SB 211 P8 G8 Copy 1 RAISE TWO POTATOES, WHERE NOWWE RAISE ONE POTATOES liy Joseph 'V?/o Xn V 9 J^AM^'^f^^^ TO the: AG re. ^Tl ELD CROP/ FRANKLIN NEWS CO • PHILA OopTTlshted 1886, rrftnklln Revs 0». MONEY IN POTATOES. 400 BUSHELS TO THE ACEE AS A FIELD CROP. A COMPLETE INSTRUCTOR FOR THE POTAT(J (iROWEll. OUR NEW SYSTEM FUELY EXPLAINED IN SEV- ENTEEN CHAPTERS AND FORTY LESSONS. WITH MANY ILLUSTRATIONS. AP- PENDIX. THE NP:WER VARIE- TIES, THEIR MERITS AND FAULTS. JiV rriSCO GRKINER {JOSEPH). FKOM DAY TO DAY THE NUMBKR OF MOUTHS TO BE 6'ET) FKO:\r KACK ACRE IN OUR COUNTRY INCREASES LET IS NEGLECT NO MEANS TO MUT^- TIT'T-Y THE J'RODUCT OF OUR LAND." PHTLADELP ViBAtTKLIN NEWS COMPANY PREFACE, It cannot be the intention of the author (wlio himself feels the res])onsibility for a small part of the modern potato litera- ture) to deny that the subject treated in the following pages has received its full share of attention by the agricultural press during the last decennium. Here are many valuable suggestions relating to potato cul- ture presented to the world, but being scattered over a wide space of time and territory, they are not accessible to the general reader. No apology is deemed necessary for the attem]>t to collect and sift all this matter, and present what is good (tf it (incor- jjorated into our own Original method) in a handy and inex- pensive form. We have been guided by the desire to teach common-sense methods, expose erroneous notions, and tell, in [dain words, how we have attaineotato crop. An admirable selection: For Early Sorts— Clay loam, very rich. For Late Sorts— Sandy or gravelly loam, of medium fer- tility. Naturally drained, loose and mellow clover-sod, or stub- ble after stiti" sod is the best imaginable condition or state of cultivation in either case. The potato thrives best in a cool and moist climate or season. Its home is on lime-stone lands. CHAPTER 11. 3IANURE AND ITIS APPLICATION. FEED THE LAND AND THE LAND WILL FEED YOU. Stable .Uauiire. Clover. Coiiimercial Fertilizers. Chemicals. Potato Pulp. Lesson 3. — /Stable muimrc should he fine and ihoronyJily rotted, spread evenly during the fall previous, and if on stubble, incorporated into the soil at once. Coarse, unfermented stable dung is nearly worthless for the potato crop, unless as a mulch on very porous and dry soils. Thoroughly rotted compost in moderate quantities is a good fer- tilizer for tall-growing varieties, while low-growing (early) sorts are greatly benefitted by more liberal applications. The clover on the pasture lot or meadow selected for a potato field should not be grazed or cut very late in the fall. We couhl hardly wish for a better fertilizer than a good growth of clover, covered during the foil with a coat of fine old manure or barn-yard scrai)ings, lighter or heavier— according to variety to he plnnred- and, if }.ossible, applied with a Kemp manure spreader or, at least, evenlv and finely distributed by means of harrow or otherwise. For stubble ground, fall manuring can be recommended only on condition that the manure is harrowed or cultivated into the soil and thus left until spring. Lesson 4.— A field which had been heavily manured for the preceding crop, is in first rate roiidifi<»> for a potato crop. On land manured the year previous, i>otatoes will do well without additional fertilizing, still the application of wood ashes or liuie often increases the yield. Newly applied stable manure seems to attract the wire-worms, and therefore has the tendency to produce scab in the tubers. Coarse manure is a frequent cause of prongs, protuberances, " fingers and toes." Commercial fertilizers meet with no objections of this kind. The fairest, smoothest and best shaped tubers are generally grown on well pulverized soils which were fertilized with chemical manures, or not at all the same season. Le.SSOX 5. — //* tite soil is in the riglit mechanical condition bat luckirKj infertility, the application of commercial manures often paps exceedingly ivell. In recommending such fertilizers, Ave enter debatable ground. Wliile we have never failed to see good results from the appli- cation of phosphates, etc., whenever we tried them on potatoes or other crops, there are many cases on record, as reported by difff rent farmers, where even complete fertilizers — those con- taining ammonia, phosphoric acid and potash — utterly refused to respond. Still we believe that the fault is witli the man oftcner than with the material. Lesson Ck— Apply the element or elements of 2)l<(nt food in, which your soil is deficient. Commercial manures and chemicals give us one great advan- tage. Of the three most important elements, ammonia, phos- piioric acid, and potasli, the soil may contain a sufficiency of one or two. If we know, from previous experiments, which these elements are, it will be only necessary to supply the one tliat is lacking. TIius, our own soils were always deficient in phosphoric acid, and therefore greatly benefitted by its appli- cation, next by that of potash, but not noticeably })y ammonia. On other soils ashes, or some other forms of potash, either alone or in combination with phosplioric acid, or ammonia will greatly increase the yield. 8 Lesson 7. — Safe in almost every case is the applicatioi} of complete manures. If previous experiments liave not been made to determine the relative proportion of these elements in the soil, complete manures like Mapes' or Stockbridge (Bowker) special potato fertilizers, Powell's potato producer etc., which contain the three ingredients in about the right proportion for the crop,, can be relied on with safety.''^ From 600 to SOO pounds to an acre siiould be applied broadcast, just before planting, and deeply liarrowed into tiie soil, or in drills, about an inch or two above tiie seed and covered by a few inches of soil. The well-known English experimenter, Sir J. B. Lawes of Rothamstead, used 300 pounds of sulphate of potash (130 pounds actual potash), 350 pounds superphosphate of lime, 540 pounds nirate of soda, to produce a crop of 400 bushels. This im-ans almost a mere manufacturing of the crop out of chemicals, without calling on the soil for assistance (as to the supply of raw material); and such manufacturing might be carried on year after year on the same land. The cost of raw material would be about as follows: — 300 pounds of Sulphate Potash at 2A cents, . . $7.50 350 pounds superphosphate at 3i cents, . , . 12.25 540 pounds nitrate of .soda at 3 cents, , . . 16.20 Total . . . $35.95 Expensive as this manuring appears to be, we c(»uld well afford it, if thereby we make sure of a crop of 400 bushels. Where unleached wood-ashes are obtainable at little cost, ihey may take the place of sulphate of potash, and perhaps^ >^how better results at less expense. The cheapest source of phosphoric acid for potatoes, probably, is, dissolved South Carolina Rock, containing about 27 to 30 per cent, of ))orie- phosphate, and costing $16.00 per ton. Nitrate of soda is an awkward thing to handle, on ac<;«)unt of its great solubility, and dear also. However, it has this one great advantage; that there is no need of applying it sooner than the growing vines show the lack of it. Never apply it in the fall A rank growth of clover or of clover roots, turned under, sup))lies all the ammonia needed, and is generally the cheapest form in which ammonia can be obtained. This mauurial substance [days a very important ])art in giving thrift and lux- uriance to the foliage, and while large tops, in themselves, are not our object, we can hardly hope to reap a large crop of tubers without their assistance. Lesson 8. — Potato pulp is an exjicnsive manure, but the )nost necessary of all fertiliziiKj materials. The supply of ammonia, especially if scarce, should be sup- plemented, reinforced, as it were, by the application of potato- pulp, represented in a sajfieiniej/ of seed. CHAPTER III. PREFARINd THE SOIL. Fall and Spring Flowing. Fining rlie Soil. Marking. Depth ot'Fnrrows. The RnrnI .>lethod. In the selection of ground we took occasion to emphasize tlie necessity of iiaving land that would admit of being made fine- arid mellow. This, then, is the primary condition of success. Lesson 9. — 77/r jield nmsf he plowed or re-plowed just before plaiifimj. There is no need of plowing such land in the fall. When planting time draws nigh, carefully turn over that slice of sur- face soil, which has been in cultivation previously, if it has a thickness of from 7 to i) inches. It is not safe to turn up mort- than one-half inch of new soil in one year. Every balk left unredeemed, must necessarily diminish the yield. Lesson U).—R is of rodiu'tion of extraordinary results than the removal of mere mechanical obstructions to the swelling of tlie tubers. 11 The bottom of the furrows must be made, or left about fout inches deep (below the level surface), a depth which generally proves to be the very best iu an average season. With very light seeding, however, 3 inches may be })referable, though it sliould not be less, thus interfering with our method of after-cultivation. o CHAPTER IV. SELECTION OF SEED. The Best Variety. For Home Use or Market. High Breeding of Potatoes. What variety to plant, is the next question. The answer depends very much on the use you intend to make of the crop. LKS80N 12. — Select the variety best adapted to your soil and market. In planting for home consumption, merely, the very first things to be considered are quality and yield. Almost all vari- eties differ in their relative worth on different soils, and no variety will do equally well on all kinds of soil. This varia- tion is so great, that one sort may be utterly worthless on one soil, or in one locality, and yet yield enormous crops in others. For family use, we plant the Early Ohio, the White Elephant and the Adirondack, All these are of exceptionally good quality, and, witli us, heavy croj»}iers. Tlie Early Ohio is distinguished l)y its extreme earliness; the Elephant, by its enormous yields; the Adirondack, by its superiority as a late keeper. These varieties, however, may not be tlie ones to Avhich your soil shows a particular j)artiality ; and the selection is proj)erly left with every planter. In many local markets, a potato is a potato; one sells as well as another. In such an emergency, the most desirable potato to be found, is the one which promises the heaviest yield. If tiiat happens to be one of inferior quality, like the Peerless, or Mammoth Pearl, it would seem to be of little consequence to you, though we should i)refer to sell to our customers tubers of the best quality. 12 The early bird catches the big worm, and to catch the big price in the early iiiarlcets, we need very early sorts. The Early Ohio, where it succeeds, is the variety for this pur- pose. It requires a rich clay loam, rather moist than other- wise, close planting and particularly lieavy seeding. Other seedlings of the Early Rose, like Early Vermont, Early Gem, Sunrise, Chicago Market, and Beauty of Hebron follow next. The Snowflake, though later, is also counted among the early sorts-. It is apt to ])roduce a large number of small, unmar- ketable tubers, and therefore needs lighter seeding. The leading late varieties, demanded in the lari^e city mar- kets, are the Burbank, White Star, White Elejthant, Peerless, Mammoth Pearl, O. K. Mammoth Prolific and Dnnmore Seed- ling. Plant the one of these which seems to suit your soil the "hest, and you cannot go amiss. Under no circumstances, plant at hap-hazard. Success or failure may depend on the selection of variety. Previous experience with ditferent sorts, on your own land, is the only infallible guide. The novice must ask his predecessor, or one or the other of his intelligent neigh- ^)ors, if he is fortunate enimgh to have such, for the desired and desirable information. Another factor in the. case, hardly less important than the- selection of the variety required by your particular soil, locality or climate, is the selection of the right specimens for seed. Like produces like, it is said. That is true as far as it is meant. " What ye sow, that shall ye also reap." Lksson 13. — Only the fairest and smoot/ieat of the lanjer atuC medium sized tubers are Jit to be planted. (iood seed, persistently planted, year after year, will either result in an imj)rovement of the variety, or at least keep it from deteriorating. Refuse potatoes as seed may produce handsome crops for a year or two, or in excejjtionably favorable seasons, but if their use is continued, it must end in deterioration of the variety, in gradually decreased yields and at last in utter failure. We need, we want high-bred seed potatoes; they are of greater iniportance than high class poultry. The same care ii^ 13 selection sliould be exercised that the stock raiser (>r dairyman uses in tlie selection of his cattle. Reject all under-sized or badly-sliaj)ed specimens for seed. The best time for selectinir the seed is during the potato har- Test, the fall previous. , () CHAPTKU V CUTTIXa THE SEED. Single V.yv. Oris. Stiii-tevsiiit and Terrv. Yields Resulting from diliei-ent Amounts of Seed. Kelinble Tests. Various theories have been advanced and various methods ot •cutting the seed recommended. One of tlie latest of these, and widely practiced because the most ably defended, is the one-eye system, as advocated by Dr. Sturtevant, of tlie New York Experimental Station, and baptized '' Cutting from North-east to South-west," by B. F. Terry, its most enthusiastic champion. Figure 1 explains Dr. Sturtevant's dis- c(>very. Each bud is the terminus of a branch connecting it with its source of nutriment in the middle of the tuber. The •dotted lines indicate how the tuber should be cut in order to supply each eye with a share of this most important interior substance, in other words, to leave a rea- sonable amount of root to each coral branch. Dr. Sturtevant's statement, to the eflfect that merchantable tubers cut in this man- ner, have yielded him six times as much as eyes cut shallow, four times as much as those cut in the ordinary manner, and Figure 1 twice as much as potatoes j)lanted whole, and Terry's and •other writer's reports, have done much towards popularizing ■that method. J^KSSON 14.— T/ie sill f/le eye system, except fo7' soils exceedingly rich in ammonia, is a, delusion and a snare. Our own experiments during a series of years, faitlifully and j>ersistently repeated on diflferent soils and under different 14 conditions, have long since forced us to abandon our former partiality for light seeding, and to accept the inference that the cry " too much seed," raised by some writers, and resulting in the popular en-or of using an insufficient amount of seed, together witli the checii-row system, is the chief cause of the low average of the potato yield, which is but a fraction above eighty-five bushels to the acre. We have not held back with our views. Our cries of warning have sounded through the Agricultural press repeatedly. If Dr. Sturtevant, Terry, et al., -who, under peculiar eireuiu- stances, (on lands containing an excess of ammonia), or with peculiar knack, have made the one-eye system a success in their hands, now wish to induce the common farmer to adopt this system for their common farm soils, they proclaim a mis- chievous doctrine, which can only result in a further decrease of this low average yield. Meaning well, they do great harnu They are the false prophets, whose teachings, in this respect, we hear but not heed, while in many other respects we listen to them with the ears of the faithful. Lesson 15. — ^1 sufficiency of seed is the basis, the conditio sine qua non of oar 400 bushel crop on common farm soil. The amount of seed influences the yield fully as much, if not more, than any other single thing or circumstance, degree of fertility not excepted. Let us look at the theoretical side of the question. The chief function of the foliage is of a digestive character. The storage of a considerable amount of pulp in tubers, like the accumulation of flesh and fat in animals, is utterly impossible, even wMth an abundance of food, unless the digestive organs are fully developed and in perfect working order. You might make light of the absorptive powers of the foliage — as feeders in the air, — or of the benefits derived from their services as mulch, (which are not to be despised in a dry season), yet, you cannot dispute away the fact, that a diminution of the product in flesh or tuber, must be the inevitable consequence of every mutilation, crippling, or retarded and imperfect development of the digestive machinery. This influence of the amount of 15 foliage u]»()ii tlie yield, is full established by the eoiiii)anitive yields of early and late, that is of dwarf (low to])), and tall varieties, the latter out-yielding tlie former, generally, in about tlie proportion of their tops. Lesson 16. — The larger the seed jriecc, the earlier and more thrifty wl/l be the e/rowth of the tops. How is the desired luxuriance of tlie foliage, and i)artieular]y its early development to be obtained ? By accepting Nature's method of seeding. If we want to raise a fine calf, we let him suck all the fresh milk lie wants. No substitute will fill tlie place of that diet; and without it, great care is required in bringing him up. Nor is tliere any food that agrees with a new born babe as well as the food which Nature intended for it — a -4. Fh/vres 2 ami .3. healthy mother's milk. The analogy between these instances and the case of the potato plant is unmistakable. The mother- tuber contains the natural food for the plant in sufficient quan- tity to support the young growth, to supply it with a large number of roots and thus to make it strong and able to look for its food supply elsewhere. If the iiifant-food in the tuber is materially shortened or divided among a great number of mouths, by close cutting, the plantlet is thrown on its own resources before having gained sufficient strength, and forced to partake of food little suited for its weak digestion. Retarded growth of foliage, if not a weakly condition throughout the season, Avith decreased yield of tubers as a natural consequence, IS the almost surc^ penalty of this coinmon error. The single eye systeni is tlie roothog-or-die plan. See figures 2 and 3. Repeated applications of liquid manure in the early stages of growth, or frequent rains soaking through a manure-filled soil, may sometimes counterbalance the ill effects of light -seeding, but heavy seeding is tlie only method applicable to general field culture. Thus far we have dealt with tlieory only. How is this sup- j)orteiI by the results of tests and stubborn facts? ill IJulletin 12 of the Missouri Agricultural College (1884), Proiessor J. W. Sanborn, in summarizing the experiments wliich he has conducted personally during nine years, with the Karly Rose, says: •' The following table will give the average returns for seven years from measured ground and weiiriied ixitatoes, the product of two farms, and in agreement with the iiniceordeil lesnjls on a tliird farm : I'RODLCT PKK AClti:. From seed of whole potatoes, large, . . . L'i'7 l.Misbels. From seed of whole ])otatoes, sniM 11, . 177 Fr')m seed of stem end port the eyes, nntil by the growth of roots, support from the flesh is no longer required." From many other tests, which brouglit fortli similar results, we will mention only our own of last season, 1884. The soil selected for the test is a rich loam, having been used as an onion field for a number of years, and repeatedly and heavily manured with hog and hen manure, salt, ashes, kainit, high-grade super-phosphate, &c. Variety selected — Early (Jem. ^ tig. 18 Planted in drills tliree feet apart, eighteen inches apart in the drill. On account of the high fertility of the soil, we did not expect to see a great difference in favor of heavy seeding. A quantity of large, smooth potatoes, weighing about a half'pouud each, were selected for seed. The plants of the heaviest seeding were the first to come up, and the amount of foliage, about four weeks after planting, indicated the exact proportion of the yield afterwards. With yield from whole potatoes taken as 100, the result was as follows, viz. :— Whole Potato. Whole potatoes, Single eye on whole potato. Single eye, cut from N. W. to S. E. Seed end half, . Stem end half, . Whole large potato, without seed end, while Prof. Sanborn's tests show the following per centage : — Whole large potatoes, .... 100.00 per cent. Whole small potatoes, . . . 79.02 Single eye, .... . 'MAi', " From our own tests we must infer that even a high state of fertility of the soil, or a sufficiency of moisture during the whole . 100.00 per cent . 66.10 . 42.40 . 61.02 . 61.00 nd, . 106.78 season, (which were the conditions of our soil), does not always niaterially lessen the benefits derived from heavy seeding. A very common circumstance bears testimony in favor of liberality in seeding. Every farmer has occasionally come across a self-seeded plant, grown from a whole potato which had happened to escape the vigilant eye of the digger, and if he is in the least observing, the unusually large yield of such a hill, often growing under unfavorable conditions — in the shade of a corn hill, or riglit in the midst of a potato patch, perhaps between the rows — can hardly have failed to attract his notice. Prof. Sanborn's experience fully coincides with our own and serves to fortify our position. He says, (Bulletin 12.) : — "The growth of the tops in the early season displayed more differ- ence in favor of large seed than the harvest indication, showing that a vigorous leaf at the early period of potato growth is of much imi)ortance. Tliis difference has been noted every year of the trials." * * -=• "^ -•• "The leaf is broader, the stem stronger, and the whole top always, in my experience much in advance of those tops grown from severely cut or from small potatoes." Incidentally we have mentioned some advantages of a mere mechanical nature, resulting from heavy seeding. The tops from large seed pieces, appearing above ground //-om one to two weeks earlier than those from single eyes, soon meet, shade the ground, retain the moisture (and perhaps ammonia), and choke out weeds' growth, thus saving a considerable amount of labor in cultivation and in fighting the bugs. Lesson 17. — Heavy seeding is ahvays the safest with dwarf (early) varieties. There is a great difference in the innate vigor of the varieties. Low tops, as a rule, yield less than taller varieties. This lack of constitutional vigor must be counterbalanced, and heavy seed- ing will do it. We can hardly conceive of any combination of circumstances, ivhich might prevent a corresponding increase of yield from heavier seeding, with early varieties. 20 Lksson l.s. — Tkc lesi> viguroiis the variety, the more seed is de- sirable. Tlio peeling off of the seed end of varieties with many eyes, seems to increase the yield of large tubers considerably more than it decreases that of small tubers. Witli early varieties, our choice of seed, therefore, is as follows in the order named : 1. Large potato, peeled at seed end. 2. Whole large potato (4 ounces or more). 3. Small potato (less than 4 ounces). 4. Seed end half of large, or medium potato. . 5. Stem end half of large or medium potato. The tops even of dwarf varieties should cover the ground, and stimulation, high feeding witli potato pulp is necessary for the purpose. Late, that is, strong-growing sorts generally do that with lighter seeding, even on common farm soils ; yet with so vigorous a grower as tiie White Elephant, tlie halves of large tubers planted on soil of hardly medium fertility, check-row fasliion, have largely outyiehled ligliter seeding. Poor lajid will give tlie best results from whole potatoes; lighter seeding is recommendable, often necesesary for late sorts on soils which are rich in vegetable matter (humus). " The more favorable the season, and the better tlie condi- tions," says Prof. Sanborn, " the greater the relative yield from light seeding. Our farmers must bear in mind that the good re- sults reported from light seeding of potatoes, are often guesses, generally from market gardeners, or obtained under favorable <;onditions, while the failures are not reported." We have said before, that a large yield is not to be expected without a thrifty top growth ; but we do by no means assert, that the former is a necessary sequence of the latter. An ex- cessive amount of foliage, together with a mere pittance of tubers has come under our observation more than once. We know, liowever, liow to avoid the undesirable coincidence. Starvation is ]>ossible in various ways. One person may have an abundance of the very choicest food within his reach, yet (lie from lack of nourishment, because he is in tlie last stages of dyspepsia, another may be blessed with a powerful digestion, but have no food to digest. At the sacrifice of a considerable amount of potato pulj) ia seeding, we have provided the plant with wonderful powers of assimilating food. That is all. His food, the raw material in the manufacture of tubers, must come from the soil, and if tiie latter be deficient in phosphoric acid and potash, or in a single one of the two, the plant dies without producing full-sized tubers. Fortunately for the grower, the majority of soils con- tain those two essential ingredients in sufficient quantity for a l)otato crop, and if the plants are strong enough, they are able to look up this food and make it available. If it is la'-k- ing, it must be supplied, or potatoes cannot be grown. We will not entirely ignore the objections thnt are urged against the use of large seed pieces. It is clainu-ij by some writers, that a large seed piece throws up a large number of sprouts, which, having to struggle for mere existence, grow up slim and weak. Such an idea is only to be derided. The facts refute it. The great majority of the eyes on a potato planted whole never come to life. Those buds which are the strongest,. and most forward, seem to eat uj) the nourishment in the mother tuber before the weaker (dormant) ones have time t<> start, A whole potato generally produces from 3/o S Inrge heavy stems, which should all be left, as the thinning, accord- ing to one of our tests, and in agreement with the general principles, results in a decreased yield. The removal of parr of the stalks, where they are very numerous, is admissible in the earliest stages of growth, and only then. Increased size of tubers is the $rain, slightly decreased yield the loss. A single-eye piece often develops two or three buds, cvt-ry one of which is stunted. Figures 2 and 3 show rhe compara- tive growth of stems and roots. That the proportion of large and small (merchantable and unmerchantable) tubers in the yield speaks in favor of Ji^'ht seeding, we freely and cheerfully admit. But if we can double our yieiil of salable tubers through the agency of heav'ic i-st'<-(i- 22 ing, we will gladly accept the increase of small potatoes to three or four-fold their former yield as a free gift. VV^e have use for them in the hog pen and poultry yard. In practice we have no reason to grumble. In spite of our heavy seeding, the percentage of small potatoes harvested by us. can always be written with one single figure. The most serious objection, however, is that of expensive- ness. Can we artbrd to use so much seed? That depends largely on the cost. A price of two dollars or more per bushel excludes, the practicability of heavy 6'eeding. Now let us consider the case of early jjotatoes for which we recommend the very heaviest seeding. We plant in rows 3 feet apart. Dropping a 4 ounce potato every 18 inches in the drill, thus making 9680 hills per acre, we need for them 40 bushels ot seed, or at 15 inches apart, 48i bushels. Planting single eyes would require only from 6i to 8 bushels of seed, and therefore be a saving of from 33? to 40 bushels per acre. Supposing the heavy seeding (at 18 inches), to yield 200 bushels per acre, the yield from the one eye planting would be 72.32 bushels, taking Prof. Sanborn's tests as the basis of cal- culation. Thus, we save. 33^ bushels in seeding and lose 127.68 in harvesting. Supposing that the planting of whole potatoes brings 400 bushels t(» the acre, we would harvest from single eyes but 144.64 bushels. Hence a saving of about 40 bushels of seed would result in a yield decreased by 255.36 bushels. In other w(»rds, for the 40 bushels of potatoes applied as manure, we receive in return 255.36 bushels. If our figures are correct, or nearly so, heavy seeding will pay us a number of hundred per cent, on the investment, even if potatoes are cheaper in the fall than in the spring previous. For early varieties, the minimum average of seed should be a 3-ounce potato or piece of potato per hill, using about 36 busluds of seed. For late sorts, the amount of seed sliouid be reguhited by the degree of fertility of the soil. One quarter of a medium tuber (a i)ieceof lu^t less than IV ounce), may he con- sidered as a minimum on common farm soils. 23 The judicious planter always jjlants largely when many growers, in consequence of a glut in the market, quit the busi- ness in disgust. When potatoes are worth but 15 or 20 cents a bushel he can well afford to use a sufficiency of seed, thus im- proving his chances for a large crop, which is likely to sell for from 50 to 75 cents or even $1.00 per bushel. On the other hand, when the potato business is booming and the average })lanter doubling his usual area, the shrewd grower may use the one-dollar-a-bushel seed more sparingly. The crops will jtrobably find but slow sale at bottom prices. With high priced, new varieties, it is generally advisable to resort to the single eye method. In that case, the manner of cutting recommended b)'' Dr. Sturtevant, shr)wn in figure 1, is the only correct way, as it insures an even distribution of potato pulp among the pieces. The grower, however, should not for- get that single-eye planting, even in the case just mentioned, isjustifiable only andsolelyin combination with the drill system. If more than one eye is to be used per hill, have them all in one piece, which is much preferable to two pieces witli one or two eyes each ; it makes tlie i)lant stronger and saves labor in planting. Lesson 19. Prepare the seed just before planting time. It is no advantage, as is claimed l)y some, to have tlie seed cut days, or even weeks, before planting, and to treat it with plaster, or otherwise. With us, it has repeatedly proved a real damage. Prepare the seed (cut it if required), when you get ready to use it. CHAPTER Vi. PLANTIX(L Time of Planting. Distance Apart. Coverin«r. Again we find it necessary to make a distinction between early and late varieties. Lesson 20. — Jior early market or early home supply, plant as soon as the ground can be got in the proper condition. If a very early crop is desired, we must run the risk of hav- ing it damaged by late frosts. It will generally escape and 24 come out all right. A light frost may utterly (lestroy plants grown from single eye (or two or three eyes), the resources of which are exhausted in the very first growth; yet it has little or no power to seriously harm i)lantations resulting from whole tubers, which have a considerable amount of reserve force left, and as a dernier resort can fall back on tlie develo])ment of an altogether new set of sjirouts. Should earliness, however, be of less consideration than cer- tainty of crop and large yield, the i)lanting had better be postponed until that period when we can exi)ect to have the crop safe from late frosts. This is IVom one to two wt-eks in advance of corn planting time; and also tlie proper time for l>lanting late varieties. Lesson 21. — Plant potatoeti brforr i/on phtnt corn. Many farmers ])ractici- i)hinting corn liist and i)otatoes after- wards. Tills order should be reversed. In an average season, earlier plantings do better than late ones; and as long as we are unable to foretell the weather for the whole season with something of the same certainty that our National Weather Makers predict it for twenty-four hours, we must rely on ])roi)a- bilities. Many are the jokes let loose in regard to tlie question of " planting in the moon." We will not waste our breath or space by re])eating any of them or trying new ones. Tiic advo- cates of " moon planting" would not be convinced of their error by anything we could say. If you do as we tell you in all other things, you may Inive your own way about planting in whatever phase of the moon you prefer. Lksson 22. — Dioarf niriffifs need closer p/(nitin«/, as well (ts heorlcr seedinr/, than tall sorts. The constitutional vigor of the variety planted should settle the question as to distance between the plants. Early Ohio, with its low tops, Alpha and others, may be planted with advantage, as close as 12 inches apart in the rows; Early Kose and the majority of other early kinds, 15 inches, later sorts, 18 to 20 inches, and sometimes more. ■•■ The field is ready for planting, and tlie seed prepared. No»v put it in sacks, barrels, crates or boxes, and scatter these over the field, enabling the droppers to refill their receptacles with the least practicable trouble and delay; The seed is then dropped, one piece in a place, and at the proper distance. Lesson 23. — Careful hands should drop the seed, to have if at the proper distance ; a horse can do the covering. If no drill manuring is to be done, you will atonce proceed to cover the seed, which cnn be done nicely and quickly with a common one horse cult vator. Remove every tooth, with the exception of the two outer ones, which should be set to throw the soil toward one another (wide or hilling blades). Let the horse walk riglit in the bottom of the furrows. The covering can also be done very quickly with a heavy harrow (drag , going with the furrows, repeatedly if necessary, or with tools made especially for the purpose, at the option of the grower. At any rate, this work is done a great deal easier by liorse power than with hands ami hoes. If you intend to manure in the drills, let the field be lightly harrowed in the direction of the furrows, wliich are thereby partly filled. Then strew the special potato fertilizer u])on the safely covered seed, and harrow again thoroughly. If green manure is to be used, put the desired (not excessive) quantity of coarse stuff, even corn-stalks, sorghum bagasse, or whatever it may be, in tiie half covered furrows and use tiie cultiA'ator as above described. No rolling is necessary after planting. * It should not be inferred that the yield increases or decreases in the Bame ratio as tlie nnmher of hills on the same area; in other words, that each hill would yield tlip same, whether planted closer or further apai't. In one of our tests with (^eins planted ISand oOin<'hes apart, respectively. (nnmber of hills in the proportion of 100 to 60 on the same gronnd), the yield of the closer planting was at the rate of 475.93 bushels per acre, of the wider planting: 8«2.9!» bushels, or 76.27 per centum. While a hill, hav- ing 30 inches space in the row, yielded 27.10 per cent, more than a hill having but 18 inches, the yield was materially more with closer plant- ing. Yet, it were folly to expect, under tlie same conditions, a crop of 571.12 bushels from 15 inch, or 609.74 from 12 inch plantings. CHAPTER VII. CULTIVATING. Harrow and C'liltivator. Shovel Plow. Hoe. liuvei Ciiitivatioii vs. Hilling. The oojectof the cultivation given to the potato field is three- fold : — 1. To keep down every sign of weed growth ; 2. To keep the soil well pulverized, fine and mellow; 3. To prune the roots; and all this restricted to the earlier period of growth. Lesson 24. — A light harrow is the best cultivator. For the first two or three weeks after planting and uj) to the time when the vines are three or four inches high, a common light harrow or drag is tlie only tool required. It answers all three purposes perfectly; and, indeed, with an insignificant amount of labor. One harrowing actually does more good and shows more lasting effects than three cultivatings. It is better than hand hoeing. Tlie cultivator, like Saul, slew thousands (of weeds). The harrow is the David, who slays his ten thous- ands. The harrow makes the ground mellow in and around every hill, and leaves not a weed. The slight root-pruning caused by the drag teeth, seems to be a decided benefit in this early stage of growth, and to result in an increased development of the rootlets, which act as feeders iind supporters. The plants respond to this treatment with astonishing quickness. They seem to grow visibly. Some farmers understand this principle very well and, not contented with a light ])runing, tear the roots to pieces quite Figure 6. thoroughly with a home-made iron hook, fastened to an old hoe handle. (See Figure O). The drag performs its work to our perfect satisfaction, and we do not recommend the use of supplementary tools, in par- ticular, if H involves a irreat deal of liand labor. Enough is a feast. Harrow the Held iIk. roughly, first in the direction of the rows, tlien erossways, every five or six days, and stop only when the plants get so large that injury to them must be feared. If a suflaciency of seed is used, this will be soon enough. 27 Lesson 25. — When the size of tops forbid thcfurtlier aae of the harrow, cultivate as often a.^ necessari/, trit/i a. common, light cultivator. Then the cultivator should take the place of the harrow. Cultivate shallow, and repeat at .short intervals, until the tops cover the ground ami forbid further working among theiu. Level. The shovel plow is not needed for cultivation purposes. The practice of piling up great mountains around each plant, will soon be a thing of the past. Soils on which this hilling is necessary, are not desirable for potato growing. The Editor of the Rural New Yorker claims for himself the priority of the level culture idea. He has been an enthusiastic Hilled. advocate of the new metliod, and his phenomenal yields have given strong testiuKtnev in its favor.* * A test, made by us in 18S4, for the purpose of ascertaining ilie relative yields resulting from the old and the new metho(l, was, for certain rea- sons, not as reliable as we conld wish; still, we will give the figures:— Hilled, Early Gem, quartered lengthwise, land rich, moist, plenty of rain ; yield per acre, 201.46 bushels. Level, under same conditions, yield per acre, 294.(il iin>), serves to keep the tubers covered LIZVUL Figure fi. The (Golden Mean. u)), and to facilitate the labor of digging them in the fall. The hilling (outside), teeth of the cultivator M-ill do the work just about right. 29 We have no use for the hand lioe in the potato fiehl at this time, unless Canada tiiistles, milk weed, l;ur(h)ck and otlier weeds of that character shouhl be growiny in it. Tliese must be cut off beh)w the surface of tlie ground with the sharp bhule of a hoe, a task that requires hut little time. Eepeat if ne(!es- sarv. Soon the to])s will cover the ground, when no more cultivation is needed. ('lIAP'ii:rv VII BU(;s AXJ} WORMS. Tlu' White (iiiih. The Wire \\ oriii. The Colorado Potato Bug. A white grub, the larva of the common May ))eetle (Alelontha vulgaris), which feeds on the teiuler roots of plants, oecasioruilly eats otf a potato stalk below the surface of the ground. We have never suffered serions damage from this pest, and can suggest only one remedy, that is, not to plant on soils known to be infested by these grubs in such numbers as to endanger tlie croj). The grub is fouinl generally in sod or new ground, rarely in soils that hnve been in cultivation the pi'evious season. The remedy is obvious. The wire worm, which name belongs collectively to the larvae of different species of beetle (julus), is a i)est much more to be dreaded. Its ravages are the cause of an unsightly scabby ap- pearance of the tubers. No soil or condition is a sure protec- tion against them. Potatoes grown on light soils, or on soils fertilized with commercial manures, chemicals, kainit, &c., are more apt to escape the attacks of this ])est, and to come out smooth and handsome in appearance than those grown on heavv clay soils, particularly if fertilized with stable manure. The latter always seems to attract the wire worms. Still nu)re dangerous than the preceding is the Colorado Po- tato liug {Doryphorn dernnlinrata),kuown and hated by every potato grower. The larvae of this real pest, at their first ap- pearance in the Eastern States, were much more destructive than at tlie ])resent time, as their natural enemies ftlie soldier bug aixl otlicr insects, wliich feed on the eggs and larvae of the 30 dorvphora) liave multij)lie(l nearly as fast as their prey. There are, however, instances even at this day, of whole crops being destroyed or sadly damaged by this insect. Our mode of planting is the simplest and most potent remedy for the Doryphora. Lesson 27. — Luxuriance of vines is impulsive to the hnffs. Rankness of tops drives the bugs off. The few that stay, are lost in tliis forest of foliage, but the large majority take to our neigh])or's fields, where, in slow and weak-growing plants they find food better suited to bug taste. We don't find it necessary to dose the bugs after full seed- ing. If the vines are not quite so thrifty, it may be necessary to go over the field, pan or pail in hand, and knocking the larvae off into the receptacle with a stick or paddle, to gather and kill them. It is always advisable to pick off" the old " hard-shells," when the plants are first l)reaking ground, or to poison them with slices of potato, soaked in a weak solution of Paris Green in water. More care is necessary with early than with strong- growing late varieties, and more after light than heavy seeding. A field planted in the single eye or two-eyes-to-a-piece fashion needs close watching. Lesson 28. — If the hugs come in considerable numbers, Paris Green is the proper remedy, cheap, effective, and harmless, if rightly applied. Everything about the potato bug is disgusting. No animal except a few insects can be induced to eat it. We would not like our children to get into a hand-to-hand fight with the pest. And if the business is too nauseous for our cliildren, we do not expect that other people's children wall enjoy it. Use Paris Green, if the bugs stand fight. We greatly prefei the dry mode of application. The poison is mixed with plaster or flour (wheat, rye, or buckwheat) at the rate of one pound of the former to from 100 to 200 pounds of the latter. The mixing requires thoroughness. Spread a thin layer of flour or plaster in the bottom of a large tight box, sjirinkle a part of the poison evenly over this, then 31 put on another layer df the former and so on until finished. VVitli hoe and shovel mix this mass over; too )auch mixini;- is no fault, a trifle too little mixing puts its eff'eetiveness in ques- tion. The poison should be evenly distributed all through rlu> material which lends to it volunnj ;ind adhesiveness. Then the remedy is infallible and, in its diluted condition, not very dangerous to handle. The mixture is now to be sifted over the vines, preferal)ly when they are covered with dew. A mere atom of Paris Gret-n is sui-e death to the bug, and it is only necessary to protect each part of the tbliage by the thinnest imaginable coat of the mixture. A home-made sifter like figure 10, consisting of a large tin box, with pei'forated bottom and attachment for adjusting han- dle, is the simplest instrument for applying the poison. Figure 10. Paris Green Sifter, There are a number of other contrivances in the market, the advertisments of which appear in the agricultural i)apers in due season. The most of these atomizers and sifters answer their purpose admirably. Particular attention, however, we wish to call to the Potato Bug Exterminator manufactured by J. S. Eddy & Sons, in Eagle Mills, New York. It is a very handy poison distributor. The cut shows the machine. When the poison is to be applied in liquid form, it should be diluted in the proportion of one teaspoonful to a large pail of water. Ke^p it well stirred while applying. Do not put your reliance in any of the many advertised pateni insecticides. 32 CHAPTER IX. HARVESTING Time of Digging. Potato Diggers, tlniid IiiipleiiieiitM. Plow. Sorting. Handy Cerates. As soon us tlie tops die, showing thiit the tubers have come to maturity, it is time to harvest the crop. Lesson L'!>. — D'kj duruxj the first dry spell after the jxitatoes hove become ripe. Never dig i)Otatoes when the soil is very wet ; they will not keep so well. The task of digging is much easier in cieun ground than in ground over-ruu with weeds, as long as the half dead stems indicate the location of hills. Nature does not like a vacancy. Wlien the dying tops make room, the Aveeds, repelled during a short period, hut not discouraged, renew their struggle for existence, and the new undesirable vegetation, favored by a hot sun and occasional showers, makes rapid 1 Figure 11. Grape Hoc progress. Before you are hardly aware of it, you may be forced to start the mower and men with forks to clear the i»otato ground from weeds, before digging can be thought of Lesson 80. — A common plow is just as good a tool for digging the crop, as any of the high-priced patented votato-diggers. AVe cannot conscientiously advise you to invest largely in potato-diggers. Mr. Terry claims to l)e the ]iossessor of the only machine of real merit. We fear that his specimen cannot be duplicated, otherwise a few cargoes would come handy for our potato men. This living machine is a certain ^Ir. Ross, recently arrived froiu Germany, and the almost incredible dig- ging capacity of 15:) to 250 bushels per day, is claimed for him. 33 111 light sandy soils, free tVoiii large stones and pebbles, tli.- •orop can be dug by liaiid as well, or better, and jiearly as last as in any other way. Tlic common hoe, spading fork, potato fork or i)otat() digging iiook may be used, according to prefer- ence. In hard or gravelly soil, a grai)e hoe will often do excellent service. We prefer a c<»minoii j)low to any other implement for 7 the crop in //njic/d. Tlie merchantabh- (table) ])otatoes are now j)icked up and kei>t by themselves ; after \vards go over the same ground again and pick iij) the small ones, to be storelanting. The charac- teristic marks of the variety can now be readily distinguished. Store each variety by itself, in separate l)arrels, boxes, crates, bins or pits, and do not forget to la]>el them correctly and legibly. LksSOX 32. — The j/ofdfvcf^, <(s fust when j)ut into icinlcr quarters, imiS: be perfectly dry. A steady temperature, as low as possible without actu;ii freezing, is tlie best. Lesson 36. — Potatoes intended for food, should he kept in th<- dark. A sprinkling of air-slacketl lime over tlie tubers is a i)reventa- tive of rot. Another good method of keeping ])otatoes until spring, is the storage in pits. It may not be quite as iumdy, nor as safe, as the cellar storage, but the tubers generally come out of their winter quarters much treslier and of l)etter taste tiuin when cellar kept. The annexed figure gives a correct idea of the pit as it should be. The pits may be made right in the field wliere the crop is dug. Select a location-with perfect natural drainaye, and excavate a place of corresponding size, and not deeper than necessary to Mf/ure 13. Potato Pit. obtain a solid and dry loundation (8 or 9 inches). For a pile of 50 bushels, the excavation should be round, and about 4 feet in diameter; for a larger quantity, it has to be enlarged in one direction only, and thus made oblong. Now put a little straw in the bottom, and empty the potatoes as ftist as picked up, ujwn it, making a conical pile. Cover it with straw eight inches deep, and after the lapse of n few hours 37 cover with soil to the depth of three or tour iiiclies. A twisted! band of straw, reaching down to the potato heap and through the dirt covering on top, serves as ventilator. At the approach of severe cold weather, this heap is once more covered witli 5 or 6 inches of straw, held in place by a light coat of soil. Lhsson 37. — A dead air space {straw) between two lUjht coats of soil, protects potatoes from freezing much more effectuaUy than the generally applied heavy outside coat of manure. It must be our aim to keep the potatoes as near as possible to tlie freezing point without actual freezing, and in a warm winter, the ventilator should be kept in good working order. Further south, of course, this heavy and anxious protection is not necessary ; the difficulty there is in keeping the potatoes from rotting and sprouting. o CHAPTER XI. SEED POTATOES. Production of New Varieties. Their Dissemination, Local vs. Shipping Trade. High Bi'eeding. To the faithful experimenters who propagate from the seed of the seed balls, as they come across them accidentally in selected varieties, or from seed which is the result of ai'tificial fecundation of pistils of one superior sort with pollen taken from another, we owe the existence of many improved new varieties. There is no stand-still. Either we go onward or we must fall back. Should we neglect to improve on the varieties now existing, we would soon have none wortli cultivating. We can only wish that the effort of those experimenters niny be contin- ued untiringly. Their work is not to be derided. It is neces- sary to create about 2,000 new varieties, in order to find one as good as those already in existence, and perhaps 10,000, or more, to find a better one. It seems to us, however, tliat by far too many of the new seedlings are retained by the growers. They should offer to 38 the public only such varieties, which, by the severest tests, prove that they are really superior to existing kinds. It is but natural, though, that the originator of a promising variety should wish to make it pay him for his labor and trouble in calling into life so many which are of no value. The disseminators of new varieties generally reap the reward of the originator's work, and the business of growing and selling seed potatoes is sometimes, as in years of boom, like 1881 to 1883, exceedingly profitable for those who have the judgmen* to select the "coming" varieties, or who know them by intuition. W. E. W., a prominent potato grower near , bought of us in the spring of 1881, sixty-four pounds of the now justly celebi-ated White Elephant potato, then introduced by Thor- burn & Co, From tliis quantity of seed, which cost him some- thing over $8.00, he raised 110 bushels. A quantity of these were retailed at $5.00 per bushel in spring 1882 ; we bought 50 or 60 bushels at $7.00 per barrel of 150 pounds, and the rest he l^lanted, growing from them in 1882, nearly 1500 bushels, which >vere sold for $1.00 per bushel in spring 1883. The original investment has j^aid him exceedingly well, but the same thing cannot be-done every year, nor with every new variety. Sorts which gain universal jJopularity and grow into demand at fancy figures, are few and far between. Still, in many thousands of villages and neighborhoods in localities where potatoes are grown extensively, there are fine opportunities for enterprising and competent men to increase their farm profits by growing potatoes for seed. Many farmers and village people neglect to save any of their early garden potatoes for seed, and when spring comes are looking for a few " real early ones," and are willing to play a good price. We generally sold Early Ohio in the local market at $2.00 a bushel. Local demand is the only safe foundation for a start in the business of growing seed potatoes, and it would be folly to speculate altogether on the mailing and shipping trade, obtained by advertising. 39 That branch seems to be well tilled, if not crowded, by very enterprising firms and individuals. Grow up with the local market, and gradually try to reach out beyond it. Lesson 38. — Potatoes intended for seed should he grown from carefully selected tubers, and carefidly sorted at harvest. High breeding is just as necessary in the case of potatoes as in that of cattle or sheep. To lessen the risk of mixing the seed, different varieties should be planted a little ways apart, divided for instance by a few rows of corn or beans, and care- fully labeled. Store in pits or cellar. Never depend on your memory as to the varieties. If you have but six different ones, label each package or bin correctly. Lesson 39. — Seed potatoes rather improve, are not damaged, by exposure to the light. Requiring more labor and care in planting, in selection of seed stock, in growing apart, in storing sejDarately until spring, in labeling, and otherwise involving risks, the crop is naturally more expensive than potatoes grown for food. The grower cannot afford to sell them at common market rates, and the buyer must expect to pay accordingly. '■ o CHAPTER Xli. COST AND PROFITS. The expense of growing one acre of potatoes is about as follows : — Rent (1 acre in new clover, worth $100), Manure, 15 loads or its equivalent, Plowing and harrowing, Marking, plowing, furrows, covering. Dropping seed by hand, ..... Seed, 25 bushels at 60 cents, .... Cultivating, etc., Harvesting and marketing, .... Total, $51.00 Receipts— 250 bushels at 25 cents per bushel, 62.50 Net i)rofit per acre, $11.50 40 The above yield of 'loi) bushels, is the very lowest we would expect in an unfavorable season, and the probable price then nearer the average, say at least 50 cents. The receipts in that case will be doubled, or ^125, leaving a net profit of .$74 per acre. In a favorable season the croj) would be 300 or 400 bushels, and the net profits correspondingly larger. Often, also, pota- toes are sold for 60, 75 and even 100 cents and above per bushel. The average price during the five years from 1876 to 1880, inclusive, is estimated by the Agricultural Department at 53.3^ cents per bushel. The average for the future can hardly be expected to be much less. Half of this price pays liberally for labor, manure, rent, seeil, and leaves a p/ofit besides. What more can you ask ? ( » CHAPTER XIll. S UC'( 'ES8] r 7i' (JIWPS. Paying successive crops can often be grown without troul)]tv MS it is not one which particularly impoverishes the soil. The }>otash and phosphoric acid, however, wliich the crop removes, should be replaced either, by fine manure applied in the fall, or by the required chemical fertilizers in the spring. We have raised potatoes year after year on the same soil, or alter- nated with corn, without seeding to clover or applying manure, excej>t very little ashes, kainit, and superphosphate ; and sometimes (in a favorable season) the last crop was the best. Those repeated crops of from two to 400 busiiels to the acre seem to show that there is an enormous quantity of the raw material for the manufacture of potatoes in common soil, if you but know how to make it available. CHAPTER XIV TREATMENT OF THE FTELI) AFTER DIGGING. It is not profitable t«> allow the field to remain through the winter in the rough condition caused l)y the digging operation. 41 Some sort of covering through fall ;uierhaps hardly fifteen cents. In small quantities, merely as a stimulant for the digestive functions of horses and cows, or boiled as a variety for laying and fattening hens, they may be worth much more. With the above price for grain we would sell potatoes at twenty cents per bushel and buy corn, much rather than feed them. For human food wheat is about as cheap at seventy-five cents as potatoes at fifteen cents per bushel. 42 CHAPTER XVI. RECAPITULA TION. In the preceding pages we have given you our system of growing potatoes on the common soils which are found on almost every farm. After much thought and study, and years of experimenting, we had selected it as thesa/esi for us as for . the general farmer. We have often failed with other systems, but had always good success with this. We hope you will at least give it a trial. We are willing to guarantee success, jirovided you comply with the following indispensible conditions : 1. That the naturally drained soil, in which neither sand nor clay should have too great a preponderance one over the other, be thoroughly pulverized way down below the seed. 2. That the/e be present in the soil, and available for immediate use, a fair quantity of all the essential elements of plant food, or if not, that the deficient element or elements be supplied, either in the shape of fine stable manure or of commercial fertilizers. 3. That a sufficiency of well sdected seed be planted (not less than three inches deep) in drills, at a distance regulated accord- ing to the condition of soil, and the vigor of variety planted. 4. That the ground be well cultivated, and but slightly hilled, and 5. That the bugs be repelled by luxuriance of foliage. o— CHAPTER XYII CONCLUSIVE RE3IARKS. The Terry One Eye System. The "Rural" Trenching 3IetIiod. On several occasions in our little work we have mentioned prominent features of the Terry (Dr. Sturtevant's) one eye and the: Rural trenching systems. Our method differs in very material points from either. Terry emphasizes the cutting to one eye, in the manner he calls "from North-east to South-west." The more i^lant food 43 there is in his soil the less space he allows to each plant, fo the purpose of making use of all the available substance in iiis land. We believe that the principle is altogether wrong The richer the soil the fewer plants should grow on it. One strong, well tillered wlieat plant bears more grain than a dozen spind- ling, single stalks on a space three or four inches square. Terry creates dwarfs and weaklings, and assigns to them the work of collecting and assimulating plant food. We have giants in structure and digestion. A strong plant can often use the plant food (which is present in almost every soil) in a shape in which it is utterly unavailable for a weak one, just as some people will thrive on pork and beans, whilst others would not dare to take anything heavier than beef tea and toast. (A weak plant does not utilize all the available plant food within its reach, and here \^i\\e proof of the pudding : In one of our tests a number of Dakota Red single eyes, cut from North-east to South-west, were planted in medium rich loam. A part or these single eyes were inserted each into a whole Gem potato, which had all the eyes cut off and a hole roof against rot or disease. A perfectly white sort of this variety is WekPs Jumbo (Ingleside, N. Y.>, though perhaps not supe- rior to it in other respects. JORDAN'S IMIOLTFIC AND NEW CHAMPION Resemble White Ele|)hant somewhat in color and shape, and though very fine potatoes, can hardly be sa-id to be superior to it. JONES' PRIZE taker Is a trifle earlier, and i)erhaps mealier than White Elephant — if that be possible, otherwise exactly like it. 49 AxMERICAN GIANT. Tubers are giants indeed, of fair shape, but only of medium quality. Yield very large. ADIRONDACK. Roundish, with few eyes ; red. Produces very many uni- form, medium sized tubers of fair quality. Keeps very late without sprouting, aud the tubers are sound and solid in early summer, long after other sorts have become unfit for food. RUBICUND Resembles Adirondack, perhaps more oblong and eyes not so deep. Very smooth. HOME COMFORT. A potato of the rose fomily, very smooth and handsome, very large and very late, a vigorous grower. Quality of the very best. DUCHESS. Much ado for nothing. Produces an immense amount of foliage and but few tubers. The few specimens, however, will often reach gigantic proportions. Good for exhibition purposes, but for no other. EL PASO Has been a complete failure witli us. DAKOTA RED. Is a very promising variety. Tops, tubers and yield extra large. Quality good. Eyes too deep and shape not of the best- In the following Schedule, the varieties are compared with each other in regard to size of tops (column 1), size of tuber (2j, yield (3), quality (4), shape (5), resistance to rot, etc. (6), and keeping quality (7). Ten is the standard of excellence. As far as yield is concerned, it is supposed that all these varieties are treated according to our system, i. e., differently for early and late sorts: oO Name of Variety. EXTKA EAKLV. Early Ohio Lee's Favorite. EARLY. Early Sunrise Early Gem ,, Chicago Market E;irly Vermont.....,...,,... Early Rose., Rosy ^lorn Beauty of Plebron Early May flo wer Early Telephone INTERMEDIATE. Rural Blush Big Benefit (Pickering's). Magnum Bonum Ontario -. ... LATE. Dunmore seedling Mammoth Pearl O. K. Mammoth Prolific, . Peerless Belle Queen of the Valley........ Wall's orange White Star.. Burbank White Elephant Weld's Juml)o Jordan's Prolific Jones' Prize Taker.......... American Giant Adirondack Rubicund Home Comfort Duchess El Paso Dakota Red P^.2 X 10 8 8 8 9 9 10 8 9 9 10 8i 9 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 10 10- 8 10* 9i 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 9 10 4 10 9i 9 8. 9 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 9 9.V 9i 10 10 9^ 9.V 9.\ 9.^ 9i 9\ 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 9^ 9i 9i 9i 9h dh 9h 10 10 Fail ure. Fail jure. 9i 9 t Where no figures are given, we cannot fix the grade from our own knowledge. * Extra. 51 Our schedule will show you that there is not a single variety Aviiich is perfect in all respects. And we doubt that such a one will be found very soon. The schedule will need more or less modification in different localities. If we were restricted to three varieties, we would select Early Ohio for early use; White Elephant for main crop ; Adirondack for late use in spring. Next we would add Lee's Favorite or Beauty of Hebron for early, Dakota Red for main crop. THE END. DO YOU OWN A HORSE? Then send 25c. for Dr. Kendall's Treatise ou "The Horse and his Diseases." Fully illustrated. Containing an "index of diseases" which gives the symptoms, eause. and best treatment of each'. A table giving all the princi- pal drugs used for the, with the ordinary dose, eft'eets, and antidote when a poison ; a table with an en- arraving of the horse's teeth at different ages, with rules for telling the age of the horse, a valuable collection ot receipts, and much other useful information. Thousands who have seen the DooK coramenci it, ana manv gooa norseraen sa\ i-ue.\ preier it to boolis costing $5.00. It contains nothing which should exclude it from the most refined family, but it should be read by all, as it teaches humane principles, and elevates the morals by reminding us that "the merciful man is merciful to his beast." Order now and send 25 cents in .-tamps or postal-note, and receive book, post-paid, by return mail. Address, P oultry for PLEASURE AND P oultry for profit. We are called upon now-a-days to give just the best possible goods for the least possible money. A Poultry Book is wanted lor S5 cents, which will be complete in itself. To supply this want we submit this little book, "POULTRY FOR PLEASURE AND POULTRY FOR PROFIT." It is intended to give the reader a good understanding of the differ- ent varieties of fowls ; show up the good qualities of each, and let him see which are best adapted to special wants. It is intended to show how best to house them and care for them, that a person may derive profit from them and enjoy them ; also to arm the poultryman against diseases which threaten his fowls. All of the important features of the business that are attracting special attention at the present time. Incubators and Capons are discussed with intended fairness to all. InPARTlV.-Subject: "KEEPING POULTRY ON A LARGE SCALE." Is the only solution of the question " How can it be done and pa.v ? " There are good illustratioTis of some of the principal varieties ot fowls, also of the best Poultry Houses for the. fancier or e.xtensive poultry keeper. Sent on receipt of S5 cents, or 6 books for $1.00. Postal Notes preferred. FRANKLIN NEWS COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PENJiA. 53 Franklin News Co., PUBLISHERS OF BOOKS. N ATIOrr All STANDARD DICTZOZT AHIT By mail, post-paid, SX.OO. THAITER'S IiirE OP WASSIWGTOW, By mail, post-paid. $x.oo Address FRANKLIN NEWS CO., Box 35i9« PHII.ADELPHIA, PA. 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