alowed. for sd medow and bad land By Thomas white Jams Keith Jacob aldrich committee Jvne the first 1725 laid ovt for woodland tompson twelve acers of land seventh division laid on the west side the great River west from his other land begining att a blak oak tree markt being the sovtheast corner then Rvning north fvll point : sixty Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west fvll point forty rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth sixty rod to a heap of stons being the : sovth west : corner then East fvll point forty rod to the first bovnds the whole con- taining fifteen acers three acers alowed for bad land By thomas white James Keith Jacob aldrich committee flohn Emerson [387.] Alendon April the 7''^ 1720 Laid out for John Emer- son Nine Acres of Land of John Rawsons Seventh Division to 524 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the Southward of his house Begining at a heap of stons being the South West Corner of his other Land then Runing South 5 degrees West on Common Twenty Rod to a heap of Stons Being a South West Corner, With a Linne Easterly one Hundred and Twenty Rod on Common to a heap of Stons Being a South East Corner Then North five degres East on Common Twelve Rod to the Corner of his other Land, Then on Sd Land to the first Bounds Containing Twelve acres, three acres a Lowed for Bad Land Laid out By Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Thomas White Commitee Mendon June y*" 18th Seventeen Hundred and Ninteen Laid out for John Emerson Twenty acres of William Sprauge Sixth Division and Eight acres of his own Seventh Division & Eight acres of his fathers Seventh Division on the West Side of the Greatt River Joyning to his other Land Lying on one Side and one End of Sd Land Begining at the North East Corner of Sd Land then Runining North five degres East Twenty Rod to Stons, Then West five degrees North ten Rod to Stons, then fifty five degres West Sixty four Rod, to Stons the South West Corner, then South on Common Eighty Rod. to the South West Corner of his other Land Containing Thirty nine acres, three acres a Lowed for Bad Land by Thomas White Robert Evens Jacob aldrich Committee march y'' first : 17 2{]^ laid ovt for John Emerson five acers & half of land in lew of land taken from him by providence farms and is laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence Rvning north 10 dgr' East fifty one Rod to Demons land to a heap of stons being the nor- west corner then Bounded north on sd demons land thirty one Rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner and is bovnded East on nathaniel heatons land fifty one Rod to his own land and bovnded sovth on sd land fifty one Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing thirteen acers and one hvndred Rod : Eight acers and 20 rod alowed for bad land : laid o\i; by Thomas white svrvayer James Keith and Jacob aldrich Committee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 525 luaivli y" first : IT^I)" laid for John Eiiiorson five acers of land in lew of land taken from him by providence farms and is laid flo^'ning' to his other land near his hovse and is Bovnded west on sd land one hvndred Rod the whole Breadth of sd land rvning from the sovthcast corner of sd land East G dgi-* sovth thirteen Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthcast corner thence with a direct line one hvndred Rod to a heap of stons being the north- east corner and is bovnded north part on common and on natlianiel heatons land thirteen rod to his other land the whole containing Eight acers and twenty Rod three acers and 20 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way through sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James Keith and Jacol) aldiich committee John Emerson [388.] noveml)er y'' 10"': 1782 laid ovt for John Emerson nine acers of land viz : 8 acers of James Keiths ninth division and one acer alowed him by the select men of vxbridge for a way throvgh his land laid Joyning to his other land norwest from his hovse begining at a norwest corner of sd land thence Rvning west 10 dgr- south 48 rod to a heap of stons att David aldriches land then bovnded west on sd land G4 rod and East on his own land to the first bounds it being a three cornered peace of land containing 9 acers and 120 rod 120 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men april y*^ 13"' : 1716 Eighteen acers of Jonathan hay wards fifth division of land laid ovt for John Emerson on the west side the jjreat river below shokcolog- Brook bovnded Rovnd with common land the north East corner being a black oak tree markt East 70 rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being the sovthcast corner sovth 36 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the sovthwest corner west 75 rod to a red oak tree markt being the norwest corner north 53 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing 19 acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Robert taft and Jacob aldrich chain men 526 PROPRIETORS* RECORDS. april y" 18'" : 1733 laid ovt for John Emerson 6 acers and 54 rod of land that the select men of vxbridge granted him for a high way laid throvgh his land laid Joyning to his other land sovtherly from his hovse and is bovnded north on sd land west on David aldriches land sovth part on svmners land and part on Benjamen tafts land East on James colors land. — the same day laid for said Emerson 6 acers and 14 rod of land viz : 4 acers of ninth division and one acer and half in Ive of land taken from him by providence farms and 106 rod of land Granted him by the select men for high way laid ovt together Joyning to Ebenezer Emersons land and is l)ovnded East on sd land 52 rod begining a white oak tree and heap of stons being the noi-theast corner thence Rvning west 10 dgr' north 26 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then then sovth 10 dgr' west 52 rod to a heap of stons being the southwest corner and is bovnded sovth part on seth aldriches land and part on common 26 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner the whole containing Eight acers and 32 rod two acers and 18 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men may y*" Eleventh : 1736 laid ovt for John Emerson ten acers of land : viz : Eight acers which he pvrchased of Charles sherelock and 2 acers which he pvrchased of Jsrail Keith laid Joyning to other land near hvmeses and is bovnded East on sd land 36 rod from Jacob aldriches land to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is bovnded north part on common and part on the land of nickolas hvnies 60 rod to Jacob : aldriches : land and is l)ovnded on all other parts on sd aldriches land the whole being 10 acers and 100 rod 100 rod alowed for a three rod way cros sd land laid ovt Ijy Thomas white svrvayer and Joseph white chain man Joseph Emerson Elder John Jones [389.] June y^ Eighth 1721 Then Laid ovt for Joseph Emer- son twclue acres of Seuenth Deuision of Land. Joyning to y*" South part of his other Land, near y® four acer Medow : ])egining MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 527 at a hcape of Stones, being Peter Ilolbrooks Southwest Corner, tlien on Sft HoI])rooks Land north 15 Deg"^ AVest forty four Rod. to Set Ilolbrooks norwest Corner, then East 15 dg""" North on Sd Holbrooks Land forty Hod, to a Stake being Richurd IIoll)rooks norwest Corner, then northerly on Sd Ilolbrooks twenty four Rod to his other Land ; then westerly partly on Sd land and partly on James Keiths Land to a heape of Stones Seuenty Rod, then South 75 dg'** East on Common fifty Six Rod, to a heape of Stones at y^ Root of a white oake. Then East 75 dg""* north to y^ first Bounds Being a Broken piece of Land Containing fifteen acres ; Recorded tlircc acrcs alowed for bad Land, Laid out by. Robert January ye _ -^ i9>i. i72i Euens. Jacob Aldrich and Thomas White Committee Mendon June y'' 8"'. 1721. Laid out for Joseph Emerson four acres of seuenth Diuision Joyning to his other Land nere the four acre Medow. being a narroAV : piece of Land, L3'ing between his other Land & James Keiths Land, South on his other Land Eight Rod, West on Sd Keiths Land one hundred and twelue Rod, north on Common Eight Rod, East on his other Land one hun- dred & twelue Rod, Containing fine acres and ninty Six Rod ; one acre and ninty Six Rod allowed for l)ad Land, Laid out by Robert Euens. Jacob Aldrich. Thomas White Committee. Mendon Janauary the 22d 1722^ Joseph Emersons Bounds of his Land Neare James Keiths formerly Laid ovt part of the third Division Southerly Eight}' Rod to a black oak Tree on the East side of the four acre ]Medow Easterly one hundred and twenty 4 Rod to a Black oak tree on a Rocky Knole, a Litle to the South- ward of the Road Leadino; to the Lower West River Brido;e Northerly one hundred Rod. Westerly one hundred & twelve Rod. Containing Sixty Six acres and sixty Rod Encompasing. three acres of Richard holbrocks medow and Seven acres and Eighty Rod of there Swamp Lot the Lines New Run B}-. Rol)ert Evens Jacob aldrich Thomas White Comit*** March y« 2P* : 1745/(5 Laid out for Elder John Jones 150 rod Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land t)n the 528 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. southwest Side of magomisco hill and is bounded west on S*^ Land 100 rod East on the Land of Sanill Torrey 100 rod it being a nar- row Strip of Land 100 rod Long and one rod and a half wide Laid out l)y William Torrey Surueyer and Jacob Aldrich chain man John Emerson vriah thayer Dearing Jones John Jones [390.] October y« 12t'> : 1782 laid ovt for vriah thayer 220 rod ninth division of land laid Joyning to his medow on the west side the mill river and is bovnded East •on sd medow north on the land of Daniel Brown 8 rod west on the widow Rawsons land 18 rod sovth on common 11 rod laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men May y*" 16*'' : 1735 laid ovt for dearing Jones 8 acers of william sprages ninth division of land laid Joyning to the west End of his other land on magomisco hill and is bovnded East on sd land 95 rod and is bovnded north part on common and part on the land of John Jones 20 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner west on sd Joneses land 97 to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner and is bovnded sovth part on sd Joneses land and part on common 20 rod to his other land the whole containing 12 acers 4 acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh said land laid ovt by Thomas white sivrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men May y** 11'" : 1736 laid ovt for John Emerson 3 acers and half of land which he pvrchased of Jsrael Keith and is laid Joyning to his other land near niccolas hvmeses and is bovnded south on sd land 25 rod East on El)enezer Emersons land 26 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning west 5 dg''^ sovth 25 rod to stons on a Rock being the norwest corner : then sovth 5 dgrs East 26 rod to a norwest corner of his other land the whole being 4 acers and ten rod 90 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white chain man October the 29"' : 1744 laid ovt for John Jones 6 acers and 80 rod tenth division of land laid Jovnino- to his other land on the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 529 East side of tho mill river and is bovnded westerly on sd river northerly part on the land of woodland tompson and part on the land of abrahaui Jones and on all other parts on his own land : itt being a broaken peace of land containing G acers and 120 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land the same day laid ovt for sd Jones one acer and 40 rod tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on magomisco and is bovnded west on sd land 100 rod north on the land of dearing Jones 5 rod East on the land of samvel torey 100 rod sovth on the land of samvel shamvel (5 rod the corners heaps of stones the whole containing 3 acers and 20 rod one acer and 140 rod alowed for a three rod way through sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph Jones chain men april y" 18^'' 1745 Laid out for John Jones twelue acres & 40 Rod tenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on the East Side of y^ mill Riuer and is Bounded Northerly on the Land of Moses tiney begining at a white oak marked being y^ north west Corner & y^ Southwest Corner of Moses tineys Land Bounded north on said tine3^s land 50 Rod to a heap of Stones being y*" North East Corner East on Common with a Direct Line 30 Rod to a Chesnut tree marked being y*^ South East Corner & y" North East Corner of his other land South on his own Land G4 Rod to a heap of Stones west on Common 48 Rod with a direct Line to y^ tirst bounds mentioned the whole Containing thirteen acres & 143 Rod one acre & 103 Rod alowed for bad Land laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Jacob aldrich chain man Woodland Tompson [391.] Jvne the tirst: 1725 laid ovt for woodland tompson ten acers of land belonging to peter aldriches Rights now wood- land tompsons as apears by Deed Eight acers being sixth division and two acers seventh division laid ovt on the East side the great River : Joyning to his other land near his hovse bovnded sovth on sd land forty fovr rod then rvning from the northeast corner of sd land north fvll point ninety seven Rod to a doble white oak tree markt being the northeast corner then west 18 dgr' sovth 530 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. twenty seven Rod to sauivel Reads land to a heap of stones on a rock near the norwest corner then bovnded west part on sd reads hind part on the great river and part on his own land : the whole containing twenty fovr acers forteen acers alowed for bad land and a fovr Rod way throvgh sd land to the fovr rod way laid over the great river : and for a three rod way from sd way towards asan- amisco : throvgh sd land, By Thomas white James Keith Jacob aldrich committee may y*^ 21^* : 1728 laid ovt for woodland tompson seventeen acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of Mendon : and is laid Joyning to his other land on the west side of the great River begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence Rvning west 13 dgr'^ sovth thirty rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 13 dgr* East Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then : East 13 dgr'* north fifty six rod to his other land then bovnded on sd land to the first bovnds : it being a broaken peace of land containing Eighteen acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James Keith and Jacob aldrich committee October y** 15"^ : 1731 laid ovt for woodland tompson twenty one acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river begining on the west side sd land a l)lack oak tree being markt near the sovtheast corner thence rvning west 15 dgr' sovth 20 rod to peter aldriches land and is bovnded west on said land sixty rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 15 dgr^ north 75 rod to his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land Except Eight rod at the East End bovnded on common it being a broaken peace of land containing twenty fovr acers three acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men October y'^ 2'' : 1735 laid ovt for woodland tompson 6 acers of Jonathan thayers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river and is bovnded East and IvrENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 531 north on sd land rvning from the sovthwcst corner of sd land sovth 12 dgi"* East 44 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then turning East 3 rod to a norwest corner of seth aldriches land then bovnded on sd aldriches land 23 rod to his own land the whole 6 acers and 15 rod 15 rod alowed for bad hind laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men Thomas Taft Jr AVoodland tompson Elder John Jones [392.] march y'' 19"> : 1733 laid ovt for woodland tompson 5 acors ninth division of -land laid Joyning to his swamp lott near samvcl Daniels and is bovnded Easterly on the land of sd daniels 1() rod sovtherly on the land of steven fish 40 rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being the sovtheast corner thence rvning north 13dgr' East 28 rod to sd tompsons swamp then bovnded northerly on sd swamp to sd danielses land the whole containing 5 acers and half half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and eJoseph white chain men Jvne y*^ 23'" : 1735 laid ovt for woodland tompson 18 acers ninth division of land : viz : 15 of his own and three of david thayers laid on the west side the great river Joyning to his other land and is bovnded Easterly and northei'ly on sd land rvning from the sovthwest corner of sd land East 30 dgr'* sovth 100 rod to his other land it being a three cornered peace of land contain- ing 21 acers and 13 rod 3 acers and 13 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men October y*" 2*^ : 1735 laid ovt for Joseph tompson 2 acers of Jonathan thayers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded northerly on the land of seth aldrich 2 rod to a heap of stons being y® norwest corner thence rvning sovthwest 2 dgi-* sovth 37 rod to a heap of stons Ijeing the sovthwest corner thence with a direct line 40 rod to a heap of stons att his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his other land it being a l»roaken i)eace of land containing 2 acers 532 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. and 51 rod 51 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas ^Adlite svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Joseph white chain men march y«^ 19^" 1745/G Laid out for Thomas Taft Jn-- 102 rod Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land Southwest from his house and is bounded East on his other Land 34 rod Sovth on the Land of Daniel Taft Esq"" 6 rod to a reed oak tree markt being y« Southwest Corner thence with a Direct Line on Comon 34 rod to the norwest of his other Land The same Day & by y*" same Com" Laid out for the aboue sd Taft one acre & 56 rod Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other land west from his house and is bovnded south on his other land Eight rod East on the land of Benjamin Wheelock 27 rod to a heap of Stones on sd wheelocks line being the north East Corner then rvning west full point Eight rod on Comon to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner then South with a Direct Line on Comon 27 rod to the norwest Corner of his other Land Laid ovt by William Torrey Surueyer Jacol) aldrich & Thomas Taft Chain men march y® 21^* 1745/6 Laid out for Elder John Jones six acres 11 Division of Land Laid Joyning to his other Land on the Easterly side of the mill river and is bounded South on his other land 20 rod East on his other land 48 rod north on his other land 20 rod west part on his other land and part on Comon 48 rod Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Jacob aldrich chain man the Same Day and by the Same Com" Laid out for the aboue sd Jones one acre Eleuen"^ Division of land Joyning to his other land on the East side the mill river and is bovnded west on his other land 20 rod South on his other land 8 rod East on his other land 20 rod north on Comon 8 rod Ebenezer Cook [393.] november yM7*'^: 1729 laid ovt for Ebenezer cook one acer Eighth division of land Joyning to his other land and is bovnded Easterly on sd land sovtherly on the great River west- erly on land formerly laid ovt to John sprage it being a broaken MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 533 peace of land containino- one acer laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Thomas sanford i^^c fJacob aldrich ehain men noveniber v'' 17"^ : 17251 laid ovt for El)enczer cook two acers Kiirhth division of land and half an acer sixth division of land and is laid fFoyning to his other land sovth from his hovse and is bovndcd north on sd land thirty two Rod East on the town line forty two Rod and west on the great River it being a three cornered peace of land containing fovr acers and thirty two Rod one acer and half and thirty two Rod alowed for bad land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men november y" 17"^: 1729 laid ovt for Ebenezer cook two acers Eiofhth division of land beo-ining; at a so\i:heast corner of his other land thence Rvning East 17 dgr^ sovth forteen Rod to a heap of stons at a : peace of land formerly laid ovt to John Darling then l)Ovnded on sd land to his own land it : being a broaken peace of land containing two acers and three qvarters three qvarters of an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men november y^ 17"' : 17211 laid ovt for Ebenezer cook three acers & three qvarters P^ighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the mill River and is bovnded sovth on sd land west on the land of Jonathan Richerson north part on the land of John sprage deseast part on the land of samvel cook and part on the land of Timothy sewel and East on the land of sd sewel it being a broaken peace of land containing six acers and a qvarter & Eight Rod two acers and half and Eight Rod alowed for bad land laid o^-t })y Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men november y^ 17'*" : 1729 laid ovt for Ebenezer cook seven acers Eighth division of land : viz : three acers and one : qv-arter of his own : and three acers and three qvarters of his fathers : and is laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the mill River and is 534 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. bovnded sovtli on sd land East part on his own land and part on land formerly laid ovt to Josiah thayer north on the land of samvel cook and west part on the mill River and part on the land of Timothy sewel home to his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing Eleven acers and an half and twenty nine Rod fovr acers and half and 29 Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aklrich chain men Nathaniel morse Jonathan Hayward Jr Ebenezer Cook samvel morse [394.] desember y° 10**': 1730 laid ovt for Ebenezer cook one acer of land in lew of an acer of land that was formerly laid vnder a mistake in timothy scwals land and is 1)ovnded sovth on sd cooks land and westerly on his fathers land northerly & East- erly on sd sewel s land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich committee november y*^ Eleventh : 1731 laid ovt for samvel mors 9 acers and half of Joseph chilsons Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land East from his hovse begining at the sovtheast corner of sd land thence rvning north 4 dgr^ west 114 rod to a heap of stons being : y*^ northeast corner then west 4 dgr^ sovth 54 rod to the northeast corner of his other land and is bovnded west on sd land 114 rod to the first bovnds it being a broaken peace of land containing 12 acers 2 acers and half alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros a corner of sd land : .. more for said mors 13 acers of land : viz : 7 acers and half of land granted him l)y the selectmen of vxbridge for a high way and 5 acers and half of tlje above said chilsons Eighth division of land laid Joyn- ing to his other land sovth from his hovse and is bovnded sovth on the land of solomon wood 46 rod to a heap of stons on the west side the way leading to James : woods being the sovthwest corner thence with a direct line to the : sovthwest corner of his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land the whole containing 19 acers 6 acers alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Joseph taft chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 535 a])ril y" 2(i"' : 1737 laid ovt for iiutlumicl morse 2 acers tenth division of land laid »Ioynino- to his other land on the west side second l)ridge Kiver and is bovnded north on sd land west on Benjamin haywards land and sovtherly part on david hills medow and part on stevenses swamp it being a broaken three cornered peace of land containing 2 acers laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer seth chapin and nathaniel morse chain men the same day laid ovt for sd morse 9 acers of land : viz : 6 acers of tenth division and 3 acers of ninth division laid Joyning to his other land att the north sederswamp and is bovnded East- erly part on the land of William thayer and part on common 83 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is bovnded northerly on a three rod way 48 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the norwest corner thenc rvning sovtheast 32 rod to the sederswamp the w^hole being Eleven acers and 80 rod 3 acers and 80 rod alowed for a two rod way to sd swamp and fovr Rod of land in ])readth by sd swamp to land timber on October the 31'': 1749 Laid out for Jonathan Hay ward Jun'' two acres & half of his Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on Bear hill and is bovnded East on his other land 30 rod northerly on the Land of Daniel Sumner 19 rod westerly on land of Benjamin Hayward 38 rod Southerly on Land of William Sprague 16 Rod the whole Containing 3 acres & 98 rod one acer & 18 rod allowed for bad Land Laid out by William Torrey Sury'" Jacob Aldrich & Jonathan Hayward Chain men Nathaniel Morse [395.] Mcndon May y*^ 16'\ 1707. then Seuen acres & half of Nathaniel Morses fifth Diuision Laid out between Sumners Land and y" North Cee^er Swamp. l)ounded as followeth the North East Corner, being a Maple tree : north on Common with a Direct Line, twenty Rod to Ceeder tree, being the nor west Corner, west on Common with a Direct Line fifty Rod To a Maple tree, being the South West Corner, South on Common thirty Rod to a white oakc Stand being the South East. Corner, East part 536 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. on Common ; part on Sumners Land forty Six Rod to y° North East Corner, Laid out by Thomas White, Samuel Thayer', & Josiah Thayer Commt^® The Same Day Laid out by the Same Committee the Remainder of sd Morses fifth Diuision, Joyning- to his other Land l)y his house ; bounded as followeth, the South East Corner a Stake by Sherborn Road ; near Sunmers Land, South on Connnon with a Direct Line forty four Rod, to a white oake tree being y'' South- west Corner, west on Common with a Direct Line Sixty Rod to a black oak Tree being the norwest Corner. North on Common with a Direct Line fifty Two Rod to a black oak Stand, So Turn- ing with a Direct Line to y'' North East Corner, of his other Land Easterly part on Sd Land, part on Common thirty Six Rod to y" South East Corner, the whol containing fifteen acres & half, Three acres allowance Mendon October y® 17"': 1718. then Laid out for Nathaniel Morse ; his Share of Ceeder Swamp in y° North Swamp on the West Side the Brook. Joyning to his other Land, bounded South on Sd Land twelue Rod. West on Angel Torreys Swamp Six Rod. North by a Line of Marked Trees. Runing East thirty Deg'^^ North ; East on upland : by Thomas White Robert Euens & Jacob Aldrich Committee Mendon March y^ 9**'. 1720. then Laid out for Nathaniel Morse twenty one acres of Land (viz) Eighteen acres of Eleazer Danielses Seuenth Diuision and three acres of his own Seuenth Diuision ; Joyning to his other Land, bounded North on his other Land begining at a black oak tree being y** Sumners North- east Corner, forty two Rod. then East on his own Land ninty Rod, South on Benjamin Haywards Land Seuenty Rod. West on y** Sumners Land Seuenty four Rod To y° first bound. Contain- ing twenty Eight acres ; and one hundred & Twelue Rod, Seuen acres and one hundred and Twelue Rod allowed for Bad Land, Laid out by Robert Euens Thomas White & Jacob Aldrich Com- mittee MENDON. MASSACHUSETTS. 537 thonias Thayor JviV [396.] soptcmber y** 24"": 1785 laid ovt for thomas thayer .U\V 5 at (MS of Kleazer tafts ninth division of land laid Joynin«: to his othoi- land hou^ining att a northeast corner of sd land thence rvning HO dgr" north 18 rod to a heap of stons being the north- east corner then north 30 dgr* west 24 rod to a heap of stons lieing a corner then west 2 dgi-* sovth 32 rod to the northeast corner of ])enonie bcnsons land then l)ovnded west on sd land 38 rod the whole containing (5 acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y Thonias white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and benjaiuen darling chain men the same day laid ovt for sd thayer 3 acers of land viz : one acer of sd tafts ninth division and 2 acers of his own Eighth divi- sion and is bovnded westerly on his other land fiO rod the whole, lenth of sd land and is 10 rod wide the corners being heaps of stons : the whole containing 3 acers and three qvarters 120 rod alowed for bad land. march y*" 16^"^ : 1736 laid ovt for thomas thayer 3 acers of John thayers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land westerly from his hovse and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land 26 rod and westerly on Benony bensons 20 rod and northerly on sd Bensons land 26 rod and Easterly part on the land of John white and p'dvt on common 20 rod the whole being 3 acers and 28 rod 28 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Thomas thayer chain men march y"" 17"' : 1736 laid ovt for thomas thayer 15 acers tenth division of land : viz : one of John thayers and 8 of James albees and 6 of david thayers laid Joyning to his other land near Benja- men darlings & and is bovnded sovtherly part on sd land and part on common 22 rod westerly on John whites land 92 rod northerly on a three Rod way 37 rod to a blackoak tree markt thence with a direct line 91 rod to a heap of stons at his other land the whole being 16 acers and 138 rod one acer and 138 rod alowed for })ad land and a three rod way cros a corner of sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and thomas thayer chain men 538 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. april y'^ 12^'' : 1736 laid ovt for thomas thayer 5 acers of land : viz : 3 acers of James albees ninth division and one of his own ninth division and one of his Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land sovtherly from his hovse and is bovnded Easterly on sd Ian northerly on benjamen darlings land 14 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence with a direct line 18 rod to a corner of sd darjings land then on sd darlings land to seth aldriches land then on sd aldriches land to his own land : it being a broaken peace of land containing 9 acers and 106 rod 4 acers and 106 rod alowed for bad land and a two rod way cros sd land the same day laid ovt for sd thayer 4 acers of david thayers tenth division and 40 rod of his own tenth division laid Joyning to his fathers land near John woolsons and is bovnded East on sd land 28 rod begining att a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning; west 8 dgr' north 18 rod to John woolsons land to a heap of stons being : the : norwest : corner and is bovnded west part on sd woolsons land and part on samvel hvnts land 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest : corner : then East 35 dgr^ north 22 rod to a heap of stons att his fathers land being the sovtheast corner the being 4 acers and 120 rod SO rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer benjamen darling chain man John perrey Stephen fish Benjamen cragin [397.] may y*' 12"^: 1726 laid ovt for Stephen fish three acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriaters of mendon and is laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the west river near Joseph whites hovse and is Bovnded East on his other land fifty two Rod and north on Joseph whites land thirty two Rod and west on his own land fifty two Rod and sovth on com- mon land fovr Rod the whole containing five acers and one hvn- dred thirty six Rod : two acers and one hvndred thirty six rod alowed for Ijad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee March y° 7"' 1745 Laid out for John pery 112 rod of Land it being Eleuenth Deuision Joyning to his other Land near the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 539 north ('odor Swaiii)) and is l)oiin(lod wost on tlio road Loadino- to S'' .swamp 28 rod north on Thomas Tineys Land 8 rod from a hoap of Stonos by S'' road y" north East Cornor to a bhick oak troo markt being tho south East Cornei- & tlio norwest Corner of his other Land then bounding South on his other Land 28 rod it being a three Cornerd piece of Land Laid out by AVilliani Torrey Surueycr Jacob ahbich Chain man novombcr y<= 3'': 1732 laid ovt for Bonjamen craging 3 acers and a qvarter of Joseph pennomans ninth division of kind : laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence Rvning sovth 30 dgi*^ west 33 rod to Steven fishes land a black oak tree markt near sd land and is bovnded westerly on sd land 12 rod to the sovtheast corner then to woodland tompsons dam and then bovnded on sd tomp- sons' modow to the way that goss to the sovth medows then on sd way 3 rod to his own land then bovnded Easterly on sd land to the first bovnds. it being a broaken peace of land containing 4 acers and 54 rod one acer and 14 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel Lovet chain men the same day as above laid ovt by the same committee to sd cragin 120 rod of sd penemans 9*'' division laid Joyning to his otiior land north from his hovse and is bovnded Easterly part on sd laiKl and part on samvel thayers land : north part on his own and ])art on John Danielses land and on all other parts on his own a broaken peace containing one acer and 16 rod 56 rod alowed for bad land march y'' 19"' : 1 733 laid ovt for Bonjamen cragon 4 acers ninth division of the scool lott laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded sovth on the land of abraham staples west i)ai-t on his own land and part on the land of Stephen fish and on all other parts on his own it being a broaken ])eaco of land containing six acers and 139 rod 2 acers and 139 rod alowed for 540 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men John perrey Benjamen cragtjing and John harwood [398.] may y° 9"' : 172G laid ovt for Benjamen craggin and John harwood fovrteen acers of land which thay pvrchased of the propriators of mendon and is laid Joyning to their other land near the sovth medows one acer and a qvarter of it laid at the sovthwest corner of sd land Rvning from sd corner west fvll point sixteen Rod to a heap of stons being y'' sovthwest corner : thence Bovnded west with a direct line forty six rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East fvll point nine rod to his other land then on sd land forty six rod to the first Bovnds the whole containing three acers and 95 rod two acers and 55 rod alowed for bad land three acers more of sd fovrteen acers laid Joyning to sd land Beo-inino- at the norwest corner of thomas tafts land then rvning East 5 dgr' north with sd tafts land fovr Rod to a heap of stons being a corner then tvrning northerly by a direct line of marked trees thirty two rod to Daniel tafts land then on sd tafts land forty three rod to Joseph whits land then on sd whites land Eight Rod to their own land then on sd land to the first Bovnds it be- ing a Broken peace of land containing fovr acers and three qvarters one acer and three qvarters alowed for bad land — two acers more of sd fovrteen acers bovnded west on their other land forty six rod sovth on common land twelve Rod East on Benjamen whelocks land forty six rod north on their own land ten Rod the whole containing three acers and twenty six rod : one acer and twenty six rod alowed for bad land — seven acers and three qvarters more being the Remainder of sd fovi-teen acers laid Joyning to their other land l)egining att a doble red oak tree markt being a bovnds of their former land then bovnded East on sd land seventy Rod to a red oak tree markt near their other land then Rvning west fvll point fifty fovr Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence with a direct line to the first Bovnds : it being a three cornered peace of land con- taining Twelve acers fovr acers : and three qvarters alowed for MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 541 had land and a throe rod way cros sd land, the above mentioned fovrteen acers of land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer rFames Keith and Jacol) aldrich conunittee march y' 7^'' 1745 Laid out for John i)erry two acres Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land near the north Ceder Swamp and is Bounded South on his other Land 64 rod to a white oak tree markt being the South East Corner East on Comon ten rod to a heap of Stons on Thomas Tineys Line north on S'' Tineys Land 64 rod to a black oak tree markt being the north west Corner of his other Land it being a three piece of Land Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Jacob aldrich Chain man John white John Rockit John harwood Benj™. Craging [399.] Jvne y" W : 1729 laid ovt for John Rockit of hop- kinton Twelve acers of captain seth chapins Eighth division of land and is laid Joyning to the medow that formerly was Joseph plvmlys Begining at a heap of stons on a Rock being the norwest corner : it being on the Bank of the mill River below sd medow thence Rvning sovth 5 dgr* East sixty Eight Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 5 dgr^ north one hun- dred and fovr Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 27 dgi-* west thirty Eight Rod to the mill River then bovnded northerly part on sd River part on the abovesd medow to the first bovnds it being a broaken peace of land containing twenty acers Eight acers alowed for Bad land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan Tiler chain men Jvne y'^ 17"* : 1731 laid ovt for John harwood nine acers Eighth division of land : viz : 4 acers of John danielses and 3 of simond pecks and 2 of Ebenezer Reads laid together eJoyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded westerly on sd land 70 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning north 9 dgr' East 70 rod to solomon woods land and is bovnded Easterly on sd land to the covntry Rode and is bovnded sovtherly on sd rode 4 rod the whole containino- 16 acers and 30 rod 7 : 542 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. acers and 30 rod allowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men march y*" 16"' : 1736 laid ovt for fJohn white 2 acers of david tompsons Eighth division of land laid eToyning to his other land west from his hovse and is l^ovnded Easterly on said land and northerly on benony bensons land o2 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the nor west corner thence with a direct line 22 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being a bovnds of his other land : It being a three cornered peace containing 2 acers and 42 rod 42 rod alowed for bad land : — 18 acers more of david tompsons land laid for sd white : viz : 8 acers Eighth division : and 10 acers tenth division laid Joyning to his other land near his house and is bovnded westerly part on benony bensons land and part on conmion 28 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner and is bovnded north part on common and part on land belonging to the heirs of Roger carary 110 rod to the sovtheast corner: of sd cararys land thence rvn- ino; sovth 33 dg-r^ East 46 rod to stons on a Rock being the sovth- east corner and is bovnded sovtherly : on a three rod way 37 rod to his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on sd land it being a broaken ])eace of land containing 24 acers 6 acers alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and John white chain men October y" 16"' 1747, Laid out for Benjamin Craging ninty six Rods Eleuenth Division of Land adjoyning to his other Land near David Tafts and is bovnded west on his other Land 15 rod from a heap of Stones being the north East Corner of his other Land : to a heap of stones by his other Land thence with a Direct Line to a heap of Stones by the Road bounding northerly on S*^ Road 12 rod to the first Bounds Laid out by Daniel Lovett & William Torrey Com" Survayed by William Torrey Ebenezer svmners heirs : Jsrail Keith [400.] Janvary y** 4"': 1733 laid ovt for silence svmner 7 acers and half ninth division of land and is laid in the sovth woods and is l)ovnded north on the scool land 7(i rod west on MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 543 holbrooks land l.S rod sovtii part on nathaniol f;irl)aiik.s land and part on connnon 7(S rod P^ast on Benony Bcnsons land 1(5 rod the whole containing- 8 accrs and 25) rod 109 rod allowed for bad land — the sanH> day laid ovt for sd silence svmner 5 acers ninth divi- sion of land laid on the East End of wigwam hill an.d is bovnded west part on Robert Evenses land & pai-t on common 40 rod rvn- inir from sd Evenses sovtheast corner sovth 1 dg*^ west 30 rod to a heap of stons lieing the sovthwest corner then East 1 dg'' sovth 31 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 1 dg"^ East 40 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 1 dg"" north to the rode leading over wigwam hill then on said way to sd Evenses land the whole containing 7 acers and 120 rod two acers and 120 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and daniel lovet chain men march y® S^^ : 1734 laid ovt for daniel svmner three acers and 120 rod P^ighth division of land laid Joyning to his land west from his hovse and is bovnded East on sd land north John beneys land west part on John Joneses land sovth on conmion three rod it being a broaken peace of land containing 3 acers and 129 rod 1(J9 rod : alowed : for bad land the same day laid ovt for Joseph svmner and Daniel Svmner ten acers and half of land : viz : six acers for Joseph svmner six acers Eighth division and for daniel 4 acers and half of land granted him by the select men for a way throvgh his land laid together near their medow and is bovnded East on Jose})h svmners land 30 rod sovth on Jams godmans land 59 rod then rvning from the norwest corner of sd godmans land north 5 dgr* East 30 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 15 dgr' sovth 59 rod to sd svnniers other land a white oak tree markt near the northeast cornei- the wole containing Eleven acers half an acer alowed for bad land in Josephs part : Daniel to have the west End of said land — the same day laid ovt for Joseph svmner two acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded west and sovth on sd land East on Benjamen haywards land and noilh nathaniel morses land it being two acers and GO rod GO rod alowed for bad 544 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. land laid ovt ))y Thomas white s\'rvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men October y** 28"' : 1740 laid ovt for Jsrail keith ten acers of land which he pvrchast of thomas sanford and is bovnded East on the land of daniel whelock north on the land of benjamen archer lO rod west on sd archers land 60 rod to a heap of stons Ijeing the sovth west corner thence rvning East 14 dgr^ north 70 rod to sd whelocks land : the whole containing 14 acers and 56 rod 4 acers and 56 rod : alowed : for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Benjamen darling and Jsrail Keith chain men Joseph Sumner &, Ebenezer Smnners heirs [401.] Mendon February y^ 12"'. 17212 then laid out for the heirs of Ebenezer Sumner, and Joseph Sumner, thirteen acres of Seuenth Diuision of Land on the west side of Their Medow in y*^ North purchus ; begining at a heape of Stons, being the Norwest Corner of Seth Chapin Jn''. Land, Runing North 25 Deg''. West on Conmion forty Rod to a heape of Stons then East 25 Deg''* North on Common Seuenty two Rod to Sd Medow and partly on Common to Sd Chapins Land forty four Rod. then on Sd Chapins Land to the first bounds. Containing Eighteen acres : liue acres alowed for bad Land. Laid out by Robert Euens, Jacob Aldrich and Seth Chapin ; Committee Mendon March y'^ 22 : 1722. then Laid out for the heirs of Ebenezer Sumner, and Joseph Sumner, twenty Seuen acres of Seuenth Diuision of Land ; on the West Side of the Great Riuer ; Joyning to y*' East Side of Their other Land, begining at y*' North- east Corner of Sd Land. Runing East fine Deg'^'* north on Coimuon Eighty Rod to a heape of Stons, being a north East Corner, then South iiueDeg'''. East, part on Common ; and Crossing Lie:? Sam". Thayers Land forty four Rod takeing off Sd Land one acre ; and one hundred & forty Eight Rod ; So on Common To Sd Thayers other Land in all ninty Seuen Rod : then West fine Deg'''. South on Sd Thayers Land Eighty Rod to his own Land : then on Sd Land to the lirst bounds Seuenty four Rod, Containing forty two MEN DON, MASSACHUSETTS. 545 acres and one hundred and twenty Rod. fifteen acres and one liiuulri'tl and twenty Rod allowed for one acre and one hundred forty Kight Rod of Sd Thayers Land and Bad Land. Laid out by Robert Ellens ; Jacob Aldrich tSb Thomas White Conunittce. March y" 22^ : 1723 laid ovt to Joseph svmner and the heirs of Ebenezer svmner fovr acers and half of seventh division of land on the wi'st side the Rode leading from svmners to nathaniel morses begining on sd Rode on sd svmners northeast corner rvn- ing on sd rode north fovr rode to Nathaniel morses land then westerly on sd land to morses corner forty rod tvrning sd corner fovr rod on John Nvhits land then westerly on sd whits land forty rod to sd svmners land so on sd land to the tirstbovnds the whole : containing six acers and an half two acers alowed for a three Rod way throvgh sd land and for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens Jacol) aldrich Thomas white com'*"^ Joseph Svmner [402.] March the 22" : 172G laid ovt for Joseph svmner thir- teen acers and half seventh Division of land laid Joyning to seth chapin Jvn'. land begining at the sovthwest corner of sd chapins land thence Rvning sovth 29 dgr^ East forty Rod to an heap of stons being the sovth west corner then East 42 dgr® north one hvn- dred Rod to nathaniel Joneses land to an heap of stons near the sovtheast corner then bovnded Easterly on sd Joneses land forty Rod to sd chapins land then on sd land one hvndred Rod to the tirst Bovnds the whole containing twenty five acers Eleven acers c^ half alowed for Bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer cap' seth chapin and Jacob aldrich committee november y*" 25^'': 1728 laid ovt for Joseph svmner fovrteen acers of land being Eighth division and is laid Joyning to his other lantl near his medow begining at the sovthwest corner of sd land thence Rvning west 25 dgr** sovth twenty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner : then north 25 dgi-* west Eighty two Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 25 dgi-* 54G PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. north forty Kod to a heap of stoiis being the northeast corner then sovth : 25 dgr' East forty Rod to his other hind then on sd hind to the first Bovnds it being a Broaken peace of land containing fifteen acers and a qvarter : one acer and a qvarter : alowed : for bad hind laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and flaeol) aldrieh conmiittee Jvne y'' 7"' : 1 To.) laid oA't for the svmners 5 acers of land viz 4 acers that was granted them by the select men of vxbridge for a way throvgh their land : an one acer taken from them by scots farm and is laid Joyning to their other land near gersham keiths and is bovnded sovth : on there other land 42 rod rvning from the norwest corner of sd land north 5 dgr^ west 20 rod to a hea}) of stons being the norwest corner : then East 5 dgr^ north 42 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 5 dgi-^ East 20 rod to their other land a Red oak tree markt near the sovth- east corner the whole containing 5 acers and 40 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men november y'' '2S^^' : 1733 laid ovt for Joseph svmner 15 acers Eighth division of land laid : Joyning to his other land near ger- shvm keiths and is bovnded northerly part on david aldriches land and part on common rvning west 18 dgr** north 96 rod to a heap of stons then west 5 dgr^ sovth 42 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then south 5 dgr^ East 64 rod to a heap of stones being the sovthwest corner then East 5 dgr' north part on common part on sd keiths land 42 rod to his own land and is bovnded on all other parts on sd land it being a broaken peace of land containing 22 acers and 126 rod 7 acers and 126 rod alowed for bad land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer eTacol) aldrich and daniel lovet chain men John Sadler [403.] March the 7*" 1723 Then Laid out for John Sadler fifteen acres of land Twelve acres is of John Pecks Seventh De- vision and three acres is of Marv Godmonds Sixth Devision Jovn- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 547 iiii:- 1<> y' East sid of William (Jrcins Land whore he Now Lives Heucninu- at a South Last Corner of Sd Greins Land Then Run- inji: Last 22 dvg'' North on Conunon forty Rod to a Red oake tree with Stons att the Root, then Noilh 22 deir"'* west on Com- mon Seventy two Rod to a heap of Stons Being a North East Corner thci\ West 22 deg" South on Common forty Rod to Sd (Jreins Land then on Sd Land to the tirst Bounds Seventy two Rod Containing Kightccn acres three acres aLowed for Bad Land Laid out by Ixohert Evens .lacoh aldrich Ch:!])^ Scth Cli;i|)in Conunittee March y^' 7'" 1728 Then Laid out for riolin Sadler three acres of Mary Godmands Seventh Devision Xeare his house on the West Side of the Road Leading to the Town Begening at a heap of Stons on Sd Road then Runing South 30 dog'"* west on Common Twenty-four Rod to a heap of Stons then west 30 degrs north on common 24 rod to a heap of stons then North 30 deg"^" East on Common Twenty four Rod to a heap of Stons then to the first Bounds Twenty four Rod Containing three acres and ninety six Rod, the Sd ninety six Rod aLowed for Bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Chap* Seth Chapin Jacob Aldrich Committee Desember y" 27th: 1721) laid ovt for John sadler Eleven acers Eighth devision of land floyning to his other land near samvel nelsons begining at the sovtheast corner of sd land thence Rvn- ing East 20 dgi-^ north thirty two Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then bovnded Easterly on the Rode leading to town sixty four Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 20 degr' sovth to the northeast corner of his other land then on sd land to the first bovnds the whole contain- ing forteen acers three acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Nathan Tiler chain men Maivh y" 23'' : 1 730 laid ovt for John sadler 20 acers Eighth divi- sion of land bciiiiiiiio- at tiio sovthwest conuM- of his other land 54:S PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. near Jabiz beloweses land thence rvning East fvll point 48 rod to a heap of stons then East 25 dgr' north 65 rod to the way by Jonathan woods then bovnded East on sd way 48 rod to John tilers land then on sd land to the above sd way then on sd way to this other land and is bovnded on all other parts on. his own land it lieing a broaken peace of land containing 29 acers and 38 rod compasing in 3 acers and 9() rod of land formerly laid ovt 5 acers and 96 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer fJacoli aldrich and nathan tiler chain men Ebenezer Wood [404.] Mendon May the Eighteenth Seventeen hundred and Twenty Laid out for Ebenezer Wood two acres of the Sixth De- vision a Broken Piece of Land Lying Between the Road Leading from Town to the West River and a Peice of Swamp : of his Be- gining At a Red oake tree being the South East Corner of Sd Swamp and the North West Corner of Alexander Plumly Land then by Sd Plumly to Sd Road sixteen Rod then by Sd Road to the School Brook Bridge Sixty Rod Bounded on all other parts on Sd Swamp Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Mendon May the 17"' 1720 Laid out for Eben'" Wood Twenty nine acres and a half of land thirteen acres and a half of Six De- vision and Sixteen acres of the Seventh Devision Joyning to the West Side of his other Land on hungry Hill Begining on the West Side of a Peice of Medow in Sd Land on the North Side of a Litle Run Comeing out of Sd Medow then West 10 deg""' South on Common Eighty Rod to a heap of Stons then South 10 dg''' East on Common Sixty Rod to a heap of Stons Being a South West Corner then East 10 deg'"' North on Common to a heap of Stons on the north Side of the Road Leading to Robert halls then with a Diricet Line to a Wallnut Tree being a former Bounds of Sd Land, one hundred and thirty two Rod a Broken Peice of Land Containing forty five acres and a half Sixteen acres aLowed for Bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Commitee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 549 Desombcr y° 29"' : 1728 laid ovt for Kbonezor wood nine acers Eifrhth division of land and is laid pToynino- to his other land on the East side andrvses Brook beoinig at a l^lack oak tree being a corner of Jonathan woods land then bovnded sovth on sd land twenty three Kod and is bovnded west on sd woods land forty rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then rvning sc)vtheast 7 dgr' north twenty six rod to a heap of stons being a corner then seting of north tw^elve rod to a heap of stons being a corner thence with a direct line to the northeast corner of his other land : it being a broaken peace of land containing Eleven acers and half two acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan Tiler chain men Desember y*' 27"' : 1729 laid ovt for Ebenezer wood three acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to david woods land near his hovse : begining at the norwest corner of sd land near the Rode leading to town and is bovnded westerly on sd Rode fifty Rod to samvel nelsons land and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land fifty Rod to daved woods land then on sd woods land to the first bovnds it being a l)roaken peace of land containing seven acers fovr acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men [405.] Jonathan Wood March the 2d, 1723 Then Laid out for Jonathan Wood Ten acres of Land, five acres of Sd Land is of Jonathan hayards Seventh Devision and five acres is of Sam*^ Tonys Seventh Devi- sion Neare his house on the South West Side Begining att his other Land East of his house then Runing South 30 deg'^ West on Common by a Line of heaps of Stons Sixty Rod to a heap of Stons Being a Westerly Corner then West 30 deg"^' North on Common forty two Rod to a heap of Stons being a Northerly Corner, then North 30 deg""^ East on Comon l)y a Line of Marked Trees Sixty Rod to Said Land Bound on Sd Land to the fiist Bounds Containing fifteen acres and one hundred and T\venty Rod five acres and one hundred and Twenty Rod aLowcd for a 550 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Road of three Rod wide and Bad Land Laid out l)y Rol)crt Evens. Jacob Aldrich Cap* Seth Chapin Committee march y° 28*'': 1727-§- laid ovt ten acers of land for Jonathan wood which he pvrchased of James keith which land was in leve of land taken from sd keith By providence claims now laid ovt on the East side of andrvses Brook l)egining at a blak oak tree being a bovnds of his fathers land thence Rvning west 37 dgr' north sixty Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 37 dgr' west forty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovth- west corner then East 37 dgr^ sovth sixty Rod to his fathers land then bovnded East on sd land forty Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing fifteen acers five acers alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacol) aldrich committee Desember : y*= 7**^ : 1728 laid ovt for Jonathan wood nine acers Eighth division of land Joyning to his other land on the East side andrvses Brook begining at the north corner of his other land thence Rvning northeast 7 dg'"' north forty Rod to a heap of stons being the north corner then sovtheast 7 dgr^ north forty Rod to a heap of stons being the East corner then norwest 7 dgr^ sovth forty rod to his other land then on sd land to the first bovnds : containing ten acers one acer alowed for bad land Desenil)er y^ 7th . 1728 laid ovt for sd wood fitleen acers more Eighth division Joyning to his other land near his hovse begining at a black oak tree markt thence Rvning north 25 dgr^ west seventy seven rod to the sovthwest corner of another peace of his land formerly laid ovt then bovnded north on sd land forty Rod then sovth 25 dgr^ west one hvndred and five Rod to his (jther land then on sd land to the first Bovnds the whole containing twenty one acers six acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan Tiler chain men march y'' 23*^: 1730 laid ovt for Jonathan wood 6 acers of david thayers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse l)eirininof at the norwest corner and is bovnded MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 551 westerly on tlie liind of John tiler 20 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 15 dgr' north 55 rod to his other land then hovnded on sd land to the first bovnds the whole con- taining 7 acers and 50 rod one acer and 50 rod alowed for bad land one acer and 3 qvarters more of sd division laid floyning to his other land and is bovnded Easterly on sd land 68 rod north- erly on the land of John tiler 5 rod and westerly on the rode leading to town laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men David Wood Jonathan wood [406.] march y'= 28"^ : 17278 laid ovt for David wood seven acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon : laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded sovth on sd land sixty Rod begining at a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thenc Rvning north 7 dgr* East twenty Eight Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 7 dgr* sovth sixty Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 7 dgr^ west twenty Eight Rod to his other land the whole : containing ten acers and half three acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas Avhitc : svrvayer. James keith and Jacob aldrich committee More three acers of the sd pvrchased land laid ovt to David, wood Joyning to his other land near his hovse begining at a heap of stons being the northeast corner thenc Rvning west : 35 dgr^ north sixteen Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 35 dgr^ west forty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 35 dgr^ sovth sixteen Rod to his other land the whole containing fovr acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacol) aldrich commitee November y'' 10"' : 1731 laid ovt for Jonathan wood 5 acers of Jabez Billowses Eighth division of land laid near the Eight acer medow begining at a white oak tree markt beino- the north corner thence rvning sovthwest f\dl point 27 rod to a heap of stons 552 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. being the west corner then sovth 22 dgi^ East 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth corner then East 15 dgr^ north to a heap of stons at sadlers Eode and is bovnded Easterly on sd Rode 50 rod : the whole containing 6 acers and 140 rod one acer and 140 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men March y® 23*^ : 1730 laid ovt for Jonathan wood 7 acers and a qvarter of david thayers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded Easterly on the rode leading to town 24 rod sovtherly on his other land 54 rod then rvning from the norwest corner of sd land north 25 dgr^ west 51 rod to John sadlers land and is bovnded northerly on sd land 42 rod to the rode the whole containing Eleven acers and 40 rod 4 acers and 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men november y^ 30**^ : 1733 laid ovt for Jonathan wood one acer of Jabiz Belowses Eighth division of land laid westerly from his hovse and is bovnded Easterly on his medow 93 rod and westerly on the land of daniel hill it being two rod wide containing one acer and 2fi rod 26 rod alowed for bad land : more Eight acers of John plvmlys ninth division of land laid ovt for sd wood laid northerly from his hovse and is bovnded Easterly on his medow (i3 rod and is bovnded northerly on the land of John Sadler 50 rod and westerly on the land of daniel hill 88 rod it being a three cornered broaken peace of land containg Eleven acers and 40 rod 3 acers and 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men John french Daniel Sumner [407.] Janvary y'' ll*"^ : 1725«- laid ovt for John french six acers of Ephram stapleses seventh division of land begining at the sovthwest corner of Robert tafts land near the sovth sederswamp thence Rvning west 33 dgr^ north forteen Rod to an heap of stons being the norwest : corner then sovth 33 dgr^ west thirty and two rod to thomas whits land then Bovnded sovtherly on sd land MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 553 Eijrhty six Rod to a walnvt troe niarkt hoinij the sovtheast corner thou Bovndod Easterly on the way leading to litle pond nicdow sixteen Rod to stons on a stvmp heing the north East corner then Bovndod northerly part on the Rode loading to Joseph whits and part on Robert tafts land seventy two Rod to the tirst Bovnds : it being a broken peace of land containing twelve acers and three qvarters six acers and 3 qvarters aloAved for bad land and the way leading to sd whites cros sd land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich : committee march y® 8''' : 1726 laid ovt for John french three acers and a qvarter of Ephream stapls seventh division of land Joyning to his other land near the sovth seder swamp part of sd land Bovnded sovth on thomas tafts land ten rod East on his own land west on common with a direct line twenty two rod to the norwest corner of thomas tafts land it being a three cornerd peace of land con- taining one hvndred and ten rod laid for one qvarter of an acer the Remainder being throe acers laid Joyning to the above sd land bovnded sovth part on sd land part on common Eighteen rod the sovthwest corner being an heap of stons bovnded west on : common with a direct line forty Rod to an heap of stons being the norwest corner bovnded north on common Eighteen Rod to robert tafts land East on sd tafts land forty rod to his own land the whole containing fovr acers and an half one acer and half alowedfor bad land laid ovt by Thomas white seth chapin Jacob aldrich com- mittee march the 29*'' : 1726 laid ovt for John french three qvarters of an acer of Ephream Staples seventh division of land near his Dweling hovse Bovnded Ea:jterly on the fovr Rod way : leading to the sovth modows seventeen Rod and on the fovr Rod way By Dani(^l hils land Eleven Rod and on : the fovr Rod way By the pond ten Rod and Bovnded sovtherly on common land fovr Rod to the first Bovnds laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and Jacob aldrich committee January y'" 9*'\ 1747^- Laid out for Daniel Sumner one Acre of his Eleuenth Diuision of Land Joyning to his other T^and west 554 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. from his house and is liounded South on his own Land IG Rod Easterly on his own Land 10 Rod northerly on Comon 15 Rod to a stake & heap of Stones on the Land formerly John pecks being y'^ norwest Corner westerly on said pecks Land 11 Rod to his other land. Laid out with an allowance for a two Rod way Cross the west End of said Land by William Torey Surveyer Jacob Aldrich & Daniel Sumner Chain men Jonathan nelson Jonathan wood [408.] March y*^ 1^^^ : 17289: laid ovt for Jonathan nelson sixteen acers of land being Eighth division begining at the sovth- west corner of wiliam greens land thence Rvning sovth 22 dg""^ East seventy two Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner : then East 22 dgr' north : thirty one Rod to soloman nel- sons land then seting of north by sd land ten Rod then tvrning East by sd land nineteen Rod to a heap of stons : being the sovth- east corner then north 22 dgr' west fifty one Rod to John sadlers land to a heap of stons near the northeast corner : then bovnded north part on sd sadlers land part on wiliam greens land fifty Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing twenty acers and fifty Rod : fovr acers and fifty Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men March y^ 14*" : 1728^ laid ovt for Jonathan nelson Eight acers Eighth division of land and is bovnded north on wiliam greens land sixty seven Rod East on his own land forty Rod then Rvn- ing west 22 dgr^ north sixty fovr Rod and is bovnded west on a three Rod way forty Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing sixteen acers Plight acers alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrveyer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men November : y*' 30*" : 1733 laid ovt for Jonathan wood 2 : acers of wiliam greens ninth division of land laid East from his hovse and is bovnded north part on the land of John sadler and part on common 54 rod rvning East fvll point to a heap of stons being the north corner thence rvning sovtheast fvll point 34 rod to a north- east corner of his other land and is l)ovnded on all other parts on MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 555 his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing 8 acers and 52 rod one acer and 52 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men September y*' G*'' : 1737 laid ovt for Jonathan nelson 3 acers and 80 rod tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land East from his hovse and is bovnded northerly on the land of John Sadler 8 rod and westerly on his oAvn land and sovtherly and Easterly on the land of samvel nelson : it : being a l)roaken bitt of land containing 3 acers and 108 rod 28 rod alowed for bad land : — the same day laid for sd nelson one acer and 40 rod of ninth division of land laid ovt in a 3 rod way formerly laid down in his land near his hovse sd land being 72 rod in lenth and three rod wide containing one acer and 56 rod 16 rod alowed for bad land : — more the same day 8 acers and 40 rod : viz : 5 acers alowed him l)y the select men for a high way throvgh his land : and 2 acers and 120 rod ninth division : and 80 rod tenth division : laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded sovtherly part on the land of Jsrail taft and part on the land of samvel nelson and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land itt being a broaken peace of land containing 12 acers 3 acers and 120 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Jonathan nelson Chain men [409.] Solomon Nelson Jonathan Nelson John Perrey Jvne y*' 2'' : 1725 : laid ovt for solomon nelson tive acers of land which he i)vrchased of the pro})riators of the toAvn of mendon laid Joyning to his other land begining att the northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning norwest : six Kod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovthwest 7 dgr^ north one hvndred and fovr Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovtheast twenty fovr Rod to his other land the whole containing ten acers five acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and flacob aldricii coniiuittee 556* PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Jvne y" 2'^ : 1725 laid ovt for Jonathan nelson six acers of land which he pvrchascd of the propriators of mendon laid ovt Joyn- ino- to his other land Begining at the northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning East fvll point twenty seven Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then bovnded East on a fovr Rod way seventy Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence with a direct line fovrteen Rod to y'' northeast corner of his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his other land : it being a broaken peace of land containing Eleven acers : five acers alowed for bad land : laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer : Cap* seth Chapin and Jacol) aldrich : counnittee april y® 19^^ : 1729 laid ovt for soloman nelson one acer of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is Bovnded sovtherly on sd land twenty Rod the sovth East corner being a heap of stons thence Rvning west 40 dgr' north ten Rod to a heap of stons Being the sovth west corner then north 40 dgr* East 20 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then P^ast 40 dgr' sovth ten Rod to his other land the whole containing one acer and a qvarter a qvarter of an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and Jacob aldrich committee — Jvne y^ 7"' : 1 788 laid ovt for John perrey 2 acers tenth divi- sion of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded west part on sd land and part on John holbrooks land 78 rod sovth on comon 3 rod a heap of stons lieing the sovtheast corner East on comon 78 rod to a heap of stons being the north- east corner as is bovnded north on land laid ovt to samvel hay- ward 7 rod the whole being 2 acers and HO rod 30 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and John perrey chain men Samvel Percy John perey Jvne y'' IS**" : 1729 laid ovt for samvel Perey : seven acers and [410.] an half of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon and is laid .loyniuii' to his other land sovth from Sher- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 557 bovnd Kodc hoainino- :it the sovlli K:ist conior of s- sovtli 14 dgi*^ East twenty six Kod to a heap of stons heino- y^' sovtlieast corner then west 14 di2:r^ sovth thirty fovr Rod to Thomas Tennevs hmd a heap of stons beinir the sovthwcst corner then Bovnded part on sd tcnneys hmd and part on his own land to the first Bovnds itt Being a Broaken peace of hmd containing ten acers and lialf three acers and half aloAved for l)ad land : — the same day laid ovt for sd Perrey two acers and half more of land which he pvrchased of the abovesaid propriators and is laid Joyning to his other land on the north side of sherbovnd Rode Begining a chesnvtt tree mark being a corner Bovnds of his fornu'i- land then Bovnded west on sd land forty one Rod to a white oak tree being a corner Bovnds of his other land thence Rvning East 22 dgr' twenty one Rod to a white oak tree markt being y*' northeast corner : thence with a direct line to the first Bovnds : it Ijeing a three cornered peace of land : containing two acers and half and thirty Rod 30 rod alowed for bad land laid By Thomas white svrvayer James Keith and Jacob aldrich committee March y® 31** : 1732 laid ovt for John perey Eleven acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land north from his hovse : viz : nine acers of daniel svmners and two of his own l)egining at a sovtheast corner of sd land thence rvning East 36 dgr** north 4 rod to a heap of stons then sovth 36 dgi-* East 53 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner and is bovnded sovtherly part on common and part on the land of Eleazer Bvl- lard and part on his own land G-2 rod west on tenneys land 23 rod to his own land : it being a broaken peace of land containing 14 acers and half 3 acers and half alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros a corner of sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men ^Slarch y'' 13*'' : 1735 laid ovt for John perey five acers of land that he pvrchast of henery garnsey viz 3 acers Eighth division and two acers ninth division laid Joyning to his other land north from his hovse and is })ovnded northerly on common 70 rod rvn- ing from a black oak tree being a former corner to a white oak 558 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. tree : being a former corner of his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land the whole containing 7 acers and 155 rod : 2 acers and 155 rod alowed for bad land : — the same day laid ovt for sd perey 3 acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land sovth from his hovse and is bovnded north on sd land 19 rod rvning from the sovtheast corner of sd land sovth 1 dgr'^ East 50 rod to the northeast corner of John holbrooks land and is bovnded sovth on sd land 11) rod to Thomas tenneys land and is bovnded west on sd land 5() rod to his own land the whole being 6 acers 3 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men Jonathan Hay ward y*" 3''. [411.] Nouember y*^ 10"'. 1711) then Laid out for Jonathan Hayward y*= 3^^. four acres of Williams Spragues Seuenth Diuision Joyning to his own Land near his house, bounded Recorded ^^^^ ^j^ jjjg q^^ Land fifty Rod. South on his own Six- nouem*". y 2211721 teen Rod West on y'^ Way Leading to the great Medows, forty Rod. north on Common Sixteen Rod the whole Containing four acres & half half one acre allowed for bad Land. Laid out by Rob*. Euens. Jacob Aldrich and Thomas White Com^^^ may y^ 22<^ : 1730 laid ovt for Jonathan hayward y'' 3'^ ten acers Eighth division of land : viz : six acers of Jsaac thayers and fovr acers of Joseph tompsons Eighth division of land laid to- gether sovth from the great medow and is bovnded northerly on the land of John Corbitt forty Rod to a heap of stons : being the northeast corner thence Rvning sovth 28 dgr' East fifty Eight rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner : then west 28 dgi*^ sovth thirty rod to the sovtheast corner of Joseph thayers land : then bovnded westerly on sd land fifty Eight Rod to sd corbits land : the whole containing twelve acers and half and thirty Rod two acers and half & thirty rod alowed for bad land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler Chain men the same day laid ovt by the same committee : one acer of: sd tompsons Eighth division of land laid for sd hayward laid Joyning MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 559 to his other hind on tlio wost side tho oreat nicdow and is hovndcd sovth on obadiah whelocks mcdow and west on John corl^its land twenty fovr rod to a bhik oak stand niarkt l)eino' the nor west corner: and East on his own niedow : it being a three cornered peace of hmd containing- one acer and thirty two rod 32 rod alowed for bad hmd : — three acers more of sd haywards own Eighth division of hmd hiid ovt the same day as above : hiid ovt sovth from his hovse Joyning to his other hmd and is bovnded East on sd hmd twenty rod north on Jsacc thayers hmd forty three rod and is ])Ovnded west part on sd thayers hmd ])art on common seventeen rod to a white oak tree markt at James albees land then bovnded westerly on sd land twenty two rod to a : walnut tree markt being a corner : then bovnded sovtherly on sd albees land thirty fovr rod to his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing six acers : 3 acers alowed for bad land and a three rod way through sd land laid ovt may y*" 22**: 1730 by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and natlian tiler chain men april y** 5*^ : 1732 then laid ovt for Jonathan hay ward Jvn'' one acer and three qvarters ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded Easterly on sd land 17 rod northerly on the land of John corbitt 40 rod to a heap of stons being a norwesterly corner westerly on common : 7 rod to a heap of stons being a sovthwesterly corner and is bovnded sovtherly on the land of Jsacc thayer 38 rod and half to his own land the whole containing 2 acers & 153 rod one acer and 33 rod alowed for bad and a three Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer elacob aldrich and daniel lovct chain men Robert Taft Sen'" [412.] Desem})er y^ 7'" : laid ovt for Robert Taft sein'" tive acers of hmd seventh division near the sovth sederswamp : and is Bovnded Easterly on Philip leasvres land thirty fovr Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is bovnded north part on conmion and part on Robert halls swamp forty Rod to a heap of stons Being the norwest corner : thence Rvning sovth 30 dgr^ 560 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. west forty two Rod to a heap of stoiis Being the sovthwest corner then East oO dgr* sovth to the Rode that leads from town to Joseph whites hovse then Bovndcd on sd Rode to philip leasvres land the whole containing ten acers live acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and Jacob aldrich chain men Avgvst y*^ 31*: 1728 laid ovt for Robert Taft six acers and half seventh division of land : viz : live acers of Benjamen tafts and one and a half of his own laid ovt near the sovth medows Begining at a sovtheast corner of cooks land thence Rvning sovth 38 dgr' west forty rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest cor- ner then East 38 dgr' sovth forty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 38 dgr^ East forty Rod to a hea}) of stons being the northeast corner then west 38 dgr*^ north forty Rod to the first bovnds this line Rvning cros a corner of woodland or david tompsons medow the whole containing ten acers : three acers and half alowed for sd medow and bad land and a three Rod way cross sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James Keith and Jacob aldrich chain men May y"^ 21*: 1730 laid ovt for Robert taft one acer of Eighth division of land laid on the East side the west river and is bovnded west part on sd river and part on a fovr rod way 14 rod and north on sd way 15 rod and East on the way leading to cooks farm 9 rod sovth on cooks land 21 rod it being a broaken peace of land containing one acer and 5G rod 5(3 rod alowed for bad land laid out by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aid- rich chain men November y^ 14*^^ : 1732 laid ovt for Robert taft IG acers and half of land : viz : 1 6 acers alowed him by the select men of : vx- bridge : for a way laid throvgh his land : and half an acer ninth division : laid ovt on the East side of the west river and is bovnded west on a three rod way 12 rod from Jsacc bolsters land to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning East fvll point 3G rod to the sovthwest corner of John cooks land then bovnded northerly on sd cooks land to samvel thayers land and is AtENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 561 lunnclod sovth ])art on sd tliaycrs land and i)art on common rvning from the noiwest corner of sd thaycrs land west fvll point to Jsacc bolsters land then bovnded on sd bolsters land to the above sd three rod way laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldricli and Joseph taft chain men Robert taft samvel gaskin Jonathan gaskin [413.] deseml)er y*" 4^" : 178G laid ovt for Robert taft 12 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the great River and is bovnded west part on the land of Jsaac bolster and part on common 70 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence with a direct line 21 rod to the nor- west corner of the scool land then bovnded sovtherly on sd land 31 rod to his own land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land the whole being 13 acers and 30 rod one acer and 30 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Robert taft chain men march y" 20"' : 1737 laid ovt for Robert taft 5 acers tenth divi- sion of land laid Joyning to his other land near the sovth medows and is bovnded sovth on scool land and Easterly on the land of Ebenezer thayer and on all other parts on his OAvn land itt being a broaken peace of land containing 5 acers and 92 rod 92 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throw sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Robert taft chain men the same day laid ovt for sd taft two acers and 40 rod tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land att the sovth medows and is bovnded north and East on the land of daniel taft and westerly on his own land and medow it being a narow strip of rockey land containing by Estymation 2 acers and half 40 rod alowed for bad land — april y'' 7"' : 1737 laid ovt for Robert taft and Benjamen white 5 acers and 40 rod of land laid together : viz : one acer and 120 rod of sd tafts tenth division : and 3 acers of sd whites tenth division and half an acer of sd whites ninth division and is 562 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. ))ovnded Easterly on sd tafts land and north on J.sacc bolsters land west and sovth on John Cooks land the whole being 5 acers and 150 rod 110 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Benjamen white chain men Janvary y'^' 2(3*'' 1737-§- laid ovt for samvel gaskin 6 acers of land : viz : 3 aeers ninth division and 3 acers tenth division laid ovt near his hovse and is bovnded westerly on his other land begining at a heap of stons on a rock att y'' sovtheast corner of his orchard thence with a direct line 122 rod to a pine tree markt being a former bovnds of his other land it being a narow strip of land 22 rod wide in the midle and nothing at Eatch End contain- ing 8 acers and 22 rod 2 acers and 22 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and samvel thayer chain men febrvary y*^ 4"' : 1737^ laid ovt for Jonathan gaskin 15 acers tenth division of land : viz : 6 acers of Jonathan Richersons : and 9 of samvel thayers laid together Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded sovtherly by sd land 80 rod begining at the northeast corner of said land thence rvning north 28 dgr^ west 30 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 28 dgr^ sovth 80 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 28 deg''* East 46 rod to a heap of stons at his other land being the sovthwest corner the whole being 18 acers 3 acers alowed for bad land — the same day laid ovt for sd gaskin one acer and 40 rod of samvel thayers 10*'' : division laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded west on sd land 40 rod sovth on david aldriches land 14 rod East by common 40 rod to his other land itt being a three cornered peace of land containing one acer and three qvarters 80 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and samvel thayer chain men Daniel lovet [414.] Jvne y*' 17*": 1727 laid ovt for Daniel lovet twenty fovr acers of land being seventh division, and is laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great River : begining at the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 563 sovtheast conun- of sd land and is ])ovndod sovth on y*" province line fifty Kod to a white oak tree niarkt being the sovtheast cor- ner tlien north (i dgr'* East seventy two Rod to a pine tree markt being the northeast corner thence Kvning west 17 dgr' north one hvndred and sixteen rod to a heap of stons being a corner then Rvning sovth : six : dgr"* west twenty Eight Rod to his other land : then on sd land to the first Bovnds : the whole containing thirty three acers and a qvarter : nine accrs & 40 Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens svrvayer Thomas white and .lacob aldrich : committee Jvne y'' 27"' : 1727 laid ovt for Daniel lovet seven acers more of sd seventh division Joyning to the above sd land on the west side the great River and is Bovnded East on sd land forty fovr Rod : and is Bovnded sovth on the province line forty three Rod to a heap of stons being : the sovthwest corner thence Rvning north G dgr'' East to the sovthwest corner of his other land then on sd land : forty three Rod : the whole containing Eleven acers and : one qvarter : fovr acers and 40 Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens svrvayer : Thomas white and Jacob aldrich : committee March y" 25'"' : 1720 laid ovt for Daniel lovet twenty five acers and forty Rod of land viz : 25 acers of seventh division and 40 Rod of sixth division laid Joyning to his swamp lot formerly laid ovt on the west side of the mill River Begining at an heap of stons on the west side of a Brook Rvning ovt of sd swamp thence Rvning north 39 : dgr* west one hvndred and forty Rod to a hea[) of stons being a : westerly corner then East 39 dgr* north fifty : Rod to a heap of stons being : a northerly corner then sovth 39 dgi-* East partly By common and partly by John Joneses land one hundred and forty Rod then west 39 dgr^ sovth to the first l)Ovnds compasing in sd swamp lott : y'^ whole con- taining forty three acers and one hvndred an twenty Rod Eighteen acers and half alowed for sd swamp lott and a corner of sd Joneses land and a three Rod way : between sd land and and Joneses land and for bad land laid ovt By Rol^ert Evens Jacob aldrich and Thomas white : com'*® 564 PROPRIETORS^ RECORDS. [415.] Daniel lovet April y*" 28"' ; 1729 laid ovt for Daniel lovet Eighteen acers Eighth division of land fifteen acers of samvel toreys and three of his own and is laid ovt on the west side the great River near the town line begining at a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner : thence Rvning East 35 dgr" north Eighty Rod to a heap of stons Being the northeast corner then north 35 dgr* west forty Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then yyest 35 dgr" sovth Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then sovth 35 dgr^ East forty Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing twenty acers two acers alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldricli committee april y'' 'IS*'^' : 1729 laid ovt for Daniel lovet forty Eight acers of Eighth division of land : viz : thirty six of his own and six of Robert Evenses and six of Jsacc Richersons laid ovt on the west side the great River near the town line Joyning to Jonathan thayers land : begining at a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning north 30 dgr^ west forty Rod to sd thayers land then seting of P^ast by sd land thirty Rod to the sovtheast corner then tvrning northerly by sd thayers land sixty Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 30 dgr'* north Eighty Rod to heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 30 dgr^ East one hundred Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 30 dgr' sovth one hundred and ten Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing fifty seven acers and half : nine acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men Jvne y'' 13"' 1730 : laid ovt for Daniel lovet nine acers of wil- iam Cheneys Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the mill river begining at the northeast corner of sd land thence rvning East 39 dgr^ north thirty rod to the mill river a maple tree markt at the sovtheast corner and is bovnded East on sd river forty fovr rod to cap* seth chapins land and is bovnded north on sd chapins land fifty rod to the sovth- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 565 west corner of sd land then rvnino- sovth fvll point forty fovr rod to his other land then l)ovnded on sd hmd thirty nine rod to the tirst hovnds the wlioh> containini>- Hfteen aeers and half and thirty : .six rod six acers and IIH rod alowed for had land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men Jvne y*^ : 13'" : 1780 laid ovt for Daniel lovet five acers Eighth division of land: viz: three aeers and half of Jonathan thaycrs Eighth division and one acer and half of wiliani chene^^s Eighth division laid Joyning to his medow on the west side the mill river and is bovnded East on sd medow^ forty Eight rod sovth part on John garners land part on comon twenty six rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence rvning north 20 dgr" west foi-ty Eight rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 20 dgr' north twenty six rod to his medow a maple tree markt att the northeast corner the whole containing seven acers and 128 rod two acers and 128 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt ])y Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men Daniel lovet [416.] October y*" 21*: 1731 laid ovt for daniel lovet Eleven acers Eighth division of land : viz : Eight acers and half of Jona- than thayers : and two and a half of James Keiths laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great River bcgining at a sovtheast corner of sd land thence Rvning East 35 dgr^ north Eleven rod to a heap of stons being a corner then sovth 35 dgi** East 45 rod to a heap of stons : being y° sovtheast corner and is l)ovnded sovth part on peter aldrichcs land and part on common rvning west fvll point 38 rod to a heap of stons at his other land then l)Ovnded on sd land to the first bovnds it being a broken j)eace of land containing Eleven acers and 140 rod : 140 rod alowed for l)ad land October y' 21' : 17;»1 laid ovt for daniel lovet fovr acers of Benjanien all)ees Eighth division of land and is laid ovt Joyning 566 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. to his other hind on the west side the great River begining at a northeast corner of his other land thence rvning nortli oO dgr' west 30 rod to a heap of stons l)eing a norwest corner then East 30 dgr^ north 32 rod to another peace of sd lovcts land then bovnded East part on sd land part on common 30 rod rvning from the sovthwest corner of sd land sovth 30 dgr^ East to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 30 dgr' sovth 33 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing five acers and 130 rod one acer and 13»0 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by : Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men Jvne y^ 25*'': 1733 laid ovt for daniel lovet 20 acers ninth division of land laid on the sovtherly side of mvmfords river and is bovnded north on land laid ovt for the heirs of Jethro coffin 88 rod west on the town line 47 rod to a heap of stons between two black oak stands being the sovthwest corner than East 8 dgr' sovth 88 rod to stons about a black oak stand : being the sovth- east corner then north 8 dgr' East 47 rod to sd coffins land the whole containing 25 acers and 13() rod 5 acers and 13(5 rod alowed for bad land : — the same day laid ovt for sd lovet 30 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near daniel thvrston Jvn''* and is bovnded northerly part on his own land part on Jonathan thayers land and part on common 138 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning sovth 30 dgr' East 80 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 30 dgr' north : 138 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 30 dgr^ west 40 rod to his other land one acer of the above sd land being Eighth division the whole containing 44 acers and 80 rod 14 acers and 80 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men Joseph Taft Sein"" [417.] May y'' 19'" : 172(3 laid ovt for Joseph Taft sein'' thirty five acers of land : viz : fifteen acers of seventh division and twenty acers of land which he pvrchased of the propreators of mendon laid Joyning to John cooks land near shocolog and is l)ovnded East part on sd cooks land part on comon one hvndred and MENDON, IMASSACHUSETTS. 567 niiK'ty tovr rod to a lioai) of stons on a rock hcino- tho northeast (.'orner thence Rvnins: west fvll point forty fovr Rod to a heap of stons beinjj: the norwest corner then sovth fvll point to nicolas hvnises land then on sd land to .shokcolog Brook then on sd Brook to sd cooks land a Broken peace of land containins: forty five acors and sixty Rod ten acers and sixty Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvaycr James keith and Jacob aldrich committee febrvary y*" 2S^^' : 172(il laid ovt for Joseph taft ten acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of Mendon laid Joyn- ing to his other land near John farnvms and is Bovnded west on sd land seventy Rod then Rvning from the northeast corner of sd land East fvll point sixteen rod and is bovnded East part on Solo- mon woods land and part on John cooks land and sovth on^sd cooks land Hfty two Rod to his other land : it being a broaken peace of land containing sixteen acers : six acers alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee febrvary y*^ 28'"' : 1726^ laid ovt for Joseph taft twenty acers of land viz : Eighteen acers seventh division and two acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid ovt Joyn- ing to Solomon woods land near John farnvms and is Bovnded sovth on sd woods land Eighty six Rod Rvning from the norwest corner of sd land north fvll point sixty Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner : then East P^ighty six Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth fvll point sixty Rod to sd woods land the whole containing thirty two acers and forty Rod : twelve acers & forty Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee March y*' 17*" : 1728-^ laid ovt for Joseph Taft twenty five acers of land being Eighth division laid ovt in shokcolog woods begin- ing at a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning west 10 dgr' north Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovth- east corner then north 10 dgr- East sixty Rod to a heap of stons : l)(Mng the norwest corner: then East 10 dgr'' sovth lOighty Rod to 568 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. a heap of stons l)eing the northea.st corner then sovth 10 dgr' west sixty Rod to the first Bovnds : the whole containing thirty acers five acers : alowed for bad hind laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph Taft chain men Joseph Taft sein"" Cap' Thomas Thayer Jvne y« 22*^ : 1729 laid ovt for Joseph Taft Eight acers Eighth [418.] division of land laid Joyning to his other land East of hoopole hill begining at the sovtheast corner of sd land thence Rvning East 10 dgr^ sovth twelve Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 10 dgr^ East Eighty Rod to a heap of stones : being the northeast corner thence with a direct line to the nor west corner of his other land : it being a broaken peace of land lying on one side and one End of his other land containing : ten acers and a qvarter two acers and a qvarter alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph Taft chain men this being part of M'" James Emersons Eighth division : more fovr acers of sd Emersons Eighth division laid ovt for sd Taft and is laid west from : solomon woods land and is bovnded East on his other land twenty two Rod : and sovth part on solomon woods land part on comon thirty Rod to a heap of stons being y° sovthwest corner then north fvll point twenty two Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East fvll point thirty Rod to his other land the whole containing fovr acers and twenty Rod : 20 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph Taft chain men Jvney''22'^: 1729 laid ovt for Joseph Taft Eight acers and three qvarters of his Eighth division of land and is laid ovt Joyn- ing to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded sovth on sd land Eighty six Rod begining at the northeast corner thence rvning north fvll point twenty Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west fvll point Eighty six Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth fvll point twenty Rod to his other land the whole containing ten acers and three qvarters two acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph Taft chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. • 569 (Icscinbor y'' 9"^ : 171H twenty two acers and lialf sixth division of land laid ovt on the west side the great River near shokcolog hegining at a white oak tree markt being the northeast corner thence rvning sovth H5 dgi** East sixty rod to a bhick oak tree markt being the sovtheast corner then west 85 dgr'' sovth 66 rod to a doble white oak being the sovthwest corner then north 35 dgr^ west 60 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 35 dgr^ north to the first l)ovnds : the whole containing 24 acers and three qvarters : two acers and a (ivarter ak)wed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white liobert Evens and Jacob aldrich coniniittee June y'' 1!!"' : 174!> Laid out for Cap' Thomas Thayer 3 acres of his 11*'' Division of land Joyning to the land of Peter Thayer and is bounded Easterly on said Peter Thayers Land 3rASSAcnUSETTS. 575 tree beins: a corner bovnds of his other hind near Rehoboth Rode and is bovnded west on sd Rode seventeen Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner tlien : rvning East fvll point tifteen Rod to his other land and is Bovnded on all other parts on his other land it l)eing a three corncrd peace of land : containing one acer and half and fifty seven Rod 57 rod alowed for bad land laid o^'t by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee Benjamin whelock [423.] may y" 25'": 172(S laid ovt for Benjanu>n whelock seven acers of land : viz : half an acer in lew of land taken from him by providence claims and six acers and half sixth division laid together near the damd swamp begining at a blak oak tree being the norwest corner of Thomas thayers land and is bovnded : East on sd land forty six rod to a heap of stons near the sovth- east corner thence Rvning west 22 dgi-^ sovth forty rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 22 dgr^ west forty six Rod to a heap of stons in a swamp being the norwest corner then East 22 dgi"^ north forty Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing Eleven acers and half fovr acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee Jvne y'' 14*" : 1728 laid ovt for Benjamen whelock twenty acers of land : viz : nineteen acers of seventh division and one acer granted him By the select men for a way cros a corner of his land at calips hill laid ovt together Joyning to his other land near little pond medow and is Bovnded north on the land of John har- wood forty Rod begining at a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence Rvning sovth fvll point seventy two Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East fvll point forty Rod to Thomas tafts land a walnvt tree markt : being the sovtheast corner then Bovnded East part on sd tafts land and part on his own home to sd harwoods land it being a broaken peace of land containing twenty five acers five acers alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich com'^* 576 tROPRIEtORS' RECORDS. Jvne y^ 14'^ : 1728 laid ovt for Benjamen whelock fovr acers and half of land : viz : fovr acers of sixth division and half an acer of seventh division laid joyning to his other land near damd swamp begining at the northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning north 22 dgr' west twelve Rod to a heap of stons being the north- east corner then west 22 dgr* sovth fifty two Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 22 dgr** East fifty two rod to wiliani haywards land to a hea}) of stons near the sovth- west corner then on sd haywards to his own land : it being a broaken peace of land containing six acers and one hvndred and fifty two rod : one acer and seventy two rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros a corner of sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee March y*" 10^'' : 1730 laid ovt for Benjamen whelock 10 acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near prov- ince line begining at the northwest corner of sd land thence Rvning west 5 dgr' sovth 34 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 5 dgr* East (30 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 5 dgr^ north 34 rod to his other land and is bovnded East on sd laiid 60 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing 12 acers and three qvarters 2 acers and three qvarters alowed for bad land. March y** 10*'': 1730: 12 acers more Eighth division of land laid ovt Joyning to his other land near the province line and is bovnded sovth on sd line 36 rod East on the land of John arnald 96 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 6 dgr^ & I north 28 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 6 dgr^ & f west 30 rod to his other land then on sd land to the province line the whole containing 16 acers 4 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men. Benjamen whelock [424.] March y*' 10"" : 1730 laid ovt for Benjamen whelock 4 acers and half Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 577 land beffininp; at the northeast corner of sd land thence Rvnino- north 10 dgr** west 88 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 10 dgr^ south 20 rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then sovth 10 dgr* East 38 rod to a norwest corner of his other land then bovnded on sd land 20 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing: 4 acers and 120 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men Jvne y" 8"' : 1732 laid ovt for Benjamen whelock 16 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near gershom : Keiths begining at the northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning north 8 dgr* west 32 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 8 dgr' sovth 88 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then so\i;h 8 dgi*^ East 60 rod to a heap of stons beinff the sovthwest corner then East 8 diji-* north 16 rod to his other land : said land lying part on one side and one End of his land formerly laid ovt containing 20 acers 4 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Ben- jamen Darling chain men March y*" 13^^ : 1734 laid ovt for benjamen whelock 2 acers ninth : division : of land laid Joyning to his medow on the west side the mill River and is bovnded East on sd medow 48 rod sovth on obadiah wheelocks land 20 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence rvning north 35 dgr*' East to the vi)er End of sd medow it being a three cornered peace of land contain- ing two acers and 113 rod 113 rod alowed forbad land and a three rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men march y'' 15"' : 1734 laid ovt for Benjamen whelock 6 acers of Josiah thayers sixth division of land laid on the East side tl^^e mill river near wrentham old Rode and is bovnded westerly i)art on sd river and part on medow Bottom and sovtherly on the land belonging to the heirs of Benjamen thayer deseast and Easterly part on sd thayers land and part on common and north on the 578 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. land of Thomas thayer a broakeii peace of land containing by Esteniation 7 acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men October y'^ 10th : 1735 laid ovt for benjamen whelock 12 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his son daniels land begin- inof att a black oak tree beino- the sovtheast corner thence rvnino- west 1 1 dgr' sovth 34 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 3 dgr' East 28 rod to the southeast corner of benjamen archers land then : bovnded : west on sd archers land 52 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 11 dgr^ sovth 34 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 3 dgr* west to daniel whelocks land the whole bei no- es & 17 acers 5 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Benjamen darling chain men Elivelet and Samvel Warfeeld Jvn'' [4:25.] march y^ 6"': 1730 laid ovt for samvel warfeeld Jvn"" six acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse beainino- at the sovtheast corner of sd land thence Rvning East 4 dgr' north thirty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 4 dgr' west to a three Rod way then bovnded on sd way to land former laid ovt to samvel Read then bovnded north on sd land in part and part on the sawmill Brook home to his other land : the whole containing Eleven acers five acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men Jan vary y" 26"' : 1731-2. laid ovt for samvel warfeeld Jvn"' two acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his father samvel warfeelds land and is bovnded sovth on sd land 2() rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being the sovthwest corner thence rvning northeast fvU point 20 rod to a heap of stons being the north corner then East fvll point 26 rod to thomas reads land then bovnded Easterly on sd reads land 26 rod to his fathers land the whole containing three acers one acer alowed for bad laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 579 November y'^ 15^'^ : 1731 laid ovt for Elivelet warfeeld 6 acers of Elihve wjirfeelds Eighth division of hind laid Joyning to thomas Reads land at misco hill and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land 40 rod Rvning from the norwest corner of sd land north 2() dgr' west 30 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 26 dgi-* north 40 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 26 dgr* East 30 rod to sd Reads land the whole con- taining seven acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrveyer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men Janvary y"" 26'" : 1731^ laid ovt for Elivelet warfeeld 3 acers of land : viz : one acer of Elihve warfeelds Eighth division and two acers of his own ninth division laid Joyning to his other land near misco hill begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence rvn- ing north 26 dgi-^ west 20 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the norwest corner then East 26 dgr' north 28 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 26 dgr' East 20 rod to his other land : the whole containing 3 acers and half half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt liy Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men febrvary y^ 25"' 17334 laid ovt for Elivelett warfeeld 10 acers and half of land : viz : 10 acers granted to him by the select men for a way throvgh his land and half an acer of his Eighth division laid ovt in vxbridge on the Elast side mvmfords River beoinino- at a heap of stons on a rock being the sovtheast corner thence rvn- ing East 33 dgr" north 50 rods to stons on a rock being sovtheast corner thence with a direct line 32 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 33 dgi-* sovth 56 rod to stons on a rock the norwest corner then sovth 33 dor^ East 32 rod part on comon part on william holbrooks land to the first bovnds the whole containing 10 acers and 96 rod 16 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet Thomas white [426.] november y*= 8'": 1728 laid ovt for Thomas white twelve acers of land of Eighth division laid on Both sids of qvick r)80 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. stream and is Bovnded East on the line Betwen the Towns of niendon and Belingham seventy Rod the sovtheast corner being a black oak stand markt thence Rvning west 8 dgr^ and half north thirty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 8 dgr'' and half East seventy Rod to stons the norwest corner then East 8 dgr* and half sovth to the above sd line the whole containing thirteen acers and twenty Rod one acer and 20 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich conmiittee november y® 21' : 1728 laid ovt for Thomas white seventeen acers of land l)eing Eighth division and is laid ovt in vxbridgc Joyning to samvel whites land begining at the norwest corner of sd whits land thence Rvning west 20 dgr'' sovth thirty six Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 20 dgr' East Eighty three Rod to a heap of stons Being the sovthwest corner then East 20 dgr* north thirty six Rod to samvel whites land then Bovnded East on sd land Eighty three Rod to : the first Bovnds the whole containing Eighteen acers and : three qvarters one acer and 3 qvarters alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Joseph Taft Committee November y'' first : 1732 laid ovt for Thomas white twenty one acers of land : viz : twenty acers ninth division and one acer Eighth division laid together at the north End of magomisco hill and is bovnded west on the land of moses gage Rvning from gages northeast corner East fvll point 50 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the northeast corner then sovth fvll point 120 rod to stons on a rock being the sovtheast corner then west fvll point to moses tenneys land then on sd tenneys land to sd gages land the whole containing 36 acers and 60 rod 15 acers and 60 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men March y'^ 24"' : 1736 laid ovt for Thomas white 23 acers of land : viz : one acer inlew of land formerly laid vnder a mistake in other persons land: and 20 acers of tenth division: and 2 acers of MP:N1)0X, MASSACHUSETTS. 581 Ebenezcr whites tenth division hiid Joyning to his other land near moses tenneys hegining att y" sovtheast corner of sd hind thence Rvning East fvll point 39 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the sovth- east corner then noi-th fvll point H8 rod to a heap of stons then tvrning East 27 dgi*^ north 15 rod to the sovthwest corner of Joseph c()rl)itts land and is bovnded Easterly on sd corbitts land and northerly part on sd corbitts land and on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing 26 acers and 102 rod 3 acers and 102 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and seth chapin chain men [427.] Nathaniel nelson samvel nelson samvel wood Deseniber y*^ 11**' : 1729 laid ovt for samvel nelson twenty fovr acers Eighth division of land laid ovt near his dw^eling hovse begining att a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning East 38 dgr* north one hvndred Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 38 dgi-* w^est tw-enty six Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then bovnded north on david woods land seventy Rod to the sovth west corner of sd woods land thence Rvning west 38 dgr^ sovth fifty Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then bovnded westerly on the way leading to John sadlers home to the first bovnds it being a broaken peace of land containing thirty one acers seven acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men n()veml)er y^ 21' 1735 laid ovt for samvel wood 4 acers of his fathers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse Rvning from the northeast corner of sd land north 14 rod to the town line to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is bovnded north on sd line 55 rod Rixes land then bovnded westerly on sd land to his own land the whole being 4 acers and 55 rod 55 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chainmen March y' 24"' : 173(5 laid ovt for nathaniel nelson 2 acers tenth division of land laid Jovninsr to his other land on the west side 582 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the mill River and is bovnded sovtlierly on sd land 27 rod and westerly part on his own land and part on the land of sam" bridges 22 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence with a dirict line to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is bovnded Easterly on the land of daniel lovet 4 rod to his own land the whole being 2 acers and 40 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and seth chapin chain men September y*' 6*'' : 1737 laid ovt for samvel nelson 7 acers of land : viz : 3 acers of Thomas thayers Eighth division and 2 acers of his oAvn ninth division and 2 acers of his tenth division laid Joyning to his other land near his hovsc and is bovnded Easterly on sd land 56 rod and northerly on the land of John sadler 26 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest cornerv thence rvning sovth- erly with a dirict line 36 rod to a heap of stons at his other land being the sovthwest corner and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land to the first bovnds it being a broaken peace of land containing : ten acers and 23 rod 3 acers and'23 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Jonathan nelson Chain men Robert tiler [428.] May y^ 20^'' : 1721 laid ovt for Robert tiler seven acers of land being seventh division Joyning to the north side of his medow" com only caled the Eight acer medow begining at a heap of stons on the north side of his other : land laid out hereto- fore Ten Rod west of sd medow then Rvning north 17 dg'' west forty fovr Rod to a heap of stons on a great Rock being a nor- west corner then East 17 dgr' north sixty six Rod to his other land : on all other parts Bovnded on sd medow and land : a Broaken peace of land containing : thirteen : acers and an half and fovr Rod : six acers and 84 Rod alowed for Bad land : laid ovt by Robert Evins : Jacob aldrich and Cap' seth chapin May y« 20"' : 1730 laid ovt for Robert tiler fovr acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land north from his hovse and is bovnded East on nialbvry Rode Eighty Rod : and on MENDON, ma«sachusp:tts. 583 all other parts on his othei- land : it being a narrow strip of land containing five acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men Novenil)er y*' 10"' 1731 laid ovt for robcrt tiler one acer: Eighth of land laid Joyning to his other land north from his hovse and is bovnded soAi:li on sd land 18 rod East on samvel torys land 10 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning west 8 dgi-* sovth 18 rod to the Rode leading to sadlers and is bovnded west on sd rode 8 rod to his other laijd laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathau tiler chain men November y^ 21' : 1735 laid ovt for Robert tiler 5 acers of land viz : 4 acers of ninth division and one acer Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land near pine orchard : Rvning from the sovthwest corner of sd land sovth 25 dgv^ west 24 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 25 dgr^ sovth to palmers land and is bovnded East on sd palmers land and north on his own land the whole being 6 acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men May y« 20"' : 1721 laid ovt for Robert tiler 2 acers and 80 rod seventh division of land laid near his dweling hovse on the East side the rode leading to the Eight acer medow and is bovnded East on sd land begin ing att a white oak tree being his former sovthwest corner thenc rvning west 5 dgr^ sovth 12 rod to sd rode then bovnded west on sd rode 80 rod to his other land : it being a three cornered peace of land containing 3 acers 80 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens and Jacob aldrich John Darling Jvn"^ [429.] Desember y« 19*'': 1729 laid ovt for John Darling Jvn"" twentj' fovr acers of his Eighth division of land laid Joyn- ing to his other land near his hovse begining at a three Rod way and is bovnded westerly on his other land seventy fovr Rod to a heap of stones lieing the sovthwest corner then Rvning East 15 584 PROPRIETORS^ RECORDS. dgr** north twenty Eight Rod to another peace of his land and then is bovnded Easterly on sd land to John woolsons land then Evning west 24 dgr' north twenty two Rod to a heap stons then rvning norwest fvll point thirty fovr Rod to the above sd three Rod way to his other land : it being a broaken peace of land com]3asing in a peace of his land that was formerly laid ovt the whole of sd land now laid contains thirty one acers and half and fifty Eight Rod seven acers and half and fifty Eight Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacol) aldrich chain men October y^ 29*'' : 1731 laid ovt for John darling 6 acers of Joseph thayers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded sovth on sd land 34 rod rvning from the northeast corner of sd land norwest fvll point 54 rod to a heap of stons being a north corner then west 22 dgr^ sovth to the northeast corner of samvel tompsons land and is bovnded westerly on sd land 51 rod to his own land the whole containing- Eight acers 2 acers alowed for bad land the same day laid for sd darling 8 acers of sd thayers Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land begining at a north corner of sd land thence rvning norwest 2 dgr^ north 40 rod to a heap of stons being the north corner then sovthwest 2 do;r^ west 40 rod to a white oak tree markt being the west corner then sovth- east 2 dgr** sovth 40 rod to his other land the whole 10 acers 2 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men October y*' 30"' : laid for John darling 4 acers of Joseph thay- ers eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded westerly on sd land and Easterly on John woolsons land in part and part on comon (50 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then turning westerly 6 rod to his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing 4 acers and half half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvaver John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 585 John Darlino- Jvn ■■ Sain" Thayer [430.] march y*^ 20^": 1788 hiicl ovt for John darlinrr 10 acers of Joseph Thayers Eighth division of hind hiid Joyning to his other hind noi-th from his hovse and is bovndcd East on samvel tompsons land 80 rod to the norwest corner of sd land tlience rvning west 12 dgr' sovth 8(i rod to his other land and is hovnded westerly on sd land 114 rod and is hovnded sovth- easterly [)art on liis own land and part on a three rod way it being a l»roaken i)cace of land containing 14 acers and 41 rod 4 acers and 41 rod alowed for Ixid land the same day hiid for sd darling 5 acers and hali" of hmd : viz : 3 acers that was alowed him l)y the select men for a way throvgh his land and 2 acers and half ninth division laid together Joyn- ing to his other hind sovtherly from his hovse and is hovnded Easterly i)art on sd land and i)art on common 42 rod rvning from a norwest corner of sd land north IGdgi-* East 32 rod to his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing 6 acers and 90 rod one acer and 90 rod alowed for bad land the same day laid ovt for said darling 14 acers of land : viz 12 acers and half ninth division and one acer and half of Eleazer daniels Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land Easterly from his hovse and is bovnded East on sd land 82 rod to a doble oak tree markt being a former Ijovnds thence rvning west 5 dgr* north 27 rod to another peace of sd darlings land then tvrning northerly by said land 1(3 rod to a corner of sd land then tvrning part on sd land and part on common 32 rod to a pine tree markt being the sovth west corner then north 15 dgi-* west 38 rod to his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing 17 acers 3 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Joseph white chain men octol)er y^ 29''' : 1731 laid ovt for John darling 2 acers and 40 rod ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land north from his hovse and is bovnded sovth on sd land 24 rod l)egining at a hea}) of stons being the west corner thence rvning norwest: 586 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 2 ds^Y^ north 20 rod to a heap of stons being the north corner then sovtheast 2 dgr' south 24 rod to a heap of stons being the East corner then sovtheast 2 dgr' sovth 20 rod to his other land the whole being 3 acers 120 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men April y*" 8"" : 1740 laid ovt for John darling 9 acers and 80 rod tenth division of land laid northerly from his hovse and is bovnded sovth and west on henery Borsworths land north on nathaniel fairbanks land East on benony bensons land the whole being; 10 acers and 120 rod one acer and 40. rod alowed : for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer benjamen darling and Steven Elis Chain men March the 14'" 1748 Laid out for Samuel Thayer half an acre of his Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to Joseph abbys medow on the East Side the mill riuer at the Lower north medow and is bounded west on sd medow 12 rod north on Cap*^ Tylers land 15 Rod South East on land of Joseph Jones 15 rod it being a 3 corner'^ piece of Land Laid out by William Torrey Sury' Nathan Tyler and Sam" Thayer chainmen John Jons Sein"" Sam" Thayer [431.] Jvne y'' 17'" : 1726 laid laid ovt for John Jones seitf twenty Eight acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon : twenty six acers of it laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the mill River begining at the northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning East 5 dgr^ north Eighty Rod to a heap of stons Being y^ northeast corner then sovth 5 dgr' East seventy Rod to an heap of stons being the sovtheast corner : then west 5 dgr* sovth Eighty Rod to his other land then on sd land seventy Rod to the first Bovnds : the whole containing thirty five acers nine acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer- James keith and Jacob aldrich committee the Remainder of sd twenty Eight acers being two acers laid ovt the same day by the same committee Joyning to his other MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 587 land on the East side niaooniisco and is bovnded sovth on sd land fifteen Rod and west on common land forty Eight Rod East on an_o('l toreys land forty Eight Rod to his own land it heing a three cornerd i)eace of land containing two acers and twenty Rod 20 rod alowed for bad land Desember y*' 20"' : 1728 laid ovt for John Jons three acers of land being Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded north on sd land forty three Rod East on the mill River twelve Rod sovth on a three Rod way forty three Rod : west on a three Rod way seventeen Rod the whole contain- ing three acers & one : hvndred & forty five Rod : 145 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan Tiler committee ,Une y" 18"' : 1730 laid ovt for John Jones one acer and half Eighth division of land on the East side the mill River : it ])eing a broaken peace of land compased in with his other land : con- taining three acers and ninety two rod two acers and 12 rod alowed : for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer : Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men febrvary y^ 10"": 173^-i- laid ovt for John Jones seven acers Eighth division of land on the East side the mill River and is bovnded west on the land of James goodman ninety two rod and on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing twelve acers compasing in three acers formerly laid ovt : five acers alowed for sd three acers and bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacoli aldrich and nathan tiler chain men march the 14"' 1748 Laid ont for Sam" Thayer one acre & half of his Eleuenth Division of Land laid Joyning to Joseph Abbys medow on the East side the mill riuer at the Lower north medow and is bounded west on sd medow 12 rod north on Caj)* Tylers land 28 rod East on land of Jose[)h Jones 12 rod South on Cap' 588 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Tylers land 18 rod. Laid out by William Torrey Sury"" Nathan Tyler & Sam" Thayer Chain men John Jones Benjamin Southwick [432.] fehrvary y'' 10"' 1780^-1- laid ovt for John Jones nine- teen acers Eighth division of land : viz : Eighteen of his own and one of Benjaraen albees laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the mill Kiver and is bovnded Easterly on the land of Benjamen wheton 8(3 rod to sd whetons norwest corner then set- ing of East by sd land 6 rod to a white oak tree markt near sd land then rvning north 42 dgr' west one hvndred rod to a heap of stones thence Rvning north 13 dgrs west one hvndred and three rod to his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land the whole containing 25 acers and 34 rod six acers and 34 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and nathan tiler chain men may y® 16"': 1735 laid ovt for John Jones 30 acers of land: viz : (i acers of John Rockwoods Eighth division : and 4 acers of Benjamen Albees Eighth division : and 20 acers of his own ninth division laid together Joyning to his other land on the East side the mill river begining att a heap of stons att Slvmans land and is bovnded sovtherly on sd slvmans land 8 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence rvning north 20 dgr' west 95 rod to a heap of stons then setting of west 6 rod to a heap of stons then tvrning northerly by dearing Joneses land 97 rod to his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land the whole containing : 37 acers and 20 rod : 7 acers and 20 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men may y'' 16"' : 1735 laid ovt for John Jones 3 acers and 80 rod of land : viz : 2 acers of John Beneyes ninth division and one acer of Benjamen Albees Eighth division and 80 rod of his own Eighth division laid ovt on the East side the mill river against the midle north medow begining at a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence rvnino; East 20 dgrs sovth 22 rod to a MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 589 heap of stons beino- tho northeast corner then west 20 dgv^ north 22 rod to a heap of stons being the : norwest corner then sovth 20 dgi-* west 30 rod to the first bovnds the whole being 4 acers and 20 rod 100 rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men april y' 2.S"' 1741) Laid out for Benjamin South wick 5 acres of Land (viz) 3 acres of Daniel Arnolds Eleuenth Division and 2 acres of William Torreys Eleuenth Division and is bounded East on his own Land 50 rod north on his own Land 36 rod South- westerly on the Great River 70 rod it being a gore of Land : Laid out by William Torrey Sury"" Jacob aldrich & Benjamin South- wick chain men John Jones Jvn"". [433.] march y*^ 4'^ : 1730 laid ovt for John Jons Jvu-" fifty acers of land being Eighth division of land : viz twenty one acers of samvel moors Eighth division and twenty seven of wiliam sprages Eighth division and two acers of his own laid together Joyning to his other land north from his dweling hovse begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence Rvning north fvll point one : hvndred Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East fvll point ninety six Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner : then sovth fvll point one hvndred Rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being the sovtheast corner : then west fvll point thirty six rod to the northeast corner of his other land then bovnded sovth on sd land sixty Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing sixty acers ten acers alowed for bad land and one acer & | laid under a mistake laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacol) aldrich chain men march y"^ 4"' : 1730 laid ovt for John Jones Jvn'" seven acers Eighth division of land of his own Rights laid East from his other land begining at a heap of stons on a Rock being the norwest corner thence Rvning East 10 dgr** sovth thirty rod to a heap of stons l)eing the northeast corner then sovth 10 dgr"* west forty rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 10 dgr'* north thirty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthweat corner then 5^0 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. north forty rod to the first bovnds : the whole containing seven acers and half: half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men april y'^ 4*'' : 1732 then laid ovt for John Jones Jvn*" six acers of nathaniel morses Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land north from his hovse begining at a northeast corner of sd land thence Evning north 33 dgr^ East 40 rod to a heap of stons beino- the northeast corner then west 42 dgr^ north 27 rod to a heap of stons at his other land being the norwest corner and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land the whole contain- ing six acers and three qvarters three qvarters of one acer alowed for bad land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men april y** 4*'^ : 1732 laid for John Jones Jvn' ten acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land norwest from his hovse begining at a black oak tree being a former bovnds thence rvning west fvll point 24 rod to a heap of stons being the nor- west corner then sovth fvll point 76 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 24 rod to his other land then bovnded East on sd land 76 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing Eleven acers and 64 rod one acer and 64 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men march y"" 4'": 1732 laid ovt for John Jones Jvn' 18 acers of land : viz : 12 acers of nathaniel morses seventh division and 6 acers of sd morses Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded East on sd land 126 rod begining at a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is bovnded north part on common and part on nathaniel Joneses land 40 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning sovth 16 dgr^ East 64 rod to a three rod way then bovnded on sd way 46 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth- west corner then East 10 dgr" north 10 rod to the sovthwest MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 591 corner of his other Umd it being a l)roaken peace of hind contain- ing '2i} accrs and 104 rod Eight acers and 104 rod ak)wcd for bad land and a three Rod way part of sd hind laid ovt by Thomas white svl'^'ayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men Nathaniel Jones [434.] Jvne the S"' : 1726 laid ovt for nathaniel Jones five acers of land which he i)vrchased of the propriaters of mendon laid Joyning to his other land sovthward from his hovse and is Bovnded north on svmners land nine Rod and west on wiliam haywards land Eighty Eight Rod to an heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then Rvning East 42 dgr^ north sixteen Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 42 dgr'* west jiart on common part on his other land Eighty Eight Rod to svmners land : the whole containing six acers and three qvarters one acer and three qvarters alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich com""" Jvne y'' 17*'': 1726 laid ovt for nathaniel Jones ten acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriaters of mendon : laid Joyn- ing to his other land near his Dweling hovse two acers of sd ten laid west from his hovse and is bovnded East on sd land thirty two Rod Rvning from a heap of stons being a corner of his other land: north 15 dgr^ west Eighteen rod to a heap. of stons Being the norwest corner then East 15 dgr^ north twenty six rod to a heap of stons at his other land then on sd land to the first Bovnds the whole containing three acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer : James keith and Jacob aldrich coumiittee the Remaining part of sd ten acers being Eight is laid ovt the same day by the same committee Joyning to his other land East from his hovse begining at an heap of stons on the East side his other land thence Rvning sovth 13 dgr* : East Eighty fovr Rod to his other land to an heap of stons near sd land and is Bovnded on all other parts on his own land and medow : it Being a broaken peace of land containing By Esteniation fifteen acers seven acers alowed for l)ad land and a throe Rod wav cros sd land 592 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. march y® 12*'': 1735 laid ovt for nathaniel Jones 25 acers ot land : viz : 15 acers Eighth division and 10 acers ninth division laid together Joyning to his other land near his hovse begining att a white oak tree niarkt being a corner and is bovnded north from sd tree on the land of John Jones to richard garners and is bovnded East on said garners land 114 rod sovtherly part on sd garners land part on common and part on the land of william hayward 50 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence with a direct line to the sovtheast corner of his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing 34 acers and half 12 acers and half alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh said land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men John aldrich [435.] Janvary y« -2^ : 1729 laid ovt for John aldrich 1(5 acers of land viz : five acers of land which Joseph thayer pvrchased of the propriators of Mendon : and Eleven acers Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the west River begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence Rvning west 3 do-r^ north 32 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 3 dgr* west fifty rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 15 dgr^ sovth 107 rod to his other land then on sd land to the first bovnds it being a In-oaken peace of land containing 2(3 acers and 30 rod 10 acers and 30 rod alowed for l)ad land and a three rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men may y*" 21*: 1734 laid ovt for John aldrich 8 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side of the west river and is bovnded north and East on sd land rvn- ing from a dead pine and heap of stons being the sovtheast cor- ner west 15 dgr' sovth 70 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth west corner then north 15 dgr' west 50 rod to a heap of stons at his other land being the norwest corner the whole containing MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 593 13 acers and 55 rod 5 accrs and 55 rod alowod for l)ad land and a three rod way cros sd land — the same day hiid for sd aldrich 13 accrs and half of Daniel hills ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side of the west River and is ])Ovnded East part on comon and part on plvmlys land and part on his own land 80 rod Rvn- ing from a : nonvest corner of sd land west fvll point 50 rod to a heap of stons beincr the norwest corner then sovth 80 rod to a heap of stons beins; the sovth west corner then East 50 rod to a heap of stons beino; the sovtheast corner the whole containing 25 acers Eleven acers and half alowed for bad land the same day laid ovt for sd aldrich 12 acers and half ninth division of land : viz : (5 acers and half of Daniel hills and 6 acers of his own : laid together Joyning to his other land north from his hovse begining at the northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning East 10 dgi*^ sovth 33 rod to a black oak stand markt then sovtheast fvll point 48 rod to a heap of stons being y" sovtheast corner then sovthwest 48 rod to his other land to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then bovnded on his own land to the first bovnds the whole containing 18 acers and 112 rod () acers and 32 rod alowed for bad land the same day laid for sd aldrich 3 acers and 128 rod ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land East from his hovse and is l)ovnded northerly on sd land 60 rod begining at the sovtheast corner of sd land thence rvning sovtheast fvll point 14 rod to a black oak tree markt being the sovtheast corner then sovthwest 60 rod to a heap of stons : being the sovth- west corner then norwest 14 rod to his other land the whole containing 5 acers and 40 rod one acer and 32 rod alowed for bad land the same day laid ovt for sd aldrich one acer ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land by his hovse and is bovnded Easterly on sd land 28 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning westerly 14 rod to a hea}) of stons being the norwest corner then rvning sovtherly 24 rod to his other land to a heap of stons on a rock near sd land it being a broaken peace of land bv Estimation one acer and 40 rod 40 rod alowed for bad 594 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men John aldrich [436.] May y*^ 20*'^ : 1726 laid ovt for John aldrich nine acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon and is laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse Begining at a nor- west corner of his other land thence Evning north 30 dgr^ East lifty two Rod to a heap of stons Being the northeast corner then sovth 43 dgr' west sixty Eight Rod to a heap of stons Being the sovtheast corner then west 43 dgr* north thirty Rod to his other land a heap of stons near the sovthwest corner then Bovnded on his other land to the tirst Bovnds it Being a Broaken peace of land containing thirteen acers and half fovr acers and half alowed for bad land By Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and James keith committee May y'' 26"' 1728 laid ovt for John aldrich six acers of land tha|| he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid Joyning to his medow on the west side of the west River begining at a pine tree markt near sd medow thence Rvning west 34 dgr'* sovth ninety two Rod to a heap of stons being a west corner then sovth 34 dgr** East twenty rod to a heap of stons being a sovth corner then East 34 dgr" North Eighty rod to sd medow : then on sd medow to the first bovnds the whole containing ten acers and three qvarters fovr acers and three qvarters alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee May y*' 21' : 1728 laid ovt for John aldrich one acer of land beins seventh division laid on the west side the west River o sovth from plvmlys land begining at a white oak tree markt being the East corner thence Rvning norwest fvll point sixteen Rod to a heap of stons being the north corner then sovthwest twelve Rod and half to a heap of stons being the west corner then sovtheast sixteen rod to a heap of stons being the sovth corner then sovth- east twelve Rod and half to the first bovnds the whole containins; MENDON. MASSACHUSETTS. 595 one acer iind a qvarter forty Rod alowcd for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee Jan vary y^ 23*^ : 1729 laid ovt for John aldrich 23 acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the west River begining at a pitch pine tree markt thence Rvning west 31 dgr^ sovth 80 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest eorner then north 31 dgi-" west 60 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 31 dg"^ north 75 rod to plvmlyes hind then bovnded on sd land Eleven rod to a three Rod way then on sd way 55 rod to the first l)0vnds : it being a broaken peace of land containing 33 acers and a qvarter 10 acers alowed for bad land and one acer and a qvarter of land formerly laid ovt within the bovnds of sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men Ebenezer Thayer Ju*" [437.] Mendon February y« 22^ 17f^ then Laid out for Ebenezer Thayer Ju"" Ten acres of Josiah Thayers Seuenth Diui- sion Joyning to y*" West Side of his other Land : South of Wig- wam hill begining at a heape of Stones on Sd Land, near a Little Runn Runing west full point on Common thirty Rod to a heape of Stones, being a Southwest Corner, then North on Common Eighty Eight Rod to a heape of Stones being a Xorwest Corner, then East on Common thirty Rod, to William Boyces Land ; then on Sd Boyces Land partly, and jiartly on his other Land to the first Bounds, Eighty Eight Rod the w^hole containing Sixteen acres and half. Six acres & half allowed for bad Land ; Laid out by Robert Euens, Jacob Aldrich and James Keith Committee Mendon February y^ 2b^^. 17|^ then Laid out for Dauid Tom- son ; and Eljcnezer Thayer fifteen acres of Josiah Thayers Seuenth Diuision of Land on y*" west Side of y*" Great Riuer, begining at a Pitch pine Marked ; near Sd Riuer a Little Distance below Joseph Tafts Land and upstream of Skull Rock Bridge : then Runing west thirty fine Degrees north on Common forty Umv Rod to Thomas Tafts Land, then South thirty fine Degrees 596 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. East on Common Sixty four Rod to Sd Riuer : then l)y y* Riuer to the first bounds Containing" Seuenteen acres and ninety Six Rod. two acres and ninety Six Rod allowed for a three Rod way and bad Land Laid out by Rol)ert Euens, Jacol) Aldrich & James Keith Committee Jvne y'' 3'': 1729 laid ovt for Ebenezer Thayer Eight acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his medow in the sovth- woods compasing in sd medow begining at a Red oak tree being the northeast corner then Rvning sovth 7 dgr' East to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 7 dgr' sovth twenty six Rod to the scool land then tvrning north by sd land to the northeast corner of sd land : 20 rod : then tvrning westerly by sd land twenty rod to a heap of stons being a corner then rvning north 7 dgr' west twenty Rod to a heap of stons being the nor- west corner then East 7 dgr' north forty six rod to the first bovnds laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph Taft chain men april y*" 24*'' : 1735 laid ovt for Ebenezer thayer 2 acers of his brothers John thayers ninth division of land laid west fi'om his hovse and is ])ovnded sovth on the land of Benony Bensons land 9 rod west on a three rod way 90 rod : East on his own land it being a three cornered peace of land being 3 acers one acer alowed for bad land more for sd thayer 7 acers of his fathers Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded sovtherly on the land of Benony : Benson 84 rod Rvning from sd bensons northeast corner north 32 dgr'' East 44 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 2 dgr' north to his other land the whole being 13 acers and 104 rod (3 acers and 104 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land more for sd thayer 12 acers of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse : viz : 6 acers of his ninth division and 3 acers of John thayers Eighth division and 3 acers of his fathers ninth division Rvning from the sovtheast corner of his other land East 2 dgr" sovth 34 rod to a walnvt tree markt being the sovtheast MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 597 cornor then north 2 dirr* East SO rod to a licaj) of stons being the northeast corner then west 2 dg"^ north 8() rod to his other hmd the whole l)eing 17 acers and 80 rod 5 acers and 80 rod alowed for had land and a three rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer »Iaco]) aldrich and benjanien darling chain men Jonathan Hay ward Jr [438.] an acovmpt of the land laid down that providence men claimed : viz : of James keiths land but Eighty fovr acers of keiths land claimed and of John Emersons land nineteen acers and of John arnalds land twelve acers and of samvel thayers land Eighty fovr acers and of Benjanien tafts land sixteen acers : and qvarter and of samvel cooks land twenty two acers and half and of Josiah thayers land thirty two acers which the pro))ria- tors bought of sd thayer and of seth aldriches land fifty five acers and of Daniel Thvrstons land twenty seven acers and half and of Benjanien whelocks land twenty five acers and half and of James Emersons land forteen acers and 24 rod and of silvanes holbrooks land thirty one acers John Jones Jvn'' april y'" 15"' : 1737 laid ovt for John Jones Jvn'^ 8 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land 12 rod westerly on the land of nathaniel jones 54 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence with a direct line 48 rod to a corner of his own land and is bovnded Easterly on sd land 77 rod to the first bovnds being a heap of stons the whole being 9 acers one acer alowed for bad land the same day laid ovt for sd Jones 31 acers of land: viz: 8 acers of caj)' seth chai)ins Eighth division and 14 acers of Benja- nien lliMvors tenth division and acers of williani thayers tenth division all laid together East from his hovse and is bovnded west on his other land IK) rod bejrinino; on the north side of a 598 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. small pond a white oak tree inarkt near the sovthwest corner thence rvning East 2 dgr^ north (58 rod to a pine tree being the sovtheast corner then north fvll point 80 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 36 dgr' north 60 rod to his other land to a heap of stons being the norwest corner the whole being 38 acers 7 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and John Jones chain men may y® 8''^ 1746 then Laid ovt for Jonathan Hay ward Jv'' three acers Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on bear hill begining at the southwest Corner of his other Land rvning west 5 rod & bounding South on William Spragues land to a heap of Stones being the Southwest Corner then rvning north 3 Degrs East 28 rod on Comon to a heap of Stones then rvning north 22 Degrs East partly on Comon & partly on Daniel Sumners Land 21 rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner then runing East full point on Comon 15 rod to Ephraim Daniels Land a heap of Stones on said Daniels Line being the north East Corner then bounding Easterly partly on said Daniels Land & partly on John Corbetts Land 23 rod to the northEast Corner of his other Land then bounding Southerly on his other Land 18 rod to the norwest Corner of his other Land then bound- ing Easterly on his other Land to the first bound mentioned Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Jacob aldrich & Jonathan Hay- ward chainmen Samvel Tompson [439.] march y^ 22'' : 1727 laid out for samvel Tompson three acers of John Darlings seventh division of land on the East side of the great River at the mill plac || Joyning to sd Darlings land and is Bovnded north on sd land thirty one Rod and west on the great River thirty six Rod and sovth on Daniel Darlings land forty fovr Rod : and East on the way that leads from sd Dar- lings to scvU Rock Bridge forty seven Rod to John Darlings land it being a Broaken peace of land containing nine acers five acers and three qvarters alowed for Ijad land and a three Rod way to the mill place laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 599 march y'' 22'^ : 1727 hiid ovt for Samvcl Toin])s()n nine acers and three qvarters of land Eiirht acers of it l)eino: land which he pvrchased of James keiths and one acer being part of his father John Tompsons sixth division and is laid Joyning to John Dar- lings land on the East side the great River Begining at a heap of stons at the way leading over wigwam hill then Bovnded sovth on sd Darlings land fovr Rod to stons on a Rock being y® sovth- west corner thence Rvning north 18 dgr^ west Eighty Rod to a heap of stons Being the norwest corner then East 18 dgr^ north fifty Rod to a hea}) of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 18 dgi** East : fifty six rod to a heap of stons at the afore sd way then on sd way to the first Bovnds the whole containing twenty one acers and half Eleven acers and three qvarters alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee March y*" 22"* : 1727 laid ovt for samvel Tompson one acer of his father John Tompsons seventh division laid Joyning to his other land on the west side y^ great River and is Bovnded East on sd land twenty fovr Rod to a stake Being the north corner thence with a direct line to y® norwest corner of Cap' John Dar- lings land and is bovnded sovth on sd land twenty six rod to his own land a three cornered peace containing one acer & half and 72 rod : 1 acer & 72 rod for bad land : as also we grant to him abovt half an acer of land on the west side sd river by his mill place : in Recompence for a two Rod way to sd mill place throvgh his land laid ovt before : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee [450.] John legg nathaniel thayer febrvary y® 6'^'' : 1735^ laid ovt for John legg 2 acers of daniel whites tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land north from his hovse and is bovnded sovth on sd land East on benjamen whelocks land north on John haywards land west on the land of abraham staples the whole being 2 acers & 40 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land the same day laid ovt for sd legg ten acers ninth division of land : viz 8 acers of Eleazer daniels and 2 of thomas whites laid 600 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded north part on sd land and part on Thomas thayers land 67 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning sovth fvll point 28 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 78 rod to a heap of stons at benjamen whelocks land lieing y"* sovtheast corner then bovnded Easterly on sd land 23 rod to his OAvn land the whole being Eleven acers and (y2 rod one acer and 62 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white and Jacob aldrich febrvary y** 9^^: 1735-5. laid ovt for John legg seven acers of land : viz : 2 acers of ninth division which he pvrchased of philip leasvre and 3 acers tenth division which he pvrchased : of his father thomas thayer and 2 acers of his own tenth division : laid together and is bovnded East part on chesnvt hill Brook and part on his medow north on benjamen whelocks land 20 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the norwest corner then sovth fvll point 118 rod to hay wards land to a heap of stons Ijeing the sovthwest corner then bovnded sovth on sd land 10 rod to nathan penemans land then on sd land to Eleazer danielses land then on sd daniels land to sd Brook : it being a broaken peace of land containing 10 acers and 134 rod 3 acers and 134 rod : alowed : for bad land and a three rod way cros a corner of sd land laid ovt by Thomas white and Jacob aldrich November y'^ 14^'' : 1736 laid ovt for nathaniel thayer 3 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land sovth from his hovse and is bovnded west on common 14 rod and on all other parts on his own land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Benja- men darling and nathaniel thayer chain men desember y® 9"' : 1742 laid ovt for John legg 7 acers of land that was granted to thomas sanford in Ive of land taken from him by the province line laid ovt on wigwam hill and is bovnded west on conion 8 rod sovth on comon 87 rod with a direct line from the norwest corner of boyses : land to the sovthwest corner of svmners land East on svmners land 32 rod to Thomas tafts land MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 601 and is bovnded north on sd tafts land H7 rod the whole contain- ing ten acers and 40 rod 3 acers and 40 rod alowcMl for bad land and a three rod way ores sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer robert taft and John legg chain men febrvary y* 28*": 1743^ laid ovt for John legg fovr acers of william rvters tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near wigwam hill and is bovnded East i)art on sd land and part on the land of sanivel thayer 25 rod north on the land of Jethow coffins land 32 rod to thomas tafts land west on sd tafts land 25 rod to a heap of stons Ijeing the sovthwest corner sovth on comon 32 rod to stons on a rock being the sovtheast corner the whole containing 5 acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and John legg chain men benjamen taft moses Tenney Benjamcn thayer [451.] march y" 3** : 1730 laid ovt for moses Tenney six acers of John Jons Jvn'"^ Eighth division of land and is laid ovt Joyning to his other land P2ast of magimisco and is ])ovnded west on sd land Eighty five Rod Rvning from the northeast corner of sd land East 32 dgi-" noi-th forteen Rod to a hea[) of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 32 dgr' East Eighty five rod to a heap of stons l)eing the sovtheast corner then west 32 dgr* sovth fovrteen rod to a chesnvt tree being the sovthwest corner : the whole contain- ing seven acers and seventy rod one acer and seventy rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men march y*" 31* : 1732 laid ovt for Benjamen thayer 4 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near grave medow and is bovnded westerly on sd land 30 rod sovtherly on grave medow brook Eleven rod Easterly on land belonging to the heirs of benjamen thayer deseast north part on common part on his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing 5 acers and 110 rod one acer and 110 rod alowed for bad land and Rehoboth Rode and a private way of two rod wide to the land belonging to the heirs benjamen thayer deseast : laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vaver Jacob aldrich and daniol lovet chain men 602 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. desember y*' 4*'' : 1735 laid ovt for moses tenney 7 acers of land : viz : 4 acers seventh division and three acers Eighth divi- sion : laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded East on sd land 33 rod to a heap of stons on a Rock near the sovtheast corner thence rvning west 3 dgr^ sovth 60 rod to a sovtheast corner of John Joneses land and is l)ovnded west- erly part on sd land and part on common 33 rod to John greens land and is bovnded northerly on sd greens land 48 rod to his own land the whole containing Eleven acers 4 acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Benjamen darling chain men may y*' 26'^ : 1739 laid ovt for benjamen taft 4 acers tenth divi- sion of land laid Joyning to his other land at shokcolog begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence rvning north 29 dgr* East 68 rod a maple tree markt near the northeast corner then East 29 -dgr' sovth 34 rod to his other land and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land it being a three cornerd peace of land containing 4 acers and 40 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and benjamen taft chain men the same time laid ovt for sd taft a small gore of land in Ive of land taken of from the sovthwest corner of bensons claim by danielses land and is laid Joyning to sd claim and is bovnded East on sd claim west on sd lovets land north on abell aldriches land april y** 9"' : 1743 laid ovt for benjamen thayer one acer tenth division of land Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded East on sd land north on a two rod way sovth on his own land it being a three cornerd peace of land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and benjamen thayer chain men of the same day laid ovt for sd thayer one acer and half tenth division and is bovnded north on land laid ovt to robert Evens west on a two rod way leading from John rockwoods to samvel thayers sovth on a two rod way leading towards belingham East on stevenses second division of land MEN DON, MASSACHUSETTS. G03 John tisli Jr. John Reekens peter marvel James Eats [45*2.] april y'' 8*'': 1730 laid ovt tor John Reekens seven acers and half Eighth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the great River and is bovnded sovth on the land of nathan park sixty rod from the river to a heap of stons being the sovth East corner thence Rvning north 40 dgr^ west Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 40 dgr* sovth sixty rod to the great River then bovnded west on sd river to parks land: incompasing in nine acers and half formerly laid ovt the whole containing twenty fovr acers 16 acers and half alowod for what was formerly laid ovt and bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men September y*" 21)"': 1731 laid ovt for peter marvel thirty one acers and half of Jonathan haywards Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land at the west End of the pine swamp and is bovnded north on sd land Eighty Rod and is bovnded : East part on Eleazer tafts land and part on land laid ovt to sam" moore ninety rod to a hornbine tree markt near the sovtheast corner thence Rvning west 10 dgr* sovth seventy fovr rod to Ebenezer sta})ls land and is bovnded west part on sd staples land and part on Emersons land to his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing thirty Eight acers six acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men may y" 25^'': 1739 laid ovt for James Eats 10 acers of land: viz : 8 acers of Josiah thayers tenth division and 2 acers and three (parters of land alowed by the select men of vxbridge to John white for a high way throvgh his land laid Joyning to ben- jamcii tafts land at a place known by the name of good stone be- gining at a walnvt tree being the sovthwest corner thence rvning sovtheast 2 dgr'* sovth 14 rod to stons on a rock being the sovth- east corner then northeast 2 dgr^ East 62 rod to a white oak tree being the northeast corner then sovthwest 2 dgi-^ west 43 rod to sd tafts land the whole beina' 12 acers and 4() rod one acer and 40 604 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and James Eats chain men June the U*'^ 1749 Laid out for John Fish Jun-- 112 Rods of Isaac Tafts Eleuenth Diuision of Land Joyning to his other Land by his mill and is Bounded East on his other Land 28 Rod South on the land of Stephen Fish 8 Rod to a heap of stones on a great Rock being the Southwest Corner norwest part on said Stephen fishs Land and partly on Land of Ebenezer White 28 Roods it being a three Cornerd piece of Land Laid out by William Torrey Sury'" Jacob Aldrich Chainman John post [453.] May y'' 28'" : 1718 laid ovt for John post fifteen acers of land tifth division : on the East side the west river Joyning to his medow att andrvses brook itt being a broken peace of land bovnded west on sd medow north on samvel bridgeses land so continving sd line East Eleven rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner East on comon with a direct line iifty four rod to Jabish bilowses land a black oak tree markt near sd land by a spring sovtherly part on sd land part on mary warfeelds land home to his own medow or swamp the whole containing seventeen acers two acers alowed for bad land by thomas white thomas thayer samvel moore committee May y*' 2(:)"' : 1718 laid ovt for John post thirteen acers sixth division Joyning to his other land bovnded west on sd land north on common twenty three rod East part on his own land part on thomas whites land by a line of markt trees to a six rod way leading from sd whites to town sovth part on sd way part on comon twenty Eight rod to his own land crosing sd way the whole containing twenty acers and a qvarter seven acers and a qvarter alowed for bad land by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich committee Mendon february the 13^'^ 172U Laid out for John Post thirty Eight acres and fifty Rod on the East side of the Eight Rod Road on the neck Westerly on Sd Road to Jacol) aldrichs Land one MEN DON, MASSACHUSETTS. 605 hundred Rod then Notherly on Sd aldriches Eighty two Rod to Dan" Lovets Land then Easterly on Sd Lovets Land one hundred and fourteen Rod then Partly on Common and Partly on Sam" Bridges Land ninety Eight Rod to the tirst Bounds on Sd Road twenty Acres of Sd Land is Jonathan Ilaywards Seventh Devi- sion and Six acres and Eighty Rod of his own sixth and 12 acres of own seventh Devision the Whole Containing sixty Six acres and forty Rod Twenty seven acres and a hundred and twenty Rod aLowed for Bad Land I>.aid out by Rol)ert Evens flacoh aldrich Chap Seth Chapin Mendon february y*" 13*''. 1721-^. Laid out for John Post one hundred and Twenty Six Rod of y" Seventh Division Joyning to his other Land on the East side of Road against his House Begining at Muddy Brook Runing by sd Road thirty six Rod, then South Seven Rod to Sd Land a three Cornerd Peice Con- taining one hundred and twenty Six Rod Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich, Seth Chapin John post Ebenezer thayer william hayward Mendon february the 13*'' 17212 [454-.] Laid out for John Post Seven acres and & 34 Rod of the Seventh Division on the Neck Begining at a heap of Stons being the Easterly Corner of his other Land on the North West side of the Road Leading to Josiah Woods Runing on Sd Road to Sd Woods Land forty four Rod, then on Sd woods Land thirty four Rod to Sam" Bridges Land then on Sd Bridges Land forty Eight Rod to his other Land then on Sd Land to the tirst Bounds one hundred and Eighty two Rod Containing Sixteen acres and one hundred 8 Rod nine acres and seventy four Rod aLowed for a Eight Rod Road and bad Land Laid out hy Roliert Evens Jacob aldrich Seth Chapin Committee desember y^ 10"^ : 1736 laid ovt for Ebenezer thayer 15 acers of land : viz : six acers of his fathers ninth division and nine acers of his fathers tenth division laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded westerly on common ten sovth on John whites land East part on cararyes land and part on hay- 006 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. wards land north part on Boyces land and part on his awn land and on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land lying on one side and one End of his other land contain- ing 17 acers 2 acers alowed for liad land and a two rod way cros sd land more laid ovt for said thayer 13 acers and an half: viz: five acers of his ftithers tenth division and 6 acers of his own tenth division and two acers and 80 rod of his own Eighth division laid together Joyning to David tompsons land and is bovnded west on sd land sovth part on common and part on nathaniel Emersons land 20 rod to a heap of stons on a Kock being the sovtheast corner and is bovnded East part on common and part on Jacol) aldriches land and north on winters land it being a broaken peace of land containing 16 acers and 40 rod 2 acers and 120 rod alowed for bad land more one acer and fovr rod of land : viz : one acer Eighth division and fovr Rod alowed him for a way cros a corner of his land : laid Joyning to the scool land and is bovnded west on sd land north on scvll Rock Rode and sovth part on the scool medow and part on David tompsons land it being a three cornered peace of land containing by Estemation one acer and 22 rod 18 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Ebenezer chain men febrvary y'' 2'" 1743^ laid ovt for william hay ward 2 acers ninth division of land laid Joyind to his other land near wigwam hill and is bovnded sovth on sd land 32 rod East and west on the land of John legg west part on the land of thomastaft and part on comon 14 rod the whole containing 2 acers and 144 rod 144 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and william hay ward chain men Jonathan hay ward Jvn"^ Benjamen albee Jvn' : John spring [455.] desember y«^ first 1729 laid ovt for benjamen albee Jvn'' 40 rod Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side second bridge river near his hovse and is bovnded west on sd land 13 rod north on a fovr rod way 4 rod East on comon Eleven rod sovtherly on Jonathan thayers land fovr rod MteNDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 607 the corners being heaps of stons the whole 48 rod 8 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men Jvne y^ first : 1737 laid ovt for John spring 18 acers of land that he pvrchased of Thomas white and is laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great River and is bovnded East- erly and northerly on sd land and sovtherly part on the land of Edmvnd Rawson and part on common rvning from the northerly corner of sd Rawsons land norwest fvll point 30 rod to a heap of stons being a corner then sovthwest 5 dgr' sovth 78 rod to a heap of stons bein«: the sovth west corner then norwest 5 dgr* west 12 rod to the sovthwest corner of his other land : it being a rockey ])roaken peace of land containing : 22 acers and 138 rod 4 acers and 138 rod alowed for bad land more the same day for sd spring 7 acers and 120 rod tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded Easterly on sd land 40 rod begining at a heap of stons being the north east corner thence rvning westerly 38 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then rvning sovtherly with a direct line 40 rod to a heap of stons being the so\i:hwest corner then rvning Easterly with a direct line 48 rod to his other land the whole being Eleven acers 2 acers and 40 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land : — more for said spring 40 rod tenth division of land laid ovt the same day and is bovnded westerly on common or a three Rod way and on all other parts on his other land it being a three cornered peace of land lying in amongst his other land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Ebenezer Read and John spring chain men Janvary y^ Eleventh : 17423. laid ovt for Jonathan hay ward Jvn' 4 acers Eighth division of land which he pvrchased of will- iam sprage 2 acers of itt laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded P^ast on sd land and sovtherly on the land of John hayward west and north on the land of John corbitt a broaken peace of land containing 2 acers and 85 rod 85 rod alowed for bad land 608 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the other 2 acers laid Joyning to his other land on bear hill and is bovnded East part on sd land and part on the land of John corbitt 28 rod rvning from the sovthwest corner of his other land west 5 dgr' north 20 rod to stons on a rock being the sovthwest corner then north 5 dgr' East 28 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 5 dgr* sovth 18 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner the whole being 8 acers and 2 rod one acer and 2 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Jonathan hayward Chain men James peneman Robert tiler [456.] Jvne y^ O**" : 1719 laid ovt for James peneman three acers and three qvarters and twenty fovr rod sixth division and twelve acers seventh division eToyning to his other land on the west side the great river bovnded east on sd land one hvndred and fovrteen rod then rvning from the sovthwest corner of sd land west 5 dgr^ south fifty six rod to a heap of stones being the sovthwest corner from thence with a direct line to the norwest corner of his other land it being a three cornerd peace contain- ing nineteen acers and three qvarters three acers and half and twenty fovr rod alowed for bad land by Robard evens thomas white Jacob aldrich committee May y*^ 21^: 1736 Uiid ovt for James peneman 2 acers tenth division of land on the west side the great river and is bovnded westerly on the land of John farnvm 20 rod begining at a black oak tree markt being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning sovth 34 do-r^ west 16 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 34 dgr^ north 20 rod to a heap of stons being the north- east corner then north 34 dgr' East 16 rod to sd farnvms land to a heap of stons being the norwest corner laic, ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and John tarnvni chain men May y'^ 20"' : 1721 laid ovt for Robert tiler : 10 : acers of: Ben- jamen : haywards sevinth division of land laid Joyning to the north side of his other land and to the west side of samvell torys land near mallbvrv Rode begining att a white oak tree being his MENDON, MASSACHtJSETTS. G09 former northeast corner then rvning north fvll })oint on sd tory 47 rod to a heap of stons then sovthwest (58 rod to a heap of stons on the East side of a hill of rocks then sovth 32 dgi^ East 80 rod to his other land tlien on sd land to the first bovnds itt 1 icing- a broaken peace of land containing- Eleven acers and 50 rod one acer and 50 rod alowed for bad land — the same day laid ovt for sd tiler 2 acers and 80 rod of land laid Joyning to the norwost side of his medow called the Eight acer medow begining att the Bridge Rvning on the Rode leading to Robert 'halls 50 rod to setli chapins land then northeasterly part on sd land and part on common 30 rod to sd medow : then on sd medow to the first bovnds the whole containing 3 acers and 14 rod 94 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens and Jacob aldrich desember y^ 7^'' : 1737 laid ovt for Robard tiler: 5 : acers and half tenth division of land : viz : 4 acers of his own and one acer and half of samvel toryes laid together Joyning to his other land near malbvry Rode and is bovnded East on samvel toryes land 2Q rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning norwest 29 rod to a black oak tree markt being the norwest corner then sovth 25 dgr'* west 26 rod to his other land and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land : 44 rod the whole being (j acers and 80 rod one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer elacol) aldrich and robert tiler chain men ebenezer white cass John Joseph Bvllard [457.] may the 16 : 1718 laid ovt for ebenezer white seven acers and three qvarters and seven rod sixth division Joyning to his other land on the east side mvdy Brook Bovnded west on sd land twenty eight rod north on ephraim staples land by a line of markt trees eighty five rod to the eight rod way on the neck east })ai't on sd way part on comon with a direct line twenty eight rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner thence rvning west 35 dgr" sovth to his other land by a line of markt trees the whole containing fovrteen acers and one hvndred and forty rod six acers and three (jvarters and thirteen rod alowed for bad land : laid ovt bv tliomas white thomas thaver flacob aldrich 610 PROPRIETORS' RECORDJ^. Desciiiber y^ 20"' : 1729 laid ovt for John cass fovr acers & half Eii>hth division of land Joyning to his other land near his hovse beffining at the norwest corner of sd land thence Rvning with a direct line to the northeast corner of abell aldriches land : and then bovnded westerly part on sd land part on samvel thayers land part on James mvseys land to his own land then on sd land to the first bovnds : it being a broaken peace of land containing five acers and one hvndred and twenty six Rod one acer and forty six Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men may y" 20"' : 1736 laid ovt for Joseph Bvllard twenty acers of land which was giv.en to him by the propriators of the former township of Mendon att a propriators meetting on Janvary the 12"' : 1735 and is laid ovt acording to sd grant Joyning to vx- bridge west line betwen Ebenezer Reads land and elohn arnalds land begining att a heap of stons being the norwest corner and is bovnded west on sd line 53 rod and an half to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning East 8 dgr' sovth 60 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 8 dgr* East 53 rod and an half to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 8 dgr' north 60- rod to the first bovnds laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and sam" thayer chain men may y'' 20"' : 1737 laid ovt for John cass Eleven acers of land : viz : 3 acers ninth division and 8 acers tenth division laid Joyn- ino- to his other land on the west side fox brook and is bovnded o Easterly on sd land 64 rod rvning from a heap of stons being the northeast corner norwest 2 dgr* west 30 rod to a heap of stons beino- the norwest corner then sovthw 2 dgr' sovth 59 rod to samvel thayers land to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner and is bovnded sovtherly part on sd thayers land and part on common 34 rod to his other land to a heap of stons being the sovth- east corner the whole being 13 acers and 20 rod 2 acers and 20 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and John cass Chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 6ll Highways of 10 Rod wide [458.] That Highway of Ten Rod wide Riming Through y^ Town : Begining at y' Mill Riuer below y'^ mill as it is Stated from Thence : Runing from sd Riuer as it hath been formerly Im- proued for Sd way and where it was accounted Sd way Should Run homo To Muddy Brook, So Crossing Sd Brook, Thence Turning a Little Bowing to y*" Right by Daniel Thurstons fence : and So going up y*' hill Avherc y'' way is now Drawn home To Rehoboth Road Thence Turnino; Cross Daniel Darlings home Lott. where The way is now Drawn from y* South east Corner of Sd Darlings Lott. on y^ westerly Side of Sd Way : Thence Run- ing as y® way now Leads Through the town : heretoforo Drawn and fenced out. on boath Sides home to y" Brook by Serg' Daniel Louets house Thence Turning up y*^ hill l)y his fence home to y^ Burying i)lace Thence up to y° Meeting house. So Directly Cross y^ Lotts y*^ full Breadth where y'^ way now goes Towards Deacon John Tilers a Little beyound y** Bogmine Swamp The Ten Rod Highway Leading out of y** aboue Sd Ten Rod hiirhwav, lieginino- ao:ainst y*" Traininof field. So o-oino- westward between Daniel Louets Land and Thomas Sanfords Land y*^ full breadth of Ten Rod to y'' corner of Sd Sanfords Land Then Bounded on y** northerly Side on Sd Louets Land home to Jacob Aldrishes Land so Through Sd Aldrishes Lott as y'' way now Runs Directly up so far as M""* Rawsons and James Emersons. So Leading Directly forward between Daniel hills Land and y^ Land y' was formerly John Cooks home lott. So Through Justice Chapins Lott Sanmel Moors Lott, John pecks & Sumners Lott, home to y*^ Country Road Leading To Woodstock. Sd Way Con- tinuing y*" full Breadth of Ten Rod where it is now Drawn from y"" Commincement to y* Termination The ten Rod highway Leading from y" first aboue Sd Ten Rod highway begining on y* Southerly Side of Daniel Darlings Lott. at his South East Corner and So Leading Towards Rehoboth as it is now Drawn Through John Darlings Lott. and So Extending Towards Rehol)oth (y*^ Same breadth) So ftir Southward as (}12 PROPRIETORS' RF.CORi)S. where y*" way Leading from James Kieths house To y* Town Leads into Sd way Leading to Rehoboth. May yMG'^ : 1718. the Selectmen Laid out a highway of four Rod wide : from the fine Rod way. Leading Cross the neck to wards Wheelocks Mill, ouer to y*' Eight Rod way which goes up through the neck. Sd four Rod way being to y*" northward of the School Lott. as it is bounded with Marked trees and heaps of Stons on the northerly Side of Sd way. from the aforsd. hue Rod way to the aforesd Eight Rod way. Laid out by. Thomas Thayer, Thomas Sanford & Samuel Moor. Selectmen. Mendon aprill y^ 10''': 1727 we the svbscribers laid ovt a three rod way on the west side the great River Begining at the colony line near Jsaac Bensons hovse and marking trees on the northerly side of said way from sd line where the iron mine Rode is now drawn till it meet with seth aldriches land and over : sd land 62 rod for which we alowed sd aldrich two acers and half of land to lay ovt and so continving sd way over the svmmers land for which we alowed sd svmners six acers and half of land to lay ovt and so marking trees on the northly side sd : way till it meet with James heatons land and so over sd land 106 rod for which we alowed him fovr acers of land to lay ovt and so tvrning north- erly and continving sd way part on sd heatons land and part on John Emersons land at or near where the way is now drawn till it meet with the way was formerly laid ovt at or near the dwell- ing hovse when Joshvah wdttney lately dwelt Seth Chapin >. _, , -r / Select Joseph white C James Keith ) Joseph Rise nathaniel Jones william brown [459.] desember y'^ 3*^ : 1736 laid ovt for Joseph Rice 8 acers of land viz 4 acers of ninth division and 4 acers tenth division laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the great River and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land 48 rod westerly on the land of silvanas holebrook 35 rod north part on common and part on MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 613 flonathan oooks land 4.S rod to a heap of" stoiis being: the north- cast corner thence with a direct line '2o rod to the northeast corner of his other hind the whole being nine acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Thomas Rice chain men June y® 4"* : 1737 laid ovt for nathaniel Jones one acer and half tenth : division : of land Joyning to his other land sovtheasterly from his hovse and is bovnded northerly on sd land 13 rod and westerly on the Rode leading to sd Joneses 20 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner and is bovnded sovtherly with a direct line 10 rod to a black oak tree markt being a bovnds of Jonas parkises land and is bovnded Easterly on sd parkisis land to his own land: the whole being one acer and 92 rod 12 rod alowed for bad land laid o\i: by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and seth chapin chain men more one hvndred Rod of tenth division laid ovt for sd Jons Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded north on his other land 8 rod and sovtherly on his own land 2(i rod to a norwest corner of sd land thence with a direct line 26 rod to a heap of stons being a sovthwest corner of Ebenezer Boyntons land : itt being a three cornered peace of land contain- ing 104 rod 4 rod alowed : more 2 acers and 80 rod of sd division laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded northerly and Easterly on sd land and sovtherly and westerly on the land of william hay ward the Remainder of sd Joneses tenth division : being 5 acers and 60 rod laid joyning to his other land East from his hovse and is bovnded westerly part on sd land and part on a three Rod way and is bovnded Eas^terly and sovtherly on the land of John Jons Jvn"" and northerly on his own land the whole being 6 acers and 150 rod 250 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh part of sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and seth chapin chain men april y'" 10'" : 173 : 1723 then laid ovt a fovr Rod way Begining on the westerly side of the west River att the covntry Rode where Jsrail tafts way is now Drawn and partly on sd way and partly by Ebenezer Reads Ditch fence on the northerly side of sd way till it meet with a white oak tree marked on the sovth- erly side of sd way and so direct from sd oak as the land w^ill alow for a feazable way till it meet with the way alredy drawn to the aldriches and so as the way is drawn till it comes near the vper End of woodland tompsons land vpon the great River and tvrning westerly ovt of sd way by marked trees on the sovtherly side of sd way till itt croseth the great River and so from sd River fovr Rods and then tvrning northerly vp stream til it meet with a white oak tree marked on the sovtherly side of sd way and then tvrning westerly by marked trees on the northerly side of sd way till it meet with common land : laid ovt By Daniel Taft James keith and Ebenezer Read select men Mendon april y"^ 9**^ : 1723 laid ovt a way of three Rod wide from a ledge of Rocks on the land of Deacon Thomas sanford being the place w;here the former select men in the year : 1722 : compleated and caried the high way from leftenant Thomas thayers so con- tinving sd way By a line of marked trees on the sovtherly side of sd way home to the hovse of Benjamen Darling crosing hop brook where the way is now drawn thence on the north side of sd Darlings Barn by a line of markt trees to a white oak tree marked near to David Tompsons celler : laid ovt By Thomas white James keith Wiliam Boyce : selectmen March y*' 9^'' : 1723 the select men met and stated a fovr Rod way at the head of the minestry lott near Daniel tafts land : Begining at the norwest corner of m*^ Grindal Rawsons hovse lott thence By sd lott to the minestry lott thence with a direct line to the sovthwest corner of sd lott thence By a direct line of marked trees on the East side sd way to comon land the above sd way stated By vs James keith Thomas white 5> selectmen Ebenezer Read MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 625 [■i69.] William hayward and the heirs of samvel hayward Janvary y*^^ 30'" : 1735§- laid ovt for williain hayward and the heirs of samvel hayward deceast 28 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to their other land near chesnvtt hill and is bovnded East on sd land 110 rod rvning from the : norwest corner of sd land west fvll point 46 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest cor- ner then sovth fvll point 110 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East fvll point 46 rod to their other land the whole being 31 acers and 100 rod 3 acers and 100 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and williani hayward chain men febrvary y^ i)"' : 1735^ laid ovt for the above sd hay wards nine acers Eighth di^'ision of land laid Joyning to theii- other land near chesnvtt hill and is bovnded sovth on sd land 18 rod the sovth- west corner and the sovtheast corners being heaps of stons and is bovnded East i)art on the land of John legg and part oncomon 126 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west fvll point 110 rod to their other land the whole being Eleven acers and 100 rod : 3 acers and 100 rod alowed for bad laud : — more the same day for said haywards laid ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob : aldrich and williani hayward chain men A})ril y"" 3'' : 1736 laid ovt for the above sd haywards 19 acers of Eighth and ninth divisions of land laid Joyning to their other land near chesnvtt hill and is bovnded East and north on sd land west part on williani boyses land and part on common 30 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence with a direct line to: the norwest corner of cararys land then on sd land to their 626 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. own land the whole being 24 acers : 5 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and williaui hayward chain men Jvly y*' 15*'' : 1740 laid ovt for benjamen albee 2 acers tenth division of land Joyning to his other land whare his hovse stands and is bovnded sovth on sd land 40 rod East on the land of samvel holbrook 10 rod to stons the northeast corner north on comon 40 rod to stons on a rock being the norwest corner west on comon 13 rod to his other land the whole being 2 acers and 120 rod 120 rod alowed : for bad land and a 3 rod way throvgh part of sd land the same day laid ovt for sd albee 4 acers and 107 rod tenth division Joyning to his other land on the East side the great river and is bovnded north on sd land 50 rod west on comon 20 rod from the sovthwest corner of sd land to a pine tree markt being the sovthwest corner sovth on comon 50 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner East on a 3 rod way Eleven rod to his other land the whole being 5 acers and 10 rod (37 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer benjamen darling and benjamen albee chain men Joseph Brvce steven Eliss obadiah albee [470.] October y-^ 25"': 1735 laid ovt for Joseph Brvce 10 acers ninth division of land and is bovnded sovtherly on the way leading to Jsrail tafts and westerly part on sd tafts land and part on his own land and northerly part on the land of samvel nel- son and part on the land belonging : to the heirs of Elihv warfeeld 78 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the northeast corner then sovth west fvll point to Edmvnd Rawsons land then on sd Rawsons land to the above said way it being a broaken peace of land containing 13 acers 3 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men more the same day laid for sd brvce one acer and half ninth division laid on the East side mvdy brook and is bovnded west on sd land 40 rod sovth on Benjamen greens land 10 rod East on the Eight Rod way north on torys land 4 rod the whole contain- ino; one acer and 120 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 627 8eptoml)or v'^ 28": 1735 laid ovt for Joseph Brvce 6 acers of land in Ivo of land which was formerly laid ovt vnder a mistake in IVr Joseph dorrs land and is bovnded north on the land of benjamen green 26 rod East on his own land 76 rod west on sd Dorrs land S4 rod it being a three cornered peace of land laid ovt hy Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men : the same day as above Remesvred by the same chain men Eleven acers seventh division which covld not be fovnd on record and is bovnded East on his other land and sovth on the land of benjamen green west on land laid ovt to samvel Read and north part on common and part on the way to Jsrail tafts april y" 8"' : 1 740 laid ovt for steven Elis one acer 80 rod Eighth division of land which he pvrchased of Joseph cvmins and is bovnded sovtherly on common 30 rod and all other parts on his own land containing 2 acers and 3 qvarters one acer and 40 rod alowed for bad land — the same day laid ovt for sd Ellis 2 acers ninth division of land which he pvrchased of sd cvmmins and is laid on one side and one End of his other land begining att a heap of stons near samvel 4ivnts land being a northeast corner and is bovnded north on common with a direct line to sd hvnts land and is bovnded west part on sd hvnts land and part on samvel tom})sons land then rvn- ing from the sovtheast corner of sd tompsons land rvning East 5 dgr* sovth 12 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 5 dgi-" East 16 rod to his other land : itt being a broaken peace of land containing 3 acers and 52 rod one acer and 52 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer benjamen darling and steven Eliss chain men Jvly y" 15"' 1740 laid ovt for obadiah albee 2 acers tenth divi- sion of land laid Joyning to his fathers land on the East side the great river and is bovnded north on sd land 38 rod East on John darlings land 10 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner sovth on comon 34 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner west ])art on comon part on a three rod way 10 rod the whole beino; 2 acers and 40 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land laid 628 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. ovt by Thomas white svrvayer benjamen darling and benjamen albee chain men William Brown [4:71.] March y^ 24*'' : 1719. laid ovt for wiliam Brown eighteen acers of alexander plvmlyes fifth division Joyning his other land on the east side nuinifords river : three acers and three qvarters of it laid by oxford rode bovnded : west on sd rode twenty fovr rod a stake and stones being the sovthwest corner sovtherl}^ on couion fifty rod to stones on a rock being northeast corner northerly on his other land fifty rod it being a three cornerd peace fovrteen acers and a qvarter more of sd eighteen acers laid Joyning to and almost incompasing that twenty acers which was given him by the town att a generall town meeting on march the fifth : 1711: and is bovnded as foloweth lying on one side and one end of sd land sovth on comon twenty rod from sd land to a stake and stones being the sovtheast corner : east on common fifty rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner north on common one hundred and three rod to stones on a Rock being the norwest corner west on common twenty rod to a blak oak tree being a corner of his other land the whole containing twenty one acers and three qvarters three acers and three qvarters alowed for bad land laid ovt by thomas white Rolmrd taft Jacob aldrich committee Jvne y*" 17*^'' : 1731 laid ovt for william brown one acer Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded north on sd land 20 rod west on oxford rode 16 rod to a heap of Stones on a rock being the sovthwest corner thence rvning north- east 2 dgr' north 20 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then norwest 2 dgr' west 16 rod to his other land the whole 2 acers one acer alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men Jvne y'' 18*'' : 1735 laid ovt for william brown 5 acers and half ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land Easterly from MENDON, IvrASSACHUSpnTS. 629 his hovso and is boviided ^yestel•ly jiart on sd land and part on common 82 rod the sovthwest corner being a heap of stons and is bovnded Easterly on the way leading from Joseph tompsons to the meeting hovse and northerly on his other land 50 rod : it be- ing a three cornered l)roaken peace of land containing fi acers and 120 rod one acer and 40 rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jaco1:» aldrich and Joseph white chain men October y^ 28*'': 1737 laid ovt for william Brown 10 acers of land : viz : 8 acers of his ninth and tenth divisions of land and 2 acers and 80 rod of samvel moors laid Joyning to his other land north from his hovse and is bovnded East on comon 12 rod northerly on the land of solomon wood 66 rod then rvning from the sovthwest corner of sd woods land with a line to a black oak tree markt being a former bovnds and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land itt broaken peace of land containing 13 acers 2 acers and 80 rod alowed for Imd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Ebenezer Read and William Brown chain men daniel brown John Brown samvel tompson [472.] febrvary y*' 15"^ : 172U : laid ovt for John Brown one acer of land of samvel moors seventh division Joj'ning to his other land on y" north side of oxford Rode Begining at y'' northerly corner of sd land then Rvning on sd land forty Rod to a heap of stons then north Easterly on common sixteen Rod to a heap of stons then with a direct line to sd corner a three cornerd peace containing two acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich Thomas white febrvary y^ 15"^: 1721^ laid ovt for John Brown three acers of samvel moores seventh division of land on Both sides of mumfords River Joyning to the west side of angel torycs land on the north side of sd River twelve Rod crosing the River sovth- ward twelve Rod to a heap of stons then westerly on common thirty one Rod to a heap of stons then northerly crosing the River on common to a heap of stons on the : sovth side of the Rode leadins: to oxford then Bv sd Rode to the : tirst Bovnds : 680 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the whole containing fovr acers & half: one acer : and half alowed for bad land : — laid ovt By Robert Evens svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Thomas white : committee September y" 16"': 1737 laid ovt for samvel tompson 6 acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the great river begining att a heap of stons being the norwest corner : thence rvnino- East 20 dgr* north 56 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 20 dgr' East 30 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence wdth a direct line 18 rod to a northeast corner of daniel darlings land and is bovnded westerly on a three rod way 34 rod to the first bovnds the whole being 7 acers and 64 rod one acer and 64 rod alowed for bad land more the same day laid ovt for sd tompson 39 acers of Eighth and ninth and tenth divisions of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side sd river and is bovnded Easterly on sd river 34 rod to a chesnvtt tree markt by sd river thence rvning sovth 16 dgr^ East 36 rod to a heap of stons near the sovtheast corner and is bovnded sovth part on Browns land and part on common with a direct line 121 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner : thence rvning north fvll point 20 rod to his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on sd land itt being a broaken peace of land containing 43 acers and 100 rod 4 acers and one hvndred rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and samvel tompson chain men — ten acers of the above sd land being part of william holbrooks tenth division of land november y*' 11*^: 1738 laid ovt for daniel brown 2 acers of thomas whites tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the west river beo-inino- at the sovtheast corner of o o his other land thence rvning westward with a direct line 88 rod to a white oak tree being a former bovnds of his OAvn land and is bovnded north on sd land it being a narow slip of hind H^ rod long and 8 rod wide in the midle and nothing at Each End being 2 acers and 32 rod 32 rod for bad land by Thomas white Jacob aldrich MENDON. MASSACHUSETTS. G31 Seth Aldrich [473.] fehrvaiy y* 25'": 17fA laid ovt for seth aldrich one acer and half of sederswamj) and one acer of vpland seventh division laid on the East side the covntry Rode near solomon woods Begining att y" north End of a small sederswanip near sd woods house Bovnded easterly on vpland thirty Rod to the sovth- east corner sovtherly on couniion swamp & vpland to the covntry Rode to a heap of stones being the sovthwest corner thence rvn- ing north 20 dgr* East thirty rod to a small white oak tree being the norwest corner then East 20 dgr* sovth : twenty Rod to a blak oak tree being the north East corner : laid ovt by Robart Evens thomas white Jacol) aldrich committee Jan vary the first 1719 laid ovt for seth aldrich nine acers of land seventh division on the west of the great river on the westerly side of a peace of land laid ovt heretofore Begining att the sovthwest corner att a pine tree then rvning west 5 dgr* sovth forty two rod on common to Robert Evenses land to a heap of stons then by sd Evenses land north 3 dgi-^ East sixty Eight rod to a heaj) of stons tvrning East 3 dgr* sovth upon Evens twenty three rod to his a heap of stons tvrning his corner seven rod then then to his own land rvning East 3 dgi-" sovth twelve rod it being a Broken peace of land containing sixteen acers & 142 rod seven acers and 142 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens James keith Jacob aldrich may the 25'*' : 1721 laid ovt for seth aldrich five acers of Elife- letts holbrooks seventh division Joyning to the sovth side of his other land on the sovth side of fox Brook a three cornerd peace of land Begining att the East corner of sd land Rvning sovth easterly on thomas thayers land 20 rod then with a direct line on common to the sovth corner of sd thayers land then on sd land one hvndred and twenty rod to the first bovnds : containing seven acers two acers alowed for bad land laid o\i; by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich seth chapin may y'^ 25"': 1721 laid ovt for seth aldrich fifteen acers of Elifelett holbrooks seventh division of land on the west side the D. t 632 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. great River Joyning to his other land att a place caled the lone pine begining on sd land twelve Rod to the East of the sovth ^ y „ west corner then Rvning sovth 10 dgr' East on common fo i fiO Rod to an heap of stons being a sovtheast corner then g «- west 10 dgr* sovth on common fifty fovr Rod to a heap of s* "• I stons being a sovthwest corner then north 10 dgr^ west on s common sixty Rod to a heap of: stons being a norwest corner then East ten dgr* north partly on : common partly on sd land to the first bovnds fifty fovr rod containing twenty acers and forty Rod five acers and forty rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich seth chapin com*®*' Seth aldrich [474.] May the 25*^ 1721 laid for seth aldrich Eight acers of land being seventh division six belonging to the scool lott and two acers of his own laid on the northeast part of shokcolog plain Joyning to the northeast side of samvel Reads land Begin- ing att an heap of stons a little distance from samvel Reads north- east corner then rvning East 8 dgr* sovth on common thirty two Rod to a heap of stons being a northeast corner then sovth 8 dgr^ west on common fifty one rod to a heap of stons att the Rvte of a blak oak tree then west 8 dgr** north on common thirty two rod to sd Reads land then on sd land partly partly on common fifty one rod to the first Bovnds containing ten acers and thirty two Rod two acers and 32 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich seth chapin March y'^ 21*: 1723 laid ovt for seth aldrich twenty acers of samvel cooks seventh division of land laid on the west side the great River a little westward from william hawards land begining att a white oak tree marked lieing a East corner then west 43 dgr' north on common by a line of markt trees ninety Rod to a stake marked being a north corner then sovth 43 dgr* west on common by a line of markt trees forty five rod to : a : heap of stons being a west corner then East 43 dgr* sovth on common by a line of mark trees ninety Rod to a heap of stons being a sovth corner then north 43 dgr* East on common by a line of mark trees forty MENDOX, MASSACHUSETTS. 088 live Rod lo : tlic rirst Boviuls coiitainiiiii- twnil y tivo acors and tifty rod five acers and ")() rod alowod for had land laid ovt By Rol)ert Evens Jaeol) aldrieh seth eliapen may the '2n^^ : 1 721 laid ovt for seth aldrich ten acers of timothy winters seventh division Joyning to the northeast side of his other land on the sovth side of fox Brook beginino: att a hlak oak tree being his former East corner then on sd land norwest one hvndred and forty rod to (he noi'th corner tvrning sd corner twenty Rod sovthwest then norwest on connnon twenty Rod to a heaj) of stons att the Rvte of a chesnvt then northeast on connnon twenty rod to a heaj) of stons lieing a north corner then sovtheasterly on com- mon one hvndred and forty Plight Rod to thonias thayers land then on sd thayer fifty six rod to sd thayers corner tvrning sd corner with a direct line to the first Bovnds twelve rod a Broaken peace of land containing thirteen acers and one hvndred and twenty two rod o acers and 122 I'od alowed for l)ad land laid By Robert Evens Jacob aldrich seth chapin Seth aldrich [475.] May y« 25*'^ : 1721 laid ovt for seth aldrich twenty two acers of land seventh division twenty acers of Ebenezer tomp- sons seventh division and two acers of his own seventh division laid on the west side the great River Joyning to his other land sovth of svmners land laid on the East side sd land begining att a heap of stons being his former northeast corner then on sd land sovth o dgr* East Eighty Rod to a stake being a former bovnds then with a direct line sovtherly to a heap of stons on the sovth side the rode by a medow then sovth 30 dgr' East on common thirty rod to a ma])le tree markt then East 30 dgr^ north on com- mon twelve Rod to a heap of stons then north 30 dgi-^ west on connnon thirty six rod then north 5 dgi** west on common ninety fovr rod to a heap of stons being a northeast corner then west 5 dgr" sovth thirty six rod to the first Bovnds : containing twenty three acers and forty rod one acer and forty Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Robert Evens Jacob aldrich seth chapin 634 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. May y^ 10"' : 1726 laid ovt for seth aldrich ten acers pvrchasd land which he pvrchased of the propriators of Mendon laid Joyn- ing to his other land on the west side the g-reat River Bovnded west part on sd land part on conion tift}^ hve Rod begining at the sovtheast corner of his other land thence Rvning East forty Eight Rod to woodland Tompsons land then bovnded East on sd Tomp- sons land fifty five Rod to a pople tree markt near the northeast corner then Rvning w^est thirty six rod on common to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth with a direct line to the northeast corner of his other land : there being a walnvt tree markt near the sovtheast corner of this peace of land : the whole of sd land contains fovrteen acers and seventy Rod fovr acers and 70 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer »James keith and Jacob aldrich committee May y" : 16"': 1726 laid for seth aldrich nine acers of land which he pvrchased of the proi)riators of mendon laid Joyning to his other land on the west side : the great River : it being a broken peace of land compased in with land formerly laid ovt and is Bovnded East on his own land : north on John aldriches land west on woodland Tompsons land and sovth on Benjamen tomp- sons land : laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee. seth aldrich [478.] may y^ : 16"' : 1726 laid ovt for seth aldrich fifty acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid ovt Joyning to his other land on the west side the great River near the town line : Bovnded north on his other land Eighty fovr Rod and west on the town line one hvndred Rod to a heap of stons on : a Rock being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning East 8 dgr^ : sovth Eighty fovr Rod to a stake in a pine swamp being the sovtheast corner then north 8 dgr^ East one hvndred rod to the sovtheast corner of his other land the whole containing fifty two acers and half two acers and half alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by : Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich conmiittee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 635 may y* l(i"' : 172(> laid ovt for seth aldrich fovr acevs of land wliicii ho })vivha.sed of the propriators of inendon laid ovt Joyning to his other land on the west side the great River Betwen sd Kiver and svtton line : Bovnded East part on his other land and part on connnon tifty fovr Rod to an heap of stons being the sovtheast eorner thenee Rvning west 43 dgr^ north twenty Rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being the sovthwest corner then north 48 dgr'* East tifty fovr Rod to a heap of stons Being the norwest corner then East 43 dgr"* sovth twenty Rod to the norwest corner of his other land : the whole containing six acers and three qvar- ters two acers and three qvarters alowed for bad land laid by Thomas white svrvayer : James keith and Jacob aldrich : com*'"'' Desember y'" D"' : 1725) laid ovt for seth aldrich twenty acers : Eighth division of land laid ovt on the west side the great River near Rattle snake hill l)egining att a heap of stons on a Rock be- ing the sovth corner thence Rvning norwest fvll point Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being the west corner then northeast forty six Rod to a heap of stons being the north corner then sovth East Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being the East corner then sovth west forty six Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing twenty three acers three acers alowed for bad land laid by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men march y'^ 25^'': 1730 laid ovt for seth aldrich three acers and half of David thayers Eighth division of land : laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river and is bovnded East on sd land forty Rod north part on the land of peter aldrich and part on common twenty fovr Rod to a heap of stons l)eing the norwest corner then sovth 1 .") dgr* East forty Rod to a heaj) of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 15 dgr' north twenty fovr rod to his other land there being a heap of stons on a Rock near the sovtheast corner : the whole containing six acers two acers and half alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer : Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men 636 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. setli aldrich [479.] October y«^ 14^'': 1731 laid ovt for seth aldrich seven- teen accrs and half of land : viz : two acers wich he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon and fifteen acers and half of david thayers Eighth division laid Joyning- to david Bachelders land near vxbridge west line and is bovnded west on sd land one hvn- dred Rod rvning from the northeast corner of sd land East 8 dgr^ sovth 31 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 8 dgr^ west 100 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 8 dgr' north 31 rod to sd bachelders land the whole containing 19 acers and HO rod one acer and 140 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men march y'' 9*'' 1730 laid ovt foi- seth aldrich 14 acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river and is bovnded west on sd land 80 rod rvning from the northeast corner of sd land East 2 dgr' north 40 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 25 dgr^ East 80 rod to a blak oak tree raarkt being the sovtheast corner then west 2 dgr'^ sovth 24 rod to his other land the whole con- taining 16 acers two acers alowed for bad land more one acer and half Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great Eiver and is bovnded north on sd land 20 rod begining at a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning East 3 dgr' sovth 1 2 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 3 dgr' west 20 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth east corner then west 3 dgr' north 12 rod to his other land laid ovt ])y Thomas white svrvayei John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men may y*' 23'' : 1732 laid ovt for seth aldrich 15 acers of Edward Bozerds 8"' division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land on the west side of the great river and is bovnded Easterly on sd land GO rod rvning from the sovthwest corner of sd land sovth 17 dgr' west 34 rod to a heap of stons being a corner then west 17 dgr' n to a heap of .stons being a corner then sovth 17 dgr- MEN DON, MASSACHUSETTS. 637 west 22 rod to a white oak tree iiiarkt being- the sovthwest corner then north 17 dgi** west 42 rod to a heap of stons being the nor- west corner then East 17 dgr^ sovth ,5(5 rod to his other hind the whole containing IK acers and half 3 acers and half alowed for bad land the same day laid ovt for sd aldrich 3 acers and half of the above sd division laid Joyning to the above sd land and is bounded west on sd land 10(3 rod and is (3 rod wide the corners all heaps of stons the whole containing 3 acers and 15(3 rod : 7(5 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men seth aldrich Jvn'' seth aldrich sein'' [480.] febrvary y'^ 26'": 1732^ laid ovt for seth aldrich Jvn'" 7 acers and half ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land East from his hovse and is bovnded west on sd land 60 rod rvning from the sovtheast corner of his other land East fvll point 28 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 60 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 28 rod to his other land a white oak tree markt near the norwest corner the whole containing 10 acers and half 3 acers alowed for })ad land » the same day laid ovt for sd aldrich 2 acers and half ninth division laid Joyning to his other land northerly from his hovse and is bovnded sovth on sd land 38 rod being the whole breadth of sd land and is laid 10 rod and an half wide the norwest and northeast corners being heaps of stons : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men march y" 9^'': 1730 laid ovt for seth aldrich Jvn"" 15 acers Eighth division of land laid East from his hovse begining at a black oak stand being the norwest corner thence Rvning East f\dl point 40 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the northeast corner then sovth 80 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the sovtheast corner then west 40 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the sovthwest coriuu" then north 80 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing 20 acers 5 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men 638 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. October y^ 10*'': 1730 laid ovt for seth aldrich sein"" 4 acers : Eighth division of land at Jenckes farm and is bovnded sovtherly on sd farm 53 rod westerly on the land of Joseph taft 30 rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being the norwest corner thence with a direct line : 53 rod to the northeast corner of sd farm a three cornered peac of land containing 5 acers one acer alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and John tarnvm chain men may y^ 28"' : 1734 laid ovt for seth aldrich sein'" seven acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon and is laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the great river and is bovnded Easterly on sd land 44 rod rvning from the nor- west corner of sd land west 30 dgr^ sovth 40 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 30 dgr^ East 44 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 30 dgr^ north 40 rod to his other land the whole containing Eleven acers 4 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men Benonie Benson [481.] Mendon February y^ 22-^. 1720. then Laid out for Benonie Benson Twenty four acres of Land. Eight acres & half of Sixth Diuision and fifteen acres and half of Seuenth Diuision : fJoyning to the South Side of his home Lott. l^egining at a small walnutt Tree : being a former Corner of his other Land. Runing west 18 Degrees South on Common forty Rod To a heape of Stones, being a northwesterly corner, then South 18 Deg''* East on Common Sixty Eight Rod to a heape of Stones. So then with a Direct Line to a Southwest Corner of his other Land ; on Common one hundred & twenty nine Rod : bounded northerly on Sd Land to the first Bounds ; Containing thirty four acres. Ten acres allowed for bad Land. Laid out l)y. Robert Euens : Jacol) Aldrich. & James Keith. Com*'^'^ — Mendon February y^ 22*^. 1720^1, then Laid out for Benonie Benson four acres & half of Seuenth Diuision of Land P^asterlv MKNDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 639 of his house : Joyiiiiio- to his other Land heaining at a black oak tree being y' former Corner bound. Runing on Sd Land East 23 Dcg"^. north one hundred & Ten Rod to a heape of Stones, then South 23 Deg"^. East on Common Eleuen Rod to a black ash tree marked then west 23 Degrees South on Common one hundred & Ten Rod to a heape of Stones, then North 23 Deg""* West on common P^leuen Rod to y^ first bounds Containing Seuen acres and ninty Rod ; three acres & ten Rod allowed for bad Land. Laid out by Robert Euens. Jacol) Aldrich & James Keith Com- mittee Mendon February y'' 2 2*^ : 17201: then Laid out for Benonie Benson Eleuen acres of his Sixth Diuision on y'^ north Side of his house ; begining at a Black oak tree being his former Nor- west Corner. Runing North ful point on Common to Ebenezer Thayers Corner forty two Rod. So north on Sd Thayers Land Eighteen Rod to a heape of Stones, then west partly on Sd Thayers Land and partly on Common thirty Eight Rod to a black oake tree ; marked being y® norwest Corner, then South on Common to his other Land Seuenty Six Rod : Containing Sixteen acres and twenty four Rod. tiue acres & twenty four Rod allowed for bad Land. Laid out by R()l)ert Euens. Jacob Aldrich & James Keith Committee april y'' !•"' : 1730 laid ovt for Benonie Benson 28 acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded north part on common and part on the scool land 52 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning sovth fvU point 28 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being a corner then East fvU point 26 rod to a heap of stons being a corner then sovth 3(3 dgr^ East 150 rod to a heap of stona being the sovthwest corner then East 40 dgr^ north 38 rod to his other land a black oak tree markt near the sovtheast corner : the whole containing 3(3 acers and 116 rod* 8 acers and 116 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men — here being alowance for a three rod way cros said land 640 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Benonie Benson [482.] april y'^ 9*" : 1730 laid ovt for Benonie Benson 4 acers of P^dmvnd Rawsons seventh division of land laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded west on sd land 11 rod rvning from an ash tree lieing a corner East 38 dgr' north 44 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being a corner then north 38 dgr' west 13 rod to a heap of stons l)eing a corner then East 25 dgr' sovth 26 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner and is bovnded north on his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing ,5 acers and 44 rod one acer and 44 rod alowed for bad land the same day laid ovt for sd Benson (i acers land viz : 2 acers of Edmvnd Rawsons seventh division and two acers of his own Eighth division and 2 acers granted him by the selectmen for a way throvgh his land laid together : Joyning to his other land north from his hovse begining at the northeast corner of sd land thence rvning north 2 dgr^ west 8 rod to a heap of stons being a corner then west 35 dgr^ north 90 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner and is bovnded on all other parts on his other land : it being a broaken peace of land containing : 1 1 acers : 5 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men november y*' 13^'' : 1732 laid ovt for benonie Benson 4 acers and half ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded sovth on a three rod way 14 rod East on his other land 59 rod to a heap of stons being the north- east corner : north on common 4 rod to the northeast corner of John darlings land and is bovnded west on sd darlings land to the above sd way the whole containing 5 acers and 98 rod one acer and 98 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men the same day as above laid ovt by the same committee for sd Benson 13 acers ninth division kid Joyning to his other land near his hovse begin- ing at a small rvn north from hh hovse and is bovnded East on a three rod way 60 rod to a black oak tree markt for sd way thence rvning west 20 dgr* sovth 126 rod to a heap of stons att the scool land then bovnded on sd land to his other land and is bovnded MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 641 oil all other jiarls on his own hand the whole eontainino: 1(> acers and tlire(> (ivarters 8 acers and three quarters alowed for bad hind octolier y*" HO"' : ITol laid ovt for Benonie bcnson 2 acers and half of Jsacc thayers Eighth division and is laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded East on sd land 48 rod north on a three rod way 14 rod to John darlings land west on sd land 43 rod sovth on couion 7 rod the whole 2 acers and lhie(> qvarters 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas wliil(» svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men wiliam hayward 3*^ [483.] march y*' 2(i^^' : 172G laid ovt for wiliam hayward sixty acers of land that he pvrchased of the propriators of the town of mendon and is laid Joyning to his other land acording to the propriators order Begining at the sovtheast corner of sd land thence Rvning sovth 32 dgr^ East forty one Rod to land formerly laid ovt to cap' seth chapin then bovnded sovtherly part on sd land part on common ninety nine Rod to Joseph Brvses land then Bovnded west on sd land forty Rod to the northeast corner of sd land then setting of west By sd land thirty Rod to a Blak ojilv stand markt near the sovth west corner : then Bovnded westerly on common with a direct line one hvndred and ten Rod to an heap of stons being the norwest corner thence Rvning East 30 dgi-^ north ninety five Rod to an heap of stons Being the northeast corner then sovth 21 dgr* East Sixty Rod to his other land then bovnded on sd land to the first Bovnds the whole con- taining Eighty six acers twenty six acers alowed for Bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land : laid ovt By Thomas white svr- vayer seth chapin and eJacol) aldrich committee this land laid Joyn- ing to land which sd hayward pvrchased of seth chapin Jvn"" on the East side of magomisco : Jvne y* 8**^ : 1726 laid ovt for wiliam hayward y^ 3"^ ten acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid Joyning to his other land Begining at a wdiite oak stand markt on the East side of his other land beinff the sovthwest corner : 642 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. thence Rvning East 21 dgr^ north twenty Rod to an heap of stons on a rock Being the sovtheast corner then north 36 dgr^ west one hvndred and Eight Rod to an heap of stons at svmners land being the northeast corner then Bovnded northerly on sd svmners land sixty one Rod to an heap of stons Being the norwest corner then Rvning sovth 30 dgr'* East twenty fovr Rod to a heap of stons at his other land l)eing the sovthwest corner then on sd land to the first Bovnds : it being a broaken peace ot land lying part on one side and one End of his other land con- taining fifteen acers and fifty three Rod five acers and 53 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer : James keith and Jacob aldrich committee Jvne y*" 8"' : 1726 laid ovt for wiliam hay ward two acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid Joyn- ing to his other land East of magomisco : it being a broken peace of land containing abovt fovr acers and is Bovnded sovth and East on his other land north on Joseph svmners land : west on comon with a direct line from y'' sovthwest corner of svmners land to the norwest corner of his own land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee Ezekiel wood wiliam hay ward Jvn*" Benjamen taft [484.] march y^ 3'^ : 1730 laid ovt for wiliam hayward thirty acers of John garners Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near the north sederswamp fifteen acers of sd thirty laid ovt at the East End of sd land and is bovnded west on sd land one hvndred and Eleven Rod and is bovnded sovth and East on y*^ land of Richard garner and is bovnded north part on the land of nathaniel Jons and part on common Rvning from the sovthwest corner of sd Joneses land norwest 6 dgr^ west nineteen Rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being a corner of his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on sd land : it being a broaken peace of land containing twenty acers : five acers alowed for bad land the Remainder of sd thirty acers being fifteen is laid Joyning to the west End of his other land and is bovnded East on sd land forty fovr Rod and sovth on the land of Joseph Brvce sixty rod to a MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 643 heap of stons being llio sovthwest corner thence Evning north 15 dgi-s west forty fovr Hod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East twenty dgi-^ north sixty Rod to his other hind here being a heap of stons near the northeast corner : the whole containing sixteen acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land laid ovt I)y Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Thomas sanford chain men dosember y*" 4"': 173o laid ovt for william hay ward 15 acers and half of land viz : 10 acers of John garner ninth division and 5 acers and half of land taken of by the rode leading to the Jonses which was alow ed by the propriators to be laid down and taken vp Else where now laid ovt together Joyning to his other land begining att the norwest corner of sd land thence rvning sovth I'd dgr^ west 136 rod to another corner of his land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing by Estimation : 20 acers 4 acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men ( September y** 13^'' : 1737 laid ovt for Benjamen taft 4 acers and half of Ebenezer cooks tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near the iron works on mvmfords river and is bovnded East on sd land 13 rod and north on sanfords land 46 rod and west on the land of Daniel lovet 20 rod and sovtherly on the land of Ezekeil wood 46 rod the whole being 4 acers and 119 rod 39 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and John Bacon chain men April y« 30**" 1745 Laid out for Ezekiel Wood 30 acres of Land on the westerly Side of his other Land at a place Caled the Indian hill (viz) 21 acres and a half of George Bruces former Division and Eight acres & a half of his own Eleuenth Division Laid together and bounded as followeth begining at a heap of stones being the South East Corner then runing west 8 Degr & a half north 30 rod to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner 644 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. and bounding South on the ministry Land then north Eight Degrs & 30™ East 180 rod to a heap of Stones being the nor- west Corner at His own Land and bounding west on the proprie- tors farm then bounding north and East on his own land to the first bounds mentioned : Laid out by John Read Jr Surueyer with the assistance of william holbrook as chain man Benjamen taft [485.] March y*^ 16"^ : 17234 laid ovt for Benjamen taft fovr acers of James keiths seventh division of land laid ovt sovtheast from shokcolog sederswamp begining at an heap of stons on a rock being the northeast corner thence rvning sovth 28 dgr^ East sixty rod to an heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 28 dgr' sovth thirty rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 28 dgr' west sixty rod to an heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 28 dgr' north thirty rod to the first bovnds the whole : containing Eleven acers and forty rod seven acers and forty rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer : James keith and Jacob aldrich committee March y^ lO**" : 1723-i- laid ovt for Benjamen taft one acer and half of land which he pvrchased of the town at a pvblick town meetting September the 16"' : 1723 sd land laid ovt Joyning to his other land near hoop pole hill bovnded sovth on sd land Eighty rod west on samvel Reads land twelve rod to an heap of stons on a rock being the norwest corner thence rvning East 21 dgr^ north to the northeast corner of his other land : it being a three cornerd peace of land : containing two acers and an half one acer alowed for bad land ovt by : Thomas white svrvayer James keith Jacob aldrich committee March y'^ 16'" : 1723 'A laid ovt for Benjamen taft seven acers of land pvrchased of the town att a pvblick town meeting September y^ 16"' : 1723 laid ovt Joyning to his other land att shokcolog brook compasing in a peace of land pvrchased by sd taft of Edmvnd Rawson begining at an heap of stones being a corner of his other: land thence rvning west 11 : dgr^ sovth one hvndred rod to an heap of stons being the norwest corner then rvning MENDON, ISIASSACHUSETTS. 64,5 s()\'tli 11 (lur" East forty one rod to a maple tree inarkt being the sovtliwest corner then rvning East 11 dgr' north sixty seven rod to his other land then on sd land to the tirst bovnds : the whole l)esids the pvrchased land containing thirteen acers six acers alowed for bad land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee Benjamen taft [486.] Janvary y*" 5"': 1724-5 laid ovt for Benjamen taft Eight acers of land Joyning to his other land near shokcolog five acers of it being land that Ebenezer Read pvrchased of the town att a pvblick town meeting September y' 16*'': 1728 and three acers of it l)eing his own seventh : division of land begining at the norwest corner of his other land thence rvning west 22 dgr^ sovth Eighty rod to a black oak stand markt being the norwest corner then sovth 30 dgr** East thirty Eight rod to an heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 22 dgr** north Eighty rod to his other land East on sd land thirty Eight rod to the first bovnds the whole containing Eighteen acers and an half ten acers and an half alowed for bad land and a fovr rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer : James keith Jacob aklrich committee april y^' 18"': 1726 laid ovt for Benjamen taft fovr acers and an half of land floyning to his other land near his hovse fovr acers of it Being of his seventh division and half an acer of it Being land that he pvrchased of the town and is Bovnded as fol- oweth Easterly on a fovr Rod way thirteen Rod north on Josci)h tafts land ninety fovr Rod and west on the minestry land and sovth on his own land it Being a broken peace of land containing six acers and an half : fovr acers alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich com- HlitttM' april y' lo"' : 172(1 laid ovt for Benjamen taft two acers and an half of land which he pvrchased of the town : and is Bovnded East on his other land thirty five Rod and west on the minestry land forty Eight Rod to an heap of stons Being the sovthwest 646 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. corner thence Evning East 7 dgr' north thirty Rod to his other land : it being a three cornerd peace of land containing three acers and sixty Eod one hvndrcd and forty Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacol) aldrich (;ommittee may y*' 19"': 1726 laid ovt for Benjamen taft nine acers of land that he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid Joyning to his other land near shokcolog sederswamp begining at the northeast corner of sd land and is bovnded sovth on sd land one hvndrcd Rod to a stake being y'^ sovth west corner then north 22 dgr' west forty Rod to an heap of stons being the norwest cornt^r thence with a direct line to the first bovnds it being a three cornerd peace of land containing 12 acers and half o acers and half alowed for bad land and a o Rod way cros a corner of sd land laid ovt by Thomas white. James keith and Jacol) aldrich committee [487.] Benjamen Taft febrvary y'' 20"' : 1726^ laid ovt for Benjamen taft : fovr acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great River and is Bovnded north on sd land forty six Rod west on the minestry land twenty two Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then Rvning East 8 dgr" north fifty rod to James penne- mans land and is Bovnded East on sd land twenty two Rod to his own land the whole containing six acers & half and sixteen Rod two acers and half and sixteen Rod alowed for bad land : laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich coumiittee febrvary y'' 26"' : 1726^ laid ovt for Benjamen Taft seven acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon and is laid Joyning to his other land near shokcolog and is Bovnded East part on Joseph tafts land and part on common fifty Rod begining : at a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence Rvning norwest 5 dgr" north to a heap of stons being the north- IVIENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 647 oast corner then sovllnvest o dgr^ sovtli thirty two Rod to his other land then on sd hind sixty Rod to a heap of stons near sh()kcoh) : 1728 laid ovt for Benjamen Taft nine acers of land : viz : half an acer of his sixth division and Eight acers and half of land in lew of land taken from him b}^ i)rovi- dence claims laid ovt on the north side of shokcolog sederswamp and is bovnded north on the land of Ebenezer Read forty six Rod : and then Bovnded Rovnd with ponds and sederswamp : it being a neck of broaken land : containing nine acers and thirty fovr Rod : 34 rod alowed for Bad land laid ovt by : Thomas white svrvayer James keith and flacol) aldrich conmiittee march y*" 28*'' : 1728^ laid ovt for Benjamen taft seventeen acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near the iron Avorks and is bovnded East part on sd land part on mvm- fords River fifty fovr Rod north on samvel terreys land sixty Rod west })art on sd tereys land part on common Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then Rvning East Ifi dgi-* north one hvndred and twenty six rod to mvmfords River : the whole containing twenty Eight acers and fifty Rod Eleven acers and fifty Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men march y"^ 17*'': 172ining at a South west Corner of March " ~ the 7:1744/5 S** Land thcu South W\ East thirty Six Eods To Stones on a Rock y*" South west Corner then East 16". North 40 Rode To his other Land & is Bounded on all other Parts on his other Land the Whole Containing Nine Acres one Acre allowed for Bad Land Laid out by Thomas white Timothy winter [492.] march y*^ 22*^ : 1722 laid out for Timothy winter thir- teen acers of his seventh division of land laid ovt on the East side the great River a little down stream of his other land begin- ing at a heap of stons on the sovtheast side of a pitch pine hill thence Rvning East 10 dgr^ sovth fifty Rod to a heap of stons be- ing the northeast corner then north 10 dgr' East sixt}^ fovr Rod to : a : heap of stons being the nor west corner then west 10 dgr^ north fifty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then sovth : 10 dgi** west sixty fovr Rod to the first bovnds being the sovtheast corner : the whole containing twenty acers seven acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens Thomas white and Jacob aldrich committee march y** 28"': 1722 laid ovt for Timothy winter forty five acers of his seventh division of land laid Joyning to the East side of his other land on the East side the great River near the shin- ing Rocks begining at a heap of stons on a great Rock being his northeast corner then bovnded north on the town line sixty Rod 654 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. to a heap of stons near a great hill of Rocks being a northeast corner thence Rvning sovth 40 dgr^ East one hvndred and forty Rod to a heap of: stons being an Easterly corner then with a di- rect line to the sovtheast corner of his other land then bovnded on sd land to the first bovnds it being a broken peace of land containing seventy Eight acers and half thirty three acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens svrvaycr Thomas white and Jacob aldrich committee Jvly ye 1G^'\- 1722 an award vpon a bond Bareing Date Jvly ye igth . 1722 which was Bet wen Timothy winter of mendon and hannah peck of Rehoboth : which award is as foloweth twenty acers of land we : alow the afore sd hannah peck vpon the west End of Timothy winters land which lyes vpon the great River at a place comonly : caled the shineing Rocks : as wittnes ovr hands and seals : Daniel Taft ^ James Bick m Avgvst y'^ 10*'': 1727 twenty acers of land measvered of and Bovnded out at the west End of Timothy winters land at the great River acording to the above writen award and is bovnded sovtherly on the land of John plvmly thirty and six Rod and westerly on common land ninety two rod north part on comon part on the great River thirty six Rod Easterly on sd winters land By a line of marked trees : measvred : and Bovnded ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jsaac thayer and Benjamen Tompson chain men Janvary y"^ 2^: 17181-^ then laid ovt for timothy winter his share of sederswamp being a litle swamp by it self on the west side the west river near samvel moors land and is bovnded north- erly on medow and on all other parts on vpland laid ovt by Robert Evens svrvayer Thomas white and Jacob aldrich chain men winters heirs avgvst y*" 31': 1731 laid for the heirs of timothy winter one [493.] acer Eighth division of land laid Joyning to their other MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 655 land On the East side of the great River and is bovnded north on sd hind 27 rod west on sd River: 7 : rod sovth on the land of nathan park 30 rod Rvning from the northeast corner of sd parks land west 20 dgr^ north : 7 : rod to their other land the whole con- taining one acer and a qvarter 40 rod alow ed for had land the same day laid for sd winters heirs 26 acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to their other land on the East side sd River and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land 50 Rod rvning from the nor- west corner of sd land north 10 dgr' East 100 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 10 dgr*' sovth 50 rod to a heap of stons being the nortlieast corner then sovth 10 dgr** west to nathan parks land then bovnded on sd land to their own land : the whole containing 31 acers and 40 rod : 5 : acers and 40 rod alowed for had land the same day laid ovt for sd winters heirs 13 acers Eighth divi- sion of land laid Joyning to their other land on the East side the great River and is bovnded west on sd land 80 rod Rvning from a heap of stons by a white oak stand being the norwest corner East 40 dgr* north 34 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 40 dgr^ East 80 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 40 dgr^ sovth 34 rod to their other land the whole containing 17 acers 4 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Johnfarnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men november y^ 3*^ : 1732 laid ovt for the heirs of timmoth}^ winter nine acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to their sovth niedow and is bovnded north on John daniels land East part on Jacob aldriches land part on common rvning from a corner of sd aldriches land sovth 28 dgr' East 50 rod to the west corner of sd aldriches land thence with a direct line to the northeast corner of david tompsons land then bovnded sovth on sd land 44 rod to their own medow and is bovnded west on sd medow it being a broaken peace of land containing 1 1 acers and 30 rod 2 acers and 30 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros a corner of sd land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men 656 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. November y*^ 13*'^ : 1731 laid ovt for the heirs of timothy winter : 3 acers Eighth division of land laid on the west side their sovth medow and is bovnded East on sd medow 62 rod west on the land of Ebenezer thayer 40 rod to the sovtheast corner of sd land then tvrning west by sd land 26 rod to the scool land then bovnded west on sd land 5 rod to scvll Rock Rode and is bovnded sovth on sd Rode 26 rod to said winters medow it being a broaken peace of land containing 3 acers and half and 3 1 rod half an acer and 31 rod alowed for bad land and a two rod way with gates or bars for Ebenezer thayer to go to his land from sd Rode laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men. Abel Aldrich [494.] Jvne y'^' 10*'' : 1718 laid ovt for abell aldrich one acer and half sixth division of land laid Joj^iing to his other land near his hovse lying in an half moon on two sids sd land and is Bovnded East on common ten Rod to a stake and stons being the northeast corner : north on common with a direct line twenty live Rod to stons on a Rok being the norwest corner west on a way formerly laid ovt thirty six Rod to peter aldriches land : the whole containing two acers half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer : Thomas thayer and Jacob aldrich com- mittee Desember y*^ S**" : 1719 laid ovt for abell aldrich seven acers and half seventh division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the great River begining att the sovtheast corner of sd land thence Rvning East 25 dgr' sovth twenty Eight Rod to samvel Reads land then By sd Reads land sixty six Rod to y*^ norwest corner of sd Reads land : then with a direct line to the norwest corner of his other land sixty Rod : it being a broaken peace of land bovnded on two sids of his other land Estemed att twelve acers fovr acers and half alowed for bad land : laid ovt by Robert Evens and Jacob aldrich October y^ 7"' : 1720 laid ovt for abel aldrich forty acers of the seventh division of the scool lott laid ovt on the west side the Great River and is l)ovnded sovth part on the land of seth aldrich MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 657 and i)art on coiumon one hvndred Rod to a lieap of stons East on common seventy two Rod to a heap of stons north on common one hvndred Rod to the town line then on sd line seventy two Rod lo the first bovnds the whole containing forty five acers five acers alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y Robert Evins Jacob aldrich and Thomas white committee October y'' 7"' : 1720 laid ovt for abell aldrich fovrteen acers and fifty fovr Hod of seventh division of land ten acers and fifty fovr Rod belongino- to Jabish Billowses Rights and fovr acers belong- ing to his own Rights laid on the west side the great River on the north side of Benjamen tompsons land a little distance from sd land l)co;inino; att a chesnvtt tree being a sovth corner : thence Rvnino- sovthwest fvll point sixty Rod to a heap of stons being the west corner then noi'west forty fovr Rod to a heap of stons being : the north corner then northeast sixty Rod to a heap of stons being the East corner then sovtheast forty fovr Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing sixteen acers and half two acers and twenty six Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt for bad land laid ovt By Robert Evins Jacob aldrich and Thomas white committee [495.] John wayfeeld abell aldrich & seth aldrich march y® 24"' : 1780 laid ovt for abell aldrich seven acers and half Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great River begining at the west corner of sd land thence Rvning nor west 2 dgi*^ west 34 rod to a heap of stons being the north corner then northeast 2 dgr** north 44 rod to a heap of stones being the East corner then sovthwest 2 dgr* sovth 34 rod to the East corner of his other land then on sd land 44 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing nine acers and sixty six rod one acer and 146 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph Taft chain men. febrvary y*" 26"' : 1732^ laid ovt for seth aldrich nine acers and half of David thayer sein" ninth division of land laid Joyning to Jenckes farm and is bovnded westerly on sd farm 70 rod : begin- ing att a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence rvning 658 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. East 13 dor"* & 20 minits sovth 22 rod to a heap of stons being the : sovth East corner tlien north 13 dgr* & 20 minits East 70 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 13 dffr^ & 20 minets north 22 rod to the northeast corner of sd farm : the whole containing nine acers and 100 rod : 20 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men May y'' 28"' : 1734 laid ovt for seth aldrich 22 acers of his ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the o-reat river and is bovnded East part on sd land and part on the land of Benjamen tompson 80 rod begining att a heap of stons on a : rock near the northeast corner thence rvning west 15 do-r' north 50 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 15 dgr' west 80 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth- west corner then East 15 dgr* sovth 50 rod to his other land to a heap of stons near the sovtheast corner the whole containing 25 acers 3 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men Jvne y'^ IS''': 1737 laid ovt by seth aldrich for samvel adanis of Jpswich 14 acars of william sprages tenth division of land laid Joyning to said adamses other land on the west side the great river and is bovnded sovth on sd land and west on the town line 27 rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner thence rvn- ing East 8 dgr^ sovth 100 rod to stons on a rock being the north- east corner then sovth 8 dgr^ west 27 rod to the northeast corner of his other land the whole being 16 acers and 140 rod 2 acers and 140 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Jacob aldrich and seth aldrich chain men Jvne y*" 15"' : 1737 laid ovt for seth aldrich 8 acers of land Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river : viz : 4 acers granted him by the select men of vxbridge for high ways and 4 acers of william whites tenth division begining at a sovth- west corner of sd land thence rvning sovth 43 dgr'' west 16 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 43 dgr" MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 659 north '20 rod to a l)hick oak troc markt then tvrning a little East 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthcast corner then north 43 dgr* west 20 rod to his other land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and seth aldrich chain men may y*' : Ul"' : 1744 laid for John warfeeld 3 acers of tenth di- vision of land he pvrchast of Jonathan wood laid floyning to his other land and is bovnded west part on his own land and part on his fathers land Sovth on his fathers land East on the land of william haywards land north on the land of moses wood the whole containing 4 acers one acer alowed for bad land and a 3 rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and John warfeeld chain men samvel warfeeld David how David Draper [*496.] October y" 5"' : 1728 laid ovt for David how one acer of samvel Toryes seventh division of land laid ovtt on : the west side y^ mill River and is Bovnded north on the land of John albee one hvndred Rod westerly on the covntry Rode two Rod thence Rvning- northeast fvll point to the mill pond : itt being a peace of land one hvndred rod in length and two Rod in Breadth containing one acer and one qvarter : one qvarter of an acer alowed for bad land laid ovtt by Thomas white svrvayer cap' seth chapin and Jacob aldrich committee octol)er y*" 29'": 1728 laid ovt for David how nine acers and half Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the mill River and is Bovnded north on sd land one hvndred Rod and sovtherly on the Rode from sd hows to town over the neck Eighteen Rod from sd hows land to a chesnvt tree markt Being the sovthwest corner then Rvning East 30 dgr^ north sixty Eight Rod to the mill pond then Bovnded on sd pond thirty six Rod to his other land the whole containing Eleven acers and half two acers alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer fFacob aldrich and nathan Tiler chain men may y*" 24"' : 1731 laid ovt for David draper twelve acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon and is laid on 660 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Joyning to his other land near vxbridge and is bovnded west sd land Eighty Rod begining at a heap of stons on the north side a small swamp being the norwest corner thence Rvning East 8 dgr' sovth twenty fovr rod to a heap of stons being the north- east corner then sovth 8 dgr^ west Eighty Rod to stons the sovth- east corner then west 8^dgr' north twenty fovr Rod to his own land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men may y'^ 19"' : 1744 laid for samvel warfeeld two acers and a qvarter tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land by his hovse and is bovnded northerly part on the land of John warfeeld and part on the land of william hay ward and on all other parts on his own land — the same day laid for sd warfeeld one acer and 3 qvarters tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land l)egining at a sovtheast corner of one peace of land then setting of sovth ward on comon 8 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth corner thence rvning Easterly with a direct line 26 rod on comon to the sovth- west corner of another peace of sd warfeelds land and is bovnded on all other parts on his other land itt being a broaken peace of land containg one acer and half and 72 rod 72 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and samvel warfeeld chain men sam" warfeeld nathaniel farebank samvl very [497.] October y*" 30"' : 1731 laid ovt for nathaniel farebank seven acers and half of Josiah thayers Eighth division of land laid ovt on the East side the great river Joyning to wiliam liol- brooks land begining at sd holbrooks sovtheast corner thence rvning East 8 dgr^ north fifty rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 8 dgr' west thirty fovr rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 8 dgr^ sovth fifty rod to sd holbrooks land to a heap of stons being the norwest corner and is bovnded west on sd holbrooks land thirty fovr rod to the first bovnds the whole being Eleven acers and 60 rod : 3 acers and 140 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men ]\IENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 661 noveinlier y' 18^'' : 1782 laid ovt for natlKinicl fiirohank 5 acers ninth division of land laid Jovnino- to his other land on the East side the great River begining at the sovthcast corner of sd land thence Rvning East 10 dgr" north 12 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 10 dgi-* west 48 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 7 dgr^ sovth 58 rod to a black oak tree markt at the norwest corner at holbrooks land then bovnded west on sd holl)rooks land 14 rod to his other land it being a broaken peace of land lying on one side and one End of his other land containing 7 acers & 70 rod 2 acers and 70 rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men March y^ first : 1738 laid ovt for samvel very 12 acers of Ben- jamen whelocks tenth division laid Joyning to his other land att the province sovth line and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land 130 rod rvning from the northeast corner of sd land north fvll point 20 rod to abel aldriches land and is bovnded northerly part on sd aldriches land and part on Benjamen tafts land to his own land and is bovnded on all other i)arts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing 13 acers and 100 rod one acer and 100 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and benjamen tompeon chain men March y'^ 7*'': 1723 laid ovt for samvel warfeeld 10 acers and half seventh division of land laid near his hovse Joyning to the East side of his other land begining at a pitch pine marked being alexander plvralys sovthwest corner then rvning Easterly on sd plvmlee 96 rod to a heap of stons then north 2 dgr' west on comon by a line of heaps of stons 130 rod to his sd land then bovnded on sd land to the first bovnds a broaken peace of land containing 27 acers 16 acers and 80 rod alowed for bad land — the same day laid ovt for sd warfeeld one acer and half of land given him by the town in the year: 1710 laid near his hovse be- gining at a red oak stvmp being a former bovnds to the sovth- ward of his hovse then rvning north 20 dgi-^ west 40 rod to a stake markt then west 20 dgr' sovth 12 rod to his other land : so bovnded on sd land to the first bovnds laid ovt by robert Evins svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Thomas white chain men 662 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Nathan park [498.] febrvary y'' : 2fi"' : 1 728-9- laid ovt for nathan park five acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the great River : begining at the norwcst corner of sd land thence Rvning west 10 dgr' sovth twenty fovr Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 10 dgr^ East forty Rod to : a : heap of stons on a Rock, being the sovth- west corner : then East 10 dgr^ north twenty eight Rod to his other land then on sd land to the first bovnds the whole contain- ing six acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler : committee the same day laid ovt By the same connnittee : Eighteen acers more of sd Eighth division laid Joyning to the above sd land which was formerly laid ovt begining att the northeast corner of sd : land thence Rvning north 33 dgr^ East fifty Rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being the norwest corner then East 33 dgr^. sovth sixty two Rod to a pople tree markt Being the northeast corner then sovth 33 dgr^ East sixty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 33 dgr^ sovth sixty two Rod to his other land : : the whole containing twenty two acers and three qvarters : fovr acres & three : qvarters alowed for bad land april y^ S**" : 1730 laid ovt for nathan park five acers Eighth division of land laid ovt on the East side the great River and is bovnded sovth part on the land of John Reekens and part on common 39 rod from the river to a heap of stons being the sovth- east corner thence rvning north 40 dgr^ west 32 rod to a heap of stons beintj the northeast corner then west 40 ds^r* sovth 28 rod to the great river and is bounded v^est on sd river 33 rod the whole containing six acers and half and 16 rod one acer and half and If) rod alowed for bad land and a three rod w^ay throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men april y'' 8"' : 1730 laid ovt for nathan park nine acers : Eighth division of land laid betwen the oreat River and the west River MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 663 begininir at a heap ot" stons on a Kock being- the sonth west corner thence Rvning north S dgr"" East 40 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 8 dgr"* south 40 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 8 dgr* west 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 8 dgr^ north 40 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing ten acers one acer alowed for bad hind laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men Nathan park [499.] October y"^ : 4"': 1731 laid ovt for nathan park 20 acers Eighth division of land laid ovt in the norwest corner of the township and is bovnded north on the town line : 100 rod and west on sd line 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence rvning East 8 dgr^ sovth 132 rod to the great river and is bovnded East on sd river to the town line the whole containing 29 acers 9 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men Janvarv y'' 29"' : 1734-2.: laid ovt for nathan park seven acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his dweling hovse and is bovnded westerly on sd land 42 rod the : sovth west : corner beinging at a heap of stons on a rock thence rvning East 25 dgr** sovth 42 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast : corner then north 25 dgr' East 42 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 25 dgr' north 42 rod to his other land the whole containing Eleven acers and 4 rod 4 acers and 4 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men Jvne y" 24''' : 1736 laid ovt for nathan park 15 acers tenth divi- sion of land viz : 10 acers which he pvrchased of Thomas sanford and 5 acers of his own laid Joyning to his other land on the west side of the great river and is bovnded north on sd land 132 rod west on vxbridge west line 20 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth west corner thence rvninir East 8 diji"* sovth 151 rod to the 664: PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. river to a heap of stons near sd river and is ])ovnded Easterly on sd river 20 rod to his other land the whole l^eing 17 acers & 110 rod 2 acers and 110 rod alowed for bad land : — the same day laid ovt for sd park 4 acers and 80 rod of his tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river begining at the sovthwest corner of sd land thence rvning west 27 dgr' sovth 9 rod to samvel thayers land to a heap of stons being the nor west corner and is bovnded westerly on sd thayers land 40 rod to a heap of stons being a sovtheast corner then rvning East 27 dgr' north 9 rod to his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing 5 acers and 80 rod one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan park chain men October y*^ 19"' : 1737 laid ovt for nathan park 37 acers tenth division of land : viz: 18 acers of william toryes and 6 acers of mary toryes & ten acers of Thomas sanfords and 3 acers of his own all laid together on Joyning to his other land on the East side the great river and is bovnded westerly on sd land 100 rod rvning from the sovtheast corner of sd land East 25 dgr' north 20 rod to stons the sovtheast corner then north 35 dgr^ west 100 rod to a black oak tree markt being the northeast corner then west 35 dgr^ north 66 rod to his other land a pine tree markt near the norwest corner the whole containing 43 acers and 120 rod 6 acers and 120 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan park chain men [500.] John Corbitt John Read J"" fel)rvary y'' 7^'' : 1728^ laid ovt for John corbit tthirty acers of land Being Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land East from Bear hill Begining att a heap of stons Being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning East 2 dg'r'' north sixty one Rod to his other land then on sd land twenty two Rod to a walnvtt stand markt being the sovtheast corner then north : 2 : dgr' west sixty Rod to a heap of stons then tvrning norwest fvll point forty seven Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovthwest IVIENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 6{ji) fvll i)()iiit seventy Rod to a heji}) of ston.s being the norwest cor- ner tlien sovtli 2 dgi* East forty six Rod to the first bovnds : the whole containing thirty five acers tt half: five acers and half aloNved for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and nathan tiler committee march y*" 6"' : 17ol laid ovt for John corbitt two acers P^ighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side second Bridge River and is bovnded north on sd land west on medow bottom sovtherly on John cooks land 14 rod and Easterly on sd cooks land 31 Rod it being a broaken peace of land laid for two acers by Thomas white svrvaycn- Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men this land on Richard Rockwoods Rights march y'' 20*^: 1731 laid ovt for John corbit 3 acers of Richard Rockwoods Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land on samill plain and is bovnded sovtherly on the Rode lead- ing to the samill Easterly on benjamin albees land 16 rod then Rvning from y"' norwest corner of sd all)ees land west 42 dgr^ north to John holbrooks land then Bovnded on sd land to the Rode it being a broaken peace of land containing 4 acers and half one acer & half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white s\'rvayer Thomas sanford and flacol) aldrich chain men the same day as above by the same conmiittee laid ovt to sd corbitt six acers and half Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land East from his hovse : viz : 2 acers and half of sd Richard Rockwoods and 4 of David hows and is bovnded west on sd land and north part on vriah thayers land part on the land of benjamen albee East on the land belonging to the heirs of peter holbrook and sovth on the covntry Rode : it being a broaken peace of land containing Eleven acers and half and 20 rod : five acers and 20 rod alowed for bad land and a two rod way next sd holbrooks land — may the 9'" 1748 Laid ont for John Read J' 2 acers e^ 130 rod of John Rockwoods 10 cVc 11"' Division eToyning to his other land 666 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. at a place Called Bridges land it. being a three Cornerd piece of • land and is bounded north on S'* Read 40 rod to his other land then South 10 Deg'"'* west 23 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner of Cor^ John Farnums land and bounding west on his own land then with a Direct Line to the bounds first mentioned with one tree niarkt in the Swamp for a Director and bounding vSoutherly on Said farnum laid out by John Read J"" Sury'' William Holljrook chain man Samvel Read [501.] Febrvary y« 20^'^ : 1729^ laid ovt for samvel Read two acers of land viz : one acer Eighth division and one acer alowed by the select men of vxbridge for a Avay throvgh his land and is laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse begining at a sovthwest corner of sd land thence Rvning sovth 20 dgr^ west twenty rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 5 dgr^ sovth Eleven rod to the sovtheast corner of John Reads land then bovnded west on sd land thirty rod to a heap of stons })eing the norwest corner then East 20 dgr^ sovth twenty one rod to his other land the whole containing three acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men febrvary y*' 19'*': 1729^^ laid ovt for samvel Read nineteen acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land Avest from his hovse begining at the sovthwest corner of sd land thence Rvning sovth 25 dgr* East 34 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 10 dgr^ north Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then northeast 1 dgr north fifty rod to his other land then bovnded north on sd land to the first bovnds the whole containing twenty two acers 3 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and fJacob aldrich chain men Febrvary y*^ 19^'> : 1729-^il laid for samuel Read ten acers Eighth division of land near his hovse and East on sd land Eighty Rod and north on his other land 30 rod to a heap of stons being the* norwest corner thence Rvning sovth 16 dgr"* East Eighty Rod to MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. ()67 ' a heap of stons being sovtliwest eoruer then East 10 dgr'^ north 8(1 rod to his other land : conipasing in two acers and half of land formerly laid ovt the whole containing sixteen acers and half 4 acers alowed for kilingly Rode and bad land and a three Rod way cros part of sd land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men flanvary y' 2U: 1 78 ") laid out for Thomas Read 20 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to the land of moses Read and is bovnded westerly on sd land 60 rod north i)art on sd reads land and part on conmion ()0 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 26 dgr^ East BO rod to stons being the sovtheast corner then west 35 dgi-* sovth to John holbrooks land then on sd land to moses reads land the whole l)eing 22 acers 2 acers alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros a corner of sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Ebenezer Read chain man Sanivel Reads heirs [502.J Xovembei- y*^ 12^": 1729 laid ovt for Daniel Read twenty live acers Eighth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land on the w^est side the west River Begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence Rvning north fvll point iifty three rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East one hvndred and forteen Rod to plvmlyes land then on sd land thirty fovr rod to his own land then on sd land to the first bovnds it being a broaken peace of land containing forty five : acers twenty acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Joseph taft chain men november y*^ 12"' : 1 72il laid ovt for Thomas Read thirty acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on niisco hill beofininof at the northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning north 1 8 dgi-* East forty seven Rod to a white oak stand being the north East corner then Rvning norwest one hvndred Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth west sixty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then northeast to his other land : it being a broaken peace of land containing thirty five acers 668 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. and half five acers and lialfalowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas • white svrvayer John farnuni and Joseph taft chain men noveraber y" 20*'': 1729 laid ovt for Daniel Read six acers of hmd : viz : one acer alowed him by the select men of vxbridge for a way throvgh his land and five acers Eighth division laid on the west side the great River near wiliam Browns land begining at a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence Rvning sovth fvll point forty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 28 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north forty rod to a hea}) of stons being the norwest corner then East twenty Eight Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing seven acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men november y*' 20*'' : 1729 laid ovt for sarah Read twelve acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to, her other land on the west side the great River l)egining at a ])ine tree markt being a bovnds of her other land thence Rvning East 28 dgr^ sovth 80 rod to a pine tree markt being a corner then sovth 28 dgr' west 68 Rod to a heap of stons being a corner then East 28 dgr" sovth 38 rod to her other land : it being a broaken peace of land containing fifteen acers and half three acers and half alowed for bad land : the same day laid half one acer more of sd division it being a three : cornered : Bitt of land compased within her land that was formerly laid ovt and is bovnded on all parts with sd land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men Nathan park Samvel Reads heirs henery Borsworth [503.] desember y-^ 31*: 1731 laid ovt for Thomas Read twenty acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land at misco hill begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence Rvning norwest fvll point twenty two : rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth East sixty Eight Rod to samvel warfeelds land then bovnded west on sd land forty one Rod to the sovtheast corner of sd land thence rvning sovth fvll MKNDOX, MASSACHUSETTS. 669 point to his other hind the whoU^ containing twenty two acers and 11^) rod 2 acers and 118 rod aU)wed for bad hmd hiid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and danicl k)vct chain men april y*" 10*'' : 1734 hud ovt for sarah Read 8 acers ninth divi- sion of land laid Joyning to her other land on the west side the great River and is bovnded northerly on sd land 38 rod rvning from the sovthwest corner of sd land sovth 30 dgr^ East 56 rod crosing a corner of Edmvnd Rawsons land to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 20 dgr' north 30 rod to a pine tree markt near her other hmd and is bovnded Easterly on sd hmd the whole l)eing 12 acers 4 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men Jvly y'' !;■)"' : 1740 laid ovt for henery Borsworth 2 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the great river near philip amidowns and is bovnded sovth on sd land west on a three rod way north on the land of obadiah albee : it being a three cornerd peace of land containing 2 acers and 10 rod 10 rod alowed for bad land : — the same day laid ovt for sd borsworth 2 acers ninth division laid Joyning to sd land and is bovnded East on sd land 20 rod sovth on common 34 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner west on comon 10 rod to benjamen albees land then bovnded north on sd land 24 rod to a three rod way then bovnded west on sd way Eleven rod to his other land the whole being 2 acers and 126 rod 126 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer benjamen darling and henery borsworth chain men Septemljer y'^ 28"' 1741 Laid out for Nathan park 4 acers of land (viz) 120 Rod of Benjamin Thomsons land in lue for land laid under a mistake in Said parks land & three acers & three quarters of his own land laid together bounded East on his own land north on Christopher winters & South on his own hmd it being a three corner'', piece laid out by Thomas white Surucyer 670 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. more 3 acers and 3 quarters laid for 3 acers & half bounded west on his own land 20 rod Runing from a black oak tree the South west Corner East 33 Degrs. north 30 rod then north 33 Desf". west 20 rod to Stones on a rock the north East Corner then west 33 Deg''^ South 30 rod to his own land a white oak tree markt near Said Land Nathan Tiler [504.] march y'' 5"' : 1730 laid ovt for nathan tiler sixty Rod Eighth division of land laid ovt below the lower north medow and is bovnded East on the land of thomas white ten Rod on common ten Rod y*^ norwest corner being a walnvt tree markt west on common ten Rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being the sovth- west corner sovth on common ten Rod : a heap of stons on a Rock down stream and a maple tree markt vp stream on the west side the River the whole containing one hvndred Rod 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men march y*^ 5"' : 1730 laid for nathan tiler three acers of his Eighth division of land laid ovt on the East side the lower north medow begining att a heap of stons being y*" sovth west corner thence Rvning East 10 dgr^ north twenty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 10 dgr' west twenty Eight Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 10 dgr^ sovth twenty fovr Rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being the norwest corner then bovnded west on his own medow twenty Eight Rod to the iirst bovnds the whole containing three acers and 136 rod 136 Rod alowed for bad land and liberty for the : nebovrhood to carry hay cros sd land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men march y^ 5^'' : 1730 laid ovt for nathan tiler tifty nine acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land north from the north hill begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence rvning west 15 dgr'* north thirty Eight rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 2 dgr' East sixty six rod to MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 671 the north medow path tlicii on scl jjuth to nuil])vrv Rode then oil sd malhvrev Kode to the Eioht rod way k'udino- throvah the neck then bovnded on sd way to his other hind then bovnded on his other land 54 rod to common hind then bovnded on common land Eight rod to a heap of stons l)eing a corner then tvrning north fovr rod to his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his other land : it being a broaken peace of land containing seventy nine acers and sixty rod 20 acers and 60 rod alowed for bad land and for six acers and (U rod of land that was formerly laid in- com])ased within sd bo\'nds and for a three rod way cros sd land to the north niedow : laid ovt by TJionias white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and nathan tiler chain men november y^ 15"": 1731 laid ovt for nathan tiler 3 acers of Benjamen palmers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the low^er north medow and is bovnded sovth on sd land 20 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence rvning north 20 dgr* west 40 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 10 dgr* sovth 20 rod to Joseph Brvces medow then bovnded west on sd medow 40 rod to sd tilers land it being a broaken peace of land containing 4 acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land by Thomas white Jacob aldi-ich and nathan tiler Nathan tiler Isaac parkhust [505.] may y« 20*^: 1730 laid ovt for nathan tiler 4 acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the north hill and is bovnded sovth on the land of Joseph Brvce 40 rod and East on sd brvces land 27 rod and on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land : containing 5 acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men : — 7 acers and (K) rod to mvch Eighth division may y® 13"': 1734 laid ovt for nathan tiler nine acers ninth division : of land laid Joyning to his other land att the north End of the north hill and is bovnded northerly and part on the west 672 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. on palmers land and on all other parts on his own land it being- a In-oakcn peace of land containing 15 acers 6 acers alowed for bad land and malbvry Rode and a three Rod way to the north medows the same day laid for sd tiler 15 acers ninth division of land laid ovt near pine orchard and is bovnded East on samvel torys land 70 rod north on the town line 60 rod to a heap of stons being the norvvest corner thenc rvning sovth 18 dgr' East 70 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 8 dgr^ sovth 27 rod to sd torys land to a heap of stons ])eing the sovtheast corner the whole containing 19 acers and five rod 4 acers and five rod alowed for bad land — the same day laid ovt for sd tiler one acer ninth division of land and is laid Joyning to his vper north medow and is bovnded sovtherly on comon 2 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth east corner thence Rvning north 29 dgr^ west 20 rod to John cooks medow and then bovnded north and west on his own medow a broaken peace of land containing one acer and 40 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land the same day laid ovt for sd tiler 4 acers ninth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the lower north medow and is bovnded sovtherly on common 6 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence Rvning north 21 do-r" west 90 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 21 dgr^ sovth 30 rod to his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land : containing 7 acers and 60 rod 3 acers and 60 rod alowed for bad land & a three Rod way cros sd land — the same day laid ovt for sd tiler one acer ninth division of land laid on the East side the Eight acer medow and is bovnded Avest on sd medow 24 rod and is bovnded north on his own land 12 rod to samvel torys land and is bovnded East and sovth on sd torys land it being a broaken peace of land containing one acer and 80 rod 80 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men January y'' 9"\ 1747-S- Laid out for Isaac parkhust 4 acres & 56 Rod of his Eleuenth Division of Land Laid Jovnino- to his other MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 673 Lund South from his house and is bounded Easterly on his other Land \H\ Rod westerly on the Land formerly »John pecks 96 Rod to a Stake and heap of Stones being the Southwest Corner and the norwest Corner of Daniel Suniners Land Southerly on Said Suumers Land L5 Rod it being a gore of Land Laid out with an allowance for a two Rod way on the west Side of Said Land by William Torrey Sury^ Jacob aldrich & Isaac pai-khust Chain men Benjamin Taft [506.] may y' 17'" : 1731 laid ovt for Benjamen taft : 3 : acers and 152 rod of land granted him By the selectmen of vxbridge for high ways laid throvgh his land laid Joyning to his other land near the iron works and is bovnded East on the land of James coler 1(5 rod to the sovtheast corner of John Emersons land thence Rvning west 2 dgi-^ sovth 38 rod to a three Rod way and is bovnded westerly on sd way 1() rod to his other land sovth on sd land 41 rod to sd colers land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men may y*" 17"' : 1731 laid ovt for benjamen taft nine acers of land : viz : 4 acers sixth division and 4 acers seventh division and one acer Eighth division all belonging to John sprags Rights laid Joyning to sd tafts land at the iron works and is bounded East on sd land 71 rod and sovth on sd land 41 rod west on svmners land 71 rod to a heap of stons near the norwest corner thence Rvning East 9 dgr^ sovth 38 rod to his other land to stons on a Rock the whole containing 17 acers and 100 rod: 8 acers and 100 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men may y*' 17"' : 1731 laid ovt for Benjamen taft 7 acers and half of land : viz : two acers of John sprages Eighth division of land and 5 acers and half of land granted him by the select men of vxbridge for high ways throvgh his land : and is laid ovt on the west side of the great River above Tomsons corn mill and is bovnded west on the laud of william craten 70 Rod Rvnino- from 674 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the northeast corner of sd cratens land East 25 dgr^ north 20 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 30 dgr' East 70 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 25 dgr* sovth 22 rod to sd cratens land the whole containing: nine acers : one acer and half for bad land : — the same day laid ovt for sd taft six acers and half of land granted him by the select men of vxl)ridge for high ways throvgh his land and is laid Joyning to the above sd land and is bovnded north on sd land 22 rod west on the land of John white 90 rod rvning from the sovtheast corner of sd whites land with a direct line to the sovtheast corner of sd tafts land : it l)eing a three cornered peace laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men Benjamen taft [507.] Jvne y*^ 29"^ : 1732 laid ovt for benjamen taft 8 acers of Josiah thayers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near John Emersons begining at a sovthwest corner of sd land thence rvning west 19 dgr' sovth 14 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 19 dgr* west 65 rod to svmners land then bovnded west on sd land 30 rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being a corner tlien East fvll point 30 rod to a pine tree markt then sovtheast 10 dgr^ East 30 rod to his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing 10 acers and 112 rod two acers and 112 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Joseph taft chain men march y^ 14"' : 1733 laid ovt for benjamen taft nine acers ninth division laid Joyning to his other land near the iron works and is bovnded sovth on the province line 48 rod and is bovnded East- erly part on John lialcoms land and part on James Keiths land and part on his own and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing 21 acers and 116 rod Eleven acers and 116 rod alowed for bad land — the same day laid ovt for sd taft 3 acers and half ninth divi- sion laid Joyning to his other land near shokcolog and is bovnded : East on seth aldriches land 18 rod sovth on abbitts MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 675 t'arin 5^") rod and on all other iiarts on his own land it beino; a hroaken peace of land containing 7 acers and half 4 acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land laid OA^t by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men march y^ 23*'' : 1783 laid ovt for Benjamen taft 16 acers of ben- jamen thayers ninth division of land and is laid fJoyning to his other land near shokcolog and is bovnded sovth on the land of Jose})h taft 6 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the sovth- east corner thence Rvning north 30 dgr"* west 170 rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being the northeast corner then west 30 dsfr' sovth 48 rod to hoopole Brook and is bovnded westerly on sd brook 40 to a northeast corner of his other land then on sd land to Joseph tafts land the whole containing 22 acers and 65 rod : 6 acers and 6o rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men March y*" 25"' : 1734 laid ovt for Benjamen taft 8 acers of Ben- jamen thayers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near shokcolog and is bovnded northerl}' on sd land : rvn- ing from a chesnvtt tree markt being the sovtheast corner sovth 36 dgi-^* west 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 36 dgi"^ north 60 rod to his other land it being a broaken peace of land : containing : 15 acers 7 acers alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land The same day laid o^i; for sd taft 17 acers of land in Ive of land formerly laid vnder a mistake in svmners land laid near seth aldriches and is bovnded westerly on providence farms 70 rod and sovtherly on the land of Benjamen archer 60 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence rvning north 42 dgi-* East 70 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 27 dgi** north 60 rod to seth aldriches land the whole Ijeing 2(\ acers and 40 rod 9 acers and 40 rod alowed for bad land — more for sd taft 2 acers of benjamen thayers ninth division laid Joyning to his other land near ginkses farm and is bovnded so\'th- (57G PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. erly on sd land 28 rod westerly on ginkes farm 20 rod to a red oak tree markt near the norwest corner thence rvning East 30 do;r^ sovth 28 rod to stons on a rock being- the northeast corner then sovth 13 dgr^ west 20 rod to his other land the whole beings 3 acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men John Read Jvn'' Josiah Ball [508.] Febrvary y-^ 19"' : 1729^^1 laid ovt for John Read Jvn'" 14 acers Eighth division of land : viz : nine acers of his own and three of william Rvtters and two of his fathers laid together on the sovth side of Kilingly Rode begining at a dvble chesnvtt tree markt being the norwest corner thence Rvning East 5 dgr* north fifty rod to a heap of stons : being the northeast corner then sovth 5 dgi-* East Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast cor- ner then west : 5 dgr^ sovth fifty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 5 dgr'* west Eighty Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing 25 acers Eleven acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men May y'" 25"' : 1731 laid ovt for John Read twenty fovr acers : of Jacob aldriches Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side of mvmfords River fovr acers of it laid at y*" East End of sd land and is bovnded west on sd land GO rod sovth on samvel Reads land 22 rod to a white oak tree markt near the sovtheast corner thence with a direct line to the north- east corner of his other land it being a three cornered peace of land containing fovr acers and 20 rod 20 rod alowed for bad land : the Remainder of sd land being twenty acers is laid ovt at the west End and north side of sd land begining at y'^ sovthwest cor- ner and is bovnded sovth on the land of samvel Read fifty : rod to stons on a Rock near the sovthwest corner thence Rvning north 12 dgr' East {)Q rod to a heap of stons being y^ norwest corner and is bovnded north on common land : 50 rod to a heap of stons l)eino; a corner thence with a : direct line to the northeast MENDOX, MASSACHUSETTS. 077 corner of his land that was formerly : hiid ovt : it being a broaken peace of land : containing : 23 acers and 70 rod : 3 acers and 70 rod alowod for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and eJacob aldrich chain men november y'' 5'": 1731 laid ovt for .lohn Read seven acers of the seventh division of the scool lott laid Joyning to his other land begining at a walnvtt tree being the northeast corner thence Rvning sovth : B : dgi-* East 40 rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being the sovtheast corner then west 6 dgi-^ sovth 42 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 6 dgr" west 40 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 6 dgi-* noith 43 rod to the sovthwest corner of his other land and is bovnded north on said land 39 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing ten acers and half 3 acers and half alowed forbad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men March y*^ O'*" 1746 Laid out for Josiah Ball one Acre & a half Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land South from his house and is Bounded north on his other Land 40 rod west on the Road 12 rod Southerly on the Land of Daniel Corbctt 40 rod it being a gore of Land Laid out by William Torrey Surveyer Daniel Louett and Josiah Ball chain men John Read Jvn'' [509.] november y^ 5*" : 1731 laid ovt for John Read ten acers of land viz : Eight acers of the seventh division of the scool lott and two acers of his fathers Eighth division : laid together Joyn- ing to Samvel Reads land and is bovnded north on sd land 40 rod begining : at a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning sovth : 1 : dgr^ west 60 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 1 : dgr^ north 40 rod to aheap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 1 : dgr'^ : East 54 rod to samvel Reads land the whole containing 14 acers 4 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacol) aldrich chain men 678 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. desember y^ 17"' : 1735 laid ovt for John Read Jvn'' 12 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near chesnvt plain and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land (iB rod westerly on the land of: Ehenezer printic 28 rod northerly on killingly Rode 68 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is bovnded Easterly part on common and part on the land of James Bridges 46 rod to his other land the whole containing 1 5 acers and 40 rod 3 acers and 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men October y"^ 28^'^ : 1737 laid ovt for John Read Jvn"" 7 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side mumfords river north of samvel Reads land and is bovnded sovth on sd land 29 rod to stons on a rock and west on the 200 acers reserved for the propriators vse QG rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner north on common or high way 7 rod to the norwest corner of his other land and is bovnded East on sd land 66 rod : to samvel Reads land the whole being 7 acers and 88 rod 88 rod alowed for bad land — more 2 acers of sd division laid ovt on the north side of sd land and is bovnded northerly on the way leading to David Drapers 70 rod and on all other parts on his own land it being a narrow strip of land containing 2 acers and 43 rod 43 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Ebenezer Read and John Read chain men febrvary y*' first: 1737^ laid ovt for John Read Jvn' 8 acers and 80 rod tenth division of land laid near samvel Reads land and is bovnded Easterly on his other land 15 rod northerly on a three rod way 76 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner and is bovnded west on his fathers land 26 rod and sovth on his fathers land in part and part on common 46 rod to cap^ Joseph whits land to stons on a rock and is bovnded on sd whites land to his northeast corner thence with a direct line to his other land itt being a broaken peace of land containing ten acers one acer and 80 rod alowed for bad land the same day laid ovt for sd read 7 acers tenth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 679 hovnded northerly on the hind of samvel Rend 12 rod to a heap of stons being a former bovnds and is bovnded westerly on his other land 58 rod to the sovtheast corner of his other land being a heap of stons and is l)ovnded sovtherly part on common and part on his fathers land 32 rod to a three rod way and is bovnded Easterly part on sd way and part on his fathers land 63 rod the whole lieing 9 acers and 40 rod 2 acers and 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph taft and Ebenezer Read chain men. [510.] Josiah Ball Elivelet holbrook John Read Jvn' desember y" first 1729 laid ovt for Elivelet holbrook two acers and half Eighth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land or medow near bever pond begining at a swamp oak being a former bovnds thence Rvning 20 dgr' north 54 rod to a heap of stons being y*' northeast corner then sovth 28 dgr^ west 6 rod to a white oak tree being a former bovnds then bovnded on his own land to the first bovnds it being a broaken peace of land contain- ing four acers and a quarter one acer and three qvarters alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men febrvary y*" 2'^ : 17312 laid ovt for Elivelit holbrook James albees share of sederswamp it being a four acer and a third of an acer Right and is laid ovt in Bever pond swamp and is bovnded East on John Rockwoods swamp 20 rod and north on Jonathan thayers swamp six rods and is bounded on all other parts on his own land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men november y^ 23^' : 1733 laid ovt for Elivelet holbrook 22 acers and half of land : viz: 12 acers and half Eighth division and 10 acers ninth division : laid together on the East the great river it being land formerly laid down by his father and laid ovt Else- where said land is bovnded westerly on the great river and Easterly on common and on all other parts on holbrooks land the whole containing 30 acers 7 acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men 680 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Jvne y^ first : 1738 laid ovt for John Read 5 acers and 80 rod tenth division of kind laid Joyning to his other land westerly from his hovse and is bovnded north on sd land west on the land of John farnuDi 60 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence rvning East 10 dgr^ north 67 rod to a norwest corner of his fathers land then bovnded on sd land 10 rod to his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing 6 acers and 30 rod an : 110 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer Ebenezer Read and John Read chain men January y^ 12'*' 1747-8- Laid out for Josiah Ball 3 Acres & an half of Sam" Thayers Jnrs Eleuenth Division of Land in the north purches on the west Side of the Road Leading to Hopkinton and is Bounded Easterly on Said road from Land formerly Moses Cuttings twenty four Rod northerly on Common Land 50 rod Southwesterly on y^ aboue Said Cuttings Land 50 Rod it being a gore of land laid out by William Torrey Sury*" Jacob aldrich & Josiah Ball chain men January y^ 12''\ 1747/8 Laid out for Josiah Ball one Acre of- Sam" Thayers J^ 11^'' Division of land Joyning to his medow in pecks medow begining at a heap of Stones being a Corner of Jonathan Bonds land runing East to the brook and westerly 4 rod to a Stake & heap of Stones being y'' Southwest Corner thence bounding westerly on Comon with a Direct line 16 rod to a heap of Stones on a rock thence runing westerly two Rod to his own medow then bounded Round on his own medow to the first Bounds Laid out by William Torrey Sury'' Jacob Aldrich & Josiah Ball Chain men Joseph Taft Joseph taft 8ein^ [511.] November y^ 2: 1719 laid ovt for Joseph taft ten acers seventh division of land laid on the north side the new Rode near shokcolog plain laid against his other land on the sovth side sd Rode begining near the norwest corner of sd land thence rvning north 35 dgr^ west 34 rod to a heap of stons then East ;)5 dgr'* north seventy rod to a heap of stons then sovth 35 dgr' East 34 rod to his other land the whole containinof 14 acers and 140 rod MEXDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 681 4 acers and 140 rod alowod for l)ad land laid ovt by Robert Evens Thomas while and Jacob ahb'ich I'onnnittee March y'' 21': 17H2 laid ovt for Joseph taft 11 acres and half of John Rawsons ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land west of soloman woods hovse and is bovnded sovth on sd land begining at the northeast corner of sd land thence rvning north 3 rod to the niinestry land and is I)ovnded northerly ])art on sd land and i)art on connnon (lo rod to a black oak tree mark! being the norwest corner then sovtheast 7 dgr' East 58 rod to his other land the whole containing 12 acres and 17 rod half an acer and 17 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men Xovenibei- y'' 8"' : 1732 laid ovt for Joseph taft 45 acres : ninth division of land viz : of his own 31 acres and half and John thayers 10 acers and of John Rawsons 2 acers and half and one of the scool lott all laid together floyning to his other land near shok- colog Brook begining att a heap of stons being the north East corner thence Rvning west 30 dgi"^ sovth one hvndred rod to a hea]) of stons l)eing the norwest corner then sovth 30 dgr* East 81) rod to a hea]) of stons being the so^i;hwest corner then East 30 dgi-^ north 11 rod to a heap of stons then East fvU point 70 rod part on common part on his own land to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 30 dgr' west 39 rod to a heap of stons then setting of East 30 dgi-* north 20 rod to a heap of stons being a corner then north 30 dgr' west 89 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing 63 acers and half 18 acers and half alowed for bad land and land laid ovt before compased in laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Joseph taft chain men novenil)er y'' 12"': 1731 laid ovt for Joseph taft Eleven acers Eighth division of land : viz : one of his own and ten of the scool lott laid near his other land in the west part of vxbridge begining at a lieaj) of stons on a Rock being the northeast corner thence rvning sovth 30 dgr" East 50 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the sovtheast corner then west 30 dgi*^ sovth 40 rod to a heap of 682 PROPRIETORS' rp:cori)S. stons Ijoino- tho sovthwost (.'onier then north 80 dgr" west 50 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the norwest corner then East 30 dgr"" north 40 rod to the tirst bovnds the whole containing 12 acers and half one acer and half a lowed for bad land laid ovt hy Thomas white svrver Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men Joseph taft sein*^ [512.] April y 10'": 1734 laid ovt for Joseph taft seinr 4 acers & 30 rod of land : viz : 2 acers and 30 rod for land formerly laid vnder a. mistake in John Reads land and 2 acers ninth di- vision laid ovt near the minestry land in vxbridge and is bovnded northerly part on John reads land and part on his own land 48 rod and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing 4 acers and 90 rod HO rod alowed for bad land the same Day laid ovt for sd taft 10 acers of James keiths ninth division of land laid on the sovth side the way leading from the meeting house to Ezekel whites and is bovnded northerly on sd way 40 rod the norwest corner being a heap of stons thence rvning sovth 15 dgr* East 5(i rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East fvll point 40 rod part on common and part on John Reads land to a heap of stons l)eing the sovtheast corner then north 15 dgr* west 66 rod to a heap of stons being the : north East corner the whole containing 15 acers 5 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men Jul}^ y^ 29*" : 1735 laid o^i: for Joseph taft 2 acers of James keiths ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land westerly from his hovse and is bovnded westerly on sd land sovtherly on solomon Avoods land and Easterly on the minestry land : it lieing a three cornered peace of land containing 2 acers and 40 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land. the same day laid for sd taft 3 acers ninth division of land : viz : 2 acers of sd keiths and one of the scool lott laid Joyning to his other land and is l)ovnded : westerly : and sovtherly on his other land and Easterly on solomon woods land it beino- a three MEN DON. MASSACHUSETTS. 683 conord [)(';!(•(' of land c-oiitaiiiiiiL^ 3 acors and \\X rod: IIH rod ulowod for had land : — tlio saino day laid ovl for sd taft ten acors ninth division of lan at-ors of: nallianicl Kniorsons and 4 of the seool lotl laid fJovning to his other land l)egining att a sovth westerly corner of sd land thenee : rvning sovth oO dgr"' P^ast 30 rod to a heap of slous hi'ing the sovtheast corner then west HO dgi-** sovth 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then noi-th 80 dgr' west '}-2 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East HO dgr" north 2y Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men Jvne y^ 16^'' : 1731 laid ovt for P^benezer Read twenty acers of land viz : 9 acers of his own Eio-hth division and six acers of oeorffe brvces and five acers of the scool lott seventh division laid together and is bovnded East on the land of James Bridges 54 rod and west on his own land and Joseph whites and sovth on Robert tafts land 73 rod and north on common 57 rod Rvning from the northeast corner west 9 dgr* north the whole containing 23 acers and 40 rod 3 acers an5 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacol^ aldrich chain men may y*" 23'': 1734 laid ovt for Ebenezer Read 6 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land att shokcolog and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land 54 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth west corner thence Rvning north fvll point 20 rod to a heap of stons lieing the norwest corner then East 13 dgr* north 54 rod to his other land to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is bovnded East on his other land 20 rod : the whole containing 6 acers and 120 rod : 120 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men Ebenezer Read [515.] may y" 23'' : 1734 laid ovt for Ebenezer Read one acer ninth division of land laid on the East side the west River and is bovnded north on sd land : 94 : rod from a heap of stons near the Bridge to a heap of stons by a white oak tree and bovnded sovtherly on the covntry rode it being a narow broaken peace of land containing one acer and 122 rod 122 rod alowed for bad land the same day laid ovt for sd Read 3 acers and 40 rod ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the west River and is bovnded northerly on sd land westerly part on Daniel Reads land and part on a three rod way 30 rod to a heaji of stons l)eing the sovthwest corner thence rvning East 2i] dgr" sovth 37 rod to his other land a ytme tree markt near sd MENDON, Massachusetts. 687 land the whole containins: H acers and 75 rod 35 rod alowed tV)r Imd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men may y'^ H"' : 1735 laid for Ebenezer Read 2 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near shokcolos; swamp and is bovnded East on sd land 32 rod and sovth on his own land 14 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence rvning north fvll point 34 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest cor- nvv then East fvll point 13 rod to his other land to a heap of stons being the northeast corner the whole containing 2 acers and 3 qvarters 3 qvarters of an acer alowed : for bad land by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men October y^ 31*: 1735 laid ovt for Ebenezer Read Eleven acers ninth division of land laid west from his hovse beginning at a black oak tree being the norwest corner thence rvning sovth 10 dgr* west 50 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest cornei- then East 10 dgr^ sovth 44 rod to stons on a rock being the sovth East corner then north 10 dgr* East 50 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the northeast corner then west 10 degi*^ north 44 rod to the tirst bovnds the whole containing 1 4 acers and (50 rod 3 acers and GO rod alowed for bad land : — more 5 acers ninth division laid north from his hovse begining at a heap of stons on the west side way leading to samvel Reads thence rvning west 10 dgr' sovth 21 rod to stons on a rock being the norwest corner thence sovth 10 degr^ East 54 rod to his other land and is bovnded Easterly part on sd land and part on sd way to the first bovnds : it being a broaken peace of land containing 7 acers 2 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Joseph taft chain men desember y*" 17"': 1735 laid ovt for Ebenezer Read 8 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to the land of James Bridges and is bovnded westerly part on sd land and part on common 40 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning East 10 dgi*'' south 40 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 10 dgi** west 40 rod to a heap of stons being the : 688 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. sovth East : corner then west 10 dgr' north 40 rod to a heap of stons att sd bridgeses land being the sovthwest corner the whole being 10 acers 2 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men moses cvtten vviliam adams Shearlock Josiah Ball november y" 19*^'' : 1729 laid ovt for wiliam adams two acers of [516.] John farnvms Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse : it being a broaken peace of land lying betwen sd land and John Reads land l>eing 36 rod in lenth and seven rod wide at the west End and 19 rod wide at the East End containing two acers and 148 rod the 148 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer eJohn farnvm and Jacol) aldrich chain men march y*' 31' : 1733 laid ovt for charls sherlock 6 acers and half ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near l)ateses hill begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence Rvning north 40 dgr'* west 14 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 40 dgi^ north 68 rod to Thomas Thayers land then bovnded northerly part on sd. thayers land and part on comon 28 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence with a direct line to the sovtheast corner of his other land it being a broaken peace of land lying on one side and one End of his other land containing 10 acers and 132 rod 4 acers and 52 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way through sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men October y^ 16"': 1732 laid ovt for Josiah Ball 30 acers ninth division of land viz : 20 acers of Joseph svmners and 10 of Ben- jamen haywards and is laid together Joyning to his other land north from nathaniel Joneses and is bovnded north part on his own land and part on common 92 rod and is bovnded west on the land of John holbrook 80 rod and is bovnded sovtherly on comon 43 rod rvning East 10 dgr' north to a horn bine tree markt V)eing the sovtheast corner thence with a dirict line 80 rod to the sovtheast corner of his other land the whole containing 36 acers MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 689 and 40 rod (> acers and 40 rod alowed for had land and a three rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men Janvary y'' 23'': 17378 laid ovt for Josiah Ball 2 acers and 80 rod of Kichard Rockwoods tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovndcd north on his own land and west on his own land 22 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence rvning with a dirict line to the sovth- east corner of his other land itt being a three cornered peace of land containing 2 acers and 120 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and rfosiah Ball chain men Janvary y*" 23'' : 1737^ laid ovt for moses cvtten 2 : acers and 80 rod of Kichard Rockwoods tenth division of land laid ovt on the west side of his other land by his hovse and is bovnded sovth on the land of Eljenezer Boyntons land and west on the land of Josiah ball 25 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning East 10 dgi-* north 18 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is l)ovnded East on a three rod way 25 rod to sd boyntons land the whole being 2 acers and 150 rod 70 rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and Josiah Ball chain men Benjamen Boyce william hayward [517.] desember y*" 10"' : 1730 laid ovt for benjamen boyce six acers of Jonathan Richersons Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse begining at the norwest corner of sd land then Rvning west 37 dgr'* so\i:h sixteen rod to Steven swets land then bovnded westerly on sd swets land abovt twenty rod and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing seventeen acers Eleven acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men desember y'^ 3P : 1733 laid ovt for Benjamen Boyce 120 rod of John si)rages ninth division of land and is bovnded west on his own land west on Joseph corbits land East on Jonathan gaskins (390 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. land it being a three cornered peace containing one acer and 16 rod 56 rod alowed for bad land — more the same day for sd boyce one acer and a qvarter of sd division laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded sovth part on sd land and part on sd gaskins land Rvning from a norwest corner of sd gaskins land north 5 dgr' west 12 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 5 dgr' sovth 44 rod to daniel Boyces land and west on sd land the whole containing 2 acers and half and 32 rod one acer : and 72 rod alowed for l)ad land — the same day as above laid ovt for daniel Boyce 8 acers of Jonathan Richersons ninth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded sovth on his fathers land 44 rod and west on his own land 60 rod to a heap of stons being the norw^est corner then East 5 degr' north 44 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 5 dgr^ East 60 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner the whole containing 16 acers and half 8 acers and half alowed for bad land — the same day laid for sd daniel Ijoyce 5 acers of Joseph thayers Eighth division and is laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded sovth on sd land 34 rod rvning from the norwest corner of sd land north 11 dgr' west 40 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 11 dgr' north 34 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 1 1 dgr' East 40 rod to his other land to a heap of stons near the sovtheast corner the whole containins Ei^ht acers and half three acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men may y^ 30^'' : 1744 laid ovt for william hay ward 12 acers of land itt being part of severall divisions laid ovt on the west side the great river and is bovnded on the land of Elivelett warfeeld 58 rod East part on the land of peter aldrich and part on comon 40 rod to stons on a rock being the northeast corner then west 25 dgr' sovth 58 rod to stons on a rock being the norwest corner then sovth 15 dgr' west 40 rod to sd warfeelds land the whole con- taining 14 acers and half 2 acers and 80 rod alowed for l)ad land — ' MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 691 the same day laid for sd hayward : 4 accrs of land being part of severall divisions and is bovndcd sovth on the land of robert bonhani 50 rod rvning from the northeast corner of sd land with a direct line 34 rod to the sovthwest corner of daniel lovets land and is bovnded west on the covnty rode (50 rod to sd benhanis land it l)eing a three cornerd })eace of land containing 5 acers and 185 rod one acer and 135 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer ffacob aldrich and william hayward chain men Joseph Thayer [518.] Desember y« 20"> : 1729 laid ovt for Joseph thayer seven acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land westerly from his hovse and is bovnded East on sd land twenty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence Rvning west 19 dgi"^ sovth seventy two Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 23 dgr' East twenty two Rod to a sovthwest corner of his other land and is bovnded north on sd land sixty fovr Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing Eight acers and one hvndred and forty Eight Rod one acer and one 148 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men may y*' 18"' : 1732 laid ovt for Joseph thayer 24 acers and three qvarters : ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near david aldriches and is bovnded west on his own land 92 rod Rvning from the northeast corner of sd land East 12 dgr^ north 90 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 12 dgi-^ East 60 rod to david aldriches land then bovnded sovth- erly on sd land 24 rod to a heap of stons being a bovnds of sd aldriches land thence Rvning west 12 do-r^ sovth : 80 rod to his other land to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner the whole containing 46 acers & 12 rod compasing in nine : acers and one half of land formerly laid ovt 22 acers and 12 rod alowed for sd 9 acers and half aiid bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men Jvly y'" 5"' : 1732 we the svbscribers settled a line and stated bovnds betwen ovr lands which division line is as foloweth 092 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. begining att Rehoboth Rode on the East side the mill River a little down stream from the bridge a pine tree markt near sd rode thence rvning sovthwest 6 dgr® sovth to the River a maple stand markt near sd river with a heap of stons abovt it then the river to be the bovnds betwen vs sixty rod then crosing to James harises land and that this is ovr mvtyall agreement we do by these presents Bind ovr selves ovr heirs and asignes to stand by : maintain : and defend to be the dividing line betwen vs and them forever as wittnes ovr hands Benjamen sovthwick Joseph thayek march y*" 10^'' 1746 Laid out for Joseph Thayer the son of Joseph Thayer Late of mendon Dec*^ 5 acers Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land west from pickerens and is Bounded north on his other Land 20 rod west on the Land of Sam" Gaskill 40 rod East on the Land of Edward pickeren 40 rod to a Duble white oak stand markt near the south East Corner of Said Land thence with a Direct Line on Comon to Sam" Gas- kills Land Laid out by William Torrey Surveyer Jacob Aldrich chain man [519.] James Godman Gershom Keith febrvary y*" 4"': 1730^ laid ovt for James godman three acers of John whites Eighth division of land laid ovt Joyningto his III other land on on y*^ East side the mill river begining at a ^S chesnvt tree being a bounds of John Joneses land rvning g 3 sovth 35 dgr' East 60 rod to a chesnvt tree markt then » I rvning East : 25 : dgr^ sovth 32 rod to John Joneses land '^'^ and is bovnded sovth on said land : 27 Rod to woodland 1 8 tompsons : land then bounded west part on woodland |,g, tompsons land part on his own land 86 rod to sd Jonses ^D land the whole containing Eight acers and Eighty Rod -§ M live acers and Eighty Rod alowed for bad land and a 3 rod If at y'^ sovth End laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer nathan tiler & Jacob aldrich chain men — here is alowance left for a three Rod way on the sovth End of sd land MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 693 fchrvary y'^ : 4"' : 1780 laid ovt for James o()(linaii : 8 : acers of John whites Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the east side the mill river hegining att a chesnvttree l)oini>- a bovnds of John Joneses land thence rvning sovth 35 dgr* East (>0 rod to a chesnvtt tree markt thence rvning East 25 dgr^ so\i:h 32 rod to John Joneses land and is bovnded sovth on sd land 27 rod to woodland tompsons kind and is bovnded west part on sd land and part on his own land Siy rod to sd Joneses land the whole beinor Eight acers and 80 rod 5 acers and 80 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way at the sovth End of sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer »Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men Janvary 12 1744/5 Laid out for Cap' Gershom Keith Seven acers & a half of tenth Division of Land Six acers of his own & one acer & a half of Jacob Aldrich :s on the Northerly Side of the Land which the Sd Keith purchesed of Siimners heirs begin- ing at a heap of Stones near John Emerson's Land then riming westerly & l)()unding on Land of the S** Keith to a heap of Stones at Seth aldrichs Land then Northerly & })ounding on S^ aldrichs Land to a heap of Stones being al)el aldrichs Corner then Easterly & bounding on said able Land to John Eniersons Corner then Southerly & bounding on John Emersons Land to the first bounds mentioned with alowance for a three Rod road a Crost a Corner of S'* Land Laid out by Oliver Playward Surueyer Jacob Aldrich Com- mittee march y" !)"' : 1730 laid ovt for gershom keitli 9 acers Eighth divi- sion of land laid Easterly from seth aldriches begining at a heap of stons being the nor west corner thence rvning sovth 25 dgr* west 44 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth west corner then East 25 dgr' sovth 44 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 25 dgr' East 44 rod to a heap of stons being the noi-theast corner then west 25 dgr^ north 44 rod to the first l)ovnds the whole 12 acers and Ifi rod 3 acers and IG rod alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men 694 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Jvne y^ 8* : 1732 laid ovt for gershom keith G acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land norwest from his hovse and is bovnded sovth on sd land 12 rod East on svmners land 52 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then rvning west 8 dgr^ sovth 32 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 5 dgr^ East 20 rod to Benjamen whelocks land to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner and is bovnded on all other parts on sd whelocks land it being a broaken peace of land containing 6 acers and 64 rod 64 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Benjamen darling chain men peter aldrich [520.] febrvary y'^^ 2^'"^ : 1 728 9 laid ovt for peter aldrich Eight acers of land P^ighth division laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the great River and is bovnded west and sovth on sd land Easterly on the land of samvel Read deseast north part on the land of abel aldrich and ]:)art on common from a heap of stons on a Rock to a pine tree markt near sd al)el aldriches land : it being a broaken peace of land containing fovrteen acers and half six acers and half alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan Tiler chain men april y*" 25"' : 1730 laid ovt for peter aldrich Eight acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side of the great River and is bovnded west and sovth on sd land East on the land of abel aldrich sixty Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then Rvning west : 20 dgr^ north sixty fovr rod to his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing : seventeen : acers and twenty rod nine acers and 20 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men april y^ 25'" : 1730 laid ovt for peter aldrich 12 acers of nathan parks Eighth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great River near vxbridge west line and is bovnded sovth part on sd land part on common bcgining at the : norwest corner of sd land thence Rvning west fvll point MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 695 10 rod to ii heap of stons boino- the sovllnvcst corner then north fvll point 40 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East fvll point 54 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth fvll point GO rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west fvll point 14 rod to his other land : it being a broaken peace of land containing 15 acers and a qvarter lying partly on one side and one End of his other land 3 acers and a qvarter alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer : Jacob aldrich and floseph taft chain men april 25*'' : 1730 laid ovt for peter aldrich 3 acers and half Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river begining at a white oak tree being a bovnds of his former — thence Rvning west 35 dgr'^ north 18 rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then sovth 35 dgr' west 3() rod to a heap of stones being the sovthwest corner then East 35 dgi-^ sovth 20 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast cor- ner then north 35 dgi** 24 rod to his other land the whole contain- ing fovr acers and 50 rod half an acer and ^6 rod alowed for l)ad land laid by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men October y" 15»"' : 1731 laid ovt for peter aldrich 3 acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon and is laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river and is bovnded sovth on.sd land 26 rod and is 20 rod wide the lines rvning fvll point and all the corners heaps of stones the whole containing 3 acers and 20 rod 20 rod alowed for bad land — the same day laid for sd aldrich 7 acers more of sd pvrchast land nnd is laid Joyning to the alcove sd land and is bovnded west on sd land ()0 rod and is 20 rod wide the corners all heaps of stons. the whole containing 7 acers and 100 rod 100 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men jieter aldrich [521.] October y*" 17 : 1735 laid ovt for peter aldrich 4 acers and half of nathan pcnemans ninth division of land laid 696 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. between the great river and the iron works begining at a heap of stons on a rock being the sovtheast corner thence rvning north 3 dgr^ west 40 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 3 dgr^ sovth 22 rod to a heap of stons being the nor- W'Cst corner then sovth 3 dgr^ East 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth west corner then East 3 dgr' north 22 rod to the first bovnds the whole being five acers and half one acer alowed for bad land : — : more 3 acers and half of sd land laid ovt for sd aldrich Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river and is bovnded "westerly part on sd land and part on common 30 rod and sovth- erly on Elivelet warfeelds land 24 rod then rvning from sd war- feelds northeast corner northeast 5 dgr^ East 30 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then norwest 5 dgi** west 24 rod to his other land there being a black oak stand markt near the norwest corner the whole being 4 acers and 1*0 rod one acer and 10 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white survayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men Jvne y® 16*^ : 1737 laid ovt for peter aldrich 4 acers and 80 rod tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great River begining a sovtheast corner of sd land thence rvning East 20 dgr' sovth 55 rod to a heap of stons on a rock at his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his othei- land the wiiole being 6 acers and 27 rod one acer and 107 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros a corner of sd land : — the same day laid ovt for sd aldrich 9 acers more of land viz : 8 acers of Benjamentompsons tenth division and one alowed him by the the select men of vxbridge for a way thorovgh his land laid Joyning to his other land near chesnvtt hill begining att the sovtheast corner of sd land thence rvning sovth 38 dgr* East l(i rod to a norwest corner of seth Aldriches land then bovnded Easterly on sd land 55 rod to woodland tompsons land then with a direct line from the sovth west corner of sd tompsons land to a sovtheast corner of his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his other land it being a broaken peace of land contain- ing 9 acers and 79 rod 79 rod alowed for bad land : MEN DON, MASSACHUSETTS. 697 more laid ovt for sd aldrich six acers of land : viz : 103 rod of land irrantod him for the ahovc sd way and 5 acers and 57 rod of his tenth division laid Joyning to the above sd land and is bovndcd northerly on the land of daniel lovet 35 rod then Evning from the sovthcast corner of sd lovets land sovth 6 dgi-* west 47 rod to a heaj) of stons being the sovth west corner thence with a direct line Eleven rod to the sovthwest corner of his other land and is bovndcd on all other parts on his other land it being a broaken peace of land lying on one side and one End of his other land containing (5 acors and (>0 rod (iO rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and peter aldrich chain men — the same day as above laid ovt for sd aldrich 120 rod of land granted him by the select men of vxbridge for a way throvgh his land formerly laid ovt sd land laid ovt in an Jsland in the great river against the movth of a Brook known by the name of war- feelds brook and is l»ovnded Rovnd with said River Thomas TatF Jun"" [522.] Jvne y'^ 7"> 17211 laid for Thomas Taft Jvn^ fov-^ acers and half Eighth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land near hovse and is Bovnded west on sd land Eighty fovr Rod : Rvning from the sovtheast corner of sd land East 2 dgi-^ sovth twenty five Rod to : a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner : then l)ovnded East on a 3 Rod way Eighty six rod to his other land it being a: broaken peace of land containing six acers and half two acers alowed for bad land — The same day laid ovt by the above sd conmiittee two acers more Eighth division of land Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is l)ovnded west ])art on sd land part on a three Rod way twenty six Rod sovth on the land of Robert Evens thirty Eight Rod to a heap of stons being y** sovtheast corner thence with a direct line to the northeast corner of his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing three acers and fovrteen Rod one acer and 14 rod alowed for bad land — The same day laid ovt of the above sd division three acors and one qvarter of an : acer laid Joyning to his other : land near his 698 PROPRIETORS^ RECORDS. hovse and is Bovnded East on the above sd three Rod way ten Rod north on abraham staples hind thirty two Rod to a heap of stons Being the norwest corner thence Rvning sovth 5 dgr' East twenty Rod to Benjamin whelocks hind and is Bovnded sovth on sd Land thirty Rod to his own hind and Bovnded on all other parts on sd land to the three Rod. way : it being a broaken peace of land containing three acers and a qvarter and thirty Eight Rod 38 Rod alowed for bad land the same day laid out for sd Taft one acer more of sd Eighth division : laid on an iseland in his niedow and i compased in with sd medow : all the above sd Bitts of land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich nathan tiler chain men April y^ 12"^ : 1733 laid ovt for Thomas taft Jvn'' Eight acers of land viz : six acers of ninth division and 2 acers Eighth divi- sion Joyning to his other land and is bovnded East on sd land 37 rod north part on benjamen whelocks land and part on com- mon 48 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning sovth fvll point 35 rod to daniel tafts land to a heap of stons on a Rock being the sovthwest corner and is bovnded sovth part on sd tafts land and part on Robert Evenses land 48 rod to his own land the whole containing ten acers and 134 rod two acers and 134 rod alowed for bad land — the same day laid ovt for sd taft one acer and half Eighth divi- sion laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded sovth on sd land 30 rod East on abraham stapls land to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence with a direct line to the sovtheast corner of his fathers land and is bovnded west on Ijenjamen whe- locks land 14 rod to his own land the whole containing two acers and 51 rod 131 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men febrvary y*" 26"' : 1733^ laid ovt for Thomas taft Jvn' six acers ninth division of land : viz : 4 acers of Benjamen whelocks and two which he purchased of philip leasvre and is laid together Joyning to his other land sovth from his hovse and is bovnded north on sd land 11 P^ieven rod Easterly part on common and MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 099 l);irt on Jethro coffins land 73 rod to a licap of stons being the sovtlieast corner thence Kunino- west fvll point 55 rod to Rol)ei-t Evensos land and is bovnded westerly part on sd land and part on his own : it Ijeing a broaken peace of land containing 18 acors and 5i) rod 7 acers and 59 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land, laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Jacob uldricli and danicl lovet chain men [523.] Sanivel white april y*" 14'"' : 172I( laid ovt for samvel white six acers and one qvarter of Eighth division of land Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is Bo^'nded west on sd land one hvndred and f'ort}'^ fovr Rod and is bovnded north on the land of John fai'nvm twenty Rod to a heay) of stons being the northeast corner : thence with a direct line to the sovtheast corner of his other land the whole containing nine acers two acers and three qvarters alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros next sd farnvms land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph Taft connnittee desember y'' 8*^: 1729 laid ovt for samvel white 3 acers and 3 qvarters of Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded west on the land of Robert taft 31 rod sovth on a 3 rod way 2(5 rod East on the land of John farnvm 31 rod from sd wa}^ to a heap of stons being a corner of sd farnvms land then west 20 dgr* sovth to sd tafts land the whole containing 5 acers & 6 rod : one acer and 4() rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and John farnvm chain men June y^ 25"': 17;)2 laid ovt for samvel white 3 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land sovtherly from his hovse and is bovnded north and East on sd land and sovtherly on the land of samvel dvgles it being a three cornered peace of land containing 3 acers and half half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men Avgvst }■'' 29"' : 1 735 laid ovt for samvel white 10 acers of land : viz : (i acers Eighth division and 4 acers ninth division laid Joyn- ing to land laid ovt to Robert taft Jvn'. and is bovnded Easterly 700 rROPRIETORS' RECORDS. on sd land 50 rod rvning from the norwe.st corner of sd land west 22 do^r^ sovth 43 rod to a heap of stons beino- the norvvcst corner then sovth 22 dgr^ East 50 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth- west corner then East 22 dgr* north 41 rod to sd tafts land to a heap of stons near the sovtheast corner the whole containing 13 acers and 20 rod 3 acers and 20 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros a corner of said land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer. Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain : men Janvary y"" 21*: 1735 laid ovt for samvel white 7 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded northerly on sd land 44 rod rvning from the sovth west corner of sd land sovth 22 dgr^ East 26 rod and an half to a heap of stons being the sovth west corner then East 22 dgr^ north 44 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner and is bovnded East on dvglises land 26 rod and an half to his own land the Whole l)eing 7 acers and 27 rod 27 rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Ebenezer Read chain man loftic newel : Timothy sewel : steven swet [524.] april y« 24'": 1729 laid ovt for loftic newel twenty two acers of John albees Eighth division of land and two acers and three qvarters of sd albees seventh division of land and twelve acers of samvel Thayers Jvn""' Eighth division of land and is laid ovt Joyning to Ebenezer Reads land : and is Bovnded west on samvel whites land from John farnvms land to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning East 20 dgr** north to Ebenezer Reads land then bovnded East part on sd Reads land part on common Rvning from the norwest corner of sd Reads land north 14 dgr' East to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 20 dgr' sovth to the sovtheast corner of John farnvms land then on sd land to samvel whites land : the whole co'ntaining forty fovr acers and three qvarters : Eight acers : alowed for bad land and a thi'ee Rod way cros sd land laid ovt : by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph Taft committee .MKNDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 701 may y*' G"' : 172II laid ovt tor Timothy sewel seven acers and half of J.saoc Hicliersons Ki«>hth division of land and is laid Joyninij to his other land near his hovsc and is Bovnded East on sd land seventy two Rod Rvning from the norwest corner of sd land west : l.S : dirr' sovth twenty fovr Rod and is Bovnded northerly part on eonnnon pail on his own hind to a heap of stons being the : norwest corner thence Rvning sovth 18 : dgr'* East sixty two Rod to : an heap of stons being the sovth west corner then East 18 : dgi-^ north twenty fovr Rod to his other land : the whole contain- ing ten acers and half and 8 rod three acers and Eight Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer : Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich connnittee may y® G"' : 1729 laid ovt for steven swet fovr acers and half of samvel Thayers Eighth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded west on sd land thirty Rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning East 10 dgi-* north tifity Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 10 dgi** west thirty Rod to his other land : and is bovnded north on sd land tifty Rod the whole containing nine acers and sixty Rod fovr acers and half and sixty Rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and rJacob aldrich chain men desember y*^ 10"' : 1730 laid ovt for timothy sewel six acers of Jsacc Richersons Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse begining at the northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning north fvll point forty one rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 20 dgi** sovth tifty three rod to his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land : it ])eing a broaken peace of land containing fovrteen acers Eight acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men Samvel palmer Benjanien palmer [525.] Janvary y*^ 14"' : 1 723A laid ovt for samvel palmei- two acers of samvel warfeelds seventh division of land laid ovt Joyn- 702 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. ing to his other land near the Eight acer medow begining at an heap of stons on a Rock near a pine swamp so bovnding on sd land sovtherly forty six rod to stons on a Rock being the sovth- west corner then Rvning north 13 dgr* west twenty two rod to a heap of stons being the noi'west corner thence with a direct line to the hrst bovnds : it being a three cornerd peace of land contain- inof three acers and six Rod one acer and six rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas ^vhite svrvayer. seth chapin and Jacob aldrich committee march y*" 28^'' : 1727 laid ovt for sanivel palmer two acers of land which he pvrchased of the })ropriators of mendon laid Joyn- ing to his other land By his hovse Begining at a heap of stons on a Rock being the norwest corner of his other land thence Rvning west 15 dgr^ sovth twenty five Rod to a heap of stons By the Rode and is Bovnded west part on sd Rode and part on his own land and then bovnded rovnd on his own land to the first bovnds : it being a Broken peace of land containing five acers and half three acers and half alowed for bad land : laid l)y Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee may y*" 3'': 1734 laid ovt for the heirs of samvel palmer five acers of land viz : 3 acers Eighth division and 2 acers ninth divi- sion laid Joyning to their other land and is bovnded northerly part on sd land and part on common 28 rod to heap of stons being the norwest corner and is bovnded west on the covnty Rode 6 rod and on all other parts on their own land : it being a broaken peace of land containing by Estimation 7 acers and half 2 acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men may y*' 3*^ : 1734 laid ovt for Benjamen palmer 10 acers of nathaniel nelsons ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded sovth on sd land 54 rod and East on sd land 36 rod to a heap of stons on a Rock being y^ northeast corner thence rvning west 13 dgr' north 81 rod to stons on a Rock beinii; the norwest corner then sovth 13 dgr^ west 3(5 rod MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 703 to tlio first hovnds hoina' a licai) of stons at the sovthwest cor- ner : the whole containing 15 acers and 24 rod 5 acers and 24 rod alowed for bad hind hiid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men September y'^ 2^ : 17H7 hiid ovt for benjamen puhner (j acers of hind which he pvrchased of thomas gage laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land 52 rod to a corner of sd land P]astcrly on common 10 rod to samvel nel- sons land and northerly on sd land 40 rod westerly on the covnty rode 39 rod the whole being 7 acers and 7 rod one acer and 7 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and l)enjamen palmer chain men John Tiler Jvn' [526.] Jvne y« 4^" : 1728 laid ovt for John Tiler Jvn' thirty three acers of land : viz : thirteen acers of nathaniel morses seventh division and Eioht acers of his own seventh division : and Eiofht acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon and fovr acers of land which he pvrchast of seth aldrich which was in lew for land taken from him by providence claims and is laid Joyning to his other land near andrvses Brook ))egining at the sovthwest corner of sd land thence Rvnino- East 2(5 dar^ sovth Flighty rod to a white oak stand markt then East 15 dgr' north ten rod to Jonathan woods land then tvrning north by sd land Eight rod to a corner of sd woods land then tvrning East by sd land ten Rod to a heap of stons being a corner then rvning north 15 dgi-" west one hvndred and fifty two Rod to andrvses Brook a maple tree markt near sd brook then on sd brook to his other land : it being a broaken peace of land containing forty acers and forty Eight rod seven acers and forty Eight rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee Jvne y*^ K)**^ : 1721I laid ovt for John Tiler Jvn"" fovr acers Eighth division of land and is laid Joyning to his niedow below the north pond and is Bovnded westerly part on sd medow part on John Rockets land and part on the mill River: begining at a 704 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. nicaple stand on the Bank of sd River thence Rvning E 27 north ten Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 27 dgr^ East forty Rod to a heap of stons being the sovth west corner then west 27 dgr^ sovth twenty Rod to a heap of stons at sd Rockits land being the sovthwest corner : it being a broaken })eace of hind containing fovr acers and tliirty Rod 30 r-od alowcd for Bad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men Desember y" 26^'' : 1729 laid ovt for John tiler Jvn"" six acers and half Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near the north pond begining at the : sovth East corner of sd land thence Rvning East three Rod to John chapins land then bovnded East on sd chapins land thirty fovr Rod to the norwest corner of sd land then : seting of west one Rod to a heap of stons then Rvning north 15 dgr* west seventy fovr Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 15 dgr^ sovth Eight Rod to stons on a Rock at the edge of the pond then l)ovnded westerly part on the pond part on the mill River part on his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing Eight acers and 28 rod one acer and half and 28 Rod alowed for Ixid land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men Samvel chapin [527.] iiiay y*" 20^'' : 1726 laid ovt for samvel chapin seven acers of land which he pvrchast of the propriators of mendon and is laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the west River and is Bovnded north on samvel Reads land Eighty Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence Rvning sovth west fvll point seventy fovr Rod to his ow^n land then Bovnded sovtherly on sd land ninety Rod to samvel Reads land : it being a three cornerd peace of land containing seventeen acers and half ten acers and half alowed for bad land and a fovr Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer : seth chapin and James keith committee October y" 22'': 1731 laid ovt for samvel chapin seven acers of land : viz : six acers Eighth division and one acer which he pvr- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 705 chased of the propriators of niendon : laid together Joyning to his other hind westerly from his hovse and is bovnded East on common swamp 12 rod and is hovnded sovtherly on solomon woods land 18 rod rvning from the norwest corner of sd woods land norwest fvll point 35 rod to a blaclv oak tree markt then west 20 dgr' north 40 rod to his other land and is bovnded on all other parts on sd land it being a broaken peace of land containing Eight acers and 64 rod one acer and 64 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt b}- Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and John farnvm chain men September y*" 18"' : 1733 laid ovt for samuel chapin nine acers and a (jvarter of land : viz : 4 acers ninth division and 3 acers of his fathers Eighth division and two acers and a qvarter of land granted him by the selectmen of vxbridge for a way throvgh his land laid together Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded northerly on sd land 76 rod west on his other laud 52 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the sovthwest corner thence rvning East 10 dgr^ north 80 rod to the sovtheast corner of his other land on the west side aldriches Rode it being a three cornered peace of land containing 12 acers and 56 rod 3 acers and 16 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men novembor y"' 11"': 1738 laid ovt for samvel chapin 2 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land north from his hovse and is bovnded west on the way leading from daniel Reads to solomon woods sovth on his own land north on the land of thomas white : it being a broaken three cornerd peace of land containing 2 acers and half half an acer alowed for a three rod way and bad land laid ovt by Tliomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and samvel chajjin chain men John Tyler wiliam Boyd Daniel Brown [528.] Jvne y" 30"' : 1730 laid ovt for wiliam Boyd Eighteen acers of Eighth division of land : viz : nine acers of samvel thay- 706 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. ers and nine of Eleazer tafts laid ovt together in the sovth woods near Benjamen cragins begining at a heap of stons being the north East corner thence Rvniug west 10 dgr^ sovth forty rod to Stephen fishes land then bovnded on sd land twenty rod to the sovtheast corner of sd land then tvrning westerly by sd land forty six rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 10 dgr^ East forty five rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East 10 dgr^ north ninety nine rod part on common part on abraham staples land to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner : thence with a direct line forty rod to the first bovnds : it being a broaken peace of land containing twenty one acers and half three acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men this land above Recorded to wiliam Boyd is Retvrned to y*' above named samvel thayer and Eleazer taft as it was laid ovt by there order acording to their Rights October y*' 12"^: 1732 laid ovt for Daniel Brown 152 rod of Nathaniel moses ninth division of land laid Joyning to his medow on the west side of the mill river and is bovnded north on mvdy Brook 11 rod west on the land of widow Rawson 11 rod and sovth on common 8 rod and East on sd medow laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men September y*^ 9"' : 1732 we the svbsribers mett and divided a cer- tain peace of medow lying on the west side of the mill River below mvdy Brook which medow oridgianly belonged to the lott of John gvrney and now in ovr posesion and now divided by vs acording to ovr Rights which division is as foloweth Daniel Brown to have the vper part of sd medow next to mvdy brook so far down as a great Rock with stons on it and thence to rvn East 10 dgr north to a stake at the river and vriah thayer to have the next part down stream 25 rod to a stake on the west side sd medow near a black oak tree markt thence Rvning East 7 dgr* sovth to a stake at the river and samvel thayer to have the Remainder of sd medow. and in wittnes that this is ovr free and volantary agree- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 707 moiit and division of sd modow we have hcrcvnto sett ovr hands in order to have said division pvt on llecord signed and delivered in presence of saivivel Thayer SETH CHAPIX JVN*. DaNIEL BrOWN WILLIAM SHEFEELD VRIAH ThAYER Benjamin taft may the 13 1749 Laid out for John Tyler two acres and half of of his Eleventh Division of land adjoyning to his other land near the north niedows and is bounded South on his other land 40 rod East on land of Cap* nathan Tyler 20 rod to a heap of stones being the north East Corner thence with a Direct line on Comon 30 rod to the norwest Corner of his other land it being 3 Corner*^ : piece of Land : laid out by AVilliani Torrey Sury"" nathan Tyler and John Tyler Chain men Jonathan Richardson [529.] nian^h y* : 6"' 1698^- att a generall town meeting the town granted Jonathan Richardson a ten acer lott with all the Rights (70) and priveledges thereto belonging — aprill y'^ 10"' : 1(599 laid ovt for ^Jonathan Richardson his first second and third divisions of land belonging to his ten acer lott : with ten acers of his other land lying with in it the whole being- Eighty acers and is laid ovt on a hill on the East side of the great river and is bovnded as foloweth vesterly part on land now in the }K)sesion of James walling and part on sd river and part on the land of John Ballcom north forty three Rods on the land of John Ballcom northerly vpon comon by a line of Eighty rods Easterly on comon by a line of one hvndred rods and sovtherly by a various line of ninety six rods on comon rvning vnder the Edge of a pine hill the northeast corner bovnded with a poi)le tree att the Edge of a pine swamp the sovtheast corner on a small hill markt with a great pine laid ovt By Josiah chapin desember y*" 31 : 1702 the fovilh division of the above sd lott being twenty acers part of itt laid ovt on the East side of the 708 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. mill river on Both sides of Eeholjoth rode bovnded sovtherly part (11) on the land of nicolas cook part on comon the sovtheast corner being a white oak tree East on comon with a direct line to a white oak tree being the northeast corner north on comon by a line of marked trees to samvel thayers land west on sd thayers land the whole containing Eleven acers five acers more of sd fovrth division lying on the East side of sd land and is bounded west on sd land twenty rod sovth on (5) comon land forty rod with a line of marked trees to a blak oak being the sovtheast corner East on comon twenty rod to a white oak being the northeast corner north on comon with a line of marked trees forty rod to the above sd land the Remainder of said fovrth division being fovr acers laid ovt on the East side the mill river on both sids of qvick stream bovnded sovtherly with a black oak tree near sd river so with a (4) line of markt trees to a pine tree markt by Rehoboth Rode east on sd rode north on comon land west part on samvel thayers medow part on the mill river By Thomas white Jonathan Richardson [530.] may y'^ 23*^ : 1707 forty Eight acers of Jonathan Rich- erdsons fifth division laid o^i; on the east side fox brook near the great river bovnded as foloweth the sovtheast corner being a heap of stones East on comon with a direct line one hvndred and twenty rod to a doble walnvt tree being the northeast corner northerly on common with a direct line forty rod to a stake being the norwest corner west on common with a direct line of one hvndred and forty rod to a white oak tree being a corner of samvel thayers land so with sd thayers land to fox brook then with sd Brook to the sovthwest corner of it being a red oak tree marked near sd brook sovtherly on common with a direct line twenty rod : to the sovtheast corner here being a two rod way alowed through sd land by thomas white samvel thayer Josiah thayer committee november y^ 10"' 1707 laid ovt for Jonathan Richardson fovr- teen acers of land Joyning to the and where his hovse now MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 709 stands fovr acers of sd land hoinir titth division : ten acers being lor his share of medow and swamp lott : bovnded as foloweth the norwest corner being a heap of stones bovnded north on common forty rod to a white oak tree markt being the northeast : corner East on common forty rod to a blak oak tree markt tlien with a direct line Eighty Eight rod to the sovtheast : corner of his other land west on sd land Eighty Eight rod then setting of to the west six rod to a white oak tree markt then tvrning north Avith a direct line thirty six rod to the first bovnds laid ovt by thomas white samvel thayer Josiah thayer : committee Mendon aprill y'' 19'^ 1721 Then Laid out for Jonathan Richerdson ffifty five acres of land viz thirty nine of his six Devision & Sixteen acres of his Seventh Devision Joyning to the Easterly Part of his other Land w^here he now Dwelleth a Broken Peice of Land Begening on Sd Land by James Bicks Land then Runing East 6 degr* North on Sd Bicks Land fifty Six Rod to Ebenezer Coocks Land then on Sd Coock Sixt}' Rod to a White oake Neare Where John Sprauge did Live, then West 30 deg'* North to Sd Sprauge Easterly Corner Ten Rod then on Sd Land West 25 dgv" north fifty Eight Rod to Sd Sprauges Westerly Corner then East 25 deg''* north to Sd Sprauges Corner then North 13 deg""' East on Common Eighty Rod to a South East Corner of his other Land then West 25 deg" North on Common thirty four Rod to a of stons, then west on Common one hundred Rod to a heap of Stons then partly on Common & partly on the Land of Sam" thayer 100 Rod to a north west Corner at his medow then bounded on his own Land till it coms to y^ first bounds Containing 117 acres 62 acres alowed for 15 acrs & 170 Rod laid out before and a Road of 4 rod wide to y'' mills and bad land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich James Keith Committee Abel aldrich Jvn"" Thomas white y'' 2'^ John tiler Jun"" [531.] may y« 2P': 1730 laid ovt for Thomas white y"^ 2"^ three (|varters of an acer of land granted him by the select men for a Rode throvgh his land formerly laid ovt and is bovnded 710 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Easterly on sd land thirty six Kod and westerly on the land of John cook : it : being a narow strip of broaken land containing one hvndred and twenty Eod laid ovt by Thomas white survayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men Jvne y'' 17"^ : 1735 laid ovt for John tiler Jvn'' 3 acers and half ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near william Johnsons and is bovnded north on sd Johnsons land 22 rod west on his own land 57 rod sovth on his fathers land 8 rod East on Kobert tilers land 63 rod the whole being 5 acers and 100 rod 2 acers and 20 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph w^hite chain men Jvne y*" 4*'' : 1736 laid ovt for John tiler Jvn'' 17 acers and 80 rod tenth division laid Joyning to his other land near the north pond and is bovnded west on his other land 60 rod rvning from the northeast corner of sd land East 19 dgr' north 51 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 16 dgr' East 60 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner and is bovnded sovtherly on seth chapins land 60 rod as also a gore of land betwen sd chapins land and his own land being 22 rod in length and 2 rod wide at the sovth End and nothing at the north End the whole being 19 acers and 40 rod one acer and 120 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and Jacob aldrich chain men desember y'^ 9'": 1737 laid ovt for abel aldrich Jvn"" 3 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land sovth from his hovse and is bovnded Easterly on a three rod way 52 rod and is bovnded on all other parts on his other land the whole being 3 acers and 22 rod 22 rod alowed for bad land : the same day laid for sd aldrich 3 acers more of sd tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near david aid- riches farm and is bovnded sovtherly part on common part on the land of seth aldrich and part on his own 48 rod and is bovnded west on seth aldriches land Eleven rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning East 6 dgr' north 44 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is bovnded Easterly on david aldriches form Eleven rod to the sovtheast MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 711 corner it being a heap of stons the whole being 3 acers and 28 rod 28 rod alowed for bad land the same day for sd aldrich 3 acers and inino- : at a hea}) of stones in a rockey valie then rvning north 30 dgr^ west Eishty rod to a heap of stones being a west corner then west 30 dgr^ sovth forty rod to a heap of stones being the sovtherly corner then sovth 30 dgi-* P^ast Eighty rod to a heap of stones being the Easterly corner then East 30 dgr' north forty rod to the first bovnds the whole containing twenty acers : six acers alowcd for bad land by Robert Evens Jacoli aldrich thomas Avhite : committee May y" 2'' 1745 Laid out for Daniel Lovett two Acres & half Eleventh Division of Land -loyning to his other Land on the East vSide of magomisco and is ))ovnded P]ast on Said Land north on the Land of lehabod Ro))crson 9 rod west on Land belonging to Dearing Jones South on Comon 9 rod to the norwest corner of Ichabod Thayers Land : Laid out by William Torrey Suruey' Daniel Lovett chain man Samvcl thayer [543.] may y° 12"': 1720 laid ovt for samvel thayer forty acers of land seventh division on the west side the great river floyning to his other land begining at a heap of stones formerly a norwest corner then East by his own land one hvndred and twenty five rod to James Keiths land then by sd land west 10 dgr* sovth foi-ty five rod then on sd Keiths land west one hvndred and forty rod to sd Keiths northeast corner then East 10 dgr^ sovth one hvndred and Eleven rod to the first bovnds the con- taining seventy acers and ninety six rod thirty acers and ninety six rod alowed for bad land by Robert Evens Jacol) aldrich thomas white committee may y'^ 5'": 1720 laid ovt for samvel thayer two acers sixth division of land Joyning to his bvrnt swamp bovnded East part on sd swamp part on the Rode leading to providence : north on his other land west on Jethro coffins land sovth on his own land it being a l)roken ])cace of land by Estemation three acers one acer alowed for bad land l)y Robert Evens Jacob aldrich thomas white committee 726 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. jNIay y'' 5*^'^ : 1720 laid ovt for saiuvel thayer twenty fovr acers of John darlings seventh division Joyning to the : norwest side of the scool h)tt near the sovth niedows begining att a vvahiut tree by sd land then Rvning north 4 dgr' west Eighty rod to a chesnvt tree being the north East corner then west 4 dgr^ south sixty rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then sovth 4 dgr'* East Eighty rod to sd land then on sd land sixty rod to the first bovnds : the whole containing thirty* acers : six acers alowed for bad land by Robert Evens Jacol) aldrich thomas white committee may y'' 12*^ : 1720 laid ovt for samvel thyer ten acers seventh division of land on the west side the great river betwen his other land and John Emersons land beg'ining att a heap of stones being the sovthwest corner then rvning north fvll point forty fovr rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then East forty rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then sovth forty fovr rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner then west forty rod to the first bovnds the whole containing Eleven acers one acer alowed for bad land By Robert Evens Jacol) aldrich thomas white committee Sam" Thayer [544:.] Mendon March 27"^ 1722 Then Laid out for Sam'i Thayer Eighteen acres of his Seventh Division Between his other Land Near the Great River Begining at a Stak Being his former Bounds on the East Side a Litle Burch Swamp Runing South full Point on the Common Seventy Rod to his other Land to a heap of Stons on the North Sid of y" Said Land, then Westerly on Sd Land fifty Rod then North partly on Said Land and partly on Common Ninety three Rod to a heap of Stons on the West sid of a hill then East partly on Common and partly on his other Land fi|| || || Rod to the first Bounds Containing twenty seven acres, nine acres allowed for bad Land laid out By Robert Euens Jacob Aldrich Thomas white Mendon March 27*'> 1722 Then laid out for Samuell Thayer Eighteen Acres of the School Lot Seventh Division on the West MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 727 Side ol' F().\"('s Brook, Ix'uining alt a heap of Stones l)eina' att Seth aldrich's Soutli West Corner, then running Northerly partly on y'' 8''. aldrich's. and partly on Thomas Thayers Land fourty four Rods ; then ^^"est partly on the said Thayer's Land and partly on y'" Connnon a Hundred and fourteen Rods, to a North- East Corner of his other Land, then on the said Land a hundred and two Rods, to the South East Corner, then with a direct line to the first bounds Eighty four Rods containing fourty three acres, twenty five acres allowed for a Road and l)ad Land laid out by. Robert Euens Jacob aldrich Thomas White N. B The above said Road is for y*' said .Vlderich to pass from one peice of Land to y" other Mendon March 27. 1722 Laid out for Samuell Thayer six acres, and a Hundred and Seven Rod of Upland in Lieu of three acres. and fifty three, and a half Rods ; the Swamp Lott belonging to y® School Lott ; begining att a heap of Stones on a Great Rock near y® Great River being a North : West Corner of his Other Land formerly Sam" Cooks Land : then Running Westerly on Daniel Darlings Land formerly on Jacob aldrich's to a black oak Tree marked. Thirty two Rods, then Southerly part on Common and part on Said River fourty four Rod to a White Oak Tree marked by y" Said River, then P^asterly on Common twenty Rods to South- West Corner, by his other land then Northerly on Said Land to y" first Bounds fourty Two Rods. Layd out by Robert Euens Jacob Alderich Thomas wiiite Sanuiell Thayer .Meudun October y'" 2''. 1722 Then Layd out for Samuel Thayer [545,] Eighteen acres of AVilliam AVhites Seventh Division Joyn- ing to y'' South Side of his Meadow Commonly Called Rock Meadow begining att a AVhite Oak Tree being Daniel Hills Southerly Corner Running Westerly on Said Hills Land & Meadow fifty Six Rods to a great Rock on y'' West Side of y" Meadow being Robert Taft's bounds South West on Said Tafts thirty two Rod to Eduumd Rawson's Laud then Running South- erly on Said Rawsons Land twenty two Rod to the Country Road 728 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. then on Said Road to y"" first Bounds Seventy four Rod a broken Peice of Land y'' whole Land and Meadow containing Sixteen acres Eight Acres allowed for meadow, and a Road of three Rod Wide Betwen Said Rawson And his Own Land and Bad Land : Laid out by Robert Euens Jacob Alderich Thomas white Left. Sanuiell Thayre Mendon Dec|| || |1 ||r 9"\ 1723 Then Layd out for Left. Samuell Thayer four Acres of Timothy Winters Seventh Division near y*^ great River below Foxe's brook beginning at a White Oak Tree being y^ East Bounds of his Other Land on y® Said Brook, then running North twenty five Degrees East on Common thirty Rod to a Heap of Stones on a Great Rock y'^ North thirty Eight Degrees West on Common a Hundred and fourteen Rod to said Land bounded on all other Sides on said Land a broken Peice of Land Containing thirteen Acres and twenty Rods Nine Acres and twenty Rods allowed for bad Land Layd out by Robert Euens Jacob Aldrich Cap Seth Chapin Sam" Thayer Janauary the Twenty Second Seventeen hundred two three Laid out then for Sam" Thayer fifteen acres. Eleven acres of Sd Land is of Jonathan Richardsons Seventh Division and four acres is of William Whites seventh Division North of Richard holbrooks house, Begining at a heap of Stons on sd holbrooks Land then Runing AVesterly on Sd Land forty Rod then Turning sd Hol- broks Corner North six Rod then Runing Westerly on Sd Hol- brock sixteen Rod to a heap of Stones, then North Twenty degr'' West on Common Twenty Rod to a Nother Peace of Sd holbrocks Land, then Easterly on Sd Land Sixteen Rod then Turning North on Sd Land forty Eight Rod to Rock med Medow Brook then on Sd Brook fifty Rod to Joseph Emersons Land then Southerly on Sd Land fourteen Rod then Westerly on Sd Land Eigteen Rod then Turning y'' Corner of Sd Land Runing Southerly Partly on Sd Land and partly on Common to the first Bounds seventy Two Rod a Brocken Peace of Land Containing Twenty acres and on hundred Twenty six Rod five Acres and one hundred and Twenty MENDON, IMASSACHUSETTS. 729 six Rod u r.(j\vo(l for Bad Land Laid out by Koheil Evens Jacob al(h"icli Tlionias white The heirs of Left Sam" Thayer Daniel Lovett [546.] Mendon Decem})er the ninth Seventeen hundred and Twenty one — Laid out for Left. Sara" Thayer four acres of Timothy win- ters Seventh Division on the East Side of the Road Leading- to Providence Beginina: att a hea}) of Stons on the hill to the Norths ward of Grave ]\Iedow By Sd Road Runing East on Common. Sixteen Rod to a Black oake Marked, then North. Easterly on Common Eighty Eight Rod to a heap of stons. then West on Common. Twenty four Rod to his other Land Containg Eleven Acres. Seven acres a Low^ed for Sd Road and Bad Land Laid out By Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Chap* Seth Chapin Mendon December the Ninth Seventeen hundred and Twenty one Then Laid out for Left Sam" Thayer, five acres of seven Divi- sion South AVest of hop Brook Medow Begining att a white Tree Marked being a former Bounds. Runining South Eigh|| || || ||degres AYest on Common one Hundred Rod to a White Oak tree beino; a former Bounds on all other sides bounded on Sd Land a Broken Peice of Land Containing Nine acres and Sixty Rod, foure acres and Sixty Rod allowed for bad Land Sd Land is of Timothy winters Seventh Division Laid out By — Rol^ert Evens Jacob alldrich Chap* Seth Chapin Mendon ^lay the lift Seventeen hundred and Twenty Then Laid out for Left Sam" Thayer and his Son Sam" Thayer to- gether four acres and forty Rod of Ceader Swamp on the Nor- west Part of Shokollog Swanq) Joyning to the South East side of Left Thayers Land Nor East Partly on Sd Land and Partly on Joseph Tafts swamp, Thirty seven Rod South East on Com- mon fourteen Rod to a Stake Being a South Corner then on Common by a Line of jNIarked Trees Thirty Seven Rod to Sd Land, then on Sd Land Twenty Six Rod to the first Bounds, the 730 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. sd Left Thayers Part is seven wrights of Joseph Bruses and four Wrights of Thomas whites J"" and Sam" Thayer Jr is Twenty wrights of the School Lott and Ten wrights of Jonathan Richard- sons Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich Thomas white May y*" 2" : 1745 Laid out for Daniel Lovett twenty two Acres & a half Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on the East Side of magomisco and is bounded Easterly and Southerly on his other Land westerly partly on Land of Jchabod Roberson and partly on Land of Moses Tiney Northerly partly on Land of Daniel White and partly on a Road Leading by Daniel whites to his own Land it being a Broaken piece of Land : Laid out by Daniel Lovett and william Torrey Com" Surueyed by William Torrey Moses Aldrich [547.] October the l(i : 1718 laid ovt for moses aldrich his share of seders wamp in the north sederswamp on the east side the Brook bovnded north on Jacob Aldriches swamp east on vp- land five rod and an half then rvning west 2 dgr" sovth to the Brook west on sd Brook : laid ovt l^y thomas Avhite Robard evens Jacob aldrich Mtiy y'' 16 : 1718 laid ovt for moses aldrich forty rod sixth division on the east side mvdy Brook in a narow strip between his own land and daniel lovets land bovnded north on his own land east on sd lovets land sovth with a great rok on the north side a small rvn west on the six rod way to his other land the whole containig fifty rod ten rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich May y*^ 1(3"' : 1718 laid ovt for moses aldrich ten acers sixth div II II II II II Joyning to his other land on the east side mvdy brook bovnded west on sd land fifty one rod north on ebenezer whits land by a : line of marked trees eighty five rod to a heap of stones being a corner then seting of north twenty eight rod to the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 731 oii^ht rod way on the neck cast on sd way thirty cioht rod to a hcai) of stones by the ^vay that leads from lovets to whits corn mill sovth on sd way twenty rod to u hlak oak stand markt near sd way then by conion with a dirict forty nine rod to the sovth- east corner of his other land : the whole containins: eiohteen acers and half eight acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich November y*" 21: 1718 laid ovt for moses aldrich nine acers sixth division Joyning to his other land on the east side the west river near John Cooks ftirm : bovnded sovtherly on sd land sixty rod rvning from the northeast corner of sd land north 28 dgr* East twelve rod to stones on a rok near the northwest corner then rvning East 28 dgi-^ sovth eighty rod to a stake and stones being the sovth'east corner thence rvning with a dirict line one hvndred rod to the sovth east corner of his other land : it lying on two sids his other land : the wdiole containing eleven acers and sixty fovr rod two acers and sixty fovr rod alow^ed for bad land by thomas white Ro])ard evens Jacol) aldrich may y*" 80"" ; 1719 laid ovt for moses aldrich fovr acers sixth division on the east side the sovth medows bovnded sovth part on david tompsons land part on comon with a direct line forty rod the sovthwest corner being a heap of stones then rvning north fvll point sixteen rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then rvning east fvll point forty rod to stones being the northeast corner then rvning sovth fvll point sixteen rod to david tompsons land, a walnut tree markt att the sovtheast corner laid ovt by thomas white Robard evens Jacob aldrich comittee. ]Moses Aldrich [54-8.] Jvly y" 6'": 1719 laid ovt for moses aldrich twenty rod sixth division and fovrty seven rod and half seventh : division near his hovse on the sovth side the way leading over the neck bovnded north on sd way nine rod east on a way leading from his hovse to the covntry rode sovth on sd rode nine i-od west on comon six rod the corners being heaps of stones laid ovt by Robard evens Jacob aldrich thomas white committee 732 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Desember y"" 25"^ 1729 laid ovt for moses aldrich twenty seven acers Eighth division of land : viz : twenty one acers of his own and six acers of william thayers Eighth division and is laid ovt Joyning to samvel woods land begining att a heap of stons in sd woods line being the norwest : corner thence Rvning Sovth fvU point Eighty five Rod to an heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then East fvll point fifty six rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north fvll point one hvndred and twenty five Rod to samvel woods land to a heap of stons being the north- east corner then bovnded north on sd woods land to the first bovnds : the whole containing thirty six acers & three qvarters : nine acers and three quarters alowed for : bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men October y° 28"': 1732 laid ovt for moses aldrich 5 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land north from the Eight acer meadow and is bovnded west on sd land 123 rod and is 10 rod wide the whole length of his other land the corners being heaps of stons the whole 7 acers and 100 rod 2 acers and 100 rod alowed for bad land the same day laid for sd aldrich nine acers more of sd ninth divi- sion Joyning to the above sd land and is bovnded Easterly part on sd land and part on samvel woods land 107 rod begining at a heap of stons near the northeast corner thence rvning west 37 dgr' sovth 20 rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then sovth 37 dgr' East 94 rod to a stone sett vp att his other land the whole containing 12 acers and 20 rod 3 acers and 20 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men desember y° 7"' : 1737 laid ovt for moses aldrich 12 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near pine orchard and is bovnded Easterly on the land of Robert tiler 96 rod to sd tilers norwest corner thence rvning west 25 dgr^ north 30 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the norwest corner and is bovnded westerly on his other land 96 rod and is bovnded sovth on comon land 6 rod to a heap of stons being a former bovnds of sd tilers MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 733 ImikI it IxMiiir Ji bi'Oiikeii : peace of land eontaining 13 acers and o.S rod one acer and 58 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt l)y Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Roberd aldrich chain men nathan tiler John Balcom Richard Garner [549.] may y' 29^" : 1729 laid ovt for John Balcom ten acers of land Being Eighth division : viz : three of his own : and fovr which he pvrciiased of israil keith and three he pvrchased of samvel Tompson : laid Joyning to his other land near the prov- ince sovth line and is Bovnded north on sd land fifty two Rod and East on Daniel lovets land thirty six Rod sovth on the prov- ince lin(> tifty two Rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then Rvning north 6 dgr' & f East thirty six Rod to his other land the whole containing Eleven acers and twenty Eight Rod one acer and 28 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and nathan tiler chain men march y*" 14*'': 1731 laid ovt for ri chard garner 10 acers and half Eighth division of land Joyning to his other land near Thomas Beards and is bovnded East on sd land 100 rod sovth part on pecks land and part on connnon 23 rod west part on said Beards land and part on P^benezer cheneys land 107 rod north on william hay wards land 17 rod to his other land the whole containing 12 acers and 149 rod 2 acers and (59 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way between sd land and sd beards land the same day laid for sd garner 12 acers more of land : viz 3 acers Eighth division and nine acers ninth division laid Jojniing to his other land near John Joneses begining at the northeast corner of sd land thence rvning East fvll point 22 rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then sovth fvll point 108 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 40 rod to his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing 14 acers and 40 rod 2 acers and 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men October y'^ 14"' : 1735 laid ovt for nathan tiler 10 acers of land which he pvrchased of Thomas white which land was granted him 734 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. for a high way throvgh his land by his hovse 4 acers and 29 rod of sd land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side of the mill River begining att the sovthwest corner of sd land thence rvning west 20 dgr® north 58 rod to woods medow then bovnded on sd woods medow to his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing 4 acers and 49 rod 20 rod alowed for a private way of two rod wide to sd woods medow : — : the Remainder of sd ten acers being 5 acers and 131 rod laid Joyning to the north End of sd land and is bovnded sovth on sd land 31 rod to a heap of stons on a Rock near the sovtheast corner thence rvning north 3 dgr'' East 40 rod to a lieap of stons being the northeast corner then west 3 dgr^ west 17 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner and is boA^ided westerly part on the mill river and part on medow bottom to his other land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men September 15"' 1746 Laid out for Nicolas Trask one acre and 68 rod Eleventh Division of land on the East Side the great River Joyning to his other land & is bounded South on Said Land 38 Rod westerly on the Road leading to the mill 12 Rod north on land of Sam" Hunt 38 rod it being a three Corner'^, piece of land being one acre & iiS rod 6^ rod. allowed for bad Land : laid out by William Torrey Suruey'' Jacob aldrich chain man Joseph Brvse [550.] november y<^ 29"': 1718 laid ovt for Joseph brvse fovrteen acers of willson Rawsons sixth division on the sovth End of the north hill on the East side of the Eight rod way begining att a white oak tree being the northeast corner then rvning west 24 dgr^ sovth Eighty rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner west on the Eight rod way thirty fovr rod to Jacob aldriches land sovth on sd land eighty rod to the northeast corner of sd land then with a direct line thirty fovr rod to the first bovnds the whole containing seventeen acers three acers alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros a corner of sd land by thomas white Robert Evens Jacob aldrich committee MENDON, MASSACIlUSf:TTS. 735 iipril y"^ 2()"> : 1725 laid ovt for Joseph Brvse five acers of land seventh division Joyning to his other land att the lower north niedow begining att a white oak tree niarkt being the sovthwest corner so bovnded west part on his own land })art on common forty six rod : rvning from the northeast corner of his other land north 30 dgi-* west to nathan tilers land to a heap of stons y*' norwest corner so bovnded north on : sd land thirty rod to sd Brvses medow so bovnded East part on sd medow part on common land fifty rod rvning from sd medow sovth 7 dgr^ East to a heap of stones on a rock being the sovtheast corner then west 29 dgi-" sovth ten Ro(i to the first Bovnds : itt being a broaken peace of land containing five acers and an half: half an acer alowed for bad land : laid ovt By thoinas white svrvayer seth chapin : Jacob aldrich committee September y*' 6*'' : 1731 land ovt for Joseph Brvce 15 acers of the second division of land belonging to Job tilers lott and 7 acers of his own Eighth division laid o\i; on the East side misco hill and is bovnded East on the land of samvel tory 126 rod north on the land of benjamen green 34 rod to an ash tree markt near the norwest corner thence rvning sovth fvll point 134 rod to James woods land and is bovnded sovth part on sd woods land part on the scool land 26 rod to sd torys land the whole con- taining 24 acers and (50 rod 2 acers and 60 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men hoi brook william [551.] Jvne y^ 19^^: 1735 laid ovt for william holbrook seven acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west side of mvmfords river and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land 44 rod to a heap of stons on a rock being the sovthwest corner thence rvning north 13 dgr^ west 36 rod to benjamen tafts land to a heap of stons on a rock being the norwest corner and is bovnded northerly on sd tafts land 32 rod and Easterly on sd river '2H rod to his other land the whole containing Eight acers one acer alowed for bad land the same day laid out for sd holbrook seven acers more of the sd ninth division laid Joyning to his other land near his dweling 736 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. hovse and is bovnded northerly on sd land 80 rod begining- att a white oak stand markt beino- the northeast corner thence rvnino; sovth 10 dgr^ East 20 rod to a black oak stand markt being the sovtheast corner then west 10 dgr^ sovth 80 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth west corner then north 10 dgr'' west 20 rod to his other land the whole being ten acers 3 acers alowed for bad land and a three Bod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men October y*" 24"' : 1735 laid ovt for william holbrook Eight acers ninth division of land laid Joynin^ to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded north on sd land 11(3 rod west on common 10 rod sovth part on common part on the land of Ezekel wood 116 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence rvning north 3 dgr' west 18 rod to his other land it being a broaken peace of land containing Eleven acers 3 acers alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Joseph taft chain men april y® 14"' : 1736 laid ovt for william holbrook 18 acers and half of land viz : 9 acers of samvel tompsons ninth division and 9 acers and 80 rod of his own tenth division laid Joyning to his other land on the west side mvmfords river and is bovnded west on Ezekeil woods land 40 rod sovth on samvel Reads land 37 rod to a heap of stons being a corner thence Rvning north 12 dgr^ East 78 rod to another peace of sd reads land and is bovnded East on sd land 16 rod to his own land and is bovnded on all other parts on sd land it being a broaken peace of land containing 24 acers and half 6 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and william holbrook chain men april y'^ 10"' 1739 laid ovt for william holbrook 5 acers tenth division of land on the East side mvmfords river and is bovnded north on his other land : 40 rod East on the land of daniel thayer 22 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence rvning west 30 dgr* sovth 45 rod to a heap of stons att oxford rode and is bovnded west on sd rode '22 rod to his other land the whole beino: 5 acers and 120 rod : 120 rod alowed for bad land — MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. ^37 the same day laid ovt for sd holbrook one acer of sd division Joyniiiir to liis other land on the west side uivmfords river and is l)ovnded East and north on sd land rvning with a direct line from one sovth west corner to another sovthwest corner itt being a three cornered peace of land cotaining one acer and 40 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and williain holbrook chain men [552.] Daniel Darlino- febrvary y'' 12^"': 1723 laid ovt for Daniel Darling fovrteen acers of land nine acers of sd land being part of captain John Darlings seventh division and five acers being part of Ebenezer thayers seventh division and is laid ovt on the west side the great : river at a place caled angeleco spring : begining at a heap of stons on a little hill then Rvning East thirty fovr Rod to a heap of stons on the west side of a hill then north sixty Eight Rod to a heap of stons then ^vest thirty fovr Rod to a heap of stons then sovth sixty Eight Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing forteen acers and seventy two Rod 72 Rod alowed for bad land laid By Robert Evens James keith and Jacob aldrich conmiittee ()ctol)er y^ 29"' : l7o|| laid ovt for daniel darling 18 acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land P^ast from his hovse and is bovnded west on sd land 80 rod and sovth on sd land 46 rod to samvel thayers land East on sd thayers land 70 rod to sd thayers norwest corner thence with a direct line to the northeast corner of his ow-n land 34 rod the whole containing 18 acers 5 acers alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer -lohn farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men march y*" 2ounded westerly on his own land 46 rod Southerly on the land of Sam" Thayer 6 rod northeasterly on land of Cap* Thomas 740 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Thayer 46 Rod it being a gore of land Laid out by William Tor- rey Sury'". Jacob Aldrich & Daniel Darling Chain men Jonathan Thayer [554.] tfebruary the Eleuenth one thousand seuen hundred and seuen Twenty Acres 'of the fourth Deuission of Land belong- ing to fardinando Thayers Lott Laid out for Jonathan Thayer on the West sid second bridg Riuer Aboue Metfeeld Road Jncom- pasing Part of John Mores Swamp l)ounded as folio weth South- erly on sd Thayers Medow forty two Rod to A white oak tree Marked neer sd Medow Easterly on Comon with A line : of Marked trees Seuenty Eight Rod : to A stak being the North East Corner : Northerly on Comon : with A Direct Line : forty two Rod to James Albees Land A White oak Tree : being Marked Neer the Norwest Corner Westerly upon : sd Albees Land Seuenty Eight Rod — by Thomas white forty four Acres of Jonathan Thayers fifth Deuission of Land Laid out on the West side fox brook below Chesnut hill bounded as follow eth the North East Corner being A white oake Tree : markt East on Comon Eighty Rod to A heap of stons : being the South East Corner : South on Comon : sixty Rod to A heap of stones Neer Thomas Thayers Land then Runing North with sd Land Thirty two Rod then Runing West with sd Land fifty Eight Rod to A White oak Tree being the South west Corner West on Comon : forty Rod to A heap of Stons on A Rock being the Nor- west Corner North on Comon on hundred and Twenty six Rod to the NorthEast Corner here being Alowance for A two Rod Way Through sd Land Aprill the 9'" : 1707 by Thomas White Samuel Thayer and Josiah Thayer Comite desembery*" 24 : 1718 : Laid out for Jonathan Thayer his Share of Seder Swamp in beefer pond Swamp bounded northerly on peter holebrooks Swamp east east on John holebrooks Recorded Land two rod and half then runing west twenty three 21^:1718—^ degrees south cros S" Swamp by. Thomas white. Rob- ert : Euens : Jacob Aldrich. Committee AIENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 741 inaivh y'' 21 : 171il laid ovt lor floiiathaii tliaycr two acors sixth division Joyjiino- to his other hmd on the west side second bridge river l)ovndcd east on sd thayers niedow fiveteen rod north part on sd thayers land part on benjamen albees land twenty nine rod west on conion ten rod sovth on daniel darlings land twenty nine rod to sd thayers medow : the norwest corner and sovthwest corner white oak trees marked the whole containing two acers and forty two rod forty two rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by thomas white Rol)ard evins Jacob aldrich coniite Jonathan thayer [555.] march the 21 1719 laid ovt for Jonathan thayer thii- teen acers sixth division on the East side second Bridge river be- k>w medfeeld rode Jo^niing to his other land bovnded westerly on sd land forty rod the norwest corner being a white oak tree markt a stake sett up near the southwest corner south on comon fifty eight rod to a white oak tree markt being the southeast corner east on Benjamen wheloks medow forty rod to a pople stand being the northeast corner northerly part on comon part on John corbits land fifty eight rod to the norwest corner the whole containing fovrteen acers and half one acer and half alowed for a way to John tompsons by thomas wliite Robard evins Jacol) aldrich comite march y*" 21 1719 laid ovt for Jonathan thayer nine acers and three qvarters of Sam" bridgeses sixth division and five acers and a qvarter of his own sixth division on the east side second bridge river above John rokwoods bovnded west part on Jonathan hay- wards land part on Benjamen haywards land one hvndred rod to ebenezer thayers land north on sd land twenty six rod to a blak oak tree markt being the northeast corner east on comon with a direct line ninety rod to william haywards land sovth on sd land thirty three rod to the sovthwest corner the : whole containing eighteen acers and three qvarters three acers and tliree qvarters alowed for bad land by thomas white Robard evens Jacob aldrich com*^^ march y° 21 : 1719 laid ovt for Jonathan thayer two acers sixth division Joyning to Bever pond medow begining att the 742 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. north end sd medow a red oak tree markt near sd niedow thence rvning sovth 4 dgr* west sixty rod to a heap of stones being the sovthwest corner then rvning east 3 dgr^ sovth thirty two rod to sd niedow the whole containing three acers and three qvarters : one acer and three qvarters alowed for liad land by thomas white Robard evins Jacob aldrich comitee march y*" 21*'': 1719 laid ovt for Jonathan thayer nine acers and half sixth division on the west side second bridge river Joyn- ing to his other land bovnded west on sd land seventy two rod north part on comon part on John Rockwoods land fifty rod to a stake being the northeast corner east part on Jsacc thayers medow part on common fifty fovr rod sovth on sd medow sixteen rod to his other land containing thirteen acers three acers and half alowed for bad land by thomas white Rol)ard evens Jacob aldrich committee Jonathan thayer [556.] april : 1720 laid ovt for Jonathan thayer three acers seventh' division of land bovnded sovth on Joseph Rockwood six- teen rod East on daniel darling partly partly on his other land thirty Eight rod north on benjamen albee fovrteen rod west on a three rod way leading from william sprags to l)are hill thirty fovr rod : the whole containing three acers and sixty rod sixty rod alowed for bad land by Robert Evens seth chapin Jacob aldrich committee march y*' 14"': 1720 laid ovt for Jonathan thayer six acers seventh division of land Joyning to his other land near bare hill bovnded westerly on sd land Eighty seven rod sovtherly on william haywards land twenty fovr rod Easterly on James Bicks land Eighty seven rod north on common fovrteen rod : it contains ten acers and sixty three rod fovr acers and sixty three rod alowed for bad land by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich James keith committee may y'^ 13"': 1720 laid ovt for Jonathan thayer: thirty five acres seventh division of land on the west side the town near the west line begining att a heap of stones on the sov-thwest side of a AIENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 743 little rvii being a .sovth sovthwest corner then East 30 dgr' north sixty fovr rod to a heap of stones on a little hill of rocks being a East sovtheast corner then north 80 dgr** west one hvndred rod to a hea[) of stones att the foot of a rockic hill being a north northeast corner then west 30 dgr* sovth sixty fovr rod to a heap of stones being a west norwest corner then sovth : 30 degi*^ East one hvndred rod to the first bovnds the whole containing forty acers : five acers alowed for bad land by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich tlionias white : committee Mendon March y'= 22. 1721 then Laid out for Jonathan Thayer Six acres of Seuenth Diuision of Land Joyning to the East Side of his Land where he now Dwells, beging at a heape of Stones being his Southwest Corner of his other Land : Runing East full l\)int on Common twenty six Rod to a heape of Stones, then northerly on Common one hvndred & forty four Rod to the Coun- try Road, thre Rod from Joseph Rockwoods Corner Avhich was Left for a Road, being a three Cornered peice Containing Eleuen acres and one hundred and Eight Rod fine acres and one hundred i^c Eio-ht Rod allowed for Bad Land. Laid out by Robert Euens. Jacob Aldrich and Seth Chapin Committee ^ [557.] Jonathan Thayer Joseph hvyso desem])er y^ first 1729 laid ovtfor Jonathan thayer seven acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near bever dam and is bovnded westerly part on the land of Elivelet hol- brook and part on the land of James albec sixty two rod : north- erly on a three Rod way forty rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then rvning East 34 dgr* sovth twenty three rod to his other land then bovnded sovtherly part on sd land part on James albees land : it : being a broaken peace of land containing nine acers and half two acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men march y'^ ()"' : 1731 laid ovt for Jonathan thayer fovr acers Eighth division of land laid ovt East from his other land near his hovse on the East side the fovr Rod way and is bovnded west on sd way 14 rod from Benjamen Rockwoods land to a heap of 744 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. stons being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning East fvll point 58 rod to John albecs land and is bovnded northerly part on sd albees land and part on sd Rockwoods land home to the above sd way it being a broaken peace of land containing five acres and 90 rod one acer and 90 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt ])y Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men desember y'' first 1729 laid ovt for Jonathan thayer one acer and 20 rod Eight division of land laid Joyning to his other land near benjamen albees and is bovnded west on sd albees land Eleven rod northerly on a fovr rod way 33 rod and sovtherly on his other land it being a three cornered peace of land containing one acer and 123 rod 103 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men Jvly y*^ 30"' : 1736 laid ovt for Jonathan Thayer one acer of land being tenth division and is laid Joyning to his other land East from his house and is bovnded sovth on : comon 3 rod East part on his own land and part on the land of Benjamen Rock- wood 112 rod and west on a three rod way 112 rod it being a three cornered peace of land containing one acer and 8 rod 8 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Benjamen darling chain men march y® 13*'' : 1721 laid ovt for Joseph brvse 26 acers of land viz : 21 acers of wilson Rawsons sixth division and 4 acers of sd rawsons seventh division and one acer of his own seventh division laid on the East side of the north hill begining att the Eight rod way leading down the neck Joyning to his other land bovnded on sd land 80 rod tvrning his corner on sd land 34 rod to Jacob aldriches land then East 25 dgr^ north 23 rod to a heap of stons then part on comon and part on seth chapins land then tvrning sd chapins corner 2 rod then north 25 dgr^ west to a heap of stons then west 25 dgr' sovth 40 rod to nathan tilers land then on sd tiler 80 rod to his corner then by sd land to sd rode then on sd rode to the first bovnds 24 rod with alowance for a rode and bad land laid ovt by robert Evens and Jacob aldrich MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 745 novonihcr y' 22'' : 17 IS laid ovt for Joseph hrvsc 11 acers sixth division of land Joyninir to his other land near misco hill V)ovnded East on sd land 24 rod rvning from the norwest corner of sd land west 5 dgr' noi-th 90 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest cor west then rvning sovth o dgr^ to benjamen greens land bovnded sovth on sd land to his own land the whole containing 13 acers and half 2 acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer robert evens and flacob aldrich chain men Samuel Thayer Joseph bruse [558.] Mendon April y« 11'". 1718. Then Laid out for Samuel Thayer, of the Sixt Deuision : fourteen acres of Land at the South End of Calebs hill Iwunded Southerly on Nathan pene- mans Land Seuenty fiue Rod to a heap of Stones being the South- west Corner, west on Common forty four Rod to a white oak tree being the norwest Corner : North partly on Comon : partly on Thomas Thayers Land Sixty Six Rod : to a black burch being y^ north East Corner of his other Land. Easterly on Sd Land Sixty Rod to a heape of Stones, at penemans Land : the whole Con- taining Twenty three acres & Three quarters : Eight acres and three quarters allowance for a Two Rod way Through Sd Land : & for bad Land. Laid out l)y Tho^ White Sery''. Robert Euens & Jacob aldrish Committ April y'' 11'". 1718: then Laid out for Samuel Thayer Three acres of Sixt Deuision of Land Joj^ning to his other Land near the Round ]\ledow Lying in a Three Cornered peice. bounded East on Common Land Thirty four Rod. from Thomas Thayers Land to his own Land. South on Sd Land fifty Rod to Thomas Thayers Land north on Said Land fifty Two Rod to a heap of Stones being the North East Corner, the whole Containing four acres & half, one acre & half allowance for bad Land. Laid out l)y Tho'. White Seruey^ Robert Euens. Jacob Aldrish : Committee October y** twenty fourth: 1718 laid for SamuU Thayer fourty fi^'e acers sixth diuision Joyning to his medow att hop 74:6 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. brook l)ounded South part on Sd land part on Josiah thayers land the Southeast corner being a white oak tree east on comon eighty rod with a direct line to a walnut tree markt being the northeast corner north part on Josiah Thayers land part on comon a hundred and fourty one rod to a white oak tree markt being the norwest corner west on comon Sixty rod to a heap of Recorded Stoucs on a rok being the soutwest corner the 11 Seting nouember ^ ^ '- ^ n i_ ye 19. 1718 of to the east thirty rod to a white oak tree markt being a corner then seting of to the sout till it comes square with Josiah thayers land it l^eing a breaking peace of land containing seuenty acers twenty fine alowed for bad land laid out by Thomas : White Robert Euens : Jacob. Aldrich Com- mitee march y*' 5"' 1725^ laid ovt for samvel thayer fifteen acers of land pvrchased by him of the propriators committee By order of the propriators at a pvblick meeting leagaly warned on aprill y° 23'' : 1725 sd land laid ovt Joyning to his other land on the west side fox Brook Ijovnded north on seth aldriches land Eighty Rod East on common ten rod sovtherly on Thomas sanfords land one hvndred rod westerly part on his own land part on sd sanfords land ninety rod : it being a broken peace of land containing twenty seven acers twelve acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way Betwen sd land and sanfords land : laid ovt by Thomas white seth chapin Jacob aldrich committee november y^ : 26*^^: 1718 laid ovt for Joseph brvse 15 acers sixth division of land on the East side of mvdy brook l)ovnded west on his other land 42 rod rvning from the northeast corner of sd land East 22 dgr' north 80 rod to the Eight rod way bovnded East part on sd way and part on comon 42 rod to a stake and stons being the sovtheast corner it being about 2 rod distance from the northeast corner of william greens land then on sd greens land 80 rod to his own land the whole containing 21 acers 6 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and robert Evens chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 747 [559.] SanivcrThayiu- Jvii'' inarch y^ 5"': 172(> laid ovt for samvel thayer six acers of william whites sixth division of hind and six acers of Timothy winters seventh division of hind hiid Joyning to his other land on the west side fox Brook and is Bovnded west on James mvseys land one hvndred and two Rod and on all other parts on his own land it being a Broken peace of land containing thirty acers Eighteen acers alowed for Bad land : laid art By Thomas white svrvayer soth cliai)in and Jacol) aldrich committee novemher y' 2!)"': 172(i laid ovt for samvel thayer twenty acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid Joyning to his other land at shokcolog and is bovnded sovth part on sd land and part on sederswamp and East part on seder- swamp and part on a pond and north part on Ebenezer Reads land and part on solomon woods land seventy Eight Rod to an heap of stones being the norwest corner thence Rvning sovth fvll point forty six Rod to his other land : itt being a Broken peace of land containing twenty three acers and an half three acers and half alowed for bad land laid o^i; By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacob aldrich committee march y'' 20'^: 1727 laid ovt for samvel Thayer fovr acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid Joyn- ing to his other land near Richard holbrooks and is Bovnded west on sd land fovrteen Rod sovth on sd holbrooks land forty six rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence Rvning })aralel with sd holbrooks line Eighteen Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is Bovnded north part on Robert tafts land and part on Joseph Emersons land forty six rod to his own land the whole containing fovr acers and half and sixteen Rod htilf an acer and 10 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith & Jacob aldrich com''^'^ may y*" 10"' : 172s laid ovt for samvel : Thayer seventeen acers of land in lew of land taken from him by comstocks farm and is laid Jovnini; to his other laud near John Emersons and is 748 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Bovnded west part on sd land and part on James heatons land sixty Rod and is bovnded north part on sd heatons land and i)art on common one hvndred and one Rod seting of north from sd heatons sovtheast corner twenty Eight Rod to a heap of stons being a corner thence Rvning East fvll point sixty Rod to svm- ners land then Bovnded East on sd land sixty five Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner : and is Bovnded sovth part on common and part on silvanas holbrooks land one hvndred and one rod to his other land it being a Broaken peace of land con- taining twenty one acers and thirty seven Rod : fovr acers and thirty seven Rod alowed for bad land and a fovr Rod way cros sd land : laid ovt ])y Thomas white svrvayer cap*^ seth chapin and Jacob aldrich committee sam'^ thayer [560.] Mendon March y-^ 20"^ : 1718 Twenty Rod of Medow belonging to John Spragues Lott. formerly laid ont in M' Raw- (15) sons farm. & fifteen acres of Land, of Samuel Moors fourth Deuision Laid out for Samuel Thayer, on y® East Side of y*^ mill Riuer. nere Dedham Land. Ijounded as foUoweth. the nor west corner, being a wdiite oak Tree, being a corner of John Darlings Medow. west on Sd Darlings Medow. to a Small Run. then on Sd Run to another peice of Sd Darlings Medow. so on sd medoAV in part, part on common Eighty Rod to a maple Tree or bunch of maples, marked being y° Southwest Corner. South on Common with a Direct Line Thirty two Rod to a white oak tree, being y° South East Corner. East on Common with a Direct Line Eighty Rod to an ash Tree marked being y® north East Corner north on Common with a Direct Line Thirty Seuen to y'' norwest Corner The whole Containing Seuenteen acres & one quarter. Two acres & Twenty Rod alowance for bad Land : by James Louet & Thomas white Committee Laid y*" Day above Sd Ten acres more, of y*^ Sd moors fourth Deuision for The Sd Thayer. Joyning to his other more : 10 : Land ou y° wcst Side y" Round medow Lying in a half moon on Two Sides Sd Land. Bounded as fol- loweth. the north East Corner, being a black oak stand, being a MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 749 corner of his other Lund, north on Cooion with a Direct Line Thirty Rod. to a black burch on a Rock, & Stones about it beini;- y^ norwest Corner. West on Comon. Seuenty Three Rod with a Direct Line to A wahiut tree marked being y*^ Southwest Corner. South on Common with a Direct Line forty Six Rod to a white oake Tree mark*^. being y'^ South East Corner. East on Common with a Direct Line foi-ty Three Rod. to a white oak tree being a Corner of his other Land So Round on Sd Land to y*^ norwest Corner, of it The whole containing ninteen acres, nine acres alowance for bad Land : Laid out. by James Louet. & Thomas white Conmiittec. tiue acres of y'' Sd moors fourth Deuision. Laid out for y'' Sd Thayer on y*" Day aboue Sd Joyning to his other Land, on y*" west Side the way by his house, it being a Three more 5. Comcr*^. picce : bounded East on Sd Land Sixty Rod mlrch " from a walnut Stand & heape of Stones, being y® north ye 25 1718 Corner to the Round medow. South part on y® Round medow. part on Sd Thayers Land forty Six Rod. to a black oak Tree marked nere the South west Corner, westerly on Common with a Direct Line, seuenty three Rod to The north Corner, the whole Containing Ten acres, fine acres allowance, for bad Land. Laid out by James Louet Tho\ AVhite Comtee ^Nlarch y'' first 1717: 18. Laid out for Saumel Thayer fifteen and half acres of y*" fift Deuision of Land belonging to John Spragues Daughters on y'^ west side fox brook. Joyning to aljel Aldrishes Land, bounded as followeth. the norwest Corner, being a Red oak Tree, marked north part on Sd aldrishes Land part on Common. Seuent^^ Three Rod to a Stake and Stones being y® north- east Corner. East on Common forty Rod to a black oak Recorded ^^aud being y<= South East Corner. South on Common march y 21»t ~ '' 1718 with a Direct Line Seuenty Three Rod to a Stake & Stones being y^ South west Corner, west on Common forty Rod to y^ norwest Corner, the whole containing 18 acers and a (juarter Two acre & 3 quarters allowance : by Sam" Thayer. Tho\ White : Tho^ Sanford Comitee 750 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Samuel Thayer [561.] The one moiety or half of John Bartlets Twenty Acre Lott Which John S Prage Desaced was Jn the Possesion of and by his Last will did give and bequeath unto his yungest son Ebenezer S Prage : vict : the outlands to y^ Contents of one half of the sd Twenty Acre Lott with all the Rights and priveliges thereunto belonging or any Wayes Apertaining Now Samuel Thayers As Appears by A deed of Sale baring Date the thirtieth day of January one thousand seuen Hundred seuen Eight : And Acknowledged before Josiah Chapin Esquire The proportion of y'' ho as Lot and Dubling Lott being Twenty Acres Laid out together with Twenty Acres of the third deuission Att the upenend of the mill Plaine A litle Distanc from secon bridg Riuer : on the Weast sid sd Riuer with a peice of Thomas Thayers Medow Jn it Which belonged to Samuel Hay wards Lott : bounded as foUoweth the South East Corner beino- A Lara: white oake the Line upon Comon Plaine Land A shruby white oake being Nere the Midle of that Line so Continuing to the South East Corner bounded with A stake : and from thence with A dirict Line Crosing sd Thomas Thayers Medow : to A : Shruby White oake Standing on Comon plaine Land A litle distanc Westward : from sd Riuer and from sd white oake : with A dirict Line Crosing the Plaine : so threw A smal swamp : to A Rocky hill : there the North Corner is A Rock with an heap of stons upon it so Runing with A various Line : of marked trees on the Brow of Rocky hill : to A black oak which is the south Weast Corner and from sd black oake : Crosing the weast End of A swamp : home to the Afore sd White oake : Laid out may 22 : 1686 by Josiah Chapin forty Acres More of Land belonging to the Aboue sd Lott Twenty Acres of Which is part of the third Deuission or great Lott the other Twenty Acres being the fourth Deuission : of sd Lott : Laid on both sids of the mill Riuer Nere the great Riuer : the south Weast Corner being a white oak tree south on Comon forty Rods to Samuel Cooks Land : East on sd Land forty Rods : to A black oake tree ])y the Mill Riuer : then Turning : Easterly with sd Cooks Land : to A white oake tre : so turning Northerl}- : MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 751 Eighty Rods : to A white oake tree : being the North East Corner North on Cooion upland sixty Rods : to A White oake being the North weast Corner Weast on Comon : With A dirict Line : one hundred and Twenty Rods : to the South weast Corner : there beins; six Acres of Low Land with in it belono-ino; to John Darlings Lott and Laid out to James Walling Now Samuel Thaj-ers as APPears l)y A deed of Sale baring Date february the seucnth Seuenteen Hundred and ten) six Acres more Joyning to the aboue sd Land upstrem on the weast side of the Riuer : East on sd Riuer sixty Rod to A black oak tre North on Comon Sixteen Rod : to A white oake being the North Weast Corner Weast on Comon sixty Rod : to A pine being the South Weast Corner this six Acers being Jn Leu of the six Acres before men- tioned : Lying within the Afore sd Land Laid out July the sixt 1705 : by Thomas White Nicholas Trask Sanmel Thayer [562.] The first Deuission of Medow belonging to the Afore sd ten Acre Lott part of it is Laid out on both sids of second bridg Riuer aboue the Cart Way that I^cads to l)ow medow bounded on the East sid sd Riuer up streame upon Sanmel Playwards medow upon the Weast side to A point of upland and so up the Run to Samuel Hay wards medow Laid out by Joseph white An other Part of the first Deuission of Medow Lying upon the East side of second bridg Riuer : bounded up streame to the bent of the Riuer below Dedham Tree bounded Downe streame with A point of Ui)land to the Riuer : Laid out by eloscph White September y'^ 15*'' 1746 Laid out for Nicholas Trask three acres and (54 rod Eleuenth Deuision of Land on y*" west side of the Great Riuer Joyning to his other Land and is bounded north on said Laud 33 rod from a heap of .Stones y*" north East Corner to the Land belonging to the heirs of Daniel Darling Dec*^. and is bounded west on S*^ Land 17 rod to a heap of Stones being y^ South west Corner thence runing East full point bounding South partly on Comon & partly on the Land of abel aldrich 33 rod to a 752 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. pine stand & stones being y*^ South East Corner : & y^ north East Corner of abel aldrichs Land thence on Comon with a Direct Line 16 rod to the first bounds mentioned Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Jacob Aldrich Chainman The fift Deuission belonging to the Afore sd Lott being fifty Acres Part of it Laid out on the East side of the Mill Kiuer Nere (17) the great Riuer bounded as followeth southerly on Samuel Cooks Land Thirty three Rod to A stake being the south East Corner East on Comon with A dirict Line : one hundred and Six Rod to a black oake markt on the Edg of the Mill Riuer Weast part on the Mill Riuer : Part on his other Land : Containing seuenteen Acres and half half an Acre Alowanc) by Thomas white Samuel & Josiah Thayer Comite An other Part of sd fift Deuission on the East side of the Mill Riuer upStreame from his other Land bounded as followeth the (27) south weast Corner being A bunch of Mapls south on Comon : with A dirict Line Marked Trees : fifty Rod to James Emersons Land Easterly on sd Land Sixty Rod to A white oake Tree Markt Neer the North East Corner North Erly on Comon with A dirict Line : Ninty and fine Rod to A swamp oake : Nere the North Weast Corner Weasterly on the Riuer Containing Thirty Acres three Acres Alowanc by Thomas White Samuel Thayer & Josiah Thayer Comitte : Nouember 18 : 1707. November y" 4"' 1707 seven acers of samvel thayers fifth divi- (7) sion laid ovt on the East side fox Brook by the great river sixty rod in length and twenty rod in breadth bovnded north on Jonathan Richersons land west part on fox brook part on sd thayers land part on sd river a white oak tree markt on the bank of sd river being the sovthwest corner sovth on comon a white oak tree markt being the sovtheast corner East on comon : being seven acers and half half an acer alowed for bad land by Thomas white Samuel thayer and Josiah thayer conmiittee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 753 Samuel Thayer [663.] Part of fardinando Thayors forty Acre lot or the Con- tents of an Eio-ht Acre Lott with all the Rio;hts and Pruilidg'es of an Eight acre Lott Jn all Deuissions of Land and Medow : Deuided or to be Diuided Jn the Town ship of Mendon Now Samuel Thayers as Appears by A deed of Gift baring Date the Eighth Day of January 1681 and Acknowledged before Timothy Dwight Esquire y" lift of May: 1701: Thirty and one Acre of the Land belonging to the sd Lot being the first and second Deuission and part of the Third Deuission L3dng betwen Mudy brook and the Mill Eiuer bounded as folio weth Southerly upon A ten Rod hy way Leading to Rehoboth : by a line of forty Eiglit Rod : Easterly upon the Land of beniemin Wholock : by A line of one Hundred and sixteen Rod : Northerly Part upon A smal Run of Water and Part upon the Land of Jsaac Thayer by A uarious Line : Containing : one hundred and thirty seuen Rods and Weasterly on the Land that was granted to y^ sd Samuel Thayer by the Towne : by A Line of Twenty Eight Rods : Nouem- bcr 21 1699 : Laid out Ijy Josiah Chapin by order of lardinando Thayer May y'^ 12 '■ : 1720 laid out for samvel thayer ten acers of land .Io3'ning to his other land on chesnvt hill: viz: six acers of Ed- mvnd Rawsons seventh division and fovr acers of John darlings seventh division and is bovnded East part on sd land and part on common (i2 rod a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning west 5 dgi-^ sovth 40 rod to a heap of stons being the nor- west corner then sovth 5 dgr^ East 62 rod to a heap of stons l)eing the sovth west corner then East 5 dgr^ north 40 rod to a heap of stons at his other land being the sovtheast corner the whole containing 15 acers and an half five acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Robert Evens svrvayer Thomas white and eJacob aldrich com'*'*' The Proi)ortion of Modow beLonging to the Aboue sd Eight Acre Lott and swamp Lott being Laid out and bounded as fol- loweth one part of the same Laid out upon the Weast side of the Mill Riuer below the Rt)ad Leading to Rehoboth Upstreame 754 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. bounded Upon marked Trees : Downe Streame upon Hop brook wheare Jt Emptys Jt self Jnto y** sd Eiuer : so Round with upland — Another Part of sd medow Lying upon the Weast side of the Road to Rehoboth : bounded Round with upland and A streame of water that Runs Jnto the Mill Riuer : one Acre and Half more of sd Medow Laid on the East side of the great Riuer upon the Weast side of A smal brook that Runs into the great Riuer — bounded East upon the brook^ and south upon A point of upland : Coming home to the brook : and Weast upon upland : and : upstream upon A black oake Markt : A Return of Part of fardinando Thayers swamp lot Laid out for Samuel Thayer Jn Exchang for swamp Laid on the Weast side of the great Riuer granted to be Exchanged att A generall Towne Meeting on March the sixt 1698 : Now Laid out on both sids of Hop brook Ner Chesnut hill bounded as followeth Southerly on sd Thayers Medow thirty Rod Weasterly on Comon : forty Rod to A Chesnut Tree being the Norwest Corner Northerly on Com- on with A dirict Line forty Rods to A white oake tree being the North East Corner : Easterly : on Comon with A dirict Line : twenty three Rods : to sd Thayers Medow : the Whole Contain- ing six Acres and Half there being one Acre and half of fourth Deuission Laid out the twenty seuenth of December 1709 — by Thomas White Samuel Thayer [564.] one Acre and half more of sd fourth Deuission Laid out upon the Weast side of the Mill Riuer bounded upstreme up on the sd Road to a white oake tree being the North East Corner Weast on Comon : by A line of marked trees home to sd thayrs Land south on sd thayers Medow : East on the Mill Riuer : by Josiah Chapin More Laid out to Sanmel Thayer of his fathers fourth Deuission adioyning unto sd Thayers second Deuission of medow : that Lyeth neer William Holbrooks Land thre Acres of it is bounded Round sd medow Easterly on Rehoboth Road and so Round on MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 755 Coinon Land I)y a uarios Line of marked trees : Laid out by Josiah Chapin — Laid out of fardinaiulo Tliayers fourth Deuission seuen Acres and of Ca})' Whits fourth Deuission ten Acres unto Samuel Thayer as Jt is bounded part upon Hop brook : and part upon Comon Easterly) : part upon : the Land of Josiah Thayer and part upon Comon Noi-thcrly) that side marked Avith A line of Marked Trees : a great White oake marked V)y Josiah Thayers Line : — so Runing : Cros Jnmans Path : Jn compasing a swamp : att the head of the Medow : sd swamp Jn Compased with Lines : of Marked Trees : a black oake Jn the swamp being the south Weast Corner: and southerly upon the medow of sd Samull Thayci- : one Acre and half: more of sd fourth deuission Laid on the North Corner: of sd Thayers Ilom Lott bounded wcast upon the Road Leading to Rehoboth North upon Comon Land one Acre and half More of fardinando Thayers fourth Deuision Laid out to Samuel Thayer on both sids of hop brook bounded Northerly on sd Thayers Medow Easterly on Comon : With A direct Line from the South East Corner of sd to A heap of Stons : on A Rock Jn sd brook this Line thirty Rod: Weasterly on .losiah Thayers Land: Twenty Eight Rod: to the South East Corner of Samuel Thayers Medow : by Thomas White Deceml)er 27: 1709 Laid out to Samuel Thayer Ten Acres of Land being fourth Deuission and Part of Walter Cooks Lott and then Jonathan Haywards and Now Samuel Thayers as will APPear by A deed of sail baring datt March the first 1703 is butted and bounded as followeth Northerly by A line of Twenty Rodds upon the Land of Samuel Thayer A yung black oake being the head of that Line Weast on Comon by A uarious Line home to the Round Medow : A white oak ]\Iarkt by the medow : that Line Containing Eighty Rods : South on Comon b}^ A line of forty Rods a whit oake att the End of that Line l)y Reholioth Road: and East ui)on tlie Road that Leads to Reiioboth l)y A line of one hundred Rods laid out with an Allowanc for a way threw it to Ensigne William Hol- brooks farm. Laid out the •>•> of December 1702 by Cap' Josiah Chapin 756 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Samuel Thayer [565.] Ninteen Acres of sd Thayers fift Deuission of Land (19) Laid out on the south side of Hop brook Medow Compasing Part of sd Thayers Land and Medow bounded Weasterly on Comon with A dirict Line one hundred Rod to an heap of stons upon A Rock being the northweast Corner : the south weast Corner being A white oak Tree : southerly on Comon with A dirict Line : Twenty Rod : to A white oake Tree : being the south East Corner : Easterly on Comon with A dirict Line : Ninty and four Rod : to A white oake tree being the North East Corner : Northerly upon sd Thayers other Land and Medow : here being three Acres Alowanc : Laid out the third of Nouem- ber 1707 l)y Thomas White Robert Taft and Samuel Thayer Comite Seuen Acres More of sd fift deuission Laid out on the East side (7) of foxes brook bounded as foloweth Weasterly on sd Thayers Land : fifty Rods : the south East Corner A white oake : tree the north weast Corner being A bunch of Mapls North on Comon : with A dirict Line Twenty Rod : to A w^hite oake stand being the : North East Corner Easterly with A dirict Line on Comon thirty four Rod : to Jonathan Richonsons Land : an Ash tree being : marked Nere sd Land : so on sd Land thirty four Rods to his other Land. (3) Three Acres More of sd fift deuission Jn a narow strip on the weast side fox brook bounded East on sd Thayers Medow : Southerly on beniemin Whelock Land Weast on Comon with A dirict Line : Seuenty Rod to his other Land (6) Six Acres More of sd fift Deuission Laid on the weast side the Mill Riuer below Quick streame : bounded as foloweth : North on sd Thayers Medow : a white oake tree being the North weast Corner : Weast on Comon : with A dirict Line fifty Rod : to A pine tree : being the : south weast Corner south on Comon with A dirict Line Twenty Rods : to A white oake tree Nere the Riuer : East part on Nicolus Cooks Land : and part on the Riuer to sd Thayers Medow : Laid out Nouember y^ 4*'' 1707 by Thomas White Samuel Thayer & Josiah Thayer Comite IVIENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 757 Twenty one Acre more of sd Tliavers Hft Douission Laid on hoth sids of (^uiek .streamo nerc Kelioboth Road: bounded as followetli : A^'e8tel•ly on liclioboth Road Twenty Eight Rod : from (202) iiiy other Land there being A pine marked ner the south- weast Corner south on Comon with A dirict Line : one hundred and twenty Rods to an hea^) of stons : being the south East ( 'orner East on Comon with A dirict Line : thirty six Rods to A heap of stons being the North East Corner : Northerly on Comon : with A dirict Line forty and Eight Rod to A pine tree being : a ( 'orner of his other Land : and so with his other Land to Reho- both Road here being five Acrs half Alowanc December 4**^ 1707 b\- Thomas White Samuel and Josiah Thayre Comite Nineteen Acres More of sd Thaj^ers fift deuission Laid out on (10) the south side of hop brook bounded as foloweth North on Josiah Thayers Land : forty six Rod A white oake Stand : being Marked Nere the North Weast Corner: Weast on Comon with A Dirict Line fifty Rod to a black oake stand : being the south Weast Corner : south on Comon with A dirict Line : forty four Rod to A heape of stones on A Rock being the south East Corner : East part on sd Thayers Land and Part on hop brook Ninty Rod to Josiah Thayers Land : her being Alowanc for A four Rod hywa}^ Cros the North End of sd Land as allso fine Acres and half Allowanc Laid out the fourth of December one thousand seuen hundred and seuen by Thomas white Samuel Thayer and Josiah Thayer Comite Samuel Thayer [566.] One Part of Cap* Joseph Whits Lands Jn ]\Iendon to the Contents of A fine Acre Lott with all the Rights and Priuelidges ther unto belonging or Apertaining Now Samuel Thayers as Appears by A deed of Sale baring Date the : fift day of May one thousand six hundred Ninty and two and Acknowl- edged before Timoth}^ Dwight Esq"" fift, of May 1701 The first second and third deuissions of upland belonging to the sd thre deuissions being Thirty Acers, Twenty Acres of sd thirty Lying Jn the Mill plaine : bounded as followeth be it more or les vict : 758 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Weast upon the Mill Pond south upon the Land of Simon Peck : East upon two staks and the town Comon and North : upon the Land of Ephraim Willder With A two Rod hyway Crose breadth ways : Laid out by Jonathan Sprage y^ 27 June : 1673 Ten Acres More of sd Thirty Acres Lying and being Jn the Neck : on the Weast side of the Weast Riuer bounded Westerly upon sd Riuer : Northerly by A Line of Marked Trees : taking in the Edg of a small pond : upon the Land of Decon John War- feelds : Weasterly upon the Medow of John More : by a uarious Line and southerly upon the Land of the sd White The whole of the Deuissions of Medows and swamp Land both first and second Deuission of medow and swamp lot belonging to sd fine Acre Lott : Lying and being together : in one pece upon Hop brook bounded Downe streme upon John Jepsons Medow and so Round with upland : Laid out by the Afore sd Joseph White forty Eight Acres more of Sd Thayers fift Deuission of Land (48) Laid out on the East side of the Great Riuer below fox brook bounded as followeth the south East Corner : being A white oak : tree East on Comon with A dirict Line Ninty Eight Rod to A heap of stons on A Rock being the North East Corner : North on Comon with A dirict Line : Seuenty Rod : to A heap of Stons on A Rock : being the North Weast Corner Weast on Comon with A dirict Line : fifty fouer Rod : to A stake and Stons then setting : of to the weast forty Rod : to A white oake tree : being A Corner then Turning south forty four Rods : Part on Comon and Part on the great Riuer to John balkoms Land South on sd Land : forty four Rod to A stak so turning South with ball- Coms Land thirty two Rod to A stake and stons being the South- weast Corner then turning East Eleuen Rod : to the South East Corner here being fiue Acres Allowanc Nouember the seuenth : 1707 by Thomas White Samuel Thayer and Josiah Thayer Comitte jVIENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 759 Januaiv y' 2(;'^ 1710 Six acres of Ebenezer Spragues fift Deuision of Land. Laid out for Sam". Tha3'^er. Joyning to his other Land al)oue Second plain Bounded East on sd Land Twenty four Rod the South East Corner, being a white oak tree marked cVc y' north East Corner. A white oak tree marked : north on Cofiion forty Seuen Rod to a white oak Tree marked being y** norwest Corner, west on Comon Thirty Two Rod to a black oak Tree marked being South west Corner South on Common forty Two Rod to the South P^ast corner here being alowancc for a four Rod way Through Sd T^and with one acre allowance for bad Land, the Remainder of Sd Six acres being two acres & half wanting ten Rod Laid Joyning to Sd Land, bounded South on Sd Land Twenty Rod the Southwest Corner being a white oak tree marked west on Common Twenty Rod to a white oak tree marked being the norwest Corner north on Common Ten Rod : to a heap of Stons on a Rock being the north East Corner. East on Comon Thirty four Rod being a white oake Tree marked near the South East Corner. Laid out by Thomas White Sery"'. Samuel Thayer & Samuel Moore Committee Samuel Thayer [567.] Part of Samuell Haywards Land Jn Mendon Now Sanniel Thayers as Ap})ears by A deed of Sale baring Date the third of April! on thousand seuen Hundred and two : and Ac- knowledged before John Wilson Justis of the peace the thirty first of January 1703/4 vict Jt is the Contents of forty Eight Acres of Land and Medow and all the Rights and Priuiledges of thre Acre Lott Jn all futur Deuissions of Land Lying and being Jn the Township of Mendon Thirty two Acres of sd Land : Lying Northerly of Ho}) brook bounded Southerly Partly : upon sd Hop brook : and partly upon Comon that Line being fifty Rod Easterly upon Comon by A line of Ninty six Rod : Northerly upon Comon : fifty and two Rods : Weasterly upon Comon by a line of one Hundred Rods : a great White oake att the North Weast Corner and A stake North East Corner:) The other six- teen Acres : Lying upon both sids the Mill Riuer : below Hop brook four Acres of it being Medow Lying Jn seueral peices as 760 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Recorded Jn the town Records the other twelve Acres being partly upland Partly swamp and Loav Land : are bounded as fol- oweth : six Acres Lying upon the East side of sd Riuer bounded Northerly partly upon part of the Above sd Medow : so with A line of Marked Trees : to a pine tree by Rehoboth Road so bounded by sd Road to a pine tree att A point of A hill Nere the Riuer and so with A line of marked Trees : to A great Red oake Nere the Riuer on the Weast side : bounded Partly : on the Riuer and partly on the Aboue sd Medow : being sixty Rod Jn Length two Acres and sixty Rod more Lying Downe streame : bounded Northerly : ten Rod by the Land of NiColas Cooke East- erly with A line of marked trees Downe streame on part of the Aboue sd Medow Att Quick streame weast partly on the Riuer and Partly on the Aboue sd Medow : being thirty Rods in Length : two Acres and sixty Rod More Lying on the East side of Reho : both Roade Nere sd Riuer bounded Weasterly upon sd Road twenty Rod Jn breadth and twenty two Rod Jn length : bounded on Eury side with Marked Trees and stakes) on the Weast side of sd Riuer against Part of the Aboue sd Medow up on Quick streame half one Acre of swamp bounded Easterly by the Riuer from the Riuer Round with upland upstreame from sd : half Acre Half one Acre more bounded Easterly upon part of y'' Aboue sd Medow : being forty Rod Jn Length and two Rod in breadth : bounded up streame upon A Red oake marked June y^ 16*'' 1711 Laid out for Samuel Thayer, on y*" East Sid y'^ mill Riuer aboue Quick Stream Twenty acres of Land which was Exchanged with the Town at their march meeting in y^ year 1711, Joyning to his other Land Lying in a half Moon, on Two Sides of Sd Land, bounded north on Common with a Direct Line Eighty Rod to a black oak tree marked being the north East Corner, East on Common wdth a Direct Line fifty seuen Rod to a heape of Stons on a Rock being y® South East Corner, South on Comon with a Direct Line Eighty three Rod to his other Land a pine Tree marked near the South west Corner, on all other parts on Sd Land : Laid ovt by Tho^ White MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 761 Samuel Thayer [568.] forteen Acres of the fourth Deuission of Land l)elonoing to Edward Linefords Lott Laid out to Samuel Thayer on the North (14) East side of Hop brook Medow ])0unded as followcth south- erly on Sanuiel Thayers Land : Eighteen Rt)ds : to A white oak tree : being the South Weast Corner : Weasterly upon Comon with A Direct Line : one hundred and six Rod : to A white oake tre being the NorWeast Corner Northerly upon : Comon with A Direct Line Twenty four Rod to A forked white oake being the North East Corner : Easterly on Josiah Thayers Land : Laid out l)y Thomas White January y« 10*'^ : 170H Six Acres More of the aforsd Deuission belonging to Lnefords Lott Laid out on the south side hop brook Medow : bounded North on sd medow Twenty Eight Rods Jt being A thre Cor- uerd Peice : the North Weast Corner being A white oak tree Weasterly : on Comon : with A direct Line : fifty Rods : to A black oake tree being the south Corner East on Comon : with A dirict Line forty four Rods to A white oake tree being the North East Corner by Thomas White January 10 : 1706 Nine Acrs and six score and ten Rod of the fourth Deuission be longing to Jonathan Haywards Lott Laid out to the Aboue sd Samuel Thayer Three x\.cres and fifty Rod on the Weast sid of the Mill Riuer below hop brook bounded as followeth Easterly on Samuel Thayers ]Medow : twenty six Rod Jt being A thre Cor- nered Peice A swamp white oake markt Downe streame A pine tree ; markt up streame Northerly on Comon : with A dirict Line twenty six Rod : to A white oake Tree being the West Corner southerly on Comon with A direct Line : forty one Rod to sd Thayers Medow : Laid out by Thomas White January 10 : 1706 (5:4) hue Acres & half More of sd Nine Acres : of sd Deuis- sion Laid on the East side of the mill Riuer : on both sids of Quick streame : bounded Weast on Samuel Thayers Land Eigh- teen Rod the southweast Corner A pople tree the North weast Corner A pople tree the North East Corner : A pine tree : the 762 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. south East Corner A Pople tree : her being Alowanc for A four Rod Way Cros the sd Land to Rehoboth liy Thomas White January 10"': 170H (1) One Acre more of the abouesd Deuission Laid on the Weast side of the Mill Riuer : below Hopp brook bounded Downe streem upon Medow East on the Mill Riuer upstream upon Sam- uel Thayers Land Weast on the bottem of A steep hill, by Thomas White January 10 : 1706 One acre & half more of sd Deuission on y" west side y'' mill [1:2] Riuer, Bounded Westerly on Comon with a Direct Line from a heniLock Tree by hop brook to an Elbow in y" Riuer, So Round with Sd Thayers Land and Medow. By Thomas White January y'^ 10"\ 1716 [569.] Samuel Thayer EPhreim Pecks lift Deuission of Land Now Samuel Thayers as (3) Appears by A deed of salle baring Date Part of it Laid out on the south side of hopp brook bounded Northerly on sd Thayers other Land southerly on Comon fifty nine Rods a black stand being the North weast Corner : A whit oak tree being the : south East Corner : it being A three Cor- nered Peice of Laid forthre acres the whole Containing Hue Acer's wanting thirty two Rods one Acre and one hundred and Twenty and Eight Rod Laid out the 20**^ of febuary 1713 by Thomas White Samuel Thayer and Robert Euens Comite One Acre and three Quarters more of sd Deuission for one Acre on the East of hopp brook : Jt being A three Cornered Peice (1) bounded Weast on sd Thayers other Land : sixty four Rod : A black oake being the South Corner south Weast on Comon Twenty two Rods to stons on A Rock : being the south East Corner East on Comon forty six Rod : to stons on A Rock : being A Corner of sd Thayers other land Laid out by Thomas White Samuel Thayer Robert Euens : febu--. 20**^ 1713 Com"*^ Eisfht Acres and half more of sd Deuission Laid for six Acres (6) on the East side hopp brook bounded southerly on Josiah IVtENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 768 Thayers Land sixteen Rodd Weasterly part on Josiah Thayers Land : and part on Samuel Thayers Land : sixty Rod to A white oake tree : being the North weast Corner North on Comon Thirty Rod : to the North East Corner of his other Land East on sd Thayers other Land : Laid out february 20*'^ 1713 by Thomas White Sanuicl Thayer and Robert Euens C'ouiite Three acres More of sd fift Deuission Wanting Twehu; Rod (3) Laid out on the North sid of the graue Medow Joyning to the sd Thayers other Land bounded North on sd Land twenty Rods : Weast on William Holbrooks Land thirty Rod : to A black oake tree Markt nere the south Weast Corner south on Comon : forty Rods : to A black oak tree nere the South East Corner : East on Comon twenty fine Rod : to a black oake stand Nere the North East Corner : febu-- : 22 : 1713 by Thomas White Sanuiel Thayer & Robert Euens Comite February y*' 20"' 1713 Seuen acres of Ephraim pecks fift Deui- (7) sion and Three acres of Seth Chapins fift Deuision Laid out for Samuel Thayer, on y® west Side of fox brook, bounded East on his other Land : a White oak tree mark"^. up stream : west on Common Sixty nine Rod to a hornbine Tree marked : Thence with a Direct Line fifty Rod To a pine Tree marked. Thence with a Direct Line Sixty Rod to a white oak Tree marked Down streem nere his other Land The whole Containing Twenty Three acres. Thirteen acres allowance for bad Land : Laid out by Thomas White Serueyer. Robert Euens & Samuel Thayer Committee Samuel Thayer [570.] Six Acres of Land belonging to William Holl)rooks Lot ui", of the fourth Deuission four Acres and of the fifth Deuision two Acres Now Samuel Thayers As Appears by A deed of sale from James Keith baring Date 15 day of January 1716 APrill y*" tenth 1717 Laid out for Samuel Thayer half one Acre of medow : Part of William sprages second Devission of mcdow and four Acres of William llolbrook fourth Deuission of upland on the West side of the Round Medow bounded Round on Comon 764 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Land : the North east Corner : being A black oak tree : North- erly on Comon thirty seuen Rod : to A black oakc tree being tlu^ Norwest Corner Westerly thirty seuen Rod to A black oak stand : being the south West Corner Southerly twenty Rod to A white oak : tree being the south East Corner Easterly twelue Rod to the north East Corner : by Thomas White Aprill y° tenth 1717 Laid out for Samuel Thayer on the North side the Round Medow : two Acres of William Holbrooks fifth Deuission of Land and forty Rod of William Sprages second Deuission of medow : to gether as followeth bounded south upon sd Medow : forty Rod : A walnut stand Markt nere the South East Corner a stake and stons being the south West Corner West on Comon forteen Rod to A black oake tree : being the norwest Corner North on Comon forty Rod to A black oake tree : being the North East Corner : East on Comon fourteen Rod to the south East Corner the Whole Containing three Acres and half one Acre and A quarter Alowanc — by — Thomas White Thomas Sanford and Samuel Thayer Comitee Nouember y® 13"\ 1710 Twenty Seuen acres of Seth Chapins fift Deuision Laid out for Samuel Thayer on y'^ East Side of fox Brook Joyning to his other Land at one End & one Side, bounded on y'' East Side Sd Land w"'. a heap of Stons. on a Rock it being y*^ Southwest Corner. South on Common Seuenty Rod to a white burch being y*^ South East Corner. East on Common Sixty Rod to a white oak Tree being y*" Norwest Corner North on Common Seuenty Six Rod to a bunch of White oak trees Marked Thence with a Direct Line fiftiy Six Rod to a maple tree marked nere Sd brook nere the Nor west Corner So W. to his other Land, the wdiole Containing Thirty Eight acres, Eleuen acres Allow- ance for bad Land Laid out by Thomas White Seruey'". Seth Chapin : Samuel Thayer Com*«^ January y*" 26"' 1710 Laid out for Samuel Thayer. William Spragues Six acres which was to be Laid in y*^ prohibeted Land : MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 765 & one acre & half & Twolue Kod of John Spragues Six acres) al)oue Second phiin Joyning to his other Land bounded north on Sd Land fifty Six Rod the norwest Corner a black oak Tree marked "West on Common forty Six Rod to a bunch of Black oak Stands, being y'' South west Corner. South on Common Twenty Eight Rod to a white oak Tree marked being the South East Corner East on Common forty six Rod to his other Land, the whole Containing Twelue acres & Twelue Rod. four acres and Half allowed for bad Land. Laid out by Tho'' White Serueyer Sam" ]\Ioorc & Samuel Thayer — Committee Joseph Steuens [571.] Joseph Steuenses Thirty Acre House Lott Granted him by the Town of Mendon Att a Publick Towne Meting febuerey the Eleuenth 1668 for his JnCoredgment to suply the towne with A smith is buted and bounded as followeth Westerly upon the Hous Lott of Georg Aldrich Easterly upon A ten Rod hyway : southeasterly upon : A four Rod Hyway Leading Jnto the south Woods Southerly upon Comon Land Laid out by Beniemin Albee The dubling Lott or second Deuission of upland being Thirty Acres sixten acres of sd thirty Acres Laid out upon the Mill Plaine : bounded as followeth Northerly upon the Land of John Sprage and East upon A Runill f)f water and south upon the Land of John Thomson. Weast upon sd Joseph steuenses Medow : Laid out by Jonathan Sprage : 28 March 16 : 78 ib A 2 Rodway cros sd lott The first Deuission of Medow belonging to sd Lott Laid out upon the East sid of the Mill Riuer below the mill bounded Northerly with marked Trees Southerly UPon a point : of upland : Coming hom to the Riuer : Easterly with upland Weasterly with sd Riuer : the whole being ten Acres more or Les Laid out by Joseph White The second Deuission of Medow is bounded as followeth one Part of Jt Lying upon A Run that Runs Jnto Mathias Pufers house Lot : bounded North and South with marked trees East and Weasl with upland — 766 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Another part of sd Medow : Lying upon the East side of second bridg Riuer on the Weast side of bare hill below the falls Jn that Riuer : bounded up the stream with A marked Tree and a stak downe streame with marked Trees Weast on sd Riuer Easterly on upland — Another part of sd Medow Lying upon the East side of sd Riuer below the North Cedar swamp bounded with points of up- land Coming to the Riuer : An other Part of sd Medow : Lying att the south East End of the plain beyend the North Cedar swamp betwen sd plain and the great MedoA\^ : bounded uj) stream and Down streame with marked Trees : all other points With upland the whole of the four peces Containing three Acres be it more or Les : Laid out by Joseph white fourteen Acres More of the Dubling Lott Laid out betwen the Mudy brook and the mill Riuer bounded as followeth East on John Harburs Land Twenty Eight Rod : south on the Land of fardinando Thayer sixty Eight Rod : Weast on Comon fifty Rod : North upon Mathias puffers medow ther being Allowanc for a : two Rod way threw sd Land Laid out by Thomas White March 15 : 1705 The swamp Lott belonging to the sd Lott being fine Acres More or Les Js Laid out upon the Weast side of Second bridg Riuer bounded Easterly upon sd Riuer : Weasterly partly upon upland partly upon A line of marked Trees : North partly upon upland partly upon marked Trees Southerly with A line of marked Trees to y'^ Riuer) Laid out by Joseph White Joseph Steuens Solomon Wood Jvn' [572.] The fourth Deuission of Land belonging to the aforesd Joseph Steuenses Lott being sixty Acres : is bounded as follow- eth Northerly on the Land of Thomas Thayer and Part on the I^iand of James Albe Easterly upon dedham Line : begining att A Rock Jn Dedham line which is the North East Corner so Run- ing with Dedham Line sixty two Rod : A walnut being the Southermost Corner : Southerly upon Comon one hundred and Seuenty Rods : the Line Runing threw A burnt swamp : so MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 767 piehing upon the Mill Kiuor att the Mouth of A small Run : that Coras out of sd swarap And Weasteily ui)on Medow Lying betwen sd Land and the Riuer : — Laid out by Josiah Chapin The third Deuission or trrcat Lott belonoinji' to sd Steuenses Lolt : Lying upon the East side of the Mill Riuer: Containing one hundred and twent}^ Acres bounded Downe streame or or southerly on the Edg of a Round hill by a line of markt Trees : A suial Maple in a smal piece of Medow : about four Rod from the Riuer with A black oake stake att the East Corner Easterly upon Comon : Land the Line Runing Along nere the Midle of second bridg plaine Northerly upon Comon Land : by A line of Marked trees : A black oake att the northEast Corner and A mai)le Jn the swamp Nere the mill plaine : and Weastcrly part upon : the streame beyend the Mill Plaine : and Part upon the Medow belonging to the sd Lott and Partly u[)on the Mill Riuer : desember y^ 20*^*^ : 1735 laid ovt for solomon wood Jvn"" 2 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near shok- colog and is bounded north on sd land 9 rod East on daniel tafts land 44 rod sovth on silvancs holbrooks land 9 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence rvning north 6 : dgi-* and half East 44 rod to a heap of stons att his other land being the norwest corner the w^hole being 2 acers and 80 rod 80 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas White svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Jose|)h white chain men April y*" 8"' : 173<) laid ovt for solomon w^ood Jvn"" 2 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near shockcolog and is bovnded west on sd land 40 rod sovth on comon one Rod Kast on the land of benjamen archer 40 rod north on common 15 rod the corners all heaps of stons — the same day laid ovt for sd wood 40 acers tenth division of land Joyning to his other land near shokcolog and is bovnded East on his own land north part on Joseph taft Jun""" land and part on Joseph taft sein"^** land and on comon 8 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence : rvning sovth 20 dgr^ 768 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. East 56 rod to a heap of stons near the norwest corner of silvanes holbrooks land then bovnded sovth on sd holbrooks land to his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing 43 acers and 20 rod 3 acers and 20 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr%'ayer and Josejih white Chain man [573.] John aldrich Joseph Aldrich Janvary y** 9^'' : 17181-^ laid ovt for John aldrich three acers and half sixth division of land on the west side the great River Joyning to his other land bovnded Easterly on sd land sixty rod westerly on woodland tompsons land thirteen rod a white oak tree markt near the sovtheast corner sovtherly on common with a direct line to a walnut tree markt near seth aldriches land sovth- east on sd land fovr rod to his own land the whole containing fovr acers half an acer alowed for bad land and a private way to a small peace of common land left adjoyning by thomas white Jacob aldrich Robert taft committee desember y*" S^^ : 1719 laid ovt for John aldrich seven acers of samvel Reads seventh division of land on the East side of his land now improved begining att the sovtheast corner of his other land then rvning sovth 10 dgr' west by sd reads land Eighty Rod to a heap of stons on the north side of a brook and on the sovth side the road leading to peter aldriches then East 10 dgr^ sovth twenty four Rod to a heap of stones being the north- east corner then north 10 dgr' East Eighty rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then west 10 dgr' north to the first bovnds the whole being twelve acers five acers alowed for bad land and a Rode cros a corner of sd land : by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich thomas white committee — desember y'^ 8"' : 1719 laid ovt for John aldrich thirty one acers of land : twelve acers of his sixth division and nineteen acers of his seventh division Joyning to his other land near his house be- gining att the north side att a great Rok with stones on itt being a former bovnds then rvning westerly by his other land twenty rod to a heap of stones thence with a direct line to a heap of MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 769 stones on a stvnip seventy rod then rvning north 1!) dgr^ west twenty rod to a walnvt stand then sovthcast fvll point one hun- dred and Eighty rod to a heap of stones then sovthwest fvll point one hvndred and ten Rod to his other land : it being a broken peace of land lying in among his land formerly laid ovt Estemed att foi-ty tvv^o acers and thirty two Rod : Eleven acers and thirty two rod alowed for bad land l)y Robert Evens Ja(^ob aldrich thomas white connnittee October y'' 20"' 174 7 Laid out for Joseph Aldrich 2 Acres & half 11"' Division of land ajoyning to his other Land begining at y" S : E : Corner of peter aldrichs land thence Runing north 40 Deg^ west 20 Rod on Comon to a heap of Stones being y^ nor- west Corner then East 40 Deg'"' north on Comon 20 Rod to a heap of Stones the north East Corner Then South 40 Deg""^ East on Comon 20 rod being y^ South East Corner thence with a Di- rect Line to the north East Corner of his other Land and on Sd Land to the first bounds Laid out by William Torrey Sur^^ Jacob aldrich & Joseph Aldrich chain men [574.] Thomas Thayer Mendon May y*^ 22'^ 1721., Then Laid out To Thomas Thayer of Fardinando Thayers fourth Diuision : four acres of it is Butted and Bounded ; East on the ^ledow of Sd Fardinando Thayer the Xortheast Corner, by a Rock near the Riuer. at the Lower End : of William Holbrooks Medow ; North upon Common Land Cross a neck of n\) Land ; home to Samuel Haywards Swampe West Part on the Sd Haywards Swamp and part on Common, and part upon Rehol)otli Road and South on Common by a various Line from Rehoboth Road to Thayers ]\Iedow. upon hilly Land Laid out by Josiah Chapin October y" 11"' : 1727 laid ovt for Thomas thayer three qvar- lers of an acer of seventh division of land Joyning to his other land where his son Davids hovse now standeth and is Bovnded sovtheasterly on a llii-ee rod way twenty Rod and on all other ]iarts on his other land it being a Broken peace of land contain- ing one acer and a «|varter half an acer alowed for bad land laid 770 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. ovt By Thomas white svrvayer scth chajnii and Jacob aldrich committee february y® 13"' : 1722^ laid ovt for samvel thayer 8 accrs sev- enth division of land on wigwam hill begining at a heap of stons being John leggs sovtheast corner thence rvning west fvll point 44 rod to a heap of stons in a little swamp being the norwest corner then sovth 55 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then Kast to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 55 rod to the first bovnds containing 15 acers and 20 rod 7 acers and 20 rod alowcd for bad land and a three rod way hiid ovt by robart Evens Jacob aldrich and James keith february y^ 10"' 1785^ laid ovt for david thayer 112 rod of his fathers tenth division of land laid by his Barn and' is bovnded westerly on a three rod way 1(3 rod and on all other parts on his own land laid ovt by Thomas white and Jacol) aldrich february y*^ G"' : 1735-^ laid ovt for samvel thayer 2 acers and 40 rod of his fathers tenth division laid Joyning to his other land near wigwam hill and is bovnded north on sd land 44 rod East on John leggs land 1) rod to sd legs sovthwest corner thence rvning Avest fvll point 44 rod to stons on a rock being the sovthwest corner thence with a direct line to the sovthwest corner of his other land thc^ wliole being 2 acers and three qvarters half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white and Jacob aldricli the same day laid out for cap^ thomas thayer one acer an laid ovt tor tlionias tliayer two accrs and lialt' sixth division Joyning to his other hmd att fox brooiv on the oast side sd brook bovnded east part on Sam" thayers land part on c'onnnon fovrtccn rod to a heap of stones l)cing the sovtheast- east corner then : rvning west 20 dgr^ sovth forty rod a heap of stones Ix'ing the sovthwest corner west and north on his own land : containing three acers and half one acer alowed for bad land by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich committee aprill y' (>"' : 1711' laid ovt for thomas thayer ten acers sixth division Joyning to his other land on the west side fox brook bonnded east on sd land north })art on common part on his own land tifty six rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then rvning sovth 22 dgi-* east thirty eight rod to aheap of stones being the sovthwest corner then tvrning east 15 dgr^ north forty fovr rod to his medow a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner east on sd medow the whole containing thirteen acers three acers alowed for bad land : by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich committee Mendon March y'' P' : 17|^ Laid out for Thomas Thayer tifty acres of Seuenth Diuision of Land : Joyning to y" South Side of Bennone Bensons Land, South of Sd Bensons begining Recorded .^^ .^ heapc of Stones on Sd Bensons Land, Sovth of Sd Xouember y'2vi.. 1721 Bensons house, then South twenty three Deg'■''^ West on Common ninty one Rod to a heape of Stones, then A\'est twenty three Deg''^''. South on Common one hundred & foi-t}^ Rod to a heape of Stones : then North twenty three Deg''. West on Common : Eighty Rod to Sd Bensons Corner, then on Sd Bensons Land East twenty three Deg''^ noi-th, one hundred and ten Rod to Sd Bensons Corner, then turning. Sd Corner. Eleuen Rod to a heape of Stones then to the first bounds, thirty Rod. Con- taining Seuenty Two acres, twenty Two aci-es allowed for bad Land. Laid out by Robert Euens. Jacob Aldrich c^ James Keith, Com'^"'', Thomas Thayer [580.] .Mendon :\Iarch y-^ 1 : 1720^^-. Laid out for Lieut Thomas Thayer twelue acres of Seuenth Diuision : being a Broaken 778 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. piece of Land on y*' South Side of Little pond, begining at a black oak being a Southerly Corner, then West twenty four Deg'■^ South on Common twenty Rod to Josiah Thayers Land to a heape of Stones then on Sd Thayer. North full point to a White being Sd Thayers north East Corner, then on Sd Land West fifty Two Rod to a North West Corner, of Sd Land & Turning Sd Corner South Sixteen Rod to. a Walnutt tree marked with Stones at y*' Root then West on Common forty Rod to a heape of Stones being a South West Corner then North on Common forty Rod to a heape of Stones, being a North West Corner, then East on Common Ninty Nine Rod. to his other Land, then on said Land to y® first bounds thirty Two Rod. Containing twenty one acres. Nine acres allowed for a Road and Bad Land. Laid out by Rob*. Euens : Jacol) Aldrich & James Keith. Com*^^ Mendon March 1**. 1721^ii. Laid out for Lieut Thomas Thayer Six acre of Seuenth Diuision on the South End of Calebs hill, bounded East on Daniel Darlings Land, twenty Six Rod. North on Beniamin Wheelocks Land twenty one Rod. Westerly partly on his other Land, partly on Common forty Six Rod to Nathaniel Raw- sons land Southerly partly on Sd Rawsons. partly on Nathan Penemans Land Seuenteen Rod to Sam". Thayers South West Corner, then on Sd Thayers Land forty Rod to Sd Darlings Corner, being y'' first Bounds, the whole Containing Ten acres. & one hundred & forty Six Rod four acres & one hundred & forty Six Rod allowed for Bad Land. Laid out by Rol)'. Euens Jacob Aldrich & James Keith Commitee Mendon March y'' first 1720^-L. Laid out for Lieu' Thomas Thayer Two acres of Sixth Diuision Compased with his other Land hereto fore Laid out. on three Sides to y''. North these Returns East of Little Poud begining at a heape of Stones on Recorded Beuiamiu Wheelocks Line being a North Easterly Nouember ~ -^ yo27tM72i Corner then West twenty four Deg""'. North, on Com- mon thirty Rod. then South Sixteen Deg'''. West to his other Land thirty Rod then on Sd Land to y'^ first Bounds. Con- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 779 iMiiiiiit:' three acres iNc iiinty Hod one acre t*t ninty Rod allowed for a Koad it bad Land. Laid out by Robert Kuens Jacob Aldrich cVc James Keith Comniitee. Mendon April y'' 10"'. 1721 : Laid out for Thomas Thayer two acres & half of seuenth Diiiision being- a broaken Piece of Land East of his other Land near the Round Medow. begining at a place Called Philips. Ccler. Runing East fifteen Dcg'■^ South on Sam". Thayer twelue Rod to a heape of Stones, then North four Deg'^ East, on Common forty four Rod to a hea|)e of Stones. then Easterly on Common lifty Rod to his South East Corner, of his other Land, bounded on all other Sides on his other Land ; Containing Six acres ; three acres & half allowed for a Road and Bad Land. Laid out by Robert Euens. Jacob Aldrich and James Keith ; Committee. Thomas Thayer [581.] :\Iendon April y^ 10'". 1721. Laid out for Thomas Thayer, fine acres of Sixth Diuision : l)eing a Broaken piece of Land. South of John Leggs house almost Encompassed in with his other I^and. begining at a heape of Stones in a Little Swamp being his former Soutli East Corner. Runing Southerly on Sd Land partly & partly on the Land Land Laid out to William Sargent one hundred & Three Rod to his other Land, then on Sd Land lifty Six Rod to a Corner of Sd Land then Turning Sd Corner twelue Rod ; then Northerly on Sd Land twenty two Rod to a heape of Stones then Westerly on Common twenty three Rod to the first bounds Containing Ten acres ; fine acres allowed foi- a Road & bad Land. Laid out l)y Robert Euens. Jacob Aldrich & James Keith Connnittec. Mendon April y" 12"'. 1721. Laid out for Thomas Thayer one acre & half of Seuenth Diuision on the South Side of foxes Brook Joyning to y*" South Side of his other Land : begining at a heape of Stones being a former South East Corner of his other Land : Runing South four Deg"^. East on Common ten Rod to a heape of Stones being a South East Corner, then West fifteen 780 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Degrees South, on Common forty Rod to his Medow. then on Sd Medow Seuen Rod to his other Land Containing two acres & twenty two Rod. one hundred & two Rod allowed for bad Land Laid out by Robert Euens eTacob Aldrich & James Keith Com'''"'. Mendon April y^ 12">. 1721. Laid out for Thomas Thayer four acres two of his Sixth Diuision & two acres of his Seuentli Diuision Joyning to y"" North Side of his other Land These at Cliestuutt hill bounded Southerly on Sd Land fifty Recorded ^^^^ ^^^^ ^V^^st ou Couiuion twcuty nine Rod to Sam" Nouember -■' ye27«i>.i72i Thayers South East Corner then Westerly on Sd Thayers Land forty three Rod. Easterly on Sd Thayers Land twenty Seuen Rod to his other Land, Containing Eight acres & twenty two Rod. four acres & twenty two Rod allowed for bad Land. Laid out l)y Rob' Euens Jacob Aldrich & James Keith Committee Mendon April y'^ 12"'. 1721. Laid out for Thomas Thayer ten acres of Seuenth Diuision Joyning to the West Side of AVinters Medow. begining on Sd Medow. Joyning to y*' South Side of his other Land : Runing West thirteen Deg'^ South on Sd Land partly & partly on Common : Seuenty fine Rod to a heap of Stones being a South West & by South Corner then South thirteen Degr'. East on Common forty Rod to a heape of Stones, being a South East & by East Corner, then East thirteen Deg'"^ North on Com- mon to Sd Medow Sixty two Rod. then on Sd Medow to the first Bounds Containing Seuenteen acres & forty Rod Seuen acres & forty Rod allowed foi- Bad Land : Laid out by Robert Euens Jacob Aldrich & James Keith Committee Nicolus Cooke [582.] one Quarter Part of Walter Cooks forty Acre house Lott or A ten Acre Lott with all the Rights Priuelidges thereunto belonging or anywise Apertaining Now Nicolus Cooks As Appears by A deed baring Date : The House Lott being Part of the Aboue sd AValter Cooks house Lot Lying upon the P^ast End of Sd Lott upon the East side of the ten Rod hy way the whole of that Part of sd Lott what MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 781 tliere is abouo ton Acres is sd Nicolus Cooks as apears by his fathers Last will and is bounded as followeth. Northerly upon the House Lott of John Woodland Now Jn the Possesion of Josiah Chapin East or Easterly upon the House Lott of John Thomson : Southerly uj^on A four Rod hyway : Weasterly upon A ten Rod hyway The first Deuission of Medow belonging to the Aboue sd Lott being three Acres and quarter and forteen Rod : Lying Jn the North medow beit more or Les : is bounded as followeth : one part Lying in the u})er north medow bounded Downe streame upon the medow of Daniel Louct up streame upon the Medow of elohn Cook) the other part of sd Medow Ljdng in the Lower North medow bounded Downe streame upon the medow of Danil Louet up streame u]ion the Medow of John Cook The secon Deuission of upland belonging to the Aboue sd Lott being ten Acres flue Acres & half Laid out as it is bounded Weasterly upon Mill Riuer part on the Land of Samuel Hayward Northerly on Comon : by A line of Twenty Rodds : Easterly by Rehoboth Roade : forty fine Rods and southerly on Comon by A line : of twenty Rods : Laid out by Josiah Chapin : June 20 : 1701 Tlu' Third deuission of upland and ten Acres of fourth deuision lifty Acres Jn all Js bounded as followeth southerly Part on (ledham Line and part on Comon Land Weasterly Part on Comon and Part on the ^Nlill Riuer the North weast Corner being A mai)le on the Edg of the hill marked Wheare the hill Comes Nere home to the Riuer : then turning an Easterly Line : on Comon Land hom to Rehoboth Roade : so Runing with Rehoboth Road lioni to Dedham line: Laid out the Twentyeth of June 1701 by Josiah Chapin The second Deuision of Medow being one Acre Lying upon the AN'east side of the Mill Riuer below Quick streame bounded As followeth ujistreame with an ash by the Riuer : and A whit oak on the side of the hill : Weast on Comon Land : Down stream with A white oake nere the Riuer: East on the Riuer) Laid out by Thomas White Jun 10: 1704 Three Acres of the second diuision of Land on the weast sd of 782 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. sd Riuer against sd Cooks Land bounded up streame with A white oake Weast on Common forty six Rod with A whit oake nere the Riuer East on sd Riuer Laid out by Thomas white June y^ 10 1704 [583.] Nicohis Cooke Ten Acres More of the Afore sd fourth Deuision with two Acres of the second Deuission Laid out on the East side Rehoboth Rode bounded south on dedham Line sixty Rod : West on sd Road fifty one Rod : to a stake being the North Weast Corner North on Comon : with A dirict Line : forty Rod : to A pine being the north Weast Corner : East on Comon with A direct Line twenty six Rod to A stake att Dedham Line : Laid out June 10 1704 : by Thomas White The swamp lott belonging to the Aljoue sd Lot Laid out Nere Dedham line : as it is bounded on the East side Rehoboth Rode being fifty Rod eTn Lenth and Eight Rods Jn breadth Laid out by Thomas White The fift Deuission of Land belonging : to the Aboue sd Lott Laid out betwen the Mill Riuer and Dedham Line : Joyning to his other Land bounded as followeth : south on James Emersons Land fifty Rod so with A Dirict Line : to Dedham Line Easte on sd Line : one Hundred and two Rod : North part on his other Land : part on Comon to A pine Tree : being the North AVeast Corner Weast on Comon with A dirict Line one Hundred and forty Rod : to to the northweast Corner of James Emersons : Land : the whole Containing fifty two Acres there being four Acres Alowanc as allso a tliree Cornered peice Alowed betwene his other Land and Dedham Line The Remainder of sd fifty Acres being two Acres Laid out on the East side of Rehoboth Road : bounded southerly on sd Cooks other Land Twenty Rod Weast on said Road, sixteen Rod : North on Comon Twenty Rod East on Comon sixteen Rod : to his other Land Laid out by Thomas white John Darling & Sanniell Thayer Comite May y" 21 : 1709 : laid ovt for nicolas cook twenty seven acers and a qvarter sixth division on the west side the greatt river above MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 783 the mine rode hoviuled as foloweth tlie norwest corner being a white oak tree niarkt then rvning east HO dgr' north forty rod to sd river theji bovnded easterl}^ on sd river seventy eight rod then tvrning west 80 dgi-* sovth seventy one rod to a heap of stones l)eing the sovthwest corner then north 30 dgi-^ west seventy eight rod to the norwest corner the whole containing twenty nine acers one acer and three qvarters alowed for bad hind hiid ovtby thomas white Robard evens Jacob aldrich coniitee June y^ 7"". 1721 Laid out for Nicolas Cooke twenty Eight acres of Seuenth Division on the west side the great River up streeni of John Darlings Land begining at a bass tree marked stand- ing on the Bank of the Riuer : Rvning Southwest on Comon Eight}' Rod : to a heape of Stones being a South Corner, then on Comon tifty Rod to sumners Land to the Riuer : So on the Riuer to the first bounds, Containing twenty nine acres one acre allowed for bad Land Laid out by Robert Euens, Jacol) Aldrish and Thomas white Committee nicolas cook Joseph chilson [584.] march y'' !(!"': 17ol laid ovt for nicolas cook Eleven acers of land : viz : 4 acers sixth division 4 acers seventh division and 3 acers Eighth division laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is l)Ovnded westerly on Rehoboth Rode 70 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence rvning East 8 dgi-^ sovth 62 rod to david aldriches land and is Bovnded northerly l^art on sd aldriches land and part on common Rvning from sd aldriches : sovth East corner East fvll point to Belingham line : and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land: it being a broaken peace of land com})asing in KJ acers and half of land formerly laid ovt the whole containing 33 acers and half five acers alow'ed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and .buob aldrich chain men avgvst y^ 21^t*'' : 1735 laid ovt for Josej>h chilson and John Read 12 acers ninth division of land : viz : 8 acers for sd chilson and 4 acre for Read laid together Joyning to land laid ovt to Ebenczer Read and Joseph wliite and is bovnded west on sd land 784 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 60 rod rvning from a white oak tree being the sovthwest corner East 8 dgr' sovth 40 rod to a heap of stons Ijeing the sovtheast corner then north 8 dgr' East GO rod to a stake and stons in a swamp being the northeast corner then west 8 dgr' north 40 rod to a white oak tree markt being the norwest corner : the whole being 15 acers 8 acers alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men Janvary y^ 21* : 1735 laid for Joseph chilson and John Read 10 acers and half tenth division of land laid Joyning to their other land near moses Reads and is bovnded north part on sd land and part on leweses land 68 rod rvning from the sovtheast corner of sd land sovth 8 dgr^ west 30 rod to thomas Reads land then bovnded sovth on sd land to moses Reads land then on sd reads land to sd leweses land it being a broaken peace of land contain- ing 12 acers and half 2 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by^ Thomas white svr Ebenezer Read chain man Janvary y*" 20*'' : 1735 laid ovt for John Read one acer and half tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near Ezekiel Whites and is bovnded Easterly on sd land 41 rod rvning from the sovthwest corner of sd land west 12 dgr' north 6 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north 12 dgr^ East 29 rod to John holbrooks land to a heap of stons l)eing the norwest corner then bovnded northerly on sd holbrooks land 6 rod to his own land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Ebenezer Read chain man October y^ 27"" 1737 laid ovt for Joseph chilson 3 acers and half tenth division of land laid near samvel whites and is bovnded northerly part on the land of Ebenezer printic and part on the land of Ebenezer Read 8 rod and Easterly part on sd Reads land and part on common 60 rod rvning from the sovthwest corner of sd Reads land sovth 25 dgr' 20 rod to timothy gyes land and is bovnded sovtherly on sd gyes land 14 rod to James keiths land and is bovnded westerly on sd land 36 rod to sd printices land it being a liroaken peace of land containing 3 acers and 100 rod 20 MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 785 rod alowod for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Kbenczor Read and Joseph chilsoii chain men samvel hunt wiliam Johnson David thayer Jvn"' [585.] Janvaiy y'^ 14"' 1723-4- laid ovt for wiliam Johnson three acers and half of samvel warfeelds seventh division Joyning to his other land near his hovse lying at the norwest corner of sd land begining att an heap of stones on the west side sd land on a Rockey hil thence Rvning west 8 dgr^ sovth ten Rod to stones on a Rock being the sovthwest corner then north 4 do:r^ East twenty five Rod to the sovthwest corner of Elihve warfeelds land then bovnded northerly on sd land forty rod to stons on a Rock being the northeast corner thence Rvning sovth 20 dgr^ East twenty five rod to his other land then* Bovnded on sd land to the tirst Bovnds the whole containing fovr acers and half one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin Jacoli aldrich : commitee October y'' 28"' : 17H2 laid ovt for wiliam Johnson 6 acers ninth division of land 4 of benjamen whetons and 2 of cap*^ seth chapins laid together laid Joyning to his other land north from his hovse and is bovnded sovth on sd land 90 rod and west on sd land 18 rod to a black oak tree niarkt near the norwest corner thence rvn- ing East 15 dgi-^ north 73 rod to Jonathan woods land thence on sd land to thecovnty Rode and is bovnded East on sdrode 12 rod to his own land the whole containing seven acers one acer alowed for l)ad land laid ovt by Thomas White svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men desember y'' 20"' : 1735 laid ovt for david thayer: Jvn'' 5 acers of david tompsons ninth division of land laid Joyning to daniel tafts land near abbits farm and is bounded west on sd land 40 rod begining at aheap of stons being a former bounds of sd tafts land thence rvning East (i dgr^ and half sovth 24 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth (5 dgr*" and half west 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then west 6 dgr"* and half north 24 rod to a heap of stons at sd tafts land beinir the sovthwest : corner the whole beino- 6 acers one acer 786 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas White svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men march y" 31 : 1744 laid ovt for samvel hvnt 2 acers and half ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land viz : 2 acers pvrchvst of John darling and half an acer of Joseph white laid together and is bovnded west on sd land begining at a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner and is bovnded sovth on comon 8 rod to battles land and is bovnded East part on sd battles land and part on John darlings land north on his own land it being a broaken peace of rockey land — the same day laid ovt for sd hvnt one acer and half ninth division pvrchast of Joseph white laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded north on sd land 38 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast and is bounded East on comon 10 rod sovth on comon 38 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner west on a three rod way 10 rod to his other land containing 2 acers and 60 rod 60 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer benjamen darling and daniel darling chain men Samuel Cooke [586.] Sanmel Cooks Ten Acre Lott Purchesed of the Towne : the fifteenth of January Sixten hundred and Ninty four fine : With all the Rights and Priuilidges ther unto be Longing or any wise Apertaining the Home Lott and Dubling Lott to ly together is Laid out and bounded as followeth North Weast partly upon the house Lott of Decon John Warfeeld and Partly upon Comon : by A line of Seuenty seuen Rods North East on Comon by A line of sixty Rods South East by A uarious Line all on the East side of Muddy brook upon Comon : and on the Weast side of Muddy brook : upon A hyway of fine Rod wide : betwen sd Lott and Ensigne Louets House Lott Leading in to the Comon : the south Weast Corner Runing four Rod up the hill : aboue A white oake tree by the hyway side then turning a north weast and south East Line home to Decon warfeelds Land Aforesd : the whole Containing Twenty Acres Laid out by Cap^ Josiah Chapin January the Twenty first 1694-g- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 787 The first Deuission of ]\Icdow l)olonoing to the Aboue sd Lott one Part of it Lying one botli sids of the Mill Riuer bounded Downe the streanie with A line of maple trees marked on both sids of the Riuer weast with upland upstreame on the Weast side with Thomas Thayers Medow : and so with A dirict Line Cros the Riuer to the upland : East with upland only on A Run aboue the ^Nlill Plaine with Edward Linefords Land) Laid out l)y Thomas white Ai)rill y« tenth 1702 An other part of sd Cooks : first Deuision of medow Laid on a smal Run Runing out of A Seader swamp : below Hop brooke : bounded upstreame with a maple tree Downe streame fiften Rod to A stake and on Each side with upland An other Part of sd Cooks first Deuission of medow And seuen Vers of his fourth deuission of upland Laid on the North side of the Riuer Comonly Called Peters Riuer bounded as folio w eth : the North AVeast Corner with a pine tree North on Comon With A dirict Line : thirty Rod to A white oake stand being the north East Corner East on Comon thirty Eight Rods : to A whit oake tree: [)eing the South East Corner : South on Compji : Avith A dirict Line : thirty Rod to a stake being the South Weast Corner : Weast on Comon : with A dirict Line thirty Eight Rod to tiie North weast Corner: Laid out l)y Thomas White June 12 : 1704 An other part of the sd first deuision of Medow with Eight Acres of his third deuission of land and two Acres and half of his fourth deuission of Land Laid out : on the East side of the great Riuer: on Peters Riuer afore sd : on both sids of it is bounded asfoUoweth : the south East Corner with a AVhite oake tree : South on Comon Nere Dedham Line fifty Rod to the great Riuer : Weast on the great Riuer : north on Comon : from A maple bush nere the mouth of peters Riuer : with A dirict Line : forty Rod : to A black oake tree nere the ]\Iill Riuer : East on Comon: with A (lirid Line: to the south East Corner : Eight Acrs being Jn sted of Land Laid downe on the P^ast side of second bridg Riuer by a towne oTjint : two Acrs and half of his fourth Deuission and the 788 PROPRIETORS^ RECORDS. Rest beinp: the Remainder of his first deuission of medow the whole Containing twekie Acres — Laid out by Thomas white March 19. 1705 : Samuel Cooke [587.] Twenty Acres of sd Cooks Great Lott or third deuis- sion Laid out upon A plain southward of Hop brook : and is bounded as followeth Weasterly upon A small brook Coming out of A ceder* swamp by A line of sixty four Rods: A black oak Marked on the banck of sd brook : Northerly upon Comon Plaine Land by A line of seuenty Rod : Easterly by A uarious Line : Jn Compasing a swamp : by a line of marked trees : the south East Corner being A flat Rock with stons upon it the south Line bounded on Comon : by A line of thirty and four Rods Laid out by Cap^ Josiah Chapin June : 20 : 1701 Twenty acers more which is the full of the sd great Lott was Laid out upon the plaine beyend the second bridg Riuer but l)y A town grant Eight Acres of sd Twenty is laid downe and taken up nere the great River as appears by the Record on the other side the Remaining twelue Acres is bounded as followeth : Weasterly by A line of sixty Rods North and South upon Comon : Easterly by A Line of sixty Rod l)ounded Round with Comon Land : the south Weast Corner a smal white oke the other three Corners are staks Laid out by Cap* Josiah Chapin March 11 : I7O89 The tift Deuission of upland belonging to sd Cooks Lott : Ten Acres of it Laid out on the East side of Hop brook Ceder swamp bounded as followeth south on the sd Cooks Land : Eighty six Rod : A stake being the south East Corner : Easterly on Comon wnth A dirict Line twenty Eight Rod : to A heap of stons : being the north East Corner North on A dirict Line on Comon Twenty four Rod : to A black oake : being the North Weast Corner : Weasterly on Comon with a dirict line seuenty six Rod to a black oake being y'' South Weast Corner, Laid out by Thomas white Eleuen Acres and Half more of sd Cooks lift deuission : Laid on both sids of peters Riuer : Joyning to his other Land : on two MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 789 sids houndoil as t'oUowcth the south \\'cast Conu'r heini!: A })ine tree : Nere the great Riuer by his House South on Comon with A (lirict Line ninty six Rod : to A stake being the : South East Corner A white oake stand marked Xere : sd Corner East on Comon with A dirict Line : forty and two Rod : to A stake being the north East Corner North on Comon with A dirict line forty Kod to his other Land so on sd Land : to the south Weast Corner) La it! out by Thomas white Seuen Acres and Half more : of sd tift Deuision Laid on the north side of Peters Kiuer : Joyning on two sids of his other Land : bounded as foUoweth East and South : on sd Cooks Land : seuenty three Rod : and East on James Emersons Land : twelue Rod to A stake : being the north East Corner north on Comon : with A dirict Line : lifty two Rod : to A stake being the norwest Corner : Weast on Comon with A dirict line : fifty four Rods to A white oake being the southweast Corner and south on Comon nine Rod to his owne Land ther being thre Acres Alio wane Laid out May >^ 6'^: 1707 by Thomas White Sam" Thayer and Josiah Thayer Comite [588.] Samuel Cooke : Lighten Acres ]More of sd Cooks fift Deuission Laid out on the \\>ast side of The Mill River below Hop brook Ceader swamp .loyning to his other Land l)ounded as followeth : the North East ( orner A heap of stons : on A Rock North on sd Land thirty six- Rod : so with A dirict Line from that Corner : of his other Land : forty four Rod to A heap of stons : being the south Weast Corner south on Comon with A dirict Line : seventy four Rod : to A black oake : being the south East Corner East on Comon : with A dirict Line : sixty six Rod : to the North East Corner Lying -111 a three Cornered peice Compasing in Part of sd Cooks Medow : her being two Acres Allowanc : Laid out by Thomas \\'hite Robert Taft and Josiah Thayer Comite Six Acres ]More Laid on the East side of the great Riuer : Aboue A brook Comouly Caled foxes brook : bounded as follow- eth the south Weast Corner 1)eino; A duble black oake : South on 790 rUOPRIETORS' [RECORDS. Com on with A dirict Line : thirty two Rod to A white oake being the south East Corner East on Comon with A dirict Line forty Rod to A walnut tree being the North east Corner North on Comon with A dirict Line : thirty two Rods : to A heap of stons on A Rock : being the north Weast Corner Weast on Comon with A dirict Line : forty Rod to the South Weast Corner her being : two Acres Allowanc the whole Containing Eight Acres, Laid out October y^ 29. 1707 b}^ Thomas White Robert Taft and Josiah Thayer Comite ; The Aboue sd Cooks second Deuission of medow one hundred and forty Rod of it Laid on the East side the Mill River : A litle Downe streame of Nicolus Cooks feeld bounded East by upland Coming home to the Riuer : the Lower End bounded on A slow of water and the uper End bounded by Marked Trees the upland Coming home to the Riuer : the Remainder of sd Acer of medow which is twenty Rod : Laid on the w^est side of sd Riuer bounded up stream up on the medow of sd Cook on the East side and so Lyeth Downe streame to the Contents of twenty Rod Laid out June 20 1701 by Josiah Chapin The Aboue sd Cooks swamp lott twenty Hue Rod of it Laid a Litle distance from the Jorn Mine : northward : with half an Acre of his fourth Deuission Jncompasing sd twenty fine Rod of swamp bounded Round with Comon upland — Seuenty three Rod more of sd swamp Laid out on the Weast side of sd mill Riuer bounded Downe streame by A small brook : that Emptys Jn to the afore sd Riuer Weast on upland so Runing by the Riuer untill it Meets with a hill Coming Nere home to the Riuer Laid out by Josiah Chapin June 20 1701 Part of John Greens lift Deuission of Land Now Samuel Cooks As A pears by A deed of saele baring Date Laid out to the sd Cook, Joyning to his other Land by the great Riuer Nere Dedham Line : bounded as followeth : Weast on sd Land : thirty & two Rods from sd River to A stake being the norwest Corner, North on Comon twenty Eight Rods to A stake being the North East Corner East on Comon thirty and two MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 79] Rod to A stak und stons : l)oing the southeast Corner south on ('onion twenty Eight Rod to A black oak tree : by the great Riuor nore the south P^ast Corner the whole Containing fiue Acres and half and : Ifi : Rod one Acre and half & 1(5 Rod Alowanc October 2eing one acre & half allowance for Bad Land. Laid out y*" Day about' Sd by y'' afore Sd Connnittc. more Thirteen acres of y'' Sd Sixty one acres, a Little aboue 'i'homas ^Vhites medow in y'' north purchas. bounded Round on Common, being fifty Two Rods in Length, and forty Rod in Breadth. The South west Corner being a white oake Tree, The norwest Corner a white oake tree, The northeast Corner being a black burch tree in y" Edge of a Swamp The South East Corner a heap of Stones on a Rock nere a black oak Tree Laid out y'' Day aboue Sd. l)y Thomas White Seru''. Sam" Moor, Tho'* Sanford Committee one acre & Three quarters of John Joanses fifth Diuision Laid out To Moses Aldrish for one acre being part of y*" priuelidge six acres Laid on y*" East Side of Muddy Brook Joyning to his other Land, hounded west & north on his own Land, y*" north Corner a Rock, y*" south East Corner a walnut Tree, in Daniel Louets Line Sixteen Rod from his norwest Corner. East part on Common part on Sd Louets Land. South part on Common at y'' End of his own Land a small white oak Stand being y*" Corner, South part on Sd Louets Land. Aprill y^ 7"'. 1718, Laid out by 'i'liomas AVhite, Thomas Thayer, Tho**. Sanford Committee May the 2'' 1718 laid ovt for John flones thirty three acers sixth division Joyning to his other land aboue the north seder swamp bovnded sovth on sd land fifty rod the sov^theast corner stones on a rock the sovthwest corner a white oak tree markt west on comon one hundred and thirty rod to a hea[) of stones beinu' the norwest corner north on connnon eialitv rod to his 800 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. other land east part on sd land part on comon part on thomas Avhits land one hundred and thirty rod to his own land the whole containing 40 acers & half seven acers and half alowed for Ixid land and a three rod way cross sd land by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich committee John Jones [595.] May y^' 2*^: 1718 laid ovt for John Jones twenty three acers sixth division Joyning to his other land above the north sederswamp bovnded west on common forty rod to stones being the norwest corner north on common eighty rod to a white oak tree markt being the northeast corner east on common eighty rod to stones on a rock being the sovtheast corner sovth on com- mon forty rod to his other land then tvrning sovtherly twenty six rod to thomas whits land then on sd whits land to his own land lying on three sids of his other land the whole containing thirty three acers ten acers alowed for bad land by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich comitee May y*' 2'' : 1718 laid ovt for John Jones fovrteen acers sixth division Joyning to his other land on the west side the mill river bovnded east on sd land north on common sixty rod to a red oak tree markt being the norwest corner west on comon with a direct line eighty fovr rod to a red oak tree markt being the sovthwest corner sovth on common ten rod to his other land the whole con- taining twenty acers six acers alowed for bad land by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich committee march y*^ 25**^ 1720 laid ovt for John Jones twenty live acers of his seventh division Joyning to his other land near his hovse on the north side begining att his land by a little rvn that coms down from Benjamen whetons thence rvning northeast fvll point twelve rod to a blak oak tree being the east corner then north 30 dgr^ west two hvndred and forty rod to his other land on all other parts on his own land itt being a Brooken peace of land containing thirty fovr acers and an half: nine acers and an half alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros sd land : by Robard Evens Jacob aldrich thomas white committee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 801 March y* 25*" : 1720 laid ovt for John Jones twenty six acers of his sixth division Joyning to his other land on the east side y'' mill river l)egining att a white oak tree being the northeast t'onior of his other land then rvning l)y sd land west 10 dgr* sovth fifty fovr rod to thomas whites land then north 10 dgr** west crosing a corner of sd whites land and so continveing sd line one hvndred and twenty rod to a heap of stones being the nor- west corner tiien east 10 dgi** north fifty fovr rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then sovth 10 dgr** east one livndred and twenty rod to the first bovnds compasing in three acers of swamp lott the whole containing forty acers and half fovrteen acers and half alowed for the swamp lott and bad land by Kobard Evens Jacol) aldric^h thomas white committee Danil Hill [596.] Sauill simpsons : Twenty Acres House Lott Pur- chesed of Collonol William Crown Jn Partenorship with Robert Taft senior of ]Mendon being Ey Williajii Torrey Sunievor Daniel Lovett and Noah Cook ( 'hain men Fiances Green [600.] .losiah Torreysfarm or the half of A forty Acre Hous- h)t wiiieh is a twenty x\cre Lott With all the Pruilidgs ther unto l>elonging or any Wise Apertaining Now. francos Greens as .\.p[)ears hy A deed of Sale baring Date the twenty second day of Ai)rill : one thousand Seuen hundred and seuen and Acknowl- edged Ijefore Josiah Chapin Esquire the day and Yeare Aboue and Recorded with the Records of deeds for the (^ounty of Suf- folke Libry twenty third folio : 119 :) The House Lott by Estema- tion being tifty Acres is bounded as followeth : Southerly upon the Land of Steuen Lazell formerly John Sprags : Easterly upon Mudy brook : Northerly upon the Land of Angel Torry and Weasterly upon A ten Rod hyway Leading to the North Medows Exepting the Land one which Angel Torrys House stands and his oreherd with about Tw acres of land Adioyning to sd house as will more fully Appere by sd deed Laid out by Joseph white Twenty Acres More which is Part of A second Deuission bounded Northerly upon A four Rod hyway Leading to Misco hill Easterly upon A hyway Leading to John pecks southerh' and Weasterly ui)()n ( "omon Laid oute — by Jonathan Sprage forty and two Acres and half more of Land which is the great Lott or third Deuision Lying upon the Weast End of the North hill Laid out with Allowanc for a four Rod hy w^ay thorow the same is bounded : as followeth Easterly upon the Land of John Tyler southerly Weasterly and Northerly upon Conion Land : — Laid out by Josiah Chapin : The Mcdow of the tirst deuission being six Acres and half one part Lying on the Weast Riuer Ijounded Northerly upon the ]Medow of Sanniell More on both sids sd Riuer : and on Eury other side with Comon Land and is aboue the place wheare the old bridg stood : the other ])art of sd Medow : L^-ing Jn the Medow Called the North Medow : and is bounded Southerly upon 808 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the Medow which was Joseph Aldriches and on all other Parts upon Comon Land & is below the falls in the Riuer Laid out by Joseph white Two Acrs and fifty four Rod of the swamp lott and Two Acres and half of the fourth Deuission belonging to the Aboue sd Lott Lying upon the Weast side of the ten Rod Way by the aboue sd Lott : bounded East on sd Way sixty five Rod to A Walnut Tree : being the North Weast Corner Weasterly on A four Rod hy way fifty four Rod Southerly on Hop Tylers Land Nouember 30*^ : 1706 Laid out by Thomas White Thirty Eight Eight Acres More of the sd fourth deuission and one Acre of the Swamp Lott and Ninty four Acres of the fiffc Deuision belonging to the Aboue sd — Laid out on the East side of Magomisco hill and is bounded as followeth the south Weast Corner being A black oake Tree Marked Southerly upon Comon : With A direct line one Hundred and Twenty Rod to A White oake Tree being the south East Corner East on Comon With A dirict Line one Hundred and Eighty tow Rod to A stake and stons being the North East Corner North on Comon with A direct Line : one Hundred and Twenty Rods to A white oake Tree Ijeing the North Weast Corner Weast Part on Comon and Part on Angel Torreys Land one Hundred & Eighty two Rod to the South Weast Corner : the whole Containing one Hundred and Thirty six Acres and half Heer being Thre Acrs and half Allowanc upon the fift Deuission Laid out March Eighteen*^ seuenteen hundred seuen by Thomas white Sam" Thayer and Josiah Thayer Comitee [601.] Frances Green and John Read November y** 24: 1718 laid for william green twenty acers sixth division on the east side muddy brook Joyning to his other land bounded west on Sd land sixty rod part on Recorded ebeuczer woods land rvning from the northeast corner december ^ *- y<- 17/1718 of Sd land east twenty two degrees north eighty four rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then runing south twenty two degrees east forty rod to a heap of Stones being the southeast Corner then rvnino- west twenty two MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 809 (Iciiives south forty toiti" rod to the northeast corner of Ani>-el torys hind So on S'' hind to el)cnczer woods hind the whoh' eon- lainino- twenty throe aeers three aeers alowed for bad hind hiid out hy Thomas: White Ro))ert : Euens : .laeoh : Ahirich Coinniittee Mendon oetol)er the 14'" 1720 Laid out for John Read three acres of Seth C'liapins Seventh Division Joyning to the south side of Land l)elonoing to George Pike Land Beo-inino- at the South East Coiner of Sd Land Run- ing on C^ommon twelve Rod to floseph Tafts Land then By Sd Taft forty Rod to John farnuin Land then by sd farnum twenty Eight Rod to a white oake being sd farnums norwest Corner then North 15 deg'^ East on Common forty Rod to sd Pikes Land, then by sd Land to the tirst Bounds twenty P]iglit Rod Contain- ing Eight acres and Eighty Rod live acres and Eighty Rod alowed for l)ad Land Laid out by Kobert Evens Jacob Aldrich Thomas White Commitee flohn Read [602a.] Nouember y'^ 24: 1718 then hiid out for ))eniamen (ireen Cen'". eigliten aeers of land of the sixth division buded and I)ounded as followeth on the south sid of the rode be- Rccoidcd oining at a stone beino; the nor west corner of his land december ^ o >^ n -i y. 19/1718 formerly laid out on inisco hill runing east fine degrees north on his other land, thirty four rod. then runing west tine degrees north, ninety rod then runing nort : fine de- grees east thirty fovr rod then east : fine degrees south ninety rod to the tirst liounds the whol containing ninteen aeers and twenty rod one acer and twenty rod alowed for bad land laid out by Thomas : White Robert : Euens : Jacob, aldrich : Committee (h'S(>mber y'' 2'' : 172!l hiid ovt for John Read one acer and half Eighth : division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded East jiart on a three rod way part on Joseph Tafts land twenty six Rod and north on Joseph chilsoivs land forteen Rod on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing two aeers and forty fovr Rod one hvn- dred and twenty fovr Rod alowed for bad land 810 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. more for sd Read fovr acers & half Eighth diA'ision of land and half an acer alowed him by the select men of vxbridge for a road throvgh his land formerly laid ovt : laid Joyning to his other land sovth from his hovse and is bovnded north on sd land Eighty Eight Rod sovtherly on land laid ovt for a minester forty Eight Rod to y*" northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning north 25 dgr* East twelve rod to a heap of stons being a corner then tvrn- ing East 25 dgr** sovth 40 rod to his other land and is bovnded East on sd land forteen rod it being a l)roaken peace of land con- taining seven acers and (34 rod 2 acers and (34 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farniuii & Jacob aldrich chain men Mendon October the 14"' 1720 Laid out for John Read ninteen acres viz Tenn acres of James Keiths Seventh Devision and Nine acres of Seth Chapins Seventh Devision on the west side of the Great River at a Place Called the INIine Spring Begining at a heap of Stons, Being the North East Corner, then South full Point on Common Sixty Rod to a heap of Stons Being a South East Cor- ner then west on Common Sixty Rod to a heap of Stons Being a South west Corner then North on Common Sixty Rod to a hea}) of Stons being a Norwest Corner then East on Coumion to the first Bounds Sixty Rod Containing Twenty Two acres and Eighty Rod, three acres and Eighty Rod a Lowed for Bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Thomas White Connnittee John Tiler Jn'. [602b.] Mendon December y« 6"'. 1720. then Laid out foi John Tiler Jn'' thirteen acres of James Keiths Seuenth Diuision on y'' northerly Side of Misco hill. Joyning to y*' Southerly and Easterly Sides of his other Land. l)egining at a heape of Stones being his former South west Corner. Runing South twelue De- grees East, on Common seuenteen Rod to a Stake and Stones by it being a South west Corner, then East twelue Degrees north on Common Seuenty one Rod to a heape of Stones, being a South East Corner, then North twelue Degrees west, on Commo tifty Seuen Rod to Seth Chapins Land, then partly on Set C^ha[)ins jMENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 811 L.-md and partly on his own to the first hounds. Containino- lif- tocn acres, two acros allowed for hadd Land Laid out by Robert Kuens Jacob Aldrich april y'' 19*'': 1727 laid ovt for Decon Jolni tiler two acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon and is laid Jovnino- to the north End of his other land near his hovse Begin- ing at the northeast corner of sd land and is Bovnded sovtherly on sd land Eiohty Rod to a heap of stons being a westerly corner sd land being a gore of land sixteen Rod wide in the niidle and nothing at Eatch End containing fovr acers two acers alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas Avhite svrvayer : seth chapin and Jacol) aldrich committee Mendon December y" Sixth Seventeen hundred and Twenty Laid out for Deacon John Tiller Eight acers of y'' Seventh Division on Misco hill Joyning to his other Land Begining at a heap of Stones being a South West Corner hereto fore then West- erly thirteen Rod to a Stake and Stons by it then North West on Conmion. one hundred and Seventeen Rod to a heap of Stones Being a Xorth AYest Corner then with a Direct Line to a Corner of his other land a Brocken Peeice of I^and Bounded Northerly on his other Land with a Various Line Containing Seuenteen acres, Nine acres aLowed for Bad Land Laid out Robert Evens Jacol) Aldrich Committee — John Tyler [603.] one Half of Angel Torreys twenty Acre Lott being A Ten Acre Lott with all the Rights and priuilidges Now^ John Tylers as Appeares by A deed of Sale baring Date sixteen hun- dred & ninty four and Acknowledged before John Suttin Esq'' octolier the fourtli : KJilS : T\w home Lott and dubling Lott : Ly- ing together is l)Ounded as folio weth : Easterly upon A hyway Leading unto the North Medow : Southerly upon A four Rods Hyway Leading from the Aboue sd Hyway Leading unto Misco Hill : and Weasterly and Northerly upon Comon Lands : — Laid out by Jonathan Sprage 812 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. The Swamp Lott and Third Deiiission or great Lott ly upon the Hill Conionly Called the North hill : and is bounded Weasterly upon the Land of Josiah Torrey : Northerly Southerly and East- erly upon Conion Lands. Laid out ])y Josiah Chapin The Medow belonging to the aboue sd Lot Lying betwen the uper and Lower North medows and is bounded Weasterly With the Medow of Angel Torrey Northerly Southerly and Easterly upon Comon upland Laid out by Joseph White : the aboue sd swamp lott Js Exchanged by a grant of the Towne att A Towne Metting March the sixt sixteen Hundred Eight nine and Recorded Jn page loO and is now Laid out and bounded as followeth the south East Corner l)eing A Ked oake Tree : Weast- erly with a line of Marked Trees part on Comon and part on Josiah Torrey s Land : this line being ninty one Rod Jn Lenth the north Weast Corner being A Rock Avith A heap of stons upon tlie top of it North on Comon Land : the north on Comon Land the north East Corner being A white oake : tree the East side on Comon Land with A line of Marked Trees this line being one Hundred Rod Jn Lenth the south P^ast Corner being A Walnutt tree south on Comon Land with a Verious Line of Marked Trees Ninty seuen Rod Jn breadth Containing sixty two Acres : ten Acres of sd Land being part of sd Tylers fourth Deuission : Laid out March Nineteenth 1702 by Thomas White Three Acres More of the aboue sd fourth Deuission Laid out Adioyning unto his house Lott att the head of Muddy brook bounded southerly on sd Land forty six Rod to A white oake stand being the south Weast Corner Weasterly on Comon with A dirict Line twenty Eight Rod to A Walnut : stand : Ijeing the north Weast Corner Northerly on Comon with A dirict Line thirty Rod : to the Comer of sd Tylers Land : att mudy brook : Lying in a thre Cornerd peice : the Remainder of sd fourth Deuission being seuen Acres Laid out on both sids mudy brook : bounded Southerly on sd Tylers Land thirty six Rod : to a small Ash : nere sd Land Easterly on Comon with A dirict Line thirty MENDON. MASSACHUSETTS. 81 H Higlit Rod : to A wliitc oak(' : tree l)cing the north East Corner : northerly u})on Conion : with A Dirict Line : twenty two Rod ; to A Walnut Tree being the north weast Corner Weasterly upon Conion with : A dirict Line forty Rod to a walnut Tree : being the south west Corner : Laid out by Thomas White Xoueniber 17 : 17()(! The Hft Deuision belonging to the aboue sd Lolt being fifty acers forty Nine Aers Laid out on the East side of the Weast Kiuer att the Towne Line bounded Easterly upon Angel Torreys Land Eighty Rod : to A forked pine being the south East Corner -outh with A dirict Line: one hundred and fower Rods: to A .Mai)le Tree by the Weast Riuer being the south Weast Corner Weast parti}' on the Riuer and partly upon Swamp home to the Towne Line, to Angel Torrys Land : here being thre Acr Alio wane Laid out Aprill T'*". 1707 by Thonis white Sam" Read and Josiah Tiiayer — Comitee rJohn Tyler : [604.] The Remaining Part of sd Tylers lift Deuission being six Acres Laid out Neer his house on both sids of Muddy brook bounded asfolloweth Southerly on A hyway laid out att the North End of Angell Torreys fifty Acres being four Rod att the way to the North medow and wider att the brook the line being thirty two Rod by sd way: East on sd Tylers Land North on Comon sixty Rod With A dirict Line from an Assh Tree being A Corner of sd Tylers other Land : to A walnut Tree by the Way : Leding to the north jVIedow : then Runing with sd Way thirty four Rod to the other foure Rod Hyway Laid out Aprill 7 : 1 707 l)y Thomas White Sam" Read Josiah Thayer, Comite Twelue Acrs of Josiah Thayers Land Now Nathan Tylers as Appears by A deed of Sale baring Date March 'A'^ seuenteen hun- dred and Eleuen and Acknowledg before Josiah C^hapin Esqu^ l)eceml)er 22: 1712 the sd tweluc Acrs being part of the tift Deuission to be taken up Jn the Prohibeted Land six acers of it l>elonging to sd Thayers Lott Hue Acrs of John whits fift deuis- sion and one Acre of ISP Joseph Emersons all of it Priuelidged Land to be taken Jn the Prohibeted Land Laid out to the sd 814 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Tylers other Land upon the Neck between y'' mill Kiuer and Muddy brook and is bounded as followeth Northerly on sd Tylers other Land : forty Rodd A Chestnut tree being the Norweast Corner A heap of stons on A Rock being The North East C'orner : Weasterly on Comon With A Direct Lyne seuenty Eight to A White oake Tree : he'mg the sout East Corner Southerly on Common With A Direct Line : forty Rodd : to A white oake stand markt : Ner the south weast Corner : Weasterly Part on Angel Torrys Land : and Part on Comon sixty four Rod : to the North Weast Corner: the whole Containing Seuenteen Acres and an half: there being Alowanc for A Six Rod; hyway Cros sd Land as allso four Acres Alowance Laid out March y^ 10*'^ 1711 by Thomas White John Jons & Samuel More Comite may the 29 : 1718 laid out for decon John Tiler four acers and half sixth division Joyning to his land near his house bounded east on Sd land forty eight rod from a heap of Stones Recorded ^j^ ^ Yock near the northeast corner to the southwest •22, 1718 corner of his other land south on comon forty rod to stones on a rock being the south west corner west on comon forty rod to a blak oak tree markt being the norwest corner north on comon twenty rod to the northeast cornear the whole containing eight acers and half four acers alowed for l)ad Land Laid out by thomas White Jacob Aldrich Thomas Thayer The same day Laid out by the same committee for Sd Tiler three acers and a quarter and twenty seven rod in a three cornered peace Joyning to his other Land bounded Recorded ^^^^ qj^ gd L^ud forty rod the northeast corner being a October ye ' • i t i t <• x 22. 1718 walnut stand north on comon with a dn-ect line lorty two rod to stons on a rock being the norwest corner south on comon with a direct line thirty eight rod to a black oak tree markt near the southeast corner the whole containing fine acers one acer & half and Thirteen rod alowed for bad Land Laid out by Thomas white Jacob Aldrich Committee Thomas Thayer MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 815 [605.] Scpteiul)or y'' 26 : 171JS Laid out for John Tiler Juner Seven acers and three quarters & seven rod sixth division att the north end of misco hill bounded north on the I^and of Recorded david tiler forti one rod the norwest corner bein"- a October y '^ •22,1718 white oiik tr(M^ markt the northeast corner being a blak l)urch tree niarkt east on conion forty two rod to a hca}) of Stones on a rok being the southeast corner south on conion forty one rod to a heap of stones being the southwest corner west on conion forty two rod to the norwest corner the whole containing ten acers and three quarters : three acers and three (juarters wanting seven rod alowed for bad Land : Laid out by thonias White May y''. 29 : 1718 Laid for Kobard Tiler eleucn acers and half and thirty rod Sixth division Joyning to his other Land near his hovse bounded east on sd Land Seventeen rod then Recorded Setius; of to the east fourteen rod to the north medow Nouember y *- 12,. 1718 way So on S*^ way ten rod to a Avhite oak tree markt then turning west twelue rod cros the way that Leads to robard halls then l)Ounded east on S*^ way twenty three rod to a blak oak tree markt thence runing west six degrees north tifty two rod to a wallnut tree being the Soutwest corner then runing north Six degrees east Sixty rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest corner north part on david tilers Land part on comon forty four rod by a line of markt trees to his other Land the whole containing eighteen acers six acers and tifty rod alowed for bad Land and a four rod way cros S'' Land Laid out by : Thonias : NN'hitc : Jacol) : Aldrich Thomas : Thayer: Committee ^Lay y*" : 18 : 1718 Laid for david tiler thirty eight acers and three quarters and thirty three rod sixth division compasing in two acers of S*^ tilers Land formerly laid out laid out betwen Kco.iued fi^Q north hill and the west riuer on the west side the y< 1/171819 way that lads to robert halls bounded as foloweth the northeast corner being a white oak stand markt near sd way east part on sd way part on comon by a line of markt trees seuentv seuen rod to a red oak tree markt beina' the south 816 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. east corner then runing west ten degrees south one hundred and twenty four rod to a white oak tree niarkt l)eing the southwest corner then runing north ten degrees west seuenty seuen rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner then runing east ten degrees north one hundred and twenty four rod to the northeast corner the whole containing fifty eight acres and one hundred and eight rod seventeen acers and thre quarters alowed for bad land Laid out l)y Thomas : White : Thomas : Thayer Jacol) Aldrich committee Nathan tiler [606.] May y« 28 : 1718 : Laid for nathan tiler fiften acers and half sixth division Joyning to his other Land near his house it being a brooken peace of land all most cutt of in the Recorded midlc l^oundcd west on his other land one hundred and January ye:i/i7|fi sixty rod the south end lieing thirty nine rod wide from his other land to a heap of Stones being the souteast corner thence runing north twenty fine degrees west by a line of markt trees : one hundred and sixty rod to a heap of Stones being the northeast corner then runing west seuen degrees south to the northeast corner of his other land the whole contain- ing twenty fine acers nine acers and sixty seuen rod alowed for bad Land Laid out by Thomas : White : Thomas : Thayer : Jacol) Aldrich Committee mendon aprill y*^ 14*'^: 1720 laid for nathan tiler twelve acers of Josiah thayers seventh division of land Joyning to the norwest side of sd tilers land on the north hill liegining att the northeast corner of sd land by the eight rod rode thence rvning north 25 dgr^ west by sd rode ninety three rod to malbvrah Rode a black oak tree markt by sd rode thence rvning sovth 10 dgr* west by sd rode one hvndred and twelve rod to his other land then by sd land with a variovs line fifty three rod to the first bovnds : it being a three cornerd peace containing fifteen acers and five rod three acers and five rod alowed for bad land by Robard Evens Jacob aldrich Thomas white committee aprill y'' 14*'' : 1720 laid ovt for nathan tiler one qvarter of an acer of elosiah thayers seventh division of land Joyning to his MEXDON. MASSACHUSETTS. 81' other land on tlie cast side of nivd}' brook near his hovse l)ovnded east on his other hind eight rod sovth on angel torys land fovrteen rod west on nivdy brook one rod northerly on a road leading to his hovse fovrteen rod to his other land the whole (•(tntaining sixty three rod twenty thre(> rod alowed for bad land l»y Hobai'd Evens Jacob aldrich tlionias white committee Ai)rill y' 1 t"' : 1 720 laid ovt for nathan tiler twenty seven acers and three (jvarters of Josiah thaycrs seventh division Joyning to his other land on the north hill begining att a heap of stones on the Kast side the road leading down the neck then rvningEast 25 dgr" north sixty rod to a hea})t : of stones being the sovtheast corner then north 25 dgr"* west one hvndred and fovr rod to a heap of stones l)eing the northeast corner then west 25 dgr* sovth sixty rod to sd rode then by sd rode one hvndred and fovr rod to the tirst bovnds the whole contains thirty nine acers Eleven acers and forty rod alowed for l)ad land l)y Robert Evens thomas white Jacob aldrich connnittee Samuel Head Xath" Thayer [607.] Part of Decon Simon LVcks Land which belonged to l-^phraim Peck by his fathers Last Will and by A deuission Made iK'twen him sd Ephraim peck and his l)rother John Peck being the fourth Deuission of Land Containing fort}- Acres as allso the sec- ond Deuission of Meddow Containing two Acres with the Rights and Priuelidges of a two Acre and two Thirds of an Acre Lott Jn all Lands medows Comenages Jn all futer deuissions of Land and jjriuilidges Jn Comon Acbrding unto all Lotts of that bignes Jn the Towne of Mendon Now Samuel Reads as Appears by A Deed of Sale baring Date the Twentyeth of Aprill : Jn the yeare of our Lord one thousand seuen Hundred and Six, And Acknowledged before Josiah Chapin Esquire one of her Majesty Justises for the County of Sutfolke : I'he aboue sd forty Acres of Land and two Acres of Medow is Laid out together upon the North side of the Sawmill brook : and is bounded as followeth the southeast corner with a white oake tree : Marked: Easterly with a dirict Line: thirty and four Rodds : to A whit oake tree I)eino; the North East 818 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Corner Northerly on Comon : with a Dkict Line Eight Score Rodds to a pine Tree Marked : being the North Weast Corner : Weasterly upon : Comon with a dirict Line fifty four Rodd to A pine tree : being the south weast Corner southerly upon Common with A dirict Line : Eight score Rodd to the south East Corner — Laid out by Thomas White Noumber : 1st : 1706 : The fift Deuission of Land belonging to the aboue sd Lot beino- ~ o to Thirteen Acres seuen Acres of sd Land Lying upon the north sid of Sawmill brook : Adioyning to the aboue sd forty Acres bounded Northerly upon Comon : twenty Rodd A white oake Marked nere the North East Corner Easterly part on swamp partly on sd brook : sixty six Rodd unto Decon John Warfeelds Land Southerly part on sd Warfeelds Land and Part on Comon unto the sd Reads other Land : Weasterly on sd Reads Land the whole Containing Eleuen'Acers heere being four Acres Alowenc upon sd Land Laid out December y*" tenth 1707 by Thomas white Sam" Read John Darling comite octoljer y*" 16"' : 1735 laid ovt for samvel Read 15 acers of land viz : 14 acers of ninth division and one acer alowed him for a highway thro vgh his land laid Joyning to his other land west from his liovse and is bovnded sovth on sd land in part and part on common 100 rod the sovtheast corner ))eing a heap of stons thence rvning north 6 dgr' west 30 rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then west 6 dgr^ sovth 114 rod to John Reads land then bovnded westerly on sd land to his own land the whole being 20 acers and 10 rod 5 acers and '10 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land and a two rod way between sd land and John Reads land laid ovt by Thomas Avhite svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men October y" 27"' 1746 Laid out for Nathanael Thayer two Acers & half of Jonathan Thayers Eleuenth Division Joyning to his other Land west from his house and is bounded norwesterly partly on his own Land <)<: partly on the Land of Aaron Thayer to a black oak tree markt l^eino- y'^ South East Corner of Aaron MEN DON, JMASSACHUSETTS. Bl9 Thaycrs Land thence Pvunino- East 10 dea'''* south on Conion to Ebenezcr Thomsons Land thence l)oundin<>- Easterly on sd Thom- sons Land to his other Land it being a three Corner^ piece of Land : Laid ovt by Will'" Torrey Surueyer Daniel Lovett & Xath" Thayer chain men Sam" Read Nathanael Thayer [608.] Joseph Plumlys Second Deiiission of Medow belong- ing unto his Twenty Acre House Lott Xow Sanuiel Reads as Ap- pears by A deed of Sale baring Date the tifteenth of January Seuenteen Hundred and two and Acknowledged before William Taylor Esqu"' y" 24 September: 1703 one Moiety or half of Jt Laid out att the North Weast End of Misco hill on both sids of Sawmill brook aboue the falls bounded Down Streame : on the south Weast Corner with A Rock and A heap of stons on the top of it and so Crosing the brook to A whit oake Tree North and south with ]\Iarked Trees : East on Comon Land : Laid out by Thomas white :\Iay 17 1702 : October y® 17"' : 1719 laid ovt for samvel Read thirty acers of land laid Joyning to his other land at a place caled Turkey hill bi'gining att the northeast corner of sd land at a white oak tree marked thence Rvning north 22 dgr* west thirty Rod to a white oak stand marked : then west 22 dgr* sovth seventy two Rod to a chesnut tree marked then sovth 22 dgrs East one hvndred and fifty Rod to a heap of stons then East 22 dgrs north on sd land thirt}' fovr Rod the whole containing thirty seven acers and a Inndred and forty Rod seven acers and a hvndred and forty Rod alowed for l)ad land laid ovt By Robert Evens svrvayer Jacol) aldrich and Thomas white committee a})ril y*^ 14"': 17o5 laid ovt for samvel Read 18 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near william hol- l)rooks and is bovnded : westerly on sd holbrooks land 78 rod and on all other parts on his own land the whole containing 21 acers and half 3 acers and 80 rod : alowed : for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and samvel Read chain men 820 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. may y'' 27"' : 1788 laid oyt for saiiivol Road 2 acers and 40 rod ninth division of land hiid Joyninii' to his other hmd west from his hovse and is bovnded East on sd land 12 rod and north on his own land 96 rod and sovtherly on the covntry Rode 96 rod itt being a three cornered peace of land containino- o acers and 9() rod one acer and 56 rod alowed for bad land — tlie same day laid ovt for sd Read 2 acers and 80 rod ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land sovtherly from his hovse and is bovnded northerly on sd land 60 rod and sovtherl}" on the land of John farnvm it being a gore of land nothing att Eatch End and 20 rod wide in the midle containing 3 acers and 120 rod one acer and 40 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Eberiezer Read and samvel Read cliain December y" V 1748 Laid out for Nathanael Thayer 14 Acres of Land (viz) 12 acres Daniel Thayers 11"' Division & one acre of Jonathan Thayers 11*" Division & one acre that was wanted in a former Laying out Laid Joyning to his other land west from his house and is Bounded north on his other Land 10 Rod East part on Jsaac Thayers swamp & part on Land belonging to the heirs of Ebenezer Thomson 64 Rod Bounded westerly on Comon from a heap of stones being the norwest Corner Runing south 2 Degrs west 64 Rod to a heap of Stones in a swamp being the Southwest Corner then East 2 Degrs South 10 Rod to the Land belonging to heirs of the al)ove said E])enezer Thomson Laid out by William Torrey Sury'' Jacob Aldrich & Nath" Thayer Chain men Thomas White [609.] Thomas Whits house Lott being A hue Acre Lott which was Part of his father Joseph Whits Thirty fine acre Lott Now Thomas Whits with all the Rights and priuilidges there unto belonging with all the Rights and Priuelidges that shall Acrue by any Deuission her after As Appeal's by A deed of Sale baring Date Eighteenth of June 1702 : and Acknowledged the Thirtenth of October 170H before John Willson Escjuire MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 821 The house Lotl and Dublin^' Loti heing- ten Acres Lying upon the East side of Mudy brook : bounded As followeth Easterly upon Conion Northerly upon the Land of the Grantor Weasterly Partly upon the Land of the (irantor and pari upon the Land of Aln-aham Stapls Southerly upon Comon Laid out by Josiah Chapin March 15 : 1()S(> The fourth Deuission belonging to the Abouesd Lott being tifteen Acres fine Acres Allowanc for Rutf Land : Lying upon both sids of the ^Nlill Riuer Jn ComPasinghis^Ieddow uponsdRiuer Js bounded as followeth : upon the East side of said Riuer with A dirict Line from A bent of the Riuer up strearae to the Riuer Down stream with A Line of Marked Trees Northerly upon Comon Weasterly with Comon southerly upon Comon : Laid out by Josiah Chapin And James T^ouet : Comite : forteen Acres of the third Deuission and six Acres of the fourth deuission of Joseph Whits lott being the third Deuission of y" Aboue sd Lott : and Ten Acres of the fourth Deuission of Samuel Cooks Lott now Thomas whits as Apears by A deed of Sale baring Date June 19 1702 Laid out on both sids the Mill Riuer Aboue the Mill Plaine : bounded as followeth Northerly on the weast side of the Riuer on his own Land and Meddow : on the East sid of the Riuer on Comon with A direct Line of Marked Trees : to a black oake being the North East Corner Easterly on Comon with A line of Marked Trees on the side of A Rocky hill to Edward Line- fords Land Southerly Partly on sd Land and Partly on Comon with A dirict Line to the Riuer Weasterly on the Riuer to the uper End of Thomas Thayers MeddoAv : then Crosing sd Riuer to A white oake Tree being the south weast Corner so Turning Northerly with A dirict Line to A black oake by the North Ceader swamp parth : then Turning Weasterly to A White oke being a Corner so turning Northerly with A direct Line to the south Weast Corner of his other Land : Laid out by Thomas White 2d Aprill 1704 Another Part of the Meddow belonging to the Aboue sd Lott Lying upon both sids of A Run that Runs out of the litle pond bounded North and south with upland East and weast with marked Trees) Laid out by Joseph white & Sam" Read 822 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. The swamp Lot! liclonging to the A bone sd lott Lyinii' Jn a swamp Al)oiie Philip Kings Medow l)oimded Round with upland Laid out by Josiah Chapin : The fift Deuission of Land belonging to the Aboue sd Lott Lying betwen the mill Riuer and the second bridg Riuer Weast from the north Ceader swamj) bounded as followeth the south East Corner upon a stake : south on Comon Land seuenty Nine Rodds to a blak being the south Weast Corner Weasterly part on Comon part on Angel Torreys Land forty six Rodds to A walnutt tree Nere the North Weast Corner Northerly upon Comon to A stake and stons being the North East Corner Easterly upon Comon forty six Rodd to the South East Corner Containg twenty three Acres two Acres Allowanc Laid out l)y Thomas white Samuel Read and Robert Taft : Aprill 14: 1707 Thomas White [610.] More of the sd lift Deuission being four Acres two Acres Alowanc for Ruff Land bounded as followeth the North East Corner being A black oak Easterly upon Comon with A direct Line to A heap of Stones and A Rock home to the Riuer Weasterly partly upon sd Riuer partly upon Part of Samuel Reads swamp lott to A Duble Ash by the Riuer being the North west Corner Northerly upon Comon : by A dirict Line to an assh Tree nere John Joneses Land so Runing with said Land to the North East Corner Laid out by Thomas white & Samuel Read & Robert Taft Comite fourteen Acres of Samuel Mores lift Deuission of Land Together with all the Rights and Priuilidges of A hue Acre lot in all futer Deuissions of I^and and Medow belonging to A lott of that bignes Now Thomas Whits As Appears by A deed of Sale Ijaring Date the twenty second of December seuenteen hundred and Nine And Acknowledged before Josiah Chapin Esquire the day aforesd Eight Acres of sd forteen Acres of Land Laid out upon the south End of magomisco hill bounded as followeth Northerly upon the T^and of Ebenezer Tyler forty three Rodd : Weasterly upon the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 823 Land (»l" iK'iiicniiii Whealeii forty six Kodd : to A white oake tree being tlie south weast Corner : southerly on Conion sixteen Rodd : A wahiut Tree being the south East Corner Easterly on Comon with A dirict line : tifty six Rodd to A white oak tree l)eing the Xorth East Corner the whole Containing nine Acres and half one Acre t'c half being Alowance Three Acres and three quarters more) two Acres of it being- Part of sd whits tift Deuission Lying u})on l)oth sids of A Run that Runs Jnto John Joneses medow bounded Round with Comon Xorth East Corner A black oake south East a bunch of mapls South west A black oake North weast A walnutt) Three Acres more of sd forteen Acres Laid nere sumners Land bounded North upon sd Whits Land seuenty nine Rodd : Weas- terly on John Joneses Land : tw^elue Rodd to A heap of stons and A Rock southerly on Comon : Eighty Rod to the south East Corner of his other Land : there being six scor Rodd Alio wane — Three Acres and three score Rodd Joyning to the Lower End of the Lower Xorth Medow : bounded Westerly a part upon sd whits medow and Part on Comon Land, the North weast Corner an Elme tree : north on Comon : twenty tiue Rodd : to A white oak being the North East Corner East on Comon thirty Rodds to A ])lack oake being the south East Corner southerly on Comon by a dirict line to A lilack Ijurch markt so home to the Riuer : there being one Acre and sixty Rodd alowanc upon thatt part Laid out the Twenty tirst of Aprill 1709 by Thomas white Samuel More and Sanniel Read Comite : April y'" 7"'. 171- the sd brook with A line of Marked Trees to A walnut Tree being the North East Corner : North and south with Various Lines of Marked Trees the whole being ten Acres More or Les Laid out by Thomas White May 17 : 1702 The one Moiety or half of Joseph Plumlys second Deuission of Medow Now Jabice bellows As Appears by A deed of Sale baring date the ninth of August seuenteen hundred and three : and Acknowledged before William Tayler Esquir y^ 24 of September 1703 — is Laid out att the North Weast End of Misco hill on the Sawmill brook bounded Downe streame on the south AVeast Corner with A Rock and A heap of stons upon the top of it and so Crosing the brook to A whit oak tree : North and south with marked trees East on the aboue sd bellowses Land above the whole Containing two Acres Laid out by Thomas White May 17 : 1702 : The Record of Twenty Acres of Land granted to Jabez Bellows by the Jnhabitanc of Mendon Att A Publick Towne Metting March the Thirty first 1712 Laid out Jn Shokanog Woods Acording to the Towne grant and ])Ounded as followeth Easterly Part on Comon and Pai-t on Land Laid out for Robert Taft : forty Kodd the South East Corner being A black oake Tree : A Chest- 836 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. nut tree rnarkt nere the North East Corner : Northerly on Common Eighty Rods to A black oake Stand : being the North Weast Corner: Weasterly upon Comon forty Rod to A black oake Tree : being the : South Weast Corner Southerly on Comon Eighty Rod to the south East Corner : Lying Neer Samuel Reads Medow Laid out Aprill y*^ 28 1714 by Thomas White September y'^ 2(j : 1718 Laid out for Jabis belows live acers and three quarters sixth diuision Joyning to his other Land near his house bounded Southerly on Sd Land ninety rod the South- east corner being a white oake tree the South west corner west on comon twelve rod to Stones on a rock north on comon ninty rod to a heap of Stones on a rock being the northeast corner east on comon twelue rod to the southeast corner Recorded ^j^g wliolc Containing; six acers and three quarters two : Nouember ^ _ ^ y 20 : 1718 acers alo wed for bad Land laid out by Thomas : White : Jacob : Aldrich : Thomas : Thayer Committee. William Green Jn'" [620.] September y^ 26 : 1718 Laid out for william green jnr twenty two acers and two thirds of an acer sixth division, ten acers of Thomas Sanfords : Sixth division, and eight Recorded accrs of Saui^^ brido'cscs sixth division and four acers december ^ ^ ye 19, 1718 and two thirds of an acer of Jabish bilowses sixth division bounded as foloweth the south west corner being a black oak Stand thence runing north twenty two degrees west ninety rod to a Stake and Stones being the norwest corner then runing east twenty two degrees north Hfty four rod to a Stake and Stones being the north east corner thence runing south twenty two degrees east ninety rod to a Stake and Stones being the south east corner then runing west twenty two degrees south fitty four rod to the south west corner the whole containing thirty acers and sixty rod seuen acers and half and thirty four rod alowed for bad Land Laid out by Thomas : White : Thomas : Thayer Jacob : Aldrich Committee MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 837 Mendon fobnmiy the 24'" 17 1920 Laid out for Williain Green Jn"" Six acres of Land of the sixth Devision and Eight acres of the Seventh Devision on the East the West River Joyning to his other Land Begining at a Black Oake Tree Marked Being a South West Corner of his Other Land then South 22 degr^ East on Common Twenty Rod to a Black Oake Tree Marked on a Litle Rocky hill being a South Wofit Corner Then East 22 degr^ North on Common Eighty Rod to a heap of Stons being a South East Corner then North 22 (|egj.s "VYest on Common on hundred and ten Rod to a heap of Stons Being a North East Corner then West 22 deges South on Comon Twenty six Rod the North West Corner of his other Land bounded one End and one Side of his Land Laid out before, the whole Contains Twenty four acres and one hundred Rod Eight acres and one hundred and foi'ty Rod a Lowed for Bad Land Laid out l)y Robert Evens Thomas White Jacob Aldrich Committee John Aldrich [621.] tiue Acres of John Thomsons Land vict. one acre of his second Deuission of Medow and four Acres of his fourth Deuission of Land Now John Aldriches as Appears by A Deed of Sale baring Date the twentieth of September 1709 : Js Laid out ,rn a swamp A litle North East from : Jacob Aldriches Dwelling house that stands upon the four Acres of Land that the Towne Granted him : Laid forty Rods Jn Lenght and Twenty Rod Jn breadth bounded Round with Lines of marked Trees upon Comon Land : Laid out the Twenty fourth Day of June 1701 by Josiah Chapin Ebenezer Stapls fift Deuission of Land being thirty fine Acres Now John Aldriches as Appears by A deed of Sale baring Date the Twenty eth of September 1709 Laid out on the East side of the great Riuer bounded as followeth : the south East Corner with A stake : southerly upon Land Laid out for Seth Aldrich and Part on Comon thirt}^ three Rod to A stake : being the south East Corner Easterly upon Comon with A dirict Line forty Rod to A whit oake Tree being the North East Corner Northerly upon 838 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Comon : with A dirict Line Thirty & three Rod : to A stake l)eing the North East Corner : Weasterly on Comon with A dirict Line forty liod to the south Weast Corner: Containing Eight Acres & A quarter there being forty Rod Allowanc : Laid out the twenty first of June : 1707 by Thomas white John Darling & Samuel Thayer Comite The Remaining Part of sd fift deuission being twenty seuen Acres Laid out Aioyning to sd Land aboue Mentioned bounded North on sd Land : twenty four Rods : to A stake being A cor- ner of his other Land : East on Comon With A dirict Line : forty Rod to a black oake tree marked so with a dirict Line : Eighty six Rod : to A black oake stand : being the south East Corner : South on Cap* Chapins Land : part & part on Comon seuenteen Rod to A pine tree : being the south Weast Corner : Weast on Comon with A dirict Line : seuenty Eight Rod : to A black oak Tree A corner of his other Land : Then setting of Weasterly : twenty four Rod : to A corner of Jacob Aldriches Land : so bounded on sd Aldrich Land: twenty Rod: then on Comon: With A dirict Line : thirty Rod to A black oake : tree being A corner : then Turning towards the North East on Comon : With A dirict Line — seuenty Rods : to the North Weast Corner of his other Land : the Whole Containing thirty two Acres : here being fine Acres Alowanc : as allso Alowanc for a two Rod Way Cros the Lower End of sd Land : Laid out : December 24 : 1709 l)y Thomas White John Tyler & Samuel More Comite March 23 1713 Jt was granted to Lay downe fourteen acrs of Land on the weast side of the great Riuer w^hich was Laid out to Jacob Aldrich and Recorded to sd Aldrich) being part of his fourth Deuission) the grant was to John Aldrich the Land being his as Appears by A deed of sale baring Date January 23 : 1711 the sd fourteen Acres was Laid downe by the suruayer 14 of Aprill 1713 : Att the most Northerly Part of sd Aldriches Land and the sd fourteen Acres Laid out the same day to William Ilayward by the suruaver and (\)mitte And the sd fourteen Acres MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 839 Laid out againe the same day Acording to the Towue grant on the East side of the Riuer by Thomas white John Aldrich [622.] fourteen Acres of Land Laid out to John Aldrich upon the East side the great Riuer which was granted unto him by the Town Jn Exchang for fourteen acers Layed downe on the weast sid of the great Riuer march Twenty third 1718 the sd Land l)eing forteen Acres Nere the South East Corner of his other Land bounded Round with Comon Land southerly and Northerly Each Line forty Rods Easterly and Weasterly forty six Rods the southweast Corner being A white oak tree : the south East Cor- ner A pine tree : the North East Corner A pine tree the North AYeast Corner A heap of stons upon A Rock — Laid out by Thomas White Aprill 14 : 1713 : Sixteen Acres and half of J\P Grindal Rawsons Land Now John Aldrichs as Appears by A deed of sale baring date 21 of febuary 171(i : and Acknowledged before Josiah Chapin Esqr December 25: 1716: the sd sixteen Acres and half of Land Lying and being Jn ]\Iendon on the East sid of the great Riuer Aioying to John Aldrichs Land bounded south on sd Land East on Comon sixty four Rod : to A pine tree Markt being the North East Cor- ner : North on Comon twenty Rod to A pine Tree Markt being the norwest Corner west on Comon with A uarious Line of Markt trees : to A pine tree markt Nere sd Aldrichs Land Laid out April the tenth 1713 by Thomas White Jvne y° 10*'' : 1718 laid ovt for John aldrich two acers of land sixth division Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river bovnded Easterly on sd land ten rod and half north- erly on seth aldriches twenty six rod to a pine tree markt being a corner of sd aldriches land westerly on common tifteen rod to samvel Reads land sovtherly on sd land twenty fovr rod to his own land : laid ovt by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich committee 840 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Jvne y° lO^h : 1718 laid ovt for John aldrich two acers of land sixth division Joyning to his other land on y*" East side the great river bovnded East on sd land thirty two rod sovtherly part on abel aldriches land part on seth aldriches land twenty rod to a heap of stones being the west corner northerly on common with a direct line thirty six rod to a heap of stones being the north corner northerly on his own land five rod the whole containing two acers and three qvarters and ten rod three quarters of an acre and ten rod alowed for bad land by thomas white thomas thayer Jacob aldrich committee Jan vary y" d^^ : 1718: laid ovt for John aldrich his share of sederswamp on the west side the west River bovnded norwest on vpland two rod from Benjamen tompsons swamp : then Rvning sovth 25 dgr^ East cros sd swamp Easterly on sd tompsons sw^amp : laid ovt by thomas white Jacob aldrich Robert taft com- mittee Joseph Balk Com [623.] Twenty Acres of Seth Chapins fift Deuission of Land Now Joseph balkcoms As Appears by A deed of sale baring Date the twenty ninth of September 1708 and Acknowledge before Josiah Chapin Esq' 29 September 1708 And Allso Twenty Acres of William Holbrooks Land of his fift Deuission as Appears by A deed of gift baring Date the 28 of febuary 1709^0 The Aboue sd forty Acres of Land : vict : Twenty Acres of Seth Chapins fift Deuission : and Twenty Acres of William Holbrooks fift deuission Laid out betwen the great Riuer and the Mill Riuer Nere foxes brook bounded as followeth the south East Corner being A stake Easterly upon Comon with A dirict Line one hundred and Twenty Rod to A ston sett up being the North East Corner Northerly on Comon with A Dirict Line forty Rod : to A white oake Tree being the North West Corner Weasterly one Hundred and Twenty Rod on Comon : to A pine tree : being the southweast Corner : Southerly on Comon : with A dirict Line thirty Rod : to the south East Corner Her being Twenty six acres fourteen Acres More of sd forty Acres Aioyning to the above MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 841 Twenty six Acres hounded Kasterly : on sd Titmd : thirty Rod : a stake heino- Xere the South East Corner Southerly on conion with A dirict Line Eighty Rod : to A stake being the south Weast Corner Weast on Comon with A direct Line Thirty Rod to A heap of stons : being the North Weast Corner Northerly : on Comon : With A dirict Line Eighty Rod to his other Land Here being A black oake stand Marked Nere sd Land here being six- teen Acres two Acres Alowanc : Laid out the Eight of June 1708 by Thomas White thomas Thayer Samuel More Comite Twenty Acrs of the fift deuission of Land l:»elonging to Jacob Stapls Lott Now Joseph Bolcoms As Appears l)y A deed of Sale from Robert Euens baring Date May y° seuenteenth seuenteen hundred and Eleuen and Acknowledged before Josiah Chapin Esqr May the 7"' 1711 and Laid out to Joseph bolcom six Acres of Jt : on the East side the great Riuer below fox brook : Joyn- ing to sd bolcoms other Land : bounded Northerly part on sd Land and Part on Comon sixty nine Rodd : a stak and stons be- ing the North East Corner A pine tree being the North Weast Corner : Weasterly : on Comon Eight Rod : to an heap of stons being the south AYeast Corner Southerly on the Land of Samuel Thayer thirty six Rod to a stak and heap of stons being the South East Corner Easterly vpon Comon with A direct Line : thirty four Rod : to the North East Corner : the Whole Containing Eight Acres and Twenty Rod there being Alowanc for A four Rod way Cros sd Land Laid out the sixt of Aprill 1711 liy Thomas White James Louet and Samuel More Comite Joseph Balcom Richard Estes [624.] fourteen Acres more of the Aforesd Twenty Acrs of the Afore sd Stapls fift Deuission Laid out Att the south End of hopp brook Ceader swamp bounded as followeth southerly upon fJoseph balkcoms Land Jn part and Partly on Comon one hundred and Twenty four Rod : the south East Corner being A ston sett vp the south Weast Corner A heap of stons on A Rock AVeasterly fort}^ four Rod upon Comon : to A heap of stons upon a Rock being the North East Corner Northerly upon Conion Jn part and 842 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. partly on Josiah Thayers Land : one hundred and Twelue Rod : to A white oak tree markt : Neer the Northeast Corner Easterly on Comon : thirty four Rod : to the south East Corner the Whole Containing : Twenty one Acre and Thirty Rod : Laid for fourteen Acres : there being Allowanc for A four Rod way Cros sd Land : Laid out Aprill the sixt seuenteen hundred and Eleuen By Thomas white James Louet and Samuel More Comitc may y*" LS*^'' : 1728 laid ovt for Joseph Balcom seventeen acers of land viz : twelve acers of Daniel Tafts sixth division of land and five acers of land which sd Taft pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is Bovnded north on sd land : west on the Town line Eighty rod from sd land to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning East 8 dgr' & | sovth to Ebenezer Reads land East on sd Reads land to the sovtheast corner of his other land : it being a broaken peace of land containing By Estemation twenty acers : three acers alowed for bad land : laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer : cap' seth chapin and Jacob aldrich committee Mendon february y^ 4''' 1722-3- Then Laid out for Joshua Whitne Eight acres of Willson Raw- sons Seventh Devision West of his house, Begining at a Stump Neare Sd house then Runing West full point on Common fifty Rod to a heap of stones Being a North West Corner then South on Common fifty two Rod to a of Stons being A Sovth West Corner, then East on Common to his other Land fifty Six Rod So Bounded on Sd Land to the first Bounds Containing seventeen acres and thirty six Rod. Nine acres and thirty Six Rod allowed for a Road of three Rod Wide and Bad Land Laid out l)y, Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Thomas White Committee february y*^ 10"' 1745/6 Then Laid out for Richard Estes three acres of Ebenezer Cook's tenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land in Bellingham & is bounded East on Bellingham Line thirty rod north on his own Land Eighteen rod to a pine tree markt near his own land thence with Direct Line & Bounding west on Comon thirty rod to Thomas arnolds Land a Black oak MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 843 tree markt near said ariiolds Land South on Said arnolds Land Eiohteen rod to BcUinghani Line a Stake & heap of Stones the South East Corner & the north East Corner of S'' arnolds Land the whole Containing three acres & 60 rod 60 rod alowed for a two rod way Crossing S** Land Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Daniel Lovett Chain man John Corbit [625.] The Contents of A fine Acre Lott being Part of John Rockits House Lott with all the Rights and Priuilidges ther to belonging or Any wise Apertaining deuided or undeuided Now John Corbits As Appears by A deed of Gift baring Date the tenth day of December one Thousand Seuen Hundred and Three : and Acknowledged the Day Al^oue before John Willson Esquir The first and second Third and one Acre of the fourth Deuission of upland with the first and second deuission of Medow and swamp Lott Lying and being within the Town ship of Mendon and Laid out to Gether upon the East side of the second bridg Riuer Alls Charls Riuer upon the North side of the Cuntr}^ Road to Met- feeld bounded Southerly upon sd Cuntry Roade Westerly partly upon sd second bridg Riuer Partly upon James Albees Medow Northerly upon the Aforsd James Albes ]Medow : Easterly upon Coman Land : Laid out att Seuerall Times by Joseph white Josiah Chapin and Thomas whit Nine Acres more being the full Compliment of the fourth Deuission Lying upon the South side of the aboue sd Cuntry Road liounded Weasterly upon the aboue sd John Rockits Medow North upon sd Rockits Land by A line of thirty two Rods East on Comon by A Dirict Line of forty Rods : Southerly on Comon Land by A line of forty Rods. Laid out by Thomas White : The fift Deuission belonging to the aboue sd Lott being Twenty fiue Acres one part of it Laid out att the south End of the great Medow the North East Corner being A swamp Pine : Northerly on Comon with A direct Line : Seuenty Rod : to A ceder Tree : being the North East Corner Easterly on Comon : with A dirict Line Twenty four Rod : to A Ceder Tree being the south East Corner Southerly on Comon with A dirict Line seuenty Rod to A 844 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. l)lack oak Tree : being the Southweast Corner weasterly on Comon with A (lirict Line : Eighty Eight Rod : to the North weast Corner the whole Containing Twenty four Acres and half here being fine Acres half Allowanc : May 19 : 1707 by Thomas white Samuel & Josiah Thayer Comite fine Acres more of sd lift Deuission Laid out on the East End of the great medow : bounded as foUoweth the south East Corner being A stake and stons southerly on Land Laid out to James Albe : and Josiah Thayer: fifty Rod: to A white burch : being the sovth weast Corner : Weasterly on Comon with A direct Lyne : twenty four Rod : to A Ceder tree : marked being the : Nor Weast Corner : Nothcrl}^ : on Comon with A direct Lyne : forty Eight Rod : to A stake and stons : being the North East Corner Easterly on Sherborn Lands Twelve Rod to the south East Corner : by Thomas White Seth Chapin & Sam'^ more Comite June: 5 — 1710 — one Acre More of sd fift deuission Laid Joyning to his other Land : by his house bounded as followeth : Southerly on the Cuntry Road to Metfeeld the south East Corner : being A black oak Tree : Easterly on Comon : with A dirict Line : one Hundred and Twenty two Rod : to A stake and Stons being the East Corner Northerly : on Comon two Rod to his other Land : Weast- erly on his other Land : Containing one Acre and half Half one Acre Allowanc : Laid out June fift 1710 — by Thomas white Seth Chapin & Samuel more C(miitte : John Corbet [626.] Mendon oxtober y'^ 20*^^. 1718. Laid out for John ('Orbet his Share of Ceeder Swamp, in Beauer Dam. Ceeder Swamp being y" Sixth Lott from y" northerly End. of Sd Swamp : beino: Two Rod Three foot & Eio-ht Inches wide, and is bounded northerly on Nathaniel Rawsons Swamp : y® Sid Lines Runing West Twenty three Deg'■^ South, and East & West on y*^ Hol- brooks medow bottom : Southerly on John Holbrooks Ceeder Swamp y*" South East Corner being a Stake marked with I : G and y"' N". Six. Laid out by Thomas White. Robert Eucns and Jacob Aldrish Com"^^ MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 845 Nouember 7*= 18/1718: Laid out for John Corbit twelue acers sixth division Joyning to his other Land on the east side second river on the plain below medfield road half an acer lying in a narow Sli}i Ijetwen two peaces of his other Land elenen acers and half more at the east end of sd land in part part on beniamin albes land fifty four rod to the souteast corner of his Recorded otlicr land Soutli ou coniou thiity rod to a stake being 20/1718 the souteast corner easterly part on Jonathan thayers land part on comon fifty four rod to a Stake being the northeasterly corner northerl}^ on the way leading to John tomp- sons thirty eight rod to l)cnianen Abees Land Laid out by Thomas : AVhite : Robert : Euens : Jacob aldrich Committee Xouember y*" 18 : 1718 : then Laid out for John corbeet half an acer of Land of six division on the sout side of the road near his house buting upon a hyway of two rod wide Lead- Recorded ij^g ^Q John tompsons eight rod South upon Joseph 20/1718 rockwoods Land twenty live rod to the Cuntry road a three cornered peace Laid b}^ Thomas White : Robert Euens: Jaco)) : Aldrich: Committee September y'' 29. 1718 Laid out for John corbet ten acers and half sixth division Joyning to his other land on the south side the great medow itt being a broaking pease of land being Recorded .^^^ ^\^^ ^q^^ wcst comcr of his other land thence runing; December yi- ^ ~ 20/1718 north fine degrees west eighty rod to a Stake being the norwest corner then runing east three degres north to the norwest corner of his other land then runing easterly with a direct line by the edg of a small seder swamp about sixty rod to the southwest corner of another peace of S** Corbits land then set- ing of two rods towards the west then runing northerl}' eighten rod to the norwest corner of S'^ Land then continuing S*^ line six rod to a maple stand markt being a corner then runing easterly forty eight rod to the north east corner of his other land this land floyning tow peaces of S'' C^orbits fifth division to gether laid out by Thomas : White Thomas : Thayer : Jacob : Aldrich : Com- mittee 846 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. John Corbet [627.] Nouember yV29">. 1718 Laid out for John Corbet fifteen acres of Sixth Deuision Joyning to his other Land by his house Compassing in one acre of Sd Corbets Swamp. Recorded Bouudcd as followcth South on y*" Road Leading to y=^23U7i8 Mcdficld Thirty Six Rod. to black oak Stand, marked being y*^ Southeast Corner, then Runing north twenty Degrees west, one hundred & Twenty one Rod, to Ebenezer Thayers Land, North on Sd Land thirty Six rod to y'' River and is bounded west part on sd river part on his other land the whole Containing twenty five acres Ten acres allowed for bad Land, Laid out by Thomas White, Thomas Thayer, Jacob Aldrish. Committee Mendon October y*^ 8^'^ 1722 Then Laid out for John Corbet three acres of Seventh Division on Saw mill Plain Joyning to his other Land on Sd Land twenty four Rod nor west on John Cook South West on Ebenezer Thayer South East on Jonathan Thayer a Brooken Peice of Land Con- taing four acres one acre aLowed for bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Thomas White Committee Mendon October y« 8"> 1722 Then Laid out for John Corbet thirteen acres of Seventh Divi- sion Joyning to the Northerly Part of his Land Neare the South Side of the Great Medow Begining at a Black oake ti^ee being his former Westerly Corner then Runing Norwesterly on Common Eighty Rod in Swamp to a stake Marked, then Runing East 2S (jegis ]\"orth on Common in Swamp ground Sixty Rod to a stake marked being a Nor Easterly Corner, then South 33 dgres East on Common, thirty Rod to his other Land So bounded on all other Parts on Sd Land Laid out By Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Thomas White Commitee Mendon October the 8"> 1722 Then Laid out for John Corbet four acres and Eighty Rod of land Sd four acres of Seventh Division and the Eighty Rod of the Sixth Division Laid on the North Side of the Seader Swamp by MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 847 the Great Meadow Begining at a Stake being Willm haywards North East Corner then Riming East ten deg"^ South on Common Twenty Rod to a tree Marked then South East on Common Twenty Rod to his other Land then Bounded partl}^ on Willm Sprague and partly on Sd hayward to the tirst Bounds a Broken piece of Swamp Containing four acres and one hundred and ten Rod 30 Rods alowed for bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens ,Tacob Aldrich Thomas AVhite Commitco William Holbrook [628.] Mendon Janavary the Twenty tirst 17223- Then Laid out for AA'itlm Holbrook Ninty Rod of Ceader Swamp in Shock- oolog Swamp : in the South Part begining at a Stak Being John Cooks West Corner of his Ceder Swamp Runing South East on Sd Cooks, thirty Rod to Sam" Reads Linn, then South West on vSd Read three Rod to a Stake being a South Corner then North West on Common Twenty Rod to a Ceader Tree Marked, then Bounded on Sam" Thayers Land to the first bounds Laid out l)y Kol)ert Evens Jacob Aldrich Thomas White Commitee Mendon february the tirst, 1722^ Then Laid out for Wittm holbrock Seventeen Acres of Seventh Division North West of his house joyning to the East side of Salvanis holbrocks Land Begining at Sd holbrocks South West Corner Runing North 18 degrees East on Sd Land Eighty, Eight Rod to a Black oak tree : marked then East 18 degres South on Common forty Two Rod to a heap of Stons, then South 18 degres West on Conmion Eighty Eight Rod to a heap of Stons, then AVest 18 degrs North on Common to the first Bounds forty two Rod (Containing Twenty three acres and Sixteen Rod, Six acres and Sixteen Rod alowed for bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob aldrich Thomas white Commitee Mendon february the first 1722^ Then Laid out for Wittm holl)rock three acres of y'^ Seventh Division where his house Now stands Begining at a heap of Stons West of his house then South Eio-ht degres East on Common 848 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Twenty Rod to a heap of stons then partly on Common and partly on his other Land Eighty four Rod to a Reed oak Being a former Bounds then with a dirict Line to the first Bounds Eighty four Rod a three Cornered peice of Land Containing five acres and forty rod Two acres and forty Rod a Lowed for bad Land Laid out By Robert Evens Jacob Aldrioh Thomas white Com- mite may y'' 1)"' : 1729 laid ovt for wiliam hoi brook twenty one acers of land being Eighth division and is laid ovt on the East side of mvmfords River Joyning to his other land and is bovnded sovth on sd land thirty Rod to the northeast corner of sd land then seting of sovth by sd land fovr Rod to a heap of stons being a corner thence Rvning East 30 dgr^ north fifty Eight Rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 30 dgr* west sixty three Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 25 degr^ west to the sovtheast corner of Toreys land then bovnded on sd land to mvmfords River then bovnded west part on sd River part on his other land twenty fovr Rod : it : being a broaken peace of land containing twenty six acers and half five acers and half alowed for a peace of medow formerly laid ovt within itt and for oxford Rode and bad land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Joseph taft chain men October y" 8"' : 1734 laid ovt for william holbrook 3 acers Eighth division of land laid eJoyning to his other land on the west side mvmfords river begining at the northeast corner of said land thence runing East 13 dgr^ north 28 rod to sd river and is bovnded East part on sd river and part on his own medow and is bovnded on all other parts on his other land itt being a broaken: peace of land containing 3 acers and 120 rod 120 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas White svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men [629.] Peter Aldrich Two Acres of Land Laid out to Peter Aldrich which was Granted to him bv the towne att A town Mettino- March v" 1712 MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 849 Joyning' unto the Lands granted by the town to Jacob Aldrich upon the East side of the great Riuer Joyning to his fathers Land, sd Two Acres bounded Weasterly and Xortherl}^ upon sd Aldriches Land the other lines upon liockey Land and sd Aldriches fence Laid out by Thomas White Aprill 7 1713 Jvne y" lO*^*" : 1718 laid ovt for peter aldrich three acers sixth division Joyning to his other land near his hovse bovnded east and north on sd land sovth on comon forty seven rod to a heap of stones being the sovth west corner : so : sovtherly on comon eighteen rod to a heap of stones being the sovtheast corner east on John aldriches land forty rod to his own land on all other parts on sd land : it being a broaken peace of land containing six acers : three acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by thomas white thomas thayer and Jacob aldrich comitee Janvary y^ 9"" : 17181^ laid ovt for peter aldrich fourteen acers sixth division Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river it being a broaken peace of land lying partly in among land alredy laid ovt bovnded north on comon sixty rod to a blak oak stand being the norwest corner west on comon thirty eight rod to stones on a rok being the sovthwest corner sovth on comon fifty eight rod by a line of marked trees to woodland tompsons land east part on sd tompsons land part on his own land part on william haywards land : to a w^hite oak stand markt near sd haywards land the whole containing twenty acers six acers alowed for bad land by thomas white Jacob aldrich Robard taft comitee Janvary y"" 9"' : 1718^^ laid ovt for peter aldrich his share of sederswamp on the west side the west river bovnded easterly on John aldriches swamp norwest on vpland two rod and an half then rvning sovth 25 dgr' east cros sd swamp laid ovt by thomas white Jacob aldrich Robard taft comitee Mendon february y'' 13'" 17202-i Laid ovt for Peter Aldrich Eight acers of his Seventh Division, to the Southward of his house Begining at a Black oak Stand 850 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. being, John Aldiiches Bounds Neare the Great Kiver then Run- ning East 10 dr South on Sd Aldrich Twenty Rod to John aldrichs Corner being a heap of Stones then Turning sd Corner ten Rod to a Pich pine marked Then East 10 dr South on Comon forty Rod to a heap of Stons being a Nor East Corner, then South 10 dr AVest on Conion Sixty Rod to a heap of Stons, Being a South weast Corner then West 10 drs North on Comon Recorded ^j^y j^^^j ^^ . jogjah Chapius Land Neare Sd River December ^ ^ y« 8*1722: then Bouuded partly on Sd Chapins and Partly on Sam" Read to the first Bounds Containing Twenty two acers and forty Rod, fourteen acers and forty Rod a Lowed for a Road and Bad Land, Laid out by Robert Evens and Jacob Aldrich Mendon february y*^ 18"' : 1720^ [630.] Laid out for Peter aldrich Eight acers of the Seventh Division on the West Side of the Great River at a Place Comonly Called Woyoboxet Begining at a Burch Tree Marked Recorded being a South East Corner Runing North four deeg""-^ December '=' -, ye 8«b 1722 west ou Comou Twenty Eight Rod to a heap of Stones Being a Norwest Corner then west four Dreg' South on Comon Twenty Eight Rod to a heap of Stons Being a South west Corner then south 4 degres East on comon sixty rod to a heap of Stons then to the first Bounds on Comon twenty Eight Rod Containing ten Acres and Eighty Rod Two acres and Eighty Rod alowed for Bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich & Thomas White may y*" 20"' : 1726 laid ovt for peter aldrich ten acers of land which he pvrchesed of the propriators of mendon laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the great River and is bovnded sovth on samvel chapins land sixty Rod and East on sd chapins land seventy fovr Rod and north on samvel Reads land in part and part on common fifty fovr Rod to his own land then Bovnded west on sd land ninety Eight rod to sd chapins land it being a broken peace of land : containing twenty two acers and three (parters : twelve acers and three qvarters alowed for l)ad land and MENDON, lAIASSACHUSETTS. 851 a fovr Rod way cros sd land : laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer seth chapin and Jacob aldricli committee may y*" 20*" : 172G laid ovt for peter aldrich the Remainder of his sixth division being two acers and a qvarter hiid on the west side y^ great River begining at a heap of stons on a rock near the southwest corner of his other land thence Rvning with a direct line twenty two Rod to a white oak tree markt being the south- west corner then with a direct line forty Rod to stons on a Rock being the norwest corner then with a direct line sixteen Rod to stons on a Rock being the northeast corner and bovnded East on his other land forty rod to the first bovnds the whole containing fovr acers and three qvarters two acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and seth chapin committee AVilliam White Benjamen green Robert Taft [631.] ]\Iendon febuary the Seventh one Thousand Seven hundred Twenty Two three Then Laid out for William White Seven acres of Jonathan Richardsons Seventh Division Neare the Great River Joyning to west Side of Land Laid out to Sam" Thayer Desest Begining at a heap of Stones being a northerly Corner of Sd Land, then Runing North thirty degrs west on Common to Land of James harries and partly on Wittm Sargents Land to a heap of Stones then South thirty degrs west on Com- mon ninteen Rod to Sd thares Westerly Corner then on Sd Land forty Rod to the first Bounds Containing nine acres and an hun- dred and fifty Rod two acers and an hundred and fifty rod aLowed for Bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich, James Keith feb'' y® 12"' 170| Laid out of John more's 4*" Division to Rob- ert Taft Junior 6 Acres as it is buted & bounded on y^ west side of y'^ South medow road bounded southerly on y^ Land of Daniel Taft l)y a Line of 36 rod Easterly by y'' aforesaid highway 40 rod So turning westerly to y"^ ])ond a pine tree markt l)y y" Edg of y® pond & a rock in that Line and then bounded with the pond to a 852 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. point of upland that goetli farr into the pond and westerly on Comon by a Line of markt trees home to Daniel Tafts Land : memorandum it is always Jntended that y® town Shall have free Liberty to pass through the Land for wood or Stone : Laid out Avith one third part alio wane by Josiah Chapin and James Louett September y*" 6"' : 1731 laid ovt for Benj amen green one acer Eighth division of land laid west from his hovse and is bovnded East and west on his own land north on the land of Joseph Jon- son 4 rod sovth on the land of samvel tory 4 rod it being 40 rod in lenth laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men October y*" 25"': 1735 laid ovt for Benjamen green 3 acers ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on the East side of mvdy Brook and is bovnded west on sd land 38 rod sovth on torys land 23 rod East on the Eight rod way north on the land of Joseph brvce 8 rod the whole containing 3 acers and 112 rod : 112 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men September y'' 23'' : 1735 then Remesvred 19 acers of land that benjamen green hath in posesion being seventh division and no record to be fovnd of it and is bounded East on his other land and north on land laid ovt to Joseph brvce and west on land laid ovt to samvel Read and sovth part on the land of M"" Joseph dorr and part on the land of sd brvce measvred by Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet. [632.] Benjamin Taft Jchabod ammidown November the Second 1719 then Laid out for Benjamin Taft Seventh Division Ten acres on the South Side of Killingly Roade Neare Hoope Pole hill Joyning to Land and Medow here to fore Laid out to him. Begining at an oake on the South Side of his other Land. Runing West 32d'^^ South forty Six Rod, then South 32d''^ East Thirty Eight Rod, then East 32 '^'' North forty Six Kod to his other Land, the whole, Containing Ten acers and one MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 853 hundi-od and forty Eight Rod, one hundred and forty Eight Rod alowed, Laid out by Robert Evens and Jacob Aldrich Novem y^ Second 1719 Then Laid out for Benjamin Taft of Seventh Division Upon the North Side the New Road Neare Shockonoge Plaine Joyning to his own Land and Medow. Be- gining at his South West Corner and Runing a Cross Said Road South 35 ^'' West thirty Rod to a heap of Stones, then west 35 ^'' North Eighty Rod to an ash tree then North 35 ■"■" East thirty Rod to the Corner of his other Land the whole Containing fifteen acres five acres a Lowed for a three Rod way a Cross one Corner and Bad Land, Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Mendon y*^ J ana 21 1722^ Then Laid out for Benjamin Taft four aCres of his Seventh Di- vision, on the Northerly Side of Shokonoge Plaine Begining at a Wallnut tree Marked Being a Southerly Corner Then Runing North 35 '^'■' West on Common Twenty Rod to a hornbine Tree Marked in A Litle Swamp being a Westerly Corner, then East 35 '''■* North on Coraon, A forty Rod to a heap of Stones being a Northerly Corner, then South 35 '''^^ East on Common Twenty Rod to a Stake on the South West Side of a Litle Swamp, then with a Dirict Line on Common to the first Bounds forty Rod Containing five acres, one acre a Lowed for Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Thomas white July y^ 3'' 1745 then Laid out for Jchabod Ammidown 32 rod and half of Ebenezer Stapleses Eleuenth Diuision of Land Laid Joyning to his other land near y*" (juaker meeting house & is Bounded Southerly on the highway that leads along by ye buring place 12 rods northerly on the highwa}^ that Leads Down on y'^ north Side y*" quaker meeting house 12 rods & is bounded Easterly partly on his own land & partly on Comon Encompasing in 3 rod c*c half of his own land formerly laid out the whole being a three corner"^ peice of land Containing 3(3 rod Lying in y® Crotch of y' high ways that Leads on both sides of y*" quaker meeting house Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer & Jacob Aldrich chain 854 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. [633.] Philip Amidown Samvel Duglis Jcobod amidown Elihew Warfeelds Land on the East sid of Muddy brook as allso A Certain Tract of Medow Lying Jn the North Medow as bounded Jn a deed of Sale baring Date December the Sixt Jn the year of our Lord seuenteen hundred and Eleuen : And Acknowledged before Josiah Chapin Esqre Justis of the Peace December the sixt seuenteen hundred and Twelue The Land being Eight Acres be it more or be it Less as Jt is butted and bounded Weasterly Upon Muddy brook Southerly upon the Land of Robert Euens Easterly upon the Towns Common : and Northerly upon the Land of the Heiers of Abraham Stapls Decesed : The tract of Medow Lying Jn the Lower North Medow : as Jt is butted and bounded : with the mill Riuer Runing thorow it upstreame with the Medow of Leutenant James Louet and Down streame upon the Medow of Jacob Aldrich : Easterly and Weasterly upon the Towns Comon Upland March the second att A Pul)lick Town Metting the Towne Granted unto Philip Ammidowne A smal Tract of Land: the-sd Land Js bounded Northerly upon Land of Ephraim Stapls Weasterly upon the Land of Philip Amy downe before Men- tioned : Easterly upon the hy way Leading to Thomas whits house on the East side of Muddy brook desember y*" 30*'' : 1731 laid ovt for samvel Dvglis thirty two acers ninth division of land laid Joynihg to nine acers of land which he pvrchased of Ebenezer Read : in vxbridge near Samvel whites land begining at a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner thence Rvning north 20 dgr' East seventy rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 20 dgr^ north one hvndred and six rod to stons on a rock being the norwest corner then sovth 20 dgr" west seventy rod to a stake in a small swamp then East 20 dgr** sovth : one hundred and six rod to the first bovnds the whole containing forty six acers and 60 rod compasing in the above said nine acers five acers and 60 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men .MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 855 12 acei-s of the above 82 is of Thomas sanfords and 10 of richard holhrooks and ected on the Comon then runing East about ten Beg'^ north 30 rod to John Aldrichs land Erecting a heap of Stones in Sd aldrichs line then turning South & Iwunding on Sd John aldrichs Land Round his South west Corner Continuing to bound on his land on y** South Westerly line till it Cometh to Debroah aldrichs South west Corner of her Land Last laid out then bounding Easterly on her Land Untill it Cometh to his own Land Laid out by John Read Surueyer Edmond Rawson Jsrael taft william boyce [640.] Jan vary y' 20"^: 1719-2 : Jaid ovt for Jsrael taft ten acers of Josiah thayers seventh division and one acer of his fathers seventh division bovnded as foloweth east on his land whereon his hovse standeth fift}'^ six rod then tvrning east by sd land to daniel hils medow then bovnded north on sd hils medow and land to his sovthwest corner being a red oak tree markt then rvning west full point sixty rod to a heap of stones being the norwest corner thence with a direct line to the sovthwest corner of his land formerly laid ovt it being a heap of stones : the whole con- taining fovrteen acres and seventy rod : three acers and seventy rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way throvgh sd land by Robert evens thomas white Jacob aldrich committee Janvary y^ 20*": 17192 : laid ovt for Jsrael taft seven acers of his fathers seventh division Joyning to his other land on the west side the west river near his dweling hovse bovnded north on eliezer tafts land fifty two rod east part the west river part on medow to his other land formerly laid ovt sovth on sd land west on comon the whole containing eleven acers fovr acers alowed for bad land by Robard evens Jacob aldrich thomas white com- mittee Janvary y'' ^O'" : 1735^ laid ovt for the heirs of william Boyce 6 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to their other land laid att wigwam hill and is bounded west on sd land 130 rod being the whole leno-th of sd land and is bovnded sovth on common 8 864 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. rod and East on the land of williani hayward 130 rod and north on common 8 rod the whole being 6 acers and 80 rod 80 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich chain man September y*" 20^^' 1744 then Laid out for Edmond Rawson Thirty one acres : ten acres of Jaebb Aldrichs tenth Division and Eighten acres of Jonathan Thayers former Divisions and three acres of peter aldrich former Divisions Lying on the northerly Side of andrew Derumples Land formerly angle Torreys Land Bounding Southerly on S"* Derumples Land about G6 rod P^asterly on his other Land 56 rod in part and partly on Comon 40 rod to Debroah Aldrichs Land Bounding north Easterly on S*^ Debroah's Land 50 rod thence runing westerly 40 rod to Eobert Benham's Land westerly on Sd Benhams Land Eleven rod and on all other parts on the Land that he purchesed of the heirs of Cap* Joseph White the whole of Sd Land Containing 36 acres 5 acers alowed for bad Land : Laid out by Thomas White Serveyer Jacob aldrich & Edmond Rawson Chain men William Boyce [641.] november y« 22<^ : 1726 laid ovt for william Boyce Eight acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of the town of mendon : and is laid Joyning to his other land near Thomas tafts and is Bovnded Easterly on sd land seventy two Rod : and sovtherly part on Robert hals swamp and part on Rob- ert tafts land and part on John frenches land forty Rod to a heap of stons on a Rock Being the sovtheast corner then Rvning north 10 dgr^ west fifty Rod to the sovth sederswamp to a heap of stons near sd swamp then bovnded northerly part on common swamp and part on Daniel tafts land forty Rod to his other land : it being a broaken peace land containing sixteen acers Eight acers alowed for bad land laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer James keith and Jacol) aldrich committee november y'^ 22'' : 1726 laid ovt for william Boyce fovr acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mendon laid Joyn- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 865 ing to his other IuikI near wiguani liill and is bovnded East on sd land forty Rod and sovth on Ebenezer thayers land twenty fovr Rod to stons on a Rock being the sovthwest corner thence Rvnino- north fvll point forty Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East fvll point twenty fovr Rod to his other laud to a heap of stons being the northeast corner : the whole containing six acers two acers alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros a corner of sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James koith and Jacol) aldrich comniittee april y'^ 24"' : 17o5 laid ovt for the heirs of will i am Boyce two acers and half ninth division of land laid Joyning to their other land near wigwam hill and is Iwvnded north on comon 8 rod west part on the land of daniel taft and part on the land of Jacob aldrich 86 rod sovth on common 6 rod and East on their own land 86 rod the whole containing 3 acers and half and 42 rod one acer and 42 rod aloAved for bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Benja- men darling chain men april y'' B'* : 1736 laid ovt for the heirs of william Boyce 3 acers and half ninth division of land laid Joyning to their other land att wigwam hill and is bovnded sovth on sd land 90 rod Avest on on daniel tafts land 24 rod to stons on a rock being the norwest corner : thence with a direct line to the northeast corner of their other land : it being a three cornered ])eace of land : containing 6 acers and 110 rod 3 acers and 30 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros sd land laid o\'t by Thomas white svrvayer Robert taft chain man William Boyce [642.] Desember y^: 5*^: 1719 laid o\^ for William Boyce fifty acers seventh division forty acers of obadiah Avhelocks and six acers of Joseph Dors and fovr acers of John Rawsons on the sovth of wickwam hill begining att a walnvt tree att the sovth side of the hill near a little rvn of water thence rvnino- sovth fvll point one hvndred and thirty rod to a heap of stones then east 866 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. fvll point eighty rod to a heap of stones then north fvll point one hvndred and thirty Rod to a heap of stones then west fvll point to sd walnvt tree eighty Rod the whole containing sixty five acers fifteen acers alowed for bad land and a three rod way for the new Rode and a three Rod way from sd rode over wigwam hill by Robard Evens thomas white Jacob aldrich Committee Mendon Aprill y*" Eighth Seventeen hundred and Twenty three Then Laid out for William Boyce Eight acres of Land four acres of Jonathan hayard Seventh Division and four acres is of Wood- land Tompsons seventh Division Joyning to the West Side of Thomas Tafts Land on the North Side of the Road Leading by Philip Lesures. Begining at Sd Tafts South East Corner on Sd Road Runing AVest Eighteen deg' South on Sd Tafts Land Twenty Six Rod to a South West Corner of Sd Land then North 10 degres West on Sd Land forty two Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock then West 10 deg""^ South on Common thirty four Rod to a heap of Stons on the side of a hill then South 10 dgr' East Partly on Common and part on a Swamp of Robert halls Seventy Eight Rod to a heap of Stons. then East 10 deg""' North on Com- mon thirty four Rod to a heap of Stones by Sd Road Neare Philip Lesures house then on Sd Road to the first Bounds forty two Rod Containing Twenty acres and one hundred and forty two Rod, Twelve acres and one hundred and forty two Rod a Lowed for bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich Cap' Seth Chapin november y® 13'^ : 1731 laid ovt for the heirs of william Boyce nine acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to their other land sovth from wigwam hill and is bovnded East on sd land 45 rod rvning from the sovthwest corner of sd land west fvll point 43 rod to a chesnut tree markt being the sovthwest corner then north 45 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East full point 43 rod to the norwest corner of their other land the whole containing 12 acers and 35 rod 3 acers and 35 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way through sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and nathan tiler chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 867 Joseph Chilson [643.] Mendon October the 1 r^ 1722: Then Laid out for Joseph Chilson Twenty six acres of Land. Sixteen acres of Sd Land is of Jacob Stapls his fift Division and ten acres of John Posts fift Division on the AVest Side of the Great Eiver Besfinino- where the Collonny Line Corns ouer the River Runing West on Sd Line. Ninety Eight Rod to a heap of Stons on Sd Line then Northerly by a Line of marked trees Sixty Eight Rod on Com- mon to Sd River and a Stake and stons then Bounded on Sd River to the first Bounds Containing Thirty Two acres, Six acres alowed for a Road Where the Mine Road is now and Bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens ,]acoli Aldrich. James Keith Commite Desember y*^ 2^ : 1729 laid ovt for Joseph chilson one acer of Daniel Tafts Eighth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land on the sovth side of drable tail Brook and is bovnded Easterly on a three Rod way twenty Eight Rod and westerly on william adamses land twenty six Rod to the sovtheast corner of John Reads land thence Rvning East 38 dgr^ sovth forteen Rod to a heap of stons near the above sd way : it being a three cornered peace of land containing one acer and twenty nine Rod 29 rod alowed for bad land laid out by Thomas white svrvayer fFohn farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men — Mendon aprill the thirteen th Seveenteen hundred and twenty one Laid out for James Harries Ten acres of Seventh Division Neare the Great River Joynining to the Northly Side of Wm Sar- gents Land Begening at Sd Sargents Nor Easterly Corner, Run- ining North 15 dg''^ East on Common forty one Rod to a heap of Stones then West 15 dg""^ North on Common lifty six Rod to a heap of Stones, then South, 15 dcg''* West on Common forty one Rod to sd Sargents Land then on Sd Land to the first Bounds fifty six Rod, Containing fourteen acres and fifty six Rod four acres and fifty six Rod alowed for Bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich James Keith Committee 868 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. novembcr ye 19^^ : 1729 laid ovt for Joseph chilson seven acers and a qvarter of land viz : one acer and a qvarter in Ive of land taken from him by Bensons farm and six acers of land which he pvrchased of the propriators of mcndon and is laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great River begining at the northeast corner of sd land thence Rvning East 25 dgr^ north sixteen Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence with a direct line to the sovtheast corner of his other land it being a three cornered peace of land containing Eight acers and three qvarters one acer and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men John Legg [644.] Mendon february y*' 13"^ 1722^ Three acers and one hundred and fifteen Rod three acres is Thomas Thayers Seventh Devision and Eighty Rod of Seth Cha- pins Seventh Devision and Thirty five rod of James Albe Seventh Devision Joyning to the South Side of his other Land on Wig- wam hill begening at a heap of Stons being his former South East Corner then South full Point partly on Thomas Thayer and Partly on Comon Sixty five Rod to a heap of Stons being a South East Corner then East on Comon Twenty Rod to a Wall- nut tree marked being a north East Corner then North on Com- mon by a Line Marked trees and heap of stons Sixty five rod to Sd Land Containing Eight acres and Twenty Rod four acres Sixty five Rod aLowed for a Road of three Rod wide and Bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich James Keith Committee Mendon february y*' IS*'' 17223 Then Laid out for John Legg two acres of James albes Seventh Devision Joyning to his other Land att the East End of Littlle pond North on Abram Staples Land thirty Rod, West on Sd Pond to his other Land, Bounded on all other parts, on sd Land, containing four acres and one hundred and ten Rod two acres and a hundred & ten Rod aLowed for Bad Land Laid out by Ivobert Evens Jacob Aldrich James Keith Committe MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 869 Mendon february y' 13"' 1722-2. Then Laid out for John Legg three acres & Eighty Rod three acres of Sd Land is of James Albees Seventh Devision & Eighty Rod of Chap' Seth Chapins Seventh Devision, at the West End of Littel pond begining at a heap of stons on Abram Staples South Line then Runing South full point on Common twenty three Rod to a heap of Stons on the Side of a hill of Rocks then East Partly on Common & partly on his other Land, thirty six Rod then north on common twenty three rod to a stake on sd staples line so on sd staples 36 Rod Containing five acers twenty Eight Rod one acer & a hundred & Eight Rod alowd for bad Land Laid out by Robert Evens Jacob Aldrich James Keith Committee October y*^ 11"^: 1727 laid ovt for John legg one acer of John Darlings seventh division of land laid ovt near his Dweling hovse. and is Bovnded Sovth on his other land six Rod and East on sd land thirty Rod and north on Common forteen Rod west on : abraham staples land thirty fovr Rod the whole containing two acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and James Keith committee Samuel waring John Bemis John legg [645.] March y'* 9"^ : 1733 laid ovt for samvel waring 4 acers of wiliam torys ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded East on sd land 160 rod north on common 10 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence with a direct line to the sovthwest corner of his other land it being a three cornered peace of land containing 5 acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men march y*^ 9"^ : 1733 laid ovt for John bemis 40 acers of land : viz : 7 acers of obadiah whelocks Eighth division and 29 acers of his ninth division and 4 acers of nathaniel morses ninth division laid together and is bovnded East on the land of peter and Josiah Ball 94 rod and sovth on the land of samvel waring rvning from 870 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. sd warino's norwest corner north 10 dgr^ west 70 rod to u heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 10 dgr' north 102 rod to sd balls land a black oak tree markt near the northeast corner the whole containing 55 acers 15 acers alowed for bad land & a three Eod way through said land laid ovt >)y Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men Jvne y*" 19*'' : 1733 laid ovt for John legg 140 rod of abraham staples ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land sovtherly from his hovse and is bovnded northerly on sd land 50 rod westerly on comon 8 rod sovtherly on Benjamen whelocks land 50 rod it being a three cornerd peace of land containing one acer and 40 rod 60 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Daniel lovet and Benjamen darling chain Jvne y'' 19**^: 1733 laid ovt for John legg 6 acers of land : viz : 3 acers of his Eighth division and 2 acers ninth division and one acer of abraham staples ninth division laid together Joyning to his other land sovtherly from his hovse begining at a norwest corner of cap* Thomas : thayrs land and is bovnded East on his own land 9 rod to a heap of stons being a corner then rvning west fvll point 37 rod to a heap of stons then tvrning north : 9 rod to thomas tafts land then bovnded on sd tafts land to the way over wigwam hill and is bovnded westerly on sd way 30 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning East fvll point 40 rod to Thomas thayers land then bovnded on sd land to the first bovnds the whole containing 10 acers and 89 rod 4 acers and 89 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer daniel lovet and Benjamen darling chain men april y'^ 25"'. 1747 Laid out for Samuell Warrin nine Acres (viz) Eight Acres of Jonathan Haywards Eleuenth and one acre of Benj"^ Rockwoods Laid Joyning to his other Land near his Barn and is Bounded East & North on his own Land Runing from the Southwest Corner of his other Land west full point on Comon 30 rod to a heap of stones being the southwest Corner thence MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 871 Runing north 5 Dogros west on Comon 58 rod to his other Land a heap of Stons by sd Land being the norwest Corner. Laid out by William Torrey Suruey"" Daniel Louett and Sam" warrin chain men April y^ 25'^ : 1747 Laid out for Sam" Warrin one acre & half of Benjamins Rockwoods 11''' Division adjoyning to his other Land west from y*= medow Called plumblys medow and is Bounded Easterly on his own land 16 rod northerly on the mill riuer 20 rod to nathan Cass's Land westerly on sd Cass's Land IB rod to heap of Stones being the Southwest Corner thence runing East 25 Deg""^ South on Comon to a heap of Stones by his own land being the South East Corner Laid out by William Torrey Sur- uey" Daniel Louet and Sam" Warren Chain men James Albee [647.] april y"^ 9"' : 1718 laid ovt for James albee three acers of land sixth division Joyning to his other land near his hovse on the northerly side of the covntry Rod : and is bovnded sovth- erly on sd land twenty fovr Rod westerly on the land of nathaniel Rawson thirty nine Rod northerly on common thirty six Rod Easterly and on land formerly his fathers thirty fovr Rod : to his other land the whole containing six acers and three qvarters three acers and three qvarters alowed for bad land laid ovt By Robert Evens Jacob aldrich and Thomas white Com^''^ may y^ 9^'' : 1720 then laid ovt for James albee ten acers of land Being sixth division laid on the sovtheast side of Bear medow Begining at a maple tree marked Being a corner Bovnds of his medow then bovnded on sd medow forty five Rod then by william sprages land north 10 dgr^ East forty fovr rod to a Avalnvt tree markt Being sd sprages corner then sovth : 3 : dgr^ East seventy Rod to a little Brook coming ovt of sd medow near the Rode leading to the great medow then partly by sd brook and partly by Joseph holbrooks medow to sd maple tree the whole containing thirteen acers three acers alowed for bad land laid ovt By Robert Evens Jacob aldrich and Thomas white committee 872 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. desember y"" tirst : 1729 laid ovt for James albee tive acers Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded sovth on Elivelet holebrooks land twenty fovr rod Rvning from sd holebrooks northeast corner west 34 dgr* north sixty fovr rod to his own medow and is bovnded on all other parts on his own medow and land to sd holebrooks land it being a broaken peace of land containing Eight acers and twenty rod 3 acers and 20 rod alowed for bad land and a three Eod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich Chain men desember y" tirst 1729 laid ovt for James albee Eight acers Eighth division of land laid near his dweling hovse begining at a heap of stons being a sovthwest corner and is bovnded sovth- erly part on Jonathan thayers land and part on common thirty one rod to Joseph holbrooks medow and is bovnded westerly part on sd medow part on his own land fifty fovr rod to a blak b\Tch markt by sd albees swamp then rvning Easterly twenty Eight rod to a Red oak tree markt then sovtherly to a walnut tree markt at his other land being the sovtheast corner then bovnded part on sd land and part on sd thayers land to the first bovnds : it being a broaken peace of land containing thirteen acers and fifteen Rod five acers and fifteen rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way through sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men Thomas taft James Albee John aldrich [648.] november y'^ 1* : 1729 laid ovt for James albee 60 rod Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his medow begining at a heap of stons on a rock being a corner of Jonathan thayers land thence with a direct line 16 rod to an heap of stons being a corner of holbrooks land then on sd land to his medow then on sd medow to thayers land it being a broaken peace of land con- taining 72 rod 12 rod alowed for bad land laid out by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich Chain men avgvst y^ 23'' : 1737 laid ovt for John aldrich 12 acers tenth : division : of land laid Joyning to his other land near william MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 873 Browns and is bovnded westerly on sd land and sovtherly on the land of John harwood and Easterly part on the land of solomon wood and part on common with a dirict line 60 rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner and is bovnded northerly on a three Rod way 72 rod to his other land the whole being 13 acers and 155 rod one acer & 155 rod alowed for bad land : the same da}' laid ovt for sd aldrich fovr acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to the above said land and is bovnded Easterly on sd land and westerly on the above sd way 76 rod it being a narow strip of land 20 rod wide in the midle and nothing at Eatch End containinof 4 acers and 120 rod 120 rod alowed for bad land — the same day laid ovt for sd aldrich 1 6 acers tenth division of land on the west side the great River Joyning to the land of seth aldrich and is bovnded Easterly on sd land 46 rod rvning from the sovthwest corner of sd land sovthwest 60 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest : corner : then norwest 46 rod to a stake in a swamp being the norwest corner then sovtheast 60 rod to the norwest corner of seth aldriches land the whole being 17 acers and 40 rod one acer and 40 rod alowed for bad land : 12 acers of the above sd land pvrchast of John Rawson and 2 acers pvrchast of John harwood and two of his own laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and John aldrich chain men desember y*^ 9"' : 1742 laid ovt for Thomas taft Jvn"" 3 acers tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded north own land 50 rod East on land laid ovt to thomas thayer 10 rod sovth on land laid ovt to Jethro coffin 50 rod west on a three rod way 10 rod the whole being 3 acers and 20 rod 20 rod alowed for bad land — the same day laid ovt for sd taft one acer tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land on wigwam hill and is bovnded north on sd land 87 rod west on comon two rod and half to stons the sovthwest corner sovth on comon 87 rod to a white oak tree markt being the sovtheast corner East on svmners land 2 rod and half the whole being one acer and 57 rod 57 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros sd land ovt by Thomas white svrvayer robert taft and thomas taft chain men 874 1>R0PRIET0RS' RECORDS. Janvary y*" Eleventh 1742 : 3 laid ovt for James albee 3 acers and 40 rod tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land north from his hovse and is bovnded westerly part on his own land and part in wiliam sprages land 38 rod sovtherly on his own and northerly on the land of John hayward it being a broaken peace of land compasing in a peace of medow formerly laid ovt — more the same day laid ovt for sd albee 2 acers tenth division laid west from his hovse and is bovnded sovth on a three rod way and on all other parts on his own land more the same day laid ovt for sd albee 3 acers of land viz : one acer and 56 rod in Ive for land formerly laid ovt vnder a mistake in Jsacc thayers land the remainder of sd 3 acers being ninth division and is laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded north and west on sd land sovtherly on land laid ovt to peter holbrook itt being a three cornered peace of land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and James albee chain men Nicolas hvmes John fish [649.] Janvary y^ 16"' : 1723^ laid ovt for nicolas hvmes fifteen acers of samvel Reads seventh division of land laid on the west side the great River near shokcolog begining at an heap of stons Being the sovthwest corner : thence Runing north 15 dgr' west ninety Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 15 dgr' north seventy Rod to a heap of stones being the northeast corner then sovth 15 dgr^ East : ninety : Rod to a heap of stons Beinsr the sovtheast corner then west 15 dgr^ sovth seventy Rod to the first bovnds the whole containing thirty nine acers and sixty Rod Twenty fovr acers and 60 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer James Keith & Jacob aldrich committee Janvary y^ 5"': 1734-^ laid ovt for nicolas hvmes ten acers of land given him By the Town at a pvblick Town meetting febrvary ye j^7ih. I723i and is laid ovt Joyning to his other land and is Bovnded north on sd land seventy Rod : Being the whole Breadth of sd land then Rvning from the north east corner of sd land sovth MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. S^5 15 dgr' East forty three Rod to : a heap of stones Being the sovtheast corner Thence with a dirict line to the sovthwest : corner : of his other land : laid ovt By Thomas white svrvayer : James Keith and Jacol) aldrich committee : May y^ lO**" : 1736 laid ovt for nicolas hvmes 7 acers of land: viz : 3 acers Eighth division and 2 acers ninth division and 2 acers tenth division laid Joyning to his other land East from his hovse and is bovnd westerly on sd land 119 rod northerly on shok- colog : Brook 24 rod to a black oak tree markt being the north- east corner thence with a direct line to a northeast corner of John : Emersons land the whole being 9 acers and 80 rod 2 acers and 80 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph white and Edward aldrich chain men October y^ 16'": 1747 Laid out for John Fish 2 rod of land Joyning to his other Land on the South side the road leading by his house and is bounded North on Sd Road west on his own Land 3 rod East on the Land of Daniel Taft Esq' 3 rod it being a Small gore of Land Laid out by William Torrey Sur : y' Daniel Lovett Chain man Jonathan Aldrich Cap' Robert Taft Ezekel white John fish [650.] Robert clerk Jvne y« 23=" : 1730 laid ovt for Ezekel white 6 acers of Cap' Joseph whites Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near hoop pole hill and is bovnded west on John Rawsons land 58 rod sovth on samvel morses land 36 rod East on his own land 40 rod to the norwest corner of sd land thence with a direct line to northeast corner of sd Rawsons land the whole containing 8 acers and 23 rod two acers and 23 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men desember y*^ 14"^: 1737 laid ovt for John fish one acer and 40 rod tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land west from his hovse and is bovnded East on sd land west on land laid ovt for cap' Joseph white and sovth on his own land it being a broaken three cornered peace of land containing one acer and 74 rod 34 876 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob Aldrich and John fish chain men November y^ : 2*" : 1739 laid ovt for Jonathan Aldrich 10 acers tenth division of land belonging to his father seth Aldriches rights and is laid Joyning to his other land on the west side the great river laid partly on one side and one End of sd land rvning from the northeast corner of Edmvnd rawsons land East 15 dgr^ sovth 23 rod throvgh a pine swamp to his other land and is bovnded west on sd rawsons land to the sovtheast corner then tvrning East 15 dgr^ sovth 34 rod to stons on a : rock at daniel lovets land then north 15 dgr* East 31 rod to a heap of stons at his other land the whole containing Eleven acers one acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas White svrvayer Jacob Aldrich and samvel thayer chain men October y*" 15^'' : 1740 laid ovt: for Eobert clerk nine acers of land viz : 2 acers of Ezekel whites ninth division and 2 acers of his tenth division and 5 acers of James Emersons tenth division laid together and is bovnded west on his own land rvning from the northeast corner of sd land East 25 dgr' north 33 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner and is bovnded East on land left for a two rod way betwen sd land and John corbits land and is bovnded sovth on a three rod way : the whole being ten acers one alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Joseph taft and Robert Clerk chain men October y*' 3" 1 747 Laid out for Cap* Eobert Taft one Acre of his Eleuenth Division of Land adjoyning to his other Land by the pond and is Bounded Southerly on sd Land 11 rod Easterly on the Road Leading by his house 16 rod northerly on his stone wall as it now stands 9 rod to the pond westerly on S*^ pond 16 rod to his own Land : Laid out by William Torrey Sury'" Jacob aldrich Chain man James Wood Jacob Aldrich son of seth Aldrich [651.] Samvel Belows deborah Aldrich Desember y^ 4"' : 1729 laid ovt for James wood Eight acers of James Keiths Eighth division Joyning to his other land at shok- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 877 colog and is bovnded west on sd land sovth and north on the land of Ebenezer Read and East on a three Rod way the whole con- taining Eight acers & half and sixty fovr Rod half an acer and sixty fovr Rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men april y*' 9"' : 1734 laid o^^ for Jacob aldrich son of seth aldrich five acers of Jsaac Richersons ninth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse begining at the northeast corner of .sd land and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence Rvning north 35 dgr* west 30 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 35 dgr* north 40 rod to a heap of stons being the north- east corner then sovth 35 dgr' East 30 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing 7 acers and half 2 acers and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer : Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men : — Memorandum one acer of this five acers is of John Balcoms tenth division may y" 3^^ : 1734 laid ovt for samvel Belows 24 acers of land viz : 20 acers ^vhich he pvrchased of vriah thayer and 4 acers of his fathers ninth division laid together Joyning to his fathers land and is bovnded sovtherly part on william greens land rvning from a heap of stons near the sovtheast corner of sd greens land East 35 dgr^ north 10 rod to moses aldriches land and is bovnded Easterly on sd land to samvel woods land then on sd woods land to his own land and is bovnded on all other parts on sd Belowses land it being a broaken peace of land containing 34 acers and 96 rod 10 acers and 96 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men : — this land ovght to have been recorded to Jabiz Bellows as by a deed from vriah thayer may more fvlly apear may y® Eleventh : 1736 laid ovt for Jacob aldrich 12 acers of land : viz : 4 acers of John Balcoms seventh division and 2 acers of sd balcoms ninth division : and 6 acers of his father seth aldriches tenth division laid together Joyning to his other land 878 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. near his dwelling hovs and is bovnded westerly on sd land 60 rod to the northeast corner of sd land then rvnino- East 5 dgr' north 40 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 35 dgr^ East 61 rod to a heap of stons at his other land being the sovtheast corner and is bovnded sovth on sd land 40 rod the whole being 14 acers and 80 rod 2 acers and 80 rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way cros sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer and Joseph white chain man april y' 3*^ : 1739 laid ovt for deborah aldrich 8 acers and half of land that the propriators committee alowed to seth aldrich in fvll satisfaction for what land he lost by Reson of providence farms laid Joyning to her other land on the west side the great river and is bovnded westerly part on sd land and part on John aldriches land 40 rod to the norwest corner being m heap of stons thence rvning northeast fvll point 36 rod to a heap of stons : being : the northeast corner then sovtheast 40 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then norwest 36 rod to her other land a black oak stand markt near the sovthwest corner the whole containing nine acers half an acer alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and samvel thayer chain men Jonathan Bacon deborah aldrich Samvel wheton Jacob tinkvm [652.] Jvne y^ : 12*'': 1730 laid ovt for samvel wheton two acers and three qvarters of Benjamen hayw^ards sixth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land on the East side of the mill River and is bovnded north on the land of benjamen wheton* six rod westerly on a three rod way forty two rod and on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken peace of land containing two acers and three qvarters and seventeen Rod the 17 rod alowed for bad land, laid ovt by Thomas white svr- vayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men November y*" 18*'' : 1736 laid ovt for Jonathan Bacon 32 acers tenth division of land : viz : 18 acers of Edmvnd Rawsons and 14 of daniel Reads Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded sovtherly part on the land of samvel terrey and part on MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 879 the land of timothy gy Easterly on the way leading from the iron works to svtton and on all other parts on his own land the whole : containing 36 acers 4 acers alowed for V)ad land and oxford Rode cros a corner of sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Ebenezer Read and Jonathan bacon chain men april y^ 3'' : 1739 laid ovt for deborah aldrich 17 acers of land : viz : 8 acers and 40 rod of land which the propriators committee : alowed to her father for land lost by providence farms and 6 acers and 120 rod of her fjithers tenth division laid Joyning to her other land on the west side the great river and is bounded Easterly part on sd land and part on the land of John aldrich 115 rod the northeast corner being a heap of stons thence rvning norwest full point 32 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovtheast 100 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence with a direct line to the sovthwest corner of her other land the whole containing 20 acers and 26 rod 3 acers and 26 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and samvel thayer chain men October y^ 29^'' : 1731 laid ovt for Jacob tinkvm 3 acers of John darlings Eighth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his hovse and is bovnded sovth on sd land 15 rod and East on sd land 43 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then rvning westerly 13 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner thence with a direct line 43 rod to a heap of stons being a corner of his other land : the whole containing 3 acers and half and 39 rod half an acer and 39 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer John farnvm and Jacob aldrich chain men december y^ 23*^: 1742 laid ovt for Jacob aldrich son to seth aldrich deseast 2 acers of John balcoms tenth division of land laid Joyning to his other land Easterly from his hovse and is bovnded west on sd land 12 rod sovth on the land of seth aldrich 24 rod to a heap of stons being the : sovth west : corner East on comon 38 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner it being a broaken peace of land lying on one side and one End of his other land containing 2 acers and 20 rod 20 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men 880 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. John Kilbovrn Jonathan Cass [653.] march the twenty second 1723 laid ovt for John Kil- bovrn ten jicers of seventh division of land on the north side ol' the north sederswamp Ijegining att a maple tree marked on the north line of Jethro coffins sederswamp then Evning north 5 dgr^ East forty seven Rod to a white oak tree markt. being the nor- west corner then East 5 dgr' sovth forty six rod to a white oak tree markt being the northeast corner thence with a direct line to the northeast corner of sd coffins sederswamp sixty fovr rod then Bovnded on sd swamp to the first bovnds the whole containing fifteen acers and thirty fovr Rod five acers and thirty fovr rod alowed for bad land and a three Rod way throvgh sd land to the sederswamp : by Robert Evens Thomas white Jacob aldrich march y*^ 4*'': 1730 laid ovt for John kilborn twelve acers ot Eighth division of land viz : six acers of his own and six acers of wiliam cheneyes and is laid Joyning to his other land near the north seder swamp begining at a heap of stons on the north side of his other land thence Rvning north 10 dgr* East twenty Rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 10 dgr^ sovth forty Eight Rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then sovth 10 dgr'' west seventy rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then west 10 dgr^ north twenty fovr rod to his other land then on sd land to the first bovnds it being a broaken peace of land containing thirteen acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Thomas sanford and Jacob aldrich chain men march y'" : 31^: 1732 laid ovt for John Kilborn seven acers ninth division of land viz : 4 acers of wiliam cheneys and 3 of his own and is laid Joyning to his other land on the East side the north sederswamp begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence Rvning west 24 dgr^ sovth 20 rod to svmners land then bovnded north part on sd land part on common 30 rod to the north sederswamp or other swamp then bovnded west on sd swamp 38 rod to coffins swamp to stons on a rock then on sd coffins swamp 20 rod to his other land then on sd land 40 rod to MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 881 y^ first hoviids the whole containing : 8 acers one alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men March y^ 10"' 1746 Laid out for Jonathan Cass five Acres c*c half of Land (viz) 5 Acres of David Thayers Eleuenth Division and half an Acre of his fathers on the west Side of foxes brook Joyning to his other Land and is bounded South and East on his other Land a pople tree markt near the brook being the north East Corner thence runing west 16 Degi"^ South 46 rod on Comon to a heap of stones being the norwest Corner then South 16 Deg^ East on Comon 14 rod to a heap of Stones then runing westerly on Comon 40 rod to a heap of Stones on his other Land : Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Jacob aldrich and Jonathan Cass Chain men John Jonson John AVoolson Joseph Stalker martain armstrong Daniel Cass [654.] Janvaryy*^: 26"': 1731^ laid ovt for Joseph stalker 4 acers of William Rvtters ninth Division of land laid ovt Joyning to his other land on the west side of misco hill and is bovnded north part on common and part on the land of samvel warfeeld 50 rod and Easterly on the land of Thomas Read 43 rod and is bovnded on all other parts on his own land it being a broaken l)eace of land containing 6 acers 2 acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Daniel lovet chain men may y'' 2H^^' : 17-33 laid ovt for martain armstrong 12 acers and half of land viz : Eleven acers and half of peter aldriches Eighth division and one acer of his ninth division laid together near his dwell ng liovse and is bovnded west on svtton line 50 rod and north on daniel thvrstons land 50 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner thence rvning sovth 8 dgr* west 50 rod to a heap of stons beino- the sovtheast corner then west 8 do:r^ north 50 rod to svtton line a heap of stons near the sovthwest corner the whole containing 15 acers and 120 rod 3 acers and 40 rod alowed forbad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph 882 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. white chain iiieu — the above scl land ])eino- land which John arm- strong pvrchased of sd aldrich September y*" 6"" : 1734 laid ovt for John Jonson 4 acers of Edmvnd Rawsons ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land near his dweling hovse and is bovnded sovtherly on sd land 48 rod rvning from the northeast corner of sd land north 27 dgr" East 18 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 27 dgr^ n 48 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then sovth 27 dgr^ west 18 rod to the norwest corner of his other land the whole containing 5 acers and 64 rod one acer and 64 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet chain men april y*" 12*'': 1736 laid ovt for John woolson one acer of Eleazer daniels Eighth Division of land laid Joyning to his other land and is bovnded sovth on sd land 24 rod west on common 12 rod north part on comon part on Benony bensons land 24 rod East on comon 6 rod the corners all heaps of stons the whole beino; one acer and 80 rod 80 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt bv Thomas white svrvayer Benjamen darling chain men march y^ 10"' 1746 Laid out for Daniel Cass one Acre of his fathers Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land near his house and is bounded East on his other Land South on the Road Leading by his house norwesterly on the Land belong- ing to the heirs of Joseph Very it being a gore of Land : Laid out by William Torrey Serueyer Jacob Aldrich Chain men Benjamen archer John Aldrich [655.] October y^ 9*'' : 1732 laid ovt for Benjamen archer ten acers of samvel thayer Jvnr' ninth division of land laid Joyning to his other land in vxbridge near seth aldriches begining at the sovth- east corner of sd land thence rvning sovth fvll point 42 rod to a heap of stons being sovtheast corner then west 25 dgr' north 44 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner then north fvll i)oint 42 rod to the sovthwest corner of his other land the whole containing 11 acers and half one acer and half alowed for bad land MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 883 the same day as above laid ovt for said archer 20 acers and an half of land laid Joyning to the above said land : viz : 7 acers and half of Ebenezer sprages Eighth division and 5 acers of his ninth division and 6 acers of cap* thomas thayers 9*" division and 2 acers of Daniel whites ninth division all laid together begining att a chesnutt tree markt being the northeast corner thence : rvn- ing sovth 25 dgi-* west 80 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth- east corner then west 25 dgr'' north 55 rod to a heap of stons being the sovthwcst corner then north 25 dgi** East 80 rod to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then East 25 dgi-* sovth 55 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing 27 acers and an half seven acers alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph taft chain men — may y*' 29*'': 1733 laid ovt for Benjanien archer 10 acers of John garners ninth division of land and is laid Joyning to his other land in vxbridge begining at the norwest corner of sd land thence rvning west 25 dgr* north 30 rod to Jepersons farm to a heap of stons being the norwest corner then bovnded west on sd farm 16 rod to ye sovtheast corner of sd farm thence rvning sovth 25 dgi-^ west 42 rod to a heap of stons being the sovth west corner then East 25 dgr'' sovth 34 rod to his other land a black oak stand markt near the sovtheast corner and is bovnded East on his other land 58 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing Eleven acers and 140 rod one acer and 140 rod alowed for bad land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men October y*" 20"' 1747 Laid out for John Aldrich Seven Acres of Land (viz) 5 Acres half Eleuenth Division and one Acre & half 9*'' & 10"' Divisions Laid Joyning to Jeremiah Aldrichs Land South west from Jeremiah Aldrichs house and is Bounded East on Said land begining at the south west Corner of Said Land thence Runing b}- Sd Land north 32 Degrs west 28 Rod to a heap of Stones l)eing the northerly Corner, then west 32 Deg"^* South 40 Rod on Comon to a heap of Stones being the westerly Corner then South 32 Deg*"* East 28 Rod on Comon to a heap of Stones being the Southerly Corner then East 32 Deg*^ north on 884 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Coiiion 40 Rod to the first Bounds Laid out by AVilliam Torroy Sury"" Jacob Aldricli and John Aldrich Chain men the above John Aldrich agreed that he woukl fling up the aboue Land and that it Should be Laid out to the heirs of Daniel Read Robert Benhani John Aldrich [656.] Jvly y' 4'^ : 1735 laid ovt for Robert Benham 24 acers of land : viz : 20 acers given him by the propriators of mendon and two acers which he pvrchased of william holbrook and two acers which he pvrchased of samuel moore laid ovt in the town- ship of vxbridge and is bovnded west part on the land of daniel Eliot and part on common 84 rod begining at a heap of stons being the sovthwest corner thence rvning East 8 dgr^ sovth 54 rod to a heap of stons being the sovtheast corner then north 8 dgr^ East 84 rod to a heap of stons being the northeast corner then west 8 dgr' north 54 rod to a heap of stons being the hor- west corner then sovth 8 dgr' west 84 rod to the first bovnds the whole containing 28 acers and 26 rod 4 acers and 26 rod alowed for bad land and a three rod way cros a corner of sd land laid ovt by Thomas white svrvayer Jacob aldrich and Joseph white chain men October y'^ 20'^ 1747 Laid out for John Aldrich 4 Acres & a quarter Eleunth Division of Land ajoyning to Jeremiah Aldrichs Land & begining at a heap of Stones near william potters Land bounding Southerly on Comon with a Dirict Line 26 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock on Reads Land then on S** Land 14 Rod to a heap of vStones being the South west Corner thence bounding westerly on Comon 28 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock being y*^ norwest Corner thence north on Comon 21 rod to a black oak tree markt on Jeremiah Aldrichs Land being y® north Easterly Corner thence on S*^ Aldrichs Land to the first Bounds a Road of 3 Rod wide Crossing Said Land Laid out by William Torrey Sur.y''. Jacob aldrich & John Aldrich chain men [657.] Be it Knowne unto all People by thes Presents that J John Darling of the Tow|| of Mendon In the County of Suflblk in the Province of the Massachusets bay Jn New England for and MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 885 in Consid('i'ati(»n of the full ami elust sum of forty shillingts Siueler niony CUuTJint Jn hand all redy well and truly Paid : unto me : by Samuel Comstock : of the Towne of Prouidence Jn the Colony of Road Jsland and Prouidence })lantation Jn the Narraganset Bay Jn New England : the Recept where of J doe owne and Acknowl- edg and there with to be fully satisfied Contented and V\\ — 1| and doe hereby Aquitt and discharg : the sd Samuel Comstock his heyers Pl^ecutors Administrators & Assignes of the same : Hauc Giuen Granted Bargained sold : Enfeoffed Alien || || Assigned set ouer and Confirmed And by these Presents : for me my heyers Executors and Administrators Doe' fully Clearly and Absolutly Giue Grant Bargain sel|| Enfeofie Alien : Assigne and sett ouer : and Confirme unto the sd Samuel Comstock his heyers Executors Administrators and Assignes for Euer : A percell of Land scitu- ate : Lying and being within the Towneship of the Afore sd Towne of Mendo|| the Length of the sd Percell of Land is ninty poles and the breadth : thereof is att the Northern Ende is forty and three Poles : and Att the southerne End the bredth ther of is Ten Poles : and is bounded on the North-Western Corner With A pine Tree on the North Eastern Corner : upon Dedham Line upon the South Eastern Corner : with A white oake tree : and on the south Weastern Corner: With A pine Tree and Euer|| Part of sd Per- cell of Land being bounded with the Comon Land : the which sd Percell of Land : was Laid out for Ten Acres : and What is with in the sd bounds Contain |1 Was Allowed for Tenn Acres be it more or Less : With all and Singuler : the Priuilidges and Appur- tenances to the sd : percell of Land belonging : and all the Estat Right Title Jntrest : vse Property Possesion : Claime and Demand Whatsoever of me the sd John Darling : Jn or to the same : or any Part there of: To haue and TO HOLD the sd percell of Land as aforesd : unto the : sd Samuel Comstock his heyers Executors Administrators and Assignes for Euer : to the only Proper use & and bohoofe of the sd Samuel Comstock his heyers Executors Ad- ministrators & Assignes for Euer : And : that the said Samuel Com- stock his heyers Executors Administrators and Assignes by force and Virtu of thes Presents upon : the signing Sealing and Deliuery here of and from time to time and att all times here After : for Euei* 886 PliOPRIETORS' RECORDS. Shall Stand and I)e Lawfuly seised to him his heyers Executors Ad- ministrators and Assignes of and in the bargained premises and oi" and in Eury Part there of: of a good sure : Lawfull and vndesez- able : and Absolute Estate of Jnheritanc : Jn fee Simple With- out any Conditions limitation use or other thing : to .Alter or Chang the same : Clear and free and freely and Clearly Exhoner- ated Aquitted and Discharged or other wise by mee the sd John Darling : My heyers Executors and Administrators : sufficiently Saued and kept : Harmles : ofl' and from : all and all manner of former and other baro-ains sales Gifts Grants : Leasses Assigne- ments : Judgments : Executions fordittuers Seisuers Joynters Dowryes Power of thirds and Jntaills : and of and from all and Singular other Charges : Titls Trubles Jncombrances : and Da- mands : whatsoever had Made Don or suffered to be Done by me the said John Darling : my My heyers Executors Administra- tors and all and Eury other person or persons Whatsoever Law- fully Claiming any Estate Right Title Jnterest Claime or Demand : Jn or to the same : or any Part there of : from by or under me : Mee : them or any of them Shall and will Warrant and for Defend by Thes Presents Jn Wittness of the promisses J haue here unto set my Hand and Scale this 29 Day of March in the Seuenth Year of Her Majestis Reign and Jn the Yeare 1708 Signed Sealed and Deliuered : John Darling O Jn the Presents of us JosiAH Chapin Sufiblkess Mendon March 29 1708 Ephraim Chapin The aboue Named John Darling : Personaly Appeared : before Me the Subscriber and Acknowledged the Aboue writen Jnstrument to be his Voluntary Act and Deed JosiAH Chapin Justice : peace : This is A true Coppy of the Aboue and Jn writen Deed With the Signing Sealing And Acknowledgment Recorded the Seuenth of fibmiry I7O89 p'' Sam". Read Towne Clerk : End of the " Oldest and Largest Proprietors Book " MEN0ON, MASSACHUSETTS. 887 THE LATER & SMALLER PROPRIETORS BOOK. [la.] To all people to whoiiie this preambulation may Con- ceon know ye that I John thayer of mendon in the County Worcester and province of the massachusets bay in new England husbandman have heretofore given unto my Son pelatiah thayer of mendon in the County & province aforesaid husbandman a Deed of one half of my Said farm in Said mendon and now Divided & bounding as following Begining at a Chusnut tree the South Side of Said farm Standing by the wall that Divides my land and John thayers Jun"" land being a little west of the End of the Barn and Runing north forty two Rods to a Stake and a heap of Stones by the pasture wall then turning west with the wall Eight Rod to a Stake and heap of Stones then north thirty & Seven Rods to a heap of Stones by the fence then west twenty Six Rods as the fence now Stands to a heap of Stones then north Eighteen Rod as the fence now Stands to a heap of Stones then West 30 Rod as the fence now Stands to a heap of Stones at the land that the Said pelatiah Bought of thomas Darling this I promise my Self and heirs Executors and administrators for Ever to be the trewe perambulatition Line wich I the Said John Thayer and my Son pelatiah Both agreed to also J you the Said pelatiah and heirs Executors and administrators all the Cattring aple trees Beginning the west End of the Barn and So Round the north Side of the Barn to the wall an|| by the wall toward the house and all the aple trees from the Barn to house and all the trees at the west End of the house and Round the north Side of the house to the pasture fence also J give the above Said pela- tiah the })rivilidge of making up all my apples into Cyder at haves Dureing my life time and also J give the above Said pela- tiah a privilidgll to live in the house till Such time as the Said pelatiah Can Conv|j || || || || || Build one also a privilidge to* pass at times and all times from the Sa|| || pelatiahs land through my land 888 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. to the lain Tvcadiiig to Elisha thoins|| || 1| in witness whereof J have hereunto Sett my hand and Seal the 2 1| || || of april in the fifteen year of his majesties Reign An Domini 1775 Signed Sealed & Delived In presence of us James Blake John Thayer ® Mary x Hayward Pelatiah Thayer O Mendon May 26^'^ 1778 then we the Subcribers meet and perambulated and Settled a line Between our lands Lying on the [2a.] westerly Side of Rehoboth road which line is foever here after to be as follows Begining at a poplar tree markt on the westerly Side of Said Road then the line Runs South 25 Deg"^ west 36 rods to white oak tree markt near the River & Continues the Same point to the River and we Bind our Selves our heirs and assigns to Stand to and abide by this preambulation forever as witness oui- hands the Day & year aboue written and Desire this perambulation may be Recorded in the })roprietors Records in Mendon aforesaid Test James Sumner Levi Aldrich his Nath*-^ Aldrich Sam'^'- x KinCx [lb.] Mendon March the 15 175H We the Subscribers (viz) Joseph Corbett and Eliphelet Wood both of Mendon afore Said have this Day made a Line betwen our Land on the Westerl}^ Side of Second Bridge River So Called in Said mendon and made Bounds which are as folio weth (viz) Begining at a bunch of maple Stands that grows on a Rock with a heap of Stons on Said Rock l)y Said Stands by flohn Corbetts Land being the Southerly Bounds thence with a Dirict Line to a heap of Stones by a Stump thence Runing northerly with a Direct Line to a heap of Stones by a Red oak Stump on the Edge of the bank by Said Coi'betts niedow thence with a Dirict Line to the End of a Ditch that Said Corbett Diged for a fence between their Lands thence Continveing Said Line as the Ditch now Stands or is Dio;ed to'the north End of Said Ditch MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 889 thence northerly alxjut one Rod to u Stake by John Corbetts Land — and J the Said Jo.scph (.orbett for my Self my heirs & assigns Do for Ever Quit Claim to Said Eliphelet wood his heirs & assigns all my Right title & Jntrest that J have or ought to have to any Land or medow on the westerly Side of the above said Line — Jn Consideration where of J the Said Eliphlet Wood for my Self my heirs c^ assigns Do forever quit Claim to Joseph Corbett his heirs & assigns all my Right title & Jnterest that J have or ought to have to my Land on the Easterly Side of the above Said line »In witness whereof we the Said Joseph ('orbett and Elii)helet wood have hereunto Sett our hands the Day & Year Hrst above written in the presence of us j^^^^^^ "-" c^j^g^TT A\^ILLIAM TORREY ElIPHELET WOOD J 8 AT AH Corbett Mendon april the 21 1755 we whose Names are hereto Sub- scribed have this Day made an agreement & preambu || || || |1 1| || between our Lands in the westerly part of Said mendon Lying near the Rock medow So Called & Known and Stated the Bounds of our Said Lands in the following manner — Begin- ing at a heap of Stones by the Road Leading irom Sd mendon to Uxbridge three Rods Westerly of our former Bound which was a heap of Stones by a Stum[) thence to an other heap of Stones by Said Rock medow Brook three Rods west from a white oak tree markt Said tree l)eing Likewise a former Bound and So three Rods west of the former Bounds on all parts Said Bounds Between the parties being Settled as above Said in Consequence of a Road or way being Laid through the parties Lands by Said town and an Exchange made by us the Subscribers and Bounds to be forever Settled as above sd Said Exchang as to the Said Road being allowed and excepted by Said town of mendon and the Said parties being Content have hereunto sett our hand Robert Taft Joseph Damon Sam'-'' Thayer 890 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. [2b.] Mendon april the 14*'^ 1755 Memerandom of an agreement made by us the Subscribers (viz) Abraham Jones and David Cuttler both of mendon in pre- ambulating the lines between our Lands that is to Say the land that the said Jones Sold to the S" Cuttler that whereas the Deed Says Runing Easterly & l)ounding on the granter fifteen rod & half to a heap of Stones the South East Corner we agree that the Said line Shall Extend two rod & half further East & make it Eighteen rod to a heap of Stones being now the South East Corner and whereas Said Deed Says Runing northerly thirty rods to a heap of Stones the north East Corner we agree that the Said line Shall Run northerly but twenty Six rod to a heap of Stones being now the north East Corner thence with a Direct line 49 rod to the heap of Stones on the Ridge hill as mentioned in Said Deed and We Binde our Selves our heirs & assigns to Stand to and abide by this our agreement for Ever — and we also agree that this our agreement he Recorded in the proprietors Records of mendon — as witness our hands Witnesses William Torrey t Abraham Jones her ^ & mehetable x Cuttler ( David Cuttler Mendon Janvary y^ 20"^ 1755 We the Subscribers (viz) Nathan Tyler Nathanael Nelson and Joseph Johnson have this Day preamb Mendon November !'■'*: 1757 Memorandum of a Preambulation made this day Between George Aldrichs Land and Benjamin Staples's Land on the East Side of Muddy Brook to the Two Rod way part of the former Six Rod Way Js as followeth ; Beginning at an Ash Tree on the West Side of S*^ : Muddy Brook being Said Staples's South West Corner Thence North Easterly about 24 Rods to a Dry Chesnut Stake Thence a little more Easterly to a Stake & heap of Stones about it, at the Said Two Rod Way. And We the Said George Aldrich & Benjamin Staples, do By these Presents ; Bind c^ oblige ourselves, our iieirs & Assigns to Stand to c^ Abide ))y MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 891 the abovesaid Preambulation to l)o the Dividing Line Between our Lands forever ; as Witness our liands the Day & year Al)ove- said Jn Presence of us Gp^orge Aldrich Nathan Aldrich Benjamin Staples her Rebekah X Thayer Mark Mendon april the 17*'' 1749 [3.] then Joseph Al>l)ce & Samuel Torrey mett & preamba- lated the Line between their Lands & Stated the l)ounds begining at a Chesnut tree which is Edward Rawsons nor westerly Corner then Runing westerly to the sd Joseph Abbees norwesterly Corner which was formerly Josiah Adams Land — Jn Testimony where of the parties to these presents haue hereunto Jnterchang- ably Sett their hands the Day & year aboue written Jn presence of us Sam'-'' Torrey Sam^^ Thayer — mary Rawsox Joseph Abbee and Edward Rawson A Settlement of a Division Line between Sam" Thayer Joseph Thayer & Benjamin Thayer upon the west Side of providence Rhoad begining at a white oak Tree So runing westard to another white oak Stand near the Range Runing to another white oak Tree to the medow all three trees being in a Range all being marked the first white oak tree being a former Corner marked — June the S*'' 1730 Signed Sealed & Delivered Samuel Thayer O Jn presence of us Joseph Thayer William Rawson Benj'' Thayer Sarah Rawson mendon april 30'". 1772 then we the Subscribers Edward [6.] pickring & Joseph Theayer mett & perambulated the lines Between our lands on both Sides the Road Leading from mendon to Smithfield and Renewed the Bounds Begining at a Stump & Stones upon it and a Ceader Stake by it being the north west 892 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Corner of Edward pickriiii>- land tlien Riming Easterly to a groat white oak tree on the South Sid(^ of a little ])ond then north East to a Striping white oak tree a little Distance west from Edward pickring Jun'^ house west of the Road above Said then Runing north to a heap of Stones on a Large Rock a little Distance from the Brook Still north to a Stake & Stones about it a little Dis- tance from the Bridge over the Brook thence on the East Side of Said Road Down Stream of Said Brook to a white ash on the Brook from thence with a Direct line to a Large old hemlock Stump &. Stones about it upon a Steep hill west of the mill River thence Down Stream With the River with a Direct line from Said hemlock to a large bunch of maples by the River on the bank of the River in Seth Kelleys medow being the Bounds Between Said thayers land & Seth Kellys land — and further we Binde Each of our Selves & Each of our heirs to Stand to and abide by this our perambulation — Jn. witness where of we have hereunto Set our hands & Seals and order the Same to be put on the proprietors Book in mendon his Ben,jamin B pickring Edward pikring O mark Joseph Thayer Jun" Joseph Thayer O Uxbridge October 10"^ 17H James Emerson Sa.muel Coming William Torrey [7.] the 4"' of april 1774 articles of perambulation tirmly ageed Ratified & Confirmed Between Benjamin archer and Paul MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 898 whoolock Both of Uxbridgo on on the P^asterly Side of S'' archers & westerly of Said wheelock Begining at the northwest C(jrner of S"* wheelock land & a Corner of S*^ archers land adjoyning on Comon land or land in Disputt about 40 Rod Southerly of Said archers north East Corner S"* perambulation begining at a Stake & heap of Stones abve named South 11 Degrs west 10 Rod ^ to a Stake & heap of Stones South 37 rods to a Stake and heap of Stones to the northwes Corner of Daniel wheelock Jun'^ land this above written we Jnterchanably Set our hands, the Day & year above written »In presence of us JSRAEL ChILLSON BeNJAMIN ArCHER Thaddeus Read Paul Wheelock mendon april 29^'' 1757 We Joseph Penneman and Sam" Raw- son both of mendon aforesaid have this Day meet and preambu- lated the Line which is between our Lands upon the westerly Side of the mill River & have agreed Said Line Shall Run as fol- lows between S^ Lands begining at the Southwest Corner of obadiah wheelocks Land which he hath in that place adjoyning to the said pennemans Land thence Runing South 24 Degr' East untill the Said Line passeth the Land which the Said sam" Raw- son hath now in possesion in that place — furthermore the Said penneman & Rawson abovesaid the Same Day abovesaid mett & preanibulated the Line which is between them on the Southerly Side of Muddy Brook where theii- Lands Do Joyn there also which is as followeth Begining at a Large Black oak tree Standing now near Said muddy Brook being a Southwest ])ounds of the Said Rawsons Land which the Said Rawson s father pvrchesed in his Life time thence with a Direct Line Southerly to a heap of Stones at an old Ditch about two Rod westerly from a white oak tree at the Road Leading from mendon town to Aaron Thayers as the fence now standeth — and we the Said Joseph Penneman and Samuel Rawson Do oblidge our Selves our heirs Executors administrators & assigns to Stand to & abide by the above Siad preambulation for Ever — and we agree also that this our preambulation be Recorded in the pro- 894 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. prietors Records in nicndon as witness our hands the Day & year above written Signed in presence of us Joseph Penniman John Penniman Samuel Eawson Anne Penniman april 25"' 1755 Laid out for David pond 17 Rod of Joseph [9.] Pennimans IP'' Division Laid Joyning to Benjamin Staples land a Little west of the towns meeting house in niendon and is Bounded westerly on S** Staples Stone wall 17 rod Southerly on land of Jacob Aldrich 2 Rod a heap of Stones on a Rock being the South East Corner & is Bounded Easterly on the Road that leads by the west End of Said meeting house 17 rod it being a gore of Land two Rods wide at y*^ South End and nothing at the north End Laid out by William Torrey Surveyer Robert Taft chain man W"" Brown april 19^'' 1748 Laid out for William Brown a three Cornered piece Begining at his own Land at the Side Line of that land was Laid out for Decon Samuel More then north 22 Deg'"* west 14 rod to Land laid out for Daniel Thayer att a heap of Stones being- Browns Corner then with a Direct Line to a heap of Stones being- Browns Corner then with a Direct Line to a heap of Stones be- ing woods Corner then west 8 rod to the first Bounds Bounded part on his own Land part on Land laid out for Eliphelet whar- field & Woods Land being about GO rod of ground Laid out by John Read Survey"" William Holbrook Chain man uxbridge april 8"' 1749 Laid out for William Brown one acre and half of his. Eleventh Division on the East Side of Elbow Brook Joyning to his other Land on the west Side of the Road from Springs to Esq'" Harwoods begining at a heap of Stones be- ing his old Corner by the Side of the abov Said Road then South- west 37 Rods to his own Land Bounded northerly on his own Land then South 25 Degrs East 10 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner and a Corner of Ezekiel Woods Land Bounded west on his own Land : then north East 36 Rod to a heap of Stones at the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 895 above Said Road l)eing the above Said AVoods Corner Bounded Southerly on Said wood then northerly 11 Rod Bounded Easterly on Said Road to the first Bounds Laid out by John Read Survey"" William Holl)rook Chain man Jonathan Benj Sam" & Thomas Haywards agreement [10.] Memerandom of an agreement made l)etween us the Subscribers this tirst Day of march 174G (viz) Jonathan Hay- ward & Benjamin Hayward Sam" Hayward & Thomas Hayward all of mendon in the County of Worcester Concerning the Dividing- Line between us the Said Sam" Hayward & Thomas Hayward of the Land which we have by Deed of our Hon"^. fathers the aboue named Jonathan Hayward and Benjamin Hayward is as folio weth begining at a heap of Stones by the Road Leading by the Said Haywards houses a Little north of the End of .the aboue sd Sam" Haywards Stone wall thence with a Direct Line and Crossino- y« Corner of a Swamp to a Stake & heap of Stones on the Edge of the upland thence on the Edge of the upland to a Stake & heap of Stones by a Swamp Called Benj*. Thayers Slang thence with a Direct Line and Crossing S*^ Swamp or Slang to a black oak tree markt thence with a Direct Line near where the fence now Stands to a maple Stand in the fence in the medow known by the name of buck medow thence as the fence now Stands to Second Bridge Riuer then Crossing S"^ Riuer and bounding up Stream on S*^ Riuer to the aboue sd Sam". Haywards fence thence as y^ fence now Stands to a white oak tree markt on the upland being y^ South East Corner of y" aboue S'^ Thomas Haywards Land — NB : it is to be understood that notwithstanding the aboue S** agreement of y^ Dividing Line between y^ Lands of the aboue said Sam" Hayward & Thomas Hayward that y^ aboue sd Sam" Hayward no ways Conveys the Land which he y^ S** Sam" Hay- ward bought & purchased of Aaron Thayer which Lyeth on the north Side of Said Dividing Line & Encompassed with y*" aboue sd Thomas Haywards Land : it is also to be understood that the aboue S'' Sam" Hayward his heirs & assigns is to make & main- tain all the fence in y^ Dividing Line on the Easterly Side of Said Riuer for Euer : more then his part : Jn witness of y*' aboue 896 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. written agreement we haue hereunto Sett our hands : — and that it l>e Recorded in y*" propriators Record of niendon his Jonathan O Hay ward mark his Test Benjamin O Haywakd mark William Torrey vSam"' Haywahd his Benjamin Hayward Thomas x Haywakd mark Uxbridge march y^ 25^'' 1745 Ebenezer Boynton [11.] Laid out for the Town of Uxbridge ten acres of Land Granted to Y^ town of Uxbridge in order for a Training field & a Bureing place Said land was laid out Joyning to land of John farnum Jur the first piece was Laid out on y^ Easterly Side of Land Called Duggeles land begining at a heap of Stones being a Corner of Sd farnums land & a Corner of Josiah Tafts land thence runing North Easterly & bounding on land of the Said Farnum twenty one rod then Easterly Six rod & bounding on land of Joseph Tyler to a heap of Stones then runing west 2 Degr South to a black oak tree & Stones 12 rod being a Corner & bounding on Common then 16 rod with a Direct Line to y*^ first bounds mentioned and bounding on Common — the other piece Laid out on y'" west Side of land of Sd farnum at a place Called Brush hill & on y'= South Side of Shockologue Road begining at a heap of Stones being y® most northwest Corner of Sd farnums Land then Runing South 38 Deg' west 17 rod to a heap of Stones then Southerly & bounding on land of y*^ S*^ farnum to Land of James Penneman then turning & bounding partly on land of the S'' Penneman & partly on Common 30 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner then Runing northerly & bounding on Common to a heap of Stones fiue rod East from y'' north East Corner of Cap' Joseph Tafts Land thence North full point to Shockologue Road then on Sd Road to y*" first mentioned bounds the whole Containing Eleuen acres one acre alowed for bad land Laid out l)y William Torrey Surveyer Jacob Aldrich & Daniel Lovett Chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 897 april y*' 18*'' 1746 then Laid out for Ebenezer Boyingtoii ninteen acres Eleuen*'' Division of Land (viz) Eight acres of Sam" Torreys & fine acres of William Hay ward Jr.s and four acres of John posts and two acres of his own and is Laid Joyning to Jonathan Whitney s Land west from S'^ Whitneys house begin- ing at a heap of Stones by S*^ Whitneys Land thence runing north 27 Degr^ west 100 rod on Comon to a pine tree markt being the north Easterly Corner thence runing west 27 Degrs South on Comon 46 rod to a heap of Stones being the northwesterly Corner thence runing South 27 Degrs East to a heap of Stones at the roote of a black oak tree near Jonathan Whitneys Land & So to S'' whitneys Land then bounding Southerly & westerly on S'' whitneys Land to the first bounds mentioned Laid out liy William Torrey Surueyer Danill Louett Chain man October y^ 20^' 1746 Laid out for Ebenezer Boyington nine Acres of Land (viz) two acres of his ninth Division & 5 acres of his Eleuenth Division & two acres of Thomas Beards Eleuenth Division Joyning to his other Land near whitneys Land and is bounded. Easterly on Said Land South Easterly partly on Jonathan Whitneys Land & partly on Comon 47 rod to a heap of Stones on a Small rock being the Southwesterly Corner thence with a Direct Line and Bounding uorwesterly on Comon to a heap of Stons being the norwesterly Corner of his other land it being a three Corner'' piece of Land Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Daniel Louett & p]l)enozer Boyington Chain men Benj" Albee Sam" Rawson Daniel Hayward [12.] may y'^ 9"' 1745 then Laid out for Samvel Rawson two acres of Josiah Chapins & fifty Eight rod Eleuenth Diuision of Land laid Joyning to his other Land near his house on y** north Side y'' high way Leading towards Boston 6i is Bounded South on S'' way Sixty three rod East on Common Six rod north on his own Land west on Joseph pennemans Land Six rod — Laid out by William Torrey Surveyer Daniel Louett & Sam" Rawson Chain men the Same Day Laid out for the'aljoue S^ Rawson ten rod of 898 ruopRiETORS' records. Land Joyning to his otlier Land that he Bought of potters heirs begining at y* South west Corner of S*^ Land runing Southerly two rod on Comon to y^ highway Leading towards Boston then bounding Southerly on S^ way ten rod to his own Land bound- ing northerly on his own Land — the Same Day Laid out for y*^ aboue S*^ Rawson Seuenty two rod of Land of y*^^ aboue S*^ Eleuen Diuision Joyning to his other Land that he Bought of potters heirs and is Bounded north on S'^ Land fourteen rod & half East on Comon fiue rod to y*^ high- way Leading towards Boston South on S*^ way fourteen rod & half to his own Land Laid out by William Torrey Surveyer Daniel Louett & Sam'' Rawson Chain men Mendon September the 18"> 1749 We The Subscribers this Day mett and preambuhitcd the line Between our Lands on the Westerly Side Second Bridge Riuer and it is as followeth Begining at a Stake being the South west ( 'Orner of Said Albees Medow thence Runing northerly as the post & Raill fence now Stands to a Ditch then for Said Ditch to be the Bounds between our S'' Lands to Second Bridge Riuer. as wittness our hands his witness Benj'' A Albee mark his William Torrey Daniel Hayward mark Jacob Aldrich Daniel Corbett [13.] May y*^ 2"— 1745 then Laid out for Daniel Corbett 12 acres of obadiah wheel ocks Eleuenth Division of Land laid Jojai- ino- to his other Land in y*" north purches near Jeremiah Boyen- ton's land & is Bounded East on his other land 136 rod north on his other land 29 rod to a heap of Stones being y'" northwest Cor- ner thence : runing South 10 Deg'" East on Comon 136 rod to a heap of Stones by his other Land it being a three Corner :d piece of land : Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Daniel Louett & Daniel Corbett Chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 899 may y" T 1745 then Laid out for Daniel Corbett 13 acres Eleuenth Diuision of land (viz) Eight acres of obadiah wheelocks t'i fine acres of his own laid Joyning to his other land begining at a heap of Stones by his other land and is Bounded westerly on his other land 200 rod to a heap of Stones by his other land being y« Southwest Corner : South on his other land 21 rod to a heap of Stones by his other land being y"^ South east Corner from thence on Common with a Direct Line 200 rod to y*' firist Bounds : Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Daniel Louett & Daniel Corbett Chain men March y^ 9*'' 1746 Laid out for Daniel Corbett Seven Acres of Land (viz) 2 Acres of Robert Tylers Eleventh Division and 2 Acres of Benjamin palmers and 2 Acres of Ebenezer Chapins and one Acre of James Sumners Eleuenth Diuision Laid tog-ether Joyning to his other Land South East from his house and is Bounded north on his other Land 27 rod to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner west on his other Land 50 rod to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner and the South East Corner of his other Land thence runing East 12 Deg'"' north on Comon 20 rod to a heap of Stones on a Ledge of rocks being the South East Corner thence with a Direct Line on Comon to a heap of Stones by his other Land being the north East Corner : Laid out by William Torrey Sur :y'' Daniell Lovett and Daniell Cor- bett Chain men March y'' 9'" 1 746 Laid out foi- Daniel Corbett Ten Acres of Land (viz) 5 Acres of Joseph Sumners and 4 Acres of James Sumners Eleuenth Division and half an Acre of Josiah Balls & half an Acre of William Torreys Eleuenth Division Joyning to his other Land and is Bounded Easterly on his other Land west- erly partly on the Road Leading to Hopkinton partly on the land of Moses Cuting and partly on the Land of Jonathan Stearns and jjartly on the Land of Jeremiah Boyenton and partly on the Land of Josiah Ball to his own Land : Laid out by William Torrey Sur ry"" Daniel Lovett and Daniel Corbett Chain men 900 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. John Spring [14r.] Uxbridge December y*^ 17'" 1745 Laid out for John Spring of S** Uxbridge a Little westerly from his house forty four acres of Land (viz : Six acres of William Johnsons tenth Divi- sion & two acres of Sam" Chapins tenth Division & two more of his Eleuenth Division together with twenty fine acres of Cap' Robert Tafts Eleventh Division and one third part of a Right of James Albees Eleventh Division and Bounded as followeth be- gining at a heap of Stones near the Southwest Corner of S*^ Springs pasture thence runing noilh 3 Degrs west 24 rod to a pine tree being woods Corner & bounding westerly on S'' Wood Land then runing west 7 Degr^ South 32 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner & bounding South on Sd wood then Runing north 2 Degrs East 40 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner & bounding west- erly on Land of petter aldrich then Runing west 2 Degr^ South 44 rod & bounding South part on Sd aldrich and part on Comon to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner then north 2 Degr* west 60 rod to a heap of Stones being the north west Corner and bounding west on Comon then East 9 Degr** north 30 rod to a heap of Stones then East 23 Degr^ north 45 rod to a heap of Stones at the Road near the Corner of John Elliots fence then runing South 17 Degrs East 42 rod to a heap of Stones then South 13 Degrs East 55 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner & Bounding Easterly on Land of Sam" Aldrich thence runing East 33 Degrs north 30 rod to a pine tree being a Corner & bound- ing north on Land of Sam" Aldrich then South ward bounding on the Road to his own Land then west & Bounding South on his own land 25 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner then South & bounding East on his own Land 42 rod with a Direct Line to the first Bounds mentioned : Laid out by John Read Jnr Surueyer Sam" Read & John Spring Com" December 17"' 1745 Laid out for John Spring near his house & on the South Side of his pasture & on the west Side of the road leading to the meeting house Seven acres of Land (viz) four acres of James albees Eleventh Division & three acres of Nath" Thompsons Eleventh Diuision Laid together & is bounded as followeth begining at a heap of Stones at the road then Run- IMENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 901 ing westerly & bounding northerly on his own Land 44 rod to Ezekiel woods Land to a heap of Stones being a Corner being the north west Corner then South & bounding west on S*' woods Land 30 rod to a heap of Stones on a rock being the South west Corner then East 5 Degrs South & boundino; South on Comon 35 rod to the Road aboue mentioned to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner then north & l)ounding East on S'' Road 34 rod to the first bounds — Laid out by John Read Surueyer .^ani" Read & John Spring- Chain men Thomas Tiney Daniel Southwick [15.] feln-uary y"^^ 25"' 1745 Laid out for Thomas Tiney 24 acres of land (viz) 14 acres of William Spragues Eight and ninth Division and 6 acres of Sd Spragues Eleventh Division and 4 acres of John Killiurns Eleventh Division Laid out on the East Side the Road Leading by Thomas Gages and is Bounded as fol- oweth begining at a heap of Stones on S*^ Road being the South west Corner thence with a Direct Line Eight rod & bounding on Comon to a black oak tree markt being a Corner of John perreys Land thence with a Direct Line and bounded South on Comon to the Southwest Corner of his own Land thence to y*" South East Corner of his other Land thence Runing East 15 Degrs South and Bounding South on Comon to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner the whole of the South Line being 110 rod then turning & runing north 15 Degrs East on Comon 60 rod to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner thence runing west 15 Degr^ north on Comon 86 rod to the Road Leading by Thomas Gages a heap of Stones by S*^ Road being the norwest Corner then bounding westerly partly on S'* Road & partly on Thomas Gages Land : S'' Land is also Iwunded 12 Rod northerly & 2 rod Southerly on S** Gages Land y'' whole of S"^ Land within vS'' bounds Contains thirty fine acres & three quarters Eleven acres & three (juarters alowed for fine acres & 32 rod formerly Laid out within the Compass of S^ Land & for bad Land — Laid out by William Torrey Suruever Jacob Aldrich & Thomas Tinev Chain men 902 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. March y'' 7"' 1745 Laid out for Thomas Tiney Six acres & half of Land (viz) 4 acres of William Torreys Eleventh Division and two acres & a half of his own Laid Joyning to his other I^and near John Gages and is bounded South on his other land to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner & the north East Cornel' of his other Land thence runing north 15 Degrs East to a heap of Stones on Maj"" Daniel Lovetts Land then bounded north on S'' Louetts Land to a heap of Stones the nor- west Corner and a Corner of John Gages Land then runing South full point and bounding westerly on S*^ Gages Land to his own Land. Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Jacob aldrich and Thomas Tiney Chain men June 28"' 1746 Laid out for Daniel Southwick one acre of Sam" Hunts Eleuenth Diuision on the west Side of Black Stones Riuer & at the North Easterly End of his other Land begining at Said Riuer then Runing South 34 Degrs west 16 rod to a pine tree beins; a Corner and bounding: Southerlv on Land of Jacol> Tinkhams heirs then South 38 Degr^ East 13 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner and bounding Easterly on Sd heirs then Southwest 4 rod and a half to his own Land to a heap of Stones being a Corner and bounding Southerly on Comon then north 30 Degrs west 19 rod to a heap of Stones at Jonathan Southwicks land and bounded westerly part on his own Land & part on Land of Said Jonathan then north East full point 20 rod to Said Riuer & bounding northerly on Said Jonathans Land to a Dead tree Called a bass wood tree then Down Stream Said Riuer 4 rod to the first bounds mentioned Laid out by John Read Ju'" and Will- iam holbrook Committee Cap* Tyler Cap' Taft [16.] May y« 20''' 1745 then Laid out for Cap' Nathan Tyler twelue acres and a quarter Eleuenth Diuision of land laid Joyning to his other land on the west Side of y" mill river near y'' north medows begining att a heap of Stones being y° north west Corner : & y'' South west Corner of his other land bounded Avesterly on Common 54 rod with a Direct Line to y*^ north I MENDON, INIASSACHUSETTS. 903 Easter Corner of John Tylers land thence Bounding westerly on Comon HO rod to his (jther land Bounding Easterly 24 rod on Comon the Corners being rocks with heaps of Stones on them and on all other parts Bounding on his own land it being a broken piece of land Containing 12 acres and a quarter three quarters of an acre allowed for a priuet way of two rods wide from John Tylers (corner to pass & repass to and from the lower part of y" uper north medow Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Daniel Louett and Nathan Tyler (^hain men May y« 20*" 1745 then Laid out for Cap' Nathan Tyler three acres & half Eleuenth Division of land on y" East Side y*" mill riuer Joyning to his middle north medow and is bounded north on Sd medow East partly on John Jones's land & partly on Comon 54 rod to a heap of Stones on a rock y"" South East Corner South on Common three rod to a heap of Stones on his other land and on all other parts on his own land : Laid out by William torrej' Sei'ueyer Daniel Louett & nathan tyler Chain men April y*" D*'' 1748 Laid out for Cap* Eleazar Taft 5 acres of his tenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on Misco hill and is bounded westerly partly on Said Land and partly on Land belonging to the heirs of Daniel Read Dec'' Northerly on Land of Josiah Addams 10 Rod to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner then bounding Easterly on Land of William Torrey 32 Rod to James Woods land to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner & the South west Corner of Said Torreys Land and is bounded Southerly on James Woods Land 28 Rod & half to his own Land — Laid out l>y William Torrey Sury'. Jacob Aldrich & Eleazer Taft Chain men Sam" Darling [17.] Mendon february y'^ 12"> 1744/5 We the Subscribers being men mutvally Chosen by and Be- tween Sam" Thayer Sen"" and Sam" Thaj^er Jun'' Both of mendon in the County of Worcester in the province of massachusetts 904 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Ba}' in New england Yeoman to arbitral Judge and Determine and Settle the Bounds of Land between the partes and having been on the lands Seen their papers and heard their pleas Relat- ing to the premises our award Judgment and Determination is that Sam" Thayer Sen"" have and Hold the Sixteen acres of Land which his father inirchased of John Darling and Bounded as fol- loweth (viz) the north East Corner being att the Corner of the fence at the Highway Joyning to Sam" Thayer Ju""^ Land and So runing westerly with a Dirict Line to two rocks Called the Duble Rock and So with a Dirict Line to the norwest Corner of the old fence then turning Southerly to a white oak Stump at the north End of Sam" Thayer J'* Stone wall and so from thence Easterly to the ten rod highway aforesd : and further our Judgment is that whereas Sam" Thayer Jun"" hath Erected S*^ Stone wall on Sam" Thayer Sen""^ Land we Determine that Sam" Thayer Jun"^ pay Sam" Thayer Sen"" four pounds old tenor and that Sam" Thayer Junr his heirs Executors & administrators for Ever Jnjoy as there proper Estate all the Land on the north of S'' wall as witness our hands : verte Thomas Sanford Daniel Lovett George Bruce Accepted by Sam'-'^ Thayer Sen'' Sam"^'- T Thayer Jun'^ mark may 25*^: 1763 Laid out for y'' heirs of Samuel Darling De- ceased one acre of Benj" Darlings 11*'^ Division of land Joyning to their other land : Southwest from their house and is Bounded South Easterly partly on S*^ land & partly on land of Benj", Darling 52 rod Southwesterly on Land Laid out to Corrarys heirs Bounded norwesterly on land of Joseph Darling it being a three Corner*^ piece Containing one acre & half half an acre allowed for bad Land Laid out by William Torrey Survey"". Robert Taft Chain man MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 905 John Gage Daniel Southwick [18.] March y'' 7"^ 1745 then Laid out for John Gage 20 acres of Land which was Giuen him l)y the proprietors of Mendon & Uxbridge and is hounded as foloweth begining at a heap of Stones being the South west Corner and the norwest Corner of Thomas Tineys Land bounding on his fathers Land 52 rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner thence Runing East full point on Comon 50 rod to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner & the norwest Corner of Maj"^ Daniel Louetts Land bounding East on S*^ Louetts Land 30 rod to S'' Louetts South west Corner then turning East & bounding north on S** Louetts Land fine rod to a heap of Stones on S'' Louetts Line thence Runing South full point to Thomas Tineys Land a heap of Stones on S*^ Tineys Line being the South East Corner and is bounded South on S** Tineys land 62 rod to the first bounds — Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Jacob Aldrich & John Gage Chain men April y' 7*^ 174fi Laid out for Daniel Southwick Eight acres of Land on the northerly Side of his other Land which he now Liveth on & is bounded as folio wEth begining at a heap of Stones being y'' north East Corner of his other Land then west 28 Degrs South 40 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner & a Corner of abel aldrich's Land and Bounding Southerly on Said Southwicks Land then west 35 Degr' north 27 rod to a heap of Stones being y'' northwesterly Corner & bounding South westerly on Land of able aldrich then north East full point 58 rod to a heap of Stones being y*" north Easterly Corner and Bounding northwesterly on Land of Jonathan Southwick then South 30 Deg''^ East 43 Rod to the first bounds mentioned : the aboue Discribed Land was Laid on y'' Rights of Moses farnum one acre on his tenth Division & two acres of his Eleventh Division : & two acres of Thomas Thayers Eleventh Division : and two acres of John Thayers Eleventh Division and one acre of John Thayer Jrs Eleuenth Division it being Laid out within y*" aboue Discribed bounds : Laid out by John Read J*^ Suruayer : William Holbrook Chain man 906 PROPK IE TORS' RECORDS. Sep'^\y'' l.V' 174r) Laid out for Daniel Southwiok 125 rod of Land of Jacob Tinkums Ninth Division ajoyning to his own land on the west Side of the great riuer and is bounded west on his own Land 17 rod north on the Land of the heirs of Jacob Tinkuni 15 rod East on thc^ Land of nicolas trask it being a three Corncn-'^ piece of Land Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Jacol) Aid- rich Chain man the Same Day & by y^ Same Connnittee T^aid out for the aboue Said South wick 142 rod of William Johnsons IT'' Division on y'' west Side y^ great riuer and is bounded East on his other Land 27 rod west on the Land formerly Sumners South on the Land of Abel Aldrich 12 rod it being a 8 Cornered piece of Land Laid out by William Torrey Surueyer Jacob Aldrich Chain man Abel Aldrich David pond Larrance Southwick W'" Thayer [19.] LTxbridge march y^ 26"^ 174(5 Laid out for Abel Aldrich 14 acres and 100 rod of his Eleuenth Division on his fathers Rights Joyning to the Great riuer on y'^ Southerly Side of Sd Riuer & on the Easterly Side of Land Called Sumners Land begining at S riuer at the north East Corner of Said Sumners Land then runing South (U rod to a heap of vStones being the South west Corner & bounding west on S'^ Sumners Land then East full point 84 rod to a pine tree marked then East 28 Deg'' South 34 rod to a pine tree marked being y*^ Southerly Corner then East 28 Deg'' north 18 rod to a heap of Stones being the northeasterly Corner then west 35 Deg'"' north 40 rod to a heaj) of Stones being a Corner of Jonathan South wicks Land & bound- ing northerly on Comon then with a Direct Line to the : great Riuer to a black oak Stub and bounding north Easterly on Jona- than Southwicks Land then up stream said Riuer & bounding on it 16 rod to the tirst bounds mentioned Laid out by John Read J""" Suruayer with y® assistance of William Holbrook Chain man September y'" 15''' 1746 Laid out for Larance Southwick 2 acres and 100 rod of William Johnsons Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other land on the west Side of the great riuer and is bounded west on his own Land 41) rod South on the Land of MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1)07 the heirs of Daniel Darlino- 12 rod East on the Land of Nicholas Trask it being a three Cornerd piece of Land, Laid out l)y AVilliam Torrey Surueyer Jacob aldrich Chain man uxbridge march the 14'" 1750-5-1- We the Subscribers (viz) William Thayer & Abel Aldrich then meet and preambulated the Lines and Renewed the bounds between our Lands on the west- erly Side the Great River, which is as followeth begining at a heap of Stones by a black oak Stump by the Said River theiicc Runing South to a Large white oak tree markt thence Continuing Said Line South full point to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner of Said Thayers Land then turning west full point with a Direct Line to a heap of Stones on the Southerly Side of a pine hill it being the Corner of Said Abel Aldriches land and near the Corner of Benjamin Tafts Land as witness our hands test William Torrey William Thayj:r Daniel Southwick Abel Aldrich April 2P' : 1755 Laid out to David pond a Small Jsland in the pond Called Tafts pond Said Jsland is Called Loon Jsland t\w whole of S'^ Jsland Consists of about one Quarter of an acre and is Laid out to Said David pond on the Right of Joseph Penne- mans Eleventh Division, Laid out 1)y W"" Torrey Survey"^ Robert Taft Chain man James Cargill John Read [20.] March y'^ 7^'' 1746 Laid out for James Cargill Sixteen Acres of Laid (viz) 7 Acres of Thomas Sanfords 11"' Division and 4 Acres of eTonathan Hayward y^ 3"^' Eleuenth Division and 4 Acres of John Haywards Eleuenth Division and one Acre of William Torreys Eleuenth Division Laid together adjoyning to his other Land on the Easterly Side of the mill River and where his house & mill now stands and is bounded w^esterly partly on the Mill Riuer & partly on Rehol)oth road to a heaj) of Stones being the norwest Corner of the land belonging to the heirs of Joseph Thayer Dec'^ then bounded Southerly on S*^ Land to their north East Corner then bounding westerly on S** Land 32 rod to 008 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. a heap of Stones then riming Easterly on Comon with a Direct Line 62 rod to a pine tree niarkt being a Corner of his other Land then bounded northerly on Said Land to the mill riuer Laid out by William Torrey Servay'' Daniel Louett Chain man Uxbridge November y^ 17"' 1747 Laid out for John Read Sen"" in his Hous T^ott three Acres and 69 Rod of his Eleventh Division and is Bounded as followeth begining at a heap of Stones being the North East Corner a little Easterly from his Barn then South L5 Deg''* west 12 Rod to a heaj) of Stones being the South East Corner then west 20 Deg''* North 45 Rod to a heap of Stones be- ing y® South west Corner then North 21 Degr' East I'd Rod to a heap of Stones being the Norwest Corner then East 19 Degr"* South 43 Rods to the first Bounds mentioned it being Bounded on all parts of his own Land on the Same Day Laid out for Said Read two Acres and 9 arbitrators Benj'' Rockwood ) accepted by John Chapin John White Jun" Uxbridge april the 4^'' 1748 Laid out for Joseph Thomson 6 acres and half of his own Divisions and 4 acres & half of Matthew hills Eleuenth Division which he purchesed of John Elett a little west from his house and is bounded as followeth begining at the north East Corner then runing west 40 Dg'^ north 28 rod to a Small black oak tree marked bounding northerly on land he Sold 910 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. John Elett then west 8 Deg"^^ South 88 rod to a heap of Stones at his own land bounded northerly on Comon then South 42 rod to the South East Corner of his other Land a black oak tree bounded west on his own land then East 10 Deg""^ north 32 Rod to a heap of Stones being the Corner of his other land and bound- ing South on Comon then northerly with a Direct Line 37 rod to the bounds first mentioned laid out by John Read Jur Sery'' with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man Aaron Thayer Rutter & Daniels's agreement [22.] December y*^ 1^' 1748 Laid out for Aaron Thayer Eight Acres & 140 Rod of his Eleuenth Division of Land Laid out Joyning to his other Land South from his house and is Bounded north on the Land of Nathanael Thayer 10 Rod from a black oak tree being y*" South East Corner of his other Land thence Runing East 10 Deg'"' South 10 Rod on Nath" Thayers Land to aheap of Stones being the north East Corner then Bounding Easterly on S*^ Nathanael Thayers land 64 Rod to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner of Nath" Thayers land then Runing on S*^ Land East 2 Deg'"* South to the Land belonging to y'' heirs of Ebenezer Thomson De"^ then bounding Easterly on Said Land 30 Rod to a heap of Stones l)eing the Southwest Corner of S'' Thomsons Land then Runing west 2 Deg""^ North on Comon 20 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock being the Southwest Cor- ner then Runing north 2 Deg'^ East on Comon 96 Rod to the Black oak tree which was first mentioned bounds Laid out by William Tori-ey Sur.y'". Jacob Aldrich and Aaron Thayer Chain men The same Day Laid out to the aboue S"* Aaron Thayer 5 acres & 100 Rod of his Eleuenth Division of Land adjoyning to the aboue Said Land and is bounded Easterly on his aboue S'' other Land 42 Rod to a heap of Stones being the Southeast Corner then Runing west 2 South on Comon 26 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock being the South west Corner then north 2 Deg''' west on Comon to his other Land and is bounded northerly on his other Land to a black oak tree markt the first bounds Laid out by William Torrey Sury' Jacob Aldrich and Aaron Thayer 'Chain men IMENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 911 Mondon January the T)"'. ITTjO AVe the Subscribers then meett and preambelated the Lines between our Lands & Renewed bounds which are as folio weth begining at a Wack oak tree markt by the way Leading on the north Side the great pond thence Run- ing west 25 Deg'" north about 40 rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock thence west about 44 Deg" South with a Direct Line 62 Rod to a waUnut tree markt at David Tafts Land : and our agree- ment also is that the Proprietors Clerk Record this preambelation in the proprietors Records of Mendon as witness our hands Witnesses ms William Torkey William^o^Rutter Phillip Lesure JoH>f Daniels the above Preambelation by the agreement of both parties (viz) William Rutter cSc. John Daniels is Void & of none Effect and they both ordered me to Enter this Last agreement attest William Torrey Proprietors Clerk the heirs of Decon Thomson Hay wards & Morses Preambelation [23.] November y« 29"' 1748 Laid out for the heirs of Dec" Ebenezer Thomson De*=^ 5 Acres Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to their other Land near quick Stream and is Bounded northerly on Comon begining at a Reed oak tree markt being a norwet Corner of their other land thence on Comon 9 Rod to a white oak tree markt being the norwest Corner thence with a Direct Line 50 Rod to a white oak tree markt being a Corner of their other Land and bounding westerly on Comon then from Said white oak Runing South al)out 80 Deg'^' East on Comon 30 Rods to a heap of Stones then South 20 Deg^'" East on Comon 40 Rods to a heap of Stones then South 20 Deg""" East on Comon 80 Rods to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner of their other Land : Laid out by William Torrey Sury'" : Jacob Aldrich Chain man Noveml)er y^ 29"> 1748 Tjaid out for the heirs of Dec" Ebenezer Thomson De"' two Acres of Cap^ Eleazar Daniels IT" Division of Land Joyning to their other Land near quick Stream and is 912 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. bounded westerly on their other Land 46 Rod northerly on Conion Eight Rod from a heap of Stones by a pine Stump on a gravily hill Runing East 27 Deg""' north to a heap of Stones be- ing the north East Corner then South 27 Degr' East on Comon 46 Rod to a heap of Stones in a bottom being the South East Corner then west 27 Deg"'* South to a heap of Stones by their other Land. Laid out by AVilliani Torrey Sury"" Jacob Aldrich Chain man Mondon agust y*' 2" : 1750 then we the Subscribers (viz) Will- iam Hayward and Edmond Morss meett and Preamljelated the Line between our home Lotts in Mendon afore Said and Stated the bounds which is as folio weth begining at a heap of Stones on a Rock in the line between the above Said Haywards land and Land of the heirs of John Hayward Dec"^ thence Runing north 20 Deg""^ west 27 rod & f to a Dry Chesnut tree thence Continuing Said line 4 rod and half to a Maple Stand markt with Stones about it and we order the proprietors Clerk in Mendon afore Said to Record this preambelation in the proprietors Record : as witness our hands — witness his George Bruce William x Hayward mark W*' Rawson Jun' Edmond Morss [24.] Seth Aldrich Cor* John farnum April y'^ 4*" 1746 Laid out for Seth Aldrich two Acres & 120 Rod of his Eleventh Division Easterly from his house & Jo^ming to his other Land begining at a heap of Stones being a Corner and a Corner of Cap* Keiths Land then Runing South & Bound- ing Easterly on Said Keiths Land 22 Rods to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner then west 8 Deg'' north & bound- ing South on Comon 20 Rod to a heaj) of Stones at his own Land being the South west Corner then northerly 20 rod & Bounding westerly on his own Land then Easterly and bounding northerly on his own Land to the bounds first mentioned it being 21 Rods — on the Same Day Laid out for Seth Aldrich two Acres and an MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 913 hulf more of his F^Ieucnth Diuision on the northerly Side of his other Land near to the I^and Tiiomas Rist purchesed of Edward Aldrich & is bounded as followeth begining at a heap of Stones being a Corner & the South East Corner then west 10 Des:'^'' South 25 Rods to a heap of Stones at a Stump being the South west Corner then north 10 Deg""' East 16 Rod. to a Burch tree !narkt being the northwest Corner then East 10 Deg"^ north 17 Rods to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner then with a Direct Line to the first bounds mentioned Laid out by John Read Jur & AA'illiain Holbrook Com" Uxbridge May the 9^'' 1748 Laid out for Cornit John farnum 4 Acres and one half of his Eleuenth Division Laid Joyning to his other Land at turkey hill on the Easterly Side of his other Land and on the Easterly Side of the Brook begining at a heap of Stones being the north East Corner then Runing westerly and bounding northerly on Land of Cap' Whites heirs to Said whites Southwest Corner then South 20 Deg"^' west 30 Rod to his own Land and Bounding westerly on Land of John Read Jun"" then East : 6 : Rod to a heap of Stones being his old Corner and bounding South on his own Land then South Easterly with a Direct Line 80 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock being the South west Corner and westerly on his own Land, then Easterly and bounding Southerl}^ on Jonathan j^ennemans Land Rods to a heap of Stones on a Rock then north 10 Deg"" East with a Direct Line to the bounds first mentioned and bounding Easterly on Said penneman Laid out by elohn Read Jun' Sur.y'. with the help of William Holbrook as Chain man Georoe Bruce Nathan Tyler [25.] March y" 15"' 1747/8 Laid out for George Bruce 9 Acres of Land being part of Several Divisions of Land Laid floyning to his other land on the East Side of the Eight Rod way and is l)ounded west on Said Land 80 Rod South on the Land of Moses Aldrich (> Rod East on the Land of Joseph Marshall 80 Rod north on the Land formerly Laid out to his father Joseph 914 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Bruce 30 Rod thence from S^ Bruces South East Corner Runi no- East 25 Degr^ north on Comon whome to Said Marshalls Land : allowance for a two Rod way Cross Said Land Laid out by AVill- iam Torrey Sur.y'" Jacob Aldrich and George Bruce Chain men March y*^ 15"' 1747/8 Laid out for George Bruce 4 acres and half of his Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his fathers Land at the Lower End of the Lower north medow on the west Side the mill River and is bounded northerly and westerly on Said Land and medow to Cap* Tylers Land Easterh' on said Tylers Land to his South west Corner being a heap of Stones on a Rock : thence with a Direct Line on Comon 18 Rod to the north East Corner of Land formerly Laid out to Cap* Seth Chapin thence on Said Chapins Land to his aboue Said fathers Land : Laid out with alowance for a three Rod way throught Said Land by William Torrey Sury"^ Jacob Aldrich & George Bruce Chain men the Same Day as abouesd Laid out for George Bruce one Acre & a quarter of his 11*'' Division of Land Joyining to his medow at the uper End of the Lower north medow on the west Side the mill Riuer and is bounded northerly on the Land of Cap* Tyler and on all parts on his own medow it being a broaken piece of Land : Laid out with alowance for a two Rod way through Said Land to the medow : by William Torrey Sury'' Jacob Aldrich & George Bruce Chain men May the 13*^* 1747 L out for Cap* Nathan Tyler Eight acres and 3 quarters of his Eleuenth Division of Land laid Joyning to his other Land near barbers hole and is bounded Southerly on Said land 26 rod westerly partly on his other land and partly on Land of Samuel Torrey 30 rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner then Runing East 37 Deg'' north on Comon 50 rod to a heap of by his other land being the north East Corner and is bounded Easterly and South Easterly partl}^ on his own Land and partly on Land of John Tyler to his other land first mentioned the whole Containing 10 acres & half one acre & 3 quarters alowed for bad land : Laid out by William Torrey Sury'' Nathan Tyler Chain man MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 915 March the 14*'' 1748 Laid out for Cap* Nathan Tyler three quarters of an acre of his Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on the Easterly side the mill liiuer at the Lower north medow and is bound west on his own land 40 rod north on his own Land 3 rod East on Comon 40 rod South on Comon 3 rod — Laid out by William Torrey Sury"" Nathan Tyler Chain man the heirs of Seth Chapin David Chapin John Chapin [26.] January the 10*" 1748 Laid out for the heirs of Lie* Seth Chapin Dec*^ three acres of Land in the north Purches (it being 3 acres of Land formerly Laid out to the Said Chapin but not Recorded) begining at a heap of Stones being the north East Corner thence runing west 12 Deg'"^ north 30 rod to a heap of Stones being the northwest Corner then South 12 Des:'"* west 19 rod to a heap of Stones the South west Corner then East 12 Deg" South 30 rod to a heap of Stones the South East Corner then north 12 Deg"^^ East to y^ first bounds Laid out by William Torre}' Sury'' Jacob Aldrich Chain man January y*" 10*'' 1748 Laid out for David Chapin 3 acres of Vriah Thayers Eleuenth Division of Land in the north purches and is Laid Joyning to Land Laid out to the heirs of his father (viz) Lie* Seth Chapin Dec'', and is bounded northerly on Said Land 30 rod Easterly on Comon : from the South East Corner of Said Land Runing South 12 Deg"^" west 18 rod to a heap of Stones on a rock being the South East Corner thence runing west 12 Deg"^. north on Comon 30 Rod to a Stake & heap of Stones being the South west Corner then north 12 Deg''^ East on Comon 18 Rod to the Land Laid out to the heirs of the aboue Said Chapin Dec"*. Laid out by William Torrey Sury' Jacob Aldrich & David Chapin Chain men January y'' 21'* 1747 Laid out for Seth Chapin & Moses Chapin hue acres of their Eleuenth Division of Land in the north purches Joyning to Land Sett of to their mother Elizebeth Chapin as part of her thirds and is bounded Southerly partly on Said land & partly on Comon 48 rod westerly on Comon from the norwest 916 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. ('orner of Said thirds liuniiig north 12 Dog''^ East l(i rod to a heap of Stones on a rock being the novvvest ('orner bounded northerly part on Comon & partly on Samuel Warrings Land 82 rod to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner thence Run- ins: South 18 Deo'' East on Comon 26 rod to a black oak tree markt being the South East Corner thence runing west 12 Deg''^ north 16 rod to the aboue Said thirds Laid out by William Torrey Sury'' Jacob Aldrich Chain man January y'' 2P' 1747 Laid out for John Chapin one acre & half of Land (viz) one acre of his Eleuenth Division and half an acre of his tenth Division in the north purches Joyning to the Land of William Legg and is bounded Southerly on S"* Leggs land 16 rod westerly on land formerly Lie* Seth Chapins now Sett off as part of the widows thirds westerly on Said land 18 rod northerly on land Laid out to Seth & moses Chapin 16 rod to a black oak tree markt being the north East Corner thence runing South. 12 Deg'* west 18 rod to William Leggs land a black oak tree markt near the South East Corner & home to said Leggs land laid out by William Torrey Sury' Jacob Aldrich & John Chapin Chain men [27.] Aaron Taft Cap* Tyler March the 8"' 1748 Laid out for Aaron Taft 17 acres of Land (viz) 10 acres of Cap* Daniels 11*'' Diuision and 5 acres of Ben- jamin Thomsons and 2 acres of Abraham Staples Eleuenth Divi- sion : Laid Joyning to his other Land East from his house and is Bounded west on his other Land 157 rod from a Duble white oak tree being the north East Corner of his other Land to Benja- min Thomsons Land and is bounded Southerly part on Said Thomsons Land & part on Comon 10 rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner thence runing north 2 Deg'"^ East on Comon 90 rod to a heap of Stones then runing north 27 Deg'' west 76 rod on Comon to the aboue Said Duble white oak tree markt the north End being a gore the whole Containing 19 acres and 130 rod 2 acres & 130 rod allowed for l)ad Land Laid out by Jacob Aldrich & William Torrey Committee Surveyed by \Yilliani Torrey I MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 917 March y'^ 0'" 1 74X Liiid out tor Aaron Taft 84 rod of Al)raham Staples Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land north from his house and is Bounded South on his other Land East on C'omon B rod from a Duble white oak tree markt being the north East Corner of other land to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner thence runing west 18 Deg"^' South 14 rod to the way Leading by sd Tafts house to Grafton and is bounded westerly on Said way to his own Land Laid out William Torrey Sury'' flacob Aldrich & Aaron Taft Chain men March the 9"" 1748 Laid out for Aaron Taft B acres of Land (viz) 2 acres & half of Abraham Staples Eleventh Division and 3 acres and half of William Thayers 11"' Division that the Said Taft purched of Samuel White Laid out on the west Side of the (ireat Riuer adjoyning to Timothy Macknamarrows Land and is Bounded East on Said Land 40 rod and South on said Land 30 rod to a Black oak tree Markt being the Southwest Corner thence Runing north 18 Deg'"' west 40 rod to a heap of on a rock being the norwest Corner then East 18 Deg''' north on Comon 40 rod to the aboue Said Macknamarrows Land the whole being 8 acres i& 120 rod 2 acres & 120 allowed for bad land: Laid out by William Torrey Sury"" Jacob Aldrich & Aaron Taft Chain men november y*' 10^" 1753 Laid out for Cap' Nathan Tyler 50 rod of his Eleventh Division of Land on the northerly side of muddy brook and is bounded westerly on the Road Leading to Worcester 20 rods north on his own Land 3 rod East on Land formerly John Tylers 20 rod South on muddy Brook 2 Rods — Laid out by William Torrey Survey'' Nathan Tyler Chain man Edward Hall Eleazar Taft Edward Pickering [28.] March the 1)'" 1748 Laid out for Edward Hall three acres of Silas Wheelocks Eleuenth Division of Land Laid Joyn- ing to his other Land on the west Side of the Great Riuer and is i)ounded East on said Land to a heap of Stones on a great rock being the norwest Corner of his other Land thence Runing South- west on Comon 24 rod to a heap of Stones on a rock then South 918 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 10 Degr* East on Comon 80 rod to Timothy Macknamarrows Land then Bounded South Easterly on Said Land to his own land the whole being 4 acres one acre allowed for bad land : laid out by William Torrey Sury"" Jacob Aldrich Chain man March the 9**' 1748 Laid out for Eleazar Taft two acres of his Eleuenth of Land adJoyning to his medow bottom on the East Side Zecharys Pond and is bounded westerly part on S'' pond and part on the Riuer and on all other parts on his own Medow Bottom Laid out by William Torrey Sury"" Jacob Aldrich and Eleazar Taft Chain men May the 29''' 1749 Laid out for Edward Pickering 19 acres & half of Land (viz) 14 acres of Hezekiah Haywards IV^ Division and 4 acres and half of William Arnolds Eleuenth Division and one acre of Jonathan Gaskills Eleuenth Division laid out on the Easterly Side the mill Eiuer north from James Cargills and is bounded westerly on the Land of John Smith & Daniel Puring- ton 50 rod to a Crotihed pine tree markt with Stones at the Roote being the Southwest Corner thence Runing East 40 Deg''^ South on Comon 70 rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner then north 40 Degi-* East 50 rod to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner then west 40 Deg""' north 70 rod to the Said Puringtons Land the whole being 22 acres two acres and half allowed for bad land Laid out by William Torrey Sury'^ Jacob Aldrich & Edward Pickering Chain men May the 29*'' 1749 Laid out for Edward Pickering 12 acres and half of Land (viz) 7 acres of Jonathan Gaskills lO*'' and Eleuenth Divisions and 5 acres & half of William Arnolds \V^ Division Laid Joyning to his other Land west from his house & is bounded north on his own land 20 rod west on Land of Joseph Thayer 28 rod to a heap of Stones being S Thayers South East Corner then bounded north on Sd Thayers land to a black oak tree markt being the north East Corner of Benj" Thayers land and is bounded westerly & Southerly on Said Benj" Thayers land and on Land of William Chase to his own Land and is bounded Easterly on his own land the whole beinor 16 acres & 40 rod 3 acres & 120 rod MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 919 allowed for bad Land : Laid out by AVilliam Torrey Sury'' Jacob Aldrioh <^c Edward Pickeriiiir Chain men John Corbett Joseph Thayer William Legg [29.] April the IS'" 1749 Laid out for John Coi^bett fifty three acres of Land Joyning to his other Land in the north pur- ches (viz) 10 acres of Elihu Wharfields Eleuenth Division and 4 acres of Nathan Pennemans Eleuenth Division and 7 acres of Thomas Sanfords Eleuenth Division and 4 acres of James Albees Eleuenth Division and 5 acres of Jonathan Thayers Eleuenth Division and 2 acres of Vriah Thayers Eleuenth Division and 2 acres & half of Joseph Rockwoods Eleuenth Division and 3 acres and half of Jonathan Thayer Jun'^^ Eleuenth Division and 5 acres of Samuel Thayers Jun'"*. Eleuenth Division and four acres of William Hayward Jn*^^ Eleuenth Division and 6 acres of William Whites 9*'^ 10^'' & Eleuenth Division of Laud and is bounded East on Hopkinton Line 205 rod north on land formerly Phillip Chase's 29 rod west on the Land of Daniel Corbett 305 rod Southerly on Said Corbetts Laud 12 Rod then bounded East and South on his own Land to Hopkinton Line the first bounds mentioned the whole Containing 63 acres and 130 rod 10 acres and 130 allowed for bad land Laid out by William Torrey Sury^ Nathan Tyler Chain man ^lay the 29 1749 Laid out for Joseph Thayer 5 acres & half of his Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other land west from Edward Pickerings and is bounded north on his own land 46 rod ruuing from a Duble white oak markt l)eing the South East Corner of his other land y'' South full point 20 rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner thence west with a Direct line on Comon to a black oak tree markt being the north Corner of Benj". Thayers Land then on Said Thayers Land to Sam'^ Gaskills Land then bounded westerly on S'' Gaskills Land 20 rod to his own Laid out by AVilliam Torrey Sury'. Jacob Aldrich and Joseph Thayer Chain men A])ril y'" 4"' 1749 Laid out for William Legg 5 acres of William Torroys Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other land 920 I'HOPRIETC^RS' RECORDS. west from his Iloust^ und is l)ounded East on Said land north on land of David Chapin 80 rod to a heap of Stones being the nor- west Corner and the South west Corner of Said Chapins land thence on Comon with a Direct Line to a heap of Stones by the Road Leading from Pattrides to the meeting house being the South west Corner bounded South on Said Road to his own land Laid out by William Torrey Sury'". Nathan Tyler & William Legg Chain men flohn C'hapin William Cheney »J'" Cap*^ Sadler Sam" Torrey [30.] May the 27"^ 1749 Laid out for John Chapin 12 acres of Land (viz) 10 acres of Land that was granted by the Proprie- tors of Mendon to the Easterly Precinct in S'' Mendon for a Burying Place and 2 acres of his own Eleuenth Division laid together East from Jonathan Whitneys House and is bounded west on Said Whitneys Land 60 rod north on Holliston Line 50 rod to a heap of Stones on a Rockey hill being the north East Corner thence Runing South Deg''' north 17 rod to his other Land then north & l)ounded west on his own land 20 rod to the first bounds Laid out by John Read Sery"" with the assistance of W"'. Holbrook Chain man Meudon June the 2"^ 1768 then to all people to whome it may Concern that we the Subscribers have perambulated a Line Be- tween our medows and have agreed and Renewed the Bounds — Begining at a Stump & Stones about it then Runing a Cross Said medow : westerly a maple tree being near the line then west to a heap of Stones on a Rock ajoyning to waiter ('ooks Land — furthermore the Stone wall that Elisha Thomson hath Built in the medow is to Remain where it now^ Standeth — as witness our hands — in presence of us John Thyer Joseph Thayer Elisha Thomson pelatiah thayer [34.] Sam" Torrey Josiah Nelson Joseph Marshall April the 4"^ 1749 Laid out for Sam". Torrey 5 acers of his Eleuenth Division of Laid Joyning to his other land at the uper north medow on the westerly Side the Riuer and is bounded northerly on his other Land 58 rod Easterly on his own medow 10 rod Southerly on Land of Nathan Tyler 58 rod westerly on Comon 18 rod the whole l)eing 5 acers & a quarter 40 rod allowed for bad Land — Laid out by William Torrey Sury'' Nathan Tyk^r & Sam" Tor- rey Chain men April the 4^" 1749 Laid out for Samuel Torry one acre & half of his 11"' Division of Land Joyning to his uper north Medow on the East side the Riuer and is bounded northerly & westerly on his own medow Easterly on Land belonging to the heirs of Seth Chapin Dec*^. 10 rod Southerly on Comon 20 rod Laid out by William Toi-rey Sury'' Nathan Tyler Chain man Mendon April 2P' 1755 We the Subscribers (viz) Sam" Thayer and Robert Taft Jun'. have this Day preambulated the Lines be- 926 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. tween our Lands in Said Mondon on the north Side the pond Called Tafts pond and have Renewed Bounds which are as fol- loweth bcgining at a heap of Stones on a Rock on the North Side the Road Leading by the north Side Said pond thence to a heap of Stones on a Rock thence to a heap of Stones on a Rock thence to a Chesnut tree markt thence to a heap of Stones on a Rock thence to the Road Leading to Uxbridge all Said Bound are near the Edge of the hill between our S^ Lands and we Bind ourselves our heirs & assigns to Stand to & abide by Said preambulation for Ever and we also order this our preambulation to be Recorded in the proprietors Record in mendon as witness our hands Robert Taft Jun". witness's William Torrey Seth Taft Samuel Thayer april y*^ 18^'' 1759 Laid out for Josiah Nelson half an acre of Land Joyning to his other Land on the South Side the Road by his house and is Bounded North on Said Road four Rod West on his own Land 40 Rod to a heap of Stones Being the north East Corner of Moses Aldriches Land Bounded East on Land Joseph Marshall sold to Beal 40 rod to the Said Road it being a gore of Land Laid out in Leu of Land Laid out through a mistake in his fathers Land and Laid out by his fathers orders by William Tori-ey Survy'' Robert Taft Chain man April y*" 18"' 1759 Laid out for Joseph Marshall one acre of Land which he purchesed of William Torrey it being part of the land which he Sold to David Cuttler which proved to be Comon Land and is Bounded South on the Road Leading by Josiah Nel- sons four Rod West on Said Nelsons Land 37 Rod to Land of Nath" Nelson north on Said Nelsons Land 6 Rod to his own land he Sold to Said Cuttler Bounded East on Said Land to the above S Division of land in the Rockey Woods Joyning to Holliston line & is bounded north on S*^ line 60 rod from a large heap of Stones being the norwest Corner to a heap of Stones on S'* Line being the north East Corner thence Runing South 8 Deg"^' west to a Swamp then bounding Easterly on S*^ Swamp to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner (Said Line being 36 rod) thence Runing west 8 Deg'^ north 54 rod on Comon to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner then North 8 Deg''" East on Comon 36 rod to the tirst bounds the whole being 12 acres and 132 rod 2 acres & 132 rod allowed for bad Land laid out by William Torrey Sury'" Cap* Nathan Tyler and Joseph Sumner Chain, men Sam" Hayward Nath" Jones [39.] April the 25*'^ 1749 Laid out for Samuel Hayward 21 acres Eleuenth Division of Land on the Easterly Side the way 932 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Leading to Jonathan Whitney house (viz) 8 acres of his fathers and 5 acres of his own and 4 acres of his Brother Jonathan Hay- wards and 4 acres of his Brother John Hay wards and is bounded westerly partly on the aboue said way & partly on Jonathan Whitneys Land 57 Rod a heap of Stones by Said way being the South west Corner and is bounded north partly on said Whitneys Land & partly on Comon 62 Rod to a heap of Stones being the North East Corner thence runing South full point on Comon 57 Rod to the aboue said whitneys Land to a heap of Stones by Said Land being the South East Corner and is bounded Southerly partly on Said Whitneys land & partly the Land of Thomas Gage to the first mentioned bounds the whole being 22 acres & 14 rod one acre & 14 rod allowed for bad Land : Laid out by William Torrey Sury'' Nathan Tyler & Sam" Hayward Chain men April y*^ 25"^ — 1749 Laid out for Nath" Jones Eight acres of his Eleuenth Division of land adjoining to the land of John Corbett in the north purches and is bounded north on Said Corbetts land 32 Rod west on land of Dec°. Daniel Corbett 50 Rod to a heap of Stons being the Southwest Corner thence Runing East full point 32 Rod to Jonathan Whitneys land and is bounded East on S*^ whitneys land 50 rod to the aboue Said John Corbetts land the whole being 10 acres 2 acres allowed for bad Land Laid out by William Torrey Sury'' Nathan Tyler & Nath" Jones Chain men April the 25"' 1749 Laid out for Nathanael Jones 2 acres & 40 rod of his Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land and is bounded north on Said land 1() rod & west on his other Land 40 Rod & East on Nathanael Ra^vsons Land 42 rod it being a gore of Land Containing 2 acres & 53 rod 13 rod allowed foi- bad Land Laid out by William Torrey Sury"^ Nathan Tyler & Nath'^ Jones Chain men Sam" Chase David Thomson & flacob Taft John Corbett [40.] Uxbridge June 28''' 1749 Laid out for Samuel Chase ten acres of Land 5 acres of Nathan Parks tenth Division and 5 acres of Said Parks ICleuenth Division Laid tooether Jovning to MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 933 his other hiiul on the West Side of the' great Riuerund is hounded as foHoweth begining at the liiiier thence Runing west 8 Deg""^ north 142 rod to the town Line to a heap of Stones being a Corner bounded north all the way on his own Land then South 8 Deg''^ west on Said Line 25 rod to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner then East about 3 Deg""* north 14(i rod to the first l)ounds mentioned at S'' Riuer a 3 Corner'' piece : the Same Day Laid out more 1(5 acres for Said Samuel Chase of Cap^ Robert Tafts Eleuenth Division Joyning to the South side of his other Land begining at a heaj) of Stones at the Side of S'' Chases Land being the nor west Corner of winters Land Laid out on the Same Day then South 10 Deg" East 42 rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner bounded East on winter then westerly 110 rod to the town line to a heap of Stones the South west Corner bounded South on Common then north 8 Deg''® East 20 rod to his other Land bounded west on the town line then East 3 Deg''* north 82 rod to the first bounds mentioned bounded north on his own Land Laid out by John Read Sury'' with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man Mendon Janvary the Second 1749^-'^- then David Thomson and Jacob Taft mett and Preamblated the Line Between their medows and Stated the bounds begining at a heap of Stones on the north End Said medow about Seven rod East from the norwest Corner of S'' medow thence Runing with a Direct Line through Said medow to a heap of Stones by the upland at the South End of Said Medow Jn Testimony whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto Jnterchangably Sett their hands the Day & year aboue written in presence of us mark William Torrey David X Thomson his Sarah Torrey Jacob Taft A])ril the 18"^ 1749 Laid out for John Corbett five acres of his Eleventh Division of Land Laid Joyning to Ebenezer Boyingtons Land South from Decon Corbetts Land : and is bounded North on Said Corbetts Land one Rod East on Land of Ebenezer Boy- ingtons 110 Rod to a heap of Stones being S*^ Boyingtons South- 934 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. west Corner thence with a Direct Line 18 Rod to a heap of Stones })ein2 a South East Corner Jones Parkhiists land and is bounded westerly on Said parkhusts Land to the aboue sd Corbetts land the whole lieing 6 acres & half &■ 5 Rod one acre & half & 5 Rod allowed for bad Land : Laid out by William Torrey Sery' with the assistance of Cap* Nathan Tyler Chain man Sam" Holbrook peter Aldrich [41.] Uxbridge April the 12*'^ 1748 Laid out for Samuel Hol- brook Six acres of Cap* Robert Tafts Eleuenth Division on the North west Side of his other Land and bounded as followeth begin- ing at a heap of Stones being the South East Corner and the South west Corner of his other land then runing North 39 Deg'" East 56 rods to Land of James Albee & bounded Easterly on his own land then north 20 rod to the north west corner to a Small pine tree markt bounding East on Said Albee then South 39 Deg" west 57 rod to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner and bounded northwesterly on Comon one pine tree markt with the marking Jron for a Director then South 5 Deg''" East with a Direct line 20 rod to the bounds first mentioned and bounding Southwesterly on Land of Eliphelet Holbrook. Said Land is laid out on both Sides of a highway or there is a high way through almost the Length of S^ Land. Laid out by John Read Jun"" Sury"" with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man Uxbridge April the P* 1748 Laid out for Peter Aldrich Eight acres & 70 rod of his Eleventh Division on the South Side of his other Land on the west Side of the great Riuer at a Swamp Known by the name of wayaboxsit Swamp begining at a heap of Stones on a Rock then Runing west 19 Deg""^ South 12 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner and bounding north on his own Land then South 7 Deg" East 50 rod and bounding west on land Supposed to 1)6 Maj' Louetts to a heap of Stones the South west Corner then East 5 Deg''^ & f north 50 rod to a heap of Stones being his old Bounds and a Corner of Said Land bounded South on Common then bounding on his own Land to the bounds first mentioned it being a three Cornered piece I.raid out by John MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 935 Read Seruav'" with the assistanee of Decon Sam" Read Chain man Uxbridge December 28 — 1748 Laid out for peter Aldrich four acres & 120 rod of his Eleventh Division Joyniug to his other Land on the pine hill Easterly from his house and is Bounded (viz) begining at a black oak tree being the North East Corner then Runing Southwest 33 rod to his own Land and bounding westerl}^ on Land of John Aldrich to a Corner then East 10 D"^ South 50 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner and bound- ing South on his own Land then north 30 Deg"^ west 20 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner bounding East on Joseph Aldrichs Land then north 35 Deg^ East 6 rod to a heap of Stons and bounding South East on said Joseph Aldrichs land then north 35 Dgrs west 26 rod to the first bounds and bounding Easterly on Comon a 3 Cornerd piece of land Laid t)ut by John Read Seruay'' with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man Samuel Rawson Jsaac Taft [42.] June y^ 2^ 1749 Laid out for Samuel Rawson 12 acres of Land (viz) 6 acres of his Eight Division & 4 acres of his ninth Division & 2 acres of his tenth Division Laid out Joyning to the I^and belonging to the heirs of Joshua Green Dec'' on the North side of Sherborn Rhoad and is bounded as foUoweth begining at the North East Corner of the S*' Greens Land and is bounded Southerly on Said Land 100 rod to the norwest Corner of Said Greens Land to a heap of Stones on a rock a Little north of a rocky Swale cQ: a little west of a place Called the Bares Den thence Runing west full point to John Perys land then bounded west on Said perys Land to his north East Corner it being a heap of Stones in Thomas Tineys Side Line then bounded northerly on Said Tineys Land 32 rod to Said Tineys South East Corner thence Runing East full point on Comon (S2 rod to a heap of Stones being the North East Corner thence with a Direct Line 18 rod to the North East Corner of the Said Greens Land the whole Containing 18 acres 6 acres allowed for bad land Laid out by "William Torre v Surv' Jacob Aldrich ' John Read Suruayer with the assistance of Decon Sam" Read Chain man 948 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. March y*^ 30*'' 1750 Laid out for Benjamin palmer one acre and three quarters of his Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land north from his house and is Bounded South on his other Land 80 rod west on the Brook that Runs out of Moses Aldrichs Swamp 8 rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner thence on Comon with a Direct Line 80 rod to a north East Corner of his other Land it being a heap of Stones upon a Rock it being a gore of Land Containing 2 acres one quarter of an acre allowed for bad land laid out by William Torrey Survay' «Tacob aldrich & Nathan Tyler (^hain men Thomas Nelson Cap* Tyler Sam" Torrey [53.] March y'' SO*** 1750 Laid out for Thomas Nelson 150 Rod of his fathers Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on the Easterly Side the Road Leading to Worcester & is bounded North on his other Land 50 rod South on Benjamin Palmers Land 50 rod East on the brook that Runs out of Moses aldrichs Swamp Six Rod it being a gore of Land Laid out by William Torrey Survayer Jacob Aldrich & Nathan Tyler Chain men March the 30*'^ 1750 Laid out for Thomas Nelson 153 Rod of his fathers Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on the Easterly Side the County Road and is bounded Southerly on S** Land 34 rod westerly on Land of Jonathan Nelson 4 rod & half to Said Nelsons South East Corner and is bounded northerly on Land of Moses Aldrich 34 Rod it being a gore of Land : Laid out by William Torrey Servy' Jacob Aldrich & Nathan Tyler Chain men March the 30*" 1750 Laid out for Cap* Nathan Tyler one acre of his Eleventh Division of Land Laid Joyning to his other Land near Malborough Road and is bounded Southwest on S*^ Land 29 rod and is bounded Easterly part on Sam" Torreys Land and part on a way Leading over pine orchard hill 36 rod to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner thence with a Direct Line on Comon H) rod to a black oak markt being the norwest Corner of I^IENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 949 his othor Laud Laid out b}' W'illiaui Torrey Servey'' Jacob Aldrich & Ca}/ Tyler Chain men April the IS"" 1750 Laid out for Samuel Torrey Eight acres of his Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on Mai'U)()rough Road and is Bounded East on Said Land 85 Rod and is Bounded iu)rtli partly on Land of Thomas Palmer and part t)n Comon 31 Rod to a heap of Stones the norwcst Corner thence on Comon with a Direct Line 40 rod to a heap of Stones by the way Leading ouer pine orchard hill the whole being 9 acres one acre allowed for bad Land Laid out by AVilliani Torrey Surueyer Cai)' Tyler & Sam" Torrey Chain men Moses Aldrich Daniel Sumner [51.] March y° 30"> 1750 Laid out for Moses Aldrich four acres & half of his Eleuenth Division of Land laid Joyning to his other Land in Upton and is Bounded Northerly on his other Land from Caj)' Tylers Land to the Corner of Jonathan Nelsons Land then Runing from S'^ Nelsons Easterly 34 rod on Comon to the north East Corner of Thomas Nelsons Land thence to the Brook that Runs out of Said Aldrichs Swamp then up S'^ Brook 18 rod to a heap of Stones then Runing Easterly on Comon 38 rod to Cap' Tylers Land to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner then bounded Easterly on S** Tylers Land to his own Land the whole being 6 acres one acre & half allowed for liad Land Laid out by William Torrey Surveyer Jacob Aldrich and Cap' Nathan Tyler Chain men April the 13*" 1750 Laid out for ]Moses Aldrich 12 acres Eleu- enth Division of Land (viz) 10 acres of his own & 2 acres of his Son Georges Land Laid Joyning to his other Land on pine or- chard in Upton and is Bounded westerly partly on his other Land and partly on Land of Sam" Wood 54 rod to a heap of Stones Round a Black oak Stand being the norwest Corner thence Run- ing East 2 Deg""* north 30 Rod on Comon to a heap of Stones and a pine Stand by the way Laid ouer pine orchard hill being the North East Corner and is bounded Easterly on Said Road 70 rod to Cap' Tylers Land and is Bounded Southwesterly partly on S*^ 950 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Tylers Land and partly on his own Land : the whole being 14 acres two acres allowed for bad Land : Laid ont by W" Torrey Sury'' flacob Aldrich & Cap' Tyler Chain men April the 7'" 1 741) Laid out for Daniel Sumner 7 acres and half of his Eleuenth Division of Land in the north purches adjoyning to the Land of William Legg and is Bounded Southerly on S" Leggs Land 37 rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner thence Euning North full point on Comon 46 rod to a heap of Stones being the North East Corner then west 12 Deg'' South 40 rod on Comon to John Chapins Land a heap of Stones on great Rock being the norwest Corner bounding westerly on Said Chapins Land 34 rod Encompassing in two acres of Said Sumners Swamp formerly laid out the whole being 11 acres & half 4 acres allowed for S*^ Swamp & for bad land Laid out l^y William Torrey Survey er Nathan Tyler Chain man Cap* Tyler Sam" King Jonathan Nelson Moses Chapin [55.] March y« 30 1750 Laid out for Cap* Nathan Tyler 4 acres of his Eleventh Division of Land Jyning to his other Land on the North Side of Benjamin palmers land and is bounded Southerly on Land of Said Palmer 80 rod westerly on the Brook that runs out of Moses Aldrichs Swamp 10 to a heap of Stones by Moses Aldrichs Land and is bounded northerly partly on S** Aldrichs Land and partly on his own Land 80 rod it being a gore of Land Containing 5 acres one acre allowed for bad Land. Laid out by William Torrey Surveyor Jacob Aldrich and Cap* Nathan Tyler Chain men April y^ 3° 1750 Laid out for Samuel King two acres of Will- iam Torreys Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land South from his house on the East Side of Rehoboth Road and is Bounded northerly on his own Land 56 rod Southerly on Rehoboth Road 14 rod Easterly on Land of David Aldrich 56 Rod it being a gore of Land Containing 2 acres & 72 Rod 72 rod allowed for bad Land Laid out by William Torrey Sury'' Robert Taft Chain man MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 951 A[)ril the 13^'' 1750 Laid out for Jonathan Xelson 2 acres Eleuenth Division of Land Joyning to his other land that he bought of William Green and is bounded west on S'^ Land 78 Kod from the North East to the South East Corner and is bounded South on Thomas Nelsons land 4 rod to a black oak tree being the South East Corner thence with a Direct Line on Comon to the North East Corner of his other land it being a gore of land 78 rod Long 4 rod wide at the South End and nothing at the North End : Laid out by AVilliani Torrey Surve^^or Jacob Aldrich & Jonathan Nelson Chain men. March 24"' 176(5 Laid out for Moses Chapin one acre of Josiah Chapins Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land on the Easterly Side the Mill River and is Bounded Easterly on his other land 26 rod Northerly on land of Ebenezer Cheney 12 Rod Bounded west on land of Moses Gage laid out the Same Day, it being a gore of land laid out by AVilliam Torrey Survey'' Nathan Tyler Chain man Moses Aldrich James Rix Phinehas Lovett [56.] April the 13"' 1750 Laid out for Moses Aldrich 3 acres of his Eleventh Division of Land Jojaiing to the west side of his other Land in Upton and is bounded Easterly partly on his other Land and partly on Land of Sam" Wood to the South East Corner of M'" Welds: s Land and is Bounded westerly on Land of flames Rix about 12 Rod to a heap of Stones thence with a Direct Line and Bounding westerly on Comon 34 Rod to the North East Corner of Jonathan Nelsons Land that he Bought of AVilliam Green then Bound on S'* Nelsons Land that was Laid out the Same Day 78 Rod to a blacK oak tree being the South west Corner and the South East Corner of S'' Nelsons Land and is bounded South on Land of Thomas Nelson to his own Land the whole being 4 acres one acre allowed for bad Land : Laid out by A^^illianl Torrey Sery*^ Jacob Aldrich & ]\Ioses Aldrich Com" April y*^ 13'" 1750 Laid out for James Rix 102 Rod of his Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land East from his house and is Bounded west on Said Land 34 Rod from a heap 952 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. of Stones by Jonathun Nelsons Land to a lieai) <^'^ Stones on his other Land and is Bounded Easterly on layd of Moses Aldrich that was fjaid out the Same Day 34 Rod to the North East Corner of Jonathan Nelsons Land then Bounded South on Said Nelsons Land (5 Kod to the first bounds which was the South East Corner of his other land it being a gave of Land G rod widc^ at the South End and nothing at the North End and 84 Rod in Length : laid out by William Torrey Servey'" Jacob Aldrich & flames Rix Chain men flune the 2()"' 1750 Laid out for Phinchas Lovctt Hve acres of his Eleventh Division of land »Toyning to his other land near Daniel whites house and is bounded Southerly on S'' land o4 rod norwesterly on S*^ Daniels land 54 rod Easterly on land formerly Sumners 42 rod it being a three Cornerd piece of Land Lying on Both Sides of the Road Leading by Daniel Whites house Laid out by William Torrey Sery'' Jacob Aldrich tSo Robert Taft Chain men John Corbett Nath" Thayer [57.] June y" 4"' 1750 Laid out for John Corbett 20 acres of Land (viz) (> acres of William Whites 8'" Division and (> acres of Said Whites 9*'' Division and one third of an acre of James Albees Eleventh Division and o acres that he Bought of Benjamin Albee and 4 acres & two thirds of an acre of his own Eleventh Division Laid Joyning to his other Land in the North purches and is Bounded North on his other Land o2 Rod then Bounded west on Land of Ebenezer Wheeler and Daniel Corbett 18 rod to a pine tree markt thence bounded on S'" Land norwesterly 20 rod to a heap of Stones then bounded westerly on Said I^and 38 rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner of Said Wheeler c^ Corbitts land then bounded North on S'' Land 2S rod to Elbenezer Boying- tons Liind then Bounding Southerly & westerly on Said Bo^ing- tons Land 129 Rod to Jonathan Whitney s Land then bounding Easterly & Northerly on S'' Whitney s Land in the Severall turns & Crooks thereof 142 rod to his other I^and which was the first Bounds the whole being 30 acres 10 acres allowed for bad Land Laid out by William Torrey Serveyer Robert Taft Chain man MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 958 Miiy 1 P'' 17()2 Laid out lor Xulliaiuicl Tliayci- oik^ acre of his KIcvonth Division of Land «Joyning to his other Land north from his house and is Bounded South on Said Land 22 rod East on Bcllingham Line 8 rod north on Land of Moses Thayer 22 Rod west on S'' Moses Thayers Land Eight rods witli ah)wanee for a two Rod way C^ross S'' Land Laid out by William Torrey Survey"^ Robert Taft Chain man John Corbett [58.] Uxbridge May the 8*" 1749 Laid out for John Corbett Eight aeres & 7(i Rod of his Eleventh Division of Land it being the addition to Said Division Laid Joyning to the East Side of his other Land in the South part of Uxbridge and is bounded as followeth begining at a Chesnut tree being a Side Line of his other land 12 rod north of Shockoloo; Road then Runinjr Noi-th 30 Deg" East 53 rod to a Saxafracx tree being a Corner of -lohn Reads land ])()uiided East on S'' Read then North 42 Deg" west (H rod to a heaj) of Stones being a Corner and a Corner of Ens"" Tafts land bounded North on land laid out for Said Taft on the Same Day then North about 35 Deg East 31 rod to a heap of Stones at his own land near a great rock it being the north west Corner bounded Easterly on land of the above Said Taft laid out on the Same Day then westerly with a Direct line 28 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner and a Corner of his other land bounded north on his own land then South 126 rod with a Direct line to the bounds first mentioned the whole Ijeing 12 acres & 76 rod 4 acres allowed for bad Land Laid out by John Read Sur- vayor with the assistance of William Hoi brook Chain man febrvary the 2(5"' 1750^-^ Laid out foi- John Corbett 3 acres of his Eleventh Division of Land in the North purches and is bounded north on llopkiuton Line 80 Rod East on Land l)elonging to the heirs of Jonathan Thayer of Bellingham Dec** 18 Rod South on Land formerly Phillip Chases 80 Rod it being a gore of Land Con- taining 4 acres & half one acre & half allowed for bad Land : Laid out by William Torrey Survey'' with the assistance of Cap* Nathan Tyler Chain man 954 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. febrvaiy the 26"' 1750-Si- Laid out for John Corbett 2 acres of his Eleventh Division of Land in the North purches on the west Side the Road Leadino- to Ilopkinton and is bounded South on tlie Land of Josiah Ball 50 Rod East on Land of phillip Chase north on Hopkinton Line it being a gore of Land Containing 3 acres & 20 Rod one acre & 20 Rod allowed for bad Land : Laid out by William Torrey Survey*" with the assistance of Cap* Nathan Tyler Chain man John Aldrich Peter Aldrich [59.] Uxbridge april the 28'" 1749 Laid out for John Aldrich Jun'" a little west from his house a Long Strij) of land Containing Eight acres of Edmond Rawsons Eleventh Division and is bounded (viz) begining at a heap of Stones near his blacksmiths Shop then Runing northerly by a various line 88 rod to a heap of Stones at Sam" Aldrichs line bounded Easterly all the way on his own land Saving 8 rods on Sam" aldrichs land then west 11 Deg''' South 21 rod to a Road laid out on the Same Day to Nathan Parks Land to a heap of Stones being the North west Corner bounded northerly on land laid out the Same Day for Sam" Aldrich then Southerly & bounding westerly on Said Road IIH rod with a Direct line to the first bounds one black oak tree marked with the marking Jron Eight acres in all two acres allowed for bad Land: Laid out by John Read Sury'' with the assistance of of Sam" Read Chain man April y'^ 27*" 1740 Laid out for John Aldrich Jun' (i a(;res of Jchabod Ammidown Eleventh Division & two acres of Decon Rawson Eleventh Division Joyning to the North Side of his other land begining at a heap of Stones being a Corner at his own land then East 4 Deg''* & 30 miniutes South {)Q rod to a heap of Stones being the North East Corner bounded North on land laid out for Sam" aldrich on the Same Day then South 35 Rod to his other land to a heap of Stones being y^ South East Corner bounded East on Comon then by a vairous line and bounding Round on his own land to the first bounds Eight acres & half laid out by. John Read Survayer with the assistance of Decon Samuel Read Chain man MENDON, INIASSACHUSETTS. 955 Uxhridge april the 1*' 174S Laid out for peter Aldrich one acre of his Eleventh Division on the north Side of his other hind at a place Called wayaboxitt beginingat a Small walnut tree the South East Corner then Runing west 40 Eods to Major Lovetts land to Stones the South west Corner and bounding South on his own Land then North 4 Rod to a heap of Stones the Norwest Corner bounding west on Said Lovetts Land then East 40 Rod to a heap of Stones at David EUets Land the North East Corner and bound- ing north on Common then South 4 Rod to the first bounds and bounding East part on Land of Said Ellett and pai-t on his own Land Laid out by John Read Jun"" Survey"^ with the assistance of Decon Sam" Read Chain man Thomas Palmer Jonathan Nelson George Bruce [60.] April y'' 18'" 1750 Laid out for Thomas Palmer 7 acres of land (viz) (> acres of Simon Pecks Eleventh Division and one acre of John Plumblcys ll*"" Division Laid Joyning to his other land west from his House and is Bounded East on his other land 68 Rod North on the former town Line of Mendon 17 rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner thence Runing Southerl}^ iSc Bounding west on Comon (^S Rod to a Stake & heap of Stones being the South west Corner thence Runing East 8 Deg''^ South on Comon 17 rod to a heap of Stones by his own Land being the South East Corner the whole being 7 acres & half half an acre allowed for bad land Laid out l)y William Torrey Servey"" Nathan Tyler Chain man April the 13^'' 1750 Laid out for Jonathan Nelson 4 acres & half of his Eleventh Division of Land on the pine orchard hill in upton and is bounded East on Land of Thomas Palmer laid out the Same Day 68 Rod north on the former town line of mendon 1 7 rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner and is bounded westerly on the way Laid ouer pine orchard hill 68 rod to a heap of Stones being the Southwest Corner thence with a Direct line and bounding South on Comon 10 rod to the South- west Corner of the aboue Said Thomas palmers Land : the whole 956 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. being 5 acres & 118 Rod one ucre & 88 rod allowed for bad land : laid out by William Torrey Survey'^ ('ap* Nathan Tyler Chain man April the lo"' 1750 Laid out for (lieorgc Bruce 8 acres of his Eleventh Division of land on Pine orchard hill in Upton and is bounded west on Land of Sam" Wood 83 Rod north on the former town Line of mendon 16 rod from the north East Corner of Said Woods Land to a heap of Stones by the way Laid over pine orchard hill and is Bounded East on Said way 83 rod to Moses Aldrichs Land and is bounded Southerly on S*^ Aldrichs land 30 rod to the above sd woods Land the whole being 10 acres 2 acres allowed for bad land laid out ])y William Torrey Sury'" Cap^ Nathan Tyler and George Bruce Chain men April y« 13"' 1750 Laid out for George Bruce two acres & half Eleventh Division of Land on pine orchard hill in Upton and is Bounded East on the Land of Sam" Torrey 40 rod north partly on land of Thomas Palmer & partly on land of Jonathan Nelson which was laid out the Same Day to the way Laid ouer pine or- chard hill and is l)ounded westerly on Said way 55 Rod it being a gore of Land — laid out by William Torrey Survey'" Nathan Tyler & George Bruce Chain men Thayer & pennimans agreement abner aldrich peter aldrich [61.] Mendon December 14'" 1750 Then we Samuel Thayer and Nathan Penniman niett and made a Division Line between the Said pennimans land and the Land that was formerly Jethro Coffins and now Samuel Thayers : which is as folio weth Bcgining at a Great Red oak tree marked at the north East Corner of Said pennimans Medow known by the name of the Round meadow thence Southerly to an Oak Tree marked near to Said pennimans fence So to Said Pennimans fence thence tvrning Easterly as the fence now Stands to a Road Leading from Rehoboth Road by Said pennimans Dwelling house The above S'' Division to be a final Settlement of Said line for us our heirs Executors & administrators for Ever here after Jn MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 957 witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto Sett their hands the Day & year above written in presence of us Samuel Thayek Sam"- white Nathan Penniman Peter Penniman William White May the 10^" 1750 Laid out for Peter Aldrich Eight acres of George Bruces Eleventh Division of Land : and is Laid Joyning to his other Land on the west Side of Quick Stream and is bounded westerly on Land of Sam" Thayer 23 Rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner and a Southerly Corner of John Corbetts Land Laid out the Same Day and is bounded north- westerly on Said Corbits Land 60 Rod to Elisha Thomsons to a heap of Stones in a hollow being the north East Corner and is bounded North Easterly on Said Thomsons Land and on all other parts on his own Land the whole being 10 acres 2 acres allowed for ))ad Land — Laid out by William Torrey Serveyer with the assistance of Cap* Robert Taft Chain man May the lO**^ 1750 Laid out for Abner Aldrich one acre & quarter of his fathers Eleventh Division of Land at the norwest Corner of Candlewood hill and is bounded East on the Land of Joseph & Sam" Thayer 30 Rod north on Comon Eight Rod west on Comon 30 Rod South on Comon Eight Rod the whole being- one acre & half one (juarter of an acre allowed for bad Land. Laid out by William Torrey Serveyer with the assistance of Cap' Rol)ert Taft Chain man Noah Cook John Corl)ett fisk & Hills Prean'" [62.] May the 10'" 1750 Laid out for John Corbett 13 acres of William Spragues Eleventh Division of Land Laid out on Candlewood hill and is Bounded North on land laid out to Joseph & Sam" Thayer 60 Rod from Thomsons Land to a heap of Stones on a Rock Ijeing the North west Corner then South 5 Deg'^ west on Comon 60 Rod to Samuel Thayers Land to a heap of Stones on Said Line Ijeing the South west Corner then bounding South 958 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. on Said Thayers land 4 Rod to Said Tliayers North East Corner then l)ounding westerly on Said Thayers 3(5 Rod to a heap of Stones on the South East Side of a Cart path it being the South East Corner thence Runing East 43 Deg""' north on Comon (50 Rod to Elisha Thomsons Land to a heap of Stones in a bottom then bounding north on Said Thomsons Land 8 Rod then bound- ing East on Said Thomsons Land 40 Rod to the first l>ounds — the whole being 19 acres 6 acres allowed for bad Land — laid oul by William Torrey Survey'" Robert Taft chain man March the 28"^ 1750 Laid out for Noah Cook 7 acres of Land (viz) 5 acres of Ebenezer Staples Eleventh Division and two acres of James Keiths Laid Joyning to his other Land on the East Side Mill River and is bounded north on his own Land 10 Rod to two white oak Stands with Stones between them it l)eing the north East Corner of Samuel Cooks Land and is bounded west on Said Sam" Cooks Land 100 Rod and is bounded South on Sam" Cooks Land 22 Rod and is bounded East on his own Land 100 Rod — Laid out by William Torrey Servey"^ Robert Taft & Noah Cook Chain men , Upon October 29*'' 1751 We the Subscribers this DayPrcambe- lated the Line between our Lands on the Easterly Side of the west River in Upton and have Renewed the Bounds which are as followeth begining at a pine tree marked being the South East Corner of Land Laid out to John Tyler thence Runing west 10 Degrs South about (50 rod to a Stake & Stones in the Edge of Nathan Parks Swamp as witness our hands — Test Ebenezer Fisk W" Torrey Matthew Hill John Chapin Daniel Hill John Spring [63. ] Vxbridge July the 22 — 1749 Laid out for John Spring 35 acres of the addition of his Eleventh westerly from his house eToyning part on his own Land c^ part on other mens Lands be- gining at a heap of Stones being a Corner a Little west from the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 959 Road 1)}' where John Eletts house Stood then west 28 Deg" South 45 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner of his other Land then west 9 Deg"^ South 30 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner of his other land then Southerly 2 Deg"^^ west 42 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner & a Corner of William Ilolbrooks Land and Bound Southerly Round on his own Land then Northerly 3(5 Rod to a heap of Stones being the North East Corner of AVilliam Ilolbrooks Land and Bounded westerly on Said Hoi brooks Land then Northwesterly 10 Rod to the Land of Eliphelet Wharfields Land then North 18 Deg^ west 31 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner of Said Whartields Land then East 40 Dog""' North 28 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner of S'' Springs Land then North west 5 Deg'"^ west 25 Rod to John Elisons Land Bounded Round on S*^ Wharfields & Springs Land then East 40 Degi-^ North 26 Rod to a heap of Stones then East 15 Degr' North G2 Rod to Land of Elison then Southerl}^ 22 Rod to Land which the Said John Spring bought of John Ellett bound Round on Land of Said Elison and Said Spring then westerly 36 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner then then South 30 Dgrs East 40 Rod to a heap of Stones being a corner then East 30 Degrs North 20 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner then Southerly 4 Rod to the first bounds mentioned bounded Round on the Land which the Said John Spring bought of the aboue Said John Ellett we allow 15 acres out of this & two other pieces for bad Land with allowance for a Road through Said Land from John Springs to John Elisons house Laid out by John Read Sury'" with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man John Spring Hezekiah hall [64:.] April the S^^ 1748 Laid out for John Spring Six acres & 30 Rod of his Eleventh Division on the west Side of peter Ald- richs piece of Land that L3^eth on the west Side of the pine hill that Lyeth west from the Said Springs house begining at a heap of Stones being Said Aldrichs South west Corner then North 6 Deg*^ west 40 Rod to his own Land to a heap of Stones being- Said aldrichs Northwest Corner then Runing westerly 18 Rod to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner of his other Land 960 PROPRIETORS^ RECORDS. there bounded north on his own Land then north 14 Rod to a heap of Stones at his own Land East bound on his own Land then westerly 3 Rod to a pine tree ])eing the South East Corner of William Holbrooks Land bounded 12 Rod on Said Holbrooks Land to Wharfields land then on Said Wharfields Land 57 Rod to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner bounded west on Wharfields Land then East 6 Deg" North 21 Rod to the first bounds mentioned South on Comon : Laid out by John Read Survey"^ with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man April the 8*^ 1748 Laid out for John Spring 3 acres of his Eleventh Division on the west Side of his other land at his pine plain begining at a pine tree being a Corner of his and a Corner of Ezekiel Woods Land then Runing North 12 Deg'"' East (50 Rod to his other Land bounded East on his own Land then west 5 Dggj.s North IG Rod to a heap of Stones being the Norwest Corner bounded north on his own Land then Southerly with a Direct Line G2 Rod to the first bounds mentioned bounded westerly on Said Woods Land a three Cornerd peice Laid out by John Read Sury*^ with the assistance of AVilliam Holbrook Chain man Uxbridge September 13*'' 1753 Laid out Hezekiah Hall 5 acres of Land one acre allowed for bad Land Laid out on y'' Rights of Aaron Taft in his Eleventh Division & bounded (viz) begining at a heap of Stones being the Easterly Corner then Runing west- erly al)out 33 Deg''^ north 40 Rod to a Corner bounded north on his own Land then South 27 Deg'^ west 60 Rod to the w^idow Parks Land bounded westerly on his own Land then northerly & l)Ounding Southerly on Said widows Land to the first bounds it being a three Corner'' piece of Land : Laid out by- John Read Survey"^ William Torrey Chain man — Said Land Lyeth on the Easterly Side the great River and Easterly from Said Halls house and eToyns to his other Land and of Rights Derived from John post W™ Legg fish & woods peramljulation [65.] March the 13"' 1750 Laid out for William Legg 3 acres & half of Daniel Sumuers Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 961 his other Land west from his house and is bounded Easterly partly on his own Land and partly on Land of David Chapin 80 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock being the North East Corner then Runing west full point on Comon 17 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Ledge of Rocks being the norwest Corner thence with a Direct Line on Comon 80 Rod to his own Land by the Road Leading from Preserved patteridges to y^ Prescinct meeting house it being a gore of Land Containing 4 acres & a Quarter one acre & a quarter allowed for bad Land — Laid out by Will- iam Torrey Servey"" Cap* Nathan Tyler Chain man March the 13*'' 1750 Laid out for William Legg 2 acres & half Eleventh Division of Land (viz) one acre of Nathanael Nelsons and one acre & half of Daniel Sumners Laid in his other land west from his house it being a gore of Land 50 Rod Long & 23 Rod wide at the South End & nothing at the North End and is bounded Every part on his own Land the whole being 3 acres & 95 Rod one acre & 15 Rod allowed for bad Land Laid out by William Torrey Survey'' with the assistance of Cap* Nathan Tyler Cain man December y*^ 1** 1752 Laid out for William Legg one acre Sc half & 3 Rod of Land it being in Lve of So much Land that Daniel Sumner Laid out through a mistake in the widow Browns Land which Said Legg Bought of Said Sumner now Laid Joyn- ing to the Said Land and is Bounded west on S'^ Land 29 Rod from the northeast Corner of his Said other land to the widow Browns land and is bounded Southerly on S*^ Browns land 17 rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner thence with a Direct Line to the Northeast Corner of his other land which was the first Bounds mentioned it being a gore of land 17 rod wide at the South & nothing att the North End Laid out by W" Torrey Surveyer with y*" assistance of Dec" Jacol) Aldrich Chain man Upton March 29 — 1764 this Day we the Subscribers Peram- bulated y'' lines between our lands where we now Dwell Begining 962 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. at a Stak & heap of Stones by Samuel Avoods land being the Eastermost Bounds thence runing west 25 Deg'^^ South Seven rods to a heap of Stones thence Runing the same point (viz) west 25 Deg""^ South by marked trees & heaps of Stones 7(5 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock on the South Side of a Black oak tree markt on the South Side thence Runing west 12 Deg"^^ & 40 minites South 73 Rod & half to a Stake & heap of Stones thence South 36 Deg'^ west 12 Rod to a heap of Stones by the County Road — and we Binde our Selves our heirs & assigns to Stand to & abide by this our perambulation for Ever and we desire that this our perambulation may be Recorded in the pro- prietors Records of the former town Ship of mendon as witness our hands — Test W^ ToRREY Elisha Fish Francies Bowman j^^^^ X Wood mark Timothy Sewel [66.] April the 30''> 1751 Laid out for Timothy Sewel one acre of his Eleuenth Division Laid Jo^^ning to his other land west from his house and is bounded East on his other land 44 Rod from a white oak tree on the North Side of a Ridge hill being the north East Corner to a heap of Stones being a Corner of Sam" Cooks Land thence bounding westerly on Said Cooks Land 36 Rod to a heap of Stones by his own Land and is bounded norwesterly on his own land to the first bounds — Laid out by William Torrey Serveyer Jacob Aldrich Chain man April the 30''' 1751 Laid out for Timothy Sewel 120 Rod of his Eleventh Division adjoyning to his Medow on the westerly Side the mill River and is bounded Easterly on Said River and all other parts on his own Medow — Laid out by William Torrey Serveyer with the assistance of Jacob Aldrich Chain man April y^ 30"' 1751 Laid out for Timothy Sewel 3 acres of his Eleventh Division of Land Laid out Joyning to his other Land on the Easterly Side of the Road Leading to Smithfield and is bounded westerly on Said Road 44 Rod from Walter Cooks Land MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 963 to his own Land and bounded South Easterly on his other land 50 Rod to Walter Cooks Land and is bounded Northerly on Said Cooks Land 28 Rod to the above Said Road it being a three Cornered piece of Land Containing 4 acres & 18 Rod one acre & 18 Rod allowed for bad land Laid out by William Torrey Sery''. Jacob Aldrich Chain man November 27'*" 1751 Laid out for Timothy Sewel 7 acres & half of his 9"' and 10*'' Divisions of Land Laid out on the west Side of the Road Leading to Smithfield and is bounded Easterly on Said Road 12 Rod to Land of Walter Cook and is bounded Southerly on Said Cooks Land 80 Rod to Jsaac Chases Land and is bounded westerly on Said Chases Land 28 rod to a pine tree markt being the norwe^ Corner thence Runing East one Degree South 80 rod to the aboue Said Road the whole being 9 acres & I 2 acres allowed for bad Land Laid out by William Torrey Serveyr with the assistance of Jacob aldrich Chain man Josiah Taft [67.] May the 8*'^ 1749 Laid out for Josiah Taft a 3 Cornered piece of Land Joyning to his other land near Seth whites house Containing 90 Rod of Ground Ijegining at his own Land and then Runing Northerly two Rod iSc half to a heap of Stones being a Corner then East 10 Deg'* South 50 Rod to his own Land bounded north on land Laid out at the Same time for Cap' John farnum then with a Direct Line to the first bounds bounded on his own Land it being a three Cornered piece Land out by John Read Survaver with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain Uxbridge april 10 1749 Laid out for Ens'* Josiah Taft one acre & 13 Rods of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land at Usecik hill begining at a heap of Stones on the top of S*^ hill l)eing his old Corner then Runing Southerly Down to the town Line 33 Rod to a heap of Stones being the Corner then Easterly with a Direct lilie 33 Rod to a black oak tree upon the above Said hill marked for a Corner then westerly 12 Rod to the first bounds 964 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. boundino: Southerly on Comon northerly on his own Land Laid out by John Read Survayer with the assistance of William Hol- brook Chain man Uxbridije april y'' (S"' 174!) Laid out for Ens Josiah Taft of his 10'*^ Division 3 acres & one half & 3 quarters of an acre allowed for bad Land Laid out Joyning to his other land at the Roekey Swamp Southwesterly from Shockolog Road begining at the Southwesterly Corner of his other land then west 29 Degrs South 17 Rod to a heap of Stones being the Corner & the Corner of Cap* Tafts Land bounded Southerly on S*^ Tafts Land then north 29 Deg""^ west 40 Rod to a heap of Stones being the nor west Corner westerly on Comon then East 29 Degrs north 17 Rod north on Comon then South 29 Degrs 40 to the first bounds bounded on his own Land Laid out by John Read Surveyor with y^ assistance of william Holbrook Chain man Uxbridge may 10"' 1749 Laid out for Josiah Taft begining at a heap of being a Corner at the north Side of Shokologue Road being his own Corner then North 38 Deg'' west 57 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner then West 28 Deg''^ north 28 rod to a heap of Stones then North 10 Deg""^ East 8 Rod then w^est 10 Degrs north 50 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner at Doc*"" Corbetts land bounded northerly all the round on his own land then Runing South Easterly about Suposed to be 25 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner of John Reads Land bounded Southerly on Land of S*^ Corbett then East 32 rod to a heap of Stones being the northerly Corner of S*^ Reads land bounded Southerly on S^ Read then l)y a various line round bounding part on S'^ Reads Land & part on M'' Webbs Land to Shokologue Road then on said road to the first bounds mentioned Eight acres 6i a \ and one acre & | allowed for bad land laid out by John Read Survey' with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man Josiah Taft [68.] Uxbridge march 16*" 1749 Laid out for Ens Josiah Taft 20 acres & 100 Rod of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land northerly from Humes house and on the north side of MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 965 the Brook begining at a heap of Stones at Peter Tafts Land then Riming South 18 Deg*^^ west 104 Rod to Land he bought of Joseph Damon l)0unded East on his own Land then westerly & bound- ing Southerly on the land that was the aboue S*^ Damons GQ Rod to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner G Rod Easterly from the norwest (Corner of the Land that was S'' Damons then with a Direct Line to the first liounds 165 Rod — March 30^" 1749 More Land Laid out for the aboue S*^ Taft five acres & 60 Rod of his Eleventh Division on the westerly Side of the above S" piece of I^and begining at the South west Corner of the above S'' Land then Runing Southwesterly 6 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner of S*^ Damons Land bounding Southerly on S'' Land then northwest 38 Rod to a heap of Stones bounded Cheifly on Comon then north Easterly 76 rod & bounded north- erly on INloses Taft to a heap of Stones on the westerly line of the above piece being a Corner then Southerly to the first boundary bounded Southerly on his own land Laid out by John Read Sur- vayor with the assistance of William Hoi brook Chain man Uxbridge March 9'^ 1748i^ Laid out for Josiah Taft Seven acres & 100 Rod of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land westerly from Jacob aldrichs house begining at a heap of Stones at Jacob aldrichs Land then west 30 Deg''^ South 61 Rod to Caleb Tafts Land to a heap of Stones bounded South on Jacob Aldrichs land then north 30 Deg'^ west 40 Rod to a heap of Stones being the North west Corner bounded westerly on Caleb Tafts Land then Easterly with a Direct Line to the bounds first mentioned it being a 3 Cornered piece of Land Laid out by John Read Survayor with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain Uxbridge april 9^'' — 1 749 Laid out for Josiah Taft 3 acres & 60 Rod of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land on the northerly Side Shockologg Road and on the Southerly Side of Joseph Tylers Land begining at a heap of Stones at the Said Road being Tylers Corner then north 38 Deg""^ west 55 Rod to a 966 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. hea]) of Stones at his own Land being a Corner of S*^ Tylers land hounding north Easterly on S^ Tylers Land then westerly 10 Rod to a heap of Stones being the Southwesterly Corner bounded northwesterly on his own Land then South 38 Deg""^ East 57 rod to the above S'' Eoad to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner bounding Southerly on Comon then Northerly & bound- ing South Easterly on S'' Road 10 Rod to the first bounds men- tioned — Laid out by John Read Survayor with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man Josiah Taft [69.] Uxbridge april y" 6"^ 1745 Laid out for Josiah Taft on Jsaac Bensons Rights (viz) two acres on his ninth Division & two acres on his tenth Division as by Deed to Sd Taft Doth appear westerly from Uxbridge meeting Joyning to Land Called Duglas Land on the Southerly Side of Said Land and on the northerly Side of Shokologue Road begining at a heap of Stones on the westerly Side of Tylers Land and bounding on S"^ Land north 38 Deg'^ west 38 Rod to a black oak tree & heap of Stones being a Corner of Land laid out for the town of uxbridge then north 24 Deg"'^ west and bounding on Said towns Land 16 rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock being a Corner then South 10 Deg'' west and bounding on Said Tafts Land 32 Rod then the Same point & bounding on Comon 8 Rod to a heap of Stons being the Southerly Corner then East 10 Deg''^ South 38 rod & bound- ing on Comon to a heap of Stones being the Corner first men- tioned being 4 acres & half three Quarters of an acre allowed for bad Land Laid out by us John Read J' Suruey' William Holbrook Com" Uxbridge March 14*^ 1748/9 Laid out for Josiah Taft at the South Easterly Side of the Land he bought of Moses Read begin- ing at a heap of Stones being Taylors Corner then Runing north 16 Deg""' west 27 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner of Said Taylors land bounding East on Said Taylors Land then East 42 Degr^ North 1 7 rod to a heap of Stones being another Corner of MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 967 Said Taylors Land Ixjiiiided Soutli on S'' Taylor at his own Corner then west 42 Degrs north 15 Rod then west 12 Degr* South 35 rod then South 29 Deg"^ East 80 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner bounded round on his own Land then East 10 Deg" North to the first bounds bounded Southerly on Said Taylor Containing Six acres — Laid out by John Read Survey"^ with the assistance of Sam" Read Chain man Uxbridge april 4"^ 1749 Laid out for Josiah Taft 15 acres of liis Eleventh Division Joyning to his other Land west from Peter Tafts house and on the South Side of Shokologue Road begining at the north East Corner of his Land & the Side line of peter Tafts Land then west 29 Deg""* South on his own line to land of Samuel Reads to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner 85 rod then north 18 Deg"^ west 34 rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner bounded South part on S*^ Road & part on Comon then East 29 Deg'"'' north 71 rod to the above said peters Land bounded northerly on Comon then with a Direct line to the (irst bounds bounded Easterly on Said peter Tafts Land Laid out by John Read Survey "^ with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man Josiah Taft Ministry Lott Nathan park [70.] May the S'^ 1749 Laid out for Ens° Josiah Taft 155 Rod of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land near Seth Whites house begining at a black tree being a Corner of his other Land then runing westerly 10 rod to a heap of Stones near a Great Rock being a Corner & a Corner of Doctor Corbetts land bounded north on S'' Corbetts then SouthEasterly & bounding Southerly on S"* Corbett 31 rod to "a heap of Stones being the Corner & the Corner of S^ Tafts other Land then northerly & bounding Easterly on his own Land 2S rod to the first bounds a 3 Cornerd piece Laid out by «Tohn Read Sury' with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man September the 9**' 1751 Laid out for Nathan Park 7 acres and half of Land Joyning to the Land he Bought of Ebenezer Staples on the west Side the west River near Zackerys pond and is 968 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Bounded South westerly on Said Land 60 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock in a Rocky Vally (it being the north west Corner of the first piece of I^and that the Said Staples Laid out in that place) thence runing west 34 Deg''* north on Comon 20 rod to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner then South 34 west on Comon 60 to a heaj) of being the norwest Corner then East 34 Deg""^ South on Comon 20 rod to his own Land December 1'^ 1752 Laid out to the Ministry Lott 28 acres & half Eleventh Division of Land in two pieces one piece Contain- ing 16 acres & half of Land Joyning to the ministry Land in the north purches near pecks medow and is bounded northerly partly on Said Land & partly on land of Samuel warren north Easterly on medow known by the name of pecks medow and is bounded Southerly & westerly partly on Land formerly Sumners & partly on Land laid out to william Legg the Same Day and partly on land laid out Seth & Moses Chapin whome to Said warrens Land the other piece Containing 20 acres Lying west of the above S*^ piece and is bounded westerly on Land of preserved patteridge & Southerly on Said patteridge to the north East Corner of his land then bounded again westerly on Said pattridges Land to Land of william Legg then bounded Southerly on S'' Leggs Land to Land belonging to the heirs of Seth Chapin Dec*^ then bounded Easterly on S*^ Chapins Land to the Land of Samuel warren and is bounded on all other parts on Said warrens Land the whole of Said two pieces Containing 36 acres 7 acres & half allowed for bad land laid out by William Torrey Survey'" with the assistance of Decon Jacob Aldrich Chain man Aaron Thayer the ministry Lott [71.] Mendon December 12"' 1751 Laid out for Aaron Thayer 14 acres of Land (viz) 10 acres allowed him by the Proprietors Committee for an Equilency of Land wanting in Land Laid out to his father Benj" Thayer Dec'' in the Sixth Division Bounding Easterly on Land Laid out to Jethro Coffin and 4 acres of Said Aaron Thayers Eleventh Division Jncompassing in 50 acres of Said Thayers Land formerly Laid out above Said Land is I MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 969 Bounded as followeth Easterly on the Land formerly Laid out to flohn Rockwood on the Easterly Side of the mill River now the Said aaron Thayers land Bounding Southerly on Land formerly Laid out to John Harber westerly partly on the abve S'' mill River & partly on Land Laid out to Benj" Wheelock. northerly on Land of Sam" Thayer the ^'^ : the whole Containing 65 acres 50 acres formerly Laid out and one acre allowed for a Road or high way a Cross Said Land — Laid out by Will"" Torrey Survey"" Robert Taft & Sam" Read Com" Janvary y" 18"" 1753 then Laid out to the ministry Lott Eleven acres & half Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to the ministry Land in the Rocky woods by Holliston Line and is bounded north on Land of Ezra Thomson 21 Rod to Jasper Daniels Land and is bounded East on Said Daniels land 56 Rod and is bounded Southerly on Land of Enj° Thomas Wis wall 50 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Large flatt rock near the South west Corner and from Said heap of Stones home to Said wiswalls Land thence Runing from Said heap of Stones north 8 Deg""^ & half East to the Said ministry land then bounded northerly & westerly on Said Land to Land laid out to David Hill then on Said Hills Land to Said Thomsons Land the whole Containing 15 acres & half 4 acres allowed for bad Land Laid out by William Torrey Survey"^ with the assistance of Decon Jacob Aldrich Chain man this Land wrong Recorded being the greatest part of it in other mens lands & now laid out again & Record in page 118 Sam" Aldrich February 2 1789 this Return wrong recorded for [72.] Samuel Aldrich Uxbridge April 28 1749 Laid out for Samuel Aldrich Jun" of his Eleventh Division on his father's Rights near unto his house (viz) : begining at the new Road then west 15 Deg"^^ South 20 Rod then on his own Land 46 rod to a heap of Stones by the Road near his house then with a Direct Line to the first bounds mentioned a 3 Cornered piece Containing 2 acres & 140 Rod — 140 Rod allowed for bad Land Laid out by John Read Sury'' Sam" Read Chain man 970 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. on the Sauic Day Laid out for Said Aldiich on the Easterly Side of his other land at huckelbury plain begining at the north East Corner of his other land then north 33 Deg" west 48 rod to park's Land bounded on his own land then East 33 Deg''^ South 25 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner at Ralph Hills land bounded on S'' parks land then with a Direct line to the first bounds mentioned a three Cornered piece Containing three acres and 120 rod Laid out by John Read Sury' Sam" Read Chain man April 29 1749 Laid out for Sam" Aldrich Jun'' of his t^leventh Division one acre & 1-55 Rods laid Joyning to his other land up the hill north from his house upon the East Side of a new Road laid out Leading up unto Nathan Parks begining at a Small tree being the Southerly Corner & a Corner of John aldrichs land then Easterly 21 rod to his other land bounding Southerly on S*^ John aldrichs land then bounding north Easterly on on his own land al)out 34 Rod to the a])ove Said Road then Southerly 30 rod to the tirst bounds mentioned l)0unded westerly on S'' Road the above land was laid out upon the Rights of William Thayer & John French — laid out by John Read Survey"". Samuel Read Chain man April 27*" 1749 Laid out for Sam" Aldrich Jr 7 acres & a half of William Thayers Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land at a place Called huckelbery plain begining at a heap of Stones being the South Easterly Corner of his other land then South 35 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner bounded East on Comon then west 4 Deg" 30 minuts north 66 rod to a heap of Stones at his own land bounded South on Comon then by a various line to the first bounds bounded all on his own land Laid out by John Read Survey'' Sam" Read Chain man William Hoi brook [73.] Uxbridge December 28"^ 1748 Laid out for William Holbrook 3 acres & 3 quarters of his Eleventh Division in the northerly part of Uxbridge between the great River & ]\Iumfords River Westerly from John Springs house t^ bounded (viz) be- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 971 liining at a heap of Stones near a (j[uar of Kocks at Kliphclet Wharfields land then Runing South 18 Deg"^* East Eight Rods & hounding westerly on land of S*^ vvharfield then South 37 Deg""' Kast 30 Rod to a heap of Stones being the South westerly Corner then East 14 Dog"^ north 12 rod to a pine tree being the South East Corner and a heap of Stones then with a Direct Line to the Hrst mentioned l)ounds : pTohn Read Sury"" "NYill'" Holbrook Chain man Uxbridge april 19'" 1741) Laid out for William Holbrook 4 acres & 130 rod of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land on the East Side of mumfords River begining at a heap of Stones being the South west Corner then East 31 Deg''^ north 14 rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner South on Daniel Thayei-s land then north 31 Deg""' west 55 Rod to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner at Eliphelet whartields land bounding East on Comon then South westerly 15 rod to his own land bounded northerly on S^ wharfields land then Southerly with a Direct line to the first bounds mentioned bounded west- erly on his own land — laid out by John Read Surve}^"" AVilliam Holbrook Chain man Uxbridge may 27'" 1749 Laid out for William Holbrook 20 acres of his Eleventh Division in the northerly part of S*^ ux- bridge Joyning to the land of John Adams begining at the north west Corner of S*^ Adams land then noi*th 8 Deg""^ & 30 m on Mendon line to a heap of Stones being the North west Corner then 35 Rods & half then Easterly with a Direct line 147 rod to the north East Corner to a heap of Stones at Said Adams Line 28 rod from his Corner bounded northerly on land laid out for John Read the Same Day then South west 28 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner bounded Easterly on S*^ Adams then bounding Round by a various line on Said Adams to the first bounds Laid out by John Read Survey"" Sam" Read Chain men Seth Arnold Thomas Rist [74.] Janvary the -29^^' 1752 Laid out for Seth Arnold two acres of Sam" Thayers Eleventh Division of Land in three pieces 972 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. or fislands on the Southerly Side of the Road Leading over wan- sokitt falls one piece Containing about 50 rods at the foot of the Bridge and is bounded northerly on the above S** Road 4 rods westerly on the great River Easterly partly on the forge Lott & partly on his other land — the Second piece Lying a Little below the above S'^ piece Containing about three quarters of an acre with a highway Cross Said Land & is bounded Southerly on the great River northerly on his own Land — the third piece Containing one acre & half Lying on the above S** River a little Down Stream of the above S'* pieces and is bounded Southerly on the Said River and northerly on his own land the whole of the 3 pieces Containing two acres & 90 rods 90 rod allowed for bad Land Laid out by Will™ Torrey Survey"^ with the assistance of Jacob Aldrich Chain man Janvary the 8^'' 1752 Laid out for Daniel Taft Jun' two acres & a quarter of his Eleventh Division of Land in his other Land north from his house it being a narrow Strip of Land 120 Rod in Length & 3 rod wide Said Land was a piece of Land Left Comonj by the Com^** that Laid out 9 acres of Land for his father in the] tenth Division bounded northerly on Joseph Whites Land — Laid] out by William Torrey Survey'" Cap' Robert Taft Chain man Uxbridge March 21 — 1745/6 Laid out for Thomas Rist half an| acre of his Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to the East Side! of his other Land that he purchesed of Edward Aldrich and is] Bounded as followeth beginingat his north East Corner then Run-] ing South 27 Deg''^ East 12 rod & half to a heap of Stones being] the South west Corner and Bounding west on his own land then East 10 Deg'' South 6 rod & an half to a heap of Stones being] the South East Corner and Bounding South on Comon then northj 27 Deg""** west 12 rod & and half to a heap of Stones being the] north East Corner and Bounding East on Comon then west 10 1 Dg^'^ north and Bounding noi'th part on Comon & part on Mosesj farnums Land to the tirst bounds mentioned Laid out by John] Read Sury"" with the assistance of Samuel Read Chain man MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 973 [75.] Thomas Rist Jeremiah Aldrich Solomon Aldrich March 22 1745§- Laid out for Thomas Rist 3 acres & 115 Rod of his Eleventh Division on the westerly Side of the Land he purchased of Edward Aldrich & is bounded as folio weth begining at a heap of Stones being the South west Corner then Runing East 11 Degrs north 22 rod bounding Southerly on Aldrichs Land to his other land to a heap of Stones being a Corner then north 21 Deg""^ west 38 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner then west 11 Deg" South 10 rod & half then with a Direct Line to the first Bounds mentioned & bounding Northerly & Westerly on Comon. John Read William Holbrook Committee Uxbridge May 2" 1749 Laid out for Jeremiah Aldrich nine acres & a quarter (one Quarter allowed for bad land) (viz) 4 acres of Edmond Rawsons Eleventh Division & 5 acres of Jacob aldrich Jun""' 11*'' Division Laid Joyning on the north Side of his other Land and is bounded (viz) begining at a heap of Stones being the South East Corner then west full point 79 Rod to a black oak tree being the South west Corner bounded South part on his own Land & part on his fathers : then north full point 20 Rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner bounded west on Land Laid out to Stephen Aldrich then East 15 Deg""^ North 12 rod to a heap of Stones then East 9 Degrs South 72 rod to a hea[) of Stones at his own Land then South 14 rod to the first bounds East on his own Land with allowance for a high way a Cross S"^ Land : Laid out by John Read Survey'^ with the assist- ance of Sam" Read Chain man Uxbridge April 15*'' 1752 Laid out for Solomon aldrich Eight acres & 60 Rod 60 Rods allowed for bad Land : Said Land is Laid out in the northerly part of L^xbridge and is bounded (viz) begining at a heap of Stones being Said Aldrichs north East Corner then north 40 Deg''^ East 14 rod to a heap of Stones being the North East Corner of this Laying out bounded Easterly on Land of John Elles then west 40 Deg'"* north 54 Rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner bounded northerly part on Comon & part on Land of Phinehas Lovett then South 40 Deg'' west 60 rod to a heap of Stones to land of M"" John Merrold 16 rod to a 974 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. heap of Stones being a Corner and the South west Corner of Said akUichs land then bounded on the two other parts on his own land to the first bounds mentioned : Said Land was Laid out on his fathers Rights Laid out by John Read Survey'" with the assist- ance of Sam" Read ('hain man Christopher Winter [76.] Uxbridge December 12 1748 Laid out for Christopher Winter of his Eleventh Division one acre & 134 Rod Joyning to his other Land on the west Side of the great River begining at a Corner of adams Land then Runing west 40 Deg""^ North 42 rod to Adams Corner then East 36 Deg"^' North 14 rod then with a Direct Line to the first bounds mentioned and bounded Easterly on his own land a three Cornered piece : Laid out by John Read Servey*^ with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man Uxbridge December 12*'' 1748 Laid out for Christopher Winter 12 acres & a quarter of his 11"' Division Joyning to his other hind on the west side the great River begining at his other land then north 32 Deg*^^ west 53 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner of his other land then East 20 Deg'"' north 18 rod to the great River and Bounding northerly & Southerly on his own Land then bounding vp S*^ River 21 Rods then Southwest full point by a line of marked trees to a heap of Stones 60 Rods being the Southwest Corner and bounding norwest on Comon then Southwesterly with a Direct line to a heap of Stones being a Corner and a Corner of Said Adams Land & bounding South- erly on Comon then northerly 14 rod to the first Bounds men- tioned & bounding Easterly on his own land — Laid out by John Read Survayer with the assistance of AVilliam Holbrook Chain man Uxbridge December 12'"' 1748 Laid out for Christopher Winter one acre & 64 Rods of his Eleventh Division on the west Side of the great River Joyning to his other land on the west Side begin- ino- at a Red oak tree the Corner of his other land then Runing west 10 Deg*"^ north 16 Rods to a heap of Stones being the South- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 975 west Corner and Bounding South on land of John Merritte then north 35 Deg""^ East 30 Rod to his own Land and Bounded west- erly on land of Adams then with a Direct line 30 rods to the first Bounds and bounding Easterly on his own land it being a 3 Cornered piece Laid out by John Read Survayor with the assist- ance of William Holbrook Chain man Uxbridgc March y'^ 8 1748-2- Laid out for Christopher Winter 1 8 acres | of the adition of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land on the west Side of y'^ great River begining at his own land then runing up Stream S** River 8 rod to land of Sam" Chase then west about 3 Deg"^^ South (30 rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner bounded north on land of S'' Chase laid out on y* Same Day then South 10 Deg""^ East 54 rod to a heap of Stones the South west Corner bounded westerly part on land laid out to S*^ Chase on the Same Day then South 38 Deg^^ East 36 rod to a heap of Stones the South East Corner a pine tree markt with the marking Jron in the Line then north East with a Dirict line 40 rod to his other Land the 2 Last Lines bounding on Comon then bounding Round with a Various line on his own land to the first bounds mentioned at Said great River this piece of land lyeth on one End of his other land & part on one Side much Like unto a great : L • Laid out by John Read Survey' with the assist- ance of William Holbrook Chain man John Harwood Esq"" Jchabod Thayer Ebenezer Torrey [77.] Uxbridge May y^ 10'^ 1749 Laid out for John Harwood Esq*^ twelve acres of land (viz) 3 acres of William Browns ll*'' Division and 4 acres & 49 Rods of his own land that was laid out through a mistake on M'^ Solomon Woods land & one acre & 8 rod for allowance for a Highway through his land and 3 acres & 101 Rod of his own 9"^ Division : Laid out in the northerly part of Uxbridge between the great River & Mumfords river begining at a heap of Stons at the County Road leading to Worcester then Runing East 5 Degr^ South 89 rods to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner bounded South part on land of william Hay- ward Robert Benham S: Decon Edmond Rawson then north 5 Deor"^' East 38 Rod to a Small Black oak tree markt beino- the 976 . PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. north East Corner bounded East on Comon then west 10 Dears South 55 Kods to a bhick oak tree with Stones at the Rootc being Lovetts Side line bounded north on Comon then west 30 Deg""" South 40 Rods to the first Bounds Bounded northerly on S'' Lovetts land it being a 3 Cornered piece : Laid out by John Read Survayor with the assistances of Decon Jacob Aldrich Chain man March y*" 10"> 1752 Laid out for Jchabod Thayer G acres & half of Land (viz) 6 acres of his own 10"' & 11*'' Divisions & half an acre of Capt Nathan Tylers IP'' Division Laid Joyning to his other Land west from his house and his bounded East on S*^ Land 110 rod north on Land formerly Maj' Dalel Lovetts 6 rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner and is bounded Southerly on Land of Thomas Beard 13 rod & half to a heap of Stones being the Southwest Corner thence with a Direct line (and bounding westerly on Land Laid out to Ebenezer Torrey the Same Day) to the above S'' norwest Corner — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Cap* Nathan Tyler Chain March the 10"' 1752 Laid out for Ebenezer Torrey 7 acers and a quarter of Benjamin Thayers Eleventh Division of land Joyning to his other Land Eastword from his house and is Bounded west on Said Land 110 rod north on Land formerly Maj' Daniel Lovetts 5 rod Southerly on Land of Thomas Beard 15 rod and half to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner & the South- west Corner of Jchabod Thayers Land Laid out the Same Day and is Bounded Easterly on Said Thayers Land 110 rod to Said Lovetts Land to a heap of which is the north East Corner & nor- west Corner of Said Thayers Land with allowance of a Road on y® west Side Said Land Laid out by William Torrey Survey'' with the assistance of Cap* Nathan Tyler Chain man Phinchas Lovett Thomas Albee [78.] Uxbridge april 6"' 1752 Laid out for Phinehas Lovett of his Fathers Rights & Rights he Bought of Severall persons laid MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 977 out Joyning to his other Land in the Northerly part of uxbridge begining at a heap of Stones by a black oak tree on the South Side of his other Land : then Runing East 10 Deg'* north to a black oak tree markt being John Harwoods north East Corner 55 Rods then South 5 Deg"^ west 58 Rods to a heap of Stones being a Corner bounding north & East on Land of John Harwood then East 26 Rods to a heap of Stones being a Corner bounded South on Land of M"" Merritt then north 40 [)egrs |,]^g^ (^Q i^ods to a heap of Stones being a Corner then East 40 Deg"^ South 33 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner then north 40 Deg""' East 12 Rods to a heap of Stones being the South- west Corner of Land laid out for the heirs of Elihu Wharfield bounded on Common on all these last lines then north 40 rods to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner of S*^ wharfields Land then East 41 Rods to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner of S^ wharfields Land at Joseph Thomsons Land bounded the two Last lines on Said wharfield then north 7 rods to Joseph Thomsons north west Corner then East and bounding South on Said Thompsons Land 37 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner then north full point 38 Rods to Land of John Elliott Bounded East on Common to a heap of Stones being a Corner then westerly ounded northerly on S'' Aldrich then Southerly & bounding westerly on his own land 40 rods then west 30 Deg''^ South 160 Rods to the first bounds mentioned bounded northerly on his own Land, the whole by Estimation fifty four acres, Laid out by John Koad Survayor with the assistance of Sam" Read Chain man July 4"' 1773 Laid out for Thomas albee 72 Rod of land on the Right of Ensi" Sanniol Thayer Laid Joyning to Said albees other Land on the East Side of Bear hill and is Bounded East on his own land 48 Rod north on Land Belonging to the heirs of Jsaac 978 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Tinney Deceased two Rod and is Bounded westerly on land of Caleb Boyington laid out the Same Day 48 Rod it being a gore of land two Rods wide at the north End & a pont at the South End — Laid out by William Torrey Surveyr nathan Tyler Jn" Chain man Jonathan Southwick Sam^' White James Wood [79.] April yM7 : 1746 Laid out for Jonathan Southwick five acres of Land on the South East of his other Land that bounds to blackstones River on the westerly Side of Sd River (viz) 4 acres & half of John Darlings 11**' Division and half an acre of Peletiah Darlings 11^'' Division laid together and is Bounded as foUoweth ijegining at a heap of Stones being the South west Corner of S*^ land & the South East Corner of his other Land then Runing north East full point 60 rod to a heap of Stones being the north west Corner & bounding norwest on his other Land then South 30 Deg""^ East 13 Rod & an half to a heap of Stones being the North East Corner and bounding Northeast- erly on Comon Land then South west full point 58 rod to a heap of Stones being the South Easterly Corner of Abel aldrichs Land & bounding South Easterly on Comon then west 25 Deg''^ north 13 rod & half to the first Bounds mentioned & bounding South- westerly on Said aldrichs land Laid out l^y John Read Jun'' Ser- vey'' with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man Uxbride april 29'*" 1749 Laid out for Samuel White 7 acres of his Eleventh Division west from his house at the north End of a tract of Land Laid out from his house Some Distance & is bounded (viz) begining at a heap of Stones being the north East Corner of his other Land then northerly & bounding Easterly on Land of Ebenezer Lewis 64 rod to Lewis :s northwest Corner at printices Line then Southerly & bounding westerly on Said Printices Land to the Road that Leads from S'' whites to Douglass then Easterly 18 rod to a heap of Stones then South 10 Deg'''* west 17 rod to his own land then East 22 Deg'' north 38 rod to the first bounds bounded South on his own Land with allowance for a Road through the South End of Said Land Said piece is partly a 3 Cornerd piece MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 979 Laid out by John Read Survey"' with y° assistance of William Ilolbrook Chain man March 15 1769 Laid out for Jams Wood Six acres of Ezekiel Woods Eleventh Division at Shocklog Ceader Swamp and is bounded northerly & westerly on Shookolog plain to Corarys land then westerly & northwesterly on S*^ Corarys land to the Ceader Swamp that was laid out to Josiah and David Taft then on Said Tafts Swamp to the Brook that Runs of Shookolog pond then Bounded Southwester partly on Said Brook & partly on his own Ceader Swamp to the pond then Southerly on his ow^n Swamp to the Deep water in Said pond thence to the first Bounds, Laid out by John Read Survey*" Ezekiel Wood Chain man Benj-^ Taft Lie' John Cook [80.] Uxbridge March 22-1745 Laid out for Benjamin Taft 8 acres of Josiah Thayers 10*'' Divi- sion & 2 acres & 3 quarters of Land allowed to John White and 10 acres of his own 11"' Division — Laid out at a place Called oood Stone in Uxbridae and is bounded as followeth beo-inino- at a heap of Stones being the South west Corner then South 14 Deg""' East Eight Rod & half to a heap of Stones being a (Corner then East It Deg'' north 22 Rod and is bounded on wheelocks Land — more 25 Deg""^ north 38 rod to Cap* Keiths Land then north & bounding Easterly on S** Keiths 72 rod to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner then west 23 Deg*"* north and bounding north on Seth Aldrich 20 rod to a heap of Stones being the most norwesterly Corner then South 24 rod to a heap of Stones being- a Corner then west 12 Deg''' South 47 rod & one half to a heap of Stones being a Corner then South 10 Deg'^ west 24 rod to a heap of Stones then East 27 Deg'"^ South 33 rod to Stones then South 42 Deg'^ west 20 rod to the first bounds men- tioned — Laid out by John Read Survey'' William Holbrook Chain man Uxbridge June 14"' 1749 Laid out for Benjamin Taft 6 acres & I of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other Land westerly 980 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. from Caleb Tafts house & near the mine Road begining at a tree being a Corner of his other Land then Runing northerly 25 Rod to a tree by a l^rook being the Bounds of his other land bounded west on Land Laid out on the Same Day for Joseph Taft then Easterly & bounding northerly on his own Land 66 rod to his other Land then Southerly 8 rod Easterly on his own Land then westerly and Bounding Southerly on his own Land 72 rod to the tirst Bounds mentioned or a ])lack oak tree Laid out by John Read Survey'" w' y*^ assistance of William Holln'ook Chain man march y*^ 8 — 1748-2- Laid out for Lie* John Cook of his Eleventh Division 7 acres & 50 Rod Joyning to his other land upon the hill Easterly from his house begining at a heap ol" Stones being a Corner at his own Land then Runing East 104 Rod to the School fiirm bounded north on his own Land then South 5 Deg""^ East 8 rod to Jonathan Cooks Land to a heap of Stones being a Corner bounded East on Said farm then westerly & northerly & bounding South & westerly on S*^ Jonathan Cooks land to the first bounds mentioned Laid out by John Read Sur- vayor with the assistance of William Holl)rook Chain man Nathan Park [81.] Uxbridge Sep': 12»" 1753 Laid out for the heirs of Nathan Park 10 acres of Land in Lew of what was wanting of Land he bought of Ebenezer Staples Said Land is Laid out on the northwesterly Side of his house begining at a bunch of maples with Stones at the Rootes then Runing west 34 Deg'"' north 20 Rod to Stones the Southwest Cornei- then north 34 Deg''' East 60 Rod to a heap of Stones being the North west Corner then East 34 Degs South to his own Land 20 rod then on his own Land to the first bounds 60 Rod — Ixiid out by John Read Servey' Will- iam Torrey Chain man Uxbridge Sep* 5*" 1749 Laid out for Nathan Park Eight acres of his Eleventh Division on the northerly Side the house he now Lives in and is bounded begining at a heap of Stones on a Rock being a Corner of Benjamin Thomsons Land then South 7 MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 981 DegTs East 50 rod to a lieaj) of StoncH being the South East Corner bounded East on Conion then West 23 Deg""' north 42 rod to a heap of Stones a Corner bounded Southerly Suposed on his own Land y" north 33 Deg""* west 28 rod to a heap of Stones a Side line of his other Land & a Corner bounded on his other Tvand then East 8 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner of Benjamin Thomsons land bounded north on Comon then East 7 Deg'" north 40 rod to the first bounds mentioned bounded north on S'' Thomsons Land Laid out by John Read Sery'' with y'' assist- ance of William Holbrook Chain man September y* 9*'' 1751 Laid out for Nathan Park 21 acres of Land (viz) 5 acres of Jacob Aldrichs Eleventh Division & 5 acres of Ebenezer Staples 11'*' Division and 11 acres of 10'^'' & IV^ Division he purchased of Mary Torrey Laid Joyning to his other Land on the west the west River and is bounded northerly on Land he bought of Ebenezer Staples begining at a heap of Stones & two white oak Stand being the norwest Corner (and about 34 i-od from the norwest Corner of the Land he bought of Said Sta[)les) thence Runing South 34 Deg""^ west 22 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rocky Hill l)eing the South west Corner thence East 34 Deg*"" South 73 rod to his other land then bounded Easterly & Southerly on his other Land to Land formerly Benjamin Thomsons now Said parks then on Said Thomsons Lands Southerly to the north East Corner of Said Land then Runing East 6 Degrs north on Comon 9 rod to a great Rock then Runing north 6 Deg''^ west 43 rod to his other Land that he l>ought of Said Staples Laid out by William Torrey Survey' Jacob Aldrich Chain man Nathan Park John Corbett [82.] September 9 1751 Laid out for Nathan Park 10 acres of his Eleventh Division of Land on the west Side of the west Kiver and is bounded west on his own Land and north on his own land l)oundcd East partly on Comon & partly on Land of Daniel Hill 148 Rod to a heap of Stones the South East Corner South on Comon 18 Rod the whole being 13 acres 3 acres allowed for bad Land Laid out by Williauj Torrey Servey"" Jacob Aldrich Chain man 982 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. April y* 6^'' 1748 Laid out for Nathan Park Down towards Aaron Tafts Joyning to his other Land begining at the north west Corner then west 10 Deg''=* South 5 Rod to the Southwest Corner then South 22 Deg""' East with a Direct Line 40 Rod to a heap of Stones the South East Corner South on Comon with a Direct Line to the Corner of his other Land being 30 Rods then on his own Land to the first bounds the whole Containing five acres — Laid out by John Read Survey'" with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man ggptr i2t»> 1753 Laid out for heirs of Nathan Park 10 acres of Land it being part of Several Divisions Joyning to their other Land East from Aaron Tafts house and is bounded westerly on Said Tafts Land 166 Rod Southerly partly on Comon & partly on Land of Sam" Aldrich 50 Rod to the Southwest Corner of their other Land & is bounded Easterly on their other Land northerly on Comon 8 rod from the norwest Corner of their other Land to the north East Corner of Aaron Tafts Land the whole being 13 acres 3 acres allowed for bad Land : Laid out by John Read Survey'' William Torrey Chain man Janvary 4'*' 1756 Laid out for John Corbett half an acre of Land in the great medow being an Jsland in Said medow and is bounded Southerly on Josiah Kilborns medow and all other parts Round on medow belonging to Jsaac Tinney — Said Land is laid out to Said Corbett in Lue of Land Laid out to him under a mistake Laid out by W°' Torrey Survey'' Robert Taft Chain man Moses Tafts [83.] Uxbridge November y^ 17'" : 1747 Laid out for Moses Taft four acres & 150 rod of Land on the northerly Side of his other Land & is bounded as followeth begining at a heap of Stones being the north East Corner of John Reads old Laying out at the head of the Mirey Spring then Runing South full point and bounding west on Said Read 33 rods to his own Land : then north 2 Deg""' East 13 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner of his other Land and bounding East on his own Lands MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 983 then north 35 Deg'^ East o? rod to a black oak tree being his old (>)rner & bounding Southerly on his Land then west 35 Deg" north 12 rod to a white oak tree being a north East Corner & l)ounding Easterly on Cap* John farnums Land then westerly with a Direct Line to the bounds first mentioned : & bounding northerly on Comon this Land was laid out for to make up a Loss of his Land that was Laid out on other mens Land (viz) one acre & | that was laid out on Lie*^ Cooks Land & one acre on the ministry Land Laid out by William Holbrook & John Read Jun'' Com®'' March y'' 31 : 1749 Laid out for Moses Taft 4 acres & 60 rod of his Eleventh Division of his fathers Rights Joyning to their other Land at a place Called the pine Swamp begining at a heap of Stones at their own Land : at Ens Tafts Land then north 29 Degfs west 42 rod bounded on S"* Enj. Tafts Land then west 29 Deg""^ South 20 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner then with a Direct Line to the nor west Corner of their own Land 22 rod then Easterly on ther own Land 33 rod to the first bounds : Laid out by John Read Survey'' with the assistance of William Hol- brook Chain man The Same Day Laid out for Said Taft a three Cornerd piece of Land bounded northerly on Comon 4 rod & half to a heap of Stones being a Corner west on Ezekiel Woods Land with a Direct line to where S*^ Tafts land & woods land meets then north, to the first bounds & bounded East on his own land Containing by Estimation 4 acres & 120 rod. Laid out by John Read Sury' with y*^ assistance of William Holbrook Chain man Moses Taft Nath" Nelson Daniel Southwick [84.] uxbridge march 30 1749 Laid out for Moses Taft on his fathers Rights of his 11"' Division Joyning to his Land on the Easterly 6c Southerly Side of a Swamp known by the name of pine Swamp near hoopole hill brook begining at a heap of Stones at the South Side of Peter Tafts Land then Runing west 44 Deg" South 85 Rod to a heap of Stones being the Corner of his other Lund bounded north on his. own Land then west 6 Deo'"« north 984 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 125 rod to a Corner being the South west Corner of his other Land then South East 92 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner & a Corner of Josiah Tafts land bounding Southwesterly on Comon then near north East with a Direct Line 76 rod to a heap of Stones on the South Easterly Side of the above S'' pine Swamp being a bounds between the above S'^ Moses & Josiah Taft then north 40 Deg""* East 95 Kod to the first bounds mentioned the 2 Last lines bounded Southeasterly on Land Laid out for Josiah Taft on the Same Day Containing 31 acres Laid out by John Read Survey'" William Holbrook Chain man may the 10"^ 1753 Laid out for Nathanael Nelson two acres & half of Land three Quarters of an acre of Josiah Woods 7"^ Di- vision & three quarters of an acre being Land Laid out through a mistake in Land he Bought of Joseph Bruce Laid Joyning to his other Land on the Easterly Side the north hill and is Bounded west & South on his own Land East on Land belonging to the heirs of Seth Chapin Dec" it being a gore of Land Six Rod wide at the South End & nothing at the north End half an acre allowed for bad Land Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" with the assistance of Cap* Robert Taft Chain man October y'' 9"" 1753 Laid out for Daniel Southwick Easterly from his house five acres of Nicolas Trasks 11*** Division & 2 acres of John Darlings ll**" Division and 45 rod allowed for bad Land, begining at the side Line of his other land then Runing north Easterly 15 rod to a Small white oak tree being a Corner bounded South on his own Land then Northerly & bounded Easterly on Land formerly Jacob Tinkhams 154 rod to his own Land then Runing Southerly & bounding westerly on his own Land to the first bounds mentioned it being a long Strip of Land Runing to a point at the north End — Laid out by the whole Containing 7 acres ( John Read Survey"" with Wil- and 45 rod — c liam Holbrook Chain man Aaron Thayer Jsaac Thayer Noah Cook [85.] March the 29*'" 1754 Laid out for Aaron Thayer Ifi , acres of his 10"' t^- ^V^ Division of Land Joyning to his other MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 985 Tijind by his houso begining at the north East Corner of his other Land thence Runing Southerly about 7(i rods to a Stake & heap of Stones thence Runing Easterly Eleven Rods to a heap of Stones, thence Runing Southerly about 76 rods to a heap ol Stones on a Rock by a Road Leading from Thayers to Jsaac Thayers thence Runing westerly & bounding Southerly on S** Road Eleven rod to S*^ Thayers other Land and is bounded on all other parts on his other Land the whole being 1 7 acres one acre allowed for bad Land Laid out by William Torrey Sury"' Robert Taft Chain man March the 29*'' 1754 Laid out for Jsaac Thayer 14 acres of his 10''' & Eleventh Division of Land west from his house & is bounded Northerly on Land of Sam" Thayer the 4*'' to a Stake and heap of Stones being the North East Corner of Aaron Thayers Land thence Runing Southerly & bounding westerly on Land of Aaron Thayer that was laid out the Same Day about 76 rods to a Stake & heap of Stones thence turning Easterly by Said Aarons Land Eleven Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner of Said Aarons Land thence Runing Southerly & bound- ing westerly on Said Aaron Thayers Land 76 rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock thence with a Direct Line to a heap of Stones on a Rock being the South west Corner of his other Land and is bounded Easterly on his other Land to Said Sam^ Thayers land the whole being 17 acres three allowed for bad Land & a three Rod way through Said Land, Laid out by William Torrey Sur- vey'' with the assistance of Robert Taft Chain man May the 10*" 1756 Laid out for Noah Cook Eleven acres of Eben"" Cooks Eleventh Division of land on the East Side the mill River and is Bounded westerly on Land formerly Josiah Thayers 13 rod from Edward pickerings land to James Cargills land and is Bounded Southerly on S'' Cargills land to a heap of Stones on a rock and a wallnut Stand niarkt being Said Cargills north East Corner thence Runing Southerly & Bounding westerl}^ on Said Cargills land to Sam" Thayers Land and is Bounded Southerly on Said Thayers land 32 rod to a heap of Stones being the South 986 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. East Corner thence Runing North 16 Deg''^ East 39 rod to a heap of Stones being the North East Corner a pine tree niarkt & a large heap of Stones in S** East line thence from Said north East Corner with a Direct line 54 rod to the South East Corner of S** pickerings land then Bonnded north Easterly on S*^ pickerings land 70 rod the whole being 15 acres 4 acres allowed for bad land laid out by William Torrey Survey"^ Eobert Taft Chain man Cap^ Tylers Elder Nelsons and Lie*^ Johnsons Preambelation Peter Aldrich [86.] Mendon Janvary y^ 20''^ 1755 We the Subscribers (viz) Nathan Tyler Nathanael Nelson and Joseph Johnson have this Day Preambulated the Lines between our Lands on the Easterly Side the way Called the Eight Rod way : and we the Said Nathan Tyler and Joseph Johnson agree that the Stone wall between our Lands from the norwest Corner of Said wall and as the wall now Stands thence to a white oak Stand and heap of Stones about it being the north East Corner of Said Johnsons Land Shall be the Line between our Lands and we the Said Johnson and the Said Nelson agree that the above said white oak Stand and Stones Shall be the Said Johnsons north East Corner between us thence Runing Southerly with a Direct Line with marked Stands and heaps of Stones in Said Line to a walnut tnee markt with Stones about it on the north Side the way Leading by Joseph Marshalls house thence Runing westerly as Said way now Runs to the above Said Eight Rod way and we also agree that these preambelation s be put on the Proprietors Records of Mendon as witness our hands in presence of us Nathan Tyler William Torrey Nathanael Nelson Nathan Tyler Jun" Joseph Johnson Uxbridge April 26 1749 Laid out for Peter Aldrich 8 acres of John Tylers 11*'' Division and o acres of his own Eleventh Divi- sion Derived from Decon Jacob Aldrich Rights more of his own Rights 3 acres and one of Benjamin Thayers Rights and 4 acres that is Encompassed within this piece which was formerly laid out MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 987 & (5 acres that was allowed to him for bad Land in all his riohts and a piece of niedoAV land upon the great River that was Laid out upon land now of John Spring in all 25 acres Laid out on the west Side of the great River and is bounded as followeth be^inino- at a Duble black oak tree being a Corner then Runing East 35 Deg''" north Crossing the Road to a heap of Stones being the Easterly Corner 20 rod bounded Southerly on Land of John Ele- son then north 35 Deg" west with a Direct Line to a pine tree markt being a Corner bounded Easterly on Comon then west 5 Deg'' South 74 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner and the northwest Corner bounded northerly on Comon then South 16 Deg'* East 80 rod to a heap of Stones on a Ledge of Rocks being the South west Corner bounded west suposed on Land of John Eleson then East 25 Deg'' north 58 rod to a heap of Stones on y^ west side of y'' highway leading from S'' Elesons unto Joseph Thomsons being a Corner a white pine tree markt with a marking Jron for a Side line bounding South on Comon then north 40 Deg"^' west 14 rod to the first bounds bounded East on S** Road with allowance for a highway through S'^ land laid out by John Read Survy"^ W"^ Holbrook Chain man Peter Aldrich Edmond Rawson [87.] Uxbridge april 30*" 1752 Laid out for Peter Aldrich one acre & 20 of Land Joyning to his other Land between his other Land and Joseph Thomsons Land to make up the allow- ance of the Road through the piece of Land Laid out by John Ellesons house and one Quarter of an acre to make up his Eleventh Division begining at a pine tree Marked being the South East Corner then North full point 5 Rod to a heap of Stones being the North East Corner at the Side line of the land of Joseph Thomsons bounding East on Comon then with a Direct Line westerly 74 rod to the North west Corner of his other Land being a heap of Stones bounding North on Land of Joseph Thomspn then w^ith a Direct line to the first bounds mentioned a three Cornered piece of Land with allowance for a high way through Said Land Laid out l)y John Read Survey'' with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man 988 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. April the 2H 1755 Laid out for Timothy Maccnamara 14 acres of Land (viz) 10 acres of Daniel Tafts Eleventh Division and 2 acres of Robert Tafts 11^'' Division and 2 acres of Joseph whites 11"' Division Laid on y'^ west Side the great River Joyning to his other Land and is bounded Southerly on his other Land from Edward Halls Land to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner of his other Land thence Runing North 37 Degrs west 74 rod to a hea}) of Stones being a Corner of Moses Thomsons Land thence north 10 Deg'' west 25 Rod to a heap of Stones being the norwest Corner thence East B Deg'" South 1748/9 Laid out for Jacob Aldrich 2 acres and 20 rod of his Eleventh Division of his fathers Rites Joyning to his other Land Easterly from his house & is Bounded (viz) begining at a Small Rock with a heap of Stones upon it being a Corner then North 20 Deg''' East 23 rods Bounded westerly on his own land to Land of Joseph Taft to a heap of Stones a Corner then South 37 Deg'^ East 32 Rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner bounding Easterly on Land of Said Taft then west 13 Deg""^ north with a Direct Line to the first bounds mentioned it being a three Cornered piece of Land — Laid out by John Read Survey'" with y^ assistance of William Holbrook Chain man March 8^'' 1748/9 Laid out for Jacob Aldrich one acre of his Eleventh Division Joyning to the East side of his other Land Easterly from his house Begining at a heap of Stones at the Side Line of his other Land being the northwest Corner then Runing South 8 rod to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner bounded west on his own Land then East 20 rods to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner then north 8 rods to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner then west 20 Rods to the first Bounds mentioned Bounded partly on Severall mens Lands Laid out the Same Day — Laid out by John Read Survey"^ with the assistance of W™ Holbrook Chain man. March y'' 9"' 1748-§- Laid out for Jacob Aldrich 5 acres & 50 rod of the 10'"^ & IV^ Divisions of Jsaac Richardsons Rights on the westerly Side of his other Land above his Barn begining at a heap of Stones a Corner of his other Land then Runing west 30 Degrs South 61 Rods to a heap of Stones at the Line of Caleb Tafts being the South west Corner bounded Northwesterly on Comon then South 30 Deg""^ East 35 rod to a heap of Stones being a corner of his other Land Bounded Southerly on Said Taft then Bounded on the other two Sides Round on his own land to the Bounds first mentioned. Laid out by John Read Sur- vey"" with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 995 May 27"^ 1749 Laid out for William Holbrook 3 acres of his Eleaventh Division Joyning to his other Land near John Adams on y^ Northerly Side of Said Ilolbrooks Land Begining at the town Line at a heap of Stones being his other Corner then Run- ing northerly on the town Line 3 Rod & half to a heap of Stones being the Xorwest Corner then Easterly with a Direct Line & with an Equall Bredth wdth the above said Holbrook to the Land of John Adams then South westerly 3 rod & half to his other Land Bounded Easterly on Land of Said Adams then westerly & bounding on his own Land to the first Bounds Laid out by John Read Survey"^ with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man, Wheelocks & Rawson David Eliot Sam" whright [93.] Mendon March 8 1757 we obadiah wheelock & Sam" Rawson both of Mendon aforesaid have this Day meet & pre- ambleated the Line which is between our Lands upon the westerly Side of the Mill River a little below where Muddy Brook Runs into the mill River and have agreed S^ line Shall Run asfolloweth l)etween Said Lands begining at a black oak tree Marked Near Said muddy brook at the Edge of the hill which is bounds between the S*^ Rawsons Land and Thomas Burchs Land then with a Direct South twenty four Degrs East untill the Said passith the Said Obadiah Wheelocks Land which he hath now in possession in that place then Continving Said Line till it Comes to the Medow Supposed to be formerly John Harbours that Lyeth below^ a point of upland that Runs to Said River and we the Said obadiah wheelock & Samuel Rawson Do oblidge our Selves our heirs Executors administrators & assigns to Stand to and abide by the above S*^ preambulation for Ever and w^e also agree that this our prambulation Shall be Recorded in the proprietors Records in Mendon as witness our hands the Day & year above written llis Signed in presence of us ohaidiah x whep:l<)Ck mark' Willia:\[ Toijhky Ebenezkk Wheelock Sam" Ra\\ son May 5^^ 1756 Laid out for David Eliot 3 acres of Moses Tafts 11"' Division of Land Laid Joyning to his other Land north from 996 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. his house and is Bounded South on his other Land 48 rod from a walnut tree markt being the Southwest Corner to Sam" Thayers Land and is bounded Easterly on S'^ Thayers Land 25 rod to Cap* Lovetts Land bounded northwesterly on S'' Lovetts Land 33 rod to the walnut tree the South west Corner it being a gore of land. Laid out by William Torrey Survey'' William Holbrook Chain man. April the 20"' 1757 Laid out for Samuel Wright five acres of Land which he Bought of William Torrey it being part of Several! Divisions Laid Joyning to his other Land at the Westerly End of Misco hill and is Bounded Northerly on land of Ephraim Wharfield from a pine tree to a heap of Stones on a Large Rock then turning Southerly & bounding Easterly on Said wharfields land 10 Rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner of Said Wharfields land thence Runing Easterly 2ij Rod to a heap of Stones on a Small Rock Supposed to be near Said Wharfields land thence Running East 33 Deg'^ South on Comon 28 Rod to Samuel Works Land to a heap of Stones being a South Easterly Corner then Runing westerly and bounding Southerly on Said Works land 14 rod to Said Works norwest Corner then Bounding Easterly on Said works land 19 Rod to a white oak tree mark being a South East Corner and is Bounded Southwesterly partly on Said works land Laid out the Same Day & partly on his own land to Wharfields Land to the pine tree first mentioned the whole being 7 acres 2 acres allowed for bad land Laid out In William Torrey Surveyor Robert Taft Chain man [94.] Benj" Archer James Sumner peter Darling W™ Legg Uxbridge May 9*-'' 1749 Laid out for Benjamin Archer Eight acres of his Eleventh Division Joyning to the South Side of his other Land begining at a heap of Stones on the province line being a Corner between Daniel Wheelocks land and the Said Archer then westerly on the S'^ province line 40 Rods to the land of Daniel Taft Esq'' then Northerly & bounded westerly on Land of said Taft to a heap of Stones being the North west Corner at land of Said Esq'' Taft then Bounded Round part on MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 997 Said Woods land & part on his own land to his South East Corner then Avith a Direct line to the first bounds mentioned hounded Easterh^ on land of the above Said wheclock — Laid out by John Read Survey'' with assistance of William Holbrook Chain man Mendon October 24*''. 1757 Laid out for James Sumner five acres of Land it being 5 acres of Benjamin Haywards Eleventh Division Laid out north of Sam" Parkhursts and is Bounded as folio weth Begin ing at a heap of Stones it being Azariah Newtons South Easterly Corner and is Bounded Southerly on Land of Sara" Parkhurst 29 Rod to a heap of Stones it being the South Easterly Corner thence Runing north 15 Degrs west 16 Rod to Said Parkhursts northwest Corner Bounded Easterly on Said Parkhursts land Said Corner being a heap of Stones thence Runing west 25 Degrs north to a Medow Known by the name of Pecks medow thence Bounded on Said medow to Azariah New- tons Land S** line being about 40 Rods and is Bounded westerly on Said newtons Land 40 Rods to the first Bounds mentioned — Laid out William Torrey Survey' Robert Taft & James Sumner Chain men April the 27*'^ 1757 Laid out for peter Darling 80 Rod of his Eleventh Division of Land on the Northerly Side of the Road Leading by his house & is Bounded Easterly on his own Land Eleven Rod Southerly on S"^ Road 18 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock by Said Road and northerly on the Land of Abigail Trask to the first Bounds it being a gore of land — Laid out by William Torre}^ Survey'" Robert Taft Chain man April 27'"' 1757 Laid out for Peter Darling 80 rod 11*'' Division of Land Joyning to his other Land by his house and is Bounded South Easterly on Said Land 6 Rod bounded northeasterly on Land of Jeremiah Battles 30 Rod Bounded Southwesterly on Land of Abigail Trask 30 Rod it beino; a o-ore of Land — Laid out by William Torrey Survev"" Robert Taft Chain man 998 PROPRIETORS^ RECORDS. november 23" 1757 Laid out for William Loog- half an acre of Land it being half an acre of Moses Clia])ins Eleventh Division adjoyning to S*^ Leggs other land Easterly from his house and is Bounded northerly on his own land formerly Sumners 1 6 Rod to Moses Gages land and is Bounded Southerly on Said Gages land 21 Rod Bounded Easterly on Land of Joseph Ward 12 Rod it being a gore of land Containinij 108 Rod 28 rod allowed for bad land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Nathan Tyler Esq'' & peletiah Darling ' John Sanger [95.] Mendon april the 27^*^ 1757 then Laid out for Peletiah Darling 4 acres & 20 rod Eleventh Division of Land & Lyeth by the East Side of peter thayers land begining at a heap of Stones being the Southwest Corner of Said Thayers Land thence runing West 35 Deg'^ South to a heap of Stones on a Rock at Jeremiah Battles Land thence Runing northward with Said Battels Land 31 rod to a heap of Stones it being a Corner of Said Darlings other land thence Runing Easterly with Said Darlings other land 24 rod to a heap of Stones Joyning to Said Thayers land thence Runing Southwards with Said Thayers Land 31 rods to the first mentitioned Bounds — Laid out by W"" Torrey Survey'' Robei-t Taft Chain man Mendon December the 6^^ 1758 Laid out for John Sanger Eleven acres of Land which he purchesed of William Torrey it being part of Joseph Pennimans Sixth Seventh Eighth ninth & tenth Divisions of Land an is Laid out on the East Side of the great River and on the East Side of the Road that Leads by his father Jsaac Sangers house and is Bounded westerly on Said Road from Said Jsaac Sangers Land to Edward Halls Land and is bounded Southerly on S^ Halls Land 98 Rod to his Said father Jsaac Sangers Land & is Bounded ; Easterly on Said Jsaac San- gers Land to Daniel Tafts land then Bounded north-Easterly & northwesterly partly on Said Tafts Land and partly on Said Sangers Land to the above Said Road it being a Broaken piece of Ij'.md Containin^orth about 8 Rods to Said River a maple Stand markt near Said River in Said Line and is Bounded Easterly on the Said mill River to his other Land — laid out liy William Torrey Survey"" Nathan Tyler Chain man November 30'^ 1758 Laid out for James Wood 108 Rod of M"" Joseph Dorrs Eleventh Division on Both Sides of the Cart path Leading from S*^ woods house to School Broolv & is Bounded Southerly on the ministry Land & northerly on his own land it being 66 rod in Length & 7 rod & half wide at the East End Encluding the Road & 4 rods wide at the west End by School Brook — there beino; allowance for a four rod Road through Said Land already Laid out or to be laid out — The Same Day Laid out for Said wood 2 acres of Joseph Dorrs lltii Division Joyning to his own land on the Easterly Side of mi SCO hill and is Bounded as folio weth begining at a heap of Stones in the fence being the South west Corner of Samuel Greens MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1005 Land and is Bounded Easterly on said Greens land 20 rod to a high Stone Stuck in the ground with Stones round it being y*" North East Corner tSc the South East Corner of Land laid out formerly to Sam" Eead & is Bounded northwesterly on his own Land 28 rod and is Bounded South Easterly on his own land 38 rod to the first Bounds a gore of land — the above two pieces of land were laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Robert Taft Chain man Benj Craging John Eliot Abrham Jones & Cuttler [100.] May the 5"' 1760 Laid out for Benjamin Craging Xinety Rods of his Eleventh Division adjoyning to his other Land on the South Easterly Side of the Road Leading by Said Craging House and is Bounded South Easterly on his other Land 90 Rod Northwesterly on Said Road 90 Rods, it being a Narrow Strip of Land 90 Rods Long & one Rod wide Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" & Robert Taft Chain man May the 5"' 1756 Laid out for John Eliot 5 acres of Josiah Tafts Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land Near his house on the west side the Road Bounded westerly on Land of Phinehas Lovett 18 Rod Southerly on Land of Joseph Thomson 22 Rods westerly on Said Thomson 19 Rods then Southerly on Said Tomson 37 rod to the Said Road Bounded Northeasterly on Said Road 50 rod to his other Land then on Said Land to Said Louetts Land the whole being 6 acres & half one acre & halt allowed for bad Land Laid out by William Torrey Sury' William Holbrook Chain man March the 7^'' 1760 Laid out for Abraham Jones 4 acres and a (juarter of Josiah Chapins Eleventh Division of land on the west- erly Side of the Mill River adjoining to his other Land & is Bounded Northerly on his other Land and Easterly ou Said River to David Cuttlers Land Laid out the Same Day and is Bounded Southerly on Said Cuttlers land about 8 rods to Land belonging to the heirs of Nathanael Jones Dec'' and is Bounded westerly on Said heirs Land to his own land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Nathan Tyler Chain man 1006 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Mendon April 12*'' 1760 We the Subscribers (viz) Abraham Jones and David Cuttler have this Day preambulated the Lines between our lands and medows on both Sides of the mill River, which are as folio weth (viz) begining at a heap of Stones on a Rock on the Easterly Side of the medow on the Easterly Side of Said River thence Runing westerly with a Direct line Crossing- Said medow & Said River to a Crotched maple tree on the west Side of Said River with Stones in the Crotch of Said tree, thence Runing west 35 Deg""^ South about 4 Rods to a heap of Stones on the Easterly Line of the Land that the Said Cuttler Bought of Daniel Chapin about Eight Rods Souther] j'^ of the North Easterly Corner of the Land he Bought of Said Chapin — and we Binde our Selves our heirs & assigns to Stand to & abide by this pre- ambulation for Ever — and we agree that this preambulation be Recorded in the proprietors Record in mendon, as witness our hands the day & year first above written Test Nathan Tyler Abraham Jones JosiAH Chapin David Cuttler [101.] peter & Benj" wheelock J. Jones & E. Torrey Robert Evens Janvary the 24. 17(j0 Then Ave the Subscribers preambulated the Lines between our Lands on the Easterly Side of Rehoboth Road So Called Begining at a Stake and heap of Stones by Said Road then Runing East to a white oak tree markt then East Continuing the Same point to a Black oak tree markt then East the Same point to an other Black oak tree markt then East the Same point to a heaj) of Stones by the medow thence Runing Southerly as the upland and medow Runs to a Stake & Stones thence Runing East Crossing the Said medow to the mill River Peter Wheelock Benjamin Wheelock Jun" Mendon May 22" — 1760 — We the Subscribers (viz) Joseph Jones and Ebenezer Torrey have this Day Pream})ulated the Lines Between our Lands by the Road Leading by Said Torrey s house — which are as followeth — Begining at a Stake & heap of Stones Being the Southeast Corner of S*^ Jones's Land & the Southwest Coi'nor of S'' Torreys land and from thence Runing MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1007 North about Twenty Deg"^* west to a Stake & heap of Stones by Land formerly Bearing Jones's Late of Mendon Dec*^. — and we oblidge our Selves our heirs & assigns to Stand to & abide by this our Perambulation for Ever — as witness our hands the Day cSc year first above written — and we also agree that this our Per- ambulation be put on the proprietors Records of Mendon Test William Torrey Joseph Jones Joseph Jones Jun" Ebenezer Torkey Mendon June y*' 2" 1760 Laid out to Robert Evens 3 acres and 133 Rods of his Seventh Division of Land on the Neck So Called and is Bounded Northerly on the Road Leading Ouer Said Neck 21 Rods & is Bounded Easterly on Land of John Albee 32 Rods & is Bounded Southerly on Land formerly Laid out to Benjamin Albee 24 Rods & is Bounded westerly on his own Land or Land now in the possession of Thomas Burch in part and partly in the possession of Jchabod Ammidown 30 Rods to Said Road — it being Land Laid out to the vSaid Robert Evens in the year 1721 as we find by the Survey but was not Recorded in our Proprietors Records — and we have now New Surveyed it and Recorded Said Land — and the proprietors adjoyning to S^ land being present Consented that Said Land Should be Laid out to the Said Robert Evens or his heirs — Surveyed by William Torrey Survey'' William Hoi brook & Sam" Read Chain men febrvary 10 1761 Laid out for Ebenezer Torrey 2 acres & half of Eleventh Division of land which he purchesed of william Torrey adjoyning to his other land that he purchesed of the heirs of Dearing Jones and is bounded South and west on Said land East on land of James Lovett north on Land formerly Robensons — the whole being three acres half an acre allowed for a two rod road through Said Land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Robert Taft Chain man [102.] William Ilolbrook Salvanes Holbrook Jacob Aldrich Jun-^ Uxbridge may 20'" 1760 Laid out for William Holbrook three acres & one half & 36 Rods of his Eighth Division on the 1008 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. west Side of Mumfords River nt a place known by the Name of the half acre it being a piece of Land which was formerly Laid out but by Reason of the Return not l)eing on Record we have now Laid out the Said Land and is Bounded on all parts on his own Land & Jncludes the above Said half acre in the Said piece which makes four acres & 36 Rods, Laid out by John Read Survey' with the assistance of Decon Sam" Read & William Hol- brook Chain men Uxbridge y^ 20"' 1760 Laid out for William Holbrook y« Sum of 17 acres of his Ninth Division Said Land was formerly Laid out but not Ijeing on Record we have Laid out the Same & is Bounded (viz) Begining at a heap of Stones being the South west Corner then East 7 Deg''^ North 114 Rods Bounding South part on his own Land & part on Land of Ezekiel Wood & on all other parts on his own Land — Laid out by John Read Survey' with the assistance of Decon Sam" Read & William Holbrook Chain man April 12"' 1748 Laid out for Siluanence Holbrook one acre of their Eleventh Division Easterly from his house Crossing the Road Leading to James Albees begining at a heap of Stones on the South Side of the Road then North 7 rod to the Road then west 6 Deg" north 9 Rod to a Black oak tree marked then west 34 Deg'"^ North 20 rods to the North west Corner a white oak tree marked then turning a Square Corner part of the way & part by a various Line to the first Bounds the high way Excepted — Laid out by John Read Survey'' with the assistance of A\''illiam Holbrook Chain man on the Same Day Laid out another piece on the North Side y^ above S*^ Road begining at the Bounds of his other Land then Runing South U> Deg""^ west 10 Rod to the Road then west 15 Deo;''* North 16 rods then on the Road to his other land then on their otlier land to the tirst Bounds Containing 8 acres Laid out John Read Survey'' AVilliani Holbrook Chain man June the 24"' 17(50 then Laid out to the heirs of Jacob Aldricli Deceased four acres of Land on the East Side of the great River MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1009 where Peter Aldrichs house now Stands and is Bounded all round on Said peter & Joseph Aldrichs Land (it being four acres of Land granted to the Said Jacob Aldrich by the town of Mendon at a Generall Town Meeting March y*" 4"' 1699yo^ as may appear upon Record) the Survey of S*^ Land not to be found on Record Now new Survey*^ & Laid out b}^ William Torrey Survey"" Will- iam Holbrook Chain man ■yym Thomson Bellingham Line [103.] June the lO"' 1760 then Laid" out for William Thom- son Twelve acres of Land which he purchesed of William Torrey it being tenth & Eleventh Division and three acres of Land Laid out under a mistake in his own Land, Laid to gether adjoyning to his other Land on the west Side of the great River and is Bounded Easterly on his other Land 160 rods and is Bounded Northerly on his other Land 13 Rods & is Bounded westerly partly on his other Land & partly on Common 180 Rods to a heap of Stones on a Rock it being the Southwest Corner the Said westerly Lines Runs from the Northwest Corner South 34 Deg"^^ East to the Said heap of Stones on a Rock which is the South west Corner and from Said Southwest Corner the South Lines Runs East 25 Deg-"^ North 70 rod to Edward Halls Land Said Land Lyeth on the west Side & South End of his other Land the whole being 18 acres 3 acres allowed for bad Land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey' Nathan Tyler & Samuel Read Chain men The above piece of Land was Supposed to be Laid out in the year 1726 but we think that in the Survey'" Cast or some other way there was a mistake made of 18 acres which as we are the pro- prietors Committees advise Said William Thomson to Lay it out as Common Land which brings his Land to the first Supposed Bounds Nathan Tyler \ John Harrwood ( Proprietors Samuel Read ( Committee William Torrey J Bellinffham June the 30"' 1760 We the Subscribers bcino- a Committee Chosen by the proprietors of the former town ship of 1010 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. mendon & the proprietors of the farm Called Rawsons farm in S*^ Bellingliam have this Day preambulated the Line Between S*^ mendon & S*^ farm Begining at a Large heap of Stones being the North west Corner of S'^ farm & on Said mendon East line thence Runing South to a heap of Stones at thfe Roote of an oak fallen down thence to a Large white oak tree markt thence to a Large white oak tree markt on the East Side between Lie* John Hol- brooks & his Son Luke S"^ oak is Something west of S*^ Line thence to a white oak tree marked near the north west Corner of Ebenezer Thayers Land thence by a line of marked trees & heaps of Stones to a Wallnut Stump & heap of Stones thence Continve- ing Said line & Crossing the Cuntry Road to a white oak Stump & a heap of Stones thence to a Large pine tree markt thence to a heap of Stones on the Roote of a pine tree blown up thence to a white oak tree markt on the East Side of the Road Leading from John Corbetts to Bellingham meeting house thence Cros- sing S'^ Road to a white oak tree markt thence to a white markt thence Continveing S*^ Line to Charles River ^ Joseph Wight Eleazar Hayward Ebenezer Thayer . „ ^ Nathan Tyler William Torrey John Corbett Jsaac Taft Joseph Daniels hayward & wedge Harveys & hills perambulation [104.] May the S**- 1760 Laid out for Jsaac Taft 18 acres of land Laid out^on his fathers Rights (viz) Thomas Taft Deceased it being part of Several Divisions Laid Joyning to his other land on the South Side of the Road Leading to Benjamin Cragings and is bounded west on Said Cragings Land South on Thomas Tafts Land East on Land of Abraham Staples north on his other Land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey' Robert Taft Chain man febrvary 3" 1761 Laid out for Joseph Daniels two acres and half of Vriah Thayers Eleventh Division of Land Laid Joyning MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1011 to his other Land that he Bought of John King on the Easterly Side of Rehoboth Road and is Bounded westerly on S*^. Road Southerly on his other Land Northerly on Land of Samuel Thayer to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner Easterly on Comon by a line of markt trees & heaps of Stones to his other Land the whole being four acres one acre & half allowed for bad Land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey' Robert Taft Chain man Mendon febrvary y^ 6*^ 1761 we the Subscribers (viz) Daniel Wedge and Samuel Hay ward this Day mett & Perambulated the Line Between our lands on the Easterly Side of Second Bridge river which is followeth — Begining at a Black oak tree markt with Stones at the Roote being the South East Corner of S"^ Hay wards Land thence Runing Northerly to a white oak Stump in the old fence from thence a Little Easterly about Sixty five Rods to a Black oak tree markt being the Northwest Corner of Said wedges Land and we binde our Selves our heirs & assigns to Stand to & abide by this our Preambulation as witness our hands — Test Daniel Wedge Jun"^ Wharfield Hay ward Daniel Wedge Samuel Hayward Mendon May y^ 28"' 1761 Then we the Subscribers mett & Perambulated the Line between our Land Begining at the west End of the Pettition Stone wall now Standing between our Lands on the East Side of the Road Leading from the great Pond into the Covntry Road East of M' Harveys house Said Line to extend Easterly as our Lands Bounds on Eatch other as the S^ Stone Wall & Rail fence now Stands & So to be Renewed from time to time as the Said fence now Stands for Ever hereafter : and it is further agreed by both Parties Signing to this Jnstrument that Jonathan Harvey Shall have & maintain the west End of Said fence and that ]\latthew Hill is to have & maintain the East End of S*^ fence in Equal halves to be measured Between S^ Parties : and this we agree and Declare to be a final Preambulation & Set- 1012 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. tleuicnt of the Lines between our Land Discribed as abovesaid for our Selves our heirs & assigns for Ever as witness our hands the Day & year above written : and we further agree that the above written Jnstrument Shall be put on Record in the Pro- prietors Eecords in Mendon his Test Daniel Taft Jun**. Jonathan x Harvey mark Edward Rawson matthew hill Phinehas Lovett [105.] September 9^^ 1760 then Laid out for Phinehas Lovett fifty four acres of Land (viz) 20 acres which he purchesed of William Torrey and 25 acres which he purchesed of Jchabod Ammidown and 9 acres of his own it being part of Several Divisions of Land Laid Joyning to the Land & Medow that the S'^ Lovett Bought of Benjamin Hayward on the westerly Side of Second Bridge River So Called (Said Medow is Bounded Easterly on S" River) Said Land is Bounded as followeth Begining at a Black oak Stump : with a heap of Stones being George Sumners original North East Corner thence Runing South full point 74 Rods and Bounding East on Land of Nathanael Morse to a heap of Stones being a Corner then turning and Runing East 22 Deg""^ South by Said Morses Land 70 Rods to a heap of Stones being a Corner then turning & Runing north about 10 Deg'** west 11 Rods to a Black oak tree markt being the South west Corner of Land formerly Laid out to James Lovett then turning and Run- ing East Eleven Deg'* North 16 rods to Said Lovetts medow formerly laid out to Samuel Hayward then turning North Eleven Dqot^^ west 15 rod to a Stake being a Corner of S*^ medow thence Runino; North 34 Deo''^ East 21 rods to Second Brido-e River then. Bounded Easterly on S*^ River 84 rods upon a Streight or Center Line to a heap of Stones by Said River being the South East Corner thence turning & Runing west Eleven Deg'^ South 30 rod then turning & runing South Eleven Deg""^ East 9 rod to a Brook that runs into S'^ River then turning up Stream and is Bounded Southerly on Sd Brook about 180 rod to the End of the Lane by James Sumners South East Corner then Crossing Said lane 4 rod from Said Brook to Sumners S'^ Corner then Runing MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1013 North 5 Deg""" East by Said Sumncrs land & as the fence now Stands 47 rods then North 28 Deg" East by Said Sumners land as the fence now Stands 46 rod thence turning west 34 Deo-"^ north by Sumncrs land 36 Rods to Sumners Corners then turning North 34 Deg""" East 84 rods to the Stump & heap of Stones which was the first Bounds tnentioned the whole Containing 98 acres Jn Compassing in 44 acres within Said Boundaries that was formerly laid out to Samuel Hayward and Benjamin Hay- ward and now Said Lovetts as may appear by a Deed of Sale from Benjamin Hayward to Sd Phinehas Lovett — Surveyed and laid out by William Torrey Survey'' with the assistance of Robert Taft and Samuel Read Chain men and Committee Jsaac & antony Chase Sam" Gaskiel Sam" thayer Nathan Park [106.] March 13'M761 Laid out for Jsaac Chase 16 acres & half of Land that he Purchesed of Vriah Thayer it being Part of Several Divisions of Land Laid Joyning to his other Land Begin- ing at a heap of Stones being the Southwest Corner of Samuel Thayers Land and is Bounded East on his other Land 52 Rods to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner then thence Runing North 40 Degrs west 26 Rods to a Pine tree & heap of Stones on Samuel Gaskills Land thence Runing & Bounding west on S*^ Gaskill 65 Rods to a heap of Stones thence Runing north 28 Deg" East on Comon 54 rods to a heap of Stones being a Corner of Sam" Thayers Land and is Bounded Easterly on S*^ Thayers Land to the first Bounds the whole Containing 25 acres 8 acres & half allowed for bad land. Laid out by William Torrey Survey' Robert Taft Chain man March 13"' 1761 Laid out for Antony Chase 3 acres & half of land that his father Jsaac Chase Purchesed of Vriah Thayer Joyn- ing to his other Land near his house and is Bounded west on Land of Sam" Thayer & on all other parts on his own Land it being a Broaken piece of Land Containing five acres one acre & half allowed for bad land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"^ Robert Taft Chain man 1014 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. March 13*\ 1701 Laid out for Samuel Gaskill 4 acres & half of his Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land South East from his house and is Bounded East on Land of Jsaac Chase Laid out y*" Same Day and is Bounded west & north on his other Land it being a gore of Land Containing 6 acres one acre & half allowed for bad Land Laid out Ijy William Torrey Survey"" Robert Taft Chain man. April 23'^ 1755 Laid out for Samuel Thayer 30 acres of his Eleventh Division of land Joyning to his other land on the west Side of the Great River and is Bounded westerly on his other land 100 rod from a Stak & heap of Stones being the North East Corner of his other land to Moses Thomsons land & is Bounded Southerly partly on S*^ Thomsons land & Partly on Land of Timothy Macnamarro to the North East Corner of S^ Timothys Land thence Runing north 34 Deg"' west Bounding Partly on Comon & Parl}^ on Land of William Thomson 150 rod to the first bounds it being a three Corn*^ piece of land Containing 39 acres 9 acres allowed for bad land — laid out by John Read Sur- vy"" William Holbrook & William Torrey Chain men June y^ lO"' 1761 Laid out for Nathan Park 5 acres c§; 120 rod of Land which he Purchesed of William Torrey Joyning to his other land on the East Side of the Road Leading by his house and is Bounded north partly on his other land & partly on land of James Nutting Bounded westerly on his own land to the South East Corner of Said land thence Runing East 16 Deg""' North 13 rod to the Road then Bounded South Easterly on Said Road to his other land Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Samuel Read Chain man Sam" aldrich abner aldrich William Thayer Jr. John Eleson turner Ellis [107.] June 10"" 1761 Laid out for Samuel aldrich 2 acres & 130 rods of land Joyning to his own land north from his house Begining at a heap of Stones a Corner of Benjamin Thomsons Land formly and now Nathan Parks land Bounding MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1015 Southwesterly on S'' Parks land & northwesterly on S*^. Parks Land till it Comes to a Road then north easterly on S*^ Road to the first Bounds mentioned it being a three Cornered piece of land — Laid out on the Rights of Samuel Thayer Laid out by ^Vil]iam Torrey Sui-vey"" Samuel Read Chain man april the 6**" 1761 then Laid out for abner Aldrich one acre of his father David Aldrichs Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to Bellingham Line and is Bounded East on S** line 40 rod Southerly on Caleb Cooks Land about five Rods and on all other parts on his own Land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" with y® assistance of Sam" Read Chain man Janvary the 20"' 1762 Laid out for AVilliam Thayer Jun' Eight acres of Cap* Robert Tafts Eleventh Division Joyning to his own Land at the west End of the Round medow So Called and is Bounded Easterly on Land formerly Laid out to Jethro Coffin Bounded Southerly on Land formerly Laid out to Samuel Thayer 74 Rods to a heap of Stones on a Rock being a former Corner of Said Thayers Land and is Bounded westerly on Land Supposed to be Common one rod to a Black oak tree markt being in the South Line of Land formerly Laid out to John Darling and is Bounded northerly on Said Land to the above Said Coffins Land. Laid out by William Torrey Survey*" Robert Taft Chain man William Thayer Jun'" flung up this Land for it was Laid out in Sam" Thayers Land June lO*'' 1761 Laid out for John Eleson one acre & 50 Rod of his Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land west from his house and is Bounded Southerly on Land of Sam" Aldrich that was Laid out the Same Day 12 Rod and is Bounded on all other parts on his own Land it being a gore of Land 70 Rod Long and 12 Rod wide at the South End — Laid out by AVilliam Torrey Survey*" Samuel Read Chain man December 21«* 1763 Laid out for Turner Elles 181 Rod of his Eleventh Division of Land Laid Joyning to his other Land and is Bounded westerly partly on Said Land & partly on Land Sett 1016 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. ort'to Ephraham Taft 66 Rod and is Bounded Southerly on Land of John Daniels five Rod & half from a heap of Stones being the South East Corner of Elles Said Land to a Wallnut tree markt being the Southwest Corner of Land belonging to the heirs of William Rutter Dec'', and is Bounded Easterly on Said heirs Land 6ii rod it being a gore of Land Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Robert Taft Chain man [108.] March the ll'*" 1761 Laid out for William Torrey a 35 acre Right of Ceader Swamp in Shocologe Ceader Swamp (viz) a 25 acre Right of his father Angel Torreys and a 10 acre Right of Samuel Torreys and is Bounded Northwesterly on the Brook 46 rods westerly on Swamp belonging to Benjamin Cor- rary Southerly on upland 46 rod from a Large black burch markt being the South west Corner to a black Burch Stand markt being the South East Corner thence Runing north 16 Deg""* west by a line of marked trees across Said Swamp to the above Said Brook a hemlock markt near the brook being the North East Corner Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" William Holbrook Robert Taft & Samuel Read Committee March the 11*'' 1761 Laid out for James Wood a Six acre Right of Ceader Swamp which Derived from Samuel Moors Rights in Shocolog Ceader Swamp on the Southerly Side of Shocolog Pond and is Bounded Northerly partly on Said pond & Partly on the Brook Down Stream to the North East Corner of William Torreys Swamp then Bounded westerly on Said Torreys Swamp 6 Rod to a Ceader Stump being the Southwest Corner then Run- ing East 16 Deg'"^ north by a line of marked trees 42 rod to a maple tree markt being the South East Corner thence Runing north 16 Deg""^ west to the upland then Bounded by the upland to the Said Pond — laid out by William Torrey Survey"" William holbrook Robert Taft & Sam" Read Com" March the 11"' 1761 then Laid out for the heirs of Samuel Read Dec'' their Shear of Ceader Swamp which Derived from S'' Reads Rights it being a 40 acre & a half right and laid out in MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1017 Shockolog Swamp Begining at a Black Burch Stand markt being the Southwest Corner & the South East Corner of AVilliam Torreys Swamp then Runing north 16 Deg"^ west 30 rod and Bounding westerly on S^ Torreys Swamp to a Ceader Stump hoing the northwest Corner & the Southwest Corner of James AVoods Swamp then turning East 16 Deg""^ North by S'^ Woods Swamp by a line of marked trees 42 rod to a maple tree markt being the north East Corner then turning South 16 Deg""^ East 52 rod by a line of marked trees to a Ceader Stand markt being the South East Corner then west 16 Deg'^^ South by a line of markt trees 24 rod to the upland to a Ceader tree markt near the upland being the South west Corner Bounded Southerly on the upland to the first Bounds — laid out by William Torrey Survey' William Holbrook & Robert Taft Committee March y^ 11"^ 1761 Laid out for Robert Taft a five acre Right of Ceader Swamp which Derived from his fathers Rights laid out in the Shockolog Swamp Begining at the Edge of the Swamp a Ceader tree markt being the South East Corner then Runing north 16 Deg""* west by a line of marked trees 10 rod then west 16 Deg" South by a line of marked trees 24 rod to a Ceader tree markt being the northwest Corner Bounded north on Reads heirs and is Bounded west on upland 12 rod to a hemlock tree markt being the South west Corner thence with a Direct line to the first bounds mentioned — laid out by William Torrey Survey'" William holbrook & Samuel Read Chain men Sam" Aldrich Robert Taft Jacob Aldrich [109.] June 10^^ 1761 Laid out for Samuel Aldrich Seven Acres of Edmond Rawsons Eleventh Division of Land adjoyning to the Land he bought of William Hay ward on the west Side the great River in Uxbridge, Begining at a heap of Stones being an Easterly Corner of Land Laid out to Deborah aldrich thence Runing East 16 Deg"^ Xorth 12 Rods to a heap of Stones on a Rock by John Ele- sons Land then Bounding Easterly on S*^ Elesons Land 10 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Ledge of Rocks thence East 25 Degrs north on S*^ Land 34 Rods to a heap of Stones on a Ledge of 1018 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Rocks then South 20 Dcg''* East on S'' Land oB Rod to a heap of Stones being Said Elesons South west Corner then East 20 Deg" North bounding north on S*^ Elesons Land to a former Corner of S*^ Elesons Land then South 44 Deg""* west 56 Rods to a heap of Stones on a Rock at wharfields Land then Norwest 10 : Deg" north 21 : Rods on Said wharfields Land to a black oak tree markt being S^ wharfields north East Corner and is Bounded Southerly on Sd Land to the Land the S'' Aldrich Bought of the above Said Hayward then Bounded westerly & Southerly & Easterly on S'^ Land to Edmond Rawsons Land then Southerly on S'' Rawsons Land to Land formerly Laid out to Samuel Thayer and is Bounded westerly on Said Land to the first Bounds mentioned — Laid out by W"" Torrey Surveyer Samuel Read & Samuel Aldrich Chain men March ll**" 1761 Laid out for Robert Taft one acre of Swamp Land Joyning to his Ceader Swamp in Shocologe Swamp and is Bounded northerly on his own Ceader Swamp Southerly on Land of Joseph Taft East & west on upland — Laid out by William Torrey Survey'" Samuel Read & Robert Taft Chain men Uxbridge february the 10"' 1762 Laid out for Jacob Aldrich the Shear of Ceader Swamp Belonging to Abel Aldrich Dec*, and also to the heirs of Seth Aldrich Dec'\ the Remander of their Ceader Swamp not before Laid out : in Shocolog Swamp and is Bounded as followeth Be2;inino; at a Ceader Stand Markt being the South East Corner Bounded East partly on upland & partly on farnums Swamp 19 Rods a Cross Said Swamp and is Bounded northerly on upland 10 Rod to a maple Stand marked being the northwest Corner thence Runing South 15 Deg""^ East by a Line of marked trees 18 rod to a white Pine Stand markt being the South west Corner thence East 24 Deg""^ north 8 rod to the first Bounds mentioned — Laid oiit by William Torrey Survey'" Rob- ert Taft & Samuel Read Chain men John Legg Robert Taft Peter Taft Daniel Reads heirs John Tyler [110.] april 3"^ 1762 Laid out for John Legg 6 acres of Cap' MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1019 Robert Tafts Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other land at the North End of Chestnut hill and is Bounded Easterly on his other land 118 Rods northerly on Silas Wheelocks Land Eleven Rod to a heap of Stones being the north west Corner thence Runing South full point 118 rod to laud formerly laid out to William hayward and is bounded Southerly on S" land 11 Rod to his own Land the whole being 8 acres 2 acres allowed for bad land. — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Robert Taft Chain April S'^: 1762 Laid out for Robert Taft five acres of his 11**^ Division on the north End of Chestnut hill Joyning to the Land of John Legg that was Laid out the Same Day and is Bounded East on S*^ Land 118 Rod northerly on Land of Silas wheelock nine Rod to Land Laid out to william hayAvard and is Bounded westerly on Said Land 118 Rod and is Bounded Southerly on Said Land nine Rods to Said Leggs Land the whole being 6 acres & 120 Rod one acre & 120 rod allowed for bad Land — Laid out by william Torrey Survey"" Robert Taft Chain man April the 6*^ 1749 Laid out for Peter Taft of his fathers Eleventh Division 4 acers & 20 Rods Laid Joyning to his other Land begining at a heap of Stones at Land of Josiah Tafts then Runing west 29 Deg'' South 48 rod to a heap of Stones being the Southwest Corner Bounded South on S^ Tafts Land then north 29 Deg""* west 14 Rod to a heap of Stones being the north west Corner then East 29 Deg""^ north 47 Rod to his own Land on Comon then on his own Land 1 4 Rod to first Bounds — Laid out by John Read Survey"" Samuel Read Chain man may the 24*»" 1762 Laid out for the heirs of Daniel Read De'^ 2.T acres of their 11'^'' Division of Land Joyning to their other Land on the west Side of the west River Bounded on Land of -Jeremiah Aldrich 12 Rods to a Corner of S*^ aldriches Land thence west 5 Deg'"'' South 29 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner of S'^ Aldrichs Land then west 14 Deg""^ north on Comon 3() rod to a heap of Stones on S^ Aldrichs Land thence Runing 1020 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. west 33 Deg'^ South and Bounding on S*^ Aldrichs Land 52 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner then North 31 Deg''^ west 63 Rod to a heap of Stones by a Ledge of Rocks being a Corner thence west 17 Deg""'. South 16 rod to a Black oak tree markt being a Corner of John Akb'ichs Land then South 41 Deg''^ west 26 Rod on S'' Aldrich to a heap of Stones being a Corner then South 23 T)'\ East 54 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner then East 38 Deg''* South 38 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Ledge of Rocks then South 31 East 27 rod to a heap of Stones at their other Land and is Bounded East & South on their other Land to Jeremiah Aldrichs Land which was the first Bounds mentioned the whole Containing 34 acres & half 9 acres & half allowed for two Roads Crossing the Corners of Said Land & for bad Land — Laid out by William Torrey Sury"" Sam'^ Read Chain man April 30*" 1762 Laid out for John Tyler half an acre of his fathers Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on the East Side of the mill River and is Bounded northerly on his other Land 6 Rod and westerly on his other Land 18 Rod and Southerly on his other Land 3 Rod & is Bounded Easterly on Land of Joseph Jones 18 Rod Laid out by Will"" Torrey Survy"^ Nathan Tyler Chain man Sam" Goldthrite peter Darling Sam" Morse [111.] March 26*" 1756 Laid out for Samuel Goldthrite 12 acres of land (viz) 9 acres of Benoni Bensons Eleventh Division & 3 acres of Isaac Bensons 8*" Division and is Laid Joyning to the land of Israel Phillips and is Bounded South on Said Phillips Land 70 Rod to his north East Corner then Bounded west on S**. land 40 rod to the province South Line and is Bounded South on Said Line 75 rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner then northerly with a Direct Line 20 rod to a heaj) of Stones being the South East Corner of Abel Aldrichs Land and is Bounded northerly & westerly partly on the Land of S'' Aldrich and partly on the Land formerly Daniel Darling Dec'' to the Southwest Corner of S'^ Darlings Land to the first Bounds — the whole being 14 acres and a quarter 2 acres & 40 rod allowed for MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1021 a road Crossing S'' land and for bad Land — Laid out by Will- iam Torrv Siirvy' with the assestance of Robert Taft as Chain man September the 8''^ 1762 Laid out for Peter Darling three acres and half of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other Land by the Great River below the Bridge Leading over Said River to Trasks mill and is Bounded northerly on the Road Leading over Said River to the North East Corner of Nicloas Trasks Land and is Bounded Southwesterly partly on S'' Trasks Land & partly on Henry Trasks Land & partly on John wollsons Land and partly on Land of the heirs of Robert Trask Deceased 130 rod to a Large Black oak tree on the South west Side Said River thence Runing north Easterl}^ & Crossing Said River about Six Rod to the South East Corner of his other Land and is Bounded north Easterly on his own Land 100 Rod to John Merritts Land and is Bounded north Easterly on S'^ Merritts Land ten Rod to the above Said Road the whole being five acres one acre & half allowed it being the whole of the Great River from the Road by 8*^ Bridge Down Said River to the Southerly Bounds aboue men- tioned l^aid out by William Torrey Surveyor Robert Taft Chain April 6"' 1749 Laid out for Samuel Morse of his Eleventh Di- vision & 3 acres of James Emersons 11 Division 12 acres & half Easterly from his house Begining at a walnut Stand then Runing East 5 Degrs north 57 rod to Land of Ezekiel wood Bounded South on his own land to a heap of Stones a Corner then north 16 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner Bounded East on S'* wood then East 20 north 40 rod to a white oak tree being the North East Corner & a Corner of S'' woods land Bounded Southerly on S** woods land then north 26 Deg'"'' west 53 rod to a heap of Stones at Shocologue Road Bounded Easterly on Comon then westerly by a various line on the above S^ Road 43 rod to land of moses farnum a heap of Stones being a Corner then South 30 Deg''=* East 34 rod to a heap of Stones being S'- farnums South East Corner then westerly & Bounding northerly on S*^ farnum 1022 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 57 rod to the first Bounds with allowance for y® highway through s** land where it is now drawn — Laid out by John Read Sury"' with the assistance of Decon Samuel Read Chain man Moses Chapin Ebenezer Cheney thomas taft [112.] December 21^* 17(52 Laid out for Moses Chapin 4 acres of Josiah Chapins Eleventh Division which Derived from his father eToyning to his Land on the Easterly Side the mill River & is Bounded East on Said Land from a heap of Stones being the North East Corner 42 Rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner then west 9 Degrs South 19 Rod on Said Land to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner thence Runing on Comon north 5 Degrs East 42 Rod to a heap of Stones being the north west Corner then East 4 Deg" north on Comon 19 Rod to the north East Corner being the first Bounds the whole being 5 acres one acre allowed for bad Land — Laid out by William Torrey Sury"" Nathan Tyler & Moses Chapin Chain men December 21'' 1762 Laid out for Moses Chapin one acre and Quarter of Land Joyning to his other Land on the Easterly Side the mill River and is Bounded East and north on his own Land westerly partly on medow of Dearing Jones and partly on his own medow & partly on medow of Aljiah french to Samuel Torreys Medow and is Bounded Southerly partly on S*^. Torreys & partly on his own Land 14 Rod — Laid out by William Torrey Sury"" Nathan Tyler & Moses Chapin Chain men December 21'' 1762 Laid out for Moses Chapin 2 acres of his Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land it being where his house now Stands and is Bounded South on Land of Robert Sanders 47 Rod Begining at a heap of Stones being the South west Corner of Land formerly Laid out to John Green now Said Chapins thence Runing west 12 Deg""' north 47 Rod to a heap of Stones being the Southwest Corner and is Bounded westerly on Land of Sam" Torrey 16 Rod to a heap of Stones at his other Land being- the Northwest Corner and is Bounded MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1023 northerly on his other land 48 Rod to the first Bounds it being a three Cornered piece of Land Containing 2 acres & 64 Rod. 64 Rod alowed for Bad Land. Laid out by William Torrey Survey' Nathan Tyler & Moses Chapin Chain men December 2P' 1762 Laid out for Ebenezer Cheney 4 acres of Josiah Chapins 11*'' Division Joyning to his other Land on the East Side of the mill River and is Bounded westerly on his other Land 42 Rod and is Bounded Southerly partly on his medow and partly on Land of Moses Chapin to the Southwest Corner of Moses Chapins Land Laid out the Same Day then Bounded East on S*^ Chapins Land 42 Rod to a heap of Stones being the North East Corner & the Northwest Corner of S'^ Chapins Land and is Bounded North on Comon 19 Rod to the North East Corner of his other Land the whole being five acres one acre alowed for bad Land. Laid out by William Torrey Survey'' Nathan Tyler and Ebenezer Cheney Chain men May 26"' 1763 Laid out for Thomas Taft 64 Rod of Land on wigwam hill and is Bounded all Round on his other Land it being a Strip of Land 3 rod wide at one End & one at the other End Laid out by William Torrey Survey' Robert Taft Committee Joseph Taft John Emerson Dexter Wood Benj" Darling [113.] Uxbridge June 14*" 1749 Laid out for Joseph Taft two acres & 96 rod of his Eleventh Division Laid Joyning to his other Land on the Easterly Side of Shocolog Plain and is Bounded as follows Begining at a Corner of his other Land then Runing Easterly 6 Rods to a Small white oak tree being the South East Corner then Northerly 48 rod to a tree in a Swamp being a Corner of Benjamin Tafts Land Bounded Easterly part on Said Benjamin & part on Comon then westerly 11 Rod to his own Land then Southerly & Bounding westerly on his own Land to the first Bounds — Laid out by John Read Survay'" with the assist- ance of Samuel Read Chain man Uxbrido-e March 21'* 1745^ Laid out for John Emerson 6 acres it 150 Rod of his Eleventh Division Northerly from his house & 1024 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. is Bounded as followeth Begining at the Side Line of his other Land then Kuning North 10 Deg" East 18 Rod to Land of Joseph Damon Bounded Easterly on his own Land to a heap of Stones being S*^ Damons Southwest Corner then Northerly and Bounding Easterly on the Land of S*^. Damon and James Emerson 98 Rod to Land of Moses Farnum to Stones a Corner then South 10 Deg""'. East 53 Rod to a Black oak tree being S*^. farnums Corner Bounding westerly on S*^, farnum then with a Direct Line 60 Rods to the first Bounds and Bounding westerly on Said Damon & Rists Land — Laid out by John Read Survey'', with the assist- ance of Samuel Read Chain man Uxbridge December IQ^^ 1762 Laid out for Dexter Wood one acre & half and ten Rods of his father Ezekiel Woods Eleventli Division of Land Lying on the Easterly Side of the Great River (So Called) a Little up Stream Said River from the North part of his Said father woods Jntervale it being an Jsland Lying against the Lower part of a piece of Jntervale that was Sett oflf to the widow anna Cliapin as part of her thirds in her Deceased Husbands (viz) Samuel Chapins Estate and is Bounded westerly on the above said Great River and is Bounded on all other parts on the Said widow Chapins thirds and on the Said Dexter Woods other Land it being a piece of Jntervale which the Brush is newly Cleared up — Laid out by John Read Survey"", with the assistance of Robert Taft Chain man April the 5"' 1764 Laid out for Benjamin Darling one acre and 68 Rod of Land Joying to his other Land South Easterly from his house and is Bounded westerly on his own Land 42 Rod Northerly on his other Land Nine Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock being a Corner of Joseph Thayers Land formerly Samuel Thayres being the North East Corner and is Bounded Eastertly on Land of John Thayer 32 Rod to a heap of Stones thence Run- ing Southerly with a Direct Line 10 Rod to a Chesnut Stump with Stones on Said Stump by Said Darlings other Land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Robert Taft Chain man MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1025 John Aldrich Jeremiah Aldrich Mackeney [114.] April 2P' 1763 Laid out for John aldrich 9 acres of Edmund Rawsons Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other land East from his house and is Bounded as followeth Bcgining at a heap of Stones Being the westerly Corner, thence Kuning north 41 Deg". East by his other Land 51 Rod to a heap of Stones being the Easterly Corner thence South Eleven Deg'' East 56 Rod by Jeremiah Aldrichs Land to a heap of Stones being a Corner then South 6 Deg'"'. west on Comon 26 Rod to a lieap of Stones being a Southerly Corner thence with a Direct Line 60 Rod to the first mentioned Bounds the whole beings 11 acres 2 acres alowed for bad Land — Laid out by W" Torrey Survy"" Sam" Read Chain man april 21'*^ 1763 Laid out for Jeremiah Aldrich 5 acres of Edmund Rawsons Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land west from his house and is Bounded north and East on his other Land and is Bounded Southerly partly on his own Land and partly on Land Belonging to the heirs of Daniel Read Deceased and is Bounded Southwesterly and westerly on Land of John Aldrich Laid out the Same Day the whole containing 6 acres tSc 30 Rod one acre & 30 allowed for bad Land Laid out by will"' Torrey Survey"" Samuel Read Chain Chain man february the 17"' 1761 Laid out for Mehitable Mackene}^ three acres & 60 Rods of Nathanael Jones's Eleventh Division of Land South from his house and is Bounded Northerly on Jonathan Wliitneys Land in part & partly on Land of Ebenezer Boyington 53 Rods to a Black oak tree markt by a Large Rock thence Runing Southwesterly 47 rod to a white oak tree marked thence north 28 Deg'^ west 24 Rod to a heap of Stones then north 36 Rod to a heap of Stones then East 38 Deg""^ South 29 Rod to a white oak tree markt then East 24 Deg""* South to the first Bounds the whole being five acres one acre & 100 Rod allowed for bad Land — Laid out b}^ William Torrey Survey ''Nathan Tyler Chain man 1026 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Uxbridgc april 10"' 1749 Laid out for John Read one acre of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other Land at usecik hill Begining at a heap of Stones l)eing his Corner & a Corner of land Laid out to Josiah Holbrook then Riming westerly on S*^ hill ten Rods to a Black oak tree being a Corner & a Corner of Josiah Tafts Land then Southerly and Bounding northerly on Land of S*^ Taft 33 Rod to the town Line then with a Direct Line to the first Bounds Bounded Southerly on his own Land — Laid out by John Read Survey''. William Holbrook Chain man Uxbridge may 10"' 1749 Laid out for John Read on the South Side of his other Land on the South Side of the great hill so called west from Decon Samuel Reads house Begining at his own Land then Runing South 10 Deg'"^ west 23 Rod to Cap* John farnums Land Bounded west on his own Land then Easterly & Bounding Southerly on Land of S'^ farnum 43 Rods to a heap of Stones being S*^ Reads South East Cr)rner it being a three Cor- nered piece of Land Containing 2 acres and half: Laid out by John Read Survey*^ with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man [115.] Uxbridge Janvary 12th 1744 Laid out for John Read Jun"" 5 acres and 132 rod of Land Laid out on Abraham Staples 10"' Division S'' Land is Laid out on the East Side of Land of Jonathan Pennimans Begining at a heap of Stones on the north Side of the Road that leads from Sam" whites to the meeting house then Runing northerly and Bounding on S'^ Pennimans Land 76 rod to Land of John Sibles then Easterly on S'' Sibles Land 20 rod to a heap of Stones then Southerly and Bounding part on Comon & part on land of the heirs of E])enez'' Read Jun'' to Said Road that goes to the meeting house to Stones then on S'^ Road to the first Bounds mentioned on the Same Day Laid out another piece of Land for Said Read on the west Side of Said penimans Land Begining at a heap of Stons being a Corner of his other Land then Runing westerly acres Eleventh Division of Land on the west Side the Great River in Uxbridge Joyning to his other Land & is Bounded as followeth : Begining at the northerly Corner of 20 acre of Land that his father Daniel Lovett formerly Laid out april 28*'' 1729 thence Runing North 35 Deg''* west 28 rod to a Road or way that Leads to martains being a Southwest Corner of Land Laid out to Samuel Thayer being a heap of Stones on a flatt Rock thence Runing South 17 Deg'^^ west 12 rod to a wallnut tree with a heap of Stones by it thence Runing west 17 Deg""* north 30 Rod Bound- ing Northerh' on martains Land then turning South 15 Deg'■^ west (U Rod Bounding westerly partly on Comon & partly on land Laid out to Jonathan Aldrich to a heap of Stones on a Rock being the South East Corner of S'' Aldrichs Land thence Runing west 15 Degrs north 34 rod to a heap of Stones then East 35 Deg"^ South 20 rod to a white oak tree markt then South 35 Deg""' west 117 Rod then South 30 Deg-"* East 16 Rod to a heap of Stones being the westerly Corner of 57 acres & half of Land Laid out to his father Daniel Lovett april 28"" 1729 and is Bounded on all other parts on his other Land to the first Bounds the whole Con- taining 21 acres 5 acres alowed for the County Road Crossing the norwest Corner of S'' Land and also for a way Crossing the North East Corner of Said Land Leading to martains & for bad Land — Laid out by William Torrey Surve}^"^ Robert Taft & Phinehas Lovett Chain men Uxbridge april 19*'' 1746 Laid out for John Read Jun"". 30 Rod of Land of Abraham Staples 10"' Division Laid out on the East 1030 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Side of Eight acres of Land Laid out by Cap' Joseph White which Belongcth to Some of the heirs on the South Side of a hill Called the great hill on the South Side of the Country Road begining at a wall nut tree being the South East Corner of S** whites land then North 18 Deg". west 46 Rod to S'' whites north East Corner then South & Bounding East on Land which S'' Read laid out 46 Rod till it Comes to a parralel Line with the first Bounds mentioned then west one Rod & half to the first Bounds mentioned it being all the Common Land there — it is a three Cornered piece — Laid out by John Read Survey'", wnlliam holbrook & Sam"^ Read Com" March 19'*^ 1764 Laid out for Thomas wis wall three acres of Nathan Tylers ll"' Division of Land Joyning to his other Land on the west Side of the Road Leading by Jasper Daniels house and is Bounded Easterly & westerly on his own Land 60 Rod northerly on land laid out to the ministry Lott 16 Rod it being a gore of land 16 Rod wide at the north End and nothing at the South End — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Nathan Tyler Chain man Jeremiah aldrich Jasper Daniels John Corbitt [118.] July 13"^ 1763 Laid out for Jeremiah Aldrich a three Cornered peice of Land Containing about two acres & 25 rods Bounding Easterly & Northerly on Land of Elexander Aldrich and Southerly on Land of the heirs of Daniel Read Deceased and Sett off to Sarah Hall for part of her thirds and also another piece of Land about 4 Rod & an half wide at the Southerly End of his other Land being 62 Rod Long Bounded Easterly & Northerly on his own Land & Southerly & westerly on Land of the heirs of the abovesaid Daniel Read Deceased Both peices Contain 4 acres & Eleven Rod 11 Rod alowed for bad Land Laid out on Daniel Plumbleys Rights in the 11"" Division by John Read Survey' Sam" Read Chain man March the 19"" 1764 Laid out to Jasper Daniels Eleuen acres & half Eleuenth Division of Land which beloncfcd to the ministry MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1031 Lott : the Said Land was Laid out for the ministry Land in the year 1753 the 18"^ of Janvary which Land Said Daniels Boungt & purchased of the town and now found that through a mistak to be Laid out in other mens Lands the Greatest part of it : & now Laid out again in two pieces (viz) ten acres of it Laid Joyning to y*" ministry land in the Rockey woods by holleston Line & is Bounded northerly on S'' ministry Land 120 Rod to a heap of Stones westerly on Comon & partly on land Laid out to Sanmel Rawson 40 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock being the South- west Corner & the northwest Corner of Thomas Wiswalls Land and is Bounded Southerly on S'' wiswalls Land 120 Rod to a heap of Stones by S*^ Jasper Daniels Land being the South East Corner and is Bounded Easterly on S"* Daniels land 7 Rod to the S*^ ministry Land — one acre & half more Laid on the East Side of the Road Leading by Jasper Daniels house & is bounded on all parts of it on S*^ Daniels Land it being a gore of Land Lying l)etween two pieces of Land formerly Laid out to Jonathan hay- ward now in the possition of Said Daniels the whole of l)oth pieces being 17 acres & half (3 acres allowed for l)ad Land — I^aid out by William Torrey Survey^ Nathan Tyler & Jasper Daniels Chain men March y'' 19"' 1764 Laid out for John Corbitt 4 acres of his 11"^ Division of Land on the North Side of Sherburn Road in the Rocky woods Joyning to Land Laid out to Sam" Rawson and is Bounded South on Said Rawsons Land 65 Rod westerly on Land Laid out to Thomas Tinney 14 Rod Northerly on the ministry Land 65 rod Easterly on Land of Jasper Daniels Laid out the same Day 14 Rod it being 14 Rod wide and 65 Rod Long: the whole being 5 acres & 110 Rod one acre and 110 rod alowed for bad Laud : Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Nathan Tyler Chain man [119.] Jacob Aldrich Joseph & Noah Tafts Moses Gage David Daniels Uxbridge December the 14"* 1763. Laid out for Jacob Aldrich a live acre Right of Cedar Swamp in Shocolock Cedar Swamp (So 1032 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Called) (which he purchased of Robert Taft) on the Right of Ephraim Staples Deceased and is Bounded as followeth Begining at the South East Corner of Said Aldrichs Cedar Swamp hereto- fore Laid out thence Runing west 24 Deg""^ South Bounding Northerly partly on Said aldrichs Swamp and partly on Comon 20 Rods to a Cedar Stake being the Northwest Corner then South 15 Deg""' East nine rods on Comon to a Cedar Stake markt being the South west Corner then East 24 Deg'% North on Comon 20 Rod to the upland to a white Burch marked being the South East Corner and is Bounded Easterly on upland to the first Bounds Laid out by John Read Survey"" Robert Taft Chain man November 27"' 1764 Laid out for David Daniels two acres & half of Land on the Easterly Side of the mill river Joyning to his other Land and is Bounded South on his other Land East on Land of Aaron Thayer 7 rod & half from a pine tree markt being the Southwest Corner of S** thayers Land to a Black oak tree markt being the North East Corner thence Runing west 1 8 Deg""* North 14 Rods to a black oak tree markt by Aaron Thayers medow being the Northwest Corner and is Bounded westerly on Said Aaron Thayers medow to Said Daniels other Land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey'". Robert Taft Chain man March the ll''' 1761 then Laid out for the heirs of Joseph Taft (viz) Joseph Taft Jun'" and Noah Taft a Six acre Right of Ceder Swamp (viz) a four acre Right Derived from Decon Eben"" Reads Rights and a two acre Right Derived from John Tyler Jun''^ Ceder Swamp Rights the Said Ceder Swamp is laid out a little Eastward of Shocolog Ceder Swamp it being the whole of a Small Swamp 'Lying inclosed by upland formerly Laid out by their Said Tafts farther — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Sam^' Read Chain man March 18''^ 1766 Laid out for Moses Gage half an acre of Nathan Tylers Eleventh Division of land on the Easterly Side of the mill River Joyning to his other land and medow and is Bounded westerly on his other land and medow and Northerly on MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1033 land of Ebenezer Cheney five Rod to a Black oak tree markt it being the North East Corner thence Riming Southerly with a Dirict line to a white pine Stand with a heap of Stones about it thence with a Dirict line to a heap of Stones by Said Gages uiedow : Laid out by William Torrey Survey''. Nathan Tyler. Chain man Eben'. Cheney W"' Legg William Torrey Moses Chapin John Corbett [120.] March 18^'' 176fi Laid out for Ebenezer Cheney 140 rod of Josiah Chapins Eleventh Division of land Joyning to his other land where he now lives and is Bounded Southerly on his other land 19 Rod from a Black oak tree being a South East Corner of Eli pattridges land to a heap of Stones being the North East Corner of his other land thence Runing North full point about Eight Rod to Eli pattridges Land and is Bounded Northerly and Westerly on S*^ pattridges Land to the Black oak tree the first Bounds mentioned — Laid out by William Torrey Survey*" Nathan Tyler Chain man March IS'"^ 1766 Laid out for William Legg 140 Rod of Nathan Tylers Eleventh Division of land on the Easterly Side the mill River Joyning to land of Moses Chapin and is Bounded South- erly on Said Chapins land 19 rod westerly on land of Ebenezer Cheney laid out the Same Day Bounded northerly on land of Eli pattridge Easterly partly on his own land and partly on a Road Leading by Said pattridges to the preicnit meeting house — Laid out ])y AVilliam Torrey Survey'' Nathan Tyler Chain man June the 16"' 1766 Laid out for AVilliam Torrey three acres of John Haywards Jun'^^ Eleventh Division of Land on the west- erly Side of the west River (So Called) and is Bounded North- erly on Sutton Line 15 Rod from a Stake & heap of Stones being the Northwest Corner to a Stak & Stones by Said west River being the North East Corner and is Bounded Easterly on S'' River o4 Rod to a Stake & Stones being the South East Corner thence Runing west 8 Degi-* North 15 Rod to a firr tree marked being 1034 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the Southwest Corner thence Runing Northerly with a Direct Line 34 Rod to the hrst Bounds by Sutton line being the North west Corner — Laid out by William Torrey Survey'' Nathan Tyler Esq^ Chain man March 18*'' 17(i() Laid out for Moses Chapin one acre of Josiah Chai)ins Eleventh Division on the Easterly Side the Mill River Joyning to his other land and is Bounded East on his other land 26 rod north on land of Ebenezer Cheney 12 Rod west on land of Moses Gage laid out the Same Day to his other land it being a gore of land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey' Nathan Tyler Chain man April 7''^ 1767 Laid out for John Corbett 39 Rod of his Eleventh Division of land on the west side of Bare medow Brook it being- part of an Jsland Lying in Ebenezer Holbrooks land and is Bounded all Round on Said Holbrooks Land — Surved by Will- iam Torrey Survey'' Nathan Tyler Chain man. [121.] nathan tyler William Torrey David Daniels June 16"' 1766 Laid out for Nathan Tyler 4 acers of his 11"' Division on the westerly Side the west River at the North End of Zacharys pond and is Bounded North on Sutton Line 12 Rod (from a Stake and stones being the northwest Corner of land laid out to William Torrey the Same Day) to a white oak Stand markt being the northwest Corner thence Runing Southerly with a Direct line to the northwest Corner of Zacharys pond and is Bounded Southerly on Said pond to the west River then Bounded Easterly up Stream on Said River to a Stake & Stones to the South East Corner of S'' William Torreys land then bounded northerly on S^ torreys land 14 rod to a firr tree markt being Said Torrys South west Corner then Bounding Easterly on Said Torreys land to Sutton line to the first Bounds mentioned the' whole Containing : 5 : acres one acre alowed for bad land Laid out by William Torry Survey^ Nathan Tyler Chain man fcbrvary 18"' 1766 Laid out for William Torrey a nine acre Right of Cedar Swamp in Shocolog Cedar Swamp Joyning to thej MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1035 Cedar Swamp Laid out to the heirs of Samuel Read Deceased and is Bounded west on Said heirs Ceder Swamp 52 Rod and Bounded west partly on Swamp Laid out to Robert Taft 10 Rod Bounded East on upland Seven Rod to a Burch tree markt Being the South East Corner thence Runing North 16 Degrs west by a line of marked trees 60 rod to a hemlock tree markt being the north East Corner thence with a Direct Line to the north East Corner of Said Reads Swamp it being a maple tree markt Said Swamp l)eing Seven Rod wide — a Six acre Right Derived from Edward Bosworth and a three acre Right from Benjamin Darling — Laid by William Torrey Survey"" Samuel Read Chain man April 23'* 1766 Laid out for David Daniels: 5: acres of his 11*^ Division of land Joyning to his other land on the Easterly Side of the mill River Begining at a white oak tree markt being the north west Corner of thomsons land Bounding South Easterly on S*^ thomsons land 9 Rod to a Red oak tree markt being Said thomsons old northwest Corner thence Runing north 36 Deg" East 14 rod to a Small Black oak tree markt with a heep of Stones being the north East Corner thence runing north 40 Deg""* west 36 rod to his other land to a heap of Stones on a flat Rock by Said Daniels wall being the northwest Corner and is Bounded westerly on his other land 44 rod to a heap of Stones being the Southwest Corner thence Runing East 1 1 Deg'* South 18 rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock by S** thomsons land being the South East Corner & is bounded Easterly on S'* thomsons land to the white oak tree which was the first mentioned Bounds — Laid out by William Torrey Survey^ Nathan Tyler and David Daniels chain men april 23. 1766 laid out for David Daniels 60 rod of his Eleventh Division of land Joyning to his other land on the East Side of the mill River and is bounded northerly on his other land 18 rod Avesterly on Comon 8 rod to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner thence Runing East 25 Deg""' South 18 rod to a heap of Stones by his other land the whole being 70 Rod 10 Rod alowed for bad land — laid out by William Torrey Survey"". Nathan Tyler cS; David Daniels Chain men 1036 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Nehemiah Hall eJcssc Morse Daniel Sumner [122.] November y^ 14"- 176() Laid out for Nehemiah Hall 13 acres & 108 rod of land which he purchesed of John Hay ward Joyning to his other land west from his house and is Bounded Easterly on his other land 54 Rod from a heap of Stones on a Rock being the South East Corner thence Runing northerly 54 rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock being a northerly Corner thence Runing westerly & bounding Northerly on land formerly Josiah Taft Deceased 40 rod to a pople tree markt being the northwest- erly Corner and is Bounded Southwesterly on land of Jesse Morse 18 Rod to a heap of Stones being the Southwesterly Corner thence Runing South Easterly with a Direct line 54 rod to a white oak tree markt being the North East Corner of Jesse Morses land then Bounded Southwesterly and South Easterly on his own land to the first Bounds mentioned — Laid out by William Torrey Survey'" Samuel Read Chainman November the 14"' 176B Laid out for Jesse Morse two acres & 3 quarters of land which he purchesed of his father Sam" Morse and is laid Joyning to his other land Northerly from his house and is bounded Southerly on his other land and westerly on his own land 24 rod to a heap of Stones being the Northwest Corner and is Bounded northeasterly on land laid out to Nehemiah Hall Laid out the Same Day 54 Rod to a Avhite oak tree markt it being a Gore of land 24 rod at the west End and a point at the East End. Laid out by William Torrey Survey^ Samuel Read Chain febrvary 9"' 1748 Laid out for Seth Aldrich 3 acres & half of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land Northerly from his house Bounded as followeth Begining at a heap of Stones being the Southwest Corner then Runing Northerly & Bounding westerly part on his own land and part on land of Moses Farnum 27 Rods to a heap of Stones being the North west Corner and the Southwest Corner of land laid out to Moses farnum on the Same Day then East 5 Deg'^ South 17 Rods to Rists Land Bounded North on Said farnum then Bounded Round part on S** MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1037 Eists land & part on his own land to the first Bounds mentioned Laid out by John Read Surve3'^ with the assistance of William holbrook Chain man Uxbridge July 2*^ 176G Laid out for Seth Aldrich three acres of his Eleventh Division Easterly from his house & is bounded westerly on his own Land 22 rods to a heap of Stones being the South westerly Corner then Runing Easterly 72 Rods to a heap of Stones being the East Corner and a Corner of Capt Keiths Land bounded Southerly on land of the above Said Keith then westerly to the first Bounds Bounding Northerly on land that Benjamin Aldrich Lives upon and on his own land to the first Bounds mentioned being a Red oak tree being the North west Corner it being two three Cornered pieces but Joyn together vSaid land lyeth on both Sides of a Brook Called Good-Stone Brook Laid out by John Read Survy"" Samuel Read Chain man July 4. 1773 laid out for Daniel Sumner 72 rod of his 11"' Di- vision on the East Side of Bear hill it being land he Sold to Caleb Boyington but appeared to be Comon and is Bounded westerly on S'* land 48 Rod northerly on land belonging to the heirs of Jsaac tinney Dec'' three Rod it being a gore of land 3 rod at the north End and a point at the South End — laid out by William Torrey Survey'' Nathan Tyler chain man Joseph aldrich Jonathan Nelson thorasons & Killeys pre- ambu — [123.] May 3*^, 1763 Laid out for Joseph Aldrich 7 acres & lOit Rod ll*'' Division of land Joyning to his other land on the East Side the Great river and is Bounded Southerly on his own land 12 rod Easterly on land belonging to the heirs of Daniel Read Dec'' 55 rod Northerly on land of John aldrich 29 Rod westerly on Land of peter aldrich 27 Rod. Laid out by William Torrey Survey'" Samuel Read Chain man May the 2'' 1768 then Laid out for Jonathan Nelson half an acre of Nathan Tylers Eleventh Division of land Joyning to his 1038 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. other land near his house where he now Dwells on the Easterly Side of the County Eoad and is Bounded west on Said Rode 22 Rod Bounded Easterly on his own Land 14 Rod and is Bounded Northerly on Land of Ezra wood 12 Rod it being a three Cor- nered piece of Land 12 rod wide at the North End and a point at the South End. Laid out by William Torrey Surveys Nathan Tyler Chain man Mendon October y^ 14"' 1768 then we the Subscribers mectt and perambulated the Lines Between our Lands & have Settled the Bounds — Bgning at a heap of Stones and a Stake on the west Side of Elisha Thomsons farm at the East End of the Ston wall which is the Division line between Said Thomsons & Seth Kil- leys medows thence Runing Northerly about fifty two Rods to a Black oak tree marked which is Said Killeys North East Corner of his Land thence turning and Runing westerly about twenty Rods to a white oak tree marked being a South west Corner of Said Thomsons Land and this perambulation we the Said Elishua Thomson and Seth Killey promis Bind and oblidge Eatch of our Selves and Eatch of our heirs Executors administrators & assigns to Stand to and abide by for a Division Line for Ever — Jn wit- ness where of we the Said Seth Killey & Elisha Thomson have hereunto Sett our hands the Day & year above written Jn presence of us Seth Killey Samuel Scott Elisha Thomson Edward Rawson Mendon July 4'" 177o We the Scribers Caleb Boyington & Thomas Allbee have this Day perambulated the line Between our- lands on the East Side of Bear hill which is as followeth Begining at a heap of Stones being Said Boyingtons South East Corner thence Runing with a Streight line to a heap of Stones in a Rockey Swale near a Black oak tree markt thence Runing northerly with a Direct line 48 Rod to land belonging to the heirs of Jsaac Tin- ney Deceased two Rods west from a heap of Stones in the Edge of the Swamp Called holbrooks Swamp and Binde our Selves our heirs & assignes to Stand to & abide by this our perambulation MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1039 for Ever Jn witness whereof we have Sett our hands the Day & year first above written in witness of us Daniel Sumner (^^^^^ 5^ Boyington mark WiLLIA-M TORREY rp 5' A Thomas X Albee mark Walter Cook Joseph Thayer Robert aldrich [124.] Mendon Janvary the 26'" 1769 then we the Subscrib- ers Walter Cook and Joseph Thayer Both of Said Mendon Yeo- men meet and mutuably agreed and prcambulated the Lines be- tween our Lands in Mendon aforesaid and Eenewed the Bounds and Established Said Bounds for Division Line in form following (viz) Begining at the Southwest Corner of Said Walter Cooks Land being a Stake and heap of Stones the Same being the South East Corner of Jonathan Casses Land a little Southerly of the Road that Leadeth from Elisha Thomsons House to Peter Tha}^- ers house near where the Road turns out that Leadeth to John Thayers Sen"^ House from thence Easterly with a Streight line to a heap of Stones by the Brook that Runeth out of Swamp lott medow being the South East Corner of S*^ Cooks Land then turn- ing and Runing northerh^ & Bounding upon S'^ Brook up Stream to the End of S'' Swamp Lott medow to a heap of Stones upon S'' John Thayers Line S'' heap of Stones being a north East Corner of S'' Cooks Land that Boundeth against S*^ Thayers Land and this agreement and perambulation we the Said Walter Cook and Joseph Thayer Do by these presents Couvenant Binde and o))lige Eatch of our Selves & Eatch of our heirs & assigns to Stand to & abide by for Ever as a partition or Division Line be- tween our Lands above Discril)ed Jn witness whereof we the S'' waiter Cook and Joseph Thayer have hereunto Sett our hands & Seals the Day & year above written and hereby mutually agree that the Same be putt upon the proprietors Records in Said mendon Jn presence of us Walter Cook Edavard Rawson Joseph Thayer Mary Rawson 1040 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. april the 4*^ 1769 then Laid out for Robert Aldrich Seven acres of land (viz) 6 acres of John Haywards Eleventh Division & one acre of land laid out in Walter Cooks land through a mis- take Laid Joyning to Said Aldrichs other land and is Bounded Southerly on his other land 40 rod to a pine tree being y'^ South west Corner and is Bounded westerly on land of Jsaac Chase 44 Rod to a heap of Stones the northwest Corner thence Runing Easterly on Comon to Walter Cooks land and is Bounded East- erly on Said Cooks land 44 rod to the South East Corner the whole Containing 10 acres three acres allowed for bad land — Laid out b}' William Torrey Survey"" Nathan Tyler Robert Taft and Samuel Read Committee april 3'^ 1769 Laid out for Samuel Gaskill one acre & 140 rod of land which he purchesed of John French Joyning to his other land near his house and is Bounded South on land formerl}^ Daniel Rogers 20 rod Easterly on land formerly Richard Esties 24 rod north on his own land 24 rod west on his land 5 rod. Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Nathan Tyler Robert Taft & Sam'^ Read Committee William Thayer Janvary the 19"" 1769 then Laid out for Cap' William Thayer [125.] five acres of his Eleventh Division of Land Easterly from Damn Swamp (So Called) and is Bounded westerl}^ on Land of John Lindsey 32 Rod Northerly on land of Thomas Legg 37 rod Easterly on Land of Peter Penniman 50 Rod from a heap of Stones being the North East Corner of Said land & the north west Corner of S*^ pennimans Land to a heap of Stones on a flatt Rock being S*^ pennimans South west Corners on the East Side of the Road Leading by S^ Lindseys house to the meeting- house in the first precinct in Said Mendon thence Runing west full point Eleven rod to a heap of Stones on a Large Rock with a heap of Stones on it by S*^ Lindseys hovel being the South west Corner the whole being 6 acres & 24 rod one acre & 24 rod alowed for a Road of three rod wide Crossing Said Land and for bad I MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1041 Land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey' and Benjamin Wheelock Chain man Janvaiy the 19''> 1769 then Laid out for Cap' William Thayer two acres of his Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other Land South from Calebs hill and is Bounded northerly on his other Land 70 Rod Begining at a Sharp Stone Sticking up with Stones about it being the North west Corner of land laid out to Nathaneal Rawson and the North East Corner and is Bounded Southerly partly on land of peter penniman and partly on land of George Aldrich to a heap of Stones being a Corner of Said pennimans Land it being the north west Corner it being a piece of Land nothing at Eatch End and 17 rod wide at the End of 50 rod the whole being 3 acres one and 10 rod alowed for a way Cross Said Land. — Laid out by William Torrey Survey*" Benj" Whelock Chain man June the 9"" 1769 Laid out for Thomas Rawson 2 acres and f of his Eleventh Division Joyning to land formerly Gideon Taft and is Bounded northwesterly on Said Taffcs Land 32 Rod and is Bounded Southerly on Said Tafts Land 32 Rod and is Bounded Northerly on the way leading Between Samuel Whites Jun'' land & Joseph Chapins land it being a three Cornered piece of land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" and Robert Taft Chain man april 3'' 1769 Laid out for Samuel Gaskill 7(S Rod of John frenchs Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land by his house and is Bounded west on his own land 26 Rod East on land formerly Daniel Rogers 26 Rod South on land formerly Danill Arnolds 5 Rod — laid out by William Torrey Survey'' Nathan Tyler Robert Taft & Sam" Read Committee Walter Cook Eben'" Holbrook [126.] June 6'" 1769 then Laid out for Walter Cook 12 acres of land being Eleventh Division Laid out Joyning to his other Land northerly from his now Dwelling house and is Bounded as followeth Beoinino; att two Black oak trees marked 1042 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. being a Corner of his land formerly laid out thence runing East- erly and Bounding Southerly 22 rod on his own land & 28 rod on Comon to a Small pine tree markt being the South East Corner thence Southwesterly 22 Eod on Comon to a heap of Stones being a Corner of his other Land formerly laid out and is Bounded Easterly on his other to land of Edward pickeren 44 Rod and is Bounded Northerly on Said pickerens land to his own land and is Bounded westerly on his own land to the first Bounds mentioned the Whole Containing 15 acres 3 acres alowed for bad land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey'". Nathan Tyler Chain men * June 6*^ 1769 Laid out for Walter Cook 3 acres 11*^ Division of Land Joyning to his other land on the East Side of the Road Leading to Smithfield and is Bounded South on his other land 50 Rod East on land of Job Darling to a pine tree 14 Rod thence with a Direct line on Comon 50 Rod to the above Said Road and is Bounded on Said Road 6 Rod to his other land the whole being 3 acres & 20 Rod 20 Rod alowed for bad land laid out l)y William Torrey Survey'" Nathan Tyler Chain man June 6"' 1769 Laid out for Walter Cook 5 acres IT'' Division Joyning to his other Land on the West Side of the Road Leading to Smithfield and is Bounded northerly on his other land 50 rod Bounded Easterly on his other land 43 rod to two white oak Stands being the Southwest Corner thence Runing Easterly with a Direct line Bounding Southerly on Comon to a pine tree with Stones by it being the South East Corner and is Bounded Easterly on his other land 20 rod to his other land the whole being 7 acres & half 2 acres & ^ alowed for bad land — Laid out by William Torrey Surveyer Nathan Tyler Chain man Janvary the 5"' 1770 Laid out for Ebenezer Holbrook Richard Rockwoods Shear of Ceader Swamp in Beaver Damn Ceader Swamp (which Said Holbrook purchesed of Said Rock wood by a Deed Bareing Date 1740 But the Survey of Said Swamp not to be found on Record) but Surveyed again to Said Holbrook and I MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1043 is Bounded Northerly on Swamp of Luke Holln'ook 4 rods bounded Easterly on Swamp of Aaron Holbrook Begining at a Ceader Stake being the North East Corner of Said Ebenezer Hoi brooks Swamp then Runing South 27 Deg'' East a Cross S^ Swamp Bounded Southerly on Eliphelet holbrooks Land 4 rod and is Bounded northerly on Swamp of Luke Holbrook 4 rod to a Ceader Stake being the north west Corner thence Runing South 27 Deg"^^ East Cross Sd Swamp Laid out by William Torrey Survey"^ Benjamin Wheelock Chain man [127.] Jesse Penniman Stephen & Eliphelet holbrook November 17"' 1769 Laid out for Stephen Holbrook three acres of Ceader Swamp Comonly Known by the name of Beaver Damn Ceader Swamp, which peter Holbrook purchesed of Josiah Thayer as may appear by a Deed from Said Thayer to Said Hol- brook Bareing Date the Seventh Day of febrvary 1727^. (But Said Swamp not to be found on the proprietors Record) Now Sur- veyed and Laid out to Stephen Holbrook Grand Son to the Said peter Holbrook and the Said Swamp is Bounded as followeth Northerly on Swamp Laid out to John Albee Runing west 23 Deg''* South a Cross Said Swamp and is Bounded Easterly on upland or Holbrooks Land about 13 Rods Bounded Southerly on Swamp of Eliphelet Holbrook 68 Rods by marked trees to a mas- tick tree marked near the pond in Said Swamp then Bounded Southerly on Said pond and on Squechey Bottom to Holbrooks medow and is Bounded westerly on Holbrooks medow to the above Said Albees Swamp — Laid out by ^Villiam Torrey Survey'' William Holbrook Chain man Janvary the 5"" 1770 Laid out for Jesse Penniman Benjamin Rockwoods Right of Ceader Swamp in Beaver Damn Ceader Swamp (which Said penniman purchesed of S*^ Benjamin Rock- wood by a Deed Baring Date the 30'^'' of June 1767) and is Bounded as followeth a Ceader Stake being the north East Corner Runing South 27 Deg'"'* East on Ebenezer Holbrooks Swamp through Said Swamp and is Bounded Northerly partly on Swamp Laid out to 1044 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Jonathan Hay ward & partly on Luke Holbrooks Swamp 4 rod to a Ceader Stake being the northwest Corner then Runing South 27 Degis East Cross Said Swamp and is Bounded Southerly on Land of Eliphelet Holbrook 4 Rod — Laid out by William Torrey Survey'' Benjamin Wheelock Chain man Janvary 5"' 1770 Laid out for Eliphelet Holbrook Jun'' Sam" Roekwoods Shear of Ceader Swamp in Beaver Damn Swamp) which S'* Holbrooks father purchesed of Said Rockwood By a Deed Dated 1747 but the Survey is not to be found on Record) but now Surveye"^ to S*^ Holbrook Bounded as followeth Begining at a Ceader Stake being the North East Corner Bounded on Swamp of Jesse penniman Runing South 27 Deg'^ East through Said Swamp Bounded Northerly on Swamp laid out to Jonathan Hayward 5 rod to a Stake being the north west Corner then Runing South 27' Deg''* East through Said Swamp Bounded South on land of Eliphelet Holbrook 4 Rods — Laid out by William Torrey Survey' Benjamin Wheelock Chain man John Rockwood Noah Taft Dexter Wood Daniel Reads heirs [128.] Janvary the 5*" 1770 Laid to John Rockwood and Josiah Rockwood their Shear of Ceader Swamp in Beaver Damn Ceader Swamp Bounded northerly on Swamp Laid out to Jonathan Hayward 9 Rod East on Swamp of Eliphelet Holbrook Jun"". Bounded westerly on Swamp of Eliphelet Holbrook Runing South 27 Deg""^ East through Said Swamp and is Bounded Southerly on Eliphelet Holbrooks Land Nine Rod — Laid out by William Torrey Sui-vey"" Benjamin Wheelock Chain man July 28^'' 1769 then Laid out for Noah Taft one acre and 110 Rod of his Eleventh Division of land Joyning to his other Land South of his house and on the South Side of the Road Leading by Moses farnums and on the weasterly Side of the Road Leading to Smithfield and is bounded Southerly on Land of Moses farnum Jun"" about thirty five Rods and on all other parts on his other Land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Samuel Read Chain man MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1045 June the 18"^ 1770 Laid out for Dexter Wood five acres of Land which he Bought of Moses White it being tenth & Eleventh Divisions of hind and is hiid Joyning to his other land north from his house and is Bounded Southerly on his own land about 70 rod from a heap of Stones being his former north west Corner to a Black oak tree markt by the way Leading from thomas Reads by S*^ woods house then Bounded on S** way about 15 Rod to a pine Stand and heap of Stones by Said way from thence Runing west about o8 Deg"^' north 85 Rod to a Stake & heap of Stones })eing the north west Corner then South 25 Deg*"^ west Eleven Rod & half to the northwest Corner of his other land bein^ the first Bounds mentioned — Laid out by John Read Survey"^ William Torrey and Samuel Read Chain men. June the 18"^ 1770 Laid out for the heirs of Daniel Read Decesed four acres & three quarters of Samuel Reads Eleventh Division of land and is Laid Joyning to the land of thomas Read and is Bounded East and North on S*^ thomas Reads land and is Bounded Southerly on land of Dexter wood Laid out at the Same time from the pine Stand and heap of Stones being S'" woods Easterly Bounds Runing west about 38 Deg""' north (which is the Same point S'' woods north line is) 85 Rod to a Stake being Said woods north west Corner being the Southwest Corner of Said Land from thence Runing north 25 Deg""^ East 7 Rod and half to thomas Reads land — Laid out by John Read Survey"" William Torrey & Samuel Read Chain men. thomas Read peter aldrich Joseph tyler [129.] Uxbridge July lO*"^ 1770 then we the Subscribers being a Committee Chosen by the proprietors of the former township of Mendon to Settle the Bounds in Said propriety Between man & man where they are Lost or Remain uncertain were this Day Called by Thomas Read to Settle the line between Said Read & peter Aldrich, the Said Reads Land was laid out by Samuel Read October 17*" 171!) as may appear by the Said pro- prietors Records the whole of Said Lands Containing 70 acres & 136 Rods the Record of S^ Land Says Begining at a heap of 1046 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Stones on a Rock boinp; the north west Corner then Riming South full point 109 Rod to a Black burch tree markt on a hill of Rocks being- the Southwest Corner, but we tind by vcwing the line that there was a niistak in the Record for there is wanting in the land if it Runs South full point 17 acres and 116 rods and we finde the Burch tree on the hill of Rocks which from Said north west Corner Runs South west about full point 114 rods which makes up the 70 acres & 136 Rods and we Esteem the Said Burch to be the true Southwest Corner when the Said land Avas Laid out the Said peter Aldrich and Thomas Nathan Tyler Read being present at the Runing Robert Taft the above S*^ Lines and Consented John Harwood to it to be Just and Right and at William Torrey the Same time Sett their hands Samuel Read to it and Subscribed Thomas Read teter Aldrich Committee for Said propriety July 10"' 1770 Laid out for Thomas Read one acres and half of Samuel Reads Eleventh Division adjoyning to his other land Southwest from his house & is Bounded north on his own land Bounded Easterly partly on his other land & partly on land of Dexter wood 1 9 Rod to a. hoay) of Stones being the north west Corner of land laid out to Samuel Chapin and is Bounded westerly on Land of William Johnson to his own Land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey'' Nathan Tyler & Robert Taft Chain men July 10*'' 1770 Laid out for peter aldrich two acres of land in lue of two acres of land his father peter aldrich laid out through a mistake in Sanniel Reads Land and is laid Joyning to his other land on the East Side the Great River and is Bounded Souh on his own land South East on Land of Thomas Read northwesterly on Land of El)enezer White it being a three Cornered piece of land — Laid out by AVilliam Torrey Survey*' Nathan Tyler & Robert Taft Chain men May 20**" 1772 Laid out for Joseph Tyler half an acre of land which he formerly laid out through a mistak in Samuel Avhites MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1047 land now laid out Joyninsf to his other land & is bounded Souther on his other land 24 rod to a white oak tree markt being the South East Corner thence north 6 Deg''* west 4 rod to a heap of Stones on a large Rock being the north East Corner then west 27 Deg" South 24 rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock Ijeing the north west Corner then South 6 Deg""" East 4 rod to a heap of Stones the tirst bounds being the South west Corner — Laid out by William torrey Survey"" Sam" Read & Joseph tyler Chain men [130.] Mordecai Day Seth Thayer William Sprague Mrs AVel)b September 17"' 1770 Laid out for Mordecai Day one acre & 64 Rods of Robert Tafts Eleventh Division Joyning to his own land South Easterly from his house and is Bounded northerly on his own land about 86 Rods and is Bounded Easterly from a Black oak tree markt being his former South East Corner on Comon Six Rod & half to a heap of Stones on a large Rock being the South East Corner thence Runing westerly 14 rod to a Stake and heape of Stones being a Corner thence with a Direct line Runing west 40 Deg""' North 28 Rod to a Black oak tree markt beino- the South East Corner of Sumners land formerly Laid out the whole being one acre & 120 Rod n6 Rod alowcd for a way of two Rod wide throught Said Land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey^ Robert Taft Chain man September 17*'' 1770 Laid out for Seth Thayer three acres & a Quarter of John Albees Eleventh Division of Land and is Laid Joyning to his Ceader Swamp in the North Ceader Swamp on the East Side of the Brook and is Bounded northerly on land of Mordecai Day 28 Rod Laid out the Same Day and is bounded westerly on land formerly Laid out to Nathanael Morse 30 Rod to a maple tree being Said Morses South East Corner then turning westerly & Bounding on Said morse Six Rod to the Brook then Bounding Said Brook ten Rod to a Stake & heap of Stones being the Southwest Corner thence Runing East 40 Degrs South to his own Ceader Swamp then Bounded Southeasterly on his own Swamp to a Stake & heape of Stones 14 Rod westerly from a 1048 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Large Rock and hcapc of Stones being Mordecai Days South East Corner Laid out the Same Day — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Robert Taft Chain man November the 12*'' 1770 Laid out for William Sprague three acres & half of Ens" Samuel Thayers Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land north from his house and is Bounded Southerly on his OAvn land 12 Rods from perreys land to a Large Black oak tree markt being the South East Corner .and the North East Corner of his other land and is Bounded Easterly on land of Joseph Gibbs 46 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Sharp Rock being the North East Corner then Runing westerly and Bounding northerly on Said Gibbs land 18 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock near perreys land and is Bounded westerly on Said perreys land to his own land the whole being 4 acres & a Quarter 120 Rod alowed for bad land — Laid out by William Torrey Surveyer Nathan Tyler Chain man May 20'^ 1772 Laid out for M" Elisebeth Webb 5 acres of land (viz) 3 acres & half 11 Division & one and half in leu of one acre and half on the north Side of Shocolog Road which was laid out to M'' Webb and now flung up by M""^ Webbs order and laid out Joyning to their other land on the South Side of Shocolog Road and is Bounded north on Said Road 28 Rod & west on their own land South on land of peter Taft 28 Rod East on their own land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Samuel Read Chain man [131.] Joseph & Benoni Benson Moses Taft James Lovett Zebulon Goss Janvary 28 1771 Laid out for Benoni Benson a two acre & half Right of Ceader Swamp in Shokolog Swamp Joyning to Jacob Aldrichs Swamp and is Bounded on Said aldrichs Swamp 20 Rod to a Ceader Stake Being the north west Corner & the Southwest Corner of Said Aldrichs Swamp thence Runing South 15 Deg""* East five Rod to the South west Corner then East 24 Deg""' North 20 Rod to the upland and is Bounded on upland 5 Rod to Said MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1049 Aldrichs Swamp — Laid out by William Torrey Suiy'' Benjamin Wheelock Chain man Jan vary 28-1771 Laid out for Joseph Benson a two acrer and half Right of Ceader Swamp in Shokolog Swamp Joyni ng to Swamp laid out to Benoni Benson the Same Day and is Bounded northerly on Said Benonis Swamp 20 rod to his Southwest Corner thence South 15 Degr^ East 5 rod to a Ceder Stake markt by an old Cedcr Stump being the Southwest Corner thence East 24 Deg'" north on Comon 20 Rod to a maple tree markt under the Edge of the hill being the South East Corner thence with a Direct line fivfe Rod to the South East Corner of Benoni Bensons Swamp — Laid out by William Torrey Survey'' Benj" Wheelock Chain man X. B. the above Swamp is laid on the Rights Derived from their father October 6*'' 1768 Laid out for Lie' Moses Taft of his Eleventh Division one acre of land on the norther Side of his other land by Shokolog Cedar Swamp Begining at a Chesnut tree being a Side line of his other land & a Corner of Said land then Runing north- erly 38 Rod to the Ceader Swamp and Bounding westerly on his own land then by a various line Round and Bounding on Said Swamp to the first Bounds — Laid out by John Read Survey"" Cap* Robert Taft Chain man Mendon Janvary y^ 17**' 1772 then we James Lovett & Zebulon Goss mett & perambulated the line Between our land on misco hill Begining at the East End of Said Goss :s Stone wall which is now Built being S'* Gosses South line thence Runing westerly with Said Stone wall Streight to Decon Josiah Adams Land — it is also agreed upon b}^ S** Lovett & Goss to Exchange two Corners of land (viz) for Said Lovett to have all the land on the South Side the above Said line for Ever and for Said Goss to have all the land on the north Side Said line forever — and we the S'* James Lovett & Zebulon Goss by theses presents Binde and oblidge ourselves our heirs & 1050 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. assigns to Stand to and abide by the above Said perambulation to be the Dividing line Between our Lands forEver and we the Subscribers also agree that this perambulation be Recorded in the proprietors Records in Mendon — as witness our hands in pres- ence of us Stephen Torkey James Lovett John Mors Zebulon Goss Nathan Tyler Jun' Nathan Tyler Esq"' [132.] may 7''' 1771 Laid out for Nathan Tyler Jun'" five acres of his Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his own land on the Avesterly Side of the Great River and is Bounded as foUoweth begining at a heap of Stones on a Rock ])y John Aldrichs land a Walnut Stand markt near Said Corner with the letter N T thence Runing west 24 Deg*'® South 46 rod to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner Bounding North westerly partly on John Aldrichs land & partly on his own land and from S'* South west Corner Runing East Eleven Deg'^'* South 70 Rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner and Bounding Southerly on Benjamin Bensons Land thence with a Direct line and Bound- ing on Said Benson to the first mentioned Bounds the whole being five acres & 40 rod 40 rod alowed for bad land — laid out by William Torrey Survey"" William Holbrook Chain man October IG*"^ 1771' Laid out for Nathan Tyler Esq'" Eight acres of land Eleventh Division on the west Side of Zackery pond Joyning to the land of thomas Webster Begining at a heap of Stones on a Sharp Rock being the northwest thence Runing South full point on Conion 56 Rod to a pitch pine tree marked being the Southwest Corner thence East full point on Comon 10 Rod to a heap of Stones by Said Websters Land being the South East Corner thence Runing North 34 Deg"^ East 52 Rod on websters land to a heap of Stones near Zackries pond being a Corner of Websters Corner, then Runing north 20 Deg'"^ East 26 rod to a heap of Stones on a rock Bounding Easterly on Said pond thence with a Direct on Comon 48 Rod to the north west Corner the first Bounds mentioned the whole Containing Eleven MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1051 acres & 103 rod 3 acres & 103 rod alowed for a two Rod way through Said land & for bad land — The Same Day & by the Same Com" Laid out for Said Tyler a Small gore of land adjoyning to the above Said land Begining at the North East Corner of the above Said land thence Runing north 20 Deg"^ East 12 rod to land laid out heretofore for the above Said Tyler Bounding west on Comon north on Said Tylers land heretofore laid out Easterly partly on Said land and partly on Said pond — Laid out by William Torrey Surveyer Nathan Tyler Esq^ & Nathan Tyler Com" Nathan Tyler Jonathan Cass Adams & Lovett [133.] October 2. 1770 then Laid out for Nathan Tyler Esq"" 12 acres of his Eleventh Division of land on the west Side of the west River and is Bounded northerly on the town line 60 Rod from a white oak Stand being the north west Corner of land Said tyler formerly laid out now thomas Websters to a heap of Stones on the town line being the north wes Corner thence Runing South 33 Deg" East 46 Rod to a heap of Stones on a flatt Rock being the South west Corner then Runing East 8 Deg""* South by marked trees on Comon 60 Rod to Said Websters land and is Bounded East on Said Websters land to the first Bounds the whole being 16 acres & half 4 acre & half alowed for a two Rod way through Said land & for bad land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey'" Nathan Tyler Esq"" and Nathan Tyler Jun^ Chain men November 14"^ 1771 Laid out for Jonathan Cass 20 acres of land [viz] ten acres which he Bought of John Hayward and ten acres which he Bought of Elisha Arnold which Derived from John Barttelets Rights Laid Joyning to his other land on the west Side of foxes Brook and is Bounded as followeth Begining at a heap of Stones by his own land being the South East Corner then north two Deo;''^ East Bounding East on land Belonging to the heirs of thomas Thayer Dec*^ 30 Rod to a heap of Stones being Said thayers north west Corner thence Runing East by Said thayers land to the Said foxes brook thence Bounding Easterly on Said Brook 18 Rod to a heap of Stones being the North East 1052 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Corner thence runing westerly and Bounding northerly partly on land of Samuel Thayer and partly on land of the heirs of Said thomas Dec'' 106 Rod to a heap of Stones being the North west Corner thence Runing Southerly and Bounding westerly on land of Said thayers heirs 74 Rod to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner then Runing Easterly and Bounding Southerly on Said heirs land 27 rod to his own land then Bounding Easterly and Southerly on his own land to the first Bounds mentioned the whole being 30 acres ten acres alowed for bad land — AVilliam Torrey Survey'". Benjamin Wheelock Chain man Mendon June 3^ — 1772 We the Subscribers (viz) James Lovett & Josiah Adams both of S'' Mendon have this Day perambulated the line between our lands on the Easterly Side of the long Swamp (So Caled) & have Renewed the bounds which are as followeth Begining at a heap of Stones in Samuel Greens land being the North East Corner of the S'^ long Swamp thence with a Direct line about 68 Rod to a heap of Stones nine feet East of a Straight line from S'^ northeast Corner to the west End of S'^ Lovett Stone wall Between him & S'^ Adams and from Said heap of Stones 9 feet East of Said Straight line with a Direct line about 68 Rod to the west End of S'^ Stone wall — and we binde our Selves our heirs & assigns to Stand too & abide by this our perambulation for Ever — Jn witness whereof we have hereunto Sett our hands in presence of us William Torrey Josiah Adams William Torrey Jun' James Lovett Sam" Read Ezekiel Wood [134.] Uxbridge april 19"> 1746 Laid out for Samuel Read of Uxbridge five acres of his Eleventh Division on the west Side of his other land on the South Side of the Country Road & is Bounded as followeth Begining at a heap of Stones on a Rock at the above Said Road then Runing South 16 Degrs East 68 Rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner & Bounding East on his own land then west 23 Des:''' north 24 Rod to a MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1053 heap of Stones being the South west Corner & Bounding South on his own land then north 6 Deg" west 52 Rod to a heap of Stones being the north west Corner and Bounding west on John Sibleys land then East & Bounding north on the above said Road 8 Rod to first Bounds by us John Read Jun'' Survey"" William Holbrook Coni« April S"" 1748 Laid out for Ezekiel Wood 3 acres of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land westerly from John S})rings ])\iim Begining at a pine tree being the Southerly Corner then north 10 Deg'"* west 60 rod to John Springs land west on his own land & william Browns land then East 3 Deg'* South IG Rod to a heap of Stones being the North East Corner North on John Springs Land then with a Dirict line to the first Bounds a three Cornered piece Bounded East on land laid out to John Spring on the Same Day — by John Read Survey' with the assistance of William holbrook Chain man March 31'* 1749 Laid out for Ezekiel wood one acre & 19 rod of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land at Shoco- loge Begining at a Corner of his other land then Runing westerly 25 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Ridge hill being a Corner Bounded northerly on his own land then Easterly Bounded South Easterly on Benj". Tafts land to his other land then on his own land to the first Bounds — a three Cornered piece — laid out by John Read Survey"" William Holbrook Chain man Uxbridge febrvary 6"" 1748-^ Laid out for Ezekiel wood 27 acres of his Eleventh Division laid out on the northwest Side of his other land Between John Springs & william Browns begining at the Side line of his other land then Running north 31 DesC^ west to a heap of Stones 46 Rods northermost Corner and Bounding westerly partly on land of Daniel tha^-er & part on Comon then Runing north 35 Deg""^ East to a great white oak markt 72 Rods then the Same point 11 rod further to a heap of Stones being a Corner bounding northerly on Comon all the way then East 10 Deg""* north to a heap of Stones being the north 1054 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. westerly Corner of his other land 6 rod North Easterly on Comon then South 16 Deg'"' East 66 rod to a heap of Stones then South 20 Deg""' East 16 Rods to his other land & bounding Easterly on his own land then Southwest 54 rod to the first bounds & bound- ing Southerly on his own land Encompassing two acres which he formerly laid out 4 acres & one half alowed out of it for bad land — laid by eJohn Read Survey'' Samuel Read Chain man Ezekiel Wood [135.] april 8*^ 1749 Laid out for Ezekiel Wood Eight acres of his 11"' Division northerly from william Browns house & on the west Side of his other land Begining at a white oak tree be- ing a Corner Bounded South on S*^ Browns land then north East 32 rod to Said woods land to his old Corner then north 35 Deg'' west 36 rod to his own land & Easterly on his own land then west 35 Deg'' South 32 rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock being the north west Corner north on Comon then Southerly with a Direct line to the first Bounds mentioned West on Comon — April 19*'' 1749 laid out for Ezekiel wood 2 acres and 21 rod of his Eleventh Division north of his other land above William Browns bounded South on his own land 54 Rod then north 31 Deg''* west 7 rod l- to a heap of Stones being the northwest Corner west on land laid out for William brown y*^ Same Day then East 30 Deg''*' north 54 Rod to his own land bounded north on Comon then South 7 rod & 1^ to the first bounds mentioned — Laid out by John Read Survey"" with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man April 8"' 1749 Laid out for Ezekiel wood one acre & half of his Eleventh Division on the north Side of his fathers land lying above Esq' Harwoods it lyeth on both Sides of the Road leading from S*^ harwood to John Springs Begining at a heap of Stones on the west Side the S*^ Road being a bounds between S*^ wood & William Brown then Southwest 37 rod to William browns land to a hea]) of Stones being the northwest Corner then South 25 Deg''^ East 10 Rod to his fathers land then East 24 Deg""^ north to MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1055 the above S*^ Road Bounded South on his fathers land then on the west Side the above Said Road to the first bounds — with a 3 Cornered piece on the East Side Said Road bounded west on Said Road northerly on Decon Rawsons land and Southerly on his lathers land — T^aid out by John Read Survey'' William Holbrook Chain man Uxbridge april 4"^ 1749 Laid out for Ezekiel Wood 13 acres of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land on the Easterly Side of hooppole Brook and Bounded (viz) Begining at a white oak tree being a Corner of his other land then Runing north Easterly 22 rod to a heap of Stones being the Southwesterly Corner of Moses Tafts land then South East 104 Rods with a Direct line to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner Bounded North Easterly on Said Moses Tafts land then westerly with a Direct line to his own land then bounded on his own land to the first Bounds — Laid out by John Read Survey'" with the assistance of William Holbrook Chain man March 31 — 1749 Laid out for Ezekiel Wood four acres of his 11"' Division Begining at a Corner of his other land a little South of Shockolog Road & South of the Rockey Swamp then North 12 Deg*"* west 17 Rods to a black tree being a Corner marked with the mar kins: Jron then west 54 Deo;''^ north 24 rod to a white oak tree marked with a marking Jron then west 11 Deg""^ South 38 rod to a tree marked with the marking iron & Stones a Corner northerly all the way on Comon then South 1 Deg*"** west 15 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner at his own land then westerly on Comon then bounded Round on his own land to the first l)ounds mentioned Laid out by John Read Survey*" William Hol- Ijrook Chain man John Farnum Katheran Holbrook , [136.] Uxbridge April (i'" 1748 Laid out for Cap* John Far- num of his Eleventh Division 14 acres & 60 Rods Joyning to Ezekiel Woods land Between the a^reat River & Mumfords River 1056 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. a little north from William Browns land Begining at a heap of Stones being a Corner & a Corner of the above Said woods land then Runing north 31 Deg'* West 64 Rod to a heap of Stones be- ing the northwest Corner then East 3 Dcgr^ north 72 Rod to a white oak tree being the north East Corner then with a Direct line to the first Bounds it being a three Cornered piece Bounded Easterly upon the above Said woods land it was measured for Decon Sam" Read but by agreement they lett the above S** far- num have it — Laid out by John Read Survey"". William holbrook Chain man Uxbridge March 10"^ 1748^ Laid out for Cap* John farnum of his Eleventh Division on the South Side of Shocolodge Road begining at a heap of Stones being a Corner of John Reads land then north 10 Deg"""* west 56 rods a Corner bounded west on Cap' Joseph Tafts land then East 5 Rod to a heap of Stones at the land the proprietors gave to the town of Uxbridge then Southerly 50 Rod to pennimans Corner then north 32 Deg"* East 14 rod then East 32 Deg'^ South 20 Rod then South 25 Deg'"^ west 16 rod to John Reads Corner Mendon April the 15"' 1767 We the Subscribers being ap- pointed & Chosen by peter penniman and Katheran Holbrook both of Mendon in the County of Worcester to Settle & Erect and Establish a bounds Between our lands on the westerly Side the mill River (So Called) we have been on the Said land & vewed the Circumstances and heard the parties and also the Evi- dences and we have agreed, and we give as our Judgment that the Bounds between their Said lands is a heap of Stones by a white oak Stump on the Easterly Side of the Road leading over the Said mill River to Aaron thayers between S'' road & the Cart path that leads to the medow on Said River — and this is our Judgment award and finall Determination as witness our hands the Day & Year first above written PETER PENNIMAN DaNIEL DaRLING Katheran Holbrook Elisha Bullard William Thayer MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1057 May 20**^ 1772 Laid out for Widow Katheran Holbrook 17 acres 124 rod of land on the Right of Lie* John Read Deceasd it being land out formerly to Said Read and Sold to Daniel Hol- l)rook but not to be found upon Record. But now new Surve}''^ and Recorded to his Said widow Said land lieth on the South Side of Shokologe road in uxbridge Begining at a heap of Stones by Said Road being the northwest Corner thence Runing South 17 Deg"^ East 54 rod to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner then Bounded Southerly on land of peter Taft 26 Rod to a heap of Stones then Easterly on Said Taft 14 Rod to a heap of Stones then South Easterly on Said Taft 47 Rod to a heap of Stones by M"" Webbs land then on Said Webbs land to the above Said Road then on Said Road 60 rod to the first Bounds Laid out by AVilliam Torrey Survey"" Sam" Read Chain man Daniel Reads heirs Sam" Read Joseph Tyler [137.] October 27"' 1772 Laid out for the heirs of Daniel Read Deceased 21 acres of land in Uxbridge on the South Side of Shocologe Road (So Called) formerly Surveyed by John Read but not to be found on Record now new Surved and Laid out and is Bounded as followeth Begining at a heap of Stones on the South Side of Said Road being the northwest west Corner and is Bounded northerly on Said Road 44 Rod to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner and the northwest Corner of Land laid out the same Day thence turning & Runing South 1 7 Deg""* East to peter Tafts Land to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner then west 29 Deg""^ South Eight Rod to a heap of Stones then west 86 Deg''* South 26 Rod to a heap of Stones then north 2 Deg" Avest ID Rod to a Black tree being a Corner of Ezekiel woods land then north 54 Deg"^^ west to a white oak tree niarkt being a Corner of Ezekiel Woods land then north 21 DQgrs ^vegt iQ the first Bounds mentioned being the north west Corner — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Sam" Read Chain man October 27*'' 1772 Laid out for Samuel Read 23 acres of Elev- enth Division on the South Side of Shocoloo^e Road in Uxbride; 1058 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Joyning to the land laid out to the widow Kathrin Holbrook and is Bounded Easterly partly on Said land and partly on land of peter Taft 93 Rod to a Black Burch tree markt being the South East Corner thence Runing west 29 Deg''' South 42 rod on Said land to a heap of Stones being the South west Corner thence North 17 Deg'' west 98 Rod to a heap of Stones by Said Road being the northwest Corner Bounded westerly on land laid out the Same Day to the heirs of Daniel Read Said land is Bounded northerly on the Said Road to the first bounds to the above Said Holbrooks land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey*" Samuel Read Chain man October 27"' 1772 Laid out for Joseph Tyler two acres and 52 Rod of his Eleventh Division of land Joyning to his other land and is Bounded northerly on land laid out formerly to James Keith 32 rod from a heap of Stones on a rock being the South- west Corner of S*^ Keiths Land thence Runing East 20 Deg" north by Said land 32 Rod to a heap of Stones to land laid out to timothy Guy and is Bounded Easterly on Said Land Eleven Rod to his own land then Bounded Southerly and Easterly on his own land to land laid out to Samuel white then Bounded westerly^ on Said whites land to the first Bounds mentioned (viz) the heaj of Stones on the Rock the South west Corner of Said Kieth^ land — Laid out l)y William Torrey Survey"" Sam" Read Chaii man Daniel wheelock Moses Taft Solomon wood Elijah haywar^ [138.J Janvary S'"" 1773 Laid out for Daniel Wheelock 3 acres wanting 28 Rod (viz) one acres & half which he Bought of Ebenezer Chapin & one acre and 52 Rod that he Bought of peter Keith Laid Joyning to his Son paul wheelocks land and is Bounded Easterly on Said land 42 Rod and is Bounded Southerly on land of Benjamin archer 17 Rod to land of John Jenney to a heap of Stones being a north East Corner of Said archers land thence Runing north 42 Deg""^ East 48 on S*^ Jenneys land to a heap of Stones being the north East Corner and is bounded East- erly on Said paul wheelocks land to a heap of Stones being a MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1059 Corner of Said Archers land — laid out by William Torrey Sur- vey"^ and Benjamin Wheelock Chain man Uxbridge March 15'^ 1769 Laid out for Moses Taft Eight acres of his Eleventh Division of land Joyning on the Southwesterly Side of his other land at Shookolog Begining at the North East Corner of Ebenezer Stearns land then Runing South west 40 Rods to a heap of Stones being a Corner Bound North west on land of S'^ Stearns then Runing Southerly 16 Rods to a heap of Stones being a Corner and a Corner of land laid out for Solomon Wood Esq"^ on the Same Day then East 30 Deg""^ north 48 Rod to his own land to a heap of Stones being a Corner then Runing Xorth 40 Deg''" west 40 Rod to the first Bounds Bounded North Easterly on his own land — laid out by John Read Survey"" Ezekiel Wood Chain man Uxbridge March y'' 1^)^'' 1769 Laid out for Solomon Wood Eleven acres of his Eleventh Division Joyning to his other Land near Shookologe Ceader Swamp Begining at a heap of Stones at his own land being a Corner and a Corner of Moses Taffcs land Laid out the Same Day then Runing west 30 Deg'■^ South 48 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner and a Corner of Moses Tafts Land Bounded westerly on S'' tafts land then South 22 Deg""' East 46 Rod to a heap of Stones being the South Easter most Corner then Easterly with a Direct line to a Corner of his other land 43 Rod then Runing northerly 52 Rods to the first Bounds Bounding on his own land the whole being 13 acres & half 2 acres & half alowed for bad land — laid out by John Read Survey"" Ezekiel Wood Chain man October 22** 1773 Laid out for Elijah Hay ward one acre and 92 Rod of his father William Hay wards 11"" Division of land on both Sides the way leading by his house and is Bounded north- erly on his own land 32 rod westerly on his own land 18 rod to a heap of Stones on a flatt rock being the South west Corner & is Bounded South Easterly on land of Benjamin Wheelock 42 Rod 1060 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. it being a three Cornered piece of land Laid out l)y AVilliani ■ Torrey Survey"" Benj" Wheelock Chain man Jchobod Newton Killbourn Josiah Sam" Aldrich [139.] March 16"' 1773 Laid out for Jchabod Newton two acres of Josiah Chapins Eleventh Division of Land Joyning to his other land by pecks medow (So Called) and is Bounded Southerly on his other land 14 Rods Easterly on land of priscilla Davis 38 Rod Northerly on land of Josiah Ball Eight Rods Bounded westerly on his own medow 28 Rods to his own land the whole being two acers & half half an acre alowed for bad land ^ — the Same Day and by the Same Com'^^ Laid out to Said Newton ■■ about three quarters of an acre of S*^ Josiah Chapin 11^'' Division it being an Island in Said pecks medow and is Bounded all Round on his own medow (Except) a few Rods Bounded northerly on medow of Josiah Ball — Laid out by AVilliam Torrey Survey"" Nathan Tyler Esq'" Chain man December 23'^ 1772 Laid out for Josiah Killburn 14 acres of Land (viz) 5 acres of Josiah Chapins ll*'' Division and 9 acres of his father John Killburns 11*'' Division in the Rockey woods East from Whitneys and is Bounded South on Land laid out to Daniel Lovett 52 Rod west on Land laid out to Samuel Hayward ()0 Rod north on Land laid out to John Chapin 20 Rod East on land, laid out to William Cheney 10 Rod and north on Said Cheneys land 10 Rod then west on Said Cheneys land 34 Rods to James Sumners land then Bounded north on Said Sumners land 22 Rods thence Runing South 8 Deg'"^ w^est on Comon 60 Rod to the north East Corner of Said Lovetts land the whole being 22 acres 8 acres alowed for Rocks and bad land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Nathan Tyler Esq'' & Josiah Killbourn Chain men April 2P' 17(i3 Laid out for Samuel Aldrich five acres of Edmond Rawsons Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land on the East Side the Great River and is Bounded westerly on MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1061 hi:? own land northerly on land of Edward Hall Easterly on Conion Said land is Bounded Begining at a heap of Stones being the South East Corner of his other land then Runing north Easterly with a Direct line to a pine tree being a Comon of Said Halls land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey'. Sam" Read Chain man December 8"' 1772 Laid out for Samuel Aldrich ten acres Kleventh Division of land (viz) 2 acres of his own & 4 acres & 144 Rod which was laid out through a mistake in John Elsons land and 2 acres & 56 Rod on Xathan Rawsons Rights Laid together .Joyning to his other land on the Avest Side the Great River and is Bounded westerly & northerly on land of John P]leson and is Bounded Easterly partly on land of Joseph Thomson and uartlv on land of John Elson Dec'' it beino- a o;ore of land Laid out ])y William Torrey Survey'" Cap* Nathan Tyler & Sam" Aldrich Chain men the above ten acres laid out to Sam" aldrich laid Down it being laid out in other mens land John Tyler Seth aldrich Moses Keith [140.] June P' 1773 Laid out for John Tyler three acres & 103 Rod of his father Xathan Tylers IT" Division on the Easterly Side of the land now in possession of John Lesure and on the P^asterly Side of the Said John Tylers other land Begining at a heap of Stones being the north Easterly Corner of the above mentioned land possessed by Said Lesure on the Southerl}^ Side of a town way thence East 6 Deg" north 17 Rods by S'^ town way to a heap of Stones on a Rock being a Corner Bounds of Timothy Jones land thence South 13 Deg""^ East 87 Rod to a Black oak tree markt thence South 6 J Rods to a heap of Stones on a Rock thence South 5 Deg"^^ west 27 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock Bounding Easterly on S'^ Jones's land thence Bound- ing westerly l)y the Said John Tylers other land to a heaj) of Stones being the South Easterly Corner of the land possessed by S^ Lesure thence Bounding westerly by Said land to the first Bounds mentioned, the whole Containing five acres two acres alowed for three quarters of an acre Encluded in Said land 1062 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. formerly laid out & for bad land Laid out by William Torrey Survey'" Nathan Tyler Chain man Septeml/ 17*'' 1773 Laid out for Scth Aldrich half an acre of his Eleventh Division of land Joyning to his own land on the South Side the way leading by his house and is Bounded north on his own land 27 rod to Gershum Keiths land & is Bounded East on his own land 6 Rod to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner thence with a Direct line to Said Aldrichs Corner by Said Gershom Keiths land it he'mg a gore of land 6 rod wide at the East End and nothing at the west End — Laid out by William Torey Survey'' Nathan Tyler & Sam'^ Read Chain men. Septeml/ 17'" 1773 Laid out for Moses Keith one acre & half of land which he purchesed of Joshua wood Joyning to his other land and is Bounded northerly on land laid out to Seth Aldrich the Same Day Bounded westerly on land of Gershom Keith 28 Rod Bounded southerly on his own land 16 rod it being a three Cornered piece of land — laid out by William Torrey Survy"" Nathan Tyler & Samuel Read Chain men Uxbridge September 16 1773 Laid out for paul Wheelock two acres and half of Jsrael Chillsons Eleventh Division Joyning to Daniel Wheelocks land Laid out January 1773 and is Bounded north on Said land 30 Rod to his other land Bounded South on land of John Jenne laid out the Same Day 30 Rod East on his other land — laid out by William Torrey Survey'' Nathan Tyler & Sam" Read Chain men Septembr 16"" 1773 Laid out for paul Wheelock ten acres & half of land (viz) 7 acres & half his father Bought of Jsrael Chill- son & 4 acres of land we find laid out on other mens lands through a mistake now laid Joyning to his other land westerly from his house and is Bounded westerly on land of Benjamin Archer 47 Rod and is Bounded on all other parts on his other land the whole being 17 acres 5 acres & half allowed for bad land laid out by William Torrey Survey"" Nathan Tyler & Sam" Read Chain men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1063 Eben'' Stearns Wilson Rawson James Sumner Joseph benson [141.] Uxbridge March y'^ IS'*' 1769 Laid out for Ebenezer Stearns tive acres of Jonathan Cooks O'*" Division & 10^'' of which S'* Stearns purchesed of Benjamin Green kid out Joyning to his other land at the South west Corner of his other land Begining at a heap of Stones at the town line then Runing Easterly by a various line about 90 Rod the Side line of his own land then South 20 rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner of this laying out Bounded East on his own land then with a Direct line to the first Bounds mentioned — Laid out l)y John Read Survey"" Ezekiel AVood Chain man December 10"" 1772 Laid out for Wilson Rawson 13 acres of land on the Right of Solomon hill that Derived from his father Daniel hill it being 9**" 10 & ll*"" Division laid Joyning to his other land on the west Side of the west River and is Bounded East on his own land 190 Rod to a heap of Stones on a great Rock being the north East Corner & the North west Corner of his other land thence Run- ing South 16 Deg''* west 73 Rod to a heap of Stones at the Run- ing out of a Small bitt of medow thence Runing South 6 Deg""* East 60 Rod to a heap of Stones being a Corner then East Eleven Rod to a heap of Stones then South 5Deg''' west 68 Rod to a heap of Stones at the Root of a Black oak tree by a Cart path thence with a Direct line about 14 rod to a Dry Stub being the South west Corner of his other land Bounding westerly all the way on hills land the whole being 14 acres one acre alowed for bad land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey' Nathan Tyler & Willson Rawson Chain men Mendon June 25"" 1774 Laid out to Joseph and James Sumner five acres & 60 rod of land in the Rockey woods near Holleston line in Lue of land taken off of their land in the S*^ Rockey woods (Laid out June y* 25*'" 1749) By the town line and ministry Lott Bounded as followeth Begining at a Chestnut tree marked being a South East Corner of ther other land then Runing Southwardly and Bounding Easterly partly on Josiah Kill^urns Land & partly on the faggy Swamp 68 Rods to a heap of stones being the South- East Corner then Runing west full point 16 rod to a heap of 106 J: PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Stones on a Rock being the North East Corner of Lovetts land Bounding South on land this Day Laid out to Josiah Kilburn then Runing northerly Bounding westerly on S*^ Kilburns land 68 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock being the north westerly Corner then Runing Easterly Bounding northerly on their other land 14 Rod to the first Bounds — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" James Sumner & Josiah Kilbui-n Chain men. July 4*'' 1774 Laid out for Joseph Benson two acres of Land on Both Side of the Road Leading by his house and is Bounded westerly on both Sides Said Road on land of Peletiah Darling 88 Rod Bounded Easterly on his own land it being a gore of land at the North and South Ends one acres & 46 Rod being land laid out through a mistake in land laid out to Samuel thomson now pele- tiah Darlings the whole being 2 acres & 46 rod 46 Rod alowed for bad land — laid out by William Torrey Survey' Benjamin Whee- lock & Joseph Benson Chain men Josiah Kilburn anthony Chase Sam" Aldrich Joseph Darling [142.] June 25"' 1774 Laid out for Josiah Kilburn Eight acres of land (viz) 6 acres he Bought of Ebenezer Chapin and two acres of Josiah Chapin Joyning to his other land in the Rockey woods Lying in two peces Bounded as followeth Begin- ing at the North East Corner of his other land thence Runing Easterly & Bounding northerly on Sumners land 18 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock being the North East Corner then Run- ing Southerly 68 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock by a walnut tree being the North East Corner of Lovetts land then Runing East full point 16 rod to a heap of Stones at his other land then Runing Southerly & Bounding Easterly partly on his own land and partly on Jasper Daniels land 88 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock by a Swamp being a South Easterly Corner then Runing west 14 Deg""^ north 16 rod to a Maple tree marked being the South westerly Corner Bounding Southerly on Comon land then Runing northerly & Bounding westerly part on tinneys land & partly on Lovetts land and partly on his other land to the tirst Bounds the whole beino- ten acres two acres alowed for bad land — MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1065 Laid out by William Torrey Survey'^ James Sumner and Josiah Kilburn Chain men September 6"" 1774 Laid out Anthony Chase four acres and half of Cap* William thayers Eleventh Division Joyning to his other land East from his and is Bounded west on his own land 40 Rod northerly partly on his own land and partly on land of Ben- jamin pickeren 30 Rod to a heap of Stones being the North East Corner and the South East Corner of Benj" pickerens land that he Bought of waiter Cook thence Runing Southerly 40 Rod on Comon to a heap of Stones being the South East Corner and the north East Corner of his father Jsaac Chases land & is Bounded Southerly on on S*^ Jsaac Chases Land 30 rod to his own land the whole being Seven acres 2 acres & half allowed for })ad land — Laid out by William Torrey Survy'' Benj" Wheelock Chain man May 10'M775 Laid out for Samuel Aldrich 1(> acres & half of land on the westerly Side of the great River 2 acres of his own and 4 acres and 144 Rod which was laid out through a mistak in John Elesons land and 2 acres and 56 rod on Nathan Rawsons Rights and 7 acres on Dexter woods Right laid to gether and is Bounded South on his own land 33 Rod East on land of John Eleson 80 rod northerly partly on land of Said Eleson & partly on land laid out to Edniond Rawson 33 Rod Westerly on Said Rawsons land — 40 rod alowed for bad land laid out by William Torrey Survey*" Samuel Read Chain man — this land wrong Re- corded april 5"' 1776 Laid out for Joseph Darling 3 acres & 40 rod of his ir" Division of land Joyning to his other land on Chesnut hill and is Bounded South Easterly on land of the heirs of olever Thayer 28 rod westerly on the land of the Bensons 38 rods north Easterly on land formerly David Thomsons now in the possesion of the heirs of Josiah Taft Dccesed 28 Rod it being a 3 Cornered peice of Land — Laid out l)y William Torrey Survey*" Benjamin Wheelock Chain man 1066 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Daniel Sumner & Kilburn Sam" King [143.] Mendon februaiy 12*" 1776 Laid out to Daniel Sum- ner and Josiah Kilburn about four acres of Swamp Land Joyning to the north Cedar Swamp two acres on Ebenezer Chapins Right of 1 1*" Division and two acres on Jsaac Tafts Right Bounded as follows Northerly on land formerly laid out to Nath" Morse about twelve Rod the north Easterly Corner being a Stake by a maple tree blown up then Bounded Easterly by Seth Thayers land about ten rods to Said Thayers South West Corner Runing East about 40 Deg'"'* South Crossing the Brook to the Cedar Swamp then Runing Southerly and bounding Easterly on Cedar Swamp to parkhusts land then bounded with Said parkhursts land to the Cedar Swamp laid out to John Darling then bounded with Said Darlings Cedar Swamp and other Cedar Swamp to the land laid out to Nathanael Morse first mentioned — Laid out by William Torrey Survey'" James Sumner Chain man april 80*" 1777 Laid out for Doc' John Corbett 2 acres & 20 rod of his Eleventh Division of land Joyning to his other land in the Rockey woods and is Bounded Southerly on his own land 16 rod Easterly on oliver Daniels land 21 rod northerly on Ephraim twitchels land 18 rods the northwest Corner a maple tree markt Bounded westerly on tinneys heirs land 20 rod 20 rod alowed for bad land — Laid out by William Torrey Survey'" James Sumner Chain man april 30'" 1777 Laid out for oliver Daniels 3 acres of land on the rights of Josiah Kilburn which he purchesed of Benj" Green and is Bounded Westerly 53 rods & half on his own land to a heap of Stones being the South westerly Corner & is Bounded Southerly on land Supposed to be Comon land 14 rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock being the South East Corner and is Bounded Easterly and northerly on his own land Laid out by William Torrey Survey*" James Sumner Chain man May 26'" 1778 Laid out for Samuel King two acres of land Joyning to his other land on the west Side of Rehoboth Road MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1067 and is Bounded Easterly on Said Road 40 rod Northerlyon his own Land Eight Rod westerly on his own land 40 rod Southerly on Cap* Levi aldrichs land 9 Rods — Laid out by William Torrey Survey"" James Sumner Chain man Sam" aldrich [U-t.] Xorthl>ridge april 28*»' 1778 Laid out for Asa Aldrich two acres & half of his farthers IP'' Division of land adjoyning to his other land Southwesterly of Elersons Bounded as followeth Begining at a heap of Stones at the Southeast Corner of land formerly laid out to Edmond Rawson then South 45 Deg" west 34 rod to a heap of Stones at David Derumples land then East 35 South 12 rod on Derumples land to a heap of Stones then 22 rod on land laid out to Eliphelet Wharfield to a heap of Stones at his other land then north 45 west 14 rod to the tirst mentioned Bounds — Laid out by Thaddees Read Survey'" Samuel aldrich Chain man — laid through mistake & laid down Xorthbridge april 28*'' 1778 Laid out for Samuel Aldrich Seven acres and 109 Rod of land Eleventh Division Begining at a heap of Stones at William Thomsons land the South west Corner Runing East 25 Deg""^ north 68 Rod to a heap of Stones at Samuel Fowllers land then South 4 rod to a heap of Stones on a high Rock then Runing South 42 Deg""^ west 25 Rod on Said fowlers land to a heap of Stones then South 8 East 30 Rod to a heap of Stones then west 33 Deg"^^ South 15 rod to a heap of Stones by a Black oak tree turning north 10 west 19 rod to a heap of Stones at a Corner of ]Macnamarows land from thence on S^ macnamarow land to the first mentioned Bounds Laid out by Thaddeus Read Survey'" Samuel Aldrich Chain man Northbridge april 28*'' 1778 Laid out for Samuel Aldrich one acre & 64 rods of land Laid on the west Side of the great River near nathaniel Coopers Bounded as followeth Begining at a heap of Stones by a Road the north Corner and a Corner of land formerly Sett off to John hill then South 15 Deg""^ west 16 Rod to a heap of Stones a Corner and a Corner of Said Coopers land 1068 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. then East Eight Deg'' South 28 rod to a heap of Stones a Corner & a Corner of land laid formerly to Daniel Lovett then with a Direct line to the first Bounds a three (\)rnered piece — Laid out by Thaddeus Read Survy'" Sam" aldrich Chain man June 20"' 1774 Laid out to Daniel Wheelock Seven acres and 138 rod of land (viz) five acres that was laid out formerly & Sence laid out over again through a mistak and 2 acres & 38 rod Ijought of Joshua wood now laid out to Said Wheelock Joyning to paul wheelocks land west from S'' paul Wheelocks house & Bounded westerly on land of Benj" Archer 38 Rod Bounded Southerly on paul Wheelocks land 30 Rod Bounded Easterly on paul Wheelocks land and is Bounded northerly on Said paul wheelocks land to Said Arches land 34 rod — Laid out l^y Thadeus Read Survey'' Benj" Wheelock & Sam" Read Committe I the. Subscriber for Uallu Reciued Order and Request the Pro- [145.] prietors Committy of the former Township of Mendon to Lay out Common land upon my Rites 198 Rod to Ephraim Kem- ton and make me Debtor for the Same upon the proprietors Records Uxbridge 16 January 1779 Benjamin Green Attest Samuel Read Thadeus Read Agreble to the Aboue Reques Laid out a piece of Common Land to Ephram Kempton 198 Rod Begining Att a heap of Stones at S'' Kimptons Land West 31 North 9f Rod Heap of Stones 6 Joseph Blakes land then West 3^ South 29^ Rod to a pine tree then East 25 South 6 Rod to a heap of stones then to the first Bounds Mentioned Uxbridge 16 January 1779 Thadeus Read s Survay"" Samuel Read Chain man the Aboue was Recorded T, o i:. ? A Commity By Samuel Read V -^ MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1069 Laid out for Aljncr Rawson Eight Acres & one hundred thirty four Rod Eleuenth Diuision of Land Adjoining his other land in Uxbridge on Rights formerly Ezekiel Woods Bounded as follow- eth Begining att the South easterly part of his other Land att the Road Iveading from Sanuiel Whites to Douglass Bounding on S" Road three Rods to a Stake then Runing Xorth 27 Deg* East 67 Rod to a heap of Stones Then North 9 Deg' East 108 Rod to a Black Oak tree the North East Corner of his other Land then South 16 Degi-^ West 175 Rod to the first Mentioned Bounds Laid out June 10 1779 t. -o > o Ihaddeus Read i Suruey'' Samuel Read Abner Rawson Chain Men [146.] Stphen Cook Samuel Aldrich Jun"" Mendon November 15"' 1788 Laid out for Stphen Cook upon the Rights of Nicholas Cook out of the Propretors Commons in the former township of mendon agreeably to Certificate under the hand of William Torrey Proprietors Clark Datted October 14"' 1778 thirteen acres of Land bounded as follows fviz) Beofinino- at a Pine tree mark'' on the East & Southerly Sides being the Southwest Corner of a Nine acre piece of Comon Land Survayed for Cap* Levi Aldrich lying at the South West part of S^ Aldrichs farm thence Runing South 82° 45 East forty Seven rod to a heep of Stones being the Southeast Corner of S*^ Nine acres & Bounded North by S** piece of land thence South 21° 30 East thirty Rods to a White oak tree marked on the Northerly & Westerly Sides as a Corner and Bounded Easterly by Common land thence South 85° west Eighty five rods to a heepe of Stones being (as it is Said) the Northeast Corner of land formerly laid out by Samuel Cook Bounded Sutherly by Common land thence North 33°-30 East fifty rods to the first mentioned Bounds and is Bounded westerly by Common land (as it is Said) the Whole Containing thirteen acres and one hundred & thirty five rods having alowed one hundred & thirty five rods for bad land — Laid out by Andrew Peters Survevor Seth Taft Chain man 1070 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Northbridge feburary y^ 3*^ 1789 Laid out for Samuel Aldrich Jun'' on Rites of Edrnon and Nathan Rawson Little North of his House viz Begining at a Rode Ledes to John Aldrichs thence Runing Notherly by a Rode 46 Rod to heep of Stones by Park Land thence West by S^ Park Land 20 Rod to Samuel Aldrich Land then Easterly by S"* Aldrich Land to the first Bounds men- tioned 46 rod a three Corner peace Containing two acres 140 rod 140 rod alowed for Bad Land Laid out by Samuel Aldrich Survaer Abner Rawson > .„ . ( Cnainmen Gerdener Aldrich 5 Benj Green [147.] November 17'" 1788 Surveyed and Laid out for Ben- jamin Green Twenty Nine acres of the Common and undivided Lands belonging to the proprietors of the former township of Mendon Laid out on his own Rights Said Land lieth in mcndon Eastwardly of Walter Cooks Land Bounded Begining the South- easterly Corner at a heep of Stones being a Corner of Robert Aldrichs Land then Runing west 25 Deg''' North twenty Rods to a Heap of Stones Bounding Notherly on Land this day Surveyd to Ichubod Cook then North 25 E Nine Rods then North 10 degs East Eleven Rods to a pine marked then North 27 East ten Rods to pine marked at Stphen Cooks Land and all bounded Easterly on Ichabod Cooks Land then Runing west 5 deg' South Seventy Eight to a heap of Stones at Stphen Cooks Corner Bounded Notherly on Stphen Cooks Land then Runing South 20 Degs East on hundred and three Rods to Robert Aldrichs Esq'' Land and is Bounding Westerly Either on Common or Walter Cooks Land then Runing North thirty Seven Degrees East Eighty four rods to the first Bounds bounding Southeasterly on S'^ Aldrichs Land it being a brooken piece of Land we have allowed five acres out of the twenty nine for bad Land laid out James Sumner Survey'' ^ ^ ) Chain Seth Taft > 5 men [148.] November 27'" 1752 Laid out for John Corbit 58 acers of land (viz) 29 acres & half of William Spragues 8"' 9'" & 10'" MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1071 Division and 7 acres of S'' Spragucs Eleventh Division and 4 acers of Ebenezer Chapen 11"' Division and 14 acres and half of Corneolus Thayers 10*'' & 11*" Division Laid on the East Side the mill River Begining at a heap of Stones being the Xorwest Corner of Daniel Cooks land being the northeast Corner and is Bounded north on Land of Aaron Thayer 22 Rods to a heap of Stones being S^ Thayers South west Corner thence Runing West 8 Degres north on Common 78 Rods to a heap of Stones by Cap* Daniels wall being the norwest Corner then South f) Degrs. west 137 Rod to a heap of Stones Being the Southwest Corner (and is Bounded west on Said Danielses Land thence East 8 Degrs South on Common 20 Rods to a Black oak tree markt being the Northwest Corner of Land belonging to the heirs of Thompson Decesd then Runing East 8 Deg^ North and bound- ing South on S*^ Thompsons Land 80 rod to Land belonging to the heirs of Jonethan Thayer Dec*^ then Runing North 8 Degrs East and Bounding on S'^ Thayers Land 80 rod to Leit Ebenezer Thayers Land to a heap of Stons being a Corner thence Runing west 8 Deg'^' North on Sd Ebenezer Thayers land 16 Rod to a heap of Stones being S'' Thayers South west Corner thence North 8 Deg"^ East 32 rod by S*^ Ebenezar Thayers Lalnd to a heap of Stones being Said Thayers Norwest Corner thence 8 degrs South by S*^ Thayers l^and 10 rod to a heep of Stones being the South west Corner of Daniel Cooks land thence runing North 8 Deg'"" East 28 rod to the first mentioned Bounds, and bounding East on S^ Cooks land the whole Containing 86 acres 28 acres allowed for Bad Land Laid out by W'" Torrey Surver Robert Taft Chain man this Return Recorded November 27 1788 [149.] November 24 1788 Survayed and Laid out to Ichabod Pickring twenty acres of the Comon Land belonging to the pro- prietors of the former township of Mendon on the Rights of Benj : Green Laid adjoing to S^ Pickerings other Land Bounding East- erly on his own Land Eighty three Rods to a heap of Stones on a Larg Rock then Runing west 20 Deg""^ South Sixty one rods to the Southeasterly Corner of Danielses wall bounded Northerly on Land this day laid out to S*^ Green then Runing South 35 degs 1072 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. E Seventy two Rods to a heap of Stones on a Rock by a popler tree being a South westerly Corner adjoining Cap* Levi Aldrichs Land bounding westerly on Common Land thence Runing East full point thirty Seven Rods to a heep of Stones on the first line bounding South on S'' Aldrichs Land the whole Containing twenty one acers and a half one acree and half alowed for bad Land N : B : S'^ pickoring having purchesed the S'' twenty acres of the Said Benj. Green as by his Rausct here with Recorded — Laid out by James Sumner Survayor Seth Taft Chain man Mendon November 24"' 1788 Then Rec*^ : of Ichabod Pickring Nine pound in full for twenty acres of Land to he this Day Laid out in the Conmion and undi- vided Land belonging to the proprietors of the former township of Mendon 1 say Rec"^ by me Seth Taft Benj : Green James Sumner [150.] November 24 1788 Survaid and Laid out to Benjamin Green (on his own rights) Seventeen acres of the Comon and undivided Land belonging to the proprietors of th || former town- ship of Mendon adjoining Jchabod Pickrings Land Bounded begining at the Southeasterly Corner at a heep of Stones on a Larg Rock then Runing North 14 Deg" west Seventy three Rods to a heep of Stones on a roc || Bounding Easterly on S*^ pickrings Land then Running wcs || 14 Drs South Ninteen rods to a heepe of Stones by Danielses wall Bounding Notherly on Land Soposed to be Sd Daniel || || then Runing South a bout 30 dgs west bounding on Sd wall Ninty rods to the Corner of S'' wall then Runing Eas II 20 dg*"* North Sixty one Rods to the first Bounds Bounding Southerly on Land this Day Laid out to Ichabod Pickring the whole Containing Eighteen acres and a half one acre and a half allowed for bad Land Laid out by James Sutmner Survayor Seth Taft Chain man MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1073 Mendoii November 17"^ 1788 Then Rec*^ of Levi Aldric || Four pound one Shiling in full for Nine acres of Land to be Laid out in tlie Common and undcvided land Belonging to the Proprietors of the former Township of niendon I say Rec'' : by me Atest Ben.ia Pickering Jun"^ Benj"" Green Mendon November 17'" 1788 Survaid and Laid out to Cap' Levi Aldrich Nine acres of the Common and Lands belonging to the propriety of the former township of Mendon Laid out on the Rights of Lie' Benja Green as by his Reseipt above written ai)i)crs S'' Land Lyeth on the westerly Sid of millriver adjoining Said aldrichs other land Bounding at the Southeasterly Corner at a Heap of Stons at a ditch then Runing South 15 deg' west Sixteen Rods to a heap of Stones Bounding Easterly on Land this Day Survaid to Ichabod Cook then runing west 7| deg''" North forty Seven Rods to a pine tree marked bounding South- erly on land Survaid to Stphen Cook then Runing north 5 deg''** East Seventy five rods to a maple stump at the River by a Dam bounding Westerly on Common Land then Bounding Easterly on his other Land Seventy Eight Rods to the first Bounds the whole Containing thirteen acres and 120 rods as it is partly Brooken Land we have allowed four acres and 120 rods for bad Land Laid out by Jams Sumner Survaer Seth Taft Chain man [151.] November 17"' 178S Surve^'cd and I^aid out to Jcha- bod Cook five acres and a half of the common and undivided land l)el()nging to the propriety of former Township of Mendon laid on the rights of Liut. Benjamin Green Said Cook having purchased Said rights of Said Green as appears by his recpt. her- with recorded Said land laid out as afore Said lyeth in Mendon on the westerly Side of Milriver So called bounded begining at a heap of Stones being the South east Corner of a piece of Land this day Surveyed to Cap' Levi Aldrich then runing North 14 Degrees E. Sixteen rods to a heap of Stones at his own land bounded on the land of the Said Levi Aldrich this day Survey'' then runing Southerly and bounded Easterly with a varius Line 1074 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. on a ditch Eighty Nine Rods to a Stake and Stones at Robert aldrichs land then runing west 25 Degrees North twenty rods to a heap of Stones bounding Southerly on land this day laid out to Benjamin Green thence North 35 Degrees East Nine rods then North 10 East Elev" rods to a pine marked thence North 27 East ten rods to a pine marked bounding on Said Greens Land then East 5 Degrees North Seven rods to a white oak marked being a corner of land lately Surveyed to Stephen Cook then North 21^ Dg west Thirty rods to the first Bounds bounding on Said Cooks land we have allowed half an acre of the five and a half for bad land Laid out by James Sumner Surveyor Seth Taft Chain man Mendon May IS''^ 1789 Recorded by me Benjamin Read Proprietors Clerk Mendon November 17*'' 1788 then Received of Jchabod Cook two pounds five Shillings it being in full for five acres of Land to be laid out in the Common and undivided Lands belonging to the propriety of the former Town ship of Mendon I Say received by me Test James Sumner Benjamin Green Seth Taft Mendon May 13*'' 1789 Recorded by me Benjamin Read pr ters Clerk [152.] Mendon Deceni])er 5'" 1788 Surveyed and laid ou|| to Liut Benjamin Green Eight acres of the Common and undivided Land belonging to the former Township of Mendon (on his own rights) lying in mendon butted and bounded as foloweth begin- ing at a pine tree marked and Stones at the root being the South East Corner of Benjamin Pickerings land then runing west 15^ D.g. North fifty two rods to a heap of Stones being the north- west Corner bounding northerly on Said Pickerings land then runing South 10 D.g. East Six and a half rods to Stones near a poplar Stand at Anthony Chases northeast Corner then South 7 D.g. west forty six rods to a heap of Stones then South 2 D.g. East five and a half rods to a Stone heap being Robert Aldrich MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1075 Esq' land northwesterly Corner, bounded westerly on Said Chases land then riming East 15 D.g. North 3(i| rod to a Stake and Stones being Said Aldrichs North Easterly Corner bounding Southerly on Said Aldrichs Land then ru||ing north 30 D.g. East Thirty Eight rods to the first bound bounding Easterly on Land Supposed to be Walter Cooks there being one acre (as it is Said) Incompased within the bounds formerly laid out to Walter Cook the whole Containing Eleven acres and one Hundred rods two acres and one Hundred rods alow*^ for bad land Laid out by James Sumner Surveyor Seth Taft Chain man Mendon May 18"^ 1789 Eec'^ & Recorded by me Benjamin Read Proprietors Cler|| September 15*'' 1786 Surveyed and Laid out to Nathaniel Adams on the rights of Dexter Wood in the Common and Undi- vided Lands belonging to the proprietors of the former Township of Mendon Seven Acres of Land Lying in Northbridge at a place called Burnt Swamp adjoining to his othe|| land bounded as foloweth begining at the Northeaste||ly Corner at a white pine Stand marked then runing South Eight Degrees west tift}^ Seven rods boundi|||| Easterly on land of Nath" Cooper to a Spruce tree marked being the South Easterly Corner then runing west 8 D.g. North Thirty rod to a Small white Birch marked with Stones at at the root bounding Southerly on George Slocoml)S land then bounding westerly on his own land fifty Seven rods to James Adams Jur. Land then Runing East Eight D.g. South Thirty rods to the first bounds bounding Northerly on the Said James Adams Jur land the whole Containing about Ten acres it being a poor piece of land three acres alow'' for bad land Laid out by James Sunmer Surveyor Sam" Aldrich & Nath' Cooper .lun-- ware the Chain men [153.] Worcester Ss Nov'' 14"' 1788 Ensign Seth Taft Made Solem Oath that as Chain man for the Proprietors of the Town 1076 PROPRIETORS^ RECORDS. ship of Mendon he would act faith fully and Impartial}^ according to his best Skill and Judgement before Andrew Peters Justice peace Recorded Benjamin Read proprietors Clerk Northbridge January 15"' 1790 then Laid out for Jacob Ellison three acres and one Hundred and forty Seven rods of land, a little west of the widow Ellisons House begingin at a heap of Stones the north Corner then South twenty five Degrees East Thirty Eight rods to John Springs land then runing Southerly by S*^ Springs land Sixteen rods to the widow Ellisons land, then north twelve Degrees west Thirty two rods to a heap of Stones, then west Eight South twenty three rods to Jsrael Tafts land then north three Degrees west four rods ; thence a direct line to the first bounds — Sixty Seven rods alow*^ for bad land — laid out by Samuel Aldrich Surveyor Abner Rawson & Jacob Ellison Chain men laid on the rights of Dexter Wood Rec^' & recorded March 30"' 1790 Benjamin Read Proprie-Clerk May — 1783 laid out to Samuel Aldrich on Dexter Woods rites of Common land four acres and 50 rods lying a little East- erly from Jacob Hills begining at a pine tree the north westerly corner of Jsaac Aldrichs land then East 37 D.g. north 30 rods bounding on Said Jsaac Aldrichs land to a white Oak Stand marked then north 15 D.g. west 44 rods on Buttlers land to a heap of Stones then four rods to Said Samuel Aldrich corner then bounded westerly on Said Aldrich land to the first Bounds one acre alow*^ for bad land. Laid out by Thaddeus Read Sur- veyor by the assistance of Samuel Read and Sam' Aldrich Chain men — Rec^' & recorded April 12"' 1790 Pr Benjamin Read proprietors Clerk Mendon April 29*" 1790 Laid out for Nathaniel Taft Sixty Scjuare rods of Land upon the rights of Benjamin Reads Tenth Division lying on the westerly Side of Wigwam Hill (so Called) bounded as foloweth (viz) begining at a heap of Stones being MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1077 the South west Corner of the Said Nathaniel Tafts wood land thence runing South 83^^ D.g. East Sixteen rods to a heap of Stones & is bounded northerly by Said Nathaniels land, thence South 2^ East three rods and | parts of a rod to a heap of Stones on a rock and is bounded Easterly by the Said Nathaniels land thence north S3^ west about Sixteen rods to a heap of Stones and is bounded Southerly by land tha |1 day laid out to Benjamin Read thence about north thre || rods and | parts of a rod to the first mentioned l)ounds, and is l)ounded westerly ])y land of Daniel Taft — laid out by Andrew Peters Survey || || and Seth Taft (liain man Rec'^ & recorded April 30*" 1790 Benjamin Read Proprietors Cler || [154.] iMendon April 29'" 1790 Laid out for Benjamin Read Esq"' upon his Tenth Division three acres and Seventy rods of land Situate on the westerly part of Wigwam hill (So called) bounded as folowith (viz) begining at a heap of Stones being the South west Corner of a piece of land this day laid out to Na- thaniel Taft a II II northwest corner of the premises, thence South 83^ East about 16 rods to a heap of Stones on a rock and is bou||ded northerly by land laid out to Said Nath'. as aforesaid thence South 2^ East Eight rods to a heap of Stones o|| a rock thence South 6° East twenty three rods to a Black Oak Stump thence South 3° East thirty Eight rods to a Stake & heap of Stones and is bounded East on the three last lines on the Said Reads other land thence north about 15° west Seventy Seven rods & a half to the first mentioned bounds and is bounded westerly part by land belonging to the heir of Levi Hall Deceas'^ })art by Said Reads other land and part by Daniel Tafts land — Thirty rods allowed for bad land laid out by Andrew Peters Surveyor and Seth Taft Chain man Recorded April 30"^ 1790 Benjamin Read Proprietor Clerke AVorcester Ss may 7'" 1790 Ebenezer Read being chosen as a Chain man for the propriety of the former Town Ship of mendon ]078 rROPllIETORS' RECORDS. made Solemn Oath that in performing the duty of Said office he will act Faithfuly and impartialy according to his best Skill and Judgment — before Andrew Peters Justice peace May 7*'' 1790 Rec'' and recorded by Benjamin Read Prop' Clerk [155.] Mendon May 7'" 1790 Laid out for Arthur Cook on the rights of Benjamin Read Esq^ Tenth & Eleventh Division fourteen acres of Land Situate in Mendon near Candle wood Hill So called, Butted and l)ounded as folows (viz) begining at a heap of Stones a little to the westward of Said Hill being a corner of Doctor Corbets land and upon the north line of land belonging to Samuel Thayer, then runing north five East Thii-ty Eight rods to a heap of Stones and is bounded Easterly b}'' S'' Corbetts land, then west 21° North Sixty eight rods to a heap of Stones by Jonathan Pickerings land and is bounded northerly by Common land thence South 40" west thirty two rods to a heap of Stones by Ichabod Cooks land, and is bounded northwesterly by S*^ Jon"' land thence East 20" North to a heap of Stones about fifty four rods being the northeast Corner of Said Ichabod Cooks land and is bounded Southerly })y Said Ichabod, thence South 16" west thirty nine rods to a heap of Stones being the north west corner of Said Thayers land and is bounded westerly by Said Ichabods land thence 22" North forty nine rods to the first mentioned bounds and if bounded Southerly by Said Thayers land, the whole containing twenty acres, Six acres allowed forbad land — laid out by Andrew Peters Survayor Seth Taft Chain man May 7'" 1790 rec'' & recorded Benjamin Read Prop' Clark Mendon May 19"\ 1790 Laid out for Phinehas Aldrich Eighteen Acres of the Connuon and undivided land in Mendon (viz) four- teen acres & ninty Six rods on the rights of Benjamin Green and four acres on the rights of Seth Taft Situate on the west side of the Millriver So called butted and bounded as foloweth (viz) begining at a pine tree marked being the South west Corner of a piece of pine woodland belonging to Cap* Levi Aldrich thence MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1079 riming north 5" East Seventy five rods to a dam in Said river and is bounded Easterly by the Said Levi Aldrichs land thence north S2" west forty five rods to a pine tree marked by Sam'. Kings land and is bounded northerly by Said Phinehas Aldrich land thence South 34" west twenty rods to a heap of Stones in the top of an old tree lying on the ground and is bounded west- erly by Edw*". Pickerings land thence South 13" west thirty four rods to a heap of Stones thence South Gl" East thirty rods to a })ine tree an || heap of Stones thence about South fifty seven rods to a heap of Stones and is bounded westerly & Southerly on the three last mentioned Courses by land of Walter Cook as he the Said Cook Saith then north 33"^ East fifty rods to the first mentioned bounds and is bounded Southerly by Stephen Cooks land, the whole containing twenty five acres & a half having incompasscd two acres and half of land belonging to Sam'. Pickering l)ecause we could not ascertain the Easterly bounds of the S'' Saml Pick- erings land and we have allowed on account of it being aBrooken piece four acres & Sixty four rods for bad land laid out by Andrew Peters Surveyor [156.] Seth Taft Chain man May 16''' 1790 Rec'^ and Record Benjamin Read Prop' Clerk May 22: 1789 Rec'' of Phinehas Aldrich Seven pounds Ten Shillings in full for fourteen acres & ninety Six rods of the Com- mon and undivided land (to be laid out) in the proprietors Com- mon in the former township of mendon I say receiv"* by me Test Andrew Peters Benjamin Green a true Copy attest Benjamin Read Prop* Clerk Mendon May 10'" 1790 Laid out for Seth Taft in the Common and undivided lands in the former Township of Mendon Eight acres and an half of Land Situate in the Southeast part of Said mendon, bounded as foloweth (viz) begining at a heap, of Stones and pine knot Stake by Seth Killeys land thence runing north 57^ East twenty rods to a heap of Stones being South westerly Corner of Jchabod Cooks land and is bounded northerly by Said Killey |1 land thence South 61" East thirty five rods to a heap of 1080 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Stones being Northwest corner of Sam' Thayers land and is bounded northerly by S^ Cooks land thence South about 12° East forty two rods to a heap of Stones by a ledge of Rock || being Sam' Kings Corner (as it is Said) and is bounded East \\ \\ ly by Said Thayers land, thence with a direct line about Sixty nine rods to the first mentioned bound || the whole containing Eight acres & one Hundred & thirteen rods, thirty three rods alow'' for bad land laid out by Andrew Peters Surveyor Eben'' Read Chain man June 29'" 1 790 Rec'^ & recorded Benjamin Read prop' Clerke Worcester Ss May 18"' 1792 personally appeared Abner Raw- son and was Sworn to the faithfull discharge of the office of Chainman for Said propriety before Benjamin Read Justice peace [157.] Northbridge April 6"' 1793 Laid out to Jacob Ellison Eight acres of land which the Said Jacob purchased of Dexter Wood, Near his house bounded as foloweth begining at a heap of Stones a little South of his house then East thirty five Degrees North twenty one rods to a heap of Stones, then North 35° west thirty Seven rods to an old pine Stump and Stones, then East full point thirty Eight rods to a heap of Stones, then East Thirty five degrees South thirty two rod to a heap of Stones bounded South on Land formerly John Ellisons, Laid out by Sam'. Aldrich Surveyor and Abner Rawson Chain man with the assistance of Jacob Ellison [158.] Mendon June 29"> 1790 Laid out for Ens" Seth Taft and Benjamin Read nineteen acres and one Hundred fifty two rods of land Situate on the East Side of Rchoboth road and Southeast from Seth Killeys mil pond viz* Eight acres for the Said Taft upon his own rights in the Tenth & Eleventh Divisions and eleven acres and one Hundred & fifty two rods to the Said Benja- min Read upon the rights of Eben' Read Sett off to him out of the Estate of Samuel Torrey late of Milford Dec"* butted and bounded as folows viz* begining at a wallnut Stump at the South point of a ledge of rocks being the northeast Corner of Sam- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1081 iiel Kings land (as it is Said) thence runing north 87^" west about one Hundred and twelve rods to a pitch pine tree marked and heap of Stones being the Southeast corner of land belonging to the heirs of Joseph Tiiayer Dec'^ thence north 25" west Eight- een rods to a heap of Stones and bounded west by Said Thayers land thence North 67" East about Seventy rods to a heap of Stones with a pine knot therein and bounded Northerly l)y Seth Killeys land thence South 48" East aliout Seventy two rods to a Stump at the North end of the afore Said ledge of rocks and is bounded Northwesterly by land of Arthur Cook thence with a direct line one rod & | of a rod to the first mentioned l)Ounds the whole containing nineteen acres one Hundred & tifty two rods this peic lost by Taft and Read Andrew Peters Surveyor Eben*". Read Chain man July 19"' 1790 Rec*^ & recorded Benjamin Read Prop* Clark Mendon June 29"' 1790 Laid out for Cap* Levi Aldrich upon the rights of Eben"" Read Set of to Said Read out of the Estate of Sam' Torrey Late of Milford Dece'' Ten acres of land Situated in the North weast of Candle wood Hill So (called) butted and bounded as follows (viz) begining at a heap of Stones by Docf fJohn Corbetts land thence runing North 5" East about twenty seven rods to Said Aldrich Other land and bounded East by Said Corbets land thence west 8" North Thirteen rods to a heap of Stones and bounded North by Said Aldrich Land thence North one D.g. west thirty one rods to a heap of Stones on a rock and is bounded East by Said Aldrichs land, thence North 86" wes twenty two rods to a heap of Stones by Jonathan Pickerings land and bounded north on Common thence South about 40" west about forty five rods to a heap of Stones and bounded Northwest- erly by Said Pickerings land, thence [159.] with a direct line to the first mentioned bounds and is bounded Southerly by land lately laid out to Arthur Cook the whole Containing thirteen acres and One Hundred and twenty Eight rods three acres and one Hundred and twenty Eight rods allowed for bad land — laid out by Andrew Peters Surveyor Seth Taft Chain man 1082 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. October 5"'. 171*0 Rcc** & recorded attest Benjamin Read Pro- prietors Clark Northbridge June 10"' 171)0 Laid out for Abner Rawson twenty nine acres of Land near Thomas Websters bounded as foloweth begin at a pine tree marked then North full point by Websters land to a heap of Stones Sixty five rod then west Ten Degrees North fifty three rods to a heap of Stones at land formerly laid out to Es(i'" Taft then South Seven Degrees west Eighty four rods to a heap of Stones then East nine Degrees South Thirty Eight rods to a heap of Stones then twenty four rods to the first Bounds Laid out on five acres of his own rights and fifteen acres of Joshua Woods rights and nine acres allow"^ for bad land — laid out by Samuel Aldrich Surveyor and A])ner Rawson & Lyman Aldrich Chain men Octr 5"> 1790 Rec'^ & recorded attest Benjamin Read Proprietors Clerk Mendon May 2*^ 1791 Laid out for Nath' Taft six acres and Seventy three rods of the Common land belonging to the proprie- tors of the former Township of mendon Situate on the Easterly Side of Wigwam Hill upon the rights belong to the Heirs of the Estate of Sam' Torrey late of Said mendon Dec'' which rights the Said Nathanael purchased of Eben'' Read, butted and bounded as follows (viz) begining at a heap of Stones on a Rock being the Northeast Corner of the premises and from thence runing South twenty Eight rods to a heap of Stones & is bounded East l^y land belonging to Robert & Caleb Aldrich and Arnold Paine thence South 71^° west thirty rods and an half to a heap of Stones l)eing a Corner of Said Nathanaels Other land and is bounded Southerly by land of the Said Robert Caleb & Arnold thence North about 2" west forty three rods to a heap of Stones and is bounded westerly by the Said Nathanaels land thence with a direct line Thirty rods to the first mentioned Bounds and is bounded North- erly by land of the Said Natli' laid out by Andrew Peters Surveyor Ebenezer Read Chain man MEN DON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1083 Nathan Tyler Jur [160.] Be it renicmbercd that whereas on the Eleventh day of March in the year of our lord Seventeen Hundred and Sixty one there was laid out to the Heirs of Samuel Read then late Deceased a certain part of Shockolog Swamp So called which came by Said Reads rights being a fifty one acre and an half right, which land laid out in said Swamp as aforesaid is bounded as follows. Begining at a Black Burch Stand marked being the South weast corner of the i)remises and the Southeast corner of William Torreys Swamp then runing North Sixteen Degrees west Thirty rods to a Ceader Stum[) being the northweast corner and bounded on Said Torreys land : then turning East Sixteen Degrees north by elanies Woods Swamp forty two rods by a line of marked trees to a maple tree marked being the northeast corner then turning South Sixteen Degrees East fifty two rods by a line of marked trees to a Cedar Stand marked being the Southeast corner then west Sixteen Degres South twenty four rods to the upland by a Cedar tree marked near the upland being the South weast Corner l)ounded Southerly on the upland to the first mentioned bounds — and whereas the Same piece of Swamp laid out to Said Heirs was some time Since Surveyed and divided among Said Heirs ; but neither the survey nor the Division thereof Recorded Therefore we the Subscribers in our Several Capacitys having Surveyed the Same and Discovered the former Survey and Division thereof do agree to make and Establish the Said Division in manner follow- ing to wit the right of John Spring Esq"", bounded as followeth l)e- gining at a Cedar tree marked l)y the land belonging to the Heirs of Peter Taft late Dec*^ from thence runing East Sixteen Degrees north twenty four rods and bounding on land belonging to the Heirs of Said Taft to a Hemlock tree marked then north Sixteen Degrees west ten rods to a Hemlock tree marked from thence a direct line to Stearns upland to a Cedar Stake from thence two rods to the first mentioned bounds — AVilliam Holbrooks right begining at a Cedar Stake near Said upland from thence on Said upland two rods to Springs Stake thence bounded on Said Springs right to his northeastwardly corner thence north Sixteen degrees west Seven rods to a tree marked from thence with a direct line 1084 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. to the first, The right belonging to the Heirs of Nathan Tyler & John Tyler late Dec'' begining at a Cedar Stake at the upland from thence two rods to Holbrooks Stake from thence runing by and bounding on Said Holbrooks rights to the northeastwardly Corner from thence North Sixteen Degrees west Ten rods and one Quarter to a Cedar tree m.arked from thence by a direct line to the first mentioned bounds — Daniel Reads right begining at [161.] a large Rock thence to T3ders Stake from thence northeast- werdly bounding on Said Tylers land to the northeast Corner from thence noth Sixteen Degrees west Eleven rods to a Hem- lock tree marked from thence with a direct line to the first bounds — Thomas Reads right who is late Decs'' begining two rods west- erly from Daniel Reads Rock on Said upland from thence two rods on Said upland to Said Rock from thence bounding on Daniel Reads land to his Northeastwardly corner from thence North Sixteen Degrees west Ten rods to a tree marked from thence by a direct line to the first bounds mentioned — The right of Samuel Read late Deceased begining at a burch tree marked at Aldrichs corner from thence on the upland to Thomas Reads land from thence by Thomas Reads to his Northeastwardly corner from thence north Sixteen Degrees west to a maple tree marked from thence west Sixteen Degrees South forty two rods on James AYoods Swamp from thence South Sixteen Degrees East Thirty rods on Aldrich^ land to the bounds first mentioned Jn testimoney whereof we hereunto Set our hands in our Several Capacity s this fourteenth day of February in the year of our Lord Seventeen hundred & Eighty nine Signed John Spring in his own right Nathan Tyler Executor of the las will and Testament of Nathan Tyler Decs^ John Tyler Adm*'' on the Estate of John Tyler late of Mendon Gentleman Decs'' Daniel Read in his own right Martha Read Administrator on the Estate of Thomas Read Thaddeus Read holding by purchase the riohts of Samuel Read & William Holbrook MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1085 [162.J Mendou July 1)'" 17i)0 Laid out for Ebcnczcr Read upon his own rights Sot ott" to him out of the Estate of Samuel Torrey hitc of Milford Decs'' Thirteen acres of hind Situate at the Southerly part of David Daniels Farm butted and bounded as folows (vi//) begining at a heap of Stones on a ledge of Rocks being the South west corner of Ichal)od Pickerings land thence runing north 38^" west about Seventy two Rod the South east corner of Said Daniels Stone wall and is l)Ounded nortlieasterly by Said Jchabod Pickering || land thence north (57^" west Seventy two rods to a heap of Stones by George Smiths land and is bounded Xortherly by Said Daniels land thence South 25" west fifteen rods and a half to a hea[) of Stones being a northwesterly corner of Jonathan Pickerings land 6i is bounded westerly by Said Smiths land, then South 58° East about Sixty Six rods to a heap of Stones by a large walnut tree and is bounded South west- er by Said Jonathan Pickerings land thence South 48J" East about forty nine rods to a heap of Stones and is bounded South- westerly by Said flonathan Pickerings land thence to the Hrst l)ounds mentioned being twenty Seven rods & is bounded South by land of Capt. Levi Aldrichs the whole containing Eighteen Acres and fifty Seven rods three acres and one Hundred and thirty Seven rods alowed for Ijad land ; and because the bounds could not be fully assertained we have Included one Acre and a half of land belonging to Said Daniels lying near the Southeast corner of his Said Stone wall (as it is Said) laid out by Andrew Peters Surveyor Seth Taft Chain man May 2P' 1792 Laid out for Benjamin Read Esii"^ 33 acres and 121 rods of Land he purchased of Eben'' Read & Nathan Tyler Said land lying on the west Side of Zacras pond l)Ounded as foloweth begining at a heap of Stones on Tafts line being the Southwest corner thence runing East Ten Degrees South fifty three* rods on w^ebsters land to a heap of Stones then South full point 1 1 rods to a heap of Stones on a rock, then East twenty three Degrees North fifty rods to a heap of Stones near Said pond then North Sixteen Degrees East Thirty Eight rods to a heap of 1086 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Stones on a Side hill bounded Easterly on said Websters land then west Eight Degrees North forty Six rods to a heap of Stones on a rock ; it being Tylers Southwest corner then North Thirty three Degrees west forty Eight rods to a heap of Stones on the [163.] Town line then on the Town line twenty four rods to Said Tafts land (formerly) then South Eight Degrees west Eighty Six rods to the first bounds and is bounded west on Said Tafts land, with alowance of Six acres 121 rods for bad land Laid Out by With the assistance of Samuel Aldrich Surveyor Jacob Taft Abner Rawson Chain man This piece of land is laid out Sam"-. Aldrich Surveyor by Simeon Wood and lost by Said Read Abner Rawson Chainman Northbridge June 4**^ 1792 Laid out for Abner Rawson fifteen acres 150 rods on rights he purchased of Ezekiel Wood and Six acres of his own and is bounded as foloweth begining at a heap of Stones near a pine tree the Southwest corner thence north 34 d. g. E. 60 rods to a heap of Stones on a rock bounded East on land laid out to Nathan Park then E. 34 D. S. 20 rods to a heap of Stones : N : 3*^. W, 16 rod to a heap of Stones on a rock then w. 9". N. 38 to Tafts S. E. corner then west 7^ N fifty rods then a direct line Seventy Six rods to the first Bounds One acre & 150 rods alowed for bad land — laid out by Samuel Aldrich Sur- veyor & Eben'' Read Chain man with the assistance of Thomas Webster Samuel Aldrich Surveyor Eben'' Read Chainman Mendon May 30"' 1792 Laid out of the connnon and undivided land belonging to the Proprietors of the former Township of Mendon aforesaid for Simeon Wood Thirty three acres and an half of Land upon his the said Simeons Rights which he appears to be intitled to as derived from his father Solomon wood Esq Deceasd agreable to a Certificate produced Bounded as follow II II II begining at a heap of Stones l)y Thomas Welxsters land in Upton thence runing north 4" East nine rods & four fifth parts MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1087 t)f a rod to a heap of Stones thence west 9" North fifty five rods to a heap of Stones and is bounded west and South on the two last lines by Land of Webster then North T East Eighty five rods to a heap of Stones by the Old Town line and is bounded westerly by land formerly Surveyed and laid out to Daniel Taft Esq'- as it is [164.] Said thence East 10" South twenty four rods to a heap of Stones and is l)0unded Northerly by the North line of the former Townshi)) of Mendon thence South forty Eight rods to a heap of Stones near a deed pine tree thence East 10" South twenty five rods to a markt tree and heap of Stones by Thomas Websters land and is bounded Northerly on the two last lines by land of Nathan Tyler thence Southerly forty two rod to a heap of Stones and is bounded Easterly by said Websters land thence westerly forty Eight rods to the first mentioned bounds and is Bounded Southerly by land of Said Thomas Webster the whole containing Thirty Seven acres & fifty one rods three acres and one Hundred and Thirty one rods allowed for bad land Andrew Peters Surveyor Setii Taft Chainman Uxbridge January 25*" 1793. Laid out of the common and un- divided land belonging to the proprietors of the former Township of Mendon for Simeon "W^ood Seven Acres and Thirty two rods of land upon his the Said Simeons rights which he appears to he in- titled to as being derived from his father Solomon Wood Escf. Deceas*' agreable to a Certificate produceed : Bounded as folows begining at a Stump on the bank of the river below Skullrock bridge in Said Uxbridge at the north east corner of Jonathan Emersons land thence runing North 35° West Sixty four rods to a pitch pine tree formerly marked and is bounded Northwardly by Noah Tafts land thence South 10" West fifty one rods to Said Emersons land and is bounded westerly by Said Tafts land thence East about 2" South forty Six rods to the first mentioned Bounds and is bounded Southwardly by Said Emersons land : — it appears by a Certain copied paper Shewn to us that the above said Land was laid out to Solomon Wood Esq'' aforesaid on the Eighteenth of aj)ril 1780 but no record thereof can be found on the Said pro- 1088 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. prietors Book (as it is Said) therefore it is now resurvcyed as al)0ve in order to Secure Said land to the Said Simeon on his rights as aforesaid Andrew Peters Surveyor Setii Taft Chain man [165.] April 22*^ 1794 Laid out for Peter Penniman fifteen Acres and One Hundred and twenty rod of Land near Calebs Hill On the rights of Nathan Kawson heretofore mislaid Out and taken from him by Sutton Proprietors : begining at a liea}) of Stones being the Northwest corner of Said Pennimans other land then South 20" East forty five rods to a heap of Stones by the road leading to Dam Swamp bounding Easterly on Said Penni- mans land thence west 41" South 10 rods and a half to a heap of Stones by Said road thence west 30" South thirteen rods to a heap of Stones by his own land thence west full point 41 rod to a heap of Stones by the road leading from the widow Hannah Pen- nimans to Said Dam Swamp bound South on his own land thence North 43" West thirteen rods to a heap of Stones by Said Road thence North 10" West Seventeen rods to a heap of Stones by Said Road l)eing a corner of Seth Wheelocks land thence with a direct line to the first bounds bounding Northerly on Said Wheelocks land — Laid out by Sannicl Aldi'ich Surveyor Eben" Read Chain man Mendon April 2P* 1794 Laid out for Arthur Cook Eight Acres and a half on the rights of Eben' Read laid out near where Walter Cook lived begining at Arthur Cooks Northwest corner a heap of Stones then westerly Six rods to land of Walter Cook then South 6" Degrees west fifty three rods to a heap of Stones then South 13" P^ast One Hundred and Eight rods to a heap of Stones by Robert Aldrichs land bounded westerly on land Supposed to be Walter Cooks, bounded South on land of Robert Aldrichs : bounded East on his own land One Hundred and three rods bounded East fifty Seven rods on land Phineas Aldrich laid — three acres & a half allow" for bad land — Laid out by Samuel Aldrich Surveyor Eben" Read Chain man MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1089 [166.] December 25'" 1794 Laid out for Ensign Peletiah Dar- ling three acres of Land adjoining the South east corner of his other hind Southeasterly from his House hegining at a heap of Stones by a white Oak tree being the Southeast corner of his Home Farm and the Northeast corner of the peice Surveyed then west 38" South twenty three rods to a heap of Stones on a large rock at Jeremiah Battles land and bounded Northerly by his own land then South 39" East and l)()unded westerly by Said Battles land 28 rod to a heap of Stones by a Small black Oak tree then East 39" North and bounded Southerly on Oonmion twelve rods to a heap of Stones at Jacob Southwicks land being the Southeasterly corner the North 13i^ west about twenty nine rods to the first bounds the whole containing 3 acres & 27 rods 27 rod allowed for bad land Laid out by Benjamix Read Surveyor Setii Chapin Chain man Same day Laid out for Said Darling three acres and twenty rods more of Land Near his Son Peletiahs begining at a heap of Stones on the Easterly Side of the road leading by Said Pele- tiah^ then East 37" North and bounded Southerly by John Kimp- tons land 56 rods to a heap of Stones at eJames Albees land, then west 28" South and bounded Northerly Joseph Blakes land 2'2 & half rods to an Oak Stump then Avest 13" South by Said Blakes land 44 rods to the above Said Road then East 38" South Eight & a half rods to a Small pine tree, then South 45 East 15 rods to the tirst bounds it being a three cornered piece of Land Containing three acres & 50 rods 30 rods allowed for bad land Laid out by Benjamin Read Surveyor Seth Chapin Chain man Northbridge June 4"' 1792 Laid out to Abner Rawson Six acres and 135 rods of Land Near Thomas Websters bounded as folow- eth begining at a heap of Stones on a Side line of Land laid out to Nathan Park, the South 34" d. west '22 rods to a heap of Stones then South 8" w est Eight rods to a heap of Stones bounded South on common, then west 20 :" d. South Ten rods to a heap of Stones then North 20" west sixty six rod to a heap of 1090 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Stones near a pine tree, bonnded west on land Supposed to l)e laid out to Nathan Park then East 34". South fifty four rods to the first bounds mentioned North on Land hiid out to Al)ner Rawson. hiid out on the rights the Said Rawson ))ouijjht of Ezekiel AVood Laid out l)y Sam'. Aldrieh Surveyor Ehen" Read Chninnian [167.] Mendon June 11"'. 1798 Laid out for Cap* Joseph Cha})in fifty rods of Land lying in his other land in Uxbridge Laid on the rights Originaly Samuel Read of Mendon Deceased, bounded as foloweth l)egining at a heap of Stones a little South of the Brook runing out of Major Daniel Tafts Meadow, on a Small Hill thence South about 19" East and bounded westerly by Said Chapins other land twenty rods, then North about 35 d East, and bounded Easterly by Said Chapins other land he lately bought of the Town of Uxbridge about twenty rods to the North East corner of the premises, then west about 37" North to the first bounds five rods, it being a three cornered piece of land — Laid out l)y Benjamin Read Surveyor Seth Ciiapin Chain man Norlhbridge May — 1783 Laid out to Thomas Eddy Seventeen Acres of C-ommon land Incompassed with five acres and a half heretofore laid out to Jsaac Sanger with an allowance of five acres & 136 rods for bad land Said Survey containing twenty Eight Acres 119 rods and the aforesaid Seventeen acres is laid out on Samuel Aldrichs rights and bounding as foloweth begin- ing at a heap of Stons at land formerly Esqure Tafts thence Runing South Thirty five Degrees East Eighty rods bounding partly on Eddys & partly on Rawsons Land to a heap of Stones then East five dg' South fifty Seven rods to a heap of Stones, bounding on common land then North Eight Dgr* East fifty rods to a heap of Stones then west Eight Dgrs. North on Said Tafts Old Survey to the bounds first mentioned — Laid out I)y Thaddeus Read Surveyor Samuel Aldrich Chain man by the assistance of Sam'. Read Rec" & recorded Dec'" 2P^ 1801 MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1091 December 22" 1801 Laid out for eTsvael Taft two Acres and forty rods of Common land on the rights of Samuel Aldrich laid n(vir rattle snake rock (So called) in Northbridge begining at a heap of Stones being a Corner of Col. James Fletchers Adolphus Springs and Said Tafts land being the Southeasterly Corner of Said premises then East 42" North and bounded Southerly by Said Springs land [168.] 36 rods to a heap of Stones being the north- easterly corner and a Corner of Said Tafts land then North 47" west l)y Said Tafts land 10 rods to a heap of Stones being the northwesterly corner then west 42" South by Said fletchers land about 37 rods to a heap of Stones on the west Side of a large ledge of rocks being the South westerly corner then East 37" South l)y Said fletchers land to the first bounds the whole containing two acres & Sixty rods : 20 rods allowed for l)ad land laid out l)y Benjamin Kead Surveyor Sam' Aldrich Chainnian — recorded Deer. 2;V" ISOl April 20"' 1802 Laid out for Barnard Fowler Twelve acres of land on the rights of Benjamin Read formerly Samuel Reads and Sanmel Torreys laid adjoining Said Fowlers other land at and near Shining ro(MvS and is bounded westerly ))y said Fowlers land begining at a heap of Stons and Small Oaks ])eing the Northeast corner of his other land and the Southeast corner of John Fowlers land then South 35" East Twenty two rods to a heap of Stons, then South 21) rods to a Black oak tree at the Southeast end of Shining rocks lieing a corner of Dunns & Websters land and the Southwest of this ])iece thence East 20" North by Said Websters hind thirty four rods to a heap of Stons on the East Side of a flat rock being the Southeast corner, then west 32" North by Said Websters land 21" rods to a heap of Stones, then North 30 west by Said Websters land twenty nine & half rods to a heap of Stones thence North one dg East by Said Websters land twelve and half rods to a heap of Stones, thence North 29" East by Said Websters land nine rods to a heap of Stones, then west 34" N. by Said Websters land twenty rods to a heaj) of Stones being a cor- ner of land laid out to Abner rawson thence North 34" west by Said Rawsons land twenty throe rods to a heap of Stones being 1092 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the Northeast Corner, thence west about 38° South by John Fowlers hind about 34 rods to the first bounds, the whole con- taining fourteen acres & Nineteen rods two acres & Nineteen rods allow*' for bad land laid out by Benjamin Read Surveyor David Aldrich Chainnian [169.] April 20'". LS02 Laid out for Lyman Aldrich two acres & Thirteen rods of Land in Northl)ridi>e adjoinino; his other land Northeast of his House Bounded as foloweth begining at a pine tree with Stones by it being the Northeast corner then South 35 Degrees East Thirty Seven rods to a heap of Stons being the South east corner then west 10" South to another pine tree & Stones being the Southweast corner and is bounded Easterly and Southerly by land formerly laid out to Jsaac Aldrich and westerly by his own land it being a three Cornored piece of land laid for two acres on the rights of Deacon Josiah Adams laid out by Benjamin Read Surveyor Sam' Aldrich Chainman. April 20th 1802 Rec*^. of Lyman Aldrich One dollar & Twenty five Cents in full Compensation for the above Said two aero right and Do hereby Discharge him and his Heirs for the Same. Witness my hand Josiah Adams Test Ben.tamin Read Northbridge April 20"' 1802 Laid out for John Fowler Twelve acres of Land bounded westerly on his own land in Northbridge begining at a heap of Stones being Said Fowlers Southeast corner and the northeast corner of Barnard Fowlers old farm Hhen East about 38" North about Thirty four rods to a heap of Stons at land laid out to Abner Rawson being the Southeast corner then North 34" west by Said Rawsons land about fifty three rods to a heap of Stons being the Southweast corner of land laid out to Esquire Taft and a Southeast corner of land laid out To Thomas Eddy thence westerly and bounded Northerly by Said Eddys land about forty three rods to a heap of Stons at Said Fowlers other land being the northweast corner thence Southerly by his own land to the first bounds, about Seventy Eight rods. MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1093 [170.] five ticrcs and one Hundred two rods on the rights of Benjamin Read formerly Sanniel Torreys & Six acres and fifty Kiiiht rods on the rights of Xathaniel Tafts formerly P^hen'. Reads, the whole containing fourteen acres & Xineteen rods — Tvaid out by Benjamin Read Surveyor Samuel Aldkich Chainman Mendon August IS 1S()2 Rec''. of John Fowler by the hand of Lyman Aldrich Kight Dollars in full compensation for the above d(>scribed Six acres & fifty Eight rods of land to lay out as before recorded and do hereby convey the same to the Said Fowler Witness my hand Natiianaiol Taft Test Benjamin Read September 1(5"'. l.SOo Laid for John Eddy two acres of land being in Xorthbridge Xortheasterly from his Dwelling House begining at a Black oak Stump with Stones round it formerly called the Xortheast corner of Nathan Parks land then west 35" Xorth 66 rods to a heap of Stons being the X^orthwesterly corner then East 6^" South 29 rods to land laid out to Thomas Eddy being the northeasterly Corner then South 35" East by Said Eddys land al)()ut forty two and half rods to the first bounds the Avhole containing two acres 138 rods 138 rods allowed for bad land, laid out on the right Sold by Eben^ White to BcMijaniin Read by deed baring date the Ninth day of August 1803 Laid out by Benjamin Read Surveyor David Aldkich Chain man November 12"' 1804 Surveyed and laid out for Benjamin Read Esq"^ fourteen acres of land lying and being in Xorthbridge and is l»ounded as foloweth begining at a heap of Stons at a pine Stub being the Southeast corner being a bounds lying between Barnard Fowlers land and David & Benja. Websters land thence north 34" East 60 rods to a heap of Stons near a pine tree on a ledge of rocks then East 33"|^ South 23 rods to a hea}> of Stons by a Spring of water then X'orth 3" west 16 rods to Stons on a rock being the northeast corner then west 11 North 32 rds to a heap 1094 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. of Stons being the Southeast cornor of hind formerly hiid out to Daniel Taft Esq'' then west 6° South 42 rods to Stons being the northwest corner and is bounded Easterly Southerly & Northerly on the websters land then South 35" East and bounded westerly l)y John & Barnard Fowlers land about 70 rods to the first bounds laid out on the rights said Read purchased of Eben"" Read & Ebcn'" White laid out by Lyman Aldrich Surveyor & David Aldrich Chain man [171.] Bellingham April 13*" 1804 Col. Benjamin Read Sir this may Certify that I have consented and do request you to lay out to Abner Pond the Counnon land that he Shall Show you in the flaggy Swamp on my rights that I purchased of Abraham Jones — John Scaroiel a true Co})y attest Benjamin Read Proprietors Clerk Milford April 14"^ 1804 Surveyed and laid out for Abner Pond on the rights of Doctr John Scammel which he pui-chased of Abraham Jones Thirteen Acres and Thirty one rods of the Common land in Milford bounded North on Holiston line Easterly partly on the Said Ponds other land and partly on Nathan Bullards land Southerly on Aaron Ponds land westerly partly on land this day laid out to David Stearns and partly on said Stearns other land and partly on John Littlefields land to Holiston line aforesaid the whole containing fourteen acres, 140 rods one acre 109 rods alowed for bad land — it being what is Called flaggy Swamp laid out by Benjamin Read Survej^or Adams Chapin Chain man Milford April 14"> 1804 Benjamin Read Esq'" Surveyor of the Propriety of the former Township of Mcndon, lay out for David Stearns One Hundred and fifty Six rods of land on my rights and Charge the Same to my acct on the proprietys Book you will oblige your Humble Serv* Adam Hayward a true copy attest Benjamin Read Proprietors Clerk INIENDON, .MASSACHUSETTS. 1095 Milfonl A})ril 14^" 1,S04 Laid out for David Sleanis on the lights of Adam Hayward One Hundred and fifty Six rods of liind in the Swamp (called flaggy Swamp) begining at a Stake and Stons being a corner of Said Stearns other land and a corner of hind this day laid out to Abncr Pond and a corner of Aaron Ponds, thence Northerly and bounded Easterly by the Said Abner Ponds land aliout twenty Eight rods to a heap of Stons at Said Stearns other land being a North Corner thence Southerly and bounded westerly by Said Stearns other land to the Southwest corner of Said Swamj), then Easterly to the first l)ounds it ])eing a three cornered piece of land laid out by Benjamin Read Surveyor Adams Chapin Chainman [172.] Ai)ril o'' 1805 Laid out to Jsrael Aldrich one Hundred and fifty rods of common land purchased of Thaddeus Read and laid on the rights of William Holljrook one of the former pro- prietors of Mendon. Said land lyeth in the Southerly part of Uxbridge in two pieces first piece begining at a corner of Gershom Keiths land and a corner of Banj'' Handys land runing South 40" west twenty three rods Ten links bounding Avith Said Handys hmd to a heaj) of Stons on a rock, then East 36" South Eight rods to a hea}) of Stons, then north 23° East twenty three rods Ten links to the first bounds; the other bounded as foloweth begining at a corner of Keiths and a corner of Benj-' Aldrichs hind a heap of Stons runing North 14" East twenty rods and a half to a heap of Stons, then South Six rods and a half to a hea]) of Stones at Said Keiths land then west 5" South twenty rods to the first Bounds laid out by Thaddeus Read Surveyor Caleb Farnum Chainman Mendon .lune P' LSO") pr Benjamin Read Prop' Clerk May 31st 1805 Laid out for David Farnum three acres and ouv Hundred and forty rods of land lying and being in the westerly part of Uxl)ridge bounded as foloweth begining at an old Oak Stumi) being the Northeast corner, then west and bounded Northerly by Thomas B. Shoves land twenty three rods to Stons, 1096 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the northwest corner then South 0". E;ist tivc rods & a Quarter to 51 black oak tree, then South 19 East and bounded all the way westerly by Said Shoves land thirty two rods to Jsrael Harriss land then East 41'' North twenty rods to Stons being the South- easterly corner, thence twenty rods to the tirst bounds, laid out on the rights of Benjamin Read formerly Seth Taft^ one acre & forty rods alowed out of the above for bad land laid out ))y Benjann'n Read Surveyor Caleb Farnum Chainman Recorded June 1*' 1805 May oP^ 1805 Laid out for Mijamin Taft four acres & fifty four rods of Land lying and being in the South || || || ||part of Uxbridgc bounded as foloweth l)egining at a heap of Stons being the north- east corner and a corner of Cap* Calvin Tafts and Abner Tafts land, a black Oak tree being near Said Corner then South about 34" East forty rods to a heayt of Stons formerly called dammons corner and bounded Easterly by Said Calvin Tafts land, then west about 45° South about twenty Eight rods and bounded Southerly [173.] on land supposed to be common to a heap of Stones at the Northeast corner of land formerly owned by Caleb Taft (now Harriss) being the Southwest corner then North about 30" west about thirty four rods to a heap of Stons on a rock at David Farnums land, formerly Ezekiel Woods land and bounded westerly on land formerly called Benjamin Tafts then North about 19° East about Eleven and | rods to the first bounds Northerly by Said Farnums land laid out on the rights of Benjamin Read — by Benjamin Read Surveyor Caleb Farnum Chainman November 18'" 1805 Laid out for Seth Thayer Thirteen rods of land adjoining his other land in Milford on the west Side of the road leading by the greate medow begining at a Stake & Stones by Said Road being the North east corner of said piece of land then west 13° South about two rods and a Quarter to Stake & Stons being the Northwest corner then South about 211^° East by Said Thayers land Ten rods to the above Said road, then north MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1097 ;il)()ut o") East Eleven rods by and with Said road to tlie first lK)imd\ laid out on the rights of Capt Perly Hunt Avhich he pur- chased of Adam I lay ward l)y Bkx.ta.aiin Read Surveyor Adams Chapin Chain man Mendon Xovemher 18"' 1805 Laid out for Capt. Perly Hunt two pieces of Ui)land adjoining the North Ceedar Swamp on the ^v•esterly Side of the road leading to Jesse Whitneys and is bounded as folovreth, Begining at a Chesnut Stump with Stons on it bv the Side of Said road then west d" South Nine rods by ct)mmon Ceedar Swamp (as it is supposed) to a Stalve & Stones then North 41". west four rods to Stake & Stones at Seth Thayers (^eedar Swamp, then west al)out 2" South three rods to a Stake at Jacol) Haywards Ceedar Swamp then South 351^" west l)y Said Hay wards Ceeder Swamp, three rods & three fourths of a rod to Stake & Stons, then South 85" west four rods to the corner of a greate rock then South 15". west four rods to Stake & Stones, then South 1^" west live rods to Stake & Stons then South 3". East two and half rods, then South 1|| west Nine rods to Stons by the above said road and is bounded westerly all the way by Ceeder Swamp, then North 13" East Thirteen rods to Stons by a pine Stumj), then North 45 East five rods to Stake & Stons. then East 181" North fifteen rods by and with Said road to the first bounds — Containing one Hundred and forty three rods — Second peice l)egining at a heap of Stons by said road being the Northeast Corner then west 30" North four rods to Stake & Stons then west 11" South three rods to Stake & Stons, then South 25" west Eight rods to Stake & Stons then South 8" west three & half rods to a heap of Stons, by a Sassfrax tree marked by Said road, then North 38" East nine rods to Stake and Stons, then East 39" Noi"th five rods and a half by said road to the first bounds con- taining fifty three rods, the wdiole being laid out on the Said Hunts rights he })urchased of Adam Hayward by Benjamin Read Surveyor Adams Chapin Chainman 1098 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Dccciuhci- 21'' 1.S07 Laid out for Edward Kawtson three acres and Seventy nine rods of" land in Northhridge adjoining his other land South from his house hounded as follows beginning at a white Oak tree being the north east corner then running Avest by thirty degrees South eighteen rods to a hea}) of Stones by a brook then west twenty six degrees South nineteen rod by the road to a black birch and Stones by it and thence South thirty one degrees East three rod to a heap of Stones by the fence, then east Seven degrees South ten rod on connnon to a heep of Stones by Said fence then east fifteen degrees South ten rods to a pine tree and Stones l)y it then East twenty degrees South on Common nine- teen rods and half to a heap of Stones by the fence by Dexter Woods land and from thence Northerly to the first bounds men- tioned Laid out for three acres and Seventy nine rods on land of Nathan RaAvson which the Propriety allowed him for land that Sutton took off by Lyman Aldrich Surveyor David Aldrich Chain man [174.] Know all Men by these Presence that I Ebcnezer Read of Worcester in the County of Worcester & Connnon- wealth of Massachusetts Yeoman. In Consideration of the Sum of Seuenteen Dollars to me in hand paid by Arthur Cook of Mendon County & Commonw^ealth aforesaid Gentle || || || the Receipt is hereof I do hy these Presents l)argin Sel || and Conuey unto him the Said Arthur Cook his Heirs and Assigns Seuenteen Acres land which may be laid out if found to be laid out on the propri- etory right which I now own that was formerly Samuel Torrys late of Mendon deceased, wherever the Same may b || found un- laid out lying & being in Said Proprietory o|| the former Township of Mendon and the Same to Sell and despose of it to his & thaere use. — To have and to hold the Same to the Said Arthur Cook his heirs & Assigns, and I do by these Presents to Secure and defend the Same against all Persons Claiming by for or under me or my Heirs, prouiding there be not So much to be laid out on my right, if not the Subscriber is to refund one Dollar pr. Acre — In witness whereof I haue heareunto Set my hand and Seal MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1099 this Sixth Day of Septombcr l.Sll. Signed Scaled and Delivered in presents of Isaac Barrett Ebn« Read (Sc || || Sam'' T. Read Worcester. Ss. Septcnil)er G: 1811 then prsonally appeared the Al)oue named Ebenezer Read and Acknowledged the aboue Instrunient to be his free act & Deed before me Richard George Justice of th || — the aboue is a Record of the original Received & Record April 4 : IS 15 Pearley Hunt Proprietors Clerk [175.] Mendon April 8*'^ 1812 then laid out to Arthur Cook a Certain tract of land lying in the Easterly part of Said Town ajoining to his other land Viz begining at a Stake & Stones it being the northwest Corner of Ichabod Cooks Land & from thence East Twenty Two Deg* North nineteen Rods by his other Land to a Stake & Stones this Northeast Corner & from thence South Twelue Deg' East ninetteen Rods & Sixteen links by fTosepli Thayers Land to a heap of Stones it being a Corner of the Said Thayers Land and from thence west Twelue Deg^ South Eighteen Rods by the Said Joseph Thayers or Neccles Thayers Land it being the South west Corner and from thence North Twelue Deg^ west Eighteen Rods to the first Bounds Containing Two Acres and thirty four Rods and four Rods Allowed for a Road running throuoh Said Land, Laid out on Riohts that the Said Cook purchased of Ebenezer Read Laid out by Lyman Aldrich Surveyor and David Aldrich Chain man LviNrAN Aldrich Proprietors Surveyor David Aldrich Chairman Pearley Hunt Proprietors Clerk [176.] Mendon November 18: 1805 Laid out for Cap* Pearley Hunt Two Pieces of upland adjoining the north Ceedar swamp on the westerley Side of the road leading to Jesse AMiit- neys and is bo || || || || || as followeth, begining at a Chesnut stump 1100 PROPRIETORS- IRECORDS. with Stones on it h || tlie Side of Sjiid Road thence west 2 Deg North nine Rods by Common Ceedar swamp to Stake & Stones, then North 41'' Avest four Rods to Stake & Stones at Seth Thayers Ceedar swamp then west about 2 Deg® South by Seth Thayers Ceedar swamp three r|| || || to Stake & Stones then South 35 J Deg® west by Said Hay ward Ceed || |1 Swamp three Rods & three fourths to Stake & Stones, then South 33" w || || || || four Rods to the Corner of a Great Rock, then South 15° west fo || |1 Rods to Stake & Stones, then South 7 J" west five Rods to Stake & Ston II II then South 3° East Two & half rods. South 1" west Nine ro II II t(^ Stones by the al)oue Said Road and is bounded westerly all the way by Ceedar swamp, then North 13° Ea.st thirteen rod || to Stones by a pine Stump, then North 45° East line rods to Stake & Stones then East 18^° North fifteen rods by Said road to the first bound Containing one hundred & forty three Rods — Second piece begining at a heap of Stones by Said road, being th|| Northeast corner then west 30" North four Rods to- Stake & S II II II II II then west 11" South three rods to Stake & Stones. then South 25 west Eight Rods to Stake & Stones, then South 8° west thr || || and a half rods to a heap of Stones by a Saufrase tree mark || || by Said road, then North 3"8° East nine rods to Stake & — then East 39" North hue rods and a half by Said roa || the first bounds. Containing fifty three Rods — the whole being- laid out on Said Hunts Rights he purchased of Adam Hay ward by Benjaman Read Surueyor Adams Chapin Chain man [177.] Mendon April 8"' 1812 then laid out to Arthur Cook a certain tract of Land lying west Side of Mill-riuer begining at a liea}) of Stones being the South west Corner of his other land then East forty four Degrees North Eighty three rods to Stones, then North Twelue East, ten rods to Stones then west thirty five Deg® North Ten rods to his other land then South thirty Seven Deg® west to the first mentioned Bound, the aboue Supposed piece of land Contains four Acres & fifty Rods fifty Rods allowed for bad land laid out on a wright that the Said Cook purchased of Ebenezer Read laid out by MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1101 Lyiiuiii Aldricli Proprietors Surveyor and David Aldrich Chain- man Lyman Aldrtcii proprietors Sui-veyor David Aldrich Chainman Mendon December (>"' 1817 then laid out to Arthur Cook a certain piece of Land lying on the East Side of Mill Riuer a little North of John Kclleys and is bounded as followeth begining at a heap of Stones being Southwest Corner of a piece of land that was Laid out Edward Pickering then nortli ten Deg-^ East nineteen rods to a heap of Stones thence East forty Deg'* South P^ighteen rods and from thence west Twenty four Deg-^ Soutli nineteen rods to the first bounds by the Said Cooks other land the Said Piece of Land Contains one hun- dred and Twenty two Rods be the Same more or less laid out on a right that the Said Cook Purchased of Ebenezer Read laid out by Lyman Aldrich Proprietors Surueyor & David Aldrich Chain man tlie Same Day laid out to the Said Arthur Cook another piece of land Joining to his other land East of Danielses Wall begin- ing at a heap of Stones being the northeast Corner of his other land then Running west fourteen Deg^ South Twenty Rods to the Said Daniels Wall then on Said Wall north Eighteen Deg* East Tweluc [178.] Rods then Turning west Twenty Deg'' South Eigh- teen rods to the first l)Ounds the Said Piece of Land Contains one hundred Rods be the Same more or less laid out on a wright that the Said Cook Purchased of Ebenezer Read laid out by Lyman Aldrich Proprietors Surveyor David Aldrich Chain — Ly:vian Aldrich Proprietors Surveyor David Aldrich Chain man Mendon December 5"' 1817 then laid out to James Paine a certain piece of land o|| the west Side of Mill riuer a little South of his House whe|||| the Said paine now Hues and is Bounded as followeth begining at a white Oak Stump by the Side of an old Ro|||| Supposed to be a Corner of Asa Pickerings land then run|||||| North Twenty seuen 1102 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. deo-'' East Twenty two liods to a liea 1| of Stones then South fifty three deo-^ East thh-ty Rods to Stones l)y his other land then South nine deg' west thirty four liods to Stones by a wall then South Sixty d|| || " East Twenty nine rods to a pine Stump then South Six and a half dcg'' west fifty three rods to a heap of Ston|| || by the End of a AVall and from thence north Twenty Dog" west one hundred and nine rods to the first Bou|||||| the aboue piece of land Contains fourteen Acres & for|l|| one rods only one Acre inclosed that was Surueyed bef|| || || to Arthur Cook when that is deducted leaues thirtee|| acres and forty one Rods laid out on an a right that Said Paine purchased of John Scammell laid ou|| by Lyman Aldrich Proprietors Surveyor and D|||||||| Aldrich Chain man Lyman Aldrich Proprietors Sur|| || || || || David Aldrich Chain ma|| [179.] Bellingham December 4"> 1817 This may Certify that I John Scannnell of Bellingham in the County of Norfolk Com- monwealth of Massachusetts, do Giue full Liberty to James Pain of Mendon to Suruey and lay out any Common Land Laying in the former Township of MendcMi that he may find on the Rights that I bought of Nahum Taft which he agreed to lay out at his own risk John Scammell Know all Men by these Presents that I Nahum Taft of Mendon County of Worcester Commonwealth of Massachusetts ||eoman, for and in Consideration of Seuen Dollars paid me by John Scammell of Bellingham County of Norfolk Commonwealth || fore- said Physician do Sell and Convey to the Said John Scammell and to his heirs a fourteen Acre Right in the former Township II f jNIendon that I bought of Moses Taft of Uxbridge with all lllje Priviledges & Appurtenances thereto Belonging ||o Have & to Hold to the Said John Scammell his Heirs & Assigns for- ever and I do Covenant with the Said Scammell that I am Law- fully Seized of the premises that they are free from Incumbrances that I will warrant & defend the Same to the Said Scannnell &■ his Heirs against the Lawful) ( -laims of all Persons In witness MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1103 wh(>i'oof I hauc hereunto Set my hand c^ Seal this twehieth Day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred an thirteen. Sijrned Seahnl c^ delivered in Presents of us Attest Joseph Tokkey Naiium Taft ( seai ] Samuel Jones \^_^^ Mendon Apral y" 1()'" 1720 [180.] Laid out for Jose[)h Taft one acor and a 100 of Sedei- Swani}) at Shockoloo- Joynino- to the no: w. Sid of his land no: E: on Ben Taft 20 Rod No: w on Shockloo- Brook i;> Rod Sou: w on Conion 20 Rod Sou: E. on Ids one land 18 Rod laid out by Robekt Evens Jacob Aldrich Dee/ 10-1829 John Corbett [28.] October 3^" 30=1781 Survayed and Laid out fV)r I>' John Corl)ett on his Own Rights Five Acres and Twelue Rods of Lan|| Lying in Milford adjoining his other Land Near Parkharsts Land Shown to us to be Common Land by the Said Corbett bounded as fol- lows begining at a heap of Stones being a Southerly Corner then Runing North Six Deg'' AVest 115 Rod to a heap of Stones on a Rock bounding westerly on his other Land then Runing East Seuen Dere^ North fifteen Rod to ]\lordecai Days Land bounding North on Land formerly Deacon Daniel Corbetts — then Runing South two Deg""^ west one hundred and Sixteen Rods to the first Bounds bounding East on Said Days Land — Also Laid out and Suruayed for the Doctor John Corbett the Same Day = On his own Rights one acre and one hundred and thirty nine Rods of Land Lying in Milford afore afore Said Shown to us by the Said Corbett to be Common Land Said Land Lying about thirteen Rods East from the North east Corner of the first described piece and is Bounded begining at a Pine Stump and Stones being the North east Corner then runing w^est twenty Seuen Deg'' South forty Six Rods to a heap of Stones l)ounding Southwardly on Mordecai Days land then Runing North thre degres East fifteen 1104 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Rod to the Land formerly Deacon Daniel Corbetts then Runing East Seuen Deg""^ North forty Rods to the first bounds l)ounded Northerly on Land fornialy Deacon Daniel Corbetts — Laid out and Suruaj^ed by James Sumner Suruayor Sanuiel Read Chain man and Josiah Ball Juner Assistant Recorded by Samuel Read Proprietors Clerk [2.] An: account of the grants and Sales of the Severall Tracts of Land Sold at Sundry times by the proprietors Commit- tee in the year 1725 Conformable to their order. Mendon April 23'' 1725 the Committe mett at the house of Cap' Seth Chapins in Mendon and by Virtue of a vote of the pro- priety of Mendon aforsaid made Sale of the Severall Tracts of Land in the following maner (viz) £ s d To Solomon Wood Sen'": 33 acres at 11^ p"" acre 16-10-0 more to Joseph Chilson G acres at IP p'' a(;re 3- (5-0 more to Jonathan Nelson G acres 3- 6-0 more to Seth Aldrich 10 acres 5-10-0 more to peter Aldrich 10 acres 5-10-0 more Sold to Ensign Eleazar Daniels two acres 1,- 2-0 May 11*" 1725 the Committee made Sale of more Land as followeth To Solomon Nelson 6 acres at 11* p' acre 3- 6-0 more to Lie*^ Joseph White 10 acres 5-10-0 more to Samuel Perry 10 acres 5-10-0 more to William Green Sen'" — one acre 0-11-0 more to Samuel Thayer 10 acres 5-10-0 per Contrary Credit : Rec'^. the Cash of the Severall per- sons above mentioned the Sum of 55-11-0 August the 3'' 1725 the Committe being mett Sold unto Seth Aldrich 10 acres at 11^ p'" acre 5-10-0 august 30'^ 1725 Sold to Thomas Tinney 4 acres 2- 4-0 november 29"> 1725 Sold to Ser' Jacob Aldrich 5 acres 2-15-0 more Sold unto Lei* Joseph White 5 acres 2-15-0 more Sold unto Samuel Thayer 5 acres 2-15-0 MENDON, JVIASSACHUSETTS. 1105 £ s d at the Same time Sold to Seth Aldrich 10 acres 5-10-0 at the Same time Sold to Nathan Tyler 40 acres 22-00-0 at the Same time Sold to Cap' Seth Chapin 10 acres 5-10-0 more Sold vnto Ser* Seth Chapin 10 acres 5-10-0 Janvary the 10'" 1725-6 Sold unto William Hayward tertius 60 acres 33-0-0 Janvary the 24"> 1725/6 the Com" mett and Sold unto Benjamin Taft 20 acres 11-0-0 Sold to Dec" John Jones 8 acres 4- 8-0 at the Same time Sold to Decon John Tyler one acre 0-11-0 p' Contr Credit to Cash Rec''. of the Severall persons the Severall Sums as above [3.] Mendon april 25"' 1726 the Com" mett & Sold unto Samuel Thayer of the towns Commons fifty live £ s d acres at 11* p'' acre and Eeceived the Sum of 30-5 -0 at the Same time Sold unto Solomon Wood 20 acres at 11* p"" acre and Received the Sum of 11-0 -0 at the Same time Sold to Decon John Tyler 3 acres and Received the Sum of one pound 13 Shillings in full 1.-13-0 at the Same time Sold unto Daniel Taft 40 acres at 11' p"" acre & Received in full thereof 22- at the Same time Sold unto Jacob Aldrich 16 acres Eight acres there of for Benjamin Craging and Received in full at IP p"- acre " 8-16-0 at the Same time Sold to Benjamin AYhite 3 acres at IP p'' acre & Received in full 1-13-0 at the Same time Sold to Eleazar Taft 6 acres for Crag- ing & Harwood & Received in full 3- 6-0 at the Same time Sold unto Joseph Taft Sen'" 20 acres at 11* p"^ acre & Received in full 11- 0-0 at the Same time Sold to Ebenezer Read 3 acres and Re- ceived in full 1-13-0 at the Same time Sold to Ens : Eleazar Daniels 4 acres and Received in full 2- 4-0 1106 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. at the Same time Sold to Decon John Jones 10 acres £ s d and Received in full 5-10-0 at the Same time Sold unto Seth Aldrich 30 acres and Received in full at 11* p"" acre 16-10-0 at the Same time Sold to Stephen Fish 8 acres and Re- ceived in full 1-13-0 at the Same time Sold to John Tyler Jun'' 10 acres and Received in full 5-10-0 at the Same time Sold to Thomas Tinney 10 acres and Received in full 5-10-0 at the Same time Sold to Thomas White Survy"" for John White one acre & Received 0-11-0 Sold unto John Jones & Nathanael 5 acres Each and Re- ceived in full Sold unto Thomas Taft 14 acres & Received in full Sold to Lie*^ Joseph White 10 acres & Received in full Sold to Benjamin Taft 7 acres & Received in full Sold to Joseph Thayer 5 acres & Received in full [4.] Mendon May the 9"^ 1726 the Com" mett and Sold unto William Boyce 3 acres of the towns Comons at 11' p"" acre Received of Said Bo3^ce Mendon June y*" e*"" 1726 the Com" met and Sold Sundry percalls of Land to the Sundry persons Subsequently named as follows namly to Samuel palmer two acres & Received 1- 2-0 to EbenezerRead 40 acres & Received in full 22- 0-0 to James Keith 50 acres & Received in full 27-10-0 to Samuel Thayer 30 acres & Received in full 16-10-0 to Nathan Tyler 20 acres & Received in full 11- 0-0 to Daniel Taft 20 acres & Received in full 11- 0-0 to Solomon Wood 20 acres & Received in full 11- 0-0 to David Wood 10 acres Received in full 5-10-0 to Dea° John Jones 10 acres Received in full 5-10-0 to John Jones Jun' 10 Ditto Received in full 5-10-0 to Nathanael Jones 10 Ditto Received in full 5-10-0 To Joseph Taft Sen' 12 Ditto Received in full 6-12-(J 5- -10- -0 7- -14- -0 5- -10- -0 3- -17- -0 2- -10- -0 £ s D 1- -13- -0 MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1107 £ s d To Woodland Thomson 20 Ditto Received in full 11- 0-0 To William Hay ward y^^ 3*^ 12 Ditto Rec^^ in full 6-12-0 To Thomas Tinnoy 10 Ditto Received in full 5-10-0 to Peter Aldrich 10 Ditto Rec'^ 5- 0-0 to Benjamin Taft 5 Ditto Rec'^ in full 2-15-0 To William Boyce 9 Ditto March y« 13"' 172G To Lie' Joseph AVhite the 9 acres of Land Remaining to be Sold at 11' p'" acre Received in full 4-19-0 [5.] April y'^ 23*^: 1725 being a propriators meeting leagaly warned the propriators being conveined together : — voted and chose John Brown moderator at said meeting voted and chose Thomas white propriators clerk : — at sd : meeting it pased by a clear vote : that the propriators wovld sel svm vndividcd land to defray the propriators charges alredy arisen or that shovld arise by Reson of providence petioners the land to be sold not to Exseed 300 acres: — at s'^ meeting voted that so mvch of the above granted land as the grand committee shal sel to any pvt- ticvlar person for the propriators vse their giving order for the laying it ovt and pvting it on Record sliall be acovmpted as good & valvable a title as if the whole propriaty did it themselves : — at s'* meeting voted that the land so sold the propriators to lay it ovt Joyning to their other land alredy laid ovt and by the same committee that laid ovt the seventh division and in the same method the seventh division was laid ovt in vnles the grand com- mittee think it may be most benificiall to the : propriators to lay ovt one or two hvndred acers together November y^ 25'^ 1725 At a propriators meating Leagually Warned to Se what the propriators will Do ConCerning a pretended Riott Commited at Sd Mendon at Said ^Meeting it pased by a clear Voat that the Charge of Said pretended Riott Commited on Apriel "' 1725 Shal be Equally born by the proprietors of Said Mendon according to their Rights in Said Mendon and att Said meeting it pased by a 11U8 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Clear Voat that if need be there Should be Two hundred Acres of the Undiuidcd Land in Said Mendon Sold to Defray the Charges of the above Said Riott and that So much of this two hundred Acres of Land now Granted to be Sold for the De- fraying Said Charge Shall be Sold by the Same Committee and in the Same Method as that Land Was Sold in which Was Granted to Defray the Charge arisen by Reason of Prouidence Pititioners and at Said meeting it pased by a Clear Voate that for the futer the Method for Calling propriators meetings Shall lie that when and So often as Ten of the propriators of Said Men- don Shall make their application to their Proprietors Clark he Shall Grant a Warrant to Warn a meeting of the propriators according to their request — [6.] March y** 21* : 1726. being a propriators meeting leagaly warned : voted and chose m'' daniel taft moderator for s'^ meeting and vpon leftenant Rawsons Reqvest abovt chainging some land he had Joyning to the minestry land for some of said minestry land the propriators chose Cap*^ seth chapin Thomas white and Jacob aldrich to go and vew sd lands and if thay thovght it benificial to make an Exchange to measvre of an Eqvifilent and lay it before the propriators at there next meeting to see whether : thay will accept it or not and at said meeting after debate conserning Thomas sanfords standing tryal in the law with samvel staples conserning a peace of land now in his posesion on the East side petvcket River voted to leave it to the grand committee to con- sider what to do Relating to that mater — April y" 8"' : 1726 being a propriators meeting leagaly warned for the bvsines hereafter mentioned voted and chose daniel taft moderator for sd meeting at sd meeting voted to Except the Ex- change of some of the minestry land with leftenant Edmvnd Rawson : and at sd meeting voted to sel six hvndred acres of the vndivided lands in said mendon to pay the charges dve by Reson of providence : petioners then voted to adjorn sd meeting till mvnday the Eleventh of april cvrant at 9 of the clock in the fore- noon MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1109 April y*" 11''' 1726 being a propriators meeting by: ajornment from april the Eighth : 1726 : At Said Meeting Voted to sell three hundred Acres of the Land before Granted to be SoLd According to the method of Selling Land for that Use and the other three hundred Acres to be Sold in fifty acres Lots to be Laid not Joyn- ing to their other Lands at fifteen Shilings for acre and then SD meeting was DeSolved Mayy*" 19'" 172(; being a propriotory Meeting Leagually Warned for the besuness hereafter mentioned at Said meeting Voted and Chose Daniel Taft ^Moderator of Said meeting at Said meeting pased by a Clear Vote that the three hundred Acres of Land that was Granted to be Sold in fifty acre Lots which Was to be Laid not Joyning if it Could not be Sold before the first of June next as it was Granted then the Committee were to Sell it after the Same method as they Sold the other Lands which was Granted to be Sold to Defray the charges [7.] ocationed by reason of Provi- dence petitioners and at Said meeting Voted to ExChange Two or three acres of Land with Eleazer Danels if the Com"*^ for Lay- ing out Land think it may not be Prejuditiol to the proprioter and then Said meeting was Desolved desember y® 12"': 1726 being a propriaters meeting leagaly warned for the Ends hereafter mentioned at sd meeting — voted and chose James Keith moderator : to witt to take ancovmpt of the propriators conmiittee of how mvch of the propriators land they had sold and how thay had : disposed of the money thay had for sd land and at sd : meeting the committees acovmpts were Read accepted and alowed by sd propriators : and at sd meeting voted that Ebenezer Read shall have liberty to lay down twenty six acers of land which was laid ovt to samvel Read on the East side of chesnvt plain and lay it ovt Joyning to his other land at hoopole hill or Joyning to his other land at a place caled the Indian feelds : and then : adjorned : sd meeting till the 2(\^^ day of desember cvrant at nine of the clock in the forenoon : — desember y"^ 2{V^' : 1726 being a propriators meeting by adjorn- mcnt from desember the twelfth : 1726 then voted that all the per- 1110 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. sons that are perticvlarlj'^ conserned or intrested in the lands claimed by providence peticioners : shall have liberty to lay down svch lands for the propriators and to lay ovt the same qvantytie again in the towns common or vndivided lands : acording the Kegvlation of the seventh division acording to the Jvdgement of the svrvayer and committee for said division and also that thay shall have the liberty to pvrchase sd land of the propriators if thay defend sd land as their Rights provided thay will give as mvch for it as any other person will : as also voted that if thay see cavse to lay down sd land the propriators shall be at the charge of measvreing sd land of for the: propriators vse — and at Said meeting Voted that the Way Laid Crost Serg* Seth Chapins Land Should be turned about Thirty Rod West Ward Wheare it Comes into Sherborn Road as it is Now marked — at Said Meeting- Voted that the Lower Way by John Rockwoods be Laid Down provided he the Said Rockwood Keep gates or bars for the pro- priotors to Cart their hay over the Said way then Voted to adjoyun Said Meeting to the first munday of february next to nine of the CLock in the forenoon [8.] February y' 6^" 1726/7 Being a propriotors meeting by ajoyrnment from December 26'^ 1726 the propriotors met and Desolved Said Meeting — January y^ 22"' 1727/8 Being a propriotors meeting Leagually Warned for the besuness hereafter mentioned then Voted and Chose m'' James Keith Moderator for Said Meeting at Said meet- ing to pass to an Eighth Divition of Land at Said meeting Voted not to begin to Lay out Said Divition untill the Last Day of may next Ensueing that So time may be alowed for the Compleating the Seventh Divition or former Divitions and Such high Ways as the Town of Mendon and Uxbridge Shall think nessecary and a Compensation for the Same being made — and Such Persons as have had Lands taken away by the Providence petitioners and by the Settlement of the Province Line may have time to have their Recompence — At Said meeting Voted that Goats Shall not run at Large without beins; within inclosures at Said meeting Voted MENDOX, MASSACHUSETTS. 1111 that every proprietor make out his Rights to the proprietors CLerck and Carry a Certeticate to the Com"®** before he Shall have his Eighth Divition Laid out — at Said meeting Voted that the Eight Divition he Regulated According to the Six and Seventh Division at Said meeting Voted to Defend the Land taken from Thomas Sanford by the Province Line Jn the Law — at Said meeting to give M*" Sam" Gerry Twenty Acres of Land Joyning to his other Land or : house Lott — and then Ajoyrned Said meeting to the Last mondau in February next at nine o'Clock in the forenoon February y^ 26'^ 1727/8 being a proprietors meeting byajoyrn- ment from february 22'^*^ 1726/7 at Said meeting Voted that the Eighth Divition be three acres to one Right at Said meeting Voted and Chose W Thomas [9.] White to be the Survey-- for the Eighth Divition and Said meeting Voted to Chuse five men for a Com"'*' to Lay out Said Division three in Mendon and two in Uxbridge and the Chosen were John Farnum Joseph Taft Jacob Aldrich Nathan Tyler and Thomas Sanford any two of the Com"*"^ with the Serveyr to l)e Seficent for the Laying out Said Divition at Said meeting Voted that the Com"''^ Shall have three Shillings for Day and find them Selves at Said meeting voted that none of the Com"'^'' Shall measure his own Land then Said meeting was Desolved May y*^ 27"' 1728 being a propriators meeting legaly warned for the bvsines hereafter menioned then at sd meeting voted and chose Thomas Sanford moderator then voted and chose two men to Joyn with the propriators clerk to Examine the Book of Record ^of land so far back til thay meet with a vote to stop them and to see if several persons have not laid ovt more land in their former divisions then belonged to there Rights and the men chosen for that service were Thomas saford and william Boyce at sd meet- ing voted that the select men of the towns of mendon and vxbridge shall have a convenient competency of land to make Recompence for svch highways as they shall lay ovt and the towns shall alow as the law directs and at sd meeting voted that if any person 1112 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. through any inadvertincy hath not laid ovt all his land which of Right belonged to him in any former divisions svch person or persons shall have liberty to lay it ovt together with their Eighth division and at sd meeting voted that Thomas sanford shall have that land which the province line takes on the west side the great River for Recompence for trying the title of that land which the province line takes from him on the East side sd River and if there be not so mvch land left within the province line on the west side sd River as sd line takes from him on the East side sd River then sd sanford to take vp the Remainder together with his Eighth division provided he looses his land taken from him by sd line on the East side sd river : at sd meeting voted that notwithstanding at a propriators meeting on Janvary y*" 22*^ 1727^ it was voted to begin to lay ovt the Eighth division the first of June next that none of the Eighth division be laid ovt [10.] before the first Monday of September next that So the Com*^^® may have Time to make Return to the Propriotors how they find things in the Book of Record then Voted to Adjourn Said meeting to the first Monday of September next at nine of the CLock in the forenoon September y*^ 2'\ 1728 being a propriotors meeting by adjoyrnment from January the 22"' 1727/8 — at Said meeting Voted to Chose a man to supply William Boyces place in Examining the Town Records and the man Chosen for that Service was Jacob Aldrich and at Said meet- ing Voted that M*" Emersons house Lott if the owners of Said Lot Desier it to be measuered at their Cost by Jacob Aldrich and Thomas Sanford with the Serveyer then Voted to adjoyrn Said meeting unto the first Monday of October next and then to meet at the Meeting house in S*^ Mendon at Twelue of the Clock at noon and the Eight Divition not to begin to Laid out till that time and in the mean time that the Serveyer and Committee for the Seventh Divition Lay out any former Divition of Land as here to fore October y'' 7"'. 1728 being a propriotors meeting by adjoyrn- ment from September y" 2"' 1728 at Said meeting Voted that the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1113 (^QQ-jttee Chosen to lay out the Eight Divition Shall have two weeks time alowed to be Sworn to the Discharge of their Offices for Lay- ing out Said Divition and then S'^ meeting was Desolved October: y*^ 26*" : 1728 Jacob Aldrich was Sworn to the faith- full and Imparcial Discharge of his office in laying out the Eight Divition of Land in Mendon and Uxbridge by Jonathan AVair Justice of peace October y"* 16**^ 1728 John Farnum Joseph Taft and Nathan Tyler were Sworn to the faithful Discharge of as Committee-men for Laying out the Eight Divition of Land in Mendon and ITx- lu'idge By John Chandler Justice of Peace October y'= 17*'' 1728 Thomas Sanford was Sworn to the faith- full Discharge as Committee-man for Laying out the Eight Divi- tion of Land in Mendon and Uxbridge By John Chandler Justice of Peace [11.] October y« 14*^ 1729 Being a propriotors meeting Leagally Warned for the business here after mentioned At Said Meeting Voted and Chose Mr. James Keith ]\[oderator for Said Meeting At said meeting Voted to Give to the Town of Uxbridge Thirty Acres of Land for the JnCoragement of a Minister to Settle amongst them Said Land to be Laid out by the Serveyer and Com"^^ for the Eight division according to the Regulation of Said Divition Said Land to be Layd out between the Lands of Ebenezer Read and John Read at the Charge of the Town of Uxbridge — at Said meeting Voted to purchis a Book to Record the propriotors transactions in, And at Said meeting Voted that Thomas Sanford Shall have that Land which James Keith Laid Down on the westerly Side the Great River Between the Province Line and Said River and Ten Acres of Land to Lay out in the Towns Commond to be Laid out ac- cording to the Regulation of the Eight Divition at his Charge — and at Said meeting Voted and Chose three men to make up ac- coumpts with the Grand Committee to be Laid before the Pro- 1114 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. priotors at their next meeting and men Chosen were John Jones Joseph Taft and David How and at Said meeting Voted that the Town of Uxl)ridge Shall have an Equeal propotion of the Jntrest of the three hundred pounds of money which hath arisen by the Sale of the School Lands According to their Right of proprietee from and after this time forward and also to have their part of w* Remains to be Sold in the Township of Mendon and Uxbridge and then Voted to Ajoyrn Said meeting to y*' 3 day of Novem- ber next at Twelue a clock at noon — November the third 1729 being apropriotors meeting by ajoyrn- ment from October the fourteenth Adomi 1720 to this day then the propriotors accepted and alowed their Committees Accoumpts — and at Said meeting Voted to give the Grand Com"*^^ Twenty five pounds for there Troble and Service in Said Office — Att Said meeting to give to the Com"^*" for Examinino- the Records of Lands three and — Six pence for Day — And at Said meeting Voted that persons that have paid for Laying Down their Lands [12.] CLaimed by Providence Petitioners Shall have Recom- pence from the Grand Com"'^'' Treasuer — and at Said meeting- Voted that John Sadler take with him Ebenezer Read and Daniel Lovett and Renew the bounds of the forty Acres of Land Granted to Robert Hall in order to be Laid of Record — November y° 20^^. 1729 — Wee the Subscribers preambulated the bounds of the Fouerty Acres of Land formerly Granted to Robert Hall and we find the bounds as followeth (uiz) Easterly on a brook Commonly Know by the Name of Andrises Brook Down Stream to a pine tree marked with the Serveyrs mark this tree is a little above the Roade that Leads to Hasnernisco — then turning westerly to a grate white pine in a Swamp marked at the former this being the Southwest Corner then turning north to a heape of Stons on the Town Line a pine tree marked Likewise in this Line northerly on the Town Line Ebenezer Read / Daniel Lovett MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1115 May y" 19*": 1730 being a propriators meeting leagaly warned for the bvsiness hereafter mentioned at sd meeting votd and Chose Jacob aldrich moderator for sd meeting and after dis- corce conserning the intrest of the school mony to he divided acording to their former vote : October last the propriators voted to defer that mater to fvther consideration at sd meeting after discorse of petioning the covrt for an acjvivelent for what the province line and providence petcsioners taks from them voted to leave that mater to fvrther consideration May y*^ 5^^ : 1731 being a propriators meeting leagaly warned for the besines hereafter mentioned at sd meeting voted and chose Ebenezer Read Moderator And at sd meetino- voted to pase to a ninth division of land : at sd meeting voted and chose seth chapin. Jun"" to Joyn with the propriators clerk in tran- scribing the propriators acts and notes into the propriators [13.] Book — at sd meeting voted to sel david draper 12 acers of land and chose to sell sd land John farnvm Jacob aldrich and Thomas white. At sd meeting voted to Chvse a committee to see if thay can find m"" Emersons 40 acer lott att the owners charge the men chosen where daniel lovet seth cha})in Jun'' with the svrvayer then voted and adJoyrned sd meeting till the last Monday in September next at nine of the clock in the forenoon September y'' 27*": 1731 being a propriators meeting by ad- joyrnment from May the 6^^ : 1731 At sd meeting voted that the ninth division shall not exceed 3 acers for one for alowance for bad land at sd meeting voted that sd division shall be two acers to a one acer Right at sd meeting voted that those persons that have not compleated their Eighth division or any former divisions before thirty day of Xovember next and those persons that do not la}^ ovt their former divisions before sd time to be laid ovt with their ninth division by the svrvayer and committee for sd division : at said meeting voted to chose a svrvayer and committee to lay ovt sd division then voted and chose for svr- vayer Thomas white and at sd meeting voted to chose three men for chain men and the men chosen for that service where Jacob 1116 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. aldrich claiiiel lovet and Joseph taft any two of them with the svrvayer to be svficient for laying ovt sd division December y^ T'^ : I78I/2 Thomas White was Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of his office as Serveyer for Laying out the ninth Divition of Land in Mendon and Uxbridge By Daniel Taft Justice of Peace December y'' 1"': 1731 Jacob Aldrich and Daniel Lovet were Sworn to the ftiithfull Discharge of their office as Com"*^^ men for the Laying out the Ninth Divition of Land in Mendon and LTxbridge By Daniel Taft Justice of Peace Janvary y'' IP'^: 1731-^ leftenant Joseph taft was sworn to the ofice of chain man for the ninth division of land in Mendon and vxbridge by DANIEL TAFT Jvstice of peace vxbridge march y" 10"" : 1731^ Joseph white was sworn to the office of chain man for the ninth division of land in mendon and vxbridge by DANIEL TAFT Jvsticc of pcacc March y'' 30"" : 1732 Benjamen darling was sworn to the faith- fvll discharge of his otice as chain man for the ninth division of land in mendon and vxbridge : by DANIEL TAFT Jvstice of peace [14:.] January y« 28'" 1731/2 being a propriotors meeting Leagually Warned for the besunes hereafter mentitioned then Voted and Chose Jacob Aldrich Mod- erator for Said meeting At Said meeting Voted that the Two hundred Acres of Land Reserved for the proprietors Use Except- ing the Twelve Acres that was Sold to David Draper to Lye for the Proprietors Use as Granted — At Said meeting Voted to Chose three men to see what money of the proprietors is in per- ticuler mens hands and to Lett it out upon Jntrest for the pro- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1117 prietors use till further Order — and the men Chosen for that Sirvice Was Jacob Aldrich Robert Taft and James Keith — at Said meeting after Discorce for making further Recompence to those persons that Lost their Land by providence petitioners voted in the Negittive — at Said Meeting Voted to pay for the Laying out S*^ Land that was alowed them for that Land that Said petitioners Took from them then ajoyrned Said meeting to the Last Monday in February next at nine of the CLock in the fore- noon february y*" 28*'' : 1731^ being a priators meeting by adioyrn- ment from Jan vary the 28"' : 1731^ at sd meeting voted and chose seven men to search the Records conserning the minestr}^ land and to take copeyes of the same and the sd committee to Joyn with the debvtie in taken advice to see whether the propriators or the town can with safty sell the same so that sd lott may become servisable for the Ends it was granted for and to lay it before the propriators at their next meeting and the men chosen for that ser- vice where John holbrook Ebenezer Read Joseph white Jun*" daniel taft James Keith daniel lovet and Jacob aldrich : at sd meeting voted to chvse two men to ad to the committee for layino- ovt the ninth division and the men chosen were Benjamen darlino- and cap' Joseph white : and then voted to adjoA-rn : sd meeting vntill the last mvnday in Jvne next at noon Jvne y'' 2fi"' 1732 being a propriators meeting by adjornment from february y'^ 28"' : 1731 after discorse sd meeting was dis- olved [15.] Jvne y"" 26*" : 1732 being a propriators meeting legaly warned voted and chose Daniel taft Esqvir moderator att sd meet- ing the propriators voted to give Samvel Cook their Right in that land taken from him by bensons farm at sd meeting voted to give Thomas white and seth chapin 24 shilings for Recording their vots acts and grants at sd meeting voted to change a peace of land with william hay ward taken of by a highway to be measvred of and laid ovt by the svrvayer and committee Joyning to his other land at sd hay wards charge 1118 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. march j^ 19*^ : 1734 being a propriators meeting Icagaly warned then voted and chose Jacob aldrich moderator : — and at said meeting voted to petion the gcnerall covrt for an aqvivelant for the land taken from them by Reson of providence petisioners : and att said meeting after discorse conserning the petisions of Roberd Benham and Joseph Bvllard and samvel thayer : voted to continve said pitions vntill the ajornment of said meeting and also the chvsing a committee continved : and then ajorned said meeting vntill the 15"' day of may next att two of the clock in the afternoon : — May y** 15"': 1734 being a propriators meeting by ajornment from march the 19^'': 1734 and then at said meeting voted to ajorn said meeting vntill the second tvsday in november next to meet att the meeting hovse in mendon att 9 : of the clock in the forenoon — November y*' 12"' : 1734 being a propriators meeting by ajoyrn- ment from may the 15*'' : 1734 : — at Said meeting voted to give Robert Benham and his heirs for Ever 20 acers of land to be laid ovt in some free place or vndivided land acording to the : Regvla- tion of the ninth division, by the svrvayer and committee for said division — at said meeting voted and chose a committee to make dates to svch lands and medows as were formerly laid ovt and not dated and to make bovnds to svch lands and medows as were for- merly laid ovt and the bovnds being lost or not known said work to be done att the owners charge and the committee chosen were : Ebenezer : Read Thomas white Jacob aldrich Joseph taft seth cha- pin Jvn'" : the said comittee to be sworn to the faithfvll discharge of their office : and to stand in said post dvring the propriators pleasvre desember y*^ 2'' 1734 the above sd committee sworn before Daniel taft Esqv'' Jvstic of peace [16.] May y° 30"' : 1735 being a propriators meeting leagaly warned for the bvsines hereafter mentioned at sd meeting vottcd and chose Ebenezer Read moderator : att sd meeting votted and MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1119 chose Daniel taft Esq'" propriators treasverer to take care of the propriators money which is or shall be dve to them and to see that itt may be made servicable for the propriators vse : and att meeting votted not to grant any more land to pay for highways in mendon or vxl^ridge : — and : att sd meeting votted to grant a tenth division of land : — and at sd meeting votted that sd divi- sion shvld be two acers to a one acer Right : and to be Regvlated acording to the Regvlation of the sixth and seventh divisions : — and at sd meeting voted not to begin to lay ovt the tenth division before the first day of October next : — that the propriators may have obertvnity to lay ovt their former divisions that are not yet laid out : — and att sd meeting votted that the farm laid ovt in Uxbridge for the propriators : vse be still Reserved for the pro- priators vse dvring their pleasvre : — at sd meeting voted that if any persons have : inclosed any land : that is not laid ovt that then svch persons shall have liberty to lay svch lands ovt : if thay see cavse and have land to lay ovt or Elcc to be free for any other person to lay ovt : — at sd meeting voted that the land that was fovnd wanting in John Sprags third division which was willed to daniel thayer shovld be laid ovt to him in the propriators common acording to the Regvlations of the seventh division. Avgvst y*" 26^^ : 1735 being a propriators meeting leagaly warned att sd meeting voted and chose james keith moderator att sd meeting voted not to lay ovt the tenth division vntill the 15^^ day of October next att sd meeting voted and chose Thomas white svrvayer for sd division : and att sd meeting voted to chose seven men for chain men for sd division and the men chosen were Jacob aldrich seth chapin Jvn'' cap' Joseph white Joseph taft benjamen darling Cap' Robert taft and Ebenezer Read then voted sd chainmen shvld be vnder oath before thay pretend to lay ovt land in sd division and att sd meeting voted not to act anything on that clavse in the warrant conserning the ministry land vntill the next meeting of the propriators and then ajoyrned said meeting vntill the first Mvnday in October next to mendon meeting hovse att ten of the clock in the forenoon James KEITH moderator 1120 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. October y'' G"' : 1735 being a propriators meeting by ajoyrn- ment from avgvst y® 26**' 1735 att said meeting voted not to begin the tenth division vntill the first day of november next and then said meeting was disolved. Avgvst y'' 2()"' : 1735 voted that one chainman Avith the svrvayer shall be a committee for said division desember y'' 8"': 1735 being a propriators meeting leagally warned att sd meeting voted and chose Jacob aldrich moderator for sd meeting and after considerable discorce adjoyrned sd meet- ing vntill mvnday the 15 day of desember cvrant to vxbridge meeting hovse att ten of the clock in the forenoon [17.] desember y*" 15"' 1735 being a propriators meeting by adjoyrnment from desember the Eighth 1735 at sd meeting voted that Every person make ovt his Rights to the propriators clerk and who he had them from before he have any of his tenth diN'i- sion laid ovt — at sd meeting voted that Every chain man when he lays ovt his tenth division shall have another chain man with him and the svrvayer to have two chain men to lay ovt his tenth division — at sd meeting voted to begin to lay ovt sd division the 22'-^ day of desember cvrant att sd meeting voted that cap' Eleazar daniels shvld lay down that 16 acers of land that James Keith claims and lay it ovt Elce where : — and then adjoyrned sd meeting vntill the 22** day of desember cvrant to meet at mendon meeting hovse att ten of the clock in the forenoon : att sd meet- ing voted to chose a committee to prefer a petision to the : generall : covrt for an aqvifelent of land for what land was taken from the town by the settlement of the province line and provi- dence farms : — and the persons chose for that service were daniel taft Esqv'" cap* Thomas thayer : cap' Joseph white John harwood samvel thayer John holbrook nathan tiler seth cliapin Jvn"^ and seth aldrich : and then adjoyrned sd meeting vntill the 12 day of Janvary next at ten of the clock in the fore noon to mendon meeting hovse MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1121 Junvaiy y*^ 12"' : 1735^ being a propriutors meeting by ajoyi-n- Mient from desember the 15"' : 1735 att sd meeting voted to give to Josei)h Bvllard and his heirs for p]vcr 20 acers of land Joyning lo vxbridge west line l)etwen shokcolog Brook and John arnalds land sd land to be laid ovt att sd Bvllards cost or charge : att sd meeting voted to alow cap* Thomas thayer tivc shilings for gitting the connnittee sworn: — att sd meeting voted to chose a com- mittee to Remeasvre or preambvlate the farms granted to provi- dence men acording to their grants or, plans and the committee chosen for that service were Thomas white Jacob aldrich and daniel lovet att sd meeting voted to chose a committee of tive men to consider and determine whether those persons that lost land by settling the province line and providence farms ovght to have any more satisfaction then thay have alredy had or not : and the men chosen for that service where Thomas white Jacob aldrich Daniel lovet seth chapin Jvn"" and John harwood : any three of said committee agreeing how mvch more Eatch person shall have is to l)e a tinall isshve to that mater and the persons conserned accepted said vote atest Jacol) aldrich moderator Jvnc y*' 2'': 1736 being a propriators meeting leagaly warned sd meeting voted and chose -Ebenezer Read moderator and then adjoyrned sd meeting vntill the first nivnday in September next vnto mendon meeting hovse there to meet at ten of the clock in the forenoon September y'' G"* : 1736 being a propriators meeting by : adjoyrn- ment : after a long discorce on severaill things specified in the warant for sd meeting : adjoyrned sd meeting vntill the 14"* day of September cvrant att U) of the clock in the forenoon to vxbridge meeting hovse [18.] September y'' 14"' : 1736 l)eing a propriators meeting ))y adjoyrnment and after a long discorse on several 1 things as before mentioned there being bvtt few propriators there and the whether verv stormy : sd meeting was disolved 1122 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. march y"^ 16"' : 1736^ to the propriators of the former town- ship of mendon greeting these are to Reqvire yov to meet at the towns meeting hovse in said mendon on Mvnday the 3 front fovrth day of april next att ten of the clock in the fore- noon then and there to see if the propriators will alow any more land to pay for highways as also to take an acovmpt of their comitee that thay chose to preambvlate or Remeasvre the providence farms and to see if thay will pay said committee in money or land for there service in that afair and to see if the pro- priators will pay what is dve to any other persons for service done for the propriators and that the committee chosen to prefer a petision to the generall covrt for an aqvifelent of land for what was taken from them by settling the province line and providence farms Render an acovmpt of their proseedings on that afjiir and to see what the propriators will do fvrther on that afair att the reqvest and by order of severail of the propriators Thomas white propriators clerk april y'^ 4"' : 1737 being a propriators meeting leagaly warned : att said meeting voted and chose Daniel lovet moderator for said meeting : and after discorce on several things specified in the warant for sd meeting voted to ajoyrn sd meeting vntill the third mvnday of may next : at ten of the clock in the forenoon then to meet at mendon meeting hovse May y*' 1(3*'' : 1737 being a propriators meeting l)y ajoyrnment from april y*" 4*'' 1737 att said meeting voted and chose a com- mittee to prefer a petision to the generall covrt for an aqvefelent for what land was taken from the propriaty by settling the prov- ince line and providence petisioners farms and the persons chosen for that service were cap* Daniel lovet nathan tiler samvel thayer seth chapin Jvn"" and John harwood : — at sd meeting voted to give vnto Thomas white propriators clerk Eighteen acers of land to be laid ovt by him the said white or his order acording to the : Regvlation : of the tenth division : which said 18 acers of land is to be in fvll satisfaction for his writing warants MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1123 and warning propriators meetings and Recording the propriators grants acts and votes for the time past may y"* lO^"" : 1737 being a propriators meeting by ajoyrnment from april y'= 4''' : 1737 at said meeting voted that if cap' Daniel Lovet natlian tiler samvel thayer seth chapin Jvn' and John har- wood shall pay to the propriators twenty fovr povnds in good and lawfvl money or in good bills of creditt on the province of the massachvsetts Bay in new England that then the sd Daniel Lovet iiathan tiler samvel thayer seth chapin Jvn'" and John har- wood att their own cost and charge shall have fvU power to prefer a pitision at the great and general covrt or as many and as often as thay shall see cavse in the name of the propriators for an aqvifelcnt for what land was taken away from the propriaty by settling the province line and providence pittioners farms and in svch way and maner as thay shall see cavse : and the propriators do hereby Enable the sd : cap' Daniel Lovet nathan tiler samvel thayer seth chapin Jvn'' and John harwood to convert whatsoever thay can obtain by said petision to their own proper vse and Benifit to them and their heirs or asigns for Ever : 13 pounds and fovr shillings of the above sd 24 pounds paid as atest Daniel Lovet moderator Thomas white propriators clerk : — May y^ 16"': 1737 Receved of cap' daniel lovet nathan tiler samvel thayer seth chapin Jvn"^ and John harwood ten povnds IG shilings : in fvll of what was dve of the above written 24 povnds J say Receved l)y me Daniel taft i)ropriators treasurer [19.] May y^ IG"' : 1737 being a proprators meeting by ajorn- ment from April y^ 4"' : 1737 att said meeting voted that Josei)h taft Jvn' of vxbridge shall have a certain peace or tract of land Joyning to Jsaac : Bensons farm in the sovth side of vxbridge as apeared to a committee sent by the propriators to preambulate with sd Benson : and that the sd taft shovld have all the land that is withovt the plan of said Bensons farm : so far as sd Benson did claim as also one acer of land more att the norwest corner of sd claime in Ive of land that seth aldrich claims within sd Bensons 1124 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. claim : he the sd taft paying to the propriators the svin of three povnds and Eleven shi lings September the twenty third 1742 being a propriators meeting leagaly warned : — att sd meetting voted and chose Daniel Lovet moderator for sd metting : — at sd meeting votted that the re- mainder of the two 100 acers of land in vxbridge be still reserved for the propriators vse : — and att sd meeting voted that Thomas sanford or his : atorney his heirs and asignes be hereby Jmpow- ered in the propriators name and their behalf to prosecvte in the law and to : Eject Richard sprage and others that are in the posesion of that : 33 acers of land on the westerly side of the great river Joyning to the provence line which 33 acers was jrranted to sd sanford in Ive of land taken from him on the East o side sd river by the settling the province line : — and the prosecu- tion to be att the sd sanfords charge : &c and then adjoyrned sd metting to the last mvnday of march next March the 28*'': 1743 being a propriators meeting by ajorn- ment from October the Eleventh : 1742 : then votted to adjorn sd meeting to the hovse of captain william Rawson : and then voted that if any propriators have any former divisions to lay ovt to do itt before the first mvnday of October next or Elce to lose their priveledge in sd divisions : and att sd meeting voted that no per- son cvtt wood or timber on the vndivided or comon land before the time of sd adjoyrnment and then att sd meeting voted and chose nathan tiler Jonathan hay ward samvel thayer John harwood John Read Jvn"" to be a comittee to prosecute those persons that shall trancgres on sd lands : and then adjoyrned sd meeting vntill the first Mvnda}^ of October next and then to meet at the towns meeting hovse in mendon att nine of the clock in the forenoon October y^ 3^* : 1743 being a propriators meeting by adjoyrn- ment from march y*" 28**" 1743 att sd meeting voted to recall that vote for pasing to an Eleventh division and then voted to make an adition to the tenth division of half an acer to a right and then voted not to begin to lay out sd adistion vntill the first of MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1125 nuii-cli next and then vottcd that Every propriator make ovt their rights before that time and then voted to continve the comitee chosen to see after trespases and then votted to chvse a comitee to see what money the propriators have in bank : and the men chosen where Daniel lovett Jacol) aldrich and Ednivnd Ravvson : and then adjorned said meeting vntill the second mvnday in march next to vxbridge meeting hovse att ten of the ck)ck in the forenoon October the lo"' being a pro[)riators meeting by ajcn-nmcnt at sd meeting voted to recall Every article voted or acted vpon ))y virtue of a warant bearing date September the 2o" : 1742 [21.] November y^ 12"' 1744 Being a proprietors meeting TA>galy warned for the business hereafter mentioned at Said meeting Voted and Chose Maj Daniel Lovett Moderator at Said meeting Voted & Chose William Torrey proprietors Clerk : at Sd meeting Voted and Chose oliver Hayward Esq' Surueyer at S'' meeting Voted to Chouse three men for a Commitee any one of them with the Surveyer to be a Commitee for Laying out Land and the men Chosen ware Jacob Aldrich John Read and William Torrey at Sd meeting Voted to giue John Gage twenty acres of Land Joyning to his fathers land South of Daniel Louets Land : at Said meeting Voted to pass to an a Eleuenth Division l)ut Seuen proprietors Scrupled the Vote at Said meeting Chose Jacol) Aldrich and Daniel Louet and Ezekiel Wood a Conmiitee to Recken with the pro})rietors Treasurer : att Said meeting Voted to the town of Vxbridge Sum Land for a Buring place and a Training field and then Voted to Give Ten Acres of Common Land in Uxbridge at Said meeting Voted that Thomas Tinney t^ Daniel Corbett Should prosecute those persons that Trespass ii\)on the i)roprietors Commons att S'' meeting Voted that Jacob Aklrich Thomas Sanford & John Ilarwood be a Com'®" to Trans- mit the Book from the old Clerk to the new one and then adjorned Said meeting to the third monday of march next Ensu- ing the Date hereof to meet at Mendon meeting house at ten of the clock in the mornine; 1126 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. March y*" 18"' 1744/5 Being a proprietors meeting by adjourn- ment from November y^ 12*'' 1744 and then mett and Voted to pass to an P^leuenth Division at S** meeting Voted that Six weaks time lie alowed to the proprietors to Compleat the tenth Division and if they do not Compleat their tenth Division in six weaks then to Lay it out in the Eleventh and after the Same Regulation : at S** meeting Voted that one acre be alowed to a Right without any alowance in the Eleventh Division att S** meet- ing Voted to alow Seven Shilling old tenor p"" acre to those pro- prietors that have not Land to Lay out in the Eleventh Division if any their Land Should be wanting of one acre to a Right in Sd Division and the money to be paid out of the proprietors Ti-eas- urey : at said meeting Voted to Dismiss oliver Haywood Esq'" from being proprietors Surveyor and S*^ meeting Voted to Chouse two Surveyers one in Mendon & one in Uxbridge the Mendon Sur- ueyer to Lay out all the proprietors Common Land East of Ux- l)ridge Line & the Uxbridge Surueyor to out on the west Side at Said meeting Voted and chose AVilliam Torrey & John Read to be [22.] the Surueyers at Said meeting Voted that Maj Daniel Louett Samuel Read & William Holdbrook l)e aded to the Com- mittee Chosen for to Lay out Land att S'' meeting Voted that there Shall be 300 Lotts made and put into the Clarks hands & to be put into a box and to be Drawn out by the Seueral pro- prietors that haue a mind to Draw them in the presence of the pro})rietors Clerk att Said meeting Voted to allow Thomas White three pound & ten Shillings old tenor for Services for y*" pro- prietors & to be Drawn out of the proprietors Treasurey att Said meeting Voted to allow John Harwood Esq"" thirty Shillings old tenor for Service Done for y'^ proprietors for preambelating y** ministry and proprietors farm & to be paid out of the proprietors Treasurey att Said meeting Vt)ted to allow Maj'" Daniel Louett & Jacob Aldrich Sixteen Shilling old tenor Each for two Days Service in preambelating j" ministry & proprietors farm & to be paid out of y® proprietors Treasury at Said meeting Voted that the proprietors would Enable & Jmpower Thomas Sanford his heirs Executors administrators and assigns or his attorneys in their behalf at his Cost & Charge to Eject Richard Sprauge & MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1127 others oil" froiu Lands on the westerly side of y*^ Great riuer (viz) thirty three acres on y'' westerly Side of y'' Great Riuer aboue Said now in the possession of richard Sprauge & others hereto- fore Granted by the proprietors to the Said Sanford in y^ room of Land taken from the on y"' Easterly Side of Said Riuer by y<^ province Line : at S'' meeting Voted that where Common Land Lies between two proprietors or more they Shall Notifie the persons Joyning to them to Lay out their part if any they have to Lay out according to their rights they not agreeing the Sur- ueyer & Committee to Settle y'' whole aftair & none to have any Laid out till they make out their Rights by a Certificate attested under the Clearks hand of Said propriety : at S** meting Voted to Disiuis Oliver Hay ward Esq"" as a Suruayer — at S'' meeting A^)ted to record part or all of y*" Eleuenth Division of Land in this Book of records at S'' meeting Voted to Except of what the Com" had Done in reckening Avith the proprietors Treasurer which is as followeth March y'' IS*'' 1745 We the Subscribers being Chosen by the proprietors of the former township of Mendon to recon with their treasurer Daniel Taft Esq'' haue this Day per- formed that business and we find in the S^ Treasurers hands fine pounds nineteen Shillings and ten pence old tenor money : as witness our hands Daniel Lolett ^ Jacob Aldrich SComittee EzEKiEL Wood ) Daniel Taft i Treasurer [24:.] Mendon January the oO'" 1748 Being a Proprietors meeting Legualy Warned for the business :s hereafter mentioned then mett and Choose John Harwood Esq' Moderator for Said meeting att Said meeting voted to Sell the Proprietors farm that Lyeth in Uxbridge and to Covert the mone}^ ariseing by the Sale of Said farm to the Schools to which it belongs and it passed in the afirmitiue — att Said meeting Voted and Choose fine men as a Com" to Sell Said Proprietors farm and to Giue a Suffient Deed 1128 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. or Deeds for the Conveyance of the Same in the behalf of the Pro})riety — And the men Choosen for Said Com" weare Cap*^ Nathan Tyler Daniel Taft Esq-" John Harwood Esq"" Lie' Jonathan Wood & Liet John Holbrook — att Said meeting Voted to add one acer more to a Eight in the Eleventh Division and also Voted that the Com^'' Chosen to Lay out said Division haue I^iberty to add half an acre more to that acre which y" Propriety haue added to the Eleuenth Division for poor Land as Said Com" thinks needfull — att Said Voted and Choose two men to add to the Com" for Laying out the Eleuenth Division and the men Choosen were Capt Robert Taft & Capt Nathan Tyler — att Said meeting- Voted and Choose fine men as a Committee to Settle bounds between man & man where they are Lost or remain Difficult and the men Choosen Avere Dccon Jacob Aldrich John Ilarwood Esq'- Decon Samuel Read Capt Nathan Tyler & Capt Robert Taft : Said work to be Done at the owners of Such Lands Cost and Charge — at Said meeting Voted that the time for Compleating of the Eleuenth Division Shall be the tenth of June 1750 — at Said voted that the Easterly Precienct in INIendon haue ten acres of Land in the Proprietors Comons for a Buring Place — and Said meeing was Dissolued John Harwood moderator [29.] Mendon October 28*'' 1751 being a Proprietors meeting Leagualy warned for the Business hereafter mentioned then nveet and Choose Decon Jacob Aldrich moderator for said meeting — and then adjorned Said meeting to the 25"^ Day of November next and to meet at the towns meeting house in Said mendon at ten of the Clock in the forenoon of Said Day Mendon November 25"' 1751 being a proprietors by adjorn- ment then mett and put to vote whether the Proprietors would (Choose a C^om" to preamblate the north & west Lines of the former township of mendon and it i)assed in the Negetive at Said meeting Voted and Choose three men as a Committee to make Aaron Thayer Satisfaction for his Land that was wanting in his Land adjoyning to Land formerly Jethro Coffins and the men MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1129 (Mioscn were A^'illiunl Toirey as Servey' Cap' Robert Tatt & Decon Sam" Road Com" — at Said meeting Voted & Choose three men as a Committee to Joyn with & assist the proprietors Clerk to Examin the proprietors Books to Search out the mistakes if any there be and to make Report to the propriety — and the men Chosen were Decon Jacob Aldrich Cap* Robert Taft & Ens" Josiah Taft — and then Said meeting was Desolved — ^lendon April y'^ 13. 175() Being a Proprietors meeting Lea- gualy warned for the Biusiness :s hereafter mentioned then mett and Chose Nathan Tyler Estf moderator for S** meeting — at S'' meeting voted to give the Surveyors that were Chosen to Lay out the Proprietors Conmion Land the Lil)erty to Lay out their Comon Land in any part of the propriety — at S'' meeting voted to Chose a man to add to the Connnittee Chosen to Settle Bounds between man & man wluin? they are Lost or Remain Diflicult (one of s'' Com" l)eing Dead) and the man Chosen was William Torrey — and then Said meeting was adjourned to the Second tus(>day of October next & to meet at the towns meeting house in Mendon at Nine of the Clock in the morning — octol)er the 12"' IT")!) being a proprietors meeting l)y adjourn- ment from April the lo 1756 then meet and put to vote whether the propriety would Chouse a Conmiittee to Examin the propri- etors Records of their I^ands So farr back as the Sixth Division and it passed in the afiirmitive and at Said meeting Chose tive men for Said Com" and the men Chosen were William Torrey Sam" Read Sam" Thayer John Corbett and Nanthan Tyler Esq*" at Said meting Voted that the proprietors make out Every man his Rights to the Com" Chosen b}' Said propriety before the Last Day of December next and then S*^ meeting was adjourned to the Second tuesday of flanvary next at nine of the Clock in the morn- ing at the towns meeting house in mendon [30.] Janvary the 11**" 1757 being a proprietors meeting by an Adjournment from October 12 1756 to Janvary y« ll'*" 1757 1180 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. ;uul then mctt miuI Adioiunod Sn'ul mortiiii^- to -lanvarv "i") 17")7 and to nuM't at tlu> towns mrrtinir liousi^ in rxbridgi' at Nine of the Clock in tho niornino- flanvarv tho 2")"' IToT being a pr()]irict()rs meeting by an ad- jonnunont from Jaiivarv the 11"' 1757 and then met! and Ad- jonrned Said meeting to the Last tuseday of febrnary next it being the '22 Day and to meet at the towns meeting honse in Uxbridge at Nine of the Cloek in the morning febravy 22'\ 17.")7 being a j)roprietors meeting by adjonrnment from Janvary 11"' 1757 then meet and Voted that the money aris- ing By the Sale of the jn-opriators farm Sold to David Draper be Divided to Each ])roprietor according to their Rights — voted in the atlirmative and then S'' meeting was Disolved — attest Nathan Tyleh Moderator Jn Answer to a Kecjnest to me by L>Oty proprietors of the former township of mendon Rei|uesting a proprietors meeting — These are therefore to warn vVc give notice to the proju-ietors that have any Jntrest in the proprietors Lands belonging to the former townshi}) of mendon as atoresaid that tnesday the lo"' Day of april next is appointed to be a proprietors meeting & to meet at the towns meeting honse in mendon at ten of the Clock in the fonr noone of S'' Day — tii'st for y'' proprietors to Choose a mod- erator for S'' meeting : 2 :ly to See if the i>roprietors will Choose a Com^'' to Examine the Records belonging to S'^ propriety as far back as the i)roprietee Shall think pro})er in order to prevent persons having Rights allowed more then once that the Com" for Laying ont the proprietors Lands c^ the proprietors may not be Jm})osed npon by having Demands made more than once or twice on them to have Lands Confirmed to them on pretended Rights when no Jnst Clame Can be Laid to any of the Comon in S' propriety and Sd Com" or a tormer Com" may be Jmposed npon where the Clame or Jntrest Doth aj^pear to be Lame or not to be made ont that they Shall notitie ]iersons to make ont their Rights & if they are nnable or Rcfnse then to Jnform Said Com- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1131 inittc wlicro c'c how Siu-h Land Doth Lye that So il may he Laid out or to order the attarc Some other way or as (lu^ propriety Shall think proper — 3 to Sec if the proprietors will liecall their vote tor approprciiting money to the use of their Schools the money being Raised by the Sale of lands Calh'd the proprietors farm in Uxl)ridue Sold to David Dra})er & to Dispose of the money as the })ro[)rietors Shall think more i)roper 4 to See how Ihe proprietors will Dispose of the Ceder Swamp that is not Laid Old according to the proprietors Records [31.] Mendon October the 17 I7f)7 »ln answer to 13 Proprietors of the former Township of Men- (h)n who have Ke(iuested of me a pro[)rietory meeting & to meet at the towns meeting house in Mendon on Tuesday the Eight Day of November next at Nine of the Clock in the forenoon — These are therefore to warn & give Notice to the Proprietors of Said Townshi}) that Tuesday the Eight Day of November next is a})})(>inted to be a })roprietors meeting & to meet at the Towns meeting house in mendon at nine of the Clock in the fore Noone — tirst for the Proprietors to (Choose a Moderator for Said meet- ing 2'y To See if the Proprietors will Choose a Committee to Pre- ambulatc the Lines or Bounds Round the former Townshi[) of Mendon and also the Grant of Lands Called the North Purchas ; and to Jmi)ower the Said Com" to Notifie the Proprietors or Pro- priety Ad Joyning to S'^ Pro|)riety to Preambulate the Lines or Bounds With them According to Law : — 3''^'' : to See if the Pro- priety will choose a Com" : to Reckon with the Proprietors Treas- urer — 4'^ : to See if y*" Proprietors Will Choose a Commi" : to Reckon AVith the Connni" : that was Chosen to Sell the Proprie- tors farm Jn lTxl)ridge And to take the INIoney that the Said farm Was sold for into their Hands for the Proprietors use And to Render an Account of Said Money to the Proprietors as soon as may be & of their Proceeding thereon — 5'' : to See if the Proprietors AVill Set a time for each Proprie- tor to Bring in their Rights to the Proprietors Com" : in order to have the Money Belonging to the Propriety Divided According to the Vote of the S*^ Propriety — & also to See if the Propriety 1132 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Will });i.ss their Vote that all those Persons that Refuse or Neglect to Make out their Rights to the Proprietors Commi" : at or before the tiuie the Proprietors Shall Sett Shall forever After he Secluded & Debarred of his or their Rights of the Money belong- ing to Said Propriety — & also to See if the Proprietors Will Choose a (^omm" : to Subdivide the Money belonging to the S'^ Propriety to the Proprietors that shall Make out their Rights according to their .Interest according to the Proprietors Vote — And Also for all Persons that have any Demands on the Pro- priety of Mendon to Bring their Accounts to the Propriety in Order for their Allowance William Torre y Proprietors Clark. Mendon November 8"' 1757 being a Proprietors meeting Leagally warned and then meet and Choose Decon Sam" Read moderator for Said meeting — at S'' meeting Voted & Chose Sam" Read Cap^ Phinchas Lovett & William Torrey a Committee to preambulate the Lines Round the former township of mendon and also the grant of Land to the town of mendon Called the north purches — at Said meeting Voted to Choose a Com" of three men to Reckon wdth the pro- prietors Treasurer and the men Chosen were. Cap* Robert Taft Doc''" John Corbett & Sam" Thayer and to make their Return of [32.] their Doings at the adjournment of Said meeting — att Said meeting Voted & Chose three men for a Com" to reckon with the Com" that was Chosen to Sell the proprietors farm in Uxbridge and to take the money that the Said farm was Sold for with the -Income of the Same into their hands for the proprietors use and to Render an account of Said money to the proi)rietors at the Adjournment of Said meeting — and the men Chosen for S'' Com" Avere Ens" Ezekiel Wood Lie' John french & Cap' Phin- chas Lovett — and then the Said meeting was Adjourned to the last monday of felnwary next and to meet at the towns meeting house in mendon at twelve of the Clock at noone febravory the 27"' 1758 being a proprietors meeting by ad- journment from November 8"' 1757 and then meet — and voted MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1133 th:it all the proprietors that have not already brought in an ae- eount of their Rights to the proprietors Committee Shall Bring them in to Said Com" at or before the first monday of May next — att Said meeting Voted that all the proprietors who have or Do make out their Rights by the first monday of may next and bring a Certificate from the i)roi)rietors Clerk that they have made out their Rights Shall be Jntitled to what Each Right Draws of the proprietors money now in the Committes hand and their Cei-tificate Shall be a pro})er order on the proprietors Treas- urer for Said Sum — at Said meeting Voted to Continve the Report of the Com'''' that was Chosen to Recken with the Com'"'^ thai was Chosen to Sell the proprietors farm to the adjournment of Said meeting — and then Said meeting was adjourned to the third monday of april next and to meet at the towns meeting house in mendon at ten of the Clock in the forenoon april 17"' 1758 being a Proprietors meeting l)y adjournment and also anotlier pro])rietors meeting Lcagaly warned to meet on the Same Day and then meet and C^hose Samuel Read moderator for S'' meeting — at Said meetings Chose Caj)' Phinehas Lovett Treasurer for Said propriety and to manage the proprietys mone}'^ according to the warrant for Said meeting at Said meet- ing Chose two men to add to the Com''® that were Chosen to pre- ambulate the Lines Round the Township and the men Chosen were Nathan Tyler Esq"' & Doc'"" John Corbett the Sixth & ninth articles in the warrant the propriety Dissmist and would not act u}>on them and then the Said meetings were adjourned to the Last monday of September next and to meet at the towns meet- ing house in mendon at ten of the Clock in the fore noon [33.] Mendon April : 17'" : A : D : 1758 A\'e The Subscribers being a Connnittee Chosen by the Pro- prietors of the former Township of Mendon to Reckon With the Committee that the Said Propriety Chose to Sell the Proprietors Farm Jn Uxbridge (And to take the Money that the Said Farm was Sold for ; With the Jncome of the Same) for the Proprietors Use — Have proceeded in Said Affair, — And we find that Said Farm Was Sold fin- £133-G-8-f in :\[arch 2()'" : 1752 — And the 1134 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Committee adds for Jnterest £49=11''=2| Which We have taken Said Money into our Hands for Said Proprietors use Which Makes one hundred and Eighty two pounds Seventeen Shillings &, ten pence half Penny EzEKiEL Wood > .^ ^ > Committee Pjiineiias Lovett ) [32.] September 25"' 1758 being a pro]n'ictors by adjourn- ment then Met & ordered the Proprietors Committee to set up Notifications in the Said Propriety in order for the Proprietors to brino- an account of their Rioiits to the Said Committee Before o o [33.] the last Monday of October Next & then Said Meeting Adjovrn'* to the last Monday of October Next & to Meet at the Towns Meeting House in Mendon at Nine of the ('lock in y*' Morning- October 30^^ 1758 Being a Proprietors Meeting by Adjournment & then IVIett And Voted that the 900 Acres of Land that was Sold to Defray the Charges that Arose by Reason of Providence Petitioners be re- corded in the Proprietors Records to the Particular persons Sold to & also Voted to give the Proprietors Clerk 6 Shillings for re- cording the Same & to Draw the S'^ 6 Shillings out of the Pro- prietors treasury At Said Meeting Voted to give the Proprietors Committee Twelve Pounds for their Service for time Spent in Searching y*" : Proprietors Records ; & to Draw the Money out of the Proprie- tors Treasury At Said Meeting Voted to impower the Proprietors Committee Viz : Sam*^' Thayer Nath" Tyler Esq'' D"" : John Corbett Deacon Samuel Read Will"" Torrey to Divide the Proprietors Money Now in the Proprietors treasurers Hands to each Proprie- tor according to his Rights, When they have Made out their Rights to the Land they have laid out And that others have laid out on their Rights, And also that a Certificate from Said Com- mittee shall be a Sufficient order for the Treasurer to pay each proprietor his money According to his Jnterest & then Said Meetings were Disolved : MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1135 [34.] Mendon November 20^" 1758 the proprietors Com" that was Chosen to Search y^ proprietors Records mett and gave orders to the proprietors Treasurer to pay the money that the propriety voted for their Service £ s D (viz) to Sam". Thayer one pound Kioht Shillings & Six pence 1- 8- G to Nathan Tyler Esq'' two pounds & Eight pence 2- 0- 8 to William Torrey three pounds thirteen Shillings 3-13- to Doc*'' John Corbett two pounds Eight Shillings & 10 pence 2- 8-10 to Sam" Head three pound one Shilling 3- 1- Dcdham may 9*'' 1704 Cap* Samuel Guild Si. Joseph Elles Jun'' were appointed & Chosen to Run the Line between Dedham & Mendon c^ to Renew the marks — May 1704 Cap* Sam" Guild & Jose})h Elles Jun' as appointed & Chosen to Preaml)ulate and Renew the Bounds marks Between Dedham & mendon Did with the men Chosen b}' mendon Select men — The Line ))etween Dedham & mendon the first tree they begun at was a white oak tree Called Dedham tree the Second tree a Black oak tree the third tree a great white oak tree the fourth tree a wallnut tree the fifth tree a knotty white oak tree the Sixth tree a white oak tree ui)on the South Side of a Swamp the Seventh tree a white oak tree upon the north Side of a Swamp y'' Eight tree a walnut tree the ninth tree a pine tree near Quick Stream the tenth tree a pine tree upon a hill the Eleventh tree a pine tree on a hill the twelveth tree a Black oak tree the thirteenth tree a greate white oak tree near nicolas Cooks house the fourteenth tree u})on the Line from S*^ Cooks house a Small pine tree on the South Side of S*^ Cooks house the tifteenth tree a Small white oak tree on the west Side of a Swamp the Sixteenth tree a Small Black oak tree at the South End of the Swamp the Seventeenth tree a grey oak at the north End of a Bogg the Eightenth tree a pine tree a the west End of a Ridge the nineteenth tree a black oak tree with a heap of Stones at the l)ottom of the Said tree the twentyth tree a Srul)by white oak tree twenty first tree a Black oak tree by the 113G PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Side of Pettuckct River and in the year 1712 — Cap^ Saniuel (Juild & fJonathan Hunting with niendon agents perambulated & Renewed the Bounds marks above mentioned Between Dedhani vSc mendon [35.] Mendon October 4»> 1762 Tliesc are to warn & give notice to the Proprietors of the former town Ship of mendon that monday the 25"' Day of Octo- ber Jnstant is appointed to be a proprietors meeting and to meet at the towns meeting house in Said mendon at ten of the clock in the forenoon of Said Day P^ to (yhoose a moderator to govern S'^ hieeting 2'"-^ for Ihe proprietors to give Directions in what method they would have their Committee Settle the Lines round Said propriety there being- Some Difficulty in Said aifare 3'-^' to Se if the proprietors will Confirm to Samuel Read a Quantity of Land Left for the Country Road by S*^ propriety the Said Road being Confirmed through a part of S'' Reads Land Some Distance from where Said allowance was Left William Torre y Proprietors Clerk mendon October 25"' 1762 being a proprietors meeting Leagaly warned for the Business a])ove mentioned and then meet and Chose John Corbitt moderator for Said meeting — at Said meet- ing put to Vote whether the Committee Chosen by the [)roprietors of the former township of mendon to preambulate the Bounds Round Said propriety Shall perambulate the old Bounds Between mendon propriety and Sutton where they have ben perambulated by the towns of Sutton and Uxbridge and it passed in the affirmitive — at Said meeting put to Vote whether the proprietors will allow Samuel Reads Request and Confirm to Said Read the allowance Left for a Cuntry Road by Said propriety on the South Easterly Side of a Large hill west of Said Reads house in Lve of the Road now Confirmed northerly of S'^ allowance by the quarter Sessions and it passed in the affirmitive and then S"^ meeting was Dissolved Jn answer to the Requst of 18 proprietors of the former town- ship of mendon Requsting a proprietors metting & to meet at IVIENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1137 the towns meeting house in the first precinct in mendon on mon- day the 13 Day of april next at nine of the Clock in the fore noon of S** Day to act on the foHowing articles first to Choose a moder- ator for S'' meeting :2'' to Choose a Com^** to Recon with the treasurer of S"* propriety — 3'^ to see if the proprietors Shall See Cause to Choose a new treasurer for S*^ : propriety — 4'^ to Se if the proprietors will Choose a new Clerk for S'' propriety — 5'^ to Se if the proprietors will Choose a Surveyor or Surveyors for S*^ I)ropriety — 6'^' to see if the proprietors will Choose a man or men to add to the Committe alredy Chose to lay out the Elev- enth Division in S'' propriety — 7'^ for all persons who have done Service for S*^ propriety to bring in their accompts & lay them before S^ propriety in order for the money to be granted to pay S** Debts 8'^' to Se if the proprietors will Choose a Com'"' to Serch in to the affares where any person or persons have laid out land or lands which they have nor right too and where Ever Such land or lands Shall be found the S'' Com'^'^ to make Report of the Same to the S*^ propriety for their Consideration — 9'^ to Se if the propriety will Subdivid the money that is in our present treasurers hands according to Each proprietors Right or any part thereof — 10'-'' to Se if the proprietors will Choose a Com*''' to take Care of the prudentially affares of the propriety in the roome of the present Standing Com*"" — 11^'' to See if the proprietors will pass their Vote that no person or persons Shall vote in the proprietors meeting before he or they make out their rights to the proprietors Clerk or in S^ meeting — 12'> to Se if the pro- prietory will pass a vote that the ])roprietors treasurer shall take notes of those pro})rietors that have not received their farther rio-hts in s*^ propriety or Cancel those that he has i-eceived — these are therefore to warn and give notice to the proprietors of the S*" township of mendon that monday the 13*'^ Day of april next is appointed to be a proprietors meeting and to meet at the towns meeting house in the first precinct in mendon at nine of the Clock in the forenoon of Said Day to act on the Several articles above mentioned mendon December 19''' 17(i() William Torkey proprietors Clerk 1138 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. april 13"' 1797 I have warned the proprietors of the former township of mendon by posting up this in Several publick places in Said propriety fifteen days before Said meeting — pr me William Torrey proprietors Clerk [36.] April 13"' 17()7 Being a propriator meeting pursuent to the preceding warrant and then meet and Choose Solomon Wood Escf moderator for Said meeting 2'^ — Voted and Choose a Conmiite to Recon with the treasurer of S'' propriety and the men Chosen for S'' Com*" were Cap* John farnum Doc* John Corbett & Ens" Samuel Torrey — at Said meeting voted to Dis- miss the 4"' & S*** articles in Said warrant — at Said meeting- voted to Choose three men for a Com" to add to the Com- mite already Chosen to Lay out the Eleventh Division in S'' propriety and the men Chosen weare Cap* Ezekiel Wood Cap* Nathan Tyler and Lieut Benjamen Wheelock — at S'' meeting voted to alow the Com** (viz) John french Ezekiel Wood & phinehas lovett for reconing with the Com** that Sold the proprietors farm Eight Shillings Each of them — at S'' meet- ing Voted to alow Seth Aldrich two Shillings & Eight pence for assisting in perambulating the west Line of S'' propriety — at S'' meeting voted to alow Cap* phinehas Lovett twelve Shillings for his Services in going to Boston to git plan of the north purches — at S'' meeting Voted to Dismiss the Eight article in S'' warrant — at S'' meeting Voted that the proprietors treasurer Should Cancel those Notes that the proprietors treasurer hath taken of the Several proprietors that have Drawed their money for their Rights and then S*^ meeting was adjourned to wensday the 29 Day of april Currant & to meet at the house of Cap* Ezekiel Woods Jnholder in uxbridge at one of the Clock in the afternoon of S*^ Day Wensday april 29*'' 1767 being a proprietors meeting by ad- journment and then mett and put to vote whether they would Choose a Commite to take Care of the prudentials of S*^ propriety in the Roome of the Standing Committee for Sd propriety and it passed in the Negutive — MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1139 at S" meeting put to vote whether the proprietors will Sub- divide the money now in y^' proprietors treasurcy to the Several proprietors according to their Rights or any part thereof and it passed in the negutive at S" meeting the Committee that was Chosen to Recon with Cap^ Lovett treasurer of Said propriety made their Report to Said propriety and they Report that they finde in the S'^ treasurers hands the 27 of march Last one hundred twenty five pounds five Shillings & Eleventh pence one farthing and at Said meeting voted to Except the S*^ Committes Report at Said meeting voted to alow Cap^ Lovett out of the Hundred & twenty five pounds five Shillings & Eleven pence one farthing the Sum of twelve pounds for his Service as a Treasurer for Said })ropriety on his Resining up and Delivering the Sum of one hun- dred & thirteen pounds five Shillings Eleven pence & one farthin<>- to the S'' propriety or their order with y*" Jntrest of Said Sum from the 27 of march 1767 together with all the Books bonds and all the affares of that Nature belonging to Said propriety when Said propriety shall Receive them of him — at S*^ meeting voted to alow Cap' John farnum 0'^-r)'-4'^ for 2 days Reconing with the treasurer and at S*^ meeting voted to alow Doc* John Corbett 0-10'-8'^ for Reconing with the treasurer — and at S'^ meeting Voted to alow Ens". Samuel Torrey 0-10-8 for reconing with the treasurer — at Said meeting Choose three men to transfir or Remove the Books Bonds and all aflTares of that Nature Belonging to Said pro- priety out of our former treasurers hands into our present treas- urers hands — and the men Chosen were Cap' Nathan Tyler Samuel Aldrich & Ens" Sam" Torrey and to Rectifie any mistake in the Com^" Reconing with Cap' Lovett our former treasurers if any there be — at S'' meeting voted to alow Jacob aldrich two Shillings & Eight pence for assisting in ])eraml)ulating the west line in Said propriety at Said meeting Voted to Choose a treasurer for Said pro- priety and the man Chosen was AP Joseph Dorr Jun*^ 1140 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Jn answer to the Request of twelve of the proi)rietors of the former township of Mention Requesting a proprietors meeting and to meet at the towns meeting house in uxbridge Iront]' on Monday the 28'" Day of March Jnstant at two of the Clock in the afternoon of Said Day — first to Choose a moderator for Said meeting — 2'^ to Se if the propriety will undertake to make ansAver to the pitition that Sutton hath prefered to the Generall Covrt in order for the town of Uxbridge to make answer to if the town of uxbridge Should Request it and if the answer Said propriety Should undertake to make answer to Said petition to Choose a man or men as a Com- mitte to manage that affair and to grant Such Sum or Sums of money as Shall be Necessary to Carrey on that affair these are to Avarn & give notice to the proprietors of the Said township of Mendon that Monday the 28*" Day of March Jnstant is appointed to be a proprietors meeting and to meet at the towns meeting house in Uxbridge at two of the Clock in the afternoon of Said Day to act on the Several articles above mentioned Mendon March 12*" 1708 AV^iLLiAM Torre Y proprietors Clerk March the 28"' 1768 Being a proprietors meeting Leagualy warned and meet at Uxbridge ao-reeable to the above warrant and Choose Decon Samuel Read moderator for Said meeting — and then at Said meeting put to vote whether the proprietors would make answer to the petition that the town of Sutton hath prefered to the General Court to Establish the Line between uxl)ridge and Sutton and it passed in the affirmative and at Said meeting voted to Choose five men for a Committe to manage that affair for Said propriety and the men Chosen for Said fron^i' Committe were Decon Samuel Read William Torrey Cap* Ezekiel Wood Cap* Nathan Tyler Jun"" and Sanuiel Aldrich and at Said meeting it Voted the Committe that were hereto- fore Chosen to take Care of the prudentials of Said propriety Shall give orders to the Said proprietors treasurer to pay out Such Sums of money as Shall be needfull to Carry on the affair MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1141 Dcfcnilu'r lirst ITTo Bciiiif a proprietors iiu'ctiMu' Leuiiuly & luctt at the; first i)recinct niocting house in iiiendon agreeably lo the warrant and Chose W James Sunnier moderator for Said meeting at S'' meeting voted to Dismiss tlic Second article in S'' war- rant at meeting Voted to Choose one Survey"" to lay out Comon land in S'' propriety and the man Chosen was thaddeus Read at Said meeting put to Vote whether they would Choose a Com- mittee to i)eraml)ulate the lines Round the township & it pased in the negutive — at Said meeting voted to Choose three men for a Com", to insi)eet in to the lands laid out to Daniel wheelock and his Son })aul and also Benjamin Archers land and the men. Chosen were Cap' Nathan Tyler & mesrs. peter penneman & James Sumner at Said meeting voted to Clioos(; 3 men as Chain men for lay- ing out land in Said propriety & the men Chosen were James Sumner peter penniman & Samuel Aldrich [20.] Mendon ^Nlarch 16-1779 Being a Proprietors Meeting By a Warrant from Joseph Dorr Esq'^ — first to Chuse a Proprie- tors Clark made Choise of Cap John Tyler — at his Request Dis- mist him — odly to Chuse a Committy to reckon with S'* Treasur — And to Chuse Som other person for a Treasur in his Sted — 41y to Chuse a Nother Suruayor for Sd Propriety — 51y to See if the Propriety will make Choice of any one or more Persons to Sarve on y** Committy for Laying out Land Setling Lines and managing the Prudential matters of the Propriety — 6 Article Not acted ui)on — 7ly to See what method y*^^ Propriety will Es- tablish for Calling Proprietors meetings for y° future 8Ly for all persons to bring in their Accompts who haue Demand on y'" Propriety Chose Samuel Read Moderator y" 3d Article they Acted vpon & Chose Docter John Corbitt Abnar Rawson & Co' Nathan Tyler — 4Ly Made Choice of M'" James Sumner to be A Surveyor — 51y to Se if y*" Propriety will Choose any more persons for to Lay Out Land & maid Choise of yV Jacol) Aldrich and Cap Benjamin Read ^And Chose Ca[) John 1142 PROPRIETORS^ RECORDS. Albe M"" James Sumner and M"" Thaddeos Read to be A Counnit- tee to Settle Lines and manig y*' pnidental matters of y'^ Pro- priety 7Ly Chbse Docter John Corl)itt Col Silas Wheelock Cap John Tyler Samuel Read and Sanuiel Aldrich to Call ])ropritors meet- ing for the futor Mendon December y'' 1st 1779 Being a Proprietors by adjourn- ment from 3** Wendsday of Nouember 1779 Cap John Tyler Who was Clark of Said Propriaty Resigned, that offis then the Mem- bers of Said meeting Made Choise of M*' James Sumner for their Clark of S'^ of Said Propriaty then Voted that Samuel Read assist the Clark in Gitting the propriators Books in better Order = Joseph Dorr Esq'" Resigned the office of Treasur of S'' Propriety = And Captin Peter Pennaman was Chosen Treasurer of S** propriety — Then Uoted to Allow Col Ezra Wood for his Run- ino; the North and West Line of the former Township of Mendon and for his Paying mr Barchias Mason y^ Sum of ;33-0-() Uoated to allow Samuel Read for his Sarvis two Days & for himself 3o-5-0 7-4-0 Voted to allow M"" Thaddeos Read for 5 days Saruis and for mony Expended in Runing Said Line the Sum of— 30=8=0 Voated to allow Nathan Tyler Esq-^ the Sum of ^ 16=0=0 for his Sarvis in Assisting In Runing Said Line c Lickewise Voated to Allow m"" James Sumner 7-4 for his Sarvis two Days Runing Said Line — Then the Proprietors made Choise of m"" Abner Rawson to pay out the Above Sums to the Aboue Named Persons and Engaed to pay him Intrest for S'^ Sums until he was Paid by the Propriety also Voated that the money when Paid to him Should be made as Good as it now is [23.] Then Voted to adjorn both the Propriators Meetings that was adjornd to this Day to the first Wendsday in April Next at ten of the Clock in the morning and to meat at the first Pre- cinct meeting hovs in mendon pr James Sumner Clark MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1143 Met jit (lie lime luul i)lacc accordiiia- to adjorniiicnt and inado Choice' of -loscpli Dorr Esif Moderator Pro Tcmpora — the moderator Chosen to Regulate the preceiding Meeting being Al)scnt and Also the Clark and Voted to further Adjorn the ahoue S" ^Meetings to the tirst Wendsday in may Next ten A Clock in the fore Noon in this Place Attest Joseph Dokr Moderator Pretempora The Warrant Not being Recorded tis here Entered — to the Proprietors of the former Town Ship of mendon. Vou are hereby Notitied to meat at the tirst Parish Meeting Hous on tiie tirst monday in October Next at ten A Clock in the fore Noon after the Choice of a Moderator — First to See if thay Will hear and Act on y' Petition of Abnar Rawson Desiring the Proprietors will make up What the School Lot he purchased of the Town of Uxbridge wants in Quantity & (^uallety — 2'-'*' to See if the Propriety will Chuse a Counnitty to find out the Counuon and Undevided Land in S'^ propriety and to Report to the Proprietors at a Proprietors Meeting the Curcum- Stances of the S'' Comon Land and that the Proprietors may Act there in as thay Se Cause ^ 3y to See if the Proprietors will Vote that Euery mans Lot when the Committe have Laid out any for time to Come that the Return be Read in a Proprietors Meeting for their Alteration and Allowance and after Allowance and Recording Shall Be a SvfKcent title to the Possessor and to act on any other matter or thing Relating to S'' Article — Mendon Sep- tember 20-1770 John Corbitt ^ Committy to Samuel Read vCall Proprietors Silas Wheelock J Meetings Voted to Awnswer Abner Rawsons Request by Giuing him the Comon Land Lying Near Easterly & A Joyning to Said Rawsons Land if there Should Be more then to make up bis 100 Acres then S*^ Rawson Promeses to giue the Propriety ten pound for Every Acre if there Should Be more than to make up}^*" 100 Acres as aboue the aboue S'' Lot was on the Westerly Side of Uxbridge Looted on the tirst artile that the Commite for Setlino; 1144 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. of Lines &Co proceed to Vcw the Lines and Settle bounds of Som Lands the Town of Uxbridge Sold to Abnar Rawson the meetings ware a Jorncd from o wendsday of Nouember to the first Wendsday of may 1780 on two warrants Meet and Chose Nathan Tyler Juner Esqr Clark Petempora — Voted to Chuse A Committy of thre men to Reckon with Joseph Dorr Esq their former Treasuer and to Settle with him Reletive to the money in his hands Due to S*^ Propriety and the Deprecation there on & to Settle with him for his Servises as Treasurer Receiue the ballance & Books in his hands and Deliuer the Same to Cap Peter Peneman the PreSent Treasur taicking his Recept there for [37.] War 1| |1 1| of |1 — 1| Ij — 1| || — 1| || — 1| two warants y-^ one Dated ||— ||— 1| 1779 the other Dated September 20-1779 Both of the II llckly warned Samuel Read Chose moderator of Both II II II tings := Cap John Tyler Chose A Clark for y*" Propriety of th|| Township of Mendon = he Ceept the Records a while & as II II a dismission =r then on a Jornment of Said meetings Mr Jam II II II — II was Chose Clark for S*^ Propriety he also on an Ajornments Meetings asked a dismission — and then thay Choose Cap Samuel R|||||| for their Clark = the Propriety Chose Cap Peter Pennaman T|| || || || ||er = for S'^ Propriety — met on y*" first Wendsday of May 1780 Voted to Chuse a Com*^' of thre men to Wrecken with Jos|| || || Dorr Esq'' their former Treasurer the per- sons Chosen ware John Corbitt Nathan Tyler Jun"" — And Abner Rawson — the|| on y® a Jornment from y® 3d of may for a fort- nett fro II this Day — mett and Receiued y'' Report and Doing of th|| Committy the following Bonds and Notes du to S'' Propriety II — II one Bond from Solomon Wood & Sineon Wood of the Sum II — II Thirteen Pound 14/^ — Princepal du on S'^ Bond and In- t||||||||t due from March 27-1779 — one Bond Signed By Jaco|| Ellis & Daniel Read gi-K^^^ Principle due and In|| || || || || || due from the date of Said Bond which is April 4'*> 1776 || ||so a Note Signed By Turner Elles i^ — Dated June 9*" 1777 Intrest du from the Date of the Note to 1 Note Signed Samuel Read £8-17- 3- with Sunderie Entre|| || on S'^ Note Nearly to the amount of the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1145 Same also an Note of £18 = 0= Siluer money Signed by Joseph Dorr this day on Intrest = Licke wise 8-19=6 in Currant m — II and two paper Coiiered books belonging to Said propriety II — II Bonds Notes and Books I will l)o acountable for to S** Propriety > Treasv r to Pete II Pennaman c o • i td • ^ > Said Propriety Mendon September y'' 14"' 1780 These may ('ertitie whome it may Consarn that to the Best of my Memory Cap John All)ee M' James Sumner & C|||| Thaddeos Read was Chosen A Com*^'' in addition to the former Com|| || || to Settle Lines where any Dis- putes Shall or has arisen || || || in the former Township of Mendon as I was Clark at || || Meeting John Tyler [24.] These are to giue the Proprietors of the former Town- ship of Mendon Notis that their is to be a proprietors meeting on the first Wendsday in April at ten A Clock in the fore Noon After the Choise of A Moderator P* to See if thay Chuse a Committy or make an addition to the former Committy for Selling l)ounds and to take Care of the Pul)- lick affars of the Propriety [25.] 2'' Article — to See if thay will Chuse a man or men to Eject any Person or persons that haue Inclosed an|| Pertend to hold any of the Proprietors Land wit|| out any Just Rite 3y to See if the propriety Will Chuse a Committee to Settl|| the North Line of S'' Propriety Avith Sutton and Hopking Town 4y to See if the Propriety will Chuse a Committy to Look u}) Common Land in said propriety and make Return to Said pro- })riety of what Land thay fin|| to be Common in S*^ Propriety Dated at Mendon 5'' of March 1781 — there was Notis of this ^Meeting at Mendon Uxbridge Upton Northbridge and Milford by the Com'«« Docter John Corbit Chose Moderator Made Choice of m'' Samuel Aldrich and m*" Ebenezer Chapin to Assist in Setling bounds whare Disputes arise between Neighbour and Neighbor 1146 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. 2d arteclc Made Choice of Col Nathan Tyler & M' Al mar Raw- son to Eject any })erson or persons that have Inclosed and per- tend to hold any of the proprietors Land with out any Just Kite — 3y Uoted to Chuse a Coni^y of thre men to Perambelate or 1 11 Settle y^ North Line of Said Propriety With Sutton an|| IIoi)king- ton the men Chosen Ware Cap flolin Tyler Samuel Aldrich and Cap Samuel Warrin uoted to Ajorn the 4*'' Artecle and this Meeting to th|| 12 day of September 17eing A Proprietors Meeting by ||Jornuient from y^ 12 of September to this Day the Com'^ Cap John Tyler Samuel Aldrich & Cap Sam" Warrin it was Reported thay Could not Accomplish the Bisness thay ware Chose for with out Som Coppys from y'' Records in Boston at Said ^Meeting Chose Cap Benjamin Read to Go to the Secrays ofiis and try to precure A Coppy of Som grants maid to Sherborn ||djoining to Mendon Proprycty= then this ^Meeting was adjorned to the tirst Munda}^ in A})ril 1782 on 10 a Clock to the first Parrish Meeting hows John Corbett Moderator A])ril P^ 1782 Meet acording to adjornment the Papers Not pi'ecured A jorned this Meeting to the 13 Day of May to the first Parrish ^Meeting hous in ^Nlcndon at two a Clock after Xoon Mett according to adjornment the 13 day of May 1782 the Papers Not Precured from Boston this meeting Stands adjorned to yM Day of September 1782 II -II ||-|| ||— 1| || — 1| ||— 1| ||—|| first j)arrish in Mendon one a clock [27.] These are to giue Notis to the Proprietors of the form II II Townshi]) of Mendon that the thirteenth day of May 1782 is to be held a Proprietors Meeting at the Town|| Meeting hous in the First Parrish in S'' Mendon at two a Clock in the After Noon of Said Day — 1 tx) Choose A Modera|||||j to Regulate Said Meeting — 2dly to See if the Propriej] || || || will Chuse a Man or Men to ad to the Committy for Laying out Common Land Dated At Mendon the 9'*' of April 1782 John Corbitt Samuel Read Silas Whelock Commit|| Alendon ^lay 13 : 1782 the ahoue Warrant was Notifi|||| in thre Pul)lick Places in Said Propriety — the warrant Red — Docter John Corbitt Chose ]\Ioderato|| Uoted on the 2d Artecle and Chose Josiah Ball Jnr to be a Conmiitty man to Lay Out Common Land in S'' Propriety 1148 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the iiu'ctinii- w:is :i JorncHl to the Ninth day of Scptcni|||||| at ono A Clock after Noon at y*" tirst i)aiTi8h meeting hous in Mcndon Mcndon Septeml)er 9"'. 1782 Being A Proprietors Meeting by A Jornment from may 13 : 1782 to September ninth 1782 to the first Parrish Meeting hous in Said Mendon Met and the Papers ware Not precured By Cap Benjamin Read a Jorned Said Meeting*to October 8*^ 1782 at one Achjck in the after Noon of Said Day to the tirst Parrish Meeting hous in Mendon Mendon October 8^'' being a proprietors meeting from Se})tem- ber 9"^ 1782 to October 8"^ 1782 Meet and Chose Cap Peter Pennaman a Com"" man to as- sist Cap John Tyler and others to Settle Lines Between Mendon Propriety Ho})cintown & So forth — and then the Meeting was A Jorned to the Second Tuesday || || April 1783 Met Acording to a Jornment and adjo || || || || the Said Meet- ing to the first Munday in October 1783 to th |1 first Parrish meeting house in Mendon at one A clock in the afte|| || || [38.] II II ndon October B-1783 II — II Propriety of the former Township of Mendon Meet II II cording to ajornment from the 2^* tuesday of April to the II II rst Munday in October Instant and Made Choise of Benj" II II ad Clark Protempory — for Said Meeting Voted to add two II — II to the Committee for Setting the Line with Hoptin- town ||||ose Benjamin Read and Cap John Albee to Join said Committy ||oted to Adjorn this meeting to the third munday in Novem- ber Next at 12 A Clock at this Place it is Accordingly adjorned Recorded By Samuel Read Clark ^John Corbett Moderator Mendon Nouember y® 3d Munday the Proprietors of the former Township of Mendon Met According to Ajornment from y" 2d Tuesday of April Sundary times and on this ||'^ Munday of No- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1149 uember Adjornd for A fortnit at 12 a || lock of Sd Day to the Hrst Parrish Meeting Hous in Sd Mendon test Samuel Read Proprietors Clark OVc Connnon Wealth of Massachusetts Worcester Ss To the Clark to Notifie C We the Subscribers being A Com*"® Chosen by the Pro})riety of the former Town Shi}) of Mendon to api)oint and Notif}^ proprietors Meetings for Said Pro- prity hereby giue publick Notice to all the proprietors of Said Township that we haue apointed Tuesday the Thirteenth day of April Next for to be A Proprietors Meeting and to Meet at the ^Sleeting Hous in the first Precinct in Mendon At one O. Clock After Noon to Act upon the following ||rticles II II — II Chuse a Moderator to Regulate Said Meeting II to See if the Propriety will Chuse A Man or Men in addition to the Com'^° that Was Chosen to Eject any Person or persons that haue Incroachcet upon the Proprietors Lands With but just Right as one of S*^ Com'*^*^ is Deceast II to See if the Propriety Will Chuse a New Clark and a New Com'-^ jVIau to Lay out Land as one Refuseth to act in Said Ca- passaty [39.] 4th to See if they Propriety Will Allow any person or per II II II II their Just accompts to Whomc the Said propriety is i»d II II II II II nth to See if they will grant Docter John Corbitt Reij || || || || to Improue A jiond Lying in Bellingham Called Beau || || Pond and a Quantity of Land miery Bottom Not Lai || out that the Said Cor- bitt may Stop the water for || — 1| Saruis of A grist mill Gthfor the Com'y Cap John Tyler and Others Chose toSe|||||||| the Lynes Between Mendon Propriety Sherbourn and ot|| || || || to Report of their Doings And make Return of this w|||||||||||| with Your Doings hereon Some time before the time fixed for Said meeting giucn Under our hands an || Seal this twenty Ninth Day of March 1784 this Being A Warrant Recorded ^ToIIN Corbett \ Propr|| || || || || || By Samuel Read Clark JSamuel Read f C(mnn|| || || || || and the Notis was giuen to said jSa^muel Aldricii f for Cal || || || || Propriety By S'' Read iJoiiN Tyler jMeetin|||| 1150 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Mendoii april 13*"-! 784 Met according to the Warnin|| 1st maid iSc (-hoso Doctor fJohn Corl)itt Moderato for sd Meetllllll 2y uotcd to Clmsc thre Men as an addition to the Comnii|| || || || to Eject any person or persons Who haue Incroac || || || upon the Proprietors Land With Out any Just Righ|| the Men Chose Ware Cap Benj""" Read & Samuel Aldrich Cap Pe|||||| Penneman 3y noted to pass by a part of y*^ 3d artecle to y^ adjornment of Namely y'' Chusing a New Clark — But Voted to Chuse a New C II II " " Man and Make Choise of Cap John Albee A Committee Man II II Lay out Land 4 Artecle Complied With in Part Voted to Allow Sanuiel Aid- rich £1-10-0 for Nine Days on Or About the Town Lines Uoted to Allow Cap John Tyler twenty fore Shilling for tim|| Spent about S*^ Line — being 7 Days Uoted to Allow Cap B|||||||||||||| Read 14/(j — also it was Voted to allow Cap Sanuiel Warre|| thre Shillings per day for time Spen on S'' Line 5y uoted that Docter John Corbit has Liberty to improu|| [40.] II — II pond and Quantity of Miry Bottom in Bellingham milled Beuor pond belonging to the Propriety by flowing ||he Same for the use of a Grist Mill and it is hereby || ranted to the Said Corbitt So Long as the Said Corbitt and ||is heirs And As- signt Keep a Grist mill for the l)enefit ||f the publick and no Longer Uoted to ajorn the G artecle with the other Artecles || — 1| this meeting to 31 Munday in May 1784 to the f |1 1| || || Parrish Meet- ing hous in Mendon At one o clock in th|| After Noon of Said Day Recorded By Sanmel Read Clark Mendon May y'' 17-1784 Met According to ajornment to this date and Receuied a Report from two of the Commity that they had bin on the Line between Mendon North Purchis and Hopcinton = the meeting agreed thare Should be || urther pains taicken by Said Committy and ajorned the Meeting and the Artecles Not acted on to the third Munday || — 1| June at one A clock after Noon to the first Congregational ||eeting hous in Said Town 1784 Samuel Read Clark MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1151 ||une 21 = 1784 then Met according to Ajornmcnt and the Conmiitte had Not their Report Deliuered — the Metinij; Uoatted to lljorn to the lirst Munday of Soptenil)cr 1784 to the meeting hous II — II the first parrish in ^Slondon at one a ckx-k in Said Day after Noon John CoimF/iT Moderator Mendon September y"^ 0"' 1784 Then the Proprietors meet According to adjornment the Coppes thay Expected By Cap Pennanian ware Not all Procured he was Desiered to ]\hdve a further Sarch and to Inform the propriety the third Munday of Noucmber Next at one A Clock After Noon to the Congregational Meeting hous In the old Parrish in Mendon to AVhich time and pLace the Meeting and Artecles Not Acted on II are Adjorned the third AFunday of Nouember Meet at the Place adjorned to — and adjorned for a Quarter of an Our to Landlord Amniidowns and meet according to adjornment — the ||||mmitty Not Meeting the Propriety according to agreement ||||e Propriety Adjorned this Meeting and the artecles in the ||||rrant Not acted on to the third Munday of March 1785 to || — || Congregation Meeting hous in the Old parrish in ^Mendon at || — || a Clock at Noon [4-1.] ^Nfendon the third Munda}" of March 1785 the Proprie- tors Met according to Adjournment from the third Munday of Nouember to this Day — the Connnitty are Not yet Reddy to Re- port — this meeting was again Adjorned the Meeting and the artecles Not acted on to the thiid Munday of May at ten A clock in the f|||||| : Noon of Said day 1785 to the Congregational Meet- ing hous in Said Mendon Mendon the third Monday of ^lay 1785 the Propriety met ac- cording to adjournment from the third Monday of March Last to this day and the Clerk l)eing not present at Said Meeting they Chose John Tyler Clerk pro :Tem then it was voted to Direct thair Comittee to go once more and vew the Circumstances of 1152 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. the Line between Hopkinton & the former Township of Mendon and Consult and aet anything they shall think best for recovering the disputed Laud — and then the meeting was adjourned to the Third Monday of Sep'" Next at 12 o cloc|| noon at the Societys meeting House in the first precinct in S'^ Mendon Mendon the Third monday of Sept' 1785 The propriety meet according to ajornment and the Moder- ator not being presant made Choice of M"" Samuel Aldrieh Mod- erator protempory ; and the Clarke Not being presant they made Choice of Benjamin Kead Clarke protempory then Voted and Chose Cap'. Peter Pennaman Clarke for Said Propriety agreeable to the Third article — then Voted to adjourn the Meeting to the third Monday of November Next at one o'Clock P : M at the first Congregational Societys Meeting house in Said Mendon. Mendon The Third Monday in Nov"" 1785 Meet according to Adjornment and Voted to ajourn this Meeting to the Third Monday in april next at one o'Clock P : M at the first Congre- gational Society Meeting house in Mendon John Corbitt Moderator [4r2.] Mendon April 17"' 178() Mett according to ajourn- ment and the Moderator Not being Present Made Choice of ]\r Samuel Aldrieh Moderator Pretem^ then Voted to Ajourn the Meeting to Monday the Twenty Second Day of May Next one o' Clock P : M : at the first Congregational Societys Meeting house in Said Mendon Peter Penniman Clark Mendon May 22^^ 1786 Mett according to Ajournment and Voted to ajourn the meeting to the first Monday in September next at one o'clock P :M : at the first Congregational Societys Meeting house in Sd mendon Peter Penniman Clark Worcester Ss To Clark of the Proprietors of the former Town- ship of Mendon this is in the Name of the Commonwealth of the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1153 ©Massachusetts to warn and Give Notice to all the Proprie- tors of the Said Township of IMendon that there is ap- pointed to be a Proprietors Meeting on Monday the Twenty fifth Day of the Instant September at twelve o'Clock at noon and to meet at the Societys meeting in Said Mendon and to act on the following articles 1 To Choose a Moderator to Regulate Said meeting 21y to See if they will make any addition to the Standing Com- mittee 31y To See if they will Choose another Surveyor and Chain men 41y To See what they will Do Respecting a Bond against Nahun Taft in the Hands of the Proprietors Treasurer 51y to see if the Propriety will accept of any Land Laid out to any Person that Shall apply to have it accepted Gly To See if the Propriety will Call upon their Com"*'*' that was Choosen to Settle a Dispute between Benj" Archer & John Jenne and if the Com"^*' be not Ready to Report to See if Said Propriety make addition to Said Com"'''' it being Some Time Since they viewed the Same 71y To See if the Propriety will allow any persons accounts to whom the Propriety is indebted 81y To See if the propriety will Do anything ftirther to Recover the Land in Dispute between the propriety of Mendon and the propriety of Hopkinton or act any matter or thing- Relative thereto as Shall be tho* beneficial at Said meeting 9\y to See if the Propriety will Choose another Clark and make Return of this warrant to Some one of us the Sub- scribers Some time Seasonably before the Time perfixed for Said meeting Giuen undei- our hands & Seals this Eleventh Day of Sep''. 1786 John Corbet -i proprietors Silas AVheelock i Samuel Aldrich j Committee John Tyler J [43.] Worcester Ss by virtue of the within warrant I have notified the proprietors of the former Township of mendon to 1154 PROPRmTORS' RECORDS. meet at Time & place l)y Setting up pul)lick Notifications on at Mendon one at uxbridge and one at Northbridge Peter Penniman Proprietors Clark Mendon Sep-" W' 1786 Mendon Sep"" 25 1786 being a Proprietors meeting Choose Docf John Corbett Moderator Voted to pass over the Second article Voted to Choose Two more Surveyors and made Choise of Samuel Aldrich and Co" Andrew Peters also Choose Abner Eaw- son Chainman on the fourth article Choose Abner Rawson Samuel Aldrich and Co" Benj" Read a Committee to make a Settlement with Nahum Taft and in Case that Said Taft Should not agree with them they are to Direct the Proprietors Treasurer to pros- ecute the Bond Vote to pass over the fifth article Voted to make an addition of one man to the Committee men- tioned in the Sixth article the man Chosen was Samuel Aldrich Voted to ajourn this meeting to the first monday of November Next at twelve o'Clock at noon to meet in this place Nov"" 6 1786 mett according to ajournment and voted to ajourn this meeting to the Last Monday of November Currant Nov"" 27*" 1786 mett according to ajournment and voted to ajourn this meeting to this fortnight to meet at this place at twelve o'clock at Noon Peter Penniman Proprietors Clark [44.] Worcester Ss to the Clark of the propriety of the former Township of mendon in the Name of the Common Wealth of Mass- achusetts these are to require you forth with to warn and Give Notice to all the proprietors of the Said former Town Ship of Mendon that there is a meeting appointed of Said proprietors to be on monday the twelv*" Day of March Next at twelve o'Clock Noon at the meeting House in the first preicienct in Sd ]\Iendon to act on the following articles — MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1155 P* to Chus^ n moderator to Regulate Said Meeting 2"''ly to See if the propriety will Chuse any more Chain men S'^'ly to See if the propriety will here the report of their Com"'^*' upon Nahum Tafts affair 4'y to See if the propriety will accept of aney Land laid out to any person that Shall apploy to have it accepted 5"' to See if the propriety will here the report of their Com"''^ relative to the Dispute be tween Archer & Jene — ()'> to See if the propriety will allow any persons accounts to whome the propriety is in debted 7"' to see if the propriety will do anything further to recover the Land in dispute lietween the propriety of mendon the pro- priety of Hopkinton or act any matter or thing relative there to as Shall be thought beneficial at S*^ meeting 8'y to See if the propriety will Chuse another Clark — and mak return of this Warrant to Some one of us the Sub- scribers Some time Seasonably before the time prefixed for Said meeting Given under our hands and Sell this fifteenth day of Jan-^' 1787 John Cokbit ^ proprietors Silas Wheelock V John Tyler )Com"'^^ the Return of this warrant on the Back Sid of this Leefe [43.] Worcester Ss in obediance to the with in AVarrant I have given publick Notice to the proprietors to meet at time and place Seting notifications one at Mendon one at Uxbridge one at Milford and one at Xorthbridge Mendon March y*^ 12 1787 Peter Penniman proprietors Clark [45.] March 12^^ 1787 being a proprietors meeting Caj)' John Tyler was Chosen Moderator — Voted to Choose three more Chainmen the men Chooson ware En' Scth Taft Ebenezer Read and Benj" Green Voted to ajouru this meeting to the Second monday in april Next at one o'Clock in the after Non at this place April i)'''-1787 being a proprietors meeting ajurnment Voted to accept the Report of the Committee on the arclier 6c Jenne affair as Reported and amended 1156 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Voted to ajurn this meeting to tlie last monday in may Next at this phice at one o'Clock after Noon May 28*^-1787 being a proprietors meeting by ajurnment from aprile the 9==^ 1787 Voted to Reconsider the vot past at the proprietys meeting on apriel the 9-1787 Rehitive to the accepting the rei)ort of their Committee on the Janne & archer affair Voted to Dismiss Peter Penniman from being Clark and to Choose a New Clark and maid Choise of William French for proprietors Clark Voted to ajurn this meeting to the third monday in agust next at one o'clock after Noon at this place Agust 20"' 1787 Being a proprietors meeting by ajurnment from May the 28-1787 Voted to ajurn again to the third monday in octobor Next at one o Clock at this place October y® 15-1787 Being a proprietors meeting by ajurnment from agust the 20 1787 then met acording to ajurnment and voted that if Nahum Taft Do not Settle with the proprietys Commitey with in three months the tresurer is Directeid to prosequte the Bond William French Clark [46.] To the Clark of the propriety of the antient Township of Mendon these are to impower you to warn and Give publick Notice to all the Proprietors of the Said antiant township of mendon that they assemble and meet at the first Congregational Societys meeting house in Sd mendon on the first monday in March Next at one o'Clock after noon to act on the following- articles (viz) 1 to Chuse a moderator to regulate S*^ meeting 2'-^ to See if the Sd propriety will Chuse agent or agunts to eject any person or persons off the Land that belongs to S*^ pro- priety in that part of the S'^ township Known and Called by the Name of the North purchase and to Give Sd agents MENDON, I^IASSACHUSETTS. 1157 power to Suhstitiitc uncy ix'rson or p(M'sons to (any on any Sut that they may bring against any person or })ersons in behalf of S'' propriety or act any other thing that may be thot best rehitive to Said allaii-: as Shall be thought l>est at Said meeting 3'^ to See if the propriety will allow any i)ersons accounts to whom S** propriety is indebted and make due return of this warrant to Some one of us the Subscribers Some time Seasonably l)e fore the time pertixed for Said meeting given under our hand and Seal this thirty tirst Day of Dec'' 17Com"'^'' JoHX Tyler ) [47.] In obediance to the Avithin warrant I have Given pub- lick Notice to the })roprietors to meet at time and place by Setting c<: Causing to Set up Xotitications one at Mendon one Uxbridge one at Milford & one Nortli])ridge Mendon March 4"^ 1788 WrLLiAM French Proprietois Clark March 4"' 1788 being a Pro})riet()rs meeting Legally Avorned maid Choyse of Do*" John Corbit moderator then Voted to Chuse three agents to Eject any persons off the Land that Belongs to S'' propriety the men Chosen wair Peter Penniman Esq. Cap* John Tyler Mr Nathan Tyler then Voted to ajurn S"^ meeting to the tirst monday in may Next at 0' aclock at this place as the moderator Says Said meeting met and voted to ajurn to the 19 of may next at one o clock this place May the 19-1788 ])eing a [)roprietors by ajurnment from ma}' the 4. 1788 to may y*^ 19 then Said propriety meet acording to ajurnment and Voted to alow Peter peniman Esq and Samuel Aldrich 7 Shilings apece for going one day to holiston and one 1158 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. day to l^ichord inoreys then Voted to ajurn S" meeting to the thurd nionday in June June y*" 15 being a pro})rietors meeting by ajurnment from may the 19 to June the 15 then Sd propriety met according to ajurnment William French Proprietors Clark [48.] Worcester Ss — to the Clark of the propriety of the original Township of Mendon Greeting You are herel)y Re- quired to Notify the proprietors of the Said township of Mendon to meet at the meeting house in the first precienct in Sd mendon on tusday the twenty third Day of December next at one of the Clock in the after Noon on Sd Day to act upon the following articles (viz) V^ To Chuse a moderator to Regulate Said meeting 2'y to See if the Propriety will Chuse two or three more Com- mittee men in addition to the present Standing Committee in the Room of those Deceased S'^'y To See what the propriety will Do about a Certain Piece of Land Near James Parkhursts Laid out for Do'^ John Cor- bitt april y'^ 13 1749 and Clamed by Said Parkhurst Whether they will Defend the Same by Law or Not 4'^ To Se if the propriety will allow any accounts brought against the propriety 5thiy ^Q gg what the propriety will do concerning a certain piece of Land laid out to Dr. John Corbctt Nov"" 27**^ 1752 Contain- ing 86 acres lying near Aaron Thayers and bounding upon land then of Cap* Daniels (•thiy 'Yq gg jf ^jjg propriety will take any other measures respect- ing any other land belonging to the propriety 7thiy Jq g(3 if ^jjgy ^^i\i Chuse another Clerke if the old one resigns Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant unto us with your doings hereon on or before the time of meeting on Said Day — Given under our hands and Seal this day of November AD 1788 John Corbett Sam'' Aldrich 5> (\>nunittee Silas Wheelock J- MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1159 Jn obediance to the within ^^':ll•l•alll ] have ojvon i)ul)lick notice to the proprietors to at time and place by Setting and Causing to be Set up notifications one at mendon one at Uxbridge and one at ^Nlilford ^Tendon December 23'' 17S8 WiLLiA.^i French proi)rictors Clarke IMendon i)eccml)er 2;V' 17 Committee Amariah Frost Jun' ) MENDON, iMASSACHUSETTS. 1161 AVoR/oster Ss Now. 29*" 17!>0 In obediance to this within AA'arrant I have given publick Notice to the i^ropriators of the former Town Ship of ]\Iendon to meet at time and place as within directed by Seting up Notifications at the first congregational Societys meeting House in Mendon and at Uxbridge & Milford Meeting Houses pr Bfa.iamin Read prop' Gierke Mendon Nov' 211"' 1790 l)eing a proprietors meeting made Choice of Samuel Aldrich Moderator — 2*"^ Voted & Chose Eben' Read & Seth Taff in addition to the Standing coumiittec for calling proprietors meetings [50.] 8i'>' Voted and Chose Ens°. Seth Taft & CoP Philip Ammidown in addition to the Standing committee for Set- ling disputes between proprietor & proprietor 4thi.v Yotcd to Excuse their present Clerk and Chose Amariah Frost Ju"" Es(jr clerke for Said propriety o'" Voted to allow Capt. Thaddeus Read £8 " 18-0 and to Benjamin Read 1 ' 18-8 in full for theii- acct ^thiy^ Voted not to Sell any undivided lands in mendon })ropriety 7'". Voted & Chose"] Benjamin Read & Amariah Frost Ju' Esquires and Samuel Aldrich to Setle with their Treasurer & report — then voted to adjorn this meeting to the first monday in may next at one o clock afternoon to meet at the first Congregational Societys meeting House in Mendon Dec"" P' 1790 Amariah Frost Jun'" Esqr. was Sworn Clerk to the propriety of the former Town Ship of Mendon — before me Benjamin Read J peace Mendon may 2"*. 1791 the ])roprietors meet according to adjorn- nient and further adjorned Said meeting to meet at Mendon meeting House on the first monday in Septr Next at one o clock P.M. Attest Amariah Frost Jur Clerk 1162 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. To Ainariah Frost Ju' 10s(|r Clerko of the i)ropricty of the LS former Township of Mcndon — Greeting — you are herel)y rccjuired to warn the proprietors of the Said former Township of Mcndon to meet at the meeting House of the first congregational Society in mendon on the first nionday in may next at one of the Clock in the after noon to act upon the folowing articles (viz) V^ To Chiise a moderator to regulate Said meeting 2'"^' To Chuse a Gierke of Said propriety given under our hands & Seals this first day of April in the Year of Our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred & Ninety one John Corp.ktt ^ Gommittee Amariaii Frost Jurf of the Eben'' Bead [propriety Sam"- Aldrich j of Mendon Mendon May 2'' 1791 I have notified the Said propriety by Seting up Notifications at ]\Iendon & JNJilford meeting Houses in Said propriety acording to Law Amariah Frost Ju' Gierke [51.] Mendon May 2'^ 1791 being a })roprietors meeting- Voted to Excuse Amariah Frost Jun''. the present Glerk from Serving any longer in Said office and Chose Benjamin Read Clerk of Said propriety Worcester Ss may '2'\ 17!>1 personaly appeared Benjamin Read Esqr chosen Gierke of the i)ropriety of the former Town Ship of Mendon and was duly sworn to the faithfidl performance of Said Trust before me Amariah Frost Jur Justice peace Worcester Ss To Benjamin Read Esqr Gierke of the propriety of the former Township of Mendon — [ls] In the name of the commonwealth of jNIassachusetts you are hereby required forthwith to warn and give ])ublick notice to the proprietors of Said Township that there is a meeting of Said proprietors appointed to be holden at the House of Colo Phillip Ammidon Jnnholder in ^Tendon the twenty third Day of January MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1163 Instant at one of the Clock in the after noon to act on tlio follow- ing articles (viz) To Chuse a moderator to regulate Said meeting •)'»>■ To So if the proprietors will petition the General Court to Settle the line between the proprietors of IMendon & Mo})- kinton agreable to the Original grants & Deeds H'"' To Se if the propriety will Chuse an agent or agents to pre- sent Said petitions and carry on the Same 4"'" to Se if the projiriety will restore any rights to their Original Standing which have been laid out on lands they did not hold o""-' To Se if the propriety will Se what each man has to lay out on the rights he now Owns, and also to Se what measures Shall be taken to prevent lands being laid out in future without a good rio-ht ("thiy 'Yq s^p if the ]n-oprietors will receive the report of their Com- mittee appointed to Settle with the Treasurer of Said Pro- priety &c — 7"' To Se if the propriety will pass and allow any accounts that may be laid before them 8"''-' To Se if the propriety will direct their Treasurer to Se that all the notes and Bonds due to Said propriety are renewed or collected Innnediately And make return of this warrant unto some one of us the Sul)- scribers Seasonably before Said meeting given under our hands & Seals this Third Day of January A.D. 1792 Abner Rawson Eben- Read ) Committee Seth Taft Amariaii Frost Jr > [52.] Mendon Jan^ 10"' 1792 I have notified the ])roprietors within mentioned of the within meeting by Seting up Notitica- tions at Mendon Uxbridge & Milford pr Bexjamin Read prop* Clerke AVorcester Ss Mendon Jan^ 23'* 1792 the proprietors meet at time and place within mentioned and Chose Samuel Aldrich Moderator of Said meetino- — and Chose Amariah Frost Ju^ Clerke 1164 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. tor the time bciiii^ in the room of (-ol. Bonjainin Read Al)sont at the Cien' (^ourt — then Voted to adjorn Said meetin tlie })roprictors meet according to ad- jornment and Voted on the Eighth article as foloweth. That Peter Penniman Es(|r their present Treasurer Call upon those persons Avho have given notes or Bonds to the Said propriety now in his hands to make innnediate payment of the Interest due thereon or renew their Bonds with good Suerity or Suretys Otherwise that the whole Sums due be called for as soon as may be at the dis- cression of the Treasurer who shall use his best Endeavors to Collect the Interest due on Said Bonds where the Same can l)e obtained — Voted to pass over tlie Other articles till the next adjornment of Said meeting — Voted to adjorn Said meeting to the tirst Tuesday of April next at one O'clock P.M. at Colo. Ammidons. Mendon April )>'' 1702 the proprietors meet according to ad- jornment and made Choise of Ens" Pel"' Darling Moderator Protemporo — 4^" Article Voted that those rights which have been laid out on Lands that they did not hold should be good to lay out on any lands they may finde not laid out in Said propriety — 5"' article Voted and Chose Mr. James Sumner & Mr Abner Rawson to assist the Clerk in arranging the proprietys Books — Then Voted to adjorn this meeting to fourth Monday in May Next at Colo. Ammidons One OClock P.M. May 28*'' 17!)2 tlie ])roprietors meet according to adjornment and proceeded to Business Voted to Pass over the Second & Third articles to the ad- jornment 6 article Voted to accept of tlie report of the Committee that reconed with Their Treasurer and they found due to the MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1165 proi)riety One Hundred cSc [53.] Ten pounds Seven Shil- lings ct Eight })ence on the Seventh I);iy of January A.D. 1792 7^'' artiele Voted to allow Peter Penniman Esqr one pound Ten Shillings in full of his account Excepting Serving Ti-eas- urer — then Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Second Tuesday in September next One OClock P.M. at Col. Ammidons To Benjamin Read of Mendon in the County of Worcester Esqr Greeting — [ls] you arc hereby required to Warn and Give notice to the proprietors of the former Township of Mendon that their is a meeting of Said Proprietors to be on Monday the twenty Eighth day of may Instant at (^ol. Philiji Ammidons in mendon at two of the Clock after noon to act on the folowing articles 1 : to Chuse a moderator to reuulate Said meetinir 2** To Se if the proprietors will dismiss their ])resent Clerke & Chuse a new Clerke 8*^'-' to Se if the propriety will accept the report of the Committee appointed at their Last meeting to Examine their Books, and if accepted to Chuse a connnittee to compleat the ac- count Book and to put them into vSuch order as the Propri- ety Shall direct 4tiiiy ry^ i^p what the Propriety will do respecting those persons that have not drawn their money on there former rights — and make return of this Warrant Seasonably before Said Meet- ing given under our hands & Seal this Eighteenth day of may in the year of our Lord Seventeen Hundred & Ninety two Abner Rawson \ Committee Eben'' Read ( of the Seth Taft ( Propriety Amariah Frost] of Mendon Worcester Ss May 28'" 1792 In Obedience to this warrant I have notified the proprietors of this meeting by Seting up Notifi- cations of time and })lace pr Ben.ja.mix Read Prop Clerke 1166 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. [54.] Mendon may 28"' 1792 being a proprietors meeting made (ylioice of INIr Sam' Aldrich Moderator of Said meeting Voted to Pass over the Second article and then the meeting was adjorned to the Second Tuesday of September next at one O'clock in the after noon at (^ol. Am- midons Sept'' 11"' 1792 the proprietors meet according to adjornment and proceeded to Business — Voted to accept the report of the Committee appointed to Ex- amine the books — Voted to Chuse a committee to put the Books in order and provide an Alphebet made Choice of Benjamin Read & James Sumner for Said committee — then Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Last Monday in October next one O'clock afternoon — Worcester Ss To Benjamin Read Esq'" Clerke of the propriety of [ls] the former township of Mendon — Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to warn and give publick notice to all the ]iroprietors of Said ToAvn- ship as the Law direct that they assemble and meet at the Dwelling House of Colo. Philip Ammidon in Mendon on Tuesday the 30"' day of April Instant at one of the Clock in the after noon to act on the folowing articles 1 To Chuse a moderator to regulate Said Meeting 2'"-' To Se what the proprietors will do respecting Dividing the money now in the hands of their Treasurer and to act any- thing Said proprietors Shall think best when conveaned concerning Said money 3*^'^ to Se what the proprietors will do respecting a peicc of com- mon land lying near Sam' Fowlers in Northbridge 4"' To Se if the Proprietors will Chuse a Committee to draw orders on their Treasurer for any moneys that are or may be due to any Individual })erson or persons from Said Propriety — MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1167 5'" to Se if if tlie proi)riotv will fliiise a coiniiiittee to Settlo dis- putes if any Should arise between Owner & Ownei- within Said propriety — [55.] and make return of this warrant unto Some one of us the Subscribers Seasonably before Said meeting ijiven undei- our hands & Seals this Eighth Day of April AD 1798 Abner X Rawson 1/^ ... mark / C onmiittce Seth Taft y for Said Amariaii Frost ( propriety Ebex" Read ) Worcester Ss mendon April 30"' 171)3 by Order of the within Warrant I have Notified the proprietors of the former Township of Mendon by Seting up Notifications at Mendon Milford & Ux- bridge of the time and i)lace mentioned in the within Warrant for Said meeting — pr Benjamin Read Prop Clerk Mendon April 80"' 171)3,, being a proprietors meeting made Choice of Mr James Sumner moderator for Said meeting — 'i*"-'' Voted to divide the money in their present treasurers hands after all Just Debts due from the propriety are paid as Satisfied — and Chose a committee to Examine the Claimes of the Several Creditors to Said propriety — and to Se what number of rights the money is to be divided amongst & Chose for Said Connnittee Peter Penniman & Amariah Frost Esqr Mr Peter Aldrich & Jonathan Farnum for Said Conmiittee — 3''. Voted to Chuse two agent to Examine into the State of the Common land Near Sam'. Fowlers in Northbridge and to report to the propriety as Soon as may be ('hose Benjamin Read & Sam'. Aldrich for Said agents — 4'". Voted and Chose Dee". Eben'". Read Sanmel Aldrich c\c Ens". Seth Taft a conmiittee to draw ordei-s on the Treasurer for any moneys that are or may be due from Said propriety — then voted to adjorn this meeting to the first monday in Sep- tember — Sep^ 3 the propi'ielors meet iSc further adjorned to the last mon- day in October — 1168 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Octr 28"\ the proprietoi-s nioet & further adjorned Said meet- ing to the Second monday in Dec'. — Dec'". 9"'. the i)ropt. meet and further adjorned Said meeting to the 23 Instant one O clock afternoon — Deer. 23*'' the propt. meet and njoderator in the Cliair Voted that the committee to Exemine the rights be requested [56.] to make report at the next meeting. then Voted to adjorn Said meeting to the Second monday in Febuary next one O'clock P.M. Fel)^. 10"'. 1794 the prop'. meettSc further adjorned Said meet- ing to the 31 day of March next One O clock afternoon — March 31*''. 1794 the proprietors meet according to adjornment and Chose Amariah Frost Esq' moderato Protempero : then Voted to reconsider their Vote in the fourth article as it respected the Choice of Seth Taft Dec*^. and made Choice of Benjamin Read as one of Said Committee on Said fourth article — Then Voted on the report of the committee to Examine the rights, to pay to all those persons who shall make out their rights to a committee that Shall be chosen for that purpose One Shilling to each Acre right to be paid by the treasurer of the propriety on their producing a Certificate from the Clerk of Said Propriety. Each person receipting to the treasurer to return Such Sum as they may have received more than their proportion — then made Choice of Benjamin Read Sam'. Aldrich & Eben'. Read to give Said Orders Worcester Ss. To Benjamin Read of Mendon in the County of Worcester Clerk of the propriety of the former Township of [lsJ Mendon. Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby reciuired to warn and give notice to the proprietors of the former Township of Mendon that there is a meeting of Said Proprietors appointed to be holden on monday the twenty Eighth day of April Instant at the Dwelling House of Col. Philip Ammidon in Mendon at one of the Clock after noon MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1169 of Said Day thou and there to act on the foUowino- articles (viz) 1 To Chuse a moderator to rejrulate Said meeting — 2'ii.v Xo Se if the Propriety will Chuse another Surveyor and One or more Chainmen for Said Propriety — H'> To Se if the Propriety will dismiss Mr Abner Rawson from being a committee man & Chain man for Said Propriety — [57.] 4"' To Se if the Propriety will Impower any man or men to Eject any person or persons of off any Land they may have got in Possession the property of the Projiriety and to impower him or them to commence their prosecution accordingly — 5thiy 'Pq t;^, ijv'hat the propriety will do respecting the road thrown up by the County lying in Uxbridge & Northbridge — G^^'^y To Se if the in-o})riety will Sell any Ceeder Swamp that may be conunon in Said Propriety or act any thing thereon — and make return of this warrant Seasonably before Said meeting (xiven under our hands & Seals this Third Day of April AD 1794 Sam'- Aldrich \ Committee Abner Rawsox f for the Eben'' Read ( propriety Amakiah Frost j of Mendon Worcester Ss April 28^'' 1794 by virtue of this within warrant 1 have notified the propriety in the usual manner pr Benjamin Read Prop^ Clerk Mendon April '2S^^' 1794 being a proprietors meeting made Choice of Dea" Ebcn"^ Read Moderator of Said meeting — 2 article Voted & Chose Benjamin Read Surveyor t^ Deacon Seth Chapin & Samuel Read Chain men for Said Propriety — 3*^ article Voted to dismiss Mr Abner Rawson from being a com- mittee man and Chain man for Said propriety — 4 article Voted and made Choice of Benjamin Read Esqr. as agent for Said propriety to P^lject Caleb Aldrich or others under him of of a piece of Common land in mendon also Samuel Fowler of of a piece of common land in IVorthl)ri(lge with full power to prosecute the Same — 5"' article Voted to continue the road thro Uxbridge & Norlli- bridge for the publick use 1170 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. G*"' article voted to Sell the Ceader Swamp (if any was found to 1)6 Connnon) and Chose Benjamin Read & Benjamin (xreene to Look up and Sell & Convey the Same for the most it will fetch /- To the Honourable James Sullivan Esq'' one of [58.] State ) the Justices of the peace throughout the Com- C nionwealth of Massachusetts. The Subscribers being more than live of the Proprietors of a tract of Land in the County of Worcester formerly called the Town of Mendon represent that they with others being Seized of the Same in common and undivided, find it neccessary to have a legal meeting of the Said proprietors called, and do therefor request you to call a meeting of the same proprietors, to be held at the dwelling house of Philip Ammidon Innholder in said Mendon on the fourteenth day of March next at two of the Clock in the afternoon, to act on the following articles, viz : Firstly, To choose a Moderator — Secondhj, To choose a Clerk Thirdly, To choose agents to prosecute and defend suits, on behalf of the S*^ proprietors, and to manage their prudential corncerns — Fourthly, To raise taxes necessary to be levied — Fifthly, To see if the Proprietors will confirm (Irants. which have heretofore been made by the Proprietors — Sixthly, To correct and rectify, any errors which may appear in former proceedings and records — Seventhly, To agree on a method of calling future meetings, and generally to do w^hat the said Proprietors may find neces- sary to be done, for their Interest and advantage. Dated at Mendon the 20'" day of January AD 1796 — Benjamin Read Moses White Daniel Taft Benoni Benson Peter Darling Peletiah Darling Benj" Green MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1171 [59.] Coninionwcaltli of Massachusetts Suffolk Ss [ls] To Benjamin (Jreen one of the assigning Applicants and one of the said Proprietors — P.H In the name of the Commonwealth aforesaid you are here- by authorised and directed to warn a meeting of the pro- prietors afores'* to be held at the time and place and for the purposes afores'' — Given under my hand at seal at Boston the 20'" day of January Anno Domini 1790 Ja Sullivan one of the Justices of the peace through- ) out the said Commonwealth of Massachusetts > Worcester Ss. H Pursuant to the above warrant I do hereliy warn and notify the Proprietors aforesaid, to meet at the time and place, and for the purpose aforesaid Benj" Green Feb' V 1796 Paid 10/ Mendon March 14"' 1796 At a meeting of the proprietors of the former Township of Mendon agreeable to a warrant from the Ilonb' James Sullivan Esq' Dated Jan> 20^'' 1796. The proprietors being met at the dwelling house of Co' Annnidon made choice of Benj . Green Moderator 2^^y made choice of Benj. Read Clerk — S*^'-^ made choice of Benj. Read & Benj. Green and Philip Ammi- don as agents to prosecute and defend suits on behalf of said propriety, and to manage their prudential concerns — 4"' article voted to pass over — 5*'' article Voted to pass over [60.] ()"' article voted to pass over 71111.V \'otod to chuse a committee to (rrant warrants on the appli- cation of five or more of the proprietors of said l\)wnship and direct their warrants to the Clerk of said propriety to notify and warn such meeting setting forth the i)articular articles therein to be acted upon and to be posted up at one of the meeting houses in each Town now in the former Township of Mendon — Then voted and chose Benjamin Green. Sam' Aldrich. & Seth Chapin a coinmittee for the above purpose, 1172 ■ PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Voted and chose L* Seth Chapin Treasurer Voted to choose two Surveyors for S*^ propriety — Chose Benj" Read and Sam' Aldrich Surveyors for S*^ propriety — Voted to choose 5 chainmen — Chose L* Seth Chapin Ens" Adams Chapin. L' Caleb Farnum. David Aldrich and L^ Seth Wheelock for Chainmen — This meeting is adjourned to the Second Monday in A])ril next at two O'clock afternoon at this place Mendon April ll'*" 179G The Proprietors at their meeting this day Voted to establish and make valid all the proceedings of the propriety at their former meetings in manner following : viz : Voted to establish the proceedings of their meeting held on the sixteenth day of March 1779 by warrant from Joseph Dorr Esq'' — Voted Voted to establish all the doings of their meeting on the tirst Monday in October 1779 by warrant from their Committee dated Sepf 20"^ 1779— Voted Voted to establish all the doings of their meeting held on the 13*'> of April 1784 by a warrant from their committee dated march 9th 1 784 _ Voted — Voted to establish all the doings of their meeting held on the 25*'' of Sepf 178G by a warrant from their committee dated Sep- tember 11"' 1786 — Voted Voted to establish the doings of their meeting held on the 12"' day of March 1787 by a warrant from their committee dated 15*'' of January 1787 — Voted Voted to establish all the doings of their meeting held on the 4"' day of March 1788 by a warrant from their committee dated December 1787 — Voted [61.] Voted to establish the doings of their meeting held on 23^ December 1788 by a warrant from their committee dated Nov"- 1788 — Voted Voted to establish the doings of their meeting on the 29"" Nov"" 1790 By a warrant from their connnitteo dated the 2'' Nov" 1790 — Voted MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1173 Voted to t'stahlisli the doings of their ineetiiiu- held on the Sec- ond day of May ITiH In' warrant from their eonnnittee dated 1^' April 1891— Voted Voted to establish all the doinos of theii- meeting held on the 28*^ of Jan"" 175»2 by warrant from their committee dated .S** Jan"" 1792— Voted — Voted to establish the doings of their meeting held on the 2S^^' May 1792 by warrant from their committee dated 18'" May 1792 — Voted — Voted to establish the doings of their meeting held on the 30"' of April 1793 by a warrant dated the S'^'Aprill 793 —Voted Voted to establish all the doinars of their meetinsr held on the 2.S"' Ai)ril 1794 by a warrant under the hands and seals of their committee dated the 3'' day of April 1794 — Voted Worcester Ss March the 14'*' 179(i Personally appeared Benja- min Read and was Duly Sworn as Clark of the Propriety of the former Township of Mendon. before me Peter Pexniman Justice peace Worcester Ss September 17"' 179f) personaly ai)peared Benja- min Read and was duly Sworn Surveyor of the Propriety of the former Township of Mendon before me Peter Penniman Justice })eace A true copy attest Benjamin Read i)ropt Clerk [62.] Mendon April IP" 179(5 Rec/' the following securities belonging to the Propriety of the former Township of Mendon (viz) £ one Bond Signed by Jacob Ellis & Daniel Read 22-l(i-o Interest due thereon from Jan^ 1795 one Note Signed by Colo. Philip Ammidon 7- 0-0 Interest due thereon from March 18'" 1795 one Note Signed by Simeon Wood Dated July 27'" 1795 10- 0-0 one Note Signed by Benjamin Read due 0- 8-fi one Note Signed by Seth Wheelock 0- 5-0 one Note Signed by Peter Penniman dated this day the sum DoUar of 164—17 cents 1174 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. which said sums I proniiso to account for to said Propriety or their order as Treasurer for Said Propriety SeTH ClIAPIN Worcester Ss. April 14*" 1804 i)ersonaly appeared Adams Chapin and was duly Sworn as one of the Chain men for the pro- priety of the former Township of Mendon before me Benjamin Read Justice of the peace Worcester Ss : Nov"" 12'" 1803 personaly appeared Lyman Aldrich and made Solem oath that in Executing the trust of Sur- vayor of the })ropriety of the former Township of Mendon that he would act faithfuly and imi)artialy according to his best Skill & Judgement before me Benjamin Read Justice peace [63.] Worcester Ss. To Benjamin Read Esquire Clerk of the propriet|| of the former Township of Mendon — Greeting In the name of the common wealth of Massachusetts you are her II by required fourthwith to warn and give publick notice to the proprietors of the former Township of mendon aforsaid that they assemble and meet for a proprietors meeting at the Dwelling House of Miller & Fuller Inholders in mendon afor|| || || || on monday the fourth Day of September next at two of the Clock in the after- noon to act on the folowing articles (viz) first To chuse a moderator to regulate said meeting 2*"^ To See if the proprietors will dismiss any or all of those that hold offices under the propriety to chuse others in their room 3 To See if they will by their vote api)oint certain places where Notifications shall l)e set up for the future — 7'*"-' To See if they will by their vote order that no account shall be allowed in future by there connnittee before it is laid l)efore the proprietors at a proprietors meeting for tha|| purpose ^thiy 'Pj) »^(, if ^,y^(\ pi-opi-ictors at Said meeting will call u[)()n there committee that was appointed to Sell the Ceder Swam II to render an account of there proceedings — hereof fail not and make due return hereof with your doings here II || to some one of us the Subscri])ers seasonal)ly ])efore the time pertixed for Said meeting Given under our hands & Seals this Thirty first day of July in the year of our Lord A D 1797 Sam' Aldkicii ") Committee Seth Chapin Benj'' Green Mendon Sepf 4th 171)7: agreeable to this within warrant I have notified the proprietors of the former Township of Mendon to meet at time and place within mentioned by seting up Notifi- cations agreeable to the vote of the })ropriety Benj" Read Clerk [64.] at a meeting of the Proprietors held at the House of John Miller Inholder in Mendon on the fourth day of September AD 1797 Made Choice of Peter Pennaman Esquire for there moderator — 2*"^ Voted and Chose Lieut. John Benson a conmiitteeman lor calling proprietors meetings in futur — and then Voted and Chose Lieut. John Benson Agent in behalf of said proi)rietors for prosecuting and defending Suits for Said propriety and n)anaging the prudentiall con- cerns of Said propriety in the room of Benj" Green Deceasd S'"^ Voted that there agent appointed to i)rosecute Caleb Aldrich ;ii y 1176 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. and others of oif there coininon hiiid in Mendon proceed to prosecute the Actions now in law against Said Aldrich and others to final Judgement 4"' article Voted to pass over. S*** & 6"' articles Expunged T**" article Expunged. 8'*" article voted to pass over & then voted to adjorn said meeting to the Third Monday in Nov"^ next at one O clock after noon at this place N. B. at the time of adjornment no moderator appeared Nor a Sufficient number of Proprietors to hold a meeting and the meeting was desolved attest Benjamin Eead prop* Clerk Worcester Ss To Benjamin Read Esqr Clerk of the propriety of the former Township of Mendon Greeting [ls] In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby re(|uired to warn and give pulilick notice to the pro- prietors of the former Township of Mendon that there is a meet- ing of the Proprietors to l)e holden at the Dwelling House of Simeon Staples Inholder in Mendon on Monday the twenty ninth day of August next at one of the Clock in the after noon then and there to act on the following articles, first To Chuse a moderator to regulate Said meeting 2 30.00 one Note due from Benjamin Read due 1.21 one deto from Seth Chapin due 0.83 1313.00 which Sums the Said Cha})in Holds himscif Indebted for to the propriety or there order — Seth Chapin Treasurer Benjamin Read ) agents for John Benson y Said propriety [67.] Worcester. Ss. To John Scammell one of the proprie- tors of the former Township of Mendon in the name of the com- monwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to warn & give public notice to the proprietors of the former township of Mendon that there is a meeting of said proprietors to be holden at the dwelling house of Samuel C. Fairbanks inholder in Mendon the sixth daj^ of Oct next at one of the O clock after noon then & there to act on the following articles 1st. to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting. 2dly to choose a clerk for said proprietors in the room of Benj" Read Esq. 3dly to choose a Surveyor for Said proprietors. — 4thly : to See if the proprietors will divide the money that is in the proprietors treasurey according to the number of rights 5"'^^, to see if the proprietors will give orders to the proprietors clerk to record a piece of land laid out to Josiah Taft deceased or act an^i;hing relative. MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1179 And make retmn of this warnint with your doings thereon to some one of us the subscribers at or before the time of said meet- ing Given under our hands and Seal this fifteenth day of Sei)teni- l)er AD. 1806 Samuel Aldkkii ^ Connnittec for John Benson ) calling Meetings In obedience to the within warrant I have notified the pro- prietors of the former township of Mendon to meet at the time and place within named by setting up notifications in several pub- lic ])laces in said Township John Sca:mmel|1 Bellinghani Oct. (Hh 180(5 The issue of the foregoing, carried to the next leaf [69.] Agreeable to the preceeding warrant the proprietors of the former township of Mendon met agreeable to notice and pro- ceeded as follows art 1st Voted Lieut Aron Holbrook moderator 2d. Voted George Aldrich Clerk Voted to adjourn said meeting to monday the 20"' Oct inst at the same place and time of day agreeable to the above adjournment the proprietors met and proceeded as follows Article Hd. Voted Doct John Scannnell Surveyor for said pro- prietors in the room of Benj" Read dec'' fourth passed over 5*''. Voted to record a piece of land laid out to Josiah Taft. Voted to dissolve the meeting George Aldrich pro. Clerk [66.] Worcester Ss. October 20"' 1806 personally appeared George Aldrich and was duly Sworn as Clerk of the Propriety of the former Township of Mendon. Before me Sam"- Jones Jus Pacis [70.] AVorcester Ss. To John Scammcll one of the proprietors of the former Township of Mendon in the name of the common- 1180 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. wealth of Massachusetts, Yoii are hereby required to warn & give l)ublic notice to the proprietors of ihv former Townshij) of Afon- don, that there is a meeting of said proprietors to be holden in Sam' Fairbank's Inn in Mendon on monday the twenty tifth day of Sept. inst. at one of the o clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles 1st, to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting 2d, to choose a committee to settle with the Treasurer 3d, to see if the Proprietors will call in their money 4th, if called in, to be let out on l)ond security & interest paid annually and if not, to l)e collected immediately 5th, to see if the proprietors will choose a committee to examine into the common land belonging to Said proprietors & to transact any prudential aftairs, [)elonging to said Proprie- tors and to make return of this warrant with your doings thereon to some one of us the sul)scribers at or before the time of said meeting. Given under our ^ands &, seal this ninth day of September AD. 1809 his "\ Samuel X Aldrich / Committee for mark j Seth Chapin 3<^alling Meetings George Aldrich prop* Clerk [71.] Worcester Ss. In obedience to the within warrant, I have given notice to the proi)rictors by setting up notifications in Mendon & Milford of the time & place of said meeting John Scammell Bellinghani Sept. 20*" 1801) George Aldrich pro Chu-k Agreeable to the foregoing the proprietors of the former Township of Mendon & proceeds as follows Article 1st. Voted to choose a moderator to regulate said JVIeet- ing 2d Voted to choose a conmiittee to settle with the Treasury Voted Jose})h Torry, John Scammell, & George Aldrich for said committee Article d^-& 4th passed over Article 5'*^ voted Samuel Aldrich, John Scammell & George Aid- rich being a conmiittee respecting common la|| |1 And MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1181 said committee to agree with llic treasurer respectini>- their securities and to call in what Mi()M('y that lies out of the former townsiiip of Mendon. Voted to dissolve the meeting. Geokge Aldkhm [h-o Clerk [73.] Know all Men by these presents that I John Scammell of Bellingham in the County of Norfolk Physician, in considera- tion of five Dollars paid to me by Samuel L. Scammell of Belling- ham in the County of Norfolk. Gentleman, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, do hereby grant give, and convey, to the said Samuel L. Scammell and to his heirs, five rights in the common land in the former, township of Mendon. formerly be- longing to Abraham Jones, with all the benefits and privileges thereto belonging, to have and to hold the same to the said Sam- uel L. Scammell and to his heirs, and I do covenant with the said Samuel L. Scammell, and his heirs and assigns, that I am law- fully seized in fee of the premises, that they are free of all in- cumbrances, that I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Samuel L. Scammell to hold as aforesaid, and that I. my heirs, Executors, and Administrators, shall and will, warrant and defend the same to the said Samuel L. Scannnell his heirs, and assigns forever against the lawfull claims and demands of all persons. In witness whereof I the said John Scammell have here- unto set my hand and seal this Twenty third day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and Nine Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of us ^John Scammell Bethiah Scammell John C. Scammell George Aldrich Pro Clei'k [68.] Mendon 2 Nov. 1810 The Treasurer charo-es himself for 2.57 $409.38 and holds himself responsable as Treasurer to the former Town- ship of Mendon for the above Suretes and Charge Seth Chapin Treasurer Geo. Aldrich > Joseph Torrey 5 Committee [74.] Worcester Ss. To Samuel L. Scammell one of the pro- IH'ietors of the former township of Mendon Greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to warn and give public notice to the proprietors of the former township of Mendon that there is a meeting of said proprietors to be holden at Samuel Fairbank's Inn in Mendon on Wednesday the fourth day of Nov'r next at one o'clock P.M. to act on the following. 1st To choose a moderator 2d To see if the proprietors will make a division of the money & to transact any other prudential aifairs relative to said propriety and to make return of this warrant with your doings ther(H)n to some one of us at or before the time of said meetinir. MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1183 Given under our hands and seals this fourteenth day of Octo- ber Anno Domini Eighteen hundred and twelve. Seth Chapin & John Benson proprietors Committee ic [75.] In compliance with the within I have given i)ul)l Notice to the within named proprietors by posting notifications at several of the most })ublic places in the former township within named according to law Sam' L. Scammell Nov. 4. 1812 Meeting adjourned untill the first monday of Jan^ next at one o clock Mendon Novr 4*" 1812 At a meeting of the former i)roprietors of the township of Men- don met and proceeded as follows 1st To Choose a moderator Voted that Sam' Jones. Esq moderator of said meeting Second article passed over. Voted to choose a committee of five to ascertain rights. Voted that Esq. Jones Doct John Scanmiell. Seth Chapin George Aldrich & Joseph Torrey Voted John Scammell treasurer Voted to excuse the former Connnittee for granting warrants, voted Esq Hunt Doct Scammell & Elijah Taft for granting war- rants for proprietors meetings Voted to adjourn said meeting to the first monday in January next at the same place and time of day Voted to adjourn untill the second tuesday in April next at Fairbanks Inn on the ad- journment aforesaid the proprietors met and voted to pay one dollar on a right to those who can show their right to the satis- faction of the Committee chose for that purpose [77.] Voted to adjourn this meeting untill the second tuesday in October next at twelve o clock at noon Agreeable to the above adjournment the pr()pri|| || || || || met and voted to purchase twelve sheets of paper Voted to choose a Committee to examine into t|l|| situation of the eight rod road. Voted Doct Scannn|||||| Seth Cha])in lo l)e the said Committee. V^oted to adj II II II II said meeting to the second tuesday of Feb- ruary n|||||| at one of the o Clock P.M. 1184 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Agreeable to the above adjouniiuent the proprietors met a|l || proceeded as foHovvs, voted to Sell Joseph Tor|| || || one cord of wood upon the eight rod road so called. Voted to adjourn said meeting until the second Wednesday in March next Agreeab|||| to adjournment voted to choose an assistan|| to the present Agent. Voted Sam' Jones || — 1| as assistant. Voted to adjourn said meet- ing to the first tuesday of Sej)^'' next at the same p|| || || || and time of day Voted John Scammel Treasurer and excused him of being Sur- veyor and vo|||||| Saml L. Scammell Surveyor. Agreeable to the above adjournment the proprietors met & dis- solved the meeting George Aldricii Pi-o. Cle|||| [69.] Worcester Ss Nov'' 4*'' 1812. Then personally appeared D'' John Scammell and made oath that he would faithfully and impartially perform the Duty of Treasurer for the Proprietors of the former Township of Mendon Before me Samuel Jones Jus. Pacis Worcester Ss Nov"" 4^" 1812 Then Personally appeared Sam' L. Scammell and made Oath that he would faithfully and imper- tially perform the Service of Surveyer for the Proprietors of the former Township of Mendon. before me Sam"- Jones Jus. Paics [72.] Mendon 9^'' November 1812 Then the proprietors Com- mitee and Treasurer Met and made a Settlement as follows. The papers being removed from Seth Chapin former Treasurer to the hands of John Scanmiell present Treasurer One Note against Ebenezer Read and Kbenezer Read Jun'-for $151.81 three years Interest paid — One other Note against Elijah Taft and George Taft for oH.S^) one years Interest paid MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1185 One other Note against Elisha Hay ward and Zalnian for irl.Hi^ one years Interest paid One other Note against Stephen Wood & George Wood for 84.92 Interest paid for one year One other Note against Ezekicl wood and Sanuiol Wood for 53. 5 Two Years Interest paid One other Note against John Benson and flohn Benson Jun^ for 43.00 Interest })aid for one year One other Note against Elijah Taft for •22.83 being dated Nov". 9'". 1870 The Treasurer Charaes hinisell" with 22. 9.") 1429. 7G and iiolds himself responsible as Treasurer to the former Town- ship of Mendon John Scammell George Aldrich Joseph Torrey [78.] Worcester Ss. To Capt Joseph Torrey Greet You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts to warn & give public notice to the proprietors of the former Township of Mendon that there is a meeting of S*^. proprietors appointed on the last monday in April next at the house of Capt Sam'. Eairbanks in S''. Mendon at 1 O Clock P.M. to act on the following articles 1st To choose a Moderator to order S*^. Meeting. 21 \' To see if the ])roi)rietors will vote to discontinue any roads laid out by S''. proprietors ||nd the eight-rod-road (so called, in particular or actor do anything concerning roads or highways they shall think tit ;;dly To see what instructions the proprietors will give their Agent or act on any other thing that we shall then tind necessary. 1186 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. and make return of this warrant to some one of us with your doino;s at or before the time of our S'^. meetins; Given under our hands and seals this IGth day of March A.D. 1814 John Scammell ^ Pearly Hunt ^ Committee Elijah Taft J Geo Aldrich Pro Clerk [79.] Worcester Ss. Mendon April 1st 1814 In obedience to the within warrant I have notified the proprie- tors of the former Township of M || |J don and of the time & place of meeting l)y seting up notifications, one in Mendon. one in Milfoil II II '^^^^^ ^^"^' ^^^ Uxbridge as the law directs Joseph Torrey April 25 : 1814 at a Meeting of the Proprietors of the for|| || || Township of Mendon agreeable to Notice the Proprietors Meet and proceeded as followeth — Article first, Voted Samuel Jones Escf Moderator Second Voted to discontinue the Eight Rod Road So Called — Voted to prosecute an action on the part of the Proproprietors of the former Township of Mendon against Persons that have Trespassed on the Eight Rod Road So called Voted to adjourn to the first Tuesday in September Next Agreeable to the aboue adjournment the S'\ Proprietors Meet and proceed as follows — Voted Amariah Frost Esq' Moderator Pro Tern Voted to Adjourn said Meeting to the Second Tuesday in October next — Agreeable to the Aboue Adjournment the Propriet(| || || Meet c^ agreed to farther Adjourn Said INIeeting to the first Tuesday in April Next Mendon April 4 : 1815 Samuel Jones Es(j'' Moderator Presen|| Agreeable to the aforesaid Adjournment the Proprietors M|| || |1 at MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1187 the House of Dauid Wilbers formally oceupiod to Cap* Sainu|||| Fairbanks in Said Mendon. Voted to Choose a Proprietors Cler|| Voted to Choose a Clerk by Nomination & hand Vote [80.] Choose Pearley Hunt Proprietors Clerk l\c C^uallilied him aceording to Law Voted to leaue the jNIatter of the Eight Rod Road now in Con- tention between the Said Proprietors & the Town of Mendon to be Settled by Doc* John Scammell the Said Proprietors Agent as he may think best either by Law or otherwise discretionary With him — Voted to Adjourn this xMeeting to the Second Monday of October next at one O'Clock Afternoon to this House now occui^ied by Dauid Will)er Attest Pearlf.y Hunt Proprietors Clerk Worcester Ss : April 4: LSI 5 then Pearley Hunt Es(|. pci-son- ally appeared and made oath that he would faithfully and impar- tially perform the Duty of proprietors Clerk to which Ottice he is chosen before me Sa^fitel Jones Jus. Pacis Afcudon October 9'" 1815 then the Proprietors Meet agreeal)le to adjournment at the House now occupied by Daniel Childs Inholder in Said Mendon Sanuu'l Jones Esi]' Moderator Pres- ent — \'()ted to dissolue the M(M^tiiig that stood adjourned to this Day — Peakley Hint Proprietors Clerk O [81.] Worcester. Ss. To Capt Joseph Torrey one of the O Proprietors of the former Township of Mendon in the name of the Conmionwealth of Massachusetts you are heareljy recjuested to warn & Give jiublick notice || — || all the Proprietors of the former Township of Mendon that there is || Meeting of Said Pro- prietors to be holden at the House of Ens" Danie|| Childs Inholder in Mendon on Monday the Ninth Dav of October next 1188 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. at one of the C'lock in the afternoon then & there to act upon the following Articles (vi/) first to Choose a Moderator to Regulate Said Meeting Secondly to See what the Proprietors will do respecting the Eight Rod Road So Called — thirdly to See what the Proprietors will do as it respects Dis- solueing Said Proprietor}^ — fourthly to do or Act upon any Matter or thing that may he necessary and proper to be done at Said Time & Place — and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon to Some one of us the Subscribers at or before the time appointed for Said Meeting Giuen under our hands & Seals this Twenty Second Day of September AD 1815 Pearley Hunt '^ Proprietors John Scammell V Committee for Elijah Taft )Caling Meetings Worcester. Ss. in Obediance to the within warrant I h|||||l notified the Proprietors of the former Township of Mendo|| that there is a Meeting of Said Proprietors appointed & of Time & place of Said Meeting as the Law directs Joseph Torrey attest Pearley Hunt Proprietors Clerk Mendon October 9*'' 1815 then the Proprietors at the Hous|| of Ensn. Daniel Childs Inholder in Said Mendon agreeable to |1 — 1| & warrant Choose Samuel Jones Esq"" Moderator — Voted Doc* John Scannnell the Agent of Said Proprietoj| || take further aduice on the Subject of the Eight Rod Road. [82.] Voted that the Said Proprietors Agent Cause to be advertized in Two publick news papers one in Worcester & one in Dedham for all the Proprietors of the former Township of Mendon to Exhibit theire Claims to the Said Proprietors Com- mittee for assertaining Proprietors Rights that a Diuision may be made of Said Pro})rietors funds — Voted that all those that haue any ac^counts or demands against Said Proprietory to Exhibit theire Demjuuls to Said Proprietors MENDON, IMASSACIIUSETTS. 1189 ConmiittPC for AUowaiu-c on the first Monday of Dcccnihcr next at one O'Clock P.M. Voted to dismiss Gt'oruv Aldricli as a Connnittcc for asst'i'tain- ing Propriotors Riohts c^c Chooso Pearlcy Hunt in his Room — Voted that the Committee for Callino; Meetings &e be a Com- mittee to Examine & aUow aecounts tSc draw orders on the Pro- prietors Treasurer for the Same Voted to adjourn this Meeting to this Place to the tirst Monday of December next at one O'Clock P.M. Attest Pkaklev Hint Proprietors Ch'rk Mendon December 4:1815 at an adjourned Meeting of the Proprietors of the former Townshi}) of Mendon held at Ensn Daniel Childs Tauern in Said Mendon Samuel Jones Escf the Moderator Present — Voted that the Committee for Calling Meetings &c be a Com- mittee to Grant AVarrants on the Treasurer for Seruices done & Money })aid &c also to Recon and Settle with the Treasurer Voted that the Proprietors Clerk })ut up a Notice in Mendon Uxbridge & Milford to Meet as aforesaid all those who haue any Demands against Said Proprietory, & the Committee to ]\lect at ten O Clock A.M. on the third Monday of April next Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the third Monday of april next at One O'Clock P.M. to the House of Ens" Daniel Childs in Mendon where he now lines Attest Pearley Hunt Proprietors Clerk [83.] Mendon April 15 : 1816 Meet agreeable to adjourn|l || || || and Made Choice of Joseph Tory Proprietors Clerk pr(| || — 1| Voted made choice of Deacon Seth Chapin in the ro|||| of Maj' Pearley Hunt absent, to Settle with the Treasur|| || and giue out orders Voted to adjourn this fleeting to the tirst Day of ^lay next at Jesse Woods Inholder in Mendon at one O Clock afternoon Clerk ? Cl( Joseph T . _ ^ rotem Attest a True Coppy of Minuets Pearley Hunt Proprietors Clerk 1190 PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. Meiidon Mcay 1 : 181 (i th(^ Proprietors of the former Township of Mendon [83.] Meet at Jesse Woods Inholdor, in Mendon at one O'clock afternoon agreeable to adjournment Samuel Jones Esq' Moderator Present opened the Meeting & the Committee Proceeded to Recon with theire Treasurer Doct John Scammell & find good in his hands one hundred & Eighty five Dollars & Sixty Eight Cents Including a Note and Interest against John Benson & Son Sum of Twenty Seuen Dollars & Seventy nine Cents — Voted that the Said Treasurer payout to thefolloAving Persons Seventy four Cents on Each of theire rights being the Sums Set aga|| II II II theire names as followeth (the fractional part allowed the S II II II Treasurer for his Trouble in paying out) Proprietors name Rights Sum ■? ct. Proprietors names 1 flights Sum -4-4|| John Hayward - 7 - - 5-18 George Aldrich - (i - Aaron Holbrook - 714- - 5-55 Joseph Torrey -13 - -9-711 Amariah Frost -35 - -25-90 Pearley Plunt - 4>^- -3-33 Abijah Warlield - 5 - - 3-70 Joshua Darling -10>^- -7-77 Adams Chapin - 3 - - 2-22 Liman Aldrich - 3 - -2-22 Joel Hayward - 4 - - 2-96 Samuel L . Scammell - 5 - -3-70 Elijah Taft -13 - - 9-62 Moses Aldrich - 2y^- -2-72 Ebenezer Read -19 - -14-36 Charles Smith - 2y,- -l-llll Seth Chapin -8K- - 6-10 Samuel Jones - 5 - -3-70 John Scammell -44 - -32-56 Naham Wheelock • - 5 - -3-70 John Benson - 7M- - 5-55 Ephraim Hayward - ^H- -3-33 [84.] Nathan Aldrich- 3 - - 2-22 Ebenezer Chapin - ^%- -6-10 Thadeus Read -10 - - 7-40 Heirs of John Legg- - 3>^- -2-59 Heirs of Obadiah Wheelock - 5 - 3-70 Rights at 74'^'* Each amounting to $181-67 amounting to 245 allowed the Treasurer for his Trouble as aforesaid 4-01 185-68 MEXDON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1101 Voted, to Choose a Coiniiiittee to Take care of the Proprietors Books and if necessary to Call another Meetini>- otherwise deposit thcni according to Ijaw — Choose Samuel Jones Es(/- \ Pearley Hunt VConnnittee Doc^ .ToiiN Scam :\i ELL ) Voted to nisolve the Meeting Attest Peaiiley Hunt Proprietors (Merk Fehuary \'M\\ ISOO Xoah Farnuni Sohl to Joseph Farniun all his light in a ))eiee of (^eeder Swamp in Shocolgiic Ceeder Swamp which was laid out to John Farnuni in 171^(. for the sum of three Dollars &, Thirty three Cents and acknowh^dged a Deed thereof before Edward Medbery Justice Peace June 20. 1800 Attest Bexja:\iin Read Propt Clerk March 29'" 180 George Farnuiu Sold by Deed acknowledged before Benjamin Read Justice peace all his right Title & Interest in and to a peice of Ceeder Swamp Laid out to John Farnuni to Shocologue Ceeder Swamp 8th Dec"". 1718 To Daniel Farnuni his Heirs & assigns for- ever — June 20. 1800. ^Vttest Benjamin Read Propt Clerk April 2" 1800 Stephen Farnuni Sold To Daniel Farnuni by Deed acknowdedged before Daniel AVinsor J peace all his right title & Interest in and to a peace of Ceeder Swamp laid out to John Farniim on the 8*'' Dec"". 1718 in Shocolgue Ceeder Swamp — June -^-^ attest Benjamin Read propt Clerk xVpril 25"' 1800 Selh GiUbrd with his AVife Ann Gitibrd Sold to Joseph Farnum by Deed acknowledged before B. Taft Justice peace all there right title and Interest in and to a peice of Ceeder Swamp laid out to John F^irnum on the 8"' Dec"^. 1718 in Shoco- logue Ceeder Swamp. To the said Joseph Farnum his heirs & assigns June 20th 1800 Benjamin Read Proi)t Gierke INDEX TO NAMES. INDEX TO NAMES. Abbee, Joseph, 891." Adams, Josiah, 1052, 1092. Nathaniel, 1075. Samuel, 658. William, 416, 688. Albee, Benjamin, 138, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 238, 381, 464, 500, 521, 565. 588, 626, 898, 952. Benjamin, Jr., 138, 139, 147, 149, 199, 606. James, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 171, 464, 482, 537, 538, 679, 868, 869, 871, 872, 874, 900, 919, 952, 1002. John, 146, 338, 339, 428, 464, 480, 481, 482, 491, 700, 1002, 1047. John, Jr., 928. Obadiah, 627. Thomas, 977, 1038-. Aldrich, Abel, 461, 656, 657, 830, 834, 906, 907, 1015, 1018. Abel, Jr., 710, 711, 831. Abner, 943, 944, 946, 957, 1080, 1086, 1089. Asa, 1067. Caleb, 1174, 1175. David, 461, 856, 857, 858, 946, 1015. Deborah, 878, 879. George, 195, 201, 202, 203, 461, 890, 949, 992, 1190. Isaac, 928. Israel, 1095. Jacob, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 218, 219, 220, 336, 461, 676, 693, 838, 864, 877, 879, 981, 986, 1018, 1031, 1108, 1113, 1115, 1116, 1118, 1120, 1128. Jacob, Heirs of, 1008. Jacob, Jr., 220, 830, 973, 994, 1104, 1105. Jeremiah, 973, 1025, 1030. John, 461, 462, 592, .593, 594, .595, 711, 768, 837, 838, 839, 840, 872, 873, 883, 884, 1025. John, Jr., 954. Jonathan, 876. Joseph, 352, 380, 462, 769, 928, 1037. Levi, 888, 943, 944, 946, 1073, 1081. Lyman, 1092, 1190. Moses, 200, 461, 464, 511, 516, 730, 731, 732, 799, 949, 951, 1190. 1196 INDEX TO NAMES. Ahlrich, Nathan, 11!)0. Peter, 203, 205, ;5fi;3, :\CA, 4(U, 529, 694, 695, 696, 697, 718, 848, 849, 850, 851, 862, 864, 881, 934, 935, 944, 956, 957, 986, 987, 1045, 1104, 1107. Peter, Jr., 1046. Phinehas, 1078. Robert, 1040. Samuel, 969, 1014, 1017, lOGO, 1061, 1065, 1067, 1076, 1090, 1091, 1152, 1161, 1163, 1166. Samuel, Jr., 969, 970, 1070. Seth, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 256, 308, 309, 461, 468, 464,.510, 631, 632, 633, 634, C,3^, 636, 637, 638, 657, 658, 764, 832, 876, 877, 912, 1036, 1037, 1062, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1120. Seth, Heirs of, 1018. Seth, Jr., 428, 429, 430, 637. Solomon, 973. Stephen, 947. Aramidown, Ichabod, 805, 853, 865; 954, 1U02, 1012. Philip, 854, 1173. Annawassawauk, 8. Archer, Benjamin, 882, 883, 892, 996, 1141, 11.55. Armstrong, Martin, 881. Arnold, Daniel, 513, 514, 589. Elisha, 1051. John, 462, 463, 508, 513, 514, 597, 928. Seth, 971, 972. Thomas, 508. William, 613, 514, 918. Awasamog, Amos, 9. John, 9. Bacon, Jonathan, 878. Balcom, John, 460, 505, 733, 877, 879. Joseph, 460, 505, 840, 841, 842. Ball, Josiah, 677, 680, 688, 689, 806, 899. Thomas, 309. Barnes, Thomas, 139. Bartlett, John, 30, 91, 92, 204, 257, 259, 260, 466, 750, 1051. Beard, Thomas, 16, 17, 438, 440, 897. Thomas, Jr., 440, 441. Bellows, Jabez, 263, 461, 651, 552, 657, 835, 836. Samuel, 877. Bellingham Line, 1009. Bemis, John, 869. Benham, Robert, 884, 1118. Benney, John, 502, 588. Benson, Bennoni, 116, 117, 118, 119, 462, 499, 638, 639, 640, 641, 1020, 1048. Isaac, 966, 1020. John, 1178, 1182, 1185, 1190. INDEX TO NAMES. 1197 Benson, John, Jr., 1182, llS.'j. Joseph, 1049, 1064. Bick, James, 30, 252, 2.5!), 2<;0. 4Gu. Bolster, Isaac, 714. Bosworth, Henry, 069. Boyce, Benjamin, 689, 690. Daniel, 690. William, 8G4, 865, 866, 1107. William, Heirs of, 863, 865. Boyd, William, 705. Boynton, Caleb, 1038. Ebenezer, 465, 897, 923. Bozerd, Edward, 636. Bozworth, PMward, 309. Bracket, Peter, 9, 372, 460. Bridges, James, 237. John, 284, 235, 236, 237, 269, 366, 495, 496. Samuel, 33, 61, 359, 430, 463, 836, 862. Brown, Daniel, 630, 706. John, 308, 629, 1107. Samuel, 40, 741. William, 517, 613, 628, 629, 894, 975. Bruce, George, 336, 686, 913, 914, 956, 957, 1003. Joseph, 260, 460, 626, 627, 734, 735, 744, 745, 740. BuUard, Joseph, 610, 1118, 1121. Burch, Thomas, 1002. Burtt, Ebenezer, 437. Cargill, James, 907, 942. Cass, Daniel, 882. John, 610. Jonathan, 881, 1051. Nathan, 117. Chapin, Adams, 1190. David, 915. Ebenezer, 899, 10.58, 1064, 1000, 1071, 1190. Ephraim, 24, 55, 56, 451, 452, 463. John, 39, 405, 430, 498, 805, 908, 916, 920. Joseph, 49, 50, 55, 409, 441, 454, 455, 462, 499, 1089. Josiah, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, .56, 57, 100, 106, 241, 409, 424, 897, 936, 951, 1004, 1005, 1022, 1023, 1033, 1034, 1000, 1004. Josiah, Jr., 61. Moses, 951,998, 1022, 1034. Samuel, 704, 705, 900. Seth, 33, 34, 35, 48, 54, 56, 58, 59, 00, 61, 200, 440, 456, 4.-)9, 402, 511, 541, 597, 785, 809, 810, 820, 840, 859, 808, 869, 1105, 1108, 1178, 1190. Seth, Heirs of, 915. Seth, Jr., 39, 40, 41, 422, 423, 424, 425. 431, 432, 440, 441, 400, 462, 915, 1105, 1120, 1122, 1123. 1198 INDEX TO NAMES. Chase, Antony, 1013, 1065. Isaac. 1013. Philip, 468, 469. Samuel, 932. Cheney, Ebenezer, 363, 1023, 1033. William, 363, 564, 565, 880. William, Jr., 920. Chilson, Israel, 1062. Jeremiah, 993. Joseph, 534, 783, 784, 867, 868, 1104. Clapp, Roger, 6. Clark, Ebenezer, 711. Robert, 876. Coffin, Jethro, 163, 217, 218, 462, 474, 475, 476, 652. Collar, James, 683. Coming, Samuel, 892. Comstock, Samuel, 884. Cook, Arthur, 1078, 1088, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1101. Ebenezer, 369, 370, 371, 460, 462, 532, 533, 534, 643, 842, 985. Gregory, 148, 265, 460. Ichabod, 1073. John, 31, 32, 35, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 337, 460, 497, 980, 1000. Jonathan, 215, 216, 217, 1000, 1001, 1063. Nicholas, 283, 461, 780, 781, 782, 783, 1069. Nicholas, Jr., 461. Noah, 806, 958, 985. Samuel, 367, 368, 369, 389, 460, 464, 597, 632, 724, 786, 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 792, 793, 1117. Samuel, Jr., 381, 382, 944, 915. Stephen, 78, 463, 1069. Walter, 28, 29, 88, 209, 367, 460, 755, 780. Walter, Jr., 381, 382, 383, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1042. Corbett, Daniel, 491, 898, 899, 922. ■ John, 13, 14, 15, 179, 180, 181, 463, 664, 665, 843, 844, 845, 846, 919, 983, 952, 953, 954, 957, 982, 991, 992, 1031, 1034, 1066, 1070, 1103, 1136, 1145, 1146, 1147, 1157, 1158. Joseph, 888. Corrary, Heirs of, 466, 494. Court, General, Grants, 5, 11. Craggin, Benjamin, 539, 540, 542, 1005, 1105. Crown, William, 98, 461. Cummins, Joseph, 627. Cutten, Moses, 689. Cuttler, David, 890, 926, 990, 1004, 1006. Damon, Joseph, 650, 651, 653, 889, 927. Daniels, David, 1032, 1035. Eleazar, 117, 125, 126, 127, 128, 356, 357, 358, 415, 450, 460, 462, 464, 492, 501, 502, 536, 585, 599, 882, 911, 916, 1104, 1105, 1109, 1120. INDEX TO NAMES. 1199 Daniels, Ephraim, 218, 238. Jasper, 1030. John, 4G0, 514, 515, 51G, 517, 541, Dll. John, Jr., 517. Joseph, 1010. Oliver, 1066. Samuel, 278, 517, 518. Darlino;, Benjamin, 460, 500, 501, 518, 519, 520, 521, ',t04, 1024, 1116. Daniel, 428, 737, 73S, 7.39. Daniel, Heir-s of, 929. Daniel, Jr., 738. John, 27, 75, 125, 144, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 208, 272, 343, 385, 421, 450, 462, 464, 479, 480, 496, 598, 726, 737, 753, 786, 862, 869, 879, 884, 978, 982. John, Jr., 462, 478, 479, 480, .583, 584, 585, 586. Joseph, 1065. Joshua, 1190. Peletiah, 978, 998, 1089, 1164. Peter, 997, 1021. Samuel, Heirs of, 904. Day, Mordecai, 1047. Dayly, John, 317, 771. Dedham Line, 1135. Deeds, 6, 9. Dike, John, 329, 350, 351. Dissolution of Propriety, 1188, 1189, 1191. Division of Land, Rules for, 6, 1110, 1111, 1112, 1115, lin;, 1117,1119, 1120, 1124, 1126, 1128, 1138. Division of Money, 1168, 1190. Dorr, Joseph, 462, 463,464, 465, 495, 496, 497, 865, 1004, 1143. Douglass, Samuel, 854, 855. Draper, Davi.l, 659, 1115, 1130, 1131. Easterly Precinct, 1128. Eats, James, 603. John, 109:;. Eddy, Thomas, 1090. Elleson, Jacob, 1076, 1080. John, 989, 1015, 1061. Elliot, Daniel, 412. Ellis, Jacob, 1173. John, 738. Stephen, 627, 718. Turner, 1015. Eliot, David, 995. John, 1005. Emerson, James, 113, 114, 115, 461, 597, 876, 991, 1021. James, Jr., 113, 110. 1200 INDEX TO NAMES. Emerson, John, 388, 380, 420, 461, 523, 524, 525, 526, 528, 597, 050, 1023. Joseph, 112, 116, 344, 315, 346, 347, 348, 349, 420, 461, 526, 527, 71«, 1112, 1115. Nathaniel, 115, 116, 117, 389, 390, 683, 862. , 568. Ephraim, Peter, 9. Estes, Kichard, 842. Evens, Robert, 255, 464, 472, 476, 477, 478, 511, rj64, 1007. Fairbanks, Nathaniel, 660, 661, 941, 943, 944. Farnuni, Daniel, 1191. David, 1095. . John, 32,' 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 364, 865, 366, 307, 373, 374, 403, 688, 825, 913, 927, 1055, 1056, 1113, 1191. • John, Jr., 365. Joseph, 1191. Moses, 924. Noah, 1191. Stephen, 1191. Fish, Elisha, 961. John, 484, 875. John, Jr., 604. Stephen, 538, 1106. Fisk, Ebenezer, 930, 958. Fort Field, Division of, 100. Fowler, Barnard, 1091. John, 1092. French, John, 552, 553, 1040, 1041. Frost, Amariah, 1168, 1190. Funds of Propriety, 1173, 1174, 1176, 1177, 1178, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1183, 1190. Gage, John, 905, 1125. Moses, 1032. Thomas, 29, 703. Gardner, John, 462, 475, 042, 643, 715, 710, 883. Richard, 733. Garnsey, Henry, 557. Gaskill, Jonathan, 502, 918. Nathan, 307. Samuel, 502, 1014, 1040, 1041. Gerry, Samuel, 1111. Gifford, Ann, 1191. Seth, 1191. Godnian, James, 692, 693. Mary, 546, 547. Goldthrite, Samuel, 1020. Goss, Zebulon, 1049. Great John, 8. INDEX TO NAMES. 1201 Green, Benjamin, 416, 460, 809, 852, 1001, 1063, 1066, 1068, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1078, 1171. Francis, 807, 808. John, 462, 483, 493, 494, 790, 791. William, 424, 460, 554, 714, 715, 808, 830, 836, 1104. William, Jr., 837. Zalmon, 1182, 1185. Gurney, Grizel, 43, 46, 463. John, 152, 340, 341, 346, 3.50, 462. Guy, Timothy, 237, 238. Hall, Edward, 917, 936. Hezekiah, 960. Nehemiah, 1036. Robert, 1114. Harbur, John, 48, 109, 110, 111, 173, 320, 321, 325, 462. Harris, James, 867. John, 942. Harvey, Jonathan, 1011. Harwood, John, 540, 541, 975, 1120, 1122, 1123, 1127. Hayward, Adam, 1094, 1095, 1097, 1100. Benjamin, 410, 411, 412, 413, 419, 422, 463, 468, 608, 684, 688, 8.30, 878, 895, 997. Daniel, 898. Elijah, 1059. Elisha, 1178, 1182, 1185. Ephraim, 1190. Hezekiah, 918. Joel, 1190. John, 41, 313, 314, 419, 907, 1036, 1040, 1051, 1190. John, Jr., 1033. Jonathan, 89, 229, 234, 318, 319, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 349, 462, 463, 525, 649, 603, 755, 761, 798, 866, 870, 895. Jonathan, Jr., 465, 466, 467, 535, 559, .598, 607. Jonathan, 3d, 558, 559, 907. Oliver, 855. Samuel, 17, 207, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 321, 325, 326, 463, 464, 759, 772, 895, 931, 1011. Samuel, Heirs of, 314, 625. Thomas, 895. William, 83, 272, 273, 313, 314, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 344, 402, 403, 404, 462, 464, 606, 625, 641, 642, 643, 690, 691, 838, 912, 10.59, 1105, 1107, 1117. William, Jr., 897, 919. William, 3d, 641. Hazeltine, John, 651. Heaton, James, .305. Highways, 611, 612, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622,623,624, 1111,1117, 1119, 1169, 1185, 1186, 1187, 1188. 1202 INDEX TO NAMES. Highways, Discontinued, 1110. Hill, Daniel, 239, 337, 489, 593, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 958, 10G3. David, 30, 124, 252, 958. Matthew, 909, 1011. Solomon, 1063. Holbrook, Aaron, 1179, 1190. Benjamin, 1000. Daniel, 1057. Ebenezer, 1042. Eliphelet, 167, 168, 464, 631, 679. Eliphelet, Jr., 1044. John, 166, 168, 269, 414, 415, 464, 498, 990, 1120. John, Jr., 329, 856. Katheran, 1056, 1057. Peter, 66, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 167, 168, 169,334, 464, 1043. Richard, 165, 404, 405, 406, 408, 464, 716, 855, 1000. Samuel, 164, 464, 855, 928, 929, 934. Stephen, 1043. Sylvanus, 239, 464, 597, 856, 860, 861, 1008. William, 36, GG, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 158, 164, 464, 735, 736, 737, 763, 764, 847, 848, 884, 970, 971, 995, 1007, 1008, 1083, 1095. Hopkinton Line, 1148, 1153, 1155, 1163. How, David, 659. Humes, Nicholas, 874, 875. Hunt, Pearley, 1097, 1099, 1190. Samuel, 786, 902. Jenne, , 1155. Jepson, John, 227, 329, 351, 460. Johnson, John, 882. Joseph, 986. William, 712, 785, 900, 906, 942. Jones, Abraham, 890, 940, 990, 1005, 1006, 1181. Dearing, 528. John, 220, 424, 464, 527, 528, 529, 532, 586, 587, 588, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 799, 800, 801, 1105, 1106. John, Jr., 589, 590, 597, 601, 794, 1106. Joseph, 939, 1006. Nathaniel, 591, 592, 613, 932, 1025, 1106. Samuel, 1186, 1190. Juell, Isabel, 45. Joseph, 44, 45. Thomas, 196, 289, 302, 374, 462. Keith, Gershom, 693, 694, 940. Israel, 97, 285, 286, 287, 305, 526, 528, 544, 683, 733. James, 17, 97, 124, 125, 264, 265, 272, 278, 299, 307, 365, 420, 459, 460, 464, 472, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 525, 550, 565, 597, 599, 644, 682, 806, 810, 857, 862, 876, 928,958, 1106, 1109, 1110, 1113, 1119, 1120. INDEX TO NAMES. 1203 Keith. James, Jr., 507, .")08. Moses, 1062. Peter, 1058. Kempton, Ephraim, 1068. Kilhourn, John, 17, 880, 901, 031, 1060. Josiah, 1060, 1064, 1066. Killey. Seth, 1038. King, Samuel, 888, 950, 1066. Lassell, Joshua, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 260. Stephen, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 260. Leasure, Philip, 600, 855, 859, 860. Legg, John, 599, 600, 601, 857, 868, 869, 870, 1018. John, Heirs of, 1190. William, 919, 923, 960, 961, 998, 1033. Lineford, Edward, 163, 761. Lovett, Daniel, 42, 43, 190, 280, 462, 483, 484, 485, 486, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 725, 730, 1116, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1125. James, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 306, 1049, 1052. Phinehas, 952, 976, 1012, 1028, 1029. Lussher, Eleazar, 6. Lynsey, James, 273, 418. Maccnamarra, Timothy, 988. Mackency, Mehitable, 1025. Marshall, Joseph, 926. Marvel, Peter, 603. Ministry Land, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 302, 456, 463, 968, 969, 1108, 1117, 111'.). Moore, John, 91, 392, 393, 462, 851. Samuel, 102, 393, 394, 395, 396, 456, 462, 495, 496, 500, 589, ^513, 629, 748, 884, 1016. Morse, Edmond, 260, 912. Jesse, 1036. Nathaniel, 128, 462, 535. 536, 590, 703, 706, 861). Samuel, 534, 835, 1021, 1036. Nelson, Jonathan, 554, 555, 556, 922, 950, 955, 1037, 1104. Josiah, 926. Nathaniel, 14, 425, 581, 702, 927, 961, 984, 986. Samuel, 581, 582. Solomon, 555, 556, 1104. Thomas, 948. Newel, Loftice, 700. Newton, Ichabod, 1060. North Purchase, The, 9, 1157. Paine, Arnold, 1174. James, 1101. Moses, 9, 119, 460. 1204 INDEX TO NAMES. Palmer, Benjamin, 149, 671, 702, 703, 899, 948. Samuel, 701, 702, 1106. Samuel, Heirs of, 702. Thomas, 955. Parish, John, 178, 234, 300, 463. Park, Nathan, 306, 662, 663, 664, 669, 670, 694, 806, 932, 936, 967, 980, 981, 982, 1014. Nathan, Heirs of, 980. William, 6. Parkhurst, Isaac, 354, 672. James, 1158. Jonas, 354, 358, Peck, Ephraim, 762, 763. Hannah, 654. John, 61, 267, 546. Simon, 111, 148, 265, 266, 268, 337, 437, 541, 805, 817, 955. Penniman, James, 461, 608. Jesse, 1043. Jonathan, 926. Joseph, 461, 539, 893, 894, 907, 998, 999. Nathan, 32, 460, 461, 488, 492, 504, 694, 919, 926, 956, Peter, 1056, 1088, 1173. Perry, John, 538, 541, 556, 558. Samuel, 556, 557, 1104. Pickering, Edward, 891, 918, 942, 946. Ichahod, 1071. Pike, George, 390. Plumly, Alexander, 60, 82, 83, 84, 123, 463, 499, 628. Daniel, 500. John, 415, 428, 552, 712, 930, 955. Joseph, 78, 79, 80, 81, 106, 463, 499, 819, 835. Pond, Abner, 1094. David, 125, 894, 907, 947. Pond Field, Division of, 100. Post, John, 34, 440, 463, 604, 605, 867, 897. Proceedings Ratified, 1172, 1173. Proprietors, Meetings of, 1107 to 1191 inclusive. Names of, 12, 13. Providence Claims, 597, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1110, 1114, 1115, 1117, 1118, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1134. Puffer, Matthias, 181, 221, 462, 464. Quashaammitt, 8^ \ Rawson, Abner, 1069, 1082, 1143. Edmond, 51, 293, 296, 297, 298, 299, 301, 302, 303, 304, 307, 308, 463, 465, 505, 510, 640, 724, 753, 859, 862, 878, 882, 928, 954, 973, 988, 1017, 1025, 1060. Edward, 405, 1098. INDEX TO namp:s. 1205 Rawsoii, Grindal, 24, 57, 202, 21)3, 294, 2'J5, 297, 298, 301, 302, 303, 397, 464, 495, 496, 839. John, 296, 303, 465, 523, 681, 862, 865. Margaret, 293. Nathan, 1061, 1088. Nathaniel, 460, 464, 472, 473, 862. Samuel, 893, 897, 898, 935, 936, 995. Thomas, 1041. William, Jr., 1000. Wilson, 343, 359, 465, 734, 744, 842, 861, 1063. Mrs,, .506. Read, Benjamin, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1080, 1085, 1091, 1093, 1096, 1173, 1178. Daniel, 412, 667, 668, 878, 1083, 1173. Daniel, Heirs of, 1019, 1045, 1057. Ehenezer, 13, 14, 66, 67, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 268, 269, 270, 354, 361, 460, 463, 541, 684, 685, 686, 687, 854, 1077, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1085, 1088, 1093^ 1098, 1099, 1101, 1105, 1106, 1109, 1115, 1118, 1121, 1181, 1184, 1190. Ehenezer, Jr., 14, 1181, 1184. John, 676, 677, 680, 783, 784, 809, 810, 908, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1057. John, Jr., 665, 676, 677, 678, 1026, 1027, 1029. Martha, 1083. Moses, 652, 653. Samuel, 45, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 159, 179, 260, 460, 462, 464, 66(!, 768, 817, 818, 819, 820, 874, 999, 1045, 1046, 1052, 1057, 1090, 1091, 1109, 1132, 1133, 1136, 1140, 1144. Samuel, Jr., 71, 72, 73. Samuel, Heirs of, 1016, 1083. Sarah, 668, 669. Thaddeus, 1084, 10!>5, 1190. Thomas, 667, 668, 1045, 1046. Reckens, John, 603. Reserved Land, 1116, 1119, 1124, 1127, 1130, 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134, 1161, 1166, 1167, 1170, 1180. Rice, Joseph, 612, 650. Richardson, Isaac, 564, 701, 877, 994. Jonathan, 347, 464, 520, 562, 689, 690, 707, 708, 709, 728, 730, 851. Rights in Sixth Division, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465. Rist, Thomas, 972, 973. Rix, James, 494, 951. Robertson, William, 306. Rockwood, Benjamin, .309, 435, 436, 870, 871, 931, 1043. Joim, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 436, 437, .■>02, 541, .588, 843, 1044. John, Jr., 434, 435. Joseph, 173, 175, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 441, 463, 919. Josiah, 435, 1044. Richard, 435, 437, 665, 689, 1042. Samuel, 1044. Rutter, William, 401, 464, 601, 676, 881, 911. 1206 INDEX TO NAMES. Sadler, John, 37, 42, 546, 547, 020. Sanford, Thomas, 50, 460, 462, 464, 466, 468, 469, 470, 471, 544, 600, 663, 664, 836, 855, 907, 919, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1124, 112G. Sanger, Isaac, 806. John, 998, 999. Sargent, William, 417, 418. Scammel, John, 1094, 1102, 1181, 1190. Samuel, 1181, 1190. School Land, 282, 283, 284, 285, 463, 652, 677, 683, 686, 730, 1114, 1115, 1127, 1131, 1143. Sewel, Timothy, 701, 962, 963. Shearlock, Charles, 526, 688. Sheffield, William, 1002. Simpson, Savel, 98, 99, 100, 101, 801. Smith, Capt., 289. Charles, 1190. Southwick, Benjamin, 589, 691. Daniel, 902, 905, 906, 984. Jonathan, 978. Lawrence, 906. Spencer, Samuel, 68, 463. Sprague, Ebenezer, 759, 883. John, 126, 175, 179, 249, 250, 251, 252, 257, 258, 267, 464, 480, 673, 689, 748, 749, 765, 1119. Jonathan, 252. Richard, 1124, 1126. William, 30, 128, 142, 147, 233, 239, 240, 249, 250, 251, 252, 319, 390, 391, 464, 524, 528, 558, 589, 607, 658, 713, 764, 901, 957, 1048, 1070. Spring, John, 607, 900, 958, 959, 960, 1083. Stalker, Joseph, 881. Staples, Abraham, 240, 241, 243, 301, 332, 462, 514, 716, 870, 916, 917, 936, 1029. Abraham, Heirs of, 246, 462. Abraham, Jr., 247, 248. Benjamin, 890. Ebenezer, 238, 239, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 462, 837, 853, 958, 981. Ephraim, 243, 245, 462, 552, 553, 1032. Jacob, 332, 792, 793, 841, 867. John, 243, 462. Stearns, David, 1094, 1095. Ebenezer, 1063. Jonathan, 857. Stevens, Joseph, 461, 765, 766, 767. Stratton, Samuel, 806. Sumner, Daniel, 13, 543, 553, 557, 930, 950, 960, 961, 1037, 1066. Ebenezer, 150, 151, 152, 461. Ebenezer, Heirs of, 544, 545, 546, 855. George, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152. James, 899, 931, 997, 1063. INDEX TO NAMES. 1207 Sumner, Joseph, 40, 41, 150, 151, 152, 461, 543, 544, 545, 546, 688, 899, 931, 1063. Silence, 542, 543. Sweet, Stephen, 701. Taft, Aaron, 916, 917, 960. Benjamin, 107, 287, 354, 355, 356, 460, 461, 462, 560, 597, 602, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 673, 674, 675, 831, 832, 833,852,853,979, 1105, 1106, 1107. Daniel, 18, 19, 20, 104, 105, 108, HI, 188, 245, 397, 398, 399, 400, 407, 408, 409, 410, 444, 461, 464, 842, 867, 988, 1105, 1106, 1108, 1109, 1117. Daniel, Jr., 972. David, 15, 257, 716. Eleazar, 271, 396, 537, 705, 903, 918, 1105. Elijah, 1182, 1184, 1185, 1190. George, 1182, 1184. Isaac, 461, 490, 507, 604, 936, 1010, 1066. Israel, 494, 711, 712, 718, 863, 1091. Jacob, 933. Joseph, 105, 285, 438, 439, 460, 461, 462, 566, 567, 568, 569, 680, 681, 682, 683, 1003, 1023, 1032, 1103, 1105, 1106, 1113. Joseph, Jr., 87, 88, 97, 285, 286, 287, 379, 380, 388, 389, 461, 1032, 1123. Josiah, 492, 716, 717, 963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 1005, 1178, 1179. Mijamin, 1096. Moses, 982, 983, 995, 1049, 1059. Nahum, 1102, 1154, 1155, 1156. Nathaniel, 900, 1076, 1082, 1093. Noah, 1032, 1044. Peter, 1019. Robert, 80, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 187, 188, 189, 245, 441, 461, 559,560, 561, 724, 801, 805, 832, 833, 860, 876, 889, 900, 933, 934, 988, 1015, 1018, 1019, 1032, 1047. Robert, Jr., 404, 461, 497, 498, 499, 851, 855, 925, 1017. Robert, 3cl, 861, 862. Seth, 1075, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1096. Thomas, 95, 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 109, 1010, 1023, 1106. Thomas, Jr., 532, 697, 698, 873. Tappin, Mrs., 464, 795. Taylor, Samuel, 990. Tenney, Moses, 306, 601, 602, 939. Thomas, 511, 512, 513. Terry, Samuel, 217. Thayer, Aaron, 62, 419, 910, 968, 984, 1128. Benjamin, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 363, 364, 413, 460, 461, 597, 601, 602, 675, 891, 938, 968, 976. Benjamin, Heirs of, 94, 95. Benjamin, Jr., 87. Corneilous, 1071. Daniel, 450, 820, 931, 1119. \ 1208 INDEX TO NAMES. Thayer, David, 500, 521, 5;?1, 537, 538, 550, 552, 635, r>3fi, f.57, 770, S55, 881, 936. David, Jr., 785. Ebenezer, 447, 448, 449, 450, 461,737, 739, 947, 1010. Ebenezer, Jr., 595, .596, 605, 606. Fardinando, 84, 85, 86, 87, 90, 346, 448, 461, 753, 754, 755, 770, 772, 773. Ichabod, 976. Ichos, 738. Isaac, 31, 101, 427, 428, 461, 463, 558, 641, 985. John, 330, 537, 596, 887, 925, 944, 945. John, Jr., 929, 942. Jonathan, 88, 217, 279, 280, 337, 389, 461, 491, 530, 531, 565, 741, 742, 743, 744, 818, 820, 864, 919, 991. Jonathan, Jr., 279, 919. Joseph, 584, 585, 592, 690, 691, 891, 919, 921, 1039, 1106, 1116. Joseph, Heirs of, 95, 96. Joseph, Jr., 692. Josiah, 143, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 404, 461, 462, 464, 577, 595, 597, 603, 6,50, 651, 653, 660, 674, 813, 816, 817, 863, 979, 1043. Nathaniel, 27, 600, 818, 820, 953. Peletiah, 887. Samuel, 15, 16, 101, 270, 271, 307, 317, 413, 444, 445, 446, 447, 460, 461, 462, 465, 484, 507, 562, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 586, 587, 597, 650, 700, 701, 705, 706, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 745, 746, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758, 759, 760, 761, 762, 763, 764, 770, 889, 891, 903, 921, 924, 925, 937, 956, 971, 977, 1014, 1048, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1118, 1120, 1122, 1123. Samuel, Lieut., Heirs of, 729. Samuel, Jr., 680, 729, 747, 882, 903, 919. Seth, 1047, 1096. Thomas, 15, 41, 253, 330, 461, 462, 538, 582, 600, 769, 770, 771, 772, 773, 774, 775, 776, 777, 778, 779, 780, 855, 868, 883, 938, 1120. Thomas, Jr., 253, 254, 261, 537. Uriah, 31, 390, 449, 494, 528, 706, 877, 915, 919, 1010, 1013. William, 407, 597, 732, 907, 917, 970, 1040, 104], 1065. William, Jr., 1015. Thompson, Benjamin, 441, 442, 443, 460, 669, 696, 916. David, 134, 306, 460, 542, 595, 785, 922, 929, 933. Ebenezer, 135, 136, 137, 460, 633. Ebenezer, Dea., Heirs of, 911. Elisha, 925, 1038, John, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 230, 343, 460, 599, 650, 827, 837. John, Jr., 130, 131, 132, 137, 460, 722. Joseph, 531, 5.58, 909, 1003. Moses, Heirs of, 989. Samuel, 598, 599, 630, 633, 736. William, 1009. Woodland, 37, 133, 441, 460, 521, 522, 523, 529, 530, 531, 866, 1107. INDEX TO NAMES. 1209 Tlmrston, Benjamin, 862. Daniel, 51, 461, 509, 510, 597. Daniel, Jr., 510. David, 862. Thwing, John, 381. John, Jr., 940. Tinney, Thomas, 901, 902, 931, 1104, 1106, 1107. Torrey, Angel, 263, 301, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 453, 460, 463, 495, 496, 810. Angel, Heirs of, 379. Ebenezer, 976, 1006, 1007. Ebenezer, Heirs of, 370, 378. Joseph, 1184, 1190. Josiah, 372, 373, 807. Mary, 664, 981. Samuel, 37, 337, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 414, 418, 438, 463, 465, 521, 549, 564, 659, 891, 897, 921, 925, 949, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1085, 1091, 1093. William, 117, 135, 137, 220, 37«, 387, 445, 589, 664, 869, 899, 902, 907, 919, 923, 926, 942, 944, 946, 950, 996, 998, 999, 1003, 1007, 1009, 1012, 1014, 1016, 1033, 1034, 1125. Trask, Nicholas, 734, 751, 984. Tyler, David, 61, 461, 463, 815, 834. Ebenezer, 385. Hopestill, 383, 463. Job, 287, 383, 463, 735, John, 61, 255, 280, 416, 463, 707, 811, 812, 81.3, 814, 923, 930, 986, 1020, 1061, 1105. John, Jr., 61, 260, 416, 463, 703, 704, 710, 810, 815, 1083, 1106. Joseph, 413, 415, 416, 419, 936, 1046, 1058. Nathan, 135, 255, 256, 280, 281, 282, 461, 463, 670, 671, 672, 733, 734, 813, 816, 817, 833, 834, 902, 903, 914, 915, 917, 948, 950, 976, 986, 1004, 1030, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1037, 1050, 1051, 1061, 1105, 1106, 1113, 1120, 1122, 1123, 1128. Nathan, Jr., 1050, 1083, 1085. Robert, 61, 460, 582, 583, 608, 609, 815, 899. Samuel, 184. Uppanboh Queen, 7. Uxbridge, Town of, 896, 1113, 1114, 1125. Verry, Samuel, 661. Warfiekl, Abijali, 1190. Elihu, 456, 487, 495, 579, 854, 919. Elihu, Heirs of, 487. Eliphelet, 239, 240, 489, 491, 579. John, 106, 195, 196, 197, 198, 324, 326, 659. Mary, 461. Samuel, 461, 488, 489, 505, 660. 661. 701, 785. Samuel, Jr., 578. 1210 INDEX TO NAMES. Warring, Samuel, 8G9, 870, 871. Waterman, Joseph, 30, 252. Waters, Isaac, 39G. Webb, Elisabeth, Mrs., 1048. Nathan, 497, 498, 499, 988. Thomas, 494. Webster, Thomas, 1082. Wedge, Daniel, 1011. Wheaton, Benjamin, 460, 785, 824, 827, 828, 829, 830, 831. Benjamin, Jr., 830. Samuel, 878. Wheelock, Benjamin, 51, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 278, 330, 405, 464, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 597, 661, 698. Benjamin, Jr., 225, 226, 229, 230, 278, 1006. Daniel, 713, 941, 1058, 1068, 1141. Eleazer, 300, 301. Nahum, 1190. Obadiah, 200, 219, 2.S2, 233, 234, 338, 339, 460, 464, 865, 869, 898, 899, 995. Obadiah, Heirs of, 1190. Paul, 892, 1062, 1141. Peter, 936, 992, lOOG. Seth, 1173. Silas, 917, 936. White, Benjamin, 17, 18, 28, 29, 30, 252, 561, 1105. Daniel, 599, 883. Ebenezer, 24, 25, SC, 206, 298, 340, 358, 401, 580, 609, 1093. Ezekiel, 875, 876. John, 335, 336, 461, 542, 692, 693, 908, 979, 1106. Joseph, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 2G, 27, 81, 35, 36, 37, 38, 335, 339, 354, 361, 362, 461, 757, 786, 820, 821, 862, 875. Joseph, Jr., 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 461, 464, 1104, 1106, 1116, 1120. Moses, 1045. Samuel, 407, 699, 700, 917, 978. Thomas, 18, 25, 31, 361, 444, 461, 462, 579, 580, 599, 607, 630, 715, 733, 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, 1107, 1108, 1116, 1122. Thomas, Jr., 25, 28, 461, 722, 730, 826. Thomas, 2d, 24, 25, 281, 709. William, 359, 450, 520, 727, 728, 747, 851, 862, 919, 952. Whitney, Jonathan, 15, 16, 17, 930, 931. Joshua, 842. Winter, Christopher, 333, 712, 713, 974, 975. Joseph, 712. Timothy, 165, 330, 331, 332, 334, 335, 363, 460, 514, 515, 633,653, 654, 728, 729, 747, 831. Timothy, Heirs of, 332, 333, 654, 655, 656, 712. Wiswall, Thomas, 1030. INDEX TO NAMES. 1211 Wood, David, 551, 1106. Dexter, 1024, 1045, 1075, 1076, 1080. Ebenezer, 839, 548, 549. Eliphelet, 888. Ezekiel, 271, 278, 337, 338, 339, 389, 390, 391, 453, 643, 892, 979, 1001. 1024, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1069, 1086, 1090, 1182, 1185. George, 1182, 1185. James, 462, 490, 876, 961, 979, 1001, 1004, 1016. Jonathan, 496, 549, 550, 551, 552, 554, 659, 922. Joshua, 1062, 1068. Josiah, 462, 490, 984. Samuel, 581, 1182, 1185. Simeon, 1086, 1087, 1173 Solomon, 271, 272, 273, 277, 278, 279, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 452, 453, 454, 456, 457, 458, 460, 1059, 1086, 1087, 1104, 1106, 1138. Solomon, Jr., 271, 420, 421, 458, 459, 767. Stephen, 1178, 1182, 1185. Woodland, John, 52, 462. Woolson, John, 882. Womsconont, 8. Work, Samuel, 930. Wright, Samuel, 996. !^ 6 1902 ^.;-P % 9 19S4 '<&JJ^'A:% \^^'' .-/,< ■S" <^" rO- V^ ■%- eS< ^A 0^ : ■ox O- •/°- '-^U'v /"-/-^ N>.--",^ .^~^^''"^%.. .^^'^*^SV .^^^^^-SV c. v^' . / '''--.^ V^ . 0^ ■^AO^ ""^ £^ Q. ^ A ■s>^- <- ^^ ' ,>.-j^ '='■<■ \\ A. 0^ V , ^ ^ " , r^^ V ^ ^ * / ^^"' -^^ '---TI' - ■- ^ q. i'^^^'^^' /■■■ ■' "^f f>'i^K^ ■n>^ '%^^ -...,.,, ^^-' -^:_^%. .0:-;;- .^^ ^- ''>Q^'; ^^^°- ^^^ ^- '^1