E202 .1 ^ » * a , P' ^v'-I-^f.* .0 ' .,-J-^ ''m>:r^ >. ^ >. >„ <$>' ^^^0' .*. J; -. V "^^0^ » ^ .<^9<, ^ * • » 1 • AT • ^^-n^ ;^ oM«. -^ •^^tL'* T*'. •»««• .1 =A^ 1783 hcictv of ifte (l^iiKinnati Savannah, Ga., February 22nd, 1904. OFFICERS president Hon. Walter Glasco Charlton vice-president Hon. William Hall IVHlton secretary Col. George Noble Jones asst. secretary Hon. William Harden treasurer Francis Apthorp Foster asst. treasurer Thomas Savage Clay chaplain Rev. Leighton Wilson Eckard, D. D. The Standing- Committee composed of the above. member of the standing executive committee Hon. Walter Glasco Charlton 1, t. U.Qu^, MEMBERS Mr. Joseph Hallett Burroughs Hon. Walter Glasco Charlton, Mr. Joseph Clay, Mr. Douglas Farley Cox, Rev. Leighton Wilson Eckard, D. D. Mr, John Forsyth, Mr. William Waring Habersham Mr. George Thomas Handley, Mr. Edward Augustus Houston, Col. George Noble Jones, Mr. Charles S. Mathews, Mr. George Anderson Mercer, Jr. , Mr. McQueen Mcintosh, Hon. William Hall Milton, Mr. Stephen Calhoun Smith, Mr. Randolph Spalding, Mr. William Alexander Tennille, Mr. Charles Henry Thiot, Commxodore Thom Williamson, U. S. Mr. Benjamin Aspinwall White, Jr., Mr. George Washington Wylly, N. Portsmouth, Va. Savannah, Ga. Brunswick, Ga. 16 Exchange Place, N. Y. Easton, Penn. Mobile, Ala. Gainesville, Ga. Waltourville, Ga. Arcadia, Fla. Savannah, Ga. Raceland. La. Savannah, Ga. Lockhart, Texas. Marianna, Fla. Louisville, Ky. Savannah, Ga. East Orange, N. J. Ambrose, Ga. NavyDept., Wash. D. C. Macon, Ga. Savannah, Ga. HONORARY MEMBERS Hon. Augustus Octavius Bacon, Mr. Thomas Savage Clay, Mr. Francis Apthorpe Foster, Hon. William Harden, Macon, Ga. 107 Wall St., N. Y. 28 State St. , Boston, Mass. Savannah, Ga. 8 i i?^. Ck *^%^'f»* a'-^' .^^ il^C;)' d!^ rf^S 4 QV ,^ ^ , , ..%, r^^ .I' . % ^.^ A*^' ^^, *•*'* A^ J^ **««'' .V ^\^:i^>^^ .•^^^t4.•i^/^.. .v\*:i^*-V .^'^^.t^ iVA ^.^'^ .*. ." ^*'%. -.^aiB'." *?^"^*. °. <> ♦'Tt;^' ,0 .* ...^^ '^4. * • « ' ^,^0 ''^ * • « 1 • A^ /..tl•i^>. ./.:fe&.-.%. ./.-A-i:.-- O. • ^^^ ^-T^..* ^' -o^ '-.T«' .0- CV ft, •x./ - %,.^ ^^^ ^ .^^. ^ .9^ .!.•■■ '^' •'*^ .*'\ p'>--'^-,*o, ,**\'j^.t;'''v "ov* •" f .. •^ - V^ ..1 ^^-^^^ V %/ .*^ V- -* '.Hai^/ /\ °'W5*:- -^^'^ •-' 'iiiiiiil iiliiiiiiiiiiiii