CATE-CATES FAMILY NEW ENGLAND E, S. (Cat^a ml M, Say ^uttborn ^ ffy^!^ i£. (Catpa anJi . Eau Sanborn n*. FREDERICK. MI>. MARKEN & BIRLFELI) 1904 vr> 7^ -^ 1 H t , F Cw ■ . C- J> J, Tv»o Cocej R«cel»eiJ K£B 23 '904 -, C«pyruihl Entiy CLASS "- XXn. N. .'" .■■ vT -f- COf>Y A. COPVkKaiTKD l'Wk4, nv K. E. CATES AND M k.\ Y S.\NI!(tH N. PREFACE. This work has been in preparation for several years. It is not complete, but it is g"iven out now toarouse interest in the subject. We trust that where the record is incom- plete the proper data will be sent us. There are some families which we have not been able to connect with this history at any point, but which no doubt can be traced to some connection. Mr. Sanborn contemplates a larg-er work and we ask all to send him as complete a record of their family as possible. Whatever mistakes there are — and there are mistakes — we hope that all will help us by calling- our attention to the same so that they may be corrected in the larg-er work. Our thanks are due to all who have so kindly furnished us information for this work. Relationship is traced by numbers. For example, the last name, Roland Heath Gate, is 659 and after his father's name, Frederick Symon Gate, stand the numbers 624, 475, 200, 156, 84, 34, 11, 2, 1. These numbers g-ive the names of Roland Heath Gate's fathers g-randfather, g-reat-grand- father, etc. There are three indexes: the Gate family, the Gates family, and families marrying into the Gate and Gates families; this last includes the maiden name of the mother. Dates in parentheses belong- to the wife or husband only. E. E. GATES, Frkdkrick, Md. M. RAY SANBORN, E. TiLTON, N. H. Feb. igo^. Many will desire to know Mr. Sanborn's connection with the Gate family. The table below shows it. Benjamin Sanborn=Anna Cate (89 in the Genealogfy. ) Abijah Sanborn=^S. Philbrook. Josiah Sanborn=Tabitha Sanborn. Louisa Sanborn=John T. G. Sanborn 1 John B. Sanborn=Arceneath Quimbv i M. Ray Sanborn ( Assistant Librar- ian at Yale University) E. E. G. ABBREVIATIONS. b — born. ba — baptized. d— died. da — daujj'hter. m — married. m (1st,)- married first. (2d,) — married second. EARLIEST RECORDS Cate^ Gates, or Catt: "William and Rog-er Catus, of Normandy — 1180; Rog-er Catus — 1198; Radulphus Cattus, of Lincoln — 1189; Alexander Le Kat in Eng-land — 1272. The family long- flourished in Norfolk." [The Norman People.] "Gates, Jo., ag^ed 17, passeng-eron the Assurance deLo (de L'eau) for Virginia — 1635; John Kates, age 23, passenger on the Safety for Virginia Aug-ust, 1635." [Authority not known.] • Assurance and Safety may be a translation of the same word. These, perhaps, were brothers. A John Gates died in Virginia in 1(^23 or earlier. Gatt — Nickname, "the cat," a sobriquet affixed on the nominee for some supposed sleekness of manner, etc. A well-known Norfolk surname at least six centuries old in that country. Adam le Kat. W\\o le Chat. Elyas le Cat. Norfolk Co. Reginald le Cat, Essex Co. Henry le Catt, Norfolk Co., 14 Edw. I. William le Cat, Norfolk Co., 1275. Roger le Chat, Norfolk, Co., temp. King John. William Catte, rector of Edingthorp, Norfolk Co., 1465. William Cat, Somerset Co., 1 Edw. III. James Catt, rector of Gresham, Norfolk Co., 1678. Baptized — Aviss, daughter of Thomas Catt, 1692. IVLarried — Richard Catt and IVEary Stedman, 1803. [Bradley's Dictionary of Eng-lish and Welsh surnames.]! THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. m. Nov. 10, 1681, Robert Gat and Mary Wrij^ht. m. April 19, 1696, William Read and Marg^aret Gat. m. April 18, 1720, William Gatt and Ann Spaul. [Marriag-e Register, Acle, Nortolk Co., England.] m. Sept. 30, 1661, Gharles Pearson and Elizabeth Gates, of New Walsinj^ham. (Marriai^e Register, Litcham, Norfolk Co., England.] May 29, 1593, William Dorie, yeoman, and Beatrice Gate, spinster, of St. James', Garlick Hythe, London, daughter of Gate, late of Eklricke, Southhampton Go., Gentleman, deceased. [Marriage Licenses, London, England.] Sept. 24, 1727, Anne Gates. March 2'), 1730, Ghristopher Gates, Bowling- AUej'. Jan. 4, 1740, Ghristopher Gates, St. Luke's. Dec. 24, 1745, Elizabeth Gates, Turninill Street. April 14, 1751, Thomas Gates, Bowling Alley. [Uurial Register of St. James', Clerkentvell.) "In memory of Mr. John Gates. lie was a fi^enlle- man born in Knj^land and the first settler in the town of Windham. By his last will and testament he g-ave a gen- erous leg-acy to ye First Church of Christ in Windham, in j)late, and a f.^enerous leg^acy in land for ye sup- port of ye poor, and another lej^^acy for ye support of ye school in said town forever. He died in Windham, July ye 16th, A. D., lb')7." [Tombstone in Windham, Conn., churchyard.] "Lieutenant John Gates, a pious Puritan who served in the wars of Kng-land, holdintr his commission under Cromwell. When Charles II came to the throne, he fled to this country for safety. He landed first in \''irginia, where he procured a negro servant to attend him. But when advertisements and pursuers were spread through this country to apprehend the adherents to the Protector, he left Virginia, came to New York, and thence to Norwick. .Still feeling that he would be securer in a more retired THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 3 place, he came to this plantation, dug- the first cellar, and with his servant raised in Windham the first English habitation in the springy of 1689. After leaving legacies to church, town and school of Windham he willed the rest of his property to Mary Howard, 'unless m}' child or any of my children now in Eng-land should come toNewEng-land. '" [Historical address delivered at Windham, Conn.] It is probable that a son of Lieutenant Gates came to Connecticut as there was a Cates family in Windham, Co., in 1780. SOUTHERN FAMILIES. Some records of southern families have been found but nothing complete. Benjamin B. Cates (M. D., University of Pennsylvania, 1888,) is a physician in Knoxville, Tenn., and Professor of Surgery in the Tennessee Medical Col- leg-e, (Knoxville, Tenn.) His brother, Reuben L. Cates, a g-raduate of the Yale Law School, is District Attorney- General for Knox County, Tenn., and his cousin, Charles Theodore Cates, Jr., is Attorney-General for the State of Tennessee and Supreme Court Reporter. The southern family starts with Joseph Cates and John Kates, who immig^rated to Virginia in 1635. Some of their descendants emigrated thence to Orang-e Co., N. C, and thence spread throug-h Kentucky and Tennessee. We find both spellings of the name — Cate and Cates. Some families have been found both here and in New Eng- land with spelling- Kates. CATE— CATES GENEALOGY. 1 James Cate, a carpenter at Portsmouth, N. H., (earliest record 1657.) m. Alice , d. May 15, 1677. There is a tradition that three brothers, William, John, and Joseph, came to America with James and settled in ornear Portsmouth, but no record of them has been found. They were never land holders in Portsmouth. Children: 2 Edward, m. Elizabeth, daug-hter of Philip Tucker. "^ 3 John, m. Judith , d. Jan. 4, 1748. 4 Sarah, m. Peter Babb. 4 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 5 Rebecca, m. Nov. 12, 1686, John Vrin. 6 Mary, m. Samuel Whidden. 7 Elizabeth. 8 William. ['•William Cate, Jr., at'e 16, killed ;by the Indians,! and three children o( William Cate wounded, at Portsmouth Plains, (N. H.,) June 26, lo'to." Nothing' further is known of this (aniily.) 9 Isabel, m. 1631, Joseph Jewell. 10 Joseph. (^The last three probably (lied before 1702.) Edwtird and Elizabeth (Tucker) Cate, (3 — 1.) He was a carpenter at Portsmouth, N. 11., d. about 1732. Children: 11 James, ba. Nov. 5. 1693, in. 171.S. Mar^jaret, (b. Nov. 30, l()y3. ) da. of Enoch and Abii,'^ail (Drew) Briard. 12 Elizabeth, ba. Nov. 5, 1693, m. Jonathan Weeks. 13 Marf^^.iret, ba. Nov. 5, lf>93, m. John Wyatt. U lJridj,'et, ba. Nov. 5, 1693, m. (1st.,) Oct. 20, 17o9, Enoch Barker; (2nd.,) Dtinniford (or Dunnavan.) ^^ Edward Jr., m. (,) Jan. 9, 1718, Jane, da. of Richard Jose; (2nd.,) Martha, da. of William and Elizabeth (Glark) Cotton, anil widow of Ubediah Marshall. 16 Tucker, m. Jan. 19, 1718, Mary, (b. Feb. 24, 1695,) da. of Mephibosheth ant! I.ydi.i (I.t avitti Sanborn, of Hampton, N. H. 17 William, m. Dec. 27 (or 13,) 1722, Elizabeth, da. of Solomon and Marj^^aret (Fernald) Cotton, of Portsmouth, N. H, 18 Joshua, b. May 12, 1702, m. Aug. 13, 1724, Anna Frost. 19 Mary, m. Jan. 5, 1724, John Frost. John, called "Deacon" John,) and Judith Cate, (3-1.) Was a Carpenter and lived at Greenland, N. II. Children: - 20 William, m. Eli/.ibeth 21 Eleazaer. 22 Samuel, ba. 1714. 23 Hannah, ba. 1716. 24 Judith, ba. 1716. 25 Ebenezer, ba. 1721, d. Nov. 3, 1742. 26 Jane, m. Beck. 27 Mary, m. Matthews. N^ 28 Martha, m. May 24, 1739, James Brackett, (b. Jan. 3, 1714, d. Nov. 1803.) Settled in Greenland, N. H. 29 Rosamond, m. Moses Knight, d. (before 1748.) THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 5 30 John, d. of small-pox, Galway, Ireland, Aug-. 1738, while Gaptain of ship "Lime" bringing Scotch-Irish emigrants to Boston. He left children. James atid Margaret (Briard) Cate, (11-2-1.) He was a carpenter and a farmer at Greenland and at Stratham, N. H. Children: 31 Jane, ba. 1716, 32 Ebenezer, ba. 1720. 33 Joseph, ba. 1722, (Spelled his name Gates,) m. Deborah, da. of Jonathan Gobb, of Falmouth (Portland,) Me., d. 1813. 34 Samuel, b. Jan. 2, 1724, m. 1744, Abigail (b. Aug. 11, 17J0, d. Nov. 7, 1815,) da. of Joshua and Abigail (Haines) Neal, d. April 9, 1816. 35 Elisha, ba. 1726, d. Ma„v 19, 1740. 36 James, b. 1728, m. Elizabeth Mason (d. Feb. 28, 1815) of Stratham, N. H., d. (at Sanbornton, N. H.) June 10, 1813. 37 Benjamin, ba. 1730, d. Nov. 15, 1748. 38 Jonathan, ba. 1734. 39 Abigail, d. Nov. 6, 1742. Tucker and Mary (Sanborn) Cate, (of Greenland, N. H.,) (16-2-1.) Children: 40 Elizabeth, ba. 1721, m. March 17, 1734, (in Portsmouth, N. H.,) Noah Parker. 41 Mary, ba. 1721, m. Allen. 42 Lydia, ba. 1722, m. David Haines. 43 Joshua, ba. 1724, m. Elizabeth lived in Greeji- land, N. H. 44 Abigail, ba. 1727. 45 Gomfort, ba. 1729, m. Seavey. 46 Martha, ba. 1731, m. Thing. 47 Margaret, ba. 1733, m. Johnson. 48 Rachel, ba. 1736, m. Satchell Glark. d. Aug. 15, 1820. 49 Sarah, ba. 1737. William and Elizabeth (Cotton) Cate, (17-2-1.) (They moved to Barring-ton, N. H., about 1730.) Children: 50 Margaret, b. Sept. 29, 1723. 51 Elizabeth, b. April 4, 1725. 52 Solomon, b. Nov. 12, 1727. 6 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 53 William, ba. Oct. 6, 1734. 54 Sarah, b. Feb. 15, 1739, m. March, 1757, Samuel Hayes. 55 John, ba. June 14, 1741, m. Oct. 11, 1762, Mary, da. of John Garland. William and Elizabeth Cate, 20-3-1.) He was a far- mer anil miller at Greenland, N. II. Children: 56 Moses, ba. 1722, 57 Hannah, / rp . " 1725, m.- — Burleiyh. 58 Mary, ^ ' " 1725, m. Joshua Berry. 59 William, " 1727. 60 Elizabeth, " 1729, m. Norton. 61 John, b. May 1, 1732, m. Abigail Sherburne, (b. April 16, 1743, d. March 13, 1818.) d. Nov. 6, 1821. 62 Samuel, ba. 1735. EleazarCate, (21-3-1.) (Greenland, N. 11.) Children: 63 Jeremiah, ba. 1744. 64 Betty, " 174t). 65 James, ■• Jan. 10, 1748. 66 Deborah, " June 17, 1750. Joseph and Deborah Cobb I Cates, (Gorham, Me.,) (33-11-2-1.) "Joseph Cates was a citizen (of Gorham, Me.) before 1765. He was esteemed as a man of ability and one of the strong" pillars of the Cong-reffational Church; he was one of the selectmen in 17b8, and on various important committees during- the War of Independence. Mr. Cates was a Deacon and Ruling- Elder of the church for many years." [ Judg-e Pierce's History of Gorham, Me.] "Joseph Cates was a resident of Falmouth (Cape Eliza- beth) as early as 1745. April 8, 1745, he was published to Deborah, the young-est daughter of Joshua, Jr. and P^liza- beth (Vaug-hn) Cobb. (I maintain that this is an error and that this Deborah was the daughter of Jonathan Cobb, as is proved by papers in the office of the Cumberland Co. Commissioners at Portland, Me. — M. R. S.) In 1748 Joseph Cates purchased a lot of land in Cape Elizabeth, on the road leading- from the ferry to the meeting- house, where he THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 7 probably lived. May 11, 1772 he sold this land, as he was then living- in Gorham to which he probably moved in 1756. A man of good abilities, he held many important offices in the town and was much beloved and respected by his fellow- citizens. His farm in the "Quaker neig-hborhood" was oc- cupied after his death by his sons Benjamin and Ebenezer and lately by Richard Willis a (lineal) descendant." [McLellan's History of Gorham, Me., 1903.] Children: 67 James, m. Sept. 20, 1768, Esther Perkins. 68 Abig-ail, m. Oct. 6, 1769, EphraimHunt. 69 Benjamin, m. Aug-. 18, 1774, Anne Skillings. 70 Joseph, m. Jan. 13, 1774, ^Eary Sinclair. 71 Deborah, m. 1774, James Bangs. 72 Elizabeth, m. May 16, 1779, Joel Rich. 73 Andrew, b. Aug. 1763, m. Oct. 6, 1785, Comfort Themes. 74 Sarah, m. Dec. 17, 1786, Philip Horr. 75 Lydia, m. Jan. 1, 1792, William Gobb. 76 Ebenezer, b. Aug. 24, 1768, m. Jan. 5, 1794, Anna Gobb, d. March 29, 1829. Sattiitel and Abigail (Neal) Cate, (34-11-2-1.) Lived in Stratham, Deerfield and Loudon, N. H. Children. 77 Stephen. 78 Abigail. 79 Samuel, b. Jan. 6, 1751, m. Oct. 12, 1795, Sarah Staniels, (d. Nov. 13, 1846.) d. Jan. 4, 1830. 80 Neal, (d. young.) 81 Enoch, b. Aug. 1, 1756, m. Dec. 29, 1778, Susannah Page, (b. Jan. 8, 1758, d. May 16, 1834, or May 10, 1824.) d. Aug-. 27, 1838. 82 Alice, m. John Glough, of London. 83 Nancy. 84 Neal, b. Sept. 6, 1760, m. Feb. 10, 1784, Jane, (b. March 25, 1766, d. Oct. 20, 1840.) da, of Moses and Jane (Page) Thompson, d. June 14, 1846. 85 Dorothy, m. Levi Willey, of Deerfield, N. H. 86 Margaret, m. Prescott. James and Elizabeth (Masoti) Cate, (36-11-2-1.) He came to Sanbornton, N. H., in 1767 among- the earliest set- tlers. He was a carpenter, a man of great energ-y, of un- usual intellig-encc and a prolific rhymer. Several of his 8 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. eleg-ies were printed in 1798, specimens of which are to be found in the possession of his descendants. Children: 87 James, Jr., m. Lucy (b. April 22, 1755) da. of Daniel and Lucy (Hobbs) Sanborn. 88 Simeon, m. March 23, 1789, Abi<,rail (b. April 23, 1762) da. of Stephen and Abij^ail Ghurch (Wiyyin) Piper, of Stratham, N. H. 89 Anna, b. July 17, 1750, m. Nov. 9, 1768, Benjamin Sanborn. 90 Elisha, 91 Jonathan, b. March, 1756, m. Nov. 21, 1782, Sarah (b. Aug-. 1759, d. March 23, 1836,) da. of Peter and Abi^'-ail (John- son) Sanders, d. June 23, 1842. 92 Benjamin, m. Jan. 1, \7S'>, Annie Hoit, (d. March 22, 1840) d. Sept. 23, 1835. 93 Ebenezer, m. Sept., 1793, Deborah (b. Au;,'. 15, 1776, d. 1848) da. of Aaron and >Lary (Barter) Sanborn, d. May 31, 1815. 94 Molly, m. May 27, 1784, Joseph Burley. John and .Mary (Garland) Cate, (55-17-2-1.) Children: 95 John, b. J;in. 12, 17o4. 96 Eliziibeth, b. April 6, 1765. 97 James, b. July 4, 17o6. 98 Richard, b. Feb. 2, 17o=i, m. N )v. 16, 1790, Mary Rand, (of Rye, N. H.) 99 Samuel, b. Nov. 6, 1770, m. Sept. 27, 1801, Ruth Y. Cate, (b. Any. 31, 1777.) 100 William, b. June 28, 1772. 101 Mary, b. Nov. 29, 1773, m. 1800, John Win^^ate. 102 Nathaniel, b. Feb. IH, 1775. 103 Hannah, b. May 27, 1777. 104 Daniel, b. Sept. 15, 177''. 105 Lydia, j If,*; c" u -Twins, b. Oct. 30, 1782. 106 Sarah, ) ' 107 Abigail, b. Oct. 31, 1784, m. June 26, 1806, Stephen Wingate. William Cate, (Greenland, N. II.,) (59-20-3-1.) At one time he was chairman of Selectmen. Settled in Not- ting-ham, X. H. Children: 108 Joseph, b. June 9, 1759, m. Prudence Marden (b. June 13, 1768, d. July 13, 1793) d. April 30, 1803. 109 Daniel, m. Sallie Jenness. THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 9 110 William, d. (unmarried) at sea, Ag-e 73. 111 Sail}', b. March 14, 1765, m. 1782, John Johnson. "Deacon" John and Abigail (Sherburne) Cate, (61-20-3-1.) Moved to Londonderry, (N. H.,) Oct. 18, 1766, and then to Epsom, N. H., about 1776. Children: 1:2 Abigail, b. June 29, 1768. 113 Ebenezer, b. Nov. 7, 1770, m. Dec. 12, 1799, Phoebe Gil- man, (New Market, N. H.,) d. April 14, 1848. 114 John, b. July 19, 1773, m. Aug-. 28, 1797, Martha Towle, (Hampton, N. H.,) d. Nov. 29, 1829. 115 Martha, b. June 9, 1775, m. Sept. 22, 1824, Joseph Knowles, d. June 11, 1859. 116 Elizabeth, b. Nov. 7, 1777. 117 Samuel, b. Sept. 27, 1783, m. Nov. 12, 1812, Abigail Prescott, (Pittsfield, N. H.,) d. July 19, 1862. 118 Mary, b. Nov. 19, 1785. Benjamin and Annie (Skilling) Cates, (69-33-11-2- 1.) They moved in 1789 from Gorham, Me., to Jackson, Me., where they were the first settlers. Children: 119 James, b. Feb. 2, 1775, m. Dec. 10, 1797, Betty Whitnej-. 120 Thomas, b. Sept. 28, 1776. 121 John, b. June 12, 1779. 122 Deborah, b. March 16, 1781, m. Nicholas Hamlin, of Jack- son, Me. 123 Ebenezer, b. Oct. 25, 1783. 124 Joseph. Andrew and Comfort (Thomes) Cates, (73-33-11-2-1.) Children: 125 Benjamin, b. Dec. 20, 1785. 126 Betty, m. Samuel Rich. 127 Lydia 128 Ebenezer. 129 Joseph, d. March 15, 1810. Ebenezer and Anna (Cobb) Cates, (76-33-11-2-1.) Children: 130 William, b. Oct. 20, 17«>4, d. March 4, 1796. 131 Edmund, b. Aug. 31, 1796, m. Sept. 23, 1819, Ann Bunker, (b. Feb. 8, 1799, d. Oct. 23, 1865, ) d. Oct. 5, 1872. 10 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 132 Jedediah, b. March 1, 1801, m. May 4, 1824, Mary Brown, (d. March 18, 1885,) d. Aprill8, 1881, (at Jackson, Me.) 133 Phebe, b. June 4, 1804, m. {1st,) Dec. 29, 1829, Ebenezer, Willis, of Biddeford, Me.; (2d,) Robert Meserve. 134 William, b. Feb. 25, 1806, m. Jan. 6, 1831, Elizabeth Willis, d. Nov. 11, 1832. 135 Lydia, b. June 4, 1808, m. April 13, 1834, Richard Willis, of Biddeford, Me. 136 James P., b. Jan. 19, 1811, m. Sept. 25, 1834, Margaret J. Libby, d. Sept. 22, 1838. 137 Henry, b. June 28, 1813, d. Oct. 10. 1829. Stephen Cate, (77-.U-1 1-2-1.) Moved from Deerfield to Loudon, N. 11. Children: 138 Shadrach. b. Aug. 10, 1779, m. 1805, Rebecca Chamber- lain, d. 1840 or 1842. 139 Charles, b. Jan. 2, 1781, m. 1802, Dolly Batchelder. 140 John, b. March 29, 1783. 141 Stephen, b. March 3, 1785, m. Olive Hodgdon. 142 Jonathan, b. March 3, 1785, m. 1808, Charlotte Blanchard, ( b. Sept. 24, 1792.) adopted da. of Josiah and Peace (Hodgdon) George, of Sanbornton, N. H. 143 Sally, b. April 1, 1787, m. Webber. 144 Meshach, b. July 6, 1789, m. Lucy Adams. Samuel and Sarah (Staniels, Cate, (79-34-11-2-1.) Children: 145 Neal, b. Jan. 9, 1798, d. Jan. 29, 1849, (unmarried.) 14b James, b. Feb. 14, 1800, m. June 5, 1842, Mary Jane Gate, ( Xo. 304, ) d. Sept. 24, 1865. Enoch and Susamiah (Page) Cate, (81-34-11-2-1.) They moved to Montpelier, Vt. He was a farmer. Children: 147 Nancy, b. Sept. 11, 1780. 148 Dolly, b. April 9, 1782, m. James McGloud, d. Jan. 2, 1842. 149 John Page, b. Dec. 31, 1783, m. Patience Gove. 150 Enoch, b. Jan. 7, 1785, m. Wealthy Hall. 151 Sally, b. June 24, 1788, m. Benjamin Lamson. 152 Samuel, b. June 26, 1790, m. Dilly Nokes. 153 Isaac b. April, 28, 1793, m. Clarissa McKnight, d. Aug. 24. 1856. 154 Betsey, b. March 1794, d. Nov. 4, 1794. THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 11. 155 Earl Melville, b. Aug-. 7, 1795, m. Nov. 7, 1819, Christiana, (b! 1795, d. Sept. 13, 1874,) da. of Benjamin and Ghris- tiana (Hawkins) Nash, d, Oct. 2, 1880. Neal and Jane (Thompsoti) Cate, (84-34-11-2-1.) Children: 156 Daniel, b. June 21, 1785, m. Dec. 12, 1810, Mary, (b. April 2, 1789, d. June 17, 1870, ) da. of Nathaniel and Dorothy (Quimby)Willey, d. June 11, 1873. 157 Samuel, b. Dec. 30, 1786, d. Feb. 10, 1787. 158 Moses, b. Dec. 30, 1788, m. Abigail Brew^ster, of Wolfboro, N. H., d. Dec. 16, 1828. 159 Abig-ail, b. Sept. 25, 1791, d. March 26, 1792. 160 Samuel, b. Oct. 18, 1794, m. (1st,) Gatharine Jenkins, of Madbury, N. H. ; (2nd,) Sophia Sawyer, of Alton, N. H., d. Feb. 12, 1839. 161 Jane, b. June 19, 1797, d. May 19, 1802. 162 Joshua Neal, b. June 12, 1799, m. Judith Ghamberlain, of Brookfield, N. H., d. Sept. 29, 1890. 163 William Thompson, b. Jan. 8, 1802, m. (1st, ) Betsey, da. James and (Furber) Gate, of Wolfboro, N. H., (2d, ) Mrs. Stillings, of Ossippee, N. H., d. Aug. 8, 1890. 164 Mary, b. Oct. 31, 1804, m. Bradbury Edgerly, of Nevr Durham. N. H., d. Nov. 19, 1862. 165 Jane Thompson, b. April 26, 1806, m. 1825, Samuel S. Parker, of Wolfboro, N. H. James and Lucy (Satiborn) Cate, (87-36-11-2-1.) Moved to Wheelock, Vt. Children: 166 Betty, b. Jan. 15, 1776, d. Nov. 26, 1776. 167 James, b. Dec. 28, 1777, m. Betsey, (b. Aug. 1784, d. Dec. 8, 1828,) da. of Ebenezer and Huldah (Philbrick) San- born, of Sanbornton, N. H., d. Sept. 19, 1816. 168 Katharine, b. Nov. 18, 1779, d. March 11, 1782. 169 Anna, b. May 13, 1781. 170 Daniel, b. July 18, 1783, m. Margaret , (d. July 3, 1857, ) d. Dec. 16, 1839. 171 Benaiah, b. Aug. 26, 1785, m. (1st,) Sarah Pierson, (d. Feb. 29, 1852;) (2d,) Sarah Pray, (d. Aug. 12, 1896,). d. Aug. 11, 1858. 172 Lucy, b. Aug. 30, 1787. 173 Sarah, b. Oct. 31, 1789. 174 David, b. March 5, 1792. 12 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. Simeon and Abigail (Pipen Cate, (88-36-11-2-1.) Children: 175 Simeon, Jr., b. July 20, 1790, m. Jan. 17, 1812, Lydia, ( b. Sept. 27, 1792, d. March 22, 1881), da. of John and Lydia (Morrison. ) Dungin, of Sanbornton, N. H., d. Nov. 13, 1835. 176 Asa Piper, ( was drowned at the age of 14 while bathing in the Peinigewasset. ) 177 - -, d. May, 17, 1798. 178 - -, d. Sept. 7, ISOl. Elisha Cate, (90-36-1 1-2-L) Moved t.) Walden, \'t., in 17''.v a soldier in the Revolution. Children: 179 Sally, m. Major Robertson. Lived at Walden. ^ 180 Elizabeth, m. Kittredge. 181 Polly. ( Became blind. Never married. ) 182 Nancy, m. Railey. 183 Elisha, Jr., (became blind, caused by pouring molten lead into a tub of water. ) Jonathan and Sarah rSanders) Cate, 01-36-11-2-1.) He lived in Sanlnjrntun, X. II.,; was a farmer, and a sol- dier in the Revolution. Children: 184 James, b. Nov. 24, 1783. 185 Jonathan, b. Feb. 8, 1785, m. Feb. 3, 1811, Elizabeth, ( b. March 30, 1788, d. Nov. 5, 1867, ) da. of John and Delia (Miles) Sanborn, of Sanbornton, N. H., d. March24, 1867. 186 Polly, b. April 4, 1788, m. Jan. 17, 1808, George G. Ward, of Sanbornton, N. H. 187 Sally, b. Aug. 22, 1789, m. Henry Morrill, of Hill, N. H. 188 John, b. March 5, 1793, m. (1st,) Dec. 31, 1818, Mary, (b. Nov. 29, 1792, d. Jan. 18, 1S65, ) da. of David and Lydia (Moore) Johnston, of Sanbornton, N. H., (2d,) Jan. 12, 1872, Mrs. Jerusha French, da. of Ghase and Gomfort ( Mason ) Taylor, of Sanbornton, N. H., d. April 20, 1879. 189 Abigail, b. July 10, 1795, m. Gotton Ward, of Gandia, N. H. 190 Peter Sanders, b. Aug. 4, 1797, m. (1st,) Susan Ward, of Goncord, N. H.; (2d,) Nancy West, d. April 30, 1882. 191 Hugh, b. Dec. 11, 1799, d. Nov. 30, 1800. 192 Susan Huckins, b. Dec. 1801, d. Aug. 22, 1837. THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 13 Benjamiti and Atitiie (Hoit) Cate, (92-36-11-2-1.) He was killed by accident at Northfield, N. H. Children: 193 Hannah Sanborn, b. May 1^, 1789, m. Amos Smith, d, June 16, 1853. 194 Deborah, b. Jan. 5, 1791, m. William Randall. 195 Mary, b. Sept. 9, 1793, d. June 24, 1826. 196 Eben, b. Aug. 27, 1795, d. March 26, 1870. 197 Nathan H., b. Aug-. 18, 1797, m. Abigail Worth, d. Aug. 1, 1876. 198 Abigail S., b. Oct. 25, 1799, m. Samuel W. Rice, d. Jan. 23, 1888. 199 Amos S., b. Jan. 29, 1802, m. Olive Macomber, d. March 20, 1878. 200 Lucy W., b. Sept. 19, 1804, m. (1st, ) Sargent; (2d, ) Eliezer Squires, d. Nov. 23, 1880. 201 Eveline A., b. Aug. 13, 1807, d. (unmarried), Jan. 22, 1881. Ebenezer and Deborah (Sanborn) Cate, (93-36-11 2-1.) Children: 202 Abigail S., b. Aug. 17, 1794. 203 Lydia, b. Aug. 26, 1797. 204 James, b. Feb. 12, 1800, m. Feb. 20, 1825, Anna Tower, of Lincoln, (or Sudbury, ) Mass. 205 John S., b. Dec. 20, 1803, d. Dec. 28, 1803. 206 Mary D., b. April 12, 1806. 207 Ammon, b. Sept. 20, 1808. 208 Ebenezer, b. April 9, 1810, m. (June 14, 1828, Emeline P., da. of John and Betsey (Rundlet) Morrison, of San- bornton, N. H. Richard and Mary (Rand) Cate, (98-55-17-2-1.) Children: 209 Isaac b. Oct. 16, 1791. 210 Jeremiah, b. Feb. 18, 1793. 211 Nathaniel, b. Nov. 11, 1795. 212 William, b. July 9, 1798. 213 Apphia, b. Jan. 26, 1801. 214 Mary, b. Aug. 7, 1804. 215 Franklin, b. Feb. 7, 1807. 14 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. Samuel and Ruth Y. (Cate) Cate, (99-55-17-2-1.) Children: 216 Harriet, b. Jan. 17, 1803. 217 Samuel, b. Feb. 28, 1806. Joseph and Prudence (Marden) Cate, (Northwood, N. H.,) (108-59-20-3-1.) Children: 218 William, b. Sept. 26, 1790, d. at sea, Nov. 18, 1815, (un- married.) 219 Prudence, b. June 29, 1793, m. (1st, ) Dec. 13, 1813, Ebenezer Younfc of Harrington, N. H. ; (2d), David Young, d. Nov. 7. 1855. 220 Nancy J., o. 1802, d. (unmarried, ) Feb. 3, 1880. 221 John Gilman, m. Martha Wiggins, d. March 13, 1876. - 222 Sarah. Daniel and Sallie (Jenness) Cate, (Nottingham, N. H.) (1U9-59-2U-3-1.) Children: 223 Francis, m. (1st,) Sally Dovvst, (of Deer field, N. H.;) (2d,) Sally (Gollins) Green (a widow.) 224 Jonathan, b. April, 1796. m. Mary. (d. Nov. 2, 1870.) da. of John and Sally (Gate) [No. Ill] Johnson, d. Jan. 22, 1882. 225 Daniel, b. 1802, d. (unmarried) Dec. 17, 1869. Ebenezer and Phoebe (Gilmanj Cate, (113-61-20-3-1. Children: 226 Mary, b. June 19, 1808, m. Nathan Griffin, ( Epsom, N. H. ) 227 John, b. Feb. 2, 1810. John and Martha (Towle) Cate (114-61-20-3-1.) ■Children: 228 Abigail, b. Nov. 9, 1799, m. John Heath. 229 Eliza, b. Jan. 22, 1802, m. Enoch PYench, ( Pittsfield, N.) H.,) d. 31, March, 31, 1861. 230 Hannah, b. July 27, 1804, m. Joseph J. Moses, d. Aug. 31, 1878. 231 Polly, b. July 17, 1810, m. Joseph Dolbear. THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 15 Samuel and Abigail (Prescott) Cate, (117-61-20-3-1.) Children: 232 John, L.,b. Jan. 11, 1817, m. Oct. 7, 1841, Jane M. Sher- burne, (Epsom, N. H.,) d. (Manchester, N. H.,) Feb. 23, 1888. 233 Mary, b. April 14, 1822, m. Oct 7, 1841, David Sherburne, d. (Lowell, Mass.,) Nov. 15, 1889. Edmund and Ann (Bunker) Cates, (31-76-33-11-2-1.) Edmund Cates came to E. Vassalboro, Me., about 1818, to learn the hatter's trade of Moses Dow, whose wife washis aunt on his mother's side. Here he married Ann Bunker, daug-hter of Mary Paddock, whose first husband Bunker, was a sea captain. She was a daug-hter of Benjamin Worth, formerly of Nantucket, a minister in the Friends' Church, then living- at E. Vassalboro, Me. When first mar- ried they lived in the Johnson house on the road leading from E. Vassalboro to Roman's Corner. Afterward they removed to what is now known as the "Old Homestead" in S. Vassalboro, on the road leading- from E. Vassalboro to Augusta, Me. They both died at the home of their daug-hter, (Eliza P. Pierce,) at E. Vassalboro, Me. Children: 234 Gharles Bunker, b. Sept. 19, 1820, m. Dec. 3, 1846, Mar- garet Buflfum, ( b. April 9, 1829, ) da. of Abraham and Marg-aret (Buffum) Barker, of Tiverton, R. I., d. Jan. 10, 1888, (at Santa Monica, Gal.) 235 Mary Ann, b. Feb. 8, 1822, d. Dec. 30, 1841. 236 William Henry, b. Dec. 19, 1823, m. Oct. 23, 1851, Etta Sweetwood; (b. Jan. 31, 1833,) da. of John and Hannah (Taylor) Mower, of E. Vassalboro, d. Nov. 30, 1900. 237 Eliza Paddock, April 30, 1830, m. Nov. 6, 1853, James Chadvvick, (b. Dec. 6, 1819,) son of Luther and Lydia (Ghadwick) Pierce, of Windsor, Me. (One child, Annie May, married Henry A. Priest. ) 238 James Edmund, b. Aug. 24, 1832, m. April 30, 1857, Zulema Ludwig, (b. Nov. 29, 1835,) da. of Elijah and Rebecca (Light) Moody, of Ghina, Me. Jedediah and Mary (Brown) Cates, (132-76-33-11-2-1.) Moved to Thorndike, Me., about 1834. Children: 239 Willis, b. April 5. 1828. 16 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 240 Abig-ail, A., b. April 13, 1830, m. Samuel Johnson, d. Feb. 17, 1855, (at Jackson, Me. ) 241 Mary, b. Aug. 18, 1832, m. Gharles Ames, ( of Bangor, Me.,) d. June 23, 1858. 242 Jedediah G., b. Nov. 25, 1835, m. Amelia Alexander, d. July, 17, 1895. 243 James, b. April 23, 1839, m. Irene Edwards, d. Aug. 12, 1899. 244 Lydia E., b. Sept. 16, 1842, m. Major Morton, d. Nov. 9, 1868. William and Elizabeth (Willis) Cates, (134-7».-33-ll- 2-1.) He was a carpenter. Children: 245 Henry, b. Oct. 25, 1831. 246 William, b. Jan. 5, 1833. James P. and .Marj^aret J. iLibbyi Cates, (l3(.-7f)-33- 11-2-1.) lie was a car[)cnter. Children: 247 .Mary E., b. Aug. 9, 1835. 248 James D., b. Oct. 19. 1837. Shadrach and Rebecca (Chamberlain i Cate, (13S-77- 34-11-2-1.) He was a farmer, of London, N. H. Children: 249 Hiram. / -p • I m. Marv S. Potter. 250 Hannah, \ ^ ^^ '""'• ( m. Dr. Ira A. Ghase, London. N. H. 251 Kebecca G., m. Ebenezer Gove, farmer, Solon, Ohio. 252 Eliza Ann, m. Dr. Alpheus Morrill. 253 Sally \V., m. Thomas D. Dickerman. 254 Jiulith, E,. m. Dr. Gharles Morrill, Golumbus, O. 255 Sluidrach Mellen, b. Oct. 24, 1823, physician, Golumbus, O. m. Martha Jane Messer, d. April 23, 1898. 256 Moses G. Charles and Dolly i Batchelder) Cate, (139-77-34-11- 2-1.) Moved to Marshtield, Vt., in 1S08. Children: 257 Gharles William, b. 1818, d. Feb. 14, 1876. 258 Sophronia, m. Madison Gurnsey. 259 Maria, m. Luce. 260 Marinda, m. Newell Greely. THE CATE— GATES FAMILY. 17 261 Sarah, m. Jaquith. 262 Cyrus A., m. Catherine F. White. John Cate, (a blacksmith at Loudon, N. H..) 140-77- 34-11-2-1.) Children: 263 Nancy. 264 Miles H., m. Sarah , d. (1859.)? 265 Benjamin, b. March 23, 1814, m. Eliza Abigail Wells, (d. Aui,r. 22, 1894, ) d. 1875. Stephen and Olive (Hodgdon) Cate, (Stewartstown, N. H.,) (141-77-34-11-2-1.) Children: 266 John K., m. Oct. 3, 1842, Amarette E. Maynard, (d. 1866. ) 267 Olive H., b. Jan. 2, 1816, m. Hamilton Holt, (of Worcester, Mass.) 268 Stephen, m. Sarah Blaisdell. 269 Erastus H. Jonathan and Charlotte Blanchard (George) Cate, (142-77-34-11-2-1.) Moved to Starksford, Vt. Children: 270 Alice. 271 Susan, m. John Batchelder. 272 Mary Ann. 273 Nancy, m. A. Deming-. 274 John Wesley, d. 1850. 275 Meshach, b. March 12, 1813, m. (1st,) Hannah Noyes; (2d) Jan. 30, 1892, Mary, (b. Feb. 25, 1821,) da. of John and Phebe (Rand) Wallis, and widow of (1st,) Wm. M. Sanborn, and (2nd, ) Joseph Holt. James and Mary Jane (Cate) Cate, (146-79-34-11-2-1.) Children: 276 Charles F. 277 James Albert, 278 Samuel Neal, m. Lura A. Wheeler. 279 John R. John Page and Patience (Gove) Cate, (Peru, N. Y.,) (149-81-34-11-2-1.) Children: 280 Fanny, m. Thomas Cook, (Lived in Wisconsin.) 2 18 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 281 Horatio, m. (in California.) 282 Norman, m. Hannah , (Lived in Boston, Mass.) 283 Ralph Smith, m. (1st,) Rebecca Toby, (Peru, N. Y. ;) (2nd,) Emily H. Gove. 284 Dolly Ann, m. Henry Brand. 285 F. Cortes, m. (1st,) Mary Holmes; (2d,) Clara Whittier, (Washin^rton, D. G. ) 286 Cynthia, m. Griffin. 287 Elijah, m. Maria Mitchell. Enoch and Wealthy iHall; Cate, (15U-81-34-1 1-2-1. ' Children: 288 Georj^-e W. 289 Thomas J. 2W Selinda. 2''1 Felinda. Isaac and Clarissa (McKnisht) Cate, (^15.VSl-.^4-ll- 2-1.) Children: 292 Geor^'e W., b. Sept. 7. 1824. m. 1850, Levara S. Brown. 293 Henry, b. May 11. 1825, m. Frances W. Brown, d. Aug., 1M*»3. 294 Lemuel M., b. Sept. 3, 1827, m. Jeru.-,ha Pitkin. 295 Alvin M.. b. June 13, 1829, m. Harriet Holmes, (Calais, Vt.,) d. June, 19uO. 296 Putman M., h. June 22. 1837, m. Ellen Dudley. (Lives at Beckwith. PIuhih^ ('.,., Gal. J Earl Melville and Christiana Nash) Cate, (155-81- :^4- 11-2-1.) Children: 297 Earl Melville. Jr., b. Sept. 3, 1821, m. Lucy Briyham, (d. Jan. 3, 1892, ) d. Jan. 24, 1875. 298 Juliana Aufjusta, b. Dec. 23,11^23, m. Aug. :6, 1844, Nathan Blake. (Lived at Stevens' Point, Wis.) 299 Carlos Granville, b. Aug. 12, 1826, m. Betsey Morse, d. Oct. 18. 189b. Daniel and Mary Willey) Cate, (156-84-34-11-2-1.) He was a farmer at Ossipee and at Wolfboro, N. H. Children: 300 Horatio Neal, b. Aug, 21, 1811. m. (1st,) Jan. 11, 1835, Eliza Jane Rollins, ( b. Sept. 9, 1814, d. Jan. 0, 1837;) THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 19 (2d,) July 11, 1838, Sarah Ann March, (b. Aug, 19, 1819, d. Sept. 15, 1865,) d. Feb. 19, 1871. 301 Harriet Newell, b. Feb. 27, 1813, d. (unmarried) Sept. 1, 1867. 302 Albert Willey, b. Jan. 17, 1815 d. Oct. 17, 1816. 303 Moses Thompson, b. April 30, 1817, m. (1st, ) April 14, 1841, Mary Ann Marston. (d. July 11, 1843;) (2d,) Oct. 15, 1850, Mary Ann, (b. June 5, 1818,) da. of John and Mary (Randall) Morrison, of Alton, N. H., and widow of Oliver Oilman, of Alton, N. H., died Oct. 23, 1898. 304 Mary Jane, b. Feb. 17. 1820, m. James Gate, (No. 146,) of Loudon, N. H. 305 Daniel Page, b. March 23, 1823. 306 John Oilman, b. Feb. 12, 1827, m. Anna Augusta, (b. Aug. 10, 1835, ) da. of Enoch M. and Sarah Plummer (Hayes) Glark. 307 Albert Lafaj-ette, b. April 6, 1829, d. Aug. 17, 1856. Satnueland Catherine (JenkittS) Cate, (160-84-34-11- 2-1.) They lived at Gilmanton, (Belmont,) N. H. Children: 308 Stephen A. 309 Ellen Frances, m. 1863, J. D. Wilcombe. 310 Catherine I. By 2nd wife: 311 Charles E. m. 1858, Mertie Waterman. 312 Louisa A. 313 Sophia Ann, b. 1832, m. Nov. 26, 1860, Charles W. Jordan, of Smithfield, Va. Joshua Neal and Judith (Chamberlain) Cate. (162- 84_34-11.2-l.) He lived in Brookfield, N. H. He was a merchant in Alton, N. H., 1826-30, At one lime he was County Treasurer. Children: 314 Moses Chamberlain, b. April 6, 1829, m. 1852, Susan Ann Wentworth, of Wakefield, N. H., d. Feb. 21, 1876. 315 Clarissa J., b. Oct. 15, 1832, m. Thomas Nash, of New Bedford, Mass. 316 Judith Emma, b. Jan. 26, 1825, m. Stephen U. Wentworth, of Milton, N. H. 317 Ellen F., b. Sept. 16, 1845, m. Dana Newell, of Wolfboro, N. H. 20 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. William Thompson and Betsey Cate i Cate, (163- 84-34-11-2-1.) Child: 318 Joshua Xeal, b. Aug. 25. IS28. m. Oct. 5, 1854, Betsey Abbie, da. of James Gotton, of Wolfboro', N. H. James and Betsey (Sanborn i Cate, ( l()7-S7-3<>-ll-2- l.) He wasa farmer in Sanbornton, N. II. He served for (>0 days in the Sanbornton Lii^ht Infantry Company, at Portsmouth in ISH. Children: 310 Hannalj. b. May M), 1«0M, d. Nov. 30, IMU). 32u Huldah. b. Jan. 1, 1812, m. Jan. 27. ls3.s, Jame> V . D. Wardwell, of Laonia, N. H. 321 Sally, b. Dec. lf>. 1S13. m. Ebenezer Burleigh. 322 Kuth Sanborn, b. Sept. (.. I8l(., ni. William H. Palmer. Daniel and .MarM:aret, \ Cate, (170-s7-3(.-ll-2-l.) Children: 323 James S., b. April 10, isl^. 324 D.miel Jr.. b. Xov. 24. 1814. 325 Margaret, b. Oct. 4. 1816. 326 Gharlotte, b. Aug. 21. 1818. 327 Lucy. b. Sept. 21, 1m20. 328 Gart.line, b. Sept. 20, 1M22. il'^t Franklin, b. May 1, 1827, d. May 23, 1887. 330 Harriet Ci.. b. Nov. 9. Is20, m. — Field. 331 Sarah B.. b. tJct. 1. 1832, d. May 14, 1846. Benaiah and Sarah l^icrson) Cate, ( i71-s7-3b-ll-2- 1.) He wasa tanner, shoemaker, and farmer at Dresden, Me. Children: 332 Joseph P., b. Nov. 10, 1814, m. Tryphcj.-,a Mayers, d. Dec. 10. 1900. 333 Benaiah, S., b. May 10, 1817, m. Sarah T. Houdlette, (d. June 27, 1894, ) d. Feb. 7, 1892. 334 David, b. Feb. 28, 1819, m. (1st,) Ann Thayer; (2d,) Helen Ghase; d. May 4. 1864. 335 Thirza A., b. June 19, 1821, m. Ephraim Alley, of Maiden, Mass. 336 Albion, b. Jan. 4, 1824, m. Martha Foye, (d. March 9, 1892, ) d. Feb. 22, 18%. THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 21 By 2nd wife: 337 Aug-ustine Pray, b. Dec. 1, 1854, m. Marj' G. Johnson, d. Sept. 21, 1902. (Shot by a burglar.) 338 Wilbur F., b. Feb. 19, 1857, m. Etta K. Gahan. Simeon Jr., and Lydia (Durgin) Cate, (175-88-36-11- 2-1.) He lived at Northfield, N. H., was a Colonel of militia and deputy sheriff at the time of his death. Children: 339 Asa Piper, b. June 1, 1813, m. Sept. 2, 1840, Glara Proc- tor, of Franklin, N. H., il. Dec. 12, 1874. 340 Caroline Nelson, b. Feb. 14, 1815, m. June 2, 1842, Rev. Charles Nelson Smith. 341 Abby Piper, b. Nov. 17, 1818, m. July 4, 1844, Jeremiah Cloug-h Chadwick. 342 Daniel Rogers, b. Nov. 24, 1822, m. Nov. 5, 1863, Hannah A. Loring, d. Nov. 25, 1900. 343 Eastman S., b. Nov.. 1822, d. Sept. 13, 1826. 344 Lafayette, b. 1825. d. Sept. 13, 1826. 345 Thomas Jefferson, b. 1827, m. July 11, 1853, Laura Hoyt, of Lake Village, N. H. , ( d. Nov. 25, 1854, ) d. July 21, 1853. 346. Lafayette, b. Dec. 25, 1832, m. (1st,) 1861, Abby Barratt, (d. March 1863;) (2d,) May 29, 1865, Martha Ann Smith, of Upper Gilmanton, N. H. 347 Lydia Ann, b. March 31, 1834, m. (1st,) 1862, John Syl- vester Root, (d. Oct. 15, 1872:) (2d,) Sept. 12, 1875, Wil- liam Schlatter. Lived in Ouinc^', Gal. Jonathatt and Elizabeth (Sanborn) Cate, (185-91-36- 11-2-1.) He was a carpenter and mason at Sanbornton and Franklin, N. H,; was First Lieutenant in the war of 1812. Children: 348 Eliza Jane, b. Feb. 19, 1812. An author since 1842 and has published several books and many short stories. Lived at Northhampton, Mass. 349 Albert John, b. Dec. 30, 1813, m. Aug-. 23, 1839, Sarah Ella, (b. July 3, 1813,) da. of Richard and Sally (Ober) Cawley, of Sanbornton, d. Oct. 24, 1887. 350 Esther, b. April 21, 1816, d. June 7, 1819. 351 Sarah M. b. Sept. 12, 1818, m. (1st,) Nov. 16. 1836, Rich- ard Kimball, (d. Oct. 29, 1837;) (2d,) Oct. 1841, William Hazen Kimball. 352 Hamilton Jonathan, b. Mar 11, 1824, m. (1st,) Oct. 5. 1849, Sylvia E. Roberts, (d. Aug-. 12, 1854,) of Lyndon, Vt. 22 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. (2d, ) Sept. 16,1857, Mary I. Plant, il. Nov. 10, 1866.) Northampton, Mass. John and Mary (Johnston) Cate, (188-«n-3b-l 1-2-1.) He was a school teacher in Saiibornton for 15 years; was Selectman and Treasurer of Franklin, N. H., 1S2'»-1S.^<», and a fanner at Belmont, N. H. Children: 353 James liardner, b. A|>ril 12, 1H21, m. March. 1H3S, Hannah, da. of Moses Ghase. of Franklin, X. H., d. Marcii s, IHUS. 354 Gar.jline, b. March l'>. 1S23, d. Sept. 4. 182<.. 355 Lydia. b. May 10, 1825. d. Aii|,'. 24. 182t.. 355'i Martha Eastman. ( adopted ), b. May 20, 1825, d. Feb. 1H47. Peter Sanders and Susan West Cate, i I'xi-'nob- ll-^-l.) He lived several years in Newburyport, Mass., then moved to Concord, X. H., and at last settled in Min- nesota. Children: 35*) Susan. 357 Ellen M., m. Ghurchill. (Lived at Flamlreau, Dakota. ) Amos S. and Olive (.Macomben Cate, (l*r»-M2-.^<.-ll- 2-1.) Children: 358 Benj.imin. b. Feb. 28. 1.S3M. ( Lives, unmarried, on hi.^ ^grandfather's farm al (ireensboro, Vt. ) 359 Amos Harvey, b. Nov. 8, 1H41, d. March 16, 1842. 3t)0 Brunette, b. Aug. 7, 1H43, m. Aug. 12, 1878, George G. GS45, m. (1st.) April ^>, 1874, Elizabeth I. Taylor, of Nashua, N. H. ; (2d,) July 22, 1889, Ann K. Taylor. 3f.2 Olive Anna. b. Oct. 31. 1H50. m. Nov. 15, 1876, Luke B., Golby, of Nashua, N. H. James and .\nna (Tower. Cate, (204-'O-3r,- 11-2-1.) He was a farmer and stone mason and lived at Franklin, N. H. Children: 363 Ammon Tower, b. Dec. 6. 1.S25, m. Edna P. Glark, (d. June 28, 1895,) of Boscawen, N. H., d. Aug. 2, 1879. THE GATE— GATES P^AMILY. 23 364 Mary Dearborn, b. Feb. 3, 1827, m. Silas Hall. 365 Elizabeth Hannah, b. March 5, 1828, m. Simons, of Lowell, Mass., d. Oct. 25, 1848. 366 James Dearborn, b. Nov. 22, 1829, m. (2tl,) Pettin- gill. 367 Daniel Tower, b. Aug-. 15, 1831, m. (1st,) Mary Gage, (d. April 12, I860,) da. of Daniel N. and Anna (Morri.son) Haley, of Franklin, N. H. ( 2d, ) Sarah E. , da. of William and Jemina ( Rogers) Davies, of Wales. 368 George Enos, b. May 7, 1833, m. Hannah Amanda Lord, of Franklin, N. H., d. Ai)ril 1, 1895. 369 Richard Judkins, b. Nov. 16, 1834, m. (2d, wife,) Jan. 20, 1877, Sarah A. Gaverly, d. Sept. 1, 1892. (Lived in Harrington, N. H.) 370 Deborah Ann, b. Sept. 12, 1836, d. Feb. 17, 1837. 371 Emily D. . b. Feb. 17, 1838, m, Walter Sargent, (Mil- waukee, Wis.) 372 Abigail Ann, b. Dec. 2 4, 1839, d. April 12, 1840. 373 Susanna Adeliza, b. July 19, 1841, m. Dr. Preston, (Mai- den, Mass.) 374 Helen Arabel, b. July 21, 1847, d. March 30, 1849. Ebetiezer and Emeline P. (Morrison) Cate, (208-93- 36-11-2-1.) Children: 375 John D., b. Oct. 1829, d. May 20, 1832. 376 Gynthia F., b. Aug. 21, 1831, d. Sept. 17, 1832. John Oilman and Martha (Wiggin) Cate, (North- field, N. H.,) (221-108-59-20-3-1.) Children: 377 William G., b. March, 1837, m. July 14, 1861, Data J. Lang, d. May 28, 1864, (Was a farmer at Northwood, N. H.) 378 Edwin J., b. June 1839, m. Olive A. , d. Dec. 9, 1888. Francis and Sally (Dowst) Cate, (223-109-59-20-3-1.) Children: 379 Betty Ann, b. March 5, 1818, m. Nathan G. T. Goodrich, of Nottingham, N. H. 380 Jonathan Dowst, b. Sept. 6, 1820, m. Hannah Gole, of Lim- ington. Me., d. Feb. 9, 1896. 381 William Francis, b. Sept. 12, 1823, d. June 24, 1857. 382 Sally A., b. Dec. 11, 1827, m. Alonzo Stone, of Deer field, N. H. ■^4 THE GATE— CATKS FAMILY. Jonathan and Mary (Johnson) Cate, (224-10*>-5V-2U- 3-1.) He was a farmer at Northwood, N. H. Children: 383 John J., b. July 30. 1831. m. Feb. 1^, 1879, Harriet N. Tucker, (d. June 12, 1892,) d. Feb. 4, 18%, (Was a farmer at Northwood. N. H. ) 384 Geort'eW., b. March 10, 1834. m. Caroline C. Batchelder. (He is a lawyer and justice at Amesbury, Mass. ) 385 Elizabeth A. L., b. March 9, 1839. 386 Charles F., b. Sept. 1^. 1841. 387 MaryO.. b. Sept. 21. 1S43. John L. and Jane .\l. (Sherburne Cate, (2.^2-117-t.l- 20-3-1. Lived at Manchester, N. 11. Children: 388 Almon F., b. May 11, 1843, m. March 29, 1870, Elona .\. Eames, (Wilmington, Mass.,) 389 W., b. Jan. 22. 1844, d. (Jet. 25, 1845. 390 Emma J., b. March 19, 1«48, m. Geor^'e G. Osg-ood. 391 Annie E.. b. June 15. 1H5ai, d. Oct. 28. 18«>5. 392 Jennie Elizabeth, b. Dec. 4, 1882. 393 John A., b. June Ih, 188*>, d. Dec. 9. 1887. Charles IJunker and Margaret Uiiffutn IJarkeri Cates, {2,U-l.>l-7t.-.v^-l 1-2-1. i When of a«^e he tauj^rht school, and in the winter evcnino-s writino- school also. In 1S4S he liTadiiated from the JetTerson Metlical Colleg"e, of Phila- delphia, Pa. He had a laro-e country practice at K. \'as- salboro, Mc, and was an influential man in the community and in the Friends' Church. He was a member of the School Committee until it was abolished in the seventies. He was Moderator of most of the town meeting's of \'as- salboro and was clerk of the Vassalboro (Quarterly Meet- ing- of Friends almcjst continually. He was a large land owner. Children: 3'>4 Charles Edmund, b. April 2. 1848, m. April 11, 1869. Anna S., (b. Feb. 26, 1849, J da. of George and Sibyl f Priest) Livermore, of N. Vassalboro, Me. (He was Collector of Taxes of Vassalboro, in 1876-77, 1887-89, 1900-01. Lives at E. Vassalboro. Me. ) 395 David Buffum, b. June 30, 1850, m. Nov. 15, 1871. Anna Belle, (b. July 14, 1850, ) da. of Samuel A. and Mahala (Hussey) Clarke, of S. China, Me. THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 25 396 Abraham Barker, b. May 12, 1854, m. June 19, 1889, Abby Wilder, ( b. Dec. 7, 1857, ) da. of Samuel Albert and Dora Pearson -^Rundlett) Jevvett, of Jewett Mills, Wis. 397 Edward Earle, b. Sept. 12, 1860, m. Aug". 18, 1886, Mag-g-ie, (b. March 3, 1865, ) da. of Bennett E. and Gynthia (Finch) Wightman, of Maryland, N. Y. 398 Horace Getchell, b. May 22, 1863, m. (1st,) May 16, 1888, Ella, (b. March 25, 1867, d. May 26, 1891,) da, of Gharles Bane and Hannah (Rabb) Van Every, (Santa Monica, Gal.;) (2nd,) June 15. 1895, Mary Ellen, (b. Dec. 3, 1872, da. of John Dustin and Nancj- (Ghristian) Bicknoll, of Los Angeles, Gal. 399 Alton Morrill, b. June 13, 1872, m. Dec. 16, 1896, Anna, (b. March 17, 1872,) da. of John and Mary (Ward) Kaczyn- ski, of Los Angeles, Gal. William Henry and Etta Sweetwood (Mower) Cates, (236-131-76-33-11-2-1.) Served in 1861 in the State Leg-isla- ture of Maine. He also served several years as town clerk and as Selectman of Vassalboro. Lived at E. Vas- salboro, Me. Children: 400 George Henry, b. Nov. 17, 1852, m. June 28, 1876, Fannie Louise, (b. Dec, 25, 1849,) da. of Benjamin and Nanc}- Amanda (Hodgeman) Bryant, of Freedom, Me. 401 Abbie Winslow, b. Feb. 7, 1854. 402 William Willis, b. Aug. 5, 1857, d. (assassinated in Idaho) Nov. 7, 1894. 403 John Mower, b. Nov. 19, 1859, m. Oct. 23, 1895, Annie ?[ary, ( b. July 2, 1871,) da. of Rufus Marcellus and Sylvia Helen Small, of E. Vassalboro, Me. 404 Arnold Richmond, b. May 29, 1863, d. Aug. 29. 1865. 405 Fred Lincoln, b. Oct. 22, 1868, d. Sept. 20, 1893, (Provi- dence, R. I. ) James Edmund and Zulema Ludwig (Moody) Cates, (238-131-76-33-11-2-1.) He was constable of China, Me., in 1863-64. Was Tax Collector of Vassalboro, Me., in 1880, 1891-93, and constable since 1886. Children: 406 Carrie Alice, b. Dec. 14, 1859, m. Dec. 31, 1883, Ellis W., (b. April 7, 1857,) son of John W. and Avis (He wins) Church, of Augusta, Me. 407 Annie Rebecca, b. April 11. 1866. 408 James Arthur, b. Sept. 3, 1867. 409 Herman Gardner, b. July 3, 1871, d. Dec. 22, 1873. 26 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. Hiram and Mary S. (Potter) Cate, (249-138-77-34-11- 2-1.) Children: 410 Charles Hiram, b. June 5, lS,i2, m. Sarah J. BatcheUler, of E. Goncoril, N. H., d. Feb. 1901. 411 Anthony P.. b. 1837. m. Katie Whitney, d. Jan. 7, 18*>2. 412 Alvira, m. W. Batchelder, of E. Concord. X. H. Shadrach .Mcllcn and Martha ,Iane i.Messer) Catc, (233-13S-77-34-11-2-1.. ( Loiidon, N. II.) Children: 4i;, William Mellen. b. June 2t), 1851, m. (Ut, i Thankful E. Lewis; (2il, ) Aijnes F>, 1863. 416 Carrie (Juincy, b. Feb. 8, 18»)5, Moses C. Cate, :.^i.-l ><<-77-U-ll-2-l. ) Child: 417 Moses C, b. July 19, \>jham, Mass.) 44'^ Fred Toby, m. Catherine Small, (California. ) 444 Mary Jane, m. Philip N'. Muore. ( Mers, N. Y. ) 445 Kalph Smith, Jr.. m. Alice IJromly, (Peru, N' Y. ) F. Cortes and .Mary Holmes Cate, i2s.=^-14'*-Sl-34-l 1- 2-1.) Child: 44o Holmes. '' EUjali and .Maria Mit..ltcll Cate, ■ 2s7-14')-,sl-34-ll- 2-1. I Children: 447 Xellie. 448 Mabel. George W. and I.e\ara S. Browni Cate, (2''2-153- si-34-1 1-2-1. t '"George W. Cate, born in Montpelier, Yi., received a common school education, studied law and was admitted to the bar, and settled in Portag-e County, Wis. Was District Attorney, member of the State Leg^islature for two terms; Judg-e of the Circuit Court of the Seventh Judicial District in 1854, and re-elected three times to the same office and in 1S74 he resig-ned to be elected repre- sentative from Vermont to the Forty-fourth Cong-ress. " [V. S. (iijvt. Hicii,'. Annual.) Children: 449 Albert George, b. Aug. 27, 1851. m. Lucy Wadleigh. THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 29 450 L3Min Boj'd, b. May 30. 1854, m. Harriet Thomson, 451 Ida Levara, b. Sept. 27, 1856, d. June, 1866. 452 Annie Serena, b. Feb. 20, 1859, d. July, 1881. 453 Garrie Levara, m. Dr. William J. Gronj'n, (Milwaukee, Wis.) 454 Henry, (Battle Creek, Mich.) 455 Ruth Gray, b. Oct. 5, 1874. 456 Georg-eana, b. May 17, 1879, m. Gerhard M. Dahe. Lemuel M. and Jerusha (Pitkiti) Cate, (294-153-81- 34-11-2-1.) 457 (A girl) m. Hubert Hollister, (N. Montpelier, Vt.) 458 Nellie, m. (in Calais, Vt. ) 459 Wilbur, (a chemist; lives in Fall River, Mass.) 460 Webster, m. (in Calais, Vt. ) 461 Wallace, ( a Universalist minister. Once a missionary to Japan. ) 462 (a boy.) Alvin M. and Harriet (Holmes) Cate, (295-153-81-34- 11-2-1.) (Calais, Vt.) Children: ' ' 463 Sarah, m. Coburn, ( E. Montpelier, Vt. ) 464 Nellie, m. Martin, (Plainfield, Vt.) 465 Hattie, m. Cutler, (N. Montpelier, Vt.) 466 Austin. 467 Henrj', 468 Alvin, 469 Stephen D. 470 Clara, m. Ellis, (N. Montpelier, Vt. ) Earl Melville and Lucy (Brigham) Cate, (297-155- 81-34-11-2-1.) Lived in Boston, Mass. Children: 471 Earl Melville. ( Lives at Beachmont, Mass. ) 472 Julia Maria, m. Dudley, of Wellesly Hills, Mass. 473 Lucy Christiana Brigham, m. George L. Shortt, of Sharon, Vt. Carlos Granville and Betsey (Morse) Cate, (299-155- 81-34-11-2-1.) Child: 474 Ina Belle, b. June 1, 1860, m. Jan. 11, 1888, E. E. Gonya, Island Pond, Vt. 30 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. Horatio Neal and Sarah Ann ( March i Cate, (300- 156-84-34-11-2-1.) Children: 475 John March, b. Dec. 6, 1839, m. April 14, lSt.0, Phoebe Hayes, ( b. xVuj,'. 20, 1835,) of Farmingtoii, N. H. 476 Eliza Jane, b. Oct. M, 1841. 477 Daniel, b. Aw^. 10, 1843, d. May 1, 1844. 478 Daniel, b. March 23, 1845, d. July 31, 1847. 47y Gharles Neal, b. Jan. 24. 1849. 480 Harriet Neal, b. Au^'. 30, 1851. 481 Daniel Albert, b. Ali^j. 6. 1853. 482 Arthur Willey, b. Autj. 9, 1855. 4.S3 Hi. ratio Lani;d.iii, b. June 5, 1M58, m. Garric K. Smith. .Hoses Thompson and Mary A. i.Marstoti) Ciitc, 3iL>- lSb-.'S4-34-l 1-2-1. ) He uasashoc manutacturcr in Wollburo, N. II.. tor 50 vcars; choir leader in the Conj^-rej^ational Chtirch for 4o vcars. Superintendent of Schools, and b'irst Lieutenant and (Jiiartermaster in the 18th N. 11. Vol. Inf. Children: By 1st wife: 484 Mary Ellen, b. Feb. 14, 1842, in. Skinner, of Hill- yard, Wash. By 2nd wife: 485 George Herbert, b. Dec. 20, 1851, in. July 11, Ism:, Lois GhaNe Head. 486 Edward Franklin, b. Dec. 23, 1853. (A lawyer in Wulf- boru, X. H.I 487 Arthur Thompson, b. May 31, IHW. John Ciilman and Anna Augusta (Clark) Cate, (300- 150-84-34-11-2-1.; Children: 488 Emma Gilman, b. March 10, 1854. 489 Sarah Frances, b. May 23, 185a, d. Oct. lu, 1^58. 490 Nellie, b. Oct. 12, I8b0. 491 Lillian Maude, b. July 26, l»tj3. Charles E. and Mcrtie iWatcrman) Cate, (311-100- 84-34-11-2-1.' He is a contractor at Hammond, La., to which place he moved in 1852. Children: 492 Thomas W., ^a contractor at Hammond, La.) THE GATE— CATE3 P^AMILY. 31 493 Lucy. 494 Samuel M. Moses Chamberlaitt and Susan Ann (Wentworthj •Cate, (314-162-84-34-11-2-1.) They lived in Brookfield, N. H. Children: 495 Edgar Moreland, b. March 9, 1853, m. Jan. 4, 1883, An- toinette S. Tilton. 496 Ida Belle, b. Aug. 4, 1854, m. Charles Woodward, of Ro- chester, N. H. 497 Cora Emma, b. May 12^ 1856, m. George Pinkham. 498 Harry Wentvvorth, b. Nov. 30, 1859, m. Annie Beaugez, of New Orleans, La. 499 Lizzie Bacon, b. Dec. 22, 1861. Joshua Neal and Betsey Abbie (Cotton) Cate, (318- 163-84-34-11-2-1.) Child: 500 Helen, m. George I. Cate, son of James Cate, of Wolfboro, N. H. Joseph P. and Tryphosa (Mayers) Cate, (332-171-87- 36-11-2-1.) He was a teacher and a farmer. Children: 501 John, b. Dec. 31, 1851, m. Ardelle M. Palmer. Is a farmer at Dresden Mills, Me. 502 Fannie P., b. May 25, 1858, m. Joseph L. Houdlette. Benaiah S. and Sarah T. (Houdlette) Cate, (333-171- .87-36-11-2-1.) Child: 503 Frank H., b. Feb. 25, 1850, m. Isabelle Theobald. Is a farmer in Dresden, Me. David and Ann (Thayer) Cate, (334-171-87-36-11-2-1.) Children: 504 Charles W.,. b. April 21, 1847, m. Chase. 505 Edwin M. (Lived in New York. ) By 2nd wife: 506 Jessie, m. Dr. Tukey. 32 THE CATE- CATES FAMILY. Albion and Martha ( Foyei Cate, (33f)-171-87-36-ll-2-l.) Children: 507 Jane (Jvven, b. Jan. M, 1851. m. Orville B. Moses, of Mai- den, Mass. 508 David A., b. Sept. 6, 1*^7, m. Mabel S. Blake. Augustine Pray and Mary C. (Johnson » Catc, (.v^7- 171-S7-3f)-l 1-2-1.) He was a miner and Marshal of (iold- tield, Col. Children: .=;09 Blanche. 510 Kalph A. Wilbur t. and ttta K. iGahun) Catc, (.vvS-171-.s7-.^t)- 11-2-1.) Is ])ostinastcr and Chairman ut the Selectmen of Dresden. Me., ami a County Commissioner. Children: 511 Ernest \V., b. Sept. .'^, 1878. I-, an cnj,'ravcr at Suinor- ville, Mas.s. 512 Fred S. , b. Jan. 2b, 1880. Is a plush-weaver .it Sanfonl, Me. 513 Ethel H.. h. Feb. 10, 188^ d. Dec. 5, 18H«>. 514 Kay B., b. Nov. 2, 1895. Asa Piper and Clara i Proctor) Cate, ( >.V»-l7.=^-ss-3rJ- ll-2-l.) He wa^ a lawver at Northtield, N. H.; repre- sented the town in the State Legislature in ls3'i and in subsequent years, was a member of the State Senate in 1S44 and President of the same in 1.S45; S<71, Solon F. Hill, of Northtield, N. H. By ratti Henry anJ Elizabeth . I. Taylor) Catc, 3t)l- lTM'2-.^t.- 11-2-1.) (Nashua, N. II.) Children: .S3«j (a boy.) b. Jan. 27, 1m7^». .S37 ( a boy, ) b. Feb. 17. 1HS2. 538 Annie Liz/ie, b. May 23, lH.>S4. Attimon Tower and Edna P. i Clark Catc, (363-204- 93-3*.- 11-2-1.; Children: 539 Harry H., b. Dec. 22, 1«56, d. Oct. 16, 18^>3. 547- 204-M 3-30-11-2-1.) Children: 541 Hattie Ella, 542 Daniel, b. Au^. 8, 1854, d. (drowned) 1863. 543 Ellen Sumner, b. (Jet. 27, I85'j, m. William Fiverett Ry 2nd wife: 544 Edith Hilda, b. Sept. 4, ls74. 545 Annie ^Lly Tower, b. April IM, 1876. 54b Katharine Florence, b. Dec. 9, 1878. 547 Charles James, b. May 9, 1881. 548 Grace Maud, b. Sept. 14, 1883. 549 Beulah Josephine, b. April 26, 1885. 550 Elsie Rog-ers, b. Xuv. 20, 1888. 551 Karl Daniel, b. July 17, 1890. George Enos and Hannah Amunda (Lord Cate, (368-204-93-30-11-2-1.) THE CATE— CATE8 FAMILY. 35 Children: 552 Hattie Adell, b. March 8. 1855, m. June 3, 1884, Charles \V. Pike. 553 Nellie Estelle, b. Sept. 15, 1856, m. Albert S. Randall. 554 Fred Georg-e. b. April 3, 1859, m. Jan. 26, 1838, Elvie M. Simpson. He is a painter at Franklin, N. H. 555 Charles Warren, b. May 31, 1863, m. Nov. 12, 1895, Edna L. Heath. Edwin .). and Olive A. Cate, (378-221-108-59-20-3-1.) He was a carpenter at Northwood, N. H. Child: 556 Nellie, b. April 30, 1867. Jonathan Dowst and Hannah (Cole) Cate, (380-223- 109-59-20-3-1.) (Deerfield, N. H.) Children: 557 Genella, b. March 24, 1852, m. Henry S. Knowles, of Epsom, N. H. 558 William Francis, b. Aug-. 24, 1859. 559 Charles C, d. 1862. 560 John C, b. July 27, 1862. David Buffum and Anna Belle (Clarke) Cates, (395-234-131-7b-33-ll-2-l.) Lives at K. Vassalboro, Me. Children: 561 Barker Gillis, } ^ ■ . . r,^- ,oor. cto o 101 1 ■ Twins, b. Aug". 26, 1890. 562 Samuel Clarke. \ & > Abraham Barker and Abby Wilder (Jewett) Cates, (396-234-131-76-33-11-2-1.) He g-raduated from Colby Uni- niversity, (Waterville, Me.,) in 1874; received the deiirree of A. M. from Colby in 1877; M. D. from the Harvard Med- ical School 1880. He beg-an to teach school at the age of 15, and taug-ht at the following- places in Maine: Cross' Hill, Dirig-o, Vassalboro, West Camden, Rockport, Sherman, E. Vassalboro, Mill)ridg-e Hig-h School, Cherrytield Hig-h School. In 1880-81 he studied in lOurope at Vienna, Dresden and Paris, and on returning- settled in Minneapolis, Minn. He has a larg-e practice and is Professor of Obsteterics in the Medical Department of the University of Minnesota. 36 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. Mrs, Gates is a graduate of the University of Wis- consin, of the class of 187*>, and studied and traveled in Europe in 1886-87. Children: 563 Gourtlandt Jewett, b. M;iy 27, 1890, il. J.m. 17, 1891. ^64 Helen Majorie, b. Nov. 25. 1891. 565 Gatherine Barker, b. Nov. 1M, 1893. 566 Natalie Jewett. b. Feb. 17, 1896. 567 Abram Jewett, b. Auj,--. 15. 1897. 568 Louise Wilder, b. Feb. 19, l^»ol. Edward Earle and .MukkIc i Wi«;l»ttnan) Cates, (397- 2.U-131-7b-J^.>-l 1-2-1.) lie ^radualctl Ir-.ui dlby Univers- ity in 18S.^ and rcccivt-d the dcyrcc of A. M., from Colby in 1888. He has taug-ht in the following' places: 1883-4, Principal of Hig^h School, Gorham, N. II. 1884 5, l'rinci{)al of Academy. Kensselaerville, N. Y. l885-«j. Principal of Academy, (Ireenville, X. Y. 1886-8, Principal of Academy, K. Spring-field, N. Y. 1888-91, Principal of Ilig-h School, Hammondsport, N. Y. 18'»1 3, Princijjal of Academy, Dundee, N. Y. 1893 5, l*rincipal of Hig-h School, Los Ang-eles, Cal. 1895-7, Principal of Grammar School, Los Angeles, Cal. 1897-, President of Frederick College, Frederick, Md. Mrs. Cates is a g-raduate of the University of the State of Nesv York, of the class of 1884. Children: 569 Bennett Edward, b. Sept. 5. 1887, (of the class of 1906, Franklin and Marshall GoUege, Lancaster, Pa. ) 570 Marf,'aret, b. May 9. 1890. 571 Gynthia, b. Oct. 12, 1903. Horace Gctchell and Ella (Van Every) Cates, (398- 234-131-76-33-11-2-1.) He g-raduated from Colby University in 1883, and from the Minnessota Hospital Colleg^e in 1887. In 1893-94 he was coroner of Los Ang-eles Co., Cal. He is surg-eon for the Southern Pacific Railroad. He lives in Los Ang-eles, Cal. Children: 572 Gharles Barker, b. May 9, 1889. 573 Ella, b. July 23, 1890. THE CATE— GATES FAMILY. 37 By 2nd wife: 574 Mildred, b. Oct. 30, 1896. 575 Horace Bicknell, b. Sept. 20, 1903. Alton Morrill and Anna (Kaczynski) Cates, (399-234- 131-76-33-11-2-1.) He was salutatorian in Latin of the class of 1889, Friends' School, Providence, R. I. He graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1894, and was admitted to the bar at San Francisco, Cal., in 1896. He lives in Los Angeles, Cal. Child: 576 Vincent Kaczynski, b. July 20, 1901. George Henry and Fannie Louise (Bryant) Cates, (400-236-131-76-33-11-2-1.) He was a member in 1895 of the State Leg-islature of Maine. He is, and has been, for a number of years, the treasurer of the town of Vassal- boro. He is a larg-e land owner and a wholesale and retail merchant at E. Vassalboro, Me. Children: 577 Lewis Percy, b. April 7, 1S77, m. Oct. 4, 1899, Madaline Genevia (b. May 8, 1877.) da. of John Wesley and Ida Florence (Young-) Clark. 578 Nancy Etta, b. Dec, 20, 1879. 579 Benjamin Harold, b. Oct. 17, 1881. ( Of the class of 1905, Haverford College, Pa.) 580 Karl William, b. July 5, 1885. Charles Hiram and Sarah J. (Batchelder) Cate, (410-249-138-77-34-11-2-1.) Children: 581 Joseph Gove. 582 George Everett, ) ( b. 18.59, m. Oct. 4, 1893. ■ Twins. ■ Britlj^et McGowan. 583 John True, ) ( b. 1859. d. Sept. 5, 18bl. 584 Charles Hiram, b. Aug. 30, 1861, m. Dec. 23, 1895, Ellie L. Ordway. 585 Shadrach Morrill, b. 18()4, ni. Luc3' Ann Frost. 586 Ruth, m. R. C. Boynton, (E. Concord, N. H.) 587 Moses Chamberlain, (d. at the age of 20 years, 7 months, 21 days.) 588 Nancy Batchelder, m. (1st, ) Maynard; (2d, ) Charles Kelley. 589 William Lake, b. March 15, lbo'>, d. Aug. 5, 1889. 38 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 590 John True, b. Feb. 7, 1871, m. Feb. 2. 1896, Ida Marion Gay. 591 Mary Wales, m. Ordvvay. 592 Delia Jane, m. Ordway, 593 Reuben Lake, b. Oct. 10, 1,S79, m. Dec. 20, 1898, Ida L. Murray. 594 Carrie Helen, b. July 7, iaS2. Anthon> P. and Katie Whitney^ Cate, (411-24')-138- 77-34-11-2-1.) Child: 595 Ross Winnan, b. Jan. 2«>, 1H67, in. Kva McCarvar. Wlinatti .Mellen and Thankful E. (Lewis. Cate, (413-255-138-77-34-11-2-1.) Children: 59b Shadrach Mellen, Jr.. b. Dec. 29. 1876, d. 1881. 597 Paul Lewis, b. June 2, 1879. Frederick and Mary Theresa i Ropes i Cate, (414-255- 138-77-34-11-2-1.) Livo in Salem, Mass. Children: 598 Harold Ruj^es, b. May 7, 1885. d. July 16, 1897. 59'» Mildred Rupes. b. March l'», 1889. 600 Mary Ropes, b. Au^'. 2, IMMl. Don A. and Sadie E. iHuntly) Cate, (421-262-139- 77-34-11-2-1.) He is a stone mason in Ilardwick, Vt. Children: 601 Lee. b Sept. 16. 1891. d. Oct. 23. 1891. 602 Catherine Emma, b. Jan. 5. 1897. 603 Leah May, b. June 12, 1892. Charles A. and Clara (Fellows) Cate, (43(J-268-141- 77-34-11-2-1.) (Belmont, N. H.) Children: 604 Fanny A., b. 1872, m. (1st.) William H. H. Adams; (2d,) George Henry Johnson. By 2nd wife: 605 Sarah Belle, b. May 22, 1893. 606 Susie Wi^fgin, b. May 7, 1894. 607 Gharles, b. June 7, 1896, d. Aug. 27, 1896. THE GATE— CATE3 FAMILY. 39 Josiah L. and Laura E. (Emerson) Cate, (4.^2-268- 141-77-34-11-2-1.) He is a dyer in Belmont, N. H. Children: 608 Addie Belle, b. April 2, 188.^, d. Jan. 4, 1888. 609 Ernest S., b. July 19, 1884, d. Sept. 29, 1884. 610 Laurence Emerson, b. Aug. 4, 1899. Fred Toby and Catherine (Small) Cate, (443-283-14'»- 81-34-11-2-1.) Children: 611 Emily, 612 Georgianna P. 613 John Page. Ralph S., Jr., and Alice (Bromly) Cate, (445-283- 149-81-34-11-2-1.) Children: 614 Dora M. 615 F. Cortes. 616 Rebecca C. 617 Earl. 618 Ralph Smith, Jr. 619 Marguerite. Albert George and Lucy (Wadleigh) Cate, (449-292- 153-81-34-11-2-1.) Child: 620 Garth Wadleigh. Lynn Boyd and Harriet (Thomson) Cate, (450-292- 153-81-34-11-2-1.) Children: 621 Howard T. 622 Annie L. John March and Phoebe (Hayes) Cate, (475-300-156- 84-34-11-2-1.) Children: 623 Fannie Lydia, b. April 20. 1861, d. (in infancy.) 624 Frederick Symon, b. April 20, 1861, m. Jan. Ih. 1893, Helen Cooke Neill, ( b. Nov. 1, 1868,) o( Cambridge, Mass. 40 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. Horatio Langdon and Carrie K. . Smith i Cate, (483- 300-156-84-34-11-2-1.) He is editor of a paper in Rochester, N. H. Children: 625 Robert I.., h. March 5. 18'>0. 626 Ke.K March, b. June 4, 1894. 627 Paulino, b. Dec. 11, l^OS. (Rev.) George Herbert and Lois C. (Read) Cate, (485-303-15b-S4-34-l 1-2-1. I/ivcs in Boston, Mass., and is District Secretary of the Afnerican Tract Society. Children: 628 Sheridan Head, b. April 17. 1883. 629 Herbert Addison, b. March 18, 188t), d. D.'C. 21. 1897. 630 Dudley Chase, b. Oct. 4, IM'M). oil Olivia Morri!.un, b. Au^,'. -. 1810 Leah May (j03 Lee , Lemuel M. Lillian Maude. Lizzie Bacun . . Louis A Lucy Lucv C. B. 6<)1 2'»i 491 . 4M9 312 172 327 .473 493 2rx) 42 " .105 " 203 " 355 Lydia Ann .347 Lvmi Rovd 4.^() Lucy W Lydia . . Marj^^aret 325 658 Marffaret Aj(nes 651 Mar^fuerite 619 Maria 259 Marinda 260 Martha 28 46 115 Martha Eastman 355.^ Martha Jane f27 Mary, Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary 6 19 27 41 58 101 118 164 195 214 226 233 272 206 533 •• 206 Dearborn 364 Elizabeth 647 Ella 529 Ellen 484 Ann D.. D. .. Jane 304 444 Mary i) 387 Mary Hopes 600 Mary Mattie S Mfhhach. . Wales. 591 524 144 275 Mildred Ropes 599 Mile> U . 2(.4 Molly 94 Moses 56 1.S8 Moses C . . 2.=;h '• 417 Moses Chamberlain 314 587 Moses Thiimpsiin 303 Myron J 640 Mabel Margaret .44M . 13 . 47 . 50 . 86 N. Francis 439 Nancy. 83 147 182 .263 .273 THE CATE— GATES FAMILY Nancy Batchelder 588 Nancy J 220 Nathan H 197 Nathaniel 102 Neal 80 " 84 " 145 Nellie 447 " 458 " 464 " 490 " 556 Nellie Estelle 553 Norman 282 Norris E 639 Olive Anna ... .362 Olive H 267 Olivia Morrison 631 Paul Lewis 597 Pauline 627 Peter Sanders 190 Polly 181 " 186 " 231 Prudence 219 Putnam M 296 Rachel 48 Kalph A 510 Kaliih N 632 Ralph Smith 283 445 618 Ralph Warren 650 Ray B 514 Ra3'!nond M 635 Rebecca 5 Rebecca C 251 616 Reuben Lake 593 Rex March. 626 Richard 98 Richard Judkins 369 Robert L 625 Roland Heath 659 Rosamond 29 Ross Winnan 595 Ruth 586 Ruth Gray 455 Ruth Sanborn 322 RuthY 9^ Sally. .111 .143 .151 .179 .187 " 32L Sally A 382 Sally W 253 Samuel 22 " 34 " 62 " 79 99 " 117 152 " 157 " 160 " 217 Samuel M 426 " 494 Samuel Neal 278 Sarah 4 " 49 " 54 " 106 " 173 " 222 " . 261 " 463 " 642 Sarah B 331 Sarah Batchelder 654 Sarah Belle 605 Sarali Klizabeth 530 Sarah Frances 489 Sarah M 351 SelindH 290 Shadrach 138 Sh .drach Mellen 255 " 596 Shadr.ich Morrill 585 Sheridan Read 628 S i meon 88 '• 175 Solomon 52 Solon Whitney 657 Sophia Ann ... 313 Sojihronia 258 Stei>hen 77 141 2(>H Stephen A 30S Stepiien D 4oM Susan 271 " 356 Susan Huckins 1*»2 Susan K 423 Susanna Adeliza 373 Susie Wij^frin 606 Svlvia Kmilv 531 48 THE GATE— GATES FAMILY Thirza A ^25 Thomas J 289 Thomas Jefferson 345 Thomas W 492 Tucker 16 Vera W. W. W. . Wallace . Walter L. Walter T. Webster. . Wilbur. .. .637 .4lN . 4t.l .649 .634 .460 .459 Wilbur F 338 William 8 17 " 20 S3 59 100 110 212 .. ...................218 William Francis 381 55« William Frost 653 William (J 377 William Lake 5K9 William Mellen 413 William Thompson 163 William \V 427 Index of C.4TES F.AMII."^. Abbie Winslow 4ul Abiffail 6S Abigail A 240 Abraham llarker 396 Abram Jewett 567 Alton Morrill 399 Andrew 73 Annie Rebecca 4()7 Arnold Richmond 404 Barker Gillis 561 Benjamin 69 125 Benjamin Harold .579 Bennett Edward 569 Betty 126 Garrie Alice 406 Gatherine Barker 565 Gharles Barker 572 Gharles Bunker 234 Gharles Edmund 394 Gourtlandt Jewett 563 Gynthia 571 David Buffum 395 Deborah 71 122 Ebenezer 76 123 128 Edmund . . ■ . 131 Edward Earle .3<>7 Eliza Paddock 237 Elizabeth 72 Ella 573 Fred Lincoln. Georjje Henry .405 4(.M) Helen Marjorie .564 Henrv 137 •• ' 245 Herman Gardner 4()9 Horace Bicknell 575 Horace Getchell 397 James 67 119 >• 243 James Arthur -"OH James D 24H James Fidmund 238 James P 136 Jedediah 132 Jedediah G 242 John 121 John ?[ower 4<)3 Joseph ^ THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 49 Joseph . 70 Natalie Jewett 566 .124 .129 Phebe 133 Karl William 580 Lewis Percy 577 Louise Wilder 568 Lydia 75 " 127 " 135 Lydia E 244 Samuel Glarke 562 Sarah 74 Thomas 120 Vincent Kaczynski 576 Margaret 570 Mary 241 Mary Ann 235 Mary E 247 William, Mildred 574 130 134 246 William Henry 236 William Willis 402 Nancy Etta 578 Willis 239 Other Families. Adams 144, 604 Alexander 242 Allen 41 Alley 335 Ames 241 Bromley 445 Brown 132, 292, 293 Bryant 400 BuflFum 234 Bunker 131 Burleigh 57, 321 Burley 94 Babb 4 Bailey 182 Bangs 71 Barker 14, 234 Barratt 346 Barter 93 Batchelder.139, 271, 384, 410, 412 Beaugez 498 Beck 26 Berry 58 Bicknell 398 Blaisdell 268 Blake 298. 508 Blanchard 142 Boynton 586 Brackett 28 Brand.... 284 Brew.ster 158 Briard 11 Brigham 297 Carter 430 Caverly 369- Cawley 349 Chadwick 237, 341 Chase 250, 334, 353, 504 Chamberlain 138, 162 Christian 398 Church 406 Churchill 357 Clark 15, 48, 306, 363, 577 Clarke 3«^5 Clough 82 Cobb 33, 75, 76 Coburn 463 Colby 362 Cole 380 Collins 223 Cook 280 50 THE CATE— CATES FAMILY. Costley 534 Cotton 15, 17, 318 Cram 528 Cronj'n 453 Cutler 465 Dahe 456 Davies 367 Demerrett 422 Demin^f 273 Dickerman 253 Dolbeaw ...231 Dov%-st 223 Drew 11. 434 Dmlley ...296, 472 Diinnavan . . . 14 Dunniford .14 Duryin . 17.^ Haley 367 Hall 150, 364 Hamlin 122 Hawkins 155 Hayes 54, 306, 475 Heath 228, 555 Hemenway 442 Hewins 4()b Hill 535 Hobbs 87 Hodff eman 400 Hodg-don 141 Hoit '>2 HoUister 457 Holmes 285. 295 Holt 267, 275, 429 Horr 74 Houdlette 333. 502 Hcyt 345 Hunt 68 Huiitly 421 Hu.ssev 395 Eames .'^'^-^ Ed>;erly lr.4 Edwards .:4^ Ellis 47U Emerson 432 Fellows. . . ^ -" Fernald 1" Field 330 Finch 397 P'olsom. 413 Fuve . . 336 French. 188, 229 Frost 18, 19. 585 Furber 163 Gahan 338 Garland 55 Gay .590 Georg-e — 142 Gilman 113, 303, 423 Gonva 474 Goodrich 379 Good win 360 Gove 149,251,283 Greely 260 Jenness 10*' Jewell 9 Jcwett 396 John.son 47, 91, 111, 224, 240, 337, b(J4 Johnston 188 Jordan 313 Jose 15 . 399 Kellv 588 Kimball 351 Kittredt,'e 180 Knight 29 Kno w les 115, 557 Lamson 151 Lang- . 377 Leavitt 16 Lewis 413 Libby 136 Light 238 Livermore 394 Lord 368 ■Loring- 342 Luce 2^ THE GATE— GATES FAMILY. 51 Macomber 199 March 300 Marden 108 Marshall 15 Marston 30.^ Martin 464, 534 Mason 36, 188 Matthews 27 Mayers 332 Maynard 266, 588 McGarvar 595 McGloud 148 McGowan 582 McKnig-ht 153 Meserve 133 Messer 255 Miles 185 Mitchell 287 Moody 238 Moore 188, 444 Morrill 187, 252, 254 Morrison 175, 208, 303, 367 Morse 299 Morton 244 Mower 236 Moses 230, 507 Murray 593 Potter 249 Pray 171 Prescott 86, 117 Preston 373 Priest 237, 394 Proctor 339 Quimby . , 156 Rabb 398 Rand 98, 275 Randall 194, 303, 553 Read 485 Rice 198 Rich 72, 126 Roberts 352 Robertson 179 Robinson 425 Rog-ers 367, 543 Rollins 300 Root 347 Ropes 414 Rundlet 208, 396 Nash 155, 315 Neal , 34 Neill 624 Newell 317 Nokes 152 Norton 60 Noyes 275 Ober 349 Ordway 584, 591, 592 Osgood 390 Paddock 131 Page 81, 84 Palmer 322, 501 Parker 40, 165 Perkins 67 Petting-ill 366 Phllbrick 167 Pierce 237 Pierson 171 Pike 552 Pinkham 497 Piper 88 Pitkin 294 Plant 352 Sanborn,, 16, 87, 89, 93, 167, 185, 275 Sanders 91 Sargent 200, 371 Sawyer 160 Schlatter 347 Seavey 45 Sherburne 61, 232, 233 Shortt... 473 Simons 365 Simpson 554 Sinclair 70 Skillings.., 69 Skinner ." 484- Small 403, 443 Smith 193, 340, 346, 483, 527 Somner 518 Squires 200 Staniels 79 Stillings 163 Stone 382 Taylor 188, 236, 361 Thayer 334 Theobald 503 Thing 46 Thomes 73 Thompson 84 52 THE CATE— GATES FAMILY. Thomson 45o Tilton ....495 Tobv .283 Tow'er 204 Tovvle 114 Tucker 2. 383 Tukey SOti Van Everv 398 Vrin ■ 5 Wadlei^'-h ...449 Wallis 275 Ward 186. 189, 190, 399 Ward well 320 Waterman .311, 516 Webber 143 Weeks . . 12 Wells 205 Wentworth 314, 316 West 190 Wheeler 278 Whidden White.... Whitnev Whittier Wiggin Wijjhtman. Wilcombe . Willey 85, Willis 133, 134. W innate... .101. WLXKlward Worth Wyatt 6 262 119, 411, 526 285 . ...88, 221 397 309 156 135 1U7 496 197 13 Younjf .219, 577 ^rmm^^-:^i^^^'Mx,-^^ FEB 26 1904