W67/' CONSTITUTION OF THE JfliversitY arid SgFibgI Extensien 1890. \ «^ ua CD u^ n, Copyrighted, 1890, By SETH T. STEWART, Secy. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. President^ TIMOTHY DVVIGHT, D. D., LL.D., President, Yale University. Superintendent^ NORMAN A. CALKINS, Asst. Supt., City Schools, New York City. General Secretary^ SETH T. STEWART, P. O. Box 192. Prin. G. S. No. 78, Brooklyn, N. Y. W. T. HARRIS, LL. D., United States Commissioner of Education. OF PROPOSED BOARDS OF DIRECTORS. FRANCIS L. PATTON, D. D., LL.D., President, Princeton University. Hon. SETH LOW, LL.D., President, Columbia College. Hon. a. S. DRAPER, Supt., Pub. Inst., State of New York. C. K. ADAMS. LL. D., President, Cornell University. HENRY DARLING., LL.D., President. Hamilton College. J. M. TAYLOR, LL.D., President, Vassar College. DAVID J. HILL, LL.D., President, University of Rochester. C. N. SIMS, LL.D., Chancellor, Syracuse University. HENRY M. MacCRACKEN, D. D., LL.D., Vice-Chancellor, University of the City of New York. Gen. ALEXANDER S. WEBB, President, College of the City of New York. A. B. HERVEY, Ph.D., President, St. Lawrence University. WALTER B. GUNNISON, President of the New York State Teachers' Association. FACULTY. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. President: TIMOTHY DWIGHT, D. D., LL.D., HARVARD. Prof. F. J. Child, English Literature. Prof. N. S. Shaler, Geology. Prof. S. M. Macvane, History. George Lyman Kittredge, English Language. Dr. D. a. Sargent, Physical Training. PRINCETON. Prof. C. A. Young, Astronomy. Prof. C. F. Brackett, Physics. Prof. Wm. Lib bey, Jr. Physical Geography. Prof. Frothingham, Archaeology. Prof. Osborne, Biology. Yale University. YALE. Prof. Geo. T. Ladd, Psychology. Prof. Tracy Peck, Latin. Prof. T. D, Seymour, Greek. Prof. A. W. Phillips, Mathematics. Prof. Wm. G. Mixter, Chemistry. COLUMBIA. Prof. Theodore Dwight, Law. Prof. J. S. Newberry, Paleontology. Prof. John W. Burgess, Political Science. Prof. HjALMAR LI. Boyesen, German. Prof. Chas. Sprague Smith, Scandinavian. FACULTY. SCHOOL EXTENSION. Superintendent: N. A. CALKINS, New York City. Wm. H. Maxwell, Supt. Pub. Inst., Brooklyn. James MacAlister, Supt. Pub. Inst., Philadelphia. Edwin P. Seaver, Supt. Pub. Inst., Boston, Thomas Balliet, Supt. Pub. Inst, Springfield. J. W. Dickinson, Sec'y State Bd. of Ed., Massachusetts. Chas. D. Hine, Sec'y State Bd. of Ed,, Connecticut. Richard Edwards, State Supt. Pub. Inst., Illinois. M. A. Newell, State Supt. Pub. Inst., Maryland. Nicholas Murray Butler, Prest. New York College for the Training of Teachers. Wm. J. Milne, Prin. State Normal School, Albany. A. C. Apgar, Prof. Normal School, Trenton. E. H. Cook, Head Master, Rutgers G. S., New Brunswick, N. J. W. H. Payne, Prest. Peabody Normal School. Alpheus Hyatt, Curator, Bost. Mus. Nat. Hist. Jerome Allen, Prof. University, City of New York, Albert G. Boyden, Prin. State Normal School, Bridgewater, Mass. yriiversUY arid SchQQl EixteiislGfi. CONSTITUTION. The design of the University and School Extension is to sup- plement and strengthen the university and the school systems ; to increase the culture and to promote the interests of teachers as members of a profession; and to advance and extend the knowl- edge of letters and of the arts and sciences. Its work shall be under the control of an Executive Committee, Boards of Directors, and faculties of University Extension and School Extension. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The President, the Superintendent, and the General Secretary shall constitute the Executive Committee. This Committee shall organize Boards of Directors and auxiliary societies, for each of which it shall add special provisions to this Constitution ; but no change in any Board or Society once organized shall be effected without the consent of the same. The Executive Committee shall, also, determine the terms and conditions on which societies already in existence may become associated with the work of the University and School Extension. UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL EXTENSION. The Executive Committee is authorized to construe and enforce the Constitution and to determine ail questions of jurisdiction. It is authorized to further the objects to which reference has already- been made. It shall have the title with full control of the prop- erty of the general Society until the National Board of Directors effects an, incorporation, when the title to said property shall vest in said Board. The Executive Committee shall organize and shall be members of the National Board of Directors. PRESIDENT. The President shall be elected by the Faculty of the University Extension, each member being entitled to one vote, and no person shall be eligible who is not at the time of his election a President of some university or college represented in the Faculty, He shall be elected every second year, in the month of June, the first election dating from June, 1889, and his term of office shall begin the first of September following. No President shall hold office during two successive terms. SUPERINTENDENT. The Superintendent shall be elected by the Faculty of the School Extension, each member being entitled to one vote, and no person shall be eligible who is not at the time of his election a Superintendent or a Principal. He shall be elected every second year, in the month of June, the first election dating from June, 1890, and his term shall begin the first of September following. No superintendent after the first shall hold office for tv/o con- secutive terms. CONSTITUTION. GExNERAL SECRETARY. The General Secretary shall be appointed by the President and the Superintendent, and he shall hold office during good behavior. He shall attend to all the correspondence of the Univer- sity and School Extension, shall prepare and issue all notices, shall have charge of all necessary printing of the General Society, and shall determine for all local and auxiliary societies the forms of required printing. He shall serve as Secretary to the National Board of Directors, and to the Faculties. He may appoint assist- ant secretaries, who shall be subject to his directions, and who shall hold office by appointment from year to year ; but after service for three successive years, they may hold office during good behavior. In case of vacancy in the office of General Sec- retary, the position shall be filled by the appointment of one of the assistant secretaries. FACULTY OF THE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. The courses of study, the examinations, the certificates, and the diplomas in subjects not generally taught in the schools, shall be in the exclusive control of the Faculty of the University Extension. The Faculty of the University Extension shall consist of a president and professors appointed by him from the universities and colleges in the several States, on the nomination of their respective presidents, and, if deemed expedient, from among prominent specialists not professors of colleges. The four insti- tutions represented in the first organization of the University Extension shall be entitled to equal representation, and each State shall be entitled to at least one member in the Faculty. lO UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL EXTENSION. The members of this Faculty shall be appointed in the month of July for the term of two years, beginning the first of September. After two years of service, appointments may be made permanent, provided, however, that professors may remain members of the Faculty of University Extension, only so long as actively con- nected with their respective colleges. FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL EXTENSION. The courses of study, the examinations, the certificates, and the diplomas in subjects generally taught in the schools shall be in exclusive control of the Faculty of the School Extension. The Faculty of the School Extension shall consist of a Superintendent and members appointed by him from the number of superintendents, principals, and teachers in the different States, each State being entitled to at least one representative in the Faculty. The members of this Faculty shall be appointed in the month of July, for the term of one year, beginning the first of September. After two years of service, if reappointed, they may remain in the Faculty while connected with school work, MEMBERS. Any approved person, on payment of the required registration fee, may become a member of the University and School Exten- sion, except that, to be registered in the University Extension courses other than preparatory, the applicant for membership must be not less than twenty years of age if male, and not less than eighteen years of age if female. The name of any member may at any time for cause be dropped by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee of the City, State, or National Board ; and, CONSTITUTION. n in general, any appointing, electing, or organizing body may at any time for cause, after due hearing rescind its action and thus drop any appointee or officer, or disband any Board or Society under its jurisdiction. FUNDS. Each Board or Society shall control its own funds, shall* by a two-thirds vote of its Board of Directors designate a bank or trust company as a depository of the same in which all moneys received shall be promptly deposited, shall incur no liability beyond these funds, and shall alone be responsible for its obligations. Unexpended final balances of any disbanded organization shall vest in the Board of Directors under whose auspices the organiza- tion was formed. Each Board of Officers shall by a two-thirds vote determine the conditions under which funds or other property exceeding one thousand dollars in value, shall be withdrawn, expended, or otherwise transferred. FEES. The registration, class, and lecture fees shall be received by the Secretary of the Board or Society under whose auspices the lessons or lectures are given. The registration fee shall be determined by the Executive Committee, which is a part of the National Board. One-half of said fee shall belong to the City Board if any exist, and the remainder shall be forwarded by the officer in possession of the money on or before the first day of October, January, April, and July to the Secretary of the State Board of Directors, or to the General Secretary, The class and the lecture fees shall be deter- 12 UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL EXTENSION. mined by the Executive Committee of the Board or Society under whose auspices the lessons or lectures are given. All other fees, including correspondence class fees, correspondence lecture fees, library fees, examination fees, and certificate fees, shall be determined and received by the Executive Committee, which is a part of the National Board of Directors. No class, lecture, or other fee shall be received by any Board or Society from any person not provided with the member's receipt for a given year, signed by the Secretary of the City, State, or National Board, certifying the payment of the registration fee. REPORTS. In the month of March, the Executive Committee of each Auxiliary Society shall send to the President of the Board of Directors three copies of its annual report, and the Executive Com- mittees of the City Boards of Directors shall send to the Presi- dent of the State Board two copies of each of said reports and tv/o copies of its own annual report ; and the Executive Com- mittee of the State Board shall send to the Regent, or President of the National Board, a copy of its report, which shall include one copy of each of the other reports referred to. BY-LAWS. The Executive Committee of the National Board, the Boards of Directors, the Faculties, and the Auxiliary Societies, may make and may at any time change their own By-Laws concerning matters not especially provided for in this Constitution. CONSTITUTION. 13 AMENDMENTS. This Constitution may be changed by a two-thirds vote of the members of each of the Faculties and of the Boards of Directors affected by said amendment. The amendments must be proposed by the Executive Committee of the General Society and by the Faculties. In counting the votes of Directors, the votes of the members of each shall have a value proportionate to the number of members individually registered in the University and School Extension under the jurisdiction of the respective Boards. i^ UNIVERSITY AND SCHboL EXTENSION. CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. [provisional.] The State Board of Directors of the University and School Extension organizes under the general Constitution, adding thereto as a part of the same the following Constitution : The Board shall be organized by the Executive Committee of the National Board of Directors ; being duly incorporated, it shall be a self perpetuating body with power to increase or decrease the number of its members. The immediate design of this Board shall be to organize the work of the University and School Extension throughout the State by the following means : i. Instituting public meetings in the interest of the cause ; 2. Organizing City Boards of Directors in the several cities of the State ; 3. Organizing and fostering the auxiliary societies throughout the State ; 4. Organizing the work- ers, /. e.y the lecturers and teachers for University and School Extension work throughout the State ; 5. Planning lecture systems for the State, co-operating with the National and the City Boards ; 6. Encouraging citizens to become patrons of some department of learning by making themselves pecuniarily responsible for courses of lessons or of lectures ; 7. Encouraging citizens to become life members of the' Board of Directors or Honorary Members for a year, by the payment of one hundred thousand or of ten thousand dollars, for each, respectively, into the treasury of said Board, or of a City i3oard. CONSTITUTION. 15 The power to increase or decrease the number of members of the Board shall not affect the tenure of resident members of the National Board of Directors, who shall be members of the State Board, as also shall be the Secretary appointed by the General Secretary, and the Life and Honorary Members, as provided by the Constitution. The presidents of the five or ten local Boards, designated by the Executive Committee of the State Board as having the largest number of students shall be members of the State Board, as also, the President of any local Board the number of whose student members equals that required for this purpose by the State Board. If the State Board of Regents or the State Board of Education set aside a sum of money or other property to be used in the work of University and School Extension for the benefit of teachers or others it shall be entitled to representation in the Board of Directors, and to such control of said money or other property as shall be entirely consistent with the discharge of its duty, as trustee or guardian of public property. Presidents or heads of leading educational institutions, or organizations, may become members by a majority vote of the Board of Directors; all others require a two-thirds vote. The terms of one-third of the elected members shall expire every three years on the first day of April. The officers of the Board shall be a President, two Vice-Presi- dents, a Treasurer, and the Secretary. The election of officers and members of the Board shall take place every second year in the month of April, the term beginning the first day of May. The offi- cers shall name an Executive Committee of three members, one of whom shall be the Secretary. The Executive Committee shall have the right to make nominations for office or for membership in X6 UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL EXTENSION. the Board. For the transaction of business, in any meeting regu- larly called, three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum, unless otherwise ordered by the State Board. The Board of Directors shall act as a Board of Trustees, and as such shall have the title to its property with the rights and duties of trustees. It shall be the duty of the State Board to further all the work of the University and School Extension. It shall have con- trol of the organization of all local Boards in the State, which shall proceed under the Constitution for a City Board, and of all class and lecture systems not presided over by such Boards. In arrang- ing for the lectures throughout the State, its Executive Committee shall consult with the Executive Committee of the National Board. The work in the class and lecture systems adopted or estab- lished by the Board of Directors shall be exclusively prescribed by the faculties ; and the workers shall by preference be members of the faculties, or they may be persons authorized by the Executive Committee of the State or National Boards under a system approved by the faculties. The class and the lecture systems shall, as nearly as practicable, follow in time and topic any schedules issued by the Executive Committee, which is a part of the National Board. The Executive Committee of the State Board of Directors shall discuss and plan courses of lectures together with the Executive Committees of auxiliary societies of the State Board. It shall assist in organizing the annual meetings of said auxiliary societies. The State Board shall carry out the legislation of the National Board, as required by said Board, and the Executive Committee of CONSTITUTION. 17 the State Board shall have the power to enforce the legislation of the State Board throughout the State. The Secretary shall receive all fees. The President of the Board, the Treasurer, and the Secretary shall receive all donations or endowments. The Secretary shall issue all receipts and cer- tificates of membership. He shall distribute to all the State mem- bers of the Extension the circulars, schedules, and notices issued by the General Secretary. The cost of circulars thus distributed shall be borne by the State Board. On or before the first day of March, one-tenth of all donations and endowments received without restriction to the contrary, shall be forwarded to the General Secretary. UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL EXTENSION. CONSTITUTION OF THE CITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS. [provisional.] The City Board of Directors of the University and School Extension organizes under the general Constitution, adding thereto as a part of the same the following Constitution : The Board shall be organized by the Executive Committee of the State or of the National Board of Directors ; being duly incorporated, it shall be a self perpetuating body with power to increase or decrease the number of its members. The immediate design of this Board shall be to supplement and strength within the city the university and the school systems. It shall undertake to accomplish this object by planting and fostering the work of University and School Extension by the following means : i. Holding public meetings in the interest of the cause ; 2. Organizing the auxiliary societies provided by the Constitution ; 3. Encouraging organized societies to pursue the work ; 4. Institu- ting systems of occasional class work ; 5. Establishing systems of occasional lectures ; 6. Encouraging citizens to become patrons of some department of learning by making themselves pecuniarily responsible for courses of lessons or of lectures ; 7. Encouraging citizens to become life members of the Board of Directors or Honorary Members for a year, by the payment of ten thousand or of one thousand dollars, for each, respectively, into the treasury of said Board. CONSTITUTION. 19 The power to increase or decrease the number of members of the Board shall not affect the tenure of resident members of the State or National Boards of Directors, who shall be members of the City Board, as also shall be the Secretary appointed by the State or General Secretary, and the Life and Honorary Members, as provided by the Constitution. If the City Board of Education set aside a sum of money or other property to be used in the work of University and School Extension for the benefit of teachers or others it shall be entitled to representation in the Board of Directors, and to such control of said money or other property as shall be entirely consistent with the discharge of its duty as trustee or guardian of public property. Presidents or heads of leading educational institutions, or organizations, may become members by a majority vote of the Board of Directors; all others require a two-thirds vote. The terms of one-third of the elected members shall expire every three years on the first day of April. The officers of the Board shall be a President, two Vice-Presi- dents, a Treasurer, and the Secretary. The election of officers and members of the Board shall take place every second year in the month of April, the term beginning the first day of May. The officers shall name an Executive Committee of three members, one of whom shall be the Secretary. The Executive Committee shall have the right to make nominations for office or for membership in the Board. For the trasaction of business, in any meeting regu- larly called, three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum, unless otherwise ordered by the City Board. The Board of Directors shall act as a Board of Trustees, and as such shall have the title to its property with the rights and duties of trustees. 20 UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL EXTENSIO. 029 944 906 C It shall be the duty of the City Board to further all the work of the University and School Extension. It shall have control of the class and lecture systems in its jurisdiction. In arranging for the latter, however, its Executive Committee shall consult with the Executive Committee of the State Board. The work in the class and lecture systems adopted or estab- lished by the Board of Directors shall be exclusively prescribed by the faculties ; and the workers shall by preference be members of the faculties, or they shall be persons authorized by the Execu- tive Committee of the State or National Boards under a system approved by the respective faculties. The class and the lecture systems shall, as nearly as practicable, follow in time and topic any schedules issued by the Executive Committee, which is a part of the National Board. The Board of Directors shall retain control of its lecture system, but it may delegate to auxiliary societies authorized by the Constitution the establishment of class systems. Its Execu- tive Committee shall discuss and plan courses of lectures to- gether with the Executive Committees of auxiliary societies of the City Board. The Secretary shall receive all fees. The President of the Board, the Treasurer, and the Secretary shall receive all donations or endowments. The Secretary shall issue all receipts and certifi- cates of membership. He shall distribute to all the city members of the Extension the circulars, schedules, and notices issued by the State or the General Secretary. The cost of circulars thus distrib- uted shall be borne by the City Board. On or before the first day of March, one-tenth of all donations or endowments received, without restriction to the contrary, shall be forwarded by the officer in posses- sion of the same to the State Secretary, or to the General Secretary. UBBASV,.aSSali\(,> 029 944 906 3