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Also Chemical Physiology Barnes Medical College, St. Louis. Physician in charge Department of Pediatrics, Centenary Hospital. Assistant Physician of Masonic Home of Missouri. Physician to St. Vincent De Paul Society. St. Louis, Mo. Author of Series of Genealogical Charts of Hume family and various Monographs on Childhood. PUBLISHED BY HUME GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION, ST. LOUIS. MO., U S. A. 1903. This book is not Copyrighted and may be freely copied and quoted without fear or favor. It is the first of a series of Volumes to be issued at periods yet to be agreed upon. "Printed for Private Circulation. ilTiHO PREFACE. I write these pageyafter the book has been printed. I am now more familiar with its errors and short-comings than any one else. I make an explanation, but no apology. Every person who has contributed matter for these pages has had abundant opportunity to make corrections and changes in the proof; for every such per- son has had at least two complete proofs sent to him, or her, with instructions for corrections, and all corrections have been made, and the publisher has all such proof to show that such is the case. So that no blame can be attached to the author and publisher for names mis-spelled and dates not corrected. Some have, and still others will, make complaint that their lines are not full and complete. My answer to this is that every line has been printed just as written, and some names have been printed two or three times, because written that often. Some have not complied with my request for their family his- tory, and where this could not be obtained from others it has been omitted. The way has not always been smooth. Some persons — only four I believe — have said and written some very offensive things in a rather ungentlemanly way. One man, a Kausan, became quite indignant and wrote to my secretary, Miss Maude Hume, "that a certain Dr. Hume was trying to *faust a fraud upon the un- suspecting people. " His grounds for such offense was that I had passed through his State, and had not gone sixty miles out of my way to see him. He who had not contributed five cents to the work and knew nothing of the matter at issue. Another, this time a Texan, lost his equilibrium over $2 00 subscribed (and returned), and wrote insulting things because I had dared to write the history of a branch of the family — not his own. While a lady — refined and cultured — wrote from Chicago to acuse me of grossness and coarse conduct. And fourth and last, my own dear cousin and childhood play- fellow, accused me of embezzling his $1.00 sent for a chart. All *I presume lie meant to write the word foist, — H. ii HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. these letters I have on file as loving mementos of the treatment one gets from persons he tries to benfit. This does not include the criticism and gossip that some have have said to others, and not dared to repeat to me. But for these I do not care — they are beneath my notice. All mistakes in this volume will be corrected in the second volume, which will appear about March 1, 1904, together with lines not furnished for this one; also the lines of all other Humes in America not in the Virginia family. The author is under great obligation to the following persons for assistance: Hon. Frank Hume, for his assistance and money used in in- vestigation in Europe; Mr. R. D. Hume, for like assistance, Miss Sarah Hume, for work done on records in London; Miss Maude Hume, secretary, for untiring correspondence and many pictures drawn by her skillful hand for these pages; Mrs. T. S. Ellis, of Kentucky, now dead, for old letters and papers so generously furnished; Mesdames Archibald, Douglass and Buck, of Las Vegas, for assistance in his work; Mrs. Hume Mock, and many others for valuable service rendered. Buschart Bros, deserve great credit for care and pains in com- position and press work, and Fred. Graf, of this city, for engravings. This completes a task which I have looked forward to since I was a child and heard these wonderful stories at my grandfather's knee. Four years of hard work for myself and sister and $3,000 in money — all except about $250 of which I earned by my own effort — is what it has cost me; not to mention the worry and ill- health occasioned by persistant misunderstanding, and complaint by suspecting people who could not write and edit a ten line dodger, to advertise a 4th of July picnic at a cross-roads post-office. I have not always quoted my authority, but there is a reason for every item in this book. If it is not correct, it is not my fault. If it does not suit you, dear friend, don't take it. If you have subscribed and paid, I will return your money. Don't take it and then complain about it. If it is not right, probably you are to blame for not making corrections about things you knew of in time. Your Kinsman, John Robert Hume. So don't kick. INDEX. Page. Introduction 1-9 Chapter I : 9-21 Humes of Saxon England Elgiva, Cospatrieks, first to fourth, Waldevus, Galfridus. •Chapter II _ 21-24 Humes of Wedderburn, Chapter III :. 24-27 Humes of Blackadder. Chapter IV 27-29 Humes of Renton and Greenlaw. •Chapter V 29-33 Humes Earls of March and Marchmont. Chapter VI 34t37 Cospatrieks Earls of Dunbar. Chapter VII 38-43 Agnes Countess of Dunbar. Chapter IX 51-55 Hume, Lady Grizell. Chapter X *. 55-59 Flodden Banner. Chapter X 1 60-66 Humes in Jacobite Rebellion. Chapter XII _ 66-73 Humes in Virginia Chapter XIII ' 74-90 Humes of Kentucky, line of succession to Scotch dignities. Chapter XIV 90-116 Humes in Kentucky, Missouri and the West, John Hume, Wil- liam Hume, Stanton, Martha, Francis, Sarah Hume. Chapter XV :. 116-156 Francis second son of Emigrant George. Chapter XVI 156-165 John Hume third son of Emigrant George. Chapter XVII „ 166-216 William Hume, fourth son of Emigrant Hume. Chapter XIX 217-252 James Hume, fifth and Charles Hume sixth son of George. Chapter XX 253-282 Charters, Letters and Documents relating to Hume family. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Headpiece, Chapter XIII __ 74 Arms of Earl of Hume. Headpiece, Chapter XIV 91 Arms of old Wedderburns. Headpiece, Chapter XV _ - 116 Arms of old Humes Wedderburn at Flodden. Headpiece, Chapter XVI 157 Arms of present Humes of Wedderburn. Headpiece, Chapter XVII 16* Arms of Hume Geneological Association. Headpiece, Chapter XIX _ _.2i: Hume Castle. Headpiece, Chapter XX 25. Old Dunbar Castle in 1652. Illustrations and Family Record 289-32: PATERNAL ANCESTORS— MALE LINE. Malcolm, II. King of Scotland 1005- 1034 A. D. Bethoc, married Crinan lay Abbot of Dunkeld, 2 sous. Duncan, King of Scotland, killed by Macbeth, 1034-1040 (See Shakespeare. ) I Malcolm III. Can- more, King of Scot- land; married first dau. of Siward the Dane 2nd Margaret, sister of Edgar Ath- eling. Maldred, m. Agatha of Uchtred, dau. of King red of England. d., graud- Ethel- Cospatrick I. Earl of Northumberland, fought at Hastings, 1st Baron of Dunbar, Founder of Lands and family of Hume, died 1081. I Dolfyn Earl of Cumberland. Cospatrick II. 1st Earl of Dunbar, Baron of Hume, d 1139. Waldeve, a Monk, 1116. MATERNAL ANCESTORS— MALE LINE. Waltheof, Earl of Northumberland. Eadwulf Cudel Earl of Northumber- land. Daughter who mar- ried Siward the Dane became Earl of Northumberland. Uchtred, married El- giva, youngest daughter of King Ethelred, the un- ready. Agatha married Maldred. Ancestor of Humes. Cospatrick. MATERNAL ANCESTORS— FEMALE LINE. Egbert 1st King op United England, 827-838. I Ethelwolf, 838-856. Ethelbald, 856-860. No issue. Ethelbert, 860-866. No issue. Ethelred, 866-871. No issue. Alfred the Great, 871-901. Athelstan 925-941. No issue Edward the Elder, 901-925. Edmund 941-946. Edred 946-955. Edwy, 955-959. Edgar, 959-975. Edgar the Martyr. Ethelred the unready, 979, 5th child, his; youngest daughter, married Maldred, Ancestor of Humes. Cospatrick. INTRODUCTORY. HUME — THE NAME. This historic name had its being far back in the infancy of the Anglo Saxon race; at a time when men took their names as modifying or descriptive adjectives, usually alluding to some deed of valor or prowess achieved on the field of battle. Our name came, however, not from any deed of valor, for our earliest direct ancestors were men of the church, lay priests, lay or married abbots, etc. The first name borne by the clan, and in fact that borne by four successive generations, between the years 1034 and 1147, was an official name, Cospatrick, meaning comptes or count, and Pat- rick or father count, being a secular and patria, a religious or ecclesiastical dignity and meant simply a lay abbott who had large landed holdings. Finally in the twelfth century these officers were separated and the Abbeys of Dunkeld, Kelso and Coldstream, were separated from the landed interests of the younger brother who took the name Hume; that being from the Latin word for lands. The present farm of the word is now the same as centuries ago, and here in the beginning let us moralize a little and hope that it may long mean lands in a more practical way. The Humes have been men of the soil from the days of the old Saxon thane or feudal baron of the ante Norman period to the time of the Virginia and Kentucky planter of our own times, and let us hope that the Humes may long continue to cultivate their ancestral acres. No Hume ever was a slave. God be thanked and long may it be before he sinks to the slavery of common trade in which he is a failure from his birth. But to turn again to the name, the earliest way of spelling the name is the same as that of the present day. True it is that in Europe 150 years ago one Ninian Hume, after obtaining by fraud and chicanery a hold on the lands of our own Ameri- can George changed the name to Home a fad of the Earl of Home and John Home, author of Douglass. Ninian probably did this to satisfy his conscience for wrongs done his absent kinsmen. HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. 7 There long, however, have been and are yet to be found no less than twenty-five different ways of spelling the name. Hume it is, and Hume let it remain until the cycles of another millenium of its history have rolled by. Hume, Hum, Hieutn,Hieume,Hwme, Hwm, Hiewm, Hiewme, Hewme, Heum, and Huem, Hoom, Hoome, Hown, Houm are all forms of the name found in the early papers of the family. During the later years of the seventeenth century several other forms were in use in different parts of the world. Sir Patrick Hume escaped to the continent and settled among the Germans where he left collateral descendents who spelled the name Humm and Huhm. Many German Humes in America and even this city adhere to this orthography. The late Col. David Milne, alias Home, who was a man of great power and virtue, but who had no more right to the name than any other descendant from the female line in Scotland, or any other country, in editing the Hume manuscript from the ancient charter chests of the family for the crown wherein the name was mentioned, in his explanatory notes changed the name to agree with his own assumed name, instead of following out the orthogra- phy in the original as the men who bore the name used it. De Hume, De Home, De Hum, and De Houme are early forms in Scotland, and several branches of the family in Pennsyl- vania and New York add a final s, making it Humes. This prac- tice is not now very prevalent. The ancestors of the Hume line may briefly be mentioned as follows: Malcolm II, King of the Scots, went to war with Ethelred the unready, King of England, for Ethelred 's perfidy in paying the infamous Danish Tax called Danegelt. Ethelred went to war against him, but failed to humble the intrepid Scot, whose grandson afterward married Ethelred's youngest daughter. (See Hume Genealogical Chart.) He reigned from 1005 to 1034 A. D., and was succeeded by Duncan, who was murdered by Macbeth, as told by Shakespere. Duncan was a son of Bethoc, daughter of Malcolm II, and Crinan, Lay Abbot of Dunkeld. He reigned from 1034 to 1040. Macbeth, the murderer, reigned eleven years, dying a violent death in 1051. He was succeeded by L,ulach, who reigned seven $ INTRODUCTORY. months, and was succeed by Malcolm Canmore, rightful sovreign, and one of the greatest in Scotland. He married St. Margaret, sister of Edgar the atheling. He fought for his brother-in-law's in- terest at Hastings, Cospatrick being one of his generals. King Malcolm III reigned from 1058 to 1093. He was slain at the Battle of Alnwick. King Duncan had a younger brother named Maldredus who married Agitha, daughter of Uchtred the earl and grand- daughter of Waltheof the petty King of Northumberland. Agitha was descended by her mother, Elgiva, youngest daughter of King Ethelred of England from the ancient King of Wessex, Egbert first King of United England who reigned from 827 to 838. Egbert was in turn descended from Charlemagne who reigned in 726, in France. Maldred had by Agitha one son. Cospatrick I. born about 1000 A. D., and died in 1081; fought at Hastings on side of Harold; fled into Scotland; secured lands of Hume and Barony of Dunbar with Earldom of Northumberland in right of his mother. It was his grandson, Cospatrick III, who went on a crusade and died in Egypt, who aided Edward in his conquest of Scotland and is mentioned by Jane Porter in "Scot- tish Chiefs," as Earl of March. The following chapter contains the later history of this line: CHAPTER I. THE HUMES OF SAXON BRITAIN. This ancient family is descended from the union of the Royal families of Great Britain and Scotland under the Saxon Dynasty. The intermarriage was brought about by reason of oppression caused by the Norman invasion in 1066, under the Duke William of Nor- mandy, and was as follows: E/g-iva, daughter of the unfortunate King Ethelred the Un- ready, and sister of both Kings Edmond Ironsides, and Edward the Confessor, founder of the Westminster Abbey, the famous royal sepulchre in London, married the Petty King of Northumberland, Waldevus by name, who was descended from Siward the Danish Sea King; this union was blessed with no sons and the line was carried on by the daughter Agitha, who married Maldredus, the lay Abbot of Dunkeld and son of Malcolm II. King of Scotland, and was consequently a younger brother of King Duncan, murdered by Macbeth as told in Shakespeare's famous tragedy. Cospatrick I. who in right of his mother became Earl of North- umberland and who had distinguished himself fighting on the side of the Saxons at the ill-fated field of Hastings, fled into Scotland with Edgar the Atheling, the rightful heir to the English throne, and his two sisters, Margret (the St. Margret of the Roman Church) who married King Malcolm III. (Canmore), King of Scotland, and Chris- tina, Abbess of Welton. In Scotland, Cospatrick as a reward for his valor at Hastings had conferred on him the Earldom of Dunbar to Iwhich was the Baronage of Hume not then a family name, from im descended the present Hume family of Scotland, England, In- dia, Australia, Cape Colony, and America, the line of descent is briefly sketched as follows: Cospatrick, first Earl of Dunbar, and March, had a second son ilso by that name of whom little remains, except that the historic amily Castle of Dunbar, a sketch of which will be furnished with :his book, which stood until destroyed by Cromwell in 1556, was erected by him. 10 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Cospatricklll, third Earl of Dunbar, was father of Sir Patrick, a younger son who received the Baronage of Hume which had hitherto been a part of the Earldom of Dunbar and was for the first time separated only to be reunited under the name of Hume, as we shall see. Waldevus, eldest son of Cospatrick III., carried on the direct line of Dunbar which ran out in fifth generation in the principal line and was returned to the descendants of- Sir William, who had, on the Baronage being conferred on him, taken the name of De Home, pronounced Hume, as now, by reason of his having married Ada his cousin and heir in the right of her father to the Estates of Dunbar which were again united. In addition to the Armorial of the earls of Dunbar, Sir Wil- liam, second Baron of Hume, carved on his Escutcheon the design of a white lion rampant on a green field with a red field quartered. Sir William now received from his Grandfather's estate, some say from him in person, the estates of Greenlaw, which were con- ferred by him and his mother, Ada, on the monastery of Coldstream and which are still in existence as such. Ada also made certain grants to the monastery of Kelso, and confirmed the bequests made by her son to the Coldstream Monastery. Sir William was hence- forth styled Lord Hume. Galfridus was the older of the two sons of Lord] William De Hume. There is some doubt as to the existence of a second son, how- ever the old Scottish records mention one Goeffrey or Godfrey De J Hume who was a monk and a crusader, who is generally conceded to have been the younger brother of Lord Galfridus De Hume, who died in 1300 and was succeeded by his son Sir Roger De Hume, fourth Lord of Hume, who died in 1331, and was succeeded by the noted "Willie of the white doublet" as the English called Sir John De Hume, a famous border chieftain, who made many a successful foray across the English border, fighting with the troops of Edward, and often in the same ranks as the invincible Bruce. Perhaps the most picturesque character in these early annals is that of the sixth Lord of Hume, Sir Thomas, son of "Willie of the white doublet." He married Nicholas Pepdie, and with her obtained the lands of Douglass and the baronage by that name, and was henceforth known as Baron of Hume and Douglass, ancestor of the house of Wedderburn, from whom the American Humes are.; descended, and ancestor of the earls of Marchmont. THE HUMES OF SAXON BRITAIN. 11 There were three sons, as follows: Sir Alexander, who carried m the male line, which became extinct with him. Second, Sir David Hume of Wedderburn, and third, Sir Patrick of Rathbun; ilso two daughters. Hitherto this family had acknowledged the ancient Earls of jVlarch as its feudal head, but as George, Karl of March, had for- saken his country and joined the English, this warlike clan aban- loned his standard and rallied around the standard of the Douglass Ls a royal clan, and thus began the friendship between these two jnost powerful chieftains, which was to last 500 years, and was to •onserve the interest of Scotland on a hundred bloody fields. Sir Alexander Hume, of Hume and Douglass, fought at the lead of his clan at Homildon, on the 15th of May, in the year [402, against his former chieftain, but was captured and ransomed, nd accompanied the Earl of Douglass to France and was killed at lis side at the famous battle of Vernieul, in 1424. He had married Lean, daughter of William Hay, of Lockhart, ancestress of the Mar- Buis of Tweeddale, and by her had three sons, as follows: His heir, Ivho bore his name and carried on the line; Thomas, ancestor of the i'lumes of Ninewells, from whom the famous historian and philoso- pher David Hume sprang, and George, progenitor of the House of pott, from whom came Gov. Spottswood of Virginia Colony. Sir Alexander, the heir, was a man of great power and influ- •nce; he was appointed a conservator of the peace, and was sent as Ine of the guarantees of the treaty with England; he is also the 'rst Hume to hold the office which was afterwards made hereditary |f Warden of the Marches. He died in 1456. He had five sons, pe eldest of whom also bore his name, as he had that of his father. he was in 1459 one of the ambassadors extraordinary to treat with [in gland. I think the best account of the Hume family that I have found i a multitude of books that bear in part or whole upon the subject, ; that of Dr. William Anderson, of Edinburgh, in the fourth and kth volumes of his "Scottish Nation," a work that should be in the .brary of every true Scot, be he in America or on his native father. I quote from that work as follows: "On August 2d, 1465, Sir Alexander Hume was appointed by le prior and chapter of Coldingham to the office of bailie of the '. nds belonging to the convent, an office which had been held both 12 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. by his uncle and his father, but which, in his case, was made hered- itary. The same year he sat in the Estates among the barons. He was created a lord of parliament by the title of Lord Hume, August 2d, 1473, and 1476 to 1485 he was employed in various negotiations with the English. Using with stringent vigor his power as bailie of Coldingham to make the property of the convent his own, when James III., in 1484, obtained the Pope's consent to annex the reve- nues of the priory to the chapel royal at Stirling, he resented this attempt to wrest them from himself by joining, with all his strength, the party of disaffected nobles who had conspired against him, and took an active part in the rebellion that ended in the death of that unfortunate monarch. Lord Hume died betwixt May 14th and June 16th, 1491. He married first, Mariota, daughter and heiress of Lansdale, of Lansdale in Berwickshire, and secondly, Margaret, daughter of Alexander, master of Montgomery. By the former he had, with a daughter, three sons, namely: Alexander, George, an- cestor of the Humes of Ayton, and Patrick, ancestor of the Humes of Fastcastle. By his second wife he had a son, Thomas Hume of Lainshaw, Ayrshire. Alexander, the eldest son, predeceased his-i father, before 1468, leaving two sons, namely, Alexander, second Lord Hume, and John of Whiterigs and Ersiltain, ancestor of the] present earl and of the Humes of Bassenden, and a daughter, Eliz- abeth. "Alexander, second Lord Hume, is frequently mentioned in the public records after his grandfather was created Lord Hume, under the designation of Alexander Hume of that ilk. In May, 1488, he was one of the ambassadors sent to England by the disaffected no- bles, immediately after the assassination of James III. In the following month he got the office of Steward of Dunbar, and ob- tained a joint share of the administration of the Lothians and Ber- wickshire, during the minority of James IV. He was sworn a privy] councillor and constituted great chamberlain of Scotland for life October 7th, 1488. He was served heir to his grandfather in 14921 He had been appointed warden of the east marches for seven years August 25th, 1489, and at the same time he was nominated captain of the castle of Stirling and governor of the young King. He had committed to him the tuition of the young king's brother, John, earl of Mar, January 10th, 1490. On the 12th of the same month he had a charter of the office of the bailiary of Ettrick forest, and on April 28th, 1491, he was appointed by the Estates to collect the THE HUMES OF SAXON BRITAIN. 13 dng's rents and dues within the earldom of March and barony of Dunbar. He also obtained various lands in the constabulary of laddington. In 1493, in accordance with the superstitious feeling f the age, he made a pilgrimage to Canterbury, for which he got a afe conduct to pass through England, from Henry VII. From 495 to 1504 he was employed in several negotiations with the English. "In 1497, when James IV. invaded England in support of the retensions of Perkin Warbeck, the Humes formed part of his army n the occasion. After devastating the counties of Northumberland nd Durham, James, on learning that a superior force under the Sari of Surrey was marching against him, slowly retreated into Berwickshire, closely followed by Surrey, who, in retaliation of his javages south of the Tweed, overthrew Ayton castle and several ther of the strongholds of the Humes, as well as various places elonging to other familes in the Merse Ford, in his dramatic Ihronicle of 'Perkin Warbeck,' makes Surrey thus taunt the Scots )r allowing these places to be demolished: • ( < Can they Look on the strength of Cundrestine defac't; The glory of Heydon hall devasted, that Of Edington cast downe; the pile of Fulden Overthrowne, and this the strongest of their forts, Old Ayton castle, yielded and demolished, And yet not peepe abroad?' "And in 'Marmion.' Sir Walter Scott makes his hero say: " T have not ridden in Scotland since James backed the cause of that mock Prince Warbeck, the Flemish counterfeit Who on the gibbet paid the cheat; Then did I march with Surrey's power, What time we razed old Ayton tower. " "The second Lord Home died in 1506. He had by his wife icolas Ker of Samuelston, a daughter and seven sons Of these, lexander, the eldest, was third Lord Hume, and George, the sec- ad, was fourth lord; David, the third son, was prior of Colding- am, and William, the second youngest son, was arrested and tried ith his elder brother, and executed at Edinburgh the 9th day of ctober, 1516. The rest died without issue. 14 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. "Alexander, third Lord Hume, succeeded to the great power and vast estates of his family, and in 1507 was appointed to the office of Lord Chamberlain. In 1513, in the midst of King James' preparations for a war with England, Lord Hume, as warden of the eastern marches, at the head of 8,000 men crossed the border, and after laying waste the country, carried off a large booty of cattle and other property, but was surprised and defeated with great slaughter at a pass called the Broomhouse, by Sir William Bulmer. Five hundred of the borderers were slain upon the spot and their leader compelled to flee for his life, leaving his banner on the field, and his brother. Sir George Hume, and 400 men prisoners in the hands of the English. Incensed at this defeat, James levied one of the finest armies which Scotland ever sent forth, at the head of which he invaded England. The disastrous battle of Flodden was' the result. Jointly with the Earl of Huntley, Lord Hume led the vanguard, or advance of the Scots army and commenced the battle by a furious charge on the English right wing, under Sir Edmund Howard, which, after some resistance, was thrown into confusion and totally routed. Although he himself escaped the carnage of that dreadful day, a considerable number of his clan were slain, with Cuthbert Hume, the Lord of Fastcastle. the Baron of Black- ader, David Hume, of Wedderburn, and his son George. Lore Hume has been blamed by some historians, and even accused o cowardice and treachery for not hastening to the relief of his sov ereign when he saw him contending with his nobles against the su perior force of the Earl of Surrey and in the utmost danger; but h' seems to be the only leader on the Scots side that acted the part c a prudent general in that fatal battle, and the reserve of the Englisl cavalry rendered it impossible for him to go to the aid of the king to whose impetuosity of temper and chivalrous valor, as well as t the mistimed and precipitate courage of the main body of the Scot.' may be attributed his defeat and death. The subsequent inroads < the English across the border were retaliated by Lord Hume wit equal promptitude and destructiveness. "In March, 1514, six months after the battle, he was declare one of the standing councilors of the queen mother, who had bee appointed regent, and constituted chief justice of all ihe territori* lying south of the Forth. In 1515, when the regency was wit' drawn from Queen Margaret and conferred upon the Duke of A bany, Lord Hume (erroneously styled an earl by Tytler in sever THE HUMES OF SAXON BRITAIN. 15 instances; see 'History of Scotland,' vol. v., pp. 76, 108 and 112,) joined the party of the queen-mother and plotted with her and her husband, the Earl of Angus, with whom he had previously been at deadly feud, to deliver the young king and his infant brother to their uncle, the king of England. This intrigue was defeated by the vigilance of the new regent, and on the royal children being demanded from the queen-mother by the authority of the Estates, she named Lord Hume as one of the four barons to whom she pro- posed that the charge of them should be committed. This being deemed an evasion, Albany, among other measures, commanded Hume, who was then provost of Edinburgh, to arrest Sir George Douglass, Angus' brother, which he indignantly refused to do, and under cover of night fled to Newark, a border tower on the Yarrow. In a private conference with Lord Dacre, the English agent, he now concerted measures of resistance to Albany's authority, and requested the assistance of an English army. Assembling a pow- erful force he commenced hostilities by retaking the castle of Hume, which had been seized by the regent, and securing the strong tower of Blacater, on the borders within five miles of Berwick. To this stronghold, at the head of an escort of forty soldiers, he conveyed the queen-mother, in consequence of which Albany, at the head of a large force, marched into Berwickshire, and after razing Lord Hume's fortlet of *Fastcastle and capturing the castle of Hume, he overrun and ravaged his estates. Lord Hume afterwards made predatory incursions iuto Scotland, and Albany, having caused the French ambassador to offer him an amnesty and pardon with the request of conference, he agreed to meet the regent at Douglass, where he was instantly arrested and committed prisoner to the castle of Edinburgh, then under the charge of the Earl of Arran. He had the address, however, to prevail on Arran, who was his brother-in- law, to let him escape, and to accompany him in his flight to Eng- land, whither he was soon after followed by the queen and Angus. "In March, 1516, he made his peace with Albany and was re- stored to his possessions, but renewing his intrigues with England, and encouraging disorders on the border, Albany resolved to make an example of him as soon as he got him in his power. Inveigled by the regent's promises, Hume and his brother William imprudently visited the court at Holy wood palace in September, 1516, when they were arrested, tried for treason, and convicted. Lord Hume * Fastcastle is the "Wolf s Crag" of Scott's Bride of Lammermoor." 16 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. was executed on the 8th and his brother on the 9th of October, and their »heads placed on the tolbooth, or public prison of Edinburgh, where they remained till 1521, when their kinsman, Hume of Wed- derburn, had them taken down and buried with funeral honors in the Gray friar's church yard. Lord Hume's title and estates were forfeited to the crown. Soon after another brother, David Hume, prior of Coldingham, was assassinated by the Hepburns. For Al- bany's treachery towards his chief, Hume of Wedderburn took fear- ful revenge. Pretending to besiege the tower of Langton in the Merse, he drew Anthony Darcy , styled the Sieur de la Beaute* whom Albany had made his lieutenant and warden of the Marches, into an ambuscade, and put him to death under circumstances of sav- age ferocity, on the 9th of September, 1517. "Lord Hume, having only daughters, was succeeded by his brother George, fourth Lord Hume, who had at first taken refuge in England, but by means of his kinsman, Hume of Wedderburn, was brought back to his own castle of Hume and put in possession of the family estates. He had charters of several lands forfeited by his brother in 1517, and was restored to the title and to such of the estates as were held by the crown August 12th, 1522. Conciliated by the clemency manifested to their chief, the Humes deserted An- gus, whose cause they had hitherto supported, and taking part with the regent, exerted their influence toward ejecting Prior Douglass from the monastery of Coldingham, in which, however, they were never successful. "In 1524, when Albany finally left Scotland, Angus usurped the regency, and for his hostility towards himself and his kinsman, Prior Douglass summoned Lord Hume to answer a charge of treason before the Estates, by whom, however, he was acquitted. It would appear that he fought on Angus' side in 1526, when an unsuccess- ful attempt was made by Sir Walter Scott of Buccleuch to rescue the young king from his hands on his return from the borders of Edinburgh. In 1528, after James had made his escape from the Douglasses, he assisted the Earl of Argle in expelling Angus from the priory of Coldingham and driving him across the borders. In the arrests that subsequently took place, Hume was one of the bor- der chiefs who were imprisoned for not enforcing the laws against thieves and marauders on the borders. In 1542 he did good service, ' Wilson in his tales of the Scottish Border has founded one of his most beautiful nar- ratives on this event.— H. THE HUMES OF SAXON' BRITAIN. 17 first by jointly with the Earl of Huntly and at the head of 400 spears, repulsing at Haddenrig an incursion of the English under Sir Rob- ert Bowes and the exiled Earl of Angus, and next by opposing and harassing, with Huntly and Seton, the more formidable army which in the subsequent October invaded Scotland under the Duke of Norfolk. In the following year he joined the party of Cardinal Bethune,.and with Bothwell and Scott of Buccleuch, mustered his feudal array upon the borders against the English alliance. In a skirmish with the English at Fauside the day preceding the battle of Pinkie, September 9th, 1547, he was thrown from his horse and severely injured. He was carried to Edinburgh, where he died. His son and heir being at the same time taken prisoner, Hume castle, after a stout resistance by Lady Hume (Mariota, second daughter and co-heiress of the sixth Lord Halyburton of Dirleton,) fell into the hands of the Protector Somerset on the 22d of the same month, and was garrisoned by a detachment of his troops. Lord Hume had two sons and a daughter. "Alexander, fifth Lord of Hume, the elder son, distinguished himself in the campaigns against the English of 1548 and 1549, and retaking his family castle by stratagem, he put the garrison to the sword. He had a charter of the office of bailie of Coldstream. De- cember 31st, 1551. He had also the appointment of warden of the east Marches, and was one of the Scots' commissioners who nego- tiated the treaty of Upsetlington, May 31, 1559. He supported the Reformation, and sat in parliament which abolished popery in 1560. In 1565 he attached himself to the party of Mary and Darnley, and in 1566 that unfortunate princess, with a splendid retinue, visited the castles of Hume, Wedderburn and Langton. At this time Ran- dolph, the English ambassador, wrote that it was expected that Lord Hume would be created Earl of March. He was one of the nobles who signed the bond in favor of Mary's marriage to Both- well, but in 1567 he joined the association in favor of the young king, James VI., and in June of that year he was one of those who signed the order for imprisoning Mary in Lochleven castle. After the queen's escape he led 600 of the border spearmen against her to the battle of Langside, where, though wounded in the face and leg. he is said tohave decided the fortune of the field. In 1596 he deserted the party of the regent and joined the queen's friends, and on the 16th of June, 1571, he was taken prisoner in a skirmish with the Earl of Morton in the suburbs of Edinburgh. He assisted Kirkaldy 18 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. of Grange, and Maitland of Lethington, in holding out the castle Edinburgh, which, however, surrendered in May, 1573, and on October 27th following he was tried in parliament and convicted of treasm, but was pardoned and restored to his estates. He died August 11th, 1575. Melvil says: 'He was so true a Scotsman that he was unwinable to England, to do anything prejudicial to his country. ' "His son, Alexander, sixth Lord Hume, stood high in thefavor of King James VI., and in 1589, when that monarch sailed to Den- mark to marry the Princess Anne, he was named among those no- bles to whom the conservation of the public peace was confided. He was very instrumental in suppressing the insurrection of Francis, Earl of Bothwell, in 1592, for which service he bad a grant of the dissolved priory of Coldingham. In 1599, being a Roman Catholic, he was sent by the king on a suspicious embassy to the papal court. In 1603, when James VI. departed for England, he stayed a night on his way at Lord Hume's castle of Douglass, and was accompa- nied by his lordship to London. He was sworn a privy councilor and was there naturalized. On March 4th, 1605, he was created Earl of Hume and Lord Douglass, the patent being to him and his heirs, male, whatsoever. He died April 5th, 1619. "His only son, James, second Earl of Hume, was twice mar- ried, but died without issue in February, 1633. He had two sisters, Margaret, married to Lord Doune, afterwards fifth Earl of Moray, and Anne, Duchess of Lauderdale. These ladies were served heir to him in the greater part of his estates. In him ended the male line of the first son of Alexander, first Lord Hume. The titles de- volved on the heir male, Sir James Hume of Coldingknows, the sixth in descent from John Hume of Whiterigs and Ersilton, second son of Alexander, master of Hume, son of the first lord. "Sir James Hume of Coldingknows, third Earl of Hume, ob- tained from Charles I. a ratification of all the honors, privileges and precedencies formerly enjoyed by the two Earls of Hume, his predecessors, to him and his heirs male, May 22d, 1636, by patent dated at Hampton Court. He joined his association in favor of Charles I. at Cumbernauld in January, 1641, and during the civil wars that succeeded he maintained a steady loyalty. In 1644 he violently dispossessed Sir Patrick Hepburn of Waughton, of Fast- castle and the adjacent lands of Wester Lumsdean, for which he was fined in the sum of ,£20,000 Scots. In 1648 he was colonel of THE HUMES OF SAXON BRITAIN. 19 the Berwickshire regiment cf Scots in the celebrated 'Engagement' set on foot by the Duke of Hamilton to attempt the rescue of Charles I. His firm adherence to that unfortunate monarch rendered him peculiarly obnoxious to Cromwell, who, in 1650, immediately after the capture of Edinburgh castle, despatched Colonel Fenwick, at the head of two regiments, to seize the castle of Hume. In answer to a peremptory summons to surrender, sent him by the colonel at the head of his troops, Cockburn, the governor of the castle, returned two missives which are w y orthy of being quoted for their humor. The first was: 'Right Honorable, I have received a trumpeter of yours, as he tells me, without a pass, to surrender Hume castle to the Lord General Cromwell. Please you, I never saw your general. As for Hume castle, it stands upon a rock. Given at Hume castle, this day, before 7 o'clock. So resteth, without prejudice to my native country, your most humble service, T. Cockburn.' The sec- ond was expressed in doggerel rhymes, which have long been fa- miliar in the mouths of Scottish children: " I, Willie Wastle, Stand firm in my castle, And a' the dags o' your town Will no pull Willie Wastle down.' "Cockburn, however, notwithstanding these two doughty epis- tles, was obliged to surrender the castle, which was garrisoned by the soldiers of Cromwell. "In 1661 Earl James was reinstated in his estates. He died in December, 1666. By his countess, Lady Jane Douglass, fourth daughter of William, second Earl of Morton, he had three sons, Alexander, fourth earl, who died without issue in 1674; James, fifth earl, who died without issue in 1687, and Charles, sixth earl. The latter was, in 1678, imprisoned in Edinburgh castle for his acces- sion to the clandestine marriage of theheiress of Ayton to the Laird of Kimmerghame. In 1681 he was chosen a member of the Estates for Berwickshire, but his election was not sustained. He did not concur in the Revolution, and took a principal lead in the opposi- tion to the Union, but died during the pendency of that treaty, Au- gust 20th, 1706. "Lockhart, of Carnwath, in his Memoirs (p. 215) gives a high character of him as a true patriot. With three daughters, he had three sons: Alexander, seventh earl; Hon. James Hume, of Ayton, 20 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. who, engaging in the rebellion of 1718, had his estate forfeited, and died December 6, 1764, and the Hon. George Hume. "Alexander, seventh earl, was chosen one of the sixteen repre- sentative peers at the general election of 1710, and the following year was appointed general of the mint. On the breaking out of the rebellion of 1715 he was committed prisoner to the castle of Edin- burgh, but released at the expiration of the act suspending the habeas corpus bill, June 24th, 1716. He died in 1720. He had six sons and two daughters, most of whom, with Charles, Lord Douglass, the eldest son, died young. William, the second son, succeeded as eighth, and Alexander, the fifth son, as ninth earl. "William, eighth earl, a captain in the third regiment of foot guards (commissioned in July, 1743,), served on the continent, but was in Scotland in 1745 when the rebellion broke out. He joined Sir John Cope at Dunbar in September of that year, and was at the battle of Preston, where he endeavored, but in vain, to rally the dragoons. Having taken the command of the Glasgow regiment of 600 men, with it he joined the royal army at Sterling on the 12th of the following December. After passing through the subordinate grades, on April 29th, 1752, he was promoted to be colonel of the 25th foot, and on the 16th of April, 1757, was appointed governor of Gibraltar, where he died April 28th, 1761, beirjg then a lieuten- ant-general in the army. He was elected one of the sixteen Scots' representative peers at the general elections of 1741, 1747 and 1754, also on May 5th, 1761, a week after his death, which was not then known in Scotland. Dying without issue, he was succeeded by his brother, Alexander, ninth earl, a clergyman of the Church of Eng- land. This nobleman died at the family seat of Hirsel, Berwick- shire, Oct. 8, 1786. He was thrice married, first to Primrose, second daughter of Charles, ninth Lord Elphinstone, and by her, who died Dec. 8th, 1759, had a son, William, Lord Douglass, a lieutenant ir the Coldstream regiment of foot guards, which he accompanied tc America, and was mortally wounded at the battle of Guildforc C. H. in N. C , March 15th, 1781. He died soon after unmarried They also had a daughter, Lady Eleanora Hume, married to Major General Thomas Dundas, of Fingask, M. P., who fell a victim t< pestilential disease on public service in the West Indies in 1794 and to whose memory a monument was erected by a vote of th House of Commons, in St. Paul's Cathedral, London. The earl' second wife, his cousin Marion, daughter of the Hon. James Hume THE HUMES OF WEDDERBURN. 21 of Ayton, died without issue October 30th, 1763. By his third wife, Miss Ramsey, of Great Yarmouth, he had two sons and two daugh- ters. The eldest son died in infancy. Alexander, the second son, became tenth earl. Lady Caroline, the eldest daughter, died un- married April 30th, 1794. Lady Charlotte, the younger, married Rev. Charles Baillie, archdeacon of Cleveland, and rector of Mid- dleton, second son of Hon. George Baillie, of Jerviswoode, with issue. "Alexander, tenth earl, born at Hirsel, November 11th, 17f> l J, married Elizabeth, second daughter of Henry, third Duke of Bue- cleuch and Queensbury, and had three sons. 1. Cospatrick Alex- ander, Lord Douglass 2. William Montague Douglass, born No- vember 22, 1790, died July 22d, 1822. 3. Henry Campbell, born 1801, died in infancy. His lordship, a representative peer, died October 21st, 1841. "His only surviving son, Cospatrick Alexander Ramsey-Hume, eleventh earl, born at Dalkeith house, October 27th, 1799, was un- der secretary of state for foreign affairs from June, 1828, to Novem- ber, 1830, elected a representative peer in 1842, and keeper of the great seal of Scotland from February to August, 1852. He married in 1832, Hon. Lucy Elizabeth Montague, eldest daughter and co- heir of the last Lord Montague (a title in the English peerage ex- tinct in 1848), issue, six sons and three daughters. On the death of her cousin, the fourth Lord Douglass, without issue, April 6th. 1857, the Countess of Hume succeeded to his estates, estimated worth /55,000 per annum. CHAPTER II. THE HUMES OF WEDDERBURN. "The Humes of Wedderburn were descended from Sir David Hume of Thurston, in East Lothian, second son of Sir Thomas Hume, of Hume. He got from Archibald, Earl Douglass, a grant to the barony of Wedderburn, County Berwick, in 1413, which re- ceived a royal confirmation April 19th, 1430. He and his wife, Alice, had an additional charter from the superior, Archibald, fourth Earl of Douglass, confirmed by royal charter, dated at Stirling, May 22 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. 16th, 1450. He had a son, David, who predeceased him, leaving two sons, George, who succeeded his grandfather, and Sir Patrick Hume, of Polwarth, immediate ancestor of the Earl of Marchmont, also of the Humes of Kimmerghame, Castle Hume, etc. "The grandson, George Hume, of Wedderburn, was killed by the English near his own house in 1497. His own son and suc- cessor, Sir David Hume, was slain at Flodden, with his eldest son, George. He had seven sons altogether, who were called 'The Spears of Wedderburn.' The second son, David, inherited the es- tates. The third son, Alexander Hume, of Manderston, was ances- tor of the Humes, Earls of Dunbar, the Humes of Renton, and the family of Hume Drummond in Perthshire. The fourth son, John, was progenitor of the Humes of Blackadder, who possess a baron- etcy. The younger son, Patrick, was styled, of Broomhouse. "The second son, Sir David Hume, was the energetic Baron of Wedderburn, who revenged the execution of his chief, Lord Hume, and his brother, by the assassination of Anthony de la Beaute in September, 1517, as above related, when he was assisted by his brothers John and Patrick. With Cockburn, of Langton, and others who had been accessory to the murder, they were cited to appear before the court of justice at Edinburgh on the 19th of February following, but disregarding the citation they were declared by par- liament rebels and traitors, and their estates confiscated. When the Earl of Arran at the head of a strong force entered Berwick- shire against him, Sir David shut himself up in the Castle of Ed- ington, about three miles from Berwick, and defied all his attempts to take him prisoner. That nobleman at length returned to the capital, after having placed garrisons in the Castles of Hume, Eang- ton and Wedderburn. Sir David, however, still possessed so much power in the Merse, that it is stated 'none almost pretended to go to Edinburgh or anywhere else out of the country, without first both asking and obtaining his liberty.' Blackadder, prior of Cold- ingham, alone refused to submit to him, and having accidentally met one day while following the chase, they fought with such ob- stinacy that the prior and his six attendants were slain on the spot. He soon recovered the castles which had been garrisoned by the regent's forces, his own fortress of Wedderburn being the first to surrender to him. He and his kinsmen, the Humes of Ayton, Eastcastle and Manderson, swelled, with their retainers, the forces of the Earl of Angus in the famous street encounter, 'Clear the THE HUMES OF WEDDERBURN. 23 Causway,' against the Hamiltons at Edinburgh in 1520. On the return of Albany from France in the following year, with Cockburn of Langton and others concerned in the death of De la Beaute, they put their respective fortresses of Fastcastle, Wedderburn, Buncle and Billie into a strong condition. They were again declared trait- ors, but a compromise was, in August, 1522, entered into with Al- bany, and as the Humes were restored to their estates, they were thenceforth found on the side of the regent. With three daughters, he had three sons. "The eldest son, Sir George Hume, with his chief, Lord Hume, and his kinsmen of Ayton, Renton and Fastcastle, were among the number of those who were taken prisoners at Solway Moss in 1542. He was slain at the battle of Pinkie in 1547, and was succeeded by his next brother. Sir David. His youngest brother, John, was styled of Crumstone. "Sir David Hume, of Wedderburn, was taken prisoner at Pinkie. With the Humes of Ayton and Manderston, the latter of whom was slain, he fought under the banners of his chief against Queen Mary at the battle of Langside. He died in 1574. He had with three daughters, four sons, namely, George, his heir; David, of Godscroft, the well-known author of a 'History of the House and Race of Douglas and Angus,' "The eldest son, Sir George Hume, of Wedderburn, was ap- pointed warden of the East Marches in 1578, and comptroller of Scotland in 1597. He died November 24th, 1616. He had an only son, vSir David Hume, of Wedderburn, slain at the battle of Dunbar in 1650, with his son, George Hume, whose son, also named George, inherited the estate, and died before 1715. With a daughter, he had two sons, George, his heir, and Francis Hume, of Quixwood, from whom the claimant of the Marchmont peerage derives its descent. [See Am. Notes.] "The elder son, George, was put in possession of the family estates in 1695, and engaging in the rebellion of 1715, was taken at the battle of Preston, tried and condemned, but obtained a pardon, and died at Wedderburn in 1720. By his wife, Margaret, eldest daughter of Sir Patrick Hume, Baronet of Lumsden, he had nine children. David, the eldest son, died Lord of Wedderburn in 1762. His next brother, George,* having predeceased him in 1758, he was * This is a mistake. George Hume had, in 1721, settled in Virginia, where he founded the family of Hume, now so numerous in America. See letters at end of this volume. 24 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. succeeded by the third son, Patrick, who died in 1766. John and James, the two youngest sons, were captains in the royal navy, and both died unmarried in 1758, the latter killed in action with the French. Margaret, the eldest daughter, married in 1732, Ninian Hume, of Billie, and was mother of Patrick Hume, who succeeded to the estate of Wedderburn, and was a member of parliament. Isabella, second daughter, married Alexander Hume, of Jardinfield. and was mother of Ninian Hume, of Paxtou, in the parish of Hut- ton, Berwickshire, Governor of Grenada, who was murdered there by Fedon in 1795, and of George Hume, who succeeded to the es- tates of Wedderburn and Paxton, and resided for many years at his seat of Paxton. He was a member of the celebrated literary circle of Edinburgh, which included Henry McKenzie, the author of 'The Man of Feeling,' 'L,ord Craig,' etc., and several of his papers ap, peared in The Mirror and Lounger. Jean, the youngest daughter married the Rev. John Tod, minister of Ladykirk, and had thre< sons and three daughters. None of these married except Margaret the eldest daughter, who in 1799 became the wife of John Fore man, Esq., and died in 1820. With a daughter, Jean, married t< the Rev. Dr. Smith, she had three sons, John Foreman Hume born January 29th. 1781, who succeeded to the estate of Wedder burn, and married Mademoiselle Adelaide Rochard, without issue William Foreman Hume, of Paxton house, born April 24th, 1782 married in January, 1811, Jean, daughter of the Rev. George Hume of Gunsgreen, and had four daughters, of whom the eldest, Jea: Foreman, now of Wedderburn and Paxton, married July 30th, 1S32 David Milne, Esq. , eldest son of Admiral Sir Daniel Milne, G. C. B, with issue a son, David, and five daughters. Ninian, the third sor died young. CHAPTER III, THE HUMES OF BLACKADDER. "The Humes of Blackadder are descended from John Hume fourth son of Sir David Hume, of Wedderburn, and of 'the seve spears. ' By his marriage with Beatrix Blackadder, eldest daught* of one of the two heirs portioners of Robert Blackadder of that ill he acquired that estate and was thereafter designed John Hume, Blackadder. He had one son, also named John, whose son, S John Hume, was created a Baronet of Nova Scotia in 1671. E THE HUMES OK KEACKADDER. 25 distinguished himself much by his loyalty and patriotism. By his wife, Mary, daughter of Sir James Dundas, of Auiston, he had two sons, Sir John, his successor, and Sir David. "The latter, Sir David Hume, of Crossrig, was admitted advo- cate June 3d, 1687, having studied the civil law on the continent, and one of the first judges in the Court of Session, nominated by King William at the Revolution. He took his seat on the bench November 1st, 1689, by the title of Dord Crossrig, and was appointed a lord of justiciary January 27th, 1690. Shortly afterward he was knighted by King William In November, 1700, he presented a petition to parliament respecting the loss of his papers at the great fire in the meal market, Edinburgh, February 5th of that year. The fire broke out in the lodging immediately under his house, while part of his family were in bed, and his lordship was going to bed, and the alarm was so sudden that he was forced to escape in bis night clothing, with his children undressed. Only a small portion of his papers were recovered. In a letter from Duncan Forbes, of Culloden, to his brother, giving him an account of the fire, he says: 'Many rueful sights, such as Crossrig naked, with a child under oxter, happing for his life.' His petition was remitted to a com- mittee of three, upon whose report an act of parliament was passed January 31st, 1701, entitled: 'An act for proving the tenor of some writs in favor of Sir David Hume of Crossrig.' The writs related chiefly to the lands of Crossrig, which were adjudged to Sir John Hume, of Blackadder, and his son James, by Elizabeth Hume, etc., of Crossrig, and came afterwards to L,ord Crossrig by disposition of the above mentioned James Hume, designed of Greenladean. His lordship died April 13th, 1707. He was twice married; his second wife was a daughter of Sir Alexander Swinton, of Swinton, by whom he had issue. "From Eord Crossrig 's eldest surviving sou, Mr. Hume, of Eccles, advocate, author of several works, professional and histori- cal, descended the Humes of Coldingkuows, the first of that family, Dr. Francis Hume, an eminent physician of Edinburgh, being his grandson. The latter, who was the third son of Mr. Hume, of Ec- cles, was born November 17th, 1719. He studied medicine at Ed- inburgh, and was among the few who founded the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh. As surgeon of a regiment dragoon, he served in Flanders during the whole of the Seven Years' War. After study- ing for some time at Eeyden, at the termination of the war, he set- 26 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. tied at Edinburgh and graduated there in 1750. The subject of his inaugural desertation was remittent fever. , quoted as one of the best on that disease. In 1768 he was appointed professor of materia medica in the University of Edinburgh, and continued in that chair for thirty years, having cantributed, with his eminent colleagues, to maintain the high character of that university as a medical school. He was also one of the king's physicians for Scotland. He died a bachelor on the 15th of February, 1813, at the advanced age of 94. Dr. Hume was the author of several works. His 'Principia Medi- cinae,' written in correct and elegant Latin, contains an elegant scientific history of diseases. It went through several editions, and. on the continent was soon adopted by several professors as a text- book. He was the first who described the croup as a separate and distinct disease. His works entitled 'Medical Facts and Experi- ments,' and 'Clinical Experiments, Histories, and Dissertations, form valuable collections of very important facts regarding the his- tory of diseases and their treatment. In 1751 he published a treatise, on Dunse Spa, which brought the mineral spring into notice. Foi a work entitled 'Experiments in Bleaching,' he obtained the golcj medal from the Honorable Board of Trustees for the Improvemen of Manufactures in North Britain. It was published in 1756 bjj request of the board. His essay on the Principles of Agriculture, long continued to be the most scientific account of that most impor tant art, and obtained for him in 1790, when it was founded, th< first professorship of agriculture in the University of Edinburgh. "Dord Crossrig's elder brother, Sir John Hume, second Barone of Blackadder, married his cousin Maty, eldest daughter of Si James Dundas, second of Arniston, and had two sons, Sir John, whii succeeded him, and William, a colonel in the army. 'The eldest son, Sir John Hume, third baronet, had, with daughter, four sons. The eldest, Sir John, fourth baronet, dyin without surviving issue, was succeeded by his eldest brother, Si James, fifth baronet, who died before 1755. The son of the lattei also Sir James, a clerk to the signet, had, with a daughter, on son, Sir George, sixth baronet, who, entering the navy early, be came vice-admiral. He died in 1803. His eldest son, Sir James, seventh baronet, born March 17tti 1790, was in the East Indian Company's civil service, and died i 1836. He had two sons, Sir John, eighth baronet, born Augus 4th, 1829, who also entered the navy, but died unmarried, Marc THK HUMES OF RENTON. 27 26th, 1849, and Sir George, ninth baronet, advocate, born Sep- tember 23d, 1832, married in 1858, Ann Oliphant, only child of Graham Speirs, Esq , sheriff of Midlothian; captain of the City of Edinburgh Volunteer Rifles, 1859. CHAPTER IV. HUMES OF RENTON AND GREENLAW. "The Humes of Re?ito?i were descended from Patrick Hume of Kill-know, Coldingham, second son of Sir Alexander Hume of Manderston, and ancestor of the earls of Dunbar. Patrick obtained the lands of Renton and other estates by his marriage in 1558 to Janet, daughter and sole heiress of David Ellem, of Renton, sprung from an ancient family in the county of Berwick. "His son, Sir Alexander Hume of Renton, was appointed sheriff principal of Berwickshire in 1616, on the resignation of Alexander, earl of Hume, and continued in that office till 1621. He was very rigorous against those accused of witchcraft, and, as we learn from a letter from his son to Sir Patrick Hume, of Pol- warth, sheriff, dated May 15th, 1624, burned seven or eight witches at Coldingham. His son, Sir John Hume, of Renton, was bred to the law. In 1633 he was one of the commissioners in parliament for the county of Berwick. For his adherence to Charles the I, his lands and property were pillaged to the amount of ,£8,000 sterling, for which, after the restoration, he was rewarded with a grant of the crown feu duties payable out of his estate. He was knighted, sworn a privy councillor, and appointed a lord of session, 4th June, 1663, and took his seat on the bench the 20th, with the judicial title of Lord Renton. He was also constituted justice-clerk for life by patent of the same date; and general master of the cere- monies; his commission for the latter office being dated 10th De- cember, 1663. He died in the summer of 1671. According to Wodrow (Vol. I, p. 256) he was one of the greatest zealots for'the prelates in Scotland. He was married to Margaret, daughter of Stewart, commendator of Coldingham, son of Francis, the turbu- lent earl of Both well, and had three sons, namely, first, Sir Alex- ander Hume of Coldingham, whose male line terminated at the 28 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. death of his grandson, Sir John Hume, in January, 1788; second, Sir Patrick Hume of Renton, created a baronet of Nova Scotia in 1682. He sat in the union parliament and adhered to the protest of the Duke of Argyle against that measure. His male line is said to have expired at the death of his grandson, Sir James Hume, third baronet, in 1785; third, Henry Hume of Karnes, Berwickshire, whose grandson was the celebrated Henry Hume, Lord Karnes, of whom a memoir is given. "The old /fumes of Kimmerghame and Redhaugh (whose lands were exchanged for Houndwood and Ferneyside) terminated in an heiress, Elizabeth Hume, married first to William Macfar- lane Brown of Dalgowiie and Kirkton, and second, on December 23d, 1778, to her cousin-germau, Robert Robertson of Browns- bank and Prenderguest, Berwickshire. Mrs. Robertson died July 9th, 1785, leaving her estate of Ferneyside to her distant relative, Sir Abram Hume of Wormleyburgh, baronet, and it is now pos- sessed by his descendant, Karl Brownlow, who assumes the name Hume and Egerton, as heir of line of Sir Abram Hume with Amelia, sister of John, Earl of Bridgewater, and grand-daughter of Henry de Grey. Duke of Kent, Robertson of Prenderguest, on whose second son the estate of Ferneyside had been settled pre- viously t) the deed of Mrs. Robertson in favor of Sir Abram Hume, is represented by Robert Bruce Robertson Glasgow, Esq. of Mont- greenan, Ayrshire, Ensign 27th foot, thirteenth in descendent from Alexander, first Lord Hume. From the Humes of Greenlaw Castle, also in the county of Berwick, descended Sir Everard Hume, baronet, an eminent sur- geon, born at Hull 6th day of May, 1746, died at London August 31st, 1832. His sister, Anne Hume, authoress of a volume of poems printed at London in 1802, was married in July, 1771, to the celebrated anatomist, John Hunter. "David Hume, a Protestant minister educated in France was employed by James VI, to reconcile the differences betweer Tilenus and Dumoulin on the subject of justification; and if pos sible to induce Protestants throughout Europe to agree to onr single form of doctrine. He is often confounded with David Hum< of Godscroft. to whom some of his works have been ascribed. "His chief work is,— Apologia Basilica; Seu Machiavelli In genium Examinatum. Paris, 1626, 4 to. HUMES EARL OF MARCH AND MARCHMONT. 29 "There are also attributed to him, De Unione Insulae Britani- cae, Tractatus. London, 1605, 4 to. Lusus Poetiei. London, 1605, 4 to. "Le, contr Assassin, ou Reponse a 1' Apologie des Jesuites. Geneve. 1612, 8 vo. "Lettres et Traictez Chrestiens, pleins d' Instructions et Consolations Morales et Sainctes. Bergerac, 1613, 12 mo. "Illustrissimi Principis Henrici, Justa. London, 1613, 4 to. "Regi suo, Scotiae Gratulatio. Edin. 1617, 4 to. "L' Assassinat du Roi, ou Maximes du Viel de la Montague, Pratiquees en la personne de defunt Henri le Grand. 1617, 8 vo. "Poemata Omnia. Paris, 1639, 8 vo. "He is likewise the author of several compositions in the Deliciae poetarm Scotorum. CHAPTER V. HUMES, EARL OF MARCH AND MARCHMONT. "Earl of March, a title which, with that of Earl of Dunbar, was long enjoyed by the descendants of Cospatrick, Earl of North- umberland, who came into Scotland in the reign of Malcolm Can- more. On the forfeiture of George, eleventh earl of Dunbar and March, in 1478, the earldom of March was conferred by King James III. on his brother, Alexander, Duke of Albany, on whose forfeiture it was again annexed to the crown by act of estates, October 1st, 1487. It continued in the crown till 1582, when, with the lordship of Dunbar, it was conferred on Robert Stuart, grand- uncle of James VI,, on his relinquishing the earldom of Lennox to his nephew, Esme Stuart of Aubigny. On his death without legit- imate issue, in 1586, the title once more reverted to the crown. 30 hist- . . :nxv. ".lliam Doug! :-ond son of the first Duke of Queensberry, was created Earl of March. April 20th. 1697- He succeeded as second duke, and on the death, without issue, of his grandson, William, fourth duke *. -ensberry and third earl of March, in December, 1810, the latter title with the great estates of the Queensberr ly in the county of Peebles, devolved on the sixth earl of Wemyss, whose great-grandfather married for his first wife Lady Ann Douglass, eldest daughter of the first duke of Queensberry, and sister of the first earl of March. The word March or Merse - gnifying boundary or limit, anciently more particularly applied to the eastern part of the Scottish border, is now confined to Berwickshire. Chalmers, how- . thinks it more probable that the frontier province got its name from the Anglo-Saxon mersf. a marsh, or from marisci naked plain. 'Earlof Marchmont, a title (dormant since 1794 in the peerage of Scotland, was conferred by William III. on Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth. He was descended from Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth. comptroller of Scotland from 1499. when he was knighted, to I second son of David Hume, younger of Wedder- burn. The comptroller's great grandson, Patrick Hume of Polwarth. was a chief promoter of the Reforma- tion in Scotland, and one of those who in 1569 entered into an association to protect preachers of the Gospel. The eldest son of this gentleman. Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth, was. in 1591, appointed master of the household to King James VI. one of the gentlemen of his bed-chamber, and warden of the Marches. He died June 10th, 1609. Sir Patrick Hume, his son. had a pen- sion of £100 sterling from James VI. from whom he received other marks of favor. By Charles I. he was created a baronet in 1625, soon after his accession to the throne. He died in April, 1648. His eldest son was the first earl of Marchmont, so created April 23d, 1697. He had previously, December 26th, 1690, been raised to the peerage by the title of Lord Polwarth. The patent of the earldom was to him and his heirs male whatsoever, and the secondary titles were Viscount of Blasonberrie and Lord Polwarth of Pol worth , Redbreas and Greenlaw. This nobleman, it is well known, when Sir Patrick Hume, suffered much for his patriotism, during the persecution in Scotland in the reign of Charles II. and James VII., had many narrow escapes of being taken. HUMES, EARL OF MARCH AND MARCHMONT. 31 When he had decided upon leaving his place of concealment, he set out during the night accompanied by a trustworthy servant named John Allan, who was to conduct him part of his way to London. In traveling towards the Tweed, they unconsciously separated. Sir Patrick having somehow quitted the proper road without being aware of it till he reached the bank of the river. This mistake proved his safety: for his servant. Allen, was over- taken by those very soldiers who were in pursuit of him. In the assumed capacity of a surgeon, Sir Patrick got safely to London. Thence he proceeded to Holland, and returned to Scotland at the Revolution. He had four sons and five daughters. His eldest daughter, Grizel, afterwards Lady Grizel Baillie, was the heroine who, when only twelve years of age, sup- plied her father with food and other necessaries, at the time he was under concealment in the family burial vault, beneath the parish church of Polwarth. His eldest son, Lord Pol worth, pre- deceased him in 1710. His second son, the Hon. Captain Robert Hume, also died young, without issue. ' The third son, Alexander, was the second earl of March- mont. Born in 1675, he was admitted advocate July 25th, l l He married in July 1697. Margaret, daughter and he:: Geo. Campbell of Cessnock. Ayrshire, and having been knighted, he assumed the name of Sir Alexander Campbell. He was elected member in the Scots parliament for Berwickshire, and on Oct' 16th. 1704, appointed a lord of session, taking his seat as Lord nock. He was at the same time made a commissioner of the court of exchequer, and sworn a privy councillor. He supported the union in parliament, and in November, 1714. he resigned his seat in the court of sessions in favor of his your.. her, the Hon. Sir Andrew Hume of Kimmerghame, Berwickshire. On the breaking out of the rebellion of 1715. he rai- the Berwick- shire militia, on the side of the government, and marched with three battalions to join the Duke of Argyle at Stirling. The same year he was appointed envoy extraordinary to the courts of I mark and I a.. In December, 1716, he became lord-clerk -:er. In 1721 he was ap; I first am':, r to the congi of Cambray. and in March of that year made his public entry into that city in a style of splendor and magnificence becoming the representative of the British nation. He succeeded bis father as the Earl of March Augur. 1st 1724 and the :' :g year 32 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. was invested with the Order of the Thistle. In 1726 he was sworn a privy councillor, and in 1727 chosen one of the sixteen repre- sentative Scots peers. In 1733 he joined the opposition against Sir Robert Walpole, and in consequence he was, in May of that year, dismissed from his office of lord-clerk register. He died at London, February 27th, 1740, in the 65 year of his life, and was buried in Canongate churchyard, Edinburgh. In the Scots Maga- zine for March, 1740, is a high tribute to the character of this noble- man. He had four sons and four daughters. The two eldest sons died young. The two youngest, Hugh, third earl, and the Hon. Alexander Hume, were twins, born at Edinburgh, February 15th, 1708. At the general election of 1734, the latter was chosen M. P. for Berwickshire, and constantly re- chosen till his death July 19th, 1760. He took an active part in parliamentary busi- ness, and was an eminent barrister in London. In 1741 he was appointed solicitor to the Prince of Wales, and January 27th, 1756, lord-clerk register of Scotland. "Hugh, third earl of Marchmont, became eminent for his learning and brilliant genius. At the general election of 1734, he was chosen M. P. for Berwick, and in the House of Com- mons he made himself so formidable to the government as one of the leaders of the opposition, that Sir Robert Walpole, then prime minister, declared that there were few things he more ardently desired than to see that young man at the head of his family; which would have had the effect of removing him from parlia- ment altogether. On the death of his father in February, 1740, he became third earl of Marchmont, "By his contemporaries his lordship was held in high esteem. He formed an intimate friendship with Lord Cobham, who gave his bust a place in the Temple of Worthies at Stow, and with Pope, who introduced his name into his well-known inscription in grotto at Twickenham: " 'There the bright flame was shot through Marchmont's soul. ' "He was one of the executors of Pope, and also Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, both of whom died in 1744. The latter left him a legacy of £2,500. In 1750 he was elected one of the sixteen representative peers of Scotland, and re-chosen at every general election till 1784. During the thirty-four years that he sat in the House of Lords, he took an active part in the busi- HUMES, EARL OF MARCH AND MARCHMONT. 33 ness of the house, few of their Lordships possessing a greater amount of parliamentary information and experience. In 1747 he had been appointed first lord of police, a department long since abolished, and on January 28th, 1764, Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland. He died at Hemel-Hempstead, Hertfordshire, January 10th, 1794, in his eighty-sixth year; when the earldom of Marchmont became dormant. He built Marchmont House, in the parish of Palwarth, Berwickshire, and on his death Sir Hugh Purves, sixth baronet of Purves Hall, great-grandson of Lady Ann Purves, eldest sister of the third earl of Marchmont, assumed the name of Hume and Campbell on succeeding to the estates. "His lordship married, first, in May, 1731, Miss Anne Western, London, by whom he had a son, Patrick, Lord Polwarth, who died young, and three daughters. The youngest daughter, Lady Diana Hume, "Scott's Lady Di"married April 18, 1754, Walter Scott of Harden, Berwickshire, M. P., who died at Tonbridge, January 25th, 1793, and had one son, Hugh Scott of Harden, who in 1835 made good his claim to the title of Lcrd Pol- warth in the Scottish peerage. Lady Diana was the only one of the earl's daughters who left surviving issue, and the Polwarth peerage, when conferred on the first earl of Marchmont, was with remainder to the heirs male of his body, and failing these to the heirs general of such heirs male. His countess having died May 9th, 1747, the earl married secondly at London, January 30th, 1748, Miss Elizabeth Crompton, daughter of a linen draper in Cheapside. By this lady he had one son, Alexander, Lord Polworth, born in 1750, married July 16th, 1772, Lady Annabella Yorke, eldest daughter of Philip, second earl of Hardwicke. He was created a peer of the United Kingdom by the title of Baron Hume of Berwick, May 14th, 1776. He died with- out issue, March 9th, 1781, in his thirty-first year, when his British title became extinct. "Lord Marchmont bequeathed his library, consisting of one of the most curious and valuable collections of books and manu- scripts in great Britain, to his sole executor, the Right Hon. George Rose, whose son, Sir George Henry Rose, published in 1831, 'A Selection from the Papers of the Earls of Marchmont, illustrative of the Events from 1685 to 1750, in 3 vols. 8 vo.' 34 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. CHAPTER VI. COSPATRICKS, EARLS OF DUNBAR. "Dunbar is a surname once very prominent in the annals of national and border warfare, and derived from the town of that name in the Haddingtonshire. The word Dun-bar both in the British and the Gaelic signifies "the fort on the height, "or' 'strength upon the summit," and the town obtained its designation from the fortlet on the rock, which, at this place, projects into the sea. ' 'Boece, and after him Buchanan, states that Kenneth the First having defeated the Puts in a pitched battle at Scone, conferred the fortress here upon one of his most valiant soldiers, whose name was Bar, and hence the name Dim-bar, or the castle of Bar; but Ken- neth was king of the Picts. and certainly did not make war on his own subjects. He invaded Lothian six times and burned Dunbar, which had its name before this day. Boece's derivation of the name, like many others of his statements, is therefore a mere fable. "So early as 961 we find the men of Lothian under two leaders of the names of Dunbar and Graeme, doing battle against the Danish invaders at Cullen. "The title of Earl of Dunbar and March was long enjoyed by the descendants of Cospatrick I. , Earl of Northumberland, who, with other nobles of the North of England, fled to Scotland after the conquest of that country in 1066 by William of Normandy, carrying with them Edgar Atheling. the heir of the Saxon line, and his two sisters, Margaret and Christina. (See Chap. I.) "Malcolm Canmore, who married the Princess Margaret, be- stowed on Cospatrick the manor of Dunbar and many fair lands in the Merse and Lothian. "His second son, who was also named Cospatrick II. , witnessed the foundation charter of the Abbey of Holyrood house, by David the First in 1128. He had soon afterwards the rank of an earl and died in 1139, leaving a son. "Cospatrick III., the second earl, who made donations to the monastery of Kelso of the patronage of the churches of Hume, Lambden and Greenlaw. He died in 1147, leaving four sons. "His oldest son, Cospatrick IV., the third earl, had two sons, Waldeve, his successor, and Patrick, who inherited the manor of COSPATRICK EARLS OF DUNBAR. 35 Greenlaw. The latter died in 1166. His son William, was ancest- or to the Earls of Hume and Hume family. "Waldeve, the fourth earl, was the first who was designed Earl of Dunbar. He was one of the hostages for the performance of the treaty for the release of King William the First from his cap- tivity in England in 1174. He died in 1182 "Patrick, the fifth earl, is described as having been a brave warrior. William, the Lion, bestowed on him in 1184, Ada, one of his natural daughters, in marriage. He held the office of Justice of Lothian and keeper of Berwick. In 1218 Earl Patrick founded a monastery of Red friars in Dunbar. In 1231, being then very old, after taking farewell of his children, relations and neighbors, whom he invited to his castle of Dunbar during the festivities of Christ- mas for the purpose, he retired to the monastery, where he died the following year. "His daughter Ada obtained from him the lands of Hume, and took for her second husband her cousin William, above mentioned, son of Patrick, second son of Cospatrick IV. , third earl. He assum- ed the name of Hume and was progenitor of the Earls of Hume, so created in 1605. "Patrick, the sixth earl, succeeded his father at the age of forty- six. Lord Hailes calls him the most powerful baron of the southern districts of Scotland. He held the first rank among the twenty four barons who guaranteed the treaty of peace with England in 1244. He died in 1248 at the siege of Damietta in Egypt, while on a crusade with Louis IX. of France. "Patrick, seventh Earl of Dunbar, was one of the chiefs of the English faction during the minority of Alexander the Third, and heading a party, surprised the castle of Edinburgh, and freed Alex- ander and his queen from the power of the Comyns. Thomas Ler- mont of Ercildoun, commonly called Thomas 'The Rhymer,' visited the castle of Dunbar in 1285, and foretold to the earl the sudden death of Alexander the Third, who was killed next day by a fall from his horse on the sands of Kinghorn. This earl was afterwards one of the regents of the kingdom, and died in 1289, at the age of seventy- six. "Patrick, the eighth Earl of Dunbar, surnamed Blackbeard, appeared at the parliament at Brigham in 1289, where he is called Earl of March or the Merse, being the first of the Earls of Dunbar designated by that title. He was one of the competitors for the 36 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. crowu of Scotland, to which he entered a formal claim at Berwick in 1291, as the great-grandson of Ada, daughter of William the Lion, but his claim was soon withdrawn, and swearing fealty to Edward the same year, he ever after, steadily adhered to the Eng- lish interest. His wife, Marjory Comyn, daughter of Alexander, Earl of Buchan, favored the Scots, and retained the castle of Dun- bar for Baliol, but was obliged to surrender it to Edward the First in April, 1296. The earl died in 1309. "His son, Patrick, the ninth earl, received Edward the Second, when he fled from the field of Bannockburn in 1314 into his castle of Dunbar, whence in a fishing boat he escaped to England. The earl afterwards made peace with his cousin Robert, the Bruce, and was present at the parliament held at Ayr on the 26th of April, 1315. when the succession to the crown of Scotland was settled. He was subsequently appointed governor of the castle of Berwick, where he was besieged by Edward the Third in 1333. After the defeat at Halidon hill, however, he surrendered that important place and renewed his oath of fealty to Edward, and his castle of Dunbar, which had been dismantled and razed to the ground on the approach of the English, was now rebuilt at the earl's expense garrisoned by an English force. He attended Edward Baliol at the parliament held in Edinburgh in February, 1334, when the latter ceded to England, Berwick, Dunbar, Roxburgh and Edinburgh, and all the southern counties of Scotland. In the following December, however, he again renounced his allegiance to the English king, and afterwards exerted himself actively against the English inter- ests. In his absence his countess, who, from her complexion, was styled Black Agnes, defended the castle of Dunbar against the Earl of Salisbury, whom she compelled to retire after a siege of nineteen weeks. Of this heroic lady a memoir is subjoined. The earl com- manded the left wing of the Scottish army at the fatal battle of Durham on the 17th of October, 1346, where, among other nobles, fell his countess' brother Thomas, Earl of Moray, and as he had no male issue, she became sole possessor of his extensive estates, and her husband assumed the additional title of the Earl of Moray. He died in 1369. "His third daughter, Lady Elizabeth Dunbar, was married to John Maitland of L-ethington, ancestor of the Earls of Lauderdale. When the second Earl of Lauderdale was created a duke in 1672, COSPATRICK EARLS OF DUNBAR. 37 ie chose for his second title that of the Marquis of March, to indi- :ate his descent from the Dunbars, Earls of March. "George, the tenth Earl of Dunbar, from the vast possessions vhich he inherited, became one of the most powerful nobles in Scotland of his time, and the rival of the Douglasses. In 1388 he iccompanied the Earl of Douglass in his incursion into England, md after the battle of Otterburn he took the command of the Scots, vhom he conducted safely home. His daughter Elizabeth was be- .rothed by contract to David, Duke of Rothesay, the son of Robert ;he Third, and heir to the throne, but Archibald, Earl of Douglass, surnamed the Grim, protested against the match, and through the nfluence of the Duke of Albany had the contract annulled, and the )rince was married to his (Albany's) own daughter, Marjory, instead, [n consequence of this slight the Earl of Dunbar renounced his alle- giance, and retiring into England, put himself under the protection of Henry the Fourth. In February, 1401, he made a wasteful inroad nto Scotland, and in June, 1402, he again devastated the borders. A.t the battle of Homildon hill he fought on the English side, rhrough the mediation of Walter Halyburton of Dirleton, a recon- :iliation with the Douglasses was effected in 1408, and he returned :o Scotland the following year. In 1411 he was one of the commis- sioners for negotiating a truce with England. He died of a conta- gious fever in 1420, at the age of eighty-two. "George, eleventh Earl of Dunbar and March, succeeded his Eather in 1420, being then almost fifty years of age, but after hold- ing his titles and estates for fourteen years, and being employed in various public transactions, particularly in making the truces with England, which were so frequent at that time, he was, in 1434, imprisoned in the castle of Edinburgh by James the First, and deprived of his earldom and possessions, which he was accused of holding after they had been forfeited by his father's treason, and notwithstanding the plea which he offered of his father's pardon by the Regent of Albany, the forfeiture was confirmed by parlia- ment, and the earldom and estates of Dunbar vested in the crown. To make some amends for the severity of his conduct, the king conferred upon Earl George the title of Earl of Buchan, but disdain- ing to assume the title, he retired with his eldest son to England, 'and thus,' says Douglass, 'ended the long line of the Earls of Dun- bar March, -who for many generations enjoyed vast estates and in- fluence. ' 38 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. CHAPTER VII. HUMES, EARLS OF DUNBAR. This title in the Scottish peerage, was revived in 1605 in the person of George Hume, third son of Alexander Hume of Manderston, in Berwickshire, of the Wedderburn family. He is described by Archbishop Spotiswoode as a man of 'deep wit, few words, and in his majesty's service no less faithful than fortunate,' Being early introduced at court, he soon rose high in the estimation of King James the Sixth, who, in 1585 appointed him as one of the gentlemen of his bed-chamber, and in 1590 conferred on him the honor of knighthood, and constituted him master of the wardrobe. He was one of the cubicular courtiers - mentioned in 'Calderwood's History' (vol. v., p. 510), as having, from the jealousy of the Octavians, stirred up the tumult at Edin- burgh of December 17th, 1596. On September 5th, 1601, he was appointed high treasurer of Scotland. In 1603 he attended James to London, on his accession to the English throne, and on the 7th of July, 1604, was sworn a privy councillor of England and created a peer of that kingdom by the title of Baron Hume of Berwick. He was created by commission in Holyrood house. Earl of Dunbar in the peerage of Scotland, by patent dated at Windsor July 3d, 1605, and subsequently became chancellor of the exchequer in England. After this period he had the chief management of James' affairs in Scotland. In the beginning of 1606 he and the Earl of Mar were sent from court to Edinburgh to have the imprisoned ministers at Blackness put upon their trial, being appointed one of the assessors to the justice-deputi on the occasion. He regretted to Mr. James Melville the employment and said he would be willing to give a thousand pounds sterling to have the king satisfied in the matter, without injury to the kirk and danger of the honest men warded, and desired him to endeavor to prevail with them to make confes- sion, however slight, of a fault, and to come in the king's will; promising to use his influence with his majesty in their behalf. He was the principal person employed in procuring the re-establish- ment of episcopacy in Scotland, and in the parliament held at Perth, July 9th, 1606, he carried through the act for the restoration of the estates of bishops. In the same parliament he obtained a ratification of the earldom of Dunbar, and other lands, and an HUMES, EARLS OF DUNBAR, 39 acquittance and discharge of the king's jewels and wardrobe. He was present at the conference held by the eight ministers with the king at Hampton Court in September of the same year, and when they were called before the Scottish council the meeting was held at his house. In 'Calderwood's History' is the following entry as to the payment of the ministers' expenses: 'Upon Wedinsday, the 15th of October, the Erie of Dunbar sent Robert Fowsie to their loodging with eight sheats of gray paper, full of English money, knitt up in form of sugar loaves, conteaning five hundreth merks apiece to everie one of them for their charges and expenses in com- ing to court.' [Calderwood, Vol. VI , p. 589.] He refused, how- ever, to admit them, on their application to a personal conference with himself. He was present in convention of the ministry at Linlithgow, in December, 1606, and gave great offense by the solemnity with which he kept Christmas in Edinburgh that year. In the end of June, 1608, he again came to Scotland with a com- . mission of lieutenentry for the north parts, and as commissioner to ; the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, which was held at Linlithgow on the last Tuesday of July. On the first of that • month he entered Edinburgh with a great train. In the following ' month he was instrumental in bringing George Sprott, a notary of , Eyemouth, to trial and execution for concealment of the Gowrie conspiracy, eight years before, and acquired some odium by being present conspicuously at Sprott's execution. In January, 1609, he , was again sent to Edinburgh to hold a convention of the estates, . and in the following March he assisted at the trial of Lord Bal- , merinoch (who had been committed to his keeping) for high treason, in counterfeiting the king's writing and , sending letters to the Pope in his majesty's name, with- out his knowledge On Sunday, April 24th, he kept St. George's day at Berwick with much ceremony, and at the feast which he made on the occasion was 'served as one of the knights of the garter by lords, knights, barons and gentlemen of rank.' He attended church in great pomp, 'convoyed with lords knights, barons, gentlemen and soldiers,' and the ceremonies he used in church are specified with great minuteness by Calderwood in his history (Vol. VII, p. 18.) This must have been his instalment as a knight of the garter, which Douglas in his 'Peerage' fixes to have taken place on the 20th of May. He was present, as one of his majesty's commissioners, at the conference at Falkland, 4th of i 40 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. May, 1609, and about the end of July he went to Dumfries, where he held a justice-court, and hanged a number of border thieves. He was again nominated one of the commissioners to the General Assembly, appointed to meet at Glasgow, 8th of June, 1610, and on passing through Newcastle he was very pressing with Mr. James Melville, who was then exiled to that town, to apply himself to please the king, assuring him that he should be as highly advanced as any minister in Scotland, and even hinting that he might be made a bishop. He took him with him to Berwick, where he left him confined, and entered Edinburgh in state on the 24th of May. He died at Whitehall on the 29th of January, 1611, 'not without suspicions,' says Caldwell, 'of poison. Howsoever it was, the earl was by death pulled down from the height of his honor, even when he was about to solemnize magnificently his daughter's marriage with the Lord Walden (afterwards Earl of Suffolk). He proposed to celebrate St. George's day following in Berwick, where he had almost finished a sumptuous and glorious palace. He was so busy, and left nothing undone to overthrow the discipline of our church, and specially to the Assembly holden the last summer ia Glasgow. But none of his posterity enjoyeth a foot broad of land this day of his conquest in Scotland.' [Caldwell History, Vol. VII, p. 153 ] 'His death,' he adds, 'bred an alteration in state affairs; sundry of the council, as well bishops as others, went up to court in the month of March after, every one for his own particular.' He was buried at Dunbar, where there is a monument to his memory. The earl married Catherine, daughter of Sir Alex- ander Gordon of Gight, by Mary, daughter of Cardinal Bethune, and had two daughters, Lady Anne, married to Sir James Hume of Cowdeuknows, and was mother of the third earl of Hume and Lady Elizabeth, Countess of Suffolk, "In 1776, as we learn from 'Douglas' Peerage' (Woods' Edi- tion, Vol. I, p. 454), John Hume, of the family of Wedderburn, descended trom David, second son of Sir David Hume of Wedder- burn, was retoured heir male of the Earl of Dunbar, but the service was reduced by the court of session, at instance of Sir George Hume of Blackadder, baronet, descended from John Hume of Black- adder, fourth son of Sir David Hume of Wedderburn. and immediate younger brother of Alexander Hume, the first of Manderston (grandfather of George, Earl of Dunbar), and therefore, by the law of Scotland, preferable to the descendants of the elder brother of HUMES, EARLS OF DUNBAR, 41 Alexander. Mr. Hume Drummond of Blair Drummond, Perth- shire, as descended from, and male heir of, Patrick Hume of Renton, uncle of the Earl of Dunbar, and nearest male heir of the latter, has, as such, a ground of claim to that peerage, as the patent grants the title to the first earl and his heirs-male general. [Drummond.] This is one of the dignities supposed to be due to the American claimant descended from George Hume of Virginia. "There are five baronetages belonging to the families of the name of Dunbar; viz., of Mochrum, Wigtonshire of date 1694, descended from the second Earl of Moray of the name of Dunbar; of Durn in Banffshire, of date 1697, descended from the Earls of March, through Patrick, tenth earl; of Northfield, Morayshire, of date 1698, descended in the direct male line from James Dunbar, fifth Earl of Moray; of Hempriggs, Caithness-shire, of date 1698, and of Boath, Nairnshire, of date 1814, descended from John Dunbar, Earl of Moray, son of the ninth Earl of Dunbar. "There was a sixth baronetcy, of Baldoon, county of Wigton, conferred in 1664, but the heirs-male of the first baronet failing, the title soon became extinct, and the estate of Baldoon devolved on his granddaughter and heiress, Mary, wife of L,ord Basil Ham- ilton, and mother of Basil Hamilton of Baldoon, M. P., whose son, Dunbar Hamilton, succeeded in 1744 to the earldom of Selkirk. "Of the family of Mochrum was Gavin Dunbar, Archbishop of Glasgow, Lord High Chancellor of Scotland in the reign of James V. being a younger son of Sir John Dunbar of Mochrum by his second wife, Jenet, daughter of Sir Alexander Stewart of Garlies,and nephew of Gavin Dunbar, Bishop of Aberdeen, At the University of Glas- gow he distinguished himself by his acquirements in classical learning and philosophy, and afterways applying himself to the study of theology and the canon law, he became in 1514 dean of Moray. In the following year he obtained the priory of Whitorn in Galloway, and soon after was appointed preceptor to the young king (James the Fifth). In September, 1524, on the translation of the Archbishop James Bethune to St. Andrews, he was ap- pointed by the lords of the regency to succeed him as Archbishop of Glasgow, and on the third of August, 1525, was named, with the Earl of Angus and others, a commissioner to meet those of England, for the purpose of procuring a peace and taking order with the marauders of the borders. In 1526 he was admitted a 42 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. member of the privy council, and was one of the three prelates selected by the king himself 'to be his secret counsail for the spirituale stait. ' On the 15th of November of the same year he was chosen one of the lords of the articles for the clergy. He was present at the condemnation of Patrick Hamilton the martyr, at St. Andrews, the last day of February, 1527, and in the subsequent persecution of the reformers his name occurs as taking an active part. After the escape of the king from the power of the Doug- lases, he was appointed lord chancellor, 21st of August, 1528, in place of the Earl of Angus, and in 1531 and 1532 he was elected a lord of the articles. On the 27th of May of the latter year the first session of the college of justice was begun, in his presence and in that of the king, the office of principal being conferred by statute on the lord chancellor. On James' departure for France, to wed the Princess Magdelene, he was appointed, by commission dated 29th of August, 1536, one of the lords of the regency, and about the same time was presented by the king to the abbey of Inchaffray I in Perthshire, which he held in commendam. In February, 1539, he was active in the condemnation and burning for heresy of Thomas Forret, vicar of Dollar, and others, on the Castlehill of Edinburgh, and soon after, at the instigation of Cardinal Bethune. he condemned Jerome Russell, and a youth named Kennedy, to death at Glasgow, although he himself was inclined to spare their lives. Aft^r James' death he was continued chancellor by the Regent Arran; appointed a lord of the articles on the 13th of March, 1543, and two days after sworn one of the governor's privy council. The same day, on the presentation in parliament of a bill by Lord Maxwell, for allowing the Scriptures to be read in the vul- gar tongue, which the lords of the articles had found to be reason- able, and allowed to be read in full parliament, Lord Chancellor Dunbar, for himself and in name of all the prelates of the realm, opposed its being enacted, and proposed that the consideration of it should be deferred until a provincial council could be called to decide upon it. It was, however, passed, and on the 15th of Decem- der following he was forced to resign the seals to Cardinal Bethune. His name frequently occurs afterwards in the rolls of parliament. In 1545, when George Wishart was preaching in the west of Scot- land, Archbishop Dunbar went to Ayr to oppose him, and occupied the pulpit there while Wishart preached at the market cross. 'The bishop,' says Calderwood, 'preached to his jackemen and to some HUMES, EARLS OF DUNBAR. 43 old boisses of the town.' The summe of all his sermon was this: 'They say we should preaehe; why not? — better late thrive nor never thrive. Hold us still for your bishop and we will all provide better the nixt time.' This was the beginning and end of the bishop's sermon. He departed out of the town in haste, but returned not to fulfill his promise.' — ['Caldcrwood's History,' Vol. I, p. 187.] 1 'In the end of harvest, 1545, Cardinal Bethune visited Glasgow, and Knox and Calderwood relate a dispute for precedency which took place between the cross-bearers of the archbishop and those of the cardinal coming forth or going in at the choir door of Glasgow cathedral, which ended in buffets and blows, and led to a coolness between their masters, and they were only reconciled on the occa- sion of the martyrdom of George Wishart. 'The cardinal,' says Calderwood, 'was knowne proud, and the archbishop was a glorious fool. The cardinal alleged that by reason of his cardinalship he was primate of all Scotland and the Pope's legate: that his cross should not only go before, but also should only be borne whereso- ever he himself was. Good Gukestone, Glackstone, Archbishop Dunbar lacked no reason, as he thought, for maintenance of his glory He was an archbishop in his own province, bishop in his i own diocese and cathedral church, and there ought to give place to no man ' (Ibid, p. 198; see also Knox's History, p. 51.) In the following February, however, the archbishop attended the sum- mons of the cardinal to be present at the trial of Wishart of St. Andrews. He assisted at the judgment against him, and witnessed his cruel death from the same window as the cardinal. Archbishop Dunbar died on the 30th of April, 1547, and was interred in the chancel of his cathedral church, in a tomb which he had caused to be erected for himself, but of which no vestige now remains. Spotswood speaks of him as a good and learned man, and Buchanan ras celebrated his praises in one of the most elegant of his ?pigrams. 44 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. CHAPTER VIII. AGNES, COUNTESS OF DUNBAR AND MARCH. "■Agnes, Countess of Dunbar and March, commonly called from her dark complexion, Black Agnes, a high-spirited and cour- ageous woman, whose heroic and successful defense of her husband's castle of Dunbar against the English in 1337, has attained a con-i spicuous place in the history of the period, was the daughter of the, celebrated Thomas Randolph. Earl of Moray, Regent of Scotland, and the wife of Patrick, ninth Earl of Dunbar and March. Her husband, having embraced the party of David Bruce, had taken the field with the regent, Sir Andrew Murray of Both well, and was ther absent with him in the north of Scotland. In January, 1337 William Montague, Earl of Salisbury, besieged the castle of Dunba: with a large English army, and employed against it great batterinj engines, constructed to throw huge stones against the walls. Th castle, in some records called 'Earl Patrick's Strong House,' wa indeed very strong, being built upon a chain of rocks stretclrin; into the sea, and having only one passage to the mainland, whic was well fortified. Before the use of artillery it was almost impreg nable, and during the siege by the Earl of Salisbury, Black Agne. 1 in the absence of her husband, resolved to defend it to the last ex tretnity. She performed all the duties of a bold and vigilant con mander, setting at defiance all the attempts of the English to tat the castle. She showed herself with her maids on the battlement and when the battering engines hurled immense stones against tl walls, she in scorn ordered one of her female attendants to wipe c the dust with a towel or handkerchief. One of the engines employ< by the besiegers was an enormous machine constructed of timbe moving upon wheels, and including within it several platforms stages, which held various parties of armed men, who were defend by a strong roofing of boards and hides, under cover of which th could advance with safety to the foot of the walls. This machir from the shape of its roof, which resembled the ridge of a hoj back, was termed a sow. When the countess beheld this formic ble and bulky engine rolled foward to the walls of the castle, so ' from being intimidated, she cried out to the Earl of Salisbury | derision: AGNES, COUNTESS OF DUNBAR AND MARCH. 45 " 'Beware, Montagow, For farrow shalt thy sow!' "At the same time she made a signal, when a huge fragment of rock, which had been made ready for the purpose, was hurled from the battlements upon the sow, and its roof was crushed to pieces. As the English soldiers enclosed within it were running in all directions to escape with their lives, Black Agnes called out scoffingly: "Behold the litter of English pigs." It happened that one day when the Earl of Salisbury rode near the walls with a knight dressed in armor of proof, one William Spense, a Scottish I archer, shot an arrow from the battlements of the castle with such \ good aim and force that it pierced through the folds of the mail which the knight wore over his acton, or leathern jacket, and reached his heart. 'That,' said Salisbury, as the knight fell dead from his horse, 'is one of my lady's tire-pins. Black Agnes' love- shafts go straight to the heart.' The resistance of the countess was i so determined that Salisbury despairing of taking the castle by fcce of arms, endeavored to bribe one of the garrison to betray his trust, and offered him a considerable sum if he would leave the gate open, so as to admit a party of English after nightfall. The man took the money, but he disclosed the whole transaction to the count- ess. It is thought that it was at her suggestion that he had entered I into such a contract with Salisbury, as she was anxious to make him prisoner. In this, however, she was disappointed. At the time fixed, the earl, trusting to the agreement with the porter, came before the gate, which, as had been arranged, he found open, and the portcullis drawn up. As he was about to enter, however, one of his followers, named John Copeland, a squire of Northumberland, hastily passed before him. As soon as he was within the fortress the portcullis was dropped and Copeland, mistaken for Salisbury, remained a prisoner, while Sailsbury escaped. Black Agnes wit- nessed the result of the enterprise from the battlements, and as he retired she called out jeeringly to Salisbury, addressing him, as she always did, by his family name: 'Farewell, Montague, I intended that you should have supped with us and assist in defending the castle against the English!' "Turning the siege into a blockade, Salisbury closely invested the castle both by land and sea, all communication being cut off betwixt the garrison and their friends. Alexander Ramsey of Dal- wolsey (ancestor of the Earls of Dalhousie), who was then concealed 46 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. with a resolute company of young men in the caves of Hawthorn- den, near Roslin, and maintained a kind of predatory warfare against the English, having heard of the extremities to which the brave garrison of Dunbar and their intrepid female commander were re- duced, proceeded to their relief with forty men. These he embarked at the Bass in some boats which he had engaged for the purpose, and taking advantage of a dark night he contrived to elude the vigi- lance of the English, and entered the castle by a postern next the : sea, the ruins of which are still visible. He was no sooner within i the fortress than he sallied out and attacked the advance guards of the English, whom he drove back to their camp. Salisbury now despaired of taking the castle, and on the 10th of June, 1337, he raised the siege, which had lasted nineteen weeks. The castle was left in possession of Black Agnes, whose courage and perseverance formed the subject of the songs of the minstrels of those days. In Winston's 'Cronykill' there is an interesting account of this siege under the title: " 'Of the assiege of Dunbare, Where the countess was wise and ware. ' "The conclusion modernized may be thus rendered, in the sup- posed words of Salisbury: " 'She kept astir in the tower and trench, That watchful, plodding, Scottish wench ; Came I early, came I late, I found Black Agnes at the gate.' "On the death of the countess' brother, Thomas, Earl of Mo- ray, who fell at the battle of Durham in 1346, as he had no male issue, she became his heiress, and besides the earldom of Moray, she and her husb aid obtained the Isle of Man, the lordship of Annandale, the baronies of Morton and Tibbers in Nithsdale, of Morthington (afterwards Mordington), Longformacus, and the manor of Dunse in Berwickshire, with Mochrum in Galloway, Cumnock in Ayershire, and Blantyre in Clydesdale. The countess died about 1369, leaving two sons, George, tenth Earl of Dunbai and March, and John, Earl of Moray. The Barony of Mordington above mentioned, seems to have been given as a dowry to hei daughter Agnes, on the latter marrying James Douglass of Dalkeith and it continued with the descendants of this Douglass until the Reformation, and eventually gave them the title of Baron Mording AGNES, COUNTESS OF DUNBAR AND MARCH. 4 7 ton in the peerage of Scotland— a title which became dormant in i 1796. "William Dunbar, styled by Pinkerton, 'The chief of the an- cient Scottish poets,' and by George Ellis 'the greatest poet that Scotland has produced,' is supposed, from allusion to one of his poems, to have been born in East Lothian about the middle of the fifteenth century. Laing sets down 1460, and Pinkerton 1465 as : the date of his birth. Walter Kennedy, in his famous 'Flyting' with Dunbar, represents him as a descendant of the forfeited family I of the Earls of Dunbar and March, and his biographer, Mr. David , Laing, conjectures that he was either the grandson or grand-nephew of Sir Patrick Dunbar of Beill, the fourth son of George, tenth Earl of March, the only branch of that ever powerful family retaining i property in East Lothian. 'This Sir Patrick,' says Mr. Laing, 'sig- nalized himself on many occasions, and was one of the hostages for James the First in 1426, and it also appears from an original char- ter dated August 10th, 1440, that one of his sons was named Wil- liam, who in all probability was either the father or uncle of the poet. No other person of the same baptismal name can be traced during the whole of that century, and as such names usually run in families, the circumstance of our author's alleged descent from the Earls of March, in connection with his own avowal respecting his birthplace, adds strength to the conjecture of his being the grand- son of Sir Patrick Dunbar.' It is certain that he chiefly resided in Edinburgh, and this is sufficient to account for the allu- sion to Lothian in his poems. In 'Sibbald's Chronicle of Scottish Poetry,' vol. i., p. 358, a probability is stated of his belonging to Fifeshire, but as regards the precise place, as well as the exact date of his birth, conjecture, however ingenious, is vainly exercised. Enough that he was born a Scotsman. Allan Ramsey was in a mistake when he said in his 'Evergreen' that his birthplace was Mount Saltone, and Lord Hailes was even farther bewildered when he fixed upon Salton in East Lothian as the place either of his birth or his residence. Mount Falconn was the place meant, as it stands in 'Chapman and Miller's Miscellany, 1508 ' It is a far-fetched idea to suppose that 'Mount Falconn' was intended to mean Falk- land Mouut in Fifeshire, although certainly the family of Dunbar, notwithstanding their attainder, retained possession of the Barony of Kilconquhar in Fife until the reign of Queen Mary. That Dun- ;bar was intended for the church, there be no doubt. In the year 1475 48 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. 4 he was sent to the University of St. Andrews. He is supposed also to have studied at Oxford. In his youth he appears to have been a traveling noviciate of the Order of St. Francis, as we learn from his poem: 'How Dunbar was Desyred to be Ane Frier. ' Modern- ized into prose, according to Dr. Irving's paraphrase, the poet says: 'Before the dawn of day, methought St. Francis appeared tome with a religious habit in his hand, and said: Go, my servant, clothe thyself in these vestments, and renounce the world. But at him and his habit I was scared like a man who sees a ghost. And why art thou terrified at sight of the holy weed? St. Francis, reverence at- tend thee. I thank thee for the good will thou hast manifested towards me, but with regard to those garments of which thou art so liberal, it has never entered into my mind to wear them. Sweet confessor, thou needst not take it in evil part. In holy legends have I heard it alleged that bishops are more frequently canonized than friars. If, therefore, thou wouldst guide my soul towards heaven, invest me with the robes of a bishop. Had it ever been my fortune to become a friar, the date is now long past. Between Berwick and Calais, in every flourishing town of the English do- minions, I have made good cheer in the habit of thy order. In friar's weed have I ascended the pulpit of Dernton and Canterbury; in it, also, have I crossed the sea at Dover and instructed the inhab- itants of Picardy. But this mode of life compelled me to have re- course to many a pious fraud, from whose guilt no holy water could cleanse me.' "How long he continued a traveling friar, or what were the circumstances under which he first became connected with the court, is unknown, but he seems afterwards to have been employed in various embassies to foreign courts, including that of England, in the character, as his biographer suggests, of 'ane clerk,' it being customary in those days to associate some one of the clergy in such missions, their education enabling them to be of great service in promoting negotiations. From various allusions in his poetical con- test, or 'Flyting' with his friend, Walter Kennedy, it would appear that before the close of the fifteenth century, Dunbar had on several occasions visited the Continent. Mr. Laing thinks it more than probable that he was in the train of the Earl of Both well and Lord Monypenny, who, in July. 1491, were sent out on an embassy to France, and that he was left behind in Paris, after the ambassadors had returned in November of that year. He seems to have been AGNES, COUNTKSS OF DUNBAR AND MARCH. 49 residing in Edinburgh in the year 1500, in the character of a court poet, for in August of that year he received from the king, James the Fourth, a yearly pension of ten pounds (not so small a sum in those days as it would now be considered), which was the first oc- casion on which his name appears in the public records. "Towards the close of 1501 he appears to have visited England, and it is conjectured, on very good grounds, that he accompanied the ambassadors who were sent to London to conclude the negotia- tions for the king's marriage with the Princess Margaret, and that he remained to witness the ceremony of affiancing the royal bride, which took place on the 25th of January, 1502. His biographer has little hesitation in believing that Dunbar was the person then styled *'The Rhymer of Scotland,' who received £6 13s. 4d. in reward from Henry the Seventh on the last day of the year 1501, and a similar sum on the 7th of January following. This propitious alliance, which eventually led to the union of the two kingdoms, was commemorated by Dunbar in a poem of surpassing beauty, called 'The Thistle and the Rose.' 'At this period,' says Mr. Laing, 'Dunbar seems to have lived on terms of great familiarity with the king, and to have participated freely in all the gaieties and amusements of the Scottish court; his sole occupation being that of writing ballads on any passing event which might serve to exercise his fancy or imagination, and thus contribute to the enter- tainment of his royal master.' Several of his compositions consist of supplications and addresses to the king for preferment in the church, the great object of his ambition. He often complains that his old age is suffered to wear away in poverty and neglect, while his youth was spent in the king's service. In one of these pieces, 'The Petition of the Gray Horse, Auld Dunbar,' he represents him- self as an old wornout steed which deserves to be turned out to pas- ture and to have shelter provided during the winter. In form of an answer, a rhyming order, addressed to the treasurer by the king, is attached to the poem, but whether really written by James or added by Dunbar himself cannot be ascertained. It is certain that on the 17th of March, 1504, on the occasion of his first performing mass in the king's presence, his majesty's offering to him was seven French crowns, or £4 18s. in Scottish money, a larger sum than usually given by the king on hearing 'a priest's first mass.' At Martinmass, 1507, his pension was increased to ,£20, and on the 26th of August, 1510, by a warrant under the privy seal, it was * A very improbable supposition. 50 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. raised to £80, to be paid as before, at the stated terms of Martin- mass and Whitsuntide, during his life, 'or until he be promoted to. a benefice of £100, or above.' But that benefice it was never his fortune to receive. As he himself says in one of his addresses: 'It has been so long promised that it might have come in a much shorter time from the *Newfound Isle, or even the great Ocean-Sea or from the deserts of India.' He also addressed several poems on the subject of promotion to the queen, who seems to have favored him, although her power of serving him was not as great as her will. He is supposed to have formed one of her train, when she set out to visit the northern parts of Scotland for the first time in May, 1511, as the poem composed by him descriptive of her recep- tion at Aberdeen is, says Mr. Laing, evidently written by an eye- witness. Another of his poems, although of a satirical nature, but interesting both on account of its locality and the curious picture which it exhibits of the state of the Scottish metropolis at that early period, is his 'Address to the Merchants of Edinburgh/ written probably about the year 1500. "Some of Dunbar's poems were printed in his lifetime by Chapman and Miller so early as 1508. Among his principal pieces may be mentioned 'The Golden Targe," a moral allegorical piece, the design of which is to show the mastery of love over reason; 'The Twa Marriet Wemen and the Wedo,' which contains much humorous sentiment and many sarcastic reflections on the female sex; and 'A Dance,' representing pictures of the seven deadly sins. His 'Lament for the Makars,' as writers of verse were in those days called, written 'queen he w ? as seik,' is among those of his pieces which were printed by Chapman and Miller in 1508. In it he expresses his sorrow for the death of his early friends, brother poets, and for his rival, Walter Kennedy, then lying at the point of death, and he concludes very naturally that since death has all his brothers 'tane,' he himself cannot be expected to be left 'alane/ but must of force 'his nyxt pray be. ' He is also supposed to be the author of an exquisitely humorous tale, entitled, 'The Freirs of Berwick,' which supplied the groundwork of Allan Ramsay's well- known poem of 'The Monk and the Mi ler's Wife.' In his 'Testa- ments of Kennedy,' in compliance with a practice of some of the poets of that period, he interweaves Latin with Scottish verses in a very fantastic manner. It is not certain where he spent his latter years. His name does not appear in the treasurer's account after * America then just recently discovered, HUME, LADY GRIZEL. 51 the 14th of May, 1513, a few months previous to the disastrous bat- tle of Flodden, when his patron, James the Fourth, and the chief part of his nobles were slain. Whether his pension was transferred to some other branch of the royal revenue, or he himself was at last promoted to a benefice by the queen dowager during her regency, there is now no means of ascertaining. There is but too much reason to believe that, disappointed in all his applications for a church, he died as he had lived, in poverty. His death is sup- posed to have taken place about 1520. A complete edition of his poems, with a life and notes, was published by Mr. David Laing of Edinburgh, in 1834, in two volumes, and to it, as well as to Irving's Life of Dunbar, I have been principally indebted for the materials for this notice. CHAPTER IX. [ HUME t LADY GRIZEL. Lady Griztl Hume, better known as Lady Grizel Baillie, celebrated for her amiable, prudent and exemplary conduct as a daughter, wife and mother, as well as for her poetical talents, was the eldest daughter of the first Earl of Marchmont, and was . born at Redbreas castle, Berwickshire, December 25th, 1665. When l only 12 years of age she acted a most heroic and courageous part on , two remakable occasions. Her father, then Sir Patrick Hume, and that eminent patriot, Mr. Robert Baillie of Jerviswood, were very intimate friends, and on the imprisonment of the latter, Sir Patrick sent his daughter Grizel from Redbreas to Edinburghto endeavor to convey a letter to Mr. Baillie in prison, and bring back what intel- ligence she could. In this difficult enterprise she succeeded, and having at the same time met his son, George Baillie, afterwards of Jerviswood, a friendship was formed which, after the Revolution, was completed by their marriage on September 17th, 1692. During her father's concealment in the vaults of Polwarth church, she went every night alone at midnight carrying victuals to him, which, to prevent the suspicion of the servants, she conveyed from off her 52 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. own plate into her lap while she was at dinner. In their subsequent exile in Holland, she managed all the family matters, and by her prudent conduct and cheerful disposition lightened the gloom and hardship of their lot. At the Revolution she was offered the posi- tion of maid of honor to the Princess of Orange, which she declined, preferring to return to Scotland with her family. Her daughter, Lady Murray of Stanhope, wrote a very interesting account of her life and character, which is appended to 'Rose's Observations on Fox's Historical Work in 1809,' and was also published separately by Thomas Thompson, Esq., Advocate, in 1822. One or two of Lady Grizel Baillie's ballads were printed in the 'Tea Table Miscel- lany' and other collections of Scottish song. One of these is the well-known humorous ballad, 'Were Na My Heart Light I Wad Dee. ' Lady Murray, says that she possessed a book of songs of her mother's writing when in Holland, 'many of them interrupted, half writ, some broke off in the middle of a sentence,' etc. Lady Grizel died December the 6th, 1746, in the 81st year of her age, and was buried beside her husband at Mellerstain. An elegant inscription by Judge Burnet, engraved on marble, was placed on her monu- ment. She had one son, who died young, and two daughters, Grizel, who married Sir Alexander Murray of Stanhope, baronet; and Rachel, who became the wife of Charles Lord Binning. "Henry Hume, Lord Karnes, a judge distinguished for his profound knowledge of law, and for his numerous legal and meta- physical writings, was born in 1696. He was the son of George Hume of Karnes, in Berwickshire, and received his education at home under a private tutor. In 1712 he was apprenticed to a writer to the signet, and assiduously studied the law at Edinburgh, with the view of practicing at the bar. In January, 1724, he was ad- mitted advocate. In 1728 he published his collection of 'Remark- able Decisions of the Court of Session from 1706 to 1728,' which at once brought him into practice. In 1732 appeared 'Essays on Sev- eral Subjects in Law,' and in 1741 'Decisions of the Court cf Ses- sions from Its First Institution to the Year 1740,' in the form of a dictionary, to which two volumes were afterwards added by his friend and biographer, Lord Woodhouselee, During the rebellion of 1745 he employed himself in writing 'Essays Upon Several Subjects Concerning British Antiquities,' which were published in 1747. These subjects are introduction of the Feudal Law into Scotland, Constitution of Parliament, Honour, Dignity, Succession or De- HUME, LADY GRIZEL. 53 scent, with an Appendix on the Hereditary and Icdefeasable Rights of Kings. In 1751 appeared 'Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion,' in two parts. The latter work, in which he advocates the doctrine of philosophical necessity, was believed to have a tendency to infidelity, and it was accordingly attacked in two able pamphlets by the Rev. Mr. Anderson, who also brought the subject before the church courts, but his death soon after put an end to the controversy. "In February, 1752, Mr. Hume was raised to the bench of the Court of Session, when he took the title of L,ord Karnes. In 1755 he was appointed a member of the board of trustees for the encour- agement of the Fisheries, Arts and Manufactures of Scotland, and and shortly alter one of the commissioners for the management of the forfeited estates. In 1757 he published in one volume 8vo. , 'The Statute Law of Scotland Abridged, with Historical Notes,' which has gone through several editions, and is still among the books con- sulted by practitioners. In 1759, with a view of improving the law of Scotland, by assimilating it as much as possible to the law of England, and after corresponding on the subject with L,ord- Chan- cellor Hardwicke, he published 'Historial L,aw Tracts,' which was followed in 1760 by a work with a similar object entitled: 'The Principles of Equity.' In 1761, quitting professional subjects, he brought out a small volume on the elementary principles of educa- tion, styled 'Introduction to the Art of Thinking.' which was orig- inally written for the use of his own family. In 1762 he published, in three volumes, his 'Elements of Criticism, a valuable and inge- nious work, which, of all others, established his reputation in Eng- land. "In April, 1763, Lord Karnes was appointed one of the lords of the justiciary courts and uniformily distinguished himself in the trial of criminals by his strict impartiality, diligence and ability. At all times remarkable for his public spirit, his lordship took an active part in promoting every measure calculated for the improve- ment of the country. In 1765 he published a small pamphlet on the progress of 'Flax Husbandry in Scotland, with the patriotic design of stimulating his countrymen to continue their exertions in a most valuable branch of national industry. In the following year appeared his 'Remarkable Decisions of the Court of Sessions from 1730 to 1752, which includes the period of his own practice at the bar. In 1772 he produced 'The Gentleman Farmer,' being an at- 54 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. tempt to improve agriculture by subjecting it to the test of 'Rat. ional Principles;' a very useful work, characteristic of the genius and disposition of the author. In 1773 he published, in two vol- umes, his 'Sketches of the History of Man,' containing some curi- ious metaphysical disquisitions concerning the nature and gradations of the human race. "Even after he had attained his 80th year his mind had lost none of its vigor, and he continued his usual pursuits with unabated ardour and perseverance. In 1777 he published 'Elucidations Re- specting the Common and Statute Law of Scotland,' and in 1780 'Select Decisions of the Court of Sessions from 1752 to 1768.' He closed his literary labors with 'Loose Hints Upon Education, Chiefly Concerning the Culture of the Heart,' published in 1781, when the venerable author had reached his 85th year. He died of extreme old age December 27th, 1782. He had married in 1741, Agatha, daughter of Mr. Drummond of Blair, by whom, in 1766, he acquired the extensive estate of Blair-Drummond in Perthshire. His son in consequence assumed the name of Hume-Drummond. "John Home, an eminent dramatic poet, the son of Mr. Alex- ander Hume, town clerk of Leitb, of the ancient family of Bassen- den, lineally descended from Alexander, first Lord Hume, was born in the parish of Ancrum, Roxburghshire, September 22, 1722. He was educated at Edinburgh for the Church of Scotland. In April, 1745, he was licensed to preach the gospel, and the same year, when the rebellion broke out, he joined a volunteer corps on the side of the government and was taken prisoner at the battle of Falkirk, but contrived, with some others, to escape from Douce castle, where he was confined. In 1746 he was ordained minister at Athelstane- ford, in East Lothian, made vacant by the death of the Rev. Robert Blair, author of 'The Grave.' Having written a tragedy named Agis, he went to London in 1749 and offered it to Garrick, then manager of Drury Lane, who refused it. In February, 1755, he again visited the metropolis, taking with him his tragedy of 'Doug- lass,' which was also rejetced by Garrick. It was, however, per- formed at Edinburgh with the most enthusiastic applause December 14th, 1756. The author and several other ministers were present at the first representation. For this bold violation of the rules of clerical propriety, his friends were subjected to the censures of the church, which he himself only escaped by resigning his living in June, 1757. By the influence of the Earl of Bute the tragedy of FLODDEN BANNER. 55 "Douglass,' the plot of which was taken from the beautiful old ballad of 'Gil Morice,' was brought out at London with great success and became a stock piece. His tragedy of 'Agis' was now acted, but with temporary success, while the 'Siege of Aquileia,' another play of his, represented in 1759, was a complete failure. In 1760 he published his three tragedies in one volume, dedicated to the Prince of Wales, who, soon after his accession to the throne granted him a pension of ,£300 a year. The sinecure situation of conservator of Scot's privileges at Campvere was likewise conferred on him, and in 1763 he was appointed one of the commissioners of Sick and Wounded Seamen. In 1769 was produced 'The Fatal Discovery,' in 1773 'Alonzo,' and in 1778 'Alfred,' tragedies which were all unsuccessful. In 1770 Mr. Home married a lady of his own name, by whom he had no children. In 1779 he removed to Edinburgh, where he spent the latter years of his life. Soon after his return the Duke of Buccleuch raised a regiment of Fencibles, in which Mr. Home accepted a captain's commission, which he held till the disbandmentof the corps on the succeeding peace. In 1802 appeared his 'History of the Rebellion of 1745,' which universally disap- pointed public expectation. Home died September 5th, 1808, in the 86th year of his life. CHAPTER X. Notes on the Flodden Banner, Preserved at Wedderburn Castle. *By Colonel Milne Home. The accompanying sketch is intended to represent what has always been known in our family as ''The Flodden Banner." The banner is, however, but a ruined relic at best, faded and frayed, from the usage or non-usage it has had through the centuries which it has somehow- survived. The fragment which remains, and which is here depicted, is 3 feet 10 inches long by 3 feet 3 inches wide; its original dimensions must have been a little less than double these measurements. This flag, or rather this remnant of a flag, I exhibited to the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club at their annual meeting in Berwick last October, when my year of office as President ended. It had * — Col. Hume died since this was put in type, Nov. 21, 1901. An account of his death -will appear in the appropriate place in this volume. 56 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. been previously shown by my father when the Club visited Kim- merghame. But so intense was the interest in the "banner" ex- presssed by the members present, who had not seen it then, that I consented to allow its picture to be made, and to write a short sketch of its history for the Club's proceedings, in the production of which I have had ready help given me by Mr. Madden, Berwick-on-Tweed, and Mr. Henry Paton, H. M. Register office, Edinburgh. The ban- ner is of silk, and was apparently charged with a white saltire — a St. Andrew's cross — on a green ground; the colors are appropriate, being those of the family's livery, but the cross seems to have noth- ing to do, heraldically, with this branch of the family. The banner was found in a chest at Wedderburn in 1822, among a number of less ancient uniforms and dresses, with a card attached, on which are written the words: "Banner raised by the Humes of Wedderburn on the battle field of Flodden." There is no other written record that I can find of it having been the flag so raised, but the tradition handed down and believed by the family has every appearance of reliability. It is well known that Border chiefs and Highland clans had, in olden times rallying banners — banners which were sometimes looked on with superstitious rever- ence — e, g., the "Fairy Flag" of the Macleods, which hangs to this day on the walls of Dunvegan castle. The is also preserved at Ca- vers house, near Hawick, a very ancient banner, or standard, thir- teen feet long, tapering in width towards the end, charged with a saltire, or St. Andrew's cross, a heraldic lion, and certain other emblems from the Douglass arms with their motto. It is said to have been borne before the great Earl of Douglass at Otterburne (1388), and has remained in the possession of his descendants ever since. It is in good preservation, but though its alleged date is earlier than our Flodden banner, Otterburne was, at best, a brilliant and romantic encounter between two great nobles; whereas Flodden and Dunbar were pitched battles between two nations, which, per- haps, accounts for the damaged state of our heirloom. But in re- gard to clannish flags, I may refer very particularly to a stanza in the "Lay of the Last Minstrel," — a stanza which is specially prized by us, owing to the occasion of the insertion. It may be interesting to Border readers to know that the stanza in question was not the first edition of the "Lay," but was introduced into the second, a; explained in an autograph, and hitherto unpublished letter fron Sir Walter Scott to Mr. George Hume, which accompanied a pre FI.ODDEN BANNER. e« sentation copy of the work (published 1806). The book is in- scribed: "George Home, Esor., of Paxton: from his obliged friend, the author," and the letter therewith runs as follows : My Dear Sir: H W / ! >!- yOU T d ° n thC T nity ° f aU aUth ° r in h0pin S a c °Py of a »ew edi- tion of his work may not be unacceptable to yon as a man of letters and an oTwel h ^To^ S ° me HneS ° n PagC 138 relative to ^ Humes of Wedderburae and the Swintons (my own maternal ancestors) with a few others, wh.ch were added since to the quarto edition. I am ever, with great regard, Dear Sir, S Your obliged and faithful servant, Castle Street, ' „ _ ., W. Scott. Friday. The lines on page 138 are:* "Vails not tell each hardy clan, From the fair Middle Marches came, The bloody heart blazed in the van, Announcing Douglass, dreaded name! v^ails not to tell what steeds did spurn, Where the Seven Spears of Wedderburn Their men in battle order set, And Swinton laid the lance to rest, That tamed of yore the sparkling crest Of Clarence's Plantagenet. Nor lists, I say, with hundreds more From the rich Merse and Lammermuir, And Tweed's fair borders, the war Beneath the crest of old Dunbar, And Hepburn's mingled banners come Down the steep mountain, glittering far. And shouting still, 'A Hume, a Hume' !" Considering who the writer was, of letter and lines, I feel I teed not apologize for having quoted them in full. The new stanza )llovvs on that alluding to the "Truce," which ends with thelines: "And Jen dal batiners, fair displayed, The bands that moved to Branksome's aid," towing that on all warlike occasions each feudal company or troop ad its banner. It is mentioned in the archieves of my family lat the Wedderburn vassals and retainers, being attached to the )yal brigade at Flodden in 1513, the commander, Sir David Hume, *e, *p S 93 H aDt ° V ' StanZa IV " P - 92 ' VoL 3 ' Scott ' s Poems ' Collier's Edition (Am.), also foot ■»cfS wZhTs h ?aldin n NorSSm S r«n 0Uld T,-^ d SC ° U ' S lW ° Mas terpieces. "Marmiou/- id "The I av of n,!. t tlf ™- . , m ^^l^ whlch w as once a stronghold of the old Earl's inei.ay of the Last Minstrel "which has much of family history in it. 58 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. was slain in defence of the King's person; and that, while the body of the hapless monarch fell into the enemy's hands, the chief's body, with his standard, was brought off the bloody field by his followers and interred in the family vault in Duns Church, It is also stated that the colors of the Covenanters in the reign of King Charles II. were lodged at Wedderburn; while the stand- ard and colors of the Wedderburn detachment that fought at the battle — 'the Drave,"' as it was sometimes called — of Dunbar, in September, 1650, against Cromwell, were brought from the field, wrapped around the dead body of the Sir David Hume of that day, who, with his only son, fell at Dunbar. In 1822, when the banner* I write of was brought to modern light, an eye-witness stated that it was "visibly drenched in blood. There are still stains visible on the faded fragment, which are doubtless those more plainly seen in 1822. Visitors of the Anti- quarian Museum in Edinburgh can see on the walls there two ban- ners very similar to what this, our Flodden banner, must have beer when entire. Both are framed under glass, and are thus caretullj preserved. "One," so says the description in the Society's Pro ceedings, 1856-60, p. 258, "was used at Bothwell Brig, and carried by a Corps of Burgher Seceders, associated as a regiment of volun teers, who were posted at the College when the Highland arm} entered Edinburgh, 1745." The other is said to have been carriec by Stewart of Garscube at the battle of Worcester, and afterward:! used at the battle of Bothwell Brig. It is in very good condition and although now faded, a weak green and dull orange color seem originally to have been pink and blue. These being Covenanters flags, it is not surprising to find on them the motto watchwords o the time, thus: COVENANT ^+ RELIGION AND KINGDOM. ^" KING ^^ * The banner hidden away in an ancient Charter Chest seems to have been in a wf forgotten, and was discovered, in 1822. when searching for papers connected with a nob Border House. It seems to have been unknown to Sir Walter's friend and correspondent, i in the quickly succeeding third edition of the "Lay," in a learned historic note, this inad quate paper would probably have been anticipated by a paper penned by the Mighty Minstr himself. FLODDEN BANNER. 59 The first mentioned has five roses in centre; the other has a Scotch thistle. Our flag, being of a much earlier date, would naturally not only be more torn and worn, but would not contain the above watchwords, peculiar to the period of the Covenanters. These, then, are the grounds on which my family hold to the tradition that we are the unique* possessors of a flag that waved on Flodden Hill nearly 400 years ago Of it a modern bard has written: — "The Humes of old were warriors bold, As e'er auld Scotland ken'd, man; Their motto was Their Country's Cause, And 'true unto the end,' man. This is the banner which they raised On Flodden's Battle Field, man; Those noble men, their name be praised, They died ere they would yield, man." To stay further dilapidation the precious remnant has now been, by the firm of Messrs. Romanes & Patterson, placed under glass, and framed like a picture, in big oak, in fashion precisely similar to its younger compeers in the Antiquarian Museum, and so hangs in Wedderburn Castle, a silent, yet telling reminder of those days of stress and storm, in which our Border ancestry lived and died. * It must not be overlooked that a baunerette or pennon, which was also at Klodden, is to be seen over the entrance to the Advocate's Library in the Parliament House; Edinburgh. The descriptive card bears:— "Standard of The Earl Marshal of Scotland, carried at the battle of Flodden Field, 1513, by his Standard Beaier, Black' John Skirving of Plewland Hill." Skirving was taken prisoner, having, however, previously concealed the banner about his person. The relic, an heirloom of the family, was presented by Win. Skirving, Edinburgh, to the Faculty in the beginning of the present century. The crest is that of the Keith family. Besides, it is recorded that, at the meeting at Selkirk in 1876, "Mr. James Brown, manufacturer, exhibited a flag said to have been taken at Flodden by a member of the Corporation of Weavers." (See "Proceedings," Vol. VIII., p IS.) — From History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club. 60 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. CHAPTER XI. HUMES IN THE JACOBITE REBELLION. Subsequent to the Union of the Crowns of Scotland and Eng- land a mutual understanding had arisen between the two countries that served to unite them on firmer basis and also to conserve the national pride of each, the Englishman cared for nothing so much as retaining the Union Capital at Westminster. The Scot felt amply repaid for the loss of his own Capital in the fact of having a Scotch Stuart upon the English throne. But this happy state of affairs was doomed to meet an early down fall. Good Queen Anne was old and infirm and the line of her succession was broken, and to make a bad matter worse British politics were divided on the succession. The English Whigs favored the House of Hanover, the Tory or Scottish party stood as'adamant for the Stuarts. The Queen lay a dying she had no issue to succeed her. The Whig party worked upon the feelings of the Protestant people, claiming that a continuance of the Stuart line meant Roman Cath- olic Supremacy and were strong in advocacy of the Elector of Han- over as the German claimant was called. The Tory party to which the dying Sovereign belonged would have gladly returned the Stuart line in the Person of Prince James (the old pretender) to the Throne. Lord Bolingbroke the Queen's most trusted friend was great- ly feared by some old women who had ingratiated themselves into the good grace of the old sovereign. He began to clamor for an audience for the Whig ministry. Thus, through the machinations of one Mrs. Masham the Dukes of Somerset and Argyle, per- sons better qualified by nature and education to "crone lullabys tc bairns" than exercise the functions of state, represented to the queen that should James Stuart succeed to the throne the Protes- tent cause must go down. This they knew to be false, but it hac its effect upon the mind of the dying monarch, now clouded bj death and never ultra brilliant. She was easily influenced by these worthy "dames." Shrewsbury received at the hands of the queei the white staff which was the badge of office of the Lord Treas urer, head of the government. The cause of the Whig ministry had been won at the "battl HUMES IN THE JACOBITE REBELLION. 61 of the bedside'* and by a course of duplicity and shame. So soon as the queen had agreed to this step Shrewsbury at once sent for the Elector of Hanover. Before the last breath was out of the Stuart sovereign's body the blear-eyed imbecile, George I., was jabbering in Dutch at Kensington Palace, and Great Britain had made a glory }f her shame. August 1st, 1714, Queen Anne died in the 51st year Df her age, and the 13th of her reign. So died the Stuart dynasty liter 111 years, marking the era of England's ascendancy to power, :he line which began with her great grandfather, James the First, mded in the orgies which marked the reign of the Dutch Georges. ['ABLE SHOWING THE ALIENATIONS OF THE THRONE FROM THE STUART'S TO THE HOUSE OF HANOVER. James I., m. Anne of Denmark. 1 Henry d. 1 Charles I. m 1 Elizabeth m. 1612. Henretta- Marie. 1 Fredrick, Elector Palatine. 1 Charles II. m. i James II. m. 1 Mary Sophia m. Anne Hyde. Mary of Modena. Elector of 1 Hanover. James Edward 1 Old Pretender. 1 George I., the German Usurp- Charles Edward, the er. Succeed- Young Pretender. ed Anne. 1707 Mary m. Anne m. William III. George of ^Wm. and Mary. ) Denmark. The Stuart dynasty may truly be called the "Reign of Consti- utional Law." Elizabeth, the last of the Tudor line, reigned with absolute tyranny, as does the Czar of Russia. With James came n an era of law-making and parliament became supreme. All hat Cromwell desired came as a natural consequence. Out of the learts of the Stuarts Magna Charta became a fact. The divine ight of kings to do wrong was no longer believed in. The habeasxorpus act passed by the Stuarts, made it a fel- >ny to detain men in goal without trial. The Star Chamber, which nade the reigns of Elizabeth and her dissolute father a blot on 62 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. history was banished forever. The ability of the king to tax th< people without consent of parliament was abrogated. The Stuart reign was one of literature as well as law; it gav< the world Milton, and Bunyan, and Drvden, and Lovelace and Clar endon, and John Evelyn, and Pepys, Buchanan the historian, an( Hume. Waller, Cowley, Congreve, Wycherley and Burnett; th< church got Wesley and Swift; essayists, Steele, Defoe, and Popi and the World many of her best periodicals. For 111 years, or during the entire Stuart dynasty, the sann sovereign had worn the crowns of England and Scotland, but no as a united kingdom. Each had maintained a separate parliamen at its own capital, but during the sixth year of Queen Anne, 1707 an "'Act of Union" was passed by both parliaments. At the be ginning of Queen Anne's reign great hostilites had been in con stant existence along the border. Scotsmen persevered in thei time-honored custom of plundering their English neighbors i Northumberland, while the English commissioned privateers t prey upon the Scottish trade at sea. Many of the chief borde gentlemen had become shipowners and a Scottish colony had bee planted at Darien, the site of the now famous Isthmian cana Among its promoters was John Hume, who had been engaged i; trade with Virginia as early as 1666. This colony was looked upc as being the nucleus of a great trade center, but the English go - ernment regarded it with envy and disfavor. Privateers we? out to prey upon Scottish merchantmen, and at last incited tl Spanish pirates in the West Indies to destroy the colony, which th( did. This the Scottish parliament looked upon as an act of op( hostility and the act of succession was annulled. Toryism gre apace in Scotland. The best families on the border, the Humes Wedderburn among them, joined with the Highlanders to aven the loss of their property and the downfall of their kinsman. The English parliament met the Scots by passing laws heavy duties upon Scottish goods imported into England. Tli unwise step has on more than one occasion proved to be England ruin, as our American republic stands a monument to-day. A bill w > introduced declaring all Scotsmen foreigners, which, be it said) the good sense of the English parliament, never passed. England despaired of a union and Scotland did not desire , but both countries appointed commissioners to enter into terms f HUMES IN THE JACOBITE REBELLION. 63 that kind, which, in spite of the Whig element, were very liberal. The following is a copy of the first article of the Act of Union: Fifth Anne, Chapter V. Article I: "That the Kingdoms of England and Scotland shall upon the first day of May, which shall be in the year one thousand seven hundred and seven, and forever thereafter, be united into a king- dom in the name of Great Britain; and that the ensigns and armorials of the said kingdom be such as Her Majesty shall ap- point, and the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew be conjoined in such manner as Her Majesty shall think fit, and used in all flags, banners, standards and ensigns, both at sea and on land." The following are the principal points in the act: (1.) Kingdoms of England and Scotland to be one kingdom, known as Great Britain. (2.) The flag to be the Red Cross of St. George for England and White Cross of St. Andrew for Scotland, joined together on a blue panel. [See Union Jack. ] The parliaments of the two countries were to be united at Westminster as the Parliament of Great Britain. (4.) Forty-five Scotch members were to be chosen. (5.) Sixteen Scottish peers were to sit in the House of Lords. [Lord Hume is the fourteenth of this number.] They were elected by the peers of Scotland. No more peers of England or Scotland were to be created, but hereafter all to be peers of Great Britain. (6.) £398,000 [$2,000,000.00] was to be paid by England to discharge the debt caused by the loss to Scotsmen of the Darien project. Scotland was henceforth to bear her proportionate part by taxation of the expenses of the government. For a short time it seemed that England and Scotland were to have peace. This was, however, soon seen to be a mistake. Man- ners and customs were so different between the two countries that had they tried they could hardly have failed to offend each other. Scotland was beginning to cultivate a system of maritine commerce. A colony had been planted in the Carolinas, one in Virginia and another in Darien. Many Scotch noblemen were ship owners and were engaged in trade with these colonies. Gov. Spottswood, of Virginia, was a Scotchman related to the Hume family. John Hume, of Wedderburn, had engaged in traffic with the colony at 64 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Darien. He had been a heavy loser by the destruction of that colony and its shipping by the Spanish. The Scotch nobles were accustomed to call their vassels to- gether and instruct them in questions of mutual interest. The English Parliament passed an act, called the "Riot Act," which made it a felony for any body of men, to the number of ten or more, to remain assembled together to discuss matters of political interest for one hour if the meanest constable in Great Britain had ordered them to disperse. Nearly all Scotsmen were Tories, and in 1715 began the im- peachment of the ministers of Good Queen Anne, whom every Scotsmen loved. These ministers were charged with high treason for entering too hastily into a treaty with King Louis XIV. , of France, during Queen Anne's reign. In the meantime, James Stuart the "old pretender", was acknowledged King of England by Louis XIV. , This unusual and precipitate action was premature in the extreme. James Stuart was a refugee in France; he was also chief of the powerful clan Stuart Royal of Scotland, and naturally looked to Scotland for help. MacCallum More, Duke of Argyle, was chief of the powerful old Whig clan of Scotland, Clan Campbell, and an enemy of James Stuart. This in itself was almost enough to set every other clan in Scotland against the Hanoverian King. In August, 1715, the standard of the Stuart was raised at Braemar, in Aberdeenshire. Many Highland chiefs and their clans rallied to his side, and the powerful old Earl of Mar began the invasion of England. As they moved southward they were joined at Jedburg by Tories and Jacobites from the border clans. Sir George Hume, the old Baron of Wedderburn, with his son George and his brother Francis, of Quixwood, came to avenge the injury done to their family by the Spaniards in Darien, and with a force of less than 2,000 men pushed on into England and was not checked until they had gone as far south as Preston, now situated on the London and Northwestern Railroad, south of Liverpool. Here, in what is now a beautiful little park, they were attacked by 10,000 English regulars under Gens. Carpenter and Wills and totally defeated. Most of the principal men of the Highland- ers were captured or left dead on the field. This disaster was the result of too hasty an action on the part of the Earl of Mar. He HUMES IN THE JACOBITE REBELLION. 65 ixpected assistance from the Tories of Northumberland and Cum- >erland, two counties that had stood stoutly for the Stuarts, but the nvasion of their country by a wild band of Highlanders in their trange attire drove a large number of the erstwhile Tories into the irmy of the Hanoverians and the remainder staid at home to protect heir families. Thus the cause of the pretender failed in England. Jut not until the drawn battle of Sheriff muir, in Scotland, did the >anner of James Stuart fall hopelessly to the earth never to rise igain. *But Prince James had led to defeat and ruin the last and >roudest of the once powerful border clans. The old Baron of Vedderburn stood like a solitary tree when all the forest had been elled about it. The last Scion of the proud old family of Hume n whose veins flowed the blood of the Bruce and Stuart, at one ell stroke is shorn of his greatness, caused to sign the igno- nonious oath, and to gohome and die an ignoble, unlamented old nan, despised by the son who was destined to carry on his name n a far-off country and in that new. strange land redeem the name md fame his father had sullied at Preston. Sir Francis Hume, a man of great wealth and powerful in- luence, who had by purchase succeeded to the estates of Quix- vood, and George, a seventeen-year-old son of the old Baron of Vedderburn, were held in prison at Marchelsea, in England, for wo years, after which Sir Francis was deported to Virginia and )laced in the care of his cousin, Gov. Spottswood, where he re- named as factor for two years, but the miasmatic climate was too ievere for his constitution, which, together with grief for his wife md two sons, he died in 1718. One of the sons, Ninian, who named Margaret, daughter of Sir George of Wedderburn, ather of the emigrant came to Virginia in search of his father n 1723. George Hume, after two years iri prison, was taken from Vlarchelsea and put on board of a Glasgow merchantman, engaged n the slave traffic with the American colonies, and was kept two fears an unwilling auxiliary to this nefarious practice, when Tie vas exchanged at the request of Captain Dandridge, ancester of Martha Washington, to his vessel and put on shore in Norfolk, Va. , rom Dandridge, who had been captain of the vessel which had ransported Sir Francis Hume to Virginia. Young George learned *See note (1) at end of Chapter 12. 66 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. of the residence of his uncle in Virginia, and also that Alexander Spottswood, his cousin, was governor of Virginia, and thither he bent his steps, a stranger, alone and penniless in a strange land. Thus may men be made to suffer for the hasty action of others. John Hume had suffered in 1707 at the hands of the Spanish pirates, who were incited by English seamen to destroy the Scottish colony in Darien. Baron Hume, of Wedderburn, to avenge his kinsman's loss, joined a cause in which he had no interest, dragged his son and brother into the same cause, deserted the cause, swore allegiance to the enemy, and left his brother to die in exile, away from his family, and his son to end his days in the wilds of Virginia. CHAPTER XII. HUMES IN VIRGINIA. In 1710 Governor Alexander Spottswood arrived in Virginia, a lieutenant to George Hamilton, Earl of Orkney, Governor-in-Chief. Spottswood, like his illustrious ancestors, was a man of great native ability and strong of purpose, a finished scholar and an ardent Christian. His father, Sir Robert Spottswood, had been physician to the Governor of Tangier. *His mother was related to Sir George Hume, of Spott. His great grandfather was John Spottswood, Archbishop of St. Andrews, author of "History of the Church of Scotland." His grandfather was Lord President of the College of Justice, and author of the "Practicks of the Laws of Scotland." Sir Walter Scott says that this Robert Spottswood, who was one of the Scottish lawyers executed as covenanters. ' ' While at private prayer on the scaffold was asked by one of the Presbyterian clergymen if he did not want the prayers of the clergy, replied that he did not, as God had shown his frown of disapproval upon Scotland by sending a lying spirit into the mouths of those prophets." Gov. Spottswood was born at Tangier, in Africa, in 1676, his father, as has been said, was Dr. Robert Spottswood, physician to Governor of Tangier. His mother was a widow when she married Governor Spottswood, her name being Catherine El- liott by her first marriage with Lord General Elliott, whose portrait *See note (2) end of Chapter 12. HUMES IN VIRGINIA. 67 now hangs in the Virginia State library at Richmond. By her sec- ond husband she had but one child, Alexander, Governor of Vir- ginia 1710-1722, who was reared among the soldiers at Tangier and made aide to Duke of Marlborough and was severely wounded at the historic baitle of Blenheim. Upon receiving his appointment as Governor of Virginia he set himself to the tai-k of working for the welfare of his new charge. His experience as a soldier enabled him to master the Indian problem. His Hume ancestry instilled into his blood a genius for that mastery which dominated the border for five centuries, and his Spottswood ancestry marked him with that piety which made his name historic as a friend and patron of religion. About 1711 or 1712 Queen Anne sent over a colony of German Protestants, who settled at a place near the forks of Rappahannock River, and afterwards called Germania Spottswood took up a large body of land and built a castle, in which he sometimes re- sided, and it was here that he sent his unfortunate aide, the politi- cal exile, Sir Francis Hume, of Quixwood. on his arrival in Ameri- ca in 1716, and here that nobleman, driven from his home and family for participation in the Jacobite rebellion in 1715, languished and died in 1718, and here, by the side of this beautiful stream in the wilderness of Virginia, they made his grave. Here the turbid spirit went to rest far from home and kindred, a martyr to princi- ple. From this historic spot in 1716 started the famous expedition known as the "Golden Horseshoe." Gov. Spottswood accorded to his unfortunate kinsman, thus thrust upon his mercy by his royal master, the terms accorded to a guest rather than a prisoner of war and made him one of fifty gentlemen of the "first families of Vir- ginia," who made up this Transmontane party. Campbell says, "There were about fifty persons in all. They had a large number of pack horses, an abundant supply of provisions and an extraor- dinary variety of liquors." This gay party, says Smith, started from the governor's castle, at Germania, and after leisurely advancing through the country reached Swift Run Gap, which is by most persons taken to mean the historic pass. Here Gov. Spottswood cut his majesty's name, George I., upon a rock of the highest mountain, and the others o 1 the party, not to be outdone, named the next mountain Mt. Spotts- wood. On this memorable trip the adventurers were compelled to 58 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. carry a lot of extra horseshoes. Their tender-footed tide water animals were unable to endure the rocks bare of foot, and so one of the chief camp duties was to keep the horseshoes in place and in order. On their return to Germania, Gov. Spottswood gave each one of this party who had drank his toast on Mt. George a golden horse- shoe, with the legend, Sicjuvat tratiscendere montes engraved upon it, and constituted the order called the "Transmontane Order." King George for this event made Gov. Spottswood a Knight of the Garter and each of his followers were called afterwards "Knights of the Golden Horseshoe." Strong as was the will and faithful as was the work of this just man, although a man of strong religious sentiment, too much the Christian to be sectarian in that biggoted age, he fell a victim to an ignorant and biggoted clergy and was removed by order of the King in September, 1722. He had 45,000 acres of land in Spottsyl- vania County and to this he returned, where he engaged in the manufacture of iron. 1730 found him Postmaster to the Colonies till 1739. It was he who appointed Benj. Franklin, Postmaster for Pennsylvania. He married Anne Butler, daughter of Richard Brayane. of Eng- land, who survived him and afterward married Rev. John Thomp- son. They had four children, viz., John, Robert, Anne Catherine, and Dorothea. Anne«Catherine married Charles Carter, of Shirley, and was grandmother of Gen. Robert Edward Lee, of the Confed- erate Army. Gen. Spottswood died at Annopolis, Md., June 7, 1740, and was buried at Temple Farm, his country place, near York- town. It was in this house Washington met Cornwallis to nego- tiate the treaty which gave this Republic its independence. It was to this hospitable home and in this famous house at Germania that Sir Francis Hume came to die in exile. Few, indeed, are those upon whom the frown of a Hanover has fallen who were so fortunate, and here came his nephew five years later to seek a home in America and to give being to a great family, and here in the west rose the sun of a race that had set in Scotland as gloriously as it had risen 500 years before. After a landing had been made our young nobleman made his way into the interior of the country to Williamsburg, then a strug- HUMHS IN VIRGINIA. 69 gling village, but the seat of the newly founded college of William and Mary. Here he found his cousin, Alexander Spottswood, Governor of Virginia, and presented to him Captain Dandridge's letter, after which he sickened and came near to death. Dr. Brown, an acquaintance in Scotland, was then in Amer- ica visiting relatives, under his skillful hands Hume soon re- covered, at this time, 1723, two years after landing, he was em- ployed as assistant to the chief surveyor of Williams and Mary College and sent to the field to work, in which capacity he worked three years, at the expiration of which time he was engaged to the college as official surveyor to the county of Orange, and also em- ployed in 1727-28 to lay out the present city of Fredricksburg, and it was while engaged in this task that he met, wooed and married ? Elizabeth Procter, the daughter of a respectable English gentle- man then living in Viginia. In 1731 he received his commission as deputy to the king. This, with the marriage dower of 2000 acres of land, enabled him to take up a residence with his family near the new city of Fredricksburg and push his occupation as a surveyor, a business which for many years was one of immense value. The history of these times mentions Hume as occupying places of trust. He was an ardent Episcopalian, and as vestryman of St George's parish he was paid on several dates for various duties as such. First he is in 1726 reader in a new parish, of St. George at Germania founded by Gov. Spottswood and in 1727 he is custodian for the parish poor; at another date he is appointed to set the "church east and west;" at another he is appointed by the parish to count and levy the King's rates on the tobacco plants in said parish of St. George. While never rising to the social dignity of the family in which he was born he was one of the leading men of that aristocratic colony at that time. George Hume was a friend and confident of the Govenor, as his brother had been, and as Spottswood went out of office he planned the improvement of his estate, and by his order the new town of Fred- ricksburg was laid out and George Hume, the Scotch surveyor, was the man who did it. Although out of office Spottswood had yet much power with the King, and Hume was soon in places of trust, first, as has been told, the reader in Gov. Spottswood's parish church of St. George, founded by himself, and later as surveyor for the county, under appointment of the President and Master of the College of William and Mary, which had a warm place in his 70 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. heart. Little is to be known of Hume for some years, since his letters to his home are stopped, until 1743, when he writes to his family that he has a family of six sons and no daughters, and is still surveyor according to the field book in possession of Mrs. Julia A. Hume Ellis, of Richmond. Ky. Scarcely had the connection with the Spottswoods come to an end by the death of Gov. Spottswood than another friendship was formed, this time with a British cavalier, whose name is revered, even in these democratic days, by almost every knight of the Old Dominion. Lord Thomas Fairfax, Baron of Cameron, was in his earlier days a man whose name stood for high social rank in England. He was a grandson of Lord Culpepper, of Virginia, and had inherited an immense tract of land from that nobleman, in right of his mother, a daughter of that gentleman. He was also a man of high literary culture, having been a close friend and co- laborer of Addison and Steele. He wrote under a nom deplume, which is not known to this day; but about the year 1748, as his marriage was approaching and many expensive presents had been lavished upon the affianced and court circles all over Europe were astir, a rumor escaped that some of the Fairfax lands were about to be lost by entail and that he, Sir Thomas, would on that account be much poorer. This was true only in part. His proud spirit rebelled at it and he, in humiliation, went to the woman to whom he was affianced and offered her a release, which she was weak enough to accept. He then set out for America and took possession of his estates here. These estates had been granted by Charles II., a Stuart, the second Hanover King was then on the throne, and of course did not desire to respect the bequests of his Stuart predecessor, and so, no sooner had Fairfax arrived in America, than there was a claimant here to all his lands between the north and south branches of the Rappahannock River, the King claimed that the north branch and Fairfax that the south branch was the boundary of the Culpepper grant. Lord Fairfax had power enough in England to demand a Board of Arbitration to set the matter aright, which was agreed-toby the King. So George II. appointed one Abercrombe, of Georgia, and Fairfax appointed his 18- year-old nephew, George Washington. As has already been shown. George Washington was from his 16th to 18th year under the tutleage of George Hume, the Scotch surveyor, and now he HUMES IN VIRGINIA. 71 nfluences Abercrombe to accept Hume as the 3rd arbiter of hese estates. Charlas II. was a Stuart and had made the ;rant. George Hume was a Scot and had become an exile in the >tuart cause. He was Washington's teacher and had been surveyor if more than one county in the northern neck and had spent wenty years there, and favored the cause of Fairfax. Sir Thom- ls was a brother to Sir William Fairfax, of Belvoir Mansion on he Potomac, below Mt. Vernon, and Lawrence Washington, >eorge's brother, had married a daughter of Sir William Fairfax nd thus George Hume was made a close friend in the early ife of General Washington, and let us hope that it was from iur ancestor he drew some of the ideas that made him greatest of .11 Americans. There were many points in common between hese men. George Hume was a rebel against the crown, and ought and lost for his country's sake; George Washington fought .nd won for his country's honor, against the same crown; both yere descended from noble families and men of undoubted courage .nd a life-long friendship existed between them. Washington and me of the older sons of George Hume, were born in the same ear, both were reared in the same village of Fredricksburg, both irere taught by the same instructor, Mr. Williams, and this riendship led young Hume to follow his playmate into war and to eave his brothers and take his young sons, George, 19; Jared, 17, nto this unequal contest. Alexander Hume, who fell at Spring Sill, Ga., October 9, 1777, was also said to have been a grandson if this George Hume. Rev. George Hume, who was a son of William, died in 1721, »ften told his children of their father's playfellow, George Washi- ngton, and Henning's Statutes bears out the statement that Wm. lume's father George Sr. , was Washington's teacher in surveying. * Washington and Hume separated at the end of the Fairfax :ontract. Hume, an old man and infirm, remained in the older >art of the colony; Washington, young and bouyant went be- r ond the Blue Ridge to work for Fairfax in the beautiful Shen. indoah. He gave such thrilling accounts of the fertility of this '■alley that Fairfax at once decided to change his home to that avored spot; so, accordingly, he went with his servants and aid off the present city of Winchester, established near it his >wn home and built a log cabin, which he called Greenway Court, *See note (J) end of Chapter 72 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. and here in this valley, which the Indians called the Daughter of the Stars, among his dogs in 1781 an eccentric old man, Sir Thomas Fairfax, died, and his grave is to be seen in the little Episcopal church at Winchester. George Hume was surveyor for Lord Fairfax from 1743 to 1750, and on the 30th of November of that year George II., The King of England, commissioned him surveyor of Orange County. He acted a part which would reflected credit to his judgment by making a friend of the man whom he had found to be such a pow- erful and expensive enemy. From this time Hume's health began to fail, his sons George and Francis were married and located near him. The former was his assistant in surveying, the latter as a planter, had made a good marriage into a wealthy family named Duncan and was doing well. His third son was at home with his father, having lost by death his wife; he had one living child, and had sent that child back to its grandparents in New York. Very little is known of this third son at that time. In his life he was apprenticed to the sea at the age of 10 and was cabin boy with his uncle, Capt. James Hume, of the British navy, until his thirteenth year, then he went to Scotland, where he was in school for some months, after which he and his cousin, Ninian Hume, came back to Virginia. It is not known that he ever went to sea again, the concensus of opinion seems to be that he never did. William Hume, fourth son, attended school at Wakefield, was a playmate of Washington, lived to manhood at his father's home. At the time of his marriage with a Miss Elzephon he could not have been more than 20 years of age, as he and three of his sons served in the War for Independence on the colonial side. The two younger boys, both of them born several years after William's birth, were mere children when he reached his majority. The younger, Charles, came of age some time after his father's death. The latter part of George Hume's life was spent at Culpepper Court House, he having been elected to the office of surveyor of that county. He died in 1760 and was buried at that place. His will was admitted to probate, with his oldest son, George Hume, as executor. His six sons were at home and participated in the probate, and in 1775 the discharge was signed and accept- ed against all future claims. HUMES IN VIRGINIA. 73 That George Hume's claim to the estates and dignities of Wed- derburn were legal and just there can be no doubt, and had his son George during his lifetime pushed the claims there can be no question but that he would have obtained the baronage to which his father would have succeeded had he outlived his older brother, Sir David, who died in 1766. The followiug letter from Hon. Frank Hume of Washington. D.C.was addressed to me as a correction I insert in here, he is good authority. J. K. H. Dear Doctor: — Francis, of Quixwood, was a younger brother of Sir George, of Wedder- burn, advocate, transported to Virginia, where he became factor to Governor Spottswood, 171b, died in 1718, m. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Patrick Hume, of Lumsden, issue Alexander, born 1708, never heard of after 17S2. John of Podockmeyre, and officer of excise, served heir at Law of George Earl of Dunbar, in 1776, but the service was set aside at the instance of Sir George Home, of Blackadder, as having a prior claim by the Scottish law. John m. Margaret, daughter of Alexander Home, of Coldinghamlaw, and died prior to 1799, he left three sons, first, Alexander, Royal Navy, who sailed around the world with Captain Cook, he married Elizabeth Stewart, a poor cottager near Dunse, had five sons, first, Francis Doug- lass, George, John, Patrick, and Alexander. The first named, Francis Douglass, made claim to the Earldom of Marchmont. but could not show that George Hume, who emigrated :o Virginia in 1721, did not leave issue. Second, George, Lieutenant in Royal Navy, author of Memoirs of an Aristocrat." John, Patrick and Alexander, di-;d young. So you are wrong regarding Ninian Home, m Sir George of Wedderburn's daughter Margaret. Ninian Home, of Bellshill. The Baron of Wedderburn gave him employment, though no kin to him. After the Barons lands were confiscated, by an arrangement Ninian was to buy the property iu for supposed claims he held against the estate, and after all had quieted down, they were to be returned back to Sir George. Unfortunately Sir George died in 1720, when Ninian, concluded to hold the property himself, which he did. and he further married, for his second wife, the oldest daughter of Sir George of Wedderburn, Mar- garet Home, and by her he had eleven children, his sonby the first marriage, Alexander, mar- ried Isabel the sister of his father's second wife, (both were sisters of our George,) and from this issue the present owners of Wedderburn. and Paxton come, all Ninian's children died. Ninian made an entail in 172S, in which he included our ancestor, George, but in 17.53. lie. cancelled this entail, and made a new one, and left Gecrge out for some reason unknown to the writer. Vours truly, Washington, D. C, Ap. 15, 1902. Frank Hume. Note 1, page b5. One of the usurping claimants of Marchmont has manufactured a baseless fabrication in which he says George Hume married in 1718 one Anna Jameson, a serving maid to Dowager, countess of Hume. But this cannot be true as George Hume ac- cording to records left by the Karl of Mar, and now in British Museum had been 2 years in prison and one year on the oceau when the supposed marriage occurred. Note 2, page 66. Lindsays Geneology of the Spottswoods of Virginia. Note 3, page 71. Frank Hume says George continued Westward as far as the summit of Allegheny's, working until his death. 74 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. ■ * . % [I - \ Mr CHAPTER XIII. HUMES IN KENTUCKY. Line of Succession to Scotch Dignities. George Hume. in. Elizabeth Procter. George Hume, Jane Stanton, 1729 1802. Francis. John. William. lames. Charles, George Hume, m Reuben. Charles. William. John. Eliz. Frances. Sarah, busannah Crigiei. I I I I I III Jennie Thos. Lar'u Stanton Eliz. Martha Cath. Frances Sus'h I.tnuia Known in Hume vernacular as Virginia George, George Hume, Jr., Son of George Hume and Elizabeth Procter, was born in Culpeper, Virginia, about the year 1729. His mother was an ardent Non-Conformist of the Old Covenanting type and belonged to the baptist faith, and it is due to her adherance to this creed that George, Jr. was not baptised according to the Episcopal faith and the date of hisbirth left on record, he spent his chidhoodin his native village, where he was educated is not known, his writings left behind are of such a character as would indicate a rather liberal education, it is probable that he attended the same school kept by Mr. Williams, as his younger brother William and George Washington attended but this is mere conjecture, William certainly attended this school, but where his older brothers were educated is not known. HUMES IN KENTUCKY. 75 George Hume was his father's assistant in surveying, as early as 1751, and probably earlier, he seems to have done much of the clerical work of his father's office after his entry upon the work A-hich he did so long and well, most of the enteries in his father's lote book are in his hand. He was married in 1754, to Jane Stanton, and located near his :ather, and reared a large family, the history of which is contained n this chapter. He was not only legally but seemingly by nature the leader of lis father's family, after the death of the elder George, he probated he estate of his father in 1775, and settled and disbursed the pro- ;eeds among the heirs taking their receipt therefor, he died in .802 and was buried in his native village by the side of his wife. (1.) George Hume called byway of distinction "Kentucky George, " was the oldest son of "Virginia George," he was born Aay 21, 1759. Six years after his parents marriage, and was the Idest of eight surviving children, whether there were any older mes who died in infancy, or older daughters, whose names are not •reserved is not known, certain it is, that Thomas Hume his oldest on, and others of his family, accorded him the honor of being the Idest male Hume, and entitled to inhert the family dignities in the /[other country, as appears by his papers dated during his life- line, and also by George himself in a power of attorney, dated 1811, ve years before his death in 1816. George Hume married Susannah Crigler, who had by him ten hildren, the oldest of whom was Jennie, who married her cousin Villiam Finks, in 1802. Mr. Finks was older by some years than is wife, and was a prosperous merchant in the village of Madison !ourt House, Virginia. To this union were born three children, iarly, the oldest was born in 1803, Louisa 1805, and a third child born ]|1807 died in the first hours of its existence, as also did the mother. William Finks started in a "gig"across the mountains in 1807, to take is motherless children to their grandfather's home in Kentucky, e having moved to that state and settled in Madison County in 302, a picture of the house which he erected in 1803 is given in lese pages. The children remained in Kentucky until Early was 6, and Louisa 14 years old, when they again made the long trip cross the mountains to their old home in Virginia. Early entered ollege in Staunton, Virginia, but during the summer which closed 76 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. the first year of his Collegiate life, he sickened and died, his death being due to Typhoid feYer. William Finks re-married in 1820, to a widow whose husband had been related to the family. Louisa Finks remained at her father's home in Virginia till she reached the mature age of 46, when she married her foster brother, Col. Robert Banks, of Madison Court House, Virginia, the only son of her stepmother. She lived in the family mansion until the Civil war broke out, and died suddenly from apoplexy during an attack made by federal troops on her native town. William Finks died at an extreme old age in the city of Madison Court House, some 5 years after his last descendant had quitted the earth. (2.) Thomas Hume, eldest son of George Hume, and Susan- nah Crigler, was born in Culpeper, Virginia, February 21, 1785. He was a man of more than ordinary ability, educated much more than was common at that time, his letters are models of elegance, he was a man of good business ability, he was employed in the ca- pacity of manager in the store of his brother-in-law, William Finks, with whom he remained till he was 27 years of age, when he en- gaged in business for himself, in the city of Fredericksburg. On June 12, 1828, he married Mary Helen Thomas, of Madison, Vir- ginia, by which he came into possession cf considerable wealth, be- ing at that date the most wealthy member of the Hume family: Mrs. Pauline Hume Sprinkel of Culpeper Virginia, furnishes the following records of their children: (1.) Susan, born September 9, 1829, Died unmarried, Jan- uary 22, 1901. (2.) Maria Louisa, born May 9, 1832, married on June 29, 1859, to George H. Tatum, of Glasgow, Missouri. Died at Harri- sonville, Missouri, on Wednesday, February 19, 1902, leaving three children. (3.) Robert, born November 9, 1834, married Jennie Hill, daughter of General Hill, at Madison, Virginia, January 17, 1872, Died at Washington, D. C, October 19, 1878, leaving one child. (4.) Stanton, born May 17, 1837. Died November 12. I860, unmarried. (5.) Helen A., born March 9, 1842, married John Tatum, and resides now at Glasgow, Missouri. Has four children. (6.) Pauli?ia, born June 3, 1845, married Dr. George Sprinkel, and resides now at Culpeper, Virginia. Has five children. HUMES IN KENTUCKY. 77 Children of Maria Louisa Hume and George Hainmet Tatutn, re 4. (a.) Thoma* Hume Tatum, born at Glasgow, Missouri, May 5, 1860, married, lives at Fayette, Missouri. Has four children. (b.) Mary Tatum (Whitsitt,) married, February 1, 1888, to L ndrew A. Whitsitt, resides at Harrisonville, Missouri. Has two hildren, viz., Odelle Ardena, born August 31, 1889, and Andrew ilack, born August 6, 1896. (c.) George Hammet Tatum, Jr., born August 16, 1870. lied at Butte City, Montana, April 12, 1893, unmarried. (d.) Lucy Tatum (Heberling.) resides at St. Louis, Missouri, tarried January 21, 1890. Has three children. (3.) Child of Robert Hume and his wife Jennie. (a.) Fay Hume (McMullan,) born at Madison, Virginia, Aug- st 15, 1876, married Chas. McMullan, lives at Culpeper, Virginia, [as one child. s (4.) Children of Paulina Hume and Dr. Sprinkel. (a.) Hume Sprinkel, born July 3, 1869, married Rose War- ick, of Baltimore, October 20, 1897. (b.) Corrie Sprinkel (Cox,) born April 8, 1872. married Feb. 1; 1901, to Herbert Cox, Richmond, Va., one dau., Mary Myrtis. (c.) George, born December 29, 1873, unmarried. (d.) Frederick, born October 18, 1877, unmarried. (e. ) IVi/mer, born December 20, 1881, unmarried. The first efforts made by any one of the family to regain the cottish dignities and estates of Wedderburn, to which they were learly entitled, were made in 1811, by George Hume the heir and randson of George Hume, of Scotland, and would have been rowned with success had not death of the claimant brought the tatter to an abrupt close. The following is a copy of a letter from James Hume, Jr., to is cousin George Hume the claimant, and explains as well as rords can do the condition at that time. Ir. George Hume, Richmond. Ky. Dear Sir: — I received your letter some time since, which was ated 29th of December last, (1809.) I am happy to inform you bat I and my family enjoy a great share of health at this time. My mother is just getting out of a long spell of sickness. My ither lies very ill, but hope there is no danger. 78 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Your friends in this part of the Country that I have seen or heard of are all well. I am happy to hear of your wellfare and that of your family, tho certainly sorry to hear of the death of our old Uncle William* You wrote me to tell you how our affairs stand respecting the estates of Wedderburn and Marchmont. It has been out of my power to give you such satisfactory an answer as you would wish until late. I will now inform you of everything I know. Last fall a Mr. Alexander Dick came to Fredericksburg, a Scotch and British agent from Edinburg near the estate of Wedder- burn, and is well acquainted with the estate. I was recommended by Mr. Robert Patton and others friends, to make a friend of Mr. Dick, I have done so, and directed him to make every inquiry about the estate and give me the earliest information, which he has done. About two months past he complied with his promise, I re- ceived his letter directed to Robert Patton and then to me. He informs me he has made every inquiry, and has searched all the records for the entail, and he can't find the entail, nor any one that has any title to the estate, so much as the claims from this country, which Mr. Dick verily believes from the papers which I have shown him that we are the heirs at law, and that we only have any rights to the estate of Wedderburn and Marchmont. He writes me that a + Leftenant Home holds the estate in possession at this time, after the death of the last heir in that country there was no one to take the estate in possession. Parliament took charge of it until the right owner should come. This Leftenant brought in a claim against the estate as a great creditor, and was suffering for his money, Parliament put the estate in his possession if no bet- ter claim came. Mr. Dick also informs me the Leftenant will stand a suit before he will give it up. But seems willing, provid- ing ourselves are the right heirs, he is willing to come to a settlement, and divide, which Mr. Dick re-commends me to do, for we nor our great grand children, if we sue for it, will never see the end of it. As to the estate of Marchmont he believes they will give that up, the man who holds it in possession is dead (!!!) and his widow who now holds it said if the right owners came she is willing to give it up. All the above is now for your consideration, and give me an answer to this letter what I am to do, and how to proceed, I have taken all the affidavits except three which I shall take in ten days from this time, when taking these affidavits I saw the power of at- *William Hume, fourth son of George Hume of Scotland, died Dec. 1809 in Campbell Co. Ky. tThis claim was false but brought as a subterefuge why it was done is unknown, possi- bly Sir Georges estates were confiscated on account of his part in the Jacobite war See Frank Humes letter, note page 73. HUMES IN KENTUCKY. /9 irney you made my father before my counsel and magistrate and wont do, it only extends to the United States and no further, you think proper for me to transact this business any further, you ust make another power to me. Stating the State you live in id County, and what part of the United States, your age, witness, c, and have the County Seal to it well identified before two magis- ates. If you think proper to get an attorney to do it, get the best au can, for every hole will be pushed out before they will give up. Mr. Dick wishes, if we think proper for him to do the business r us, he will do it, and leave it for us to give him any part we ease out of the part is obtained. And he will do for us as if he ere doing for himself. I wish to send him a true copy of all the affidavits and a copy the power of attorney also. The original I shall hold until I get 1 answer from him, after he receives them which will be next >ring, if we can send on this fall as I wish to do. All my papers -e sent through Robert Patton, and all I receive is through him or friend. Nothing more at this time, till I can get further informa- on, and hear from you. I subscribe myself your friend and well wisher, and at command, James Hume, Jr. ct. 5th, 1810. More than a year had elapsed after the above letter was ritten before the necessary affidavits were procured, and the pow- : of attorney sent to Virginia, empowering James Hume to act l the case stated, whether this long delay was caused by lack of tail service, or what caused the delay is not known, there is a re- ort among some old papers, in the Marchmont house, that Mr. >ick entered suit in Chancery in 1811, and that said suit is still a the Chancery books is said by Sir Hugh Hume Purvis Campbell ) be true, and that it is kept there to prevent the Marchmont iaimants from entering suit for the same dignities, if this be true is an item the American claimant should not lose sight of, as it ars the operation of the satutes of limitation. December 11, 1811, Mr. Hume gave his nephew the necessary apers, affidavits, etc., to establish his claim, Mr. Dick found the ccupant, Lieut. Alexander Hume, absent on a cruise around the rorld. on a voyage of discovery, he had been with Captain James !ook on his memorable voyages, and after the death of Cook he ept up the same work. In his old age he came home, made an effort to be made Earl f Marchmont, but his right not being proven he called his family bout him. joined them in a dance, leading in that famous sport; 80 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. although 91 years old, after which he retired to his chamber and died. The following references in the genealogist's guide show that Sir Alexander entered his claim, see House of Lords session papers, 40 of 1822. Francis Hume, Esq., made a similar claim which was disallow- ed an account of the existance of a claimant in America, see session 1838. The following is a copy of a power of attorney sent in response to above letter. The claim of George Hume would doubtless have been allowed had he not died while the claim was pending action. To All Whom These Presents Ma\ Come. Know, ye that I, George Hume, Jr., resident in Madison County, in state of Ken- tucky, within the United States, of America, of the age of 57, have constituted, ordained and appointed, and by these presents do con- stitute ordain, and appoint my friend James Hume, Sr. , of the County of Culpeper, and State of Virginia, my true and lawful at- torney, for me, and inmy name to sue for or recover, to compromise and compound with adverse claimants or to sell, and alien by good and sufficient deed or deeds, the estate of Wedderburn and March- mont, situated and lying in Scotland, within the dominion of the King of Great Britain, and 1 do give and grant unto said attorney full power and authority to do and transact all manner of things rela- tive to the premises afore-said as fully and amply as I myself might or could do, were I present personally, transacting the same, and I hereby empower and authorize my said attorney to constitute and appoint one or more attorneys under him for the purpose of transac- ting said business in the realm of Scotland, and such power so given or made again at pleasure to revoke, never-the less, it is to be ex- pressly understood, I am to be at no costs or charges relative to the transaction of any business under this power of attorney, except what may be paid out of the aforesaid estates when they come into my possession, or what may be paid out of sale of said estate or estates, when I may have actually received the money, they may have been sold for, and I do here by ratify and confirm what my said attorney may do in the premises as fully as if I were personally to transact the same. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my HUMES IN KENTUCKY. 81 and and seal this tenth day of December, in the year of Our Lord, ill, at the County of Madison, and State of Kentucky, est. George Hume, Jr. Christopher Irvine. William Rhodes, Madison County. I do hereby certify that this power of attorney was produced to e as a clerk of the court for the County aforesaid, on the 10th day December, 1811, which was acknowledge by George Hume, stdent of the county aforesaid, to be his act and deed for the pur- ees the said contained, and the same has' been duly record in my rice. (seal) In testimony, I, William Irvine, Clerk of the Court for the County aforesaid, have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed the seal of said office, this day and date, first above written. William Irvine. Commonwealth of Kentucky, Madison County. I, Green Clay, presiding Justice of the County Court of Madi- mCounty, do hereby certify that William Irvine, whose certificate hereto annexed is acting Clerk to run said County Court, and at due faith and credit ought to be given to all his official acts, and tentions, as such, and that the foregoing power of attorney, and irtificate thereto annexed, are in due form of law. Given under y hand and seal, this 12th day of December, in the year of our 3rd, 1811. Green Clay. Articles of agreement between Thos. Hume claimant and sremiah Morton his attorney, after the death of George Hume aimant. Articles of Agreement, made and entered into, this sixth day of ily, in the year of our Lord, one-thousand-eight-hundred and renty-five, between Larkin Hume, alias Home, Stanton Hume, ias Home, Elizabeth Hume, alias Home, Martha Hume, alias ome, Francis Hume, alias Home, Susan Hume, alias Home. Will- m Duncan" and Catherine, his wife, late Catherine Hume alias ome, Thomas Thorp and Emma his wife, late Emma Hume, alias ome, all of the State of Kentucky, one of the United States of orth America, of the first part, and Jeremiah Morton of the town of adison, of the County of Madison, of the State of Virginia, one of 82 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. the United States of North America, of the second part. Whereas, certain articles of agreement, bearing date the first day of June, one- thousand-eight-hundred and twenty-five, have been made and enter- ed into, between Thomas Hume, alias Thomas Home, of the town of Madison, of the County of Madison, State of Virginia, one of the United States of North America, and the said Jeremiah Morton, and it may be that the said Larkin Hume, Stanton Hume, Eliza- beth Hume, Martha Hume, Francis Hume, Susan Hume, William Duncan and Catherine his wife, Thomas Thorp and Emma his wife, the said parties of the first part, are now entitled to some part or parcel of the estate or estates, real or personal, which are mentioned in the said articles of agreement between the said Thomas Hume, alias Home, and the said Jeremiah Morton, or if not so entitled at this time, some one of them may become entitled by the death of the said Thomas Hume, alias Home, to the said estate or estates real and personal, or it may be, that by the death of the said Thomas all of the parties of the first part will become interested, in all of the money and personal estates in Scotland, to which the same Thomas at the time of his death may be entitled, and whereas by the death or deaths of any of the parties aforesaid of the first part, the survi- vors or some one of them may by descent or otherwise become en- titled to the said estate or estates, real or personal in the said arti- cles between the said Thomas and Jeremiah Morton mentions, or to a part or parcel of them, or to some one of them; and the parties of the first part, being willing to make and enter into the like agree- ments and stipulations with the said Jeremiah Morton as are con- tained and mentioned in the said articles of agreement between the said Thomas Hume alias, Home, and the said Jeremiah Morton. Now these articles witness. First. That if the parties of the first part, or some of them, or any one of them, shall be found already entitled to any part or por- tion of the said estate or estates, real or personal, mentioned in the said articles of agreement between the said Thomas Hume and the said Jeremiah Morton, or to any other estate or estates whatsoever, situated, lying and being in that part of Great Britain called Scot- land, they, the said parties of the first part, in consideration of the expenses, time, risk, and trouble mentioned in the said articles of agreement between the said Thomas Hume, alias Home, and the said Jeremiah Morton, without which their title and interest in and HUMES IN KENTUCKY. 83 o the said estate or estates, real and personal would not be investi- gated and ascertained, and for the further considerations of onedol- ar current money of Kentucky, to them in hands paid by the said erermiah Morton, at or before the sealing and delivery of these >resent, (the receipt whereof they and each of them do hereby ac- mowledge) have agreed and obliged themselves and by these >resents do agree and oblige themselves to allow transfer, assign .nd pay, and by there presents do allow, transfer, assign and agree o pay to the said Jeremiah Morton the same proportion of what hall be recovered for them, or any one of them, as the said Thomas lume, alias Home, hath agreed to allow and pay the said Jeremiah Norton by the aforesaid articles of agreement. Secondly. Should the rights, titles, interest and claims of the ;aid Thomas Hume, alias Home, in and to the estate or estates, eal or personal, mentioned in the aforesaid articles of agreement, ind to any other estate or estates, in Scotland, by the death of the aid Thomas Hume, alias Home, descend or accrue to, or devolve lpon the parties of the first part, or any one of them, then the said )arties or party hereby agrees to adopt and abide by the saidarti- :les of agreement between the said Thomas Hume, alias Home, and he said Jeremiah Morton, as fully and completely as if they, he. or ihe had personally executed and delivered the same; and in such :vent the said Jeremiah Morton agrees to adopt and abide by the said irticles of agreement, as fully and completely in relation to the laid parties or party of the first part, as they are binding and oblig- itory on him in relation to the said Thomas Hume. Thirdly . Should the rights, titles, interest and claims, which he parties of the first part, now have, or which they or any one of :hemmay in future acquire, by the death of the said Thomas Hume, ilias Home, or otherwise, in and to the said estate or estates, both 'eal and personal, in the said articles of agreement between the said Thomas Hume and the said Jeremiah Morton, mentioned, by :he death of any one of them, or by the deaths of several of them, lescend. accrue or devolve, upon the survivors or survivor of them, .he parties of the first part, then the said survivors or survivor hereby agrees to adopt and abide by the said articles of agreement between the said Thomas Hume, alias Home, as fully as if they, he, Dr she, had personally made, executed and delivered the same, in ivhich event the said Jeremiah Morton agrees to adopt and abide by S4 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY the said articles of agreement between the said Thomas Hume alias Home, and the said Jeremiah Morton, as fully and completely in relation to the said survivors or survivor, as they are binding and obligatory on him in relation to the said Thomas Hume. Fourthly. The parties of the first part, hereby agree to execute all powers of attorney, etc, to the said Jeremiah Morton and to en- ter into new articles of agreement with the said Jeremiah Morton, in the same manner and to the same effect, as the said Thomas Hume has agreed to do, in the said articles of agreement between him and the said Jeremiah Morton. In testimony whereof the said parties to this agreement have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals, the day and year first above written. Memorandum. Between 2nd and 3rd lines inserted the name of Susan Hume, alias Home, before signing, also be- tween 8th and 9th lines before signing. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of. Lark in Hume [seal.] Stanton Hume [seal.] Eli/.abeth Hume [seal.] Martha Hume [seal.] Frances Hume [seal.] Urill Wright, as to Jeremiah Morton Wm. Wright, asto Jeremiah Morton Horace Stringfellow, as to same Wm. R. Smith, as to the same Henry Barnes, as same Belfield D. Cave, the same Signed by Darkin Hume, Stanton Hume, Elizabeth Hume, Martha Hume, Francis Hume, Susan Hume, William Ducan, Catherine Duncan, Thomas Thorp, and Emma Throp, in the presence of us. Archibald Woods, Robert Covington, James Miller, Philamon Duncan, Caleb Oldham. State of Kentucky, Madison County, this day personally appeared, Larkin Hume, Stanton Hume, Elizabeth Hume, Martha Susan Hume [seal.] William Duncan [seal.] Catherine Duncan [seal] Thomas Thorp [seal.] Emma Thorp [seal ] Jeremiah Morton [seal.] HUMES IN KENTUCKY. 85 Hume, Francis Hume, Susan Hume, Willian Duncan, Catherine Duncan, his wife, Thomas Thorp, and Emma Thorp, his wife, and signed and acknowledge this agreement between them on the one part, and Jeremiah Morton of the other part, to be their act and deed, and of the subscribing witnesses to wit: Archibald Woods, James Mil- ler, Philamon Duncan and Caleb Oldham, attested the same in our presence. Given under our hand this 6th day of July, 1825. State of Kentucky, \ g Nicholas Hocker [seal.] Madison County. J R. P. Broaddus [seal.] I, David Irvine, Clerk of the Court, for the County aforesaid, do hereby certify that, Nicholas Hocker, and Richard Broaddus. Esq. , whose names are subscribed to the foregoing certificate of acknowledgement, are and were at the date thereof acting Justices of the Peace, duly commissioned and qualified as such, and that due faith and credit, are and ought to be given to all their official acts as such. [seal. ] In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand as Clerk aforesaid, and affixed my seal of office, at office, this 7th day of July. 1825, and in the 34th year of the commonwealth of Kentucky. David Irvine. State of Kentucky, } ~ Madison County, j I, David Bruton, presiding Justice of the Peace, for the County Court aforesaid, do hereby certify that David Irvine, whose name is subscribed to the above certificate, is and was at the time of signing the same, Clerk to the County Court of Madison, and that by said certificate is in due form of law. Given under my hand, this 7th day of J%ly, 1825. David Bruton, P. R. Q. P. Larkin Hume, ancestor of the present claimant was the sec- ond sou of George Hume and Susannah Crigler, a grandson of George Hume and Jane Stanton, great grandson of George Hume and Elizabeth Procter. He was born in Virginia. 1788, mar- ried Nancy Moberly in Kentucky in 1812, and died in 1835. His grave is shown in cut of Hume grave-yard. His children were as follows: (1). Amanda, born Dec. 18, 1814, married John Challas. May 24, 1838. They had nine children, Nannie born May 5, 1839, 86 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. died March 28, 1877. Wm. L., born March 21, 1841, died Feb. 22 1878. John, born March 2, 1843, died Aug. 4, 1888. Edwin born Feb. 23,1845. died Jan. 30, 1870. Thos. H., born March 24 1847. Leonidas, born April 19, 1849, died July 20, 1851. Amelis F., born June 25, 1852. Susan M., born Jan. 20, 1854, died Sept 9, 1884. Sallie Louise, born Jan. 28, 1856, married B. Hamilton Oct. 22, 1892. (2). Martha, who died young. (3). Louisa F. who married John Park and had children, about whom we shal speak presently. Thomas Hume, who married Susan Miller auc was ancestor of Irvine Miller Hume, present claimant, whom we shall consider a little later on. William Hume, who married Sallie Park and had four sous Park, William. T. J., Joe, and one daughter. T. J., a son and Miss Louise F., a daughter who live in Kansas City, Kan., and are officers in the George Hume Claim- ants Association. Larkin Hume also had a son John who fought and was wound- ed in the Confederate army and died some years later at Richmond Ky. The children of Louisa F. Hume and John Park, mentioned' above are as follows: Thomas Kdgar Park married Clay Scholl, Mary A. Park married J. H. Gardiner, Wm. U. Park married Lavenia Brown. U. Hume Park married Fannie Story, John S. Park, born April 2, 1852, married Nannie Smith and had William B. Smith Park, born January 12, 1879- Louisa and John Park had also Elbridge Park, E. E. Park and June B. Park, who married Bettie Miller and has one son, Earl Park. Larkin Hume's oldest son Thomas, married Susan Miller, and had Thomas, who died at the age of 16 years. Nannie who married Mr. Chenault, a prosperous farmer of Madison County, Ky., and has two very interesting babies, Susan E. and Anderson. Irvine Miller Hume, the present claimant to the Scottish estates is a young man of promise, educated at Central Presbyterian Uni- versity, in his native town, a member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church South; is twenty-four years old and unmarried; he has in his own right several hundred acres of valuable land and is accounted one of the leading young men of Madison County, Ky. It is the earnest hope of the author that young Hume may sit in the seat of his illustrions ancestors in the great hall at Wedderburn HUMES IN KENTUCKY. 87 Castle. George, the younger brother of Irvine Hume, is twenty- one years old and educated, and a partner with his brother in many thousand dollars' worth of property in Madison County, Ky. Stanton Hume, son of George Hume and Susannah Crigler, grand-son of George Hume and Jane Stanton, was born in Cul peper County, Va. , September 12, 1790, married October 30, 1821 to Susannah Miller, and died and was buried in the family grave- yard in Madison County, Ky.. February 13, 1853. His family con- sists of Mrs. Julia A. Hume-Ellis, one of the first-born living mem- bers of the family. The author remembers with pleasure a most delightful stay in the home of this dear lady and her family. Mother Ellis has many rich and rare documents from the family history. Among them is George Hume's field book dated in his own hand in the year 1755. Numerous old- letters, some of them dated as early as 1743, old newspapers, etc., nearly a century old. Mrs. Ellis has bequeathed to family history, a priceless legacy of history. She was born February 13, 1823, married Mr. T. Stanhope Ellis May 31, 1843, and let us hope that many years may yet elapse before this sweet faced lady is taken from us, she and her husband who is agent and attorney in fact for Mr. Irvine Miller Hume, claimant, live in Richmond, Ky., all their children live with them. Their names are as follows: Susan E. Ellis, born April 7, 1844, married John A. Higgins, merchant and has one daughter Miss Julia Hume Higgins, graduate of Central Univer- sity, born December 21, 1875, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis have alsoSallie G. an educator of the deaf, and artist, born Dec, 12,1850, and Mary Stanton, born July 4, 1854, and married Rev. H. T. Daniel,* Baptist minister of piety and learning who served churches in various places in Kentucky, during the brief term of their married life and died in Shelby Co., Ky. They were married October 6th, 1886, and had no children. Mrs. Daniel resides with her parents and sister, the whole forming a happy home circle. She is her father's secretary, carrying on for him the burden of an extensive correspondence. Messrs. Ellis and Higgins are engaged in the mercantile business in Richmond. Stanton Hume and his wife, Susan Miller had second Susan Jane Hume, born July 6, 1828, married to John H. Embry January 9, 1850, and died January 4, 1890. Embry died January 14, 1875. Their children are as follows: Eleven in number, seven boys and *See foot note at end of this chapter. 88 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. four girls. Mary, the oldest was born October 12, 18S0. Josep Hume, the second child, was born January 9, 1852, and died O tober 20, 1898, unmarried. Nancy Webb, born April 3, 185. married Will T. Grigg June 15, 1887, and has five children. Pai S. Grigg, born March 6, 1888. Joel Grigg, born June 12, 1889. Wn Hume Grigg and John Embry Griggs twins born March 12, 189 '. Susan Jane Grigg. born June 13, 1893, died July 17, 1894. Joh Embry and Susan his wife had a fourth child whose name ws William Stanton, born October 28, 1854 and died unmarrie Dec. 21, 1891, also a daughter Susan Elizabeth, born Sept. 1' 1856. The sixth child was Lucy Downey, born July 8, 1858, ma: ried Joel Park December 12, 1878, died July 27, 1890. They ha a large family as follows: Mary Beeler Park, born October 2 1880. John Embry Park, born January 10, 1882, Patsy Collir Park, born November 16, 1883. Sue Embry Park, born July 1\ 1885, George W. Park, born Aug. 16, 1887, Curtis Hume Pari born March 11 ,1889. infant born and died July 25, 1890, John T. seventh child of Susan and John, was born March 2' 1859, married Bessie Broaddus December 11, 1891, has one chil Clay Broaddus, born August 10, 1894, and is still living, Georg Webb, born October 10, 1860, Irvine Miller, who died young EdmondS., born April 6, 1868 and died February 3, 18*9, an Frank Scott, born August 16, 1870, died July 1, 1899, are th younger children of Susan Jane and John Embry, and none le issue. William Stanton Hume, son of Stanton Hume and his wif Susan Miller, married Eugenia Burnam, of his native town, an had the following named children. John Miller, died in infancj Thompson Burnam, died in early life. Edmond Burnam, marrie Nettie Stockton had Stockton, Mary, Eugenia. Stanton Bennett Hume, fourth son, married Oct. 8, 188S to Patsy Field Miller, and died in Colorado June 19, 1902, had fot children. Their names areas follows: Robert Miller, born De< 27, 1892, died 1895. Eugenia Field born Dec. 31, 1894 r died i infancy. Wm. Stanton, born Jan. 1, 1894. Elizabeth Fieh born June20, 1900, William Stanton, Jr. , 5th son, not married. Curtis Burnam Hume 6th son, born Aug. 6, 1869, marrit July 6, 1892. Rella Frances Harber, died Feb. 6, 1894. Leavir one daughter Curtice Burnam, who was born July 18, 1894, die Dec. 17, 1898. HUMES IN KENTUCKY. 89 Mary Wilson married Harvey Chenault, and had no children. Dr. Eugene, a young physician is unmarried. Miss Susan Mil- ler, youngest child, is unmarried. Wm. S. Hume, died 1885, one of the richest manufacturers in Central Kentucky, as well as one of the best known citizens, his business is carried on by his sons. Mary Louise Hume, daughter of Stanton Hume, granddaugh- ter of Kentucky George, was born in Kentucky, May 9th, 1839, married May 1862, and died March 8, 1879. Her husband, Thos. McRoberts, was a member of the senate in the first legislature of Minnesota, he was reared in Lincoln Co. , Kentucky, engaged in early life in Mercantile pursuits in Danville and Louisville, for many years being a wholesale merchant. He resides at Danville, is a heavy Planter, Capitalist and Mine Owner in Mexico and Texas. There children are as follows, William Hume, born in Minn., June 24, 1863, died in childhood. Mary Margaret, single. Thomas Eu- gene, died in infancy. John Robert, George, and Susan Elizabeth, are all unmarried, and reside with their father at Danville, Ky. Katherine, daughter of Geo. Hume and his wife Susannah Crigler, was the seventh child of that union. The date of her birth is not given. She married William Duncan, previous to 1825, and died in 1840. Her husband lived to a ripe old age and died in 1862, they having had five children. George Hume Dun- can was the oldest child. He married Matilda Boyd in 1855. She had by him six children as follows: William, born 1856; mar- ried Susie Taylor and died without issue. June and John second and third children, born respectively in 1860 and 1862. Elizabeth who married William Terrell was born in 1860 and married in 1891, has one child, Ora Browning Terrell. Gecrge H., Jr., the fifth cf the children of George and Matilda Boyd Duncan, was born in 1866, married Mattie Tipton in 1894 and has three children. They are George Hume, born 1895; William, born 1897 and Goebel born 1900; Hugh the youngest was born in 1869, married Julia Chambers. Has Bulan, born in 1901. Caroline Duncan, was the second child of Katherine Hume and William Duncan. She married Shelton Harris and had an infant which died quite young. She left no surviving issue. William Duncan, Jr., who was born in 1831, died childless in 1894. Archibald Kavenaugh Duncan, was born in 1835, mar- ried Mary M. Parks in 1859 and died in 1890, having two grown 90 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. children. Brutus Kavenaugh, born in 1860, married Laura Old- ham in 1882. His picture is shown standing by the grave of his great grandfather, Kentucky George Hume, in the Hume grave- yard. He has four children as follows: Helen Ellis, born in 1884; Chenault Kavenaugh. born in 1886, Charlie B., born in 1896; and Archibald C, born in 1900. Archibald K. and Mary M. Park Duncan had a daughter Mamie M.. born 1865, married Thomas in 1883. He died in 1900. leaving her with two splendid boys, Archibald C, born in 1889 and David Walter, born in 1891. The youngest of the five children of Katherine Hume Duncan and her husband William, was Susan Catherine, born in 1838. She married Charles Oldham, July 31, 1856. Had six children. Her husband died July 28, 1899. The line of her posterity is as fol- lows: William Duncan, born October 9, 1861, married Mary Ter- rell, with issue as follows: Ronald, Harold and Abner, all living. Mary Catherine, second child of Susan Catherine and Charles Oldham, was born July 31, 1865, married Jessie Broaddus. They have several children, the names known to the writer are; Estella, Leonard, Vernon, Sue, Abner, Julian, and Mary. There were others. Charles Kavenaugh Duncan, Jr., born July 22. 1867, mar- ried Bessie Baumstark. Abner, born May 6, 1869, married Min- nie Patton and has two sons, William and Charles Hume was born April 23, 1871, and died in infancy. Sue Kavenaugh was born September 3, 1872, and died in infancy. *Henrv Thomas Daniel was born in Jefferson County, Illinois. July 26th, 1851, but reared chiefly by his uncle, the late T. M. Daniel, in Shelby Counly, Ky , near Christiansburg. He was educated at Georgetown College, where he took the full course, and afterward attended the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for one and a halt years, andgraduated in several of the schools He was ordained to the ministry, July 24, 1874, and from this time until his death, in Shelbyville. September 20th, 1891, he lived an active and efficient life. He served as pastor at Clear Creek, Pleasureville, Loug Ridge, Greenup's Fork, White's Run, Dallas- burg, Richmond, Republican, Viney Fork, Glasgow and Paris churches, all in this State. He was recognized by all as a man of fiue ability, unquestioned piety, deep earnestness; and had awakened in his friends the bright hope of his great usefulness. He was just entering upon a most important work as Financial Agent of the Williamsburg Institute, when God called him to his rich eternal reward. May the Lord help us all to emulate his energy, piety, and zeal as a minister.— Minutes of •General Association of Baptists of Kentucky, 1891. HUMES IN KENTUCKY, MISSOURI AND THE FAR WEST. 91 .,. ^tODERBUfy CHAPTER XIV. HUMES IN KENTUCKY, MISSOURI AND THE FAR WEST. George Hume, of Scotland, m. Elizabeth Procter of Virginia. George, m. Jane Stanton, I.I I I I Francis. John. William. James. Charles. I I I I ! I I I George Reuben, m. Charles. William. John. Eliz. Frances. Sarah. Anna Finks. Joel Hume, Reuben. Geo. Lewis. Thornton. John. Stanton. Reuben Hume, second son of George Hume, Jr. and Jane Stanton, was born in Culpeper, Va., in 1772, he married Anna Finks, of Culpeper County. Va., in February 1796, and died in Madison County, Ky. , in 1821, leaving seven sons, his old family bible is in possession of Mrs. Cora Hume Archibald, of Las Vegas, New Mexico. Anna Finks Hume, his wife, survived him several years, and emigrated to Boone County, Mo. , in 1823, where she 92 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. died July 30, 1839. She was buried in Old Union Churchyard,, near the city of Columbia, Mo. Their children are as follows: Joel Hume, was born in Virginia, November 18, 1796, mar- ried Polly Ann Peyton, 1822, and died in Howard County, Mo., in 1864, had ten children. Amanda, first child of Joel and Polly Ann Hume, born July 25, 1824. Reuben Y. Hume, second child of Joel and Polly Ann Hume, born October 3, 1826. married to Frances A. Pay ton. November 26, 1846, living at Glasgow, Mo. Has a family of five children, as follows: (1.) Joel Y. , the oldest was born November 13. 1851, and was married to Fannie P. Walker, and has two children, Les- lie Hume, born July 31, 1883, and Ada Hume, born August 19, 1889. (2.) J.O Hume, born April 10, 1854, married Lou RllaSnod- dy, Sept. 6, 1878. They have four children, Leo F Hume, born March 4, 1880. Annie Hume, born July 28, 1883. George Hume, born January 10, 1888. Lillian Hume, boru September 6, 1892. (3.) Henry D. Hume, born October 17. 1857, married Jennie E. Maddox, Jaruary 3, 1883. They have three children, Earl P. Hume, born February 11, 1884. Earnest Hume, born August 31, 1885. Minnie Hume, born November 15, 1887. (4.) Minnie A. Hume, born June 26 1861, married C. T. Garner, May 3. 1879. Their children are as follows: Reuben R. Garner, born January 14, 1881. Frank D Garner, born Septem- ber 29, 1882. Christine Garner, born January 16 1890, and Annie Hume Garner, born August 10, 1900. (5.) Reuben Hume, a Physician at Forest Green, Mo., born July 10, 1864, married Nannie Dennv, September 4, 1895, has one child, Margret M. Hume, born February 18, 1900. Jessie P. Hume, third child of Joel and Polly Ann Hume, was born October 8, 1828, died July 22, 1856. John G. Hume, fourth child of Joel and Polly Ann Hume, was born July 1, 1831, and died January 15, 1892. Ann E. Hume, fifth child of Joel and Polly Ann Hume, was born September 25, 1833, died September 5, 1845. HUMES IN KENTUCKY, MISSOURI AND THE FAR WEST. 93 Susan J. Hume, sixth child of Joel and Polly Ann Hume was horn February 28, 1836, married first Wm. B. Hays, March 29, 1853, second F. M. Colvin, March 15, 1868, died August 23* 1897. Joel L- Hume, seventh child of Joel and Polly Ann Hume, was born September 7, 1838, married Eliza Lee, died January 12, 1891. They had three children, and two grand children, as fol- lows: Eva Hume, born February 9, 1874, and died January 3, 1891. Sarah F. Hume, born February 10, 1876, married Dan Cuddy, Nov. 9, 1898, and has one child, Mary, born April 19, 1901. John O. Hume, third child of Joel and Eliza Lee Hume, was born November 23, 1877, married Vada Smith, December 20, 1898. They have a daughter Esther, born March 13, 1901. George C. Hume, eighth child of Joel and Polly Ann Hume, born October 20, 1840, died May 2, 1859. Nancy M., ninth child of Joel and Polly Ann Hume, born June 12, 1845, died August, 1845. Wm. S., tenth child of Joel and Polly Ann Hume, born Sept. 5, 1847, died Oct 20, 1847. Reuben Hume, second son of Reuben Hume Sr. and Anna Finks his wife, was born in Virginia, Oct. 6, 1798, married Eliza- beth Sharp, and died in 1850 leaving 7 children as follows: (1.) John L , married Cena Johnson, had two children, Mary and Henry F. Hume. (2.) Joe F. , married Kate McNair, had six children, James, Florence, Blanch, Anna, Mayme and Roscoe. (3.) James, married Catherine Taylor, had three children, Reuben, James and Sherman. (4.) Louisa, married James Gray, had three children as fol- lows: Mary Gray who married Jessie P. Gray, and has three chil- dren, John, Harriet and James M. Gray, Elbrege and Sarah are younger children of Louisa Hume-Gray and James her husband. Nancy, fifth child, married William Stephens. (6.) Reuben, sixth child, married Lizzie Conley (7.) Harriet, married Joe Hart, has six children as fol- lows: William, Joseph, Jennie, Edward, Nellie and Jefferson Hart. (3.) George the third son was born in Virginia, October 15, 1800, married Harriet McBain, Boone County, Mo. , June 28, 1824, and died March 4, 1863, leaving two sons, Lewis and George, 94 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Lewis the older married, his wife was Eliza Jane Colvin, whom he married in July 11, 1850, by her he had a son, named Stan- ton and a daughter Susan. Lewis died February 23, 1854, three years after marriage. George second was born February 20, 1838, still living, never married. (4.) Lewis Hume, whose picture is to be seen in these pages, was born in Virginia, September 12, 1803, he married Henrietta Monroe McBain, a grand niece of President James Monroe. Columbia Herald under date of December 2, 1900, says of Mrs. Hume: "Grandma" Hume is the oldest person in Boone County, and is probably older than anyone in Central Missouri. She is a remarkable person. Her memory is unusually good, retaining with distinctness several incidents of the war in 1812. She was born in Maryland,* and lived on the Potomac at the time the British ships went up the river to Alexandria. She does not know- exactly how old she is, but she remembers in minute detail the event of that day. "As the ships went up the river," she said, "they floated red flags; as they returned, white flags were carried." She savs they lived immediately along the bank of the river, and as the ships sailed up one stopped at their farm and took several turkeys and pigs, and when her parents protested, the English commander threw them a handful of coins, the amount of which was far in excess of the loss. Before this date she says she had learned the art of manufacturing fish seines. In those days along the Potomac fish constituted the chief meat consumed and the nets or seines were woven by the women at home. She thinks she must have been 8 or 10 years of age at the breaking out of the war in 1812. This would make her near 100 years old. During the war, as a little girl, with her parents, she removed to Virginia. They remained in that State but a short time, however, removing to Madi- son County, Ky., very soon afterward. It was this trip with her widowed mother that cost the family the record of their ages. It happened in this way. Of course, the journey was made overland by oxen team, and, there be- ing no bridges, creeks and rivers were forded. It was in crossing the Shena- doah river that the McBains lost nea-ly everything they possessed, including the family Bible which contained the family record. It was washed down stream with the wagon and was never recovered. No one was drowned, for- tunately. In Madison County, Ky., she grew to womanhood. Lewis Hume emigrated to Missouri, immediately after his mar- riage, in Madison County, Ky. , in 1823, and settled in Boone County, where he lived until December 23, 1870, when he died *She is in fact now 99 years of age. HUMES IN KENTUCKY. MISSOURI AND THE FAR WEST. 95 there, he had by his wife five sons and one daughter, all born at the family seat in Boone County, Mo. When the Humes came to Missouri and settled in Boone County, there were Indians and Buffaloes roaming over the vast prairies Boone County was on the direct route from the north- east, via Louisiana, to the camping and recruiting stations of Inde- pendence, Mo., Fort Scott, Kansas, Osage Mission and the Gold Regions of the far west. It was during these stormy days preced- ing the Mexican War and the discovery of gold in California, that they made their home in the new village of Columbia. Only one or two cabins and a log Court House broke the monotony of the primitive solitude. Lewis Hume whose children and grandchildren represent the line at the present day, was a man of piety and strong mental vig- or. He had in the old dominion become a convert to the simple doctrines preached by Alexander Campbell, founder of the now wide spread Christian Church or Disciples, and soon after arriving in the west, he and his family erected on the most accessable cor- ner of his farm near his home, a church house for the convenience of his children and slaves. Of the latter he had quite a large number. In this church which he called Bethany he lived and died. His earthly possessions were quite extensive before the fate- ful events of '61, but being situated on the border line and being a powerful Advocate of state's rights, he early followed the destinies of his native south and lost heavily in property value as w r ell as all his slaves. His lands although depreciated in value by the war, all remain- ed in the family and are now among the most valuable in Missouri and are occupied by his descendants. A cut of his house erect- ed in 1821 is subjoined. His family is as follows: Reuben Hume, the oldest, born April 15, 1824, was married twice, first to Catherine Estes, by whom he had a daughter Luella, who married Nathaniel Torbit, and had six children, as follows: Reuben Torbit, Henrietta Torbit, who married Mr. Thomblinson, Ecce Tor- bit, who married Charles Hume, C. C. Torbit, Agnes Torbit and CharlesTorbit. Reuben Hume, married a second time to Henriet- ta Wilson, August 23, 1857, but had no children by this union. George Hume, second son of Lewis Hume and Henrietta 96 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Monroe McBain, was born in 1826, married Mary Jane Palmer January 24, 1850, and died July 29, 1891. leaYing three sons, James j George and Burton. The two former died without issue; Burtoi is living. James Robert Hume, third son of Lewis and Henriett; Monroe Hume, was born October 18, 1829, married Sallie Booth:, at Columbia, Boone County, Mo., and died April 2S, 1881, leav' ing six children, all born in Columbia, Boone County, Mo., hi picture is given in this book. His children are as follows: William Lewis Hume, the onl; boy, died in infancy. Henrietta Hume, a lady of considerabl ability as a popular writer, married first, Dr. J. B. Pettyjohn, b; whom she had one daughter, Cora Hume Pettyjohn; not ye reached her majority, Mrs. Pettyjohn married, second Mr. Arthu P. Buck, a wealthy Ranch owner of Las Vegas, New Mexico; b; this union there is a baby daughter, Henrietta Arthur Buck Mrs. Buck has written rather extensively. Many of her books hav ing gone through several editions: "Cast up by the Waves" anove of some merit. "Kttalle" one of considerable strength, and "Dor othy," the latter takes up the principal persons in Mrs. Buck' "Ancestral Line" and makes them walk and talk very naturally an< prettily in some very trying circumstances. Mrs. Buck has don much to perpetuate the good fortune of her family. She ha traveled over her Ancestral hills in Scotland, and is untiring ii her efforts to get a complete and correct genealogical history of th American family. She has the added distinction of being the onl; female lawyer in New Mexico, and an officer in the State bar As.-o ciation. Cora Hume, daughter of James Robert and Sallie B. Hume married first, Dr. Edwin P. Talley, of Wentzville, Mo., having \ daughter, Paulina Cabell, who married Charles M. Petteys, a Las Vegas, New Mexico, having a baby boy, Edwin Talley Pet teys. Dr. and Mrs. Talley had a son, John Archer Talley, wh) resides with his mother. After Dr. Talley died, Mrs. Talley mar ried Byron Archibald, of Kansas City, Mo., and had two children Mary Irene and Henry Caldwell. Mrs. Archibald is an unceasinj worker in the cause of the Hume history, and believes ver strongly in her Ancestral rights. The author is under lasting HUMES IN KENTUCKY, MISSOURI AND THE FAR WEST. 97 obligations to her and her sisters for assistance rendered by them in his work. The fourth child of James R. and Sallie B. Hume, was M*ry Frances, who was married at Las Vegas. New Mexico, to Mr. N. E. Peterson, and died childless, November 18, 1899. Mrs Peter- son or Mamie as she was affectionately called was one of those gentle loving creatures whose whole life was ona sweet ray of sun- shine, she was the family favorite and died lamented by all who knew her. Carrie Lee Hume, married A. B. Lewis, of Kansas City, Mo. , a merchant of standing. Mrs. Lewis is Secretary of the George Hume Claimant Association, with headquarters at Kansas City; she has a daughter, Carrie Hume Lewis. Sallie Hume Douglass, the youngest of this talented family, was born at Columbia, Mo., and like her sisters, received a lib- eral education in the State University of Missouri. She married Alan E. Douglass, of Las Vegas, New Mexico, and has one child Marie. Mrs. Douglass is a teacher in the schools of Las Vegas. She was chosen by the legislature of her adopted State to represent its edtcational interest at Buffalo, at the Pan-American Exposition, but the failure of the legislature to make suitable appropriation thwarted her purpose. She will come to St. Louis in 1904, for a like purpose. Mrs. Douglass is a student of metaphysics and has written on her chosen subject acceptably and well. Mrs. Buck's, Mrs. Archibald's and Mrs. Douglas' pictures are subjoined. Sidney Hume, fourth son, of Lewis and Henrietta Hume, was born October 25, 1831; married first, Tabitha McBain; second, Sallie Austin. One daughter, Mary Lee Hume, survives.' Lafayette Hume, fifth son of above named parents, was born July 18, 1833; married Samira Hickam, May 26, 1857, died October 19, 1898, leaving five sons, as follows: George, the eldest; Charles, (who married Ecce Torbet;) William married Sallie Swanson, Lafayette and Edwin. Charles and Edwin are physi- cians. Ann-Elizabeth, was the last child of Lewis and Henri- 98 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. etta Hume. The date of her birth is recorded to read: February 5, 1842. She married Scott Hickam, April 6, 1871, and had one daughter, Mary E. Hume, who married A. J. Morris, and had ; four children, as follows: Joel, Archer, Hume and Sidney. Thornton Hume, fifth son of Reuben and Anna Finks Hume, was born June 9, 1807, married Louisa Sharp, January 1828, died | April 6, 1866. Mrs. Cora Hume Archibald furnished the following Correct- ed Register of his descendants, James C, the eldest of his nine children, was born near Columbia, Boone County, Mo. Never j married, and perished on the plains, in New Mexico, date not given. The second child was John F., born December 27, 1829, in same place as his brother, he married Elizabeth Martin, of Stur- geon, Mo., 1869, had one son and died in 1870, at Columbia, Mo. John F. Hume, Jr., his son was born March 2, 1870, at the home in Columbia, Mo., he married Mayrne Sullivan, of Seda- lia, Mo., December 24, 1893, and has one dead and one living child, as follows: Lulu, born at Sheffield, Mo , October 11, 1894, and died December 19, 1894, John is living, born November 10, 1895. Oliver, third son of Thornton and Louisa Sharp Hume, was born February 7, 1833, married Nannie Jamison, in Clay County, Mo., and had three children, as follow: Ann E., born March 22, 1870; Louise, born November 7, 1869; James H.. born February 1863, all in Jackson County, Mo. Thornton, Jr., was the fourth son of Thornton, Sr. , born Nov- ember 17, 1834, died the same year. Ann, oldest daughter, born March 18,1837, married G. W. An- thony, July 6, 1861, she had eleven children, as follows: Mary A., born March 7, 1863, died April 1, 1865; John T., born July 19, 1864, died July 30, 1865; Delila, born January 14, 1866, died July 29, 1867; Florence, born October 25, 1867, married February 10, 1891, David Watson, they have three children, Lillian, Isabella, Ruth. Elizabeth born, November 8, 1869, married William Schwartz, of Ohio, and has two children, George L-, born March 15, 1871, married Mollie Jewell, July 1, 1896, has two children, HUMES IN KENTUCKY, MISSOURI AND THE FAR WEST. 99 Madora and Mary Ellen William J., born October 26, 1872, died July 29, 1874; Vallie, born July 13, 1875, died December 18, 1876. Frank, ninth child of G. W. Anthony and Ann his wife, born December, 20, 1876; Oliver, born December 10, 1878, Lillian, born December 16, 1880, married Herbert Betzler, June 12, 1801. Sarah Bennett, daughter of Thornton and Louisa Hume, born December 4, 1838, married William Drew, in Clay County, Mo., 1859, died, leaving one child, William Drew, born in Clay County, Mo., April 6, 1861. Elizabeth, born March 4, 1840, married a man named Jacob Hyder, in 1867, and died February 8, 1901, her four children are, Bluford, Sarah, W T illiam, and Oliver. Thorntons, youngest children, were twins, Joe and William, born February 14, 1843, Joe died, young William died in Boone County, Mo., October, 1, 1855. Reuben Hume, and Anna Finks, his wife, had two other sons, John Finks Hume sixth son of Reuben and Anna Hume, was born April 9, 1809, in Madison County, Ky. , married Nancy Sharp in Boone County, Mo., Feb. 17, 1831, died in Moniteau County, near California, Mo., in 1890, leaving five children as follows: (1) Dor* inda; (2) Elzina married J. T. Coale, has three children, Peter, Gus and Louis Coale; (3) Louise; (4) Elnora, who married Rich- ard Kiely, and has four children, Sidney, Minnie, James and Ed- ward; (5) James R. Hume married Sadie Pennington. Stanton Hume, youngest son of Reuben, was born in Madi- son County, Ky. , January 12, 1812, and died unmarried August 5, 1842, Boone County, Mo. CHARLES HUME. Compiled by Miss Clara T. B. Hill, Kansas City, Mr. Robert Franklin Helpp, Lebanon, Ky., and Mr. T. M. Hume of Chicago. Charles Hume, son of George Hume of Va. , and Jane Stanton, his wife, was born in Culpeper, Virginia. He married a Miss Banks in 1785, and one son by his first wife, Henry F. , born December 4, 1786, and died 1829. They also had two daughters, Polly, born November 23, 1788. Married Mr, Simpson; date of death and line of descent unknown. 100 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Charles Hume married as has been said for his first wife £ Miss Banks. This much is learned from the Hume Records. Now comes the Banks family from whom came Gen. Robert A Banks, and shows that this Miss Banks was Lizzie Banks, daugh ter of Adam Banks and Gracie James, whom it appears were mar ried June 8, 1776, but in as much as the marriage of James Humt and Lizzie Banks is shown to have occured in 1785 only nine yean after the former marriage, that one of the dates and maybe both an wrong. The author is of the opinion that the marriage of Adan Banks and Gracie James occured much earlier than the date! given, for the reason that the marriage registers of Madison Co. Va. , do not go so far back as 1776, and the chance for error i greater than it is at a later date. The descendants of this union were as follows: Franker Banks, Gracie Banks, Nancy Banks, Joel Banks, who marrie* Charles Hnme, Girard Banks, Mollie Banks, Anna Banks. L Banks, and Julianna Banks. Of these ten children only two con cern us. One of the two, Girard Banks, married Anna Davis, ii 1806 and had only one child a son, Gen. Robert A. Banks men tioned on page 76 as having married Louisa Finks his step sister his father having died and his mother having married Williarj Finks, whose first wife was a daughter of George Hume of Ken tucky. There is in this item argument for an earlier date thai 1776, as Adam Banks marriage. Girard was the sixth child am married only twenty-eight years after his parents married, allow ing for only two years and no deaths. The sixth child would like ly be born about thirteen years after the parents marriage. Thi leaves only fifteen years as the age of Girard at his marriage witl Anna Davis. Lizzie Banks who married Charles Hume, is the one who cod cerns us as she is the progenitress of many of the present age. Charles Hume married Lizzie Banks in 1785 and had thre children as follows: Polly Hume, Simpson and Elizabeth Tafloi Only one son Henry F. who married Lucinda Branham and ha issue as follows: Mary Jane Hume, Robert Franklin Hume, wh was killed in the Mexican War, Charles Oscar Hume, Anna Mari Hume, Harriet Hume, John Henry Hume, Mary Ellen Hume Sarah Elizabeth Hume. Of these persons we have the followin marriages and lines of descent. HUMES IN KENTUCKY, MISSOURI AND THE FAR WEST. 101 Robert Franklin the second, married Eleander Graves and had issue as follows: Anna Maria Hume, John Henry Hume, Har- riet Hume, Mary Ellen Hume, George H. Hume and Elizabeth Hume. Anna Maria Hume married Adolph Hilpp, of Lebanon Ky... in 1853, and is the mother of the writer of these items, Robert Franklin Hilpp of that place. George H. Hume is an officer in Louisville Ky., Fire De- Dartment, stationed in Engine House No. 3, on Preston St. Anna Maria has Robert F. Jessie L., Madaline C. Annie, Rlwood H., Lucinda and Myrile Hilpp. . Harriet Hume daughter of Henry F. Hume andgranddaugh- :er of Charles Hume and Lizzie Banks, married Halloway Travis ind had issue as follows: George H. James, Lucinda and Alice Iravis. Sarah Elizabeth Hume another daughter of Henry F. Hume, narried Elijah McCormic, October 25, 1840 and had four chil- 1 en. Their names are Flora, Harriet Anna, Edward H- and VTary Jane Travis. Edward H. the only son married Anna y Bryan and had Elsworth and Ehrman McCormic. Elizabeth, born August 21, 1791, married Mr. Taylor; de- cent unknown. Charles Hume, had by his second wife, Elizabeth Kirtley, vhom he married March 25, 1800. Sally, born June 11, 1801, William, born September 1, 1802, John Milton, born September 19, .804, Newton J., born November 12, 1806, James H., born March .2, 1809 Alfred L,, born April 11, 1811, Mary Jane, born Septem- >er 17, 1813, married Tuesday evening, August 28, 1832, in Madi- on County, Va., by Rev. John Garnett, to Robert C Hill, son of n the mother earth of old Virginia have built wisely and well. Francis Hume has left a monument to his memory, that will be as ibiding as the social institutions of his native state, which has in- er woven his name into the warp and woof of its social fabric. The history of this branch of the family has been told in the vords of Hon. Francis Charles Hume, of Galveston, Texas, much )f this matter is from his monograph. Francis, the second of said ix sons was a planter in Culpeper, Va., where he died in 1813, le had married Elizabeth Duncan, who survived him several years, ind died at the home of her daughter Nancy Hume Sharp, in Columbia, Boone County, Mo. , in 1822, at the ripe old age of 94; hey had several children, the best authorities mention seven, he first named and probably the oldest were the two daughters, ^ancy Hume Sharp, who married Lewis Sharp, of Missouri, and lied at Columbia, Mo. , early in the last century, and Elizabeth vho married John Almond, of Spotsylvania, Va. , the sons were ive in number, as follows: James was the oldest, and married Catherine Barnes Armistead, the second married, Priscilla Colvin, ind reared a family of six sons and one daughter. Their history vill be taken up a little further along. Charles married Celia Shumaker, and Benjamin the youngest of the family married "Telly Frost, all these were of the county of Culpeper Va. Armistead Hume, before mentioned was a Virginia planter of be grand old type, which made colonial society great in the ime in which he lived. He reared a family as before stated, a his native county of Culpeper. By his marriage with Priscilla -olvin they had, Lewis, born October 3, 1799; John, born August , 1802; Robert born January 29, 1808; Benjamin, born April 13, 810; Francis, born January 1, 1812; and Charles, born July 1, 118 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. 1814; Sarah Ann Elizabeth, was born April 11, 1S05, she mar- ried her cousin William Almond, and died without issue, Lewis and Benjamin died young, the members of the family who left issue are, John, Robert, and Charles, their lines are con- sidered as far as known in these pages, Francis married twice, but died childless. Armistead died in Culpeper County, Va., Jan- uary 19, 1815, his wife, married Rev. Abner Baughan, November 17, 1817. Compiled by Hon. Frank Hume, Washington, I). C. Francis, the second of said six sons, was a farmer in Culpe- per, where he died in 1813. He married Elizabeth Duncan, who survived him several years, dying at the home of her daughter, Nancy Hume Sharp, near Columbia, Boone County, Mo., about 1822, at the age 94 years. Francis and Elizabeth had two daughters, viz., Elizabeth, who married John Almond, of Spotsylvania County, Ya., and Nancy, who married Lewis Sharp, of Culpeper. they had four sons, viz., James, who married Catherine Barnes, October 2, 1797; Arm- : istead, who married Priscilla Colvin, (daughter of John and Sarah Colvin,) December 25, 1798; Charles, who married Celia Shu- maker: and Bemjamin, who married Nelly Frost — all of Culpeper County, Va. Armistead, the second named of the said four sons, was a farmer. He died in Culpeper County. January 19, 1815- Charles, son of Armistead, married Frances Virginia Raw- lins, in Culpeper, County, Va., June 21, 1836. Charles was em- ployed in the Second Auditor's Office of the Treasury Department for nearly twenty years, and died in the city of Washington, June 25, 1863. Virginia, his wife, was first cousin to General John A. Rawlins, General Grant's chief of staff, and later Secretary of War. They had thirteen children: — Mary Ann, born May 16, 1837; married Mr. Charles Brown of Maryland, has issue. Thomas Levi, born October 24, 1838, a merchant in Wash- ington, D. C. ; married Miss Nannie Graham Pickrell, daughter ol Hon. Adolphus Pickrell, of Georgetown, D. C. , and died October 23, 1881. William Hollidav, born July 12, 1840, and died June 12. 1841. FRANCIS HUME OF TA , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 119 Maj. Charles Connor Hume, born Feb. 1,1842, was in the Army of the Southern Confederacy, and for important and daring service was greatly distinguished, and promoted from the ranks to the pos- ition of Major in the Regular Army of the Confederacy. He en- joyed the confidence, esteem, and friendship of Generals Robert E. Lee and J. E. B. Stuart. He was killed in discharge of his duty in Charles County, Maryland, May 20, 1863, near Pickewaxen Church, at which place he was buried. A handsome stained glass memorial window has been erected in the Episcopal Church at Pickewaxen. The window is of Gothic style, in the center of which : is a broaken column. Over this column is a Maltese cross, encircl- ed with the inscription, "Faithful unto Death." Below the column is a medallion bearing the following inscription: "Pro Deo, Pro Pairia, Pro Liber tate." Extracts from the war record of Charles C. Hume who left Washington to join the Confederate Army in company with a number of recruits, January, 1862. The authorities at Washington obtaining information of their design succeeded in capturing the entire party and imprisoned them at Fort Delaware. From the time of entering that fortress, Hume laid all kinds of plans for escape but without success; at last he concluded to feign sickness; having some knowledge of the effects of inflamma- tory rheumatism he concluded to pretend a bad case of this di- sease, after taking into his confidence one or two of his fellow pris- oners. His bunk was on the second tier and he began by bending his right leg at the knee and making continuous groans interspersed with occasional cries as of great agony. His friends demanded a doctor be sent for, and soon one came, and on approaching Hume • to examine him, he most piteously begged him not to touch him, but leave him alone in his misery. The good doctor was non- plussed and said he would bring the chief surgeon. Hume, who was the very personification of wit and humor, in telling of this adventure said he thought his leg would really come off as he had held it in one position so long that it was impossible to hold out longer, so before the two surgeons returned he had shifted to the left side and presented the other leg for inspection. The first doc- tor not discovering the ruse. After a consultation the case was pronounced a severe case of inflammatory rheumatism and he was removed to the hospital for treatment and compelled to take nau- siating drugs and lie quietly in bed, a punishment at which his 120 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. active soul rebelled. A heavy rain storm on the third night gave him the desired opportunity to get to the yard surrounding the hospital. The night was intensely dark and raining, cautiously reaching the large gates he found them fastened together with a ponderous padlock. While examining as best he could, he dis- covered by a flash of lightning, another party in the yard, and thinking him a Federal soldier, he dropped to the ground and was surprised to see his unknown do likewise. There they lay until Hume summoned up courage to advance to his unknown friend, who to his great delight proved to have also escaped from the hos- pital, and to be trying to get out. These two tried in every way to remove the big lock but without success, finding the gates were hung on ponderous hinges two young giants succeeded in lifting them bodily off their hinges and they fell with a crash, which no doubt would have exposed them had it not been for the continuous peals of thunder. They succeeded in dragging the two gates to the water and pushed them off into the canal or moat to Delaware Bay. All went well as the tide was running out and their craft simply drifted with the same, but when they reached the bay they were met with high waves and a very rough sea, so much so that the/ were compelled to use their clothing in tying themselves on to prevent being washed away. Thoroughly benumbed they kept up their courage until day light, by which time the rain had ceased and the outlines of their late prison could be plainly made out, which they estimated to be about four miles distant. The nearest land was about a mile away and having no oars to aid them, their fear was that they might drift back to the fort, so they both got into the water, and by swimming and pushing they struck a shallow place and soon waded to shore to leave the gates float- ing, so that when found it would be thought they had perished in the night storm. Half dressed and in anything but a presentable appearance thev wended their way to a kind-hearted Delaware farmer's house where they asked for clothing and a small amount of money, and refreshments, all of which this generous soul freely gave, as that section of the state was strongly pro-southern. Leav- ing this kind friend they separated, Hume sought a barber in a village, and had his hair, which was nearly red, dyed black, and catching a passing train he bought a ticket for Baltimore, having with other passengers been closely scrutinized by detectives. Reaching Baltimore he sought friends who advanced him money FRANCIS HUME OP VA. , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 121 to continue his way to Virginia, crossing the Potomac safely and reaching Richmond, he was appointed a clerk in a government de- partment. Finding this a too quiet life he resigned and volunteered in the 6th Va. Cavalry, and was in a number of engagements with Gen. J. E. B. Stuart's command, making large captures of war material of all sorts, which had been sent by rail to Gen. Pope's army. Hume was appointed to the Cavalry Signal Corps commanded by Col. Richard E. Frayser. The following we copy from a Virginia paper written by Judge Francis Charles Hume, of Galveston, Texas, of the pathetic end of this young Virginian. « The bravest are the tenderest; The loving are the daring. "In memory of Major Charles C. Hume, C. S. A., son of Charles and Frances Virginia Hume; born in Culpeper, Va., Feb- ruary 2, A. D., 1842; died May 20, 1863, in this vicinity, in the line of duty — a brave young hero in the Army of Northern Vir- ginia." The foregoing inscription, on a stained glass memorial win- dow in Pickewaxen Episcopal Church, Charles County, Maryland, preserves at once the record of the close of a gallant young life, and of the fidelity and tenderness of friends who valued it because it was heroic. In the centre of the window is a broken column. Above this is a Maltese cross bearing the legend, "Faithful Unto Death," and below, a medallion holds the words " Pro Dio, Pro Liber tata" Death came to the "Young Hero" in the beginning of the first year of his legal manhood; yet when he was already an old soldier upon whom the severe exactions of the most perilous ser- vice to which the Confederacy could devote its children had wrought their mysteries of manhood's thoughtfulness, skill and constancy. The service in which he met his death was one that had long and successfully engaged him — that of passing through the lines of the enemy confronting the Army of Northern Virginia; gathering information of his position, numbers and purposes; and then, repassing to communicate the results of his observations to his immediate Chief, Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. This line of dangerous duty led him more than once into the very capital of the enemy, 122 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. and always in rear of the grand armies that were moving "on to Richmond." It involved the necessity of immediate and frequent personal contact and intercourse with Federal soldiers, when not only his usefulness as a scout, but his life depended on his art in concealing his identity. Every step he took was perilous; yet for years his fortune maintained the ascendant. Uncommon health, strength and courage; dexterity and self-possession under condi- tions however sudden, unexpected and seemingly hopeless; to- gether with thorough knowledge of the country and people, fitted I him for his difficult part in the grim tragedy of war. The last chapter of the life of this ideal soldier is gathered ; from the prosaic official reports which neither praise nor blame, but yet cannot conceal the pathos of the closing scene. Capt. Joseph Groff, commanding Company B, 13th Regiment, Maryland Vols. (Union) was on guard duty on the Maryland side of the Potomac, at Chapel Point, Charles County, on May 20, 1863. On the evening of that day a detail from the company was patrol- ing the river. The detail consisted of Lattimer and Sylvester Stockman, brothers, and Charles Keeler. They discovered three men in a fodder house and demanded their surrender. Two, Simpson and Brown, surrendered; the third, Watt Bowie, escaped. The patrol, with their two prisoners, proceeding towards the company quarters, were joined by another man, who seems to have mistaken the party for friends, the hour being about twilight. He discovered his mistake at once, but too late to escape arrest. The march was continued, the three prisoners in front. The last prisoner was Hume. Beginning a conversation with the patrol, he asked the name of their command, and, suddenly facing them, said: "You are Harper's Ferry prisoners and have not been ex- changed:" This was not denied by the men, who asserted thai they had been regularly exchanged. Hume repeated his charge and added: "I will kill you all.'* He instantly fired his pistol al Sylvester Stockman, wounding his hand; but the fire was prompt- ly answered by both, the guard and Hume fell dead at the muzzle of their muskets. The other prisoners threw up their hands, mak ing no resistance, and were marched to the company quarters Hume's body was left until a detail, sent for that purpose, con veyed it to camp. At the time of his death, Hume wore an over coat, and under it a full Confederate uniform, rank of Major; ancl on one hand was a large plain gold ring. Besides, quite a sum o] FRANCIS HUME OF VA. , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 123 money, and papers of great value to the Confederate Government were found on and taken from his person. Citizens of Charles County, who had been friendly to Hume, were permitted, upon request -to give his body burial; and all that remained of the valiant and faithful scout was consigned by gentle hands to mother earth at Pickewaxen Church, the Rev. J. M. Todd, officiating. "This is all. The soft sky bends O'er him, lapped in earth away; Her benihnest influence lends, Dews and rains and radiance sends Down upon him night and day. Over him the Spring tide weaves All the verdure of her May; Past him drift the sombre leaves When the heart of Autumn grieves O'er his slumbers ." What is so sweet as youth; what so beautiful as courage; What so grand as love of country; what so divine as self-de- votion? To him who was young, brave, patriotic, devoted even unto death, this brief memorial is recorded by his kinsman. Francis Charles Hume, Major A. N. Va., Galveston, Texas. Charles C. Hume, was a member of Gen. J. E. B. Stewarts Signal Corps, commanded by Col. R. K. Frayser. With a num- ber of his command he accompanied Gen. Stewart to a point some miles below the town of Fredericksburg where the Confederate pickets had reported an unusual movement on the part of the Fed- eral forces. Reaching a rising piece of ground, Gen. Stewart carefully surveyed the country on the Stafford side of the Rappahanock River, and seemed much disturbed at not understanding just what the enemy were doing. Wagon trains were moving and the rumble of artillery could be distinctly heard. The General showed his impatience by saying: "I would give one of my hands to know what those Yankies are doing." Charley Hume happened to be near the General, and promptly responded by offering to get the information before morn- 124 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. ing, which offer was immediately accepted, it being then about twilight. Securing a plank, Hume waited until ten o'clock when, undressing, he placed his clothing on the plank and quietly swam the river pushing the plank ahead of himself. Cautiously taking in his surroundings he dressed himself and soon learned that the unusual movement which had bothered Gen. Stewart was a simple changing of camp ground. Hume returned without accident to the south side, and as promised reported to his chief before day- light. This feat greatly pleased the General and resulted in all kinds of commissions being intrusted to him. Regardless of the danger involved, after innumerable escapes his good fortune forsook him and incautiously he walked into the enemy's hands as narrated in the official report. The Washington Star of May 28. 1863, says: A REBEL RECRUITING OFFICER KILLED. Charles Hume, a rebel soldier, was shot a day or two ago by some of Gen. Schenks command near Port Tobacco, Md. The circumstances as we have been able to gather them are as follows: The object of Hume's presence on this side of the river being known to be for the purpose of recruiting for the rebel army, he was closely watched and finally traced to a house in the neighbor- hood where three of the guards demanded his surrender. Hume immediately drew his revolver and fired, the ball striking one of the guards near the elbow inflicting a painful and perhaps a seri- ous wound. The remaining two of the guards then leveled their muskets and fired at Hume, one of the balls entering his head, the other his heart, causing his death instantly. One of Hume's com- panions, a young man named Watt Bowie, escaped, the others, two in number, were captured, brought to this city and confined in the old Capital, one of them Daniel by name, is said to be a rela- tive of Roger A. Pry or. Watt Bowie escaped and worked his way around Washington City into Montgomery County, Md., where he was killed a shorl while afterward by a farmer with a shot gun, on Bowie insisting on taking his horse. FRANCIS HUME OF VA. , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 125 For his splendid service Hume was promoted to the rank of Major. He had the confidence and esteem of his Commanding Gen. J. E. B, Stewart, as well as the Commander-in-Chief, Gen. R. E. Lee. It may not be out of place to publish a letter from Col, R, E. Frayser Commanding Signal Corps, to Mr. Frank Hume, brother of Charles, in reply to an invitation to visit him. Richmond, Va., April 11, 1896. Mr. Frank Hume. My Dear Sir:— I have your kind letter of the 10th inst. , in- viting me to your hospitable home. I can assure you that it would give me very great pleasure to visit you. But my engagements are of such a nature at this time, that I fear I will be unable to do so. It certainly would give me very great pleasure to see you and talk over the past. Your brother Charles and myself were the best of friends. Charles was a brave dashing boy and never knew what fear was. He was ever ready to perform any duty assigned him, never counting the cost or peril of it. I remember well while on the Rappahannock when intelligence reached my camp of his sad fate. The boys all loved him, and the grief they ex- pressed at his untimely departure, will never be forgotten by me. We held a meeting and passed resolutions expressing our deep sor- row, and eulogizing his gallant bearing. As I have already said the boys loved him, although a boy, he measured up to the full standard of a man. He was gallant and warm hearted, and ever ready to do a good service for his comrades. I had a good friend in Charles and I felt deeply grieved when he was cut down by the enemy. His bright and cheerful face is indelibly impressed upon my memory, and will ever be as long as I live, although it has been an average life time since I saw him. Please preserve my letter to him, for I may have the pleasure of reading it some day. For I hope I may have the pleasure of visiting you later on. My head is now white, from age, but it was as black as the raven's wing, when Charles and myself slept by the same camp fire. With my best wishes, I am sincerely your friend, Richard E. Frayser, Commanding .Stewarts Signal Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. WAR RECORD OF FRANK HUME. Hon. Frank Hume, Merchant and Legislator, born inCulpeper County, Va., July 21, 1843, Espousing the cause of his native South, he promptly enlisted in the "Volunteer Southrons," Com- 126 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. pany A, 21st Mississippi Regiment, Humphreys' Brigade, Long- street's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, September 15, 1861, and remained in the field until the end of the war. He participated in thirteen principal battles of war, among which were the "Seven days fight'' around Richmond, and the bloody battles of Malvern Hill, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Knoxville, etc., receiving a severe wound in the hip at Gettysburg. Besides being a wholesale merchant in Washington, he is connect- ed as director in several large and important business enterprises. June 22, 1870, Mr. Hume, was married by the Rev. Dr. Addison, of Trinity Episcopal Church, to Miss Emma Philips Norris, daugh- ter of Hon. John E. Norris, a prominent lawyer and politician of Washington, D. C — Hume Genealogy. Left Washington City, August 1861, crossing the Potomac River, Pope's Creek at night, and with a number of volunteers marched to the old Virginia town of Fredericksburg, thence via Orange Court House to Manassas, where Beauregard commanded the Confederate forces. Hume like many others was under the impression that the war would be of short duration, as President Lincoln had called for ninety day troops to suppress the rebellion* Learning that three of his kinsmen, John, Francis and his brother William of Vicksburg, with cousin William of Texas, were members of the famous volunteer southerns of Vicksburg, Miss., he joined that command, it being a part of the 21st Miss, regi- ment, remaining at Manassas until after the battle of Balls Bluff, when his regiment was ordered to Leesburg to relieve the 8th Va. regiment. The 13th, 17th, 18th and 21st composed the famous fighting brigade known until after the battle of Gettysburg as Barksdale's Mississippians, in which battle Gen. Barksdale was killed, and the Col. of the 21st, Gen. Benjamin G. Humphries commanded until the close of hostilities. The Miss, brigade went into winter quarters near Big Spring, in the County of Loudon, and did picket service on the Potomac during the winter of 1861-2, retreating back to Richmond to defend that place from the great army under McClellan. Hume saw severe service in the swamps of the Chickahominy, was at the battle of Seven Pines on May 31, 1862, where the Confederates gained pos- session of the camps of the enemy, and much plunder with com- FRANCIS HUME OF VA. , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 127 paratively small loss. The command in which he was, remained on the Chickahominy near the latter battle field until the move of Jackson from the valley to Virginia, to reinforce Lee, enabling Jackson to strike the right flank of McClellan'sarmy atMechanies- ville, successfully carrying those fortifications in the third attempt under the most galling fire from the Federal forces. Hume, from near the Garnet house witnessed all three charges, the first two were failures, the third went over the works and some twenty thousand prisoners captured with more than one hundred pieces of artillery. At the Garnet house two very large size guns captured at Manassas, were stationed, being served by confederates uniformed as Sailors Jefferson Davis, the Confederate President was present and the firing of the guns was directed by Gen. Bankhead Ma- gruder, an old army officer, and contributed much to demoralizing the defenders of Mechanicsville. The Mississippi command was ordered to assault the works on the south side and moved through the strip of woods to find the enemy in full retreat. Reaching Fair Oak station, the ingenious confederate land monitor came out from Richmond on the York River Railroad. This fighting ma- chine consisted of a flat car covered in by railroad iron in a slant- ing position, being pushed into position by a locomotive, and as the curve in the railroad was reached, a kind of trap door mechan- ically raised in the front, and a large gun protruded and fired at the retreating Federals, some two miles away. This queer con- trivance seemed for a few minutes to confuse the enemy, but they soon got a number of pieces of artillery into position and opened a fearful shelling on this new engine of war, not however, doing any damage to it, but killing a number of Confederates, among them Gen. Griffith of Ga. , who fell from his horse, having been struck by a fragment of shell, and soon expired. The Mississippi brigade was pushed rapidly after the retreating army and came upon them at Savage Station, where the fight lasted until dark of the 29th day of June, 1862. Among those mortally wounded was John Francis Hume, of Vicksburg, a cousin of the subject of this sketch. He had received a bullet through the right lung and died two weeks later at the Banner Hospital, at Richmond, Va. , and was buried at Hollywood Cemetery, by his cousin Frank, who had been detailed to care for him. The defeat of McClellan gave the Confederates an immense amount of supplies of all sorts of commissary stores including pro- 128 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. visions, blankets, accourtments, arms, etc. For months every available team was pressed into service to collect from this field of thirty miles, and the articles stored in the warehouses at Rich- mond. Hume participated in the fight for possession of Maryland Heights, resulting in the surrender of Harper's Ferry, Sept. 13, 1862, and again at Sharpsburg, Sept. 17, 1862, relieving Jackson's command and forcing back the Federal advance and occupying the enemies line the night of the 17th. L,ee's army fell back to the line of the Rappahanock River and camped near the town of Fred- ericksburg, where they engaged the forces uuder Gen. Burnside, Dec. 11th and 13th, 1862. Hume's regiment occupying a position near Hamilton's crossing, and between that place and the town of Fred- ericksburg. Burnside being severely defeated, recrossed the Rap- pahanock with his shattered army. The Mississippi brigade occu- pied the town of Fredericksburg during the winter of 1862-3. The confederates, that winter lost many men from scurvy, hav- ing no fresh meat or vegetables, the men would go to the bot- tom lands and dig up wild garlic as an antidote to this disease. On May 3, 1863, Gen. Hooker, who had superseded Burnside. crossed the Rappahanock with a magnificently equipped army and the Mississippians were ordered at any cost to hold the town until Lee's army could bebroughtup from the vicinity of Guinea station. This order was literally carried out, though under a fire from two hundred pieces of artillery; the Mississippians laid in the streets until sun down, repulsing each attempt to lay pontcon bridges; at sun down they fell back in the line of battle, with their entire force of fifteen hundred men. Three charges were made by Sedgewick's corps and success- fully repulsed, the whole plain being covered in the front of the confederates position by the dead and wounded; a white flag from the Federal lines called for a truce, the request being that they be allowed to remove their wounded, which was accorded for, say. twenty minutes, the confederates showing themselves, so if neces- sary they could be counted. While this was going on, a large force had succeeded in obtaining a position in the rear of the heights, and as the next charge was repulsed the Mississippians were surprised to find the fresh troops of the enemy a few hundred yards in their rear, as if on dress parade. A large Federal battery stationed near the Martha Washington monument, was enfilading FRANCIS HUME OF VA. , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 129 the Confederate position, so that it was impossible to hold the in- trenchments, and very hazardous to get out. The only way was to face the rain of shells from the battery, so Hume with others made a run to get over a fence and turn the flank of the enemy and get in their rear, which was successfully done. As Hume was hurrying to escape, a Federal sergeant ordered him to halt, not being obeyed, the sergeant fired, the ball passing harmlessly through his coat. A new line was formed and with the aid of Hood's Texans defeated these troops and drove them back across the Rappahanock river with severe loss in men and equipments. In this battle Stonewall Jackson was killed, his command being near Chancellorsville. The Confederates now decided to carry the war into theenemys country and on July 1, 1863, Hume's command reached the vi- cinity of Gettysburg, Pa., bivouacing on the roadside until early morning, when they retraced their steps to the south side of Wil- loughby Run, thence to the left following the run about two miles, when the command recrossed the north side, passing up a hill and following a line of stone fence until a cross line was met, turning to the left they laid down about 80 yards in the rear of the Madi- son battery from La., this battery had four twelve pounders, mag- nificent Napoleon brass guns, presented by citizens of the United States, residing in Paris; the first battle they were in, they were cap- tured by the Confederates. It was these guns Hume's company sup- ported, and it was indeed a very warm position for they had at- tracted special attention from the Federal side, they being the tar- get for a number of Federal guns who made it extremely uncom- fortable for the artillery and also for their supporters. Gen. Long- street rode up to the battery about three o'clock, dismounted at the stone fence where the gurs were being served, carefully sur- veyed the field, and remounting left. In a few minutes the order to advance was given, Hume being in the front rank was one of the first to reach the battery, the guns of which were protruding through openings in the stone fence. As he passed through the opening he was pulled back by one of the artillery men, who at the same time pulled the lanyard of the gun, the muzzle of which was at Hume's left side and touching him; this shock for a moment made him think he was blown up, but in another minute all had passed the fence and were out in the open, and with a yell they made for a fence about a half mile away, behind which the flags 130 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. and men composing a line of battle were plainly visible. Between this line and the starting point of the charge was another stone fence running parallel and over which the confederates had to go to get to the line of battle in view; to the surprise of the confed- erates on nearing the first fence, and when within a hundred yards of it the Federals rose up and fired a deadly volley, wounding and killing many. There was a waver for a moment only, and with a yell they made for the foe who were lying down to re-load, many of whom were killed and the rest ordered to drop their guns and go to the rear, which they promptly did. The second line was de- feated with equal promptness, capturing the ninth regulars' battery, and moving on to Little Round Top, where another line was de- stroyed and Watson's battery fell into the Confederates hands. At this time, Barksdale, the cool, brave commander was mortally wounded and the Confederates presented only a skirmish line; they were compelled to fall back to the peach orchard, where Hume in the advance received a wound in the right hip, disabling him for further duty. At Chester Gap in the Blue Ridge Mountains he was under fire from a Federal force who disputed that pass. He was with Longstreet's Corps when reinforcing Bragg's army at Chickamauga, participating in that great battle in which Rosecraus was defeated with heavy loss, forcing him back to the Chattanooga fortifications, Sept. 20, 1863. Engaged the enemy at Chattan- ooga, Oct. 23, 1863, in a night attack, and also at Campbell Station. Laid seige to Knoxville, November, 1863, and were re- pulsed with heavy loss. Left Knoxville November 18, 1863, marched to Bean Station, Tenn., held in reserve the day of the battle, December, 1863, went into winter quarters at Russellville, Tenn. Great suffering for want of food and clothing. Broke camp at Russellville, January, 1864, and marched to Newmarket, Tenn., and again went into winter quarters. February, 1864, left New- market returning to Greenville, Tenn. Hume was transferred at his request to Co. A 1st Battalion of Md. Cavalry, he being the last of four of his name remaining in the Mississippi regiment. John Francis, son of Robert Hume, of Mississippi, was mortally wounded at Savage Station. William, his brother, was discharged as invalided from exposure and hard service, William, son of John Hume of Texas, died of typhoid fever. Frank Hume received a warm welcome from his Maryland friends, but the great trouble was to get a mount, as horses were FRANCIS HUME OF VA. , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 131 very scarce. There was only one way to get them, so with two companions in like fix, they entered the Federal lines, with the in- tention of surprising or capturing a squad of Federal cavalry and getting their horses. Near the Potomac River and about eight miles from Washington City they camped in an old burying ground where they laid in wait for several days on the roadside, watching for a squad small enough for them to attack; unfortun- ately for them they were destined to witness only full companies pass their lair. One of the men by the name of Follins, having re- latives in the neighborhood, succeeded in obtaining provisions for all, and learning there were a lot of Federal horses grazing on a farm still nearer to the Federal camp, the three consented to run the risk and take these horses, which they successfully did after an exciting time with an Irish man who was in charge of the ani- mals. The three being mounted they lost no time in making for Dixie, and though pursued by several companies of cavalry they reached their command safely. Soon after joining the 1st Md., that command engaged a large force of the enemy s cavalry near Falling Waters in the valley of Virginia, routing them though loos- ing one splendid fellow, who was killed in the charge. Shortly after that fight his command with the famous Col. Gilmore, ran into an ambush near Bunker Hill, and for an hour the fighting was lively. Hume's horse fell in the middle of the road turning a complete somersault, and throwing him under a tangled mass of horses, friends and foes, with apparently little chance for him to extricate himself alive, there being high fences on both sides of the road; he was repeatedly knocked down and jumped over by the horses, Finally he rolled to the fence and succeeded in getting over into the open field where the gallant Gilmore was getting his line formed, and who by his daring coolness undoubtedly prevented a most disastrous termination of the day. The Federal forces with- drew, and the Confederates camped near the scene of the ambus- cade. Hume was much bruised but no bones broken, so was ready for active service again. April, 1864, an order came from Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, direct- ing Hume to report at headquarters at Orange Court House, Va. , for instructions from that Generel. In response to this command Hume reported in person and was directed to ascertain the desti- nation of Burnside's corps, then fitting out at Annapolis, Md. , it being surmised that this force was to operate against Wilmington, 132 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. N. C. In his interview, Gen. Stuart expressed his admiration for Hume's brother. Charles, whose information, judgment and daring had done much towards settling the policy of the Con- federate commander in more than one of the great battles of the war, and he expressed the great personal loss as well as the great loss to the army, Charles Hume's death had been. The General impressed on his brother, in this dangerous undertaking, to be cautious and wary, and to return as soon as possible, after hav- ing obtained the information. Hume left Orange Court House after a visit to Gen. Taylor, Gen. Robert K. Lee's, Adjt. Gen., re- ceiving additional instructions from him, and a small amount of cash in green backs, to pay expenses, after crossing the Potomac River, The ride from Orange Court House to Port Royal on the Rappahanock River, was an exceedingly quiet one as it lay through the wilderness and the battle fields, famous as being the section of our country where more men were placed hors de combat, than any spot in the world. What had been a plank road had become a wreck, by the passing of heavy loaded teams and artillery. Lit- tle mounds in every direction showed where some poor fellow's grave, shallow though it be, had been made. The only living creature met in this quiet ride was an enormous boar, which stood in the middle of the road, seemingly prepared to dispute the way, but upon nearing him he jumped nimbly aside into a tangle of vines and undergrowth. Reaching Port Royal, a few miles below Fred- ericksburg, Hume left his horse at a farmer's house after asking the privilege from an elderly lady to allow him to be turned into a field to graze. Crossing the Rappahanock river, May 6, 1864, he started at a brisk walk to reach Mathias Point, before night, reaching that place without incident worthy of note until ap- proached by a big six footer who demanded to know what he was doing in that section; Hume replied that he proposed crossing the Potomac that night to carry out a commission intrusted to him by Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. What have you to identify yourself he asked? Nothing was the reply, as by instructions from his com- mander he had destroyed his pass after crossing to the north side of the Rappahanock River. If you are all right you cannot object to visiting Capt. Frayser who is near by commanding the Confederate Signal Corps attached to Gen. Stuarts command. Hume readily consented, and his new found friend introduced him- self as Pendleton Grymes of Eagles Nest, stating that the enemy FRANCIS HUME OF VA. , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 133 had made many attempts to capture the signal corps, and it was necessary that extreme caution should be used. Hume desired to know if he could obtain a boat in which to cross the river, which at that point was nearly five miles wide. Piloting him to the river, Grymes showed him a box less than seven feet long and square at both ends, which he informed Hume was a coffin case in which a yankee deserter had crossed the river from Maryland. You can have that but I will be candid with you when I say I would not trust myself fifty yards from shore in it, but it is all we have as every boat has been taken from this side by the enemy. Hume consid- ered the situation for a moment and then said, "If a yankee crossed in it I surely can do as much." Grymes piloted him back about half a mile from the river to a log hut in a piece of thick pines, where he was introduced to Cap. Richard Frayser, com- manding Stuart's Signal Corps; he found the Captain an ideal sol- dier and gentleman; he stated that for their safety it was necessary to signal to Gen. Stuart at Orange Court House, which he would do after dark, and that if the reply was as he hoped it would be, Hume could proceed to cross the river. Hume being very much exhausted with his long tramp from the Rappahanock, obtained a slight repast and laid down on the floor and was soon oblivious to his surroundings, and with pleasant dreams, the hours flew by. About eleven he was awakened and informed by Cap. Frayser that Gen. Stuart desired him to aidHume in any way he could, and to facilitate his crossing. Hume left the cabin and wended his way to the place where he had inspected the unique craft shown him by Grymes. Alone he pushed his bark into the water, and finding it did not leak much, he looked around for a paddle, but none could be found; the only thing to do was to go to Grymes house, and get two pailiug from his fence, one to be used as a seat and the other as the propelling power. Not having a watch, Hume concluded to wait and to leave as near midnight as possible. Unfortunately he waited too long, for he had not gotten over a mile before the sky in the east began to brighten up and he realized a King George County expression, that, "That was the crack O day." His craft was exceedingly slow and cumbersome, and after telling the Signal Corps men that nothing would deter him from landing on the Maryland side that night, he redoubled his efforts to gain the opposite shore, though in doubt as to success. Soon the sun rose, when he was only about half-way across. About half a mile 134 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. ahead of him were two fishermen taking shad from a drift net; he made for their boat and stated he wanted to visit friends in Maryland, but wished to avoid the soldiers who could be plainly seen on the bluff ahead, and that if they would allow him to get in their yawl boat he would turn his craft loose and they could land him when through. This they declined to do, though offered good pay for the service, stating that they were permitted there by special license under oath but not to give aid to any one coming from the section from which Hume hailed, and advised Hume not to go ashore but to row to a gunboat about a mile down the river at anchor, as in the event he went ashore, he would have to walk to Washington but if to the gunboat he would ride. Hume thanked these practical fisherman, but told them he would take chances at the shore end, so pulling hard on his paddle he made a straight line for the headquarters of the Federal patrol, situated on a bluff. About this time, a large sail boat containing eight men, under a brisk breeze passed by going up the river, and turning they came about very close, but not hailing the lone scout whom no doubt they took for a deserter, as he had on a full confederate uniform. On his nearing the shore about fifty men came out and stood on the bluff awaiting quietly the news from Dixie land, which Hume was supposed to bring. A white frame farm house owned by a gentleman named Carpenter Lay north of the bluff mentioned, and between these places a break occurred in the bluff by a small stream ending in a slight marsh on the river; when within about three hundred yards, Hume suddenly pulled his boat for the opening mentioned, and notwithstanding the com- mands and swearing of his audience he ran on the side of the marsh nimedand hurriedly landed. Seizing his coat from the bot- tom of the boat he ran up the steep sides of the bank and out on a big level corn field, on the opposite of which was a thick piece of timber. To this covering Hume bent his energies and the home runs of his school days did not equal the speed of this young scout, he having passed through a considerable stream without hesitation, as he expected he would be pursued. His main object was to put as great a distances as possible between himself and the river; feel- ing quiet exhausted he crawled under a low spreading pine tree, rolled his coat up for a pillow and was soon sound asleep. A re- port as of a pistol shot awakened him, followed by the familiar sound of, "Whoa! dah, Truman, whah yougwine," and again the FRANCIS HUMK OF VA., SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT CxEORGE. 135 whip crack greeted the now thoroughly aroused scout, Quickly taking in the situation he rapidly moved around and got over the fence into the road and awaited the coming up of the ox team and the captain of the loud cracking whip. ''Well uncle, tell me the nearest body of soldiers to this place, so I may get to them this evening and enlist, "Well boss he replied, the nighest pint is at Maryland Pint which is about five miles from this here place"; after getting the information of the whereabouts of other troops he thanked his informer and left for the direction of the river but as soon as out of sight doubling his course he pushed on for his desti- nation. Having on as stated a full Confederate uniform of gray with Mississippi brass buttons, the scout concluded he was rather too conspicuous and on calling at a house in Charles County for something to eat, a lady, a Miss Green, agreed to take his coat and give him in exchange a black one, which better suited his situation. He learned afterwards that the gallant Capt. Dement commanding a section of the Confederate artillery lived on this plantation. After passing Surrattsville, and while quietly walk- ing in the middle of the road with dark clouds overshadowing the earth, Hume was startled by a voice from a thick hedge, asking, "Aint that Frank Hume?'' As this section of Maryland was known to be friendly to the Southern cause, Hume crossed over to the hedge, and was surprised to find an old friend, Richard Mullikin, who said he had recognized Hume's walk and though he had not seen him for three years, he had not forgotten his quick step. Obtaining refreshments, though it was then after midnight, the scout moved on towards Marlborough, the County seat of Prince George, reaching that place about daylight, having been directed to a certain Doctor of that town to aid him in obtaining the infor- mation desired. He knocked at the door of the doctor's residence, a servant answered and soon the doctor was seen; after Hume had stated his mission he feared he had committed manslaughter, for the doctor paled and stammered out, "my friend for Heavens sake leave here, you will cause my ruin and may be my death;" neither cal- amity did Hume desire to be the cause of, so bidding the thorough- ly frightened doctor good morning left for a friend's house near Collington, where he was most cordially welcomed and every- thing done to aid him in his venture. Unfortunately about this time information of the movements of Burnside's Corps to join the army of Gen. Grant at Brandy Station, in the County of Culpeper, 136 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Va. , came to the scout who was preparing to visit this corps at Annapolis, when this information was received. Disliking to re- turn to Virginia without accomplishing something, Hume obtained a team and drove at night into the City of Washington without trouble, except at the town of Bladensburg when he was halted at the bridge and his vehicle examined for contraband goods. From that town to the city line was one continuous camp, and in all dir- ections the Heavens were illuminated by camp fires. Hume made hi i headquarters on "F" street between 6th and 7th, remaining three days in the city; during this time he visited the Plumbe Arnbro- type Gallery on the corner of 7th and Pa. avenue where he had a picture taken by Sam'l C. Mills, now a judge in Washington, waiting for two Federal Colonels to be first served. The crucial time came in Hume's soldier career when his mother begged of him, that he should not return, that his father and his two brothers, Barbour and Morton had died recently, and broth- er Charles had been killed in an encounter with a Federal squad near Pickewaxen Church, Md., that it was his duty to aid in the support of her, and his younger brothers and sisters which strong argument Hume keenly felt; "Mother," he replied, "I voluntary entered the Confederate army, enlisting for the war, leaving out the question of right or wrong of the war or how it may terminate, would youjmydear mother,,' hesaid, ''notbe greatly shocked to see my name followed by the word deserter. " This was too much for her Rawlins blood to stand, and with her blessing Hume turned toward the south land. About this time fighting was on, and Grant's army was making fruitless attempts to break through the Confederate line; in one of these battles, that of Yellow Tavern, Hume's chief Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, was mortally wounded and died about May 18th, 1864. It would be improper in this little history to give names of active partisans living in Maryland — who carried their lives in their hands, for they risked all for the land and people they loved. Retracing his steps and passing by Gov- ernor Bowie's hospitable plantation where he obtained late papers, he left his guide with a cordial shake of the hand and a "God bless you." Hume at midnight started at a rapid pace for a point about five miles lower down the Potomac than where he had first crossed. Having consumed his small stock of provisions he went to a house at the head of Nanjamoy Creek about five o'clock in the evening and requested of the proprietor a little cold lunch. FRANCIS HUME OF VA. , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 137 This partyclosely questioned Hume, who stated he had been on a visit to friends in Maryland and was then returning, thinking all this time he was talking to a friend, when to his surprise and chagrin he was informed that he was a northern settler in the county opposite, and had to flee from the southern sympathizers, that Hume had better remain at his house and surrender to a eav airy patrol which usually passed by about that hour, that it would be impossible for him to escape. Oi course Hume had no appetite after this announcement and abruptly bid his host good-day, pass- ing out of sight of the house and plunging into a thick timber and undergrowth bordering the head waters of Nanjamoy Creek; ob- serving a small boat he concluded to remain in hiding until dark and move down to the mouth, and if the coast were clear, to cross the Potomac. There being no oar in the boat he got a pole, and after the sun had gone down, quietly got into the boat and pushed down towards the mouth; all went well until heavy black clouds began piling up and on reaching within half a mile of the mouth of the creek, a fearful storm of wind and rain greeted him. The boat was about the center of the creek, which at that point is over a quarter of a mile wide, and when the storm in all its fury struck the little craft, it was swung around like a feather, and it was by the greatest exertion he succeeded in keeping it from being swamped; it was at last landed, guided by vivid flashes of light- ning. On reaching terra firma no house or shelter could be dis- covered in any direction, but he saw a gunboat, which lay directly off the mouth of the creek, at anchor. Soaked to the skin he sat down and awaited daylight. As daylight appeared he got a good look at the gunboat which no doubt was the one his fisherman friends advised him when crossing the river to row down to and surrender, so he would not have to walk to a Washington prison. Passing over a broad field he struck a road and fortunately met a colored man who agreed to leave the plantation and join him the following morning to go aboard the gunboat as assistant cook. Hume finding there was no chance to cross from the mouth of the Nanjamoy on account of the gunboat, concluded he would have a better chance about where he first crossed near Mr. Carpenter's place, near Maryland Point, so he bent his weary footsteps to that place, reaching there about six o'clock in the evening, and cautiously looking around to see if his unique craft was intact, and if none better could be gotten to risk it again. To his disgust 13S HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. and regret he found the case had been hauled out and brought near Carpenter's house and turned bottom upward and a square piece cut out of each end for a door-way to accomodate a hen and chickens. So it was this tried and true craft had by vandal hands been brought to the level of a hen coop. Waiting until sun down, Hume approached the Carpenter mansion where he hoped to receive assistance in crossing the river. Fighting was going on in the wilderness and many steam boats familiar to him were anchored on the south side of the river receiving their cargoes of wounded from the fields of Fredericks- burg. Hundreds of tents, whitened the south banks of the Po- tomac, gathering the harvest of a cruel war. The outlook from this point did not seem cheerful, but one must do the best he can, so approaching the dwelling, Hume was greatly surprised to meet his big six foot iriend, Penny Grymes. who on recognizing him, ape proached and cordially greeted him, "Hume, he said. I think bet- ter of you now than when I first saw you, I supposed you a de- serter"; he then stated that the night after Hume had crossed the river the Federals had raided Mathias County in an attempt to capture the Confederate signal Corps, and being unsuccessful they came by Eagles Nest and took him a prisoner, that he was stop- ping at the Carpenter house and on parole to report every morning at headquarters. Hume accompanied him to the house where he learned that Mr. Carpenter was a prisoner in the old Capitol prison at Washington, upon suspicion of disloyalty and aiding Confed- erates to cross the river. Hume obtained food and other supplies from the housekeeper at Mr. Carpenter's which were highly appreciated and needed for he had been without a square meal about two days. After his meal, he strolled down among some fishermen to try to get them to put him across the river, but his offer of one hundred dollars in green-backs they declined for tear of being caught, he however, learned that the troops patrolled the river at intervals, day and night, relieving their pickets at stated periods and kept strict watch that no communication should be had with the south side. The outlook seemed quite unpromising for quick transit back to Dixie and Hume returned to the house with the intention of remaining over night, if permitted; but fat<, was against any such good luck. About eight o'clock, whili Hume and Grymes with the house-keeper and the balance of thJ family were quietly sitting in the front room, the measured tram] FRANCIS HUME OF VA. , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 139 of soldiers approaching the house could be distinctly heard and the quick order at the front door "Halt" settled the matter as to it be- ing a squad of soldiers, and that they meant business. Hume cooly noticed a side door open, quietly slipped in that room leaving the door open and awaited results. The house- keeper quickly answered the knock and without the slighest emotion she spoke most cordially to Captain , whom she insisted in her most winsome way should come in and stop awhile. No, said the Cap- tain, I came with this squad to see if Mr. Grymes was here; now Mr. Grymes he said, addressing that gentleman, why did you not report this morning, remember you are on parole. Grymes said he was not feeling well and thought it made no difference, yes, re- plied the captain, it makes a great difference, when you are not well you must send word and I will send the surgeon to visit you, but do not let this occur again, and with this short lecture he turned to leave, when again the cordial invitation 1o the Captain to be seated was extended by the house-keeper, but no doubt his refusal was as agreeable to her as to the scout in the adjoining room, who was greatly relieved when the sound of the receeding footsteps had ceased. The house-keeper went into the room where Hume was and informed him that the troops guarding that section were on the lookout for him, that the Carpenters had been told that if they gave aid and comfort to the enemy they would not be permitted to take even a change of clothing from the house but the building and contents would be burned. Hume expressed regret that he should be the cause of such discomfort and trouble and ap- preciated the condition they would be in, in the event that it was known that he had received aid there, so bidding them good-night he went out into the night and made his way to a near by swamp, where he could spend the time until he could lay some plan to get across the river. He started out the following morning to get something to eat at a large farm house, but on reaching the gate some hundred yards from the house he was surprised to see five soldiers "come out of the front door, quickly hiding behind the ! gate-post he moved apparently unobserved, back to his swampy recess, where he evolved all sorts of plans to get away. About i ten o'clock at night he walked to the river bank and discovered a long plank about twelve inches wide; on examining it he con- cluded he would try to swim. the river, with its aid, so undressing he tied his cloths in a bundle to the plank and pushed off; the 140 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. water until about half way across when he struck a strong current running in, and against which, very slow progress could be made; the Virginia shore seemed but a line, and the fear was, that he would be unable to stand the great physical exertion of swimming and pushing the plank, but most serious of all was the sudden change of temperature on getting into the current, where the water was many degrees colder. Feeling he would be un- equal to the task of swimming five miles, he concluded to put back to shore, landing nearly half a mile higher up the river; quickly dressing, he determined on a desperate plan, to take a boat from the big pile under guard at Nanjamoy store. The main point was to find where the guards were stationed, so he moved cau- tiously down the river shore, and a few hundred yards from where he landed he discovered a new skiff paddle bobbing up in the surf; he secured it and concluded to hold on to it in the event he should get a boat without oars or paddles; this struck our scout as an act of providence, as it came in most handily as the sequel will show. Observing an old pine tree whose foundation had been under- mined and whose roots formed a complete hiding place, he crawled under this shelter and awaited events. He had hardly gotten fixed when the sound of the approaching guard was heard appar- ently about ten in number, who passed within ten feet of Hume's hiding place; as soon as they had passed he got out and kept with- in fifty yards of them so he would know if they relieved any posts. No posts were relieved and they passed by the great pyramid of boats which were piled at Nanjamoy. On reaching their head- quarters, about two hundred yards away, notice of which was an- nounced by the dogs barking, Hume quickly climbed the pile of boats and secured a new skiff off the top which he cautiously at- tempted to lower, but unfortunately he overated his strength the boat getting away from him fell to the ground with a great crash; keeping quiet for a minute to see if any notice would be taken of it, he slipped to the ground and pushed the boat into the water, just here was where the new skiff paddle came in, in a few seconds he was moving for the southern shore. About two hundred yards from shore and say fifty yards from the end of the wharf was a sort of a pier not connected with the wharf, which was used to load and unload vessels of heavy draft; Hume had just passed this pier when a gunboat hove in sight, and he concluded to run under the wharf until it passed. As it drew near it also FRANCIS HUME OP VA. , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 141 came closer to the wharf, and for a few minutes the scout was in fear that it would tie up there until morning, in which event he would be in a most serious condition and without hope; he was quickly relieved however, by the gunboat passing on to Washing- ton, and Hume wondered if the advice so honestly given by the fishermen had been followed, if this verv vessel at this time, would not have been taking him on his way to the old Capitol prison, "without having to walk". As soon as the boat was well away, our scout came out from his hiding place under the wharf, and put forth his best efforts to reach the south side as quickly as possible, notwithstanding ugly black clouds, were rapidly moving and cov- ering the sky with almost inky blackness. With a feeling of security, and the confidence, that the word was passed, he bent his energies to reach land, though when one considers for five miles he was liable to run on a picket boat then much in use where there was suspicion of illicit traffic. On nearing land, and about half mile from shore, he saw about a hun- dred yards ahead of him the bow of a boar. He stopped rowing for a moment but concluded if the boat was manned there could be no escape. He boldly rowed up and found a large boat with the bow pointing north and the stern under water; what its history was he could not tell. On attempting to land he found there was a marsh extending to the river's edge so he had to row further down to a point where the pine trees came near the water; landing he drew the captured boat out of the water and attempted to find his way out of the thick piece of pines which added to the inky blackness of the night. The branches of the trees were so thick and near the ground that he was compelled to keep his hands up to prevent injury to his eyes; at last his foot got into what he found to be a rut made by a wagon, so keeping one foot in this he succeeded in get- ting through the timber into an open road, alongside of which he remained until daylight, when hearing some one chopping wood, he discerned dimly a house on a hill about half a mile distant. Stretching his benumbed limbs he quickly arrived at the large old style mansion, at one side of which an old colored woman was cut- ting wood preparatory to building the morning fire. "Auntie," he said, "will you tell me the road to Port Royal?" Before she could give an answer a gentleman stepped out of the door and demanded to know what Hume wanted. He replied, he desired to get the di- rection to Port Royal. "NO doubt, you know more of Port Royal 142 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. than I do," he replied, the irritable party, who proved to be a cousin of the cavalry Confederate Gen. Lomax. After consider- able conversation he invited Hume into the house and explained that detectives had been over that country representing them- selves as Confederates and if the parties thus interviewed ex- pressed themselves as friendly to the cause of the south, would then have them arrested and imprisoned in the old Capitol. After amply apologizing, he requested the scout to remain to breaklast, which he politely declined as he felt bound to reach the army as early as possible. After reaching the main road he walked rapidly on to Port Royal where he expected to find a boat. On reaching the'crossing he found three soldiers awaiting the ferryman to come fjr them in a very small boat, only large enough for two; as the ferryman approached the shore another party arrived and excitedly stated that a Federal Cavalry regiment was near by and no doubt coming that way. Hume drawing his revolver, said, "you can all take to the bushes, but as I am the bearer of dispatches I must have the right of way , ' ' and as the boat touched the land he stepped aboard and ordered the ferryman to put him over as soon as possi- ble. After landing he made quick time for the house where his horse had been left, and after a frugal repast, he thanked his kind hostess and was soon on his way to the scene of the most fright- ful carnage the war had developed. On crossing the Richmond railroad, he found the water tanks and the near by buildings burn- ing, but no one insight; crossing the track south of Hamilton's crossing, he came to part of the field where fighting had been over, and the swollen ghastly corpses were in every direction, left unbur- ied by the Federals in their rapid move to flank L,ee's right. The ride until dark through this tangle of woods, coming to places where the possession of certain positions had been hotly contested and to rhake our scouts experience more horrible, the woods on a large part of the battle-field had been burned over, and many poor wounded souls had surrendered their lives to the gradually en- croaching flames. It now became necessary that extreme caution be observed to prevent falling into the hands of the enemy, and about dark a loud demand of "Halt, who comes there?" With re- ply, "friend" advance, and give countersign. " Hume saw he had struck the Confederate picket and after proving his identity he was informed that Gen. Fitzhugh Lee was near by, and to him he was piloted by the sentinel; after a few minutes talk with him and be- • FRANCIS HUME OF VA , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 143 ing asked if he knew of the death of Gen. Stuart, Major Venable was requested to convey the scout to Gen. Robert K- L,ee's head- quarters, cautioning him in the meantime not to ta'k with any one. Gen. Lee's headquarters were in a small church in Spotsylvania Court House, surrounded by a clump of stunted oaks. The Gen- eral being engaged, he waited a few minutes for his coming. It was about nine o"clock when the Confederate chieftain came out, and walking up to the youthful scout, he placed his hands on his .shoulder and in the gentlest manner asked his name, and if he knew of his chief's death, Gen. Stuart, and what was his object in sending him, Hume, to Maryland; after reporting all to the General who complimented him for his work, he stated that he, Hume was entitled to a rest. After saluting the General, Hume hunted up his old command, the 21st Miss., regiment, which he found had been badly used up, many of its promising young men had been killed or wounded in defending the positions assigned them on the long line of battle, which it was the fate of the people of the county of Spotsylvania to witness. Hume had many ad- ventures and hair breadth escapes until after the surrender of the army of northern Virginia, when he was paroled, and quietly set- tled on a farm in the county of Orange, where he followed Grant's advice to "raise a crop and quit raising hell." He was quite as successful at farming, but deeming the life too quiet, he succeeded in obtaining a clerkship in a wholesale grocery house in the city of Washington and afterwards was invited to become a member of the firm of Poole and Hume, the senior member's health being poor, he sold out to Hume, who has continued to carry on the business. His home, Warwick, in Alexandria County, Virginia, five miles from the National Capital, is a most charming place, the taste of the owner is shown in the many interesting relics he has collected. Entering the place between two beautiful fluted granite columns obtained from the first United States Custom House at the port of Baltimore, Maryland. On the lawn is an old three inch rifle gun. manufactured by Noble Bros., of Rome, Ga. , in 1861 and finally a part of the 6th Ga. , battery, which was used as an es- cort to the Confederate President at the time of his capture. Be- ing hard pressed by the Federal cavalry near Savannah river, they burned the carriage and spiked the gun. Another gun, a smooth bore was formerly on a vessel belonging to the state of Virginia, which vessel was used to prevent the carrying away of slaves from ^44 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Virginia. In 1861. a party of young men conceived the idea of capturing a steam-boat known as the George Page, which ran be- tween Washington and Baltimore, obtaining staterooms ostensibly for a lot of school teachers for an outing. These young "dare- devils" dressed as females, went on board the boat and on leaving Washington came out minus the female attire. With a brace of revolvers to each man they proceeded to take charge of the boat. Obtaining the smooth bore gun last mentioned, they proceeded on their way with the intention of conveying the boat and cargo to Richmond. Information was received by the authorities at Wash- ington of the condition of affairs and they lost no time in dispatch- ing a Revenue Cutter armed with a long range rifle gun which on nearing the Page, fired a shot which came uncomfortably close to that vessel. Seeing escape with the booty impossible they fired her and ran her ashore near Quantico, and escaped. The gun re- mained there until after the war. A handsome bell belonging to the Monitor Nantucket which was struck fifty-one times during the bombardment of Fort Sump- ter, hangs proudly on a post on the lawn and on special occasions it announces the hour for dinner. Warwick overlooks the cities of Washington and Alexandria, and as far down the beautiful Potomac as Mt. Vernon. Mr. Hume has served three terms in the Virginia Legislature refusing re-election. He resides on his beautiful and valuable estate in Virginia, where he entertains his friends in true old Virginia style. He is a man of strong personality, broad views, strict integrity, and unas- suming manners. He^is sincere in his friendship, and socially very companionable, winning the confidence of all who are brought in contact with him. The following are his immediate relations: Fannie Ella. Virginia Rawlins. Barbour, born March 16, 1848; died young. Morton, born June 5, 1850; died young. Eliza Priscilla. Ida May. Sue. Edward Hall, born January 23, 1859. FRANCIS HUME OF VA. , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 145 Of the marriage of Frank and Emma Hume, eleven children were born: — Charles Rawlins, born April 5, 1871; died May 29, 1871. Alice. Frank Norris, barn February 27, 1874. Emma Norris. Robert Scott, born September 2, 1876. Virginia Rawlins, born April 3, 1878; died July 25, 1878. Annie Graham. Mabel Harmon. Howard, born June 19, 1882. John Edmund, born September 3, 1883. Alan Phillips, born June 2, 1885. John the second son of Armistead and Priscilla Colvin Hume, left his home on account of his mother's second marriage, and turn- ed his steps toward the west, he remained for some time at the home of his kinsman in Kentucky, whether, it was this uncle George, or the sons of his uncle William, who were living in Campbell County, Ky., is not known to the author, the latter is the more likely, as they were all from the same town, whereas the George Hume, family residing at Richmond, Ky., came from Mad- ison, and not from Culpeper. John afterward located in Hinds County, Mississippi, where he was joined by his brother Robert, whose family remained there. John married in Mississippi, to Margaret Jane Smith, the marriage occured in the home of her par- ents, on the 18th day of April, 1832, and was solemnized by a Judge in Chancery, named Amos R. Johnson. In 1840, John Hume, sold his home and plantation, in Mis- sissippi, and with his family and negroes removed to Walker County, Texas, and located about 3 miles south of the city of Hunts- ville, where he died in July 7, 1864, his wife was living at the same place in 1891. Mrs. Hume, was born at St. Stephens, Ala., on the Tombig- bee River, August 11, 1818, and was the oldest child of Thomas Smith, and Mary Osborn, his wife. Samuel Smith, was a son of David Smith, and was born at Concord, New Hampshire, July 16. 1787; Mary Osborn, was a daughter of Noble Osborn, and his wife, Jane McRaven, born February 4, 1797, they were Scotch people of the 1745 refuges in South Carolina, who came there with Bonny J46 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Prince Charlie and the Sweet Scotch Heroine beautiful Flora Mac Donald, after the battle of Culloden. John Hume, had by his wife Margret, eleven children, as fol- lows: Sam Armistead, born November 8, 1833, died August 7, 1857. William Lewis, born September 10. 1835, died December 10, 1835. William Lewis, born February 28, 1837. died September 15, 1861. Mary Priscilla, born July 7, 1840, died March 17, 1879. Francis Charles, born February 17, 1843, living at Galves- ton. John Branch, born May 1, 1845, died November, 11, 1851, Henry Leigh, born November 13, 1848, died September 30, 1867. Lewis Walton, born December 3, 1851, died June 7, 1856. Sallie Smith, born June 1, 1853, died June 26. 1854. Lelia Allen, born September 3, 1856. Dinsmore Smith, born July 7, 1860. Of the eleven chil- dren, Francis Charles, Leila Allen, and Dinsmore Smith, live in the Native State Texas. Francis Charles, at Galveston, the others with their mother at Huntsville. Mary Priscilla, married Robert B. Bristol, January, 10, 1861, and dying left her husband and four daughters, their names are, Marg't Eloise, born October 20, 1861, married Jefferson B. Borden, of Wilson, N. C, January 3, 1886, and died without issue June 20, 1890. Mattie Smith, born November 30, 1863, married Edward A. Hooks, of Collin County, Texas, September 23, 1888. Lou Burtey, born September 16, 1866, married as his second wife, her dead sis- ters husband J. D. Borden, July 20, 1891. Robbie, was born Jan- uary 28, 1871. Mary Belle, was born February 3, 1869, and died September 14, 1870. When the statement above mentioned was prepared, I was misled, by some facts disclosed by the records of Culpeper County, into the erroneous inference that Elizabeth the wife of Francis, was the daughter of one Bowles Armistead. Subsequent informa- FRANCIS HUME OF VA., SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 147 tion satisfied me that her maiden name was Duncan, or, as said by some, Duncum or Duncomb. My conclusion rests upon the state- ment of Mrs. Gray, of California, Mo., the great granddaugh- ter of Elizabeth, confirmed, as she informed me, by her uncle John Hume, who married Nancy Sharp, Elizabeth a granddaughter. Both Mrs. Gray and her uncle John Hume gave the name as Dun- cum. Elizabeth left her family Bible to her granddaughter, Mrs. Hannah Sharp Johnston, by whom it was taken to Camden Coun- ty, Mo. Mrs. Johnston is dead and the Bible cannot be found. The John Hume mentioned, knew Elizabeth personally and well, and gave Duncan as her maiden name. Mrs. Gray's grand- mother, Nancy Hume Sharp, was reared by and with her parents, Francis and Elizabeth Hume, and in 1814, after Francis's death, moved with Elizabeth from Culpeper, Va., to Garrett County, Ky. , whence they moved in 1819, to Boone County, Mo. Mrs. Gray's mother, Elizabeth Sharp, also lived with that family till her mar- riage, in 1819, and moved with them to Missouri; knew them all intimately; frequently spoke of her "old uncle Charles Duncum - ' having visited her grandmother Elizabeth — saying he lived about one hundred miles from Culpeper, "across the Blue Ridge." Nan- cy Hume Sharp made her home with her daughter Elizabeth Sharp, Mrs. Gray's mother, and died at her home. Mrs. Gray heard the common family talk of her mother and grandmother. Her mother frequently spoke of my father, calling him "cousin Jack" — Jack being the nick name by which he was known among his kinspeople and friends, when a youth. (I have heard him say that he left Culpeper just after, because of his mother's second marriage, November 17, 1817, and visited his relatives in Ken- tucky.) She also spoke of William Hume and his sister Jincy. All of them seem to have been schoolmates. The grandmoth- er, Nancy Hume Sharp, spoke of her father, Francis, and of her uncles James, Charles and George; but was nevtr heard to speak of John or William. Nor did Mrs. Gray's uncle, John Hume, remember anj thing of John or William; and she thinks they must have died young.* The mother, Elizabeth Sharp, met *Johu and William both had fought iu Revolution and later reared large families. The former as a ship owner in Maine, the latter as a pioneer in Kentucky. John was ancestor of the Humes of the Salmen Fisheries of Oregon and California William was the author's great great grandfather. 148 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. her -Uncle James'' at Crab Orchard Ky., in 1819. He was then returning to Virginia from Kentucky, where he had been on busi- ness with Thomas Hume about the latter's claim to the Scotch estate. Mrs. Gray speaks of her 'old uncle Charles Hume,'' the son of Francis and Elizabeth who married Celia Shumate, having been left in Madison County, Ky., when her mother moved from that State to Missouri; and of his then having a large family. She has three old family heir-looms— the silver knee buckles of her great grandfather Francis; a trunk brought from Scotland by the latter's brother Charles, and by him presented to her great grandmother Elizabeth; and another trunk given to her mother "by William Hume."* when he kept store in Virginia." Her grandmother's children were Louisa, Elizabeth, Hannah, Hayden, Matilda, Lewis, Frank, Arthur and Nancy. The marriages of Elizabeth, Louisa and Nancy to the three sons of Reuben Hume have been noticed. No particulats are given respecting the others, except of "uncle Lewis," who lived near her. John Crigler, a cousin of her father, lived in Glasgow, Howaid County, Mo., and was eighty-six years old, in 1890, when last heard from. This gentleman is the son of John Crigler and Sarah Hume, his wife, who are shown by the Culpeper records to have married on December 25, 1789. James, son of Francis. He is shown by Culpeper marriage record to have married Katty Barnes, October 5, 1797; Rev. William Mason officiating. He is identified by the concurring testimony of many wit- nesses, who in connecting him with the family necessarily fix the identity of others of its members. tin a statement made to Mrs. Hume-Buck, August 20, 1883, at California, Mo., and confirmed in a letter to me, May 18. 1890,. Lewis Sharp, the cousin of John Hume above mentioned, said that James was one of the six children of Francis Hume, one of the sons of the first George. His statement reads thus: •Author's great great grandfather, fourth sou of Emigrant George. t Armistead Sharp of Kansas City, Mo , only son of Arthur Sharp, who married Adeline Buchanan, in Clay County, Mo. Arthur Sharp was drowned in Missouri River. My grand- father was named Lewis Sharp. My father Arthur Sharp was a brother of Lewis Sharp,. Hayden Sharp, Frank Sharp. -Cora Hume Archibald. FRANCIS HUiME OF VA. , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 149 •'This is to certify that my name is Lewis Sharp. I was born in Culpeper County, Va., 15 miles from Culpeper Court House. I am the great grandson of George Hume, who emigrated from Scotland to America, and settled in Culpeper County, Va., and lived and died there. He had five or six sons and one daughter: John, William, Charles, Frank, George, Elizabeth. His son Frank was my grandfather. He married Elizabeth Duncan, of Culpeper County, Va. He lived 15 miles from Culpeper Court House. He was a thick, heavy set man. He had four sons and two daughters — James, Armistead, Charles and Benjamin, Eliza- beth and Nancy. My mother was the youngest child of Frank Hume. I will state who some of my uncles married. Uncle Ben- jamin married Miss Nellie Frost; Uncle Armistead, Priscilla Col- vin — they married in Culpeper County, Va. I think uncle Charles married a Miss Shumaker. They married in Culpeper County, Va. , too, I think; Uncle James — I don't remember who he mar- ried. Nancy Hume, my mother, married Lewis Sharp, in Cul- peper County, Va. Aunt Elizabeth married John Almond, in Cul- peper County, Va," Mr. Sharp omits James as one of the sons of the first George, and names Elizabeth as a daughter. In these particulars his memory is at fault. In her letter dated July 3, 1890, Mrs. Gray, after referring to her great grandparents Francis, whom she says was a farmer, and lived and died in Culpeper, and Elizabeth, his wife, says their children were James, Elizabeth, Charles, Armistead, Nancy and Benjamin; that James married Katty Barnes; Elizabeth mar- ried John Almond, of the Wilderness, Armistead married Priscilla Colvin; Nancy married Lewis Sharp; Benjamin married Nellie Frost. She does not remember whom Charles married. Mrs. Gray's recitation of facts is concurred in by her uncle John Hume. The William and Jincy of whom she has heard her mother speak, were James Hume's children. Dr. William M. Hume, Shepardsville, Ky., in letters dated July 13, August 1, 1889, June 1, July 3. 26, and September 13, 1890, communicates much of interest — identifying not only James, but many others of the family. The Doctor was born in Kentucky, in 1860, the same year in which his father, Joseph S. Hume, died. He has a brother, also named Joseph S., a physician, residing at Gainesville, Texas. His grandfather was Charles Hume, who immigrated to Kentucky from Virginia. Mrs. Susan Elizabeth Taylor, 82 years of age (in 1890), of Tyrone, Anderson County, 150 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Ky. , is a sister of his father. Her statement is this: Herparents : Charles Hume and Celia Shumate of Fauquier, Va., with theii children and accompanied by the Ashley and Clayton families, im migrated from Virginia to Madison County, Ky., and afterward' moved to Trimble County, Ky., near Milton, where her parents lived, died and were buried. Her grandfather Francis Hume, o: Culpeper County, Va., married Elizabeth Duncan for whom she was named. Charles and Benjamin, her father and uncle, were merchants at Fuaquier C. H., Va., and after the death of theii father, Francis they moved to Kentucky. Charles going first. Ben jamin was sheriff of Madison County, Ky., living at Richmond, anc while on a visit to his father, died at his home. Benjamin left a son named Charles and a daughter whose name she does not re call. She remembers but four sons of her grandfather, viz: James Armistead, Lewis, John Francis and Joseph, and three daughters viz: Susan Elizabeth-herself, I.ucinda and Emily. She was borr in Culpeper County, Va. , November 9, 1806, and was twelve yean old when she came to Kentucky, with her father. She remember; John Hume having visited her father in Kentucky. Her "UncH James" was very large and fat; Benjamin and Armistead were small. Between this statement and the statement of Mrs. Gray and Mr. Sharp, there seems to be some discrepancy as to the time oi Charles Hume's immigration to Kentucky; for if Mrs. Taylor was born in 1806 and left Virginia when she was twelve years old, she and her father would have arrived in Kentucky in 1818; whereas, Mrs. Gray says, that when she and her people moved from Ken- tucky to Missouri, in 1819, they left Charles Hume in Madisor. Couuty, Ky., he then having a large family of children, some ol whom were almost grown. But a difference of a year or more as tc a date in such a matter is without significance, and, indeed, is tc be expected. The material matters are the points of co-incidence. The ac- counts agree as to the fact that Charles Hume married Celia Shu- mate, or Shumaker; of his being a son of Francis Hume and his wife Elizabeth Duncan, and a brother of James, Armistead, Ben- jamin, Elizabeth and Nancy; of his immigration from Virginia tc Kentucky, and settlement in Madison County; of the acquaintance of both the Sharp and Charles Hume families with John Hume a kinsman. FRANCIS HUMK OF VA. , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 151 Upon the latter circumstance, it may be remarked that Mi . McGee, maternal uncle of Dr. Hume, visited John Hume in Texas in 1844, and it was ascertained that the Doctor's father and he were kinsmen. It will be noticed that the name of Charles Hume's sons are those that run through many branches of the Hume fami- ly. One of them, James Armistead was, probably, conferred in honor of two of Charles' brothers. In this connection, the deed records of Culpeper Ccunty, Book Z. 150-1. and like records of Fauquier County, show that on De- cember 14, 1803, "Charles Hume and Celia, his wife, of Fauquier, made a trust deed to James Ross to secure Humphrey Pierce in a debt of $3,708.50— the deed being witnessed by Benjamin Hume, and that the deed records of Culpeper, Book A. A. 524-5, show that on August 14, 1806, Francis Hume, Sr., of Culpeper, made a deed to Armistead Hume, of Culpeper, and Charles Hume, of Fauquier — witnessed by James Hume, Jr. Mrs. Nancy Hord Hume (widow of Uncle Robert), of Hinds County, Miss., gives, substantially, this account: The Humes came, originally from Scotland to Spotsylvania County, Va. The father of James and Armistead was a farmer in Culpeper. She thinks he had six sons, James, Armistead, Benjamin, Francis, Lewis and Peter,* and two daughters, Hannah, who married Sharp, and Lizzie, who married John Almond. Armistead mar- ried Priscilla Colvin; Benjamin married " Jo Frost's sister;" James married in Culpeper; the name of his wife she does not remember, but knows that he left two children, Jincy and William L Jincy married a Weatherall, and left three or four children, names not remembered; William L. married Rebecca Lewis, and their son Robert moved from Virginia to Mississippi, and married a sister of Gov. Brown of that State. It is clear that Mrs. Nancy Hume is in error in naming Han- nah, instead of Nancy, as one of the sisters of James. Armistead and others. Sharp, to whom she said Hannah was married, had a daughter of that name, and confusion proceeding from that fact, may have caused the error. It is clear, too, that the omission of Charles as one of the brothers of James is an error. It is also reosonably. certain that- the inclusion of Lewis, Francis and Peter is erroneous; for no other account embraces them. *A son of Alexander Hume of Edinburg, who came to Virginia about 1725. 152 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. In many respects, however, the statement verifies and is veri- fied by other evidence. Dr. Charles E. Hume, in the letters above referred to, says that James Hume had a grandson named Robert, of whom he was very proud, who went to Mississippi and married a daughter of Gov. Brown, of that State. From my mother, I learn that a Robert Hume came from Culpeper to Mississippi, and married, not a daughter, as Dr. Hume has it, but a sister of Gov. Brown; that he visited my father, then residing in Mississippi, and was by him introduced to her, at Grand Gulf, Miss., as his "cousin from Culpeper'' — though she does not remember the pre- cise degree of relationship; that Robert settled in Grand Gulf, where he engaged in business as a partner in the mercantile firm of Pearson, Hume & Co. My mother recalls him as a young, handsome and cultivated gentleman, with unusually fine manners and address. There was correspondence between him and my father after the latter had settled in Texas. Dr. Hume also confirms Mrs. Nancy Hume's account as to the marriage, children and grandchildren of James — who is called by him, "old cousin James," and said to have married a Miss Barnes. In this connection I may add that Dr. Charles W. Hume, of Orange, Va , said that he remembered "Old uncle Jimmy Hume," a kinsman, who gave Thomas Hume, of Madison, and his lawyer, Hon. Jere Morton, much trouble by refusing to entrust them certain family papers pertaining to Thomas' claim to the Hume estate in Scotland, and that this gentleman had a son named William L. "Jo Frost's sister," whom Benjamin is said to have married, is Nellie Frost spoken of as the wife of Benjamin. The records confirm Mrs. Hume in other particulars. Madi- son marriage record shows that Jincy Hume married W. H. Weatherall in 1818. Culpeper deed record shows that on March 8, 1777, for the consideration of 500 pounds of tobacco, Bowles Armistead made a lease of land to Francis Hume, for the natural lives of said Francis Elizabeth, his wife, and James, his son. Book H. 249. And that the said James Hume had a son named William L,., July 16, 1812. Book H. H. 148-9, 151, 349. Other testimony identifying James occurs in what is said later of other members of the family. I am without further information as to James' descendants. EfRANCIS HUME OF VA. , SECOND SON OP EMIGRANT GEORGE. 153 Elizabeth, a daughter of Francis. She married John Almond, rhey had three sons, viz: William Armistead, who married his irst cousin, my father's only sister, Sarah Ann Elizabeth Hume, ;vho died childless; Charles Edward, who went to Springfield, Mo., ind died there, and John Francis; and five daughters, viz: Polly, ?vho married her cousin, John Almond; Betsy, who married Lewis Sorrel; Maria, who married Mr. Patton, of Deep Run, Stafford bounty; Nancy, who married Mr. Jennings, and Lucinda, who narried Madison Weaver, of Rappahannock. This information is derived from various sources, some of ivhich I mention: Misses Ann and Julia Almond, of Orange C. H., laughters of said John Francis, gave me, orally, the particulars stated. My father often spoke of his aunt Elizabeth, who married [ohn Almond, of the old "Wilderness Tavern," and of his only sister, Sarah Ann Elizabeth, who married her cousin William Arm- istead Almond, the son of said John and Elizabeth, and died child- ess. Richard Jennings, an old gentleman of Culpeper, in February, L890, at Richmond, Va., told Frank Hume that he was a grandson :>f John and Elizabeth Almond, being a son of their daughter Nancy; that Elizabeth was the sister of James Hume, who often spoke of Armistead as his brother; that William Armistead, son of [ohn and Elizabeth Almond, married his cousin "Sarah" Hume, who died childless. Charles E. Hume, of Norman, Culpeper bounty, in a letter to me, of January 26, 1890, and in one to Frank Hume, of January 28, 1890, said that James Hume's sister Eliza- Deth married John Almond; that their son William married "Eliza- beth" Hume; that one of their daugthers married Patton, and one :>f the latter's sons married the writer's — Charles E. Hume's niece. He knew James Hume personally, and Capt. Wm. Lewis, of Cul- peper, 83 years of age, told him that he knew both James and Arm- istead, and that they were brothers. James O. Hume, of Culpeper, in a letter to Frank Hume, of February 19, 1888, said that he thought Armistead and James were brothers; and that James' sister married Almond, and Almond's daughter married a Patton, of Deep Run, Stafford County, Va. Armistead, another son of Francis. He is shown by Culpeper marriage record to have married Priscilla Colvin, (daughter of [ohn and Sarah Colvin, of Colvin's Tavern, Culpeper), December 25, 1798 — the Rev. Mason officiating. The fact of his being a son of Francis has been disclosed in the preceeding statement, 154 HISTORY OP THE HUME FAMILY. which requires no repetition; and the names of his children, etc., are shown by the sketch. Charles, another son of Francis, married Celia Shumate. Such particulars as are shown of him appear in the preceeding sketch. Benjamin, another son of Francis, married Nelly Frost. All that is shown in the pages already written. Nancy, another daughter of Francis, married Lewis Sharp, of Culpeper. See what is said by their son Lewis Sharp, and his niece, Mrs. Gray. Francis Charles Home. Francis Charles Hume, has been twice married. First to Mary Belle Harlan, daughter of Joseph Harlan, ot Sumner County, Tenn., November 25, 1868. She died childless two years later. Married second, Marie Lee, at her mother's house in San Jacinto County, Texas, July 3, 1873, her stepfather Rev. J. W. D. Creath, officiating. Mrs. Lea Hume, is daughter of late Vernal B. Lea and his wife Catherine Davis, daughter of General Jones Davis and Eliza Hill his wife, in Polk, now San Jacinto County, Texas, Sep- tember 20, 1852. Vernal B. Lea, was the fourth son of Temple Lea, of Alabama, and his wife Nancy Moffit. His wife was born June 26, 1816. Nancy Moffitt Lea, was born November 9, 1773, and died January 28, 1834, Temple Lea, was born May 1, 1780, he was the son of George Lea, of North Carolina, and he son of William Lea, of England. There were three other sons of Temple Lea, all older than Vernal B., there names are as follows: Martin A., born June 26, 1799; Henry C, born October 7, 1804; Wallace, born Septem- ber 13, 1811. Also four daughters, Varilla, born November 17, 1801; Adaline, born March 26, 1808; Margaret, (Peggy) born April 11, 1819; Emily Antoinette, born February 10, 1822. Mar- garet and Emily, came to Texas. Emily A. , as the wife of Mr. Charles Powers, and Margaret, as the wife of General Sam Hous- ton. She outlived the General, and died at Independence, Texas, 1867, leaving children and grandchildren. Varilla, married Rob't Royston, in Alabama, October 8, 1817, and died December 22, 1881. Their son Martin H. Royston, lived and died in Galveston, his death occured in 1890. Catherine Jones, wife of Vernal B. Lea, was at the time of her FRANCIS HUME OF VA. , SECOND SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 155 marriage the widow of Wm. Goodall, and had one living child Anne, afterwards Mrs. H. W. Roberston. She had by her second marriage four children, as follows: Temple, born July 3, 1853; Margaret H. March 6, 1849, married Jas. Hogue, November 1, 1871, died January 19, 1872. James Vernal, born January 12, 1851. Married Alice Mitchell, January 24, 1878. Marie Lea Frances Hume, wife of Judge Charles Hume, living in Galveston, Texas. Chas. Edward Hume, born in Culpeper, County, Va. , 1773, was a son of Francis Hume, had two daughters, viz: Elizabeth, who married Lewis Sharp, of Culpeper. His sons, viz: James, who mairied Catherine Barnes; Armistead, who married Priscilla Colvin; Charles, who married Celia Shumate; Benjamin, who mar- ried Nelly Frost. Chas. Edward Hume, my grandfather as far as known had seven children, viz: John Hume, died without issue; Martha, mar- ried left two children, John and Polly Lucas. Betsy, married a Huffman, had several children, but are all dead. Mary, married , was killed in a cyclone in Kentucky, left one child. Frances, also killed the same night, I think her child perished also. Nancy Hume, was twice married . First in Culpeper, Va., to a Mr. Cox, had two children, Thomas Edward Cox and Polly Anne. Second marriage to my father John House, of Ken- tucky. Joseph Hume, married a Katherine Bailey, in Kentucky, with his family he moved to Indiana, then to Iberia, Miller County, Mo., in 1864. In coming the boat that they were on took fire, and some valuable family papers were destroyed. Joseph Hume, had several children of which are known, Fanny, Francis. John, Sarah, and Lou. My mother Nancy Hume, emigrated to Kentucky with her father, and his family in the early days, settled at Crab Orchard, Ky. My grandfather then emigrated to Lexington, Scott County, Ind.. where he died, August, 1848, about the age of 75 years. By the second marriage of Nancy Hume, three daughters were born, viz: Louisa Jane, married Edward Davis, of Philadelphia, had no 156 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. issue. Died in St. L,ouis, November, 1860. Mary Ellen, married Michael Brown, in L,exington, Ind., had three children, two of which are living. Died in '62 near Rolla, Mo. Katherine Josephine, born January 22, 1842. Married Capt. J. G. Myers, at Rolla, Mo., December 31, '64, moved to Spring- field, Mo., in 1865. By this marriage six children were born, viz: Joseph George, John Edwin, Mary Pauline, Christine Frances Thomas Franklin and Jessie Maude. Joseph George Myers, was born September 28, 1865, married Annie Clair Marshall, at Springfield, Mo., March 19, 1891. Of this marriage three children were born, George Marshall Myers, born July 30, '93; Mildred Clair, born December 15, '99; Herbert Kohen, born November 3, '02. John Edwin Myers, born November 14, 1866, was married to Miss Oliver Fisher, at Carthage, Mo., May 29, 1889. Of this mar- riage four children were born, Helen Eucile, born February 14, 1891; Marguerite Clair, born April 28, 1894; Katherine Adell, born October 15, 1895; Pauline, born May 14, 1898. Mary Pauline, born December 12, 1868. Married Albert Wayne Stith, Springfield, Mo., June 9, 1897. No issue. Christine Frances Myers, born April 24, 1871. Married Theodore Graf, Springfield, Mo., June 14, 1900. No issue. Thomas Franklin Myers, born July 1, 1873. Married Car- rie Ellen Toombs, at Pickens. Miss., October 11, 1900. Of this marriage one son was born, Thomas DeWitt, born October 13, 1901. Jessie Maude Myers, born July 23, 1876. Not married. Yours very truly, Mrs. Kate Myers. 512 Elm street, Springfield, Mo. JOHN HUME, SR., THIRD SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 157 CHAPTER XVI. JOHN HUME, SR., THIRD SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. George Hume, Emigrant, m Elizabeth Proctor, Virginia. George. Francis. John Hume m. Helinor Manson. ! I I William. James. Charles. John Hume, George Hume, 1770-1830, killed 1812, m. Nancy Webb, (soldier.) Capt. William Hume, m. Au- gusta Jackman. Four daughters, who m. (1) Crosby, (2) Winn, (3) McCusic. (4) Heli- nor, m Simpson. John Hume was born in 1732 or 33, at 11 years of age he was taken by his Uncle James Hume, Capt. in British Navy, and placed on board his vessel, H. M. S. South Sea Castle, then lying at Nor- folk or Hampton Roads, to protect the Colonial Commerce against Spanish and French privateers. Young Hume was put in school at Norfolk, where he remained during the greater part of the year 158 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. 1744, studying arithmetic and navigation In 1745 he went with his uncle to Sea, and was in London, Portsmouth, and Dover, at vari- ous times. After having been three years at Sea, he went with his uncle to Scotland and remained eleven months at the home of his grand- mother the Countess of Hume. In 1748, he and his cousin Ninian Hume returned to America. His subsequent history is best told in the excellent monograph by his descendant, R. D. Hume. It is as follows: "John Hume who was married to Helinor Manson by the Rev. John Moorehead in the year 1766, at the Old Church in Long Lane, Boston, Mass, was one of the party who threw overboard the tea in Boston Harbor, December 16, 1773. The next we hear from him is serving in the defense of the borders of Lincoln County, then a part of Massachusetts, now Maine, the shiretown of which was Wiscassett. The next we hear of his movements he has paddled a canoe up the Kennebec River to the falls, to a place afterwards called Waterville, and going into the Fort with his family for protection from the Indians. Here his daughter, Elinor became acquainted with a Mr. Simpson who married her. Mr. Simpson dug the clay, made the bricks, and built a house for his bride, which is still in a good state of preservation. Mr. Bradford Simpson of Richmond, Me., is a grandson of this couple. In the year 1791, we still find John Hume Sr. , and his son John Jr., as tax payers at Waterville. (See history of old Winslow). At this time they were engaged in taking salmon, and John the older talks of having caught a canoe load the night before. It would seem that the desire for sport was still as strong as had been with their ancestors who caught the salmon on the Tweed in Scotland. (See Wilson's Border Tales). In the year 1819 we find John Hume, Sr. , deeding land to his son John, Jr., and affixing his signature with a firm hand, although much advanced in years. Of the three sons born to this union, John lived, was married, and reared a large family, and died at Waterville, Me., having made no great showing during his life- time. William went to sea early in life, became a Captain, and about 1812 settled in Calias, Me., became well to do and highly respected by all who knew him. He left a family; one son, Sew- ard B. Hume, who was a greatly respected merchant, represented his section in the Legislature, and whose descendants still conduct JOHN HUME, SR. , THIRD SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 159 the business at Calias, Me., and are highly respected. From a sister of Seward B. Hume we learn of the story concerning the end of the third son of John Hume, Sr. She says when she was a lit- tle girl she remembers of a visit paid her family by her uncle Charles, and in after years heard her father say that he went to sea and was taken prisoner, and died on a prison ship, during the war of 1812. The record concerning the daughters is not complete. Some of the older members of the family say that there were three, but such is not borne out by the different testimony; by it there should be four. Elinor, who married Simpson; another, a Crosby; one a Winn and another a McCusic. John Hume, Jr. , son of John and Helinor Hume, married Nancy Webb, who was of the well known family of Webbs, who were great ship builders at Bath, Me. They reared a large family (see chart). The oldest son William, was a man of excellent education, a teacher in the earlier years of his life, served in the war of 1812, was afterwards Captain of Militia in his state; a man who would have made a generous landlord or Laird, but like his predecessors, without any mercantile instincts. It seems as if the characteristics of the old ancestors was so ingrained that no Hume could chase the nimble dollar with any degree of success, their instincts leading them to the pursuit of higher game. William Hume, Sr., was generous, courageous, high minded, but not successful as far as the getting of worldly goods go. William married for his first wife Harriet Hunter. It is evi- dent that some of the Scotch Hunter's of whom George Hume, the emigrant, often wrote in his letters home to Scotland in a very kindly way, they must have gone to Maine in the early settle- ment of the country, no doubt there were a number of families who were from the same part of Scotland settled there. Of this mar- riage there were two sons and two daughters William the oldest married Emma Lord, and had one son and two daughters. The son died young, and William, the father, died June 26, 1902, be- loved and respected by all who knew him. John, second son, married Laura Shaw; died some years since, (see record) leaving one son, John, who has since died, leaving two sons, John B. Hume and Arthur Hume. There is nothing much to say about the present generation. William and George introduced the pack- ing of salmon in tins to the United States, and a great business has grown out of it. William died wealthy; George is worth more 160 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. than a million, Joseph died leaving a good estate, and R. D. Hume, is also worth more than a million. The family has been noted for its strength and courage. I really don't know much to say about the present lot which have belonged to my generations. They have been good, enter- prising men, and have sons, except myself and William, who are bright boys, and will be no discredit to the name. You can get something from the photos and the little phamphlet, Salmon of the Pacific Coast. I will now note something of my mother's family. William Hume, my father, married Elizabeth F. Hixon, whose husband died leaving one daughter. Her maiden name was Webber, daughter of Jere Webber and Belsora Horn his wife. Jere Webber's father, Charles, was one of the largest merchants, mill owners, and ship builders in Vassabboro, Me. He was a very large man, and in his old age was afraid to get into his carriage. One day when he was to launch a schooner, he had six yoke of oxen which he used to haul logs from the woods, hitched to a stone drag, and had his arm chair placed thereon and was driven to the launching. The Webber family were related to the Bogardus family by marriage, also to the most aristocratic families of Vas- sabboro, the Towers, Farwells, Browns, etc. Yours truly, R. D. Hume, 421 Market St. , San Francisco, Cal. From R. D. Hume's History Of Salmon Industry. To give the reader a clear idea of the salmon industry of the Pacific Coast, and the influence it has had in the development of the Northwest, it will be necessary to give a brief history of the salmon canning business, the advent of which practically begins the salmon fishing era of the Pacific Coast; although prior to that time the taking of salmon had been done to a considerable extent to supply the market with fresh fish, and a moderate quantity had been salted. But in comparison with the canning business, the quantity taken for these purposes was of little importance. The business of canning salmon on the Pacific Coast was be- gun in the spring of 1864, at the town of Washington, Yolo County, California, on the banks of the Sacramento River, opposite JOHN HUME, SR. , THIRD SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 161 the foot of K street, Sacramento city, by Hapgood, Hume & Co., the firm consisting of Andrew S. Hapgood, George W. and William Hume, with the writer as "sub" under small pay, but with large expectations of a partnership interest, to be realized whenever the business should prove the success anticipated. The pack of the first year amounted to about 2.000 cases, and the trials and difficulties attending their production are almost impossible to realize and describe, after the lapse of twenty-nine years, consider- ing the improved methods of to-day. The business being in the form of an experiment, and the tools used being of the most primi- tive character, made the work necessarily slow and difficult, and the product defective. As I cast my mind backward to those early days of the business, I wonder that it was not given up in despair. At least fifty per cent of the product spoiled at the cannery from the effect of defective work as we had at that time no process for testing for leaks, as at present; consequently all leaky tins were lost; and there were many also in addition to those, so imperfectly made that they burst in cooking. To these troubles were added the difficulty of disposing of that part of the product that was good, the article being new to the merchants of San Francisco, they would have nothing to do with it for a long time, and in the in- terim the firm was very much discouraged and on the point of breaking up. At that time a few hundred dollars would have purchased all their interests in the business. Just at the darkest time, however, a merchant of San Francisco advanced shipping charges on a lot and found a market at good prices, which awak- ened a new enthusiasm, and the business went ahead again. In the next two years the amount packed per annum was not much increased, on account of the scarcity of salmon in the Sacra- mento, and in the spring of 1866, William Hume went to the Columbia to see what could be done. Upon his return with favor- able reports, G. W. Hume also went to the Columbia, for the pur- pose of selecting a site and building a cannery and other necessary buildings, that should be ready for the reception of the others, who went there some time in October of that year. The point selected by him was at Eagle Cliff in Wahkiakum County, Washington, and part of the cannery now owned and operated there by Wm. Hume, is the original building erected by him. During the winter of 1866-67 we put our machines in order and made the nets and 162 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. cans for the spring season of 1867, at which time we packed 4,000 cases of 48 cans each. At the time of our arrival there was but little business done on the Columbia River below Portland, and in fact Portland itself was a small town, all of the business houses being located on Front and First Streets. The business of the lower Columbia River was done at St. Helens, Rainier, Oak Point, Cashalmet and Astoria, which town boasted one small wharf, and that was in a chronic state of dilapidation. The steamboat service was performed by a small side wheel steamer, called the John H. Couch, which made tri- weekly trips between Portland and Astoria with the mails, touching at each of the points mentioned above. Sometimes she would get a schooner to tow, and then the routine was broken, as it would take her two days to get from Astoria to Portland. At this date her passenger list, at times, would consist of a solitary soldier from Fort Stevens, who had been discharged or granted a furlough; and the freight, a case of condemned cartridges from the same place. At this time the business of the lower Columbia cut but a small figure — a wheezy old mill at Astoria, and a dilapidated affair of the same kind at each of the other places on the Columbia, except Cashalmet, which had nothing in the way of manufacturers, comprised all there was to furnish a livelihood for laborers of that section, except that furnished by the few engaged in salting salmon, and that work was mostly done by Indians. In a lapse of ten years, what a change! Portland has by this time become a city of importance, and Astoria has stretched itself along three miles of water front; while instead of four small land- ings along the main Columbia, between Astoria and Portland, the number has increased to more than forty, and instead of one small steamer making triweekly trips, we have four elegant steamers running between these places daily, besides about a dozen running in the fish carrying trade for the use of the canneries, and in place of a product of 4,000 cases of 48 tins each, we have a product of 450,000 cases, of the same number of tins, and we have our wheezy and dilapidated old mills running night and day to supply the de- mand for lumber to build new canneries, and where desolation ruled before, we now find signs of the greatest activity. We find all trades and professions plunging to get a whack at this new El Dorado, all seeking a fortune to be made from the scaly beauties. What a mine of wealth, that even all who might plunge might be JOHN HUME, SR., THIRD SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 163 enriched. But all good things which nature has furnished have a capacity beyond which they cannot be strained, and the year 1883 brings Columbia its maximum, when the vast quantity of 630,000 cases was reached, and from this time begins the decline of the salmon product of that wonderful stream. Meanwhile the streams of British Columbia have been developed, until 1882 marks to the credit of that section a product of 255,000 cases, and at the same time Alaska began to make a showing, with a pack of upwards of 20,000 cases, which gradually increased until 1892, when it pro- duced more salmon in cases than the Columbia River, and its out- put, added to that of British Columbia, the Columbia River and other rivers of Oregon, brings the total pack of 1892 up to 1, 323,000 cases, which represents in value, approximately $6,549,000. 1901 packed, nearly five million cases. Descendants of John Hume and Helinor Manson-Hume. John Hume whose Silhouette is shown in these pages, was John, Hume Sr. . and Helinor Manson's oldest son; he was born 1770, and died in 1830; he married Nancy Webb, and was pro- genitor of the Humes of the Pacific Coast. His family of ten children were as follows: Ora, Mary and Nancy, who married Johnson, born in 1818, died in 1887. No issue. William, a captain in the Merchant Marine, born 1794, mar- ried first Harriett Hunter, second Elizabeth F. Hixon- Weber, and died in 1868, leaving twelve children, the present promoters of the salmon industry of Oregon and California, as told by one of them in the foregoing article. (1) William born 1830 married Emma Lord; died 1902; his children are William, who died without issue, Lottie and Aurora. (2) John, a seamen, born 1832 and died 1884, married Laura Shaw; had son John who married Eliza Brooks, and has John B., and Arthur. (3) G. W., shipowner formerly sailor, born in 1837, mar- ried Angie Stone; second, Celia A. Huntington; third, Annie Ray- mond; he had five children as follows: George F. C. who married Una H. Handy, and died in 1897, leaving a daughter, Dorothy Hawthorne; William R., Chas Ed- win, Elizabeth C , and Elsie May. 164 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. (4) Daniel W. , sailor, born in 1838, killed at battle of Fred- ericksburg. He married Annie Skates without issue. (5) David died in infancy. (6) Joseph, shipowner, formerly sailor, born in 1844, died in 1901, married Elizabeth K. Graham; married second. Sarah H. R. McBeth; has seven children as follows: Joseph W. , Herbert, John S. , Grace, Florence L, Chauncey P., and Helen T. (7) Robert D., the writer of the above article, was born in 1845; he married first Cecilia A. Bryant, and second Mary A. Duncan; had two children, Robert D., who died without issue, and Amelia who died in infancy. (8) Charles drowned in Kennebec River, Me , leaving no issue. (9, 10, 11, 12) are Sophia, Harriett, Ann, and Sarah R. John, who was second son of John, who was oldest son of John the Brittish Naval Cadet, and great grandson of the Emi- grant, married Lucy Brooks in Maine; had four sons as follows: (1) Alfred, who married Harriet Carlyle, and has Alice G., Virginia H., Viola J., Ethel, Elizabeth, Grace, andLiLiAsE. (2) John, who married Elizabeth McBirnie without issue. (3) George, who married Martha Brooks and has Eugene W., Eveleth M., and Alma. (4) Harrison, The other sons of John Hume and Nancy Webb are: (1) Josi ah, who married first Malinda Knight second Sabra Snow, and third Rebecca Cooper, with issue as follows: Lysander J., who married Augusta Goodwin, and has a daughter Harriet. (2) Daniel, who died without issue. (3) George, who married a Miss Coombs, and has Mar- CELLUS. (4) David, who married Mary A. Lane, and has Sabra, Amelia and Amanda. (5.) Charles who married first Sarah Whitney, and second Ann Hussey, had two children but both died without issue. (6.) Manson was a captain in the Merchant Marine, he mar- ried twice, first to Hannah R. Brooks, second to Adeline H. Keene, with the following issue: Manson, Jr., who married Rose I. Chick, he is also a Sea Captain. Their children are Harold 1., drowned at sea in 1882, Gertrude who died in childhood, and Manson still living. JOHN HUME, SR., THIRD SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 165 Other children of Mansons are Frank B., who died in infancy, Jane, Hannah R., Cora, and Nellie. John Hume, the subject of this chapter, had three other sons, Charles, who was an American soldier, in war with England in 1812, was captured by British and died of privation on ship board, in the same year. No issue so far as known. William, third son, was also a Sea Captain, married Augusta Jackman, had three children, Seward B., who married Caroline Stover, had three children as follows: (1.) William married a Miss Maggie R. Paine, and had George, Helen P., and Lena R. (2.) Charles W. , who married Jennie A. Thompson, and (3.) Seward L,. , married Anna Winchell, also a daughter Lena A. John Hume, Sr., and Helinor Manson, his wife, had four daughters, Helinor, the eldest, who married a Simpson, and three others who married as follows : Crosby, Wing, and McCusic. Neither their Christian names or their descent is known. They lived in Kennebec Co., Maine. 166 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. CHAPTER XVII. WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF GEORGE HUME THE EMIGRANT. George Hume Elizabeth Procter. George. Francis. John. William Hume m James. 1st, Susan Elzephan, 2nd, Miss Granville, 3rd, Sarah Baker. Charles. Alexander, killed in Revolution. John. George. Jarred. Elza. Betsey. Patrick William, fourth son of the emigrant George Hume, was born at Fredericksburg, Va., about 1734. Of the little that is known concerning his life, most of that little relates to his childhood. He seems to have manifested from infancy a very decided liking for letters, and had before his majority attained quite a distinction in learning He seems, according to tradition handed down by J. B. WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OP EMIGRANT GEORGE. 167 Hume, Esq., lately deceased, a grandson of his and Lewis Hume, grandfather of the author of this book, who spent much of their in- fancy and boyhood at the old gentleman's side, to have attended the same school as did George Washington, and to have been flogged by the same dozing, drowsy Mr. Williams at Wakefield, as had the honor of being the only man who ever flogged the re- doubtable hero of Yorktown. Many oral tales are extant in the family concerning adventures not at all Washingtonian, of these young knights errant. One of which is backed by history and will bear repetition, is the adventure made on a Sunday after- noon in taming a refractory colt, which seems to have been a very spirited one, and sacrificed its life in a hurdle race over the hill- side ditches with Washington on its back and Hume at its halter. Most of these tales are traditionary and perhaps badly mutilated, and I do not give them as history, but as evidence of history, that is, of the fact of the companionship of these men in their boyhood, as a reason why Hume in his later years should break away from other members of the family and join his cause with that of the Colonists and fight againts his own kinsmen who came with Fergu- son from Scotland and died for England under the guns of Wash- ington, at Guilford C. H. and King's Mountain. Wm. Hume attended college somewhere in his native colony. Tradition points to Staunton, but reason seems to suggest that his college was a private school of common grade. There were several such schools in Fredericksburg, as in other colonial towns, where gentlemen's sons might get the elements of an education which would fit them for the object toward which every colonist boy of that period turned his longing gaze — a course at Oxford, Cambridge, Eton, or Harvard. He studied law, and at the age of twenty married a Miss Su- san Elzephan, daughter of a wealthy planter of South Carolina, who bore him a son, to whom he gave the name of Alexander. This is supposed on very good authority to have been the Alex- ander Hume who was lieutenant in the 2d South Carolina regi- ment and fell with Sergeant Jasper the second day after his enlist- ment at Savannah, Georgia, October 9, 1777. Weems, in his life of Marion, tells the story of his death most beautifully. (See page 70.) While there is no absolute certainly at this time that this is the man, probability is strong to that effect. William Hume lived in South Carolina at the time of the birth of his son. That 168 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. son bore the patromynic of his ancient ancestor, Alexander. He was reared by his maternal grandparents at Charleston. S. C. There were no other Humes in South Carolina at that date. Tra- dition in the family points to a death so described. Hume's wife died leaving two sons, and after her death William came home to Virginia and married a Miss Granville and located on the frontier and engaged in keeping a store, in which business he seems to have been quite successful for some years. By his second mar- riage he had five sons and one daughter, as follows: Rev. George, who came to Kentucky, Jarred, who served with his father and brother in the Revolutionary War. The former with Washington and the latter with Wayne — his old papers say a staff officer. His family have an old powder-horn picked up on the field at York- town and kept as a memento of the surrender. Rev. Geo. Hume, third son of William, first child by second marriage, was born in Culpeper, Va., in 1756. He secured a lib- eral education early in life and engaged in the calling of a mer- chant; but at the age of twenty-two he enlisted with his father in the war against England and was appointed chaplain of his regi- ment, which was with Washington through the entire campaign and was discharged at Alexandria, 1781. Immediately after coming home he married Elizabeth Procter, his second cousin, and made a home for his motherless brothers and sister after the death of their mother; his father married again in 1782, and as George had a daughter and a son at this time the father and son gathered their families together and came across the mountains to Kentucky. George had been ordained a preacher in the Baptist Church, and tradition says that on each Sunday the colony compos- ed of the Humes, Roberts, Sleetes, Ellises, Shelbys, Floyds, Proc- ters, Sturgeons, Ballards, Hinds, Greggs and many others would assemble around the camp-fire and listen to the fiery eloquence of this man of God, as he preached to them the Gospel that was to be the strongest power in the civilization of their country. Children in this party who were old and in their second childhood when I was a child have recited in my presence the early impres- sion made upon their minds by the deep spiritual fervor and the strong and holy beauty of these occasions, as seated about on the trunks of fallen trees, the children at play among the flowers The younger and stronger men standing picket against Indians, sang in holy harmony some old Scottish song or psalm sacred to cove- W.IXIAM „ UME , F0URT „ SQN QF emigrant GEoRf; ^ igg for the dav q„Mi .1 7 g " worship was ended these hardy pioneetslh T^ ° f ^ ^^ Ch " aCt « ° f uy pioneers, such was the intensely religious snirit tW co a ut up the ear,y H,e ° f the west - d ^«rs: Grea" BrL°! ""? famiHeS WCTe bra " th - °< "oble families of meaning o" the "C ^ 'ee C ttZ "hat T" ^T^ *' that mayhaps sent his ancestors a efug ees to thf ,7' "* Yet therp i« m,« «ij • •. reiugees to the wilderness. Sri = : ?~ r -r— — - bont 1760. He was a surveyor, and came to Ohio and assisted a surveymg the village of Losantiville, now the city'of Cine nna i - queer co-.nctdence is that in this work Elza Home paternal T:Z : of this'' J ° hn BeDefid - mat " Dal ^-t.grand'fa'ner L7T\, P3ge ' W6re associ "tes and fellow-workmen I o d f f fn-" ,y grandfath "' »y "Other's father, was born ,„' r s l f Hl CmCmnat1 ' iD 1S ° 6 - Elza "unto married there about Betsy Hume-Cousman was maternal ancestor of the Colemans Kentucky and Indiana. Several of her descendants have mar p" TR z y zir „ the fami i. y Hnes as we Sha " « Patrick Home, who was born in the heated days of 1776 a in the V' m a ^ When WS m °' her died ' His father was -n m the Vrrgmia State troops in the colonial service The me was destroyed and the mother died. The father returned 170 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. and found his sons all scattered and his wife dead. He collect- ed them together at the home of his son, George, at Culpeper and in 1782 married a widow named Sarah Baker, and came with his family to Kentucky and lived near the present town of Walton for some years. After his return from a visit to Virginia in 1809, he died of pneumonia, caused by cold in crossing the mountains in a "gig ." Of his third marriage nothing is definitely known. The marriage record gives the date, and tradition describes the woman, but no date is given of her death, which is supposed to have occurred in Kentucky. She left no issue. The char- acter and habits of William Hume seem to have differed from others of his family in many particulais. Some of the others were loyal to the King. But William following the destiny of the colonial government which cost him seven years of blood and pov- erty, sacrificing on the altar of his country his home and his fortune, and at the close of the struggle he denied the claim of his Tory relationship, moved away from among them and made an effort to lose trace of them in Kentucky's forest; but an old negro servant of the family came over the mountains to nurse her ''pooh orphin chiluns" and told the story of the family history. Afterward William Hume became reconciled to his Tory brothers and returned on a visit to his childhood home. He died in 1809, thirty years after the war ended. He survived longer than any of the six sons of George Hume, Sr. , except James, who died in 1821. Wm. Hume adopted the faith of his mother and lived and died a devoted member of the old line Baptist Church, which has been the hereditary creed of the George Hume, Jr., and William Hume lines to the present day. Of the sons of William Hume information is quite authentic in the principal sentiment. William, by his marriage' with Miss Elzephan, of Charleston, had two children and possibly more, John and Alexander are the names that remain, but which of the two is the older we do not know. Alexander was reared by his grandparents and educated to a station becoming his rank and birth, and was 20 years of age at the out break of the war with England, his Maternal Ancestors being enlisted in the struggle for liberty. Young Hume was en- listed in the same cause in 1777, when the Immortal Second South Carolina regiment was organized at Charleston, and the Historic Silken banner made by the ladies was presented to them, young WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 171 Hume, a lieutenant, was one of the officers to whom the precious banner was given, Sargeant Jasper and Private Busche, both of whom fell with him, on the second day of his enlistment, were the others of this famous trio. Weems in his life of Marion, page 70, tells of this glorious band and their heroic deaths. Busche fell by the flag he had sworn to save, Hume snatched it from his death cold hand and mounting to the top of the parapet waved its silken folds before the shattered army. Scarcely had the cheer died out upon his lips and the flag set in its place, when a ball pierced the heart of young Hume, and he fell across the body of his dead comrade, the banner was rescued again by a French officer, whose name is not given, and a third time its shattered bars were swung to the breeze, but the enemy again laid its defender low and the colors falling over the works among the Brittish were about to be lost, it was at this time that Jasper leaped over the works down among the enemy and saved the flag. Next morning, the soldier who buried the dead, found young Hume, Busche and the Frenchman, lying together where they fell. In a golden locket upon Hume's bosom was the picture of a Miss Cruickshank, of Charleston, to whom he was soon to have been married.* Where his country's banner sweeps, When the gory fight should cease, On the field of war he sleeps, And thy happy country, free, With his eyelids, darkly fringed, Should give back thy bride to thee I Bv the breath of cannon singed ; „ . ., , .,, , 7, ., • „ ui„„j But thy hopes are withered now; And vou see the crimson blood, ~ ,, J , u-n j u i_i i_ „ T , y " .,, , , . , ' Death has chilled thy noble brow; Where the youthful hero stood. . , ,. .-, , J , ,, * And the maiden long shall wait, Warrior! in the furious strife, Tearful and disconsolate; In the weary ebb of life. For her warm heart followed thee What solace thy young heart, Struggling here for liberty. MakmgDeath's a P° in t tleSS f dart? Long that maiden dreamed of bliss- ™$? J \°V °/ C ° k£ "I 7 ' ? Dreamed of coming happiness; While thy life-stream ebbed away? But her faopes are f Qst £f njght; Soldier! here, what hast thou pressed Thou hast fallen in the fight, Closely to thy cold, still breast? And thy garments, soiled and torn, 'Tis a maiden's pledge of truth, Stiff with clotted gore are grown. Beaming with the air of youth; where the d morning wee p S , Smiling in the dreadful fray, There the maiden>s i ove ? sleeps, Where the dead and dying lay. Thefe ig sinking to decay Often didst thou fondly gaze There may be the vulture's prey; On that sweetly pictured face; But thou didst not die unblest, Dreaming of a conquered peace, With that image on thy breast. *"My heart bled within me when 1 gazed on young Hume, where he lay in all the pale beauty of death. He was to have been married, the week following, to an accomplished lady, but such was his great zeal to serve his country, that he became a volunteer in our camp, and met his death the following morning. On opening his vest, we found a like- ness of the beautiful Miss Cruickshank. The back of the portrait was stained with his blood."— Life of Marion. 172 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. John Hume, the other of the two children by the first wife, is said by some to have been older than Alexander, this would seem quite probable, as he was taken with his father to Virginia, and reared there by a step-mother, his life in his boyhood is not very clear, he told his children he had been in Scotland, and his discendants have many souvenirs of Scotland which were brought to America by John or his father William. John Hume married a Miss Long, and had by her two sons, one of them predeceased his mother, the other probably survived and was sent to New England to live with his mother's people, who came from that colony. John married second Miss Jeane Glenn, a lady of Scottish parentage, and with her came to Long Run, Ky., where he located in 1783. At this time he had a family of four children, John, William, Sarah, and a fourth daughter who married Christian Young. He took up a large grant of land, and lived and prospered until 1798, when his health failing, he made his will, and died in 1802.* Once he and his sons, who were with him, and were driving some cows, when they were captured by a roving band of Indians. John, the older son escaped and ran fourteen miles to Shelbyville, notified the Governor, who sent Col. John Floyd with twenty men to rescue Hume and his son. Floyd supposing the band to be merely a small detachment, rushed into the ambuscade with all his men and was almost annihilated. Fourteen of his men lost their lives. Hume escaped, but his son John, fell defending his father. A mere boy of sixteen fought against a large band of In- dians until his father escaped, and then trying to make his own escape, was struck down. His body lies under the shaft erected by the legislature of Kentucky, with fourteen of Floyd's men. William Hume, son of John, lived until 1790, when he died of small pox. Sarah, daughter of Tohn Hume and Jeane Glenn his wife, married Thomas Sturgeon in 1786. Hon. Isaac H. Sturgeon has told the story of their descent, and it is to him we will give credit for the following: *Mr. Sturgeon thinks Hume lived till he (Sturgeon) was a lad old enough to remember probably six or eight years of age, he remembers to have seen him. This however does not agree with dates in probate record or will. WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 173 HUME-STURGEON LETTERS. 1834. Having learned through Mr. James E. Yeatman, of St. Louis, Mo. — a connection of Mrs. Sturgeon — that he knew a gentleman by the name of Hume, whose relatives had attended the conven- tion of Humes in Philadelphia to try to trace the Hume kin or heirs, I got his address and this copy in reply. Clarkville, Tenn., April 5, 1861. Isaac H. Sturgeon, Esq.: Pear Sir: — Your letter of the 12th is received and I regret that I cannot give you the desired information. I never saw the ad- vertisement referred to. In the year 1834 or 1835, Joseph T. Elliston, of Nashville (now dead), asked me the name of my grandfather, where born, residence, number of children, names, etc. etc., and informed me that a gentleman by name of Hume had died in Scotland, leaving' a large amount of money, etc., to be divided among his relatives; but we found out that we were not related to him, so failed to get a share. This is all I can tell you about it. I have forgotten the name of the Hume who died. If, however, I can serve you in any way in making inquiry with regard to the matter I will be happy to do so. Yours truly, W. T. Harris. The following is the copy a letter from my father's brother, Hume Sturgeon, who died some years ago in Franklin, Johnson County, Ind.: My Dear Nephew: — At this time we are all as well as com- mon. I hope when these lines reach you they may find you in good health * * James Forsyth (son of my father's sister Jane Sturgeon, who mar- ried Thos. Forsyth) was wanting to know where Grandfather Hume was born. To the best of my recollection he was born in Scotland. I can recollect that it was published in the papers; that there was a large estate left John Hume and other sons of George Hume, who were last heard from in the United States. Your affectionate uncle, Hume Sturgeon. 174 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. My uncle, Trammel Conn, who married my father's sister, Nancy Sturgeon (both are dead), wrote me as follows in regard to my great-grandfather, John Hume: Long Run, April 1, 1869. Mr. Issac H. Sturgeon: Dear Nephew: — This leaves us all well at present. * * * I received your letter some time ago; but delayed answering it until I saw Peggy Collins and others (Peggy Collins was my father's sister, and married a prosperous and estimable man named Levi Collins — both dead). Uncle Trammel says: I send you two land warrants assigned by Bland Ballard to your great-grandfather, Jno. Hume. Also a letter from James Long, of Millerstown, Vir- ginia. You see he calls your great-grandfather Hume, uncle. His first wife must have been a Long, judging from the letter, and that he married her in Virginia. His last wife was a Glenn. Her con- nections live in Shelby County, Kentucky. * * Peggy Collins says that she heard her grandfather, John Hume speak of crossing the ocean in a ship, and that he was of Scotch descent. * * * * Peggy Collins says that a long time ago — twenty-five years or longer — a man named Philip Young got up a paper that a Hume had died in Scotland and left a large estate to her son, Mr. Hume, and he was going there to see about it. Nothing ever came oi it. Peggy Collins says she recollects that her Grandfather Hume said her father's name was John, and he was named after him. * Your affectionate uncle, T. Conn. JOHN HUME, GREAT-GRANDFATHER OF ISAAC H. STURGEON. My information is that my great-grandfather, John Hume, came from Scotland,* and first settled in Virginia and afterward moved to Kentucky. I do not know the year he came to the United States, nor when he moved to Kentucky. My understand- ing is that he was married twice. His first wife was a Long and *This is a mistake. He was bom in Culpper County, va., but traveled on the ocean and in Scotland W.UJAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 1/5 lived in Virginia. I learn that he had two children by his sec- ond wife, and both children died. He then married Miss Jane Glenn, of Shelby County, Kentucky, and had by this wife two sons and a daughter.* His sons were named John and William. William died of small pox and John was killed by Indians, in de- fending his father, who escaped, but was wounded and recovered. His daughter was named Sarah. She married my grandfather, Thomas Sturgeon, 11th of April, 1786. They both died in 1845. They had a large family — five sons and 5 daughters. I have only the date of my father's birth— 30th day of October, 1793. He died September 5, 1822. His wife — my mother — was born December 25, 1791, and died July 13, 1833, leaving three sons, Edward T., Isaac H. and Thomas L- Sturgeon. Edward and Thomas are both dead. Thomas died July 11, 1875, Edward July 6,1885. Isaac (myself) alone is living. The names of my grandfather and mother's children — all dead — were: sons, (1) John Hume, (2) Simpson, (3) James (4) Hume, (5) Thomas. John Hume Sturgeon married Nancy Netherton and had a large family. Simpson married Sarah Goolsby and had a large family. I do not know who James and Hume married. Thomas Sturgeon, Jr., Married Elizabeth Tyler, my mother, August 25, 1816. The daughters were as follows: (1) Jane, (2) Mary (Polly), (3) Nancy, (4 ) E izabeth, (5) Margaret (Peggy). Jane married Thomas Forsyth and had a large family. Mary (Polly) married her first cousin, Thomas Law Sturgeon, Nancy married Tramel Conn. Elizabeth married Thomas Eaton, and had two sons. Margaret (Peggy) married Eevi Collins, and they had a large family. I have track now of most of this generation. They are scat- tered all over the country — Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Mississippi, Kansas, Iowa and other States. I lacked five days of being a year old when my father died — September 5, 1822. I was only eleven years old when my mother died. When I was about seven years old most of the Sturgeons moved from Kentucky and settled in Johnson County, Indiana, *It has since been learned that a second daughter married Christian Young and left issue (see will) a Mr. Young probably of this line, once tried to get up an interest in the Scotch Estates. 176 HISTORY OF THE HUME. FAMILY. around Franklin, the county seat, and Trafalgar, a small village in same county. When my mother died, July 13, 1833, I and my brothers went to live with my mother's brother, Robert Tyler and his wife, Mary Lawrence Chambers Tyler, They were very kind to us. It was long after I was grown, before I knew where my Sturgeon rela- tives lived after they went to Indiana; but now, November 14, 1901, I have track of all or most of them. I got my name from my grandmother Tyler's side. Her mother's and father's names were Isaac and Leah Hughes. My grandfather Tyler married their daughter, and they named one of their sons Isaac Hughes, after Grandma Tyler's father. So, when I was born my father and mother named me Isaac Hughes Sturgeon, after mother's brother, Isaac. He was a fine man, well educated and a fine lawyer. Five of my grandfather Tyler's sons became lawyers; viz.: Isaac W., Edward, Robert, John W. and Charles Tyler. Samuel died at twenty years of age. Levi, the oldest was a good lawyer; but never practiced. They had seven sons and three daughters. Nelly died when two years old; Elizabeth married my father, and Mary married Allen How, one of the best of men. Several years ago, while on a business trip to Louisville, I decided to visit the home of my childhood and the graves of my father and mother. I hired a stonemason to take us up to the old Baptist Long Run Church. As we came back we crossed a field roamed over by cattle, and I noticed two neglected graves un- enclosed, that cattle roamed over. I called Mr. Johnson's atten- tion to the graves and their neglect. Why, said he, they are the graves of your great-grandpa and ma Hume. I got him to go with me at once to Mr. Gregg, who owned the land, and I wanted to buy the acre around the graves. He would not sell; but said I could enclose the graves with a heavy stone wall. In 1896 my cousin, Geo. W. Conn, wrote me that two little walnut trees had grown up inside the walls, and the walls were out of order, I got him to have the trees dug up and get new stone and lay the walls in cement. He has it done and so well done that it would take an earthquake to disturb the walls again. On September 1, 1897, the members of the Baptist Church de- cided to hold the Centennial of the old church, and I was asked to come to it. WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OP EMIGRANT GEORGE. 177 I had got hold of the ordaination paper of my Uncle John, and the only hymn he ever tried to compose. I had them nicely printed and bound and sent to the church, and when I got there they had them hung up on the wall, one on each side of the pulpit. Uncle John has a great grandson living here, Rev. Menta Sturgeon, who was then, and is now, the minister of Tower Grove Baptist Church, in this city. *Hon. Isaac Hughes Sturgeon, the representative of the John Hume branch of William Hume's family was born in Kentucky, 1821., and is now. Nov. 10, 1902, 81 years old. His father, Thos. Sturgeon, Junior, died when the son was less than one year old, and left the mother with a family of three small children. The mother died before the lads had passed out of childhood into youth, and then they were left to the care of the Tyler relation. They being descendants of the Tyler family from which President Tyler came. In early manhood young Thomas entered the office of Hon. Warden Pope, of Louisville, Ky., and began the study of law, in which profession he was to be a bright and shining light. In 1855, young and buoyant, Mr. Sturgeon turned his back on the historic hills of his childhood and came to St. Louis. Then a struggling young village occupied by a truly American population and pulsating with the best blood in the old South. Into this kindred stream young Sturgeon plunged and so well did he fit into his place as a leader in the exclusive sets of the old city that he soon sought and won the hand of one of St. Louis' fairest daughters and in 1856 he led to the altar Miss Ann Celeste Allen, the light of whose sweet face yet sheds its benediction upon his way as together they watch for the going down of the sun. The Sturgeon Home is one of the few land marks of Early St. Louis. Bellegarde they named the historic pile when more than 50 years ago it lifted its stately walls from the hill top above the Lordly River in the midst of one of the richest plantations of the new west. This beautiful old mansion with its stately halls, its old statu- ary and pictures, its old furniture and books, once the gayest as it is now one of the quietest homes in the great city. Here in old Bellegarde, Mr. Sturgeon was married, here in this home, to one of *See note end of Chapter. 178 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. the fair daughters of the family, Winston Churchill, the gifted young son of St. Louis, was married, and here only a few days ago, Lucretia, the beautiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sturgeon— their youngest, gave her heart and hand to young Dr. Green, of this city, another scion of an old American family. During the fifty years of his residence in St. Louis Mr. Stur- geon has occupied the places of highest trust in the gift of the peo- ple, as well as federal appointments of high trust. Assistant U. S. Treasurer under Franklin Pierce, he has been a strong power in politics to the present time, having held federal appointments under every President from Pierce to McKinley. The city of St. Louis is indebted to him for saving it to the Union in the stormy days of '61. Being personally acquainted with Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Pope and the President he devined the ef- forts being made by the Confederates to capture the U. S. muni- tions of war at Jefferson Barracks and St. Louis, and secured an order from the War Department for a guard sufficient to save the city from being taken by the rebels, and it was not a day too soon. For this intrepid conduct Mr. Sturgeon received a letter of thanks from Secretary Stanton and President Lincoln. Mr. Sturgeon was for a long time president of the North Mis- souri — now the Wabash — Railroad He has been successively elected comptroller of the city, and has filled other offices of trust in the city of St. Louis; retiring only when he had crossed the border line of eighty years. His line is as follows: John Hume, killed by Indians in defending his father at time of Floyd's massacre, in Jefferson County, Ky., February, 1783. He w T as but sixteen years of age, but saved the life of his father, who was wounded, but recovered. His body was buried with the thirteen soldiers in a sink hole. The State of Kentucky has since erected a monument over this grave. William, younger son, died of smallpox about 1790, Sarah married Thos. Sturgeon April, 1786. She had five sons and five daughters. She and her husband both died 1833. Their children were: (1) John Hume Sturgeon married Nancy Netherton; reared a large family. (2) Simpson Sturgeon married Sally Goolsby, and reared a large family. He died in 1886, at Long Run, Ky. (3) James Sturgeon. william hume, fourth son of emigrant george. 179 (4) Hume Sturgeon. (5) Thomas Sturgeon, born 1793; married Elizabeth Tyler, niece of President John Tyler, August 25, 1816; had three sons; died September 5. 1822. His wife died 1833. (6) Jane M. Sturgeon married Thos. Forsyth; reared a large family. (7) Mary married her cousin Thos. Law Sturgeon; left issue. (8) Nancy married Trammel Conn; with issue, (9) Elizabeth married Thomas Eaton; had one child. (10) Margaret married Levi Collins; reared a large family. Thomas Sturgeon, who married Elizabeth Tyler, had the following children: (1) Edward T. Sturgeon died July 6, 1885. (2) Thos, L. Sturgeon died July 11, 1875. (3) Hon. Isaac H. Sturgeon, born September 10, 1821. Mar- ried Ann Celeste Allen, of St. Louis, daughter of late Hon. Beverly Allen and niece of Maj. Gen. John A. Pope, whose family is related to that of Gen. Washington. Mrs. Sturgeon still lives. Their children are as follows: (1) Beverly Allen Sturgeon, Assistant Comptroller, St. Louis. (2) Robert Tyler Sturgeon, Cashier Merchants' Laclede National Bank, St. Louis. (3) Pope Sturgeon, Treasurer Missouri Trust Company, St. Louis. (4) Penelope Sturgeon. (5) Tyler Sturgeon, with St. Louis Electric Lighting De- partment. (6) Clara H. Sturgeon. (7) Lockwood Sturgeon, attorney-at law. (8) Lucretia Hall Sturgeon married Dr. John Green, Jr., 1902. (9) Thos. E. , Elizabeth T. and Nannie Sturgeon are dead. Rev. John Hume Sturgeon was ordained a minister in the Baptist Church at Long Run, in 1829. I remember to have ridden on horseback behind my mother to see the service. The following is a hymn he composed, with the music to which it has been sung for nearly a century: ! 180 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. PARTING HAND. Words by Rev. John [Hume Sturgeon, 1829. Music by J. J. Ingalls. 1805. This is th music to which this song was sung in the time in which the Author lived. , , Fine. f My Christian friends,inbondsof love, Whose heartsin sweetest union prove, \ *' \ Your friendship's like a drawing band, Yet we must take the parting hand, / lilgllilSf^ifitli^pi D.C.— And when I see that we must part, You draw like cords around my heart. ~1— 4- D.C. :<3=*^ IST-S * =2fczz£rzx!:±z£zzst._2zJ Your comp'ny'ssweet.your union dear, Your words delight-ful to my ear. E .^ — ♦- rft *=* fi 1 1— F=FT 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. How sweet the hours have passed away Since we first met to sing and pray; How loth we are to leave the place, Where Jesus shows His smiling face. Oh, could I stay with friends so kind, How it would cheer my drooping mind; But duty makes me understand That we must tike the parting hand. How oft' I've seen your flowing tears, And heard you tell your hopes and fears; Your hearts with love were seen to flame; Which makes me hope we'll meet again. Ye mourning souls lift up your eyes To glorious mansions in the skies; Oh, trust His grace — in Canaan's land We'll take no more the parting hand. And now my friends, both old and young, I hope in Christ you'll still go on, And if on earth we meet no more, Oh, may we meet on Canaan's shore. I hope you'll all remember me, If you, on earth no more I see; An int'rest in your prayers I crave, That we may meet beyond the grave. WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 181 8. Oh, glorious day! — oh, blessed hope! My soul leaps forward at the thought: When in that happy, happy land We'll no more take the parting hand. 9. But with our blessed, holy Lord, We'll shout and sing with one accord; And there we'll all with Jesus dwell, So loving Christians, fare you well. Yours respectfully, Isaac H. Sturgeon. JOHN HUME'S WILL. In the Name of God. Amen. I, John Hume, of Jefferson County, do make, constitute and ordain this my last will and testament; that is to say, I give Thomas Sturgeon three hundred acres of land, including the plant- ation whereon he now resides, and to be laid off in north corner of my pre-emption, to him and his heirs forever. I give to Christian Young three hundred acres of land including the plantation whereon he now resides; to be bounded on the North by Huse's Branch, to join the northeast line of my pre-emption and to extend southwardly from the branch and to join the southeastern boundry of said pre-emption to him and his heirs forever, and in the event of the death of his wife, Elizabeth, the said three hundred acres shall go and descend to her two sons, John and Peter Young, to be divided between them according to quantity and quality. It is my will and desire that my beloved wife, Jeane, hold and enjoy the remaining four hundred acres of my said pre-emption, including the plantation whereon I now reside, during her widow- hood, and in the event of either her marriage a second time or death, the said four hundred acres shall go and descend to John Sturgeon and Hume Sturgeon, my grandsons, to be equally divided between them according to quantity and quality. It is my desire that my executors hereinafter named, cause to be made the sum of ;wo hundred pounds current money, out of my personal estate ind debts due me, which is to be equally divided between the children of Mary Loverain. It is my will and desire that my negro wench, Ella, remain with my wife during her widowhood and in the event of her mar- iage a second time, or death, the negro shall go and descend to ny daughter, Sarah Sturgeon and her heirs forever. I give to my 182 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. beloved wife her choice of two cows out of my stock of cattle, and the balance of all my stock of every kind I give to Thomas Sturgeon and Christian Young, to be divided between them, an equal portion to each. I constitute and appoint Thomas Sturgeon and Robert Breck- inridge executors of this my last will and testament. Signed, sealed, published and pronounced in the presence of A. Breckinridge, John Potts, Geo. R. C. Floyd and Ro. Breckin- ridge. May 2, 1798. John Hume. [Seal] The foregoing will of the late John Hume was written by me, agreeable to the directions of the said Hume and that all the de- vises therein contained were made at his particular request; that after the said will was written the said Hume, as well as I recol- lect subscribed and acknowledged the same before the subscribed witnesses thereto, that immediately afterward the said Hume de- posited it with me for safe keeping, and that in sundry conver- sations which the said Hume held with me relative to the man- ner in which he had devised his estate, he uniformly mentioned the will deposited with me as his last will and that the provisions met his approbation and desires. I have subscribed the foregoing will as a witness upon the conditions above stated, and if called upon to make oath thereto it is to be under these circumstances. Oct. 4, 1802. Ro. Breckinridge. At a court held for Jefferson County, October 4, 1802, the within instrument of writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of John Hume deceased, was produced in court and proved by the oaths of Geo. R. C. Floyd and Robert Breckinridge, witnesses thereunto and ordered to record, Test. Worden Pope, Clerk, S. C. A Copy. Attest; Wm. P. Johnson, Clerk. By Lenne Lit beck, D. C. Eed. George Hume, oldest son of William Hume, by Gran- ville Woman, was born in October, 1755, in the city of Fredericks- burg, Va., where his father was engaged in keeping a store. So old records read. Young Hume was nearer to the home of his maternal than his parental ancestors, and received most of his early WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. ' 183 training among them, and when he grew to manhood he married Elizabeth, eldest daughter of George Procter, Jr., his second cousin. This marriage occurred in 1780, or 1781, soon after his return from a seven years service in the American Army, having with his father and brother served under the command of the elder Hume's early playmate, Geo. Washington. At the close of the struggle he found himself penniless; but having in 1782 re- ceived a patent for lands in the territory of Virginia, he came with his young family to what is now the State of Kentucky, and locat- ed at Harrodsburg. The Humes — father and sons — belonged to a party of emigrants who came over the mountains together to found a church of their own faith in which Hume, Jr., was a preacher and of which all were members. On their arrival at their destination it was learned that all the lands near the city had been taken and that they would have to go to some remote point to get bodies of land of sufficient size to locate — or ''lay," as the early settlers called it — their warrants. So, accordingly John Hume, the older, as has been told went to Long Run. George went northward to Campbell, one of the upper counties — so-called. Jarred also went to the upper counties, and Elzephan went across the river into Ohio, where he followed the calling of a civil engineer, and was one of the party who plotted the city of Cincin- nati, then known as Losantiville. The daughter, Betsy, married a Mr. Coleman, of Virginia, and lived near Lexington. Patrick was a lad of 10 or 12 years, and lived with his father in Campbell County, at the home of Elder George, George Hume had two children born in Virginia, Anna, born in 1781, and John, born 1782, the latter being but a few weeks old when he was taken to Kentucky, At Harrodsburg, William, the noted preacher, was born March 30, 1786. One daughter, Katie, and another son, Aquilla, also first saw the light at the same place. In 1791 the family came to the new home and erected a cabin--a part of the present old house — and built a stockade around it, and here the other children were born to the first wife, who died in 1797. Lewis, 1793; Phoebe [Rice], 1795, Agnes, 1796, and an in- fant, which survived its mother only a few weeks. Here the father married a second time, 1799, and here was born the second family of children Elizabeth, George and Sarah. 184 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. The old house was remodelled in 1812, and is still standing in a good state of preservation. A cut is shown in these pages. George Hume married for his second wife Susan Hutchinson, of her anticedents nothing is known. She died in 1819, and he, old and infirm, was drawn into -the weakest act of his life, a third marriage to a lady about his own age, living at Rising Sun, Ind. Her name is unknown. He survived this union but three or four months, and died at her home in Rising Sun, Ind. He was then pastor of a church near that place. The date of his death is not known, except that it occurred in 1821. He was buried at Rising Sun, Ind. His life was an active one. He established nearly all the churches of his denomination in Kentucky at that time, and preached to them until his death. Of his sons and daughters, part of the history is quite clear, part is lost. Anna Hume was born in Virginia, in 1781; married Edward Stephens, and died in 1855. They had seven children, as fol- lows: (1) Sarah Stephens, born 1803, married Northcutt, had a large family of children. (2) Nathaniel Stephens, born 1805, died 1877, married a McKenzie and died in Posey County, Ind; has descendants in Posey County. [See Fletchall and Recter. J (3) Elizabeth G. Stephens, born 1808, married Huffman, and has descendants in Covington, Ky. Edward and William are the ones known to the author. (4) Silas S. Stephens, born 1810, died 1866. Betsy Stephens, Bank Lick, Ky., is a scion of this line. (5) George Hume Stephens, born 1814, married a Miss Bagby, had two daughters, Satyra m. Jones, who moved to Knox- ville, Tenn., ard died; Georgiana was the second daughter. (6) William G. Stephens, born 1817. (7) Weeden Stephens, born 1820, married Nancy Ann Fennel, went to Posey County, Ind. Efforts have been made to get further data concerning the de- scendants of this family, but with poor success. John Hume, second son of Rev. George, Hume, Jr. , and Elizabeth Procter, Jr., was born in 1783, married 1801. Betsy Coleman had ten children, married second, Susan McKenzie, and had one child, died 1845. WILLTAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 185 (1) George, born 1801, married Mary Huffman, died 1873. (2) Coleman married first Elizabeth Low, secondElizabeth Neel. (3) John Banks Hume, born 1817, married Nancy Pelly about 1848, died in Kenton County, Ky., 19C0; a very active man and one to whom much is due for the matter contained in this book. In letters addressed to the author many early incidents are recorded. He lived at the residence of his father during his childhood and being of a disposition to remember much of the tradition of that early day, related in his correspondence many incidents of early life, such as are already written. His children are as follows: (1) Laura A. Hume, born 1849, married S. S. Losey. had five children, as follows: William C. , born 1873; Emma F. , born 1875: Almeda E., born 1880; John S., born 1883; Mary A., born 1887, (2) John James, born 1851, married Ella M. Marshall, had five children. Their names are: Beatrice Alice, born 1886; Edna Gladys, born 1888; Jessie May, born 1890; John Marshall, born J1895; Roy Virgil, born 1896. (3) Lieuticia F. , born 1852, married David Harris, had iour children: Ida C, born 1874; Julia A., born 1876, died; Lizzie F., born 1877; James B., born 1886. (4) William Colbert Hume, born 1855, married Sally A. Nicholson. Has assisted in work of author. On his branch almost .he entire work has been compiled by him. He lives at Nicholson, Ivy. His children are as follows: Harry C, born 1885; William Hfarley, born 1886; Clair N. , born 1888; Claude Leroy, born 1890; >ace Edith, born 1892; Hazel Eva, born 1895: Mabel Alice, )orn 1897. (5) Benjamin Procter Hume, born 1857, married Menta 2onrad, had four children, as follows: Ralph B, Hume, born 884; Lena M., born 1886; Nannie, born 1889; Alfred C,, born 893. 1(6) Sarah Almeda Hume was born 1859, died unmarried. (7) Mary A., born 1862, married Amos C. Ewing, had >ur children: Leola May, born 1891; Golda Leyle, born 1894; ■eulah Inez, born 1896; Clyde C. , born 1901. 186 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. (8) Granville C. Hume, born 1865, married Anna Pope, have no children. George Elbert Hume, born 1868, married Lizzie M. Gib- son, has three children: Earl E., born 1895; Rowena F., born 1898; Drury E., born 1900. Achsia Hume, born 1806, married William Reese, had one child, Second, married Fred Davenport and had three chil- dren. She died in 1898, aged ninety-two years. Agnes Hume, married Jacob Boyton, moved to Nebraska and died in Nemaha County in that State; no dates given. , Julia married John Bussell, had one boy and two girls. Mary married Elias Ross, had four children, lived in Ken- j ton County, Ky, Anna married James Yoke, had two boys and two girls, and lived in Nemaha County, Neb. William Granville married Nancy Neel. Second, Lisy Walker. Is living in Louisville, Ky. Has large family. By second marriage John Hume had one child, Susan, married William Wellman. Rev. William Hume , second son of Elder George Hume. The American patriot and Kentucky pioneer was bom at Harrodsburg, Ky., March 30, 1786. He became one of the most noted preach- ers in the state, and many of the older citizens of the upper coun- ties remember him for his great oratorical powers. He could, on a still day be heard distinctly for more than a mile, and instances are yet recalled of his having been heard a distance of two miles when the air was still in the evening. Those who knew him say he was scarcely less original in his ministerial methods than Lorenzo Dow. He married a Miss Betsy Aldrich and lived and reared his family on part of his father's early pre-emption in Kenton coun-|l ty, Ky. He died of cholera after having preached one of his most powerful sermons, July 8, 1849, and is buried in Independence cemetery; a beautiful monument marks his last resting place Betsy was born July 10, 1791 and died March 12, 1877. Their children, ten in number, all of whom are now'dead were as follows: (1) Lucy Hume, born in Kentucky, October 13, 1808, mar- i ried James McKenzie; came to Missouri and reared a large family near Moberly, Mo. Mrs. S. S, Rich, Mrs. Desken and Mr. John WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 187 McKenzie of that city who died recently, are well known members of this family. One of the daughters, Amanda, married her cousin P. R. Hume and reared a family, see page 194 for sketch of her family. The author has failed to get any further data concerning this family. (2) Ben Procter Hume, born in Kentucky, April 25, 1810, married and reared a family, but their names and history are un- known at this time. (3) Cassie Hume, born February 3, 1812, married S. Huff- man, descent unknown. (4) Drusilla Hume, born in Kentucky, August 19, 1814, married and went to Texas over 50 years ago. (5) Thomas G. Hume, born in" Kentucky, March 7, 1816, married, had two sons. Both died childless. (6) Mary Hume, born in Kentucky, November 18, 1818. (7) William Wilson Hume, born October 19, 1821, mar- ried Jane Weaver in 1846, had one son and one daughter. Mar- ried second Emily Jane Taylor, emigrated to New Harmon}', Ind., where he died in 1893. His children are as follows: Laura Alice, born in Indiana, married J. M. Noel, died August 1, 1901, leaving two sons, both of whom are living. William Worth Hume, born in Indiana, December 1, 1849, married Elvira Stallings, had two sons and one daughter as follows: Bertha B., born September 16, 1871. married Charles SpangenbErg in 1897, died July, 20 1899, leaving one daughter, Geraldine. Dr. H. C. Hume, born January 1, 1873, married Lily Land of Carmi, Ills., lives now at Paragould, Arkansas, is president of North Arkansas Oil & Feed Co. Had one son, Harry Hume, who died in 1897. A. G. Hume, is a merchant at Paragould, Arkansas, he was born November 12, 1874, is unmarried. Ben Procter Hume, son by second marriage, born April 8, 1861, married Anna Stallings, had one daughter who lives at New Harmony, Ind. Elizabeth Hume, born in Kentucky, March 13, 1825, married Stephens; had four children, one son Ezra, a Real Estate Agent who has assisted the author in this work. Mrs. Anna C. Wilson contributed the following : Elizabeth Stephens, daughter oi Wm. and Betsy Hume, born 188 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. March 13, 1825, died August 20, 1882; had five children all living but one. Almira Inez Stephens, dead, Orien W. Stephens, Ezra A. Stephens, Annie P. Wilson, Flora B. Stallings. Annie P. Stephens, born October 10, A. D. 1855, married Christopher C. Wilson, October 16, A. D. 1873, have three chil- dren. Ida B. Wilson, born December 13, A. D. 1876, married Paul N. Nichols, March 27, 1895. Henry C. Wilson, born June 16, A. D., 1883, died August 16, 1883. Herbert E. Wilson, born December 30, 1885. (9) Martha A. Hume, born in Kentucky, March 20, 1828, married a Mr. Brown, had one daughter. (10) George Jackson Hume, born in Kentucky, July 9 1831, married Martha Osborne, had a son Clinton, who married Sidney Poore; had two children. S. S. Hume, who married and has two sons, both small, and an unmarried daughter. Aouilla Hume, third son of Elder George, born in Kentucky in 1790, married Mary Baker, February 28. 1811, emigrated to Rush county, Indiana, reared a large family as follows: (1) Priscilla, born Dec. 9, 1811, died Dec. 28, 1892. (2) Susanna, born November 13, 1813, married Harry Cole. He was killed by Morgan's Raiders during the civil war. She is living, no issue. The oldest Hume living. (3) Anna, born October 8, 1816. died September 5, 1900. Married Joshua Campbell. February 13, 1835, had the following children: Harvey, born December 3, 1838, died September 30, 1841. John, born September 5, 1841, died 1862. William O., born May 6, 1845, died in 1865. Mary E., born October 6, 1848, George H., born June 18, 1853, died 1882. (4) Harriet, born June 16, 1818, married Joseph D. Clark January 29, 1854. (5) Benjamin Hume, born January 16, 1820, married Eliza Ann Hume, April 31, 1840, had two children as follows: Joshua, born March 11, 1841, married Eliza Freeman, had two sons and three daughters as follows: George, John, Annie (dead), Alice and Myrtle. Annie left a husband and one child. Missouri Hume, born July 4, 1850, married William Brown. WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 1S9 (6) Emily, born in 1822, living. (7) William Hume, born February 8, 1824, married Elvira Dale, had five children as follows: George, born July 16, 1853, died 1865. Frank, about 35 years old. Lee, about 33 years old. Anna, married Eli Harding. John, born April 28, 1850, died 1852. (8) John Hume, born October 28, 1826, married Helen M. Luery. February 28, 1831. Three children as follows: Sarah born 1853, married Alex C. Seright; has a daughter Grace. William, born 1855— Elmer born 1870, died 1900. John and Helen Hume are living in Rush county, Indiana^ (9) George Hume, born March 12, 1830 — living; married Mary E. Busley December 15, 1853; had two children. Melis- sa Alice born July 5, 1855, married John T. Burton June 30, 1873, had two children as follows: Perlee Ellis, born September 12, 1875, one of the editors of the St. Louis Republic, lives in St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Burton compiled this chapter. Melissa Alice died January 11, 1884. Ollie, born 1859, married O. P. M. Hubbard July 1885, and died December, 1888. Aquilla, and Mary Hume had twin children, born and died January 20, 1829. Emily Hume, daughter of Joshua and Ann Hume Campbell, married Marion Shelby and has two sons atd a daughter, Norman J. The prize-fighter Kid McCoy is the oldest. Homer is the younger son. There is also a daughter. The Shelby family lives in New York City. Lewis Hume, son of Rev. George Hume. Grand son of Wil- liam Hume, and great-grandson of Sir George Hume, the emigrant was the youngest surviving son of George Hume, a soldier in the Virginia State Troops in the war for independence and his wife, Elizabeth Procter, daughter of Hezekiah Procter and giand-daugh- ter of George C Procter of Fredericksburg, Ya. Lewis was born August 8, 1793, in the old house still standing in Kenton county, Kentucky (see cut). He spent his childhood here among the Indians, and in the latter days of his life it was his custom to sit for hours recounting the tales of the Kentucky frontier 190 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. from his own life, and of the Revolutionary war which he had from his grandfather, who died at his father's house, when he (Lewis) was 16 years old (1809). When a small lad he learned to love the woods, and used to roam for hours over the knobs and hills of Ken- tucky, in company with an old indian, who had taken up his resi- dence on the hill near where the Hume grave-yard is now located. This old indian loved the pale-faced lad as his own and taught him .to speak the native language, which he spoke fluently until his death. When a child Hume was exceedingly fair skined, hair and eyes almost as white as marble, caused him to be an object of super- stitious reverence among the indians. It is said of him that once after the death of his mother he was sent to the spring a short dis- tance from the house to fetch some water in a large gourd used for that purpose, when he was stolen by a roving band of indians and carried to their camp near Long Run. The child's father was not at home and it was three miles to the nearest house, and the oldest person was a sister of his, named Anna, afterward married to Ed- ward Stephens. She had in her arms a babe of a few weeks, left motherless only a short time before and sick unto death at that time. Frantic with despair she supposed the little brother to be lost to the family forever. A day and a night passed and still the child did not return nor could any tidings be learned of him. A second and a third day passed when just as morning dawned on the fourth day the old indian, footsore and weary, slowly dragged his aged limbs up to the door of the stockade in which the cabin stood, unslung a burden from his back, deposited it quietly on the Moor and untying the deer skin cover, gave back to the sister the sleep- ing child, alive, well but entirely naked. He stooped and gently awakened the child, caressingly patted the white hair of the lad and spoke to him in the pale-face tongue, the words: "Poor little papoose, his mamma gone way up," This sympathy for the child caused by the loss of his mother whose grave was so near the Indian's Cabin had been the cause for this deed of heroism, the equal of which is seldom written in the annals of the most civilized nation. Another instance of generosity of this self-same savage is worthy of more than I shall have space to give it. It is said that a few weeks after the facts just narrated that the elder Hume was away from home visiting among his Virginia neighbors, where WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 191 he and two older children had gone to drive home some cattle when the river rose and blockaded the way for twenty-one days. During the entire time of the father's absence, the sister Anna and three small children; Agnes, aged six years whose after history is un- known, Lewis, the subject of this sketch, aged four years and a baby of three months were entirely alone. Scarcely had the chil- dren been left to themselves than they were attacked by a band of wolves, which had been driven to the hills by the high water and all the store of provisions destroyed and the lives of the helpless children saved with great difficulty. Anna was an expert with a rifle and on the day following that, killed a large turkey, using the last remaining charge of powder. This supply was soon gone and one night, the twelfth after the de- parture of the father, the babe sickened with the croup and died, and lay unburied in the house nine days until the return of the father. During all this time, the family was kept supplied with food by the generosity of the old Indian who came every day and threw a large piece of venison over the stockade into the yard. I remember as a child of often having heard my grandfather over 80 years old tell these tales to his grandchildren, and as often as he told them or mentioned the name of his sister, his eyes filled with tears. The reader will note with sadness that this noble hearted savage met a tragic death when over 100 years old. In 1800 the elder Hume and Lewis his son, found the stiffened corpse of the old Indian alone in the woods near his cabin murdered and scalped and be it said to their credit that they gathered his mangled body, made a rude coffin and laid the old hero forest among their own sainted dead in the little grave yard, over which he had watched so long, and that today, after the lapse of a hundred years during which his deeds live on, the grand old Red Man's bones rest in one of the twenty or more unmarked and unnamed graves, which one we shall never know till the great day shall come, when some who have had better chances will come forth to a sadder doom. In 1799 when Lewis was six years old, the father took for his second wife a Miss Susan Hutchinson and it seems that her lot as step-mother was not strewn with flowers. The boys of the family were true sons of the forest, brought up to the freedom of the open woods and fields. They, and especially the one of whom we write refused to obey the gentle words of the new mother, and at the age 192 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. of nine he was apprenticed to a tanner where he remained three years, but being unable any longer to endure the hardships of such a life and longing for the freedom of his native hills, he ran away when he was not yet twelve years old and joined a camp of sur- veyors of which his uncle Elzephan Hume was a member and be- came ax-man, chainman and scout, always doing his full part as a man. He remained with these people until he was 17 years old. travelling in that capacity over a great part of Indiana. He was at Fort Knox, Indiana in 1804, at Tippecanoe in 1810, the day after the battle he assisted in burying the dead and returned with Har- rison to Vincennes. The famous twelve mile strip, granted by the Kickapoo In- dians to the settlers was part of his labors. The author remembers once as a child to have crossed this line in the company of his grandfather and to have been told that he assisted in surveying this line before he was grown (65 years before). In 1812 the president issued a call for two more companies of troops to go to Canada, and join Commodore Perry. These companies were quickly raised and instead of two hundred men, 800 volunteered. The 200 being chosen from the ranks of the Ken- tucky Scouts. Col. William Ellis was elected captain. Hume and one of his cousins from Madison county, Ky. , joined as privates and went with Ellis to Canada, but arriving at Maiden about the time of Perry's famous battle on Lake Erie were not sent to the front as the destinies of the war were fought out and won by the intrepid commodore before they could be put into commission, Hume re- mained with his command at Maiden, Can., during the year 1812- 13 and was mustered out in January. He started in February to his home in Kentucky, the distance all of which he made on foot, swimming swollen streams amidst floating ice. He lost all his pay in an adventure of this kind on the Maumee river. The stream was swollen to a mile in extent. Hume tied his belongings and money between two poles and attempted to swim with them across the stream but lost money, clothes, discharge and all in the water while bat- tling with floating ice. He, however, reached home safely and spent two more years with the Scouts in Southern Indiana. In 1815 he come home to Kentucky, married Sallie Sleete, a daughter of Wee- don Sleete, and niece of the wife of his Uncle Elza, as Elzaphan Hume was called. He settled on a farm in Boone county and lived there until a san was born, the wife and mother died when WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OP EMIGRANT GEORGE. 193 the child was only eleven days old. Accounts of her death are current as told by grandmother Hume, second wife who was pres- ent are that Sally, the first wife, died from drinking water from a poisoned spring, her father died from the same cause on the same day. The story goes that the family had been drinking water from a spring near the house and that on this occasion some suspicious persons were seen near the spring, but no danger was anticipated uutil father and daughter had sickened, then some young horses drank of the same water and died. Soon the young mother also sickened and died. The father who was sick when the daughter died, arose from the bed, went across the room, stood by the bed side for a few minutes, then to the door and as one moved from on high | delivered a discourse of such strength and power that a great re- ligious awakening started from it. When he had finished he be- stowed his parting blessings upon the assembled audience, crossed the room, lay down upon the bed from which he had risen, and in a few moments was dead. This is the story as told by my grand- mother who was an eye witness. It is also said that on the death of this daughter and her father, another and the last child was born I only an hour later and that she was named in honor of the sister Sally who lay dead under the same roof. The record in the Hume I Bible is as follows: I" Sary Hume, deceased, July 26, 1817." Lewis Hume, married a year later to Mary (Polly) Roberts of Verona, Kentucky. After the second marriage, they lived in Kentucky until 1832, when they emigrated to Dearborn county, Ind. , where the younger children were born. While here Hume had a narrow escape from a tragic death. ; Several young animals had disappeared from his corrals and one morning after a fine colt had been killed, he started to locate the miscreant and strangely enough carried along his rifle with only one charge of powder and no shot. He had not gone far when he came upon an immense brown bear lying down to rest after his night's repast. Master Bruin re- sented the hunter's intrusion with a show of fight, retreat was impossible as the bear was a better runner than the hunter. So nothing was to be done but fight and hastily pouring a charge of powder into his rifle, he discovered that he had no balls, so he cut a plug from the wooden ramrod of his gun and fired with such pre- cision into Mr. Bruin's mouth as to lay him dead at the feet of the 194 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. hunter. This was one of his favorite stories and occurred on a little creek called Laugherty, in Dearborn county, Indiana. From Dearborn county, Hume emigrated with his brother Aquilla, to Rush county, Indiana, in 1836, and settled at Moscow. Here he remained and reared his family, and after several of his children had married he moved to Jasper county, Illinois, in 1854, and from thence in 1860 to Sullivan county, Indiana. He settled within one mile of the scene of his early work, as scout and surveyor in Jefferson township, Sullivan county, In- diana. He died December 23. 1875, and was buried in Indian Prairie Baptist church-yard, his wife, Polly Roberts Hume predeceased him about four years, She died September 15, 1873, a neat mar- ble shaft marks their graves. The following are the names of some of their many descendants: Weeden Elzephan Hume, was born in Campbell county, Kentucky, 1817. Married Rachel Conley, had no children. Married second Mattie Conners Hume, had one daughter, Olive. Emigrated to Edgar county, Illinois, in 1865. Laid out the town of Hume and conducted a successful farming and trading business till 1881 when he died, leaving a wife and child in circumstances of af- fluence. Philip R. Hume, first child by second marriage, born 1819, married first, Rebecca Terrell, had three children, Joseph, born 1837, Mary 1839, William 1841. Joseph died on plains enroute to California in 1853. Mary married Thomas Miner 1860, had one child. Miner, died at Vicksburg, during Civil War. George, the son is married and lives in St. Louis. Mary, married Vincent Goins, had a daughter, Ida who married Young, lives in Ouincy. 111. William Hume, married Mary Williams has twosonsand two daughters, Obie married has two children. Minta, married, two children. Mea, unmarried. George, unmarried. All live on family estate at Moberly, Mo, Phillip married second Amanda McKenzie, his second cousin, a daughter of Lucy Hume McKenzie and James, her husband had four daughters, three of whom are living. Philip emigrated to California in 1853, leaving his family in Missouri where the children grew to womanhood. The mother secured a legal separation, married a second time and died about 1880. He married a third time to Pauline Bastine, daughter of a French Trader in British Columbia. Had four daughters as fol - WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 195 lows: Rosa, living at Grassvalley, California. Louisa, married John Hatcher, of Ohio, died. Mary, married, died, left three children, Susie, married David Ferguson, died. No living issue. (3) Louisa J.Hume, oldest daughter and third child, was born in Harrison county, Kentucky, July 15, 1820, came with her par- ents to Rush county, Indiana, in 1836, married Benjamin Machlan a prosperous farmer in June, 1840, had seven children as follows: Sarah, born May 31, 1841, married Samuel Carpenter, March 14, 1858, had two sons, Rev. John, born July 8, 1866. He was a clergyman in the Episcopal church. A man of great ability and splendid attainments. Educated at DePaw University, Indiana, occupied a very high station in his church. He died while on a vacation at his mother 's home in Indiana, during the heated days of August 1902, from heat stroke. He was unmarried. Owen, born July, 19, 1873. Married Elsie D. Miller, May 7, 1895. No issue Lives in Rush county, Indiana. Sarah had two daughters and a son, who died in infancy. Benjamin Machlan and Louisa Jane, his wife had six other children. James H., the second child was born November 4, 1843 and died November 8, 1847. Mary L., the third child was born February 20, 1847. Mar- ried I). W. Greene, lives in Rush county, Indiana. Has the fol- lowing children; E. R., E. M., B. E., W. E., W, P., and H. C. Greene. John L-, fourth child was born February 10, 1850, died March 7, 1863, Wilbur F. Oldest living son, born November 12, 1854, married Julia White, October 1876, lives at 226 N. Noble Street, Indianapolis, he is Acting Recorder of Deeds of Marion county, has following children: Ethel Faye, born 1878, married James F. Smeed, of Michigan, 1896, had a son, Wilbur F. Smeed, she died 1899. Willie P. Machlan, born 1879, Claude B. born 1882. Mabel E., born 1897. Margaret M., born November 5, 1857, married T. H. C. Hilligoss June, 1876, lives in Maniteau, California. Has a son Raymond living, also one child dead. George W., born January 28, 1862, unmarried. Lives at Aberdeen, Miss., planter. . 196 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. (4) Lucretia Hume, born April 8, 1822, married to Jamks Carpenter in 1841, died December 11, 1893. Lewis Carpenter, born in Rush count)', Indiana, July 17, 1842, married Annie Pierce, February 23, 1868. Mary C. Carpenter, born in Rush county, Indiana, August 15, 1844, married J. A. Chamberlain, September 3, 1864. Louisa J. Carpenter, born in Rush county, Indiana, Feb- ruary 15. 1846, married Charles Cadman, June 6, 1868, died March, 4, 1900. Catherine Carpenter, born at Whitewater, Walworth county. Wisconsin, July 6, 1849, married John Hackett. Died December 13, 1898. Laura A. Carpenter, born at Whitewater, Walworth coun- ty, Wisconsin, December 25, 1853, mariied James Willis, Decem- ber 25, 1874. Jerushia Carpenter, born at Whitewater, Walworth coun- ty, Wisconsin, 1854. Died May 28, 1870. Francis C. Carpentp:r, born at Whitewater, Walworth county, Wisconsin, April 1, 1856 married George Greenwood, (dead) January 1, 1873. James Carpenter Jr. , born Whitewater, Walworth county, Wisconsin, February 5, 1859. Married Laura Storms, October 3, 1882. Joseph E. Carpenter. Born at Whitewater, Walworth county, Wisconsin, May 5, 1861, married Hattie Mansfield, June 9, 1888. William Carpenter. Born at Whitewater, Walworth coun- ty, Wisconsin, September 1863, married Winnie Riggs. Alice Carpenter. Born at Whitewater, Walworth county, Wisconsin, 1886, married Hal Saunders. (5) Margaret Hume, fifth child of Lewis Hume by his second marriage, was born 1823. Married Robert C. Bishop, 1862, had one child. Jefferson D. born August 11, 1865. She died 1884 in Ripley county, Missouri. Jefferson, her son, married first Can- dace Johnson, had one child, Orpha, a daughter. Married second Clydie Laud, had three or four children. (6) John Hume was born in Harrison county, Kentucky in 1825. Came to Indiana.in 1836, married Frances Byland of Rush county, Indiana. Reared eleven children, all of whom are living WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 197 and have families of their own. He died 1890. Frances died 1894. Their children and grandchildren are a follows: Weeden, born 1851, married Hannah Willoby, had nine children as follows: Alice, born 1876, died 1892. William, born 1879 living. Olive born 1880, died 1882, two daughters died 1883. Robert, born 1887, died 1888. Weeden, born, and died 1891. Ralph, born 1894; Living. Pansy, born 1898; living. Rosanna Hume, born 1853. Married Josiah Beck, has Charlie, John, Daisy, Rosie, Carrie, Bertha, Roy and Cordelia Beck, lives at Pleasantville, Indiana. Louis C. Hume, born 1855, married Daisy Cartmel, has four children, as follows. Isabel Hume, born 1857, married John Beck 1882, has five children as follows: Fannie, Carrie, Florence, John, and Elva Beck. Mary, born 1860, married William McCammon, has three chil- dren. Carl, Bessie and Ivan. Nancy, born 1862, married Win. Taylor, has four children as follows: John, Mary, Raymond and Lawrence Taylor. Elijah, born 1864, married Matilda Workman, has Irvine, Roscoe and Gilbeit Hume, Lives at Carlisle, Indiana. Joseph, born 1866, married Jane McCammon. Has four chil- dren, as follows: Walter, Bernie, Rush and Paul. Clarice, born 1869. married Dr. V S. J. Alsman. Had four children, two of which are dead. Those living are: Bynum and Ruth. They are living in St. Louis. Dr. Wm. T. Hume, born 1871, m. Izetta Watson, second Carrie Schultz, has one son, Ferdinand. Lives at Olney, Illinois, and is a veterinary surgeon. Florence, born 1874, married John Wilkerson, has three children, Fannie, Grace and Max Wilkerson, lives at Princeton, Ind. (7) Penelope Hume, born January 22, 1829, married Ezekiel Jones 1854, had seven children as follows: Susan M., born January 16, 1854, died July 9, 1859. Lewis E. , born May 25, 1857, living and unmarried. Rebecca, born November 29, 1849, married W. T. Colyear. Died January 18, 1895, leaving five children living and one dead as follows: Fannie, born February 2, 1879, married Dora Padgett, one child. George, born April 12, 1881. Nellie, born September 198 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. 19, 1884. Luanda, born April 20, 1887, died March 27, 1888. Earl, born January 10, 1886. Pearl, born March 18, 1891. Lucinda M. born February 25, 1861, married February 5, 1882 to James M. Bishop. Has eight children, all living. As follows: Antoinette E. born November 11, 1882. Laura E., born October 4, 1884. Samuel E., born September 21, 1886. Myrtle O. , born September 8, 1888. Marvin L , born January 1895. Izette M., born February 2, 1807. Fannie L- P., born May 12, 1899. Infant. Louisa J., born January 10, 1863, married I. B. Cox, Decem- ber 1878, died 1902, had six children, five now living as follows: Ida, born October 2, 1879. Isaac, born July 19, 1881. Grover, born December 10, 1884. Maggie, born October 7, 18N7. Edna, born November 9, 1896. Edward, born March 18, 1899. Tressie, born April 18, 1901. Louisa, died August 20, 1901, George W. Jones, born March 24, 1865, married March 17, 1887, had two children, one now living. Infant born January 3 and died January 7, 1888. Mary born 1896, living. John T. Jones, born February 8, 1869, married July 4, 1893, has four children all boys: Franzo, born April 4, 1893, Russell, born November 15, 1895; Wilbur, born July 5, 1898; George, born December 1900. All these living are residents of Sullivan county, Indiana. Post office address, Pleasantville, Indiana. (8, 9.) Susan Hume and Sarah Hume, twins, born March 31, 1831. Susan married Anthony Boes, of Indianapolis, Indi- ana; had two children. Marion born 1855, married Tattie D, McDonald, lives at Shelbyville, Indiana, and is a contractor and builder. Fannie, born 1859, married Ira Brookbank, of Rush county, Indiana, a prosperous farmer. She is an artist of ability. No issue. Susan died, 1895. Sarah married George Trowbridge, of New York, Feb- ruary 7, 1854; reared a large family of daughters as follows: WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 199 Flora, born November 20, 1854. Mary, born March 1, 1858. Anna, born March 11, 1860. Infant, born and died August 3, 1867. Katie, born November 21, 1869. Jane, born November — , 1871. Flora, married Frank Stretcher, of Jasper county. Illinois, January 14, 1875; had eight children as follows: George E., born February 11, 1876. Jane, born January 18, 1879. Arthur, born October 22, 1881. Naomi, born June 7, 1884. Orpah, born January 29, 1887. Stella, born March 1, 1890. John T., born October 21, 1892. Sarah M., born August 2, 1895. Mary, born March 1, 1858, married David Kibler, 1877, had eight children as follows: Marinda, born February 8, 1878. John, born July 15, 1880. Estelle, born September 30, 1882, died June 5, 1883. Charley, born November 6, 1884. Lula, born, April 2, 1888. Arthur, born January 29, 1893. Sarah, born November 29, 1893. Zena, born September 29, 1891. Marinda, married Alvin Miller October 6, 1897. Infant daugh- ter, bora July 19, 1898, died August 26, 1893. Infant son, born July 9, 1899, died July 11, 1899. Virgil, born August 22, 1900. Anna Trowbridge married George Laws, February 11, 1883 had nine children; four sons and five daughters. Infant daughter born February 16, 1884. Irvine, born August 12, 1885. Allie, born March 10, 1887. Walter, born July 13, 1890. Flora, born May 19, 1894, Tresse, born April 27, 1896. Lucy, born October 25, 1898. Albert, born March 7. 1900. Roy, born May 20, 1901. 200 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Infant daughter died February 18, 1884. Lucy died April 16, 1899. Irvine died November 30, 1900. Kate Trowbridge, married Tyra Ransford April 3, 1892, had one child, Naomi, married 2d. Peter T. Johnson November 10, 1897, had two children, one dead. First a daughter, born August 23, 1898, died November 16, 1898; Second, Everett, born January 24, 1901. Jane Trowbridge, married Rev. Harry Todd, a minister in regular Baptist church October 26, 1891. Has two sons. Ar- vill, born September 3, 1893. Hume, born February 12, 1896. They live at New Harmony, Indiana. Mr. Todd edits a religious weekly newspaper, The Gospel Light. ( 10) Joseph C. Hume, only living son of Lewis Hume and his wife, Mary Roberts, was born in Dearborn county, Indiana, August 25, 1835. When one year of age he was taken by his parents to Rush county where he continued to reside during his childhood and youth, when he became of age he and his father emigrated to Jasper county, Illinois, where they located a patent for some land given to the Elder Hume for service in Canada in 1812-13. There he met and married November 26, 1860, Rebecca Benefiel, daugh- ter of Israel Benefiel, and grandaughter of Col. John Benefiel of New Jersey. *Col. Benefiel was one of the pioneers of the state of Ohio; a member of the Territorial Legislature of that state, resided in the old fort at Cincinnati then known as Losantiville. Israel the above mentioned sou was born in the old fort. Col. Benefiel assisted in surveying the city as elsewhere mentioned, Elzephan Hume being one of the same party. In 1809. Col. Benefiel bought the property in Knox, now Sullivan county, Territory of Indiana known as Fort Haddon, near the village of Carlisle where he con- tinued to reside until his death in 1840. His wife Rebecca Fitz James was born in Scotland, her parents were engaged in the cause of Prince Charlie Stewart in 1745, and refugeed for some years, but finally were paroled, an amnesty provided they should come to America. When Rebecca was 16 years old they bade Scotland farewell, bringing away as a relic an old conch shell which is now, 119 years later, in the hands of the author. The Benefiels were in the time of King Charles II of England, high in court circles. Sir Henry Bennefiel, as the name was then spelled, was a Jesuit Priest and confessor to the King, but af- *See note end ot chapter. WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 20 1 ter the advent of Oliver Cromwell, Fr. Bennefield and his brother were banished and came to Maryland, then a refuge for Catholics. Fr. Bennefield died of hardship, the younger son married a pro- testant and settled in New Jersey and reared a family of several sons, only one of whom is known to the author. *Col. John, my great-grandfather' before mentioned, born in 1760, died in 1840. Robert and Hiram were two of his sons. Israel Benefiel was born 1806, in the old fort at Cincinnati; married Sarah Davidson, daughter of Daniel Davidson, son of Maj. General William Lee Davidson, killed at Cowan's Ford, in the Revolutionary War, General Davidson signed the Mecklenberg declaration of independence, the first paper written by the colonies favoring independence from England. Israel was a Lieutenant in Mexican war. The Davidson family living at Carlisle, Ind., is as follows : Nancy, born 1800, married Benj. Lamb, left a family. (2) Betsy, m. Harrison Allsman left John, Daniel and Sarah Allsman Bedwell. (3) Miranda, m. Benjamin Sisson, left four daughters, Judith, Mary Pauline and Miranda, and two sons John and Daniel. Sarah men- tioned before, married Isreal Benefiel had John, living in Oregon, Elizabeth dead, Mary dead. Jane Hunt died leaving issue. Robert married Clarissa Monroney, daughter of Elizabeth Hume Monroney (see proper chapter). He was a captain in Civil War. Hiram and Daniel Benefiel, twins, left sons. Daniel died at Vicks- burg, Miss. Hiram was assassinated after his discharge from Com- pany L, 5th Illinois Cavalry. Belle married Lee Beckwith. Rebecca, the third child, was omitted from the proper place in the list in order to give her notice in connection with the marriage with Joseph C. Hume, (which see). She was born in Fort Had- don, Indiana, July 10, 1833, and is living (see cut). Thomas Davidson, left several sons and daughters, Charles Rush, Frank, Fanny, Lizzie, Carrie [and Cora. George died in Arkansas. David died in Mexican War. Daniel lives in Cali- fornia, all except David had issue. America Davidson m. Morton Hacket left issue, David, Rich- ard, Eliza, Mary, India and Levi. The Davidson family came from Scotland to North Carolina in 1745, after the defeat at Culloden Moor. Mary Enochs Davidson, wife of Daniel Davidson, died in 1880 aged 97 years. She was born in North Carolina in 1782. *See note at end of chapter. 202 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Joseph Hume married Rebecca Benefiel, in Jasper county, Illi- nois, Nov. 26, 1860. To them was born ten children, only five of whom are living, as follows : Dr. John R. Hume, author of this book and several other genealogical and historical works, was born in Sullivan county, Indiana, Aug. 10, 1862. He attended the district school until the age of 19, when he left the ancestral home and located in Missouri. After two years, he left home to attend college, which he did at various places until 1893, he received the degree of Bachelor of Arts from Willamette University, Salem, Oregon. After taking an unofficial course of international law under Ex-Pres. Harrison at Leland Stanford University, at Palo Alto, California, he traveled in the capacity of newspaper corres- pondent over Oregon, California and the Pacific ocean for a few months, but quit the newspaper work to resume his interrupted medical studies, which were done in 1896, taking the M. D. from Barnes' Medical College and A. M, and Ph. D. from the St. Louis University. L. R. C. P. St. Barthalomew, London, in 1899. Three weeks after completing medical work, he was elected pro- fessor of Medical Latin and Chemical Physiology in his alma mater, in which position he has since remained. Dr. Hume married April 18, 1899, Eugenia Williamson, B. A., one of the best educated and most accomplished ladies in St. Louis, a daughter of an old Anglo-American family ; but she survived the marriage only five months, dying of a valvular lesion of the heart, after an illness of five hours. He has traveled extensively in al- most every state in the Union, Canada, Alaska, Mexico, Cuba, England, Scotland, Ireland, Erance and Germany as well as over most of the deep waters of the globe. He is a Knight Templar, a Congregationalist, and a Republican, and resides at 3353 Man- chester avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. (2.) Dr. Edwin L- Hume, born April 21, 1864; educated ir public school and Missouri State Normal School and Barnes' Med- ical College, St. Louis, is superintendent of the Doniphan high school, has been prominently connected with educational work ic Missouri for some 15 years. He married June 7, 1898, Lelia Hill They reside at Doniphan, Missouri. (3.) Maude Hume, born June 8, 1867; educated in public schools and Rife Academy, is an artist of ability, has made sketches for nearly all the pictures in this book, also is secretary of this so ciety. Resides at 3353 Manchester avenue, St. Louis, Missouri: WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 203 Rettie, born Jan. 14, 1870, died Aug. 18, 1884. EsTELLE, born May 18, 1871; educated in State Normal School , has taught in Wayne Academy and Doniphan high school, en- joys a reputation as one of the leading teachers in the Southeast Association ; lives at Doniphan, Ripley county, Missouri. V. Iy. Hume youngest child, born April 17, 1875 ; educated in Doniphan high school. Married Delle Vise, has four children as follows : Marie, Madaline, Norman and Joseph ; lives at Purman, Missouri. Lewis Hume and Mary had several children who died in infan- cy, as follows : William, born and died about 1827, Mary, born and died about 1830, Aquilla, born 1837, died 1843, in Rush coun- ty, Indiana. In the year 1799, Rev. Geo. Hume, married for his second wife, as above stated, Susan Hutchinson. She had by him the follow- ing named children : Elizabeth, born Feb. 4, 1801; Sarah, born 1803, and George, born 1806. Miss S. Belle Walker of Shelby ville, Indiana, a great-granddaughter of Elizabeth Hume-Monroney, has written the following sketch of her descendants. The line of Sarah so far as known, is by Miss Ethel Giegoldt, Aurora, Indiana, and that of George by Mr. S. C. Younkers, his grandson, living at Rosendale, Missouri. DESCENDANTS OF ELIZABETH HUME-MONRONEY. Elizabeth Hume was born near Blue Licks, Ky., Feb 4, 1801; married to James Moroney, in Dearborn county. Jan 1, 1817, her father, Rev. George Hume, performing the ceremony. She died in Shelby county, Indiana, Dec. 9, 1871. To them were born eleven children: (I.) Susan. Born April 19, 1818; married Sylyester Bas- SETT Dec. 23, 1837; died April 23, 1899. To this union were born nine children. (1.) Thankful Bassett. Born May 5, 1838; married John Kennedy; had eight children. Alma Kennedy. Born June 2, 1855; married John Parsons; no issue. Gilbert Kennedy. Born May 14, 1857; married Katherine Runche; have two children, Ralph and Lucile. Otto Kennedy. Born April 18, 1859; married Emma Lane; had one child, Helen; died Jan 29, 1899. 204 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Edward Kennedy. Born Dec. 29, 1890; unmarried. Thos. Kennedy. Born Nov. 8, 1862, unmarried. Susie Kennedy. Born Sept. 13, 1870; married John Rhodes; one child. Albert Kennedy. Born May 5, 1874; married Maud Merril. Mary Kennedy. Born May 27, 1877; married Fred. Jones; no issue. (2.) James M. Bassett. Born April 12, 1840; married Clara Norvel; had seven sons: Nobel Bassett. Born Sept. 27, 1863; married Ona Sally. have three children, Mary, Margaret and James. George Bassett. Born Jan. 27, 1875; married Rose Gray; have two daughters, Hazel and Clyde. Elmer Bassett. Born June 10, 1867; married Minnie Ford; no issue. Curtis Bassett. Born Dec. 10, 1868; married Minnie Walk- er; no issue. Walter Bassett. Born April 10, 1873; married Bertha Gordon; no issue. Hayes Bassett. Born May 17, 1876; died April 2, 1895. Clancey Bassett. Born June 17, 1897, unmarried. (3.) Eliza Bassett- Born Dec. 7. 1847; married George Hinds; have six children: Melvin Hinds. Born April 20, 1861; married Carrie Powell; have two children, Merlie and Ruby. Frankie Hinds. Born Sept. 15, 1864; married Charles Walker; have one son, Paul. Eeonard Hinds. Born July 2, 1868; married Carrie Pickard, died May 31, 1900; no issue. JESSIE Hinds. Born Dec. 25, 1870; married Frank White; have one child, Ruth. Sylvester Hinds. Born May 22, 1873; married Emma Baker; no issue. Mary Hinds. Born March, 1880: unmarried. (4.) Elizabeth Bassett. Born Dec. 17, 1876; married Na- than Nave; have three children: William Nave. Born Dec. 23. 1873; died July 26, 1874. Anna Nave. Born May 21, 1875; married David Elliott; have one son, Earl. George Nave. Born Dec. 14, 1879; married Nora Bassett. WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 205 (5.) Mary J. Bassett. Born June 6, 1849, married Samuel B. Walker; had one child: S. Belle Walker. Born March 23, 1874; unmarried. (6.) William Bassett. Born July 9, 1852; married Sarah Caster; had three children. Arthur Bassett. Born Oct 3, 1876; died Sept. 3, 1879. Chandis Bassett. Born Oct. 21, 1878; married Rose Cros- by; one child: Sarah Frances. Ora Bassett. Born March 29, 1882; died Dec. 9, 1882. (7.) Nancy Bassett. Born Feb. 19. 1855; married Alex. Tindall; has two children: William Tindall. Born Sept. 9, 1876; unmarried. Marie Tindall. Born March 17, 1893; unmarried. (8.) Albert Bassett. Born July 5, 1857; married Kather- ine Fox; had one child. Alonzo Bassett. Born March 23, 1882; married Ella Gra- ham; no issue. (9.) Sylvester Bassett. Born Jan. 3, 1861; married Ljz- elda Carlisle; no issue. (II.) Mary B. Monroney was born March 12, 1820; married Sylvester Town; died Nov. 26, 1864. (I have been unable to get this record farther.) (III.) Catherine Monroney was born June 13, 1822; mar- ried in Carroll county, Missouri, to Jonah Bassett, Aug. 20, 1837. To this union there were born six children: (1.) Elizabeth Bassett. Born Aug. 5, 1838; married James O. Hinds; had three children: Mary Catharine Hinds. Born Dec. 1, 1858, died March 20, 1871. Elizabeth Hinds. Born July 18, 1862, died April 5, 1871. James Hinds. Born Aug. 3, 1872; married Mary Warfield; have two children, Walter and Elizabeth. (2.) Elija Bassett. Born Jan. 29, 1840, died Jan. 18, 1842. (3.) James H. Bassett. Born Oct. 24, 1844; married Susan F. Capp; had five childen. Died Sept. 26, 1888. Cuba Bassett. Born Oct. 7, 1876; unmarried. Bessie Bassett. Born June 20, 1879; unmarried. Carrie Bassett. Born July 30, 1883, unmarried. Alice M. Bassett. Born June 30, 1886, died May 28, 1891. 206 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Fred Bassett. Born July 15, 1887, died July 20, 1887. (4.) William Bassett. Born Sept. 21, 1848, married Elizabeth Higgins; have seven children. 1. Nora Bassett. Born March 29, 1876, married John Bland; have one child, Raymond. 2. Elizabeth Bassett. Born Feb. 25, 1878; married Leoni- das Cochran; have one child, Helen. 3. Andrew Bassett. Born April 16, 1880; unmarried. 4. Wm. Bruce Bassett. Born Nov. 8, 1883; unmarried. 5. Mattie Bassett. Born Sept. 1, 1885; unmarried. 6. Catherine Bassett. Born Mar. 16, 1888. 7. Mary Bassett. Born July 7, 1890. (5.) Alice Catherine Bassett. Born March 2, 1854; married Leonidas Bowman; have two children. Estella Bowman. Born July 2, 1872; married Samuel Moore; have three children, Claude, Paul and Ralph. Leonidas Bowman. Born May 2, 1880. (6.) John Spencer Bassett. Born March 22, 1857; mar- ried Susan F. Bass; have three children: Clarence Bassett. Born Feb. 28, 1880; married Carrie Golding; no issue. Edna Bassett. Born Jan. 16, 1883; unmarried. Earl Bassett. Born Nov. 24, 1886. IV. Sylvester Monroney. Born November 13, 1824; married to Mary Raster March 31, 1850; to this union were born four children: 1. James R. Monroney. Born February 19, 1851. Dead. 2. Sarah F. Monroney. Born April 17, 1852. Living; married Melvin Bowman. 3. Benjamin F. Monroney. Born May 2, 1854. Living. 4. Lewis W. Monroney. Born February 19, 1857. Living. Sylvester Monroney was married to Rebecca McCabe April 27, 1859. To this union were born seven children: 5. Laura Monroney. Born February 17, 1860; married Chittenden; dead. 6. Ida B. Monroney. Born September 29, 1862. 7. Edward Monroney. Born June 26, 1865. 8. Sylvester Monroney, Jr. Born 5, 1867. Dead. 9. Elizabeth M. Monroney. Born July 15, 1869. 10. Clara M. Monroney. Born May 1, 1872. Dead. WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 207 11. Maude Monroney. Born October 5, 1875. Sylvester Monroney, Sr. , died at Yale, 111., March 9, 1878. (V.) George Monroney, born March 19, 1827, married Emeline Alexander, December 13, 1849. To this union were born six children: 1. William. 2. James. 3. Mary. 4. Elizabeth. 5. George. 6. Susan. All are dead except Mary, who married Frank L,each, Decem- ber 11, 1881. To them were born three children, the eldest being dead. Earl, born March 21, 1895, and Etta, born February, 6, 1886. Mary Leach resides at Hutsonville, 111. Her lather died at Nashville, Tenn., June 21, 1864, in Union Army. (VI.) William Monroney, Sr. Born September 7, 1829; died February 21, 1849; soldier in Mexican War. Unmarried. (VII.) Elizabeth Monroney. Born near Shelbyville, Ind., March 1, 1832; married Oliver C. Bassett, January 1, 1849. to them were born seven children: (1.) Nancy J. Bassett, Born December 12, 1850; married Wm. Bowman, in 1866. To them were born three children. Grace Bowman; married Harvey Smith, of Fountaintown, Ind. Harry Bowman; married Rafferty. Maude Bowman; married Joseph Ducas. (2.) John R. Bassett. Born April 4, 1853; married Eliza- beth Thompson, in 1873. To them were born six children: Flora Bassett. Born September 21, 1879; married Harvey Wilkins, August 28, 1901. Charles Bassett. Born February 17, 1881. Unmarried. Fannie Bassett. Born January 25, 1884. Ethel Bassett. Born August 4, 1886. Bettie Bassett. Born April 24, 1889. Wallace Bassett. Born March 13, 1894. Remarried to Sarah Cole. (3.) James K. Bassett. Born January 8, 1856; married Emma Fox; had three children. Ursula Bassett. Born September 15, 1881, married S. Means, April 1, 1900. Oliver Bassett, Jr. Born November 13, 1879; unmarried. Clara Bassett. Born September 3, 1884; died December 4, 1884. 208 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. (4.) Marshall Bassett. Born September 1, 1858; married Nora Israel. To them were born three children: 1. Herbert. 2. Earnest. 3. William. (5.) Edward Bassett. Born February 26, 1861; died in infancy. (6.) Fannie Bassett. Born September 29, 1866; died in in- fancy. (7.) Cora M. Bassett. Born April 23, 1872; married L. B. Carithers. (VIII.) Nancy Monroney. Born October 8, 1835; married Lee Kennedy in 1853; died in 1860. To them were born four chil- dren: (1.) Forest Kennedy, living. 2. Catherine Kennedy, dead. 3. Sarah Kennedy, dead. 4. Clara Kennedy, married Edward C. Bellman; living; having two children: Charlotte, Roy and Paul. (IX.) Clarrisy Monroney. Born September 9, 1841; mar- ried Robert Benefiel, in 1858. To them were born three chil- dren: Katherine, Omer and Helen. Katherine married Oscar Wil- liams, has three children, Merl, Hallie and Kathryn. Omer and Helen are unmarried. (X.) Phoebe Monroney, died at the age of 2 years and 6 months. (XI.) James Monroney, died at the age of 1 month and 15 days. The younger children of the elder George Hume and Susan Hutchinson, his wife, two in number, were born in the ancestral home in Kentucky, elsewhere shown in these pages; George and Sarah were their names. Sarah, the elder, so grandmother Mary Roberts Hume said, was 14 years old when she married into the family, 1818, and lived at her house. Her subsequent history is not known, except that several families in Southern Indiana claim descent from her line. The author, however, believes that the Sa- rah Hume from which they came is a daughter of George Hume, Sarah's br ther, and is the Sarah Ann also called Ann, who married Younkers, and is the ancestress of S. C. Younkers, else- where mentioned, and of the Giegoldt family living at Aurora, Indiana. George Hume Jr., son of elder George and Susan Hutchinson, was born Oct. 6, 1806, married in Indiana to Lucinda Powell, and WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OP EMIGRANT GEORGE. 209 died, as told in the following letters from his grandsons to the au- thor: Oak Forest Home, Near Aurora, Ind. , R. R. No. 1. July 24, 1901. Mr. S. C. Younkers, Rosendale, Mo. Dear Sir: I received your very interesting letter of the 18th inst. , yesterday, the 23rd, making inquiries about the Hume family. The names that you gave of my father's family are all right, but not in order of their ages. As near as I can tell it is about this way: Margaret (Wilson) Younker, Nancy (Wilson) Kirtly, Jesse Wilson, John Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Sarah (Wilson) Criswell, Rebecca Wilson, and some who died when quite young; I have for- gotten their names. Your grandmother, Younker's mother, was a Hume; that is, her maiden name was Hume. Yes, my grandmother Wilson was Ann Hume. I cannot tell you where your grandfather Hume came from to Indiana. His name was George. I do not know the names of your mother's brother and sister that died on Wibbon's place. That Hume's name that was here about 30 years ago was Ambrose, and he lived at Indianapolis, Ind He now lives at Clearwater, Kan. I have always been told by my father that several of the Hume brothers came to this country about the time of the Revolutionary War, and some of them were engaged in that conflict. They were brothers or uncles of my grandfather. I have a powder-horn that was picked up on the battlefield of Yorktown by *Garrette Hume, a brother of my grandmother Wilson, the next day after the surrender of Ivord Cornwallis. It was given to my grandfather Wilson, who carried it through Wayne's campaign against the Indians, then it fell to my father who in turn gave it to me. I have also been told by my father that there is a large fortune awaiting the Hume family in Scotland. If I had received your letter a week or two ago I might have learned more about the matter. All of my father's family is dead, Rebecca died last December the 15th. She was 85 years old. If you write to me again send your letter to Aurora, Ind., R. R. No. 1. We have a rural route here now and I have changed my address from Dillsboro to Aurora R. R. No. 1. Write to me and tell me all about the folks, and where they are and what they are doing. Where is uncle Bowman and what is he doing; and tell me ♦Jarred, not a brother but a great uncle. 210 HISTORY OP THE HUME FAMILY. what success you are having in regard to the estate, we are all well and hope this will find you the same. I remain your cousin and well-wisher, Lucian J. Wilson. Rosendale, Mo., December 30, 1901. Dr. Jno. R. Hume, St. Louis, Mo. : Dear Sir: I was somewhat surprised to get a letter from St. Louis, but when we come to think of it the Hume family, it is no small thing. Well, Doctor, I don't know how to start out to give you the best information, but my grandfather was George Hume; he was born October 6, ■1806. This I get from my mother's old Bible. He was married to Lucinda Powell at Wilmington, Ind., but I do not know the date. * * * * My mother was the only child that lived to raise a family, the rest died of milk sickness before they were grown. My grandfather died and my grandmother married a man named Smith, got a divorce and married Aquilla Aldridge, a steamboat captain on the Ohio. My grandfather was also a cap- tain, but do not know when he came to Indiana. Here is what is written on the flyleaf of a book which I have. "This is the property of George Hume, a son of the Baron of Wetherborn. ' ' It may be that this is not the way he spelt the name, as it is blotted and hard to make out. * * * * If I could have gotten my father's old papers when he died, I could send you papers and books 200 years old, but I was already married and living away and my brother got all his papers. He lives in Kansas, and has an old brass plate which George Hume used to survey land with ; he also has a lode stone which belonged to him. I have some old books that belonged to George Hume also. My mother's name was Sarah Ann; she married James W. Younkers, August 9, 1848, and died March 9, 1848. I remain your friend, S. C. Younkers. Rosendale, Mo., January 6, 1902. Dr. Jno. R. Hume, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Friend: I was glad to hear from you. The torn paper ex- plains all I want to know. WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 211 You mention the book which my mother has. This book was given up to a Mr. Ambrose Hume, 30 years ago. If that book could be found there is some very valuable information in it. The book is 200 years old. I have no survey papers, it is the old brass plate with figures on it which he used with the lodestone in surveying. My brother George has them and grandfather's old Bible. I will send my grandfather's and my mother's old family Bible Record. George Hume. Born October 6, 1806; married Ljjcinda Powell at Wilmington, Ind. James W. Younkers. Born February 5, 1824; died Septem- ber 6, 1892. Sarah Ann Hume. Born February 15, 1830; married James W. Younkers, August 9, 1848; had 8 children, as follows. (1.) America Younkers, born July 8, 1849. (2.) Samuel C. Younkers, born May 10, 18S2. (3.) George H. Younkers, born April 31, 1854. (4.) Hannah Younkers, born June 14, 1857. (5.) David B. Younkers, born May 29, 1861. (6.) Marinda Younkers, born November 7, 1864. (7.) Frank Younkers, born February 16, 1867. (8.) James Younkers, born June 17, 1869. America, Hannah and Frank are dead. All the living chil- dren except George H. are married. America Younkers married Mary E. Gano, September 23, 1873; had 9 children: Clarence E Younkers, born August 8, 1874, now tin regular army; Mary H. Younkers, born August 10, 1877, mar- ried Herbert Hughes, has 2 children— Elice and Howard; Clyde F. Younkers, born November 8, 1879, now in regular army, Ross Younkers, born September 30, 1881; Alma Younkers, born Septem- ber 1, 1886; Elzy and Wilson— twins, born April 9, 1888; Nellie, born February 24, 1891; Amos Younkers, born December 23, 1893. Of the family left by Elza Hume not a great deal is known. Mention has frequently been made in these pages to his life. Now a brief allusion to some of his descendants will be all we shall have time and space to reveal. A grandson of his, Dawson Hume, now living in Boone County, Ky., is the oldest one of the family living. Elza had three sons — John, Sleete and James. Of John nothing is 212 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. known. Sleete raised a large family and has descendants at Verona, Ky. John, Sleete, Mrs. Carlise and James, Dawson Hume, of Hume Postoffice, Ky., William Hume, postmaster at Hamilton, are descendants of the same line James Hume left issue at Lexing- ton and Williamstown, Ky. Jarred Hume, Revolutionary soldier, surveyor and Kentucky pioneer and Indian fighter, was the 4th son of William Hume and the second by the second marriage, his mother being the Granville woman. He was but 15 years old when the war broke out in 1775, but promptly enlisted in the ranks of Gen. Anthony Wayne, being too young for regular service, he became camp boy and body servant to Wayne himself, and remained with the army to the close of the war. At the famous battle of Stony Point he was raised to the staff of the intrepid Mad Anthony and ranked as major. His old papers were still in the possession of his son in the early life of the author; and the Armstrong family in Kentucky, descendants of his daughter Betsy, have a copy of his Land Warrant which he re- ceived for service in that contest. Jarred Hume was born in 1760, and was probably younger than Betsy his sister, although this cannot now be determined. He was younger by 5 years than his next older brother (George) and prob- ably younger than the only daughter. He like many others of his race did not marry until late in life. He married Mary Aldridge in Harrison county, Ky., in 1805 or 1806, he being then 45 years of age. During the years 1799 to 1807, at which time he settled on a farm in Harrison county, he was engaged in surveying and platting lands, his old instruments are still in existence. He received a large grant of land in Kentucky, more than 2,000 acres, for his wai service and work as surveyor, but located by mistake on an older grant and lost all. He also served as Indian scout during the last decade of the 18th Century. When he married he had nothing ex- cept his claim, but during the next ten years had quite an estate and ranked among the most aristocratic public men in the baby Commonwealth, butlost all in 1811. He was not able to sustain the shock, being too old then to start life again he sickened and died leaving three small children. Joel, the famous preacher, Betsy, who married one Armstrong, and Jarred Banks, who married, went to Memphis, and died in 1861, leaving a large family of children, about whom not much is known. WIU*IAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 213 Betsy married an Armstrong, reared a large family in Kenton county, Ky., and died some years ago. Elder Joel, the subject of this sketch, was the youngest child. His life is best told in the following item from a contemporary jour- nal of his denomination, and letters from his family. Wadesville, Ind., Nov. 30, 1901. Elder Joel Hume was born in what was then Campbell, but now Kenton, county, Ky., June 13, 1807. Died March 28, 1901. His father Jarred Hume was born in Virginia and died in Ken- tucky, when Elder Joel Hume was about twenty- two months old. Elder Joel Hume and my grandfather (Elder William Hume) were cousins, their fathers being brothers (she did not know their names). Elder Joel Hume had one brother, Jarred Banks Hume, who died in Memphis, Tenn. , in the 52nd year of his age. Yours respectfully, Martha A. Fletchaix. Joel Hume's children are as follows: Mary died in California, Elizabeth, Rachel Amanda (Wilkerson), Malinda, died in infancy, Julia, Sarah and Joel. OBITUARY NOTICE OF ELDER JOEL. HUME. Died at his residence in Owensville, Gibson county, Ind., at 1: 30 o'clock, a. m., Sunday, March 29, 1891, in the 84th year of his age. When one so venerable and aged as Elder Hume, and who so ilong has been identified with one of the religious denominations of ithis county, is called to his eternal home, we deem it but justice to igive a more extended notice than a simple announcement of his ideath. Elder Hume was born in what was, then, Campbell, now Ken- ton county, Ky., June 13, 1807. His father, Jarred Hume, died when his son Joel was about twenty-two months of age, and left the family in straightened circumstances. His mother (Mary All- dridge) being left with two small boys moved back to her father's in Boone county, where she remained a widow some six years, and then married Asa Peek, and took the subject of this sketch and his little brother to the home of her husband. Elder Hume remained with his mother until about two years after her second marriage, 214 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. and then left and worked among relatives and friends, for which he received enough to clothe himself, and was permitted to attend school during the winter. All the time spent in attending school would not exceed ten months, but in that time he learned to read and spell "tolerably well." When about fifteen years old, he came to Indiana, and located in Switzerland county, where, at the age of seventeen years, he met and married Miss Malinda Dusky. About two years after his marriage he left Switzerland and located in Parke county, where he lived some six or seven years, and it was during this time that he was made to realize his condition as a sinner in the sight of a holy and just God. This exercise of mind continued for some four months, when he was led to hope that the Lord, for Christ's sake, had pardoned his sins, and he soon afterward united with the Methodist church and lived with them about two months; but at that time becoming convinced that their doctrines and principles were not taught in the scriptures, he became dissatisfied and joined the Primitive or regular Baptist church, called Reserve, in Parke county, and was baptized by Elder David Shark, in 1831. From Parke, he moved to Vermillion county, and there joined the Ver- million church of Regular Baptists, and in February, 1837, this church liberated him to speak, and he was ordained in December, 1837. In March 1840, he moved to Posey county, and joined the church at Farmersville.by letter. This church was then, as now, a member of Salem Association of Regular Baptists. A short time after locating among the Baptists in Posey county, Elder Hume was challenged by Elder Elijah Goodwin, a minister of the Camp- belite or Christian church for a public discussion of the points of difference between them. Though Hume was young in the min- istry at that time, and this his first debate, while Goodwin was a popular preacher and an old debator, it is said by old residents that Hume made it "mity interesting and a little warm for Brother Goodwin," who soon after left this part of the state and located at Indianapolis. Following this he had two other debates with the same denomination, and two with the leader of the General Bap- tists, Elder BenoniStinson, but amidst all the warfare made against him, Elder Hume continued on his way, trusting in the Lord, and relying on Him to bring him safely out of all trouble, and the evi- dences are that the Eord had abundantly blessed his efforts. In 1842, he accepted the care of Bethlehem church, near Posey ville, WILLIAM HUME, FOURTH SON OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 215 and was its pastor for nearly twenty-eight years — also the care of Bethany (Beech) church, of which he became a member soon after, having joined the latter, and there his membership remained and he continued to be the pastor of Bethany church to the day of his death, and he was laid to rest by the side of his first wife, who has slept in Bethany church yard since Oct. 10, 1854. Of the ten chil- dren, eight daughters and two sons, but four — three daughters and one son — are now living. August 20, 1856, he was married to his second wffe, Miss Fannie, daughter of Daniel Yeager, a member of Salem Church, of which Elder Hume was at that time pastor. Though this noble woman was 26 years younger than Elder Hume, the union proved a happy one and none ever had a more devoted companion or kinder nurse. She was faithful and tender during all his sickness, ever ready at all times to administer to his wants, and no one could have done more, and to her, in her present disconsolation we extend our sympathy and bid her know that he who has gone from her is hap- pier now, in the great beyond, than it is possible for mortal to be here on this earth, but all who are true believers and faithful fol- lowers of the meek and lowly Jesus will certainly reach that peace- ful rest. S. J. W. — (In a local paper.) As has been said, Patrick Hume, the youngest child of Wil- liam Hume and the Granville wife, was born during the first year of the War for Independence, 1776, about two months after his father enlisted in the Colonial Army, and was seven years of age before he saw his father. His mother died during the first year of the child's life and he was given into the care of strangers, and when at the close of the Revolution, the father and brothers came home the child could not be found, until several week's search had been made. He was then found and returned to his home. His father married a third time, when the lad was eight years old, and emigrated to Kentucky where the boy grew to manhood and married Elizabeth Coleman, and reared a family of 6 children, only one of whom is living. His wife died in 1825, in Dearborn county, Ind., and he in 1837, in Marion county, Ind. His children are as follows: (1.) Madison Hume born in Kentucky in 1807, married Eliza Bowers in 1828, and died in Indianapolis, Ind., in 1866. He was a minister in the Missionary Baptist church. They reared 6 sons and 5 daughters as follows: Olivia (Commeggs) I 216 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. 1832, dead; Esther (Schooley) 1835, dead; Francis (Wells) 1837, alive; Elizabeth (Lane) alive; Phoebe Ann (Infant) 1842, dead; John P. Hume, born 1829, died 1855. James M Hume born 1838, died in Indianapolis 1890. Newton Hume born near In- dianapolis 1837, died in Topeka, Kas., 1876, married Eliza Billings- ley in 1863, and had 2 children as follows: Mrs. EsTELLE Hume Brownell, born April 17, 1867, married Harry G. Brownell 1888, and has 3 boys as follows: Halford Hume Brownell born 1889, Al- bert Henry Brownell born 1893, and Norman W. Brownell born 1897. Mr. Brownell is Principal of the Manual Training High School and a consulting engineer of Louisville, Ky. Halford B. Hume, the younger child of Newton Hume, was born March 1872, died 1880. Madison Hume had also the following named sons, George C, who died in infancy; Thomas J., now living in the West, and Ezra O. Hume born in 1847, died 1867. (2.) Ambrose C. Hume, was born in Dearborn County, Ind., June 21, 1824, married Lavina McCray Harding, on March 21, 1846. He is a minister in the Missionary Baptist Church. Their family of 7 children, 5 sons and 2 daughters, as follows: Oliver E., Shelton M. dead, Laben Judson, Ede C. , Mary E. Jolley, Sarah I. Shields, and Ellsworth Hume. Oliver E., born 1847; Shelton M., born 1849, diedl892; Laben J., born 1852; Mary E-, born 1851; Sarah L, born 1860; Ede C, born 1855; Ellsworth, born 1864. *Col. Benefiel was one of the pro-Slavery Members of the Constitutional Convention which met at Corydon, Harrison County Indiana, June 10, 1813. The members for Knox were as follows: Col. John Benefiel, John Johnson. John Badollet, William Polke, Benjamin Parke, all of Vincennes. Dunn in his Commonwealth History of Indiana, page 425 says the Knox County Delegation was the strongest in the Convention. On June 20th the Convention took up the Slavery Issue and continued for nearly a month to debate the issue. All the Knox County Delegation except Benefiel voted for anti-slavery and the Involuntary Servi- tude Clause was stricken out over his protest. At the close of the Convention he came home to Fort Hadden was elected Col. of Light Horse Cavalry and Justice of the Peace for Carlisle in 1819. A street in that Village bears his name. His grave and that of his faithful wife are in old Johnson Graveyard, three miles east of Carlisle, Ind., a neat slab erected by his son Israel, marks his last resting place. Hume. JAMES FIFTH & CHARLES SIXTH SONS OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 217 CHAPTER XIX. JAMES HUME FIFTH AND CHARLES HUME SIXTH SONS OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. George Hume, 1697—1760. Elizabeth Proctor, 1700 George. Frances. 3 P P >-t I I I I John. William. James. Charles. w p (— 1 £ p S o a* P a* B g m ro • m •-t »— * p X P B n n > a p n O B* 3 i I u p < o 3" 3 > cxi Q 3 rt> n> 3 ft" B o H crq ft w ^*. N P ft ID cr B 3 B" 1 ° 3 a- 3 n M cr p p 3 B rc> P M 3* 218 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Compiled by Francis J. Mock (nee Hume), Knox, Starke Co., Ind. JAMES HUME. The subject of this sketch was fifth son of George Hume, the immigrant, and Elizabeth Hume (nee Proctor); was born in Cul- pepper, C. H., in February, 1740, and moved with his father to Culpepper County, Va. , and remained with him until his fatner died in 1760, leaving quite a large estate. Leaving no will, the estate was settled according to the Colonial laws of Virginia, the judge of the probate court appointed the eldest son, George, as administrator of his father's estate. He controlled the estate thirteen years before settlement was made. During the year 1773 the six brothers met at Culpepper Court House and settled the estate by signing a release in person, releasing the administrator from all claims thereafter to be made. Previous to this time Cumberland county, Pa., had been set- tled and organized by emigrants from the County, of Cumberland, England, and who, being in sympathy with the Jacobite Rebellion and great friends of the border house of Sir George Hume of Wedderburn, the great-great-grandfather of the writer of this sketch, and Lord Francis Hume of (Quixwood). After this small army, among whom was Lord Francis Hume and Sir George Hume, his brother, they penetrated far down into England, and were finally overpowered by superior numbers, and Lord Francis Hume and George Hume, the second son of Sir George Hume of Wedderburn, were captured and sent into po- litical exile. Francis came to Virginia in 1716; George Hume, our ancestor, in 1721. James Hume, the subject of this sketch, being a son of one of these Jacobites, and knowing of the colony in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, decided, after settlement of his father's estate, to locate in that county. Traveling on horseback, across the State of Maryland, he became acquainted with a lady by the name of Frances Patterson, also of Scottish descent, whom he married in 1781, after which they located a short distance west of Harrisburg, in east Pennboro township, Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, where they resided until their deaths, he having bought two large farms, having gone there with between $50,000 and $60,000 in gold which he had received from the administrator of his father's estate at the time of settlement. He made many friends, both JAMES FIFTH & CHARLES SIXTH, SONS OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 219 among the white people and the Indians; especially the Indians of the Conocoqunet tribe the chief who at one time tried to persuade Hume to trade him, the Indian chief, two barrels of whiskey for a strip of land on the Conocoqunet river, in Cumberland county, extending seven miles along the river bank and two miles back, the land being heavily timbered with black walnut, cherry and poplar. Notwithstanding that whiskey was very cheap, Hume re- fused to make the trade on account of the density of the forest. To the above named union twelve children were born, as fol- lows: James Hume, my grandfather, died in June, 1811, being 71 years and four months old; his widow, Frances Hume (nee Patter- son), survived him 30 years, dying in 1841 at the age of 81. Before the death of the subject of this sketch he made a will, and in that will decreed that William Hume, the sixth heir, who was born in 1790, should have the home farm of 200 acres in east Pennboro township Pennsylvania. The provisions of the will were so objectionable to some of the heirs then living that they forced him to leave his home. He went to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and learned the blacksmith's trade; and after completing it returned to his home and remained there as long as he could, trying without success, to effect a reconciliation. Failing in this, he and his brother Andrew took up the long journey through dense forests from Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, to Marion county, Ohio, walking the entire distance. They located in the south part of Marion county sometime between the years 1820 and 1825, where William Hume purchased 160 acres of Government land, built a cabin and blacksmith shop, in which he lived until 1836, when both he and his wife, Sarah Ann Plume (nee Gilson), dying sud- denly left three small children, Samuel, Rachel Amanda and Fran- ces Jane, the writer of this sketch George Hume was born at the family castle of Wedderburn, Berwickshire, Scotland, in 1697, emigrated to America in 1721; was married to Elizabeth Proctor of Fredricksburg, Virginia, in 1728; had six children: George Francis, William, John, James, Charles. James was born February 25, 1740, in Culpepper, Virginia; married Frances Patterson in Maryland 1781. Frances Patterson, born in 1760, died in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, in 1841. James and Frances Hume, after they were married, located in 220 HISTORY OP THE HUME FAMILY. Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, where James Hume died June 25, 1811. They had twelve children born to them, as follows: 1. Anna Hume, April 17, 1782, died 1857 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; was married to Adam Swiler; heirs unknown. 2. Mary, born 1784, died 1801, no issue. ^.C e w***«;vorn in Ohio, but afterwards his parents moved to Harrisburg, 5 a., where he grew into manhood, and in the 40s went with a tarty of friends across the plains to the California gold fields, inhere he followed mining for a few years and then returned to Jast Tennessee, where he met and married my mother in I860, nd there they lived until the end of life, as above given, Nash- ille, Tenn., is really my home, but for six years now I make my usiness home at Dallas, Texas. Being a member of the firm of ,'hilips and Buttorff Mfg. Co., I am placed out here to look after ur interests, which takes about eight months of the year; conse- uently I give Dallas as my address. I expect to leave here about >ecember 1, for a trip to your city, and over to Indianapolis, and ) Chicago, to see relatives and friends. My wife will accompany le, and while in St. Louis I hope I can have the pleasure of leeting you and yours. Will only have one or two days time to >are. Please pardon such a long letter and let me hear what you link about pressing family claims, etc. Awaiting your commands, I am. Yours truly, W. D. Hume, Box 71, Dallas, Texas, I 228 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Oxford, Neb., 14, 1901. Mr. W. D. Hume, Jr., Dallas, Texas. Dear Nephew: — I am pleased to give you the following complete record of the Hume family, dating back to 1836, this being an exact copy of the old family Bible of my grandfather, James Hume, who resided in East Pennborough Township, Cumberland County, Pa. (Post- office Hogestown, Pa.) This copy of the record was furnished to me by (the adopted daughter of Isabella and James Hume) Rachael W. Hume, who sent it of her own free will and accord, believing that I was entitled to have the record for future use. Rachel W. Hume died and was buried at Camp Hill, Cumberland County, Pa., having lived to be a very old lady. The following record is from i the old Hume Bible that was in her possession at the time of her death: BIRTHS OF CHILDREN BORN TO JAMES AND FRANCIS HUME. Anna Hume. Born April 26, 1782. Mary Hume. Born March 29, 1784. Samuel Hume. Born November 5, 1785. Robert Hume. Born March 21, 1787. Isabella Hume. Born December 1, 1790. Wm. Hume. Born November 30, 1790. James Hume. Born February 22, 1793. Frances Hume. Born July 11, 1794. Andrew Hume. Born July 3, 1796. Jane Hume. Born December 17, 1798. John Hume. Born November 17, 1800. David Hume. Born August 15, 1802. DEATHS OF CHILDREN BORN TO JAMES AND FRANCES HUME. Robert Hume. Died February 1, 1791. Mary Hume. Died 1801. Frances Wagoner Hume. Died September 26, 1820. Jane Hume. Died September 2, 1821. Wm. Hume, Died August 26, 1856. Ann (Swiler) Hume, Died February 22, 1851. Samuel Hume. Died November 6, 1857. James Hume, Died May 13, 1864. JAMES FIFTH & CHARLES SIXTH, SONS OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 229 Isabella (McClintock) Hume. Died July 24, 1864. David Hume. Died July 22, 1868. Andrew Hume. Died December 31, 1875. John Hume. Died June 21, 1891. Father and mother of the above children died as follows: James Hume. Died June 25, 1811. Frances Hume (Patterson) Hume. Died March 17, 1841. Respectfully submitted, I am, Yours very truly; W. D. Hume, Sr. Oxford, Neb., December 15. 1901. Mr. W. D. Hume, Jr., Dallas, Texas. Dear Nephew: — Your grandfather, James Hume, and Frances Patterson were married in the latter part of 1769 or 1770; but I do not know at what place they were married. I am now just past my eighty- third birthday, and I am glad of the opportunity to give you the following facts in connection with our family, as I remember them: Your great-uncle, Wm. Hume, had three heirs, namely: Rachael (Darwin) Hume, of Marion, Ohio. Now dead. Samuel Hume, of Plymouth, Ind. Now living. Frances Jane (Mock) Hume, of Knox, Ind. Now living. Your grandfather, James Hume, had ten heirs, namely: William D. Hume, now at Oxford, Neb. Living and 83 years old on December 13- Frances Jane Hume, of Marion County, Ohio, Now dead. No issue to her. David P. Hume, of New Market, Tenn. Now dead. Has six heirs, all living. Hetty (Lewis) Hume, of Dennis, Kansas. Living, and has six heirs. Andrew J. Hume, of Plymouth, Ind. Now. dead, but has two heirs living there. Joseph Hume, of , Mo. Now dead, but had two heirs, Prof. C. W. Hume is a son of Joseph, of Indiana, James J. Hume, Aurora, 111., now living and has one heir. * 230 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. All the above were by the first wife, and the three following by the second: Robert A. Hume, of Plymouth, Ind. Now living, and has no heirs. A. C. Hume, of Plymoth, Ind Now living and has two heirs. O. A. Hume, of Denver, Colorado, living. Your great-uncle, John Hume, Miami, Ind., had five heirs, namely: James A. Hume, of Logansport, Ind. Now living, and has three heirs. Mrs. Hume Foster, of near Logansport, Ind. Now living. Mrs. Hume Harr, of near Logansport, Ind. Now living. Mrs. Hume Hughes, of near Logansport, Ind. Now living. Mrs. Hume Hughes married a mute, whose name I do not re- member. She was a mute also. You will do well to preserve this information for the future, as it will come in good some day. I myself have four living heirs. With best of wishes for you at all times, I am, Yours devotedly, W. D. Hume, Sr. St, Louis, Mo., December 21, 1901. Dr. John R. Hume, City. Dear Sir: — I am pleased to give you the following additional data to mj family record: My father, David Patterson Hume was the son of James Hume, and his mother's name was Frances Patterson. David P. Hume, of New Market, Tenn. Now dead, has sis heirs namely: Wm. D. Hume, box 71, Dallas, Texas. Married, but no chil- dren. Joseph M. Hume, Newton, Miss, Married, but no children. Samuel McWilliams Hume, box 330 Dallas, Texas. Single. Albert S. Hume, Jackson, Tenn. Single. Mary E« ^Hume) Hendricks, 503 Henley Street, Knoxville, Tenn. Married; has one daughter. JAMES FIFTH & CHARLES SIXTH, SONS OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 231 Marguerete L Hume, 503 Henley Street, Knoxville, Tenn. Single. My uncle, Wm. D. Hume, of Oxford, Neb. Now living; has four living heirs, namely: J. D. Hume, of Kdmond, Okla. Ter. Married; has four chil- dren. John McW. Hume, Kdmond, Okla. Ter. Single. Wm. Chalmers Hume, Red Oak, Iowa. Married. C. D. Hume, Oxford, Neb. Married and has one son, War- ren Hume. I believe this is all the names of the younger set that I will be able to give you at this time; but on another sheet I am giving you all the names of the heirs of James and Frances Hume — ten in all — and from the addresses named therein you can get the full list of the other eight brothers and sisters. Hpping this will prove of value to you, I am, with best wishes, Yours very truly, W. D. Hume, Jr. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO JAMES HUME LINE (BY MR. MOCK AND MRS. HARNEY. Knox, Ind., May 4, 1903. Dr. John R. Hume, St. Louis, Mo., My Dear Relative; — Inclosed you will find correct record of James Hume and Margaret A. Campbell Hume; and letter explaining cause of delay. Hoping that this will prove satisfactory, I remain, Yours Sincerely, I Mrs. T. J. Mock. Dennis, Kansas, April 17, 1903. Mr. Hume, I Dear Sir: — I will send you another history of Kasther Ann Lewis, as I was informed that the other one I wrote was lost, Mrs. Frances T. Mock, of Knox, Ind., informed me of the loss. If I have not mswered all the questions and given you enough information in egard to the history of Easther Ann Hume Lewis. Please make >ut a list of questions, and I will be pleased to answer them. 232 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. My mother, Easther Ann Lewis, is almost 77 years old, and has a wonderful memory for one of her age. Yours, respectfully, Mrs. Eldora F. Harney. Easther Anne Hume, was born August 6, 1826, in Marion Co. , Ohio. She is the daughter of James Hume; and grand daughter of Samuel Hume. Easther Ann Hume. Married to Nathan Cadwallader, March 11, 1845, in Tiffin City, Cinikey Co., Ohio. They were blessed with 4 children. Mariah D. Cadwallader. Born June 20, 1847; died 1847. Alfonzo Cadwallader. Born August 30. 1848. Arnold Cadwallader. Born March 8, 1850. Son. Born and died 1853. Nathan Cadwallader. Died in California, March 9, 1853. Arnold Cadwallader. Died Nov. 22, 1867, at Maxinkuckee, Marshall Co., Indiana. Alfonzo Cadwallader. Post Office Address, Webb City, Jasper Co., Mo. Easther Anne Hume Cadwallader. Married Jacob F. Lewis, October 10, 1853, at Plymouth, Marshall Co., Indiana. They are the parents oi 6 children. Jasper Hume Lewis. Born Nov. 3, 1854, Maxinkuckee, Ind. Mary Jane Lewis. Born Aug. 10, 1857, Maxinkuckee, Ind. Aurora Ann Lewis. Born July 39, 1859, Maxinkuckee, Ind. Evelyn C. Lewis. Born Nov. 1, 1861, Maxinkuckee, Ind. Eldora F. Lewis. Born May 27, 1864, Maxinkuckee; Ind. James Tomas Mervyn Lewis. Born Aug. 13, 1866, Maxin- kuckee, Ind. Jacob F. Lewis. Died June 20, 1891, at Dennis, Labette Co., Kansas. Jasper Hume^Lewis. Died Oct. 15, 1899, at Duncan, Webster Co., Mo. Jasper Hume Lewis and Matilda J. Daniels, were married August 5, 1883, at Dennis, Kans, Mary Jane Lewis and W. D. Logan were married December 24, 1879, at Maxinkuckee, Ind. Aurora Ann Lewis and James Wilson were married March 1, 1880, at Maxinkuckee, Ind. JAMES FIFTH & CHARLES SIXTH, SONS OF EMIGRANT GEORGE. 233 Aurora Ann Wilson and Henry C. Reininger were married June 29, 1887 at Dennis, Kansas. Miss Evelyn C. Lewis and Harry R. Brooke were married October 27, 1886, at Dennis, Kansas. Eldora F. Lewis and Wm. F. Harney, were married January 11, 1885, at Dennis Kansas. James Thomas Mervyn Lewis and Mary G. Haskin were mar- ried February 22, 1890, at Ladore, Kansas. Jasper Hume Lewis; father of 4 children. Kasther E. Lewis, born July 5, 1884. Dennis, Kansas, John J. Lewis; born January 18, 1886. Dennis, Kansas. Gilba A. Lewis; born at Duncan, Missouri. Carry E. A Logan; born at Duncan, Missouri. Mary Jane Logan, mother of 2 sons. Cecil E. Logan; born October 25, 1880. Maxinkuckee, Ind. Lewis A. Logan; born July 30, 1882. Dennis, Kas. Aurora Ann Wilson, mother of one daughter. Grace V. Wilson; born May 14, 1881, Maxinkuckee, Ind. James Thomas Mervyn Lewis, father of 3 children. Orville C. Lewis; born October 13, 1891. Dennis, Kansas. Oscar D. Lewis; born December 6, 1893. Dennis, Kansas. Florence G. Lewis: born November 6, 1896. Dennis, Kansas. The present address of the Lewis children is: Jasper Hume Lewis; Duncan, Webster Co., Mo. Mary Jane Logan, Cherryvale, Montgomery Co., Kas. Aurora Ann Reininger, Caney, Montgomery Co., Kas. Evelyn C. Brooke, Kansas City, Mo. Eldora F. Harney, Dennis, Labette Co., Kas. James Thomas Mervyn Lewis, Dennis, Labette Co. , Kas. Plymouth, Ind., April 25, 1903. Mrs. F. J. Mock, Knox, Ind., Cousin Jane: — Brother A. C. received a letter from you some time since asking for a record of father's family. The first we sent having l|jbeen lost; and he turned the letter over to me to answer. He has not been at all well this spring; not able to be in his office here all the time. But his health is improving now, so we hope he 234 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. will soon be fully restored to health again, I will try to comply with your request as best I can. I have given I think what you wanted. You spoke in your letter of Will Hume visiting you soon, We would like to have him visit us on his way East. Your cousin, Robert A. Hume. R. R. No. 12. Of the children born to James and Margaret Hume, only three are now living: Rob. A., Albert C, and Oliver A. Robert A. Hume was married October 22, 1874, to Sarah A. Nash. Albert C. Hume, was married January 8, 1877, to Mary E. Nash. Oliver A. Hume, was married December 1877, to Anna M. Campbell. Oliver's wife died in 1896. He has two daughters; age — 22 and 19. Address, Denver, Colorado. Albert C, has two children, a son and daughter; age 22 and 24; address, Plymouth, Ind. The names of A. C. Hume's children, are: Albert N. Hume, Marguerite E. Hume. Hume's are: Eleanore and Alice M. James Hume and Margaret A. Campbell were married at Marion, Ohio, August 4, 1839. There was born to this union children, as follows: Jane A. Hume, May 9, 1840. Mary M. Hume, January 13, 1842. Robt. A. Hume, July 26. 1845. Albert C. Hume, Tanuary 8," 1848. Oliver A. Hume, March 20, 1850. Armina I. Hume, March 16. 1816. Infant son, December 5, 1843. Infant daughter, July 28, 1854. Alice May Hume, May 24, 1857. James Hume was born near Harrisburg, Pa., February 15, 1795. Died March 13, 1864. Jane A. Hume, died April 19, 1856. Infant sou, died December 9, 1843. Infant daughter, died July 28, 1854. Mary M. Hume, died September 20. 1861. Armina I. Hume, died May 7, 1853, JAMES FIFTH cJew- byth, James Baird, younger of Saughtonhall, Mr. William Moninpenny, advocate, John Hume, younger of Lumsden, James Bethune, younger of Blebo, Robert Watson and William Baird. merchants in Edinburgh, Mr. James Anderson, W. S., and others. 261. Births of the children of George Hume of Weddeburn: David Hume was bom the 9 of January, 1697. George Hume was born the 30 of May, 1698. Patrick Hume was born the 16 of July, 1699. Margaret Hume was born the 30 of November, 1700, John Hume was born the 25 of March, 1702. Francis Hume was born the 15 of December, 1703. Isabell Hume was born the 12 of September, 1706. Jean Hume was born the 8 of May, 1709. James Home was born the 26 of September, 1714. 262. Copy. Bond of piovision by Sir Patrick Hume, advocate, in favour of Elizabeth, his second daughter, whereby he directs his exe- cutors to pay to her 9,000 merks at the first term after his decease; dated at Edinburg, 26th September, 1700. A blank of the original bond is filled in with Sir Patrick's own hand stating "that in caice the said Elizabeth Home shall marrie Francis Hume, brother to the Laird of Wedderburne, this bond shall be null and voyd." 363. Letter apparently to the Laird of Wedderburn intimating the expected death of Queen Anne. Edinburg, 3 August, 1714. 264. Letter from George Hume of Wedderburn, to his lady. Woolar, 9 October. 1715: My Dearest, We came heir, yesternight and ar to joyn the Eng- lish the morrow who ar very strong both in horse and arms. We ar to go streight south at first. Ther is not a county heir but ar riseing and very numerous. I desire ye may take curage and be not dejected, for we doubt not of busines proveing to yur mind. This day we heard Mr. Gladstone preach who performed wonderfully. I shall miss no sure occasion to writ to yow. We ar all very weill and wishes to hear the like of yow and the bairns and recommends yow and them to God. I am, Yours, G. Hume. I desire ye may cause sell some corn of the north side and have a little money ready in caice I have occasion to call for it. For God sake be not dejected. Cause deliver the inclosed. If it wer possible yow can get notice of any body comeing to us. send me some linings and cause send some to Jamie. Addressed To the Lady Wedder- burn. 265. Letter from Francis Hume (deported to Va. 1616), brother of George Hume of Wedderburn, to his sister: Dear Sister, It was not (as I suppose youl easily beleeve) without 256 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. great anxiety and concern, nor ever was I so surprised all my life as when I receaved the melancholie news of my poor wife's death, which of all the misfortunes of my life, nothing can be compared to it. Hou- ever, since it has pleased God to remove her; I hope in God she is this day in a better place then the best of this world can efford; and I tray God to give me patience under sufferings and a happy issue out of them. The fear of death seems now to be over, for all in this place signed a petione througinge our selves att his Majesties mercy; so the worst we can expect now is transportation, which to me is the same with death. But what shall I say since my wife is dead. I could will- ing be satisfied to be with her, for my satisfaction in this life is over. Yow may desire my mother to use her interest with my Lord March- mont to save me from transportation. I have writ to my Lord Forglan aoout it whos son, Captain Ogilve, I saved from being killed dead. As to what they are doing London I know not, so can give yow no ac- count of them. Give my humble (word deleted) to my mother, my good sister and all the family, praying God to comfort under your pres- ent circumstance. Give my service Mr. Anderson. I thank him for his kind letter. Not doubt but youl take all the care yow can of my poor children. I am D. J. Your affectionat brother, Fra Hume. Liverpoole, 7 February, 1716. (Addressed) Mrs. Jean Hume at Wed- derburn, to the care of the Ladie Billie at Berwick upon Tweed. 266. Letter from the same to Mr. John Hume of Reuton: Liverpool, 14th March, 1816: — Dear Sir, I had yours this day and cannot but render yow hartie thanks for this and the rnanj former favours I have had from yow, I doubt nothing of your continuance. Yow will receave enclosed the factory yow sent up, but I doubt my signing of it in prison will (if quarrelled ) invalidat it. If I be wrong in filling up the blanks or otherways send me up ane other with par- ticular directions and I will sign it . . . [He then gives directions as to certain matters — the titles of Quixwood, etc., and proceeds] Whatever you do with any houshold furniture let not my wearing cloaths, nor scritore or my wifes drawers be disposed off, for I do not dispair of seeing yow once more. Our fate is verry uncertiain but some would endeavour to perswad us of ane indemnity. *However ther ar about 3 or 4 score of the common people amongst us, but nori of the gentry to be put aboard of a ship that is to saill from this in a fortnight for the West Indies. Wither my Lord Forglan concern him- self for me or not I know not, but it is verry well knowen here that if I had not been, he now hes a son that this day had not been. Pray let me know by the first post if yow receave this, and if yow have any furder orders for me. I am, your most obleidged humble servant, Fra Hume. Tho I wrote five times to my brother since he went to London yett he never wrote once at the pains to lett me hear from him until I wrot on to Whitfeild complaining of him. Neither have I received from him one farthing all this time tho he promised to send me some *The writer was deported to Virginia, in this ship she sailed, April 16. CHARTERS, LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS. 257 money from London. (Addressed) Mr. John Hume of Rentone, ad- vocat, att his lodgeings in the Parliament Closs in Edinburgh, North Brittain, to be forwarded by way of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 267. Letter from Mr. Ninian Home to Jean Hume: Sproustoun, 2nd April, 1716:- Madam, You will see by the en- closed that the money and linings and other things sent have come safely to your brother his hand. He wryts to me that he never re- ceived a sixpence from his brother nor from any other person, but the litle he received by my man at Wigham, since he was prisoner. He tells me also he hath not heard from his brother save once, tho he has wroten often to him, and that he has been obliged to comerads for sub- sistance. They are as yet uncertain what becomes of them, and he wryts they ar all verry mirry tho in prison, and believe that their re- moveal will not be sudden. The factory he has sent to Mr. John Hume is to George Idingtoun and William Chapman, Sir Patrick's servants, which he will revoke or not as I advise, but in that matter I will me quhair the accounts and instructions are to be found; but Wedderburn, I need not trouble myself or you further with them at present. He de- sires his wife drawers and scritore may be kept and that you may take for yourself whatever is fit for you. His books he says are not much worth, but that they will be useful to his children if they live. I need not trouble you further save that he tells me nothing Barbara Moni- lawes brought up came to his hand, she pretending all was stolen from her but two shirts, as he remembers, which he supposes she carried back again, but that two bundles of cloaths sent by me are received by him conform to what I wrote him, which I suppose will be verry ac- ceptable news to the old lady and you both; and I am verry glad to understand he is so hearty and mirrie and has so good hopes of seeing us all again; and the little things he has received with the money will be of great use to him whatever happens. Give my humble duty to your mother and to the Lady Billie and her daughters and believe me to be, Mrs. Jean, your most humble servant. Nix Home. My wife gives her service to you. You may write upon the other side of the en- close! to your brother to save expense and then seal it and send it off with the first post, and keep your brothers letter to be an instruction of the money sent to him. The bearer has been so carefull that I have given him a crown since his return. (Addressed) To Mrs. Jean Hame, daughter to Wedderburne, att Barwick. 268. Letter from George Hume of Wedderburn, father of Erne- grant, to his sister, Jean Hume: Marishallsea, 7 July, 1716:— Dear Sister, I hope yow will not be surprysed. On Thursday last John Winram and my trjalls came on and wer brought in guilty. Yesterday Whitfeild was tryed and meet with the same. Yow need not be cencerned, for our lives I hope ar in no hazzard, we haveing assurance no more heir ar to die. Every body was surprysed when the jure brought me in guilty, for ther wer two evi- dences against me who declaired they only see me once upon the road 258 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. with the rebells without either sword or pistoll and no more. Ther wer other two of the King's evidences for me who declaired they see me brought in prisoner to Kelso and see me caried on all the way prisoner till we came to Prestone wher we wer taken by the King's forces. Jer- viswood was surprysed with it and promises me all the freiendship he can. Take the prudentest way you can to acquaint my mother, for she needs have no fear, I trust in God we shall be all saif. As for *Geordie, we expect a noli prosequi for him, so he will be set at liberty. If any of Whiteild's servants come to Berwick on ther road for London, he de- sires yow may stop them and to forward the inclosed which is writ to that purpose. Whitefiild gives his service to yow all. We ar brether in afflictione, but both weill and hearty. This with my duty to my mother and service to the lady and lasses of Billie, with Mrs. Darant and all other friends, I am, Your loveing brother, G. Hume. Forward the inclosed with the first occasione. If yow get not a sure hand to send Mr. Ninians, in all haist send it to Wedderburn. 269. Letter from the same to Patrick Hume of Bastlerig, Marisal- lsea, 28 August, 1716. Dear Sir, The Commissioners for inquiring after the forfaulted es- tates being now to meet, our freind heir tells me yow have writ for me to give the same. All the lands I hold of subjectts ar my interest in barrony of Coldingham or Abbacie thereof which holds of the Earl of Hume. My predicessors never had a chartor to the Earl but wer lyable to pay few dutys and other casualitys to him. The lands of Paxtone ar within the Abbacie of Coldinghame. I desire yow do iD my busi- nes as you do in your friends and if ever we make a trip home again we shall give you thanks. I am hopefull, considering the interest and friendship that hes been betwixt the Earles predicesors and mine, he will make no scruple to give my familie and me what advantage he can. So I hope if my papers be granted be for our behoofe he will not refuse it; and for the trustie I leive to my wife and you, but see it be not Sir Patrick or any of his familie. Ye may also advise with Mr- Ninian about it. I likeways hold Kimmerghame and the East miln which I was in possessione of of the Duke of Douglass, but hew to manadge that I cannot advise yow, if my Lord Hume and Mr. Ninian do it not, because my memory cannot serve me in everything about that. It will be fit that yow put in a generall clause which may com- prehend anything, and pray let me hear from yow about it, and if this comes to your hand. Hopeing ye will excuse this now in the time of my desires, and give my service to your lady and sones, I am, Dear Sir, Your affectionat cusine and servant, G. Hume. For Patrick Hume of Bastlerig or Midletone in in his absence. 270. Letter from Lady Grizel Baillie to Lady Wedderburn: Con- cerning George Hume afterward sent to Virginia. London, 7 February, 1717. — Dear Madam, Jerriswood and I both *The American Emigrant. CHARTERS, LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS. 259 had letters from you this morning. I'm sorry to find that you are so anxious about your son. I hope your fears will be groundles, there- for, Dear Madam, I must beg you to be easie, for depend upon it, we will do. all in our power for him. Do not believe stories that gos about there, for were there anything reall, good or ill, you should hear it from me; and save that he has not the comfort of being with his family and his friends there, he never was better in his life. I think you are much more to be pitied. Whatever the Government may order about his fortune they never will stop your joynter. Perhaps things may be in confution at present, but it cannot hold out so for any time. Jerviswood gives you his humble service; and I intreat you, Dear Madam, to be perfitly perswaded that we will acquent you with all that happens, and hope the best, which is much wisht by Madam Your affectionat cusine and humble servant, Gris Hume. My service to your daughter and all your sons family. (Addressed) To the Lady Watherburn. 271. Copy of Lady Wedderburn's petition to the King: To the King's Most Excellent Majestie, Mrs. Margaret Hume, spouse to George Hume late of Wedderburne, humbly sheweth, — That my husband haveing been unfortunatlie engadged in the late wicked and unnaturall rebellion was therefor forfeitted, and I by my marriage settlement being provided to the manner place of Wedderburne and yeards thereof, otherways eight pound six shillings and eight pence stereling in lew thereof, and ane yearly annuity of one hundered and eleaven pound two shillings two pence half pennie sterleing, free ( f all publict burdens whatsomever, to be uplifted and taken out of the whole estate of Wedderburne, with which annuitie the said estate stands burdened and affected dureing all the days of my lifetime, and for securitie whereof I am seased in the whole estate, and my husband being forfeitted as said is, and I haveing nine childrin and haveing no thing whereupon to subsist my selfe and my childrin, I am a proper object of your Majesties pitty and compassion. I therefor humblie pray that your Majestie may be graciously pleased out of your princelie bountie to allowe me the man- ner place of Wedderburne and yeards thereof and the 111^": 2s/i: Id: \d. stereling of the yearlie anuitie to be payed to me oute of the rentis and profites of the said estate dureing my lifetime, free of publict burden whatsomever, for mentinance and subsistance of me and my poor childrin, conform to my mariage settlement, and the petitioner shall ever pray for your Majesties happiness and prosperitie. 272. Claim by Mistress Jean Home, daughter of the deceased George Hume of Wedderburn, upon the estate of George Hume, late of Wedderburn, her brother germain, given in to the Commissioners ap- pointed to enquire into the estates of certain traitors. It is founded on (1) a bond by the said George Hume to his said sister for 8,000 merks 260 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. of principal with a penalty of 700 merks and interest since 1692, dated at Dunse, 7th August, 1696; witnesses, Alexander Lorran, notary in Dunse, and Christopher Saidler, younger, feuar there; (2) a Bond of Corroboration by the same to the same for 5,000 merks of principal with penalty of 500 merks and interest from date (at Dunse 3rd De- cember, 1702), the said principal sum being payable at the first term after her marriage, and in the event of her death to revert to the said George Hume. This bond was granted by him in terms of an obliga- tion contained ia his marriage contract with Mrs. Margaret Hume; (3) Sasine thereupon of the said Jean Hume in an annuity of 300 merks, dated 24th April, 1702. The claim is dated at Wedderburn, 20th June, 1717; witnesses, Mr. Ninian Hume, minister at Sprouston, and David Hume in Wedderburn. Signed by Jean Hume and others. George Hume's first letter home 2 years after deportation. 273. Rappahannock River, June 20, 1723: — Sir, We had no sooner landed in this country but was taken immediately wth all ye most common distempers yt atten it but ye must vio^nt of all was a severe flux of wch my unkle died being the govenour's factor att a place called Germawna in the upper part of ye colony whom ye berried their and put pails about his berrial place wch is not very common in ye country I went and saw it as soon as I was able to ride. Ye dis- temper brought me so low in a very short time yt I was scarse able to walk however I was oblidged to tend ye store for all my being so ill till we had done purchasing tobaco for ye ship's loadning wh took me about six weeks when I was so much out ordre yt I was obldged to go to Williamsburg by water where I met wth Dr. Brown who I suppose gave you an account last year of my condition. He declared to myself after he had cured me of ye flux yt he did not expect I should have lived I waited on ye governour ye day I went down town & delvred ym Spotswood's letter. He was seemingly very kind to me & talked to me very friendly but he told me it was out of his power to do any thing for me he being out of his place and he had so many wth ym that he was oblidged to put away some of ym whom he could best spare then qt to do I could not tell however I advised wth Dr. Brown who was of ye oppinion I should return home as soon as I could What little money I had I was obliged to spend it at WmsBurg the time I was there sick wch which was about five weeks indeed ye Dr took nothing for my drugs All that comes to this country have ordinery sickness at first wch they call a seasoning of wch I shall as- sure you I had a most severe one when I went to town I got but very little of my store keeping for all yt went to pay my passage for when ever my cosen John Watson at Port Glasgow told the merchants there qt you had writtne to him was the occasion of my going away so haste- ly they would not allow me to go but to come again and they sent to Whithaven (because we were driven in their by stress of wether) to de- sire our captain to send me home but he proved so much my friend when he saw me so fond of going (for he was always very kind to me) CHARTERS, LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS. 261 that he got me into another ship and I was to keep ye store for my passage of wch I was very glad and accepted of it so yt you may know by yt I could be but very poor in purse & I did not qt hand to turn my selfe to fyr I could get no bussiness for unless one have very good recommendation there is no sort of bussiness to be got in ys Indian country wherefore I would have traveled farer when I was in- formed I would have been better if I could have got any money but this is ye worst place for yt I could have pitched upon for there is so little in ye country yt I believe a great many of ym does not know it if they saw it only. They make a parcill of tobaco wch they make to buy themselves cloaths and maks it to go from one to another in- nstied of money and that is all they seek after here so yt if nothing fall out better for me next year if it be possible for me to get a little money and cloaths I design for farrer abroad either to Jamaica or ye West Indies which ever of them I can get ye best accounts of I thought to have gone to New York little after I came here when I found so little incouragement here wch is not far from ys place but I could never be worth so much as to carry me it being very dear traveling yt way I hear my brother Pattrick is there surgion of ye Grayhound man of warr lying on yt station. Mr Petter Chambers has been very kind to me in ys place in assisting me wth severall neceessaries which I could not want & which it had been very hard for me to get unless he had assisted me such as shoos & stokings for me since I came into ys country I have never gained any thing for my selfe unless it be sometimes a small parcill of tobaco wch I get for writting Every thing of cloathing is most unreason- ably dear here it being three times as dear as in Scotland so yt is ye greatst strait I am att, I have not my halth very well in ys country as yet but however I have it much better than I had it last year only I am now and then troubled wth fever & ague wch is a violent distemper here This place is only good for doctors and ministers who have very good encourage- mt here, I must own I think it the hight of impudence for me to write to you wch was the occasion of my not writting to you last year but having incrotched so far on your good nature formerly and still have found you to be my very well wisher I hope you will excoose me far tho' at that time I did not adhere to your good advice yet now I see my folly and wish to God I had given more ear to you and less to some others It had been better for me and many a time now it makes me melencholy to think of my follies and despising my best of friends advice which you have always been wherefore dear sr let this be my excuse. I dsigned to have writtne to my mother but after I bethought with my selfe how much I had disoblidged and how far I had been out of the way to her who I may now say (if I had but considred it right at that time) was the best of mothers to me for which I pray God and she may both forgive me which as long as I am on 262 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. this side of time I am oblidged to pray for and it makes me that I shall never forget the verse which I remember I learned long ago which was "0 mihi praeteritos referat si Jupiter anuos." Neither can I have the impudence to send my duty to her unless you will be pleased to give it and to interceed for me but you have inter- ceeded there for me so oftene that I can scarse desire it and if I were to serve you on my knees while I lived it would searce be a recom- pence for all such favoors which I have received from you I have yet another favour to ask of you which is that you will be pleased to let me hear from you how you and all friends are I stay in the upper part of Essex county on Rappahannock river If you please to write let it be directed to Mr. Chamberes care who will forward it to me. He lives on the same river but farrer down. I desire you will be pleased to give my duty to all your family to my grandmother my aunt to Mrs Hume and all my brothers And I am and allways shall think my selfe Dr sir your most humble and Virginea June 20 1723. obliged servant to* G. Hume. To Mr Ninian Home of Billie att his loodging forgainst the Magdalen chaple in the Cougate Edinburgh. LETTERS FROM CAPT. JAS. HUME TO GEORGE HUME IN VIRGINIA. 274. Hastings, York River, June ye 21th, 1743:— Dr. Br. I have ye pleasure to aquaint you that we arrived here on Tuesday last. I had some thoughts before we arrived to have done myself the pleas- ure or waiting on jjpu, but am obliged to give over that thought at present, for we have had a long passage & ye ship wants a good dale of overhauling amongst the rigging & it is impossible for me to be spared & Capt'n Dandridge being the Senior Capt'n, is in a great hur. ry have us out again. We are to relieve ye St. Sea. Castle & to be stationed here some time. If it suits with your convaniency I should be glad to have ye happiness of seeing you here. There's no news of particular worth mentioning till we have pleasure of meeting, any further than all friends are well. Jno. excepted, but he is much the better of going to Scotland. I am, Your most afft. Broyr. Jas. Hume. P. S. If you should write to me, direct to Leieut, of his Majst. Ship. Hastings, York. We have brought a very good prize with us. 275. Hastings, York River, June 30th, 1743:— Dr. Br. I wrote to you the 25th of this month at our arrivel here, but since I heard you had moved from where you lived before and meeting with this opper- tunity I did not care to let this slip in case the other should not come *A word torn away after "to." CHARTERS, LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS. 263 to hand. I directed it to the care of Mr. Elect Banger at Fredericks- burg. We shall go out on a cruize in a bout a fortnight or three weeks. If it suits with your conveniency should be glad to have ye happiness of seeing you before we sail, but we are to be stationed here some time. Our prize was condemned on Monday last, & I am, Your Most Afft. Broyr. Jas. Hume. P. S. If you have any oppertunity of writing, direct to our Leiutnt of his Majst Ship Hastings, to be left at the Swan, York. I wrote one of the same date by Mr. Waler, Williamsburg. 276. Hastings, Hampton Road, Dec. ye 16th 1749:— Dr. Broyr. We are just getting under sail & I am going abd ye sloop but my mess- mate will not part v/th John wch I am very glad off for he is much better abd. ye ship than he can be w/A me till we get into a warmer climent & asoon as we get there I shall have him with me again. Youll excuse haist. I shall have not time to say any more than my compliments to my sister and Miss. Jeany Dunwoody (Dinwiddie) if you should see her & I am your Most Aftcl Broyr Jas. Hume. *P. S. Jno is very well and likes ye ship. 277. Hastings, Hampton Road, April ye 17th 1744. Dr. Broyr. I have ye pleasure to aquent you we arrd. here from Antegua ye 13th inst. in 15 days passage. I have some thoughts of being in Williams- burg soon but if I should not have an opportunity I shall be glad to see you abd. Youll heare when you come to the Court whether we are gone a cruise or not. I have nothing particular any farther than we had not the good fortune to meet wtt anything since our departure from this place. Jack is well and desires his duty to you all. I am Your Most ASdi Broyr. Jas. Hume. P. S. I have heard nothing of the bear skin you sent to Mr. Dixon, he being in ye country. I desire when you come down youll bring ye Ginsang and difierent sorts of Snake roots If we should be gone out send them to Mr. Charles at York. 278. Hastings, Hampton Road, June ye 24th 1744:— Dr. Broyr. I reed, yours of ye 13th Instant. The ship is going up to Norfolk to heave down, but theres a sloop fitting out for a privateer to guard ye coast till ye ship comes down again and she is to be manned out of our ships Company & I believe I shall command her but I intend to leave Jno. abd in order to go to school at Norfolk vrch I think is much better than going to sea in a small vessel w//z me. If you can have a good opportunity you may send ye snake roots and Ginsang. If not bring it yourself, as you promised Lord Banff some, lett it be put up from mine & if you should come down and I may be gone to sea in ye sloop youll be sure to find Jno. at Norfolk & Likewise the rest of ye gentlemen who will be glad to see you & leave what snake root & gin- sang you intend for me at Mrs. Bordlands in Hampton as I shall be once a month or five weeks there. The gentlemen of the mess desires *John was a son of George Hume and was with his uncle James, who was Lt in the navy. Frank Hume. 264 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. their Compts to you. John desires his duty to you & Mother and love to his Brothers. I am Your Most Aft7 Broyr. Jas. Hume. P. S. This sloop is to be fitted out at the expense of the colony but manned & victualed by the King. 279. Banff Sloop, Hampton Road, Sep. ye 4th 1744:— Dr. Broyr The last cruise I was out I had ye misfortune to spring my mast vrch occasionad my coming in for a new one and I am now going on another cruise but shall be in again in about three weeks, hence at ■wc/i time we expect ye ship will be down from Norfolk. Jack is at school at Norfolk and makes great progress in his arathmetick. We expect the London fleet here every day yvth one Cap/n Dugles in the Mairmaid, a ship of 40 guns to relieve us. If it suits with your con- vaniency I should be glad to see you about three or four weeks hence & I am Your Most Affrf Broyr. Jas. Hume. P. S. Be sure to bring ye snake roots and Ginsang for Lord Banff & me. 280. Tillberg at Sea, Aug. ye 13th 1747: — Dr. Broyr. I was fa- voured with by Jas. Hunter at our arrival from the Meditaranian where we passed last Winter and one about eighteen months ago but we have been almost constantly at sea ever since this 9hip have been commis- sioned that I never had the opportunity of meeting with a ship bound your way or otherwise I should have wrote often to you. When we came home in the Hastings we was paid off at Chatham. I took a trip to Scotland where I found every bodie well but had not been long their before Lord Banff had the command of this ship. I being ap- pointed his first Lieutenant was obliged to leave it before I had seen all my Relatives & indeed much sooner than I intended if there had been a possibility of helping of it. As to your son Jack I can scarce give any act of him nor do I well know what to do wM him. When I first come home I put him to school & since he has been with me here and had the advantage of a school master and take to nothing neither his books nor of being a seaman that in all this 3 years he cannot work a common case of plain sailing, nor does he know how many points theres in ye compass so that he never will be fitt for anything but to drive hogs in the woods. As soon as we gett to England again from conveying the fleet we now have in charge the Tilberg is to be fitted for the East Indies but I shall not go out in her if theres a possi- bility of getting clear of her. However I shall write more particular to you next opportunity. I was in London about three weeks agoe- James Hunter was there in town but did not see him. I had promises of being made a Cap/« ever since I came from Virginia but the parla- ment interest goes so far at present that them who wants it must go without being provided for till it be over and in short the Scots inter- est at this time goes but a very little way. Theres some otherthings I could mention more particular with regard to you, but dont care to do it at this distance or at least at this time and I am Your Most AUct Broyr. James Hume. CHARTERS, EETTEkS AND DOCUMENTS. 265 281. Erdram, April 7th 1751:— Dear Brother. I a long time agoe reed yours and can make no furder excuse than that I was for four years rooming in Edinbrough for the edication of my young family and mind it nothing else. I do asshore you a correspondence would be most acceptable to me so often as I could have it. Youll seel have so far taken your last advice. And God Almighty was pleased to de- prive me of the one brother I had the other of my devotions who I do asshore you proves a cind and loving husband. His son has procured a small fortune as much as make a very comfortabell liffe though Mr. Hume of Billie left his son of the second marriage 10,000 pounds Sterling fortune & all his younger children good porshun but he was never reconciled to his son my husband who in the city only one alive of the first marriage upon acct. of himself against Sister Peggy's marriage and his. It were useless to tell you the situationt of a few when the bearer hereof Ninian Hume my eldest son can inform you ever particular. It were useless to write you the situationt of his busi- ness. Ask him and than I hope you will act the part of a parent in a strange country to give him your counternance and best advice. Youll find him but a young boye, a stranger to the world and willing to take the advice of the best of his friends. I will expect to hear from you by the return of the ship though he proposes not to return so soon, providing he ceapts his health in that climot. I beg you will advise him & veous him as your own & also would let ma know if I can serve or be of any yeous to you in this place. The same ship we expect will return to Virginy next year at this time. You have also letter from your brother which will gave you account of their affairs if not Ninian can. Sister Jeans husband does every thing that may be disagreeable to her family and Mr. Hume did every thing that might be agreeable to mine which was the only thing brought us into reconcilement — all other things I refer you to the bearer who I hope shall befor him, with my cincere good wishes to you & all your familly from Your Most Afft Sister Isabels Hume. No. 282. Erdrom, June 16th, 1752: — Dear Brother, I can make no appologe for so seldom a correspondence but that we lay out of the way of knowing when ships went off and some times could not find a direction: I reed a letter from you some months agoe but as my son went for your country some months before and was strongly recom- mended to enquire for you at the first arrivel he having letters from us & his uncles reccommending him to your care and advice and at re- ceipt of yours as you had not seen him I thought it needlice to write till I herd from him, wnich I have frequently done but he never has spoak wan word of you nor of any bodie else that his uncle the Captn gave him letters to. His pappa has wrot to him to let us know about you. The last we had he told us he never had reed a letter from this country so we must suspend our thoughts a little longer in hopes by this time you have mett. I lifft to give you a full account of the situa- 266 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. tiont of friends and acquaintances when you receive this I will expect to hear from you by the first opportunity and also would be satis- fied to hear more frequently and also wher in or what it lay in my power to serve you in this place. I should be redy and glad of an op- portunity. My Mother ceapts her health verie well and looks as well as I ever remember her. Lives verie comfortably with her three sons. The doctor is verie convenient I may say fallen off verie fast. The Lord seems to have no inclination for marriage he mad a hansome fortune. I do not doubt but you have had the account from some of your brothers of the misfortune of your sister Lady Billie. Sith her eldest son* is still abroad att his travels who seemingly makes a good appearance. She has three sons and three daughters more verie well left by their father. As for your sister Jean I think her veri unhappy. It is just as they think themselves he is a good preacher but a mighty mad wan. I go to see her some times but he never allows her to come & see me. When I made my first step Mr. Hume did every thing that he thought would be agreeable to my relations and Todd does every thing that he thinks disagreeable. She has five fine children. I would give you a fuller account but as I cannot think my son Ninian will leave the countray without enquiring for you he can inform you better than I can. I writ I did not doubt but the assistance of your advice might ben of yeous to him in his way. Direct for me Mrs. Hume of Jardinsfield att Porankston near Dunnebarre (Dunbar)which is a small purchase Mr. Hume has mead in East Lothian — about 50 Pounds per for the convenience of Dwelling house. He is inclining not to build and Jardinfield would not lodge his family. Its about 10 miles from Duns so will expect to hear more particular from you. I have Ninians letter sometime in Cornswick. My familly heare is all well. You see not the best of them when you see my Ninian tho he is my favorit for his thorough good temper. My compliments to you and your family & I ever am Your Most Afft Sister Rec'd this letter Isabell Hume. Feb. ye 23rd 1753. G. H. 283. Porankston, Feb. ye 12th 1753.— Dear Brother About five months agoe I had the pleasure of receiving yours from the hands of my son and was glad to hear the good accounts he gave of you all. Was verie hard on him why he had spent so little of his time by you. Could find no excuse but that his stay in the country was shorter than he expect it and his business would not allow him. His ship is out against July first how he is to be disposed of than is not yet determant. Am in the mind it will be thought proper for him to come once more to yeur countray which if he do you will know. His father will give him a small start but he gave it out that the money can not so esyly be made by trade as formerly. Traders being so increased in every coun- tray. I wrote you some months agoe direct to Ninian but he was left *— Alexander Hume, afterward with Capt. Cook. CHARTERS, LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS. 267 the countray before it could come to hand but supposing you may have got yours wherin I gave you a small account of the news of our coun- tray. As to the melancolly account of Lady Billys death Ninian would tell you in what great good sircumstances she was left by her husband. She lived with her six children 3 sons & 3 daughters sometimes in the town and sometimes in the countray. She was in the countray August 31 1751 her own man servant lodge himself below her bed till under night he ent her days. She hearing him, spoke, upon which the wretch took a knife and cut her throat. She lived about 3 days but spoke little, in the January after he was hanged between Leith and Edinbro & thar hung in chains. He had brought her a sum of money from her father a few days befor. Her eldest son was and still is a broad, she and hirs lived in all fullness. It was but a verie small share that my husband got tho he is the only child alive by the first marage, however we are verie happy and has as much with good management as will put our children in a way to gain their bread, and happiness do not con- sist in riches. I beg you will take evry opportunity to let me hear how you are and what your young folks is doing & would be glad to know if I could serve you in anything att such a distance. And I ex- pect you will let me hear from you. Direct your letters to John Hun- ters care Dunce (Duns) this Porankston my letter is direct from is to be my place of residence. it is a small purchase Mr. Hume has made in east Lothian. It is abount ten miles fiom Duns. Before I end I must tell you my mother ceapts her health very well. The Doctor for some time was in a verie bad way but has got his health a little better. The Captain holds out well this Winter. The Laird lives still a bach- eller. Thats the way the Mother & the three sons. My daughter is the only young bodie in the familly. Mr. Hume sends his love to you and your familly, I am your Most Aff/ Sister Isabeh Hume. 284. Wedderburn, Dec. 5th, 1759.— -Dear Brother, I had yours dated the 30th July 1759 which gave me great pleasure to hear from you. I wrote you in March last wch by this time may have come to hand but I, finding this oppertunity by a brother of Jas. Hunters will give you a small acount of your few relations. My Mother looks & is as well as ever I remember her only she can not walk without the help of two staves which misfortue she mett with four years agoe by a fall. The Laird is still going about in his old way — pretty much bald for his yeers and the Doctor is a man just hanging together with ease & good ceaping that is just the way — how hear with a daughter of mine attending them wan after the other. As to their worldly affairs no- body knows anything about. Our two dear brothers left con- siderable which is supposed to fall to the Doctor which was a just to do as he was always as a father to them and did for them when they first went abroad — bow he desires to dispose of his none of us knows nor do we use the freedom to ask. The Doctor is a verie good man & does a great many charitable things to pour people but carries himself at such 268 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. a disttance that no bodie dare ask any questions. I spoke to him to send a little but came to no particulars. He has you verie much at heart. I think you should ask what you think convenient- he a most tender hearted man as ever lived as for Sister Jean I wrot you a long agoe she was marrat to a Minister living at Lady Kirk on Twitsed six miles from Wedderburn— my Mother knows. The Lord has never seen her. He was the man that tached Mr. Hume of Billys children. vShe has 3 sons & 2 daughters & lives but loan. So the Laird of Billy lives at the rate of a great fortune — He is rely uncind to his brothers and his 3 sisters which is very fine young Ladays. He has 2 brothers in the aimy. I myself [is as happy with my small fortune as they may be with their large ones and I am afraid you will be went with reading of this. When my daughters write you it will be better spelled. The reading and spelling being taught in a quat differ- ent way than in my time. I shall write you again soon & shall be glad to hear from you with oppertunity ther is now but few — from Your Affct Sister, ISABELiv Hume. No. 285. Edrom, 7th April, 1751:— Dear Sir, I had the pleasure of yours long agoe, was disyppointed by John Hunter who neglected to aquent us when he wrote his Broyrs. Y r ou have this by my son Ninian who is come to Virginia for a season to keep his Masters store to whom I refer you for one account of all friends here. Am confident of your regards for your sister and family & shall make it my constant studdy to cultivat a friendship with my relations and especially with him who was so agreeable to my brother. Have got at last a small comptency which with frugality and industy will enable me to edu- cat and put my children to Imployment the expense of a familly &c being double when you was here. It is needless for me to defer you give Ninian your countenance and advise being confident you will use him as your own child— he is reccommended to one Mr. Maitland a Merchtin York river — have nothing further to ad but that I am Your afft Broyr N, Hume. P. S. Y T our friend Manderston is married to your old acquantance Gavin Drummond's daughter. Her father is dead some years agoe. Adiew. No. 286. Edrom, 24th Febr., 1752:— Sir, I have the pleasure of yours of ye 15th Sept. last. I wrote you in my last by son Ninian who is at Hastings in Y^ork river as did the Captn. Doctor and my wife but he has neither acknowledged his delivering the letters nor of his seeing you tho he had strict charges to do it. It is a great pleasure to do it. It is a great pleasure to hear from my friends— shall embrace every opportunity of writing and hearing from them. Friends here are all well. Make my compliments to my cousin and tell him his sister was married four years ago to a Mr. Taylor who died about 2 CHARTERS, LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS. 269 years agoe and left her two daughters one of which is in the girls Hospital, the other is with her. She is verie industrious. Was sup- ported by my father who at his death ordered her fifteen pound Sterl- ing & reccommended her to his wife and son. Since Lady Billys death both has ordered to give her some small thing from time to time as she needs it. I suppose you have herd of the manner of Lady Billys death. It was thus: She had reed some cash before the 2nd of Aug. last — 70 Pound Str. Her ffast man on that night concealed him- self in her bedchamber when she had gone to take a walk as she usually did before bedtime when at Lent hill. When she had fallen a sleep he attacked her & cut her throat with a case kniffe — upon re- ceiving the stab. She at once started up & got hold of his hair and strug- gled considerably — our lady did alarm the servants — upon their com- ing up he made his escape at the window — was taken next day and upon the 5th of March, was executed at Edinr — the 10th of January last — having his right hand first cut off and nailed to the top of the gallows — then hanged — & hung in chains — betwixt Leith & Edinr. When you write again please direct for me at Branxton to the care of the Post Master of Dunbar, East Lothian. I am Your Most obt Humble Servt. N. Hume. My wife joins me in our compliments to all friends. I wrote like wise to J. Hunter by son but does not know if he reed it. Adieu. 287. Braxnton, Janry. 30th, 1759 — Dear Sir, I have the pleasure of both of your letters —one of Augt. 1758, I received a year after ye date. Am sorry to tell you that James was killed in Spring last en- gaging a French letter of Marque Ship in the bay of Biscay, it was hard to be killed in his first cruise and just when life became tolerable to him. I am sure he dearly earned what he got and think he merit- ed a better fate but that now a days is too little minded — poor man he is gone and I hope is happy. Your brother the Captn who had been long afflicted with the gout died 30th of Aug. last. Can not inform you how they settled their affairs as none of your brothers spoke to me of it. Lady Wedderburn looks as well as she has some twentee years past — walks upon crutches, occasioned by a fall she got about three years agoe. The Laird has been dangerously ill of a fever — is now seemingly well, but recovers his strength ,slowly — the Doctor is but tender keeps his health pretty well by care and regular living. This is a melancolly subject — must give you concern which I sincerely sym- pathize with you in. I delivered my cousins letter to his sister which she answered. My familly I hope are all well, but dispersed. Ninian has been settled in St. Christophers these three years past, George is following out his business as a writer, have got him appointed com. misar of Lander tho of small profit may be a means to bring him into business. My oldest daughter has been with her Grandmother this four years past — Have ye young boy Frank and two daughters at 270 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. home. I regret your situation in time of war but hope you are now safe & if the next campaign be as successful as the last I hope the French will be driven out of America— at least will be confined within very narrow limits. All your friends at Edinbr. well. My two young- est brothers David & Tom have been very luckee— the first have been but about three or four years in the army and has now a Troop in Scots Grays now in Germany. The other is a Leftenant in the Scots fusilers at Gibraltar. You are no higher taxed than we are in this country than we are. Fourteen millions here to be raised for the service of the current year. My wife would have wrote by this opportunity but delayed it until another. Shall always be glad to hear of you and family well being. I am Your Most obt Servt. N. Hume. 238. London 18th Sep— 1736.— Dr Br. Not having heard anything of you sd many years till John came home last year. I intended then to have writ to you but going out again to Constantinople and not knowing when we might return I defered it. We were paid off about ten days agoe. As there is but little prospect of any business for some time in my way intends to go to Scotland for the Winter not having seen my Moyr these twelve years as it is probable I may not go abroad all next year. Should be glad to hear from you. When at Cape Fear about four years ago I writ to you and once afterwards from Carolina but never herd from you. May write safely directed to the Golden Boot it Dukes Court, St. Martins Lane, London & it will find me where ever I am. Could write more largely, but will not till I hear from you. Am determined to write to you every 3 months for at least three or four times if I hear not from you and am Your AfcV^Br. Yat Hume. 289. Dear Br. Recrf yours of the 17th May 1737 and likewise that of the 2th June which was directed to Mr. Hume in Dukes Court who sent them to me being then at Carolina a second time from wch place I writ you several times but has not herd from you since. We came to England again last winter. Ld. Delorain who was my Captn dying soon after. Am at in the Suffolk where I met with the oppor- tunity of this ship now in Gorbay there being about 25 sail of us lying ready for a wind to go down channel Commanded by Sir John Norris —we believe to look for the Spanish or French fleet in the bay of Bis- cay. John is still in the West Indies the Roebuck being expected home every day. All in Scotland are in the same way as when I last writ. We do not expect to be long out & if a peace is made soon it is possible I may not go abroad again— intending to pay our old Moyr as CHARTERS, LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS. 271 long a visit as I have been now absent if it please God we both live so long — intending to write you frequently & shall be still in some hopes of a further correspondence. Your Kiict Br. Pat Hume. Ship Suffolk in Gor bay 31st July, 1740. Direct for me to be left at Mr. Samuel Barlows Apry. in Buck boro burry London. 299. Wedderburn, Unci March 1747.— Br. Reed yours of May 1745 some time agoe and likewise of 8th of Fbr. 1746 by James Hunter. I saw your son at Portsmouth last winter w/A James where I was sur- geon of the Sandwich under Jno.s command for about ihree weeks. I only took her with an intention to quit again as I thought myself not fit to go to sea since last West India voyage which was in 1741 — been for the most part in this country since I got superanuate. When I left the Sandwich and given over all thoughts of business having still a lameness in my hands I thank God otherwise in a very good health as I often wished for a quiet country life when I was obliged to bustle about the world I think I have now fallen into it but idleness I do abhor. Have therefore turned planter by taking a little farm of our Brother where I plant, soe and build Dykes which affords me constant employment — what little I got together have laid out on two small farms in the neighborhood which pays my rent and the overplus is mostly laid out in improving my farm — OurMoyris intolerable health for one in her years. Jno has been in the Sandwich about a year and a half — a guard ship but soon to be paid off and he so lame in his legs v/ih the Gout & therefore not fit for a cruising ship. I believe he will come to Scotland unless he get anoyr Guard ship. Jas. went to the Meddittarean some months agoe — all your friends herr are well & am Your Most ASci Br. Pat Hume. Direct for me at Wedderburn near Berwick upon Tweed. 6 miles from there li " " Duns. H. H. P. 291. Wedderburn 28th. Mar. 1751. -Dr. Br. I writ to you in June last year by Jas. Hunters Ba. which I hope you reed since that, we are much as we were here. The Capt is very infirm of the Gout — in both hands and feet. The Lord & I have both had it this winter. This comes by a son of Jardinfields who was Mr. Ninians eldest son by his first wife and marryd our sister Isabell. As to anything else he can give you on act, of us hear & am Your Affct Br. Pat Hume. Z12 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. 292. Wedderburn 12th Dec. 1758.— Dr. Br. Reed yours of the 16th of June with bill and have paid it according to James Hunters direc- tions — am perfectly content you should do the same yearly at least whilst things continues in such a precarious situation in your neigh- borhood. This last Summer we have met with the loss of two of our Broyers. John died here in Aug. James was killed comdr of the Pluto fire ship the first cruize he went out after he got the command, by a French man of war in April last so that you see I am the only one left of four of us that went to sea. As to myself I am not in a good state of health but I think better this last year than for some years past. I hope to be able to answer the demand as above whilst I live and you have occasion for it. What may happen after that God only knows. The Laird has had a very severe fitt of illness at Hdinbg. I was with him about a month—is perfectly recovered but not yet got to the countray. Our Moyr is in very good health but from a paroletick fitt she had some years agoe can not walk without crutches. All are tolerable well & am Your Most Affr/ Br. Pat Hume. 293. (This was written without the knowledge that Geo. his bro. was dead.) Wedderburn 28th April 1761.— Dear Br. Reed, yours of the 2nd of April, 1760 have paid the bill of twenty pounds to John Hunter, Br. to James— were likewise given John Hunter a bill for 100 pounds to be paid you in shares by his brother Jas. which bill I shall pay as soon as they produce me a receipt under your hand that you have received the value — I hope you will put it to the best use you can. I have been worse than usual for some weeks past — not being able to ride on horse back as usual but I still go out in the chaise Have settled matters so that whatever comes of me the 100 pounds will be paid you — Your Moyr and all here are tolerably well & am Your afiW Br. Pat Hume. The following are copies of Letters written by Geo. Hume of Va. to his brothers and sisters in Scotland. 294. Dear Brother David, I have wrote to you so often without ever receiving an answer yt I am almost hopeless of writing to you any more. Whether it is you do not receive my letters or will not write or have any correspondence with me I can not tell however, having this safe opportunity by James Hunter I take it to let you know I am still alive and well and hope to hear from you when you receive this — how ye are and all ye rest of my Brothers yt. You may happen to see as also My Mother and sisters. Y T ou may be sure it will be very great joy and satisfaction for me to hear how you all are at so long absence. You can not but know where to find me. if you direct for me in CHARTERS, LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS. 273 Orange County to the care of Mr. William Hunter merchant, Freder- icksburg Rap« River Virginia, I shall be sure to receive them. I shall add no more at present till I hear from you wr/i I earnestly beg I may do with ye first opportunity & not only once but shall beg you will give yourself ye trouble cf letting me hear from you often, and pray give my duty to my Mother with my love to my sisters and their hus- bands not fcrgetting to remember me to my old fellow traveller and brother sufferer Alexdr Hume of Manderstone and should be heartily glad to hear from him. G. Hume. Fbrye 7th 1736. 295. Fbr ye 11th, 1746: — Broyr James, I wrote you ye 15th of Apr — but never had any return from you since the letter you wrote me from Hampton road Janr. ye 19th, 1744 (or 45 cant read) after you were removed and having now this time & as I think oppor- tunity by James Hunter's son to James Hume in Duns I take it to write you hoping you will receive it because I dare say if you are in London or Scotland he will see you if possible. I have likewise wrote by him to Brothers David, Patt & Jno. whom I hope will all hear from, you may believe it would be one of comfort & satisfaction that possibly could . . . with you all at such a distance & pray let me hear how my sone does and how he behaves & if he likes in London or Fredericksburg best. I have had a very hard spell of sickness for several months by reasen of a greivous cold I catched at our last winter but I thank God & now bravely recovered and intend to give over taking long and tedious journeys of where we are obliged to go perhaps several months without seeing a house, and living altogether on wilde meat and to content myself with what lit" tie business I can get about home at least in ye inhabited places. I still am surveyor of orange county — it is of little benefit now for ye Ld. Fairfax has almost got all our back lands from Ye King yt we yt are Kings . . . has now but yery little business for his Lordships agents here . . . with whome I have no acquaintance. I did not much expect being so much troublesome to you. would lend me the wach and saddle you promised but now I hope we shall have bet- ter news & if you can meet wth James Hunter you can not get a safer hand. I beg you will not fail to let me hear from you & es often as you can and may. G. Hume. 296. Dear Sister Isabell, I had the favour of a letter from you by James Hunter dated ye 22nd of March 1747. I sent you an answer but have not received one from you since. You can not but have oppor- tunities enough and should be glad to hear from you how you are as also all enqr. friends — am glad to hear you are so well settled at home & wch I hope will be your satisfaction & I imagine by this time our 274 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Broyr Jno is also settled at home and also glad to hear that our Mother is so well who I am certain must be old and infirm by ys time. The county I live in was divided last assembly and ye part I live in is called Culpepper County ye other of Orange still. Wherefore di- rect for me living in ye fork of Rappahannock River Culpepper County, Virginia. I am very well and in good health however I find myself fail and not able to walk the mountains as I have done. I have had so much cold and endure so much hardship over our mountains it will grow old wether I will or not. Pray rpmembe; me to all friends as enquire after me. I am, 297. April ye 8th. 1748:— Broyr. Pat, Reed yours from Wedder- burn dated 22d Mar. 1747. Im glad to hear all is so well, and es- pecially our Moyr who must now by old age be very in-firm. I had a letter from James on board the Gil berg (Tilberg) at sea dated ye 13th of August last he does not tell me where he is but cannot be very far off his letter had such a quick passage. It was not wrote two months till I got it. He was then well. Your lameness in your hands continues to hinder you from your business but glad you are so well settled and so content. I have nothing to write to you. Our Govnr gives no ... by receiving wares & goods so very dear it is almost impossible to buy. I got such a cold at ye mountains that I expected it would have killed me. I have been there two years past. I could never go out to work but I thanked God. I hope am now perfectly re- covered and think as well as ever and able now again to walk ye mountains. I hope you will not fail to let me hear from you often — as you may on the opportunity from Jas. Hunter to send to their Broyr- who lives in Fredericksburg town within 20 miles. Your aft. Broyr. G. Hume. 298. Dear Broyr Jno. I have wrote to you several times since you left this nation but you promised to let me hear from you often. I never have had ye pleasure of one letter from you. the last time I wrote to you was in April 1745 & now having this good opportunity by James Hunter son to Jas. Hunter in Duns I send you this by him vith hope will go safe if he gets safe home. I am sure he will care to de- liver it according to ye directions which I hope you will get & pray let me beg to hear from you & where I shall direct to you. You may assure yourself it would be a very great satisfaction and pleasure for me to hear from you often how you are and in what place. Direct for me either by ye old direction as you had when was in the country or to the care of Wm. Hunter Merc/it in Fredericksburg, Rappahannock River Virginia— the plantation I lived at when you was here was both too low and too publick a place for my business wherefore I sold it & bought another where I live at now about 18 miles higher in Orange CHARTERS, LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS. 275 Co. of which County I am still Surveyor of but very little business & to go to the mountains or over them I can not agree to yl. I think not to go any higher though it is now but a poor county. I must be con- tent pray do not fail to let me hear from you. — G. Hume. 299. Sir, I was favored with a letter from your spouse by James Hunter dated in March 1747 and should take it as a very great favour if you would be so good as to let me hear from you — how all afairs are in our native country, in which there are great Changes since I was there, in ye year 1721 I left the country since which time have had very little correspondence. I hope friendship as was between your brother James & I besides ye relations may also create a carrespond- ence between us which I assure you will not only be a pleasure but a very great satisfaction to me at such a distance. I am heartily glad to hear that all are well with you hoping it will continue. You may always have an opportunity to send me from John Hunter in Duns & Broyr James seeing often. Pray remember my love to my sister, your spouse also to my sisters Peggy and Jenny and my young nephews and neices though unknown with me. My service to all our friends who inquire after me especially Alexr Hume of Manderstone. I am Your G. Hume. To Alexr. Hume of Jardinfield Dated Aug. 9th 1749. 300. Dear Brother, I understood by Willie Hunter you wrote by him last year to me but he not knowing who I was and ye letter being directed to me living on Rapn Gave it to ye . . . who carried it around to . . . yt after all ye inquiry I could not make out nor hear of it though should have been heartily glad to hear from you. May you let me hear from you by ye first oppertunity & and pray let me know how all was at home, and if our old Mother is still alive and how all affairs stand which would be of a great satisfuction to me at such a distance. I have no news to write to you only I am hop- ing this may find you & all my Broyrs & sisters in ye same condition, very well. Still travelling about in ye back woods over our great country and it increases so fast I still find some business. Ye Kings business were ever very slack most of ye lands as belongs to ye Crown being surveyed but have got into ye Lord Fairfax business — being proprietors of ye N, Neck of Virginia and being now in ye country himself which I hope will hold by. You will let me hear from ye first opportunity & send your letters for me to Mr. Jno. Hunter in Duns — directed to the care of Mr. Wm. and James Hunters' merchants in Fredericksburg, Rapn River. Virga & I shall be sure of them. I 276 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. shall add no more at present; only— hot ing you will let me hear from you as soon as possible and remember my duty to my Mother if alive — with love to all my brothers & sisters & I remain, Your Loving Br. G. H Febr. ye 15th 1751 To Doctor Jno. Hume at Wedderburn near Berwick on Tweed. 301. I had the happiness of receiving a letter from your spouse my sister from James Hunter dated the year 1747 since wch time I have wrote both to you and her but has never received any answer. I should take it as a particular favour besides the great pleasure and satisfac- tion I should have to hear from you every year or at least as often as you can conveniently being at such a distance— to hear how all friends are & how affairs does at home especially with all my brothers & sisters When your brother James died I may say I lost my good friend and best correspondent however I hope you will be the same and you may always send to me by way of Mr. Jno. Hunter at Duns directing to me in Culpepper Co— Rapn River Virga. to ye care of Mr. William or JamesHunter merchantsin Frederbg. RapnRiver Ya. You haveacousin Alexr Hume, son to James Hume your uncle who was Dixon of the Taylors in Edinbrough who lives about three miles of my house who desires me to remember him to you & would be glad to hear how you all did especiall what has become of his sister if alive or dead or what condition are all. Hoping this will find you & your spouse in the same condition. I wrote to you last in Aug, 1740 but never had any ans. I likewise write now to your spouse hoping to hear from you both as soon as possible. I may remember my love to your sister your spouse and my sister Peggy & Jenny not forgetting my service to Alexr Hume of Manderstone. I shall add no more at present— only beg you will let me hear from you as often as you can conveniently which will be a very great pleasure to me. 3 6 G. Hume. Fbr. the 15th 1741. To Mr. Alexr Hume. of Jardsnfield. 302. Dear Broyr, I take ye opportunity to let you know we are all well only I am grown so crazy no more fit to go in the back woods. Our country is so far back settled that we are obliged to go above 100 miles before I can come back to work. I am so broken by ye hard- ships I have indured in ye backwoods that we are obliged to go also have lost my sight so far that without spectacles scarce discern ye de- crees of my compass yt it kills me to travel so far over such moun- tains as you know we have & of late have been very much afflicted by old colds and lying out so much wch now begins to come upon me. When James was in ye country I was always telling him 1 used to go CHARTERS, LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS. 277 to ye Branches of Misossippy to survey laud there & he used to laugh at me thinking it impossible as I believe however it has now proved true for we have at least met wth ye French a parcel of gentlemen who have got a grant from ye King for a great deal of land in this a branch of Missossippy — last spring built a a fort on this river. Ye French let ym alone till finished then come & took possession with- out bloodshed but before that I do understand any damage to our back settlers only built forts I suppose to stop us from coming any nearer we thinking the land belong to us and they think it belong to ym. And there was a great noise went about the French were coming upon us. Several young men enlisted themselves beat up for volunteers and I believe got about or near 400 in Virga who went out against ye French & at the same time raised an army also and some time since about ye end of May last a party of our soldiers met with a party of the French. I am informed by ye French prisoners who I saw, there were 35 of ym and 32 of our men besides some of our indians had a skirmish & I understand our men killed 9 of ye French — one got away and the rest they took prisoners and sent down to Williamsburg & we only lost one man. Our men built a fort on ye same river Ohio as the French and some distance from theirs wherein our men lay & I imagine intended to ly by for some more recruits be- ing far inferior in number to ye French, we had I believe seme come> from New York & 2 or 3 hundred from Carolina who were to go under the command of one Col. James a Scotsman from Carolina who was to be chief commander but before they got to our army ye French lit on ours & has quite beat ym with a great slaughter on both sides. our men behaved very well but being so far inferior in number to ye French they being . . . to be good . . . and but between 3 & 400 men were obliged to yield, quit the field, make peace for one year & none of us to go over Ye Alligany mountains which they say be- longs to ye King of France. Since what will be ye event I know not yet that I am obliged to give out going so far & content myself with a little business about home for unless I were to move 2 or 3 hundred miles further back it would not be worth my while to move & yt is what I can not think of doing if I can make any other shift. I have taken your advice about my sons. I have two now of age. George and Francis. George follows my business however he is very careful and industrious but unless he goes 3 or 400 miles back it will not be worth his while, tho he works for me & am in hopes he will do well. Fran- cis is the planter & I am in hopes he will do well. As for John I am in hopes he may do well enough, but I could never persuade him to go in a merchant ship though he never will & the Captn as brought him in offered him his mates place if he would go home again wth him but he would not go & still wants to to be in a Kings Ship. I have 3 younger sons whom I intend God willing to bind to good trades yt they may know how to get their living — no daughters, am glad to 278 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. hear our Moyr holds it so well pray give my duty to her with my respects to ye Doctor & Laird I am, Your Most Affectionate Brother, G. Hume. ToCaptnJno Culpepper Co. Virga. Hume at Wedderburn Aug. 22nd, 1754. Politeness to the care of Mr. John Hunter Merchant in Duns. P. S. Would be glad to hear from James or in what place or nation he is in. Our assembly are soon sitting I believe chiefly on yt occurrence, if we shall soon hear. I have no layt news to tell you. Money is so scarce it is a rare thing to see a dollar and at publick places where great monied men must bet on Cock fighters, horse races & c ye noise is not so now as it used to be — one pistol to 2 or 3 pistols to one — it is now common cry 2 cows & calves to one or 3 to one or some- sometimes 4 hogsheads tobr. to one a yt gives no price, so I do not know how we shall maintain a war ye French having very much ye advantage of us. G. H. 303. Sir, I take ye opportunity of letting you know we are all well in ye country but very much oppressed wth ye wars as we have had — here some years. I do not doubt you have heard of the bad suc- cess we had last year when Gen'rl Braddock commanded. We lost as I am in-formed by waggoners there present about 12 or 13 hun- dred men and I do not understand they can give any act. of any dam- age as our men did for them. The indians didnot themselves only lay in ambush as the wolves for our army as they were passing and I do not understand there were above 500 of ym & they did not show themselves. The indians have done agreat deal of damage — has cut off a great many people and still continue. They have murdered & slayed several hundred besides carrying away a great many pris- oners. They murdered a great many of us & we get but few of them & am very much afraid without some speedy help they will do a great deal more mischief for almost every day we hear of some one or other being murdered by ym. They have now got about 100 miles down among our back inhabitants and still come lower & lower. I am heartily glad my Mother holds out so well & by what I can find out better than her sons for what I understand ye Doctor & ye Captn have failed for many years— yet I find ye contrary as for ye Laird & I think nothing of him for I do not suppose he ever has indured ye hardships both night & day as any of us has. I want to hear very much where James is. I have not heard fram him this great while or if he has got a ship or not. My family & I am in CHARTERS, LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS. 279 good health, & remember our love to you all. Pray remember me to my cousin, Peggy's children and all enqr friends which is all at present from Your Most obedient Servant, G. Hume. June ye 20th, 1754. To Alexr. Hume of Jardinsfield Esqr. at Braxton in East Lothian to ye care of ye Post Master at Dunbar. 304. Feb. ye 23rd, 1753: — Dear Sister, I received yours from Edrom dated June 16th, 1752 — am glad to hear you & family are all well. I wrote to you a short time afterwards but am sensible it did not come to hand because of the messenger I sent it by I hear is now in Carolina & I do not imagine went home & heartily glad to hear our relatives are well more especially yt our mother keeps her health so well and by what I hear from you she holds out better than her sons for I find the Captn is very crazy also ye Doctor & for my part I have held it out amongst our mountains beyond ex- pectations and has in my time been one of the last as ever went into my business lying in far of our mountains & I am being so dim sighted I cannot see ye backwoods but soon it is over. I begin to be almost ashamed so since my Mother keeps in so good health but to be very crazy by ye hardships I have endured in lying out in our back woods but now I must give out the very much agst my will. Am sorry to hear our sister Jean is so unhappily matched tho if she is content in ye world depending entirely on contentment. Content- ment with a small living must certainly be better than great riches with discontent. I likewise reed a letter from Branxton dated Febr 12th, 1753. I think dear Sister, Ninian gives you a true state of trade in this country. I must telliyou how it is. I do not know, but our factors as comes in . . . ways is more than I am acquainted with but by that time they can have 2 or 3 years — they get estates to them- selves come to their owners what will. They take care of themselves & it is impossible They and ye owners at home both can get estates & to mention so many fine fellows here all bedaubed with gold & silver lace tine times money flying & in 2 or three years fine estates ia land & negroes surely that must come out of ye owners pockets and it is impossible them and ye owners both can thrive so fast that trade must sink & indeed they are innumerable. The goods always were most extravagantly dear but now therefore got ye parties so so much in debt to ye merchants then they might be able to pay this money in years if ever. Now they have what they please for their goods & will give almc?*- nothing for Tobr. for they are sure of it being oweing to them & if a man offers to you buy them where they are perhaps to get a little better price, yn the poor mans is sold to pay ye Mercht. both land and negroes & yt is ye end of 280 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. yt. poor planter & ye Merchant gets his estate for a small matter, but do not imagine ye owners at home are ye better of it though it comes out of their pockets & I imagine it is what makes ye . . . at home (so we hear) break. This is a true state of ye trade in our country at ys time & really they will. Goods are become so dear ye country being so much in debt to ye merch yt we shall scarcely be able to get ourselves shirts & oyr necessaries. I must tell you a piece of news wch no doubt you have heard of — perhaps not ye cir- cumstances. We live in a very large country ye extent I believe as yet not known being settled several hundred miles back since I came to it in 1721. We have now got on the branches of Misossippy river so nigh ye French yt they do not like our coming so nigh to 5 m. I do not hear they do any mischief to our back settlers only build forts very nigh to us to stop us — till we took up arms against ym to defend our Kings rights & to guard our back settlers on Ohio river a branch of Misossippy besides that river which lies all to ye west ward of us. We had a fort built there by a company of gents who has taken up great quantities of land on Ohio but as soon as done ye French made bold to posess it without blood shed. There was a great noise in ye country ye French were coming upon us several young men listed themselves & then beat up for volunteers to fight ye French and I be- lieve got about 400 in Virga who went out. Ye French raised men also & some time about ye end of May last a party of our soldiers met with a party of ye French. I am informed by French Prisoners wch I saw there were 35 of ym & 32 of our men besides some of our indians. They had a skirmish & understand our men killed 7 of ye French- one got away and ye rest sent down to Williamsburg prisoners & only lost one man. We built a fort on ye same river Ohio as ye French at some distance where our men lay & I hear intended to ly by for more recruits being so far inferior to ye French. We had I believe 200— come from New York— 200 & 2 or 3 hundred from Carolina which were to go under ye command of Col. Ennis a Scotsman who was to be chief commander who came from Carolina but before they got up to ye fort ye French lit on our men & had quite beat ym with a great slaughter on both sides. Our men behaved nobly but so far in ferior in number ye French being as was supposed about 900 & we. only between 3 & 400 yt we were obliged to quit ye field and make peace for one year and none of us to go over ye Alligany mountains wch they say is ye King of France's land for in ye time what yt will turn out I can not tell. The head officers are gone to consult wth ye Govenor but what is tobe'done if we are to keep the peace or go on again wth recruits is not yet known though in a few days I am in hopes we shall know. I have this day wrote to your husband & shall again in a short time as soon as I hear CHARTERS, LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS. 281 more news. My family are all well & remember their love to you 8c yours hoping you are ye like — wch is all at present from Your Loving Brother G. Hume. July 20th, 1754. Culpepper Co. Va. To Mrs Isabell Hume at Branxton, near Dunbar in East Lothian. 305. I reed yours dated from Edrom ye 24 Fbr. 175 — (torn off) & wrote to you some time after as also my sister by a young man yt was going home but I hear since he has come back from Carolina wth our soldiers so I am afraid he has never been home or sent ye letters. I showed your cousin* Landers what you had wrote me about his sister wch was very great satisfaction to him. He and his family are well & lives within a few miles of me so I have ye happiness of seeing him very often. We are all well here. I have no news only we have got wars amongst us wth ye French. Our country increases so much & so fast by reason of so many dutch & so many irish coming in every year that since I came in ye year 1721 we have gone back to ye west ward several hundred miles & now got on ye branches of Misosippy River where I understand ye French are settled & I imagine they do not like our coming so nigh them tho I do not hear any damage they do our back settlers only build forts to stop us, we suppose & think it belongs to us & they to them & seems to be very intent. Early last spring a company has a got a grant for a great deal of land on Ohio a branch of Misosippy River, built a fort on ye Ohio — a distance from ye French wch as I understand when finished ye French took posses- sion of without blood shed — then there was a great noise about ye French were coming upon upon us — several young men listed them- selves and beat up for volunteers & likewise got about or near 400 men in Va who went out. Ye French at the same time raised an army also & some time after about ye end of May last a party of our soldiers met with a party of ye French. I am informed by ye French prisoners what I saw there was about 35 of ym & 32 of our men besides some of our indians — they had a skirmish. I understood our men killed 7 of ye French one got away & ye rest taken to Williamsburg & we only lost one man. Our men built a fort on ye same river Ohio as ye French at some distance from theirs wherein our men lay and I imagin intended to ly for more recruits being far inferior in number to ye French. We had I believe 200 from New York 2 or 3 hundred from Carolina who were to go under the command of Col. Ennes a Scotsman from Carolina & to be ye chief commander but before they got to join our army ye French set on ours & has quite beat ym with a very great slaughter on both sides. Our men behaved nobly but be- ing so far inferior in numbers to ye French they being supposed to 282 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. be 900 & ours but between 3 & 400 were obliged to yield, quit ye field — not go over ye Alligany mountains wch they say is the King of France's land in yt time what will be the end I cannot tell though our head officers are gone to ye Govenor to consult him & I suppose will tell what is to be done or if it is to keep ye peace or go on again with more recruits is not yet known but will in a few days — I hope we shall know. I understand it is a very large fine country if we can keep it wch I am in hopes we are able to do. We are settled so far back & my business lies at such a distance I .begin to grow very crazy being very much exposed by lying out so much in ye nights & induring so much hardships both from hunger and cold yt I am obliged to give out and take up with a small business about home not being able to endure ye hardships any longer besides my eyes begin to fail me yt I cannot well see the degrees on my compass without spectacles unless I will move 2 or 300 miles further back wch as yet I I have no thought of — I am Your obt. Servt. G. Hume. * Alexander Hume. See letter No. 301 ADDENDA. 283 ADDENDA TO FRANCIS HUME LINE. BY DR. E. E. HUME, FRANKFORT, KY. (See Page 150.) Frankfort, Ky., April 9, 1903. Dr. John Hume, St. Louis, Mo. Dear Sir: — Have received a paper from Frank Hume, of Washington, called "Hume Genealogy," on which is written your address and a request that I write to you in regard to my family. I am the son of John Hume, who was the second son of Charles Hume and Celia Shumate, who were married in Alex- andria, Virginia, but came to Kentucky when my father was six years old. My grandfather, Charles Hume, had four sons, James, Lewis, Joseph and John, and three daughters, Susan, Lucinda and Emily. James married, but died childless. My father, Lewis, had two sons, Dr. E. E. Hume and Dr. Lewis, who died unmar- ried, and one daughter, Celia Minerva, who married A.J. Maddox. My children are Edgar E. Hume, Jr., and Eleanor Marion Hume. My sister has three children, Elijah, Aline and Myra. My uncle, Dr. Joseph Hume, left two sons, Dr. Joseph and Dr. Waverly Hume, now of Indian Territory (Coalgate). John Hume left two sons, George Lewis and Cornelius. My aunt Susan married a Taylor, and my aunt Emily a Norwood, and Lucinda died un- married. Now, my dear Doctor, let me hear from you as to what in- formation is useful, and though but a poor genealogist, will en- deavor to supply it. Every one of our family should feel deeply grateful to Cousin Frank and to you for the good woik you are doing. My father told me much of the ancient glories of his race, which fell on unheeding ears, as I was childless, during his lifetime. A relative once told me that he had seen in his child- hood, a book of heraldry, with the Hume History and Coat of- arras. My father told me he was grandson of Francis and great- grandson of George Hume, who came to Virginia on account of political troubles, and that his ancestors were of Scottish birth. In conclusion permit me to thank you in advance for favors and to subscribe myself, Very gratefully yours, E. E. Hume. DR. HUME'S GENEALOGV. Charles Hume, son of Francis, and grandson of George Hume of Wedderburn, was married to Celia Shumate (formerly spelled 284 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. Choumet) in Christ Church, Alexandria, Virginia and were Epis- copalians. The church register was carried off during the war, and as the family Bible was taken west by some of the descendants, am unable to give the date, but as my father, Lewis Hume was their second son and third child and was born June 22, 1808. It must have been that they were six years earlier. My grandfather was a successful merchant at Fauquier, C. H., where my father was born, but endorsed heavily for friends thereby los- ing $60,000. Everything went at a forced sale and the tragedy of seeing forty faithful slaves sold impressed my father so deeply that though but six years old at the time, it was indellibly stamped on his memory to the day of his death, which occurred at the age of seventy-four. Having lost all, Charles Hume, "rather than come down" among his old friends, resolved to immigrate to Ken- tucky, and arrived in Madison County of that State, about 1820, where relatives were already settled. Not being successful there, he removed to] Trimble County, in the same State, which was then considered backwoods, hoping for better fortune — which never came. My father said that his parents never adapted themselves to new conditions, and their children had few advantages. How- ever, my father prided himself on the fact of his father havingbeena Virginia gentleman of the old school, who had the respect and es- teem of all his neighbors in Trimble County, where he died at middle age, though his wife Celia lived to be an elderly woman. My grandmother Celia Shumate came from France when four years old with her father and grown brothers, who spelled their names Choumet, but changed it to Shumate for family reasons. I recol- lect my grandmother as a beauty, even in old age, being of the blond type of French womanhood. Her family were Hugonotsand remained in France through all persecutions until the French Revolution, which drove them to Virginia. A part of the wedding apparel of Charles and Celia Hume has come down to us, 'including his stockings of white silk and kneebuckles and her white shoes. At the age of eighteen father went back to Virginia and visited his uncles Armistead and James, for whom his older brother, James Armistead Hume, was named. His youngest brother, John, was named for another uncle. Lewis, my father, and his brother next in age, Dr Joseph S. Hume, was also named for relatives. Lewis and Joseph S. Hume married sisters, daughters of Enoch McGee r of Trimble County, Kentucky, where I was born. My parents,. ADDENDA. 285 Lewis Hume and Lemira Douglas Hume, had three children, Edgar Enoch (myself), Celia Minerva and Lewis. Uncle Joseph S. and Sarah McGee had two sons, Joseph, Jr., and Waverly M. Hume. The Dr. William M. Hume, on page 149 of your book, should read Waverly M. These double cousins of mine are now both practicing physicians at Coalgate, Indian Territory. Their father, Dr. Joseph S. Hume, was a fine physician, but died young, My brother Lewis Hume was one of the ablest young physicians in Kentucky, but died young and unmarried. Dr. Joseph S. Hume and his brother, Dr. Waverly M., are both married. The first, to a Miss Oliver, the second, to a Miss Troutman. Dr. Joseph S. Hume has one son, Patrick, and Dr. Waverly has also one child. My wife was Mary South, daughter of Samuel South, a leading business man of Frankfort, and an ex-confederate soldier. We have two children, Edgar Hume, Jr,, aged thirteen, and Eleanor, eight. After practicing medicine for some years in Anderson County. Kentucky, I was elected to the Legislature, and after serving a term, engaged in the practice of my profession in Frank- fort, the capitol, where I have had a fair measure of success. My only sister, Celia M. Hume, married A. J. Maddox, of Shelby County, and has three children, Elijah Hume, Aline and Myra. The first and last are married. Alien married James Beard, of Nelson County, Kentucky, and has one daughter, Evelyn Hume. I will now give marriages of my uncle, John Hume, and my aunts, Susan, Elizabeth and Emily. My grandparents, Charles and Celia, had James Armistead, Lewis, Joseph and John, sons; and Susan Elizabeth, Lucinda and Emily, daughters. Lucinda never married; Susan Elizabeth married Zachary Taylor, a distant cousin of the ex-President, and had eight children, John, James, Lucy, Charles, Lavina, Joseph, Robert and Richard, in order named. Emily married Charles Norwood, and had William, Lewis, Victoria, Joseph and Alice, in order named, of whom the oldest and youngest died young. Uncle James married Mary Nicholson, had no issue. He was a successful business man and left a handsome estate to his widow, brothers and sisters. Uncle John Hume, youngest of the family of Charles Hume and Celia Shumate, married Ellen Snyder, and had two sons, George Lewis Hume and Cornelias Hume, who live in Spencer County, Ken- tucky. These two sons and my double cousins Drs. Joseph and Waverly Hume, of Colgate, Indian Territory, together with my 286 HISTORY OF THE HUME FAMILY. self, are the only living grandsons of Charles Hume in the male line, My father told me that his grandmother, Elizabeth Duncan, was a cousin to a gentleman named Duncan in this State, and am puzzled as to why there has been confusion in the name. He also said his grandfather, Francis Hume, was a son of George, the exiled heir of Wedderburn. According to his account, his great-grandfather, being involved with others of the family in the uprising of the Stuarts, consented to be made the scape-goat of the family in order to save the family estates. His father Charles being own grandson to George of Wedderburn, felt the usurpation of his Scotch relatives very keenly. adenda to george hume line (See Page 107, Chap. 13, Line 6, Item 7. Hotel Manhasset, Sea Side Park, N. J., August 19, 1903. Dr. Hume. Dear Sir:— Your letter just at hand, via. Evanston. We are at the seashore, but I hope delay may not make it too late. So I answer by return mail, as the parties want their names in the book, and are very much interested. Respectfully yours, Augusta Hume. Biddle. Descendants of Sarah Eliza Hume, seventh child of George Hume and Lucinda his wife: Sarah Eliza Hume married Peter Talman Burtis, Aug. 13, 1855. Children of the above. Agnes Talman Burtis, born July 15, 1856, Chicago. George Daniel Burtis, born June 20, 1858, Chicago. Douglas Hume Burtis, born June 4, 1860, Chicago. Amy Cornelia Burtis, born Oct. 12, 1863, Chicago. Eliza Esculene Burtis, born Nov. 2, 1868, Chicago. Grandchildren: Agnes T. Burtis married John H. Ells, Aug. 13, 1879, Chicago. Children of above. Burtis Claflin Ells, born July 7, 1881, Dubuque, Iowa. Margery Ells, born Sept. 4, 1882, Clarinda, Iowa. George Daniel Burtis, married Drusilla Gauntt, Oct. 8, 1887. ADDENDA. 287 Child of above, Alvin Gauntt Burtis, born Pemberton, N. J., Oct. 21, 1888. Douglas Hume Burtis, married Edith Robbins, April 14, 1896, at Phoenix, Arizona. Children of above: Walker Burtis, born Phoenix, Arizona, April 4, 1896, Carolyn Burtis, born Phoenix, Arizona, March 22, 1898. Ernest Thayer, born Phoenix, Arizona, May 31, 1899. Ruth Thayer, born Phoenix Arizona, Feb. 19, 1901. Douglas Hume, Jr., born Phoenix, Arizona, Dec. 21, 1902. Amy Cornelia Burtis married Albert C. Putnam, Sept. 1 1886. Children: Leigh Burtis Putnam, born Sept. 7, 1888, Oak Park, 111. Dorothy Burtis Putnam, born Feb. 16. 1890. Eliza Esculene Burtis married Eckard P. Budd, Jan. 21, 1892. Children of above: Harold Hume Budd, born May 11, 1893, Mount Holly, N. J. Dorothy Hume Budd, born Aug 22, 1901, Mount Holly, N.J. 1 ! $$ ^ >* *s v * •^ ^ ■ 1 :-V>* i-5* ^ ^^\| J ^ o ,Q 10 c3 a s W 6 u O i u 1) *& - o 3 rt 03 .3- 4-1 o o CO U3 ca a a i-i 3 1) Procter Family Record. w . d a ^ a ° O « tf a 00 o -■ X ** T3 ON M-l o d o w W n i_ o u O P^ u > 3 C/2 CO Residence of T. S. Ellis, Richmond, Ky. Residence of Dr. Jno. R. Hume, St. Louis, Mo. a u 00 a x S3 o i-. a o S (LI o -4-» ■J. cj ^. ea Q *-> CS ^ a; CD n a o 3 —< a CD o s cS cu w >* en •O 13 a; s a d s H o U o o O fc \A * i 1> . a w 3, 3 * H E a; h a O « O^ pq o < o "3 o MRS. ELIZABETH HUME MONRONEY, Daughter of Rev. George Hume, born 1800. -4-> a d a cfl a l-l es a Q a 3 p4 i CD « a « in 3 to w . 55 t3 55 § O £ ^ W HH a u s .a « 3 tfl a £ -*-» 3 2 a ^h a a pi o a u ^ a w 2 !-? -° a 2 w I Z ^ r^ o O z, O H W o u 3 a o 1-1 y <3j a; be O .5 « > S3 W S £ o o CO CO o pa H u C8 i-r 1) o f»% u 1 O On m ri a to HI 1 % •€>■■■■ <^"^w ! t ^ 4N COL. DAVID MILNE HUME.deceased. Wedderburn, Castle Scotland, Late Col. Black Watch. W. W. HUME, deceased. New Harmony, Ind. MRS. FRANCES HUME-MOCK, (Early picture). Knox, Ind. SAMUEL HUME, Pendleton, Ind. n ja o o •— » o a o u (« a Tl M tt u h J3 ■*J i od K 03 M (1) w fl § 3 D ffi M a) • 60 P O . a cd T3 a a o m 1) Q o o a a cS CO W a u a 3 H i o s o a O "1 o D a ►» 1) O CC n r^ h pu ( ) o u a *j c4 H p W »— < N Z w o p ui Pi Long Run church near Louisville, Ky., where John Hume, Jr., is buried. DR. E. h. HUME, St. Louis, Mo. ^sLSL. ^ m <* & ■ ■ * * ■ mTv! /wfL ^^^ MR. ANDREW HUME. MRS. NANCY HUME KENNEDY. FRANK HUME, Confederate Soldier. CO Pi . o ^ < >-i c4 > < D § "a; CO CO w u £> o Pi a pi Wg o tfi J m -j in en (^ ° <1 V >, (h rt s K a t3 N •i-« ^ <3 a> u V a o U . J!^^.*" ' # g 1 ffe 1 J / '« <. / b ■%<-3U,i.^' --p"" "^■■■1^^^^^ l^HHN w w § D W 6 . o k^ ••"< P- o W « 2£ p4 ^ o 5 * CO pi 2 M O u O •M a 03 >H be •^H O a w S^~ o § .«J a P T3 o M a (0 <3 ^ •4-> -J 43 - 1-1 * B ^ a H pi 2 a So o cu •— > bo O w r/1 4-> a cd T3 a oj I-H CJ o U3 <^ HJ i— i Q. h"S £ Oh w -^ eu .a W "=< co -r o <^ t— j en •i-i p< g a £ to S3 od CO IDENTIFICA TION CHAR T FOR OWNER OF THIS BOOK. J, of the Cit/y or *Jotvn of County State anrt descended from named on page in this booh. ^/Kiy father's name was re was Atu mother s family namt •m/rle/ grandfather's name was *Jhe last named ancestor in this book was mij (Father or Mother, Etc.) »y was born, date place ^rCarried, date i/o whom Place <>/ have the following named children and grand children who were born, married and died, as follows : Write your history and that of your family neatly and correctly, and following closely plan of this book. Be sure to show where you are con- nected with the last printed name in your line. Hume. FAMILY RECORD. FAMILY RECORD. FAMILY RECORD. FAMILY RECORD. FAMILY RECORD. FAMILY RECORD. J? FAMILY RECORD. ^ »•* /XW-' / - Y0O ^^ V 4> * "+ *<7T ^ v : ^ * . *bV * o Ho*. AT ^ ** ^ , '^*.#^ * ^ • "5T» o^ ". 4 ** ># a A. > ^ l» ^ < • o- ^^ ? * • o.