SfcflH&m< mm m IK9R SKES fflmm THE WITS AID BEAUX OF SOCIETY. BY ■ GRACE AND PHILIP WHARTON, AtJTHOBS OF " THE QUEENS OF SOCIETY." EWitf) JHlustratfons from Uratofngs bg H. K. BROWNE AND JAMES GODWIN. ENGRAVED BY THE BROTHERS DALEIEE. > AL|T1 NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN 8QUAEE. 1861. j¥ ■:* PREFACE. The success of the " Queens of Society" will have pio- neered the way for the " Wits and Beaux," with whom, during the holiday time of their lives, these fair ladies were so greatly associated. The " Queens," whether all wits or not, must have been the cause of wit in others ; their influ- ence over dandyism is notorious : their power to make or mar a man of fashion, almost historical. So far, a chronicle of the sayings and doings of the "Wits" is worthy to serve as a, pendent to that of the "Queens:" happy would it be for society if the annals of the former could more closely resemble the biography of the latter. But it may not be so: men are subject to temptations, to failures ; to delin- quencies, to calamities, of which women can scarcely dream, and which they can only lament and pity. Our "Wits," too — to separate them from the "Beaux" — were men who often took an active part in the stirring events of their day ; they assumed to be statesmen, though, too frequently, they were only politicians. They were brave and loyal : indeed, in the time of the Stuarts, all the Wits were Cavaliers, as well as the Beaux. One hears of no repartee among Cromwell's followers ; no dash, no mer- riment in Fairfax's staff; eloquence, indeed, but no wit in the Parliamentarians ; and, in truth, in the second Charles's time, the king might have headed the list of the Wits him- self — such a capital man as his Majesty is known to have been for a wet evening or a dull Sunday ; such a famous teller of a story — such a perfect diner-out : no wonder that IV PREFACE. in his reign we had George Villiers, second Duke of Buck- ingham of that family, "mankind's epitome," who had ev- ery pretension to every accomplishment combined in him- self. No wonder that we could attract De Grammont and Saint Evremond to our court ; and own, somewhat to our discredit be it allowed, Rochester and Beau Fielding. Ev- ery reign has had its wits, but those in Charles's time were so numerous as to distinguish the era by an especial bril- liancy. Nor let it be supposed that these annals do not contain a moral application. They show how little the sparkling attributes herein portrayed conferred happiness ; how far more the rare, though certainly real touches of genuine feeling and strong affection, which appear here and there eveu in the lives of the most thoughtless "Wits and Beaux," elevate the character in youth, or console the spir- it in age. They prove how wise has been that change in society which now repudiates the " Wit" as a distinct class, and requires general intelligence as a compensation for lost repartees, or long obsolete practical jokes. " Men are not all evil :" so in the life of George Villiers, we find him kind-hearted and free from hypocrisy. His old servants — and the fact speaks in extenuation of one of our wildest Wits and Beaux — loved him faithfully. De Grammont, we all own, has little to redeem him except his good-nature : Eochester's latest days were almost hallowed by his penitence. Chesterfield is saved by his kindness to the Irish and his affection for his son. Horace Walpole had human affections, though a most inhuman pen : and Wharton was famous for his good-humor. The periods most abounding in the Wit and the Beau have, of course, been those most exempt from wars and ru- mors of wars. The Eestoration ; the early period of the Augustan age ; the commencement of the Hanoverian dy- nasty, — have all been enlivened by Wits and Beaux, who came to light like mushrooms after a storm of rain, as soon PREFACE. as the political horizon was clear. We have Congreve, ■who affected to be the Beau as well as the "Wit ; Lord Her- vey, more of the courtier than the Beau — a Wit by inher- itance — a peer, assisted into a pre-eminent position by royal preference, and consequent prestige ; and all these men were the offspring of the particular state of the times in which they figured : at earlier periods, they would have been deemed effeminate ; in later ones, absurd. Then the scene shifts : intellect had marched forward gigantically: the world is grown exacting^ disputatious, critical, and such men as Horace Walpole and Brinsley Sheridan appear ; the characteristics of wit which adorned that age being well diluted by the feebler talents of Selwyn and Hook. Of these, and others, " table traits" and other traits, are here given : brief chronicles of their life's stage, over which a curtain has so long been dropped, are supplied carefully from well-established sources : it is with characters, not with literary history, that we deal ; and do our best to make the portraitures life-like, and to bring forward old memories, which, without the stamp of antiquity, might be suffered to pass into obscurity. Your Wit and your Beau, be he French or English, is no medieval personage : the aristocracy of the present day rank among his immediate descendants: he is a creature of a modern and an artificial age ; and with his career are mingled many features of civilized life, manners, habits, and traces of family history which are still, it is believed, interesting to the majority of English readers, as they have long been to Grace and Philip Wharton. CONTENTS. GEORGE VILLIERS, SECOND DUKE OP BUCKINGHAM. Signs of the Restoration. — Samuel I'epys in his Glory A royal Company. — Pepys "ready to weep." — The 1'layniate of Charles II George Villiers' Inheritance. — Two gallant young Noblemen. — The brave Francis Villiers. — After the Battle of Worcester. — Disguising the King. — Villiers in Hiding. — He appears as a Mountebank. — Buckings ham's Habits. — A daring Adventure Cromwell's saintly Daughter. — Villiers and the Rabbi. — The Buckingham Pictures and Estates. — York House. — Villiers returns to En- gland. — Poor Mary Fairfax. — Villiers in the Tower.— Abraham Cowley, the Poet. — The greatest Ornament of Whitehall Buckingham's Wit and Beauty Flecknoe's Opinion of him. — His Duel with the Earl of Shrewsbury Villiers as a- Poet. — As a Dramatist. — A fearful Censure! — Villiers' Influence in Parliament. — A Scene in the Lords The Duke of Ormond in Danger. — Colonel Blood's Outrages. — Wallingford House, and Ham House "Madame Ellen." — The Cabal. — Villiers again in the Tower. — A Change. — The Duke of York's Theatre. — Buckingham and the Princess of Orange His last Hours. — His Religion. — Death of Villiers The Duchess of Buckingham Page 13 COUNT DE GRAMMONT, ST. EVREMOND, AND LORD ROCHESTER. De Grammont's Choice. — His Influence with Turenne. — The Church or the Army? — An Adventure at Lyons. — A brilliant Idea. — De Grammont's Generosity. — A Horse "for the Cards." — Knight-Cicisbeism. — De Grammont's first Love His witty Attacks on Mazarin. — Anne Lucie de la Mothe Houdancourt. — Reset with Snares. — De Grammont's Visits to England. — Charles II. — The Court of Charles II. — Introduction of Country- dances.— Norman Peculiarities. — St. Evremond, the handsome Norman. — The most beau- tiful Woman in Europe. — Hortense Mancini's Adventures. — Madame Mazarin's House at Chelsea. — Anecdote of Lord Dorset. — Lord Rochester in his Zenith. — His Courage and Wit. — Rochester's Pranks in the City. — Credulity, past and present " Dr. Bendo," and La Belle Jennings La Triste Heritiere. — Elizabeth, Countess of Rochester. Retri- bution and Reformation. — Rochester's Exhortation to Mr. Fanshawe.— Little Jermyn An incomparable Beauty. — Anthony Hamilton, De Grammont's Biographer. — The Three Courts. — La Belle Hamilton. — De Grammont's Description of her.— Her practical Jokes. — The household Deity of Whitehall. — A Chaplain in Livery. — Le Mariage forc6 De Grammont's last Hours. — What miglit he not have been ? 49 BEAU FIELDING. On Wits and Beaux.— Scotland Yard in Charles n.'s Day Orlando of-" The Tatler." — Beau Fielding, Justice of the Peace. — Adonis in Search of a Wife.— The sham Widow.— Ways and Means — Barbara Villiers, Lady Castlemaine— Quarrels with the King.— The Beau's second Marriage The last Days of Fops and Beaux 65 OF CERTAIN CLUBS AND CLUB-WITS UNDER ANNE. The Origin of Clubs. —The Establishment of Coffee-houses.— The October Club.— The Beef- steak Club.— Of certain other Clubs The Kit-kat < Tub. — The Romance of the Bowl The Toasts of the Kit-kat.— The Members of the Kit-kat— A good Wit, and a bad Ar- chitect — "Well-natured Garth."— The Poets of the Kit-kat.— Charles Montagu, Fail of Halifax. — Chancellor Somers. — Charles Sackville, Lord Dorset. — Less celebrated Wits 95 WILLIAM CONGREVE. When and where was he horn?— The Middle Temple.— Congreve finds his Vocation.— Verses to Queen Mary.— The Tennis-court Theatre Congreve abandons the Drama. — Jeremy Collier.— The Immorality of the Stage. — Very improper Things.— Congreve' s. Writings.— Jeremy's Short Views.— Rival Theatres.— Dryden's Funeral.— A Tub-Preach- er.— Horoscopic Predictions.— Dryden's Solicitude for his Son.— Congreve' s Ambition - Anecdote of Voltaire and Congreve.— The Profession of Maecenas Congreve's private Life.—" Malbrook's" Daughter.— Congreve's Death and Burial 109 V1U CONTENTS. BEAU NASH. The King of Bath.— Xash at Oxford "My Boy Dick."— Offers of Knighthood.— Doing Penance at York Days of Folly A very romantic Story. — Sickness and Civilization. Nash descends upon* Bath. — Nash's Chef-d'oeuvre. — The Ball. — Improvements in the Pump-room, etc. — A public Benefactor. — Life at Bath in Nash's Time. — A Compact with the Duke of Beaufort.— Gaming at Bath.— Anecdotes of Nash.— " Miss Sylvia."— A gen- erous Act. — Nash's Sun setting. — A Panegyric. — Nash's Funeral — His Characteris- tics Page 127 PHILIP, DUKE OF WHARTON. Wharton's Ancestors — His early Years. — Marriage at sixteen — Wharton takes leave of his Tutor -The young Marquis and the. old Pretender. — Frolics at Paris. — Zeal for the Orange Cause. — A Jacobite Hero The Trial of Atterbury. — Wharton's Defense of the Bishop. — Hypocritical Signs of Penitence. — Sir Robert Walpole duped. — Very trying. — The Duke of Wharton's " Whens."— Military Glory at Gibraltar. — " Uncle Horace." Wharton to Uncle Horace. — The Duke's Impudence — High Treason. — Wharton's ready Wit. — Last Extremities. — Sad Days in Paris. — His last Journey to Spain His Death in a Bernardine Convent 145 LORD HERVEY. George II. arriving from Hanover. — His Meeting with the Queen — Lady Suffolk. — Queen Caroline. — Sir Robert Walpole. — Lord Hervey. — A Set of fine Gentlemen. — An eccentric Race. — Carr, Lord Hervey. — A fragile Boy. — Description of George II.'s Family Anne Brett. — A bitter Cup. — The Darling of the Family. — Evenings at St. James's. — Freder- ick, Prince of Wales. — Amelia Sophia Walmoden. — Poor Queen Caroline! — Nocturnal Diversions of Maids of Honor Neighbor George's Orange-chest — Mary Lepel, Lady Hervey. — Rivalry. — Hervey' s Intimacy with Lady Mary. — Relaxations of the royal Household. — Bacon's Opinion of Twickenham A Visit to Pope's Villa. — The little Nightingale. — The Essence of small Talk. — Hervey's Affectation and Effeminacy. — Pope's Quarrel with Hervey and Lady Mary. — Hervey's Duel with Pulteney. — "The Death of Lord Hervey: a Drama."— Queen Caroline's last Drawing-room. — Her Illness and Ag- ony. — A painful Scene. — The Truth discovered. — The Queen's dying Bequests. — The King's Temper. — -Archbishop Potter is sent for. — The Duty of Reconciliation. — The Death of Queen Caroline. — A Change in Hervey's Life Lord Hervey's Death. — Want of Christianity. — Memoirs of his own Time 165 PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, FOURTH EARL OF CHESTERFIELD. The King of Table Wits. — Early Years. — Hervey's Description of his Person. — Resolutions and Pursuits. — Study of Oratory. — The Duties of an Embassador. — King George II.'s Opinion of his Chroniclers.— Life in the Country.— Melusina, Countess of Walsingham. — George II. and his Father's Will.— Dissolving Views.— Madame du Bouchet — The Broad-bottomed Administration. — Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in time of Peril. — Reform- ation of the Calendar — Chesterfield House. — Exclusiveness. — Recommending "John- son's Dictionary."— "Old Samuel" to Chesterfield.— Defensive Pride of the "respect- able Hottentot.'" — The Glass of Fashion. — Lord Scarborough's Friendship for Chesterfield. — The Death of Chesterfield's Son. — His Interest in his Grandsons. — "I must go and rehearse my Funeral."— Chesterfield's Will What is a Friend ?— Les Manieres nobles. — Letters to his Son 203 THE ABBE SCARRON. An Eastern Allegory.— Who comes here?— A mad Freak and its Consequences.— Making an Abbo of him.— The May-fair of Paris.— Scarron's Lament to Pellisson.— The Office of the Queen's Patient.— " Give me a simple. Benefice." — Scarron's Description of him- self.— Improvidence and Servility.— The Society at Scarron's.— The witty Conversation. — Franjoise D'Aubigne's Debut. — The sad Story of La Belle Indienne. —Matrimonial Considerations.— " Scarron's W r ife will live forever."— Petits Soupers.— Scarron's last Moments. — A Lesson for gay and grave 227 FRANCOIS, DUC DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULT AND THE DUG DE SAINT-SIMON. Rank and Good-breeding. — The Hotel de Rochefoucault. — Racine and his Plays. — La Rochcfoucault's Wit and Sensibility.— Saint-Simon's Youth.— Looking out for a' Wife.— Saint-Simon's Court Life — The History of Louise de la Valliere.— A mean Act of Louis Quatorze. — All has passed away ! — Saint-Simon's Memoirs of his own Time 245 HORACE WALPOLE. The Commoners of England — Horace's Regret for the Death of his Mother.—" Little Hor- ace" in Arlington Street. — Introduced to George I.— Characteristic Anecdote of George I. — Walpole's Education. — Schoolboy Days.— Boyish Friendships. — Companionship of Gray. — A dreary Doom. — W'alpole's Description of youthful Delights. — Anecdote of CONTENTS. IX Pope and Frederick of Wales. — The Pomfrets. — Sir Thomas Robinson's Ball. — Political Squibs. — That " Rogue Walpole." — Sir Robert's Retirement from Office. — The splendid Mansion of Houghton. — Sir Robert's Love of Gardening. — What we owe to the " Grandes Tours." — George Vertue. — Men of one Idea. — The noble Picture-gallery at Houghton. — Sir Robert's Death The Granville Faction. — A very good Quarrel. — Twickenham. — Strawberry Hill. — The Recluse of Strawberry. — Portraits of the Digby Family. — Sacri- lege. — Mrs. Darner's Models. — The Long Gallery at Strawberry.— The Chapel. — "A dirty little Thing." — The Society around Strawberry Hill. — Anne Seymour Conway. — A Man who never doubted. — Lady Sophia Pernor's Marriage. — Horace in Favor. — Anec- dote of Sir William Stanhope. — A paper House. — Walpole's Habits. — Why did he not Marry? — " Dowagers as plenty as Flounders." — Catherine Hyde, Duchess of Queensber- ry. — Anecdote of Lady Granville. — Kitty Clive. — Death of Horatio Walpole. — George, third Farl of Orford. — A Visit to Houghton. — Family Misfortunes. — Poor Chatterton. — Walpole's Concern with Chatterton. — Walpole in Paris. — Anecdote of Madame Geoffrin. — "-Who's that Mr. Walpole?" — The Miss Berrys. — Horace's two "Straw Berries." — Tapping a new Reign.— The Sign of the Gothic Castle. — Growing old with Dignity. — Succession to an Earldom. — Walpole's last Hours. — Let us not be ungrateful. . . Page 255 GEORGE SELWYN. A Love of Horrors. — Anecdotes of Selwyn's Mother. — Selwyn's College Days. — Orator Hen- ley. — Selwyn's blasphemous Freak. — The Profession of a Wit. — The Thirst for Hazard. — Reynolds's Conversation-piece. — Selwyn's Eccentricities and Witticisms. — A most im- portant Communication. — An amateur Headsman. — The 1- loquenee of Indifference. — ■ Catching a Housebreaker. — The Family of the Selwyns The Man of the People. — Sel- wyn's parliamentary Career. — True Wit. — Some of Selwyn's witty Sayings. — The Sov- ereignty of the People. — On two Kinds of Wit. — Selwyn's Home for Children. — Mie-Mie, the little Italian Selwyn's little Companion taken from him. — His later Days and Death SOT RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN. Sheridan a Dunce Boyish Dreams of literary Fame. — Sheridan in Love. — A Nest of Night- ingales. — The Maid of Bath Captivated by Genius. — Sheridan's Elopement with "■Ce- cilia." — His Duel with Captain Matthews. — Standards of P.idieule. — Painful family Es- trangements. — Enters Drury Lane. — Success of the Famous " School for Scandal." — Opinions of Sheridan and his Influence. — The Literary Club. — Anecdote of Garrick'a Admittance. — Origin of "the Rejected Addresses." — New Flights. — Political Ambition. — The gaming Mania. — Almack' s. — Brookes'. — Black-balled. — Two Versions of the Elec- tion Trick St. Stephen's won. — Vocal Difficulties. — Leads a double Life. — Pitt's vul- gar Attack. — Sheridan's happy Retort. — Grattan's Quip. — Sheridan's Sallies. — The Trial of Warren Hastings. — Wonderful Effect of Sheridan's Eloquence. — The supreme Effort. —The Star culminates.— Native Taste for Swindling. — A shrewd but graceless Oxon- ian. — Duns outwitted. — The Lawyer jockeyed. — Adventures with Bailiffs. — Sheridan's Powers of Persuasion. — House of Commons Greek Curious Mimicry. — The royal boon Companion Lights and Shadows of Depravity. — Street Frolics at Night. — An old Tale. — The Fray in St. Giles'. — Sheridan's gradual Downfall. — Unopened Letters. — An odd Incident Reckless Extravagance. — Sporting Ambition — Like Father like Son. — A se- vere and witty Rebuke. — Convivial Excesses of a past Day. — Worth wins at last. — Bit- ter Pangs. — The Scythe of Death. — The fair, loving, neglected Wife. — Debts of Honor. — Drury Lane burned. — The Owner's Serenity. — Misfortunes never come singly. — The Whitbread Quarrel. — Ruined, undone, and almost forsaken. — The dead Man arrested. — The Stories fixed on Sheridan. — Extempore Wit and inveterate Talkers 329 BEAU BRUMMELL. Two popular Sciences. — "Buck Brummell" at Eton. — Investing his Capital — Young Cor- net Krummell. — The Beau's Studio. — The Toilet. — "Creasing down." — Sneers and Snuff-boxes. — A great Gentleman. — Anecdotes of Brummell. — " Don't forget Brum : Goose at Four!" — Offers of Intimacy resented. — Never in Love.— Brummell out Hunt- ing. — Anecdote of Sheridan and Brummell. — The Beau's poetical Efforts. — The Value, of a crooked Sixpence. — The Breach with the Prince of Wales. — "Who's your fat Friend?" — The Climax is reached. — The Black-mail of Calais. — George the Greater and George the Less. — An extraordinary Step. — Down the Hill of Life. — A miserable Old Age. — In the Hospice du bon Sauveur. — O young Men of this Age, be warned ! 381 THEODORE EDWARD HOOK. The greatest of modern Wits. — What Coleridge said of Hook. — Hook's Family. — Redeem- ing Points. — Versatility.— Varieties of Hoaxing. — The Black-wafered Horse. — The Ber- ners Street Hoax.— Success of the Scheme. — The Strop of Hunger. — Kitchen Examina- tions. — The wrong House. — Angling for an Invitation. — The Hackney-coach Device. — The Plots of Hook and Mathews. — Hook's Talents as an Improvisatore. — The Gift be- comes his Bane. — Hook's Novels. — College Fun. — Baiting a Proctor. — The punning Faculty. — Official Life opens. — Troublesome Pleasantry. — Charge of Embezzlement. — A2 X CONTENTS. Misfortune Doubly disgraced. — No Effort to remove the Stain. — Attacks on the Queen. — An incongruous Mixture. — Specimen of the Ramsbottoni Letters. — Hook's Scurrility. — Fortune and Popularity The End Page 405 SYDNEY SMITH. The " wise Wit." — Oddities of the Father. — Verse-making at Winchester.— Curate Life on Salisbury Plain. — Old Edinburgh. — Its social and architectural Features. — Making Love metaphysically. — The old Scottish Supper. — The Men of Mark passing away. — The Band of young Spirits. — Brougham's early Tenacity. — Fitting up Conversations "Old School" Ceremonies. — The Speculative Society A brilliant Set. — Sydney's Opinion of his Friends. — Holland House. — Preacher at the '•'Foundling." — Sydney's "Grammar of Life." — The Picture Mania. — A Living comes at last — The Wit's Ministry. — The first Visit to Foston le Clay Country Quiet The universal Scratcher. — Country Life and Country Prejudice. — The genial Magistrate. — Glimpse of Edinburgh Society Mrs. Grant of Laggan A Pension Difficulty. — Jeffrey and Cockburn.— Craigcrook. — Sydney Smith's Cheerfulness His rheumatic Armor. — No Bishopric. — Becomes Canon of St. Paul's. — Anecdotes of Lord Dudley. — A sharp Reproof. — Sydney's Classification of So- ciety. — Last Stroke of Humor 433 GEORGE BUBB DODINGTON, LORD MELCOMBE. A dinner-giving lordly Poet. — A Misfortune for a Man of Society. — Brandenburgh House. — "The Diversions of the Morning." — Johnson's Opinion of Foote.— Churchill and the "Rosciad." — Personal Ridicule in its proper Light. — Wild Specimen of the Poet. — Wal- pole on Dodington's "Diary." — The best Commentary on a Man's Life. — Leicester House. — Grace Boyle. — Elegant Modes of passing Time. — A sad Day.— What does Dod- ington come here for? — The Veteran Wit, Beau, and PoUtician. — Defend us from our Executors and Editors 469 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE BEAU FIELDING AND THE SHAM WIDOW (Frontispiece.) VILLIERS IN DISGUISE— THE MEETING WITH HIS SISTER 24 DE GRAMMONT'S MEETING WITH LA BELLE HAMILTON 77 WHARTON'S ROGUISH PRESENT 149 A SCENE BEFORE KENSINGTON PALACE— GEORGE H. AND QUEEN CARO- LINE 1G7 POPE AT HIS VILLA— DISTINGUISHED VISITORS 186 A ROYAL ROBBER 210 SCARRON AND THE WITS— FIRST APPEARANCE OF LA BELLE INDIENNE 237 STRAWBERRY IHLL FROM THE THAMES 276 SELWYN ACKNOWLEDGES "THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE PEOPLE" 322 THE FAMOUS "LITERARY CLUB" 346 A TREASURE FOR A LADY— SHERIDAN AND THE LAWYER 357 THE BEST THING BEAU BRUMMELL EVER SAID 396 THEODORE HOOK'S ENGINEERING FROLIC 417 A DROLL SCENE AT SYDNEY SMITH'S 448 SYDNEY SMITH'S WITTY ANSWER TO THE OLD PARISH CLERK 453 THE WITS AND BEAUX OF SOCIETY. GEORGE VIIXIERS, SECOND DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM. Samuel Pepys, the weather-glass of his time, hails the first glimpse of the Restoration of Charles II. in his usual quaint terms and vulgar sycophancy. " To Westminster Hall," says he ; " where I heard how the Parliament had this day dissolved themselves, and did pass very cheerfully through the Hall, and the Speaker without his mace. The whole Hall was joyful thereat, as well as them- selves ; and now they begin to talk loud of the king." And the evening was closed, he further tells us, with a large bon- fire in the Exchange, and people called out, " God bless King- Charles !" This was in March, 1660 ; and during that spring, Pepys was noting down how he did not think it possible that " my Lord Protector," Richard Cromwell, should come into power again; how there were great hopes of the king's arrival ; how Monk, the Restore!*, was feasted at Mercers' Hall ; (Pepys's own especial) ; how it was resolved that a treaty be offered to the king, privately ; how he resolved to go to sea with "my lord ;" and how, while they lay at Gravesend, the great affair which brought back Charles Stuart was virtually accomplished. Then, with various parentheses, inimitable in their way, Pepys carries on his narrative. He has left his father's " cutting-room" to take care of itself; and finds his cabin little, though his bed is convenient, but is certain, as he rides at anchor with " my lord" in the ship, that the king " must of necessity come in," and the vessel sails round and anchors in Lee Roads. " To the castles about Deal, where our fleet" {our fleet, the saucy son of a tai- lor !) " lay and anchored ; great was the shoot of guns from the castles and ships, and our answers." Glorious Samuel ! in his element, to be sure. Then the wind grew high : he began to be " dizzy and squeamish ;" nevertheless employed " Lord's Day" in looking 14 SIGNS OF THE RESTORATION. through the lieutenant's glass at two good merchantmen, and the women in them, " being pretty handsome ;" then in the afternoon he first saw Calais, and was pleased, though it was at a great distance. All eyes were looking across the Chan- nel just then — for the king was at Flushing ; and, though the " Fanatiques" still held their heads up high, and the Cavaliers also talked high on the other side, the cause that Pepys was bound to still gained ground. Then " they begin to speak freely of King Charles ;" church- es in the city, Samuel declares, were setting up his arms ; mer- chant-ships — more important in those days — were hanging out his colors. He hears, too, how the Mercers' Company were making a statue of his gracious Majesty, to set up in the Ex- change. Ah ! Pepys's heart is merry ; he has forty shillings (some shabby perquisite) given him by Captain Cowes of the " Paragon ;" and " my lord" in the evening " falls to singing" a song upon the Rump to the tune of the " Blacksmith."" The hopes of the Cavalier party are hourly increasing, and those of Pepys we may be sure also ; for Pim, the tailor, spends a morning in his cabin " putting a great many ribbons to a sail." And the king is to be brought over suddenly, "my lord" tells him : and indeed it looks like it, for the sailors are drinking Charles's health in the streets of Deal, on their knees; " which, methinks," says Pepys, " is a little too much ;" and " methinks" so, worthy Master Pepys, also. Then, how the news of the Parliamentary vote of the king's declaration was received ! Pepys becomes eloquent. " He that can fancy a fleet (like ours) in her pride, with pendants loose, guns roaring, caps flying, and the loud ' Vive le JRoi V echoed from one ship's company to another ; he, and he only, can apprehend the joy this inclosed vote was received with, or the blessing he thought himself possessed of that bore it." Next, orders come for " my lord" to sail forthwith to the king; and the painters and tailors set to work, Pepys super- intending, " cutting out some pieces of yellow cloth in the fash- ion of a crown and C. R. ; and putting it upon a fine sheet" — and that is to supersede the States' arms, and is finished and set up. And the next day, on May 14, the Hague is seen plainly by us, " my lord going up in his night-gown into the cuddy." And then they land at the Hague ; some " nasty Dutch- men" come on board to offer their boats, and get money, which Pepys does not like ; and in time they find themselves in the Hague, " a most neat place in all respects ;" salute the Queen of Bohemia and the Prince of Orange — afterward Wil- A ROYAL COMPANY. 15 liam III. — and find at their place of sapper nothing but a "sal- let" and two or three bones of mutton provided for ten of us, " which was very strange." Nevertheless, on they sail, hav- ing returned to the fleet, to Schevelling ; and, on the 23d of the month, go to meet the king ; who, " on getting into the boat, did kiss my lord with much affection." And " extraor- dinary press of good company," and great mirth all day, an- nounced the Restoration. Nevertheless Charles's clothes had not been, till this time, Master Pepys is assured, worth forty shillings — and he, as a connoisseur, w T as scandalized at the fact. And now, before we proceed, let us ask w T ho worthy Sam- uel Pepys was, that he should pass such stringent comments on men and manners ? His origin was lowly ; his family an- cient; his father having followed, until the Restoration, the calling of a tailor. Pepys, vulgar as he was, had nevertheless received a university education ; first entering Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge, as a sizar. To our w T onder we find him mar- rying furtively and independently ; and his wife, of fifteen, was glad with her husband to take up an abode in the house of a relative, Sir Edward Montagu, afterward Earl of Sandwich, the "my lord" under whose shadow Samuel Pepys dwelt in reverence. By this nobleman's influence, Pepys forever left the " cutting-room ;" he acted first as Secretary (always as toad-eater, one would fancy), then became a clerk in the Ad- miralty; and as such went, after the Restoration, to live in Seething Lane, in the parish of St. Olave, Hart Street — and in St. Olave his mortal part was ultimately deposited. So much for Pepys. See him now, in his full-bottomed wig, and best cambric neckerchief, looking out for the king and his suit, who are coming on board the " Nazeby." " Up, and made myself as fine as I could, with the finning stockings on, and wide canons that I bought the other day at the Hague." So began he the day. "All day nothing but lords and persons of honor on board, that we were exceeding full. Dined in great deal of state, the royalle company by themselves in the coache, which w r as a blessed sight to see." This royal company consisted of Charles, the Dukes of York and Gloucester, his brothers, the Queen of Bohemia, the Prin- cess Royal, the Prince of Orange, afterward William III. — all of whose hands Pepys kissed, after dinner. The King and Duke of York changed the names of the ships. The " Romp- ers," as Pepys called the Parliamentarians, had given one the name of the " Nazeby ;" that was now christened the " Charles ;" " Richard" was changed into " James." The " Speaker" into " Mary," the " Lambert" was " Henrietta," and so on. How merry the king must have been while he thus turned the 16 PEPY«S "ready to weep." Roundheads, as it were, off the ocean ; and how he walked here and there, up and down (quite contrary to what Samuel Pepys "expected"), and fell into discourse of his escape from Worcester, and made Samuel " ready to weep" to hear of his traveling four days and three nights on foot, up to his knees in dirt, with " nothing but a green coat and pair of breeches on" (worse and worse, thought Pepys), and a pair of country shoes that made his feet sore ; and how, at one place, he was made to drink by the servants, to show he was not a Round- head ; and how, at another place — and Charles, the best teller of a story in his own dominions, may here have softened his tone — the master of the house, an inn-keeper, as the king was standing by the fire, with his hands on the back of a chair, kneeled down and kissed his hand " privately," saying he could not ask him who he was, but bid " God bless him, where he Was going !" Then, rallying after this touch of pathos, Charles took his hearers over to Fecamp, in France — thence to Rouen, where, he said, in his easy, irresistible way, " I looked so poor that the people went into the rooms before I went away, to see if I had not stolen something or other." With what reverence and sympathy did our Pepys listen ! but he was forced to hurry off to get Lord Berkeley a bed ; and with " much ado" (as one may believe) he did get " him to bed with my Lord Middlesex ;" so, after seeing these two peers of the realm in that undignified predicament — two in a bed — " to my cabin again," where the company were still talk- ing of the king's difficulties, and how his Majesty was fain to eat a piece of bread and cheese out of a poor body's pocket ; and, at a Catholic house, how he lay a good while " in the Priest's Hole, for privacy." In all these hairbreadth escapes — of which the king spoke with infinite humor and good feeling — one name w T as perpetu- ally introduced : George — George Villiers, Villers, as the royal narrator called him ; for the name was so pronounced formerly. And well he might ; for George Villiers had been his playmate, classfellow, nay, bedfellow sometimes, in priests' holes ; their names, their haunts, their hearts, were all assimilated ; and misfortune had bound them closely to each other. To George Villiers let us now turn ; he is waiting for his royal master on the other side of the Channel — in England. And a strange character have we to deal with : "A man so various, that he seemed to be Not one, but all mankind's epitome : Stiff in opinions, always in the wrong, Was every thing by starts, and nothing long; GEORGE VILLIERS INHERITANCE. 17 But, in the course of one revolving moon, Was chemist, fiddler, statesman, and buffoon."* Such was George Villiers : the Alcibiades of that age. Let us trace one of the most romantic, and brilliant, and unsatisfac- tory lives that has ever been written. George Villiers was born at Wallingford House, in the par- ish of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, on the 30th January, 1627. The Admiralty now stands on the site of the mansion in which he first saw the light. His father was George Villiers, the fa- vorite of James I. and Charles I. ; his mother, the Lady Kath- erine Manners, daughter and heiress of Francis, Earl of Rut- land. Scarcely was he a year old, when the assassination of his father, by Felton, threw the affairs of his family into con- fusion. His mother, after the Duke of Buckingham's death, gave birth to a son, Francis ; who was, subsequently, savagely killed by the Roundheads, near Kingston. Then the Duchess of Buckingham very shortly married again, and uniting her- self to Randolph Macdonald, Earl of Antrim, became a rigid Catholic. She was therefore lost to her children, or rather, they were lost to her ; for King Charles I., who had promised to be a " husband to her, and a father to her children," removed them from her charge, and educated them with the royal princes. The youthful peer soon gave indications of genius ; and all that a careful education could do, was directed to improve his natural capacity under private tutors. He went to Cambridge ; and thence, under the care of a preceptor named Aylesbury, traveled into France. He was accompanied by his young, handsome, fine-spirited brother, Francis ; and this was the sun- shine of his life. His father had indeed left him, as his biog- rapher Brian Fairfax expresses it, "the greatest name in En- gland ; his mother, the greatest estate of any subject." With this inheritance there had also descended to him the wonder- ful beauty, the matchless grace, of his ill-fated father. Great abilities, courage, fascination of manners, were also his; but he had not been endowed with firmness of character, but was at once energetic and versatile. Even at this age, the quali- ties which became his ruin were clearly discoverable. George Villiers was recalled to England by the troubles which drove the King to Oxford, and which converted that academical city into a garrison, its under-graduates into sol- diers, its ancient halls into barrack-rooms. Villiers was on this occasion entered at Christ Church : the youth's best feel- ings were aroused, and his loyalty was engaged to one to whom his father owed so much. He was now a young man * Dry den. 18 TWO GALLAKT YOUNG NOBLEJUEX. of twenty-one years of age — able to act for himsejf ; and he went heart and soul into the cause of his sovereign. Never was there a gayer, a more prepossessing Cavalier. He could charm even a Roundhead. The harsh and Presbyterian-mind- ed Bishop Burnet, has told us that " he was a man of a noble presence ; had a great liveliness of wit, and a peculiar faculty of turning every thing into ridicule, with bold figures and nat- ural descriptions." How invaluable he must have been in the Common-rooms at Oxford, then turned into guard-rooms, his eye upon some unlucky volunteer Don, who had put off his clerkly costume for a buff jacket, and could not manage his drill. Irresistible as his exterior is declared to have been, the original mind of Villiers was even far more influential. De Grammont tells us, " he was extremely handsome, but still thought himself much more so than he really was ; although he had a great deal of discernment, yet his vanities made him mistake some civilities as intended for his person which were only bestowed on his wit and drollery." But this very vanity, so unpleasant in an old man, is only amusing in a younger wit. While thus a gallant of the court and camp, the young nobleman proved himself to be no less brave than witty. Juvenile as he was, with a brother still younger, they fought on the royalist side at Lichfield, in the storming of the Cathedral Close. For thus allowing their lives to be endangered, their mother blamed Lord Gerard, one of the Duke's guardians ; while the Parliament seized the pre- text of confiscating their estates, which were afterward re- turned to them, on account of their being under age at the time of confiscation. The youths were then placed under the care of the Earl of Northumberland, by whose permission they traveled in France and Italy, where they appeared — their es- tates having been restored — with princely magnificence. Nev- ertheless, on hearing of the imprisonment of Charles I. in the Isle of Wight, the gallant youths returned to England, and joined the army under the Earl of Holland, who was defeated near Nonsuch, in Surrey. A sad episode in the annals of these eventful times is pre- sented in the fate of the handsome, brave Francis Villiers. His murder, for one can call it by no other name, shows how keenly the personal feelings of the Roundheads were engaged in this national quarrel. Under most circumstances, English- men would have spared the youth, and respected the gallantry of the free young soldier, who, planting himself against an oak-tree which grew in the road, refused to ask for quarter, but defended himself against several assailants. But the name of Villiers was hateful in Puritan ears. " Hew them down, THE BRAVE FRANCIS VILLIERS. 19 root and.branch !" was the sentiment that actuated the sol- diery. His very loveliness exasperated their vengeance. At last, " with nine wounds on his beautiful face and body," says Fairfax, " he was slain." " The oak-tree," writes the devoted servant, "is his monument," and the letters of F. V. were cut in it in his day. His body was conveyed by water to York House, and was entombed with that of his father, in the Chapel of Henry VII. His brother fled toward St. Neot's, where he encountered a strange kind of peril. Tobias Rustat attended him ; and "was with him in the rising in Kent for King Charles I., wherein the Duke was engaged ; and they, being put to the flight, the Duke's helmet, by a brush under a tree, was turned upon his back, and tied so fast with a string under his throat, that with- out the present help of T. R.," writes Fairfax, "it had undoubt- edly choked him, as I have credibly heard."* While at St. Neot's, the house in which Villiers had taken refuge was surrounded with soldiers. He had a stout heart, and a dextrous hand ; he took his resolution ; rushed out upon his foes, killed the officer in command, galloped off and joined the Prince in the Downs. The sad story of Charles I. was played out ; but Villiers re- mained stanch, and was permitted to return and to accompany Prince Charles into Scotland. Then came the battle of "Wor- cester in 1651 : there Charles II. showed himself a worthy de- scendant of James IV. of Scotland. He resolved to conquer or die : with desperate gallantry the English Cavaliers and the Scotch Highlanders seconded the monarch's valiant onslaught on Cromwell's horse, whose invincible Life Guards were al- most driven back by the shock. But they were not seconded ; Charles II. had his horse twice shot under him, but, nothing daunted, he was the last to tear himself away from the field, and then only upon the solicitations of his friends. Charles retired to Kidderminster that evening. The Duke of Buckingham, the gallant Lord Derby, Wilmot, afterward Earl of Rochester, and some others, rode near him. They were followed by a small body of horse. Disconsolately they rode on northward, a faithful band of sixty being resolved to escort his Majesty to Scotland. At length they halted on Kin- ver Heath, near Kidderminster, their guide having lost the * The day after the battle at Kingston the Duke's estates were confiscated (8th July, 1648). — Nichols' History of Leicestershire, iii. 213; who also says that the Duke offered marriage to one of the daughters of Cromwell, but was refused. He went abroad in 1648, but returned with Charles II. to Scotland in 1650, and again escaped to France after the battle of Worcester, 1651. The sale of the pictures would seem to have commenced during his first exile. 20 AFTER THE BATTLE OF WORCESTER. way. In this extremity Lord Derby said that he had been re- ceived kindly at an old house in a secluded woody country, between Tong Castle and Brewood, on the borders of Staf- fordshire. It was named "Boscobel," he said ; and that word has henceforth conjured up to the mind's eye the remembrance of a band of tired heroes riding through woody glades to an ancient house, where shelter was given to the worn-out horses and scarcely less harassed riders. But not so rapidly did they in reality proceed. A Catho- lic family, named Giffard, were living at White-Ladies, about twenty-six miles from Worcester. This was only about half a mile from Boscobel: it had been a convent of Cistercian nuns, whose long white cloaks of old had once been seen, ghost-like, amid forest glades or on hillock green. The White-Ladies had other memories to grace it besides those of holy vestals or of unholy Cavaliers. From the time of the Tudors, a respecta- ble family named Somers had owned the White-Ladies, and in- habited it since its white-garbed tenants had been turned out and the j)lace secularized. " Somers's House," as it was called (though, more happily, the old name has been restored), had received Queen Elizabeth on her progress. The richly cultiva- ted old conventual gardens had supplied the Queen with some famous i^ears, and, in the fullness of her approval of the fruit, she had added them to the City arms. At that time one of these vaunted pear-trees stood securely in the market-place of Worcester. At the White-Ladies Charles rested for half an hour ; and here he left his garters, waistcoat, and other garments, to avoid discovery, ere he proceeded. They were long kept as relics. The mother of Lord Somers had been placed in this old house for security, for she was on the eve of giving birth to the future statesman, who was born in that sanctuary just at this time. His father at that very moment commanded a troop of horse in Cromwell's army, so that the risk the Cava- liers ran was imminent. The King's horse was led into the hall. Day Avas dawning ; and the Cavaliers, as they entered the old conventual tenement, and saw the sunbeams on its walls, perceived their peril. A family of servants named Pen- derell held various offices there and at Boscobel. William took care of Boscobel ; George was a servant at White-La- dies ; Humphrey was the miller to that house ; Richard lived close by, at Hebbal Grange. He and William were called into the royal presence. Lord Derby then said to them, " This is the King ; have a care of him, and preserve him as thou didst me." DISGUISING THE KING. VILLIERS IN HIDING. 21 Then the attendant courtiers began undressing the King. They took off his buff-coat, and put on him a " noggon coarse shirt," and a green suit and another doublet — Richard Pen- derell's woodman's dress. Lord Wilmot cut his sovereign's hair with a knife, but Richard Penderell took up his shears and finished the work. " Burn it," said the king ; but Rich- ard kept the sacred locks. Then Charles covered his dark face with soot. Could any thing have taken away the expression of his half-sleepy, half-merry eyes ? They departed, atid half an hour afterward Colonel Ashen- hurst, with a troop of Roundhead horse, rode up to the White- Ladies. The King, meantime, had been conducted by Richard Penderell into a coppice-wood, with a bill-hook in his hands for defense and disguise. But his followers were overtaken near Newport; and here Buckingham, with Lords Talbot and Lev- iston, escaped, and henceforth, until Charles's wanderings were transferred from England to France, George Villiers was sep- arated from the Prince. Accompanied by the Earls of Derby and Lauderdale, and by Lord Talbot, he proceeded northward, in hopes of joining General Leslie and the Scotch horse. But their hopes were soon dashed : attacked by a body of Round- heads, Buckingham and Lord Leviston were compelled to leave the high road, to alight from their horses, and to make their way to Bloore Park, near Newport, where Villiers found a shel- ter. He was soon, however, necessitated to depart : he put on a laborer's dress ; he deposited his George, a gift from Henri- etta Maria, with a companion, and set off for Billstrop, in Not- tinghamshire, one Matthews, a carpenter, acting as his guide ; at Billstrop he Avas welcomed by Mr. Hawley, a Cavalier ; and from that place he went to Brookesby, in Leicestershire, the original seat of the Villiers family, and the birth-place of his father. Here he was received by Lady Villiers — the widow, probably, of his father's brother, Sir William Villiers — one of those contented country squires who not only sought no dis- tinction, but scarcely thanked James I. when he made him a baronet. Here might the hunted refugee see, on the open battlements of the church, the shields on which were exhibit- ed united quarterings of his father's family with those of his mother ; here, listen to old tales about his grandfather, good Sir George, who married a serving- woman in his deceased wife's kitchen ;* and that serving-woman became the leader of fash- * Sir George Villiers's second wife was Mary, daughter of Antony Beau- mont, Esq., of Glenfield (Nichols' Leicestershire, iii. 193), who was son of Wm. Beaumont, Esq., of Cole Orton. She afterward was married succes- sively to Sir Wm. Rayner and Sir Thomas Compton, and was created Count- ess of Buckingham in 1618. 22 VILLIERS APPEARS AS A MOUNTEBANK. ions in the court of James. Here he might ponder on the vi- cissitudes which marked the destiny of the house of Villiers, and wonder what should come next. That the spirit of adventure was strong within him, is shown by his daring to go up to London, and disguising himself as a mountebank. He had a coat made, called a "Jack Pudding Coat :" a little hat was stuck on his head, with a fox's tail in it, and cocks' feathers here and there. A wizard's mask one day, a daubing of flour another, completed the disguise it was then so usual to assume : witness the long traffic held at Ex- eter Change by the Duchess of Tyrconnel, Frances Jennings, in a white mask, selling laces and French gew-gaws, a trader to all appearance, but really carrying on political intrigues ; every one went to chat with the "White Milliner," as she was called, during the reign of William and Mary. The Duke next erected a stage at Charing Cross — in the very face of the stern Rumpers, who, with long faces, rode past the sinful man each day as they came ambling up from the Parliament House. A band of puppet-players and violins set up their shows; and mu- sic covers a multitude of incongruities. The ballad was then the great vehicle of personal attack, and Villiers's dawning taste for poetry was shown in the ditties which he now com- posed, and in which he sometimes assisted vocally. While all the other Cavaliers were forced to fly, he thus bearded his en- emies in their very homes : sometimes he talked to them face to face, and kept the sanctimonious citizens in talk till they found themselves sinfully disposed to laugh. But this vagrant life had serious evils: it broke down all the restraints which civilized society naturally and beneficially imposes. The Duke of Buckingham, Butler, the author of Hudibras, writes, "rises, eats, goes to bed by the Julian account, long after all others that go by the new style, and keeps the same hours with owls and the Antipodes. He is a great observer of the Tartar cus- toms, and never eats till the great cham, having dined, makes proclamation that all the world may go to dinner. He does not dwell in his house, but haunts it like an evil spirit, that walks all night, to disturb the family, and never appears by day. He lives perpetually benighted, runs out of his life, and loses his time as men do their Avays in the dark : and as blind men are led by their dogs, so he is governed by some mean servant or other that relates to his pleasures. He is as incon- stant as the moon which he lives under; and although he does nothing but advise with his pillow all day, he is as great a stranger to himself as he is to the rest of the world. His mind entertains all things that come and go ; but like guests and strangers, they are not welcome if they stay long. This lays VILLIEKS IN DISGUISE— THE MEETING WITH HIS SISTEE. A DAEING ADVENTURE. 25 him open to all cheats, quacks, and impostors, who apply to every particular humor while it lasts, and afterward vanish. He deforms nature while he intends to adorn her, like Indians that hang jewels in their lips and noses. His ears are perpet- ually drilling with a fiddlestick, and endures pleasures with less patience than other men do their pains." The more effectually to support his character as a mounte- bank, Villiers sold mithridate and galbanum plasters: thou- sands of spectators and customers thronged every day to see and hear him. Possibly many guessed that beneath all this fantastic exterior some ulterior project was concealed ; yet he remained untouched by the City Guards. Well did Dryden describe him : "Then all for women, painting, rhyming, drinking, Besides ten thousand freaks that died in thinking. Blest madman, who could every hour employ With something new to wish or to enjoy !" His elder sister, Lady Mary Villiers, had married the Duke of Richmond, one of the loyal adherents of Charles I. The duke was, therefore, in durance at "Windsor, while the duch- ess was to be placed under strict surveillance at Whitehall. Villiers resolved to see her. Hearing that she was to pass into Whitehall on a certain day, he set up his stage where she could not fail to perceive him. He had something important to say to her. As she drew near, he cried out to the mob that he would give them a song on the Duchess of Richmond and the Duke of Buckingham : nothing could be more acceptable. " The mob," it is related, " stopped the coach and the duchess. . . . Nay, so outrageous were the mob, that they forced the duchess, who was then the handsomest woman in England, to sit in the boot of the coach, and to hear him sing all his im- pertinent songs. Having left off singing, he told them it was no more than reason that he should present the duchess with some of the songs. So he alighted from his stage, covered all over with papers and ridiculous little pictures. Having come to the coach, he took off a black piece of taffeta, which he al- ways wore over one of his eyes, when his sister discovered im- mediately who he was, yet had so much presence of mind as not to give the least sign of mistrust ; nay she gave him some very opprobrious language, but was very eager at snatching the papers he threw into her coach. Among them was a packet of letters, which she had no sooner got but she went forward, the duke, at the head of the mob, attending and hal- looing her a good way out of the town." A still more daring adventure was c utemplated also bv B 26 ckomwell's saintly daughter. this young, irresistible duke. Bridget Cromwell, the eldest daughter of Oliver, was, at that time, a bride of twenty-six years of age; having married, in 1647, the saintly Henry Ire- ton, Lord Deputy of Ireland. Bridget was the pattern hero- ine of the '•'-unco guid" the quintessence of all propriety; the impersonation of sanctity ; an ultra republican, who scarcely accorded to her father the modest title of Protector. She was esteemed by her party a "personage of sublime growth:" " humbled, not exalted," according to Mrs. Hutchinson, by her elevation : " nevertheless," says that excellent lady, " as my Lady Ireton was walking in the St. James's Park, the Lady Lambert, as proud as her husband, came by where she was, and as the present princess always hath precedency of the relict of the dead, so she put by my Lady Ireton, who, not- withstanding her piety and humility, was a little grieved at the affront." After this anecdote one can not give much credence to this lady's humility : Bridget was, however, a woman of powerful intellect, weakened by her extreme, and to use a now common term, crotchety opinions. Like most esprits forts, she was easily imposed upon. One day this paragon saw a mounte- bank dancing on a stage in the most exquisite style. His fine shape, too, caught the attention of one who assumed to be above all folly. It is sometimes fatal to one's peace to look out of a window ; no one knows what sights may rivet or dis- please. Mistress Ireton was sitting at her window unconscious that any one with the hated and malignant name of " Villiers" was before her. After some unholy admiration, she sent to speak to the mummer. The duke scarcely knew whether to trust himself in the power of the bloodthirsty Ireton's bride or not — yet his courage — his love of sport — prevailed. He visit- ed her that evening : no longer, however, in his jack-pudding coat, but in a rich suit, disguised with a cloak over it. He wore still a plaster over one eye, and was much disposed to take it off, but prudence forbade ; and thus he stood in the presence of the prim and saintly Bridget Ireton. The partic- ulars of the interview rest on his statement, and they must not, therefore, be accepted implicitly. Mistress Ireton is said to have made advances to the handsome incognito. What a triumph to a man like Villiers, to have intrigued with my Lord Protector's sanctified daughter ! But she inspired him with disgust. He saw in her the presumption and hypocrisy of her father; he hated her as Cromwell's daughter and Ire- ton's wife. He told her, therefore, that he was a Jew, and could not by his laws become the paramour of a Christian woman. The saintly Bridget stood amazed ; she had impru- VILLIEKS AND THE KABBI. 27 dently let him into some of the most important secrets of her party. A Jew ! It was dreadful ! But how could a person of that persuasion be so strict, so strait-laced? She probably entertained all the horror of Jews which the Puritanical party cherished as a virtue; forgetting the lessons of toleration and liberality inculcated by Holy Writ. She sent, however, for a certain Jewish Rabbi to converse with the stranger. What was the Duke of Buckingham's surprise, on visiting her one evening, to see the learned doctor armed at all points with the Talmud, and thirsting for dispute, by the side of the saintly Bridget. He could noways meet such a body of controversy ; but thought it best forthwith to set off for the Downs. Be- fore he departed he wrote, however, to Mistress Ireton, on the plea that she might wish to know to what tribe of Jews he belonged. So he sent her a note written with all his native wit and point.* Buckingham now experienced all the miseries that a man of expensive pleasures with a sequestrated estate is likely to endure. One friend remained to watch over his interests in England. This was John Traylman, a servant of his late fa- ther's ; who was left to guard the collection of pictures made by the late duke, and deposited in York House. That collec- tion was, in the opinion of competent judges, the third in point of value in England, being only inferior to those of Charles I. and the Earl of Arundel. It had been bought, with immense expense, partly by the duke's agents in Italy, the Mantua Gallery supplying a great portion — partly in France — partly in Flanders ; and to Flan- ders a great portion was destined now to return. Secretly and laboriously did old Traylman pack up and send off these treasures to Antwerp, where now the gay youth whom the aged domestic had known from a child was in want and exile. The pictures were eagerly bought by a foreign collector named Duart. The proceeds gave poor Villiers bread ; but the noble works of Titian and Leonardo da Yinci, and others, were lost forever to England. It must have been very irritating to Yilliers to know that while he just existed abroad, the great estates enjoyed by his father were being subjected to pillage by Cromwell's soldiers, or sold for pitiful sums by the Commissioners appointed by Parliament to break up and annihilate many of the old prop- erties in England. Burleigh-on-the-Hill, the stately seat on which the first duke had lavished thousands, had been taken by the Roundheads. It was so large, and presented so long a line of buildings that the Parliamentarians could not hold it * This incident is taken from Madame Dunois' Memoirs, part i. p. 86. 28 YORK HOUSE. without leaving in it a great garrison and stores of ammuni- tion. It was therefore burnt, and the stables alone occupied; and those even were formed into a house of unusual size. York House was doubtless marked out for the next destruct- ive decree. There was something in the very history of this house which might be supposed to excite the wrath of the Roundheads. Queen Mary (whom we must not, after Miss Strickland's admirable life of her, call Bloody Queen Mary, but who will always be best known by that unpleasant title) had bestowed York House on the See of York, as a compen- sation for York House, at Whitehall, which Henry VIII. had taken from Wolsey. It had afterward come into possession of the Keepers of the Great Seal. Lord Bacon was born in York House, his father having lived there ; and the "Greatest, wisest, meanest of mankind," built here an aviary w T hich cost £300. When the Duke of Lennox wished to buy York House, Bacon thus wrote to him : " For this you will pardon me : York House is the house where my father died, and where I first breathed ; and there will I yield my last breath, if it so please God and the King." It did not, however, please the King that he should ; the house was borrowed only by the first Duke of Buckingham from the Archbishop of York, and then exchauged for another seat on the plea that the duke would want it for the reception of for- eign potentates, and for entertainments given to royalty. "The duke pulled it down : and the house, which was erect- ed as a temporary structure, was so superb that even Pepys, twenty years after it had been left to bats and eobwebs, speaks of it in raptures, as of a place in which the great duke's soul was seen in every chamber. On the walls were shields on which the arms of Manners and of Villiers — peacocks and lions — were quartered. York House was never, however, finished ; but, as the lover of old haunts enters Buckingham Street in the Strand, he will perceive an ancient water-gate, beautifully pro- portioned, built by Inigo Jones — smoky, isolated, impaired — but still speaking volumes of remembrance of the glories of the assassinated duke, who had purposed to build the whole house in that style. " Yorschaux" as he called it — York House — the French em- bassador had written word to his friends at home, " is the most richly fitted up of any that I saw." The galleries and state rooms were graced by the display of the Roman marbles, both busts and statues, which the first duke had bought from Ru- bens ; while in the gardens the Cain and Abel of John of Bo- logna, given by Philip IV. of Spain to King' Charles, and by VILLIEKS RETURNS TO ENGLAND. 29 him bestowed on the elder George Villiers, made that fair pleasaunce famous. It was doomed — as were what were call- ed the " superstitious" pictures iu the house — to destruction : henceforth all was in decay and neglect. " I went to see York House and gardens," Evelyn writes in 1655, "belonging to the former greate Buckingham, but now much ruined through neglect." Traylman, doubtless, kept George Villiers the younger in full possession of all that was to happen to that deserted tene- ment in which the old man mourned for the departed, and thought of the absent. The intelligence which he had soon to communicate was all- important. York House was to be occupied again ; and Crom- well and his coadjutors had bestowed it on Fairfax. The blow was perhaps softened by the reflection that Fairfax was a man of generous temper ; and that he had an only daughter, Mary Fairfax, young, and an heiress. Though the daughter of a Puritan, a sort of interest was attached, even by Cavaliers, to Mary Fairfax, from her having, at five years of age, followed her father through the civil wars on horseback, seated before a maid-servant ; and having, on her journey, frequently fainted, and was so ill as to have been left in a house by the roadside, her father never expecting to see her again. In reference to this young girl, then about eighteen years of age, Buckingham now formed a plan. He resolved to return to England disguised, and to offer his hand to Mary Fairfax, and so recover his property through the influence of Fairfax, He was confident of his own attractions ; and, indeed, from every account, he appears to have been one of those reckless, handsome, speculative characters that often take the fancy of better men than themselves. "He had," says Burnet, "no sort of literature, only he was drawn into chemistry ; and for some years he thought he was very near the finding of the philosopher's stone, which had the effect that attends on all such men as he was, when they are drawn in, to lay out for it. He had no principles of religion, virtue, or friendship ; pleas- ure, frolic, or extravagant diversion was all he laid to heai't. He w T as true to nothing ; for he was not true to himself. He had no steadiness nor conduct ; he could keep no secret, nor execute any design without spoiling it ; he could never fix his thoughts, nor govern his estate, though then the greatest in England. He was bred about the king, and for many years he had a great ascendant over him ; but he spoke of him to all persons with that contempt, that at last he drew a lasting dis- grace upon himself. And he at length ruined both body and mind, fortune and reputation equally." SO l'OOK MAKY FAIRFAX. This was a sad prospect for poor Mary Fairfax, but certain- ly if in their choice Weak women go astray, Their stars are more in fault than they," and she was less to blame in her choice than her father, who ought to have advised her against the marriage. Where and how they met is not known. Mary was not attractive in per- son : she was in her youth little, brown, and thin, but became a " short fat body," as De Grammont tells us, in her early mar- ried life ; in the later period of her existence, she was de- scribed by the Vicomtesse de Longueville as a " little round crumpled woman, very fond of finery ;" and she adds that, on visiting the duchess one day, she found her, though in mourn- ing, in a kind of loose robe over her, all edged and laced with gold. So much for a Puritan's daughter. To this insipid personage the duke presented himself. She soon liked him, and in spite of his outrageous infidelities, con- tinued to like him after their marriage. He carried his point : Mary Fairfax became his wife on the 6th of September, 1657, and, by the influence of Fairfax, his estate, or, at all events, a portion of the revenues, aboitt £4000 a year, it is said, were restored to him. Nevertheless, it is mortifying to find that in 1672, he sold York House, in which his father had taken such pride, for £30,000. The house was pulled down ; streets were erected on the gardens : George Street, Villiers Street, Duke Street, Buckingham Street, Off Alley, recall the name of the ill-starred George, first duke, and of his needy, profligate son ; but the only trace of the real greatness of the family importance thus swept away is in the motto inscribed on the point of old Inigo's water-gate, toward the street : " Ftdei coticula crux.' 1 '' It is sad for all good royal- ists to reflect that it was not the rabid Roundhead, but a de- generate Cavalier, who sold and thus destroyed York House. The marriage with Mary Fairfax, though one of interest solely, was not a mesalliance : her father was connected by the female side with the Earls of Rutland ; he was also a man of a generous spirit, as he had shown, in handing over to the Countess of Derby the rents of the Isle of Man, which had been granted to him by the Parliament. In a similar spirit he was not sorry to restore York House to the Duke of Buck- ingham. Cromwell, however, was highly exasperated by the nuptials between Mary Fairfax and Villiers, which took place at Nun- Appleton, near York, one of Fairfax's estates. The Protector had, it is said, intended Villiers for one of his own daughters. ABRAHAM COWLEY, THE POET. 31 Upon what plea he acted it is not stated ; he committed Vil- liers to the Tower, where he remained until the death of Oliver, and the accession of Richard Cromwell. In vain did Fairfax solicit his release : Cromwell refused it, and Villiers remained in durance until the abdication of Rich- ard Cromwell, when he was set at liberty, but not without the following conditions, dated February 21st, 1658-9: — " The humble petition of George Duke of Buckingham was this day read. Resolved that George Duke of Buckingham, now prisoner at Windsor Castle, upon his engagement upon his honor at the bar of this House, and upon the engagement of Lord Fairfax in £20,000, that the said duke shall peaceably demean himself for the future, and shall not join with, or abet, or have any correspondence with, any of the enemies of the Lord Protector, and of his Commonwealth, in any of the parts beyond the sea, or within this commonwealth, shall be dis- charged of his imprisonment and restraint ; and that the Gov- ernor of Windsor Castle be required to bring the Duke of Buckingham to the bar of this House on Wednesday next, to engage his honor accordingly. Ordered, that the security of £20,000, to be given by the Lord Fairfax, on the behalf of the Duke of Buckingham, be taken in the name of His Highness the Lord Protector." During his incarceration at Windsor, Buckingham had a companion, of whom many a better man might have been en- vious : this was Abraham Cowley, an old college friend of the duke's. Cowley was the son of a grocer, and owed his en- trance into academic life to having been a King's Scholar at Westminster. One day he happened to take up from his moth- er's parlor window a copy of Spenser's "Faerie Queene." He eagerly perused the delightful volume, though he was then only twelve years old : and this impulse being given to his mind, became at fifteen a reciter of verses. His " Poetical Blossoms," published while he was still at school, gave, how- ever, no foretaste of his future eminence. He proceeded to Trinity College, Cambridge, where his friendship with Villiers was formed; and where, perhaps, from that circumstance, Cow- ley's predilections for the cause of the Stuarts was ripened into loyalty. No two characters could be more dissimilar than those of Abraham Cowley and George Villiers. Cowley was quiet, modest, sober, of a thoughtful, philosophical turn, and of an affectionate nature; neither boasting of his own merits nor de- preciating others. He was the friend of Lucius Cary, Lord Falkland ; and yet he loved, though he must have condemned, George Villiers. It is not unlikely that, while Cowley impart- 32 THE GREATEST ORNAMENT OF WHITEHALL. ed his love of poetry to Villiers, Villiers may have inspired the pensive and blameless poet with a love of that display of wit then in vogue, and heightened that sense of humor which speaks forth in some of Cowley's productions. Few authors suggest so many new thoughts, really his own, as Cowley. "His works," it has been said, " are a flower-garden run to weeds, but the flowers are numerous and brilliant, and a search after them will well repay the pains of a collector who is not too indolent or fastidious." As Cowley and his friend passed the weary hours in durance, many an old tale could the poet tell the peer of stirring times; for Cowley had accompanied Charles I. in many a perilous jour- ney, and had protected Queen Henrietta Maria in her escape to France: through Cowley had the correspondence of the roy- al pair, when separated, been carried on. The poet had before suffered imprisonment for his loyalty ; and, to disguise his act- ual occupation, had obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine, and assumed the character of a physician, on the strength of knowing the virtues of a few plants. Many a laugh, doubtless, had Buckingham at the expense of Dr. Cowley : however, in later days, the duke proved a true friend to the poet, in helping to procure for him the lease of a farm at Chertsey, from the queen, and here Cowley, rich upon £300 a year, ended his days. For some time after Buckingham's release, he lived quietly and respectably at Nun-Appleton, with General Fairfax and the vapid Mary. But the Restoration — the first dawnings of which have been referred to in the commencement of this biography — ruined him, body and mind. He was made a Lord of the Bedchamber, a Member of the Privy Council, and afterward Master of the Horse,* and Lord Lieutenant of Yorkshire. He lived in great magnificence at Wallingford House, a tenement next to York House, intend- ed to be the habitable and useful appendage to that palace. He was henceforth, until he proved treacherous to his sov- ereign, the brightest ornament of Whitehall. Beauty of per- son was hereditary : his father was styled the "handsomest-bod- ied man in England," and George Villiers the younger equal- ed George Villiers the elder in all personal accomplishments. When he entered the Presence-Chamber all eyes followed him; every movement was graceful and stately. Sir John Reresby pronounced him " to be the finest gentleman he ever saw." "He was born," Madame Dunois declared, "for gallantry and magnificence." His wit was faultless, but his manners engag- * The duke became Master of the Horse in 1668 : he paid £20,000 to the Duke of Albemarle for the post. Buckingham's wit and beauty. 3'S ing ; yet his sallies often descended into buffoonery, and he spared no one in his merry moods. One evening a play of Dryden's was represented. An actress had to spout forth this line — "My wound is great because it is so small!" She gave it out with pathos, paused, and was theatrically dis- tressed. Buckingham was seated in one of the boxes. He rose; all eyes were fixed upon a face well known in all gay as- semblies ; in a tone of burlesque he answered, "Then 'twould be greater were it none at all." Instantly the audience laughed at the duke's tone of ridicule, and the poor woman was hissed oft' the stage. The king himself did not escape Buckingham's shafts ; while Lord Chancellor Clarendon fell a victim to his ridicule ; noth- ing could withstand it. There, not in that iniquitous gallery at Whitehall, but in the king's privy chambers, Villiers might be seen in all the radiance of his matured beauty. His face was long and oval, with sleepy, yet glistening eyes, over which large arched eyebrows seemed to contract a brow on which the curls of a massive wig (which fell almost to his shoulders) hung low. His nose was long, well formed, and flexible ; his lips thin and compressed, and defined, as the custom was, by two very short, fine, black patches of hair, looking more like strips of sticking- plaster than a mustache. As he made his reverence his rich robes fell over a faultless form. He was a beau to the very fold of the cambric band round his throat ; with long ends of the richest, closest point that was ever rummaged out from a for- eign nunnery to be placed on the person of this sacrilegious sinner. Behold, now, how he changes. Villiers is Villiers no lon- ger. He is Clarendon, walking solemnly to the Court of the Star Chamber : a pair of bellows is hanging before him for the purse ; Colonel Titus is walking with a fire-shovel on his shoulder, to represent a mace; the king, himself a capital mim- ic, is splitting his sides with laughter ; the courtiers are fairly in a roar. Then how he was wont to divert the king with his descriptions ! " Ipswich, for instance," he said, " was a town without inhabitants — a river it had without waters — streets without names; and it was a place where asses wore boots:" alluding to the asses, when employed in rolling Lord Here- ford's bowling-green, having boots on their feet to prevent their injuring the turf. Flecknoe, the poet, describes the duke at this period, in " Euterpe Revived" — B2 34 ANNA MARIA, COUNTESS OP SHREWSBURY. " The gallant'st person, and the noblest minde, In all the world his prince could ever finde, Or to participate his private cares, Or bear the public weight of his affairs, Like well-built arches, stronger with their weight, And well-built minds, the steadier with their height ; Such was the composition and frame O' the noble and the gallant Buckingham." The praise, however, even in the duke's best days, was over- charged. Villiers was no "well-built arch," nor could Charles trust to the fidelity of one so versatile for an hour. Besides, the moral character of Villiers must have prevented him, even in those days, from bearing " the public weight of affairs." A scandalous intrigue soon proved the unsoundness of Fleck- noe's tribute. Among the most licentious beauties of the court was Anna Maria, Countess of Shrewsbury, the daughter of Rob- ert Brudenel, Earl of Cardigan, and the wife of Francis, Earl of Shrewsbury: among many shameless women she was the most shameless, and her face seems to have well expressed her mind. In the round, fair visage, with its languishing eyes, and full, pouting mouth, there is something voluptuous and bold. The forehead is broad, but low ; and the wavy hair, with its tendril curls, comes down almost to the fine arched eyebrows, and then, falling into masses, sets off white shoulders which seem to des- ignate an inelegant amount of embonpoint. There is nothing elevated in the whole countenance, as Lely has painted her, and her history is a disgrace to her age and time. She had numerous lovers (not in the refined sense of the word), and, at last, took up with Thomas Killigrew. He had been, like Villiers, a royalist : first a page to Charles I., next a companion of Charles II., in exile. He married the fair Ce- cilia Croft ; yet his morals were so vicious that even in the Court of Venice to which he was accredited, in order to bor- row money from the merchants of that city, he was too profli- gate to remain. He came back with Charles II., and was Master of the Revels, or King's Jester, as the court considered him, though without any regular appointment, during his fife : the butt, at once, and the satirist of Whitehall. It was Killigrew's wit and descriptive powers which, when heightened by wine, were inconceivably great, that induced Villiers to select Lady Shrewsbury for the object of his admi- ration. When Killigrew perceived that he was supplanted by Villiers, he became frantic with rage, and poured out the bit- terest invectives against the countess. The result was that, one night, returning from the Duke of York's apartments at St. James's, three passes with a sword were made at him through his chair, and one of them pierced his arm. This, and other VILLIEKS AS A POET. 35 occurrences, at last aroused the attention of Lord Shrewsbury, who had hitherto never doubted his wife : he challenged the Duke of Buckingham ; and his infamous wife, it is said, held her paramour's horse, disguised as a page. Lord Shrewsbury- was killed,* and the scandalous intimacy went on as before. No one but the queen, no one but the Duchess of Bucking- ham, appeared shocked at this tragedy, and no one minded their remarks, or joined in their indignation : all moral sense was suspended, or wholly stifled ; and Villiers gloried in his depravity, more witty, more amusing, more fashionable than ever ; and yet he seems, by the best known and most extolled of his poems, to have had some conception of what a real and worthy attachment might be. The following verses are to his " Mistress." " What a dull fool was I To think so gross a lie, As that I ever was in love before ! I have, perhaps, known one or two, With whom I was content to be At that which they call keeping company. But after all that they could do, I still could be with more. Their absence never made me shed a tear ; And I can truly swear, That, till my eyes first gazed on you, I ne'er beheld the thing I could adore. "A world of things must curiously be sought: A world of things must be together brought To make up charms which have the power to move, Through a discerning eye, true love ; That is a master-piece above What only looks and shape can do ; There must be wit and judgment too, Greatness of thought, and worth, which draw, From the whole world, respect and awe. " She that woidd raise a noble love must find Ways to beget a passion for her mind ; She must be that which she to be would seem. For all true love is grounded on esteem : Plainness and truth gain more a generous heart Than all the ci'ooked subtleties of art. She must be — what said I ? — she must be you: None but yourself that miracle can do. At least, I'm sure, thus much I plainly see, None but yourself e'er did it upon me. 'Tis you alone that can my heart subdue, To you alone it always shall be true." * The duel with the Earl of Shrewsbury took place on the 17th of Janu- arv. 1G67-8. ob VILLIERS AS A DRAMATIST. The next lines are also remarkable for the delicacy and hap- py turn of the expressions — "Though Phillis, from prevailing charms, Have forc'd my Delia from my arms, Think not your conquest to maintain By rigor or unjust disdain. In vain, fair nymph, in vain you strive, For Love doth seldom Hope survive. My heart may languish for a time, As all beauties in their prime Have justified such cruelty, By the same fate that conquered me. When age shall come, at whose command Those troops of beauty must disband — A rival's strength once took away, What slave's so dull as to obey ? But if you'll learn a noble way To keep his empire from decay, And there forever fix your throne, Be kind, but kind to me alone." Like his father, who ruined himself by building, Villiers had a monomania for bricks and mortar, yet he found time to write " The Rehearsal," a play on which Mr. Reed in his " Dramatic Biography" makes the following observation : " It is so per- fect a masterpiece in its way, and so truly original, that, not- withstanding its prodigious success, even the task of imitation, which most kinds of excellence have invited inferior geniuses to undertake, has appeared as too arduous to be attempted with regard to this, which through a whole century stands alone, notwithstanding that the very plays it was written ex- pressly to ridicule are forgotten, and the taste it was meant to expose totally exploded." The reverses of fortune which brought George Villiers to abject misery were therefore, in a very great measure, due to his own misconduct, his depravity, his waste of life, his per- version of noble mental powers : yet in many respects he was in advance of his age. He advocated, in the House of Lords, toleration to Dissenters. He wrote a " Short Discourse on the Reasonableness of Men's having a Religion, or Worship of God ;" yet, such was his inconsistency, that, in spite of these works, and of one styled a " Demonstration of the Deity," written a short time before his death, he assisted Lord Roch- ester in his atheistic poem upon " Nothing." Butler, the author of Hudibras, too truly said of Villiers "that he had studied the whole body of 'vice /" a most fearful censure — a most significant description of a bad man. " His parts," he adds, " are disproportionate to the whole, and like a monster, he has more of some, and less of others, than he VILLIEES' INFLUENCE IN PARLIAMENT. 37 should have. He has pulled down all that nature raised in him, and built himself up again after a model of his own. He has dammed up all those lights that nature made into the no- blest prospects of the world, and opened other little blind loopholes backward, by turning day into night, and night into day." The satiety and consequent misery produced by this terrible life are ably described by Butler. And it was perhaps partly this wearied, worn-out spirit that caused Villiers to rush madly into politics for excitement. In 1666 he asked for the office of Lord President of the North ; it was refused : he became disaffected, raised mutinies, and, at last, excited the indigna- tion of his too-indulgent sovereign. Charles dismissed him from his office, after keeping him for some time in confine- ment. After this epoch little is heard of Buckingham but what is disgraceful. He was again restored to Whitehall, and, according to Pepys, even closeted with Charles, while the Duke of York was excluded. A certain acquaintance of the duke's remonstrated with him upon the course which Charles now took in Parliament. " How often have you said to me," this person remarked, " that the king was a weak man, unable to govern, but to be governed, and that you could command him as you liked ? Why do you suffer him to do these things ?" " Why," answered the duke, " I do suffer him to do these things, that I may hereafter the better command him." A reply which betrays the most depraved principle of action, whether toward a sovereign or a friend, that can be express- ed. His influence was for some time supreme, yet he became the leader of the opposition, and invited to his table the dis- contented peers, to whom he satirized the court, and condemn- ed the king's want of attention to business. While the thea- tre was ringing with laughter at the inimitable character of Bayes in the " Rehearsal," the House of Lords was listening with profound attention to the eloquence that entranced their faculties, making wrong seem right, for Buckingham was ever heard wiUi attention. Taking into account his mode of existence, " which," says Clarendon, " was a life by night more than by day, in all the liberties that nature could desire and wit invent," it was as- tonishing how extensive an influence he had in both Houses of Parliament. His rank and condescension, the pleasantness of his humors and conversation, and the extravagance and keenness of his wit, unrestrained by modesty or religion, caused persons of all opinions and dispositions to be fond of his company, and to imagine that these levities and vanities would wear off with age, and that there would be enough of 38 A SCENE IN THE LORDS. good left to make him useful to his country, for which he pre- tended a wonderful affection. But this brilliant career was soon checked. The varnish over the hollow character of this extraordinary man was event- ually rubbed off. We find the first hint of that famous coali- tion styled the Cabal, in Pepys's Diary, and henceforth the duke must be regarded as a ruined man. "He" (Sir H.Cholmly) "tells me that the Duke of Buck- ingham his crimes, as far as he knows, are his being of a ca- bal with some discontented persons of the late House of Com- mons, and opposing the desires of the king in all his matters in that House; and endeavoring to become popular, and advis- ing how the Commons' House should proceed, and how he would order the House of Lords. And he hath been endeavor- ing to have the king's nativity calculated ; which was done, and the fellow now in the Tower about it. . . . This silly lord hath provoked, by his ill carriage, the Duke of York, my Lord Chancellor, and all the great persons, and therefore most like- ly will die." One day, in the House of Lords, during a conference be- tween the two Houses, Buckingham leaned rudely over the shoulder of Henry Pierrepont, Marquis of Dorchester. Lord Dorchester merely removed his elbow. Then the duke asked him if he was uneasy. " Yes," the marquis replied, adding, "the duke- dared not do this if he were any where else." Buckingham retorted, " Yes, he would ; and he was a better ' man than my lord marquis ;" on which Dorchester told him that he lied. On this Buckingham struck off Dorchester's hat, seized him by the periwig, pulled it aside, and held him. The Lord Chamberlain and others interposed, and sent them both to the Tower. Nevertheless, not a month afterward, Pepys speaks of seeing the duke's play of " The Chances" acted at Whitehall. " A good play," he condescends to say, " I find it, and the actors most good in it ; and pretty to hear Knipp sing in the play very properly ' All night I weepe,' and sung it ad- mirably. The whole play pleases me well : and most of all, the sight of many fine ladies, among others, my Lady Castle- maine and Mrs. Middleton." The whole management of public affairs was, at this period, intrusted to five persons, and hence the famous combination, the united letters of which formed the word " Cabal :" — Clif- ford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauderdale. Their reprehensible schemes, their desperate characters, rendered them the opprobrium of their age, and the objects of censure to all posterity. While matters were in this state a daring outrage, which spoke fearfully of the lawless state of the times, THE DUKE OF ORMOND IN DANGER. 39 was ascribed, though wrongly, to Buckingham. The Duke of Ormoncl, the object of his inveterate hatred, was at that time Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Colonel Blood — a disaffected dis- banded officer of the Commonwealth, who had been attainted for a conspiracy in Ireland, but had escaped punishment — came to England, and acted as a spy for the Cabal, who did not hesitate to countenance this daring scoundrel. His first exploit was to attack the Duke of Ormond's coach one night in St. James's Street : to secure his person, bind him, put him on horseback after one of his accomplices, and carry him to Tyburn, where he meant to hang his grace. On their way, however, Ormond, by a violent effort, threw himself on the ground ; a scuffle ensued : the duke's servants came up, and after receiving the fire of Blood's pistols, the duke escaped. Lord Ossory, the Duke of Ormond's son, on going afterward to court, met Buckingham, and addressed him in these words : " My lord, I know well that you are at the bottom of this late attempt on my father ; but I give you warning, if he by any means comes to a violent end, I shall not be at a loss to know the author. I shall consider you as an assassin, and shall treat you as such ; and wherever I meet you I shall pistol you, though you stood behind the king's chair ; and I tell it you in his majesty's presence, that you may be sure I shall not fail of performance." Blood's next feat was to carry off from the Tower the crown jewels. He was overtaken and arrested ; and was then asked to name his accomplices. " No," he replied, " the fear of dan- ger shall never tempt me to deny guilt or to betray a friend." Charles II., with undignified curiosity, wished to see the cul- prit. On inquiring of Blood how he dared to make so bold an attempt on the crown, the bravo answered, " My father lost a good estate fighting for the crown, and I considered it no harm to recover it by the crown." He then told his majesty how he had resolved to assassinate him ; how he had stood among the reeds in Battersea-fields with this design ; how then a sud- den awe had come over him : and Charles was weak enough to admire Blood's fearless bearing, and to pardon his attempt. Well might the Earl of Rochester write of Charles — " Here lies my sovereign lord the king, Whose word no man relies on ; Who never said a foolish thing, And never did a wise one." Notwithstanding Blood's outrages — the slightest penalty for which in our days would have been penal servitude for life — Evelyn met him, not long afterward, at Lord Clifford's, at dinner, when De Grammont and other French noblemen were 40 WALLINGFORD HOUSE AND HAM HOUSE. entertained. " The man," says Evelyn, " had not only a dar- ing, but a villainous unmerciful look, a false countenance ; but very well-spoken, and dangerously insinuating." Early in 1662, the Duke of Buckingham had been engaged in practices against the court : he had disguised deep designs by affecting the mere man of pleasure. Never was there such splendor as at Wallingford House — such wit and gallantry ; such perfect good-breeding; such apparently open-handed hospitality. At those splendid banquets, John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, " a man whom the muses were fond to inspire, but ashamed to avow," showed his " beautiful face," as it was called ; and chimed in with that wit for which the age was fa- mous. The frequenters at Wallingford House gloried in their indelicacy. " One is amazed," Horace Walpole observes, " at hearing the age of Charles II. called polite." The Puritans have affected to call every thing by a Scripture name ; the new- comers affected to call every thing by its right name ; "As if preposterously they would confess A forced hypocrisy in wickedness." Walpole compares the age of Charles II. to that of Aristoph- anes — "which called its own grossness polite." How bitter- ly he decries the stale poems of the time as "a heap of sense- less ribaldry ;" how truly he shows that licentiousness weakens as well as depraves the judgment. " When Satyrs are brought to court," he observes, " no wonder the Graces would not trust themselves there." The Cabal is said, however, to have been concocted, not at Wallingford House, but at Ham House, near Kingston-on- Thames. In this stately old manor-house, the abode of the Tollemache family, the memory of Charles II. and of his court seems to linger still. Ham House was intended for the residence of Henry, Prince of Wales, and was built in 1610. It stands near the river Thames ; and is flanked by noble avenues of elm and of chestnut trees, down which one may almost, as it were, hear the king's talk with his courtiers ; see Arlington approach with the well-known patch across his nose ; or spy out the lovely, childish Miss Stuart and her future husband, the Duke of Rich- mond, slipping behind into the garden, lest the jealous, morti- fied king should catch a sight of the " conscious lovers." This stately structure was given by Charles II., in 1672, to the Duke and Duchess of Lauderdale: she, the supposed mis- tress of Cromwell; he, the cruel, hateful Lauderdale of the Ca- bal. This detestable couple, however, furnished with massive grandeur the apartments of Ham House. They had the ceil- ings painted by Verrio ; the furniture was rich, and even the "MADAME ELLEN." 41 bellows and brushes in some of the rooms are of silver filigree. One room is furnished with yellow damask, still rich, though faded ; the very seats on which Charles, looking around him, saw Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley (the infamous Shaftesbury), and Lauderdale — and knew not, good easy man, that he was looking on a band of traitors — are still there. Nay, he even sat to Sir Peter Lely for a portrait for this very place — in which schemes for the ruin of the kingdom were concoct- ed. All, probably, was smooth and pleasing to the monarch as he ranged down the fine gallery, ninety-two feet long ; or sat at dinner amid his foes in that hall, surrounded with an open gallery; or disported himself on the river's green brink. Nay, one may even fancy Nell Gwynn taking a day's pleasure in this then lone and ever sweet locality. We hear her swearing, as she was wont to do, perchance at the dim looking-glasses, her own house in Pall Mall, given her by the king, having been filled up for the comedian, entirely, ceiling and all, with look- ing-glass. How bold and pretty she looked in her undress, even Pepys — no very sound moralist, though a vast hypocrite — tells us : Nelly, " all unready" was " very pretty, prettier far than he thought." But to see how she was "painted," would, he thought, " make a man mad." "Madame Ellen," as after her elevation, as it was termed, she was called, might, since she held long a great sway over Charles's fancy, be suffered to scamper about Ham House — where her merry laugh perhaps scandalized the now saintly Duchess of Lauderdale, just to impose on the world ; for Nell was regarded as the Protestant champion of the court, in op- position to her French rival, the Duchess of Portsmouth. Let us suppose that she has been at Ham House, and is gone off to Pall Mall again, where she can see her painted face in ev- ery turn. The king has departed, and Killigrew, who, at all events, is loyal, and the true-hearted Duke of Richmond, all are away to London. In yon sanctimonious-looking closet, next to the duchess's bedchamber, with her psalter and her prayer-book on her desk, which is fixed to her great chair, and that very cane which still hangs there serving as her support from that closet, murmur and wrangle the component parts of that which was never mentioned without fear — the Cabal. They dare not trust themselves in the gallery; there is tapestry there, and we all know what coverts there are for eaves-droppers and spiders in tapestried walls ; then the great cardinal spiders do so click there, are so like the death-watch, that Villiers, who is invet- erately superstitious, wall not abide there. The hall, with its inclosing galleries, and the buttery near, are manifestly unsafe. So they herd, nay, crouch, mutter, and concoct that fearful 42 VILLIEES AGAIN IN THE TOAVER. treachery which, as far as their country is concerned, has been a thing apart in our annals. Englishmen are turbulent, ambi- tious, unscrupulous ; but the craft of Maitland, Duke of Lau- derdale — the subtlety of Ashley, seem hardly conceivable ei- ther in a Scot or a Southern. These meetings had their natural consequence. One leaves Lauderdale, Arlington, Ashley, and Clifford, to their fate. But the career of Villiers inspires more interest. He seemed born for better things. Like many men of genius, he was so cred- ulous that the faith he pinned on one Heydon, an astrologer, at this time, perhaps buoyed him up with false hopes. Be it as it may, his plots now tended to open insurrection. In 1666 a proclamation had been issued for his apprehension — he hav- ing then absconded. On this occasion he was saved by the act of one whom he had injured grossly — his wife. She managed to outride the sergeant-at-arms, and to warn him of his danger. She had borne his infidelities, after the fashion of the day, as a matter of course : jealousy was then an impertinence — con- stancy, a chimera; and her husband, whatever his conduct, had ever treated her with kindness of manner: he had that charm, that attribute of his family, in perfection, and it had fascinated. Mary Fairfax. He fled, and played for a year successfully the pranks of his youth. At last, worn out, he talked of giving himself up to justice. "Mr. Fenn, at the table, says that he hath been taken by the watch two or three times of late, at unseasonable hours, but so disguised they did not know him ; and when I come home, by and by, Mr. Lowther tells me that the Duke of Buckingham do dine publickly this day at Wadlow's, at the Sun Tavern ; and is mighty merry, and sent word to the Lieu- tenant of the Tower, that he would come to him as soon as he had dined." While in the Tower — to which he was again committed — Buckingham's pardon was solicited by Lady Castlemaine ; on which account the king was very angry with her ; called her a meddling "jade ;" she calling him " fool," and saying if he was not a fool he never would suffer his best subjects to be imprisoned — referring to Buckingham. And not only did she ask his liberty, but the restitution of his places. No wonder there was discontent when such things were done, and public affairs were in such a state. We must again quote the graph- ic, terse language of Pepys : — " It was computed that the Par- liament had given the king for this war only, besides all prizes, and besides the £200,000 which he was to spend of his own rev- enue, to guard the sea, above £5,000,000, and odd £100,000 ; which is a most prodigious sum. Sir H. Cholmly, as a true A CHANGE. 43 English gentleman, do decry the king's expenses of his privy jurse, which in King James's time did not rise to above £5000 i year, and in King Charles's to £10,000, do now cost us above 6100,000, besides the great charge of the monarchy, as the )uke of York has £100,000 of it, and other limbs of the royal amily." In consequence of Lady Castlemaine's intervention, Villiers vas restored to liberty — a strange instance, as Pepys remarks, )f the "fool's play" of the age. Buckingham was now as resuming as ever : he had a theatre of his own, and he soon bowed his usual arrogance by beating Henry Killigrew on he stage, and taking away his coat and sword ; all very "in- locently" done, according to Pepys. In July he appeared in ds place in the House of Lords, as " brisk as ever," and sat n his robes, "which," says Pejjys, "is a monstrous thing that t man should be proclaimed against, and put in the Tower, md released without any trial, and yet not restored to his )laces." We next find the duke intrusted with a mission to France, q concert with Lords Halifax and Arlington. In the year 680, he was threatened with an impeachment, in which, with us usual skill, he managed to exculpate himself by blaming jord Arlington. The House of Commons passed a vote for ds removal; and he entered the ranks of the opposition. But this career of public meanness and private profligacy ras drawing to a close. Alcibiades no longer — his frame pasted by vice — his spirits broken by pecuniary difficulties — Buckingham's importance visibly sank away. " He remained, ,t last," to borrow the words of Hume, " as incapable of do- Qg hurt as he had ever been little desirous of doing good to nankind." His fortune had now dwindled down to £300 a ear in laud ; he sold "Wallingford House, and removed into he City. And now the fruits of his adversity, not, we hope too late, iegan to appear. Like Lord Rochester, who had ordered all is immoral works to be burnt, Buckingham now wished to etrieve the past. In 1685 he wrote the religious works which Drm so striking a contrast -with his other productions. That he had been up to the very time of his ruin perfectly npervious to remorse, dead also to shame, is amply mani- jsted by his conduct soon after his duel with the Earl of hrewsbury. Sir George Etherege had brought out a new play at the )uke of York's Theatre. It was called, " She Would if she /ould." Plays in those days began at what we now consider ur luncheon hour. Though Pepys arrived at the theatre at 44 THE duke or yokk's theatre. two o'clock — his wife having gone before — about a thousand people had been put back from the pit. At last, seeing his wife in the eighteen-penny-box, he " made shift" to get there, and there saw, "but lord!" (his own words are inimitable) " how dull, and how silly the play, there being nothing in the world good in it, and few people pleased in it. The king was there ; but I sat mightily behind and could see but little, and hear not at all. The play being done, I into the pit to look for my wife, it being dark and raining, but could not find her ; and so staid going between the two doors and through the pit an hour and half, I think, after the play was done ; the people staying there till the rain was over, and to talk to one anoth- er. And among the rest, here was the Duke of Buckingham to-day openly in the pit ; and there I found him with my Lord Buckhurst, and Sedley, and Etheridge the poet, the last of whom I did hear mightily find fault with the actors, that they were out of humor, and had not their parts perfect, and that Harris did do nothing, nor could so much as sing a ketch in it; and so was mightily concerned, while all the rest did, through the whole pit, blame the play as a silly, dull thing, though there was something very roguish and witty ; but the design of the play, and end, might}- insipid." Buckingham had held out to his Puritan friends the hope of his conversion for some years ; and when they attempted to convert him, he had appointed a time for them to finish their work. They kept their promise, and found him in the most profligate society. It Avas indeed impossible to know in what directions his fancies might take him, when we find him be- lieving in the predictions of a poor fellow, in a wretched lodg- ing, near Tower Hill, who, having cast his nativity, assured the duke he Avould be king. He had continued for years to live Avith the Countess of Shrewsbury, and two months after her husband's death, had taken her to his home. Then, at last, the Duchess of Buck- ingham indignantly observed, that she and the countess could not possibly live together. " So I thought, madam," Avas the reply. " I haA*e therefore ordered your coach to take you to your father's." It has been asserted that Dr. Sprat, the duke's chaplain, actually married him to Lady Shrewsbury, and that his legal Avife thenceforth was styled " The Duchess-doAvager." He retreated with his mistress to Claverdon, near Windsor, situated on the summit of a hill which is washed by the Thames. It is a noble building, with a great terrace in front, under Avhich are twenty-six niches, in which Buckingham had intended to place twenty-six statues as large as life ; and in the middle is an alcove, with stairs. Here he lived with the infamous count- BUCKINGHAM AND THE PRINCESS OF ORANGE. 45 ss, by whom he had a son, whom he styled Earl of Coventry bis second title), and who died an infant. One lingers still over the social career of one whom Louis [IV. called " the only English gentleman he had ever seen." k. capital retort was made to Buckingham by the Princess of ) range, during an interview, when he stopped at the Hague, etween her and the Duke. He was ti'ying diplomatically to onvince her of the affection of England for the States. " We o not," he said, "use Holland like a mistress, we love her as wife." " Vraimentje crois que vous nous aimez comme votes imez la vbtre" was the sharp and clever answer. On the death of Charles II., in 1C85, Buckingham retired to be small remnant of his Yorkshire estates. His debts were ow set down at the sum of £140,000. They were liquidated y the sale of his estates. He took kindly to a country life, to be surprise of his old comrade in pleasure, Etherege. " I ave heard the news," that wit cried, alluding to this change, with no less astonishment than if I had been told that the 'ope had begun to wear a periwig and had turned beau in the eventy-fourth year of his age!" Eat her Petre and Father Fitzgerald were sent by James II. d convert the duke to Popery. The following anecdote is )ld of their conference with the dying sinner : " We deny," aid the Jesuit Petre, " that any one can be saved out of our Ihurch. Your grace allows that our people may be saved." No, curse ye," said the duke, "I make no doubt you will all e damned to a man !" " Sir," said the fither, " I can not rgue with a person so void of all charity." " I did not ex- ect, my reverend father," said the duke, " such a reproach •om you, whose whole reasoning was founded on the very ame instance of want of charity to yourself." Buckingham's death took place at Helmsby, in Yorkshire, nd the immediate cause was an ague and fever, owing to hav- ig sat down on the wet grass after fox-hunting. Pope has iven the following forcible, but inaccurate, account of his last ours, and the place in which they were passed : ' ' In the worst inn's worst room, with mat half hung, The floors of plaster and the walls of clung, On once a flock-bed, but repaired with straw, With tape-tied curtains never meant to draw ; The George and Garter dangling from that bed, Where tawdry yellow strove with dirty red, Great Villiers lies : alas ! how changed from him, That life of pleasure and that soul of whim ! Gallant and gay, in Claverdon's proud alcove, The bower of wanton Shrewsbury and love ; Or, just as gay, at council in a ring Of mimie'd statesmen and their merry King. 46 Buckingham's last hours. No wit to flatter left of all his store, No fool to laugh at, which he valued more Then victor of his health, of fortune, friends, And fame, this lord of useless thousands ends." Far from expiring in the " worst inn's worst room," the duke breathed his last in Kirby Moorside, in a house which had once been the best in the place. Brian Fairfax, who loved this brilliant reprobate, has left the only authentic account on record of his last hours. The night previous to the duke's death, Fairfax had re- ceived a message from him desiring him to prepare a bed for him in his house, Bishop Hill, in York. The next day, how- ever, Fairfax was sent for to his master, whom he found dy- ing. He was speechless, but gave the afflicted servant an earnest look of recognition. The Earl of Arran, son of the Duke of Hamilton, and a gentleman of the neighborhood, stood by his bedside. He had then received the Holy Communion from a neighboring clergyman of the Established Church. When the minister came, it is said that he inquired of the duke what religion he professed. " It is," replied the dying man, " an insignificant question, for I have been a shame and a disgrace to all relig- ions : if you can do me any good, pray do." When a Popish priest had been mentioned to him, he answered vehemently, " No, no !" He was in a very low state when Lord Arran had found him. But though that nobleman saw death in his looks, the duke said he " felt so well at heart that he knew he could be in no danger." He appeared to have had inflammation in the bowels, which ended in mortification. He begged of Lord Arran to stay with him. The house seems to have been in a most miserable condition, for in a letter from Lord Arran to Dr. Sprat, he says : " I confess it made my heart bleed to see the Duke of Buckingham in so pitiful a place, and so bad a condition, and what made it worse, he was not at all sensible of it, for he thought in a day or two he should be well ; and when we re- minded him of his condition, he said it was not as we appre- hended. So I sent for a worthy gentleman, Mr. Gibson, to be assistant to me in this work; so we jointly represented his condition to him, who I saw was at first very uneasy ; but I think we should not have discharged the duties of honest men if we had suffered him to go out of this world without desir- ing him to prepare for death." The duke joined heartily in the beautiful prayers for the dying, of our church, and yet there was a sort of selfishness and indifference to others manifest even at the last. DEATH OF VILLIERS. 47 " Mr. Gibson," writes Lord Arran, " asked him if he had ade a will, or if he would declare who was to be his heir ? it to the first, he answered he had made none ; and to the 3t, whoever was named he answered, ' No.' First, my lady ichess was named, and then I think almost every body that ,d any relation to him, but his answer always was, ' No.' I cl fully represent my lady duchess' condition to him, but thing that was said to him could make him come to any int." In this " retired corner," as Lord Arran terras it, did the rmer wit and beau, the once brave and fine cavalier, the skless plotter in after-life, end his existence. His body was moved to Helmsby Castle, there to wait the duchess' pleas- e, being meantime embalmed. Not one farthing could his rvvard produce to defray his burial. His George and blue )bon were sent to King James, with an account of his death. In Kirby Moorside, the following entry in the register of rials records the event, which is so replete with a singular trjbutive justice — so constituted to impress and sadden the nd : — " George Villus, Lord dooke of bookingham." He left scarcely a friend to mourn his life ; for. to no man d he been true. He died on the 16th of April according to me accounts ; according to others, on the third of that month, 87, in the sixty-first year of his age. His body, after em- lming, was deposited in the family vault in Henry VII.'s apel.* He left no children, and his title was therefore ex- ict. The Duchess of Buckingham, of whom Brian Fairfax marks, " that if she had none of the vanities, she had none the vices of the court," survived him several years. She id in 1705, at the age of sixty-six, and was buried in the ult of the Villiers family, in the chapel of Henry VII. Such was the extinction of all the magnificence and intel- itual ascendency that at one time centred in this great and "ted family. ' Brian Fairfax states, that at his death (the Duke of Buckingham's) he irged his debts on his estate, leaving much more than enough to cover m. By the register of Westminster Abbey, it appears that he was buried Henry VII.'s Chapel, 7th June, 1687. COUNT DE GRAMMONT, ST, EVREMOND, AND LORD ROCHESTER. It lias been observed by a French critic, that the Memo-ires de Gramtnont afford the truest specimens of French character in our language. To this it may be added, that the subject of that animated narrative was most completely French in prin- ciple, in intelligence, in wit that hesitated at nothing, in spir- its that were never daunted, and in that incessant activity which is characteristic of his countrymen. Grammont, it was said, " slept neither night nor day ;" his life was one scene of incessant excitement. His father, supposed to have been the natural sou of Henry the Great, of France, did not suppress that fact, but desired to publish it ; for the morals of his time were so depraved, that it was thought to be more honorable to be the illegitimate son of a king that the lawful child of lowlier parents. Born in the Castle of Semeae, on the banks of the Garonne, the fame of two fair ancestresses, Corisande and Menadame, had entitled the family of De Grammont to expect in each successive mem- ber an inheritance of beauty. Wit, courage, good-nature, a charming address, and boundless assurance, were the heritage of Philibert de Grammont. Beauty was not his possession : good-nature, a more popular quality, he had in abundance : "His wit to scandal never stooping, His mirth .ne'er to buffoonery drooping." As Philibert grew up, the two aristocratic professions of France were presented for his choice : the army or the church. Neither of these vocations constitutes now the ambition of the high-born in France : the church, to a certain extent, retains its prestige, but the army, ever since officers have risen from the ranks, does not comprise the same class of men as in En- gland. In the reign of Louis XIII. , when De Grammont lived, it was otherwise. All political power was vested in the church. Richelieu was, to all purposes, the ruler of France, the dictator of Europe; and, with regard to the church, great men, at the head of military affairs, were daily proving to the world how much intelligence could effect with a small numerical power. Young men took one course or another; the sway of the cabi- net, on the one hand, tempted them to the church ; the bril- C 50 DE GBAMMONTS CHOICE. liant exploits of Turenne, and of Conde, on the other, led them to the camp. It was merely the difference of dress between the two that constituted the distinction : the soldier might be as pious as the priest, the priest was sure to be as worldly as the soldier ; the soldier might have ecclesiastical preferment ; the priest sometimes turned out to fight. Philibert de Grammont chose to be a soldier. He was styled the Chevalier de Grammont, according to custom, his father being still living. He fought under Turenne, at the siege of Trino. The army in which he served was beleaguer- ing that city when the gay youth from the banks of the Gar- onne joined it, to aid it not so much by his valor as by the fun, the railleiy, the off-hand anecdote, the ready, hearty compan- ionship which lightened the soldier's life in the trenches: adieu to impatience, to despair, even to gravity. The very generals could not maintain their seriousness when the light- hearted De Grammont uttered a repartee — " Sworn enemy to all long speeches, Lively and brilliant, frank and free, Author of many a repartee : Remember, over all, that he Was not renowned for storming breaches." Where he came, all was sunshine, yet there breathed not a colder, graver man than the Calvinist Turenne : modest, seri- ous, somewhat hard, he gave the young nobility who served under him no quarter in their shortcomings ; but a word, a look, from De Grammont could make him, malgre hot, itnbend. The gay chevalier's white charger's prancing, its gallant rider foremost in every peril, were not forgotten in after times, when De Grammont, in extreme old age, chatted over the achieve- ments and pleasures of his youth. Among those who courted his society in Turenne's ai-my was Matta, a soldier of simple maimers, hardy habits, and hand- some person, joined to a candid, honest nature. He soon pei*- suaded. De Grammont to share his quarters, and there they gave splendid entertainments, which, Frenchman-like, De Gram- mont paid for out of the successes of the gaming-tables. But chances were against them ; the two officers were at the mer- cy of their maitre d'hotel, who asked for money. One day, when De Grammont came home sooner than usual, he found Matta fast asleep. While De Grammont stood looking at him, he awoke, and burst into a violent fit of laughter. " What is the matter ?" cried the chevalier. " Faith, chevalier," answered Matta, " I was dreaming that we had sent away our maitre (Vhbtel, and were resolved to live like our neighbors for the rest of the campaign." THE CHURCH OR THE ARMY. 51 " Poor fellow !" cried De Grammont. " So you are knocked down at once : what would have become of you if you bad been reduced to the situation I was in at Lyons, four days before I came here ? Come, I will tell you all about it." "Begin a little farther back," cried Matta, " and tell me about the manner in which you first paid your respects to Cardinal Richelieu. Lay aside your pranks as a child, your genealogy, and all your ancestors together ; you can not know any thing about them." " Well," replied De Grammont, " it was my father's own fault that he was not Henry IV.'s son : see what the Gram- monts have lost by this cross-grained fellow ! Faith, we might have walked before the Counts de Veudome at this very mo- ment." Then he went on to relate how he had been sent to Pan, to the college, to be brought up to the church, with an old serv- ant to act both as his valet and his guardian. How his head was too full of gaming to learn Latin. How they gave him his rank at college, as the youth of quality, when he did not deserve it ; how he traveled up to Paris to his brother to be polished, and went to court in the character of an abbe. "Ah, Matta, you know the kind of dress then in vogue. No, I would not change my dress, but I consented to draw over it a cassock. I had the finest head of hair in the world, well curl- ed and powdered above my cassock, and below were my white buskins and spurs." Even Richelieu, that hypocrite, he went on to relate, could not help laughing at the parti-colored costume, sacerdotal above, soldier-like below; but the cardinal Avas greatly offend- ed — not with the absence of decorum, but with the dangerous wit, that could laugh in public at the cowl and shaven crown, points which constituted the greatest portion of Richelieu's sanctity. De Grammont's brother, however, thus addressed the chev- alier : — " Well, my little parson," said he, as they went home, " you have acted your part to perfection ; but now you must choose your career. If you like to stick to the church, you will possess great revenues, and nothing to do ; if you choose to go into the army, you will risk your arm or your leg, but in time you may be a major general with a wooden leg and a glass eye, the spectacle of an indifferent, ungrateful court. Make your choice." The choice, Pliilibert went on to relate, was made. For the good of his soul, he renounced the church, but for his own ad- vantage, he kept his abbacy. This was not difficult in days' when secular abbes were common ; nothing would induce him 52 A BKILLIANT IDEA. to change bis resolution of being a soldier. Meantime be was perfecting his accomplishments as a fine gentleman, one of the requisites for which was a knowledge of all sorts of games. No matter that his mother was miserable at his decision. Had her son been an abbe, she thought he would have become a saint : nevertheless, when he returned home, with the air of a courtier and a man of the world, boy as he was, and the very impersonation of what might then be termed lajeune France, she was so enchanted with him that she consented to his go- ing to the wars, attended again by Brinon, his valet, equerry, and mentor in one. Next in De Grammont's narrative came his adventure at Lyons, where he spent the 200 louis his moth- er had given Brinon for him, in play, and very nearly broke the poor old servant's heart; where he had duped a horse- dealer ; and he ended by proposing plans, similarly honorable, to be adopted for their present emergencies. The first step was to go to head-quarters, to dine with a certain Count de Cameran, a Savoyard, and invite him to sup- per. Here Matta interposed, "Are you mad?" he exclaim- ed. " Invite him to supper ! we have neither money nor credit ; we are ruined ; and to save us you intend to give a supper !" "Stupid fellow!" cried De Grammont. "Cameran plays at quinze : so do I : we want money. He has more than he knows what to do with : we give a supper, he pays for it. However," he added, " it is necessary to take certain precau- tions. You command the guards : when night comes on, or- der your Sergent-de-place to have fifteen or twenty men under arms, and let them lay themselves flat on the ground between this and head-quarters. Most likely we shall win this stupid fellow's money. Now the Piedmontese are suspicious, and he commands the horse. Now you know, Matta, you can not hold your tongue, and are very likely to let out some joke that will vex him. Supposing he takes it into his head that he is being cheated ? He has always eight or ten horsemen : we must be prepared." "Embrace me!" cried Matta, "embrace me! for thou art unparalleled. I thought you only meant to prepare a pack of cards and some false dice. But the idea of protecting a man who plays at quinze by a detachment of foot is excellent; thine own, dear chevalier !" Thus, like some of Dumas' heroes, hating villainy as a mat- ter of course, but being by no means ashamed to acknowledge it, the Piedmontese was asked to supper. Pie came. Never- theless, in the midst of the affair, when De Cameran was los- ing as fast as he could, Matta's conscience touched him : he DE GKAMMONT's GENEROSITY. 53 awoke from a deep sleep, heard the dice shaking, saw the poor Savoyard losing, and advised him to play no more. " Don't you know, count, you can not win ?" "Why?" asked the count. " Why, faith, because we are cheating you," was the reply. The chevalier turned round impatiently, " Sieur Matta," he cried, " do you suppose it can he any amusement to Monsieur le Comte to be plagued with your ill-timed jests ? For my part, I am so weary of the game that I swear by Jupiter I can scarcely play any more." Nothing is more distasteful to a losing gamester than a hint of leaving off; so the count en- treated the chevalier to continue, and assured him that " Mon- sieur Matta might say what he pleased, for it did not give him the least uneasiness to continue." The chevalier allowed the count to play upon credit, and that act of courtesy was taken very kindly: the dupe lost 1500 pistoles, which he paid the next morning, when Matta was sharply reprimanded for his interference. " Faith," he answered, " it was a point of conscience with me; besides it would have given me pleasure to have seen his horse engaged with my infantry, if he had taken any thing amiss." The sum thus gained set the spendthrifts up ; and De Gram- mont satisfied his conscience by giving it away, to a certain extent, in charity. It is singular to perceive in the history of this celebrated man that moral taint of character which the French have never lost : this total absence of right reasoning on all points of conduct, is coupled in our Gallic neighbors with the greatest natural benevolence, with a generosity only kept back by poverty, with impulsive, impressionable^ disposi- tions, that require the guidance of a sound Protestant faith to elevate and correct them. The chevalier hastened, it is related, to find out distressed comrades, officers who had lost their baggage, or who had been ruined by gaming ; or soldiers Avho had been disabled in the trenches ; and his manner of relieving them was as grace- ful and as delicate as the bounty he distributed was welcome. He was the darling of the array. The poor soldier knew him personally, and adored him ; the general was sure to meet him in the scenes of action, and to seek his company in those of security. And, having thus retrieved his finances, the gay-hearted chevalier used, henceforth, to make De Cameran go halves with him in all games in which the odds were in his own favor. Even the staid Calvinist, Turenne, who had not then renounced, as he did in after life, the Protestant faith, delight- 54 A HORSE "FOR THE CARDS." ed in the off-hand merriment of the chevalier. It was toward the end of the siege of Trino, that De Grammont went to visit that general in some new quarters, where Turenne received him, surrounded by fifteen or twenty officers. According to the custom of the day, cards were introduced, and the general asked the chevalier to play. " Sir," returned the young soldier, " my tutor taught me that when a man goes to see his friends it is neither prudent to leave his own money behind him nor civil to take theirs." " Well," answered Turenne, " I can tell you you will find neither much money nor deep play among us ; but that it can not be said that Ave allowed you to go off without playing, suppose we each of us stake a horse." De Grammont agreed, and, lucky as ever, won from the officers some fifteen or sixteen horses, by way of a joke ; but seeing several faces pale, he said, " Gentlemen, I should be sorry to see you go away from your general's quarters on foot; it will do very well if you all send me to-morrow your horses, except one, which I give for the cards." The valet-de-chambre thought he was jesting. " I am seri- ous," cried the chevalier. " Parole d'honneur I give a horse for the cards ; and what's more, take which you please, only don't take mine." " Faith," said Turenne, pleased with the novelty of the af- fair, " I don't believe a horse was ever before given for the cards." Young people, and indeed old people, can perhaps hardly remember the time when, even in England, money used to be put under the candlesticks "for the cards," as it was said, but in fact for the servants, who waited. Winner or loser, the tax was to be paid, and this custom of vails was also prevalent in France. Trino at last surrendered, and the two friends rushed from their campaigning life to enjoy the gaveties of Turin, at that time the centre of pleasure ; and resolved to perfect their char- acters as military heroes — by falling in love, if respectably, well ; if disreputably, well too, perhaps all the more agreea- ble, and venturesome, as they thought. The court of Turin was then presided over by the Duchess of Savoy, Madame JRoyale, as she was called in France, the daughter of Henry IV. of France, the sister of Henrietta Ma- ria of England. She was a woman of talent and spirit, worthy of her descent, and had certain other qualities which constitu- ted a point of resemblance between her and her father ; she was, like him, more fascinating than respectable. The customs of Turin were rather Italian than French. At KNIGHT-CTCISBEISM. 55 that time every lady had her professed lover, who wore the liveries of his mistress, bore her arms, and sometimes assumed her very name. The office of the lover was, never to quit his lady in public, and never to approach her in private : to be on all occasions her esquire. In the tournament her chosen knight- cicisbeo came forth with his coat, his housings, his very lance distinguished with the ciphers and colors of her who had con- descended to invest him with her preference. It was the rem- nant of chivalry that authorized this custom ; but of chivalry demoralized — chivalry denuded of her purity, her respect, the chivalry of corrupted Italy, not of that which, perhaps falla- ciously, we assign to the earlier ages. Grammont and Matta enlisted themselves at once in the service of two beauties. Grammont chose for the queen of beauty, who was to " rain influence" upon him, Mademoiselle de St. Germain, who was in the very bloom of youth. She was French, and, probably, an ancestress of that all-accom- plished Comte de St. Germain, whose exploits so dazzled suc- cessive European courts, and the fullest account of whom, in all its brilliant colors, yet tinged with mystery, is given in the Memoirs of Maria Antoinette, by the Marquise d'Adhemar, her lady of the bedchamber. The lovely object of De Grammont's "first love" was a radiant brunette belle, who took no pains to set off" by art the charms of nature. She had some defects : her black and spark- ling eyes were small ; her forehead, by no means " as pure as moonlight sleeping upon snow," was not fair, neither were her hands ; neither had she small feet — but her form generally was perfect ; her elbows had a peculiar elegance in them ; and in old times to hold the elbow out well, and yet not to stick it out, was a point of early discipline. Then her glossy black hair set off a superb neck and shoulders ; and, moreovei-, she was gay, full of mirth, life, complaisance, perfect in all the acts of politeness, and invariable in her gracious and graceful bearing. Matta admired her ; but De Grammont ordered him to at- tach himself to the Marquise de Senantes, a married beauty of the court ; and Matta, in full faith that all Grammont said and did was sure to succeed, obeyed his friend. The chevalier had fallen in love with Mademoiselle de St. Germain at first sight, and instantly arrayed himself in her color, which was green, while Matta wore blue, in compliment to the mai-quise ; and they entered the next day upon duty, at La Venerie, where the Duchess of Savoy gave a grand entertainment. De Gram- mont, with his native tact and unscrupulous mendacity, played his part to perfection ; but his comrade, Matta, committed a 5(5 jjk grammont's witty attacks on mazarin. hundred solecisms. The very second time be honored the marquise with his attentions, he treated her as if she were his humble servant : when he pressed her hand, it was a pressure that almost made her scream. When he ought to have ridden by the side of her coach, he set off, on seeing a hare start from her form ; then he talked to her of partridges when he should have been laying himself at her feet. Both these affairs ended as might have been expected. Mademoiselle de St. Germain was diverted by Grammont, yet he could not touch her heart. Her aim was to marry ; his was merely to attach himself to a reigning beauty. They parted without regret ; and he left the then remote court of Turin for the gayer scenes of Paris and Versailles. Here he became as celebrated for his alertness in play as for his readiness in repartee ; as noted for his intrigues as he afterward was for his bravery. Those were stirring days in France. Anne of Austria, then in her maturity, was governed by Mazarin, the most artful of ministers, an Italian to the very heart's core, with a love of amassing wealth ingrafted in his supple nature that amounted to a monomania. The whole aim of his life was gain. Though gaming was at its height, Mazarin never played for amuse- ment ; he played to enrich himself; and when he played, he cheated. The Chevalier de Grammont was rich, and Mazarin wor- shiped the rich. Pie was witty ; and his wit soon procured him admission into the clique whom the wily Mazarin collected around him in Paris. Whatever were De Grammont's faults, he soon perceived those of Mazarin ; he detected, and he de- tested the wily, grasping, serpent-like attributes of the Italian; lie attacked him on every occasion on which a " wit combat" was possible ; he gracefully showed Mazarin off in his true col- ors. With ease he annihilated him, metaphorically, at his own table. Yet De Grammont had something to atone for : he had been the adherent and coinj)anion in arms of Conde ; he had followed that hero to Sens, to Nordlingen, to Fribourg, and had returned to his allegiance to the young king, Louis XIV., only because he wished to visit the court at Paris. Mazarin's policy, however, was that of pardon and peace — of duplicity and treachery — and the chevalier seemed to be forgiven on his return to Paris, even by Anne of Austria. Nevertheless, De Grammont never lost his independence ; and he could boast in after life that he owed the two great cardinals who had gov- erned France nothing that they could have refused. It Avas true that Richelieu had left him his abbacy ; but he could not refuse it to one of De Grammont's rank. From Mazarin he had gained nothing except what he had won at play. ANNE LUCIE DE LA MOTHE HOUDANCOUKT. 57 After Mazarin's death the chevalier intended to secure the favor of the king, Louis XIV., to whom, as he rejoiced to find, court alone was now to be paid. He had now somewhat rec- tified his distinctions between right and wrong, and was re- solved to have no regard for favor unless supported by merit ; he determined to make himself beloved by the courtiers of Louis, and feared by the ministers ; to dare to undertake any thing to do good, and to engage in nothing at the expense of innocence. He still continued to be eminently successful in play, of which he did not perceive the evil, nor allow the wickedness ; but he was unfortunate in love, in which he was equally unscrupulous and more rash than at the gaming-table. Among the maids of honor of Anne of Austria was a young lady named Anne Lucie de la Mot he Houdancourt. Louis, though not long married, showed some symptoms of admira- tion for this debutante in the wicked ways of the court. Gay, radiant in the bloom of youth and innocence, the sto- ry of this young girl presents an instance of the unhappiness which, without guilt, the sins of others bring upon even the virtuous. The queen-dowager, Anne of Austria, Avas living at St. Germains when Mademoiselle de la Mothe Houdancourt was received into her household. The Duchess de Noailles, at that time Grande Maitresse, exercised a vigilant and kind- ly rule over the maids of honor ; nevertheless, she could not prevent their being liable to the attentions of Louis: she for- bade him however to loiter, or indeed even to be seen in the room appropriated to the young damsels under her charge; and when attracted by the beauty of Anne Lucie de la Mothe, Louis was obliged to speak to her through a hole behind a clock which stood in a corridor. Anne Lucie, notwithstanding this apparent encouragement of the king's addresses, was perfectly indifferent to his admi- ration. She Avas secretly attached to the Marquis de Riche- lieu, who had, or pretended to have, honorable intentions to- Avard her. Every thing Avas tried, but tried in vain, to induce the poor girl to give up all her predilections for the sake of a guilty distinction — that of being the king's mistress : even her mother reproached her with her coldness. A family council Avas held, in hopes of convincing her of her willfulness, and Anne Lucie Avas bitterly reproached by her female relatives; but her heart still clung to the faithless Marquis de Richelieu, Avho, however, Avhen he saAV that a royal lover Avas his rival, meanly withdrew. Her fall seemed inevitable; but the firmness of Anne of Austria saved her from her ruin. That queen insisted on her being sent away ; and she resisted even the entreaties of the C2 58 BESET WITH SNARES. queen, her daughter-in-law, and the wife of Louis XIV. ; who, for some reason not explained, entreated that the young lady might remain at the court. Anne was sent away in a sort of disgrace to the convent of Chaillot, which was then consider- ed to be quite out of Paris, and sufficiently secluded to pro- tect her from visitors. According to another account, a let- ter full of reproaches, which she wrote to the Marquis de Richelieu, upbraiding him for his desertion, had been inter- cepted. It was to this young lady that De Grammont, who was then, in the very centre of the court, " the type of fashion and the mould 01 form," attached himself as an admirer who could condescend to honor with his attentions those whom the king pursued. The once gay girl was thus beset with snares : on one side was the king, whose disgusting pref- erence was shown when in her presence by sighs and senti- ment ; on the other, De Grammont, whose attentions to her were importunate, but failed to convince her that he was in love ; on the other was the time-serving, heartless De Riche- lieu, whom her reason condemned but her heart cherished. She soon showed her distrust and dislike of De Grammont : she treated him with contempt ; she threatened him with ex- posure, yet he would not desist : then she complained of him to the king. It was then that he perceived that though love could equalize conditions, it could not act in the same way be- tween rivals. He was commanded to leave the court. Par- is, therefore, Versailles, Fontainebleau, and St. Germains were closed against this gay chevalier ; and how could he live else- where ? Whither could he go ? Strange to say, he had a vast fancy to behold the man who, stained with the ci'ime of regicide, and sprung from the people, was receiving magnifi- cent embassies from continental nations, while Charles II. was seeking security in his exile from the power of Spain in the Low Countries. He was eager to see the Protector, Crom- well. But Cromwell, though in the height of his fame when beheld by De Grammont — though feared at home and abroad — was little calculated to win suffrages from a mere man of pleasure like De Grammont. The court, the city, the coun- try, were in his days gloomy, discontented, joyless : a pro- scribed nobility was the sure cause of the thin though few festivities of the now lugubrious gallery of Whitehall. Pu- ritanism drove the old jovial churchmen into retreat, and dis- pelled every lingering vestige of the old hospitality: long graces and long sermons, sanctimonious manners, and grim, sad faces, and sad -colored dresses, were not much to De Grammont's taste: he returned to France, and declared th.it CHARLES II. 59 he had gained no advantage from his travels. Nevertheless, either from choice or necessity, he made another trial of the damps and fogs of England.* When he again visited our country, Charles II. had been two years seated on the throne of his father. Every thing Avas changed, and the British court was in its fullest splen- dor; while the rejoicings of the people of England at the Res- toration were still resounding through the land. If one could include royal personages in the rather gay than worthy category of the " wits and beaux of society," Charles II. should figure at their head. He was the most agreeable companion, and the worst king imaginable. In the first place he was, as it were, a citizen of the world ; tossed about by for- tune from his early boyhood ; a witness at the tender age of twelve of the battle of Edge Hill, where the celebrated Har- vey had charge of him and of his brother. That inauspicious commencement of a wandering life had perhaps been among the least of his early trials. The fiercest was his long resi- dence as a sort of royal prisoner in Scotland. A traveled, humbled man, he came back to England with a full knowl- edge of men and manners, in the prime of his life, with spirits unbroken by adversity, with a heart unsoured by that " stern nurse," with a gayety that was always kindly, never uncourt- eous, ever more French than English ; far more natural did he appear as the son of Henrietta Maria than as the offspring of the thoughtful Charles. In person, too, the king was then agreeable ; though rather what the French would call distingue than dignified ; he w r as, however, tall, and somewhat elegant, with a long French face, which in his boyhood w r as plump and full about the lower part of the cheeks, but now began to sink into that well-knowm, lean, dark, flexible countenance, in which we do not, howev- er, recognize the gayety of the man whose very name brings with it associations of wit, politeness, good company, and all the attributes of a first-rate wit, except the almost inevitable ill-nature. There is in the physiognomy of Chai'les II. that melancholy which is often observable in the faces of those who are mere men of pleasure. Do Grammont found himself completely in his own sphere at Whitehall, w T here the habits were far more French than English. Along that stately Mall, overshadowed with um- brageous trees, which retains — and it is to be hoped ever will retain — the old name of the "Birdcage Walk," one can pic- ture to one's self the king walking so fast that no one can * M. de Grammont visited England during the Protectorate. His second visit, after being forbidden the court by Louis XIV., was in 1662. GO THE COURT OF CHARLES II. keep up with him; yet stopping from time to time to chat with some acquaintances. He is walking to Duck Island, which is full of his favorite water-fowl, and of which he has given St. Evremond the government. How pleasant is his talk to those who attend him as he walks along; how well the quality of good-nature is shown in his love of dumb animals ; how completely he is a boy still, even in that brown wig of many cm-Is, and with the George and Garter on his breast! Boy, indeed, for he is followed by a litter of young spaniels : a little brindled greyhound frisks beside him ; it is for that he is ridiculed by the "psalm" sung at the Calves' Head Club : these favorites were cherished to his death. "His dogs would sit in council boards Like judges in their seats : We question much which had most sense, The master or the curs." Then what capital stories Charles would tell, as he unbent at night amid the faithful, though profligate companions of his exile! He told his anecdotes, it is true, over and over again, yet they were always embellished with some fresh touch — like the repetition of* a song which has been encored on the stage. Whether from his inimitable art, or from his royalty, we leave others to guess, but his stories bore repeti- tion again and again : they were amusing, and even novel, to the very last. To this seducing court did De Grammont now come. It was a delightful exchange from the endless ceremonies and punctilios of the region over which Louis XIV. presided. Wherever Charles was, his palace appeared to resemble a large hospitable house — sometimes town, sometimes country — in which every one did as he liked ; and where distinctions of rank were kept up as a matter of convenience, but were only valued on that score. Charles had modeled his court very much on the plan of that of Louis XIV., which he had admired for its gayety and spirit. Corneille, Racine, Moliere, Boileau, were encouraged by le Grand Monarque. Wycherley and Dryden were at- tracted by Charles to celebrate the festivities, and to amuse the great and the gay. In other points De Grammont found a resemblance. The queen -consort, Catherine of Braganza, was as complacent to her husband's vices as the queen of Louis. These royal ladies were merely first sultanas, and had no right, it was thought, to feel jealousy or to resent neglect. Each returning Sabbath saw Whitehall lighted up, and heard the tabors sound for a branle (Anglicized "brawl"). This was a dance which mixed up every body, and called a brawl, INTRODUCTION OF COUNTRY DANCES. 61 from the foot being shaken to a quick time. Gayly did his Majesty perform it, leading to the hot exercise Anne Hyde, Duchess of York, stout and homely, and leaving Lady Castle- maine to his son the Duke of Monmouth. Then Charles, with ready grace, would begin the coranto, taking a single lady in this dance along the gallery. Lords and ladies one after an- other followed, and " very noble," writes Pepys, " and great pleasure it was to see." Next came the country dances, in- troduced by Mary, Countess of Buckingham, the grandmoth- er of the graceful duke who is moving along the gallery ; and she invented those once popular dances in order to introduce, with less chance of failure, her rustic country cousins, who could not easily be taught to carry themselves well in the brawl, or to step out gracefully in the coranto, both of which dances required practice and time. In all these dances the king shines the most, and dances much better than his broth- er the Duke of York. In these gay scenes De Grammont met with the most fash- ionable belles of the court : fortunately for him they all spoke French tolerably; and he quickly made himself welcome among even the few — and few indeed there were — who plumed them- selves iq^on untainted reputations. Hitherto those French no- blemen who had presented themselves in England had been poor and absurd. The court had been thronged with a troop of impertinent Parisian coxcombs, who had pretended to de- spise every thing English, and who treated the natives as if they were foreigners in their own country. De Grammont, on the contrary, was familiar with every one : he ate, he drank, he lived, in short, according to the custom of the country that hospitably received him, and accorded him the more respect, because they had been insulted by others. He now introduced the petits soupers, which have never been understood any where so well as in France, and which are even there dying out to make way for the less social and more expensive dinner; but, perhaps, he would even here have been unsuccessful, had it not been for the society and advice of the famous St. Evremond, who at this time was exiled in France and took refuge in England. This celebrated and accomplished man had some points of re- semblance with De Grammont. Like him, he had been origin- ally intended for the church ; like him he had turned to the mil- itary profession ; he was an ensign before he was full sixteen ; and had a company of foot given him after serving two or three campaigns. Like De Grammont, he owed the facilities of his early career to his being the descendant of an ancient and hon- orable family. St. Evremond was the Seigneur of St. Denis le Gnast, in Normandy, where he was horn, 62 NORMAN PECULIARITIES. Both these sparkling wits of society had at one time, and, in fact, at the same period, served under the great Conde ; both were pre-eminent, not only in literature, but in games of chance. St. Evremond was famous at the University of Caen, in which he studied, for his fencing ; and " St. Evremond's pass" was well known to swordsmen of his time ; both were gay and sa- tirical ; neither of them pretended to rigid morals ; but both were accounted men of honor among their fellow-men of pleas- ure. They were graceful, kind, generous. In person St. Evremond had the advantage, being a Norman — a race which combines the handsomest traits of an English countenance with its blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. Nei- ther does the slight tinge of the Gallic race detract from the attractions of a true, well-born Norman, bred up in that prov- ince which is called the Court-end of France, and polished in the capital. Your Norman is hardy, and fond of field-sport's : like the Englishman, he is usually fearless ; generous, but some- what crafty. You may know him by the fresh color, the pe- culiar blue eye, long and large ; by his joyousness and look of health, gathered up even in his own marshy country, for the Norman is well fed, and lives on rich pasture-land, with cheap- ness and plenty around him. And St. Evremond was one of the handsomest specimens of this fine locality (so mixed up as it is with us) ; and his blue eyes sparkled with humor ; his beautifully-turned mouth was all sweetness ; and his noble forehead, the whiteness of which was set off by thick dark eyebrows, was expressive of his great intelligence, until a wen grew between his eyebrows, and so changed all the expression of his face that the Duchess of Mazarin used to call him the " Old Satyr." St. Evremond was also Norman in other re- spects : he called himself a thorough Roman Catholic, yet he despised the superstitions of his church, and prepared himself for death without them. When asked by an ecclesiastic sent expressly from the court of Florence to attend his death-bed, if he " would be reconciled," he answered, " With all my heart ; I would fain be reconciled to my stomach, which no longer performs its usual functions." And his talk, we are told, dur- ing the fortnight that preceded his death, was not regret for a life we should, in seriousness, call misspent, but because par- tridges and pheasants no longer suited his condition, and he was obliged to be reduced to boiled meats. No one, however, could tell what might also be passing in his heart. We can not always judge of a life, any more than of a drama, by its last scene; but this is -certain, that in an age of blasphemy St. Evremond could not endure to hear religion insulted by ridi- cule. " Common decency," said this man of the world, " and THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN EUJROPE. 63 a due regard to our fellow-creatures, would not permit it." He did not, it seems, refer his displeasure to a higher source — to the jn-esence of the Omniscient — who claims from us all not alone the tribute of our poor trail hearts in serious mo- ments, but the deep reverence of every thought in the hours of careless pleasure. It was now St. Evremond who taught De Grammont to col- lect around him the wits of that court, so rich in attractions, so poor in honor and morality. The object of St. Evremond's devotion, though he had at the era of the Restoration passed his fiftieth year, was Hortense Mancini, once the richest heir- ess, and still the most beautiful Avoman in Europe, and a niece, on her mother's side, of Cardinal Mazarin's. Hortense had been educated, after the age of six, in France. She was Ital- ian in her accomplishments, in her reckless, wild disposition, opposed to that of the French, who are generally calculating and wary even in their vices : she was Italian in the style of her surpassing beauty, and French to the core in her princi- ples. Hortense, at the age of thirteen, had been married to Armand Due de Meilleraye and Mayenne, who had fallen so desperately in love with this beautiful child, that he declared " if he did not marry her he should die in three months." Cardinal Mazarin, although he had destined his niece Mary to this alliance, gave his consent on condition that the duke should take the name of Mazarin. The cardinal died a year after this marriage, leaving his niece Hortense the enormous fortune of £1,625,000 ; yet she died in the greatest difficulties, and her corpse was seized by her creditors. The Due de Mayenne proved to be a fanatic, who used to waken his wife in the dead of the night to hear his visions ; who forbade his child to be nursed on fast-days ; and who be- lieved himself to be inspired. After six years of wretchedness, poor Hortense petitioned for a separation and a division of property. She quitted her husband's home, and took refuge first in a nunnery, where she showed her unbelief or her irrev- erence, by mixing ink with holy water, that the poor nuns might black their faces when they crossed themselves ; or, in concert with Madame de Courcelles, another handsome mar- ried woman, she used to walk through the dormitories in the dead of night, with a number of little dogs barking at their heels ; then she filled two great chests that were over the dor- mitories with water, which ran over, and, penetrating through the chinks of the floor, wet the holy sisters in their beds. At length all this sorry gayety was stopped by a decree that Hor- tense was to return to the Palais Mazarin ; and to remain there until the suit for a separation should be decided. That the re- 04 HORTENSE kANCINl'S ADVENTURES. suit should be favorable was doubtful : therefore, one fine night in June, 1667, Hortense escaped. She dressed herself in male attire, and, attended by a female servant, managed to get through the gate of Paris, and to enter a carriage. Then she fled to Switzerland ; and, had not her flight been shared by the Chevalier de Rohan, one of the handsomest men in France, one could hardly have blamed an escape from a half-lunatic husband. She was only twenty-eight when, after various ad- ventures, she came in all her unimpaired beauty to England. Charles was captivated by her charms, and, touched by her misfortunes, he settled on her a pension of £4000 a year, and gave her rooms in St. James's. Waller sang her praise : "When through the world fair Mazarine had run, Bright as her fellow- traveler, the sun: Hither at length the Roman eagle flies, As the last triumph of her conquering eyes." If Hortense failed to carry off from the Duchess of Ports- mouth — then the star of Whitehall — the heart of Charles, she found, at all events, in St. Evremond one of those French, pla- tonic, life-long friends, who, as Chateaubriand worshiped Mad- ame Recamier, adored to the last the exiled niece of Mazarin. Every day, when in her old age and his, the warmth of love had subsided into the serener affection of pitying, and yet ad- miring friendship, St. Evremond was seen, a little old man in a black coif, carried along Pall Mall in a sedan chair, to the apartment of Madame Mazarin, in St. James's. He always took with him a pound of butter, made in his own little dairy, for her breakfast. When De Grammont was installed at the court of Charles, Hortense was, however, in her prime. Her house at Chelsea, then a country village, was famed for its so- ciety and its varied pleasures. St. Evremond has so well de- scribed its attractions that his words should be literally given. " Freedom and discretion are equally to be found there. Ev- ery one is made more at home than in his own house, and treated with more respect than at court. It is true that there are frequent disputes there, but they are those of knowledge and not of anger. There is play there, but it is inconsidera- ble, and only practiced for its amusement. You discover in no countenance the fear of losing, nor concern for what is lost. Some are so disinterested that they are reproached for ex- pressing joy when they lose, and regret when they win. Play is followed by the most excellent repasts in the world. There you will find whatever delicacy is brought from France, and whatever is curious from the Indies. Even the commonest meats have the rarest relish imparted to them. There is nei- ther a plenty which gives a notion of extravagance, nor a fru- gality that discovers penury or meanness." ANECDOTE OF LORD DORSET. 05 What an assemblage it must have been ! Here lolls Charles, Lord Buckhurst, afterward Lord Dorset, the laziest, in matters of business or court advancement — the boldest, in point of frolic and pleasure, of all the wits and beaux of his time. His youth had been full of adventure and of dissipation. " I know not how it is," said Wilmot, Lord Rochester, "but my Lord Dorset can do any thing, and is never to blame." He had, in truth, a heart ; he could bear to hear others praised ; he de- spised the arts of courtiers ; he befriended the unhappy ; he was the most engaging of men in manners, the most lovable and accomplished of human beings ; at once poet, philanthro- pist, and wit ; he was also possessed of chivalric notions, and of daring courage. Like his royal master, Lord Dorset had traveled ; and when made a gentleman of the bedchamber to Charles II., he was not unlike his sovereign in other traits ; so full of gayety, so high-bred, so lax, so courteous, so convivial, that no supper was complete without him ; no circle " the right thing," unless Buckhurst, as he was long called, was there to pass the bottle round, and to keep every one in good humor. Yet, he had misspent a youth in reckless immorality, and had even been in Newgate on a charge, a doubtful charge, it is true, of highway robbery and murder, but had been found guilty of manslaugh- ter only. He was again mixed up in a disgraceful affair with Sir Charles Sedley. When brought before Sir Robert Hyde, then Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, his name having been mentioned, the judge inquired whether that was the Buckhurst lately tried for robbery ? and when told it was, he asked him whether he had so soon forgotten his deliverance at that time : and whether it would not better become him to have been at his prayers begging God's forgiveness, than to come into such courses again ? The reproof took effect, and Buckhurst became what was then esteemed a steady man ; he volunteered and fought gal- lantly in the fleet, under James Duke of York; and he com- pleted his reform, to all outward show, by marrying Lady Fal- mouth.* Buckhurst, in society, the most good-tempered of men, was thus referred to by Prior, in his poetical epistle to Fleetwood Sheppard : "When crowding folks, with strange ill faces, Were making legs and begging places ; * The Earl of Dorset married Elizabeth, widow of Charles Berkeley, Earl of Falmouth, and daughter of Hervey Bagot, Esq., of Pipe Hall, Warwick- shire, who died without issue. He married, 7th March, 1684-5, Lady Mary Compton, daughter of James Earl of Northampton. 66 LORD ROCHESTER IN HIS ZENITH. And some with patents, some with merit, Tired out my good Lord Dorset's spirit." Yet his pen was full of malice, while his heart was tender to all. Wilmot, Lord Rochester, cleverly said of him : — "For pointed satire I would Buckhurst ehuse, The best good man with the worst-natured muse." Still more celebrated as a beau and wit of his time, was John Wilmot, Lord Rochester. He was the son of Lord Wil- mot, the cavalier who so loyally attended Charles II. after the battle of Worcester ; and, as the offspring of that loyalist, was greeted by Lord Clarendon, then Chancellor of the University of Oxford, when he took his degree as Master of Arts, with a kiss.* The young nobleman then traveled, according to cus- tom ; and then most unhappily for himself and for others, whom he corrupted by his example, he presented himself at the court of Charles II. He was at this time a youth of eight- een, and one of the handsomest persons of his age. The face of Buckhurst was hard and plain; that of De Grammont had little to redeem it but its varying intelligence ; but the coun- tenance of the young Earl of Rochester was perfectly symmet- rical : it was of a long oval, with large, thoughtful, sleepy eyes ; the eyebrows arched and high above them ; the brow, though concealed by the curls of the now modest wig, was high and smooth ; the nose, delicately shaped, somewhat aquiline ; the mouth full, but perfectly beautiful, was set off by a round and well-formed chin. Such was Lord Rochester in his zenith ; and as he came forward on state occasions, his false light curls hanging down on his shoulders — a cambric kerchief loosely tied, so as to let the ends, worked in point, fall gracefully down; his scarlet gown in folds over a suit of light steel armor — for men had become carpet knights then, and the coat of mail worn by the brave cavaliers was now less warlike, and was mixed up with robes, ruffles, and rich hose — and when in this guise he appeared at Whitehall, all admired ; and Charles was enchanted with the simplicity, the intelligence, and modesty of one who was then an ingenuous youth, with good aspira- tions and a staid and decorous demeanor. Woe to Lady Rochester — woe to the mother who trusted her son's innocence in that vitiated court ! Lord Rochester forms one of the many instances we daily behold, that it is the inexperienced, the ignorant, who fall most deeply, as well as most early, into temptation. He soon lost every trace of vir- tue — of principle, even of deference to received notions of pro- * Lord Rochester succeeded to the Earldom in 1659. It was created by Charles II. in 1652, at Paris. HIS COURAGE AND WIT. G7 priety. For a while there seemed hopes that he would not wholly fall : courage was his inheritance, and he distinguished himself in 16G5, when, as a volunteer, he went in quest of the Dutch East India Fleet, and served with heroic gallantry un- der Lord Sandwich. And when he returned to court, there was a partial improvement in his conduct. He even looked back upon his former indiscretions with horror : he had now shared in the realities of life : he had grasped a high and hon- orable ambition ; but he soon fell away — soon became almost a castaway. " For live years," he told Bishop Burnet, when on his death-bed, "I was never sober." His reputation as a wit must i*est, in the present day, chiefly upon productions which have long since been condemned as unreadable. Strange to say, when not under the influence of wine, he was a con- stant student of classical authors, perhaps the worst reading for a man of his tendencies : all that was satirical and impure attracting him most. Boileau, among French writers, and Cowley among the English, were his favorite authors. He also read many books of physic ; for long before thirty his constitution was so broken by his life, that he turned his at- tention to remedies, and to medical treatment ; and it is re- markable how many men of dissolute lives take up the same sort of reading, in the vain hope of repairing a course of disso- lute living. As a writei', his style was at once forcible and lively ; as a companion, he was wildly vivacious : madly, peril- ously, did he outrage decency, insult virtue, profane religion. Charles II. liked him on first acquaintance, for Rochester was a man of the most finished and fascinating manners ; but at length there came a coolness, and the witty courtier was ban- ished from Whitehall. Unhappily for himself he was recalled, and commanded to wait in London until his majesty should choose to readmit him into his presence. Disguises and practical jokes were the fashion of the day. The use of the mask, which was put down by proclamation soon after the accession of Queen Anne, favored a series of pranks with which Lord Rochester, during the period of his living concealed in London, diverted himself. The success of his scheme was perfect. He established himself, since he could not go to Whitehall, in the city. "His first design," De Grammont relates, " was only to be initiated into the myster- ies of those fortunate and happy inhabitants ; that is to say, by changing his name and dress, to gain admittance to their feasts and entertainments. ... As he was able to adapt himself to all capacities and humors, he soon deeply insinuated himself into the esteem of the substantial wealthy aldermen, and into the affections of their more delicate, magnificent, and tender 68 CREDULITY, PAST AND PRESENT. ladies ; he made one in all then* feasts, and at all their assem- blies ; and while in the company of the husbands, he declaim- ed against the faults and mistakes of government ; he joined their wives in railing against the profligacy of the court ladies, and in inveighing against the king's mistresses : he agreed with them, that the industrious poor were to pay for these cursed extravagances; that the City beauties were not inferior to those at the other end of the town, . . . after which, to outdo their murmurings, he said, that he wondered "Whitehall was not yet consumed by fire from heaven, since such rakes as Rochester, Killigrew, and Sidney were suffered there." This conduct endeared him so much to the City, and made him so welcome at their clubs, that at last he grew sick of their cramming, and endless invitations. He now tried a new sphere of action ; and instead of return- ing, as he might have done, to the court, retreated into the most obscure corners of the metropolis ; and again changing his name and dress, gave himself out as a German doctor, named Bendo, who professed to find out inscrutable secrets, and to apply infallible remedies ; to know, by astrology, all the past, and to foretell the future. If the reign of Charles was justly deemed an age of high civilization, it was also one of extreme credulity. Unbelief in religion went hand in hand with blind faith in astrology and witchcraft ; in omens, divinations, and prophecies : neither let us too strongly despise, in these their foibles, our ancestors. They had many excuses for their superstitions ; and for their fears, false as their hopes, and equally groundless. The circu- lation of knowledge was limited : the public journals, that part of the press to which we now owe inexpressible gratitude for its general accuracy, its enlarged views, its purity, its informa- tion, was then a meagre statement of dry facts; an announce- ment, not a commentary. " The Flying Post," the " Daily Courant," the names of which may be supposed to imply speed, never reached lone country places till weeks after they had been printed on their one duodecimo sheet of thin coarse paper. Religion, too, just emerging into glorious light from the darkness of popery, had still Jier superstitions ; and the mantle that priestcraft had contrived to throw over her ex- quisite, radiant, and simple form, was not then wholly and finally withdrawn. Romanism still hovered in the form of credulity. But now, with shame be it spoken, in the full noonday genial splendor of our Reformed Church, with newspapers, the leading articles of which rise to a level with our greatest didactic writers, and are competent even to form the mind as " DR. BENDO AND LA BELLE JENNINGS. 69 well as to amuse the leisure hours of the young readers: with every species of direct communication, we yet hold to fallacies from which the credulous in Charles's time would have shrunk in dismay and disgust. Table-turning, spirit-rapping, clairvoy- ance, Swedenborgianism, and all that family of follies, would have been far too strong for the faith of those who counted upon dreams as their guide, or looked up to the heavenly planets with a belief, partly superstitious, partly reverential, for their guidance ; and in a dim and flickering faith trusted to their stars. "Dr. Bendo," therefore, as Rochester was called — handsome, witty, unscrupulous, and perfectly acquainted with the then small circle of the court — was soon noted for his wonderful revelations. Chamber- Avomen, waiting-maids, and shop-girls were his first customers ; but, very soon, gay spinsters from the court came in their hoods and masks to ascertain, with anxious faces, their fortunes; while the cunning, sarcastic "Dr. Bendo," noted in his diary all the intrigues which were confided to him by these lovely clients. La Belle Jennings, the sister of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, was among his disciples ; she took with her the beautiful JVliss Price, and, dis- guising themselves as orange-girls, these young ladies set off in a hackney-coach to visit Dr. Bendo ; but, when within half a street of the supposed fortune-teller's, were prevented by the interruption of a dissolute courtier named Brounker. "Every thing by turns and nothing long." When Lord Rochester was tired of being an astrologer, he used to roam about the streets as a beggar : then he kept a footman who knew the Court well, and he used to dress him up in a red coat, supply him with a musket, like a sentinel, and send him to watch at the doors of all the fine ladies, to find out their goings on : afterward, Lord Rochester would retire to the country, and write libels on these fair victims, and, one day, offered to present the king with one of his lampoons; but, being tipsy, gave Charles, instead, one written upon himself. At this juncture we read with sorrow Bishop Burnet's forci- ble description of his career: "lie seems to have freed himself from all impressions of virtue or religion, of honor or good-nature. . . . He had but one maxim, to which he adhered firmly, that he has to do every thing, and deny himself in nothing that might maintain his greatness. He was unhappily made for drunkenness, for he had drunk all his friends dead, and was able to subdue two or three sets of drunkards one after another ; so it scarce ever appeared that he was disordered after the greatest drinking: an hour or two of sleep carried all off so entirely, that no sign of them remained. . . . This had a terrible conclusion." 70 LA TRISTJE HERITIERE. Like many other men, Rochester might have been saved by being kept far from the scene of temptation. While he re- mained hi the country lie was tolerably sober, perhaps steady. When he approached Brentford on his route to London, his old propensities came upon him. When scarcely out of his boyhood he carried off a young heiress, Elizabeth Mallet, whom De Grammont calls La triste heritiere: and triste, indeed, she naturally was. Possessed of a fortune of £2500 a year, this young lady was marked out by Charles II. as a victim for the profligate Rochester. But the reckless young wit chose to take his own way of managing the matter. One night, after supping at Whitehall, with Miss Stuart, the young Elizabeth was returning home with her grandfather, Lord Haly, when their coach was suddenly stop- ped near Charing Cross by a number of bravos, both on horse- back and on foot — the "Roaring Boys and Mohawks," who were not extinct even in Addison's time. They lifted the af- frighted girl out of the carriage, and placed her in one which had six horses ; they then set off for Uxbridge, and were over- taken ; but the outrage ended in marriage, and Elizabeth be- came the unhappy, neglected Countess of Rochester. Yet she loved him — perhaps in ignorance of all that was going on while she staid with her four children at home. "If," she writes to him, "I could have been troubled at any thing, when I had the happiness of receiving a letter from you, I should be so, because you did not name a time when I might hope to see you, the uncertainty of which very much afflicts me. . . . Lay your commands upon me what I am to do, and though it be to forget my children, and the long hope I have lived in of seeing you, yet will I endeavor to obey you ; or in the memory only torment myself, without giving you the trouble of putting you in mind that there lives a creature as " Your faithful, humble servant." And he, in reply : " I went away (to Rochester) like a ras- cal, without taking leave, dear wife. It is an unpolished way of proceeding, Avhich a modest man ought to be ashamed of. I have left you a prey to your own imaginations among my relations, the worst of damnations. But there will come an hour of deliverance, till when, may my mother be merciful unto you! So I commit you to what I shall ensue, woman to woman, wife to mother, in hopes of a future appearance in glory. . . . " Pray write as often as you have leisure, to your " Rochester." RETRIBUTION AND REFORMATION. 11 To his son, he writes : " You are now grown big enough to be a man, if you can be wise enough ; and the way to be truly wise is to serve God, learn your book, and observe the in- structions of your parents first, and next your tutor, to whom I have entirely resigned you for this seven years ; and accord- ing as you employ that time, you are to be happy or unhappy forever. I have so good an opinion of you, that I am glad to think you will never deceive me. Dear child, learn your book and be obedient, and you will see what a father I shall be to you. You shall want no pleasure while you are good, and that you may be good are my constant prayers." Lord Rochester had not attained the age of thirty, when he was mercifully awakened to a sense of his guilt here, his peril hereafter. It seemed to many that his very nature was so warped that penitence in its true sense could never come to him ; but the mercy of God is unfathomable ; He judges not as man judges ; He forgives, as man knows not how to forgive. " God, or kind Master, merciful as just, Knowing our frame, remembers man is dust : He marks the dawn of every virtuous aim, And fans the smoking flax into a flame ; He hears the language of a silent tear, And sighs are incense from a heart sincere." And the reformation of Rochester is a confirmation of the doc- trine of a special Providence, as well as of that of a retribution even in this life. The retribution came in the form of an early but certain de- cay ; of a suffering so stern, so composed of mental and bodily anguish, that never was man called to repentance by a voice so distinct as Rochester. The reformation was sent through the instrumentality of one who had been a sinner like him- self, who had sinned with him ; an unfortunate lady, who, in her last hours, had been visited, reclaimed, consoled, by Bish- op Burnet. Of this, Lord Rochester had heard. He was then, to all appearance, recovering from his last sickness. He sent for Burnet, who devoted to him one evening every week of that solemn winter when the soul of the penitent sought recon- ciliation and peace. The conversion was not instantaneous ; it was gradual, pene- trating, effective, sincere. Those who wish to gratify curiosi- ty concerning the death-bed of one who had so notoriously sin- ned, will read Burnet's account of Rochester's illness and death with deep interest ; and nothing is so interesting as a death- bed. Those who delight in works of nervous thought and elevated sentiments will read it too, and arise from the perusal gratified. Those, however, who are true, contrite Christians <2 ROCHESTER S EXHORTATION TO MR. FANSHAWE. will go still farther ; they will own that few works so intense- ly touch the holiest and highest feelings ; few so absorb the heart ; few so greatly show the vanity of life ; the unspeakable value of a purifying faith. " It is a book which the critic," says Dr. Johnson, " may read for its elegance, the philosopher for its arguments, the saint for its piety." While deeply lamenting his own sins, Lord Rochester be- came anxious to redeem his former associates from theirs. " When Wilmot, Earl of Rochester,"* writes William Thom- as, in a manuscript preserved in the British Museum, " lay on his death-bed, Mr. Fanshawe came to visit him, with an inten- tion to stay about a week with him. Mr. Fanshawe, sitting by the bedside, perceived his lordship praying to God, through Jesus Christ, and acquainted Dr. Radclifle, who attended my Lord Rochester in this illness and was then in the house, with what he had heard, and told him that my lord was certainly delirious, for to his knowledge, he said, he believed neither in God nor in Jesus Christ. The doctor, who had often heard him pray in the same manner, proposed to Mr. Fanshawe to go up to his lordship to be further satisfied touching this affair. When they came to his room, the doctor told my lord what Mr. Fanshawe said, upon which his lordship addressed himself to Mr. Fanshawe to this effect : ' Sir, it is true, you and I have been very bad and profane together, and then I was of the ojiinion you mention. But now I am quite of another mind, and happy am I that I am so. I am very sensible how miser- able I was while of another opinion. Sir, you may assure yourself that there is a Judge and a future state ;' and so en- tered into a very handsome discourse concerning the last judg- ment, future state, etc., and concluded with a sericms and pa- thetic exhortation to Mr. Fanshawe to enter into another course of life; adding that he (Mr. F.) knew him to be his friend ; that he never was more so than at this time ; and ''sir,' said he, 'to use a Scripture expression, I am not mad, but speak the words of truth and soberness.' Upon this Mr. Fanshawe trembled, and went immediately afoot to Wood- stock, and there hired a horse to Oxford, and thence took coach to London." There were other butterflies in that gay court ; beaux with- out wit ; remorseless rakes, incapable of one noble thought or high pursuit ; and among the most foolish and fashionable of these was Henry Jermyn, Lord Dover. As the nephew of Henry Jermyn, Lord St. Albans, this young simpleton was * Mr. William Thomas, the writer of this statement, heard it from Dr. ■Radcliffe, at the table of Speaker Harley (afterward Earl of Oxford), 16th June, 1 702. LITTLE JERMYN. AN INCOMPARABLE BEAUTY. 73 ushered into a court life with the most favorable auspices. Jermyn Street (built in 1667) recalls to us the residence of Lord St. Albans, the supposed husband of Henrietta Maria. It was also the centre of fashion when Henry Jerrayn the younger was launched into its unholy sphere. Near Eagle Passage lived at that time La Belle Stuart, Duchess of Rich- mond; next door to her Henry Savile, Rochester's friend. The locality has since been purified by worthier associations : Sir Isaac Newton lived for a time in Jerrayn Street, and Gray lodged there. It was, however, in De Grammont's time, the scene of all the various gallantries which were going on. Henry Jermyn was supported by the wealth of his uncle, that uncle who, while Charles II. was starving at Brussels, had kept a lavish table in Paris : little Jermyn, as the younger Jermyn Avas call- ed, owed much indeed to his fortune, which had procured him great eclat at the Dutch court. His head was large ; his feat- ures small ; his legs short ; his physiognomy was not positive- ly disagreeable, but he was affected and trifling, and his wit consisted in expressions learned by rote, which supplied him either with raillery or with compliments. This petty, inferior being had attracted the regard of the Princess Royal — afterward Princess of Orange — the daughter of Charles I. Then the Countess of Castlemaine — afterward Duchess of Cleveland — became infatuated with him ; he capti- vated also the lovely Mrs. Hyde, a languishing beauty, whom Sir Peter Lely has depicted in all her sleepy attractions, with her ringlets filling lightly over her snowy forehead and down to her shoulders. This lady Avas, at the time when Jermyn came to England, recently married to the son of the great Clarendon. She fell desperately in love with this unworthy being ; but, happily for her peace, he preferred the honor (or dishonor) of being the favorite of Lady Castlemaine, and Mrs. Hyde escaped the disgrace she perhaps merited. De Grammont appears absolutely to have hated Jermyn; not because he was immoral, impertinent, and contemptible, but because it was Jermyn's boast that no woman, good or bad, could resist him. Yet, in respect to their unprincipled life, Jermyn and De Grammont had much in common. The count was at this time an admirer of the foolish beauty, Jane Middleton ; one of the loveliest women of a court where it was impossible to turn without seeing loveliness. Mrs. Middleton was the daughter of Sir Roger Needham ; and she has been described, even by the grave Evelyn, as a " famous, and, indeed, incomparable beauty." A coquette, she was, however, the friend of intellectual men ; and it was prob- D ANTHONY HAMILTON, HE GRAMMONT S BIOGRAPHER. ably at the house of St. Evremond that the count first saw her. Her figure was good ; she was fair and delicate ; and she had so great a desire, Count Hamilton relates, to " appear magnifi- cently, that she was ambitious to vie with those of the great- est fortunes, though unable to support the expense." Letters and presents now flew about. Perfumed gloves, pocket looking-glasses, elegant boxes, apricot paste, essences, and other small wares arrived weekly from Paris : English jewelry still had the preference, and was liberally bestowed ; yet Mrs. Middleton, affected and somewhat precise, accepted the gifts but did not seem to encourage the giver. The Count de Grammont, piqued, was beginning to turn his attention to Miss Warmestre, one of the queen's maids of honor, a lively brunette, and a contrast to the languid Mrs. Middleton, when, happily for him, a beauty appeared on the scene, and attracted him, by higher qualities than mere looks, to a real, fervent, and honorable attachment. Among the few respected families of that period was that of Sir George Hamilton, the fourth son of James, Earl of Aber- corn, and of Mary, granddaughter of Walter, eleventh Earl of Ormond. Sir George had distinguished himself during the civil wars : on the death of Charles I. he had retired to France, but returned, after the Restoration, to London, Avith a large family, all intelligent and beautiful. From their relationship to the Ormond family, the Hamil- tons were soon installed in the first circles of fashion. The Duke of Ormond' s sons had been in exile with the king ; they now added to the lustre of the court after his return. The Earl of Arran, the second, was a beau of the true Cavalier or- der ; clever at games, more especially at tennis, the king's fa- vorite diversion ; he touched the guitar well ; and made love ad libitum. Lord Ossory, his elder brother, had less vivacity but more intellect, and possessed a liberal, honest nature, and an heroic character. All the good qualities of these two young noblemen seem to have been united in Anthony Hamilton, of whom De Gram- mont gives the following character: — " The elder of the Ham- ilton s, their cousin, was the man who, of all the court, dressed best ; he was well made in his person, and possessed those hap- py talents which lead to fortune, and procure success in love : he was a most assiduous courtier, had the most lively wit, the most polished manners, and the most punctual attention to his master imaginable ; no person danced better, nor was any one a more general lover — a merit of some account in a court en- tirely devoted to love and gallantry. It is not at all surpris- ing that, with these qualities, he succeeded my Lord Falmouth in the kinsr's favor." THE THREE COURTS. 75 The fascinating person thus described was born in Ireland : he had already experienced some vicissitudes, which were re- newed at the Revolution of 1688, when he fled to France — the country in which he had spent his youth — and died at St. Gei*- maius in 1720, aged seventy-four. His poetry and his fairy tales are forgotten ; but his " Memoirs of the Count de Gram- mont" is a work which combines the vivacity of a French writ- er with the truth of an English historian. Ormond Yard, St. James's Square, was the London resi- dence of the Duke of Ormond : the garden-wall of Ormond House took up the greater part of York Street : the Hamilton family had a commodious house in the same courtly neighbor- hood ; and the cousins mingled continually. Here persons of the greatest distinction constantly met ; and here the " Cheva- lier de Grammont," as he was still called, was received in a manner suitable to his rank and style ; and soon regretted that he had passed so much time in other places ; for, after he once knew the charming Hamiltons, he wished for no other friends. There were three courts at that time in the capital ; that at Whitehall, in the king's apartments ; that in the queen's, in the same palace ; and that of Henrietta Maria, the Queen Mother, as she was styled, at Somerset House. Charles's was pre-em- inent in immorality, and in the daily outrage of all decency; that of the unworthy widow of Charles I. was just bordering on impropriety ; that of Katherine of Braganza was still dec- orous, though not irreproachable. Pepys, in his Diary, has this passage : — " Visited Mrs. Ferrers, and stayed talking with her a good, while, there being a little, proud, ugly, talking lady there, that was much crying up the queene-mother's court at Somerset House, above our queen's; there being before her no allowance of laughing and mirth that is at the other's ; and, indeed, it is observed that the greatest court nowadays is there. Thence to Whitehall, Avhere I carried my wife to see the queene in her presence-chamber ; and the maydes of hon- our and the young Duke of Monmouth, playing at cards." Queen Katherine, notwithstanding that the first words she was ever known to say in English were " You lief" was one of the gentlest of beings. Pepys describes her as having a modest, innocent look, among all the demireps Avith whom she was forced to associate. Again we turn to Pepys, an anec- dote of whose is characteristic of ])oor Katherine's submissive, uncomplaining nature : " With Creed, to the King's Head ordinary ; . . . . and a pretty gentleman in our company, who confirms my Lady Cas- tlemaine's being gone from court, but knows not the reason ; he told us of one wipe the queene, a little while ago, did give 7(5 LA BELLE HAMILTON. her, when she come in and found the queene under the dress- er's hands, and had been so long. 'I wonder your majesty,' says she, ' can have the patience to sit so long a-dressing ?' ' I have so much reason to use patience,' says the queene, ' that I can very well hear with it.' " It was in the court of this injured queen that Do Grammont went one evening to Mrs. Midclleton's house : there was a ball that night, and among the dancers was the loveliest creature that De Grammont had ever seen. His eyes were riveted on this fair form ; he had heard of, but never till then seen her whom all the world consented to call " La Belle Hamilton," and his heart instantly echoed the expression. From this time he forgot Mrs. Middleton, and despised Miss Warmestre : " he found," he said, that he " had seen nothing at court till this instant." " Miss Hamilton," he himself tells us, " was at the happy age when the charms of the fair sex begin to bloom ; she had the finest shape, the loveliest neck, and most beautiful arms in the world ; she was majestic and graceful in all her move- ments ; and she was the original after which all the ladies cop- ied in their taste and air of dress. Her forehead was open, white, and smooth ; her hair Avas well set, and fell with ease into that natural order which it is so difficult to imitate. Her complexion was possessed of a certain freshness, not to be equaled by borrowed colors ; her eyes were not large, but they were lively, and capable of expressing whatever she pleased."* So far for her person ; but De Grammont was, it seems, weary of mere external charms : it was the intellectual superiority that riveted his feelings, while his connoisseurship in beau- ty was satisfied that he had never yet seen any one so per- fect. " Her mind," he says, " was a proper companion for such a form : she did not endeavor to shine in conversation by those sprightly sallies which only puzzle, and with still greater care she avoided that affected solemnity in her discourses which produces stupidity; but, without any eagerness to talk, she just said what she ought, and no more. She had an admira- ble discernment in distinguishing between solid and false wit; and far from making an ostentatious display of her abilities, she was reserved, though very just in her decisions. Her sen- timents were always noble, and even lofty to the highest ex- tent, when there was occasion ; nevertheless, she was less pre- possessed with her own merit than is usually the case with those who have so much. Formed as we have described, she could not fail of commanding love ; but so far was she from * See De Grammont's Memoirs. HER PRACTICAL JOKES. <0 courting it, that she was scrupulously nice with respect to those whose merit might entitle them to form any pretensions to her." Born in 1641, Elizabeth — for such was the Christian name of this lovely and admirable woman — was scarcely in her twentieth year when she first appeared at Whitehall. Sir Peter Lely was at that time painting the Beauties of the Court, and had done full justice to the intellectual and yet innocent face that riveted De Grammont. He had depicted her with her rich dark hair, of which a tendril or two fell on her ivory forehead, adorned at the back with large pearls, under which a gauze-like texture was gathered up, falling over the fair shoulders like a veil : a full corsage, bound by a light band either of ribbon or of gold lace, confining, with a large jewel or button, the sleeve on the shoulder, disguised somewhat the ex- quisite shape. A frill of fine cambric set off, while in white- ness it scarce rivaled, the shoulder and neck. The features of this exquisite face are accurately described by De Grammont, as Sir Peter has painted them. "The mouth does not smile, but seems ready to break out into a smile. Nothing is sleepy, but every thing is soft, sweet, and innocent in that face so beautiful and so beloved." While the colors were fresh on Lely's palettes, James Duke of York, that profligate who aped the saint, saw it, and hence- forth paid his court to the original, but was repelled with fear- less hauteur. The dissolute nobles of the court followed his example, even to the "lady-killer" Jermyn, but in vain. Un- happily for La Belle Hamilton, she became sensible to the at- tractions of.De Grammont, whom she eventually married. Miss Hamilton, intelligent as she was, lent herself to the fashion of the day, and delighted in practical jokes and tricks. At the splendid masquerade given by the queen she continued to plague her cousin, Lady Muskerry ; to confuse and expose, a stupid court beauty, a Miss Blaque ; and at the same time to produce on the Count de Grammont a still more powerful ef- fect than even her charms had done. Her success in hoaxing — which Ave should now think both perilous and indelicate — seems to have only riveted the chain, which was drawn around him more strongly. His friend, or rather his foe, St. Evremond, tried in vain to discourage the chevalier from his new passion. The former tutor was, it appeared, jealous of its influence, and hurt that De Grammont was now seldom at his house. De Grammont's answer to his remonstrances was very char- acteristic. " My poor philosopher," he cried, " you understand Latin well — you can make good verses — you are acquainted 80 THE HOUSEHOLD DEITY OF WHITEHALL. with the nature of the stars in the firmament — but you are wholly ignorant of the luminaries in the terrestrial globe." lie then announced his intention to persevere, notwithstand- ing all the obstacles which attached to the suit of a man with- out either fortune or character, who had been exiled from his own country, and whose chief mode of livelihood was depend- ent on the gaming-table. One can scarcely read of the infatuation of La Belle Hamil- ton without a sigh. During a period of six years their mar- riage was in contemplation only ; and De Grammont seems to have trifled inexcusably with the feelings of this once gay and ever lovely girl. It was not for want of means that De Gram- mont thus delayed the fulfillment of his engagement. Charles II., inexcusably lavish, gave him a pension of 1500 Jacobuses: it was to be paid to him until he should be restored to the fa- vor of his own king. The fact was that De Grammont con- tributed to the pleasures of the court, and pleasure was the household deity of Whitehall. Sometimes, in those days of careless gayety, there were promenades in Spring Gardens, or the Mall ; sometimes the court beauties sallied forth on horse- back ; at other times there were shows on the river, which then washed the very foundations of Whitehall. There in the summer evenings, when it was too hot and dusty to walk, Old Thames might be seen covered with little boats, filled with court and city beauties, attending the royal barges ; collations, music, and fireworks completed the scene, and De Grammont always contrived some surprise — some gallant show : once a concert of vocal and instrumental music, which he had pri- vately brought from Paris, struck up unexpectedly : another time, a collation brought from the same gay capital surpassed that supplied by the king. Then the count, finding that coach- es with glass windows, lately introduced, displeased the ladies, because their charms were only partially seen in them, sent for the most elegant and superb caleche ever seen : it came after a month's journey, and was presented by De Grammont to the king. It was a royal present in price, for it had cost two thousand livres. The famous dispute between Lady Castle- maine and Miss Stuart, afterw r ard Duchess of Richmond, arose about this caleche. The Queen and the Duchess of York ap- peared first in it in Hyde Park, which had then recently been fenced in with brick. Lady Castlemaine thought that the caleche showed off a fine figure better than the coach ; Miss Stuart was of the same opinion. Both these grown-up babies wished to have the coach on the same day, but Miss Stuart prevailed. The queen condescended to laugh at the quarrels of these A CHAPLAIN IN LIVERY. 81 two foolish women, and complimented the Chevalier de Gram- mont on his present. " But how is it," she asked, " that you do not even keep a footman, and that one of the common run- ners in the street lights you home with a link ?" "Madam," he answered, " the Chevalier de Grammont hates pomp : my link-boy is faithful and brave." Then he told the queen that he saw she was unacquainted with the nation of link-boys, and related how that he had, at one time, had one hundred and sixty around his chair at night, and people had asked " whose funeral it was?" "As for the parade of coach- es and footmen," he added, "I despise it. I have sometimes had live or six valets-de-chambre, without a single footman in livery except my chaplain." " How !" cried the queen, laughing, " a chaj)lain in livery ? surely he was not a priest." " Pardon, Madame, a priest, and the best dancer in the world of the Biscayan jig." " Chevalier," said the king, " tell us the history of your chaplain Poussatin." Then De Grammont related how, when he was with the great Conde, after the campaign of Catalonia, he had seen among a company of Catalans, a priest in a little black jacket, skipping and frisking: how Conde was charmed, and how they recognized in him a Frenchman, and how he offered himself to De Grammont for his chaplain. De Grammont had not much need, he said, for a chaplain in his house, but he took the priest, who had afterward the honor of dancing before Anne of Aus- tria, in Paris. Suitor after suitor interfered with De Grammont's at last honorable address to La Belle Hamilton. At length an inci- dent occurred which had very nearly separated them forever. Philibert de Grammont was recalled to Paris by Louis XIII. He forgot, Frenchman-like, all his engagements to Miss Ham- ilton, and hurried off. He had reached Dover, when her two brothers rode up after him. " Chevalier de Grammont," they said, " have you forgotten nothing in London ?" " I beg your pardon," he answered, " I forgot to marry your sister." It is said that this story suggested to Moliere the idea of Le Manage force. They were, however, married. In 1669 La Belle Hamilton, after giving birth to a child, went to reside in France. Charles II., who thought she would pass for a handsome woman in France, recommended her to his sister Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans, and begged her to be kind to her. Henceforth the Chevalier de Grammont and his wife figured at Versailles, where the Countess de Grammont was appoint- D2 82 de grammont's last hours. ed Dame de Palais. Her career was less brilliant than in En- gland. The French ladies deemed her haughty and old, and even termed her une Anglaise insupportable. She had certainly too much virtue, and perhaps too much beauty still, for the Parisian ladies of fashion at that period to admire her. She endeavored, in vain, to reclaim her libertine husband, and to call him to a sense of his situation when he was on his death-bed. Louis XIV. sent the Marquis de Dangeau to con- vert him, and to talk to him on a subject little thought of by De Grammont — the world to come. After the marquis had been talking for some time, De Grammont turned to his wife and said, " Countess, if you don't look to it, Dangeau will jug- gle you out of my conversion." St. Evremond said he would gladly die to go off with so successful a bon-mot. He became, however, in time, serious, if not devout or pen- itent. Ninon de l'Enclos having written to St. Evremond that the Count de Grammont had not only recovered but had be- come devout, St. Evremond answered her in these words : " I have learned with a great deal of pleasure that the Count de Grammont has recovered his former health and acquired a new devotion."* A report having been circulated that De Grammont was dead, St. Evremond expressed deep regret. The report was contradicted by Ninon de l'Enclos. The count was then eighty-six years of age; "nevertheless he was," Ninon says, " so young that I think him as lively as when he hated sick people, and loved them after they had recovered their health ;" a trait very descriptive of a man whose good-nature was al- ways on the surface, but whose selfishness was deep as that of most wits and beaux, who are spoiled by the world, and * "The Count de Grammont fell dangerously ill in the year 1696, of which the King (Louis XIV.) being informed, and knowing, besides, that he was inclined to libertinism, he was pleased to send the Marquis of Dan- geau to see how he did, and to advise him to think of God. Hereupon Count de Grammont, turning toward his wife, who had ever been a very de- vout lady, told her, ' Countess, if you don't look to it, Dangeau will juggle you out of my conversion!' Madame de l'Enclos having afterward written to M. de St. Evremond that Count de Grammont was recovered, and turned devout, 'I have learned,' answered he to her, 'with a great deal of pleasure that Count de Grammont has recovered his former health, and acquired a new devotion. Hitherto I have been contented with being a plain, honest man ; but I must do something more ; and I only wait for your example to become a devotee. You live in a country where people have wondeiful ad- vantages of saving their souls : there, vice is almost as opposite to the mode as virtue ; sinning passes for ill-breeding, and shocks decency and good man- ners as much as religion. Formerly it was enough to be wicked, now one must be a scoundrel withal, to be damned in France.' " WHAT MIGHT HE NOT HAVE BEEN? 83 who, in return, distrust and deceive the spoilers. This long life of eighty-six years, endowed as De Grammont was with elasticity of spirits, good fortune, considerable talent, an ex- cellent position, a wit that never ceased to flow in a clear cur- rent; with all these advantages, what might he not have been to society had his energy been well applied, his wit innocent, his talents employed worthily, and his heart as sure to stand muster as his manners? BEAU FIELDING. " Let us be wise, boys, here's a fool coming," said a sensible man, when he saw Beau Nash's splendid carriage draw up to the door. Is a beau a fool ? Is a sharper a fool ? "Was Bona- parte a fool ? If you reply " no" to the last two questions, you must give the same answer to the first. A beau is a fox, but not a fool — a very clever fellow, who, knowing the weak- ness of his brothers and sisters in the world, takes advantage of it to make himself a fame and a fortune. Nash, the son of a glass-merchant — Brummell, the hopeful of a small shopkeep- er — became the intimates of princes, dukes, and fashionables ; were petty kings of Vanity Fair, and were honored by their subjects. In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king; in the realm of folly, the sharper is a monarch. The only proviso is, that the cheat come not within the jurisdiction of the law. Such a cheat is the beau or dandy, or fine gentleman, who imposes on his public by his clothes and appearance. Bona-fide monarchs have done as much ; Louis XIV. won him- self the title of Le Grand Monarque by his manners, his dress, and his vanity. Fielding, Nash, and Brummell did nothing- more. It is not a question whether such roads to eminence be contemptible or not, but whether their adoption in one station of life be more so than in another. Was Brummell a whit more contemptible than " Wales ?" Or is John Thomas, the pride and glory of the " Domestics' Free-and-Easy," whose whiskers, figure, face, and manner are all superb, one atom more ridiculous than your recognized beau ? I trow not. What right, then, has your beau to a place among wits ? I fancy Chesterfield would be much disgusted at seeing his name side by side with that of Nash in this volume ; yet Chesterfield had no objection, when at Bath, to do homage to the king of that city, and may have prided himself on exchanging pinches from diamond-set snuff-boxes with that superb gold-laced dig- nitary in the Pump-room. Certainly, people who thought little of Philip Dormer Stanhope thought a great deal of the glass-merchant's reprobate son when he was in power, and sub- mitted without a murmur to his impertinences. The fact is, that the beaux and the wits are more intimately connected than the latter would care to own : the wits have all been, or aspired to be, beaux, and beaux have had their fair share of wit ; both 86 ON WITS AND BEAUX. lived for the same purpose — to shine in society ; both used the same means, coats, and bon-mots. The only distinction is, that the garments of the beaux were better, and their sayings not so good as those of the wits ; while the conversation of the wits was better, and their apparel not so striking as those of the beaux. So, my Lord Chesterfield, who prided yourself quite as much on being a fine gentleman as on being a fine wit, you can not complain at your proximity to Mr. Nash and oth- ers who tcere fine gentlemen, and would have been fine wits if they could. Robert Fielding was, perhaps, the least of the beaux ; but then, to make up for this, he belonged to a noble family ; he married a duchess, and, what is more, he beat her. Surely in the kingdom of fools such a man is not to be despised. You may be sure he did not think he was, for was he not made the subject of two papers in " The Tatler," and what more could a man desire ? His father Avas a Suffolk squire, claiming relationship with the Earls of Denbigh, and, therefore, with the Hapsburgs, from whom the Beau and the Emperors of Austria had the common honor of being descended. Perhaps neither of them had suf- ficient sense to be proud of the greatest intellectual ornament of their race, the author of " Tom Jones ;" but as our hero was dead before the humorist was born, it is not fair to conjecture what he might have thought on the subject. It does not appear that Aery much is known of this great gem of the race of Hapsburg. He had the misfortune to be \ r ery handsome, and the folly to think that his face would be his fortune : it certainly stood him in good stead at times, but it also brought him into a lamentable dilemma. His father Avas not rich, and sent his son to the Temple to study laAvs which he Avas only fitted to break. The young Ado- nis had sense enough to see that destiny did not beckon him to fame in the gloom of a musty laAV court, and removed a lit- tle farther up to the Thames, and the more fashionable region of Scotland Yard. Here, where uoav Z. 300 repairs to report his investigations to a Commissioner, the young dandies of Charles II.'s day strutted in gay doublets, SAVore hasty oaths of choice in\'ention, smoked the true Tobago from huge pipe- bowls, and ogled the fair but not too bashful dames who pass- ed to and fro in their chariots. The court took its name from the royalties of Scotland, Avho, when they visited the South, w'ere there lodged as being conveniently near to Whitehall Palace. It is odd enough that the three architects, Inigo Jones, Vanbrugh, and Wren, all lived in this yard. It Avas not to be supposed that a man AA r ho could so well ORLANDO OF " THE TATLER." 87 appreciate a handsome face and well-cut doublet as Charles II. should long overlook his neighbor, Mr. Robert Fielding, and in due course the Beau, who had no other diploma, found him- self in the honorable position of a justice of the peace. The emoluments of this office enabled Orlando, as "The Tatler" calls him, to shine forth in all his glory. With an en- viable indifference to the future, he launched out into an ex- penditure which alone would have made him popular in a country where the heaviest purse makes the greatest gentle- man. His lackeys were arrayed in the brightest yellow coats with black sashes — the Hapsburg colors. He had a carriage, of course, but like Sheridan, whom his gave so much trouble to pay for, it was hired, though drawn by his own horses. This carriage was described as being shaped like a sea-shell ; and " The Tatler" calls it " an open tumbril of less size than ordinary, to show the largeness of his limbs and the grandeur of his personage to the best advantage." The said limbs were his especial pride: he gloried in the strength of his leg and arm ; and when he walked down the street, he was followed by an admiring crowd, whom he treated with as much haugh- tiness as if he had been the emperor himself, instead of his cousin five hundred times removed. He used his strength to good or bad purpose, and was a redoubted fighter and bully, though good-natured withal. In the Mall, as he strutted, he was the cynosure of all female eyes. His dress had all the ele- gance of which the graceful costume of that period was capa- ble, though Fielding did not, like Brummell, understand the delicacy of a quiet, but studied style. Those were simpler, somewhat more honest days. It was not necessary for a man to cloak his vices, nor be ashamed of his cloak. The beau then-a-day openly and arrogantly gloried in the grandeur of his attire ; and bragging was a part of his character. Field- ing was made by his tailor ; Brummell made his tailor : the only point in common to both, Avas that neither of them paid the tailor's bill. The fine gentleman, under the Stuarts, was fine only in his lace and his velvet doublet ; his language was coarse, his manners coarser, his vices the coarsest of all. No wonder when the king himself could get so drunk with Sedley and Buckhurst, as to be unable to give an audience appointed for ; and when the chief fun of his two companions was to di- vest themselves of all the habiliments which civilization has had the ill taste to make necessary, and in that state run about the streets. Orlando wore the finest ruffles and the heaviest sword ; his wig was combed to perfection ; and in his pocket he carried a little comb with which to arrange it from time to time, even 88 ADONIS IN SEARCH OF A WIPE. as the dandy of to-day pulls out his whiskers or curls his mustache. Such a man could not be passed over ; aud ac- cordingly he numbered half the officers and gallants of the town among his intimates. He drank, swore, and swaggered, and the snobs of the day proclaimed him " a complete gentle- man." His impudence, however, was not always tolerated. In the playhouses of the day, it was the fashion for some of the spec- tators to stand upon the stage, and the places in that position were chiefly occupied by young gallants. The ladies came most in masks ; but this did not prevent Master Fielding from making his remarks very freely, and in no very refined strain to them. The modest damsels, whom Pope has described, ' ' The fair sat pouting at the courtier's play, And not a mask went unimproved away : The modest fan was lifted up no more, And virgins smiled at what they blushed before," were not too coy to be pleased with the fop's attentions, and replied in like strain. The players were unheeded ; the audi- ence laughed at the improvised and natural wit, when careful- ly prepared dialogues failed to fix their attention. The actors were disgusted, and, in spite of Master Fielding's herculean strength, kicked him off the stage, with a warning not to come again. The role of a beau is expensive to keep up; and our justice of the peace could not, like Nash, double his income by gam- ing. He soon got deep in debt, as every celebrated dresser has done. The old story, not new even in those days, was en- acted, and the brilliant Adonis had to keep watch and ward against tailors and bailiffs. On one occasion they had nearly caught him ; but, his legs being lengthy, he gave them fair sport as far as St. James's Palace, where the officers on guard rushed out to save their pet, and drove off the myrmidons of the law at the point of the sword. But debts do not pay themselves, nor die, and Orlando with all his strength and prowess could not long keep off the con- stable. Evil days gloomed at no very great distance before him, and the fear of a sponging-house and debtors' prison com- pelled him to turn his handsome person to account. Had he not broken a hundred hearts already ? had he not charmed a thousand pairs of beaming eyes ? was there not one owner of one pair w T ho was also possessed of a pretty fortune ? Who should have the honor of being the wife of such an Adonis ? who, indeed, but she who could pay highest for it ; and who could pay with a handsome income but a well-dowered widow ? A widow it must be — a widow it should be. Noble indeed THE SHAM WIDOW. 89 was the sentiment which inspired this great man to sacrifice himself on the altar of Hymen for the good of his creditors. Ye young men in the Guards, who do this kind of thing every day — that is, every day that you can meet with a widow with the proper qualifications — take warning by the lamentable his- tory of Mr. Robert Fielding, and never trust to " third par- ties." A widow was found, fat, fair, and forty — and oh ! — charm greater far than all the rest — with a fortune of sixty thousand pounds ; this was a Mrs. Deleau, who lived at Whaddon in Surrey, and at Copthall Court in London. Nothing could be more charming ; and the only obstacle was the absence of all acquaintance between the parties — for, of course, it was im- possible for any widow, whatever her attractions, to be in- sensible to those of Robert Fielding. Under these circum- stances, the Beau looked about for an agent, and found one in the person of a Mrs. Villars, hairdresser to the widow. He offered this person a handsome douceur in case of success, and she was to undertake that the lady should meet the gentleman in the most unpremeditated manner. Various schemes were resorted to : with the alias, for he was not above an alias, of Major General Villars, the Beau called at the widow's country house, and was permitted to see the gardens. At a window he espied a lady, whom he took to be the object of his pursuit — bowed to her majestically, and w r ent away, persuaded he must have made an impression. But, Avhether the widow was wiser than Avearers of weeds have the reputation of being, or whether the agent had really no power in the matter, the meeting never came off. The hairdresser naturally grew anxious, the douceur was too good to be lost, and as the widow could not be had, some one must be supplied in her place. One day while the Beau was sitting in his splendid "night- gown," as the morning-dress of gentlemen was then called, two ladies were ushered into his august presence. He had been warned of this visit, and was prepared to receive the yielding widow. The one, of course, was the hairdresser, the other a young, pretty, and apparently modest creature, who blushed much — though with some difficult)- — at the trying- position in which she found herself. The Beau, delighted, did his best to reassure her. He flung himself at her feet, swore, with oaths more fashionable than delicate, that she was the only woman he ever loved, and prevailed on the widow so far as to induce her to " call again to-morrow." Of course she came, and Adonis was in heaven. He wrote little poems to her — for, as a gallant, he could of course make 90 WAYS AND MEANS. verses — serenaded her through an Italian donna, invited her to suppers, at which the delicacies of the season were served without regard to the purveyor's account, and to which, coy as she was, she consented to come, and clenched the engage- ment with a ring, on which was the motto, " Tibi Soli." Nay, the Beau had been educated, and had some knowledge of "the tongues," so that he added to these attentions the farther one of a song or two translated from the Greek. The widow ought to have been pleased, and was. One thing only she stipulated, namely, that the marriage should be private, lest her relations should forbid the banns. Having brought her so far, it was not likely that the for- tune-hunter would stick at such a mere trifle, and according- ly an entertainment was got up at the Beau's own rooms, a supper, suitable to the rank and wealth of the widow, pro- vided by some obligingly credulous tradesman ; a priest found — for, be it premised, our hero had changed so much of his- religion as he had to change in the reign of James II., when Romanism was not only fashionable, but a sure road to fortune — and the mutually satisfied couple swore to love, honor, and obey one another till death them should part. The next morning, however, the widow left the gentleman's lodgings, on the pretext that it was injudicious for her friends to know of their union at present, and continued to visit her sposo and sup somewhat amply at his chambers from time to time. We can imagine the anxiety Orlando now felt for a check -book at the heiress's bankers, and the many insinua- tions he may have delicately made, touching ways and means. We can fancy the artful excuses with which these hints were put aside by his attached wife. But the dupe was still in happy ignorance of the trick played on him, and for a time such ignorance was bliss. It must have been trying to him to be called on by Mrs. Villars for the promised douceur, but he consoled himself with the pleasures of hope. Unfortunately, however, he had formed the acquaintance of a woman of a very different reputation to the real Mrs. Deleau, and the intimacy which ensued was fatal to him. When Charles II. was wandering abroad, he was joined, among others, by a Mr. and Mrs. Palmer. The husband was a stanch old Romanist, with the qualities which usually ac- companied that faith in those days — little respect for morality, and a good deal of bigotry. In later days he was one of the victims of Titus Oates, but escaped, and eventually died in Wales in 1705, after having been James II.'s embassador to Rome. This, in a few words, is the history of that Roger Palmer, afterward Lord Castlemaine, who sold his wife — not BARBARA VILLIERS, IADY CASTLEMAINE. 91 at Smithfield, but at Whitehall — to His Majesty King Charles II., for the sum of one peerage — an Irish one, taken on consid- eration. Mrs. Palmer belonged to one of the oldest families in En- gland, and could trace her descent to Pagan de Villiers, in the days of William Rufus, and a good deal farther among the nobles of Normandy. She was the daughter of William, sec- ond Viscount Grandison, and rejoiced in the appropriate name of Barbara, for she could be savage occasionally. She was very beautiful, and very wicked, and soon became Charles's mistress. On the Restoration she joined the king in England, and when the poor neglected queen came over, was foisted upon her as bedchamber-woman, in spite of all the objections of that ill-used wife. It was necessary to this end that she should be the wife of a peer ; and her low-minded husband act- ually accepted the title of Earl of Castlemaine, well knowing to what he owed it. Pepys, who admired Lady Castlemaine more than any woman in England, describes the husband and wife meeting at Whitehall with a cold ceremonial bow ; yet the husband icas there, using the court power which his own shame procured for him. A quarrel between the two, strange- ly enough on the score of religion, her ladyship insisting that her child should be christened by a Protestant clergyman, while his lordship insisted on the ceremony being performed by a Romish priest, brought about a separation, and from that time Lady Castlemaine, lodged in Whitehall, began her empire over the king of England. That man, " who never said a fool- ish thing, and never did a wise one," was the slave of this im- perious and most impudent of Avomen. She forced him to set- tle on her an immense fortune, much of which she squandered at the basset-table, often staking a thousand pounds at a time, and sometimes losing fifteen thousand pounds a night. Nor did her wickedness end here. We have some pity for one, who, like La Valliere, could be attracted by the attentions of a handsome fascinating prince : we pity, though we blame. But Lady Castlemaine was vicious to the very marrow : not content with a king's favor, she courted herself the young gal- lant of the town. Quarrels ensued between Charles and his mistress, in which the latter invariably came off victorious, owing to her indomitable temper ; and the scenes recorded by De Grammont — when she threatened to burn down Whitehall, and tear her children in pieces — are too disgraceful for inser- tion. She forced the reprobate monarch to consent to all her extortionate demands ; rifled the nation's pockets as well as his own ; and at every fresh difference, forced Charles to give her some new pension. An intrigue with Jermyn, discovered 92 THE BEAU'S SECOND MARRIAGE. and objected to by the king, brought on a fresh and more se- rious difference, which was only patched up by a patent of the Duchy of Cleveland. The Duchess of Cleveland was even worse than the Countess of Castlemaine. Abandoned in time by Charles, and detested by all people of any decent feeling, she consoled herself for the loss of a real king by taking up with a stage one. Hart and Goodman, the actors, were suc- cessively her cavalieri : the former had been a captain in the army ; the latter a student at Cambridge. Both were men of the coarsest minds and most depraved lives. Goodman, in after years, was so reduced that, finding, as Sheridan advised his son to do, a pair of pistols handy, a horse saddled, and Hounslow Heath not a hundred miles distant, he took to the pleasant and profitable pastime of which Dick Turpin is the pa- tron saint. He was all but hanged by his daring robberies, but unfortunately not quite so. He lived to suffer such indigence, that he and another rascal had but one under-garment between them, and entered into a compact that one should lie in bed while the other wore the article in question. Naturally enough the two fell out in time, and the end of Goodman — sad misno- mer — was worse than his beginning: such was the gallant whom the imperious Duchess of Cleveland vouchsafed to honor. The life of the once beautiful Barbara Villiers grew daily more and more depraved : at the age of thirty she retired to Paris, shunned and disgraced. After numerous intrigues, abroad and at home, she put the crowning point to her follies by falling in love with the handsome Fielding when she her- self numbered sixty-five summers. Whether the Beau still thought of fortune, or whether hav- ing once tried matrimony, he was so enchanted with it as to make it his cacoethes, does not appear : the legeud explains not for what reason he married the antiquated beauty only three weeks after he had been united to the supposed widow. For a time he wavered between the two, but that time was short: the widow discovered his second marriage, claimed him, and in so- doing revealed the well-kept secret that she was not a widow ; indeed, not even the relict of John Deleau, Esq., of Whaddon, but a wretched adventurer of the name of Mary Wadsworth, who had shared with Mrs. Villars the plunder of the trick. The Beau tried to preserve his dignity, and throw over his duper, but in vain. The first wife reported the state of affairs to the second ; and the duchess, who had been shame- fully treated by Master Fielding, was only too glad of an op- portunity to get rid of him. She offered Mary Wadsworth a pension of £100 a year, and the sum of £200 in ready money, to prove the previous marriage. The case came on, and Beau THE LAST DAYS OF FOPS AND BEAUX. 93 Fielding had the honor of playing a part in a famous state trial. With his usual impudence he undertook to defend himself at the Old Bailey, and hatched up some old story to prove that the first wife was married at the time of their union to one Brady ; but the plea fell to the ground, and the fine gentleman was sentenced to be burnt in the hand. His interest in cer- tain quarters saved him this ignominious punishment, which would, doubtless, have spoiled a limb of which he was partic- ularly proud. He was pardoned : the real widow married a far more honorable gentleman, in spite of the unenviable noto- riety she had acquired ; the sham one was somehow quieted, and the duchess died some four years later, the more peacefully for being rid of her tyrannical mate. Thus ended a pretty scandal of the day, in which all the parties were so disreputable that no one could feel any sym- pathy for a single one of them. How the dupe himself ended is not known. The last days of fops and beaux are never glo- rious. Brummell died in slovenly penury ; Nash in contempt. Fielding lapsed into the dimmest obscurity ; and as far as evi- dence goes, there is as little certainty about his death as of that of the Wandering Jew. Let us hope that he is not still alive : though his friends seem to have cared little whether he were so or not, to judge from a couple of verses written by one of them : "If Fielding is dead, And rests under this stone, Then he is not alive You may bet two to one. "But if he's alive, And does not lie there — Let him live till he's hanged, For which no man will care." OF CERTAIN CLUBS AND CLUB-WITS UNDER ANNE. I suppose that, long before the building of Babel, man dis- covered that he was an associative animal, with the universal motto, " JO 'union c'est la force;'''' and that association, to be of any use, requires talk. A history of celebrated associa- tions, from the building society just mentioned down to the thousands which are represented by an office, a secretary, and a brass plate, in the present day, would give a curious scheme of the natural tendencies of man ; while the story of their fail- ures — and how many have not failed, sooner or later ! — would be a pretty moral lesson to your anthropolaters who Babel- ize nowadays, and believe there is nothing which a company with capital can not achieve. I wonder what object there is, that two men can possibly agree in desiring, and which it takes more than one to attain, for which an association of some kind has not been formed at some time or other, since first the swarthy savage learned that it was necessary to unite to kill the lion which infested the neighborhood ! Alack for human nature! I fear by far the larger proportion of the ob- jects of associations would be found rather evil than good, and, certes, nearly all of them might be ranged under two heads, according as the passions of hate or desire found a com- mon object in several hearts. Gain on the one hand — destruc- tion on the other — have been the chief motives of clubbing in all time. A delightful exception is to be found, though — to wit, in as- sociations for the purpose of talking. I do not refer to parlia- ments and philosophical academies, but to those companies which have been formed for the sole purpose of mutual enter- tainment by interchange of thought. Now, will any kind reader oblige me with a derivation of the word "Club?" I doubt if it is easy to discover. But one thing is certain, whatever its origin, it is, in its present sense, purely English in idea and in existence. Dean Trench points this out, and, noting the fact that no other nation (he might have excepted the Chinese) has any word to express this kind of association, he has, with very pardonable national pride, but unpardonably bad logic, inferred that the English are the most sociable people in the world. The contrary is true ; nay, was time, even in the days of Addison, Swift, Steele — even in the 96 THE ORIGIN OF CLUBS. — COFFEE-HOUSES. days of Johnson, Walpole, Selwyn ; ay, at all time since we have been a nation. The fact is, we are not the most socia- ble, but the most associative race ; and the establishment of clubs is a proof of it. We can not, and never could, talk free- ly, comfortably, and generally, without a company for talking. Conversation has always been with us as much a business as railroad-making, or what not. It has always demanded cer- tain accessories, certain condiments, certain stimulants to work it up to the proper pitch. " We all know" we are the clever- est and wittiest people under the sun ; but then our wit has been stereotyped. France has no " Joe Miller ;" for a bon- mot there, however good, is only appreciated historically. Our wit is printed, not spoken : our best wits behind an ink- horn have sometimes been the veriest logs in society. On the Continent clubs were not called for, because society itself was the arena of conversation. In this country, on the other hand, a man could only chat when at his ease ; could only be at his ease among those who agreed with him on the main points of religion and politics, and even then wanted the aid of a bottle to make him comfortable. Our want of sociability was the cause of our clubbing, and therefore the word " club" is pure- ly English. This was never so much the case as after the Restoration. Religion and politics never ran higher than when a monarch, who is said to have died a papist because he had no religion at all during his life, was brought back to supplant a furious puritanical Protectorate. Then, indeed, it was difficult for men of opposite parties to meet without bickering ; and society demanded separate meeting-places for those who differed. The origin of clubs in this country is to be traced to two causes — the vehemence of religion and political partisanship, and the establishment of coffee-houses. These certainly gave the first idea of clubbery. The taverns which preceded them had given the English a zest for public life in a small way. "The Mermaid" was, virtually, a club of wits long before the first real club was opened, and, like the clubs of the eight- eenth century, it had its presiding geniuses in Shakspeare and Rave Ben. The coffee-houses introduced somewhat more refinement and less exclusiveness. The oldest of these was the " Grecian." " One Constantino, a Grecian," advertised in "The Intelligen- cer" of January 23d, 1G64-5, "that the right coffee bery or chocolate" might be had of him " as cheap and as good as is any where to be had for money," and soon after began to sell the said " coffee bery" in small cuj)S at his own establishment in Devereux Court, Strand. Some two years later we have THE OCTOBER, CLUB. 97 news of " Will's," the most famous, perhaps, of the coffee- houses. Here Dryden held forth with pedantic vanity ; and here was laid the first germ of that critical acumen which has since become a distinguishing feature in English literature. Then, in the City, one Garraway, of Exchange Alley, first sold " tea in leaf and drink, made according to the directions of the most knowing, and travelers into those eastern countries ;" and thus established the well-known Garraway's, whither, in Defoe's day, " foreign banquiers" and even ministers resorted, to drink the said beverage. "Robin's," "Jonathan's," and many another, were all opened about this time, and the rage for coffee-house life became general throughout the country. In these places the company was of course of all classes and colors ; but, as the conversation was general, there was nat- urally at first a good deal of squabbling, till, for the sake of peace and comfort, a man chose his place of resort according to his political principles ; and a little later there were regular Whig and Tory coffee-houses. Thus, in Anne's day, " The Cocoanut," in St. James's Street, was reserved for Jacobites, while none but Whigs frequented " The St. James's." Still there was not sufficient exclusiveness ; and as early as in Charles II.'s reign, men of peculiar opinions began to appropriate cer- tain coffee-houses at certain hours, and to exclude from them all but approved members. Hence the origin of clubs. The October Club was one of the earliest, being composed of some hundred and fifty rank Tories, chiefly country mem- bers of Parliament. They met at the " Bell," in King Street, Westminster, that street in which Spenser starved, and Dry- den's brother kept a grocer's shop. A portrait of Queen Anne, by Dahl, hung in the club-room. This and the Kit-kat, the great Whig club, were chiefly reserved for politics ; but the fashion of clubbing having once come in, it was soon followed by people of all fancies. No reader of the " Spectator" can fail to remember the ridicule to which this was turned by de- scriptions of imaginary clubs for which the qualifications were absurd, and of which the business, on meeting, was preposter- ous nonsense of some kind. The idea of such fraternities, as the Club of Fat Men, the Ugly Club, the Sheromp Club, the Everlasting Club, the Sighing Club, the Amorous Club, and others, could only have been suggested by real clubs almost as ridiculous. The names, too, were almost as fantastical as those of the taverns in the previous century, which counted " The Devil," and "The Heaven and Hell," among their numbers. Many derived their titles from the standing dishes preferred at supper, the Beefsteak and the Kit-kat (a sort of mutton-pie) for instance. E 98 THE BEEFSTEAK CLUB. The Beefsteak Club, still in existence, was one of the most famous established in Anne's reign. It had at that time less of a political than a jovial character. Nothing but that excel- lent British fare, from which it took its name, was, at first, served at the supper-table. It was an assemblage of wits of every station, and very jovial were they supposed to be when the juicy dish had been discussed. Early in the century, Est- court, the actor, was made providore to this club, and wore a golden gridiron as a badge of office, and is thus alluded to in Dr. King's "Art of Cookery" (1709) :— "He that of honor, wit, and mirth partakes, May be a fit companion o'er beefsteaks ; His name may be to future times enrolled In Estcourt's book, whose gridiron's framed of gold." Estcourt was one of the best mimics of the day, and a keen satirist to boot : in fact he seems to have owed much of his suc- cess on the stage to his power of imitation, for while his own manner was inferior, he could at pleasure copy exactly that of any celebrated actor. He would be a player. At fifteeu he ran away from home, and joining a strolling company, acted Roxana in woman's clothes ; his friends pursued him, and, changing his dress for that of a girl of the time, he tried to escape them, but in vain. The histrionic youth was captured, and bound apprentice in London town ; the " seven long years" of which did not cure him of the itch for acting. But he was too good a wit for the stage, and amused himself, though not always his audience, by interspersing his part with his own re- marks. The great took him by the hand, and old Marlborough especially patronized him : he wrote a burlesque of the Italian operas then beginning to be in vogue; and died in 1712-13. Estcourt was not the only actor belonging to the Beefsteak, nor even the only one who had concealed his sex under emer- gency ; Peg Woffington, who had made as good a boy as he had done a girl, was afterward a member of this club. In later years the beefsteak was cooked in a room at the top of Covent Garden Theatre, and counted many a celebrated wit among those who sat around its cheery dish. Wilkes the blasphemer, Churchill, and Lord Sandwich, were all members of it at the same time. Of the last, Walpole gives us informa- tion in 1763 at the time of Wilkes' duel with Martin in Hyde Park. He tells us that at the Beefsteak Club Lord Sandwich talked so profusely, "that he drove harlequins out of the com- pany." To the honor of the club be it added, that his lord- ship was driven out after the harlequins, and finally expelled : it is sincerely to be hoped that Wilkes was sent after his, lord- snip. This club is now represented by one held behind the THE KIT-KAT CLUB. 99 Lyceum, with the thoroughly British motto, " Beef and Lib- erty :" the name was happily chosen, and therefore imitated. In the reign of George II. we meet with a " Rump-steak, or Liberty Club ;" and somehow steaks and liberty seem to be the two ideas most intimately associated in the Britannic mind. Can any one explain it ? Other clubs there were under Anne — political, critical, and hilarious — but the palm is undoubtedly carried off by the glo- rious Kit-kat. It is not every eating-house that is immortalized by a Pope, though Tennyson has sung " The Cock" with its " plump head- waiter," who, by the way, was mightily offended by the Lau- reate's verses — or pretended to be so — and thought it " a great liberty of Mr. , Mr. , what is his name ? to put re- spectable private characters into his books." Pope, or some say Arbuthnot, explained the etymology of this club's extra- ordinary title : — " Whence deathless Kit-kat took its name, Few critics can unriddle ; Some say from pastry-cook it came, And some from Cat and Fiddle. "From no trim beaux its name it boasts, Gray statesmen or preen wits ; But from the pell-mell pack of toasts Of old cats and young kits." Probably enough the title was hit on at hap-hazard, and re- tained because it was singular, but as it has given a poet a theme, and a painter a name for pictures of a peculiar size, its etymology has become important. Some say that the pastry- cook in Shire Lane, at whose house it waa held, was named Christopher Katt. Some one or other was certainly celebra- ted for the manufacture of that forgotten delicacy, a mutton- pie, which acquired the name of a Kit-kat. " A Kit-kat is a supper for a lord," says a comedy of 1700, and certes it afforded at this club even- ing nourishment for many a celebrated noble profligate of the day. The supposed sign of the Cat and Fiddle (Kitt), gave another solution, but after all, Pope's may be satisfactorily re- ceived. The Kit-kat was, par excellence, the Whig Club of Qneen Anne's time: it was established at the beginning of the eight- eenth century, and was then composed of thirty-nine members, among whom were the Dukes of Marlborough, Devonshire, Grafton, Richmond, and Somerset. In later days, it numbered the greatest wits of the age, of whom anon. This club was celebrated more than any for its toasts. 100 THE ROMANCE OF THE BOWL. Now, if men must drink — and sure the vine was given us for use, I do not say for abuse — they had better make it an occasion of friendly intercourse ; nothing can be more degraded than the solitary sanctimonious toping in which certain of our Northern brethren are known to indulge. They had better give to the quaffing of that rich gift, sent to be a medicine for the mind, to raise us above the perpetual contemplation of worldly ills, as much of romance and elegance as possible. It is the opener of the heart, the awakener of nobler feelings of generosity and love, the banisher of all that is narrow, and sordid, and selfish ; the herald of all that is exalted in man. No wonder that the Greeks made a god of Bacchus, that the Hindoo worshiped the mellow Soma, and that there has been scarce a poet who has not sung its praise. There was some beauty in the feasts of the Greeks, when the goblet was really wreathed with flowers ; and even the German student, dirty and drunken as he may be, removes half the stain from his orgies with the rich harmony of his songs, and the hearty good-fellowship of his toasts. We drink still, perhaps we shall always drink till the end of time, but all the romance of the bowl is gone ; the last trace of its beauty went with the frigid abandonment of the toast. There was some excuse for wine when it brought out that now forgotten expression of good-will. Many a feud was rec- onciled in the clinking of glasses ; just as many another was begun when the cup was drained too deeply. The first quar- ter of the last century saw the end of all the social glories of the wassail in this country, and though men drank as much fifty years later, all its poetry and romance had then disappeared. It was still, however, the custom at that period to call on the name of some fair maiden, and sing her praises over the cup as it passed. It was a point of honor for all the company to join the health. Some beauties became celebrated for the number of their toasts ; some even standing toasts among cer- tain sets. In the Kit-kat Club the custom was carried out by rule, and every member was compelled to name a beauty, whose claims to the honor were then discussed, and if her name was approved, a separate bowl was consecrated to her, and verses to her honor engraved on it. Some of the most celebrated toasts had even their portraits hung in the club- room, and it was no slight distinction to be the favorite of the Kit-kat. When only eight years old, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu enjoyed this privilege. Her father, the Lord Dor- chester, afterward Evelyn, Duke of Kingston, in a fit of ca- price, proposed " the pretty little child" as his toast. The other members, who had never seen her, objected; the Peer THE MEMBERS OP THE KIT-KAT. 101 sent for her, and there could no longer be any question. The forward little girl was handed from knee to knee, petted, prob- ably, by Addison, Congreve, Vanbrugh, Garth, and many an- other famous wit. Another celebrated toast of the Kit-kat, mentioned by Walpole, was Lady Molyneux, who, he says, died smoking a pipe. This club was no less celebrated for its portraits than for the ladies it honored. They, the portraits, were all painted by Kneller, and all of one size, which thence got the name of Kit-kat ; they were hung round the club-room. Jacob Ton- son, the publisher, was secretary to the club. Defoe tells us the Kit-kat held the first rank among the clubs of the early part of the last century, and certainly the names of its members comprise as many wits as we could ex- pect to find collected in one society. Addison must have been past fifty when he became a mem- ber of the Kit-kat. His " Cato" had won him the general ap- plause of the Whig party, who could not allow so fine a writer to slip from among them. He had long, too, played the court- ier, and was " quite a gentleman." A place among the exclu- sives of the Kit-kat was only the just reward of such attain- ments, and he had it. I shall not be asked to give a notice of a man so universally known, and one who ranks rather with the humorists than the wits. It will suffice to say, that it was not till after the publication of the " Spectator," and some time after, that he joined our society. Congreve I have chosen out of this set for a separate life, for this man happens to present a very average sample of all their peculiarities. Congreve was a literary man, a poet, a wit, a beau, and — what unhappily is quite as much to the pur- pose — a profligate. The only point he, therefore, wanted in common with most of the members, was a title ; but few of the titled members combined as many good and bad qualities of the Kit-kat kind as did William Congreve. Another dramatist, whose name seems to be inseparable from Congreve's, was that mixture of bad and good taste — Vanbrugh. This author of " The Relapse," the most licentious play ever acted, and builder of Blenheim, the ugliest house ever erected, was a man of good family, and Walpole counts him among those who " wrote genteel comedy, because they lived in the best company." We doubt the logic of this ; but if it hold, how is it that Van wrote plays which the best com- pany, even of that age, condemned, and neither good nor bad company can read in the present day without being shocked ? If the conversation of the Kit-kat was any thing like that in this member's comedies, it must have been highly edifying. 102 A GOOD WIT, AND A BAD ARCHITECT. However, I have no doubt Mr. Van passed for a gentleman, whatever his conversation, and he was certainly a wit, and ap- parently somewhat less licentious in his morals than the rest. Yet what Pope said of his literature may be said, too, of some acts of his life : "How Van wants grace, who never wanted wit." And his quarrel with " Queen Sarah" of Marlborough, though the duchess was by no means the most agreeable woman in the world to deal with, is not much to Van's honor. When the nation voted half a million to build that hideous mass of stone, the irregular and unsightly piling ofwhich caused Wal- pole to say that the architect " had emptied quarries, rather than built houses," and Dr. Evans to write this epitaph for the builder — "Lie heavy on him, Earth, for he Laid many a heavy load on thee," Sarah haggled over " seven-pence halfpenny a bushel :" Van retorted by calling her " stupid and troublesome," and " that Avicked woman of Marlborough," and after the duke's death, wrote that the duke had left her " twelve thousand pounds a year to keep herself clean and go to law." Whether she em])loyed any portion of it on the former object we do not pretend to say, but she certainly spent as much as a miser could on litigation, Van himself being one of the unfortunates she attacked in this way. The events of Vanbrugh's life were varied. He began life in the army, but in 1697 gave the stage "The Relapse." It, was sufficiently successful to induce him to follow it up with the " Provoked Wife," one of the wittiest pieces produced in those days. Charles, Earl of Carlisle, Deputy Earl Marshal, for Avhom he built Castle Howard, made him Clarencieux King-at- arms in ] 704, and he was knighted by George I., 9th Septem- ber, 1714. In 1705 he joined Congreve in the management of the Haymarket, which he himself built. George I. made him Comptroller-general of the royal works. He had even an ex- perience of the Bastile, Avhere he was confined for sketching fortifications in France. He died in 1726, with the reputation of a good wit, and a bad architect. His conversation Avas, cer- tainly, as light as his buildings Avere heavy. Another member, almost as Avell knoAvn in his day, was Sir Samuel Garth, the physician, " Avell-natured Garth," as Pope called him. He w T on his fame by a satire on the apothecaries in the shape of a poem called " The Dispensary." When de- livering the funeral oration over Dryden's body, Avhich had been so long unburied that its odor began to be disagreeable, "well-natured garth." 103 he mounted a tub, the top of which fell through and left the doctor in rather an awkward position. He gained admission to the Kit-kat in consequence of a vehement eulogy on King William, which he had introduced into his Harveian oration, in 1697.* It was Garth, too, who extemporized most of the verses which were inscribed on the toasting-glasses of their club, so that he may, par excellence, be considered the Kit-kat poet. He w r as the physician and friend of Marlborough, with Avhose sword he was' knighted by George I., who made him his physician in ordinary. Garth was a very jovial man, and, some say, not a very religious one. Pope said he was as good a Christian as ever lived, " without knowing it." He certainly had no affectation of piety, and if charitable and good-natured acts could take a man to heaven, he deserved to go there. He had his doubts about faith, and is said to have died a Roman- ist. This he did in 1719, and the poor and the Kit-kat must both have felt his loss. He w T as perhaps more of a wit than a poet, although he has been classed at times with Gray and Prior ; he can scarcely take the same rank as other verse-mak- ing doctors, such as Akenside, Darwin, and Armstrong. He seems to have been an active, healthy man — perhaps too much so for a poet — for it is on record that he ran a match in the Mall with the Duke of Grafton, and beat him. He was fond, too, of a hard frost, and had a regular speech to introduce on that subject : "Yes, sir, 'fore Gad, very fine weather, sir — very wholesome weather, sir — kills trees, sir — very good for man, sir." ^ . Old Marlborough had another intimate friend at the club, w T ho was probably one of its earliest members. This was Ar- thur Maynwaring, a poet, too, in a way, but more celebrated at this time for his liaison with Mrs. Oldfield, the famous but disreputable actress, with whom he fell in love when he was forty years old, and whom he instructed in the niceties of elo- cution, making her rehearse her parts to him in private. Mayn- waring was born in 1068, educated at Oxford, and destined to the bar, for which he studied. He began life as a vehement Jacobite, and even supported that party in sundry pieces ; but like some others, he was easily converted, when, on coming to town, he found it more fashionable to be a Whig. He held two or three* posts under the Government, whose cause he now espoused : had the honor of the dedication of " The Tatler" to him by Steele, and died suddenly in 1712. He divided his for- tune between his sister and his mistress, Mrs. Oldfield, and his son by the latter. Mrs. Oldfield must have grown rich in her sinful career, for she could afford, when ill, to refuse to take * The Kit-kat club was not founded till 1703. 104 THE POETS OP THE KIT-KAT. her salary from the theatre, though entitled to it. She acted best in Vanbrugh's " Provoked Husband," so well, in fact, that the manager gave her an extra fifty pounds by way of acknowl- edgment. Poetizing seems to have been as much a polite accomplish- ment of that age as letter-writing was of a later, and a smat- tering of science is of the present day. Gentlemen tried to be poets, and poets gentlemen. The consequence was, that both made fools of themselves. Among the poetasters who belong- ed to the Kit-kat, we must mention Walsh, a country gentle- man, member of Parliament, and very tolerable scholar. He dabbled in odes, elegies, epitaphs, and all that small fry of the muse which was then so plentiful. He wrote critical essays on Virgil, in which he tried to make out that the shepherds in the days of the Roman poet were very well-bred gentlemen of good education ! He was a devoted admirer and friend of Dryden, and he encouraged Pope in his earlier career so kindly that the little viper actually praised him ! Walsh died somewhere about 1709 in middle life. We have not nearly done with the poets of the Kit-kat. A still smaller one than Walsh was Stepney, who, like Garth, had begun life as a violent Tory and turned coat when he found his interest lay the other way. He was well repaid, for from 1692 to 1706 he was sent on no less than eight diplomatic missions, chiefly to German courts. He owed this preferment to the good luck of having been a school-fellow of Charles Montagu, afterward Earl of Halifax. He died about 1707, and had as grand a monument and epitaph in Westminster Abbey as if he had been a Milton or Dryden. When you meet a dog trotting along the road, you natural- ly expect that his master is not far off. In the same way, where you find a poet, still more a poetaster, there you may feel cer- tain you will light upon a patron. The Kit-kat was made up of Maecenas's and their humble servants ; and in the same club with Addison, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and the minor poets, we are not at all surprised to find Sir Robert Walpole, the Duke of Somerset, Halifax, and Somers. Halifax was, par excellence, the Maecenas of his day, and Pope described him admirably in the character of Bufo : "Proud as Apollo, on his forked hill, Sat full-blown Bufo, puff d by every quill ; Fed with soft dedication all day long, Horace and he went hand in hand in song." The dedications poured in thickly. Steele, Tickell, Philips, Smith, and a crowd of lesser lights, raised my lord each one on a higher pinnacle ; and in return the powerful minister was not CHANCELLOR SOMERS. 105 forgetful of the douceur which well-tuned verses were accus- tomed to receive. He himself had tried to be a poet, and in 1703 wrote verses for the toasting-cups of the Kit-kat. His lines to a Dowager Countess of ****, are good enough to make us surprised that he never wrote any better. Take a speci- men : " Fair Queen of Fop-land in her royal style ; Fop-land the greatest part of this great isle ! Nature did ne'er so equally divide A female heart 'twixt piety and pride : Her waiting-maids prevent the peep of day, And all in order at her toilet lay Prayer-books, patch-boxes, sermon-notes, and paint, At once t' improve the sinner and the saint." A Maecenas who paid for his dedications was sure to be well spoken of, and Halifax has been made out a wit and a poet, as well as a clever statesman. He reminds me of a young Oxford man whom I knew in my college-days, and who never walked down the street without half a dozen loafers touching their hats to him. It was affirmed that he distributed sundry crowns among them in consideration of this honor ; and cer- tainly, when he left the university, I never spoke of him to any of that order of nondescripts who infest a university town with- out being assured that Mr. A was " one of the right sort — a rale gen'l'man he was, and no mistake." Halifax got his earldom and the garter from George I., and died, after enjoy- ing them less than a year, in 1715. Chancellor Somers, with whom Halifax was associated in the impeachment case in 1701, was a far better man in every respect. His was probably the purest character among those of all the members of the Kit-kat. He was the son of a Wor- cester attorney, and born in 1652. He was educated at Trin- ity, Oxford, and rose purely by merit, distinguishing himself at the bar and on the bench, unwearied in his application to business, and an exact and upright judge. At school he was a tei'rible good boy, keeping to his book in play-hours. Throughout life his habits were simple and regular, and his character unblemished. He slept but little, and in later years had a reader to attend him at waking. With such habits he can scarcely have been a constant attender at the club ; and as he died a bachelor, it would be curious to learn what ladies he selected for his toasts. In his later years his mind weak- ened, and he died in 1716 of apoplexy. Walpole calls him " one of those divine men Avho, like a chapel in a palace, re- main unprofaned, while all the rest is tyranny, corruption, and folly." A huge stout figure rolls in now to join the toasters in E 2 10G CHARLES SACKVILLB, LORD DORSET. Shire Lane. In the puffy, once handsome face, there are signs of age, for its owner is past sixty ; yet he is dressed in superb fashion ; and in an hour or so, when the bottle has been dili- gently circulated, his wit will be brighter and keener than that of any young man present. I do not say it will be re])eatable, for the talker belongs to a past age, even coarser than that of the Kit-kat. He is Charles Sackville,* famous as a companion of the merriest and most disreputable of the Stuarts, famous — or, rather, infamous — for his mistress, Nell Gwynn, famous for his verses, for his patronage of poets, and for his wild frolics in early life, when Lord Buckhurst. Rochester called him "The best good man with the worst-natured muse ;" and Pope says he was ' ' The scourge of pride, though sanctified or great, Of fops in learning and of knaves in state ;" Our sailors still sing the ballad which he is said to have writ- ten on the eve of the naval engagement between the Duke of York and Admiral Opdam, which begins — " To all you ladies now on land We men at sea indite." With a fine classical taste and a courageous spirit, he had in early days been guilty of as much iniquity as any of Charles's profligate court. He was one of a band of young libertines who robbed and murdered a poor tanner on the high-road, and were acquitted, less "on account of the poor excuse they dished up for this act than of their rank and fashion. Such fine gentlemen could not be hanged for the sake of a mere work- man in those clays — no ! no ! Yet he does not seem to have repented of this transaction, for soon after he was engaged with Sedley and Ogle in a series of most indecent acts at the Cock Tavern in Bow Street, where Sedley, in " birthday at- tii'e," made a blasphemous oration from the balcony of the house. In later years he was the pride of the poets: Dryden and Prior, Wycherley, Hudibras, and Rymer, were all encour- aged by him, and repaid him with praises. Pope and Dr. King were no less bountiful in their eulogies of the Maecenas. His conversation was so much appreciated that gloomy Wil- liam III. chose him as his companion, as merry Charles had done before. The famous Irish ballad, which my Uncle Toby was always humming, " Lillibullero bullen-a-lah," but which Percy attributes to the Marquis of Wharton, another mem- ber of the Kit-kat, was said to have been written by Buck- hurst. He retained his wit to the last ; and Congreve, who visited him when he was dying, said, " Faith, he stutters more * For some notice of Lord Dorset, see p. 72. LESS CELEBRATED WITS. 107 wit than other people have in their best health." He died at Bath in 1 706. Buckhnrst does not complete the list of conspicuous mem- bers of this club, but the remainder were less celebrated for their wit. There was the Duke of Kingston, the father of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu ; Granville, who imitated Wal- ler, and attempted to make his "Myra" as celebrated as the court-poet's Saccharissa, who, by the way, was the mother of the Earl of Sunderland ; the Duke of Devonshire, Avhom Wal- pole calls " a patriot among the men, a gallant among the la- dies," and who founded Chatsworth ; and other noblemen, chiefly belonging to the latter part of the seventeenth century, and all devoted to William III., though they had been bred at the courts of Charles and James. With such an array of wits, poets, statesmen, and gallants, it can easily be believed that to be the toast of the Kit-kat was no slight honor ; to be a member of it a still greater one ; and to be one of its most distinguished, as Congreve was, the greatest. Let us now see what title this conceited beau and poet had to that position. WILLIAM CONGREVE. Wheist " Queen Sarah" of Marlborough read the silly epi- taph which Henrietta, Duchess of Marlborough, had written and had engraved on the monument she set up to Congreve, she said, with one of the true Blenheim sneers, " I know not what happiness she might have in his company, but I am sure it was no honor" alluding to her daughter's eulogistic phrases. Queen Sarah was right, as she often w T as when condemna- tion was called for; and however amusing a companion the dramatist may have been, he was not a man to respect, for he had not only the common vices of his age, but added to them a foppish vanity, toadyism, and fine-gentlemanism (to coin a most necessary word), which we scarcely expect to meet with in a man who sets up for a satirist. It is the fate of greatness to have falsehoods told of it, and of nothing in connection w T ith it more so than of its origin. If the converse be true, Congreve ought to have been a great man, for the place and time of his birth are both subjects of dispute. Oh, happy Gilford ! or happy Croker ! why did you not — perhaps you did — go to work to set the world right on this matter — you, to whom a date discovered is the highest palm (no pun intended, I assure you) of glory, and who would rather Shakspeare had never written " Hamlet," or Homer the " Iliad," than that some miserable little forgotten scrap which decided a year or a place should have been consigned to flames before it fell into your hands ? Why did you not bring the thunder of your abuse and the pop-gunnery of your satire to bear upon the question, " How, when, and w T here was William Congreve born ?" It w r as Lady Morgan, I think, who first " saw the light" (that is, if she was born in the daytime) in the Irish Channel. If it had been only some one more celebrated, we should have had by this time a series of philosophical, geographical, and ethnological pamphlets to prove that she was English or Irish, according to the fancies or prejudices of the writers. It was certainly a very Irish thing to do, which is one argument for the Milesians, and again it was done in the Irish Channel, which is another and a stronger one; and altogether we are not inclined to go into forty-five pages of recondite facts and fine-drawn arguments, mingled with the most vehement abuse 110 WHEN AND WHERE CONGEEVE WAS BORN. of any body who ever before wrote on the subject, to prove that this country had the honor of producing her ladyship — the Wild Irish Girl. We freely give her up to the sister isl- and. But not so William Congreve, though we are equally indifferent to the honor in his case. The one party, then, assert that he was born in this country, the other that he breathed his first air in the Emerald Isle. Whichever be the true state of the case, we, as Englishmen, prefer to agree in the commonly received opinion that he came into this wicked world at the village of Bardsea or Bardsey, not far from Leeds in the county of York. Let the Bardsey- ans immediately erect a statue to his honor, if they have been remiss enough to neglect him heretofore. But our difficulties are not ended, for there is a similar doubt about the year of his birth. His earliest biographer as- sures us he was born in 1672, and others that he was baptized three years before, in 1669. Such a proceeding might well be taken as proof of his Hibernian extraction, and accordingly we find Malone supporting the earlier date, producing, of course, a certificate of baptism to support himself; and as we have a very great respect for his authority, we beg also to support Mr. Malone. This being settled, we have to examine who were his par- ents ; and this is satisfactorily answered by his earliest biog- rapher, who informs us that he was of a very ancient family, being " the only surviving son of William Congreve, Esq. (who was second son to Richard Congreve, Esq., of Congreve and Stretton in that county)," to wit, Yorkshire. Congreve pcre held a military command, which took him to Ireland soon after the dramatist's birth, and thus young William had the incom- parable advantage of being educated at Kilkenny, and after- ward at Trinity, Dublin, the " silent sister," as it is commonly called at our universities. At the age of nineteen, this youth sought the classic shades of the Middle Temple, of which he was entered a student, but by the honorable society of which he was never called to the bar ; but whether this was from a disinclination to study " Coke upon Lyttelton," or from an incapacity to digest the requisite number of dinners, the devouring of which qualify a young gentleman to address an enlightened British jury, we have no authority for deciding. He was certainly not the first, nor the last, young Templar who has quitted special pleading on a crusade to the heights of Parnassus, and he be- gan early to try the nib of his pen and the color of his ink in a novel. Eheu! how many a novel has issued from the dull, dirty chambers of that same Temple ! The waters of the CONGREVE FINDS HIS VOCATION. Ill Thames just there seem to have been augmented by a mingled flow of sewage and Helicon, though the former is undoubtedly in the greater proportion. This novel, called " Incognita ; or Love and Duty Reconciled," seems to have been — for I con- fess that I have not read more than a chapter of it, and hope I never may be forced to do so — great rubbish, with good store of villains and ruffians, love-sick maidens who tune their lutes — always conveniently at hand — and love-sick gallants who run their foes through the body with the greatest imag- inable ease. It was, in fact, such a novel as James might have written, had he lived a century and a half ago. It brought its author but little fame, and accordingly he turned his attention to another branch of literature, and in 1693 produced "The Old Bachelor," a play of which Dryden, his friend, had so high an opinion that he called it the "best first-play he had ever read." However, before being put on the stage it was sub- mitted to Dryden, and by him and others prepared for repre- sentation, so that it was well fathered. It was successful enough, and Congreve thus found his vocation. In his dedi- cation — a regular piece of flummery of those days, for which authors were often w r ell paid, either in cash or interest — he ac- knowledges a debt of gratitude to Lord Halifax, who apjtears to have taken the young man by the hand. The young Templar could do nothing better now than write another play. Play-making was as fashionnble an amusement in those days of Old Drury, the only patented theatre then, as novel-writing is in 1860; and when the young ensign, Vau- brugh, could write comedies and take the direction of a thea- tre, it was no derogation to the dignity of the Staffordshire squire's grandson to do as much. Accordingly, in the follow- ing year he brought out a better comedy, " The Double Deal- er," with a prologue which was spoken by the famous Anne Bracegirdle. She must have been eighty years old when Hor- ace Walpole wrote of her to that other Horace — Mann : " Tell Mr. Chute that his friend Bracegirdle breakfasted with me this morning. As she went out and wanted her clogs, she turned to me and said : ' I remember at the playhouse they used to call, Mrs. Oldfield's chair ! Mrs. Barry's clogs ! and Mrs. Bracegirdle's pattens !' " These three ladies were all buried in Westminster Abbey, and, except Mrs. Cibber, the most beau- tiful and most sinful of them all — though they were none of them spotless — are the only actresses whose ashes and memo- ries are hallowed by the place, for we can scarcely say that they do it much honor. The success of " The Double Dealer" was at first moderate, although that highly respectable woman, Queen Mary, honor- 112 VERSES TO QUEEN MARY. ed it with her august presence, which forthwith called up verses of the old adulatory style, though with less point and neatness than those addressed to the Virgin Queen : " Wit is again the care of majesty," said the poet, and "Thus flourished wit in our forefathers' age, And thus the Roman and Athenian stage. Whose wit is best, we'll not presume to tell, But this we know, our audience will excell ; For never was in Rome, nor Athens seen So fair a circle, and so bright a queen." But this was not enough, for when Her Majesty departed for another realm in the same year, Congreve put her into a high- ly eulogistic pastoral, under the name of Pastora, and made some compliments on her, which were considered the finest strokes of poetry and flattery combined, that an age of ad- dresses and eulogies could produce. "As lofty pines o'ertop the lowly steed, So did her graceful height all nymphs exceed. To which excelling height she bore a mind Humble as osiers, bending to the wind. I mourn Pastora dead ; let Albion mourn, And sable clouds her chalkie cliffs adorn." This play was dedicated to Lord Halifax, of whom we have spoken, and who continued to be Congreve's patron. The fame of the young man was now made ; but in the fol- lowing year it was destined to shine out more brilliantly still. Old Betterton — one of the best Hamlets that ever trod the stage, and of whom Booth declared that when he was playing the Ghost to his Hamlet, his look of surprise and horror was so natural, that Booth could not for some minutes recover himself — was now a veteran in his sixtieth year. For forty years he had walked the boards and made a fortune for the patentees of Drury. It was very shabby of them, therefore, to give some of his best parts to younger actors. Betterton was disgusted, and determined to set up for himself, to which end he managed to procure another patent, turned the Queen's Court in Portugal Row, Lincoln's Inn, into a theatre, and opened it on the 30th of April, 1695. The building had been before used as a theatre in the days of the Merry Monarch, and Tom Killegrew had acted here some twenty years before ; but it had again become a " tennis-quatre of the lesser sort," says Cibber, and the new theatre was not very grand in fabric. But Betterton drew to it all the best actors and actresses of his former company ; and Mrs. Barry and Mrs. Bracegirdle re- CONGREVE ABANDONS THE DRAMA. 113 mained true to the old man. Congreve, to his honor, espoused the same cause, and the theatre opened with his play of "Love for Love," which was more successful than either of the for- mer. The veteran himself spoke the prologue, and fair Brace- girdle the epilogue, in which the poet thus alluded to their change of stage : "And thus our audience, which did once resort To shining theatres to see our sport, Now find us tost into a tennis-court. Thus from the past, we hope for future grace : I beg it — And some here know I have a begging face." The king himself completed the success of the opening by at- tending it, and the theatre in Lincoln's Inn Fields might have ruined the older house, if it had not been for the rapidity with which Vanbrngh and Cibber, who wrote for Old Drury, man- aged to concoct their pieces ; while Congreve was a slower, though perhaps better, writer. " Love for Love" was here- after a favorite of Betterton's, and when in 1 709, a year before his death, the company gave the old man — then in ill health, poor circumstances, and bad spirits — a benefit, he chose this play, and himself, though more than seventy, acted the part of Valentine, supported by Mrs. Bracegirdle as Angelina, and Mrs. Barry as Frail. The young dramatist, with all his success, was not satisfied with his fame, and resolved to show the world that he had as much poetry as wit in him. This he failed to do ; and, like better writers, injured his own fame, by not being contented with what he had. Congreve — the wit, the dandy, the man about town — took it into his head to write a tragedy. In 1697 "The Mourning Bride" was acted at the Tennis Court Theatre. The author was wise enough to return to his former muse, and some time after produced his best piece, so some think, " The Way of the World," which was also performed by Betterton's company ; but, alas ! for overwriting — that ca- coethes of imprudent men — it was almost hissed ofi" the stage. Whether this was owing to a weariness of Congreve's style, or whether at the time of its first appearance Collier's attacks, of which anon, had already disgusted the public with the ob- scenity and immorality of this writer, I do not know ; but, whatever the cause, the consequence was that Mr. William Congreve, in a fit of pique, made up his mind never to write another piece for the stage — a wise resolution, perhaps — and to turn fine gentleman instead. With the exception of com- posing a masque called the " Judgment of Paris," and an op- era, " Gemele," which was never performed, he kept this reso- 114 JEREMY COLLIER. lution very honestly; and so Mr. William Congreve's career as a playwright ends at the early age of thirty. But though he abandoned the drama, he was not allowed to retire in peace. There was a certain worthy, but peppery lit- tle man, who, though a Jacobite and a clergyman, was stanch and true, and as superior in character — even, indeed, in vigor of writing — to Congreve, as Soniers was to every man of his age. This was Jeremy Collier, to whom we owe it that there is any English drama fit to be acted before our sisters and wives in the present day. Jeremy, the peppery, purged the stage in a succession of Jeremiads. Born in 1650, educated at Cambridge as a poor scholar, or- dained at the age of twenty-six, presented three years later with the living of Ampton, near Bury St. Edmunds, Jeremy had two qualities to recommend him to Englishmen — respect- ability and pluck. In an age when the clergy were as bad as the blackest sheep in their flocks, Jeremy was distinguished by purity of life ; in an age when the only safety lay in adopting the principles of the Vicar of Bray, Jeremy was a Nonjuror, and of this nothing could cure him. The Revolution of 1688 was scarcely effected, when the fiery little partisan published a pamphlet, which was rewarded by a residence of some months in Newgate, not in the capacity of chaplain. But he was scarcely let out, when again went his furious pen, and for four years he continued to assail the new government, till his hands were shackled and his mouth closed in the prison of " The Gate-house." Now, see the character of the man. He was liberated upon giving bail, but had no sooner reflected on this liberation than he came to the conclusion that it was wrong, by offering security, to recognize the authority of mag- istrates appointed by a usurper, as he held William to be, and voluntarily surrendered himself to his judges. Of course he was again committed, but this time to the King's Bench, and would doubtless in a few years have made the tour of the London prisons, if his enemies had not got tired of trying him. Once more at liberty, he passed the next three years in retirement. After 1693, Jeremy Collier's name was not brought before the public till 1696, when he publicly absolved Sir John Friend and Sir William Perkins, at their execution, for being concern- ed in a plot to assassinate King William. His " Essays on Moral Subjects" were published in 1697; 2d vol., 1705; 3d vol., 1709. But the only way to put out a firebrand like this is to let it alone, and Jeremy, being no longer persecuted, be- gan, at last, to think the game was grown stupid, and gave it up. He was a well-meaning man, however, and as long as he had the luxury of a grievance, would injure no one. THE IMMORALITY OF THE STAGE. 115 He found one now in the immorality of his age, and if he had left politics to themselves from the first, he might have done much more good than he did. Against the vices of a court and courtly circles it was useless to start a crusade single- handed ; but his quaint clever pen might yet dress out a pow- erful Jeremiad against those who encouraged the licentious- ness of the people. Jeremy was no Puritan, for he was a Nonjuror and a Jacobite, and we may, therefore, believe that the cause was a good one, when we find him adopting pre- cisely the same line as the Puritans had done before him. In 1698 he published, to the disgust of all Drury and Lincoln's Inn, his " Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, together with the Sense of Antiquity upon this Argument." While the King of Naples is supplying his ancieift Venuses with gowns, and putting his Marses and Herculeses into pan- taloons, there are — such are the varieties of opinion — respect- able men in this country who call Paul de Kock the greatest moral writer of his age, and who would yet like to see " The Relapse," "Love for Love," and the choice specimens of Wycherley, Farquhar, and even of Beaumont and Fletcher, acted at the Princess's and the Haymarket in the year of grace 1860. I am not writing "A Short View" of this or any other moral subject; but this I must say — the effect of a sight or sound on a human being's silly little passions must of ne- cessity be relative. You and I can read "Don Juan," Lewis's "Monk," the plays of Congreve, and any or all of the publica- tions of Holywell Street, without more than disgust at their obscenity and admiration for their beauties. But could we be pardoned for putting these works into the hands of " sweet seventeen," or making Christmas presents of them to our boys ? Ignorance of evil is, to a certain extent, virtue : let boys be boys in purity of mind as long as they can : let the unrefined " great unwashed" be treated also much in the same way as young people. I maintain that to a coarse mind all im- proper ideas, however beautifully clothed, suggest only sensual thoughts — nay, the very modesty of the garments makes them the more insidious — the more dangerous. I would rather give my boy John, Massinger, or Beaumont and Fletcher, whose very improper things "are called by their proper names," than let him dive in the prurient innuendo of these later writ- ers. But there is no need to argue the question — the public has decided it long since, and except in indelicate ballets and oc- casional rather French passages in farce, our modern stage is free from immorality. Even in Garrick's days, when men were 116 congreve's writings. not much more refined than in those of Queen Anne, it was found impossible to put the old drama on the stage without con- siderable weeding. Indeed I doubt if even the liberal uphold- er of Paul de Kock would call Congreve a moral writer ; but I confess I am not a competent judge, for, risum teneatis, my critics, I have not read his works since I was a boy, and what is more, I have no intention of reading them. I well remem- ber getting into my hands a large thick volume, adorned with miserable woodcuts, and bearing on its back the title "Wych- erley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar." I devoured it at first with the same avidity with which one might welcome a bottle-imp, who at the hour of one's dullness turned up out of the carpet and offered you delights new and old for nothing but a tether on your soul ; and with a like horror, boy though I was, I recoiled from it when any better moment came. It seemed to me, when I read this book, as if life were too rot- ten for any belief, a nest of sharpers, adulterers, cut-throats, and prostitutes. There was none — as far as I remember — of that amiable weakness, of that better sentiment, which in Ben Jonson or Massinger reconcile us to human nature. If truth be a test of genius, it must be a proof of true j:>oetry, that man is not made uglier than he is. Nay, his very ugliness loses its intensity and falls upon our diseased tastes, for want of some goodness, some purity and honesty to relieve it. I will not say that there is none of this in Congreve. I only know that my recollection of his plays is like that of a vile nightmare, which I would not for any thing have return to me. I have read, since, books as bad, perhaps worse in some respects, but I have found the redemption here and there. I would no more place Shandy in any boy's hands than Congreve and Farquhar; and yet I can read Tristram again and again with delight ; for amid all that is bad there stand out Trim and Toby, pure specimens of the best side of human nature, coming home to us and tell- ing us that the world is not all bad. There may be such touch- es in " Love for Love," or " The Way of the World" — I know not and care not. To my remembrance Congreve is but a hor- rible nightmare, and may the fates forbid I should be forced to go through his plays again. Perhaps, then, Jeremy was not far wrong when he attacked these specimens of the drama with an unrelenting Nemesis ; but he was not before his age. It was less the obvious coarse- ness of these productions with which he found fault than their demoralizing tendency in a direction which we should now, per- haps, consider innocuous. Certainly the Jeremiad overdid it, and like a swift but not straight bowler at cricket, he sent balls which no wicket-keeper could stop, and which, therefore, were jeeemy's "shokt views." 117 harmless to the batter. He did not want boldness. He attack- ed Dryden, now close upon his grave; Congreve, a young man, Vanbrugh, Cibber, Farquhar, and the rest, all alive, all in the zenith of their fame, and all as popular as writers could be. It was as much as if a man should stand up to-day and denounce Dickens and Thackeray, with the exception that well-meaning people went along with Jeremy, whereas very few would do more than smile at the zeal of any one who tilted against our modern pets. Jeremy, no doubt, was bold, but he wanted tact, and so gave his enemy occasion to blaspheme. He made out cases where there were none, and let alone what we moderns should denounce. So Congreve took up the cudgels against him with much wit and much coarseness, and the two fought out the battle in many a pamphlet and many a letter. But Jer- emy was not to be beat. His " Short View" was followed by " A Defense of the Short View," a " Second Defense of the Short View," "A Farther Short View," and, in short, a num- ber of " Short Views," which had been better merged into one " Long Sight." Jeremy grew coarse and bitter ; Congreve coarser and bitterer ; and the whole controversy made a pret- ty chapter for the " Quarrels of Authors." But the Jeremiad triumphed in the long run, because, if its method was bad, its cause was good, and a succeeding generation voted Congreve immoral. Enough of Jeremy. We owe him a tribute for his pluck, and though no one reads him in the present day, we may be thankful to him for having led the way to a better state of things.* Congreve defended himself in eight letters addressed to Mr. Moyle, and we can only say of them, that, if any thing, they are yet coarser than the plays he would excuse. The works of the young Templar, and his connection with Betterton, introduced him to all the writers and wits of his day. He and Vanbrugh, though rivals, were fellow-workers, and our glorious Haymarket Theatre, which has gone on at times when Drury and Covent Garden have been in despair, owes its origin to their confederacy. But Vanbrugh's theatre was on the site of the present Opera House, and the Haymar- ket was set up as a rival concern. Vanbrugh's was built in 1705, and met the usual fate of theatres, being burnt down some eighty-four years after. It is curious enough that this house, destined for the "legitimate drama" — often a very ille- gitimate performance — was opened by an opera set to Italian music, so that "Her Majesty's" has not much departed from the original cast of the place. * Dryden, in the Preface to his Fables, acknowledged that Collier " had, in many points, taxed him justly." 118 DRYIXEN S FUNERAL. Perhaps Congreve's best friend was Dryden. This man's life and death are pretty well known, and even his funeral has been described time and again. But Corinna — as she was styled — gave of the latter an account which has been called romantic, and much discredited. There is a deal of character- istic humor in her story of the funeral, and as it has long been lost sight of, it may not be unpalatable here : Dryden died on May-day, 1701, and Lord Halifax* undertook to give his body a private funeral in Westminster Abbey. "On the Saturday following," writes Corinna, "the Company came. The Corps was put into a Velvet Hearse, and eighteen Mourning Coaches filled with Company attending. When, just before they began to move, Lord Jeffrey s,f with some of his rakish Companions, coming by, in Wine, ask'd whose Funeral ? And being told : ' What !' cries he, ' shall Dryden, the greatest Honour and Ornament of the Nation, be buried after this private Manner ? No, Gentlemen ! let all that lov'd Mr. Dryden, and honour his Memory, alight, and join with me in gaining my Lady's Consent, to let me have the Honour of his Interment, which shall be after another manner than this, and I will bestow £1000 on a Monument in the Abbey for him.' The Gentlemen in the Coaches, not knowing of the Bishop of Rochester's Favour, nor of Lord Halifax's generous Design (these two noble Spirits having, out of Respect to the Family, enjoin' d Lady Elsabeth and her Son to keep their Fa- vour concealed to the World, and let it pass for her own Ex- pense), readily came out of the Coaches, and attended Lord Jeffreys up to the Lady's Bed-side, who was then sick. He re- peated the Purport of what he had before said, but she absolute- ly refusing, he fell on his knees, vowing never to rise till his Re- quest was granted. The rest of the Company, by his Desire, kneeled also ; she being naturally of a timorous Disposition, and then under a sudden suiprise, fainted away. As soon as she recover'd her speech, she cry'd, 'No, no!' 'Enough, gentlemen,' replied he (rising briskly), 'My Lady is very good, she says, Go, go !' She repeated her former Words with all her Strength, but alas in vain ! her feeble Voice was lost in their Acclamations of Joy! and Lord Jeffreys order'd the Hearsemen to carry the Corps to Russell's, an undertaker in Cheapside, and leave it there, till he sent orders for the Em- balment, which, he added, should be after the Royal Manner. His directions were obey'd, the Company dispersed, and Lady Elsabeth and Mr. Charles remained Inconsolable. Next Morn- * Charles Montagu, Earl of Halifax. Lord Halifax was born in 1661, and died in 1715. He was called "Mouse Montagu." t Son of Judge Jeffries : satirized by Pope under the name of " Bufo." A TUB-PREACHEE. 119 ing Mr. Charles waited on Lord Halifax, etc., to excuse liis Mother and self, by relating the real Truth. But neither his Lordship nor the Bishop would admit of any Plea ; especially the latter, who had the Abbey lighted, the ground open'd, the Choir attending, an Anthem ready set, and himself waiting for some Hours without any Corps to bury. Russell, after three Days' Expectance of Orders for Embahnent, without receiving any, waits on Lord Jeffreys, who, pretending Ignorance of the Matter, turn'd it off with an ill-natured Jest, saying, ' Those who observed the orders of a drunken Frolick, deserved no better ; that he remembered nothing at all of it, and he might do what he pleased with the Corps.' On this Mr. Russell waits on Lady Elsabeth and Mr. Dryden ; but alas ! it was not in their power to answer. The season was very hot, the Deceas'd had liv'd high and fast ; and being corpulent, and abounding with gross Humours, grew very offensive. The Un- dertaker, in short, threaten'd to bring home the Corps, and set it before the Door. It can not be easily imagin'd what grief, shame, and confusion seized this unhappy Family. They begged a Day's Respite, which was granted. Mr. Charles wrote a very handsome Letter to Lord Jeffreys, who returned it with this cool Answer, 'He knew nothing of the Matter, and would be troubled no more about it.' He then addressed the Lord Halifax and Bishop of Rochester, who were both too justly tho' unhappily incensed, to do anything in it. In this extreme distress, Dr. Garth, a man who entirely lov'd Mr. Dryden, and was withal a Man of Generosity and great Hu- manity, sends for the Corps to the College of Physicians in Warwick Lane, and proposed a Funeral by subscription, to which himself set a most noble example. Mr. Wycherley, and several others, among whom must not be forgotten Henry Cromwell, Esq., Captain Gibbons, and Mr. Christopher Met- calfe, Mr. Dryden's Apothecary and intimate Friend (since a Collegiate Physician), w 7 ho with many others contributed most largely to the Subscription ; and at last a Day, about three Weeks after his Decease, was appointed for the Interment at the Abbey. Dr. Garth pronounced a fine Latin Oration over the Corps at the College ; but the audience being numerous, and the Room large, it was requisite the Orator should be ele- vated, that he might be heard. But as it unluckily happen'd there was nothing at hand but an old Beer-Barrel, which the Doctor with much good-nature mounted ; and in the midst of his Oration, beating Time to the Accent with his Foot, the Head broke in, and his Feet sunk to the Bottom, which oc- casioned the malicious Report of his Enemies, ' That he was turned a Tub-Preacher.' However, he finished the Oration 120 HOROSCOPIC PREDICTIONS. with a superior grace and genius, to the loud Acclamations of Mirth, which inspir'd the mix'd or rather Mob-Auditors. The Procession began to move, a numerous Train of Coaches at- tended the Hearse: But, good God! in what Disorder can only be express'd by a Sixpenny Pamphlejt, soon after publish'd, entitled ' Dryden's Funeral.' At last the Corps arrived at the Abbey, which was all unlighted. No Organ played, no An- them sung; only two of the Singing boys preceded the Corps, who sung an Ode of Horace, with each a small candle in their Hand. The Butchers and other Mob broke in like a Deluge, so that only about eight or ten Gentlemen could gain Admis- sion, and those forced to cut the Way with their drawn Swords. The Coffin in this Disorder was let down into Chau- cer's Grave, with as much Confusion, and as little Ceremony, as was possible ; every one glad to save themselves from the Gentlemen's Swords, or the Clubs of the Mob. When the Funeral was over, Mr. Charles sent a Challenge to Lord Jef- freys, who refusing to answer it, he sent several others, and went often himself, but could neither get a letter deliver'd, nor Admittance to speak to him, that he resolved, since his Lordship refused to answer him like a gentleman, he would watch an Opportunity to meet him, and fight off hand, tho' with all the Rules of Honor ; which his Lordship hearing, left the Town, and Mr. Charles could never have the satisfaction to meet him, tho' he sought it till his Death with the utmost Application." Dryden was, perhaps, the last man of learning that believed in astrology; though an eminent English author, now living, and celebrated for the variety of his acquirements, has been known to procure the casting of horoscopes, and to consult a noted " astrologer," who gives opinions for a small sum. The coincidences of prophecy are not more remarkable than those of star-telling ; and Dryden and the author I have refer- red to were probably both captivated into belief by some for- tuitous realization of their horoscopic predictions. Nor can we altogether blame their credulity, when we see biology, table-turning, rapping, and all the family of impostures, taken up seriously in our own time. On the birth of his son Charles, Dryden immediately cast his horoscope. The following account of Dryden's paternal solicitude for his son, and its result, may be taken as embel- lished, if not apocryphal. Evil hour, indeed — Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun were " all under the earth ;" Mars and Saturn were in square : eight, or a multiple of it, would be fatal to the child — the square foretold it. In his eighth, his twenty- third, or his thirty-second year, he was certain to die, though CONGBEVES AMBITION. 121 he might possibly linger on to the age of thirty-four. The stars did all they could to keep up their reputation. When the boy was eight years old he nearly lost his life by being buried under a heap of stones out of an old wall, knocked down by a stag and hounds in a hunt. But the stars were not to be beaten ; and though the child recovered, went in for the game a second time in his twenty-third year, when he fell, in a lit of giddiness, from a tower, and, to use Lady Elsabeth's words, was " mash'd to a mummy." Still the battle was not over, and the mummy returned in due course to its human form, though considerably disfigured. Mars and Saturn were naturally disgusted at his recovery, and resolved to finish the disobedient youth. As we have seen, he in vain sought his fate at the hand of Jc. Treys; but we must conclude that the offended constellation? look Neptune in jiartnership, for in due course the youth met with a watery grave. After abandoning the drama, Congreve appears to have come out in the light of an independent gentleman. He was already sufficiently introduced into literary society; Pope, Steele, Swift, and Addison were not only his friends but his admirers, and we can well believe that their admiration was considerable, when we rind the one dedicating his " Miscella- ny," the other his translation of the " Iliad," to a man who was qualified neither by rank nor fortune to play Maecenas. At what time he was admitted to the Kit-kat I am not in a position to state, but it must have been after 1715, and by that time he was a middle-aged man, his fame was long since achieved ; and whatever might be thought of his works and his controversy with Collier, he was recognized as one of the literary stars at a period when the great courted the clever, and wit was a passport to any society. Congreve had plenty of that, and probably at the Kit-kat was the life of the party when Vanbrugh was away or Addison in a graver mood. Un- troubled by conscience, he could launch out on any subject whatever ; and his early life, spent in that species of so-called gayety which was then the routine of every young man of the world, gave him ample experience to draw upon. But Con- greve's ambition was greater than his talents. No man so little knew his real value, or so grossly asserted one which he had not. Gay, handsome, and in good circumstances, he as- pired to be, not Congreve the poet, not Congreve the wit^ not Congreve the man of mind, but simply Congreve the fine gen- tleman. Such humility would be charming if it were not ab- surd. It is a vice of scribes to seek a character for which they have little claim. Johnson was as proud or prouder of his hunting than he was of his dictionary ; Moore loved to be F 122 ANECDOTE OP VOLTAIRE AND CONGREVE. thought a diner-out rather than a poet ; even Byron affected the fast man when he might have been content with the name of " genius ;" but Congreve went farther, and was ashamed of being poet, dramatist, genius, or what you will. An anecdote of him, told by Voltaire, who may have been an " awfu' liar," but had no temptation to invent in such a case as this, is so consistent with what we gather of the man's character, that one can not but think it is true. The philosopher of Ferney was anxious to see and converse with a brother dramatist of such celebrity as the author of " The Way of the World." Pie expected to find a man of a keen satirical mind, who would join him in a laugh against hu- manity. He visited Congreve, and naturally began to talk of his works. The fine gentleman spoke of them as trifles utterly beneath his notice, and told him, with an affectation which perhaps was sincere, that he wished to be visited as a gentle- man, not as an author. One can imagine the disgust of his brother dramatist. Voltaire replied, that had Mr. Congreve been nothing more than a gentleman, he should not have taken the trouble to call on him, and therewith retired with an ex- pression of merited contempt. It is only in the present day that authorship is looked upon as a profession, though it has long been one. It is amusing to listen to the sneers of men who never wrote a book, or who, having written, have gained thereby some more valuable ad- vantage than the publisher's check. The men who talk with horror of writing for money, are glad enough if their works introduce them to the notice of the influential, and aid them in procuring a place. In the same way, Congreve was not at all ashamed of fulsome dedications, which brought him the fa- vor of the great. Yet we may ask, if, the laborer being wor- thy of his hire, and the labor of the brain being the highest, finest, and most exhausting that can be, the man who straight- forwardly and without affectation takes guineas from his pub- lisher, is not honester than he who counts upon an indirect reward for his toil? Fortunately, the question is almost set- tled by the example of the first writers of the present day ; but there are still people who think that one should sit down to a year's — ay ten years'-|4iard mental work, and expect no return but fame. Whethe» \\}ch objectors have always pri- vate means to return to, of- Aether they have never known what it is to write a book, we*do not care to examine, but they are to be found in large numbers among the educated ; and. indeed, to this present day, it is held by the upper classes to be utterly derogatory to write for money. Whether this was the feeling in Congreve's day or not is THE PROFESSION OF MAECENAS. 123 not now the question. Those were glorious days for an au- thor, who did not mind playing the sycophant a little. In- stead of having to trudge from door to door in Paternoster Row, humbly requesting an interview, which is not always granted — instead of sending that heavy parcel of MS., which costs you a fortune for postage, to publisher after publisher, till it is so often "returned with thanks" that you hate the very sight of it, the young author of those days had a much easier and more comfortable part to play. An introduction to an influential man in town, who again would introduce you to a patron, was all that was necessary. The profession of Mae- cenas was then as recognized and established as that of doctor or lawyer. A man of money could always buy brains ; and most noblemen considered an author to be as necessary a part of his establishment as the footmen who ushered them into my lord's presence. A fulsome dedication in the largest type was all that he asked ; and if a writer were sufficiently profuse in his adulation, he might dine at Maecenas's table, drink his sack and canary without stint, and apply to him for cash whenever he found his pockets empty. Nor was this all : if a writer were sufficiently successful in his works to reflect honor on his patron, he was eagerly courted by others of the noble profes- sion. He was offered, if not hard cash, as good an equivalent, in the shape of a comfortable govei*nment sinecure ; and if this was not to be had, he was sometimes even lodged and boarded by his obliged dedicatee. In this way he was introduced into the highest society ; and if he had wit enough to supjjort the character, he soon found himself facile princeps in a circle of the highest nobility in the land. Thus it is that in the clubs of the day we find title and wealth mingling with wit and genius ; and the writer who had begun life by a cringing ded- ication, was now rewarded by the devotion and assiduity of the men he had once flattered. When Steele, Swift, Addison, Pope, and Congreve were the kings of their sets, it was time for authors to look and talk big. Eheu ! those' happy days are gone ! Our dramatist, therefore, soon discovered that a good play was the key to a good place, and the Whigs took care that he should have it. Oddly enough, when the Tories came in they did not turn him out. Perhap they wanted to gain him over to themselves ; perhaps, like t 1 /icar of Bray, he did not mind turning his coat once or twi' . m a lifetime. However this may be, he managed to keej) his appointment without offending his own party ; and when the latter returned to power, he even induced them to give him a comfortable little sinecure, which went by the name of Secretary to the Island of Jamaica, and raised the income from his appointments to £1200 a year. 124 congeeve's peivate life. From this period he was little before the public. He could afford now to indulge his natural indolence and selfishness. His private life was perhaps not worse than that of the majority of his contemporaries. He had his intrigues, his mistresses, the same love of wine, and the same addiction to gluttony. He had the reputation of a wit, and with wits he passed his time, sufficiently easy in his circumstances to feel no damping to his spirits in the cares of this life. The Island of Jamaica proba- bly gave him no further trouble than that of signing a few pa- pers from time to time, and giving a receipt for his salary. His life, therefore, presents no very remarkable feature, and he is henceforth known more on account of his friends than for aught he may himself have done. The best of these friends was Wal- ter Moyle, the scholar, who translated j:>arts of Lucian and Xen- ophon, and was pretty well known as a classic. He was a Corn- ish man of independent means, and it was to him that Congreve addressed the letters in which he attempted to defend himself from the attacks of Collier. It was not to be expected that a wit and a poet should go through life without a platonic, and accordingly we find our man not only attached, but devoted to a lady of great distinc- tion. This was no other than Henrietta, Duchess of Marlbor- ough, the daughter of " Malbrook" himself, and of the famous " Queen Sarah." Henrietta was the eldest daughter, and there was no son to inherit the prowess of Churchill and the parsi- mony of his wife. The nation — to which, by the way, the Marl- boroughs were never grateful — would not allow the title of their pet warrior to become extinct, and a special Act of Par- liament gave to the eldest daughter the honors of the duchy.* The two Duchesses of Marlborough hated each other cordially. Sarah's temper was probably the main cause of their bicker- ing; but there is never a feud between parent and child in which both are not more or less blamable. The Duchess Henrietta conceived a violent fancy for the wit and poet, and whatever her husband, Lord Godolphin, may have thought of it, the connection ripened into a most inti- mate friendship, so much so that Congreve made the duchess not only his executrix, but the sole residuary legatee of all his property .f His will gives us some insight into the toady- ing character of the man. Only four near relations are men- tioned as legatees, and only £540 is divided among them; whereas, after leaving £200 to Mrs. Braccgirdle, the actress ; £100, "and all my apparel and linnen of all soi'ts" to a Mrs. Rooke, he divides the rest between his friends of the nobil- * See Burke's "Peerage." t The Duchess of Marlborough received £10,000 by Mr. Congreve's will. congreve's death and burial. 125 ity, Lords Cobham and Shannon, the Duchess of Newcastle, Lady Mary Godolphin, Colonel Churchill (who receives "twen- ty pounds, together with my gold-headed cane"), and, lastly, "to the poor of the parish," the magnificent sum oi ten pounds. " Blessed are those who give to the rich ;" these words must surely have expressed the sentiment of the worldly Congreve. However, Congreve got something in return from the Duch- ess Henrietta, which he might not have received from "the poor of the parish," to wit, a monument, and an inscription on it writ- ten by her own hand. I have already said what " Queen Sa- rah" thought of the latter, and, for the rest, those who care to read the nonsense on the walls of Westminster Abbey can de- cide for themselves as to the honor the poet received from his titled friend. The latter days of William Congreve Avere passed in wit and gout : the wine, which warmed the one probably brought on the latter. After a course of ass's milk, which does not seem to have done him much good, the ex-dramatist retired to Bath, a very fashionable place for departing life in, under easy and elegant circumstances. But he not only drank of the springs beloved of King Bladud, of apocryphal memory, but even went so far as to imbibe the snail-water, which was then the last spe- cies of quack cure in vogue. This, probably, dispatched him. But it is only just to that disagreeable little reptile that in- fests our gardens, and whose slime Avas supposed to possess pe- culiarly strengthening properties, to state that his death was materially hastened by being overturned when driving in his chariot. He was close upon sixty, had long been blind from cataracts in his eyes, and as he was no longer either useful or ornamental to the world in general, he could perhaps be spared. He died soon after this accident in January, 1729. He had the sense to die at a time when Westminster Abbey, being regard- ed as a mausoleum, was open to receive the corpse of any one who had a little distinguished himself, and even of some who had no distinction whatever. He was buried there with great pomp, and his dear duchess set up his monument. So much for his body. What became of the soul of a dissolute, vain, witty, and unprincipled man, is no concern of ours. Mequiescat inpace, if there is any peace for those who are buried in West- minster Abbey. BEAU NASH. " There is nothing new under the sun," said Walpole, by way of a very original remark. " No," whispered George Selwyn, " nor under the grandson either." Mankind, as a body, has proved its silliness in a thousand ways, but in none, perhaps, so ludicrously as in its respect for a man's coat. He is not always a fool that knows the value of dress ; and some of the wisest and greatest of men have been dandies of the first water. King Solomon was one and Alexander the Great was another ; but there never was a more despotic monarch, nor one more humbly obeyed by his sub- jects, than the King of Bath, and he Avon his dominions by the cut of his coat. But as Hercules was killed by a dress- shirt, so the beaux of the modern world have generally ruin- ed themselves by their wardrobes, and brought remorse to their hearts, or contempt from the very people who once wor- shiped them. The husband of Mrs. Darner, who appeared in a new suit twice a day, and whose wardrobe sold for £15,000, blew his brains out at a coffee-house. Beau Fielding, Beau Nash, and Beau Brummell all expiated their contemptible vanity in obscure old age of want and misery. As the world is full of folly, the history of a fool is as good a mirror to hold up to it as another ; but in the case of Beau Nash the only question is, whether he or his subjects were the greater fools. So now for a picture of as much folly as could well be cram- med into that hot basin in the Somersetshire hills, of "which more anon. It is a hard thing for a man not to have had a father — hard- er still, like poor Savage, to have one whom he can not get hold of; but perhaps it is hardest of all, when you have a father, and that parent a very respectable man, to be told that you never had one. This was Nash's case, and his father was so little known, and so seldom mentioned, that the splendid Beau was thought almost to have dropped from the clouds, ready dressed and powdered. He dropped in reality from any thing but a heavenly place — the shipping-town of Swansea : so that Wales can claim the honor of having produced the finest beau of his age. Old Nash was, perhaps, a better gentleman than his son ; but with far less pretensions. He was a partner in a glass- 128 THE KING OF BATH. manufactory. The Beau, in after years, often got rallied on the inferiority of his origin, and the least obnoxious answer he ever made was to Sarah of Marlborough, as rude a creature as himself, who told him he was ashamed of his parentage. "No, madam," replied the King of Bath, " I seldom mention my fa- ther*, in company, not because I have any reason to be ashamed of him, but because he has some reason to be ashamed of me." Nash, though a fop and a fool, was not a bad-hearted man, as we shall see. And if there were no other redeeming point in his character, it is a great deal to say for him, that in an age of toadyism, he treated rank in the same manner as he did the want of it, and did his best to remove the odious distinctions which pride would have kept up in his dominions. In fact, King Nash may be thanked for having, by his energy in this respect, introduced into society the first elements of that mid- dle class which is found alone in England. Old Nash — whose wife, by the way, was niece to that Col- onel Poyer who defended Pembroke Castle in the days of the first Revolution — was one of those silly men who want to make gentlemen of their sons, rather than good men. He had his wish. His son Richard was a very fine gentleman, no doubt ; but, unfortunately, the same circumstances that raised him to that much-coveted position, also made him a gambler and a profligate. Oh! foolish papas, when will you learn that a Christian snob is worth ten thousand irreligious gentlemen? When will you be content to bring up your boys for heaven rather than for the brilliant world ? Nash, senior, sent his son first to school and then to Oxford, to be made a gentle- man of. Richard was entered at Jesus College, the haunt of the Welsh. In my day, this quiet little place was celebrated for little more than the humble poverty of its members, one third of whom rejoiced in the cognomen of Jones. They were not renowned for cleanliness, and it was a standing joke with us silly boys, to ask at the door for " that Mr. Jones who had a tooth-brush." If the college had the same character then, Nash must have astonished its dons, and we are not surprised that in his first year they thought it better to get rid of him. His father could ill afford to keep him at Oxford, and fond- ly hoped he would distinguish himself. " My boy Dick" did so at the very outset, by an offer of marriage to one of those charming sylphs of that academical city, who are always on the look-out for credulous undergraduates. The affair was discovered, and Master Richard, who was not seventeen, was removed from the University.* Whether he ever, in after * Warner ("History of Bath," p. 366) says, "Nash was removed from Oxford by his friends." OFFER OF KNIGHTHOOD. 129 life, made another offer, I know not, but there is no doubt that lie ought to have been married, and that the connections he formed in later years were far more disreputable than his first love affairs. The worthy glass-manufacturer having failed to make his son a gentleman in one way, took the best step to make him a blackguard, and, in spite of the wild inclinations he had al- ready evinced, bought him a commission in the army. In this new position the incipient Beau did every thing but his duty ; dressed superbly, but would not be in time for parade ; spent more money than he had, but did not obey orders ; and finally, though not expelled from the army, he found it con- venient to sell his commission, and return home, after spend- ing the proceeds. Papa was now disgusted, and sent the young Hopeless to shift for himself. What could a well-disposed, handsome youth do to keep body and, not soul, but clothes together ? He had but one talent, and that was for dress. Alas, for our degenerate days! When we are pitched upon our own bot- toms, we must work; and that is a highly ungentlemanly thing to do. But in the beginning of the last century, such a de- grading resource was quite unnecessary. There were always at hand plenty of establishments where a youth could obtain the necessary funds to pay his tailor, if fortune favored him ; and if not, he could follow the fashion of the day, and take to what the Japanese call " the happy Dispatch." Nash proba- bly suspected that he had no brains to blow out, and he de- termined the more resolutely to make fortune his mistress. He went to the gaming-table, and turned his one guinea into ten, and his ten into a hundred, and was soon blazing about in gold lace, and a new sword, the very delight of dandies. He had entered his name, by way of excuse, at the Temple, and we can quite believe that he ate all the requisite dinners, though it is not so certain that he paid for them. He soon found that a fine coat is not so very far beneath a good brain in worldly estimation, and when, on the accession of William the Third, the Templars, according to the old custom, gave his Majesty a banquet, Nash, as a promising Beau, was selected to manage the establishment. It was his first experience of the duties of an M. C, and he conducted himself so ably on this occasion that the king even offered to make a knight of him. Probably Master Richard thought of his empty purse, for he replied with some of that assurance which afterward stood him in such good stead, "Please your majesty, if you intend to make me a knight, I wish I may be one of your poor knights of Windsor, and then I shall have a fortune, at least able to sup- F 2 130 nash's generosity. port my title." William did not see the force of this argument, and Mr. Nash remained Mr. Nash till the day of his death. He had another chance of the title, however, in days when he could have better maintained it, but again he refused. Queen Anne once asked him why he declined knighthood. He re- plied : " There is Sir William Read, the mountebank, who has just been knighted, and I should have to call him 'brother.' " The honor was, in fact, rather a cheap one in those days, and who knows whether a man who had done such signal service to his country did not look forward to a peerage? Worse men than even Beau Nash have had it. Well, Nash could aiford to defy royalty, for he was to be himself a monarch of all he surveyed, and a good deal more ; but before we follow him to Bath, let us give the devil his due — which, by the way, he generally gets — and tell a pair of tales in the Beau's favor. Imprimis, his accounts at the Temple were £10 deficient. Now I don't mean that Nash was not as great a liar as most of his craft, but the truth of this tale rests on the authority of the " Spectator," though Nash took delight in repeating it. "Come hither, young man," said the Benchers, coolly: " whereunto this deficit ?" "Pri' thee, good masters," quoth Nash, "that £10 was spent on making a man happy." "A man happy, young sir, pri'thee explain." " Odds donners," quoth Nash, " the fellow said in my hear- ing that his wife and bairns were starving, and £10 would make him the happiest man sub sole, and on such an occasion as His Majesty's accession could I refuse it him ?" Nash was, proverbially, more generous than just. He would not pay a debt if he could help it, but w T ould give the very amount to the first friend that begged it. There was much ostentation in this, but then my friend Nash loas ostentatious. One friend bothered him day and night for £20 that was ow- ing to him, and he could not get it. Knowing his debtor's character, he hit, at last, on a happy expedient, and sent a friend to borrow the money "to relieve his urgent necessi- ties." Out came the bank-note, before the stoiy of disti'ess was finished. The friend carried it to the creditor, and when the latter again met Nash, he ought to have made him a pret- ty compliment on his honesty. Perhaps the King of Bath would not have tolerated in any one else the juvenile frolics he delighted in after years to re- late of his own early days. When at a loss for cash he would do any thing, but work, for a fifty pound note, and having, in one of his trips, lost all his money at York, the Beau under- DAYS OF FOLLY. 131 took to " do penance" at the minster door for that sum. He accordingly arrayed himself — not in sackcloth and ashes, but — in an able-bodied blanket, and nothing else, and took his stand at the porch just at the hour when the dean would be going in to read service. "He, ho," cried that dignitary, who knew him, " Mr. Nash in masquerade ?" " Only a Yorkshire penance, Mr. Dean," quoth the reprobate ; " for 'keeping bad company, too," pointing therewith to the friends who had come to see the sport. This might be tolerated, but when, in the eighteenth cen- tury, a young man emulates the hardiness of Godiva, without her merciful heart, we may not think quite so well of him. Mr. Richard Nash, Beau Extraordinary to the Kingdom of Bath, once rode through a village in that costume of which even our first parent was rather ashamed, and that, too, on the back of a cow ! The wager was, I believe, considerable. A young Englishman did something more respectable, yet quite as extraordinary, at Paris, not a hundred years ago, for a small bet. He was one of the stoutest, thickest-built men possible, yet being but eighteen, had neither whisker nor mus- tache to masculate his clear English complexion. At the Mai- son Doree one night he offered to ride in the Champs Elysees in a lady's habit, and not be mistaken for a man. A friend xmdertook to dress him, and went all over Paris to hire a habit that would fit his round figure. It was hopeless for a time, but at last a good-sized body was found, and added thereto, an ample skirt. Felix dressed his hair with mainte plats and a net. He looked perfect, but in coming out of the hairdress- er's to get into his fly, unconsciously pulled up his skirt and displayed a sturdy pair of well-trowsered legs. A crowd — there is always a ready crowd in Paris — was waiting, and the laugh Mas general. This hero reached the horse-dealer's — "mounted," and rode down the Champs. "A very fine wom- an that," said a Frenchman in the promenade, " but what a back she has !" It was in the return bet to this that a now well-known diplomat drove a goat-chaise and six down the same fashionable resort, with a monkey, dressed as a footman, in the back seat. The days of folly did not, apparently, end with Beau Nash. There is a long lacune in the history of this worthy's life, which may have been filled up by a residence in a sponging- house, or by a temporary appointment as billiard-marker ; but the heroic Beau accounted for his disappearance at this time in a much more romantic manner. He used to relate that he was once asked to dinner on board a man-of-war under orders for the Mediterranean, and that such was the affection the of- 132 A VERY ROMANTIC STORY. ficers entertained for him, that, having made him drunk — no difficult matter — they weighed anchor, set sail, and carried the successor of King Bladud away to the wars. Having gone so far, Nash was not the man to neglect an opportunity for im- aginary valor. He therefore continued to relate that, in the apocryphal vessel, he was once engaged in a yet more apocry- phal encounter, and wounded in the leg. This was a little too much for the good Bathonians to believe, but Nash silenced their doubts. On one occasion, a lady who was present when he was telling this story, expressed her incredulity. " I protest, madam," cried the Beau, lifting his leg up, " it is true, and if I can not be believed, your ladyship may, if you please, receive further information, and feel the ball in my leg." Wherever Nash may have passed the intervening years, may be an interesting speculation for a German professor, but is of little moment to us. We find him again, at the age of thirty, taking first steps toward the complete subjugation of the kingdom he afterward ruled. There is, among the hills of Somersetshire, a huge basin form- ed by the river Avon, and conveniently supplied with a nat- ural gush of hot water, which can be turned on at any time for the cleansing of diseased bodies. This hollow presents many curious anomalies : though sought for centuries for the sake of health, it is one of the most unhealthily-situated places in the kingdom; here the body and the pocket are alike clean- ed out, but the spot itself has been noted for its dirtiness since the days of King Bladud's wise pigs; here, again, the diseased flesh used to be healed, but the healthy soul within it speedily besickened ; you came to cure gout and rheumatism, and caught in exchange dice-fever. The mention of those pigs reminds me that it would be a shameful omission to speak of this city without giving the sto- ry of that apocryphal British monarch, King Bladud. But let me be the one exception ; let me respect the good sense of the reader, and not insult him by supposing him capable of believ- ing a mythic jumble of kings, and pigs, and dirty marshes, which he will, if he cares to, find at full length in any " Bath Guide" — price sixpence. But whatever be the case with respect to the Celtic sover- eign, there is, I presume, no doubt, that the Romans were here, and probably the centurions and tribunes cast the alea in some pristine assembly-room, or wagged their plumes in some well- built Pump-room, with as much spirit of fashion as the full- bottomed-wigged exquisites in the reign of King Nash. At any rate Bath has been in almost every age a common centre NASH DESCENDS UPON BATH. 133 for health-seekers and gamesters — two antipodal races who al- ways flock together — and if it has from time to time declined, it has only been for a period. Saxon churls and Norman lords were too sturdy to catch much rheumatic gout : crusaders had better things to think of than their imaginary ailments ; good health was in fashion under Plantagenets and Tudors ; doctors were not believed in ; even empirics had to praise their wares with much wit, and Morrison himself must have mounted a bank and dressed in Astleyian costume in order to find a cus- tomer ; sack and small-beer were harmless, when homes were not comfortable enough to keep earl or churl by the fireside, and " out-of-doors" was the proper drawing-room for a man : in short, sickness came in with civilization, indisposition with immoral habits, fevers with fine-gentlemanliness, gout with greediness, and valetudinarianism — there is no Anglo-Saxon word for that — with what we falsely call refinement. So, whatever Bath may have been to pampered Romans, who over-ate themselves, it had little importance to the stout, healthy Middle Ages, and it was not till the reign of Charles II. that it began to look up. Doctors and touters — the two were often one in those days — thronged there, and fools were found in plenty to follow them. At last the blessed counte- nance of portly Anne smiled on the pig-styes of King Bladud. In 1703 she went to Bath, and from that time "people of dis- tinction" flocked there. The assemblage was not perhaps very brilliant or very refined. The visitors danced on the green, and played privately at hazard. A few sharpers found their way down from London ; and at last the Duke of Beaufort in- stituted an M. C. in the person of Captain Webster — Nash's predecessor — whose main act of glory was in setting up gam- bling as a public amusement. It remained for Nash to make the place what it afterward was, when Chesterfield could lounge in the Pump-room and take snuff with the Beau ; when Sarah of Marlborough, Lord and Lady Hervey, the Duke of Wharton, Congreve, and all the little-great of the day thronged thither rather to kill time with less ceremony than in London, than to cure complaints more or less imaginary. The doctors were only less numerous than the sharpers ; the place was still uncivilized ; the company smoked and lounged without etiquette, and played without honor ; the place itself lacked all comfort, all elegance, and all cleanliness. Upon this delightful place, the avatar of the God of Eti- quette, personified in Mr. Richard Nash, descended somewhere about the year 1705, for the purpose of regenerating the bar- barians. He alighted just at the moment that one of the doc- tors we have alluded to, in a fit of disgust at some slight on 134 nash's chef-d'ceuvre. the part of the town, was threatening to destroy its reputa- tion, or, as he politely expressed it, " to throw a toad into the spring." The Bathonians were alarmed and in consternation, when young Nash, who must have already distinguished him- self as a macaroni, stepped forward and offered to render the angry physician impotent. " We'll charm his toad out again with music," quoth he. He evidently thought very little of the watering-place, after his town experiences, and prepared to treat it accordingly. He got up a band in the Pump-room, brought thither in this manner the healthy as well as the sick, and soon raised the renown of Bath as a resort for gayety as well as for mineral waters. In a word, he displayed a sur- prising talent for setting every thing and every body to rights, and was, therefore, soon elected, by tacit voting, the King of Bath. He rapidly proved his qualifications for the position. First he secured his Orphean harmony by collecting a band sub- scription, which gave two guineas a piece to six performers ; then he engaged an official pumper for the Pump-room ; and lastly, finding that the bathers still gathered under a booth to drink their tea and talk their scandal, he induced one Harrison to build assembly-rooms, guaranteeing him three guineas a week to be raised by subscription. All this demanded a vast amount of impudence on Mr. Nash's part, and this he possessed to a liberal extent. The subscriptions flowed in regularly, and Nash felt his power in- crease with his responsibility. So, then, our minor monarch resolved to be despotic, and in a short time laid down laws for the guests, which they obeyed most obsequiously. Nash had not much wit, though a great deal of assurance, but these laws were his chef-d'oeuvre. Witness some of them : 1. "That a visit of ceremony at first coming and another at going away, are all that are expected or desired by ladies of quality and fashion — except impertinents. 4. " That no person takes it ill that any one goes to anoth- er's play or breakfast, and not theirs — except captious nature. 5. "That no gentleman give his ticket for the balls to any but gentlewomen. N.B. — Unless he has none of his acquaint- ance. 6. " That gentlemen crowding before the ladies at the ball, show ill manners ; and that none do so for the future except such as respect nobody but themselves. 9. " That the younger ladies take notice how many eyes ob- serve them. N.B. — This does not extend to the Have-at-alls. 1 0. " That all whisperers of lies and scandal be taken for their authors." THE BALL. 135 Really this law of Nash's must have been repealed some time or other at Bath. Still more that which follows : 11. "That repeaters of such lies and scandal be shunned by all company, except such as have been guilty of the same crime." There is a certain amount of satire in these Lycurgus stat- utes that shows Nash in the light of an observer of society ; but, query, whether any frequenter of Bath would not have devised as good ? The dances of those days must have been somewhat tedious. They began with a series of minuets, in which, of course, only one couple danced at a time, the most distinguished opening the ball. These solemn performances lasted about two hours, and we can easily imagine that the rest of the company were delighted when the country dances, which included every body, began. The ball opened at six ; the country dances began at eight : at nine there was a lull for the gentlemen to offer their partners tea ; in due course the dances were resumed, and at eleven Nash held up his hand to the musicians, and under no circumstances was the ball allowed to continue after that hour. Nash well knew the value of early hours to invalids, and he would not destroy the healing reputation of Bath for the sake of a little more pleasure. On one occasion the Princess Ame- lia implored him to allow one dance more. The despot re- plied, that his laws were those of Lycurgus, and could not be abrogated for any one. By this we see that the M. C. was al- ready an autocrat in his kingdom. Nor is it to be supposed that his majesty's laws were con- fined to such merely professional arrangements. Not a bit of it; in a very short time his impudence gave him undenied right of interference with the coats and gowns, the habits and manners, even the daily actions of his subjects, for so the visitors at Bath were compelled to become. 8i parva licet eomponere magnis, we may admit that the rise of Nash and that of Napoleon were owing to similar causes. The French emperor found France in a state of disorder, with which sensi- ble people were growing more and more disgusted ; he offered to restore order and propriety ; the French hailed him, and gladly submitted to his early decrees ; then, when he had got them into the habit of obedience, he could make what laws he liked, and use his power without fear of opposition. The Bath emperor followed the same course, and it may be asked wheth- er it does not demand as great an amount of courage, assur- ance, perseverance, and administrative power to subdue several hundreds of English ladies and gentlemen as to rise supreme above some millions of French republicans. Yet Nash expe- 1:36 A PUBLIC BENEFACTOR. rienced less opposition than Napoleon ; Nash reigned longer, and had no infernal machine prepared to blow him np. Every body was delighted with the improvements in the Pump-room, the balls, the promenades, the chairmen — the Mouge ruffians of the mimic kingdom — whom he reduced to submission, and therefore nobody complained when Emperor Nash went farther, and made war upon the white aprons of the ladies and the boots of the gentlemen. The society was in fact in a very barbarous condition at the time, and people who came for pleasure liked to be at ease. Thus ladies lounged into the balls in their riding-hoods or morning dresses, gentle- men in boots with their pipes in their mouths. Such atroci- ties were intolerable to the late frequenter of London society, and in his imperious arrogance the new monarch used actually to pull off the white aprons of ladies who entered the assem- bly-rooms with that der/age article, and throw them upon the back seats. Like the French emperor again, he treated high and low in the same manner, and when the Duchess of Queens- berry appeared in an apron, coolly pulled it off, and told her it was only fit for a maid-servant. Her grace made no resist- ance. The men were not so submissive ; but the M. C. turned them into ridicule, and whenever a gentleman appeared at the assembly-rooms in boots, would walk up to him, and in a loud voice remark, " Sir, I think you have forgot your horse." To complete his triumph, he put the offenders into a song called " Trentinella's Invitation to the Assembly." " Come one and all, To Hoyden Hall, For there's the assembly this night ; None but prude fools, Mind manners and rules ; We Hoydens do decency slight. " Come trollops and slatterns, Cockt hats and white aprons; This best our modesty suits : For why should not we In a dress be as free As Hogs-Norton squires in boots ?" and as this was not enough, got up a puppet-show of a suffi- cient coarseness to suit the taste of the time, in which the prac- tice of wearing boots was satirized. His next onslaught was upon that of carrying swords; and in this respect Nash became a public benefactor, for in those days, though Chesterfield was the writer on etiquette, people were not well-bred enough to keep their tempers, and rivals for a lady's hand at a minuet, or gamblers who disputed over LIFE AT BATH IN NASH's TIME 13 V their cards, invariably settled the matter by an option be- tween suicide or murder under the polite name of duel. The M. C. wisely saw that these affairs would bring Bath into bad repute, and determined to supplant the rapier by the less dan- gerous cane. In this he was for a long time opposed, until a notorious torch-light duel between two gamblers, of whom one was run through the body, and the other, to show his contri- tion, turned Quaker, brought his opponents to a sense of the danger of a weapon always at hand ; and henceforth the sword was abolished. These points gained, the autocrat laid down rules for the employment of the visitors' time, and these, from setting the fashion to some, soon became a law to all. The first thing to be done was, sensibly enough, the ostensible object of their residence in Bath, the use of the baths. At an early hour four lusty chairmen waited on every lady to carry her, Avrap- ped in flannels, in " A little black box, just the size of a coffin," to one of the five baths. Here, on entering, an attendant placed beside her a floating tray, on which were set her handkerchief, bouquet, and snuff-box, for our great-great-grandmothers did take snuff; and here she found her friends in the same bath of naturally hot water. It was, of course, a reunion for socie- ty on the plea of health ; but the early hours and exercise se- cured the latter, whatever the baths may have done. A walk in the Pump-room, to the music of a tolerable band, was the next measure ; and there, of course, the gentlemen mingled with the ladies. A coffee-house was ready to receive those of either sex ; for that was a time when madame and miss lived a great deal in public, and English people were not ashamed of eating their breakfast in public company. These breakfasts were often enlivened by concerts paid for by the rich and en- joyed by all. Supposing the peacocks now to.be dressed out and to have their tails spread to the best advantage, we next find some in the public promenades, others in the reading-rooms, the ladies having their clubs as well as the men ; others riding ; others, perchance, already gambling. Mankind and womankind then dined at a reasonable hour, and the evening's amusements be- gan early. Nash insisted on this, knowing the value of health to those, and they were many at that time, who sought Bath on its account. The balls began at six, and took place every Tuesday and Friday, private balls filling up the vacant nights. About the commencement of his reign, a theatre was built, and whatever it may have been, it afterward became celebrated 138 A COMPACT WITH THE DUKE OP BEAUPOKT. as the nursery of the London stage, and now, tempo passato ! is almost abandoned. It is needless to add that the gaming- tables were thronged in the evenings. It was at them that Nash made the money which sufficed to keep up his state, which was vulgarly regal. He drove about in a chariot, naming with heraldry, and drawn by six grays, with outriders, running footmen, and all the appendages which made an impression on the vulgar minds of the visitors of his kingdom. His dress was magnificent ; his gold lace unlimited, his coats ever new ; his hat alone was always of the same col- or — white ; and as the Emperor Alexander was distinguished by his purple tunic and Brummell by his bow, Emperor Nash was known all England over by his white hat. It is due to the King of Bath to say that, however much he gained, he always played fair. He even patronized young players, and after fleecing them, kindly advised them to play no more. When he found a man fixed upon ruining himself, he did his best to keep him from that suicidal act. This was the case with a young Oxonian, to whom he had lost money, and whom he invited to supper, in order to give him his pa- rental advice. The fool would not take the Beau's counsel, and " came to grief." Even noblemen sought his " protec- tion." The Duke of Beaufort entered on a compact with him to save his purse, if not his soul. He agreed to pay Nash ten thousand guineas, whenever he lost the same amount at a sit- ting. It was a comfortable treaty for our Beau, who accord- ingly watched his grace. Yet it must be said, to Nash's hon- or, that he once saved him from losing eleven thousand, when he had already lost eight, by reminding him of his compact. Such was play in those days ! It is said that the duke had afterward to pay the fine, from losing the stipulated sum at Newmarket. He displayed as much honesty with the young Lord Towns- hend, who lost to him his whole fortune, his estate, and even his carriage and horses— what madmen are gamblers — and actually canceled the whole debt, on condition my lord should pay him £5000 whenever he chose to claim it. To Nash's honor it must be said that he never came down upon the no- bleman during his life. He claimed the sum from his execu- tors, who paid it. " Honorable to both parties." But an end was put to the gaming at Bath and every where else — except in a royal palace, and Nash swore that, as he was a king, Bath came under the head of the exceptions — by an Act of Parliament. Of course Nash and the sharpers who fre- quented Bath — and their name was Legion — found means to evade this law for a time, by the invention of new games. But ANECDOTES OF NASH. 139 tliis could not last, and the Beau's fortune went with the death of the dice. Still, however, the very prohibition increased the zest for play for a time, and Nash soon discovered that a private table was more profitable than a public one. He entered into an arrangement with an old woman at Bath, in virtue of which he was to receive a fourth share of the profits. This was prob- ably not the only " hell" -keeping transaction of his life, and he had once before quashed an action against a cheat in consider- ation of a handsome bonus ; and, in fact, there is no saying what amount of dirty work Nash would not have done for a hundred or so, especially when the game of the table was shut up to him. The man was immensely fond of money ; he liked to show his gold-laced coat and superb new waistcoat in the Grove, the Abbey Ground, and Bond Street, and to be known as Le Grand Nash. But on the other hand, he did not love money for itself, and never hoarded it. It is, indeed, some- thing to Nash's honor, that he died poor. He delighted, in the poverty of his mind, to display his great thick-set person to the most advantage ; he was as vain as any fop, without the affectation of that character, for he was always blunt and free- spoken, but, as long as he had enough to satisfy his vanity, he cared nothing for mere wealth. He had generosity, though he neglected the precept about the right hand and the left, and showed some ostentation in his charities. When a poor ruin- ed fellow at his elbow saw him win at a throw £200, and mur- mured " How happy that would make me !" Nash tossed the money to him, and said, " Go and be happy then." Probably the w T itless beau did not see the delicate satire implied in his speech. It was only the triumph of a gamester. On other occasions he collected subscriptions for poor curates and so forth, in the same spirit, and did his best toward founding a hospital, which has since proved of great value to those afflict- ed with rheumatic gout. In the same spirit, though himself a gamester, he often attempted to win young and inexperienced boys, who came to toss away their money at the rooms, from seeking their own ruin; and, on the whole, there was some goodness of heart in this gold-laced bear. That he was a bear there are anecdotes enough to show, and whether true or not, they sufficiently prove what the reputa- tion of the man must have been. Thus, when a lady, afflicted with a curvature of the spine, told him that " She had come straight from London that day," Nash replied w T ith utter heartlessness, "Then, ma'am, you've been damnably warpt on the road." The lady had her revenge, however, for meeting the beau one day in the Grove, as she toddled along with her 140 "MISS SYLVIA." dog, and being impudently asked by him, if she knew the name of Tobit's dog, she answered quickly, " Yes, sir, his name was Nash, and a most impudent dog he was too." It is due to Nash to state that he made many attempts to put an end to the perpetual system of scandal, which from some hidden cause seems always to be connected with mineral springs ; but as he did not banish the old maids, of course he failed. Of the young ladies and their reputation he took a kind of paternal care, and in that day they seem to have need- ed it, for even at nineteen, those who had any money to lose, staked it at the tables with as much gusto as the wrinkled, puckered, greedy-eyed " single woman," of a certain or uncer- tain age. Nash protected and cautioned them, and even gave them the advantage of his own unlimited experience. Wit- ness, for instance, the care he took of " Miss Sylvia," a lovely heiress who brought her face and her fortune to enslave some and enrich others of the loungers of Bath. She had a terrible love of hazard, and very little prudence, so that Nash's good offices were much needed in the case. The young lady soon became the standing toast at all the clubs and suppers, and lovers of her, or her ducats, crowded round her ; but though at that time she might have made a brilliant match, she chose, as young women will do, to fix her affections upon one of the worst men in Bath, who, naturally enough, did not return them. When this individual, as a climax to his misadventures, was clapt into prison, the devoted young creature gave the greater part of her fortune in order to pay off his debts, and falling into disrepute from this act of generosity, which was, of course, interpreted after a worldly fashion, she seems to have lost her honor with her fame, and the fair Sylvia took a position which could not be creditable to her. At last the poor girl, weary of slights, and overcome with shame, took her silk sash and hanged herself. The terrible event made a nine hours' — not nine days' — sensation in Bath, which was too busy with mains and aces to care about the fate of one who had long sunk out of its circles. When Nash reached the zenith of his power, the adulation he received was somewhat of a parody on the flattery of court- iers. True, he had his bards from Grub Street who sang his praises, and he had letters to show from Sarah of Marlborough and others of that calibre, but his chief worshipers were cooks, musicians, and even imprisoned highwaymen — one of whom disclosed the secrets of the craft to him — who wrote him ded- ications, letters, poems and what not. The good city of Bath set up his statue, and did Newton and Pope* the great honor * A full-length statue of Nash was placed between busts of Newton and Pope. nash's sun setting. 141 of playing " supporters" to him, which elicited from Chester- field some well-known lines : "This statue placed the busts between Adds to the satire strength ; Wisdom and Wit are little seen, But Folly at full length." Meanwhile his private character was none of the best. He had in early life had one attachment, besides that unfortunate affair for which his friends had removed him from Oxford, and in that had behaved with great magnanimity. The young lady had honestly told him that he had a rival ; the Beau sent for him, settled on her a fortune equal to that her father in- tended for her, and himself presentee! her to the favored suitor. Now, however, he seems to have given up all thoughts of matrimony, and gave himself up to mistresses, who cared more for his gold than for himself. It was an awkward conclusion to Nash's generous act in that one case, that before a year had passed, the bride ran away with her husband's footman ; yet, though it disgusted him with ladies, it does not seem to have cured him of his attachment to the sex in general. In the height of his glory Nash was never ashamed of re- ceiving adulation. He was as fond of flattery as Le Grand Monarque — and he paid for it too — whether it came from a prince or a chairman. Every day brought him some fresh meed of praise in prose or verse, and Nash was always de- lighted. But his sun was to set in time. His fortune went when gaming was put down, for he had no other means of subsist- ence. Yet he"lived on : he had not the good sense to die ; and he reached the patriarchal of eighty-seven. In his old age he was not only garrulous, but bragging : he told stories of his exploits in which he, Mr. Richard Nash, came out as the first swordsman, swimmer, leaper, and what not. But by this time people began to doubt Mr. Richard Nash's long bow, and the yarns he spun were listened to with impatience. He grew rude and testy in his old age ; suspected Quin, the actor, who was living at Bath, of an intention to supplant him ; made coarsej impertinent repartees to the visitors at that city, and in general raised up a dislike to himself. Yet, as other mon- archs have had their eulogists in sober mind, Nash had his in one of the most depraved; and Anstey, the low-minded author of "The New Bath Guide," panegyrized him a short time after his death in the following verses : "Yet here no confusion — no tumult is known ; Fair order and beauty establish their throne ; 142 A PANEGYRIC. For order, and beauty, and just regulation, Support all the works of this ample creation. For this, in compassion to mortals below, The gods, their peculiar favor to show, Sent Hermes to Bath in the shape of a beau : That grandson of Atlas came down from above To bless all the regions of pleasure and love ; To lead the fair nymph thro' the various maze, Bright beauty to marshal, his glory and praise ; To govern, improve, and adorn the gay scene, By the Graces instructed, and Cyprian queen : As when in a garden delightful and gay, Where Flora is wont all her charms to display, The sweet hyacinthus with pleasure we view, Contend with narcissus in delicate hue ; The gard'ner, industrious, trims out his border, Puts each odoriferous plant in its order ; The myrtle he ranges, the rose and the lily, With iris, and crocus, and daffa-down-dilly; Sweet peas and sweet oranges all he disposes, At once to regale both your eyes and your noses. Long reign'd the great Nash, this omnipotent lord, Respected by youth, and by parents ador'd ; For him not enough at a ball to preside, The unwary and beautiful nymph would lie guide ; Oft tell her a tale, how the credulous maid By man, by perfidious man, is betrayed ; Taught Charity's hand to relieve the distress'd, While tears have his tender compassion express'd , But alas ! he is gone, and the city can tell How in years and in glory lamented he fell. Him mourn'd all the Dryads on Claverton's mount ; Him Avon deplor'd, him the nymph of the fount, The crystalline streams. Then perish his picture — his statue decay — A tribute more lasting the Muses shall pay. If true, what philosophers all will assure us, Who dissent from the doctrine of great Epicurus, That the spirit's immortal (as poets allow) : In reward of his labors, his virtue and pains, He is footing it now in the Elysian plains, Indulg'd, as a token of Proserpine's favor, To preside at her balls in a cream-color'd beaver. Then peace to his ashes — our grief be suppress'd, Since we find such a phcenix has sprung from his nest: Kind Heaven has sent us another professor, Who follows the steps of his great predecessor." The end of the Bath Beau was somewhat less tragical than that of his London successor — Bruramell. Nash, in his old age and poverty, hung about the clubs and supper-tables, but- ton-holed youngsters, who thought him a bore, spun his long yarns, and tried to insist on obsolete fashions, when near the end of his life's century. The clergy took more care of him than the youngsters. NASH S FUNERAL. 143 They heard that Nash was an octogenarian, and likely to die in his sins, and resolved to do their best to shrive him. Worthy and well-meaning men accordingly wrote him long letters, which, if he read, the Beau must have had more patience than Ave can lay claim to. There was, however, a great deal of hell-fire in these effusions, and there was nothing which Nash dreaded so much. As long as there was immediate fear of death, he was pious and humble; the moment the fear had passed, he was jovial and indifferent again. His especial de- light, to the last, seems to have been swearing against the doc- tors, whom he treated like the individual in Anstey's "Bath Guide," shying their medicines out of window upon their own heads. But the wary old Beckoner called him in, in due time, with his broken, empty-chested voice ; and Nash was forced to obey. Death claimed him — and much good it got of him — in 1761, at the age of eighty-seven : there are few beaux who lived so long. Thus ended a life, of which the moral lay, so to speak, out of it. The worthies of Bath were true to the worship of Folly, whom Anstey so well, though indelicately, describes as there conceiving Fashion ; and though Nash, old, slovenly, disrespected, had long ceased to be either beau or monarch, treated his huge, unlovely corpse with the honor due to the great — or little. His funeral was as glorious as that of any hero, and far more showy, though much less solemn, than the burial of Sir John Moore. Perhaps for a bit of prose flum- mery, by way of contrast to Wolfe's lines on the latter event, there is little to equal the account in a contemporary paper : "Sorrow sate upon every face, and even children lisped that their sovereign was no more. The awfulness of the solemnity made the deepest impression on the minds of the distressed inhabitants. The peasant discontinued his toil, the ox rested from the plow, all nature seemed to sympathize with their loss, and the muffled bells rung a peal of bob-major." The Beau left little behind him, and that little not worth much, even including his renown. Most of the presents which fools or flatterers had made him, had long since been sent chez ma tante; a few trinkets and pictures, and a few books, which probably he had never read, constituted his little store.* Bath and Tunbridge — for he had annexed that lesser king- dom to his own — had reason to mourn him, for he had almost made them what they were ; but the country has not much cause to thank the upholder of gaming, the institutor of silly * In the "Annual Eegister" (vol. v. p. 37), it is stated that a pension of ten guineas a month was paid to Nash during the latter years of his life by the Corporation of Bath. 144 HIS CHARACTERISTICS. fashion, and the high-priest of folly. Yet Nash was free from many vices we should expect to find in such a man. He did not drink, for instance; one glass of wine, and a moderate quantity of small beer, being his allowance for dinner. He was early in his hours, and made others sensible in theirs. He was generous and charitable when he had the money ; and when he had not he took care to make his subjects subscribe it. In a word, there have been worse men and greater fools ; and we may again ask whether those who obeyed and flatter- ed him were not more contemptible than Beau Nash himself. So much for the powers of impudence and a fine coat ! PHILIP, DUKE OF WHARTON. If an illustration were wanted of that character unstable as water which shall not excel, this duke would at once supply it : if we had to warn genius against self-indulgence — some clever boy against extravagance — some poet against the bot- tle — this is the "shocking example" we should select: if we wished to show how the most splendid talents, the greatest wealth, the most careful education, the most unusual advan- tages, may all prove useless to a man who is too vain or too frivolous to use them properly, it is enough to cite that no- bleman, whose acts gained for him the name of the infamous Duke of Wharton. Never was character more mercurial, or life more unsettled than his ; never, perhaps, were more changes crowded into a fewer number of years, more fame and infamy gathered into so short a space. Suffice it to say, that when Pope wanted a man to hold up to the scorn of the world, as ;i sample of wasted abilities, it was Wharton that he chose, and his lines rise in grandeur in proportion to the vileness of the theme : "Wharton, the scorn and wonder of our days. Whose riding passion was a love of praise. Born with whate'er could win it from the wise. Women and fools must like him or he dies ; Though raptured senates hung on all lie spoke. The club must hail him master of the joke. Shall parts so various aim at nothing new ? He'll shrne a Tully and a Wilmot too. * * * * Thus with each gift of nature and of art, And wanting nothing but an honest heart ; Grown all to all, from no one vice exempt. And most contemptible, to shun contempt ; His passion still, to covet general praise, His life to forfeit it a thousand ways; A constant bounty which no friend has made : An angel tongue which no man can persuade : A fool with more of wit than all mankind ; Too rash for thought, for action too refined." And then those memorable lines — "A tyrant to the wife his heart approved, A rebel to the very king he loved ; lie dies, sad outcast of each church and state ; « And, harder still ! flagitious, yet not great." Though it may be doubted if the "lust of praise" was the G 146 wharton's ancestors. — his early years. cause of his eccentricities, so much as an utter restlessness and instability of character, Pope's description is sufficiently correct, and will prepare us for one of the most disappointing lives we could well have to read. Philip, Duke of Wharton, was one of those men of whom an Irishman would say, that they were fortunate before they were born. His ancestors bequeathed him a name that stood high in England for bravery and excellence. The first of the house, Sir Thomas Wharton, had won his peerage from Henry VIII. for routing some 15,000 Scots with 500 men, and other gallant deeds. From his father the marquis he inherited much of his talents ; but for the heroism of the former, he seems to have received it only in the extravagant form of foolhardiness. Walpole remembered, but could not tell where, a ballad he wrote on being arrested by the guard in St. James's Park, for singing the Jacobite song, "The King shall have his own again," and quotes two lines to show that he was not ashamed of his own cowardice on the occasion : "The duke he drew out half his sword — The guard drew out the rest." At the siege of Gibraltar, where he took up arms against his own king and country, he is said to have gone alone one night to the very walls of the town, and challenged the out- post. They asked him who he was, and when he replied, openly enough, "The Duke of Wharton," they actually allow- ed, him to return without either firing on or capturing him. The story seems somewhat apocryphal, but it is quite possible that the English soldiers may have refrained from violence to a well-known madcap nobleman of their own nation. Philip, son of the Marquis of Wharton, at that time only a baron, was born in the last year but one of the seventeenth century, and came into the world endowed with every quality which might have made a great man, if he had only added wisdom to them. His father wished to make him a brilliant statesman, and, to have a better chance of doing so, kept him at home, and had him educated under his own eye. He seems to have easily and rapidly acquired a knowledge of classical languages ; and his memory was so keen that when a boy of thirteen he could repeat the greater part of the "iEneid" and of Horace by heart. His father's keen perception did not al- low him to stop at classics ; and he wisely prepared him for the career to which he was destined by the study of history, ancient and modern, and of English literature, and by teach- ing him, even at that early age, the art of thinking and writ- ing on any given subject, by proposing themes for essays. There is certainly no surer mode of developing the reflective MARRIAGE AT SIXTEEN". 147 and reasoning powers of the mind ; and the boy progressed with a rapidity which was almost alarming. Oratory, too, was of course cultivated, and to this end the young nobleman was made to recite before a small audience passages from Shakspeare, and even speeches which had been delivered in the House of Lords, and we may be certain he showed no bashfulness in this display. He was precocious beyond measure, and at sixteen was a man. His first act of folly — or, perhaps, he thought of man- hood — came off at this early age. He fell in love with the daughter of a Major General Holmes ; and though there is nothing extraordinary in that, for nine tenths of us have been love-mad at as early an age, he did what fortunately very few do in a first love affair, he married the adored one. Early marriages are often extolled, and justly enough, as safeguards against profligate habits, but this one seems to have had the contrary effect on young Philip. His wife was in every sense too good for him : he was madly in love with her at first, but soon shamefully and openly faithless. Pope's line, "A tyrant to the wife his heart approved," requires explanation here. It is said that she did not present her boy-husband with a son for three years after their mar- riage, and on this child he set great value and great hopes. About that time he left his wife in the country, intending to amuse himself in town, and ordered her to remain behind with the child. The poor deserted woman well knew what was the real object of this journey, and could not endure the separation. In the hope of keeping her young husband out of harm, and none the less because she loved him very tenderly, she follow- ed him soon after, taking the little Marquis of Malmsbury, as the young live branch was called, with her. The duke was, of course, disgusted, but his anger was turned into hatred, when the child, which he had hoped to make his heir and successor, caught in town the small-pox, and died in infancy. He was furious with his wife, refused to see her for a long time, and treated her with unrelenting coldness. The early marriage was much to the distaste of Philip's fa- ther, who had been lately made a marquis, and who hoped to arrange a very grand " alliance" for his petted son. He was, in fact, so much grieved by it, that he was fool enough to die of it in 1715, and the marchioness survived him only about a year, being no less disgusted with the licentiousness which she already discovered in her Young Hopeful. She did what she could to set him right, and the young married man was shipped off with a tutor, a French Hague- 148 WHARTON TAKES LEAVE OF HIS TUTOR. not, who was to take him to Geneva to be educated as a Prot- estant and a Whig. The young scamp declined to be either. He was taken, by way of seeing the world, to the petty courts of Germany, and of course to that of Hanover, which had kind- ly sent us the worst family that ever disgraced the English fhrone, and by the various princes and grand dukes received with all the honors due to a young British nobleman. The tutor and his charge settled at last at Geneva, and my young Lord amused himself with tormenting his strict guardian. Walpole tells us that he once roused him out of bed only to bor- row a pin. There is no doubt that he led the worthy man a sad life of it ; and to put a climax to his conduct, ran away from him at last, leaving with him, by way of hostage, a young bear-cub — probably quite as tame as himself — which he had picked up somewhere, and grown very fond of — birds of a feather, seemingly — with a message, which showed more wit than good-nature, to this effect : " Being no longer able to bear with your ill usage, I think proper to be gone from you ; however, that you may not want company, I have left you the bear, as the most suitable companion in the world that could be picked out for you." The tutor had to console himself with a tic qvoque, for the young scajoegrace had found his way to Lyons in October, 1716, and then did the very thing his father's son should not have done. The Chevalier de St. George, the Old Pretender, James III., or by whatever other alias you prefer to call him, having failed in the attempt " to have his own again" in the preceding year, was then holding high court in high dudgeon at Avignon. Any adherent would, of course, be welcomed with open arms ; and when the young marquis wrote to him to offer his allegiance, sending with his letter a fine entire horse as a peace offering, he was warmly responded to. A person of rank w r as at once dispatched to bring the youth to the ex-regal court ; he was welcomed with much enthusiasm, and the empty title of Duke of Northumberland at once, most kindly, conferred on him. However, the young marquis does not seem to have c/oute the exile's court, for he staid there one day only, and returning to Lyons, set off to enjoy himself at Paris. With much wit, no prudence, and a plentiful sup- ply of mone"y, which he threw about with the recklessness of a boy just escaped from his tutor, he could not fail to succeed in that capital; and, accordingly, the English received him with open arms. E?en the embassador, Lord Stair, though he had heard rumors of his wild doings, invited him repeat- edly to dinner, and did his best, by advice and warning, to keep him out of harm's way. Young Philip had a horror of w it auton's roguish present. FROLICS AT PAHIS. 151 preceptors, paid or gratuitous, and treated the plenipotentiary with the same coolness as he had served the Huguenot tutor. When the former, praising the late marquis, expressed — by way of a slight hint — a hope "that he would follow so illus- trious an example of fidelity to his prince, and affection to his country, by treading in the same steps," the young scamp re- plied, cleverly enough, "That he thanked his excellency for his good advice, and as his excellency had also a worthy and deserving father, he hoped he would likewise copy so bright an example, and tread in all his steps ;" the pertness of which was pertinent enough, for old Lord Stair had taken a dis- graceful part against his sovereign in the massacre of Glencoe. His frolics at Paris were of the most reckless character for a young nobleman. At the embassador's own table he would occasionally send a servant to some one of the guests, to ask him to join in the Old Chevalier's health, though it was almost treason at that time to mention his name even. And again, when the windows at the embassy had been broken by a young English Jacobite, who was forthwith committed to Fort FEveque, the harebrained marquis proposed, out of revenge, to break them a second time, and only abandoned the project because he could get no one to join him in it. Lord Stair t however, had too much sense to be offended at the follies of a boy of seventeen, even though that boy was the representa- tive of a great English family ; he, probably, thought it would be better to recall him to his allegiance by kindness and ad- vice, than, by resenting his behavior, to drive him irrevocably to the opposite party ; but he was doubtless considerably re- lieved when, after leading a wild life in the capital of France, spending his money lavishly, and doing precisely every thing which a young English nobleman ought not to do, my lord marquis took his departure in December, 171G. The political education he had received now made the un- stable youth ready and anxious to shine in the State ; but be- ing yet under age, he could not, of course, take his seat in the House of Lords. Perhaps he was conscious of his own won- derful abilities ; perhaps, as Pope declares, he was thirsting for praise, and wished to display them ; certainly he w T as itching to become an orator, and as he could not sit in an English Parliament, he remembered that he had a peerage in Ireland, as Earl of Rathfernhame and Marquis of Catherlogh, and off he set to see if the Milesians would stand upon somewhat less ceremony. He was not disappointed there. "His brilliant parts," we are told by contemporary writers, but rather, we should think, his reputation for wit and eccentricity, " found favor in the eyes of Hibernian quicksilvers, and in spite of his years, he was admitted to the Irish House of Lords." 152 ZEAL FOR THE ORANGE CAUSE. When a friend had reproached him, before he left France, with infidelity to the principles so long espoused by his fami- ly, he is reported to have replied, characteristically enough, that " he had pawned his principles to Gordon, the Chevalier's banker, for a considerable sum, and, till he could repay him, he must be a Jacobite ; but when that was clone, he would again return to the Whigs." It is as likely as not that he bor- rowed from Gordon on the strength of the Chevalier's favor, for though a marquis in his own right, he was even at this period always in want of cash ; and on the other hand, the speech, exhibiting the grossest want of any sense of honor, is in thor- ough keeping with his after-life. But whether he paid Gordon onhis return to England — which is highly improbable — or whether he had not honor enough to keep his compact — which is extremely likely — there is no doubt that my lord marquis began, at this period, to qualify himself for the post of parish weathercock to St. Stephens. His early defection to a man who, whether rightful heir or not, had that of romance in his history which is even now suf- ficient to make our young ladies " thorough Jacobites" at heart, was easily to be excused, on the plea of youth and high spirit. The same excuse does not explain his rapid return to Whiggery — in which there is no romance at all — the moment he took his seat in the Irish House of Lords. There is only one way to explain the zeal with which he now advocated the Orange cause: he must have been either a very designing knave, or a very unprincipled fool. As he gained nothing by the change but a dukedom for which he did not care, and as he caredfor little else that the government could give him, we may acquit him of any very deep motives. On the other hand, his life and some of his letters show that, with a vast amount of bravado, he was sufficiently a coward. When supplicated, he was always obstinate ; when neglected, always supplicant. Now it required some courage in those days to be a Jacobite. Perhaps he cared for nothing but to astonish and disgust ev- ery body with the facility with which he could turn his coat, as' a hippodromist does with the ease with which he changes his costume. He was a boy and a peer, and he would make pretty play of his position. He had considerable talents, and now, as he sat in the Irish House, devoted them entirely to the support of the government. For the next four years he was employed, on the one hand in political, on the other in profligate, life. He shone in both ; and was no less admired, by the wits of those days, for his speeches, his ai'guments, and his zeal, than for the utter disre- gard of public decency he displayed in his vices. Such a TIIE TRIAL C " ATTEEBUEY. 153 promising youth, adhering to the government, merited some mark of its esteem, and accordingly, before attaining the age of twenty-one, he was raised to a dukedom. Being of age, he took his seat in the English House of Lords, and had not been long there before he again turned coat, and came out in the light of a Jacobite hero. It was now that he gathered most of his laurels. The Hanoverian monarch had been on the English throne some six years. Had the Chevalier's attempt occurred at this period, it may be doubted if it would not have been successful. The " Old Pretender" came too soon, the "Young Pretender" too late. At the period of the first attempt, the public had had no time to contrast Stuarts and Guelphs : at that of the second, they had forgotten the one and grown accustomed to the other ; but at the moment when our young duke appeared on the boards of the senate, the vices of the Hanoverians were beginning to draw down on them the contempt of the educa- ted and the ridicule of the vulgar ; and perhaps no moment could have been more favorable for advocating a restoration of the Stuarts. If Wharton had had as much energy and con- sistency as he had talent and impudence, he might have done much toward that desirable, or undesirable, end. The grand question at this time before the House was the trial of Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, demanded by Sir Rob- ert Walpole. The man had a spirit almost as restless as his defender. The son of a man who might have been the orig- inal of the Vicar of Bray, he was very little of a poet, less of a priest, but a great deal of a politician. He was born in 1662, so that at this time he must have been nearly sixty years old. He had had by no means a hard life of it, for family interest, together with eminent talents, procured him one appointment after another, till he reached the bench, at the age of fifty-one, in the reign of Anne. He had already distinguished himself in several ways, most, perhaps, by controversies with Hoadly, and by sundry high-church motions. But after his elevation, he displayed his principles more boldly, refused to sign the Declaration of the Bishops, which was somewhat servilely made to assure George the First of the fidelity of the Estab- lished Church, suspended the curate of Gravesend for three years because he allowed the Dutch to have a service perform- ed in his church, and even, it is said, on the death of Anne, offered to proclaim King James III., and head a procession himself in his lawn sleeves. The end of this and other vaga- ries was, that in 1722, the Government sent him to the Tower, on suspicion of being connected with a plot in favor of the Old Chevalier. The case excited no little attention, for it was G 2 154 wharton's defense of the bishop. long since a bishop had been charged with high treason ; it was added that his jailers used him rudely ; and, in short, pub- lic sympathy rather went along with him for a time. In March, 1723, a bill was presented to the Commons, for "in- flicting certain pains and penalties on Francis, Lord Bishop of Rochester," and it passed that House in April ; but when car- ried up to the Lords, a defense was resolved on. The bill was read a third time on May 15th, and on that occasion the Duke of Wharton, then only twenty-four years old, rose and delivered a speech in favor of the bishop. This oration far more resembled that of a lawyer summing up the evidence than of a parliamentary orator enlarging on the general issue. It was remarkable for the clearness of its argument, the won- derful memory of facts it displayed, and the ease and rapidity with which it annihilated the testimony of various witnesses examined before the House. It was mild and moderate, able and sufficient, but seems to have lacked all the enthusiasm we might expect from one who was afterward so active a partisan of the Chevalier's cause. In short, striking as it was, it can not be said to give the duke any claim to the title of a great orator ; it would rather prove that he might have made a first- rate lawyer. It shows, however, that had he chosen to apply himself diligently to politics, he might have turned out a great leader of the Opposition. Neither this speech nor the bishop's able defense saved him; and in the following month he was banished the kingdom, and passed the rest of his days in Paris. "Wharton, however, was not content with the House as an arena of political agitation. He w r as now old enough to have matured his principles thoroughly, and he completely espoused the cause of the exiled family. He amused himself with agi- tating throughout the country, influencing elections, and seek- ing popularity by becoming a member of the Wax-chandlers' Company. It is a proof of his great abilities, so shamefully thrown away, that he now, during the course of eight months, issued a paper, called " The True Briton," every Monday and Friday, written by himself, and containing varied and sensible arguments in support of his opinions, if not displaying any vast amount of original genius. This paper, on the model of " The Tatler," " The Spectator," etc., had a considerable sale, and attained no little celebrity, so that the Duke of Wharton acquired the reputation of a literary man as well as of a polit- ical leader. But, whatever he might have been in either capacity, his disgraceful life soon destroyed all hope of success in them. He was now an acknowledged wit about town, and, what was then SIR ROBERT WALPOLE DUPED. 155 almost a recognized concomitant of that character, an acknowl- edged profligate. He scattered his large fortune in the most reckless and foolish manner : though married, his moral con- duct was as bad as that of any bachelor of the day ; and such was his extravagance and open licentiousness, that, having wasted a princely revenue, he was soon caught in the meshes of Chancery, which very sensibly vested his fortune in the hands of trustees, and compelled him to be satisfied with an income of twelve hundred pounds a year. The young rascal now showed hypocritical signs of peni- tence — he was always an adept in that line — and protested he would go abroad and live quietly, till his losses should be re- trieved. There is little doubt that, under this laudable design, he conceived one of attaching himself closer to the Chevalier party, and even espousing the faith of that unfortunate prince, or pretender, whichever he may have been. He set off for Vienna, leaving his wife behind to die, in April, 1726. He had long since quarreled with her, and treated her with cruel neglect, and at her death he was not likely to be much afflict- ed. It is said, that, after that event, a ducal family offered him a daughter and large fortune in marriage, and that the Duke of Wbarton declined the offer, because the latter was to be tied up, and he could not conveniently tie up the former. However this may be, he remained a widower for a short time : we may be sure, not long. The hypocrisy of going abroad to retrench was not long un- discovered. The fascinating scapegrace seems to have delight- ed in playing on the credulity of others ; and Walpole relates that, on the eve of the day on which he delivered his famous speech for Atterbury, he sought an interview with the minis- ter, Sir Robert Walpole, expressed great contrition at having espoused the bishop's cause hitherto, and a determination to speak against him the following day. The minister was taken in, and at the duke's request, supplied him with all the main arguments, pro and con. The duper, having got these well into his brain — one of the most retentive — repaired to his Lon- don haunts, passed the night in drinking, and the next day pro- duced all the arguments he had digested, in the bishop's favor. At Vienna he was well received, and carried out his private mission successfully, but was too restless to stay in one place, and soon set off for Madrid. Tired now of politics, he took a turn at love. He was a poet after a fashion, for the pieces he has left are not very good : he was a fine gentleman, always spending more money than he had, and is said to have been handsome. His portraits do not give us this impression : the features are not very regular ; and though not coarse are cer- 156 VERY TRYING. tainly not refined. The mouth, somewhat sensual, is still much firmer than his character would lead us to expect; the nose sharp at the point, but cogitative at the nostrils ; the eyes long but not large; while the raised brow has all that openness which he displayed in the indecency of his vices, but not in any honesty in his political career. In a word, the face is not attractive. Yet he is described as having had a brilliant com- plexion, a lively, varying expression, and a charm of person and manner that was quite irresistible. Whether on this ac- count, or for his talents and wit, which were really shining, Ins new Juliet fell as deeply in love with him as he with her. She was maid of honor — and a highly honorable maid — to the Queen of Spain. The Irish regiments long employed in the Spanish service had become more or less naturalized in that country, which accounts for the great number of thoroughly Milesian names still to be found there, some of them, as O'Don- nell, owned by men of high distinction. Among other officers who had settled with their families in the Peninsula was a Co- lonel O'Byrne, who, like most of his countrymen there, died penniless, leaving his widow with a pension and his daughter without a sixpence. It can well be imagined that an offer from an English duke was not to be sneezed at by either Mrs. or Miss O'Byrne; but there were some grave obstacles to the match. The duke was a Protestant. But what of that ? he had never been encumbered with religion, nor even with a de- cent observance of its institutions, for it is said that, when in England, at his country seat, he had, to show how little he cared for respectability, made a point of having the hounds out on a Sunday morning. He was not going to lose a pretty girl for the sake of a faith with which he had got disgusted ever since his Huguenot tutor tried to make him a sober Chris- tian. He had turned coat in politics, and would now try his weathercock capabilities at religion. Nothing like variety, so Romanist he became. But this was not all: his friends on the one hand objected to his maiTying a penniless girl, and hers, on the other, warned her of his disreputable character. But when two people have made up their minds to be one, such trifles as these are of no consequence. A far more trying obstacle was the absolute re- fusal of her Most Catholic Majesty to allow her maid of honor to marry the duke. It is a marvel that after the life of dissipation he had led, this man should have retained the power of loving at all. But every thing about him was extravagant, and now that he en- tertained a virtuous attachment, he was as wild in it as he had been reckless in less respectable connections. He must have THE DUKE OF WHARTON'S " WHENS." 157 been sincere at the time, for the queen's refusal was followed by a fit of depression that brought on a low fever. The queen heard of it, and, touched by the force of his devotion, sent him a cheering message. The moment was not to be lost, and, in spite of his weak state, he hurried to court, threw himself at her Majesty's feet, and swore lie must have his lady-love or die. Thus pressed, the queen was forced to consent, but warned him that he would repent of it. The marriage took place, and the couple set off to Koine. Here the Chevalier again received him with open arms, and took the opportunity of displaying his imaginary sovereignty by bestowing on him the Order of the Garter — a politeness the duke returned by wearing while there the no less unrecognized title of Duke of Northumberland, which " His Majesty" had formerly conferred on him. But James III., though no saint, had more respect for decent conduct than his father and uncle ; the duke ran off into every species of excess, got into debt as usual — "When Wharton's just, and learns to pay his debts, And reputation dwells at Mother Brett's, * * * * Then, Celia, shall my constant passion cease, And my poor suff'ring heart shall be at peace," says a satirical poem of the day, called " The Duke of Whar- ton's IF7ie«s" — was faithless to the wife he had lately been dying for ; and, in short, such a thorough blackguard, that not even the Jacobites could tolerate him, and they turned him out of the Holy City till he should learn not to bring dishonor on the court of their fictitious sovereign. The duke was not the man to be much ashamed of himself, though his poor wife may now have begun to think her late mistress in the right, and he was probably glad of an excuse for another change. At this time, 1727, the Spaniards were determined to wrest Gibraltar from its English defenders, and were sending thither a powerful army under the command of Los Torres. The duke had tried many trades with more or less success, and now thought that a little military glory would tack on well to his highly honorable biography. At any rate there w r as novelty in the din of war, and for novelty he would go any where. It mattered little that he should fight against his own king and own countrymen: he was not half blackguard enough yet, he may have thought ; he had played traitor for some time, he would now play rebel outright — the game was worth the candle. So what does my lord duke do but write a letter (like the Chinese behind their mud walls, he was always bold enough 158 MILITARY GLORY AT GIBRALTAR. when well secured under the protection of the post, and was more absurd in ink even than in action) to the King of Spain, offering him his services as a volunteer against " Gib." Wheth- er his Most Catholic Majesty thought him a traitor, a madman, or a devoted partisan of his own, does not appear, for without waiting for an answer — waiting was always too dull work for Wharton — he and his wife set off for the camp before Gibral- tar, introduced themselves to the Conde in command, were re- ceived with all the honor — let us say honor* — due to a duke, and established themselves comfortably in the ranks of the en- emy of England. But all the duke's hopes of prowess were blighted. He had good opportunities. The Conde de los Tor- res made him his aid -de -camp, and sent him daily into the trenches to see how matters went on. When a defense of a certain Spanish out-work was resolved upon, the duke, from his rank, was chosen for the command. Yet in the trenches he got no worse wound than a slight one on the foot from a splinter of a shell, and this he afterward made an excuse for not fighting a duel with swords ; and as to the out-work, the English aban- doned the attack, so that there was no glory to be found in the defense. He soon grew weary of such inglorious and rather dirty work as visiting trenches before a stronghold ; and well he might ; for if there be one thing duller than another and less satisfactory, it must be digging a hole out of which to kill your brother mortals ; and thinking he should amuse himself better at the court, he set off for Madrid. Here the king, by way of reward for his brilliant services in doing nothing, made him colonel aggregate — whatever that may be — of an Irish regi- ment ; a very poor aggregate, we should think. But my lord duke wanted something livelier than the command of a lot of Hispaniolized Milesians ; and having found the military career somewhat uninteresting, wished to return to that of politics. He remembered with gusto the frolic life of the Holy City, and the political excitement in the Chevalier's court, and sent off a letter to "His Majesty James III.," expressing, like a rustica- ted Oxonian, his penitence for having been so naughty the last time, and offering to come and be very good again. It is to the praise of the Chevalier de St. George that he had worldly wisdom enough not to trust the gay penitent. He was tired, as every body else was, of a man who could stick to nothing, and did not seem to care about seeing him again. According- ly he replied in true kingly style, blaming him for having taken up arms against their common country, and telling him in po- lite language — as a policeman does a riotous drunkard — that he had better go home. The duke thought so too, was not at all offended at the letter, and set off, by way of return- " L'KCLE HORACE." 150 ing toward his Penates, for Paris, where he arrived in May, 1728. Horace "Walpole — not the Horace — hut "Uncle Horace," or " old Horace," as he was called, was then embassador to the court of the Tuileries. Mr. Walpole was one of the Houghton " lot," a brother of the famous minister Sir Robert, and though less celebrated, almost as able in his time. He had distinguished himself in various diplomatic appointments, in Spain, at Hanover and the Hague, and having successfully tackled Cardinal Fleury, the successor of the Richelieus and Mazarins at Paris, he was now in high favor at home. In after years he was celebrated for his duel with Chetwynd, who, when " Uncle Horace" had in the House expressed a hope that the question might be carried, had exclaimed, "I hope to see you hanged first !'•' " You hope to see me hang- ed first, do you ?" cried Horace, with all the ferocity of the Walpoles ; and thereupon, seizing him by the most prominent feature of his face, shook him violently. This was matter enough for a brace of swords and coffee for four, and Mr. Chetwynd had to repent of his remark after being severely wounded. In those days our honorable House of Commons was as much an arena of wild beasts as the American Senate of to-day. To this minister our noble duke wrote a hypocritical letter, which, as it shows how the man could write penitently, is worth transcribing. "Lions, June 28, 1728. " Sir, — Your excellency will be surpris'd to receive a letter from me; but the clemency with which the government of England has treated me, which is in a great measure owing to your brother's regard to my father's memory, makes me hope that you will give me leave to express my gratitude for it. " Since his present majesty's accession to the throne I have absolutely refused to be concerned with the Pretender or any of his affairs; and during my stay in Italy have behav'd my- self in a manner that Dr. Peters, Mr. Godolphin, and Mr. Mills can declare to be consistent with my duty to the present king. I was fore'd to go to Italy to get out of Spain, where, if my true design had been known, I should have been treated a lit- tle severely. " I am coming to Paris to put myself entirely under your excellency's protection ; and hope that Sir Robert Walpole' s good-nature will prompt him to save a family which his gen- erosity induced him to spare. If your excellency would per- mit me to wait upon you for an hour, I am certain you would 160 THE DUKES IMPUDENCE. be convinc'd of the sincerity of. my repentance for my former madness, would become an advocate with his majesty to grant me his most gracious pardon, which it is my comfort I shall never be required to purchase by any step unworthy of a man of honor. I do not intend, in case of the king's allowing me to pass the evening of my days under the shadow of his royal protection, to see England for some years, but shall remain in France or Germany, as my friends shall advise, and enjoy country sports till all former stories are buried in oblivion. I beg of your excellency to let me receive your orders at Paris, which I will send to your hostel to receive. The Dutchess of Wharton, who is with me, desires leave to wait on Mrs. Wal- pole, if you think proper. I am, etc." After this, the embassador could do no less than receive him ; but he was somewhat disgusted when on leaving him the duke frankly told him — forgetting all about his penitent let- ter, probably, or too reckless to care for it — that he was going to dine with the Bishop of Rochester — Atterbury himself then living in Paris — whose society was interdicted to any subject of King George. The duke, with his usual folly, touched on other subjects equally dangerous, his visit to Rome, and his conversion to Romanism ; and, in short, disgusted the cau- tious Mr. Walpole. There is something delightfully impudent about all these acts of Wharton's ; and had he only been a clown at Drury Lane instead of an English nobleman, he must have been successful. As it is, when one reads the petty ha- tred and humbug of those days, when liberty of speech was as unknown as any other liberty, one can not but admire the im- pudence of his Grace of Wharton, and wish that most dukes, without being as profligate, would be as free-spoken. With six hundred pounds in his pocket, our young Lothario now set up house at Rouen, with an establishment " equal," say the old-school writers, " to his position, but not to his means." In other words, he xmdertook to live in a style for which, he could not pay. Twelve hundred a year may be enough for a duke, as for any other man, but not for one who considers a legion of servants a necessary appendage to his position. My lord duke, who was a good French scholai', soon found an ample number of friends and acquaintances, and not being particular about either, managed to get through his half-year's income in a few weeks. Evil consequence : he was assailed by duns. French duns have never read their Bible, and know nothing about forgiving debtors; " your money first, and then my pardon," is their motto. My lord duke soon found this out. Still he had an income, and could pay them HIGH TREASON. 161 all off in time. So he drank and was merry, till one fine day came a disagreeable piece of news, which startled him con- siderably. The government at home had heard of his doings, and determined to arraign him for high treason. He could expect little else, for had he not actually taken up arms against his sovereign ? Now Sir Robert Walpole was, no doubt, a bear. He was not a man to love or sympathize with ; but he was good- natured at bottom. Our "frolic grace" had reason to ac- knowledge this. He could not complain of harshness in any measures taken against him, and he had certainly no claim to consideration from the government he had treated so ill. Yet Sir Robert was willing to give him every chance ; and so far did he go, that he sent over a couple of friends to him to induce him only to ask pardon of the king, with a promise that it would be granted. For sure the Duke of Wharton's character was anomalous. The same man who had more than once humiliated himself when unasked, who had written to Walpole's brother the letter we have read, would not now, when entreated to do so, write a few lines to that minister to ask mercy. Nay, when the gentlemen in question offered to be content even with a letter from the duke's valet, he refused to allow the man to write. Some people may admire what they will believe to be firmness, but when we review the duke's character and subsequent acts, we can not attribute this re- fusal to any thing but obstinate pride. The consequence of this folly was a stoppage of supplies, for as he was accused of high treason, his estate was of course sequestrated. He re- venged himself by writing a paper, which was published in " Mist's Journal," and which, under the cover of a Persian tale, contained a species of libel on the government. His position was now far from enviable ; and, assailed by duns, he had no resource but to humble himself, not before those he had offended, but before the Chevalier, to whom he wrote in his distress, and who sent him £2000, which he soon frittered away in follies. This gone, the duke begged and borrowed, for there are some people such fools that they would rather lose a thousand pounds to a peer than give sixpence to a pauper, and many a tale was told of the artful manner in which his grace managed to cozen his friends out of a louis or two. His ready wit generally saved him. Thus on one occasion an Irish toady invited him to dinner ; the duke talked of his wardrobe, then sadly defective ; what suit should he wear ? The Hibernian suggested black velvet. " Could you recommend a tailor ?" " Certainly." Snip came, an expensive suit was ordered, put on, and the dinner taken. 162 LAST EXTREMITIES. In due course the tailor called for his money. The duke was not a bit at a loss, though he had but a few francs to his name. "Honest man," quoth he, "you mistake the matter entirely. Carry the bill to Sir Peter ; for know that whenever I consent to wear another man's livery, my master pays for the clothes," and inasmuch as the dinner-giver was an Irishman, he did act- ually discharge the account. At other times he would give a sumptuous entertainment, and in one way or another induce his guests to pay for it. He was only less adroit in coining excuses than Theodore Hook, and had he lived a century later, we might have a volume full of anecdotes to give of his ways and no means. Meanwhile his unfortunate duchess was living on the charity of friends, while her lord and master, when he could get any one to pay for a band, was serenading young ladies. Yet he was jealous enough of his wife at times, and once sent a challenge to a Scotch nobleman, simply because some silly friend asked him if he had forbidden his wife to dance with the lord. He went all the way to Flanders to meet his opponent ; but, perhaps fortunately for the duke, Marshal Berwick arrested the Scotch- man, and the duel never came off. Whether he felt his end approaching, or whether he was sick of vile pleasures which he had recklessly pursued from the age of fifteen, he now, though only thirty years of age, retired for a time to a convent, and was looked on as a penitent and devotee. Penury, doubtless, cured him in a measure, and poverty, the porter of the gates of heaven, warned him to look forward beyond a life he had so shamefully misused. But it was only a temporary repentance ; and when he left the re- ligious house, he again rushed furiously into every kind of dis- sipation. At length, utterly reduced to the last extremities, he be- thought himself of his colonelcy in Spain, and determined to set out-to join his regiment. The following letter from a friend who accompanied him will best show what circumstances he was in : "Paris, June 1st, 1729. " Dear Sir, — I am just returned from the Gates of Death, to return you Thanks for your last kind Letter of Accusations, which I am persuaded was intended as a seasonable Help to my Recollection, at a Time that it w r as necessary for me to send an Inquisitor General into my Conscience, to examine and settle all the Abuses that ever were committed in that little Court of Equity ; but I assure you, your long Letter did not lay so much my Faults as my Misfortunes before me, which believe me, dear , have fallen as heavy and as thick upon SAD DAYS IN PARIS. 163 nie as the Shower of Hail upon us two in E Forest, and has left me much at a Loss which way to turn myself. The Pilot of the Ship I embarked in, who industriously ran upon every Rock, has at last split the Vessel, and so much of a sud- den, that the whole Crew, I mean his Domesticks, are all left to swim for their Lives, without one friendly Plank to assist them to Shore. In short, he left me sick, in Debt, and with- out a Penny ; but as I begin to recover, and have a little Time to think, I can't help considering myself, as one whisk'd up behind a Witch upon a Broomstick, and hurried over Mount- ains and Dales through confus'd Woods and thorny Thickets, and when the Charm is ended, and the poor Wretch dropp'd in a Desart, he can give no other Account of his enchanted Travels, but that he is much fatigued in Body and Mind, his Cloaths torn, and worse in all other Circumstances, without being of the least Service to himself or any body else. But I will follow your Advice with an active Resolution, to retrieve my bad Fortune, and almost a Year miserably misspent. " But notwithstanding what I have suffered, and what my Brother Mad-man has done to undo himself, and every body who was so unlucky to have the least Concern with him, I could not but be movingly touch'd at so extraordinary a Vicis- situde of Fortune, to see a great Man fallen from that shining Light, in which I beheld him in the House of Lords, to such a Degree of Obscurity, that I have observ'd the meanest Com- moner here decline, and the Few he would sometimes fasten on, to be tired of his Company ; for you know he is but a bad Orator in his Cups, and of late he has been but seldom sober. " A week before he left Paris, he was so reduced, that he had not one single Crown at Command, and was forc'd to thrust in with any Accpiaintance for a Lodging : Walsh and I have had him by Turns, all to avoid a Crowd of Duns, which he had of all Sizes, from Fourteen hundred Livres to Four, who hunted him so close, that he was forced to retire to some of the neighboring Villages for Safety. I, sick as I was, hur- ried about Paris to raise Money, and to St. Germain's to get him Linen ; I bought him one Shirt and a Cravat, which with 500 Livres, his whole Stock, he and his Duchess, attended by one Servant, set out for Spain. All the News I have heard of* them since is that a Day or two after, he sent for Captain Brierly, and two or three of his Domesticks, to follow him ; but none but the Captain obey'd the Summons. Where they are now, I can't tell ; but fear they must be in great Distress by this time, if he has no other Supplies ; and so ends my Mel- ancholy Story. I am, etc." lu-l wharton's death in a berxardine convent. Still his good-humor did not desert him ; he joked about their poverty on the road, and wrote an amusing account of their journey to a friend, winding up with the well-known lines : "Be kind to my 'remains, and oh ! defend, Against your judgment, your departed friend." His mind was as vigorous as ever, in spite of the waste of many debauches ; and when recommended to make a new translation of " Telemachus," he actually devoted one whole day to the work ; the next he forgot all about it. In the same manner he began a play on the story of Mary Queen of Scots, and Lady M. W. Montagu wrote an epilogue for it, but the piece never got beyond a few scenes. His genius, perhaps, was not for either poetry or the drama. His mind was a keen, clear one, better suited to argument and to grapple tough po- lemic subjects. Had he but been a sober man, he might have been a fair, if not a great writer. The " True Briton," with many faults of license, shows what his capabilities were. His absence of moral sense may be guessed from the fact that in a poem on the preaching of Atterbury, he actually compares the bishop to our Savior himself! At length he reached Bilboa and his regiment, and had to live on the meagre pay of eighteen pistoles a month. The Duke of Ormond, then an exile, took pity on his wife, and sup- ported her for a time : she afterward rejoined her mother at Madrid. Meanwhile, the year 1730 brought about a salutary change in the duke's morals. His health was fast giving way from the effects of divers excesses ; and there is nothing like bad health for purging a bad soul. The end of a misspent life was fast drawing near, and he could only keep it up by broth with eggs beaten up in it. He lost the use of his limbs, but not of his gayety. In the mountains of Catalonia he met with a min- eral spring which did him some good ; so much, in fact, that he was able to rejoin his regiment for a time. A fresh attack sent him back to the waters ; but on his way he was so vio- lently attacked that he was forced to stop at a little village. Here he found himself without the means of going farther, and in the worst state of health. The monks of a Bernardine con- vent took pity on him and received him into their house. He grew worse and worse; and in a week died on the 31st of May, without a friend to pity or attend him, among strangers, and at the early age of thirty-two. Thus ended the life of one of the cleverest fools that have ever disgraced our peerage. LORD HERVEY. The village of Kensington was disturbed in its sweet repose one day, more than a century ago, by the rumbling of a pon- derous coach and six, with four outriders and two equerries kicking up the dust ; while a small body of heavy dragoons rode solemnly after the huge vehicle. It waded, with in- glorious struggles, through a deep mire of mud, between the Palace and Hyde Park, until the cortege entered Kensington Park, as the gardens were then called, and began to track the old road that led to the red-brick structure to which William III. had added a higher story, built by Wren. There are two roads by which coaches could approach the house : " one," as the famous John, Lord Hervey, wrote to his mother, " so convex, the other so concave, that, by this extreme of faults, they agree in the common one of being, like the high-road, impassable." The rumbling coach, with its plethoric steeds, toils slowly on, and reaches the dismal pile, of which no association is so pre- cious as that of its having been the birth-place of our loved Vic- toria Regina. All around, as the emblazoned carriage impress- ively veers roiind into the grand entrance, savors of William and Mary, of Anne, of Bishop Burnet and Harley, Atterbury and Bolingbroke. But those were pleasant days compared to those of the second George, whose return from Hanover in this mountain of a coach is now described. The panting steeds are gracefully curbed by the state coach- man in his scarlet livery, with his cocked hat and gray Avig un- derneath it : now the horses are foaming and reeking as if they had come from the world's end to Kensington, and yet they have only been to meet King George on his entrance into London, which he has reached from Helvoetsluys, on his way from Hanover, in time, as he expects, to spend his birthday among his English subjects. It is Sunday, and repose renders the retirement of Kensing- ton and its avenues and shades more sombre than ever. Sub- urban retirement is usually so. It is noon ; and the inmates of Kensington Palace are just coming forth from the chapel in the palace. The coach is now stopping, and the equerries are at hand to offer their respectful assistance to the diminutive figure that, in full Field-marshal regimentals, a cocked hat stuck crosswise on his head, a sword dangling even down to his 166 GEORGE II. ARRIVING FROM HANOVER. heels, ungraciously heeds them not, but stepping down, as the great iron gates are thrown open to receive him, looks neither like a king nor a gentleman. A thin, worn face, in which weakness and passion are at once pictured ; a form buttoned and padded up to the chin ; high Hessian boots without a wrinkle ; a sword and a swagger, no more constituting him the military character than the " your majesty" from every lip can make a poor thing of clay a king. Such was George II. : brutal even to his submissive wife. Stunted by nature, he was insig- nificant in form, as he was petty in character ; not a trace of royalty could be found in that silly, tempestuous physiognomy, with its hereditary small head : not an atom of it in his made- up, paltry little presence ; still less in his bearing, language, or qualities. The queen and her court have come from chapel, to meet the royal absentee at the great gate : the consort, who was to his gracious majesty like an elder sister rather than a wife, bends down, not to his knees, but yet she bends, to kiss the hand of her royal husband. She is a fair, fat woman, no lon- ger young, scarcely comely ; but with a charm of manners, a composure, and a savoir faire that causes one to regard her as mated, not matched to the little creature in that cocked hat, which he does not take off even when she stands before him. The pair, nevertheless, embrace ; it is a triennial cere- mony performed when the king goes or returns from Hanover, but suffered to lapse at other times ; but the condescension is too great ; and Caroline ends, where she began, " gluing her lips" to the ungracious hand held out to her in evident ill- humor. They turn, and walk through the court, then up the grand staircase, into the queen's apartment. The king has been swearing all the way at England and the English, because he has been obliged to return from Hanover, where the German mode of life and new mistresses w r ere more agreeable to him than the English customs and an old wife. He displays, there- fore, even on this supposed happy occasion, one of the worst outbreaks of his insufferable temper, of which the queen is the first victim. All the company in the palace, both ladies and gentlemen, are ordered to enter : he talks to them all, but to the queen he says not a word. She is attended by Mrs. Clayton, afterward Lady Sundon, whose lively manners and great good-temper and good-will — lent out like leasehold to all, till she saw what their friendship might bring — are always useful at these trlstes rencontres. Mrs. Clayton is the amalgamating substance between chemical agents which have, of themselves, no cohesion ; she covers A SCENE BEFORE KENSINGTON PALACE — GEORGE II. AND QUEEN CAROLINE. LADY SUFFOLK. 169 with address what is awkward ; she smooths down with something pleasant what is rude ; she turns off — and her office in that respect is no sinecure at that court — what is indecent, so as to keep the small majority of the company who have re- spectable notions in good humor. To the right of Queen Caroline stands another of her majesty's household, to whom the most deferential attention is paid by all present : neverthe- less, she is the queen of the court, but not the queen of the royal master of that court. It is Lady Suffolk, the mistress of King- George II., and long mistress of the robes to Queen Caroline. She is now past the bloom of youth, but her attractions are not in their wane ; but endured until she had attained her seventy-ninth year. Of a middle height, well made, extreme- ly fair, with very fine light hair, she attracts regard from her sweet fresh face, which had in it a comeliness independent of regularity of feature. According to her invariable custom, she is dressed with simplicity ; her silky tresses are drawn somewhat back from her snowy forehead, and fall in long tresses on her shoulders, not less transparently white. She wears a gown of rich silk, opening in front to display a ^chem- isette of the most delicate cambric, which is scarcely less deli- cate than her skin. Her slender arms are without bracelets, and her taper fingers without rings. As she stands behind the queen, holding her majesty's fan and gloves, she is obliged, from her deafness, to lean her fair face with its sunny hair first to the right 'side, then to the left, with the helpless air of one exceedingly deaf — for she had been afflicted with that inrirm- ity for some years ; yet one can not say whether her appeal- ing looks, wliich seem to say, " Enlighten me, if you please" — and the sort of softened manner in which she accepts civilities which she scarcely comprehends, do not enhance the wonder- ful charm which drew every one who knew her toward this frail, but passionless woman. The queen forms the centre of the group. Caroline, daugh- ter of the Marquis of Brandenburgh-Anspach, notwithstanding her residence in England of many years, notwithstanding her having been, at the era at which this biography begins, ten years its queen — is still Gei'man in every attribute. She re- tains, in her fair and comely face, traces of having been hand- some ; but her skin is deeply scarred by the cruel small-pox. She is now at that time of life when Sir Robert Walpole even thought it expedient to reconcile her to no longer being an object of attraction to her royal consort. As a woman, she has ceased to be attractive to a man of the character of George II. ; but, as a queen, she is still, as far as manners are concern- ed, incomparable. As she turns to address various members H 170 SIR ROBERT WALPOLE. of the assembly, her style is full of sweetness as well as of courtesy ; yet on other occasions she is majesty itself. The tones of her voice, with its still foreign accent, are most capti- vating; her eyes penetrate into every countenance on which they rest. Her figure, plump and matronly, has lost much of its contour ; but is well suited for her part. Majesty in wom- an should be embonpoint. Her hands are beautifully white, and faultless in shape. The king always admired her bust; and it is, therefore, by royal command, tolerably exposed. Her fair hair is upraised in full short curls over her brow ; her dress is rich, and distinguished in that respect from that of the Countess of Suffolk. "Her good Howard" — as she was wont to call her when, before her elevation to the peerage, she was lady of the bedchamber to Caroline, had, when in that capacity, been often subjected to servile offices, which the queen, though apologizing in the sweetest manner, delighted to make her perform. " My good Howard" having one clay placed a hand- kerchief on the back of her royal mistress, the king, who half worshiped his intellectual wife, pulled it off in a passion, say- ing, " Because you have an ugly neck yourself, you hide the queen's !" All, however, that evening was smooth as ice, and perhaps as cold also. The company are quickly dismissed, and the king, who has scarcely spoken to the queen, retires to his closet, where he is attended by the subservient Caroline, and by two other persons. Sir Robert Walpole, prime minister, has accompanied the king, in his carriage, from the very entrance of London, where the famous statesman met him. He is now the privileged companion of their majesties, in their seclusion for the rest of the evening. | His cheerful face, in its full evening disguise of wig and tie, his invariable good-humor, his frank manners, his wonderful sense, his views, more practical than elevated, suffi- ciently account for the influence which this celebrated minister obtained over Queen Caroline, and the readiness of King George to submit to the tie. But Sir Robert's great source of ascendency was his temper. Never was there in the annals of our country a minister so free of access : so obliging in giv- ing, so unoffending when he refused ; so indulgent and kind to those dependent on him; so generous, so faithful to his friends, so forgiving to his foes. This was his character under one phase: even his adherents sometimes blamed his easiness of temper ; the impossibility in his nature to cherish the remem- brance of a wrong, or even to be roused by an insult. But, while such were the amiable traits of his character, history has its lists of accusations against him for corruption of the most shameless description. The end of this veteran statesman's- LORD IIERVEY. 171 career is well known. The fraudulent contracts which he gave, the peculation and profusion of the secret service money, his undue influence at elections, brought around his later life a storm, from which he retreated into the Upper House, when created Earl of Orford. It was before this timely retirement from oflice that he burst forth in these words : " I oppose nothing ; give in to every thing ; am said to do every thing, and to answer for every thing ; and yet, God knows, I dare not do what I think is right." With his public capacity, however, we have not here to do : it is in his character of a courtier that we view him following the queen and king. His round, complacent face, with his small glistening eyes, arched eyebrows, and with a mouth ready to break out aloud into a laugh, are all subdued into a respectful gravity as he listens to King George grumbling at the necessity for his return home. No "English cook could dress a dinner ; no English cook could select a dessert ; no En- glish coachman could drive, nor English jockey ride ; no En- glishman — such were his habitual taunts — knew how to come into a room ; no Englishwoman understood how to dress her- self. The men, he said, talked of nothing but their dull poli- tics, and the women of nothing but their ugly clothes. Where- as, in Hanover, all these things were at perfection : men were patterns of politeness and gallantry ; women, of beauty, wit, and entertainment. His troops there were the bravest in the world ; his manufacturers the most ingenious ; his people, the happiest : in Hanover, in short, plenty reigned, riches flowed, arts flourished, magnificence abounded, every thing was in abundance that could make a prince great, or a people blessed. There was one standing behind the queen who listened to these outbreaks of the king's bilious temper, as he called it, with an apparently respectful solicitude, but with the deepest disgust in his heart. A slender, elegant figure, in a court suit, faultlessly and carefully perfect in that costume, stands behind the queen's chair. It is Lord Hervey. His lofty forehead, his features, which have a refinement of charactei', his well-turned mouth, and full and dimpled chin, form his claims to that beauty which won the heart of the lovely Mary Lepel ; while the someAvhat thoughtful and pensive expression of his physi- ognomy, Avhen in repose, indicated the sympathizing, yet, at the same time, satirical character of one who won the affec- tions, perhaps unconsciously, of the amiable Princess Caroline, the favorite daughter of George II. A general air of languor, ill concealed by the most studied artifice of countenance, and even of posture, characterizes Lord Hervey. He would have abhorred robustness ; for he belong- 172 A SET OF FINE GENTLEMEN. ed to the clique then called Maccaronis ; a set of fine gentle- men, of whom the present world would not be worthy, tricked out for show, fitted only to drive out fading majesty in a state coach ; exquisite in every personal appendage, too fine for the common usages of society ; point-device, not only in every curl and ruffle, but in every attitude and step ; men with full satin roses on their shining shoes ; diamond tablet rings on their forefingers ; with snuff-boxes, the worth of which might al- most purchase a farm ; lace worked by the delicate fingers of some religious recluse of an ancestress, and taken from an altar-cloth ;, old point-lace, dark as coffee-water could make it; with embroidered waistcoats, wreathed in exquisite tambour- work round each capacious lappet and pocket ; Avith cut steel buttons that glistened beneath the courtly wax-lights : with these and fifty other small but costly characteristics that estab- lished the reputation of an aspirant Maccaroni. Lord Hervey was, in truth, an effeminate creature : too dainty to walk ; too precious to commit his frame to horseback ; and prone to imi- tate the somewhat recluse habits which German rulers intro- duced within the court : he was disposed to candle-light pleas- ures and cockney diversions ; to Marybone and the Mall, and shrinking from the athletic and social recreations which, like so much that was manly and English, were confined almost to the English squire pur ei simple after the Hanoverian acces- sion ; when so much degeneracy for a while obscured the En- glish character, debased its tone, enervated its best races, vili- fied its literature, corrupted its morals, changed its costume, and degraded its architecture. Beneath the effeminacy of the Maccaroni, Lord Hervey was one of the few who united to intense finery in every minute detail, an acute and cultivated intellect. To perfect a Macca- roni it was in truth advisable, if not essential, to unite some smattering of learning, a pretension to wit, to his super-dan- dyism ; to be the author of some personal squib, or the trans- lator of some classic. Queen Caroline was too cultivated her- self to sutler fools about her, and Lord Hervey was a man after her own taste : as a courtier he was essentially a fine gentle- man ; and, more than that, he could be the most delightful companion, the most sensible adviser, and the most winning friend in the court. His ill health, which he carefully conceal- ed, his fastidiousness, his ultra delicacy of habits, formed an agreeable contrast to the coarse robustness of "Sir Robert," and constituted a relief after the society of the vulgar, strong- minded minister, who was born for the hustings, and the House of Commons rather than for the courtly drawing-room. John Lord Hervey, long vice-chamberlain to Queen Caro- AN ECCENTRIC EACE, 173 line, was, like Sir Robert Walpole, descended from a common- er's family, one of those good old squires who lived, as Sir Henry Wotton says, " without lustre and without obscurity." The Duchess of Marlborough had procured the elevation of the Herveys of Ickworth to the peerage. She happened to be intimate with Sir Thomas Felton, the father of Mrs. Hervey, afterward Lady Bristol, Avhose husband, at first created Lord Hervey, and afterward Earl of Bristol, expressed his obliga- tions by retaining as his motto, when raised to the peerage, the words " Je n'oublieray jamais," in allusion to the service done him by the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough. The Herveys had always been an eccentric race ; and the classification of "men, women, and Herveys," by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, was not more witty than true. There was in the whole race an eccentricity which bordered on the ridic- ulous, but did not imply want of sense or of talent. Indeed this third species, " the Herveys," w 7 ere more gifted than the generality of " men and women." The father of Lord Hervey had been a country gentleman of good fortune, living at Ick- worth, near Bury in Suffolk, and representing the town in Par- liament, as his father had before him, until raised to the peer- age. Before that elevation he had lived on in his own county, uniting the character of the English squire, in that fox-hunting county, with that of a perfect gentleman, a scholar, and a most admirable member of society. He was a poet also, affecting the style of Cowley, who wrote an elegy upon his uncle, Wil- liam Hervey, an elegy compai'ed to Milton's "Lycidas" in im- agery, music, and tenderness of thought. The shade of Cow- ley, whom Charles II. pronounced, at his death, to be " the best man in England," haunted this peer, the first Earl of Bris- tol. He aspired especially to the poet's witj and the ambition to be a wit flew' like wildfire among his family, especially in- fecting his two sons, Carr, the elder brother of the subject of this memoir, and Lord Hervey. It would have been well could the Earl of Bristol have trans- mitted to his sons his other qualities. He w T as pious, moral, affectionate, sincere; a consistent Whig Of the old school, and, as such, disapproving of Sir Robert Walpole, of the standing army, the corruptions, and that doctrine of expediency so uu- blushingly avowed by the ministers. Created Earl of Bristol in 1714, the heir-apparent to his ti- tles and estates was the elder brother, by a former marriage, of John, Lord Hervey ; the dissolute, clever, whimsical Carr, Lord Hervey. Pope, in one of his satirical appeals to the sec- ond Lord Hervey, speaks of his friendship with Carr, " whose early death deprived the family" (of Hervey) " of as much wit 1 74 A FRAGILE BOY. and honor as he left behind him in any part of it." The toil was a family attribute, but the honor was dubious : Carr was as deistical as any Maccaroni of the day, and, perhaps, more dissolute than most : in one respect he has left behind him a celebrity which may be as questionable as his wit, or his hon- or ; he is reputed to be the father of Horace Walpole, and if we accept presumptive evidence of the fact, the statement is clearly borne out, for in his wit, his indifference to religion, to say the least, his satirical turn, his love of the world, and his contempt of all that was great and good, he strongly resem- bles his reputed son ; while the levity of Lady Walpole's char- acter, and Sir Robert's laxity and dissoluteness, do not furnish any reasonable doubt to the statement made by Lady Louisa Stuart, in the introduction to Lord Wharncliffe's "Life of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu." Carr, Lord Hervey, died early, and his half-brother succeeded him in his title and expectations. John, Lord Hervey, was educated first at Westminster School, under Dr. Freind, the friend of Mrs. Montagu; thence he was removed to Clare Hall, Cambridge : he graduated as a nobleman, and became M. A. in 1715. At Cambridge Lord Hervey might, have acquired some manly prowess ; but he had a mother who was as strange as the family into which she had married, and who was passion- ately devoted to her son : she evinced her affection by never letting him have a chance of being like other English boys. When his father was at Newmarket, Jack Hervey, as he was called, was to ride a race, to please his father ; but his mother could not risk her dear boy's safety, and the race was won by a jockey. He was as precious and as fragile as porcelain : the elder brother's death made the heir of the Herveys more val- uable, more effeminate, and more controlled than ever by his eccentric mother. A court was to be his hemisphere, and to that all his views, early in life, tended. He went to Hanover to pay his court to George. I. : Carr had done the same, and had come back enchanted with George, the heir-presumptive, who made him one of the lords of the bedchamber. Jack Her- vey also returned full of enthusiasm for the Prince of Wales, afterward George II., and the princess; and that visit influ- enced his destiny. He now proposed making the grand tour, which comprised Paris, Germany, and Italy. But his mother again interfered : she wept, she exhorted, she prevailed. Means were refused, and the stripling was recalled to hang about the court, or to loiter at Ickworth, scribbling verses, and causing his father uneasiness lest he should be too much of a poet, and too little of a public man. DESCRIPTION OF GEORGE II. '.S FAMILY. 175 Such was his youth : disappointed by not obtaining a com- mission in the Guards, he led a desultory, butterfly-like life ; one day at Richmond with Queen Caroline, then Princess of Wales ; another, at Pope's villa, at Twickenham ; sometimes in the House of Commons, in which he succeeded his elder brother as member for Bury ; and, at the period when he has been described as forming one of the quartette in Queen Caro- line's closet at St. James's, as vice-chamberlain to his partial and royal patroness. His early marriage with Mary Lepel, the beautiful maid of honor to Queen Caroline, insured his felicity, though it did not curb his predilections for other ladies. Henceforth Lord Hervey lived all the year round in what were then called lodgings, that is, apartments appropriated to the royal household, or even to others, in St. James's, or at Richmond, or at "Windsor. In order fully to comprehend all the intimate relations which he had with the court, it is neces- sary to present the reader with some account of the family of George II. Five daughters had been the female issue of his majesty's marriage with Queen Caroline. Three of these prin- cesses, the three elder ones, had lived, during the life of George I., at St. James's with their grandfather ; who, irritated by the differences between him and his son, then Prince of Wales, adopted that measure rather as showing his authority than from any affection to the young princesses. It was, in truth, difficult to say which of these royal ladies was the most unfor- tunate. Anne, the eldest, had shown her spirit early in life while re- siding with George I. ; she had a proud, imperious nature, and her temper was, it must be owned, put to a severe test. The only time that George I. did the English the honor of choosing one of the beauties of the nation for his mistress, was during the last year of his reign. The object of his choice was Anne Brett, the eldest daughter of the infamous Countess of Mac- clesfield by her second husband. The neglect of Savage, the poet, her son, was merely one passage in the iniquitous life of Lady Macclesfield. Endowed with singular taste and judg- ment, consulted by Colley Cibber on every new play he pro- duced, the mother of Savage was not only wholly destitute of all virtue, but of all shame. One day, looking out of the win- dow, she perceived a very handsome man assaulted by some bailiffs who were going to arrest him : she paid his debt, re- leased, and married him. The hero of this story was Colonel Brett, the father of Anne Brett. The child of such a mother was not likely to be even decent- ly respectable ; and Anne was proud of her disgraceful pre- 170 AXXE BRETT. — A BITTER CUP. eminence and of her disgusting and royal lover. She was dark, and her flashing black eyes resembled those of a Spanish beau- ty. Ten years after the death of George I., she found a hus- band in Sir William Leman, of Northall, and was announced, on that occasion, as the half-sister of Richard Savage. To the society of this woman, when at St. James's, as " Mis- tress Brett," the three princesses were subjected : at the same time the Duchess of Kendal, the king's German mistress, oc- cupied other lodgings at St. James's. Miss Brett was to be rewarded w T ith the coronet of a count- ess for her degradation, the king being absent on the occasion at Hanover ; elated by her expectations, she took the liberty, during his majesty's absence, of ordering a door to be broken out of her apartment into the royal garden, where the prin- cesses walked. The Princess Anne, not deigning to associate with her, commanded that it should be forthwith closed. Miss Brett imperiously reversed that order. In the midst of the affair, the king died suddenly, and Anne Brett's reign was over, and her influence soon as much forgotten as if she had never existed. The Princess Anne was pining in the dullness of her royal home, when a marriage with the Prince of Orange, was proposed for the consideration of his parents. It was a miserable match as well as a miserable prospect, for the prince's revenue amounted to no more than £12,000 a year; and the state and pomp to which the Princess Royal had been accus- tomed could not be contemplated on so small a fortune. It was still w T orse in point of that poor consideration, happiness. The Prince of Orange was both deformed and disgusting in his person, though his face was sensible in expression ; and if he inspired one idea more strongly than another when he ap- peared in his uniform and cocked hat, and spoke bad French, or worse English, it was that of seeing before one a dressed- up baboon. It was a bitter cup for the princess to drink, but she drank it ; she reflected that it might be the only way. of quitting a court' where, in case of her father's death, she would be de- pendent on her brother Frederick, or bn that weak prince's strong-minded wife. So she consented, and took the dwarf; and that consent was regarded by a grateful people, and by all good courtiers, as a "sacrifice for the sake of Protestant principles, the House of Orange being, par excellence, at the head of the orthodox dynasties of Europe. A dowry of £80,000 was forthwith granted by an admiring Commons — just double what had ever been given before. That sum was happily lying in the exchequer, being the purchase-money of some lands in St. Christopher's which had lately been sold ; and THE DARLING OF THE FAMILY. 177 King George was thankful to get rid of a daughter whose haughtiness gave him trouble. In person, too, the princess royal was not very ornamental to the court. She was ill- made, with a propensity to grow fat : her complexion, other- wise very fine, was marked with the small-pox ; she had, how- ever, a lively, clean look — one of her chief beauties — and a certain royalty of manner. The Princess Amelia died, as the world thought, single, but consoled herself with various love flirtations. The Duke of Newcastle made love to her, but her aftections were centred on the Duke of Grafton, to whom she was privately married, as is confidently asserted. The Princess Caroline was the darling of her family. Even the king relied on her truth. When there was any dispute, he used to say, " Send for Caroline ; she will tell us the right story." Her fate had its clouds. Amiable, gentle, of unbounded charity, with strong aftections, which were not suftered to flow in a legitimate channel, she became devotedly attached to Lord Hervey: her heart was bound up in him; his death drove her into a permanent retreat from the world. No de- basing connection existed between them ; but it is misery, it is sin enough to love another woman's husband — and that sin, that misery, was the lot of the royal and otherwise virtuous Caroline. The Princess Mary, another victim to conventionalities, was united to Frederick, Landgrave of Hesse Cassel ; a barbarian, from whom she escaped, whenever she could, to come, with a bleeding heart, to her English home. She was, even Horace Walpole allows, " of the softest, mildest temper in the world," and fondly beloved by her sister Caroline, and by the " Butch- er of Culloden," William, Duke of Cumberland. Louisa became Queen of Denmark in 1746, after some years' marriage to the Crown Prince. " We are lucky," Horace Wal- pole Avrites on that occasion, "in the death of kings." The two princesses who were still under the paternal roof were contrasts. Caroline was a constant invalid, gentle, sin- cere, unambitious, devoted to her mother, whose death nearly killed her. Amelia affected popularity, and assumed the esprit fort — was fond of meddling in polities, and after the death of her mother, joined the Bedford faction, in opposition to her fa- ther. But both these princesses were outwardly submissive when Lord Hervey became the Queen's chamberlain. The evenings at St. James's were spent in the same way as those at Kensington. Quadrille formed her majesty's pastime, and, while Lord 112 1*78 EVENINGS AT ST. JAMES'S. Hervey played pools of cribbage with the Princess Caroline and the maids of honor, the Duke of Cumberland amused him- self and the Princess Amelia at " buffet." On Mondays and Fridays there were drawing-rooms held ; and these receptions took place, very wisely, in the evening. Beneath all the show of gayety and the freezing ceremony of those stately occasions, there was in that court as much misery as family dissensions, or, to speak accurately, family hatreds can engender. Endless jealousies, which seem to us as frivolous as they were rabid ; and contentions, of which even the origin is still unexplained, had long severed the queen from her eldest son. George II. had always loved his mother: his affection for the unhappy Sophia Dorothea was one of the very few traits of goodness in a character utterly vulgar, sensual, and entirely selfish. His son, Frederick, Prince of Wales, on the other hand, hated his mother. He loved neither of his parents ; but the queen had the pre-eminence in his aversion. The king, during the year 1736, was at Hanover. His re- turn was announced, but under circumstances of danger. A tremendous storm arose just as he was prepared to embark at Helvoetsluys. All London was on the look-out, weather-cocks were watched ; tides, winds, and moons formed the only sub- jects of conversation ; but no one of his majesty's subjects were so demonstrative as the Prince of Wales, and his cheer- fulness, and his triumph even, on the occasion, were of course resentfully heard of by the queen. During the storm, when anxiety had almost amounted to fever, Lord Hervey dined with Sir Robert Walpole. Their conversation naturally turned on the state of affairs, prospect- ively. Sir Robert called the Prince a "poor, weak, irreso- lute, false, lying, contemptible wretch." Lord Hervey did not defend him, but suggested that Frederick, in case of his fa- ther's death, might be more influenced by the queen than he had hitherto been. " Zounds, my lord," interrupted Sir Rob- ert, " he would tear the flesh off her bones with red-hot irons sooner ! The distinctions she shows to you, too, I believe, would not be forgotten. Then the notion he has of his great riches, and the desire he has of fingering them, would make him pinch her, and pinch her again, in order to make her buy her ease, till she had not a groat left." What a picture of a heartless and selfish character ! The next day the queen sent for Lord Hervey, to ask him if he knew the particulars of a threat dinner which the prince had given to the lord mayor the previous day, while the whole country, and the court in particidar, was trembling for the AMELIA SOPHIA WALMODEN. 179 safety of the king, his father. Lord Hervey told her that the prince's speech at the dinner was the most ingratiating piece of popularity ever heard; the healths, of course, as usual. " Heavens J" cried the queen : " popularity always makes me sick, but Fritz's popularity makes me vomit ! I hear that yester- day, on the prince's side of the House, they talked of the king's being cast away with the same sang froid as you would talk of an overturn ; and that my good son strutted about as if he had been already king. Did you mark the airs with which he came into my drawing-room in the morning ?- though he does not think fit to honor me with his presence, or ennui me with his wife's, of an evening. I felt something here in my throat that swelled and half choked me." Poor Queen Caroline ! with such a son, and such a husband, she must have been possessed of a more than usual share of German imperturbability to sustain her cheerfulness, writhing, as she often was, under the pangs of a long-concealed disorder, of which eventually she died. Even on the occasion of the king's return in time to spend his birthday in England, the queen's temper had been sorely tried. Nothing had ever vexed her more than the king's admiration for Amelia Sophia Walraoden, who, after the death of Caroline, was created Countess of Yarmouth. Madame Walmoden had been a reigning belle among the young married women at Hanover., when George II. visited that country in 1735. 'Not that her majesty's affections were wounded ; it was her pride that was hurt by the idea that people would think that this Hanoverian lady had more influence than she had. In other respects the king's absence was a relief: she had the eclat of the regency; she had the comfort of having the hours which her royal tor- ment decreed were to be passed in amusing his dullness, to herself; she was free from his "quotidian sallies of temper, which," as Lord Hervey relates, " let it be charged by what hand it would, used always to discharge its hottest fire, on some pretense or other, upon her." It is quite true that from the first dawn of his preference for Madame Walmoden, the king wrote circumstantial letters of fifty or sixty pages to the queen, informing her of every stage of the affair ; the queen, in reply, saying that she was only one woman, and an old woman, and adding, " that he might love more and younger women." In return, the king wrote, " You must love the Walmoden, for she loves you f a civil insult, which he accompanied with so minute a description of his new favorite, that the queen, had she been a painter, might have drawn her portrait at a hundred miles' distance. The queen, subservient as she seemed, felt the humiliation. 180 poor queen Caroline! Such was the debased nature of George II. that lie not only wrote letters unworthy of a man to write, and unfit for a woman to read, to his wife, but he desired her to show them to Sir Robert Walpole. He used to " tag several paragraphs}" as Lord Hervey expresses it, with these words, " Mbntrez ceci, et consultez la-dessus de gros homme" meaning Sir Robert. But this was only a portion of the disgusting disclosures made by the vulgar, licentious monarch to his too degraded consort. In the bitterness of her mortification the queen considted Lord Hervey and Sir Robert as to the possibility of her losing her influence, should she resent the king's delay in returning. They agreed, that her taking the u fiere turn" would ruin her with her royal consort; Sir Robert adding, that if he had a niind to flatter her into her ruin, he might talk to her as if she were twenty-five, and try to make her imagine that she could bring the king back by the apprehension of losing her affec- tion. He said it was now too late in her life to try new meth- ods ; she must persist in the soothing, coaxing, submissive arts which had been practiced with success, and even press his majesty to bring this woman to England ! "He taught her," says Lord Hervey, "this hard lesson till she wept? Never- theless, the queen expressed her gratitude to the minister for his advice. " My lord," said Walpole to Hervey, " she laid her thanks on me so thick that I found I had gone too far, for I am never so much afraid of her rebukes as of her commend- ations." Such was the state of affairs between this singular couple. Nevertheless, the queen, not from attachment to the king, but from the horror she had of her son's reigning, felt such fears of the prince's succeeding to the throne as she could hardly express. He would, she was convinced, do all he could to ruin and injure her in case of his accession to the throne. The consolation of such a friend as Lord Hervey can easily be conceived, when he told her majesty that he had resolved, in case the king had been lost at sea, to have retired from her service, in order to prevent any jealousy or irritation that might arise from his supposed influence with her majesty. The queen stopped him short, and said, " No, my lord, I should never have suffered that ; you are one of the greatest pleasures of my life. But did I love you less than I do, or less like to have you about me, I should look upon the suffering you to be taken from me as such a meanness and baseness that you should not have stirred an inch from me. You," she added, " should have gone with me to Somerset House" (which was hers in case of the king's death). She then told him she should have NOCTURNAL DIVERSIONS OF MAIDS OF HONOR. 181 begged Sir Robert Walpole on her knees not to have sent in bis resignation. The animosity of the Prince of Wales to Lord Hervey aug- mented, there can be no doubt, his unnatural aversion to the queen, an aversion which he evinced early in life. There was a beautiful, giddy maid of honor, who attracted not only the attention of Frederick, but the rival attentions of other suitors, and among them, the most favored was said to be Lord Her- vey, notwithstanding that he had then been for some years the husband of one of the loveliest ornaments of the court, the sensible and virtuous Mary Lepel. Miss Yane became event- ually the avowed favorite of the prince, and after giving birth to a son, who was christened FitzFrederick Vane, and who died in 1736, his unhappy mother died a few months after- ward. It is melancholy to read a letter from Lady Hervey to Mrs. Howard, portraying the frolic and levity of this once joy- ous creature, among the other maids of honor; and her stric- tures show at once the unrefined nature of the pranks in which they indulged, and her once sobriety of demeanor. She speaks, on one occasion, in which, however, Miss Vane did not share the nocturnal diversion, of some of the maids of honor being out in the winter all night in the gardens at Ken- sington — opening and rattling the windows, and trying to frighten people out of their wits ; and she gives Mrs. Howard a hint that the queen ought to be informed of the way in which her young attendants amused themselves. After levi- ties such as these, it is not surprising to find poor Miss Vane writing to Mrs. Howard, with complaints that she was unjust- ly aspersed, and referring to her relatives, Lady Betty Night- ingale and Lady Hewet, in testimony of the falsehood of re- ports which, unhappily, the event verified. The prince, however, never forgave Lord Hervey for being his rival Avith Miss Vane, nor his mother for her favors to Lord Hervey. In vain did the queen endeavor to reconcile Fritz, as she called him, to his father ; nothing could be done in a case where the one was all dogged selfishness, and where the other, the idol of the opposition party, as the prince had ever been, so legere de tcte as to swallow all the adulation offered to him, and to believe himself a demigod. " The queen's dread of a rival," Horace Walpole remarks, " was a feminine weakness : the behavior of her eldest son was a real thorn." Some time before his marriage to a princess who was supposed to aug- ment his hatred of his mother, Frederick of Wales had con- templated an act of disobedience. Soon after his arrival in England, Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, hearing that he was in want of money, had sent to offer him her granddaughter, 182 MARY LEPEL, LABY HEBVET. Lady Diana Spencer, with a fortune of £100,000. The prince accepted the young lady, and a day was fixed for his marriage in the duchess's lodge at the Great Park, Windsor. But Sir Kobert Walpole getting intelligence of the plot, the nuptials were stopped. The duchess never forgave either Walpole or the royal family, and took an early opportunity of insulting the latter. When the Prince of Orange came over to marry the princess royal, a sort of boarded gallery was erected from the windows of the great drawing-room of that palace, and was constructed so as to cross the garden to the Lutheran chapel in the Friary, where the duchess lived. The Prince of Orange being ill, went to Bath, and the marriage was delayed for some weeks. Meantime the windows of Marlborough House were darkened by the gallery. " I wonder," cried the old duchess, " when my neighbor George will take away bis orange-chest!" the structure, with its pent-house roof, really resembling an or- ange-chest. Mary Lepel, Lady Hervey, whose attractions, great as they were, proved insufficient to rivet the exclusive admiration of the accomplished Hervey, had become his wife in 1720, some time before her husband had been completely enthralled with the gilded prison doors of a court. She was endowed with that intellectual beauty calculated to attract a man of talent : she was highly educated, of great talent ; possessed of savoir /aire, infinite good temper, and a strict sense of duty. She also derived from her father, Brigadier Lepel, who was of an ancient family in Sark, a considerable fortune. Good and cor- rect as she was, Lady Hervey viewed with a fashionable com- po'sure the various intimacies formed during the course of their married life by his lordship. The fact is, that the aim of both was not so much to insure their domestic felicity as to gratify their ambition. Probably they were disappointed in both these aims — certainly in one of them : talented, indefatigable, popular, lively, and courteous, Lord Hervey, in the House of Commons, advocated in vain, in brilliant orations, the measures of Walpole. Twelve years, fourteen years elapsed, and he was left in the somewhat sub- ordinate position of vice-chamberlain, in spite of that high or- der of talents which he possessed, and which would have been displayed to advantage in a graver scene. The fact has been explained : the queen could not do without him ; she confided in him ; her daughter loved him ; and his influence in that court was too powerful for Walpole to dispense with an aid so valu- able to his own plans. Some episodes in a life thus flittered away, until, too late, promotion came, alleviated his existence, and gave his wife only a passing uneasiness, if even indeed they (Imparted a pang. RIVALRY. 1 83 One of these was liis dangerous passion for Miss Vane ; an- other, his platonic attachment to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. While he lived on the terms with his wife which is described even by the French as being a '•'•Menage de Paris" Lord Her- vey found in another quarter the sympathies which, as a hus- band, he was too well-bred to require. It is probable that he always admired his wife more than any other person, for she had qualities that were quite congenial to the tastes of a wit and a beau in those times. Lady Hervey was not only singu- larly captivating, young, gay, and handsome ; but a complete model also of the polished, courteous, high-bred woman of fashion. Her manners are said by Lady Louisa Stuart to have " had a foreign tinge, which some called affected ; but they were gentle, easy, and altogether exquisitely pleasing." She was in secret a Jacobite — and resembled in that respect most of the fine ladies in Great Britain. Whiggery and Walpolism were vulgar: it was haut ton to take offense when James II. was anathematized, and quite good taste to hint that some people wished well to the Chevalier's attempts : and this way of speaking owed its fashion probably to Frederick of Wales, whose interest in Flora Macdonald, and whose concern for the exiled family, were among the few amiable traits of his dispo- sition. Perhaps they arose from a wish to plague his parents, rather than from a greatness of character foreign to this prince. Lady Hervey was in the bloom of youth, Lady Mary in the zenith of her age, when they became rivals : Lady Mary had once excited the jealousy of Queen Caroline when Princess of Wales. "How becomingly Lady Mary is dressed to-night," whis- pered George II. to his wife, whom he had called up from the card-table to impart to her that important conviction. "Lady Mary always dresses well," was the cold and curt reply. Lord Hervey had been married about seven years when Lady Mary Wortley Montagu reappeared at the court of Queen Car- oline, after her long residence in Turkey. Lord Hervey was thirty -three years of age; Lady Mary was verging on forty. She was still a pretty Avoman, with a piquant, neat-featured face ; which does not seem to have done any justice to a mind at once masculine and sensitive, nor to a heart capable of be- nevolence — capable of strong attachments, and of bitter hatred. Like Lady Hervey, she lived with her husband on well-bred terms : there existed no quarrel between them ; no avowed ground of coldness; it was the icy boundary of frozen feeling that severed them ; the sure and lasting though polite destroy- er of all bonds, indifference. Lady Mary was full of repartee, of poetry, of anecdote, and was not averse to admiration ; but 184 RELAXATIONS OF THE KOYAL HOUSEHOLD. she was essentially a woman of common sense, of views en- larged by travel, and of ostensibly good principles. A woman of delicacy was not to be found in those days, any more than other productions of the nineteenth century : a telegraphic mes- sage would have been almost as startling to a courtly ear as the refusal of a fine lady to suffer a double entendre. Lady Mary was above all scruples, and Lord Hervey, who had lived too long with George II. and his queen to have the moral sense in perfection, liked her all the better for her courage — her merry, licentious jokes, and her putting things down by their right names, on which Lady Mary plumed herself: she was what they term in the north of England " Emancipated." They formed an old acquaintance with a confidential, if not a tender friendship ; and that their intimacy was unpleasant to Lady Hervey was proved by her refusal — when, after the grave had closed over Lord Hervey, late in life, Lady Mary ill, and broken down by age, returned to die in England — to resume an acquaintance which had been a painful one to her. Lord Hervey was a martyr to illness of an epileptic charac- ter ; and Lady Mary gave him her sympathy. She was some- Avhat of a doctor — and being older than her friend, may have had the art of soothing sufferings, which were the worse be- cause they were concealed. While he writhed in pain, he was obliged to give vent to his agony by alleging that an attack of cramp bent him double : yet he lived by rule — a rule harder to adhere to than that of the most conscientious homeopath in the present day. In the midst of court gayeties and the duties of office, he thus wrote to Dr. Cheyne : ..." To let you know that I continue one of your most pious votaries, and to tell you the method I am in. In the first place, I never take wine nor malt drink, nor any liquid but water and milk-tea ; in the next, I eat no meat but the whitest, youngest, and tenderest, nine times in ten nothing but chicken, and never more than the quantity of a small one at a meal. I seldom eat any supper, but if any, nothing absolutely but bread and water ; two days in the Aveek I eat no flesh ; my breakfast is dry biscuit, not sweet, and green tea ; I have left off butter as bilious ; I eat no salt, nor any sauce but bread- sauce." Among the most cherished relaxations of the royal house- hold were visits to Twickenham, while the court was at Rich- mond. The River Thames, which has borne on its waves so much misery in olden times — which Avas the highway from the Star-chamber to the Tower — which has been belabored in our days with so much wealth, and sullied with so much impurity ; that river, whose current is one hour rich as the stream of a POPE AT HIS VILLA — DISTINGUISHED VISITOIiS. BACO^'a OPINION OF TWICKENHAM. 187 gold river, the next hour foul as the pestilent church-yard — was then, especially between Richmond and Teddington, a glassy, placid stream, reflecting on its margin the chestnut- trees of stately Ham, and the reeds and wild flowers which grew undisturbed in the fertile meadows of Petersham. Lord Hervey, with the ladies of the court, Mrs. Howard as .their chaperon, delighted in being wafted to that village, so rich in names which give to Twickenham undying associations with the departed great. Sometimes the eifeminate valetudi- narian, Hervey, was content to attend the Princess Caroline to Marble Hill only, a villa residence built by George II. for Mrs. Howard, and often referred to in the correspondence of that period. Sometimes the royal barge, with its rowers in scarlet jackets, was seen conveying the gay party ; ladies in slouched hats, pointed over fair brows in front, with a fold of sarcenet round them, terminated in a long bow and ends be- hind — with deep falling mantles over dresses never cognizant of crinoline : gentlemen, with cocked hats, their bag-wigs and ties appearing behind; and beneath their puce-colored coats, delicate silk tights and gossamer stockings were visible, as they trod the mossy lawn of the Palace Gardens at Richmond, or, followed by a tiny greyhound, prepared for the lazy pleasures of the day. Sometimes the visit was private ; the sickly Princess Caro- line had a fancy to make one of the group who are bound to Pope's vijfri. Twickenham, where that great little man had, since 17 Is, established himself, was pronounced by Lord Ba- con to be the finest place in the world for study. " Let Twit- nam Park," he wrote to his steward, Thomas Bushell, " which I sold in my younger days, be purchased, if possible, for a residence for, such deserving persons to study in (since I ex- perimentally found the situation of that place much convenient for the trial of my philosophical conclusions) — expressed in a paper sealed, to the trust — which I myself had put in practice, and settled the same by act of parliament, if the vicissitudes of fortune had not intervened and prevented me." Twickenham continued, long after Bacon had penned this injunction, to be the retreat of the poet, the statesman, the scholar ; the haven where the retired actress and broken novel- ist found peace ; the abode of Henry Fielding, who lived in one of the back streets; the temporary refuge, from the world of London, of Lady Mary "Wortley Montagu, and the life-long home of Pope. Let us picture to ourselves a visit from the princess to Pope's villa : As the barge, following the gentle bendings of the river, nears Twickenham, a richer green, a summer bright- 188 A VISIT TO POPES VILLA. ness, indicates it is approaching that spot of which even Bish- op Warburton says that the "beauty of the owner's poetic gen- ius appeared to as much advantage in the disposition of these romantic materials as in any of his best-contrived poems." And the loved toil which formed the quincunx, which perfora- ted and extended the grotto until it extended across the road to a garden on the opposite side — the toil which showed the gentler parts of Pope's better nature — has been respected, and its effects preserved. The enameled lawn, green as no other grass save that by the Thames side is green, is swept still by the light boughs of the famed willow. Every memorial of the bard was treasured by the gracious hands into Avhich, after 1744, the classic spot fell — those of Sir William Stanhope. In the subterranean passage this verse appears ; adulatory, it must be confessed : ' ' The humble roof, the garden's scanty line, 111 suit the genius of the bard divine ; But fancy now assumes a fairer scope, And Stanhope's plans unfold the soul of Pope." It should have been Stanhope's " gold" — a metal which was not so abundant, nor indeed so much wanted in Pope's time as in our own. As the barge is moored close to the low steps which lead up from the river to the villa, a diminutive figure, then in its prime (if prime it ever had), is seen moving impatiently for- ward. By that young-old face, with its large lucid speaking eyes that light it up, as does a rushlight in a cavern — by that twisted figure with its emaciated legs — by the large, sensible mouth, the pointed, marked, well-defined nose — by the wig, or hair pushed off in masses from the broad forehead and falling behind in tresses — by the dress, that loose, single-breasted black coat — by the cambric band and plaited shirt, Avithout a frill, but fine and white, for the poor poet has taken infinite pains that day in self-adornment — by the delicate ruffle on that large thin hand, and still more by the clear, most musical voice which is heard welcoming his royal and noble guests, as he stands bowing low to the Princess Caroline, and bending to kiss hands — by that voice which gained him more especially the name of the little nightingale — is Pope at once recognized, and Pope in the perfection of his days, in the very zenith of his fame. One would gladly have been a sprite to listen from some' twig of that then stripling willow which the poet had planted with his own hand, to the talk of those who chatted for a while under its shade, before they went in-doors to an elegant dinner at the usual hour of twelve. How delightful to hear, THE ESSENCE OF SMALL TALK. 189 unseen, the repartees of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, who comes down, it is natural to conclude, from her villa near to that of Pope. How fine a study might one not draw of the fine gentleman and the wit in Lord Hervey, as he is com- manded by the gentle Princess Caroline to sit on her right hand ; but his heart is aci'oss the table with Lady Mary ! How amusing to observe the dainty but not sumptuous repast ' contrived with Pope's exquisite taste, but regulated by his habitual economy — for his late father, a worthy Jacobite hat- ter, erst in the Strand, disdained to invest the fortune he had amassed, from the extensive sale of cocked hats, in the Funds, over which a Hanoverian stranger ruled ; but had lived on his capital of £20,000, as spendthrifts do (without either moral, religious, or political reasons), as long as it lasted him; yet he was no spendthrift. Let us look, therefore, with a liberal eye, noting, as we stand, how that fortune, in league with nature, who made the poet crooked, had maimed two of his fingers, such time as, passing a bridge, the poor little poet was over- turned into the river, and he would have been drowned, had not the postillion broken the coach window and dragged the tiny body through the aperture. We mark, however, that he generally contrives to hide this defect, as he would fain have hidden every other from the lynx eyes of Lady Mary, Avho knows him, however, thoroughly, and reads every line of that poor little heart of his, enamored of her as it was. Then the conversation ! How gladly would we catch here some drops of what must have been the very essence of small- talk, and small-talk is the only tiling fit for early dinners ! Our host is noted for his easy address, his engaging manners, his delicacy, politeness, and a certain tact he had of showing ev- ery guest that he was welcome in the choicest expressions and most elegant terms. Then Lady Mary ! how brilliant is her slightest turn ! how she banters Pope — how she gives double entendre for double entendre to Hervey ! How sensible, yet how gay is all she says ; how bright, how cutting, yet how polished is the equivoque of the witty, high-bred Hervey ! He is happy that day — away from the coarse, passionate king, whom he hated with a hatred that burns itself out in his lord- ship's " Memoirs ;" away from the somewhat exacting and pitiable queen ; away from the hated Pelham, and the rival Grafton. And conversation never flags when all, more or less, are congenial ; when all are well-informed, well-bred, and resolved to please. Yet there is a canker in that whole assembly ; that canker is a want of confidence : no one trusts the other ; Lady Mary's encouragement of Hervey surprises and shocks the 190 HEEVEY's affectation and effeminacy. Princess Caroline, who loves him secretly ; Hervey's atten- tions to the queen of letters scandalize Pope, who soon after- ward makes a declaration to Lady Mary. Pope writhes un- der a lash, just held over him by Lady Mary's hand. Hervcy feels that the poet, though all suavity, is ready to demolish him at any moment, if he can ; and the only really happy and complacent person of the whole party is, perhaps, Pope's old mother, who sits in the room next to that occupied for din- ner, industriously spinning. This happy state of things came, however, as is often the case, in close intimacies, to a painful conclusion. There was too little reality, too little earnestness of feeling, for the friend- ship between Pope and Lady Mary, including Lord Hervey, to last long. His lordship had his affectations, and his effeminate nicety was proverbial. One day being asked at dinner if he would take some beef, he is reported to have answered, "Beef? oh, no ! faugh ! don't you know I never eat beef, nor horse, nor curry, nor any of those things ?" Poor man ! it was probably a pleasant way of turning off what he may have deemed an as- sault on a digestion that could hardly conquer any solid food. This affectation offended Lady Mary, whose mot, that there were three species, "Men, women, and Herveys," implies a per- fect perception of the eccentricities even of her gifted friend, Lord Hervey, whose mother's friend she had been, and the ob ject of whose admiration she undoubtedly was. Pope, who was the most irritable of men, never forgot or forgave even the most trifling offense. Lady Bolingbroke truly said of him, that he played the politician about cabbages^and salads, and every body agrees that he could hardly tolerate the wit that was more successful than his own. It was about the year 1725 that he began to hate Lord Hervey with such a ha- tred as only he could feel ; it was unmitigated by a single touch of generosity or of compassion. Pope afterward owned that his acquaintance with Lady Mary and with Hervey was discon- tinued, merely because they had too much wit for him. To- ward the latter end of 1732, "The Imitation of the Second Sat- ire of the First Book of Horace," appeared, and in it Pope at- tacked Lady Mary with the grossest and most indecent couplet ever printed : she was called Sappho, and Heiwey, Lord Fanny ; and all the world knew the characters at once. In retaliation for this satire, appeared " Verses to the Imita- tor of Horace ;" said to have been the joint production of Lord Hervey and Lady Mary. This was followed by a piece enti- tled " Letter from a Nobleman at Hampton Court to a Doctor of Divinity." To this composition Lord Hervey, its sole au- thor, added these lines, by way, as it seems, of extenuation. pope's qtjaeeel with heevey and lady MAE v. 191 Pope's first reply waa in a prose letter, on which Dr. John- son has passed a condemnation. " It exhibits," he says, "noth- ing but tedious malignity." But he was partial to the Her- veys, Thomas and Henry Hervey, Lord Hervey's brothers, hav- ing been kind to him — " If you call a dog Hervey" he said to Boswell, "I shall love him." Next came the epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot, in which every in- firmity and peculiarity of Hervey are handed down in calm, cruel irony, and polished verses, to posterity. The verses are almost too disgusting to be revived in an age which disclaims scurrility. After the most personal rancorous invective, he thus writes of Lord Hervey's conversation : "His wit all see-saw between this and that — Now high, now low — now master up, now miss — And he himself one vile antithesis. * * * * Fop at the toilet, flatterer at the hoard, Now trips a lady, and now. struts a lord. Eve's tempter, thus the rabbins have expressed — A cherub's face — a reptile all the rest. Beauty that shocks you, facts that none can trust, Wit that can creep, and pride that bites the dust." " It is impossible," Mr. Croker thinks, " not to admire, how- ever Ave may condemn, the art by which acknowledged wit, beauty, and gentle manners, the queen's favor, and even a val- etudinary diet, are travestied into the most odious offenses." Pope, in two lines, pointed to the intimacy between Lady Mary and Lord Hervey : "Once, and but once, this heedless youth was hit, And liked that dangerous thing, a female wit." Nevertheless, he afterward pretended that the name Sappho was not applied to Lady Mary, but to women in general ; and acted with a degree of mean prevarication which greatly add- ed to the amount of his oifense. The quarrel with Pope was not the only attack which Lord Hervey had to encounter. Among the most zealous of his foes was Pulteney, afterward Lord Bath, the rival of Sir Robert Walpole, and the confederate with Bolingbroke in opposing that minister. The " Craftsman," a paper in the Whig inter- est, contained an attack on Pulteney, written with great abil- ity, by Hervey. It provoked a Reply from Pulteney. In this composition he spoke of Hervey as " a thing below contempt," and ridiculed his personal appearance in the grossest terms. A duel was the result, the parties meeting behind Arlington House, in Piccadilly, where Mr. Pulteney had the satisfaction of almost running Lord Hervey through with his sword. Luck- ily the poor man slipped down, so the blow was evaded, and 192 "the death of lord hervey: a drama.'*" the seconds interfered : Mr. Pulteney then embraced Lord Her- vey, and expressing his regret for their quarrel, declared that he would never again, either in speech or writing, attack his lordship. Lord Hervey only bowed, in silence ; and thus they parted. The queen having observed what an alteration in the palace Lord Hervey's death would cause, he said he could guess how it would be, and he produced " The Death of Lord Hervey ; or, a Morning at Court ; a Drama :" the idea being taken, it is thought, from Swift's verses on his own death, of which Her- vey might have seen a surreptitious copy. The following scene will give some idea of the plot and structure of this amusing little piece. The part allotted to the Princess Caroline is in unison with the idea prevalent of her attachment to Lord Her- vey: ACT I. Scene : The Queen's Gallery. The time, nine in the morning. Enter the Queen, Princess Emily, Princess Caroline, followe d by Lord Lifford, and Mrs. Purcel. Queen. Mon Dieu, quelle chaleur ! en verite on e'touffe'. Pray open a lit- tle those windows. Lord Lifford. Hasa yonr Majesty heara de news ? Queen. What news, my dear Lord ? Lord Lifford. Dat my Lord Hervey, as he was coming last night to tone, was rob and murdered by highwaymen and tron in a ditch. Princess Caroline. Eh ! grand Dieu ! Queen [striking her hand upon her knee]. Comment est-il veritablement mort ? Purcel, my angel, shall I not have a little breakfast ? Mrs. Purcel. What would your Majesty please to have ? Queen. A little chocolate, my soul, if you give me leave, and a little sour cream, and some fruit. {Exit Mrs. Purcel. Queen [to Lord Lifford']. Eh bien ! my Lord Lifford, dites-nous un pen comment cela est arrive'. I can not imagine what he had to do to be put- ting his nose there. Seulement pour un sot voyage avec ce petit mousse, eh bien? Lord Lifford. Madame, on scait quelque chose de celai de Mon. Maran, qui d'abord qu'il a vu les voleurs s'est enfin et venu a grand galoppe a Lon- dres, and after dat a wagoner take up the body and put it in his cart. Queen {to Princess Emily]. Are you not ashamed, Amalie, to laugh? Princess Emily. I only laughed at the cart, mamma. Queen. Oh ! that is a very fade plaisanterie. Princess Emily. But if I may say it, mamma, I am not very sorry. Queen. Oh ! fie done ! Eh bien ! my Lord Lifford ! My God ! where is this chocolate, Purcel ? As Mr. Croker remarks, Queen Caroline's breakfast-table, and her parentheses, reminds one of the card-table conversa- tion of Swift : "The Dean's dead: (pray what are trumps?) Then Lord have mercy on his soul ! (Ladies, I'll venture for the vole.) QUEEN CAROLINES LAST DRAWING 193 Six Deans, they say, must bear the pall (I wish I knew what king to call.) Fragile as was Lord Hervey's constitution, it was his lot to witness the death-bed of the queen, for whose amusement he had penned the jeu d'esprit just quoted, in which there was, perhaps, as much truth as wit. The wretched Queen Caroline had, during fourteen years, concealed from every one, except Lady Sundon, an incurable disorder, that of hernia. In November (1737) she was attack- ed with what we should now call English cholera. Dr. Tes- sier, her house-physician, was called in, and gave her Daffey's elixir, which was not likely to afford any relief to the deep- seated cause of her sufferings. She held a drawing-room that night for the last time, and played at cards, even cheerfully. At length she whispered to Lord Hervey, " I am not able to entertain people." " For heaA'en's sake, madam," was the re- ply, " go to your room : would to heaven the king would leave off talking of the Dragon of Wantley, and release you!" The Dragon of Wantley was a burlesque on the Italian opera, by Henry Carey, and was the theme of the fashionable world. The next day the queen was in fearful agony, very hot, and willing to take any thing proposed. Still she did not, even to Lord Hervey, avow the real cause of her illness. None of the most learned court physicians, neither Mead nor Wilmot, were called in. Lord Hervey sat by the queen's bedside, and tried to soothe her, while the Princess Caroline joined in begging him to give her mother something to relieve her agony. At length, in utter ignorance of the case, it was proposed to give her some snakeroot, a stimulant, and, at the same time, Sir Walter Raleigh's cordial ; so singular was it thus to find that great mind still influencing a court. It was that very medi- cine which was administered by Queen Anne of Denmark, however, to Prince Henry ; that medicine which Raleigh said, " would cure him, or any other, of a disease, except in case of poison." However, Ranby, house-surgeon to the king, and a favorite of Lord Hervey's, assuring him that a cordial with this name or that name was mere quackery, some usquebaugh was given instead, but was rejected by the queen soon afterward. At last Raleigh's cordial was administered, but also rejected about an hour afterward. Her fever, after taking Raleigh's cordial, was so much increased, that she was ordered instantly to be bled. Then, even, the queen never disclosed the fact that could alone dictate the course to be pursued. George II., with more feeling than judgment, slept on the outside of the queen's bed I 194 A PAINFUL SCENE. all that night ; so that the unhappy invalid could get no rest, nor change her position, not daring to irritate the king's tem- per. Tho next day the queen said touchingly to her gentle, affec- tionate daughter, herself in declining health, " Poor Caroline ! you are very ill, too ; we shall soon meet again in another place." Meantime, though the queen declared to every one that she was sure nothing could save her, it was resolved to hold a levee. The foreign ministers were to come to court, and the king, in :he midst of his real grief, did not forget to send word to his pages to be sure to have his last new ruffles sewed on the shirt he was to put on that day ; a trifle which often, as Lord Her- vey remarks, shows more of the real character than events of importance, from Avhich one frequently knows no more of a person's state of mind than one does of his natural gait from his dancing. Lady Sundon was, meantime, ill at Bath, so that the queen's secret rested alone in her own heart. "I have an ill," she said, one evening, to her daughter Caroline, "that nobody knows of." Still, neither the princess nor Lord Hervey could guess at the full meaning of that sad assertion. The famous Sir Hans Sloan e was then called in ; but no remedy except large and repeated bleedings was suggested, and blisters were put on her legs. There seems to have been no means left untried by the faculty to hasten the catastrophe — thus working in the dark. The king now sat up with her whom he had so cruelly wounded in every nice feeling. On being asked, by Lord Her- vey, what was to be done in case the Prince of Wales should come to inquire after the queen ? he answered in the following terms, worthy of his ancestry — worthy of himself. It is diffi- cult to say which Avas the most painful scene, that in the cham- ber where the queen lay in agony, or without, where the curse of family dissensions came like a ghoul to hover near the bed of death, and to gloat over the royal corpse. This was the royal dictum : " If the puppy should, in one of his impertinent airs of duty and affection, dare to come to St. James's, I order you to go to the scoundrel, and tell him I wonder at his impu- dence for daring to come here ; that he has my orders already, and knows my pleasure, and bid him go about his business; for his poor mother is not in a condition to see him act his false, whining, cringing tricks now, nor am I in a humor to bear with his impertinence ; and bid him trouble me with no more messages, but get out of my house." In the evening, while Lord Hervey sat at tea in the queen's THE TRUTH DISCOVERED. 195 outer apartment with the Duke of Cumberland, a page came to the duke to speak to the prince in the passage. It was to ])refer a request to see his mother. This message was con- veyed by Lord Hervey to the king, whose reply was uttered in the most vehement rage possible. " This," said he, " is like one of his scoundrel tricks; it is just of a piece with his kneel- ing down in the dirt before the mob to kiss her hand at the coach door when she came home from Hampton Court to see the princess, though he had not spoken one word to her during her whole visit. I always hated the rascal, but now I hate him worse than ever. He wants to come and insult his poor dying mother ; but she shall not see him ; you have heard her, and all my daughters have heard her, very often this year at Hampton Court desire me if she should be ill, and out of her senses, that I would never let him come near her ; and while she had her senses she was sure she should never desire it. No, no! he shall not come and act any of his silly plays here." In the afternoon the queen said to the king, she wondered the Griff, a nickname she gave to the prince, had not sent to inquire after her yet; it would be so like one of his paroitres. " Sooner or later," she added, " I am sure we shall be plagued with some message of that sort, because he will think it will have a good air in the world to ask to see me ; and, perhaps, hopes I shall be fool enough to let him come, and give him the pleasure of seeing the last breath go out of my body, by which means he would have the joy of knowing I was dead five min- utes sooner than he could know it in Pall Mall." She afterward declared that nothing would induce her to see him except the king's absolute commands. " Therefore, if I grow worse," she said, " and should I be weak enough to talk of seeing him, I beg you, sir, to conclude that I doat — or rave." The king, who had long since guessed at the queen's dis- ease, urged her now to permit him to name it to her physi- cians. She begged him not to do so ; and for the first time, and the last, the unhappy woman spoke peevishly and warm- ly. Then Ranby, the house-surgeon, who had by this time discovered the truth, said, "There is no more time to be lost; your majesty has concealed the truth too long; I beg another surgeon may be called in immediately." The queen, who had, in her passion, started up in her bed, lay down again, turned her head on the other side, and, as the king told Lord Hervey, " shed the only tear he ever saw her shed while she was ill." At length, too late, other and more sensible means were re- sorted to : but the queen's strength was failing fast. It must have been a strange scene in that chamber of death. Much as 196 THE QUEEN'S DYING BEQUESTS. the king really grieved for the queen's state, he was still suf- ficiently collected to grieve also lest Richmond Lodge, which was settled on the queen, should go to the hated Griff;* and he actually sent Lord Hervey to the lord chancellor to inquire about that point. It was decided that the queen could make a will, so the king informed her of his inquiries, in order to set her mind at ease, and to assure her it was impossible that the prince could in any Avay benefit pecuniarily from her death. The Princess Emily now sat up with her mother. The king went to bed. The Princess Caroline slej)t on a couch in the antechamber, and Lord Hervey lay on a mattress on the floor at the foot of the Princess Caroline's couch. On the following day (four after the first attack) mortifica- tion came on, and the weeping Princess Caroline and Lord Hervey were informed that the queen could not hold out many hours. Lord Hervey was ordered to withdraw. The king, the Duke of Cumberland, and the queen's four daugh- ters alone remained, the queen begging them not to leave her until she expired ; yet her life was prolonged many days. When alone with her family, she took from her finger a ruby ring, which had been placed on it at the time of the cor- onation, and gave it to the king. "This is the last thing," she said, " I have to give you ; naked I came to you, and naked I go from you ; I had every thing I ever possessed from you, and to you whatever I have I return." She then asked for her keys, and gave them to the king. To the Princess Caro- line she intrusted the care of her younger sisters ; to the Duke of Cumberland, that of keeping up the credit of the family. "Attempt nothing against your brother, and endeavor to mor- tify him by showing superior merit," she said to him. She ad- vised the king to marry again ; he heard her in sobs, and with much difficulty got out this sentence : " Non^faurai des mat- tresses" To which the queen made no other reply than "Ah, rnon Dieu! cela rf empeche pas^ "I know," says Lord Her- vey, in his Memoirs, " that this episode w y ill hardly be credit- ed, but it is literally true." She then fancied she could sleep. The king kissed her, and wept over her ; yet when she asked for her watch, which hung near the chimney, that she might give him the seal to take care of, his brutal temper broke forth. In the midst of his tears he called out, in a loud voice, " Let it alone ! mon Dieu ! the queen has such strange fancies ; who should meddle with your seal ? It is as safe there as in my pocket." The queen then thought she could sleep, and, in fact, sank to rest. She felt refreshed on awakening and said, " I wish it * Prince Frederick. ARCHBISHOP POTTER IS SENT FOR. 197 was over ; it is only a reprieve to make me suffer a little lon- ger ; I can not recover, but my nasty heart will not break yet." She had an impression that she should die on a Wednesday : she had, she said, been born on a Wednesday, married on a Wednesday, crowned on a Wednesday, her first child was born on a Wednesday, and she had heard of the late king's death on a Wednesday. On the ensuing day she saw Sir Robert Walpole. " My good Sir Robert," she thus addressed him, " you see me in a very indifferent situation. I have nothing to say to you but to recommend the king, my children, and the kingdom to your care." Lord Hervey, when the minister retired, asked him what he thought of the queen's state. " My lord," was the reply, " she is as much dead as if she was in her coffin ; if ever I heard a corpse speak, it was just now in that room !" It was a sad, an awful death-bed. The Prince of Wales having sent to inquire after the health of his dying mother, the queen became uneasy lest he should hear the true state of her case, asking "if no one would send those ravens," meaning the prince's attendants, " out of the house. They were only," she said, " watching her death, and would gladly tear her to pieces wdiile she was alive." While thus she spoke of her son's courtiers, that son was sitting wp all night in his house in Pall Mall, and saying, when any messenger came in from St. James's, "Well, sure, w T e shall soon have good news, she can not hold out much longer." And the princesses were writing letters to prevent the princess royal from coming to England, wdiere she was certain to meet with brutal unkindness from her father, w T ho covdd not endure to be put to any expense. Orders were, indeed, sent to stop her if she set out. She came, however, on pretense of taking the Bath waters; but George II., furious at her disobedience, obliged her to go direct to and from Bath without stopping, and never forgave her. Notwithstanding her predictions, the queen survived the fatal Wednesday. Until this time no prelate had been called in to pray by her majesty, nor to administer the Holy Com- munion ; and as people about the court began to be scandal- ized by this omission, Sir Robert Walpole advised that the Archbishop of Canterbury should be sent for : his opinion was couched in the following terms, characteristic at once of the man, the times, and the court : " Pray, madam," he said to the Princess Emily, " let this farce be played ; the archbishop will act it very well. You 198 TIIK DUTY OF RECONCILIATION. may bid him be as short as you will : it will do the queen no hurt, no more than any good ; and it will satisfy all the wise and good fools who will call us atheists if we don't pretend to be as great fools as they are." Unhappily, Lord Hervey, who relates this anecdote, was himself an unbeliever ; yet the scoffing tone adopted by Sir Robert seems to have shocked even him. In consequence of this advice, Archbishop Potter prayed by the queen morning and evening, the king always quitting the room when his grace entered it. Her children, however, knelt by her bedside. Still the whisperers who censured were unsatisfied — the concession was thrown away. Why did not the queen receive the communion ? Was it, as the world be- lieved, either "that she had reasoned herself into a very low and cold assent to Christianity?" or "that she was hetero- dox;" or "that the archbishop refused to administer the sac- rament until she should be reconciled to her son ?" Even Lord Hervey, who rarely left the antechamber, has only by his silence proved that she did not take the communion. That antechamber was crowded with persons who, as the prelate left the chamber of death, crowded around, eagerly asking, "Has the queen received?" "Her Majesty," was the evasive reply, "is in a heavenly disposition :" the public were thus de- ceived. Among those who were near the queen at this sol- emn hour was Dr. Butler, author of the " Analogy." He had been made clerk of the closet, and became, after the queen's death, Bishop of Bristol. He was in a remote living in Dur- ham, when the queen, remembering that it was long since she had heard of him, asked the Archbishop of York " whether Dr. Butler was dead ?" " No, madam," replied that prelate (Dr. Blackburn), "but he is buried ;" upon which she had sent for him to court. Yet he was not courageous enough, it seems, to speak to her of her son anfl. of the duty of reconciliation ; whether she ever sent the prince any message or not is uncer- tain ; Lord Hervey is silent on that point, so that it is to be feared that Lord Chesterfield's line, "And, unforgiving, unforgiven, dies!" had but too sure a foundation in fact ; so that Pope's sarcastic verses — " Hang the sad verse on Carolina's urn. And hail her passage to the realms of rest ; All parts performed, and all her children blest," may have been but too just, though cruelly bitter. The queen lingered till the 20th of November. During that interval of agony her consort was perpetually boasting to every one of THE DEATH OF QUEEN CAROLINE. 199 her virtues, her sense, her patience, her softness, her delicacy ; and ending with the praise, " Comme elle soutenoit sa (lignite avec grace, avec politesse, avec douceur/" Nevertheless he scarcely ever went into her room. Lord Hervey states "that he did, even in this moving situation, s)iub her for something or other she did or said." One morning, as she lay with her eyes fixed on a point in the air, as people sometimes do when they want to keep their thoughts from wandering, the king coarsely told her " she looked like a calf which had just had its throat cut." He expected her to die in state. Then, with all his bursts of tenderness he always mingled his own praises, hinting that though she was a good wife, he knew he had de- served a good one, and remarking, when he had extolled her understanding, that he did not " think it the worse for her hav- ing kept him company so many years." To all this Lord Her- vey listened with, doubtless, well-concealed disgust ; for cabals were even then forming for the future influence that might or might not be obtained. The queen's life, meantime, was softly ebbing away in this atmosphere of selfishness, brutality, and unbelief. One even- ing she asked Dr. Tessier impatiently how long her state might continue ? " Your Majesty," was the reply, " will soon be released." " So much the better," the queen calmly answered. At ten o'clock that night, while the king lay at the foot of her bed, on the floor, and the Princess Emily on a conch-bed in the room, the fearful death-rattle in the throat was heard. Mrs. Puree], her chief and old attendant, gave the alarm : the Princess Caroline and Lord Hervey were sent for; but the princess was too late, her mother had expired before she ar- rived. All the dying queen said was, "I have now got an asthma; open the window." then she added, " Fray!" That was her last word. As the Princess Emily began to read some prayers, the sufferer breathed her last sigh. The Prin- cess Caroline held a looking-glass to her lips, and finding there was no damp on it, said, " "Tis over !" Yet she shed not one tear upon the arrival of that event, the prospect of which had cost her so many heart-rending sobs. The king kissed the lifeless face and hands of his often-in- jured wife, and then retired to his own apartment, ordering that a page should sit up with him for that and several other nights, for his majesty was afraid of apparitions, and feared to be left alone. He caused himself, however, to be buried by the side of his queen, in Henry VII.'s chapel, and ordered that one side of his coffin and of hers should be withdrawn ; and in that state the two coffins were discovered not many years ac;o. 200 A CHANGE IN IIERVEy's LIFE. With the death of Queen Caroline, Lord Hervey's life, as to court, was changed. He was afterward made lord privy seal, and had consequently to enter the political world, with the disadvantage of knowing that much was expected from a man of so high a reputation for wit and learning. He was violently opposed by Pelham, Duke of Newcastle, who had been ad- verse to his entering the ministry ; and since, with Walpole's favor, it was impossible to injure him by fair means, it was resolved to oppose Lord Hervey by foul ones. One evening, when he was to speak, a party of fashionable Amazons, with two duchesses — her grace of Queensberry and her grace of Ancaster — at their head, stormed the House of Lords and dis- turbed the debate with noisy laughter and sneers. Poor Lord Hervey was completely daunted, and spoke miserably. After Sir Robert Walpole's fall Lord Hervey retired. The follow- ing letter from him to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu fully de- scribes his position and circumstances : " I must now," he writes to her, " since you take so friendly a part in what concerns me, give you a short account of my natural and political health ; and when I say I am still alive, and still privy seal, it is all I can say for the pleasure of one or the honor of the other ; for since Lord Orford's retiring, as I am too proud to offer my service and friendship where I am not sure they will be accepted of, and too inconsiderable to have those advances made to me (though I never forgot or failed to return any obligation I ever received), so I remained as illustrious a nothing in this office as ever tilled it since it was erected. There is one benefit, however, I enjoy from this loss of my court interest, which is, that all those flies which were buzzing about me in the summer sunshine and full ripeness of that interest, have all deserted its autumnal decay, and from thinking my natural death not far off, and my political demise already over, have all forgot the death-bed of the one and the coffin of the other." Again he wrote to her a characteristic letter : " I have been confined these three weeks by a fever, which is a sort of annual tax my detestable constitution pays to our detestable climate at the return of every spring; it is iioav much abated, though not quite gone off." He was long a helpless invalid ; and on the 8th of Au- gust, 1743, his short, unprofitable, brilliant, unhappy life was closed. He died at Ickworth, attended and deplored by his wife, who had ever held a secondary part in the heart of the great wit and beau of the court of George II. After his death his son George returned to Lady Mary all the letters she had written to his father : the packet was sealed ; an assui-ance LORD HERVEY'S DEATH. 201 was at the same time given that they had not been read. In acknowledging this act of attention, Lady Mary wrote that " she could almost regret that he had not glanced his eye over a correspondence which might have shown him what so' young a man might perhaps be inclined to doubt — the possibility of a long and steady friendship subsisting between two persons of different sexes without the least mixture of love." Nevertheless, some expressions of Lord Hervey seem to have bordered on the tender style, when writing to Lady Mary in such terms as these. She had complained that she was too old to inspire a passion (a sort of challenge for a compliment), on which he wrote : " I should think any body a great fool that said he liked spring better than summer, merely because it is further from autumn, or that they loved green fruit bet- ter than ripe only because it was further from being rotten. I ever did, and believe ever shall, like woman best — '.Just in the noon of life — those golden clays, When the mind ripens ere the form decays. ' " Certainly this looks very unlike a pure Platonic, and it is not to be wondered at that Lady Hervey refused to call on Lady Mary, when, long after Lord Hervey's death, that fasci- nating woman returned to England. A wit, a courtier at the very fount of all politeness, Lord Hervey wanted the genuine source of all social qualities — Christianity. That moral re- frigerator which checks the kindly current of neighborly kind- ness, and which prevents all genial feelings from expanding, produced its usual effect — misanthrophy. Lord Hervey's lines, in his " Satire after the manner of Persius," describes too well his own mental canker : " Mankind I know, their motives and their art, Their vice their own, their virtue best apart. Till played so oft, that all the cheat can tell, And dangerous only when 'tis acted well." Lord Hervey left in the possession of his family a manu- script work, consisting of memoirs of his own time, written in his own autograph, Avhich was clean and legible. This work, which has furnished many of the anecdotes connected with his court life in the foregoing pages, was long guarded from the eye of any but the Hervey family, owing to an injunction given in his will by Augustus, third Earl of Bristol, Lord Hervey's son, that it should not see the light until after the death of His Majesty George HI. It was not therefore pub- lished until 1848, when they were edited by Mr. Croker. They are referred to both by Horace Walpole, who had heard of them, if he had not seen them, and by Lord Hailes, 12 202 hervey's memoirs of his own time. as affording the most intimate portraiture of a court that has ever been presented to the English people. Such a delinea- tion as Lord Hervey has left ought to cause a sentiment of thankfulness in every British heart for not being exposed to such influences, to such examples as he gives, in the present day, when goodness, affection, purity, benevolence, are the household deities of the court of our beloved, inestimable Queen Victoria. PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, FOURTH EARL OF CHES- TERFIELD. The subject of this memoir maybe thought by some rather the modeler of wits than the original of that class ; the great critic and judge of manners rather than the delight of the din- ner-table ; but Ave are told to the contrary by one who loved him not. Lord Hervey says of Lord Chesterfield that he was " allowed by every body to have more conversable entertain- ing table-wit than any man of his time ; his propensity to ridi- cule, in which he indulged himself with infinite humor and no distinction ; and his inexhaustible spirits, and no disci'etion ; made him sought and feared — liked and not loved — by most of his acquaintance." This formidable personage was born in London on the 2d day of September, 1694. It was remarkable that the father of a man so vivacious, should have been of a morose temper ; all the wit and spirit of intrigue displayed by him remind us of the frail Lady Chesterfield, in the time of Charles II.* — that lady who was looked on as a martyr because her husband was jealous of her ; " a prodigy," says De Grammont, " in the city of London," where indulgent critics endeavor to excuse his lordship on account of his bad education, and mothers vowed that none of their sons should ever set Toot in Italy, lest they should " bring back with them that infamous custom of laying restraint on their wives." Even Horace Walpole cites Chesterfield as the "witty earl :" apropos to an anecdote which he relates of an Italian lady, who said that she was only four-and-twenty ; " I suppose," said Lord Chesterfield, " she means four-and-twenty stone." By his father the future wit, historian, and orator was ut- terly neglected ; but his grandmother, the Marchioness of Halifax, supplied to him the place of both parents, his mother — her daughter, Lady Elizabeth Saville — having died in his childhood. At the age of eighteen, Chesterfield, then Lord Stanhope, was entered at Trinity Hall, Cambridge. It was one of the features of his character to fall at once into the tone of the society into which he happened to be thrown. One can hardly imagine his being " an absolute pedant," but such * The Countess of Chesterfield here alluded to was the second wife of Philip, second Earl of Chesterfield. Philip Dormer, fourth Earl, was grand- son of the second Earl, by his third wife. 204 heevey's description of chesterfield. was, actually, his own account of himself: " When I talked my best, I quoted Horace ; when I aimed at being facetious, I quoted Martial ; and when I had a mind to be a fine gentle- man, I talked Ovid. I was convinced that none but the an- cients had common sense ; that the classics contained every thing that was either necessary, useful, or ornamental to men ; and I was not even without thoughts of wearing the toga virilis of the Romans, instead of the vulgar and illiberal dress of the moderns." Thus, again, when in Paris, he caught the manners, as he had acquired the language, of the Parisians. "I shall not give you my opinion of the French, because I am very often taken for one of them, and several have paid me the highest compliment they think it in their power to bestow — which is, ' Sir, you are just like ourselves.' I shall only tell you that J am insolent ; I talk a great deal ; I am very loud and per- emptory ; I sing and dance as I walk along ; and, above all, I spend an immense sum in kair-powder, feathers, and white gloves." Although he entered Parliament before he had attained the legal age, and was expected to make a great figure in that as- sembly, Lord Chesterfield preferred the reputation of a wit and a beau to any other distinction. " Call it vanity, if you will," he wrote in after life to his son, "and possibly it was so ; but my great object was to make every man and every woman love me. 1 often succeeded; but why? by taking- great pains." According to Lord Hervey's account he often even sacri- ficed his interest to his vanity. The description given of Lord Chesterfield by one as bitter as himself implies, indeed, that great pains were requisite to counterbalance the defects of na- ture. Wilkes, one of the ugliest men of his time, used to say, that with an hour's start he would carry off the affections of any woman from the handsomest man breathing. Lord Ches- terfield, according to Lord Hervey, required to be still longer in advance of a rival. " With a person," Hervey writes, " as disagreeable as it was possible for a human figure to be without being deformed, he affected following many women of the first beauty and the most in fashion. He was very short, disproportioned, thick, and clumsily made; had a broad, rough-featured, ugly face, with black teeth, and a head big enough for a Polyphemus. One Ben Ashurst, who said a few good things, though ad- mired for many, told Lord Chesterfield once, that he was like a stunted giant — which was a humorous idea and really ap- posite." STUDY OF ORATORY. — DUTY OF AN EMBASSADOR. 205 Notwithstanding that Chesterfield, when young, injured both soul and body by pleasure and dissipation, he always found time for serious study : when he could not have it otherwise, he took it out of his sleep. How late soever he w T ent to bed, he resolved always to rise early ; and this resolution he ad- hered to so faithfully, that at the age of fifty-eight he could declare that for more than forty years he had never been in bed at nine o'clock in the morning, but had generally been up before eight. He had the good sense, in this respect, not to exaggerate even this homely virtue. He did not rise with the dawn, as many early risers pride themselves in doing, putting all the engagements of ordinary life out of their usual beat, just as if the clocks had been set two hours forward. The man who rises at four in this country, and goes to bed at nine, is a social and family nuisance. Strong good sense characterized Chesterfield's early pur- suits. Desultory reading he abhorred, He looked on it as one of the resources of age, but as injurious to the young in the extreme. " Throw away," thus he writes to his son, " none of your time upon those trivial, futile books, published by idle necessitous authors for the amusement of idle and ignorant readers." Even in those days such books " swarm and buzz about one:" "flap them away," says Chesterfield, "they have no sting." The earl directed the whole force of his mind to ora- tory, and became the finest speaker of his time. Writing to Sir Horace Mann, about the Hanoverian debate (in 1743, Dec. 15),Walpole praising the speeches of Lords Halifax and Sand- wich, adds, " I was there, and heard Lord Chesterfield make the finest oration I ever heard there." This from a man who had listened to Pulteney, to Chatham, to Carteret, was a sin- gularly valuable tribute. While a student at Cambridge, Chesterfield was forming an acquaintance with the Hon. George Berkeley, the youngest son of the second Earl of Berkeley, and remarkable rather as being the second husband of Lady Suffolk, the favorite of George II., than from any merits or demerits of his own. This early intimacy probably brought Lord Chesterfield into the close friendship which afterward subsisted between him and Lady Suffolk, to whom many of his letters are addressed. His first public capacity was a diplomatic appointment : he afterward attained to the rank of an embassador, whose duty it is, according to a witticism of Sir Henry Wotton's, " to lie abroad for the good of his country;" and no man was in this respect more competent to fulfill these requirements than Ches- terfield. Hating both wine and tobacco, he had smoked and 200 GEORGE II.'S OPINION OP HIS CHRONICLERS. drunk at Cambridge, " to be in the fashion ;" he gamed at the Hague, on the same principle ; and, unhappily, gaming became a habit and a passion. Yet never did he indulge it when act- ing, afterward, in a ministei'ial capacity. Neither when Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, or as Under-secretary of State, did he allow a gaming-table in his house. On the very night that he resigned office he went to White's. The Hague was then a charming residence : among others who, from political motives, were living there, were John Duke of Marlborough and Queen Sarah, both of whom paid Chester- field marked attention. Naturally industrious, with a ready insight into character — a perfect master in that art which bids us keep one's thoughts close, and our countenances open, Chesterfield was admirably fitted for diplomacy. A master of modern languages and of history, he soon began to like business. When in England, he had been accused of having " a need of a certain proportion of talk in a day :" " that," he wrote to Lady Suffolk, " is now changed into a need of such a proportion of writing in a day." In 1728 he was promoted: being sent as embassador to the Hague, where he was popular, and where he believed his stay would be beneficial both to soul and body, there being " fewer temptations, and fewer opportunities to sin," as he wrote to Lady Suffolk, *' than in England." Here his days passed, he asserted, in doing the king's business very ill — and his own still worse : sitting down daily to dinner with fourteen or fif- teen people ; while at five the pleasures of the evening began with a lounge on the Voorhoot, a public walk planted by Charles V. : then, either a very bad French play, or a " reprise quadrille," with three ladies, the youngest of them fifty, and the chance of losing, perhaps, three florins (besides one's time) — lasted till ten o'clock ; at which time " His Excellency" went home, " reflecting with satisfaction on the innocent amuse- ments of a well-spent day, that left nothing behind them," and retired to bed at eleven, " with the testimony of a good conscience." All, however, of Chesterfield's time was not passed in this serene dissipation. He began to compose "The History of the Reign of George II." at this period. About only half a dozen characters were written. The intention was not con- fined to Chesterfield : Carteret and Bolingbroke entertained similar design, which was completed by neither. When thi subject was broached before George II., he thus expressed himself: and his remarks are the more amusing as they were addressed to Lord Hervey, who was, at that very moment, making his notes for that bitter chronicle of his majesty's LIFE IN THE COUjSTRY. 207 reign, which has been ushered into the world by the late Wilson Croker — " They will all three," said King George II., " have about as much truth in them as the Mille et line JVuits. Not bnt I shall like to read Bolingbroke's, who of all those rascals and knaves that have been lying against me these ten years has certainly the best parts, and the most knowledge. He is a scoundrel, but he is a scoundrel of a higher class than Ches- terfield. Chesterfield is a little, tea-table scoundrel, that tells little womanish lies to make quarrels in families ; and tries to make women lose their reputations, and make their husbands beat them, without any object but to give himself airs ; as if any body could believe a woman could like a dwarf baboon." Lord Hervey gave the preference to Bolingbroke : stating as his reason, that " though Lord Bolingbroke had no idea of wit, his satire was keener than any one's. Lord Chesterfield, on the other hand, would have a great deal of wit in them; but, in every page you would see he intended to be witty : every paragraph would be an epigram. Polish, he declared, would be his bane ;" mid Lord Hervey was perfectly right. In -1732 Lord Chesterfield was obliged to retire from his embassy on the plea of ill-health, but, probably, from some political cause. He was in the opposition against Sir Robert Walpole on the Excise Bill ; and felt the displeasure of that all-powerful .minister by being dismissed from his office of High Steward. Being badly received at court, he now lived in the country ; sometimes at Buxton, where his father drank the waters, where he had his recreations, when not persecuted by two young brothers, Sir William Stanhope and John Stanhope, one of whom performed "tolerably ill upon a broken hautboy, and the other something worse upon a cracked flute." There he won three half-crowns from the curate of the place, and a shilling from " Gaffer Foxeley" at a cock-match. Sometimes he sought relaxation in Scarborough, where fashionable beaux " danced with the pretty ladies all night," and hundreds of Yorkshire country bumpkins " played the inferior parts ; and, as it were, only tumble, while the others dance upon the high ropes of gallantry." Scarborough was full of Jacobites: the popular feeling was then all rife against Sir Robert Walpole's excise scheme. Lord Chesterfield thus wittily satirized that famous measure : "The people of this town are, at present, in great constei-- nation upon a report they have heard from London, which, if true, they think will ruin them. They are informed, that con- sidering the vast consumption of these waters, there is a de- sign laid of excising them next session ; and, moreover, that 208 MELUSINA, COUNTESS OF WALSINGHAM. as bathing in the sea is become the general practice of both sexes, and as the kings of England have always been allowed to be masters of the seas, every person so bathing shall be ganged, and pay so much per foot square as their cubical bulk amounts to." In 1733, Lord Chesterfield married Melusina, the supposed niece, but, in fact, the daughter of the Duchess of Kendal, the mistress of George I. This lady was presumed to be a great heiress, from the dominion which her mother had over the king. Melusina had been created (for life) Baroness of Aid- borough, county Suffolk, and Countess of Walsingham, county Norfolk, nine years previous to her marriage. Her father being George I., as Horace Walpole terms him, "rather a good sort of man than a shining king," and her mother "being no genius," there was probably no great at- traction about Lady Walsingham except her expected dowry. During her girlhood Melusina resided in the apartments at St. James's — opening into the garden ; and here Horace Wal- pole describes his seeing George I., in the rooms appropriated to the Duchess of Kendal, next to those of Melusina Schulem- berg, or, as she was then called, the Countess of Walsingham. The Duchess of Kendal was then very " lean and ill-favored." "Just before her," says Horace, "stood a tall, elderly man, rather pale, of an aspect rather good-natured than august : in a dark tie-wig, a plain coat, waistcoat, and breeches of snuff- colored cloth, with stockings of the same color, and a blue ribbon over all. That was George I." The Duchess of Kendal had been maid of honor to the Electress Sophia, the mother of George I., and the daughter of Elizabeth of Bohemia. The duchess was always frightful ; so much so that one night the electress, who had acquired a little English, said to Mrs. Howard, afterward Lady Suffolk, glancing at Mademoiselle Schulemberg, "Look at that mawkin, and think of her being my son's passion !" The duchess, however, like all the Hanoverians, knew how to profit by royal preference. She took bribes ; she had a set- tlement of £3000 a year. But her daughter was eventually disappointed of the expected bequest from her father, the king.* In the apartments at St. James's Lord Chesterfield for some time lived, when he was not engaged in office abroad ; and * In the "Annual Register" for 1774, p. 20, it is stated that as George I. had left Lady Walsingham a legacy which his successor did not think proper to deliver, the Earl of Chesterfield was determined to recover it by a suit in Chancery, had not his majesty, on questioning the Lord Chancellor on the subject, and being answered that he could give no opinion extra-judicially, thought proper to fulfill the bequest. m A KOYAL KOIiUEf! DISSOLVING VIEWS 211 there he dissipated large sums in play. It was here, too, that Queen Caroline, the wife of George II., detected the intimacy that existed between Chesterfield and Lady Suffolk. There was an obscure window in Queen Caroline's apartments, which looked into a dark passage, lighted only by a single lamp at night. One Twelfth Night Lord Chesterfield, having won a large sum at cards, deposited it with Lady Suffolk, thinking it not safe to carry it home at night. He was watched, and his intimacy with the mistress of George II. thereupon inferred. Thenceforth he could obtain no court influence; and, in des- peration, he went into the opposition. On the death of George L, a singular scene, with which Lord Chesterfield's interests were connected, occurred in the Privy Council. Dr. Wake, Archbishop of Canterbury, produced the king's will, and delivered it to his successor, expecting that it would be opened and read in the council ; what was his con- sternation when his majesty, without saying a word, put it into his pocket, and stalked out of the room with real German im- perturbability ! Neither the astounded prelate nor the sub- servient council ventured to utter a word. The will was nev- er more heard of: rumor declared that it was burnt. The con- tents, of course, never transpired ; and the legacy of £40,000, said to have been left to the Duchess of Kendal, was never more spoken of, until Lord Chesterfield, in 1733, married the Countess of Walsingham. In 1 743, it is said, he claimed the legacy, in right of his wife, the Duchess of Kendal being then dead : and was " quieted" with £20,000, and got, as Horace AValpole observes, nothing from the duchess — "except his wife." The only excuse that was urged to extenuate this act, on the part of George II., was that his royal father had burned two wills which had been made in his favor. These were sup- posed to be the wills of the Duke and Duchess of Zell and of the Electress Sophia. There was not even common honesty in the house of Hanover at that period. Disappointed in his wife's fortune, Lord Chesterfield seems to have cared very little for the disappointed heiress. Their union was childless. His opinion of marriage appears very much to have coincided with that of the world of malcontents who rush, in the present day, to the court of Judge Cresswell, with " dissolving views." On one occasion, he writes thus : " I have at last done the best office that can be done to most married people ; that is, I have fixed the separation between my brother and his wife, and the definitive treaty of peace will be proclaimed in about a fortnight." Horace Walpole related the following anecdote of Sir Wil- 212 MADAME DU BOUCHET. liam Stanhope (Chesterfield's brother) and his lady, whom he calls a " fond couple." After their return from Paris, when they arrived at Lord Chesterfield's house at Blackheath, Sir William, who had, like his brother, a cutting, polite wit, that was probably expressed with the " allowed simper" of Lord Chesterfield, got out of the chaise and said, with a low bow, "Madame, I hope I shall never see your face again." She re- plied, " Sir, I will take care that you never shall ;" and so they parted.- There was little probability of Lord Chesterfield's partici- pating in domestic felicity, when neither his heart nor his fan- cy were engaged in the union which he had formed. The lady to whom he was really attached, and by whom he had a son, resided in the Netherlands : she passed by the name of Mad- ame du Bouchet, and survived both Lord Chesterfield and her son. A permanent provision was made for her, and a sum of five hundred pounds bequeathed to her, with these words : "as a small reparation for the injury I did her." " Certainly," adds Lord Mahon, in his Memoir of his illustrious ancestor, " a small one." For some time Lord Chesterfield remained in England, and his letters are dated from Bath, from Tonbridge, from Black- heath. He had, in 1726, been elevated to the House of Lords upon the death of his father. In that assembly his great elo- quence is thus well described by his biographer :* " Lord Chesterfield's eloquence, the fruit of much study, was less characterized by force and compass than by elegance and perspicuity, and especially by good taste and urbanity, and a vein of delicate irony which, while it sometimes inflicted severe strokes, never passed the limits of decency and proprie- ty. It was that of a man who, in the union of wit and good sense with politeness, had not a competitor. These qualities were matured by the advantage which he assiduously sought and obtained, of a familiar acquaintance with almost all the eminent wits and writers of his time, many of whom had been the ornaments of a preceding age of literature, while oth- ers were destined to become those of a later period." The accession of George II., to whose court Lord Chester- field had been attached for many years, brought him no po- litical preferment. The court had, however, its attractions, oven for one who owed his polish to the belles of Paris, and who was almost always, in taste and manners, more foreign than English. Henrietta, Lady Pomfret, the daughter and heiress of John, Lord Jeffreys, the son of Judge Jeffreys, was at that time the leader of fashion. * Lord Mahon, now Earl of Stanhope, if not the most eloquent, one of the most honest historians of our time. THE BROAD-BOTTOMED ADMINISTRATION. 213 Six daughters, one of them Lady Sophia, surpassingly love- ly, recalled the perfections of that ancestress, Arabella Fer- mor, whose charms Pope has so exquisitely touched in the "Rape of the Lock." Lady Sophia became eventually the wife of Lord Carteret, the minister, whose talents and the charms of whose eloquence constituted him a sort of rival to Chesterfield. With all his abilities, Lord Chesterfield may be said to have failed both as a courtier and as a political charac- ter, as far as permanent influence in any ministry was con- cerned, until in 1 744, when what was called the " Broad-bot- tomed administration" was formed, when he was admitted into the cabinet. In the following year, however, he went, for the last time, to Holland, as embassadoi", and succeeded beyond the expectations of his party in the purposes of his em- bassy. He took leave of the States-General just before the battle of Fontenoy, and hastened to Ireland, where he had been nominated Lord Lieutenant previous to his journey to Holland. He remained in that country only a year ; but long enough to prove how liberal were his views — how kindly the dispositions of his heart. Only a few years before Lord Chesterfield's arrival in Dub- lin, the Duke of Shrewsbury had given as a reason for accept- ing the vice-regency of that country (of which King James I. had said, there was " more ado" than with any of his do- minions), "that it was a place where a man had business enough to keep him from falling asleep, and not enough to keep him awake." Chesterfield, however, was not of that opinion. He did more in one year than the duke would have accomplished in five. He began by instituting a principle of impartial justice. Formerly, Protestants had alone been employed as "mana- gers ;" the Lieutenant w T as to see with Protestant eyes, to hear w T ith Protestant ears. " I have determined to proscribe no set of persons what- ever," says Chesterfield, " and determined to be governed by none. Had the Papists made any attempt to put themselves above the law, I should have taken good care to have quelled them again. It was said my lenity to the Papists had wrought no alteration either in their religious or their political senti- ments. I did not expect that it would ; but surely that was no reason for cruelty toward them." Often by a timely jest Chesterfield conveyed a hint, or even shrouded a reproof. One of the ultra-zealous informed him that his coachman was a Papist, and went every Sunday to mass. " Does he indeed ? I will take care he never drives me there," was Chesterfield's cool reply. 214 REFORMATION OF THE CALENDAR. It was at this critical period, when the Hanoverian dynasty was shaken almost to its downfall by the insurrection in Scot- land of 1745, that Ireland was imperiled: "With a weak or wavering, or a fierce and headlong Lord Lieutenant — with a Grafton or a Strafford," remarks Lord Mahon, "there would soon have been a simultaneous rising in the Emerald Isle." But Chesterfield's energy, his lenity, his wise and just admin- istration saved the Irish from being excited into rebellion by the emissaries of Charles Edward, or slaughtered, when con- quered, by the " Batcher," and his tiger-like dragoons. When all was over, and that sad page of history in which the deaths of so many faithful adherents of the exiled family are record- ed, had been held up to the gaze of bleeding Caledonia, Ches- terfield recommended mild measures, and advised the estab- lishment of schools in the Highlands ; but the age was too narrow-minded to adopt his views. In January, 1748, Ches- terfield retired from public life. " Could I do any good," he wrote to a friend, " I would sacrifice some more quiet to it ; but convinced as I am that I can do none, I will indulge my ease, and preserve my character. I have gone through pleas- ures while my constitution and my spirits would allow me. Business succeeded them; and I have now gone through every part of it without liking it at all the better for being ac- quainted with it. Like many other things, it is most admired by those who know it least. ... I have been behind the scenes both of pleasure and business ; I have seen all the coarse pul- leys and dirty ropes which exhibit and move all the gaudy ma- chines ; and I have seen and smelt the tallow candles which illuminate the whole decoration, to the astonishment and ad- miration of the ignorant multitude. . . . My horse, my books, and my friends will divide my time pretty equally." He still interested himself in what was useful ; and carried a Bill in the House of Lords for the Reformation of the Calen- dar, in 1751. It seems a small matter for so great a mind as his to accomplish, but it was an achievement of infinite diffi- culty. Many statesmen had shrunk from the undertaking; and even Chesterfield found it essential to prepare the public, by writing in some periodical papers on the subject. Nev- ertheless the vulgar outcry was vehement: "Give us back the eleven days we have been robbed of!" cried the mob at a general election. When Bradley was dying, the common people ascribed his sufferings to a judgment for the part he had taken in that " impious transaction," the alteration of the calendar. But they were not less homes in their notions than the Duke of Newcastle, then prime minister. Upon Lord Chesterfield giving him notice of his bill, that bustling prem- CHESTERFIELD HOUSE. 215 ier, who had been in a hurry for forty years, who never "walk- ed but always ran," greatly alarmed, begged Chesterfield not to stir matters that had been long quiet ; adding, that he did not like " new-fangled things." He was, as Ave have seen, overruled, and henceforth the New Style Avas adopted ; and no special calamity has fallen on the nation, as was expected, in consequence. Nevertheless, after Chesterfield had made his speech in the House of Lords, and when every one had com- plimented him on the clearness of his explanation — " God knows," he wrote to his son, "I had not even attempted to explain the bill to them ; I might as soon have talked Celtic or Sclavonic to them, as astronomy. They would have understood it full as well." So much for the "Lords" in those days! After his furore for politics had subsided, Chesterfield re- turned to his ancient passion for play. We must linger a lit- tle over the still brilliant period of his middle life, while his hearing was spared ; while his wit remained, and the charming- manners on which he had formed a science, continued ; and before Ave see him in the mournful decline of a life wholly giv- en to the world. He had now established himself in Chesterfield House. Hitherto his progenitors had been satisfied with Bloomsbury Square, in which the Lord Chesterfield mentioned by De Gram- mont resided ; but the accomplished Chesterfield chose a site near Audley Street, which had been built on what was called Mr. Audley's land, lying between Great Brook Field and the " Shoulder of Mutton Field." And near this locality with the elegant name, Chesterfield chose his spot, for which he had to wrangle and fight with the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, who asked an exorbitant sum for the ground. Isaac Ware, the editor of " Palladio," was the architect to whom the erec- tion of this handsome residence was intrusted. Happily, it is still untouched by any renovating hand. Chesterfield's favor- ite apartments, looking on the most spacious private garden in London, are just as they were in his time ; one especially, which he termed the " finest room in London," was furnished and decorated by him. "The Avails," says a writer in the " Quarterly Review," " are covered half way up Avith rich and classical stores of literature ; above the cases are in close series the portraits of eminent authors, French and English, with most of Avhom he had conversed ; over these, and immediately under the massive cornice, extend all round in foot-long capi- tals the Horatian lines : "Nunc . veterum . libris . Nunc . somno . et . inertibus . Horis. Lucen . solicter . jucunda . oblivia . vitea. " On the mantle-pieces and cabinets stand busts of old ora- 216 EXCLUSIVENESS. tors, interspersed with voluptuous vases and bronzes, antique or Italian, and airy statuettes in marble or alabaster of nude or semi-nude opera nymphs." What Chesterfield called the "cannonical pillars" of the house were columns brought from Cannons, near Edgeware, the seat of the Duke of Chandos. The antechamber of Ches- terfield House has been erroneously stated as the room in which Johnson waited the great lord's pleasure. That state of endurance was probably passed by " Old Samuel" in Blooms- bury. In this stately abode — one of the few, the very few, that seem to hold noblesse apart in our leveling metropolis — Ches- terfield held his assemblies of all that London, or indeed En- gland, Paris, the Hague, or Vienna, could furnish of what was polite and charming. Those were days when the stream of society did not, as now, flow freely, mingling with the grace of aristocracy the acquirements of hard-working professors: there was then a strong line of demarkation ; it had not been broken down in the same way as now, when people of rank and wealth live in rows, instead of inhabiting hotels set apart. Paris has sustained a similar revolution, since her gardens were built over, and their green shades, delicious, in the cen- tre of that hot city, are seen no more. In the very Faubourg St. Germain, the grand old hotels are rapidly disappearing, and with them something of the exclusiveness of the higher or- ders. Lord Chesterfield, however, triumphantly pointing to the fruits of his taste, and distribution of his wealth, witnessed in his library at Chesterfield House, the events which time produced. He heard of the death of Sarah, Duchess of Marl- borough, and of her bequest to him of twenty thousand pounds, and her best and largest brilliant diamond ring, " out of the great regard she had for his merit, and the infinite obligations she had received from him." He witnessed the change of so- ciety and of politics which occurred when George II. expired, and the Earl of Bute, calling himself a descendant of the house of Stuart, " and humble enough to be proud of it," having quitted the Isle of Bute, which^Lord Chesterfield calls " but a little south of Nova Zembla," took possession, not only of the affections, but even of the senses of the young king, George III., who, assisted by the widowed Princess of Wales (sup- posed to be attached to Lord Bute), was "lugged out of the seraglio," and u placed upon the throne." Chesterfield lived to have the honor of having the plan of "Johnson's Dictionary" inscribed to him, and the dishonor of neglecting the great author. Johnson, indeed, denied the truth of the story which gained general belief, in which it was as- RECOMMENDING "JOHNSON'S DICTIONARY." 217 serted that he had taken a disgust at being kept waiting in the earl's antechamber, the reason being assigned that his lord- ship " had company with him ;" when at last the door opened, and forth came Colley Cibber. Then Johnson — so report said — indignant, not only for having been kept waiting, but also for whom, went away, it was affirmed, in disgust ; but this was solemnly denied by the doctor, who assured Boswell that his wrath proceeded from continual neglect on the part of Chesterfield. While the Dictionary was in progress, Chesterfield seemed to forget the existence of him, whom, together with other lit- erary men, he affected to patronize. He once sent him ten pounds, after which he forgot John- son's address, and said "the great author had changed his lodgings." People who really wish to benefit others can al- ways discover where they lodge. The days of patronage were then expiring, but they had not quite ceased, and a dedication was always to be in some way paid for. When the publication of the Dictionary drew near, Lord Chesterfield flattered himself that, in spite of all his neglect, the great compliment of having so vast an undertaking dedi- cated to him would still be paid, and wrote some papers in the " World," recommending the work, more especially referring to the " plan," and terming Johnson the " dictator," in respect to language : " I will not only obey him," he said, " as my dic- tator, like an old Roman, but like a modern Roman, will im- plicitly believe in him as my pope." Johnson, however, was not to be propitiated by those " hon- eyed words." He wrote a letter couched in what he called " civil terms," to Chesterfield, from which we extract the fol- lowing passages : " When, upon some slight encouragement, I first visited your lordship, I was overpowered, like the rest of mankind, by the enchantment of your address ; and could not forbear to wish that I might boast myself vainqueur die vainqueur de la terre — that I might obtain that regard for which I saw the world contending ; but I found my attendance so little encouraged, that neither pride nor modesty would suffer me to continue it. When I had once addressed your lordship in publick, I had ex- hausted all the art of pleasing which a retired and uncourtly scholar can possess. I had done all that I could ; and no man is well pleased to have his all neglected, be it ever so little. " Seven years, my lord, have now passed, since I waited in your outward room, or Mas repulsed from your door, during which time I have been pushing on my work through difficul- ties, of which it is useless to complain, and have brought it, at K 218 DEFENSIVE PRIDE OF THE "RESPECTABLE HOTTENTOT." last, to the verge of publication without one act of assistance, one word of encouragement, or one smile of favour : such treat- ment I did not expect, for I never had a patron before Is not a patron, my lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man who is struggling for life in the water, and, when he has reached ground, encumbers him with help ? The notice which you have been pleased to take of my labours, had it been early, had been kind ; but it has been delayed till I am indifferent, and cannot enjoy it ; till I am solitary, and cannot impart it ; till I am known, and do not want it. I hope it is no very cyn- ical asperity not to confess obligations where no benefit has been received, or to be unwilling that the publick should con- sider me as owing that to a patron which Providence has ena- bled me to do for myself." The conduct of Johnson, on this occasion, was approved by most manly minds, except that of his publisher, Mr. Robert Dodsley ; Dr. Adams, a friend of Dodsley, said he was sorry that Johnson had written that celebrated letter (a very model of polite contempt). Dodsley said he was sorry too, for he had a property in the Dictionary, to which his lordship's pat- ronage might be useful. He then said that Lord Chesterfield had shown him the letter. "I should have thought," said Adams, "that Lord Chesterfield Avould have concealed it." " Pooh !" cried Dodsley, " do you think a letter from Johnson could hurt Lord Chesterfield ? not at all, sir. It lay on his ta- ble where any one might see it. He read it to me ; said, ' this man has great powers,' pointed out the severest passages, and said, ' how well they were expressed.' " The art of dissimu- lation, in which Chesterfield was perfect, imposed on Mr. Dodsley. Dr. Adams expostulated with the doctor, and said Lord Chesterfield declared he would part with the best servant he had, if he had known that he had turned away a man who was "always welcome." Then Adams insisted on Lord Ches- terfield's affability, and easiness of access to literary men. But the sturdy Johnson replied, "Sir, that is not Lord Chester- field ; he is the proudest man existing." " I think," Adams rejoined, " I know one that is prouder ; you, by your own ac- count, are the prouder of the two." " But mine," Johnson answered, with one of his happy turns, "was defensive pride." " This man," he afterward said, referring to Chesterfield, " I thought had been a lord among wits, but I find he is only a wit among lords." In revenge, Chesterfield in his Letters depicted Johnson, it is said, in the character of the "respectable Hottentot." Among other things he observed of the Hottentot, "he throws THE GLASS OF FASHION. 219 his meat any where but clown his throat." This being remark- ed to Johnson, who was by no means pleased at being immor- talized as the Hottentot — " Sir," he answered, "Lord Chester- field never saw me eat in his life." Such are the leading points of this famous and lasting con- troversy. It is amusing to know that Lord Chesterfield was not always precise as to directions to his letters. He once di- rected to Lord Pembroke, who was always swimming, " To the Earl of Pembroke, in the Thames, over against White- hall." This, as Horace Walpole remarks, " was sure of find- ing him within a certain fathom." Lord Chesterfield was now admitted to be the very " glass of fashion," though age, and, according to Lord Hervey, a hideous person, impeded his being the " mould of form." " I don't know why," writes Horace Walpole, in the dog-days, from Strawberry Hill, " but people are always more anxious about their hay than their corn, or twenty other things that cost them more: I suppose my Lord Chesterfield, or some such dictator, made it fashionable to care about one's hay. Nobody betrays solicitude about getting in his rents." " The prince of wits," as the same authority calls him — "his entrance into the world was announced by his boti-mots, and his closing lips dropped repartees that sparkled with his juvenile fire." No one, it was generally allowed, had such a force of table- wit as Lord Chesterfield ; but while the " Graces" were ever his theme, he indulged himself without distinction or consid- eration in numerous sallies. He was, therefore, at once sought and feared ; liked but not loved ; neither sex, nor relationship, nor rank, nor friendship, nor obligation, nor profession, could shield his victim from what Lord Hervey calls " those pointed, glittering weapons, that seemed to shine only to a stander-by, but cut deep into those they touched." He cherished " a voracious appetite for abuse ;" fell upon every one that came in his way, and thus treated each one of his companions at the expense of the other. To him Hervey, who had probably often smarted, applied the lines of Boileau : "Mais c'est un petit feu qui se croit tout permis, Et qui pour un bon mot va perdre vingt amis." Horace Walpole (a more lenient judge of Chesterfield's merits) observes that " Chesterfield took no less pains to be the phoe- nix of fine gentlemen, than Tully did to qualify himself as an orator. Both succeeded : Tully immortalized his name ; Ches- terfield's reign lasted a little longer than that of a fashionable beauty." It was, perhaps, because, as Dr. Johnson said, all Lord Chesterfield's witty sayings were puns, that even this brilliant wit failed to please, although it amused and surprised its hearers. 220 THE DEATH OP CHESTEKFIELD's SON. Notwithstanding the contemptuous description of Lord Ches- terfield's personal appearance by Lord Hervey, his portraits rep- resent a handsome, though hard countenance, well-marked fea- tures, and his figure and air appear to have been elegant. With his commanding talents, his wonderful brilliancy and fluency of conversation, he would perhaps sometimes have been even te- dious, had it not been for his invariable cheerfulness. He was ai- rways, as Lord Hervey says, "present" in his company. Among the few friends who really loved this thorough man of the world, was Lord Scarborough, yet no two characters were more op- posite. Lord Scarborough had judgment, without wit : Ches- terfield wit, and no judgment; Lord Scarborough had honesty and principle ; Lord Chesterfield had neither. Every body liked the one, but did not care for his company. Every one disliked the other, but wished for his company. The fact was, Scar- borough was " splendid and absent ;" Chesterfield, " cheerful and present :" wit, grace, attention to w r hat is passing, the sur- face, as it w r ere, of a highly-cultured mind, produced a fascina- tion that all the honor and respectability in the court of George II. could not compete with. In the earlier part of Chesterfield's career, Pope, Boling- broke, Hervey, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, and, in fact, all that could add to the pleasures of the then early dinner- table, illumined Chesterfield House»by their wit and gayety. Yet in the midst of this exciting life, Lord Chesterfield found time to devote to the improvement of his natural son, Philip Stanhope, a great portion of his leisure. His celebrated Let- ters to that son did not, however, appear during the earl's life ; nor were they in any way the source of his popularity as a wit, which was due to his merits in that line alone. The youth to whom these letters, so useful, and yet so ob- jectionable, were addressed, was intended for a diplomatist. He was the very reverse of his father : learned, sensible, and dry; but utterly wanting in the graces, and devoid of elo- quence. As an orator, therefore, he failed ; as a man of soci- ety, he must also have failed; and his death, in 1768, some years before that of his father, left that father desolate and disappointed. Philip Stanhope had attained the rank of en- voy to Dresden, where he expired. During the five years in which Chesterfield dragged out a mournful life after this event, he made the painful discovery that his son had married, without confiding that step to the father to whom he owed so much. This must have been al- most as trying as the awkward, ungraceful deportment of him whom he mourned. The world now left Chesterfield ere he had left the world. He and his contemporary, Lord Tyraw- HIS INTEREST IN HIS GRANDSONS. 221 ley, were now old and infirm. " The fact is," Chesterfield wit- tily said, "Tyrawley and I have been dead these two years, but Ave don't choose to have it known." " The Bath," he wrote to his friend Dayrolles, " did me more good than I thought any thing could do me ; but all that good does not amount to what builders call half-repairs, and only keeps up the shattered fabric a little longer than it would have stood without them ; but take my word for it, it will stand but a very little while longer. I am now in my grand climacteric, and shall not complete it. Fontenelle's last words at a hundred and three, were, Je souffre cVetre: deaf and in- firm as I am, I can with truth say the same thing at sixty-three. In my mind it is only the strength of our passions, and the weakness of our reason, that makes us so fond of life ; but when the former subside and give way to the latter, we grow weary of being, and willing to withdraw. I do not recommend this train of serious reflections to you, nor ought you to adopt them. . . . You have children to educate and provide for, you have all your senses, and can enjoy all the comforts both of domes- tic and social life. I am in every sense isole, and have wound up all my bottoms ; I may now walk off quietly, without miss- ing nor being missed." The kindness of his nature, corrupted as it was by a life wholly worldly, and but little illumined in its course by relig- ion, shone now in his care of his two grandsons, the offspring of his lost son, and of their mother, Eugenia Stanhope. To her he thus wrote : " The last time I had the pleasure of seeing you, I was so taken up in playing with the boys, that I forgot their more important affairs. How soon would you have them placed at school? When I know your pleasure as to that, I will send to Monsieur Perny, to prepare every thing for their reception. In the mean time, I beg that you will equip them thoroughly with clothes, linen, etc., all good, but plain ; and give me the amount, which I will pay ; for I do not intend, from this time forward, the two boys should cost you one shilling-." He lived, latterly, much at Blackheath, in the house which, being built on Crown land, has finally become the Ranger's lodge ; but which still sometimes goes by the name of Ches- terfield House. Here he spent large sums, especially on pic- tures, and cultivated Cantaloupe melons ; and here, as he grew older, and became permanently afflicted with deafness, his chief companion was a useful friend, Solomon Dayrolles — one of those indebted hangers-on whom it was an almost invaria- ble custom to find, at that period, in great houses — and per- haps too frequently in our own day. 222 "i MUST GO AND REHEARSE MY FUNERAL." Dayrolles, who was employed in the embassy under Lord Sandwich at the Hague, had always, to borrow Horace Wal- pole's ill-natured expression, " been a led-captain to the Dukes of Richmond and Grafton, used to be sent to auctions for them, and to walk in the parks with their daughters, and once went dry-nurse in Holland with them. He has belonged, too, a good deal to my Loi'd Chesterfield, to whom I believe he owes this new honor, 'that of being minister at the Hague,' as he had before made him black-rod in Ireland, and gave the in- genious reason, that he had a black face." But the great "dictator" in the empire of politeness was now in a slow but sure decline. Not long before his death he was visited by Monsieur Suard, a French gentleman, who was anxious to see " r/wmme le plus aimable, le plus poll et le plus spirituel des trois royanmes" but who found him fearfully altered ; morose, from his deafness, yet still anxious to please. " It is very sad," he said with his usual politeness, " to be deaf, when one would so much enjoy listening. I am not," he added, " so philosophic as my friend the President de Montesquieu, who says, ' I know how to be blind, but I do not yet know how to be deaf.' " " We shortened our visit," says M. Suard, " lest we should fa- tigue the earl." "I do not detain you," said Chesterfield, "for I must go and rehearse my funeral." It was thus that he styled his daily drive through the streets of London. Lord Chesterfield's wonderful memory continued till his lat- est hour. As he lay, gasping in the last agonies of extreme debility, his friend, Mr. Dayrolles, called in to see him half an hour before he expired. The politeness which had become part of his very nature did not desert the dying earl. He man- aged to say, in a low voice, to his valet, " Give Dayrolles a chair." This little trait greatly struck the famous Dr. "War- ren, who was at the .bedside of this brilliant and wonderful man. He died on the 24th of March, 1773, in the 79th year of his age. The preamble to a codicil (Feb. 11, 1773) contains the fol- lowing striking sentences, written when the intellect was im- pressed with the solemnity of that solemn change which comes alike to the unreflecting and to the heart-stricken holy be- liever : " I most humbly recommend my soul to the extensive mercy of that Eternal, Supreme, Intelligent Being who gave it me; most earnestly, at the same time, deprecating his justice. Sa- tiated with the pompous follies of this life, of which I have had an uncommon share, I w r ould have no posthumous ones dis- played at my funeral, and therefore desire to be buried in the chesterfield's will. 223 next burying-place to the place where I shall die, and limit the whole expense of my funeral to £100." His body was interred, according to his wish, in the vault of the chapel in South Audley Street, but it was afterward re- moved to the family burial-place in Shelford Church, Notting- hamshire. In his will he left legacies to his servants.* "I ^consider them," he said, " as unfortunate friends ; my equals by nature, and my inferiors only in the difference of our fortunes." There was something lofty in the mind that prompted that sentence. His estates reverted to a distant kinsman, descended from a younger son of the first earl ; and it is remarkable, on look- ing through the Peerage of Great Britain, to perceive how often this has been the case in a race remarkable for the ab- sence of virtue. Interested marriages, vicious habits, perhaps account for the fact ; but reti'ibutive justice, though it be pre- sumptuous to trace its course, is every where. He had so great a horror in his last days of gambling, that in bequeathing his possessions to his heir, as he expected, and godson, Philip Stanhope, he inserts this clause : " In case my said godson, Philip Stanhope, shall at any time hereinafter keep, or be concerned in keeping of, any race-horses, or pack of hounds, or reside one night at Newmarket, that in- famous seminary of iniquity and ill-manners, during the course of the races there ; or shall resort to the said races ; or shall lose, in any one day, at any game or bet whatsoever, the sum of £500, then, in any the cases aforesaid, it is my express will that he, my said godson, shall forfeit and pay, out of my es- tate, the sum of £5000 to and for the use of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster." When we say that Lord Chesterfield was a man who had no friend, we sum up his character in those few words. Just after his death, a small but distinguished party of men dined together at Topham Beauclerk's. There was Sir Joshua Rey- nolds ; Sir William Jones, the orientalist ; Bennet Langton ; Steevens ; Boswell ; Johnson. The conversation turned on Garrick, who, Johnson said, had friends, but no friend. Then Boswell asked, what is a friend ? One who comforts and sup- ports you, while others do not. " Friendship, you know, sir, is the cordial drop to make the nauseous draught of life go down." Then one of the company mentioned Lord Chester- field as one who had no friend ; and Boswell said : " Garrick was pure gold, but beat out to thin leaf, Lord Chesterfield was * Two years' wages were left to the servants. 224 LES MANIERES NOBLES. tinsel." And, for once, Johnson did not contradict him. But not so do we judge Lord Chesterfield. He was a man who acted on false principles through life; and those principles gradually undermined every thing that was noble and gener- ous in character; just as those deep underground currents, noiseless in their course, work through fine-grained rock, and produce a chasm. Every thing with Chesterfield was self: for self, and for self alone, were agreeable qualities to be assumed ; for self, was the country to be served, because that country protects and serves us ; for self, were friends to be sought and' cherished, as useful auxiliaries, or pleasant accessories : in the very core of the cankered heart, that advocated this corrupting doctrine of expediency, lay unbelief; that worm which never died in the hearts of so many illustrious men of that period — the refrigerator of the feelings. One only gentle and genuine sentiment possessed Lord Ches- terfield, and that was his love for his son. Yet in this affec- tion the worldly man might be seen in mournful colors. He did not seek to render his son good ; his sole desire was to see him successful : every lesson that he taught him, in those matchless Letters which have carried down Chesterfield's fame to us when his other productions have virtually expired, ex- poses a code of dissimulation which Philip Stanhope, in his marriage, turned upon the father to whom he owed so. much care and advancement. These Letters are, in fact, a complete exposition of Lord Chesterfield's character and views of life. No other man could have written them ; no other man have conceived the notion of existence being one great effort to de- ceive, as well as to excel, and of society forming one gigantic lie. It is true they were addressed to one who was to enter the maze of a diplomatic career, and must be taken, on that account, with some reservation. They have justly been condemned on the score of immoral- ity ; but we must remember that the age in which they were written was one of lax notions, especially among men of rank, who regarded all women accessible, either from indiscretion or inferiority of rank, as fair game, and acted accordingly. But while we agree with one ofJohnson's bitterest sentences as to the immorality of Chesterfield's letters, we disagree with his styling his code of manners the manners of a dancing-master. Chesterfield was in himself a perfect instance of what he calls les manieres nobles • and this even Johnson allowed. " Talking of Chesterfield," Johnson said, " his manner was exquisitely elegant, and he had more knowledge than I ex- pected." Boswell : " Did you find, sir, his conversation to be of a superior sort ?" Johnson : " Sir, in the conversation which chesterfield's letters to his son. 225 I had with him, I had the best right to superiority, for it was upon philology and literature." It was well remarked how extraordinary a thing it was that a man who loved his son so entirely should do all he could to make him a rascal. And Foote even contemplated bringing on the stage a father who had thus tutored his son ; and intend- ed to show the son an honest man in every thing else, but prac- ticing his father's maxims upon him, and cheating him. "It should be so contrived," Johnson remarked, referring to Foote's plan, "that the father should be the only sufferer by the son's villainy, and thus there would be poetical justice." "Take out the immorality," he added, on another occasion, "and the book (Chesterfield's Letters to his Son) should be put into the hands of every young gentleman." We are inclined to differ, and to confess to a moral taint throughout the whole of the Letters ; and even had the immo- rality been expunged, the false motives, the deep, invariable advocacy of principles of expediency would have poisoned what otherwise might be of effectual benefit to the minor vir- tues of polite society. K 2 THE ABBE SCARRON. There is an Indian or Chinese legend, I forget which, from which Mrs. Shelley may have taken her hideous idea of Fran- kenstein. We are told in this allegory that, after fashioning some thousands of men after the most approved model, endow- ing them with all that is noble, generous, admirable, and lova- ble in man or woman, the eastern Prometheus grew weary in his work, stretched his hand for the beer-can, and draining it too deeply, lapsed presently into a state of what Germans call " other-man-uess." There is a simpler Anglo-Saxon term for this condition, but I spare you. The eastern Prometheus went on seriously with his work, and still produced the same perfect models, faultless alike in brain and leg. But when it came to the delicate finish, when the last touches were to be made, his hand shook a little, and the more delicate members went awry. It was thus that instead of the power of seeing every color properly, one man came out with a pair of optics which turned every thing to green, and this verdancy probably transmitted itself to the intelligence. Another, to continue the allegory, whose tympanum had slipped a little under the unsteady fin- gers of the man-maker, heard every thing in a wrong sense, and his life was miserable, because, if you sang his jjraises, he believed you were ridiculing him, and if you heaped abuse upon him, he thought you were telling lies of him. But as Prometheus Orientalis grew more jovial, it seems to have come into his head to make mistakes on purpose. " I'll have a friend to laugh with," quoth he; and when-warned by an attendant Yaksha, or demon, that men who laughed one hour often wept the next, he swore a lusty oath, struck his thumb heavily on a certain bump in the skull he was complet- ing, and holding up his little doll, cried, " Here is one who will laugh at every thing !" I must now add what the legend neglects to tell. The model laugher succeeded well enough in his own reign, but he could not beget a large family. The laughers who never weep, the real clowns of life, who do not, when the curtain drops, retire, after an infinitesimal allowance of " cordial," to a half- starved, complaining family, with brats that cling round his parti-colored stockings, and cry to him — not for jokes — but for 228 WHO COMES HERE? bread, these Laughers, I say, are few and far between. You should, therefore, be doubly grateful to me for introducing to you now one of the most famous of them ; one who, with all right and title to be lugubrious, was the merriest man of his age. On Shrove Tuesday, in the year 1638, the good city of Mans was in a state of great excitement : the carnival was at its height, and every body was gone mad for one day before turn- ing pious for the long, dull forty days of Lent. The market- place was filled w T ith maskers in quaint costumes, each wilder and more extravagant than the last. Here were magicians with high peaked hats covered with cabalistic signs, here East- ern sultans- of the medieval model, with very fierce looks and very large cimeters : here Amadis de Gaul with a w r agging plume a yard high, here Pantagruel, here harlequins, here Huguenots ten times more lugubrious than the despised secta- ries they mocked, here Caesar and Pompey in trunk hose and Roman helmets, mid a mass of other notabilities who were great favorites in that day, appeared. But who comes here ? What is the meaning of these roars of laughter that greet the last mask who runs into the market-place ? Why do all the women and children hurry together, calling up one another, and shouting with delight ? What is this thing ? Is it some new species of bird thus cov- ered with feathers and down ? In a few minutes the little figure is surrounded by a crowd of boys and women, who be- gin to pluck him of his borrowed plumes, while he chatters to them like a magpie, whistles like a song-bird, croaks like a raven, or in his natural character showers a mass of funny nonsense on them, till their laughter makes their sides ache. The little wretch is literally covered with small feathers from head to foot, and even his face is not to be recognized. The women pluck him behind and before ; he dances round and tries to evade their fingers. This is impossible; he breaks away, runs down the market pursued by a shouting crowd, is again surrounded, and again subjected to a plucking process. The bird must be stripped ; he must be discovered. Little by little his back is bared, and little by little is seen a black jerk- in, black stockings, and, wonder upon wonder ! the bands of a canon. Now they have cleared his face of its plumage, and a cry of disgust and shame hails the disclosure. Yes, this curious masker is no other than a reverend abbe, a young canon of the cathedral of Mans ! " This is too much — it is scandalous — it is disgraceful. The church must be respected, the sacred order must not descend to such frivolities." The people, lately laughing, are now furious at the shameless abbe, and not his liveliest wit can save him ; they threaten and cry A MAD FREAK AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. 229 shame on him, and in terror of his life, he beats his way through the crowd, and takes to his heels. The mob follows hooting and savage. The little man is nimble ; those well- shaped legs — qui orit si bien danse — stand him in good stead. Down the streets, and out of the town go hare and hounds. The pursuers gain on him — a bridge, a stream filled with tall reeds, and delightfully miry, are all the hope of refuge he sees before him. He leaps gallantly from the bridge in among the osiers, and has the joy of listening to the disappointed curses of the mob, when reaching the stream their quarry is no- where to be seen. The reeds conceal him, and there he lin- gers till nightfall, when he can issue from his lurking-place and escape from the town. Such was the mad freak which deprived the Abbe Scarron of the use of his limbs for life. His health was already ruined when he indulged in this caprice ; the damp of the river brought on a violent attack, which closed with palsy, and the gay young abbe had to pay dearly for the pleasure of astonishing the citi- zens of Mans. The disguise was easily accounted for — he had smeared himself with honey, ripped open a feather-bed, and rolled himself in it. This little incident gives a good idea of what Scarron was in his younger days — ready at any time for any wild caprice. Paul Scarron was the son of a Conseiller du Parlement of good family, resident in Paris. He w r as born in 1610, and his early days would have been wretched enough, if his elastic spirits had allowed him to give way to misery. His father was a good-natured, weak-minded man, who on the death of his first wife married a second, who, as one hen will peck at another's chicks, w r ould not, as a stepmother, leave the little Paul in peace. She w T as continually putting her own children forward, and ill treating the late "anointed" son. The father gave in too readily, and young Paul was glad enough to be set free from his unhappy home. There may be some excuse in this for the licentious living to which he now gave himself up. He was heir to a decent fortune, and of course thought himself justified in spending it beforehand. Then, in spite of his quaint little figure, he had something attractive about him, for his merry face was good-looking, if not positively hand- some. If we add to this, spirits as buoyant as an Irishman's — a mind that not only saw the ridiculous wherever it existed, but could turn the most solemn and awful themes to laughter, a vast deal of good-nature, and not a little assurance — we can understand that the young Scarron was a favorite with both men and women, and among the reckless pleasure-seekers of the day soon became one of the wildest. In short, he was a fast young 230 MAKING AN ABBE OP SCARRON. Parisian, with as little care for morality or religion as any youth who saunters on the Boulevards of the French capital to this day. But his stepmother was not content with getting rid of young Paul, but had her eye also on his fortune, and therefore easily persuaded her husband that the service of the church was precisely the career for which the young reprobate was fitted. There was an uncle who was Bishop of Grenoble, and a canonry could easily be got for him. The fast youth was compelled to give into this arrangement, but declined to take full orders ; so that while drawing the revenue of his stall, he had nothing to do with the duties of his calling. Then, too, it was rather a fashionable thing to be an abbe, -especially a gay one. The position placed you on a level with people of all ranks. Half the court was composed of love-making ecclesiastics, and the soutane was a kind of diploma for wit and wickedness. Viewed in this light, the church was as jovial a profession as the army, and the young Scarron went to the full extent of the letter allowed to the black gown. It was only such stupid superstitious louts as those of Mans, who did not know any thing of the ways of Paris life, who could object to such lit- tle freaks as he loved to indulge in. The merry little abbe was soon the delight of the Marais. This distinct and antiquated quarter of Paris was then the May-fair of that capital. Here lived in ease, and contempt of the bourgeoisie, the great, the gay, the courtier, and the wit. Here Marion de Lorme received old cardinals and young abbes ; here were the salons of Madame de Martel, of the Comtesse de la Suze, who changed her creed in order to avoid seeing her husband in this world or the next, and the famous — or infamous — Ninon de l'Enclos ; and at these houses young Scarron met the courtly Saint-Evremond, the witty Sarrazin, and the learned, but arrogant Voiture. Here he read his skits and parodies, here travestied Virgil, made epigrams on Riche- lieu, and poured out his indelicate but always laughable wit- ticisms. But his indulgences were not confined to intrigues ; he also drank deep, and there was not a pleasure within his reach, which he ever thought- of denying himself. He laughed at religion, thought morality a nuisance, and resolved to be merry at all costs. The little account was brought in at last. At the age of five-and-twenty his constitution was broken up. Gout and rheumatism assailed him alternately or in leash. He began to feel the annoyance of the constraint they occasioned ; he re- gretted those legs which had figured so well in a ronde or a minuet, and those hands which had played the lute to dames c scarron' s lament to pellisson. 231 more fair than modest ; and, to add to this, the pain he suf- fered was not slight. He sought relief in gay society, and was cheerful in spite of his sufferings. At length came the Shrove Tuesday and the feathers ; and the consequences were terrible. He was soon a prey to doctors, whom he believed in no more than in the church of which he was so great a light. His legs were no longer his own, so he was obliged to borrow those of a chair. He was soon tucked down into a species of dumb-waiter on castors, in which he could be rolled about in a party, just as the late Lady Charleville was. In front of this chair was fastened a desk, on which he wrote; for too wise to be overcome by his agony, he drove it away by cultivating his imagination, and in this way some of the most fantastic productions in French literature were composed by this quaint little abbe. Nor was sickness his only trial now. Old Scarron was a citizen, and had, what was then criminal, sundry ideas of the liberty of the nation. He saw with disgust the tyranny of Richelieu, and joined a party in the Parliament to oppose the cardinal's measures. He even had the courage to speak open- ly against one of the court edicts ; and the pitiless cardinal, who never overlooked any offense, banished him to Touraine, and naturally extended his animosity to the conseiller's son. This happened at a moment at which the cripple believed him- self to be on the road to favor. He had already won that of Madame de Hautefort, on whom Louis XIII. had set his affec- tions, and this lady had promised to present him to Anne of Austria. The father's honest boldness put a stop to the son's intended servility, and Scarron lamented his fate in a letter to Pellisson : "O mille ecus, par malheur retranches, Que vous pouviez m'epargner de peches ! Quand un valet me dlt, tremblaut et have, Nous n'avons plus de buches dans la cave Que pour aller jusqu'a demain matin, Je peste alors sur mon chien de destin, Sur le grand froid, sur le bois de la greve, Qu'on vend si cher, et qui si-tot s'acheve. Je jure alors, et meme je me'dis De Taction de mon pere etourdi, Quand sans songer a ce qu'il allait faire II m'ebaucha sous un astre contraire, Et m'acheva par un discours maud it Qu'il fit depuis sur un certain edit." The father died in exile : his second wife had spent the greater part of the son's fortune, and secured the rest for her own children. Scarron was left with a mere pittance, and, to complete his troubles, was involved in a lawsuit about the prop- 232 THE OFFICE OF THE QUEEN'S PATIENT. erty. The cripple, with his usual impudence, resolved to plead his own cause, and did it only too well ; he made the judges laugh so loud that they took the whole thing to he a farce on his part, and gave — most ungratefully — judgment against him. Glorious days were those for the penniless, halcyon days for the toady and the sycophant. There was still much of the old oriental munificence about the court, and sovereigns like Maz- arin and Louis XIV. granted pensions for a copy of flattering verses, or gave away places as the reward of a judicious speech. Sinecures were legion, yet to many a holder they were no sin- ecures at all, for they entailed constant servility and a com- plete abdication of all freedom of opinion. Scarron was nothing more than a merry buffoon. Many another man has gained a name for his mirth, but most of them have been at least independent. Scarron seems to have cared for nothing that was honorable or dignified. He laugh- ed at every thing but money, and at that he smiled, though it is only fair to say that he was never avaricious, but only cared for ease and a little luxury. When Richelieu died, and the gentler, but more subtle Mazarin mounted his throne, Madame de Hautefort made another attempt to present her jwotege to the queen, and this time succeeded. Anne of Austria had heard of the quaint little man who could laugh over a lawsuit in which his whole fortune was staked, and received him graciously. He begged for some place to support him. What could he do ? What was he fit for? "Nothing, your majesty, but the important office of The Queen's Patient ; for that I am fully qualified." Anne smiled, and Scarron from that time styled himself " par la grace de Dieu, le malade de la Reine." But there was no stipend attached to this novel office. Mazarin procured him a pension of 500 crowns. He was then publishing his "Typhon, or the Gigantomachy," and dedicated it to the cardinal, with an adulatory sonnet. He forwarded the great man a splen- didly-bound copy, which was accepted with nothing more than thanks. In a rage the author suppressed the sonnet and sub- stituted a satire. This piece was bitterly cutting, and terri- bly true. It galled Mazarin to the heart, and he was undig- nified enough to revenge himself by canceling the poor little pension of £60 per annum which had previously been granted to the writer. Scarron having lost his pension, soon afterward asked for an abbey, but was refused. " Then give me," said he, "a simple benefice, so "simple, indeed, that all its duties will be comprised in believing in God." But Scarron had the sat- isfaction of gaining a great name among the cardinal's many enemies, and with none more so than De Retz, then coadjti- scarron's description of himself. 233 teur* to the Archbishop of Paris, and already deeply implica- ted in the Fronde movement. To insure the favor of this ris- ing man, Scarron determined to dedicate to him a work he was just about to publish, and on which he justly prided himself as by far his best. This was the " Roman Comique," the only one of his productions which is still read. That it should be read, I can quite understand, on account not only of the ease of its style, but of the ingenuity of its improbable plots, the truth of the characters, and the charming bits of satire which are found here and there, like gems, amid a mass of mere fun. The scene is laid at Mans, the town in which the author had himself perpetrated his chief follies ; and many of the charac- ters were probably drawn from life, while it is likely enough that some of the stories were taken from facts which had there come to his knowledge. As in many of the romances of that age, a number of episodes are introduced into the main story, which consists of the adventures of a strolling company. These are mainly amatory, and all indelicate, while some are positive- ly dirty, and as coarse as any thing in French literature. Scar- ron had little of the clear wit of Rabelais to atone for this ; but he makes up for it, in a measure, by the utter absurdity of some of his incidents. Not the least curious part of the book is the Preface, in which he gives a description of himself, in order to contradict, as he affirms, the extravagant reports circulated about him, to the effect that he was set upon a table in a cage, or that his hat was fastened to the ceiling by a pulley, that he might " pluck it up or let it down, to do compliment to a friend, who honored him with a visit." This description is a tolera- ble specimen of his style, and we give it in the quaint language of an old translation, published in 1741 : " I am past thirty, as thou may'st see by the back of my Chair. If I live to be forty, I shall add the Lord knows how many Misfortunes to those I have already suffered for these eight or nine Years last past. There was a Time when my Stature was not to be found Fault with, tho' now 'tis of the smallest. My Sickness has taken me shorter by a Foot. My Head is somewhat too big, considering my Height ; and my Face is full enough, in all Conscience, for one that carries such a Skeleton of a Body about him. I have Hair enough on my Head not to stand in need of a Peruke ; and 'tis gray, too, in spight of the Proverb. My Sight is good enough, tho' my Eyes are large ; they are of a blue Color, and one of them is sunk deeper into my Head than the other, which was occa- sional by my leaning on that Side. My Nose is well enough mounted. My Teeth, which in the Days of Yore look'd like * Coadjuteui: — A high office in the Church of Rome. 234 IMPROVIDENCE AND SERVILITY. a Row of square Pearl, are now of an Ashen Color ; and in a few Years more, will have the Complexion of a Small -coal Man's Saturday Shirt. I have lost one Tooth and a half on the left Side, and two and a half precisely on the right; and I have two more that stand somewhat out of their Ranks. My Legs and Thighs, in the first place, compose an obtuse Angle, then a right one, and lastly an acute. My Thighs and Body make another; and my Head, leaning perpetually over my Belly, I fancy makes me not very unlike the Letter Z. My Arms are shortened, as well as my Legs ; and my Fingers as well as my Arms. In short, I am a living Epitome of human Misery. This, as near as I can give it, is my Shape. Since I am got so far, I will e'en tell thee something of my Humor. Under the Rose, be it spoken, Courteous Reader, I do this only to swell the Bulk of my Book, at the Request of the Bookseller — the poor Dog, it seems, being afraid he should be a Loser by this Impression, if he did not give Buyer enough for his Money." This allusion to the publisher reminds us that, on the sup- pression of his pension — on hearing of which Scarron only said, " I should like, then, to suppress myself" — he had to live on the profits of his works. In later days it was Madame Scar- ron herself who often carried them to the bookseller's, when there was not a penny in the house. The publisher was Qui- net, and the merry wit, when asked whence he drew his in- come, used to reply with mock haughtiness, " De mon Mar- quisat de Quinet." His comedies, which have been described as mere burlesques — I confess I have never read them, and hope to be absolved — were successful enough, and if Scarron had known how to keep what he made, he might sooner or later have been in easy circumstances. He knew neither that nor any other art of self-restraint, and, therefore, was in per- petual vicissitudes of riches and penury. At one time he could afford to dedicate a piece to his sister's greyhound, at another he was servile in his address to some prince or duke. In the latter spirit, he humbled himself before Mazarin, in spite of the publication of his " Mazarinade," and was, as he might have expected, repulsed. He then turned to Fouquet, the new Surintendant de Finances, who was liberal enough with the public money, which he so freely embezzled, and ex- tracted from him a pension of 1600 francs (about £64). In one way or another, he got back a part of the property his stepmother had alienated from him, and obtained a prebend in the diocese of Mans, which made up his income to something more respectable. He was now able to indulge to the utmost his love of soci- THE SOCIETY AT SCARRON's. 235 ety. In his apartment, in the Rue St. Louis, he received all the leaders of the Fronde, headed by De Retz, and bringing with them their pasquinades on Mazarin, which the easy Italian read and laughed at and pretended to heed not at all. Poli- tics, however, was not the staple of the conversation at Scar- ron's. He was visited as a curiosity, as a clever buffoon, and those who came to see, remained to laugh. He kept them all alive by his coarse, easy, impudent wit ; in which there was more vulgarity and dirtiness than ill-nature. He had a fund of bonhonnnie, which set his visitors at their ease, for no one was afraid of being bitten by the chained dog they came to pat. His salon became famous ; and the admission to it was a diploma of wit. He kept out all the dull, and ignored all the simply great. Any man who could say a good thing, tell a good story, write a good lampoon, or mimic a fool, was a wel- come guest. Wits mingled with pedants, courtiers with poets. Abbes and gay women were at home in the easy society of the cripple, and circulated freely round his dumb-waiter. The ladies of the party w T ere not the most respectable in Paris, yet some who were models of virtue .met there, Avithout a shudder, many others who were patterns of vice. Ninon de l'Enclos — then young — though age made no alteration in her — and already slaying her scores, and ruining her hundreds of admirers, there met Madame de SeA r igne, the most respectable, as well as the most agreeable, woman of that age. Mademoi- selle de Scudery, leaving, for the time, her tAvelve-volume ro- mance, about Cyrus and Ibrahim, led on a troop of Moliere's Precieuses Ridicules, and here recited her A T erses, and talked pedantically to Pellisson, the ugliest man in Paris, of whom Boileau Avrote : "L'or meme a Pellisson donne nn teint de beaute." Then there was Madame de la Sabliere, avIio Avas as masculine as her husband the marquis Avas effeminate ; the Duchesse de Lesdiguieres, A\ T ho Avas so anxious to be thought a wit that she employed the Chevalier de Mere to make her one; and the Comtesse de la Suze, a clever but foolish woman. The men Avere poets, coin-tiers, and pedants. Menage Avith his tiresome memory, Montreuil and Marigni the song-Avriters, the elegant De Grammont, Turenne, Coligni, the gallant Abbe Tetu, and many another celebrity, thronged the rooms where Scarron sat in his curious Avheelbarrow. The conversation Avas decidedly light ; often, indeed, ob- scene, in spite of the presence of ladies ; but always Avitty. The hostility of Scarron to the reigning cardinal Avas a great recommendation, and Avhen all else flagged, or the cripple had 236 FKANing around him he shook his head and cried, A LESSON FOR, GAY AND GBAVE. 243 " I shall never make you weep as much as I have made you laugh." A little later a softer thought of hope came across him. " No more sleeplessness, no more gout," he murmured ; "the Queen's patient will be well at last." At length the laugher was sobered. In the presence of death, at the gates of a new world, he muttered, half afraid, " I never thought it was so easy to laugh at death," and so expired. This was in October, 1660, when the cripple had reached the age of fifty. Thus died a laugher. It is unnecessary here to trace the story of his widow's strange rise to be the wife of a king. Scarron was no honor to her, and in later years she tried to forget his existence. Boileau fell into disgrace for merely mentioning his name before the king. Yet Scarron was in many respects a better man than Louis ; and, laugher as he was, he had a good heart. There is a time for mirth and a time for mourning, the Preacher tells us. Scarron never learn- ed this truth, and he laughed too much and too long. Yet let us not end the laugher's life in sorroAV : "It is well to be merry and wise," etc. Let us be merry as the poor cripple, who bore his sufferings so well, and let us be wise too. There is a lesson for gay and grave in the life of Scarron, the laugher. FRANCOIS, DUC DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULT, AND THE DUC DE SAINT-SIMON. The precursor of Saint-Simon, the model of Lord Chester- field, this ornament of his age belonged, as well as Saint- Simon, to that state of society in France which was character- ized — as Lord John Russell, in his " Memoirs of the Duchess of Orleans," tells us — by an idolatry of power and station. " God would not condemn a person of that rank," Avas the ex- clamation of a lady of the old regime, on hearing that a noto- rious sinner, "Pair de France," and one knows not what else, had gone to his account impenitent and unabsolved; and though the sentiment may strike us as profane, it was, doubt- less, genuine. Rank, however, was often adorned by accomplishments which, like an exemption from rules of conduct, it almost claimed as a privilege. Good -breeding was a science in France; natural to a peasant, even, it was studied as an epitome of all the social virtues. " JSfetre pas polV was the sum total of all dispraise : a man could only recover from it by splendid valor or rare gifts ; a woman could not hope to rise out of that Slough of Despond to which good-breeding never came. We were behind all the arts of civilization in England, as Francois de Rochefoucault (we give the orthog- raphy of the present day) was in his cradle. This brilliant personage, who combined the wit and the moralist, the court- ier and the soldier, the man of literary tastes and the senti- mentalist par excellence, was born in 1613. In addition to his hereditary title of due, he had the empty honor, as Saint-Si- mon calls it, of being Prince de Marsillac, a designation which was lost in that of De la Rochefoucault — so famous even to the present day. As he presented himself at the court of the regency, over which Anne of Austria nominally presided, no youth thei-e was more distinguished for his elegance or for the fame of his exploits during the wars of the Fronde than this youthful scion of an illustrious house. Endowed by na- ture with a pleasing countenance, and, what was far more im- portant in that fastidious region, an air of dignity, he display- ed wonderful contradictions in his character and bearing. He had, says Madame de Maintenon, " beaucoup d* esprit, et pen de savoir;" an expressive phrase. "He was," she adds, "pli- 246 THE HOTEL DE ROCHEFOUCAULT. ant in nature, intriguing, and cautious;" nevertheless she nev- er, she declares, possessed araore steady friend, nor one more confiding and better adapted to advise. Brave as he was, he held personal valor, or affected to do so, in light estimation. His ambition was to rule others. Lively in conversation, though naturally pensive, he assembled around him all that Paris or Versailles could present of wit and intellect. The old Hotel de Rochefoucault, in the Rue de Seine, in the Faubourg St. Germain, in Paris, still grandly recalls the assemblies in which Racine, Boileau, Madame de Sevigne, the La Fayettes, and the famous Duchesse de Lougueville, used to assemble. The time-honored family of De la Rochefoucault still preside there ; though one of its fairest ornaments, the young, lovely, and pious Duchesse de la Rochefoucault of our time, died in 1852 — one of the first known victims to diphthe- ria in France, in that unchanged old locality. There, whei'e the De Longuevilles, the Mazarins, and those who had formed the famous council of state of Anne of Austria had disappear- ed, the poets and wits who gave to the age of Louis XIV. its true brilliancy, collected around the Due de la Rochefoucault. What a scene it must have been, in those days when, as Buf- fon said of the earth in spring, " tout four •mille de vie!" Let us people the salon of the Hotel de Rochefoucault with visions of the past ; see the host there, in his chair, a martyr to the gout, which he bore with all the cheerfulness of a Frenchman, and picture to ourselves the great men who were handing him his cushion, or standing near his fauteuil. Racine's joyous face may be imagined as he comes in fresh from the College of Harcourt. Since he was born in 1639, he had not arrived at his zenith till La Rochefoucault was almost past his prime. For a man at thirty-six in France can no lon- ger talk prospectively of the departure of youth ; it is gone. A single man of thirty, even in Paris, is " un vieux gargon :" life begins too soon and ends too soon with those pleasant sinners, the French. And Racine, when he was first routed out of Port Royal, where he was educated, and presented to the whole Faubourg St. Germain, beheld his patron, La Roche- foucault, in the position of a disappointed man. An early ad- venture of his youth had humbled, perhaps, the host of the Hotel de Rochefoucault. At the battle of St. Antoine, where he had distinguished himself, a musket ball had nearly deprived hirn of sight. On this occasion he had quoted these lines, taken from the tragedy of "A IcyonneeP It must, however, be premised that the famous Duchesse de Longueville had urged him to engage in the wars of the Fronde. To her these lines were addressed : RACINE AND HIS PLAYS. 247 "Pour meriter son cceur, pour plaire a ses beaux yeux, J'ai fait la guerre aux Rois, je l'aurais faite aux dieux." But now he had broken off his intimacy with the duchesse, and he therefore parodied these lines : "Pour ce cceur inconstant, qu'enfin je connais mieux, J'ai fait la guerre aux Hois, j'en ai perdue les yeux." Nevertheless La Rochefoucault was still the gay, charm- ing", witty host and courtier. Racine composed, in 1660, his "Nymphe de Seine,'''' in honor of the marriage of Louis XIV., aud was then brought into notice of those whose notice was no empty compliment, such as, in our day, illustrious dukes pay to more illustrious authors, by asking them to be jumbled in a crowd at a time when the rooks are beginning to caw. We catch, as they may, the shadow of a dissolving water-ice, or see the exit of an unattainable tray of negus. No ; in the days of Racine, as in those of Halifax and Swift in England, solid fruits grew out of fulsome praise ; and Colbert, then min- ister, settled a pension of six hundred livres, as francs were called in those days (twenty -four pounds), on the poet. And with this the former pupil of Port Royal was fain to be con- tent. Still he was so poor that he almost went into the church, an uncle offering to resign him a priory of his order if he would become a regular. lie was a candidate for orders, and wore a sacerdotal dress when he wrote the tragedy of " Theagenes," and that of the " Freres Ennemis," the subject of which was given him by Moliere. He continued, in spite of a quarrel with the saints of Port Royal, to produce noble dramas from time to time, but quitted theatrical pursuits after bringing out (in 1677) "Phedre," that chef-d'oeuvre not only of its author, but, as a performance, of the unhappy but gifted Rachel. Corneille was old, and Paris looked to Racine to supply his place, yet he left the theatrical World forever. Racine had been brought up with deep relig- ious convictions ; they could not, however, preserve him from a mad, unlawful attachment. He loved the actress Champ- mesle : but repentance came. He resolved not only to write no more plays, but to do penance for those already given to the world. He was on the eve of becoming, in his penitence, a Carthusian friar, when his religious director advised marriage instead. He humbly did as he was told, and united himself to the daughter of a treasurer for France, of Amiens, by whom he had seven children. It was only at the request of Madame de Maintenon that he wrote " Esther" for the convent of St. Cyr, where it was first acted. His death was the result of his benevolent, sensitive nature. '248 LA ROCHEFOUCAULX'S WIT AND SENSIBILITY. Having drawn up an excellent paper on the miseries of the people, he gave it to Madame de Maintenon to read it to the king. Louis, in a transport of ill-humor, said, " What ! does he suppose because he is a poet that he ought to be minister of state ?" Racine is said to have been so wounded by this speech that he was attacked by a fever and died. His de- cease took place in 1G99, nineteen years after that of La Rochefoucault, who died in 1680. Among the circle whom La Rochefoucault loved to assem- ble was Boileau, Despreaux, and Madame de Sevigne — the one whose wit and the other whose grace completed the delights of that salon. A life so prosperous as La Rochefoucault's had but one cloud — the death of his son, who was killed during the passage of the French troops over the Rhine. We attach to the character of this accomplished man the charms of wit ; we may also add the higher attractions of sensibility. Notwith- standing the worldly and selfish character which is breathed forth in his " Maxims and Reflections," there lay at the bot- tom of his heart true piety. Struck by the death of a neigh- bor, this sentiment seems even on the point of being express- ed ; but, adds Madame de Sevigne, and her phrase is untrans- latable, "il ri 'est pas effleure." All has passed away ! the Fronde has become a memory, not a realized idea. Old people shake their heads, and talk of Richelieu ; of his gorgeous palace at Rueil, with its lake and its prison thereon, and its mysterious dungeons, and its avenues of chestnuts, and its fine statues ; and of its cardinal, smiling, while the worm that never dieth is eating into his very heart; a seared conscience, and playing the fine gentle- man to fine ladies in a rich stole, and with much garniture of costly lace ; while beneath all is the hair shirt, that type of penitence and sanctity which he ever wore as a salvo against all that passion and ambition that almost burst the beating heart beneath that hair shirt. Richelieu has gone to his fa- thers. Mazarin comes on the scene ; the wily, grasping Italian. He too vanishes ; and forth, radiant in youth, and strong in power, comes Louis, and the reign of politeness and periwigs begins. The Due de Saint-Simon, perhaps the greatest portrait- painter of any time, has familiarized us with the greatness, the littleness, the graces, the defects of that royal actor on the stage of Europe, whom his own age entitled Louis the Great. A wit, in his writings, of the first order — if we comprise un- der the head of wit the deepest discernment, the most pene- trating satire — Saint-Simon was also a soldier, philosopher, a reformer, a Trappist, and, eventually, a devotee. Like all LOOKING OUT FOR A WIFE. 249 young men who wished for court favor, he began by fighting : Louis cared little for carpet knights. He entered, however, into a scene which he has chronicled with as much fidelity as our journalists do a police report, and sat quietly down to gather up observations — not for his own fame, not even for the amusement of his children or grandchildren — but for the edification of posterity yet a century afar ofi" his own time. The treasures were buried until 1829. A word or two about Saint-Simon and his youth. At nine- teen he was destined by his mother to be married. Now ev- ery one knows how marriages are managed in France, not only in the time of Saint-Simon, but even to the present day. A mother, or an aunt, or a grandmother, or an experienced friend, looks out ; be it for son, be it for daughter, it is the business of her life. She looks and she finds : family, suitable ; fortune, convenient ; person, pas mal ; principles, Catholic, with a due abhorrence of heretics, especially English ones. After a time, the lady is to be looked at by the unhappy pre'tendu • a church, a mass, or vespers, being very often the opportunity agreed. The victim thinks she will do. The proposal is discussed by the two mammas ; relatives are called in ; all goes well ; the contract is signed; then, a measured acquaintance is allowed: but no tete-a-tetes ; no idea of love. " What ! so indelicate a sentiment before marriage! Let me not hear of it," cries mamma, in a sanctimonious panic. " Love ! Quelle betise /" adds mon pere. But Saint-Simon, it seems, had the folly to wish to make a marriage of inclination. Rich, pair de France, his father — an old roue, who had been page to Louis XIII. — dead, he felt extremely alone in the world. He cast about to see whom he could select. The Due de Beauvilliers had eight daughters ; a misfortune, it may be thought, in France or any where else. Not at all : three of the young ladies were kept at home, to be married ; the other five were at once disposed of, as they passed the unconscious age of infancy, in convents. Saint- Simon was, however, disappointed. He offered, indeed ; first for the eldest, who was not then fifteen years old ; and find- ing that she had a vocation for a conventual life, went on to the third, and was going through the whole family, when he was convinced that his suit was impossible. The eldest daugh- ter happened to be a disciple of Fenelon's, and was on the very eve of being vowed to Heaven. Saint-Simon went off to La Trappe, to console himself for his disappointment. There had been an old intimacy between Monsieur La Trappe and the father of Saint-Simon ; and this friendship had induced him to buy an estate close to the an- L2 250 saint-simon's court life. cient abbey where La Trappe still existed. The friendship became hereditary ; and Saint-Simon, though still a youth, re- vered and loved the penitent rechise of Ferte an Vidame, of which Lamartine has written so grand and so poetical a de- scription. Let ns hasten over his marriage with Mademoiselle de Lor- ges, who proved a good wife. It was this time a grandmother, the Marechale de Lorges, who managed the treaty ; and Saint- Simon became the happy husband of an innocent blonde, with a majestic air, though only fifteen years of age. Let us hasten on, passing over his presents ; his six hundred louis, given in a corbeille full of what he styles " galanteries ;" his mother's donation of jewelry ; the midnight mass, by which he was linked to the child who scarcely knew him ; let us lay all that aside, and turn to his court life. It was at this juncture that Louis XIV., who had hitherto dressed with great simplicity, indicated that he desired his court should appear in all possible magnificence. Instantly the shops were emptied. Even gold and silver appeared scarcely rich enough. Louis himself planned many of the dresses for any public occasion. Afterward he repented of the extent to which he had permitted magnificence to go, but it was then impossible to check the excess. Versailles, henceforth in all its grandeur, contains an apart- ment which is called, from its situation, and the opportunities it presents of looking down upon the actors of the scene around, i' CEil de Boeuf. The revelations of the (Eil de Ba?uf, during , the reign of Louis XV., form one of the most amazing pictures of wickedness, venality, power misapplied, genius polluted, that was ever drawn. No one that reads that infamous book can wonder at the revolution of 1 789. Let us conceive Saint-Simon to have taken his stand here, in this region, pure in the time of Louis XIV., comparatively, and note we down his comments on men and women. He has journeyed up to court from La Trappe, which has fallen into confusion and quarrels, to which the most saintly precincts are peculiarly liable. The history of Mademoiselle de la Valliere was not, as he tells us, of his time. He hears of her death, and so indeed does the king, with emotion. She expired in 1710, in the Rue St. Jacques, at the Carmelite convent, where, though she was in the heart of Paris, her seclusion from the world had long been complete. Among the nuns of the convent none was so humble, so penitent, so chastened as this once lovely Louise de la Valliere, now, during a weary term of thirty-five years, "Marie de la Misericorde." She had fled from the THE HISTORY OF LOUISE DE LA VALLIERE. 251 scene of her fall at one-and-thirty years of age. Twice had she taken refuge among the " blameless vestals," whom she envied as the broken-spirited envy the passive. First, she escaped from the toi'ture of witnessing the king's passion for Madame de Montespan, by hiding herself among the Bene- dictine sisters at St. Cloud. Thence the king fetched her in person, threatening to order the cloister to be burnt. Next, Lauzun, by the command of Louis, sought her, and brought her aveo main forte. The next time she fled no more ; but took a public farewell of all she had too fondly loved, and throwing herself at the feet of the queen, humbly enti'eated her pardon. Never since that voluntary sepulture had she ceased, during those long and weary years, to lament — as the heart-stricken can alone lament — her sins. In deep contrition she learned the death of her son by the king, and bent her head meekly beneath the chastisement. Three years before her death the triumphant Athenee de Montespan had breathed her last at Bourbon. If Louis XIV. had nothing else to repent of, the remorse of these two wom- en ought to have wrung his heart. Athenee de Montespan was a youthful, innocent beauty, fresh from the seclusion of provincial life, when she attracted the blighting regards of royalty. A fete was to be given ; she saw, she heard that she •was its object. She entreated her husband to take her back to his estate in Guyenne, and to leave her there till the king had forgotten her. Her husband, in fatal confidence, trusted her resistance, and refused her petition. It was a life-long sorrow ; and he soon found his mistake. He lived and died passionately attached to his wife, but never saw her after her fall. When she retired from court, to make room for the empire of the subtle De Maintenon, it was her son, the Due de Maine, who induced her, not from love, but from ambition, to with- draw. She preserved, even in her seclusion in the country, the style of a queen, which she had assumed. Even her nat- ural children by the king were never allowed to sit in her pres- ence, on a fauteuil, but were only permitted to have small chairs. Every one went to pay her court, and she spoke to them as if doing them an honor ; neither did she ever return a visit, even from the royal family. Her fatal beauty endured to the last : nothing could exceed her grace, her tact, her good sense in conversation, her kindness to every one. But it was long before her restless spirit could find real peace. She threw herself on the guidance of the Abbe de la Tour ; for the dread of death was ever upon her. He sug- gested a terrible test of her penitence. It was, that she 252 A MEAN ACT OF LOUIS QUATOKZE. should entreat her husband's pardon, and return to him. It was a fearful struggle with herself, for she was naturally haughty and high spirited; but she consented. After long agonies of hesitation, she wrote to the injured man. Her letter was couched in the most humble language ; but it re- ceived no reply. The Marquis de Montespan, through a third person, intimated to her that he w r ould neither receive her, nor see her, nor hear her name pronounced. At his death she wore widow's weeds; but never assumed his arms, nor adopt- ed his liveries. Henceforth, all she had was given to the poor. When Louis meanly cut down her pension, she sent word that she was sorry for the poor, not for herself; they would be the losers. She then humbled herself to the very dust : wore the hardest cloth next her fair skin ; had iron bracelets ; and an iron girdle, which made wounds on her body. Moreover, she punished the most unruly members of her frame : she kept her tongue in bounds ; she ceased to slander ; she learned to bless. The fear of death still haunted her; she lay in bed with every curtain drawn, the room lighted up with wax can- dles ; while she hired watchers to sit up all night, and insisted that they should never cease talking or laughing, lest, when she woke, the fear of death might come over her affrighted spirit. She died at last after a few hours' illness, having just time to order all her household to be summoned, and before them to make a public confession of her sins. As she lay expiring, blessing God that she died far away from the children of her adulterous connection, the Comte d'Antin, her only child by the Marquis de Montespan, arrived. Peace and trust had then come at last to the agonized woman. She spoke to him about her state of mind, and expired. To Madame de Maintenon the event would, it was thought, be a relief; yet she wept bitterly on hearing of it. The king showed, on the contrary, the utmost indifference, on learning that one whom he had once loved so much was gone forever. All has passed away ! The (Eil de Boevfis now important only as being pointed out to strangers ; Versailles is a show- place, not a habitation. Saint-Simon, who lived until 1775, was truly said to have turned his back on the new age, and to live in the memories of a former world of wit and fashion. He survived until the era of the " Encyclopedia" of Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. He lived, indeed, to hear that Montesquieu was no more. How the spirit of Louis XIV. spoke in his contemptuous remarks on Voltaire, whom he would only call Arouet : " The son of my father's and my own notary." saint-simon's memoirs of his own time. 253 At length, after attaining his eightieth year, the chronicler, who knew the weaknesses, the vices, the peculiarities of man- kind, even to a hair's breadth, expired ; having long given up the court and occupied himself, while secluded in his country- seat, solely with the revising and amplification of his wonder- ful Memoirs. No works, it has been remarked, since those of Sir Walter Scott, have excited so much sensation as the Memoirs of his own time, by the soldier, embassador, and Trappist, Due de Saint-Simon. HORACE WALPOLE. "•Had this elegant writer," remarks the compiler of " Wal- poliana," " composed memoirs of his own life, an example au- thorized by eminent names, ancient and modern, every other pen must have been dropped in despair, so true was it that ' he united the good sense of Fontenelle with the Attic salt and graces of Count Anthony Hamilton.' " But " Horace" was a man of great literary modesty, and al- ways undervalued his own efforts. His life was one of little incident : it is his character, his mind, the society around him, the period in which he shone, that give'the charm to his cor- respondence, and the interest to his biography. Besides, he had the weakness common to several other fine gentlemen who have combined letters and haut ton, of being ashamed of the literary character. The vulgarity of the court, its indifference to all that was not party writing, whether po- lemical or political, cast a shade over authors in his time. Never was there, beneath all his assumed Whig principles, a more profound aristocrat than Horace Walpole. He was, by birth, one of those well-descended English gentlemen who have often scorned the title of noble, and who have repudiated the notion of merging their own ancient names in modern titles. The commoners of England hold a proud pre-eminence. When some low-born man entreated James I. to make him a gentleman, the well-known answer was, "Na, na, I canna ! I could mak thee a lord, but none but God Almighty can mak a gentleman." Sir Robert Walpole, afterward minister tb George II., and eventually Lord Orford, belonged to an ancient family in Nor- folk ; he was a third son, and was originally destined for the church, but the death of his elder brethren having left him heir to the family estate, in 1698, he succeeded to a property which ought to have yielded him £2000 a year, but which was crippled with various incumbrances. In order to relieve himself of these, Sir Robert married Catherine Shorter, the granddaughter of Sir John Shorter, who had been illegally and arbitrarily appointed Lord Mayor of London by James II. Horace was her youngest child, and was born in Arlington Street, on the 24th of September, 1717, O. S. Six years after- ward he was inoculated for the small-pox, a precaution which 256 AVALPOLE S PARENTAGE. he records as worthy of remark, since the operation had then only recently been introduced by Lady Mary Wortley Mon- tagu from Turkey. He is silent, however, naturally enough, as to one important point — his real parentage. The character of his mother was by no means such as to disprove an assertion which gained general belief: this was, that Horace was the offspring, not of Sir Robert Walpole, but of Carr, Lord Hervey, the eldest son of the Earl of Bristol, and the elder brother of Lord Hervey whose " Memoirs of the Court of George II." are so generally known. Carr, Lord Hervey, was witty, eccentric, and sar- castic : and from him Horace Walpole is said to have inherit- ed his wit, his eccentricity, his love of literature, and his pro- found contempt for all mankind, excepting only a few mem- bers of a cherished and exclusive clique. In the Notes of his life which Horace "Walpole left for the use of his executor, Robert Berry, Esq., and of his daughter, Miss Berry, he makes this brief mention of Lady Walpole : "My mother died in 173*7." He was then twenty years of age. But beneath this seemingly slight recurrence to his mother, a regret which never left him through life was buried. Like Cowper, he mourned, as the profoundest of all sorrows, the loss of that life-long friend. "My mother, when I learn'd that thou wast dead, Say, wast thou conscious of the tears I shed ? Hovered thy spirit o'er thy sorrowing son ? Wretch even then, life's journey just begun." Although Horace in many points bore a strong resemblance to Sir Robert Walpole, he rarely if ever received from that jovial, heartless, able man, disgrace as he was to the English aristocracy, any proof of affection. An outcast from his fa- ther's heart, the whole force of the boy's love centred in his mother; yet in after life no one reverenced Sir Robert Wal- pole so much as his supposed son. To be adverse to the min- ister was to be adverse to the unloved son who cherished his memory. What " my father" thought, did, and said, was law ; what his foes dared to express was heresy. Horace had the family mania strong upon him : the world was made for Walpoles, whose views were never to be controverted, nor whose faith impugned. Yet Horace must have witnessed, perhaps without comprehending it, much disunion at home. Lady Walpole, beautiful and accomplished, could not succeed in riveting her husband to his conjugal duties. Gross licen- tiousness was the order of the day, and Sir Robert was among the most licentious : he left his lovely wife to the perilous at- tentions of all the young courtiers who fancied that by court- "little Horace" in Arlington street. 257 ing the Premier's wife they could secure Walpole's good offi- ces. Sir Robert, according to Pope, was one of those who — "Never made a friend in private life, And was, besides, a tyrant to his wife." At all events, if not a tyrant, he was indifferent to those cir- cumstances which reflected upon him, and were injurious to her. He was conscious that he had no right to complain of any infidelity on her part, and he left her to be surrounded by men whom he knew to be profligates of the most dangerous pretensions to wit and elegance. It was possibly not unfrequently that Horace, his mother's pet, gleaned in the drawing-rooms of Arlington Street his first notions of that persiflage which was the fashion of the day. We can fancy him a precocious, old-fashioned little boy, at his mother's apron-string, while Carr, Lord Hervey, was paving his devoirs ; we see him gazing with wondering eyes at Pulte- ney, Earl of Bath, with his blue ribbon across his laced coat ; while compassionating friends, observing the pale-faced boy in that hot-house atmosphere, in which both mind and body were like forced plants, prophesied that "little Horace" could not possibly live to be a man. He survived, however, two sisters, who died in childhood, and became dearer and dearer to his fond mother. In his old age, Horace delighted in recalling anecdotes of his infancy: in these his mother's partiality largely figured. Brought up among courtiers and ministers, his childish talk was all of kings and princes ; and he was a gossip both by in- clination and habit. His greatest desire in life was to see the king — George I., and his nurses and attendants augmented his wish by their exalted descriptions of the grandeur which he affected, in after life, to despise. He entreated his mother to take him to St. James's. When relating the incidents of the scene in which he was first introduced to a court, Horace Wal- pole speaks of the " infinite good-nature of his father, who nev- er thwarted any of his children," and " suffered him," he says, " to be too much indulged." Some difficulties attended the fruition of the forward boy's wish. The Duchess of Kendal was jealous of Sir Robert Wal- pole's influence with the king; her aim was to bring Lord Bolingbroke into power. The childish fancy was, neverthe- less, gratified : and under his mother's care he was conducted to the apartments of the Duchess of Kendal in St. James's. " A favor so unusual to be asked by a boy of ten years old," he afterward wrote in his " Reminiscences," " was still too slight to be refused to the wife of the first minister and her 258 CHARACTERISTIC ANECDOTE OF GEORGE I. darling child." However, as it was not to be a precedent, the interview was to be private, and at night. It was ten o'clock in the evening when Lady Walpole, lead- ing her son, was admitted into the apartments of Melusina de Schulenberg, Countess of Walsingham, who passed under the name of the Duchess of Kendal's niece, but who was, in fact, her daughter, by George I. The polluted rooms in which Lady Walsingham lived were afterward occupied by the two mistresses of George II. — the Countess of Suffolk, and Mad- ame de Walmoden, Countess of Yarmouth. With Lady Walsingham, Lady Walpole and her little son waited until, notice having been given that the king had come down to supper, he was led into the presence of " that good sort of man," as he calls George I. That monarch was pleased to permit the young courtier to kneel down and kiss his hand. A few words were spoken by the august personage, and Hor- ace was led back into the adjoining room. But the vision of that " good sort of man" was present to him when, in old age, he wrote down his recollections for his beloved Miss Berry. By the side of a tall, lean, ill-favored old German lady — the Duchess of Kendal — stood a pale, short, elderly man, with a dark tie-wig, hi a plain coat and waist- coat ; these and his breeches were all of snuff-colored cloth, and his stockings of the same color. By the blue ribbons alone could the young subject of this " good sort of man" dis- cern that he was in the presence of majesty. Little interest could be elicited in this brief interview, yet Horace thought it his painful duty, being also the son of a prime minister, to shed tears when, with the other scholars of Eton College, he walked in the procession to the proclamation of George II. And no doubt he was one of very few personages in England whose eyes were moistened for that event. Nevertheless, there was some- thing of bonhommie in the character of George I. that one misses in his successor. His love of punch, and his habit of becoming a little tipsy over his private dinners with Sir Rob- ert Walpole, were English as well as German traits, and were regarded almost as condescensions ; and then he had a kind of slow wit, that was turned upon the venial officials whose per- quisites were at their disgraceful height in his time. " A strange country this," said the monarch, in his most clamorous German : " one day, after I came to St. James's, I looked out of the window, and saw a park, with walks, laurels, etc. ; these they told me were mine. The next day Lord Chet- wynd, the ranger of my park, sends me a brace of carp out of my canal ; I was told, thereupon, that I must give five guineas to Lord Chetwynd's porter for bringing me my own fish, out WALP0LES EDUCATION. 259 of my own canal, in my oicn park !" In spite of some agreea- ble qualities, George I. was, however, any thing but a " good sort of man." It is difficult how to rank the two first Georges ; both were detestable as men, and scarcely tolerable as mon- archs. The foreign deeds of George I. were stained with the supposed murder of Count Konigsmark : the English career of George II. was one of the coarsest profligacy. Their exam- ple was infamous. His father's only sister having become the second wife of Charles Lord Townshend, Horace was educated with his cous- ins ; and the tutor selected was Edward Weston, the son of Stephen, Bishop of Exeter : this preceptor was afterward en- gaged in a controversy with Dr. Warburton, concerning the " Naturalization of the Jews." By that learned, haughty dis- putant, he is tenned " a gazetteer by profession — by inclina- tion a Methodist." Such was the man who guided the dawn- ing intellect of Horace Walpole. Under his care he remained until he went, in 1727, to Eton. But Walpole's was not mere- ly a scholastic education : he was destined for the law — and, on going up to Cambridge, was obliged to attend lectures on civil law. He went from Eton to King's College — where he was, however, more disposed to what are termed accomplish- ments than to deep reading. At Cambridge he even studied Italian : at home he learned to dance and fence ; and took les- sons in drawing from Bernard Lens, drawing-master to the Duke of Cumberland and his sisters. It is not to be wondered at that he left Cambridge without taking a degree. But fortune was lying, as it were, in wait for him ; and va- rious sinecures had been reserved for the Minister's youngest son : first, he became Inspector of the Imports and Exports in the Customs ; but soon resigned that post to be Usher of the Exchequer. " And as soon," he writes, " as I became of age I took possession of two other little patent places in the Ex- chequer, called Comptroller of the Pipe, and Clerk of the Es- treats. They had been held for me by Mr. Fane." Such was the mode in which younger sons were then pro- vided for by a minister ; nor has the unworthy system died out in our time, although greatly modified. Horace was growing up meantime, not an awkward, but a somewhat insignificant youth, with a short, slender figure : which always retained a boyish appearance when seen from behind. His face was commonplace, except when his really expressive eyes sparkled with intelligence, or melted into the sweetest expression of kindness. But his laugh was forced and uncouth : and even in his smile there was a hard, sarcastic expression that made one regret that he smiled. 260 SCHOOLBOY DAYS. He was now in possession of an income of £1700 annually, and he looked naturally to the Continent, to which all young members of the aristocracy repaired, after the completion of their collegiate life. He had been popular at Eton : he was also, it is said, both beloved and valued at Cambridge. In reference to his Etoni- an days he says, in one of his letters : " I can't say I am sorry I was never quite a schoolboy : an expedition against barge- men, or a match at cricket, may be very pretty things to rec- ollect ; but, thank my stars, I can remember things that are very near as pretty. The beginning of my Roman history was spent in the asylum, or conversing in Egeria's hallowed grove ; not in thumping and pummeliug King Amulius's herdsmen."* "I remember," he adds, "when I was at Eton, and Mr. Bland had set me on an extraordinary task, I used sometimes to pique myself upon not getting it, because it was not imme- diately my school business. What! learn more than I was absolutely forced to learn ! I felt the weight of learning that ; for I Avas a blockhead, and pushed above my parts"\ Popular among his schoolfellows, Horace formed friendships at Eton which mainly influenced his after life. Richard West, the son of West, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and the grand- son, on his mother's side, of Bishop Burnet : together with a youth named Assheton — formed, with the poet Gray, and Horace himself, what the young wit termed the " Quadruple Alliance." Then there was the " triumvirate," George Mon- tagu, Charles Montagu, and Horace — next came George Sel- wyn and Hanbury Williams ; lastly, a retired, studious youth, a sort of foil to all these gay, brilliant young wits — a certain William Cole, a lover of old books, and of quaint prints. And in all these boyish friendships, some of which were carried from Eton to Cambridge, may be traced the foundation of the Horace Walpole, of Strawberry Hill and of Berkeley Square. To Gray he owed his ambition to be learned, if possible — po- etical, if nature had not forbidden ; to the Montagus, his dash and spirit ; to Sir Hanbury Williams, his turn for jeux d' esprit, as a part of the completion of a fine gentleman's education ; to George Selwyn, his appreciation of what was then consid- ered wit — but which we moderns are not worthy to appreci- ate. Lord Hertford and Henry Conway, Walpole's cousins, were also his schoolfellows ; and for them he evinced through- out his long life a warm regard. William Pitt, Lord Chat- ham — chiefly remembered at Eton for having been flogged for being out of bounds — was a contemporary, though not an intimate of Horace Walpole's at Eton. * Life by Warburton, p. 70. t Ibid. p. 63. BOYISH FRIENDSHIPS. 261 His regard for Gray did him infinite credit : yet never were two men more dissimilar as they advanced in life. Gray had no aristocratic birth to boast ; and Horace dearly loved birth, refinement, position, all that comprises the cherished term "quality." Thomas Gray, more illustrious for the little his fastidious judgment permitted him to give to the then critical world, than many have been in their productions of volumes, was born in Cornhill — his father being a worthy citizen. He was just one year older than Walpole, but an age his senior in gravity, precision, and in a stiff resolution to maintain his independence. He made one fatal step, fatal to his friendship for Horace, when he forfeited — by allowing Horace to take him and pay his expenses during a long continental tour — his independence. Gray had "many points which made him vul- nerable to Walpole's shafts of ridicule ; and Horace had a host of faults which excited the stern condemnation of Gray. The author of the " Elegy" — which Johnson has pronounced to be the noblest ode in our language — was one of the most learned men of his time, " and was equally acquainted with the elegant and profound paths of science, and that not superficially, but thoroughly ; knowing in every branch of history, both natural and civil, as having read all the original historians of England, France, and Italy ; a great antiquarian, who made criticism, metaphysics, morals, and politics a principal part of his plan of study — who was uncommonly fond of voyages and travels of all sorts — and who had a fine taste in painting, prints, archi- tecture, and gardening." What a companion for a young man of taste and sympathy ! but the friends were far too clever long to agree. Gray was haughty, impatient, intolerant of the peculiarities of others, ac- cording to the author of " Walpoliana :" doubtless he detect- ed the vanity, the actual selfishness, the want of earnest feel- ing in Horace, which had all been kept down at school, where boys are far more unsparing Mentors than their betters. In vain did they travel en prince, and all at Walpole's expense : in vain did they visit courts, and receive affability from princes : in vain did he of Cornhill participate for a brief period in the attentions lavished on the son of a British Prime Minister: they quarreled — and we almost reverence Gray for it, more especial- ly when we find the author of " Walpoliana" expressing his conviction that " had it not been for this idle indulgence of his hasty temper, Mr. Gray would immediately on his return home have received, as usual, a pension or office from Sir Robert Walpole." We are inclined to feel contempt for the anony- mous writer of that amusing little book. After a companionship of four years, Gray, nevertheless, re- 262 A DREARY DOOM. turned to London. He had been educated with the expecta- tion of being a barrister ; but finding that funds were wanting to pursue a legal education, he gave up a set of chambers in the Temple, which he had occupied previous to his travels, and retired to Cambridge. Henceforth what a singular contrast did the lives of these once fond friends present. In the small, quaint rooms of Pe- ter-House,* Gray consumed a dreary celibacy, consoled by the Muse alone, who — if other damsels found no charms in his somewhat priggish, wooden countenance, or in his manners, replete, it is said, with an unpleasant consciousness of superi- ority — never deserted him. His college existence, varied only by his being appointed Professor of Modern History, was, for a brief space, exchanged for an existence almost as studious in London. Between the years 1759 and 1762, he took lodgings, we find, in Southampton Row — a pleasant locality then, open- ing to the fields — in order to be near the British Museum, at that time just opened to the public. Here his intense studies were, it may be presumed, relieved by the lighter task of pe- rusing the Harleian Manuscripts ; and here he formed the ac- quaintance of Mason, a dull, affected poet, whose celebrity is greater as the friend and biographer of Gray, than even as the author of those verses on the death of Lady Coventry, in which there are, nevertheless, some beautiful lines. Gray died in college — a doom that, next to ending one's days in a jail or a convent, seems the dreariest. He died of the gout : a suit- able, and, in that region and in those three-bottle days, almost an inevitable disease ; but there is no record of his having been intemperate. While Gray was poring over dusty manuscripts, Horace was beginning that career of prosperity which was commenced by the keenest enjoyment of existence. He has left us, in his Letters, some brilliant passages, indicative of the delights of his boyhood and youth. Like him, we linger over a period still fresh, still hopeful, still generous in inqmlse — still strong in faith in the world's worth — before we hasten on to portray the man of the world, heartless, not wholly, perhaps, but wont to check all feeling till it was well-nigh quenched ; little-mind- ed; bitter, if not spiteful; with many acquaintances and scarce one friend — the Horace Walpole of Berkeley Square and Straw- berry Hill. " Youthful passages of life are," he says, " the chippings of Pitt's diamond, set into little heart-rings with mottoes ; the stone itself more worth, the filings more gentle and agreeable. Alexander, at the head of the world, never tasted the true * Gray migrated to Pembroke in 1756. walpole's description of youthful delights. 263 pleasure that boys of his age have enjoyed at the head of a school. Little intrigues, little schemes and policies, engage their thoughts ; and at the same time that they are laying the foundation for their middle age of life, the mimic republic they live in furnishes materials of conversation for their latter age ; and old men can not be said to be children a second time with greater truth from any one cause, than their living over again their childhood in imagination." Again : " Dear George, were not the playing-fields at Eton food for all manner of flights ? No old maid's gown, though it had been tormented into all the fashions from King James to King George, ever underwent so many transformations as these poor plains have in my idea. At first I was contented with tending a visionary flock, and sighing some pastoral name to the echo of the cascade under the bridge. . . As I got fur- ther into Virgil and Clelia, I found myself transported from Arcadia to the garden of Italy ; and saw Windsor Castle in no other view than the Capitoli immobile saximi" Horace Walpole's humble friend Assheton was another of those Etonians who were plodding on to independence, while he, set forward by fortune and interest, was accomplishing reputation. Assheton was the son of a worthy man, who pre- sided over the Grammar School at Lancaster, upon a stipend of £32 a year. Assheton's mother had brought to her hus- band a small estate. This was sold to educate the " boys :" they were both clever and deserving. One became the fellow of Trinity College ; the other, the friend of Horace, rose into notice as the tutor of the young Earl of Plymouth ; then be- came a D.D., and a fashionable preacher in London ; was elected preacher at Lincoln's Inn ; attacked the Methodists ; and died, at fifty-three, at variance with Horace — this Asshe- ton, whom once he had loved so much. Horace, on the other hand, after having seen all that was most exclusive, attractive, and lofty, both in art and nature, came home without bringing, he declares, " one word of French or Italian for common use." A country tour in En- gland delighted him : the populousness, the ease in the people also, charmed him. " Canterbury was a paradise to Modena, Reggio, or Parma." He had, before he returned, perceived that nowhere except in England was there the distinction of " middling people ;" he now found that nowhere but in En- gland were middling houses. "How snug they are !" exclaims this scion of the exclusives. Then he runs on into an anecdote about Pope and Frederick, Prince of Wales. " Mr. Pope," said the prince, " you don't love princes." " Sir, I beg your pardon." " Well, you don't love kings, then." " Sir, I own 264 THE POMFRETS. I like the lion better before bis claws are grown." The " Hor- ace Walpole" began now to creep out : never was he really at home except in a court atmosphere. Still he assumed, even at twenty-four, to be the boy. " You won't find me," he writes to Harry Conway, " much altered, I believe ; at least outwardly. I am not grown a bit shorter or fatter, but am just the same long, lean creature as usual. Then I talk no French but to my footman ; nor Italian, but to myself. What inward alterations may have happened to me you will discover best ; for you know 'tis said, one never knows that one's self. I will answer, that that part of it that belongs to you has not suffered the least change — I took care of that. For virtu, I have a little to entertain you — it is my sole pleasure. I am neither young enough nor old enough to be in love." Nevertheless, it peeps out soon after that the " Pomfrets" are coining back. Horace had known them in Italy. The Earl and Countess and their daughters were just then the very pink of fashion ; and even the leaders of all that was ex- clusive in the court. Half in ridicule, half in earnest, are the remarks which, throughout all the career of Horace, incessant- ly occur. " I am neither young enough nor old enough to be in love," he says ; yet that he was in love with one of the love- ly Fermors is traditionary still in the family — and that tradi- tion pointed at Lady Juliana, the youngest, afterward mar- ried to Mr. Penn. The Earl of Pomfret had been master of the horse to Queen Caroline : Lady Pomfret, lady of the bed- chamber. "My Earl," as the countess styled him, was ap- parently a supine subject to her ladyship's strong will and wrong-headed ability — which she, perhaps, inherited from her grandfather, Judge Jeffreys ; she being the daughter and heir- ess of that rash young Lord Jeffreys who, in a spirit of brag- gadocia, stopped the funeral of Dry den on its way to West- minster, promising a more splendid procession than the poor, humble cortege — a boast which he never fulfilled. Lady So- phia Fermor, the eldest daughter, who afterward became the wife of Lord Carteret, resembled, in beauty, the famed Mis- tress Arabella Fermor, the heroine of the " Rape of the Lock." Horace Walpole admired Lady Sophia — whom he christened Juno — much. Scarcely a letter drips from his pen — as a mod- ern novelist used to express it* — without some touch of the Pomfrets. Thus to Sir Horace Mann, then a diplomatist at Florence : " Lady Pomfret I saw last night. Lady Sophia has been ill with a cold ; her head is to be dressed French, and her body * The accomplished novelist, Mrs. Gore, famous for her facility. SIR THOMAS ROBINSON'S BALL. 205 English, for which I am sorry, her figure is so fine in a robe. She is full as sorry as I am." Again, at a ball at Sir Thomas Robinson's, where four-and- twenty couples danced country-dances, in two sets, twelve and twelve, "there was Lady Sophia, handsomer than ever, but a little out of humor at the scarcity of minuets ;" however, as usual, dancing more than any body, and as usual too, she took out what men she liked, or thought the best dancers." .... " We danced ; for I country-danced till four, then had tea and coffee, and came home." Poor Horace ! Lady Sophia was not for a younger son, however gay, talented, or rich. His pique and resentment toward her mother, who had high- er views for her beautiful daughter, begins at this period to show itself, and never dies away. Lady Townshend was the wit who used to gratify Horace with tales of her whom he hated — Henrietta Louisa, Countess of Pomfret. " Lady Townshend told me an admirable history : it is of our friend Lady Pomfret. Somebody that belonged to the Prince of Wales said, they were going to court ; it was ob- jected that they ought to say to Carlton House; that the only court is where the king resides. Lady P., with her paltry air of significant learning and absurdity, said, ' Oh, Lord ! is there no court in England but the king's? Sure, there are many more ! There is the Court of Chancery, the Court of Exchequer, the Court of King's Bench, etc' Don't you love her ? Lord Lincoln does her daughter — Lady Sophia Fer- mor. He is come over, and met me and her the other night ; he turned pale, spoke to her several times in the evening, but not long, and sighed to me at going away. He came over all alone ; and not only his Uncle Duke (the Duke of Newcastle) but even Majesty is fallen in love with him. He talked to the king at his levee, without being spoken to. That was always thought high treason ; but I don't know how the gruff gentle- man liked it. And then he had been told that Lord Lincoln designed to have made the campaign, if we had gone to war; in short, he says Lord Lincoln is the handsomest man in En- gland." Horace was not, therefore, the only victim to a mother's ambition : there is something touching in the interest he from time to time evinces in poor Lord Lincoln's hopeless love. On another occasion, a second ball of Sir Thomas Robinson's, Lord Lincoln, out of prudence, dances with Lady Caroline Fitzroy, Mr. Conway taking Lady Sophia Fermor. " The two couple were just admirably mismatched, as every body soon perceived, by the attentions of each man to the woman he did not dance M 266 POLITICAL SQUIBS. with, and the emulation of either lady : it was an admirable scene." All, however, was not country dancing : the young man, " too old and too young to be in love," was to make his way as a wit. He did so, in the approved way in that day of irre- ligion, in a political squib. On July 14th, 1742, he writes in his Notes, "I wrote the ' Lessons for the Day ? the 'Lessons for the Day' being the first and second chapters of the ' Book of Preferment.' " Horace was proud of this brochure, for he says it got about surreptitiously, and was "the original of many things of that sort." Various jeux cf esprit of a similar sort followed. A " Sermon on Painting," which was preached before Sir Robert Walpole, in the gallery at Houghton, by his chaplain ; " Patapan, or the Little White Dog," imitated from La Fontaine. No. 38 of the " Old Eugland Journal," intended to ridicule Lord Bath ; and then, in a magazine, was printed his "Scheme for a Tax on Message Cards and Notes." Next, the " Beauties," which was also handed about, and got into print. So that without the vulgarity of publishing, the reputation of the dandy writer was soon noised about. His religious tenets may or may not have been sound ; but at all events the tone of his mind assumed at this time a very differ- ent character to that reverent strain in which, when a youth at college, he had apostrophized those who bowed their heads beneath the vaulted roof of King's College, in his eulogium in the character of Henry VI. "Ascend the temple, join the vocal choir, Let harmony your raptured souls inspire. Hark how the tuneful, solemn organs blow, Awfully strong, elaborately slow ; Now to yon empyrean seats above Raise meditation on the wings of love. Now falling, sinking, dying to the moan Once warbled sad by Jesse's contrite son ; Breathe in each note a conscience through the sense, And call forth tears from soft-eyed Penitence." In the midst of all his gayeties, his successes, and perhaps his hopes, a cloud hovered over the destinies of his father. The opposition, Horace saw, in 1741, wished to ruin his father " by ruining his constitution." They wished to continue their debates on Saturdays, Sir Robert's only day of rest, when he used to rush to Richmond New Park, there to amuse himself with a favorite pack of beagles. Notwithstanding the minis- ter's indifference to this, his youngest son, Horace, felt bitterly what he considered a persecution against one of the most cor- rupt of modern statesmen. " Trust me, if we fall, all the grandeur, all the envied grand- THAT "ROGUE WALPOLE." 267 eur of our house, will not cost me a sigh : it has given me no pleasure while we have it, and will give me no pain when I part with it. My liberty, my ease, and choice of my own friends and company, will sufficiently counterbalance the crowds of Downing Street. I am so sick of it all, that if we are victori- ous or not, I propose leaving England in the spring." The struggle was not destined to last long. Sir Robert was forced to give up the contest and be shelved with a peer- age. In 1742, he was created Earl of Orforcl, and resigned. The wonder is that, with a mortal internal disease to contend with, he should have faced his foes so long. Verses ascribed to Lord Heiwey ended, as did all the squibs of the day, with a fling at that " rogue Walpole." '•For though you have made that rogue Walpole retire, You are out of the frying-pan into the fire : But since to the Protestant line I'm a friend, I tremble to think how these changes may end." Horace, in spite of affected indifference, felt his father's downfall poignantly. He went, indeed, to court, in spite of a cold, taken in an unaired house ; for the prime minister now quitted Downing Street for Arlington Street. The court was crowded, he found, with old ladies, the wives of patriots who had not been there for "these twenty years," and who appeared in the accoutrements that were in vogue in Queen Anne's time. " Then," he writes, " the joy and awkward jollity of them is in- expressible ! They titter, and, wherever you meet them, are always looking at their watches an hour before the time. I met several on the birthday (for I did not arrive time enough to make clothes), and they were dressed in all the colors of the rainbow. They seem to have said to themselves, twenty years ago, 'Well, if ever I do go to court again, I will have a pink and silver, or a blue and silver ;' and they keep their resolu- tions." Another characteristic anecdote betrays his ill-suppressed vexation : "I laughed at myself prodigiously the other day for a piece of absence. I was writing, on the king's birthday, and being disturbed with the mob in the street, I rang for the porter, and with an air of grandeur, as if I was still at Downing Street, cried, 'Pray send away those marrow-bones and cleavers!' The poor fellow, with the most mortified air in the world, re- plied, ' Sir, they are not at our door, but over the way, at my Lord Carteret's.' ' Oh !' said I, ' then let them alone ; may be, he does not dislike the noise !' I pity the poor porter, who sees all his old customers going over the way too." The retirement of Sir Robert from office had an important 268 THE SPLENDID MANSION OF HOUGHTON. effect on the tastes and future life of his son Horace. The min- ister had been occupying his later years in pulling down his old ancestral house at Houghton, and in building an enormous man- sion, which has since his time been, in its turn, partially demol- ished. When Harley, Earl of Oxford, was known to be erect- ing a great house for himself, Sir Robert had remarked that a minister who did so committed a great imprudence. When Houghton was begun, Sir Hynde Aston reminded Sir Robert of this speech. " You ought -to have recalled it to me before," was the reply ; " for before I began building, it might have been of use to me." This famous memorial ofWalpolean greatness, this splendid folly, constructed, it is generally supposed, on public money, was inhabited by Sir Robert only ten days in summer, and twenty days in winter; in the autumn, during the shooting season, two months. It became almost an eyesore to the quiet gentry, who viewed the palace with a feeling of their own in- feriority. People as good as the Walpoles lived in their ga- ble-ended, moderate-sized mansions ; and who was Sir Robert, to set them at so immense a distance ? To the vulgar comprehension of the Premier, Houghton, gi- gantic in its proportions, had its purposes. He there assem- bled his supporters ; there, for a short time, he entertained his constituents and coadjutors with a magnificent, jovial hospi- tality, of which he, with his gay spirits, his humorous, indeli- cate jokes, and his unbounded good-nature, was the very soul. Free conversation, hard drinking, were the features of every day's feast. Pope thus describes him : " Seen him, I have, but in his happier hour, Of social pleasure, ill exchanged for power ; Seen him uncumbered with the venal tribe, Smile without art, and win without a bribe." Amid the coarse taste one gentle refinement existed : this was the love of gardening, both in its smaller compass and in its nobler sense of landscape gardening. " This place," Sir Robert, in 1743, wrote to General Churchill, from Houghton, " affords no news, no subject of entertainment or amusement ; for fine men of wit and pleasure about town understand nei- ther the language and taste, nor the pleasure of the inanimate world. My flatterers here are all mutes : the oaks, the beech- es, the chestnuts, seem to contend which best shall please the lord of the manor. They can not deceive ; they will not lie. I in sincerity admire them, and have as many beauties about me as fill up all my hours of dangling, and no disgrace attend- ing me, from sixty-seven years of age. Within doors we come a little nearer to real life, and admire, upon the almost speak- WHAT WE OWE TO THE " GRANDES TOURS." 2t>9 ing canvas, all the airs and graces the proudest ladies can boast." In these pursuits Horace cordially shared. Through his agency, Horace Mann, still at Florence, selected and purchased works of art, which were sent either to Arlington Street, or to form the famous Houghton Collection, to which Horace so often refers in that delightful work, his " Anecdotes of Paint- ing." Among the embellishments of Houghton, the gardens were the most expensive. " Sir Robert has pleased himself," Pulteney, Earl of Bath, wrote, " with erecting palaces and extending ]>arks, planting gardens in places to which the very earth was to be trans- ported in carriages, and embracing cascades and fountains whose water was only to be obtained by aqueducts and ma- chines, and imitating the extravagance of Oriental monarchs, at the expense of a free people whom he has at once impover- ished and betrayed." The ex-minister went to a great expense in the cultivation of plants, bought Uvedale's " Hortus Siccus ;" and received from Bradley, the Professor of Botany at Cambridge, the trib- ute of a dedication, in which it was said that " Sir Robert had purchased one of the finest collections of plants in the king- dom." What was more to his honor still, was Sir Robert's preser- vation of St. James's Park for the people. Fond of out-door amusements himself, the Premier heard, with dismay, a pro- posal on the part of Queen Caroline, to convert that ancient park into a palace garden. " She asked my father," Horace Walpole relates, " what the alteration might possibly cost." " Only three croic?is" was the civil, Avitty, candid answer. The queen was wise enough to take the hint. It is possible she meant to convert the park into gardens that should be open to the public as at Berlin, Manhehn, and even the Tuileries. Still it would not have been ours. Horace Walpole owed, perhaps, his love of architecture and his taste for gardening, partly to the early companionship of Gray, who delighted in those pursuits. Walpole's estimation of pictures, medals, and statues, was however the fruit of a long residence abroad. We are apt to rail at continental na- v_tions ; yet had it not been for the occasional intercourse with foreign nations, art would have altogether died out among us. To the " Grandes Tours," performed as a matter of course by our young nobility in the most impressionable period of their lives, we owe most of our noble private collections. Charles I. and Buckingham, renewed, in their travels in Spain, the efforts 270 GKORUE VERTUE. previously made by Lord Arundel and Lord Pembroke, to embellish their country seats. Then came the rebellion ; and like a mighty rushing river, made a chasm in which much per- ished. Art languished in the reign of the second Charles, ex- cepting in what related to portrait-painting. Evelyn stood al- most alone in his then secluded and lovely retirement at Wot- ton ; apart in his undying exertions still to arrest the Muses ere they quitted forever English shores. Then came the dead- ly blank of William's icy influence. The reign of Anne was conspicuous more for letters than for art : architecture, more especially, was vulgarized under Vanbrugh. George I. had no conception of any thing abstract : taste, erudition, science, art, were like a dead language to his common sense, his vulgar profligacy, and his personal predilections. Neither George II. nor his queen had an iota of taste, either in language, conduct, literature, or art. To be vulgar was haul ton ; to be refined, to have pursuits that took one from low party gossip, or hete- rodox disquisitions upon party, was esteemed odd : every thing original was cramped; every thing imaginative was sneered at ; the enthusiasm that is elevated by religion was unphilo- sophic; the poetry that is breathed out from the works of genius was not comprehended. It was at Houghton, under the roof of that monster palace, that Horace Walpole indulged that taste for pictures which he had acquired in Italy. His chief coadjutor, however, as far as the antiquities of painting are concerned, was George Ver- tue, the eminent engraver. Vertue was a man of modest merit, and was educated merely as an engraver ; but, con- scious of talent, studied drawing, which he afterward applied to engraving. He was patronized both by the vain Godfrey Kneller, and by the intellectual Lord Somers : his works have more fidelity than elegance, and betray in every line the anti- quary rather than the genius. Vertue w T as known to be a first- rate authority as to the history of a painter ; he was admitted and welcomed into every great country house in England ; he lived in an atmosphere of vertu; every line a dilettante col- lector wrote, every word he uttered, was minuted down by him ; he visited every collection of rarities ; he copied every paper he could find relative to art ; registers of wills and reg- isters of parishes, for births and deaths were his delight ; sales his recreation. He was the " Old Mortality" of pictures in this country. ~No wonder that his compilations were barely con- tained in forty volumes, which he left in manuscript. Human nature has singular varieties : here was a man who expended his very existence in gathering up the works of others, and died without giving to the world one of his own. But Horace MEN OF ONE IDEA. 271 Walpole has done him justice. After Vertue's death he bought his manuscripts from his widow. In one of his pock- et-books was contained the whole history of this man of one idea. Vertue began his collection in 1713, and worked at it until his death in 1757, forty-four years. He died in the belief that he should one day publish an unique work on painting and painters : such was the aim of his existence, and his study must have been even more curious than the wonderfully crammed small house at Islington, where William Upcott, the " Old Mortality" in his line, who saved from the housemaid's fire-lighting designs the MSS. of Eve- lyn's Life and Letters, which he found tossing about in the old gallery at Wotton, near Dorking, passed his days. Like Up- cott, like Palissy, Vertue lived and died under the influence of one isolated aim, effort, and hope. In these men the cherished and amiable monomania of gift- ed minds Avas realized. Upcott had every possible autograph from every known hand in his collection ; Palissy succeeded in making glazed china ; but Vertue left his ore to the hands of others to work out into shape, and the man who moulded his crude materials was Horace Walpole. His forty volumes were shaped into a readable work, as curious and accurate in facts as it is flippant and prejudiced in style and opinions. Walpole' s " Anecdotes of Painting" are the foundation of all our small amount of knowledge as to what England has done formerly to encourage art. One may fancy the modest, ingenious George Vertue ar- ranging first, and then making a catalogue of the Houghton Gallery: Horace, a boy still, in looks, with a somewhat chub- by face, admiring and following : Sir Robert, in a cocked hat, edged with silver lace, a curled short wig, a loose coat, also edged with silver lace, and with a half-humorous expression on his vulgar countenance, watching them at intervals, as they paraded through the hall, a large square space, adorned with bas-reliefs and busts, and containing a bronze copy of the Lao- coon, for which Sir Robert (or rather we English) paid a thousand pounds ; or they might be seen hopping speedily through the ground-floor apartments where there could be lit- tle to arrest the footsteps of the medieval-minded Vertue. Who but a courtier could give one glance to a portrait of George L, though by Kneller ? Who that was a courtier in that house would pause to look at the resemblance, also by Kneller, of the short-lived, ill-used Catherine Shorter, the Prem- ier's first wife — even though he still endured it in his bed- room? a mute reproach for his neglect and misconduct. So let us hasten to the yellow dining-room where presently we 272 THE NOBLE PICTURE-GALLERY AT HOUGHTON. may admire the works of Titian, Guido, Vanderwerfi, and last, not least, eleven portraits by Vandyck, of the Wharton fami- ly, which Sir Robert bought at the sale of the spendthrift I) nke of Wharton. Then let us glance at the saloon, famed for the four large " Market Pieces," as they were called, by Rubens and Sny- ders : let us lounge into what were called the Carlo Maratti and the Vandyck rooms ; step we also into the green velvet bed-chamber, the tapestry-room, the worked bed-chamber ; then comes another dining-room : in short, we are lost in wonder at this noble collection, which cost £40,000. Many of the pictures were selected and bargained for by Vertue, who, in Flanders, purchased the Market Pieces re- ferred to, for £428 ; but did not secure the " Fish Market," and the " Meat Market," by the same painter. In addition to the pictures, the stateliness and beauty of the rooms were en- hanced by rich furniture, carving, gilding, and all the subsidiary arts which our grandfathers loved to add to high merit in de- sign or coloring. Besides his purchases,. Sir Robert received presents of pictures from friends, and expectant courtiers ; and the gallery at Houghton contained at last 222 pictures. To our sorrow now, to our disgrace then, this splendid collection was suffered to go out of the country : Catherine, Empress of Russia, bought it for £40,000, and it adorns the Hermitage Palace of St. Petersburg. After Sir Robert's retirement from power, the good qualities which he undoubtedly possessed, seemed to reappear when the pressure of party feeling was withdrawn. He was fast declin- ing in health when the insurrection of 1745 was impending. He had warned the country of its danger in his last speech, one of the finest ever made in the House of Lords : after that effort his voice was heard no more. The gallant, unfortunate Charles Edward was then at Paris, and that scope of old ex- perience "Which doth attain To somewhat of prophetic strain," showed the ex-minister of Great Britain that an invasion was at hand. It was on this occasion that Frederick, Prince of Wales, took Sir Robert, then Lord Orford, by the hand, and thanked him for his zeal in the cause of the royal family. Walpoje returned to Norfolk, but was summoned again to London to afford the ministry the benefit of his counsels. Death, however, closed his prosperous but laborious life. He suffered agonies from the stone ; large doses of opium kept him in a state of stupor, and alone gave him ease ; but his strength failed, and he was warned to prepare himself for his THE GRANVILLE PACTION. 273 decease. He bore the announcement with great fortitude, and took leave of his children in perfect resignation to his doom. He died on the 28th of March, 1745. Horace Walpole — whatsoever doubts may rest on the fact of his being Lord Orford's son or not — writes feelingly and naturally upon this event, and its forerunner, the agonies of disease. He seems, from the following passages in his letters to Sir Horace Mann, to have devoted himself incessantly to the patient invalid : on his father having rallied, he thus ex- presses himself: " You have heard from your brother the reason of my not having written to you so long. I have been out but twice since my father fell into this illness, which is now near a month, and all that time either continually in his room, or obliged to see multitudes of people ; for it is wonderful how eveiy body of all kinds has affected to express their concern for him ! He has been out of danger this week ; but I can't say he mended at all perceptibly till these last three days. His spirits are amazing, and his constitution more; for Dr. Hulse said honestly from the first, that if he recovered it would be from his own strength, not from their art. How much more," he adds, mournfully, " he will ever recover, one scarce dare hope about ; for us, he is greatly recovered ; for himself — " He then breaks off. A month after we find him thus referring to the parent still throbbing in mortal agony on the death-bed, with no chance of amendment : "How dismal a prospect for him, with the possession of the greatest understanding in the Avorld, not the least impaired, to lie without any use of it ! for to keep him from pains and restlessness, he takes so much opiate that he is scarce awake four hours of the four-and-twenty ; but I will say no more of this." On the 29th of March he again wrote to his friend in the following terms : " I begged your brothers to tell you what it is impossible for me to tell you. You share in our common loss ! Don't expect me to enter at all upon the subject. After the melan- choly two months that I have passed, and in my situation, you will not wonder I shun a conversation which could not be bounded by a letter, a letter that would groAv into a panegyric or a piece of a moral ; improper for me to write upon, and too distressful for us both ! a death is only to be felt, never to be talked upon by those it touches." Nevertheless, the world soon had Horace Walpole for her own again ; during Lord Orford's last illness, George II. M 2 274 A VERY GOOD QUARREL. thought of him, it seems, even though the " Granvilles" were the only people tolerated at court. That famous clique com- prised the secretly adored of Horace (Lady Grenville once), Lady Sophia Fermor. " The Granville faction," Horace wrote, before his father's death, " are still the constant and only countenanced people at court. Lord Winchelsea, one of the disgraced, played at court at Twelfth-night, and won ; the king asked him next morning how much he had for his own share. He replied, 'Sir, about a quarter's salary.' I liked the spirit, and was talking to bim of it the next night at Lord Granville's. ' Why yes,' said he, 'I think it showed familiarity at least: tell it your father, I don't think he w T ill dislike it.' " The most trifling incidents divided the world of fashion and produced the bitterest rancor. Indeed, nothing could exceed the frivolity of the great, except their impertinence. For want of better amusements, it had become the fashion to make co- nundrums, and to have printed books full of them, which were produced at parties. But these were peaceful diversions. The following anecdote is worthy of the times of George II. and of Frederick of Wales : " There is a very good quarrel," Horace writes, " on foot, between two duchesses : she of Queensberry sent to invite Lady Emily Lenox to a ball : her grace of Richmond, who is wonderfully cautious since Lady Caroline's elopement (with Mr. Fox), sent word ' she could not determine.' The other sent again the same night: the same answer. The Queens- berry then sent word that she had made up her company, and desired to be excused from having Lady Emily's ; but at the bottom of the card wrote, 'Too great trust.' There is no dec- laration of war come out from the other duchess ; but I believe it will be made a national quarrel of the whole illegitimate roy- al family." Meantime, Houghton was shut up: for its owner died £50,000 in debt, and the elder brother of Horace, the second Lord Orford, proposed, on entering it again, after keeping it closed for some time, to enter upon " new, and then very un- known economy, for which there was great need :" thus Hor- ace refers to the changes. It was in the South Sea scheme that Sir Robert Walpole had realized a large sum of money, by selling out at the right moment. In doing so he had gained 1000 per cent. But he left little to his family, and at his death Horace received a leg- acy only of £5000, and a thousand pounds yearly, which he was to draw (for doing nothing), from the collector's place in the Custom House ; the surplus to be divided between his brother 6TEAWBEKBY HILL FROM THE THAMES. TWICKENHAM. — STRAWBERRY HILL. 277 Edward and himself: this provision was afterward enhanced by some money which came to Horace and his brothers from his uncle Captain Shorter's property ; but Horace was not at this period a rich man, and perhaps his not marrying was ow- ing to his dislike of fortune-hunting, or to his dread of refusal. Two years after his father's death he took a small house at Twickenham: the property cost him nearly £14,000; in the deeds he found that it was called Strawberry Hill. He soon commenced making considerable additions to the house — which became a sort of raree-show in the latter part of the last, and until a late period in this, century. Twickenham — so called, according to the antiquary Nor- den, because the Thames, as it flows near it, seems from the islands to be divided into two rivers — had long been celebra- ted for its gardens, when Horace Walpole, the generalissimo of all bachelors, took Strawberry Hill. "Twicknam is as much as Twynam," declares Xorden, "a place scytuate between two rivers." So fertile a locality could not be neglected by the monks of old, the great gardeners and tillers of land in ancient days; and the Manor of Twickenham was consequently given to the monks of Christ Church, Canterbury, by King Edred, in 491 ; who piously inserted his anathema against any person — whatever their rank, sex, or order — who should infringe the rights of these holy men. "May their memory," the king de- creed, with a force worthy of the excommunicator-wholesale, Pius IX., " be blotted out of the Book of Life ; may their strength continually w r aste away, and be there no restorative to repair it!" Nevertheless, there were in the time of Ly- sons, a hundred and fifty acres of fruit-gardens at Twicken- ham : the soil being a sandy loam, raspberries grew plentifully. Even so early as Queen Elizabeth's days, Bishop Corbet's la- ther had a nursery -garden at Twickenham — so that King Edred's curse seems to have fallen as powerlessly as it maybe hoped all subsequent maledictions may do. In 1698, one of the Earl of Bradford's coachmen built a small house on a piece of ground, called in old works, Straw- berry-Hill-Shot ; lodgings w r ere here let, and Colley Cibber be- came one of the occupants of the place, and here wrote his Comedy called " Refusal ; or the Ladies' Philosophy." The spot was so greatly admired that Talbot, Bishop of Durham, lived eight years in it, and the Marquis of Carnarvon suc- ceeded him as a tenant : next came Mrs. Chenevix, a famous toy-woman. She was probably a French woman, for Father Courayer — he who vainly endeavored to effect a union between the English and the Gallican churches — lodged here some time. Horace Walpole bought up Mrs. Chenevix's lease, and after- 278 THE RECLUSE OE STRAWBERRY. ward the fee-simple ; and henceforth became the busiest, if not the happiest, man in a small way in existence. We now despise the poor, over-ornate miniature Gothic style of Strawberry Hill ; we do not consider Avith what infi- nite pains the structure was enlarged into ifs final and well- known form. In the first place, Horace made a tour to collect models from the chief cathedral cities in England ; but the building required twenty-three years to complete it. It was begun in 1753, and finished in 1116. Strawberry Hill had one merit, every thing was in keeping : the internal decorations, the screens, the niches, the chimney-pieces, the book-shelves, were all Gothic ; and most of these were designed by Horace himself; and, indeed, the description of Strawberry Hill is too closely connected with the annals of his life to be dissevered from his biography. Here he gathered up his mental forces to support and amuse himself during a long life, sometimes darkened by spleen, but rarely by solitude ; for Horace, with much isolation of the heart, was, to the world, a social being. What scandal, what trifles, what important events, what lit- tleness of mind, yet what stretch of intellect were henceforth issued by the recluse of Strawberry, as he plumed himself on being styled, from that library of " Strawberry !" Let us pic- ture to ourselves the place, the persons — put on, if we can, the sentiments and habits of the retreat ; look through its loop- holes, not only on the wide world beyond, but into the small world within ; and face the fine gentleman author in every pe- riod of his varied life. " The Strawberry Gazette," Hoi'ace once wrote to a fine and titled lady, " is very barren of weeds." Such, however, was rarely the case. Peers, and still better, peeresses — politicians, actors, actresses — the poor poet who knew not where to dine, the Maecenas who was " fed with dedications" — the belle of the season, the demirep of many, the antiquary, and the dilet- tanti — painters, sculptors, engravers, all brought news to the " Strawberry Gazette ;" and incense, sometimes wrung from aching hearts, to the fastidious wit who professed to be a judge of all material and immaterial things — from a burlesque to an Essay on History or Philosophy — from the construction of Mrs. Chenevix's last new toy to the mechanism of a clock made in the sixteenth century, was lavished there. It is noonday : Horace is showing a party of guests from London over Strawberry : enter we with him, and let us stand in the great parlor before a portrait by Wright of the Minister to whom all courts bowed. " That is my father, Sir Robert, in profile," and a vulgar face in profile is always seen at its vulgarest ; and the nez-retrousse, the coarse mouth, the double PORTRAITS OF THE DIGBY FAMILY. 279 chin, are most forcibly exhibited in this limning by Wright ; who did not, like Reynolds, or like Lawrence, cast a nuance of gentility over every subject of his pencil. Horace — can we not hear him in imagination ? — is telling his friends how Sir Robert used to celebrate the day on which he sent in his res- ignation, as a fete ; then he would point out to his visitors a Conversation-piece, one of Reynolds's earliest efforts in small life, representing the second Earl of Edgecumbe, Selwyn, and Williams — all wits and beaux, and habitues of Strawberry. Colley Cibber, however, was put in cold marble in the ante- room ; respect very Horatian, for no man knew better how to rank his friends than the recluse of Strawberry. He hurries the lingering guests through the little parlor, the chimney- piece of which was copied from the tomb of Ruthall, Bishop of Durham, in Westminster Abbey. Yet how he pauses com- placently to enumerate what has been done for him by titled belles : how these dogs, modeled in terra-cotta, are the produc- tion of Anne Darner ; a water-color drawing by Agnes Berry ; a landscape with gipsies by Lady Di Beauclerk ; all platonic- ally devoted to our Horace ; but he dwells long, and his bright eyes are lighted up as he pauses before a case, looking as if it contained only a few apparently faded, of no-one-knows-who (or by w T hom) miniatures ; this is a collection of Peter Oliver's best works — portraits of the Digby family. How sadly, in referring to these invaluable pictures, does one's mind revert to the day when, before the hammer of Robins had resounded in these rooms — before his transcendent eloquence had been heard at Strawberry — Agnes Strickland, followed by all eyes, pondered over that group of portraits : how, as she slowly withdrew, w r e of the commonalty scarce worthy to look, gathered around the spot again, and wondered at the perfect life, the perfect coloring, proportion, and keep-' ing of those tiny vestiges of a by-gone generation ! Then Horace — we fear it was not till his prime was past, and a touch of gout crippled his once active limbs — points to a picture of Rose, the gai'dener (well named), presenting Charles II. with a pine-apple. Some may murmur a doubt whether pine-apples were cultivated in cold Britain so long since. But Horace enforces the fact; "the likeness of the king," quoth he, " is too marked, and his features are too well known to doubt the fact ;" and then he tells " how he had received a present the last Sunday of fruit — and from whom." They pause next on Sir Peter Lely's portrait of Cowley — next on Hogarth's Sarah Malcolm, the murderess of her mis- tress ; then — and doubtless, the spinster ladies are in fault here for the delay — on Mrs. Darner's model of two kittens, pets, 280 MRS. damer's models. though, of Horace Walpole's — for he who loved few human beings was, after the fashion of bachelors, fond of cats. They ascend the staircase : the domestic adornments merge into the historic. We have Francis I. — not himself, but his armor ; the chimney-piece, too, is a copy from the tomb-works of John, Earl of Cornwall, in Westminster Abbey; the stone- work from that of Thomas, Duke of Clarence, at Canterbury. Stay a while : we have not done with sacrilege yet ; worse things are to be told, and Ave walk with consciences not un- scathed into the Library, disapproving in secret but flattering vocally. Here the very spirit of Horace seemed to those who visited Strawberry before its fall to breathe in every corner. Alas ! when we beheld that library, it was half filled with chests containing the MSS. of his letters ; which were bought by that enterprising publisher of learned name, Richard Bent- ley, and which have since had adequate justice done them by first-rate editors. There they were : the " Strawberry Gazette" in full ; one glanced merely at the yellow paper, and clear, de- cisive hand, and then turned to see what objects he, who loved his books so well, collected for his especial gratification. Mrs. Darner again ! how proud he was of her genius — her beauty, her cousinly love for himself; the wise way in which she bound up the wounds of her breaking heart when her profligate hus- band shot himself, by taking to occupation — perhaps, too, by liking cousin Horace indifferently well. He put her models forward in every place. Here was her Osprey Eagle in terra- cotta, a masterly production ; there a couvre-fire, or ciir-feu\ imitated and modeled by her. Then the marriage of Henry VI. figures on the wall : near the fire is a screen of the first tapestry ever made in England, representing a map of Surrey and Middlesex ; a notion of utility combined with ornament, which we see still exhibited in the Sampler in old-fashioned, middle-class houses ; that poor posthumous, base-born child of the tapestry, almost defunct itself; and a veritable piece of antiquity. Still more remarkable in this room was a quaint-faced clock, silver gilt, given by Henry VIII. to Anne Boleyn ; which per- chance, after marking the moments of her festive life, struck unfeelingly the hour of her doom. But the company are hurrying into a little ante-room, the ceiling of which is studded with stars in mosaic ; it is there- fore called jocularly, the " Star Chamber ;" and here stands a cast of the famous bust of Henry VH., by Torregiano, intend- ed for the tomb of that sad-faced, long-visaged monarch, who always looks as if royalty had disagreed with him. Next we enter the Holbein Chamber. Horace hated bish- THE LONG GALLERY AT STRAWBERRY. L'Sl ops and archbishops, and all the hierarchy ; yet here again we behold another prelatical chimney-piece — a frieze taken from the tomb of Archbishop Warham, at Canterbury. And here, in addition to Holbein's picture of Mary Tudor, Duchess of Suffolk, and of her third husband, Adrian Stokes, are Vertue's copies of Holbein, drawings of that great master's pictures in Buckingham House : enough — let us hasten into the Long Gal- lery. Those who remember Sir Samuel Merrick and his gal- lery at Goodrich Court will have traced in his curious, some- what gewgaw collections of armor, antiquities, faded portraits, and mock horses, much of the taste and turn of mind that ex- isted in Horace Walpole. The gallery, which all who recollect the sale at Strawberry Hill must remember with peculiar interest, sounded well on paper. It was 56 feet long, 17 high, and 13 wide; yet was neither long enough, high enough, nor wide enough to inspire the indefinable sentiment by which we acknowledge vastness. We beheld it the scene of George Robins's triumphs — crowd- ed to excess. Here strolled Lord John Russell ; there, with heavy tread, walked Daniel O'Connell. Hallam, placid, kind- ly, gentle — the prince of book-worms — moved quickly through the rooms, pausing to raise a glance to the ceiling — copied from one of the side aisles of Henry VII.'s Chapel — but the fretwork is gilt, and there is a,2)etitesse about the Gothic which disappoints all good judges. But when Horace conducted his courtly guests into this his mind-vaunted vaulted gallery, he had sometimes George Sel- Avyn at his side ; or Gray — in his gracious moods ;' or, in his old age, "my niece, the Duchess of Gloucester," leaned on his arm. What strange associations, what brilliant company ! — the associations can never be recalled there again ; nor the company reassembled. The gallery, like every thing else, has perished under the pressure of debt. He who was so par- ticular, too, as to the number of those who were admitted to see his house — he who stipulated that four persons only should compose a party, and one party alone be shown over each day — how would he have borne the crisis, could he have foreseen it, when Robins became, for the time, his successor, and was the temporary lord of Strawberry ; the dusty, ruthless, won- dering, depreciating mob of brokers — the respectable host of publishers — the starving army of martyrs, the authors — the fine ladies, who saw nothing there comparable to Howell and James's — the antiquaries, fishing out suspicious antiquities — the painters, clamorous over Kneller's profile of Mrs. Barry — the virtuous indignant mothers, as they passed by the por- traits of the Duchess de la Valliere, and of Ninon de l'Enclos, 282 THE CHAPEL. and remarked, or at all events they might have remarked, that the company on the floor was scarcely much more respectable than the company on the walls — the fashionables, who herded together, impelled by caste, that free-masonry of social life, en- ter the Beauclerk closet to look over Lady Di's scenes from the " Mysterious Mother" — the players and dramatists, finally, who crowded round Hogarth's sketch of his " Beggars' Opera," with portraits, and gazed on Davison's likeness of Mrs. Clive: how could poor Horace have tolerated the sound of their Ir- reverent remarks, the dust of their shoes, the degradation of their fancying that they might doubt his spurious-looking antiquities, or condemn his improper-looking ladies on their canvas ? How, indeed, could he ? For those parlors, that library, were peopled in his days with all those who could en- hance his pleasures, or add to their own, by their presence. When Poverty stole in there, it was irradiated by Genius. When painters hovered beneath the fretted ceiling of that library, it was to thank the oracle of the day, not always for large orders, but for powerful recommendations. When act- resses trod the Star Chamber, it was as modest friends, not as audacious critics on Horace, his house, and his pictures. Before we call up the spirits that were familiar at Straw- berry — ere we pass through the garden-gate, the piers of which were copied from the tomb of Bishop William de Luda, in Ely Cathedral — let us glance at the chapel, and then a word or two about Walpole's neighbors and anent Twickenham. The front of the chapel was copied from Bishop Audley's tomb at Salisbury. Four panels of wood, taken from the Ab- bey of St. Edmund's Bury, displayed the portraits of Cardinal Beaufort, of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, and of Archbish- op Kemp. So much for the English church. Next was seen a magnificent shrine in mosaic, from the church of St. Mary Maggiore, in Rome. This was the work of the noted Peter Cavalini, who constructed the tomb of Ed- ward the Confessor in Westminster Abbey. The shrine had figured over the sepulchre of four martyrs, who rested be- neath it in 1257 ; then the principal window in the chapel was brought from Bexhill in Surrey; and displayed portraits of Henry III. and his queen. It was not every day that gay visitors traveled down the dusty roads from London to visit the recluse at Strawberry ; but Horace wanted them not, for he had neighbors. In his^ youth he had owned for his playfellow the ever witty, the precocious, the all-fascinating Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. " She was," he wrote, " a playfellow of mine when we were children. She was always a dirty little thing. This habit THE SOCIETY AROUND STRAWBERRY HILL. 2H3 continued with her. When at Florence, the Grand Duke gave her apartments in his palace. One room sufficed for every thing; and when she went away, the stench was so strong that they were obliged to fumigate the chamber with vinegar for a week." Let not the scandal be implicitly credited. Lady Mary, dirty or clean, resided occasionally, however, at Twickenham. When the admirable Lysons composed his " Environs of Lon- don," Horace Walpole was still living — it was in 17 95 — to point out to him the house in which his brilliant acquaintance lived. It was then inhabited by Dr. Morton. The profligate and clever Duke of Wharton lived also at Twickenham. Marble Hill was built by George II., for the Countess of Suffolk, and Henry, Earl of Pembroke, was the architect. Of later years, the beautiful and injured Mrs. Fitzherbert might be seen traversing the greensward, which was laved by the then pellucid waters of the Thames. The parish of Twickenham, in fact, was noted for the numerous characters who have, at various times, lived in it ; Robert Boyle, the great philoso- pher ; James Craggs, Secretary of State ; Lord George Ger- maine ; Lord Bute — are strangely mixed up with the old mem- ories which circle around Twickenham. One dark figure in the background of society haunts us also : Lady Macclesfield, the cruel mother of Savage, polluted Twickenham by her evil presence. Let us not dwell on her name, but recall, with somewhat of pride, that the names of that knot of accomplished, intel- lectual women, who composed the neighborhood of Straw- berry, were all English ; those who loved to revel in all its charms of society and intellect were our justly- j)rized country- women. Foremost in the bright constellation was Anne Seymour Conway, too soon married to the Hon. John Damer. She was one of the loveliest, the most enterprising, and the most gifted women of her time — thirty-one years younger than Horace, having been born in 1748. Pie doubtless liked her the more that no ridicule could attach to his partiality, which was that of a father to a daughter, in so far as regarded his young cousin. She belonged to a family dear to him, being the daughter of Field Marshal Henry Seymour Conway : then she was beautiful, witty, a courageous politician, a heroine, fearless of losing caste by aspiring to be an artist. She was, in truth, of our own time rather than of that. The works which she left at Strawberry are scattered ; and if still trace- able, are probably in many instances scarcely valued. But in that lovely spot, hallowed by the remembrance of Mrs. Sid- 284 ANNE SEYMOUR CONWAY. dons, who lived there in some humble capacity — say maid, say companion — in Guy's Cliff House, near Warwick — noble traces of Anne Darner's genius are extant : busts of the ma- jestic Sally Siddons ; of Nature's aristocrat, John Kemble ; of his brother Charles — arrest many a look, call up many a thought of Anne Damer and her gifts : her intelligence, her warmth of heart, her beauty, her associates. Of her powers Horace Walpole had the highest opinion. " If they come to Florence," he wrote, speaking of Mrs. Darner's going to Italy for the winter, " the great duke should beg Mrs. Damer to give him something of her statuary ; and it would be a great- er curiosity than any thing in his Chamber of Painters. She has executed several marvels since you saw her ; and has late- ly carved two colossal heads for the bridge at Henley, which is the most beautiful in the world, next to the Ponte di Tri- nila, and was principally designed by her father, General Con- way." No wonder that he left to this accomplished relative the privilege of living, after his death, at Strawberry Hill, of which she took possession in 1797, and where she remained twenty years; giving it up, in 1828, to Lord Waldegrave. She was, as Ave have said, before her time in her apprecia- tion of what was noble and superior, in preference to that which gives to caste alone its supremacy. During her last years she bravely espoused an unfashionable cause ; and dis- regarding the contempt of the lofty, became the champion of the injured and unhappy Caroline of Brunswick. From his retreat at Strawberry, Horace Walpole heard all that befell the object of his flame, Lady Sophia Fermor. His letters present from time to time such passages as these ; Lady Pomfret, whom he detested, being always the object of his sat- ire: '.' There is not the least news ; but that my Lord Carteret's wedding has been deferred on Lady Sophia's (Ferrnor's) fill- ing dangerously ill of a scarlet fever ; but they say it is to be next Saturday. She is to have £1600 a year jointure, £400 pin-money, and £2000 of jewels. Carteret says he does not intend to marry the mother (Lady Pomfret) and the wdiole family. What do you think my Lady intends?" Lord Carteret, who was the object of Lady Pomfret's suc- cessful generalship, was at this period, 1744, fifty-four years of age, having been born in 1690. He was the son of George, Lord Carteret, by Grace, daughter of the first Earl of Bath, of the line of Granville — a title which became eventually his. The fair Sophia, in marrying him, espoused a man of no ordi- nai-y attributes. In person, Horace Walpole, after the grave • A MAN WHO NEVER DOUBTED. 285 had closed over one whom he probably envied, thus describes him: "Commanding beauty, smoothed by cheerful grace, Sat on each open feature of his face. Bold was his language, rapid, glowing, strong, And science flowed spontaneous from his tongue : A genius seizing systems, slighting rules, And void of gall, with boundless scorn of fools.'' After having been Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Carteret at- tended his royal master in the campaign, during which the battle of Dettingen was fought. He now held the reins of government in his own hands as premier. Lord Chesterfield has described him as possessing quick precision, nice decision, and unbounded presumption. The Duke of Newcastle used to say of him that he was a " man who never doubted." In a subsequent letter we find the sacrifice of the young and lovely Sophia completed. Ambition was the characteristic of her family: and she went, not unwillingly, to the altar. The whole affair is too amusingly told to be given in other language than that of Horace : " I could tell you a great deal of news," he writes to Hor- ace Mann, " but it would not be what you would expect. It is not of battles, sieges, and declarations of war; nor of inva- sions, insurrections, and addresses : it is the god of love, not he of war, who reigns in the newspapers. The town haamade up a list of six-and-thirty weddings, which I shall not catalogue to you. But the chief entertainment has been the nuptials of our great Quixote (Carteret) and the fair Sophia. On the point of matrimony, she fell ill of a scarlet fever, and was given over, while he had the gout, but heroically sent her word, that if she was well, he xcould be well. They corresponded every day, and he used to plague the cabinet council with reading her letters to them. Last night they were married ; and as all he does must have a particular air in it, they supped at Lord Pomfret's. At twelve, Lady Granville (his mother) and all his family went to bed, but the porter : then my lord went home, and waited for her in the lodge. She came alone, in a hackney-chair, met him in the hall, and was led up the back stairs to bed. What is ridiculously lucky is, that Lord Lincoln goes into waiting to- day, and will be to present her !" The event was succeeded by a great ball at the Duchess of Richmond's, in honor of the bride, Lady Carteret paying her ladyship the "highest honors," which she received in the "highest state." "I have seen her," adds Horace, "but once, and found her just what I expected, tres grande dame, full of herself, and yet not with an air of happiness. She looks ill, 286 HORACE IN FAVOK. and is grown lean, but is still the finest figure in the world. The mother (Lady Pomfret) is not so exalted as I expected ; I fancy Carteret has kept his resolution, and does not marry her too." While this game was being played out, one of Walpole's most valued neighbors, Pope, was dying of dropsy, and every evening a gentle delirium possessed him. Again does Horace return to the theme, ever in his thoughts — the Carterets: again does he recount their triumphs and their follies. "I will not fail" — still to Horace Mann — "to make your compliments to the Pomfrets and Carterets. I see them sel- dom, but I am in favor ; so I conclude, for my Lady Pomfret told me the other night that I said better things than any body. I was Avith them all at a subscription-ball at Ranelagh last week, which my Lady Carteret thought proper to look upon as given to her, and thanked the gentlemen, who were not quite so well pleased at her condescending to take it to herself. I did the honors of all her dress. ' How charming your ladyship's cross is! I am sure the design was your own!' * No, indeed ; my lord sent it to me just as it is.' Then as much to the mother. Do you wonder I say better things than any body ?" But these brilliant scenes were soon mournfully ended. Lady Sophia, the haughty, the idolized, the Juno of that gay circle, was suddenly carried off by a fever. With real feeling Horace thus tells the tale : " Before I talk of any public news, I must tell you what you will be very sorry for. Lady Granville (Lady Sophia Fermor) is dead. She had a fever for six weeks before her lying-in, and could never get it off. Last Saturday they called in an- other physician, Dr. Oliver. On Monday he pronounced her out of danger ; about seven in the evening, as Lady Pomfret and Lady Charlotte (Fermor) were sitting by her, the first notice they had of her immediate danger was her sighing and saying, ' I feel death come very fast upon me !' She repeated the same words frequently, remained perfectly in her senses and calm, and died about eleven at night. It is very shock- ing for any body so young, so handsome, so arrived at the height of happiness, to be so quickly snatched away." So vanished one of the brightest stars of the court. The same autumn (1745) was the epoch of a great event; the marching of Charles Edward into England. While the Duke of Cumberland was preparing to head the troops to oppose him, the Prince of Wales was inviting a party to supper, the main feature of which was the citadel of Carlisle in sugar, the company all besieging it with sugar-plums. It would, indeed, ANECDOTE OF SIR WILLIAM STANHOPE. 287 as Walpole declared, be impossible to relate all the Caligic- llsms of this effeminate, absurd prince. But buffoonery and eccentricity were the order of the day. " A ridiculous thing happened," Horace writes, " when the princess saw company after her confinement. The new-born babe was shown in a mighty pretty cradle, designed by Kent, under a canopy in the great drawing-room. Sir William Stanhope went to look at it. Mrs. Herbert, the governess, advanced to unmantle it. He said, ' In wax, I suppose V ' Sir ?' ' In wax, madam ?' ' The young prince, sir ?' ' Yes, in wax, I suppose ?' This is his odd humor. When he went to see the duke at his birth, he said, ' Lord, it sees !' " The recluse of Strawberry was soon consoled by hearing that the rebels were driven back from Derby, where they had penetrated, and where the remembrance of the then gay, san- guine, brave young Chevalier long lingered among the old in- habitants. One of the last traces of his short-lived possession of the town is gone : very recently, Exeter House, where he lodged and where he received his adherents, has been pulled down ; the ground on which it stood, with its court and gar- den — somewhat in appeai'ance like an old French hotel — being too valuable for the relic of by-gone times to be spared. The paneled chambers, the fine staircase, certain pictures — one by Wright of Derby, of him — one of Miss Walkinshaw — have all disappeared. Of the capture, the trial, the death of his adherents, Horace Walpole has left the most graphic and therefore touching ac- count that has been given ; while he calls a " rebellion on the defensive" a " despicable affair." Humane, he reverted with horror to the atrocities of General Hawley, " the Chief Jus- tice," as he was designated, who had a " passion for frequent and sudden executions." When this savage commander gain- ed intelligence of a French spy coming over, he displayed him at once before the army on a gallows, dangling in his muff and boots. When one of the surgeons begged for the body of a deserter to dissect, " Well," said the wretch, " but you must let me have the skeleton to hang up in the guard-room." Such was the temper of the times ; vice, childishness, levity at court, brutality in the camp, were the order of the day. Hor- ace, even Horace, worldly in all, indifferent as to good and bad, seems to have been heart-sick. His brother's matrimo- nial infidelity vexed him also sorely. Lady Orford, " tired," as he expresses it, of " sublunary affairs," was trying to come to an arrangement with her husband, from whom she had been long separated ; the price was to be, he fancied, £2000 a year. Meantime, during the convulsive state of political affairs, he in- 288 WALP0LE S HABITS. terested himself continually in the improvement of Strawberry Hill. There was a rival building, Mr. Bateman's Monastery, at Old Windsor, which is said to have had more uniformity of design than Strawberry Hill. Horace used indeed to call the house of which he became so proud a paper house; the walls were at first so slight, and the roof so insecure in heavy rains. Nevertheless, his days were passed as peacefully there as the premature infirmities which came upon him would permit. From the age of twenty-five his'fingers were enlarged and deformed by chalk-stones, which were discharged twice a year. " I can chalk up a score with more rapidity than any man in England," was his melancholy jest. He had now adopted as a necessity a strict temperance : he sat up very late, either writ- ing or conversing, yet always breakfasted at nine o'clock. After the death of Madame du Deifand, a little fat dog, scarce- ly able to move for age and size — her legacy — used to proclaim his approach by barking. The little favorite was placed beside him on a sofa ; a tea-kettle, stand, and heater were brought in, and he drank two or three cups of tea out of the finest and most precious china of Japan — that of a pure white. He breakfasted with an appetite, feeding from his table the little dog and his pet squirrels. Dinner at Strawberry Hill was usually served up in the small parlor in winter, the large dining-room being reserved for large parties. As age drew on, he was supported down stairs by his valet ; and then, says the compiler of WaJpoliana, "he ate most moderately of chicken, pheasant, or any light food. Pastry he disliked, as difficult of digestion, though he would taste a morsel of venison-pie. Never but once, that he drank two glasses of white w r ine, did the editor see him taste any liquor, except ice-water. A pail of ice was placed under the table, in which stood a decanter of water, from which he supplied himself with his favorite beverage." No wine was drunk after dinner, when the host of Straw- berry Hill called instantly to some one to ring the bell for cof- fee. It was served up stairs, and there, adds the same writer, " he would pass about five o'clock, and generally resuming his place on the sofa, would sit till two in the morning, in miscel- laneous chit-chat, full of singular anecdotes, strokes of wit, and acute observations, occasionally sending for books, or curiosi- ties, or passing to the library, as any reference happened to arise in conversation. After his coffee, he tasted nothing ; but the snuff-box of tabac cVetrennes, from Fribourg's, was not for- gotten, and was replenished from a canister lodged in an an- cient marble urn of great thickness, which stood in the window seat, and served to secure its moisture and rich flavor." WHY DID HE NOT MAURY? 280 In spite of all his infirmities, Horace Walpole took no care of his health, as far as out-door exercise was concerned. His friends beheld him with horror go out on a dewy day: he would even step out in his slippers. In his own grounds lie never wore a hat : he used to say, that on his first visit to Paris he was ashamed of his effeminacy, when he saw every meagre little Frenchman whom he could have knocked down in a breath walking without a hat, which he could not do without a certainty of taking the disease which the Germans say is en- demical in England, and which they call to catch cold. The first trial, he used to tell his friends, cost him a fever, but he got over it. Draughts of air, damp rooms, windows open at his back, became matters of indifference to him after once get- ting through the hardening process. He used even to be vex- ed at the officious solicitude of friends on this point, and with a half smile would say, "My back is the same as my face, and my neck is like my nose." He regarded his favorite iced-wa- ter as a preservative to his stomach, which, he said, would last longer than his bones. He did not take into account that the stomach is usually the seat of disease. One naturally inquires why the amiable recluse never, in his best days, thought of marriage : it is in many instances a dif- ficult question to be answered. In men of that period, a dis- solute life, an unhappy connection, too frequently explained the problem. In the case before us, no such explanation can be offered. Horace "Walpole had many votaries, many friends, several favorites, but no known mistress. The marks of the old bachelor fastened early on him, more especially after he began to be governed by his valet de chambre. The notable personage who ruled over the pliant Horace was a Swiss, named Colomb. This domestic tyrant was despotic ; if Hor- ace wanted a tree to be felled, Colomb opposed it, and the master yielded. Servants, in those days, were intrinsically the same as in ours, but they differed in manner. The old fa- miliarity had not gone out, but existed as it still does among the French. Those who recollect Dr. Parr will remember how stern a rule his factotum Sam exercised over him. Sam put down wdiat wine he chose, nay, almost invited the guests ; at all events, he had his favorites among them. And in the same way as Sam ruled at Hatton, Colomb was, de facto, the master of Strawberry Hill. With all its defects, the little " plaything house," as Horace Walpole called it, must have been a charming house to visit in. First, there was the host. "His engaging manners," writes the editor of Walpoliana, " and gentle, endearing affa- bility to his friends, exceed all praise. Not the smallest hau N 290 " DOWAGERS AS PLENTY AS FLOUNDERS." teur, or consciousness of rank or talent, appeared in his famil- iar conferences ; and he was ever eager to dissipate any con- straint that might occur, as imposing a constraint upon him- self, and knowing that any such chain enfeebles and almost an- nihilates the mental powers. Endued Avith exquisite sensibil- ity, his wit never gave the smallest wound, even to the gross- est ignorance of the world, or the most morbid hypochondriac bashfulness." He had, in fact, no excuse for being doleful or morbid. How many recourses were his ! what an even destiny ! what prosperous fortunes ! what learned luxury we revel in ! he was enabled to " pick up all the roses of science, and to leave the thorns behind." To how few of the gifted have the means of gratification been permitted! to how many has hard work been allotted ! Then, when genius has been endowed with rank, with wealth, how often it has been degraded by excess ! Rochester's passions ran riot in one century ; Beckford's gifts were polluted by his vices in another — signal landmarks of each age. But Horace Walpole was prudent, decorous, even respectable : no elevated aspirations, no benevolent views en- nobled under the petitesse of his nature. He had neither gen- ius nor romance : he was even devoid of sentiment ; but he was social to all, neighborly to many, and attached to some of his fellow-creatures. The "prettiest bawble" possible, as he called Strawberry Hill, " set in enameled meadows in filigree hedges," was sur- rounded by "dowagers as plenty as flounders;" such was Walpole's assertion. As he sat in his library, scented by caraway, heliotropes, or pots of tuberose, or orange-trees in flower; certain dames would look in upon him, sometimes malgre ltd ; sometimes to his bachelor heart's content. "Thank God !" he wrote to his cousin Conway, " the Thames is between me and the Duchess of Queensberry !" Walpole's dislike to his fair neighbor may have originated in the circum- stance of her birth, and her grace's presuming to plume her- self on what he deemed an unimportant distinction. Catherine Hyde, Duchess of Queensberry, was the great-granddaughter of the famous Lord Clarendon, and the great-niece of Anne, Duchess of York. Prior had in heryouth celebrated her in the " Female Phaeton," as " Kitty ;" in his verse he begs Phaeton to give Kitty the chariot, if but for a day. In reference to this, Horace Walpole, in the days of his ad- miration of her grace, had made the following impromptu : " On seeing the Duchess of Queensberry walk at the funeral of the Princess Dowager of Wales — CATHERINE HYDE, DUCHESS OF QUEENSBEERY. 291 "To many a Kitty, Love his car Would for a day engage ; But Prior's Kitty, ever fair, Obtained it for an age." It was Kitty who took Gay under her patronage, who re- sented the prohibition of the " Beggar's Opera," remonstrated with the king and queen, and was thereupon forbidden the court. She took the poet to her house. She may have been ridiculous, but she had a warm, generous heart. " I am now," Gay wrote to Swift in 1729, "in the Duke of Queensberry's house, and have been so ever since I left Hampstead ; where I was carried at a time that it was thought I could not live a day. I must acquaint you (because I know it will please you) that during my sickness I had many of the kindest proofs of friendship, particularly from the Duke and Duchess of Queens- berry; who, if I had been their nearest relation and dearest friend, could not have treated me with more constant attend- ance then, and they continue the same to me now." The duchess appears to have been one of those willful, ec- centric, spoiled children, whom the world at once worships and ridicules: next to the Countess of Poinfret, she was Hor- ace Walpole's'pet- aversion. She was well described as being " very clever, very whimsical, and just not mad." Some of "Walpoles touches are strongly confirmatory of this description. For instance, her grace gives a ball, orders every one to come at six, to sup at twelve, and go away directly after: opens the ball herself with a minuet. To this ball she sends strange in- vitations ; " yet," says Horace, " except these flights, the only extraordinary thing the duchess did was to do nothing extra- ordinary, for I do not call it very mad that some pique hap- pening between her and the Duchess of Bedford, the latter had this distich sent to her : " ' Come with a whistle — come with a call ; Come with good-will, or come not at all.' I do not know whether what I am going to tell you did not border a little upon Moorfields. The gallery where they danced was very cold. Lord Lorn, George Selwyn, and I, retired into a little room, and sat comfortably by the fire. The duchess looked in, said nothing, and sent a smith to take the hinges of the door off. "We understood the hint — left the room — and so did the smith the door." " I must tell you," he adds in another letter, " of an admira- ble reply of your acquaintance, the Duchess of Queensberry : old Lady Granville, Lord Carteret's mother, whom they call the queen-mother, from taking upon her to do the honors of her son's power, was pressing the duchess to ask her for some 292 KITTY CLIVE. place for herself or friends, and assured her that she would procure it, be it what it would. Could she have picked out a litter person to be gracious to ? The duchess made her a most grave courtesy, and said, ' Indeed, there was one thing she had set her heart on.' ' Dear child, how you oblige me by asking any thing ! What is it ? tell me.' ' Only that you would speak to my Lord Carteret to get me made lady of the bed-chamber to the Queen of Hungary.' " The duchess was, therefore, one of the dowagers, "thick as flounders," whose proximity was irritating to the fastidious bachelor. There was, however, another Kitty between whom and Horace a tender friendship subsisted : this was Kitty Clive, the famous actress ; formerly Kitty Ruftar. Horace had given her a house on his estate, which he called some- times "Little Strawberry Hill," and sometimes "Cliveden;" and here Mrs. Clive lived with her brother, Mr. Ruftar, until 1785. She formed, for her friend, a sort of outer-home, in which he passed his evenings. Long had he admired her tal- ents. Those were the days of the drama in all its glory ; the opera was unfashionable. There were, Horace writes in 1 742, on the 26th of May, only two-and-forty people in the Opera House, in the pit and boxes : people were running to see "Miss Lucy in Town," at Drury Lane, and to admire Mrs. Clive, in her imitation of the Muscovites ; but the greatest crowds assembled to wonder at Garrick, in " Wine Merchant turned Player;" and great and small alike rushed to Good- man's Fields to see him act all parts, and to laugh at his ad- mirable mimicry. It was, perhaps, somewhat in jealousy of the counter attractions, that Horace declared he saw nothing wonderful in the acting of Garrick, tnough it was then heresy to say so. " Now I talk of players," he adds in the same let- ter ; " tell Mr. Chute that his friend Bracegirdle breakfasted with me this morning." Horace delighted in such intimacies, and in recalling old times. Mrs. Abingdon, another charming and clever actress, was also a denizen of Twickenham, which became the most fash- ionable village near the metropolis. Mrs. Pritchard, likewise, was attracted there ; but the proximity of the Countess of Suffolk, who lived at Marble Hill, was the delight of a great portion of Horace Walpole's life. Her reminiscences, her an- ecdotes, her experience, were valuable as well as entertaining to one who was forever gathering up materials for history, or for biography, or for letters to absent friends. In his own family he found little to cheer him : but if he hated one or two more especially — and no one could hate more intensely than Horace Walpole — it was his uncle, Lord DEATH OF HORATIO WALPOLE. 293 Walpole, and his cousin, that nobleman's son, whom he christ- ened Pigwiggin ; " my monstrous uncle ;" " that old buftbon, my uncle," are terms which occur in his letters, and he speaks of the bloody civil wars between "Horatio Walpole" and " Horace Walpole." Horatio Walpole, the brother of Sir Robert, was created in June, 1756, Baron Walpole of Wolterton, as a recompense for fifty years passed in the public service — an honor which he only survived nine months. He expired in February, 1757. His death removed one subject of bitter dislike from the mind of Horace ; but enough remained in the family to excite grief and resentment. Toward his own two brothers, Robert, Earl of Orford, and Edward Walpole, Horace the younger, as he was styled in contradistinction to his uncle, bore very little affection. His feelings, however, for his nephew George, who succeeded his father as Earl of Orford in 1751, were more creditable to his heart; yet he gives a description of this ill-fated young man in his letters, which shows at once pride and disapprobation. One lingers with regret over the character and the destiny of this fine young nobleman, whose existence was rendered mis- erable by frequent attacks, at intervals, of insanity. Never was there a handsomer, a more popular, a more en- ffao-ino- beinof than George, third Earl of Orford. When he appeared at the head of the Norfolk regiment of militia, of which he was colonel, even the great Lord Chatham broke out into enthusiasm : " Nothing," he wrote, " could make a bet- ter appearance than the two Norfolk battalions; Lord Orford, with the front of Mars himself, and really the greatest figure under arms I ever saw, was the theme of every tongue." His person and air, Horace Walpole declared, had a noble wildness in them: crowds followed the battalions when the king reviewed them in Hyde Park ; and among the gay young officers in their scarlet uniforms, faced with black, in their buff waistcoats and gold buttons, none was so conspicuous for martial bearing as Lord Orford, although classed by his uncle " among the knights of shires who had never in their lives shot any thing but woodcocks." But there was a peculiarity of character in the young peer which shocked Horace. " No man," he says in one of his letters, " ever felt such a disposition to love another as I did to love him. I flattered myself that he would restore some lustre to our house — at least not let it totally sink ; but I am forced to give him up, and all my Walpole views He has a good breeding, and attention when he is with you that is even flattering He promises, offers every 294 A VISIT TO HOUGHTON. thing one can wish ; but this is all : the instant he leaves you, -all the world are nothing to him ; he would not give himself the least trouble in the world to give any one satis- faction ; yet this is mere indolence of mind, not of body : his whole pleasure is outrageous exercise." "He is," in another place Horace adds, "the most selfish man in the world : without being in the least interested, he loves nobody but himself, yet neglects every view of fortune and ambition. Yet," he concludes, "it is impossible not to love him when one sees him : impossible to esteem him when one thinks on him." The young lord, succeeding to an estate deeply encumbered, both by his father and grandfather, rushed on the turf, and involved himself still more. In vain did Horace the younger endeavor to secure for him the hand of Miss Nicholls, an heir- ess with £50,000, and, to that end, placed the young lady with Horace the elder (Lord Walpole), at Wolterton. The scheme failed : the crafty old politician thought he might as well ben- efit his own sons as his nephew, for he had himself claims on the Houghton estate which he expected Miss Nicholls's fortune might help to liquidate. At length the insanity and recklessness displayed by his nephew — the handsome, martial George — induced poor Hor- ace to take aftairs in his own hands. His reflections, on his paying a visit to Houghton, to look after the property there, are pathetically expressed : "Here I am again at Houghton," he writes in March, 1761, " and alone ; in this spot where (except two hours last month) I have not been in sixteen years. Think what a crowd of reflections! . . . Here I am probably for the last time of my life : every clock that strikes, tells me I am an hour nearer to yonder church — that church into which I have not yet had courage to enter ; where lies that mother on whom I doted, and who doted on me ! There are the two rival mis- tresses of Houghton, neither of whom ever wished to enjoy it. There, too, is he who founded its greatness — to contribute to whose fall Europe was embroiled ; there he sleeps in quiet and dignity, while his friend and his foe — rather his false ally and real enemy — Newcastle and Bath, are exhausting the dregs of their pitiful lives in squabbles and pamphlets." When he looked at the pictures — that famous Houghton col- lection — the surprise of Horace was excessive. Accustomed to see nothing elsewhere but daubs, he gazed with ecstasy on them. "The majesty of Italian ideas," he says, "almost sinks before the warm nature of Italian coloring ! Alas ! don't I grow old ?" FAMILY MISFORTUNES. 295 As he lingered in the Gallery, with mingled pride and sad- ness, a party arrived to see the house — a man and three women, in riding-dresses — who "rode post" through the apartments. " I could not," he adds, " hurry before them fast enough ; they were not so long in seeing the whole gallery as I could have been in one room, to examine what I knew by heart. I re- member formerly being often diverted with this kind of seers ; they come, ask what such a room is called in which Sir Robert lay, write it down, admire a lobster or a cabbage in a Market Piece, dispute whether the last room was green or purple, and then hurry to the inn, for fear the fish should be overdressed. How different my sensations ! not a picture here but recalls a history; not one but I remember in Downing Street, or Chel- sea, where queens and crowds admired them, though seeing, them as little as these travelers !"* After tea he strolled into the garden. They told him it was now called a 2^€astire-(/ro2(nd. To Horace it was a scene of desolation — a floral Nineveh. " What a dissonant idea of pleasure ! those groves, those allees, where I have passed so many charming moments, were now stripped up or overgrown — many fond paths I could not unravel, though with an exact clew in my memory. I met two gamekeepers, and a thousand hares! In the days when all my soul was tuned to pleasure and vivacity (and you will think perhaps it is far from being out of tune yet), I hated Houghton and its solitude ; yet I loved this garden, as now, with many regrets, I love Hough- ton — Houghton, I know not what to call it — a monument of grandeur or ruin !" Although he did not go with the expectation of finding a land flowing with milk and honey, the sight of all this ruin long saddened his thoughts. All was confusion, disorder, debts, mortgages, sales, pillage, villainy, waste, folly, and mad- ness. The nettles and brambles in the park were up to his shoulders ; horses had been turned into the garden, and ban- ditti lodged in every cottage. The perpetuity of livings that came up to the very park palings had been sold, and the farms let at half their value. Certainly, if Houghton were bought by Sir Robert Walpole With public money, that public was now avenged. The owner of this ruined property had just stemmed the torrent ; but the worst was to come. The pictures were sold, and to Russia they went. While thus harassed by family misfortunes, other annoy- * Sir Robert Walpole purchased a house and garden at Chelsea in 1722, near the college adjoining Gough House. — Cunningham's "London." 296 POOR CHATTERTOX ! ances came. The mournful story of Chatterton's fate was painfully mixed up with the tenor of Horace Walpole's life. The gifted and unfortunate Thomas Chatterton was born at Bristol in 1752. Even from his birth fate seemed to pursue him, for he was a posthumous son : and if the loss of a father in the highest rauks of life be severely felt, how much more so is it to be deplored in those which are termed the working classes ! The friendless enthusiast was slow in learning to read ; but when the illuminated capitals of an old book were presented to him, he quickly learned his letters. This fact, and his being taught to read out of a black-letter Bible, are said to have ac- counted for his facility in the imitation of antiquities. Pensive and taciturn, he picked up education at a charity- school, until apprenticed to a scrivener, when he began that battle of life which ended to him so fatally. Upon very slight accidents did his destiny hinge. In those days women worked with thread, and used thread -papers. Now paper was dear : dainty matrons liked tasty thread-pa- pers. A pretty set of thread-papers, with birds or flowers painted on each, was no mean present for a friend. Chatter- ton, a quiet child, one day noticed that his mother's thread- papers Avere of no ordinary materials. They were made of l^archmeut, and on this parchment were some of the black-letter characters by which his childish attention had been fixed to his book. The fact was, that his uncle was sexton to the an- cient church of St. Mary Redeliffe, at Bristol ; and the parch- ment was the fruit of theft. Chatterton's father had carried off from a room in the church, certain ancient manuscripts, Avhich had been left about; being originally extracted from what was called Mr. Canynge's coffin. Xow, Mr. Canynge, an eminent merchant, had rebuilt St. Mary Redclifle in the reign of Edward IV. : and the parchments, therefore, were of some antiquity. The antiquary groans over their loss in vain : Chat- terton's father had covered his books with them ; his mother had used up the strips for thread-papers; and Thomas Chat- terton himself contrived to abstract a considerable portion also, for his own purposes. He was ingenious, industrious, a poet by nature, and, won- derful to say, withal a herald by taste. Upon his nefarious possessions, he founded a scheme of literary forgeries ; pur- porting to be ancient pieces of poetry found in Canynge's chest; and described as being the production of Thomas Can- ynge and of his friend, one Thomas Rowley, a priest. Money and books were sent to Chatterton in return for little strips of vellum, which he passed off as the original itself; and the sue- walpole' s concern with chattekton. 297 cessful forger might now be seen in deep thought, walking in the meadows near Redcliffe; a marked, admired poetic youth. In 1769, Chatterton wrote to Horace Walpole, offering to send him some accounts of eminent painters who had flourish- ed at Bristol, and at the same time mentioning the discovery of the poems, and inclosing some specimens. In a subsequent letter he begged Walpole to aid him in his wish to be treed from his then servile condition, and to be placed in one more congenial to his pursuits. In his choice of a patron poor Chatterton made a fatal mis- take. The benevolence of Horace was of a general kind, and never descended to any thing obscure or unappreciated. There was a certain hardness in that nature of his which had so pleas- ant an aspect. " An artist," he once said, " has his pencils — an author his pens — and the public must reward them as it pleases." Alas ! he forgot how long it is before penury, even ennobled by genius, can make itself seen, heard, approved, re- paid: how vast is the influence of prestige! how generous the hand which is extended to those in want, even if in error ! All that Horace did, however, was strictly correct : he showed the poems to Gray and Mason, who pronounced them forge- ries ; and he wrote a cold and reproving letter to the starving author: and no one could blame him: Chatterton demanded back his poems ; Walpole was going to Paris, and forgot to return them. Another letter came : the wounded poet again demanded them, adding, that W'alpole would not have dared to use him so had he not been poor. The poerus were return- ed in a blank cover: and here all Walpole's concern with Thomas Chatterton ends. All this happened in 17G9. In August, 1770, the remains of the unhappy youth were carried to the burial-ground of Shoe Lane workhouse, near Holborn. He had swallowed arsenic ; had lingered a day in agonies ; and then, at the age of eighteen, expired. Starvation had prompt- ed the act : yet on the day before he had committed it, he had refused a dinner, of which he was invited by his hostess to partake, assuring her that he was not hungry. Just or unjust', the world has never forgiven Horace Walpole for Chatterton's misery. His indifference has been contrasted with the gener- osity of Edmund Burke to Crabbe : a generosity to which we owe "The Village," "The Borough," and to which Crabbe owed his peaceful old age, and almost his existence. The eases were different; but Crabbe had his faults — and Chatter- ton was worth saving. It is well for genius that there are souls in the world more sympathizing, less worldly, and more indulgent, than those of such men as Horace Walpole. Even the editor of " Walpoliana" lets judgment go by default. " As N 2 298 ANECDOTE OP MADAME GEOPFEIN. to artists," he says, " he paid them what they earned, and he commonly employed mean ones, that the reward might be smaller." Let ns change the strain : stilled be the mournful note on which we have rested too long. What have wits and beaux and men of society to do with poets and beggars ? Behold, Horace, when he has written his monitory letter, packs up for Paris. Let us follow him there, and see him in the very cen- tre of his pleasures — in the salon of La Marquise du Defland. Horace Walpole had perfected his education, as a fine gen- tleman, by his intimacy with Madame GeoflVin, to whom Lady Hervey had introduced him. She called him le nouveau Riche- lieu; and Horace was sensible of so great a compliment from a woman at once " spirituelle and pieuse''' — a combination rare in France. Nevertheless, she had the national views of mat- rimony. " What have you done, Madame," said a foreigner to her, " with the poor man I used to see here, who never spoke a word ?" " Ah, mon Dieu /" was the reply, " that was my husband : he is dead." She spoke in the same tone as if she had been specifying the last new opera, or referring to the latest work in vogue : things just passed away. The Marquise du Deffand was a very different personage to Madame Geoffrin, whose great enemy she was. When Horace Walpole first entered into the society of the marquise, she was stone blind, and old ; but retained not only her wit, and her memory, but her passions. Passions, like artificial flowers, are unbecoming to age ; and those of the witty, athe- istical marquise are almost revolting. Scandal still attached her name to that of Henault, of whom Voltaire wrote the epi- taph beginning "Henault, fameux par vos scupers Et votre ' chronologic,' " etc. Henault was for many years deaf; and, during the whole of his life, disagreeable. There was something farcical in the old man's receptions on his death-bed ; while, among the rest of the company, came Madame du Defland, a blind old woman of seventy, who, bawling in his ear, aroused the lethargic man by inquiring after a former rival of hers, Madame de Castelmaron — about whom he went on babbling until death stopj^ed his voice. She was seventy years of age when Horace Walpole, at fifty, became her passion. She was poor and disreputable, and even the high position of having been mistress to the liegent could not save her from being decried by a large THE MISS BERK VS. 299 portion of that society which centred round the bel esprit. " She was," observes the biographer of Horace Walpole (the lamented author of the " Crescent and the Cross"), " always gay, always charming — every thing but a Christian." The loss of her eyesight did not impair the remains of her beauty : her replies, her compliments, were brilliant; even from one whose best organs of expression were mute. A frequent guest at her suppers, Walpole's kindness, real or pretended, soon made inroads on a heart still susceptible. The ever-green passions of this venerable sinner threw out fresh shoots ; and she became enamored of the attentive and admired Englishman. Horace was susceptible of ridicule: there his somewhat icy heart was easily touched. Partly in vanity, partly in playfulness, he encouraged the sentimental exaggeration of his correspondent; but, becoming afraid of the world's laughter, ended by reproving her warmth, and by chilling, under the refrigerating influence of his cautions, all the romance of the octogenarian. In later days, however, after his solicitude — partly soothed by the return of his letters to Madame du Deffand, partly by her death — had completely subsided, a happier friendship was permitted to solace his now increasing infirmities, as well as to enhance his social pleasures. It was during the year 1788, when he was living in retire- ment at Strawberry, that his auspicious friendship was formed. The only grain of ambition he had left, he declared, was to believe himself forgotten ; that was " the thread that had run through his life ;" " so true," he adds, " except the folly of be- ing an author, has been what I said last year to the Prince" (afterward George IV.) " when he asked me ' if I was a Free- mason,' I replied, ' No, sir ; I never was any thing.' " Lady Charleville told him that some of her friends had been to see Strawberry. " Lord !" cried one lady, " who is that Mr. Walpole ?" " Lord !" cried a second ; " don't you know the great epicure, Mr. Walpole?" "Who ?" cried the first — "great epicure! you mean the antiquarian." "Surely," adds Horace, " this anecdote may take its place in the chap- ter of local fame." « But he reverts to his new acquisition — the acquaintance of the Miss Berrys, who had accidentally taken a house next to his at Strawberry Hill. Their story, he adds, was a curi- ous one: their descent Scotch; their grandfather had an estate of £5000 a year, but disinherited his son on account of his marrying a woman with no fortune. She died, and the grand- father, wishing for an heir-male, pressed the widower to mar- ry again: he refused; and said he would devote himself to the 300 HORACE S TWO " STRAW BERRIES. education of his two daughters. The second son generously gave up £800 a year to his brother, and the two motherless girls were taken to the Continent, whence they returned the " best-informed and most perfect creatures that Horace Wal- pole ever saw at their age." Sensible, natural, frank, their conversation proved most agreeable to a man who was sated of grand society, and sick of vanity until he had indulged in vexation of spirit. He dis- covered by chance only — for there was no pedantry in these truly well-educated women — that the eldest understood Latin, and " was a perfect Frenchwoman in her language." Then the youngest drew well ; and copied one of Lady Di Beau- clerk's pictures, "The Gipsies," though she had never at- tempted colors before. Then, as to looks : Mary, the eldest, had a sweet face, the more interesting from being pale ; with fine dark eyes that were lighted up when she spoke. Agnes, the younger, was " hardly to be called handsome, but almost ;" with an agreeable, sensible countenance. It is remarkable that women thus delineated — not beauties, yet not plain — are always the most fascinating to men. The sisters doted on each other : Mary taking the lead in society. " I must even tell you," Horace wrote to the Countess of Ossory, " that they dress within the bounds of fashion, but without the excres- cences and balconies with which modern hoydens overwhelm and barricade their persons." (One would almost have sup- posed that Horace had lived in the days of crinoline.) The first night that Horace met the two sisters, he refused to be introduced to them : having heard so much of them that he concluded they would be " all pretension." The sec- ond night that he met them, he sat next Mary, and found her an " angel both inside and out." He did not know which he liked best; but Mary's face, which was formed for a senti- mental novel, or still more, for genteel comedy, riveted him, he owned. Mr. Berry, the father, was a little " merry man with a round face," whom no one would have suspected of sacri- ficing " all for love, and the world well lost." This delight- ful family visited him every Sunday evening ; the region of Twickenham being too " proclamatory" for cards to be intro- duced on the seventh day, conversation was tried instead; thankful, indeed, was Horace for the " pearls," as he styled them, thus thrown in his path. His two " Straw Berries," as he christened them, were henceforth the theme of eyery let- ter. He had set up a printing-press many years previously at Strawberry, and on taking the young ladies to see it, he re- membered the gallantry of his former days, and they found these stanzas in type : TAPPING A NEW REIGN. 301 "To Mary's lips has ancient Rome Her purest language taught ; And from the modern city home Agnes its pencil brought. "Rome's ancient Horace sweetly chants Such maids with lyric fire ; Albion's old Horace sings nor paints, He only can admire. " Still would his press their fame record, So amiable the pair is ! But, all ! how vain to think his word Can add a Straw to Berry's." On the following day, Mary, whom he terms the Latin Nymph, sent the following lines : "Had Rome's famed Horace thus addrest His Lydia or his Lyce, He had ne'er so oft complained their breast To him was cold and icy. " But had they sought their joy to explain, Or praise their generous bard, Perhaps, like me, they had tried in vain, And felt the task too hard." The society of this family gave him the truest, and perhaps the only relish he ever had of domestic life. But his mind was harassed toward the close of the eighteenth century, by the insanity not only of his nephew, but by the great national calamity, that of the king. "Every eighty-eight seems," he remarks, "to be a favorite period with fate;" he was "too ancient," he said, " to tap what might almost be called a new reign ;" of which he was not likely to see much. He never pretended to penetration, but his foresight, " if he gave it the rein," would not prognosticate much felicity to the country from the madness of his father, and the probable regency of the Prince of Wales. His happiest relations were now not with politics or literature, but with Mrs. Darner and the Miss Berrys, to whom he wrote: "I am afraid of protesting how much I delight in your society, lest I should seem to affect be- ing gallant ; but, if two negatives make an affirmative, why may not two ridicules compose one piece of sense ? and, there- fore, as I am in love with you both, I trust it is a proof of the good sense of your devoted — H. Walpole." He was doomed, in the decline of life, to witness two great national convulsions: of the insurrection of 1745 he wrote feelingly — justly — almost pathetically: forty-five years later, he was tired, he said, of railing against French barbarity and folly. " Legislators ! a Senate ! to neglect laws, in order to annihilate coats-of-arms and liveries !" George Selwyn said, 302 THE SIGN OF THE GOTHIC CASTLE. that Monsieur the king's brother was the only man of rank from whom they could not take a title. His alarm at the idea of his two young friends going to the Continent was excessive. The flame of revolution had burst forth at Florence : Flanders was not a safe road; dreadful horrors had been perpetrated at Avignon. Then he relates a characteristic anecdote of poor Marie Antoinette. She went with the king to see the manufacture of glass. As they passed the Halle, the pois- sarcles hurraed them. "Upon my word," said the queen, " these folks are civiler when you visit them than when they visit you." Walpole's affection for the Miss Berrys cast a glow of hap- piness over the fast-ebbing year of his life. " In happy days," — * he wrote to them when they were abroad, " I called you my dear wives ; now I can only think of you as darling children, \ of whom I am bereaved." He was proud of their affection ; proud of their spending many hours with " a very old man," while they were the objects of general admiration. These charming women survived until our own time: the centre of a circle of the leading characters in literature, politics, art, rank, and virtue. They are remembered with true regret. The fullness of their age perfected the promise of their youth. Samuel Rogers used to say that they had lived in the reign of Queen Anne, so far back seemed their memories which were so coupled to the past ; but the youth of their minds, their feelings, their intelligence, remained almost to the last. For many years Horace Walpole continued, in spite of in- cessant attacks of the gout, to keep almost open house at Strawberry ; in short, he said, he kept an inn — the sign, the Gothic Castle: "Take my advice," he wrote to a friend, " never build a charming house for yourself between London and Hampton Court ; every body will live in it but you." The death of Lady Suffolk, in 1767, had been an essential loss to her partial, and not too rigid neighbors. Two days be- fore the death of George II., she had gone to Kensington, not knowing that there was a review there. Hemmed in by coach- es, she found herself close to George II. and to Lady Yar- mouth. Neither' of them knew her — a circumstance which greatly affected the countess. Horace Walpole was now desirous of growing old with dig- nity. He had no wish " to dress up a withered person, nor to drag it about to public places;" but he was equally averse from "sitting at home, wrapped up in flannels," to receive condolences from people he did not care for — and attentions from relations who were impatient for his death. Well might a writer in the " Quarterly Review" remark, that our most GROWING OLD WITH DIGNITY. 303 useful lessons in reading Walpole's Letters are not only de- rived from his sound sense, but from "considering this man of the world, full of information and sparkling with vivacity, stretched on a sick-bed, and apprehending all the tedious lan- guor of helpless decrepitude and deserted solitude." His later years had been diversified by correspondence with Hannah More, who sent him her poems of the Bas Bleu, into which she had introduced his name. In 1786 she visited him at Strawberry Hill. He was then a martyr to the gout, but with spirits gay as ever : " I never knew a man suffer pain with such entire patience," was Hannah More's remark. His correspond- ence with her continued regularly ; but that with the charm- ing sisters was delightfully interrupted by their residence at Little Strawberry Hill — Cliveden.) as it was also called, where day after day, night after night, they gleaned stores from that rich fund of anecdote which went back to the days of George I., touched even on the anterior epoch of Anne, and came in volumes of amusement down to the very era when the old man was sitting by his parlor fire, happy with his icives near him, resigned and cheerful. For his young friends he com- posed his " Reminiscences of the Court of England." He still wrote cheerfully of his physical state, in which eye- sight was perfect ; hearing little impaired ; and though his hands and feet were crippled, he could use them ; and since he neither " wished to box, to wrestle, nor to dance a horn- pipe," he was contented. His character became softer, his wit less caustic, his heart more tender, his talk more reverent, as he approached the term of along, prosperous life — and knew, practically, the small value of all that he had once too fondly prized. His later years were disturbed by the marriage of his niece Maria Waldegrave to the Duke of Gloucester; but the se- verest interruption to his peace was his own succession to an earldom. In 1791, George, Earl of Orford, expired ; leaving an estate encumbered with debt, and, added to the bequest, a series of lawsuits threatened to break down all remaining comfort in the mind of the uncle, who had already suffered so much on the young man's account. He disdained the honors which brought him such solid trouble, with such empty titles, and for some time refused to sign himself otherwise, but "Uncle to the late Earl of Orford." He was certainly not likely to be able to walk in his robes to the House of Lords, or to grace a levee. However, he thank- ed God he was free from pain. " Since all my fingers are use- less," he wrote to Hannah More, " and that I have only six 304 walpole's last hours. hairs left, I am not very much grieved at not being able to comb my head !" To Hannah More he wrote, in all sincerity, referring to his elevation to the peerage : " For the other empty metamorphosis that has happened to the outward man, you do me justice in believing that it can do nothing but tease me ; it is being called names in one's old age :" in fact, he reckoned on being styled " Lord Methusalem." He had lived to hear of the cruel deaths of the once gay and high-born friends whom he had known in Paris, by the guillotine : he had lived to execrate the monsters who drove the grandest heroine of modern times, Marie Antoinette, to madness ; he lived to censure the infatuation of religious zeal in the Bir- mingham riots. " Are not the devils escaped out of the swine, and overrunning the earth headlong ?" he asked in one of his letters. He had offered his hand, and all the ambitious views which it opened, to each of the Miss Berry s successively, but they re- fused to bear his name, though they still cheered his solitude : and, strange to say, two of the most admired and beloved women of their time remained single. In 1796, the sinking invalid was persuaded to remove to Berkeley Square, to be within reach of good and prompt ad- vice. He consented unwillingly, for his " Gothic Castle" was his favorite abode. He left it with a presentiment that he should see it no more; but he followed the proffered advice, and in the spring of the year was established in Berkeley Square. His mind was still clear. He seems to have cherish- ed to the last a concern for that literary fame which he affect- ed to despise. " Literature has," he says, " many revolutions ; if an author could rise from the dead, after a hundred years, what would be his surprise at the adventures of his works ! I often say, perhaps my books may be published in Paternos- ter Row!" He would indeed have been astonished at the vast circulation of his Letters, and the popularity which has carried them into every aristocratic family in England. It is remarkable that among the middle and lower classes they are far less known. He was essentially the chronicler, as well as the wit and beau, of St. James's, of Windsor, and Richmond. At last he declared that he should " be content with a sprig of rosemary" thrown on him when the parson of the parish commits his " dust to dust." The end of his now suffering existence was near at hand. Irritability, one of the unpitied accompaniments of weakness, seemed to compete with the gathering clouds of mental darkness as the last hour drew on. At intervals there were flashes of a wit that appeared at that solemn moment hardly natural, and that must have startled, LET U>S NOT BE UNGRATEFUL. :J05 rather than pleased, the watchful friends around him. He be- came unjust in his fretfulness, and those who loved him most could not wish to see him survive the wreck of his intellect. Fever came on, and he died on the 2d of March, 1797. He had collected his letters from his friends : these epistles were deposited in two boxes, one marked with an A., the other with a B. The chest A. was not to be opened until the eldest son of his grandniece. Lady Laura, should attain the age of twenty-five. The chest was found to contain memoirs, and bundles of letters ready for publication. It was singular, at the sale of the effects at Strawberry Hill, to see this chest, with the MSS. in the clean Uoratian hand, and to reflect how poignant would have been the anguish of the writer could he have seen his Gothic Castle given up for fourteen days, to all that could pain the living or degrade the dead. Peace to his manes, prince of letter-writers; prince com- panion of beaux ; wit of the highest order ! Without thy pen, society in the eighteenth century would have been to us almost as dead as the beau monde of Pompeii, or the remains of Etruscan leaders of the ton. Let us not be ungrateful to our Horace : we owe him more than we could ever have calculated on before we knew him through his works : prejudiced, he was not false ; cold, he was rarely cruel ; egotistical, he was seldom vainglorious. Every age should have a Horace Walpole ; ev- ery country possess a chronicler so sure, so keen to perceive, so exact to delineate peculiarities, manners, characters, and events. GEORGE SELWYN. I have heard, at times, of maiden ladies of a certain age who found pleasure in the affection of " spotted snakes with double tongue, thorny hedge-hogs, newts, and in live worms." I know that Leonardo da Vinci was partial to all that is hor- rible in nature. I frequently meet ladies who think conversa- tion lacks interest without the recital of " melancholy deaths," " fatal diseases," and " mournful cases ;" on ne dispute pas les gouts, and certainly the taste for the night side of nature seems immensely prevalent among the lower orders — in whom, per- haps, the terrible only can rouse from a sullen insensibility. What happy people, I always think to myself, when I hear of the huge attendance on the last tragic performance at New- gate; how very little they can see of mournful and horrible in common life, if they seek it out so eagerly, and relish it so thoroughly, when they find it ! I don't know ; for my own part, gaudeamus. I have always thought that the text, " Bless- ed are they that mourn," referred to the inner private life, not to a perpetual display of sackcloth and ashes ; but I know not. I can understand the weeping-willow taste among people, who have too little wit or too little Christianity to be cheerful, but it is a wonder to find the luxury of gloom united to the keenest perception of the laughable in such a man as George Selwyn. If human beings could be made pets, like Miss Tabitha's snake or toad, Selwyn would have fondled a hangman. He loved the noble art of execution, and was a connoisseur of the execution of the art. In childhood he must have decapitated his rocking-horse, hanged his doll in a miniature gallows, and burnt his bawbles at mimic stakes. The man whose calm eye was watched for the quiet sparkle that announced — and only that ever did announce it — the flashing wit within the mind, by a gay crowd of loungers at Arthur's, might be found next day rummaging among coffins in a damp vault, glorying in a mummy, confessing and preparing a live criminal, paying any sum for a relic of a dead one, or pressing eagerly forward to witness the dying agonies of a condemned man. Yet Walpole and Warner both bore the highest testimony to the goodness of his heart ; and it is impossible to doubt that his nature was as gentle as a woman's. There have been other instances of even educated men delierhtina; in scenes of 308 ANECDOTES OF SELWYN S MOTHER. suffering; but in general their characters have been more or less gross, their hearts more or less insensible. The husband of Madame Recamier went daily to see the guillotine do its vile work during the Reign of Terror ; but then he was a man who never wept over the death of a friend. The man who was devoted to a little child, whom he adopted and treated with the tenderest care, was veiy different from M. Recamier — and that he had a heart there is no doubt. He was an anomaly, and famous for being so ; though, perhaps, his well- known eccentricity was taken advantage of by his witty friends, and many a story fathered on Selwyn which has no origin but in the brain of its narrator. George Augustus Selwyn, then, famous for his wit, and no- torious for his love of horrors, was the second son of a country gentleman, of Matson, in Gloucestershire, Colonel John Selwyn, who had been an aid-de-camp of Marlborough's, and afterward a frequenter of the courts of the first two Georges. He inher- ited his wit chiefly from his mother, Mary, the daughter of General Farington or Farringdon, of the county of Kent. Wal- pole tells us that she figured among the beauties of the court of the Prince and Princess of Wales, and was bedchamber- woman to Queen Caroline. Her character was not spotless, for we hear of an intrigue, which her own mistress imparted in confidence to the Duchess of Orleans (the mother of the Regent : they wrote on her tomb Cy gist Voisivete, because idleness is the mother of all vice), and which eventually found its way into the " Utrecht Gazette." It was Mrs. Selwyn, too, who said to George II., that he was the last person she^hould ever have an intrigue with, because she was sure he would tell the queen of it : it was well known that that very virtuous sovereign made his wife the confidante of his amours, which was even more shameless than young De Sevigne's taking ad- vice from his mother on his intrigue with Ninon de FEnclos. She seems to have been reputed a wit, for Walpole retains her mots as if they were worth it, but they are not very remarka- ble : for instance, when Miss Pelham lost a pair of diamond earrings, which she had borrowed, and tried to faint when the loss was discovered, some one called for lavender-drops as a restorative. " Pooh !" cried Mrs. Selwyn, " give her diamond- drops." George Augustus was born on the 11th of August, 1719. Walpole says that he knew him at eight years old, and as the two were at Eton about the same time, it is presumed that they were contemporaries there. In fact, a list of the boys there, in 1732, furnished to Eliot Warburton, contains the names of Walpole, Selwyn, Edgecombe, and Conway, all in selwyn's college days. 309 after life intimate friends and correspondents. From Eton to Oxford was the natural course, and George was duly entered at Hertford College. He did not long grace Alma Mater, for the grand tour had to be made, and London life to be begun, but he was there long enough to contract the usual Oxford debts, which his father consented to pay more than once. It is amusing to find the son getting Dr. Newton to write him a contrite and respectful letter to the angry parent, to liquidate the " small accounts" accumulated in London and Oxford as early as 1740. Three years later we find him in Paris, leading a gay life, and writing respectful letters to England for more money. Previously to this, however, he had obtained, through his father, the sinecure of Clerk of the Irons and surveyor of the Meltings at the Mint, a comfortable little appointment, the duties of which were performed by deputy, while its holder contented himself with honestly acknowledging the salary, and dining once a week, when in town, with the officers of the Mint, and at the Government's expense. So far the young gentleman went on well enough, but in 1744 he returned to England, and his rather rampant charac- ter showed itself in more than one disgraceful affair. Among the London shows was Orator Henley, a clergyman and clergyman's son, and a member of St. John's, Cambridge. He had come to London about this time, and instituted a series of lectures on universal knowledge and primitive Christianity. He styled himself a Rationalist, a title then more honorable than it is now ; and, in grandiloquent language, " spouted" on religious subjects to an audience admitted at a shilling a head. On one occasion he announced a disputation among any two of his hearers, offering to give an impartial hearing and judg- ment to both. Selwyn and the young Lord Carteret were pre- pared, and stood up, the one to defend the ignorance, the other the impudence, of Orator Henley himself; so, at least, it is in- ferred from a passage in D'Israeli the Elder. The uproar that ensued can well be imagined. Henley himself made his escape by a back door. His pulpit, all gilt, has been immortalized by Pope, as " Henley's gilt tub ;" in which "Imbrown'd with native bronze, lo! Henley stands, Tuning his voice and balancing his hands." The affair gave rise to a correspondence between the Orator and his young friends ; who, doubtless, came off best in the matter. This was harmless enough, but George's next freak was not so excusable. The circumstances of this affair are narrated in a letter from Captain Nicholson, his friend, to George Selwyn ; and may, therefore, be relied on. It appears that being at a 310 selwyn's blasphemous freak. certain club in Oxford, at a wine-party Avitli his friends, George sent to a certain silversmith's for a certain chalice, intrusted to the shopkeeper from a certain church to be repaired in a certain manner. This being brought, Master George — then, be it remembered, not at the delicate and frivolous age of most Oxford boys, but at the mature one of six-and-twenty — filled it with wine, and handing it round, used the sacred w r orinster of the most rigid virtue. We can imagine her indignation, and how sharply she rung the bell, when the surgeon had delicately explained the object of his visit, and how eagerly he took refuge in the coach. Hook had, of course, walked quietly away in the mean time, and the Galenite had to pay the demand of Jehu. 416 hook's talents as an improvisatore. The hoaxing stories of Theodore Hook are numberless. Hoaxing was the fashion of the day, and a childish fashion too. Charles Mathews, whose face possessed the flexibility of an acrobat's body, and who could assume any character or disguise on the shortest notice, was his great confederate in these plots. The banks of the Thames were their great resort. At one point there was Mathews talking gibberish in a dis- guise intended to represent the Spanish embassador, and act- ually deceiving the Woolwich authorities by his clever imper- sonation. At another, there was Hook landing uninvited with his friends upon the well-known, sleek-looking lawn of a testy little gentleman, drawing out a note-book and talking so au- thoritatively about the survey for a canal, to be undertaken by government, that the owner of the lawn becomes frightened, and in his anxiety attempts to conciliate the mighty self-macle official by the oiler of dinner — of course accepted. Then the Arcades ambo show off their jesting tricks at Croydon fair, a most suitable place for them. On one occasion Hook personates a madman, accusing Mathews, " his brother," of keeping him out of his rights and in his custody. The whole fair collects around them, and begins to sympathize with Hook, who begs them to aid in his escape from his " brother." A sham escape and sham capture take place, and the party ad- journ to the inn, where Mathews, who had been taken by sur- prise by the new pai't suddenly played by his confederate, seized uf>on a hearse, which drew up before the inn, on its re- turn from a funeral, persuaded the company to bind the " mad- man," who was now becoming furious, and would have deposit- ed him in the gloomy vehicle if he had not succeeded in snap- ping his fetters, and so escaped. In short, they were two boys, with the sole difference that they had sufficient talent and ex- perience of the world to maintain admirably the parts they assumed. But a far more famous and more admirable talent in Theo- dore than that of deception was that of improvising. The art of improvising belongs to Italy and the Tyrol. The wondei'- ful gift of ready verse to express satire and ridicule, seems, as a rule, to be confined to the inhabitants of these two lands. Others are, indeed, scattered over the world, w r ho possess this gift, but very sparsely. Theodore Hook stands almost alone in this country as an improviser. Yet, to judge of such of his verses as have been preserved, taken down from memory or what not, the grand effect of them — and no doubt it was grand — must have been owing more to his maimer and his acting than to any intrinsic value in the verses themselves, which are, for the most part, slight, and devoid of actual wit, though TlIEOHO;.E Il'MIKS KNUINKEUINU 1'IluUl THE GIFT BECOMES HIS BAXE. 419 abounding in puns. Shei'idan's testimony to the wonderful powers of the man is, perhaps, more valuable than that of any- one else, for Sherry was a good judge both of verse and of wit. One of Hook's earliest displays of his talent was at a dinner given by the Drury Lane actors to Sheridan at the Piazza Cof- fee House in 1808. Here, as usual, Hook sat down to the pi- ano, and, touching off a few chords, gave verse after verse on all the events of the entertainment, on each person present, though he now saw many of them for the first time, and on any thing connected with the matters of interest before them. Sheridan was delighted, and declared that he could not have believed such a faculty possible if he had not witnessed its ef- fects ; that no description " could have convinced him of so peculiar an instance of genius," and so forth. One of his most extraordinary efforts in this line is related by Mr. Jordan. A dinner was given by Mansell Reynolds to Lockhart, Luttrell, Coleridge, Hook, Tom Hill, and others. The grown-up schoolboys, pretty far gone in Falernian, of a home-made and very homely vintage, amused themselves by breaking the wine-glasses, till Coleridge was set to demolish the last of them with a fork thrown at it from the side of the table. Let it not be supposed that any teetotal spirit sug- gested this icouoclasm, far from it — the glasses were too small, and the poets, the wits, the punsters, the jesters, preferred to drink their port out of tumblers. After dinner Hook gave one of his songs, which satirized successively, and successfully, each person present. He was then challenged to improvise on any given subject, and by way of one as far distant from poetry as could be, cocoanut oil was fixed upon. Theodore accepted the challenge ; and after a moment's consideration began his lay with a description of the Mauritius, which he knew so well, the negroes dancing round the cocoanut-tree, the process of extracting the oil, and so forth, all in excellent- rhyme and rhythm, if not actual poetry. Then came the voy- age to England, hits at the Italian warehousemen, and so on, till the oil is brought into the very lamp before them in that very room, to show them with the light it feeds, and make them able to break wine-glasses and get drunk from tumblers. This Ave may be sure Hook himself did, for one, and the rest were probably not much behind him. In late life this gift of Hook's — improvising I mean, not get- ting intoxicated — was his highest recommendation in society, and at the same time his bane. Like Sheridan, he was ruined by his wonderful natural powers. It can well be imagined that to improvise in the manner in which Hook did it, and at a mo- ment's notice, required some effort of the intellect. This effort 420 hook's novels. became greater as circumstances depi-essed his spirits more and more, and yet, with evei'y care upon his mind, he was expected, wherever he went, to amuse the guests with a display of his tal- ent. He could not do so without stimulants, and, rather than give up society, fell into habits of drinking, which hastened his death. We have thrown together the foregoing anecdotes of Hook, irresj^ective of time, in order to show what the man's gifts were, and what his title to be considered a wit. We must proceed more steadily to a review of his life. Successful as Hook had proved as a writer for the stage, he suddenly and without any sufficient cause rushed off into another branch of literature, that of novel- writing. His first attempt in this kind of fiction was " The Man of Sorrow," published under the nom tie plume of Alfred Allendale. This was not, as its name would seem to imply, a novel of pathetic cast, but the history of a gentleman whose life from beginning to end is rendered wretched by a succession of mishaps of the most ludicrous but improbable kind. Indeed, Theodore's novels, like his stage- pieces, are gone out of date in an age so practical that even in romance it will not allow of the slightest departure from reality. Their very style was ephemeral, and their interest could not outlast the generation to amuse which they were penned. This first novel was written when Hook was one- and-twenty. Soon after he was sent to Oxford, where he had been entered at St. Mary's Hall, more affectionately known by the nickname of " Skimmery." No selection could have been worse. Skimmery was, at that day, and until quite re- cently, a den of thieves, where young men of fortune and folly submitted to be pillaged in return for being allowed perfect license, as much to eat as they could possibly swallow, and far more to drink than w r as at all good for them. It has re- quired all the enterprise of the present excellent Principal to convert it into a place of sober study. It was then the most " gentlemanly" residence in Oxford ; for a gentleman in those days meant a man who did nothing, spent his own or his fa- ther's guineas with a brilliant indifference to consequences, and Avho applied his mind solely to the art of frolic. It was the very place where Hook would be encouraged instead of restrained in his natural propensities, and had he remained there, he would probably have ruined himself and his father long before he had put on the sleeves. At the matriculation itself he gave a specimen of his "fun." When asked, according to the usual form, " if he was willing to sign the Thirty-nine Articles," he replied, " Certainly, sir ; forty if you please." The gravity of the stern Vice-Chancel- COLLEGE FUN. 421 lor was upset, but as no Oxford Don can ever pardon a joke, however good, Master Theodore was very nearly being dis- missed, had not his brother, by this time a Prebendary of Winchester, and "an honor to his college, sir," interceded in his favor. The night before, he had given a still better specimen of his impudence. He had picked up a number of old Harrowvians, with whom he had repaired to a tavern for song, supper, and sociability, and as usual in such cases, in the lap of Alma Ma- ter, the babes became sufficiently intoxicated, and not a little uproarious. Drinking in a taveni is forbidden by Oxonian statutes, and one of the proctors happening to pass in the street outside, was attracted into the hoxtse by the sound of somewhat unscholastic merriment. The effect can be imag- ined. All the youths were in absolute terror, except Theo- dore, and looked in vain for some way to escape. The wary and faithful "bull-dogs" guarded the doorway; the marshal, predecessor of the modern omniscient Brown, advanced re- spectfully behind the proctor into the room, and passing a penetrating glance from one youth to the other, all of whom — except Theodore again — he knew by sight — for that is the pride and pleasure of a marshal — mentally registered their names in secret hopes of getting half a crown apiece to forget them again. No mortal is more respectful in his manner of accosting you than an Oxford proctor, for he may make a mistake, and a mistake may make him very miserable. When, for instance, a highly respectable lady was the other day lodged, in spite of protestations, in the " Procuratorial Rooms," and there locked up on suspicion of being somebody very different, the over- zealous proctor who had ordered her incarceration was sued for damages for £300, and had to pay them too ! Therefore the gentleman in question most graciously and suavely in- quired of Mr. Theodore Hook — " I beg your pardon, sir, but are you a member of this uni- versity ?" — the usual form. " No, sir, I am not. Are you ?" The suavity at once changed to grave dignity. The proc- tor lifted up the hem of his garment, which being of broad velvet, with the selvage on it, was one of the insignia of his office, and sternly said, " You see this, sir." " Ah !" said Hook, cool as ever, and quietly feeling the ma- terial, which he examined with apparent interest, " I see ; Man- chester velvet : and may I take the liberty, sir, of inquiring how much you have paid per yard for the article?" A roar of laughter from all present burst out with such ve- 422 THE "PUNNING FACULTY. hemence that it shot the poor official, red with suppressed an- ger, into the street again, and the merrymakers continued their bout till the approach of midnight, when they were obliged to return to their respective colleges. Had Theodore proceeded in this way for several terms, no doubt the outraged authorities would have added his name to the list of the great men whom they have expelled from time to time most unproj)hetically. As it was, he soon left the groves of Academus, and sought those of Fashion in town. His matriculation into this new university was much more au- spicious ; he was hailed in society as already fit to take a degree of bachelor of his particular arts, and ere long his improvising, his fun, his mirth — as yet natural and overboiling — his wicked punning, and his tender wickedness, induced the same institu- tion to offer him the grade of " Master" of those arts. In after years he rose to be even " Doctor," and many, perhaps, were the minds diseased to which his well-known mirth ministered. It was during this period that some of his talents were displayed in the manner we have described, though his great fame as an improvisatore was established more completely in later days. Yet he had already made himself a name in that species of wit — not a very high one — which found favor with the society of that period. We allude to imitation, " taking off," and punning. The last contemptible branch of wit-mak- ing, now happily confined to " Punch," is as old as variety of language. It is not possible with sinrple vocabularies, and accordingly is seldom met with in purely-derived languages. Yet we have Roman and Greek puns ; and English is peculiar- ly adapted to this childish exercise, because, being made up of several languages, it necessarily contains many words which are like in sound and unlike in meaning. Punning is, in fact, the vice of English wit, the temptation of English mirth-mak- ers, and, at last, we trust, the scorn of English good sense. But in Theodore's day it held a high place, and men who had no real wit about them could twist and turn words and com- binations of words with great ingenuity and much readiness, to the delight of their listeners. Pun-making was a fashion among the conversationists of that day, and took the place of better wit. Hook was a disgraceful punster, and a successful one. He strung puns together by the score — nothing more easy — in his improvised songs and conversation. Take an in- stance from his quiz on the march of intellect : "Hackney-coachmen from Swift shall reply, if you feel Annoyed at being needlessly shaken ; And butchers, of course, be flippant from Steele, And pig-drivers well versed in Bacon. OFFICIAL LIFE OPENS. 423 From Locke, shall the hlacksmiths authority brave, And gas-men cite Coke at discretion ; Undertakers talk Gay as they go to the grave, And watermen Rowe by profession." I have known a party of naturally stupid people produce a whole century of puns one after another, on any subject that presented itself, and I am inclined to think that nothing can, at the same time, be more nauseous, or more destructive to real wit. Yet Theodore's strength lay in puns, and when shorn of them, the Philistines might well laugh at his want of strength. Surely his title to wit does not lie in that di- rection. However, he amused, and that gratis ; and an amusing man makes his way any where if he have only sufficient tact not to abuse his privileges. Hook grew great in London society for a time, and might have grown greater if a change had not come. He had supported himself, up to 1812, almost entirely by his pen ; and the goose-quill is rarely a staff, though it may sometimes be a walking-stick. It was clear that he needed — what so many of us need and can not get — a certainty. Happy fellow ; he might have begged for an appointment for years in vain, as many another does, but it fell into his lap, no one knows how, and at four-and-twenty Mr. Theodore Edward Hook was made treasurer to the Island of Mauritius, with a salary of £2000 per annum. This was not to be, and was not, sneezed at. In spite of climate, musquitoes, and so forth, Hook took the money and sailed. We have no intention of entering minutely upon his conduct in this office, which has nothing to do with his character as a wit. There are a thousand and one reasons for believing him guilty of the charges brought against him, and a thousand and one for supposing him guiltless. Here was a young man, gay, jovial, given to society entirely, and not at all to arithmetic, put into a very trying and awkward position — native clerks who would cheat if they could, English governors who would find fault if they could, a disturbed treasury, an awkward cur- rency, liars for witnesses, and undeniable evidence of defalca- tion. In a word, an examination was made into the state of the treasury of the island, and a large deficit found. It re- mained to trace it home to its original author. Hook had not acquired the best character in the island. Those who know the official dignity of a small British colony can well understand how his pleasantries must have shocked, those worthy big-wigs who, exalted from Pump Court, Tem- ple, or Paradise Row, Old Brompton, to places of honor and high salaries, rode their high horses with twice the exclusive- 424 CHARGE OF EMBEZZLEMENT. ness of those " to the manor born." For instance, Hook was once, by a mere chance, obliged to take the chair at an official dinner, on which occasion the toasts proposed by the chairman were to be accompanied by a salute from guns without. Hook went through the list, and seemed to enjoy toast-drinking so much that he was quite sorry to have come to the end of it, and continued, as if still from the list, to propose successively the health of each officer present. The gunners were growing quite weary, but, having their orders, dared not complain. Hook was delighted, and went on to the amazement and amusement of all who were not tired of the noise, each youth- ful sub, taken by surprise, being quite gratified at the honor done him. At last there was no one left to toast; but the wine had taken effect, and Hook, amid roars of laughter in- side, and roars of savage artillery without, proposed the health of the waiter who had so ably officiated. This done, he be- thought him of the cook, who was sent for to return thanks ; but the artillery officer had by this time got wind of the affair, and feeling that more than enough powder had been wasted on the health of gentlemen who were determined to destroy it by the number of their potations, took on himself the respons- ibility of ordering the gunners to stop. On another occasion he incurred the displeasure of the gov- ernor, General Hall, by fighting a duel — fortunately as harm- less as that of Moore and Jeffrey — " When Little's leadless pistol met his eye, And Bow-street myrmidons stood laughing by," as Byron says. The governor was sensible enough to wish to put down the " Gothic appeal to arms," and was therefore the more irate. These circumstances must be taken into consideration in Hook's favor in examining the charge of embezzlement. It must also be stated that the information of the deficit was sent in a letter to the governor by a man named Allan, chief clerk in the Treasury, who had, for irregular conduct, been already threatened with dismissal. Allan had admitted that he had known of the deficit for fifteen months, and yet he had not, till he was himself in trouble, thought of making it known to the proper authorities. Before his examination, which of course followed, could be concluded, Allan committed suicide. Now, does it not, on the face of it, seem of the highest proba- bility that this man was the real delinquent, and that, know- ing that Hook had all the responsibility, and having taken fair precautions against his own detection, he had anticipated a discovery of the affair by a revelation, incriminating the treas- urer ? Qirien .sabe ; — dead men tell no tales. MISFORTUNE. 425 The chest, however, was examined, and the deficit found far greater yet than had been reported. Hook could not ex- plain, could not understand it at all ; but if not criminal, he had necessarily been careless. He was arrested, thrown into prison, and by the first vessel dispatched to England to take his trial, his property of every kind having been sold for the Government. Hook, in utter destitution, might be supposed to have lost his usual spirits, but he could not resist a joke. At St. Helena he met an old friend going out to the Cape, who, surprised at seeing him on his return voyage after a res- idence of only five years, said, "I hope you are not going home for your health." " Why," said Theodore, " I am sor- ry to say they think there is something wrong in the chesty " Something wrong in the chest" became henceforward the or- dinary phrase in London society in referring to Hook's scrape. Arrived in England, he was set free, the Government here having decided that he could not be criminally tried ; and thus Hook, guilty or not, had been ruined and disgraced for life for simple carelessness. True, the custody of a nation's property makes negligence almost criminal ; but that does not excuse the punishment of a man before he is tried. He was summoned, however, to the Colonial Audit Board, where he underwent a trying examination ; after which he was declared to be in the debt of Government : a writ of extent was issued against him ; nine months were passed in that de- lightful place of residence — a sponging-house, which he then exchanged for the " Rules of the Bench" — the only rules which have no exception. From these he was at last liberated, in 1825, on the understanding that he was to repay the money to Government if at any time he should be in a position to do so. His liberation was a tacit acknowledgment of his innocence of the charge of robbery; his encumberment with a debt caused by another's delinquencies was, we presume, a signifi- cation of his responsibility and some kind of punishment for his carelessness. Certainly it was hard upon Hook, that, if innocent, he should not have gone forth without a stain on his character for honesty; and it was unjust that, if guilty, he should not have been punished. The judgment was one of those compromises with stern justice which are seldom satis- factory to either party. The fact was that, guilty or not guilty, Hook had been both incompetent and inconsiderate. Doubtless he congratulated himself highly on receiving, at the age of twenty-five, an ap- pointment worth £2000 a year in the paradise of the world ; but how short-sighted his satisfaction, since this very appoint- 426 DOUBLY DISGRACED. ment left him some ten years later a pauper to begin life anew with an indelible stain on his character. It was absurd to give so young a man such a post ; but it was absolutely wrong in Hook not to do his utmost to carry out his duties properly. Nay, he had trifled with the public money in the same liberal — perhaps a more liberal — spirit as if it had been his own — made advances and loans here and there injudiciously, and taken little heed of the consequences. Probably, at this day, the common opinion acquits Hook of a designed and compli- cated fraud ; but common opinion never did acquit him of mis- conduct, and even by his friends this affair was looked upon with a suspicion that preferred silence to examination. But why take such pains to exonerate Hook from a charge of robbery, when he was avowedly guilty of as bad a sin, of which the law took no cognizance, and which society forgave far more easily than it could have done for robbing the state ? Soon after his return from the Mauritius, he took lodgings in the cheap but unfashionable neighborhood of Somers Town. Here, in the moment of his misfortune, when doubting wheth- er disgrace, imprisonment, or what not awaited him, he sought solace in the affection of a young woman, of a class certainly much beneath his, and of a character unfit to make her a valu- able companion to him. Hook had received little moral train- ing, and had he done so, his impulses were sufficiently strong to overcome any amount of principle. With this person — to use the modern slang which seems to convert a glaring sin into a social misdemeanor — " he formed a connection." In other words, he destroyed her virtue. Hateful as such an act is, we must, before we can condemn a man for it without any recommendation to mercy, consider a score of circumstances which have rendered the temptation stronger and the result almost involuntary. Hook was not a man of high moral char- acter — very far from it — but we need not therefore suppose that he sat down coolly and deliberately, like a villain in a novel, to effect the girl's ruin. But the Rubicon once passed, how difficult is the retreat! There are but two paths open to a man who would avoid living a life of sin : the one, to marry his victim ; the other, to break off the connection before it is too late. The first is, of course, the more proper course ; but there are cases where marriage is impossible. From the lat- ter a man of any heart must shrink with horror. Yet there are cases, even, where the one sin will prove the least — where she who has loved too well may grieve bitterly at parting, yet will be no more open to temptation than if she had never fall- en. Such cases are rare, and it is not probable that the young person with whom Hook had become connected would have ATTACKS ON THE QUEEN. 425 retrieved the fatal error. She became a mother, and there was no retreat. It is clear that Hook ought to have married her. It is evident that he was selfish and wrong not to do so ; yet he shrank from it weakly, wickedly, and he was punished for his shrinking. He had sufficient feeling not to throw his victim over, yet he was content to live a life of sin and to keep her in such a life. This is, perhaps, the blackest stain on Hook's character. When Fox married, in consequence of a similar connection, he " settled down," retrieved his early errors, and became a better man, morally, than he had ever been. Hook ought to have married. It was the cowardly dread of public opinion that deterred him from doing so, and, in consequence, he was never happy, and felt that this connec- tion was a perpetual burden to him. Wrecked and ruined, Hook had no resource but his literary talents, and it is to be deplored that he should have prostitu- ted these to serve an ungentlemanly and dishonorable party in their onslaught upon an unfortunate woman. Whatever may be now thought of the queen of "the greatest gentleman" — or roue — of Europe, those who hunted her down will never be pardoned, and Hook was one of those. We have cried out against an Austrian general for condemning a Hungarian lady to the lash, and we have seen, with delight, a mob chase him through the streets of London and threaten his veiy life. But we have not only pardoned, but even praised, our favorite wit for far worse conduct than this. Even if we allow, which we do not, that the queen was one half as bad as her enemies, or rather her husband's toadies, would make her out, we can not forgive the men who, shielded by their incognito, and perfect- ly free from danger of any kind, set upon a woman with libels, invectives, ballads, epigrams, aud lampoons, which a lady could scarcely read, and of which a royal lady, and many an English gentlewoman, too, were the butts. The vilest of all the vile papers of that day was the " John Bull," now settled down to a quiet periodical. Perhaps the real John Bull, heavy, good-natured lumberer as he is, was never worse represented than in this journal which bore his name, but had little of his kindly spirit. Hook was its origin- ator, and for a long time its main supporter. Scurrility, scan- dal, libel, baseness of all kinds formed the fuel with which it blazed, and the wit, bitter, unflinching, unsparing, which puff- ed the flame up, was its chief recommendation. No more disgraceful climax was ever reached by a disgrace- ful dynasty of profligates than that which found a King of England — long, as Regent, the leader of the profligate and de- graded — at war with his injured queen. None have deserved 42S AN INCONGRUOUS MIXTURE. better the honest gratitude of their country than those who, like Henry Brougham, defended the oppressed woman in spite of opposition, obloquy, and ridicule. But we need not go deeply into a history so fresh in the minds of all, as that blot which shows John Bull himself up- holding a wretched dissipated monarch against a wife, who, whatever her faults, was still a woman, and whatever her spirit — for she had much of it, and showed it grandly at need — was still a lady. Suffice it to say that "John Bull" was the most violent of the periodicals that attacked her, and that Theodore Hook, no Puritan himself, was the principal writer in that paper. If you can imagine "Punch" turned Conservative, incorpo- rated in one paper with the " Morning Herald," so that a col- umn of news was printed side by side with one of a jocular character, and these two together devoted without principle to the support of a party, the attack of Whiggism, and an un- blushing detractation of the chai'acter of one of our princess- es, you can form some idea of what " John Bull" was in those days. There is, however, a difference : " Punch" attacks pub- lic characters, and ridicules public events ; " John Bull" drag- ged out the most retired from their privacy, and attacked them with calumnies, for which, often, there was no founda- tion. Then, again, "Punch" is not nearly so bitter as was " John Bull :" there is not in the " London Charivari" a de- termination to say every thing that spite can invent against any particular set or party ; there is a good-nature, still, in Master "Punch." It was quite the reverse in "John Bull," established for one purpose, and devoted to that. Yet the wit in Theodore's paper does not rise much higher than that of our modern laughing philosopher. Of Hook's contributions the most remarkable was the "Rams- bottom Letters," in which Mrs. Lavinia Dorothea Ramsbottom describes all the memory billions of her various tours at home and abroad, always, of course, with more or less allusion to political affairs. The " fun" of these letters is very inferior to that of " Jeames" or of the " Snob Papers," and consists more in Malaprop absurdities and a wide range of bad puns, than in any real wit displayed in them. Of the style of both, we take an extract any where : " Oh ! Mr. Bull, Room is raley a beautiful place. We en- tered it by the Point of Molly, which is just like the Point and Sally at Porchmouth, only they call Sally there Port, which is not known in Room. The Tiber is a nice river ; it looks yel- low, but it does the same there as the Tames does here. We hired a carry-lettz and a cocky-oily to take us to the Church HOOK S SONG ON CLUBS. 429 of Salt Peter, which is prodigious big ; in the centre of the pi- zarro there is a basilisk very high, on the right and left two handsome foundlings ; and the farcy, as Mr. Fulrner called it, is ornamented with collateral statutes of some of the Apos- tates." We can quite imagine that Hook wrote many of these let- ters in his cups. Some are laughable enough, but the major- ity are so deplorably stupid, reeking with puns and scurrility, that when the temporary interest was gone, there was nothing left to attract a reader. It is scarcely possible to laugh at the Joe-Millerish mistakes, the old-world puns, and the trite sto- ries of Hook " remains." Remains ! indeed ; they had better have remained where they were. Besides prose of this kind, Hook contributed various jin- gles — there is no other name for them — arranged to popular tunes, and intended to become favorites with the country peo- ple. These, like the prose effusions, served the purpose of an hour, and have no interest now. Whether they were ever really popular remains to be proved. Certes, they are forgot- ten now, and long since even in the most conservative corners of the country. Many of these have the appearance of having been originally recitati, and their amusement must have de- pended chiefly on the face and manner of the singer — Hook himself; but in some he displayed that vice of rhyming which has often made nonsense go down, and which is tolerable only when introduced in the satire of a "Don Juan" or the first- rate mimicry of " Rejected Addresses." Hook had a most Avonderful facility in concocting out-of-the-way rhymes, and a few verses from his song on Clubs will suffice for a good specimen of his talent : "If any man loves comfort, and has little cash to buy it, he Should get into a crowded club — a most select society ; While solitude and mutton-cutlets serve infelix uxor, he May have his club (like Hercules), and revel there in luxury. Bow, wow, wow, etc. "Yes, clubs knock houses on the head ; e'en Hatchett's can't demolish them ; Joy grieves to see their magnitude, and Long longs to abolish them. The inns are out ; hotels for single men scarce keep alive on it ; While none but houses that are in the family way thrive on it. Bow, wow, wow, etc. "There's first the Athenamm Club, so wise, there's not a man of it That has not sense enough for six (in fact, that is the plan of it); The very waiters answer you with eloquence Socratical ; And always place the knives and forks in order mathematical. Bow, wow, wow, etc. ***** "E'en Isis has a house in town, and Cam abandons her city. The master now hangs out at the Trinity University. 430 FORTUNE AND POPULARITY. ***** "The Union Club is quite superb ; its best apartment daily is The lounge of lawyers, doctors, merchants, beaux, cum vmltis aliis. ***** "The Travelers are in Pall Mall, and smoke cigars so cosily, And dream they climb the highest Alps, or rove the plains of Moselai. # * * * * "These are the stages which all men propose to play their parts upon, For clubs are what the Londoners have clearly set their hearts upon. Bow, wow, wow, tiddy-iddy-iddy-iddy, bow, wow, wow," etc. This is one of the harmless ballads of "Bull." Some of the political ones are scarcely fit to print in the present day. We can not wonder that ladies of a certain position gave out that they would not receive any one who took in this paper. It was scurrilous to the last degree, and Theodore Hook was the soul of it. He preserved his incognito so well that, in spite of all attempts to unearth him, it was many years before he could be certainly fixed upon as a writer in its columns. He even went to the length of writing letters and articles against himself, in order to disarm suspicion. Hook now lived and thrived purely on literature. He pub- lished many novels — gone where the bad novels go, and un- read in the present day, unless in some remote country town, which boasts only a very meagre circulating library. Improb- ability took the place of natural painting in them ; punning supplied that of better wit ; and personal portraiture was so freely used, that his most intimate friends — old Mathews, for instance — did not escape. Meanwhile Hook, now making a good fortune, returned to his convivial life, and the enjoyment — if enjoyment it be — of general society. He " threw out his bow-window" on the strength of his success with " John Bull," and spent much more than he had. He mingled freely in all the London cir- cles of thirty years ago, whose glory is still fresh in the minds of most of us, and every where his talent as an improvisatore, and his conversational powers, made him a general favorite. Unhappy popularity for Hook ! He, who was yet deeply in debt to the nation — who had an illegitimate family to maintain, who owed in many quarters more than he could ever hope to pay — was still fool enough to entertain largely, and receive both nobles and wits in the handsomest manner. "Why did he not live quietly ? why not, like Fox, marry the unhappy wom- an whom he had made the mother of his children, and content himself Avith trimming vines and rearing tulips ? Why, for- sooth ? because he was Theodore Hook, thoughtless and fool- ish to the last. The jester of the people must needs be a fool. Let him take it to his conscience that he was not as much a knave. THE END. 431 In his latter years Hook took to the two dissipations most likely to bring him into misery — play and drink. He was ut- terly unfitted for the former, being too gay a spirit to sit down and calculate chances. He lost considerably, and the more he lost the more he played. Drinking became almost a necessity with him. He had a reputation to keep up in society, and had not the moral courage to retire from it altogether. Writing, improvising, conviviality, play, demanded stimulants. His mind was overworked in every sense. He had recourse to the only remedy, and in drink he found a temporary relief from anxiety, and a short-lived sustenance. There is no doubt that this man, who had amused London circles for many years, hastened his end by drinking. It is not yet twenty years since Theodore Hook died. He left the world on August the 24th, 1841, and by this time he remains in the memory of men only as a wit that was, a pun- ster, a hoaxei*, a story-jester, with an ample fund of fun, but not as a great man in any way. Allowing every thing for his education — the times he lived in, and the unhappy error of his early life — we may admit that Hook was not, in character, the worst of the wits. He died in no odor of sanctity, but he was not a blasphemer or reviler, like others of his class. He ig- nored the bond of matrimony, yet he remained faithful to the woman he had betrayed ; he was undoubtedly careless in the one responsible office with which he was intrusted, yet he can not be taxed, taking all in all, with deliberate peculation. His drinking and playing were bad — very bad. His improper con- nection was bad — very bad ; but perhaps the worst feature in his career was his connection with " John Bull," and his ready giving in to a system of low libel. There is no excuse for this but the necessity of living ; but Hook, had he retained any principle, might have made enough to live upon in a more honest manner. His name does, certainly, not stand out well among the wits of this country, but, after all, since all were so bad, Hook may be excused as not being the worst of them. Mequiescat in pace. SYDNEY SMITH. " Smith's reputation" — to quote from Lord Cockburn's "Memorials of Edinburgh" — "here, then, was the same as it has been throughout his life, that of a wise wit." A wit he Avas, but we must deny him the reputation of being a beau. For that, nature, no less than his holy office, had disqualified him. Who that ever beheld him in a London drawing-room, when he went to so many dinners that he used to say he was a walking patty — who could ever miscall him a beau ? How few years have Ave numbered since one perceived the large bulky form in canonical attire — the plain, heavy, almost ugly face, large, long, unredeemed by any expression, except that of sound hard sense — and thought, " can this be the Wit ?" How few years is it since Henry Cockburn, hating London, and com- ing but rarely to what he called the " devil's drawing-room," stood near him, yet apart, for he was the most diffident of men ; his wonderful luminous eyes, his clear, almost youthful, vivid complexion, contrasting brightly with the gray, pallid, prebendal complexion of Sydney ? how short a time since Francis Jeffrey, the smallest of great men, a beau in his old age, a wit to the last, stood hat in hand to bandy words with Sydney ere he rushed off to some still gayer scene, some more fashionable circle : yet they are all gone — gone from sight, liv- ing in memory alone. Perhaps it was time : they might have lived, indeed, a few short years longer ; we might have heard their names among us ; listened to their voices ; gazed tipon the deep hazel, ever- sparkling eyes, that constituted the charm of Cockburn's hand- some face, and made all other faces seem tame and dead : we might have marveled at the ingenuity, the happy turns of ex- pression, the polite sarcasm of Jeffrey ; we might have reveled in Sydney Smith's immense natural gift of fun, and listened to the " wise wit," regretting, with Lord Cockburn, that so much worldly wisdom seemed almost inappropriate in one who should have been in some freer sphere than within the pale of holy orders : Ave might have clone this, but the picture might have been otherAvise. Cockburn, Avhose intellect rose, and became almost sublime, as his spirit neared death, might have sunk into the depression of conscious weakness ; Jeffrey might have repeated himself, or turned hypochondriacal ; Svdnev Smith T 434 ODDITIES OF THE FATHER. have grown garrulous : let us not grieve ; they went in their prime of intellect, before one quality of mind had been touched by the frost-bite of age. Sydney Smith's life is a chronicle of literaiy society. He was born in 1771, and he died in 1845. What a succession of great men does that period comprise ! Scott, Jeffrey, Mackin- tosh, Dugald Stewart, Horner, Brougham, and Cockburn were his familiars — a constellation which has set, we fear, forever. Our world presents nothing like it : we must look back, not around us, for strong minds, cultivated up to the nicest point. Our age is too diffused, too practical for us to hope to witness again so grand a spectacle. From his progenitors Sydney Smith inherited one of his best gifts, great animal spirits — the only spirits one wants in this racking life of ours ; and his were transmitted to him by his father. That father, Mr. Robert Smith, was odd as well as clever. His oddities seem to have been coupled with folly ; but that of Sydney was soberized by thought, and swayed by intense common sense. The father had a mania for buying and altering places : one need hardly say that he spoiled them. Having done so, he generally sold them ; and nineteen various places were thus the source of expense to him and of injury to the pecuniary interests of his family. This strange spendthrift married a Miss Olier, the daughter of a French emigrant from Languedoc. Every one may re- member the charming attributes given by Miss Kavanagh, in her delicious tale, " Nathalie," to the French women of the South. This Miss Olier seems to have realized all one's ideas of the handsome, sweet-tempered, high-minded Southrons of la belle France. To her Sydney Smith traced his native gay- ety ; her beauty did not, certainly, pass to him as well as to some of her other descendants. When Talleyrand was living in England as an emigrant, on intimate terms with Robert Smith, Sydney's brother, or Bobus, as he was called by his in- timates, the conversation turned one day on hereditary beauty. Bobus spoke of his mother's personal perfections : "Ah I mon ami" cried Talleyrand, " c'etait apjKiremment, monsieur: voire pere qui n'etait 2x1s Men." This Bobus was the schoolfellow at Eaton of Canning and Frere ; and, with John Smith and those two youths, wrote the " Microcosm." Sydney, on the other hand, was placed, on the Foundation, at Winchester, which was then a stern place of instruction for a gay, spirited, hungry boy. Courtenay, his younger brother, went with him, but ran away twice. To owe one's education to charity Avas, in those days, to be half starved. Never was there enough, even of the coarsest food, to satisfy VERSE-MAKING AT WINCHESTER. 435 the boys, and the urchins, fresh from home, were left to fare as they might. " Neglect, abuse, and vice were," Sydney used to say, " the pervading evils of Winchester ; and the system of teaching, if one may so call it, savored of the old monastic nar- rowness. ... I believe, when a boy at school, I made above ten thousand Latin verses, and no man in his senses would dream of ever making another in after-life. So much for life and time wasted." The verse-inciting process is, nevertheless, remorse- lessly carried on during three years more at Oxford, and is much oftener the test of patient stupidity than of aspiring tal- ent. Yet of what stupendous importance it is in the attain- ment of scholarships and prizes ; and how zealous, how tena- cious are dons and "coaches" in holding to that which far higher classics, the Germans, regard with contempt ! Sydney's proficiency promoted him to be captain of the school, and he left Winchester for New College, Oxford — one of the noblest and most abused institutions then of that grand university. Having obtained a scholarship, as a matter of course, and afterward a fellowship, he remarked that the usual bumpers of port wine at college were as much the order of the day among the Fellows as Latin verses among the under-grad- uates. We may not, however, picture to ourselves Sydney as partaking in the festivities of the common room; with more probability let us imagine him wandering with steady gait, even after Hall — a thing not either then or now certain in col- leges — in those evergreen, leafy, varied gardens, flanked by that old St. Peter's church on the one side, and guarded by the high wall, once a fortification, on the other. He was poor, and therefore safe, for poveiiy is a guardian angel to an under- graduate, and work may protect even the Fellow from utter deterioration. He was turned out into the world by his father with his hundred a year from the Fellowship, and never had a farthing from the old destroyer of country-seats afterward. He never owed a sixpence ; nay, he paid a debt of thirty pounds, which Courtenay, who had no iron in his character, had incurred at Winchester, and had not the courage to avow. The next step was to choose a profession. The bar would have been Syd- ney's choice ; but the Church was the choice of his father. It is the cheapest channel by which a man may pass into genteel poverty; "wit and independence do not make bishops," as Lord Cockburn remarks. We do not, however, regard, as he does, Sydney Smith as " lost" by being a churchman. He was happy, and made others happy ; he was good, and made others good. Who can say the same of a successful barrister, or of a popular orator? His first sphere was in a curacy on Salis- 436 OLD EDINBURGH. bury Plain ; one of his earliest clerical duties was to marry his brother Robert (a barrister) to Miss Vernon, aunt to Lord Lansdown. " All I can tell you of the marriage," Sydney wrote to his mother, " is that he cried, she cried, I cried." It was celebrated in the library at Bowood, where Sydney so often enchanted the captivating circle afterward by his wit. Nothing could be more gloomy than the young pastor's life on Salisbury Plain: "the first and poorest pauper of the ham- let," as he calls a curate, he was seated down among a few scattered cottages on this vast flat ; visited even by the butch- B er's cart only once a week from Salisbury ; accosted by few human beings ; shunned by all who loved social life. But the probation was not long ; and after being nearly destroyed by a thunder-storm in one of his rambles, he quitted Salisbury Plain, after two years, for a more genial scene. There was a hospitable squire, a Mr. Beach, living in Smith's parish ; the village of Netherhaven, near Amesbury. Mr. Beach had a son ; the quiet Sundays at the Hall were enlivened by the curate's company at dinner, and Mr. Beach found his guest both amusing and sensible, and begged him to become tutor to the young squire. Smith accepted ; and wen.t away with his pupil, intending to visit Germany. The French Revolu- tion was, however, at its height. Germany was impracticable, and " we were driven," Sydney wrote to his mother, " by stress of politics, into Edinburgh." This accident — this seeming accident — was the foundation of Sydney Smith's opportunities ; not of his success, for that his own merits procured, but of the direction to which his efforts were applied. He would have been eminent wherever destiny had led him ; but he was thus made to be useful in one especial manner : " his lines had, indeed, fallen in pleasant places." Edinburgh, in 1797, was not, it is almost needless to say, the Edinburgh of 1860. An ancient, picturesque, high-built look- ing city, with its wynds and closes, it had far more the char- acteristics of an old French ville de Province than of a north- ern capital. The foundation-stone of the new College was laid in 1789, but the building was not finished until more than for- ty years afterward. The edifice then stood in the midst of fields and gardens. " Often," writes Lord Cockburn, " did we stand to admire the blue and yellow crocuses rising through the clean earth in the first days of spring, in the house of Doc- tor Monro (the second), whose house stood in a small field en- tering from Nicolson street, within less than a hundred yards from the college." The New Town was in progress when Sydney Smith and ITS SOCIAL AND ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES. 43 i his pupil took refuge in "Auld Reekie." With the rise of every street some fresh innovation in manners seemed also to begin. Lord Cockburn, wedded as he was to his beloved Reekie, yet unprejudiced and candid in all points, ascribes the change in customs to the intercourse with the English, and seems to date it from the Union. Thus the overflowing of the old town into fresh spaces "implied," as he remarks, "a gen- eral alteration of our habits." As the dwellers in the Faubourg St. Germain regard their neighbors across the Seine, in the Faubourg St. Honore, with disapproving eyes, so the sojourners in the Cauongate and the Cowgate considered that the inundation of modern popula- tion vulgarized their "prescriptive gentilities." Cockburn's description of a Scottish assembly in the olden time is most interesting. " For example, Saint Cecilia's Hall was the only public re- sort of the musical ; and, besides being our most selectly fash- ionable place of amusement, was the best and most beautiful concert-room I have ever seen. And there have I myself seen most of our literary and fashionable gentlemen, predominating with their side curls and frills, and ruffles, and silver buckles ; and our stately matrons stiffened in hoops, and gorgeous satin ; and our beauties with high-heeled shoes, powdered and poma- tumed hair, and lofty and composite head-dresses. All this was in the Cowgate ; the last retreat nowadays of destitution and disease. The building still stands, though raised and changed. When I last saw it, it seemed to be partly an old- clothesman's shop and partly a brazier's." Balls were held in the beautiful rooms of George Square, in spite of the " New Town piece of presumption," that is, an attempt to force the fashionable dancers of the reel into the George Street apart- ments. "And here," "writes Lord Cockburn, looking back to the days when he was that "ne'er-do-weel" Harry Cockburn, " were the last remains of the ball-room discipline of the pre- ceding age. Martinet dowagers and venerable beaux acted as masters and mistresses of ceremonies, and made all the pre- liminary arrangements. No couple could dance unless each party was provided with a ticket prescribing the precise place, in the precise dance. If there was no ticket, the gentleman or the lady was dealt with as an intruder, and turned out of the dance. If the ticket had marked upon it — say for a country- dance, the figures 3, 5, this meant that the holder was to place himself in the 3d dance, and oth from the top; and if he was any where else, he was set right or excluded. And the ])art- ner's ticket must correspond. Woe on the poor girl who, with 438 MAKING LOVE METAPHYSICALLY. ticket 2, 7, was found opposite a youth marked 5, 9 ! It was flirting without a license, and looked very ill, and would prob- ably be reported by the ticket director of that dance to the mother." All this had passed away ; and thus the aristocracy of a few individuals was ended ; and society, freed from some of its re- straints, flourished in another and more enlightened way than formerly. There were still a sufficient number of peculiarities to grat- ify one who had an eye to the ludicrous. Sydney Smith soon discovered that it is a work of time to impart a humorous idea to a true Scot. "It requires," he used to say, "a surgical operation to get a joke, well into a Scotch understanding." " They are so imbued with metaphysics, that they even make love metaphysically. I overheard a young lady of my ac- quaintance, at a dance in Edinburgh, exclaim in a sudden pause of the music, ' What you say, my Lord, is very true of love in the abstract, but — ' here the fiddlers began fiddling furiously, and the rest was lost." He was, however, most deeply touched by the noble attribute of that nation which 'retains what is so rare — the attribute of being true friends. He did ample jus- tice to their kindliness of heart. " If you meet with an acci- dent," he said, " half Edinburgh immediately flocks to your doors to inquire after your pure hand, or your •pure foot." "Their temper," he observed, " stands any thing but an attack on their climate ; even Jeffrey can not shake off" the illusion that myrtles flourish at Craig Crook." The sharp reviewer stuck to his myrtle allusions, and treated Smith's attempts with as much contempt as if he had been a " wild visionary, who had never breathed his caller air," nor suffered under the rigors of his climate, nor spent five years in " discussing metaphysics and medicine in that garret end of the earth — that knuckle end of England — that land of Calvin, oat-cakes, and sulphur, 5 ' as Smith termed Scotland. During two years he braved the winters in which he de- clared hackney-coaches were drawn by four horses on account of the snow ; where men were blown flat down on the face by the winds ; and where even " experienced Scotch fowls did not dare to cross the streets, but sidled along, tails aloft, without venturing to encounter the gale." He luxuriated, nevertheless, in the true Scotch supper, than which nothing more pleasant and more unwholesome has ever been known in Christendom. Edinburgh is said to have been the only place where people dined twice a day. The writer of this memoir is old enough to remember the true Scottish Attic supper be- fore its final " fading into wine and water," as Lord Cockburn THE MEN OF MARK PASSING AWAY. 439 describes its decline. " Suppers," Cockburn truly says, " are cheaper than dinners," and Edinburgh, at that time, was the cheapest place in Great Britain. Port and sherry were the sta- ple wines ; claret, duty free in Scotland until 1780, was indeed beginning to be a luxury ; it was no longer the ordinary bev- erage, as it was when — as Mackenzie, the author of the " Man of Feeling," described — it used, upon the arrival of a cargo, to be sent through the town on a cart with a horse before it, so that every one might have a sample, by carrying a jug to be filled for sixpence : still even at the end of the eighteenth century it was in frequent use. Whisky toddy and plotty (red wine mulled with spices) came into the supper-room in ancient flagons or stoiqM, after a lengthy repast of broiled chickens, roasted moorfowl, pickled mussels, flummery, and numerous other good things had been discussed by a party who ate as if they had not dined that day. " We will eat," Lord Cock- burn used to say after a long walk, " a profligate supper," a supper without regard to discretion or digestion ; and he usu- ally kept his word. In Edinburgh, Sydney Smith formed the intimate acquaint- ance of Lord Jeffrey, and that acquaintance ripened into a friendship only closed by death. The friendship of worthy, sensible men he looked upon as one of the greatest pleasures in life. The " old suns," Lord Cockburn tells us, " were setting when the band of great thiukers and great writers, who afterward concocted the ' Edinburgh Review,' were rising into celebrity." Principal Robertson, the historian, had departed this life in 1793, a kindly old man. With beaming eyes underneath his frizzed and curled wig, and a trumpet tied with a black ribbon to the button-hole of his coat, for he was deaf, this most excel- lent of writers showed how he could be also the most zealous of diners. Old Adam Ferguson, the historian of Rome, had "set" also: one of the finest specimens of humanity had gone from among his people in him. Old people, not thirty years ago, delighted to tell you how " Adam," when chaplain to the Black Watch, that glorious 42d, refused to retire to his prop- er place, the rear, during an action, but persisted in being en- gaged in front. He was also gone ; and Dugald Stewart filled his vacant place in the professorship of moral philosophy. Dr. Henry, the historian, was also at rest : after a long, laborious life, and the compilation of a dull, though admirable History of England, the design of which, in making a chapter on arts, manners, and literature separate from the narrative, appears to have suggested to Macaulay his inimitable disquisition on the same topics. Dr. Henry showed to a friend a pile of books 440 THE BAND OF 5TOUNU SPIRITS. which he had gone through merely to satisfy himself and the world as to what description of trowsers was worn by the Saxons. His death was calm as his life. "Come out to me directly," he wrote to his friend, Sir Harry Moncrieff : " I have got something to do this week ; I have got to die." It was in 1801 that Dugald Stewart began his course of lectures on political economy. Hitherto all public favor had been on the side of the Tories, and independence of thought was a sure way to incur discouragement from the Bench, in the Church, and from every government functionary. Lec- tures on political economy were regarded as innovations ; but they formed a forerunner of that event which had made sev- eral important changes in our literary and political hemisphere : the commencement of the " Edinburgh Review." This under- taking was the work of men who were separated from the mass of their brother-townsmen by their politics, their isola- tion as a class binding them the more closely together by links never broken, in a brotherhood of hope and ambition to which the natural spirits of Sydney Smith, of Cockburn, and of Jef- frey gave an irresistible charm. Among those who the most early in life ended a career of promise was Francis Horner. He was the son of a linen-dra- per in Edinburgh ; or, as the Scotch called it, following the French, a merchant. Horner's best linen for sheets, and table- cloths, and all the tender garments of housekeeping, are still highly esteemed by the trade. " My desire to know Horner," Sydney Smith states, " arose from my being cautioned against him by some excellent and feeble-minded people to whom I brought letters of introduc- tion, and who represented him as a person of violent political opinions." Sydney Smith interpreted this to mean that Hor- ner was a man who thought for himself; who loved truth bet- ter than he loved Dundas (Lord Melville), then the tyrant of Scotland. "It is very curious to consider," Sydney Smith wrote, in addressing Lady Holland, in 1817, "in what manner Horner gained, in so extraordinary a degree, the affections of such a number of persons of both sexes — all ages, parties, and ranks in society ; for he was not remarkably good-tempered, nor particularly lively and agreeable ; and an inflexible poli- tician on the unpopular side. The causes are, his high charac- ter for probity, honor, and talents ; his flue countenance ; the benevolent interest he took in the concerns of all his friends ; his simple and gentlemanlike manners; his untimely death." " Grave, studious, honorable, kind, every thing Horner did," says Lord Cockburn, " was marked by thoughtfulness and kindness ;" a beautiful character, which was exhibited but brougham's early tenacity. 441 briefly to his contemporaries, but long remembered after his death. Henry Brougham was another of the Edinburgh band of young spirits. He was educated in the High School under Luke Fraser, the tutor who trained Walter Scott and Francis Jeffrey. Brougham used to be pointed out "as the fellow who had beat the master." He had dared to differ with Fra- ser, a hot pedant, on some piece of Latinity. Fraser, irritated, punished the rebel, and thought the matter ended. But the next day " Harry," as they called him, appeared, loaded with books, renewed the charge, and forced Luke to own that he was beaten. "It was then," says Lord Cockburn, "that I first saw him." After remaining two years in Edinburgh, Sydney Smith went southward to marry a former schoolfellow of his sister Maria's — a Miss Pybus, to whom he had been attached and engaged at a very early period of his life. The young lady, who was of West Indian descent, had some fortune ; but her husband's only stock, on which to begin housekeeping, consist- ed of six silver tea-spoons, worn away with use. One day he rushed into the room and threw these attenuated articles into her lap : " There, Kate, I give you all my fortune, you lucky girl !" With the small dot, and the thin silver spoons, the young couple set up housekeeping in the "garret end of the earth." Their first difficulty was to know how money could be obtained to begin with, for Mrs. Smith's small fortune was settled on herself by her husband's wish. Two rows of pearls had been given her by her thoughtful mother. These she converted into money, and obtained for them £500. Several years after- ward, when visiting the shop at which she sold them, with Miss Vernon and Miss Fox, Mrs. Smith saw her pearls, every one of which she knew. She asked what was the price. "£1500" was the reply. The sum, however, was all important to the thrifty couple. It distanced the nightmare of the poor and honest — debt. £750 was presented by Mr. Beach, in gratitude for the care of his son, to Smith. It was invested in the funds, and formed the nucleus of future savings — " Ce rfest que le premier pas qui route,'''' is a trite saying. " C'est le premier pas quigagne" might be applied to this and similar cases. A little daughter — Lady Holland, the wife of the celebrated physician, Sir Hen- ry Holland — was sent to bless the sensible pair. Sydney had wished that she might be born with one eye, so that he might never lose her ; nevertheless, though she happened to be born with two, he bore her secretly from the nursery, a few hours t 2 442 " OLD SCHOOL" CEREMONIES. after her birth, to show her in triumph to the future Edinburgh Reviewers. The birth of the " Edinburgh Review" quickly followed that of the young lady. Jeffrey — then an almost starving barris- ter, living in the eighth or ninth flat of a house in Buccleuch Place — Brougham, and Sydney Smith were the triumvirate who propounded the scheme, Smith being the first mover. Pie proposed a motto : " Tenui Musam meditamur avena :" We cultivate literature on a little oatmeal ; but this being too near the truth, they took their motto from Publius Syrus ; '-' of whom," said Smith, " none of us had, I am sure, read a single line." To this undertaking Sydney Smith devoted his talents for more than twenty-eight years. Meantime, during the brief remainder of his stay in Edin- burgh, his circumstances improved. He had done that which most of the clergy are obliged to do — taken a pupil. He had now another, the son of Mr. Gordon, of Ellon ; for each of these young men he received £400 a year. He became to them a father and a friend ; he entered into all their amusements. One of them saying that he could not find conversation at the balls for his partners; "Never mind," cried Sydney Smith, "I'll fit you up in five minutes." Accordingly, he wrote down conver- sations for them amid bursts of laughter. Thus happily did years, which many persons would have termed a season of adversity, pass away. The chance which brought him to Edinburgh introduced him to a state of soci- ety never likely to .be seen again in Scotland. Lord Cock- burn's "Memorials" afford an insight into manners, not only as regarded suppers, but on the still momentous point, of din- ners. Three o'clock was the fashionable hour so late as the commencement of the present century. That hour, " not with- out groans and predictions," became four — and four was long and conscientiously adhered to. " Inch by inch," people yield- ed, and five continued to be the standard polite hour from 1806 to 1820. "Six has at length prevailed." The most punctilious ceremony existed. When dinner was announced, a file of ladies went first in strict order of prece- dence. " Mrs. Colonel Such a One ;" " Mrs. Doctor Such a One," and so on. Toasts were cle rigueur : no glass of wine was to be taken by a guest without comprehending a lady, or a covey of ladies. "I was present," says Lord Cockburn, " when the late Duke of Buccleuch took a glass of sherry by himself at the table of Charles Hope, then Lord Advocate, and this was noticed as a piece of ducal contempt." Toasts, and, when the ladies had retired, rounds of toasts, were drunk. " The prandial nuisance," Lord Cockburn wrote, " was horri- ble. But it was nothing to what followed." THE SPECULATIVE SOCIETY. 4-ki At these repasts, though less at these than at boisterous suppers, a frequent visitor at the same table with Sydney Smith was the illustrious Sir James Mackintosh, a man to whose deep-thinking mind the world is every day rendering- justice. The son of a brave officer, Mackintosh was born on the banks of Loch Ness : his mother, a Miss Fraser, was aunt to Mrs. Fraser Tytler, wife of Lord Woodhouselee, one of the judges of the Court of Session, and mother of the late histo- rian of that honored name. Mackintosh had been studying at Aberdeen, in the same classes with Robert Hall, whose conversation, he avowed, had a great influence over his mind. He arrived in Edinburgh about 1784, uncertain to what profession to belong, somewhat anxious to be a bookseller, in order to revel in " the paradise of books ;" he turned his attention, however, to medicine, and became a Brunonian, that is, a disciple of John Brown, the founder of a theory which he followed out to the extent in practice. The main feature of the now defunct system, which set scientific Europe in a blaze, seems to have been a mad in- dulgence of the passions, and an unbridled use of intoxicating liquors. Brown fell a victim to his vices. Years after he had been laid in his grave, his daughter, Euphemia, being in great indigence, received real kindness from Sir James and Lady Mackintosh, the former of whom used to delight in telling a story of her father's saying to her, " Effy, bring me the mood- erate stimulus of a hoondred draps o' laudanum in a glass o' brandy." Mackintosh had not quitted Edinburgh when Sydney Smith reached it. Smith became a member of the famous Specula- tive Society. Their acquaintance was renewed years after- ward in London. Who can ever forget the small, quiet din- ners given by Mackintosh when living out of Parliament, and out of office, in Cadogan Place ? Simple but genial were those repasts, forming a strong contrast to the Edinburgh dinners of yore. He had then long given up both the theory and prac- tice of the Brunonians, and took nothing but light French and German wines, and these in moderation. His tall, somewhat high-shouldered, massive form ; his calm brow, mild, thought- ful ; his dignity of manner, his gentleness to all ; his vast knowl- edge ; his wonderful appreciation of excellence ; his discrimi- nation of faults — all combined to form one of the finest speci- mens ever seen even in that illustrious period, of a philosopher and historian. Jeffrey and Cockburn were contrasts to one whom they hon- ored. Jeffrey, " the greatest of British critics," was eight years younger than Mackintosh, having been born in 1773. 444 A BRILLIANT >ET. Lit- was the son of one of the deputy clerks to the Supreme Court, not an elevated position, though one of great respecta- bility. "When Mackintosh and Sydney Smith tirst knew him in Edinburgh, he was enduring, with all the impatience of his sensitive nature, what he called a " slow, obscure, philosophical starvation" at the Scotch bar. " There are moments,"' he wrote, " when I think I could sell myself to the ministers or to the devil, in order to get above these necessities."' Like all men so situated, his depression came in tits. Short, spare, Avith regular, yet not aristocratic features, speaking, brilliant, yet not pleasing eyes : a voice con- art with that mignon form; a somewhat precise and anx- ious manner, there was never in Jetfrey that charm, that aban- . which rendered his valued friend, Henry Cockburn, the most delightful, the most beloved of men, the very idol of his native city. The noble head of Cockburn, bald, almost in youth, with its pliant, refined features, and its fresh tint upon a cheek always clear, generally high in color, was a strong contrast to the rigid of Jeffrey's physiognomy ; inuchniore so to the large proportions of Mackintosh ; or to the ponderous, plain, and. later in life, swarthy countenance of Sydney Smith. Lord Webb Seymour, the brother of the late Duke of Somerset, gentle, modest, intelligent — Thomas Thomson, the antiquary — and Charles and George Bell, the surgeon and the advocate — Murray, afterward Lord Murray, the generous pleader, who gave up to its rightful heirs an estate left him by a client — and Brougham — formed the staple of that set now long since extinct. It was partially broken up by Sydney Smith's coming, in . to London. He there took a house in Doughty Street. beine partial to legal society, which was chiefly to be found in that neighbor!. Here Sir Samuel Romilly, Mackintosh, Scarlett (Lord Abin- . the eccentric unhappy Mr. Ward, afterward Lord Dud- . •■ Conversation" Sharp. Rogers, and Luttrell, formed the circle in which Sydney delighted. He was still very poor, and obliged to sell the rest of his wife's jewels ; but his brother Robert allowed him £100 a year, and lent him, when he sub- sequently removed into Yorkskr. He had now a life of struggling, but those struggles were the lot of his early friends also : Mackintosh talked of going to India as a lecturer : Smith recommended Jeffrey to do the same. Happily, both had the courage and the sense to await for better times at home ; yet Smith's opinion of Mackintosh was. that " he never saw so theoretical a head which contained so much practical understanding:" and to Jeffrey he wrote: HOLLAND HOL'sK. I 15 " You want nothing- to be a great lawyer, and nothing to be a great speaker, but a deeper voice — slower and more sim- ple utterance — more humility of face and neck — and a greater contempt for esprit than men who have so much in general at- tain to." The great event of Sydney Smith's first residence in London was his introduction at Holland House ; in that " gilded room which furnished," as he said, "the best and most agreeable society in the world," his happiest hours Avere passed. John Allen," whom Smith had introduced to Lord Holland, was the peer's librarian and friend. Mackintosh, who Sydney Smith thought only wanted a few bad qualities to get on in the world, Rogers, Luttrell, Sheridan, Byron, were among the "suns" that shone where Addison had suffered and studied. Between Lbrd Holland and Sydney Smith the most cordial friendship existed ; and the eccentric and fascinating Lady Hol- land was his constant correspondent. Of this able woman it was said by Talleyrand : u Elle est toute assertion ; mais quancl on demande la preuve c'est la son, secret." Of Lord Holland, the keen diplomatist observed : "C'est la bienveillance meme, mais la bienveillance la plus perturbatrice, cpCon ait jamais viie" Lord Holland did not commit the error ascribed by Rogers, in his Recollections, to Marlay, Bishop of Waterford, avIio, when poor, with an income of only £400 a year, used to give the best dinners possible ; but, when made a bishop, enlarged his table, and lost his fame — had no more good company — there was an end of his enjoyment: he had lords and ladies to his table — foolish people — foolish men — and foolish women — and there was an end of him and us. "Lord Holland selected his lords and ladies, not for their rank, but for their peculiar merits or acquirements." Then even Lady Holland's oddities were amusing. When she wanted to get rid of a fop, she used to say, "I beg your pardon, but I wish you would sit n little farther off; there is something on your handkerchief which I don't quite like." Or when a poor man happened to stand, after the fashion of the lords of creation, with his back to the chimney-piece, she would cry out, " Have the goodness, sir, to stir the fire." Lord Holland never asked any one to dinner ("not even me" says Rogers, " whom he had known so long") without asking Lady Holland. One day, shortly before his lordship's death, Rogers was coming out from Holland House when he met him. "'Well, do you return to dinner?' I answered, ' No, I have not been invited.' " The precaution, in fact, was necessarv, for Lord Holland was so good-natured and hospita- 446 PREACHER AT THE "FOUNDLING." ble that he would have had a crowd daily at his table had he been left to himself. The death of Lord Holland completely broke up the unri- valed dinners, and the subsequent evenings in the "gilded chamber." Lady Holland, to whom Holland House was left for her lifetime, declined to live there. With Holland House, the mingling of aristocracy with talent ; the blending ranks by force of intellect ; the assembling, not only of all the celebrity that Europe could boast, but of all that could enhance private enjoyment, has ceased. London, the most intelligent of capi- tals, possesses not one single great house in which pomp and wealth are made subsidiary to the true luxury of intellectual conversation. On the morning of the day when Lord Holland's last illness began, these lines were written by him, and found after his death on his dressing-table : "Nephew of Fox, and friend of Grey, Sufficient for my fame ; If those who know me best shall say I tarnished neither name." Of him his best friend, Sydney Smith, left a short but discrim- inative character. " There was never (among other things he says) a better heart, or one more purified from all the bad pas- sions — more abounding in charity and compassion — or which seemed to be so created as a refuge to the helpless and op- pressed." Meantime Sydney Smith's circumstances were still limited ; £50 a year as evening preacher to the Foundling Hospital was esteemed as a great help by him. The writer of this memoir remembers an amusing anecdote related of him at the table of an eminent literary character by a member of Lord Woodhouselee's family, who had been desirous to ob- tain for Sydney the patronage of the godly. To this end she persuaded Robert Grant and Charles Grant (afterward Lord Glenelg) to go to the Foundling to hear him, she hoped, to advantage ; to her consternation he broke forth into so famil- iar a strain, couched in terms so bordering on the jocose — though no one had deeper religious convictions than he had — that the two saintly brothers listened in disgust. They for- got how South let loose the powers of his wit and sarcasm ; and how the lofty-minded Jeremy Taylor applied the force of. humor to lighten the prolixity of argument. Sydney Smith became, nevertheless, a most popular preacher ; but the man who prevents people from sleeping once a week in their pews is sure to be criticised. Let xis turn to him, however, as a member of societv. His . !H^ mgg^K'M lHWIX 81' E.N E AT SYDNEY S.MITI Sydney's " grammar of life." 449 circle of acquaintance was enlarged, not only by his visits to Holland House, but by his lectures on moral philosophy at the Royal Institution. Sir Robert Peel, not the most impression- able of men, but one whose cold shake of the hand is said — as Sydney Smith said of Sir James Mackintosh — " to have come under the genus Mortmain" was a very young man at the time when Albemarle Street was crowded with carriages from one end of the street to the other, in consequence of Sydney Smith's lectures ; yet he declared that he had never forgotten the effect given to the speech of Logan, the Indian chief, by Sydney's voice and manner. His lectures produced a sum sufficient for Sydney to furnish a house in Orchard Sti*eet. Doughty Street — raised to celeb- rity as having been the residence, not only of Sydney Smith, but of Charles Dickens — was too far for the habitue, of Hol- land House and the orator of Albemarle Street long to sojourn there. In Orchard Street Sydney enjoyed that domestic com- fort which he called the " grammar of life ;" delightful suppers to about twenty or thirty persons, who came and went as they pleased. A great part of the same amusing and gifted set used to meet once a week also at Sir James Mackintosh's at a supper, which, though not exactly Cowper's " radish and an egg," was simple but plentiful — yet most eagerly sought after. "There are few living," writes Sydney Smith's daughter, "who can look back to them, and I have always found them do so w T ith a sigh of regret." One night, a country cousin of Sydney Smith's was present at a supper. " Now, Sydney," whispered the simple girl, " I know all these are very remarkable people ; do tell me who they are." " Oh, yes ; there's Hannibal," pointing to a grave, dry, stern man, Mr. Whishaw ; " he lost his leg in the Cartha- ginian war: there's Socrates," pointing to Luttrell: "that," he added, turning to Horner, "is Solon." Another evening, Mackintosh brought a raw Scotch cousin — an ensign in a Highland regiment — with him. The young man's head could carry no idea of glory except in regiment- als. Suddenly, nudging Sir James, he whispered, " Is that the great Sir Sidney Smith?" "Yes, yes," answered Sir James; and instantly telling Sydney who he was supposed to be, the grave evening jjreacher at the Foundling immediately assumed the character ascribed to him, and acted the hero of Acre to perfection, fighting his battles over again — even charging the Turks — while the young Scot was so enchanted by the great Sir Sidney's condescension, that he wanted to fetch the pip- ers of his regiment, and pipe to the great Sir Sydney, who had never enjoyed the agonizing strains of the bagpipe. Upon this 4 30 THE PICTURE MANIA. the party broke up, and Sir James carried the Highlander oft', lest he should find out his mistake, and cut his throat from shame and vexation. One may readily conceive Sydney Smith's en- joying this joke, for his spirits were those of a boy: his gayety was irresistible ; his ringing laugh, infectious ; but it is difficult for those who knew Mackintosh in his later years — the quiet, al- most pensive invalid — to realize in that remembrance any trace of the Mackintosh of Doughty Street and Orchard Street days. One day Sydney Smith came home with two hackney-coach- es full of pictures, which he had picked up at an auction. His daughter thus tells the story : " Another day he came home with two hackney-coach loads of pictures, which he had met with at an auction, having found it impossible to resist so many yards of brown-looking figures and faded landscapes going for ' absolutely nothing, unheard-of sacrifices.' ' Kate' hardly knew whether to laugh or cry when she saw these horribly dingy- looking objects enter her pretty little drawing-room, and look- ed at him as if she thought him half mad; and half mad he was, but with delight at his purchase. He kept walking up and down the room, waving his arms, putting them in fresh lights, declaring they were exquisite specimens of art, and if not by the very best masters, merited to be so. He invited his friends, and displayed his pictures ; discovered fresh beauties for each new comer ; and for three or four days, under the magic influ- ence of his wit and imagination, these gloomy old pictures were a perpetual source of amusement and fun." At last, finding that he was considered no authority for the fine arts, off went the pictures to another auction, but all re- christened by himself with unheard-of names. " One, I remem- ber," says Lady Holland, " was a beautiful landscape, by Nich- olas de Falda, a pupil of Valdezzio, the only painting by that em- inent artist. The pictures sold, I believe, for rather less than he gave for them under their original names, which were prob- ably as real as their assumed ones." Sydney Smith had long been styled by his friends the "Bish- op of Mickleham," in allusion to his visits to, and influence in, the house of his friend, Richard Sharp, who had a cottage at that place. A piece of real preferment was now his. This was the living of Foston le Clay, in Yorkshire, given him by Lord Erskine, then Chancellor. Lady Holland never rested till she had prevailed on Erskine to give Sydney Smith a living. Smith, as Rogers relates, went to thank his lordship. " Oh," said Er- skine, " don't thank me, Mr. Smith ; I gave you the living be- cause Lady Holland insisted on my doing so ; and if she had desired me to give it to the devil, he must have had it." Notwithstanding the prediction of the saints, Sydney Smith THE WIT'S MINISTRY. 451 proved an excellent parish priest. Even his most admiring friends did not expect this result. The general impression was, that he was infinitely better fitted for the bar than for the Church. " Ah ! Mr. Smith," Lord Stowell used to say to him, " you would be in a far better situation, and a far richer man, had you belonged to us." One jeu cV esprit more, and Smith hastened to take posses- sion of his living, and to enter upon duties of which no one better knew the mighty importance than he did. Among the Mackintosh set was Richard Sharp, to whom we have already referred, termed, from his great knowledge and ready memory, " Conversation Sharp." Many people may think that this did not imply an agreeable man, and they were, perhaps, right. Sharp was a plain, ungainly man. One even- ing, a literary lady, now living, was at Sir James Mackin- tosh's, in company with Sharp, Sismondi, and the late Lord Denman, then a man of middle age. Sir James was not only particularly partial to Denman, but admired him personally. "Do you not think Denman handsome?" he inquired of the lady after the guests were gone. "No? Then you must think Mr. Sharp handsome," he rejoined; meaning that a taste so per- verted as not to admire Denman must be smitten with Sharp. Sharp is said to have studied all the morning before he went out to dinner, to get up his wit and anecdote, as an actor does his part. Sydney Smith having one day received an invitation from him to dine at Fishmongers' Hall, sent the following re- ply: ' ' Much do I love The monsters of the deep to eat ; To see the rosy salmon lying, By smelts encircled, horn for frying ; And from the china boat to pour On flaky cod the flavored shower. Thee above all I much regard, Flatter than Longman's flattest bard, Much honor'd turbot ! sore I grieve Thee and thy dainty friends to leave. Far from ye all, in snuggest corner, I go to dine with little Horner; He who with philosophic eye Sat brooding o'er his Christmas pie ; Then firm resolved, with cither thumb, Tore forth the crust-enveloped plum ; And mad with youthful dreams of deathless fame, Proclaimed the deathless glories of his name." One word before we enter on the subject of Sydney Smith's ministry. In this biography of a great Wit, we touch but lightly upon the graver features of his character, yet they can not wholly be passed over. Stanch in Ins devotion to the 452 THE FIRST VISIT TO FOSTON LE CLAY. Church of England, he was liberal to others. The world in the present day is afraid of liberality. Let it not be forgotten that it has been the fanatic and the intolerant, not the mild and practical among us who have gone from the Protestant to the Romish faith. Sydney Smith, in common with other great men, had no predilection for dealing damnation round the land. How noble, how true, are Mackintosh's reflections on religious sects ! " It is impossible, I think, to look into the interior of any religious sect without thinking better of it. I ought, indeed, to confine myself to those of Christian Europe, but with that limitation it seems to me the remark is true, whether I look at the Jansenists of Port Royal, or the Quakers in Clarkson, or the Methodists in these journals. All these sects, which appear dangerous or ridiculous at a distance, as- sume a much more amicable character on nearer inspection. They all inculcate pure virtue, and practise mutual kindness ; and they exert great force of reason in rescuing their doctrines from the absurd or pernicious consequences which naturally flow from them. Much of this arises from the general nature of religious principle — much also from the genius of the Gos- pel." Nothing could present a greater contrast with the comforts of Orchard Street than the place on which Sydney Smith's " lines" had now " fallen." Owing to the non-residence of the clergy, one third of the parsonage-houses in England had fall- en into decay, but that of Foston le Clay was pre-eminently wretched. A hovel represented what was still called the par- sonage-house : it stood on a glebe of three hundred acres of the stiflest clay in Yorkshire : a brick-floored kitchen, with a room above it, both in a ruinous condition, was the residence Which, for a hundred and fifty years, had never been inhabited by an incumbent. It will not be a matter of surprise that for some time, until 1808, Sydney Smith, with the permission of the Archbishop of York, continued to reside in London, after having appointed a curate at Foston le Clay. The first visit to his living was by no means promising. Picture to yourself, my reader, Sydney Smith, in a carriage, in his superfine black coat, driving into the remote village, and parleying with the old parish clerk, who, after some conversa- tion, observed, emphatically, striking his stick on the ground, " Master Smith, it stroikes me that people as comes froe Lon- don is such fools.'''' " I see you are no fool," was the prompt answer ; and the parson and the clerk parted mutually sat- isfied. The profits arising from the sale of two volumes of sermons carried Sydney Smith, his family, and his furniture to Foston B^KJSliY SMITHS WITTY AN'SWF.IS TO TUK OLD 1'AKISU CLKIili. COUNTRY QUIET. THE UNIVERSAL SCRATCHER. 455 le Clay in the summer of 1809, and he took up his abode in a pleasant house about two miles from York, at Heslington. Let us now, for a time, forget the wit, the editor of the " Edinburgh Review," the diner out, the evening preacher at the Foundling, and glance at the peaceful and useful life of a country gentleman. His spirits, his wit, all his social qualities, never deserted Sydney Smith, even in the retreat to which .he was destined. Let us see him driving in his second-hand car- riage, his horse " Peter the Cruel," with Mrs. Smith by his side, summer and winter, from Heslington to Foston le Clay. Mrs. Smith at first trembled at the inexperience of her chariot- eer ; but " she soon," said Sydney, " raised my wages, and considered me an excellent Jehu." " Mr. Brown," said Syd- ney to one of the tradesmen of York, through the streets of which he found it difficult to drive, " your streets are the nar- rowest in Europe." " Narrow, sir ? there's plenty of room for two carriages to pass each other, and an inch and a half to spare !" Let us see him in his busy, peaceful life, digging an hour or two every day in his garden to avoid sudden death by pre- venting corpulency ; then galloping through a book, and when his family laughed at him for so soon dismissing a quarto, say- ing, " Cross-examine me, then," and going well through the ordeal. Hear him, after finishing his morning's writing, say- ing to his wife, " There, Kate, it's done ; do look over it, put the dots to the i's, and cross the t's ;" and off he went to his walk, surrounded by his children, who were his companions and confidants. See him in the lane, talking to an old woman whom he had taken into his gig as she was returning from market, and picking up all sorts of knowledge from her ; or administering medicine to the poor, or to his horses and ani- mals, sometimes committing mistakes next to fatal. One day he declared he found all his pigs intoxicated, grunting " God save the King" about the sty. He nearly poisoned his red cow by an over-dose of castor-oil ; and Peter the Cruel, so called because the groom said he had a cruel face, took two boxes of opium pills (boxes and all) in his mash Avithout ill consequences. See him, too, rushing out after dinner — for he had a hoi'ror of long sittings after that meal — to look at his "scratcher." He used to say, Lady Holland (his daughter) relates, " I am all for cheap luxuries, even for animals ; now all animals have a passion for scratching their back-bones ; they break down your gates and palings to effect this. Look ! there is my uni- versal scratcher, a sharp-edged pole, resting on a high and a low post, adapted to every height, from a horse to a lamb. 456 COUNTRY LIFE AND COUNTRY PREJUDICE. Even the Edinburgh Reviewer can take his turn : you have no idea how popular it is ; I have not had a gate broken since I put it up ; I have it in all my fields." Then his experiments were numerous. Mutton fat was to be burned instead of candles ; and working people were brought in and fed with broth, or with rice, or with porridge, to see which was the most satisfying diet. Economy was made amus- ing, benevolence almost absurd, but the humorous man, the kind man, shone forth in all things. He was one of the first, if not the first, who introduced allotment-gardens for the poor : he was one who could truly say at the last, when he had lived sixty-six years, " I have done but very little harm in the world, and I have brought up my family." We have taken a glimpse — and a glimpse merely — of the " wise wit" in London, among congenial society, where every intellectual power was daily called forth in combative force. See him now in the provincial circles of the remote county of York. " Did you ever," he once asked, " dine out in the coun- try? What misery do human beings inflict on each other un- der the name of pleasure !" Then he describes driving in a broiling sun through a dusty road, to eat a haunch of venison at the house of a neighboring parson. Assembled in a small house, "redolent of frying," talked of roads, weather, and tur- nips : began, that done, to be hungry. A stripling, caught up for the occasion, calls the master of the house out of the room, and announces that the cook has mistaken the soup for dirty watex-, and thrown it away. No help for it — agreed: they must do without it ; perhaps as well they should. Diuner an- nounced ; they enter the dining-room : heavens ! what a gale ! the venison is high 1 Various other adverse incidents occur, and the party return home, grateful to the post-boys for not being drunk, and thank- ful to Providence for not being thrown into a wet ditch. In addition to these troubles and risks, there was an enemy at hand to apprehend — prejudice. The Squire of Heslington — " the last of the Squires" — regarded Mr. Smith as a Jaco- bin ; and his lady, " who looked as if she had walked straight out of the Ark, or had been the wife of Enoch," used to turn aside as he passed. When, however, the squire found "the peace of the village undisturbed, harvests as usual, his dogs uninjured, he first bowed, then called, and ended by a pitch of confidence ;" actually discovered that Sydney Smith had made a joke ; near- ly went into convulsions of laughter, and finished by inviting the " dangerous fellow," as he had once thought him, to see his dogs. Tn 1813 Sydney Smith removed, as he thought it his duty THE GEXIAL MAGISTRATE. 457 to do, to Foston le Clay, and, " not knowing a turnip from a carrot," began to farm three hundred acres, and, not having any money, to build a parsonage-house. It was a model parsonage, he thought, the plan being form- ed by himself and " Kate." Being advised by his neighbors to purchase oxen, he bought (and christened) four oxen, "Tug and Lug," "Crawl and Haul." But'Tug and Lug took to faint- ing, Haul and Crawl to lie down in the mud, so he was com- pelled to sell them, and to purchase a team of horses. The house plunged him into debt for tAventy years ; and a man-servant being too expensive, the " wise Wit" caught up a country girl, " made like a mile-stone," and christened her " Bunch," and Bunch became the best butler in the county. He next set up a carriage, which he christened the "Im- mortal," for it grew, from being only an ancient green chariot, supposed to have been the earliest invention of the kind, to be known by all the neighbors; the village dogs barked at it, the village boys cheered it, and " we had no false shame." One could linger over the annals of Sydney Smith's useful, happy life at Foston le Clay, visited there, indeed, by Mack- intosh, and each day achieving a higher and higher reputa- tion in literature. We see him as a magistrate, "no friend to game," as a country squire in Suffolk solemnly said of a neigh- bor, but a friend to man ; with a pitying heart, that forbade him to commit young delinquents to jail, though he would lec- ture them severely, and call out, in bad cases, " John, bring me out my fwivate gallon's" which brought the poor boys on their knees. We see him making visits, and even tours, in the "Immortal," and receiving Lord and Lady Carlisle in their coach and four, which had stuck in the middle of a plowed field, there being scarcely any road, only a lane up to the house. Behold him receiving his poor friend, Francis Horner, who came to take his last leave of him, and died at Pisa in 1817, after earning honors paid, as Sir James Mackintosh remarked, to intrinsic claims alone — " a man of obscure birth, who never filled an office." See Sydney Smith, in 1816, from the failure of the harvest (he who was in London "a walking patty"), sit- ting down with his family to repasts without bread, thin, un- leavened cakes being the substitute. See his cheerfulness, his submission to many privations : picture him to ourselves try- ing to ride, but falling off incessantly ; but obliged to leave off riding " for the good of his family and the peace of his parish" (he had christened his horse Calamity). See him suddenly prostrate from that steed in the midst of the streets of York, " to the great joy of Dissenters," he declares : another time flung, as if he had been a shuttlecock, into a neighboring par- 458 GLIMPSE OF EDINBUEGH SOCIETY. ish, very glad that it was not a neighboring planet, for some- how or other his horse and he had a " trick of parting com- pany." " I used," he wrote, " to think a fall from a horse dangerous, but much experience has convinced me to the con- trary. I have had six falls in two years, and just behaved like the Three per Cents., when they fell — I got up again, and am not a bit the worse for it, any more than the stock in ques- tion." His country life was varied by many visits. In 1820 he went to visit Lord Grey, then to Edinburgh, to Jeffrey. Traveling by the coach, a gentleman, with whom he had been talking, said, "There is a very clever fellow lives near here, Sydney Smith, I believe — a devilish odd fellow." "He may be an odd fellow," cried Sydney, taking off his hat, " but here he is, odd as he is, at your service." Sydney Smith found great changes in Edinburgh — changes, however, in many respects for the better. The society of Ed- inburgh was then in its greatest perfection. " Its brilliancy," Lord Cockburn remarks, " was owing to a variety of peculiar circumstances, which only operated during this period." The principal of these were " the survivance of several of the emi- nent men of the preceding age, and of curious old habits, which the modern flood had not yet obliterated ; the rise of a power- ful community of young men of ability ; the exclusion of the British from the Continent, which made this place, both for education and for residence, a favorite resort of strangers ; the Avar, which maintained a constant excitement of military prep- aration and of military idleness ; the blaze of that popular lit- erature which made this the second city in the empire for learn- ing and science ; and the extent and the ease w T ith which litera- ture and society embellished each other, without rivalry, and without pedantry." Among the " best young," as his lordship styles them, were Lord Webb Seymour and Francis Horner ; while those of the "interesting old" most noted were Elizabeth Hamilton and Mrs. Grant of Laggan, who had " unfolded herself," to bor- row Lord Cockburn's words, in the " Letters from the Mount- ains," " an interesting treasury of good solitary thoughts." Of these two ladies, Lord Cockburn says, " They were excellent women, aud not too blue. Their sense covered the color." It Avas to Mrs. Hamilton that Jeffrey said, " That there was no objection to the blue stocking, provided the petticoat came low enough to cover it." * Neither of these ladies possessed person- al attractions. Mrs. Hamilton had the plain face proper to lit- erary women ; Mrs. Grant Avas a tall, dark Avoman, Avith much diguity of manner : in spite of her life of misforttme, she had A PENSION DIFFICULTY. 4o',l a great flow of spirits. Beautifully, indeed, does Lord Cock- burn render justice to her character: " She was always under the influence of an affectionate and delightful enthusiasm, which, unquenched by time and sorrow, survived the wreck of many domestic attachments, and shed a glow over the close of a very protracted life." Both she and Mrs. Hamilton succeeded in drawing to their conversazioni, in small rooms of unpretending style, men of the highest order, as well as attractive women of intelligence. Society in Edinburgh took the form of Parisian soirees, and, although much divided into parties, was sufficiently general to be varied. It is amusing to find that Mrs. Grant was at one time one of the supposed " Authors of ' Waverley,' " until the disclosure of the mystery silenced reports. It was the popu- larity of " Marmion" that made Scott, as he himself confesses, nearly lose his footing. Mrs. Grant's observation on him, aft- er meeting the Great Unknown at some brilliant party, has been allowed, even by the sarcastic Lockhart, to be " witty enough." " Mr. Scott always seems to me to be like a glass, through which the rays of admiration pass without sensibly affecting it ; but the bit of paper* that lies beside it will pres- ently be in a blaze — and no wonder." Scott endeavored to secure Mrs. Grant a pension ; merited, as he observes, by her as an authoress, " but much more," in his opiuiou, "by the firmness and elasticity of mind with which she had borne a great succession of domestic calamities." "Unhappily," he adds, "there was only. about £100 open on the Pension List, and this the minister assigned in equal por- tions to Mrs. G and a distressed lady, granddaughter of a forfeited Scottish nobleman. Mrs. G , proud as a High- land woman, vain as a poetess, and absurd as a blue-stocking, has taken this partition in malam partem, and written to Lord Melville about her merits, and that her friends do not consider her claims as being fairly canvassed, with something like a de- mand that her petition be submitted to the king. This is not the way to make her placJc a bawbee, and Lord M , a little miffed in turn, sends the whole correspondence to me to know whether Mrs. G will accept the £50 or not. Now, hating to deal with ladies when they are in an unreasonable humor, I have got the good-humored Man of Feeling to find out the lady's mind, and I take on myself the task of making her peace with Lord M . After all, the poor lady is greatly to be pitied ; her sole remaining daughter deep and far gone in a decline." The Man of Feeling proved successful, and reported soon * Alluding to Lady Scott. 4G0 JEFFREY AND COCKBURN. afterward that the " dirty pudding" was eaten by the almost destitute authoress. Scott's tone in the letters which refer to this subject does little credit to his good taste and delicacy of feeling, which were really attributable to his character. Very few notices occur of any intercourse between Scott and Sydney Smith in Loekhart's " Life." It was not, indeed, until 1827 that Scott could be sufficiently cooled down from the ferment of politics which had been going on to meet Jef- frey and Cockburn. When he dined, however, with Murray, then Lord Advocate, and met Jeffrey, Cockburn, the late Lord Rutherford, then Mr. Rutherford, and others of " that file," he pronounced the party to be " very pleasant, capital good cheer, and excellent wine, much laugh and fun. I do not know," he writes, "how it is, but when I am out with a party of my Op- position friends, the day is often merrier than when with our own set. Is it because they are cleverer? Jeffrey and Harry Cockburn are, to be sure, very extraordinary men, yet it is not owing to that entirely. I believe both parties meet with the feeling of something like novelty. We have not worn out our jests in daily contact. There is also a disposition on such oc- casions to be courteous, and of course to be pleased." On his side, Cockburn did ample justice to the " genius who," to use his own words, " has immortalized Edinburgh and de- lighted the world." Mrs. Scott could not, however, recover the smarting inflicted by the critiques of Jeffrey on her hus- band's works. Her " And I hope, Mr. Jeffrey, Mr. Constable paid you well for yoy** article" (Jeffrey dining with her that day), had a depth of simple satire in it that even an Edinburgh reviewer could hardly exceed. It was, one must add, imperti- nent and in bad taste. " You are very good at cutting up." Sydney Smith found Jeffrey and Cockburn rising barristers. Horner, on leaving Edinburgh, had left to Jeffrey his bar wig, and the bequest had been lucky. Jeffrey was settled at Craig- crook, a lovely English-looking spot, with wooded slopes and green glades, near Edinburgh ; and Cockburn had, since 1811, set up "his rural gods at Bonally, near Colinton, just under the Pentland Hills, and he wrote, " Unless some avenging angel shall expel me, I shall never leave that Paradise." And a par- adise it was. Beneath those rough, bare hills, broken here and there by a trickling burn, like a silver thread on the brown sward, stands a Norman tower, the addition, by Playfair's skill, to what'was once a scarcely-habitable farm-house. That tower contained Lord Cockburn's fine library, also his ordinary sit- ting-rooms. There he read, and wrote, and received such so- ciety as will never meet again, there or elsewhere — among them Sydney Smith. Beneath — around the tower — stretches BON ALLY. 401 a delicious garden, composed of terraces, and laurel-hedged walks, and beds of flowers, that blossomed freely in that shel- tered spot. A bowling-green, shaded by one of the few trees near the house, a sycamore, was the care of many an hour ; for, to make the turf velvety, the sods were fetched from the hills above — from " yon hills," as Lord Cockburn would have called them. And this was, for many years, one of the rallyiug-points of the best Scottish society, and, as each autumn came round, of what the host called his carnival. Friends were summoned from the north and the south — " death no apology." High jinks within doors, excursions without. Every Edinburgh man reveres the spot, hallowed by the remembrance of Lord Cockburn. "Every thing except the two burns," he wrote, "the few old trees, and the mountains, are my own Avork. Human nature is incapable of enjoying more happiness than has been my lot here. I have been too happy, and often trem- ble in the anticipation that the cloud must come at last." And come it did ; but found him not unprepared, although the bur- den that he had to bear in after life was heavy. In their en- larged and philosophic minds, in their rapid transition from sense to nonsense, there was an affinity in the character of Sydney Smith and of Lord Cockburn which was not carried out in any other point. Smith's conversation was wit — Lord Cockburn's was eloquence. From the festivities of Edinburgh Sydney Smith returned contentedly to Foston le Clay and to Bunch. Among other gifted visitors was Mrs. Marcet. " Come here, Bunch," cries Sydney Smith one day ; " come and repeat your crimes to Mrs. Marcet." Then Bunch, grave as a judge, began to repeat : " Plate-snatching, gravy-spilling, door-slamming, blue-bottle- fly catching, and courtesy-bobbing." "Blue-bottle-fly catch- ing" means standing with her mouth open, and not attending ; and " courtesy-bobbing" was courtesying to the centre of the earth. One night in the winter, during a tremendous snow-storm, Bunch rushed in, exclaiming, "Lord and Lady Mackincrush is com'd in a coach and four." The lord and lady proved to be Sir James and his daughter, who had arrived to stay with his friends in the remote parsonage of Foston le Clay a few days, and had sent a letter, which arrived the day afterward, to an- nounce their visit. Their stay began with a blunder; and when Sir James departed, leaving kind feelings behind him, books, his hat, his gloves, his papers, and other articles of ap- parel, were found also. " What a man that would be," said Sydney Smith, " had he one pai'ticle of gall, or the least knowl- edge of the value of red tape !" It was true that the indolent, 462 HIS RHEUMATIC ARMOR. desultory character of Mackintosh interfered perpetually with his progress in the world. He loved far better to lie on the sofa reading a novel than to attend a Privy Council ; the slight- est indisposition was made on his part a plea for avoiding the most important business. Sydney Smith had said that when " a clever man takes to cultivating turnips and retiring, it is generally an imposture ;" but in him the retirement was no imposture. His wisdom shone forth daily in small and great matters. " Life," he just- ly thought, " was to be fortified by many friendships," and he acted up to his principles, and kept up friendships by letters. Cheerfulness he thought might be cultivated by making the rooms one lives in as comfortable as possible. His own draw- ing-room was papered, on this principle, with a yellow flower- ing pattern, and filled with " irregular regularities ;" his fires were blown into brightness by Shadrachs, as he called them — tubes furnished with air opening in the centre of each fire. His library contained his rheumatic armor ; for he tried heat and compression in rheumatism ; put his leg into narrow buck- ets, which he called his jack-boots ; wore round his throat a tin collar ; over each shoulder he had a large tin thing like a shoulder of mutton ; and on his head he displayed a hollow helmet filled with hot water. In the middle of a field into which his windows looked was a skeleton sort of a machine, his Universal Scratcher, with which every animal, from a lamb to a bullock, could scratch itself. Then on the Sunday the Im- mortal was called into use, to travel in state to a church like a barn ; about fifty people in it ; but the most original idea was farming through the medium of a tremendous speaking- trumpet from his own door, with its companion, a telescope, to see what his people are about ! On the 24th of January, 1828, the first notable piece of preferment was conferred on him by Lord Lyndhurst, then Chancellor, and of widely differ- ing political opinions to Sydney Smith. This was a vacant stall in the cathedral at Bristol, where, on the ensuing 5th of November, the new canon gave the Mayor and Corporation of that Protestant city such a dose of " toleration as should last them many a year." He went to court on his appoint- ment, and appeared in shoestrings instead of buckles. " I found," he relates, "to my surprise, people looking down at my feet : I could not think what they were at. At first I thought they had discovered the beauty of my legs ; but at last the truth burst on me, by some wag laughing and think- ing I had done it as a good joke. I was, of course, exceeding- ly annoyed to have been supposed capable of such a vulgar, unmeaning piece of disrespect, and kept my feet as coyly un- NO BISHOPRIC. 463 dcr my petticoats as the veriest prude in the country, till I should make my escape." His circumstances were now im- proved, and though moralists, he said, thought property an evil, he declared himself happier every guinea he gained. He thanked God for his animal spirits, which received, unhappi- ly, in 1829, a terrible shock from the death of his eldest son, Douglas, aged twenty-four. This was the great misfortune of his life ; the young man was promising, talented, affection- ate. He exchanged Foston le Clay at this time for a living in Somersetshire, of a beautiful and characteristic name — Combe Florey. Combe Florey seems to have been an earthly paradise, seat- ed in one of those delicious hollows, or combes, for which that part of the w T est of England is celebrated. His withdraw- al from the Edinburgh Review, Mackintosh's death, the mar- riage of his eldest daughter, Saba, to Dr. Holland (now Sir Henry Holland), the termination of Lord Grey's Administra- tion, which ended Sydney's hopes of being a bishop, were the leading events in his life for the next few years. It appears that Sydney Smith felt to the hour of his death pained that those by whose side he had fought for fifty years, in their adversity, the Whig party, should never have offered what he declared he should have rejected, a bishopric, when they were constantly bestowing such promotions on persons of mediocre talent and claims. Waiving the point whether it is right or wrong to make men bishops because they have been political partisans, the cause of this alleged injustice may be found in the tone of the times, which was eminently tinc- tured with cant. The Clapham sect were in the ascendency ; and Ministers scarcely dared to offend so influential a body. Even the gentle Sir James Mackintosh refers, in his Journal, with disgust to the phraseology 'of the day: " They have introduced a new language, in which they nev- er say that A. B. is good, or virtuous, or even religious ; but that he is an ' advanced Christian.' Dear Mr. Wilberforce is an ' advanced Christian.' Mrs. C. has lost three children with- out a pang, and is so ' advanced a Christian' that she could see the remaining twenty, ' with poor dear Mr. C.,' removed with perfect tranquillity." Such was the disgust expressed toward that school by Mack- intosh, whose last days were described by his daughter as hav- ing been passed in silence and thought, with his Bible before him, breaking that silence — and portentous silence — to speak of God, and of his Maker's disposition toward man. His mind ceased to be occupied with speculations ; politics interested him no more. His own " personal relationship to his Creator" was 464 BECOMES CANON OP ST. PAUL'S. the subject of his thoughts. Yet Mackintosh was not by any means considered as an advanced Christian, or even as a Chris- tian at all by the zealots of his time. Sydney Smith's notions of a bishop were certainly by no means carried out in his own person and character. " I nev- er remember in my time," he said, " a real bishop ; a grave, elderly man, full of Greek, with sound views of the middle voice and preterpluperfect tense ; gentle and kind to his poor clergy, of powerful and commanding eloquence in Parliament, never to be put down when the great interests of society were concerned, leaning to the Government when it was right, lean- ing to the people when they were right; feeling that if the Spirit of God had called him to that high office, he was called for no mean purpose, but rather that seeing clearly, acting bold- ly, and intending purely, he might confer lasting benefit upon mankind." In 1831 Lord Grey appointed Sydney Smith a Canon Resi- dentiary of St. Paul's ; but still the mitre was withheld, al- though it has since appeared that Lord Grey had destined him for one of the first vacancies in England. Henceforth his residence at St. Paul's brought him still more continually into the world, which he delighted by his " wise wit." Most London dinners, he declared, evaporated in whis- pers to one's next neighbors. He never, however, spoke to his neighbor, but "fired" across the table. One day, however, he broke this rule, on hearing a lady, who sat next him, say in a sweet, low voice, " No gravy, sir." " Madam," he cried, " I have all my life been looking for a person who disliked gra- vy ; let us swear immortal friendship." She looked astonished, but took the oath, and kept it. " What better foundation for friendship," he asks, " than similarity of tastes ?" He gave an evening party once a week, when a profusion of wax-lights was his passion. He loved to see young people decked with natural flowers ; he was, in fact, a blameless and benevolent Epicurean in every thing; great indeed was the change from his former residence at Foston, which he used to say was twelve miles from a lemon. Charming as his parties at home must have been, they wanted the bonhommie and simplicity of former days, and of the homely suppers in Or- chard Street. Lord Dudley, Rogers, Moore, "Young Macau- lay," as he was called for many years, formed now his society. Lord Dudley was then in the state which afterward became in- sanity, and darkened completely a mind sad and peculiar from childhood. Bankes, in his " Journal," relates an anecdote of him about this time, wdien, as he says, " Dudley's mind was on the wane ; but still his caustic humor would find vent through A SHARP REPROOF. 465 the cloud that was gradually overshadowing his masterly in- tellect." He was one day sitting in his room soliloquizing aloud ; his favorite Newfoundland dog was at his side, and seemed to engross all his attention. A gentleman was pres- ent Avho w T as good-looking and good-natured, but not over- burdened with sense. Lord Dudley at last, patting his dog's head, said, " Fido mio, they say dogs have no souls. Humph, and still they say " (naming the gentleman present) "has a soul !" One day Lord Dudley met Mr. Allen, Lord Hol- land's librarian, and asked him to dine with him. Allen went. When asked to describe his dinner, he said, "There was no one there. Lord Dudley talked a little to his servant, and a great deal to his dog, but said not one word to me." Innumerable are the witticisms related of Sydney Smith, when seated at a dinner-table, having swallowed in life what he called a " Caspian Sea" of soup. Talking one day of Sir Charles Lyell's book, the subject of which was the phenomena which the earth might, at some future period, present to the geologists — " Let us imagine," he said, " an excavation on the site of St. Paul's ; fancy a lecture by the Owen of his future era on the thigh-bone of a minor canon, or the tooth of a dean : the form, qualities, and tastes he would discover from them." " It is a great proof of shyness," he said, " to crumble your bread at dinner. Ah ! I see," he said, turning to a young lady, " you're afraid of me ; you crumble your bread. I do it when I sit by the Bishop of London, and with both hands when I sit by the Archbishop." He gave a capital reproof to a lively young M. P. who was accompanying him after dinner to one of the solemn evening receptions at Lambeth Palace during the life of the late Archbishop of Canterbury. The M. P. had been calling him "Smith," though they had never met before that day. As the carriage stopped at the Palace, Smith turned to him and said, " Now don't, my good fellow, don't call the Archbishop 1 Howley.' " Talking of fancy balls — "Of course," he said, "if I went to one, I should go as a Dissenter." Of Macaulay he said, " To take him out of literature and science, and to put him in the House of Commons, is like taking the chief physician out of London in a pestilence." Nothing amused him so much as the want of perception of a joke. One hot day a Mrs. Jackson called on him, and spoke of the oppressive state of the weather. " Heat ! it was dread- ful," said Sydney ; " I found I could do nothing for it but take oif my flesh and sit in my bones." "Take off your flesh and sit in your bones ! Oh, Mr. Smith, how could vou do that ?" T7 2 400 Sydney's classification op society. the lady cried. "Come and see next time, ma'am — nothing more easy." She went away, however, convinced that such a proceeding was very unorthodox. No wonder, with all his various acquirements, it should be said of him that no " dull dinners were ever remembered in his comjmny." A happy old age concluded his life, at once brilliant and use- ful. To the last he never considered his education as finished. His wit, a friend said, " was always fresh, always had the dew on it." He latterly got into what Lord Jeffrey called the vi- cious habit of water-drinking. Wine, he said, destroyed his understanding. He even "forgot the number of the Muses, and thought it was thirty-nine of course." He agreed with Sir James Mackintosh that he had found the world more good and more foolish than he had thought when young. He took a cheerful view of all things ; he thanked God for small as well as great things, even for tea. " I am glad," he used to say, "I was not born before tea." His domestic affections were strong, and were heartily reciprocated. General society he divided into classes : " The noodles — very numerous and well known. The affliction woman — a valuable member of society, generally an ancient spinster in small circumstances, who packs up her bag and sets off in cases of illness or death, ' to comfort, flatter, fetch, and carry.' The up-takers — people who see from their fingers' ends, and go through a room touching every thing. The clearers — who begin at a dish and go on tasting and eating till it is finished. The sheep-walkers — who go on forever on the beaten track. The lemon-squeezers of society — who act on you as a wet blanket ; see a cloud in sunshine ; the nails of the coffin in the ribbons of a bride ; extinguish all hope ; people whose very look sets your teeth on an edge. The let-well-aloners, cousin- german to the noodles — yet a variety, and who are afraid to act, and think it safer to stand still. Then the washerwomen — very numerous ! who always say, " Well, if ever I put on my best bonnet, 'tis sure to rain,' etc. " Besides this, there is a very large class of people always treading on your gouty foot, or talking in your deaf ear, or asking you to give them something with your lame hand," etc. During the autumn of the year 1844, Sydney Smith felt the death-stroke approaching. " I am so weak, both in body and mind," he said, "that I believe, if the knife were put into my hand, I should not have strength enough to stick it into a Dis- senter." In October he became seriously ill. "Ah ! Charles," he said to General Fox (when he was being kept very low), " I wish they would allow me even the wing of a roasted but- terflv." He dreaded sorrowful faces around him, but confided HIS DEATH. 467 to his old servant, Annie Kay — and to her alone — his sense of his danger. Almost the last person Sydney Smith saw was his beloved brother Bobus, who followed him to the grave a fortnight after he had been laid in the tomb. He lingered till the 22d of February, 1845. His son closed his eyes. His last act was bestowing on a poverty-stricken clergyman a living. He was buried at Kensal Green, where his eldest son, Doug- las, had been interred. It has been justly and beautifully said of Sydney Smith, that Christianity was not a dogma with him, but a practical and most beneficent rule of life. As a clergyman, he was liberal, practical, stanch ; free from the latitudinarian principles of Hoadley, as from the bigotry of Laud. His wit was the wit of a virtuous, a decorous man ; it had pungency without venom ; humor without indelicacy j and was copious without being tiresome. GEORGE BUBB DODINGTON, LORD MELCOMBE. " It would have been well for Lord Melcorabe's memory," Horace Walpole remarks, " if his fame had been suffered to rest on the tradition of his wit and the evidence of his poetry." And, in the present day, that desirable result has come to pass. We remember Bubb Dodington chiefly as the courtier whose person, houses, and furniture were replete with costly ostenta- tion, so as to provoke the satire of Foote, who brought him on the stage under the name of Sir Thomas Lofty in " The Patron." We recall him most as " VAmphytrion chez qui on dine :" " My Lord of Melcombe," as Mallett says, "Whose soups and sauces duly season'd, Whose wit well timed and sense well reason'd, Give Burgundy a brighter stain, And add new flavor to Champagne." Who now cares much for the court intrigues which severed Sir Robert Walpole and Bubb Dodington ? Who noAV reads without disgust the annals of that famous quarrel between George II. and his son, during which each party devoutly wished the other dead? Who minds whether the time-serv- ing Bubb Dodington went over to Lord Bute or not ? Who cares whether his hopes of political preferment were or were not gratified? Bubb Dodington was, in fact, the dinner-giv- ing lordly poet, to whom even the saintly Young could write, "You give protection — I a worthless strain." Born in 1691, the accomplished courtier answered, till he had attained the age of twenty-nine, to the not very euphoni- ous name of Bubb. Then a benevolent uncle with a large es- tate died, and left him, with his lands, the more exalted sur- name of Dodington. He sprang, however, from an obscure family, who had settled in Dorchester ; but that disadvantage, which, according to Lord Brougham's famous pamphlet, acts so fatally on a young man's advancement in English public life, was obviated, as most things are, by a great fortune. Mr. Bubb had been educated at Oxford. At the age of twenty-four he was elected M. P. for Winchelsea ; he was soon afterward named Envoy at the Court of Spain, but returned home after his accession of wealth to provincial honors, and 470 A MISFORTUNE FOR A MAN OF SOCIETY. became Lord-Lieutenant of Somerset. Nay, poets began to worship liim, and even to pronounce him to be well born : "Descended from old British sires; Great Dodington to kings allied ; My patron then, my laurels' pride." It would be consolatory to find that it is only Welsted who thus profaned the Muse by this abject flattery, were it not re- corded that Thomson dedicated to him his " Summer." The dedication was prompted by Lord Binning ; and " Summer" was published in 1727, when Dodington was one of the Lords of the Treasury, as well -as Clerk of the Pells in Ireland. It seemed, therefore, worth while for Thomson to pen such a pas- sage as this : " Your example, sir, has recommended poetry with the greatest grace to the example of those who are en- gaged in the most active scenes of life ; and this, though con- fessedly the least considerable of those qualities that dignify your character, must be particularly pleasing to one whose only hope of being introduced to your regard is thro' the recom- mendation of an art in which you are a master." Warton adding this tribute : "To praise a Dodington, rash bard, forbear! What can thy weak and ill-tuned voice avail, When on that theme both Young and Thomson fail?" Yet even when midway in his career, Dodington, in the famous political caricature called the "Motion," is depicted as "the Spaniel," sitting between the Duke of Argyle's legs, while his grace is driving a coach at full speed to the Treasury, with a sword instead of a whip in his hand, with Lord Chesterfield as postillion, and Lord Cobham as a footman, holding on by the straps ; even then the servile though pompous character of this true man of the world was comprehended completely ; and Bubb Dodington's characteristics never changed. In his political life, Dodington was so selfish, obsequious, and versatile as to incur universal opprobrium ; he had also another misfortune for a man of society — he became fat and lethargic. "My brother Ned," Horace Walpole remarks, "says he is grown of less consequence, thoiigh more weight." And on another occasion, speaking of a majority in the House of Lords, he adds, " I do not count Dodington, who must now always be in the minority, for no majority will accept him." While, however, during the factious reign of George II., the town was declared, even by Horace, to be " wondrous dull ; operas unfrequented, plays not in fashion, and amours old as marriages," Bubb Dodington, with his wealth and profusion, contrived always to be in vogue as a host, while he was at a discount as a politician. Politics and literature are the high- BRANDENBUEGH HOUSE. 471 roads in England to that mnch-craved-for distinction, an admit- tance into the great world ; and Dodington united these pass- ports in his own person : he was a poetaster, and wrote polit- ical pamphlets. The latter were published and admired ; the poems were referred to as " very pretty love verses" by Lord Lyttelton, and were never published — and never ought to have been published, it is stated. His bon mots, his sallies, his fortune and places, and contin- ual dangling at court, procured Bubo, as Pope styled him, one pre-eminence. His dinners at Hammersmith were the most recherche in the metropolis. Every one remembers, or ought to remember, Brandenburgh House, when the hapless Caroline of Brunswick held her court there, and where her brave heart — burdened probably with many sins — broke at last. It had been the residence of the beautiful and famous Margravine of Anspach, whose loveliness in vain tempts us to believe her in- nocent, in despite of facts. Before those eras — the presence of the Margravine, whose infidelities were almost avowed, and the abiding of the queen, whose errors had, at all events, verged on the very confines of guilt — the house w r as owned by Dodington. There he gave dinners ; there he gratified a pas- sion for display which was puerile ; there he indulged in eccen- tricities which almost implied insanity ; there he concocted his schemes for court advancement ; and there, later in life, he con- tributed some of the treasures of his wit to dramatic literature. " The Wishes," a comedy, by Bentley, was supposed to owe much of its point to the brilliant wit of Dodington.* At Brandenburgh House, a nobler presence than that of Dod- ington still haunted the groves and alleys, for Prince Rupert had once owned it. When Dodington bought it, he gave it — in jest, we must presume — the name of La Trappe; and it was not called Brandenburgh House until the fair and frail Mar- gravine came to live there. Its gardens were long famous, and in the time of Doding- ton were the scene of revel. Thomas Bentley, the son of Rich- ard Bentley, the celebrated critic, had .written a play called "The Wishes," and during the summer of 1761 it was acted at Drury Lane, and met with the especial approbation of George III., who sent the author, through Lord Bute, a pres- ent of two hundred guineas as a tribute to the good sentiments of the production. This piece, which, in spite of its moral tendency, has died out, while plays of less virtuous character have lived, was re- hearsed in the gardens of Brandenburgh House. Bubb Dod- ington associated much with those who give fame ; but he * See Walpole's "Royal and Noble Authors." 472 Johnson's opinion op poote. courted among them also those who could revenge affronts by bitter ridicule. Among the actors and literati who were then sometimes at Brandenburgh House were Foote and Churchill ; capital boon companions, but, as it proved, dangerous foes. Endowed with imagination ; with a mind enriched by clas- sical and historical studies ; possessed of a brilliant wit, Bubb Dodington was, nevertheless, in the sight of some men, ridicu- lous. While the rehearsals of " The Wishes" went on, Foote was noting down all the peculiarities of the Lord of Branden- burgh House, with a view to bring them to account in his play of " The Patron." Lord Melcombe was an aristocratic Dom- bey : stultified by his own self-complacency, he dared to exhib- it his peculiarities before the English Aristophanes. It was an act of imprudence, for Foote had long before (in 1747) opened the little theatre of the Haymarket with a sort of monologue play, " The Diversions of the Morning," hi which he convulsed his audience with the perfection of a mimicry never beheld be- fore, and so wonderful, that even the persons of his models seemed to stand before the amazed spectators. These entertainments, in which the contriver was at once the author and performer, have been admirably revived by Mathews and others, and in another line by the lamented Al- bert Smith. The Westmiuster justices, furious and alarmed, opposed the daring performance, on which Foote changed the name of his piece, and called it " Mr. Foote giving Tea to his Friends," "himself still the sole actor, and changing with Pro- teus-like celerity from one to the other. Then came his "Auction of Pictures," and Sir Thomas de Veil, one of his ene- mies, the justices, was introduced. Orator Henley and Cock the auctioneer figured also ; and year after year the town was enchanted by that which is most gratifying to a polite audience, the finished exhibition of faults and follies. One stern voice was raised in reprobation, that of Samuel Johnson ; he, at all events, had a due horror of buffoons ; but even he owned him- self vanquished. " The first time I was in Foote's company was at Fitzher- bert's. Having no good opinion of the fellow, I was resolved not to be pleased ; and it is very difficult to please a man against his will. I went on eating my dinner pretty sullenly, affecting not to mind him ; but the dog was so very comical that I was obliged to lay down my knife and fork, throw myself back in my chair, and fairly laugh it out. Sir, he was irresistible." Consoled by Foote's misfortunes and ultimate complicated misery for his lessened importance, Bubb Dodington still reigned, however, in the hearts of some learned votaries. Richard Bentley, the critic, qpmpared him to Lord Halifax — CHURCHILL AND "THE ROSCIAT). 1 ' 473 "That Halifax, my lord, as you do yet, Stood forth the friend of poetry and wit, Sought silent merit in the secret cell, And Heav'n, nay, even man, repaid him well." A more remorseless foe, however, than Foote, appeared in the person of Charles Churchill, the wild and unclerical son of a poor curate of Westminster. Foote laughed Buhb Doding- ton clown, but Churchill perpetuated the satire ; for Churchill was wholly unscrupulous, and his faults had been reckless and desperate. Wholly unfit for a clergyman, he had taken orders, obtained a curacy in Wales at £30 a year ; not being able to subsist, took to keeping a cider-cellar, became a sort of bank- rupt, and, quitting Wales, succeeded to the curacy of his fa- ther, who had just died. Still, famine haunted his home ; Churchill took, therefore, to teaching young ladies to read and write, and conducted himself in the boarding-school, where his duties lay, with wonderful propriety. He had married at seven- teen ; but even that step had not protected his morals : he fell into abject poverty. Lloyd, father of his friend Robert Lloyd, then second master at Westminster, made an arrangement with his creditors. Young Lloyd had published a poem called "The Actor;" Churchill, in imitation, now produced "The Rosciad," and Bubb Dodington was one whose ridiculous points were salient in those days of personality. "The Ros- ciad" had a signal success, which completed the ruin of its au- thor : he became a man of the town, forsook the wife- of his youth, and abandoned the clerical character. There are few sights more contemptible than that of a clergyman who has cast off his profession, or whose profession has cast him off. But Churchill's talents for a time kept him from utter destitu- tion. Bubb Dodington may have been consoled by finding that he shared the fate of Dr. Johnson, who had spoken slight- ingly of Churchill's works, and who shone forth, therefore, in " The Ghost," a later poem, as Dr. Pomposo. Richard Cumberland, the dramatist, drew a portrait of Lord Melcombe, which is said to have been taken from the life ; but perhaps the most faithful delineation of Bubb Dodington's character was furnished by himself in his "Diary;" in which, as it has been well observed, he " unveiled the nakedness of his mind, and displayed himself as a courtly compound of mean compliance and political prostitution." It may, in passing, be remarked, that few men figure well in an autobiography ; and that Cumberland himself, proclaimed by Dr. Johnson to be a " learned, ingenious, accomplished gentleman," adding, the " want of company is an inconvenience, but Mr. Cumberland is a million" — in spite of this eulogium, Cumberland has betrayed 474 PERSONAL RIDICULE IN ITS PROPER LIGHT- in his own autobiography unbounded vanity, worldliness, and an undue estimation of his own perishable fame. After all, amusing as personalities must always be, neither the humors of Foote, the vigorous satire of Churchill, nor the careful limn- ing of Cumberland, while they can not be ranked among tal- ents of the highest order, imply a sort of social treachery. The delicious little colloquy between Boswell and Johnson places low personal ridicule in its proper light. Boswell. — " Foote has a great deal of humor." Johnson. — " Yes, sir." Boswell. — " He has a singular talent of exhibit- ing characters." Johnson. — " Sir, it is not a talent — it is a vice ; it is what others abstain from. It is not comedy, which exhibits the character of a species — as that of a miser gather- ed from many misers — it is farce which exhibits individuals." Boswell. — " Did he not think of exhibiting you, sir ?" John- son. — " Sir, fear restrained him ; he knew I would have broken his bones. I would have saved him the trouble of cutting off a leg ; I would not have left him a leg to cut off." Few annals exist of the private life of Bubb Dodington, but those few are discreditable. Like most men of his time, and like many men of all times, Dodington was entangled by an unhappy and perplexing in- trigue. There was a certain "black woman," as Horace Walpole calls a Mrs. Strawbridge, whom Bubb Dodington admired. This handsome brunette lived in a corner house of Saville Row, in Piccadilly, where Dodington visited her. The result of their intimacy was his giving this lady a bond of ten thou- sand pounds to be paid if he married any one else. The real object of his affections was a Mrs. Behan, with whom he lived seventeen years, and whom, on the death of Mrs. Strawbridge, he eventually married. Among Bubb Dodington's admirers and disciples was Paul Whitehead, a wild specimen of the poet, rake, satirist, drama- tist, all in one ; and, what was quite in character, a Templar to boot. Paul — so named from being born on that saint's day — wrote one or two pieces which brought him an ephemeral fame, such as the " State Dunces," and the " Epistle to Dr. Thompson," "Manners," a satire, and the "Gymnasiad," a mock heroic poem, intended to ridicule the passion for boxing then prevalent. Paul Whitehead, who died in 1774, was an infamous, but not, in the opinion of Walpole, a desj^icable poet, yet Churchill has consigned him to everlasting infamy as a reprobate in these lines : "May I (can worse disgrace on manhood fall?) Be born a Whitehead, and baptized a Paul." WALPOLE ON DODINGTON'S " DIARY." 475 Paul was not, however, worse than his satirist Churchill ; and both of these wretched men were members of a society- long the theme of horror and disgust, even after its existence had ceased to be remembered, except by a few old people. This was the " Hell-fire Club," held in appropriate orgies at Medmenham Abbey, Buckinghamshire. The profligate Sir Francis Dashwood, Wilkes, and Churchill were among its most prominent members. With such associates, and living in a court where nothing but the basest passions reigned and the lowest arts prevailed, we are inclined to accord with the descendant of Bubb Dod- ington, the editor of his " Diary," Henry Penruddocke Wynd- ham, who declares that all Lord Melcombe's political conduct was " wholly directed by the base motives of vanity, selfish- ness, and avarice." Lord Melcombe seems to have been a man of the world of the very worst calibre / sensual, servile, and treacherous ; ready, during the lifetime of his patron, Frederick, Prince of Wales, to go any lengths against the ad- verse party of the Pelhams, that prince's political foes — eager, after the death of Frederick, to court those powerful men with fawning servility. The famous " Diary" of Bubb Dodington supplies the infor- mation from which these conclusions have been drawn. Hor- ace Walpole, who knew Dodington well, describes how he read with avidity the "Diary" which was published in 1784. " A nephew of Lord Melcombe's heirs has published that lord's 'Diary.' Indeed, it commences in 1749, and I grieve it was not dated twenty years later. However, it deals in top- ics that are twenty times more familiar and fresh to my mem- ory than any passage that has happened within these six months. I wish I could convey it to you. Though drawn by his own hand, and certainly meant to flatter himself, it is a truer portrait than any of his hirelings would have given. Never was such a composition of vanity, versatility, and ser- vility. In short, there is but one feature wanting in it, his wit, of which in the whole book there are not three sallies." The editor of this " Diary" remarks "that he will no doubt be considered a very extraordinary editor, the practice of whom has generally been to prefer flattery to truth, and partiality to justice." To understand, not the flattery which his contem- poraries heaped upon Bubb Dodington, but the opprobrium with which they loaded his memory — to comprehend, not his merits, but his demerits — it is necessary to take a brief survey of his political life from the commencement. He began life, as we have seen, as a servile adherent of Sir Robert Walpole. A political epistle to the minister was the prelude to a tempo- 476 THE BEST COMMENTARY ON A MAN'S LIFE. rary alliance only, for in 173*7 Bubb went over to the adverse party of Leicester House, and espoused the cause of Frederick, Prince of Wales, against his royal father. He was therefore dismissed from the Treasury. When Sir Robert fell, Bubb ex- pected to rise, but his expectations of preferment were not real- ized. He attacked the new administration forthwith, and suc- ceeded so far in becoming important that he was made Treas- urer of the Navy, a post which he resigned in 1749, and which he held again in 1755, but which he lost the next year. On the accession of George III., he was not ashamed to appear al- together in a new character, as the friend of Lord Bute : he was, therefore, advanced to the peerage by the title of Baron of Melcombe Regis, in 1761. The honor was enjoyed for one short year only, and on the 28th of July, 1762, Bubb Doding- ton expired. Horace Walpole, in his Royal and Noble Au- thors, complains that " Dodington's ' Diary' was mangled, in compliment, before it was imparted to the public." We can not, therefore, judge of what the •' Diary" was before, as the editor avows every anecdote was cut out, and all the little gos- sip so illustrative of character and manners which would have brightened its dull pages, fell beneath the power of a merciless pair of scissors. Mr. Penruddocke Wyndham conceives, how- ever, that he was only doing justice to society in these sup- pressions. "It would," he says, "be no entertainment to the reader to be informed who daily dined with his lordship, or whom he daily met at the table of other people." Posterity thinks differently : a knowledge of a man's asso- ciates forms the best commentary on his life ; and there is much reason to rejoice that all biographers are not like Mr. Penruddocke Wyndham. Bubb Dodington, more especially, w T as a man of society : inferior as a literary man, contemptible as a politician, it was only at the head of his table that he was agreeable and brilliant. He was, in fact, a man who had no domestic life: a courtier, like Lord Hervey, but without Lord Hervey's consistency. He was, in truth, a type of that era in England : vulgar in aims ; dissolute in conduct ; ostentatious, vain-glorious — of a low, ephemeral ambition, but, at the same time, talented, acute, and lavish to the lettered. The public is now the patron of the gifted. What writer cares for individ- ual opinion, except as it tends to sweep up the gross amount of public blame or censure ? What publisher will consent to undertake a work because some lord or lady recommended it to his notice ? The reviewer is greater in the commonwealth of letters than the man of rank. But in these days it was otherwise ; and they who, in the necessities of the times, did what they could to advance the in- terests of the belles lettres, deserve not to be forgotten. LEICESTER HOUSE. 477 It is with a feeling of sickness that we open the pages of this great wit's "Diary," and attempt to peruse the sentences in which the most grasping selfishness is displayed. We fol- low him to Leicester House, that ancient tenement — (where- fore pulled down, except to erect on its former site the narrow- est of streets, does not appear) : that former home of the Syd- neys had not always been polluted by the dissolute, heartless clique who composed the court of Frederick, Prince of Wales. Its chambers had once been traversed by Henry Sydney, by Algernon, his brother. It was their home — their father, Rob- ert Sydney, Earl of Leicester, having lived there. The lovely Dorothy Sydney, Waller's Saccharissa, once, in all purity and grace, had danced in that gallery where the vulgar, brazen Lady Middlesex and her compliant lord afterward flattered the Aveakest of princes, Frederick. In old times, Leicester House had stood on Lammas land — laud, in the spirit of the old char- ities, open to the poor at Lammas-tide ; and even " the Right Hon. the Earl of Leicester"— as an old document hath it — was obliged, if he chose to turn out his cows or horses on that ap- propriated land, to pay a rent for it to the overseers of St. Martin's parish, then really " in the fields." And here this no- bleman not only dwelt in all state himself but let or lent his house to persons whose memory seems to hallow even Leices- ter Fields. Elizabeth of Bohemia, after what was to her in- deed " life's fitful fever," died at Leicester House. It became then, temporarily, the abode of embassadors. Colbert, in the time of Charles II., occupied the place ; Prince Eugene, in 1712, held his residence here ; and the rough soldier, famous for all absence of tact — brave, loyal-hearted, and coarse — lingered at Leicester House in hopes of obstructing the peace between En- gland and France. All that was good and great fled forever from Leicester House at the instant that George II., when Prince of Wales, was driven by his royal father from St. James's, and took up his abode in it until the death of George I. The once honored home of the Sydneys henceforth becomes loathsome in a moral sense. Here William, Duke of Cumberland — the hero, as court flatterers called him ; the butcher, as the poor Jacobites desig- nated him of Culloden — first saw the light. Peace and re- spectability then departed the old house forever. Prince Fred- erick was its next inmate : here the Princess of Wales, the mother of George III., had her lyings-in, and her royal husband held his public tables ; and at these and in every assembly, as well as in private, one figure is conspicuous. Grace Boyle — for she unworthily bore that great name — was the daughter and heiress of Richard, Viscount Shannon. 478 ELEGANT MODES OF PASSING TIME. She married Lord Middlesex, bringing him a fortune of thirty thousand pounds. Short, plain, " very yellow," as her contem- poraries affirm, with a head full of Greek and Latin, and de- voted to music and painting ; it seems strange that Frederick should have been attracted to one far inferior to his own prin- cess both in mind and person. But so it was, for in those days every man liked his neighbor's wife better than his own. Imi- tating the forbearance of her royal mother-in-law, the princess tolerated such of her husband's mistresses as did not interfere in politics : Lady Middlesex was the " my good Mrs. Howard" of Leicester House. She was made Mistress of the Robes : her favor soon " grew," as the shrewd Horace remarks, " to be rather more than Platonic." She lived with the royal pair constantly, and sat up till five o'clock in the morning at their suppers ; and Lord Middlesex saw and submitted to all that was going on with the loyalty and patience of a Georgian courtier. Lady Middlesex was a docile politician, and, on that account, retained her position probably long after she had lost her influence. Her name appears constantly in the " Diary," out of which every thing amusing has been carefully expunged. " Lady Middlesex, Lord Bathurst, Mr. Breton, and I, waited on their Royal Highnesses to Spitalfields, to see the manufac- ture of silk." In the afteraoon off went the same party to Norwood Forest, in private coaches, to see a " settlement of gipsies." Then returning, went to find out Bettesworth, the conjuror, but, not discovering him, went in search of the " lit- tle Dutchman." Were disappointed in that, but " concluded," relates Bubb Dodington, " the particularities of this day by supping with Mrs. Cannon, the princess's midwife." All these elegant modes of passing the time were not only for the sake of Lady Middlesex, but, it was said, of her friend, Miss Granville, one of the maids of honor, daughter of the first Lord Lansdown, the poet. This young lady, Eliza Granville, was scarcely pretty : a fair, red-haired girl. All this thoughtless, if not culpable gallantry, was abruptly checked by the rude hand of death. During the month of March, Frederick was attacked with illness, having caught cold. Very little apprehension was expressed at first, but, about eleven days after his first attack, he expired. Half an hour before his death he had asked to see some friends, and had called for coffee and bread and butter : a fit of coughing came on, and he died instantly from suffocation. An abscess, which had been forming in his side, had burst ; nevertheless, his two physicians, Wilmot and Lee, " knew nothing of his dis- temper." According to Lord Melcombe, who thus refers to A SAD DAY. 479 their blunders, " They declared, half an hour before his death, that his pulse was like a man's in perfect health. They either would not see or did not know the consequences of the black thrush, which appeared in his mouth, and quite down into his throat. Their ignorance, or their knowledge of his disorder, renders them equally inexcusable for not calling in other assist- ance." The consternation in the prince's household was great, not for his life, but for the confusion into which politics were thrown by his death. After his relapse, and until just before his death, the princess never suffered any English man or wom- an above the degree of valet-de-chambre to see him ; nor did she herself see any one of her household until absolutely necessary. After the death of his eldest born, George II. vent- ed his diabolical jealousy upon the cold remains of one thus, cut oft* in the prime of life. The funeral was ordered to be on the model of that of Charles II., but private counter-orders were issued to reduce the ceremonial to the smallest degree of respect that could be paid. On the 13th of April, 1751, the body of the prince was en- tombed in Henry VIL's chapel. Except the lords appointed to hold the pall and attend the chief mourner, when the at- tendants were called over in their ranks, there was not a sin- gle English lord, not one bishop, and only one Irish lord (Lord Limerick), and three sons of peers. Sir John Rushout and Dodington were the only privy councilors who followed. It rained heavily, but no covering was provided for the proces- sion. The service was performed without organ or anthem. "Thus," observes Bubb Dodington, "ended this sad day." Although the prince left a brother and sisters, the Duke of Somerset acted as chief mourner. The king hailed the event of the prince's death as a relief, which was to render happy his remaining days ; and Bubb Dodington hastened, in a few months, to offer to the Pelhams " his friendship and attach- ment." His attendance at court was resumed, although George II. could not endure him ; and the old Walpolians, nicknamed the Black-tan, were also averse to him. Such were Bubb Dodington's actions. His expressions, on occasion of the prince's death, were in a very different tone. " We have lost," he wrote to Sir Horace Mann, " the delight and ornament of the age he lived in — the expectations of the public : in this light I have lost more than any subject in En- gland ; but this is light ; public advantages confined to myself do not, ought not, to weigh with me. But we have lost the refuge of private distress — the balm of the afflicted heart — the shelter of the miserable against the fury of private adversity ; 480 "what does dodington come here foe?" the arts, the graces, the anguish, the misfortunes of society, have lost their patron and their remedy. " I have lost my companion — my protector — the friend that loved me, that condescended to hear, to communicate, to share in all the pleasures and pains of the human heart : where the social affections and emotions of the mind only presided, with- out regard to the infinite disproportion of my rank and condi- tion. This is a wound that can not, ought not to heal. If I pretended to fortitude here, I should he infamous — a monster of ingratitude — and unworthy of all consolation, if I was not inconsolable." " Thank you," writes the shrewd Horace Walpole, address- ing Sir Horace Mann, " for the transcript from Buhb de Tris- tlbus. I will keep your secret, though I am persuaded that a man who has composed such a funeral oration on his master had himself fully intended that its flowers should not bloom and wither in obscurity." Well might George II., seeing him go to court, say: "I see Dodington here sometimes ; what does he come for ?" It was, however, clearly seen what he went for, when, in 1 753, two years after the death of his "benefactor," Dodington hum- bly offered His Majesty his services in the house, and " five mem- bers," for the rest of his life, if His Majesty would give Mr. Pelham leave to employ him for His Majesty's service. Never- theless, he continued to advise with the Princess of Wales, and to drop into her house as if it had been a sister's house — sitting on a stool near the fireside, and listening to her accounts of her children. In the midst of these intrigues for favor on the part of Dod- ington, Mr. Pelham died, and was succeeded by his brother, the Duke of Newcastle, the issue of whose administration is well known. In 1760 death again befriended the now veteran wit, beau, and politician. George II. died ; and the intimacy which Dod- ington had always taken care to preserve between himself and the Princess of Wales ended advantageously for him ; and he instantly, in spite of all his former professions to Pelham, join- ed hand and heart with that minister, from whom he obtained a peerage. This, as we have seen, was not long enjoyed. Lord Melcombe, as this able, intriguing man was now styled, died on the 28th of July, 1762, and with him tenninated the short- lived distinction for which he had sacrificed even a decent pre- text of principle and consistency. So general has been the contempt felt for his character, that it seems almost needless to assert that Bubb Dodington was eminently to be despised. Nothing much more severe can be l'KKM) US FROM OUB EXECUTORS AND EDITORS. 481 said of him than the remarks of Horace Walpole upon his " Diary," in which he observes that Dodington records little but what is to his own disgrace ; as if he thought that the world would forgive his inconsistencies as readily as he forgave himself. "Had he adopted," Horace well observes, "the French title ' Confessions? it would have seemed to imply some kind of penitence." But vain-glory engrossed him : " he was determined to raise an altar to himself, and, for want of burnt-offerings, lighted the pyre, like a great author (Rousseau), with his own character." It was said by the same acute observer, both of Lord Her- vey and of Bubb Dodington, that " they were the only two per- sons he ever knew that were always aiming at wit and never finding it." And here, it seems, most that can be testified in praise of a heartless, clever man, must be summed up. Lord Melcombe's property, with the exception of a few leg- acies, devolved upon his cousin, Thomas Wyndham, of Ham- mersmith, by whom his lordship's papers, letters, and poems were bequeathed to Henry Penruddocke Wyndham, with an injunction that only such as "might do honor to his memory should be made public." After this, in addition to the true saying, defend us from our friends, one may exclaim, " defend us from our executors and editors." X THE KVD. |^p* Every Number of Harper's Magazine contains from 20 to 50 pages — and from one third to one half more reading — than any other in the country. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. The Publishers believe that the Twenty-one Volumes of Harper's Magazine no\jj issued contain a larger amount of valuable and at- tractive reading than will be found in any other periodical of the day. 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Mr. Motley's History will be a standard book of reference in historical litera- ture. — London Literary Gazette. Mr. Motley has searched the whole range of historical documents necessary to the composition of his work. — London Leader. This is really a great work. It belongs to the class of books in which we range our Grotes, Milmans, Merivales, and Macaulays, as the glories of English literature in the department of history. * * * Mr. Motley's gifts as a historical writer are among the highest and rarest. — Nonconformist (London). Mr. Motley's volumes will well repay perusal. * * * For his learning, his libera! tone, and his generous enthusiasm, we heartily commend him, and bid him good speed for the remainer of his interesting and heroic narrative. — Saturday Review. The story is a noble one, and is worthily treated. * * * Mr. Motley has had th^ patience to unravel, with unfailing perseverance, the thousand intricate plots of the adversaries of the Prince of Orange; but the details and the literal extract* which he has derived from original documents, and transferred to his pages, give a truthful color and a picturesque effect, which are especially charming. — London Daily News. M. Lothrop Motley dans son magnifique tableau de la formation de notre Re- publique. — G. Geoen Van Fbinsteree. Our accomplished countryman, Mr. J. Lothrop Motley, who, during the last five years, for the better prosecution of his labors, has established his residence in the neighborhood of the scenes of his narrative. No one acquainted with the Sne powers of mind possessed by this scholar, and the earnestness with which he has devoted himself to the task, can doubt that he will do full justice to his im- portant but difficult subject. — W. H. Pkescoit. 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The work is a noble one, and a most desirable acquisition to our historical lit- erature. — Mobile Advertiser. Such a work is an honor to its author, to his country, and to the age in which it was written. — Ohio Farmer. Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, Franklin Square, New York. Harmsb & Beothebs will send the above Work by Mail (postage paid (for any distance in the UnitPd Stntes under 8000 miles), on receipt of the Money. CURTIS'S HISTORY OF THE CONSTITUTION. HISTORY OF THE ORIGIN, FORMATION, AND ADOP- TION OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. By George Ticknor Curtis. Complete in 2 vols. 8vo, Muslin, $4 00 ; Law Sheep, f 5 00 ; Half Calf, $6 00. A book so thorough as this in the comprehension of its subject, so impartial in the summing up of its judgments, so well considered in its method, and so truthful in its matter, may safely challenge the most exhaustive criticism. The Constitutional History of our country has not before been made the subject of a special treatise. We may congratulate ourselves that an author has been found so capable to do full justice to it ; for that the work will take its rank among the received text-books of our political literature will be questioned by no one who has given it a careful perusal. — National Intelligencer. We know of no person who is better qualified (now that the late Daniel 'Web- ster is no more), to undertake this important history. — Boston Journal. It will take its place among the classics of American literature. — Boston Cour- ier. The author has given years to the preliminary studies, and nothing has es- caped him in the patient and conscientious researches to which he has devoted so ample a portion of time. Indeed, the work has been so thoroughly performed that it will never need to be done over again ; for the sources have been exhaust- ed, and the materials put together with so much judgment and artistic skill that taste and the sense of completeness are entirely satisfied. — N. Y. Daily Times. A most important and valuable contribution to the historical and political lit- erature of the United States. All publicists and students of public law will be grateful to Mr. Curtis for the diligence and assiduity with which he has wrought out the great mine of diplomatic lore in which the foundations of the American Constitution are laid, and for the light he has thrown on his wide and arduous subject. — London Morning Chronicle. To trace the history of the formation of the Constitution, and explain the cir- cumstances of the time and country out of which its various provisions grew, is a task worthy of the highest talent. To have performed that task in a satisfacto- ry manner is an achievement with which an honorable ambition may well be gratified. We can honestly say that in our opinion Mr. Curtis has fairly won this distinction. — N. Y. Courier and Enquirer. 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Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, Franklin Square, New York. *,* Habpee & Bbotheeb will send the above Work by Mail, postage paid (for Any distance in thp 1'nitert St:itrs under 300ft miles), on receipt of the Money. "A Grand Book— an Honor to America." THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEA. By Lieut. M. E. MAURY, U. S. N. With Wood-cuts and Charts. New Edition. Enlarged and Im- proved. Svo, Muslin, Notices of the Pi-ess. Lieutenant Maury, in his fascinating book — Blackwood's Magazine. We err greatly if Lieut. Maury's book will not hereafter be classed with the works of the great men who have taken the lead in extending and improving knowledge and art; his book displays, in a remarkable degree, like the "ad- vancement of learning" and the natural history of Buffon, profound research and magnificent imagination. — London Illustrated News. We have not met for a long period with a book which is at once so minute and profound in research, and so plain, manly, and eloquent in expression. * * * At almost every page there are proofs that Lieut. Maury is as pious as he is learned. * * * This is but one passage of a book which will make a sensation not like that or equal to that made by " Uncle Tom's Cabin," but a durable and ex- panding impression in the general mind, and hereafter Lieut. Maury will be re- membered among the great scientific men of the age, and the benefactors of mankind. — London Economist. We have scarcely ever met with a work that has given us more instruction and pleasure. Under the author's clear and familiar treatment, the Ocean no longer seems a mere mass of waters, unvaried except by storms and tides; it becomes a living thing, as it were, an immense vital organ, composed of a won- derful congeries of powers, and performing a wonderful part in the natural econ- omy of our terraqueous globe. 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Svo, Muslin, $6 00; Sheep, $6 75; Half Calf, $7 50. The first attempt at a complete history of the United States. The reader who desires to inform himself iu all the particulars, military or political, of the American Revolution, will find that they have been scrupulously collected for him by Mr. Hildreth.— London Athenmum. It has condensed into consecutive narrative the substance of hundreds of volumes. — London Literary Gazette. The history of the Revolution is clearly and succinctly told. — N. A. Review. Mr. Hildreth's sources of information have evidently been ample and various, and intelligently examined, his materials arranged with a just idea of their im- portance in the story, while his judgments are well considered, unbiassed, and reliable. His style is clear, forcible, and sententious.— Christian Register. Mr. Hildreth is a very concise, vigorous, and impartial writer. His entire history is very accurate and interesting, and well worthy a place in every Amer- ican library. — Louisville Journal. He is laborious, conscientious, and accurate. As a methodical and very full narrative, its value is undoubted. — New Orleans Bee. The calmness and ability with which he has presented his narrative will give his work rank among the standard histories of the country. — Watchman and Observer. * * We have, therefore, read his book with distrust. But we are bound in candor to say that it seems to lis valuable and very fair. Mr. Hildreth has con- fined himself to, as far as possible, a dispassionate collection of facts from the documents he has consulted and copied, and his work fills a void that has sensi- bly been felt in private libraries. As a documentary history of the United States, we are free to commend it. — N. Y. Freeman's Journal. Mr. Hildreth has rendered an essential and permanent service. — Providence Daily Journal. 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Its positive merits, in addition to those we have before mentioned, are impartiality, steadiness of view, clear appreciation of character, and, in point of style, a terseness and con- ciseness not unlike Tacitus, with not a little, too, of Tacitean vigor of thought, stern sense of justice, sharp irony, and profound wisdom. — Methodist Quarterly Review. It occupies a space which has not yet been filled, and exhibits characteristics both of design and of composition, which entitle it to a distinguished place among the most important productions of American genius and scholarship. We welcome it as a simple, faithful, lucid, and elegant narrative of the great events of American history. It is not written in illustration of any favorite theory, it is not the expression of any ideal system, but an honest endeavor to present the facts in question in the pure, uncolored light of truth and reality. The impartiality, good judgment, penetration, and diligent research of the au- thor are conspicuous in its composition. — N. Y. Tribune. In our judgment, this is the ablest, best, and most judicious popular history of the United States that has yet appeared. It will be a standard book on American history, and will not fail to secure a high reputation as a writer to its modest and unpretending author. — Washington Union. This work is a valuable addition to our historical literature. It is the fruit of wide research and hard labor. It has those features of severe simplicity and truthfulness which will render it an enduring legacy to the future.— Christian Watchman. Mr. Hildreth's work will be a standard of reference for the student of Ameri- can history, and will become a favorite in proportion as it is known.— Nat. Era. 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