4 O - 1 ^ /— V * r. STOXE. 15 were pronounced by some buncombe expeditions, but tlie sol- diers did not, I am informed, so regard them. Governor Stone is about six feet in hight, and slender and erect. He has a Grecian face, a large, straight nose, large, full, gray eyes, and spare features. His appearance is intelligent and prepossessing. The chief elements of his success are, I believe, an easy, entertaining address, untiring industry, and unlimited self-confidence. These, sustained by a vigorous con- stitution, and driven by an iron- will, have enabled him to accomplish whatever he undertook. He rarely loses his temper, and seldom discovers an immodest desire for distinction. As a public speaker. Governor Stone is fluent and forcible, but not polished — just what one would expect, when he remem- bers that all his early oratorical efforts were made at the bar. He has the happy faculty of forgetting himself in his theme. Many were witnesses of this fact at Des Moines, when himself and General Warren addressed the delegates the evening before the convention. Colonel Stone's wound was still troubling him, making it necessary for him to carry his hand in a sling; but, after entering upon his speech, he forgot that he had but one well arm, and, drawing it from the sling, began twirling it in violent gesticulations. Governor Stone's past successes have not only disappointed his enemies, but surprised his friends. He is the most remark- able public man in Iowa, and his future, as promising as that of any man in the State. NATHANIEL BRADLEY BAKER. ADJUTANT-GENERAL OF IOWA. Nathaniel Bradley Baker, Iowa's able and eccentric Adjutant-General, was born on the 29th of September, 1818, in Hennika, Merrimack county, (then Hillsborough) New Hamp- shire. His education is liberal. He pursued his preparatory course at the Phillip's Exeter Academy, New Hampshire, and graduated at Harvard College — the Oxford of American univer- sities, and the alma mater of a large per cent, of the distinguished jurists, statesmen, clergy and literary savans of the country. I am unacquainted with the history of General Baker's col- lege days, but I venture the assertion that he was not a hard worker, and that, if in passing a difficult ascent in Horace or the Iliad a pony would help him, he would not hesitate to mount one. A half-hour would suffice him in preparing for a recitation; and, during that time, I imagine I can see him lounging on his bed and smoking a cigar. His active mind would enable him to grasp principles without eternally plod- ding, and his text-books would lack sufficient charms to engross his entire attention. He could never have been a book-worm. He graduated in the year 1839, with fair standing in his class, and had the credit of possessing much general information. After leaving Harvard, he studied law in the office of Ex- President Franklin Pierce, and later in that of Asa Fowler and Charles H. Peaslee. In 1842, he was admitted to the Merrimack county Bar, but did not enter the practice. He became editor of the New Hampshire "Patriot," a half-interest in which he had purchased prior to 1842. In 1845, he disposed of his inter- est in that paper, and received the appointment of Clerk of the 10 NATHANIEL B. BAKEK. 17 Court of Common Pleas for Merrimack county. Five years later he was elected to the New Hampshire Legislature, as represen- tative ficom the city of Concord, and the following year was re- elected. During both sessions, he served as Speaker of the House. In 1851, he was only thirty-three years of age, and there was not a more popular man in the State of New Hamp- shire. Having received the Democratic nomination for Governor of New Hampshire, he was, in 1854, triumphantly elected. This result was hardly looked for by his party, and demonstrated his unbounded popularity in the State. It was unlooked for, since the change of its national policy had weakened his party in the State ; and, in addition to that, there were three aspir- ants in the field, and it required a majority— not a plurality to elect. As Governor of Now Hampshire, General Baker's administra- tion was characterized with his usual promptness and energy ; but his name in some way got mixed up with the Know-Noth- ing Party, which ruined his popularity in the State. His term expired in 1855, and in the following year he came to Iowa, and settled in Clinton, which has since been the residence of his family. In Clinton, he practiced his profession till the fall of 1860, when, not yet cured of his political aspirations, he con- sented to become a candidate for the State Legislature from Clinton county. He was elected and served the following ses- sion in that body. On the 25th of July, 1861, he was appointed by Governor Kirkwood Adjutant-General of Iowa, and, in 1864, was re-ap- pointed by Governor Stone ; and, in his fitness for the position, I believe he has no equal in the State. The skill and ability which he has shown, in the discharge of his duties, would do credit to one of extensive military experience and education. His promptness and energy, and the systematic manner in 18 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. which he has conducted the business of his office have elicited flattering compliments from the public press in nearly every loyal State. Indeed, his services as Adjutant-General of Iowa, tone well with those of the Iowa troops in the field. Iowa may well be proud of him. That I am impartial in my judgment, the following, from one of the leading papers of Chicago, Illinois, is evidence: " Almost simultaneously with the close of 1864, the State of Iowa gives to the public its Adjutant-General's Report for the year. The fact that Iowa is the only State which has an excess over all calls for men, attaches a peculiar interest to its military operations, and the same circumstance will warrant more than a mere passing allusion to the prominent share this gallant young State has taken in the contest. "In looking over the full and handsomely printed report of Iowa, a citizen of Illinois will be mortified at the contrast, as he compares it with those of his own State. The Iowa Report is most creditable to the State. Iowa has a voting population of from one hundred and twelve, to one hundred and fifteen thousand, and, of this sparse number, nearly or quite sixty thousand have been put into the field. To-day a number equal to one-half the voters of the Hawk-Eye State are under arms. Nor are the men who have been sent to the field canaille — bought in the social kennels of Europe, or refuse negroes, picked up among the camps. " To the general reader, the most interesting portion of Gen- eral Baker's Report is that which contains a record of the opera- tions of every Iowa regiment. Fully one-half of the volume is devoted to the history of the regiments in the field; and it gives, either in an official or narrative form, the performances of each regiment, during the year. By the employment of this plan, a record of the troops is kept. The regiments are en- couraged, by knowing that their labors all reach the public ; and furthermore, a condensed account is preserved, which only needs the amplification of the author to become history. " The following, which needs no explanation, shows how Gen- eral Baker's services are appreciated by the War Department at Washington: NATHANIEL B. BAKER. 19 " General Orders, No. 6. " Headquarters Sixth Division, Cavalry Corps, M. D. M., Edgefield, Tennessee, Dec. 28, 1864. ."It has come to the knowledge of the General commanding, that in the Iowa regiments serving in this division, and per- haps in those from other States, it has been customary, under the supposed authority of some regulation or order from Head- quarters of the so-called ' Army of Iowa,' or other authority of like character, to furnish to the Adjutant-General of the State of Iowa, and other States, copies of the monthly returns, lists of casualties, reports of oi)erations and other reports. " Not only military propriety, but the danger of such papers falling into the hands of improper persons, forbids this prac- tice. •' It is therefore ordered, that in future no such reports, re- turns, or others of like character, or copies thereof be furnished to the Adjutant-General of the State of Iowa, or any other State, or any person, persons, or authority except as now re- quired, or as may be hereafter recjuired by orders from the War Department, or Department Head-quarters. " The time of the officers of this command is too precious to be devoted to the preparation of official documents for the satisfiiction or curiosity of civilians at home. This must be left to the newspaper correspondents. " Officers will understand that they and their troops are in the service of the United States, and in their military capacity have no relations whatever to the States from which they come, or the Executive thereof. " By command of Brigadier-General Johnson. " E. T. Wells, Assistant Adjutant- General. " Official copy for the information of the Adjutant-General of Iowa. "E. T. Wells, Assistant Adjutant- General. " General Baker forwarded the letter to the Secretary of War, with the following endorsement : " General Johnson : " The Adjutant-General of the State of Iowa, acknowledges the receipt of the extraordinary ' General Orders. ' "The State Officials have asked nothing improper, and the Adjutant-General cannot comi^rehend the motives of Brigadier- 20 IOWA COLONELS AND KEGIMENTS. General Johnson in issuing the ' General Orders, ' of which the within is a copy. " The State wishes to keep up the records of the volunteers sent from this State. " No other General, that this department is aware of, has heretofore attempted to prevent the comjiletion of said records. " These records are absolutely essential for the protection of soldiers and their families here at home. " (Signed) N. B. Baker, " Adjutant- General of Iowa. " " Special Okdees No. 53. "War Department, Adjutant-General's Office, Washington, February 2, 1865. {Uxtmct). * -x- * -x- * 40. So nmch of General Orders No. 6, December 28, 1864, from Head-quarters 6th Division, Cavalry Corps, Military Di- vision of the Mississippi, as forbids the rendition of certain returns and reports called for by tlie Adjutant-General of Iowa, is hereby revoked, it being improper in its tone, and dis- respectful to the State authorities. * * * * * " By order of the Secretary of War. " E. D. TOWNSEND. " General Baker has not only secured merited distinction for the accurate, systematic and elaborate manner with which he has conducted every thing properly connected with his office, but he has manifested an interest in the Iowa soldier, beyond the limits of the State and outside of his legitimate duties, which has won him the lasting gratitude of many. One of the many instances that might be cited is the case of the railroad disaster in Indiana ; where, by a public order, he gave notice to the friends of all Iowa soldiers, murdered or maimed by the criminal negligence of the railroad, not to settle with the cor- porators, or their agents, pledging his official word that justice should be obtained for the injured parties. General Baker is a large man, being six feet and one inch in hight, and weighing about one hundred and ninety pounds. NATHANIEL B. BAKER. 21 He has a fine, well formed person, intelligent, gray eyes, and a large prominent forehead. In person, he is prepossessing, and he would be in manners and conversation, were he less rough and unguarded in his language. He has Puritanic blood in his veins, and, like the old Puritans, is plain-spoken and earnest ; but, if he inherited all their virtues, one of the cardinal ones he has squandered. Iowa would give him anything he could ask if he would only become a teetotaler. He has no secretiveness, and never talks in a whisper; and in his walk, which is another index of his character, he has none of that creeping, cat-like gait that stamps all sinister two-sided men. General Baker is a man of much ability. He has large con- centrativeness, a masterly memory, and, for the amount of business he is able to accomplish in a given time, he has few equals. COLONEL JOHN FRANCIS BATES. FIRST INFANTRY. John Francis Bates was the first colonel of the first regi- ment furnished by the State for the War of the Rebellion. He was born the 3d day of January, 1831 ; and is a native of Utica, Oneida County, New York. His parents were poor, and, thrown upon his own resources in acquiring his education, he defrayed his expenses for six years at the Utica schools, by sweeping the school-room and by building fires. Two years, he subsequently passed in the office of the Utica Daily " Gazette," and then became a book-keeper and salesman in a mercantile establishment of that city. From 1852 to 1855, he was engaged in the insurance business in New York City, since which time he has been a resident of Dubuque, Iowa. In Dubuque, he has been an insurance agent, a land-broker and a county politician. He was elected in 1858 to the clerkship of the District Court for Dubuque County, and w^as holding that office at the time of entering the volunteer service. After the expiration of his term of service, he was again elected to that office. The 1st Iowa Infantry was the only Iowa regiment furnished by the State for the first call of the President. It was the only three-months Iowa regiment in the war. But, though its term of service was short, it made a brilliant record, and what sacred memories cluster about its name ! During the long four-year's bitter struggle that is now about to close, Iowa, in practical patriotism, in the promptness with which she has filled her quotas, and in the general efficiency of her troops, stands second to none of the loyal States. I will not say firsts where all have done so well ; but a press of the metropolis of our sister Empire State gives "All honor to the 22 JOHN F. BATES. 23 enterprise and gallantry of Iowa. She lias, uncomplainingly and unselfishly, borne more than her share of the onerous bur- dens of the war ; and in the field her sons have carried the Stars and Stripes well in the front, and made the name of Iowa soldiers synonymous with heroism and invincibility." The 1st Iowa Infantry was the oldest of her sister regiments, and how much her example at Wilson's Creek had to do in making her junior sisters " heroic and invincible," it is impos- sible to say ; but we believe that no State, whose military sun rose in such splendor as did Iowa's, would allow it to set in disgrace. All honor to the 1st Iowa Infantry ! To know the counties from which this regiment was made up will be matter of interest, as it also will to know the names and subsequent history of many of its ofiicers and enlisted men. The members of the regiment had their homes in the counties of Dubuque, Muscatine, Scott, Johnson, Des Moines, Henry and Linn. Muscatine gave companies A and C ; Des Moines, D and E ; Dubuque, H and I ; Johnson, B ; Henry, F ; Scott, G ; and Linn, K. Of Company A, Captain Markoe Cummings was subse- quently lieutenant-colonel of the 6th Iowa Infantry ; Lieuten- ant Benjamin Beach, a captain of the 11th ; First Sergeant H. J. Campbell, major of the 18th ; and private Robert B. Baird, quarter-master of the 3oth. Of Company B, Lieutenant Harvey Graham was subse- quently lieutenant-colonel of the 22d Iowa Infantry ; and Sergeants Charles N. Lee and J. H. Gurkee, captains in the same regiment. Of Company C, Lieutenant W. Pursell was subsequently major of the 16th Iowa Infantry ; First Sergeant W. Grant, a captain of the 11th, and Corporal A. N. Snyder, a captain of the 35th. Of Company D, the facetious, jolly captain, Charles L. 24 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Matthies, was subsequently lieutenant-colonel of the 5th Iowa Infantry, then colonel, and then brigadier-general. Of Company E, Lieutenant J. C. Abercrombie was subse- quently lieutenant-colonel of the 11th Iowa Infantry ; private W. J. Campbell, a captain of the 14th ; private C. A. Cameron, a captain of the 39th ; and private A. Roberts, lieutenant- colonel of the 30th. Of Company F, Captain Samuel M. Wise was subsequently major of the 17tli Iowa Infantry ; Lieutenant George A. Stone, colonel of the 25th ; private J. S. Clark, a lieutenant of the 34th ; private C. W. Woodrow, a lieutenant of the 17th ; and private T. J. Zollars, captain of Company F, 4th Iowa Cavalry. Of Company G, Captain Augustus Wentz was subsequently lieutenant-colonel of the 7th Io\va Infantry, and was killed at Belmont ; and private Ernest Arp, a lieutenant of the 12th Missouri Infantry. Of Company H, Sergeant Charles Schaeffer was subsequently a major of the 5th Iowa Cavalry, and a staff officer of General Curtis ; private T. Groetzinger, a lieutenant in the 27th In- fimtry. Of Company I, Captain F. J. Herron was subsequently lieu- tenant-colonel of the 9th Iowa Infantry, then brigadier-gen- eral, and then major-general; Sergeant Samuel F. Osborn, a lieutenant in the 21st ; private N. E. Duncan, adjutant of the 12th ; private David Greaves, a captain in the 21st ; private D. B. Green, a captain in the 3d Missouri Infantry ; and private C. A. Reed, an assistant-surgeon of the 9th Infantry. Of Company K, First Sergeant John H. Stibbs was subse- quently a captain, then lieutenant-colonel of the 12th Iowa Infantry ; Sergeant Edward Coulter, a captain in the 20th ; private G. C. Burmeister, a captain in the 35th ; and private Jackson D. Furguson, a lieutenant in the 12th. He was killed at the battle of Shiloh. JOHN F. BATES. 25 In its line officers and enlisted men, this noble old regiment has been represented in a majority of the Iowa regiments, since formed; and, from these officers and men, it has fur- nished officers of every grade in the army, from a second lieu- tenant to a major-general. Its example at Wilson's Creek was not the only influence it had on the military history of the State. The 1st Iowa rendezvoused at the city of Keokuk, and its camp was Camp Ellsworth. War, at that day, was a novelty, and there was no end to the curiosity that a boy, dressed in uniform, excited. And an officer — my ! One who visited the camp of this regiment at Keokuk discourses thus : "Their mode of life was a great novelty tons; those senti- nels marching to and fro, so stern, so mute ! All within ten feet of their beat was forbidden ground. What did all this signify ? Their officers were putting on style, we said, and the men were learning to be soldiers pretty easily. Then there was a gate, where stood sentinel No. 1. Through this, all who went in or out were compelled to pass. And there stood the officer of the guard — how magnificently attired! If men's merits were to be judged by their appearance, we would have supposed him a hero of twenty battles. But we forgot to salute him. What daggers he looked at us ! We asked him to let us pass in. ' Where do you belong ? ' ' To the Third Regiment ! ' ' What do you want here ? ' ' To see some friends. ' ' Sentinel, pass them in, sir. ' " Farther along the author says : " We plied them with all manner of questions, in reply to which they told us prodigious stories of what they had already seen and suffered for their country's sake. If we were to believe them, they were suffering greatly now. They had been in the service six weeks and a half, and the government had furnished them no clothing, and not a cent of pay ! Besides, they were half-starved ; and the rations furnished them were not fit for a dog ! And their officers treated them shamefully too." 26 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Thousands will recognize this as a true picture of their early soldiering. If in the spring of 1861, a soldier in rendezvous was a nov- elty, he was on the eve of his departure for the field, still more so. He became an object of veneration; and, as he moved through the streets, he stirred in the hearts of the citizens the deepest emotions. " Brave, noble boy ! He is going to defend our rights and the glory of the flag ; and will probably never return." Big tears started in many a manly eye that had never known weeping before. The 1st Iowa Infantry received orders from General Lyon to report at Hannibal, Missouj-i, on the 12th of June, and the next day the regiment left on transports. The 2d Iowa Infantry under Colonel, now Major-General Curtis, left only the day before for the same destination. The good people of Keokuk were wild with excitement, and lavish of their hospi- talities; and when all was in readiness and the boats were about to drop out into the stream, a vast assemblage stood on the wharf, waving and weeping their adieus. But how all was changed in one year's time ! The same people wished the 15th and 17th Iowa on their departure for the field, " good rid- dance;" they still admired the soldier's intrepid spirit; but they had become impatient of his mischievous conduct. Colonel Bates was at first assigned to duty with his regiment on the line of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. His sec- tion extended from Hannibal to Macon City. The character of these services appears in the sketch of Colonel Wilson G. Wil- liams, and need not be repeated. The duties, which were arduous, and which required the greatest vigilance, were dis- charged with much credit, and the regiment became popular with the loyal citizens of Missouri. Early in July, Colonel Bates was relieved from guard duty JOHN F. BATES. 27 on the railroad, and ordered to report to General Lyon at Brownsville. Soon after, the long and tedious march over the Missouri prairies in the direction of Springfield began. At that day, the people of the entire State of Missouri were in a state of anarchy. The great dividing lines were being drawn, and both the Federal and Confederate authorities were, in the same district, and often in the same county, recruiting their forces. Everything seemed to threaten civil order in Missouri. We know little of the terrors of civil war in Iowa. Citizens upon our southern border only have had a foretaste. All business pursuits were not only suspended, but no one at night could rest soundly, for fear of the knife, bullet or torch of the assassin. Harris, Green and others, had large rebel forces even north of the Missouri river. Near Springfield, the enemy were concen- trating. They boasted that they would capture St. Louis, which was Fremont's excuse for his elaborate fortifications around that city. General Lyon resolved to march on and disperse the enemy, though his force consisted of not more than six thousand men, and the enemy claimed more than treble that number. He marched from Springfield on the First of August, in the direction of Dug Springs, and at that place . encountered the enemy in force; but after slight skirmish- ing they retired. He followed them into Northern Arkansas ; but not bringing them to a stand, and fearing for his own safety on account of being so far removed from his base, he fell back to Springfield. On this march, the 1st Iowa Infantry had sev- eral skirmishes with the enemy. So soon as Lyon began retracing his steps the enemy followed, and on his arrival at Springfield, or soon after, they had reached Wilson's Creek. Why did General Lyon fight the battle of Wilson's Creek? Why, if necessary, did he not faU back in the direction of Holla, and await reinforcements ? General Lyon fought this battle, I 28 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. believe, for the same reasons that would have controlled any other brave, resolute general at that stage of the war. He believed that the enemy, though strong in numbers, were weak in that strength which arises from a sense of being in the right, and on the side of law and order. As a bailiff with his posse disperses a crazy, lawless mob, so he believed he could triumph over the combined rebel forces ; and, had he not fallen, he might have done so, though probably not. The battle of Wilson's Creek was not great in its propor- tions — only great in results. In the South West, it demon- strated the falsity of Southern boasting, that one of the chivalry "could whip six northern mud-sills;" indeed it well nigh demonstrated the converse of the proposition. It resulted in establishing military prestige in the South West in favor of the federal arms — a prestige which was never after lost. Wilson's Creek is a tributary of White River, and, at the point where was fought the celebrated battle which bears its name, is about twelve miles west-south-west of Springfield. In the vicinity of the battle-ground, the country through which it runs is hilly and barren, and, to a considerable extent, covered with dense scrub-oak. To the west and south-west of Springfield, the stream is crossed by two roads, the one west leading to Little York and Mount Vernon, and the one south- west to Fayetteville, Arkansas. The distance between these two roads at the points where they cross the creek is between three and four miles. Nearly mid- way between these the bat- tle was fought. On the afternoon of the 9th of August, 1861, Lyon, with all his forces, was at Springfield, and the enemy in their camp on Wilson's Creek. That afternoon, in council with his officers, he determined to move out against them, and his plan of attack was as follows :— Sigel, with a small force, going down JOHN F. BATES. 29 the Fayetteville road, was to move on the enemy and attack them in rear, while Lyon, with the chief part of the troops, was to move west over the Little York and Mount Vernon road, and attack them in front. The attack was to be made at day-light of the 10th instant. Sigel, though successful in sur- prising the enemy, was afterwards defeated and narrowly escaped capture. This was early in the day. Lyon's command, therefore, did the chief fighting at Wilson's Creek. The First Iowa Infantry was under Lyon, and the movements of this officer I will therefore trace. About six o'clock in the evening of the ninth instant, Lyon ordered his troops under arms, and without music, marched quietly out from Springfield. His course for nearly two miles was the same as that followed by Sigel. Continuing his course westward till arriving in the neighborhood of Wilson's Creek, he then took a blind or by-road to his right ; for a portion of the enemy were encamped near the junction of the main road with the creek, on the bluffs south-west of the stream ; and these, to make his surprise the more complete in the morning, he wished to avoid. Before midnight, and without disturbing the enemy, he gained the blufis south-west of the creek, and at a point some three miles distant from their main camp. His position was on their left flank, and their vedettes and pickets were not far distant. There he bivouacked till three o'clock in the morning. Sigel, on the other hand, halting in the low ground on the north-east side of the creek, rested till about the same hour, with only the high bluflfe of the creek separating him from the enemy. At three o'clock, Lyon put his troops under arms, and with his skirmishers thrown out, moved down the bank of the creek in the direction of the enemj-. The enemy's pickets and their reserves were encountered and driven in, about five o'clock, and very soon after quite a strong force was met on a high 30 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. point, some quarter of a mile nortli of wliere tliey were form- ing tlieir main line of battle. These were engaged and par- tially driven back by the First Kansas Volunteer Infantry and a battalion of Regular Infantry under Captain, afterwards, General Plummer; and near this spot, let me say, was done the principal fighting of that day. The Reverend John S. C. Abbott represents the fighting as having taken place on the north-east bank of the creek, but Mr. Abbott was misinformed. He was also misinformed as to the spot where General Lyon fell. That General was shot some four rods in rear of the First Iowa, and was not at the time leading a charge. The First Iowa Infantry first formed line of battle on the ground in question, and on the left of Dubois' Battery, which it was ordered to support. After taking position, Lieutenant- Colonel Merritt, commanding the regiment, and who it is but just to add distinguished himself by his coolness and courage, at once sent out as skirmishers companies D and E, com- manded respectively by Lieutenants Keller and Abercrombie. The topography of the Wilson Creek battle-ground is nearly as follows : Between the Federal and Confederate forces was a ravine, penetrating the bluffs of the creek in a semi-circular course from the west. Its bed and its sides were partially wooded as before stated — enough so, to afford cover to an attacking party. On the north bank of this ravine was Lyon, and on its south bank, McCulloch. Price had in the bed of the ravine, artillery supported by infimtry. Between these guns and those of Dubois, an artillery duel opened. For a time the infantry engaged each other at long range ; but pres- ently the First Kansas, stationed down the hill, were assaulted and repulsed, when instantly the First Iowa was ordered for- ward to relieve them. Advancing, the regiment met the First Kansas retreating in confusion. They dashed through Colonel JOHN F. BATES. 31 Merritt's line, and threw it into disorder, and at tlie very instant he received a galling fire from the enemy. Ordei*s were given to re-form, but the din of fire-arms and loud talking drowned Colonel Merritt's voice, and he was left with only trsvo companies. With these he continued to advance. At this juncture, the Black Horse Cavalry made their appearance on our right and rear. They had gained their position by moving through ravines, under cover of timber. They were commanded by one Captain George S. Laswell, a former resi- dent of Ottumwa. Led on by this man, they were about charging Totten's Battery, when the two companies under Colonel Merritt, about-facing, delivered a fire that emptied several saddles, and placed the rebel captain out of battle ; and thus the fight went on. In the meantime, rebel infantry had been pushed up the ravine, and appeared on our extreme right. They advanced rapidly ui^ the hill, delivering a continuous fire, but were re- pulsed. They re-formed and advanced again, and were a second time repulsed. During the second advance, Lyon fell. I should state that before this happened. Major A. B. Porter, with companies A, F, D, and E, of the First Iowa, had been sent to the rear to watch the Black Horse Cavalry. Sigel had, a long time ere this, been defeated, and a portion of the rebel troops that had repulsed him were now advancing up the north-east bank of the creek. To check these, the Reg- ulars were sent across the creek ; but in that quarter there was little fighting. The battle was of more than five hour's dura- tion. The First Iowa was at the front five hours. Of the retreat Colonel Merritt says : "About twelve o'clock, M., the order was given to retire from the field, which was done in good order. As we retired over the hill, we passed a section of Totten's Battery occupying a commanding point to the right, and supported on the right 32 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. by companies A, F, D, and E, of the Iowa troops, under com- mand of Major Porter, and on the left by one company of Regular Infantry under command of Colonel Lothrop. This command sustained our retreat with great coolness and deter- mination, under a most terrific fire from the enemy's infantry. After the wounded were gathered up, our column formed in order of march, and, the enemy repulsed, the battery and infantry retired in good order. Thus closed one of the most hotly-contested engagements known to the country." Such, briefly, was the battle of Wilson's Creek. Though imperfect in detail, I believe that, so far as it goes, it is cor- rect. Compared, however, with the brilliant accounts of our modern war-historians, it would not be recognized as the same engagement. It was the first battle of importance fought in the South West, and, becoming the theme of exciting com- ment in almost every i)aper in the loj-al and disloyal States, gradually increased in proportions, till it was in print one of the most sanguinary battles of modern times. And it was in fact a severely contested and bloody fight ; for the loss of the 1st Iowa Infantry alone was more than one hundred and fifty. This regiment however suflfered more severely than any other of the troops, and was acbnitted by all to have borne itself with conspicuous gallantry. Captain Alexander L. Mason, a native of Indiana, and a resident of Muscatine, was the only commissioned ofiicer killed. He fell in a charge at the head of his company. Captain Frederick Gottschalk and Lieutenants H. Graham and William Pursell were wounded. The loss of the regiment in killed was only eleven, though several died afterwards of their wounds. Colonel Bates was not present in the engagement, though I am advised he made an effbrt to be. He was left sick at Springfield. The following is the roll of honor, as given by Lieutenant- Colonel Merritt : "It is with great pleasure that I acknowledge valuable aid and assistance from Major A. B. Porter, Adjutant George W. JOHN F. BATES. 33 Waldron, who was wounded in the leg, and Sergeant-Major Charles Compt^^n ; and to express my unbounded admiration of the heroic conduct displayed by both officers and men. No troops, regular or volunteer, ever sustained their country's flag with more determined valor and fortitude. They have cov- ered themselves with imperishable honor, and must occupy a conspicuous place in the history of tlieir country. " In this connection, it is proper to state that the term of ser- vice of every line officer of the regiment expired on the afternoon of that evening in which they marched out to Wil- son's Creek ; but not one of them claimed exemption from the coming battle. The same can not be said of officers of some other troops. The term of service of the enlisted men of the 1st Iowa Infantry expired four days after the battle. Wilson's Creek was a drawai battle ; for, though the Confed- erates kept the field, they did not make pursuit. They had been severely pumshed; but I doubt if that alone deterred them, for, in numbers, their strength exceeded that of the Federals more tlian four to one. They had not yet nursed their treason to that fanatical point which made it synonymous with patri- otism, and they were cowards. After the fall of General Lyon, Major, now General Sturgis, assumed command of the Federal forces and fell back to Springfield, and soon after to Rolla. In the meantime Gen- ral Sterling Price, who had succeeded McCulloch in command of the rebel forces, occupied the country, and in the latter part of the month, moved north and laid siege to, and captured Lexington. The term of service of the 1st Iowa Infantry had now- expired, and, returning to their homes, they were welcomed as the first heroes of the State in the war. Wherever they appeared, they were looked on with wonder. They had gained more distinction in that solitary battle than is now accorded our veterans of twenty battles ; but they are the sires 8 34 IOWA CX)LONELS AND KEGIMENTS. of our military prowess, and who woiilo' detract from their hard-earned glory ? Colonel Bates is a fine looking man. He is five feet nine inches in hight, and has a well develoi^ed and pre-possessing person. He has a social disposition, and makes a warm friend and a sleepless enemy. I do not admire his political course, and may be prejudiced against him ; but this certainly must be conceded — he is entitled to much credit for surmounting the obstacles of poverty and a deficient education, and for making himself what he is. The Colonel, I think, was not popular with his regiment. He would allow no foraging. In restoring the seceded States to their proper functions in the Union, and in establishing within their limits a respect for the laws of the Government, he believed more in moral suasion than in corporal castigation. His ofiicers and men charged him with being too kind to the rebels, though they gave him credit of being sincere in his convictions. After leaving the service, he continued to act and vote with the so-called Peace Party. MAJOR-GENERAL SAMUEL R. CURTIS. FIRST COLONEL, SECOND INFANTRY. Samuel Ryan Curtis, Iowa's distinguished statesman and soldier, was the second colonel, and the first general officer appointed from the State. He is Iowa's first and oldest major- general, and, at the time of entering the service, was more widely known than any other officer sent out from the State ; for, almost from the State's infancy, he has stood prominent among her public men. General Curtis was born on the 3d day of February, 1807, and calls himself a native of Newark, Licking county, Ohio. In point of fact, he was born while his parents were on their way from Connecticut to the West, and somewhere in the State of New York. He was educated at the West Point Military Academy, where he held the highest military office in his class. Graduating in 1831, with a brevet second-lieutanancy in the 7th Infantry, he was soon after assigned to duty at Fort Gibson in the Indian Territory. In the following year, he resigned his commission, and returning to Ohio, studied law, and was ad- mitted to the bar. From 1837 to 1839, he was chief engineer of the Muskingum River Improvement. Later he practiced law in Wooster, Ohio, and was actively and successfully en- gaged in the practice, when war was declared with Mexico. He was now summoned to Columbus by the Governor of Ohio, and made adjutant-general of that State ; and not long after was commissioned colonel of the 3d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, which he led to the field. He served on the Northern Line in Mexico under General Taylor, and was for a time on the staff of General Wool ; and, 35 36 IOWA COLONELS AXD REGIMEXTS. as governor, commanded the cities of Matamoras, Camargo and Saltillo. At the close of tlie war, he returned to Ohio; but finding his law business had wasted away during his absence, and being urged to take the i>osition of cliief engineer of the Des Moines Improvement, he left that State, and coming West, settled in Keolcuk, Iowa. He was for a time engaged in the practice of the law in the city of Keokuk, and had for partners Colonel J. W. Rankin and the Honorable Charles Mason. From 1850 to 1853, he was engineer-in-charge of the harbor and other works of the city of St. Louis, where the dike that he construc- ted, which connects Bloody Island to the Illinois shore, will, for many years hence, stand a monument to his credit. It secures to the city of St. Louis great commercial advantages. During the two following years, he was chief engineer of the American Central Rail Road, running through Illinois, Iowa, and other States. In 1856, General Curtis was elected to Congress from the First Congressional District of Iowa, and in 1858, and again in 1860, was re-elected from the same district. In the canvass of 1860, his opponent was thd^Honorable C. C. Cole, now Judge of the Supreme Court of Iowa, and one of the ablest debaters and most popular men in the State. No better proof could be had of the general's ability as a statesman, and of the integrity of his record, than this final endorsement of him by the people : indeed, nearly every section of his District gave him increased majorities. From the organization of the party, he has been an earnest and consistent Republican ; but that for which he became most distinguished in Congress was the part he acted in securing the passage of the Pacific Rail Road Act. Others have claimed the honor, but he is the father of this enterprise, as is evidenced by his elaborate speeches and demonstrations of record in the SAMUEL R. CURTIS. 87 annals of Congress. I should also add that he was a leading member of the Committee on Military Affairs. He had, I am credibly informed, much to do with the efforts of the House, in countervailing the schemes of Jeff Davis, in his manip- ulations of our military forces to his base purposes. General Curtis' patriotism was always fervent, and, though others have made a more brilliant reputation in the war, none responded more promptly to the first call of national alarm ; and, I may add, none have led armies and fought battles ivifh more uniform siiceess. Leaving his home in the West on the first news of the attack on Fort Sumter, he started for Washington ; and, meeting at Philadelphia the gallant 7th New York, Colonel Lefferts, embarked with it on transports for Annapolis. Prom that point the march was made through the heat and dust by day and night to Washington. Returning to Keokuk, he assisted in raising volunteers, and was, on the 1st of June, elected colonel of the 2d Iowa Infantry, (the first three-years regiment from the State) by the unanimous vote of the officers and men. Ten days later and at midnight, he was summoned by General Lyon by telegraph to Northern Missouri, and marched next day with his regiment for that point. Besidas capturing many prisoners, guns &c., he established at once in Northern Missouri the military authority of the Federal Government. In the latter pai-t of June, he left again for Washington to be present at the fourth session of Congrass, and while there was made a brigadier-general. He now resigned his seat in Con- gress, and, reporting at St. Louis, Missouri, was soon after placed in conamand, first of Jefferson Barracks, next of the Camp of Instruction at Benton Barracks, and finally of the St. Louis District. While holding the last named command, the President devolved on him the duties connected with the change of commanders— a most delicate and painful service, 38 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. which he neither sought nor desired ; but for the prudence and decision he discovered in the discharge of these duties, he re- ceived the special thanlvs of Mr. Lincoln. In December 1861, General Curtis was placed in command of the District of Southwest Missouri, and at once repaired to Rolla, where he established his head-quarters. Having organ- ized his army in the early part of January 18G2, he marched against General Price, and drove him through Missouri and Northern Arkansas. On this march, the enemy were encoun- tered in several skirmishes and engagements. The culminating one was the sanguinary battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas. It resulted in a brilliant victory to the Federal arms, and in the restoration of the flag and the authority of the Government in that State. Although the battle of Pea Ridge was one of the earliest and most decisive of the war, yet, I believe, less is known of it, than of any other of equal magnitude, especially of those fought in the South West. In the latter part of January, 1862, nearly four months after the march of General Fremont was made from Jefferson City to Springfield, General Curtis left Rolla, Missouri, for the purpose of capturing or dispersing the rebel army under General Sterling Price. His command consisted of the divisions of Sigel, (subse- quently Osterhous') Asboth, Davis and Carr, and numbered about twelve thousand men. Passing through Lebanon, Marsh- field, Springfield and over the old Wilson Creek battle-field, he arrived in the vicinity of Pea Ridge on the evening of the 20th of February. He first met the enemy north of Springfield — though neither there, nor at any point between that and Sugar Creek, did he meet with determined resistance. Shortly before the arrival of Curtis at Sugar Creek, Price had been re-info reed by McCulloch, and, in consequence of this, quite a severe engage- ment took place at the above named point. At Sugar Creek, SAMUEL B. CURTIS. 39 Sigel, who had made a detour, rejoined the main army, which now pressed on to Osage Springs, a position which flanked Cross Hollows, the rebel strong-hold, and compelled its evacuation by McCulloch. From the 21st of February to the 5th of March, General Curtis' forces remained in this vicin- ity, the enemy in the meantime collecting all his forces in the front. Being informed of the enemy's great increase of strength, and his designs to assume the offensive. General Cur- tis ordered all his several divisions, by different routes, to fall back to Sugar Creek and Pea Ridge to give battle, should the enemy force one. At this time General Sigel was near Bentonville, Carr was at Cross Hollows, while General Jeffer- son C. Davis was already on Sugar Creek, just at the base of Pea Ridge. On the morning of the 5th of March, Captain H. H. Griffiths, of the 4th Iowa Infantry, (subsequently of the 1st Iowa Battery) who was field-officer of the day, found the picket-line in com- motion, and, on inquiry, learned that a government foraging train had been captured. Soon after it was learned from scouts, contrabands and from loyal citizens, living in the vicinity of Cross Hollows, that General Van Dorn, having formed a junc- tion with Price, was advancing to give battle, and that night Colonel Carr, under orders and accompanied by General Curtis, marched back to Sugar Creek, a distance of fourteen miles. That same afternoon, GenerarSigel also received orders at his camp near Bentonville, to forthwith move back to Sugar Creek, distant about sixteen miles ; for General Curtis was now satis- fied that a great battle was imminent, and it was his purpose to concentrate at Pea Ridge, and engage the enemy from that strong position. Colonel Vandever, of the 9th Iowa Infantry, who was near Huntsville, in command of a brigade, was ordered to march day and night till he reached the place designated. 40 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Pea Ridge, Arkansas, is a narrow plateau, running nearly east and west, and lying near the Boston Mountains. Along its southern base is the historic stream of Sugar Creek, whose northern bank is in many places precipitous, rising to the hight of two or three hundred feet. On its top, Pea Ridge has a few cultivated fields ; but for the most part is covered with a short and stinted growth of oak of great density. Its northern slope is gradually descending, and terminating in wild, deep ravines. Just north of these ravines are abrupt, rocky and rugged hills, and, among and in the vicinity of these, is the celebrated Cross Timber Hollows, so named, it is said, from the heavy timber which was felled there by General McCulloch, in October 18G1, to block the advance of General Fremont, in his march from Springfield. Running along through Cross Timber Hollows, and over Pea Ridge and Sugar Creek, is the Wire, or Butterfield road. Its course is nearly due north and south. Branching off from this road to the west, and about four miles north of Sugar Creek, is the Lee towTi road, which, after passing through a small village by that name, bears round to the south to Bentonville. It was over this last named road that General Sigel fell back to Pea Ridge. Carr returned with his division from Cross Hollows, over the Wire road; Cross Hollows lying south of Pea Ridge, and, as I have said, some fourteen miles distant from it. On the morning of the 6th of March, the divisions of both Carr and Davis were at Sugar Creek, and in position, throwing up temporary field-works, while the command of Sigel was just moving out of Bentonville; and here it was that Sigel first met the enemy. It happened in this wise: having halted in Bentonville with a small force until after the departure of the greater part of his command, he was attacked by the rebel army and almost completely surrounded. Forming his small force— scarcely six hundred men— he broke through the ene- SAMUEL R. CURTIS. 41 my's lines and, though still closely pursued and his flanks severely pressed, marched for several hours, sustaining an almost continuous engagement; indeed, the enemy did not cease their attacks until the arrival of reinforcements, sent and led by General Curtis in person. That he was not entirely cut off and compelled to surrender was due as well to the superior discip- line of the troops, as to the skill displayed by Greneral Sigel, in managing his rear defences. Thus the enemy were checked, and Sigel arrived safely on the north bank of Sugar Creek. At midnight on the 6th of March, the position of General Curtis' forces were as follows: The enemy were expected to advance from the south across Sugar Creek valley, and the troops of General Curtis were therefore drawn up in line of battle on the high bluffs, facing that valley. Davis' and Carr's divisions held the left, and Sigel's and Asboth's the right ; and the whole front was defended by strong works, thrown up during the day and night. The commissary-stores had been sent back to the rear to Elkhorn Tavern, and placed under charge of Major Weston, provost-marshal of the army ; for it was supposed that that was a place of safety. Early on the morning of the 7th instant. General Curtis became convinced, from the reports of his scouts, that a heavy body of the enemy was moving round his right, for the purpose of attacking his right flank and rear. A change of front to the rear was there- fore ordered, so as to face the road west, along which the enemy were now advancing. Before this movement had been com- pleted, a detachment of cavalry and light artillery, well sup- ported by infantry under Colonels Osterhaus and Bussey was ordered from the new centre. Its object was to attack the enemy while they were moving by the flank. But in the meantime Major Weston was attacked at Elkhorn Tavern, by rebel infantry. Elkhorn Tavern was the point where the new right was to rest, and Carr's Division was already on its 42 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. way to reinforce Major Weston's command, and to order the train to a place of safety. It was this prompt movement on the part of General Curtis that saved him his army, and for the coolness and judgment that prompted it, he is entitled to great credit. Nor is it true, as has often been stated, that General Sigel, at Pea Eidge, saved the Federal army from de- feat and capture. He did well the duties of a subordinate officer, and is entitled to great praise for the manner in which he wrested his mere handful of men from the enemy's grasp at Benton ville ; but, on the 7th of March, and after the change of front, he held the extreme left which was not engaged at all. A civilian has no idea of the extent of country embraced in the lines of a great battle, and will be surprised when told that the right and centre of Curtis' line at Pea Ridge were several miles apart. He can better understand that to handle troops successfully under such circumstances, requires great coolness and judgment — and that is just what makes a good general. The fighting now opened on the right and in the centre with great fury ; and in the centre the enemy were at first successful. The Federal cavalry, sent out under Osterhaus and Bussey, were routed and lost their artillery ; and General Curtis there- fore ordered Davis to Osterhaus' support. On arriving, he assumed command, for he was the senior officer ; and now the centre was held firmly. Soon Davis assumed the offensive, and assaulting the enemy, re-captured the lost battery, and either killed or mortally wounded Generals Mcintosh and Slack. McCulloch had been killed before Davis came up. In the meantime General Carr had met the enemy and fought a most unequal and terrible battle on the right. Opposed to his division were the commands of both Price and Van Dom. From sun-rise to near sun-set, Carr fought with but few reinforcements, and, though his troops displayed the SAMUEL B. CURTIS. ^^ greatest bravery, he had, toward night, been forced back Lrly a n.Ue ; and now his troops had left but little ammun. tion. The enemy now having developed their strength and posi- tion, it became evident to General Curtis that he must re-form US me ; and the order was promptly given. He divmed the object of the enemy, which was to force bacU h.s nght cut off 2 lines Of retreat, and dash his army to pieces agarnst the Bos- ton Mount-ains. The commands of Sigel, Davis, Ashoth and Osterhaus were brought up from the left and ^nt.e, and „„own into position, facing the north and eonfrontmg^h main body of the enemy under Price and ^an Dom. But while this movement was in progress. General Curtis, m com- pany with Asboth and a small portion of his division, rode I the right to the immediate relief of Carr, who, by this time, as I have said, had been driven back nearly a mile. Biding on to the ground he met the 4th Iowa Infantry, who, having fired their last cartridge, were gradually yielding ground to the enemy. He at once ordered them to about- Le and charge the enemy, which they did in such gallant style as to check their further advance that night. During the night, the troops were afforded rest and sleep, and fresh supplies of ammunition, and early on the following morning the struggle was renewed. I should not omit to state that during the night a third and last line was formed ; and it wa^ now for the first time quite continuous. Carr held the right as he had done the entire day before, Davis the centre and Asboth and Sigel the left; but these last troops did not get into position tiU after the fighting of the morning begun. The right and centre was the only part of the line engaged, and the fighting was being principaUy done by the artillery. Soon Sigel came up on the left, and forced the enemy's right from a strong position it had taken up on one of the hills m 44 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Cross Timber PIollows. It was now the moment of victory, seeing which General Curtis ordered a general charge. The enemy struggled fiercely for a moment, but their lines were soon broken at all points, and they fled in utter rout from the field. But for one thing, large numbers of them would have been captured— Cross Timber Hollows gave them a sure and almost unmolested way of retreat. It was a splendid victory ! For his bravery, watchfulness and skill. General Curtis well deserved to be made a major- general ; and only thirteen days after the last day's battle, he was promoted to that rank. General Sigel received a like pro- motion ; but, on account of ill health, was soon after compelled to leave the field. He never returned to the Army of the South West. After remaining in the vicinity of the battle-ground for nearly a month, the enemy no longer appearing in any force near his front, General Curtis, by a difficult march, moved across the Boston Mountains to Batesville, on White River. Here he remained till the 23d of the following June, when he began his celebrated march through Arkansas to Helena. At that day it was a celebrated undertaking, and the papers throughout the country were filled with its recital ; but to-day, when contrasted with the wonderful movements of Sherman, it seems only an ordinary affair. The skirmishes and engage- ments which resulted from this movement will be given elsewhere. That was now accomplished which General Fre- mont claimed he would have effected six months earlier, had his hands not been tied by the President — the west bank of the Mississippi was gained at a point below Memphis. General Curtis remained at Helena until the following Aug- ust. His head-quarters were established at the magnificent residence of the rebel General Hindman, which is situated near the base of one of the hills that look down on that sickly, SAMUEL R. CURTIS. 45 detestable village. While here he organized many expeditions, one of which penetrated the waters of the Yazoo River. Another went do\\Ti the Mississippi, and captured a partially- prepared battery ; and still another was sent to Richmond, a considerable town in Louisiana, eighteen miles west of Vieks- burg. It was through this same town that Grant marched, when on his way to the rear of Vicksburg. But, though burdened with the cares of a large military command, General Curtis did not forget that magnificent enterprise, for the success of which he had, in civil life, labored so untiringly, and, I may add, so successfully. Having been made one of the corporators, he obtained a leave of absence from the War Department to attend the Pacific Railroad Con- vention at Chicago. He was chosen and acted as President of that body. In the future, that assemblage will be looked upon a.s a land-mark of a new era ; for it organized and inaugurated the great work which is now in progress, to connect the two oceans and bind the continent together ^^'ith iron bands. 0]i the 19th of September, 1862, General Curtis was assigned to the command of the Department of the Missouri, with head-quarters at St. Louis. At that time this department included the States of Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, the Territo- ries of Nebraska, Colorado, and the Indian Territory. The military forces consisted of the armies of the South West, the Frontier, and South-ea^t INIissouri. The department was sub- sequently diminished by the withdrawal of Arkansas. While in command of this department, his troops fought the following battles : Cane Hill, Old Town, Wayne, Prairie Grove, Spring- field, Hartsville, Cape Girardeau, besides capturing Fort Smith and Van Buren, Arkansas. There were also many skirmishes and engagements of lesser note. But General Curtis was too radical for that early day of the struggle. His anti-Slavery spirit was distasteful to the conservative governor of Missouri, 46 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. and, harassed by the importunities of that official, and other influential conservative men of the State, the President relieved the general of his command, after a successful and, with the true friends of the Government, a popular administration of eight months. The President expressly stated that he had no fault to find with the general's administration, but that he was willing to yield to the wishes of the conservative party, headed by Governor Gamble, and see, if by inaugurating a more lenient policy, he could not conciliate hostile factions, and heal the breach in the Union Party of Missouri. But the Pres- dent, though honest in his intentions, (as he always has been), was in error, as the subsequent triumph of anti-Slavery princi- ples in that State evidences. Indeed, the history of the Balti- more Convention of 1864 is conclusive proof in this matter; for the Missouri delegation was the only one which cast its vote against Mr. Lincoln in that body. General Curtis' next command was the Department of Kan- sas, to which he was assigned the first day of January, 1864. It included Kansas, and the Territories of Nebraska and Colo- rado, with head-quarters at Fort Leavenworth. Fort Smith and the Indian Territory were at first included, but these were subsequently given to General Steele, whose head- quarters were at Little Rock. During the summer and fall of 1864, the general was engaged in protecting the exposed settle- ments on the frontier from the depredations of hostile Indians, and in guarding lines of travel west. He was at Fort Leaven- worth, and his troops scattered in every quarter of his com- mand, when he first learned of the rapid and almost unopposed march of Price into Missouri. The course of the rebel general was bearing toward the borders of Kansas, and General Curtis, although his available force was scarcely three thousand men, began preparations to meet him. The Kansas Militia were at once organized under General Deitzler, and, with the SAMUEL E. CURTIS. 47 volunteer forces under General Blunt, General Curtis took the field. The part taken by the general in routing and driving Price from Missouri was active and successful. I quote from a statement of one of his staff ofl&cers: " The sudden rallying of the people of Kansas, under Curtis, checked the movements of Price, who had boasted that he would capture Fort Leavenworth and city, and lay the State waste. The first resistance actually confronting the advance of Price was the advance of General Blunt, under Curtis, at Lex- ington, on October 19th. " " Rosecrans and Pleasanton were south-east of the rebel gen- eral, while Curtis, Blunt and Deitzler, with their little band of volunteers, were to his west, near Kansas City, on the border of Kansas. Blunt advanced to Lexington, where he was attacked by Price, and, as he was ordered only to feel the enemy, fell back to the Little Blue. In the battles of Little Blue and Big Blue, on the 20th and 22d of October, Curtis delayed the advance of the rebel general, and held him a severe engagement. At Westport, on the 23d, the battle was renewed ; and General Curtis, with his whole force, completely checked Price's westward movement, and turned him south. After the rebel retreat had commenced, Pleasanton joined in pursuit, and the retreat became a rout. Price was driven south along the border of Kansas. " After the battle of Westport, Price successively fought and lost the battles of Marias des Ci/gnes, [Swamp of the Swans] Mine Creek, Osage, and on October 25th, the battle of Char- lotte, losing two thousand men and two guns. The rebel generals Marmaduke and Cabell were captured, and large quantities of Price's equipments were burned and scattered in the retreat. The rebel generals Graham and Slemmons were killed. Price passed within a few miles of the richly stored military depot of Fort Scott ; but was too closely pressed to attempt its capture. The same night he burned five hundred of his wagons, and a large quantity of his stores. The pursuit was continued on October 26th, and on the 28th, at Granby, the rebel rear-guard was struck. At Newtonia, five miles beyond, Blunt, being in advance, attacked the enemy with parts of two brigades, holding his ground for three hours, until the arrival of Curtis with Sanborn's Brigade on the field. The enemy 48 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. was soon routed, and again retreated in great disorder, having lost some six hundred men. On this night Rosecrans with- drew all his forces, and, as the Kansas Militia had been dis banded at Fort Scott, General Curtis' whole force did not now exceed twenty-two hundred men. " The next day, in accordance with orders from Lieutenant- General Grant, Curtis continued the pursuit of Price. The Missouri troops were included in the order; but for some reason did not overtake General Curtis. At Keetsville, Colonel Benton with a small brigade of veterans of the 16th Army Corps, making Curtis' force about three thousand men, joined in the pursuit, which was continued over the old Pea Ridge battle-ground to Cross Hollows. From this point a forced march was made to the relief of Fayetteville, for three days invested by Price's forces, who hastily retired, on the approach of General Curtis, who, they supposed, still retained the whole force that operated in Missouri. The pursuit was continued over Cane Hill battle-ground, and through a portion of the Indian Territory, to a point on the Arkan.sas River, thirty miles above Fort Smith. Here, on November 8th, Price suc- ceeded in crossing the river, a parting volley of shells being- fired at his rear. General Curtis now returned by easy marches to Fort Leavenworth. " In a campaign of thirty-eight days, a march of nearly one thousand miles had been accomplished ; nine battles had been fought, with a Union loss of eighteen hundred men, killed and wounded. From Lexington to Cane Hill, the rebels admitted a loss of ten thousand five hundred killed, wounded and miss- ing. General Curtis was welcomed back to his post with a grand reception by the people of Leavenworth ; and the Legis- lature of Kansas tendered him their thanks for his noble defense of the State, and recommended his promotion in the regular army." Greneral Curtis has recently been assigned to the command of the Department of the North West, with head-quarters at Mil- waukee, Wisconsin. It is the same command recently held by Major-General John Pope, including the States of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa, and the Territories of Dacotah and Idaho. If we except two instance?, General Curtis has served with- SAMUEL R. CURTIS. 49 out reproach, from the time he entered the war to the present. He was charged with dealing in cotton, while commanding in Arkansas, and rebels gave their affidavits to impeach him ; but the President was kind enough to inform the general of the secret assaults on his character, and the overAvhelming proof which he offered of the integrity of his command in Arkansas, not only served with tlie President, but with the people, as a full vindication against the foul slander. He was also charged with appropriating two camels, which he had captured from the enemy, the remnant of those imported by the Government to traverse the sandy plains of the Southern Overland Route ; but, on inquiry, it appeared that they were kept by, and prop- erly accounted for, by the staff quarter-master, awaiting, at any time, the disposiil of the Government. It further appeared that they were only sent to Iowa to secure them from re-cap- ture, and to preserve them for the Government, to which they rightfully and notoriously belonged. Even the genial-hearted Claggett, editor of the Keokuk " Constitution," and the bitter political opponent of General Curtis, vindicated him from this unjust and unmanly charge. Of the Iowa major-generals. General Curtis is the largest in person. He has a tall, fine form, and, though nearly sixty years of age, is erect and vigorous. His large, hazel eyes give his countenance an expression of gravity and thoughtfulness which comports well with the dignity of his movements and manners. But, if he is sedate, and if he never laughs boister- ously, he is nevertheless easily approached and sociable ; he is kind and generous-hearted, and would not knowingly injure the feelings of the most humble or unfortunate. He has one trait which is not in keeping with his general character. He is nice and precise in dress, and in this respect has been noted for the scrupulousness with which he has com- plied with the Army Regulations. He never, when on duty, 4 50 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. omits a reg-ulation trapping. In many respects he is not unlike General Grant ; but not in this. Intellectually, General Curtis is not brilliant. He has excel- lent judgment, and great available ability. To these, and to unremitting labor, he is indebted for what he is. He is a most excellent mathematician, and, as a civil-engineer, has I believe no superior in the West. This remarkal)le endowment made him the leader in Congress of the great Pacific Railroad enter- prise. As a soldier, General Curtis is able, magnanimous and brave ; and why, against his known wishes, he has recently been kept from the front, I do not understand. Perhaps he too much resembles the great military chieftain of the day ; for I have noticed that, in nearly every instance, commands at the front have been given to those who, as regards sprighfliness and dash, are the direct opposites of General Grant. General Curtis has a proud record, whether before, or during the AVar of the Rebellion ; and when this great conflict shall have closed, and a true love of the Nation's ancient motto re-enshrined in the hearts of all, he will stand, with the honest historian, as one of the most practical and deserving men of his day. BRIGADIER-GENERAL JAMES M. TUTTLE. SECOND COLONEL, SECOND INFANTRY. General James Madison Tuttle, was born near Summer- field, Monroe county, Ohio, on the 24th of September, 1823 ; and was educated at "the people's college" — the Common School. Emigrating to Indiana with his father's family, in the winter of 1833, he settled in Fayette county, whence, after a residence of thirteen years, he removed to Farmington, Van Buren county, Iowa, where he soon after engaged in mercantile pur- suits. Prior to entering the United States Service, General Tuttle was a quiet citizen, and not known to any great extent, outside of his own county. In the fall of 1855, he was elected to the office of sheriff of Van Buren county, and in 1857, to that of treasurer and recorder, and was known as a prompt, honora- ble and accurate official — but nothing further. He cared little for public eclat ; and what little public life he had seen, was not so much attributable to his own efforts, as to the solicitation and labor of his friends. In his case, as in many others, the war developed latent powers that otherwise would doubtless have remained dormant. Early in 1861, in response to the call of the President for sev- enty-five thousand men, General Tuttle closed up his business hastily, and recruited a company, of which he was elected cap- tain ; but the quota of the State's three-months men being already full, his company, in the following May, was assigned to the 2d Iowa Infantry. At its rendezvous, he was chosen lieutenant-colonel of that regiment, and on the 6th of the fol- lowing September, was made its colonel. 51 52 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. There are few officers, who have a better military record than General Tuttle — nonea fairer; and from the time he led his regiment in its gallant and reckless charge against Fort Don- elson till August, 1863, when he accepted the Democratic nom- ination for Governor of Iowa, there were none, except confessed sympathizers with the rebellion, who were not loud in his praise ; — and he merited his great popularity. That the 2d Iowa Infantry, Colonel James M. Tuttle com- manding, and the glory incident to the capture of Fort Don- elson are inseparable, is known not only in Iowa, but in every loyal State ; but, it is not so generally known that the tender of the "forlorn hope" had been previously made by General Smith to several other regiments, by all of which, through their commanders, it had been declined. " Colonel, will you take those works ? " " Support me promptly, and in twenty minutes I will go in. " And he did go in ; but the glory was dearly purchased. The dangers met, and the obstacles encountered and overcome in this assault, were of the most prodigious character ; and the heroism that inspired the assailants has never been fully ap- preciated. It is without question the most gallant, reckless and successful charge of the whole war. On the right of the Fort Henry, or Dover Road, a fierce struggle had been going on during all the forenoon of the loth, with results so favorable to the enemy that, abandoning their purposes of retreating, they returned to their works, confident of being able to force the en- tire Federal position ; and, to show that their hopes of success were not unreasonable, it is only necessary to state that with the exception of a few regiments — only two brigades — the whole Federal force had been encountered and sadly worsted. McClernand and Wallace had both been defeated. I am aware that the Rev. John S. C. Abbott, our able and pleasant histori- JAMES M. TUTTLE. 53 an, does not corroborate this statement ; nor does the rebel Gen- eral Pillow, whom Mr. Abbott cites as authority; but the former was doubtless misinformed, and, as for the latter, he would not tell the truth if a lie would better suit his purpose. Indeed his own flaming dispatch, forwarded to Nashville just on the eve of the Confederate successes, contradicts his official report of the battle— " On the honor of a soldier, the day is ours;" and so at that hour it was. In the disposition of the Federal troops at Fort Donelson, the 2d Iowa Infantry held the extreme left of General Grant's forces. Its position from the rebel lines, at the point where the attack was to be made, and where, I may add, a whole brigade had made an assault the day before and been repulsed, was some six hundred yards distant. The character of the ground, intervening between the 2d Iowa and the intrenched line of the enemy, was such as to throw all the advantages in the enemy's favor. In front of the regiment, and just beyond the open field in which it formed for the charge, was a ravine whose sides, thickly lined with tangled brush, were very diffi- cult of passage. Beyond, was the steep, obstructed hill-side, along the crest of which, and parallel to the ravine, were the earth- works of the enemy. Not more than one hundi-ed yards in front of these works was a formidable abattis, to pass which an assaulting column must break its line of battle, and move by the flank. Beyond the abattis there were no obstructions except the enemy's breast-works. The assaulting party consisted of three hundred men of the 2d Iowa, under Colonel, afterwards General Tuttle; and here Mr. Abbott is again in error ; for he says : " General Smith led the charge on horseback. It was a sublime sight, as this mass of troops, in unbroken line emerged from the woods, and com- menced its firm, resolute, silent tramp up the steep hill in the face of the battery of the foe. " General Smith remained at 54 IOWA COLONELS AND BEGIMENTS. the foot of the hill till the charge had been made, and the enemy's defenses gained. But to return: Wh^ all was in readiness, the order to advance was given, when Colonel Tuttle, with the left wing of his regiment, forcing his way through the ravine, began scal- ing the hill-side. The abattis was reached, and that obstruc- tion passed without the firing of scarcely a gun, but the instant after, and hardly before the gallant band had again come into line, it received the concentrated fire of three rebel infantry regiments — not less than two thousand men. The slaughter was terrible. At the first fire, one hundred and fifty of these three hmidred gallant men fell, either dead or wounded. Among them were the lamented captains, Slaymaker and Cloutman. But the ardor of the surviving was in no manner cooled. Their good name had been impeached at St. Louis, by an unjust and unwarranted order of General Hamilton ; and the last man was to die or be a victor. Without a perceptible halt, the assaulting party, closing up its ranks, moved steadily on. Such daring was too much for the enemy ; and two whole regiments, with the exception of a few men who were promptly put to the bayonet, fled from their defences in precipitate flight. A Mississippi regiment to the right, still remained ; but, the right wing of the 2d Iowa now coming up, this also fled to the ravine below. The key to the rebel position had now been wrested from the enemy, and yet the fighting was not more than half done. Between the main fort and the position the 2d Iowa now held was a deep ravine, through which the enemy having passed, had taken up a position on the high ground, which bounded its opposite side. Colonel Tuttle, wishing to avail himself of their present fright, promptly formed his regiment, and moved against them. He had reached the ravine, and was engaging the enemy, when that Indiana regiment, just having gained the JAMES M. TUTTLE. 55 hill for the first time, commenced pouring a severe musketry- fire upon his rear. Momentary confusion followed. Colonel Tuttle first waved his sword, and in other ways endeavored to induce the Indianians to cease their firing; but they believed they were engaging the enemy, and no token but the white flag would they accept. Alarmed for the safety of his own regi- ment, Colonel Tuttle now determined to run back to them, and inform them in person of their mistake ; but he had not gone far before he stopped short, and, turning his face in the direction of the enemy's fire, began moving backward. The reason for this maneuver of the colonel was then unknown, and for sometime after; but it afterwards turned out that he was fearful of being shot in the back by the enemy, which he had declared should never happen. My informant was a member of his old regiment. Order was now restored. In the meantime General Smith, having come on the hights to superintend movements in per- son, recalled the 2d Iowa, and, with the other troops of his command, stationed the regiment behind the captured works of the enemy. Random firing was kept up till late in the evening, and the next morning the fort surrendered. Fifteen thousand prisoners, many ordnance stores, and much other property, were the fruits of the victory. There were other fruits, though these were not to be relished by the public palate. The commander-in-chief, and every division commander in the fight, were made major-generals, and every brigade commander was made a brigadier. The 2d Iowa Infantry, therefore, not only made U. S. Grant, C. F. Smith, J. A. McClernand and Lew Wallace, major-generals; but Lauman and some ten others, brigadiers. It also broke the line of the enemy's defences, which extended in the South West, fi'om Bowling Green to Columbus, and opened up the enemy's country south, to the Memphis and Charleston 56 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Railroad. The regiment did still more; it forced General Johnson to evacuate Bowling Green, captured Buckner, and frightened into flight Pillow at Fort Donelson, and compelled Polk to evacuate Columbus, on the Mississippi. Glorious old Begiment ! Well might General Halleck say : " The 2d Iowa proved themselves the bravest of the brave." Richly did the regiment deserve its place in the van of the triumphal march into the rebel stronghold ! And yet, after the surrender of the fort, the colonel of the Indiana regiment, wlio had ordered his men to fire into the 2d Iowa, had the impudence to claim the honor of being the first in the enemy's works ; but in justice to General Smith, let me say, his claims were met only by reprimands and cursings. In adding the roll of honor, I shall quote from the official report of Colonel Tuttle : "When I come to speak of those who particularly distin- guished themselves for coolness and bravery, so many exam- ples occur to me that it seems invidious to make distinctions. Of those few who were in the most responsible positions, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Baker, Major Chipman and Adjutant Tuttle, to say that they were cool and brave would not do them justice. They were gallant to perfection. Lieutenant-Colonel Baker had a ball pass through his cap and come out near his temple. Major Chipman was among the first to fall, severely wounded, while cheering on the men of the left wing, and refused to be carried from the field ; but waved his sword and exhorted the men to press forward. Captains Slaymaker and Cloutman fell dead, at the head of their companies, before they reached the entrenchments. Near them also fell Lieutenant Harper. His death was that of a true and brave soldier. Captains Cox, Mills, Moore and Wilkins were at the head of their companies, marked examples of gallantry and efficiency. Lieutenants Schofield, Ensign, Davis, Holmes, Huntington, Weaver, Mastic, Snowdon and Godfrey— in fact nearly all of my officers, commissioned and non-commissioned, deported themselves nobly throughout the engagement. Sergeant-Major Brawner deserves very honorable mention for his gallant con- JAMES M. TUTTLE. 57 duct. Surgeons Marsh and Nassau also deserve the highest praise for their skill and untiring devotion to the welfare of the wounded. Dr. Nassau was particularly noticed for his bravery on the field, taking off the wounded during a heavy fire of the enemy." I cannot omit, in this report, an account of the color-guard : *' Color-Sergeant Doolittle fell early in the engagement, pierced by four balls, and dangerously wounded. The colors were then taken by Corporal Page, company B, who soon fell dead. They were again raised by Corporal Churcher, company I, who had his arm broken, just as he entered the entrench- ments, when they were taken by Corporal Twombly, com- pany F, who was almost instantly knocked down by a spent ball, but immediately rose and bore them gallantly to the end of the fight. Not a single man of the color-guard but himself was on his feet at the close of the engagement." At Shiloh, Colonel Tuttle was placed in command of a brig- ade, where he won new laurels. His command consisted of the 2d, 7th, 12th, and 14th Iowa regiments, and, with it, he held a portion of that line which saved the Federal army from capture. After the fall of General W. H. L. Wallace, in that deadly cross-fire of the enemy, and just at the mouth of that flanking swoop that swallowed up the 8th, 12th, and 14th Iowa, Colonel Tuttle, at the request of Captain McMichael, General Smith's acting assistant adjutant-general, assumed command of the division, which he held the remainder of that day, and until the enemy were finally repulsed and driven from the field. At Shiloh, he showed himself to be cool and calculating in danger, and on the 9th of the following June, he was rewarded with the commission of a brigadier-general. Subsequently to his promotion to the rank of a general officer, and until the spring of 1864, when he left the service. General Tuttle, a principal portion of the time, commanded a division in the field. During the fall of 1862, and the following winter, he was in command at Cairo, Illinois; but, in the spring of 1863, was relieved and placed in command of the 3d Division, 68 IOWA COLONELS AND BEGIMENTS. loth Army Corps. He joined Sherman in the march through Jaclvson to the rear of Vieksburg, and, in the assault and cap- ture of Jackson on the 14th of May, was with his division in the advance. His division moved against the south side of the rebel capital, while General Crocker's made the assault on the west. There is a solitary political chapter in General Tuttle's his- tory. He was the Democratic candidate for Governor of Iowa, at the fall election of 1863, and the following brief extract from his Address to the People will show his views upon the all-ab- sorbing political question of the day." " I am in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war to the full extent of our power, until the rebellion is suppressed, and of using all means that may be in our possession, recognized by honorable warfare, for that purpose. I am for the Union without an ?/, and regardless of whether Slavery stands or falls by its restoration ; and in iavor of peace on no other terms than the unconditional submission of the rebels to the constituted authorities of the Government of the United States." In size General Tuttle is above the medium, with broad, square shoulders, and weighing one hundred and ninety pounds. He has a sanguine, bilious temperament ; light, florid complexion ; and gray eyes. His mental and physical organ- ism seem to be in perfect sympathy ; for he is slow of speech, and slow in action. He has none of the dash of Sheridan ;— he is more like General Grant — slow and sure. Ordinarily he does not draw conclusions rapidly ; but, if the circmnstances be such as to give him no time for deliberation, he seems equal to emergencies, for his judgments are nearly always correct. He is naturally modest, unassuming and unostentatious. He has large hope, but little self-esteem, and lacks confidence in his own ability. But he is stubborn, and his deliberate opinions are not easily shaken. COLONEL JAMES BAKER. THIRD COLONEL, SECOND INFANTRY. Colonel James Baker of the 2d Iowa Infantry, who fell mortally wounded, while leading his regiment in a charge against the enemy at Corinth, was a native of Gallatin county, Kentucky, where he was born the 25th of December, 1823. He was reared and educated in Shelbyville, Indiana, where his father removed with his family in his son's infancy. In 1852, he came to Iowa and settled in Bloomfield, Davis county. At Bloomflold, he entered the practice of law, in partnership with his brother-in-law, H. H. Trimble, to which he devoted his exclusive attention from 1855 to 1861. He was a successful lawyer and had, at the outbreak of the war, secured an exten- sive practice. In April, 1861, Mr. Baker entered the Volunteer Service, as captain of company G, 2d Iowa Infantry. He was the first volunteer from Davis county, and enrolled his name in the old Methodist Church of Bloomfield. Entering the field with his regiment, he served with it with the rank of captain, till the 2d of November, 1861; when he was promoted to the lieutenant-colonelcy of his regiment. Less than eight months later, he succeeded General Tuttle to the colonelcy. The history of the 2d Iowa Infantry, from the 22d of June, 1862, (the date of Colonel Baker's commission) till September following, is nearly the same as that of all the Federal troops camped at and in the vicinity of Corinth: the regiment did little except camp- and picket-duty. Corinth, Mississippi, where, on the 3d and 4th of October, 1862, was fought one of the most important and decisive 59 60 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. battles of the war, especially in the South West, and where the 2cl Iowa Infantry, for more than a year was stationed or garrison-duty, is a point to which attaches much interest in the history of the war. It was the first Confederate town of conse quence in the South West besieged by the Federal forces. I is situated in the north-east corner of Mississippi, and is at th< point of intersection of the Memphis and Charleston, and th( Mobile and Ohio Railroads. To the enemy, it was a place o great importance. From the 30th of May, 1862, the date of the place's evacuatioi by Beauregard, till the early part of the following September every thing remained quiet at Corinth. Indeed, no considerabL rebel force was in its vicinity; for, after its evacuation, thi greater part of the rebel army was transferred to the neigh borhood of Chattanooga, Tennessee. ^General Sterling Prio made his appearance at luka, about twenty miles east of Cor inth, on the thirteenth of September, and, on the nineteentl of that month. General Rosecrans fought with him the battl of luka. Defeated at that point. General Price marched hi army, by a circuitous route, round to Ripley, where he wa joined by Generals Van Dorn and Villipigue. The combine( rebel force numbered now not less than forty thousand, and in Van Dorn's opinion, was sufficient to capture Corinth Price, who had recently felt the mettle of the Federal troop at luka, thought otherwise; but Van Dorn was the rankin; officer, and an attack was determined on and ordered. The enemy marched on Corinth from Ripley, and firs encountered a detachment of Federal troops at Chewalla, ; small town north-west of Corinth. This was on the afternooi of the second of October. In the meantime General Grani having learned of the enemy's approach, had made prepare tions to meet him. The attack on Corinth was made from th direction of the enemy's march — on the west and north-wes 61 JAMES BAKEK. r the town— and met serious resistance two and a half miles Lit, on the Chewalla road. The 2d Iowa Infantry, attached to the 1st Brigade of the 2d Hvision, was among the troops sent out to encounter, the iiemy, and, marching in a north-westerly direction, formed ne of battle at the front. Frequent changes of position hav- iig been made to check-mate the advances of the enemy, the egiment finally became hotly engaged near what was known s the White House. Near the White House, the position of he 2d Iowa was as follows : it was stationed on high ground, md in the edge of timber. In its front, the country was open, iffording almost an unobstructed view for a mile or more to he left and front. The regiment was assaulted in this position )y the enemy in force, who, by a charge, endeavored to break ;he Federal line; but they were repulsed. They did not renew the charge, but returning to within musket-range, and covering themselves as much as possible . behind stumps and 3ld logs, opened on the Federal lines with their rifles. The aghting continued in front of the 2d Iowa for nearly an hour, but with no advantage to the enemy; for, whenever they advanced so as to expose themselves, they were driven to cover by the sharp and accurate fire of the regiment. But now heavy columns of rebel re-inforcements were seen approaching in the distance, and for the regiment to remain where it was, and allow the enemy in its immediate front to hold their position till their re-inforcements arrived, would result in certain defeat. Colonel Baker was sitting upon his horse, watching the movements of the enemy, and contempla- ting the course to be pursued, when Lieutenant, now Major Hamill stepping to his side, said, "Colonel, let us charge the enemy." The suggestion was adopted and a charge ordered, which resulted successfully ; but just as the enemy were being routed. Colonel Baker fell from his horse, mortally wounded. 62 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. As he fell, he said, " Thank God, I fell while my regiment was victoriously charging! " He was borne from the field on a litter, and placed in hospital at Corinth, where he lay for three days and nights, breathing regrets for his sad fate. " Poor Charlie, (his wife) if it were not for you, I could die more wil- lingly." He was never a father, and doted on his wife with the fondest affection. From the first, there was no hope of saving his life, and he was drugged to kill his intense pain. He lingered till the morning of the seventh of October, when he died. Of the Iowa colonels, he was the first that had fallen in battle, and the second that had fallen in the service of the country. Colonel Worthington, of the 5th Iowa Infantry, had been shot during the siege of Corinth by a frightened sentinel. When Colonel Baker fell, Lieutenant-Colonel Mills assumed command of the 2d Iowa, and soon after was ordered to fall back in the direction of Corinth, and take position in the vicin- ity of the Federal battery, Robinette, where the regiment remained during the following night. In the next day's engagement. Colonel Mills received a wound which terminated fatally, five days after the death of Colonel Baker. In the two day's engagement at Corinth, the loss of the 2d Iowa was severe — especially in officers. When it marched out to the front on the morning of the 3d, there were, in officers and enlisted men, an aggregate of three hundred and forty-six. In the first day's battle, it lost three officers killed, and two wounded ; and in the second, one killed, and five wounded. The entire loss of the regiment, in killed, wounded and mis- sing, was one hundred and eight. Thirteen enlisted men were killed. The officers killed dead, were Lieutenants Huntington, Snowden, Bing, and George W. Neal. The following is from Major Weaver's official report : " Among those who distinguished themselves was Adjutant JAMES BAKEE. 63 George L. Godfrey, who could alwa5^s be seen and heard charging along the line upon his horse, shouting to the men to be cool and steady. He is one of the most valuable young officers with whom I have ever met. Captains Cowles, McCulloch, Mastic, Howard, Ensign and Davis were marked instances of bravery and efficiency upon the field, and reflected great credit upon themselves and their commands. Cap- tain Holmes, on account of a wound received in the battle at Fort Donelson, was unable to take command of his company during the engagement. " Conspicuous for bravery, were Lieutenants Parker, Duffield, Marsh, Wilson, Tisdale, Suiter, Hamill, Hall, Blake, Duck- worth, Ballinger, Twombly and McCoid. After Lieutenants Parker and Twombly of company F, were wounded. Sergeant James Ferry took charge of the company, and displayed marked efficiency and courage. Likewise after the fall of Lieutenants Huntington and Suiter, of company B, Sergeant Lewis, (acting lieutenant) took charge of the company, and rendered most satisfactory service. Too much credit can not be bestowed upon our excellent First Assistant Surgeon Elliott Pyle, then in charge of the Medical Department of the regi- ment. He was most indeMigable in his attention to the wounded. Nor upon our Quarter-Master Sergeant John Lynde, who was ever present upon the field to supply the wants of the men. Sergeant-Major Campbell distinguished himself throughout the battle for coolness and bravery. Color- Sergeant Harry Doolittle, whilst sui)porting the colors, was again wounded, and Color-Corporals Henry A. Seiberlich, G. C. Phillips, G. B. Norris, I. C. Urie and John H. Stewart were all wounded, wiiilst supporting the old flag." Captain Ensign distinguished himself by capturing a bat- tle-flag, and in the charge upon the battery, was the first to reach it, and turn the guns upon the enemy. Colonel Baker was a man of middle size, and had a stocky and vigorous form. He had a dark, or olive complexion, black hair, and dark, lustroas eyes. In personal appearance he was extremely prepossessing. With his friends he was extremely sociable; but he had little to say to strangers. During the last months of his service, he became somewhat convivial in his 64 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. habits, which was doubtless occasioned by his inactive camp- life at Corinth. Tlie Colonel had great independence of character, and never fawned nor flattered. He never asked favors ; but, for prefer- ment, relied solely on his merit and ability. He had fine legal talent, and there were few lawyers in Southern Iowa who were his superiors. But he had one peculiarity— a weak- ness, if it may be so termed, attributed by his friends to his native modesty, which he could never overcome— he never attempted to address a jury or a public assembly without at first showing signs of fear. It could be seen in his pale face, his compressed lips, and in the nervous tremor of his hand. This is the more remarkable since he was a fine public speaker, and never spoke with hesitancy. The Colonel was a fine officer: indeed, the State has fur- nished few better. His remains now lie buried on his former happy homestead in Bloomfield, and a fine monument, erected by his wife, marks the spot of his burial. COLONEL NOAH AVEBSTER MILLS. FOUETH COLONEL, SECOND EEGIMEST. The memories of the noble dead, who have fallen in battle, ve shall ever cherish ; and the names of those who distinguished hemselves most, we shall, regardless of their rank, hold in the Ughest honor. Though Noah W. Mills, at the time of his leath hold only the rank of a colonel, yet, I believe, we have rarely sustained a greater loss in the death of a general officer. The subject of this memoir was a native of Indiana, .and was horn in Montgomery county of that State, on the 21st day of .June 1834. In his early history there is little of special intc.rest. His 'education, which was liberal, he received at Wabash Collc^e, Indiana. He had to defray his own educational expenses, and, for that purpose, p.a.ssed much of his time in a printin-house. In college he was noted simply for his honesty, morality and industry. Natumlly modest, he did not seek that distinction in his class to which his talents entitled him For several months after leaving college, he was employed with an engineering corps, but subsequently became an employee of the Adams Express Company, in whose service he remained one vear While in the service of this company, he began the stud'y of law, the profession for which he had always man.- rested a preference; and, as an example of his industry, .t may be stated that his leisure moments, while p.assing to and fro over the road, were devoted to the study of his chosen pro- fession. He was admitted to the bar in 18-56, and in the fall of the same year removed to Des Moines, where, renouncmg for the time his legal pursuits, he engaged in the book and printmg business, with his brother, F. M. Mills, Esq., under the firm 66 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. name of Mills & Co. ; and the zeal and skill which he carried with him into the business were, I am informed, important elements in the success of this enterprising house. Colonel Mills was one of the first in Polk county to enter the War of the Rebellion. His keen sense of honor and love of justice, his horror of anarchy and hatred of the institutions which were threatening to produce it, were the chief induce- ments for his entering the army ; for he was naturally of a retiring disposition, and hated contention. He entered the service as a lieutenant in Captain, now General Crocker's com- pany, which, being too late in its organization for the three- months service, was assigned to the 2d Iowa Infantry. At its rendezvous in Keokuk, Captain Crocker was elected major of the regiment, and Lieutenant Mills was promoted to the cap- taincy of his company. He held this rank till the 22d of June, 1862, when he was made major. Two days later he was com- missioned lieutenant-colonel ; and on the 8th of October follow- ing, the day after the death of Colonel Baker, he was promoted to the colonelcy of the 2d Iowa Infantry. He entered upon his military career with the lowest rank of a commissioned officer, and, in seventeen months time, attained, by gallant and meritorious conduct, the highest rank within the gift of the State Executive. But he was entitled to even greater distinc- tion ; for, after his death, General Rosecrans said: " He was a gallant officer, and richly merited promotion to the rank of a brigadier." To give his military history in detail is needless ; for it is to he found in the history of his gallant regiment. He served with his regiment in all its campaigns, and fought with it in all its battles ; and the force of every blow which it dealt the rebellion was augmented by his gallantry and prowess. That his merit as an officer was not of the common sort may be seen from the two following incidents; the first occurring on the NOAH W. MILLS. ^"^ Lghts Of Fort Donelson, and the second on the battle-field fShiloh: At Fort Donelson, after the bights had been gained, and he works of the enemy captured, the left wing of the 2d (the ,.ht wing had not yet come up) had started, in their enthu- ilsm, in pursuit of the enemy, to the ravine below, when they vere halted by Colonel Tuttle and ordered to re-form, so as to ^eet the assault of a Tennessee regiment moving against them m the right. The order was no sooner given than the company of Captain Mills, quitting the pursuit, instantly rallied in a circle around him ; reminding one, as General Tuttle expressed it " of a brood of chickens huddling around their mother, on the approach of danger." No more striking instance of the confidence reposed in him by his men could be given. He was equally fortunate in securing the confidence of his superior ofiicers. At about four o'clock on the afternoon of the first day's fight at Shiloh, that portion of the line formed by General Tuttle's Brigade was being held successfully: every thinWn the immediate vicinity looked as though the advance of the enemy had been checked, though the heavy firing at the left and right rear indicated otherwise. Just at this juncture. Captain Mills, who held the right of his regiment, and the ri<.ht of the brigade, sent a sergeant to General Tuttle with word that the enemy were passing his flank on the right, and that the command was in imminent danger. " Did Captam Mills send you to me?" inquired General Tuttle. ''Yes.'' u Well then, there must be something wrong, and I will report it to General AVallace." The facts are now well known. On a reconnolsance be.ng made, the statements of Captain Mills were fomul to be cor- rect- but only in time to save two regiments of the brigade from capture. After the danger was passed. General Tuttle remarked: " Had any one but Captain Mills reported that fact 68 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIINIENTS. to me I should have taken no notice of it ;" and thus he saved the 2d and 7th Iowa regiments from capture at Shiloh. *' He was the coolest man in battle I ever saw; (I again use the language of General Tuttle) and his watchfulness and valor were worth a regiment." Colonel Mills' last engagement was that of Corinth, October 8d and 4th, 1862. On the afternoon of the first day's fight, the gallant Colonel Baker was mortally wounded; and the com- mand of the regiment devolved on Lieutenant-Colonel Mills. He himself was struck in the foot by a spent ball, and his horse killed under him, in the same charge in which Colonel Baker fell ; but fortunately he was not disabled. The morning of the 4th of October dawned with but little hope for the Union army at Corinth. Our lines on every hand had been forced back, and on the north, west and south sides of the city, the enemy had possessed themselves of the outer defences ; and the contest, which would decide the final issue, could be of but short duration. Soon after day-light, the enemy resumed their advance, and a few moments later the battle was raging in every quarter. On the north side, Battery Kobinette was repeatedly charged; but the enemy were each time repulsed with dreadful slaughter. Despairing of success at that point, they massed their forces on the south side, and, with an appalling yell and at double-quick, came dashing into the town, many of them even reaching the Tishamingo House. At this critical moment, when victory was almost perching on the banner of the enemy, three Iowa regiments sprang to the rescue, and, with an answering yell of defiance, charged the rebel legions and drove them back in utter confusion. To the 2d, 7th, and 17th Iowa regiments belong the credit of meeting and repelling the final assault of the enemy at Corinth. The last desperate charge of the enemy on Battery Robinette had been made just before. NOAH W. MILLS. 69 In this final charge, Lieutenan1>Colonel Mills was conspicu- ous. Springing to the front of his regiment, he snatched its tattered battle-flag from the color-guard, and, in the very face of the foe, cheered on his men to the onset. It was in this charge, and after the enemy had been routed, that he wa.s wounded. He was shot in the foot with a musket-ball, which entered at the big-toe joint and lodged in the heel. A week after he was wounded he was attacked with lock-jaw, from which he could receive no relief; and he died at sun-down, on Sunday evening, the 12th of October, 1862. He retained his consciousness to the last. He knew he must die, and wrote : (he could not speak) " I am not alarmed, if the danger is great. If this is to be fatal, it is my time, and God is wise and just: I am not afraid to die." And he added: "In the army I have tried conscientiously and prayerfully to do my duty ; and, if I am to die in my youth, I prefer to die as a soldier of my country. To do so as a member of the 2d Iowa is glory enough for me." To leave his beloved wife and his two dear little children, was his greatest cross ; and many kind and touching messages he left them. The grief of that noble woman but few can understand ; for, in the engagement at Corinth, she sacrificed her all. Her father, General Hackelman, of Indiana, was killed in the first day's battle. Colonel Mills' farewell to his parents was: "Your teachings have done me good through all my life, and I honor and thank you for them." But he had a Christian burial in a Christian land, which in a degree assuaged the grief of his friends ; and John A. Kasson, his warm friend, and one of Iowa's most eloquent and distin- guished sons, pronounced his eulogy. Immediately after learning of the death of Colonel Baker, Governor Kirkwood promoted Lieutenant-Colonel Mills to the colonelcy of the 2d Iowa Infantry ; and, though he did not live 70 IOWA COIiONELS AND REGIMENTS. to receive his commission, he died a full colonel of that noble regiment. The names of Colonels Baker and Mills are immortal — at least in the annals of Iowa. In life their regiment learned their worth, and in death it mourned their loss : ^^Hesolved, That in view of the gallant conduct of these brave men, we, the officers and men of the 2d Iowa Infantry, join in paying fitting honor to their memory. Resolved^ That, at Donelson, Shiloli and Corinth, they dis- played that coolness and bravery, which will secure for them a place upon the brightest page of our history ; while posterity will gratefully remember and emulate them, as among the most worthy martyrs in the cause of their country." Colonel Mills was tall and erect in person, and, in health, had the appearance of being rather portly. He had light-gray eyes, a fair, florid complexion, and light-brown hair. His voice was clear and kind: his manners frank and unas- suming. He had good literary taste ; was a good writer and a fine scholar. In civil life he was quiet, urbane and industrious ; and, though young, was a prominent, useful and influential citizen. Though few predicted for him great success as a military man, yet, his friends and those who knew him best, were not surprised at his brilliant military career. He was taught from childhood to hate Slavery. From the first he saw it was the cause of the war, and he believed there could be no peace till it was utterly destroyed. Soon after entering the field he wrote to his friends: " I never fail to pray that this rebellion may be the beginning of the end of Slavery." With him the maintenance of Liberty and Justice were paramount. To this end he gave his life a willing sacrifice ; and his friends can rejoice that it was not given in vain. COLONEL JAMES BAIRD WEAVER. FIFTH COLONEL, SEOOSD INFANTBY. j,„Fs B. WBAVEB was the fifth colonel of the 2cl Iowa infantry. He is a native of the city of Dayton, Ohio, where TIL. on the mh of June, IS33, and a son of « weaver, Esq., formerly a county officer and politican of Dav^^ county. He accompanied his father's i;.mily from Olno to Michigan, and thence to Iowa, where hearrived in 1843. In the year following, he settled in Davis county, where be has surce resided. . , v, „o colonel Weaver's early education was limited-only such as the West, at that early day, afforded. At the age of nineteen, he began the study of law, which he pursued for two years m Bloomfleld, and then, with the late lamented Colonel James Baker, entered the Cincinnati Law School. Leaving that university in the spring of 18.56, he returned to Iowa; and from that date until the commencement of the war, practiced his profession in Bloomfleld, Davis county. Soon after estab- lishing himself in p.-actice, he was married to Miss Clara Vinson, a lady of intelligence and worth. Colonel Weaver entered the service, as first lieutenant of Company G, 2d Iowa Infantry, and with that rank fought at the battles of Fort Donelson and Shiloh. He was made major of his regiment, rice N. W. Mills promoted to lieutenant-col- onel, and, after the death of Colonels Baker and Mills, was promoted to the colonelcy. His commission as major was received the day before the first day's fight at Corinth, and that of colonel, in the latter part of the same month. It we except the part taken by the 2d Iowa Infantry m the 72 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. early part of General Sherman's campaign against Atlanta, the history of the regiment, while under the command of Colonel Weaver, has in it little of general interest. From the fall of 1862 to the fall of 1863, it was stationed on garrison-duty at and near Corinth, Mississippi ; and, if we except the few expeditions in which it took part during this time, the routine of its camp-life was only occasionally broken by droll camp- scenes and incidents. In garrison-duty, the day begins something as follows:— awakened in the morning by the braying of mules, the impu- dent clatter of drums, and the shrill whistle of fifes, the soldiers hurry on their clothes and assemble on the company parade grounds for "roll-call." But there is always some delinquent: some lazy fellow throws back his blanket and, sitting upright, rubs his eyes and yawns lustily. He begins to wonder if he will have to "police" to-day, or stand picket, or — what he will have to do, when the command " fall in " is sounded, and instantly the trumpet-voice of the orderly begins calling, "Buckmaster;" "Bunner;" " Brown j" "Brooks;"— he hurries on his pants and out into line, but only in time to find his name passed, and himself checked as absent from "roll-call." The day begins badly; for the thing he most dreaded is now upon him — he is the first on the list of those detailed for "policing," and he curses his ill luck. Next follows the morning ablutions and toilet, and then breakfast. The 2d Iowa at Corinth were gentlemen ; for, in those days, they had black men for their cooks, their " hewers of wood and drawers of water." The soldiers chatted and laughed, while their servants fried the bacon, and made the coffee. "Guard-mounting," "company-drill," "dinner-call," and "retreat," followed each other, until finally "tattoo" closed the day. Generally, the history of one day was repeated in that following. JAMES B. WEAVER. 73 Of all the troops sent out from Iowa, there has been no regi- ment, where the enlisted men have maintained so much inde- pendence in their relations with their officers, as have those of the 2d Iowa,— none, where the members would endure less of sti/le in their field- and line-officers. In every other respect, the discipline of the regiment was most commendable. In the summer of 18G3, while the 2d Iowa was stationed with its brig- ade at Corinth, General T. W. Sweeney, (afterwards dismissed in disgrace from the service for threatening to shoot General Dodge, and a surgeon) issued an order, embracing the follow- ing points: — 1st. There must be no familiarity between enlist- ed men and their officers. 2d. If any enlisted man have any business with the commanding officer of his company, he must transact it through the orderly-sergeant. The orderly-ser- geant, on entering his officer's tent, must remove his hat, and taking the position of a soldier, make known his business. He nmst never seat himself, or talk about other matters than those relating to the business in question ; and, that being atten- ded to, he must leave promptly, and with the proper salute. Violations of the order were to be reported by company-officers, and all offenders severely punished. This was a new article in the regiment's code of discipline, to which it would not yield submission. But Colonel Weaver, always anxious to comply with orders, added one of his own ; and, with a rhetorical flourish, held his company-officei-s responsible for all infringements of the former. Both were read to his regiment on dress-parade, and were greeted with three groans. One stormy night not long after, when the colo- nel was in bed, a shot was fired through his quarters, the ball passing within four or five inches of his person. For some reason or other, no more was said about the obnoxious order, and the men visited the tents of their company-officers as usual. 74 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. After Vicksburg had fallen, and Port Hudson, and the Mis- sissippi had been opened from its mouth to its sources, there was little need for the magnificent army of General Grant, in its old field of operations. On the west side of the Mississippi, the power of the Confederacy was inconsiderable: its chieJ strength lay on the east side of the river. Rosecrans success- fully engaged Bragg at Murfreesboro, and forced him back across the tail of the Cumberland INIountains, to and beyond Chattanooga. Then, himself defeated, he was beaten back tc Chattanooga, and there beseiged. After the fall of Vicksburg, therefore, Chattanooga became the chief point of interest, in military operations in the South West. General Grant's vic- tory at Vicksburg was the consummation of success in thai quarter, and he therefore planned immediate relief for the Army of the Cumberland, at Chattanooga. In order to open and protect new lines of communicatior between Nashville and Chattanooga, and to render that one already open more secure, Corinth was to be evacuated, a larg( extent of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad abandoned and General Dodge's command ordered across the country t( the Nashville and Decatur Railroad. Hence it was that the 2d Iowa, with its brigade and division, was transferred fron Corinth to the line of the above named road. General Dodge's command left Corinth and crossed the Tennessee, at Eastport with the rear of General Sherman's Corps, then on its way t( Chattanooga. The 2d Iowa marched directly to Pulaski, Tennessee, where were established the head-quarters of the regiment. Pulask was also General Dodge's head-quarters. Colonel Weaver wsu made commandant of the post, and held the position during the following winter, and until just before the expiration of hii term of service. The services of the 2d Iowa were, in th( meantime, the same as those of other troops, stationed on rail JAMES B. WEAVER. 75 road guard-duty. The regiment however, marched on no expeditions, and was, at no time, attacked by the enemy. It was at Pulaski that the 2d re-enlisted, and from that point left for Iowa on veteran-furlough. Soon after its return from Iowa, the 2d Iowa, with the bal- ance of Dodge's command, took the field. Leaving the non- veterans at Pulaski, the regiment, in the latter part of March, 1864, marched to the front, by way of Elkton, Huntsville and Bridgeport. It had been so long stationed in camp that the news of its assignment to the front was hailed with much satisfaction, and demonstrations of joy, along the line of march, such as song-singing and the like, were frequent. The Elk river was to be crossed at Elkton, and there was no bridge and no boats; but that was no obstacle; for the regiment, and indeed the whole brigade, stripping off all but their shirts, waded the stream, amid shouting and laughter. There are always some wags in every regiment, and at such times as these, they crack their jokes and make much sport. On arriving at Huntsville, General Sweeney's Division, (the 2d) to which was attached the 2d Iowa, was joined by that of General Veatch. These troops constituted General G. M. Dodge's command — the celebrated left wing of the 16th Army Corps. They proceeded from Huntsville to Chattanooga, and from Chattanooga, over the battle-gromid of Chickamauga, on to Dalton. At Dalton, General Johnson was strongly intrenched, with the finest rebel army ever mustered in the South West ; and so confident was he of his strength that he had boasted he would march on Chattanooga, and, having driven the Federal forces from that place, would move on and capture Nashville. But Dalton was to fall with but little bloodshed. General McPher- son, moving through Snake Creek Gap, gained Johnson's left flank, and compelled him to evacuate his strong works and fall 76 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. back to Resaca. In this flank movement, the first in Gener Sherman's " flanking campaign," the 2d Iowa took part. Soc after. Colonel Weaver was mustered out of the service, an returned to his home in Bloomfield. His three year's ten expired on the 2Sth of May, 1864. From that time to tl present, the 2d Iowa Infantry has been commanded by CoI( nel Noel B. Howard. Colonel Weaver is one of the handsomest of the Iowa colonels He has a symmetrical, well-developed person, which, with hi dignified address, intelligent countenance, and dark-blue eyes makes him interesting and pleasing. He is too small for ; great man, and yet, with his dignity and self-assurance, h( impresses a stranger favorably. Intellectually, he is rather brilliant; I am told he is a grace ful and interesting public speaker. His worst fimlt is ai affectation in delivery. He has some vanity, and was proud of his position as colonel of the 2d Iowa. For instance : just after being commissioned a lieutenant, it is said he returned to Bloomfield and attended church in full uniform, sporting the whole regulation outfit. "From his walk," said an ofiicer of his regiment, "you could tell that he was colonel of the 2d Iowa." He was a good and brave officer, and there are few who were as cool as he in battle. At Shiloh, while the 2d and 7th Iowa were running that terrible gauntlet, on the afternoon of the first day's fight. Captain Moore, of company G, was shot through both legs and disabled. Lieutenant W^eaver stopped, picked him up, and bore him from the field. Under the circum- stances, not one man in five thousand would have imitated his example. He is a member of the Methodist Church, and is one of the few officers who abstained from the use of liquor in the service. COLONEL NOEL B. HOWARD. SIXTH COLONEL, SECOND INFANTRY. Noel B. Howard is one of the youngest officers of his ranlc in the service, and one of the best. He was born in the State of Vermont, in the year 1838 ; and was educated, I think, at tlie Norwich INIilitary University of tlie same State. Just before the outbrealv of the war, he was teaching a military scliool in one of the soutliern Atlantic States. Coming Nortli, he was stopping in Lyons, C-linton county, Iowa, at the time Captain Hugh P. Cox's company of the 2d Iowa was being recruited. He enlisted in that company, and on its organization was elec- ted first lieutenant. With that rank he entered the service. After the battle of Fort Donelson, he was promoted to the captaincy of his company, (I) and, on the 13th of October fol- lowing, was made major of his regiment. He served with the rank of major till the spring of 1864, when he was made lieutenant-colonel, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Henry R. Cowles, resigned. Colonel Weaver left his regiment at Resaca: since that time it has been connnanded chiefly by Colonel Howard. In the terrible battle of the 22d of July, before Atlanta, he was wounded, which left the regiment for several weeks in com- mand of Major M. G. Ilamill. After the fall of Atlanta, the 3d Iowa Infantry was consolidated with the 2d. This, with tlie recruits and drafted men assigned to it, increasing its num- bers to above the minimum of a regimental organization, entitled the 2d Iowa to a Colonel. Lieutenant-Colonel How- ard was accordingly promoted to that rank ; and no officer in the Federal army more richly merited the position. 77 78 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. The opening and closing days of the war were the most eventful to the 2d Iowa. It gained pre-eminent distinction at Fort Donelson, and closed its brilliant record, (for the war is virtually over) in the campaigns from Dalton to Atlanta, from Atlanta to Savannah, and from Savannah to Raleigh. After leaving Resaca, Georgia, the operations of the 2d Iowa, up to the time of the capture of Atlanta, were briefly as fol- lows : — On the 14th day of May, it marched with its brigade to Calhoun Ford, on the Oostanaula river, and assisted in foi'cing a crossing of that stream. It was the first regiment sent across, after which, having deployed as skirmishers, it held the enemy in check till the other troojis were over. The Oostanaula was crossed on the morning of the 15th instant, and in the after- noon of the day following, the march was directed toward Home. At Rome Cross Roads, the 2d Iowa engaged the enemy as skirmishers, and held the left of its division. Defeated at this point, the enemy fell back to Kingston, and beyond. The 2d Iowa, with its brigade and division, followed, and reached that place in the afternoon of the 19th of May. From King- ston, the regiment marched to Dallas, where it was engaged ; from Dallas to Acworth Station, and thence to Big Shanty, near Kenesaw Mountain, where it arrived on the 10th of June. At Big Shanty, it was detached for a time from its brigade, and assigned to provost- and fatigue-duty ; but it joined it again near Lost Mountain on the 3d of July, and the same day assis- ted in throwing up fortifications on Nick-a-jack creek. From the 3d of July, until the arrival of McPherson before Atlanta, the movements of the 2d Iowa were the same as those of the other troops of its corps. Marching up past Marietta, it crossed the Chattahoochie at Roswell, and then followed out through Decatur to the east side of Atlanta. In approaching Atlanta, on the 20th instant, the regiment was deployed as skirmishers, and occupied a position between its own corps NOEL, B. HOWARD. 79 nd the 23d. That day, it was engaged but slightly ; but, on 16 22d instant, it took an active part in repelling the desperate ssaults of the enemy on the Army of the Tennessee. For the art taken by the 2d Iowa in that day's fighting, I refer to the eport of Major Hamill. " The regiment, with its brigade, was marched from position n the line between the 15th and 23d Corps, on the morning of he 22d, to position on the extreme left, to meet a rapid dvance of the enemy on the left flank of the 17th Corps. We ook position on the left flank of the brigade, the 7th Iowa on ur right, on a ridge running almost at right angles with the ine of the 17th Corps, and in an open field. Company G, mder command of Captain Duckworth, was deployed as skir- nishers; but had advanced only a short distance, when the inemy was discovered in the edge of the woods, advancing in brce directly in our front. Our skirmishers being hard pressed etired to the left to avoid exposure, and until the regimental- ront was uncovered, when the regiment opened a well-directed ire on the enemy's advancing column, checking him, and throwing him into confusion. After fruitless efforts to rally lis men under our fire, he was driven from the field, leaving lead, wounded, and arms in our hands." ******* "About the close of the engagement, Lieutenant-Colonel [ST. B. Howard was severely wounded, and compelled to leave :he field, leaving the regiment in my command. Captain Gfeorge Heaton, and three sergeants were severely wounded; 3ne corporal mortally, and four privates, slightly. The cap- tures were twenty prisoners, one huntlred and sixty-seven stand of arms, and one stand of colors. "Were I to make special mention of the officers and men who did their duty ivell, and who deserve promotion, I should have to mention every member of the regiment ; for each officer and soldier deported himself as if the safety of the army and the success of our cause depended on his individual efforts. No soldiers ever discharged their duties better — none were ever more deserving of the lasting gratitude of the country." The day following this terrible engagement, the 2d Iowa took up a position on the extreme left of the army, which it held till the morning of the 27th; and then, with its corps, swung round HO IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. to the west side of Atlanta. Throwing up earth-works, the regiment remained in this position till the 8th of August follow- ing, when it was ordered to take up an advanced position. But the movement in which the regiment most distinguished itself, during the campaign, was that which resulted in the evacuation of Atlanta. Captain John A. Duckworth, a most excellent officer, who afterwards died as Sherman was approach- ing Savannah, gives the following account of the part taken by his regiment in the first part of this brilliant movement. After stating that on the 29th of August, the 2d Io\\'a had assisted in destroying the West Point railroad, he goes on to say : "On the morning of the 30th, in company with the 7th Iowa Infantry, the regiment was ordered to support the cavalry under General Kilpatrick, when the advance on Jonesboro was commenced. Taking the main road leading to that point, the command moved out at a brisk step, and under a burning sun, ciirrying, besides arms, ammunition, clothing and rations, a number of intrenching tools. A force of the enemy's cavalry was found at Strithesville Post-Office, six miles north-west of .lonesboro, posted on an eminence in an open field, and pro- tected by a barricade of rails. This position the regiment, sup- ported by the 7th Iowa, was ordered to charge. Two companies, (B and G) under command of Captain Lewis, were deployed as skirmishers. Major M. G. Hamill assumed command of both regiments, and the movement commenced." " The line moved cautiously until it arrived at the edge of a corn-field, through which it had to pass, when the charge was ordered. The regiment advanced in the most gallant style, driving the enemy from the crest of the ridge, and taking pos- session of their defenses. In this charge, Major Hamill was wounded, who, it is needless to say, was doing his duty in the coolest and bravest manner. Skirmishers were advanced, and the enemy driven from his second position, in the edge of the woods. Throwing out an additional company as skirmishers, (E) the command again moved forward, under Major IMahon of the 7th Iowa. The enemy was found in his third position near Liberty Hill Church, which was charged, taken and held, by companies B, G and E, and a squadron of cavalry. Here NOEL B. HOWARD. 81 five companies of the 7th Iowa took the advance, supported by the remainder of the two regiments united ; but after advancing a mile further, orders came to join the brigade." That same day the advance was continued to Flint River, where the 2d Iowa arrived late in the evening, and fortified. The next day, the 31st, the river was crossed, and the enemy went in heavy force ; and from that time until Hood's defeat and flight, the regiment was much of the time under fire. Atlanta was evacuated on the night of the 2d of September, and, with the exception of the brief pursuit which was made to Fayetteville, the campaign was closed. In the march from Dalton, and in the battles and skirmishes fought around Atlanta, the loss of the regiment was fifty-five officers and men, killed and wounded. Eight were killed, among whom were Lieutenant T. K. Raush, and Sergeant Cyrus Bartow. Lieutenant V. P. Twombly, regimental adju- tant, was the only officer wounded near Jonesboro. The services of the 2d Iowa, subsequently to the fall of Atlanta, are substantially the same as those of the other Iowa troops, who accompanied Sherman on his toi/r, via. Savannah, to Raleigh, and thence to Washington. At the National Capi- tal, it joined in the Grand Review ; and I am told, held the post of honor in the triumphal march of the Army of the Ten- nessee. Colonel Howard is a small, pale-faced man, with a weakly voice, and weighing not more than one hundred and fifteen or twenty pounds. A stranger would judge that he had little capacity for physical endurance ; but he is as hardy as a knot. He is quiet, and unpretending in his manners, and quick in his movements. To look at him, one would not judge him to be the man that he is ; though his countenance indicates much energy and intelligence. He is a model soldier. From the very first, he was known 82 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. in the 2d Iowa, as "the nicest young man in the regiment." When his regiment left Keokuk, he was its best drilled officer, and, while a line officer, he had the best drilled company. He always did his duty quietly and faithfully ; was always popu- lar and approachable, and never became inflated by flattery or promotion. COLONEL WILSON G. WILLIAMS. FIKST COLONEL, THIRD INFANTRY. Colonel W. G. Williams, of the 3d Iowa Infantry, was born in Bainbridge, Chenango county, New York, in the year 1823. He is a descendant of one of the earliest settlers of Con- necticut. His father, on the maternal side, was a resident of Danbury , Connecticut, and, at the capture and burning of that place by the British under Governor Tryon, was taken pris- oner. Colonel Williams, while young, removed with his parents to Utica, New York, then a small village, where he passed his youth, and received a good academic education. On attaining his majority, he removed to New York City, and was, for several years, engaged in the importing business. He came West in 1855, and, locating in the city of Dubuque, opened soon after, a mercantile house. After following this business for several years, he sold out his interest to a younger brother, and purchased a form in Dubuque county, on which he has since resided. At the outbreak of the war. Colonel Williams was among the first in the State to tender his services to the Government. He was for a long time unsuccessful ; but finally, through his own persistency, and aided by the earnest endeavors of his friends, he was commissioned colonel of the 3d Iowa Infantry. He retained this rank until November, 1862, when he resigned his commission and returned to his farm in Dubuque county. The 3d Iowa Iniimtry, which ^^'as made up from nearly every part of the State, was rendezvoused in the city of Keokuk, and mustered into the United States service, on the 83 84 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. 10th day of June, 1861. It has the saddest, and, all things considered, the proudest record of all the troops furnished by our patriotic State. Strife for position has been the bane of this war, especially with the Federal army ; and I need not add, what was the first source of discontent with the 3d Iowa Infan- try. This proved a great misfortune to the regiment. Like the 1st, 2d, 4th, 5th and 6th Iowa Infantry regiments, the 3d first served in Northern Missouri. It went to the front under Captain R. G. Herron, a brother of Major-General Herron ; for Colonel Williams was left behind, not yet having received his commission. The regiment arrived at the pretty, and just before that time, flourishing city of Hannibal, in the last of June, and two days later, left on the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, which it was to assist in guarding. It entered the field under many disadvantages. It not only had no commanding officer above a captain, (for neither Lieu- tenant-Colonel Scott nor Major Stone had yet received their commissions) but it was without transportation and equip- ments. It was armed with the Springfield musket of the pat- tern of "1848," but had no cartridge-boxes, belts or bayonet- scabbards. When it went on board the train for the West, on the morning of the 1st of July, 1861, it did not have even a cartridge — only burnished guns and bayonets ; and its route lay through that section of the State in which the rebel Thomas Harris was organizing his forces. But what was the greatest matter of surprise to the regiment, it was sent ofi" without rations. It was stationed along the road in detachments, in the vicinity of Utica, and that night was the regiment's first night in the field. It was tired and sleepy, and the detach- ment at Utica threw themselves on the wet ground and slept, without even establishing a picket-post. Lieutenant S. D. Thompson, of the 3d Iowa, who has written a history of the regiment, quaintly remarks that they trusted in Pro^'idence. WILSON G. WILLIAMS. 85 The history of the 3d Iowa Infantry, while stationed in Northern Missouri, is extremely interesting ; but I can not give it in detail. I shall give only those points which are of chief interest. The regiment first formed line of battle, at the beat of the long-roll, about midnight of the 3d of July, at Utica ; and at Brookfield, early in August, first made the acquaintance of " gray -backs." Its first affair, which approached to anything like a battle, was that of Hager's Woods, in Monroe county, and its last, while stationed in Missouri, that of Blue Mills Landing. This last, though terminating unsuccessfully, was a most gallant affair, and will be given in full hereafter. In the affair of Hager's Woods, the expedition was under Colonel Smith, of the 16th Illinois, and numbered about four hundred and fifty men. Besides detachments from the 3d Iowa and 16th Illinois, there was one company of Hannibal home- guards. One Sergeant Fishbeem commanded the artillery, which consisted of a six-pounder swivel. This force moved from Monroe on the line of the railroad, and came on the enemy's scouts in Hager's Woods, who, firing on the Federal advance, wounded three men. Hurrying his artillery to the front, the incorrigible Fishbeem sent the enemy flying in an instant. Night soon came on, and Colonel Smith retired. The march from Macon City to Kirksville, comes next in order. The object of this expedition was to intercept and rout the forces of Colonel Martin Green, which were, at that time, reported in camp on Salt River. The line of march from Macon City was taken up at midnight, of the 15th of August. The expedition was accompanied by Fishbeem with his " unfailing six-pounder ; " but how Green with his rebel command, having been routed by Colonel Moore and some Iowa home-guards at Athens, on the Des Moines River, subsequently made good his escape south, is well known. This was the result of a blunder, for which one, who subsequently became distinguished, was 86 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. responsible. It was positively asserted at the time, that, had General Hurlbut used more powder and fewer proclamations, the result would have been different. On this expedition the 3d Iowa had one man shot by rebel citizens. Before Lieutenant-Colonel Scott, with his detachment of the M Iowa, had returned from Kirksville, Colonel Williams, with the balance of his regiment, left on an expedition to Paris, in company with six companies of the gallant 2d Kan- sas. On arriving at Paris, the enemy was reported in large force near that place — more than three to one. The country in the vicinity was reconnoitered, and a portion of the scouts were captured. Colonel Williams became alarmed, and beat a hasty retreat to Shelbina, the point on the railroad from which he had marched. In his retreat on Shell^ina, Colonel Williams had exercised good judgment; for he had only reached the town, when, on looking to the rear, he saw first, dense clouds of dust, and then the head of a column of cavalry, emerging from the timber. These proved to be the forces of Green, and numbered not less than three thousand. Having formed in line of battle, the enemy sent in a flag of truce ; but to Green's demand to surrender. Colonel Williams replied, " go to h ." The enemy's artillery was now in position, and they began throwing shells into the town ; it moreover appeared that they were about surrounding the place, to force a surrender. Colo- nel Williams had sent for reinforcements ; but they had failed to come, and now, calling a council of war, it was determined to escape on the railroad, while there was yet opportunity. For his conduct in this affair. Colonel W^illiams was put under arrest by General Hurlbut. In this matter, even the Colonel's enemies thought that General Hurlbut acted unjustly ; for his conduct merited approbation, rather than censure. It was said that the Colonel was drunk at Paris ; but the general, with his own iveaknesses, would hardly have put him under arrest for WILSON G. WILIilAJMS. 87 that. After much delay, the papers were lost, and the case never came to trial. That which most annoyed the Colonel's regiment in this matter, (for it had no love for him) was its fears that his arrest would be a reflection on its own conduct ; but in this its apprehensions were needless ; for no one ever questioned the courage of the 3d Iowa Infantry. The battle of Blue Mills Landing, on the Missouri River, in which the 3d Iowa, under Lieutenant-Colonel John Scott, so distinguished itself, was fought on the 17th of September, 1861. It terminated unsuccessfully ; but it also discovered, on the part of the 3d Iowa and its gallant commander, a spirit of for- titude and promptness to duty, unsurpassed in the record of any engagement. It will be remembered that, at the time General Price was besieging Colonel Mulligan in Lexington, Missouri, in Septem- ber, 1861, Colonels Boyd and Patton, with their rebel com- mands, marched against and captured St. Joseph. At that very time Generals Pope and Sturgis were at or near Macon City, with the ostensible purpose of organizing means for the relief of Mulligan. From the movements which followed, it seems that the aim of these officers was two-fold: to attack Boyd and Patton, and re-capture their long train of plunder, and afterwards to concentrate near Lexington, and raise the siege of that city. In pursuance of these plans was fought the battle of Blue Mills Landing. Lieutenant-Colonel Scott left Macon City, with his regiment, for Cameron, on the 15th of September, 1861. His orders from General Sturgis were, to leave Cameron, march south to Lib- erty, and act against the enemy in co-operation with Colonel Smith of the 16th Illinois ; and here I should state that Colonel Smith was to march south, in the direction of Liberty, from a point on the railroad some twenty-five miles west of Came- ron. These, then, were the forces which were to attack Boyd 88 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. and Patton, and either capture, or compel them to destroy their train of plunder. In the meantime, General Sturgis, with about eleven hundred men, marched from Macon City, in nearly a direct course for Lexington. Passing through Hainsville and Centreville, Lieutenant- Colonel Scott arrived at Liberty, at about eight o'clock in the morning of the 17th instant. Here he expected to find Colonel Smith; but, disappointed in this, he dispatched a courier to him, with the request that he come up with all speed; for he knew that the enemy were in the vicinity, since, on entering Liberty, Lieutenant Call, in command of the van-guard, had driven their pickets through the town and forward to the main body. From eight A. M. until one P. M., the time was passed in the most harrowing suspense. From the citizens the num- bers of the enemy had been learned, and, although their sym- pathies were with the rebel party, yet, from the honesty of their deportment, their statements were doubtless correct. All told, Scott's force was not more than five hundred and fifty, and that of the enemy was not less than three thousand. But why did not Colonel Smith come up? was the ever recurring ques- tion with Lieutenant-Colonel Scott. It was eleven ; he would certainly be up by twelve; but twelve, and even one P. M. passed, and still no signs of his coming. The enemy were probably crossing the Missouri, only four and a half miles dis- tant, and would soon be beyond reach. Lieutenant-Colonel Scott hesitated, for he was to act with Colonel Smith. But just then six distinct artillery reports were heard in the direction of Independence. The citizens, too, said there was fighting on the opposite side of the river. The enemy were being attacked near the crossing, on the opposite side of the river, by forces from Kansas City, was the conclusion of Lieutenant- Colonel Scott, and he hesitated no longer. Besides, his regi- ment had not forgotten the afiair at Shelbina, and were earnest WILSON G. WILLIARLS. 89 in their demands to be led against the enemy. Such were the considerations influencing Lieutenant-Colonel Scott to fight the battle of Blue Mills Landing. It was now nearly two o'clock, and the colonel dispatching another messenger to Colonel Smith, ordered his command to " fall in." Lieutenant Call, with his advance-guard, composed of volunteer mounted Missourians, encountered the enemy's pickets two miles south of Liberty, and was pursuing them rapidly down the road, when he suddenly found himself ambushed. A murderous volley from the enemy emptied five saddles, and four men were killed dead. Their ghastly bodies, lying by the road-side, were soon passed by the infantry troops ; but the sight only nerved them for the pending conflict. Finally, the enemy were encountered in the dense timber bordering the Missouri, and about one mile from the Landing. Their position was in a semi-circular, dry slough, whose arc, near its centre, was crossed by the road leading to the Landing. They were consequently well concealed, and the Federal skir- mishers came on them unexpectedly. Lieutenant-Colonel Scott was still marching by the flank, when his skirmishers, who were only a few yards in advance of the head of the column, discovered the enemy. Not only the skirmishers, therefore, were within range of the enemy's musketry, but nearly the whole column ; for, as I have said, the dry slough, in which the enemy were concealed, swung round on both the right and left flanks. Rising to their feet, the enemy delivered one concentrated fire, and then began to advance, first on the right, and then in the centre and on the left. They looked for instant and total rout; but in this were disappointed. By order of Lieutenant-Colonel Scott, his cannon (for he had one piece) was brought for- ward, and discharged twice almost in the teeth of the enemy ; but the gunner and horses were instantly either killed or 90 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. wounded, and the piece rendered useless. In front, the enemy were repulsed and retired to their cover. In the movement against the right, they had also been repulsed ; for, after receiving the first volley, the column had deployed, a part to the right, and a part to the left of the road. For half an hour, the fighting was most desperate ; and, in spite of every effort, the enemy were held in their places of concealment; but now the Federal troops began gradually to give ground. During all this time, Lieutenant-Colonel Scott, with his color- guard, Lakin, had been in the extreme front, cheering the men and watching the conflict. The colonel's orders had been neither to advance nor retire ; for, to advance would result in the capture of his command, and, to retire precipitately, might be equally disastrous. He therefore sat on his horse and watched — a mark for the enemy, and a sign of hope for his men. They gradually yielded their position, and he watched, cheered and followed. The enemy pursued for a time, and then returned to the Landing. With the exception of his caisson, Lieutenant-Colonel Scott lost nothing. The gun was dragged from the field by Captain Trumbull and Lieutenant Crosley. Thus closed the battle of Blue Mills Landing. That night Colonel Smith came up, but declined to renew the engagement before morning ; and before that time, the enemy had crossed the river, and were eyi route to join Price before Lexington. Of all the battles that have been fought in Missouri, that of Blue Mills Landing ranks second to none in point of gal- lantry. "Major Stone, Captains Warren, Willet and O'Niel, were severely wounded; and also Lieutenants Hobbs, An- derson and Knight. The latter refused to retire from the field, after being three times wounded, and remained with his men till the close of the engagement." "Scott's horse was hit several times, and several balls went through his WILSON G. WILLIAMS. 91 clothes. Eight balls went through the flag, in the hands of Lakin, and a ninth one struck the staff." Sergeant Aber- nethy, who commanded the twelve skirmishers, also deserves special mention for his gallantry. General R. D. Atchison made the official report of this battle, on the part of the enemy. He was not, of course, present in the engagement, but that makes no difference ; for he would not have told the truth any way. In speaking of the results of the battle he says : " The Federal troops almost immediately fled, our men pur- suing rai)idly, shooting them down until they annihilated the rear of their army, taking one caisson, killing about sixty men, and wounding, it is said, about seventy. Our men followed them like hounds in a wolf-chase, strewing the road with dead and wounded, until compelled to give over the chase from exhaustion, the evening being very warm. " But no rascal of his pattern, would tell the truth against himself; and he goes on to say : " Colonel Saunders, Colonel Patton, Colonel Childs, Colonel Candiff, Colonel Wilfley, Major Grease, Adjutant Shackelford, and all other officers and men, so far as I know, behaved gal- lantly." With all these commands, (and why the commanders if not the commands?) the enemy could have had scarcely less than four thousand in this engagement. Indeed, with this number of men, the Federal troops should have been handled as roughly as is declared they were by the rebel historian. Pollard ; for, after asserting that the jay-hawkers numbered five thousand five hundred, and the "loyal Missourians" only five hundred, he goes on to say: — " Charging the jay-hawkers with shouts of almost savage ferocity, and fighting with reckless valor, the Missourians drove the enemy back ten miles, the conflict becom- ing a hand-to-hand fight between detached parties on both sides;" and such history as that has sustained the rebellion. The 3d Iowa Infantry remained in Northern Missouri until 92 IOWA COLONELS AND KEGIMENTS. the 18th of October, 1861, when it left for Qiiincj^ Illinois. Here it remained a few weeks, and was then ordered to Benton Barracks, St. Louis. From Benton Barracks, it was sent out on the Northern Missouri Railroad, where it remained till March, 1862, when it sailed for Savannah, on the Ten- nessee River. It took a distinguished part in the battle of Shiloh. I have stated that the case of Colonel Williams, with refer- ence to his conduct at Shelbina, never came to trial, the papers having in some way been mislaid or lost. He was therefore released, and restored to command in November, while his regiment was at Benton Barracks. " Immediately on assum- ing command, he arrested a number of officers, his personal enemies, without the knowledge of the commandant of the post. " For some reason, which I do not understand, this, too, was deemed an offense, and he was again put under arrest by General Halleck ; but, on a hearing of the charges in this case at St. Louis, he was acquitted, and again restored to his com- mand. He re-joined his regiment while it was stationed on the Northern Missouri Railroad ; and, on its departure for the front, left in its command. From this time on, till the date of his leaving the service, he was much more popular with his regi- ment. It was claimed that his experiences had worked great improvement in his conduct ; but whatever is said against Col- onel Williams, it must be admitted that, from the first, he was a fine disciplinarian. It was doubtless this, with his naturally overbearing disposition, that made him so unpopular with his regiment. But few outside of our State are aware of the important part the Iowa troops acted in the battle of Shiloh. On that bloody, chaotic field, as at Fort Donelson, the chief credit and glory belong to their banners. The disposition and conduct of the troops in this engagement, and the particular part sustained by WILSON G. WILLIAMS. 93 tiose from Iowa, are given elsewhere. On the first day's fight, \ey saved Granfs army from capture. The 3d Iowa Inftmtry disembarked at Pittsburg Landing, on tie 17th of March, 1862, with the 4th Division, commanded by reneral Steplien Augustus Hurlbut. On the re-organization of hat division by brigades, the regiment was assigned to the ''irst, which was commanded by Colonel Williams, as the rank- ng officer. The brigade was composed of the 28th, 32d and 1st Illinois, the 3d Iowa and Burrow's Battery of light rtillery. It was a fine body of troops, and Colonel Williams s^as proud of his command. The part taken by the 3d Iowa at the battle of Shiloh, I will sndeavor to give briefly, after first premising that the divisions if Hurlbut and Smith (the latter commanded in the battle by kV. H. L. Wallace) were in camp between the front and the Lianding. The divisions of Prentiss, McClernand and Sherman leld the front, from left to right, respectively. Early in the morning of the 6th of April, while eating its )reakfast, the 3d Iowa Infantry was startled by firing at the ront. Similar firing had occurred in the past few days, and it ;reated no alarm. But it soon appeared that the firing now vas not wholly the work of the pickets, for with every instant t continued to increase in volume and rapidity. Couriers, too, ^ere now seen hurrying in every direction ; and soon the call 'to arms" was sounded through the camps of both Hurlbut uid Wallace. Leaving its breakfast unfinished, and buckling )n its armor, the 3d Iowa was soon in line and in march to the "ront, under its major ; for its colonel was in command of the brigade, and its lieutenant-colonel sick with typhoid fever, and ibsent. Marching down the road. Major Stone was directed to :he left, and ordered to the support of Prentiss. In front, the battle was now raging with the utmost fury, and from i\iQ 3d [owa's camp-ground to that point the distance was but little 94 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. more than a mile. The regiment moved on at quiek-ste]), but had not proceeded far before encountering the stragglers and the wounded ; and that was the hour when began that babel of confusion which, with the exception of a few hours, reigned supreme throughout that terrible day. To those who have never seen five thousand men frightened in battle, and fleeing from a victorious enemy, no idea can be gained, by words, of the wildness of the scene, I care not how glaring the picture, nor how accurate the language. With the unsuccessful party, not only the human, but even the brute creation become over- whelmed and crazed with terror. With the Union Army, this hour was just dawning on the Shiloh battle-field. But the 3d Iowa moved on, paying little heed to the tales of of these frightened, disorganized men, and arrived safely at the front. The regiment had sought the front for glory, and it was resolved now to win it. Its position was at first in an old cotton-field; but this was soon abandoned for one further to the rear in the skirt of the timber, with the cotton-field still in front. It held the right of its brigade, but, with this excep- tion, held the left of the entire army. To its right were the 1st and 2d brigades of its division, and then came the division of Wallace, in which were the 2d, 7th, 8th, 12th and 14th Iowa regiments. This is the line which was held till four o'clock in the afternoon; and this the position where was done such magnificient fighting. This line broken, and this position lost, and there was no other successful stand made until the fright- ened troops had reached the Landing. It was on this line, too, that the 8th, 12th and 14th Iowa were captured, as also was the 58th Illinois. While retreating from this line. Major Stone was captured. This was the line which the enemy had tried so hard, but unsuccessfully, to break for five long hours. When they had accomplished this, not by attacks in front, hut by flank movements, the day was so far gone that they could WILSON G. WILLIAMS. 95 not push their successes to full victory ; aud hence, I say, the Iowa troops saved GranVs army from capture at Shiloh. As to the conduct of the 8d Iowa in this part of the field, I can only say : It held its position, when the troops on both its right and left had been driven back, and utterly routed. So fully did it win the confidence of its commanding general that, riding up to Major Stone, he said: "I look to the 3d Iowa to retrieve the fortunes of this field;" but, already, the fortunes of that part of the field were past retrieving. It is a wonder how the regiment escaped capture ; but, like the 2d and 7th Iowa, it by some means worked its way through the circling lines of the enemy. While stationed in the skirt of the timber above alluded to, Colonel Williams was badly injured and taken from the field. A solid shot struck his horse just behind the saddle, killing it instantly, and completely paralyzing the colonel. He did not recover from the effects of the injury for many months : indeed it was on account of this injury, I am informed, that he finally tendered his resignation. Out of the four hundred and fifty officers and men of the 3d Iowa who were engaged in the battle, more than two hundred were either killed, wounded or captured. Captain Hobbs, an unassuming, but noble-hearted man, was killed. He was the idol of his company. Of the other officers, O'Neil, Knight, Merrill and Wayne, were wounded and captured ; Trumbull, Ogg, Weiser, Tullis and Hamill were wounded. Sergeant Lakin, who bore the battle-flag of the regiment at Blue Mills Landing, again flaunted it in the face of the enemy at Shiloh. With a few exceptions, every member of the regiment fought gallantly. In the second day's fight, the 3d Iowa was com- manded by Lieutenant Crosley; but, in the operations of this day, it did not suffer severely. Colonel Williams, recovering partially from his recent injury, 96 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. was returned to the command of his regiment, and, after the fall of Corinth, marched with his division to Memphis, where he was soon after prostrated by sickness. On the 27th of November, he resigned his commission, as I have already stated. After leaving the service, he was appointed a brig- adier-general, but his appointment failed confirmation in the Senate. I never saw Colonel Williams but once, and that was late in the Ml of 1862, when he was on his way to re-join his regi- ment, after a leave of absence ; but his person and manners impressed me so strongly that I am still able to recall them. He has a dark complexion, dark eyes, a large head, and a rather low and retreating forehead. In person, he is short, and heavy set, with full chest and large, square shoulders. He is not attractive in his personal appearance. While sitting by himself, he looked grum and uncompan- ionable; but his whole manner changed as soon as he was addressed. I saw that he was fond of amusement, and all its concomitants : indeed, there have been few officers who would not occasionally indulge in a game of cards, et cetera. As a commanding officer, I judged him to be precise and exacting ; and I have since learned that this was his character. While in command of his regiment, he was tyrannical, and, by a majority of both the officers and men, sincerely hated. COLONEL AARON BROWN. SECOND COLONEL, THIRD INFANTRY. Aaron Brown was born in Mississippi, about the year 1822, and is the only native from that State who has held a col- onel's commission from Iowa. He entered the service from the county of Fayette, Iowa, and was the first lieutenant of Captain Carman A. Newcomb's company. He was made cap- tain, April 8th, 1862, and promoted to the majority of his regi- ment, after the resignation of Major William M. Stone. I am unacquainted with Colonel Brown's history, prior to his enter- ing the service. In resuming the history of the 3d Iowa, I shall go back to its encampment at Shiloh, where it rested immediately after the battle. It was the same whence it had marched on the previ- ous Sunday morning to the bloody field. Its dead comrades it had gathered and buried ; and now it rested and contemplated the scenes of the past conflict. It had won military glory; but was this an equivalent for its dead comrades just buried? All were sad, and yet all hearts swelled with secret and inexpres- sible joy at their miraculous escape from harm. Shiloh had taught the regiment a new lesson — to respect the valor of the enemy, and, needlessly, not to seek a new encounter ; and such has been the experience of every regiment that has once met the enemy in a desperate engagement. No one will a second time leave his cot in the hospital to be present in battle, and yet there are hundreds of instances where this thing has been done by novices. Good soldiers soon learn to do their whole duty, and no more. During the siege of Corinth, and for several months after, 7 97 y» IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. the 1st Brigade of the 4th Division was commanded by Gen- eral Lanman ; but neither the 8d Iowa, nor any other regiment of the brigade, met tlie enemy during tlie environment of that place. I of course, except the affairs on the skirmish line. Before the fall of the city, tliere was but one affair in front of the 3d Iowa, which approached to any thing like an engage- ment : this was the charge of the 8th Missouri, of General Sherman's command, to capture a block house, known as Bus- sel's House. The charge was successful, and gave the regiment an enviable reputation ; and it sustained its name well, for it was this same regiment that so distinguished itself nearly a year after, at Baymond, Mississippi. The position of the 4th Division before Corinth was to the left of General Sherman, that general holding the extreme right of the besieging army. While tlie 3d Iowa was lying in the trenches before Corinth, it was joined by Lieutenant-Colonel Scott, who had but just recovered from his sickness. " All welcomed him joyfully." Much was expected of General Halleck at Corinth. He had command of the finest army that had ever been marshaled in the South West. The enemy, in his disasters at Shiloh, had lost his best general; his troops were disjiirited; and it was expected, nay demanded, that Beauregard and his army be either routed or captured. But, if General Grant had been lazy in pressing the enemy after his defeat at Shiloh, so was Halleck cautious not to push him to a new engagement. He thought he would capture the whole thing, never dreaming, I suppose, but what Beauregard was fool enough to sit still and be surrounded. But, presto change ! At a quarter before six, on the morning of the 30th of May, a deafening explosion was heard in the direction of Corinth, and, instantly, dense clouds of smoke were seen rising over the city. But few wondered at the cause. Pope had told Halleck several days before that Beau- AARON BROWN. 99 regard was evacuating; and that time Pope told the truth. Many privates, even, could have told as much. Pope had begged eagerly for permission to swing the left wing against the enemy's works ; but, JVb ! The severe jar that all had just felt was caused by the explosion of the enemy's magazines. And so the enemy escaped, and the government gained — a little, sickly, strategical point. The whole army was at once put under arms, and marched, a part into Corinth and a part in pursuit of the enemy. With the divisions of Sherman and Hurlbut, there was a strife to see who would be first in the city: who was the winning party, I never learned. I only know that we, of Pope's command, were put in pursuit. Corinth fell on the 30th of May, 1862, and, seven days later, Memphis was surrendered to Captain, now Rear- Admiral Charles H. Davis. On the 2d of June, and before the fall of Memphis, the 4th and 5th Divisions, under General Sherman, left Corinth, and marched west in the direction of the last named city. The object of this movement was, I believe, to co-operate with the fleet of Ellett and Davis in the capture of Memphis, and ultimately to open up the railroad between that place and Corinth. The news of the fall of Memphis reached these troops while they were camped on the high bluffs that overlook the Big Hatchie — that stream which, four months later. General Hurlbut's Division was to render historic. Before them, where they were then encamped, lay the future battle-field of Matamora. After considerable delay at La Grange and Moscow, General Sherman resumed the march to Memphis, where he arrived with his command on the 21st of July. The 3d Iowa led the van of its division into the city. On the 6th of September following, General Hurlbut was ordered back in the direction of Corinth ; and, on the departure of his division from Mem- phis, the 3d Iowa was again in the van. 100 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. On the 13th of September this command was encamped at a point on Spring Creek, where it remained till the 19th instant, when a detachment of it, consisting of the 1st Brigade and two battalions of tlie 2d Illinois cavalry, under General Lauman, marched south to create a diversion in favor of General Grant. It wiU be remembered that this was the date of the battle of luka ; and the reason of this movement on tlie part of General Lauman will be found elsewhere. General Lauman's scouts came on the enemy in the vicinity of La Grange. They were moving north in force; the column, on the march, was a mile and a half in length. The force of Lauman being unequal to engage them, that general beat a hasty retreat, and marched till he came within supporting distance of General Hurlbut; but the enemy, although they pursued, declined to give battle. Northern Mississippi was at this time full of scouting parties of the enemy: they were actively developing their plans for the re-capture of Corinth and the destruction of General Grant's army. Price was disheartened by his defeat at luka; but Van Dorn resolved to strike again at Corinth. While General Hurlbut was encamped near Bolivar, Tennes- see, on the 3d of October, 1862, he received orders to march promptly in the direction of Corinth ; and the next morning reveille beat at one o'clock. Soon after the column was in motion. He had his own division, and, in addition to thase troops, the 68th Ohio and 12th Michigan, two regiments of Ross' command that had come down from Jackson. The march was to be made in light trim — only two wagons to the regiment. The ambulances were to go along, and the men knew that aU this meant fighting. The march was pushed rapidly, and, just beyond Pocahontas, the cavalry van-guard came on the enemy's pickets. That night the column reached the Big Muddy, about two miles west of the Hatchie, and that same forenoon Van Dorn and Price had been repulsed and AAROX BROWN. 101 utterly routed at Corinth. All that afternoon, the enemy had been in rapid retreat in the direction of the Hatehie ; but of all this General Hurlbut was ignorant. The 1st Brigade had just stacked their arms, and were pre- paring supper, when it was reported that the cavalry in front were engaging the enemy. Instantly orderlies began flying to and fro, and for a time there was much apprehension ; but the firing soon ceased and all remained quiet till morning. That night General Ord arrived from Jackson via Bolivar, and reported the defeat of the enemy and his subsequent retreat in the direction of the Hatehie. He would probably be met on the morrow, and all nerved themselves for the conflict. Gen- eral Ord, who was the ranking ofiicer, now assumed command of the forces. In the early part of the engagement which fol- lowed he was wounded, and retired from the field, leaving Hurlbut in command of the Federal forces. To Hurlbut, therefore, belongs the credit of that brilliant victory. The battle of the Hatehie, or Matamora, was fought on the 5th of October, 1862, and was an unequal and most desperate engagement. It was good fortune for the 4th Division that the enemy had been previously routed and demoralized ; and also that he was being hard pressed by Rosecrans: had this not been so. General Hurlbut and his command must have been certainly crushed. Even after the demonstration of the Fed- eral cavalry of the previous evening, on the west bank of the Hatehie, the enemy never dreamed that there was any consid- erable force to resist his advance. He supposed it was a small cavalry command, sent forward to harrass him on his retreat. Therefore, on the morning of the 5th, he began pushing his inlantry across the Hatehie with aU confidence; his surprise can be imagined, when he met the division of Hurlbut. Beat- ing a hasty retreat back across the bridge, he took up a strong position on the bluffs opposite; but the particulars of this 102 IOWA COLONEI.S AND REGIMENTS. engagement appear in the sketch of General Lauman, The 3d Iowa was one of the regiments that was filed to the right, into the pocket, and, with the other troops there stationed, was sub- jected to a murderous fire, without being able to protect itself, or return it. But for the movement round the bluffs to the left, General Hurlbut must have been defeated before Rose- crans came up. The disproportion in killed and wounded of the 3d Iowa was unprecedented : two only were killed, while nearly sixty were wounded. One of the former was Lieutenant Dodd. He was struck by a shell just before reaching the bridge, and killed instantly. Captains Weiser and Kostman were wounded, as also were Lieutenants Hamill, Foote and C. E. Anderson. The latter was wounded just at the close of the battle, after having done his duty nobly. In their conduct in the battle, the men of the regiment vied with the ofiicers; and their names should all be recorded, to go down in honor to posterity. After the fighting had closed and the result of all three bat- tles learned, there was both sadness and rejoicing. The 3d Iowa, with its division, marched back to Bolivar, and there tendered and received congratulations. General Hurlbut was lavish of his praises to all his troops: — " Comrades in battle, partakers of the weary march and long watches ! the title of the Fighting Fourth, earned at Shiloh, has been burnished with additional splendor." He was noio Mr. Hurlbut, and no longer General. His heart was as warm and tender as a woman's. But he had covered himself with glory, had been made a major-general, and was now taking leave of his divis- ion. After the battle of the Hatchie, the seven subsequent months were not eventful to the 3d Iowa Infantry. General Lauman succeeded General Hurlbut in the command of the 4th Divis- ion, and under him the regiment remained, and, in the follow- AARON BROWN. 103 ing spring, followed him to Vicksburg. It had in the mean- time made many fatiguing marches, the most important of which was that under General Grant, through Central Missis- sippi to the Yockona. For many weeks it was stationed on guard-duty at Moscow, on the line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. During these seven months, there had been many changes in the regiment, the chief one of which was the resignation of Colonel Williams, and the promotion of Major Brown to that rank. On the 18th of May, 1864, the 3d Iowa left Memphis for Vicksburg. Its days of rest and quiet camp life had passed, and now, for many months to come, it was to endure the hard- ships and breast the dangers of active field service. With its brigade it sailed up the Yazoo River, at day-light of the 21st of May. The object was to open up communication with Sher- man, then just forcing the enemy back into his inner-works at Vicksburg. It is claimed that companies G and K, of the 3d Iowa, were the first to occupy the enemy's strong works at Haine's Bluff"; but about this there must be some mistake. One incident in the passage of the 3d Iowa from Memphis to Vicksburg, I must not omit to mention. The Crescent City, on which the regiment was embarked, had arrived, in the afternoon of the 19th instant, at the bend of the river near Island No. 65, and was sailing on unsuspectingly, when it was suddenly opened on with two howitzers from the eastern bank. Thirteen men of the regiment were wounded at the first dis- charge, one of them mortally ; but, before the guerillas had time to re-load, a gunboat came up and drove the wretches from their cover. This circumstance will be remembered, when I state that the 41st and 53d Illinois, having landed and pursued the guerillas without being able to overtake them, returned and burned to the ground the village of Greenville, some two miles below the scene of murder. If reports were true, its fate 104 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. was merited, and for other reasons ; for it was said that, early in tlie war, a father and his son, Union residents of Greenville, were headed up in barrels by the fiendish citizens, and rolled down the steep bank into the Mississippi. Before Vicksburg, the services of the 3d Iowa were the same as those of the other troops, buried in the heated trenches around that beleaguered city. I now hasten to the most eventful chapter in the history of the 3d Iowa Infantry— its charge on the enemy's works at Jackson, Mississippi, on the 12th of July, 1863. Vicks- burg had fallen, and the 3d Iowa had marched with the forces of General Sherman against Johnson, who, for several weeks, had been raising the siege — with official dispatches. On the advance of Sherman, Johnson had fallen back and planted himself behind his works at Jackson ; and there he was on the 12th of July, in a state of siege, confronted and watched by three corps — the 9th, under Parke, on his right; the 15th, under Steele, in his front ; and the 13th, under Ord, on his left. General Laumau was in Ord's command, and his division held the right of Sherman's army. And thas matters stood on the morning of the 12th of July. At the date above mentioned, it was thought by General Ord that the position of Laumau's Division was too much retired. He therefore ordered it forward, so that its left should dress on the right of General Hovey, whose division, from right to left, came next in order. Its right was to be thrown forward so as to correspond with the advance on the left. The object was to shorten and strengthen the line, and not to bring on an engage- ment; nor would one have followed, but for the aspirations of an ambitious general, who was charged by his own men with hunting for promotion among the slaughtered and mangled soldiers of his command. The scene of this merciless butchery is south of the city of ■lAK AARON BEOWN. Jackson, and between the New Orleans and Jackson Ba.foad .nd Pearl Biver. "At about 9 o'clock in the morning,' (I ,uote from Major Crosley's official report) "the 3d Iowa, 41st and 63d Illinois Infantry, and the 5th Ohio Battery of s>x guns crossed tire New Orleans and Jackson Railroad, at a pomt about two miles south of Jackson, and one mile from the enemy's works. After crossing, line of battle was formed, skirmishers thrown out. and the line ordered forward. After advancing about one-fourth of a mile, the line was halted; and the battery, placed in position one hundred yards in onr rear opened Are with sheU, and continued to fire rapidly for about twenty minutes. The enemy replied promptly with two guns getting our range the first shot. As soon as the battery ceased firing, the Une again moved forward. We advanced half a mile through timber and a dense under-growth, our skirmish- ers meeting with no opposition, when, coming to the edge of an open field, the Une was again halted. Here we were jomed by the 28th Illinois, which took position on our right." There the line should have rest«l; but General Lauman now commg up, ordered it forward. This was now the position: In front were open, undulatmg fields, cleared of every thing that could afford protection or cover, even down to corn-stalks; about four hundred yards m advance were the enemy's skirmisher., backed by reserves and, a little further on, a strong line of works, so constructed as to give the enemy a concentrated fire on a charging column. Behind these works, in addition to two brigades of mfantry, were fourteen cannon-more than two full batteries, whose dark mouths spoke almost certain death to assailants. There was in addition, a formidable abattis, constructed with occa- sional gaps, to pass which, it would be necessary for the charging party to break its line and as.semble in groups. This formidable strong-hold was to be carried by less than one 106 IOWA COLONELS AND BEGIMENTS. thousand men, and that, too, without any diversion in their favor. The brigade advanced in compliance with orders, until it had reached, forced back and occupied the position of tlie enemy's skirmishers. The order had been to moveforivard ; but Colonel Pugh, the brigade commander, believing there must be some mistake, again reported to General Lauman — this time in person. He explained to the general the point his command had reached, the position of the enemy, and the character of his works, and then waited for further orders ; but they were still the same— to move forward. There could be no mistaking the general's purpose. All, from field-officers to privates, saw the situation ; but, although the movement filled them with amaze- ment, there was no faltering. Literally, they were to enter the jaws of death ; but they would not sully their good name by disobeying orders. The order to advance was given, and the whole line moved forward at double-quick and in perfect order, when — but what need of further recital ? They were, of course, repulsed. Many, passing the abattis, advanced to within j)istol-shot range of the enemy's works; they could go no further, and, after struggling a few moments, retreated precipitately. As soon as the exhausted, bleeding troops reached the edge of the timber, whence they had advanced before encountering the enemy's skirmishers, they rallied promptly, and, soon after, were marched back to the point on the railroad at which they had crossed in the morning. All the dead, and nearly all the wounded, were left upon the field; nor would the enemy allow them to be reached and rescued by flag of truce ; and there they lay, mangled and bleeding, beneath the rays of the scorching sun, comrades in agony, as they had long been comrades in battle. The escape of any from death was almost miraculous ; and AARON BROWN. 107 yet, iu the 3d Iowa, the loss was only about fifty per cent. The regiment went into the engagement with an aggregate of two hundred and forty-one ofiicers and men, and lost, in killed, wounded and missing, one hundred and fourteen. Company B lost all three of her officers, killed — the two Ruckmans and Lieutenant Hall. Colonel BrowTi was severely wounded. The loss of the 53d Illinois was greater than that of any other regi- ment. Among others, it lost its gallant colonel. He was struck by a charge of canister, and fell from his horse, literally torn in pieces. It is said that General Lauman wept when he looked on the remnant of his old brigade. After the lamentable affair at Jackson, the 3d Iowa returned with its division to Vicksburg, and sailed thence to Natchez. In the following Winter it again returned to Vicksburg, and accompanied General Sherman on his march to Meridian. The regiment re-enlisted as veterans, and came North in the early sj)ring of 1864. Returning to the front, it was ordered to join General Sherman, already on the march against Atlanta. Before the fall of that city. Colonel BrowTi, and a majority of the field- and line-officers resigned their commissions. In re-officering the regiment, a lieutenant was promoted to the lieutenant-colonelcy : it was entitled to no colonel, on account of the fewness of its numbers. On the memorable 22d of July, 1864, before Atlanta, the regiment was again put in the thickest of the fight, and lost heavily. Among the killed was its lieu- tenant-colonel, who had only the day before received his commission. The regiment was soon after consolidated with the 2d Iowa Infantry, and lost its organization as a regiment. In closing this sketch of Colonel Brown and his regiment, I will add an extract from a letter of Captain J. H. Reid, of the 15th Iowa: "Our men, captured on the 22d of July, were taken through Atlanta that day, and their names reported to the provost- 108 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. marshal-general, when they were marched to East Point the same night. In passing through the city, whenever a shell fell in the streets from our batteries, they cheered and sang, 'Rally Round the Flag.' Rebel officers told them to dry up, they were prisoners of war; but they answered, *We will always cheer a Yankee shell.' A squad of rebel cavalry was passing through the streets with the flag of the 3d Iowa Infantry, cap- tured after the color-sergeant fell, literally pierced through and through with bullets. Some of that regiment among the prisoners saw their old flag in the hands of the enemy. They made a rush for it, wrested it from its captors, and, amid torrents of threats and curses from the guards, tore it into a thousand shreds . ' ' I never saw Colonel Brown; but, from what I can learn of him, he must be a large man, with phlegmatic temperament, and an easy-going disposition. He may not be a brilliant man, but he was certainly a brave and foithful officer. MAJOR-GENERAL GRENVILLE M. DODGE. FIRST COLONEL, FOURTH INFANTRY. Grenville Mellen Dodge is a native of Massachusetts, and was born at Danvers, Essex county, on the 12th day of April, 1832. His father, Sylvanus Dodge, was, prior to 1844, a provision dealer; but subsequently, and up to the time of his removal West, was Postmaster of the town of Danvers. Gren- ville remained with his father till he was sixteen years of age, having prior to that time been afforded only a limited common school education ; for his father's business had been such as to require much of his son's assistance. At the age of sixteen, he was sent to the Academy at Durham, New Hampshire, then to that of Newbury; Vermont, and in 1850 was entered a student of Norwich Military University, at that time under the super- intendence of the late Captain Alden Patridge. Here he com- pleted his education, which was thoroughly practical, scientific and military. In 1851, he left Norwich, and, coming West, lived for a time in Peoria, Illinois, where he obtained a situation in an Engi- neer Corps on the Pock Island Railroad. His skill as an engineer, with his remarkable judgment and great ability to control men, soon discovering themselves, he was entrusted with the survey of this road to Peoria. On the completion of this survey, he came to Iowa, and was for several years in the employ of the Mississippi and Missouri River Railroad Com- pany, during which time he projected surveys from the Mis- sissippi River to the Missouri, and up the valley of the Platte. As a civil engineer, young Dodge was very successful. In May, 1854, he was married to Miss Annie Brown, of 109 no IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Peoria, Illinois, and for a short time resided in Iowa City. In tlie fall of the same year, he removed to Nebraska, where, in connection with his father and brother, he remained nearly a year, taking up claims on the Elkhorn River. At that day, this section of Nebraska was the extreme limit of the frontier settlements, and of easy access to the hostile tribes of Indians, who, in the latter part of 1855, commenced their hostilities against the white settlers. In consequence of these troubles, G. M. Dodge returned to Iowa, and settled in Council Bluffs ; where, engaging in the banking business, he continued to reside till the beginning of the war. The excitement produced at Council Bluffs by the first news of the firing on Fort Sumter had hardly subsided, before Gen- eral Dodge was recruiting a company for the service. Having filled his company, he rejxtrted, early in the spring of 1861, to Governor S. J. Kirkwood, who, after learning what he had done, was so much pleased with him that he clothed him with proper authority, and sent him to AVashington in quest of arms and munitions of war for the State. The promptness with which he discharged the duties of his commission attracted the notice of the War Department, and he was offered a commission in the regular army ; but this honor he declined, for he pre- ferred to serve his own State. On his return from Washington, he was commissioned colonel of the 4th Iowa Infantry, his commission dating the 17th of June, 1861. In less than two weeks after his regiment was organized, and before he had been assigned to duty, he marched against Poin- dexter, drove him from Northern Missouri, and returned to Council Bluffs. On the loth of August following, he reported at St. Louis, Missouri, for duty ; and was ordered to Holla, to which place he at once proceeded. In the following October, he was made Commandant of the Post. On the first of Novem- ber, 1861, he led an expedition to Huston and Salem ; and met GRENVILLE M. DODGE. Ill and defeated the enemy at both places. In December, he was [juite severely wounded, but in what manner I am unadvised. On recovering from this wound, he was assigned by General Curtis (then organizing his army for an advance on Price) to the command of a brigade. With this command he led the advance against Springfield, on the morning of the 13th of February, 18G2. Company E, of the 4th Iowa Infimtry, one of the regiments 3f Colonel Dodge's Brigade, being deployed as skirmishers inder Lieutenant Stitt and ordered forward, never halted until t had taken possession of the city. Company H, Captain D. A.. Craig, of the 17th Iowa, performed a similar feat at Jack- 5on, Mississippi, the 14th of May, 1863. At Springfield, the mtree and occupation of the city was attended with much ;port. After the company had routed the enemy, who were principally stragglers, and made their captures of prisoners, lorses &c., they broke for the city saloons and bakeries; and vhen General Curtis, accompanied by his staff and body-guard, ^me riding through to the public square, there he found ;hem, feasting on beer and ginger-bread — their first spoils of yar. The object of General Curtis' campaign was not simply the sapture of Springfield: it was the defeat of General Price's irmy ; and accordingly, on the morning of the fourteenth, the \xvciY of the South West started in pursuit of the enemy. In .his pursuit. Colonel Dodge's command met and engaged the inemy at Cane Creek, Sugar Creek, and Blackburn's Mill: n the last of these engagements, the rebels were led by the lotorious Gates. These encounters took place on the 14th, 17th, Lud 27th of February, 1862, respectively. How Van Dorn, uniting with Price after that general's flight rom Missouri, marched on General Curtis at Pea Ridge has )een already given, as has also the desperate fighting that 112 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. occurred on the right, between Carr's Division and the rebel forces. At day-light on the morning of the 7th, the troops of Carr's Division were put hurriedly under arms, and marched north- ward. None but Carr and his brigade commanders knew the object of the movement ; for it was supposed the enemy would make their attack from the south and south-west. But no time was given for breakfast, and all knew there must be danger from an unexpected quarter. Colonel Dodge, having marched his brigade a mile or more, turned eastward, along what was known as the White River road. Companies E and K, of the 4th Iowa, constituted the van-guard, they being followed by one section of the 1st Iowa Battery. Suddenly the sharp barking of musketry was heard. Dodge had come upon the enemy's cavalry, reconnoitering for the advance of their infantry ; but this force was soon dispersed, and pursued through the timber and past the rough and rocky hills, beyond and around which was Cross Timber Hollows. Dodge took up his position on these hills, with the enemy beyond in the fallen timber. Colonel Vandever, with his brigade, was to the left on the Springfield road; and there the severe fighting first began. Vandever's line was soon broken, and forced back, and Dodge had no alternative but to retire. In the meantime, the enemy were moving round Dodge's right. Gaining the ground out of the fallen timber, they swung round to the south, and, the first intimation he had of their approach, they were moving in heavy masses through open country to pass his right, and cut him off. Promptly changing position "by the right flank, file left," the colonel threw his handful of troops along an old fence, with timber on his right and left, and an open field in his front ; in the latter, the enemy were forming for a charge. At this alarming juncture, he had only two regiments— the 4th Iowa and 35th Illinois. The enemy GRENVILLE M. DODGE. 113 outnumbered hiui nearly ten to one; and, in addition, they were supported by artillery. Concealing his men behind the fence, Colonel Dodge awaited their approach. After a vigorous cannonading, their infantry came sweeping across the field in magnificent style and with a hideous yell, expecting little opposition; but they were met with a deadly fire and driven back. The charge was renewed several times, and each time repulsed. Nor could they force Colonel Dodge from his position, till they began moving columns past his right and left flank. It was the fighting of the 4th Iowa and 35th Illinois, in this position, that so challenged the admiration of General Van Dorn, and other rebel officers. The services of Colonel Dodge at Pea Ridge ranked those of every other brigade commander: there were none to dispute with him this honor. He was here a second time wounded, and soon after sent to St. Louis, in charge of the surgeon of the 3d Iowa cavalry. The important services of Colonel Dodge were now recog- nized by the Government ; and he was, on the 31st of March, 1862, made a brigadier-general. Early in June of the same year, he was made Post Commandant of Columbus, Kentucky, and, on the 28th of the same month, was assigned to the command of the Central Division, Army of the Tennessee, with head-quarters at Trenton. On the 30th of the following October, he assumed command of the District of Corinth ; and the magnificent works, erected for the defense of that place, were planned and constructed under his personal supervision. From October, 18G2, till the 8th of July, 1863, when by order of General Hurlbut he assumed command of the left wing of the 16th Army Corps, General Dodge was engaged repeatedly with the enemy under Forrest, Van Dorn, Chalmers, Ruggles and Ferguson ; and, in every engagement and expedition, he was successful. In addition to his other labors in the summer 114 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. of 18o3, he organized five regiments of colored troops, and several companies of heavy artillery, also colored troops. In the fall of 1863, General Dodge was transferred, with his command, from Corinth to Pulaski, Tennessee. He left his old field of operations late in October, following on with the rear of Sherman's army, then en route for Chattanooga, but a history of these movements I have given elsewhere. Estab- lishing his head-quarters at Pulaski, ho began opening the Nashville and Decatur Railroad, and by Spring had the task nearly completed. General Dodge most distinguished himself in the Atlanta campaign. The troops of his command were the same that he had commanded on garrison- and railroad-duty. Among them were three Iowa regiments — the 2d, 7th and 39th. He joined General Sherman at Chattanooga, early in May, and soon marched out to Dalton, General Johnson's boasted stronghold. Through nearly this entire campaign he held the right of Sher- man's army ; but the details of his services on this march will be more fully given in the sketches of the Iowa regiments of his command. For his gallant and important services in this campaign, he was made a major-general, and there are few oflicers who have more richly earned the rank. The general was wounded for the third time, before Atlanta. It happened thus : the morning in question he went out to the trenches of the skirmish line, sporting a new hat, trimmed with a brilliantly polished bugle. If I am rightly informed, some important movement was on hand, in which he was to take part, and, prior to moving, he exposed his head at one of the loop-holes under the head-log, to make observations. The sun, which was shining brightly, reflected on the bugle of his hat, making a fine target for the enemy's sharp-shooters. The rebel's aim was so accurate that the ball struck near the bugle, and, going through the general's hat, passed round under the GREm^ILLE M. DODGE. 115 scalp. It did not prove fatal, though for several weeks it dis- abled him for service. This accident occurred early in August, after which he came North, and never after returned to his old command. On recovering from his wound, he was first placed in com- mand at Vicksburg, Mississippi ; but, in a short time after, succeeded General Rosecrans in Missouri. He is still in com- mand of that department, with head-quarters at St. Louis. During the present war, no oflBcer, whether of the regular or volunteer service, has made a better record than Major-General Dodge. One officer from our State has made a more brilliant one— General Corse; but that general's services are in no manner to be compared with those of General Dodge. His duties have been varied, and in many instances have involved the greatest responsibility and complexity; but he has met with uniform success in every department of his labors, and has never been relieved from a command unless it was by orders assigning him to another and more important one. His worth has been appreciated by General Grant, who, on more than one occasion, has tendered him high comi^liments. During operations around Vicksburg, General Dodge was in command at Corinth, one hundred and fifty miles removed from the former city; and yet General Grant stated officially, I am credibly informed, that there was no officer of Dodge's rank in his army to whom he was more indebted for his suc- cess in capturing the stronghold. In person. General Dodge is a small man, weighing only about one hundred and thirty jiounds. I never saw him but once, which was in the summer of 1862, as I was passing through Trenton, Tennessee, at that time the general's head- quarters. He was standing upon the depot platform, and was in conversation with Lieutenant W. S. Burke, of the 17th Iowa. From the lieutenant I afterwards learned that this was the 116 IOWA colonp:i-s and regiments. giilhiiit, distiuguishetl General Dodge, and I eonft'.ss I was surprised. He Ls slightly stooping in the shoulders, and, at first sight, does not look like the man he is. He h{\s a fine eye, tliough, which, after seeing his shoulder-straps, was the first thing that attracted my attention. But he has the following distinguishing traits of chanuter, for without them he could never have accomplished what he has. He has an iron will, a mind rich in expedients, and a perseverance that is active and untiring: these traits, with promptness of action, and a judgment remarkably matured for a man of his years, have conspirtnl to make him in fact, as he is in rank, one of the best ofUccrs of our army. If Iowa has been honorcil by her troops in the field, she luus been CM^ually honored by her general officers; and in this n-spcct she is indebtetl to no one more than to Genenil Dodge. BRIGADIER-GENERAL J. A. WILLIAMSON. SECOND COLONEL, FOURTH INFANTRY. James Alexander Williamson, the successor of Major- General Dodge to the colonelcy of the 4th Iowa Infantry, is a Southerner by birth, and a good representative of the old-style chivalry. He is a native of Columbia, Adair county, Ken- tucky ; where he was born on the 8th day of February, 1829. All that I know of his early history is, that he was educated at Knox College, Illinois, where he was known as a hard student and accurate scholar. In 1845, he removed to Iowa, and, ten years later, located in Des Moines, the present home of his family. His profession is the law, in the practice of which he was engaged just before entering the army. Soon after the second call of the President for troops, in the summer of 1861, General Williamson enlisted in the volunteer service for " during the war. " He was commissioned 1st lieu- tenant and adjutant of the 4th Iowa Infantry, on the 8th of August, 1861; since which time his history has been almost identical with the history of that regiment ; and, as much as we admire the general's military career, we could not, if we would, pay him a higher compliment ; for to no Iowa regiment is the State more largely indebted for its military renown than to the noble 4th Iowa. At Pea Ridge, its conduct was most gallant, challenging alike the admiration of friend and foe. General Curtis said : — " This regiment won immortal honors ;" and General Van Dorn:— "I never saw troops stand up and fight so before." During the thirty months subsequent to the 23d of January, 1862, the time when the 4th Iowa left Rolla, Missouri — in its 117 118 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. march under General Curtis against General Price to Spring- field and to the Ozark Mountains ; from that point to Batesville and across the State of Arkansas to Helena ; thence to Chicka- saw Bayou and up the Arkansas Eiver to Arkansas Post ; from Milliken's Bend round tlirough Grand Gulf and Jackson to the rear of Vicksburg, and then, after the fall of that city, back to Jackson ; from Vicksburg to Memphis, and thence across the country to Chattanooga ; and finally, in its march with General Sherman against Atlanta — its record is one continued series of achievements, unsurpassed for success and brilliancy. That I do not speak of this regiment in too high terms of praise, the following order of General Grant is proof: ''Head-Quarters Military Division of the Mississippi, Nashville, Tennessee, February 2d, 1864. " The Board of officers of the 15th Army Corps, appointed to determine the battles each regiment and battery of that com- mand are entitled to inscribe on their colors and guidons, have made the following award, in the case of the 4th Iowa Infan- try : — Pea Bidge ; First at Chickasaw Bayou ; Arkansas Post ; Vicksburg — siege and assaults on the 19th and 22d of May; Jackson ; Chattanooga. " But this order is imperfect in details. The following are the skirmishes and engagements in which the 4th Iowa took part, previous to joining the campaign of General Sherman against Atlanta : — Pea Ridge ; Chickasaw Bayou ; Arkansas Post ; Jackson (May 14th, 1863) ; siege and assaults at Vicksburg ; Jackson (July 12th, 1863) ; Cherokee Station ; Caney Creek ; Tuscumbia; Lookout Mountain; and Ringgold. This too, including the battles that the 4th Iowa was engaged in on the Atlanta campaign, is the battle-record of General Williamson. When Colonel, now Major-General Dodge, was assigned to the command of a brigade under General Curtis, he retained Adjutant J. A. Williamson upon his staff, and made him his acting assistant adjutant-general. At the battle of Pea Ridge, Lieutenant Williamson acted as aid-de-camp to Colonel Dodge, JAMES A. WILLIAMSON. 119 and, by his coolness and promptness, rendered important service. I might add, it was his good conduct in that engage- ment tliat made him lieutenant-colonel of his regiment; for Lieutenant-Colonel Galligan had resigned, for reasons which I will not mention. On' the confirmation of Colonel Dodge as brigadier-general, Lieutenant-Colonel Williamson was promo- ted to the colonelcy of the 4th Iowa Infantry. On the third day's fight at Chickasaw Bayou, Colonel Wil- liamson, in command of his regiment, distinguished himself. The fleet bearing the command of General Sherman entered the mouth of the Yazoo River, on the morning of the 26th of December, 1862, and proceeded up that stream until opposite Johnson's plantation, which lies on the south bank of the river, and some five miles below Haine's Bluff. At this point Gene- ral Frederick Steele, in command of the 4th Division, 13th Army Corps, debarked his command, and, under instructions from General Sherman, sent out Blair's Brigade on the Johnson road, which leads to the Walnut Hills, in the direction of Vicksburg. That day reconnoissances were made, and that night a new point of attack was determined on. Accordingly, on the following morning, General Steele re-embarked with the brigades of Hovey and Thayer, (in the last of which were the 4th, 9th, 26th and 30th Iowa) and, moving further up the river, effected a landing just above the mouth of Chickasaw Bayou. From near this point to the Walnut Hills, a distance of four miles or more, extends a narrow, winding causeway, or levee, and over this was the only accessible way to the point of attack; for, on either side of the levee, the country is covered with brush and timber, and is so low that, at that time, much of it was under water. Along this highway, which had been obstructed by the enemy with brush and fallen trees, the brigades of Hovey and Thayer moved, till they had arrived in the vicinity of the bluffs— General Steele 120 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. says, "within about eight hundred yards; " but it could hardly have been so near. "At this point the levee turned to the left, and continued in a curve for about eight hundred yards;" and, on its farther side, were the enemy's skirmishers and sharp-shooters. General Hovey's Brigade, which was in the advance, endeavored to remove the obstructions in its, front, and dislodge the enemy's sharp-shooters ; but the position was covered by the enemy's artillery on the bluff, which made it impossible. But this point gained, and still General Steele had little assurance of success ; for the steep sides of the bluff were lined with rifle-pits, in which the enemy were lodged in force. The enemy's artillery, too, frowned down upon him from four different points. He believed it impossible to make a successful assault, and, falling back to the river, returned to Johnson's plantation. On the morning of the 29th instant, General Thayer's Brigade, being the first off the boats, was hurried rapidly forward. It was to be held in reserve, but the zeal of its commander led it directly to the front. "The 26th Iowa was detached to cut a road," and the 30th was met by General Steele, and turned to the right ; but the 4th, under the lead of its gallant colonel, moved forward at double-quick, and was the first to enter the enemy's second tier of rifle-pits. It was for its gallant conduct at this point that the 4th Iowa was permitted to inscribe on its colors, '■'■First at Chickasaw Bayou." But the regiment's bravery was of no avail, and that assault was mere butchery ; for the whole of Pemberton's Vicksburg army was in possession of the bluffs. The fact that General Sherman ordered, or permitted, that assault, was, with many, new evidence of his insanity ; but it is now, I believe, well settled that the orders under which he acted were unconditional and imperative. The engagement at Pea Ridge was more protracted and exhausting, but, fov fierceness, it is in no way to be compared JAMES A. WILLIAMSON. 121 with that at Chickasaw Bayou. In each of these battles, the 4th Iowa was in the hardest of tlie conflict ; but, considering the time it was engaged in each, its loss was fifty per cent, greater in the latter than in the former. Its loss at Chickasaw Bayou was one hundred and twelve, out of an aggregate of three hundred and fifty taken into the engagement. Lieutenants L. Pitzer, E. C. Miller, and J. H. Miller were among the killed; and Colonel Williamson and Captain R. A. Stitt of Company F, among the wounded. In the re-organization of the army before the final Vicksburg campaign, the 4th Iowa Infantry was assigned to the loth Army Corps; and, with that command, it has served ever since. Its losses in the assaults on the enemy's works in rear of Vicksburg were heavy ; and at Chattanooga, where, under General Osterhaus, it joined General Hooker in scaling Lookout Mountain, the loss in killed was especially heavy. In the march of General Sherman on Atlanta, it engaged the enemy at Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, and in the battles of the 22d and 28th of July, and at Jonesboro. Its conduct before Atlanta, on the 22d of July, was gallant in the extreme, as was also that of the 9th Iowa. An account of the part it acted, during that day, will be found in the sketch of the last named regiment. In the march from Atlanta to Savannah, the 4th Iowa was brigaded with the 9th, 2oth, 26th, 30th, and 31st Iowa regiments — the same troops who afterwards captured the city of Columbia, South Carolina. While in rear of Savannah, these troops had a compliment paid them, to which I should in justice allude. The brigade. General Williamson commanding, arrived in rear of Savannah, on the 11th of December, and, on the 20th instant, was one of the commands selected to carry the enemy's works, and force an entrance into the city. The assault was to come off on the morning of the 21st ; but the 122 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. night i)revious General Hardee fled. To appreciate the value of this compliment, it is necessary to understand the position of the brigade, and the character of obstacles to be overcome. Its position was in the low lands south-west of Savannah, and on the right of the road leading to the city. Five hundred yards in its front was the Little Ogechee, whose north-east bank was fortified, and held by the enemy : between its line and the river was the Grave Yard Battery. The bridge over the Ogechee was destroyed, and the waters of the stream, much swollen. The brigade was to cross on rafts, planks, and poles, placed by a storming party. It was a hazardous under- taking ; but, had not General Hardee fled, it would doubtless have been successfully accomplished. The 4th Iowa Infantry has met the enemy in eight difffer- ent rebel States — Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, and has never been repulsed ; only once has it been compelled to yield the ground it had wrested from the enemy. In closing an ofiicial statement of the services of his regiment called for by the Adjutant-General of Iowa, General William- son says: It "stayed at Nashville a few days to get an outfit, and then started on the campaign against Atlanta, and has only halted in line of battle since, until its arrival at this place, on the 7th instant. This is not a regiment which has ordina- rily been at 'posts.' I can hardly realize the meaning of the term. "VVe have stopped a few weeks to rest after a campaign, but never had charge of any post since the regiment was really equipped for the field at Rolla, in the fall of 1861. "Our records, reports, and returns are made from the place where we happened to be when they fell due, and one camp has been almost as much a 'post' with us as another." Subsequently to the spring of 1863, General Williamson has been in command of the brigade to which his regiment has JAMES A. WILLIAMSON. 123 been attached; and during all this time has enjoyed, in an uncommon degree, the confidence of his superior officers. In proof of this I give the following instance : While Governor Stone was on a visit to the army before Atlanta, in the summer of 1864, he met General Sherman at his head-quarters. In the course of conversation, the names of different Iowa officers were introduced, when Governor Stone enquired: "Where, general, is Colonel Williamson?" "With his command and doing his duty, as he always is," was the reply; and only those who know General Sherman can appreciate the worth of this compliment. General Williamson was not promoted to his present rank until the winter of 1861-5. Why suoh merit was so long unre- warded, has been a question much canvassed, and has produced not a little indignation, both in and out of the army. I give the following on the authority of a distinguished citizen of General Williamson's city: — On one occasion, the family of General Williamson being sick, that officer, knowing the long delay that would follow in obtaining a leave of absence through the regular channel, applied directly to the War Department. He obtained his leave and left for his home, after presenting his papers at corps head-quarters. The corps commander, who was, and still is jealous of his authority, was indignant ; and from that time until the fall of 1861, although conceding the merit and claims of the general, declined to urge his promo- tion. General Williamson is of medium hight, and has a fine, symmetrical form. His full, gray eyes, which in his ordinary moods have a sort of absent and care-worn expression, tingle with intelligence and animation as soon as he becomes inter- ested in conversation. In manners he is modest and reserved. He never begs favors. In New England he would be appreci- ated ; but, for a Western man, he lacks impudence. 124 IOWA COLONELS AND KEGIMENTS. The editor of the Cass County "Gazette," an intimate acquaintance of the general, speaks thus of him : " Colonel Williamson is a refined, chivalrous gentleman, whom one must know to appreciate. To those who win his confidence, he is lavishly sociable ; but, for those who treat him coolly, he has no smile or word of gladness. He rarely alters a deliberate opinion, and we know of but one exception ; once of the best Democratic blood of the North, he is now a warm friend of Lincoln. He is a brave man. In battle his fine form moves near the van. He rides slowly, speaks with much calm- ness, and never becomes excited in action. "Williamson is still a young man ; but he is to-day a favorite of the people — espec- ially in Middle and Western Iowa." COLONEL WILLIAM HORD WORTHINGTON. FIRST COLONEL, FIFTH INFANTRY. William H. Worthington, who was shot dead before Corinth, in the spring of 1862, by a frightened sentinel, was linked by blood to the earliest and most distinguished families of the country — on the paternal side to the Virginia line of Madisons, and to General Andrew Lewis, the Virginia soldier, who was recommended by General Washington as "Com- mander-in-chief of the American Army:" on the maternal side, to the Slaughters, also a distinguished Virginia family. His grand-father. Colonel Gabriel Slaughter, who emigrated to Kentucky in its earliest history, was twice elected lieutenant- governor of that State — first with Governor Scott, and last with Governor George Madison — and each time succeeded to the administration of the government, as survivor of the governor elect. He was also the colonel of a Kentucky regi- ment which fought with General Jackson at the battle of New Orleans. His faithfulness and ability as an executive officer, and his gallantry at the battle of New Orleans, have been commemorated by his adopted State, in the erection of a fine monument to his memory. Colonel Worthington's grand-father, Edward Worthington, a Marylander, was also an early and distinguished settler in Kentucky. His father, the Rev. John Tolly Worthington, D. D., a devoted Christian and zealous patriot, is still living, and a resident of Pittsfield, Illinois. William H. Worthington was born at Harrodsburg, Kentucky, on the 2d day of Novem- ber, 1828. He lost his mother in early infancy, and was adopted, reared and educated by his maternal grand-uncle, 125 126 IOWA COLONELS AND BEGIMENTS. Major William Hord, also a distinguished Kentucky gentle- man. I am thus particular in giving the colonel's lineage, for his military enthusiasm was of ancestral inheritance. His primary education Colonel Worthington received in the schools of Louisville, at that time the residence of Major Hord; and it was there, while under the instruction of a Polish officer, that he first gave token of that military spirit which, in despite of his untimely fate, has made his name celebrated in the history of our State. Having graduated at Bacon College, Harrodsburg, Kentucky, he was, at the age of nineteen, mar- ried to Miss Anna Eliza, daughter of Dr. Tomlinson, a lady of reputed beauty and intelligence ; and now, throwing aside his books, he began life on a farm. This calling soon proved uncongenial to his tastes, and he abandoned it for the law. After being admitted to the bar, he opened an office in his native town; and, though his i^rofessional studies had been chiefly of his own shaping, he soon gave promise of future eminence. In 1857 he moved to Iowa, where, establishing himself in a lucrative practice, he made his home till the beginning of the war. When the war broke out he was serving as the captain of the "City Rifles," a military company in the city of Keokuk ; and it was the aptness which he discovered in military matters while in this position, that first brought his name into favora- ble notice with Governor Kirkwood. While in Washington City, seeking a position in the regular army, (which he only failed in obtaining on account of all vacancies being filled) he was tendered the colonelcy of an Iowa volunteer regiment. This he accepted; and, returning to Iowa early in July, received his commission as colonel of the 5th Iowa Infantry, on the 15th of the same month. The 5th Iowa Infantry entered the service under peculiar and promising omens : its colonel was a descendant of our most "WILLIAM H. WORTHINGTON. 127 illustrious revolutionary heroes, and its drummer-boy, Robert Bain, beat the same drum with which his father, in 1812, and his grand-father, in 1776, had stirred the hearts of the Revolu- tionists. For aught I know, this same drum- beat defiance to Sir George Packenham, on the battle-field of New Orleans. The history of the 5th Iowa is a proud one. From the time it took the field in August, 1861, till it was consolidated with the 5th Iowa Cavalry, three years later, no blot or stain dis- figures its fair record. I have stated elsewhere that the regiment first served in Missouri. Leaving Jefferson Barracks the 14th of August, it proceeded to Jefierson City, where it remained till the first of September, From Jefierson City it marched to Columbia; from Columbia to Boonville; from Boonville to Glasgow; from Glasgow to Springfield; from Springfield to Syracuse ; from Syracuse back to Boonville, and thence to Cairo, Illinois, where it arrived on the 20th of Febru- ary, 1862. Thus far, the regiment had failed to meet the enemy in a general engagement. When the 5th Iowa, under Colonel Worthington, arrived at Cairo, it was one of the best drilled and disciplined regiments in the volunteer service. This, at first, was secured at the expense of the colonel's popularity. Indeed, in the early his- tory of the war, the people of the North were so largely imbued with their peculiar ideas of Democracy, (doing as they pleased) that it was hard for them to learn the duties and sub- mit to the requirements of soldiers; and this, with the 5th Iowa as well as with other Iowa regiments, was the cause of much discontent. The men were, at first, restive under Colonel Worthington's strict discipline. But the semi-oflacial order of General Pope, of October, 1861, announcing : " Colonel : your regiment is the most soldierly-appearing one I have seen in Missouri," secured, in the future, an unquestioning compli- ance with his orders ; for the men were proud of their good 128 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. name, and knew to whom belonged the credit. This, too, in connection with the fact of his having periled his own life in rescuing a private of his command from drowning in the Mis- souri E.iver, secured him, from that day to the day of his death, the respect and esteem of his regiment. After a three days' rest at Cairo, Colonel Worthington crossed the Mississippi with his regiment, and marched out to Benton, Missouri. From that point, he accompanied General Pope to New Madrid, where, during the ten days' siege, he was con- spicuous. In the meantime, he had assumed command of a brigade, and with that was assigned the important task of assaulting and capturing the ' Upper Fort, ' which, I may add, would have been successfully accomplished, had not the ruse de guerre of General Stanley been divined by the enemy. This was on the morning of the 7th of March, 1862, and, on the morning of the 13th, the place was evacuated. But the gallan- try of companies A and B, of the 5th Iowa, and three compa- nies of the 39th Indiana, (these regiments were of Colonel Worthington's command) I should not omit to mention. On the afternoon of the 4th of March, these troops, under com- mand of Major Robertson of the 5th Iowa, made the first demonstration against New Madrid. After engaging the ene- my's pickets, and driving them through the large corn-field that lay to the north of the town, they suddenly found them- selves confronted by a force which, in numbers, was not only treble their own, but which was supported by artillery. Here, however, they maintained their position, in the face of a gall- ing fire, for upwards of two hours ; nor did they retire till ordered to do so by Colonel, now General Granger. During the operations around Island No. 10, which was sur- rendered to General Pope on the 7th of the following April, Colonel Worthington v/as again conspicuous ; and the troops of his command were, by order of General Pope, iDcrmitted to WILLIAM H. WORTHINGTON. 129 inscribe on their flags, "Island No. 10." He now sailed to Hamburg Landing, on the Tennessee, where, with the com- mand of General Pope, he took up his position before Corinth, on the left of our army. But his gallant career was soon to close: he was shot by a heecUess and frightened sentinel, on the morning of the 22d of May ; and the story, a brief one, is thus sadly told : "General Orders No. 53. "Head-quarters Army op the Mississippi, Near Fabmington, May 22d, 1862. " The general commanding announces to the army with deep regret the death of Colonel W. H. Worthington, Fifth Iowa Volunteers. He was killed by an unfortunate accident this morning, at two o'clock, while in discharge of his duties as general officer of the day. * * * * "Speed Butler, Assistant Adjutant General. ^^ " By order of General Pope." The report of the gun was heard by Captain Wever and myself, who, at the time, were on picket-duty, on the extreme left. It came to us across an open field to our right and rear, and from the edge of the timber, which was some quarter of a mile away. On our return to camp in the morning, we learned the sad story. The night was dark, and the sentinel, having left his post, was walking carelessly to the rear, when the officer of the day approached. Forgetting that he was unthin the line, and alarmed at what he supposed the approach of the enemy, he fired, without even challenging the approaching party. The ball took effect near the left eye, and the colonel, falling from his horse, died almost instantly. Of the many gallant Iowa officers who have fallen in the service of their country, few were more deeply and sincerely mourned than Colonel Worthington. Many were the tributes that were offered to his memory. The army in which he served, his regiment, the District Court of his county, his old 130 IOWA COLOXELS AND REGIMENTS. company, the "City Rifles,"— all spolve his praise and joined in one common wail : all, as was expressed by Judge Francis Springer, "mourned the loss, and cherished the memory of the noble-hearted, brave and heroic Worthington.". At the time of his death, the future of no officer in our army was more promising than his. He loved the service, and was a model soldier. Already he had been recommended for promotion ; and, had he survived the siege of Corinth, he would have been made a brigadier-general. I do not speak without authority. "In Colonel Worthington" (I quote from the above order of General Pope) "this army has sustained a serious loss. Prompt, gallant and patriotic, a brilliant career in the military profession was before him. " I remember well the first time I saw him. We had just arrived at the front, and he had called on Colonel Rankin to enquire and talk of friends at home. His manly form, and frank, open countenance imj^ressed me ; and, though I did not then know his name, I knew he was no ordinary man. Colonel W^orthington was a Southern man, with a Southern education and Southern prejudices; and, during the Presiden- tial canvass of 18G0, advocated the cause of Bell and Everett. Even at the outbreak of the war, he was a conservative. But he was also loyal; and no sooner was Abraham Lincoln declared elected, than he recognized and respected him as the legal Executive of the Nation. Indeed, when it was rumored that the rebels were tlireatening the Capital, he declared to his father: "If they enter Washington they shall march over my dead body!" Before leaving Missouri, lie wrote to his fatlier: "You know my conservative views heretofore; I am now a radical; and so lie died. To his wife he wrote: "If I fall, teach my son to do likewise, if his country needs li is life. " His love for his country he sealed with his blood, and died a true patriot. BRIGADIER-GENERAL C. L. MATTHIES. SECOND COLOiSTEL, FIFTH INFANTRY. Charles Leopold Matthies was the first man in the State of Iowa, and in the United States, to tender a military company to the Government, to aid in crushing the rebellion. The tender was made by letter through Governor Kirkwood, on the dth day of January, 1861. The general can not be proud- er of the distinction which this act has secured him, than is the State of Iowa. General Matthies is a Prussian by birth, and was born in Bromberg, on the 31st day of May, 1824. When sixteen years of age, his father, an affluent farmer, sent him to the Univer- sity at Halle, where he received a thorough military education. On leaving that University, he returned home ; and, from that time till he reached his twentieth year, he labored on his father's farm. At the age of twenty, he entered the Prussian army ; and, in 1847, served in the campaign against the Insur- rectionists, (the Poles) under General Miroslawski. In 1848, he resigned the commission which he had won by his good conduct, and a few months later emigrated to America, arriv- ing in New York in the spring of 1849. In the latter part of the same year, he came to Iowa, and settled in Burlington, where, engaging in mercantile pursuits, he has made his home ever since. General Matthies entered the volunteer service, as captain of Company D, 1st Iowa Infantry — that noble regiment which, by its heroism at Wilson's Creek, established the military prowess of the State. He was not present in that engagement; for, in the latter part of July, he received notice of his 131 132 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. promotion to the lieutenant-colonelcy of the 5th Iowa, and at once left to report to that regiment. After the death of Colonel "Worthing-ton, he was promoted to the colonelcy. He shared with his regiment the fatigues and hardships of the Missouri campaigns ; was with it at Island No. 10, and during the siege of Corinth ; and yet, prior to the battle of luka, his name was hardly known outside of his own brigade. It was his courage and gallantry in that sanguinary battle that made him distin- guished in his army corps, and earned for him the commission of a brigadier-general. After the evacuation of Corinth, the 5th Iowa, under Colonel Matthies, joined in the pursuit of Beauregard to Boonville, and returned thence to Clear Springs, near Corinth. Late in June, it marched to Ripley with its division ; returned imme- diately to Rienzi, and, on the 10th of July, marched back to Clear Springs. From Clear Springs it changed camp to Jacinto, and, from that point, marched against Price at luka, in the evening of the 18th of September, 1862. With the exception of the last, the regiment met the enemy in none of these movements. General Rosecrans, by incautiously pushing his advance too far, precipitated the battle of luka on the afternoon of the 19th of September, when, in accordance with pre-arranged plans, it should have been fought on the morning of the 20th. General Grant first arranged to fight the battle as early as the morning of the 19th instant; and, with that understanding, the forces of Ord moved out from Corinth in the afternoon of the 17th, and the evening of the next day came up with, and drove in the enemy's pickets. But at that hour the chief part of Rosecrans' - command was still at Jacinto, and the time for making the attack was changed. General Price, divining Grant's plan of concentration, hurried out from luka in the afternoon of the 19th, and threw his entire army against Rosecrans, hoping to CHARLES L. MATTHIES. 133 overwhelm him before Ord could come up; aud thus it hap- pened that Rosecrans fought alone the heedless battle of luka. There is another version of this affair, which, judging by the authority from which I receive it, is doubtless the correct one : that Rosecrans, ambitious, and desirous of superseding General Grant, moved up against Price for the express purpose of bringing on a battle and winning glory, well knowing at the time that he was disobeying orders. Any other general, except the magnanimous Grant, would have at once relieved him and put him in arrest. The 5th Iowa under Matthies, together with the 10th, IGth and 17th Iowa, the 10th Missouri and 80th Ohio, were among the troops in the van of Rosecrans' forces, and were the first to encounter the enemy. The struggle which ensued was pro- tracted and desperate in the extreme ; indeed, for courage and endurance it has few parallels. No pen can do more than credit to the 5th Iowa Infantry for its heroism in this terrible engagement. During the fore part of the day, while en route from Jacinto to luka, this regiment led the advance of the 3d Division, and, for more than six miles, continued to drive back the enemy, who, in small force, made repeated stands. When the enemy were finally met in force some three miles south- west of luka, the 5th Iowa was one of the first regiments in line of battle ; and, from that time until it fired its last cart- ridge, it maintained its position. Its list of casualties is proof of its gallantry. It lost in killed, wounded and missing, from an aggregate of four hundred and eighty-two that went into the fight, hvo hundred and seventeen men. Fifteen commissioned officers were killed and wounded; and, of the enlisted men, thirty-four were kiUed, and one hundred and sixty-eight wounded. Lieutenants Lafayette Shawl and E. M. Holcomb were killed, and Captains John Albaugh and Joel BrowTi, and Lieutenants R. F. Patterson, J. W. Casad, A. L. Mateer, A. 134 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Ellis, J. E. Page, Benjamin Jarvis, A. B. Lewis, S. S. Sample, J. E. Pangborn, W. C. Huber and W. H. Colton were wounded. Lieutenant Mateer died of his wounds soon after the battle. Among those mentioned for special gallantry were Lieutenant- Colonel Sampson, and Lieutenant and Acting-Major Patterson, and Lieutenant Marshall. Nearly all were equally deserving of mention. The 5th was General S. Hamilton's pet regiment; and, after the battle, Colonel Matthies enclosed to him his official report, to which he received the following reply : "New York, October 27th, 1862. " Colonel C. L. Matthies, Uh Iowa Infantry: '''■My Dear Colonel: In sending to me the report of the brilliant conduct of the 5th Iowa at luka, September 19th, 1862, you have given me a very great pleasure, as well as paid me a great compliment. When I read the newspaper accounts of battles in the vicinity of Corinth, though still sick, my heart thrilled with pride and satisfaction at the splendid conduct of the regiments composing my old division, espe- cially that of the 5th Iowa and 26th Missouri. " To show you how well understood it is, the 5th Iowa has become a household word with us, and my youngest boy, a prattler of four years of age, when asked what company he belongs to, says, (and he breakfasts in his knapsack) ' Com- pany A, Fifth Iowa — papa's pet regiment.' " I am under orders from Washington, and though I may not again have the honor to number the 5th Iowa among those under my command, I shall always point to its conduct, as an evidence of the character of the troops from that State, and how kindly they respond to, and confer honor upon those who have diligently endeavored to look after their welfare, discipline, and instruction, which I honestly think I may claim a share in having done. Feeling, Colonel, that their honor is my honor, I shall watch their future career with the same interest I watched over them when a part of my command. Write my compliments and kind remembrances to all. Believe me, very truly your friend, "SCHUYLER HAMILTON, ^^Major-General Volunteers, U. S. J.." CHAELES L. MATTHIES. 135 The 5th Iowa Inftintry next engaged the enemy at Corinth- October 3cl and 4th, 1862 ; and, from that date until the 24th of April, 18G3, the time of Colonel Matthies' promotion to brigadier-general, its history is the same as that of the 10th and, I might add, that of the 17th Iowa ; for these three regiments served in the same division. After receiving, in April, 1863, a brigadier's commission, General Matthies was ordered to report to General McPherson, who assigned him to the command of the 7th Division, 17th Army Corps ; but this order being soon after recalled, he was given command of the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 15th Army Corps, which he commanded, under General Sherman, from Grand Gulf to Jackson and thence to the rear of Vicksburg. He continued in command of this brigade until the death of Colonel Boomer, of the 26th Missouri, when he was sent back to his old army corps, and given command of the 3d Brigade, of the 7th Division. On leaving the command of General Sherman, that ofllcer honored him with an autograph letter, in which he complimented him highly for his efficient services. His new command was composed of the following troops: the 5th and 10th Iowa, the 26th Missouri and 93d Illinois— four as gallant regiments as ever met the enemy in battle. In the latter part of January, 1864, he was given command of a temporary division, made up of different regiments of the 15th Army Corps, with which he marched to East Tennessee, to aid in driving back Longstreet, who was then threatening Knoxville. Returning from this expedition, he was assigned to an important command, with head-quarters at Decatur, Alabama. He had charge of the Nashville and Decatur Railroad as far north as Linnville, and of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad as fiir east as Huntsville. He removed his head-quarters to Decatur, on the 1st of IMay, 1864, and at once began fortifying that place. The works 136 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. which he erected were of the most imposhig character ; — so formidable tliat General Hood, in his flanking tour north, did not essay their capture. In the latter part of May, 18G4, the general tendered his resignation, which was reluctantly accepted. I should not close this sketch without stating briefly the distinguished part General Matthies sustained in the operations around Chattanooga, in November, 18G3. General Bragg was defeated in the evening of the 24th, and his only hope, on the morning of the 25th, was to save his baggage, stores and artillery. The point on Mission Ridge that commanded the road over which these must pass was on Grant's extreme left, and, during the entire day of the 25th, the divisions of Ewing, John E. Smith, Morgan L. Smith and Jeff'erson C. Davis had sharp and sanguinary fighting for its possession; but it had been so strongly fortified, and Bragg had massed his troops there to such an extent that, all efforts on the part of General Sherman were fruitless. There was no harder fighting done on any portion of Mission Ridge or Lookout Mountain, than was done on this point ; and acts of individual gallantry, on the part of the Union troops, were numerous. Colonel Holden Putnam of the 93d Illinois, although not an Iowa man, deserves special mention ; and nothing can give the Iowa troops, who fought with him on Mission Ridge and at Champion's Hill, more pleasure than to meet his name on these pages. His was the first regiment of General Matthies' Brigade to scale the hill from the White House and assault the enemy in their strong works. His command was instantly repulsed; but, undaunted, he rallied his men, and, seizing the colors, dashed on to the top of the hill in spite of all remonstrances. He was shot dead instantly, through the head. The 26th Missouri soon followed the 93d Illinois, and then the 5th and 10th Iowa, with General Matthies in person ; and still the enemy, rejoicing in CHAHLES L. MATTHIES. 137 the strength of their numbers and position, maintained their ground. The 2d Brigade of the same division now came up ; but in a few moments after the enemy, emerging in strong force from the railroad tunnel near by, and with their move- ments concealed by dense brush, suddenly made their appear- ance in rear of the right flank, when a retreat was ordered. The command was, " For God's sake, get out of this ! " It was on that hill-top that General Matthies was wounded ; and it was that wound, together with the exposures and hardships of the previous campaign, that broke down his health, in conse- quence of which he tendered his resignation. He was an excellent officer, and had a reputation for promptness and trustworthiness that but few enjoyed in his division. General Matthies is a little above the medium in size, with a full breast and heavy shoulders. He has mild, gray eyes, and a round, full, good-natured face. To look at him, you would not take him for a foreigner; but he no sooner speaks than he betrays his nativity. He has never been able to master the accent of our language. He is one of those men whom to know is to like. His sanguine temperament, and earnest, open- hearted disposition enables him, in his happy moods, to talk and laugh with extreme good nature, and, in his less happy ones, to hate and berate his enemies most intensely. He was always on kind and familiar terms with every solcUer of his command, and his familiarity in no way interfered with his discipline. The soldiers loved "old Dutchie," he was so good and brave. I can not take leave of General Matthies without relating the following: When the division of John E. Smith was in camp back of Memphis, late in February, 1863, the general chanced one day to be general officer of the clay. At about seven o'clock in the morning of the day in question, a captain, whose 2d lieutenant had deserted to the enemy the night before, and 138 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. whose 1st lieutenant was enjoying himself in the city, arrived on the picket-line to relieve the old picket-guard. The captain left his reserve in charge of a sergeant, while he went to dis- tribute the first relief at the different posts, and give proper instructions. In his absence, the officer of the day made his appearance. Having at some point stole his way through the lines, he came riding down the road at full speed, and was on the reserve before the sergeant could get his men in line to receive him. The general, who was dressed in a common soldier's overcoat, and without any scarf or other insignia of his office, began administering a rebuke for negligence; but was quickly cut short by the sergeant, who replied, "How did I know who you was ? you haven't got any scarf on ; I thought it was a soldier just coming in from foraging." "Well, well," said the general, "I know; but— you must be on the watch for guerrillas." COLONEL JABEZ BANBURY. THIRD COLONEL, FIFTH INFANTRY. Jabez Banbury is a native of England, and was born in the year 1831 ; but, removing to this country when quite young, he became, long since, thoroughly Americanized. He is a man of limited education, and by trade a mechanic. At the time of entering the service, he had some experience in military matters ; for he had been a member of an independ- ent military company in Marshalltown. At that time I am informed, he gave proof of military taste and talent. He enlisted in the United States volunteer service in June, 1861, and assisted in raising a company for the war, which was afterwards assigned to the 5th Iowa Infantry, and designated Company D. Of this company, he was elected 1st lieutenant, and, with this rank, entered the field. He was j)romoted to the captaincy of his company in February, 1862 ; was made major of his regiment, on the 14th of the following July, and, on the promotion of Colonel Matthies to brigadier-general, was commissioned colonel. At the time his regiment was trans- ferred to the 5th Iowa Cavalry in August, 1861, he was mustered out of the service, and returned to his home in Marshalltown. General Matthies left his regiment at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, just before it started on its march to the rear of Vicksburg. From that time till the fall of that city, the 5th Iowa was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel E. S. Sampson. From the fall of Vicksburg, up to the time Colonel Banbury was mustered out of the service, the regiment was under his command, if we except a few months when he was in 139 140 IOWA COLiONEIiS AND REGIMENTS. command of a brigade. The 5th Iowa is proud of its record, and it may also be proud of its commanding otficers ; for they were all most excellent men. The march to the Yockona, and thence back to Memphis ; the trip down the Mississippi to Grand Lake, and thence back to Helena; and the wild expedition down the Yazoo Pass, all belong to the history of the 5th Iowa Infantry. An account of these I have given in the sketches of other officers and regi- ments, as I also have of the march from Milliken's Bend round to the rear of Vicksburg. Of the battles fought during the last named march, the 5th Iowa was engaged in two — Jackson and Champion's Hill. The regiment also engaged the enemy in two skirmishes — the first on the hills north of Bayou Pierre, and the second in the rugged country north of Big Black Kiver. In the last, the regiment constituted a portion of the force under Colonel Boomer of the 26th Missouri, who was sent out on a reconnoissance some five miles in the direction of Vicksburg. The 5th Iowa led the advance of its corps from Raymond to Clinton, and marched with its division, which led the advance, from Clinton to Jackson. In the battle of Jack- son, the regiment did not suffer severely. Its position was to the left of the 17th Iowa, and so far to the north that it over- lapped the right of the enemy's line. Its loss was four men wounded. The part which the 5th Iowa took in the battle of Cham- pion's Hill, or Baker's Creek, was most brilliant and sanguin- ary. This battle, which came off on the 16th of May, 1863, "was fought mainly by Hovey's Division of McClernand's Corps, and Logan's and Quimby's Divisions (the latter com- manded by Brigadier-General M. M. Crocker) of McPherson's Corps;" and in it the Iowa troops were consequently largely represented. On the evening of the 15th instant, General Grant made his head-quarters at Clinton. Early on the fol- JABEZ BANBURY. 141 lowing morning, two employees on the Jackson and Vicksburg Railroad were brought to him, who represented that, on the previous night, they had passed through General Pemberton's army. They also represented that Pemberton had marched out from Vicksburg with a force consisting of about eighty regiments, with ten batteries of artillery, the entire command numbering about twenty-five thousand men. The object of Pemberton was, to come up with and attack General Grant in rear, before he should be able to overcome General Johnson at Jackson ; and it had been before reported by prisoners that, on General Johnson's arrival at Jackson in the evening of the 13th instant, he had sent peremptory orders to Pemberton to make this movement. The evidence was conclusive to General Grant that a great battle was near at hand ; and he therefore ordered a rapid concentration of his troops, even sending back to Jackson for General Sherman's Corps, which had been left behind to destroy the railroads and rebel government property. This done, he mounted his horse and rode rapidly to the front. In the march from Jackson back in the direction of Vicksburg, the divisions of Logan and Crocker (excepting the 2d brigade) reached a point some five miles west of Clinton ; and were, therefore, only about seven miles east of Champion's Hill, and not far distant from General Hovey, who, with his divi- sion, was in the extreme advance. The next morning, the 16th of May, the troops of Hovey's Division left their camp at Bolton's Station, and moved in the direction of Champion's Hill, three and a half miles distant. These troops were the first to meet the enemy. The engagement was just opening as the 5th Iowa, with its brigade, came up. "The enemy had taken up a very strong position on a nar- row ridge, his left resting on the hight where the road makes a sharp turn to the left approaching Vicksburg. The top of the ridge, and the precipitous hill-side to the left of the road, are 142 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. covered by a dense forest and under-growth. To the right of the road, the timber extends a short distance down the hill, and then opens into cultivated fields on a gentle slope, and into a valley, extending for a considerable distance. On the road and into the wooded ravine and hill-side, Hovey's Divi- sion was disposed for the attack." But Logan and Crocker fought on the right of the road, hav- ing come into line in the above named open fields. Logan's Division held the extreme right, and next to his was Crock- er's; and now the fighting opened in earnest. The rebel, as compared with the Federal force, was more than two to one; for Pemberton had not less than twenty-eight thousand men ; whereas the divisions of Hovey, Crocker and Logan would not number thirteen thousand. Confident of success with his superior numbers, the enemy massed heavily on the right of Hovey's Division, whi(th was near the road, and forced it back. His left they also flanked, and soon after forced back his whole line. The 3rd Brigade, to which the 5th Iowa was attached, held the left of Crocker's Division, and, seeing Hovey's right driven in, and their own left flank threatened, they faced to the left, and double-quicked down to the road to meet the enemy and check their further advance. The 93d Illinois was the extreme left regiment of the brigade, and, next to that, was the 5th Iowa : a portion of the 93d crossed the road, so that the 5th was but a few paces distant from it. And right here the fighting was most obstinate and sanguinary. The trees, living, though insensible witnesses to this terrible contest, stand there still, bearing on their shattered branches and lacerated trunks, thrilling evidence of these hours of bloody strife. From one tree near the road-side, more than five hundred bullets were afterward extracted; and it was not three feet through. In that immediate vicinity, the 5th Iowa with its brigade, maintained its position in the unequal conflict for more than JABEZ BANBURY. 143 an hour and a half, and, during the last half hour, it had no ammunition, or only such as could be taken from the cartridge- boxes of the dead and wounded. In the meantime, the enemy at this point had been reinforced, and were being led on with the promise of certain victory. To withstand longer such odds and desperation was impossible, and the gallant 3d Brigade began to break, retiring over the hill in its rear, and back into the open fields. McClernand, with the balance of his corps, was momentarily expected, and was now looked for with the greatest anxiety ; but relief came from another and unexpected quarter. Just then two regiments of the 2d Brig- ade, which had been left the night before at Clinton, as a sort of body-guard to General Grant, came in view, down the road, at double-quick. The 17th Iowa was in the advance, and was closely followed by the 10th Missouri ; and both regiments did not number more than five hundred and fifty men. In the instant that these troops were seen by Colonel Putnam of the 93d Illinois, he came riding back at full run, without his hat, and his brown, wavy hair streaming in the wind, shouting to Colonel Hillis, of the 17th: "For God's sake. Colonel, hurry up— we can not stand another minute;" and the fields to the right, which were filled with the affrighted and fleeing strag- glers, were proof of what he said. With the handful of reinforcements thus brought up, the scale of battle was turned ; and, before McClernand had arrived, the enemy were hasten- ing in total rout back in the direction of Vicksburg. To show the determination and valor with which the 5th Iowa and its brigade fought, I will give one instance, which came under my own observation. On arriving at the top of the hill from which our lines had been driven, I noticed a noble young boy lying near the road. He was shot through both legs, and was unable to stand ; but he had his musket in his hands, and was loading and firing on the advancing enemy. 144 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. We were now under a galling fire, and I saw no more of the brave boy till the enemy were driven from the field. On returning afterward to look for the dead and wounded of my company, I saw him lying in the same spot, but he was dead. I do not know his name or his regiment ; but he must have belonged to the 5th Iowa, or the 93d Illinois. The 5th Iowa, in this engagement, lost nineteen killed and seventy-five wounded, out of an aggregate of three hundred and fifty officers and men. There were many individual instances of gallantry ; but I am able to mention only the names of Captains Tait, Lee and Pickerell. The same night of the battle, the 5th Iowa marched two miles in the direction of Vicksburg; and the next night camped on the Big Black. On the 19th instant, the regiment with its brigade arrived in rear of Vicksburg ; and, from that time until the fall of the city, its history is the same as that of the 10th Iowa, and the other regiments of its brigade. I might add that, from the fall of Vicksburg up to the winter of 1864, its history is the same as that of its brigade. Early in September, 1863, the 5th Iowa left with its division for the purpose of join- ing the army of General Steele in Arkansas ; but, on arriving at Helena, learned that no reinforcements were needed in that quarter. From Helena it moved up the river to Memphis, and from that point marched across the country with General Sher- man to Chattanooga, where with its brigade it took a distin- guished part in the engagement of the 25th of November. On the night of the 24th instant, the regiment stood picket near the Chattanooga and Knoxville Railroad, just where it passes the north point of Mission Ridge ; and the next day, at noon, joined its brigade and moved out through the open fields as elsewhere described, to engage the enemy. After arriving at the White House, which was near the base of the hill for which General Sherman was fighting, the chief portion of the JABEZ BANBURY. 145 regiment was deployed as skirmishers to the right and front of its brigade, and remained thus deployed till a retreat was ordered. The total loss of the 5th Iowa in this engagement was one hundred and six; but the greater portion of these were captured in the sudden left flank movement of the enemy. Two commissioned oflBcers were wounded, and eight captured ; among the latter were Major Marshall and Adjutant Byers. Subsequently to Grant's victory at Chattanooga, there is little in the history of the 5th Iowa Infantry of striking interest. It joined its division in the pursuit of Bragg, as far as Graysville, Georgia, and then returned to Chattanooga. After going into several temporary camps along the road, it finally reached Huntsville, Alabama, where it passed the following Winter. In April, it came North on veteran furlough; returned to the field early in May ; served for a short time on the Huntsville and Decatur Railroad, and was then ordered to Kingston, Georgia. On the 8th of August, 1864, the veterans of the regiment, by special order of the War Department, No. 262, were transferred to the 5th Iowa Cavalry, and assigned as Comimnies G and I, under the following officers: Captain Albert G. Ellis, 1st Lieutenant Jeremiah M. Lembocker, and Second Lieutenant William S. Peck, of Company G; Captain William G. M'Elrae, 1st Lieutenant Robert A. McKee, and 2d Lieutenant John Q. A. Campbell, of Company I. At Mission Ridge Colonel Banbury showed great courage, riding constantly under the heavy artillery- and musketry- fire of the enemy. The same night of the engagement, he was assigned to the command of his brigade; for General Matthies, the brigade commander, had been wounded as I have already stated. There is one other item in the colonel's military history, which I should not omit to mention. At the battle of Corinth, October 3d and 4th, 1862, he commanded the 17th Iowa Infantry; and led it in the charge in which the 146 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. regiment captured the colors of the 40th Mississippi, and between one and two hundi'ed prisoners. Although I served in the same division with Colonel Banbury for many months, I never saw him to know him ; but I am told by good authority that "he is reticent in manners, intelligent though not educated, honest, upright, and thoroughly reliable." As a soldier, he ranked among the best officers of his division ; and, had he possessed sufficient impudence, would doubtless have been promoted to a brigadier- general. COLONEL JOHN ADAIR M'DOWELL. FIRST COLONEL, SIXTH INFANTRY. John A. McDowell is a younger brother of Major-General Irwin McDowell, who led the Federal forces in the first great battle of the war. Colonel McDowell was born in the city of Columbus, Ohio, the 22d day of July, 1825, and was graduated at Kenyan College, Gambia, Ohio, in the year 1846. While at Kenyan College he devoted much time to the study of military tactics, under the instruction of Professor Boss, a former Pro- fessor of Mathematics and Tactics in the West Point Military Academy, New York, and the widely known translator of Bourdon and other mathematical works. Colonel McDowell's experience as an officer began as captain of the Kenyan Guards, an independent military company, which, in its day, attained much celebrity for its proficiency in discipline and drill. Leaving college with the highest oratorical honors of his class, he entered, in 1847, the office of Judge Swan, and pre- pared himself for the practice of law. The vast mineral wealth of California was, in 1848 and 1849, attracting thousands of emigrants from the States to that country ; and, for young men of enterprise and talent, the prospects seemed flattering. Hav- ing completed his legal studies in 1848, he left in the following Spring for California, in company with the 2d United States Dragoons. He arrived on the shores of the Pacific in the following Fall, and without incident, if we except the passage of the Rio Grande. In crossing that river, he came near losing his own life, in his generous efforts to save the life of a friend. Locating in Monterey, he began the practice of law, and soon became a public man; for, in 1851, he was elected mayor of 147 148 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. that city. Those were, in California, tlie days of vigilance com- mittees, and the duties of liis office required great caution and judgment; but his management was firm and judicious, and he secured the confidence of tlie public. In 1852 he returned to the States, and, the following year, settled in Keokuk, Iowa. During Colonel McDowell's resi- dence in Iowa, and prior to his entering the service, he followed the profession of civil engineering. He was at one time the City Engineer of Keokuk, but, at the outbreak of the war, was Superintendent and Chief Engineer of the Keokuk, Mount Pleasant and Minnesota Railroad. In the spring of 1861, Colonel McDowell visited Washington for the purpose of obtaining authority to raise a regiment of infantry. Authority was granted by the War Department, and he returned to Burlington, which was to be the rendezvous of his regiment. The 6th Iowa Infantry was enlisted princi- pally from the counties of Linn, Lucas, Hardin, Appanoose, Monroe, Clark, Johnson, Lee, Des Moines and Henry. It was mustered into the United States service on the 17th of July, 1861 : its camp was Camp Warren. On the 2d of the following August, Colonel McDowell was ordered to Keokuk, and, during his week's stay there, a portion of his regiment took part in the affair at Athens, between the Union forces under Colonel Moore, and the Confederates under Green. On the 19th instant the regiment left for St. Louis, where, reporting to General Fremont, it was retained for five weeks in camp, at La Fayette Park. The first campaign on which the 6th Iowa marched, was that from Jefierson City to Springfield. Lyon had been killed at Wilson's Creek, and Sturgis, his suc- cessor, had fallen back to RoUa; when, instantly, the rebellious citizens of Missouri, from every quarter, made haste to join Price, their deliverer. Price, strongly reinforced, in council with that mean, cowardly traitor, Claib Jackson, rasolved on a JOHN A. M'DOWELIi. 149 march northward. Small detachments of Federal troops with- drew from his line of march ; and, on the 12tli of September, he laid siege to Lexington. Fremont, in command of the Western Department, having made ineffectual efforts to relieve jNIulli- gan, quit St. Louis, and concentrated an army at Jefferson City, with which to march on Price, and either rout or capture his forces. Some claim more for this fossil hero; — that, after Price's annihilation, he was to march south, and, flanking Columbus, Hickman, Memphis, and a long stretch of the Mississippi, was to enter, in triumph, Little Rock. With him were Sigel, Hunter, Asboth, McKinstry, Pope, Lane, and his royal guard under Zagonyi. Price left Lexington on the 30th of September, and, the 8th of October, Fremont marched from Jefferson City. Such, briefly, is the history of what preceded the first great campaign in Missouri. Passing through Tipton, Warsaw on the Osage, and thence south, Fremont arrived in Springfield the 29th of October. Price was then at Neosho. And this is all that there is of Fremont's celebrated campaign in Missouri; for he was now relieved by the President, and his command turned over to General Hunter, who forthwith ordered a return in the direc- tion of St. Louis. I cannot forbear adding that Fremont was a better man than Hunter; for, if he had style, he also had pluck and confidence. On this campaign the Gth Iowa Infantry was under Brigadier-General McKinstry, and in three day's time marched seventy-five miles. During the winter of 1861-2, Colonel McDowell was stationed on the Pacific Railroad, which he guarded from Sedalia to Tipton; but, in the opening of the Spring Campaign, was relieved at his own request, and sent to the front. Early in March he sailed with his regiment up the Tennessee Elver, and landed at Pittsburg Landing, where he was immediately assigned to General Sherman's Division, and placed in 150 IOWA COLONELS AND BEGIMENTS. command of a brigade. At the battle of Shiloh his command held the extreme right of General Grant's Army, and was stationed near the Purdy road. The 3d Iowa, it will be remembered, was stationed near the extreme left. The 11th and 13th Iowa, under McClernand, were to the left of Sherman ; and the 2d, 7th, 8th, 12th and 14th Iowa, in Smith's Division, commanded by W. H. L. Wallace, and to the left of McClern- and. The 15th and lOth Iowa fought on their own hook. The 8th Iowa, however, fought under Prentiss. These were all the Iowa troops in the battle of Shiloh. The Gth Iowa was commanded at Shiloh by Captain John Williams; and, to show the part acted by the regiment, I quote briefly from his official report : "On Sunday morning, when the attack was made on Genera^ Grant's centre, the regiment was immediately brought into line of battle, and was then moved about fifty yards to the front, along the edge of the woods. Company I was thrown out as skirmishers, and Companies E and G were moved to the left and front of our line, to support a battery just placed there. We were in this position for more than two hours, when we were ordered to fall back to the rear of our camp, on the Purdy road. The battle at this time was raging fiercely in the centre, and extending gradually to the right. The line was slowly yielding to a vastly superior force, and it now became evident that we must change our position or be entirely cut off from the rest of the army. "The regiment then marched by the left flank about six hundred yards, crossed an open field about one hundred and fifty yards wide, took a position in the edge of the woods and formed a new line of battle, which was succeeded by another line, nearly perpendicular to the former, the right resting close to the Purdy road." This left flank movement was to the left and rear ; but this position was held but a very short time, when the regiment was marched to the rear about half a mile ; for McClernand's Division, and the left of Sherman's, had been driven back rap- idly. The next position taken by the regiment was in the JOHN A. M'DOWELL. 151 edge of the woods, and formed a part of that line which, for several hours, held the enemy successfully at bay. At this hour, things looked more hopeful ; and, had all the troops that had stampeded and straggled been now in their proper places, Grant would probably have suffered no further reverses at Shi- loh. It was in this last position that the 6th Iowa suffered its severest loss. Captain Williams was wounded here, and the command of the regiment turned over to Captain Walden. Of less than six hundred and fifty men that went into the engagement, sixty-four were killed, one hundred wounded, and forty-seven missing. The 6th Iowa, as a regiment, was not engaged in the second day's battle, and its losses were slight. Among the wounded in the first day's fight were Cap- tain Williams, and Lieutenants Halliday and Grimes. The names of the killed I have failed to learn. " In regard to the bravery, coolness and intrepidity of both officers and men, too much can not be said. Where all did so well, to particularize would seem invidious." The regiment continued with Sher- man during the siege of Corinth, and Colonel McDowell in command of his brigade. The 6th was one of the regiments of his command. After the fall of Corinth, Colonel McDowell marched with his brigade to Memphis, where he remained the balance of the Summer, and during the following Fall. In November, he marched with his division on the campaign down through Oxford, and to the Yockona, after which he returned to La Grange, Tennessee, where he passed the Winter. While on the march from Corinth to Memphis, he was attacked with a dis- ease, pronounced by his surgeon an affection of the sciatic nerve. It had been contracted through exposure and by almost constant duty in the saddle, and was extremely painful ; but he continued on duty. Finally, receiving no relief, he tendered his resignation, which was accepted late in the winter of 1862-S. 152 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. While stationed at Memphis, he received from General Sher- man a recommendation for brigadier-general, which was endorsed, I am informed, as follows: — "I think it but right and just that a gallant oflacer, who has discharged faithfully the duties of a brigadier for many months, should enjoy in full the rank and pay of the position." On leaving the service, his regiment presented him with a costly silver set, which, in its own language, was "a token of their esteem for him as a man, and their appreciation of his merit as an officer. " Colonel McDowell is a large man, and well proportioned, but a little too fleshy to look comfortable. He is above six feet in hight, and erect ; has a mild blue eye, light complexion, and a good-natured countenance. Usually, he seems kind and approachable, but, when aroused, the flash of his eye makes him look, as he really is, a most formidable opponent. He has large self-esteem, a good education and fine social qualities. His conversational powers are remarkable. He is fond of mer- riment, to be convinced of which you have only to look on his shaking sides : he laughs, like Momus, all over. Colonel McDowell has fine ability, but is naturally, I believe, inclined to be a little lazy. He is a close observer, and forms positive opinions. His experience in the army destroyed his faith in field artillery. "There are occasions," he once said, " when it is invaluable ; but, as a general thing, it is vox prm- ter-er nihil. If you fight to whip, you must fight to kill ; and whoever heard of a dead or wounded artillery-man? These things that you hold straight at a man, are the things that hurt." As a soldier. Colonel McDowell excelled as a disciplinarian and tactician : he was a splendid drill-master, a fact attested by his regiment, which was one of the best drilled in the volun- teer service. BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN M. CORSE. SECOND COLONEL, SIXTH INFANTRY. John M. Corse is the only military prodigy the State has furnished in the War of the Rebellion. For his family and intimate friends I am unable to speak, but I have knowledge positive that, with all others, his brilliant military career has created the greatest surprise. In civil life, though possessing large self-esteem, he was looked on as having only ordinary ability ; and, therefore, his promotion in the army to nearly the highest rank in the volunteer service, was wholly unlocked for. General Corse is a native of Pennsylvania, where he was born in about the year 1833. When young, he accompanied his parents West and settled with them in Burlington, Iowa ; where he has since resided. He was at one time a cadet in the West Point Military Academy, New York ; but had spent, I think, hardly two years at the institution, when he was politely informed that, should he tender his resignation, it would be accepted. At all events, he left West Point, and returned to Burlington, where he entered the book-store of his father. Not long after he became a partner in the business, and was thus engaged at the outbreak of the war. He entered the service as major of the 6th Iowa Infantry , and, up to the time of its arrival at Pittsburg Landing, has a military history similar to that of his regiment. During the siege of Corinth, he was a staff-officer of General Sherman — I think, his inspector-general. From the time of their first meeting, he was held in high esteem by that general. He was mustered a lieutenant-colonel the 21st of May, 1862 ; and, 153 154 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. on the resignation of Colonel McDowell, was made colonel of his regiment, and returned to its command. From that time forward, he grew rapidly popular. During his colonelcy and after, the history of the 6th Iowa is one of great interest. It is the same as that of Sherman's old Division. It was the only Iowa regiment in that division. On the assignment of General Sherman to the command of the 15th Army Corps, its division was commanded by General William L. Smith, who, during the siege of Vicksburg, joined the army of General Grant in rear of the city. " Smith's and Kimball's Divisions, and Parke's Corps were sent to Haine's Bluff. * * This place I [Grant] had fortified to the land-side, and every preparation was made to resist a heavy force." After the fall of Vicksburg, the 6th Iowa marched with Sherman to Jackson, where it made itself conspicuous — with the exception of the 3d Iowa, more conspicuous than any other Iowa regiment. On the morning of the 16th of July, Colonel Corse was put in command of the skirmishers of the 1st Division, 15th Army Corps, and ordered to report to Major-General Parke, commanding the 9th Corps. The 6th Iowa was included in the colonel's command ; and, to show the part taken by the regiment in the advance of that morning, I quote from his official report : " I assumed command of the line formed by the skirmishers of the 6th Iowa ; and, at the designated signal, the men dashed forward with a shout, met the line of the enemy's skirmishers and pickets, drove them back, capturing eighteen or twenty, and killing as many more. Clearing the timber, they rushed out into the open field, across the railroad, over the fence, up a gentle slope, across the crest, down into the enemy's line, when two field-batteries of four guns each, pointing west, opened a terrific cannonade. The enemy were driven from two i)ieces at the point of the bayonet, our men literally running them through. In rear of the batteries, two regiments were lying supporting the gunners, and, at our approach, they opened JOHN M. CORSE. 155 along their whole line, causing most of the casualties in this gallant regiment. With such impetuosity did the line go through the field that the enemy, so completely stunned were they, would have precipitately fled, had they not been re-as- sured by a large gun-battery, nearly six hundred yards to our right, which enfiladed the railroad line of skirmishers. Startled at this unexpected obstacle, which was now in full play, throwing its whirlwind of grape and canister about us until the corn fell as if by an invisible reaper, I ordered the bugle to sound the 'lie down.' The entire line fell in the corn-rows, and I had the opportunity to look round. * * * * Feeling that I had obtained all the information I could, I ordered the 'rise up' and 'retreat,' which was done in the most admirable manner, under the fire of at least three regiments and seven guns — three of these enfilading my line. But few of those who had so gallantly charged the battery got back. I cannot speak in too extravagant terms of the officers and men of the 6th Iowa on this occasion. * They awakened m.y admiration at the coolness with which they retired, return- ing the incessant fire of the enemy as they slowly fell back." The loss of the 6th Iowa in this encounter was one killed, eighteen wounded, and nine missing. The conduct of the regi- ment filled the general commanding the division with admi- ration : "Head-quarters First Division, Sixteenth Army Corps, "In Front of Jackson, Mississippi, July 16tli, 1863. "Colonel, Corse, commanding Qth Iowa Infantry: "The valor of your noble regiment has been conspicuous, even amidst the universal good conduct that has marked the operations of all the troops of the 1st Division, during our advance upon Jackson, and since our arrival here. I can not too highly commend the gallantry you have displayed in two successful charges you have made. The true heart swells with emotions of pride in contemplating the heroism of those who, in their country's cause, charge forward under the iron-hail of half a dozen rebel batteries, and, exposed to a murderous fire of musketry from behind strong intrenchments, capture prison- ers under their very guns. Such has been the glorious conduct of the 6th Iowa this morning; and those who shared your dangers, and emulated your valor, will join me in tendering to 156 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. you and the brave men under your command my warmest thanks and most hearty congratulations. "Most truly yours, "William Lov'y Smith, '■^ Bvigadier-Geiieral commanding Ist Div., IGth A. C" In October, 18G3, the 6th Iowa, with its division, (which in the meantime had been transferred to the loth Corps) marched to the relief of Chattanooga. Under General Hugh Ewing it fought on Mission Bidge. Its position was just to the left of the two brigades of General John E. Smith ; and, with those troops, it fought for the possession of that point which covered General Bragg's line of retreat. It was so far to the left that it escaped the flank movement of the enemy from the railroad tunnel, and lost few, if any prisoners. The regiment, how- ever, suffered severely in killed and wounded. Eight fell dead upon the field, one of whom was the gallant Captain Robert Allison. Major Ennis, and Captains Calvin Minton, L. C. Allison and G. R. Nunn were wounded. The total nmnber of killed and wounded was sixty-eight. If foraging in the enemy's country is always a labor of danger, it is also sometimes attended with sport. Apropos, the 6th Iowa Infantry was one of the most expert and success- ful foraging regiments in the service. At all events, it was, in this respect, the banner regiment from Iowa ; and I am aware how high is the compliment I am paying it. If that sergeant is still living, (I did not learn his name) he will recognize the following: Hugh Ewing's Division led John E. Smith's in the march from Chickasaw on the Tennessee to Bridgeport. That of which I speak occurred between Prospect Station and Fayetteville. We were marching along leisurely through a beautiful, highly-improved country, when, of a sudden, there was great confusion in the front. It would remind you of a crowd running to witness a show-day fight. A sergeant of the 6th Iowa, with a squad of one man, two mules and a revolver, JOHN M. CORSE. 157 had left his regiment on a foraging excursion, and returned with a whole train, ladened with the fruits of the land. He had fresh apples and dried apples, sweet potatoes and pumpkins, bed-clothes, and butter-milk in canteens: all were loaded on old rickety wagons, drawn by half-starved mules, and driven by American citizens of African descent. To share these spoils was the cause of the confusion. " He had got them for his boys," he said; but precious few of them did his boys ever get. At Fayetteville, the 6th Iowa was infantry^ and, only two days later, when they passed us in the woods near Winchester, nearly half the regiment was cavalry. " What in the d— 1 do you go a-foot for ? " they said to us ; but they lost their horses before reaching Chattanooga, and, like us, fought at Mission Bidge on foot. The regiment was as reckless in battle as it was on the march. General Corse was severely wounded at Mission Ridge, and disabled for several months. His intrepidity there, and his previous good conduct, secured his promotion to the rank of brigadier-general. When partially recovered, he was, I think, ordered on duty in Indiana. In a short time he was placed on General Sherman's staff, and in August, 1864, was assigned to the command of a division. That passage in his military his- tory which will make his name distinguished hereafter, is that which records his defense of Allatoona, Georgia. At the time in question he was in command of the 4th Division, 15th Army Corps, one of the divisions comprised in General Dodge's com- mand during the march on Atlanta. An account of the defense of Allatoona will be found elsewhere. I give below simply the correspondence of Generals French and Corse, and the congratulatory orders of Generals Howard and Sherman : "Around Allatoona, October 5th, 8:15 A. M. "Commanding Officer U. S. Force, Allatoona: " Sir: — I have placed the forces under my command in such positions that you are surrounded, and, to avoid a useless 158 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. effusion of blood, I call on you to surrender your forces at once, and unconditionally. Five minutes will be allowed you to decide. Should you accede to this, you will be treated in the most honorable manner, as prisoners of war. "I have the honor to be, very respectfully, yours, "S. G, French, '•''Major-General commanding forces C. /S'." [the reply.] " Headquarters Fourth Division, Fifteenth Armv Corps, Allatoona, Georgia, October 5th, 8:30 A M. " Major-General S. G. French, C. S. A. : "Your communication demanding surrender of my com- mand, I acknowledge receipt of, and respectfully reply that we are prepared for the useless effusion of blood wiienever it is agreeable to you. "I am very respectfully your obedient servant, " John M. Corse, " Brigadier- General commanding Uh Divisio7i, 15th A. C." How needless was the effusion of blood the following orders of Generals Howard and Sherman will show : General Field Orders No. 18. " Head-Quarters Department and Army of the Tennessee, Near Kenesaw Mountain, October 16th. " Whilst uniting in the high commendation awarded by the General-in-chief, the Army of the Tennessee would tender through me its most hearty appreciation and thanks to Brig- adier-General J. M. Corse for his promptitude, energy and eminent success in the defense of Allatoona Pass, against a force so largely superior to his own ; and our warmest congrat- ulations are extended to him, to Colonel Tourtellotte, and the rest of our comrades in arms who fought at Allatoona, for the glorious manner in which they vetoed ' the useless effusion of blood.' "O. O. Howard, ' ' Official. JIajor- General. ' ' Special Field Orders, No. 86. "Head-Quarters Military Division of the Mississippi, In the Field, Kenesaw Mountain, October 6th. The General commanding avails himself of the opportu- JOHN M. CORSE. 159 nity in the handsome defense made of ' Allatoona,' to illustrate the most important principle in war, that fortified posts should be defended to the last, regardless of the relative numbers of the party attacking and attacked. " Allatoona was garrisoned by three regiments commanded by Colonel Tourtelotte, and reinforced by a detachment from a division at Home, under command of Brigadier-General J. M. Corse on the morning of the 5th, and a few hours after was attacked by French's Division of Stewart's Corps, two other divisions being near at hand, and in support. General French demanded a surrender, in a letter to ' avoid an useless effusion of blood,' and gave but five minutes for an answer. General Corse's answer was emphatic and strong, that he and his com- mand were ready for the ' useless eifusion of blood,' as soon as it was agreeable to General French. "This answer was followed by an attack which was prolonged for five hours, resulting in the complete repulse of the enemy, who left his dead on the ground amounting to more than two hundred, and four hundred prisoners, well and wounded. The ' effusion of blood ' was not ' useless,' as the position at Alla- toona was and is very important to our present and future operations. "The thanks of this army are due, and hereby accorded to General Corse, Colonel Tourtelotte, officers and men for their determined and gallant defense of Allatoona, and it is made an example to illustrate the importance of preparing in time, and meeting the danger when present, boldly, manfully and well. " This Army, though unseen to the garrison, was co-operat- ing by moving toward the road by which the enemy could alone escape, but unfortunately were delayed by the rain and mud, but this fact hastened the retreat of the enemy. "Commanders and garrisons of posts along our railroads are hereby instructed that they must hold their posts to the last minute, sure that the time gained is valuable and neces- sary to their comrades at the front. " By oi'der of " Major-General W. T. Sherman, " L. M. Dayton, "Official. ^- -^- C'." At Allatoona General Corse was again wounded. A musket- shot struck him in the cheek, and, for a time, rendered him 160 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. insensible. Colonel R. Rowett of the 7th Illinois, as ranking officer, succeeded him in command ; and the fighting continued as before with great fury. At twelve o'clock M., Sherman had reached the summit of Kenesaw, and from that point signaled to the garrison : — " Hold on to Allatoona to the last ; I will help you." Not long after the enemy retired, having failed to draw their one million and a half of rations. For his brilliant defense of Allatoona, General Corse was made, by brevet, a major-general. Since that time, he has remained in command of his division. He joined Sherman in the march from Atlanta to Savannah, and from that city to Raleigh. They say Sherman calls him, " mypeV Subsequently to the engagement at Mission Ridge, the 6th Iowa Infantry has been commanded a chief portion of the time by Lieutenant-Colonel J. A. Miller. During the winter of 1863-4 the regiment was stationed with its division along the line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, between Bridgeport and Huntsville ; but in the Spring was ordered to the front and served through the Atlanta campaign. It fought at Resaca, Dallas, Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, before Atlanta and at Jonesboro ; and lost in killed and wounded, in the months of May and June, an aggregate of one hundred and six. Lieutenant Rodney F. Barker, of Company A, was wounded in the first day's engagement at Dallas. On the 28th of May, the day following, Lieutenant F. F. Baldwin was killed, and Lieutenant and Adjutant Newby Chase mortally wounded. The former was killed while saving two guns of the 1st Iowa Battery from capture, and the latter, shot in the throat and mortally wounded, while on the skirmish line. A correspondent of the regiment says: "Better men never drew swords." Lieutenant-Colonel A. J. Miller was severely wounded in this same engagement at Dallas. Indeed, three of the four regimental commanders of the 2d Brigade, 4th JOHN M. CORSE. 161 Division, were struck, two of them being Ivilled— Colonel Dickerman of tlie 103d Illinois and Major Gisey of the 46th Ohio. The total loss of the 6th Iowa at Dallas, was seven men killed, and fifteen wounded. On the loth of June the regiment joined its division in the brilliant charge near Big Shanty, and, two days later, took part in the unsuccessful charge at Kenesaw Mountain. In that of the 15th instant, Lieutenant J. F. Grimes, acting' adjutant, was killed. At the opening of the campaign, the 6th Iowa arrived before Dalton, nearly four hundred strong; and by the middle of July had suffered a loss of fifty per cent. The last services of the 6th Iowa Infantry were performed in the marches from Atlanta to Savannah, and thence to Raleigh. General Corse is a small man. He is not above five feet eight inches in hight, and weighs less than one hundred and twenty-five pounds. He is small in stature, and, to look at him, a stranger would not think his mind and body much out of pro- portion. He has more ability than he seems to have. He has sharp features, a dark complexion, large, dark eyes, and black hair, which he usually wears long. In his movements, he is dignified and somewhat consequential, carrying a high head, and wearing a stern countenance. > (I speak of him as I saw him in the service.) Before he entered the service, his neigh- bors in Burlington told on him the following story. I do not suppose it is true, but possibly it illustrates his character. When he became a partner with his father in the book business, the story goes, there had to be a new sign made. The father suggested that it read, " J. L. Corse & Son;" while the future general insisted that it should read, "John M. Corse and Father." I omitted to mention in the proper place that, in 1860, the general was a candidate for the office of Secretary of State. Perhaps I ought to omit it now, for I venture to say, he is not 11 162 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. proud of that passage in his history ; he was the candidate on the old Hickory ticket, with a certain prospect of being defeated. In battle I believe General Corse to be as cool a man as ever met an enemy. His defense of Allatoona shows that. He has always seemed to act on the principle suggested by General Jerry Sullivan: "Boys, when you have fought just as long as you think you possibly can, then fight ten minutes longer, and you will always whip." General Corse has richly earned his distinguished reputation, and the State will always be proud of him. BRIGADIER-GENERAL JACOB G. LAUMAN. FIRST COLONEL, SEVENTH INFANTRY. Jacob Gartner Lauman was the fourth volunteer officer from Iowa, promoted to a brigadier. He was born in Tarry- town, Maryland, on the 20th day of January, 1813; but removed with his family, when young, to York, Pennsylva- nia. In 1844, he came West, and settled in Burlington, Iowa, where, engaging in mercantile pursuits, he has since made his home. At the outbreak of the war, he took an active part in enlisting and mustering our volunteer troops, and, on the 11th of July, 1861, was commissioned colonel of the 7th Iowa Infan- try—later, the heroes of Belmont. While under the command of Colonel Lauman, the 7th Iowa was stationed and served at the following points :- Jefferson Barracks, Pilot Knob, Ironton, Cape Girardeau and Jackson, Missouri;. Cairo, Illinois; Fort Holt, Mayfield Creek, Camp Crittenden and Fort Jefferson, Kentucky; and Norfolk and Bird's Point, Missouri. The regiment was stationed at the latter place, on the 6th of November, 1861, when it sailed on the Belmont expedition, the object of which was, "to prevent the enemy from sending out re-inforcements to Price's army in Missouri, and also from cutting off columns that I [Grant] had been directed to send out from Cairo and Cape Girardeau, in pursuit of Jeff Thompson." On this expedition, the battle of Belmont was fought; and the conduct of Colonel Lauman in the engagement, together with that of his regiment, gave him his early popularity as a military leader. At Belmont, the 7th Iowa greatly distin- guished itself, and received from General Grant, in his official . 163 164 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. rejiort, the following mention : — " Nearly all the missing were from the Iowa regiment, (the 7th) who behaved with great gallantry, and suffered more severely than any otlier of the troops." Just when the enemy had been driven from their camp, and down the steep bank of the Mississippi, Colonel Lauman, while giving Captain Parrott instructions with reference to the cap- tured artillery, was disabled from a musket-shot wound in the thigh. He was taken back to the transports on one of the guns of Cajitain Taylor's Battery, just in advance of his regiment, and was only in time to escai)e that terrible enfilading fire that \well nigh annihilated the rear of Grant's forces. A rejnarkable incident occurred while the troops were re-embarking after the battle. It is well vouched for, and wor- thy of record. The last transport had just cut its hawser, and was dropping out into the stream, when the enemy suddenly appeared on the bank with artillery. One piece waa hastily put in battery, and leveled on the crowded decks of the trans- port. The rebel gunner was just about pulling the lanyard, when a shell, from one of the Union gun-boats, burst directly under the carriage of the gun, throwing gun, carriage and all high in the air. The carriage was demolished, and, while still in the air, the gun exploded. The rebel gunner and several others were killed ; and the lives of at least a score of Union soldiers were saved by this remarkable shot. "It was after the retreat had commenced that Lieutenant- Colonel Wentz Wius killed, lie died on the field of battle, like a true soldier; he was a truly brave man, and did his duty well and nobly. Lieutenant Dodge of Company B was killed, and Lieutenant Gardner, who commanded Comjjany 1, and Lieutenant Beam of Company C, mortally wounded. Among my olticers, more or less severely wounded, you will fiuil the names of Major Bice, Captains Harper, Parrott, Kittredgo and Gardner, and 1st Lieutenant Ue Ileus, (who commanded com- JACOB G. LAUMAN. 165 pany A) of whose bravery I desire to speak in the most emphatic manner. I desire also to direct your attention to Captain Crabb, who was talcen prisoner, and who behaved m the bravest manner. But I might go on in this way and name nearly all my command, for they all behaved like heroes; but there are one or two more I feel it my duty to name as deserv- ing special mention. Lieutenant Bowler, adjutant of the regi- ment and Lieutenant Estle, whose conduct was worthy of all praise, and private Lawrence A. Gregg, whose thigh was broken and he left on the field ; he was taken prisoner and his lea- amputated, but he died the same day, telling his captors wHh his dying breath, that, if he ever recovered so as to be able to move, he would shoulder his musket again in his coun- try's cause." "My entire loss in killed, wounded, prisoners and missnig, out of an aggregate of somewhat over four hundred, is as follows: Killed, fifty-one; died of wounds, three; missing, ten; prisoners, thirty-nine; wounded, one hundred and twenty- four. Total, two hundred and twenty-seven." Having recovered from his wound. Colonel Lauman re-joined his regiment ; and at the battle of Fort Donelson was placed in command of a brigade, composed of the 2d, 7th and 14th Iowa, and the 25th Indiana. At Fort Donelson, the gallantry of his brigade-more especially that of the 2d Iowa-made him a brigadier-general. From what occurred just before the success- ful assault was made, it seems that the success of his troops was unlooked for by Colonel Lauman ; for to Colonel Tuttle, who desired to lead the charge, he said: "Why, sir, you can't go up there ; didn't I try it yesterday ? " And to the reply of Colonel Tuttle, that he would, if he lost the last man of his regiment, he said, "Oh, sir! you'll soon get that taken out of you." After the assault of the 2d Iowa at Fort Donelson, Colonel Lauman believed there was nothing that brave men could not accomplish. After being promoted to the rank of a brigadier, General Lauman was assigned to the command of a brigade in General Hurlbut's Division, with which he fought in the left wing of 166 IOWA COLONELS AND BEGIMENTS. Grant's army at Shiloh. Colonel Williams of the 3d Iowa having been disabled in that engagement, General Lauman succeeded him in the command of his brigade; which com- mand he retained until the following October. He marched with Sherman and Hurlbut from Corinth to Memphis, after the fall of the former place; and, in the following Fall, when the enemy began to show activity in the neighborhood of Corinth, returned with Hurlbut to the vicinity of Bolivar, Tennessee; near which place he was encamped just before the battle of luka. To mislead the enemy under Price at luka, or, as General Grant expresses it, "to cover our movement from Corinth, and to attract the attention of the enemy in another direction, I ordered a movement from Bolivar to Holly Springs. This was conducted by Brigadier- General Lauman." On the 5th of October, General Lauman commanded his brigade in the battle on the Hatchie. General Hurlbut's march from Bolivar to the Big Muddy, about two miles west of the Hatchie, has already been given in the sketch of Colonel Aaron Brown. The battle of the Hatchie, or Matamora, opened between the Federal and Confederate artillery, the former stationed on the bluffs, and the latter in the Hatchie Bottom. After a brief artillery duel, the 2d Brigade, General Veatch commanding, charged the enemy's infantry that liad crossed the bridge to the west side of the stream, and routed them. Falling back across the bridge, they, with the balance of the rebel forces, took up a position on the opposite bluffs. General Ord, now coming to the front, determined to attack the enemy in their strong position, and accordingly ordered General Veatch to push his brigade across the bridge. Tlie topography of the battle-ground on the east side of the Hatchie, is thus well given by Lieutenant Tliompson, of the 3d Iowa Infantry: JACOB G. LAUMAN. 167 "Beyond the river there was about twelve rods of bottom, and then there arose a very high and steep bkiff. Along the brow of this, the enemy, rallying and reinforced, had formed new lines of battle, and planted artillery, which, from different points, enfiladed the road and bridge, and swept the field on both sides of the stream. Following up the river just above the bridge, it makes an abrupt elbow, and comes down from the east, running parallel to the road on the opposite side [of the bridge]. In this elbow, and on not more than half an acre of ground, a part of General Veatch's Brigade, according to the orders of General Ord, would have to deploy." Crossing the bridge and filing to the left, it was possible to gain the enemy's right flank ; for on that side of the road the north point of the bluffs could be passed; and what seems strange is that, a man of General Ord's ability should not have discovered this strategical point. The balance of General Lau- man's Brigade, which was of the reserve forces, was now ordered across the bridge, and directed to file to the right, into the inevitable pocket. General Lauman, accompanied by his orderlies, led the advance. To cross the open field, and then the bridge, was a most perilous undertaking ; for, on the bluffs on the opposite side, as has already been stated, the enemy's artillery was so planted as to give them a converging fire on both the field and bridge. General Lauman reached the oppo- site side in safety, followed by the other two regiments of his brigade, one of which was the 3d Iowa Infantry. The battle was now raging with great fury, the enemy from their elevated position pouring a deadly, continuous fire on their helpless victims below, whose returning fire was almost wholly ineffectual. Confusion must soon have followed ; but just then General Ord was wounded, and General Hurlbut assumed command. He at once crossed the bridge, and, in person, directed a flank movement around the bluffs to the left. The troops employed were the 46th Illinois, the 68th Ohio, and the 12th Michigan. The enemy's right flank was soon gained 168 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. and turned, which comi^elled them to abandon the bluffs ; — and thus the day was saved from disaster. This pocket-blunder of General Ord, and the subsequent indiscretion of General Lauman, have been considered by some as connected with the latter's ill-fortune at Jackson, Missis- sippi, in the summer of 1863. The story is as follows: — In the winter of 1862-3, a supper was given in Memphis, where Generals Ord, Veatch, Lauman and others, were present. When the wine was passing, and all were merry, the affair on the Hatchie occurred to General Lauman, and he remarked to General Ord : — " General, that was a bit of a blunder, in put- ting us into that pocket, wasn't it?" (I may not give the language, but I give the idea.) General Ord, it is said, made no reply ; but gave his eyes a wicked leer, which, even then, some thought meant mischief. Soon after the battle of Matamora, General Hurlbut was made a major-general, and assigned to the command of the District of Jackson, Tennessee. General Lauman succeeded him in the command of his division. If we except the march of General Grant into Central Mis- sissippi, in which General Lauman joined with his division, his military history, for the six months following the battle of Matamora, is void of great interest. During this time, he had his head-quarters, first at Bolivar, then at Moscow, and then at Memphis. When Vicksburg was beleagured, he left Mem- phis to report to General Grant in rear of that city ; and, on the fall of Vicksburg, marched with his division on the, to Mm, unfortunate campaign to Jackson. His position before Jack- son, and what happened on the 12th of July, appear in the sketch of Colonel Aaron Brown, of the 3d Iowa Infantry. With reference to a further history of this affjiir, I shall only add an extract from the official report of General Sherman. "On the 12th [July], whilst General Lauman's Division was JACOB G. LAUMAN. 169 moving up into position, dressing to his left on General Hovey, the riglit of his line came within easy range of the enemy's field artillery and musketry, from behind his works, whereby this division sustained a serious loss, amounting in killed, wounded and missing to near five hundred men. This was the only serious loss which befell my command during the campaign, and resulted from misunderstanding or misin- terpretation of General Ord's minute instructions, on the i^art of General Lauman." At the time of the occurrence of this misfortune, General Ord's head-quarters were to the right of the Clinton and Jack- son road, and near where the left of his command rested. Near that of General Ord's, was the tent of Surgeon Wm. L. Orr of the 2ist Iowa. When the heavy firing opened in front of General Lauman's command, Ord, in a tone of much sur- prise and alarm, called hurriedly to one of his aids: "What does that mean? what does that mean? Ride out there quickly and see." General Lauman was at once relieved of his command, and ordered to report to General Grant at Vicksburg. Upon his departure he issued the following order: "Head-qpakters Fourth Division, Sixteenth Army Corps, "In the Field, Near Jackson, Miss., July I2th, 1863. " Fellow-Soldiers : Having been relieved from the command of the 4th Division by Major-General Ord, the command is turned over to Briga- dier-General Hovey. To say that I part with my old comrades with sorrow and regret, is simply giving expression to my heart-felt feelings. I shall ever remember the toils and hard- ships we have endured together, and the glory which the Old Fourth has won on hard-fought fields, and the glory which clusters around their names like a halo — with pride and satis- faction. "And now, in parting with you, I ask a last request, that, in consideration of your past fame, you do nothing, in word or deed, to mar it; but that you give to your present or future commander that prompt obedience to orders which has always 170 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. characterized the division, and which has given to it the proud position which it now enjoys. "Officers and soldiers, I bid you now an affectionate farewell. " J. G. Lauman, Brigadier- General. ' ' But for his ill-fated blunder at Jackson, General Lauman would doubtless ere this have been made a major-general. Reporting to General Grant, he was sent, I think, to an Eastern Department, and assigned a command somewhere in Northern Virginia ; but before his arrival, the command had been given to another. He was then ordered to report to his home in Burlington to await further orders from Washington, which, thus far, he has failed to receive. The general, I am informed, has made frequent efforts to secure an investigation of the causes, whereby he was thrown under opprobrium, but without success. Rumor says that both Grant and Sher- man have put him off with, " we have no time to convene courts-martial." The war is now closing, and he will, probably, go out of the service, without being restored to a command. Indeed, his health is broken down, and he is now totally unfit for service. Like the majority of the Iowa general ofiicers, General Lauman is of only middle size. His person is slender, and his weight about one hundred and forty pounds. He has a nervous, excitable temperament, and a mild, intelligent countenance. As a military leader, he is brave to a fault, but he lacks judgment. He would accomplish much more by intrepidity, than by strategy ; and, if his intrepidity failed him, he might lose every thing. He has been a successful merchant, and stands among the wealthy men of Burlington. As a citizen, he has always been held in the highest esteem, and is noted for his kind-hearted- ness and liberality. BRIGADIER-GENERAL ELLIOTT W. RICE. SECOND COLONEL, SEVENTH INFANTKY. Elliott "W. Rice, a younger brother of the late General Samuel A. Rice, who died in the summer of 18G4, of a wound received at the battle of Jenkins' Ferry, is a native of Pitts- burg, Pennsylvania, where he was born on the 16th of November, 1835. In 1837, he removed with his father's family to Belmont county, Ohio, where he made his home till the year 1855. He was regularly graduated at Franklin College, Ohio, in 1854; and immediately after entered the Law Uni- versity at Albany, New York. In 1855, he came West, and became a law-partner of his late brother at Oskaloosa, Iowa. Early in the spring of 1861, General Rice enlisted as a private in the 7th Iowa Infantry ; but was, on the 30th of the following August, promoted to the majority of the regiment. He served with his regiment with that rank till after the battle of Fort Donelson, when he was commissioned colonel, vice Colonel Lauman promoted to brigadier-general. This promotion was endorsed by the almost unanimous voice of the officers of his regiment, and was a high compliment to his military talent and worth. One of the brightest pages in General Rice's military history was made prior to the date of his colonel's commission, on the battle-field of Belmont. The enemy had been forced through the low, timbered bottoms that skirt the west side of the Mississippi above Columbus; they had been driven back to their encampment, and beyond, to the banks of the Mississippi below Columbus; their camp had been burned, and their flag — Harp of Erin — captured, when word came, "we are flanked." Colonel 171 172 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Lauman had already been wounded and taken to the rear. At the very moment that orders were received to fall back, the enemy rallied in front, and Lieutenant-Colonel Wentz fell, mortally wounded. Under these circumstances, Major Rice took command of his regiment to conduct the retreat. Pie had already been severely wounded, though he said he tvas not hurt. Placing himself at the head of his regiment, which he had hastily re-formed, (for all just then was confusion) he dashed through the "lines of the enemy that had been inter- posed between the Federal forces and the landing, disregarding all calls of " surrender !" In the terrific enfilading fire through which he passed, his horse was pierced with twenty bullets ; his sword-scabbard was shot in two ; his sword-belt shot away, and his clothes riddled; but he saved a remnant of his regiment, and brought it safely back to the transports. His gallant conduct in this engagement made him the idol of his regiment. The history of the 7th Iowa Infantry, subsequently to the battle of Fort Donelson, when Major Rice was promoted to colonel, is briefly as follows : — For three weeks after the battle, the regiment rested in rebel barracks, constructed by the enemy for winter quarters. Then, marching back to the Tennessee, it took the steamer White Cloud at Metal Landing for Pittsburg. As already stated, the 7th Iowa fought at Shiloh with the 2d, 12th, and 14th Iowa regiments. It was commanded by Lieu- tenant-Colonel J. C. Parrott, and lost in the engagement thirty- four in killed, wounded and missing. Lieutenant John Dillin, a resident of Iowa City, was killed, and no other commissioned ofl&cer of the regiment was struck. After the fall of Corinth, and the pursuit of the enemy to Boonville, the 7th returned and established, with its brigade, what was known as Camp Montgomery. Here the regiment passed the chief portion of its time till the battles of luka and Ccrinth. ELLIOTT W. RICE. 173 At the battle of Corinth, the 7th Iowa suffered severely, the list of casualties amounting to one hundred and twenty-three. In speaking of the conduct of his officers and men in the engagement. Colonel Rice said : " I must make special mention of Lieutenant-Colonel Par- rott, who, with great bravery and coolness, cheered and encouraged the men to renewed vigor. * * * It is with pleasure that I make favorable mention of almost all my officers who were engaged in the two day's battle. Major McMuUen did efficient service until he was wounded and dis- abled, on the evening of the 3d. Captain Conn, although wounded, remained with his command through both day's battle. Captains Hedges and Mahon, left in camp sick, left their beds and came on the battle-field on Saturday, and did efficient service. Their companies were well commanded Fri- day by Lieutenants Dillon and Sergeant. Lieutenant Gale displayed great gallantry, and was severely wounded in the battle of the 4th, after which the company was bravely led by Lieutenant Morrison. " Captains Irvin and Reiniger performed their duties nobly. I must also mention Lieutenants Hope, Loughridge, Irvin, McCormick, Bennett and Bess. Captain Smith, who was killed in the last hour of the battle of the 4th, was one of the most promising young officers of the service. He was brave, cool and deliberate in battle, and very efficient in all his duty. Color-Sergeant Aleck Field was wounded in the battle of the 3d: afterwards the colors were borne by William Akers of Company G, who was also wounded, when they were carried by George Craig, of Company B. All of the color-guard, with the exception of one, were either killed or wounded. Sergeant- Major Cameron, severely wounded, must not escape favorable mention for his brave and valuable services on the field. " While it is a pleasure to report the noble and heroic conduct of so many of my officers and men, we mourn the loss of the gallant dead, and sympathize deeply with the unfortunate wounded. More than one-third of those taken into action are wounded, or lie dead beneath the battle-field. With this sad record, we can send to Iowa the gratifying word that her unfortunate sons fell with faces to the enemy. * * * * * " For nearly a year and a half prior to the month of October, 174 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. 1863, the 7th Iowa Infantry remained at and near Corinth, Mississippi; but, at tlie above named date, marched with General Dodge from Corinth to Pulaski. In the winter of 18G3-4, the regiment re-enlisted and came North on veteran furlough, and, on its return to the field, marched to the front with the 2d Iowa, via Prospect, Elkton and Huntsville. In Sherman's celebrated Atlanta campaign, Colonel Rice commanded his brigade, comjjosed of the 2d and 7th Iowa, the 52d Illinois and 66th Indiana, (the same that he had com- manded for nearly a year before) and, at the battles of Hesaca, Lay's Ferry, Rome Cross Roads, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, and Niek-a-jack Creek, distinguished himself. For his gal- lantry and promptness to duty, he was recommended by General Sherman for promotion to a brigadier-general, and was appointed and confirmed to that rank, his commission dating the 20th of June, 1864. The engagement on Oostanaula River is worthy of special mention. Crossing his brigade in the face of the rebel General Walker's entire Division, he drove it in disgrace from the south bank of the stream, and secured a position which was generally believed to have necessitated the evacuation of Resaca. Of the different regiments in his command, the 7th Iowa Infentry suffered the most severely in this engagement. The regiment was moving through heavy timber, when it was suddenly charged by a whole brigade of rebel infantry. The charge was gallantly sustained, and a counter-charge made, which resulted in driving the enemy from the field. The loss of the regiment here was between sixty and seventy. The preliminaries to the battle of Dallas are briefly as fol- lows: Having arrived at Kingston, a small railroad station about eighty miles south of Chattanooga, the enemy were found posted across the Etowah River, in the Allatoona Moun- ELLIOTT W. EICE. 175 tains. Their position, wlaicli was one of great natural strengtli, was to be carried by a flank movement ; and General INIcPher- son, moving south-west, reached and crossed the Etowah River, and marched directly for Atlanta. The enemy, when advised of the movement, abandoned their position on the Allatoona Mountains, and pushed for Dallas, some thirty-five miles south of Kingston. Hardee's rebel Corps, leading the advance, reached Dallas and strongly fortified itself before McPherson's arrival. What followed is well given by an ofiicer of General Rice's command : "At early dawn, on the 28th of May, the two contending armies were on the qui vive. All looked forward for the deeds the day might bring forth. Heavy skirmishing was kept up, which, at times, almost swelled into volleys; and, at short intervals, stretcher-men, with their precious burdens going to the rear, attested the accuracy with which the 'Johnny rebs' handled their long Enfields. At four o'clock P. M., the threatening storm burst out in all the fury of battle, just on the extreme right of Logan's Corps, where it sounded like the wind roaring through a pine forest. The breeze wafted it dismally toward us. On came the wall of fire, nearing us at every instant, until it broke in all its violence on our front. Here was the rebel right. Their assaulting column reached along the whole line of Logan's Corps, and over on to Dodge's front far enough to engage Rice's Brigade, which was posted in the front line. The rebel forces consisted of Plardee's Corps— three divisions. Their men were told that we were one-hundred-day men ; and their charge was a desperate one. In front of Rice's Brigade (two regiments being in line, the 2d Iowa and 66th Indiana) there was a brigade of the enemy, known as the Kentucky Brigade, consisting of the 2d, 3d, 5th, 6th, 7th and 9th Kentucky Infontry. They charged in columns six lines deep, and, as they neared our works, yelled in that unearthly style peculiar to themselves. They were met by men who were equal to the emergency. Not a man left the works, unless he was wounded. They stood there like a wall of iron, their comrades from the reserve carrying ammunition to replenish their exhausted supplies. Yet still the rebel hosts poured up to the works, those behind being cursed by their 176 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. officers and rushed up so as to prevent those in front from fall- ing back. Thus they continued, hoping against hoi)e, and all the time being mowed down like grass by the fire of our brave veterans, and the grape and canister of Welker's Battery. Pushing forward till they were almost hand-to-hand, they continued the deadly struggle for one hour and a half; when, completly exhausted, they broke and fled, amid the loud huzzas of our splendid fellows. I never wish to know a prouder day than that. " Our brigade that day fought for the first time behind breast-works. Although they had built miles of them, this was the first chance to use them. Too much praise can not be given to Colonel Rice, who was ever where the danger was the thickest, mounted on his magnificent gray. He looked the personification of the brave soldier. His example appeared to inspire the men : they fought as only the best and bravest of soldiers can fight, and never left the works. "After the action, I noticed him riding to the different regi- ments to ascertain, I suppose, the extent of our casualties. He was everywhere met with loud and prolonged cheers ; but he modestly attributed it all to them, and kindly thanked them for their great bravery. Such men as he are not made of the ordinary stuff. Though young in years, he is already a vete- ran-hero of nearly a score of battles ; and has, since this cam- paign, made a reputation for himself and the brigade he so gallantly commands, unequalled by any in this army." No one has been a warmer admirer of the gallantry of Gen- eral Rice than myself, whenever it has fallen to his lot to meet the enemy ; but still I think it hardly just to say that the repu- tation of himself or of his brigade was " unequalled by any" in that magnificent Army of the Tennessee. The general himself would not claim this ; nor would the author, from whom I have quoted, on sober reflection. He wrote under the inspiration of recent victory. General Rice, I believe, most distinguished himself on the memorable 22d of July before Atlanta. In that engagement, though assaulted by an entire division of Hardee's Corps, he held his ground firmly, and inflicted most bitter punishment ELLIOTT W. KICE. 177 upon the enemy. Besides capturing one hundred prisoners of war, and six hundred stand of arras, he buried in his front, on the morning of the 23d, one hundred and twenty of the ene- my's dead, which is evidence that his brigade placed nearly one thousand rebels out of battle. After General Dodge was wounded before Atlanta, the division to which General Rice's brigade was attached was assigned to the 15th Army Corps : since that time, the services of the general and, I may add, of the 7th Iowa, are the same as those of General Logan's command. Marching first in pursuit of General Hood back nearly to Dalton, and round through Snake Creek Gap, they then returned, and, with the other troops, pushed through to Savannah, and thence north, through South Carolina and North Carolina to Raleigh. The operations of the 7th Iowa in rear of Savannah, are thus given by Lieutenant-Colonel Parrott: " December 11, moved to the rear, and encamped on Ander- son's plantation, where we remained in camp until the 21st, keeping up all the time a lively skirmish on the picket line. On the night of the 19th, my regiment was ordered to effect a Icrossing of the Little Ogechee. The regiment marched to the vicinity of the river. Company A, being detailed to carry boards for the purpose of crossing sloughs, and Company B to kjarry a boat for the purpose of crossing a detachment to recon- Inoitre the opposite bank. Major Mahon, with four picked men, crossed the river, and from his reconnoissance it was found impossible to cross the regiment on account of swamps md morasses on the opposite bank. At 12 midnight, the regi- nent was ordered back to camp. "December 20th was quiet all day. December 21st, reports vere in circulation, at an early hour, that the enemy had libandoned his stronghold on the Little Ogechee. The brigade vas ordered to move to the front, and at 2 P. M. entered the ity of Savannah without firing a gun, the enemy having nade a hasty retreat." The only time I ever saw General Rice was in the summer 12 178 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. of 1862, and not long after he had received his colonel's com- mission. He was in company with Captain, now Major, I Mahon, and on a visit to some friends at Camp Clear Springs, Mississippi. He was dressed in a brand-new uniform, and I thought him a gallant and handsome looking o£&cer. He is a man of middle size, and has a fine form. His com- , plexion, and the color of his hair and eyes, are much like I those of his late distinguished brother. He is reputed a more i brilliant man than was hLs brother, but not so able. His neighbors say he has one of those minds that learn from observation, rather than from hard study. AVhen he entered the service, he was so young that he had had little oi)portunity to gain distinction. He has made a brilliant record in the army ; and his friends expect that his course in civil lifi' will be equally brilliant. MAJOR-GENERAL FREDERICK STEELE. FIRST COLONEL, EIGHTH INFANTRY. i Frederick Steele is a native of Delhi, Delaware county, New York, where he was born in the year 1819. He was the second regular army officer appointed to a field office from Iowa I Entering the West Point Military Academy in the year 1839,' ! he was regularly graduated in 1843, and appointed a brevet 2d lieutenant in the 2d Infantry. He served with General Scott I in the Mexican War, and greatly distinguished himself in the I battles of Contreras and Chapultepec. He commanded his ! company at the capture of the City of Mexico, having been brevetted 1st lieutenant and captain, on account of gallant con- I duct in the two previous engagements. j On the declaration of peace, he reported, under orders to I General Riley, in California, and was made his assistant adju- j tant-general, which position he retained for several years. At the outbreak of the war, he was serving in Missouri, and, with the 1st Iowa Infantry, fought under General Lyon at the battle of Wilson's Creek. Captain Steele was commissioned colonel of the 8th Iowa Infantry, on the 23d of September, 1861 ; but his connection with this regiment was brief; for, his good conduct at Wilson's Creek coming to the ears of the War Department, he was, on the 29th of January, 1862, made a brigadier-general. If we except the time he served with Sher- man around Vicksburg, in the spring and summer of 1863, and the time he served under General Canby, at Pensacola and around Mobile, in the spring of 1865, General Steele has, at all other times, held commands in Missouri and Arkansas. He was in command at Helena, Arkansas, in December, 1862, just 179 180 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. before joining the expedition under General Sherman, which left that point in the latter part of that month for Chicka.saw Bayou. On this expedition he commanded the 4th Division, 13th Army Corps ; and, with two brigades of it, led the attiK-k against the bluffs, over the long and narrow causeway that iBiids to the Walnut Hills from above the mouth of Chi.kasaw Bayou. Immediately after this unfortunate affair. General Steele sailed with his command up the Arkansas River ; and on the night of the 10th of January, 1863, marched to the rear of Arkansas Post, through the brushy swamps that were well-nigh impassable for infantry, and quite so for the ambu- lances and baggage-wagons. It is to the patience and valor of General Steele's troops that the country is chiefly indebted for the capture of these formidable works. We next find General Steele with Sherman, in command of his division on the final march against Vicksburg; and, after the fall of that city, on the second march against Jackson, in command of the 15th Corps. General Sherman ai»proached Jackson in three c(»lunuis, (Jeneral Steele's com- mand holding the centre, General Ord's the right, and General Parke's the left. On this march, "nothing worth recording occurred till the head of Steele's column \\ as within six hun- dred yards of the enemy's line, on the Clinton road, when [July 9th, 8 A. M.] a six-inch rifle-shot warned us to prepare for serious work." Indeed, if we except the heedless afl'air of General Lauman, who commandt'd a division of General Ord's Corps, and the recoimoissance of Colonel, now General Corse, in command of the 6th Iowa and other troops, nothing of spinial interest occurred, during the eight day's siege of the city. On the evacuation of Jackson by General Johnson, and after the destruction of the railroads and the rebel government i proi>erty in and around the city, Geneml Steele returned to I FREDERICK STEELE. 181 Vicksburg; and, immediately after was appointed to the command of the Department and Army of Arkansas. He arrived at Helena on the Slst of July, 1863. This was his first distinct and important command; and, for the manner in which he managed some matters of detail, he has been severely criticised. As a fighting-general, he proved himself all the loyal North could ask. It was the policy he adopted in governing the people of a subjugated district — nearly all of them bitter rebels — which lost him much of his early popularity ; but, without questioning the wisdom of his plans, it is but just to say that, he was doubtless honest in his motives. He believed that the speedier way to bring a disaf- fected people back to a love of the Union was to treat them with kindness. He was right in principle: he only forgot that he was dealing with those who were rotten with treason, and totally destitute of principle. General Steele left Helena for Little Rock, Arkansas, on the 10th of August, 1863, with an expeditionary army, numbering, of all arms, not quite twelve thousand men. On the 10th of September following, after forcing the enemy back step by step from Clarendon and across the Arkansas, he had compelled Generals Price and Marmaduke to evacuate Little Rock; and, on the evening of the same day, he received the city by formal surrender of the municipal authorities. His successes were brilliant and, by General Grant, unlooked for ; for, on the 12th of September, that general dispatched a seventeenth corps' division, (General John E. Smith's) from Vicksburg to reinforce him. News of the fall of Little Rock reached this division at Helena, and it marched to Chatta- nooga. By this brief campaign. General Steele had restored to the Government nearly the entire State of Arkansas; for the 182 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. enemy now disputed the possession of only a few counties in the south-western part of the State. General Steele's next important move, which was made in conjunction with a similar one under Major-General N. P. Banks, was a failure, though history, I believe, will attribute it to no fault of the general. The object of this grand campaign was the capture of Shreveport, and the dispersion of the enemy in the Red River country, and, had General Banks escaped the serious disasters which overwhelmed his command at Sabine Cross Roads and Pleasant Hill, the object would doubtless have been attained. General Steele left Little Rock on the 23d of March, 1864, and marching via Benton, Rockport and Arkadelphia, entered Camden at sun-down on the 15th of Aj)ril. On this march he met and defeated the enemy under Price, Marmaduke, Shelby, Cabell and a score or more of others, of the ragged, epauletted chivalry, at Terre Noir Creek, Elkin's Ford, Prairie de Anne and north-west of Camden. When leaving Little Rock, it was doubtless General Steele's intention to march directly on Shreveport; for he crossed the Washita at Arkadelphia, and was directing his line of march nearly mid-way between Washington and Camden. Why did he enter Camden? On the 10th, 11th and 12th of April, he engaged the enemy at Prairie de Anne, and, from prisoners captured there, or from other sources, learned that the advance of Banks had not only been checked, but his whole command overwhelmed with disaster. The enemy, who at this point wei'e in strong force in Steele's front, soon disappeared; and the general was not long in discovering that they were marching by a circuitous route to occupy Camden, and gain his rear. A race followed between himself and the enemy for Camden, which resulted in the battle bearing that name. The battle was fought at the cross-roads, some seven miles west-north-west of the city. FREDERICK STEELE. 183 Before reaching Camden, General Steele remained incredu- lous of the reports of General Bank's defeat; but after his arrival there he was convinced of their truth, and contem- plated an immediate return to Little Rock. But, a large train of supplies reaching him in safety, he persuaded himself that he could maintain his position, and accordingly ordered the train to return to Pine Bluff for additional supplies. This is the train which was captured just north of the Moro Bottom ; and this circumstance, some think, saved the balance of his army. Having learned of the capture of his train, (and he had just before lost one sent out on a foraging expedition to Poisoned Springs) General Steele prepared for a rapid march back to Little Bock, w^here he arrived on the 2d of May. To show that fortune favored him, I give the following: After the cap- ture of the train above referred to and the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Drake of the 36th Iowa, the rebel General Fagan was ordered to cross the Saline Biver, and intrench him- self fronting Jenkin's Ferry, at which point Steele was to cross his army. For some reason, Fagan failed to comply with these orders, and, in consequence thereof, was relieved of his command and put in arrest. Had he complied with these orders, Steele must have surrendered to the rebel forces ; for, without any enemy in his front, and after having burned the most of his own train, it was with the utmost difficulty he effected a crossing. After General Steele's return to Little Rock, and during the entire time he was retained in command in Arkansas, he did little worthy of record. In January, 1865, he was relieved of his command, and ordered to report to Major-General Canby, at New Orleans. His last services were performed in the vicinity of INIobile. He was given a command, stationed at Pensacola, Florida, with which he marched against Mobile. 184 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. He took a prominent part in the capture of Fort Blakely ; but a history of this affair will appear elsewhere. General Steele is the smallest of the Iowa major-generals, or the smallest of the major-generals who have held colonel's commissions from the State; for he can hardly be called an Iowa man. He has a light complexion, lively, gray eyes, and hair, though originally brown, now heavily sprinkled with gray. He has a slender, wiry form, and a sharp, shrill voice. Nearly all army officers are occasionally profane: I know of but few exceptions, and General Steele is not one of them. He swears with precision, and with great velocity. The general is passionately fond of a fine horse, and, in civil life, would be called a horse-jockey. It is reported that his horses have more than once appeared on the old race-course at Little Rock, where, competing with the steeds of the cavalry privates of his command, they have always borne off the stakes. The general, in his flannel shirt, would stand by, a spectator of the sport, but nothing more. General Steele is kind-hearted and humane, and easily approached, even by an humble private. It is this same kindness of heart, as I am informed, that tempered his rule while in command in Arkansas, and made him popular with the citizens and camp-followers, and unpopular with many in his army. In the field, he is really a fine officer; but he lacks firmness, and is unfit for a military governor. That which injured him not a little at Little Rock was his lack of judgment in selecting his staff officers. In this respect he was very unfortunate. But he stands high in the confidence of General Grant, which is no common recommendation. The general is neat and tidy in his dress, and, when on duty, always appears in full uniform. COLONEL JAMES LORAINE GEDDES. SECOND COLONEL, EIGHTH INFANTRY. James L. Geddes, of the 8th Iowa Infantiy, is a Scotchman, and was born in the city of Edinburgh, on the 19th day of March, 1827. When ten years of age, he emigrated with liis family to Canada; but, at the age of eighteen, returned to Scotland, and, in the following Winter, embarked for the East Indies, where he entered the British Military Academy at Calcutta. After studying at that Institution for about two years, he enlisted in the British service, and was a member of the Royal Horse Artillery. He was connected with the British service seven years, and, during that time, served under Sir Hugh Gough, Sir Charles Napier, and Sir Colin Campbell. Under Gough, he took part in the celebrated Punjaub Cam- paign, and with Napier fought in the battle of Kyber Pass. He was also engaged under Sir Colin Campbell in the cam- paign against the Hill Tribes of the Himalaya. For his services in India, he was awarded a medal and clasp. After leaving the British service, he returned to Canada where, being commissioned by Queen Victoria a colonel of cavalry, he organized a cavalry regiment ; but, as he himself expressed it, he soon became disgusted, and resigned his com- mission. He came to Iowa in the fall of 1857, and purchased a farm in Benton county, on which he has since lived. In August, 1861, Colonel Geddes enlisted a company in Benton county, for the 8th Iowa Infantry, and was commis- sioned its captain ; but, on the organization of his regiment, he was promoted to the lieutenant-colonelcy, and, with that rank, he entered the field. He was promoted to the colonelcy of 185 186 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. the 8th Iowa, on the 7th of February, 1862, vice Colonel Steele, who had been appointed a brigadier-general. The first campaign on which the 8th Iowa InHmtry marched was that of General Fremont, from Jefferson City to Spring- field. The regiment's first battle was Shiloh. The part it took in this engagement is the first point of interest in its history. It was attached to the division of General C. F. Smith, which, in the absence of that general, was commanded by Wallace. The camp of the regiment was, therefore, in rear of the line ^rst assailed by the enemy. Early in the morning of the 6th of April, and soon after the enemy opened fire on the divisions of Prentiss and Sherman, Colonel Geddes ordered his regiment under arms and formed it in lino of battle in front of its camp. In the meantime, the firing at the front was increasing rapidly, and the colonel, con- vinced that the enemy were advancing in force, ordered the baggage to be loaded on the wagons and driven back in the direction of the Landing. This done, his regiment was ordered to the front. The other regiments of the brigade, which was commanded by Colonel Sweeney, of the 52d Illinois, were, on the arrival of the 8th Iowa, already in position. Forming his regiment on the left of his brigade. Colonel Geddes remained in this position for about an hour, in support of a battery in his front, and during this time sufiered from a galling fire of the enemy's artillery. He was now separated from his brigade and ordered to the left, and still further to the front : and the position which his regiment now took up was in that line, portions of which were held so obstinately until about four o'clock in the afternoon. The 8th Iowa in this position was the connecting link between the division of General Wallace and that portion of General Prentiss' which had not stampeded at the first onset of the JAMES LORAINE GEDDES. 187 enemy. On the left of General Prentiss was the division of Hurlbut, which had just come into position. It was now nearly eleven o'clock, and every thing j^romised well for the Federal cause; for the enemy in their first successes had been effectually arrested. Hardly had the 8th Iowa been aligned and drawn a long breath, when it was assaulted by a battalion of the enemy, advancing to turn Prentiss' right flank. A most determined struggle followed of nearly an hour in length. The enemy, flushed with their first successes, which su7'prise as well as their valor had contributed to win, would not yield the contest until they had left nearly half their number upon the field. The 8th Iowa held its ground steadily, and, like the 14th Iowa on its right, charged and bore down the enemy whenever they approached too closely. Finally they retired, after which there was a respite of nearly an hour. In the meantime General Prentiss had placed a battery in position immediately in front of the 8th Iowa, and ordered the regiment to hold and defend it at all hazards. It was now about one o'clock in the afternoon, the hour when the fiercest fighting of the whole day began ; for the enemy had com- pleted their reconnoissances, and were advancing at nearly every point along the line. The battery placed by General Prentiss in front of the 8th Iowa opened upon the advancing columns of the enemy, under the direction of the general in person, and so accurately and rapidly was it served that it soon became to them an object of special attack. " To this end [I quote from the statement of Colonel Geddes to Governor Kirkwood] they concentrated and hurled column after column on my position, charging most gallantly to the very muzzles of the guns. Here a struggle commenced for the retention and possession of the battery, of a terrific character, their 188 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. concentrated and well-directed fire decimating my ranks in a fearful manner. In this desperate struggle, my regiment lost one hundred men in killed and wounded. The conspicuous gallantry and coolness of my company commanders, Captains Cleaveland, Stubbs and Benson on the left ; Captains McCor- mick and Bell in the centre; Captains Kelsey, Geddes and Lieutenant Muhs, on the right, by reserving the fire of their respective companies until the proper time for its delivery with effect, and the determined courage of my men, saved the battery from capture ; and I had the satisfaction of sending the guns in safety to the rear." And thus the conflict raged along the line, but at few points with as great fury as in front of the 8th and 14th Iowa. Finally, after the struggle had lasted nearly two hours, the enemy retired, leaving the troops at this point masters of the field. But they had not been equally unsuccessful at other points. They had broken the line on the right, and had forced back the left and centre of Prentiss' Division and the right of Hurlbut's. Heavy volleys of musketry were now heard to the left and rear of the 8th Iowa, where Prentiss, having rallied his troops, had formed a new line. This line was at nearly right angles with his former one, and the enemy were promptly engaging him in this new position. At this time, about half- past three o'clock, there was no enemy in front of the 8th Iowa, or on its immediate left ; but, to conform with Prentiss' new line, Colonel Geddes threw back the left of his regiment, and dressed it on the right of the 58th Illinois, the right regiment of Prentiss' Division. The rest is soon told. Prentiss' new line gave way and fled in terror to the Landing, and the enemy, meeting with no further opposition, swung round to the rear of the 8th Iowa ; and thus it was that the regiment was captured. The 58th JAMES LORAINE GEDDES. 189 Illinois stood nobly to the last, and was captured in like man- ner. General Prentiss was near these troops, and was also made prisoner. It has been asserted by many, that, had all the troops at Shiloh fought with the same determination as did the 58th Illinois, the 8th Iowa, and the four other Iowa regiments on its right, the first day's battle would not have been disastrous to our arms. Some have blamed General Prentiss for holding his position so long; but, had he aban- doned it sooner, who can tell the calamities that might have followed; for, with all the delay he and the Iowa troops on his right occasioned the enemy, the Federal forces barely escaped capture, and the day closed with little hope. Of the conduct of Colonel Geddes and his regiment at Shiloh, General Prentiss, in his ofiicial report, says: "He acted with distinguished courage, coolness and ability. His regiment stood unflinchingly up to the work the entire portion of the day, during which it acted under my orders." The loss of the regiment in this engagement was nearly two hundred. Captain Hogin was shot dead early in the day, and soon after the regiment took up its position on the right of General Prentiss' Division. Captain Palmer was at nearly the same time severely wounded. Later in the day, and at the time the conflict was going on for the retention of the battery in his regiment's front. Colonel Geddes was wounded in the leg. Major Anderson was at the same time severely wounded in the head. Among those mentioned for special gallantry was Lieutenant-Colonel Ferguson, who, throughout the day, was reckless in the exposure of his person to the enemy. The history of that portion of the 8th Iowa Infantry which escaped capture is to be found in the record of the Union Brig- ade. This brigade, which was organized immediately after the battle of Shiloh, and which retained its organization until the 17th of the following December, acted an honorable part in 190 IOWA COLONELS ^^^ REGIMENTS. the battle of Corinth, in the fall of 1862, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel J. P. Coulter of the 12th Iowa Infantry. On the morning of the 18th of December, 18G2, the detach- ments of the 8th, 12th and 14th Iowa regiments, which had served in the Union Brigade for upward of eight months, left Corinth, by order of General Dodge, to report at Davenport, Iowa, for re-organization in their respective commands. This, it will be remembered, was at the time of Forest's raid through Tennessee into Kentucky ; and, on the arrival of these troops at Jackson, Tennessee, they were ordered by Colonel Lawler, Commandant of the Post, to assist in defending the place against the threatened attack of the enemy, who were reported to be in strong force, and supported by artillery. But Jackson was not attacked. The enemy's demonstrations before that city were only intended to divert the Federal forces, while they in the meantime destroyed the railroad north in the direction of Columbus; and this work they effectually accom- plished. Forest now fled the State, and Lieutenant-Colonel Coulter proceeded with his command to Davenport. Subsequently to the re-organization of the 8th Iowa Infantry and up to the spring of 1864, the history of the regiment is similar to that of the 12th Iowa. It joined General Grant's army at Milliken's Bend in the spring of 1863, and was assigned to the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 15th Army Corps, which it accompanied in all its long and tedious marches through Mississippi. But when that corps left Vicksburg for Chattanooga, in the fall of 1863, the 8th Iowa with its division was left behind. The regiment remained at Vicksburg until the following Winter, when, having re-enlisted, it was sent North on veteran furlough. On its return, it was ordered to Memphis, since which time it has served under Major-General A. J. Smith. When Forest made his dash into Memphis, late in August, JAMES LOKAINE GEDDES. 191 1864, the 8th Iowa was stationed in the city on garrison-duty, and took an important part in driving out, and dispersing the forces of the guerrilla chief. "Sergeants Ostrander, and privates A. M. Walling, Charles Smith, I. F. Newman and Perry Clark, watched their opportunity, and fired a volley on the flank of the enemy, killing the rebel Captain Lundy and wounding several others." Lieutenant-Colonel W. B. Bell commanded the 8th Iowa in this affiiir ; and, before the enemy were dispersed, the regiment suffered severely. Lieutenant A. S. Irwin was mortally wounded and died soon after. Lieutenants J. A. Boyer and J. S. Tinkham were also wounded. Among those mentioned for good conduct, are Captain Geddes, and Lieutenants Stearns and Campbell. The,8th Iowa has recently and most signally distinguished itself, in the operations of General Canby around Mobile. The arrival of A. J. Smith's Corps at Barley's Mill on Fish Biver, and the march to Spanish Fort and its investment will appear elsewhere. The 8th Iowa Inflmtry was attached to this Corps, and its position in front of the fort was to the extreme right of the Federal line. The brigade to which the regiment was attached, was commanded by Colonel Geddes, and the division by General E. A. Carr. Of Spanish Fort, which is situated on Blakely River, and nearly east from Mobile, one who was on the ground writes thvis : " At Spanish Fort, there were several lines of inferior rifle- pits for skirmishers, outside the principal works. A formida- ble ditch added to the strength of the position ; the most elaborately constructed abattis presented its sharp points to an enemy; a line of chevaux defrize intervened between the ditch and the abattis ; the trees were felled and laced together for an area of many acres around, and the ground everywhere was pretty thickly sown with torpedoes. Artillery, of all kinds and calibres, bristled along the walls, and three thou- sand men with muskets held the interior of the fort." 192 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Spanish Fort was crescent-shaped in form, its right and left defenses swinging back to near the river. Just at the northern extremity of these defenses, a deep ravine puts down to the river, dividing the high bluff along its eastern bank. On the north-eastern side of this ravine was the brigade of Colonel Geddes in position, and, on the opposite one, the northern extremity of Spanish Fort. At the mouth of the ravine was low bottom-land, not long since covered with dense and heavy timber ; but this had all been felled, to enable the rebel gun-boats to sweep it from the river. This was the point selected from which to carry Spanish Fort. In speaking of the charge of the 8th Iowa, which led the advance, the same correspondent goes on to say : " For nearly an hour and a half the bombardment continued, before Colonel Geddes judged it expedient to move; and the sun was just sinking below the western horizon when the signal to advance was given. Instantly the men of the 8th Iowa sprang to their feet, and the company of skirmishers, followed by the entire regiment, threw themselves among the fallen and matted timbers in the swamp, and urged their way, as rapidly as possible, across the mouth of the ravine. A loud shout from the rest of the division, as if the whole were about to charge, distracted the attention of the enemy, while the bold advance of the 8th Iowa seemed to strike him with dismay. Such of his men as were posted behind the log breast-work, [that which extended from the bluff down across the low ground to the river] fired a scattering, hesitating volley, and ran for their lives. But from the extreme left of the rebel rifle-pits, a heavy fire was poured upon our boys, until the foremost of them, mounting the bluff, came full upon the rear of the enemy. "It was just here that Lieutenant Vineyard, the gallant leader of Company G, fell dangerously wounded. Some of his men halted a moment where he lay. ' Pay no attention to me,' he said; 'move on;' and they did move on. The frightened rebels seeing the boys still clambering over the bluff, and not knowing what force there might be behind, threw down their JAMES LORAINE GEDDES. 193 arms. Three hundred were made prisoners on the spot. Others retreated rapidly toward the centre of the fort, and a line of battle was now formed by the enemy to check the fur- ther advance of our troops into the fortress. For more than three hundred yards, the brave 8th fought its way toward the enemy's centre; but it was now dark, and, in obedience to orders which they had received, the victorious Hawkeyes halted, and hastily constructed a line of rifle-pits." ! At about eleven o'clock at night, it was learned that the enemy were evacuating, when, nearly an hour later, the whole Federal line moved against the fort. There was little resist- ance made; for nearly all the enemy had left. Of all the prisoners captured, there were less than six hundred; but, besides large quantities of ammunition, nearly fifty pieces of artillery fell into our hands. The 8th Iowa Infantry should be i permitted to inscribe on their banner, First at Spanish Fort. The troops with which the 8th was brigaded were the 81st, the 108th and the 124th Illinois. Of the scenes inside the fort after its evacuation, the author from whom I have quoted goes on to say : "For several hours on Monday morning, I wandered about over the interior and battlements of the deserted fortress. Objects and localities of interest abounded. Here was the point where the 8th Iowa effected its entrance ; the swamp covered with fallen timbers through which it had clambered; the huge ravine whose mouth it had passed; the bluff up which it had climbed ; the line of rifle-pits which it had thrown up after gaining a lodgment. Here lay a huge columbiad, dis- mounted during the bombardment on the 4th. One of the heavy iron trunnions was knocked off, and lay beside the gun. Down there was the formidable water battery, from which you could, with ease, see Mobile and the entire upper part of the bay, with all of its rivers and shores and indentations. That cabin there, was occupied as the quarters of the general com- manding this fort, Randall E. Gibson. Surely, it could have been no enviable residence ; for the trees all around it were torn to pieces with shot and shell, and the timbers of several 194 IOWA COLONELS AND BEGIMENTS. similar cabins in the immediate vicinity had been shivered and splintered by the fiery missiles. "Other effects of the terrible bombardment to which the fort had ])een subjected were plainly and painfully visible. Haversacks and clothing crimsoned with blood were scattered over the ground. In several places gory streams had run for a considerable distance along the trenches, and the little pools of it, which even the thirsty sands had not yet drank up, were standing here and there. At other points the life-blood from the bosoms of the rebel soldiery along the lines had spurted upon the walls, dying them even a deeper red from the head- log to the foot of the rampart. Oh, it was a sickening sight! Gun-carriages shivered to jiieces ; hundreds of iron fragments of missiles which had burst ; solid shot and unexploded shells that had been flung from grim-mouthed cannon ; great holes in the earth, dug out in an instant by some ponderous projec- tile ; immense rents in the earthworks, through which the fiery bolts had ploughed their way — all these were every where vis- ible. The bombardment of the evening before must have indeed possessed every feature calculated to terrify the souls of those who lay within the fort. " Colonel Geddes is a small, slender man, weighing about one hundred and thirty-five pounds. He has thin, sharp features, fine, brown hair, and large, hazel eyes. He is active and intelligent, and has much general information. As an officer, I am told, he was always held in high esteem by his men. He has most certainly enjoyed the full confidence of his superiors. BRIGADIER-GENERAL WM. VANDEVER. FIRST COLONEL, NINTH INFANTRY. Of General Vandever's early history I have been able to learn but little. I do not even know his native State. I first find him at Hock Island, Illinois, where he was employed in a news-paper office. Iowa was then a Territory. From Rock Island, he removed to Dubuque, and entered the Surveyor- Greneral's office at that place. Still later, he studied and prac- ticed law in Dubuque. In 1858, he was nominated for Congress from the Dubuque District, there being, I am told, no stronger man of his party, who would accept the nomination, on account of the almost certain prospect of defeat. But the general made a good canvass ; and, to the surprise of all, was elected. He was distinguished in Congress, for his dignity and taciturnity ; two traits, which would embellish the records of many, who have worn Congressional honors. Mr. Vandever was commissioned colonel of the 9th Iowa [nfantry, on the 30th of August, 1861 ; and in the winter of 1862-3 was made a brigadier-general. As a military man, he lias gained less distinction than any other public man who has entered the service from Iowa. The 9th Iowa Infantry was enlisted principally from the counties of Jackson, Dubuque, Buchanan, Jones, Clayton, Payette, Bremer, Blackhawk, Winneshiek, Howard and Linn, [ts first field of service was Missouri, and its first hard-fought aattle, Pea Ridge, Arkansas. At Pea Ridge, the regiment was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel, now Major-General Her- ron ; for Colonel Vandever was in command of the brigade to which it was attached. In the march from Rolla to Cross 195 196 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Hollows, it had several skirmishes with the enemy, but suffered, I think, no loss. From Cross Hollows it marched with its brigade on an expedition to Huntsville, Arkansas, an account of which is thus given by Colonel Vandever : " On the morning of the 4th instant [March 1862] I left Camp Halleck, at Cross Hollows, in command of an expedition in the direction of Huntsville. The forces consisted of three hun- dred and fifty of the 9th Iowa Infantry, one hundred and fifty from Colonel Phelps' Missouri Begiment, one battalion from the 80th Illinois Cavalry, one section of the Dubuque Battery, (light artillery) and one section of Brown's Mountain Howitz- ers. We prosecuted the march and arrived at Huntsville at noon of the 5th instant, without incident. A portion of the enemy's stores was captured at their camp, three miles beyond Huntsville, and several prisoners taken. From the prisoners I obtained information that the enemy was marching in force toward our lines, for the purpose of attack, which information I immediately transmitted to head-quarters, and then prepared to retrace my steps. I moved out of Huntsville, and camped three miles distant. At two o'clock in the morning, I received your [General Curtis] orders to return and join the main body at Sugar Creek. At three o'clock A. M., I resumed my line of march, and, at dusk the same evening, arrived in camp, having accomplished a forced march of forty miles in a single day. " The next day, the seventh, the severe fighting at Pea Bidge opened ; and early in the morning Colonel Vandever marched his brigade out in the direction of Elkhorn Tavern. His command fought that entire day, on the left of the brigade of Colonel Dodge, which, it will be remembered, held the extreme right of General Curtis' army. It is stated elsewhere that the division of Colonel Carr, to which both Dodge and Vandever were attached, did the severest fighting at Pea Bidge. In speaking of the conduct of his own regiment in this engagement. Colonel Vandever says : " Major Coyl of the 9th Iowa acted with distinguished valor, until disabled by a severe wound, and compelled, reluctantly, to leave the field. Adjutant William Scott also deserves great WILLIAM VANDEVER. 197 praise. Lieutenant Asher Kiley, of Company A, my acting assistant adjutant-general, deserves particular mention. Upon the fall of Captain Drips and Lieutenant Kelsey, both distin- guished for their bravery, Lieutenant Riley gallantly took I command, and remained with the company throughout the I action. Captain Carpenter and Lieutenant Jones, of Company I B, also acted with great bravery, leading their company in the face of the enemy, and bringing off one of our disabled pieces and a caisson. " Captain Towner and Lieutenant Neff, of Company F, were conspicuous for their bravery. Both of these officers were severely wounded, when the command devolved upon Lieut- enant Tisdale, who gallantly led the company through the remainder of the action. Captain Bull and Lieutenant Rice of • Company C also deserve particular mention, the latter of I whom was killed near the close of the day, while the former j was severely wounded. Captain Bevins of Company E, was i killed upon the field, and the command devolved upon Lieut- enant Baker. He acquitted himself with great credit. Cap- I tain Washburn and Lieutenants Beebe and Leverich of Company G, Lieutenants Crane and McGee of Company D, Captain Moore and Lieutenant McKenzie of Company H, Captain Carsakaddon and Lieutenant Claflin of Company K, and Lieutenant Fellows, commanding Company I, also Lieut- enant Inman, were all conspicuous for bravery, under the hottest fire of the enemy. Many instances of special gallantry occurred among non-commissioned officers and privates. All did their duty well. I should also mention Sergeant-Major Foster of the 9th Iowa, and other members of the non- commissioned staff, who did their duty nobly." After nearly a month's rest in the vicinity of the battle- ground, Colonel Vandever joined in the march of General Curtis across the Ozark Mountains to Batesville. While at Batesville, General Steele joined Curtis with a division from Pilot Knob ; but here, also, the general lost the commands of Davis and Asboth, which were summoned by Halleck to Corinth. Early in June, the Army of the South West was re-organized into three divisions, commanded by Steele, Carr 198 IOWA COLONELS AND KEGIMENTS. and Osterhaus. Colonel Vandever remained in Carr's Divi- sion, and retained the command of his brigade. The hardships of Curtis' march from Batesville to Helena, which was made in mid-summer, have already been enumerated; but not the different points at which the enemy were met: they were Searcy Landing, Sillamore, Waddell's Farm, Jeffries' Mills, Cashe River Bridge, Stuart's Plantation, Pickett's Farm, Grand Glaize and Round Hill. The last was of the most importance: less than six hundred defeated two thousand Texan Rangers, inflicting on them a loss of more than two hundred. Colonel Vandever remained at Helena for several months, when, being appointed a brigadier-general, he was ordered to report to General Curtis at St. Louis, and given a command in Central Missouri. In the early part of April, 1863, he com- manded the cavalry force, which, leaving Lake Springs, Mis- souri, marched against Marmaduke, and drove him from the State. It was this command that, at mid-night of the 26th of April, charged the enemy's camp on the Dallas road, near Jackson, routing the enemy, and afterwards pursuing them to St. Francis River. General Vandever accompanied General Herron to Vicks- burg, in command of one of his brigades ; and, after the fall of the city, sailed with him up the Yazoo River to Yazoo City. For his services on this expedition, he was thus complimented by General Herron : " I desire to return my thanks to Brigadier-Generals Vande- ver and Orme, my brigade commanders, for their unceasing efforts to carry out all my plans, and aid in the success of the expedition." Since that time, and up to the spring of 1864, General Van- dever served in the Department of the Gulf, but during the march on Atlanta he was ordered to report to General Sherman WILLIAM VANDEVER. 199 by whom he was assigned a district command with head-quar- ters at Rome, Georgia. He retained this command till after the fall of Atlanta, when he was ordered to Louisville, and assigned to duty on a court-martial. After the fall of Savan- nah he reported to General Sherman at that city, and was assigned to the command of a brigade in the 14th Corps which he commanded till the arrival of the Army of the Tennessee at Washington, when he was assigned to the command of the 2d Division of said corps. This command he accompanied to I Louisville. During the march from Fayetteville, North Carolina, to Goldsboro, General Vandever distinguished himself. The his- tory of the march is as follows : Crossing Cape Fear River, opposite Fayetteville, on the loth of March, General Sherman "ordered Kilpatrick to move up the plank road to and beyond Averysboro. He was to be followed by four divisions of the left wing, [the 14th and 20th Corps] with as few wagons as possible; the rest of the train, under escort of the two remaining divisions of that wing, to take a shorter and more direct road to Goldsboro. In like manner, General Howard [commanding loth and 17th Corps] was ordered to send his trains, under good escort, well to the right toward Faison's Depot and Goldsboro, and to hold four divisions light, ready to go to the aid of the left wing, if attacked while in motion. The weather continued very bad, and the roads had become a mere quag-mire. Almost every foot of it had to be corduroyed to admit the passage of wheels." Prosecuting this line of march, the left wing fought the bat- tle of Averysboro, and then turned east in the direction of Goldsboro; for Hardee had fled, "in a miserable, stormy night, over the worst of roads," in the direction of Smithfleld. The feint on Raleigh did not deceive Johnson, and Sherman, con- trary to his expectations, had to fight the old rebel before 200 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. reaching Goldsboro. While the left wing was on the march through the marshy, timbered bottoms that lie near Benton- ville, Johnson, hurrying down from Smithfield, threw himself on the front and left flank of Jefiferson C. Davis' Corps, which was in the advance. Disaster threatened to overwhelm the leading division, and indeed the whole left wing, and Sherman became anxious; but the great courage and endurance of the troops held the enemy at bay till the right wing was brought up. Then, with their left flank and rear threatened, the the enemy retired, and Sherman entered Goldsboro. In this engagement General Vandever distinguished himself. Mr. J. Thompson, a member of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, who served for several months under General Vandever, writes thus of him : "General Vandever is a man of medium hight, dark hair and wiry constitution. There is nothing remarkable in his features or organization, to impress one with the belief that there is any true greatness about him, either as a man or a general. He lacks both the will and the energy, but more, the ability of a successful leader. The history of his military life is a history of the man — tame and unromantic, exhibiting nothing striking or remarkable — never sinking below, nor yet rising above his chosen level. Such he is as a general, and such would be your opinion of him were you to see him." From what I have been able to learn of General Vandever, I am persuaded Mr. Thompson does him hardly justice. Though in no respect brilliant, yet he is a man of good judgment and of great perseverance. He is not of a social, communicative nature. He minds his own business, and this, I believe, has been to his disadvantage in the army ; for rapid promotion has depended not less upon hard begging^ than upon hard working, especially if the officer in question holds a subordinate posi- tion. Can one in any other way account for so many worthless field and general officers? MAJOR-GENERAL FRANCIS J. HERRON. LIEUTEXANT-COLOXEL, NINTH INFANTRY. Francis J. Hebron is Iowa's youngest major-general, and the second one of that rank appointed from the State. His ancestry are ancient and honorable, and, on the paternal side, are familiarly known as " Herron's Branch," who, settling in Eastern Pennsylvania in the early history of that State, were ever classed among her most intelligent and well-to-do yeo- manry. On the maternal side of the house, he is descended from one of the oldest families of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, who settled in that city when it was a mere village, and who have maintained an honorable position in the community to the present day. The general's uncle, the late James Ander- son, ranked with the most benevolent and wealthy citizens of Pittsburg. The subject of our sketch is a son of the late Colonel John Herron, and a native of Pittsburg, where he was born on the 17th day of February, 1837. He was educated at the Western University, in Pittsburg, which was then, and is still, under the superintendence of Professor J. M. Smith, a brother-in-law of the general. Leaving this University at sixteen, he was soon after appointed to a clerkship in a Pittsburg banking- house, and, in 1854, became a partner in the banking firm of " Herron & Brothers." In 1855, he removed to Iowa, and, in connection with one of his brothers, opened a banking-house in the city of Dubuque. Dubuque is his present home. General Herron began his brilliant military career as cap- tain of Company I, 1st Iowa Infantry. He served with his regiment in Missouri till the expiration of its term of service, 201 202 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. and with it took part in the memorable battle of Wilson's Creek. Returning home in the latter part of August, he was, on the tenth of the following September, commissioned lieut- enant-colonel of the 9th Iowa Infantry. For gallantry at the battle of Pea Ridge, (March 6th, 7th and 8th, 1862, where he was wounded and taken prisoner) he was made a brigadier- general, and, for his courage and superior military skill at the battle of Prairie Grove, December 7th, 1862, was promoted to his present rank. The battle of Prairie Grove is one of the most brilliant of the war — perhaps the most brilliant, when we consider the disparity in numbers of the forces engaged ; and it was by no means barren in results ; for a well-organized and confident army was overwhelmed in defeat, from the effects of which it never recovered. In the organization of the Army of the Frontier, under General Schofield, of date the loth of October, 1862, General Herron was put in command of the 3d Division. The 1st and 2d Divisions were commanded by Generals Blunt and Totten respectively. For three weeks previous to the 1st of December, 1862 and longer, the Army of the Frontier had been watching the enemy, who had below, and in the vicinity of the old Pea Ridge battle-field, a large and well-organized army, under command of the rebel Major-General Thomas C. Hindman. On the first of December, General Blunt, who had been hold- ing his division on Prairie Creek, near Bentonville, moved against a detachment of the enemy, and, driving it from Cane Hill, held the position. This was no sooner done, however, than the enemy threatened him in heavy force, and compelled him to send to General Schofield for reinforcements. General Blunt's messenger, arriving at head-quarters near Wilson's Creek on the evening of the 8d of December, found General Schofield absent, and General Herron in command. "General Blunt must have reinforcements or lose his entire command;" FRANCIS J. HEREON. 203 and there was no other alternative; but General Herron, under instructions, could afford no relief. The expedient which he adopted was worthy of him, and will redound to his infinite credit. Disi^atching- a messenger to General Schofield, but without awaiting or expecting a reply, he broke camp and marched to the rescue. At day-light on Sunday morning, the seventh of December, his command passed through Fayetteville, Arkansas, and halted for breakfast one mile beyond; but before the meal was completed, members of the 1st Arkansas Cavalry, which com- posed a portion of the advance-guard, came hurrying back with word that Hindman's cavalry was upon them. The merest incident often controls momentous issues, and so it happened here. Major Hubbard, a gallant, positive fellow, and an officer of General Herron's stafi", being in command of the advance-guard, was captured and taken before the rebel general. "How much of a force has General Herron?" demanded Hindman. "Enough," replied the major, "to annihilate you ; " and this answer, with Herron's determined fighting and superior generalship, saved to our arms the battle of Prairie Grove; for Hindman, with his twenty thousand, dared not move out against the handful of men in his front, (net four thousand all told) for fear of being annihilated by an overwhelming reserve, marshaled, in his imagination, in the heavy timber to our rear. Nor did he learn his mistake till late in the afternoon, and just before the guns of General Blunt began thundering on his left and rear. Having completed their hasty meal, Herron's troops resumed the march and pushed vigorously on, till arriving at Illinois Creek, about ten miles distant from Fayetteville. There the enemy were met in force. They were on the south-west side of the creek, and strongly posted on the high ground, which, on either side, looks down into the valley through which the 204 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. road to Cane Hill passes. The situation was no sooner learned than Herron had formed his decision. He must bhiff his adversary, or lose his command; and this was the plan on which the engagement was fought, which, to General Hind- man, was a confirmation of Major Hubbard's report. General Herron first endeavored to push Battery E, 4th Missouri Light Artillery, and the 9th Illinois Infantry across the ford in his front ; but that was so accurately covered with the guns of the enemy as to make it impossible. The detachment was driven back in some confusion. Next, he ordered Colonel Houston to cut a road through the timber to the right, and, having gained the opposite side with Captain Murphy's Battery, to open on the enemy and divert their attention, while he, with the bal- ance of his command, pushed across the ford and gained a position in front of the enemy. The movement was successful. A further account of this battle will be found in the sketch of Colonel W. McE. Dye, of the 20th Iowa. I will only add here, that Hindman was defeated, and Herron made a major-gen- eral. It will be interesting to know the names of the troops who earned General Herron this promotion. They were the 9th, 37th, and 94th Illinois, the 19th and 20th Iowa, the 26th IncU- ana, and the 20th Wisconsin Infantry regiments, together with four Missouri batteries, commanded by Captains Murphy, Faust and Backof, and Lieutenant Borries. The 6th, 7th, and 8th Missouri Cavalry, the 1st Iowa and 10th Illinois, and the 1st Battalion of the 2d Wisconsin Cavalry, were all sent forward to General Blunt from Elkhorn, and remained with his command till the close of the engagement. General Herron remained with his command, operating in Missouri and Arkansas, till late in the following May, when he was summoned to Vicksburg to take part in the reduction of that place. Immediately after the fall of the city, he made \ FRANCIS J. HEBRON. 205 his expedition up the Yazoo River, after which, he embarked his command on transports, and sailed for Port Hudson and thence for Carrollton, Louisiana ; where he arrived on the 13th of August. Subsequently to that date, the general has served principally in the Gulf Department; but the operations in which he took part will appear in the sketches of other officers. General Herron's Division was attached to Ord's Corps. By that general he was held in the highest esteem, as is shown by General Order Number 39, dated, " Head-quarters 13th Army Corps, Carrollton, Louisiana, September, 25th, 1863." During the winter of 1863-4 and for some time after, General Herron, while serving in Texas, made his head-quarters at Brownsville. It will be remembered that it was during this time the forces of M. Ruiz, Governor of Tamaulipas, and those of Colonel Cortinas, came in collision in Matamoras. L. Pierce, U. S. Consul stationed in that city, became alarmed, and sent to General Herron for protection. Colonel Bertram of the 20th Wisconsin was at once sent across the river with a portion of his regiment, with which he conducted the Consul and his property and papers within the Federal lines. Had I the space, a further history of this affair would be interesting. General Herron's ventilation of the Department of Arkan- sas has more recently made his name quite distinguished. This was a most thankless mission, and he was charged by some with being partial ; but that is not strange. Indeed, we are not to suppose the exposer would be more popular with the guilty parties than the expose. The result of his investigations was published in nearly all the leading papers of the country, and convinced all honest men that, the Department of Arkansas had been the theatre of most outrageous abuses. General Herron has a neat, well-formed person, and dresses with much taste. In appearance he is intelligent, and in manners agreeable. He has, I am told, some vanity. His 206 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. marked traits of character are three. He is always cahn and composed, no matter how great the danger, or how wild the excitement. At Prairie Grove he led the advance over the ford of Illinois Creek, and, under the rapid and accurate fire of the enemy, was in imminent peril ; but he was perfectly calm, and apparently insensible of danger. Another marked trait of his character is his taciturnity; and yet, if he talks but little, there is nothing about him sullen or morose. His voice, which is clear and kind, has a sort of charm about it that evidences a warm heart and gene- rous nature. He was always popular with the soldiers of his command. His third and most distinguishing trait— that which more than all others has contributed to make him what he is — is a self-reliant spirit. This, from his early youth, was always noticeable, and was the cause of his leaving the Western Uni- versity before mastering the full course of study. It was a matter of no consequence to him that his father and his friends were opposed to this course. He believed he knew enough to make his way in the world, and, because he thought so, all remonstrances were unavailing. Frank J. Herron was promoted to the rank of brigadier- general from that of lieutenant-colonel. He is the only officer from the State who has been thus complimented by the War Department. COLONEL DAVID CARSAKADDON. SECOND COLONEL, NINTH INFANTRY. Of Colonel Caksakaddon I have been able to learn still less than of General Vandever. He is a native of Pennsylvania, which is all that I know of his earlier history. He settled in Iowa after the year 1850, and at the time of entering the army was the proprietor of a livery-stable. He recruited Company K, 9th Iowa Infantry, in the summer of 1861, and was mus- tered its captain the 24th of September following. On the promotion of Colonel Vandever to a general officer, he was made colonel of his regiment. The history of the 9th Iowa, while under the command of Colonel Carsakaddon, need not be given in detail, for it is essentially the same as are those of the 4th, 2oth, 2Gth, 30th and 31st Iowa regiments. Its loss during the Vicksburg Cani- paign was about one hundred and fort5% In the charge of the 22d of May, 1863, it was in the front, and suffered severely. Among the killed in this charge were Captain F. M. Kelsey of Company A, and Lieutenants Jacob Jones and Edward Tyrrell. Captain T. S. Washburn and Lieutenant E. C. Little were both wounded. The former commanded the regiment in the charge. He was a gallant officer, and died of his wounds soon after reaching his home in Iowa. Lieutenant John Sutherland of Company D, was also wounded in the charge of the 22d, and Sergeant, afterwards Major, Inman. The following incident is deserving of mention: Sergeant J. M. Elson, the color-bearer, was shot through both thighs, while endeavoring to scale the outer slope of the enemy's defenses. The flag fell forward on the enemy's works, where 207 208 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. it lay till it was siezed by Lieutenant and Adjutant George Granger. Tearing it from the staff, he put it in his bosom and brought it from the field. While on the march from Memphis to Chattanooga, the regiment lost three men in the affair at Cherokee Station. Its loss on Lookout Mountain was one man wounded, and at Mission Ridge, seven. In the affair at Ring- gold it lost three men killed, and eleven wounded. During the winter of 1863-4, the 9th Iowa was stationed near Woodville, Alabama, and, in the following spring, marched with its brigade and division to the front. It participated in the entire Atlanta Campaign, but most distinguished itself on the 22d of July, 1864, before the city. An account of general movements on these two memorable days may be given with interest. We begin with the 21st instant; for the advance to and beyond Decatur has been already given. The 21st day of July closed with the enemy in their line of works, just beyond Decatur, and from which Sherman had tried unsuccessfully to force them: it closed with a vigorous fire of musketry along the whole line, and with the prospect that the enemy would not abandon their position till forced to do so. The night following was a magnificent one : the firing ceased late in the evening, and, not long after, the moon rose in all its splendor, lighting up dimly the scene of the recent conflict. Before mid-night, every thing was quiet, with the exception of an incessant rattling of wagon-trains and artil- lery, away off to the left and front. The sentinels said to each other, that Hood was evacuating Atlanta; and they were happy in the thought that they were to possess the Gate City without further blood-shed ; but they were doomed to wretched disappointment. When morning broke, no enemy were in view. They had abandoned their long line of works, extending from the right DAVID CAKSAKADDON. 209 of General Thomas to near the left of General McPherson ; and where, on the 21st instant, they had brought General Sherman at bay. An advance was, of course, at once ordered. The line of march of the Army of the Tennessee was nearly due west, and along and parallel with the Decatur road. Before the advance was made, the 16th Corps held the right, and joined the 23d ; the loth Corps the centre ; and the 17th the left. After the movement was made, and the Army of the Tennessee dis- posed in line, the 15th Corps covered the Atlanta and Decatur Railroad, leaving the 17th Corps still at its left, and south-east of Atlanta. But the lines were shortened so as to crowd the 16th Corps out ; and at the time the enemy made their assault, it was in reserve, in rear of the 15th and 17th Corps. This, as subsequent events proved, was most fortunate. The enemy had not fled. They were soon discovered in a new and strong line of works, not more than a mile and a half back from those they had just abandoned. Sherman moved up and took position, shortly before twelve o'clock, at noon. In this maneuver of his forces, the rebel Hood showed strat- exjy. He could count on Sherman's advance in the morning, and, having massed a heavy force on his left, he would strike him, just after the advance was begun. There were two obsta- cles to his success — the tarc^mess of his troops in coming into position, and the courage and endurance of the 17th Corps. But the 9th Iowa was attached to the 15th Corps, and was not less than four miles north of the Federal left, when the Iowa Brigade, commanded by Colonel Hall, received the first attack of the enemy. As soon as the firing commenced on the left, Wood's Divis- ion, to which the 9th belonged, was put under arms, and rested in line. On the left of Wood's Division was Morgan L. Smith's. Separating these two commands was a deep and 210 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. difficult ravine, along the bottom of which ran a small stream. The sides of the ravine were covered with brush and fallen timber ; and the banks of the stream, with thick bramble. In front of Smith's right, and near the ravine, was a bald knob, on wliich the enemy had erected a crescent-shaped work, (now vacant) to cover the approaches from the east. West of this work and in the direction of Atlanta, the ground was descend- ing, and heavily timbered. In front of Wood's right was the Howard House, where Sherman was making his head-quarters, and where the body of the gallant and lamented McPherson was brought, soon after he was killed. I should further state that, the position of Wood's and Smith's commands was along the line of works the enemy had abandoned the previous night : portions of these had already been reversed. The attack of the enemy broke with great fury on the left. The deep and prolonged roar of musketry, broken, occasion- ally, by the booming of artillery, seemed constantly approach- ing and increasing. Soon there were other evidences of the enemy's success. Aids, with despair in their faces, hurried to and from Sherman's head-tiuarters ; and the general himself grew anxious and nervous. General officers were sent for, or reported without orders; and among them were Thomas, Howard, and Logan. General McPherson had already been killed in rear of the 17th Corps, and news of the calamity brought to Sherman. The ambulance bearing his dead body was then approaching the Howard House. All this had been witnessed by the right wing of Wood's Division, when its attention was suddenly drawn in the oppo- site direction. Morgan L. Smith was being attacked by the enemy, and not only the smoke of the battle could be seen, but the shouts of the combatants distinctly heard. Smith's command stood firmly for only a few moments, and then broke in confusion, the enemy occupying their works. But these I DAVID CARS AK ADDON. 211 successes were only temporary ; and yet, at that instant, with its left wing forced back and its centre broken, it looked as though the Army of the Tennessee was overwhelmed with disaster. In this gallant charge, the enemy captured several prisoners, besides De Grass' Battery of twenty-pounder Par- rots. This affair took place in plain view of Sherman's head- quarters; and, if I am rightly informed, the general was himself a witness to it. Wood threw back the left wing of his division promptly, so as to confront the advancing enemy. Colonel, now General, J. A. Williamson commanded the right brigade, the extreme right of which was the pivot on which the line turned. Sherman was still present and, after the new line was formed, said, "that battery must be re-cap- tured." Wood accordingly selected the 2d Brigade, only three regiments of which were present— the 4th, 9th and 25th Iowa: the 31st Iowa was detached, and at Roswell, doing guard- and picket-duty. Between Colonel Williamson and the enemy was the ravine of which I have spoken ; for the enemy held the works just before occupied by Smith. With the 4th on the right, the 9th on the left, and the 25th in reserve. Colonel Williamson entered the ravine, and, after having with much difficulty worked his way to the opposite slope, shot out on the enemy's flank with such impetuosity as to give them little time for resistance. The Mh mid dfh Iowa re-captured De Grass^ Battery, and turned it again on the foe. A portion of the 16th Corps now came up, and claimed a share of the honor ; but it was awarded by both Generals Sherman and Wood to the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 15th Army Corps. For the part taken by these troops, during the balance of this engagement, I refer to the report of Colonel Williamson : " Leaving the 9th Iowa in the works, I sent the 4th to the right, to occupy a rebel battery which commanded the head of a ravine, leading to our line in the only place where there was 212 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. not a breast-work. The regiment had not more than formed, when it was assaulted by a brigade of rebel inftmtry, under command of Colonel Backer, and a very stubborn fight ensued; but the regiment held its position, and finally repulsed the assaults, inflicting great loss on the rebels in killed, wounded, and prisoners. "The 37th Alabama (rebel) was, according to the statements made by prisoners, nearly annihilated in this engagement. After the last assault made by the rebels was repulsed, the command went to work changing the rebel works and con- structing new ones, completing them against day-light. I now received orders to move to the left of the IGth Corps, some two or three miles to the left of our position." In the movement of the 27th instant from the east to the west side of Atlanta, the 9th Iowa with its brigade was given the post of honor : it covered the rear of its division, in the line of marcli. Marching all that day and until about ten o'clock at night, it rested on its arms till day-light of the 28th, and then, in line of battle, moved forward to its new position in line. The loss of the 9th Iowa and its brigade in this day's fighting was slight, the enemy making their desperate assaults on the forces to its right. Among the wounded was Colonel Carsakaddon. He was struck by a musket-shot in the forehead, receiving a wound very simi- lar to that received by General Dodge a few days after. Only a portion of Colonel Williamson's Brigade was engaged in the battle of the 28th. This brigade was relieved on the 3d instant, and placed in reserve, the 9th Iowa being sent to picket the extreme right. On tlie 13th of August, having re-joined its brigade, the regiment took part in assaulting the enemy's skirmish line, which resulted in capturing the entire force in the pits. In the march to Jonesboro, which closed the memorable campaign, the 9th Iowa took part. It reached the Montgom- ery Railroad in the forenoon of the 28th of August, where it DAVID CARSAKADDON. 213 remained with its brigade one day, destroying the road, and then marched to within one mile north of Jonesboro. While lying before Jonesboro on the 31st instant, the enemy made a desperate assault on the 1st Division; and the part which a portion of the 9th took in repelling this assault is thus given by the brigade commander : "During the assault, four companies of the 9th Iowa, under Captain McSweeny, went forward and took a position in an interval between the right of the 4th Division and the left of the 3d Brigade, where there were no intrenchments, and, while the battle continued, succeeded in throwing up temporary works, which enabled them to hold the position." The loss of the 2d Brigade in the Atlanta Campaign (and the 4th and 9th Iowa suffered the most severely) was two hundred and eighty. An account of the march from Atlanta to Savannah, and thence, through the swamps of South Carolina to Goldsboro and Raleigh, will be found in the sketch of Colonel William Smytli, 31st Iowa. After the fall of Atlanta, the 30th Iowa was attached to the loth Corps' Iowa Brigade, and the brigade itself changed from the 2d to the 3d. On the march from Savannah to Goldsboro, the brigade was commanded by Colo- nel George A. Stone of the 25th Iowa, and met the enemy at three different points on the line of march. Of the part taken by the 4th and 9th Iowa on the Little Congaree Creek, near Columbia, South Carolina, Colonel Stone says : " I was ordered to form in two lines of battle, two regiments front, and the other regiment (the 4th Iowa) to cover the front as skirmishers, and to move forward to eflFect a crossing of the Little Congaree Creek, if possible. Immediately in front of the 4th Iowa was a swamp about waist-deep, and some three hun- dred yards wide. The regiment did not falter at this obstacle, but gallantly plunged in, led by its commanding officer, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Nichols. We were now about five hundred yards above the position held by the rebels on Little Congaree Creek ; but a branch of that same stream intervened between 214 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. US and the crock itself. It was discovered our position flanked an out-post of tlie enemy on the same side of the streiuu we were on, and three companies of the 4th Iowa and four compa- nies of the 9th Iowa were ordered to attack this out-post. Major Anderson of tlie 4th Iowa commanded tlie skirmishers making the attack, and Captain Bowman of the 9th com- manded the reserve. The attack was made with great vigor, and was entirely successful. The enemy could not withstand the impetuosity of the skirmishers, and broke, after a few minutes' fighting, to the opposite side of the creek. I now ordered my command forward to the branch of the Little Con- garee, separating us from the main creek, and with the 4th Iowa went about three-fourths of a mile up the creek, to a point beyond the enemy's right flank, and in their rear. Here I ordered the 4th Iowa to cross on a log as quickly as possible, intending, as soon as that regiment had crossed, to support it with two others, and attack the enemy from the rear." But the movement was discovered, and the enemy retired. On the marcli through the Carolinas, the 9th Iowa was com- manded by Lieutenant-Colonel Abernethy, a most excellent ofiicer. He is a brother of the late Lieutenant-Colonel John Abernethy of the 3d Iowa, who was killed on tlic i^2d i)f July, before Atlanta. Both entered the service as first sergeants, and rose to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. After Colonel Carsakaddon was woundi'd on the Listh of July, he received leave of absence and came North, lie did not re-join his regiment till after its arrival at Savannah, Georgia, and, before it left that i)(»int on its final canii>aign, he tendered his resignation. The colonel is a short, stocky man, Milh black hair and eyes, and lias the appearance of much energy and determi- nation. I am told lie is a good sample of a \\'es(erii man — unpretending and practical, l>ul ra(lii-r illittrate. He was a l)rave man, and a gallant oMicer; ami then' are few of his old regiment, wIiocIk not entertain for him the greatest good-will and allectiou. COLONEL NICHOLAS PERCZEL. FIRST COLONEL, TENTH INFANTRY. Nicholas Pekczel is a native of Hungary, where he was born in the year 1813. He has a military education, and passed a nunil)er of years in active service, before coming to this country. For, several years, he has been a resident of Daven- port, Iowa, where he has been engaged in the business of mercliaiit and trader. He was made colonel of the 10th Iowa Infantry, on the 1st day of September, 18G1, and held that position till the 1st of November, 18G2, when he resigned his commission. Authority to recruit the 10th Iowa Infantry was granted by the War Department to J. C. Bennett, in July, 1861. Mr. Bennett was afterward major of the regiment. He, aided by F. M. Mills, Esq., of Des Moines, a brother of the late Colonel Mills of the 2d Iowa, had nearly completed the regiment's enlistment, when it was ordered to rendezvous at Iowa City. The manner in which the regiment was officered created con- siderable dissatisfaction; but this will not be matter of interest, either to the old members of the regiment, or to the public. Colonel Perczel first served with the 10th Iowa in Missouri. He was engaged in the skirmish near Charleston, on the morn- ing of the Gth of January, 1862, his loss being eight killed, and sixteen wounded. These were the first men the 10th Iowa lost in battle. The colonel was also present at the capture of New Madrid, and Island No. 10 ; and with his regiment formed a part of the force which, at Tiptonville, captured five thousand of the enemy. After operations were completed in this direc- tion, the 10th Iowa sailed with the command of General Pope 215 216 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. to Hamburg Landing, on the Tennessee, and served with that general during the siege of Corinth, on the left of the besieging army. Colonel Perczel commanded a brigade before Corinth, two regiments of which were his own and the 17th Iowa; and during the siege of that city was engaged in two important reconnoissances and skirmishes. The first of these was made on the afternoon of the 2Gth of May, witli a force consisting of the 10th Iowa, and four pieces of artillery. With the enemy, this skirmish assumed the importance of an engagement ; for, saying nothing of his wounded, he admitted a loss of one hundred and twenty-five in killed. The 10th Iowa, the only troops on our side that suffered loss, had only eight men wounded. The losses were so disproportionate as to give the above statement an air of improbability ; but its truth is well vouched for. On the morning of the 2Sth of May, two days later, the 17th Iowa and the 10th Missouri of the same brigade had a skirmish with the enemy, in which the losses were nearly as dispropor- tionate. These troops were sent out under the immediate command of Colonel Holmes of the 10th Missouri ; and mov- ing against the enemy's extreme right, which was held by the commands of Price and Van Dorn, came within musket-range of the two strong forts on the hills to the south of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. The enemy supposed they were being attacked in force, and came swarming out of their works and down the steep hills to oppose the advance; while their pickets, skirmishers and reserves, hurried with greater haste in the opposite direction. Corinth was evacuated that night, and, on passing over the ground the next morning, where the skirmish took place, ninety-three new graves were counted. The Union loss in this encounter was about thirty in killed and wounded. NICHOLAS PERCZEL. 217 On the fall of Corinth and the hasty retreat of the enemy, the division of General Schuyler Hamilton, to which Colonel Perczel's Brigade was attached, followed in pursuit, and marched as far south as Boonville, on the Mobile and Ohio Bailroad. The route from Corinth lay through the heavily- timbered swamps, which form the head-waters of the Tombig- bee Kiver, and which would be, at any season of the year, difficult of passage to a large army with baggage-trains and i artillery. There was but little fighting ; but, one day of the I march it rained incessantly, which rendered the corduroy roads almost impassable. Add to this the fact that the army ; had for a long time been lying before Corinth inactive, and the i hardships and fatigue of the march can be imagined. One j scene on the road, at a point some six miles north of Boon- • ville, will never be forgotten by those troops who, on the night of the 2d of June, ascended from the swamps to the up-lands, near mid-night. On an open, even, but gradually-sloping field, containing not less than two thousand acres, and facing the Corinth road to the north-east, just in front of where it rises from the bottom-lands and turns to the left, were encamped nearly two entire divisions. The previous afternoon had been rainy, and the soldiers, cold and wet, had built large and bril- liant camp-fires throughout their entire encampment. The sky was still hung with dark, heavy clouds, which, as viewed from the point in the road above mentioned, formed the back- ground of this magnificent scenery — the grandest I ever witnessed. It was literally a city of fire, and was ample com- pensation for the slippery, hazardous, mid-night-march over the never-to-be-forgotten one-mile-of corduroy. Pursuit was made to a few miles south of Boonville ; but the enemy, with the exception of some hundreds of stragglers and deserters, had made good his escape with his shattered legions. To pursue further would so extend the line of communications 218 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. as to imperil a safe return ; and a " right about " was therefore ordered to Corinth. Returning to the vicinity of Corinth, the the 10th Iowa went into camp at Clear Springs, a place three and a half miles south of Corinth, and so called from the beautiful, translucent springs which gush out from the foot of the hills, on which the camp was made. The regiment remained here and at Jacinto, the county-seat of Tishamingo county, and some twenty miles south of Corinth, till the 18th of the following September ; when, with the balance of Gen- eral Rosecrans' command, it was ordered out to engage the forces of General Price, then supposed to be intrenching themselves near luka. In this heedless, blundering fight, the 10th Iowa held the left of its brigade, and, like the other regi- ments of its brigade, suffered severely. The pursuit of the enemy in his hasty retreat on the morning of the 20th, and the bloody battle at Corinth on the 3d and 4th of the following October, and subsequent pursuit of the rebel forces to and beyond the Hatchie, form the next chapter in the history of this regiment. With the close of these operations also closed the colonelcy of Nicholas Perczel ; for, as has already been stated, he resigned his commission on the first of the following November. He had in the meantime been recommended for promotion to brigadier-general, but for some reason was not appointed by the President. Among the officers of the 10th Iowa with whom I became acquainted early in the regiment's history, were Major, after- wards Lieutenant-Colonel Nathaniel McCalla, Captain Albert Stoddard and Lieutenant and Adjutant John Delahoyd; and I hope that, in giving their names special mention, I shall do no injustice to otlier officers of the regiment equally deserving. I never met Major McCalla without thinking of an old Roman lieutenant. He is rough in exterior and in manners, and as NICHOLAS PEECZEL. 219 gallant and generous as rough. Captain Stoddard is a hand- some and most genial fellow, and was, in the spring and summer of 1863, Judge- Advocate of the old 7th Division. In i the hour of battle, and at the convivial board, he always took I his place in the front. Lieutenant John Delahoyd was one of the most reckless aids and adjutant-generals that ever I carried a dispatch in the face of the enemy. He distinguished ; himself at Corinth. Having ridden out with the 17th Iowa I to assign it a position, he put the regiment under a terrific I fire of grape and canister, and then, directing it to lie down, sat and watched the enemy from his horse. Whenever the enemy were about to fire, he would say: "Lay low, Seven- teenth." It is a wonder how he escaped being killed. He was General Sullivan's adjutant-general, and was one of the most popular ofiicers of the brigade. During the siege of Corinth, (I believe it was on the 22d of May) and while his brigade was encamped near Farmington, an incident occurred which the colonel will never forget. That morning a company of the 3d Michigan Cavalry, which, like all the troops before Corinth, had seen but little service, was stationed beyond the picket-line, as vedettes on the extreme left. And I should add further that, an attack from this direc- tion was being anticipated, and the extreme left wing, by reliefs, was engaged in digging rifle-pits, and in cutting the timber which would form a cover for the approach of the enemy, and obstruct the range of the artillery. All was quiet, and the work was steadily progressing, until about two o'clock in the afternoon, when, instantly, a cry of alarm was heard in the direction of the enemy, and, turning the eye down the road, a cavalry-man was seen coming at the top of his speed, standing upright in his saddle, and whirling his drawn sword about his head in the wildest manner. In an instant he had passed, shouting in a frantic, broken voice, "The enemy are 220 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. coming against the left in force ! The enemy are coming against the left in force!" All were instantly under arms, and, with breathless determination, stood waiting the approach of the enemy. The guns of the 6th Wisconsin Battery, hurriedly charged with canister, were turned in the direction of the threatened attack, when Colonel Perczel, riding down the road and out through a large, open field to the right, suddenly saw — that he was sold. The captain of the 3d Michigan Cav- alry had been frightened at the approach of one of our own scouting parties. Colonel Perczel was chief in command, and felt the sell most keenly; but he only said: "Whare es dat cap'n ob de Third (?) Mee-che-gan Cabalry, wat run widout firing one gun?" Colonel Perczel is about six feet in hight, and both slender and erect. He has a lively, gray eye, and, in the service, wore a long, heavy, gray beard. Naturally he is excitable, but in danger was cool and brave, and was greatly loved by his command. He knew his merit as a military man, and was chagrined at being placed under the command of officers who were not only his inferiors in military knowledge, but who would get beastly drunk on duty. To escape this unpleasant situation, I am advised, was the chief cause of his leaving the service. The general, whona he most despised, died late in 1862, at Corinth, of mania apoiu. COLONEL WILLIAM E. SMALL. SECOND COLONEL, TENTH INPWNTRY. William E. Small, the successor of Nicholas Perczel to the colonelcy of the 10th Iowa Infantry, is a native of the State of Maine. At the time of entering the service, in September, 1861, he was a resident of Iowa City, and a practicing lawyer. He was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of tlie 10th Iowa Infantry, the 10th of September, 1861 ; and with this rank served till the second of November, 1862, when, Colonel Perczel resigning, he was promoted to the colonelcy of the regiment. During his colonelcy, as also from the time of its organiza- tion, the 10th Iowa Infantry has a proud and interesting history. From the second of Noveml>er, 1862, till after the fall of Vicksburg, the time of Colonel Small's discharge, this regiment was always at the front; and, if there was any fight- j ing to be done, like the other Iowa regiments of the 7th Divis- ion, 17th Army Corps, the 10th was sure to have part in it. Late in November, 1862, the 10th Iowa joined its division in I the march of General Grant down the Mobile and Ghio Rail- road. Piissing through Abbeville and Oxford, it had reached a point as far south as the Yockona River, when, the line of j communications being cut, it was ordered to return. On the I 26th of December, it marched with its division from near ' Lumpkin's Mills, Mississippi, to Memphis, having in charge a provision-train of six hundred and twenty-five wagons ; and this was one of the most vexing and fatiguing marches the regiment ever made. It was the coldest part of the Southern Winter, and the trip was made without baggage, or only such 221 222 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. as the men could carry on their persons. A cold, sleety rain was falling almost constantly, and the red, clayey mud, the dirtiest and daubiest in the world, was half-knee deep. Hang- ing on their flanks and rear was a band of guerrillas, ready to pick up the stragglers, and to fire into the train whenever occasion offered. Usually, men are merry on the march ; but, without rest by day or sleep at night, there was little merri- ment here. For so short a one, this is regarded the hardest march the old 7th Division ever made. After this march was completed, the balance of the winter of 18G2-3 the 10th Iowa passed on the Memphis and Charles- ton Railroad; but, in the opening Spring, moved down the Mississippi to Helena. Prior to the 22d of March following, the operations of the division are detailed elsewhere ; and the history of the division is the same as that of this regiment. On the evening of the last named date, the 10th Iowa sailed into the mouth of the Yazoo Pass, which opens into the Mississippi on its east side, and eight miles below Helena. This was a most wonderful expedition, and, had it not been a military movement, would have been romantic. For the labor and skill employed in opening this pass, and in clearing it of obstructions. General Grant was chiefly indebted to Iowa troops under General Washburn. For more than a week, the 24th, 28th, and 33d Iowa regiments were kept half-leg deep in mud and water, hauling out the timber, which the enemy had felled for purposes of obstruction. The object of the Yazoo Pass Expedition was a flank move- ment on Vicksburg, but it ended, as it begun, in strategy. This was one of the forty-three plans, which General Grant had pocketed for the reduction of Vicksburg. The story is as follows, but I do not vouch for its truth : A Federal soldier was captured on the Deer Creek raid, and taken before a rebel officer, when the following colloquy occurred: "What in the WILLIAM E. SMALL. 223 devil is Grant in here for ? what does he expect to do? " "To take Vicksburg," was the soldier's reply. " "Well, hasn't the old fool tried this ditching and flanking five times already?" "Yes," said the soldier, " bnt he has got thirty-seven more plans in his pocket." From the mouth of this pass to Moon Lake, (so named from j its crescent shape) the distance is five miles, and was passed ' over without much trouble ; but, for forty miles after leaving Moon Lake, it was literally a boat-ride in the forest ; for the stream was so winding that its course could rarely be seen more than forty yards in advance. It seemed to have no outlet; and gigantic trees, on every hand, challenged an advance. Small stern-wheel boats could only be used, and even these were found to be unwieldy. The force of the current which put in from the swollen waters of the Missis- sippi was prodigious; and the danger was in going too fast. Until the boats reached the Cold Water, their engines had to be kept reversed ; and so it happened that this was called by the soldiers "the back-water expedition." Even with all the care that was used, the boats were stripped of every thing that was fancy, and of much that was substantial. Not a smoke- stack in the whole fleet was able to weather the storm ; and whole state-rooms were raked off" by projecting limbs, into whose ugly embrace the boats would rush, in spite of the pilots and engineers ; and, I may add, in spite of from twenty to fifty soldiers, aligned on the decks and armed with long poles. But in spite of all these dangers, the expedition did not lack amusement ; for instance : a tall, awkward fellow, (he did not belong to the 10th) while standing on the hurricane deck of the Lady Pike, was watching a large sycamore limb, which a spar of the boat was pushing aside. He was wondering if it would not break ; when just then it slipped by the spar, and, taking 224 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. him across the face, knocked him several feet, and came near dropping him into the stream. He carried a " stiff upper-lip," if not a brave heart, till the expedition returned. History may, if it will, omit to mention this expedition ; for it has furnished itself a record that will be read many years hence. On the trees, at nearly every bend in this stream, the name of some soldier is literally "recorded on high," and nearly every regiment in Quimby's and Ross' Divisions is thus represented. For nearly every boat of the fleet was caught at some one of these bends, and before it could be released the enterprising soldiers would carve their names on pieces of broken cracker- boxes, and nail these to the limbs. When the expedition returned, the water in the pass had fallen many feet, leaving these inscriptions high in the air ; and there they still hang. There was one feature of this expedition, which, though interesting, lacked amusement; though it was experienced only on the Tallahatchie River and the lower waters of the Cold Water. The banks of these streams are covered, mostly, with timber and thick under-brush, forming fine places of concealment for guerrillas. We were in the enemy's country and, acquainted with their chivalric mode of warfare, were looking for it to be put in practice; yet, when the first guerrilla gun was fired, it was all unexpected. Standing on the hurri- cane-deck, you would see in the brush near a fallen log, or the trunk of a standing tree, a blue circling puff of smoke, and then hear the pat or sharp whistle of a bullet. The report of the gun would follow, when all hands would dodge. In spite of the anticipation of seeing the thing repeated, the men would laugh at their folly, and remark, "that shows what a little noise will do." On the Gth of April, the last of the fleet arrived above Fort Pemberton, at the junction of the Tallahatchie and Yallabusha Rivers; and a fight was expected the day after; but either WILLIAM E. SMALL. 225 General Grant had accomplished all he expected to in this direction, or had learned he could accomplish nothing, and the entire fleet was ordered to return. The last boat, in a damaged condition, arrived at the Sand Bar below Helena, at noon on the 12th of April; and, should one return from Hades, he could be little more surprised at his safe arrival on terra firma, than were many who sailed on the celebrated Yazoo Pass Expe- dition. In this connection, I desire to speak of a good man, who rendered important services on this expedition, and who after- wards died at Fort Sumner, New Mexico. Captain Robert Lusby of the 10th Iowa, and, at the time of his death, adjutant-general to General Crocker, was a noble man and officer. Next in the history of the 10th Iowa, is the final Vicksburg Campaign. During this celebrated march, Ihe details of which are given elsewhere, the regiment met the enemy at the battles of Jackson, and Champion's Hill. In the last of these engage- ments, it greatly distinguished itself, and suffered severely, as also did the regiments of the 3d Brigade, commanded by the gallant little Boomer, The 5th and 10th Iowa, the 26th Mis- souri and 93d Illinois, deserve a proud place in the history of our civil war. On the 19th of May, the 10th Iowa arrived before the rebel works, in rear of Vicksburg ; and, from that day till the 4 h of July following, the day of General Grant's triumphal entry into the city, did its full share of duty. With its brigade, it join d in the memorable charge of the 22d of May ; and, under General McClernand, to whom the brigade had been ordered to report, was preparing to assault the right of the enemy's works, when Colonel Boomer fell, shot through the head. He was killed at sun-down, and near the crest of a hill within two hundred yards of the enemy's line. Colonel Boomer was a native of Massachusetts, and a brave and gallant 226 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. officer. The confusion, incident to the loss of the brigade commander, created some delay, and, before an advance was made, orders were received to withdraw to a position behind the second line of hills. On the 24th of May, the 3d Brigade reported back to its division, whose position in the line was to the left of the centre, and about half a mile south of the rebel Fort Hill ; and here the 10th Iowa remained till the surrender of Vicksburg. Immediately after the fall of Vicksburg, the brigade of Gen- eral Matthies, to which the 10th Iowa was attached, (for after the death of Boomer he had been transferred to this command) joined the command of General Sherman, in the pursuit of the rebel forces under General Johnson. The brigade arrived before Jackson on the evening of the 14th of July, having marched from Clinton; but had hardly stacked arms, when orders were received to march back to Clinton, to anticipate the rebel General Jackson in his cavalry-raid upon Sherman's train. General Matthies arrived in Clinton late that night, and just in time to meet and repulse one brigade of Jackson's cavalry, the only rebel troops sent to that point. For this gal- lant aiTair, the 10th Iowa, with the balance of the troops of the brigade, was handsomely complimented by General Sherman. The principal portion of the time covered by these opera- tions, Colonel Small was absent from his regiment: indeed, he was never with it much, and, if I am rightly informed, was never present in an engagement. His military record is not in keeping with that of his gallant regiment. He was a fine drill- master, which was his chief merit as a soldier. In person, Colonel Small is below the medium. He has a nervous temperament, a pale, sickly countenance, and a feeble constitution. In his manners, I am told, he is dignified and sedate. COLONEL PARIS PERRIN HENDERSON. THIRD COLONEL, TENTH INFANTRY. Paris P. Henderson was born at Liberty, Union county , Indiana, on the 3d day of January, 1825. He was educated at I the Common Schools of his native town, where he resided till he reached his eighteenth year. At eighteen, he learned the tanner's and currier's trade in Vermillion county, Illinois. He settled in AVarren county, Iowa, in the fall of 1847, and two years later was appointed organizing-sheriff of that I county. In August, 1851, he was elected County Judge of ] his county, which office he held for three consecutive terms. I In the fall of 1859, he was elected to the State Senate, and was I the Senator of Warren county at the outbreak of the war. In September, 18G1, Mr. Henderson was commissioned cap- tain of Company G, 10th Iowa Infentry, which he had enlisted in Warren county. On the 27th of January, 18G3, he was pro- I moted to the lieutenant-colonelcy, and, on the 18th of the I following August, to the colonelcy of the 10th Iowa Infantry. On the arrival of General Sherman at Savannah, in his grand I march from Atlanta to the sea. Colonel Henderson resigned I his commission, having served three years and nearly three I months. The military history of Colonel Henderson reflects on him much credit: it is the same as that of his regiment; for, from the time of his entering the service until the date of his leaving it, he was present with it. Even during the greater part of the time of his lieutenant-colonelcy, he commanded it ; for Colonel Small was sick and absent. Early in September, 1863, the 10th Iowa Infantry, v/hich was then in camp at Vicksburg, left with its division for the 227 228 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. purpose of reinforcing General Steele, tlien marcliing on Little , Rock ; but, news coming of the fall of Little Rock on the arri- val of the division at Helena, it remained in camp at that place, awaiting transports in which to return to Vicksburg. . In the meantime, General Sherman's old Corps had been ordered to report at Chattanooga. The march from Memphis commenced about the middle of October. Why, I do not know, but for some reason the 7th Division of the 17th Corps was separated from its command, and ordered to join General Sherman in this march. There were many other troops, who for a long time had done little, and who, in fairness, should have been selected for this arduous campaign. It was sup- posed by the division that the mettle of which it had shown itself possessed, on so many battle-fields, had determined the commanding general in this choice; for General Grant was once reported to have said: — "One knows just what he can do with that division." In justice to the veteran troops of this command, these facts should be stated ; for they should receive the credit due to their gallant services. And here, although not in strict keeping with my plan, I yield to what I know would be the earnest wish of the regiment whose his- tory I am recording, and append the names of the regiments which constituted this noble command. In the First Brigade were the 4th Minnesota, the 48th and 59th Indiana, the 18th Wisconsin, and the 63d Illinois. In the Second Brigade were the 10th Missouri, the 17th Iowa, the 5Gth Illinois, and the 80th Ohio. In the 3d Brigade were the 5th and 10th Iowa, the 2Gth Missouri, and the 93d Illinois. In our groat National struggle there has been no more worthy or potent representative from the great North West than the 7th Division, 17th Army Corps. Moving up the river from Helena to Memphis, the 10th Iowa left that city early in October, and proceeded by rail as far as PARIS PERRIN HENDERSON. 229 Glendale, Mississippi, nine miles east of Corinth. From that point the regiment marched to Chattanooga, by way of Dixon's j Station; Chickasaw Landing, on the Tennessee Kiver ; Florence, I Alabama, Rogersville, Prospect Station, on the Nashville and ! Decatur Railroad; Fayetteville, Winchester, Decherd and Bridgeport. The Tennessee River, at Chickasaw Landing, was crossed on the night of the 30th of October, and, in tho j evening of the 19th of November, the 10th Iowa, with its divi- sion, arrived under Lookout Mountain. The night of the 30th of October, 1863, was stormy and dismal, which not only ren- dered the crossing of the Tennessee disagreeable, but soured the tempers of all. General , in command of the division, superintended the crossing of his troops, and, like every one else, was irritable. On one occasion, while his boat was approaching the south bank of the river, the detail on shore had left their post, and no one chanced to be at hand but a lieutenant, the son of a Congressman. The hawser being thrown ashore and no one there to receive it, General cried out, "Take hold of that rope, sir." "I am a lieutenant, and the son of Congressman ." "Don't care a d — n, take hold of that rope." But the lieutenant was relieved by the detail, who at that instant came up. I have said that the 10th Iowa, with its division, arrived at the foot of Lookout Mountain in the evening of the 19th of November. The head of the division arrived in Lookout Val- ley just before night-fall, and no sooner was it seen by the enemy, than he commenced displaying his signal-lights. Bragg knew that General Grant was receiving reinforcements, but the number he could not tell, for darkness intervened soon after the head of the column came in view. Before day-light the next morning, the division was marched across the Ten- nessee River, and behind some hills, out of view of the enemy. It was said that this was one of the plans which General Grant 230 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. had adopted to puzzle and mislead the enemy ; and it may be correct history. It was even said that General Grant would, in the night-time, march troops from the north bank of the river under Lookout Mountain, and, after day-light the next morning, march them back to their former position. But, however this may be, it is certain that Bragg was, by some means, thrown from his reckoning ; for he attributed to Gen- eral Grant, at Chattanooga, a much larger army than he. had. From the 20th of November until the 23d, the 10th Iowa, with its brigade and division, rested in camp behind the hills above mentioned, but at mid-night of the last named date marched down to the river to effect a crossing. The crossing was to be made in pontoons, and just below the mouth of South Chickamauga Creek. The pontoon-boats had already been launched in the North Chickamauga, so that all was in readiness. The brigade of General Giles A. Smyth, numbering about eighteen hundred men, led the advance. Embarking on the pontoon-boats, they floated quietly down into the Tennes- see, and then made rapidly for the opposite shore; and so quiet and systematic were their movements that they surprised and captured the entire picket-guard of the enemy but one. By day-light in the morning, nearly three entire divisions of Sher- man's command had reached the south bank safely, and were behind intrenchments nearly a mile and a half in length. These successes insured victory to General Grant at Chatta- nooga; for he could now swing round on the enemy's right and rear, and force him to abandon his boasted impregnable position. In the fighting which followed, the 5th, the 10th, and the 17th Iowa regiments took a conspicuous part, though neither of these regiments met the enemy till the 25th instant. Nor did the 6th Iowa, which was the only other Iowa regiment that crossed the Tennessee with Sherman, meet the enemy PARIS PERRIN HENDERSON. 231 I before that time. In a south-westerly direction from where the crossing was effected, and about four miles distant, was the I long range of irregular and precipitous hills, known as Mission j Ridge; and to wrest these from the possession of the enemy, j was the object of General Sherman's crossing the river. At j about three o'clock in the afternoon of the 24th instant, the 10th Iowa, with its brigade and division, (the whole command drawn up in column by division) marched down through the I timber and wet bottom-lands that intervened between the place of crossing and Mission Ridge, to assault and capture a high hill in the northern portion of the ridge. The movement was made, and the hill gained without a casualty ; for, not i having been fortified, it was abandoned by the enemy. But on the next hill beyond, which was about half a mile distant, were the enemy in large force, and strongly fortified; and against this position were the attacks of the 7th Division directed the next day. Retiring from the hill just occupied by ! its division, the 10th Iowa bivouacked the night of the 24th in j the woods near the Chattanooga and Knoxville Railroad ; but there was little sleep for the regiment, for it was during that night that General Hooker was driving the enemy from Look- out Mountain; and such an incessant and appalling fire of musketry was hardly ever heard before in the night-time. It raged from sun-down until near day-light the next morning. Thus far every thing had worked favorably, and "on the night of the 24th our forces maintained an unbroken line, with open communications, from the north end of Lookout Moun- tain, through Chattanooga Valley, to the north end of Mission Ridge." General Bragg was now defeated; and to save his army, his baggage, stores and artillery, was with him the important question. The point against which the attacks of the 5th, 6th, 10th and 17th Iowa regiments, with their respec- tive commands, were directed on the 25th instant, covered 232 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. and protected Bragg's line of communications to the rear; and hence it was that the fighting at that point was of the most desperate character; for, that hill lost, and Bragg would have lost nearly every thing. The 10th Iowa, with its brigade, was ordered up to reinforce General Ewing's command at eleven o'clock in the morning. Moving west across the railroad already alluded to, it marched out across an open field, and down into low ground, which was covered with under-brush. Next, it was faced to the south, which brought it fronting the hill in question, and for the possession of which. General Sherman was now struggling. Thus far, the entire brigade had lost but two men ; but now orders came for an advance — first to the White House, (which was already in flames) and then to the top of the hill. In the advance to the White House, the artillery-firing of the enemy was most frightful. Their position on the hill, or succession of hills, was semi-circular, and, at different points along their line, were some forty pieces of artillery in battery, the range of which was short and accurate. They used solid shot, shell, canister and grape; and, altogether, it was the most terrific artillery-fire the 10th Iowa ever passed under in the open field. It was also the most terrific artillery-fire the 5th and 17th Iowa ever passed under. To this day, I can not recall that hour, without feeling in sympathy with the old Latin poet: '■^ Steteruntque comce et vox faucibus hcesit.^^ On the hill-top, the 10th held the left of the brigade, and fought with its accustomed gallantry ; but the numbers of the enemy, with their strong position, could not be overcome, and a retreat had to be ordered soon after General Matthies, its brigade commander, was wounded. The engagements of Champion's Hill and Mission Bidge are regarded by the 10th Iowa, as among their hardest battles. PARIS PERRIN HENDERSON. 233 From the 25th of November, 1863, until the following May, the histories of the 10th and 17th Iowa regiments are similar. The 10th marched to Graysville, Georgia, in pursuit of Bragg's forces, and then, returning, was ordered to Huntsville, Ala- bama, where it remained until the following May. It was then sent to Decatur, Alabama, the junction of the Nashville and Decatur, with the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. While at Huntsville, the regiment had re-enlisted as veterans; but it did not receive its veteran furlough until the following June. While stationed at Decatur, the 10th Iowa, under Lieuten- ant-Colonel McCalla, with some one hundred and thirty men of the 9th Ohio Cavalry, had a little affair with the rebel forces of General Forest, on the south side of the Tennessee River; but I omit details, for their recital could give no additional lustre to the already brilliant record of the regiment. The 10th Iowa Infantry returned to the front late in July, 1864, and arrived at Kingston, Georgia, on the 1st of August. Here it remained on guard-duty along the railroad, until the time of Wheeler's celebrated cavalry raid on General Sher- man's rear line of communications, when it joined the command which was organized to make pursuit. The expedition was out about twenty days, and marched, during that time, more than five hundred miles. But their fleet-footed adversary could not be brought to a stand, and, after pursuing him through East and Middle Tennessee and Northern Alabama, they finally came up with him just as his rear-guard was cross- ing the Tennessee River at Florence. Soon after, followed the flanh movement of General Hood, after which, the 10th Iowa moved with General Sherman on his memorable march to Savannah. Its last campaign was from Savannah to Raleigh, and that will probably be its last in the war ; for the veteran army of Northern Virginia has now surrendered. 234 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Colonel Henderson is about six feet in hight, and well formed. He has a pleasant face, and an easy, winning address. No one can know him but to like him. The Colonel was a brave and efficient officer, and popular with his regiment ; but he was too kind and conceding, I am told, for an excellent disciplinarian. Henderson was one of the Iowa colonels who would do justice to a subordinate, without an express or implied consideration. He never bartered his honor to enhance his chances for pro- motion. COLONEL ABRAHAM M. HARE. FIRST COT.ONEL, ELEVENTH INFANTRY. Abraham M. Hare, the original colonel of the 11th Iowa Infantry, is a native of Ohio, where he was born about the year 1812. He was one of the earliest settlers of Muscatine, Iowa, having established himself in that place before the year 1839. For several years after settling in Muscatine, he carried on the hatter's business ; and later, opened a hat and cap store. He was successful in business, and, in the course of a few years, acquired a respectable fortune. I am told he stands among the wealthy and most exemplary men of Muscatine. He had some knowledge of military matters before entering the service, having been a major of militia in Ohio. He was mustered colonel of the 11th Iowa on the 1st day of November, 1861, and served with his regiment until the battle of Shiloh, when he resigned his commission, on account of a wound received in that engagement. But little of the history of the 11th Iowa Infantry was made under Colonel Hare. The regiment was recruited mainly from the counties of Muscatine, Iowa, Hardin, Marshall, Louisa, Cedar, Keokuk, Washington, Henry, Clinton and Linn: Mus- catine is the most largely represented. It was mustered into the United States service, by companies, in the months of Sep- tember and October, 1861, and the following Winter, served in Missouri. Shiloh was its first battle, and the only one it was engaged in during the colonelcy of Colonel Hare : indeed, it was not under him in that engagement; for he was in com- mand of the brigade to which it was attached. Lieutenant- Colonel, afterward Colonel Hall commanded the regiment, and 235 236 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. made the report of the engagement. The 11th and 13th Iowa were attached to the same brigade at Shiloh, and the part the regiment sustained in the engagement, may be seen in the sketch of Brigadier-General M. M. Crocker. Among the killed at Shiloh, the 11th Iowa lost Lieutenant John F. Compton, Sergeants Henry Seibert, Ezra McLoney and George E. Daniels; and Corporals William F. Hough, George J. Barns, and Martin A. McLain. Captain Charles Foster was wounded, as also was Sergeant E. D. Akers, who was not long after promoted to the captaincy of his company. The regiment lost heavily in killed and wounded, but the exact number I have been unable to learn. The rebel General A. Sidney Johnson fell in front of the 11th Iowa, and was doubtless killed by this regiment. Colonel Hare was quite severely wounded near the close of the first day's battle, and left the field. He was wounded where his brigade made its last stand ; and in speaking of him General McClernand says: — " Colonel A. M. Hare, command- ing the 1st Brigade, who had borne himself through the day with great constancy and courage, was here wounded, and the command of the brigade devolved on his able and gallant successor, Colonel Crocker." Colonel Hare is a large, athletic man, of billious-sanguine temperament, and dark complexion. His hair once black, is now streaked with gray ; his eye though mild, is penetrating. He is determined in purpose, and kind-hearted, a fact univers- ally attested by the "boys" of his regiment. He is cool, deliberate and fearless in battle, and unostentatious in man- ners. It is doubtless owing to this peculiar trait of character that I am unable to get further details of his history. He seems satisfied with having done his duty. COLONEL WILLIAM HALL. SECOND COLONEL, ELEVENTH INFANTRY. William Hall was born in the city of Montreal, Canada East, on the 25th of January, 18.32; but, though born in Canada, he is not a foreigner. His parents were, at the time of his birth, residents of the State of Vermont, and chanced to be on a visit at Montreal. William remained at home with his family till 1844, during which time his father resided in Ogdensburg, New York; Brookville, Canada West; and Roch- ester, New York. In 1844 he entered Oberlin College, where he remained a year and a half, and then entered the Western Military Institute of Kentucky. At that time, as also at the breaking out of the rebellion, the rebel Bushrod Johnson was superintendent of the institution. Commencing with the rank of private, Colonel Hall went through all the military grades of the school, and graduated as acting-adjutant, and with the rank of captain. Soon after leaving that institution, he entered the Harvard Law School, at Cambridge, Massachusetts; but, without graduating, left in 1854, and came West. Since that time he has made his residence in Davenport, Iowa. By pro- fession. Colonel Hall is a lawyer ; and I understand he ranked fairly at the Davenport bar. He had the reputation of being a hard worker, and of doing the best he could for his clients. In the summer of 18G1 he entered the volunteer service, and the 23d of September following was commissioned major of the 11th Iowa Infantry. He was promoted to the lieutenant- colonelcy of his regiment, on the 11th of October, 1861, and, on the resignation of Colonel Hare, was commissioned colonel. He held this rank, and served in the field, till the summer of 237 238 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. 1864, when, Colonel W. W. Belknap being promoted over him to a general officer, he resigned in disgust. It is reported that, after his return home, he espoused conservatism, and villified, in public speeches, the policy of the Administration ; but that can hardly be so. As already stated, the 11th Iowa's first battle was Shiloh. Its second was Corinth ; and the part it acted in the latter may be gained from the following extract from Colonel, now Gene- ral, Crocker's official report : "About fivc^ o'clock in the morning of the 3d instant, the brigade formed — two regiments, the 11th and 13th Iowa vol- unteers in line of battle, facing to the west, and the loth and 16th Iowa volunteers, in close column by division in rear of the line. The regiments remained in that position, with skirmish- ers deployed in front, receiving an occasional cannon-shot, until about three o'clock, when, the division on the right hav- ing fallen back, a change of front was ordered. The 15th and 16th were then formed in line of battle perpendicular to the first line, and the 11th and 13th, in close column by division, in the rear. In this position, the brigade remained until about four o'clock P. M., when orders were again received to again change front, so as to connect the right of the brigade with the left of General Davis' Division, its left to rest in the direc- tion of Battery E. After the execution of this order had been commenced, notice was received from General McKean that the division was to move back inside the inner fortifications ; and an order was received that, the llth and 13th regiments be formed in line of battle a quarter of a mile in the rear of the line formed by the 15th and 16th, in front of, and parallel to the road, over which the artillery of the division must pass, the brigade to protect the movements of the rest of the divi- sion, and the artillery." This position, which the llth Iowa, or the Iowa brigade was thus ordered to abandon, was south of the Chewalla road, and a little north-of-west of Corinth. "On arriving inside the fortifications, we took position, the 15th Iowa in line of battle in rear of, and to the right of the battery commanded by WILLIAM HALL. 239 Captain Phillips, 1st Infantry; the 16th in rear of, and sup- porting the 5th Ohio Battery, which was in position on the left of Captain Phillip's Battery ; five companies of the 11th Reg- iment, in command of Major Abercrombie, in line of battle, supporting the 1st Minnesota Battery, in position still on the left of the 5th Ohio Battery; the 13th Iowa, and five compa- nies of the 11th, still in the rear of the 15th and IGth, in close column by division, as a reserve." This last position was held through all the fighting of the next day, the 11th Iowa being drawn up in line of battle in rear of the loth. The onlj^ com- missioned offlcers of the regiment, wounded in botli day's fighting, were Lieutenants "William II. Wetherby and Dennis P. Greeley : the latter was wounded by a falling tree. From November 1861, till the spring of 1864, the history of the 11th Iowa will be found in the sketches of other officers and regiments. It re-enlisted in tlie winter of 1863-4, and came North, on veteran furlough, in March following. In May, 1864, two divisions of the 17th Army Corps ren- dezvoused at Clifton, on the Tennessee, from which point, General Blair marched across the country to Sherman, via Huntsville, Decatur and Rome. The 11th Iowa was attached to this command, and arrived at the front early in June, and, while Sherman was in the vicinity of Acworth, Georgia. The regiment first confronted the enemy before Kenesaw Mountain, and lost its first man on the loth of June. Before Kenesaw, " General Hooker was on its right and front. General Howard on its left and front, and General Palmer between it and the railroad." The rebel General Polk was killed by a caimon- shot on the 14th of June, after which the enemy abandoned Pine Mountain away on the right, and took up a position "with Kenesaw as his salient point, his right wing thrown back to cover Marietta, and his left behind Nose's Creek, 240 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. covering the railroad back to the Chattahoocliie." While the enemy were in this position, General Sherman made his bloody and unsuccessful assault. The flank movement to the right, led by the 17th Corps, commenced in the evening of the 2d of July, and an account of it will be found in the sketch of Gen- eral lied rick. Like the other regiments of the Iowa Brigade, the 11th Iowa suffered its severest loss on the afternoon of the 22d of July ; but an account of this engagement has been given elsewhere. The following is from Lieutonant-Colonel Abercrombie's offi- cial report: " Many acts of bravery were performed by officers and men of the regiment, which might be mentioned, did time and opportunity permit. "Major Foster was wounded early in the action, faithful in discharge of his duty. Captain Neal was killed instantly by a grape-shot at the fort late in the afternoon. Captain Barr is missing. Captain Rose, missing, is supposed to have been wounded and captured. 1st Lieutenant Cassell, missing; 1st Lieutenant Caldwell, killed ; 1st Lieutenant Pfoutz, wounded ; 2d Lieutenant Wylie, wounded. I would make honorable mention of Sergeant-Major John G. Safley, who, with 1st Ser- geant John A. Buck, Company K, (afterwards killed — brave fellow) and a party of picked up men, numbering thirty or forty, made a dash over the works held by the enemy, bring- ing over more than their own number as i)risoners, amongst whom were a colonel and captain. " In the sally, Safley was wounded, but it is not believed seriously. During the action a Confederate flag was cap- tured, and brought over the works by Private George B. Haworth, of Company B, and is now in his possession. A banner, belonging to the 45th Alabama, was also brought over by Private Edward Siberts, of Company G, which was placed by him in the hands of Lieutenant Safley, Provost-Marshal of the brigade," Altogether, the 11th Iowa captured, and sent to the rear, ninety-three persons. Both Captain J. W. Anderson and WILLIAM HALL. 241 Adjutant B. W. Prescott are mentioned for gallantry. The loss of the regiment, in killed, wounded and missing, was severe — eight officers and one hundred and twenty-nine men. It has already been stated that Major Foster was wounded. He died not long after, and the regiment mourned, in his loss, one of its finest and most popular officers. He was a native of New Hampshire. From the 15th of June, 18G4, to the oth of September, the 11th Iowa lost, in killed, wounded and missing, ten commissioned officers, and two hundred and seven enlisted men. One of the officers, who has not already been mentioned, was Lieutenant Alfred Carey of Company E. He was wounded on the loth of June, before Kenesaw, and afterwards died of his wounds. A further history of the 11th Iowa will be found in the sketches of the other regiments of the 17th Corps' Iowa Brigade. For several months, Colonel Hall commanded the Iowa Brigade. He commanded it on General Blair's Mechanicsville march during the siege of Vicksburg, and until the return of Colonel Chambers of the 16th Iowa from leave of absence. He also commanded it through the entire Atlanta Campaign. He was not much liked by his brigade. He was nearly all the time sick and irritable; but, in justice, I should add, he never made his sickness an excuse to avoid duty. If danger was at hand, he was never the second man present. The colonel is a small man, weighing about one hundred and twenty-five pounds. He has a slender, gaunt, ungainly per- son, rendered so, I suppose by disease. He wears long, black hair; has large, black eyes, and a dark, sallow complexion. Colonel Hall is not a comely man. When I saw him, in the spring of 1864, I wondered how he had for three years endured the hardships of the service. When interested or excited, he moves about nervously, with 16 242 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. his face turned downward, and his liands thrust in his panta- loons' pockets. He has large self-esteem, and prides himself in doing things in his own way. If he is as he seems, he is impervious to flattery; but that can hardly be, for he shows great indignity, if he thinks his services underrated. It was on this score that he tendered his resignation. Considering his ill-health, Colonel Hall was successful as a soldier. He was a good tactician, and brave and resolute. His greatest fault seemed to be in questioning, the justness and propriety of the orders of his superiors. He would obey them, but it was not uncommon for him to do so under protest. The following will illustrate how the enlisted men of his command appreciated his temper. While the Iowa Brigade was encamped at Clifton, Tennessee, just before starting across the country to Huntsville, a squad of raw recruits, from its different regiments, were put on picket. They were in the enemy's country, and, of course, were ordered to load their pieces. Returning to camp in the morning, they inquired of the veterans how they should get the charges out of their guns, and received the following instructions : " Go out there, behind Colonel Hall's tent, and fire them off: that's the only place— and be sure and all fire at once." They did as directed. What followed, was better appreciated by the veterans, than by those who were learning their first lesson in soldiering. Colonel Hall, who was in bed, sprang out in a rage, and ordered the poor fellows tied from morning till night. COLONEL JOSEPH JACKSON WOODS. TWELFTH INFANTRY. J. J. Woods, of the 12th Iowa Infantry, has a checkered history, which will be read with interest. He is a native of Ohio, and was born in Brown county, the 11th day of January, 1823. In 1833, he removed with his father's family to Rush county, Indiana, whence, after a residence of two years, he returned to his native county. Colonel AVoods is a West Point graduate. Having comjileted his preparatory course at Augusta College, Kentucky, he entered the West Point Military Academy in 1843. He was a . successful scholar, and graduated in 1847, the third in his class. I Receiving a 2d lieutenant's commission in the 1st United States Artillery, he sailed, on the 10th of October, 1847, under j orders for Vera Cruz; but, on the fourth day out, the vessel I on \^•hich he had taken passage was wrecked near the Great Bahama. After several days of peril and hardship, he reached Nassau, New Providence, and sailed thence to Charleston, South Carolina, where he passed several weeks with a former class-mate, by the name of Blake. Re-embarking again for Vera Cruz, he reached that place on the 5th of January, 1848. In August of the same year, after having had yellow fever, he was recalled and ordered to report at Governor's Island, New York Harbor. He was promoted to a 1st lieutenancy the 29th of October, 1848, and soon after sailed with Companies L and M of his regiment for Oregon : these were the first troops sent by our Government to that Territory. He remained in Oregon till the winter of 1853; and, during his stay in the Territory, was stationed at Fort Vancouver, Astoria, and Middle Oregon. 243 244 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. At the last named place he had command of the Dalles. In the winter of 1853, he was ordered to New York City on recruiting service, where he remained till the following Octo- ber, when he resigned his commission. Soon after, he pur- chased a farm in Jackson county, Iowa, on which he has since resided. In August, 1861, Colonel Woods was tendered the lieuten- ant-colonelcy of the 9th Iowa Infantry ; but this position he declined, and was, on the 23d of the following October, commis- sioned colonel of the 12th. From that date till the expiration of his three year's term of service, he served in command, either of his regiment, or of the brigade to which it was attached. He left the army in the fall of 1864, with the respect and good-will of his regiment, and with the high personal con- sideration of his superior ofl&cers. His services merited recog- nition at Washington; but, with him as with some others, modesty blocked the wheels of promotion. The 12th Iowa Infantry, like the other Iowa regiments which were captured with it in the first day's battle at Shiloh, has a bright record. Its first battle was Fort Donelson. It had been present at the capture of Fort Henry; but, like the other infantry troops, took no part. The late gallant Admiral Foote captured Fort Henry with his three wooden and four iron-clad gun-boats, and received the surrender of General Tilghman ; and no one will dispute with him that honor. General Smith, in whose command was the 12th Iowa, operated on the bluffs on the west bank of the Tennessee, and General McClernand, on the east. Had McClernand moved two hours sooner, he would have invested the fort, and cap- tured five thousand prisoners; but he floundered in miry swamps, and nearly the entire rebel garrison escaped to Fort Donelson before he came up. It was said the blunder was JOSEPH J. WOODS. 245 General Grant's ; but, if it was, he retrieved it a few days after at Fort Donelson. After the fall of Fort Henry, the 12th Iowa, with its divis- ion, marched across the country to the rear of Fort Donelson, on the Cumberland. The distance is twelve miles. One strong and important point in the long line of rebel defenses — that line extending from Bowling Green, Kentucky, down past Fort Donelson and Fort Plenry, and across the country to Columbus — had been wrested from the enemy. Fort Donel- son captured, and the country south, to the vicinity of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, including the city of Nash- ville and the railroad connecting Bowling Green with Colum- bus, must be yielded by the Confederates. Columbus, too, must be evacuated, and the Mississippi abandoned as far south as Memphis. Then, with prompt and energetic movement on the part of the Federal forces, the Memphis and Charleston Railroad could be cut, the strategic point of Corinth occupied, and Kentucky and West Tennessee restored to Federal author- ity. The issue at Fort Donelson was therefore watched with impatience and anxiety. General Grant, with the divisions of Smith and McClernand, arrived in rear of Fort Donelson in the evening of the 12th of February, 1862. That night the troops slept on their arms, as they also did on every subsequent night, until the fort capitu- lated. . The division of Smith, jfiling to the left from the Dover road, swung round against the enemy's right, and that of McClernand, filing to the right, formed line in front of the enemy's left. The right and left of these divisions remained connected; for the division of General Wallace, which was to occupy the centre, had not yet arrived, but was on its way up the Cumberland River. The 12th Iowa was still under Smith, and was attached to the 3d Brigade, commanded by Colonel J. 246 IOWA COLONELS AND KEGIMENTS. Cook. The 4th Brigade of the same division, in which were the 2d, 7th, and 14th Iowa regiments, was next on the left and constituted both the left of the division and the left of the Federal forces. "Thursday morning, at half past eight o'clock, (I quote from Colonel Woods' report) we marched down to, and uj) the Dover road about half a mile, when we filed to the left, and formed line of battle : threw forward the flanking companies as skirmishers, and marched forward down a long slope that lay in front, the grape, shot and shell of the enemy flying thickly around us all the time. Our skirmishers advanced to the top of the hill that lay in front of us. The battalion halted at two- thirds of the distance to the top of the hill, where it was pro- tected from the enemy's fire by the ridge in front." This position was held by the 12th Iowa the following night ; and that night and the following one will never be forgotton by the regiment. A fierce north-east storm set in late in the afternoon, and raged with great fury, and the men, though drenched with the rain, and chilled with the cold, were allowed no fires, and suffered most bitterly. That morning the 12th Iowa had lost its first man killed in battle— private Edward C. Buckner. He was shot through the head on the skirmish line, and killed instantly. In the wet and cold of the following night, the sad event was talked over by the men, and they wondered who would be the next to fall. The entire day of the 14th, (Friday) and the forenoon of the following, were passed by the 12th Iowa in skirmishing with the enemy ; and, during this time, the regiment was gal- lantly supported by the 50th Illinois, and by Birge's Sharp- shooters. No assaults were attempted on Friday, for the divi- sion of General Wallace, and the gun-boat fieet had not yet come up. The fighting on the south side of Fort Donelson closed about noon on Saturday, the 15th instant; when the JOSEPH J. WOODS. 247 enemy, having routed McClernand, returned to their works in triumph. It was at this hour that General Pillow sent his laconic report to Nashville : "On the honor of a soldier, the day is ours." " At about two o'clock in the afternoon of Sat- urday, the 12th Iowa, oOth Illinois, and Birge's Sharp-shooters were ordered to make a feint-attack, to draw the enemy's fire. The men went cheerfully to the work assigned them ; and kept up a warm fire on the enemy, while Colonel Lauman's brig- ade, on our left, advanced on the enemy, and got possession of a part of the enemy's outer works, and hoisted thereon the American flag." From that hour until night-fall, the 12th Iowa was sharply engaged, and during that time, the regiment suffered nearly its entire loss. It moved to the support of Colonel Tuttle by the left flank, and, marching through the deep ravine in its front, and over the fallen timber, arrived at the top of the hill, just as the 25th Indiana commenced falling back. The regiment entered the rebel works to the right of Colonel Tuttle, and held its position till morning, when the Fort and its garrison were surrendered. The casualties of the regiment in this engagement were thirty — all, with the exception of three, being sustained on Saturday afternoon. Two only were killed. Among the wounded, was Lieutenant-Colonel Coulter, who "behaved with the utmost coolness and bravery, and performed his duties regardless of the danger to which he was exposed." Major Brodtbeck and Surgeon Parker received special men- tion for their good conduct. " Every commissioned officer performed his duty without flinching." Sergeant -Major Mor- risy, and Color-bearer Sergeant Grannis, and many others, deserve special mention for their coolness and gallantry. Privates Buckner and Stillman were the two men killed : the former was shot in the eye, and the latter in the right temple. With the exception of the 2d Iowa Infantry, no troops are 248 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. entitled to more credit, for the part they sustained in the capture of Fort Donelson, than this regiment. The next engagement of the 12th Iowa was Shiloh, wliere, for holding its position too long, it was captured. It has been matter of wonder why General Grant and Admiral Foote, after the fall of Fort Donelson, did not push on directly to Nashville. The people of that city, and the rebel troops there stationed, would be in the utmost consternation; and it was believed that the place could be occupied with little or no opposition. Both Grant and Foote appreciated the situation, and were anxious to advance against the city ; but Halleck, the general command- ing the Department, would not give his consent. They called him the old wheel-horse. Some said he was good only on the hold-back, and, to succeed, he must have a doivn-hill enter- prise. As it was, the enemy, in their mad fright, destroyed some two million dollars' worth of property which might have been appropriated by the Government. General Johnson's army, too, on the march from Bowling Green, might probably have been captured. A week after the fall of Fort Donelson, General Buel occupied Nashville; after which. General Grant proceeded up the Tennessee River to Savannah and Pittsburg Landing. At the battle of Shiloh, the 12th Iowa was attached to the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, commanded by General Wallace. Gen- eral Smith was absent at Paducah . Colonel, afterwards General Tuttle commanded the brigade. The part taken by the regi- ment in this engagement is elsewhere given. It formed a part of that line which, though at last broken, was held with such obstinacy as to save Grant's army from total rout. After receiving orders to fall back, Colonel Woods says, in his official report : "Seeing ourselves surrounded, we nevertheless opened a brisk fire on that portion of the enemy who blocked our pass- JOSEPH J. WOODS. 249 I age to the Landing, who, after briskly returning our fire for a short time, fell back. A brisk fire from the enemy on our left was going on at the same time. Seeing the enemy in front I falling back, we attempted, by a rapid movement, to cut our I way through ; but the enemy on our left advanced rapidly, coming in behind us, pouring into our ranks a most destructive fire. The enemy in front faced about, and opened on us at short range, the enemy in our rear still closing in on us rapidly. I received two wounds, disabling me from further duty. The command then devolved on Captain Edgington, acting as field officer. The enemy had, however, already so closely sur- I rounded us that their balls, which missed our men, took effect I in their ranks beyond us. To have held out longer would have I been to suffer complete annihilation. The regiment was there- fore compelled to surrender as prisoners of war." The regiment's list of casualties was great, though the exact j number I am unable to give. The killed and wounded num- I bered about one hundred and fifty. Of the conduct of his regiment, Colonel Woods says : — " Captains Earle, Warner, Stibbs, Haddock, Van Duzee and Townsley performed well their part, as did all the lieutenants in the action, in a prompt and willing manner. The non-commissioned oflacers and men stood bravely up to their work, and never did men behave better." Lieutenants Ferguson and Moir, two brave and wor- thy officers, were both killed. As already stated, Colonel Woods was twice wounded, and taken prisoner. He was shot through the left leg and right hand. The former wound dis- I abled him, so that he could not march to the rear with the other prisoners, and the fortunes of the following day restored him to liberty ; for he was re-captured by our forces. Over four hundred of the 12th Iowa were captured, and, of these, eighty died in Southern prisons. That is the saddest page in the history of this noble regiment. The 12th Iowa was re-organized in the winter of 1862-3, that portion of it which had been captured having been previously exchanged. The regiment was again led to the front by its 250 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. unassuming colonel, and assigned to the 3d Brigade, 3d Divis- ion, 15th Army Corps. The command of the brigade was given to Colonel Woods. A detailed account of the movements of the regiment need not be given here; for a full history of operations in the rear of Vicksburg will be found elsewhere. The 12th marched with its corps from Milliken's Bend, via Grand Gulf to Jackson, and thence to the rear of Vicksburg, where it participated in the long and arduous siege. On the fall of that city, it marched back with Sherman to Jackson, and, after the flight of Johnson, assisted in the almost total destruction of the place. The regiment's next important services were rendered in Northern Mississippi, in the spring of 1864 ; though I should not omit to state that it marched with Sherman on his trip to Meridian. It re-enlisted as a veteran regiment, in the winter of 1863-4, and came North on veteran furlough; after which, it was assigned to the command of General A. J. Smith, and, under that general, fought at the battle of Tupelo, July 14th, 1864. Its conduct in this engagement, and in saving Smith's train from capture and burning the day before, between Pontotoc and Tupelo, made it one of the star regiments of the expedi- tion. The previous reverses, sustained by the army stationed at and near Memphis, under General Sturgis, are stated in the sketches of other officers. The expedition in question left La Grange, on the line of the Memphis and Charleston Rail- road, on the 5th of July, 1864; and, proceeding in a south- easterly direction, passed through Ripley and Pontotoc, and thence on to Tupelo. The heat and the dust rendered the march extremely painful and exhausting ; but the brave men endured the hardships with great fortitude, for they were to retrieve our arms in that quarter from disgrace. JOSEPH J. WOODS. 251 On the 13th instant, the 12th Iowa was assigned the duty of guarding the supply-train, a task whicli was not without its dangers, and which, on account of tlie hilly and timbered country through which the march lay, required the greatest vigilance. The country, too, was full of scouting parties of the enemy. Early in the afternoon, Lieutenant-Colonel Stibbs, commanding the regiment, was informed by one of his flankers that, the enemy's cavalry, in large force, were advancing rapidly through the timber on his right. It proved to be Maley's Mississii^pi Brigade. Learning their intended point of attack, the colonel threw his regiment in their front, and, concealing his men in the dense brush, ordered them to hold their fire till they received the proper command. Soon, the enemy came dashing through the woods, firing their carbines, and shouting like demons. They were allowed to approach within less than twenty paces, when a well-directed volley from the regiment checked them, and a second one drove them back in confusion, with the loss of their colors. They continued a scattering fire for fifteen or twenty minutes, and then retired. In this affair, the loss of the 12th Iowa was one man killed, and twelve wounded. Among the latter, was Captain C. L. Lumbardo. The battle of Tupelo opened the next I morning. On Thursday, the 14th instant, Smith's army was put under arms at three o'clock in the morning, and was soon after I marched out and formed in line, on the right of the Pontotoc I road. The position of the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, to which ' was attached the 12th Iowa, was as follows: "On the extreme I right was stationed the 6th Indiana Battery, four guns ; next in line, on the left, was the 33d Wisconsin, of the 4th Brigade; next, the 33d Missouri ; next, the 2d Iowa Battery, four guns, commanded by Lieutenant J. Reed; and on the left of the 252 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. brigade, in the most advanced position of our front line of battle, was the 12th Iowa, the 7th Minnesota being in reserve." Immediately after the line was formed, skirmishers were thrown out; and soon, the enemy, moving from their cover in the timber, appeared in force, and formed for the encounter. The battle opened with artillery, which was fired with great rapidity and precision. The range was short, and the screach- ing of shells, and the whistling of grape and canister, was frightful. In the meantime, the enemy pushed their infantry forward, and engaged the whole Federal front. The 12th Iowa was protected by an old fence thrown down for a barricade, from behind which it did terrible execution, repelling every rebel assault. And thus the fighting continued for upward of two hours, when the regiment, having exhausted its ammuni- tion, was sent to the rear. In half an hour, it returned with replenished cartridge-boxes, and, taking up its former position, again engaged the enemy. As the battle progressed, the enemy made charge after charge, confident of victory. They would approach within fifty yards of the Federal line, when, met by terrible volleys of canister and musketry, they would stagger for a moment, and then retire precipitately. To whip Smith's forces, was to be a "fore-breakfast spell"; but they must have thought their breakfast a long way otf. Finally, they were charged in turn by the 12th Iowa in the van, the 35th Iowa, the 33d Missouri, the 33d Wisconsin and two com- panies of the 7th Minnesota. They could not face the valor of these veterans, and fled to the woods, leaving the bloody field in possession of the Federal forces. Nor did they return that day to renew the contest. Of the second day's fight, and of the results of both days' battles, Lieutenant-Colonel Stibbs says : "On the morning of the 15th instant my regiment was assigned a position to the left of the Pontotoc road, and formed JOSEPH J. WOODS. 253 the left centre of the brigade line. We had a substantial breast- work of cotton-bales in our front, which served as an admirable protection against the enemy's sharp-shooters. We took full part in the fight and charge of the day, losing one man killed and three wounded. Our loss during the three days' fighting was one officer and eight men killed, one officer and fifty-four men wounded, and one man missing." Lieutenant A. A. Burdick, acting regimental quarter-master, was killed by a shell, while assisting to bring forward ammu- nition. He was a gallant young officer, and held in the highest esteem by his regiment. Sergeant Robert Fowler and Corporal G. R. Holden were also killed. Being without supplies, General Smith could not continue the pursuit ; and he therefore moved back in the direction of Memphis. Indeed, I am informed that the object of the expe- dition was accomplished on the battle-field of Tupelo— Forest and his command had been routed. The enemy's cavalry followed on the return as far as Oldtown Creek, giving the rear guard much trouble ; but so skillfully and successfully was the march conducted, that not a single wagon of the long train was lost. The expedition arrived at La Grange on the 20th instant ; and from that point all the wounded were sent forward to Memphis. The entire Federal loss in the fighting at Tupelo was about six hundred, while the enemy's was estimated at not less than two thousand. After General Smith's operations against Price in Missouri, in which the 12th Iowa took part, we next find the regiment with that general before Nashville. In the battles fought south of the last named city, it figured conspicuously ; and its gallantry became the more noted, from the fact that it went into the fight without a single line officer : each company was commanded by a sergeant. Lieutenant-Colonel J. H. Stibbs commanded the regiment, and Captain, now Major Knee was 254 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. acting major — both brave and true men. The regiment's con- duet at Nashville is deserving of the greatest praise ; for its colors were among the first to be placed upon the enemy's strong redoubts. It accomplished much, with but small loss — two killed and eighteen wounded. The 12th Iowa last operated with General Smith, in the reduction of ]Mobile, or rather the strong forts, by which that city was defended. Colonel Woods has a slender, stooping form, brown hair, a light complexion, and mild, blue eyes. He is, in appearance and in faef, the most unassuming of the Iowa colonels. He speaks slowly and kindly, and was accustomed to give his commands with great coolness and deliberation. The officers and men of his regiment at first thought he lacked style and energy ; but they soon learned he possessed great worth as a commanding officer. He is the farthest removed from every thing that distinguishes regular army officers. BRIGADIER-GENERAL M. M. CROCKER. FIRST COLONEL, THIRTEENTH INFANTRY. Marcellus M. Crocker is a native of Jolnisou county, Indiana, where he was born on the 6th day of February, 1830. At the age of ten years, he accompanied his father's family to Illinois, whence, after a residence of four or five years, he removed to Jefferson county, Iowa. The extent of his early education I have failed to learn ; but, at the age of sixteen, he was appointed, through the recommendation of General A. C. Dodge, a cadet in the military academy at West Point. He is not however a graduate of that Institution. After an attend- ance of some two years and a half, his health failed him, and he was compelled to leave the Academy. Late in 1849, he. returned to Iowa, and began the study of law in the office of Judge Olney, at Fairfield. He commenced the practice of his profession in 1851, in the town of Lancaster, Keokuk county, where he remained till the spring of 1855, and then removed to Des Moines, his present home. General Crocker entered the service as captain of Company D, 2d Iowa Infantry. He had recruited his company in April, 1861, for the three month's service, (as was the case with nearly ' every captain of the 2d Iowa) but, the State's quota for that ; term of service having been already filled, he was assigned to I the 2d Iowa, and, at the rendezvous of the regiment in i Keokuk, was elected its major. With that rank he entered ' the field. Four months later, he was commissioned lieuten- ant-colonel, vice Tuttle, promoted, and on the 30th of October following, was transferred from his regiment, and made colonel I of the 13th Iowa Infantry. In the winter of 1862-3, he was 255 256 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. appointed and confirmed a brigadier-general. His promotions were rapid and riclily merited ; for, witii her splendid galaxy of military heroes, Iowa can not boast a better nor truer soldier than General Crocker. During his colonelcy of the 13th Iowa, General Crocker took part in two engagements — Shiloh and Corinth. In the for- mer, he commanded his regiment, and in the latter the Iowa Brigade — the oldest and not the least distinguished brigade command in the Army of the Tennessee. In the former, his conduct was gallant in the extreme ; and how he escaped with- out injury is really wonderful. I have spoken elsewhere of the confusion that reigned on the field in the afternoon of the first day's battle. At about four and a half o'clock it was at its hight, and was so wild and terrible as to beggar description. At that hour, Colonel Crocker was conspicuous. I am told that his splendid example of courage contributed not a little toward the establishment of the new line, which successfully resisted the enemy's further mlvance that night. The progress of the battle on the left, I have given in the sketch of Colonel W. G. Williams. To show its opening and progress on the right, I quote from the official report of Colonel Crocker ; for that gives the clearest and most intelligible account of any that I have seen : "Early on the morning of the sixth, the alarm was given, and heavy firing in the distance indicated that our camp was attacked. The regiment was formed in front of its color-line, its full force consisting of seven hundred and seventeen men, rank and file. It was at once ordered to form on the left of the 2d Brigade, and proceeded to that position at a double-quick, and was then formed in line of battle in a skirt of woods, bordering on an open field, to the left of a battery. Plere it remained for some time inactive, while the enemy's guns were playing on our battery. In the meantime, a large force of the enemy's infantry were filing around the open field in front of our line, protected by the woods, and in the direction of our MARCELLUS M. CROCKER. 257 battery, opening a heavy fire of musketry on the infantry sta- tioned on our right, and charging upon the battery. The infantry and battery to the right having given way, and the enemy advancing at double-quick, we gave them one round of musketry, and also gave way. At this time we, as indeed all of our troops in the immediate vicinity of the battery, were thrown into great confusion, and retired in disorder. Having retreated to the distance of one or two hundred yards, we suc- ceeded in rallying and forming a good line, the 8th and 18th Illinois volunteers on our left, and, having fronted to the enemy, held our position there under a continual fire of cannon and musketry, until after twelve o'clock, when we were ordered to retire and take up a new position. This we did in good order, and without confusion. "Here having formed a new line, we maintained it under an incessant fire, until four and a half o'clock, P. M., the men conducting themselves with great gallantry and coolness, and doing great execution on the enemy, repelling charge after charge, and driving them back with great loss. At four and a half o'clock, we were again ordered to fall back. In obeying this order, we became mixed up with a great many other regi- ments, falling back in confusion, so that our line was broken, and the regiment separated, rendering it very difficult to collect it." This was the last order to retire that was given that after- noon, and the last ground yielded to the enemy ; for the new line, when formed, was held successfully. It should, however, be stated that, it was now near night, and there was little more fighting that evening. It was in this new position that Colonel Hare, of the 11th Iowa, was wounded and retired from the field. During the day, he had commanded the 1st Brigade of McClernand's Division. After he was wounded and left the field, the command of the brigade was then turned over to Colonel Crocker— "his able and gallant succes- sor." In closing his report of the battle of Shiloh, Colonel Crocker says : "During the day, we were under fire of the enemy for ten 17 258 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. hours, and sustained a loss of twenty-three killed, and one hundred and thirty wounded. "On the morning of the 7th, we were ordered to continue with Colonel Tuttle's Division, and to follow up and sui)port our forces that were attacking, and driving back the enemy. We followed them up closely, moving to support the batteries, until the enemy was routed, after which, we were ordered to return to the encampment that we had left on Sunday morn- ing, where we arrived at eight o'clock, P. M. Our total loss in the action of the 6th and 7th is killed, twenty-four; wounded, one hundred and thirty-nine; missing, nine: total, one hundred and seventy-two. The men, for the most part, behaved with great gallantry. All the officers exliibited the greatest bravery and coolness; and I call especial attention to the gallant conduct of my field officers, Lieutenant-Colonel Price and Major Shane, who were both wounded in the action of the 6th, and acknowledge my great obligations to my adju- tant, Lieutenant Wilson, who, during the entire action, exhibited the highest qualities of a soldier." The last gun was fired at Shiloh, before two o'clock in the afternoon of the 7th, and that same evening, the main portion of Grant's army marched back to their former encampments, where, having buried the dead and cared for the wounded, they rested. Immediately after this engagement, the Iowa Brigade was organized, and placed under the command of Colonel Crocker. It was composed of the 11th, 13th, 15th and 16th Iowa regi- ments, and afterward, as I have already said, became one of the most distinguished brigade commands in the Army of the Tennessee. Under its first commander, it acquired that disci- pline and efficiency, for which it was noted under each of the general's successors — Chambers, Hall and Belknap. It has distinguished itself on half a score of battle-fields, and once saved the Army of the Tennessee from calamitous defeat. It has a most brilliant record. With this brigade. Colonel Crocker fought at the battle of Corinth ; but an account of that engagement will be found in the sketches of other officers. MARCELLUS M. CROCKER. 259 In the winter of 1862-3, the colonel was made a brigadier- igeneral. His sterling qualities as a soldier, and his continued gallant deportment earned the promotion. After receiving Ihis commission, he continued with his brigade till the latter jpart of April, 1863, when, by order of General McPhersou, he isucceeded General Quimby in the command of the 7th Divi- ision, 17th Army Corps— the division which fought so gallantly, and lost so heavily at Jackson and Champion's Hill. He joined his division at Bruinsburg, just after it had crossed the Missis- sippi, and commanded it in the two above engagements. On the evening of the 13th of May, the 7th Division bivou- iacked, with its army corps at Clinton, ten miles west of {Jackson. The following night it was to camp in Jackson. The character of the country between Clinton and Jackson, 'the condition of the roads, and the state of the weather on the jmorning of the 14th instant, I have given elsewhere. Crocker's |Division led the advance. This post of honor was granted by Im^ cPherson, at the general's own request, which barely antici- jpated a similar one from Logan. The march was made, and the enemy encountered about two and a half miles west of the city. Their line of battle was along a high ridge, and extended from north to south, as far as the eye could reach. The rain was falling in torrents, and, until it partially ceased, the two jarmies stood and watched each other. In half an hour it broke away, when General Crocker, pushing forward the 12th Wis- :consin Battery, saluted General Johnson. Tuttle's Division of Sherman's Corps, which had in the meantime come up on the jsouth side of the city, opened on the enemy at nearly the same jinstant. The 2d Iowa Battery, Lieutenant Reed, tired the first Igun on the south side of Jackson. The enemy's force was about ten thousand, and the principal portion of it was in Crocker's front ; but he pushed his leading brigade, which was drawn up in a continuous line, to the farthest point that 260 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. afforded cover, and then ordered a charge. It was a magnifi- cent sight, for the conduct of the brigade was magnificent. The battle was bloody, but not protracted: in ten minutes after the order to charge was given, the enemy were fleeing in total rout; nor did they stop until they had crossed Pearl River. For so great results, the Federal loss was small — only two hundred and eighty-six; but all, except six or eight of the casualties, were from the 2d Brigade of Crocker's Division. The press of Illinois gave Logan the credit of fighting the battle of Jackson. It was all wrong. His command was not under fire ; nor did it lose a man, even by a stray shot. The general himself was at the front, where he always was, when there was any fighting to be done ; but he was only a spectator. He sat quietly on his horse, caressing his huge mustache, till word came of the flight of the enemy across the river, when he rode into the city. In his official report, General McPherson says: — " Colonel Sanborn was directed to send the flag of one of his regiments, which had borne itself most gallantly in the battle, and place it on the Capitol of the State of Mississippi, and shortly before four o'clock the flag of the 59th Indiana was proudly waving from the dome." The 59th Indiana "bore itself gallantly," but it did not fire a gun at Jackson. The 10th Missouri, 17th Iowa and 80th Ohio made the charge, and captured the city ; and why the flag of the 59th first waved from the dome was, the regiments entitled to the honor had been left on the field, and could not be reached. Had General Crocker delayed five minutes longer, the colors of the 95th Ohio of Tuttle's Division, would have flaunted from the rebel Capitol. As soon as the fighting was done, General Crocker rode down his line to the 17th Iowa, and to the other regiments ol the brigade, and thanked them for their gallantry ; and as he MARCELLUS M. CROCKER. 261 looked back on the hill-slope, where were lying the dead and , wounded, his eyes filled with tears, and his voice choked with I emotion. " Noble fellows," he said, "I am sorry, but we can not help it." Two days after the battle at Jackson, General Crocker com- manded his division at Champion's Hill. His own, with : Hovey's and Logan's Divisions, fought that battle— the bitterest of the whole campaign, if we except the charge on i the 22d of May ; but an account of this engagement has been already given. In June, 1863, General Crocker came North on sick leave. His health, always bad, had been rendered much worse by the hardships and exposures of the recent campaign, and he accepted his leave, at the urgent request of General Grant. There is a story connected with this sick leave, which illus- trates the kind-heartedness of General Grant, and which affords me pleasure to relate. On the return of General Quimby in the latter part of May, he resumed command of his old division, when General Crocker was placed temporarily upon the staff of General Grant. Crocker's tent being near that of Grant, the attention of the latter was attracted by the severe and almost incessant coughing of the former during the night; and, on meeting him the morning after, General Grant said: "General Crocker, was that you whom I heard coughing so last night?" "Yes," replied the general. "Well, then, my dear fellow, you must go straight home, for you will die here." The general was at his home in Des Moines, at the time the Union Gubernatorial Convention was held in that city. Dur- ing its session, he visited the hall of the Convention, and the eclat with which he was received, was a flattering testimonial of the esteem in which he was held by his State. He was the choice of the Convention for Governor of Iowa, and was 262 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. earnestly solicited to accept the nomination ; but his answer was: "If a soldier is worth any thing, he can not be spared from the field ; and, if he is worthless, he will not make a good Governor." The argument was unanswerable, and his name was reluctantly dropped. Early in July, 1863, General Crocker returned to the field, and was given a division command, and made Commandant of the District of Natchez. While commanding at Natchez, he made his expedition to Harrisonburg, Louisiana. "The expe- dition consisted of the following troops: the 2d Brigade, 4th Division, Colonel C. Hall, 14th Illinois, commanding; tlie 3d Brigade, 4th Division, General AV. Q. Gresham commanding; Company F, 3d Illinois Battery, and the 15th Ohio Battery, with the 17th AVisconsin Infantry, mounted, commanded by Colonel Mallory." At Harrisonburg, the enemy were rei)orted in considerable force, and intrenched in strong works. The object of the expedition was to destroy these works and ord- nance proj^erty, and cajiture or disperse the rebel garrison. It resulted in the capture and burning of one small steamer on Black River at Trinity, the capture and destruction of Fort Beauregard at Harrisonburg, the destruction of all ammunition and six pieces of artillery ; and the capture of about twenty prisoners and two six-pound brass cannon. There was no battle — only trifling skirmishing. In the fall of 1863, General Crocker returned to Vicksburg, where he joined Sherman on the Meridian march. In the following Spring, he joined his corps (the 17th) in its march across the country to Georgia; but, on account of ill health, was relieved, and, early in the summer of 1864, was tendered a command in New Mexico, with head-quarters at Fort Sumner. Believing the climate would be beneficial to his health, the general accepted this command, since which time he has served in that department. MARCELLUS M. CROCKER. 263 General Crocker is about five feet ten inches in hight, with a slender, nervous form, which can never pass one unnoticed. He has a passionate temper, and is plain-spoken, often saying things which, in his calmer moments, he would leave unsaid. His mode of discipline is severe and uncompromising, and a careless blunder he would never excuse. On one occasion, while in command of the Iowa Brigade, a general review was ordered, and great pains was taken to avoid all mistakes. One can imagine then what must have been the general's mortifica- tion to see Colonel , of his leading regiment, ride past the reviewing ofiicer, with his sword at a protracted "present." That was bad enough ; but next followed Colonel , whose regiment passed with arms at a " right-shoulder-shift." When the review was over, the regimental commanders were sum- moned to the general's head-quarters, when, beginning with the chief in rank, he administered the following rebuke : — "Now, Sir, aren't you a pretty man — and pretend to be a military man — and educated at a military school ! " " But — " (began the colonel, wishing to apologize) " Hush up, Sir. I'm doing the talking here." It all ended in a friendly chat, and in an order for a new review ; and there was no more mistakes. As a military man, General Crocker has been pre-eminently successful, not only as a disciplinarian, but as a bold and able leader. As a division commander, he has no superior in the State, and, what is a little remarkable, this fact is universally conceded. Nor was the general less successful as a civilian, than he has been as a soldier. Though young, he ranked, at the time of entering the service, among the best lawyers of Des Moines — the city which boasted one of the ablest bars in the State. C. C. Cole, ( now Judge of the State Supreme Court ) J. A. Kasson, (now Congressman from the 5th District) C. C. Nourse, (Attorney General of the State) T. F. Wi throw, 264 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. (State Supreme Court Keporter) P. M. Cassady, (General Crocker's law-partner) General Williamson, Polk, Jewett, W. W. Williamson, Finch, St. John, EUwood, Rice, Clark, Mitchell, Ingersoll, Smith, Phillips, White, McKay and Brown, was Des Moines' roll of attorneys in the spring of 1861, and of these the general ranked among the very best, as an advocate and circuit practitioner. Some say that, in these respects, he led the Des Moines Bar. COLONEL JOHN SHANE. SECOND COLONEL, THIRTEENTH INFANTRY. John Shane was born in the county of Jefferson, Ohio, on the 26th of May, 1822, and was educated at Jefferson College, Pennsylvania. After graduating, he taught school for a few years in Kentucky, and then, returning to Ohio, studied law in the office of E. M. Stanton, Esq., now our honored Secretary of War. He was admitted to the bar at Steuben- ville, in 1848, where he continued in the practice till the year ISoo, when he removed to Vinton, Benton county, Iowa, his present home. Colonel Shane volunteered as a private in Company G, 13th Iowa Infantry; and, on its organization, was elected its cap- tain. This rank he held till the 30th of October, 1861, when he was elected to the majority of his regiment. At the battle of Shiloh, both Lieutenant-Colonel Price and Major Shane were severely wounded. The former soon after resigning his commission. Major Shane was promoted to the lieutenant- colonelcy. On the 13th of March, 1863, he succeeded General Crocker to the colonelcy of the 18th Iowa Infantry, which position he retained till the expiration of his three years' term of service. The principal portion of the history of this gallant regiment has been made under Colonel Shane; for, with the exception of Shiloh, it was under his command in all its engagements, prior to the fall of Atlanta. It is, however, but proper to state that, for several months after Colonel Crocker left his regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Shane was indebted to him for its marked efficiency ; for, although in 265 266 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. command of a brigade and noniinally absent, the colonel was really the commanding officer of the regiment. I need not record in full the services of the 13th Iowa, for they are given elsewhere, in connection with the histories of the other regiments of the Iowa Brigade. Dating from the middle of April, 1SG2, the records of these regiments are almost precisely the same. Returning from General Grant's march into Central Missis- sippi in the \vinter of 1862-3, the 13th Iowa, with its brigade, returned to the line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, and, for a few weeks, went into camp at La Fayette, Tennessee. About tlie 20th of January, the brigade marched to Memphis, and on the 22d loft that city on transports for Young's Point, Louisiana. Plere the regiment remained for several weeks, furnishing heavy details to work on the celebrated Vicksburg Canal, which taps the Mississippi just below Young's Point. The services of the 13th Iowa and of the Iowa Brigade were, from this time till the following September, of the most annoy- ing and fatiguing nature. In the complicated movements around Vicksburg, which attended its investment and capture, the regiment acted a prominent part ; though the services performed were of such a nature as not to challenge special notice. General McArthur's Division, to which the Iowa Brigade was attached, was the last of the 17th Corps to leave the river above Vicksburg, in the march across the country to the river below that city. By the time this division had reached a point opposite Grand Gulf, the brilliant successes of General McClernand and two divis- ions of General McPherson's Corps had compelled the evacua- tion of this point ; and all that was now required of McArthur was to cross the river, and take possession of the place. This happened on the 6th of May, and, from that date until after the battles of Champion's Hill and Big Black River Bridge, JOHN SHANE. 267 Grand Gulf was held by the Iowa Brigade, and made a sort of base from which Grant's army received its supplies, and where all surplus baggage was stored. There is an amusing and honest story connected with the occupation of Grand Gulf. Admiral D. D. Porter, since become celebrated on the coast of the Atlantic, had tried nearly one whole day to reduce this strong-hold, with his gun-boat fleet ; but he so far failed as not to silence a single gun. He still watched in the vicinity, and, when the garrison, flanked by McClernand and McPherson, were compelled to evacuate, at once entered and occupied the works, and labeled upon the breech of every gun, "Captured by Admiral D. D. Porter, May 6th, 1863." I suppose Admiral Porter did well at Fort Fisher, as, indeed, he did on the Mississippi; but, though he is a brave and efficient officer, General Ben. Butler is not the only one who has had occasion to "blow the froth from his lively porter.^'' On the 19th of May, at mid-night, the Iowa Brigade was ordered back by forced marches across the neck of land to Young's Point, and sent by boat up the Yazoo, to the assist- ance of Sherman; but, on its arrival, it was learned that Sherman had sufficient force, and it was ordered again to the left. It retraced its weary steps, and, crossing the Mississippi River near Warrenton, marched to the front, arriving on the evening of the memorable 22d of May, but too late to partici- pate in the general charge. What is true of the position of Grant's forces before Vicks- burg, on the morning of the 22d of May, is not generally known. The left of McClernand's Corps did not extend to the river below the city. A strip of country nearly seven miles in width, between INIcClernand's left and the river, was held by the enemy; and it was this gap in the line, which McArthur was ordered to fill, and which, when filled, 268 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. completed the investment of Vicksburg. In coming into this position, the Iowa Brigade slcirmished nearly the entire day of the 22d, and, as I have said, arrived before the enemy's works, just after the disastrous charge. But this position was maintained by General McArthur only until the 2Gth of May, the date of the arrival of General Lauman's command ; for in the meantime, the enemy were reported to be concen- trating in heavy force in the direction of Yazoo City, and the Upper Big Black, for the purpose of moving on General Grant's rear, to raise the siege; and General Blair, with a picked command, consisting of McArthur's Division and other troops, was ordered out to disperse them. This, with the exception of the march to Monroe, Louisiana, and that one just recently made through the bottomless swamps of South Carolina, is the hardest one the Iowa Brigade ever made. It was made by forced marches, in the heat of a Southern sum- mer's sun, and through dust that was well-nigh suffocating. By those who participated in it, it will never be forgotten. But the march was the only thing of terror connected with the expe- dition ; for the enemy, who were met only in inconsiderable force near Mechanicsville, were dispersed with but few casual- ties. The expedition, however, was not without its good results; for, on its return by way of the fertile valley of the Yazoo, almost fabulous quantities of corn and cotton were destroyed. Five thousand head of cattle, sheep and hogs, too, were driven back to Grant's needy army. After the return of this expedition, the 13th Iowa, with its brigade, constituted a portion of the force with which General Sherman held at bay the rebel General Johnson, on the Big Black. On the 3d and 4th of July, the regiment skirmished with the enemy's advance, and, on their retreat to Jackson, followed in close pursuit. Next follows the expedition under Brigadier-General Stevenson, from Vicksburg to Monroe, JOHN SHANE. ^b^ Louisiana, which was made in the middle of August, 1863; and an account of which appears in the sketch of General J. M. Hedrick, formerly of the 15th Iowa. The following- Autumn, and the greater part of the following Winter, were passed by the 13th Iowa in camp at Vicksburg. It was at Vicksburg that the regiment re-enlisted as veteran volunteers. Immediately after the march to Meridian, in which the 13th joined, it returned North on veteran furlough. , The balance of its history has been made in the three wonder- ful marches of General Sherman — from Dalton to Atlanta, from Atlanta to Savannah, and from Savannah to Goldsboro and Washington. The regiment bore a conspicuous part in the memorable engagement of the 22d of July before Atlanta. Its loss was eleven killed, forty-two wounded, and ninety-six missing. Among the killed was the brave Major William A. Walker ; and among the wounded, Captain George McLaugh- lin and Lieutenants Wesley Huff, George B. Hunter, and Charles H. Hivskins. Captiun Pope, and Lieutenants Rice, Parker and Eyestone were captured. The aggregate loss of the 13th Iowa during the Atlanta Cam- paign I have failed to learn. That which has most contributed to give the regiment a National reputation is the part it acted, or a portion of it, in the capture of Columbia, South Carolina, on the 17th of Feb- ruary, 1865. The colors of the regiment, in the hands of Lieutenant-Colonel Justin C. Kennedy, were the first to flaunt from the capitol building of South Carolina. " Head-quabteks 4th Division, 17th Army Corps, " Near Columbia, S. C, February 17, 1865 "Biugadier-General W. W. Belknap: usjj^._ Allow me to congratulate you, and through you, Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Kennedy, 13th Iowa Veteran Volun- teers, and the men under his command, for first entering the city of Columbia on the morning of Friday, February 17th, 270 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. and being the first to plant his colors on the Capitol of South Carolina. "I have the honor to be, very respectfully, " Your obedient servant, "Giles A. Smith, '■'■Brevet 3faj or- General Commanding.'''' Lieutenant-Colonel Kennedy is a resident of Vernon, Linn county, Iowa. He is thirty-two years of age, and a native of the State of New York. His name will live in American history. Colonel Shane is one of the largest of the Iowa colonels, his weight being two hundred and ten pounds. He has sandy hair, (perhaps red) a florid complexion and blue eyes, looking out through a large, round, good-natured face. He is of an easy, jovial nature, relishes a joke, and is fond of good living. He ranked fairly as a soldier, and was popular with his com- mand. At home and in private life, he is much respected. He is economical, and has secured a snug property. I am told he was one of the few officers of our army who Iionestly made money in the service. From the organization of the Republican Party in his county, he has been a prominent, working member. He was a dele- gate to the State Convention which re-nominated the Hon. Samuel J. Kirkwood for Governor of Iowa. COLONEL WILLIAM TUCKERMAN SHAW. FOURTEENTH INFANTRY. The belligerous Colonel Shaw is a native of the State of Maine, and was born in the town of Steuben, Washington county, on the 22d day of September, 1822. He received his education at the INIaine Wesleyan Seminary, and after leaving that; Institution removed to Kentucky, where he engaged in school teaching. He was in Kentucky at the time war was declared by our Government against Mexico, and enlisted in the 2d Kentu: ky Infantry regiment, commanded by the gallant Colonel William R. McKee. He served with his regiment till the close of the war, accompanying it on every march, and fighting with it in every engagement, in which it took part. He was present in the sanguinary battle of Buena Vista ; and was on that hill-slope, and in that ravine, where the battle raged with such fury, and where Colonel McKee was killed, and the chivalric Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Clay, Jr., mortally wounded. On the declaration of peace, he assisted in clearing our South-western borders of those hostile tribes of Indians, which were then so annoying to the frontier settlers. By his great courage and determination, Colonel Shaw attained notoriety, and, in 1849, was chosen the leader of the first party, which crossed the barren and trackless country lying between Fort Smith, Arkansas, and Santa Fe. This event at that day was quite notable; and the number and names of the party have been preserved. It was composed of thirty-six men— citizens of New York, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana and Arkansas. In 1852, Colonel Shaw again crossed the plains, starting from Council Bluffs; and, this time, he was 271 272 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. accompanied by only one man. In 1853, he settled in Ana- mosa, Jones county, Iowa, where he has since resided. Colonel Shaw was made colonel of the 14th Iowa Infantry," on the 24th day of October, 1861 ; and held this rank till the summer of 1864, when he was dismissed the service. The first of the long and bloody series of battles in which the 14th Iowa has borne a conspicuous part was that of Fort Donel.-on. Though present at the capture of Fort Henry, the regiment was not engaged. In the engagement at Fort Don- elson, the 14th Iowa held the right of its brigade ; and, on the afternoon of the 13th, two days before the successful assault which was led by the left wing of the 2d Iowa, under Colonel Tuttle, charged the enemy's works in connection with the 25th Indiana. The object of this assault was the capture of a six- gun battery, and the enemy's line in front ; but through the failure of the 25th Indiana, under the immediate connnaiid of Colonel Lauman, to co-operate in the movement, no adv-iintage was gained, except that a slightly advanced jjosition was taken and held. On the afternoon of the loth of February, the 14th moved into the enemy's works to the right of the 2d Iowa, and soon after they had been entered by tliat regiment. In this day's fight the loss of the regiment was trifling — only one man killed, and seven wounded. On the afternoon of the 13th, it suffered more severely, losing two killed and fourteen wounded. In closing his official report of this engagement. Colonel Shaw says : " I may mention the valuable services rendered by Sergeant- Major S. H. Smith, who was shot dead by my side, while encouraging the men on to enter the breast-works of the enemy ; also 1st Lieutenant William W. Kirkwood, command- ing Company K, rendered very valuable assistance, in forming WILLIAM T. SHAW. 273 the Hue in front of the enemy's breast-works. Captain War- ren C. Jones, of Company I, also rendered valuable service, in directing the fire of my marksmen, and, especially, in protect- ing the retiring of the skirmishers on the 13th instant." I am informed that Colonel Shaw was mistaken in the case of Lieutenant Kirkwood. Second-Lieutenant Charles P. King commanded Company K at Fort Donelson, and distin- guished himself. Sergeant I. N. Rhodes, of Company I, also distinguished himself. Just after his regiment had gained the enemy's rifle- pits, the 1st Missouri Battery was hurried up to a sally-port, near by, and opened on the enemy. It at once drew the fire of a six-gun rebel battery, to the right and front. The firing of the rebel guns was so rapid and accurate that, the lieutenant in command of one section of the Missouri Battery became frightened, and deserted his guns. A sergeant of the battery, however, named Bremer, stuck to his piece, and returned the fire of the enemy. Sergeant Rhodes, of the 14th Iowa, seeing the other pieces deserted, sprang forward with six men of his company, and continued to work them on the enemy, till darkness prevented their further use. From Fort Donelson, the 14th Iowa marched with its division to Pittsburg Landing, on the Tennessee. The dis- tinguished part which the 14th took in the sanguinary engagement of Shiloh, has been noticed in the sketches of Colonels Geddes and Woods. The 8th, 12th and 14th Iowa regiments stood side by side, at the time they were surrounded and captured— the 14th holding the centre, with the 12th on its right, and the 8th on its left. In speaking of the gallant conduct of Colonel Shaw's regiment in this engagement. Major Hamill, of the 2d Iowa Infantry, said : " They were to our left, and in plain view of us, until up to the time we learned of the flank movement of the enemy, and were ordered to fall back to save ourselves. The regiment can 18 274 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. not receive too much credit; for I never saw such splendid fighting- before nor since. They would lie quietly in line until the enemy was within fifteen or twenty paces, when they would rise and deliver a deadly fire, and then, in an instant, charge his line, which, in every instance, they did not fail to break, and force back in confusion." Colonel Shaw, who commanded his regiment in this engage- ment, was captured and retained a prisoner of war until the following October, when he was paroled at Richmond, and sent into our lines. The history of his hardships, during his six months' prison-life, is the same as are those of Major, now Governor Stone, Colonel Geddes, Captain, now General Hedrick, and others, who were captured during the first day's battle. The 14th Iowa, as also the other Iowa troops captured at Shiloh, were exchanged in the fall of 18G2, and sent to Annap- olis, Maryland. While at Annapolis, some of the officers telegraphed to General Halleck for permission to visit Wash- ington; and the general replied: "You can come. Such troops can go any where : your indomitable courage at Shiloh saved the Army of the Mississippi from total annihilation." The courage and endurance of these troops was appreciated by Gen- eral Beauregard, who is reported to have said, "We charged the centre [they held the centre] five distinct times, and could not break it." The history of the 14th Iowa Infantry, subsequently to its exchange and re-organization, and up to the time when the greater portion of it was mustered out of the service, is similar to that of the 32d Iowa. During the spring and summer of 1863, it served at dififerent points on the Mississippi River, on garrison-duty ; but shortly before General A. J. Smith moved with his division from Memphis to Vicksburg, from which last named point he marched on the Meridian Expedition, the 14th was brigaded with the 27th and 32d Iowa, and the 24th WILLIAM T. SHAW. 275 Missouri. Colonel Shaw of the 14th Iowa was assigned to the command of this brigade; and, with it, saved the army of General Banks from defeat and capture at the battle of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana. In the fall of 1864, the 14th Iowa joined in the operations which were instituted for the expulsion of General Price's army from Missouri; soon after which the regiment was mus- tered out of the United States service; for it had foiled to re-enlist in sufficient numbers to entitle it to retain its organi- zation. Only two companies remained in the service. The 14th is the only Iowa regiment, from the 2d to the 17th, (and no others of the infantry troops came within the order) that lost its name and organization, on account of not re-enlist- ing. The reasons why the regiment refused to renew their enlistment need not be stated, for they involve an old feud, which should not be revived. A true history of the Red River Campaign will attribute the chief glory which attaches to the battle of Pleasant Hill, to the 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 16th Army Corps; (Colonel Wil- liam T. Shaw's command) for these troops saved the army of General Banks from destruction, on that day of terror. Rumor says that the army of General Steele should have been, at least, as far south as Camden, Arkansas, on the 8th of I April, 1864, the day on which General Banks first met the ! enemy in strong force, some four miles east of Mansfield, : Louisiana. The object of both Banks and Steele was a com- mon one — the capture of Shreveport, and the destruction of the rebel army in Western Louisiana and Arkansas. Of the character of the orders under which these officers marched, I am ignorant ; but, had they co-operated as they should have done, the power of the Confederates would no doubt have been broken in the trans-Mississippi country. As it is, history 276 IOWA COLOXET.S AND REGIMENTS. must record disa.strous defeat to the armies of both Steele and Banks. General Smith arrived with his command within one mile of Pleasant Hill, at sun-down on the evening of the 8th of April, 1864, and a little before the fighting of that day had closed at the front. That night, General Banks fell back with his troops of the 13th and 19th Corps ; and, early on the follow- ing morning, took up a position about one mile west of Pleasant Hill. At ten o'clock of the same morning, the com- mand of General Smith was ordered to the front. Colonel Shaw's Brigade led the advance, and took up a position on the Pleavsant Hill and Mansfield road. His own regiment was thrown across the road, and at nearly right angles with it. His right was held by the 24th Missouri, and his left by the 27th and 32d Iowa— the 82d holding the extreme left. To the right of his command, was the brigade of General Dwight ; but the name of the brigade on the left, I am unable to give. Nor does it matter, since it fled at the first onset of the enemy. No sooner had Colonel Shaw brought his command into line, than the skirmishers of the enemy were encountered ; and then, after an interval of long and harrowing suspense, followed the fierce and sanguinary conflict of Pleasant Hill, the details of which are given in the sketch of Colonel John Scott, of the 32d Iowa Infantry. For the part taken by the 14th regiment in this engagement, I refer to the official report of Lieutenant-Colonel, then Captain W. C. Jones: " The regiment moved out to the front with the brigade to which it was attached, at a few minutes before eleven o'clock A. M., taking position upon the line parallel with an open field, the right resting upon a road immediately in the rear of the 25th New York Battery. Company I, under command of 2d Lieutenant G. H. Logan, Company K, under command of Captain W. J. Campbell, were deployed as skirmishers toward WILLIAM T. SHAW. 277 the centre of the field. Their left was resting upon the skirmish line of the 27th Iowa. Skirmishing occurred at [intervals, until 4 o'clock P. M., when the enemy advanced by a cavalry charge— our skirmishers rallying in their proper places, the 2oth New York Battery fell in the rear of us. We reserved our fire until the enemy v/ere in easy pistol range, when we opened a fire upon them, which almost annihilated them. Horses and riders rolled almost within our lines. This charge was followed by an advance of infantry in two lines, when the conflict became general. The enemy was repulsed in front with heavy slaughter. The second line advanced upon our front, and a line at right angles upon our right flank, opening a terrible cross-fire. Our right was changed in the new direction to meet the new line. In this bloody cross-fire, our lamented Lieutenant-Colonel J. H. Newbold, fell from his horse, mor- tally wounded, the ball passing through his body from the right breast, disabling his left arm. There, also fell Lieuten- ant Logan, Lieutenant McMillen, and Lieutenant Shanklin, ofiicers beloved by all, nobly laying their bodies a bleed- ing sacrifice upon their country's altar. The long list of casualties below, clearly indicate the unreproachable bravery and indomitable will of the regiment. Upon the foil of Lieutenant-Colonel Newbold, I assumed command of the regiment, and I tender most hearty thanks to the officers, commissioned and non-commissioned and privates, for the gallant manner in which they sustained their reputation, gained upon the bloody fields of Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth, De Russy and Pleasant Hill. "I withdrew the regiment, with the rest of the brigade, by your order, at six o'clock P. M." Among the wounded of the 14th Iowa in this engagement, were Lieutenant Holmes, and Sergeants Ford, Parmenter, Nichol and M. L. Roberts — the last mortally. Private S. J. Parker had his head blown completely off by a shell. Disregarding former services, his conduct in this engagement alone should have made Colonel Shaw a brigadier-general ; but he was disgusted with the weakness of certain general officers, and the exhibitions of his manly wrath procured his dismissal from the service. He was dismissed for publishing a letter 278 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. in the Dubuque "Times," from wliich the following is an extract : " I reported to General Emery at about ten o'clock in the morninj,^: he then appeared to be both drunk and a coward. I relieved General McMillan, who was drunk. I did not see General Emery again till after dark, and the fighting had ceased. He was then beastly drunk. I saw General Stone, General Banks' Chief of Staff, thirty minutes before the main attack was made, and pointed out to him my position, which he approved and said it must be held at all hazards." I am informed by officers, who were with Colonel Shaw at the battle of Pleasant Hill that he stated in his letter nothing but the truth ; but, though that b(^ so, the publication of the letter was an ill-judged act, and in violation of wise and imperative rules. The colonel received his dismissal in the fall of 1864, and while he was with his command in Missouri, aiding to drive Price from that State. He returned at once to his home in Anamosa. The last three months' service of the 14th Iowa was per- formed in Missouri. After the death of Colonel Newbold, the regiment was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel W. C. Jones, the original and celebrated " Paul Bentley," who, in the winter of 18G2-3, entrapped Mrs. Jeff Thompson and Rosa at St. Louis. The history of this affair need not be repeated. I will only add the compliment the colonel received from General Curtis. "You have," he said, "done me more service than all my troops stationed at St. Louis." The 14th Iowa, with its division, took part, during the month of October and a portion of September, in driving Gen- eral Price from Missouri. Leaving Memphis on the steamer JBostona, the 5th of September, it arrived by way of Cairo at Jefferson Barracks, and, after a stay of a few days, left for Pilot Knob. It left at mid-night of the 24th of September. Part of the regiment was distributed along the Iron Mountain Railroad WILLIAM T. SHAW. 279 for purposes of defense, while the balance went forward with General Ewing to Pilot Knob. Having been re-called to Jefferson Barracks, or that portion of it stationed along the railroad, it left with its division for Jefferson City, and marched thence to Tii)ton. From the last named point, it returned to St. Louis without meeting the enemy, and, on the Gth of November, reached Camp Kinsman, Davenport. Here the non-veterans were mustered out, and the others — two companies, as I have before stated — were organized into the Residuary Battalion. This battalion, which has since served at Camp Butler, Illinois, was officered as fol- lows :— Company A: Hugo Hoffbauer, captain; Joseph D. McClure, 1st lieutenant; Addison Davis, 2d lieutenant. Company B: Orville Burke, captain ; Thomas B. Beach, 1st lieutenant ; Perry L. Smith, 2d lieutenant. Colonel Shaw is of only medium size, being five feet and ten inches in hight, and sparely built ; though there is something about him which makes him appear larger. He is rough and abrupt in his manners, is careless in dress, and by no means comely in person. His eyes are gray and deep-set, and his cheek-bones prominent. His mouth is large, and has about it an expression of stubbornness, which, I believe, is his most prominent trait of character. Colonel Shaw is a man of great experience, and large and varied acquirements. Indeed, there seems to be no profession or science, with which he is not, in a good degree, familiar. He can talk law, divinity or physic; and, by his blunt shrewd- ness, surprises even those who, by these callings, obtain a livelihood. In nearly all questions, he is noted for assuming the negative; and, when once interested, he will talk and argue from morning till night. Many days of his prison-life were passed in this way. In prison. Major, now Governor Stone, was his chief opponent. 280 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. It is a mystery to some why Colonel Shaw was never made a brigadier-general. He was brave and efficient in the field, and never met the enemy without distinguishing himself; and many, destitute of these qualifications, have been made general officers. He doubtless would have been promoted, had he been more reticent on the conduct and merits of his superiors. It was against his nature to let a blunder pass unnoticed ; and he would quarrel with a superior, sooner than with a subordinate. BRIGADIER-GENERAL HUGH T. REID. FIRST COLONEL, FIFTEENTH INFANTRY. Hugh Thompson Reid was born in Union county, Indiana, the 8th day of October, 1811. His father, who was a native of South Carolina, had left that State only a year before his son Hugh's birth. General Reid worked on his father's farm, in Indiana, till the year 1830, when he entered the Miami Uni- versity, then under the tutorship of Professor Bishop. He graduated at the Indiana College, in 1837. Choosing the law for a profession, he studied for two years in the office of Judge Perry of Liberty, Indiana, and was then admitted to the bar. He came to Keokuk, Iowa, in 1843, and began the practice of his profession. Keokuk has since remained his home. General Reid first became widely known in Southern Iowa, from his connection with the Keokuk and Des Moines River Railroad: indeed, to his energy and perseverance, more than to the efibrts of any other man, this road is indebted for its existence. At one time its abandonment was talked of; but he would not consent, and the work was pushed forward. Its present flourishing condition evidences the soundness of his judgment. Late in the summer of 1861, General Reid began recruiting a regiment for the service. Then, recruiting dragged heavily. On every hand he met with discouragements; but he finally succeeded, for he never turned his back on an enterprise once undertaken. The loth Iowa Infantry was mustered into the United States service on the 22d day of February, 1862. The 15th Iowa left its rendezvous in Keokuk on the 17th of March, 1862, and, after a stay of only ten days in St. Louis, 281 282 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. proceeded to the front. At St. Louis the regiment received its arms and camp equipage. It arrived at Pittsburg Landing at six o'cloclc on Sunday morning, the first day of the battle. Its opening chapter was an eventful one. It fired its first gun at Shiloh. General Grant's head-quarters were then at Savannah, eight miles below, on the river; and at that point Colonel Reid had, the night before, been assigned to the division of General Prentiss. On arriving at the Landing, on the morning of the sixth, his first business was to report to that general, and, mounting his horse, he rode out toward the front for that pur- pose; but for some reason, he did not reach the front till the battle had opened with great fierceness, and he was unable to effect his olyect. He therefore returned to the river, and, dis- embarking his regiment, drew it up in line on the high bluffs, and waited for orders. It was now hardly nine o'clock, and yet the frightful stamj)ede had already begun. Long lines of fugitives, many of them hatless and coatless, and all of them frightened to desperation, came streaming to the river-bank, and nothing could stop them. Colonel Reid first received orders to arrest these fugitives, and effect their re-organization ; but it was utterly impossible, and he was therefore, after considerable delay, ordered to pro- ceed hastily to the front. I have already stated that the 15th Iowa received their arms at St. Louis, just before embarking for the front : it is therefore unnecessary to add that the regiment had never been instructed in the manual of arms. In the process of loading and firing, they were all novices; but it was fortunate that they were nearly all of them accustomed to a gun, and could handle it with efficiency. Under the guidance of a staff officer of General McClernand, and followed by the 16th Iowa, Colonel Chambers, Colonel HUGH T. EEID. 283 Reid started with his regiment for the front ; and, after a long, circuitous march occasioned by the ignorance or confusion of the guide,— first to the right, in almost the opposite direction from where the firing was the heaviest, and then to the left in a south-westerly direction — finally entered a large, open field, the west side of which was bordered by timber and held by the enemy. On his right, too, the field was bordered with timber and held by the enemy; and here they had artillery in position, with which, as soon as he came into view, they opened on him with great vigor. They used shell, grape and canister, and fired with precision ; but Colonel Reid, heedless of danger, advanced to engage the enemy in his front. He was so confident, or so forgetful, that he did not even take the precaution to deploy his regiment in line of battle; but marched it by the right flank, into the very face of the enemy. Some of his regiment said after the engagement that, if the enemy had opened their lines, he would have marched straight through and been captured ; but it is needless to say that these were the colonel's enemies. When he had reached a point where he was met both in front and on the right by a most galling fire, he drew his regiment (mt into line of battle ; and the manner in which he did it, showed his great courage. He first filed it to the left, in a line parallel to that of the enemy, and then counter-marched it into a position to return the enemy's fire. All this time he was suffering loss. Such coolness must have been a strange spectacle to the enemy; and such troops they must have encountered with hesitancy. As soon as the regiment was brought to a front, it engaged the enemy, first by a rapid fire, and then with the bayonet ; and thus the struggle continued for nearly two hours, when, flanked on both the right and left, the order to fall back was given. The regiment fell back, as did nearly all the troops on 284 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. that field, in confusion. But that is not strange: what is strange, is how, undisciplined as -it was, the regiment main- tained itself so long, and with such courage. About this time, Colonel Reid was severely wounded. A shot struck him in the neck, and paralyzed him. Seeing him fall from his horse, Major Belknap ran to hiiii, and raised him up, when he said: "Tell my wife that I died gloriously, fight- ing for my country." Brave man! He tliought he was hit mortally— c?wfc(3 pro patria mori; but it fortunately proved otherwise. He revived in a half-hour, and resumed command of his shattered regiment. There are various accounts of the i)articular part taken by the loth Iowa at Shiloh : indeed, hardly two men of the regi- ment saw the thing alike. One says the regiment did not file left in coming into line, but that it formed "forward on first company." Another gays that, a portion of the regiment filed left, and the other right, and thus got separated, (which is true) ; and still another that, it engaged the enemy across a large ravine, to the right and front, while standing by the right flank and before it was formed in line of battle. To show how great was the confusion, I may further add that, one of the regiment's field officers, the day after the battle had closed, was not able to find the field in which the fighting was done. The following is Colonel Beid's statement of casualties, and his roll of honor : " Fifteen of the thirty-two commissioned officers, who went on the field, had been killed, wounded, or taken prisoners: twenty-two officers and men had been killed, and one hundred and fifty-six wounded. "Adjutant Pomutz distinguished himself during the action, for his coolness and courage. He, too, was wounded. Cap- tains Kittle, of Company A ; Smith, of Company B ; Seevers, of Company C ; Madison, of Company D ; Hutchcraft, of Com- pany E ; Cunningham, of Company G ; Day, of Company I ; HUGH T. REID. 285 and Hedrick, of Company K, who was captured in a charge upon the enemy, all distinguished themselves for their gal- lantry and courage, in leading forward and encouraging their men. Captain Blackmar, of Company F, was wounded in the action, and disabled; 1st Lieutenant Goode of the same company was also wounded. Captain Clark, of Company H, was not in the engagement, having been left sick in the hos- pital at St. Louis. Captains Hutchcraft and Day were both severely wounded. Second Lieutenant Penniman of Company A, and Hamilton of Company I, were killed whilst bravely performing their duty. Plrst Lieutenant King, and 2d Lieu- tenant Danielson of Company H, were both severely wounded, while acting well their part, thus leaving the company without a commissioned otiicer. First Lieutenants Studer, of Company B ; Porter, of Company D ; Craig, of Company E ; Hanks, of Company G ; J. Monroe Beid, of Company I, who, though wounded himself, continued in command of the company after the captain was disabled and the 2d Lieutenant killed; and Eldridge, of Company K ; all deserve special praise for the manner in which they conducted themselves on the field. Second Lieutenants Lanstrum, of Company B; Brown, of Company E; Herbert, of Company C; and Sergeant-Major Brown, who was severely wounded, conducted themselves well on the field. The non-commissioned officers generally, were at their posts, and performed their duty. The color-Ser- geant, Newton J. Rogers, who fought in the 1st Iowa at Springfield, gallantly bore our standard forward, and planted it among the enemy, where it was bravely maintained and defended by portions of Companies C, E, I, and K. * * The Reverend W. W. Eastbrook, too, for a time laid aside his sacred office, and resumed the use of the surgeon's scalpel with great success." In no respect is Colonel Reid too lavish of his praise. The \Uh Iowa did nobly. During the war, no cruder troops have met the enemy; and but few have borne themselves with greater credit. In the retreat from the front to the Landing, Captain Kittle, of the loth Iowa, a handsome and brave young officer, was reported the hero of an incident which I would like to tell, 286 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. but it is not well vouched for. The following is true. Soon after arriving at the Landing, a lieutenant-colonel — a staff officer — rode up to the frightened crowd on the river bank, and shouted: "Is there no officer here ?" Captain Kittle step- ping forward said: "Yes, Sir, I am an infantry officer: what shall I do?" "For God's sake, organize these men, and bring them out to the new line." Going at the work, he gathered in line, by threats and entreaties, a respectable battalion, and started with them to the front ; but the greater part of them were so filled with terror, that they soon broke and fled back to the Landing. With the balance, he went on and took part in repelling the last assaults of the enemy, that were made that afternoon. There were many other instances of special gallantry among the line officers of the 15th Iowa; and the names of Captains Iledrick, Madison and Blackmar ; and Lieutenant J. S. Porter, may be mentioned specially, for their conduct was admirable. Colonel Reid continued with his regiment till the 23d of April, 1SG:3, when he received his commission as brigadier- general. A portion of this time he had been in command of a brigade. Subsequently to the battle of Shilon, and up to the time he received his promotion, the history of his regiment is the same as that of the other regiments of the Iowa Brig- ade. General Reid was promoted to the rank of brigadier on the special recommendation of General Grant ; and the general may well be proud of this compliment; for General Grant, knowingly, never compliments the undeserving. During the spring of 18G3, and till the Gth of the following August, General Reid commanded the District of Lake Provi- dence, with the following named troops comprising his com- mand: the 16th Wisconsin, the 122d Illinois, portions of the 17th and 95th Illinois, and the 1st Kansas Mounted Infantry. At the last named date, orders were given for the evacuation HUGH T. REID. ' 287 of the place. They were issued on account of the sickliness of the locality. After visiting his family on leave of absence, the general was placed in command at Cairo, Illinois. He was holding this command at the time of tendering his resignation, which was in the spring of 1864. Colonel Reid does not look like the man he is. From what he has accomplished, I judge him to be a man of more than ordinary ability. He is tall, and slightly stooping in person, has coarse features, and a large, sandy, bushy head. He has large perceptive organs, and small, gray eyes, sunk deeply in his head. He is perhaps a little more comely than Colonel Shaw of the 14th, but not much. In character, he is brave and determined. A neighbor of his, of long acquaintance, speaks thus of him: "In the early history of the Half-Breed Tract in Lee county, which included the city of Keokuk, there was much trouble al)out titles to real estate, and at times, a state of things border- ing upon civil war. In these contests. General Reid was conspicuous, and had to undergo many dangers. On several occasions, his life was threatened by an infuriated mob ; but he maintained his rights with so much courage, as to secure a local fame for prowess, which, more recently, has become national, by his military achievements." In the essentials, General Reid was a fine soldier. He was brave, and had good judgment; but he could never master tactics. "He could not," say many of his regiment, "drill a company, to say nothing about a regiment;" and many instances are given, showing how he used to handle his regi- ment. In passing an obstacle, he once gave the following command: "File left, boys; and follow my horse round this stump!" But his regiment noticed this deficiency more, on account of the great contrast, in this respect, between himself and his successors. Generals Belknap and Hedrick. Both those officers are fine tacticians. 288 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. The following incident occurred while General Reid was colonel of the 15th Iowa: He was stationed with his regiment at Lake Providence, Louisiana, in February, 1863, when Adju- tant-General Thomas visited Grant's army, to institute negro recruiting; for the Government had at last come to the conclusion that, for a black man to shoot a rebel, was no mur- der. McArthur's Division, of McPherson's Corps, was drawn up in hollow square, and addressed by Generals Thomas, McPherson and McArthur. Finally, Colonel Reid was called to the stand. Some oflScers of his regiment felt anxious for him ; but he soon relieved their minds, for he made the best speech of them all. BRIGADIER-GENERAL W. W. BELKNAP. SECOND COLONEL, FIFTEENTH INFANTRY. William Worth Belknap, the successor of Colonel Beid to the colonelcy of the loth Iowa Infantry, is a son of the late General Belknap, who, as a colonel, distinguished himself in the Mexican War. Entering the United States Army in 1812, the late General Belknap continued in the service till the day 'of his death. For his efhcicnt services in the Mexican War, he was made a brevet brigadier-general. He died in Texas soon after the publication of peace, and near the fort bearing his own name. He was, at the time of his death, traveling in an ambulance from one portion to another of his command. William, the subject of this sketch, was born in the year 1880, at Newburg, New York. He was named after General William J. Worth, a warm friend of his father's family. In I about the year 1856, he came to Iowa, and located in the city j of Keokuk. Prior to coming to Iowa, General Belknap had I studied the law, and, soon after settling in Keokuk, he entered I upon its practice. As a lawyer, he was quite successful. He is one of the few young attorneys, who, settling at that day in the city of Fast Living and High Prices, was able to secure a paying practice, and establish himself as a permanent resident. He was engaged in the practice of his profession at the out- break of the war, and till as late as the fall of 1861, when he abandoned it to enter the service. j In compliment for his successful efforts in assisting to recruit ' the 15th Iowa Infantry, he was commissioned major of the reo-iment. With this rank he accompanied it to the field. On 19 289 290 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. the promotion of Lieutenant-Colonel Dewey to the colonelcy of the 23cl Iowa Infantry, he was made lieutenant-colonel, and still later — the 22d of April, 18G3 — was commissioned colonel, vice Colonel Reid, promoted to a general officer. If we except General Belknap's services at the battle of Corinth, where he distinguished himself, his military record, that has made his name familiar in Iowa, and secured his appointment as brigadier-general, was almost wholly made in General Sherman's campaign against Atlanta. The same is true of his old regiment. Brigaded with the 11th Iowa, the 13th and 16th ever since the spring of 18G2, the history of the loth Iowa is almost identical with that of these regiments. It took part in the battle of Corinth, October 3d and 4th, 1862; but, with this exception, the 15th, with the balance of the Iowa Brigade, escaped every hard-fought battle until the spring of 1864 ; and this, too, notwithstanding it was always in the front, and present in the Department that, of all others, was characterized by its bloody battle-fields and vigorous cam- paigns. Of the different regiments of the Iowa Brigade, the 15th most distinguished itself at the battle of Corinth. The following is from Colonel Crocker's report, the brigade commander: *'The execution of the order to move back had just com- menced, when the enemy, in greatly-superior force, attacked the front of the line (the 15th and 16th Iowa). The officers and men of these regiments, acting with signal determination and bravery, not only held the enemy in check, but drove him back, and held their position, until notice was received that the artillery had passed safely to the rear, when they were ordered to fall back and form in line of battle on the right of the second line, which they did in good order, the enemy declining to follow. This engagement lasted three-quarters of an hour. The firing was incessant, and the regiments, especi- ally the loth, suffered severely. I deem it my especial duty to particularly mention Lieutenant-Colonel Belknap, who com- WILLIAM W. BELKNAP. 291 manded the 15th regiment. This regiment was under the hottest fire, and Colonel Belknap was everywhere along the line, mounted, and with sword in hand encouraging, by voice and gesture, his men to stand their ground." * * * The opening of General Sherman's campaign in the spring of 1864, forms a new and sanguinary chapter in the history of the Iowa Brigade. Keturning from veteran furlough, the brigade proceeded to the front at Kenesaw Mountain, after which, for nearly sixty days, it was almost constantly under fire; and its scores of killed and wounded, during this period, are witnesses of its conspicuous gallantry. From the time the enemy was flanked at Kenesaw Mouni;ain, till he was forced back to and into his entrenchments at Atlanta, there were few engagements in which this brigade did not take part. But the greatest battle of the campaign was precipitated, just at the time it was supposed the contest for the Gate City had closed. During the greater part of the night of the 21st of July, 1864, the rumbling of artillery, and the confusion so common in the movements of large bodies of men, were distinctly heard by our troops, in the direction of the enemy; and it was sup- posed by many that, General Hood was evacuating Atlanta; McPherson thought otherwise, and was anxious and watchful. In the disposition of our forces in this engagement, the 17th Army Corps held the left, and on the extreme left of this corps, was the Iowa Brigade. The position held by this brigade, was a commanding ridge on the east side of the McDonough road, and almost at right angles with the main line of battle, which was west of, and nearly parallel with, the above named road. The head-quarters of the 15th Iowa were not more than two and a half miles north of the Atlanta and Macon Railroad, and about three miles south-east of the city of Atlanta. The coun- try on every side was broken, and for the most part, heavily wooded; but that portion lying in the direction of the Macon 292 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. road, was more especially so. In this dense timber, General Hood had massed his forces on the evening of the 21st instant. At a little after twelve o'clock on the afternoon of the 22d, Colonel Belknap and Lieutenant-Colonel Hedrick had just seated themselves for dinner, when the first gun of the senti- nels was fired. The suddenness of the enemy's attack was unprecedented. Colonel Belknap had barely time to buckle on his sword, and hurry from his head-quarters to the front of his regiment, when the line of skirmishers was driven in. Almost at the same instant, the enemy was seeTi coming at double-quick, and in a line of battle, nearly at right angles Avith that of General Blair's along the McDonough road. In the suddenness of his attack, the rebel general was aping Napoleon. He doubtless expected to force in our line, as one would slide in the sections of a telescope, thus crowding the Army of the Tennessee together in hopeless confusion ; but he had reckoned without his host. The Iowa Brigade, having hastily formed, met and repulsed the assaults of the enemy in their front; when, his centre being repulsed, his left and right wing swung round to the Federal front and rear. And in this way, is accounted for the almost incredible story of our troops fighting, first on the one, and then on the other side of their intrenchments. Subjected to a galling artillery-fire, and now well-nigh surrounded,<'olonel Belknap had no other alterna- tive than to retire, which he did, in a north-westerly direction,- and across the McDonough road. During that afternoon, the 15th Iowa fought in seven distinct positions ; and its losses are proof of the stubbornness with which each was contested. The following were among the gallant dead: Lieutenants Logan W. Crawford and E. M. Gephart. The latter was killed in the regiment's fourth position. Seeing, as he thought, a small detachment of the enemy in cover not far distant, he rallied a few volunteers, and rushed out to capture them; but they WILLIAM W. BELKNAP. 293 proved to be quite a large force. He turned to retreat to his regiment, but was shot before he reached it. He was a young man of much promise. The loss of the 15th Iowa in killed, wounded and missing, was one hundred and fifty-three. Lieutenant-Colonel Hedrick was severely wounded, as was also his brother, Captain Hed- rick. Lieutenant W. P. L. Muir was wounded for the fourth time in the head, and was captured. Lieutenants Evans and Scheevers were also severely wounded. At one time during the engagement, the loth Iowa was assaulted by the 45th Alabama Infantry, Colonel Lampley. The 15th in this instance was protected by earth-works, and literally slaughtered its assailants, wdiile they were rushing to the onset with the most determined bravery. Only a few of the entire rebel regiment reached the foot of the works, and of these, one was killed, and the others either wounded or cap- tured. Colonel Lampley was captured by Colonel Belknaj^ in person. Connected with this charge of the 45tli Alabama, was an amusing incident. A young boy, of the genuine chivalry, was among the party that reached the foot of the works. After the assault had been repelled, and the firing had slackened. Colonel Belknap stepped up on the works to secure his pris- oners ; but he had no sooner exposed his person than the young boy fired on him. The ball passed under his chin and cut through his whiskers. He was enraged and, seizing the boy by the hair of the head, dragged him over the works ; but, in spite of himself he could not help admiring the pluck of the young rascal. For his gallantry in this and in other battles of the cam- paign, Colonel Belknap, on the recommendation of General Sherman, was appointed a brigadier-general. After receiving his commission, he succeeded Colonel Hall of the 11th Iowa, in 294 IOWA COLONELS AND BEGIMENTS. the command of the Iowa Brigade, which he has held ever since. General Belknap is about five feet, eleven inches in hight, and rather portly. His eyes, which are dark-blue and very expressive, are his handsomest feature. In his manners he is rather dignified ; but he is educated and refined, and a favorite in the social circle. In the legal practice, he did not excel as an advocate. He made no pretensions to oratory; but, in preparing a case for trial, he had few equals. It was a rare thing for a demurrer to be sustained to one of his pleadings. At the time of entering the army, he was reputed an able and honorable business-man. In the army he has been known as a good disciplinarian, a brave ofiicer, and a warm friend to the soldier. His neighbors in Keokuk look upon his brilliant military career with much pride. BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL J. M. HEDRICK. THIRD COLONEL, FIFTEEXTH INFANTRY. John Morrow Hedrick is a native of Indiana, the State which stands third, in the number of her sons, who, in Iowa, have been honored with colonel's commissions. He is a son of J. W. Hedrick, Esq., a resident of AVapello countj-, and an intelligent and influential farmer. General Hedrick was born in Rush county, Indiana, the 16th day of December, 1832. In the year 1846 he accompanied his father's family to Iowa, where he has since resided. His means of education were limited. He never entered the halls of an academy or a college as a student. He acquired his edu- cation at the Common Schools, and at his father's fireside ; but, notwithstanding his limited advantages, he had, at the age of seventeen, qualified himself for a teacher. From the age of seventeen to that of twenty, he passed his Winters in teaching, and his Summers on his father's farm. In 1852, he entered a mercantile house as clerk. Soon he became a partner in the business, and, ere long, proprietor of the house. With the exception of two years, when he was engaged in the real-estate business, his entire attention, from 1852 till the beginning of the war, was turned to mercantile pursuits. But he was unfor- tunate in some investments. In 1857-8, he had risked much in land speculations; and, like the great majority of those who at that time dealt in wild lands, suffered pecuniary losses. In August, 1861, General Hedrick closed out his business in Ottumwa, for the express purpose of entering the service, and, before the close of that month, had enlisted a sufiicient number of men to entitle him to a first lieutenant's commission. Before 295 29G IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. entering the service, lie hud held commissions as second lieu- tenant and captain in an independent military company of the city of Ottumwa; but this company existed only in name, and the knowledge of military matters, which he derived from his connection with it, was of no importance: indeed, in this respect, he was as purely a civilian as any officer that has gone out from the State. General Hedrick was commissioned 1st Lieutenant of Com- pany D, 15th Iowa Infantry, the 20th day of September, 1861, and on the 23d of the following December was made quarter- master of that regiment. While the regiment was at its rendezvous in Keokuk, he was promoted to the captaincy of Company K, and with this rank he entered the field. Shiloh, as has already been stated, was the loth Iowa's first battle ; and the part taken by the regiment in this engagement has been already given. Captain Hedrick here distinguished himself, and was wounded and taken prisoner. At the time the regiment made its partially successful assault against the enemy, and just when the left wing was overpowered and forced back by overwhelming numbers, he was wounded, and instantly surrounded and captured. Being taken to the rear he, with about two hundred and fifty other officers, was for- warded to Corinth, and thence by rail to Memphis; where he arrived on the night of the 8th, near mid-night. Hustling the prisoners rudely from the cars, the Confederates huddled them, both officers and men, into a large store-room, where they guarded them that night, and where, for the first time since their capture, they issued them rations. It had been more than fifty hours since they had tasted food, and now they received only raw bacon and rotten bread. But in the meantime the issue of the battle having been decided, the enemy became apprehensive, not only of the JOHN M. HEDRICK. 297 capture of Corinth, but of Memphis; for a fleet of Union gun- boats was, at that very time, lying only a few miles above the city. The Union prisoners were therefore, on the morning of the 9th, hurried on board the cars, in crder to be sent South; but for some reason the train did not leave till evening. At that time, the fiendish cruelties practiced by the Confed- erates upon all Union people within their lines, had not purged the city of Memphis of all Union sentiment; for, during the entire day of the 9th, hundreds of her citizens crowded closely around the carefully-guarded train, which con- tained the prisoners, speaking kind words and, whenever occasion offered, tendering more substantial testimonials of their sympathy. But the story of the sufferings of Union prisoners of war has been often told, and need not be here repeated. The sojournings of Captain Hedrick in the South, and the route he traveled with his brother officers, may be given with interest. Leaving Memphis on the evening of the 9th of April, he was taken, first to Jackson, Mississippi; from Jackson to Meridian; from Meridian to Mobile; from Mobile up the Ala- bama River to Selma ; and from Selma to Talladega, where for two weeks he ^^■as quartered with his brother officers in a vacant Baptist College. From Talladega he was taken back to Selma, where he remained two months; from Selma to Montgomery; from Montgomery to Atlanta; from Atlanta to Madison; and from Madison to Richmond, via Augusta, Columbia, Raleigh and Weldon. At Richmond Cai^tain Hed- rick was paroled, after a prison-life of six months and seven days, and entered our lines on the 18th day of October, 1862, After remaining several weeks with his family at Ottumwa, he learned that he was exchanged, and at once returned to his regiment. He re-joined it on the 9th of February, 1863, at La Fayette, Tennessee, and was immediately promoted to the 298 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. majority, his commission dating the 17th of January, 18G3. On the 22d of the following April he was made lieutenant- colonel ; and with this rank he won his chief laurels. When, after the fall of Atlanta, Colonel Belknap was made a briga- dier-general, Lieutenant-Colonel Hedrick was promoted to the full colonelcy of the loth Iowa Infantry, his commission dating the 20th of August, 1864. He was breveted brigadier-general in the spring of 1865, for gallant services in the Atlanta Cam- paign. As has already been stated, the 15th Iowa saw its hardest service in General Sherman's campaign against Atlanta. Just before returning home on veteran furlough, the regiment had accompanied General Sherman on the Meridian march, which, however, is celebrated only for the rapidity of the movement, and the large amount of rebel property destroyed ; and still earlier the regiment had joined in the siege of Vicksburg, and in the subsequent march on Jackson ; but in none of these movements was it in any general engagement. It did not accompany its corj^s on the march through Bruinsburg, Port Gibson, Baymond and Jackson, to the rear of Vicksburg; but with its brigade was stationed at Grand Gulf. In the march to Monroe, Louisiana, which, considering its length, is the hardest with one exception that was ever made by the Iowa Brigade, the 15th Iowa was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Hedrick. The expedition was commanded by Brigadier-General Stevenson, and left Goodrich's Landing above Vicksburg, about the middle of August, 1863. The line of march, which was almost due west, lay across the broad bottom-lands that, for nearly fifty miles, stretch westward from the Mississippi. These bottom-lands, lying as they do below Lake Providence, had in the previous Spring received rich deposits from the Lake Providence Canal ; and the road, which was narrow and straight, was bordered with the most luxuri- JOHN M. HEDRICK. 299 ant vegetation, in many places the weeds being twelve feet high. There was hardly a breath of air stirring, and, from morning till night the troops for the most of the way had no protection from the burning rays of the sun. The weather too was dry, and the dust almost suffocating. In addition to all this, the timber and the rank and dense vegetation was thickly inhabited by snakes of all kinds, and of the most fabulous size — enemies which the troops held in much greater terror than the few hostile rebels who hovered in their front. The only alleviating circumstance in this expedition seemed to be that the country had never been ravaged by our army, and supplies were abundant. Of the two hundred and eighty-one men of the loth who started on this march, sixty had to be brought back to the river in wagons and ambulances. Several too, who were unable to bear the fatigue, were left within the lines of the enemy, in ciire of Surgeon Gibbon. The fruits of the expedition, which was some twenty days out from Vicksburg, were small. Monroe, the terminus of the Vicksburg and Monroe Railroad, was entered without opposition, the enemy abandoning the place, crossing the Washita, and destroying their iDontoons. A few prisoners were captured, and a small quantity of Confederate stores destroyed. The march of the Iowa Brigade with the greater portion of its army corps from Clifton, Tennessee, to the front at Kene- saw Mountain, has already been given. On the morning of the 2d of July, 1864, the 17th Army Corps formed the left of Sherman's army before Kenesaw. The Iowa Brigade held the right of its corps. Already, Sherman had despaired of dislodging the enemy from their strong-hold in his front, and that night he ordered a flank movement to the right, by way of Nick-a-jack Creek. Just at dusk, the 17th Corps, which was to hold the advance, broke camp, and, with the division of 300 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Giles A. Smith in the lead, took up its line of march down the valley, just in rear of the main line of works in the centre and on the right. The movement was a surprise to the enemy ; and yet, the character of the country to be passe"d, which was broken and heavily timbered, enabled them to make much resistance. Keeping a considerable force of cavalry with light artillery constantly in the front, they would halt at every commanding point along the road, and, with their artil- lery, supported by their cavalry, dismounted, harrass the advance. These positions, in nearly every instance, had to be charged. During two days of this march, (the -ith and 5th of July) Lieutenant-Colonel Hedrick, with four companies of the 15th Iowa, and four of the 16th, as skirmishers, led the advance. On the second day's march, the following incident occurred : on a heavily-wooded point, the enemy was found in posi- tion, and the reserves brought up and deployed, for a charge. Instantly, as the charge was ordered, the lowans swept reck- lessly down through the ravine, and up the opposite slope to the crest, where the enemy had just shown themselves. They gained the point, and now for the pursuit. With a shout, they started down through the brush, each man striving for the lead, when — bang! bang! bang! went the enemy's artillery from the hill not more than seventy-five yards in advance. A deadly volley of musketry followed, when the boys, returning as quickly as they went, reported to their officers: "Damn 'em, they are right up there ! " Soon after discovering Sherman's movement to Nick-a-jack Creek, the enemy evacuated Kenesaw and Marietta, and hur- ried to their left, where, on the morning of the 6th, they showed sufficient force to prevent a further advance ; for their position was a strong one on the hills that lay on the east side of Nick- a-jack Creek, and near where that stream forms a junction JOHN M. HEDRICK. 301 with the Chattahoochie. From the 6th of July to tlie 10th, the time was passed in skirmishing with tlie enemy ; but, in tlie meantime, General Sherman had entered Marietta, and passed up the Chattahoochie fifteen miles to Iloswell, where he secured a crossing. That stream was now passed, and the capture of Atlanta made certain. This happened on the morning of the 10th instant; and in the afternoon and evening of the same day, the enemy abandoned their works on the Xick-a-jack, and crossed the Chattahoochie. A tedious march up the valley past Marietta, and the 17th Corps also crossed the river at Ros- well, and led the advance to Decatur, which was entered with little opposition, on the evening of the 19th instant. [In giv- ing the movements of the 17th Corps, I am also giving the I movements of the 15th Iowa, and of the other regiments of the Iowa Brigade.] The advance from Decatur to the south-east side of Atlanta, on the 20th, was fiercely contested; but the enemy, at night^ fall, had been successfully forced back to their defenses around I the doomed city. On the following morning, followed the I fierce assault of the 21st, which was unsuccessful, and in which the 15th Iowa lost some fifty in killed and wounded; but the great battle of the campaign, and the one in which the 15th iloAva sufiered most, and most distinguished itself, was that . fought on the afternoon of the day following, i After the engagement of the 21st, the Iowa Brigade marched to the extreme left of its corps, and took up a position as a sort of picket-reserve; and in this position it was assaulted near the hour of dinner-call, on the following day; but a description of this engagement has been already given. I Colonel Hedrick was wounded in the early part of the jengagement, and just before his regiment was forced back. He was shot with a minnie ball directly over the spine, in the small of the back. The ball, striking and cutting his sword JOHN M. HEDRTCK. 302 belt in two, was turned slightly to the left; and, passing down across the ilium, came out near the lower point of the hip. Completely paralyzed by the wound, he was at once placed upon the shoulders of two men to be taken to the rear when he instantly received another shot through the left fore-arm. The first wound was supposed to be mortal ; and, but for his vigor- ous constitution, it must have proven so. For many weeks he was kept upon his back, and even now he can not move about without the aid of crutches. Having partially recovered, he was detailed on a court-martial in the city of Washington, where he is still serving. Since the battle of the 22d of July, before Atlanta, the loth Iowa has been commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Pomutz, a Hungarian by birth, and, I am told, a good officer. The services of the regiment, since tlie fall of that place, are com- prised in the march from Atlanta, via Savannah, to Raleigh and Washington. Of General Hedrick as a military man, I dare not speak as I otherwise would, were he not my fellow-townsman. All who know his military history concede that he is an officer of great worth. In person, he is tall and slender, with spare features, dark- brown hair, and large, dark eyes. He is an energetic and rapid talker, and expresses his opinions with great positive- ness; which he can do with safety, since he has much general information. He has a firm step, and a hearty laugh; is hope- ful, cheerful and self-confident, and endures reverses with great fortitude. He is as much esteemed as a citizen, as he is admired as a soldier. COLONEL ALEXANDER CHAMBERS. SIXTEENTH IXFAXTRY. ALEXAXDEii Chambers is thirty-two years of age, and a native of the State of New York. I know little more of his history prior to his entering the volunteer service except that he was a lieutenant of the 18th Regular Infantry, and a resi- dent of Owatonna, Minnesota. After the war broke out, and before he was made colonel, he served as a mustering officer of Iowa troops. He was the United States mustering officer of tlie following Iowa regiments: the 1st, 2d and 4th Cavalry; and tlie 1st, 2d, 3d, 5th, Gth, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 13th and 14th Infantry. Though not an Iowa man, his military services certainly go to the credit of the State. He was commissioned Colonel of the IGth Iowa, in February, 1862, and served with this rank till the winter of 18G3-4, when he left the volunteer service and returned to his former position as captain in the 18th Regular Infantry ; for he had been promoted to a cap- taincy, in the summer of 1861. Colonel Chambers' first engagement, which was also the first of his regiment, was Shiloh. In that action he was slightly wounded. The position of his regiment in the first day's battle was on the right of the loth Iowa, and the part it sus- tained sufficiently appears in the sketch of General H. T. Reid. In the closing paragraph of an official statement concerning this engagement, Colonel Chambers says : "The field officers were particularly cool under a destructive fire, and rendered great assistance. The horses of all the field and staff" officers were killed or wounded, evidently showing an intention on the part of the enemy to pick off the most prominent officers. Captains Ruehl and Zettler, both gallant 303 304 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. men, were killed or mortally wounded, and 1st Lieutenant Frank N. Doyle, a brave and efficient officer, was also killed. The loss during Sunday's fight was two officers and sixteen non-commissioned officers and privates killed, and nine officers and twenty-four non-commissioned officers and privates wounded, and fifteen non-commissioned officers and privates missing. " Among the wounded officers, were Captains A. Palmer, E. S. Fraser, and E. M. Newcorab; and Lieutenants Lewis Bunde, J. II. Lucas, G. PI. Ilolcomb, and Henry Meyer. It was reported that the regiment did not conduct itself with credit, but its losses tell a diflferent story. The conduct of Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Sanders was especially gallant, as it ever after was, in the face of the enemy. It is elsewhere stated that immediately after the battle of Shiloh or Pittsburg Landing, the Iowa Brigade was organized, and that the organization was preserved till the close of Gen- eral Sherman's campaign through the Carolinas, in the spring of 1865. The IGth Iowa was the junior regiment of this brig- ade, and much relating to its history will be found in the sketches of Generals Crocker, Held, Belknap and Iledrick, and Colonels Hall and Shane. But the 16th has a chapter in its history, not to be found in those of the other regiments of its brigade. It fought Price at luka ; was conspicuous upon the field, and suffered terribly in killed and wounded. Next to the Sth Iowa Infimtry, it lost more heavily than any other regiment on that ])loody field. " For some ten days or more before the final move of the rebel army under General Price, eastward from the Mobile and Ohio Kail road, it was evident that an attack upon Corinth was contemplated, or some change to be made in the location of that army. This caused great vigilance to be necessary, on the part of our cavalry, especially that to the southern front, under Colonel Mizner. The labor of watching and occasional skir- mishing was most satisfactorily performed, and almost every ALEXANDER CHAMBERS. 305 move of the enemy was knowm as soon as commenced. A])out the 11th of September, Price left the railroad — the infontry and artillery probably moving from Baldwin, and the cavalry from the roads north of Baldwin, toward Bay Springs. At the latter j)lace, a halt of a few days seemed to have been made; likely, for the purpose of collecting stores and recon- noitering our eastern flank. On the 13th of September, the enemy's cavalry made their appearance near luka, and were repulsed by the small garrison under Colonel Murphy of the 8th Wisconsin Infantry, still left there to cover the removal of stores, not yet brought into Corinth. The enemy appeared again in increased force on the same day, and, having cut the railroad between there and Burnsville, Colonel Murphy thought it i)rudent to retire to save his force." How the IGth Iowa became separated from its brigade and fought with Rosecrans at luka happened thus : When Colonel 1 Murphy was attacked by the enemy, he sent back for rein- I forcements: Colonel Crocker was directed to send a regiment to his support. The 16th Iowa was ordered forward, and thus formed a junction with General Bosecrans. In speaking of the part the IGth and other regiments of his command bore at luka. General Rosecrans says : " The IGth Iowa, amid the roar of battle, the rush of wounded artillery-horses, the charges of a rebel l)rigade, and a storm of grape, canister and musketry, stood like a rock, holding the centre, while the glorious 5th Iowa, under the brave and dis- tinguished INIatthies, sustained by Boomer, with his noble little 26th Missouri, bore the thrice-reijeated charges and cross-fires of the rebel left and centre, with a valor and determination, seldom equaled, and never excelled by the most veteran soldiery." So far as I can learn, the killed and wounded of the 16th Iowa at luka numbered about sixty-five. Colonel Chambers was wounded and obliged to turn his command over to Lieu- tenant-Colonel Sanders. Lieutenant and Adjutant George Lawrence, a gallant young officer, was killed. Captain A. Palmer and Lieutenant J. H. Lucas of Company C, were both 306 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. wounded, as they had also been at Shiloh. Lieutenants Alcorn and Williams were also wounded, both severely. luka was the IGth Iowa's second engagement, and their courage and intrepidity, on that field, was a triumphant answer to all insinuations of former ungallant conduct. They were the heroes of their brigade, and when they marched back to re-join it they were looked on with admiration, and received the eager gratulations of their sister regiments. Next in the history of the regiment is the battle of Corinth, a full account of which has been given elsewhere. It lost its commanding officer at luka, and suffered the same misfortune at Corinth. Lieutenant-Colonel Sanders was severely wounded in the thigh, in the afternoon of the first day's fight. Of this gallant officer's conduct, Colonel, afterward General Crocker says : "Lieutenant-Colonel Add. H. Sanders, who commanded the 16th, is entitled to great praise. He rode along the line of his regiment, amid the storm of bullets, encouraging his brave boys, who had so lately suffered at luka, to remember their duty, and, although severely wounded, remained with his regi- ment until it marched off the field." Major William Purcell succeeded Colonel Sanders in the com- mand of the regiment. Its loss in the engagement I have been unable to learn, but, next to the loth Iowa, it suffered more severely than any other regiment of its brigade. Major Purcell was slightly wounded, but not so severely as to compel him to leave the field. Captain C. W. Williams was taken prisoner. Color-Sergeant Samuel Duffin, and Color-Corporals McElhaney, Eighmey and Karn are mentioned for their gallant conduct on the field. The pursuit of the defeated and dispirited rebel army to the Hatchie, and the return to Corinth ; the march to the Yockona late that same Fall ; the trip down the Mississippi to Young's Point, and the operations around Vicksburg; the march to ALEXANDER CHAMBERS. 307 Mechanicsville, up the Yazoo ; the expedition to Jackson, and the escape of Johnson; the raid to Monroe, Louisiana, and, later, that to Meridian, Mississippi; the long and tedious march from Clifton on the Tennessee, to North-western Georgia, in the Spring of 18G4, and the operations of the Iowa Brigade on the memorable Atlanta Campaign, will be found in the sketches of those officers and regiments, whose histories they help to make up. The 16th Iowa Infantry took part in all these operations. It has already been stated that Colonel Chambers resigned his commission in the winter of 1863-4. Subsequently to that date, the 16th Iowa has been commanded by that excellent officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Sanders. Indeed, for many months prior to the resignation of the former officer, Colonel Sanders commanded his regiment; for, on the departure of General Crocker to assume command of the Tfli Division, of his corps, Colonel Chambers succeeded him in the command of the Iowa Brigade. I pass now to the most interesting and exciting chapter in the history of the 16th Iowa — a chapter which, could I write it as it was made, would equal any passage in war-literature. Certainly no regiment in all Sherman's grand army of " ninety- eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven men" can fur- nish an instance of greater and more distinguishing valor, than that of which I write. How Sherman, having crossed the Chattahoochie, threw his army by a grand right-wheel around Atlanta, with the Army of the Tennessee — Blair, Logan and Dodge — on the left, I have written elsewhere. In the sketch of General Belknap, I have also given an account of the enemy's opening attack, which, for suddenness and desperation, would have done credit to the best marshals of France. The 22d of July, and the assault on Sherman's left, are the day and the battle of which 308 IOWA COLONELS AND BEGIMENTS. I speak. Tlie 16th Iowa " was posted upon the left of the 11th Iowa, and in the immediate front of the 13th Iowa, the 15th Iowa being ui)on the left and upon a prolongation of the line of the 13th, the brigade being the left of the 4th Division, which held the left wing of the Army of the Tennessee." The 16th Iowa, therefore, held the extreme left and front of Sher- man's victorious legions— a post of honor deserving double honor, on account of its gallant defense. "Companies B and G, under the respective commands of Captain Henry Lefeldt and Lieutenant Timm, were deployed as skirmishers in front, connecting on the right with the skirmishers of the 11th Iowa, and on the left with those of the 15th." This position had been taken up, and these dispositions had been made, (earth- works in front of each regiment having been in the meantime .constructed) on the previous afternoon. And it is proper to state in this connection that the left of the Army of the Ten- ne.ssee had not joined in the general advance made by Sher- man's army on the morning of the 22d. As elsewhere stated, the ground occupied by the Iowa Brigade was open, with the exception of being covered with under-brush ; but, immediately after taking up the position, the 11th, 15th, and 16th Iowa had " policed " in their front, from thirty to fifty yards. No enemy could pass that line under cover, and to come within it was almost certain death. The skirmish line was posted in the thicket beyond. Just before noon of the day in question, General Giles A. Smith, in person, had directed Colonel Sanders to have his regiment ready to fall in at a minute's notice, adding, "you must hold your works to the last, as the safety of the division may depend on the delay occasioned the enemy at this point." This was the last order received by Colonel Sanders from his superior that day. Already the reign of ominous silence, which commonly precedes great battles, portended the ap- ALEXANDER CHAMBERS. 309 preaching conflict, and, hardly had General Smith rode back to his head-quarters, when the roar of musketry along the skirmish line signaled the advance of the enemy. It was sharp and spiteful, and told the brave boys, who sprung for their guns and the trenches, that a desperate struggle was at hand. Instantly the skirmishers, with anxious faces, made their appearance, and came running back to the works. They were sent back by Colonel Sanders, but had scarcely entered the thicket, when they were fired on and again driven back. The enemy were coming in heavy line of battle, and closely on the heels of their own skirmishers, while the 16th Iowa, crouched in their trenches and, with their muskets pointed toward the threatened point, awaited their approach. " When you fire, fire low, but don't fire a gun till you receive my command, no matter how near they come," were the orders of Colonel Sanders, and they were strictly obeyed. Then fol- lowed a moment of anxious, protracted suspense and then the opening battle. The enemy advanced their line boldly into the clearing in front of the Sixteenth's works, and, with bayonets fixed and their pieces at a charge, began raising their accustomed shout, when Colonel Sanders gave the order to fire — first to the rear rank, and then to the front. " The response was a terrific and deadly volley from one rank, followed immediately by another, and then a continuous, rapid firing, as fast as eager, experi- enced soldiers could load and discharge their guns. The result of our fire was terrible. The enemy's line seemed to crumble to the earth ; for even those not killed or wounded fell to the ground for protection. Another heavy line of the enemy advanced, and was repulsed in the same terrible manner. Officers and men worked enthusiastically, and guns became so heated that they could not be handled, the powder flashing from them as the cartridges were dropped in. The oflBcers 310 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. prepared the cartridges for the men, and helped them load their guns. More splendid firing, or more effectual in its results, was never before witnessed in the army." I have taken the above from Colonel Sander's report; for, should I make the same statement myself, it would pass for fiction. Simultaneously with the attack on the IGth, the 11th and loth Iowa were charged in their works. The left of the 15th had no protection, and, as the enemy came swinging round to its rear, it had no alternative but to draw out of its works and retire. The 11th Iowa was dislodged in like manner. But just before this occurred, the enemy in front of the 16th (the 2d and 8th Arkansas and two companies of Texan troops) i)ut up the white flag and surrendered as prisoners of war. AVhen they arrived in Colonel Sanders' rear, he found that he had two prisoners for every man in his ranks. But there were other prisoners to the left, or men whom Captain Smith claimed as j^risoners, but who refused to throw down their arms. Learning this, Colonel Sanders hurried down to the left, and began disarming them himself, but he had taken the guns of only two, when he was surrounded by a rebel squad, who demanded: "Surrender, Sir, and we won't hurt you." Startled by such a demand, he turned and looked about him. For the first time he now saw that the works of the 13th and loth Iowa in his rear were in the possession of the enemy. Believing that he had held his works " to the last," and hoping that he might break away and escape with his regiment to the rear of the lltli Iowa, he sprung away, and, with the exclamation — " I am not talking of surrender now," hurried back to his command. The rebels stared in wonder and none fired at him except a rebel captain, who instantly after was shot dead by Captain Lucas of the 16th Iowa. On reaching the right of his regiment, the last hope fled ; for the works of the 11th Iowa were already in possession of ALEXANDER CHAMBERS. 311 the enemy. The regiment was thus surrounded, and had no choice but to surrender or be butchered. The 16th Iowa was the sixth Iowa regiment to be captured nearly entire. "The regiment numbered, on the morning of the twenty-second, four hundred and twenty-five effective men: of these, a fatigue detail of three officers and eighty men was made in the morning, most of whom were captured afterward, while fighting in front of field-works near by." During the Atlanta Campaign, or rather up to the 23d of July, the 16th Iowa lost in killed, wounded and captured, three hundred and sixty-eight men. Of these, twenty were killed, and one hundred and six wounded. Private Charles M. Stark was the first man of the regiment killed. He was shot through the head on the 14th of June, and while on picket near Big Shanty, Georgia. From the 14th of June to the 22d of July following, hardly a day passed without adding one or more to the regiment's list of casualties ; and to show the character of warfare in which the regiment engaged, it may be stated that, of the twenty killed, nine at least were shot through the neck or head. Quarter-master-Sergeant John W. Drury was the only man killed by a shell, and Corporal James Huntington, the only one killed by a solid shot. Lieutenant George H. Holcomb was one of the killed, and among the wounded were Captains Hugh Skillings and Peter Miller, and Lieutenants Thomas A. Burke and Samuel Duflin : the latter afterward died of his wounds. The greater part of the enlisted men of the 16th Iowa, who were captured on the 22d of July, were exchanged in Septem- ber, 1864 ; but the oflicers were held until the following Winter and Spring. The regiment has closed the interesting portion of its history in the siege of Atlanta, and in the Savannah and Carolina Campaigns, aU of which operations have been fully detailed. 312 IOWA COIiONELS AND REGIMENTS. I am told Colonel Chambers is a trim, black-haired, black- eyed gentleman, with the airs and deportment of a regular army officer. He was a severe disciplinarian, and, by reputa- tion, ranked well with the Iowa Colonels. After the fall of Vicksburg, he was appointed by the President a brigadier- general ; but the appointment failed confirmation in the Senate. His status defeated him ; he was neither an Iowa nor a Minne- sota man. Iowa would indorse his appointment, provided he was credited to Minnesota, and Minnesota, vice versa. He is the only Iowa officer who was killed by having too many friends. COLONEL JOHN WALKER RANKIN. FIRST COLONEL, SEVENTEENTH INFANTRY. John W. Rankin was born on the 11th day of June, 1823. He is of Scotch Irish descent, his mother being a relation of Burns, the poet. He was educated at Washington College, Pennsylvania, where, graduating at the age of sixteen, he was complimented with the Latin Oration. After leaving college, he taught school for a few years, and then studied law. He was admitted to the bar in 1844. Before coming West, he practiced his profession in Wooster, and in Ashland county, being, at the latter place, a partner of Judge Sloan. He settled in Keokuk, Iowa, in 1848. Since living in Iowa, he has been district judge, State senator, United States assistant quarter- master, and colonel. He was appointed Assistant Quarter- Master of United States Volunteers in the summer of 1861, and discharged the duties of the office with credit. In the winter of 1861-2, he was granted authority by the Secretary of War to raise a regiment of volunteers. He entered with energy ui)on the business of recruiting, and, in a little more than thirty days from the time he began active operations, the 17th Iowa Infan- try was mustered into the United States service. Colonel \ Rankin received his commission on the 17th of April, 1862, i and two days later, under orders from Halleck, left Keokuk with his regiment for St. Louis. In what I have to say of the 17th Iowa, I desire to be impar- tial. That it was composed of as fine a body of men as ever went out from the State, is true, in proof of which I may state that, at the time it was enlisted, it was supposed, by both the State Executive and the Secretary of War, that it would be 313 814 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. the last regiment furnished by the State for the war. Lieuten- ant C. J. Ball, mustering officer, and Surgeon S. B. Thrall, examining officer, both able and efficient in their respective departments, will bear me witness that no man was passed if he had the slightest physical blemish, and no man mustered unless, in size, he more than filled the letter of the regulations. It was supposed at the time the 17th Iowa entered the service that the war was near its close. This was the opinion of the chief military men of the day ; though nearly all of these men are fossils now. The resplendent victory at Fort Donelson threw the North into ecstasies of joy. That one was soon fol- lowed by the bloody triumph at Shiloh; and then it was declared that no more troops were wanted. It might have been so, had first reports been true ; for the news of the battle of Shiloh, which was read to the 17th Iowa on dress-parade, declared that twenty thousand Union troops had been placed hors dii combat, and that the enemy had lost more than double that number. The regiment stared in amazement, and thought there were none left to kill. It was well for the enemy that the news was false ; for, had it been true, he would have marched back to Corinth with hardly a corporal's guard. The war would have been near its close. " I can crush the rebellion in the South West with what men I have," a certain general in the West declared to the Secretary of War ; and an order was even issued for disbanding the 17th Iowa, and was only recalled, after the utmost exertion on the part of Colonel Rankin. Many honestly believed that the 17th would never fire a gun : never- theless, the regiment has fired more guns, and slain more rebels, than almost any other equal number of men in the field. The first march of the 17th Iowa was from the St. Louis wharf to Benton Barracks : the debarkation and march was JOHN W. EAXKIN. 315 made in the mud and rain ; and the regunent experienced a foreta.ste of soldier-life. Embarking on the steamer Conti- I nental, Colonel Rankin left St. Louis with his command for I the front, on Sunday morning, the 4th day of May, 1862, and ; arrived at Hamburg Landing, on the evening of the 6th I instant. Under orders from General Halleck, he reported to General Pope, and was assigned a position at the extreme left and front of the besieging army at Corinth. Here began the brilliant record of the 17th Iowa ; for, though it was once disgraced on paper, and over the signature of a major-general, it was never disgraced in the eyes of its sister regiments. The regiment arrived at the front, on the evening of the 9th of May, the day of the battle near Farmiugton, where the 2d Iowa cavalry, and the troops of Colonel Loomis' Brigade deported themselves so handsomely. On the afternoon of that day, the ITtli beheld for the first time terror-stricken cowards fleeing from the scene of action. Never present in battle, they are always the first to herald disaster. "Turn back! turn back ! ! " they said ; " the whole army is killed and captured ! " but on arriving at the front all was found quiet. On the 28th of May, 1862, Colonel Rankin received orders to advance his regiment as skirmishers, and, having ascertained the character and strength of the enemy's works, to fall back. Accompanying the order were the compliments of General S. Hamilton in the following language : — " For gentlemanly and soldier-like conduct, your regiment has been assigned this post of honor." The reconnoissance was made in connection with the 10th Missouri, and resulted in a sharp fight. More than one hundred rebels were killed and wounded ; and that same night Corinth was evacuated. Next followed the march to Boonville, Mississippi, in pursuit of General Beauregard, and on which General Pope captured thirty thousand stand of- arms, and ten thousand prisoners. (?) These were splendid 316 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. successes ; but, though the 17th Iowa had marched near the van, it first learned the glad news wliile encamped in the woods near Boonville. Beauregard made good his escape, and Pope returned to Corinth. To new troops, this marcli was one of great hardships. It was made in the early days of Summer, when, in that climate, the days are hot and the nights cool. Uninured to the hardsliips, and ignorant of tlie customs of soldier-life, the 17th Iowa suffered severely ; for they parted with nothing, and struggled along with burdens that would have broken down even veterans. They would not throw away even a cartridge. Ordered into camp at Clear Springs, Mississippi, the 17th remained there until the latter part of June, and then joined the forces which marched out beyond Ripley. One incident on this march will be remembered by every member of the regiment who joined in it. It happened on the evening of the second day of the return to Camp Clear Springs. In the even- ing of that day, which had been cold and rainy, camp was made in a low bottom, and soon after the camp-fires were lighted, a dense fog arose, which was almost blinding. This proved the cause of the fright which followed. At about eight o'clock, sudden cries of alarm were given from the hill above— " For God's sake get out of there, or you will be all dead in half an hour." The regiment was filled with fright, and in ten-minutes' time every camp-fire was deserted. That night the poor fellows slept between corn-rows on the hill-side. Dr. McG was a wag as well as a good surgeon, and, whether he perpetrated the above in sport or in earnest, I never learned. After returning from the Ripley march, the 17th Iowa remained at Camp Clear Springs until the middle of the following August, and then marched with its division to Jacinto, about twenty- five miles south of Corinth, where it remained till just before the battle of luka. JOHN W. RANKIN. 317 In August, 1862, Hon. Samuel F. Miller, Colonel Rankin's law-partner, was appointed to a judgeship of the United States Supreme Court. The business of the firm was large and com- plicated, embracing many cases of great importance, which required the personal attention of one of the original members of the firm. Indeed, I am informed that it was the under- standing, when Colonel Rankin entered the service, that, in case Judge Miller should leave the firm, the colonel was to resign his commission. At all events, he tendered his resigna- tion, which was accepted on the 3d of September, 1862. On the 19th of September, 1862, was fought the rough-and-tumble battle of luka; and Colonel Rankin had not yet left for his home. ; luka was the 17th Iowa's first engagement, and by the for- tunes of war the regiment was temporarily put in disgrace. It was gross injustice, and the fact that the commanding general who issued the order of censure was afterwards retired in shame from an important command affords us no satisfaction. And now I regret for the first time that I was a member of the 17th Iowa, for in stating the truth some may think me partial. How the battle of luka was brought on is explained in the sketch of General Matthies. Rosecrans either blundered or dis- obeyed orders, and it matters not which ; for, in either case, he is I equally censurable. The battle was fought on the afternoon of jthe 19th of September, and that morning the 17th Iowa, with its brigade, marched from Jacinto some twenty-five miles south- |west of luka. Immediately after arriving at the front the j regiment was hurried into the action. Its position was at the .cross-roads and along an open ridge; and just across a narrow ravine, filled with dense brush, were the enemy. Hardly had i the regiment come into line, when it was met with a terrible volley of grape, canister and musketry, and General Sullivan ordered it to a less exposed position. While Colonel Rankin 318 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. was giving the proper command for the movement, that happened which was the cause of the regiment being censured. A portion of Rosecrans' body-guard, in reconnoitering at the front, came on the enemy's line. Surprised and alarmed by the terrible fire which met them, they rode hurriedly back, and finding the 17th Iowa drawn up across the road dashed through its ranks, knocking down and injuring several men. At about the same time, Colonel Rankin's horse was shot, and, becoming unmanageable, ran and threw him, his head strik- ing the roots of a tree, which rendered him insensible. Captain Anderson of the 80th Ohio, supposing him dead, laid him by the side of a tree, where he remained till late that night. For months afterward, I am told, the colonel did not recover from the effects of this stroke. Standing/or the first time under a galling fire ; overrun and its ranks broken by stamj)eding cavalry; its commanding officer disabled, and all happening in the same instant, is it matter of wonder that the 17th Iowa was thrown into temporary confusion, and partially disorganized? A portion of the left Aving got separated from the right ; but the greater part of the regiment was present throughout the engagement. Indeed, it may be said that, in all its hard-fought battles, the 17th Iowa never did better, all things considered, than it did in its luck- less fight at luka. Go read the inscriptions on its battle-flags ! go count its gallant dead, whose bleaching bones give addi- tional sacredness to a dozen battle-fields ! or, what you may more easily do, go ask those who know its history, if the regiment has not a gallant record. And it ivas not ingJoriously begun at luka. The losses of the 17th Iowa at luka, numbered about forty. Among the killed was Lieutenant Oliver H. P. Smith, a good man and a brave ofiicer. He was shot in the midst of confu- sion, and doubtless by our own men ; for the ball entered the JOHN W. KANKIN. 319 back of his head, and he tiever turned his bach to the enemy. Captain, now Lieutenant-Colonel S. M. Archer was among the severely wounded. He had just before assumed command of the regiment. It was reported that Colonel Rankin was under the influence of liquor in the action at luka. If he was, and if the injury he received was attributable to that fact, I do not know it. I have been told by ofiicers of the regiment (for I was not present in the engagement) that all the licpior was destroyed before the troops were marched out from their camps. In addition to this, I was told by Assistant Surgeon McGorrisk, afterward surgeon of the 9th Iowa Infantry, and still later, surgeon-in- chief of the 1st Division, loth Army Corps, that, while the command of Rosecrans was en route for luka. General Stanly rode up to Colonel Rankin and asked him for a drink. The colonel, pulling his flask from his pocket, replied, "I am sorry, general; but you see I hav'nt got any." Lieutenant Delahoyd, brigade adjutant-general, was present, and confirms the above statement. I am no particular friend of Colonel Rankin, for he is the only officer who ever threatened to put me in arrest, and, as I think, unjustly. But then, it is my duty to give facts as they are. The truth is, the conduct of the 17th Iowa would never have been censured, had it not been for the malice of a certain brigadier, and the disappointment of a certain aspiring captain, who dared in no other way to strike at the reputation I of Colonel Rankin. 1 Colonel Rankin is a small man, with light complexion, and I a nervous-sanguine temperament. Before entering the service, j he was unused to hardship and exposure, and, for many weeks I after entering the field, suflfered much from sickness. He is warm-hearted, generous and unassuming; and no man of his influence and standing, in the State, has fewer enemies than I he. In politics, he is an ultra-Republican, though with both 320 IOWA COLONELS AND KEGIMENTS. parties in his county he has always been popular. With an average democratic majority of five hundred, he was, in 1858, elected to the State Senate from Lee county. All were sur- prised, but only a few disappointed. The colonel is quick to invent, quick to execute, and has one of the best legal minds in Iowa. COLONEL DAVID BURKE HILLIS. SECOND COLOXEL, SEVENTEENTH INFANTRY. David B. Hillis is a native of Jefferson county, Indiana ; and was born on tlie 25th day of July, 1825. He is a son of the late David Hillis, who was quite a distinguished politician, and at one time Lieutenant-Governor of Indiana. Colonel Hillis was educiited at the University of South Hanover, Indiana; studied medicine at Madison, Indiana, and, at the age of twenty-one, commenced the practice of his profession in Jackson county, of the same State. For eleven years, he gave to his profession his undivided attention ; and, at the end of that time, had attained a good standing among the members of his fraternity. In 1858, he abandoned his profession to engage in mercantile pursuits. Moving West, he located in Bloomfield, Davis county, Iowa, where he continued in busi- ness till the summer of 1860, when he removed to Keokuk, Iowa, and there, in partnership with his brother-in-law, Oscar Kiser, established himself in the dry-goods business. In August, 1861, he was appointed an aid de camp to Governor Kirkwood. This position he held till the 14th of March, 1862, when he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the 17th Iowa Infantry. In August, 1862, Colonel Kankin tendered his resig- nation, and on its acceptance Lieutenant-Colonel Hillis was promoted to the colonelcy of his regiment. During the siege of Vicksburg, he resigned his commission, and returned to civil life. He left the service with much credit. In continuing a record of the services of the 17th Iowa Infantry, I shall try to be honest and imi^artial. Several Iowa regiments have done as well ; but I believe none have done 21 321 322 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. better. Close on the heels of the battle of luka, was the battle of Corinth. In the former the regiment was disgraced, but in^ the latter it "atoned for its misfortune: " so said its command- ing general. " General Orders No. 145. '' Head-quarters Army of the Mississippi, Third Division, District West Tennessee, Corinth, Mississippi, October 23d, 1862. " The General Commanding cannot forbear to give pleasure to many, besides the brave men immediately concerned, of announcing in advance of the regular orders that the 17th Iowa Infantry, by its gallantry in the battle of Corinth on the fourth of October, charging the enemy, and capturing the flag of the 40th Mississippi, has amply atoned for its misfortune at luka ; and stands among the honored regiments of his com- mand. Long may it wear, with unceasing brightness, the honors it has won. " By order of Major-General W. S. Rosecrans." And long has the noble regiment worn its honors with unceasing brightness, baptizing them in eight hard-fought battles ; but, not so much did those brave men atone for their conduct at luka, as did General Order No. 145 atone for that of No. 130, of the same commanding general. That " the con- duct of the 17th Iowa at luka formed a melancholy exception to the general good courage of the troops " must stand a lie in history. Colonel Hillis was present at neither luka nor Corinth. In the pursuit of the enemy after the battle of Corinth, the hardships endured by the troops were great. They suffered on the march from heat and thirst, and at night, from the cold. They had few rations, too, and suffered no little from hunger ; but not so much on this march, as they did in the pursuit of the enemy after the battle of luka ; for then a large sum was offered for a small ear of corn. The 17th Iowa returned to Corinth after a nine days' march, and went into camp. The history of General Grant's campaign against Vicksburg DAVID B. HILLIS. 323 through Central Mississippi, which was organized in Novem- t ber, 1862, is well known. The 17th accompanied the forces of General Grant on that march, moving first by way of Davis' Mills, and arriving at Moscow, on the 18th of November. On the 30th instant, the march was resumed in the direction of Grenada, Mississippi, and continued southward until about the middle of December. On the 21st of that month, the 17th Iowa started on the return, arriving at Holly Springs on the 24th instant, and going into camp at Lumpkin's Mills. If this campaign failed in its object, it was not void of inter- esting and amusing incidents. Here the 17th first became expert in the art of foraging; and it was said by some oflicers of the regiment that their men could "fiill out," butcher, dress and quarter a hog, and resume their places in the ranks, with- out losing "the step." With these shrewd, hungry boys, orders of "no foraging on private account will be allowed" were totally disregarded, no matter from how high authority they emanated. Even before the eyes of general ofiicers, hogs would be turned loose from their pens, and bayoneted and butchered. Fresh pork and sweet potatoes were great luxuries, for the indulgence of which the men willingly periled their personal liberties. On one occasion, General Sullivan endeav- ored to oppose force against force; but he was soon knocked over by the accidental blow of a clubbed musket, and the hog borne off in triumph. The camp-making of the troops, when they halted for the night, too, was amusing. Camps were usually made in spacious fields, surrounded by strong Virginia fences; but, in ten minutes after the command "stack arms" was given, not one rail would be left upon another for half a mile round. The work was done with system, and on the principle of squatter-sovereignty; for, after the rails were thrown in piles, one would squat on them, while the other 324 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. members of the mess would remove them on their shoulders to the proper quarters. After the last named march, and that one to Memphis for supplies, the 17th Iowa was ordered into camp at Bray's Sta- tion, on the line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. Here it remained for about six weeks; and this was the only real rest the regiment enjoyed up to January, 1864. On the 8th of February, 1863, the regiment marched to Memphis, and, on the 2d of the following March, left with its divi- sion for the vicinity of Vicksburg. In the next four months, it saw its most arduous service. Moving down the IMississippi, the division stopped for two days near Grand Lake, Louisiana, some thirty miles above Lake Providence, and then, re-embarking, sailed up the river to the Sand Bar, just below Helena. On the night of the 6th of March, while encamped near Grand Lake, that place was visited by a most frightful thunder-storm. The wind blew with the violence of a hurricane, and swept nearly all the tents from their fastenings. The strong hawsers, too, which held the transports to the shore, were snapped, and the boats forced out into the stream. Without any means of controlling them, (for the fires were all out) they came very near wrecking; and not a few fine-skinned officers, who preferred quartering in a state-room to remaining with their commands, were fright- ened well-nigh to death. "They did not mind going into battle," they said, "but deliver them from another such a ride as that." Some thought they could boast of having been, Jor once, in peril. The 17th Iowa next joined in the Yazoo Pass Expedition, an account of which will be found elsewhere. In this movement the regiment did not suffer a single casualty, though one of the boats, on which a portion of it was embarked, came near sinking in fifty feet of water. It had struck a snag, and the DAVID B. HILLIS. 325 hold was half filled with water, before the accident was dis- covered. The confusion which followed was alarming. The boat at once made for the shore, and no sooner reached it than men, knapsacks, boxes and barrels, and guns with fixed bay- onets, all left the hurricane-deck together. The distance was some twenty feet; and how it happened that no one was killed is surprising. The transit by steamer from the Sand Bar to Milliken's Bend, and the march across the country from that point to Bruinsburg and round to the rear of Vicksburg, follow next in the history of the 17 th Iowa. On that march it bore a proud and note-worthy part in two bloody battles. One incident which occurred while e7i route for Milliken's Bend, I should not omit to mention ; for by the accident the whole regiment came near sinking in the Mississippi. When nearly opposite the mouth of White River, the fleet bearing the 7th Division was hailed by a Federal gun-boat. While the Rose Hambleton, on which the 17th was embarked, was turning to answer the challenge of the gun-boat, she was struck by the boat following her, near the after gang-way, and her guards and a large hole in her hull stove in. Had any other than soldiers been on board, the boat must have gone down ; for the hole knocked in her hull was large enough to drag a horse through. The men were aroused from sleep and hastily moved to the opposite side of the boat, and in this way the lower edge of the hole was raised above the water. This all happened at mid-night. The Mississippi was swollen out of her banks and the nearest land was miles away. The regiment crossed to the east bank of the Mississippi on the morning of the 1st of May, 1863, the day on which General McClernand routed the enemy at Thompson's Hill, or Port Gib- son, and with its division pushed on with all dispatch to the front ; for it was then supposed that the enemy had suflBcient 326 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. strength to give much trouble. The battle-ground was passed over during the forenoon of the next day, and that night the enemy was brought to bay on the hills across the north fork ol Bayou Pierre, and about eight miles north of Port Gibson. But he was dislodged next morning with only slight skirmishing, and the pursuit was continued to Hawkinson's Ferry, on the Big Black River. Here the 17th Iowa rested a few days, and then, with its division and corps, resumed the march in the direction of Raymond. Near Raymond on the 12th of May, where Gen- eral Logan's Division so handsomely and signally defeated the enemy, the regiment was double-quicked to the front, and thrown into line of battle; but the enemy yielding his position it was not brought into action. Two days later it was one of the three regiments that did the chief fighting at the first battle of Jackson. On the evening of the 13th of May, 1863, the 17th Army Corps under Major-General McPherson, bivouacked at Clinton, and, at day-light of the following morning, marched for Jack- son, with the 2d Brigade of the old 7th Division in the van. For many hours, a drenching rain had been falling, and for nearly two days scarcely an ounce of food had been tasted. The roads were heavy, and by a Potomac general would have been pronounced impassable ; but the Union army was to camp in Jackson that night. The column moved on slowly, a strong line of skirmishers feeling the way before it. Finally, descending a wooded hill, it came to an open country, and within plain view of General Johnson's army, drawn up in line of battle. On the right of the road, the country was open and, from a low bottom, gradually ascending ; but, on the left and not far in advance, it was undulating and covered with a young growth of oak timber. It fell to the lot of the 17th Iowa to fight here. On the right was the 10th Missouri, in the centre the 80th Ohio, and on the left the 17th Iowa. The DAVID B. HILLIS. 327 balance of the division was drawn up in line by brigades to the rear, and within easy supporting distance. The guns of General Sherman were already thundering on the south side of the city, and were being answered by those of General McPherson ; and down the road, which separated the right of the 17th Iowa from the left of the 80th Ohio, the shell and solid shot of the enemy flew in rapid succession. Near one o'clock, the entire line of the 2d Brigade began to advance slowly, while its skirmishers drove in those of the enemy. No guns were fired, except those of the skirmishers and the artillery, till we were within three hundred yards of the enemy's line. Here a halt was ordered and bayonets fixed. The 17th was lying under the crest of a small hill ; beyond was a ravine, and a little further on, the cMvalry — one Georgia and two South Carolina regiments. In an instant the artillery ceased firing, when the order was given, and the charge made. Colonel Hillis simply said: — "Boys, when I tell you to go down there, I expect you will go." The enemy stood for a moment, and then fled in confusion ; but not till he had strewed the hill-slope with eighty of our dead and wounded. The regiment went into the fight with only three hundred and fifty men, and the contest was of not more than ten minutes' duration. The 17th stood panting on the spot but just now wrested j from the enemy, when General Crocker, with hat in hand, I came riding up. " God bless you, colonel," and then turning to the regiment, he added: " don't let any one tell me the 17th , wont fight." This was Colonel Hillis' first hard-fought battle ; ' and his gallant conduct secured the love and admiration of his regiment. Among the dead were Lieutenant John Inskeep and fifteen others; and I regret that want of space prevents me giving their names. Captains L. W. Huston and C. P. Johnson, and Lieutenant John F. Skelton were among the 328 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. wounded. Captain Johnson and Lieutenant Skelton, witli the other severely wounded, were left in hospital in the enemy's lines. As General Crocker predicted, the Union army camped in Jackson on the night of the 14th of May. On the following morning, the 17th Army Corps marched back in the direction of Vicksburg; and, on the day succeeding that, was fought the stubborn battle of Champion's Hill. The 2d Brigade camped at Clinton, ten miles west of Jackson, in the evening of the 15th instant ; and it was rumored that, for its gallantry at Jackson, it had been detailed as a sort of body-guard to General Grant, who, during that night, had his head-quarters established at Clinton. But day-light, on the morning following, was ush- ered in by the booming of cannon away off in the direction of Vicksburg ; and as the brave boys of the 17th looked at each other, they seemed to read in their faces mutual concern and anxiety; for, I care not how reckless men may be, the first thought of entering battle is chilling and repulsive ; and he who is constantly boasting of his valor is the one of all others to be watched in action. It proved as all expected, for orders to move immediately and rapidly came instantly ; and the regiment, foot-sore and weary, was off again for the scene of action. At Champion's Hill (for I cannot drag out the story longer) five hundred men snatched victory from a self-confident enemy, The Union lines, on either side of the Jackson and Vicksburg road, had been overpowered, and the troops were fast yielding their last position, when the 17th Iowa and 10th Missouri coming up succeeded, after five successive charges, in turning the scale of battle. Before the 17th was fairly in line, it raised a shout, which, being taken up along the entire line, led the enemy to believe that the Federal reinforcements did not number less thsinjffteen thousand men. This seems improb- DAVID B. HILLIS. 329 able ; but a Confederate quarter-master, who was taken prisoner, afterward declared that the Union reinforcements could not have been less than that number. At that point, General Grant came near being defeated; but he had ample reinforcements near at hand, and had the enemy been success- ful there and followed up the attack, their defeat in another position would have been even more disastrous than it was. Though General Grant in his official report declares: " Expect- ing McCleruand momentarily with four divisions, including Blair's, I never felt a doubt of the result," yet, when he was seen coming down from the hill from which his forces were being slowly but surely pressed, his countenance wore an expression of sadness and doubt, such as the 17th never saw it wear before. It was just at this instant that the 17th Iowa and the 10th Missouri, passing their general, went under fire ; and I believe that I do no injustice in claiming that these troops acted the chief part in turning the scale of battle at Cham- pion's Hill. Though the 17th Iowa was not engaged more than thirty i minutes before the enemy fled, yet its loss, in killed and wounded, was fifty-nine. Corporal J. B. Holt and privates James Kain, John Kirkland, Ezra Stoker and William Turner were among the killed. Corporal H. W. Mulford, a young man of exemplary habits and promise, was one of the mortally wounded. Among the regiment's spoils in this victory, were the colors of the 31st Alabama, and four guns of Waddell's Alabama Bat- tery. The regiment also captured more than three hundred prisoners. That night it encamped on the battle-ground, and the next day, with the 10th Missouri, buried the dead, and cared for the wounded. It arrived in rear of Vicksburg in the morning of the 20th instant ; and, from that day till the surren- der of the city, did its full share of duty on the skirmish line and in the trenches. 330 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. In personal appearance, Colonel Ilillis is attractive. He is not a large man, but is strongly and compactly built ; and steps promptly and firmly. His complexion, hair and eyes are dark, the last being full and lustrous. On first acquaintance, one would think him a little haughty and aristocratic ; but his sociableness and congeniality soon remove this impression. As an officer, he ranked high, and, had he remained in the service, would have been promoted in a few weeks to a briga- dier-general. Colonel Hillis has good business talent, and a fine education. He is also somewhat of a politician, and makes a pretty and forcible extempore speech. BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL C. R. WEVER. THIRD COLONEL, SEVENTEENTH INFANTRY. Brevet General Clark Russell Wever was born in Hornsfleld, Jefferson county, New York, on the 16th day of September, 1835. He resided with his parents until he attained I his majority, and then visited Mexico and Texas. After trav- j eling extensively through those countries, he returned to his native county, where he remained till the year 1858. In the fall of that year he removed West, and settled in Burlington, Iowa, where he opened a broker- and exchange-office. He subsequently removed to Carthage, Illinois, which was his place of residence at the time he entered the service. He assisted in recruiting Company D, 17th Iowa Infantry, early in 1862, and, on its organization, was chosen its captain. He accompanied his regiment South, and was with it during the siege of Corinth, and on the march to Boonville ; but soon after it started on the Ripley march, he was attacked with typhoid fever, and sent back to Corinth. He lay in the Clear Springs and Corinth Hospitals for several weeks, and until it was thought by the surgeons that he could not recover his health in that climate. He was then sent North, where he remained till the following October, when he re-joined his regiment at Moscow, Tennessee, just before it started on its march down through Central Mississippi. On the resignation of Colonel Hillis, before Vicksburg, he was promoted to the colonelcy of the 17th Iowa Infantry. I should not omit to state that he had been promoted to the lieutenant-colonelcy of his regiment, in the preceding October, soon after he re-joined it at Moscow. From October, 1863, until after the fall of Vicksburg, his 831 332 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. history and that of his regiment are the same. He was present with it in every campaign, and in every battle. In writing the history of the 17th Iowa, I could fill a vol- ume; but I must confine myself to leading events. From Champion's Hill the regiment marched to the rear of Vicks- burg, and took up its place in line. It was in reserve in the charge of the 22d of May, and lost only seven men. The place where it sufifered most during the siege was at Fort Hill, on the Jackson and Vicksburg road. General Logan's pet scheme for breaking the enemy's line, and forcing the surrender of Vicksburg, was the blowing up of Fort Hill, and the occupation of its site. The Fort was a work of considerable elevation, and of prodigous strength, and was the key to a large extent of the rebel fortifications. Securely lodged here, and General Logan would have been in a position to enfilade their lines, both on the right and left, and render their works untenable. The mining had all been completed, and the fuse was ready for lighting, by noon of the 25th of June ; and that afternoon was fixed upon as the time for the explosion. From the Union lines, a narrow, deep trench led to the fort, running up the hill in a north-westerly direction, and near the celebrated oak, under which Grant and Pemberton afterward I arranged the terms of capitulation. This trench, just before ' the explosion, had been filled with troops, who in the confii- • sion that would follow were to rush in, occupy and fortify the position. The explosion took place just before sun-down, and was a sight of terrible magnificence. For a moment the air was filled with earth, boards, blocks of wood, cotton-bales and human beings. Of the latter, many were buried in the debris, and some thrown into the Union lines ; and among these was a poor negro, who, dead with fright, plead for his life on the CLARK E. WEVER. 333 ground that, "he had only jus done come out from"de city to bring his massa's dinner." The troops in the trenches now rushed into the crater, which had been formed by the explosion ; but, although the enemy were surprised, they would not yield their position. On the outside of the crest of the fort and toward Vicksburg, they swarmed in great numbers; and, by their peculiar mode of attack, made it impossible for the Federal troops to fortify. They used both musketry and hand-grenades — from six- to twelve-pound shells. Though this mining scheme was Gen- eral Logan's own, he was not limited to his own troops to push it to consummation; and General Smith's (formerly Quimby's) Division was called on for reinforcements. The 17th Iowa was one of the poor unfortunates ; and early in the evening this regiment, with the 56th Illinois, marched out into the trench above alluded to. It was ordered into the crater by reliefs, the first relief entering a little before eleven at night : the reliefs were three, and altogether held the crater a little more than three hours. Perdition, painted in the most glaring and hideous colors of the most rigorous theology, could not be a more horrible place for poor mortals, than was this crater for the unfortunate soldiers. That night was one of gloom and terror for the 17th Iowa, and will never be forgotten ; though, to portray correctly the scene of mortal strife and anxiety, is utterly impossible. The night was dark and gloomy ; and as the brave troops stood in the approaches, awaiting their turn in the fearful carnage, they were greeted by the heavy and incessant booming of artillery for miles around, and the screaming of shells, flying and burst- i ing in every direction. On the hill in their front was the j crater, filled and defended by Union troops, and assaulted on three sides by a chagrined and infuriated enemy. Friend and foe were separated only by a thin crest of earth; and so near 334 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. were they together that they could touch each other with the muzzles of their guns. This scene of strife, which was lighted up by the constant explosion of hand-grenades and the dis- charge of musketry, was appalling ; and yet the brave men, who just now were standing only as spectators, must soon become actors on this stage of death. This was the most dreadful hour of suspense ever experienced by the 17th Iowa Infentry ; and the engagement itself was not more appalling. The killed and wounded of the regiment in this contest were shockingly mutilated ; and a larger portion of the wounded died, than of those wounded in any other engagement ; and it is not strange, for every casualty in the regiment was caused by the bursting of hand-grenades. The musketry-fire of the enemy was too high. In the list of casualties, which were thirty-seven, were Captains Ping and Horner — both wounded. First-Sergeant Moses Stuart Pettengill, a brave, efficient and faithful soldier, was also wounded, and severely. All were so sore and lame for a week after the engagement, as to almost render them unfit for duty. After the fall of Vicksburg, the 17th Iowa was ordered into camp on the hills south-east of the city, where it remained till it was ordered, with its division, to reinforce General Steele near Little Rock. It proceeded by boat to Helena, leaving Vicksburg on the 12th of September ; but the history of its movements from that time until its arrival at Chattanooga, appears in the sketches of other Iowa officers, whose regiments were attached to the same division. The 17th Iowa left its camp at Bridgeport for Chattanooga, at day-light on the ISth of November, and in the evening of the 19th instant bivouacked under Lookout Mountain, and seemingly within a stone's throw of the fires of the enemy's picket-posts, which were scattered along the side of the moun- tain about half-way up from its base to its summit. At two CLARK R. WEVER. 335 o'clock the next morning, the regiment, with its brigade and division, crossed the Tennessee, and, marching up its north bank till it had passed behind some hills, which covered it from the view of the enemy's lookout on Lookout Mountain, went into camp, just after day-light. Just before the fighting in Chattanooga Valley opened, all the troops which had marched through with General Sherman from the Mississippi River had arrived in camp on the north side of the Tennessee. General Osterhaus' Division, however, should be excepted; but in place of these troops was the division of Jefi'erson C. Davis, which was in camp near North Chickamauga Creek, With this command General Sherman was to re-cross the Ten- nessee, just below the mouth of South Chickamauga Creek, and oust the enemy's right from the line of hills known as Mission Ridge. General Grant's plan of attacking Bragg was known in the main to nearly the entire command of General Sherman, as early as the morning of the 23d of November : it might have been known to the commands of Thomas and Hooker ; and, if the like has happened in any other instance during the war, I do not know it. It was the more remarkable, since in some respects the commanding general had taken great precaution to secure secrecy; for the citizens, for several miles around, were kept under the strictest surveillance. But it was known ' that the contest would commence on the afternoon of the 23d instant; for then General Grant was to demonstrate whether the report of Bragg's falling back was correct. The troops stationed at Chattanooga, and the corps of General Howard were selected to develop the enemy's force on the hill-slope in , rear of Cuattanooga. ! Back of the camp of the 17th Iowa, was a high, precipitous hill, from whose summit was a fine view of Chattanooga, Chattanooga Valley, the north and east sides of Lookout 336 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Mountain, and the west slope of Mission Ridge; and from this hill, which is some four miles distant from Chattanooga, not only the greater portion of the 17th, but the greater part of its brigade and division, witnessed the contest in the country below : it was the first engagement to which the 17th Iowa had been a spectator, where it was itself unengaged, and removed from danger. The enemy were surprised. They supposed, as it was afterward learned, that the Union troops were simply parading on a review; and the affair proved more fortunate for General Grant than he had hoped. The enemy^lost their strong position on Indian Hill or Orchard Knoll. But the enemy were not evacuating; Bragg was simply sending rein- forcements to General Longstreet, in East Tennessee; and on this fact a deserter had based his report of the enemy's falling back. But the troops dispatched to Longstreet were noAV hastily recalled; for General Bragg saw that his own position was in danger. In the three days' desperate fighting that preceded the total rout of General Bragg's forces, the 17th Iowa took no part until the afternoon of the 25th instant. The regiment was among the first troops to cross the Tennessee, on the night of the 23d, and, in the afternoon of the 24th, was marched out against what was supposed to be a strongly intrenched position of the enemy, on the north end of Mission Bidge ; but on arriving at the hights no enemy was found. It then rested on its arms until about noon of the next day, when, with its brigade, it was sent forward to the support of General C. L. Matthies' command. The engagement on Mission Ridge was, I believe, one of the hardest field-fights the 17th ever had. But the enemy defended successfully their strong position through all that day, which enabled General Bragg to save a good share of his stores and artillery. In this engagement the CLARK E. WEVER. 337 17th Iowa had only about two hundred men, and its list of casualties was sixty. In the pursuit of the disorganized Confederate forces, the regiment marched only as far as Graysville, Georgia, and then returned to Chattanooga. From Chattanooga, it marched to Huntsville, Alabama, where it remained until the following May, and was then ordered in the direction of Atlanta ; and from the above named date till the 13th of October, 1864, it was stationed in detachments along the line of railroad, between Chattanooga and General Sherman's front, to defend that road from sorties of the enemy. On the 13th of October, 1864, the 17th Iowa Infantry, then commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel S. M. Archer, was captured at Tilton, Georgia ; but it did not surrender until after the most stubborn resistance. Tilton, Georgia, is situated on the line of the Chattanooga and Atlanta Railroad, and is nine miles south of Dalton, and six, north of Resaca. The defenses of the place, which three weeks previous had been assaulted by the rebel cavalry command of Wheeler and successfully defended by the 17th Iowa, consisted of simply a block-house and outer trenches. Wheeler was the precursor of the young, gaunt and maimed General Hood. It was known for several days previous to the time in ques- tion, that the garrison was in danger of being attacked, and every thing was put in a condition for resistance. On the even- ing of the 12th instant, Colonel Archer had been informed that the enemy were in the vicinity ; and at a little past six of the following morning they made their appearance before the picket-line. Two companies were at once sent out as skir- mishers, and the balance of the regiment drawn up in line outside the block-house. By nine o'clock the skirmishers had been driven in, and the whole command was compelled to retire within its works. Soon after, a flag of truce, which 338 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. before had been unrecognized, was received by Lieutenant- Colonel Archer, who, in company with Captain Hicks, went out to meet it. The colonel received and read the following: "Hbad-quarters Stuart's Corps, Army of the Tennessee, Near Tilton, Georgia, October 13th, 1864. "To THE Officer Commanding United States Forces, Tilton, Georgia: "Sir: — I have ample force to take the garriscn at Tilton. To save loss of life, I demand an immediate and unconditional surrender. If this demand is complied with, all the white troops and their officers shall be paroled within a few days, and the negroes shall be well treated: if refused, I will take the place, and give orders to take no prisoners. " Very r&spectfully, your obedient servant, Alex. P. Stuart, Lieutenant- Oeneral, C. S. A^ To this, Lieutenant-Colonel Archer, through Captain Hicks, replied : "Give my compliments to General Stuart, and tell him if he wants my command, to come and take it." " But we have thirteen thousand men, and can storm your works," insisted a rebel officer. " Can't help that; I was put here to hold this place, and you can't have it till you blow us out." "I admire your pluck; but you haven't got ad— d bit of judgment." This was said by a rebel colonel, who had accompanied the flag of truce, after which the colonel was allowed ten minutes in which to retire to his command. The unequal fight now opened ; and less than two hundred men, in the block-house and surrounding trenches, were besieged and assaulted for five long hours, by not less than five thousand. Having tried unsuccessfully to carry the place by storm, and destroy the block-house by fire, the enemy, at a little after one o'clock in the afternoon, brought up their artillery. Twelve- pounders were first put in battery in the skirt of the timber CLARK R. WEVER. 339 south of the block-house; but their position was so little elevated that they could do but little damage. Soon after, twenty-four pounders were placed in position on a command- ing point to the west of the block-house. Further resistance was now useless, for every shot came plunging down the hill and through the block-house, knocking the timbers and scat- tering splinters in every direction. Finally, a shell burst in its centre, which prostrated every man inside : twelve were killed and wounded. The roof was now nearly all shot away, and the upright timbers fast falling. To resist longer would be madness, and the white flag went up. In the meantime the place had been entirely surrounded, and now the gray rascals came flocking in from every quarter, headed by general and field officers. Riding up to Lieutenant- Colonel Archer, Lieutenant-General Alexander P. Stuart said: "Do you know whom you have been fighting? Your obsti- nacy has given me a d — d sight of trouble, and detained me nearly a whole day." "Well, general," replied the colonel, "that was what I was put here for;" after which General Stuart's provost-marshal general remarked, "I thought there would be trouble, when I learned this was an Iowa regiment." About the same time that Tilton was attacked by the corps of Stuart, Dalton was attacked by General Cheatham, and Res- aca by General Lee. The former place, which was commanded by Colonel Johnson, was disgracefully surrendered ; while the latter, commanded by Colonel Wever of the 17th Iowa, was gallantly defended. The terms of surrender, brought by flag of truce to Colonel Wever, were the same as those accompanying the demand for the surrender of Tilton; and Colonel Wever's reply was similar to that of Lieutenant-Colonel Archer. " In my opin- ion," he said, " I can hold this post; if you want it, come and take it." To defend the extensive works of Resaca, Colonel 840 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Wever had only about seven hundred men — only enough, when deployed as skirmishers, to occupy the entire line of works. But, in shrewdness, the colonel was more than a match for his adversary ; for his troops were deployed in the manner above stated, and every flag and guidon that could be commanded was stuck around on the works in the most commanding places. The ruse was successful, and, after some skirmishing, and a vigorous use of artillery, the enemy retired. For his successful defense of this post. Colonel Wever was highly complimented by General Howard. In closing this sketch of Colonel Wever and the 17th Iowa, the reader must indulge me, while I name some of the many brave men with whom I served so long, and for whom I formed the deepest attachment; and, that I may not appear partial, I shall select the names of those who, in the discharge of their duty, either lost their lives or were severely wounded. Captain David A. Craig of Company H was a brave and noble man. He died in the fall of 1863, from disease con- tracted in the service. Captain S. E. Hicks was most gener- ous and noble-hearted. He was a true friend, and one of the bravest men in the regiment. He was captured with his regi- ment at Tilton, and afterward lost his life while endeavoring to swim Coosa River, to escape the enemy. Captain L. T. McNeal was quiet and unsociable, but a most excellent officer. He was shot through the knee on Mission Ridge, and died from the effects of the wound some three weeks after. Captain William Horner of Company G., though unassuming, is an able man, and possesses fine judgment. He was wounded severely in the hip at Fort Hill, on the evening of the 25th of June, 1863, and his life, for a long time, despaired of. Captain Charles P. Johnson is a most gallant officer. He was shot through both thighs in the first battle at Jackson, Mississippi, and, for sixteen long months, lay upon his back in a rebel CLABK R. WEVER. 341 hospital in Georgia. Captain John F. Skelton was also wounded at the first battle of Jackson. He was shot in the right eye, the ball passing through his head and coming out under the left ear. Being necessarily left in the hands of the enemy, he was retained a few days at Jackson, and then trans- ferred to Libby Prison. After the lapse of five months, he made his escape and came in our lines. He was captured again at Tilton, Georgia, and again made his escape, traveling, in company with Lieutenant Deal, through more than five hundred miles of the enemy's counti-y, and reaching the Gulf through the dismal lower-waters of the Chattahoochie. Lieu- tenant D. \V, Tower, a gallant, modest young ofiicer, was shot through the knee at Champion's Hill, and had his leg ampu- tated. After the stump had healed, he donned a wooden leg, and again joined his regiment. He was also captured at Tilton. Young Lieutenant Inskeep was shot through the neck and killed, at the battle of Jackson. Our quiet and able surgeon, Doctor Udell, and the facetious and urbane Doctor Ealy; Assistant-Surgeons McGorrisk, Biser and Coleman ; our sedate and worthy chaplain, Wilson, who hated gray-backs as he hated the Great Adversary ; Major S. M. Wise ; Captains Newton, (who died of wounds received before Vicksburg), Huston, Ping, (who goes into a fight just as a man goes who is late at his work), Hoxie, Craig, Moore, (a most genial fellow), Edwards, Rice, Brown, Snodgrass, (a good fighter and the most stubborn man in the regiment); Lieutenants Garrett, Sales, (the judge), Neuse, Scroggs, Staple- ton, (an excellent ofiicer who died of disease), Park, Johnson, Godley, Morris, Swearngin, Barnes, Keach, Burke, (the wit and editor), Tamman, Inskeep, Stever, Grifiith, Woodrow, Spielman and Woolsey; and, with a few exceptions, all the enlisted men from Joseph M. Atkins to Ashel Ward, the alpha and omega of the regiment — all deserve more than a passing 342 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. notice; all were brave and deserving men, and merit the lasting gratitude of the country. The recalling of their names and friendship will ever be among the pleasantest of my army recollections. In the winter of 1SG4-5, Colonel Wever accompanied the remnant of his regiment North on veteran furlough ; and I should not omit to state that, although the term of .service of the 17th Iowa lacked some two months of coming within the order creating veterans, yet, for gallant services, it was permitted to re-enlist, and to share all the incidental honors and emoluments. On the expiration of their furlough. Colonel Wever, led his handful of men back to the front by way of New York City ; for, in the meantime, Sherman had captured Savannah. Their last march was that made from Beaufort to Goldsboro and Washington. I can not close this sketch, without giving expression to my love and esteem for Company D, of the regiment. Their patience, bravery and endurance I can never forget. Others were just as good and brave ; but I loved them less. Colonel Wever is about six feet in hight, and has a slender, but not an elegant form : there is an awkward twist about his shoulders. He has dark hair and complexion, and piercing black eyes. Considering his age and opportunities, he is rather a remarkable man. His education is limited; but, in spite of that, he has worked his way up above many who in that respect were greatly his superiors. He is recklessly brave in the face of the enemy, and one of the most ambitious men I ever met. He aspired to be a full brigadier, and it is a shame he was not promoted to that rank ; and, in giving expression to this opinion, I do not think I am influenced by the many kindnesses he has shown me. BRIGADIER-GENERAL JOHN EDWARDS. COLONEL, EIGHTEENTH INFANTRY. John Edwards was born the 24th day of October, 1815, in Jefferson county, Kentucky, and lived with his parents at the old homestead till he reached his eighteenth year. Leaving Kentucky at eighteen, he removed to Indiana, and settled in Lawrence county; where, purchasing a farm, he continued his residence till the year 1849. In Indiana he was highly respected, and, during the last years of his residence there, was elected at different times to each branch of the State Legis- lature. In 1849, he sold his farm and emigrated to California. Set- tling in the Nevada District, he was, in 1851, elected by the people to the Alcalde; for the State Government had not at that time been formed. After serving in that body for one year, he returned to Indiana, and was again elected to the State Senate. In 1853, he came to Iowa and located in Chari- ton, where, engaging in the practice of law, he has since resided. In Iowa, General Edwards has been a prominent public man. In 1858, he was a member of the State Constitutional Conven- tion ; and subsequently served three terms in the State Legisla- ture. He was the representative from Chariton at the outbreak of the war, and Speaker of the House. He was from the first a staunch war-man ; and coming from the extreme southern part of the State took a lively interest in preparing for the defense of our southern border, which was at that time being threatened by the Missouri rebels. On the 9th of June, 1861, he was commissioned aid de camp to Governor Kirkwood, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel of cavalry ; and was the 343 344 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. first man in the State promoted to that office. For several months he had charge of a large portion of the border between Iowa and Missouri, during which time, he twice marched his troops into Missouri — once as far south as the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. Resigning his commission as aid de camp, June 20th, 1862, he was, on the 17th of July following, made colonel of the 18th Iowa Infantry. For his able and faithful services in Missouri and Arkansas, he was, in the winter of 1864-5, promoted to a general officer ; and I believe none will say he did not richly earn his promotion. The history of the 18th Iowa Infantry while under the command of Colonel Edwards is as replete with interest as that of almost any other Iowa regiment. It does not enjoy the reputation that many others have ; and for the reason, I believe, that the people are ignorant of its record. From the time it engaged and defeated the braggart Marmaduke, at Springfield in January, 1863, to the time it fought Price and his subordinates on the Saline River, in the spring of 1864, its conduct has, in every instance, been such as to elicit much praise from both its division and department commanders. Indeed, I believe it would be unwilling to exchange either its number or its record with any regiment of the State ; for, if others have served with more distinction, they have not with greater honesty and fidelity. The first march of the 18th Iowa was from Sedalia, Missouri, to Springfield; its first campaign, from Springfield into Northern Arkansas; and its first severe engagement, at Springfield, on the 8th of January, 1863. In August, 1862, Colonel Edwards marched his command from Sedalia to Springfield, where he was organized in the Army of the South West, at that time commanded by General Schofield. In the expedition to Cane Hill, and other points in Northern Arkansas, which soon followed, he took part, JOHN EDWARDS. 345 remaining with the main army till its return to Ozark, when, with his regiment, he was given charge of the sick and prisoners, and sent back to Springfield. Arriving in the latter part of November, 1862, he was, in the following December, detailed on a court-martial in St. Louis. Springfield remained the head-quarters of the 18th Iowa from that time until October of the following year. The battle of Springfield, as already stated, was the regi- ment's first engagement, and in premising, I quote briefly from General Marmaduke's ofiicial report: "Head-quarters, 4th Division, 1st Corps, T. M. D. Batesville, Ark., January 18th, 1863. "Colonel: — In obedience to instructions from General Hind- man, I marched from Lewisburg, Arkansas, December 31, 1862, via Yellville, Arkansas, to strike the enemy in rear and flank, with sixteen hundred men under Shelby, and two hundred and seventy men under McDonald. Before marching, I tele- graphed to Lieutenant-General Holmes, if it would not be best to move up the troops under Colonel White, to co-operate in the movement, to which he consented; and the order was given. Colonel Porter, with six hundred men, moved forward for this purpose." * * * " Shelby captured and burned the fort at Ozark : the garrison fled. With Shelby and McDonald, I attacked Springfield, Missouri ; and, after eight hours hard fighting, driving the Yankees before me into their strong-holds, I captured one piece of artillery, (six-pounder) a stockade fort, and a large part of the town, which the Yankees burned as they retired. At dark the fighting ceased, the greater part of the town, the fort and many of the dead and wounded Federals being in my possession. The Federal force there was four thousand two hundred. My loss was twenty killed and eighty wounded — Yankee loss much greater. I did not deem it best to renew the attack, and the next day marched toward Holla." By his own statement, Marmaduke attacked Springfield with at least eighteen hundred and seventy men. The place was commanded by General Brown of Missouri, and garrisoned with the 18th Iowa, (numbering five hundred muskets) a few 346 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. companies of Missouri State Militia, and some one hundred and fifty convalescents of the Army of the South West. " The only defenses were some incompleted works." In one particu- lar Marmaduke's report is correct — the fighting lasted about eight hours ; but in other respects it is a tissue of falsehoods — a grim joke. On its own face, he should have been court-mar- tialed and dismissed the service. The 18th Iowa held the works south of Springfield, and the Missouri troops those on the east. The fighting commenced early in the morning of the 8th between the skirmishers. Little advantage was gained by the enemy until late in the afternoon: then, massing his troops south-east of the city, he charged gallantly, and overbore the militia-men, capturing their works. This was the only critical hour of the day, and, through the promptness and intrepidity of the ISth Iowa, it soon passed. "In the most critical juncture of the attack, when the militia were retreating in confusion, and defeat appeared certain, a part of the 18th Iowa was ordered to the threatened point ; and by a desperate charge, in which they lost four commissioned officers and fifty-two enlisted men, killed and wounded, broke the enemy's lines, and restored the wavering fortunes of the day. The enemy retreated in haste, under cover of the night, leaving their dead and wounded on the field." And thus it happened that Marmaduke "did not deem it best to renew the attack." He marched north-east from Springfield ; was met and severely punished by Colonel Merrill of the 21st Iowa, at Ilartsville ; and then swung round south to Batesville, where he issued his report. And thus ended his movement against "the enemy's rear and flank." Colonel Edwards was placed in command of the Post at Springfield, in April, 1863; and, from that time forward, has been in the immediate command of his regiment but little. AU of its history, however, has been made under him; for, JOHN EDWARDS. 347 whether in command of a post, a brigade, or a district, it has always been with him. In August, 1863, the colonel was assigned by General McNeil to the command of the District of South West Missouri. In the same month, Shelby made his Invasion of Missouri, with a force numbering more than two thousand men. Colonel Edwards promptly organized his forces and made pursuit; and it was said his "combinations were such as would have resulted in the interception of the enemy, had they not been disconcerted by causes beyond his power to control." General Steele captured Little Rock the 10th of September, 1863; and the next October General McNeil, in whose com- mand was the 18th Iowa, marched from Springfield in pursuit of the enemy, and captured and occupied Fort Smith, Arkan- sas. A chief portion of the time since. Colonel Edwards and the 18th Iowa have served at that post. In December, 1863, |the colonel was placed in command of the Post of Fort Smith, which he held till January, 1864. At the last named date, he was given a brigade command, which he has held ever since. His first brigade consisted of the 18th Iowa, 2d Kansas Cav- iilry, 1st Arkansas Infantry, and the 2d Indiana Battery ; and [lis second, of the 18th Iowa, the 1st and 2d Arkansas Infantry, md the 2d Indiana Battery. With this last ccmmand, he iccompanied General Steele on the march to Camden. For the part taken by Colonel Edwards and the 18th Iowa in he uufortunate Camden march, I am indebted to one who hared the hardships and perils of the campaign : 1 "On April 11th and 12th, Colonel Edwards and his brigade 'ook part in the battle of Prairie de Anne, in which the whole orces of Price, Maxey, Shelby and Gano were opposed to ixeneral Steele. April 13th, 1864, the battle of Moscow took 'lace thirty miles north of Camden. The 3d Division guarded be rear of the army, and had just gone into camp, when six liousand of the enemy, under the rebel generals Dockery, 348 IOWA COIiONELS AND REGIMENTS. Fagan, Maxey and Gano, attacked them, driving in their pickets and pouring a heavy fire into their quarters. Colonel Edwards with his brigade, alone at first, but soon reinforced by the 2d and 3d, repulsed the enemy and drove them five miles. The engagement lasted from one to six o'clock P. M." "On the 17th of April, Colonel Edwards, being then encamped at Camden, ordered the 18th Iowa, and one section of the 2d Indiana Battery, under command of Captain Dun- can of the 18th Iowa, to reinforce Colonel Williams of the 1st Kansas, (colored) who was in charge of a forage train to Pois- oned Springs, about eighteen miles distant from Camden. The 18th Iowa guarded the rear of the train, and the 1st Kansas the front. The whole were surrounded by a force of the enemy six thousand strong, on the morning of the 18th instant. The 1st Kansas, after losing heavily, was completely surrounded and compelled to retreat in haste through the line of the 18th Iowa, which was now left to sustain the attack alone. The regiment was broken by fierce charges of the enemy seven times, and as often stubbornly re-formed, contesting every inch of ground, until being surrounded on three sides and foiling rapidly under a withering fire, and being left alone on the field, it finally cut its way through, and returned in good order to its camp at Camden, having lost one ofiicer and seventy-six men, killed, wounded and prisoners." "In this engagement. Captains Blanchard, Clover, Stonaker and Conway showed especial bravery and gallantry. Captain Blanchard, who commanded the color-company, and who was already wounded, seized the colors at a critical time, when the regiment was hotly pressed, and told Captain Clover, who was mounted, to form the regiment on him, which that ofiicer did in gallant style, the men responding with cheers. It was owing in a very great measure to the exertions of these officers that the regiment was extricated from its perilous position. Sergeant Dean, Company E; Sergeants Bowers and Oleson, Company A; Sergeant Mordis, Company C; Sergeant Bullock, Company B; and Sergeant Kirkpatrick, Company H; behaved with a courage and coolness which deserve special notice. Everywhere, all behaved with common bravery." In the terrible battle of Saline Biver, fought on the 30th of April, and which is described elsewhere, Colonel Edwards, with his brigade, held the reserve ; and had in charge the ordnance JOHN EDWARDS. 349 train. This being tlie last of the engagements fouglit on the campaign, the 18th Iowa, and tlie otlier troops of Steele's com- mand, returned to their places of starting, unmolested. On arriving at Fort Smith, the records of the 18th Iowa sliowed the following: From the time of entering the field till the 23d of May, 1864, the regiment had marched over eighteen hundred miles, and had lost in action, and from disease contracted in the service, thirteen commissioned officers, and five hundred and sixty etilisted men — nearly two-thirds of its original strength; for, when mustered into the service, its aggregate of officers and enlisted men was only eight hundred and sixty-six. Subsequently to its return from South Western Arkansas, the 18th Iowa has been retained on garrison-duty at Fort Smith. It has marched on some expeditions, but has, I think, been in no engagement, since the Camden Campaign. For the valuable services which I have briefly enumerated above. Colonel Edwards was made a brigadier-general ; but the most honorable part of hi^ record remains yet to give. From the organization of the first volunteer troops, our army has been infested with thieves and robbers: indeed, this has been a crowning evil of the war. For officers of a low grade, quarter-masters have led the crowd ; and it long since passed into a proverb that an honest quarter-master could not long retain his commission. But the most stupendous robberies have been practiced by officers of high rank, and holding important commands; for they would not soil their hands with hundreds, but with hundreds of thousands. In their operar tions, too, they were not limited to a few clerks, but had whole commands. I venture the assertion that, in the last four years, the Government has been defrauded of not less than one hun- dred millions of dollars. For many months during General Steele's administration in Arkansas, Fort Smith was a den of thieves; and Steele, though 850 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. not implicated himself, was removed because these abuses were not corrected. General Thayer, Steele's subordinate, was doubtless guilty ; and yet, backed by Kansas politicians, who had snuffed the breezes of our Capital, he escaped disgraceful dismissal. Let it be said to the credit of General Edwards that, though he served at Fort Smith from the time the place was first occu- pied by our troops, none ever breathed the least breath of suspicion against him. Indeed, it is said (and if true let it be recorded to the eternal infamy of those concerned) that, because he had complained of these abuses, his life was threat- ened, and he dared not, unaccompanied, appear in the streets after dark. At home, he was called " Honest John Edwards," and the sobriquet has been doubly earned. General Edwards, in appearance and in character, is a good type of a Northern gentleman. He is unassuming in his man- ners, and brave and chivalrous without being boastful and pretending. He has not a commanding person, and with strangers would not pass for what he is worth. With one exception, the portrait here published is a correct likeness: the expression of his countenance is much kinder than the portrait represents. He has blue eyes, a light complexion, and a san- guine temperament, and is slightly stoop-shouldered. When he walks, he usually drops his head forward, and keeps his face turned to the ground. He is not a brilliant man, but he is able and honest. COLONEL BENJAMIN CRABB. NINETEENTH INFANTRY. Benjamin Crabb, of the 19th Iowa Infantry, is a native of Ohio, and was born in the year 1821. I am ignorant of his early liistory, and of the time he first removed to Iowa. When I first knew him, he was the proprietor of a hotel in Washing- ton, Iowa. I think that was his business at the outbreak of the war. Benjamin Crabb first entered the service in the summer of 1861. He was captain of Company II, 7th Iowa Infantry. At the battle of Belmont, he distinguished himself, and was thus jcomplimented by Colonel, afterward General Lauman: "I kiesire also to direct your attention to Captain Crabb, who was 'taken prisoner, and who behaved in the bravest manner." After being exchanged he re-joined his regiment, and remained with it till the 13th of August, 1862, when he resigned his commission, to accept the colonelcy of the 19th Iowa Infantry. "This regiment was organized in the city of Keokuk in August, 1862, and was the first in the State under the Presi- ent's call, dated July 2d, for 300,000 volunteers. The compa- ies were mustered into the United States service, as they reported— the first, on the 17th day of August, and the last, on the 25th day of August, 1862: its aggregate number, at the date of organization, was nine hundred and eighty men." The early history of the 19th Iowa, as also that of the 20th, iwas made under General F. J. Herron. Leaving Keokuk on Ithe 4th of September, 1862, the regiment proceeded to Benton Barracks, Missouri, where it was assigned to a brigade, com- manded by that ofiicer. Its stay at Benton Barracks was only 351 352 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. six days. Then, marching to the Pacific Railroad Depot, it proceeded by cars to Rolla. The first three month's service of this regiment is made up of marchings and counter-marchings in Southern Missouri and Northern Arls:ansas. On some of these, the enemy were met in slight skirmishes ; but the majority of them were character- ized simply by that dragging, fatiguing monotony, which is unbearable, especially if the roads and weather be unfavorable. To show the nature of these services, I quote a portion of the regiment's record, which covers only six days of its service: "October 17th — broke up camp at Cassville, Missouri ; march- ed southward four miles and camped for the night. October 18th — marched southward thirty-one miles, and camped on Sugar Creek, Benton county, Arkansas; lay on our arms all night. General Blunt's Division was camped near by. At five o'clock P. M., of the 20th, broke up camp ; made a night's march over the Pea Ridge battle-ground, and on to White River; crossed the river — water about three feet deep, clear and cold. On the 22d instant, marched fifteen miles; halted and prepared supper. We were then within a distance of six miles from Huntsville, Arkansas. Fell in again at six P. M., and made a night's march of fourteen miles to White River, at a point below where we had first crossed, arriving at two A. M., on the morning of the 23d of October; bivouacked until seven A. M., when, without waiting for breakfast, crossed White River ; marched forward, much of the time on double- quick, reaching the telegraph road at Bloomington, at twelve M. ; formed at once in line of battle, expecting an attack. Remained in this position three hours, and were then ordered forward on the main road to Cross Hollows, Arkansas, where we arrived at five P. M., and went into camp, having made a forced march of ojie hundred miles in three days and three nights, over a very rough and mountainous country, and having compelled the enemy to retreat across the Boston Mountains." The month of November, as well Jis the previous one, was passed by the 19th Iowa and the greater part of the Army of the Frontier, in a constant chase from one point to another. BENJAMIN CRABB. 353 The country was full of rumors; the general officers in imme- diate command were young and ambitious, which, taken together, made the time pass most restlessly with the poor infantry troopers. Thus far the enemy had declined to stand and fight. They were not, however, without spirit. They were organizing; and the coming December was to test their prowess. November, 1862, closed with the divisions of Totten and Herron at Camp Curtis, near Wilson's Creek, Missouri, and that of Blunt at Cane Hill, Arkansas. The enemy had in the meantime organized, and were advancing to give Blunt battle ; but a history of these events has been previously given. Herron struggled with the confident but cautious enemy till Blunt came up from Cane Hill, when the cloud that before had threatened almost certain destruction, broke and disappeared. The 19th Iowa was doubtless the banner regiment of the une- qual and terrible battle of Prairie Grove ; but the 20th Iowa is entitled to hardly less praise, as also is the 20th Wisconsin. The records of the regiment thus modestly tell the story of this engagement: "The 19th Iowa and 20th Wisconsin chargcni and broke the rebel centre, and took a battery, but were unable to hold it. Lieutenant-Colonel McFarland was killed dead on the field, while leading the regiment in this charge. Lieutenant Smith, of Company F; Lieutenant Johnson, of Company I; and Ser- geant-Major C. B. Buckingham, were also killed on the field. Our whole loss was forty-five killed, and one hundred and fifty-five wounded. Captains Wright, of Company D ; Paine, of Company I; Jordan, of Company B; and Lieutenant Brooks, of Company D; were severely wounded." Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel McFarland was a brave and good man, and his loss was sincerely mourned. He was a native of Pennsylvania, a resident of Mount Pleasant, and first entered the service, as captain in the 11th Iowa Infantry. After the battle of Prairie Grove, the 19th Iowa enjoyed its first rest since leaving Springfield in the previous October. It 23 354 IOWA COI^ONELS AND REGIMENTS. camped on the battle-field the night after the engagement, a.s though unwilling to part with its dead comrades, just bur- ied. The regiment remained at Prairie Grove nearly three weeks; and then broke camp and, with its division, marched across the Boston Mountains to Van Buren, on the Arkansas. From Van Buren it returned to Prairie Grove. And now its marchings again became uninterrui)ted : indeed, from the 2d of January, 1S63, when it left Prairie Grove for White River, till the 2oth instant, when it went into camp near Forsyth, Missouri, it heard little else than the beat to " ftiU in," and the command, "forward." At Forsyth, it remained to guard the place, while its division proceeded to Lake Spring, Missouri. Late in April, 1863, the regiment proceeded to Ozark, and from that point marched against Marmaduke, who was threat- ening the country in the vicinity of Hartsville ; but it ftiiled to meet the fleet-footed rebel. The services of the regiment in Missouri were now drawing to a close. On the 3d of June, it marched from Salem, Missouri, to Rolla, whence it proceeded by rail to St. Louis, and embarked on the transport Chautau for Vicksburg. Such has been tlie character of service imposed on the Federal troops in Missouri — most annoying and fatiguing in its nature, and almost wholly destitute of honor. Had the 19th Iowa been retained in Missouri, and had it not fought at Prairie Grove, every man of it might have marched to his grave, and yet the regiment be without a record. But little of the history of the 19th Iowa was made under Colonel Crabb. He remained with it, and in command of it, till its arrival at Springfield, in September, 1862. At Springfield he was made Commandant of the Post, and never I think joined it afterward. He was at Springfield, at the time that place was attacked by Marmaduke in January, 1863; and, after General Brown was wounded, assumed command of the BENJAMIN CRABB. 855 Federal forces; and I am informed that he succeeded to the duties and responsil)ilities of the command with much honor. He resigned his commission in the following Spring, and returned to his home in Washington. The 19th Iowa left St. Louis for Vicksburg, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Daniel Kent : it was one of the regi- ments of General Herron's Division, and, before Vicksburg, was on the right of that command. Its duties during the siege, and its triumphal march into the city after its surrender, Lieutenant-Colonel Kent gives as follows : "Our fatigue duty consisted in digging rifle-pits, planting batteries and siege-guns to bear upon the enemy's works. This was continued and unremitting, (well named fatigue-duty) until the morning of the ever-glorious fourth day of July, when the glad news came to us that, Vicksburg had surrend- ered. We were then ordered to join in the march of the triumphant army, which we did ; and now occupy a part of the enemy's works." Private Thomas Pender, of Company I, was the only man of the regiment wounded during the siege. After the fall of Vicksburg, the 19th Iowa joined in the expedition up the Yazoo Piver, which was made by General Herron's Division, and which is detailed elsewhere. On the return to Vicksburg, General Herron sailed with his command for Port Hudson ; whence, after a few days' stay, he proceeded to Carrollton, Louisiana; and now soon follows the saddest page in the history of the 19th Iowa. Early in September, the enemy appearing in force in the vicinity of Morganzia, General Herron was sent back to that point, where he operated for about a month. During these operations, the 19th Iowa was captured in the engagement at Sterling Farm, near the AtchaMaya. I quote from Major Bruce's official report: "On the 29th instant, the enemy, having received reinforce- ments, turned our right and attacked us in the rear, cutting off 356 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. our retreat. Ho at the same time attacked us in front. My regiment was first called into action, met the enemy boldly, and at short range, delivering a deadly volley, which com- pelled him to fall back. He however rallied again in over- whelming force, and, after a firm and desperate struggle, in which we were well supported by the 26th Indiana, we were completely overpowered and compelled to surrender. Many of our men, however, refused to give up until the guns were taken from their hands by the rebels. "The rebels were commanded by General Green in person, and consisted of three brigades — in all, a force of five thousand men. Our entire force was about five hundred. My regiment had only about two hundred and sixty men in the action: many having been left sick in convalescent camps at Carroll- ton, Louisiana, were not present on the expedition. The fight was short, but deadly, considering the numbers engaged. The corn and high weeds concealed the enemy's lines, until they approached within pistol-shot. Many of our men escaped and came straggling into camp for two days afterward." The loss of the 19th Iowa in this action, was two officers and eight enlisted men killed, and one officer and eleven enlisted men wounded. Eleven officers and two hundred and three enlisted men were captured, and marched to prison at Camp Ford, Texas. Lieutenants Kent and Roberts of the regiment were among the killed. Captain Taylor, of Company G, was severely wounded, and died of his wounds soon after. The 19th Iowa constituted the first installment of Iowa troops, taken to Camp Ford; and its locality and surroundings may be given here with interest. I quote from a letter of Chaplain M. II. Hare, of the 36th Iowa, who, at a later day, was him- self a prisoner of war in this wretched den. "The prison-camp is one hundred miles south-west of Shreveport, Louisiana, and four miles from Tyler, Texas. It is situated on high table-lands, covered w'ith pine and oak, and might be considered, for this country, healthy. There are about eight acres in the stockade. A spring in the south-west corner of the lot furnishes a good supply of water, impreg- iiated with sulphur, and tolerably cool. Old prisoners say this BENJAMIN CRABB. 857 water is healthy. The stockade is formed by placing logs, halved, upright, planted some two feet in the ground, and standing seven feet above the surface. The prisoners have to build their own quarters, and are very much in the condition of the old Israelites, who were required to make brick without straw." The 19th Iowa was captured on the 29th of October, as already stated, and was at that time the fourth Iowa regiment that had been captured entire, or nearly so. Three others have since suffered the like misfortune, Tn Anril. 1864, the 36th was cap- tured near Moro Creek, Arkansas; in July of the same year, the 16th was captured south-east of Atlanta; and, in the following October, the 17th was captured at Tilton, Georgia. The 19th Iowa were the first Iowa troops that, as prisoners of war, suffered great cruelties, on the west side of the Mississippi. Indeed, previous to this, the Confederate authorities at Rich- mond had not resolved on disabling their captives for further service, by exposure and starvation. But these were not the only cruelties practiced; for instance: *' A private of the 26th Indiana regiment, named Thomas Moorehead, was one day near the guard-line, waiting for wood, when he was abruptly commanded to fall back. The Federal soldier was aware that an order had been promulgated forbidding prisoners to approach within three paces of the line, and he had halted, therefore, at a distance much greater. Nevertheless, in compli- ance with the sentry's demand, he was turning back, when the brute, whose name is remembered as Frank Smith, shot him, the ball passing through his body and shattering the arm of another prisoner, who stood near by. Moorehead, fatally hurt in the bowels, died the same night; and the wounded man was left without surgical assistance, other than could be afforded by a hospital-steward, captured soon after." I have said the 19th Iowa were marched as prisoners of war to Tyler, Texas ; but they had many sufferings before reaching 358 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. that place. They were first sent to Alexandria, then to Shreve- port, and from that point to Tyler. It is said their guard from Shreveport to Tyler, were rebel Bed River steamboat-men, who practiced on them great cruelties. In the early winter of 1863-4, they were paroled for e?^hange, and marched back to Shreveport ; but for some reason no exchange was effected, and after remaining at Shrevejiort all Winter they were again sent to Tyler. Their treatment on this march was more brutal than ever. Their course was marked by the blood from their swol- len and lacerated feet. "Men, who failed to keep up from swollen feet, were lassoed and dragged by the neck. Many were wounded by blows from swords and muskets. Proper representations of this treatment were made to General Kirby Smith, but ivithout effect.^^ They were finally exchanged on the 23d of July, 1864, and delivered to Colonel Dwight near the mouth of Red River. Proceeding to New Orleans, their wretched condition excited much sympathy ; and they were photographed in a group, and prints of the negative sent to all parts of the country. Though it seems hardly possible, there are not wanting those who now clamor for an amnesty that shall shield the instigators of these enormous crimes from justice. For my part I will never cease to pray that blood may flow till all these inhuman wretches have suffered the full penalty of the law. Let our innocent blood be avenged, or peace will never be secure ! Let all leading traitors die ! That portion of the 19th regiment which escaped capture at Sterling Farm, and its sick and convalescent at Carrollton and other points, were afterward united, and, under Major Bruce, joined in General Banks' expedition into Texas, late in the following October. The above expedition left New Orleans, and, passing down to the Gulf through the South West Pass, anchored out side BENJAMIN CRABB. 359 the bar in the evening of the 28th instant. On the morning of the 29th, it put to sea. The three-days trip across the Gulf will never be forgotten by Banks' old command. The major- ity of the troops were land-men, and, with pleasant weather and an even sea, would have experienced little pleasure ; but the elements conspired against them. The morning of the second day out broke with a violent storm from the north, which lashed the waters into frightful commotion. Unfortu- nately, many of the troops were embarked on old and frail transports. These were loaded tot he water's edge, and every surge of the heavy sea made them groan like huge monsters at bay. Several of the boats became leaky, and, to lighten them, mules, wagons, caissons, and forage were thrown over- board. The storm finally abated, and the whole fleet arrived at the Island of Brazos Santiago in safety. The bar was crossed on the second of November, and a landing effected. The 19th Iowa was the first regiment to land, and that was soon followed by the 20th. Four days were consumed in dis-embarking the troops, unloading the baggage and supplies, and in reconnoitering. Then, — November 6th — a portion of Herron's Division, of which was the 19th Iowa, led the advance to Brownsville, which was entered on the evening of the next day, without opposition. Portions of the town were at the time in flames, as also were the barracks of Fort Brown. The town had been occupied by rebel troops ; but they fled on the approach of the Federals. I should not omit to state that the country through which our troops marched was historic : the line of march led past the battle-fields of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. Large quantities of cotton captured, and the breaking up of a considerable trade between Mexico and the Confederacy, were the chief fruits of this military movement. In the summer of 1864, that portion of the 19th Iowa which 360 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. escaped capture returned to New Orleans, where it was joined by its comrades, just released from Tyler, Texas. The regi- ment then joined in the operations that resulted in the capture of the forts guarding Mobile Bay. Much of the fall of 1864, and of the following Winter, it passed at different points along the Mississippi, and operated with the forces that were changed from one point to another in Louisiana and Arkansas, to check-mate the movements of the enemy. It last served under General Granger in the operations against Mobile, being brigaded with the 20th Wisconsin, 23d Iowa, and the 94th Illinois. With its brigade, it held the extreme left of the Federal forces before Spanish Fort. In the reduction of this strong-hold, it suffered little if any loss. Benjamin Crabb was the only colonel the 19th Iowa had. At the time of his resignation, the ranks of the regiment had been so depleted in action and by disease, as to reduce it below the minimum of a regimental organization. In justice to a gallant and faithful ofiicer, I should state that the regiment, a chief portion of the time since the resignation of Colonel Crabb, has been commanded by Major John Bruce, a Scotch- man by birth, and a resident of Keokuk, Iowa. Colonel Crabb is a large, portly man, and has the appearance, on short acquaintance, of being easy-going and good natured. He walks like a lazy man, but his neighbors say he is not. He was an efficient officer, and left the service, I am told, on account of ill-health. COLONEL WILLIAM M<^E. DYE. TWENTIETH INFANTRY. William McE. Dye was born in the State of Pennsylvania, about the year 1831. At the time of entering the volunteer service, he was a captain in the regular army — I think, in the 8th Infantry. When promoted to the colonelcy of the 20th Iowa, his residence was in Marion, Linn county, Iowa. I know no more of his history. The history of the 20th Iowa Regiment is nearly the same as that of the 19th. From the first, these two regiments have served together, and much of the time in the same brigade. With the 20th Wisconsin and 94th Illinois, they constituted Herron's Brigade, with which he marched from Rolla to Springfield, in September, 1862. Prairie Grove was the 20th Iowa's first battle, as it also was the first of the 19th. However, at the time of this action, the 20th regiment was attached to Totten's Division, (the 2d) the 19th being attached to Herron's (the 3d) — all of the Army of the Frontier, as organized on the 15th of the previous October. But, as has been previously stated, both Schofield and Totten being absent. General Herron marched to Blunt's relief, at Cane Hill, with both divisions, and chief in command. For a further history of the battle at Prairie Grove, and more particularly for the part taken in it by the 20th Iowa, I shall refer to the interesting and ofiicial statement of Lieutenant- Colonel Leake; first premising, however, that the regiment entered the engagement in support of the three left guns of Captain Murphy's Battery, which, having been pushed across Illinois Creek, were put in position in the edge of the woods on the north side of the prairie. 361 362 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. "Immediately after forming in line, I was ordered to throw out a party of skirmishers, to protect our right and rear from surprise, for which service I detailed twenty men of Company A, under the command of First-Lieutenant C. L. Drake of that company. The 26th Indiana, the only infantry regiment in the 1st Brigade, of the 2d Division, was formed to the rear of, and between the 37th Illinois and the 20th Iowa. These dispositions having been made at one o'clock P. M., the engagement was opened by the firing of a gun from the bat- tery, under command of Lieutenant Marr. At about two. o'clock, the order was given to advance the battery, I receiving orders to move the regiment forward in support. We advanced in this order across the open field, to within about two hundred yards of the foot of the hill, and in front of the house of H. Roger, when the battery was ordered back, but the regiment left in its advanced position. I presently received orders from Colonel Dye, in pursuance of which the regiment moved to the right, into the adjoining field, and in front of the orchard on the left of the house of William Rogers, to check a movement of the enemy to out-flank us on the right. At this time, the 20th was on the extreme right of the 2d and 3d Divisions. This movement was executed under a galling fire, which we returned, advancing to within a few paces of the edge of the orchard." " At this time, a force appeared on our right, advancing up the valley. Fearing that we were being outflanked by the enemy, I was ordered to fall back across the field, and take position behind a fence in our rear, which was executed in good order, under fire. I then threw out Companies A and F, under command of Captains Bates and Hubbard, as skirmish- ers. Shortly after a cavalry force appeared upon our right and rear, whereupon the skirmishers were recalled, and a change of front made toward the approaching force. Colonel Dye hav- ing sent forward and ascertained that the cavalry were from General Blunt's command, the 20th Iowa at once changed front, and resumed its former position behind the fence, fronting toward the orchard. We had scarcely re-taken this position, when an aid from General Blunt reported to me that the forces that had come up the valley and were taking position in the field on our right was the command of General Blunt. " Blunt at once sent forward a part of the 1st Indiana regi- ment as skirmishers. Colonel Dye reported to General Blunt, WILLIAM MCE. DYE. 363 and ordered me to make a charge with the 20th up the hill, on the left of, and operate with the forces of General Blunt. I moved the regiment rapidly forward in line of battle across the field, obliquing to the left; crossed the orchard fence; drove the enemy through the orchard; and advanced beyond the upper orchard fence, and through the woods a short distance. The left wing being more severely engaged, the right had passed further in advance, when some of the Indianians came running back through the woods to the right, gesticulating violently, and pointing in the direction whence they came. At the same moment an officer shouted to me that we were firing on our friends. Seeing some men with United States overcoats on, I gave the order to cease firing, and rode toward the left. I feared that the troops on our left wing had ascended the hill, and advanced to our front ; but I now saw directly in our front, a mass of troops moving down upon us. At nearly the same instant, they fired a volley, under which the left wing recoiled nearly to the orchard fence, when they promptly rallied at my command, and renewed the firing with great rapidity and, I think, with great effect. "The Indiana regiment having fallen back, I received orders to retire behind the fence at the foot of the hill, and hold it, which movement was promptly executed by the regiment, and in good order, the men climbing the fence under a galling fire, lying down behind it and continuing their fire between the fence rails." In this position the fighting of the 20th Iowa practically closed; for, so soon as the regiment left the orchard, Blunt's and Herron's artillery opened a vigorous fire on the enemy, and drove them back ; and, though they kept up a fire till after d[ark from their retired position, they did not advance to renew the attack. The loss of the 20th Iowa in this action was forty-seven. Lieutenant Harrison Oliver was the only commissioned officer of the regiment killed. He was a native of Massachusetts, and a young man, I am told of much promise. Lieutenants R. M. Lyth, T. G. G. Cavendish, Fred. E. Starck and E. Stowe were wounded. Seven enlisted men were killed, among whom 364 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. were Sergeants T. B. Miller, and F. M. Steel, Major William G. Thompson, who acted with great courage, was quite severely wounded. He received high commendation from Lieutenant- Colonel Leake: " I was assisted in the discharge of my duties as commander of the regiment, by Major Thompson who, although exposed to the hottest fire, conducted himself with great galluntry and self-possession. He was wounded late In the action, and, though sufiering great pain, did not leavG the field until the command was safely withdrawn from under the fire of the enemy." The good conduct of Lieutenant J. C. McCelland, acting adjutant, was most highly commended, as was also that of Sergeant-Major George A. Gray. " The men acted throughout the engagement bravely and with entire self- possession, retiring under fire repeatedly, and rallying with the utmost promptness at the word of command." General Her- ron in his offi ial report omits mentioning the name of Lieutenant-Colonel Leake, though I am told none showed greater coolness and determination on the field than he. " The conduct of Colonel W. McE. Dye was admirable." From the date of the Prairie Grove battle till the fall ol Vicksburg, and, indeed, till the arrival of Herron's Division at Carrollton, Louisiana, and its return to Morganzia, the history of the 20th Iowa will be found substantially recorded in the sketch of the 19th. Their fatiguing marches through the alternating mud and dust of Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas; their exposures in inclement weather; their labors before Vicksburg ; their march from Yazoo City, across to the Big Black and back to the river ; their trip to Port Hudson and Carrollton, and back to Morganzia — in all, their experiences are nearly the same. The 20th Iowa was not in the action at Sterling Farm, though Lieutenant-Colonel Leake of the regiment was in command of the forces, which fought there and were captured. WILLIAM MCE. DYE. 365 Only thirteen men of the regiment accompanied the colonel, and these served as mounted infantry, and were employed in scouting and as vedettes. On the day of the battle, they were stationed some eight miles distant from the main body, and at that point were attacked and routed by a portion of the same rebel force, which fought Colonel Leake. As stated in the sketch of the 19th Iowa, Lieutenant-Colonel Leake was captured, and shared all the hardships of the prison-life. He seemed to have been one of the chief counselors of the unfortunate captives ; for, at the time Private Moorehead, ol the 26th Indiana, was shot by the brute. Smith, the prisoners determined " to rise, massacre the small guard, and sack the I neighboring town of Tyler ; " but the colonel counseled mod- eration, and "calmed an excitement, which might have resulted in a rash outbreak that could only end in the destruc- tion of all." Lieutenant-Colonel A. J. II. Duganne, a prisoner at Camp Ford, and the author of "Twenty months in the Department of the Gulf," pays Colonel Leake the following compliment: "He was one of the most genial and intelligent officers that I met at Camp Ford." The 20th Iowa remained with its division in the vicinity of Morganzia, until about the 10th of October, 1SG3, wiien it left on the return to Carrollton. General Banks was already organizing his forces, preparatory to his expedition into Texas ; I and Herron's Division was summond below, to join in this j service. All things were in readiness late in October, and the 24th of that month Banks cut loose from the Crescent City, and I steered for Brazos Santiago. He had an ample out-fit— six- I teen vessels, loaded down with troops and supplies, and three gun-boats. The expedition promised much, but for some reason resulted in nothing substantial. The territory recov- ered, was all afterward abandoned. Indeed, General Banks, though a brilliant and most worthy man in some respects, has 866 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. been unsuccessful or unfortunate, from the time of assuming command at New Orleans, forward to — I don't care how iiir. His operations at Port Hudson were not brilliant; his "Teche Raid" was only ordinary; his efforts at Sabine Pass, where a mud fort repulsed him, were inglorious; his movements up the Rio Grande, and along tlie Texan coast were substantially failures; and his expedition up the Red River an alarming disaster. Evidently, he is not fit for the field; though, as a military governor, he possesses merit. An account of the passage from New Orleans to Brazos San- tiago has been given in the sketch of Colonel Crabb, of the 19th Iowa. On arriving at the last named point, the 20th Iowa did not accompany its division to Brownsville; but crossing the Lagoon de Madre to Point Isabel, proceeded to Mustang Island, where it remained for several months. When Canby and Granger were about to attack the forts at the mouth of Mobile Bay, the 20th Iowa with the other troops of its division were summoned to that department. The regi- ment took part in those operations, and, in the following Fall, moved up the Mississippi to Morganzia. For many weeks, it operated in Louisiana and Arkansas ; but a history of these movements will be found elsewhere. It last served under General Steele, in the operations against Mobile, marching from Pensacola, Florida, via Pollard to the rear of Fort Blakely. Of the particular part it acted in this grand movement, I am unadvised. I am told that Colonel Dye is a little above the medium in size ; that he has a freckled face, sandy hair, light eye-brows, and bright blue eyes. He is either a relation or a friend of Ex-Governor Kirkwood, and, like that able, unpretending man, is careless in dress and unostentatious in manners. He ranks high as an officer, and is held in the highest esteem by General Canby. COLONEL SAMUEL MERRILL. TWENTY-FIRST INFANTRY. Colonel Samuel Merrill is a native of the State which was first settled by traders and fishermen "on the Maine," and is a representative-man of New England. He was born on the 7th day of August, 1822, in the town of Turner, Oxford county, where he resided till the age of sixteen ; when he moved with his parents to Buxton, York county, of the same State. After removing to Buxton, he taught and attended school by turns, until he attained his majority, and then visited the Southern States, with the intention of settling there, and making teach- ing a permanent business. But, as the colonel himself expresses it, "he was born too far north." Suspicions were awakened, many questions asked, and he was finally advised to leave, which he did in disgust. Nor did he ever return, until, under orders from his Government, he led his regiment j to the field. Returning to 'Maine after his rebuff" in the South, I he purchased a farm, and two years later married. In 1847, he j lost his wife, after living with her only fourteen months. Soon I after, he sold his farm and moved to Tamworth, New Hamp- I shire; where, in company with his brother, J. H. Merrill, Esq., he entered the mercantile business. This he followed with good success, till the year 1856, when he removed to McGregor, Iowa, and established a branch house of the same firm. While a citizen of New Hampshire, Colonel Merrill was twice elected to the State Legislature. He was a member of that body in 1854 and in 1855, the time when the celebrated struggle for United States Senators came off", which finally ter- minated in the election of John P. Hale and .lames Bell. For 3G7 868 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. nearly, forty consecutive years previous, the State Iiad been democratic. In 1854, Nathaniel B. Baker, our present adjutant-general, was Governor of New Hampshire, and Colonel Merrill a member of the House. Just six years later, both of these gen- tlemen were elected to the Iowa State Legislature, and served together in that body. In January, 1851, Colonel Merrill was again married, his second wife being a Miss Hill, of Buxton, Maine. From this union three children were born ; though all of them died young, the oldest living to be only two and a half years old. From 185G till the spring of 1861, Colonel Merrill continued in the wholesale and retail dry-goods and grocery business ; but, at the last named date, sold out and became a member of the McGregor Branch Bank. In the summer of 1862, Colonel Merrill entered the United States service. Ardent in temperament and radical in senti- ment, it was only his unsettled business, as I am credibly informed, that prevented him from enlisting in the war sooner. He was commissioned colonel of the 21st Iowa Infantry, on the 1st of August, 1862, and, on the 16th of September follow- ing, left Dubuque in command of his regiment for St. Louis on the steamer Henry Clay. One of the most interesting pages in the history of the 21st Iowa, is that which relates to the battle of Hartsville, Mis- souri — an engagement, of which less is known in our State, than of almost any other, in which Iowa troops have fought. Colonel Merrill arrived with his command at Holla, Missouri, on the 23d of September, 1862, and, previous to the 11th of January, 1863, (the date of the Hartsville battle) had marched it from one point to another in Southern Missouri, without ever meeting the enemy. We should, however, excejDt the affair at Beaver Creek, where, on the 27th of November, a small SAMUEL, MERRILL. 369 detachment of the regiment, while guarding a provision-train from Rolla to Hartsville, was cut to pieces by rebel cavalry. General J. S. Marmaduke, on the 31st of December, 1862, (I quote from the rebel general's report) "marched from Lewis- burg, Arkansas, via Yellville, Arkansas, to strike the enemy in rear and flank," with a force numbering, according to his own estimate, three thousand three hundred and seventy men. Advancing by way of Ozark, the rebel force appeared before Springfield on the 8th of January, 1863, and at once began an assault on the place. As has been already stated in the sketch of General Edwards, Springfield was, at the time in question, commanded by Gen- eral Brown of Missouri. Doubting his ability to make a successful defense against so unequal a force, he telegraphed General Fitz Henry Warren, commanding at Houston, Mis- souri, for reinforcements. The telegram was received by General Warren on the morning of the 9th. Without waiting to confer with General Curtis, commanding the Department, he promptly organized a force, consisting of the 21st Iowa, the j99th Illinois, three companies of the 3d Iowa, and the 3d Mis- souri cavalry, and two guns of the 2d Missouri Battery, and, placing it under command of Colonel Merrill of the 21st Iowa, |ordered that oflicer to proceed by forced marches to Sx)ringfield, land report to the commanding oflicer of the place. On Satur- day evening, the 10th instant. Colonel Merrill had reached [Woods' Fork, about six miles west of Hartsville, where he halted his command for supper and rest. Reveille was beat on Sunday morning at two o'clock, and preparations made to |*esume the march, when scouts came in with the report that the enemy, in heavy force, was advancing on the Springfield 'oad. Colonel Merrill at once comprehended the situation. Marmaduke had been repulsed at Springfield ; and he had now fight the entire rebel command. With this understanding 24 370 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. he made a liasty disposition of his forces, and met the advance of the enemy with so vigorous an attack that he soon fell back, and, moving south to the old Springfield road, continued his march in the direction of Ilartsville. Being advised of this movement, Colonel Merrill moved back hastily, and secured a commanding point to the west of the town that not only made his own position secure, but enabled him to command the place. The fight at Hartsville opened with artillery at eleven o'clock A. M. and continued till four in the afternoon, when the enemy, repulsed and punished at every point, withdrew from the field. The force under Colonel Merrill in this engage- ment was about one thousand : that of the enemy was not less than three thousand three hundred and seventy — probably, not less than five thousand. The contest was unequal, and the victory all the more brilliant. Of this battle General Marma- duke says, in his official report : "At Hartsville, I met, fought, and drove, in the direction of Lebanon, sixteen hundred infantry and five hundred cavalry, under General Merrill. The battle was desperate." It was indeed desperate for him ; for he lost among his dead one brigadier — the "brave McDonald" — three colonels, and one major, "besides other brave officers." Gen- eral Marmaduke, in his retreat to White River, frequently said to Lieutenant Brown of the 3d Iowa cavalry, whom he had taken prisoner at Wood's Fork: "Why, Lieutenant, your boys fought like devils." At Hartsville, the loss of the 21st Iowa was thirty in killed, wounded and missing. Four enlisted men were killed, and two oflBcers and sixteen enlisted men wounded. Subsequently to the winter of 1862-3, and till after the fall of Yicksburg, the history of the 21st is nearly the same as are those of the 22d and 23d Iowa Infantry regiments. Brigaded with the two last named regiments, together with the 11th SAMUEL MERRILL. 371 Wisconsin, (a splendid body of troops) the 21st Iowa marclied on the Vicksburg Campaign, and took a distinguished part in the battles of Port Gibson and Big Black River Bridge. In the former of these the regiment led the advance of its corps, and received the first fire of the enemy. "At the widow Daniel's plantation, some nine miles from Port Gibson, we were ordered by General Carr to take the advance. I ordered Company A, commanded by Captain A. P. Jones, and Company B, commanded by Captain W. D. Crooke, as advance skirmishers, commanded by Lieutenant- Colonel Dunlap, and supported by Companies D and F, com. manded by Major Van Anda; next was a twelve-pound field piece from that excellent battery, the First Iowa : all supported by the balance of my command." The road from Rodney, Mississippi to Port Gibson, (and it was on this road that the battle was fought) runs along a high, broken ridge, and is cut down in many places to a great depth. The 21st Iowa, when near Thompson's Hill, where the Federal skirmishers were fired on, was ordered to halt and rest in one of these cuts. A majority of the men had thrown themselves down in the road, and upon their backs, using their knapsacks as a support — a favorite position for the soldier, when ordered to rest on the march. Others were leaning up against the steep banks of the road. Among the latter, were Dr. "William L. Orr, surgeon of the 21st Iowa, and, I believe. Colonel MerriU, both having dismounted. It was now nearly two o'clock in the morning. The colonel and doctor stood talking together unconcernedly, when they were startled by a brilliant flash, and, at the same instant, a storm of musket-balls came whirl- ing down through the cut. Almost at the same instant, the enemy opened with artillery. They were in force on the hill above — and thus the fight opened and lasted about and hour, when both parties, as if by mutual consent, ceased firing. The battle was renewed at day-light the next morning, and lasted nearly the entire day. The 21st Iowa fired the first gun ; but, 372 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. although engaged nearly all day, the loss of the regiment was only one officer and thirteen men wounded. Colonel Merrill, in the afternoon of the engagement, commanded his brigade, and had his horse so severely wounded that, it was necessary to leave it upon the field. For his conduct in the engagement, he was thus complimented by General Carr, the division com- mander: "The 21st Iowa, Colonel Samuel Merrill, first in the battle, and one of the last to leave the field." Of Company B, and its gallant captain, the same report says: "Company B, 21st Iowa, Captain Crooke, received the first fire of the rebel pickets, and returned it with great coolness." Lieutenant- Colonel Dunlap was the only commissioned officer of the regiment wounded in this engagement. Among the officers and men whose names are mentioned for good conduct in this engagement are Captains Benton, Harri- son, Voorhees, Boardman and Watson, and Sergeant B. Krist. The latter captured a rebel orderly, who was at the time bear- ing dispatches. The battle at Big Black River Bridge, where the 21st Iowa next distinguished itself, is one of the most gallant afiairs ol the whole war: an account of it will be found in the sketch oi the late Colonel Kinsman, of the 28d Iowa. It was in this charge that Colonel Merrill, while leading his regiment received the wound which afterward necessitated his leavinfi the service. His regiment, too, sufiered severely. Sever enlisted men were killed, and three officers and sixty-fou enlisted men wounded. In his official report of the engage ment, Lieutenant-Colonel Dunlap says : "Colonel Merrill, commanding the regiment, fell in the firr part of the charge, severely wounded, while gallantly leadin his regiment against the enemy. ***** I can not of course make mention of all those who distil i guished themselves on that battle-field, as that would be ' copy the roll of all present. Major S. G. Van Anda, receive SAMUEL MERRILL. 373 , the highest credit for the coolness and bravery with which he I conducted the charge, the left being in front, through the storm of leaden hail. Much of the success of the charge is owing to his gallant conduct and daring example. Captain Harrison was I one of the first officers on the enemy's works. Captains Swivel, I Voorhees, Watson, Boardman, and Crooke behaved with great i coolness. Lieutenants Roberts, Childs and Dolson, received the praise of all who saw their bravery. Lieutenant Howard of Company B, acting adjutant, received a mortal wound while I gallantly performing his part of this gallant charge. I With no desire to do injustice to other brave men of the regi- Iment, I will mention, specially. Captain Jesse M. Harrison, Company C ; for his conduct on the field was most admirable. He was one of the first to enter the enemy's works. On coming to the bayou in front of the rebel works, he saw a fallen tree, lying in the water, and sprung upon it, and from that to the opposite side, which he reached without wetting his feet. His company having waded the stream, followed directly to the bridge to cut off the retreat of those to the right. His fore- thought and courage added not less than five-hundred to Gen- eral Grant's roll of prisoners. The captain's residence is in Dubuque, and I am told he is a w^ealthy bachelor. I am in j wonder at the status of so brave a man. I After participating in the siege of Vicksburg, (during which the brave Lieutenant-Colonel Dunlap was killed) and the ' second march on Jackson under General Sherman, the 21st Iowa was ordered to report to General Banks at New Orleans. A chief portion of the time since the regiment has served in the trans-Mississippi Department. I have already said its history was much the same as that of the 23d Iowa. It was I stationed at Old Town, Texas, early in March, 1864, when ' Colonel Merrill, not yet fit for duty, re-joined it. The colonel's wound was much more severe than was at first supposed ; for after the lapse of nine months he was still unfit for duty. Believing that he could not again endure the hardships of field 374 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. service he wrote a letter to his officers in which he expressed his determination to resign liis commission ; but they and the regiment would not consent, and a petition was drawn up and forwarded to him which in length measured nearly twenty feet. Colonel Merrill re-joined his regiment in March as already stated, but his health was gone, and after a few weeks he resigned his commission and returned to his home in Mc Gregor. The history of his regiment since he left it is not an eventful one. It has served on the Gulf and along the Missis- sippi River. Colonel Merrill in his habits and manners is a New England man ; and, in person, he is a fair sample of the sons of Maine which is noted for her stately forests and stalwart men. He is six feet high, and weighs two hundred and fifteen pounds. As a soldier. Colonel Merrill ranked high, and was popular both with his command and his superiors. When he entered the service, he was strictly a civilian, but notwithstanding this, he was, though of a nervous temperament, cool in action and brave to a fault. That he was regarded as possessing the qual- ties of a commanding officer, I need only state that he was placed in command of a division at "West Plains, Missouri, when he had been in the service only five months. In politics, he is radical, and deems the term "Black Republican" of no reproach. On resigning his commission in the army, he was elected President of the First National Bank, McGregor, Iowa, which position he still holds. COLONEL HARVEY GRAHAM. SECOND COLONEL, TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY. Harvey Graham was born in the year 1827, in the State of Pennsylvania. He is an old resident of Iowa City, and entered the service from that place ; but, of the time he first came to the State, I am unadvised. He is a mill-wright by trade. Colonel Graham's connection with the volunteer service dates from the beginning of the war. He was one of the first men from Johnson county to enter the army, in the spring of i 1861. He was the 1st Lieutenant of Company B, 1st Iowa I Infantry, and commanded his company at the battle of Wil- son's Creek, where he was slightly wounded. On the organi- zation of the 22d Iowa Infantry, he was commissioned major of the regiment, and, a few days later, was promoted to the lieutenant-colonelcy, vice John A. Garrett, promoted to the I colonelcy of the 40th Iowa. He served with his regiment as I lieutenant-colonel till the resignation of Colonel, now Governor I Stone, when he was commissioned colonel. I Subsequently to the fall of Vicksburg and up to July, 1864, I the history of the 22d Iowa is much the same as are those of I the 21st and 23d Iowa Regiments. It served in Louisiana, and on the Texan coast. But in July, 1864, it was one of the three Iowa regiments that were transferred to the Shenandoah Valley. At the time it sailed for that destination, there were other Iowa troops under orders for the same place; but the unsettled condition of affairs in Arkansas demanded their services, and the orders, as regarded them, were revoked. The following is from the history of the 22d Iowa, which appears in the Adjutant-General's Reports for the year 1865: 375 376 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. " The 13th Army Corps having been temporarily discon- tinued by the War Department, the 22d Iowa was ordered to report to General Beynolds at New Orleans. Embarked on transports, reached New Orleans July 6th, and was ordered into camp at Algiers, Louisiana. Here was assigned to the Second Brigade of General Grover's (second) Division, 19th Army Corps. The Second Brigade consisted of the 131st and 159th New York, 13th Connecticut, and 8d Massachusetts Cav- alry, and was afterward joined by the 22d Iowa and 11th Indiana, and was commanded by Colonel E. L. Molineaux, of the 159th New York. "The 19th Army Corps, as reorganized, comprised three divisions : 1st, General Dvvight's, composed of Eastern troops exclusively ; 2d, General Grover's, of five Western regiments and the remainder Eastern troops; 3d, General Lawler's, of Western troops. The 1st and 2d Divisions having been ordered to report to Washington, D. C, the 22d Iowa, with the 131st and 159th New York, embarked on the 17th of July on the steamship Cahawba, and, after a voyage void of incident, arrived at Fortress Monroe on the 24th of July, and anchored in Hampton Boads. Weighed anchor on the 25th at eight A. M., and proceeded up James Biver. Dis-embarked at Ber- muda Hundreds Landing, and after marching seven miles joined the forces of General Butler. " The 22d Iowa, and 131st and 159th New York, being the only regiments of the division ordered to this place, the other portion of it having gone direct to Washington, they were temporarily attached to General Terry's Division of General Birney's Corps, and placed on duty in the trenches extending across the peninsula from the James to the Appomattox, occupying a portion of the line in General Butler's front until the 31st, when orders were received to report at Washington. Marched at two o'clock A. M., and reached Bermuda Hun- dreds Landing at day -light; embarked on transport Wenona, and steamed down the James river to Fortress Monroe and from thence up the Potomac to Washington, arriving at noon on the 1st of August. From Washington the regiment marched to the Shenandoah, joining Sheridan at Berryville, at mid-night— August 18th. Sheridan was at the time falling back before Early ; and, for HARVEY GRAHAM. 377 a month after the arrival of the 19th Corps, he did little more than watch his opportunity and maneuver in the face of the enemy. Nor were his maneuvers fruitless; for, during this time, he parried Early's second contemplated raid into Penn- sylvania. Finally, the rebel Kershaw's Division leaving Early for Kichmond, Sheridan promptly assumed the offen- sive. He was at the time lying intrenched, near Berryville, while Early was on the west side of Opequan Creek, and near Winchester. The advance was begun before day-light on the morning of the 19th of September, over the Winchester and Berryville pike, and the enemy encountered across the Ope- quan, shortly before ten o'clock. The 6th Corps led the advance, or rather followed close on the heels of the cavalry, sent forward to open up a crossing over the Opequan. The battle of Winchester or Opequan, says a captain of the 19th Corps who fought on the same ground with the 22d Iowa, was after this plan : "A narrow ravine, winding among hills so steep and thickly wooded as to be impassable for any troops but light infantry, debouches into an irregular, undulating valley, faced on the south by an amphitheatre of stony hights, laid, with regard to each other, like detached fortifications. The object of Sheridan was to pass through this ravine, deploy in the valley, amuse the enemy's right, fight his centre vigorously, and turn and force his left. The object of Early was to allow us to deploy up to a certain extent ; then to beat in our attacking columns, and throw them back in confusion on the line of advance; lastly, to ruin us by pushing his strong left through our right, and reach- ing the gorge, so as to cut off our retreat. To effect this final purpose, his line was not drawn up at right angles to the pike, but diagonally to it, so as to bring his left near to our vital debouching point." The 6th Corps, as already stated, encountered the enemy about ten o'clock. Emerging from the ravine, they swung rapidly down against the enemy's right, in two lines of battle, and gained the position assigned, without much hard fighting. 378 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. The position of tlie 19th Corps was in the centre, and the ground it was to talie and hold involved the severest fighting of the day. It was to break back the rebel centre, and secure a position that would enable the 8th Corps to move up and against the enemy's left. It was the key to all positions— the place of supreme importance, which, if not taken, would insure a repulse, and, if not held when taken, would insure disastrous defeat. The fighting had already begun, as the 22d Iowa neared the Opequan ; and, as they pressed on at a rapid pace through the narrow, crowded highway, wounded men, lying pale and quiet upon their bloody stretchers, were frequently met. Soon the creek was reached and crossed, and line of battle formed, when the struggle with the 19th Corps began. The fortunes of the 22d Iowa in this battle were, I am told, the same as those of other regiments of its division. It was at first successful, driving the enemy back under one of the most destructive fires ever witnessed, and was then in turn as signally repulsed. Finally, it rallied, and when the enemy's left was assailed by the intrepid Crook, joined in pressing their centre to total rout. It was a dear, but most signal victory. I again quote from the history of the regiment: "It would be impossible to make any discrimination among officers or men for gallant and meritorious conduct in this action. The regiment never fought better. Not a man fal- tered or fell back, although it required more than momentary excitement to charge over a mile, and subjected to a heavy fire. None lacked the courage and determination to do so. Captain D. J. Davis, of Company A, and Captain B. D. Parks, Com- pany E, were instantly killed at the head of their companies, and at the post of honor. Sergeant- Major George A. Remley, as noble as he was brave, was pierced with three balls, and fell dead. Lieutenant-Colonel E. G. White was slightly wounded in the face by the explosion of a shell. Lieutenant James A. Boarts was severely wounded in the head by a minnieball, and has since died. Lieutenants Jones, of Company A, and Hull, HARVEY GRAHAM. 379 of Company K, were both captured. Colonel Graham, Lieu- tenant-Colonel White, Major Gearkee, Captains Mullins, Humphrey, Cree, Clark, Shocker, Hartley and Morsman, and Lieutenants Turnbull, Davis, Needham, Messenger and Chand- ler, are all entitled to great prai.se for their gallantry through- out the battle in encouraging and rallying the men to the colors. Surgeon Shrader was on the field during the engage- ment, and was indefatigable in his exertions to care for the wounded. Quarter-master Sterling, Hospital-Steward Ealy, and Commissary-Sergeant Brown rendered efficient service in carrying off" the wounded, and conducting the ambulances to different paits of the field, and can not be too highly com- mended. The total loss of the regiment in this action was one hundred and nine killed, wounded and missing." Next came the pursuit and the engagement at Fisher's Hill, and then the pursuit to Harrisonburg. At Fisher's Hill, the regiment took a conspicuous part, charging in company with the 28th Iowa, and 128th New York, the strong works of the enemy, and capturing a six-gun battery and many prisoners. The bloody and well-nigh disastrous affair at Cedar Creek, is thus given by Adjutant Samuel D. Pryce, the regiment's excel- lent historian: "On the night of the 18th instant, the 22d Iowa, with the brigade under Colonel Mollineaux, was ordered to be ready to move at five o'clock on the coming morning, on a reeonnois- sance in the direction of Strasburg, to ascertain the force and develop the lines of the enemy. Accordingly, at the hour designated, the brigade was in line ready to move, when the enemy suddenly attacked the extreme left flank of the army, consisting of the 8th Corps, taking them completely by sur- prise, and routing them from their works, and before day-light had succeeded in throwing their entire army in the rear of the 6th and 19th Corps. At this juncture, the 22d Iowa was detached, and double-quicked one-half mile to save a battery from capture, and also to protect it until it could take up a new position. We had not, however, reached to within two hundred yards of the ground, when it was ascertained that the enemy had possession of the guns, and were charging over their works. The regiment opened fire, and held its ground 380 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. against the force, checking their advance, but were obliged to fall back and join the brigade, to save being isolated and captured. In this retreat, the regiment retained its organiza- tion, and rallied four times alone, each time checking the advance of the enemy. The army fell back gradually for three miles in the direction of Winchester, when, General Sheridan arriving on the field, the troops re-formed, and preparations were made to retrieve the disaster of the morning. General Sheridan rode along the line, reviewed the troops, and then ordered an advance on the enemy's lines. In the advance, the Western regiments were formed together in one line, and the duty of changing the fortune of the day confided to their intrepid courage. The enemy met the advance with stubborn resistance, but were compelled to give way before the tremen- dous fighting of General Grover's Division of the 19th Corps. The enemy fell back to a line of breast-works, thrown up by them in the morning to provide against a reverse, where they attempted to make a stand to resist the fierce and determined attack of the Western troops, who, with a deafening cheer, again charged them, routing them from their breast-works, and driving them in confusion in every direction. The disas- ter of the morning had been turned into a victory, and the army, inspired with success, pursued the routed enemy, driv- ing them through the camp occupied in the morning, and over Cedar Creek, capturing thousands of prisoners, and a great portion of their trains and artillery. The cavalry took up the pursuit, making heavy additional captures, rendering the defeat of the enemy the most disastrous during the campaign. The total loss of the regiment in this hardly-contested battle was seventy -seven killed, wounded and missing. Among the wounded of the 22d Iowa, in the battle of Cedar Creek, were Captains L. F. Mullin, A. B. McCree and Charles Hartley, and Lieutenants E. F. Dudley and N. C. Messenger. Captain G. W. Clark was captured. When Sherman left Savannah and Beaufort, on his march northward, the 22d Iowa, with its division, left the Shenan- doah Valley for Eastern Georgia; but all the chief points ot interest in the regiment's history have been already given. COLONEL WILLIAM DEWEY. FIRST COLONEL, TWENTY-THIRD INFANTRY. William Dewey, the original colonel of the 23d Iowa Infantry, and a son of the late Hon. Charles Dewey, a former Judge of the Supreme Bench of Indiana, was born on the 26th day of March, 1811, in the town of Sheffield, Massachusetts. He was educated at the West Point Military Academy, but was not, I think, a graduate of the Institution. After leaving West Point, he studied law in the office of his father, and was admitted to the bar in Indiana, in about the year 1836. He practiced the law for a few years, and then abandoned that profession for medicine, which he studied at the St. Louis Medical College. He completed his medical studies in about the year 1842, and soon after came to Iowa, and settled in Wapello county. In 1850 Colonel Dewey served as one of the commissioners, who were appointed from Iowa to settle the boundary line between Missouri and this State ; after which he removed to Sidney, Fremont County. He practiced medicine in Sidney, till the summer of 1861, when, in connection with Colonel H. T. Reid, he assisted in recruiting and organizing the 15th Iowa Infantry. He was made lieutenant-colonel of that regiment, on the 6th of November, 1861, and, early in the following Spring, accompanied it to Pittsburg Landing. The 15th Iowa reached the Landing on Sunday morning, the 6th of April, just as the battle was opening, and was ordered to report to General Prentiss. All order however was lost before it reached the front, and, really, the regiment fought on its own account and independently of the orders of General officers. 381 dii'Z IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Lieutenant-Colonel Dewey served with the 15th Iowa during the siege of Corinth, and until the 1st of August, 1862, when he was commissioned colonel of the 23d Iowa Infantry. He soon joined his regiment at. its rendezvous in Des Moines. The 23d Iowa was first stationed at Patterson, Missouri: indeed, that was the only point at which it served during the life of Colonel Dewey; for he died at that place on the 30th of November, 1862, of erysipelas. His affair at Pittman's Ferry, on Currant River, is the only one that approached to any thing like an engagement during his colonelcy of the 23d Iowa, and that resulted in little more than a long, fatiguing march. The colonel was a tall, slender man, with gray eyes and spare features. He was not at first popular with his regiment. He was strict and exacting in his discipline, which did not accord with the democratic notions of his men. COLONEL WILLIAM H. KINSMAN. SECOND COLONEL, TWENTY-THIRD INFANTRY. William H. Kinsman, the successor of Colonel Dewey to the colonelcy of the 23d Iowa Infantry, was born in Nova Sco- tia, in the year 1832. More of his early history I have been unable to learn, except that, when about twenty years of age, he went to sea, and passed some three years in voyaging. He inherited nothing from his parents; nor did he ever receive any pecuniary assistance from his friends ; but, by his diligence and economy, he collected a few hundred dollars, and, with this to defray his expenses, he entered the Columbia County Academy, New York. In 1857, he left that institution, and went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he attended one course of lectures in the law school of that city. Early in 1858, he left Cleveland to seek a location in the West, and in May of the same year arrived in Council Bluffs, having crossed the entire State of Iowa on foot. In Council Bluffs he was a total stranger, and, what seemed worse, had no money; but he had energy, integrity and ability — a most excellent inheritance, and a sure guarrantee of success. Soon after arriving at Council Bluffs, he obtained a situation in the law office of Clinton & Baldwin, where, passing his time as student and clerk, he remained till the fall of 1858. In 1858, he was admitted to the bar of the Pottawattamie District Court. For a short time after, he taught school in Council Bluffs, and at the same time wrote for the press of that city ; for he had no means and could not afford to practice his pro- fession. 383 384 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. In the winter of 1858-9, was the Pike's Peali gold mines excitement, and he resolved to visit that new region. That he was moneyless, by no means discouraged him : he could make the journey on foot. He therefore paclced his scanty wardrobe in a knapsack made for the occasion, and, bidding his friends good-bye, left Council Bluffs for Denver, on foot. He made the trip, visited the mines and all the interesting and import- ant localities of the country, and in the following Fall returned to Council Bluffs. If we except the experience he gained, he came back no richer than he went ; but he lost nothing, and thousands were less fortunate than he. While absent in the mines, he corresponded with his friends through the Council Bluffs "Nonpareil;" and his letters, during this time, consti- tuted a new feature of interest in that live and valuable paper. Mr. Kinsman was in Council Bluffs at the outbreak of the rebellion, and at once volunteered. He also assisted in raising the first company that went out from Pottawattamie county. On its organization, he was elected its 2d lieutenant : I believe that General G. M. Dodge was its captain. This company was afterward assigned to the 4th Iowa Infantry, and made Com- pany B, of that regiment. At Rolla, Missouri, he was promo- ted to a captaincy, and with that rank fought at the battle of Pea Ridge. He was detached from his regiment in that engagement, and, with two companies (his own and one from the 24th Missouri Infantry) deployed as skirmishers, covered the left wing of the army. For his vigilance and firmness he was afterward handsomely complimented by Colonel, now General Dodge. Captain Kinsman was appointed by the Pres- ident, in July 1863, assistant adjutant-general to General G. M. Dodge ; but declining the commission he continued with his regiment until the 2d of the following August, when he was promoted to the lieutenant-colonelcy of the 23d Iowa Infantry. He joined the regiment at its rendezvous in Des WILLIAM H. KINSMAN. 385 Moines, and served with it till the death of Colonel Dewey, when he succeeded to the colonelcy. During the winter of 1862-3, the 23d Iowa Infantry was attached to the Army of South East Missouri ; but in the early Spring it broke camp and proceeded to Milliken's Bend, whence it marched on the exciting campaign that resulted in the capture of Vicksburg. The close of that campaign Colonel Kinsman was destined never to see. On this march the 23d Iowa was attached to the division of Carr, of the 13th Army Corps, which first crossed the Mississippi River at Bruinsburg, and led the advance through the enemy's country to the rear of Vicksburg. Port Gibson was the regiment's first battle; and in that engagement its loss was thirty-one killed and wounded. Six were killed. Among the wounded were Cap- tain Henry and Lieutenant Ballard. With its division the 23d Iowa was in reserve at Champion's Hill; but at Big Black Biver Bridge, on the 17th of May, 18G3, it most signally distinguished itself. It lost many brave officers and men, and among others its noble colonel. How General Pemberton, under orders from Joe Johnson, left Vicksburg with nearly his entire army to strike and crush General Grant; and how Grant, divining his plans, turned back on him at Champion's Ilill, and with a force less by one- half than the enemy's, not only defeated, but put him to total rout, is well known. On the heels of the battle of Champion's Hill was that of Big Black River Bridge. Its account will be read with interest. I will fii'st quote from the official report of General Grant: " At day-light on the 17th, the pursuit was renewed with McClernand's Corps in the advance. The enemy was found strongly posted on both sides of the Black River. At this point on Black River, the bluffs extended to the water's edge, on the west bank. On the east side is an open cultivated bottom of near one mile in width, surrounded by a bayou of stagnant 25 386 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. water, from two to three feet in depth, and from ten to twenty feet in width, from the river above tlie railroad to tlie river below." "Following the inside line of this bayou, the enemy had constructed rifle-pits, with the bayou to serve as a ditch on the outside, and immediately in front of them. Carr's Division occupied the right in investing this place, and Lawler's Brigade, the right of his division. After a few hours' skirmishing, Lawler discovered that, by moving a portion of his brigade under cover of the river bank, he could get a position from which that place could be successfully assaulted, and ordered a charge accordingly. Notwithstanding the level ground over which a portion of his troops had to pass without cover, and the great obstacle of the ditch in front of the enemy's works, the charge was gallantly and successfully made; and in a few minutes the entire garrison, with seventeen pieces of artillery, were the trophies of this brilliant and daring movement." It is to be remembered that the direction of Grant's march was from the east. The general course of the Big Black Biver is nearly south-west; but, just above the railroad bridge, it runs nearly east and west. At the point where the bayou of which General Grant sj^eaks puts out, the river bears round to the left, and forms a great bend, at the lower point of which the bayou again unites with the river. The enemy were behind this bayou, and had the river on their right and left, and in their rear. Near the middle of this bend, the river is spanned by the railroad bridge and on its farther side the high ground, which comes squarely up to its bank, was held by the enemy and defended by artillery. Along the bank of the river on the side where the Federal troops were in position was a belt of timber, in which the right of Carr's Division rested : the 23d Iowa was the extreme right regiment. With this exception, the country in front of the enemy was open. The 21st and 23d Iowa regiments made the charge, supported by the 22d Iowa and the 11th Wisconsin. The position of the two leading regiments just before advan- WILLIAM H. KINSMAN. 387 cing on the enemy's works was in the timber and nearly parallel with the river bank; and the movement was to be effected by a grand and rapid right wheel, which, as soon as the open field was gained, would throw the troops under a most murderous fire of musketry and artillery. Eighteen cannon were in position on the east side of the river, in addition to those on the opposite bluff. The infantry force of the enemy could not have been less than five thousand; for over two thousand were captured. Had they not fled like base cowards, how could there have been a survivor in the two leading regiments? This then was the position, and the determination and valor which carried it could have been scarcely less than that which sealed Fort Donelson. Colonel Merrill of the 21st Iowa, and Colonel Kinsman of the [ 23d, were to lead their regiments, and, at the request of Colonel I Merrill, Colonel Kinsman, who held the inner line, was to give the former notice of the moment to move. Soon all was in ! readiness, and notice was dispatched by an orderly. Placing himself now in the front and centre of his regiment, j Colonel Kinsman said: " Captains, lead your companies, and I I will lead you." The shout was now raised, and the heroes ' started on the double-quick, with their guns thrown forward, i as is usual in a charge. What a moment of agony was it till I the enemy opened fire! But the storm of death was not long I deferred. There was a sudden crash along the whole I rebel line, and instantly a purple cloud of smoke enveloped the enemy's breast- works. All anxiety was now gone: the killed and wounded dropped upon the ground, while the others, closing up their ranks, pressed on to victory. Colonel Kinsman had not advanced far till he was struck by I a minnie ball in the abdomen, which felled him. Immediately rising, he said: — "They have not killed me yet," and still moved on ; but he had advanced only a few yards further, when he was shot again — this time through the lungs. He 388 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. fell, mortally wounded; but he said to his regiment as it passed him : — "Go on, go on, I can not go with you further." Beneath a tree, and near where he fell, Colonel Kinsman died. " Bury me," he said, " on the battle-field, and tell my friends I did not falter." And thus fell Colonel Kinsman — of the Iowa colonels the third, who, at that time, had been killed in battle. The country was not his by birth, nor the cause by inheritance; and yet he gave his life in their vindication. What a lesson is his example and devotion to the base men who have struck hands with the Nation's fratricides ! How they will covet the glory that will bear his name down to pos- terity ! He died to save the counfrg — his, only by choice. But, though Colonel Kinsman fell, his regiment did not falter; for his last command had been, "Go on, goon." The enemy, apalled by such bravery, broke in confusion. They all had to cross the bridge, and before that could be accom- plished two thousand of them were captured. Colonel Kins- man and Colonel Merrill each led their regiment in the charge: the former was mortally, and the latter severely wounded. Many other brave men fell. The loss of the 23d Iowa alone was more than one hundred. But the enemy had been routed, and a safe and unmolested passage secured over Big Black River. From that time forward, the history of the 23d Iowa has been made under Colonel Glasgow. I never saw Colonel Kinsman, but learn that he was a man of middle size, erect, and well formed. He had fine, brown hair, blue eyes, a full, high forehead and regular features. The expression of his countenance was frank and pleasing. He was of a very sociable and sensitive nature, and made a fast friend. In civil life, he never bent his energies long in any one direction ; some prophesied he would meet with great success at the bar. As a soldier, he stood among the first the State has sent to the war. BREYET BRIGADIER-GENERAL S. L. GLASGOW. j THIRD COLONEL TWENTY-THIRD INFANTRY. ■ Samuel L. Glasgow is the youngest officer of his rank from Iowa. He is a native of Ohio, and was born in Adams county of that State, on the 17th of September 1838. His education is academic, and was acquired at the South Salem I Academy, Eoss county, Ohio. In the fall of 1856, he left his home in Tranquillity, and, coming to Iowa, settled in Oska- loosa, Mahaska county, where he studied law. He was admit- ted to the bar in 1858, and soon after removed to Corydon, I Wayne county, where he opened a law office. He practiced ' his profession in Corydon till the spring of 1861, when he entered the service. Corydon is his present home. In July, 1861, Mr. Glasgow assisted in enlisting Company I, 4th Iowa Infantry, of which he was elected and commissioned first lieutenant. He served with his regiment in Missouri till ! the 4th of January, 1862, when ill health compelled him to I resign his commission. In the following Summer having ' recovered his health, he recruited a company for the 23d Iowa j Infantry; and, on reporting to his regiment at Des Moines, I was made its major; on the first of the following December he was promoted to the lieutenant-colonelcy. Colonel Kinsman was killed in the charge of his regiment at Big Black River Bridge, on the 17th day of INIay, and, two days later, Lieuten- ant-Colonel Glasgow was made colonel, or rather the 19th day of May, 1863, is the date of his commission. For his gallantry at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, where he saved the place from capture and the black troops from massacre, and for general good conduct since, he was in the spring of 1865, promoted to 389 390 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. brevet brigadier-general. For one so young he has had a brilliant military career. Since entering the service in 1862, General Glasgow's military record has been made with his old regiment. He has served with it constantly. At Port Gibson, its first engagement, he commanded it ; for at that time Colonel Kinsman was under arrest, though for what cause I have been unable to learn. That day he distinguished himself, fighting his regiment almost from morning till night, without rest or food. He engaged the enemy on the left. Brigadier-General E. A. Carr, of Pea Ridge fame, commanded the 14th Division, and in his roll of honor he speaks thus of the 23d Iowa and its brave young commander: "The 23d Iowa, with its gallant com- mander, Lieutenant-Colonel S. L. Glasgow, behaved admi- rably." The battle at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, was the first in which Colonel Glasgow commanded his regiment with his new commission. These briefly are its antecedents. After Joe Johnson's defeat at Jackson, and Pemberton's at Champion's Hill and Big Black River Bridge ; after Sherman had gained Haines' Blufi", and formed communication with the outside world by way of the Yazoo; Pemberton's grand army was shut fast in the very trap which for months the rebel papers had declared was set for Grant. This was all very mortifying, and the least that could now be done was to raise the siege. The enemy, however, boasted that they would capture Grant's army. To this end, Johnson, with troops sent him from nearly every corner of the Confederacy, was to strike the Fed- eral army in the rear, while Holmes, at the same time or a little before, was to capture diflerent points held by the Federal troops along the Mississippi River. Then, with the Mississippi blockaded, and his supplies and reinforcements cut off; with a valorous army in his rear, and a co-operating one in his front, SAMUEL L. GLASCtOW. 891 Grant must surrender. This was what they boasted ; but, had they released their friends, they would doubtless have felt amply compensated. Among the points on the Mississippi to be attacked were Young's Point, Milliken's Bend and Lake Providence. Milli- ken's Bend was the only point where the fighting was severe. How the 23d Iowa happened to be in the affair at Milliken's Bend is explained thus : The regiment, after the engagement at Big Black Biver Bridge, had been detailed as a portion of the troops to guard prisoners north, and had made its trip, and returned to Young's Point. On the afternoon of the 6th of June, word came from Milliken's Bend that the place was being threatened by the enemy ; and, that evening. Colonel Glasgow received orders to proceed with his regiment to that point; for it was garrisoned by only a few colored troops. Arriving that night, the colonel reported to the commandant of the place, and was advised to retain his regiment on the boat, which he did. The commandant anticipated no serious attack. When day-light broke a strange sight met the eye of the regiment. Standing on their boat they first saw commotion among the Federal troops on shore, and then looking across the broad, open fields that stretch back from Milliken's Bend for some half a mile, they saw emerging from the timber and at full run a long, rebel line of battle. Instantly Colonel Glas- gow prepared to debark his regiment, a task always attended with irksome delay. Back a few rods from the river bank is the Mississippi levee. The black troops were already stationed behind it ; but between the enemy and the 23d Iowa there was a race to see who would first reach the place. The regiment, after landing, started on the run by the right flank and the right of it reached the levee just as the enemy came up on the opposite side. 392 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. The left was still back, and as it came up the enemy poured into it a most deadly fire. The struggle which now followed, was of the most desperate character and the conduct of the 23d Iowa was gallant beyond description. The conflict became hand-to-hand, and to give an idea of its fierceness I will state that the person of Colonel Glasgow was bespattered with the blood and brains of his slaughtered men, beaten out with the clubbed muskets of the enemy. The contending forces were separated only by the levee and several hand-to-hand encounters took place on its top. In one instance, a powerful man of the 23d Iowa named John Virtue assaulted a rebel with his bayonet. The i)arties met on the top of the levee, and after a few parries each pierced the other through. They stood thus struggling when another soldier of the 23d Iowa, named Thomas McDowell, rushed on the rebel and beat his brains out with his musket. Virtue afterward died of his wound. The above is an actual occur- rence. And thus the fighting continued until the arrival of the gun-boats from below, when after a few shots the enemy fled to the woods. The 23d Iowa lost in this engagement twenty- three killed and thirty-four wounded. Captain J. C. Brown and Lieutenant Downs were killed ; and among the wounded were Major Houston, Captain Dewey and Lieutenants Carlton and Dewey. The regiment went into the engagement with not above one hundred and ten men. Its losses were frightful. At the same time the enemy attacked INIilliken's Bend, other commands also attacked the posts at Lake Providence and Young's Point. At Young's Point there were but a few shots fired. A squad of one hundred or more convalescents were kept constantly on the march from one point to another, and thus threw the enemy from their reckoning. They thought the place was held by a large force, whereas there were few troops except these convalescents. SAMUEL, L. GLASGOW. 393 A few days after the fight at Milliken's Bend the 23d Iowa re-joined its brigade in rear of Viclcsburg, where it remained until the fall of the city, and then marched under General Sherman on the second trip to Jackson. Next, it sailed with its brigade to Carrollton, Louisiana, and from that point marched on the expedition via Bayou Boeuf, Brashear City, Berwick Bay and Opelousas to Vermillionville. A history of this march will be found in the sketch of the 24th Iowa. For a history of the voyage to the Texan coast in the fall of 1863, and to show the character of services of the 23d Iowa and the other Iowa troops of that division while stationed in that outside country, I quote from the history of one of the regi- ments of the 2d Brigade, (afterward of the 1st) : "On the 20th November proceeded down the river and crossed the bar into the Gulf of Mexico, at 9 A. M., of the 21st. On the 26th, after a stormy and perilous voyage, arrived at the mouth of the Rio Grande, and off Brazos Santiago, Texas. Here an attempt was made to land a portion of the troops at Point Isabel. The ship drawing too much water to cross the bar, five companies of the 11th Wisconsin were landed in small boats, but during the undertaking — a somewhat hazardous one — a storm arose, and the ship was compelled to put to sea again, leaving that portion of the troops landed at Point Isa- bel. On the evening of the 27th, we arrived off Mustang Island, seventy miles from Matagorda Bay, and the storm having somewhat abated, succeeded in landing the troops safely. On the 29th, proceeded on the expedition against Fort Esperanza, commanding the entrance to Matagorda Bay, crossed St. Joseph's and Matagorda Islands, and arrived at our destination December 1st. The enemy, having blown up their magazines, and abandoned their works the night previous, we encamped near the port of Saluria. December 2d, crossed Pass Cavallo, at the entrance of the bay, and went into camp on the Peninsula, at De Crou's Point. Remained at this place until January 3d, 1864, when proceeded to Indianola, up the bay, a distance of forty miles. The enemy occupied the town, but fled at the approach of the Union army. We were quartered in houses at Indianola about tliree weeks, when the brigade 394 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. was ordered to Old Indianola, where it went into winter quar- ters. While at Old Indianola, the 1st and 2d Brigades were consolidated, and formed the 1st Brigade of the 1st Division; the former commanded by Brigadier-General Fitz Henry Warren, and the latter successively by Generals Washburne, Dana, and Benton. "On the 13th day of March, the troops evacuated the town and returned to Matagorda Island. All other troops of the 13th Army Corps having left the Island, the 1st Division under command of General Dana was assigned to the defenses of the coast at this point. ********* " On the 21st of April, was ordered to embark on board the steamers, and proceed on an expedition, under command of General Warren in person, to Port Lavacca, a distance of sev- enty miles from the mouth of the bay, and thirty miles above Indianola ; the object of which was to obtain lumber for the completion of the forts, and other works already constructed on the island. We arrived in front of town at noon on the 23d instant, when the enemy, consisting of one company of Wall's cavalry, seeing the approach of the steamers, fled to the coun- try. Port Lavacca is beautifully situated on the west bank of Lavacca Bay, and contained before the war nearly two thousand inhabitants." On the receipt of the news of disaster to Banks up the Red River in the latter part of April, 18G4, the Texan coast was abandoned by the chief portion of the Federal troops, they being ordered to report to that officer ; for Banks had caught the bear, and he wanted reinforcements "to help him let go." The fleet bearing the command proceeded up the Red River as far as Fort De Russey. Here the river was found obstruc- ted and the troops returning to its mouth disembarked. They remained in camp till Banks was about to work his way through to Simmsport when they proceeded to the latter place. But the history of these operations, and of those in which the 23d Iowa took part during the following Summer and Fall are void of much interest. Colonel Glasgow and the 23d Iowa have more recently distinguished themselves in the SAMUEL L. GLASGOW. 395 operations around Mobile. Leaving Morganzia on the oth of January, 1865, the colonel proceeded with his regiment to Kennerville about twenty-five miles above New Orleans, and then prepared for the coming Spring Campaign. The 23d Iowa operated under Granger, and marched to the rear of Spanish Fort from Mobile Point, crossing Fish River at Dan- ley's Mill or Ferry. With the 19th Iowa, 20th Wisconsin and 94th Illinois the 23d held the extreme left of the Federal line and in pushing its approaches toward Spanish Fort led every regiment of its division. Indeed General Granger issued I orders I am told for it to cease work till the balance of his troops could dig their way up. To show the zeal with which the officers and men worked, I give the following: The country in which the left of Granger's command operated ! was a level sandy plain, and no one could rise from the trenches without being exposed to the fire of the enemy's sharp-shooters. In front of Colonel Glasgow's line, which was not more than I seventy-five or eighty yards from the enemy's works, was a I rail pen near which he was desirous to start a trench, to meet I another, being dug on the left of his line. To R. W. Cross, a gallant young oflicer, and some half-dozen of his men was entrusted this dangerous work. I need not add that it was successfully accomplished, only one man was wounded. The party were obliged to run nearly fifty yards under the enemy's fire, before reaching cover ; the captain and each man carried a gun and shovel. There is little more of special interest in the history of the 23d Iowa. After the fall of Mobile it accompanied the Federal forces to Texas. It will probably soon be mustered out of the service. I Without regard to his age, General Glasgow is one of the I bravest and best ofiicers of the volunteer service. He is taU 396 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. and slender in person, has black hair and eyes, and a lively intelligent countenance. He is a much better looking man than his portrait represents. ■ I am told that in battle he is gallant in the extreme : that, if there is a charge to be made, he never sends, but leads his men. At Spanish Fort, he was anxious to assault the ene- my, whom he believed to be evacuating the place; (which afterward proved true ) but the brigade commander would not consent. *' The ground is full of shells, and we shall be all blown to pieces." " Who cares for the shells ? " replied Glas- gow, '* my regiment will follow me." He is the model of a gallant, chivalric young officer. COLONEL EBER C. BY AM. TWEXTY-FOURTH INFANTEY. Eber C. Byam was born in Canada West, in the year 1826. All that I know of him prior to entering the service is, he was a Methodist preacher. He was made colonel of the 24th Iowa, on the 7th day of August, 1SG2, and served with his regiment tiU after the fall of Vicksburg, when he resigned his commis- sion. The history of the 24th Iowa up to the time its brigade reported to Carrollton, Louisiana, in the sununer of 1863, will be found substantially in the sketches of Colonels Miller and Connell, of the 28th Iowa. It fought at the battles of Port Gibson, and Champion's Hill, and took part in the siege of Vicksburg. At Champion's Hill, its position was to the right of the 28th Iowa; and, like that regiment, it was among the first troops to engage the enemy. Its loss in that engagement was terribly severe, and was chiefly sustained while charging, capturing and holding a rebel battery in its front. The act was daring in the extreme. Leaving its place in the line, it advanced on the battery without any support, and without any disposition being made to protect its flanks. It accord- ingly became an object of the enemy's concentrated fire, which in a short time disorganized it. It retired to the rear in disorder, and took no further part in the engagement. The loss of the regiment in the engagement I have been unable to learn. The 24th Iowa reached Carrollton, about the middle of Aug- ust, 1868, where it remained one month in camp, and then left with its division on an expedition up the Teche. For a history 397 398 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. of this march, the object of which I never knew, I refer to an account, given by the chaplain of the 28th Iowa. " On the 13th of September, we received orders from General Banks to move, which proved to be over the railroad, west from New Orleans, or rather Algiers, to Brashear. * * We commenced moving up Bayou Teche on the 3d of October; and, after a slow march which gave ample time to forage through a beautiful country, abounding in beef and sweet potatoes, orange groves and sugar plantations, reached Opelou- sas on the 23d instant, a distance of one hundred miles. It is needless to say that when the luxuries of this clime got in our way we ate them. The authorities would sometimes interdict them ; yet, it required a fine taste to tell the difference, while the ingenuity of the men seemed fully up to the exigency of possessing themselves of any thing they needed as food. No enemy of strength being found, this expedition was evidently at a terminus. * * * * "On the first day of November, General Franklin com- menced a retrograde movement, and we began failing back in the direction of Franklin. No sooner had we commenced fall- ing back than the enemy began to harass our rear and flanks. We reached Carrion Crow Bayou, on the second day, and remained here till the 7th instant. One brigade of the 4th Division, under command of General Burbridge, being left at Grand Chateau, four miles in our rear, were, on the 3d instant, attacked by the enemy. The regiment, with a part of our division, was ordered out to his assistance. We went promptly at double-quick for three miles; for it was apparent that the enemy were pressing him severely, that they had already turned his left flank, and were gaining his rear. This brought our troops directly facing the foe, who were already flushed with success. Teams and numerous attendants were stam- peding to the rear, and great danger of confusion and disaster was imminent. Our division was hastily put in line, and the command to charge given, when the whole command went in at double-quick, with fixed bayonets. This the enemy could not stand, and they fell back in confusion, leaving their dead and wounded. In the meantime the rebels had sent a force to attack our camps, and the firing of our pickets soon became spirited. A detachment of the 24th Iowa was thrown out to their support. The sick and lame, to the last man, were EBER C. BYAM. 399 ordered out, and hobbled into the ranks; but, after a brisk engagement with our pickets, the rebels retired, leaving two of their men dead. Our teams, which had been hurried out with our camp equipage, returned, and all was again quiet. " On the morning of the 9th of November, we moved toward Vermillionville ; but when within six miles of that place, the enemy made demonstrations upon our rear, and the command halted. Our brigade was formed to receive the attack, but the enemy came no further than our skirmishers, and we continued the march and went into camp near Vermillionville, in a drenching rain." In this connection the author speaks of an incident, like examples of which have been often witnessed at new encamp- ments. I allude to the tearing down of rebel buildings by the soldiers and the construction of chebcmgs with the material. The rebels called it vandalism, but I have often witnessed the operation with admiration. Two-story dwellings, with out- houses, have been utterly demolished in ten minutes time. While witnessing the performance one could think of nothing but an unfortunate caterpillar, dropped by accident in an ant- bed. The 24th Iowa remained at Vermillionville till about the 20th of November, when it fell back to the rebel Camp Pratt, and the next day to New Iberia, at the head of navigation on the Teche. Here the regiment remained till the middle of December, and then returned to Berwick, and in a short time proceeded to Madisonville, on Lake Pontchartrain. At Madi- sonville the regiment went into quarters, and remained until General Banks organized his Red River Campaign. The 24th joined in that celebrated failure, a history of which will be found in the sketch of Colonel Connell and the 28th Iowa. The 24th Iowa reached Morganzia Bend, on the 22d of May, 1864, after the nine days' exhausting march from Alexandria. Here it remained till about the middle of June, when, with its brigade, it was ordered down to Carrollton and thence west to 400 IOWA COLONELS AND KEGIMENTS. Thibadaux, to anticipate General Dick Taylor, who, with a large force, was reported to be moving on Brashear. But nothing came of this expedition, and on the Gth of the follow- ing July the troops struck tents and moved back to Algiers. Early in July a portion of the 19th Corps as re-organized was summoned to the Eastern Department, and preparations were made for its hasty departure. Grant needed these troops at Petersburg, and Sheridan, in the valley of the Shenandoah ; and there was little now that required their services on the Gulf. Steele was in danger of being driven from Little Bock, and a portion of the 19th Corps was dispatched to his assist- ance : the balance took boats for Fortress Monroe. The 24th and 2Sth Iowa left New Orleans for the last named place on the 22d of July. The 22d Iowa with its brigade had left for the same destination several days before. This was an event- ful passage in the history of these regiments, and, when well out in the Gulf the news was broken to them that they were going to the Potomac, it was hailed with universal acclama- tion. No Iowa soldier had as yet trod the soil of Virginia. All his fame had been earned in south-western dejmrtments, and he was impatient to measure his bayonet with those of the boasted Virginia veterans. For these troops this was the first ocean trip. They had made short journeys on the Gulf, but none of sufficient length to make them familiar with that detestable, though invigora- ting sickness, which is certain to overwhelm all new voyagers. They wore not more fortunate than others ; for, says the chap- lain of the 28th Iowa, when the sickness was on them, they were at first afraid they would die, and then afraid they would not. The hardest feature of the journey was the crowded condition of the boats; this, with the hot weather and the meager supply of fresh water, put many on the sick list, and, as soon as land was made, in the hospitals. EBER C. BYAM. 401 After touching at Fortress Monroe, the fleet proceeded to Alexandria, where the troops were debarked and transferred by ferry to Washington. From Washington they were ordered by General Augur, to the Shenandoah. The 24th and 28th Iowa were the first Iowa troops in the National Capital, and their march down Pennsylvania Avenue is thus referred to by Chaplain Simmons, who has published a history of his regiment. "About noon of the 3d, we started from the depot, passing down Pennsylvania Avenue, with our battle-worn colors float- ing over the column. * * The fame of Iowa troops had been long talked of in Washington, and now, for the first time, its people looked on living Iowa regiments. Much interest seemed to be manifested by the citizens. The boys caught the enthusiasm, and their soldierly deportment evinced their appreciation, and called out from the public press honorable mention. I can not fail to mention that citizens of Iowa thronged to greet us. Many others, gentlemen, ladies and children, mingled in the throng, to lavish their sympathies upon these brave men. Men of position and influence gave their congratulations; children mingled with the soldiers; and the ladies— God bless them— blushed not to smile their sym- pathies upon our war-worn veterans." From Washington, the 24th Iowa, with its brigade and division, marched by way of Snicker's Gap to Berry ville, where they formed a junction with Sheridan. Sheridan as elsewhere stated was at the time falling back before Early ; and, after the arrival of the 19th Corps, he continued his retrograde movement till he arrived first, at Charlestown and then, near the bights of Harper's Ferry, where he threw up fortifications. After resting five days in this position, he moved forward to Charlestown, and two weeks later again advanced, encountering the enemy near Berryville. Early fell back across the Opequan to near Winchester, and both armies fortified. This was on the 8th of September. Eleven daj-s 402 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. later, the advance was resumed down the rugged Berryville pike, and the enemy encountered, when was fought the des- perate battle of Winchester or Opequan Creek, the first of the series which utterly demolished the invincible cohorts of Early. The 22d, 24th, and 28th Iowa fought together in this engage- ment ; and their services on the field were nearly the same. I have been unable to obtain the ofiicial report of Colonel Wilds, the commanding officer of the 24th Iowa, and therefore append an extract from the report of Lieutenant-Colonel B. W. Wilson of the 28th. The two regiments fought side by side : " Early on the morning of the 19th, we broke camp near Berryville, and proceeded with the rest of the brigade on the Wmchester pike. After crossing the Opequan, I formed in line of battle, my regiment occupying the extreme left of the brigade, and, on receiving orders to advance, immediately moved forward, and was soon warmly engaging the enemy. The 1st Brigade of our division being in advance was pressed back through our lines; yet we moved steadily forward for almost fifty yards, under one of the hottest fires of shot shell and canister I ever witnessed. Here I was ordered to halt. At this point the fighting was most terrific ; yet I am happy to say that none showed a disposition to either shrink from duty or to Ml back. * * We followed the retiring foe beyond Winchester, where night overtook us and we lay down to brood over the events of the day." As stated in the sketch of Colonel Graham of the 22d Iowa, the first successes of tlie 19th Corps were changed into reverses,' threatening to make the contest a defeat, almost before it had become a battle. In the midst of the confusion that followed the well-nigh disastrous repulse, was an example of coolness and courage on the part of an officer of the 24th Iowa, which is thus recorded by one who took part in the engagement: "One instance of coolness and discipline, which contrasted curiously with the general panic, was noticed by Captain Brad- bury of the 1st Maine Battery. * * Through the midst of EBER C. BYAM. 403 the confusion came a captain of infantry— William T. Bigby of the 24th Iowa — leading a sergeant and twelve men, all marching as composedly as if returning from drill. * Captain, you are not going to retreat any further, I hope?' said Brad- bury. 'Certainly not,' was the reply. 'Halt; about-face. Three cheers, men ; hip, hip, hurrah ! ' The little band cheered lustily. It ivas the first note of defiance that broke the desperate monotony of the panic. It gave heart to every one who heard it, and made an end of retreat in that part of the field. In a few minutes, the platoon swelled to a battalion, composed of men from half a dozen regiments." On the 20th instant, Sheridan pressed the pursuit, and, passing through Strasburg, found the enemy entrenched on Fisher's Hill. They were again encountered and so severely punished that their retreat became a hopeless rout. Sheridan followed them to beyond Harrisonburg, and then fell back to Cedar Creek, where he arrived on the 10th of October, and where he fought, on the 19th instant, the remarkable battle bearing that name. I give below Lieutenant-Colonel Wright's account of the part the 24th Iowa sustained in the battle of Cedar Creek. After having stated preliminarily, that his regiment was, at 5 o'clock in the morning of the 19th, in line of battle and ready to march with its brigade on a reconnoissance, the colonel says: " At ten minutes past 5 o'clock, firing commenced on the picket line of the 8th Corps. Supposing it to be only a recon- noissance by the enemy, it created but little alarm. In a few minutes heavy firing commenced on the left and front of the 8th Corps. It was not yet day-light, and a dense fog, which had settled to the ground, rendered it almost impossible to distinguish objects at any distance. Soon after the firing com- menced on the left, the brigade was ordered to move by the left flank, until the left of the 24th Iowa rested on the pike. "Colonel Wilds ordered me to ride to the left of the regiment, and lead it to the place indicated, but before reaching the pike, I was ordered to halt, and take position, as we were already 404 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. receiving the enemy's fire. * * The fog was so dense that it was impossible to tell what was in front of us, and as the 8th Corps was falling back at the time, our fire was reserved until the enemy had pressed his columns close up to and charged the battery on the right, one piece of which was captured. We held the position, however, until Colonel Shunk, discovering that the enemy had thrown a column across the pike on our left, ordered the brigade to fall back about five hundred yards, and take position parallel to, and facing the pike. This was done in good order, and the position taken and held, until it became necessary, in the opinion of General Grover, to fall back, in order to prevent being cut off entirely. (Up to this time the regiment had lost six men killed, and about forty wounded.) The order was given to fall back as rapidly as pos- sible in the direction of the camp of the 6th Corps. The enemy came in heavy force on our left, and captured four officers and about forty men. The brigade fell back about one mile, and formed between the 1st Brigade, General Birge, and the 6th Corps, which was on the left. Previous to this time, Colonel AVilds had been wounded, and carried from the field. I had also received a bruise on my hip from a piece of shell, and a wound from a musket-ball in the left arm near the elbow, which sickened me so that I could not ride for near an hour, and the regiment was commanded by Captain L. Clark, during my absence. " Soon after I returned to the regiment, which was then in the position above mentioned, the enemy made a flank move- ment to the left of the 6th Corps, rendering it necessary for it to fall back, and we were ordered to retire by the right of regi- ments to the rear. We moved in this manner nearly three miles, halted, took position, procured ammunition, and pre- pared to renew the battle. After we had rested about half an hour, Major-General Sheridan came on the field, having been absent since the morning of the 18th. He ordered the 8th Corps to take position on the left of the pike between Middle- town and Newtown, the 6th Corps the centre and the 19th Corps the right. Sent two divisions of cavalry to the right, and one to the rear. " The 4th Brigade was formed on the extreme left of the 19th Corps, connecting with the right of the 6th Corps. In this EBEB C. BYAM. 405 position the troops were ordered to rest, and throw up some temporary works. " About 12 o'clock I was ordered to move the 24th Iowa to the extreme right of the 19th Corps, and protect the flank. I immediately moved to the place indicated, took position, and threw out a skirmish line. In this position I remained until 3 o'clock P. M., when I received orders to call in my skirmish- ers, and take my place in the line, as it was going to advance. My skirmishers had just reported when the advance was sounded. In order to get my position in the line, I had to double-quick about one mile, and during the greater part of this distance, we had to pass through the fire of the enemy's guns, which overshot our advancing columns, the shells exploding in the rear. About 3} o'clock, I got my place in the line, which steadily advanced, driving the enemy from every position taken until we reached the camp we left in the morning. Here we halted, and made some cofi'ee (those of us who were fortunate enough to have any), the first we had tasted since the evening of the 18th. We found one wounded officer there, who had hidden among the rocks during the day, and quite a number of our wounded men. Every thing was taken from our camp, leaving the men and most of the officers without haversacks, blankets, or shelter tents. "At 8 o'clock P. M., the regiment moved forward, with the brigade, to a point near Strasburg, to protect the parties that were sent out to collect the property abandoned by the enemy in his hasty retreat. There we bivouacked for the night, without fires, the men sufltering severely for want of blankets and proper clothing to protect them from the excess- ive cold." " On the following morning (20th) the remainder of the 2d Division came up, and we went into camp about one mile from Strasburg. " It would appear invidious to mention individual cases of gallantry during the day, when all, both men and officers, did their whole duty. I can not close, however, without referring to the bravery of our lamented Colonel Wilds, who was wounded soon after day-light, and died November 18th. In him we lost a noble, brave, and efficient officer." Each of the three Iowa regiments were conspicuous in the 406 IOWA COLONELS AND BEGIMENTS. battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek. In those of Winchester or Opequan and Cedar Creek, the 24th suffered severely. In the battle of Opequan, the 24th Iowa lost two offi- cers and nine men killed, and four officers and fifty-six men wounded. Captain J. B. Gould and Lieutenant S. S. Dillman were killed ; and Captain S. J. McKinley, Lieutenant and Adju- tant D. W. Camp, and Lieutenants W. W. Edgington and R. S. Williams, were wounded. At Fisher's Hill, the loss of the regiment was only one officer and four men wounded. The regiment lost, at Cedar Creek, seven men killed; six officers and thirty-nine men wounded, and two officers and thirty-nine men captured. The wounded officers were Colonel John Q. Wilds, Major Edward Wright, Captains A. R. Knott, E. H. Pound and A. M. Loomis, and Lieutenant C. H. Kurtz. Col- onel Wilds was thirty-nine years of age; was a native of Penn- sylvania, and entered the service from Mount Vernon. Before going to Virginia, he had commanded his regiment for several months. The 24th Iowa is known as the "Methodist Regi- ment." COLONEL GEORGE AUGUSTUS STONE. TWENTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. George Augustus Stone is a native of New York State, and was born in the town of Schoharie, on the 13th of October, 1833. In 1839 his father removed with his family to the then Territory of Iowa, and settled in Washington county. Her§ young Stone resided, attending common school a principal por- tion of the time, till 1849, when he removed to Mt. Pleasant. After completing his studies at the Mt. Pleasant schools, he was received into the banking house at that place, and, in 1851 , was appointed cashier of the bank, which position he held till ■ the spring of 1861. Early in the spring of 1861 he assisted in I recruiting Company F, 1st Iowa Infantry, Captain Samuel M. } Wise, and on its organization was elected its first lieutenant. I He served with his regiment in Missouri during its three ' month's term of service, and took part in the battle of Wil- 1 son's Creek. I Lieutenant Stone's term of service in the 1st Iowa expired I in August, and, in the following October, he was commis- sioned a major in the 4th Iowa Cavalry, with which regiment he served till the 10th of August, 1862, when he was promoted to the colonelcy of the 25th Iowa Infantry. In November, 1862, Colonel Stone's regiment arrived at Helena, Arkansas, whence it sailed, in the latter part of December following, on the expedition against Vicksburg by way of Chickasaw Bayou. Chickasaw Bayou was its first engagement. Its second was Arkansas Post, and there, like the 26th Iowa, it suffered severely, losing in killed and wounded more than sixty. The regiment was attached to Hovey's 407 408 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Brigade, of Steele's Division — the division whicli did the fight- ing and captured the strong-hold. It served as a support to the 76th Ohio, and just in rear of that regiment charged through an open field in the face of a withering fire from the enemy's artillery and musketry. Passing the enemy's obstruc- tions, it advanced to within one hundred yards of their works ; and in that position engaged them for nearly three hours, and until the garrison surrendered. So cool and gallant was its conduct, that a Texan colonel, captured with the garrison, remarked: "I was almost sure those were Iowa troops-" Five commissioned ofiicers were wounded in this engage- ment—Captains Palmer and Bell, and Lieutenants Stark, Orr, and Clark. Nine enlisted men were killed, among whom were Sergeant Zickafoose, and Corporals Wilson and James W. Thompson. Adjutant S. P. Clark, who was wounded severely in the leg, was conspicuous for his cool and gallant conduct. " He earned and received the praise of the entire regiment." Privates Hiram Payne and B. F. Weaver, who bore the colors of the regiment, earned and received equal praise. After the Deer-Creek-Sun-Flower-&c. exjjedition, the 25th Iowa marched with Sherman, via Jackson, to the rear of Vicksburg; but, like the 26th Iowa, failed to meet the enemy till it arrived before the doomed city. Being in the same division with the 26th Iowa, its services before Vicksburg were nearly the same as those of that regiment. In the charge of the 22d of May, it was one of the front regiments in the charging line, and, with its colonel in the advance, moved against a strong fort on the north side of the city. It passed unfalteringly through the galling fire that met it as it moved upon and along the bights in plain view and within shot range of the enemy, but was unable to carry the rebel works, and after holding its position till night was, with the balance of the division, ordered to retire to the position it occupied in the GEORGE A. STONE. 409 morning. On that day, Private Isaac Mickey, of the enlisted men of the regiment, most distinguished himself. An account of the march on Jackson, Mississippi, and the evacuation of that city by Johnson, after the fall of Vicksburg, having been given in other parts of this volume, I need simply state that the 25th Iowa took part in those operations. After the termination of that expedition, the regiment returned with its division to the Big Black River, where it remained till the 23d of September following, when it moved with General Sherman on the march to Chattanooga. The 1st Division of the 15th Corps, to which the 25th Iowa was attached and which was commanded by Brigadier-General P. J. Osterhaus, was the only one that engaged the enemy on this march. The fighting, which was not severe, took place at and between Cherokee Station, Alabama, and Tuscumbia, and, to give an idea of its character, I quote from the ofllcial statement of Colonel George A. Stone : " On Sunday evening, October 25th, at Cherokee, our divi- sion received marching orders for 4 A. M. next day; and accordingly the division moved at the hour indicated, in the direction of Tuscumbia, in light marching order, and in fine fighting condition. The 1st Brigade, Brigadier-General C. R. Woods commanding, had the advance, and ours, the 2d Brigade, Colonel A. J. Williamson commanding, the rear. General Osterhaus' orders were very imperative and strict concerning the tactical arrangement of battalions, as the enemy, but some three miles in front of us, was composed entirely of cavalry, and our equal fully in numerical strength. About two miles from camp we met the enemy's skirmishers, and here formed line of battle, the 1st Brigade on the right, and the 2d on the left, with one of the other divisions of our corps as a reserve. My position was on the extreme left, and, n accordance with orders, I formed a square to repel cavalry, first, however, having covered my front properly with skir- mishers. Our skirmishers pushed the enemy so vigorously and our lines followed so promptly, that, after a short resist- ance, he fell back to another position some four miles to his 10 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS . rear, and made another stand. The same disposition was made again by our division, the same sharp, short fighting, and the same result — the retreat of the enemy. We continued this skirmishing during the entire day, and renewed it on the 27th, literally fighting them from Cherokee to Tuscumbia,- We entered the town at 3 P. M. on the 27th." The 25th Iowa in these operations lost only one man — Ser- geant Nehemiah M. Redding —who was killed on the skirmish line. Other regiments suffered more severely. In this connec- tion I should state that there had been fighting on the 21st of the same month, on the entrance of Osterhaus' Division into Cherokee Station. It was in the affair of that day that the lamented Colonel Torrence, of the 30th Iowa, was killed. Returning to Cherokee on the 28th instant. Colonel Stone marched thence with his regiment back to Chickasaw Land- ing, and crossed the Tennessee with his division, on the 4th of November. The march from that point to Chattanooga was continued without incident. The division of Osterhaus not arriving till the evening of the 23d of November, and being too late to operate with Sherman above Chattanooga, was ordered to report to General Hooker, who, on the following day, was to assault the enemy on Lookout Mountain. For the part taken by the 25th Iowa in the engagement on and around Lookout Mountain, on the 24th of November, I again quote from a statement of Colonel Stone : "Al9:30, A. M., I had orders to go to the front, just under a point of rocks on Lookout Mountain, to support the guns of Battery I, 1st New York Artillery, now in position, and two of which guns were protected by being hastily case- mated. This position I retained during the day, and on account of the admirable place for defense, and the inability of the enemy to sufliciently depress his guns, I found at dark I had not lost a man. "Nothing could exceed the grandeur of this battle from the point at which we viewed it. [The position of the 25th Iowa was at a point on the north end of Lookout Mountain] . Every I GEORGE A. STONE. 411 I gun from Raccoon Mountain to Moccasin Point was in plain I view, and our lines of infantry so close that acquaintances were j easily recognized. At 12 M., the grand attack began, and I soon the smoke of the battle hung over and enveloped the i mountain, like a funeral pall; and the whole battle, like a I panorama, passed around and before us." I This was the first battle whose progress the 25th Iowa had witnessed without being engaged ; and the recollections of that ' afternoon will never be effaced from the memories of the regi- ment. But the scenery of the following night was even more 1 terribly magnificent; for the fighting continued around and up I the mountain until long after mid-night. In the engagement on Lookout Mountain, the regiment suf- j fered no loss: nor did it, in that of the following day on Mission j Ridge. In the latter it was not engaged, being detached, with the 26th Iowa, for the purpose of anticipating an attack, which it was supposed two regiments of rebel cavalry designed 1 making on the left. But it followed in pursuit of General JBragg's flying forces to Ringgold, and engaged the enemy there in their strong works, on the morning of the 27th of November. Ringgold, which is planted among the broken, irregular hills of Northern Georgia, is about twenty-five miles south of Chat- jtanooga. On a line of these hills the enemy had taken up an lintrenched position in considerable force, which, contrary to the expectation of General Osterhaus, they held stubbornly. To dislodge them it became necessary to deploy the division so as to carry the works by assault. The position of the ;.25th Iowa, in the assaulting line, was at the front and on the extreme left in an open field. On the hill in its front were the enemy, protected by abattis and breast-works. A point of this hill, which was rocky and in places precipitous, extended down to the field where the 25th stood in position. Up this the regi- ment was to charge. On rugged points, both to the right and 412 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. left, the enemy's infantry were posted, so as to rake by a right and left flanking fire the assaulting party. In front of the regiment were two rebel colors, defended doubtless by two rebel regiments. This then was the position of the 25th Iowa, when the advance was sounded. The contest now began along the whole line, and lasted for about an hour ; when the enemy, no longer able to withstand the cool, steady valor of their assailants, fled from their works and hastened on to Dal ton. The loss of the 25th Iowa at Ringgold was twenty-nine wounded. None were killed. Of the twenty-one officers who entered the fight, seven were struck. After the battle at Ringgold, the 25th Iowa marched back to Chattanooga, and thence, via Bridgeport, to Woodville, Ala- bama, where, with its brigade, it went into Winter quarters. It remained in Winter quarters, however, only about a month; for, on the organization of General Matthies' temporary Divi- sion to march to the relief of Knox ville, it was assigned to that command, and on the 11th of February, 1864, broke camp and again took the field. It was rumored when the division left Bridgeport, that it was to march only to Chattanooga, where, being relieved by other troops, it would be permitted to remain on guard-duty. But there was in store no such good fortune; for, on the morning of the 16th instant, it resumed the march eastward in the direction of Cleveland. It was now the season of the year when the Southern Winter was breaking, and the alternating rain and sunshine, and cold and heat did not contribute to the good nature of the troops; and, as they trudged on through the mud, their minds soured at what they called the injustice of the commanding; general. "He don't care a d— n, as long as he can ride a horse," and "If I could catch him a-foot, if I didn't give him an appetite for his hafd-tac/c,^^ and other like expressions were GEORGE A. STONE. 413 not unfrequently heard on this march. No veteran infantry trooper will wonder at these spiteful ebullitions ; for it should be remembered that these troops were all of the 15th Corps, who, during the three past months, had marched nearly four hundred miles, and fought in three hard battles. After the march to Cleveland, which resulted in nothing of special interest, the 25th Iowa returned to Woodville, where it remained till its division left for the front to join General Sherman in his grand campaign against Atlanta. The events of that campaign, in which the 25th Iowa took an honorable part, will be found elsewhere, as will also the history of Sher- man's march from Atlanta to Savannah, and from Savannah to Raleigh, North Carolina. In the operations of General Sherman in his march from Savannah to Raleigh, the capture of Columbia, South Carolina, is conspicuous. The credit of this affair belongs to the Iowa Brigade of the 15th Corps, to which the 25th Iowa Infantry was attached. j The question as to who was entitled to the honor of having 1 first planted the American Flag on the Capitol buildings at Columbia, has been in some doubt. It is claimed by Justin C. Kennedy of the 13th Iowa, and by Colonel George A. Stone. The following I believe to be correct history : The 15th Corps' Iowa Brigade, commanded by Colonel G. A. Stone, forced the enemy back and captured the city ; but in the meantime, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Kennedy, with a few men, crossed the Congaree in a rickety boat, and, hurrying on to the city, succeeded in first gaining both the old and new Capitol buildings. The harv- ner of the 13th Iowa, in the hands of Colonel Kennedy, was the prst to wave from the buildings ; but the first American Flag was that belonging to the 31st Iowa, which was planted by the hands of Colonel Stone. But Iowa's brave sons should not 414 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. allow jealousies to sully their fair fame. It is enough for the State to know that her soldiery received the surrender of Columbia. For several weeks after the battles around Chattanooga, Col- onel Stone commanded the Iowa Brigade. lie also com- manded this brigade on the march from Savannah to Goldsboro and Raleigh. He is an excellent young officer — prompt, pre- cise and sprightly. He is a middle-sized man, with black hair, and merry, brown eyes. In appearance, he is quite youthful. I never saw him but once, and that was while I was in the service, and just after he had succeeded to a brigade command. A stalwart captain was riding by his side, and both were enveloped in ponchos; for it rained in those days about Bridge- port. The captain I took for the commander, and the colonel for an aid, or orderly. The colonel is proud and ambitious, and is happily free from that self-importance — a sort of pseudo-dignity — which seems to afflict army officers conversely in proportion to their merit. COLONEL MILO SMITH. TWENTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. MiLO Smith was born in "the State of Vermont, about the year 1819. At the time of entering the service he was a resi- dent of Clinton, Iowa. He was commissioned colonel of the 26th Iowa, the 10th day of August, 1862; was mustered into the United States service on the 30th of the following Septem- ber; and served with his regiment in the field until after the fall and occupation of Savannah, when he resigned his commis- jsion and returned to his home in Clinton. I know more of the 26th Iowa than of its colonel. The regi- ent, like all the regiments of its old brigade, has a splendid record. It was raised in Clinton and adjoining counties, in the summer and early fall of 1862, and proceeding to the front arrived at Helena, Arkansas, in the latter part of the following , October. The first military movements in which it joined yere the White River and Tallahatchie marches. It also pined General Sherman in his operations against Vicksburg, ate in December, 1862, by way of Chickasaw Bayou and the iValnut Hills; but in the severe and disastrous fighting which )ok place at that point, it took no part, being detached from |s brigade, and engaged on pioneer-duty. 'The regiment's first engagement was Arkansas Post. This ittle was not only its first, but, judging from its list of casual- 2s, the severest one in which it ever took part. Its position 'I the field wiis exposed, and it was not only subjected to a .'vere fire from the enemy's artillery, but to a direct and irtially enfilading musketry-fire. The regiment went into te engagement with an aggregate, in officers and enlisted men, 415 416 IOWA COLONELS AND BEGIMENTS. Of four hundred and forty-seven, and lost, in killed and wounded, one hundred and nineteen. Two officers were killed, and six wounded. The killed were Lieutenants P. L. Hyde and J. S. Patterson ; Lieutenant James McDill died of his wounds a few days after the engagement. Colonel Milo Smith was slightly wounded in the leg. Among the enlisted men killed were Corporal Shaffer, Pankow, Delong and J. E. Stearns. Lieutenants William R. Ward and Edward Svend- sen were wounded. The engagement at Arkansas Post took place on the 11th of January, 1863; and on the 13th instant the regiment left that place on transports for Young's Point, Louisiana. General Steele's Division, of General Sherman's Corps, to which the 26th Iowa was attached, was the one selected by General Sherman to open up a passage through Deer Creek to the Yazoo River, and thereby gain the high lands to the rear of Haines' Bluff and Vicksburg. The following is from General Grant's official report of his '* operations against Vicksburg: "On the 14th day of March, Admiral D. D. Porter, com- manding the Mississippi squadron, informed me that he bad made a reconnoissance up Steele's Bayou, and partially through Black Bayou, towards Deer Creek; and so far as explored, these water-courses were reported navigable for the smaller iron-clads. Information, given mostly, I believe, by the neo-roes of the country, was to the effect that Deer Creek could be navigated to Rolling Fork, and that from there, through the Sun-Flower to the Yazoo River, there was no question about the navigation. On the following morning, I accompa- nied Admiral Porter in the ram Price, several iron-clads pre- ceding us, up through Steele's Bayou to near Black Bayou. The expedition was promptly dispatched, and as a co-opera- ting infantry force, Sherman, with Steel's Division, was sent up to Eagle's Bend and marched across the country from that point. I need not add the expedition was a failure. MILO SMITH. 417 " All this may have been providential, in driving us ulti- mately to a line of operations, which has proven eminently successful." And so thought all who accompanied the exijedi- tion. In this connection, mention should not be omitted of the other expedition, to which the one in question was only sup- plemental. The Yazoo Pass Expedition had already been organized and sent out, and was now blocked by the rebel ' Fort Pemberton at Greenwood. The junction of the Sun- Flower Bayou with the Yazoo River was between Fort Pem- j berton and Haines' Bluff; and General Grant hoped to intro- ' duce a force between that fort and the high grounds above Haines' Bluff. Had he succeeded, the rebel works at Green- I wood would not only have been rendered untenable and the I garrison compelled to fly east to escape Ciipture, but the two I Federal forces, united, would have been sufficiently strong to possess and defend the desired point. The entei'prise was burdened with most annoying and stub- born obstacles, to overcome which no man who possessed less hope and persistency than Grant would have attempted. But Vicksburg would never have been captured from this direc- tion, and I doubt whether Grant ever honestly expected it. The former of these expeditious was christened by the soldiers "the back-water," and the latter, the " Deer Creek raid." In the meantime. General Grant, having settled on the plan which promised and resulted in success, recalled the detached portions of his army, and concentrated it on the west bank of the Mississippi, above Vicksburg. The 2Gth Iowa returned with its division to Milliken's Bend on the 25th of April, and on the 2d of May following marched with Sherman for Grand Gulf and Jackson, and thence to the rear of Vicksburg. In this march the regiment failed to meet the enemy in a single general engagement. It arrived at the Walnut Hills the i8th 27 418 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. of May, and all that afternoon skirmished with the enemy, they gradually falling back to their strong works encircling the city. The heavy skirmishing of the following day the regi- ment engaged in, as it also did in the assault which was made the same afternoon. Its position before Vicksburg was north of the city. It was in Steele's Division, which held the right of the besieging line. What followed in the long and arduous siege is given else- where. But one general assault was made after the 19th instant — that of the memorable 22d of May; and in that the 26th Iowa participated. Up to and including this disastrous day, the 26th Iowa lost in its skirmishes and assaults some forty in killed and wounded. Colonel Smith and Lieutenants Rider, Noble, and Maden were among the wounded. After the fall of Vicksburg, the 26th Iowa joined the army of General Sherman in the pursuit of Johnson to Jackson, where it arrived on the 10th of July. It remained there during the eight days' siege, without meeting the enemy. It next marched to Brandon; then back to Jackson, and thence to Big Black River, where it remained in camp till the 23d of the following September, when it left with three divisions of its corps to reinforce the Army of the Cumberland, at Chatta- nooga. This march was accomplished without any fighting, if we except the affairs which General Osterhaus had with the enemy at Cherokee Station and beyond that place, in the direc- tion of Tuscumbia, Alabama. The 26th Iowa was attached to this division, and participated in some of these affairs, but suf- fered no loss. In the meantime. General Sherman was preparing to cross the Tennessee at Chickasaw Landing ; and the object of Osterhaus' advance to Tuscumbia, I do not under- stand, unless it was to draw the attention of the enemy from Sherman's real purpose, which was to reach Chattanooga by MILO SMITH. 419 way of Florence, Alabama, Fayetteville and Winchester, Ten- nessee, and Bridgeport. Returning: to Chickasaw, General Osterhaus crossed the river with his division, and moved on after the main column; for Sherman was already well under way. He did not arrive in Lookout Valley until the evening of the 23d of November, and was too late to operate with Sherman's forces against the northern point of Mission Ridge. He was therefore ordered to report to General Hooker; and thus it happened that the 4th, 9th, 2oth, 26th, 30th and 31st Iowa regiments, all of General Osterhaus' Division, engaged the enemy on Lookout Mountain. The 26th Iowa fought in the battle of Lookout Mountain in the afternoon and night of the 24th of November, after which it moved across the valley to engage the enemy on Mission Ridge; for the enemy had been routed and Lookout gained by our forces early on the morning of the 25th. At Mission Ridge the 26th Iowa, and also the 25th, were separated from their division, and made a sort of Corps of Observation to watch the enemy's cavalry from near Rossville Gap. Neither of these regiments were therefore engaged at this point. But on the flight of General Bragg the night of the 25th instant, the 26th Iowa was near the van in its division, which led the advance in the pursuit. Osterhaus came up with the enemy at Ringgold as previously stated, and at Ringgold the 26th engaged them from behind their works, and suffered greater loss than it had done in the whole cam- paign before. In the engagement at Lookout Mountain, the loss of the regiment was only five wounded, among whom was Lieutenant-Colonel Ferreby. At Mission Ridge it was not engaged. Its loss at Ringgold on the 27th was three men killed — McDonnell, Beddon and Phillips— and nine wounded. Among the latter were Captain Steele, and Lieutenants 420 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Hubbard and Nickel. Captain Steele, a brave and efficient officer, died of his wounds soon after the engagement. On the close of the Chattanooga Campaign, the 26th Iowa returned with its division to Bridgeport, and in the latter part of December was ordered to Woodville, Alabama, on the line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, where it went into Winter quarters. On the opening of the Spring Campaign against Atlanta, it marched to the front : since that time its services have been nearly the same as those of the other Iowa regiments of its division. Moving via Gordon Mills and Saake Creek Gap, the regiment came on the enemy at Resaca, whe!H3 it first engaged him. It subsequently engaged the enen&y at New Hope Church, Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, before Atlanta, and at Jonesboro ; but in none of these engage- ments was its loss severe. At Big Shanty, it lost one enlisted man killed, and one officer and six men wounded. In the terrible fight before Atlanta on the 22d of July, the regiment lost only five men wounded ; and, at Jonesboro, its loss was one officer and four men wounded. After joining in the pursuit of Hood in his celebrated flank movement northward, the 26th Iowa returned to near Vining Station, on the Chattahoochie, where it rested and fitted for the march to Savannah. The history of this march, and of that from Savannah to Baleigh, will be found in the sketches of those ofiicers whose regiments belonged to the loth Corps' Iowa Brigade. I have already said that the 26th Iowa was attached to this brigade. On the arrival of his regiment at Savannah, Colonel Smith resigned his commission. BRIGADIER-GENERAL J. I. GILBERT. COLONEL, TWEXTY-SEVEXTH IXFAXTRY. James I. Gilbert is one of Iowa's best ofi&cers. He is a native of Kentucky, and was born about the year 1824. At the time of entering the service, in the summer of 1862, he was a resident of Lansing, Iowa, where he had lived for about ten years. In Lansing, he has been commission merchant, dealer in general merchandise, produce dealer, and lumber merchant. At the time, or just before entering the service, he was the pro- prietor of a livery stable, and a dealer in real estate. He was commissioned colonel of the 27th Iowa on the 10th day of August, 1862, and served without special distinction till he joined General A. J. Smith on the Red River Campaign, in the spring of 1864. His gallant conduct at Fort De Russy, and through the whole campaign, and also before Nashville nearly a year later, secured his promotion to a general oflBcer. The 27th Iowa, which was rendezvoused in the city of Dubuque in the months of August and September, 1862, was made up of "the overplus of companies over the 21st regiment in the northern part of the State." In the early part of Octo- ber, Colonel Gilbert, with six companies of his regiment, was assigned as an escort to guard a pay-master and train from Fort Snelling to Mille Lacs. The balance of the regiment, under Major Howard, remained at the fort. Early in November, Colonel Gilbert returned to Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and soon proceeded to Memphis, via Cairo, Illinois. Major George W. Howard with the balance of the regiment had already proceeded to that point. He reached Memphis on the 20th of November, and one week later joined Sherman in his 421 422 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. march from that place to the Tallahatchie, below Waterford. It will be remembered that this movement was made in con- junction with that of General Grant through Central Missis- sippi, against Vicksburg. The 27th Iowa marched only as far south as College Hill, near Oxford. "The regiment was then ordered to Waterford, Mississippi, and thence to the Talla- hatchie Hiver, where it first commenced its work as railroad- guards." When Van Dorn attacked and captured Holly Springs, the 27th Iowa, with other troops, was hurried to that vicinity ; but the wily rebel having destroyed the immense Federal sup- plies, made his escape. The march was then continued northward, for the purpose of meeting and, if possible, of capturing Forest, who was at the same time making his raid on the Jackson and Columbus Railroad. The 27th arrived at Jackson on the 30th of December, and the next day or night, Forest's defeat at Parker's Cross Roads and subsequent flight having been learned, was marched by a circuitous rout to Clifton. The raiders however escaped. It was this raid of Forest, it will be remembered, that so frightened General Davies at Columbus, and caused him to order the destruction of government property at Island No. 10. The march from Jackson to Clifton was the first fatiguing one the 27th Iowa had yet made. More than one man of the regiment wished that night that he had never entered the army. From December, 1862, until the following August, the regiment served in Southern Tennessee. It was stationed a principal portion of the time on the Jackson and Columbus Railroad, with head-quarters at Jackson. On the abandonment of Jackson and the railroad through to Columbus, in the fore part of June, 1863, Colonel Gilbert was ordered down to Moscow, where he remained with his regiment till the 20th of the following August, guarding the JAMES I. GILBERT. 423 railroad. But after the fall of Vicksburg, and the defeat of General Johnson's army at Jackson, Mississippi, the 27th with its brigade was ordered to report to General Steele, who was then about starting on the Little Rock Campaign. The brig- ade, composed of the 49th and 62d Illinois, the 27th Iowa and 50th Indiana, and commanded by Colonel J. M. True, of the 62d Illinois, arrived at Helena, after the forces of General Steele had left; but immediately starting in pursuit, Colonel True succeeded in uniting with Steele in time to enter Little Rock with the main army. With the routine of camp-life and picket-duty, the months of September and October were passed at Little Rock, when, under orders from General Steele, Col- onel Gilbert reported back to Memphis in command of his own regiment and the 49th Illinois. At Memphis a portion of the 27th was assigned to duty at the Navy Yard, and the bal- ance put on picket-duty in rear of the city. Up to this time, the 27th Iowa, as a regiment, had never met the enemy in battle ; but the time was now near at hand when it would afford new proof of the intrepidity of Iowa soldiers. The regiment left Memphis for Vicksburg on the 28th of July, 18G4, whence, a week later, it left with General Sherman on the celebrated march to Meridian. At Memphis and just before leaving for Vicksburg, the 27th Iowa was brigaded with the 14th and 32d Iowa, and the 24th Missouri. These troops constituted the 2d Brigade of the 3d Division, IGtli Army Corps, which afterward, under com- mand of Colonel William T. Shaw of the 14th, so distin- guished itself in the Red River Expedition of General Banks. In the Meridian march, it should be stated that the 27th Iowa went some six miles further east than any other troops of Sherman's command, and in this advanced position captured several prisoners. The plan for the Red River Campaign had already been 424 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. matured, on the return of General Sherman to Vicksburg ; and on the evening of the 10th of April, 1864, General A. J. Smith left with his expeditionary army for the mouth of Red River, where he arrived on the evening following. The fleet of Admiral Porter arriving that same evening, the expedition, on the morning of the 12th instant, sailed up the river, and in the afternoon arrived at Simmsport, where the infantry forces disembarked. From this point. General Smith marched with his command across the country to the rear of Fort De Russey, while Porter, with his gun-boat fleet, proceeded up the river. Near Simmsport a small body of the enemy's cavalry made their appearance ; but they offered no resistance to the advance; and on the evening of the second day the fort was invested. Porter in the meantime had come up with his fleet, but for some reason took no iJart in the engagement which followed. I have been told that it was the crookedness of the river at this point, together with certain obstructions, that prevented him from operating with the land forces. Fort De Russey, a formidable earth-woi'k of the enemj-^ on the south-west side of Red River, and some four miles above the town of Marksville, was built on a high point of land, about one hundred paces back from the river, but con- nected with it by rifle-j^its. On the south-west bank of the river, was a six-gun water-battery. The Fort proper mounted but four guns : two six-pounders commanded the open country south-west of the Fort ; and two thirty-two pounders covered the Marksville road and the approaches to the south-east. On the north-west side of the fort was dense timber and impassa- ble swamps. On the 14th day of March, the day of the capture of Fort De Russey, the 27th Iowa led the advance. Marksville, which is some thirty miles distant from Simmsport, was reached at four o'clock in the afternoon ; and at this point Colonel Gilbert was JAMES I. GILBERT. 425 ordered to halt his regiment to prevent straggling in the town. He was kept in this position till all the troops had passed, and until the dispositions for the attack had been nearly completed. The 27th as a regiment had not yet been under fire, and, jeal- ous of his own reputation and that of his command, Colonel Gilbert dispatched his adjutant to Colonel Shaw, with this request: "If there is to be any fighting we want to have a hand in it." An order was finally returned for him to bring his regiment forward ; and he moved up and took position on the extreme right of the assaulting forces. Two entire brig- ades charged on the fort, and Colonel Shaw's held the right. The line of battle was semi-circular, and, on the right, was formed in the edge of timber and some two hundred and fifty yards distant from the fort. In front of the 2d Brigade (Colonel Shaw's) was a ravine, running nearly parallel with the enemy's defenses; but, before this could be reached, the entire line must pass under a severe musketry-fire from the fort and the adjacent rifle-pits. After the reconnoissance had been completed, during which time the fire from the fort had been responded to by the 3d Indiana Battery, a general charge was ordered, when Colonel Gill^ert, drawing his sword and stepping to the front of his regiment, said : " Boys, come on." '' From that moment," said a mem- ber of his regiment to me, " we knew he had the true grit." He was one of the first ofiicers, if not the very first, to enter the enemy's works. If this was not a sanguinary affair, it was a brilliant one, and augured well for the success of the future expedition. The number of casualties of the 27th Iowa, in this engagement, I have failed to learn. It should be borne in mind that General Banks had not yet come up from Franklin, Louisiana ; nor did he come up till a week after the capture of Alexandria; so that the credit 426 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. incideut to the capture of Fort De Russey belongs sole'y to General Smith and the troops of his command. On the morning of the loth instant, the 3d Division, having re-em- barked on the fleet, moved up to Alexandria, and that same evening the place was entered without opposition. Here General Smith remained till the arrival of General Banks with his command, consisting of portions of the 13th and 19th Army Corps. From this point, General Banks marched through the coun- try via Natchitoches to Grand Ecore ; but Smith, moving up to the head of the rapids, above Alexandria, re-embarked and sailed up the river, arriving at Grand Ecore at about the same time as did General Banks. On the 5th of April, General Banks marched for Shreveport by way of the Mansfield road, and two days later was followed by the command of General Smith ; but the advance was soon to be turned into a retreat ; and neither the forces of Banks nor Smith were destined to see even Mansfield. No considerable resistance was made to the advance till near Natchitoches, and, to beat this back, no troops were required but the cavalry; but beyond Pleasant Hill, and about thirty miles distant from Natchitoches, the enemy showed so much resistance that it became necessary to send forward a brigade of infantry. The battle of Mansfield, or Sabine Cross Roads was fought on the afternoon of the 8th of April, 1864, and that of Pleasant Hill on the morning and evening of the 9th. The last was the one in which the 1 1th, 27th and 32d Iowa regiments so distin- guished themselves. These troops, together with the 24th Missouri, I believe impartial history will say, saved the army of General Banks from disorganization and capture ; for they were the only troops that maintained their position throughout that terrible day— I mean, of course, of those JAMES I. GILBERT. 427 whose position was in tlie front. If this be not so, how was it that their losses, in killed, wounded and missing, numbered nearly, if not quite two-thirds of the casualties in Banks' entire army? The position held by the 27th in this engage- ment was the left centre of its brigade. On its right was the 14th Iowa, and on its left the 32d. Its right rested near the Pleasant Hill and Mansfield road. The conduct of Colonel Gilbert in this engagement, as at Fort De Russey, was gallant in the extreme. Through the anxious hours that intervened between the first attack in the morning and the final fierce assaults of the enemy in the afternoon, he was never idle, but talked with and cheered his men. Skir- mishing all this time was going on ; and every moment closed with the assurance that the next would open the fierce encoun- ter. When the conflict finally did open, he stood firm and confident, using, when occasion offered and his duties would permit, a musket against the advancing enemy. Indeed, the colonel was wounded in this engagement, while in the act of shooting a rebel officer. Many brave officers and men of the 27th Iowa were left among the killed and wounded: their names I have failed to learn. One I know — Sergeant George W. Griswold, a brave and faithful soldier. He was wounded severely in the face, and left in hospital within the enemy's lines. A history of Banks' Expedition after his unplucked victory at Pleasant Hill will be found elsewhere. In the fatiguing and harassing retreat to Simmsport, Smith's Division covered the rear of Banks' army. Subsequently to the Red River Campaign, there has been little rest for the 27th Iowa Infantry. It joined its division in driving Price from Missouri ; was with A. J. Smith at Nash- ville, and fought in those terrible battles that closed only with 428 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. the destruction of General Hood's army ; and, lastly, was with its old white-headed general before Blakely, where it led a por- tion of the charging column that carried so brilliantly the strong-hold. Now it has marched with its division into the interior of Alabama ; but it will probably see no more fighting. After the battle of Nashville, Colonel Gilbert was made a brigadier-general. Since that time, he has been in command of a brigade. He is one of the most popular oflicers in his division. Colonel Gilbert is six feet and one inch in hight, and has a broad chest, and an erect and tapering form. His hair, eyes and complexion are dark. He has a heavy voice, and is an energetic talker. At home and among his acquaintances, he is "noted for his love of a fine horse and riding out-fit. He thinks much of style in appearance." He is quick and active in his motions, and, in civil life, was accustomed to decide the most important business transactions in a moment. His opinions, of which he is very positive, he is always ready to back with a bet; and his losses, of which he rarely' has any, he pays promptly. As a business man, he was not considered very fortunate, though he was never placed in a position which prevented him irom paying all legal demands against him. Like several other Iowa officers, he is better adapted to the profession of arms than to any other calling. I should not omit to state that, of the Iowa generals. General Gilbert is the finest equestrian the State can boast, not even excepting General Frederick Steele. COLONEL WILLLOI E. MILLER. FIRST COLOXEL, TWEXTY-EIGIITH INFANTRY. William: E. Miller, the original colonel of the 28th Iowa Infantry, is a Pennsylvanian by birth, and was born in the year 1823. At the time of entering the service, he was a resi- dent of Iowa Citj% and a practicing law^-er. He was at one jtime a district judge. Mr. Miller entered the service as colonel 'of the 28th Iowa Infantry, and was commissioned, as such, on the 10th of August, 1862. The date of his muster into the United States service was just two months later. The 28th Iowa Infantry was enlisted in the counties of Ben- ton, Tama, Jasper, Powesheik, Iowa and Johnson, and was rendezvoused at Iowa City. The history of this regiment and of the 24th Iowa Infantry are nearly identical. The 28th left jits rendezvous for the front, on the 1st day of November, 1862, iand, going to Helena, Arkansas, was there brigaded with the |24th Iowa ; and from that time to the present these regiments ihave served in the same brigade. The first march of the 28th jlowa was that made to Oakhind, Mississippi ; after which it pined the White River Expedition, under Brigadier-General Gorman. General Gorman left Helena with his command for the mouth of White River about the 6th of January, 1863 ; and sailing up that stream until arriving near St. Charles, disem- barked his command. St. Charles, a little village on the south bank of White River, and resting on its steep, high bluffs, was supposed to be held by the enemy in force; for strong works [Surrounding the place were visible. On sending forward skir- mishers, however, it was found to be unoccupied and was entered without opposition. 429 430 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. The next morning General Gorman moved up the river to Duvall's Bluff, preceded by the gun-boats. This place, too, the enemy were making haste to abandon. The greater part of the stores had already been sent west, over the Little Rock road, and the last train was in waiting to remove the siege- guns and small artillery. One large siege-gun was loaded, and another was raised on skids for the same purpose. But on the approach of the gun-boats, which opened vigorously upon the place, the enemy fled, having offered but slight resistance. Five or six pieces of artillery were captured, besides some two hundred and fifty stand of small arms. If the object of the White River Exi^edition was the capture of Duvall's Bluff and nothing more, I do not know it. I believe the object was the capture of Little Bock; for it will be remembered that Mc' demand's expedition up the Arkansas River to Arkansas Post was made at just about this time. After the capture of Arkansas Post, IMcClernand went no further, and Gorman, accordingly, turned back to Helena. If on this expedition Colonel Miller and his regiment won little distinction, it was because no occasion offered. One thing is certain that, the hardships and exposures attending the movement were hardly ever equalled. The weather w^as cold ; and it rained and snowed, by turns, almost incessantly. Scores contracted diseases on the White River Expedition, which totally disabled them for service. The 28th Iowa, as a regiment, met the enemy for the first time on the final Vicksburg Campaign. On this march it was attaclied to the corps of General McClernand, which led the van of General Grant's army. Previous to the 29th of March, 1863, the day on which General McClernand began his march through the country from Milliken's Bend to New Carthage, General Grant had tried five distinct plans to gain a footing on WILLIAM E. MILLER. 431 the hills in rear of Vicksburg. lie had Q\en x)ermitted a sixth plan to be tried; but this last one was at the suggestion of Admiral David D. Porter, who, with a portion of his Missis- sippi squadron, had discovered "a new route." This expe- dition has already been spoken of. It should be known in history as the Steele's-Bayou-Black-Bayou-Deer-Creek-Rolling Fork-Sun-Flower- Yazoo-River Expedition : indeed, even this prodigiously significant name does not begin to suggest the obstacles that must have been overcome to make it successful. The soldiers of Steele's Division christened it " The Deer Creek raid." The march across the neck of land, which is embraced in the great bend of the Mississippi, and which lies just opposite Vicksburg, was thirty-five miles in length, and was attended with great hardships ; for the weather was cold and stormy, and the roads so muddy as to make the transportation of large army supplies over them almost impossible. And it must be remembered too, that, at that time, the plan of running the Vicksburg Batteries had not been proven feasible ; for the Sil- ver Wave, the Forest Queen, and the Henry Clay, under the escort of Porter's fleet, did not run their celebrated gauntlet, until the night of the 6th of April. But, as General Grant said, the only way to reduce Vicksburg was to approach it from the south side, and he accordingly played this bold hand. All other plans tried had proved impracticable. On arriving near New Carthage, General McClernand found the levee of Bayou Vidal broken, and the country flooded. New Carthage was an island, and could only be reached in skiffs and flat-boats, such as could be found in the neighbor- hood; and this proving too great a task, the march was con- tinued to Perkin's plantation, twelve miles lower down the river. The country and the scenery at Perkin's plantation were magnificent; but the owner. Judge Perkins, a bitter rebel 432 IOWA COLOXELS AND REGIMENTS. and Confederate State Senator, had burnt his splendid mansion to the ground, declaring that the foot of no Yankee soldier should ever cross its threshold. It was said that he burned it just after the fall of Island No. 10, declaring that, if the Union troops could capture that i)lace, they could capture every thing; and this may have been so, for rank weeds were growing among the ruins, and the shrubbery, and winding and shaded avenues, had the appearance of having been long deserted. I mention these things because they formed a theme of great interest among the soldiers, as they dragged themselves along on the weary march. In the meantime, Admiral Porter, having run the Vicks- burg Batteries, arrived in the river opposite Perkins' planta- tion. Here a portion of McClernand's command having embarked moved down to Hard Times Landing, which lies a little above Grand Gulf, and on the opposite side of the river. The balance of the command moved round to the same point by land. The object now was to capture Grand Gulf, and move round to tlie rear of Vicksburg from that point. Admiral Porter declared the plan feasible, and at once set about the reduction of the rebel works ; but they would not reduce: the position was impregnable; for, during more than five hours of most vigorous cannonading, not a gun of the enemy was silenced. This happened on the morning of the 29th of April, and on the afternoon of that same day the gun- boat fleet and the transports prepared to run the Grand Gulf Batteries, while the troops took up their line of march to a point down tlie river, and opposite Bruinsburg, Mississippi. The fleet arrived in safety ; and on the following morning the 13th Army Corps, as is well known, effected a landing on the east side of the Mississippi Biver. That same afternoon, the 30th of April, CJcneral McClernand marched for Port Gibson; and that same night, at about eleven WILLIAM E. MILLER. 433 o'clock, encountered the enemy's pickets. He continued to push on, and two hours later arrived at Thompson's Hill, where, when the head of the column was resting in the road, it received a heavy volley of musketry. The enemy also opened with his artillery ; and for a few moments all was con- fusion ; but it soon appeared that his only object was to check the advance, and quiet was restored. In this connection, it is but just that I should pay a merited compliment to the skill and bravery of Captain H. H. Griffiths, of the 1st Iowa Bat- tery. When the firing commenced, he was far to the rear; but, being impressed with the notion that he was wanted at the front, he moved hastily forward through the opened ranks of the infantry, and reported to General Carr, whose division was in the van. "Did you send for me, general?" he said. "No"; and at that very instant a shell came screaming down the narrow, excavated road, and burst just to their right. "Tear down the fence," said Captain Griffiths to his men ; and in less time than is required to tell it, he had run his guns over the embankment, unlimbered them, and was playing upon the enemy. Twice he silenced the enemy's batteries, and com- pelled them to change position. The fighting in the darkness now closed ; and in the morning. General Carr sent his com- pliments to Captain Grifiiths, whose guns had burst the first j shell on the south side of Vicksburg. I The 28th Iowa, which was attached to the division of General Hovey, did not cross the Mississippi till evening, when, hav- j ing drawn three days' rations, it started for the front. At one I o'clock in the morning, and just after it had ascended the hills that lie some four miles back from the river, it heard the I booming of artillery. The regiment pushed on through the i darkness, and at sun-rise arrived at the foot of Thompson's Hill, where, having eaten a hasty breakfast, it prepared for 434 IOWA COLONELS AXD REGIMENTS. battle. Its first position was on the crest of Tlioinpson's Hill, where all but three companies lay under fire for an hour. In the meantime Companies B, G and K joined the 34th Indiana in charging a rebel battery, which, I may add, was captured, with nearly three hundred prisoners. But the enemy had now massed their forces heavily on our left, with the hope of forcing it and gaining our rear. The 28th Iowa was therefore ordered to this point, where it engaged the enemy till he fled from the field. "While in thi.s position, the regiment was opposed to the 2d and the oth Missouri (rebel) Infantry. It was now nearly dark, and the 28th Iowa, which had been sejiarated from its brigade the greater part of the day, was ordered by Geuen;l Stevens to re-join it; and that night it encamped on the bloody battle-field of Thompson's Hill, or Port Gibson. The Ciisual- ties of the regiment in this engagement were not great: only one man was killed — Jacob Souervine — and sixteen wounded. In the battle of Champion's Hill, the 2Sth Iowa distin- guished itself, and suil'ered severely. The part taken by il regiment in this engagement is thus given by C'liai)lain J. i . Simmons : "At 11 A. M. our command was ordered forward, and in a short time the whole line of our division had engaged the enemy. IMoving steaclily forward, we were thrown acrons a deep ravine, densely set witli timber and underbrush, whieh rendi'red our advance difiicult. On reaching the top of the hill we were fully under the lire of the enemy, yet continued to advance, driving him from his ])osition. Tlie work of death liad now fairly begun, and our brave nun falling in numbers from till' ranks, dead or wounded, told too plaiidy the terrible earnestni'ss of the engagement. Attendants began to gather the fallen, surgeons to dress their wounds, am])ulances to con- voy them to the rear; and all the machinery of a dreadful confliet was in motion. The regiment with the whole division contiiMied to i>ress tlie enemy back over an open field for nearly one mile. During all this time the lighting had b(HMJ most fearful. Here the enemv massed liis forces in front of our WILLIAM E. MILLER. 435 single line of battle, already weakened by the loss of hundreds, and at the same time a move was made to turn our left flank. This compelled us to fall back, which was done in good order. Outnumbered, pressed, and overwhelmed, our men were still driven back, until we had lost a large i^ortion of the ground that had been gained, when General Quimby sent to our relief a portion of his command, commanded by General Crocker, among which were the 10th, 17th and 5th Iowa. These troops charging through our shattered lines, came nobly to the rescue. Here a most terrible struggle ensued, when the enemy in turn gave way; and our men, now flushed with victory, rapidly pressed them back again over the ground already twice fought for. So hotly was he pressed, that the enemy could not avoid confusion ; his lines wavered and broke, and his rout became complete, leaving his dead, wounded, and many prisoners, in our hands." The 28th held the left of its division which extended to the Raymond road ; and, in endeavoring to resist the flank move- ment of the enemy, was subjected to a most terrible enfilading fire of musketry. Four companies came out of the fight without a commissioned oificer; and the total, in killed and wounded of the regiment, was an even one hundred. " Lieut- enant John J. Legan, of Company A, and Captain Benjamin P. Kirby, of Company I, were killed ; and Lieutenant John Buchanan received a severe wound of which he died." Twenty enlisted men were killed. After the battle of Champion's Hill, the 28th Iowa followed the en^my as far east as Edward's Station, and there rested till the 20th instant. It was then ordered to the Big Black, where it remained till the 24th, and then re-joined its division in rear of Vicksburg, At the time of entering the service. Colonel Miller was afllic- ted with a troublesome disease which the exposures and hardships of the field so aggravated as to compel him to resign his commission. He left his regiment just before it naarched on the Vicksburg Campaign. 436 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. In personal appearance Colonel Miller is prepossessing. He is heavy set, with broad, square shoulders, and is about five feet, eight inches in hight. His hair and eyes are both dark, and the expression of his countenance is frank and manly. He has a heavy, firm voice, and possesses good taste as a mili- tary man. He was a good disciplinarian, and was regarded by his regiment as a good and brave soldier. Had he retained his health, he would doubtless have made a fine record. It was with the greatest reluctance that Colonel Miller left the service: indeed, he delayed sending in his resignation, until many thought he could not live to reach his home ; and, after arriving in Iowa City, but few of his neighbors expected him to recover. COLONEL JOHN CONNELL. SECOND COLONEL, TWENTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. John Connell is a Scotchman by birth. Scotland has two sons, who have been honored with colonel's commissions from Iowa— Geddes and Connell. John Connell was born the 16th day of March, 1824, in Pais- ley, Scotland; and emigrated to the United States in the year . 1831. He settled, with his parents, in Norwich, Connecticut, where he received a common school education, and where he continued- to live till the year 1852, when he came West, and settled in Tama county, Iowa. He was one of the first settlers in that county, and assisted in its organization. His first resi- dence was in the village of Buckingham; but, in 1855, he removed to Toledo. He was a farmer in Buckingham, and, in Toledo, a merchant and trader in lands. He was once in the Iowa Legislature. The Whigs of his county elected him in 1854; but, on reporting at Iowa City, he found the Whig Party dead, and joined hands with the Republicans. He came to Iowa poor, and has now a respectable property. Mr. Connell was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the 28th Iowa Infantry on the 16th day of September, 1862; and, on the 14th of the following March, was promoted to the full col- onelcy of his regiment. During the colonelcy of Mr. Connell, the most interesting portion of his regiment's record is to be found in the history of General Banks' march up the Red River, in the spring of 1864, and in the brilliant operations of General Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley, in the following Fall. But from the time General McClernand commenced his march across the 437 438 IOWA COLOXELS AND EEGIMEXTS. peninsula west of Vicksburg, to New Carthage and Perkin's plantation, up to the date of the battle of Pleasant Hill, Louis- iana, where he was wounded, Colonel Connell was in command of his regiment. He led it in the battles of Port Gibson, Champion's Hill, and against the rebel works at Vicksburg. On the 1st of August, 18G3, after returning from Jackson, (for the 28th Iowa joined General Sherman on that march) Colonel Connell left with his regiment on board transports, for Natchez, where he arrived on the 3d instant. The next day, he marched out to Second Bayou, seven miles from the city, and assisted in the construction of cotton fortifications. But there seemed to be no rest for the regiment ; for, on the 12th instant, it was again ordered on board boats and dispatched to Carrollton, Louisiana. During the balance of the Summer, and through the following Fall, the regiment served in Louisiana ; but a history of its movements during this time has been already given, and need not be repeated. The 28th Iowa passed Christmas at Algiers, opposite New Orleans, and moved up to INIadisonville, on the northern shore of Lake Pontcliartrain, early in February, 1864. There it remained till it joined General Banks in his Red Bivcr Cam- paign. The command of General Banks in the Red River Expedi- tion, consisting of detachments of the 13th and 19th Army Corps, was rendezvoused at Berwick Bay early in March, 18G4. These troops were under the immediate command of General Franklin, General Banks being commander-in-chief. Only the 3d and Ith Divisions of the 13tli Army Corps wore present, tlie 3d being coniinandud by (Jeneral Cameron, an Indiana man, and the Ith by General Ransom, later, the hero of Sabine Cross Roads. The 2.sth Iowa was attached to the 3d Division ; and, witli the 2ilii Iowa, the ITlli Indiana and r.dtji Ohio regi- ments, constituted the Brigade. CJeneral I'ranklin Wl'l ncrwick JOHN CONNELL. 439 Bay for Alexandria, where a junction was to be formed with the command of General A. J. Smith of the 16th Army Corps, on the 13th of March, only two days before General Smith had occupied that place. His course lay nearly due north ; and, for a long distance, was the same as that traveled by General Banks in gaining the rear of Port Hudson. Passing through New Iberia, Vermillionville, Opelousas and Washington, he reached Alexandria on Saturday evening, the 26th instant. In the march through the country to Alexandria, no opposition was met : only a few rebel cavalry vedettes were seen. General Banks, having in the meantime come up by boat from New Orleans, and every thing being in readiness for an advance, the 13th and 19th Corps broke camp and marched in the direction of 'Natchitoches. General Smith, moving with his command to the head of the rai^ids above Alexandria, proceeded up the river on transports. The spirits of General Franklin's troops were buoyant, and the magnificent country through which they were passing made the march for them a mere pastime. It was holiday sport, but was soon to be changed for serious work. For a further account of this march, and of the part taken by the 28th Iowa in the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, I refer to the state- ment of Captain J. T. Simmons, chaplain of the regiment. His account differs in some respects from what I have been informed were the facts ; but he was on the ground, and has doubtless told the truth. "We reached Alexandria on Saturday, and stayed over Sun- day, * * On Monday morning our division, taking the lead, moved forward and reached Natchitoches, a distance of eighty- five miles, in three days and a half. When within twenty- three miles of that place, we received intelligence that the enemy were pressing General Lee's cavalry, and a forced march was begun. Our regiment was in front, and we reached the place in six hours. * * On the 6th of April we ag^n 440 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. started, and on the 7th received orders to hurry up to the assistance of General Lee, and after a rapid march reached Pleasant Hill. "Pausing a few moments, we were ordered to fall in, and were sent out one mile to support the cavalry, but after an hour's waiting returned again to camp. On the morning of the 8th, our division moved forward to support General Lee; and one brigade of the 4th Division then engaged the enemy. Reaching Ten-Mile Creek, we halted in line of battle. At 2 P. M., we moved forward to Moss' Lane, and went into the action near Mansfield." The country between Pleasant Hill and Mansfield, Louisi- ana, is hilly, and for the most part, covered with heavy timber: the road connecting these two places is narrow and difficult. More especially is this the case just east of where the enemy were first met. In this road and near the front was a portion of General Banks' train, including his head-quarter wagons. General Ransom led the advance on the morning of the 8th instant and was the first to engage the enemy. They were met in heavy force, when, after a desperate struggle the 4th Division was completely routed. Word came back that the division was all cut to pieces, and that the 3d Division which was at Ten-Mile Creek must hurry to the front. These troops accordingly started at double-quick, but hardly had the column got in motion before stragglers were met. A little further on, the wagon-train was encountered which completely blocked the narrow road, but in such an emergency this was no obstacle, for the troops swinging into the timber by the sides of the road hurried on. The scene of confusion was now reached. Here were met the shattered and bleeding battalions of the poor 4th Division, hurrying in rapid flight from the field. Terror stared from the faces of all : many were wounded and covered with blood, and all had the same alarming story : " We are all cut to pieces ! We are all cut to pieces ! ! " JOHN CORNELL. 441 The 2d Brigade now came to where there was a clearing on the left of the road, and timber on the right, and here was formed the new line of battle. The position of the 28th Iowa was in the edge of the timber, with the clearing and a ravine in front. To its left were four companies of the 24th Iowa. This position was gallantly held till out-flanked, when, falling back, the 2d Brigade again formed line, some three-quarters of a mile to the rear; and this line was held till sun-down. In the meantime, the 19th Corps had come up, which, coming into line, checked the further advance of the enemy. That night a retreat was ordered ; and, on the afternoon of the next day, was fought the battle of Pleasant Hill. "With no desire to disparage the conduct of other troops engaged at Sabine Cross Roads, I must, in justice, state that the 28th Iowa and the detachment of the 24th, which was present, were the last troops of their division to leave the second line. Nor, when they retired, did they do so in confu- sion, but fought along down the road from wagon to wagon, and held back the rebel centre, so as to enable the wagon-masters to save a portion of the train, j Colonel Connell was wounded in this engagement and lost j his left arm, and the circumstances under which it happened are as follows : While he was falling back with his regiment 1 they came to a battery, blocked up in the road, and stopping they tried to extricate it, but the enemy pressed them so closely that nearly all the men retired, leaving the colonel still at work. He did not observe his men when they left, but look- ing up the instant after saw them retiring and prepared to follow. Before starting he turned round and stooping looked through the brush to see how near the enemy had approached : that instant a shot struck him. As he stooped, his left hand was resting on his hip which threw his elbow up. The ball 442 IOWA COLONELS AND BEGIMENTS. struck him above the elbow and passed down through the joint, fracturing it severely. He then tried to run but became so faint he was obliged to rest, when the enemy coming up captured him. He was retained a prisoner till the following June, when he was paroled and sent within our lines. He re-joined his regiment at Carrollton, Louisiana, and his reception is thus recorded : — " The colonel stepped from the cars, while an armless sleeve hanging from his left shoulder but too plainly suggested the past. He was introduced to the regiment by Major Meyer, and was received by the regiment with an expression of that unmistakable affection and enthusiasm with which soldiers always regard a true man." The loss of the 28th Iowa at the battle of Sabine Cross Boads was about eighty in killed, wounded and missing. Among the wounded were Adjutant J. G. Strong and Lieutenants Weaver and Dorrance. Lieutenant Hughes, regimental quar- ter-master, was captured. In the battle of Pleasant Hill, the 28th took little part, the 19th Corps, and the command of General Smith doing the chief fighting— I should say, the brigade of Colonel Shaw, of the 14th Iowa, doing the chief fighting; for such is the fact. The long and perilous retreat which followed the last named battle is replete with incidents which of themselves would make a large and interesting volume. General Banks' army reached Alexandria in the latter part of April, where it remained till the 13th of May following, and then continued the march to Simmsport and Morganzia Bend. Subsequently to the Red River Campaign, the chief portion of the history of the 28th Iowa has been made in the valley of the Shenandoah, and in the Southern Atlantic States. It is the same as are those of the 22d and 24th Iowa, and will be found in connection with the histories of those regiments. JOHN CONNELL. 443 I should not close, however, without saying that the regi- ment sustained its good name in the Valley of the Shenandoah. There it met the enemy in the three memorable engagements of Winchester or Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek. Each of these battle-fields drunk its blood, and each are dotted with its graves. I give below the official report of Lieutenant- Colonel B. W. Wilson, concerning the part taken by his regi- ment in the battle at Fisher's Hill ; for a full account of this affair has not been previously given. "Heap-quarters Twenty-Eighth Iowa, in the Field, "Near Harrisonburg, Va., September 27th, 1864. "Colonel— /S'/r.- In compliance with your request, I submit the following report of the part taken by my command in the battle of Fisher's Hill, on the 22d day of September, 1864. On the morning of the 22d we moved forward toward the enemy a short distance, who were strongly intrenched at Fisher's Hill, a naturally strong position, a short distance above Strasburg. We got into position, and were ordered to intrench. We had scarcely commenced work, when I received orders to report with my regiment to General Grover for a special duty. On reporting, I was ordered to the front line; a commanding position, from which the enemy's sharp-shooters had just been driven. As a battery immediately preceded me, I supposed that I was there as its support, and soon had constructed a sort of intrenchment as protection against the enemy's sharp-shoot- ers. Here I remained until about 4 P. M., when I received orders from General Grover to deploy as skirmishers on the right of the 22d Iowa, as far as practicable toward the intrenched position of the enemy. We advanced toward their works, to within about three hundred yards, pouring in volley after volley with great rapidity. The enemy seemed to Avaver, whereupon I ordered a charge. With a prolonged shout, we went after them, scaling their works and driving them in con- fusion before us, capturing a six-gun battery, a large quantity of ammunition, and a number of prisoners. After following them about a mile, I received orders to return for the knap- sacks of my regiment, which had been left when the charge began. I have no fault to find with either officers or men. All deserve praise. Not one flinched, or fled, when it seemed we 444 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. were charging right into the very jaws of death. My loss wafi exceedingly light, being only ten men wounded." At the battle of Winchester the loss of the regiment waa eighty-seven; at Fisher's Hill, ten,- and at Cedar Creek more than ninety. Captains Palmer, Houseworth and Riemen- schnieder were among the killed in these engagements; and among the wounded were Lieutenant-Colonel Wilson, Captain Carr, and Lieutenants Strong, Dean, Summers and Hanerly. The enlisted men who fell are equally deserving of mention, but want of space forbids me giving their names. In appearance, Colonel Connell is intelligent and unassuming, and his countenance wears a frank and modest expression which makes one like him. He has a good form, sandy hair, and a florid complexion, and, I may add, just the sort of tem- perament to meet a rebel. Indeed, our red-headed men, throughout the war, have been the most successful soldiers. Colonel Connell never commanded his regiment after he lost his arm in Louisiana. Since that time it has been commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel B. W. Wilson and Major John Meyer, both, I am told, fine officers. BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL T. H. BENTON. COLONEL, TWENTY-NINTH INFANTRY. Thomas Haet Benton, Jr., is a nephew of the celebrated American statesman and author, whose name, at his uncle's own request, he bears. He is a native of Tennessee, and was born in Williamson county of that State, on the 5th day of September, 1816. His father, Samuel Benton, was quite a noted man^ In 1817, the year after his son Thomas' birth, he left Tennessee for Missouri ; and settled in St. Louis. In 1822, he returned to Tennessee, and settled in Shelby county, near the present city of Memphis, which was then a mere village. In 1835, he left the States, and emigrated to Texas, which was at that time an independent Republic. During his residence there, he served one term in the Texan Congress. He died in 1846. Young Benton accompanied his father in all his migra- tions. Colonel Benton's education is academic, and was acquired at the Huntington Academy, Tennessee. His collegiate course was brief: he passed only a portion of the year 1835 at Marion College, Missouri. In 1839, he came to Iowa, and located in Dubuque, where he lived till 1854. During his residence in Dubuque, he was first teacher, and then merchant. In 1846, he went to the State Senate from the Dubuque District, and served in Iowa's first General Assembly. He was elected, in 1848, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and, at the close of his three-years' term, was re-elected for a like term. The nomination for the same position was again tendered him ; but he declined it, and the same year removed to Council Bluffs, his present home. 445 446 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. It would seem that Iowa had but oue scholar ; for, in 1858, Ck)lonel Benton was elected Secretary of the Board of Educa- tion, under the new State Constitution. This oiflce he held for the two subsequent terms, and was its incumbent at the time of entering the service. On the 10th of August, 1862, he was commissioned colonel of the 29th Iowa Infantry ; and, on the 1st of the following December, mustered into the United States service. For gallant conduct in the different campaigns in which he joined in Arkansas, Colonel Benton, in the spring of 1865, was made brevet brigadier-general. The history of the 29th is nearly the same as are those of the 33d and 36th Iowa regiments. In the latter part of December, when the enemy were threatening Columbus and other points on the Mississippi, Colonel Benton was ordered with his regiment from Benton Barracks to Columbus. No attack was made, and in a few days he sailed down the river to Helena, Arkansas. In January, 1863, he accompanied General Gorman on the AVhite Biver Expedition — one in which the troops were subjected to great fatigue and exposures, but which, it is said, was fruitless, on account of the non-co-operation of the fleet. After his return from this expedition, he remained at Helena till the latter part of February, when he joined the Yazoo Pass Expedition, under General Ross. In the early part of April, General Boss, under orders from General Grant, returned with his command to Helena, where Colonel Benton remained with his regiment during the following Summer, and took part in the brilliant engagement of the 4tli of July. This was a contest for the great gala day of the nation, and will ever have a prominent place in the history of our civil war. The following extract I take from Colonel Benton's oflacial report : "My men were under a severe fire for more than five hours, and it affords me the greatest pleasure to speak of both oflicers THOMAS H. BEXTOX. 447 and men in terms of the highest commendation, for their cool- ness and courage during the entire action. I saw no flinching or wavering during tlie day. It is proper to add that several of my officers and men, who were excused from duty in conse- quence of physical disability, left their quarters and joined their respective companies, when the signal gun was fired. "I would not do justice to an accomplished officer, should I fail to acknowledge the efficient services of Lieutenant-Colonel R. F. Patterson, during the action; and the special obligations I am under for the thorough instruction previously given by him to both officers and men, in the responsible duties and obligations of the soldier." The loss of the 29th Iowa at Helena was seven killed and twenty-four wounded. Two of the latter were hurt mortally, and died soon after. Early in August, 1863, the 29th Iowa joined the Arkansas or Little Rock Expedition, under General Steele, and was present at the capture of Little Rock. On the Little Rock march. Colonel Benton was in command of a brigade, composed of the 29th and 33d Iowa and the 28th Wisconsin regiments. After passing the fall of 1863 and the following Winter, at Little Rock, the 29th Iowa, under its colonel, joined General Steele on the Camden march, and on this campaign saw its hardest service, and made the most interesting portion of its history. The object of the campaign has been already given. Had it been successful, it would have relieved the entire State of Arkansas from Confederate rule. In the expedition, the 29th Iowa marched two hundred and fifty miles, and lost in action one hundred and forty-two officers and men. General Steele left Little Rock on this celebrated march on the 23d of March, 1864. General Banks in his course up the Red River was already approaching Natchitoches. The des- tination of both armies was Shreveport. Passing through Benton, Rockport, and Arkadelphia on the Washita River, and thence south-west across the Little Missouri, Steele arrived 448 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. on the 10th of the following April, at Prairie de Anne — one of the prettiest little spots in wild Arliansas, or the whole "Sunny South." At Prairie de Anne, as already stated, he learned the probable fate of his expedition. There he learned of Banks' defeat ; and, with Banks defeated and driven back, he, with his small army, could not hope for success, against the combined rebel forces. General Steele then pushed for Camden, which he reached on the loth instant. In this expedition, the enemy was first met on the tenth day's march, and near Terra Noir Creek, some four miles south of where General Steele had camped the night before. On the morning of the 2d of April, the day in question. Colonel Ben- ton, with his regiment and two pieces of artillery, was assigned the perilous position of rear-guard to the supply- and transpor- tation-train, consisting of about four hundred and fifty wagons. The day before the enemy's scouts had been frequently seen ; and it was known that the rebel General Shelby, with ten thousand cavalry, w^as in the neighborhood. Steele's main force, and a large portion of the train had already crossed the creek, when Shelby first made his appearance. Colonel Ben- ton, having himself disposed his forces, was barely in time to anticipate the dash of the gallant rascal, who, believing the entire train at his mercy, came on with the greatest celerity. Finding himself foiled, Shelby, after a spirited little contest, retired, and Colonel Benton, resuming the march, hurried up to the train. But after crossing the creek, he was again attacked by the enemy's skirmishers, who, from this point to three miles south of the creek, continued to harass his rear. Having now reached a commanding ridge. Colonel Benton halted his command in line of battle, and engaged the enemy for over an hour, and until he was reinforced by the 50th Indi- ana, brought back by General S. A. Rice. The history of that entire day's march is but a repetition of THOMAS H. BENTON. 449 the above, with the exception that the forces engaged on both sides were being constantly reinforced. Late in the afternoon and near where General Steele had left the Washington road, Shelby was joined by Cabell, and Colonel Benton by the 9th Wisconsin Infantry. Here another engagement followed, when the enemy, being again repulsed, retired for the night. On the morning of the 4th of April, the battle of Elkin's Ford, on the Little Missouri River, was fought. Colonel Benton, although under fire with his regiment, was not engaged. The march through Prairie de Anne was attended by a series of skirmishes and engagements ; though none of them were bitterly contested. Jenkin's Ferry on the Saline River was the great battle of the campaign, and there Colonel Benton and his regiment most distinguished themselves. Steele occupied Camden from the evening of the loth to the night of the 26th of April, and then left on the return to Little Rock. During all this time, the enemy had been devising plans for his capture. Before he left they had sufficient forces to attack and defeat him at Camden, but this they did not do ; for their object was the capture of his army; and so confident were they of the success of their plans that, a rebel officer offered to wager large sums of money that General Steele would not see Little Rock, except as a prisoner of war. Had the rebel General Maxey, with his five thousand men, been purposely less vigilant in watching Steele at Camden, their schemes might have ripened into success; for Steele might have maintained himself by foraging several days longer, but this Maxey would not allow: he would pounce on every for- aging party sent out, thus compelling Steele to rely on his supply-trains from Pine Bluff. When the last train sent back was captured with its escort, he, of course, could do nothing but retire. The last Federal troops left Camden just before 29 450 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. mid-night of the 2Gth of April, taking tlie road via Princeton and Jenkin's Ferry. On the evening of the 28th of April, the retreating army encamped at Princeton, sixteen miles south of the ferry. The march was resumed early on the following morning, and pro- ceeded unmolested till some ten miles out from camp, when, in the midst of a most terrific thunder-storm, the rear-guard was opened on by the enemy's artillery. Price and Kirby Smith had come up by forced marches, having crossed the Washita some twenty-five miles below Camden ; and from this point, till Steele's advance reached the ferry, they continued to harass his rear. A pontoon-bridge had to be constructed, which, with the swollen waters of the river and the black darkness of the night, was well-nigh impracticable. There were also other difficulties to overcome, but these will be mentioned elsewhere. With all these obstacles to overcome, only the artillery and Carr's Division of Cavalry were able to reach the north bank of the Saline before day-light broke. It would have been impossi- ble, had there been more time, to cross the train; for the wagons were all sunk to their axles in miry quick-sands. The whole bottom was a vast mud-bed, and nearly the entire train and stores had to be burned. How the artillery was crossed I can not understand. In the meantime the enemy had made their dispositions, and were advancing to the attack. Carr was at once dispatched with his cavalry to Little Rock, while the infantry halted to fight the battle of Saline River. I should state that a portion of the infantry was sent over the river to guard the artillery. Only about five thousand were left on the south bank. The battle opened at day-light and on the part of the enemy with artillery. His force was not less than ten thousand — two rebels to one Federal, and the Federals had no artillery. Fur- ther particulars of this engagement will be found in the sketch THOMAS H. BENTON. 451 of the late gallant General Rice, who was in command of our forces, and who received a wound, from the effects of which he died not long after. The 29th Iowa held the right of the line of battle, and half- knee deep in mud and water fought with the most determined bravery from the beginning to the end of the engagement. The gallant charge, which captured the enemy's artillery (the only artillery on the gi-ound) was made by this regiment in connection with the 2d Kansas (colored). One hundred and eight in killed and wounded was the list of casualties of this noble regiment. The colonel escaped uninjured, though his horse was shot dead under him. Returning to Little Rock with the balance of the forces, the 29th Iowa went into camp where it remained for nearly a year. In February, 1865, it was ordered to New Orleans, where it was attached to the forces of General Canby. Its last services were, in aiding to reduce the strong forts that defended Mobile. The particular part that it acted, I have been unable to learn. Colonel Benton received his commission as brevet brigadier- general, while stationed with his command at Mobile Point, Alabama, and just before the forces marched from that place, against Spanish Fort. The rank is only complimentary : in justice, his commission should have made him a full brigadier. General Benton is six feet in hight, and has a well-formed person. He has dark brown hair, a light complexion, and mild, blue eyes. He lacks the dignity and majesty that characterized his late distinguished uncle. Like his uncle, however, he has large self-esteem, and full confidence in his ability. If he wants any thing, he asks for it directly, and not through another ; and, if he has done any thing, he does not affect modesty and refuse to let it be known. In religion. General Benton is a Methodist, and in politics. 452 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. an ardent Republican. He was formerly a Democrat, but left that party in 1850. His military record is not a glaring one: indeed, there have been few brilliant ones made in the department where he has chiefly served. But no officer in the army has a more honorable record than he. Great confidence has always been placed in him by his superior officers. After General Steele had lost a great portion of his train near Camden, his chief hope of relief was in the safe escort of a provision-train of one hundred and ninety wagons, forty miles out on the Pine Bluflf road, and in charge of a few convalescents, under Colonel Mackey, of the 33d Iowa. The responsible and dangerous duty of bringing this train through in safety was assigned to Colonel Benton, with a force consisting of only two regiments of infantry, four pieces of artillery, and a small squadron of cavalry. COLONEL CHARLES HENRY ABBOTT. FIRST COLONEL, THIRTIETH INFANTRY. The late Charles H, Abbott of the 30th Iowa Infantry was born in Concord, New Hampshire, on the 25th day of January, 1819. His ancestors were Puritans. His grand-father of the sixth generation was George Abbott, who, coming from Yorkshire, England, settled in Andover, Massachusetts, in the year 1613. Of that patriarch's grand-children, numbering seventy-three, thirty settled in Andover. The others wan- dered through New England and the Middle Colonies, where they made themselves homes. The family is one of the oldest in the country, and also one of the most numerous and wide- spread. Nathaniel Abbott, the colonel's great-grand-father, was a captain in the Provincial Army, and served through the French and Indian wars. His grand-father, Joshua Abbott, was a captain under Warren, and commanded a company at Bunker Hill; and his father, also christened Joshua, a Congre- gational minister. The latter died at Norfolk, Virginia, in about the year 1828. The Rev. John S. C. Abbott, the cele- brated author and historian, is a cousin of the late colonel, as is also Jacob Abbott, an author of some note. The subject of this memoir, who was the youngest of eight children, left New England at the age of sixteen for New York, whence, after a few months' residence, he removed to Michi- gan. In 1850 he left Detroit, and, coming to Iowa, settled in Louisa county. Later he removed to Muscatine. His business in Iowa was that of a farmer, land-agent and banker. In 1853 he married Miss Julia Beach, an accomplished lady and a 453 454 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. daughter of the Rev. John Beach of Michigan. Two little boys remain to her as her only hope. Colonel Abbott entered the service in the summer of 1862, as colonel of the 30th Iowa, and commanded his regiment in the battle of Chickasaw Bayou, and in the charge against the enemy's works at Vicksburg, on the 22d of May, 1863. In the last named engagement he was killed, while leading his regi- ment. Of the Iowa colonels, he was the third to fall dead or mortally wounded in battle. The operations of the 80th Iowa, while under the command of Colonel Abbott, will be found substantially recorded in the sketches of Brigadier-General, then Colonel Williamson, of the 4th, and Colonel Milo Smith, of the 26th Iowa regiments. The 30th Iowa was not engaged at Chickasaw Bayou, though it had four men wounded, while lying under the enemy's guns, on the third day of the battle — one corporal and three enlisted men. At Arkansas Post, the regiment was commanded by Lieu- tenant-Colonel Torrence, Colonel Abbott being sick. In this action, it was under fire for about three hours. It engaged the enemy from behind their works on the left, and, lying down, kept up an incessant fire, till the white flag was hoisted. The regiment suffered quite severely in killed and wounded : five were killed, and thirty-nine wounded. Among the wounded were Captains R. D. Cramer and Uley Burk ; Lieutenants H. L. Creighton and W. L. Alexander; Sergeant-Major Clenden- ing, and Sergeants York, Detwiler and Gregg. The following is from Lieutenant-Colonel Torrence's report : "There is nothing further which I deem it my duty to men- tion, save that both officers and men generally acted well for new troops. I might mention to you with great propriety a few instances of cool and commendable courage, displayed by some of the men, they having fallen under my immediate notice during the action; but I forbear mentioning any save CHARLES H. ABBOTT. 465 one, and that is the case of James M. Smith, a private of Com- pany C, a single young man, not yet arrived at liis majority. * * * His conduct on the battle-field, in the late engage- ment, was such as to secure implicit confidence in his courage and ability." The night following the engagement was one of great fatigue to the 30th Iowa ; for it was detailed to guard prisoners, and to escort them inside the fort, and was not relieved till after mid- night. The "Deer Creek raid" follows next in the history of the regiment, an account of which is elsewhere given; and next, the march to the rear of Vicksburg and the environment of that city. In this march, the regiment was attached to the loth Army Corps— Sherman's— and marched by way of Grand Gulf to Jackson, and thence to the rear of Vicksburg. General Sherman's account of the advance from Jackson will be read with interest. The 30th Iowa, it should be remembered, was attached to Steele's Division. "On the morning of the 16th, [May] I received a note from General Grant, written at Clinton, reporting the enemy advancing from Edward's Depot, and ordering me to put in motion one of my divisions toward Bolton, and to follow with the others as soon as I had completed the work of destruction ordered. "Steele's Division marched at ten A. M., and Tuttle's fol- lowed at noon. As the march would necessarily be rapid, I ordered General Mower to parole the prisoners of war, and to evacuate Jackson as the rear of Tuttle's division passed out. I paroled these prisoners because the wounded men of McPher- son's Corps had been left in a hospital in charge of Surgeon Hewitt, to the mercy of the enemy, who I knew would re-enter Jackson as soon as we left. The whole corps marched from Jackson to Bolton, nearly twenty miles, that day; and the next morning resumed the march by a road lying to the north of Baker's Creek, reaching Bridgeport, on the Big Black, at noon. There I found Blair's Division (which, with one of McClernand's Divisions, and a wagon-train had been left near New Auburn) and the pontoon-train. The enemy had a small picket on the west bank in a rifle-pit, commanding the crossing; 456 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. but, on exploding a few shells over the pit, they came out and surrendered — a lieutenant and ten men. The pontoon- bridge was laid across under the direction of Captain Freeman, and Blair's and Steele's Divisions passed over that night. Tuttle's followed the next morning. Starting with the break of day, we pushed on rapidly and by nine and one-half A. M. of May 18th the head of the column reached the Benton road ; and we commanded the Yazoo, interposing a superior force between the enemy at Vieksburg and his forts on the Yazoo. Resting a sufficient time to enable the column to close up, we pushed forward to the point where the road forks, and sending forward on each road — the 13th Regulars to the right, and the 8th Missouri to the left, with a battery at the forks, I awaited General Grant's arrival." From this point, Sherman, by Grant's order, gained a position in front of the enemy's works north of Vieksburg. Steele's Division led the advance, and, by a blind road on the right, winding through rugged, precipitous hills, came up squarely to the Mississippi above the city. This happened on the morning of the 19th instant ; and that morning a cheering sight greeted the eyes of the soldiers, who, for two weeks, or more, had been shut completely out from God's country. In plain view were the old camping-grounds at Young's Point; and, only five or six miles away, the Union fleet loaded down to the guards with government rations. Looking southward, the sight was less cheering. "Vieksburg was in plain view, and nothing separated us from the enemy but a space of about four hundred yards of very difficult ground, cut up by almost impassable ravines, and his line of intrenchments." Without that line of intrenchments, bristling with hostile bayonets, and defended by artillery, with black, gaping mouths staring madly at you through embrasures, the sight would have been magnificent ; for the dome of the court-house and the tall spires of wealthy churches looked up through the waving branches of luxuriant shade-trees, which dotted the CHARLES H. ABBOTT. 457 lills and hill-slopes in all parts of the city. Splendid private esidences, too, adorned with all the taste of modern art, eflected their beauty in the morning and evening sun. The first charge against the enemy's works was made on the .9th of May, the day concerning which I have just now spoken, jreneral Grant's reasons for making this charge, and the results vhich followed, he gives as follows : "I was not without hope of carrying the enemy's works, ■elying upon their demoralization, in consequence of repeated iefeats outside of Vicksburg ; and I ordered a general assault it 2 P. M. on this day. The 15th Army Corps, from having irrived in front of the enemy's works in time on the 18th to ^et a good position, were enabled to make a vigorous assault, rhe 13th and 17th Corps succeeded no further than to gain idvanced positions, covered from the fire of the enemy." Neither this charge, nor the one made three days later, was successful ; and is it strange? It is rather wonderful that every nan who joined in these assaults was not left, either dead or svounded, under the guns of the enemy. The character of the country for miles around Vicksburg is tilly and broken; and the nearer you approach the city the wilder and more impracticable it becomes. The hills lie, as a general thing, I believe, in great parallel, semi-circular ridges, with Vicksburg as the centre; but they lap each other, and ihoot out spurs in every direction, thus forming deep, winding ravines, which were filled, as a general thing, with under- brush, and standing and fallen timber. The works around Vicksburg were constructed by the best engineers the Con- federacy could boast; and not a ravine was there which approached these works that was not swept by artillery and enfiladed by musketry. The hill-sides were precipitous, and in many places obstructed: these were also swept by a front and enfilading fire. None who know the ground will say that I have drawn too strong a picture. 458 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Grant failed to carry the enemy's works on the 19th instant. The following are his reasons for attempting it on the 22cl. : *' I believed an assault from the position at this time gnioied could be made successfully. It was known that Johnson was at Clinton with the force taken by him from Jackson, reinforced by other troops from the east, and that more were daily reach- ing him. With the force I had, a short time must have enabled him to attack me in the rear, and possibly succeed in raising the siege. Possession of Vicksburg at that time would have enabled me to turn upon Johnson, and drive him from the State, and possess myself of the railroads and practicable military highways, thus effectually securing to ourselves all territory west of the Tombigbee ; and this, before the season was too far advanced for campaigning in this latitude. I would have saved the government sending large reinforcements, much needed elsewhere; and finally, the troops themselves were impatient to possess Vicksburg, and would not have worked in the trenches with the same zeal, believing it unnec- essary, that they did after their failure to carry the enemy's works." There was one other reason, I believe, which influenced Gen- eral Grant in making the assault, of which from some cause he does not speak. Valorous Falstaffs at the North, some of them wearing civic honors and others at the head of influen- tial public presses, had long croaked of indecision and inactiv- ity. Such (and they were legion) could not be appeased, except by blood ; but even now he had not closed their twaddling lips; for they prated of the " useless sacrifice." Now that he wears triumjihal honors, they fawn about him like so many worthless curs ; but I know he spurns them with contempt. Twice it has been my fortune, myself removed from danger, to witness the fierce conflict of two contending armies. Once, standing on a high hill on the north bank of the Tennessee, I saw the veterans of Howard assail the enemy and drive them from their works on Orchard Knoll, back of Chattanooga. I also had previously witnessed the bloody and unsuccessful CHARLES H. ABBOTT. 459 charge of the 22d of INIay, at Vicksburg : that was the grandest and most terrible sight I ever looked on. The high ground east of Fort Hill and near the White House was the stand- point ; and I can now recall the whole scene, as though it had passed but yesterday. Here was Grant's look-out, and, near him, were INIcPherson and Logan. Sherman was already advancing on the right ; and soon McClernand was boasting that he had captured three forts, and was master of his position. I heard a lieutenant-colonel announce this to Logan, when that general yelled with an oath to the new brigadier, Leggett, "to move at once on the enemy's works in his front, or he would arrest him." All this time, and for more than an hour previous, above an hundred pieces of artillery had been booming, and throwing their ponderous projectiles into and above the enemy's works. Porter, during the same time, was tossing his big mortar shells into the doomed city. Huge volumes of smoke in front, and on the right and left, were rising lazily in the air, revealing the most interesting and anxious part of the scene— the infantry. There they were — some winding their long lengths through the deep ravines, to gain their designated positions, and others, further on, deployed on the hill-sides, and, with their bodies thrown forward, working their way up toward the enemy's works. So intent was I in watching those in front that I did not observe others. These, soon arriving near the summit of the hill across which stretched the enemy's works, raised the battle-cry, and dashed forward. I began to hope there was no enemy to oppose them, or that they would not fire ; but at that very instant, the smoke from at least two thousand muskets leaped down in their very faces. Horrors! It seemed as though three-fourths of them fell. The line did not waver : the men were butchered ; for I saw 460 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. only a few run hurriedly back down the hill. By reports afterward made, however, the casualties could not have been as large as I suppose : many of the men, while enveloped in the smoke, must have sought and found cover. The 30th Iowa was under Steele, away on the extreme right, and beyond my observation ; but it joined in the same general charge, a portion of which I have given. Among the many gallant men who fell that day, on the slopes and ridges that encircle Vicksburg, was the lamented Colonel Charles H. Abbott. He was struck in the chin by a musket-ball, which, passing through his throat, came out at the back of his neck. He fell instantly and was carried from the field. His last words were words of cheer to his men. He never spoke after he was shot, and lived only about three hours. He died and was buried near the spot where he fell; and the valley beneath whose turf he was temporarily laid was designated by General Sherman as "Abbott's Valley." His body was afterward removed to Muscatine and buried on the banks of the majestic Mississippi. Iowa, "the land of flowers," and the State he loved so well is the shrine of his mortal remains. Brave, good man ! he lived worthily and died nobly ; and his name stands among the first on the State's Roll of Honor. COLONEL WILLIAM M. G. TORRENCE. SECOND COLONEL, THIRTIETH INFANTRY. William M. G. Torrence, the successor of Colonel Abbott to the colonelcy of the 30th Iowa Infantry, was the eighth of the Iowa colonels who lost their lives in the service — Worth- ington, Baker, Mills, Dewey, Kinsman, Abbott, Hughes, and Torrence. Of those who lost their lives in battle, he was the fifth— Baker, Mills, Kinsman, Abbott, and Torrence. Colonel Torrence was a native of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, where he was born the 1st day of September, 1823. His parents were Presbyterians, of which church he was also a member. His mother died in his early infancy, and left him to the kind care of an esteemed and most worthy sister, who reared him with almost maternal tenderness. In early manhood, he left his native State for Kentucky, where he became a school-teacher; and in this capacity he passed several years. He was engaged in school-teaching in Kentucky, at the time war was declared against Mexico; but, like Colonel Scott of the 32d Iowa, left the school-room and volunteered. He was a first lieutenant in that war, and a member of the 1st Kentucky Mounted Volunteers, commanded by the portly, perfidious Humphrey Marshall. His cool judg- ment and commendable courage in action won him distinction. He was highly complimented for the part he acted at the battle of Buena Vista, being tendered a commission in the regular army of the same rank as that which he held in the volunteer service ; but he declined the honor, and, at the close of the war, returned home with his regiment. 461 462 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. In the latter part of 1817, Lieutenant Toi'rence came to Iowa, and settled in Keokuk, where he resumed his former occupa- tion, and where he made his home till the outbreak of the rebellion. During his residence in Keokuk, he was for several years City Superintendent of Public Instruction. In the spring of 1861, ho enlisted a comi)any (A) for the 1st Iowa Cavalry, and was in June commissioned major of the first battalion of that regiment. In the winter of 18G1-2, he served with his battalion in Central Missouri, and had command of posts in Howard, Pettis and Cooper counties. At Silver Creek, in January 1862, he engaged and defeated the rebel Colonel Poindexter, capturing and destroying his camp and his train. While a member of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, he served with credit to himself, and was equally successful as a post-com- mandant, and as a leader of expeditions to hunt out and punish guerrillas. He was a terror to the Missouri bush- whackers. On the 3d of May, 1862, for reasons unknown to me. Major Torrence resigned his commission, and returned to his home in Keokuk. After the call of the President for additional troops in the summer of 1862, Major Torrence again volunteered, and was made lieutenant-colonel of the 30th Iowa Infantry. In Octo- ber, 1862, he accompanied his regiment to the field, and was with it in all its subsequent campaigns and engagements. At Arkansas Post, where he commanded his regiment, he partic- ularly distinguished himself; and at the memorable charge against the enemy's works at Vicksburg, where Colonel Abbott was killed, he bore himself with equal gallantry. On the 29th day of May, 1863, he was commissioned colonel of the 30th Iowa ; and, from that day till the 21st of October, 1863, he remained in command of his regiment. The history of the 30th Iowa during the colonelcy of Colonel WILLIAM M. G. TORRENCE. 463 Torrence covers the siege of Vicksburg; the march to Jackson under General Sherman after the surrender of Vicksburg, and a portion of the march from Memphis to Chattanooga. It was on tlio hist named march that the colonel was killed. An account of all the above operations has already been given in the sketches of other officers and regiments, and can not be repeated with interest. This however should be said in justice to the 30th Iowa : no regiment from the State surpasses it in gallant and meritorious services ; and, of the Iowa troops called out in the summer of 1862, no regiment has done more fighting, and few have done as much. In the face of the enemy, it has always conducted itself with conspicuous gal- lantry, challenging the admiration of both its brigade and division commanders. From the time of its entering the field to the present, the 30th has served in the same division with the 4th, 9th, 25th, 26th and 31st Iowa regiments. The services of the 30th Iowa, and of the Iowa troops before Vicksburg, were arduous and exhausting. After operations had settled down into a regular siege, the troops suffered chiefly from tlie intense heat in the trenches, and from the want of good water. The labor in digging the approaches, and of con- structing new forts and planting artillery, was the hardest and most dreaded. The Federal camps were so securely established tack behind the hills, as to render them comparatively safe from the enemy's scattering musketry, and from the ponderous missiles of their artillery. The skirmish-line was the place of chief danger; and yet, the skirmish-line was the scene of much amusement. Regiments took their regular turn on the skir- mish-line, every two or three days, usually going out in the morning, and holding their posts for twenty-four hours. They were protected by old logs, fallen trees, and slight earth-works. Every man had his chosen place — in the crotch of a fallen 464 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. tree, at the end of a log, behind a stump, or somewhere; and the regular day for his regiment at the front, was sure to find him there, unless he had been struck by a "Johnnie," or left sick in camp. Thousands to-day can go to the very spot where, during the siege of forty-five days, they slammed away. A favorite amusement with many of the men, was to stick their hats on the end of their guns, and then, thrusting them just above the works, invite the "Johnnies" to "hit that." It was nothing uncommon, too, for the men to "take a game of seven-up." It is wonderful what indifference to danger men acquire from being constantly exposed to it. The greater portion of the montlis of August and September, 1863, were passed by the 30th Iowa in camp on Big Black River. In the latter part of September, the regiment marched with its brigade to Vicksburg, and proceeded thence by boat to Memphis. Going by rail from Memphis to Corinth, it marched thence for Chattanooga. The 30th was attached to General Osterhaus' Division, which marched out to Tuscumbia, Alabama, to call the attention of the enemy from Sherman's real line of march. It was on that march that Colonel Tor- rence wjxs killed. He was shot by the enemy, in ambush, just beyond Cherokee Station and among the wild hills of northern Alabama. I remember the day well. It was in the afternoon of the 2l8t of October, and stormy and dismal. The troops of John E. Smith's Division, being only about seven miles in rear of Osterhaus', could hear the firing distinctly. That night no baggage was unloaded, and we slept in a cold, drizzling rain. We expected to be thrown to the front the next morning, and all were gloomy. But the next morning we remained in camp, and watched the ambulances that were bearing to the rear the dead and wounded of Osterhaus' Division : when the WILLIAM M. G. TORRENCE. 465 dead body of Colonel Torrence went past, there were not a few sad hearts among the Iowa troops. The Colonel was shot through the breast while at the head of his regiment, and died almost instantly. The following, as nearly as I can learn, are the circumstances under which Colonel Torrence was killed; and General Oster- haus was severely censured by some, for the part he acted. The enemy were met just beyond Cherokee. Between the Federal and Confederate forces was an open field, bordered by dense timber ; and Osterhaus' line of march was eastward in the direction of Tuscumbia. Forming his line, he advanced across the field, when the enemy fell back into the woods, in their rear. Colonel J. A. Williamson, in command of the bri- gade to which the 30th Iowa was attached, on arriving at the edge of the timber, left his command in line, and rode forward to reconnoitre. On returning, he met Colonel Torrence advancing with his regiment by the flank, and said to him: "How is this. Colonel? you are not obeying orders." Colonel Torrence, lifting his hat, and in his bland, gentlemanly way, replied: "I am acting under the orders of General Osterhaus." Colonel Williamson then rode back to the balance of his com- mand, but had hardly re-joined it, when a volley of musketry was heard down the road. Colonel Torrence had discovered the enemy only an instant before they fired, and was just deploying his regiment in line. He was shot through the breast, and, as I have before said, fell from his horse, and died almost instantly. In the skirmish near Cherokee, (for so it was called) the loss of the 30th Iowa was twenty-seven in killed, wounded and missing. Captain William H. Randall was among the killed. He was a native of Indiana, and a resident of Birmingham, Van Buren county. Brave, modest and unassuming, he was deservedly one of the most popular officers of his regiment. 466 IOWA COLONELS AND KEGIMENTS. If I ever saw Colonel Torrence, I did not know him; but 1 am told he was a tall, slender man, with agreeable manners and affable address. At the time of his death, his head was heavily sprinkled with gray. He was a good scholar, and, judging from his official papers, a man of good taste and judg- ment. He was a Christian gentleman, and, as a citizen, held in the highest esteem. The following is an extract from his last communication sent to the adjutant-general of Iowa: " Head-quarters 30th Regiment Iowa Volunteers, luKA, Mississippi, October 13th, 1863. "N. B. Baker, Adjutant- General of Iowa : " Accompanying this, you will receive two flags, worn out in the service. They were carried by the 30th Iowa during their marches a distance of five thousand seven hundred miles, between October 26th, 1862, and October 10th, 1863." Quite in contrast is the following extract from the report of an Iowa officer, whose name I will not give. "Exposed to every danger, they were ever conspicuous for their cool, daring courage, and the ardor of their souls, blended with pure love for their country, beamed from their counte- nances, and hung about them, ' Like the bright Iris, o'er the boiling surge.' " COLONEL WILLIAM SMYTH. THIBTY-FIRST INFANTRY. William Smyth was born in the year 1824. England, Scotland and Ireland are all represented among the Iowa colonels. Colonel William Smyth is the Irish representative. His history, so far as I know it, is briefly as follows : He was born in Ireland, and emigrated to this country about the year 1838. A year or two later, he settled in Linn county, Iowa, where he has made his home ever since. He is one of the oldest residents of that county. He came to the State ignorant and poor ; but educated himself, and is now wealthy and one of the ablest lawyers in Iowa. He was at an early day district judge of what is now the Eighth Judicial District. He was also one of our Code Commissioners. He is reported as being the only able and responsible man in his part of the State who has no enemies. William Smyth entered the service as colonel of the 31st Iowa Infantry, one of the twenty-two infantry regiments organized in the State in the summer and fall of 1862. His commission, like those of eleven other Iowa colonels, bears date of the 10th of August, 1862. At the time of entering the service, he had, I am told, no military knowledge or training : he was made a colonel on account of his worth. The services of the 31st Iowa, up to the arrival of Sherman at Savannah, can be learned in the histories of the 4th, 9tli, 25th, 26th and 30th Iowa regiments. It joined these regiments at Helena, late in the fall of 1862, and has served with them ever since. The expedition to Chickasaw Bayou ; that up the Arkansas River to Arkansas Post, and also that to near the 467 468 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Yazoo, known as the " Deer Creek raid; " the march to the rear of Vicksburg, and the protracted and exhausting siege of the city; the return march of Sherman to Jackson, Mississippi, in pursuit of Johnson ; the movement of Sherman's Corps from tlie Big Black up the river to Memphis, in the fall of 1864, and thence to Corinth, and the march from Corinth to Chatta- nooga; the brilliant campaign of Sherman from Daltou to Atlanta; the pursuit of Hood to North Eastern Alabama, at the time he began his disastrous raid north ; and, finally, the grand marches from Atlanta to Savannah, and from Savannah to Raleigh, are all embraced in the record of the 81st Iowa regiment. There is little in the march from Atlanta of special interest ; for, previous to the time it was begun, the rebel forces had become so scattered as to make resistance, on their part, feeble and ineffectual. With the exception of the cavalry, the Fed- eral troops marched with little molestation, and with an abundance of supplies. It was rather an agreeable campaign than otherwise. On the other hand, the march from Savannah to Goldsboro was one of great hardship. The advance was made in the face of a foe too feeble, it is true, to offer much serious resistance, and yet strong enough to occasion much anxiety. In addition to this, much of the country over which the march lay, presented strong natural obstructions. One who accompanied General Sherman in his last grand cam- paign, gives the following picture of one of the advancing columns; and the experiences of all were nearly the same: " If the head of the column is checked by bad roads, it masses and goes to work with a vengeance, assisting the pioneers. The object is to get the roads in such condition that the artillery- trains can pass. If the bottom be good and the water not suffi- ciently deep to damage the ammunition in the wagons, and the swamp not more than one mile across, we always bulge WILLIAM SMYTH. 469 through. If our column is checked by the enemy, it deploys into position and fights a little, while other troops push ahead and flank the enemy. If several columns are checked, we deploy into position, (nicest maneuver in the world) press the enemy closely at all points, and, if no advantage occurs, pitch in and whip them like h— 1. General Sherman never bothers us upon such occasions, unless we are getting a little too far round, or not quite far round enough, or a little too brisk; for he knows precisely what we are going to do. But if we get a little too fast, he always modestly makes his appearance and says: "Hold up a little there, boys, d— n it! wait till the 14th gets fairly in;" or words to that effect. To be sure, he does not say this so that we can hear him ; for he speaks through the regular channel ; but then we all know what General Sher- man says. "Advancing in line of battle through woods, brush, over logs, through swamps, down embankments, and over wood- piles, is easily done, because we all know how. We never think of keeping step, or touching elbows— pshaw! Each man knows just where he ought to be, and keeps his eye upon the spot where, theoretically, he is until he gets there. This may cost him a dozen flank movements on his own hook." Though the above is a facetious picture of General Sherman's progress through the swamps and timber of South Carolina, it has in it less of fiction than of history. When Sherman left Atlanta, his plan was, to use his own words, "to leave an army in the West, under Major-General G. H. Thomas, of sufficient strength, to meet emergencies in that quarter, while he conducted another army, composed of the 14th, 15th, 17th, and 20th corps and Kilpatrick's Division of cavalry, to the Atlantic slope, aiming to approach the grand theatre of war in Virginia, by the time the season would admit of military operations in that latitude." Hardee aban- doned Savannah during the night of the 20th of December, and, twenty days later, the 15th and 17th Corps began embark- ing at Fort Thunderbolt for Beaufort, South Carolina, prepar- atory to marching " to the grand theatre of war in Virginia." 470 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Near Beaufort, the 31st Iowa remained in camp with its brigade till the 27th of January, when it begun the march inland. The grand army moved in three columns, the 17th Corps on the right, the 15th in the centre, and the 14th and 20th Corps and Kilpatrick's Cavalry on the left. As already stated. Colonel Stone's Iowa Brigade, to which the 31st Iowa belonged, was attached to the 15th Corps, whose line of march was nearly due north till arriving at Columbia, after which it was directed north-east toward Fayetteville and Goldsboro, North Carolina. On this march, the 31st Iowa with its brigade met the enemy at three different points — on the Little Con- garee Creek near Columbia, at Columbia, and near Bentonville, North Carolina. The first engagement occurred on the loth of February, 1865. That morning the 2d Brigade of the 1st Division, Colonel Cal- leson, led the advance and encountered the enemy soon after leaving camp ; but they made little resistance till arriving at the Little Congaree, where, having taken up a strong position, they brought the head of the column to a halt. Next in rear of Colonel Calleson's Brigade was Colonel Stone's, which was at once ordered to the front and deployed in line of battle. The enemy were soon flanked without serious loss, and a cross- ing over the Little Congaree secured. With little delay, the march was continued in the direction of Columbia, where the army arrived in the afternoon of the 16th instant. Columbia, the South Carolina Capital, situated on the north bank of the Congaree and just below the junction of the Broad and Saluda Rivers, was one of the prettiest cities in all the South. It was formerly the centre of South Carolina politics and South Caro- lina wealth. When, in marching upon the high ground south of the river, the sight of the boasted city first greeted the eyes of the soldiers, they were filled with wonder at its beauty. Immediately in their front was the Congaree, hidden from WILLIAM SMYTH. 471 view by a broad belt of pine timber; but over the tops of the tall, waving trees were plainly to be seen the handsome build- ings and the beautiful surroundings of Columbia. Only the 15th and 17th Corps marched on the city. The 14th and 20th crossed Broad River at Zion Church, and marched through Alston, destroying the road, and proceeding thence in the direction of Winnsboro. Of the two corps before Colum- bia, the 15th held the left and the 17th the right. The 3d Brigade, 1st Division, of the 15th, was the first organized com- mand to cross Broad Biver. It was to the same command that Columbia was formally surrendered by the rebel mayor, on the morning of the 17th of February. On the afternoon of the 16th instant. General Logan had efi-ected a crossing of the Saluda, and pushed a portion of his command to near the west bank of Broad Biver. George A. Stone's Brigade was sent forward to the river bank, with instructions to cross the stream that night in pontoons, and cover the crossing of its corps the next morning-perhaps, to move on the city; for that is what was done. "The point determined on for crossing, was about one mile above the wreck of the bridge, and two miles above the city. It was expected to have effected a crossing by mid-night; but the cur- rent of the river was so very strong, the engineer did not succeed in getting a line across till three o'clock of the morning of the 17th instant. At ten minutes before four, I sent over two boat-loads of sharp-shooters under Captain Bowman of my staff, with instructions to have them placed as skirmishers, with the centre of the line opposite the landing, and at least seventy-five yards distant. He had particular instructions to keep his men quiet, and not to reply to any firing of the enemy, unless satisfied they meant an attack before the column could cross. I went over with the advance-the 31st lowa- and made a personal reconnoissance of the ground." 472 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. The landing was effected on a crescent-shaped island, one or more bayous separating it from the main land. Here Colonel Stone assembled his command, or all except a portion of the 4th Iowa, which had not yet crossed, and at day-light charged the enemy. The struggle lasted but a few moments ; for the main rebel army had already abandoned the city, leaving only a few regiments to delay the crossing. Colonel Stone marched directly on the city, and when near the suburbs, met a carriage flying a flag of truce, and bearing the rebel mayor, Goodwin. Terms of capitulation were tendered and accepted, when the Iowa Brigade, of the loth Corps, entered and occupied Colum- bia. It was the proudest day these gallant troops had seen since entering the war. Of the capture of Columbia, General Sherman says, in his official report: "Under cover of this brigade, [Stone's] a pontoon-bridge was laid on the morning of the 17th. I was, in person, at this bridge, and at eleven A. M. learned that the mayor of Colum- bia had come out in a carriage, and made a formal surrender of the city to Colonel George A. Stone, 25th Iowa, commanding 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 15th Corps. About the same time, a small party of the 17th Corps had crossed the Congaree in a skiff, and entered Columbia from a point immediately west." The night following the capture of Columbia, the greater portion of the city was burned ; not, however, by the Federal soldiery, but by that rebel wretch. Wade Hampton, who had, for this very purpose, flooded the place with cotton. A high wind and bad whisky were the confederates of his wicked scheme. The sight was heart-rending. Decrepit old men, and helpless women and children, rushed wildly from their burning dwellings, and cried most piteously for help; but, though the soldiers exerted their utmost, it was long before they could stay the devouring element. From Columbia, the line of march of the 15th Corps lay WILLIAM SMYTH. 473 through Cheraw and Fayetteville, and thence to Goldsboro and Raleigh; but in all this distance the 3d Brigade of Wood's Division failed to meet the enemy, till arriving near Benton- ville, on the route from Fayetteville to Goldsboro. In the battles that were fought near Bentonville, on the 20th and 21st of February, the Iowa Brigade took an important part. These were the last battles of the campaign, and decided the fate of General Johnson's army, if, indeed, it had not been decided before. In the march to Goldsboro, near which place the armies of Sherman and Schofield formed a junction, the Iowa Brigade held the post of honor— the rear-guard of its division and corps. The results of the campaign, as regards Colonel Stone's Bri- gade, are summed up as follows : «' This brigade has been in four engagements, with the fol- lowing loss: killed, seven ; wounded, sixty-four; and missing, twelve. We have captured and turned over to the provost- marshal one hundred and forty-five prisoners of war. In the capture of Columbia, South Carolina, we took about five thou- sand stand of arms, immense quantities of ammunition and ordnance stores, and released forty Federal officers confined there. We have marched four hundred and eighty-five miles, built fifteen thousand and thirty-seven yards of corduroy road, and destroyed three miles of railroad." The following is from the history of the regiment: "Colonel William Smyth commanded the regiment from the time of its organization till the 13th of August, 1863, at which time, Lieuteuant-ColonelJenkins being at home with wounds received at Vicksburg during the charge of May 22d, the regi- ment was commanded by Major Stimming, until August 22d, 1863, when Lieutenant-Colonel Jenkins rejoined his command, and commanded the regiment from that date to February 1st, 1864. Lieutenant-Colonel Jenkins then taking command of the brigade, Major Stimming commanded the regiment from that date to March 10th, 1864. Lieutenant-Colonel Jenkms then commanded it to March 20th, at which time he went home on leave of absence, and Major Stimming agam com- 474 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. manded to April 20th, 1864. Lieutenant-Colonel Jenkins returning, he commanded until May 1st, 1864, when Colonel Smyth, having rejoined the regiment, commanded from May 1st to September 25th, being then detailed to command the brigade. Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. Jenkins has been in com- mand from that date to the present time. * * The regiment was first armed with Prussian smooth-bore muskets; before taking the field actively, it was armed with Enfield rifle muskets. September 28th, 1864, it was armed with Spring- field rifie muskets. Colonel Smyth resigned his commission after the arrival of his regiment at Savannah. Accordingly, in the march from Beaufort, the 31st was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. Jenkins, who, during the campaign, was thrice compli- mented by his brigade commander for gallant conduct. Colonel Smyth is a large man and rather portly. In his deportment he is kind, candid and dignified. His merit as a soldier consisted in his kind care for his men, and in his great bravery. He was not an apt tactician. I am told he would sit quietly upon his horse under a sharp fire of the enemy, while determining upon the proper command to be given to his regi- ment for some designated movement. Not long after entering the service, he was ordered by his brigade commander, while drilling his battalion, to throw it into a certain position. Not remembering the proper command, he rode up to his adjutant and enquired : " Lieutenant, what shall I say ? " COLONEL JOHN SCOTT. THIRTY-SECOND INFANTRY. John Scott, the commander of the Union forces at Blue Mills, Missouri, and one of the chief heroes at the battle of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, is a native of Jefferson county, Ohio, where he was born on the 14th day of April, 1824. He is a lawyer by profession, and was admitted to the bar in 1845, in Steubenville, Ohio, where he had pursued his legal studies. But, being without means, and seeing less certain subsistence in the practice of his profession, than in the business of teach- ing, he removed to Kentucky, where, for two or more years, he was engaged in conducting county academies and select female schools. He was a resident of Kentucky, at the time war was declared with Mexico, and volunteered in the 1st Kentucky Mounted Volunteers, Colonel Humphrey Marshall's regiment. The late Colonel W. M. G. Torrence, of the 30th Iowa, who, like Colonel Scott, was then engaged in teaching in Kentucky, was a member of the same regiment. But in his connection with the Mexican service. Colonel Scott was unfor- tunate. He was one of the party of seventy that, on the 23d of January, 1847, was captured at Encarnacion, and taken to the city of Mexico. He was retained a prisoner of war, until the following October, and then released at Tampico. At the close of the Mexican war. Colonel Scott returned to Kentucky, and, locating in Mount Sterling, became the editor of the "Kentucky Whig." Soon after his return he published an account of his prison-life. He continued his residence in Kentucky until the year 1856, when he removed to Nevada, Iowa; though two years before he had visited the State in 475 476 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. search of a home on free soil. In Kentucky, he was a man of influence— in his congressional district at least; though his principles were such as to attach him to the unpopular party. In the canvass made by General Scott for the Presidency, he took an active part, advocating the claims and merits of that officer ; and at that early day he did not fail to warn the people of his adopted State of the suicidal policy of agitating the Slavery question. In the fall of 1859, Colonel Scott was elected to the Iowa State Senate, to represent the counties of Hardin, Hamilton, Boone and Story, and was a member and holding a seat in that body at the time of accepting a commission in the volunteer service. He entered the war as captain of Company E, 3d Iowa Infantry, but, on the final organization of that regiment, was promoted to the lieutenant-colonelcy. The early history of the 3d Iowa Infantry, and the part taken in the battle of Blue Mills, Missouri, by Lieutenant-Colonel Scott, in command of that regiment and the other Union forces, appears in the sketch of Colonel Wilson G. Williams. Lieutenant-Colonel Scott was promoted to the colonelcy of the 32d Iowa Infantry, on the 10th day of August, 1862, and at once joined that regiment at its rendezvous near Dubuque. The 32d regiment, which was enlisted from the Sixth Con- gressional District, numbered at the time it was mustered into the service about nine hundred and thirty men. It was, as was the case with the majority of the Iowa regiments organ- ized under the call of that Summer, made up from our best yeomanry. The first year and a half of its service was not eventful, and gave the regiment little reputation; for, from October, 1862, the date of its arrival at St. Louis, Missouri, until the month of March, 1864, it was stationed in detachments at Cape Girardeau, New Madrid, Fort Pillow, Columbus, and JOHN SCOTT. 477 at other points along the Mississippi, on camp- and post-duty; and it rarely happens that incidents occur on such duty that attract general attention. In the case of this regiment, however, there was one such incident: it was widely talked of at the time; but its history with many was not understood. It will be remembered that, in the latter part of December, 1862, Colonel, afterward General Forest, with a force estimated at from five to seven thousand men, made his appearance in Western Tennessee and Kentucky. It was on this same raid that Forest threatened Jackson, Tennessee, destroyed some thirty miles of railroad north of that place, and fought with the brigade of Colonel Dunham the battle of Parker's Cross Boads. On the 28th of December, 1862, Colonel Scott, under instructions from General Curtis, left Cape Girardeau, Missouri, to join six companies of his regiment, stationed at New Madrid, and occupying that place. By his instructions, he was to have oversight of the country from New Madrid to Cape Girardeau. On the afternoon of the 28th, he arrived at Columbus, Ken- tucky, and called on General Davies, then commancUng at that place, for the purpose of consulting with him, and obtaining information. On arriving at head-quarters, he found General Davies in conference with Generals Tuttle and Fisk, (both of the Department of Missouri) and in a state of great apprehen- sion. The general believed the object of the enemy was the capture of Fort Pillow ; and, assuming authority from Gen- eral Curtis, ordered Colonel Scott to abandon New Madrid, and reinforce that place. The colonel remonstrated, and inquired for his authority; but, though the general failed to find the dispatch, he substantiated its substance by General Fisk. The colonel had no choice in the matter, for his duty as a subordi- nate officer was clear; but, though he entered upon it with apparent alacrity, I venture the assertion, he did not with a fully subordinate spirit. Hence it was that the government 478 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. property at New Madrid and Island No. 10, was destroyed, in consequence of which. General Carr, unjustly, and without inquiry, placed Colonel Scott under arrest. But the finding of the commission, which was ordered to investigate the mat- ter, was for the colonel a full vindication ; for it found that "he did his duty, and was honorably acquitted of all blame." Naturally sensitive, and extremely jealous of his military record, the simple fact of his being put under arrest was a source of great mortification ; but, to those who were acquainted with the circumstances, the affair was not only not detracting to him as a military man, but was a recommenda- tion of great value. I have stated that the 32d Iowa was stationed on camp- and picket-duty a principal portion of the time from October, 1862, until March, 1864. I should not however omit to state that, early in February, 1864, Colonel Scott, with a part of his regi- ment, accompanied General Sherman on his march to Meridian. In this expedition, and in that one under General Banks up the Red River, the regiment was brigaded with the 14th, and 27th Iowa, and the 24th Missouri. On the Meridian march, there was no general engagement, and, if I mistake not, the 32d Iowa, as a regiment, met the enemy for the first time in the assault and capture of Fort De Russey, an account of which affair is given in the sketch of General James I. Gilbert, formerly of the 27th Iowa. Colonel Scott, in command of his regiment, sailed from Vicksburg for the mouth of Red River, on the 10th of March, 1864, his regiment forming a part of the 3d Division, 16th Army Corps, commanded by General A. J. Smith. On the evening of the 12th instant, the fleet bearing this command arrived at Simmsport, Lousiana, situated at the junction of Bayou Atachafalya with the Red River, and one of the places JOHN SCOTT. 479 through which General Banks passed, while marching to invest Port Hudson. From Simmsport to Alexandria, General Smith had no other aid or reinforcements than the gun-boat fleet of Admiral Porter; and between these two points was the strong work of the enemy, known as Fort De Russey. But Fort De Bussey was captured, and Alexandria reached in safety, on the even- ing of the 15th instant. Some days after the arrival of General Banks with his command from Franklin, Lousiana, the combined forces, numbering about fifteen thousand men, moved up the river— those of General Banks by land and the division of General Smith on the gun-boat fleet and transports. General Smith's command arrived at Grand Ecore on the 3d of April without incident; nor had General Banks on arriving at that point met the enemy in suflicient force to offer much resistance. At Grand Ecore, the troops rested for several days, as they had also done at Alexandria. The reason for these delays I have been unable to learn ; and it may be true, as was at the time asserted, that General Banks, by his lazy activity, contributed to his own defeat. Beport, too, burdens General Steele with a share of the odium; for he should have moved much sooner than he did, and rendered it impossible for the enemy to concentrate at long marches from Shreveport. But Providence, whose galled back has borne the blunders of centuries, was doubtless made the pack-horse of all these disasters, for one of these generals was retained in his command, and the other acquitted without censure. But we can not make history : we can only record it. General Banks, with the command he had brought with him from the Gulf, marched out from Grand Ecore, on the Mans- field and Shreveport road, in the forenoon of the 5th of April, and two days later was followed by the division of General Smith. On the evening of the 8th instant, General Smith 480 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. went into camp near Pleasant Hill ; and that night every thing was put in readiness for an early and rapid march on the mor- row; for, during nearly all that afternoon, he and his troops had heard, indistinctly, the reports of artillery at the front. Notwithstanding the battle of Sabine Cross Roads was fought nearly twenty miles in advance of Pleasant Hill, and closed only after dark, yet, before eleven o'clock that night, the affrighted stragglers from the front came swarming past Gen- eral Smith's encampment. As the night wore on, the confu- sion increased ; and before two o'clock the stampede of footmen, horsemen and teams was appalling. Long before day-light, more than two thousand weak-hearted, terror-stricken men had fled to the rear, rehearsing as they rode or ran their stories of fearful disasters that had befallen General Banks. In the meantime, those troops who had retained their organizations had hurried back, and a little after day-light had formed a line of battle about one and a half miles west of Pleasant Hill. At about ten o'clock of the following morning, the 32d Iowa, with its brigade, (which, by the way, had been put under arms a little after mid-night,) was ordered to the front, to report to General Banks. That officer turned it over to General Emery, who, sending it out on the Mansfield road, stationed it in the extreme front. Its position was on a small rise of ground, and at right angles with the road. In its rear was heavy timber, and in its front, open fields, which descended to a ravine. Beyond the ravine was timber, in which the enemy was already deployed in line of battle. As I have else- where stated, the 32d held the extreme left, and on that regi- ment's right was the 27th Iowa. The 24th Missouri held the right, and between that and the 27th, was the 14th Iowa, drawn up across the road. Between the 32d and 27th Iowa, was a small ravine, putting down into the one in front, which JOHN SCOTT. ^1 rendered the position of the 82d in a manner isolated. What made it still worse for the 82d Iowa was the timber, extending nearly up to its left, affording a fine cover for the approach of the enemy's flankers. A few yards in front of the 14th Iowa was the 25th New York Battery, double-shotted, and reae names of the troops that did the ch.ef flghtmg while they recorded the names of many that fled at the first onset of the enemy. Iowa saved General Banks' army from rout and capture, and yet her brave sons, in any a«ount that I have seen, were nowhere mentioned. The brigade of the irascible Colonel Shaw held the centre of the Union hne of 482 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. battle — it may be said, constituted that line; for the brigades on both its right and left were uot only refused, but thrown many yards to the rear ; and as soon as the enemy advanced they retired still further. In this position Colonel Shaw's Brigade received the enemy's infantry, which came up the slope lead- ing to the ravine, in a long, unbroken line. Cheered with the recollections of their successes of yesterday, and seeing but a handful of men in their front, they came with a shout and at double-quick, confident of speedy victory, but their charge was repulsed. They charged once, twice, thrice, and were each time repulsed with slaughter. Disappointed but still determined, they then sought the flanks ; when followed the most stubborn and gallant fighting of the day— especially on the part of the 32d Iowa. Making a detour through the woods to their right, (and they met no opposition, for the troops stationed in that quarter had long since retired) the enemy's skirmishers suddenly appeared in the rear of the 32d Iowa. The situation was most critical. Pressed in front, and the enemy closing on its rear, the regiment might have sur- rendered with honor ; but Colonel Scott had been ordered to hold that position at all hazards, and it was not to be yielded. Swinging the left wing of his regiment round hastily to the rear, so that it formed an acute angle with the main line of battle, he presented 2^ front on all sides to the enemy, and was still able to hold his position. In the meantime, the 24th Missouri, on the right, was flanked, when Colonel Shaw, sending to General Smith for reinforcements, received orders to fall back, as the enemy was already in his rear; but Colonel Scott, from the isolated position of his command and from the fact that the balance of the bri- gade had yielded considerable ground, failed to be reached by the orderly sent to notify him of the order to retire, and he JCHN SCOTT. 483 was left on the ground he had defended so gaUantly. He was now surrounded on all sides by the enemy's lines ; and why he with his command was not overwhelmed and captured I can not understand. Finally the Union forces rallying drove the enemy back to his original line, when Colonel Scott and his regiment were found on the ground they had been ordered " to hold at all hazards." For more than two hours it had been supposed by all that the regiment was captured ; and the sur- prise and joy of its friends at finding it again in the Federal lines was unbounded. If in the history of the whole war there be an instance equal in all respects to the above, I have failed to learn it. That I have in no way exaggerated the heroic conduct of the 32d Iowa in this engagement, its list of casualties is evidence. The regiment lost in killed and wounded more than one hun- dred and sixty, which, excluding the losses of its own brigade, exceeded the losses of General Banks' entire army. 3Iore than two-thirds of the ^yid Iowa were put out of battle. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward H. Mix was killed; and a majority of the line officers were either killed or wounded. Among those killed were Captain Amos B. Miller, Captain H, F. Peebles; Lieutenant Thomas O. Howard and Adjutant Charles H. Huntley. Captain Ackerman, and Lieutenants Deviue and Wright were severely wounded. Among the enlisted men, distinguished for their merit, who fell in this engagement, were Sergeants Hull, Goodell and Kane; Corporals Ballon, Modlin and Pettibone; Privates Anderson, Hoyt, Ilewett, Hutchinson, Wood, and many others. The night after the engagement. General Banks in council with his chief officers declared it impossible for the expedition to proceed further, and the next morning begun the memorable retreat. It is not so strange that the rebel chiefs, during that 484 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. same night, came to the conclusion that the result of the day's fighting was against them, and that further resistance to the advance of the Federal army at that point was useless ; for they had been defeated, notwithstanding the lack of energy (I can not say spirits) and co-operation on the part of the Federal general oflBcers. Before day-light on the morning of the 10th of April, both armies began to retreat ; and, to facilitate their flight, the Con- federates spiked several of their cannon. But they soon learned their mistake, and returned, their advance reaching the hospitals, in which the Union wounded had been left, at about nine o'clock in the morning. From that time until Gen- eral Banks reached Simmsport, they remained his master; and had it not been for an insignificant lieutenant-colonel who rescued the gun-boat fleet and transports they might have been his captors; for these he was not allowed to abandon. On the return of the Red Biver Expedition, Colonel Scott tendered his resignation, which was reluctantly accepted, on the 81st of May, 1864. He was impelled to this course, I am informed, from the loss of his health in the recent campaign, and from the urgent claims of his family, which was broken up and in need of a home. He is at present living on his farm in Story county, and engaged in sheep-raising and horti- culture. The following is from the history of the regiment published in the Adjutant-General's report for the year 1865: " On the 14th of July was attacked by the enemy at Tupelo, Mississippi. Repulsed him with a loss to the regiment of four men wounded. July 15th, the regiment started back to La Grange, and camped at Old Town Creek, where it was attacked by the enemy, again repulsing him. Arrived at La Grange July 22d and at Memphis on the 24th. Left by rail- road for Holly Springs, Mississippi, August 4th, and after marching to Waterford, Abbeville, Oxford, and back to Holly Springs, arrived at Memphis on the 30th. JOHN SCOTT. 485 "From September 5th to October 4th, the regiment was on the move to Jefferson Barracks, De Soto, and other points, and from October 2d to the 18th it was constantly marching to different points in Missouri. October 25th it left Saint Louis, Missouri, on transports for Nashville, Tennessee, and on arriving at that point immediately began intrenching. * * " The regiment has traveled five thousand five hundred and ninety-four miles, two thousand three hundred and thirty-two miles of the distance on foot with the army. Its aggregate present for duty is three hundred and fifty-nine. Aggregate when mustered into service was nine hundred and eleven. Has received since muster-in two hundred and seventy-seven recruits: lost ninety-three men in battle, one hundred and seventy-seven by disease, one hundred and twenty-two dis- charged, twenty-nine transferred, and one missing. It is armed throughout with good, serviceable Springfield rifled muskets and complete accoutrements. Health and condition of clothing and camp equipage of the regiment is good." Later, the regiment fought at the battles around Nashville, and then accompanied Smith to New Orleans, and took part in the capture of Mobile. During these operations it was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel G. M. Eberhart a son of the Rev. S. R. Eberhart formerly chaplain of the 12th Iowa Infantry. He is reported a most excellent oificer. I have seen many of the "Iowa colonels," and among others. Colonel John Scott. This is how it happened. The old Gladiator, which was returning me to my regiment at Mem- phis, stuck on a sand-bar above Devil's Island; and I put into Cape Girardeau for better quarters. On walking up into the St. Charles, I saw, perched in a chair in the north-east corner of the bar-room, a man that attracted my notice. His chair was tipped against the wall, one foot stuck on the front stretcher, and the other thrown across the leg thus supported. His elbows were resting upon the arms of the chair, his head thrown forward, and his hat drawn over his eyes. In the small space between his lap and his face was a newspaper, 486 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. which he was readiug. I thought I never saw a man doubled up so before, and walked round to take a better look at him ; when, my impudence attracting his attention, he looked up to me as much as to say: "Who are you?" A prominent trait in his character I read in that glance. Colonel Scott is a man of middle size, and compactly built. His hair and whiskers are more red than sandy, and his eyes gray and sharp. His round, florid features are set off" by a pair of gold-mounted spectacles. I believe him to be among the ablest and best informed men of Iowa; and yet he has that sort of something about him which has kept him back. It may be the trait to which I have alluded; for he is incorrigibly suspicious, and never gives his confidence to a stranger. When I wrote to him for information relative to his biography, he replied: "If I can be convinced that the book is not to be a aitch-penny affair, I will furnish data; " but I could never convince him of that, and for what I have I am indebted to one of his friends. One thing is certain, Colonel Scott was never intended for a politician; and why, I believe, we heard no more of him in the army is, he always stayed at his quarters, and minded his own business. I ven- ture the assertion that he never asked to be made a brigadier- general. Had he less of the negative about him, it would be well ; for, with the same honesty, he would be a much more popular and useful man in society. Colonel Scott's military record is without blemish. He was brave, a fair tactician, and a good disciplinarian. BRIGADIER-GENERAL SAMUEL ALLEN RICE. FIRST COLONEL, THIRTY-THIRD INFANTRY. Samuel A. Rice, who received his death-wound at the battle of Jenkin's Ferry, is the most distinguished officer our gallant State has lost in the War of the Rebellion. Sprung from the great middle class, without name or wealth, he had, at the age of thirty-five, attained such distinction as to make his death a national calamity. General Rice was a native of New York, and was born in Cattaraugus county of that State, the 27th of January, 1828. His boyhood was passed in Belmont county, Ohio, where his parents removed when he was young. There he gained a common school education. The father died soon after removing to Ohio, leaving his fomily in limited circumstances, and his son, Samuel, as their chief support. He, accordingly, engaged in the boating business on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, that promising the amplest remuneration. As a flat-boatman, he made one or more trips to New Orleans. General Rice was liberally educated; but the expenses of his education he had to defray himself. He pursued his prepar- atory course at the Athens Academy, Ohio, and in 1844 or 1845, entered Union College, New York. After graduating there, he entered the law department of that University , where he studied for one year, and then left for the wild West-for so Iowa was regarded, at that day, in the Eastern and Middle States. The history of General Rice is widely known in our com- monwealth; for he was one of our most prominent public men. 488 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. He first settled in Fairfield, Jefferson county, where he prac- ticed his profession, and occasionally assisted in the editorial department of the whig newspaper of that place. But in the Jail of 1851, he removed to Oskaloosa, at which place his family still reside. His first public office was that of prosecuting attorney of his county. Naturally excelling as a criminal lawyer, he attracted general attention by the able manner in which he discharged the duties of his office ; and it was this which secured him the nomination in 1856, to the office of attorney-general of the State. In 1856, and again in 1858, he was elected to the last named office ; and at the close of his last term, he had established a reputation that placed his name among the foremost lawyers of the State, and, I might add, among the foremost of our public men. I do not speak of him in extravagant terms. The attention and deference that were paid to his arguments before the Supreme Court, would have flattered an attorney of the greatest experience, and the most extensive practice ; and the influence which he wielded, as a leading member of the Republican Party, was recognized by all of our most prominent men. General Rice entered the United States service in the summer of 1862. He would have entered the army sooner; but he could not leave his large business without pecuniary sacrifice ; and, besides, he did not believe at first that the war would be of long duration. He was commissioned colonel of the 33d Iowa Infantry, on the 10th day of August, 1862 ; and late in November left with his regiment for St. Louis. Early in Feb- ruary, 1863, he arrived with his command at Helena, Arkansas, the point where was organized the Yazoo Pass Expedition ; and the first important services of the 33d Iowa were in clear- ing this Pass of obstructions, and opening it for the passage of our transports. For nearly three weeks prior to the starting of I SAMUEL A. RICE. 489 I the expedition, the regiment was engaged in tliis fatiguing and dangerous work. The history of this expedition is given else- where. In the long list of battles'that were fought in the South West from the 27th of December, 1862, to the 4th of July following, 1 that of Helena, Arkansas, ranks high in point of importance, not simply because Helena with all its government property was saved from capture ; but because the spirit of our troops caused the rebels, on the west side of the Mississippi, to de- spair of ever re-possessing their lost country. Colonel Rice had met the enemy before in skirmishes, but the engagement at Helena was his first battle. Here his brigade saved the place from capture, and his gallantry and soldierly skill made him a brigadier-general. The names of his troops deserve special mention : the 33d Iowa and 33d Missouri, who most distin- guished themselves and suffered most severely, engaged the enemy at batteries C and D, near the Little Rock Road : the 29th and 36th Iowa regiments would have done as well and suffered as severely, but they were stationed on the hills to the right, near batteries A and B, and were not so severely engaged. The main attack of the enemy was made on the Little Rock road, where they staked every thing on forcing an entrance. They captured battery C, and so far succeeded ; but the raking fire they received from the other batteries, and from the infan- try and Fort Curtis, soon forced them to abandon their dearly- won prize. Our pickets were driven in at half past three in the morning, and the fight lasted till nearly 11 A. M., when the enemy retired precipitately. I have said his command saved Helena from capture ; and I may add that his casualties amounted to more than half the entire Union loss. It should be stated that two regiments of his command — the 33d Iowa and 33d Missouri — were, during the engagement, under the more immediate command of General Solomon. 490 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. In August, 1863, Colonel Rice was appointed a brigadier- general. He had saved General Prentiss and his command from defeat as a colonel ; as a brigadier-general, he saved General Steele's army and train from capture at Jenkin's Ferry, on the Saline River ; and, had he survived the injury he received in that engagement, he would, doubtless, have been made a major-general. In General Steele's march against Little Rock, which left Helena on the 10th of August, 1863, General Rice commanded a division, and it was on this march that he received his appointment as brigadier-general. No great battles were fought on this expedition, and no oportunities offered for special distinction. With others he is entitled to equal credit for the success of our arms. General Rice's coolness and bravery, and his ability as an officer were best illustrated in General Steele's Campaign into South Western Arkansas, which resulted disastrously to our arms, and gave new hope to the rebels. Here he held only a brigade command. Had he commanded the expedition, some have thought the result would have been different ; but this is unjust to General Steele. The loss of a brigade and wagon- train at Mark's Mills might have been avoided ; but, consid- ering the difficulties under which General Steele labored, no one could have hoped for entire success. That the chief credit which attaches to this movement or rather to the battle at Jenkins' Ferry, belonged to General Rice, no one will dispute. The expedition in question left Little Rock on the 23d of March, 1864. Between that point and Camden, the enemy were met at Terra Noir Creek, Elkin's Ford, Prairie de Anne, and six miles north-west of Camden. The sharpest of these engagements was that at Elkin's Ford, on the Little Missouri River. Colonel Rice, though not in command of the forces SAMUEL A. RICE. 491 engaged, received a scalp-wound, while riding to the front. But the great battle of the campaign was fought at Jenkins' Ferry, on the morning of the 30th of April, 1864. On the evening of the 29th of April, the expedition had reached the Saline Biver, on its return to little Rock. That same evening. General Steele's rear-guard had been attacked by the enemy, under Price and Kirby Smith ; and it was prob- able that on the following morning he would have to give them battle; for a pontoon-bridge must be constructed on which to cross, and the difficulties to be overcome were well- nigh insurmountable: these, however, have been spoken of elsewhere. That night was stormy and dismal, and will be long remem- bered by Steele's old command. The floods of falling rain had swollen the Saline to the top of its banks, and covered the low bottom-lands bordering the river with water. But few slept that night: in front was a swollen river; in the rear a confident enemy, and under foot mud and water half-leg deep. Some collected piles of brush to rest on, and others passed the night on stumps and old logs. Day-light was longed for ; and yet it promised little, for all believed it w^ould be ushered in by an attack of the enemy. Some were cheerful, and cracked their jokes; but the great majority pulled their ponchos or blankets tightly about them, and remained quiet: they were thinking of their homes and friends, and of the comforts they had exchanged for these hardships. But morning came at last, and with it the opening battle. Already General Rice's command was in line to engage the enemy, should he advance, and to defend the crossing : they were engaged promptly. The troops of his command, who met the first shock of battle, were the 29th Iowa on the right, the 50th Indiana in the centre, and the 33d Iowa on the left. Of 492 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. the position of tlie otlier two infantry regiments of his com- mand (the 9th and the 28th Wisconsin) at the opening of the fight, I am unadvised. His battery (Captain Voglies') had been sent over the river. The enemy— four to one in the first onset — advanced fairly and squarely, confident of easy victory; but they were repulsed. And not only in this, but in each renewed assault were they repulsed; till finally, near noon, they withdrew and left our forces in possession of the field. At about two o'clock, the last of our infantry forces crossed the river; and after destroying the pontoon-bridge, resumed, unmolested, their march to Little Rock. We lost in this engagement about eight hundred men. The enemy lost, according to his own estimate, nine hundred and fifty ; but it is known that his loss was greater. That was a most gloomy hour for the Federal cause in Arkansas, and the enemy were every where jubilant over the "prospects of peace and independence." They boasted that Steele's army was defeated and disheartened, and that, if it escaped at all, it would do so as a disorganized rabble. They never seemed to doubt that Steele would be compelled to aban- don Little Rock, and that the entire State of Arkansas would pass again under Confederate rule. They moved north and blockaded the Arkansas River, and threatened seriously the Little Rock Railroad. The Government became alarmed, and sent nearly two divisions from New Orleans to Steele's assist- ance. Indeed, for many months the post of Little Rock was little better than in a state of siege; and it was only after Price's reverses in Missouri that the hopes of the Federal cause in Arkansas again rose in the ascendant. But to return. In the enemy's last charge, and as General Rice was riding down his left wing, he received the wound which resulted in his death. He was shot by a musket-ball "through the right SAMUEL A. RICE. 493 foot, the ball passing under the instep, just in front of the ankle, and driving the buckle of the spur before it." He left Little Rock for his home in Iowa, on the 18th day of May. For a considerable time after reaching his home, it was supposed he was convalescing ; but, (I quote from the Oskaloosa " Herald") " the virus of his wound had permeated ihis whole system, poisoning the vital fluids, and putting his jcase beyond the reach of human aid." He died on the 6th day of August, 1864. The night before the general's death. Judge Loughridge, of Oskaloosa, his warm and tried friend, watched by his bed-side jto assist in answering his wants, and to offer consolation to the grief-stricken family. His pain seemed to be intense, making the night drag heavily, and, as he turned restlessly in his bed, the judge inquired: "General, how do you feel now? Are you willing to die?" Looking up, and his eyes brightening, he replied: "I am ready. 'Though I walk through the valley of I the shadow of death. He is with me. His rod and His staff, they comfort me.' " Four years before, he had said, while pronouncing an eulogy upon our lamented Judge Stockton : j "We can but feel and realize that, like the deceased, we too I must undergo that great change, allotted to all living. When that change shall come; when the shadows of the last night shall gather around us, may we meet it like one that draws the drapery of his couch about him, and lies down to pleasant dreams." His prayer was realized. He died in the full possession of his mental faculties, and with the hopes of a Christian. My admiration of the character of this noble man, I am unable to express. Few as able and deserving as he have been sacrificed to the Moloch of Slavery. One who served long with him in the army writes thus of him : 494 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. "But above all, and overall stands the name of one, whom Iowa will be proud to own — General Samuel A. Kice. I have never yet seen his equal, either on the field, or in the camp. * * All admit that his brigade saved the army from defeat and consequent destruction, at the battle of Jenkins' Ferry." Testimonials of his worth meet me on every hand, to which, I regret, I am unable to give place. His old division has contributed funds for the erection of a monument to his memory; but his "good name will live, when monuments of brass and stone shall have crumbled to dust." The proceedings of the Supreme Court at Des Moines, on learning of his death, I must briefly allude to. Hon. C. C. Nourse, the general's successor, as Attorney-General of Iowa, Hon. Thomas F. Withrow, and Hon. Chief Justice Wright offered touching eulogies to his memory. In the course of his remarks, our honored Chief Justice said : "I parted with him in May, as he was nearing his home, with his family and friends around him : he was reclining on what proved to be his death-bed. I shall ever remember his face, and the sparkling expression of his flashing eyes, as, taking me by the hand, he said : ' I shall not die : I know that I shall live — I shall live to return to the field, and assist in crushing this most accursed rebellion.' These hopes — these high resolves were doomed to disappointment." After tlie addresses were closed, the following preamble and resolutions were entered of record : "Whereas, General Samuel A. Rice, formerly a member of the bar of this Court, and for four years Attorney-General of the State, died at his home in Oskaloosa on the 6th day of July, 1864, from a wound received in battle at Saline River on the 30th day of April, 1864, and whereas, the high standing of the deceased as a member of the profession, as well as his exalted patriotism and many personal virtues, demand a special notice of his memory upon our part ; Therefore, be it '■'■ Besolved, By the members of the bar now in attendance upon the Supreme Court: SAMUEL A. RICE. 495 1. "That we deeply deplore this dispensation of Divine Providence, in thus removing from our midst one who adorned his profession, and endeared himself to us by his ! uniform courtesy and upright conduct. j 2. "That by his death a brave and true soldier and officer has fallen in defense of his Government, a kind father and true husband has been lost to his family, a valued citizen has been lost to the State, and an honored and able advocate has been lost to the profession. 3. " That we will cherish in affectionate remembrance his many virtues, and request the members of the bar to wear the usual badge of mourning during the term. 4. "That we tender to the bereaved family our sincere testimony of the worth of the deceased, and assure them of ; our sympathy and condolence in their affliction. 5. "That the court be requested to have these proceedings and resolutions spread upon the records of the court, and to fur- nish a certified copy of the same to the family of the deceased. " Committee. — Jefferson F. Polk, H, S. Winslow, William H. Seevers, C. C. Nourse." I first met General Rice in the spring of 1857, at the Oska- I loosa bar. Then, he had just been elected Attorney-General of I the State ; and I scanned him closelj^ He was, at the time, I arguing a case with Judge Seevers ; and Governor Stone was i sitting upon the bench. He was dressed poorly; was unsha- I ven, and looked to me to be below the medium in size. I thought we never elected such men to like positions in New I England. Three years later, I saw him again; when he looked more like himself— an able and polished gentleman. The portrait here published is not a perfect likeness, though the mild, intelligent expression of the eye is correct. General Rice was not a man of brilliant parts. He had a i large brain and a sound judgment; and hard study did the ' rest. He was an able reasoner. His cast of mind was more practical than theoretical; for instance: on one occasion, two i applicants for admission to the bar presented themselves in the Oskaloosa Court. It was Governor Stone's first term upon the 496 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. bench. Judges Loughridge and Seevers and General Rice,, having been appointed by the court the examining committee, the hitter approached the young men, and, taking one of them by the hand, said: "Gentlemen, you look as though you could practice law ; if you can not, you will get no business, and if you can, all right. I will vouch for you." The general was kind-hearted and unassuming. I never saw him without a smile upon his face, and no one could be embarrassed in his presence. Few promised him the success he met in the service. He was as successful with the sword, as he had been in his civil profession. He was a noble exem- plar of our Free State Chivalry. COLONEL CYRUS H. MACKEY. SECOND COLONEL, THIRTY-THIRD INFANTRY. Cyrus H. Mackey is twenty-eight years of age, and a native of Illinois. He is a lawyer by profession, and, at the time of entering the service, was a resident of Sigourney, Keokuk county, Iowa. He was made lieutenant-colonel of the 33d Iowa Infantry the 10th of August, 1862, and served with that rank till the 18th of August, 18G3, when he was commissioned colonel of his regiment. He was not however mustered to that rank till the 22d of April, 1864. The 33d Iowa has been under his command a chief portion of the time since entering the field; for Colonel, afterward General Rice was in command of the brigade to which the regiment was attached. To give in detail the operations in which the 33d Iowa has taken part can not be done with interest ; for they are recorded elsewhore in these pages. From the time of entering the field to the present, the 29th and 33d Iowa regiments have served together, and the history of one regiment is nearly the same as that of the other. It accompanied the White River and Yazoo Pass Expeditions, and marched with General Steele on the Little Rock and Camden Campaign. The regiment most distinguished itself at the battles of Helena and Saline River, or Jenkins' Ferry, the former fought on the 4th of July, 1863, and the latter on the morning of the 30th of April, 1864. The following is from Lieutenant-Colonel Mackey's ofiicial report concerning the battle at Helena : "The men, after having been constantly engaged for six hours, were very much exhausted. From eighty to one hun- dred rounds of ammunition had been expended to the man. 32 497 498 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. The loss of my own regiment was : killed on the field, seven- teen; wounded, fifty-two; taken prisoners, seventeen. Three men were taken at Battery C. Eight of the wounded have since died from their wounds. I went into the engagement with five hundred men. The ofiicers and men of the entire com- mand behaved themselves splendidly. The force we had to contend with was at least five to one, and I feel perfectly safe in saying that the regiment took as many prisoners as we had men in action. They all did so well that it is a difficult matter for me to attempt to particularize who did best. " I take particular pleasure in mentioning the names of Major H. D. Gibson, Captain John P. Yerger, Captain John Lofland, Lieutenant Cheney Prouty, and Captain L. W. Whip- ple. The manner in which these officers conducted themselves is deserving of the highest praise. "I would also call your attention to the good conduct of 2d IJeutenaut Sharman, of Company G, who had command of the picket-guard. He succeeded in holding the enemy in check until we were fully prepared to receive them, brought his guard all off except a number tliat were killed and wounded in good order, and joined the regiment. He was wounded in the head very severely, but I think not dangerously." For the part taken by the 33d Iowa on the Camden march and in the different skirmishes and actions in which it was engaged, I refer to the reports of its commanding officers. From the time Steele left Little Rock till after his arrival at Camden, the regiment was commanded by Major H. D. Gib- son, and the following is from his official report: "Prior to the arrival of our forces at Prairie de Anne, the part taken in any engagement by my regiment was entirely unimportant. On arriving at Prairie de Anne, I was ordered to form line of battle and move to the left of the 50th Indiana, which was done. I was then ordered to form column by divis- ion, and in that order I moved forward on to the prairie. While crossing a slough in the timber joining the prairie, a shell from the enemy's gun exploded near the regiment, killing one man and breaking several guns. On reaching the open ground, I again deployed, sending forward two companies as skirmishers, with instructions to move steadily forward, which CYRUS H. MACKEY. 499 ' they did, driving the enemy before them, tlie regiment moving to their support. In this order I moved forward till the regi- ment rested where the enemy's artillery first opened fire. It j then being dark, the skirmishers were ordered to rest in place, ! and the regiment retired two hundred yards to unexposed j grounds and bivouacked. At 11 o'clock P. M. the enemy dashed upon the skirmish line, but was repulsed without injury to us. The transactions of the following day are unimportant, i On the morning of the 13th of April, we moved, in connection I with the entire forces, through and to the west of Prairie de '< Anne, our skirmishers steadily driving the enemy before tliem . On approaching their works on the Camden and Washington road, the enemy hastily withdrew. From that time till the morning of the loth, nothing worthy of note transpired. " On the loth day of April, my regiment led the advance of the infantry. Two companies were deployed as skirmishers on either side of the road, and, having moved forward two miles, were fired upon by the enemy. The skirmishers moved for- ward, driving them, assisted by a howitzer, until they came within range of the enemy's artillery, which was opened upon us, wounding four men. My regiment supported the 2d Mis- souri Battery on the right. Having taken this position, I sent forward three sharp-shooters from each company to assist the skirmishers, and annoy the enemy's gunners. After an engagement of two hours the enemy withdrew from his posi- tion, after which the march was resumed. At about two miles distant, we were again fired on ; and while awaiting orders a shell from the enemy's guns burst near my regiment, danger- ously wounding one man. A sharp skirmish was kept up for two and a half miles, when the enemy withdrew from our front. Our entire loss in killed and wounded, when we reached Camden, amounted to one killed, and four wounded." Colonel Mackey reached Camden on the 19th of April, and assumed command of his regiment. The following is from his official report concerning the part taken by his regiment in the return to Little Rock. "Nothing of particular interest took place from the time of the evacuation of Camden until my arrival at Saline River. On the evening of the 29th, at 6 J o'clock P. M., I was ordered to the rear on the Camden road to support Colonel Ingleman's 500 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. BVigade, an attack being anticipated during the night. I stood at arms during the entire night, the enemy making no particular demonstration, although in speaking-distance. Night very dark and raining most of the time. " About 4 o'clock A. M. on the 30th, I received orders that, as soon as the 43d Illinois Infantry on my left was withdrawn, I should retire about three-fourths of a mile toward the river, and take position covering the passage of the troops while crossing. This movement I executed without being discovered by the enemy. This position I occupied half an hour when the enemy made his appearance. The skirmishers imnaedi- ately engaged them, holding them in check for half an hour. When I was relieved by the 27th AVisconsin Infantry, I marched my command to a new position, one mile in the direction of the crossing. In twenty minutes the engagement became general, and I was ordered to the support of the 50th Indiana Infantry on the left. From this time until the close of the battle, the regiment was almost continually engaged. " As to the conduct of both officers and men of my command, I cannot speak in terms too high. To attempt distinction would be injustice to my command, as all did their duty nobly. A short time before the close of the action I received a wound in my right arm, which compelled me to quit the field, the command of the regiment devolving upon Captain Boydston, Company A, who, at the close of the engagement, marched the regiment off in good order." In the desperate engagement at Jenkins' Ferry, the loss of the 33d was severe. Eight enlisted men were killed, and six ofiicers and ninety-seven enlisted men wounded. There were also twelve missing; making the total loss of the regiment one hundred and twenty-three. The commissioned officers wounded were Colonel Mackey, Captains Comstock and Tot- ten, and Lieutenants Conner, De Garmo and Kindig. Captain P. T. Totten and Lieutenant T. R. Conner were both mortally wounded. The former was shot through the thigh, and the latter through the neck. The subsequent history of the 33d is nearly the same as that of the 29th Iowa. BREVET BRIGADIER-GENERAL G. W. CLARK. COLONEL, THIRTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. George Washington Clark, the original colonel of the 84th Iowa Infantry, is a native of Johnson county, Indiana, and was born on the 2Gth day of December, 1833. He was educated at Wabash College, Indiana, and resided with his father's family at the place of his nativity till the year 1856, which is all that I know of his early history. In the spring of 1856 he removed to Iowa, and became a resident of Indianola, Warren county, where he has since made his home. He is a lawyer by profession. Subsequently to his removal to Iowa, and prior to the spring of 1861, when he entered the service, he practiced his profession in Warren county. He was, I am told, a successful lawyer, and had, at the time of entering the service, a paying practice. At the outbreak of the war, General Clark was the first man in Warren county to enroll himself a volunteer. In May, 1861, he assisted in raising Company G, of the 3d Iowa Infantry, which was the first company that went out from Warren county. He was commissioned a first lieutenant, and, on the organization of his regiment, was appointed regimental quar- ter-master, which position he held till the first of September, 1862, when he was commissioned colonel of the 31th Iowa Infantry. For meritorious services, he was, in the spring of 1865, made a brevet brigadier-general. Up to the time of the capture of Arkansas Post, the history of the 31th Iowa is not very dissimilar from those of the 25th, 26th, 30th and 31st Iowa Infantry regiments. Late in the fall of 1862, these regiments had all, under orders, arrived at 501 602 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Helena, Arkansas, at which point General Grant was concen- trating troops preparatory to malving a descent on Vicksburg by way of Chickasaw Bayou. The expedition, which started late in December, under command of General Sherman, was a failure; but through no fault of the troops; for, during the three days' struggle in the brush and swamps that border Chickasaw Bayou, soldiers never fought better. The fact is. General Sherman did not succeed, simply because the obstacles to be overcome at that point were insurmountable. Had General Grant maintained his line of communication, and threatened Vicksburg from the east, the result would doubtless have been different ; for he would have drawn a large portion of the rebel army out from the Walnut Hills. Immediately after the unfortunate operations at Chickasaw Bayou, the Arkansas River Expedition was organized, which terminated in the capture of Arkansas Post. This brilliant affair was accomplished on the 11th of January, 1863, and par- tially atoned for previous disasters. The capture of these formidable works, in which the 34th Iowa took a prominent part, was a great disaster to the enemy in Southern Arkansas, and disconcerted him in his previously arranged plans of har- assing the flank and rear of General Grant in his operations against Vicksburg. The following is from Colonel Clark's official report of the part his regiment took in the capture of this strong-hold : "We had just returned from the bloody battle-field of Chick- asaw Bayou, where we had been repulsed with terrible slaugh- ter. Sherman's entire fleet came out of the Yazoo River on the 3d of January, and on the 9th steamed up the Arkansas River, to operate as'ainst Arkansas Post, arriving near there the same day. The following day was occupied in reconnoiter- ing and skirmishing. Our (Steele's) Division marched all that night through the woods and swamps, through which it was impossible to take baggage-wagons or ambulances. At day- GEORGE W. CLARK. 503 light the next morning we found ourselves within range of the enemy's guns, from which he immediately opened on us. Our batteries were soon put in position, and commenced a vigorous reply. The artillery continued until about 12 o'clock M. At this time I received an order from General Steele to move my regiment rapidly to the front, which was promptly obeyed. I moved the regiment forward in line of battle, to a point within one hundred and fifty yards of the enemy's intrenchments." This position was held till the place surrendered, and during this part of the action the gallant Captain Dan H. Lyons fell. During the three weeks that followed the capture of Arkan- sas Post, the 84th Iowa saw their hardest service. After the capitulation. Colonel Clark was detailed with his regiment to escort the captured prisoners from that point to Camp Douglas ; and, on the way, both the prisoners and their escort suffered untold hardships. Only three miserable transports were allowed the colonel, in which to convey his own command and the prisoners ( numbering between five and six thousand ) from the point of capture to St. Louis. It was mid- Winter, and on the trip the small-pox broke out. The boats were so densely crowded that they could not be policed, and became shockingly filthy ; and in this accumulation of filth this loathsome disease was raging, adding each half-hour one to the list of mortality. The scene was most wretched and revolting. In writing to a friend Colonel Clark said: "During those two weeks, I wit- nessed more human suffering, than I had seen in all my life before." On returning from Chicago to St. Louis, Colonel Clark was ordered with his regiment, in the early part of April, to Pilot Knob, to anticipate the reported movement of General Mar- maduke on that place. For two months after, he commanded the Post and District of Pilot Knob and then joined the com- mand of General Herron, which was en route for Vicksburg. General Herron arrived at Vicksburg on the 11th of June ; and 504 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. was assigned a position on the extreme left of General Grant's army. The 1st Brigade of his Division, to which the 34th Iowa belonged, was stationed near the Mississippi, which posi- tion it held till the surrender of the city. On the morning of the 11th of July, General Herron's Divis- ion was embarked on transports, with orders to report to General Banks, at Port Hudson ; but news now arriving of the surrender of that place, these troops sailed up the Yazoo River, constituting the force which captured Yazoo City, and subse- quently marched out across the Big Black River, to Canton, to make a diversion in favor of General Sherman before Jack- son. These operations closed, Colonel Clark sailed with his regiment down the Mississippi River ; since which time he has served in the Gulf Department and the trans-Mississippi. During the latter part of the fall of 1863, and through the following Winter, the history of the 34th Iowa savors some- what of romance. Stationed at Fort Esperanga on Matagorda Island, which lies at the head of the Gulf of Mexico, and at the mouth of the Guadeloupe River, the men, when off duty, passed their time in wandering on the beach, and gathering curious shells. They even talked of associating Ceres and Flora, as consorts with their patron war-god. Mars. But these scenes closed on the opening of the Spring Campaign under Major-General Banks. The troops, who joined in the Red River Campaign, have never had full credit for their heroic endurance of the perils and hardships they encountered, which may be attributable to the fact that, the campaign was only fruitful of disaster. In the battles that were fought near Alexandria, the 34th Iowa took an active part, and sustained itself with credit ; but the sufferings of the regiment in these battles and in the early part of the campaign, were not to be compared with those experienced on the memorable nine days' retreat to Simmsport GEORGE W. CLARK. 505 and Morganzia. During these nine days and nights, there were no halts for rest and sleep, or only such as were required for repairing the roads, and constructing pontoons. On the 28th of May, 1864, the 34th Iowa left Morganzia for Baton Kouge, where it remained till the latter part of July, when it sailed with the command of General Granger against the rebel forts at the mouth of Mobile Bay. The operations of Bear-Admiral Farragut and General Granger against Forts Powell, Gaines and Morgan were brief and brilliant; and the troops who joined in these operations may well feel proud of their achievements. On the 2d of August, 1864, General Gran- ger effected a landing on Dauphin Island, and within twenty- one days from that time, each one of these forts was in the possession of our forces. The 34th Iowa was the first regiment to disembark on the west point of Dauphin Island. It was soon joined by the 96th Ohio, and a colored regiment; when the entire force, under command of Colonel Clark, with skir- mishers well advanced and extending from shore to shore, marched forward in the direction of Fort Gaines. The night was dark and stormy, and an east wind beat a drenching rain directly in the faces of the troops. To any but soldiers, the occasion would have been dismal; but these brave fellows, trudging on through the mud and rain, were jocose and merry. Colonel Clark advanced about six miles, and to within two miles of the fort, when he halted and rested his command in line of battle. At day-light he was joined by the 67th Indiana, the 77th Illinois and the 3d Maryland; when, after slight demonstrations, the fort surrendered. In the reduction of Fort Morgan Colonel Clark with his command also took a conspicuous part ; and on its capitula- tion, on the morning of the 23d of August, led the escort, composed of his own regiment and the 20th Wisconsin, which 506 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. was marched out to receive the garrison as prisoners of war. Subsequently to February, 18G4, he has commanded a brigade. With tliis command, he distinguished himself at the battle of Middle Bayou, and was highly complimented for his coolness and bravery. The Fall and Winter following the operations at the mouth ij of Mobile Baj' were passed by the ;34th Iowa on the Gulf coast and along tlie Mississippi. In Januarj^ 1805, the regiment was consolidated with the 38th Iowa Infantry, and under the new organization retained its old name and colonel. For many months, the 34th Io^^'a was stationed at Barrancas, Florida: from that point, it marched with General Steele against ]Mobile, and took part in the assault and capture of Fort Blakely. General Clark is a little above six feet in hight, and has a fine, well-developed form. He is a fine looking man, though, when I saw him, he was a little too fleshy ; but at that time he Wiis Jusf from his home, and on the way to re-join his regiment. General Clark is a man of gentlemanly deportment, and, I am told, has good ability, and much shrewdness. He has a good military record. One who has visited all the Iowa troops in the Gulf Department, speaks thus of him: "Colonel Clark stands high, and, with the officers in general, seeks not only the highest military efficiency, but also a good moral character for his regiment." The general took great pride in the drill and discipline of his old regiment. His regiment were proud of theirname, and designated themselves the "star regiment." In politics, General Clark is a Republican; though, I am told, he was never a political aspirant. i' COLONEL SYLVESTER G. HILL. THIRTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. The late Colonel S. G. Hill was a native of Washington county, Rhode Island, where he was born on the 10th day of June, 1820. His education, which wiis academic, was received at the old and popular institution at Greenwich, Rhode Island. Leaving Rhode Island in 1840, he removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he remained till 1849. A chief portion of this time he was engaged in the lumber business. In 1849 he removed to California; but being disappointed in the country and in its business prospects, he returned to the States in the following year, and soon after settled in jNIuscatine, Iowa. In Muscatine he resumed his former business. He was engaged in the lumber trade in the summer of 1862, just before entering the service. In July, 1SG2, Colonel Hill recruited a company of infantry, of which he was elected captain, and which, in the following August, was assigned to the 35th Iowa Infantry. On the 10th of August he was promoted to the colonelcy of that regiment. I can not with interest give a detailed history of the 35th Iowa; for the majority of movements in which it took part have been already given. During the winter of 1862-3, it served at Cairo and Columbus, and at other points on the Mississippi, and in the following Spring joined General Sherman at Milli- ken's Bend. The march to the rear of Vicksburg, and the investment and capture of the place; Sherman's return march to Jackson; and McPherson's Expedition through Clinton to Brownsville, late in October of the same year, have all been given, and in all these the 35th Iowa joined. 507 508 IOWA COLOXELS AND KEGIMENTS. On the close of the last named expedition, Colonel Hill marched with his regiment to Vicksburg, whence he proceeded by boat to Memphis. From Memphis his regiment left for La Grange, Tennessee, where it went into Winter-quarters. Its history will be better understood if I state that during all these operations, and up to the time General Sherman made his celebrated raid through Missisrippi to Meridian, the regi- ment was attached to the division of General J. M. Tuttle. After Sherman's return from Meridian, the 35th Iowa was attached to the command of A. J. Smith, and left under that general for the mouth of Red River. Its subsequent history will be found in the brilliant operations of the 16th Army Corps. The part taken by General A. J. Smith's troops in Bank's disastrous Red River Campaign ; their operations against Forest in Tennessee, and Price in Missouri, have been detailed else- where. I therefore enter upon an account of the brilliant operations which in December 1864 overwhelmed the army of General Hood in defeat and rout at Nashville. Before however giving a history of these brilliant move- ments, I should state that in the retreat from Alexandria, Lousiana, the 35th Iowa suflfered severely. It was in this part of the luckless campaign that the regiment lost its noble major. Major Abraham John, if I mistake not, is the only officer of that rank from Iowa, who has been killed in battle. In the Red River Campaign Captain Henry Blanck, of the 36th Iowa was killed, and Captain William Dill wounded. In giving General Hood's march on Nashville, I quote from the official report of Major-General George H. Thomas. "Pending these operations in Tennessee, [the raid of Forest into the State, and his expulsion by the Federal troops] the whole aspect of affiiirs about Atlanta, had undergone a change. Hood had crossed the Chattahoochie River, and had sent one corps of his army to destroy the railroad between Allatoona and Marietta, which he had effectually accomplished for a SYLVESTER G. HILL. 609 distance of over twenty miles, interrupting all communication between the forces in Tennessee, and the main army with General Sherman in Georgia. He then moved round south of Rome, to the west side of the Coosa River, and, taking a north-westerly course, marched toward Summerville and La Fayette, threatening Chattanooga and Bridgeport. * * On the 12th instant, [October] the enemy's cavalry attacked Resaca. * * On the 13th, one corps of Hood's army appeared in front of Dalton, and a summons to surrender, signed by Hood in person, was sent in to Colonel Johnson. * * After remaining at Dalton one day, during which he destroyed about five miles of railroad, the enemy moved off to the west- wai'd, through Nick-a-jack Gap, to re-join the remainder of Hood's army near Summerville, to which point he had been followed by Sherman, with the 4th, 14th, 15th and 17th Corps, the 20th having been left behind at Atlanta, to hold the place. * * On the 21st Instant, the enemy was at Gadsden, Ala- bama, while Sherman's forces were at Gaylesville, both armies remaining inactive and watchful of the other's movements." At the last named point, Sherman quit pursuit, and suffered Hood to go on and beat his brains out at Nashville, while Jie turned about, and walked through to the Atlantic Slope. " On the 16th instant, the enemy's infantry made its appear- ance in strong force in front of Decatur, Alabama, and during the afternoon attacked the garrison, but not vigorously, and without effect. * * * On the 29th, General Granger reported the enemy in his front, to be withdrawing from Decatur toward Courtland. The same day, General Croxton, com- manding a brigade of cavalry picketing the north bank of the river, reported the enemy crossing at the mouth of Cypress Creek, two miles below Florence. * * Hood's plans had now become evident, and from information gained through prisoners, deserters, and from other sources, his intention was to cross into Middle Tennessee." Hood's march from the Tennessee to Nashville, will be found elsewhere. During the march, he fought the terrible battle of Franklin, where he lost more than six thousand men in killed, wounded and captured, among whom were thirteen general officers. Thomas fell back to Nashville, where, on the 510 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. 1st of December, he formed line of battle on the bights sur- rounding the city, and awaited Hood's approach. General A. J. Smith's command, (to which, as I have already said the 85th Iowa was attached) had already arrived from Missouri, and now Thomas' line of battle before Nashville was as follows : Smith held the right, Wood, commanding the 4th Corps, the centre, and Schofield the left. In this position the Federal army rested, ice-bound, until the morning of the 15th instant; and during those two weeks, the dispirited rebels suffered most intensely from cold and hunger. They had been promised much plunder and little fighting; and there they stood shiver- ing over their lazy, smoking camp-fires, staring destruction in the face. They could see the promised city, with its inviting shelter and comforts, but, like one of old, they could not enter. By special order No. 342 the battle was to be opened at the earliest day the condition of the weather would admit and thai day proved to be the loth of December. In the morning of that day the weather was moderate, a circumstance which contributed not a little to the Federal successes ; for a dense fog arose which only lifted toward noon. Under cover of this fog, Thomas advanced to the attack. Smith, who still held the right, marched out on the right of the Harding pike and struck and doubled back the enemy's left flank. On Smith's right were the cavalry who, dismounted, joined in the general advance ; and these were the opening successes. For the part taken by the 12th and 35th Iowa in the first day's battle (these troops were of the same brigade) I refer to the official report of Lieutenant-Colonel J. II. Stibbs of the former regiment. "At about ten o'clock, the order to advance being given, our skirmishers pushed rapidly forward, and found a considerable force of the enemy, who were easily driven back. Our main line advanced steadily, and without opposition, constantly SYLVESTER G. HILL. 511 changing our point of direction toward the left, until we had advanced two miles, when, coming on to the crest of a hill, we were opened on by one of the enemy's batteries posted directly in front, and distant about a thousand yards. Our men were then ordered to lie down, when our brigade battery was I brought forward, and opened on the enemy. We were held in ] this position for about an hour and a half, the enemy keeping I up a constant fire on our line, doing us but little damage. " The first and second brigades of our division to our right, ' having advanced their lines, swung round to the left, charged I and captured the enemy's redoubts in our front. AVe were then moved forward, swinging our line to the left, and con- ; forming to the line on our right. After advancing about half i a mile, we came upon a strong redoubt of the enemy, situated I to the right of the Hillsboro pike, and just five miles from Nashville; our line was pushed well forward, and shortly before four o'clock, P. M., every thing being ready, we were ordered to charge. "Our men moved rapidly up the hill, but, before gaining the I crest, the enemy moved their guns and most of their support to a fort about three hundred yards in the rear, and to the right, from which they gave us a heavy raking fire as we moved on to and over the first work. On gaining the first work, our brigade commander. Colonel S. G. Hill, 35th Iowa Infantry, was shot through the head, and instantly killed." I And thus closed the first day's fighting in this part of the j field; for it was now near night and soon the whole line was i compelled to halt. The engagement at Xashville stands among the most brilliant j of the war. It is Thomas' celebrated left-wheel battle, where ! with Schofield's and a part of Wood's command, he guaixled Nashville and held the enemy's right, and with Smith and Wilson's Cavalry bore back and shattered his left. When the first day's fighting had closed, the issue of the battle was decided; and now Hood only thought of how he should conduct his retreat. There was, however, much hard fighting' on the IGth instant ; but before four o'clock of that day Hood 612 IOWA colonp:i^s and regiments. fled in utter despair southward. Tliomas followed the dis- organized rebel army as far as Clifton, and there went into camp. In the following Spring, the 35th Iowa followed General Smith to Mobile, where it closed the interesting portion of its history. Colonel Hill was a man of middle size, weighing about one hundred and sixty pounds, and having a bilious-sanguine tem- perament. He was a brave soldier, and an honest, unpretend- ing man. If he was distinguished for any thing, it was for his courage and caution. He had good judgment, and enjoyed the love of his regiment, and the confidence of his superior officers. COLONEL CHARLES WOODMAN laTTREDGE. THIRTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. Charles W. Kittredge is a New Englander, being born in Portland, Maine, on the 16th of January, 1826. His father, Joseph W. Kittredge, who was a merchant, closed up his busi- ness in Portland in 1828, and removed with his family to Sutton, Vermont. Sutton remained the residence of his family, till the year 1836. At nine years of age, young Kit- tredge entered the High School of Bradford, Massachusetts. A few years later, he became a member of the Lyndon Acad- emy, Vermont, where he remained till 1839. That year he completed his schooling, and soon after joined his father's family in Adams county, Illinois, where it had removed in the fall of 1836. The father died in 1844, soon after which Charles returned with his mother to New England, where he remained till 1855, doing business in Haverhill, Massaichusetts, and in Dexter and Portland, Maine. In 1855, he again came West, and, after a residence of three years in Chicago and Mt. Pleas- ant, settled in Ottumwa, Iowa, where he entered the grocery business. Early in the summer of 1861, he enlisted a company (F) for the 7th Iowa Infantry, and was elected its captain. He accompanied his regiment in all its tiresome marches through Missouri, and was with it in the brilliant, though unfortunate affair at Belmont, where he distinguished himself. Just after the flank movement of the enemy had been learned, and when his regiment was falling back. Captain Kittredge was severely wounded, and, being necessarily left upon the field, fell into the hands of the enemy. He was soon paroled, however, and 33 513 514 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. I sent to Cairo, where he lay for many weeks in a very critical | condition, in the St. Charles Hotel. He was shot twice; through the arm, and through the thigh, the ball in the latter I case passing between the bone and the femoral artery. Having finally recovered he re-joined his regiment on the 30th of the following March ; but his wounds had disabled him for duty as a line officer, and he was compelled to tender his resigna- \< lion, which was accepted on the 11th of June, 1862. | Returning to Ottumwa, he resumed his former business, and was thus engaged when, in the following August, Governor Kirkwood tendered him the colonelcy of the 36th Iowa Infantry. He accepted the commission, and at once reported at Keokuk, where his regiment was in rendezvous. The 36th Iowa, like all her sister regiments, has a good record. It has an unfortunate chapter in its history: it is one of the seven Iowa regiments that, during the war, has been captured. The regiment, by order of General Curtis, commanding at St. ii Louis, reported at Helena, Arkansas, on the first of January, 1863, and remained at that post on garrison-duty till the 24th of February following, when it left on the celebrated Yazoo Pass Expedition. It sailed with the advance, under Brigadier- General Ross of Illinois, and arrived at Shell Mound on the Tallahatchie, about two miles above Fort Pemberton, on the 11th of March. It was at once disembarked, and sent out to support a portion of General Solomon's Brigade, then skirmishing with the enemy; but, though under fire, it did not engage the enemy, and suffered no loss. It left on the return to Helena the 4th of April, having in the meantime only met the enemy in skirmishes. The dangers and hardships of the Yazoo Pass Expedition have been given elsewhere, and I need only add here that, in the perilous return up the Tallahatchie and Cold Water CHARLES W. KITTREDGE. 515 Rivers, the 36th Iowa lost only four men wounded. But many of both officers and men contracted diseases on this expedition, which rendered them unfit for service. Among others was Major T. C. Woodward, a most excellent officer, and deservedly popular with the regiment. The 4th of July vindication, at Helena, Arkansas, in the sum- , mer of 1863, was the first severe engagement of the 36th Iowa. Here, three thousand five hundred men successfully resisted I the repeated and determined assaults of six times their num- ; ber. It was a terrible disaster to the rebels, and made the hearts of those on the west side of the Mississippi disconsolate. From the 8th of April to the 10th of August, 1863, the 36th Iowa was stationed at Helena; but on the last named date started out with Major-General Steele on the Arkansas Expedition, which ended with the capture of Little Rock, September 10th 1863. During this march. Colonel Kittredge commanded the 1st Brigade of the 2d Division. Having passed the fall of 1863, and the following Winter at Little Rock, the 36th Iowa, on the 23d of March, 1861, joined the expedition under Major-General Steele, which, being organized in conjunction with one under Major-General Banks, had for its object the capture of Shreveport, and the defeat and dispersion of the enemy in the Red River country. The battles of Elkin's Ford and Mark's Mills, Arkansas, will ever have a place in the military annals of Iowa, Missouri, Indiana and Ohio, the States whose troops were there represented. The 43d Indiana, 36th Iowa, 77th Ohio, and two sections of Battery E, 2d Missouri Light Artillery constituted the 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 7th Army Corps, and, with the excep- tion of two companies of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, were the only troops on our side engaged at Elkin's Ford. Indeed, if I am correctly informed, the 77th Ohio was not engaged, having 616 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. been previously detached to support tlie cavalry in another quarter. The battle of Elkin's Ford was opened early on the morning of the 4th of April, 18G4, by the enemy driving in our cavalry- pickets, and by advancing rapidly against the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Drake, composed of portions of the 43d Indiana and the 36th Iowa, and one section of Battery E, 2d Missouri Light Artillery, which was being held as the picket- reserve. The fighting was very severe, and the gallantry of the troops unrivaled ; but the force of the enemy was so great as to render all opposition of no avail. Lieutenant-Colonel Drake was being gradually force d back, when Colonel Kitt- redge, coming up on his left with the balance of his regiment, charged the enemy and drove him back in confusion. The repulse was so complete that the enemy declined to renew the fight, and beat a hasty retreat. The battle of Elkin's Ford was fought near the Little Mis- souri River, and during General Steele's march southward. That of Mark's Mills was fought, while the 2d Brigade wiis en route to Pine Bluff for supplies for Steele's army at Camden. How General Steele, learning at Prairie de Anne of the defeat of Banks, turned eastward to Camden ; how he lost much of his train sent out on a foraging expedition to Poisoned Springs ; how, after that. Colonel Mackey of the 33d Iowa came through with supplies from Pine BluflP; and how Steele, resolving to maintain himself at Camden, sent back to Pine Bluff for other supplies, has already been stated in the sketches of other officers and regiments. The 2d Brigade, under com- mand of Lieutenant-Colonel Drake, constituted the command above alluded to ; and, in addition to those troops, were two hundred and forty men of the First Indiana and 7th Missouri Cavalry, under Major McCaully. The wagon-train consisted of two hundred and forty wagons. CHARLES W. KITTEEDGE. 517 Lieutenant-Colonel Drake left Camden on the morning of the 23d of April, and proceeding on the Pine Bluff road, reached Moro Bottom in the evening of the 24th instant. Up to that time. Major McCaully, in command of the cavalry, had discovered no enemy; and Lieutenant-Colonel Drake, thinking that he was not threatened, went into camp. Had he marched all that night, as did the enemy, he would have escaped cap- ture, and saved his train. On the 2r)th instant, the march was resumed at day-light, and proceeded unmolested till near the junction of the Warren and Pine BlufT roads, when Major Morris, in advance, came on the enemy's skirmishers. The engagement opened at once. At this time the 36th Iowa, under Major Hamilton, a brave and worthy officer, was march- ing by the side of the train, to guard against a flank-surprise; but, on receiving notice of the attack, hurried to the front. Orders were also sent to the 77th Ohio, in the extreme rear, to double-quick to the front ; but before the movement was exe- cuted, the regiment was surrounded and captured. The 36th Iowa, 43d Indiana, Lieutenant Peetz's Battery, and the cav- alry, had, therefore, to continue the engagement without rein- forcements. As was afterward learned, the rebel troops on the ground numbered little less than eight thousand. Fagan was in command, and he had seven brigades — Shelby's, Dock- ery's, Cabell's, Cooper's, Crawford's, Wright's, and Greene's. But, notwithstanding these overwhelming numbers, the rem- nant of the 2d Brigade maintained its position, repelling the enemy's charges, for nearly five hours. Finally, being com- pletely surrounded, its ammunition expended, and having no hope of relief, the command surrendered. It was at this time that the rebel General Fagan boasted that the capture of Steele's whole army was certain. Lieutenant-Colonel Drake was severely wounded in this 518 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. engagement, and was soon after paroled with others, and sent within our lines ; but the 3Gth Iowa was marched to Tyler, Texas, where it passed a long and wretched prison-life. To show the hardships endured on this cruel march, I quote, briefly, from a statement made by Chaj)lain M. H. Hare, of the 36th Iowa: "We were marched off rapidly after the close of the battle. We were all driven on foot fifty-two miles, without rations, rest, or respite, to Moro, or, as we termed it, 'Raw Corn.' There we crossed the Ouchita. We had eaten our breakfast on the morning of the 25th before day ; and now it was after dark in the evening of the 26th. The rebels had robbed us of our haversacks, beside other valuables ; and, when we reached the river, we seized upon some mule-corn, which we found, and ate it with avidity, raw. It was a sad sight to go among the boys, as I did that night, and see them — some gnawing away, and others, wearied and exhausted, lying asleep, still holding their half-eaten ear." Captain T. B. Hale, unable to endure these hardships, died. This noble young officer was buried in a handsome grove, on the banks of the Ouchita, about sixty miles below Camden. The killed and wounded of the 2d Brigade, in the battle of Mark's Mills, numbered about two hundred and fifty. The loss of the enemy is not known. Surgeon J. M. B. Cochrane, of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, Major Hamilton, of the 36th Iowa, and many others were highly complimented for their gallantry during the action. The 36th Iowa was exchanged in the spring of 1865. Since that time, it has been stationed on garrison-duty at St. Charles, on White River. Colonel Kittredge was not present in the engagement at Mark's Mills. At the time it was ordered out, he was sick and was left behind with some forty men of his regiment. On the return of General Steele to Little Rock, he accompanied the command of Brigadier-General Samuel A. Rice; and, under CHAKLES W. KITTEEDGE. 519 that officer, took part in the engagement at Jenkin's Ferry. During General Steele's absence from Little Rock, Colonel Anderson of the First Iowa Cavalry, who was left behind, assumed command of the post ; but, soon after the return of the army, that officer resigned his commission, when Colonel Kittredge was made Post Commandant. Colonel Kittredge continued at Little Rock till the spring of 1865, when on the suggestion of General Reynolds he was dismissed the service. I will state briefly what I know of this unfortunate affair. In the winter of 1864-5, Lieutenant-Colonel Drake of the 36th Iowa preferred charges against Colonel Kittredge, which I have never seen, and which, if I had, and could state them, would afford to the reader little interest. Early in March, 1865, Colonel Kittredge went before a general court-martial convened at Little Rock, for trial. Brigadier-General Cyrus Bussey was President of the Court, and Colonels Benton, Mackey and Thompson were among its members. The case was tried, and resulted, I am told, in a finding of "not guilty," as regarded every charge and specification. The record was then made up, and sent by the Judge Advocate to General Reynolds, for approval; but that general, instead, forwarded the papers to the President, with the recommendation that Colonel Kittredge be dismissed the service. General Reynolds' recommendation was of course complied with ; for he had been recently sent to Little Rock to relieve General Steele, for the express purpose of renovating the Department of Arkansas, and all his recommendations were promptly endorsed. I should state further that, one of General Steele's staff-officers, who remained behind after the departure of that general for New Orleans, and who was a bitter friend of Colonel Kittredge, was acting on the staff of General Reynolds at the time the colonel's papers were sent up. 520 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. After receiving his dismissal the colonel returned to his home and proceeded thence to Washington to make inquiry into the proceedings in his case. He M^as gone only a few days when news came that the order for his dismissal was revoked and he reinstated. He left Washington immediately for St. Charles, Arkansas, where his regiment is now stationed in garrison. From the portrait of Colonel Kittredge here published which is a good one, can be read the character of the man. He is independent and outspoken and has no policy. The following is illustrative of his character. While stationed at Helena he was requested to sign a paper recommending a brigadier-gen- eral for promotion. He refused to give his name, saying he did not believe the officer entitled to promotion. The officer was at the time his division commander. He is abrupt in his manners, quick in his movements, and treats his friends with generosity and his enemies with vindictiveness. From what I can learn he was popular with his regiment. I talked with several of his men who were just out of prison and home on leave of absence, and they all said he was con- sidered a good officer. In the first year of the regiment's service I understand he made enemies by recommending a lieutenant over several captains for a field officer, though all but the par- ties interested admitted that the lieutenant was the best man for the place. It is proper to state in this connection that, soon after resign- ing his commission as captain in the 7th Infantry, Colonel Kittredge was married to Miss Charlotte Mahon of Ottumwa, a sister of Major Mahon, and an intelligent and accomplished lady. COLONEL GEORGE W. KINCAID. THIRTY-SEVENTH INFANTKY. George W. Kincaid is a native of the State of Ohio, and an old resident of Muscatine county, Iowa. He is about fifty- three years of age. His occupation in civil life I have failed to learn. He entered the army in the fall of 1862, as colonel of the 37th Iowa Infantry, and served with that rank till the spring of 1865, when, with his regiment, he was mustered out of the service. In the judgment of his regiment, he served with little honor to himself, or the State. The o7th Iowa is the celebrated Gray-Beard Regiment. It was organized under a special order of the War Department, in the fall of 1862, and was to be composed of men over the age of forty-five years. If I am correctly informed, it was a con- dition precedent that, the regiment was to be employed only on post- and garrison-duty. Certain it is that, with one excep- tion, it was never assigned to any other. Its history, therefore, throwing age out of the question, is not a brilliant one. Its thirty-months' service was passed at the following points: St. Louis, Missouri; Alton, Illinois; Memphis, Tennessee; Cincinnati, Ohio; and Rock Island, Illinois. The following from the pen of L. M. Miller, the regiment's sergeant-major, is the chief item of interest in the regiment's history ; "On the lOth instant, [July 7th, 1864] a detail of fifty men was sent from the 37th regiment, to go as guard on a supply- train, on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. When about thirty-six miles out, the train was fired into by fifty or sixty bushwhackers, concealed in the brush and behind the fence. Our guards were stationed on top of the cars, exposed to their 521 522 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. fire, the train running thirty miles an hour. Our men returned the fire very promptly, and it is believed from the best infor- mation we can gather we did the enemy equal damage, at least in numbers. Our loss was Samuel Coburn of Company A, and Corporal Charles Young of Company B, both mortally wounded. The corporal lived till next day, and Colburn till the evening of the same day. Two others were slightly wounded, but are doing well." But if these patriarchal patriots did little service in the field, it is not to be supposed that theirs was holiday duty. Garri- son-duty, if not attended with great risk, is fatiguing and monotonous; and few soldiers, if consulted, would prefer it to field-service. We should, therefore, accord to these ancient heroes a full share of the State's military renown. I am told that Colonel Kincaid is a tall, raw-boned, gray- haired man, uninviting in personal appearance and in address. He was strict in his discipline, to which may be attributed his great unpopularity with his regiment. I am unwilling to record the many stories of his misrule. COLONEL D. HENRY HUGHES. THIRTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. The late D. Henry Hughes was born in Jefferson county, New York, on the 11th of September, 1830. He was the son of a farmer. At sixteen, he entered the New Yorlc State Normal School, where he passed a year and a half, and then returned home and labored with his father on the farm till he attained his majority. In 1852, he came West and settled temporarily in Chicago, where he obtained employment as book-keeper in the Agricultural Warehouse of Emery & Co. During his two years' stay with this enterprising house, he was a frequent contributor to the "Prairie Farmer," a valuable agricultural paper, published by his employers. In 1855, he left Illinois for Iowa, and settled in Decorah, which was his family's place of residence at the time of his death. Colonel Hughes was held in high esteem in Winnesheik county. He learned the law with one Mr. Webber of Decorah, and, in the spring of 1862, became a partner of the Hon. M. V. Burdick, now State Senator from Winnesheik county. Indeed, in 1861, he was Mr. Burdick's opponent for the State Senate, being the nominee of the Democratic Party of Winnesheik county. In October, 1862, Mr. Hughes was made lieutenant-colonel of the 38th Iowa Infantry, and late in the same month was promoted to the colonelcy of the regiment. He served with his regiment till its arrival at Port Hudson, Lousiana, when he was prostrated by the sickness incident to that climate. He died on board the steamer Lebanon, on the 7th of August, 1863. The history of the 38th Iowa has less of general interest in it 523 524 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. than that of any other Iowa regiment. Up to the 27th of November, 18G4, it had lost in battle only one man killed, and two wounded, one of the latter mortally. The following are the points at which the regiment served prior to the above named date: Columbus and Union City, Kentucky; New Madrid, Missouri; Vicksburg; Port Hudson and Carrollton, Louisiana; on the Texan coast and at Brownsville; Mobile Point, and at Donaldsonville, Louisiana. The regiment was consolidated with the 34th Iowa Infantry, on the 1st day of January, 1865 ; since which time its history will be found in that of the latter regiment. The following statement, taken from the records of the regi- ment, is a remarkable illustration of the disparity of losses sustained by troops in battle and by disease: "Original strength of regiment: officers, thirty-nine; enlist- ed men, eight hundred and seventy-six. Added in field by recruits: enlisted men, one hundred and twelve. Added by promotion: officers, nine. Added by transfer: officers, one. "Killed in battle: enlisted men, one. Died of wounds: enlisted men, one. Discharged: officers, twenty; enlisted men, one hundred and ten. Deserted: thirteen. Died of disease: officers, four; enlisted men, three hundred and seven. Transferred : enlisted men, twenty-eight. Total : officers, twenty-four; enlisted men, four hundred and sixty-five." The following is from an eulogy delivered by Hon. M. V. Burdick to Colonel Hughes' memory : "He is gone ; but though dead he yet lives— lives in the example that he set, in the precepts that he gave — lives in the hearts of his friends. They will not endeavor to repress the generous pride which prompts a recital of his noble deeds, and manly virtues. He commenced his career among us without fortune, without influential friends, and surrounded by many difficulties. He has filled many positions of honor and trust, and has written his name in the history of this great struggle of the nation to maintain the national existence. He leaves to his friends none but the most pleasing recollections." COLONEL HENRY J. B. CUMMINGS. THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY. HENRY Johnson Broadhead Cummings is the only rep- resentative that little New Jersey can claim among the loiva Colonels. He was born in the town of Ne%vton, Sussex county, on the 21st day of May, 1831, and continued to reside at that place until he was ten years of age. He then accompanied his parents to Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, where he lived till he reached his eighteenth year. His education was acquired at the common schools of that county. In his eighteenth Win- ter, he taught school, and after its close, entered the law-office of Judge Maynard of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and began the study of the law. From 1851 to 1854, he edited a paper in Schuylkill Haven, after which he resumed his legal studies in the office of Henry Johnson, Esq., of Muncey, Pennsylvania, and was admitted to the bar in 1855. But, being without means, he was again compelled to return to the editorial tri- pod. In 1856, he came West and located in Winterset, Iowa, where he opened an office, and for the first time entered upon the practice of his profession. That same Winter, he assisted in oro-anizing the Republican Party in Madison county; and, in thl following August, was elected Prosecuting Attorney for that county. Later, he became a law-partner of the Hon. M. S. McPherson, who, in 1860, was a member of the Iowa State Senate. Colonel Cummings first entered the war as captain of Com- pany F., 4th Iowa Infentry. While the regiment was at its rendezvous in Council Blufts, he was elected by the line officers 52o 526 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. its major. He was not, however, commissioned by the Gov- ernor; for Captain English, of the same regiment, had been previously promoted to that rank. Captain Cummings served in the 4th Iowa Infantry until the 6th of September, 1862, when he was promoted to the colonelcy of the 39th Iowa Infantry. The first engagement of the 39th Iowa, was at Parker's Cross Roads, Tennessee, on the 31st of December, 1862. The enemy were led by Forest, and numbered from five to seven thousand men. The Union forces engaged comprised only one brigade, commanded by Colonel Dunham of the 50th Indiana, and numbered not quite sixteen hundred men. So soon as the enemy learned of General Grant's plans for the capture of Vicksburg, in the fall of 1862, they at once set on foot schemes for their frustration ; and, only a few days after the Federal army had marched from Holly Springs, Van Dorn and Forest were dispatched against General Grant's rear, to overwhelm small garrisons, and destroy all supplies and lines of communication. Van Dorn marched for Holly Springs and vicinity, while Forest made his appearance along the Jackson and Columbus Railroad. On the morning of the 31st of December, 1862, Forest, with the greater portion of his com- mand, was encamped in the timber, about half a mile west of Parker's Cross Roads. A small detachment was stationed at the Cross Roads ; and these Colonel Dunham, while moving with his command down the road in the direction of Red Mound, encountered at about eight o'clock in the morning. But, to give an intelligible history of this affair, I should refer briefly to the previous movements of the 39th Iowa. On the 18th of December, 1862, the regiment left Columbus, Ken- tucky, under orders to report to General G. M. Dodge at Corinth. Arriving at Jackson, it was ordered by General Sullivan to HENRY J. B. CUMMINQS. 527 disembark ; for an attack upon that place by Forest was hourly- looked for. It remained at Jackson four days, when, it becoming evident that Forest did not intend attacking that place, it was sent back to Trenton. There it was organized with the 50th Indiana and 122d Illinois, and sent in pursuit of Forest, then reported at Huntingdon, thirty miles east. Parker's Cross Roads is between Huntingdon and Lexington, where, as above stated, a portion of Forest's command was encountered. The 50th Indiana was at once deployed as skirmishers, and I drove the small detachment back to the main body, stationed j on the hill or in the timber. Colonel Dunham now began making his dispositions to attack them in this position ; but he soon learned that the position was so strong, and that their numbers so superior to his own that an attempt to rout them must be unsuccessful. After a vigorous use of his artillery, he therefore withdrew his command south, and took up a position on the east side of the road on a gentle rise of ground near Red Mound. The enemy followed and took up a position on the brow of a hill about one thousand yards distant. The enemy had eleven pieces of artillery, and the Federal troops but three ; and in all other respects they were equally superior. The engagement now opened with artillery ; but only a few shots had been fired, when Colonel Dunham saw that he could not hold his present position. He therefore moved down the hill into low ground, and took position behind a rail fence. The 39th held the left, the 122 Illinois the centre, and the 50th Indiana the right. The enemy still held the brow of the hill in front. Their position was most admirable. Retiring just behind the crest of the hill, and charging their artillery, they would then shove it forward, and, depressing the pieces, continue a 528 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. most destructive fire on our lines. Their infantry, too, at long range and well covered, did much execution; while our troops, lying along the fence in the bottom, were able only by their presence to hold the enemy at bay. The right of the line, how- ever, was able to do some execution. Thus matters stood tiU about four o'clock in the afternoon, when the enemy, despair- ing of routing the Federal troops from the position they then held, dismounted a force of about one thousand men, and sent them round to the rear of Colonel Dunham's right flank. Moving by a circuitous route through the timber, they were not discovered till their skirmishers opened fire on tlie right- rear of the Federal line. This was the signal for the enemy on the hill in front to concentrate their artillery-fire on the Federal left; for this was necessary to save their own men, approaching from the rear; and now the shower of grape and canister, which fell on the 39th Iowa, was terrific. With the enemy approaching in its rear, and this terrible fire in front, the right wing of the 39th broke, and sought shelter in a corn- field to the west of the road. Portions of the 50th Indiana and 122d Illinois also joined in this brief stampede. But relief was now near at hand: a brigade of reinforcements — the "Ohio Brigade" —soon fell upon the enemy's rear, and scattered their lines in confusion. This, however, w^as not done till after the 39th Iowa had rallied, and, with the balance of the brigade, driven back the enemy's flanking-party. The engagement now closed, and the Federal troops rested that night on the battle-ground. The following is the result of the engagement: Four hundred prisoners were captured. Five hundred horses and seven cannon were also among the spoils of war; but the three pieces of artillery belonging to the command of Colonel Dunham had been literally knocked to pieces. The losses of the 39th Iowa, in killed, wounded and missing, were forty- seven. Three only were killed; and among these was the HENRY J. B. CUM.MIXGS. 529 color-guard, J. C. Stearns. The gallant Lieutenant-Colonel Redfield, while rallying his men, was severely wounded in the shoulder. Major Griffiths, Captain Browne and Lieutenant Rawls were also among the wounded. This was the first engagement of the 39th Iowa; and all things considered, it sustained itself well. With the battle of Parker's Cross Roads closed the old year of 1862. On the morning following, the 39th Iowa, with the i balance of its brigade, started on the return march to Jackson, I where it arrived on the evening of the 2d. At Columbus, as already stated, Colonel Cummin^s had been ordered to report to General G. M. Dodge, commanding 2d Division, 16th Army Corps, and on the 6th instant he left Jackson with his regiment . for Corinth. Arriving at Corinth, the 39th Iowa was assigned I to the 2d Brigade, Colonel M. IM. Banes, and, for more than a I year thereafter, was attached to that command. From the date of its arrival at Corinth, till the time it joined the forces I of General Sherman in the grand march on Atlanta, the his- tory of the 39th Iowa may be soon told. It was stationed on garrison-duty, and passed the most of its time in camp. The march to Tuscumbia, Alabama, the object of which was to cover the movements of Colonel Streight, in his raid into Georgia, I must not, however, omit to mention. All things being in readiness. General Dodge moved out of Corinth with his entire division on the 15th of April, and, proceeding by easy marches, arrived at Bear Creek without incident. At Bear Creek, his advance encountered the enemy under Roddy, and soon after that force was strengthened by the arrival of Forest. But General Dodge pushed steadily on, driving back the enemy with a line of skirmishers, until he arrived at Town Creek. Here the enemy, on the opposite bank, had their artil- lery in position, which was well supported. An artillery-duel followed of half a day in length, when, bridges having been 530 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. constructed under the enemy's fire, the forces of General Dodge began crossing to the east side of the stream. The enemy now- retired precipitately, and General Dodge, knowing Colonel Streight, who had passed by the enemy's left flank, was well on his way, returned to Corinth. The 39th Iowa arrived at Corinth on the 2d of May. Four days after. Company H of the regiment, while guarding a corral near Corinth, was sur- rounded by a large body of rebel cavalry and captured. Its Captain, James H. Loomis, was made a prisoner, and only a few of the men escaped. Colonel Cummings remained with his regiment at Corinth, until November, 1863, and then marched with the command of General Dodge to the line of the Nashville and Decatur Rail- road. He arrived with his regiment at Pulaski the 11th of November, and the day following was sent north seven miles to Reynold's Station, where regimental head-quarters were established. Five companies remained at head-quarters. Three were sta- tioned at grist-mills; and two on guard-duty, at raih'oad- bridges. Seven weeks later, regimental head-quarters were removed to Culleoka, twenty miles further north. The regi- ment remained here till the 12th of the following March, when, with its brigade, it marched south to Athens ; but its day of garrison- and railroad guard-duty was now soon to close. In the early part of May, 1864, the 39th Iowa marched with its brigade to Huntsville, where the whole command of Gen- eral Dodge assembled, preparatory to joining General Sherman on the march against Atlanta: from that point it moved directly to the front at Dalton. But the movements of the left wing of the 16th Army Corps during the Atlanta Cam- paign have been given elsew here, and up to the time of the occupation of Rome, the history of the 39fch is the same as that of this command: the 39th Iowa, and, I think, all the regi- HENRY J. B. CUMMINGS. 531 ments of its brigade— the 7th, 50th and 57th Illinois Infantry regiments, went no further than Rome, being left at that point to guard Sherman's flank, and his line of communications. Where the regiment most distinguished itself, and where it lost its best officer — Lieutenant-Colonel James Redfield— was at Allatoona, Georgia. Its defense of this place was gallant in the extreme, and a full history of the affair would be read with the greatest interest; but want of space forbids me giving it. The following is from a statement of Major, afterward Lieutenant-Colonel Griffiths: "The entire force on our side was one thousand eight hun- dred: that of the enemy, seven thousand. Our forces were commanded by Brigadier-General J. M. Corse. They arrived at 10 o'clock P. M., expecting that the enemy would not attack, knowing they (we) were reinforcements. In this we were deceived. They attacked in the morning at 7 A. M. General Corse had time only to hastily dispose of his little force, when they came up with massed columns. " The 30th Iowa was placed at the forks of a road, three hun- dred yards from the fort, where the heaviest column of the enemy charged. It was important to hold this position, and check the enemy. This they did twice, although terribly cut to pieces. The third time the enemy was in such force as to be irresistible, and the remainder of our regiment fell back, con- testing every foot of ground to the fort. "General Corse and the veteran troops, who witnessed the heroism and determination of the 39th on that day, say they have never before seen such fighting. They pronounced it 'Chickasaw Bayou,' continued for five hours. It was during this time that the above named officers, except Lieutenant Blodgett, were killed. He was one of the four officers who succeeded in reaching the fort, and was shot while carrying a message from General Corse to Colonel Rowett. There were ten of our officers in the engagement: five were killed, and two wounded and captured, leaving but three with the command. "It gives me great pleasure to testify to the heroism, valor and gallantry of these officers. I have seen them before when in discharge of their duties and under fire, and can say of them 532 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. that in every emergency they displayed coolness and deter- mined courage. As officers, they had the respect and confidence of the command. As men, they had won, by their geniality of disposition and uniform courtesy of manner, the kindest regards and affections of their officers and men, so that we can feelingly exclaim; Their places, who can fill them?" The regiment lost, in killed, five officers and twenty-seven enlisted men, and, in wounded, one officer and sixty-one enlisted men. Two officers and sixty-eight enlisted men were captured. The commissioned officers killed, were Lieutenant- Colonel James Redfield and Lieutenants O. C. Ayers, A. T. Blodgett, N. P. Wright and J. P. Jones. Lieutenant-Colonel Redfield was a man of much excellence. It has often been said he should have been colonel of the 39th Iowa. Colonel Cummings is a short, fleshy man, with blue eyes, and a large, red face. In his manners, he is dignified and con- sequential. He is reputed as being able to endure as much rest as any man in Iowa. He was a good tactician, but, beyond that, possessed little merit as a soldier. COLONEL JOHN ALEXANDER GARRETT. FORTIETH INFANTRY. John A. Garrett is a native of Carlisle, Sullivan county, Indiana, and was born on the loth day of November, 1824. He was educated at Hanover College, and at the Indiana Uni- versity, and was a member of the last named institution, not having yet graduated, when he enlisted as a private in the 4th Indiana Infantry, Colonel, now General Gorman. Landing at Vera Cruz under General Scott, he accompanied his regi- ment from that place to the city of Mexico ; and, on that cam- paign, took an active part in two engagements— Huamartla (which was Santa Anna's last) and Atlixco. At the close of the Mexican War, he returned to his native town ; where, entering the mercantile business, he remained till 1857. In the fall of that year, he came to Iowa, and, after a brief residence in Des Moines and Leon, settled, in 1859, in Newton, Jasper county, where, re-establishing himself in mer- cantile pursuits, he continued to reside till the opening of the war. John A. Garrett enlisted in the present war late in July, 18G1. In the following August he recruited a company in Jasper county which was assigned to the 10th Iowa Infantry, and of which he was elected captain. Until after the evacua- tion of Corinth and till as late as September, 1862, Captain Garrett was constantly on duty with his regiment. He took part with it in the expedition against New Madrid, and with his company (I) led the advance of the detachment, which, under Major McCalla, first occupied the place after its evacua- tion by the enemy. He was also present at the taking of 533 534 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Island No. 10, and was with the force, which, crossing the river on the afternoon of the 7th, marched out to Tipton ville and received the comical surrender of five thousand of the enemy. In tlie sharp skirmish of the 10th Iowa before Corinth on the afternoon of the 26th of May, 1862, Captain Garrett distin- guished himself, and for his good conduct in this and in other encounters with the enemy was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the 22d Iowa Infantry. His commission was issued on the 2d of August, 1862; but the delay occasioned by the "red tape" system prevented his leaving his company until the following September. On his way North to join his new command he learned from the Chicago "Journal" that the 22d Iowa had already left their rendezvous for the field. He also learned, and with greater surprise, that he had been commissioned col- onel of the 40th Iowa Infantry. The 40th Iowa Infantry entered active service in the latter part of December, 1862, and was first stationed at Columbus, Kentucky. On the first night of its arrival, that place was threatened by the enemy under Forest ; but as is well known, no attack was made. The regiment served at Columbus and at Paducah, Kentucky, until the 31st of May, 1863, when, by order of General Grant, it moved down the Mississippi, and joined the grand army of that general in the operations around Vicksburg. It reached Sartatia on the Yazoo on the morning of the 4th of June, and, from that date till the surrender of the rebel strong-hold, served with that portion of the army which was stationed at and in the vicinity of Haine's Bluff, to antici- pate any movement that might be made by General Johnson, to relieve the beleaguered city. During the protracted siege, the 40th never met the enemy, and lost no men in battle, but, stationed on the banks of the Yazoo, it had drunk of those deadly waters, and when, on the 23d of July, the regiment JOHN A. GARRETT. 535 embarked for Helena, many a brave boy had been laid beneath the sod, and many more totally disabled for the service. The fifty days' service of this regiment in Mississippi forms the saddest page in its history. Colonel Garrett arrived with his command at Helena on the 26th of July and after a few days' rest, marched with the forces of Major-General Steele against the Arkansas Capital. The fatigues and hardships of this march, made in the face of the enemy and in mid-summer in almost a tropical climate may be imagined when it is stated that, out of some six hun- dred men of the 40th Iowa who started on this campaign, only about two hundred and fifty reported for duty the morning after General Steele's entry into Little Rock. From Browns- ville, on the line of the Duvall's Bluff and Little Rock Railroad where Steele had halted a few days to reconnoitre the position of the enemy, the advance was made against the enemy's right to the Arkansas River via Shallow Ford and Ashley's Mills. On the evening of the 7th, the cavalry of General Davidson reached the river near Ashley's Mills where they had a sharp skirmish with the enemy. At this point the plan of attack was determined on ; and on the night of the 9th of September General Davidson threw across his pontoons preparatory to an advance on the morning of the 10th. General Davidson was to move up the south, and General Steele the north side of the Arkansas— a movement which, being least expected by the enemy, would contribute most to their surprise. In crossing the Arkansas River the 40th Iowa under Colonel Garrett led the advance. The banks of this stream opposite to where the crossing was made were covered with dense tim- ber, and it was supposed not only by Colonel Garrett but by Generals Steele and Davidson that the moment the opposite side was reached by our troops a murderous fire of canister and 636 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. grape from masked batteries, and a more fatal one of musketry from long lines of infantry would meet them. But doubting their ability to hold their position, the enemy had retired. The gallantry of Colonel Garrett and his regiment is, however, no less worthy of mention ; for, to meet a supposed enemy in the manner above described is the chief test of a soldier's bravery. The fall of 18G3, and the following Winter, were passed by the 40th at Little Rock, and but little occurred during this time worthy of special notice ; but the Spring of 18G4, opening with the campaign of General Steele to Camden, afforded the regi- ment new and ample oj^portunities to establish their prowess in battle. .In the great battle of the campaign — Jenkin's Ferry— Colonel Garrett distinguished himself; but full credit has never been awarded either to him or his regiment for the gallant part they acted. In the engagement, the regiment was divided, which may be the reason. Two companies were sta- tioned on the extreme right of the line of battle, two on the extreme left, and two in the centre, (the last two in support of a battery) Colonel Garrett, with the four remaining companies, engaged the enemy for four long hours without being relieved, and in that part of the line where the fighting was the hottest. His list of casualties is evidence of the part he sustained in this sanguinary contest, it being larger in proportion to the number in line, than that of any other command engaged. His brave boys — they were but a handful — the colonel led; and in one of the many charges of the enemy he joined in repuls- ing, his horse was shot under him. The colonel not only dis- tinguished himself, but nearly every officer and enlisted man of his command; and the name of Adjutant L. A. Duncan is deserving of special mention. Kirby Smith and the ubiqui- tous General Price, notwithstanding their vastly superior numbers, were bitterly punished at Jenkin's Ferry ; and from JOHN A. GARRETT. 537 this point baclv to Little Rock, the army of General Steele marched unmolested. Subsequently to the unfortunate Camden. Campaign, and up to the early spring of 1865, the 40th Iowa remained in camp at Little Rock. Much of this time Colonel Garrett served on a court-martial. But at the time above mentioned, General Thayer was relieved of his command at Fort Smith, Arkan- sas, and General Bussey made his successor. The latter officer, fearing that in overhauling the afluirs of his new command he might not have the cordial support of the troops stationed there, requested General Reynolds to give him the 40th Iowa, as that regiment he could rely on. The request was complied with, and General Garrett, with his regiment, was at once orderered to report at that Post, where it has since served. Colonel Garrett is six feet in higlit, has a fair complexion, dark-blue eyes and chestnut hair. He has a thin, pale face, and a spare form ; and his general appearance indicates any thing but a vigorous constitution. In his habits he is strictly temperate: he regards not only intoxicating liquors and tobacco, but tea and coffee as his deadly enemies; and thus, although possessed of naturally a weak constitution, he has preserved his general health, not having varied in the last fif- teen years five pounds in weight. He is brave and cool in action. This he so finely illustrated in the battle of Jenkin's Ferry that it has since been the sub- ject of frequent comment with the officers and men of his com- mand. He is a good, but not a strict disciplinarian. Few officers, however, have a better control over men than he ; and there are few in the 40th Iowa, who would not prefer the guard-house, with its rations of bread and water, to a repri- mand from their colonel. His character as an officer is illus- trated by a little speech which he is reported to have made, on one occasion, just before leading his regiment into battle. 488 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. "Boys! we will probably have a little fight. Remember your own good name, and the fair fame of the glorious young State which sent you to the field. DonH tarnish them. Do you see that flag? Follow and defend it. Don't shoot at the sky; there are no rebels up there. That climate does not suit them. Aim low, and send them where they belong. That's all." CAVALRY. BRIGADIER-GENERAL FITZ HENRY WARREN. FIRST COLONEL, FIKST CAVALRY. FiTZ Henry Warren and Grenville Mellen Dodge, the only Iowa general officers whose native State is Massachusetts, are both fair representatives of that proud old Commonwealth. Although differing in their mental constitutions, they are each earnest and persevering — two traits for which the sons of the old Bay State are noted. General Warren is the son of a tanner, and a native of the town of Brimfield, where he was born on thellth day of Jan- uary, 1816. His education was not liberal. He first attended the common schools of his native town, and later was a mem- ber of the Wilbraham Academy, Massachusetts. At that institution he completed his education. He subsequently entered a mercantile house as salesman, and still later, in com- pany with his father, became an extensive manufacturer of boots and shoes in Chicopee, now embraced within the limits of the city of Springfield, Massachusetts. In 1837, General Warren, who was the financial head of this firm, carried it safely through that terrible financial crisis which wrecked, hopelessly, thousands of merchants throughout the country. The firm continued its business successfully till the year 1843, when, for reasons unknown to the writer, it was brought to a termination. General Warren, who was now only twenty-seven, started in pursuit of a location in the North Western States, and, after traveling through nearly all of them, finally selected Iowa in which to make a home. He arrived in Burlington in the month of August, 1844. In Burlington, he first engaged in 541 542 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. mercantile pursuits; but, being at that day somewhat of a politician he was, in the spring of 1849, appointed by President Taylor Assistant Post Master General. I need not speak of the great credit that accrued to our State from his connection with this office. The judgment he discovered in his appoint- ments and the great business tact he displayed in all matters connected with the Postal Department challenged general attention; and I think it may be said that, in his fitness for this office, he had been before unequalled. Unfortunately, General Warren's connection with the Post Office Department was of only two year's duration ; for, when Fillmore was cajoled into signing the new edition of the Fugitive Slave Law, the general refused to be connected longer with that Adminis- tration, and tendered his resignation. His connection with Fillmore's Administration, and the spirit he showed in refusing to join hands with unprincipled men, in the furtherance of that policy which has so nearly precipitated the nation in ruin, made him a prominent public man; and the year following his resignation he was made Secretary of the National Executive Committee in the Scott Presidential Campaign. Retiring now from public life, he established himself in the banking business in the city of Burlington ; but in this enterprise he was unsuccessful ; for, in the year 1857, he failed with large liabilities. Enterprising and public spirited, he was all the time alive to all political questions, but more especially to the great leading issue, which was being tried so slowly but surely; and there was never a Presidential, and rarely a State canvass, in which he did not take the stump. He took an active part in the Presidential Campaign of 1860, and, after the election of Mr. Lincoln, stood prominent among those whose names were being used for the position of Post Master General. His former position in the Post Office Department, I am FITZ HENRY WAEREN. 543 advised, was tendered him ; but this he declined. He entered the War of the Rebellion in the summer of 1861, as colonel of the First Iowa Cavalry— one of the first volunteer cavalry- regiments mustered into the United States service. But, in passing, I should not omit stating that General War- ren was one of those who, in the early stages of the war, believed the fate of the Confederacy would be decided by the fall of the rebel Capital. His opinions he published to the world in his celebrated letters— "On to Richmond." It was said at the time that these letters were the cause of the Bull Run disaster; but, had the weak-hearted Patterson been as prompt to duty as McDowell, these very letters would have made General Warren one of the chief heroes of the rebellion. In that case, Greeley would never have denied their authorship. At the suggestion of General Warren, the 1st Iowa Cavalry was, I think, tendered to the General Government and accepted, under a resolution of the Iowa General Assembly. It rendezvoused at Burlington, and in the early part of October reported at Benton Barracks, Missouri. In the latter part of that month, the 1st and 2d Battalions of the regiment were ordered to Central and Western Missouri, and stationed, by companies, at different points, to secure order and to protect the country from guerrilla incursions. The 3d Battalion, under Colonel Warren, remained at Benton Barracks through the following Winter, and until the 6th of March, 1862, when that was also ordered into the field. Colonel Warren was promoted to the rank of brigadier-gen- eral on the 20th day of August, 1862. In the winter of 1862-3 he held a command under General Curtis, in Missouri. He was stationed at that point with head-quarters at Huston at the time of General Marmaduke's Invasion of Missouri, early in January of that year, and on receiving a telegram from Gen- eral Brown at Springfield, announcing the approach of the 644 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. enemy, at once dispatched a part of his force, under Colonel Merrill, of the 21st Iowa, with orders to report at that place. The battle of Hartsville, in which the enemy in despite of his vastly superior numbers was severely handled, resulted from this movement. In the summer of 18G3, the name of General Warren was urged in the Union Gubernatorial Convention for the office of Governor of Iowa; and but for a heedless blunder he might have been the candidate for the position. From the first he was the choice of a plurality of the delegates and finally, as was thought, of a majority ; but the history of the thing is well known and need not be related. It illustrates well how some men rise suddenly above others to places of honor and responsibility. It was the grace and high-toned honor which the general displayed in withdrawing his name from the convention that won the heart of every delegate present, and which, had another vote been taken, would doubt- less have secured him the gubernatorial chair. In the fall of 1863, General Warren was sent to New Orleans, whence he wao ordered to Matagorda Island, and there assigned to a brigade command. He soon after succeeded General Washburne in the command of the 1st Division, loth Army Corps, which was stationed in the vicinity of Indianola, Texas. During the following Winter, he made several expeditions from this point into the adjacent country, the most important of which was that to Port Lavacca, just before Christmas. He was once attacked by a large cavalry force at Indianola ; but after considerable skirmishing, and the loss of several pris- oners, the enemy retired. In June, 1864, he was given a District command in Louisiana, with head-quarters at Baton Rouge, and by his administrative ability, succeeded in correct- ing many abuses. He was popular with his command, but FITZ HEXEY WAREEN. 545 unpopular with interlopers, and with many of the citizens of his district. Among the many newspaper notices of his com- mand while stationed here, I give the following : " General Warren now in command of this district is estab- lishing a very rigid system of surveillance over the speculators and citizens here in regard to passes and permits for trafiicing through the lines : although it is one of the most difficult mat- ters to regulate, he will approximate as nearly to a solution of the problem as any general in the Department." During the summer of 1864, having lost his health, which was never vigorous, he was relieved from his command and permitted to come Xorth on leave of absence ; but many weeks of medical treatment being ineffectual in removing the disease he had contracted in a debilitating climate, he was finally, in consideration of this, placed on duty in Kew York city, where he is still serving. In personal appearance. General Warren is excelled by no officer of the volunteer or regular service. Tall, slender and erect, neat and precise in dress, and active and graceful in his movements, he is, in public and among strangers, the first to attract notice. As a military man, he possesses many excellent traits. He is energetic, has good executive ability, and is a fine disciplinarian. When, in the spring of 18G2, he left Benton Bar- racks with the 3d Battalion of his regiment, there was not an equal number of men in the regular or volunteer service more perfect in drill and general efficiency than these. But, in his military career, if we are to judge by his reputation, he has been only ordinarily successful. The reason why he has failed to attain that distinction which his talent and military taste insured, is known by those who hold high authority at the National Capital. The general's native talent is great and versatile, and enables him to attain eminence in any public position : indeed, he has never failed, as a public man, to acquit himself with credit. 35 646 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. As a public speaker, he is polished, eloquent and forcible, r Iowa has many more popular men than he, but few more able, i His great independence of character and the bitterness with which he has been accustomed to treat his opponents has been an impediment to his popularity. General Warren is graceful and dignified in his manners, is a rapid, though not a garrulous talker, and has a voice of won- derful capacity. To show its power it may be stated that, in drilling a brigade of troops, he was accustomed to give all commands inva voce, dispensing with all aids and orderlies. 1 COLONEL JAMES OTIS GOWER. SECOND COLONEL, FIRST CAVALRY. James Otis Gower, the successor of General Warren to the colonelcy of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, is a son of James H. Gower, Esq., of Iowa City, and a native of Abbot, Maine, where he was born on the 30th of May, 1834. In 1839, he accompanied his fiithcr's ilimily West, and settled in Iowa City, where he has since made his home. He was educated at Knox College, Illinois, and at the Kentucky Military Institute. He graduated at the last named Institution in 1855, when, returning home, he, in partnership with his father, engaged in the banking business at Iowa City. He followed this business till the spring of 1S(;1, the time of his entering the service. In June and July, ISGl, Colonel Gower enlisted Company F, 1st Iowa Cavalry, and was elected its captain. On the 1st of September following, he was promoted to the majority of the 2d Battalion of that regiment, which rank he held till the 2Gth of August, 18G2, when he was made its colonel. To convey a correct idea of the character of services per- formed by the 1st Iowa Cavalry from the time Colonel Gower assumed command of it until the date of his resignation, and, in fact, from the time of its entering the field until the time above mentioned, I can not do better than to quote briefly from the monthly reports of the regiment. I select the month of October, 1862, because it was the month in which Colonel Gower first commanded the regiment as its colonel. "October Ist.-Marched twelve miles toward Mt. Vernon. 2d.-Passed through Mt. Vernon and camped on Centre Creek, Lawrence county, Missouri. 3d.-At 7 P. M., with brigade 547 548 IOWA COLONELS AXD REGIMENTS. and division marehed through Jollification to Newtonia, New- ton county, arriving at 7 A. M. 4th instant, and finding and engaging the enemy in a slight skirmish, with no casualties however to the regiment. 9th.— Marched from Newtonia to Gadfly, Barry county, Missouri ; and 12th from Gadfly to Cass- ville, Barry county. 16th. — Regiment transferred to 2d Brig- ade, 3d Division, Army of the Frontier. 17th.— Moved camp to McMurtry's Springs. 18th.— Marched all day and camped on Sugar Creek, near Bentonville, Arkansas. 20th.— Left camp on Sugar Creek at 5 P. M., marched all night and the next day, and 'stood to horse' on White River. Night of 21st and 22d, marched to Glade Creek, near Huntsville : took sup- per and marched all night to camp on White River. 23d.— Marched to INIudtown, thence toward Fayetteville, thence back to Cross Hollows, Benton county, Arkansas, into camp at Val- ley Springs. 27th.— Ten companies of the regiment marched at 9 P. M. to a point eight miles south-east of Fayetteville, and had a slight skirmish with the enemy on the morning of the 28th. 28th.— Quarter-:Master Samuel C. Dickerson killed by guerrillas. 29th.— Scout of ten companies returned to camp at Valley Springs." The marches and counter-marches made by this regiment during the month of October, 18G2, are but a fair sample of its labors for the entire year following. In the month of November, 1SG2, the regiment marched four hundred miles, visiting Elkhorn Tavern, McMurtry's Springs, Crane Creek, Ozark, AVhite Oak Springs, Wilson's Creek, and Yellville, Arkansas. In the last five days of the month, more than half this distance was accomplished by the regiment. Leaving Wilson's Creek on the morning of the 2oth, it reached Yellville on the 27th, and on the evening of the 30th instant arrived again at its camp on Wilson's Creek. These marches, made as they were in the wet season of the year, and many of them in the night-time, fill a civilian with amazement; but the marches of themselves give no idea of the fatigue, hard- ships and dangers endured. The regiment was often divided into small detachments, and when moving from one point to JAMES (). GOWEH. 549 another, these brave fellows had little assurance of their safety; for the country was full of guerrillas and scouting-parties of the enemy, ready to decoy them into ambuscades, or, if his num- bers would justify, attack them in more honorable warfare. Whether on the march or resting in camp, the most active vigilance had to be maintained— some resting and sleeping, while others watched. One of the most noteworthy engagements in which the 1st Iowa Cavalry took quite a conspicuous part, was that of Prairie Grove, Washington county, Arkansas. On the evening of the 3rd of December, 1862, the 1st Iowa, with its brigade and divi- sion, was encamped near Wilson's Creek, Missouri, when orders were received to march hastily to the relief of Briga- dier-General James G. Blunt, then stationed at Cane Hill, Arkansas. The regiment broke camp near mid-night and marched with the main column as far as Elkhorn. From that point the 1st and 2d Battalions, with the balance of the brigade, proceeded hurriedly at day-light on the morning of the Gth, and reached Cane Hill safely at mid-night, having for eighteen consecutive hours been constantly in the saddle. The 3d Battalion of the regiment w'as left behind to guard the train of the infantry troops, under the immediate command of Gen- eral Ilerron. How the rebel General Hindman, leaving Gen- eral Blunt at Cane Hill, had hurried out to Prairie Grove with the principal portion of his army, for the purpose of crushing General Herron before a junction could be formed by the Un- ion forces, is well known. Even on the afternoon of the Gth instant, a considerable portion of the rebel force had arrived on the Prairie Grove battle-ground ; for in the evening of that day, the 1st Iowa Cavalry in passing through the valley, had seen them on the hills on either side of the road. At day-light on Sunday morning, the 7th, Colonel Gower 550 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. had the 1st and 2d Battalions of his regiment in their saddles, ready to lead Blunt's advance in the direction of Fayetteville; for the jjlans of the enemy had already been divined. To this advance the enemy made but slight opposition since, as already stated, his main force was at Prairie Grove. It was near noon when Ilerron opened the engagement, and General Blunt, then seven miles distant, heard distinctly the reports of the artil- lery. His rout was necessarily circuitous; but he pushed rapidly on, and just before sun-down came on the rear and left flank of the enemy, who was just then rejoicing at the pros- pects of victory. The rest is well known. As was natural, the gratitude of Generals Herron and Blunt was mutual: Herron saved Blunt and Blunt saved Ilerron from ruinous defeat. In the advance from Cane Hill the 1st Iowa Cavalry was repeatedly engaged with the enemy's skirmishers, and yet its loss was only one man wounded and two captured. With the expedition to Van Buren on the Arkansas River, which the 1st Iowa Cavalry accompanied and in which were captured one hunch-ed prisoners and five river steamers, closed the year 1862. The character of service of the 1st Iowa Cavalry did not change with the opening of the new year of 18G3. The regi- ment still continued its journeyings from one point to another, in pursuit of guerrillas and small detachments of the enemy, and principally under the command of Major, now Lieutenant- Colonel J. W. Caldwell ; for Colonel Gower was in command of a brigade. Of the many laborious marches performed by the 1st Iowa Cavalry, in the eight months following the first of January, 1863, the most noteworthy one is that executed in April and May of that year, where some five hundred men of the regiment, under command of Major J. W. Caldwell, scoured a principal portion of South Eastern Missouri, in pur- JAMES O. GOWER. 651 (Suit of the rebel cavalry force under General Marmaduke. I Since the first of January, 1863, and previous to the time of the I above named expedition, the regiment had marched more than three hundred miles, and had visited Huntsville, Dry Fork, Crooked Creek, Kingston, where extensive saltpetre works were destroyed by Major Caldwell; Yellville, Arkansas; For- syth, Missouri ; Finley Fork, near which place six members of the regiment were captured; Mountain Grove, where the regi- ment received new Sharp's carbines ; and Lake Springs. To create a diversion in fiivor of Lieutenant-General John C. Pemberton at Vicksburg, the rebel General Marmaduke, with a cavalry force reported to be seven thousand strong, had marched from Arkansas into South Eastern Missouri, and, in the latter part of April, 1863, was threatening Pilot Knob and Cape Girardeau. The authorities were even alarmed at St. Louis, and aU available troops stationed at that point were hastily forwarded to Pilot Knob, to check a further advance of the enemy. At the time in question, the 1st Iowa Cavalry was encamped at Lake Springs, Missouri, seventy-five miles dis- tant from Pilot Knob. On the morning of the 21st of April, Major Caldwell, with a detachment of five hundred men from his regiment, started for the last named place, where, arriving in the afternoon of the 23d, he remained till the 25th instant, awaiting the approach of the enemy. Report now placed Marmaduke at Fredericktown, twenty miles east from Pilot Knob; and, on the 25th, General Vaudever with the cavalry marched for that place; but the enemy retired on his approach, and he entered the town without opposition. On the 26th he proceeded in the direction of Cape Girardeau and arrived at Jackson that same evening. But in the meantime it had been learned that the enemy, who had attacked Cape Girardeau, had been repulsed, and were now encamped on the Dallas road, only a few miles distant from Jackson. 552 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. The celebrated night-attack was now planned, which, by its skillful execution, completely routed the rebel forces. The chief credit of this affair belongs to the detachment of the 1st Iowa Cavalry under Major Caldwell, the troops selected to make the charge. " At midnight [I quote from the records of the regiment] Lieutenant Hursh, Company F, with a platoon of eight men and two howitzers, approached within thirty yards of the unsuspecting rebels, discharged howitzers and carbines, and then joined the column, which, with sabers drawn, charged upon and routed the entire force, killing many and capturing horses, arms and camp-equipage. Not a man of the regiment was harmed." Major Caldwell returned with his command to Lake Springs on the 14th of May. The detachment had been absent twenty-four days, and had trav- eled nearly five hundred miles. Colonel Gower is of medium size, rather slender in person, and weighs about one hundred and sixty pounds. He has light-brown hair, a light complexion, and gray eyes. In dress he is exceedingly neat and tasty. He never looks dirty nor slovenly, no matter what he is doing. When in the service he was celebrated for his cleanly appearance, whether in camp or on the march. The colonel is quiet and rather dignified in his manners with strangers, but not so with his friends. He is fond of fun, but likes to enjoy it in a quiet way. As a soldier, he was brave and a good disciplinarian. Dis- ability was the cause of his resignation. COLONEL DANIEL ANDERSON. THIRD COLONEL, FIRST CAVALRY. Daxiel Anderson was born in the year 1821, in the State of Indiana. His history, prior to coming to Iowa, I am unac- quainted with. He settled in Albia, Monroe county, of this State, in about the year 1843, and established himself in the ■ practice of the law, which he continued to follow till the time of entering the service. In July and August, 18G1, he enlisted Company H, 1st Iowa Cavalry, was elected its captain, and held this rank till the 10th of July, 1862, when he was promo- ted to the majority of the 3d Battalion of his regiment. In the following August, he was made lieutenant-colonel, which rank he held till the 21st of August, 1863, when he was pro- moted to the colonelcy of the regiment. On the expiration of his three-years' term of service he resigned his commission, and returned to his home in Albia. During the colonelcy of Mr. Anderson the 1st Iowa Cavalry, as a regiment, met the enemy for the first time in a regular engagement. On the 11th day of June, 1863, nearly a month after the regiment had returned from its scout in South Eastern Missouri, the 1st Iowa Cavalry in company with the 8th Missouri Cavalry left Lake Springs for Pilot Knob, where it reported to Colonel J. M. Glover commanding the 2d Brigade of the 1st Cavalry Division. Plans for the Arkansas Expedi- tion and the capture of Little Eock which were matured after the fall of Vicksburg had been conceived in the month of June preceding ; and in anticipation of this movement the 1st Cav- alry Division was ordered south from Missouri. On the 1st of 553 554 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. July the 1st Iowa Cavalry with its brigade and division left its camp at Arcadia, Missouri, and passing through Frederick- town and Bloomfield, crossed the St. Francis River in the vicinity of Chalk Bluff, Arkansas. From this point the com- mand moved due south through Gainsville, and Jonesboro, Arkansas, and on the 28th instant arrived within some three miles of Wittsburg, where it went into camp. Here the divis- ion remained several days, and until dispatches could be forwarded to Helena, which was one hundred miles distant. The party which carried these dispatches, and which consisted of only fifty men, was under the command of Captain Jenks and Lieutenant Hursh of the 1st Iowa Cavalry; and the success which attended the movement did these officers great credit; for the rout which was unknown to them, and which lay all the way through the enemy's country, was passed without accident or the loss of a single man. With the return of this party, the division broke camp and continued tho march to White River, which it struck on the evening of the 8th of July, near Clarendon. The organization of General Steele's command being now completed, he marched out from Helena to form a junction with the cavalry of General Davidson, at Clarendon. White River was crossed success- fully, and now the expedition to Little Rock was well under way. By order of General Steele, General Davidson, on the morning of the 22d of July, led the advance in the direction of Deadman's Lake and Brownsville; while the infantry, under General Steele, moved up the river to Duvall's Bluff, and proceeded from that direction. No opposition was made to General Davidson's advance until the 25th, when General Mar- maduke made his appearance with his rebel cavalry. All that day skirmishing was carried on with the enemy, who, driven back to and through Brownsville, were on the following day DANIEL ANDERSON. 555 forced into their works on Bayou Metoe; and at Bayou Metoe, the 1st Iowa Cavalry, as a regiment, first met the enemy in , battle. Bayou Metoe, a miry, sluggish stream, is crossed by the Brownsville and Little Rock road, at a point about four- ! teen miles east of the last named place. At the time in ques- tion, it was spanned by a wooden bridge ; and the object of the charge of the 1st Iowa Cavalry was to save this bridge from burning; for the enemy, after falling back to the west side of . the stream, had fired it, to prevent pursuit. On the east side of Bayou Metoe, and nearly three-quarters of a mile distant from it, is a sharp, narrow ridge of land, which is covered with I brush, and runs nearly parallel with the stream. Along this the enemy had constructed earth-works, which, after being driven from Brownsville, they had occupied. On the afternoon of the 2Gth of August, General Davidson's van-guard, which consisted of a detachment of the 3d Missouri Cavalry, was moving along the road and had come within about a mile of the above named rebel works, when they were greeted with a six-pound solid shot. It struck the ground in their front, and ricochetting killed one man and two horses. Word was sent back to General Davidson, who was at Browns- ville, and the next morning he came to the front. The expe- dient which he adopted to dislodge the enemy was a novel one. He directed a bass drum to be beaten that the enemy might infer the approach of infantry ; and the ruse succeeded admi- rably, for they left without offering further resistance. Retir- ing to the west side of the bayou, they fired the bridge, seeing which, General Davidson called for the 1st Iowa Cavalry to charge and save it. Colonel Anderson led his regiment and had arrived within some three hundred yards of the bridge when the enemy, secreted in thick brush to the right, delivered a deadly volley of musketry. The colonel's horse was wounded 556 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. and frightened, and took the colonel to the rear. The regiment dashed on with Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell at its head ; but on reaching the bayou the enemy were found in strong works just beyond the opposite bank. It was impossi- ble to save the bridge, and after exchanging shots with the enemy for upward of an hour the regiment retired. Further pursuit of the enemy in this direction was therefore rendered impossible, since at this point the bayou was deep and miry; and, stationing pickets near the crossing, General Davidson returned to Brownsville. From this time till the 8th of August the 1st Iowa Cavalry remained in Camp at Brownsville, and during this time the character of the country and the position of the enemy were thoroughly reconnoitered. General Steele in the meantime having determined to move against Little Rock by ,way of the river-road the cavalry, on the morning of the last named date, led the advance in that direction ; and in the evening of that same day General David- son bivouacked only one mile north of the Arkansas River, and ten miles east of the doomed city. The next day the 1st Iowa, having crossed the Arkansas, took a distinguished part in leading Steele's army into Little Rock. On the 2Gthof November, Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, with two hundred and fifty men of his regiment, left camp at Little Rock, and moved down the Arkansas River to Pine Bluff. The enemy were reported advancing on that place, and he was sent forward to reinforce the garrison. Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Caldwell, of the 3d Iowa Cavalry, in command of a brigade, also joined in this movement; but before the arrival of any of these troops. Colonel Clayton, of the 5th Kansas Cavalry, with his gallant little garrison numbering not over four hundred men, had engaged and beaten off the rebel force. DANIEL ANDERSON. 557 7or the number of troops engaged, this is one of the most )rilliaut battles ever fought in Arkansas; and, for his success n defending Pine Bluff, Colonel Clayton received the highest jommendations of General Steele. Immediately after arriving at Pine Bluff, the commands of both Lieutenant-Colonels H. C. and J. W. Caldwell started in pursuit of the enemy, and proceeded as far west as Arkadel- phia; but in all that distance no enemy was encountered. The detachment from the 1st Iowa Cavalry returned to Little Rock on the 1st of December, and during the scout had traveled not less than two hundred and fifty miles. From the 1st to the 31st of December, 18G3, the 1st Iowa Cavalry, in detachments, was constantly on the scout. In November, I have mentioned only that expedition in which Lieutenant- Colonel J. W. Caldwell took part; for that was the most important; but other detachments of the regiment were also on the scout; and to show the amount of labor performed by the entire regiment, it need only be stated that the aggregate number of miles marched by the different companies and detachments in the month of November was three thousand and seventy-nine miles. In December, the aggregate of miles marched was two thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. It has been supposed the cavalry was a lazy arm of the service; but these figures should correct this idea. The most important of the expeditions joined in by the 1st Iowa Cavalry in the month of December, was that which, leaving Little Rock on the 15th instant, marched south through Arkadelphia, and to within fifteen miles of Camden on the Washita River. The detachment from the 1st Iowa, which consisted of some two hundred and sixty men, under Captain Jenks, engaged the enemy, dismounted, a few miles south of Princeton, and drove them from the works, killing and wound- ing some, and capturing several prisoners. The history of this 558 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. affair seems incredible. The enemy were eiglit hundred, and holding a strong position; but they were routed by less than three hundred men, losing many of their arms, their wagons and camp-equipage. After the occupation of Little Rock, Colonel Glover was taken sick and was succeeded in the command of his brigade by Colonel Anderson of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, who retained the command for several weeks. And it was during this time that he was placed under arrest for writing a sharp letter to Lieutenant-Colonel Chandler, General Steele's Provost-Marshal General. He was, however, after the lapse of several weeks, released without trial, and returned to the command of his brigade. On account of sickness, which prostrated him just before the expedition started, Colonel Anderson did not accompany General Steele on his Camden march ; but soon recovering, he assumed command of the Post of Little Rock, which he held till the expedition returned. During the absence of his regiment on veteran furlough, he was placed in com- mand of the non- veterans ; but before the regiment returned, he resigned his commission and returned to his home in Albia. In person, Colonel Anderson is tall and erect. He can not be less than six feet and three inches in hight. He has regular features, brown hair, and grey eyes. He is dignified in his manners; he has large self-esteem, and an arbitrary disposition. It was this, with his quick temper, which gave him trouble in the service. He is a man of good judgment; and though he never met with great success in the practice of his profession, he is regarded as a sound lawyer. He is a fair public sj)eaker; but too prolix to be entertaining. COLONEL WILLIAM THOMPSON. FOURTH COLONEL, FIRST CAVALRY. William Thompson was born in the State of Pennsylvania, in about the year 1814. He came to Iowa while it was yet a Territory, and settled in Burlington, where he was at one time the editor of a democratic paper. He became, soon after com- ing to the country, quite a distinguished politician, and, in 1848, was elected to Congress. At the time of entering the service, he was a resident of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and a prac- ticing lawyer; for that was his profession. Colonel Thompson entered the service as captain of Company E, 1st Iowa Cavalry, the company which he had recruited in Henry county, in the months of June and July, 1861. Holding this rank until the 5th of April, 1863, he was at that time promoted to a majority of the regiment, and in August, 1864, was made colonel. In the sketch of Colonel Thompson, I shall include a portion of the history of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, which was made during the colonelcy of Mr. Anderson; for I can do so with propriety, since during this time the regiment was not commanded by Colonel Anderson. Having passed the previous Fall and Winter in scouting in the vicinity of Little Rock, the 1st Iowa Cavalry in the open- ing of Spring joined the command of General Steele in the march to Camden. The regiment was brigaded with the 3d Missouri and the 10th Illinois Cavalry, these troops being the same that had been organized into a brigade command nearly a year before at Pilot Knob, Missouri. The brigade command- er was not the same. Colonel Glover, a brave and good man, had been compelled to leave the service from disability, and 559 560 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Colonel Anderson, as the ranking oflBicer, became his successor. But, as has already been stated. Colonel Anderson was, on the eve of General Steele's departure, seized with sudden illness, and Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, succeeded to the command of the brigade. There had also been a change in the division commander. After the posses- sion of Little Rock, the radicalism of General Davidson had so conflicted with the conservatism of General Steele, as to produce repeated misunderstandings ; and the report was that, by the mutual efforts of these officers, General Davidson was relieved and given a command elsewhere. General David- son's successor was General E. A. Carr, of Pea Ridge notoriety. Major, now Colonel Thompson, commanded the 1st Iowa Cavalry, and thus commanded, and thus associated, the regiment marched on its most eventful campaign. The leading events of the Camden Expedition are related elsewhere. It was one of great dangers and hardships, and the cavalry portion of the command, which led the advance, was hardly ever out of peril. From Prairie de Anne, (than which there is not a prettier little district of country in the Old or New World) to Camden, the enemy were never out of view. Wherever the character of the country was favorable, they were sure to be found in position, and during the whole of this distance, their skirmishers were constantly in the front, to harass the cavalry-advance. A detachment of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, and one of the 3d Missouri Cavalry were the first troops to enter Camden. Two and a half miles west of Cam- den, (and General Steele marching down the south-west side of the Washita River, entered the city from the west) the road forks. The left-hand road enters the city from the west, and the right-hand one from the south-west. Starting from these forks, two hundred and fifty men from the 1st Iowa Cavalry, WILLIAM THOMPSON. 561 and two hundred and fifty from the 3d Missouri Cavah-y, dashed into Camden. The Iowa troops under Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, taking the right-liand road, entered the city just before sun-down, and almost simultaneous with those of the 3d Missouri Cavalry. The enemy offered no resistance, for they had fled to avoid capture. On entering Camden on the evening of the loth of April, General Steele was unwilling to believe he had reached the terminus of his march southward. Nor when the Old Flag was raised on the Court-House did he think that it must soon be hauled down, and he be compelled to march back hurriedly to Little Rock. But the 1st Iowa Cavalry was to go no further. Indeed, its leaving Little Rock was a matter of its own choosing ; for the regiment had re-enlisted as veterans, and the first of March had been fixed as the time for its departure North. But Gen- eral Steele had said "You had better go along, for we shall need you;" and where is the Iowa regiment that would not have done likewise? The horses of the 1st Iowa Cavalry were the individual property of the regiment, and by a general order these had to be sold and transferred to the Government, before the regiment could start back to Little Rock. It was a matter of irksome delay, but it saved the regiment from capture; for it was to accompany the brigade and train that were surrounded and captured at Mark's Mills, Arkansas on the 25th instant. The 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 7th Army Corps, Lieutenant- Colonel F. M. Drake commanding, left Camden for Pine Bluff for supplies, at five o'clock on the morning of the 23d of April, 1864. Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. Caldwell, in command of his regiment, was not able to leave until twenty-four hours later. The regiment had disposed of their horses and, with the 36 562 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. exception of the officers, were to travel on foot. The order directing the regiment to sell and transfer their horses, also required them to turn over their arms ; but against this Lieu- tenant-Colonel Caldwell protested, and they were allowed to retain them. This was most fortunate ; for their trusty arms proved their salvation. Early in the morning of the 24th instant, the 1st Iowa Cavalry crossed the Washita, and started in rapid pursuit of the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Drake. The country was full of the enemy's scouts. The citizens were sullen, and to all questions gave ominous answers. At the same time rumors were repeated of the defeat of Banks ; all of which justly made Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell apprehen- sive of pending danger. He therefore called on General Carr for a cavalry-escort, which was reluctantly granted; but it turned back on the morning of the second day's march, and proved of no service. Camp was pitched on the evening of the 24th instant, about twenty-five miles from Camden. The next morning, the march was resumed at day-light, and by great exertion, the edge of Moro Bottom was reached at ten o'clock. Here had been the encampment of Lieutenant-Colonel Drake's command only the night before, and, by hard march- ing, Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell hoped to overtake that command that night. The men of his regiment now ceased to be apprehensive for their safety, and began to indulge in dreams of home-greetings, and to devise plans by which they could most surprise their friends. But they had not quite reached the stream from which Moro Bottom derives its name, before a cry of alarm was heard in the front; and in the next instant all was confusion. That morning the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Drake had been attacked by a superior force of the enemy — not less I think than seven thousand, and after a brief but most spirited fight, the greater portion of it captured. The camp-followers WILLIAM THOMPSON". 563 and teamsters, cutting loose the mules from the train, J mounted them, and at full speed rode back in the direction of , Camden ; and from one of these Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell I learned of that morning's disaster. To conceive the terror j with which these poor fellows were overwhelmed is impossible. {Stripped of all but their boots, pants and shirts, hatless, i coatless and covered with mud, their eyes protruding, and i their hair standing on end, they came at full run and shouting from their already hoarse throats : "We are all lost! they are all lost! we are all lost! they are all lost:" To the repeated calls of Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, ^^Stop, stopT^ they paid no attention, and the only way he could learn what had happened was, by laying his strong hand on the shoulder of one as he was passing, and holding him fost till he had told the story. But he was not half done, when the report of musketry was heard at the front. Some four hundred of the enemy's cavalry were in pursuit of the fugitives, their object being the capture of the mules on which they were escaping. Reinforce- ments were at once sent forward to the advance-guard, which had arrived at the bridge over the Moro in time to prevent the enemy from crossing. Quite a sharp engagement followed, during which Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell burned his small train with its contents. This was the cause of much regret to his men; for in their saddle-bags were many cherished souvenirs which they had for a long time preserved as gifts for their friends ; but it was impossible in the deep mud to turn the wagons and drive them to the rear. The enemy finally ceased their attack and riding down the creek, disappeared and gave no further trouble. The 1st Iowa Cavalry now returned to near Camden, and accompanied General Steele to Little Rock. The departure North of this gallant regiment on veteran 564 IOWA COLONELS AND EEGIMENTS. furlough, was made the occasion by General Carr, of a very complimentary order to not only that regiment, but to the Iowa troops generally. The same order alluded in flattering terms to the gallant conduct of Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. Cald- well on the Camden Expedition. About the middle of July, 1864, its leave of absence having expired, the 1st Iowa Cavalry left Davenport for the front, via Cairo, Illinois ; but, on arriving at that place, was ordered by General Halleck to Benton Barracks, Missouri, where it remained until the 12th of the following August. At the last named date it was ordered to Mexico, Missouri ; and later was ordered on duty on the line of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. At the time of General Price's invasion of Missouri in the fall of 1864, the regiment was ordered to Jefferson City, and at that point joined the forces of General Rosecrans, and marched on the campaign that resulted in the expulsion of the rebel forces from the State. Returning to Warrensburg, Mis- souri, the regiment was there made the cavalry-escort of General Rosecrans, which conducted him back to St. Louis. After its arrival in that city, it was ordered into quarters at Benton Barracks, and in January, 1865, sent back to Little Rock, where Colonel Thompson joined it, and in the vicinity of which place it has since served. Colonel Thompson is a large man, weighing about one hun- dred and ninety pounds, and having black hair and eyes, and a dark complexion. He is reputed an able, intelligent man. BRIGADIER-GENERAL W. L. ELLIOTT. FIRST COLONEL, SECOND CAVALRY. Washington L. Elliott was the first regular army officer appointed to the colonelcy of an Iowa regiment. In the early history of the war, it was the opinion of Governor Kirkwood, and of a majority of the people, that none but men of military education could be safely entrusted with the command of a regiment of volunteers ; but it was all a mistake. The place of General Elliott's nativity, and the date of his birth, I have been unable to learn ; but in May, 1816, he was appointed from Pennsylvania to a second lieutenancy of mounted rifles, and served in the Mexican War. At the close of that war he served in New Mexico, and, in 1854, w^as pro- moted to a captaincy. In the fall of 1858, he distinguished himself in conflicts with the Navajoes, and, in the following year, was placed in command of Fort Bliss, Texas. Captain Elliott was commissioned colonel of the 2d Iowa Cavalry on the 14th day of September, 1861, and by his energy and military ability soon made for himself and his regiment a most enviable reputation. Indeed, it has often been claimed as regards the Iowa troops that the 2d Infantry, the 2d Cavalry, and the 2d Battery, are the star troops of their respective arms of. service; but this claim is certainly not founded in justice; though it may be conceded that the 2d Iowa Cavalry has done as much hard fighting as any other Iowa cavalry regiment. On the 19th of February, 1862, which is the date of the commencement of their field-service, the 2d Iowa Cavalry arrived at Bird's Point, Missouri. Having watched the 565 Om IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. movements of the enemy for several days in the direction of Belmont and Columbus, the regiment started on the 27th instant in pursuit of Jeff. Thompson towards New Madrid, and after a march of thirteen days through the almost impass- able swamps that here border the Mississippi, reached that place in time join the forces of General Pope in its capture. After the caj^ture of Island No. 10, in which a detachment of the 2d, under Lieutenant Schnitger, took a conspicuous part, the regiment sailed for Hamburg Landing on the Tennessee River. The services of the 2d Iowa and the 2d Michigan Cavalry regiments before Corinth, in the spring of 1862, gave to the 2d Brigade of General Pope's Cavalry Division a national reputa- tion. From the 29th of April, the date of the capture and burning of the enemy's camp at Monterey, Mississippi, till the 30th of the following May, the 2d Iowa Cavalry took part in five distinct expeditions, and not less than ten skirmishes and engagements; and, in nearly all these operations, were joined by the 2d Michigan Cavalry, under the gallant Colonel Philip H. Sheridan. The most noteworthy of these expeditions is that which under Colonel Elliott in command of the 2d Brigade, left its camp near Farmington for Boonville, Mississippi, at one o'clock on the morning of the 27th of May, 1862. Connected with Colonel Elliott's exit from camp, is a laughable incident which I can not forbear relating. A new regiment, which had just come to the front, had its camp near the road over which Colonel Elliott passed. Its camp-guard was commanded by a lieutenant— an able lawyer, but at that time a green soldier. Soon after mid-night, hearing the heavy tramp of twenty-three hundred cavalry on a hard-beaten road, he sup- posed the enemy were upon him and, rushing to the tent of his Colonel, he broke through its fastenings, and thus reported: WASHINGTON L. ELLIOTT. 567 "For God's sake, colonel get up: the enemy with ten thousand cavalry are upon us; and we are within half a mile of h— 1!" It was this Boonville Expedition of Colonel Elliott, which afforded General Pope the chief material for his celebrated report, of date, I think, the 3d of June, 1862; and it was really a most important affair. Moving from Farmington in a southerly direction, and crossing the Memphis and Charles- ton Railroad about ten miles west of luka. Colonel Elliott, from this point, marched in a south-westerly direction and, passing through the country intersected by the Tombigbee swamps, arrived before Boonville on the morning of the 30th of May, before day-light. The surprise was complete. Some two thousand prisoners were captured, the majority of them, however, being sick or convalescent. But the amount of rebel property destroyed was of chief importance. Beside three hundred kegs and barrels of powder, and large quantities of commissary-stores, ten thousand stand of arms and equipments to correspond, were destroyed. For his successes here. Colonel Elliot, was most highly complimented by General Pope. The most gallant achievement of the 2d Iowa Cavalry, while under Colonel Elliott, was its charge on the rebel battery at Farmington, Mississippi, on the morning of the 9th of May, 1862. On the afternoon of the 8th of May, the divisions of Stanley and Payne, by order of General Pope, made an important reconnoissance in the direction of Corinth and Rienzi, surprising the enemy and driving them through and i beyond the little village of Farmington. Then, the Federal forces fell back to the east side of the village and bivouacked for the night. Colonel Loomis' Brigade in advance. Thus things i stood on the morning of the 9th when the guns of our sentinels ' gave notice of the advance of the enemy. Chafed by the surprise of the day before, which lost them their advance- 568 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. line, they were moving in force to restore it; but Pope was resolved on maintaining his advanced position, and hastily dispatched General Plummer's Brigade to take position to the right, and somewhat in advance of Colonel Loomis. But these dispositions were not completed when the enemy were seen advancing in column by division. Soon two regiments of Plummer's Brigade broke in confusion, and fled to the swamps in their rear, when his two remaining regiments had to be withdrawn from the field. Having hastily formed their line of battle just in rear of the large white house in the north-east portion of the town, and, where General Pope the day before had made his head- quarters, they threw forward their batteries, and commenced shelling the position of Colonel Loomis. And now comes the gallant charge of the 2d Iowa, which had already arrived at the front : "Moving the column to the top of the hill, I ordered Major Coon, with Companies H. G, C, and part of A, of the 2d Bat- talion, and Major Love's 3d Battalion, to charge the battery on our left in echelons of squadrons. Deploying the columns to the right and left when we had jjassed our infantry lines, we attacked the skirmishers and supports of the enemy, driving them in and killing and wounding some. The fire from the battery on our left, near the Farmington road, was very severe, but on account of the ground being impracticable, and the battery and supports protected by a fence, this could not be reached; yet the enemy's gunners evidently alarmed at the charge, ceased working their guns. Major Coon's Battalion, led by him, gallantly attacked the battery near the building known as the cotton-mill (the centre battery). Lieutenant Reily, commanding Company F of 3d Battalion, attacked and carried two guns in battery on our extreme right. The centre battery was fairly carried, the gunners driven from their guns, the enemy limbering up his guns without taking them off the field. Finding our horses badly blown from a long charge over rough ground, and the infantry of the enemy in great force, I under a heavy fire ordered all companies on my WASHINGTON L. ELLIOTT. 569 right to retreat to the right and rear, forming on the swamp- road, and tliose on my left to join the regiment in this road. I ordered Major Hepburn to move to the rear, retaining Major Coon with two companies to pick up the wounded and scattered. My orders were carried out better than I could have expected. My chief bugler's bugle was rendered useless in the charge. Four of my orderlies had their horses killed, and two of the orderlies were shot out of their saddles while transmitting orders. "The conduct of officers and men was in every way com- mendable. Captains Lundy and Egbert, and Lieutenant Owen, were wounded near the enemy's guns; and Lieutenants Hor- ton, Moore and Schnilger, all had horses killed under them. Captain D. J. Crocker, and Lieutenant Moore, of Company H ; Captain McConnell, and Lieutenant Foster, of Company M; Captain Kendrick, of Company E; Captain Eaton, and Lieu- tenant Bilden, of Company L, all of the 1st Battalion, led in the finest manner by Major Hepburn, rode through the hottest fire, and were rallied by Major Hepburn on the right when retiring in fine style, forming in good order in rear of the swamp, to await orders. Major Coon, Captain H. Egbert, Captain William Lundy, Lieutenants Owen and Horton, of the L Battalion, led the charge on the right in the finest man- ner, riding boldly in advance of their commands, and in advance of the entire regiment. The daring of Lieutenant Qucal, commanding Company B, was conspicuous, cheering his men to the very muzzles of the enemy's guns. Captain Bishop, of Company I, and Captain Graves, of Company D, obeyed my orders promptly, under a heavy fire. Lieutenant Schnitger, acting regimental-adjutant, and Lieutenant Metcalf, battalion-adjutant, did their duty to my entire satisfaction. Before, and at the time of the charge. Captain Freeman and Lieutenant Eystra, with detachments of Companies A, G and H, dismounted as skirmishers, did excellent service in the swamps on our left, holding the enemy's skirmishers in check. There were about four hundred men in the charge. Our loss will scarcely exceed fifty killed and wounded, fifty horses killed, and fifty rendered unserviceable from wounds." Immediately after the 2d Cavalry had retired, the enemy advanced his infantry when, after a sharp fight between them 670 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. and the brigade of Colonel Loomis, General Pope ordered his troops to withdraw to the east side of the creek. The enemy pursued no further. In this engagement, not only the Iowa troops, but, with the exceptions already mentioned, those from Illinois, Wisconsin and Missouri, distinguished them- selves. Dr. M. K. Taylor, afterward the able and courteous surgeon in charge of the United States General Hospital at Keokuk, was at the time surgeon of the 26th Illinois, Colonel Loomis, and was conspicuous in his efforts to rescue the wounded. He was among the last to leave the field, in charge of the dead and wounded. The 17th Iowa arrived at the front that evening, and biv- ouacked near the camp of the 2d Iowa Cavalry. That night we first saw the bodies of dead men killed in battle, and for the first time heard the piteous groans of the wounded, and wit- nessed their unmitigable agonies. For his promptness, and for his soldierly qualities discovered during the siege of Corinth and before. Colonel Elliott was promoted to brigadier-general, his commission dating the llth of June, 1862. He was soon after made Chief of Cavalry to General Pope, and not long after, accompanied that general to Washington, and served with him in his unfortunate campaign on the Potomac. After General Pope was relieved of his com- mand in the East, General Elliott accompanied him to St. Paul, Minnesota, where he remained till the winter of 1862-3. He was then transferred to the Army of the Cumberland, and made chief of Cavalry to General Thomas. General Elliott is a smallish man, with stooping shoulders, sharp features and gray eyes. He is a man of great energy, and has the reputation of being a splendid cavalry officer. BRIGADIER-GENERAL EDWARD HATCH. SECOND COLONEL, SECOND CAVALRY. The gallant j^oung Edward Hatch is one of the very best of the Iowa general officers. He was born in Maine, in the I year 1832. The town of his nativity, the character of his education, and the date of his removal to Iowa, I have failed I to learn. He was a resident of Muscatine, Iowa, as early as I 1858, and engaged in the lumber business with a Mr. Fullerton of that city. I regret that I can not give more of his history. In August, 1861, Mr. Hatch was made Major of the 2d Iowa j Cavalry. A few weeks later, he was commissioned Lieutenant- I Colonel of his regiment, and, on the promotion of Colonel Elliott to brigadier-general, in June 1862, he was made colonel. For gallant and meritorious services he was, in the spring of 1864, appointed and confirmed a brigadier-general. He richly earned his promotion ; for, from the first, he has been a work- ing, fighting officer. General Elliott left the 2d Iowa Cavalry soon after the fall of Corinth ; and from that date I resume the history of the regi- I ment, first premising that it was under the command of i Lieutenant-Colonel Hatch from the time of its arrival before Corinth, Colonel Elliott being in command of the brigade to which it was attached. Since May, 18G2, the regiment's field of service has been principally in Tennessee and in Northern Alabama and Mis- sissippi. A full history of its operations can not be given in the limited space to which I am confined, and I shall therefore allude to only the most important items of its service. During the summer and fall of 1862, the regiment was 571 572 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. attached to the cavalry brigade of the gallant Philip H. Sheri- dan, and made its head-quarters, a chief j^ortion of the time, near Rienzi, Mississippi. After General Grant's unsuccessful march through Central Mississippi, in November, 1862, the 2d Iowa changed its head-quarters to La Grange, Tennessee. It was from that point the regiment moved out to co-operate with Colonel Grierson, at the time that officer started on his wonderful raid through Mississippi. Much interest attaches to this movement, and I therefore give briefly its antecedents and its results. "In accordance with previous instructions, [I quote from General Grant's official report] Major-General S. A. Hurlbut started Colonel B. H. Grierson with a cavalry force from La Grange, Tennessee, to make a raid through the central portion of the State of Mississippi, to destroy railroad and other public property, for the purpose of creating a diversion in favor of the army moving to the attack of Vicksburg. On the 17th of April, this expedition started, and arrived at Baton Rouge on the 2d of May, having successfully traversed the whole State of Mississippi. The expedition was skillfully conducted, and reflects great credit on Colonel Grierson and all of his com- mand. The notice given this raid by the Southern press con- firms our estimate of its importance." Colonel Hatch and the 2d Iowa did not accompany Colonel Grierson on this raid, but operated in other quarters, and in conjunction with him, so as to draw the attention of the enemy from the real movement, and thus secure the expedition a sure and unmolested start. For a full account of the part taken by the 2d Iowa in this movement, I can not do better than to give in full the official report of Colonel Hatch ; " Head-Quarters 2d Iowa Cavalrt, La Grange, Tennessee, April 27th, 1863. " Captain : "I have the honor to report : Complying with orders from Colonel Grierson, commanding 1st Cavalry Brigade, left camp with my regiment at La Grange, Tennessee, April 17th, r EDWARD HATCH. 573 and marched with the brigade to the neighborhood of Ripley, Mississippi, and camped. " On the morning of the 18th of April, by order of Colonel Grierson, marched my regiment east of Ripley three miles, thence south-east through Molino, and camped five miles south of that place, skirmishing during the day with Smith's regi- ment of Partisan Rangers, organized near there at a place known as Chesterville. On the 19th, marched south-west, forming a junction with Colonel Grierson, five miles south of Pontotoc, Mississippi. There Major Love, of my regiment, was detached with a portion of the regiment to return to La Grange, reducing me to about five hundred men. "On the morning of the 20th, marched with Colonel Grierson thirteen mile south-east of Houston, and camped. On the morning of the 21st of April, complying with Colonel Griersou's order, I moved in rear of his column. At 3 o'clock A. M., left Colonel Grierson at the junction of the roads leading to Louis- ville, West Point and Columbus, thence to proceed to the railroad at West Point, destroying the railroad-bridge over the Okatibbayhah River, thence to move rapidly southward to Macon, destroying the railroad and government stores, and thence to find my way back north to La Grange, by the most practicable route. For some reason unknown to me, the col- umn did not move till 7 o'clock A. M. This delay, as the following report will show, was fatal to carrying out Colonel Grierson 's order. "At the point Colonel Grierson turned south from the direc- tion I was to travel, a detachment of my regiment moved with him four miles, then marched back to that point to obliterate the tracks of Colonel Grierson going south with the 6th and 7th Illinois Cavalry, which had been concentrating for some days in anticipation of a movement on Columbus. About 12 o'clock, on reaching the town of Palo Alto, I was attacked in rear and on each flank by a force under General Dolsen, consisting of Smith's Partisan Regiment, Bartoe's Regiment and Inge's Battalion. In my front, bet\veen me and West Point, was an Alabama Regiment, recently from Pensacola, with artillery— my front being well protected by the Hooka River. In the attack made by the enemy, a company in the rear was cut off and nearly all taken. The enemy then closed in on my fiank, and advanced in two lines upon my rear, with two flags of 574 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. truce flying, enabling him to approach very close, my com- mand being at that time in a lane, with high fences and hedges upon either side, my men dismounted and well covered. Changing my front to the rear, I waited until the enemy were close upon me, and opened with my rifles and one two-pounder from the front, and with carbines on the flanks, breaking his lines, driving him back, pushing him about three miles, cap- turing arms and horses, and re-taking the company that was lost in the first attack. From that time until it was dark, it was a constant skirmish, the enemy having taken mine for the main column. Believing it was imjiortant to divert the ene- my's cavalry from Colonel Grierson, 1 moved slowly northward, fighting by the rear, crossing the Hooka E-iver, and drawing their force immediately in my rear. *' On the 22d, marched north near the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, the enemy continuing to follow, their forces aug- mented by all the citizens in the country, armed with shot- guns and hunting-rifles, firing constantly on our flank. At 4 o'clock, P. M., attacked Okalona, driving out the enemy's cavalry and State forces, burning the barracks for five thousand men, and destroying stores and ammunition. I then marched north-west five miles, and camped. "On the 23d, marched north, and hearing that Chalmer's forces intended cutting me off", I destroyed the bridge over the Chivoppa Creek, to check the forces following me in the rear. Camped that night near Tupelo. On the 24th, marched north through Birmingham, where I was attacked in the rear by what I believe to be Chalmer's forces. At 10 o'clock, A. M., my ammunition giving out, I retreated slowly towards Molino, stopping occasionally to repel their charges, concealing my men at all favorable points with the two-pounder, which did excellent service. I waited till the enemy were nearly on me, when I opened a fire at short range, the enemy sufiering terribly, with small loss to me. In this way the attack was kept up for six miles, when the enemy was evidently tired, and with the exception of annoyance from guerrilla parties, we were not troubled by the enemy from that point to La Grange, where I arrived on the 26th. "We captured about three hundred shot-guns and rifles, mostly Enfield, which for want of transportation were destroyed, anc;! had but ten men killed, wounded and missing. EDWARD HATCH. 575 I left camp with seventy rounds of ammunition, and had two on reaching it. I had decided, on reaching Okalona, to go south, but, upon examining my ammunition, I had but twenty-one rounds left, which did not warrant the movement. The fight at Palo Alto gave the enemy time to guard the railroad at West Point, and to prepare for an attack on Columbus, with some two thousand State troops, under Gen- eral Buggies. " I left camp with two hundred and fifty horses: worn out for want of proper and suflicient forage , they broke down at the end of the second day, and I mounted my men upon the mules from my train and borrowed mules. I have nearly mounted my regiment, returned the mules borrowed, and filled up my train, captured fifty prisoners and killed and wounded not less than one hundred of the enemy. ''The fight at Palo Alto, diverting the enemy from Colonel Grierson, has, undoubtedly, given him thirty-six hours' start." The raid of Colonel Grierson, to which the operations above detailed were collateral, ranks among the first of the war, for daring and success; but the "Patriotism of Illinois" is not impartial in declaring that the entire credit of the aflair belongs to Illinois officers. Had not Colonel Hatch, by his maneuver- ing and hard fighting, diverted the attention of the enemy's cavalry, the result would doubtless have been different. But it is true that the movement filled the enemy with consterna- tion. At the time this handful of Federal troops was sweeping down through Mississippi, Porter was running the Vicksburg Batteries, and McClernand was gathering his corps on the west bank of the river below the city. The combination of move- ments filled the enemy with amazement, and for several days it was said they stood and looked on with wonder, not knowing what points were most threatened, and most in need of defense. Those who joined Grant's forceson the final Vicksburg Cam- paign, and who were aff'orded the opportunity of reading the rebel papers picked up at Baymond, Clinton, and at other points along the route, will remember how great the alarm had 676 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. been : they will also remember how poor Pemberton was bela- bored for having allowed "this handful of thieving Yanks to pass unmolested under his very nose." The 2d Iowa's next move of importance was that made to Jackson, in pursuit of Forest, about the middle of July, 1863. It was on ■ this march, and while charging through the city of Jackson, that Lieutenant John Humphreys was severely wounded. This, considering the numbers engaged, was a gallant affair. One incident of the fight is thus given by Major, afterward Colonel Coon : "In one j>lace, the contest was so close between Company M and a superior force of For- est's men, that one man, named H. H. Bromer, had a hand-to- hand fight, after exhausting all the weapons in his hands. The 2d Iowa Cavalry re-enlisted as a veteran regiment in the winter of 1863-4, and came North. Afterward, it returned to Memphis, from which j^oint it marched on the expeditions of Sturgis and Smith against Forest ; but an account of these operations will be found elsewhere. Much of the time since promoted to a general officer, General Hatch has commanded a cavalry division. He distinguished himself in resisting Hood's advance into Tennessee, and, especially, in the part he took in routing the rebel forces at Nashville. The general has a handsome person and an agreeable address. He is about five feet eleven inches in hight, has dark hair and eyes, and, if I am rightly informed, possesses great energy and determination. He is dignified if the occasion requires it, and yet, he can crack a joke and tip a beer-mug with the best of tliem. COLONEL DATUS E. COON. THIRD COLONEL, SECOND CAVALRY. I)atu8 E. Coox is a native of New Yorlv State, and is thirty- four years of age. He was, in the summer of 18G1, a resident of Mason City, Cerro Gordo county, Iowa. He entered the service as captain of Company I, 2d Iowa Cavalry, and, on the 14th of September of the same year, was promoted to a majority in that regiment. If lie ever held the lieutenant-colonelcy of his regiment, I have foiled to learn it. He was commissioned colonel of the 2d Iowa Cavalry on the 1st day of May, 1864. Much of the time since promoted to his present rank, he has been in command of the 2d Brigade, 5th Cavalry Division, the command of General Edward Hatch. He is reputed a gallant and efficient officer. The point of chief interest in the history of the 2d Iowa Cavalry, during the colonelcy of Colonel Coon, is that which relates to the Fall and Winter Campaign against General Hood, in Tennessee. The time covered by these operations embraces fully three months ; for the advance of Forest into Tennessee near Waterloo, Alabama, late in September, 1864, may be regarded as a part of Hood's grand flanking campaign. From the 30th of September to the 5th of December, the skirmishes and engagements of the 2d Cavalry are enumerated as follows : Shoal Creek, Alabama, November 9th, 1864 ; Aberdeen, Alabama, November 17th ; Butler Creek, Alabama, Novem- ber 19th ; Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, November 22d ; Campbell- ville, Tennessee, November 24th; Linnville, Tennessee, November 24th; Mount Carmel, Tennessee, November 29th and New Franklin, Tennessee, November 30th. 37 577 578 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. At the time Forest crossed into Tennessee, as above staled, the 2d Cavalry was stationed at White's Station, and at once marched with its brigade for Clifton, on the Tennessee Kiver. Arriving there, it found General Washburne, who had come by boat from Mempliis, and was directed by him to start in pursuit of the raider. From this time till the 18th of October, the regiment was on the scout, but failed to find the enemy. E.eturning then to Clifton, it remained a few days in camp and then started again on the scout; and thus its time was passed until the advance of Hood made its appearance opposite Flor- ence, Alabama. The brigade command of Colonel Coon, to which was attached the 2d Iowa, took a distinguished part in the opera- tions to resist Hood's advance into Tennessee, and also in driving the rebel army from the State. The skirmishes and engagements, which I have given above, were fought while Hood was marching on Nashville. For the part taken by the 2d Iowa in the battles of the 15th, IGth, and 17th of December I refer to the official report of Major C. C. Horton, who was in command of the regiment. After first stating that his regi- ment with its brigade moved out from camp and took uj) its position on the right of General A. J. Smith's Corps, the Major says : "Their main line was found some four miles from town, occupying formidable works on a commanding hill. By con- tinually swinging to the left, our brigade struck their left flank. "The division battery (I, of the 2d Illinois) now galloped into position in an open field and opened on the works, evidently much to their annoj^ance, as the guns of both forts were imme- diately turned upon the battery and my regiment, which had been formed to the left and rear as support. Remained lying in this position, exposed to a galling fire from both forts for nearly an hour, losing two men killed and one wounded, when i DATUS E. COON. 579 I received orders to move forward and joiu in an assault upon the first fort. Tlie regiment moved steadily forward under a severe fire until within three hundred yards of the works, when the order to 'charge and take that fort' from General Hatch, rang along the line. With a shout the men sprang for- ward, and with a shout the fort was carried. Company G, Lieutenant Budd commanding, having been thrown out as skirmishers, were nearest the works, and consequently the first to enter. One man was knocked down by a blow from a mus- ket just as he was scaling the works. One of General Smith's batteries shelled the fort after it was captured, six shells bursting in and over it after we had entered. Captured here four brass Napoleons and sixty prisoners. Thirty killed and wounded rebels were found lying in the fort. Leaving a guard with the guns, I pressed forward after the retreating enemy, capturing many prisoners. "Orders were now received from Colonel Coon to move by the right flank and charge the second fort, situated some seven hundred "yards to our right on a high, conical hill. The men were so eager in the pursuit of the fugitives from the first fort, that I was able to rally only two hundred of them : with these I joined the brigade in the assault. The fort was defended with a stubbornness and gallantry seldom surpassed— the enemy only ceasing to use their artillery after the works were scaled. A short but desperate hand-to-hand struggle ensued after the works were entered. My colors, borne by the gallant Sergeant Hartman, Company F, were the first to float from the fort. The Sergeant fell mortally wounded while in the act of planting the colors on one of the guns. Seizing my hand as I bent over him, he exclaimed, 'Major, tell my friends I died doing my duty.' "In this fort were captured two guns, with caissons; one battery- wagon, and nearly one hundred prisoners. Notwith- standing my colors were the first to enter the works, it would be unjust to claim the guns or prisoners as my particular prize, as the diff'erent regiments of the brigade entered so nearly at the same time. Lieutenants Watson and Griffith, Companies I and D, who, not having heard the order to rally in time to join in the assault on the fort, moved by the right and charged on our left flank, attacking and repulsing a force of rebels who were endeavoring to reinforce the fort, now reported with some 580 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. sixty prisoners each. Quartermaster-Sergeant Beason, with my bugler, Anderson, and two mounted orderlies (Truesdale and Winn) charged with the sabre, killing and wounding several, and taking some seventy prisoners. Number of prisoners captured during the day, two hundred and fifty. Regiment lost, while supporting the battery and charging the two forts, six men killed, and two commissioned officers and eighteen men wounded. '^December 16^/i. — Moved with the brigade, early in the morning, again taking a position on the right of General Smith's Infantry: slight skirmishing during the morning. About 2 o'clock P. M., in compliance with orders from General Hatch, I sent Captain Bandy with the 3d Battalion to draw one gun of Battery I up a steep hill, utterly impassable for horses. The gun was dragged to the top of the hill and planted in such a position that it commanded a battery which had greatly annoyed our infantry lines during the day. In a few moments the rebel battery was silenced, and their infantry wavering and falling back. Colonel Coon then ordered the brigade forward, and poured volley after volley into their retiring columns. I now received orders to remain with the battery, assist in taking the gun down the hill, and then join the brigade. Lost during the day, one commissioned officer slightly wounded. '-'-December Ylth. — Moved again at day-light on the Franklin pike. General Hammond having the advance: found the enemy in strong force, occupying a line of hills on 'Little Harpeth,' four miles south of Franklin. General Hatch moved his division to the front; formed on the right of General Hammond, 2d Iowa on the extreme right. The line moved at a walk for some three hundred yards: then the trot, and finally the charge was sounded. At the signal, all sprang forward; but the centre found it impossible to carry the position on account of the steep and rocky hill-side. They halted here, dismounted, and engaged the enemy on foot. Not receiving the order to halt, and having better ground in front, I pressed forward, charged up the hill and through a thick wood, until we reached the enemy's left and rear, who now opened on me with grape and canister from the batteries. Wheeling the regiment to the left, I ordered the charge upon the battery to our left; but the* horses were poor and so much blown that DATUS E. COON. 581 they could only raise a slow trot, perceiving which the enemy charged us in turn, but were handsomely repulsed with the carbine. A strong column of rebels were now reported passing through the gap between my regiment and the balance of the brigade. The fact that the day was dark and rainy, and that they wore rubber ponchos, and were many of them dressed in blue, had led my men to believe them to be our own troops, so that they were nearly in the rear of the 3d Battalion before the mistake was discovered. Company K, Sergeant John Coulter commanding, were nearly surrounded, and were com- pelled to cut their way out with the sabre. Sergeant Coulter, with Corporal Heck and Privates Black and Anderson, charged the rebel color-guard, and after a desperate hand-to- hand struggle, in which Heck and Black were killed and Coulter and Anderson badly wounded, the colors of Bosse's Brigade were captured, and borne triumphantly off by the sergeant. Eight dead rebels, lying within the space of a few yards, attest the desperate nature of the conflict. After a few moment's close fighting, in which the sabre and butts of guns were freely used, the rebels fell back. * * * My loss during the engagement was seven killed, eight wounded, and thirteen captured. Several others were captured, but made their escape, in some instances returning with their guards as prisoners. The regiment captured in all some fifty prisoners. On the 19th instant, the 2d Iowa met and engaged the enemy at Rutherford Creek, and, on the 25th, near Pulaski. But they continued their flight rapidly southward, and succeeded in crossing the Tennessee in detatchments. Many officers of the 2d Cavalry are mentioned in the highest terms for their con- duct during this campaign, and among others are Major Schnitger, Captains Foster and Bandy, and Adjutant Syden- ham. After the above operations had closed, Generals Smith, Scho- field, and Wilson were ordered to concentrate their respective commands at Eastport, on the Tennessee River, preparatory to a renewal of the campaign against the enemy in Mississippi and Alabama ; little more was done in this quarter, for Schofield 682 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. was soon after summoned to North Carolina to co-oporate with Sherman, and Thomas ordered to Tennessee to "assume general control of the defenses of our line of communication in the rear of the Army of the Mississippi." The results of the campaign are thus sunmied up by General Thomas : " There were captured from the enemy during the various actions of which the foregoing report treats, thirteen thousand, one hundred and eighty-nine prisoners of war, including seven general officers and nearly one thousand other officers of all grades, seventy-two pieces of artillery, and battle-flags. During the same period over two thousand deserters from the enemy were received, and to whom the oath was administered. Our own losses will not exceed ten thousand in killed, wounded and missing." With the above campaign, closes the interesting portion of the 2d Cavalry's history. It did not march with Wilson on his celebrated march through Alabama to Macon, Georgia. BRIGADIER-GENERAL CYRUS BUSSEY. FIRST COLONEL, THIRD CAVALRY. Cyrus Bussey was born on the oth day of October, 1833, in Trumbull county, Ohio, where he lived till the year 1837, when he removed with his father, the Rev. A. Bussey, to Southern Indiana. When fourteen years of age, he entered a dry-goods store as clerk ; and at sixteen embarked in the mercantile busi- ness on his own account. In 1855 he came to Iowa, and settled in Bloomfield, Davis county. Previously to coming to Iowa he had spent two years in the study of medicine ; but the prac- tice of that profession not according with his tastes he resumed, after coming to Iowa, his former business. Mr. Bussey was formerly a Democrat in politics, and in 1858 was elected by that party to the State Senate from Davis county. During the canvass that terminated in his election, the oratorical skill and ability that he displayed in his speeches surprised the people of Davis county, who had heretofore known him as a successful merchant. He served in the State Senate during the session of 18G0-61, and also in the extra war session; and unlike the representatives from Davis county, gave hearty support to the Administration and voted for every war measure. By his fealty to the Government he lost caste with his party and forfeited all prospects of political prefer- ment in his county, for it was intensely democratic. On the nth of June, 1861, General Bussey was appointed an aid de camp to Governor Kirkwood, and served in that capacity during the southern border excitement in the summer of 1861, distributing arms and organizing the militia. On the 10th of August, 1861, he was commissioned colonel of 583 584 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. the 3cl Iowa Cavalry, and in ten days from that date, had his regiment in rendezvoas. Early in February, 18G2, he was ordered with his regiment from Benton Barracks near St. Louis, to Rolla, Missouri, which place, after a few days' rest, he left and marched for Springfield, to join General Curtis. He readied Springfield on the loth instant, but General Curtis had already left in pursuit of General Price toward the Arkan- sas border. On learning this fact, and hearing rumors of an imi)ending battle. Colonel Bussey decided to push on at once, and join General Curtis' command at all hazards. The roads were heavy and the weather inclement ; but on the evening of the 16th instant, he reached Sugar Creek, having accomplished in four days' time, some two hundred miles. It is not the greatest cavalry march on record ; but at that day there was not a greater, where it was made in the direction of the enemy. After joining the Army of the South West, Colonel Bussey was assigned to the command of a cavalry brigade. With this command he fought in the battle of I'ea llidge, and engaged the enemy near Ijcetown. Tlio circumstances attending the opening of the engagement on the part of the 3d Iowa Cavalry, and the i)art the regiment sustained in the action are as follows: \'an Dorn, declining to attack General Curtis in front, stole in the night-time (luietly by the right flank of the original line of battle, hoping to gain position in the rear, and by a sudden attack, and with confusion as his ally, push the Fwleral army t regiment was onh-red to rejtort to (ieneral A. ('. (lillem, who Htationed it as follows: —'I'he 1st Hattalion and regimental hcad-ijiiarters were at Wuvcrly; the .".d llattalion forty-iiiia- JOSEPH B. DORR. 641 miles west of Nashville, and the 2d Battalion some thirty miles west of Nashville. The different battalions served at these stations until the spring of 1864, doing patrol- and guard- duty. During this time, no opportunity for distinction offered ; but, to show that the duties of the regiment were arduous, it need only be stated that the portion of Tennessee, where it served was intensely disloyal, and infested with guerrillas. "One expedition was made during December, 1863, which deserves notice as an opening incident in the history of a new regiment. On the 20th, Lieutenant Wilbur F. McCanon, Company G, with forty men, crossed Duck River during a violent storm of wind and rain, and under most disadvanta- geous circumstances, the stream being swollen out of its banks and running at a furious rate. The crossing was not efiPected till after dark; but, without halting, he pushed out over the low lands, already running with torrents from the overflowing river, and, traversing a thickly-wooded country a distance of fourteen miles, reached the rendezvous of a portion of Haw- kins' men, and captured Captain Nance, one lieutenant, and twelve men with their horses and arms. I had expected that Colonel Hawkins and his staff with twenty-five or thirty of his best men would be found there, but he had been too careful of his life and liberty to trust himself within twenty miles of the post for quarters. The party returned across the river by day-light the next morning. Lieutenant McCanon is entitled to much credit for his perseverance under difficulties." In February, 1864, the rebel Roddy made his appearance in Southern Tennessee, with a force estimated at four thousand men, with two full batteries. He came as far north as Pulaski and attacked that place, but wslh repulsed. Word was sent by General Rosseau, commanding at Nashville, to Colonel Dorr at Waverly, of the fact, with instructions to scout the country south, and develop the intentions of the enemy. Captain Burns with his company was, accordingly, dispatched to Cen- treville, nearly forty miles distant ; but on arriving there the captain learned that Roddy had retired across the Tennessee. 642 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. His expedition however was not fruitless ; for on the return he got word of a rebel recruiting party on its way to Western Kentucky, and made pursuit. The chief of the party, which was overtaken and captured, proved to be Lieutenant-Colonel Brewer, of Forest's command. The colonel made a show of fight, and would not surrender till quite severely wounded. With him, were captured important dispatches. Captains Evans, Root, Cummings, and Shurtz, of the 8th Iowa Cavalry, are especially mentioned for their success in hunting down scouting parties of the enemy while stationed in the vicinity of the Nashville and North Western Railroad. The following is a summary of the labors of the regiment, before leaving for Chattanooga to join in the Atlanta Cam- paign. "The whole number of prisoners taken by the regiment, up to the 12th of March, 1864, was between four and five hundred. Over one thousand deserters from the rebel service came in and took the oath of allegiance at the different posts of the regi- ment, and more than seven thousand dollars in bonds were taken from disloyal persons, to give no aid nor comfort to the rebellion, and to assist in putting it down." After refitting at Nashville, the 8th Iowa Cavalry proceeded to Chattanooga, where it arrived on the 10th of April. It was ordered to report immediately at Cleveland, where it was assigned to the 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, commanded by General E. M. McOook. With this command, it led the advance on Atlanta, and made its brilliant record. Colonel Dorr commanded the brigade, and Lieutenant-Colonel Earner, for a time, commanded the regiment. The brigade was com- posed of the 1st Tennessee, 2d Michigan, and 8th Iowa Cavalry regiments. To give a full account of the operations of the 8th Iowa, from the 3d day of May, 1864, the time when, with its division, it first moved against the enemy near Dalton, till the JOSEPH B. DOEPv. 643 march on Jonesboro late in the following August, which neces- sitated the evacuation of Atlanta, is impossible. I will quote briefly from the history of the regiment relating to the early part of the campaign, to show the nature of its services. " On the 3d of May, the regiment moved with the division on Red Clay, by the Dalton road. On the 4th, the 8th was posted so as to cover the road to the east, supported by and supporting the 2d Michigan, on the Dalton road. On the 5th, sent out a reconnoitering party from the 8th, under command of Major Price, and found the enemy about four miles off on the Dalton road. On the 6th, sent detachments from the 8th and other regiments to scour the roads to our left. On the 7th, the brigade, the 8th Iowa Cavalry in advance, moved down the Dalton road, and, turning to the right, drove the enemy out of Varnel's Station, which we occupied. Skirmishing con- tinued all day with a considerable force, which made its appearance on the high land to the left of the railroad. About four P. M., received orders to move so as to cover cross-roads, two miles west of the station, and had just commenced the movement, when the enemy opened upon us with shell, wounding a few men, and killing a few horses. On the 9th of May, moved to a point on the railroad three miles south of Varnel's Station, the 2d Brigade being upon our left. The 8th took post across the railroad, the left of the regiment resting on the ridge east of the railroad, one battalion being held in reserve. The 2d Michigan was on the left of the 8th, and the 1st Tennessee on the right. In this manner, about ten A. M., the brigade advanced on the enemy posted on the ridges, and drove him back some three miles. The 8th having the advance on the railroad encountered more opposition, but gallantly pushed the enemy before them at all points, including his tem- porary works on the ridge east of the railroad, which were captured by Company E. Corporals Pease and Sharp particu- larly distinguished themselves, and received promotion for it." An instance occurred at Varnel's Station, which illustrates the courage and gallantry of Colonel Dorr. The enemy were posted in the edge of timber, and along a ridge which could only be reached by passing up through a steep, open field, 644 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. covered by the musketry and artillery of the enemy. The strength of the enemy was unknown, as was also the fact that they had artillery. Colonel Dorr, who was in command of his brigade, and who wished to develope the strength of the enemy, selected a company from his regiment (I think com- pany E) and, placing himself at its head, charged up the ascent nearly to the enemy's works. He was of course met by a withering fire and compelled to retire precipitately. He gained his former position, with the loss of only one man wounded ; but, had not the fire of the enemy been as high as it was, hardly a man of the party could have escaped. On the 13th of May, the 8th Iowa Cavalry, with its division, marched against the enemy at Ray's Gap, six miles west of Tunnel Hill ; but before the command came up the enemy fled, abandoning their strong works. The 8th arrived on the rocky hights only in time to see Johnson fleeing from Dalton, and Sherman sweeping through the place in pursuit. The 8th Iowa led the advance over the Conasauga Biver, near Resaca, and also over the Coosawattie, where Colonel Crit- tenden feared to venture with a whole cavalry brigade. On the 19th instant, near Cassville, the regiment, with its division, run on the flank of the whole rebel army. General Stoneman coming up with his cavalry command soon after, an attack was planned and made, which resulted in forcing the enemy back near the town. Majors Price and Root, Captain Hoxie and Lieutenant McCanon are specially mentioned for gallantry in this affair. On the 24th instant, McCook came on Jackson's division of rebel cavalry at Burnt Hickory, and, during that afternoon. Captain Walden of the 8th distinguished himself by charging and routing a portion of the enemy from a strong position. At Burnt Church, Lieutenant Anderson of the 8th distinguished himself. JOSEPH B. DORR. 645 On the 5th of July, General McCook shifted his division from the right to the left of Sherman's Army, and, pushing on to the Chattahoochie, continued to hold different fords till the 17th instant. The next day a portion of the 8th Iowa crossed the river: it was the first cavalry on the Atlanta side of the Chattahoochie. But, where the 8th Iowa Cavalry most distinguished itself during the Atlanta Campaign, was on the disastrous raid to cut the Atlanta and Macon Railroad near Lovejoy's Station, Georgia. The object of the raid was success- fully accomplished, but at a great sacrifice. General McCook left his camp below Vinings' Station on the Chattahoochie, about noon of the 26th of July, for the rear of Atlanta. Moving down the west side of the river all that afternoon and the following night, he crossed to the east side by the Riverton Ferry, and marched south-east for Lovejoy's Station. On the route, he passed through Palmetto, on the Atlanta and West Point Railroad, and Fayetteville, and struck the Atlanta and Macon Railroad, about noon of the 29th instant. He had met opposition at only one place on the march. At Palmetto, six hundred of the enemy confronted him; but they were instantly driven off, and the depot build- ings burned. Near Fayetteville, a large rebel train was captured, with several prisoners. Instantly after reaching the Macon road, the work of destruction begun. In two hour's time, nearly two miles of the road were torn up and burned; the telegraph wire was cut down; the water-tank and wood- shed were burned, and also a number of platform and box cars, standing on the track. General McCook started on the return, about two o'clock in the afternoon; but the history of this portion of the expedition I shall give in the language of Colonel Dorr. "The 1st Brigade was in the rear, in the retrograde move- ment. About one mile west of Lovejoy's Station, Jackson's 646 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Division of rebel cavalry were found on our road, and between us and the 2d Brigade. Almost at the same moment, I received orders from Colonel Croxton, commanding the bri- gade, to move forward and attack the enemy. Tlie regiment moved up at a trot, and soon came up with the brigade com- mander, who ordered me to charge the enemy. I advanced at a fost trot until within striking distance, when I ordered the charge, an^Ji the regiment, right in front in column, dashed for- ward gallantly on the enemy. The rebels were in column in the road, and in line on the right and left of the road. Their front line gave back rapidly under this headlong charge ; but those in the rear and on the left of the road poured in a most deadly fire, before which the head of the column went down like grass before the scythe. That portion of the enemy's force on the left of the road had been nwstly concealed from me by the nature of the ground. I saw, just as the head of the col- umn struck the enemy, that this portion of their force must be routed, or the column in the road would be exposed to a flank as well as a front fire. Instantly, I ordered the companies in rear of the 1st Battalion into the field on the left of the road, for the purpose of charging that portion of the enemy's line ; but at this critical moment I discovered that they had not come up, having been ordered by Colonel Croxton, as they were following the 1st Battalion, to turn off" the road and form in a field to the left. I had but two hundred and ninety-two men with me on the raid, and, by this order, I was, without notice, left with only about one hundred men to charge an entire brigade, and that the best brigade in the rebel service, being composed of the 3d, 6th, and 9th Texas. Indeed, it has never been certainly ascertained that Jackson's whole division was not in the field : a battle-flag, believed to be his, was seen on the left of the road, and nearly reached by my men. * * " In the fighting at this point, during which Colonel Dorr was compelled to withdraw, the 8th lost, among the killed, Lieu- tenant James Horton, acting adjutant, and Lieutenant J. H. Cabb. "Both were as gallant young officers as ever drew a sabre." The regiment then withdrew in the direction of New- nan. "During the night following, we continued the march JOSEPH B. DORR. 647 through swamps and over most difficult roads, portions of the regimmt, under command of Major Isett and Root, operating on the flanks and rear. About noon of the 30th, the head of the column entered Newnan, when it unexpectedly came upon Roddy's dismounted cavalry on their way to Atlanta. This force,"^in addition to Wheeler's which came up soon after, gave the enemy fully eight thousand men, and enabled them to force back the Federal column, and occupy the road in front. The 2d Brigade was in the front, followed by the Ist, Colonel Harrison's Brigade being in the rear. Both the 2d Brigade and Harrison's were slightly engaged. The 8th was ordered to dismount in the road, where the command was halted, and or- dered to throw up barricades, which was done. We remained in this position for sometime without hearing any thing of the enemy. While absent a few hundred yards from the regiment on account of a wound received at Lovejoy's Station on the 29th, I received orders to move forward, and requested Captain Sutherland, adjutant-general, who brought me the order, to ^ive to Major Root, .who was with the regiment. In a few moments I came up and found the regiment had made a charge, one portion under Major Root, and the other under Major Isett. The enemy gave way in confusion, and Major Isett captured a large number of horses of Ross' Brigade. General Hume, commanding a brigade, was captured by Lieu- tenant George M. Detwiler, but was re-captured by the enemy, too-ether with the gallant officer by whom he had been taken. "The 8th had cleared the way. Captain Walden reported this to me just as I came up, and it was also reported to the brio-ade commander; and had the whole division then moved forward, we should have been able to hold the road. But the enemy so largely outnumbered that portion of the expedition- ary forces engaged that they soon rallied and again occupied the road ***** It was five o'clock when General McCook determined to abandon his artillery, ambulances and wounded. The artillery-carriages were cut down, and the pieces spiked and heavily loaded with percussion or shell. u About this time. Colonel Croxton, commanding the brig- ade was reported missing, when I received orders to take command of the brigade. Major Root having been missing since the first charge, I directed Major Isett to take command 648 IOWA COLONELS AND REGIMENTS. Id thif irl; """ ""^ ' '""" '^"""^ '™"> captain Suther- Ut the 8tli Iowa, there was not far from one hundred men Which was, indeed, all that was left of the 1st Bri Je and of these several were wonnded, and many of them ,^ttout an„f having lost them in the fight. After abandoning the a" iMer, to take a by-path through the woods, which entered the La Grange road some little distance from the battle-fleld Just ^ hheadotheeolumnwasenteringthe forest. Genera Mccook ren ^^. . , ^ '"" ''"'* ^'''"'^ ""<* <='>«='^ "'^ »emy. I replietl, 'I can.' He then ordered me to do so, saying- 'This retreat must be protected.' I at once directed M^jor Isett to form the regiment on the ground indicated, which was in pLn sight of the enemy, who were then seen advancing. In this position we were obliged to remain, seeing the enemy move toward our flank, until the fragments of regiments, the sX! glers and skulkers, who filled the road overlhich he co unfn had moved, got out of the way. Every minute's delay iTnew e&enecl our chances of escape; but there was no help for it and the regiment, with a few exceptions, did their duty ^llaX and «ilmly awaited orders. General McCook with the main ^lumn was heard sharply engaged, as he successfully L^m: The rest is soon told. Seeing that the enemy did not intend to attack him in the position he then held, but that their object was to cut him off and capture him. Colonel Dorr mounted his command and continued the retreat. He first endeavored to escape through timber to the left, but, finding that impractica- ble, turned and hurried on after the retreating column. The road led through heavy timber, and he had scarcely entered it When he met the 4th Tennessee, returning at full run, with the alarming story that they were cut ofl-. It ^vas impossible to pass these frightened men in the narrow road, and the colonel turned back to let them through, after which, he dashed down the road, determined to cut his way out; but in the meantime JOSEPH B. DOER. 649 a whole rebel brigade had gained his immediate front, making escape impossible. Some few of the regiment, striking out by themselves, finally reached the Federal lines. All others were made prisoners. In speaking of the conduct of his regiment. Colonel Dorr said: "In the engagement, which was of the severest char- acter, the men and officers of the 8th behaved with a gallantry and steadiness, which drew from General McCook a public compliment on the battle-field. As on the day before, there were but few exceptions to this, while there were many instances of great gallantry displayed." And then follow the names of Major Isett, Captain Morhiser, Captain, now Major Shurtz, Captains Moore and Doane, Lieutenants Moreland, McCanon, Loomis, Belfleld, Bennett, Pritchard, Anderson, Morrow, Ogle, Detwiler, and Haight. He also adds a long list of non-commissioned officers and privates. Lieutenant John B. Loomis and Sergeant William Mitchell were among the killed; and Captain, now IVIajor Shurtz, Lieutenant J. T. Haight and Sergeants William PuUiam, (who afterward died) and T. M. Thomas were among the wounded. Colonel Dorr was retained a prisoner of war till the following Fall, and was then exchanged. He re-joined his regiment the 7th of November, 1864, while it was stationed at Florence, Alabama, and a few days before General Hood crossed the Tennessee, and marched on Nashville. He commanded his regiment in the engagements round Nashville, and in the pursuit of the flying enemy; and, finally joined General Wilson in his brilliant raid through Alabama and Georgia. That was his last march ; for, as already stated, he died while in camp with his regiment, near Macon. The only time I ever saw Colonel Dorr was in the summer of 1863, when he was traveling through the State on business 650 IOWA COLONELS AND EEGIMENTS. relative to his regiment, then being recruited. He was, at the time, in company with an old Democratic friend, who, like himself, was an earnest war man. In the course of conversa- tion his friend suggested—" Why don't you go and talk with Mr ?" (also a former party friend, but then, antibelliger- enf.) " I'll tell you," he replied, " there is no use in talking to him, till you whip out his friends." Colonel Dorr was a man of about five feet eleven inches in hight, and had, when I saw him, a stocky and vigorous frame. The expression of his face, which was deeply bronzed by exposure, was frank and manly. I judged him to be a man of great energy, and of much practical ability. As a citizen, he was held in the highest esteem ; and his death was deeply mourned in Dubuque. His "kindness of heart," says the " Times " " hardly knew bounds ; and appeals from needy ones were never disregarded by him. Those who were most intimate with him, and understood his motives, loved and admired him most. The feeling among the Union men in this city over the news of his death is that of sincere grief. He leaves a wife and several children, for whom there is felt a deep sympathy." I have already said he was an excellent soldier. He was brave to rashness, and his love for his men was unbounded. The following is from a communication, sent by him to the Adjutant-General of Iowa : "I take the greater pleasure in incorporating their names in this report, because the enlisted soldier, whose gallantry wins promotion for his commanding officer, rarely reaps any other reward than the consciousness of having done his duty. He bleeds and dies for his country ; he wins her battles, and crowns her standard with glory. At last, he occupies six feet by two of his native soil, or that of a foreign land, and leaves no void behind, except in the hearts of those who called him father, son or brother." COLONEL MATTHEW M. TRUMBULL. NINTH CAVALRY. Matthew M. Trumbull is an Englishman, and about thirty-eight years of age. Of the date of his immigration to the United States, as, indeed, of all his early history, I am ignorant. Colonel Trumbull entered the service in the spring of 1861, as captain of Company I, 3d Iowa Infantry, and served with that regiment with distinction till November, 1862, having in the meantime been promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. The history of his military services while connected with the above named regiment will be found in the sketch of Colonel Wilson G. Williams. After resigning his commission in the 3d Iowa, the colonel returned to his home in Clarksville, Iowa, and soon after received an appointment in the adjutant-general's office. He was commissioned colonel of the 9th Iowa Cavalry in the fall of 1863, and in the following Winter accompanied it to the field. There is little of general interest connected with the history of the 9th Iowa Cavalry. Its field of service has been confined to Arkansas, the head-quarters of the regiment having been maintained a chief portion of the time at Brownsville, mid- way between Duvall's Bluff and Little Rock. Its most active and laborious service was performed while General Steele was in a state of siege at Little Bock. During this time, it engaged the enemy in frequent skirmishes, but none of them were of much importance. 651 APPENDIX. Samuel M. Pollock, second colonel, 6tli Cavalry is a native of Ohio: age, thirty-five. ' Herman H. Heath, second colonel, 7th Cavalry, is a native of New York: age, forty-two. Hugh J. Campbell, second colonel, 18th Infantry, is a native of Pennsylvania: age, thirty-three. John Q. Wilds, second colonel, 24th Infantry, (mortally wounded at Cedar Creek, Virginia) is a native of Pennsyl- vania: age, forty. GusTAVus A. Eberhart, second colonel, 32d Infantry, is a native of Pennsylvania: age twenty-nine. IOWA COLONELS OF THE ONE-HUNDRED-DAYS' SERVICE. Stephen H. Henderson, 44th Iowa Infantry, is a native of Tennessee: age, thirty-six. Alvah H. Bereman, 45th Iowa Infantry, is a native of Kentucky: age, thirty-six. David B. Henderson, 46th Iowa Infantry, is a native of Scotland: age, twenty-six. James P. Sanford, 47th Iowa Infantry, is a native of New York: age, thirty-two. 652 INDEX IOWA COLONELS. 453 Abbott, Charles H 553 Anderson, Daniel ' 16 Baker, Nathaniel B gg Baker, James 22 Bates, John F g^ Brown, Aaron Igg Banbury, Jabez 289 Belknap, William W ^ 291 Byam, Eber C "" 445 Benton, Thomas H j,83 Bussey, Cyrus 652 Bereman, Alvah H Curtis, Samuel B I53 Corse, John M 207 Oarsakaddon, David 255 Crocker, Marcellus M 303 Chambers, Alexander 851 Orabb, Benjamin 433 ConneU, John 608 Clark, George W 625 Cummlngs, Henry J. B 5^7 Coon, Datus E 59I Caldwell, Henry C 652 Campbell, Hugh J ^^^ Dodge, Grenville M 361 Dye, William McE 38I Dewey, William ■■■" 639 Dorr, Joseph B ^ > Edwards, John 565 Elliott Washington L 652 Eberhart, Gustavus A ^^^ Geddes, James L 375 Graliam, Harvey " 339 Glasgow, Samuel L 421 Gilbert, James I 533 Garrett, John A 527 (Sower, James ^^ Howard, Noel B 201 Herron, Francis J 227 Henderson, Paris P 2S5 Hare, Abraham M ggg ^^* INDEX. Hall, William Hedrick, John M 337 Hillis, David B 295 Hill. Samuel G ...."."'"!!!...!..! ^^^ Hughes, D. Henry ^^9 Hatch, Edward ............" ^^^ Heath, Herman H ^^^ Henderson, Stephen H ^^'^ Henderson, David B ^^^ 652 Kinsman, William U Kittredge, Charles W ^^^ Kincaid, George W ^^3 521 Lauman, Jacob G Lowe, William W ^^^ MUls, Noah W ^^^ Matthies, Charles L ^^ McDowell, John A ^'^^ Merrill, Samuel " ' ' ^^^ Miller, WiUiam E ^^"^ Mackey, Cyrus H " ^29 497 Noble, John W 597 Perczell, Nicholas Porter, Asbury B 215 Pollock, Samuel M '^'^'^ 652 Eeid, Hugh T Rankin, John W ..''"'_ 231 Kice, Elliott W ^'3 Rice, Samuel A ^^^ 4ST Stone, William M Steele, Frederick "^ Smith, Milo '"' ^^^ Smyth, William .3.'". ^^^ Stone, George A .1....... ^^'^ Small, William E !....."!"".! '^^'^ Shaw, William T ^^^ Shano, John 271 Summers, Samuel W ^'^^ Scott, John ". *^^^ Sanford, James P .... '*"^ 662 Tuttle, James M Torrence, William M. G ^^ Thompson, William '**'^ Trumbull, Matthew M ^^^ 651 Vandever, William 195 Weaver, James B Williams, Nelson G ^^ Williamson, James A ^ Worthington, William H. ^^' Woods, Joseph J ^^ 243 INDEX. 655 Wever, Clark K 881 Warren, Fitz Henry 551 Wlnslow, Edward F 609 Wilson, David S 631 Wilds, John Q 652 BATTLES AND SKIRMISHES. Atlanta 79, 107, 121, 208, 240, 291, SOT Alatoona 157,531 Arkansas Post 180, 407, 415, 454, 502 Big Black River Bridge 12,872,385 Big Blue ^ 47, GOl Blue Mills 9, S7 Belmont 163, 171 Bentonville 1^1 Bayou Metoe 555 Boonville 566 Corinth 60, 68, 93, 135, 173, 189, 216, 238, 253, 290, 296, 306, 315 Chickasaw Bayou 119. 180, 407 Chattanooga.. 136 Champion's Hill 136, 140, 261, 328, 434 Camden 182 Columbia 213, 269, 41.3, 471 Cedar Creek 379,403 Cherokee 409,464 Canton 537 Columbus 605, 619 Cumberland Iron Works 623 Dallas ^60,174 Duvall's Bluff. 4:30 Elkin's Ford 1S2, 449, 515 Ebenezer Church 605 Fort Donelson 52, 59, 67, 24.5, 272, 623 Fort Hill 832 Foi-t De Russey > 424 Fort Morgan ^05 Fisher'sHiU 379,443 Farmington • ^67 598, 613 Guntown Hartsville Hager's Woods Helena Haine's Bluff < luka Island No. 10 Jonesboro v Jackson 1M,154, 45, 36S, 544 85 446,489 610 133, 804, 817 168. 259. S56 INDEX. Jenkin'8 Ferry 183, 450, 491, 498, 536 Julesburg 636 Kenesaw Mountain 121, 160, 239 Little Blue 47 Lookout Mountain 121,410 Little Kock 181, 447, 594 Little Oongaree 213, 470 Little Harpeth 580 Loughridge's Mills 622 Matamora 99,166 Mission Ridge 148, 157, 230, 836 Moscow 847 Milliken's Bend 391 Mark's Mills 516 Moro Bottom 562 Newtonia 47 New Hope Church 121 Nick-a-jack Creek 299 Nashville 508,678,649 Osage 47, 616 Oostanaula River 174 Opequan, [Winchester] 877, 401, 443 Port Gibson 10, 371, 432 Parker's Cross Roads 526 Prairie Grove 45, 202, 853, 361 Pea Ridge 88, 112, 117, 196, 584 Prairie de Anne 182, 449 Pleasant Hill 275, 427, 480 Poisoned Springs 348 Pittman's Ferry 882 Palo Alto 578 Resaca 121,160,389 Ringgold 411 Rutherford Creek 581 Springfield 45,345 ShUoh 9, 57, 67, 76, 93, 150, 186, 285, 248, 256, 273, 282 Savannah 121, 177 Spanish Fort 191, 395 Sterling Farm 355, 364 Sabine Cross Roads 440 Six-Mile Creek 605, 618 Sehna 605, 618 Tupelo 250, 599 Tilton 387 Yicksburg 12, 103, 190, 207, 225, 355, 455 Wilson's Creek „ 28, 148, 202 Westport 47 Yazoo Pass 222, 324, 514 r^ ^^^•^ ,,s^^ :MC^ %,^ r^liK": ^v^ f- v^ ■0 ^ J?^', ^ 4 C)>. ^P-^^. ^•^ ^^ ^^- ■> o .■■ .. ^__. o * „ '^ " c> ">■«■, - v-^ ^' ^ <^ ,s' , 1 o^ S S> o ° " " ^•^ A^ ^>^^,/v,;^^ % ^<^ ^'^ ^^ P^; •B "°. s^ :■%: ■(^* .^" LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 009 783 715 6 H*l f