i t • fe C< Blleliiia!" Jonft of joy $m NV-^, v-O C°P/r/c,F|t iZ^ Hard & pars ^ s Qlleluia! 6bnst is l^isen I " Waives the son9 from eartr? to sky. Olleluia ! obnst is I \isen ! Qcl?oes bad? \\)e alad reply. Ken and Wnaels swell \\)e strain, leaven answers earth s refrain. "Wlleluia! ^Sinas \\)e breeze, i)n t h>e tree-tops waking \)\a\). "ollleluia! I\ustlma leaves LAow in tender murmur $>\a\), Kature s sweetest voices raise 9n t be clear I \edeemer s praise. "Qlleluial" Flowers breathe, ^Softly in i\)e\v gentle way ; Fragrance sweet, as offering wreathe 0t tl?e Saviour s feet to lay. 011 tbincjs fair in homage now (ij)o tbeir Qord and ^Daviour, b ow. cllleluia ! ©wells the vo ice Wf ioy in every living, tbma. " obnist is I \isen ! all re|oice, ' I \ansomed now 1o be our T\ina. ijanisbed deatb and gloom for aye, obnst and ioy no more sball die. Annie C. Mi LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lUNIIIIMllNllllllllillllll 015 988 387 5 %