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I dreamed of Astrology — the Zodiac — of Heavens and the Earth. I dreamed of a City — a most wonderful place — where in all of life in its most horrible phases — then its sorrows — joys and greatness. I dreamed that the people were called by Allegorical names in- stead of the common names. I dreamed that the leading characters were "Father Time" — "Mother Eternity" — "Lifef — "Love" — "Sunshine" — "Mirth" — "Brag" — "Liquor" — "Drug" — "Poverty" — "Disease" — "Guiding Hand" — "Simplic- ity" — "Innocence" — "The Four Winds" — "Strength" — "Sorrow" with all his imps. I dreamed of Hell in all its fury. I dreamed of Heaven and all its glory. I dreamed of every Nationality — of every Clan. I dreamed of everything upon — under — the Earth and in the Sea. I dreamed of Music, most grand. I dreamed of a city called "The City of Everyday Life." I dreamed of the Zodiac. It was in 24 houses — streets — lanes. I saw scenes in the 24 houses of the Zodiac which w r as transformed from 12. as they are supposed to contain and as Astrology teaches us. I saw scene after scene in all of them — I will relate and call the houses and byways — Streets — Gardens — and Houses. The first that I saw was the City stretched before me by day — the next was the City by night. Then I saw the stork as it flew across the City with its bundle — A baby in its bill — it landed. This is what I saw: The City of Everyday Life — The House of Birth — The Garden of Happy Days — The House of Illness — The Garden of Love — The Street of Amusement — The Circle of Life — The House of Marriage — The House of Happiness — The House of Wealth — The Arbor of Lies — The House of Deceit — The Yacht of Indulgence that Sailed on the Sea of Trouble — The Street of Despair — The House of Remaining Days — The House of Condemned Souls — The Street of Temptation — The Street of Be- wilderment — The House of Comfort — The Lane of Forgiveness — The House of Happiness — The House of Illness — The House of Death — The Valley of Peace — The House of Everlasting Rest. I passed through all these places watching the progression of "Life" with her Joys — Sorrows — Pleasures — Temptations. I saw her suffer untold agony — I saw her dance for joy — I saw her sob from anguish — I saw her shrink from fear — I saw her fall from exhaustion — I saw her tender flesh bruised — torn and bleeding from her disobedience of the Divine Law. I dreamed I saw the City with its wonderful buildings — the never ceasing throng — hurrying and scurrying to and fro — hither and thither — each in his or her quest of life. I dreamed I saw it by day — and then by night in all the radiant beauty. I dreamed I saw "Father Time" appear before me — fading in and out as did "Mother Eternity" — "Life". — "Love" — "Guiding Hand" — "Innocence" — "Simplicity" — "Sunshine" — "Mirth" — "Drug" — "Liquor" — "Poverty" — "Disease" — "Dishonor" — "The Four Winds" — "Strength" — "Sorrow" and his imps. I dreamed that "Liquor" was grown from a small bottle and when It assumed the size of a man it burst — and the fragments became lit- tle imps and ran into the hearts of men and women and dragged them down to the bottommost pits of Hell. I dreamed of disgrace that was heaped upon the union of "Life" and "Love". I dreamed of the horrors of war. I dreamed of the House of Birth — wherein "Life" was born to the union of "Father Time" and "Mother Eternity". I dreamed that "Guiding Hand" — a white sister — with "Sim- plicity" — "Innocence" — a black sister with experience — a woman of tender affection was standing beside the bed to receive the birth of "Life". THE CITY OF EVERYDAY LIFE. I dreamed I saw the stork fly over the City of Everyday Life, with a baby in its bill. It alighted on the House of Birth. That baby was "Life" who was the result of the union of "Father Time" and "Mother Eternity". I saw "Dr. Faith" standing beside the couch. I saw the happiness on all the faces of the watchers at the birth of "Life". A wonderful epoch had begun. I dreamed of the great happiness of "Father Time" and "Mother Eternity" at seeing the result of the union. I dreamed that as the stork was flying over the city a wonderful band of music was playing the lullaby "Rocked in the Tree-top" "Rock-a-by Baby". THE HOUSE OF BIRTH. I dreamed I saw a multitude of people standing outside the House of Birth waiting the news. It contained a sea of people, among them was "Deceit" — "Despair" — "Beauty" — "Boast" — "Lie" — "Crime" — "Dis- illusion" — "Drunkard" — "Abettor" — "Ability" — "Adject" — "Absurd" — "Abuse" — "Accomplice" — "Anger" — "Avaricious" — "Awkward" — "Bab- ble" — "Good Behavior" and "Bad Behavior" — "Blind" — "Blot" — "Brave" — "Calamity" — "Care" — "Cause" — "Charm" — "Chastity" — "Cheapness" — "Clever" — "Cloths" — "Gold" — "Silver" — "Diamonds" — "Complaint" — "Conceal" — "Condemn" — "Conflict" — "Console" — "Contempt" — "Crime" — in all its phases — "Coward" — "Crook" — "Thief" — "Murderer" — "Adulterer" — "Murder" — "Decay" — "Deceit" — "De- light" — "Depravity" — "Dignity" — "Discern" — "Dishonor" — "Dispute" — "Doom" — "Doubt" — "Dread" — "Dunce" — "Eloquence" — "Emotion" — "Enlightenment" — "Error" — "Extravagance" — "Faith" — "Famous" — "Fear" — "Forlorn" — "Foolish" — "Fortune" — "Fragile" — "Frailty" — "Fraud" — "Frivolous" — "Gallant" — "Game" — "Chance" — "Gaudy" — "Gaunt" — "Generosity" — "Genius" — "Gloom" — "Grateful" — "Greedi- ness" — "Grief" — "Grudge" — "Habit" — "Hateful" — "Haughtiness" — "Hopeless" — "Hypocrite" — "Idle" — "Ill-Temper" — "Illusion" — "Im- pudence" — "Indifference" — "Inspire" — "Insane" — "Insolent" — "In- sult" — "Jealousy" — "Jest" — "Justice" — "Lament" — "Malice" — "Meek" — "Menace" — "Merriment" — "Miscreant" . — "Misery" ■ — "Modesty" — "Murder" — "Need" — "Noble" — "Obedient" — "Omen" — "Pain" — "Peace" — 'Peril" — "Pity" — "Pleasure" — "Poverty" — "Pride" — "Pros- perity" — "Prudence" ■ — "Rascal" — "Reform" — "Regret" ■ — "Reward" — "Remorse" — "Repulsive" — "Rich" — "Scandal" ■ — "Shame" — "Shame- less" — "Sickness" — "Slander" — "Strength" — "Sympathy" — "System" — "Tolerate" — "Triumph" — "Unfit" — "Vagrant" — "Vanity" — "Vice" — "Wander" — "Worthless" — "Zeal" — all of these and many more and garbed in the garb of their names — that it implies. The mob swayed back and forth waiting and watching — and when "Dr. Faith" came out of the House of Birth and announced that a life had been born to the union of "Father Time" and "Mother Eternity" — and that it would be christened "Life" — it being a female — the crowd then dis- persed to their various homes. "Sorrow" — which is Satan — went his way to devise means of gaining possession of the newly born "Life". The Doctor then returned to the House of Birth. I dreamed that the happiness of "Mother Eternity" and "Father Time" was unbounded. A consultation was held and it was decided that "Guiding Hand" — "Simplicity" and "Innocence" should have the training of "Life". THE GARDEN OF HAPPY DAYS. I dreamed that years were going to pass in the house called Thi Garden of Happy Days and I saw "Life" in company of "Innocence"- "Simplicity" and "Guiding Hand" as they guided her through the tri and temptations of the first sixteen years of her existence. I dreamed that I saw "Life" playing with mud pies, with dolls, il school playing with playmates. I saw her grow up until she was six- teen years old. I saw her all through the various stages of her young existence — then at sixteen years old. I dreamed that one day she was playing in the Garden of Happy Days when "Illness" came to her — seized her. "Guiding Hand" — "Innocence" — "Simplicity" fought "Illness" but to no avail. "Illness" carried her "Life" captive to the House of Illness where she was laid on a couch. THE HOUSE OF ILLNESS. I dreamed I went into the House of Illness and watched. I saw "Father Time" and "Mother Eternity" come hastening to the House of Illness. I heard them say to get all the great Doctors and Specialists of the world. I saw f vision of all the gre::'.t Doctors of the universe hurrying to the command of "Father Time" and "Mother Eternity" to wait upon "Life". I saw a great gathering of famous Diagnostitians come to the House of Illness. They all entered. They all examined "Life". A consultation was held but to no avail. They could not make out the illness of "Life". "Illness", herself, was standing beside the couch and laughed at the frantic efforts of the great Physicians. They again called a meeting. Without Success was the result. Then "Life", who was in a state of coma, called her father and mother to the bedside and she had a vision of an Old Indian Doctor that was conjuring his herbs in the woods. "Life" gave a description of the Indian Doctor and told of the location and "Father Time" turned to the great gathering of the Physicians and sought their advice. They refused to give consent for "Father Time" to get the Indian Doctor. I saw "Life" insist upon getting the Indian Doctor. After persuasion on the part of "Mother Eternity" and to the disgust of the great Doctors, "Father Time" left the House of Illness. I stood looking and I saw the House of Illness fade out and a new — wonderful scene fade in in its stead. It was a scene of a wonderful woods. An Indian Doctor was sitting and watching a pot that was on a fire. He was stirring the pot and was saying strange words and making motions over the potion — and then I saw "Father Time" in the distance com- ing toward the spot where the Indian Doctor was — slowly he arrived and the Indian Doctor looked at "Father Time" and he smiled and said "I know, 'Father Time' why you are here. 'Life' is ill and she needs me. See," as he pointed to the potion he was brewing, "that is for 'Life'." "Father Time" looked and then the Indian Doctor said, "I will go with you." As I watched them in the distance, the scene faded out and I was once more standing beside the couch of "Life" in the House of Ill- ness — and all the great Doctors were watching "Life" as she tossed to and fro — racked in pain. The quietness of the room was intense — I felt a Presence — and slowly the door opened and "Father Time" and the Indian Doctor appeared on the threshold — all the great Doctors looked up as did "Mother Eternity". A smile played on the face of the Indian Doctor — the looks of disgust on the great Doctors' faces were very evident — they gave way for the Indian Doctor who came to the side of the couch^-he stooped and looked at "Life" — then turn- ing his head and speaking — as he did the words that he spoke ap- peared in fire on the side of the wall — burning each letter — He spoke, saving, " 'LIFE'S' ILLNESS IS LOVE — TAKE HER TO THE GAR- DEN OF LOVE WHERE SHE WILL FIND LOVE." The great Doctors were all afraid and then in a cloud of mist the Indian Doctor disappeared. All were frightened but "Life" smiled — A look between the greftt Doctors — and they slowly filed out of the House of Illness. "Illness" looked at "Life" and smiled, nodding her head, saying that the Indian had spoken truly. I dreamed that a pilgrimage was to be started for the Garden of Love in quest of "Love". "Father Time" and "Mother Eternity" called "Guiding Hand" — "Simplicity" — "Innocence" and they started for the Garden of Love and after going a short ways they were stopped by a small Cupid who demanded to know where the pilgrimage was going. "Guiding Hand" asked who he was and he replied "I am 'Fortune' and I, too, shall accompany the pilgrimage" — and he joined and the scene faded out. THE GARDEN OF LOVE. I dreamed that the evolution of life and the seven stages of man had' begun to be unfolded to me in a different light — as seen in a different way — I looked and behold I saw in a distance a wonderful scene — a most gorgeous Garden — with countless flowers in bloom and the fragrance that filled the air from the flowers almost caused me to faint. The walls of the Garden were made of Gold — Wonderful sculpture was seen on the face of the walls — drawings of matchless splendor and beauty filled the wall — fountains of water that glistened in a new radiant light — a light new to me — that made all look gold- like it came from everywhere and nowhere in any particular direc- tion it was a warm light that filled the soul with the everlasting feeling of contentment. As I looked I saw the scene fade and in its place I saw two wonderful gates which reached so far up they ap- peared out of sight — thev were studded with precious stones. To look a moment — happiness, i heard the sound of singing such as I never heard before The gates then closed — and a smaller gate which was constructed in the larger gate opened. A winged messenger came out and asked the pilgrimage what was desired. "Lite spoke and said that they were in quest of the Garden of Love and were searching lor "Love" The messenger said. "Tarry here. I will send the Keeper of the Garden of Love". And lo and behold the gates opened and a winged figure called "Heart" came forth and invited the pilgrimage in 1 too accepted the invitation. The party consisted of Life — ••Guiding' Hand"— "Simplicity"— "Inm cence"— "Fortune" with a ret- inue of servants and myself— then we Journeyed in. The surroundings were unlike anything hitherto seen by mortal man. Words tail to describe the elegance of this Garden of Love— all was contentment— birds of all description and kind were flying to and tro— some alight- ing on the head of "Life" and others at her feet— walking ahead of the procession. Soon we came to a little bridge and were about to cross when the procession was halted— a great noise was heard— and looking up we saw a multitude of winged spirits all singing the praises of the Garden and the inhabitants thereof— and as we watched —a thought of purin — of Tightness— of contentment— and happiness T longed to be able to go to this at some future time and there I wanted to seek "Love". As I was thinking this the "Guiding Angel" of "he Garden of Love came to me and said, "Mortal, thou should* not think those thoughts here as this is for the innocent, the child- like— and you have had experience— it is only with the greatest of pleading that we gained consent for you to visit this Garden ot Lo\e— and I warn you in the futur.e to think only ot pure things. I heeded the warning and gave promise I would obey I looked ,n the distance and there coming toward us was a great throng of nymphs. They came to "Life" and strewed flowers in the path for the pilgrims to walk upon The procession started again and I was so consumed m the wondrous beauty of the surroundings that I was far behind the procession. I hastened to catch up— when before me I saw Lite standing all alone— she was looking up. I, too. looked up and there in the bough of the trees were two doves billing and cooing. Life s face wore an expression of divine happiness. I gazed a moment and then my attention was called to the rustling of the brush in the dis- tance I looked and saw two men — looking closer I saw they were called "Good Intentions" and "Pretend". As they came in the open- ing of the woods they stopped — looked about — and then they saw "Life" "Pretend" clutched the hand of "Good Intentions and they both stared at the beauty of "Life". Quietly they took the banners from their breasts — that which they were named — and put them in thoir pockets— and slowlv started toward "Life". I crept behind a tre'e to watch them. They came to "Life" and "Life" looked upon them with favor — then "Pretend" spoke to "Life" and asked her where she was going and what she was in quest of. "Life" spoke and said that she was seeking "Love" — whereupon "Fretend" straightened up and replied, "I am 'Love'." "Life" looked and then she slowly started to go to the outstretched arms of "Pretend" — when a great whirling sound was heard and I looked up and saw the "Guiding Angel" of the Garden of Love. Flying in the Garden she stopped and lit at the feet of "Life" — and upon seeing the men. "Good Intentions and "Pretend" her frame shook with anger that these men should be found in the Garden of Love — and straightforward she drove them over to the wall that surrounds the Garden of Love — and she struck the wall which fell apart and "Good Intentions" and "Pretend" were ushered through. As they stepped across the threshold of the wall a cloud of smoke enveloped them and they were consumed. The wall then assumed its former shape and the "Guiding Angel" of the Garden of Love took "Life" bv the hand and they walked to the Fountain of Love. As we neared 'the Fountain of Love, strains of music greeted our ears — it sounded like a thousand organs had been all turned loose at once. Above the wondrous music could be heard the singing of the angels. I stood off from the pilgrims and watched. The "Guiding Angel" went to the Fountain such as I never have seen before, the water resembles spun gold, and as she struck the fountain I heard her say in a loud voice: "Come forth 'Love' 'Life' awaits you." and lo and behold a wonderful man, a wonderful figure, came forth from the Fountain. He stepped down from the Fountain in front of "Life" both gazing into each other's eyes. "Love" then put out his arms and "Life" rushed into them. Darkness then settled over the garden and when it was lifted, I looked and saw that the little Cupid called "For- tune" was not with the pilgrims. I slowly walked up to the "Guiding Angel" and spoke to her and I said "What has become of 'Fortune'?" She turned to me and smiled and said "Dost thou not know that when 'Love' comes to 'Life' it is the woman's fortune? 'Fortune' must leave as her love is her fortune." I was amazed, not being able to understand — Then the procession started to look about the Garden of Love — as when we leave it we pass through it, never to return again. I was sad that the end was so soon. As we journeyed through the Garden, we came to the gates. We could not see beyond them. After they opened we started out and as soon as the pilgrims were out of the Garden of Love a great commotion was heard and I looked back and there I saw the Garden of Love disappearing into the bowels of the earth — then I looked again and a black cloud was seen in the distance and rapidly coming toward the pilgrims. The sound of a great wind greeted our ears. The pilgrims turned about as the cloud drew near. It opened. There was "Sorrow" with all his imps — the air was full of them. "Love" steps forth and demands to know why this intrusion. "Sorrow" looks at "Life" and slowly raises his hand and points the finger of scorn at her and said, "I warn you, 'Life', I shall use every conceivable means to get you. I must and will have 'Life'." "Love" starts toward "Sorrow" but "Sorrow" beckons him to stay as he had come to warn; then as if by a sweep of his hand. "Sorrow" and his imps were gone — I looked and "Life" was rushing to the arms of "Love" weeping bitterly. "Love" consoled her and told her to be of no" fear and trust in him and all would be well. We then pilgrimed seemingly to nowhere, with no place in view — and I started to ask myself the question "Where will this procession lead me to?" — and as if in answer to my question I looked up and we were in the City of Everyday Life, on the Street of Amusement. THE STREET OF AMUSEMENT. I dreamed that we were upon a marvelous street paved with silver blocks. The buildings were of a peculiar design, some resembling silver, some gold, others like great jewels set within each other. I looked down the end of the street and all was excitement — all was gaiety and laughter. "Life" looked first at the street and then at "Love" and they stopped first before entering and looked back. The procession started and I followed — We went from house to house en- joying all the various amusements that one would in a lifetime. We came to a house which looked dismal from the outside and we all stopped. As we gazed at the house the door flew open — a man rolled out — he was named "Gambler". I looked up at the front of the house and as I did I pointed up and exclaimed, "Look!" and all eyes were turned up and there in words of blood appeared "The House of Games". Then I looked upon the fallen man. "Gambler", and a shock of thunder was heard and a smell of sulphur penetrated the air. Lo and behold "Sorrow" appeared — we all fell back aghast — and looked on in won- derment and fear. "Sorrow" went to "Gambler" — kicked him — started to pick him up — then let him drop. The gambler had died. "Sorrow" laughed and disappeared in another cloud of smoke. The pilgrimage started at once to move to the other end of the street away from the dens of iniquity — and retracing our steps, we came to the opening of the street and passed on into the Circle of Life. THE CIRCLE OF LIFE. The Circle of Life was a vast street in the City of Everyday Life. It contained rich and poor — houses of wonderful structure and the humblest of huts to the barrel for a home for the vilest of the vile. In the Circle of Life I dreamed that there was all phases of life and all nationalities. The pilgrimage led by "Life" and "Love" followed by "Guiding Hand" — "Innocence" — "Simplicity" and myself. "Poverty" and "Disease" lurked in the dark corners of the Circle — as did crime of all descriptions — England — Scotland — Ireland — Wales — The Isle of Man — Germany — France and our attention was called to a gathering in the center of the Circle of Life. We rushed to see the cause of the commotion and there was a man called "Failure" standing with his back to the wall and facing him was "Disease" and "Poverty". They were in a heated argument. "Failure" showed his pockets empty. Then "Disease" attacked him and they struggled about, and "Disease" was getting the better of him when "Failure" with a mighty effort threw off "Disease" and as he was standing panting for breath, "Pov- erty" attacks "Failure". A greater struggle ensues and finally "Pov- erty" gets "Failure" by the throat. "Failure", too weakened by Dis- ease", slowly sinks on the ground. He gasps and "Poverty" holds tighter. Then the end came and "Failure" gave up — he died. "Pov- erty" and "Disease" looked upon the work in great pleasure. They embrace each other and start dancing around when the mob stones them. "Life" watched this all in horror and was snuggling in the arms of "Love" and when the end came she was weeping. She cried out in anguish. I, too, felt sick at heart. The mob slowly turned away and moved from the spot as did the pilgrims. We continued the journey, "going from France to Belgium — Holland — Switzerland — Denmark — Russia — Poland — Austria — Hungary — Turkey — Servia — Bul- garia — Rumania — Greece. Again our attention was called to the mid- dle of the Circle of Life. When we rushed to see, upon arriving at the scene, we saw "Foverty" struggling with "Spendthrift" and he was almost successful when "Charity" came to the rescue of "Spend- thrift" and "Poverty" scurried away from "Spendthrift". "Life" and "Love" watched this, then "Poverty" came up and looked at "Love" and "Life". "Love" smote "Poverty" and he scurried away and then watching "Spendthrift" we saw him in a great struggle. "Diseas was struggling with him and slowly but surely he was getting weakei and weaker and he falls. "Disease" throws her hands up with She is joined by "Poverty". Again they are stoned by the angry "Life ' clinging to "Love" and "Love" caressed her and told her fear not as he was with her. After seeing this sad spectacle, w started onward once more and visited Chili — China — Japan — Brazi'- Mexico — Java — India — Spain — Portugal and Jerusalem. We then p out of the Circle of Life and passed on to the House of Marriage. THE HOUSE OF MARRIAGE. I dreamed that in the House of Marriage a great congregate gathered to see the union of "Life" and "Love" and a great org sounded the wedding march as "Life" and "Love" came marching do vn the aisle. I looked and saw "Divinity" in the pulpit. He spoke < the union, the happiness and the divine holiness of the House of Mar- riage — then I went outside of the House of Marriage and lo and be on the steps sat a Cupid. Beside him were shoes, ribbons and rice. 7 looked *^t him and he at me. I said, "Who are you that waits for •Love' and 'Life'?" He answered by saying "I am 'Future'. I abid' with them from now on. It is I who they will have as company through their existence." I walked on a little ways — then waited for the ceremony to end — soon the door opened. "Future" took his place and as "Life" and "Love" came from the "House of Marriage" he started pelting "Life" and "Love" with the old shoes and rice and ran to them and tied the brilliant ribbons about them. They walked with "Future" to the coach that was waiting for them. "Guiding Hand" — "Innocence" — "Simplicity", with "Life" and "Love" got into the car- riage and started to drive away. When "Future" saw that he was going to be left behind, he ran and jumped on the back of the car- riage. Then the scene changed — it faded into a beautiful little vine- covered cottage. A sign above the door read, "The House of Happi- ness". I stood gazing at the sign. THE HOUSE OF HAPPINESS. I dreamed that I saw the "House of Happiness". I stood looking up at the sign that was on the house when I saw "Love" come out with his dinner pail on his arm — he was going to w-ork — then I saw him in the evening return. I stood and watched the place for eighteen years — and the second year of the union of "Life" and "Love" there were two children born to the union — they were called "Sunshine" and "Mirth". "Sunshine" was the bright golden-haired girl and "Mirth" was the black-headed boy. Again I saw a wonderful thing in the birth of these two children, caused by the greatest of all unions and making the six essential things of existence — "Time" — "Eternity" — "Life" — "Love" — "Sunshine" and "Mirth". These are the elements which we cannot do without. "Life's" companions in the House of Happiness are "Contentment" — "Guiding Hand" — "Innocence" — "Sim- plicity". "Life" is surrounded by all the joys of these elements — no sorrows of any kind come into her existence. I also saw "Love" in his little work-shop in the rear of his house. In this work-shop "Love" becomes a wonderful inventor. He invents a motor on which he spends ten years in its perfection. This motor is unlike the motor of the day, but it uses the repulsion of electricity, or the Eddy currents. The electric forces pass through a series of interrupters whereby it is increased in voltage and amperage until a voltage of 220 becomes 220 million, and instead of using the current at the peaks, it uses only the middle and thereby gets a greater force — and instead of being attraction, It gains us power by pushing away. A small motor weign- tug 5ofl pounds is i' ui generating enough power to do the work "i Bve 10,000 kilowatt generators. Capita] becomes interested in the \eniure with "LiOve" and i saw tactories spring up all about. 1 saw an where hundreds of men were employed as clerks and the fac- tories employed thousands. Electricity under the control of "Love" has become so cheap that everybody owned their own plant and "Love" became rich — and after becoming rich the Home of Happiness was lusi to them and they moved to the House of Wealth. THE HOUSE OF WEALTH. I dreamed that I saw "Love" — "Lite" — "Guiding Hand" — "Sim- plicity" — "Innocence" leave the House of Happiness. "Contentment" stood on the doorstep, watching them and bidding- them a farewell. "Contentment" knew she would not be wanted in the House of Wealth. "Life" — "Love" and the others were whisked away to the House of Wealth. As 1 came near the House of Wealth I gazed at the magnifi- cent splendor of the palace — the grandeur of it all almost took my breath away. It was built of granite with large, beautiful grounds, sunken gardens in the front, which were bedded in beautiful flowers — Winding drives on either side — expensive flowers — shrubs and trees dotted the lawn — a retinue of ser\ants were seen to flit about in their duties — strains of music greeted my ears — a little miniature lake upon which swans were swimming gracefully about was at the right of the palace — a rich wood tract was to the left. I walked slowly up the walk upon the wide veranda — the pillars of the house were richly carved were all about the palace — in the sunken gardens a fountain sprayed in the bottom of which were thousands of fishes of all colors of the rainbow. Great, high doors and windows with great bars were on every side of the house. I stepped across the threshold and my senses seemed to leave me at the wondrous beauty of the furnishings. Gold was displayed everywhere — cloth of gold hung at the curtains — ( arpets of the finest velvet lay on the floor — beautiful tapestry of old and ancient designs hung about the walls — priceless paintings were on the walls. I gazed in mute, astonishment looking at a wonderful paint- ing — a woman of great beauty came in and she was called "Idleness". >\\ ing close behind her were more women — they were called "Clothes" — "Jewels" — "Envy" — "Beauty" — "Laziness" — "Disgrace" — "Dishonor" — "Greed" — "Hatred" — "Hypocrite" — "Impudence" — "Mis- creant" — "Scandal" — "Shame" — "Degradation" — all clothed in the rai- ment that befitted their names. I saw them as they came in the door — I watched them as vhey plotted to cause the' downfall of "Life". I was horrified at their proposition — the way in which they had de- cided to use their influences in and for the one purpose. Then I saw "Life" coming down the - hall dressed in a most gorgeous gown made of cloth of gold and set with priceless jewels. Her companion was 'Adventure" — a woman of wonderful beauty — who was dressed in won- derful, fine raiment — a dress of silver that glistened in the light and threw off sparks — that assumed the shapes of imps and tongues of fire. As "Life" and "Adventure" were walking down the hall a sigh "i joy went up from the callers as if to challenge her to combat, a look of intense joy was on all the faces, then it assumed a look of extreme cunning. I looked on in silence as "Life" and "Adventure" t .'ached the party. The party all bowed low and "Adventure" intro- duced each in turn to "Life". "Idleness" — "Dishonor" and "Hypocrite" immediately made themselves at home and each offered their services to "Life" and each wanted to be her companion — but "Life" rejected them — and as I looked down the hall I saw "Guiding Hand" — "Inno- cence" and "Simplicity" running toward "Life". As they came into the party, the party all stopped and gazed at them and then stepped back, some of them dropping their heads. "Shame" crouched low and turned her face and hid it in her hands so as not to be seen by "Life's" companions. As "Guiding Hand" — "Innocence" and "Simplicity" stood looking at the visitors. "Impudence" addressed the party and said: "Come on. Let us not tarry here. See." as she points to "Guiding Hand" — "Innocence" and "Simplicity", " 'Life' has chosen her com- panions. Let her keep them." Then "Degradation" and "Impudence" locked arms and started out, followed by all except "Scandal" and "Adventure" — they paid their respects and said that they would call again. Then they, too, left and passed out. I gave a sigh of relief. Then "Life" as she looked at the going crowd gave a sigh — a sigh that I knew meant that she was disappointed at not being able to go with them. She had seen new things in her existence — a new feeling of something that she. herself, could not fathom. As I looked I saw in the corner a vaporlike figure. I gazed at it until it took shape — it was "Sorrow". He was standing there watching the effect of his work. Then the vaporlike figure disappeared — "Life" stood gazing into space — then suddenly realizing what she was doing, she started forward. "Guiding Hand" grabbed her and "Life" looked at her — "Innocence" drew closer as did "Simplicity" — each looked one to the other, then "Life" turned and all went down the hall and into a room. As I looked at this. I felt that this was the beginning of a something that I had not longed for. I then proceeded down toward the end of the hall at a door that appeared half open — I looked in and there I saw the children of "Life" — "Sunshine" and "Mirth". They were laughing and playing and they had a cross in their hands — they darkened the room and the cross gave off a bright, radiant light such as I have never seen before save once and that was in the Garden of Love. "Sunshine" then went to the door and called a servant, named "Obey", and told the servant to call their mother, "Life". The servant hastened to execute the command and returned almost immediately with "Life". The children were seated on a window seat and had hid the cross from the first view, and as "Life" drew near "Mirth" ran to her and said. "Mama, this is your birthday. 'Sunshine' and I have brought you a present, so come and sit down here with us and we will give it to you." "Life" was happy — she went and sat down on the window seat. Then "Sunshine" said. "Shut your eyes, mother dear." "Life" did as re- quested, then the two children placed the cross upon their mother's bosom — it was attached by a chain — and then they told their mamma to open her eyes. She did and upon seeing the cross, kissed it, then took the two children in her arms and showered them both with kisses. "Love" appeared in the doorway and gazed at the scene. — a look of pleasure and contentment came over his face. He started toward the happy group. "Mirth" ran to him. "Love" picked "Mirth" up and walked to "Life" and all were joined in the reunion, all with arms about each other — it was a happy group. As I gazed at the happiness of the family, I wondered how long it would last as I re- membered the scene that had just passed on awhile before. Then the family left the room. I stood in the hall alone — I started for the door when "Guiding Hand" came to me and said. "Don't leave us now. Wait, you may be of service as I feel that something is going to happen, and we may need you." So I turned to thank her. She was gone. I stood alone for how long I do not remember. When I came to my senses I heard the sound of voices, and looking up I saw great crowds of people coming in the door. It seemed like an endless procession and they were all dressed in beautiful raiment, bedecked with jewels. I asked the servant "Obey" what was going on and he informed me that a party was being given that night. I heard music from the orchestra that was playing and I wended my way to the place where mo music was coming from, if was the first time I had seen the ball- room in the House oi Wealth. It was a mammoth room. All the fix- tures were of enormous plates of gold. The walls were made of carved gold and golden images, statues, bric-a-brac. Pillars thirty foot in height were of gold with crowns of diamonds set in — gold cloth and silver cloth hangings wore about the windows — gaiety seemed every- where, t looked about. I saw "Life" and "Love" talking to a group of the people. Then I looked and 1 saw entering the room "Idleness" — "Adventure" — "Hypocrite" in company of two men that were called "Brag" and "Liquor" Once before I saw each of these two men. I saw them early in my dream. X saw them fade in and out and I saw "Liquor" grow from a bottle, and I saw the bottle burst and the frag- ments become imps and enter the hearts of men and women and send them to hell. I looked upon these two men with horror. I then knew that something was going to happen. A feeling of dread came over me. I watched the party us they drew near. As they passed me, I heard "Brag" say, "Well, 'Liquor', it may take time, but we will get possession of 'Life' if we are only patient." And "Liquor" replied, "I can, little by little, gain possession, and in the end I will become master. You, 'Brag' my boy, are indeed kind to me." "Brag" replied, "Thy will be done 'Liquor'. I could not exist without you." "Liquor" replied, "Nor I without you." "Adventure" and "Idleness" both laughed and said, "And we all could not exist without each other, and we are all for the common cause of each other's welfare ,and our one object is to gain possession of 'Life', is it not?" All answered, "Yes". I watched them as they passed. As they came to the center of the ballroom they paused and looked about. They seemed to be in con- sultation, and then I saw them point in the direction of "Life" and "Love" and then they moved in the direction of "Life" and "Love". I, too, moved in the direction. As I came nearer to "Life" and "Love" I saw "Life" meet "Adventure" and "Idleness" and exchange greet- ings with them both. Then I moved closer to get a better view of the party and then saw "Brag". What a beautiful specimen of man in physique! Handsome of face, a model Adonis. I admired him on account of his features, but then I looked and I thought I saw the innermost part of his soud. It was putrid to the core. It was to boast, to gain the attention of others, to play them false, anything to gain his own dastardly ends. I saw "Life" look upon him with favor. I saw "Love". He, too, saw the look of favoritism that was bestowed upon "Brag" by "Life", and I could see that he was hurt. He was wounded to the heart. Then I looked at "Liquor". While outwardly he was smooth, cunning, depraved, he looked as if there was no crime that he would not be the means of committing to gain his end. He was large of stature, muscular, with a head of hair that was black and cropped close to the scalp. His eyes were deep set and darted back and forth from one to another with the rapidity of a snake, and Sis I stood there and looked on that face, it seemed to assume the figure of a snake, and its two-pointed tongue would dart back and forth. I was becoming like one under a spell. I shook myself to see if I was aright, or if I was seeing the object, but when I looked and rubbed my eyes, I could see that cunning face with its small eyes dart back and forth, and I watched "Life". She. too, was becoming under the influence of "Liquor". She leaned toward him. "Liquor" placed his gaze on "Life" and "Brag" was talking in his boastful way and soon I saw to my horror "Life" leave "Love" and go to "Liquor" and she crept closer and closer to him until she was within his arms. "Liquor" did not move a hand. He just gazed at "Life". "Life" looked up into "Liquor's" face. Then "Liquor" slowly lowered his head. "Life" slowly put her arms about "Liquor" — "Liquor's" head slowly dropped until their lips met. The guests were horror-stricken. "Love" had been watching this, gave a start and grabbed his heart and straightened up. Then a commotion was heard from the right side of the room and, looking in that direction, I saw "Guiding Hand" — "Innocence" — "Sim- plicity" — "Sunshine" and "Mirth" running toward the group. As "Guid- ing Hand" came upon the group, she rushed to "Life" and pulled her away from "Liquor" who, by this time, had "Life" firmly in his clutches. I saw "Life" trying to hold onto "Liquor" — "Brag" smiled a smile of triumph; "Adventure" laughed and "Idleness" shrugged her shoulders. "Love", too, now rushed to "Life's" side and "Life" pushed him off. "Sunshine" and "Mirth" rushed and "Love" and "Sun- shine" — "Mirth" — "Guiding Hand" — "Innocence" pleaded with "Life" to release herself from the embrace of "Liquor". "Liquor" just gazed at them with that smile. "Life" still clung to "Liquor" who was whispering in her ear. She clung tighter to "Liquor" and "Life" was now completely under the influence of "Liquor". "Life" turned in the arms of "Liquor" and stood defying "Love" — "Sunshine" — "Mirth" — "Guiding Hand" — "Innocence" and "Simplicity". She turned and said, "Away with you." And then she called upon "The Four Winds" to come to her. and in answer to her a great and mighty roar was heard, and in a cloud of spray there appeared a great giant, black as coal. He was fully nine feet high and of colossal build. He opened his arms and. gathered in "Love" — "Guiding Hand" — "Innocence" — "Simplicity" — "Sunshine" and "Mirth" and with a great whirling sound he left. I stood gazing at the scene that had been played before me; when the mist had risen I saw "Liquor" still held "Life" in his arms. The other invited guests were lying about the room, all stupified from the influences of "Liquor". I saw "Adventure" and "Idleness" look at "Brag" and then all looked toward "Liquor" and "Life". "Liquor" placed "Life" in "Brag's" hands and they all left the House of Wealth. I followed and when I got outside and looked back, the House of Wealth had become infested with the imps of "Sorrow" and the imps of "Liquor" were tearing down the House of Wealth. Slowly it came down. I started on my journey again, turning to look back to take a last look at the House or Wealth. As I did. I saw it crumble away under the attack of the imps of "Liquor". I then started to go on my journey — was guided to the Arbor of Lies that lies behind the House of Deceit. THE ARBOR OF LIES. I dreamed I was entering the Arbor of Lies. Here all was gaiety. It was unlike any of the other buildings that I had seen in my dreams. Everything: seemed to be false. The building seemed to change its size and shape — it was continually changing — first one shape and then another. The atmosphere of the building had an effect that produced crime. I sat c.t a table and looked all about me — it resembled a cafe. "Liquor" was in absolute command here. I refrained from imbibing any that was offered as I came in the door and took a table close in the corner to watch the crowd. Such a crowd as there was there! "Chief Crime" with his many followers were scattered all about the place. Immoral women were all under the influence of "Liquor" — some in semi-conscious conditions; some dancing; some cursing; some displaying nudity; others sitting gazing at the walls. Here in the crowd sat "Condemn" — "Coward" — "Crook" — "Thief" — "Murder" — "Adulterer" — "Decay" — "Deceit" — "Depravity" — "Dishonor" — "Dis- pute" — "Dunce" — "Error" — "Fraud" — "Chance" — "Gaudy" — "Greed" — "Gloom" — "Til-Temper" — "Insult" — "Misery" — "Need" — "Pity" — "Poverty" — "Disease" — "Hopeless" — "Malice" — "Scandal" — "Shame" — "Rascal" — "Regret" — "Vice" — "Vanity" — "Worthless" all garbed in the garb that befitted their rank and name. Tt was a motley crowd that sat about the tables. A small stage was set in the end of ilu- arbor and there upon it was performed the various acts: "dis- grace" had just finished as I entered the room, and ".Nudity" had started to do her turn. The crowd cheered her as she finished her turn as it was called. "Shame" and "Blander" had just started to do their turn when the door opened— a bell had sounded its alarm which was a signal that something new was to happen — something out of the ordinary was to be given the guests. All heads were now turned toward the door. It opened and in walked "Adventure" — "Idleness" — "Hypocrite" — "Brag" — "Liquor" and "Life". A table had been re- served for the party in front of the stage. As "Life" was shown a seat "Shame" jumped from the stage and said, "Welcome. 'Life' to our 'circle, and I trust that you will find our company enjoyable." "Life" looked about, her eyos were blood-shot and she had a wild look, like unto a frightened deer. "Liquor" watched her a moment, then went to her and patted her head. "Life" looked up into "Liquor's" face took his hands, then the revelry commenced. After a time the party was all under the influence of "Liquor". Some were shouting, singing, some cursing; othors were dancing. Two men that sat in the center of the room, called "Argument" and "Discontent", started to fight. Fistols were drawn, shots fired, the crowd scattered. "Brag" seized "Life" and made out of the room. The other occupants of the place escaped in different directions; the men struggled all about, breaking tables, chairs, and then a fire started in the place. I, too, ran out and watched the Arbor of Lies burn. I stood gazing at the fire Then started away with the feeling that at last one of the most contemptible places was no more. Then journeying on a little, I looked back The fire was out and in the place of seeing ruins, I saw a larger and grander building in its place. As I stood watching a sign in red lights appeared on the roof of the place which read, "The Arbor of Lies" I was sick at heart, for I realized that a more pretentious building was built for the coming generations. I now pilgrimed alone in search of "Life", when I saw raised before me a house called The House of Deceit. I looked upon the magnificent structure with awe. I then realized for the first time what a mammoth thing Deceit was. I entered the House of Deceit. THE HOUSE OF DECEIT. As I dreamed I entered the House of Deceit. I was greeted at the door by a liveried servant called "Misconduct". He escorted me to the desk behind the railing. "Illusion" placed a book and a pen in my hand for me to register my name. I did as requested and then I went and sat down. The door opened. In came "Brag" with "Life". "Brag" went to the desk and registered. They were taken to the elevator and I followed, but the door was shut in my face. I then went to the desk and looked on the register and there was written the names "Mr. and Mrs. Brag". When the elevator returned, I got on and went up to the room that was occupied by "Life" and "Brag". I walked in. They did not pay any attention to me. "Life" was sitting on a chair, holding her face in her hands. "Shame" and "Disgrace" then entered the room, laughing and jeering "Life". Then I looked at "Life". A mist raised and there stood "Love" — "Sunshine" — "Mirth" — "Guiding Hand" — all beckoning "Life" to return to them. "Life" looked at them and was about to rise from her chair when "Liquor" came into the room. The mist then disappeared. "Life" was gazing into space. "Shame" — "Disgrace" and "Liquor" all left the room as I did. I left the House of Deceit with my heart full of pain. I wandered about and found my way to the water's edge. Boats of all sizes were fastened to the wharves — hustle and bustle was all about me. I came to one boat that seemed to hold an influence over me — I looked more closely — it was a beautiful yacht and on the bow was the name in raised gold letters "The Tacht of Indulgence". I turned and asked a man who wore a captain's uniform — named "Misfortune" — what body of water that yacht sailed on and he informed me that the Tacht of Indulgence sailed on the Sea of Trouble. He also informed me that it -was the property of "Liquor", and that he had orders to be ready to sail at noon with a party of "Liquor's" friends. He asked me if I would like to make the trip. I said. "Yes. I should like to very much". So I went with the captain "Misfortune" and boarded the yacht and took a seat on the boat. THE YACHT OF INDULGENCE THAT SAILED ON THE SEA OF TROUBLE. I dreamed that I sat on the Yacht of Indulgence looking on the Sea of Trouble. I saw a man come down the wharf looking all about. I watched. He was looking from one boat to another. Then he sighted the Yacht of Indulgence and he made straight for it. "Captain Mis- fortune" was standing beside me and I said, "Who is that man?" The captain laughed and replied. "Oh, that's just 'Friend-in-Need', he always comes down here when 'Liquor' gives a party. He is a good soul, but nobody takes him very seriously." So I sat and gazed at him, thinking if they only would take him seriously. Then the party began to arrive. "Gold" — "Silver" — "Diamonds" were already on the boat and" looking over the side of the rail. Then came "Crime" with his followers followed by "Greed" — "Fear" — "Murder" — "Adulterer" — "Decay" — "Chance" — "Gaudy" — "Dishonor" — "Pity" — "Rascal" — "Fraud" — "Depravity" — "Dispute" — "Coward" — "Vice" — "Scandal" — "Shame" — "Misery". Then they were followed by "Brag" — "Life" and "Liquor". "Life" was leaning on "Liquor". "Adventure" — "Hypo- crite" and "Idleness" all started to walk up the gang plank when "Friend-in-need" stopped "Life". "Life" remembered of seeing him once, but could not place him where. "Friend-in-Need" pleaded with "Life" to return to "Love" — "Sunshine" — and "Mirth". "Life" stood gazing into space. "Liquor" leaned over the rail and announced that the yacht was about to start. Standing beside him was "Brag". "Life" asked "Friend-in-Need" to accompany her on the yacht. "Friend-in- Need" seeing that he could not persuade "Life" not to go, he accepted the invitation and went on board. "Life" and "Friend-in-Need" stood on the after deck and were talking as the yacht slipped the ways and went out on the Sea of Trouble. "Liquor" and "Brag" have been watching "Life" and "Friend-in-Need" — they both wore a troubled expression. After a few moments' consultation, they decided that "Friend-in-Need was no.t wanted on the yacht. "Liquor's" face changed and now wore an expression of hatred and "Malice's" features changed too, one from the other in great rapidity. He watched "Friend- in-Need" and "Life" as they started to go to another part of the boat. As they started, "Liquor" slowly and in a dogging wav followed, his face livid with rage. At the rail of the boat "Friend-in-Need" stopped with "Life" and they both looked out over the Sea of Trouble. I moved closer to watch them. I saw "Friend-in-Need" making gestures and talking, but his tones were too low to be understood. Then as 1 stood looking at them, the scene in front of "Life" and "Friend-in- Need" changed. I saw a cottage; I saw "Poverty" with "Disease" look in the window. Then I saw inside of the house and there huddled together was "Love" — "Sunshine" and "Mirth". As they looked up they saw "Poverty" and "Disease" looking in the window. "Love" started for the window and "Poverty" and "Disease" scurried away. Then the scene faded and I saw "Life" cover her face with her hands — she was weeping bitterly. Then I looked and saw "Brag" and "Liquor" — they, too, had been watching this scene. They both rushed to "Life", tooK her — turned her around ami "Liquor" placed ;« bottle of his> damnable fluid to her lips. "Life" drinks, slowly looks about and then leaves "Friend-in-Need" standing alone by the rail. As they start away, "Liquor" looks back with his horrible face and laughs at "Friend- in-Need". "Friend-in-Need's" head falls on his breast and great tears come to his eyes. He slowly raises his head, then the look of deter- mination on his face amidst the tears slowly walks and follows "Brag" and "Liquor". I watched "Biag" — "Liquor" and "Life" as they went down to the saloon. Then I went down also. I saw "Life" — ".brag"- — "Liquor" — "Gold" — "Silver" — "Diamonds" all seated at a table. "Liq- uor" was passing some of his damned drink around to the guests. Then 1 saw the saloon, a great feast was in preparation. A servant of "Liquor" named "No-account" came thro the cabin and announced that dinner was being served. I walked in the dining room and there was a motley gathering making merry with the wine and the different fruits of "Liquor's" concoction. As the meal progressed the more the guests became under the influence of "Liquor". "Friend-in-Need" was sitting to the left of "Life". "Liquor" was at the head of the table, "brag" to the left. "Life" was at the right. I saw "Life" as she was. gradually becoming more and more under the influence of "Liquor". "Liquor's" face showed that cunning — his eyes at times seemed to shoot out small streams of fire which burned into the very souls of his yuesis. As "Life" is about to drink a very large glass that was. handed to her by "Brag". "Friend-in-Need" dashes the glass to the table where it breaks — and lo and behold the contents of that glass, become a small army of serpents and ran off of the table among the guests and great commotion and excitement prevailed. "Brag" got up. and talked to them and after a time quiet regained. "Liquor" now was livid with rage, his massive chest heaved under the strain of tempestuous anger. Both "Friend-in-Need" and "Liquor" were look- ing at each other. "Liquor" spoke and at every word small tongues- of fire seemed to come from "his mouth. He challenged "Friend-in- Need" to come up on the deck and fight it out. "Life" was now too much under the influence of "Liquor" to raise a hand if she did want to try and stop the fight. "Friend-in-Need" and "Liquor" both went up on the deck. "Brag" kept the other ones from coming up and. there the two struggled about the deck — first one and then the other had the advantage — finally "Friend-in-Need" got "Liquor" by the throat and had a death grip and "Liquor" was slowly sinking to his; knees when "Liquor" puiled a revolver from his pocket and shot "Friend-in-Need" in the back. "Friend-in-Need" threw up his hands, and fell to the deck dead. "Liquor" slowly raised himself to his feet — viewed his work — a smile of satisfaction coming over his face. "Liquor" then lifted "Friend-in-Necd's" body up and carried it to the rail and. threw it overboard. As "Friend-in-Need's" body hit the water, a most miraculous transformation took place. I looked in horror. As the- body hit the water it assumed the shape of a torpedo and it went out to sea. I stood and watched it leave — then I saw that it was turning about. I followed its wake — then I saw it was pointed for the boat. "Liquor", too, saw it and was much afraid. It fascinated me. Closer and closer it came. At last it struck. Such a sensation.' The boat shook from bow to stern; then quivered a moment and slowly started to settle. All the guests came running on the deck, some screaming, others cursing and the excitement was intense. I looked toward the shore and I could see a man putting out a boat. He was rowing toward us. Just then the boat gave a lurch. All the people that were on board jumped into the sea. I followed. The boat came nearer and finally I saw who the man was. He was called "Drug". He soon came along where all the people were swimming and we were all gathered in the boat that was rowed by "Drug". "Drug" helped all into the boat. I was given a seat in the bow. Others that were on the boat picked up the oars and started to row for the shore. I looked and there leaning on "Liquor" was "Life". "Drug" was on the other- side. I saw "Liquor" look at "Drug" and then I heard him say, " 'Drug', we must use every conceivable means to gain absolute con- trol over 'Life'." I saw "Drug" look at "Life", then a look of desire? came over his face. There seemed to be millions of little imps about his form. He was a tremendously ugly man — was large of build — with a large, hooked nose, thick lips and eyes that resembled burning balls- of fire. His hand twitched nervously in the anxiety of the thought of the conquest of "Life". I could see that he was planning to use the most diabolic means to possess "Life". We were now nearing shore, but the place did not look familiar to me. I had never seen this place before. As we struck the shore with the bow of the boat, I stepped out and looked about. The others all got out and started to attend "Life" while "Liquor" and "Drug" watched them. I stood by and watched the success of the ethers and then I saw "Liquor" and "Drug" pick "Life" up and between them they started down a street. I looked up and down the street and on the corner of a tumbledown shack I saw this sign. "This is the Street of Despair. All Who Walk this are Damned." THE STREET OF DESPAIR. This was the most dilapidated street I ever saw. The buildings were all in their last stages. Some were partly torn down — others were- patched — others were made of mud — some of straw — great pools of stagnant water were lying about the streets — the stench that came from the street was terrible — it was horrible — it nauseated me — I felt a dumbness come over me — pains ran all through my system — the very air was impregnated with vileness. All kinds of vile, creeping and crawling insects abounded about the streets. Bats flew over your head and vultures screeched — several half-consumed carcasses lay about — wolves barked at your heels — crime in all of its elements was running amuck. I saw "Life" falter — then to my horror I saw "Drug" take a syringe from his pocket. As he placed "Life" in the arms of "Liquor", "Drug" filled the syringe with a fluid from his pocket and then I saw him place the needle in the arm of "Life" and push the contents of the syringe into "Life's" arm, then placing it in his pocket. Then "Liquor" took a bottle from his pocket and placed it to the lips of "Life" and she drank and then I watched and saw "Life" slowly gain strength — then she looked about — a smile of happiness passed on her face — she became wild-eyed — she sang and danced from the effect of "Drug" and "Liquor". Both the arch-fiends. "Drug" and "Liquor", were delighted with their damnable work, and smiles of great pleasure were on their faces. I stood and watched. As I watched, tears came into my eyes. I knew that now nothing short of a miracle could save "Life". Would that miracle be performed? As I was standing there watching the crowd, I saw "Silver" — "Gold" — "Diamonds" slowly slip from the crowd and hurry away. Now what would "Life" do? Her only companions were "Shame" — "Disgrace" — "Crime" — "Drug" and "Liquor". All others now left her to her fate. I was powerless to help her. I was but a shadow. I saw the small procession start down the street, knowing that the further they would go in that direction meant just so much lower "Life" would fall. "Life" stopped again and once more "Drug" gave her the fluid — "Liquor" placed the bottle to her mouth and she drank. Then "Life" leaned on both as she walked down the street. After a time I saw "Life" begging of "Drug" and "Liquor" to satisfy her cravings. They only laughed at her. They pointed out a man that was a godly man — that was the agent of "Eternal Life" called "Help". They told her to go and rob lum. 1 saw "Liie" lultill their request and robbed "Help" and brought the silver and gold and diamonds that she had taken from "Help" and gave them to "Liquor" and "Drug" for just a lew ounces o( Hie fluid and several bottles of "Liquor's" compounds. 1 saw "Life" again as she was begging "Drug" ami "Liquor" to give her some of the fluid and drink. 1 saw them reluse her. ■'Drug" then look "Life" — beat her and commanded her to take off her clothes and get cheaper rai- ment. "Lite" also did as she was bid by "Drug" just to get a few drams of the (laid. 1 saw again "Life" after she had gotten all that "Drug" and "Liquor" would give her, fall in the street. "Poverty" and "Disease" came along and kicked "Life" and fell upon her, beat her. Again "Lite" pleads with "Drug" and "Liquor" to give her more of the liquor and ttuid, and they beat her and told her to go and sell her bodv for the gold that they wanted. Again 1 saw "Lite do as they requested. Then I saw "Life" her face now haggard — drawn. Her limbs were bare — no shoes on her feet. Her dress was a tattered mass. She shook with dissipation and she was staggering from one side of the street to the other. Finally she came to a pig pen. "Life" could go no farther. "Drug" and "Liquor" were follow- ing, jeering at her at every step. "Life" tried to move on to get away from them but no use — she could not do without them. She was so weak that she fell after getting on her knees. "Drug" and "Liquor; taunted her with the sight of the fluid and drink. Then as "Life was completely exhausted, they left her at the pig pen. "Poverty' and "Disease" came creeping up and took "Life" in their arms and car- ried her to the last house on the street, called the House of Remaining Days, a pitiful place, open on all sides, boards off here' and there. It was just a shelter. THE HOUSE OF REMAINING DAYS. I dreamed that the House of Remaining Days was the most abominable place. It was foul smelling — vermin was scattered all about — over-run with rats and mice and creeping things. "Poverty" and "Disease" carried "Life" in and laid her down on the ground with a little straw for a bed. There "Life" in her ravings, which the drug and liquor fiends are only capable of seeing. After "Life" was laid on the cold ground with only the straw as a bedding, "Poverty" and "Disease" watched their victim. Then in came "Drug" and "Liquor" followed meekly by "Brag". I watched them closely. "Drug" was the first to speak. He addressed "Foverty", "Well, 'Poverty', it won't be long before we have our victim where we want her". He laughed. He was joined by "Liquor" — "Disease" — "Poverty" and "Brag". "Drug" then approached "Life" and gave her a kick. "Life" turned o\er. The arch fiends all laughed. "Poverty" was wringing his hands and started for "Life" when he was pushed back by "Liquor" who advanced to "Life" and in his strong hands pulled "Life" to a sitting position, and then with all his might he struck her. Again the fiends laughed. It was evident that the blow was not felt by "Life". She did not move. Then they all stood about and watched the effect of their work. After a time, "Life" moved a bit. "Liquor" put his hand to his mouth as a signal to keep quiet and all attention was directed to "Life". She slowly moved to a sitting position and then looked about. "Drug" came to her side as did "Liquor". "Life", seeing them, i. egged for the fluid and drink, but they only laughed at her. "Drug" takes a bottle of the fluid from his pocket and sticks it under "Life's" nose. "Life" grabs at the bottle. "Drug" pulls it away and floors her to the ground. The arch fiends all laugh at the misery of "Life". "Life" slowly arises to her elbow and "Liquor" takes a bottle of his imned concoction from his pocket — takes the cork out and "Life" watches him with eagerness. "Liquor" wets the cork and hands it to "Life" who devours it much to the amusement of the fiends. Suddenly ■Life" looks to the side of the house and there a mist arises and a great number of lions are seen walking about. "Life" shudders at the sight. The arch fiends laugh at her and then as suddenly as it came it disappears. "Life" fell to the ground. This provided great sport for the fiends. "Life" again pulled herself to her elbow and looked at the other side of the house and there, as if by magic, seemingly as if in the flesh, stood "Love" — "Sunshine" — "Mirth" — and "Guiding Hand". "Life" tried to crawl. Her motion was very slow. She pleaded with them to take her back. Emotion filled her breast and she was sobbing. Great tears flowed from her eyes. Again and gain she pleaded. The arch fiends only laughed. When "Poverty" ran to her and grappled with her and choked her. The vision had faded. "Life" was left on the ground in a dazed condition. The arch fiends then kicked "Life", spat upon her — tore her clothimj so that she was almost nude, and left her in that condition. I was heavy of heart. I tried to move to her but I was not able. I could not assist her. After r time "Life" slowly raised to a sitting position. Time after time she fell to the ground. Finally she sat up. Her poor flesh was Weed- ing from the kicks and cuffs she had received at the hands of the arch fiends. "Life" sat up and would pick up a piece of straw. The moment she would get it into her hands it would turn into a snake. "Life" picked up a stick. It turned into a dragon. "Life" shrank back from the beast. It disappeared from sight. "Life" was sobbing and wailing. After a time she got to her knees and then she prayed this prayer: "Mother, mother, dear mother up in heaven, Look down upon your poor daughter. ("Life" sobs) Mother from whose tender arms I received My first embrace, she in whose Loving eyes I first beheld the World, look down upon me and Bless me in this, my hour of need." I listened and tears came into my eyes and, as if in answer to hei prayer, a bright shaft of light flashed in the House of Remaining Days and "Life" looked to the skies and there standing was "Good Heart", the father of the Church. He was dressed in his garb, hold- ing the Cross. "Liquor" — "Drug" — "Poverty" — and "Disease" came into the house, but they did not see the light at first and then, when they beheld the light and they saw the figure of "Good Heart" and the burning Cross, they were much afraid and hurried from the house. The vision faded and on the other side I saw another vision. This was an old, decrepit man, bent with age, and he used a crooked cane tc walk with. "Life" saw him and was afraid and the figure then as- sumed the flesh. "Why be afraid of me, 'Life'?" spoke the figure. "I have followed you all along but have never been able to catch up with you." "Life" spoke and said, "Who are you that you should follow me?" The figure answered and said, "I am 'Future'." "Life" doubted him and, replying, said " 'Future' ? Why, no, my 'Future' was a little Cupid, oh, so bright and gay, so full of joy." "Future" replied. "Yes. 'Life', but time changes and I am thy 'Future' — thy shame and thy sins have changed me." "Life" gazed at "Future" and then started sobbing. "Future" went to "Life" and said, "Come, 'Life', before thy prayer is answered, you must accompany me to the House of Con- demned Souls." As "Future" was speaking, in came "Poverty" — "Dis- ease" — "Drug" and "Liquor". They stood and gazed at "Future". He looked at them. Then I saw "Life" fall to the ground. "Drug" spoke up and said. "'Future', by what right do you dare to come into our domain and seek 'Lite'?" "Future" spoke, "By the right vested in me by my father and mother, who is also the father and mothet to 'Life' — 'Time' and 'Eternity'. 1 come by divine right. 'Life' prayed for help and I am hen-." "Liquor" spoke and said, "Where arc you going to take her?" "Future" replied, "I am going to take her to the House of Condemned Souls .so that she will see the punishments that she will be damned 10. She" has the right to choose her punish- ment, and I am to take her there, if she can overcome you and yours that have dragged her down, she can be made whole again and re- turn to her proper place. I challenge you. 1 am here to protect her. It is a fight to the death, fiends! Are you ready to give battle?" They looked one from the other and then nodded their consent. "Future" waved his crooked cane over the House of Remaining Days, 1 was startled by the sound that I heard. A roar like a lion. Then I looked. A wonderful transformation was taking place. 1 saw the spirits of "Drug" — "Liquor" — "Life" and "Future" leave their bodies and start to ascend up. Up they went. Then a strange feeling came over me. I, too, was being* transformed into what, 1 did not know. Then suddenly I was leaving the earth. Up, up I went. I saw in the distance anead of me the souls of "Drug" — "Liquor" — "Future" and "Life". 1 joined them. We all were carried through space for what seemed an age. I had heard of the House of Condemned Souls, but never did I see it. 1 was at raid, but I was carried through space, and in no way could I turn back. 1 tried, but an invisible force pressed me on and on. I looked all about, me in the flight, but I could see nothing; all was space. I felt a breath of air. It was warm. It got hotter and hotter. It seemed as if I was unable to stand it . I felt as if every muscle, nerve, tissue, ligament, bone was being burned by some terrible heat. My eyes were bulging from their sockets. My skin parched. My nose dilated. I was gasping for breath. My throat burned. I began to get nauseated. I burned as if a thousand fires were burning in my soul. I tried to speak, but the words failed me. My senses left me". How long I was in this condition I never knew. T then felt a most peculiar sensation, unlike anything I had ever be- fore felt. I was giddy. I tried to open my eyes. I could not describe the feeling that pessessed me. It seemed to hurt me in a different manner. A voice sounded. I tried to catch the words, but I could not. Then there seemed as if some one was pulling me, mauling me. sticking sharp instruments into my flesh. I tried to move. I could not. Then I tried to open my eyes. Slowly they opened, but they were sightless. Then slowly like lifting a. curtain up, light began to come to my eyes. I could distinguish objects. There was a rapid moving crowd about me of some description, but it was like in a haze that I looked. Then I saw a flash that blinded me. Then I opened my eyes again and I could see. I was surrounded by imps, diminutive creatures who were thrusting short spears into my flesh; others were placing small torches in the flesh and letting them burn. I tried tc struggle free, but could not move. The little imps were all laughing and having' a jolly time with me. Then I looked up. A strange light lit up the space about me and I made a mighty effort to rise and suc- ceeded in shaking off my tormentors who hurried and scurried in all directions. I looked all about, trying to remember where I was at — what caused the peculiar stnsation. Then I heard the most terrible wailing, cursing, screaming — wails that shook the very place where I was standing. Moans carae from everywhere. I turned and looked. There I saw a wall. Its height could not be figured. It was of some composition — I knew not what. Then coming through the wall came a man that was carrying his bleeding head in his hands. I was horri- fied. The bleeding head spoke, "Fear not, worm of the earth. No harm shall come to you. You are an invited guest. I am to be your guide. 'Sorrow,' my master, has sent me to you to take charge of you. This is a great privilege that has been granted to you. Only once in a million years is that privilege granted to earth worms. You are the thirtv-fifth I have seen here and have guided through 'Sorrow's' domain." I looked at the head that was hanging in his hands and I said, "Who are you?" He replied, laughingly, "I am 'Nonsense'. I have been here ages and ages. I am condemned to always carry my head in my hands. Several million years ago, as you figure on earth, an earth worm came here and I killed him and tried to escape, and then was punished by having my head cut off and hav- ing to carry it in my hands. And I can use only one of my hands at a time." He then changed the head into the other hand, and I then realized I was in the House of Condemned Souls. THE HOUSE OF CONDEMNED SOULS. I dreamed that as I was speaking to "Nonsense" I heard a great commotion back of me. I looked back and there came "Life" — "Liquor" — "Drug" — and "Future" surrounded by what seemed an end- less procession of spirits flying in all directions. The very air was white with them. "Liquor" — "Life" — "Drug" and "Future" landed at the spot where I was standing, and as "Life" beheld "Nonsense", she covered her face with her hands, as if to shut out the horrible sight, while "Drug" and "Liquor" laughed at her fears. Then "Nonsense" came to "Future" and spoke, "Ah, 'Future', I see you are here again. Now what are you in quest of? To save some poor soul? Is that it? Just like you always are. Remember the last time that you were here?" "Future" nodded, "Yes". "Well," spoke "Nonsense", "when you tried to save 'Half-a-chance' your visit was not very successful, was it? I was afraid it would not be. I will show you 'Half-a-chance' later." "Nonsense" then went to the great hall that stood before us and knocked three times. The very walls seemed to open and the air was filled with sulphur. A cloud was seen in the distance. As it drew nearer, it became hotter. At last it arrived. "Life" was standing, staring at it, as was I. Then it broke and standing in front of us was "Sorrow". "Life" shuddered at the sight of the master of these domains, and "Sorrow" looked about and then smiled and said, "Ah. 'Future', with us again, I see, and who is the party? I believe that I have seen her before," in a mocking way. Then he went to "Life", took her hands in his. "Life" shrank back and tried to break away. but no use, she was held like in a vise. Then "Sorrow" looked about and saw "Liquor" and "Drug". He released "Life" and "Drug" and "Liquor" ran and placed their arms about his neck. "Sorrow" patted them, saving, "Ah, my messengers that dwell on earth among the mortals, it is indeed good to see you here, but tell me why, now, un- less you have a victim that you desire to try to hold." "Drug" spoke and said. "We have brought 'Life' and it is a battle to the death be- tween 'Liquor', myself and 'Future' for the possession of 'Life' and 'Life' has been brought here to select her punishment, should we win the prize." "Sorrow" laughed, looked at "Life", then he jested with "Drug" and "Liquor". "Does it take the combined efforts of you two to down that frail, little thing and that decrepit old man?" "Drug" spoke and said, "Yes, but remember that 'Life' is the production of 'Time' and 'Eternity' and that barrier is hard to break- We may not win in the end. We have come to ask help of you." "Sorrow" laughed, and it sounded like the roar of thousands of artillery, all going off at the same time. "Life" held her hands to her ears to keep the noise out. Then "Sorrow" turned and looked at "Life" and then from "Drug" to "Liquor", saying, "Fear not, my faithful slaves. I shall be with you and you shall succeed." They all embraced "Sor- row" who then waved a fork that he heid in his hand aver the piai t where we were standing and the foundation under us started to sink "Life" grave out a cry, tearing that she was about to be swallowed up in the bowels of the ground, or whatever it was that we were stand- ing on. Slowly we went down and down. As we went down, the cries of anguish, of pain, of terror could be heard. The farther we went down, the plainer became the cries until they were deafening. "Life' placed her fingers in her ears. A stench of burning flesh greeted our nostrils. It was sickening. "Life" grew faint. "Drug" and "Liquor' laughed at her. Then "Sorrow" said, "Fear not, 'Lite, you will smell the stench no more," and we did not. Then we came to the bottom of this place and we started to walk along through a great passage- way. The bottom of it seemed studded with sharp blades. "Lite" made a step and then fell. "Sorrow" looked at her and then picked her up, saying, "I forgot you are not used to this sort of a place. The bottom shall become smooth," and as if by some mystical force, the bottom was smoothed out in fiont of it, and as soon as we had passed over it, it would resume its former state. Along this great corridor, we passed great doors, made of heavy iron which were placed upon mam- moth hinges. Each door was labeled. There were "Murder" — "Thief" "Adultery" — "Liars" — "Hypocrite" — "Greed" — "Drug" and "Liquor". We passed all the doors and, looking down this vast hall, I saw a door much larger than the rest, and as we came nearer I could see the words above it, "The Chamber of Horrors". We stopped in front of the door. "Life" looked up and saw the words and shrank back. The door opened and I will never' forget the sound that greeted our ears — yells, screams, cursing of every description could be heard. It was pitiful to hear. "Sorrow" placed his hand on "Life" and pulled her in and we entered this place. The door closed and. looking all about as far as we could see, nothing but bleakness greeted us. Great sharp rocks like needles, stuck up. Then we came to edge of a hill that we seemed to be upon and we looked down and there was hell in all its fury. Flames were seen coming from the bottom of this vast valley. They grew larger and larger. Then flames would mount highet and higher. As they did, the wailing, crying and cursing would in- crease in strength. It was all so horrible. "Life" seemed exhausted. Great tears flowed from her eyes and rolled down her pale, thin cheeks. Her little frame shook with fear. "Drug" and "Liquor" were stand- ing by watching if she would lean toward them. Both had their liquoi and fluid ready to give her, should she ask, but "Life" looked at them and with all the might and. main that she could gather, straightened up. "Liquor" shoved the bottle under her nose as did "Drug" with his fluid. "Life" pushed them away. "Future" stepped up and be- tween "Life" and "Drug", raising his cane high in the air and bade them stop. "Future" placed his arm about "Life" and she leaned heavily against him. We then all stood there, watching the flames as they climbed mountain high, the wailing becoming louder at each leap of the flames. I was gazing down into the mass of flames when there seemed to be a mass raising in the bottom of this pit. It re- sembled lava. Watching it as it was rising slowly to the top, "Sor- row" then pointed to the mass and said, "Look you, 'Life', that is the punishments of the Liars." Then the mass assumed a sea of bodies, all boiling in this lava formation. They were whirling and whirling about, each grasping the other in the mad frenzies of pain and torture. The agony showed plainly on their countenances. Their faces twitched. Each struggled to free him or herself from the molten mass. Men fought with women and women with men, grappling each other, beat- ing each other, tearing at each other's arms, legs, bodies, faces. Ears were torn off, but as soon as they dropped from the hand of the victor, they immediately would adhere to their respective owners. This mass of bubbling lava, with its bcdies, was moving in a great whirlpool. Suddenly a shock was felt under our feet and this great mass of molten lava and bodies was shot thousands of feet in the air and disappeared in a mistlike formation. I was dazzled by the brilliant colors that it contained. "Life" was watching all this with eyes that stuck from their sockets, bulging out, and looked to be held in place by a small sized wire. "Life" was standing erect now and had withdrawn from "Future". She was looking up at the sight that she had just beheld. Then again "Sorrow" spoke and said, "Behold, you will now see the punishments of the 'Thief'." The scene was transposed, as "Sorrow" waved his fork over the Palace of Horrors and in its stead lay a flat piece of ground. Then four teams of winged horses were brought forth A man was led in. Chains were placed on his right and left hands. Then other chains were fastened to each foot. The horses were then chained to the man, one team on each of the hands and feet. At a given signal they all started to pull. The "Thief" cried out piteously. asking forgiveness, pleading not to continue. The winged horses strained and then with a cry that went up from "Thief", his arms went in one direction and legs in the other, the quivering trunk of "Thief" fell to the ground. "Sorrow" — "Drug" — and "Liquor" were very much amused at this sight. I was sick at heart. "Life" snuggled to "Future" and hid her face in her hands. Then, after the imps that had driven the winged horses, had released them from the dif- ferent parts of "Thief I was wondering what would be the next act to follow. The limbs of "Thief" crept to the trunk and there again was made whole. As they joined, "Thief" wailed and groaned in agony. Again chains were placed about "Thief" and "Life" cried out. "No more. No more," and hid her face. "Sorrow" replied. "They have been tearing 'Thief limb from limb for millions of years, and it will continue until the universe is destroyed." "Sorrow" then placed the fork that he held in his hand high in the air. A rush of winds was heard which sounded like a tornado, and, perceiving in the dis- tance a white cloud, faster and faster it came upon us, and there were millions of millions of spirits. They passed in an endless pro- cession. "Drug" looked at them, then turned to "Sorrow" and said, "What new spirits are they that are passing now?" "Sorrow" replied, "Look you, 'Drug' and 'Liquor', 'Life' and 'Future', see what is com- ing. I am now coming into my own," and then the scene changed. I saw a battlefield. I saw the battle as it was in its heights and I saw bodies after bodies. They seemed to be piled mountain high. I saw the artillery fire. I saw men inowed down like grass before the reaper. I saw men runnirtg this and that way, obeying the command of the officers. I saw a great body of men, all marching in a straight line. As far as the eye could see this body of men were to be seen. I could not ascertain the thickness of the body. It was beyond my vision. Then, as I was looking. I saw this great body of men raise up as if it were one man. Smoke was raising all about them. I saw limbs, bodies without heads, others without limbs, then heads without bodies, all in a whirling mass. It was all so horrible. "Life" sank to her knees and held onto "Future". "Sorrow" laughed, as did "Liquor" and "Drug". Then "Sorrow" spoke. "See you, 'Drug' and 'Liquor', it is the horrors of war. Is it not a pleasant sight?" The bodies and mangled forms were now falling all about us. Blood was spattering all over our garments. The sight was sickening. "Life" was sobbing and clinging to "Future". "Sorrow" then waved his fork over the sight and it disappeared and in its place was a lake filled with bodies. Slowly this lake began to freeze. The bodies fought and struggled to free themselves from the ice, but each time that they would get their hands above the water, a sword controlled by some invisible lorce. would cut off the hand or head or leg, and the bleeding stump v. as ieit out 01 the ice. "" turned to us and said, "Come, we will now walk across this lake of ice to the other houses of torture." As we started across this lake of ice. 1 saw bodies in all conceivable shapes lrozen in this lake. Alter passing over, we turned to look back. It was gone. "Life" said, "What was that the punishment of?" "Sor- row icyned. "mat was Hit- pumsnment of the Hypocrites." The little party was walking along and then we came to high mountains. "Sorrow" smote the side of the mountain and it moved and we passed through. Then the mountain closed after us and we came to the brink 01 a precipice, and then we looked down into what looked like a val- ley. The scene changed and there was a multitude of souls fighting great beasts of enormous sizes. The beasts were running rampant through the multitude of souls, the souls cursing, wailing, crying out in agony, the beasts bellowing and trumpeting. Some resembled huge elephants, others like mammoth lizards. A very large beast with a single horn in the front part of its head that was fully 60 feet in length caught up a soul and ran its horn into the bowels of the soul and then threw the soul against the rockbound side of the valley. Other souls were crushed, mangled, some being torn, bit by bit. tc pieces. "Life" was sobbing bitterly and clinging to "Future". "Drug" and "Liquor" seemed to be enjoying the pain of the poor soul as if it were the greatest treat (hey had had in centuries. We watched this torment and "Sorrow" spoke. "You remember this punishment, don't you, 'Drug'? This is the punishment of the bearers of false witness.' My heart was heavy. I was longing to go. I had seen enough of the punishment. I longed to be on earth again, to feel the bright, gentle breezes and feel the sunshine and to hear voices that sounded like music instead of the wailing, moaning, crying, cursing, but I was not allowed to go. I had to finish and pass on through and see the othei punishments. The scene changed as we were standing there and the valley became full of monstrous large snakes, each with a body in its coil, the whole valley became one wiggling mass of snakes. The snakes would bite their victims and tear great pieces of flesh from their bodies and blood would flow, and as soon as each piece was dropped, it would return to its place and once more become a part of the whole body You could hear the bones cracking under the strain of the crushing that each snake gave its victim. Tongues were protruding from the mouths; blood was gushing from their eyes, nose, mouth, and wounds in and all over their bodies. Some of the victims were torn in pieces Then they would be reassembled together to go over the same tor- ment. "Sorrow" said to "Liquor", "These are most of your victims." "Drug" laughed. "Sorrow" laughed. "Life" crouched in tears by the side of "Future". Then Liquor" went to "Life" and grabbed her from the side of "Future" and held her face up so that she would have to look at the punishments that were going on. and he said, "Look, 'Life' look; that is the punishments of the Adulterers." "Life" tried tc break away, but "Liquor" held her and made her look at the ghastly sight. "Life" fell to "Future's" feet. "Future" picked her up and then lay her on the rocks. "Liquor" and "Drug" stood gloating ovei her. Then the scene changed. "Sorrow" raised his fork and we were sent through space on wings, and we arrived at a deserted canon a bleak looking place, rocks that ran to the point of needles ascended in the air. Great rocks were falling all about the valley. I looker] down in the valley and there I beheld a sight that turned my blood cold in the veins. Bodies were lying all about, chained to stakes, a d millions of imps were filling each body with swords, and knives. As fast as the bodies would become blood soaked, they would catch fir and be consumed, only 'o reappear again and go through the same punishment. "Life" at this time was too sick at heart to see more She was kneeling at "Future>" feet and clinging to him. I pitied her She was sobbing, and her little frame quivered all over from th? shock she had received at seeing the punishments. Then I saw "Sor- row" and "Drug" call "Liquor" to them and they held a consultation together. "Sorrow" said, "If 'Life' does not come to you by seeing the next punishments, we shall then throw her in the lake of fire," and as "Sorrow" got through speaking, the valley was turned into a lake of fire. "Sorrow" looked at it then with a look of cunning. He smiled in his Satanic manner and said to "Drug", "We have not shown 'Life' the punishments of thy victims. Come, she must not miss that entertainment," and then the scene changed and we were in a valley Little streams of smoke were rising all about thro the valley. Hole* with covers were all about as we walked over the valley and wr could hear faintly the wailing of the poor souls that were trapped ir these holes, and finally, we came to the center of the valley and we stopped. "Sorrow" went to "Life" and took her and said to her " 'Life' you will see the most pleasant sight that I have yet to show you. This is the punishment of the drug fiend." In conclusion of his speech, he stopped and pulled up one of the coverings that covered one of the holes. Fire and- smoke gushed forth. Groans of agony were heard and up thro the fire and smoke came the nude figure of a Woman. She sank back on the floor of the valley, utterly exhausted and in great pain; slowly she raised herself and looked at "Sorrow" She stretched her arms to "Sorrow" and asked for a glass of water "Sorrow" reached in space and got a glass of water. Placing his finger in the glass of water, he held a drop of water on the end and he was holding it above the soul's mouth. The soul started to stretch to reach it. when "Drug" knocked the glass of water from "Sorrow's" hand and then pushed the woman back into the fire and clamped the lid back in place. "Sorrow" — "Drug" and "Liquor" all laughed. Then I looked all about and from all over the valley holes opened and bodies came forth. They set up a wailing and moaning. It looked like a sea of bodies, smoke and fire. Then flames leaped mountain high and the holes were all closed and "Life" was looking off with a fixed stare, backing up towards "Drug". "Drug" held out his arms to receive her and took from his pocket his syringe and fluid and was filling it when "Life" looked about and saw him. She uttered a cry of terror and ran to "Future" and fell at his feet. "Drug" and "Liq- uor" became very angry at this and demanded of "Sorrow" to throw "Life" in the lake of burning fire. "Sorrow" commanded the lake ot fire to appear and lo and behold it appeared instantly and in the lak c of fire were the bodies of men and women struggling with each other trying to get away from their torment, and "Sorrow" called his imps to his side and they came all sizes and shapes, some dwarfed, others huge giants. They gathered around "Sorrow" — "Drug" — "Liquor" and "Life". "Sorrow" pointed his finger at "Life" and spoke. "See. you imps, that is 'Life' and the party standing with her and protecting her is 'Future'. Make 'Future' a prisoner and cast 'Life' in the lake of fire." The jraps ran to "Life" and they bound "Future". "Life" struggled with them and during the struggle "Life's" dress was torn from her shoulders, showing her breasts, and there upon her breast? was the cross that "Sunshine" and "Mirth" had presented to her in the House of Wealth. A great roar was heard and everything be- came dark. The imps and "Sorrow" fell to their knees in front of the cross and as the light went out and the roar came nearer and nearer. I looked up and saw a great multitude of angels. They picked up "Life" and bore her out of the House of Condemned Souls and they took her to the House of Remaining Days. THE HOUSE OF REMAINING DAYS. 1 dreamed that I was once more back in the House of Remaining Days and 1 saw "Life" lying on the floor as 1 had seen her as we started the journey to the House of condemned Souls, and then as she lay there with "Future" at her side, she slowly raised herself to a sitting position and stared wildly about, and then she saw "Future" and site crawled toward him. "Future" placed her upon her feet and said. " 'Life', pray for forgiveness, and see if jour prayers are not answered." "Life" fell to her knees, offered up a prayer and in answer to her prayer, the door of the House of Remaining' Days opened and in walked "Guiding; Hand" and she came to "Life" and "Life" looked up. "Guiding Hand" picked up "Life" and pressed her to her bosom and both "Life" and "Culling Hand" wept in each other's embrace. "Guiding Hand" looked at "Life" after a time and said to her, "Come, 'I. iii'. we must pass through the Street of Temptation before you can resume your place again." "Life" looked at her and the three left the House of Remaining Days, and passed up the Street of Despair and turned the corner and was in the Street of Temptation. 1 followed the little party. THE STREET OF TEMPTATION. A street that its name fitted. It was decorated in all kinds of bright colors and everything' of eyery conceivable nature to tempt people was on display. Crime was everywhere. As "Life" and "Guid- ing Hand" entered the street, the inhabitants gave a shout and all collected about them, jeering them and making all manner of fun, and throwing all kinds of things at them. "Insult" came up and struck "Life" in the face with his hand. "Life" heeded it not, but looked neither to the right nor to the left, and went straight forward. "Contempt" also came up and tore a piece of "Life's" dress, but again "Life" looked neither to the right nor to the left. "Life" was slowly breaking the barrier that held her down to the bottomless pits. She was slowly gaining in the belief that she would be made whole again. A little farther "Gold" came to "Life" with a bottle in her hand. It was the concoction of "Liquor". I saw "Liquor" and "Gold" plot to get possession of "Life" agjain. I saw the look of cunning on "Liquor's" face as his messenger, "Gold" went to tempt "Life", but "Life" cast her off and then made straight ahead again.. I saw "Liquor" and "Drug" plotting with "Silver" — "Gold" and "Diamonds" to get "Life" to fall, and "Gold" and "Silver" with "Diamonds" went to "Life" and offered her all if she would take the bottle and fluid that "Drug" and "Liquor" had sent. "Guiding Hand" watched "Life" as she handled the two bottles. "Life" thought for a time, then she slowly handed the articles back to "Gold" — "Silver" and "Diamonds" and started to go forward. I saw the look on "Drug" and "Liquor's" faces — I saw them both become livid with rage.' They cursed. .1 saw them make a start for "Life" and with a look of determination on their f^ees. I realized that they were going to try to get "Life" once more m their grasp, and as they came up, their faces changed to smooth smiles. "Life" looked at them and then she stopped and started to go to them, and then she stopped short and "Guiding Hand" came to her. "Life" looked at "Guiding Hand" and then went to her and clung to "Guiding Hand". The crowd that was following "Life" — "Guiding Hand" and "Future" were hurling remarks at them, calling "Lite" a coward and other things. "Life" was deaf to their remarks, to their jeering. "Drug" and "Liquor" stopped "Life" and then they pleaded their cause, and I saw "Liquor's" face as it assumed the look that it did in the House of Wealth. Again I saw "Life" slowly leav- ing "Guiding Hand" and "Future" and take a step toward "Liquor", and then "Drug", too, used all the influence that his devilish powers could commnad, endeavoring to make "Life" return to them both. 1 looked and "Life" was slowly stepping to them both. I turned my lace in horror, when I looked up and I saw "Good Heart" the Father of the Church, push his way through the crowd and come to the side of "Life". I heard his soft voice as he talked. I saw "Life" halt in her tracks. I then saw "Good Heart" go and take "Life's" out- stretched arms and place them on her breast in the shape of a cross ind I heard "Good Heart" say, " 'Life', that is not for thee. Remem- ber the House of Condemned Souls. Remember the Lake of Fire." "Life" shrank back. Father. "Good Heart" pointed to the sky and lo and behold, there I saw the Cross burning in the sky. All the mob that had been following "Life" took off their hats and fell to their knees, and I saw "Drug" and "Liquor" look back and I saw their faces. They paled and their limbs began to tremble under them and they turned and (led. "Poverty" and "Disease", too, scurried away, like the rats that they are, and I saw "Life" look upon the Cross, and a look of contentment, peace and happiness came over her face, and Father "Good Heart" led her away from the mob and farther up the street. As they got about midway up the street. Father "Good Heart" left "Life" and started on a mission of mercy. Then "Life" — "Guid- ing Hand" and "Future" started up the street again. Slowly the mob that had been following, saw that "Good Heart" had left them, and. they came up again and started jeering again. "Clothes" came out and tempted "Life", but "Life" cast her aside, and was slowly mak- ing her way up the street. Again I saw "Drug" and "Liquor" plotting to get "Life" either by fair means or by foul. "Life" was nearing her goal. The end of the street was but a little way off and "Life" was tempted in turn by "Pleasure" — "Good Time" — "Adventure" — "Gold" and "Silver". "Diamonds" again tempted "Life", but none of them had any effect on "Life". "Liquor" and "Drug" were now frantic and they were going to get "Life" now by foul means. I saw them get their bottles of damnable fluids ready. I saw "Drug" load the syringe. I saw them start creeping toward "Life". I saw "Poverty" and "Disease" come, mock and jeer "Life". I saw "Drug" and "Liq- uor" as they were about to spring on "Life", and then I waited. They stood still and then with a great rush, they grabbed "Life" and "Life" struggled. Then I saw a giant rush into the midst of the people that were crowding around, watching the struggle. This giant scattered them as if they were chips on the billowy seas. The giant was called "Strength". He grappled "Drug" and "Liquor". They struggled and the fight that was in progress I shall never forget. They rolled and loss,,, about mi over the ground. They grappled each other. "Lire" was standing by, shaking with terror anil sobbing. "Guiding Hand" was beside "Life" and "Future" beside her. They "airbed the fight. Then I "Strength" take "Liquor' and bend him over his knee. I heard "Liquor" cry out in agony, His body gave a shudder and then "Strength" let it fall to the ground. "Drug" had all (his time been struggling and hanging on "Strength's" back. "Strength" now grabbed "Drug", took his two massive hands and placed them about "Drug's" throat and slowly "Drug's" tongue protruded from his mouth. His eyes bulged from their sockets. His frame twitched. He clutched at the air and then "Strength" heaved a sigh and he gathered all the strength that was in his massive body, and he again applied all the power to "Drug's" throat. "Drug's" body became limp and "Strength" dropped it on the ground. Then, turning to "Life", "Guiding Hand" and "", offered them his arm and they took it and they walked out of the Street of Temptation. The mob followed to the end of the street in silence. I saw "Poverty" and "Disease" lurking behind a building, but they dared not show their faces. "Strength" led them to the Street of Bewilderment. THE STREET OF BEWILDERMENT. As I stepped to the Street of Bewilderment, I was astonished. It was a very narrow street with traffic going and coming in all directions, All kinds and descriptions of wagons and means of conveyance were going hither and thither. People were darting between the wagons and I saw "Life" as she became confused. She started to get out of the way of one wagon, and was knocked down by another and in- jured. I saw "Protection" run from the curb. I saw "Strength" pick her up and carry her to the curb. I saw the crowd that gathered. I saw "Protection" go to the box oti the pole and ring up the ambu- lance. I saw the ambulance come and the white clothed nurses place "Life" in the ambulance and drive to the House of Comfort. THE HOUSE OF COMFORT. I saw "Life" lying on a cot in the House of Comfort. I saw the white-garbed nurses silently moving in and about the house, carrying broths, medicines and such things to the sick. I saw "Dr. Faith" enter and go to the bed of "Life". I saw him look at "Life". I saw "Life" recognize him and then I heard him say. " 'Life', what you need is 'Love'. 'Sunshine' and 'Mirth'." He then gave a few instruc- tions and left. In a short space of time he returned and he was fol- lowed by "Love", now an old man, "Sunshine" and "Mirth", both grown. I saw "Love" rush to the bedside of "Life"; they embraced and were held in each other's embrace for a long time, and then, I saw "Life" embrace "Sunshine" and "Mirth". Then I saw "Strength" again enter the room and come to the bedside as also did "Guiding Hand" and "Future". "Love" picked "Life" up and carried her out of the House of Comfort to a carriage that was waiting for them, "Life" — "Love — '"Sunshine"— "Mirth" and "Guiding Hand" all got into the carriage and they drove out of sight and into the Lane of For- ' giveness. THE LANE OF FORGIVENESS. I saw "Life" and "Lpv'e" drive through the Lane of Forgiveness, a land lined with sweet flowers on either side and girls were throw- ing flowers in their path as they drove through, and as they drove through they came to the House of Happiness. THE HOUSE OF HAPPINESS. I saw "Life" — "Love" — "Sunshine" — "Mirth" and "Guiding Hand" get out of the carriage in front of the House of Happiness and I thought it strange that they should not get out at the House of Wealth. Then I heard a voice saying that "Love" had lost his for- tune looking for "Life". I saw the happy reunion. I heard them singing, and, for a time, all was well, and then I looked and I saw "Life" stagger out of the house. I saw "Strength" come to her. She got up and walked a little way. Then she faltered and fell. "Love" ran out of the house and picked up "Life" and carried her into the House of Illness. THE HOUSE OF ILLNESS. I saw "Love" carry "Life" into the house and lay her down upon the bed, and he sent "Guiding Hand" to get a doctor. "Dr. Faith" came, he looked at "Life" and shook his head. He said, "Remove 'Life' to the House of Death." "Love" picks up "Life" in his arms and carries her to the House of Death. THE HOUSE OF DEATH. I saw "Love" carry "Life" into the House of Death. I saw him lay her down on the bed. I heard an old hymn played. It was "Abide with Me". Then I saw "Death" as he stalked through the side of the house and he placed his finger upon "Life's" head. "Life" looked up. smiled and nodded, "yes". The spirit arose from "Life's" body and accompanied "Death" At the door of the House of Death they were met by "Contentment", and the three of them started for the Valley of Peace. THE VALLEY OF FEACE. I saw the Valley of Peace. It was a .wondrous place, filled with the most delicious of perfumes, and flowers abounded everywhere. I saw "Life's" soul with "Contentment" and "Death", slowly walk down the valley, and as they neared the end, I saw "Death" depart and. "Contentment" stood and watched "Life" as she came to the door of the House of Everlasting Rest. THE HOUSE OF EVERLASTING REST. I saw the door of the House of Everlasting Rest open. I heard the sound of music. It was "Nearer, my God, to Thee". I saw the angels. I saw the Golden Gates ajar. I looked up and I saw the Savior descend from the clouds and take "Life" to his bosom and then I heard the long, "A-men" and the vision faded out. THE END. PD 8. s • >*\ ^ ■^ ■& ty . o " o « ■* *W A, c ^ .V < ■A o *v -V » <* ' . . s ^ A 0" A 6 o * o „ 0^ • V • * O -S? c *-P ^ T> \ ///I. ° ^ .* ^" > o V o- < i. 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