> PS 3537 ,.Y5 F6 Copy 1 Zbc flag tbat fl&akes ms ©nc if iv S^fjcs Sop^tigbt, lg i \ THE FLAG THAT WAKES US OiNE By Frederick Henry Sykes Flag renowned in ancient story, Flag that valor won and holds; Truth and justice wreathe its glory. Freedom dwells beneath its folds. Ref. Marching millions, bear it proudly; Might with right, the Flag leads on States United, chant it loudly, Tis the Flag that makes us one. Freedom spreads on vaster pinions 'Neath the heaven of its stars ; Peace extends her broad dominions, Guarded by its crimson b;irs Ref. forth it goes 'mid war's commotion- Star of battle o'er the bra\e: Flag of our supreme devo ion. We can die, but it shall wave. Ref. Sons of those who built tfte nation, Brothers come from all the world. Raise one song of jubilation, ! ilory to the Flag unfurled I Re! LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PS 3537 .Y5 F6 Copy 1 018 482 028 6 Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5