VOLUMETRIC STUDIES OF THE FOOD AND FEEDING OF OYSTERS ^ ^ > From BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES, Volume XXVIII, 1908 Proceidi7igs 0/ tlie fourth International Fishery Congress Washington, igo8 WASHINGTON : : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 VOLUMETRIC STUDIES OF THE FOOD AND FEEDING OF OYSTERS ^ ^ ^ From BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES, Volume XXVIII, 1908 Proceedings of the Fourth International Fishery Congress : : Jlashington, ipoS \'\W\r' ^x. WASHINGTON :::::: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : : 1910 BUREAU OF FISHERIES DOCUMENT NO. 719 Issued May. 1910 D. OF D. IV;A/ ic 1910 I d VOLUMETRIC STUDIES OF THE FOOD AND FEEDING OF OYSTERS By H. F. Moore Assistant, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Paper presented before the Fourth International Fishery Congress held at Washington, U. S. A., September 22 to 26, 1908 VOLUMETRIC STUDIES OF THE FOOD AND FEEDING OF OYSTERS. By H. F. MOORE, Assistant, United States Bureau of Fisheries. Economically considered, probably the most important direct interrela- tion between a marine animal and plants is that existing between the oyster and its food. We have in the United States alone an industry valued at $18,000,000 per annum, which is immediately dependent upon the supply of microscopic vegetation in our bays and estuaries, a vast food resource useless to man in its original state, but of great present and still greater potential value when trans- substantiated into the flesh of oysters, clams, and other moUusks. Various investigations have shown that about 95 per cent of the food of the oyster consists of diatoms and that most of the remainder is composed of other equally minute plants or organisms on the more or less debatable borderland between plants and animals. The oyster obtains these microscopic organisms by drawing feeble currents of water between the open shells, straining them through the exceedingly minute orifices in its gills, and passing the filtrate by ciliary action into its mouth, which lies ensconced between two pairs of fleshy palps close to the hinge of the valves. Though the currents induced are feeble they are constant, and during the course of twenty-four hours the water thus minutely strained is many times the volume of the oyster. It is common knowledge among oystermen and oyster growers that differ- ent localities differ markedly in their powers or capabilities for growing and fat- tening oysters, and the results of various researches have shown that these diversities are correlated with the amount of food available to the sessile oys- ters. A deficiency may be due to a natural poverty of the waters, to an over- population of oysters, or to an absence of currents sufficient to carry the food within reach of the feeble external currents set up by the oysters themselves. Frequently all three of these factors are found to be involved where oysters grow slowly and fail to fatten. 1298 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. Certain enthusiasts, some of whom should know better, have held forth the prospect of a time when the entire available bottom of our bays and sounds would be planted in oysters as densely as are the comparatively small areas now utilized. They fail to consider the fact that the natural fertility of the waters imposes some limit upon the production of oyster food, and that a vast increase in the oyster population, such as their imaginations contemplate, would undoubt- edly exceed the limits which nature has set. The microscopic vegetable life of our brackish bays and sounds is probably as abundant as it is capable of becom.ing under existing conditions. It is depend- ent primarily upon the quantity of certain mineral salts in solution, and is as strictly limited by the conditions as is the crop yield of a given area of land by the available salts in the soil. The soils can have their fertility artificially increased, but though experiments conducted by the author for the Bureau of Fisheries have shown that the same expedient is partially successful for limited areas of inclosed water, it can never be applied to open waters, as the fertilizer would be speedily carried away. In this connection, however, it is an interesting speculation whether our coastal waters are not to-day richer in fertilizing salts than they have been in the past. The denudation of our forest lands, the erosion due to faulty agriculture, the artificial fertilizers carried away from cultivated fields during periods of heavy rainfall, and the discharge of sewage rich in organic matter have undoubtedly added much to the available fertilizing content of our coastal waters, to the advantage of their microscopic vegetation. The question of food supply, its availability, and the quantity required for a given area planted in oysters is one of vital importance to the oyster culturist. Of the total oyster supply of the United States, about five-eighths, valued at over $10,000,000, is produced on planted beds, and the future growth of the industry is dependent upon the increase of the area of private bottoms under culture. With the extension of the planting industry to new localities and the inevitable congestion in places naturally favorable for growing and fattening oysters, the value of definite data upon this subject will be greater in the future than in the past. Empirical methods involving actual planting to determine the suitability of a locality are expensive and often wasteful, and operators with small capital are frequently deterred from taking the risk. Even though the work on a small scale may prove successful, an increase to a large commercial basis may overtax the food supply to such an extent as to make the growth of the oysters slow and their fattening impossible. A number of cases of this kind have come to the author's attention, the most noteworthy being in Lynnhaven Bay, where the increase in the area planted, though the quantity per acre is exceedingly small, has made it almost impossible to fatten oysters properly on certain bottoms formerly satisfactorj'. FOOD AND FEEDING OF OYSTERS. 1 299 As the economic importance of the subject merits, it has frequently been the matter of investigation and has probably attracted more attention from biolo- gists than has any other direct correlation between marine plants and animals. The nature of the oyster's food was long ago determined and the work of the last twenty years has been hardly more than confirmatory of that which preceded it. Dean appears to have been the first to attempt the quantitative determination of the oyster food available in the water. He employed a chemical analysis of the water to determine the albuminoid ammonia content, assuming that the results would indicate the comparative food values of different regions. Subsequent investigators have recognized the grave defects in this method, and, including myself, have all followed the general method of Rafter. Water specimens of definite volume, usually i liter, have been collected either by means of a stoppered bottle or jug, from which the cork is pulled after it has been sunk to the bottom, or by a specially designed metal cylinder constructed on essen- tially the same principle. The suspended matter in the specimen, a large part of which often consists of sand, mud, and debris, is then concentrated in, say, ID cubic centimeters of water by filtration through sand or precipitation in an Erlenmeyer flask after the addition of a few drops of formalin. A definite quan- tity of the filtrate is then removed after agitation and the food organisms counted in a Rafter cell, the calculated number of such organisms per liter being regarded as an expression of the food value of the water. This method has two defects, the first of which is that the water specimen is not drawn from the stratum tenanted by the oyster, but solely from a height of about 12 inches above the bottom. It would be possible to correct this defect by using a shorter, broader bottle or specimen cup, but as the water flows rather slowly into the necessarily narrow inlet, there would enter with it a considerable quantity of material stirred up when the instrument strikes the bottom. As the amount of this material would vary with the bottom, the impact, Mid the currents, a more serious source of error would arise and the results would become worthless. To obviate these difficulties I have designed the type of bottle illustrated in text figures i to 5. It consists essentially of a brass barrel of a capacity somewhat over I liter, two conical valves, and a tripping device. The lower valve is fixed at a height of 2 inches above a broad base, which prevents the instrument from sinking in soft mud, but the barrel and upper valve slide freely on a central column or rod. The instrument is set by engaging the lug (F) over the inclined surface (G) of the stirrup or tripping device (CDEG), which suspends the upper valve (B) and the barrel (A) so as to leave a gap of 2 inches between the two valves and their respective seats, the stirrup being maintained in position by tension on the cord by which the instrument is lowered. By rotating the cam (H) so as to pinch the cord between it and the collar on top of the upper I300 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. valve, the instrument may be locked in the set position, but it is automatically unlocked when it is raised by the cord. As the instrument is lowered there is a free flow of water through the barrel, so that at any given time its contents are taken from the stratum in which it ^/