. .^^-^ bv" '7' -^^o^ 0^ ^. .^' ^°--<^ ^0 .^' .0 .^^ =5 °^ - A' .'iy REWARD OJMERiT ^RESENTEDTO # /ARDOFMER! DRE-SENTEDTC ^'*''-^ " " 3-3 ^AV^ " " 4. 3>^x5 " 5. 4 x6 Masic Lines, extra (as shown on No. 3), $1.00. STYLE B. These Blackboards are like style " D " without the standards, and are covered on both sides with an enduring surface of Eureka Liquid Slating-. Style C, Blackboard Support.— This Movable Support allows the Board to reverse either way. A shelf beneath forms a con- venient ledge for eraser, crayon, etc. It is adapted to all sizes of our Blackboards, For Blackboards, Nos. i, 2, or 3, " 4 or 5, Ash. ^5.00 6.50 Walnut. $6.00 7-50 ti'o BAKER, PRATT & CO.. NEW YORK. STYLE D. Double Eeyersible Blackboard. style D. Outside Measure. No. I. 3 X3J ft.,wath Stand, $12.00 " 2. 3J X 5 " " 15.00 " 3. 4' x6 " " 18.00 Music Lines, extra, $1.00. These Blackboards are very perfect and complete. Both sides are finished. They may be reversed instantly, either vertically or horizontally, and are quite firm and steady Avhen in use. A shelf beneath forms a convenient ledge for crayon, eraser, etc. Style E, Slated Cloth and Paper. — To supply a ready Blackboard anywhere, this Slated Paper or Cloth will prove very acceptable. Teachers and popular lecturers will find it invaluable. The surface is as perfect as one of the Eureka Blackboards, and it is ^perfectly elastic. From three to four feet in width, and of any length desired. Paper, Black or Green, per square yard, - - $1.00 Cloth, " " " "... 1.50 School officers and teachers who are unwilling to incur the trouble and expense of applying the Liquid Slating, may secure a good and cheap Blackboard by tacking Slated Paper to the wall, and nailing mouldings or strips of wood around the edge for protection and orna- ment. Best Solid Stone Slate Blackboards, all sizes, per square foot, 45 cents. The Home Blackboard. For use in the family circle this Black- board is unsurpassed. It is nicely fin- ished and mounted on a strong adjusta- ble frame, with shelf to hold crayons, eraser, etc. The writing surface is 2 x 3 feet, supported at a height convenient for children of any age, or even adults. As a means of home education it will prove of great value. Price, $5.00. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 67 Portable Blackboard Stretcher. The handiest thing in the world for Sunday-school workers, Day Schools and Lecturers I This stretcher consists of a light frame upon which a common cloth or paper flexible blackboard is stretched like a drum head when in use, so as to receive the crayon easily, while folding compactly for carrying or packing. It is convenient, cheap and dura- ble, and, as it takes the place of the roller and moulding of the ordinary blackboard, adds little or nothing ^^ either to its weight or bulk. Those on cloth thoroughly slated both sides, give two boards in one, FOLDED FOR CARRYING. Prices of Portable Blackboards and Stretchers. Cloth or paper, with rings for hanging. Cloth. Paper. $1.50 $1.20 No. I. " 2. " 3- " 4- " 5- Sizes. 2X2 feet, 3x4" 3x5 " 2.50 3-30 4.00 4.85 1.80 2.40 3.00 3-5° No. 6. 7- 8. 9- 10. Sizes. Cloth. Paper. 3x7 feet, $5.60 $4.05 Music Lines, extra. 4x4 4x5 ' 4x6 ' 4x7 ' $1.00 4-25 5.20 6.30 7-3° 3-25 3-7° 4-50 I I 1 I ' ' I ' ' I ' ' I ' ' 1 ' M ' M This set of Blackboard Instruments is made of wood, and contains a 36-inch Straight Edge, a 24-inch T Square, a 24-inch Triangle, and a 15^-inch Protractor. Price per set, - $5.00. 68 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Patent Dustless Crayons. Exact Size of Patent Dustless Crayon. ( ] Eureka! No dust! No dirt! The advailtag^es are: 1. It is several times more durable than the common crayon, and therefore cheaper. 2. It Avill not glaze the board nor scratch it. 3. It is DUSTLESS, hence the throat and lungs of teachers and scholars are not injured by inhaling the dust. 4. The hands and clothing are not soiled, and work at the board is no longer repulsive. 5. The scholar returns to his seat cheerfully and cleanly, instead of "hating to touch anything," and wiping his fingers on his handker- chief or on his clothing. 6. It makes a firm, clean mark, and teachers of penman- ship and drawing can shade with it from heavy to hair lines perfectly — or can carry it upon the person without inconvenience. 7. The shape and touch of this crayon are attractive, and it " feels good " in the hand. 8. Any teacher who has felt the annoyances we have described, will enjoy the entire freedom from them which this crayon affords. Samples sent free on application. Price, $1.00 per gross. One of many who are now using these Crayons writes: "It gives me great pleasure to say, that the Crayons furnished are greatly superior to any we have ever before used. They leave no dust on the Blackboards, nor do they make the surrounding atmosphere unhealthy by the diffusion of minute particles which the pupils must inhale. Last week, at a meeting of the trustees and teachers of three townships, held in the public school-house in this place, the unanimous verdict rendered was as above." Map and Blackboard Pointers. lVi//i or Without Lineal Measzire. For map drawing and other work requiring the measurement of dis- tances on the board, we furnish pointers with the scale of feet and inches correctly marked. Both styles of the same size and length, and are convenient for common school use on maps or blackboards. Price of Pointer, plain, - 25 cents. Price of Pointer, with Lineal Measure, - 30 cents. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 69 Andrews' Dustless Blackboard Eraser. The Best Ever Made I A good Blackboard Eraser, of proper size, lianclsoiiie and durable, has long been wanted. After much ex- periment and study, we are at last able to produce an Eraser as near perfection as can be made or desired ! The above cuts illustrate, on a small scale, the " Patent Dust- less Eraser." This Eraser is called for from all parts of the United States, and other manufacturers send us large orders, acknowl- edging that this is the best and handsomest article of the kind ever sold. 1. It is made of woven felt, so arranged as to form the rubbing surface of the ends of the fiber. 2. It thus cleans the board more thoroughly, and is longer "wearing out than any other Eraser. 3. This is no guess-work. We know it by actual test made upon the Andrews' Dustless and four others of the latest and best erasers in the market. The names will be given to any one inter- ested. To make the test, a slated block was attached to a lathe, and the eraser held against it by a weight. A fresh blackboard was taken for each eraser, and the weight was the same in each case. The result was that Eraser No. i was worn out with 42,000 revolutions; No. 2, in 64,800; No. 3, in 66,000; No. 4, in 78,000; Andrew^s' Dust- less, in 120,000 ! We are ready to repeat the test in public. 4. By holding the rubbing surface flat against the board, all the dust will be gathered and held. 5. They are easily cleaned by rapping the rubbing surface lightly on a board. If desired, they may be regularly cleaned by the janitor, outside the room, which is thus kept wholly free from chalk-dust. 6. N. B. — The use of the Patent Dustless Crayons with the Dustless Eraser, completely solves the problem of keeping the school-room free from chalk-dust. Price, $1.80 per dozen. Sample, only, mailed for 15 cents. White Wool Blackboard Eraser, 2^ x 7^ inches, per dozen, $2 00 Chamois " " 21^ x 71^ " " 2 00 Carpet " "2x7" " 2 75 70 BAKER, PRATT & CO.,- NEW YORK. The Star Blackboard Easel. This Blackboard Easel is made for use in class-rooms, lecture -halls, Sunday-schools, and places where ecouoiuy of space is an object. It can be had either with or without the acljiistable map supijort, which is attached in such a way that it can be readily re- moved entirely, or folded down behind the rear standard. The Easel occupies but little space, and can be folded up in a moment and put away when not wanted. Price, Ash, with Iron Heads, $3-oo Ash, with Iron Heads and Map Support, 4.50 Black Walnut, with Bronzed Head, 4.00 Black Walnut, with ^ Bronzed Head and Map Support, 6.00 cui' Single. Double. Single Double Single or Double. $3.60 $7.20 18 9 $64.80 6x9, 0.35 7x11, 0.40 0.70 0.80 4.20 8.40 12 6 50.40 4.80 9.60 10 5 48.00 8 X 12, 0.45 0.90 5,40 10.80 8 4 43.20 Assorted Cases. | Single. Con I doz. 8x12, taining 2 doz. 5x7; 3 doz. 6x9; 3 doz. 7x11; per case, $39.60. Double. Containing i i^doz. 8 X 12, doz. 5x7; Ji^ doz. 6x9; i}4 doz, 7x11; per case, $39.60. 84 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Andrews' Noiseless School Slates. Half the noise in the school room is produced by rattling slates. This is all remedied by using the Andrews' Slates. They will not rattle in their frames, and the frames will not rattle on the desks. If the Slate is dropped, it is not broken, and the noise is muffled and slight. Andrews' NoiselessSlate. Slate, Single. "B" Slate, Double. The "B" Slates are as dm-able as the "A" Slates, but the frames are plain and without the pencil-holding groove. The noise- less rims are of corded cotton made expressly for this use, and in a variety of colors as bright as cotton is capable of taking. These Slates are made both single and double. Price List of "B" Slates: Size —Each — , Single. Double. , — Per Dozen. — , Single. Double. — Doz. Single. in Case.— Double. ^Per Case.— Single or Double 5 X 7, 6x 9, 7 X II, 8 X 12, $0. 20 $0.40 .25 .50 .30 .60 ■35 -7° $2.40 3.00 3.60 4.20 $4.80 6.00 7.20 8.40 18 12 10 8 5 4 $43,20 36.00 36.00 33-6o Assorted Cases. Single. Containing 2 doz. 5x7; 3 doz. 6x9; 3 doz. 7x11; I doz. 8 x 12, - - - - - per case, $28.80. Double. Containing i doz. 5x7; 1% doz. 6x9; i}i doz. 7x11; '/^ doz. 8x12, - - - - - per case, $28.80, For the use of pupils just beginning to write, the Andrews' Slates are sent — when ordered — ruled as in ordinary copy books. The Andrews' Noiseless Slates are not only convenient, but so durable as to be positively cheaper than the common or " D " Slates. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. Andrews' Noiseless Drawing Slates. These Slates are intended to amuse as well as in- struct children, and are suitable for use in schools and families. All children love to draw, and are continually copying on their slates such simple pictures as they can find. Andrews' Drawing Slates supply them not only with the surface to draw upon, but with large numbers of simple and attractive pictures for copying. The cut represents one side of a slate and its frame, showing samples of the 150 different copies found on these slate frames. These pictiu'es are not only pleasing in them- selves, but convey much inter- esting and useful information in regard to forms of plants, flowers, animals, and architec- tural and classic figures and ornaments. They have been accurately drawn by a well-known artist — the plants and animals from nature, and the classic and architectural forms from the best authorities — and carefully engraved in outline. They may be relied upon as correct, and in connection with a dictionary, and parents ready to answer or help their children find answers to the thousand questions which the pictures suggest, will fur- nish the means for many hours of useful and delightful Holiday occu- pation. These Slates have a Noiseless Felt Rim. Price Liist of the Drawing Slates: No. I. Elementary, .... Size, 5x7, each, 40 cts. I. " 2. Common Objects and Animals, - " " 3. Architectural, - . . . " " 4. Classic and Floral, - - - - " Assorted' cases, containing 3 doz. No. i^ doz. No. 3; i^ doz. No. 4, - - Andrews' Slate Drawing Book (Progressive) commended as the best of its kind. Price, by mail. 5x7, " 40 '• 6x9, - 45 " 6x9, " 45 " I ; 3 doz. No. 2 ; per case, $45.00. Highly 15 cents. BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Combination Slate Desk. This Slate, finished up in fine style, and rich- ly ornamented, combines both the Desk and Trans- parent. Size, 71^ X 10 j4 in. Price, each, $1.00. No. 3. Monitor Slate Desk. This style con- sists of a lifting cover, with movable drawing copy slats. It also con- tains a Ruler, Eraser, and Pencil. This is a useful article, and a favor- ite with the children. Size, 71^ X 10 j4 inches. Price, each, 50 cents. No. 4. Portable Slate Desk. No. 5. The lo\r price at which this is offered, com- mends it to all. It is not only cheap, but being pat- terned after the more costly styles, is very neat and desir- able. Size, 7>2 X io}4 in. Price, each, 30 cents. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 87 Improved Slate Desk. No. 6. use of' them a most pleasant and instructive amusement. Size, 8 X iij4 in. Price, each, - This shape is an im- provement on the Moni- tor. The drawing copies used in these goods were designed and executed by one of our best artists, and are adapted in such a way as to make the 6o cents. Combination Writing and Slate Desk. No. 8. This is a Writing and Slate Desk combined, containing Inkstand, Eraser, Ruler, and Pencils. It is a most useful article, and is finely gotten up in every way, as handy for the House as for the School. Size, 8 X 11^ in. Price, each, - - $i-25; Scholar's Slate Companion. This new style is a School Slate, with a Scholar's Companion fixed in the opening on the slate, and contains a Well for water, Sponge, and Pencils, and avoids the habit of children spitting on their fingers to clean the slate. A very useful article. Price, each, 25 cents. m\ No. 9. 88 BAKER, PEATT & CO., NEW YORK. Peuiisylvania **D" School Slates. Pr ice List. Size. Per Dozen. No. in Case. Price per Case 5 X 7, $0.50. 18 doz. $9.00 6x9, .72. 12 '•' 8.64 6i X 10, •75- 12 " 9.00 7 X II, .80. 10 " 8.00 8 X 12, 1. 00. 8 " 8.00 9 X 13. 1.20. 6 '' 7.20 Assoi-ted Cases. No. 1. Containing 1% doz. 5x7; 2 doz. 6x9; 2 doz. 6)4. x 10; 3 doz. 7x11; 3 doz. 8 X 12. - - - Price, per Case, $9.50. No. il. Containing 3 doz. 5x7; 2 doz. 6x9; 2 do^i 6% x 10; 2 doz. 7x11; j4 doz. 8x12; j^ doz. 9 X 13. - Price, per Case, $7.50. N. B. — These Slates have an Oval Edge and Rounded Corner Frame, and are warranted First-Class in every particular. A Liberal Discount when ordered in large quantities. Transparent Slates. Size. Per Doz. No. A, 4^ X 3^, $0.50 No. B, 5|x4^, .75 No. C, 6 X 4f, 1. 00 No. D, 6|x5^, 1.25 No. E, 8 X 6f, 1.75 No. F, 9 X 7f, 2.so> Universal Sharpener and Eraser. For Lead and Slate Pencils. Has Lead Pencil Sharpener, Slate Pencil Sharpener, and Eraser for Slates, and Rubber for Lead Pencil Eraser, all in very compact form, can be carried in the pocket, and will last for years. Price, per dozen, - - $2.00 Samples mailed, post-paid, on receipt of 20 cents. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 89 Scholar's Companions. No. I. 7 in. long. Per dozen, No. I. Tin Scholar's Com- panion, oval, new style, pulls out from end. Contains sponge, ruler, slate pencil, lead pencil, etc. 3 in. wide, $3.00 No. 2. Tin Scholar's Companion, oval style, i^ in. wide, 8^ in. long. Per dozen, - $2.25 No. 3. Tin Scholar's Companion, hinged cover. Contains sponge, ruler, slate pencil, lead pencil, etc. Per dozen, - $3.00 i^^^ 3_ No. 4. Tin Pencil Case, oval, fancy, 7^ in. long, i^ in. wide. Per dozen, - $1.20 No. 4. No. 5. Tin Pencil Case, new style, oval, 7 in. long, I ^ in. wide. Per doz., 75 cts. Lunch Boxes. Tin Lunch Box. New Style. Pulls out at end. - Per dozen, $3.00 Moore's Folding Lunch Box, - Per dozen, $6.00 > FOLDED EJ-AT WHEN OPEN. 90 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK 4J 3Q ;:? •5 i, i o « 1 ,,„„„l ^ u i Li Oh 1 111,1 ^3 C in 3 O m- o p 11111 a, Id" o S Oh -a 3 A a. o 3 CATALOaUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 91 SLATE PENCILS. One Hundred in a Box. German, No. 6, plain, in paper boxes, per thousand, - » $2.00 u ^^ u a u a u . 2.50 " 7, " pointed, in paper boxes, per thou- sand, .-.-...- 2.00 61^ inch, plain, pointed, in wooden boxes, per thou- sand, .....--- 4.^0 7 inch, plain, pointed, in wooden boxes, per thou- sand, _......- 2. 00 7 inch. Gold papered, pointed, in wooden boxes, per thousand, ----.-- 6.00 7 inch. Union papered. Red, White, and Blue, in wooden boxes, per thousand, - - - - 6.00 No. 10, six paper-covered pencils, in wooden boxes, per doz. boxes, .30 Soapstone, 6 inch, pointed, in paper boxes, per thousand, - 7.20 " Pratt's Elite, 6 inch, six pencils painted in fancy- colors, in a tin box, per dozen boxes, - - .60 A. W. Faber's, Composition, 6 inch, pointed, in wooden boxes, per thousand, 7.20 THE SLATE PENCIL. HOLDER. The cut represents it about half size. It is made of wood, bored to receive a regular four-inch slate pencil — a six-inch pencil broken in halves answers the purpose. Its size obviates the difficulties of other inventions, which are too small for the regular slate pencils offered for sale. Its advantages are too manifest to require enumeration here. Every teacher knows how desirable it is to have a device which is large enough and long enough to prevent the irregular bits of slate pencils from cramping the children's fingers, and injuring them for writing. The pencil is held securely in place. It can be used as a pen holder. Price, per dozen, . ... 60 cents. SPONGE. LEAD PENCIL » SLATE PENCIL^ PEN AND HOLDER. BUBBER. Smith's Scholar's Companion, - - - - Per dozen, $3.00 92 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. WRITING PAPERS. These Papers are manufactured for us exclu- sively, and hold their own against all competition. They are neatly put up in manilla outside wrappers, with the numbers and weights marked on each package. The inside wrappers are beautifully litho- graphed. The Note papers are in quarter-ream packages, and the Letter, Cap, Legal, Sermon, Bill, and Ledger papers in half-ream packages. TRIUMPH MILLS. Superfine, Octavo Note, 5 pounds to the ream, - - Price per ream, $1.35 " «« 1.08 " 1-35 " " 1.62 '•' " 1.62 " " 1.90 " <' 1.90 " " 2.16 " " 2.70 " " 3-24 " " 3-78 " " 2.16 " " 2.70 " " 3-24 " " 3-78 " " 4-32 Commercial Note ,4 5 6 6 " ' Long fold, << '( 7 " ' Packet Note, 7 " ' Letter Paper, 8 10 li < (< u 12 " ' (( (< 14 a ( Foolscap, 8 10 12 a " li 14 " " a 16 " (C CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 93 WEITEVG PAPERS. TKIUMPH MILLS— (Continued.) Legal Cap, lO Dounds to the ream, Price per ream, $2.70 n 12 " - - " 3-24 il 14 u " 3-78 ie 16 " 4-32 Sermon Bath, 8 '•' 2.16 li u 10 " 2.70 Broad Bill Cap, 10 " 2.70 <( IC 12 " 3-24 Long Bill Cap, 10 " 2.70 ii a 12 " 3-24 Ledger Cap, 14 " 3.78 Palisade Mills Manuscript Papers. Extra Su;perfine. These Manuscript Papers are of extra quality, with mar- ginal perforations in each leaf, so that any number of leaves may easily be tied together, forming a neat pamphlet. Perforated Packet Note, size t^% x 9 inches, - - Price per ream, $2.40 " Sermon Bath, " 7 x 8>^ " - - " " 2.60 " '' Letter " 8 x 10 " - - " " 3.00 Senate Note and Legal Pads. This paper is prepared to meet the demand for a cheap article in convenient form for the use of Authors, Lawyers, and in Schools and Colleges. It is heavy manilla paper, sized and cal- endered, so that either pencil or pen may be used, and is intended for use in Examinations, Compositions, Theses, etc., and in preparing any writing which is to be copied afterward. For Arithme- tical and Mathematical exercises it is invaluable, as it does not weary the eye as white paper will, and prevents the harsh rattle of slates and pencils. It is made up into PADS of two sizes. Commercial Note, 240 sheets in each pad, per doz. pads, $3.00 Legal Cap, 240 " " " " " 6.00 ENYELOPES. We have constantly on hand a full stock of Envelopes of various sizes and styles, among which are the following. The prices given are for one thousand Envelopes, put up in boxes each containing two hundred and fifty. No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, Octavo, Commercial, Letter Business Note Size. Note Size. Size. Size. Common X, White, Amber, Canary, or Buff, $ $ $1.25 $1.40 Fine X, " " " " 1.35 1.50 1.60 1.75 Extra XX, " " «* " 1.50 1.60 1.80 2.10 " Fine XXX, " " " " i.8a 2.00 2.20 2.50 94 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. The Automatic Fountain Pen. This is undoubtedly the best Fountain Pen that has ever been offered at a low price. It is simple in its con- struction, not liable to get out of order, and after being filled with ink, can be safely carried in the pocket. It is a pen, pen-holder, and inkstand, all in one. CLOSED FOR THE POCKET. DIRECTIONS : To fill the holder, with- draw the rubber reservoir, insert the point of the pen in an inkstand, compress the tube, and the ink will be drawn up into it as soon as the pressure is removed. Replace it for use. No. I, Small size, for Ladies, No. 2, Large size, for Gentlemen, price, 25 cents. u 25 « STEEL PENS. No. BAKER, PRATT & CO'S. Extra Fyie. 10, School, put up in one gross boxes, each box containing 12 smaller boxes with one doz. pens in each, per gross, $1.25 No. 14, Bank, bronze. No. 22, Reservoir, bronze, No. 048, Falcon, " No. 75, Anti-corrosive, - No. 92, Amalgam, - No. 100, Keystone, white, No. 150, Colorado, golden. •75 .70 .75 I. GO .70 .70 •75 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 95 The Celebrated Spencerian Steel Pens. Made of the Best Material by the Best Workmen hi Etigland. o. Price per Gross. ^_ Largely used in all Schools, College. ^^^^^ | and by the best Penmen, action perfect, $i.20 '^s -p-Esc E RiAiA For ceneral writing ^COUNTING H0U_Sl3 H . . . sn\ B7&c°N_EW=Y0Ri^y and Accountants, 1. 25 z gPEiTCE RiAi^ilv The popular Busi- '° COMMERCIAt 3 t, mm^CH ,-R T aragrNE w=Y-o.R j<^ neds Pen, 1.25 11. University. 12. Epistolaire. 13. Engrossing. 14. Artistic. 15. Queen. 16. Official. 17. Literary. 18. Legal. 19. Mercantile, Non corrosive Manuscript, For Off- Hand Work, 1.50 1.25 These Pens combine Elasticity of Movement with Smoothness of Point not found in other Pens, and are a nearer approximation to the real Swan Quill than anything hitherto invented. They are used in all the principal Commercial Colleges in the United States, and pro- nounced by Accountants, Teachers, Officials, and Correspondents the Best Pens Manufactured. ^F Sample Cards containing all of the num- bers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail, for trial, on receipt of 25 cts. 96 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. QUILL PENS. In boxes of 24 Pens, full length of Quill. Price, according to quality, as follows : Italian, per box, $0.30 Portable, " .35 Large, - - " .50 Office, " .60 Congress, -------. " i.io PENHOLDERS. Accoiimioclatioil, steel tips, bronze, - - per gross, $0.60 No. 75, Accommodation, steel tips, for ladies, " .90 No. 2240, Plain, small, gray tips, ... <« 1.25 No. 2440, " medium long, black or gray tips, " 1.40 No. 2560, " large, black tips, ... " 1.7^ No. 2190, Swell Polished Cedar Sticks, black tips, small " 1.60 No. 2491, " " " " " "medium," 1.90 No. 2592, " " " " " "large, " 2.10 No. I, Assortment, first quality, put up one gross in a box, each box containing one dozen each of 1 2 styles of penholders. Price, per box, .... .... 4,00 No. 2, Assortment, first quality, put up one half gross in a box, each box containing one dozen each of 6 styles of pen- holders. Price, per box, -•-.... 2.00 Nickel-Plated Pen and Pencil Cases. No. I. Pencil Case, Reverse, with Pencil, - - per doz, $0.96 •■' 2. Pencil Case, Reverse, with Pencil and Rubber, " 1.20 " 3. Pencil Case, Double Reverse, with Pen and Pencil " 1.20 " 4. Pencil Case, Double Reverse, with Pencil, Pen, and Rubber, " 1^4 " 5. Pencil Case, Double Reverse, with Pencil, Knife, and Rubber, ...... " 2.00 " 6. Pen Case, Reverse, with Pencil, Pen, and Rubber, " 1.20 " 7. Pencil Case, Double Reverse, with Pencil, Pen, Knife, and Rubber, - - - - - " 2.40 " 8. Pencil Case, Double Reverse (Ladies'), with Pen- cil, Pen, and Rubber, ... - " 1.20 " 9. Pen Case, Reverse, with Miraculous Pen (writing without Ink), " 1.20 Samples sent by mail on receipt of price. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 97 The Lloyd Combination Penholder. This snaaU article is very useful and convenient. It occu- pies only the space of a small pencil, and is almost indispensable for the desk and pocket. It is heavily nickel-plated, and will last a life-time. Twelve arti- cles in one. Pencil, Penholder and Pen, Eraser, Pen-Knife, Envelope Opener, Paper Cut- ter, Rubber and Sewing-Ma- These Cuts represent the " Combination " in its various Forms. chine Thread Cutter. Can be used for ripping seams, cutting off hooks and eyes, buttons, and for many other purposes. Price, each, 25 cents, Williams' Condensed Liquid Glue. This Ijiqilid Glue is stronger than common glue, and is al- ways ready for instant use. It is intended for use in mending broken articles of furniture, crockery, etc., and may be used wherever paste or mucilage are usually employed. It is put up in handsome bottles, with a brush for each bottle. Price, per dozen, - . - . $3.00 98 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. This article is a fine White Paste for use in filling scrap books or for any purpose where paste and mucilage are usually employed. It ■will not sour and will keep in any climate. It is put up in neat glass jars with glass covers, as shown in the cut, and each jar is accom- panied by a suitable brush. Gumoliiie, per jar, - 20 cents. EUREKA PASTE. Put up in same style as Gruniolilie, but in various sizes, as fol- lows : Eureka Paste, >^ pints, per jar, - - - - '< " pints, " .... " " quarts, " .... 25 cents so u ir a CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MEECHANDISE. 99 WKITING INK. The acknowledged superiority of Thaddeus Davids & Go's Ink, over that of all other manufacturers, so commends it to the public that it will, without doubt, continue to be the standard. The black Ink is specially adapted for school use. It flows freely, and is jet black when it leaves the pen. The black, blue, and violet inks are put up in the same style and at the same prices, as follows : BLACK, BLUE, OR VIOLET. 2 oz. Monitor Stands, 2 oz. Octagon Stands, 4 oz. bottles, - 6 oz. " - . - 8 oz. Pint Quart " Yo, Gallon Stone Jugs, On Draught, - per doz. Dayids' Mucilage. MUCILAGE, Pints, - Quarts, - Gallon Jugs, - per gallon, per doz., No. I, 8 oz., with metallic cap and brush, " " I, 8 oz., flat " " 2, 3 oz., " "_ 3,30^; " Bill Stickers', 3 oz.," On Draught, per gallon, $o-35 0.60 1. 10 1.40 1-75 3.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 1.25 $5-5° 10.00 36.00 4.00 4.00 1-75 1.50 ^•25 2.50 100 BAKER, PEATT & CO., NEW YORK. Carmine and Scarlet Inks. I oz. draped stands, - No. I, I oz. RICH FLINT GLASS " 2, 2 OZ. " " I, I OZ. '' " 3, 2 oz. " " 4, 4 oz. " 5, 8oz. " Pints, " Quarts, " per doz., $1.50 " 2.00 CARMINE. SCARLET. Ground Stoppers, 3.00 3.00 4-50 7.00 12.00 21.00 42.00 $1.00 1.50 1.50 2.25 5-50 6.00 9.00 18.00 Eed Ink. RED WRITING INK, i oz., - per doz., $0.80 1.50 Arnold's Writing Fluid. We keep constantly in stock all sizes of Arnold's Writing Fluid, at the lowest prices : 2 oz. Cones, stone stands, 4 oz. Stone Bottles, j4 Pints, Stone Bottles, - Pints, " " - Quarts, " " per doz., $0.60 " 1.20 " 3.00 5-40 " 9.00 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 101 Eaven's Ink and Mucilage. In Consequence of the continued demand for goods which can be sold at a lower price than their standard brands, Messrs. T. Davids & Co. manufacture Raveii's Ink and Mucilage, under trade mark, to supply that demand. We confidently recommend this brand as the very best cheap ink and mucilage made. RAVEN'S BIiACK INK. A deep black at first wtiting. Per doz. 2 oz. Cones, wide mouth, - $0.40 8 oz., - - 1.25 Pints, - - 2.00 Quarts, - - 3.25 RAVEN'S Made of pure Gum Arabic, without adulteration. Per doz. 3 OZ. Stands, with cap and brush, - $1.00 Pints, - - - 4.25 Quarts, - - 7.50 Per Gallon, on draught, 2.00 102 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Inkstands for Teachers' Desks. No. I. — Price 50 cents. Glass Bottle, Fancy Bronze Base and Cap. Ill selecting- Iiikstands for use only those should be chosen that are durable ; that allow every drop of ink to be used with- out tipping; that can be readily cleaned; that are not easily upset; that are attractive in appearance, and convenient to use. Our stock embraces sev- eral hundred different styles and kinds of inkstands, from the smallest ink-Avell for school-desks to the largest and most highly ornamented Inkstands and Inkstand corn- No. 2. — The Star Inkstand. binations for Counting-room Either Nickel or Gilt, price 75 cents. and Library tables. Those CATALOaUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 103 we present here, we believe to be the most appropriate for general use, as they combine all the qualities mentioned above, and are offered at low prices. Clipper Inkstands. These beautiful Inkstands are deservedly popular be- cause of their convenience and cheapness, as well as the handsome designs in which they are made. The bottle is sup- ported by a pivot at each side, on which it revolves easily^ so that a single mo- tion of the hand is sufficient to open or close it. The mouth of the bottle is large enough to admit the pen readily, and allow every drop No. 3. — Bronze, $1.00. of ink to be used without danger of spilling it. No. 4. No. s. Bronze, $0.60. Bronze, $1.00. Nickel, - - 1-25. Nickel, - - 1.75- Italian, 1.25. Italian, I-7S- Gold Plate, - 4-SO- Gold Plate, - 6.00. 104 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. No. 6. — Price 50 cents. Fancy Bronze Base and Rack, Glass Bottle with Fancy Bronze Cap. Each. No. 7. Single Bankers' Inkstand, cut glass, with Nickel Tray, $2.00 " 8. Double " " " " " " 3.50 Cocoawood Pocket Inkstands. Either Bayonet Catch or Screw Top. No. 9. Large Size, Each, $0.30 " 10. Medium Size, .--.-.. « .25 " II. Small Size, .------ " .20 Rubber Pocket Inkstands. No. 12. Small Size, ------- Each, $0.30 " 13. Medium Size, - - ... " ._:55 " 14. Large Size, - - - ~ - - - " .40 Desk Weights. Pound Desk Weights, alternate bands. Nickel and Russia, three colors — Green, Black, and Red, very handsome, Each, $0.50 Pound Desk Weights, Japanned, ------ .20 Paragon " " Nickel, " -4° " " " Gilt, Nickel top, - - - '' .40 CATALOaUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 105 Showing tlie Ink Well in the Desk. Explanations. — A, Cover; a, a, Pen Rack; B, Ring with shoulder, which confines the Glass; C, Glass; c, Slot in shoulder allowing the passage of a li;> pro- jecting from the glass; C, D, Pen Wiper (easily made by any pupil). Two Styles, and Prices to Suit All. Larg^e Size, having Non-Corrosive Composition Cover and Ring, and large removable Glass, including necessary screws, Price, per dozen, -...-... $3.00 Small Size. Non-Corrosive Cover and Ring, Glass not removable, including necessary screws, price per dozen, - - - $2.00 Their Points of Superiority are: 1. Extreme simplicity and strength. There is no lock to get out of order. No key is required. 2. The bearing at the rear of the pivot insures a perfect fitting cover and ring. This prevents evaporation of the ink and keeps out dust. 3. The wells are large, and need filling only two or three times during a term. 4. Owing to the shape and thickness of the glasses, freezing will not burst them. 5. The covers turn only one way, and but a quarter of a circle ; they cannot be twirled or slammed, or made noisy in any way. 6. They are not liable to be left open. 7. The whole design is tasteful, the cover representing an inverted shell which serves as a pen dish. 8. The wells are low on the desk, and not in the way of books or slate. 9. They can be used in holes where other wells have been. 10. They are the first wells invented having a pen rack attached to the cover. Adopted for exclusive use by Boards of Education in the cities of Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, St. Louis, etc. 106 BAKEE, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. The Plain Glass Ink-well, with hinged japanned cover, the full size of which is shown in cut No. i, is always in great demand. It is made of good glass, and is of the largest possible capac- ity that the usual bore of school desks will allow. No. 1. Plain Glass Ink-well, adapted to any desk, per dozen, 75 cents. Japanned Iron Hinged Cover, strong and durable. Per dozen, 7 5 cents. No. 2. Plain Glass Ink-well is like No. i, but the japanned iron cover is of a different de- sign, although the sizes are the same. Ink-well, per doz., 75 cents. Hinged Cover, per doz., 75 cents. No. I. No. 2. Wilbur's Patent Coot Tent, or Ink Cork. Tlie cause of most of the complaints of thick ink arises from the fact that in pulling the cork it is broken by the cork-screw, or dug from the bottle with a knife, and the bottle left without a cork, or with a piece of one, to evaporate and catch the dust. With the Coot Vent the bottle is corked air-tight, and ANY inkstand can be filled Avith it without removing the cork or soiling the fingers. It will last for years. It is an ornament to the bottle, keeping it clean, and will preserve the ink as fresh as when first uncorked. It is particularly adapted to warm climates, and for pouring fluids from any bottle. Price, 25 cents each. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 107 The Britannia Glass-lined Ink- well may be had in precisely the same size as ink- well No. I, although the cut does not so represent it. The glass lining, or ink-well proper, is pro- tected on all sides by the metaUic case. The size is adapted to the ordinaiy bore of school desks. Price, per dozen, ----- $1.50 Bell's Patent Ink-well Cover is complete in one piece. The first cut shows the upper side ; the second, a section of the lower side (next to the ink). The old-fashioned ink-well cover was, like this, in one piece ; but its lower side was flat, and the ink, when the well was full, would draw up to the cover, and when the pupil pushed the cover around to open the well, the ink besmeared over the desk. This cover thoroughly remedies that difficulty^ since it is scooped out (as shown in second cut), and the ridge (on the lower side), just as the cover is being pushed from the well, raises it up and discharges into the well whatever ink may have been adhering to the cover. This is the leading idea of the patent, and makes this cover a com- plete success. There being no hing'e, there is nothing about it that can break. A single screw fastens it securely to the desk, and the cover revolves noise- lessly on the screw as a pivot. The disag-reeable clatter, which most teachers have suffered from when the pupils open and shut the wells, can- not occur in the use of BelVs cover. It is made of cast-iron, in an orna- mented pattern, and is bronzed. Its size is adapted to all sizes of glass ink- wells now made. It is noiseless ; it is the strong- est and most endiu'ing*, and it is the cheapest — the price being, per dozen, 50 cents. 108 BAKER, PEATT & CO., NEW YORK. WKITIM BOOKS. With Copies. Per Doz. Ellsworth's Primary Tracing Series (3 Nos. A, B, and C), $1.00 (I Intermediate Series (4 Nos. i, 2, 3, and 4), 1. 00 a Grammar Series (8 Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8), 1.44 a Writing Portfolios, Form i , Large, Double, - •75 a " " 2, Small, " .60 a "■ " " 3, Large, Single, •50 Model Copy Books, Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, - - - 1.44 Payson, DuNTON & Scribner's Primary Tracing Books, Nos. h 2 'j 3, and 4, 1. 00 Payson DuNTON & Scribner's Copy Books, 12 Nos., 1.44 Spencerian Copy Books, Shorter Course, Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1. 00 li Exercise Books, Nos. A and B, - - - 1.44 a Tracing Books, Nos. i, 2, 3, and 4, - 1. 00 u Copy Books, Com. Sch. Series, Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, 4}4, 5 , 1.44 u " Business Series, Nos. 6 and 7, 1.44 u " Ladies' Series, Nos. 8 and 9, 1.44 li " Exercise Series, Nos. 10, 11, 12, - 1.44 u Intermediate Book, and in Beers' Envelope, 1.44 u From Nos. i to 12, in Beers' Envelope, 1.44 u Scale of Slant and Proportion, - - - - •45 u Key to Penmanship, plain, - - - each, 1.25 a Theory of Penmanship, paper, ..." •25 u " " boards, - - « Witkoict Copies. .40 No. Size. Per Doz. 2}^, 5/^ ^1%, 10 leaves, square quarto, printed covers, fine paper, $0.30 3> 7 x8^, 12 leaves, square quarto, printed covers, fine paper, - - - - .40 4, "• 12 leaves, square quarto, printed covers, i2lb. superfine paper, . . . . .45 5. " 12 leaves, square quarto, printed covers, 141b. superfine paper, .... •5° 6, " 12 leaves, square quarto, lithographed covers, 1 61b. superfine paper. •55 8, " 14 leaves, square quarto, lithographed covers. 1 61b. superfine paper. .65 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 109 WRITING BOOKS. Without Copies. No. Size. Per Doz. 25. ^yk X 7^, 10 leaves, square quarto, double lines, printed covers, fine paper, - - . . $0.30 30, 7 X 8^, 12 leaves, square quarto, double lines, printed covers, fine paper, - - . . .40 15. " 12 leaves, oblong quarto, single lines, litho- graphed covers, extra fine paperj •45 Spelling Blanks. For Written Spelling. Per Doz. Dinsmore's, New Elementary, $0.60 " Nos. I, 2, and 3, 1. 00 McVicar's^ Nos. I, 2, and 3, I. CO Patterson's, Centennial, Nos. i, 2, and 3, - 1. 00 " Exercise Book, board covers, - - - - 5-52 " " " paper " - - - . 2.88 Composition Books. 1^^ All but Nos. 335 and 339 are with round comers. No. Size. Per Doz. 318, ^yk X 7^, Cap quarto, 20 leaves, cloth backs, comb mar- ble paper sides, .... $1.00 320, 7x81^, Crown quarto, 24 leaves, cloth backs, marble paper sides, ----- 1.20 322, " Crown quarto, 32 leaves, morocco backs, comb marble paper sides. 1.65 324, " Crown quarto, 24 leaves, cloth backs, printed press board sides, - . - - 1.40 325, " Crown quarto, 24 leaves, morocco backs, fancy- paper sides, ----- 1.60 33°. " Crown quarto, 32 leaves, morocco backs, comb marble paper sides. 1.90 332, " Crown quarto, 36 leaves, quarter bound, cloth backs, comb marble paper sides. 2.00 334, " Crown quarto, 48 leaves, quarter bound, press boards, 2.25 335, 7/^x8^, Crown quarto, 48 leaves, half bound, fancy paper sides, extra, . - - - 3-75 338, 5 X 7^, Demy 8vo, 24 leaves, morocco backs, fancy paper sides, 1-25 110 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Composition Books. No. Size. Per Doz. 339? 5 ^ 7/^' Demy 8vo, 48 leaves, morocco backs, half bound, fancy paper sides, - - $2.75 340, 7^x9^, Demy quarto, 32 leaves, morocco backs, comb marble, fancy paper sides, - - 2.87 Ornafjtented with fine chrom-o. 318c, 6^x7^, Cap quarto, 20 leaves, cloth backs, marble paper sides, fine, - - - - 1,25 319c, 7x81^, Crown quarto, 24 leaves, cloth backs, marble paper sides, fine, ... - 1.40 327, " Crown quarto, 24 leaves, cloth backs, fancy paper sides, with gilt border, superfine, 1.70 328, " Crown quarto, 23 leaves, cloth backs, fancy paper sides, with gilt border, superfine, 2.00 School Records and Diaries. Each. No. I. Alphabetical Register, 204 pages, loj^ x 16 in., indexed, $3.25 " 2. Rough Register; or, Admission Book, 48 pp., 6^ x 8^ in., .50 " 30 Discharge Book, 40 pages, 6^ x 8^^ in., - - - .50 " 4. Daily Attendance and Weekly Report Book, 160 pages, 81^x14 in., 2.25 " 5. Recitation Record; or. Class Book, 80pp., 8^ x 11 in., 1.20 " 6. Roll Book; or, Class Attendance Book, 80 pages, 8^ X 11^ in., 1.20 " 8. Alphabetical List, to show the number of days and months each pupil was present during the year, 80 pages, indexed, 8^^ x 13^ in., - - - - 1.50 " 9. American School Daily, Weekly, and Quarterly Register, II x 161^ in., .80 " 10. General Record of Recitation and Attendance, iij^xi8in., 3.50 " II. Weekly and Term Report Cards, 4^ x8 in., per dozen, .50 " 12. American School Class Record, 11x14 in., - - i-2o " 13. Teachers' Complete Pocket Record, 41^ x 7 in., - .55 " 14. Scholars' Complete Record, 4 X 6^ in., /er dozen, - - • _ - - - - - - .85 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. Ill BOOKKEEPING BLANKS. Day Books, Journals j Ledgers, and Records or Ciphering Books. No. Size. 850 7^ X 12^ Cap, marble paper covers, 10 sheets, per dozen, $2.00 ^55 ^^ ^ 13^ Crown, marble paper covers, 10 sheets, per dozen, ------- 2.50 860 8^ X 131^ Crowii, marble paper covers, 20 sheets, cloth backs, per dozen, - - - - 4.50 Bryant & Stratton's Blanks for Common School Book-Keep- ing, per set of five, - - . . .80 " " Blanks for High School Book-Keeping, per set of six, ----- 2.25 Ellsworth's Blanks to Single Entry Book- Keeping, per set of four, - • - .65 " Blanks to Double Entry Book-Keeping, per set of five, .65 Fulton & Eastman's Blanks, complete, per set of six, - - .75 " '''" '■'' for merchant, per set of three, - .■^^ '' " " for mechanic, per set of three, - .-^"i CUBE ROOT BLOCKS. The question of Square and Cube Root can be solved in no other way so easily as by illustrating with blocks of this kind. One of them should be in the hands of every teacher who attempts to instruct pupils in that usually troublesome part of Arithmetic. No. 25. No. 25. Double, for carrying illustrations to three or more places, boxed, $1, " 26. Single, for carrying illustrations to two places, boxed, " 27. Sixty-four inch Cubes, for same purpose, boxed, - - 3, 10 75 112 BAKEE, PEATT & CO., NEW YOEK. No. 28. Conic Sections. No. 28. Dissected Cone, with Pins, showing the Circle, Ellipse, Parabola, and Hyper- bola, colored sections, - - - $2.75 " 29. Ditto. Smaller, ----- 2.25 Nnmeral Frames. No. 21. The Numeral Frame is not only a very popular but an almost in- dispensable aid in teaching children to count, and in giving them correct ideas of number. This frame is used in Primary, Inter- mediate, and Grammar Schools, and greatly assists in teaching to count, add, subtract, multiply, and divide, and is es- pecially useful in illush'ating fractions, the, squares and roots of numbers. Nicely made and varnished, having 144 colored balls, $1.25 No. 22j^. Numeral Frame, for Table or Desk Use, Ivory Paper Folders. No. I, With Rosewood Handle, 7I/3 inches long, each, u u 8 " 8^ - " 4, " " 9% "■ 6, Standard, without handle, 6 inches long, /' / 8, " " " 8 " 9, " " " 9 " $0.35 .40 •45 •55 •15 •25 •30 •35 •45 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 113 Object-TeacMng Forms and Solids. No. 20. Thirty-six Forms in a neat wooden box, hinged, - $3.25 Triangle. Right-angled Equilateral Triangle. Isosceles Triangle. Triangle. Parallelogram or ^ Rectangle. Trapezium. Rhomb. Rhomboid. Square. PeHtagon. Hezagon. Heptagon. Octagon. Cube. Ml Prisms. Cyhnder. Pyramid. Cone. Tetrahedon. Sphere, Hemisphere. Spheroid. 114 BAKEE, PEATT & CO., NEW YOEK. Geometrical Forms— Extra Large. Prepared for the Lecture or Class Room. No. 23. In a neat wooden, hinged box, - . . . pyramid and Frustum. Cone and Frustum. All these forms and solids, when it is practicable, have names printed on their face, besides being fully illustrated inside the cover of the box containing them. Besides those represented above, the set contains Oblique Cylinder, Cube, Hexagonal Pyramid, and Rhomb. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 115 Geometrical Forms with Aritlimetical Solids. No. 24. In a neat wooden, hinged box, - $3.00 ^m me p^ ^ 1 P^ \ ' \ Cubes. Parallelopipeds. These forms and solids convey more definite ideas of square and solid measure than pages of explanation or drawings could. By their use all possibility of error in conception and definition is avoided, since thev are tangible. 1]6 BAKER, PRATT & CO.. NEW YORK. AMEEICAN BEAWING MODELS. For Common Schools, Drawing Classes, and Schools of Art and Science. Designed by Walter Smith, Art INIaster ; Professoi- of Art Education in the City of Boston Normal Art School, and State Director of Art Education for the State of Massachusetts. The Increasing demand for Art Education, and its general adoption as a branch of common school instruction, has rendered it necessary that a supply of proper models with which to con- vey this instruction should be produced. Designs have been obtained from Mr. Walter Smith, Director of Art Education for the State of Massachusetts, from which we are now prepared to furnish conii>lete sets of models. These are made from the best materials in a thorough manner; and by having extensively fitted up special ma- chinery, the work is produced with accuracy at a much less price than would be possible otherwise. Each model being made to dimensions, these sets are equally suited to all kinds of Free-Hand, Instru- mental, and Perspective Drawing-. Set No. 1 consists of the following pieces, selected from the most useful and beautiful geometric figures and curved forms : 1. sphere. Four inches diameter. 2. Cotie. Base four inches diameter, altitude eight inches. 3. Cylinder. Base four inches, altitude eight inches. 4. Cotte, in Sectiotts. Base four inches, alti- tude eight inches. 5. Ciibe. Side four inches. 6. Oblojtg Block. Foiu: inches square, length eight inches. 7. Triangtdar Prism. Side of base four inches, length of prism eight inches, base equi- lateral. 8. Hexagonal Prisjti. Diagonal of base four inches, length of prism eight inches, base regular. 9. Rectangular Pyramid. Side of base four inches, altitude eight inches. 10. Hexag07ial Pyrannd. Diagonal of base four inches, altitude of pyramid eight inches. 11. Square Block. Six inches square, two inches thick. 12. Disk. Six inches diameter, two inches thick. 13. Flight of Fojir Steps. One inch rise, one and one-half inches tread, width si.x inches. 14. Double Co}ie. Altitude eight inches, di- ameter at junction of cones one inch, bases of cones four inches. Price, complete, with box. 15. Cross. Six inches, made of seven-eighths inch stuff 16. Triangular Frame. Equilateral Triangle of six inches side, seven-eighths inch stuff. 17. Square Fj-ame. Si.x inches square, seven- eighths stuff. 18. Pentagonal Frame. Outer Pentagon in- scribed in a circle of six inches, seven-eighths stuff. 19. Hexagonal Frame. Side of three inches, seven-eighths inch stuff. 20. Circzclar Frame. Square in section, six inches diameter, seven-eighths inch stuff. 21. Circular Ring. Circular in section, six inches diameter. 22. Double Cross. Six inches, seven-eighths inch stuff. 23. Skcletan Cube. Six inches side, seven- eighths inch stuff 24. Oblong Frame. Twelve inches long, si.x inches square, seven-eighths inch stuff. 25. Square Frame a7id Ring. Si.x inches square, seven-eighths inch stuff. Circle inscribed. 26. Hcxago7ial Disk. Two inches thick, six inches diagonal. 27. 28, 29. Three Selected Vases. 30. A djusiable Model Stand. Top and bottom eleven and one-half inches square. $20.00 Set No. 2. — A box containing ten Wooden Vases, duplicated from the Greek originals. Price, with box, - - - $10.00 Set No. 3. — Four Large Models for lectures and instruction to classes: i. Cube, fifteen inches side. 2. Cone, with base twelve inches, altitude eighteen inches. 3, Cylinder, base twelve inches, altitude eighteen inches. 4. Hexagonal Prism, base twelve inches, length twenty-four inches. Price, without box, $13.00; with box, $15.00 Extra Model Stands, each, - - - - 2.50 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 117 118 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. The Spelling Stick is a simple device, and most useful for teaching spelling to Primary Classes. It consists of a piece of wood grooved for holding letters, and has a handle as shown in the cut. It is accompanied by letters on cardboard, and is an efficient instrument for instruction in the arrangement of letters and their combination into words. An entire class can be taught by it as readily as a single pupil. Spelling Sticks, Each, $0.25 Fonts of Letters on cardboard for same, in box, - - - .50 ALPHABET BLOCKS. PER SET, No. 000, Flats, Natural Wood, 12 pieces, in paper box, - $0.10 00, " " 18 " album " - .18 0, " " 18 " paper " - .15 1, " " 32 " " " - .25 2, Half Cubes, " 32 " " " - .30 3, Flats, Enameled, 27 " wooden frame box, .60 4, Half Cubes, Enameled, 27 pieces, in wooden box, .75 6, '' " Natural Wood, 24 pieces in wooden frame box, - - - - - .45 7, niustrated Cubes, 16 pieces in wooden box, .60 8, « " 18 " " " .90 9, " " 20 " " " 1.25 10, Combination Puzzle, Building and Alphabet, 32 pieces in wooden frame box, .^, - - .50 12, niustrated Cubes, Natural Wood, 16 pieces, plaid, paper box, - - - - - .40 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 119 PER SET. No. 14, Kindergarten, Spelling and Building, Natural wood, 16 pieces in paper box, - - - $0.20 " 15, Kindergarten, Natural Wood, 22 pieces in wood- en frame box, . . . . . ,40 80, Illustrated Cubes, 12 pieces in wooden box, .65 80A, Cubes, Natural Wood, 12 pieces wooden frame box, .50 A, Chromatic, 12 pieces in wooden frame box, - 1.20 B, " 12 '' " " " - .90 C, " 9 " " " " - .70 Jeflfers' Panoramic Apparatus. For Teaching Reading by ObJect-Lesson^^Exercises, with a Manual of Directions. This is an entirely new apparatus for presenting the first lessons of reading in accordance with an important principle of Elementary Edu- cation, namely — during the first steps let the Child'' s attention be occupied with a single object only at a time. By means of this apparatus a pic- ture, a word, or a single letter may be seen at once, or an entire sentence can be shown at the same time. It can be quickly changed and ad- justed to a letter, word, or sentence by the teacher, or even by the youngest pupil in school. The type is so large and plain that the words can be easily read across a room twenty-five feet in width. The words and objects are illustrated by large colored pictures, which may be seen by fifty pupils at the same time. By means of this apparatus, and a good blackboard, a class of fifty children may be taught to read several hun- dred words that are in common use, at sight ; also sentences contain- ing words of two and three syllables, within two months. Its use is highly interesting to the pupils, by combining amusement with instruc- tion. Price, ..--.---- $15.00 120 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Webb's School and Family Cards. For Teaching Reading. These dissected Cards, now rapidly taking the place of all other Cards for Teaching Reading to Primary Classes, have the following advantages : The words are printed on blocks, and are to be "set up" by the pupil, in the rack in the cover. There are about 100 words, dupli- cated, with a suf- ficient number of sets of the alpha- bet, numerals, punctuation marks, etc., to enable the pupils to form any easy sentence. This one set of Cards thus includes all other Cards, since the sentences on all the ordinary cards in use may be "set up" as desired, in the rack. There are twenty beautiful lithog^raphs accompanying the Cards, in themselves affording amusement and instruction to the pupils, and furnishing pleasing subjects for lessons to be "set up" in the rack. In the use of the ordinary printed reading chart, Every Teacher Knows that the pupils almost immediately Commit the Sentences TO Memory. An intelligent child who has been a fortnight reading from such charts, will read them as well with his eyes shut as in any other way if he knows which sentence is called for, while if he sees the same words in a strange place, he may not recognize them at all. Webb's School and Family Cards completely remove this trouble, as each word is complete by Itself, and will be known Wher- ever Seen. The set COnij)rises Webb's First Lessons in Language and Drawing, Webb's School and Family Cards, Webb's Picture Lessons. All in neat walnut box, strong and durable, - - - $8.00 Webb's Pictvire Lessons, sold separately, - - 1.25 CATALOaUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 121 The Van Everen Adjustable Book Covers. For Colleges, Societies, Schools, Public and Private Libraries. Each cover is made of strong Manila paper, and in four parts, fitting the four corners of a bound volume. It is designed to supply Schools, Libraries, and book users generally, with a cheap, neat, and convenient book cover, already cut, folded, gummed, and in part sealed— thus affording, at a trifling cost, a complete book-cover that FITS ANYBOOK ! They are put up in neat paper boxes, one hundred in a box. Price List and Description of Sizes. Primary. For the smallest Sunday School Library Books, Size A. Is the Cover for general use. It fits i8mo, i6mo, or i2mo, or books varying in length from 8^ in. to 5^ in. The best Advertising size^ ...... Size B. For Law, Medical, and Svo books, Intermediate Geographies and College text-books; suitable for books 10x7x2 inches or smaller, ------ Size C Fits the largest Geographies, 4to books 13x18 in., or less, - - These book covers have been in use for many years and are popular. They are the only supplementary covers that can be suc- cessfully and economically applied to different sizes of School and Sunday-School Library books. Per 100. $1.50 2.00 2.80 3-75 Perforated Library Numbers. The Numbers size " 25 " are print- ed in black, on tinted paper, for post- office boxes, school-desks, hat-hooks, library shelves, and books. Furnished face-gummed for glass. Size " 252 " for books, shelves, re- ports, paper patterns, and especially for the use of auctioneers. Size "5825" are printed in blue ink on white paper ; are used for num- bering Natural History specimens, Check Books, paging files of Letters, Newspapers, or any other papers, also Blank-books, Scrap-books, and Stamp collections. Any style or quantity to order. The Letters size **A" are printed in black, on tinted paper, and are used for Lecture-room Chairs, etc. The size ** B '* are printed in black, on white paper, and are used for indexing A- FBIOB. Perforatedt Like Postage Stampa. SELF-SEALINO. ii 25 Large Letters, Alphabet \ ctl. Small Letters, Per 100, 10 ctl. Runs to 1.000, Tinted paper, Per 100, 20 ctl. 12521 i5825i Bruns to 1,000, Tinted paper, Per 100, 10 etl- Suns to 10,000, White r»per, Per 100 10 Cti. 1 books and for pigeon holes, etc. 122 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. 66 0. W." SCHOOL BAGS. These bags are made from the best cable laid cord; are entirely free from starch or sizing of any kind, and are the only bags of domestic manu- facture that are not filled with glue, starch, or similar substances to give an appearance of strength. Should they become soiled through use they may be laundried and made as good as when new. 8J X lo inches, ID X 12 " ii| X 14J " 12 X 16 " Each, $0 •25 ii •30 a •35 i Ba gs iach, $0 •IS a .20 a •25 11 •30 School Book Straps. A Fine Line of Straps at Low Prices. All 36 Inches in Length. No. I, " 2, " 3, No. 4, WITHOUT HANDLES. Split Leather, plain buckles, - - - Per doz., Whole '' " . . - '' " " patent buckles, ... " WITH HANDLES. Split Leather, whole leather handles, a very good low priced strap, Per doz., Split Leather, red leather handles. Whole " " " . . Split " fancy red round leather handles, Whole " " " " " " " " round " " $0.60 .80 1.20 $1.00 1. 00 1.25 1-50 1.50 2.40 2.40 Watson's Book Clamp. IMPROVED. Price, each, - - - 25 cents. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 123 Pierce's Parallel Book Clamp Is one of the common sense and useful articles in demand at the present time, when school children have many books and slates to carry to and from the school room. It has but one strap which encircles the whole frame, and is easily adjusted to fit one or more books, clamping and holding them firmly without bending or breaking their covers. It is made of black walnut, oiled. Price, - - - - 35 cents each. The New York Book Clamp Is similar to Pierce's Book Clamp, described and illustrated above, but instead of the strap being fastened by a buckle one end of it is riveted to the frame of the clamp, and the other end is held firmly, as tightly as it can be drawn, by a strong pawl let into the upper part of the frame. Black walnut, oiled. Price, - 30 cents each. Patent Inlaid Ghess, Checker, and Backgammon Boards. Three varieties made, and each Board is furnished with a pair of Magic Dice Boxes. We believe this to be the most beautiful and substantial Board in the market, and on all accounts the most desirable and economical. Description of Illustrations. 1. The upper side of the board showing squares for chess^ etc. 2. The under side, with points for backgammon. 3. A section of the board when folded. 4. The cylinder of a magic dice cup folded flat. 5. The cylinder of a magic dice cup opened. 6. The bottom of a magic dice cup. 7. A magic dice cup complete, ready for use. Prices. — Style A. For Chess and Backgammon, plain margin, $5.00 " B. " " " inlaid " 6.00 " C. " Chess, Backgammon, and Cribbage, in- laid margin, - - . . . y.oo 124 BAKER, PEATT & CO., NEW YORK. THERMOMETERS. Everybody knows that it is necessary to regulate the tempera- ture of occupied rooms in order to preserve health and comfort. This can be done properly only by the use of a Thermometer. Those de- scribed below are cheap and reliable. TIN CASE. 7 inch, Fahrenheit Scale, 8 " a a lO " u a 12 " a u FANCY CASE 8 inch Mahogany, Fahrenheit Scale, Each. $o.3S .40 •45 •50 Each. $0.60 10 " " " " - .65 10 " Rosewood, " " - .75 6 " Union Frame, Ruby, Fahrenheit Scale, .65 8 " " " " " " .8c; 10 " " " '• " " i.oo 10 " Window, single degree, " " i.oo MAGNETS. Every School and Teacher should be provided with one, furnishing as it does a means of illustrating the law of attraction, be- sides affording endless amusement to the children. Sizes and Prices. 2 inch, with armature, 2^ " 3 " 3i '' 4 " 4* " 5 " 6 " 7 " Each, $0.15 a .20 u . .25 (( •30 a .40 li •50 li .65 li I.OO a 1-25 a 1.50 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 125 Aids to School Discipline. A Substitute for School Records, Reports, and Prizes. It is needless to discuss the value of proper incentives for either children or adults. Various devices to encourage studious- ness, promptness, and good demeanor are employed by instructors of children with success usually proportionate to the ingenuity or skill of the teacher. To some it appears necessary to be constantly offering rewards to pupils, but the expensiveness of this method is often found to exceed its utility. These Aids consist of a series of nicely printed graded Merit Cards, Checks, and Certificates, of different numerical values, to be awarded to pupils according to their standing at the end of each recitation, or at the close of each day. They may be used in various ways. This is convenient : In the morning give each pupil a Card (five merits), representing a perfect day, to be forfeited for misdemeanor, or failure in recitation. Sing^le Merits and Half-Merits are for pupils who fail to retain their Cards and are yet worthy of some credit. Five Cards held by any pupil are exchanged for a: Check (twenty-five merits), repre- senting a perfect school week. Four Checks are exchanged for a Certificate of Merit, representing one hundred merits or a per- fect month. These Certificates bear the pupil's name, and are signed by the teacher. The number held shows the pupil's standing. If prizes or medals are awarded at close of session, there can be no mistake in determining to whom they belong ; the decision being made by each pupil exhibiting his Cards and Certificates, no idea of favoritism can arise. They are printed in best colors, in new and appro- priate designs. The Certificates are prizes which pupils will cherish. Single Merits and Half-Merits are printed on cardboard; Cards and Checks on heavy paper, and may be used many times — hence the system is Cheap. They are put up in sets of 500, there being 80 Certificates, 130 Checks, 300 Cards, 50 Merits, and 50 Half-Merits in each set. Price, per set (mailed), $1.25 Supplied separately (by mail), single Merits, per hundred, .15 Cards (fives), Half-Merits, Checks (twenty-fives) Certificates (hundreds) u a a u u u a u u u u ii u •15 a •15 u .40 a •5° 126 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. NEW SCHOOL MOTTOES. 20 Mottoes on 13 Cards, 7^ x 13 Inches. These Mottoes are intended to adorn the walls of the school- room, as well as aid in moral instruction. They are printed on heavy cardboard in brilliant and attractive colors, an assortment of which is placed in each set. The letters are large and distinct, and a neat orna- mented border encloses each card. Their cheerful appearance with the judicious and appropriate sentiments presented, cannot fail to please the eye, and be of lasting benefit to the pupil. The low price at which they are furnished allows of their being placed in every school-room. The set consists of the following Mottoes: I am Late. Diligence Enriches. Sloth Impoverishes. Time is Money. Know Thyself. I shall Succeed. Learn to Wait. I will Try. Strive to Please. Strive to Win. Dare to do Right. Speak the Truth. Hasten Slowly. No Lie Thrives. I am Early. I'll do it Well. Forgive others sooner than yourself. Where there is a will there is a way. Make a good rule and keep it. Well begun is half done. Price, per mail, 75 cents. Testimonials. Lithographed on Heavy While Paper, with Appropriate Designs, Sketches, etc. No. I. Size 6^ x 9^ inches, - - - per doz., $0.50 " 2. '• 8 X 10 " - - - " .60 " 3. " 10 X 12 " - - - " .72 We have special facilities for executing fine lithograph DIPLOMAS at prices considerably below those usually charged. AVe shall be glad to estimate at any time when this class of work is de- sired. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 127 Medals and Badges. Medal No. 1 is struck in a metal which rivals silver in its beauty and practical utility for this purpose, since it is quite as bright, and just as hard, while it will not so easily tarnish as silver does. The cuts illus- trate it both sides, and in exact size. Price of Medal No. I, 20 cents. Medal No. 2 is shown herewith, both sides. It is somewhat larger than No. i, and is made of the same metal. Above the word " Excellence" space is left for the date, and above the word "Atten- tion," for the name of the pupil. In New York, the engraving costs 3 cents for each let- ter or figure. On receipt of the money we will have it done at that rate. In other localities jewelers can be found who do it as well. Price of Medal No. 2, 25 cents. These School Badgfes have been selected with great care, in response to a growing demand. The cuts show them full size. They afford ample space for any lettering required. Price, in Solid " Coin " Silver, - $2.50 Price, in 14 Carat Gold, $7-50 128 BAKER, PEATT & CO., NEW YOEK. ILLUMINATED REWARD CARDS. We present in this Catalogue fac-simile illustrations of some of the new and beantifiil Reward Cards described in the following list. They are all of the latest and most appropriate designs, each pack containing an assortment of several styles. Sent by mail on receipt of price. SERIES. No. 1 12 FLORAL AND FRUIT DESIGNS, " 3 6 FLORAL DESIGNS, .... 12 " 3.— 6 FLORAL DESIGNS, .... 12 " 4 6 FLORAL DESIGNS, .... 12 " 6 6 FLORAL DESIGNS, .... 12 " 6 6 DESIGNS, BEAUTIFUL PLUMAGE REPRO- DUCTIONS, 12 " 7 6 FLORAL DESIGNS, .... 12 " 9.— 12 DESIGNS, FRUIT, FLORAL, AND BIRD, - 12 " 11.— 12 FLORAL DESIGNS, - - - . 12 " 12 6 FLORAL DESIGNS, .... 12 " 13 6 DESIGNS, 12 " 14 12 FLORAL DESIGNS, .... 12 " 31 6 DESIGNS, BOOK MARKS, FERN, FLORAL, AND INSECT DESIGNS, ... 12 " 33.— 4 DESIGNS, EMBOSSED, .... 8 " 33.— 6 DESIGNS, LARGE BOOK MARKS, CEREAL, FLORAL, AND INSECT DESIGNS, - - 6 " 34.— 6 DESIGNS, EGYPTIAN AND ANTIQUE, - 12 " 25 6 FLORAL DESIGNS, WITH PORTRAITS OF EMINENT AMERICAN POETS, AND CAREFULLY SELECTED QUOTATIONS, 6 " 36 6 BIRD DESIGNS, 12 " 37.— 14 JUVENILE DESIGNS, CAMEO PRINTING, 84 " 38.— 16 DESIGNS. SMALL FLORAL AND BIRD RE- WARDS, 96 " 39.— 8 JUVENILE DESIGNS, CAMEO PRINTING, 24 " 30 6 DESIGNS, FLORAL AND FEATHER, BEAU- TIFULLY EMBOSSED, .... 6 " 31 12 DESIGNS, FANS, - - - . . 12 " 32 — 6 DESIGNS, FLORAL BOOK MARKS, Scripture Texts, 6 " 33 — 6 DESIGNS, FLORAL BOOK MARKS, " " 6 " 34 — 12 DESIGNS, FLORAL CARDS, " " 12 " 35 — 12 DESIGNS, FLORAL CROSSES, " " 12 " 36 — 12 DESIGNS, SMALL BOOK MARKS, " " 12 " 37.— 6 DESIGNS, LANDSCAPES, . - - 12 " 38 — 6 DESIGNS, JUVENILES, - - - ~ - 12 " 39 — 4 DESIGNS, SEASONS, .... 8 " 40.— 4 DESIGNS, JUVENILES, - - - - 8 " 41 — 8 DESIGNS, SEPIAS, - - - - 8 " 42.— 12 DESIGNS, iESOP'S FABLES, - - - 12 " 43 — 6 DESIGNS, LITTLE ONES AT HOME, - 12 " 44 — 8 JUVENILE DESIGNS, CAMEO PRINTING, 48 " 45 — 12 DESIGNS, PUG DOGS, .... 12 " 47 — 12 DESIGNS, WILD FOWL, Etc., ... 12 " 48.- 6 JUVENILE DESIGNS, Scripture Texts, - 12 PER 12 Cards to the Pack, PACK. $0.25 •25 .20 .30 .30 •30 ■25 .30 .25 •25 •IS .30 ■30 • 15 •25 .25 •30 .30 .60 .60 .40 •30 •15 •25 ■25 .20 .40 .30 .25 .20 .40 •25 •25 •2S lf**J CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 129 Book Rest for Office Desks and Library Tallies. This rest consists of six orna- mentally carved and elegantly fin- ished pieces of hard wood, with a bottom piece, to which are screwed two steel movable clasps. It is self-svipporting', and occu- pies, when in use, the space of 8 X 13 inches. When not in use pen, X nc es. .^ folds into something like a ruler, 3x19 inches, and may be laid in a common desk drawer. It is large enough for any octavo or quarto volume, and sufficiently tasteful and ornamental for any surroundings. Lawyers, Students, Copyists, and all Readers using two books at once mtisf use it, and other readers ought to use it for their own Comfort, Convenience, and Health. It holds the book constantly at the proper angle, thus resting and Folded, 3x19 inchfs. strengthening the eye. It prevents the reader from assuming a crouch- ing and unhealthful posture while reading, and it relieves the hand and arm from the weight of a heavy book, thus adding greatly to the com- fort of the reader. Price, _..-.- $1.00. Wilieft's Ready Reference Card-Holder. The handiest Card -Holder made; it occupies little space, and can be hung on the side of a desk, or in any other con- venient place. Size, 9^ inches long, per doz.. By mail, each, . . . $3.00 •30 130 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. READING GLASSES. For Examining Maps, Engravings, Phatographs, etc. EACH. No. 130, German Silver Frame, black handle, 2 inches diameter, $1.00 " 131. ii a a " 132, u u a " ^zz^ u a u " 134, Gilt Frame, Ivory handle, " 135. it a " T ^T a a 137 2.00 3.00 5.00 2.25 3-75 5-5° 8.50 Pocket Magnifying* Glasses. ^o, Of. No. 50, one ^-inch lens, " 51, two ^-inch lenses, " 56, one I -inch lens, " 57, two 1-inch lenses, These Glasses are often very useful to Teachers, while to students of Botany, Geology, or any other of the Natural Sciences, . they are a necessity. They are set in hard rub- ber rims, which fold mto a case of the same material, thus making them convenient and safe to carry in the pocket. They may be had in a variety of styles, with one or more lenses, as shown in the cuts. Each, $0.30 " .50 " .50 ..... - .75 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 131 No. 62, one i i^-inch lens, - " 63, two ii^-inch lenses, " 68, one 1 5^ -inch lens, - " 69, two 1 1/^ -inch lenses, " 74, one i^-inch lens, - " 75) two i^-inch lenses, " 78, one 2-inch lens, " 79, two 2-inch lenses, - No. 62. Ea :h, $0.60 ' 1. 00 •75 ' 1.25 .90 : 1.60 " 1.25 ' 2.00 No. 127, Tripod Magnifier, brass screw adjustment for focus, each, - - - $0.75 " 143, folds flat, one lens, each, .50 '* 144^, one lens, strong focus, each, - - - .40 No. 143. No. 144^. 132 BAKER, PRATT & CO.. NEW YORK. ^^^ No. ( 10. ^ "^^m^ No. no, one i-inch lens. - - • - Each, $0.50 " III, two i-inch lenses, - - - - •75 " 112, three i-inch lenses, - - - " 1. 00 The Youth's Microscope. This is a neatly fliiisliecl instrument, designed for the use of young persons who wish to pursue their investigations beyond the powers yielded by a simple Microscope. The low price at which it is sold, and its compact form, make it very desirable. The lenses are ac- curately ground, and afford a power sufficient to render distinctly visible a great number of minute objects, animal, vegetable and mineral. The Youth's Microscope is substan- tially made, with a vertical brass body, 6 inches high. One eye piece, one objective, giving a power of 40 diameters (i;5oo areas). Mirror beneath the stage for the illumination of transparent objects. In French polished case, with 2 Glass Slips, i Pre- pared Object, and i pair Brass Forceps, - $2.50. Every Microscopist should have a standard recent book on the Microscope. Common Objects of the Microscope. By Rev. J. G. Wood. Upward of 400 illustrations, on 12 col- ored plates, by Tuffen West. 132 pages, - $0.50. Practical Hints on the Selection and Use OF THE Microscope. ByDr. J. Phin. 131 pp., $0.75. The Preparation and Mounting of ^Iicroscop- ic Objects. By Thomas Davies. 214 pages. $1.25. Half Hours with the Microscope. Being a Popular Guide to the use of the Microscope as a means of Amusement and Instruction. By Edwin Lankester, M.D. Illustrated from Nature, by Tuffen West. A new edition with chapter on the Polariscope, by F. Kitton. 130 pages, - - - . - - - $1.50. Evenings at the Microscope. By P. H. Gosse, F.R.S. 477 pages, with numerous illustrations, ... $1.50. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 133 Prices. With 2 crown glass objectives yielding wide range of powers from 20 to 100 diameters (400 to 10,000 areas), i plain glass slide, i glass slide with concavity for hold- ing liquids, i prepared object — in box, $5.00. Same as above, with addition of 48 prepared objects, - $10.00. Printed instructions furnished with each in- strument. The Household Microscope stands seven inches high when inclined as shown in the engraving, and ten inches when the draw tube is extended. The base is of iron, bronzed, with hinged joint. The body is of brass, finely finished, with extension draw tube. The stage is large and steady, with brass springs for holding the object. Be- nt, th the stage is a mirror with univer- 1 motion for illumination of transpa- rent objects. The Household Microscope is a miniature model of the most approved and modern pattern. The animalcules commonly present in pond water, the Pollen of Flow- ers, etc., can be well ob- served and studied with it. 134 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. DRAWIN G MAT ERIALS. Frencli Instruments. Of Brass and German Silver in Cases. No. Each. 339. Mahogany Case, containing 5 pieces, Brass : i Pair Compasses, 4^ inch, with Pen and Pencil Points, i Key, - $0.65 340. Mahogany Case, containing 6 pieces, Brass : i Pair Compasses, 4X inch, with Pen and Pencil Points, i Crayonholder, i Key, I Rule, ------- .75 341. Mahogany Case, containing 8 pieces, Brass: i Pair Compasses, 4X inch, with Pen, Pencil Points, and Lengthening Bar, i Crayonholder, i Protractor, i Key, i Rule, - - - .go 342. Mahogany Case, containing 9 pieces. Brass : i Pair Compasses, 4X inch, with Pen, Pencil Points, and Lengthening Bar, i Drawing Pen, i Crayonholder, i Protractor, i Key, i Rule, 1,05 345. Mahogany Case, containing 10 pieces. Brass : i Pair Compasses, 4^ inch, with Pen, Pencil Points, and Lengthening Bar, i Pair Dividers, 3X inch, i Drawing Pen, i Protractor, i Crayon- holder, I Key, 1 Rule, - - - - -1.15 346. Mahogany Case, the same as No. 45 : Compasses i inch longer, 1,45 No. 347. 347. Mahogany Case, containing 1 2 pieces, Brass : i Pair Compasses, 4J^ inch, with Pen, Pencil Points, and Lengthening Bar, I Pair Dividers, 3j4 inch, i Bow Pen with Pencil Point, i Drawing Pen, i Protractor, i Key, i Rule, - - - 1.60 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 135 No. Each. 348. Mahogany Case, containing 12 pieces, Brass, the same as No. 47, but Compasses $}i and 4X inches long, - - - $2.00 349. Rosewood Case, containing 12 pieces, Brass : the same as No. 48, 2.40 350. Rosewood Case, with Lock and Tray, containing 12 pieces, Brass: the same as No. 48, - - - - - 2.85 351. Rosewood Case, with Lock and Tray, containing 12 pieces, Ger- man Silver : the same as No. 48, - - - - 5.00 352. Rosewood Case, with Lock and Tray, containing 12 pieces. Brass: the same as No. 50, but Compasses 6}i and c^^ inches long, -------- 3.30 No. 355. 355. Rosewood Case, with Lock and Tray, containing 16 pieces, Brass : i Pair Compasses, 6% inch, with Pen, Pencil Points, and Lengthening ar, i Pair Compasses, 3)4 inch, with Pen and Pencil Points, i Pair Dividers, Ar% inch, i Bow Pen with Pencil Points, i Drawing Pen, 2 Protractors, i Key, i Rule, 356. Rosewood Case, with Lock and Tray, containing 16 pieces. Brass: the same as No. 55; the Compasses with Needle- points, - _ - - - 357. Rosewood Case, with Lock and Tray, containing 16 pieces, German Silver : the same as No. 55, - - - - 358. Rosewood Case, with Lock and Tray, containing 16 pieces, Ger- man Silver: the same as No. 57, the Compasses with Needle- points, - - - - -- 3-70 4.50 7.50 8.00 136 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Prang's Patent American Compasses. For School and Office Work. (PATENTED AUGUST 22, 1876.) Ill ofFeriilg" Prang's Patent American Compasses to the public, we beg to call attention to the following features, which make them the clieapest and most practicable instruments in the market for school and office work : First. — They are strongly made of German silver, which obviates the serious objection made to the frequent handling, especially by pupils, of brass instruments, on account of the poisonous oxidation which attaches to the fingers. Second. — There are no screws in them to drop out and get lost. Third. — There are no extra pieces to be attached or detached in changing from compass-point to pencil or pen-point. Fourth. — When closed, the compass, pencil, and pen points are protected, and the instrument can be carried in the pocket as conveni- ently as a lead-pencil. Fifth. — They are the cheapest really good instruments in the market, as they retail for only 25 and 35 cents respectively. These compasses have proved satisfactory wherever used, and not a single imperfect instrument has been returned. Tliey are now used very largely in public schools. Two numbers of these compasses have been made — the first, the A compasses, containing compass, pen and pencil points, are intended for use in High Schools, Drawing Classes, and for common office work, Avhere a pen-point is sometimes desirable; the second, the B compasses, comprising compass and pencil points only, are intended for use in the lower classes of public schools, where only a compass and pencil-point are necessary. Tlie following" cuts show the instruments in their different aspects : INSTRUMENT CLOSED. This represents the instrument (A or B) closed. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 137 A" COMPASSES. This shows the A compasses opened, with the compass-point pro- jected beyond the pen-point. This shows the combination leg of the A compasses ; a, pen-point ; b, compass-point drawn in; c, pencil-point; H> /4> %, i, iKj 3 inch to the foot, ^V inch, 6 inch, - - - -$1.50 531. 12 inch, _-_...- 2.00 53i>^. iSinch, i^, X;^> /^5 ^j ij iK, 2, 3, 4inch tothefoot, yi-g inch, 3.00 ic a ii u a a a u u a it u a u a a n 532. 24 5.00 140 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Protractors. No. 426. No. 425. Semicircular Horn Protractor, 4.X inch 1°, 426. " " " sx " yz°, 427. " " " 6X " %% A^7%- y-% Ivory and Boxwood Scales. 482. Ivory Plotting Scale, 6 inch, 483. Boxwood Plotting Scale, 6 inch, Each. 30.25 •30 .40 .60 Each. Triangles. No. 824. No. 828. No. 820. 822. 824. 825. 826. 827. 828. 829. 830. 831. Pearvvood Triangles, plain, 30 x 60° : 7 inch, " 45°: 5)^ inch, Pearwood or Cherry Triangles, framed, 30 x 60° : 7 inch, II " 14 " 45° : SH inch, 7; 9 II " 73^ Each. $0.15 .20 •15 .20 .20 .25 •30 .40 .20 ,25 •30 .40 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 141 School and Office Rulers. These Rulers are made of sound, hard wood, polished, spec- ially for school and office use. They are accurately marked in eighth- inches, quarter-inches, half-inches, and inches, stamped in black. One edge is beveled and the other grooved to prevent any overflow of ink from soiling the paper while ruling. 1 2 -inch. Wide, School, 50 in a box, 12-inch, Narrow, ... - X 2-inch, Wide, ----- 15-inch, "....- 18-inch,. " 21-inch, "-.-.- 24-inch, '•..... 1 2 -inch, 1 5-inch, 18-inch, 2 1 -inch, 24-inch, Brass edge, Price, per 100, $3.00 " per dozen, .40 a u •75 ii li .2,?, ic 11 1.05 11 'I 1.25 li a 1-50 a a 1.50 u u 1.88 it li 2.35 (C a 2.90 a a 3.60 Crayon Holders. No. 1440. 1440. Crayon Holder, Brass, 5 inch and 6 inch, 1440^ 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 4i Each, $0.08 .06 German Silver, 5 inch, Brass, Ebony Handle, 5 inch, " " fine, 5 inch, - German Silver, Ebony Handle, fine, 5 in.. Brass, double, wooden centre, 7 inch, Germ. Silver, double, wooden centre, 7 in.. .25 .10 •15 .25 .25 .40 stumps. No. 1439. 1438. Paper Stumps, assorted, 1439. Chamois Leather Stumps, assorted, i439i-' Cork Stumps, assorted. per doz., $0.50 " 1.50 '' [.50 142 BAKER, PEATT & CO.. NEW YORK. Dixon's American Graphite Office and Artist's Pencils, PATENT DOZEN PACKAGE. Office Pencils. In Six Grades, in both Round and Hexagon Shapes. S, Soft. A very soft, black, smooth pencil. S M, Soft Medium. Popular for general use. The nearest to what is known as " No. 2," but smoother and pleasanter to use. 31, Medium. A very fine pencil, a little harder than what is known as " No. 2," more like what is known as " No. 3," but very smooth, and will wear longer than any pencil made for general use. H, Hard. A harder pencil, smooth and fine. V H, Very Hard. Still harder, for fine work. V V H, Very, Very Hard. Still harder, for finest work. All the above, Hexagon Shape, - - per dozen, $0.75 Roimd " - " 50 No. 200, Paper Case, containing 4 Round Ofiice Pencils, as- sorted, per case, - - - - - - - - .25 No. 201^ Paper Case, containing 4 Hexagon Office Pencils, assorted, per case, _.--.-- .3^ United States Patent Office, Washingioti, D. C, March 5, 1874. " T am using the best imported Siberian pencils, and paying eighteen dollars ($18) per gross for them. I have, for the production of the drawings used in my dictionary, four draughtsmen who cannot be beaten in the United States for fine pencil work. Your pencil, V V H, is quite up to the quality of the $18 imported; it can hardly be better ; but my best draughtsman says it is perhaps a little better. We shall hereafter use none but your V V H, and I have experimented carefully. I send some of the drawings from which my cuts are made, to show you that I need the Best High-Grade Pencils, at any price. "The package containing H, V H, and V V H pencils came safely to hand, and some have been given to other bureaus in the Department, with everyAvhere a favor- able verdict. I am yours truly, Edward H. Knight, A.M., Examiner-in-charge of Classifications and Official Pubhcations, U. S. Patent Office. Author of ' Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary.' " CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 143 A l>erfect pencil should be smooth, soft, black, uniform, and reliable, hold its point in wear, and be pleasant to use. The mark should be clear and perfect, but disappear entirely under the rub- ber, leaving the paper clean. All these qualities have been obtained in these pencils, beyond anything heretofore produced. Dixon's Artist Case. No. 206. Made of Aromatic Cedar, contains six of Dixon's Hexagon American Graphite Artist Pencils, one each SM, M, MH, MB, H,VH. The case is elegantly polished. Dixon's Artist's Pencils. W S, Very, Very Soft. M, - - Medium. V S, - Very Soft. M H, Medium Hard. S, - - - Soft. H, - - - Hard. S M, Soft Medium. V H, - - Very Hard. M B, Medium Black. V V H, Very, Very Hard. In Fine Red Paper Cases, complete for Skekhi?ig or Drawing. jq-Q Per Case. 202, Paper Case, containing 4 Hexagon Artist's Pencils, ass'ted, $0.50 203, " " 6 " " '' -75 204, " " 8 " " " i.oo /;/ Real Aromatic Cedar Cases, complete for Sketching or Drawing. No. Per Case. 205, Cedar Case, containing 4 Hexagon Artist's Pencils, ass'ted, $0.75 206, '' " 6 '' u a 8 " a " 207, 1.50 144 BAKEE, PEATT & CO., NEW YOEK. Lead Pencils, Dixon's Plain Cedar Pencils, Polished " '' Black "Red Best Office u Faber's a u a Round, Hexagon, Round, Hexagon^ PENCILS IN BOXES. Per Case. No. 202, Paper Case, containing 4 Dixon's Hexagon Artist's per gross, $1.20 u 1.32 u 1.50 u 1.60 per doz., •50 a •75 a .70 a .90 jrciiciis, 203, ass u uneu, 6 u u ^50.50 •75 204, a 8 u u 1. 00 205, Cedai Case, 4 a u •75 206, u 6 U Ll 1-15 207, a 8 u u 1.50 5 A. W. Faber's English Pencils, n wooden case, - - •50 7 u a u u u - . .60 10 u u li U (.(. - - •75 5 u u u with Knife and Rubber, in wooden case. - . 1. 00 5 li Siberian Pencils, in wooden case, . - 1. 00 7 u u u u u - - 1.50 lO u u a il il - . 2.00 5 il u u with Knife and Rubber, in wooden case, - - 1.50 CMnese or Indian Ink. This Ink is of a beautiful brown or bluish hue, best adapted for shading, and indispensable to Artists for its brilliancy of shade; it is also preferable to any other ink for tracing purposes. No. Per Cake. 4B. Gilt, round, with Lion Head, - . > _ $0.20 5B. Black, oval, " " - ' - - - .15 7. India Ink, oblong, black, - - - - - .10 A. Oval, black, - - - - - - . .25 B. " " with Lion Head, - - - - .50 C. Round, gilt, - - - - - . - .30 D. Oblong, "-----.. .40 E. ''''----.- . .60 F. Square, black, gilt figures, ----- .50 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 145 Pencil Sharpener. I Dozen in Box, price per dozen, $1.25 Sample, by mail, 12 cents. Stationer's Velvet Rubber. This Patent Velvet Rubber is prepared from the best of stock, and is made by a patent process, which gives it a soft vel- vet finish, rendering it ready for use without any further preparation. FLAT. OBLONG. We have no hesitation in recommending it to Accountants, Artists, Draughtsmen and others, as possessing superior quahties both in mate- rial and finish, knowing that when once tried it will prove all we claim for it. It is soft and i)liable, will not grow hard nor polish on the surface, and will readily erase and clean the Jjaper at all times. Put up in boxes of one pound each, price per pound, - $1.25 Sizes, oblong, 12, 20, 30, 40 or 60 to the pound. Sizes, flat, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60 or 80 to the pound. Patent Wedge Shape Rubber Heads for Pencils. Two Sizes. — Large, $1.65 per gross; Small, $1.50 per gross. The Wedge Shape Rubber is a recent de- vice — patented. With the sharp, chisel shape of this rubber the finest lines can be erased. The rubber is of high quality, and a great convenience for Artists, being always ready. No. 363 is the Patented Nickel-Finished Pencil-Point No. 3Q3. Protector and Rubber Eraser. Per dozen, 50 cents ; sample, by mail, 5 cents. No. 366 is same as No. 363, Heavily Nickel - Plated, with Perpetual Calendar at- ^^^ 3gg_ tachment. Per dozen, 75 cents; sample, by mail, 8 cents. 146 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. The Patent Adjustable Stand. The Improved Adjustable Stand is substantial, orna- mental, convenient and cheap, and its tasteful appearance makes it suitable for the office, library or sitting-room. It can be fixed at any- required height, so one can use it either sitting or standing; and by turning back the Eici2 /^m W'^^ i-^ screw at the right, it is allowed to ro- tate, bringing either side in front. The shelf or ledge for instruments is at- tached to the back side of the table, so that it is always level, whatever in- clination is given to the desk. This is very convenient for the water-cups, ink -stands, etc. Fig. 2 shows the table fixed at a slight inclination, the dotted lines showing it horizon- tal at A or vertical at B. When the table is nearly ver- z:j\ tical, the whole oc- "^ cupies but little : "-• space, and forms a perfect easel. When used for this purpose, a neat For Schools, Drawing-Classes, Artists, Architects, attachment, not Draiightsmeti, Engineers and Artisans Generally, shown in the cut, is furnished for holding the picture, and the adjustments are so simple that a mere touch is sufticient to effect an entire change in the light which falls upon the work. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 147 Under the instrument shelf are provided two drawers for working materials. The table and drawers are made of black walnut or other appropriate wood, nicely finished. The tripod, hollow standard and sliding spindle are of cast iron, neatly painted and bronzed. The working parts are well finished and are very easily operated. The Stand complete weighs 55 pounds, and is sufficiently firm to support a drawing-board 44 inches square without inconvenience. In the lowest position the table is 30 inches high,' and may be elevated to 44 inches. Price List, No. I. Suitable for School-rooms, Shops, etc., plain soft wood top, as shown in the figure, 22 x 24 inches, - $8.00 " 2. Same as No. i, with Instrument Shelf, 7x9 inches, g.oo " 3. Black Walnut Top, 22 x 26 inches; Instrument Shelf, 7 X 26, ...... 10.00 '''• 4. Suitable for Counting-rooms, Architect's Offices, etc., black walnut top, 22 x 26 inches; Instrument Shelf, 7x26 inches, two Instrument Drawers, mounted on castors, bronze paint, - - . - 12.00 " 5. Same as No. 4, selected walnut top, polished, castings bronzed and ornamented ; suitable for home use, - 15.00 " 6. Engraving Stand, - - - - - 20.00 Bristol Board. REYNOLDS'. Cap, 12^ ^ ^5/4^ inches, 2 Sheet, 3 " - • 4 " - ■ Demy, 14^ x 181^ inches, 2 " - • Medium, 161^ x 21 inches, 2 " Per doz., $0.65 " .90 1.20 •95 1.40 1.90 1.25 1.90 2.50 Cap, Demy, Medium, German Drawing" Paper. Size. Per Quire. 14x17, $0.30 15x20, .45 17 X 22, .60 Size. Royal, 19 X 24, Super Royal, 19x27, Imperial, 22 x 30, Per Quire. .So .90 1.20 148 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Wliatmaii's Drawing Paper. Size. Per Quire. Cap, 13x17, $0.70 Demy, 15x20, •85 Medium, 17 X 22, 1.25 Royal, 19x24, 1.60 Super Royal, 19x27, 2.00 Elephant, 23x28, 3.00 Imperial, Colombier, 23 x 34, Atlas, 26 x 34, Double Elephant, 27 x 40, Antiquarian, 31x53, Size. Per Quire. 22 X 30, 3.00 4-5° 4-5° 5-75 18.00 Antique or Egg-Shell Drawing Paper. A Superior Paper for Mechanical Drawifigs, in Sheets. Per Quire, $0.90 Demy, 15 x 20 inches Medium, 17 x 22 " Royal, 19 X 24 " Imperial, 22 x 30 " 1-35 1.80 2.70 DRAWING CARDS. Bartholomew's Primary Drawing Cards, Nos. i, 2 and Each, $0. Coe's Drawing Cards, Nos. i to 10, - - - " " New Drawing Lessons, 4 parts, . . . " Siilitll's Drawing Cards, Nos. i and 2, - - - " Wllite's Primary Drawing Cards, - - - - " Manual for same, --..-.. " Practice Paper for same, - - - - Per pack, " Industrial Primary Drawing, 12 Cards, - Per set, " " Dictation Lessons for same. Drawing Books, No. i, 2, 3, - - Each, N0.4, 5, 6, - - " Exercise Book, large, - - Per doz., i " small, - - " I Progressive Art Studies, Elementary Series, A, B, C, D, Each, Ornamental a u Landscape '^ Instrumental '' Drawing Paper, A, B, " C, A,B,C, '^ A,B,C,D," Per pack, 20 .30 •30 •15 .27 .27 ,20 •25 .40 •15 ,20 .25 .00 •54 •54 •6s •54 •54 •35 CATALOGUE OP SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 149 DEAWING BOOKS. Without Copies. Interleaved with White Tisstie Paper. Cap, Size, 6^ x Zy^ inches, 24 pages, Per dozen, $1.00 Demy, '' 71^' x 914; " 24 " 1-25 Medium, " 83^ x 10^ " 24 '' 1.50 Cap, • " 6^ X Z% " 32 '' 1.25 Demy, " 7^x10^ " 32 <' 1-75 Medium, " 8^ x ii^ " 32 " 2-75 With Copies. Bartholomew's Industrial Drawing Books. Free-Hand Series, 6 books, - Each, $0.20 Geometric " 2 " - , - a .20 Model and Object Series, i book. u .20 Perspective a j a . . u .20 Teacher's Manual, or Guide, a 1-75 "Kriisi's System of Free-Hand and Industrial Drawin g- Synthetic Series, 4 books, - - . - a .18 Analytical " 6 " .... (C .22 Perspective " 4 '' .... u .27 Advanced Perspective and Shading Series, 4 books, --..-.. u •35 Manuals (one to each series), - - u •65 Industrial Series, Textile Designs, 6 books, - Per set , 2.00 " '' Mechanical 6 " u 2.00 " " Architectural 9 " a 4.50 Smith's System of Industrial and Artistic Drawing. Intermediate Series, 3 books. Each, •15 Free-Hand Outline Series, 5 books, - a •25 Model and Object '' 2 " - - tt •25 Geometrical " 4 " - - a •25 Perspective <' 2 " - - a •25 Manual for Intermediate Series, - «■ 1.25 " Complete Course, a 3.00 Speiiceriaii Drawing Books.— An Elementary and Progressive Series, designed especially for the use of Schools, containing full and complete instructions for the use of both teacher and pupil. Five books, each contain- ing twenty-four lessons, . - . - - Each, •45 Willson's Industrial Drawing- Series, 8 books, " .21 " Drawing Guide, ti .90 150 BAKEE, PEATT & CO., NEW YOEK. W. Hermes Drawing School. 6 Studies in Cover, 5^x 8^ inches, - - - Each, $0.25 On the following Subjects : Series i, Easy Lessons in Drawing; 2, Landscapes; 3, Flowers and Fruits; 4, Arabesques; 6, Animals; 7, The Human Form; 8, Geometrical Drawing; 9, Architectural Drawing. W. Hermes, Drawing^ Master. 4 Studies in Cover, 8^ x 11^ inches, - - Each, $0.50 On the following Subjects: Series i, Landscapes; 2, Flowers and Fruits; 3, Heads; 5, Horses; 6, Animals; 7, Foliage. DRAWING BOARDS. No. No. O o. Drawing Board, pine, clamped, 12 x 17 inches, 91. 92. 93- 94. 95- No. **°- ^- Each. 3. Drawing Board, pine, nardwood ledges, dovetailed, 23 X31 inches, $3.00 4. " " " " " 27x34 " 5. " " " " " 31x42 " 6. " " " " " 33x55 " 90. Drawing Board, pine, hardwood ledges screwed to the back ; the screws run in slots to allow free contraction or expan- sion. 16 X 21 inches, 20 X 26 23 X31 27 X34 31 X42 33x55 3-75 4.50 8.00 1.50 2.20 3-5° 4.25 5.50 9.00 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 151 Sketch Books and Blocks. No. No. 1460. 1460. Sketch Book, open leaves, white, 4^ x 6 inches, 1461. " 6 xg •' 9 X 12 tinted, 4i x 6 " 5 x7 " 6 x9 ^' 9 X 12 No No. 1462 . 1462. Sketch Block, white , 3| X 5 inches, - u 5 x7 " - ii 7 X 10 '' - a 10 x 14 " - 1463. tinted, 4i x 6 '' - a 5 x7 " - a 6 x9 " - u 9 X 12 '' - 1464. bound, white, 33 X 5 inches a '' 5 X7 a " 7 X 10 i( " 10 X 14 1465. " tinted, 4^ x 6 li " 5 X7 u " 6 x9 a " 9 X 12 Each. $0.60 •75 I. GO 1-75 .65 •95 1. 10 1.80 Each. $0.25 .40 .65 I. IS .40 .60 •75 1.15 .65 1. 00 1.40 2.00 •95 1. 10 1.40 2.00 Blotting Paper. This we furnish in large sheets, or cut to the most convenient sizes for general use. Large sheets, 120 lb., size, 19 x 24 inches, - - - per doz., $0.90 ". " 100 " " 19x24 " ,- - - " .75 " " 80 " " 19x24 " - - , - '' .60 Small " 100 " " 4 X 9;^ " . _ . per gross, .90 " " 100 " '' 6x 9K " - - - " 1-35 152 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Johnson's Home Health-Lift. Beauty, Freshness of Complexion, Symmetry of Form, Health, Strength^ Longevity, atid even Life Itself are impossible without Exercise. The vigor of the Physical Con- stitution is no less dependent upon Habitual Exercise than upon Food; hence it should be Taken with the bame Regularity as Food. Physical Culture is Indispensable to Mental Culture, as a SOUND MIND is Possible Only in a SOUND BODY. Activity and Clearness of Intellect, Cheerful Spirit and Agreeable Dis-j position, are no less Dependent upon a Free, Full, and Healthful Action of ALL the Physical Func- tions, than upon the Size and Quality of the Brain. Hence, ALL Persons — MEN, WOMEN, and i CHILDREN — whose business doe.'- \ not afford proper physical Exer tion, should be provided with thit new and improved HEALTH- LIFT, as a Cheap and ever ^ Convenient means of Gen- eral and Cumulative Exer- Dr. Johnson'sl Home Healtli - L/ift is the most popu-i ^mK lar of all : Because it is the Cheapest — Most Durable — Least likely to get out of Order — The Lightest — Most Compact — Most Portable — Most Ornamental — Can be kept in any Room of the House — Simplest in Construction — Most Convenient to Use, requiring no Change of Dress, Compound Adjustment, or Professional Assistant — Hence it can be used at Home, and Afforded by the Many. Price, ------ $30.00. The Machines delivered to Express in New York. The expense of transportation is but a trifle, as the Apparatus, Boxed, weighs only 35 lbs. Send for complete descriptive circular containing hundreds of Testimonials. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MEECHANDISE. 153 GYMNASTICS. The nations of former times from whom the present age has received some of its richest legacies in Uterature and art, were those who held that physical and mental culture were co-equal in value. Irregular at first, though encouraged among the young, physical exercise was afterward reduced to a method, and made a prominent feature in the public educational system. The wisest legislators considered that no government could be perfect in which the gymnasium was neglected. The student who applies himself to the improvement of the mind only, forgetting that good digestion and bodily and mental healthful- ness are interdependent, is sure to regret, and often when disease has become ineradicably fixed, the neglect of that mutual and systematic development of mind and body which enables men and women to accomplish the greatest results without an excessive drain upon either their mental or physical powers. We have here selected such of our gymnastic apparatus as we believe is, in all respects, the best for school and home use. It is adapted to all— girls and boys, men and women. It can be used any- where, in doors or out; is made of the best material, well-finished, strong and durable. Price List of Gryiiinastic Apparatus. Hand-Rings, . Per pair, $0.65 Wands, 28 to 40 inches long, . . . . . Each, .25 " 4.1 " 60 " " " .35 Indian Clubs. I lb. each, 2 u 3 u 4 li 5 a lib. each, 2 u 3 a 4 li Per pair, $1.00 1.50 2.00 2.25 2-75 6 lb. each, 7 ■ " 8 " Per pair, $3.25 . " 3-75 " 4-25 " 5.00 Dumb -Bells. Per pair, $0.60 " .70 " .90 1.25 5 lb. each, 6 « 7 " 8 « Kehoe's Book on Use of Clubs, illustrated. Manual of Calisthenics, by Watson, illustrated. Handbook of Gymnastics, by Watson, highly illustrated. New Gymnastics, for Men, Women, and Children, by Dio Lewis, Per pair. $1-75 2.25 2-75 3-25 - 1. 00 ■ 1.25 ■ 2.00 io Lewis, 1.50 154 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. The Wands are made of thoroughly seasoned black walnut, in length varying from twenty-eight inches to five feet. They furnish many beautiful and eifective exercises, and may be regarded as almost indispensable in the formation of a system of physical training. When held vertically at the side, the wand should extend from the floor to the lobe of the ear. Some of the most valuable movements cannot be executed with shorter ones. The best Ring's are of wood in three sections, glued to- gether, the grain running in opposite directions. Ours are made of CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 155 walnut for the two outside sections, the centre being hard maple. They afford opportunities for so many graceful positions and effective movements in combination for persons of all ages that they are highly esteemed and classed among the best apparatus for physical exercise. Dumb Bells are inferior to no other article of Gymnastic Ap- paratus. With a pair of these every muscle and joint of the body may be exercised in a short space of time. Persons of ingenuity and skill can make them to represent almost the entire apparatus of the gymnasium. By rapid changes they appear as hand-rings, parallel bars, Indian clubs, a wand, a foil — though occupying but little space, either at rest or in motion. Indian Clubs rank among the very best of all gymnastic apparatus. Commencing with light implements and simple exercises, the stu- dent may soon learn to handle heavy clubs with ease and expertness, executing the most complicated motions. Movements that seemed awkward and hopelessly difficult at first soon become easy, graceful, and exhilarating. 156 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Dr. Barnett's Patent Chest Expander. Recommended, by leadings physicians, and used by the pupils of a large number of public and private schools in New York and other cities. A COMPLETE POCKET GYMNASIUM. This is a simple health apparatus adapted for use by persons of both sexes and all ages. It is invaluable to those who are afflicted with dyspepsia, and is highly prized by persons of sedentary habits, the round shouldered, and the narrow chested. The cuts show the simplicity of this apparatus. The expanders are made of different grades of elasticity, to suit all degrees of strength, from that of the young girl to the giant strength of the gymnast. As with Indian clubs and dumb-bells, a variety of graceful movements may be executed, and their systematic and persistent use will so develop the chest and muscles and promote circulation of the blood as to surprise those who use them, that an ex- ercising apparatus can at once be so simple and accomplish such beneficial results. The Hon. Henry Kiddle, Superintendent of New York Public Schools, recommends it as follows : " It has been used in very many of the public schools of this city, and has been found a very valuable aid in conducting exercises for physical culture. No apparatus that I have seen seems to be so well calculated to promote the object designed, while the exercises are agreeable, graceful, and appropriate for schools." CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MEECHANDISE. 157 Improved Parlor Gymnasium. A Superior System of Exercise convenient to all. A most complete apparatus for home and school use. Can be folded up and carried in the pocket. Admits of as great a variety of exercise as dumb-bells, Indian clubs, rings, wands, etc., while its use is more graceful, and its results more satisfactory. Adapted to all degrees of strength. It rests the tired brain and body. It refreshes and invigorates the entire system. Prices of Inii>rovecl Parlor Gynmasium. Round Bands. Flat Bands. No. I. For children 4 years old, - 2. For children 6 to 10 years old, - 3. For children 10 to 14 years old, 4. Ladies, children, and youths, 5. Gentlemen of moderate strength, 6. Gentlemen of extra strength, Note. — The flat band is in improved form. They are all elegant, graceful, and effective in their uses. Recom- mended by the highest medical and educational authorities, and by all who use them. In ordering, please state whether the round or the flat band is preferred. $0.30 $0.30 .60 .60 .90 .90 1.20 1.20 1.50 1.50 1.80 1.80 Prices of Dr. Barnett's Patent Chest Expander. No. $0.30 No. 4, .60 " 5, .90 " 6, $1.20 1.50 1.80 158 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Pierce's Foldiiisr Bow Gun. For the Lawn or the Parlor. This is a new and nnique implement of Archery, widely differing from the common cross- bow, or the bow and arrow in general use. The pecu- liarity of its construction consists in shaping a spring- steel bow in a novel form and bringing it to the stock so that it is easily folded parallel to the barrel. This steel bow imparts great force and accuracy to the flight of the dart, while its peculiar bend and the method of attaching it to the hinge-cushion ensure great durability. Tliis Bo"W Gun is complete in every part, and well adapted to target shooting, either on the lawn or in the parlor. An adjustable sight attached to the butt of the barrel fits it for short or long range shooting. Jn tlie breecll of the Bow Gun are four pockets, three contain darts, and the other is filled with chalk with which to whiten the end of the blunt pointed darts, so they will leave their mark on the target. Eacli Bow Grun is carefully tested before it leaves the factory, and the darts are all tried to see that they are properly balanced. Darts may "be had either with flat, blunt point, or with steel spike in the end. Persons of little experience should use the blunt pointed darts. Targets made of wood, twelve inches in diameter, with two faces, one for sharp pointed darts and the other for blunt darts, properly divided for counting the scores, are supplied when desired. PRICES. Bow Gun, finely finished, in neat wooden case, Extra Darts, per dozen, . - . . Targets, each, $5.00 1. 00 •75 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 159 KINDERGAETEN MATERIAL. We invite a careful examination of our material for the Kin- (lerg'arteil, feeling confident that it is the most accurate and in all respects the best manufactured. The following list embraces the twenty " Gifts " of Froebel, and the best books on the theory and methods of using them. First Gift. Six Soft, Colored Balls, For teaching color, form^ direction, grace and precision of movement. A set of 6 balls, primary and secondary colors, in wooden box, ... - $0.75 Second Gift. sphere, Cylinder and Cube, For teaching form and comparison of ob- jects, counting, sides, corners and edges of the cube, and observing different qualities and uses arising from difference in shape. The sphere always presents the same appear- ance, but the cube and cylinder vary accord- ing to the point from which they are viewed. The cube whirled rapidly presents the appear- ance of the sphere. The forms are accurately made and provided with necessary staples and holes for hanging. Per box. In wooden box, with cross-beam for suspending the forms, - $0.60 Third Gift. J^arge Cube, Consisting of Eight Small Cubes. For teaching form and number (including fractions), and for arranging, designing and building. By means of this gift, children can follow their nat- ural instinct of taking things apart to see how they are ^ put together, without, as in the case of a broken toy, being unable to restore it to its original form. In neat wooden box, with sliding cover, - Diagrams for the Third Gift, 160 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Fourth Gift. Large Cube, Consisting of Eight Oblong Blocks. For teaching length, breadth and thickness, and for arranging, designing and building, in easy de- signs, by young children. To be compared and contrasted with the Third Gift. Price, in strong wooden box, ----... $0.20 Diagrams for the Fourth Gift, --.--.. ,20 Fifth Gift. Large Cube, Divided into Twenty-one Whole, Six Half and Twelve Quar- ter Cubes, for^ning altogether Twenty-seven Small Cubes and One Large Cube. For continuing instruction in form and number, and for arranging, designing and building. This gift is supplementary to the Third Gift. By quartering the cubes, the triangular form is introduced, and an increased amount of material is put into the hands of the child, increasing the number and variety of fundamental forms, numerical and other relations, and creative possibilities. Price, in strong wooden box, -.--... $0.40 Diagrams for the Fifth Gift, ----.._ ,^0 Sixth Gift. Large Cube, Consisting of Eighteen Whole Oblotig Blocks, Three Similar Blocks Divided Lengthwise and Six Divided Breadthwise. For continuing instruction in form and number, and for arranging, designing and building. This gift is supplementary to the Fourth Gift. Price, in strong wooden box, - - $0.40 Diagrams for the Sixth Gift, - - .30 The Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Gifts serve as building blocks, and are most important aids to the developing system of the Kinder- garten. The first six gifts only are used in serial order, the others, after the second, being introduced at the discretion of the teacher. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 161 Seventh Gift. Quadrangular and Triangular Tablets for Laying Figures. For teaching plane surfaces as distinguished from solids, continuing instruction in proportion, and developing taste in building and arranging. In the six previous gifts solids only are considered ; by the tablets, plane surfaces are presented. This gift comprises seven forms, with careful attention to proportion and exactness, thus giving opportunity to children for the widest exercise of their ingenuity and taste in design- ing forms of use and beauty. The tablets are very carefully made in primary and secondary colors, and polished. A B Four Larg-e Right Angled Triangles. Eight Inch Squares. Price, in strong wooden box, $0.25 Price, in strong wooden box, $0.30 Sixteen Right Angled Scalene Tri- Diagrams for Seventh Gift, B, .40 angles. Orange and blue. In a wooden box, $0.30 C D Nine Large Equilateral Triangles. Sixteen Isosceles Triangles. Price, in strong wooden box, $0.30 Price, in strong wooden box, $0.30 Diagrams for Seventh Gift, C, .40 Diagrams for Seventh Gift, D, .40 Thirty-two Isosceles Triangles. Fifty-four Equilateral Triangles. Price, in strong wooden box, $0.40 Price, in strong wooden box, $0.50 Diagrams for Seventh Gift, E, .40 Diagrams for Seventh Gift, F, .40 G H Fifty-six Isosceles Triang-les. Fifty-six Scalene Triangles, Price, in strong wooden box, $0.50 Price, in strong wooden box, $0.60 Diagrams for Seventh Gift, G, .40 Diagramsfor Seventh Gift, H, .40 Sixty-four Obtuse Angled Triangles. Price, in strong wooden box, - $0.60 Diagrams for Seventh Gift, I, - .40 Eighth Gift. A. — The Jointed or Connected Slat. This serves as a bridge between the plane surface and the stick. The first (A) shows how one form is developed from another, for in- stance, the Rhombus from the square, etc. It consists of thin slats of hardwood, united, forming a jointed rule. (a.) Set of 6 links, each 4 inches long, .... $0.10 (b.) " 10 " 4 " .... .15 (C.) " 16 " 3 " .... .25 Diagrams, --.----.-. .^o B.— The Disconnected Slat. Thin slats of wood, varying in length and thickness, are used for interlacing. 50 wooden slats (black walnut) 9 inches long, - - - $0.15 100 '- " 9 " ... .25 100 splints, light wood, - - - - - - - .10 Diagrams, -.-.---.-- .30 C.-The Sticks. ■ Sticks for Stick Laying. ==^ I For teaching numerical propor- tions and designing. The letters of the alphabet and the numerals may also be copied. After surfaces come lines. The Eighth Gift shows the straight lines. Paper box containing sticks, about 1300, assorted, i, 2, 3^ 4 and 5 inches long, --------- $0.35 Diagrams for same, ..-.---- ,30 Package containing 1000 sticks, 6 inches long, - - - .25 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 163 Ninth Gift. Rings for Ring Laying, including Whole, Half, and Quarter Rings of Various Sizes. ^>.yi^ 1 I For teaching the curved hne, diam- j^ j^"^ /TTN 'N^'^/^ ®^^^' circumference, radius and the ( ( y vN^ A A elements of form, and for the devel- ^"■"^ yVT ^"^ opment of taste in arranging and de- -^"^ ^ * signing. Wooden box, containing whole, half and quarter rings of various sizes, ----...--- $0.50 Diagrams for same, - -.....- .^o Tentli Gift. [TAe Gifts front Ten to Twenty, inclusive, are known as Occupation Material.^ Drawing' Slates and Paper Ruled in Squares. With drawing material prepared in this way, the child begins systematically to acquire and perfect his ideas of proportion, and to train the hand to draw correctly. The slates are used first, then the paper. Noiseless Kindergarten Slates, ruled in squares, noiseless rim. Highest Paris award, 1878. A, 5 X 7, ruled in squares, - - $0.30 A, 6 X 9, " " - ■ - .35 B, s X 7, " " - - .20 B, 6 X 9, " " - - .25 Noiseless slates, with wide rim, on which are geometric figures or diagrams for connecting class copying, 6x9, each, - - $0.40 Paper, good quality, ruled two sides in squares (accurately) \ inch, \ inch, or \ inch, per quire, - $0,40 Drawing Books, Ruled in Squares. For Pupils. Smooth Paper. 24 pages, \ inch or \ inch, . - $0.15 Drawing Books. 24 pages, 7x8^ inches, per dozen, - i.oo For Teachers. Smooth. Paper. 48 pages, interleaved with tissue paper, ruled \ inch, \ inch, or \ inch, each, - - - $0.40 Drawing Paper. 48 pages, interleaved with tissue paper, ruled \ inch, \ inch, or \ inch, each, . . - . .50 IH ill^=::=jM 164 BAKEE, PRATT & CO., NEW YOEK. Eleventh Gift. Perforating' Paper. After the line comes, finally, the point. The Perforating Paper is ruled in y^ inch squares, and the child is taught to prick with the Perforating Needles, at first, straight lines and figures with straight lines, and afterward, designs involving curved lines. The work, when accurately done, may be laid aside to be used in connection with the next gift. The use of this gift develops Neatness, Care, Accuracy in the use of the Hand, and continues the habit of Designing. Package of 50 sheets, 11 x 8^^ inches, ruled on one side, each, $0.50 " 25 sheets cardboard, 5^ X 7 inches, - - - .20 Perforating Cushions, for laying the paper on when at work, each, . 1 5 " Needles, long or short handles, each, - - - .05 " " " " per dozen, - - .50 Diagrams, .....----- .^o Albums for mounting — see list of prices elsewhere. Twelfth Gift. Enibroideriiig' Material. This gift follows, naturally, the last, the best of the perforated material being reserved for embroid- ery. The ruled paper and cardboard of the last gift may be obtained for this, or, if it is not desired to have the children perforate their own paper, it may be obtained already perforated. Package of 25 sheets cardboard, 4x4 inches, ruled one side, j^ inch, ... - $0-15 Package 4x4 inches, perforated, i^ inch, - - - -.15 " 8x8 " ruled one side, yl inch, - • - .25 " Diagrams, ....-.-. .^o Albums for mounting — see price list elsewhere. Tliirteeiith Gift. Paper for Cutting', This gift consists of squares of paper, which the children are taught to fold in various patterns, and then cut, with scissors, into symmetrical figures, which may then be mounted on paper or in books, and retained as evidence of the child's progress. Package containing 100 pieces 4x4 inch paper, assorted colors, $0.15 " 30 sheets 9x9 inches, stout white paper for mounting, --------- .30 Package containing 30 sheets 9x9 inches, Manila paper, for mounting, ----.-..- .20 Diagrams, ..-.--.... .30 Albums for mounting — see list of prices elsewhere. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 165 Fourteenth Gift. Paper for Weaving". This gift consists of slitted mats and strips of variously colored paper, which are woven and interlaced so as to form patterns which may then be mounted on paper or in Albums. The mats are furnished in assorted colors, and the mounts should be of the suitable contrasting colors, or of gray. N. B. — The boxes of Weaving Material put up by us contain, when square, a double quantity of mats and no strips, which are always cut from the mats. This is better done as used, thus preventing waste and enabling all the material to be used. Weaving Material. We suggest to those ordering, that it Avill often not be possible for us to match .colors, unless ordered in large quantities. We are constantly buying and cutting paper of the most brilliant colors to be found in the market, but our assortment is likely to vary from time to time. We will send, on apphcation, sa?npks of the colors in stock at any time of the teacher'' s paper, mounted on a card. From this card the colors may be ordered in any combination desired, but only in even packages of 24 mats (the equivalent of 12 mats and 12 strips). Price per package of 24 mats, about 7x7 inches, slits yk inch or H inch, in paper box, ------- $0.18 Put up in assorted colors of fine glazed paper, in packages of 24 mats (the equivalent of 12 mats and 12 strips) : Price per package of 24 mats, about 7x7 inches, in wrappers, $0.15 Slits, V% inch, assorted colors, -15 " /6 " " - , .15 "X " " - - .15 « ^ " " ..-...- .15 " >^ " " - - .15 " alternating y% and ^, assorted colors, - - - - .15 We also furnish oblong mats, about 5x7 inches, same price. We have on hand about 50 kinds of mats. In ordering, please specify exactly what is wanted. Weaving Needles, steel (patent), each, - - - - - $0.10 " " " per dozen, - - - - 1,00 Diagrams, - - - -3° Albums for mounting the finished work — see price Hst elsewhere. The Fifteenth and Sixteenth Gifts are included in the Eighth Gift,- which see. 166 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Seventeenth Gift. Paper for Intertwining:. Paper strips of various colors, eight or ten inches long, to be folded lengthwise, and used to represent geometrical and fancy figures. Packages containing 50 strips of different widths, assorted colors, each, .-.---,-. $0.08 A package containing blue strips, - - - - . - .08 " " pink " .08 Diagrams, -.....-... .30 Albums for mounting — see price list elsewhere. Eighteenth Grift. Paj)er for Folding. This material consists of paper cut perfectly square, which may be subdivided into triangles or other forms, and folded into various shapes. 100 squares, 4x4 inches, French folio, assorted colors, in neat package, - - - - $0.15 A package of assorted colors, medium paper, - - - ♦ .15 " " " glazed paper, .... .20 Diagrams, .-.---.... .75 Albums for mounting — see price list elsewhere. Nineteenth Gift. Peas Work. Peas are soaked in water for six or eight hours, and pieces of wire of various lengths are stuck into them, the peas forming the means of connecting the wires, and thus form the skeleton of geometrical figures and real objects. There is no more fascinating or useful occupation for children than this. Instead of the peas, cubes of cork are sometimes used. The cork cubes we furnish ; the peas can be obtained anywhere. Package containing 100 wires of i, 2 and 3 inches in length, - $0.20 Package containing 100 cork cubes, each, ... - .25 Diagrams, .......... .30 Twentieth Gift. Modeling. Suitable clay, properly prepared, is kept for this purpose. Modeling wax is sometimes used by teachers. There are modeling knives and tools of various shapes, one or two of which will usually be sufficient. Modeling Clay, $0-05 " Boards, each, - - - - - - - "'^S " Knives, each, common, .10 " Tools, each, .20 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MEECHANDISE. 167 Miscellaneous. Albums for Mounting' completed work in the Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Gifts. Albums, Gray Paper, 24 pp., 9 x 10 inches, - - - - $0.20 " " 48 u C< .... .30 " Assorted Colored Paper, -24 pp., 9 x 10 inches, - - .20 " " " 48 " " - - .30 Wrappers or Portfolios, 6x7 or 8x10 in., stiff Manilla, per doz., .60 Kindergarten Tables, hard wood, marked (accurately) in inch squares, 20 x 36 inches, each, . . . - . 4.00 Tables, 3 feet long, 16 inches wide, harp leg and folding, - - 5.00 " 2 . " same style, - - - - - - 4.50 Other sizes to order. Kinderg-arten Chairs, each, ..... i.oo BOOKS ON KINDERGARTNENG. DouAi — Manual for the Kindergarten, - - - - - $1.00 Kraus-Boelte — Kindergarten Guide, No. i, - - - - .35 " " " 2, - - - - .70 Hoffman — Kindergarten Toys, - - - - - .20 Hailman — Kindergarten Culture, - .75 Kreige (M. H.)— The Child, - - - - - - - i.oo Mann & Peabody — Kindergarten Guide, - - - - 1.25 WiEBE — Paradise of Childhood. In four parts, each, in paper,- .75 Complete, in paper, ...... 2.50 Complete, cloth, .--.--- 3.00 Craft — The Coming Man the Present Child, .... 1.50 Mann — Von Bulow's Reminiscences of Froebel, - - - 1.50 Mother Play and Nursery Songs from Froebel, newly translated, 2.00 Also, many other Kindergarten works furnished to order. Books for Instructing the Deaf and Dumb. Elementary Liessons. By H. P. Peet, LL.D. Pp. 308. $0.85. Course of Instruction. Part III. By Harvey P. Peet, LL.D. Fully Illustrated. Pp. 252, - - - $1.25 Containing a development of the verb; illustrations of idioms; lessons on the different periods of human life ; natural history of ani- mals, and a description of each month in the year. lianguage Lessons. By Isaac Lewis Peet, LL.D. Script Type. Pp. 232, $1.25 Designed to introduce young learners, deaf-mutes, and foreigners to a correct understanding and use of the English language. 168 BAKEE, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Metric Apparatus for Schools. For the Accominodation of Teachers, and to Save the Cost of Transportation from Boston, the educational society for intro- ducing the metric system — the American Metric Bureau — has estab- lished at our store a Depository for the Exhibition and Sale of Metric Boolfs, Cliarts, and Apparatus for Teaching. All inter- ested may obtain from us explanatory ci-rculars, tables, and list of apparatus with descriptions, prices, and everything pertaining to the metric system, on the same terms as at the general office of the society in Boston. This society has a Sinking Fund of $10,000, loaned by friends of the system. This is applied to the manufacture of metric apparatus, to be sold at only enough advance on cost of material and labor to meet necessary expenses. The Trustees receive no compensation for their services, and employ no traveling agents. The expenses are, therefore, very small. The most necessary articles for teaching, introducing, or using the metric system are sold at one-half the Factory Prices; others at wholesale prices, and a few (so controlled that the Bureau is not allowed to undersell) as low as they can be had anywhere. The following articles (the most called for) can be had at the Bureau, or at our store, for one-half the regular prices here printed. In ordering., always give printed price., and send one-half the total amount of the bill, which will be receipted for as fully paid. Meters. (Polished and graduated on four edges.) Maple meter stick, 33 cts. ; brass tips, 40 cts.; pointer, each cm. and dm. marked, 32 cts. ; school meter, best for exhibition, $1.20. Desk Kules. 30 cm., heavy, wide, polished maple, 20 cts.; brass- mounted, 35c. School Kules. 30 cm., light maple, loc. ; boxwood, best, 15 cts.; printed, less accurate and durable, 4 cts. $2.00 per hundred. Pocket Kules. (Boxwood, graduated on four edges, brass-mounted. ) Foiir-fold. Meter, 80 cts.; best quality, arch joint, fine finish, $1.40; broad, 33 mm wide, best, arch, etc., $i.68j 40 cm., best size for pocket, 75-ct. form, 40 cts. ; extra strong, generally chosen, 50 cts. ; best quality, 70 cts. ; with caliper, $1.20; bound in brass, $1.25. Five-fold. (Five double decimeters jointed into a full meter. ) Steel springs, $1.06; without springs, 48 cts., 20 cts., and 16 cts. Capacity Measures. The wood and copper measures are, like the rules, sold at half price. For the present the tin measures are offered at one-thii"d price. CAPACITY MEASURES. Factory price. Wood. Tin. Copper. Factory price. Wood. Tin. Copper. Centiliter, $o.is $0.30 Yi, Dekaliter, - $0.60 $1.50 $3.00 2 " .1=; •30 I " - 1. 00 2.25 4.50 Yz Deciliter, •IS •30 I " $0.20 •IS •30 Nest. All 10 pieces, 2.95 6.15 12.30 2 .20 •IS •30 <( 2 liter down y^ Liter, - .20 •30 .60 8 pieces, 1.35 2.40 4.80 I " - - .30 •45 .90 (I Liter down, 7 2 " • - •45 .90 1.80 pieces, .90 1.50 3.00 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 169 Weights. Fairbanks', brass, 13 pieces, with knobs, in polished block, K. to I g., $8.65. Scales. Iron, double platform, 2 g. upward, $2.50; finer, with index, $6.40. Paper Meter- Yard. This is strongly recommended as the best known aid to the use of the Metric System. It may easily be carried in the vest pocket, and it answers most metric questions at sight, 20 cents. Over fifty of the best metric publications at one-half price. Send for full descriptive list. The prices below for sets are the reduced prices, scmie half, others wholesale, and a7e not to be halved. Complete Sets of Apparatus. Without the actual weights and measures, a full set, everything needed for best teaching, 15 pieces, costs for the cheapest form, $7.34; favorite form, $8.75 ; best form, $10.30. A still cheaper form with the solid instead of dissected liter block costs only $4.04. For full descriptions see Metric Bulletin, pages 413-425. Sets of Actual Measures. The most needed for the best practical teaching are given with prices for each quality. To reduce cost of the set omit from the end of the list in order. The prices in this list are not to be halved. A part are put down at half price, the rest are at wholesale prices, all at the lowest terms on which they are furnished by the Metric Bureau, by which the selection is made as the best. Having decided whether to buy the best, the regular, or the cheapest quality go down the list till the limit of expense is reached. Weights and Measures. No. Liter, kilo, and gram, ------ Dek., decil., and centil., -.._-_ Deka. , and liektog. weights, . . - . Scale (if school has none), - - - - - Ten-meter tape, in case, . - - _ - 9 weights, completing 2 K. set, . - - . Liter, decil., and centil., market form, - Meters, i, 2, 4, 5, and lo-fold, - . - - Tailors' tape, i^ meter (no case), 2 and 5 cl., 2 and 5 dl, 2 1., completing standard capacity set, ------- Centigrade thermometer, - - . - - Half-meters, i, 2, 4, and lo-fold, 20, 30 D., 30 S., and 40 cm. rules, - - . Double meter, lo-fold, spring rod, . _ - 6 market measures, completing set, - . . Total, 49 $26.88 $14.37 $9.79 As the society does this work from educational, not commercial naotives, and without profit above expenses; and as we have taken this Depository for the accommodation of our patrons and educators gener- ally, and without charge for rent or labor, it is necessary to observe the Bureau rules as to terms of sale : Cash on Delivery in our Store. Postage, express^ packing-cases, transportation, incidentals, atid risk must be borne by the buyer. A Full Descriptive Catalogue Mailed on Application. Piece s. Best. Regular. Cheapest. .3 $2.60 $1.23 $0.45 3 .80 .80 .60 2 I-I5 •58 .28 I 3.60 1.60 1.25 I 2.40 .66 .40 9 5-35 2.68 1.36 .3 •75 •30 •25 5 2.26 1.64 1. 10 I •25 .09 •03 5 1.65 •55 •55 I 1. 17 •75 •25 4 i-iS 1.05 ,91 4 .74 •53 •45 I 1.06 1.06 1.06 6 1.95 •85 •85 170 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Minerals and Rocks. We have several collections of Rocks and IMinerals for beginners and advanced pupils. Prof. Dana says : " There is no study- ing jMineralogy or Geology without a collection of this kind. Every academy in New York, as well as in the other States, should have one." Set Xo. 1 comprises 25 Rocks and Minerals, viz.: Coarse Gran- ite, Fine Granite, Graphic Granite, Syenite, Gneiss, Quartz, Feldspar, Mica, Hornblende, Trap, Lava, Sandstone, Conglomerate, Calcite, Granular Limestone, Compact Limestone, Hydraulic Limestone, Fos- siliferous Limestone, Serpentine, Talc, Steatite, Gypsum, Graphite, Bar}-- tes, and Sulphur. Price, in neat box, - - - - $3.50 Set Xo, 3 consists of 25 Metals, as follows : Gold, Silver, Cinna- bar, Native Copper, Copper Pyrites, Malachite, Native Iron, Iron Pyr- ites, Arsenical Iron, Hematite, Limonite, Magnetite, Carbonate of Iron, Chromic Iron, Stream Tin, Galena, Zinc Blende, Zincite, Willemite, Calamine, Bismuth, Antimony, Nickel, Pyrolusite, and AUanite. Price, in neat box, ------ $3.00 We will supply both sets when ordered at the same time for $5.00. Student's Elementary Collection of Minerals and Rocks. 50 specimens. In pasteboard box, $12.00; in black walnut case, $15.00. Advanced Student's Collection in 3Iineralogy. Arranged according to Dana's Manual. 100 specimens. In pasteboard case, $25.00; in black walnut case, $30.00. The same chemically arranged according to the fifth edition of Prof. Dana's ]Mineralog}\ Same styles and prices. Advanced Student's Collection in Geology. 100 specimens. (According to the latest edition of Prof Dana's Geology.) In pasteboard box, $25.00; in black walnut case, $30.00. The Advanced Student's Collection in Mineral- ogy, with the Advanced Student's Collection in Geology. 200 speci- mens. In pasteboard cases, $50.00; in black walnut cases, $55.00. Colleges, Academies, Schools and Amateurs supplied with Cabin- ets or single specimens. Also with Fossils and Shells. Scales of hardness, specimens for blowpipe and chemical analysis supplied to order. Geological Implements sui>plied to order. The above collections sent by express, securely packed^ to any part of the country. Purchaser to pay express charges. Those who are about to arrange collections of Geological speci- mens should consult us before doing so as we have frequent opportu- nities to dispose of valuable collections at very low prices. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 171 The MacKinnon Pen. Patented March 21, 1876, Apnl 23, 1S78, and January 21, 1879. The MacKinnon Pen is an entirely new writing instrument for the desk or pocket, combining the convenience of the lead pencil and the per- manency of pen and ink. It is neat and clean, and can be carried in J the pocket always ready for nse. "^ One filling lasts a week or more, according :s to the extent of use, and can easily be re- ^ plenished. ^ This j)en supplies the want long felt "S for an ink writing instrument that may be 2 used with the facihty of a lead pencil, on all •| kinds of paper, and for all memorandum, ^ manuscript or letter wntmg, etc., and m fact li for all general writing where a lead pencil ^ or pen is used. It is constructed upon an f^ entirely new and scientific principle, and c' writes without shading, always producing J ^ the same breadth of line, whether the hand IS -; is carried lightly or with pressure ; mere contact with paper being all that is neces- < I sary. 2 4 Where speed and leg-ibility are o "^ desired it is far preferable to the ordinary " i pen, as the necessity of constantly dipping ^ for ink is avoided, and the smoothness and "1 shape of the point admit of a free passage ^ over the paper without danger of catching, •g leaving a clear uniform line. u As an office ruling' pen it sur- % passes everything else, as blots are rendered " impossible. I For a pocket pen the perfect state K of completeness is arrived at, as the pen "* filled with ink can be made perfectly air a tight and instantly ready for use. PRICES. Short, plain case, " chased case. Long, plain case, " chased case, $3.50 4.00 4.00 , 4.50 172 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. Pure Rubber Bands. Owing' to the great variety of uses for which these articles are intended, they should be made of rubber that Avill be elastic and durable. These goods are made of selected Pure Gum stoclt, and finished in a careful manner. They will keep in any chmate, and are warranted Pui*e Kub- ber.. Sings. Nos. I to 20, and 50, according to size and Aveight. Pure Gum Rings. Nos. 42 to 45, according to size. No. I. 1 2. I 3- li 4- li 5- ij 6. 2 7- -"4 8. i 9- I 10. If Size. f inches long, Ex. heavy, $2.00 t- gro. No. Size. Per gt. gro. )2.00 II. H inches long, - $2.25 2.50 12. If - 2.50 3.00 13- i| " - 2.75 3-50 14. 2 - 3.00 4.00 15- 2i - 3-25 4.50 16. 2j a 3-50 5.00 17. 2f - 3-75 1-75 18. 3 " - 4.00 1.90 19. 3i tt - 4.50 2.00 20. H " - 3.00 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 173 Pure Rubber Bands. ONE-EIGHTH INCH. ONE-QUARTER INCH. ONE-HALF INCH. THREE-QUARTER INCH. No Per gross. No. Per gross. 42 3 4 in . diam., per gro. , $1.00 00. h inch, 2^ inches long. $2.25 43 ^"8 a a 1.25 000. i " 3 2.50 44 T 1 ^2 a a 1.50 0000. 1 2 " 3h 2.75 45 T 7 n ii 2.00 0. 3 4 ii ^ a 2.50 50 in ch long, - .40 00. i " H 3.00 51 |-inch, I inch long, .40 000. 3 4 " 3 3-5° 27 I " .50 0000. 3 4 " 3h 4.00 28 li " .60 Light. 1 2" " 3 1-75 29 -g" li " .65 a -3 4 " 34^ 2.25 30 2 " .70 u I " 3i 3-25 31 2i " .80 a li " 3f 4-75 32 i 3 .90 Assorted Widths, No. 0, - 1.70 33 "S' 3J " 1. 00 a " " CO, - 2. CO i 2 " 1. 00 a " '^ 000, - 2.30 00 2j 1.25 u Lengths, " |-inch, 1.50 000 3 1.50 li " " |-inch, 2.60 0000 . 1 3i " 1-75 a " 1-inch, 3.60 i 2 " 2.00 Election, i inch long, per 1000 , -75 These Rublber Bands respect. are warranted first-class in every The School BiiUetiu Publications. The following will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price. ALDElSr. First Principles of Political Economy. By Joseph Alden.D.D., LL.D., Principal of the Albany State Normal School, author of "Science of Government," etc. This treatise is remarkable for simplicity and clearness, and for the first time makes the teaching of this important subject prac- ticable in our common schools. 75*^- BARDEEIV. Common- School Law for Common- School Teachers. The standard text-book, pocket edition, handsomely bound. President White of Cornell says : " Not only every teacher in the State, but every member of the Legislature, and every Supervisor and School Commissioner, should have one." The London Sckoob?taster (England) says : " It w^ould seem that a similar work, treating of the legal rights, duties, and statutes of English school- masters, is much needed." 155 pages. Cloth. 50c. B ARDEElSr. Roderick Hume. The story of a New York Teacher. Over 300 pages. l6mo, beveled cloth, red edges. $1.25. "This story, which has been running for fifteen months in the SCHOOL Bul- letin, has excited wide interest on account of its bold and truthful description of the inside and outside management of the modern Union School. The Election of Trustees, the Hiring of Teachers, the Adoption of Text-Books, the common ques- tions of School Management and Discipline, are vividly and unflinchingly por- trayed; while the plot of the story is ingenious, and the interest of the reader is fixed from the first chapter. It is a book not only for teachers but for parents and pupils. " — Plattsburgh Sentinel. BEEBE. First Steps Among- Figvu*es. The simplest and clearest preparatory work in Arithmetic ever published. Teacher's Edition, including the Pupil's Edition and a Key to both Editions. 300 pages. Cloth. $1. Pupil's Edition, 45c. ; Oral Edition, 50c. This book has been adopted for use in the public schools of Norwich, Conn., Colorado Springs, Col., and very many of the largest places in New York, includ- ing Syracuse, Auburn, Canandaigua, Victor, Phelps, Clifton Springs, and nearly every village in Ontario county. // is the only practical exposition of the Grube method of teaching numbers. BENNETT. National Education in Italy, France, Germany, England and Wales. By c. w. Bennett, d.d.. Pro- fessor of History, Syracuse University. Being Vol. VII. of the American Library of Education. 15c. BRADFORD. The Thiity Problems of Percent- age. A drill-book. 19 pages. Flexible cloth. 25c. The new edition of this work contains, in addition to the previous matter, lOO examples, carefully selected to illustrate the Thirty Problems. DE GRAFF. The School-Room Guide, embodying the instruction given by the author at Teachers' Institutes and especially intended to assist public-school teachers in the practical work of the school-room. 457 pages. Cloth. $1.50. DE GRAFF. The School-Room Song Budget. Enlarged edition. Forty thousand copies of this book having been sold, a new edi- tion is now ready, containing ^;;^-/za^;«cr^ than former editions, but sold at the same price. It now contains 72 pages, 107 songs, 5 full-page and many smaller illustra- tions. 15c. each; $10 per hundred, net. DE GRAFF. The School-Room Chorus. This new and beautiful singing-book contains all the music and illustrations of the Song Budget, with about as many more in addition, and is bound in full cloth. 35c. each ; $30 per hundred, net. FITCH (J. G.). The Art of Questioning, a handbook for every teacher. This is Vol. II. of the School-Room Classics. 15c. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 175 HOOSE. Studies in Articulation. By jas. h. Hoose, Ph.D., Principal of the Cortland State Normal School. This not only analyzes each sound in the language, but gives as illustrations hundreds of words commonly mispronounced. Hon. W. D. Henkle, editor of the National Teacher, and oi Edu- cational Notes and Queries, says: "It is needless to say that we are pleased with this book, for it presents just what we have for years discussed in Teachers' Insti- tutes, and urged should be taught in Schools." 50c. HOOSE. On the Province of Methods in Teach- ing 5 with an Introduction by Prof. C. W. Bennett, of Syracuse University. This work is the fruit of a life of professional study, and is believed to fix certain principles of pedagogy as a ground-work for future investigation. $1. HUNTINGTON. Unconscious Tuition. By Rt. Rev. F. D. Huntington, Bishop of Central New York- being Vol. I. of the Sckool-Rootn Classics. 15 c. KENNEDY. The Philospohy of School Disci- pline. This remarkable address is everywhere received by educators as the foundation of a truly scientific theory of a subject hitherto treated empirically. This is Vol. III. of the School-Room Classics. 15c. LOCKE. Some Tlioug-hts Concerning- Education. By John Locke. Being Vol. I. of the American Library of Education. 25c. MANN. On the Study of Physiology in School. By Horace Mann. Being Vol. III. of the American Library of Education. 25c. NORTHAM. Civil Government for Common Schools^ to which is appended the Declaration of Independence, the Consti- tution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of New York, as re- cently amended. Cloth, handsomely bound. Fifth and revised edition. 75'^' In the Legislature of 1878, 1112 copies were ordered for the use of members of the Assembly. REGENTS' Questions, 1866 to 1878. These are the questions given from the first by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, to determine what pupils in Academies and Union Schools are sufficiently advanced in Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, etc., to pursue the higher branches. The questions are therefore practical, and form an admirable drill in any school. Com- plete. Cloth. $1. The same, with Keys to the Arithmetic, Grammar, and Geog- raphy, in one volume. Cloth. $2. Each subject separately, 25c. each. Keys to Arithmetic and Geography, 25 c. each. Key to Grammar, with Questions, $1. Arithmetic Questions, each on separate slips of cardboard, with Key, $1. These Questions are now used in preparation for the tri-yearly examinations in almost every Academy and Union School in the State of New York. They are also in extensive use in city and country schools throughout the country, while the Complete with Keys is looked upon as the best book for the teacher's own study. ROE. A Work in Number. By Martha Roe. intended for Junior classes, and containing three years' work. 161 pages. Cloth. 50c. "We have used the book for nearly a year, and find that the abundant provis- ions for class-work and class-drill have produced more independent and accurate work on the part of the pupils than was secured by the use of any other work we had obtained." — Principal y. H. Hoose, Cortland State Norfual School, SCHOOL. BULLETIN. The School Bulletin and New York State Educational Journal. The largest and cheapest monthly School Journal in the United States. $1 a year. Specimen copies, IOC. Bound Volumes of the School Bulletin. Volumes i., II., III., and IV., each handsomely bound in brown cloth, with gilt stamp on side and back. Each, $2. STOWELL. Syllabus of Lectures in Anatomy and Physiology. 50c. 176 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. WELLS. A New and Complete System of Pen- manship. Price, $1. Position Guide, 35c. The following testimonial was presented by the Superintendent and Principals of the Public Schools of Syracuse, after a carefal trial of this system : " Having ex- amined and personally tested the Wells improved method for teaching penmanship, we are convinced that the plan adopted in this work is eminently practical, and that the author has suggested a most intelligent and feasible system for the acquirement of this important branch. "Tliis method for practice being based upon a thorough discipline of the hand and arm, it is e\ident that the movements acquired can be depended upon, not only for the development of a rapid and graceful form of writing, but for permanency as well. "We are confident that any person by following out systematically the printed instructions, and practising from each exercise according to directions, can be very certain of securing a greatly improved style of penmanship." Blank Books. The Bull etin Blank Book Speller. This contains 40 pages, octavo size, and is bound in Stiff Ccniers, so that it may be written in when laid upon the knee. It is ruled for 70 lessons of 25 words each, with additional pages for mis- spelled words. It also contains rules for spelling, list of misspelled words, etc. Of its general character and utility, we need only say that it was prepared by Principal H. B. Buckham, of the Buffalo State Normal School. Price, 15c. each; $10 per hundred, net. The Bulletin Composition Book. This is similar to the above, and prepared by the same author. It is ruled for correction by a system of time-sa\'ing marks, each of which points out a particular fault. Price as above, 15c. each; $10 per hundred, net. The Bulletin Writing- Pad. Each pad contains 96 leaves, 192 pages, 8^ in. by 6. In lots of 500, a special back will be printed when desired, giving the name of the school, regulations, etc. Price, $6 per hundred, net. Speci- mens by mail, loc. The Bulletin School Ruler. These are one foot long, one inch wide, printed on manilla tag-board (or six inches long, one inch wide, on very heavy card-board, as preferred), with inches and metres on one side, and an im- mense amount of statistical information on the other. Price, 3c. each; $1 per hun- dred. The Bulletin Book-Keeping- Blanks. Day-Book, jour- nal, Ledger, Cash-Book, and Sales-Book, each 32 pages, ruled for single or double entry, and sufficient for a term's work. Price, 15c. each. The Bulletin Commissioners' Certificates. We now furnish nearly all the certificates issued to teachers by school commissioners. These are handsomely printed on grounds of three different tints for the different grades, and are issued in cloth bound books containing 100 certficates each. Price per book, post-paid, $1.15. Two Maps for Every School. We offer to Teachers and School Officers with our hearty recommendation, the following Maps, of which we have laid in a large stock, belie\ang them to be the best as well as the cheapest maps in the market: I.— MAP OF NEW YORK STATE. This Map is y/, x 4 feet, handsomely colored by Towtis, so as to be available for a County Map, and gives the most recent changes in railroads, etc., together with a picture of the new Capitol at Albany. It is well varnished and mounted on rollers. It is the very best wall- map of New York State pubHshed. $2. II.— ?.IAP OF THE UNITED STATES. And upon the reverse side, i\IAP OF THE WORLD. This Map is 3^ x 5 feet, and though not as handsome as the Map of New York, is brightly colored, and the best cheap Map made. $2. Both Maps will be sent by mail for $3. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE, 177 School Records. _ Bulletin Class Register. For several years one thousand of these Registers, designed by Superintendent Edward Smith, have been used annually in the pubhc schools of Syracuse, no other kind being employed for any purpose what- ever. Each one gives a daily register of 360 pupils for 20 weeks, or of 180 pupils for 40 weeks, or of 90 pupils for 80 weeks, etc. It is the simplest, neatest, and cheapest Class Register made. Price, 25c. each. Jackson's Class Record Cards are neat, simple, and time-sav- ing. They keep a perfect record with the least possible labor; they insure atten tion, and they stimulate effort. Put up only in sets of 100, each set containing 90 white and 10 colored cards. By mail, post-paid, 50c. Ryan's School Record. The entire record of a school may be kept without copying, and a weekly report sent home each week, at the expense per term, 14 weeks, for 56 pupils, of 50 cents. Shaw's Scholar's Register, a daily record for fourteen weeks of the pupil's standing in attendance, conduct, recitation, etc., with many convenient blanks and -a summary for the term. Printed on writing paper, and prettily bound. 50c. a dozen. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. The following will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price. Four Thousand Miles of African Travel. By A. S. Southworth, Ex-Secretary of the American Geographical Society. This volume describes the Social and Political condition of Egypt ; Adventures of Nile Travel; Life on the Desert; Journeys in Central Africa ; besides Industrial and Agricultural Enterprises in the Soudan and Abyssinia. One vol. 8vo, cloth, with Maps, and twenty full-page illus- trations, .......-.- $2.50 History of the United States of America. By Har- vey P. Peet, LL.D. Pp. 423, .... $1.50 Extending from the discovery of the continent to the close of President Lincoln's administration. A work of great accuracy, written in a pure, idiomatic style, and pronounced by good judges to be the best and most instructive history of this country that has ever. been condensed within the same compass. Shakespeare's Works. ]\"ew Edition. With Biographical Introduction by Henry Glassford Bell. Also, a complete Index and Glossary. Six vols. i6mo, cloth, $6; half calf, $12; full morocco, $15. The aim of the publishers of this edition has been to present, in a handsome and convenient form, and at a moderate price, a complete and accurate version of the whole of Shakespeare's Dramatic Works. The Practical Cook Book. By Mrs. H, M. Robinson. One vol. i2mo, cloth, -...--- $1-25 178 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES. The followi7ig will he sent, prepaid, on receipt of price. Abbott's American Pioneers and Pat- riots per vol. Si 25 Daniel Boone. Captain Kldd. Miles Standish. Paul Jones. De Soto. La Salle. Peter Stuyvesant. Columbus. Kit Carson. George Washington. David Crockett. Benjamin Franklin. Abbott's Illustrated Histories. Blaps and Engravings, 16mo, per vol. 1 00 Cyrus the Great. Queen Elizabeth. Darius the Great. Charles I. Xerxes. Charles 11. Alexander the Great. Josephine. Romulus. Marie Antoinette. Hannibal. Madame Roland. Pyrrhus. Henry IV. Julius Csesar. Peter the Great. Cleopatra. Genghis Khan. Nero. King Philip. Alfred the Great. Hernando Cortez. William the Con- Margaret of Anjou. queror. Joseph Bonaparte. Richard I. Queen Hortense. Richard H. Louis XIV. Richard HI. Louis Philippe. Mary Queen of Scots. Abbott's History of Russia 1 75 Italy 1 75 " " Austria 1 75 Abbott's Rollo's Tour in Europe. 10 vols 10 00 Abbott's (Jacob) Science for the Young. Illustrated per vol. 1 50 Heat. Water and Land. Light. Force. .^sop's Fables 1 50 Aguilar's Works per vol. 1 00 Home Influence. Mother's Recompense. 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Illustrated. 8vo 2 50 Nordhoff's Northern California, Ore- gon, and the Sandwich Islands. Illustrated. Svo 2 50 Old Tales Retold from Grecian Mythol- ogy 2 00 Optic's Young America Abroad. 12 vols per vol. 1 50 Pansy's Ester Ried 1 50 Julia Ride 1 50 Four Girls at Chatauqua 1 50 Chatauqua Girls at Home 1 50 The Randolphs 1 50 Three People 1 50 Wise and Otherwise 1 50 Peet's History of the United States ... $1 50 Porter's Scottish Chiefs 1 00 Prime's (E. D. G.) Around the World . 3 00 (W. C.) Boat Life in Egypt. ... 2 00 " (AV. C.) Tent Life in Holy Land 2 00 Proctor's Poems. Diamond edition. .. 100 Reade's (Chas.) Never Too Late to Mend 1 25 Richardson's History of Our Country. 4 50 Ridpath's History of United States. Svo 3 00 Roe's (E. P.) Barriers Burned Away. . . 1 50 " What Can She Do 1 50 " Opening of a Chestnut Burr 1 50 " Near to Nature's Heart 1 50 " From Jest to Earnest 1 50 " A Knight of the XJX. Century. . . 1 50 " A Face Illumined 1 50 Saxe's Poems. 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Alden's Natural Speaker $110 American Popular Speaker 1 25 American School Dialogues, No. 1 40 Bacon's Manual of Gesture 1 50 Bailey's Introduction to Elocution 36 Baker's Handy Speaker 1 00 Baker's Reading Club, Nos. 1 to 5, cloth each 50 Paper " 15 Barton's Comic Recitations and Hu- morous Dialogues, boards 50 Paper , 30 Beecher's Recitations, boards 50 Paper 30 Burton's Amateur Actor, boards 50 Paper 30 Butler's Selections, 7 vols., each vol- ume containing 100 selected pieces, paper each Cloth " Butler's Common School Speaker Caldwell's Manual of Elocution Cathcart's Youth's Speaker Coates's Comprehensive Speaker Columbian Speaker Comstock's Elocution Coppee's Academic Speaker Cumnock's Choice Reading Cushing's Blanual Day's Art of Elocution Denman's Student's Speaker De Witt's Perfect Orator, cloth Boards Dick's Recitations, Nos. 1 to 7, cloth each Paper ' Edgarton's Western Orator Edgarton & Russell's New York Speaker Fitzgerald's Exhibition Speaker Fitz's School Exhibition Book Fowle's Free Speaker " 100 Dialogues Frobisher's Good Selections, boards. . . 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Speaker " School Dialogues Lyons' American Elocutionist Maglathlin's National Speaker McBride's All Kinds of Dialogues, boards Paper McBride's Comic Dialogues, boards... Paper McEUigott's American Debater 3IcGuffey's New Juvenile Speaker " New Eclectic Speaker Mcllvaine's Elocution Marshall's Book of Oratory " First Book of Oratory Mandeville's Reading and Oratory Mitchell's Manual of Elocution Monroe's Humorous Readings " Miscellaneous Readings " Young Folks' Readings " Dialogues and Dramas " Physical and Vocal Training Murdoch & Russell's Vocal Culture. . . Northend's Entertaining Dialogues. . . '• Child's Speaker '• Little Orator " Little Speaker " Young Declaimer " National Orator " American Speaker " School Dialogues Oldham's Humorous Speaker One Hundred Choice Selections, Nos. 1 to 16, cloth each Paper " Our Poetical Favorites, 2 vols " Oxford Junior Speaker " Senior Speaker Parlor Theatricals, boards Paper Putnam's Elocution and Oratory Philbrick's Primary Union Speaker. . . American Union Speaker. . Potter's Manual of Reading Randall's (Mrs.) Reading and Elocu- tion Raymond's Patriotic Speaker Reeves's Student's Own Speaker, cloth Boards Roberts's Rules of Order Ross's Southei-n Speaker Russell's Juvenile Speaker Sanders's School Speaker " Union Speaker Sargent's Standard Speaker " Intermediate Speaker " Primary Speaker " Selections in Poetry Speaker's Garland, Vols. I. to IV., each Spencer's Book of Comic Recitations and Humorous Dialogues, boards. Paper Very Little Dialogues for Very Little Folks, boards Paper Wilson's Recitations and Dialogues, boards Paper Ifoung Debater and Chairman's Assist- ant, boards Paper Zachos' Analytic Speaker " Elocution " Primary Speaker " High School Speaker $2 00 1 35 1 07 1 25 . 1 25 1 35 1 25 50 30 50 30 1 30 47 94 57 30 10 10 35 50 50 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 84 1 25 88 50 50 50 63 88 85 85 1 30 30 2 00 66 1 31 50 30 1 20 60 1 80 1 17 1 25 1 57 90 75 75 1 35 1 03 1 30 75 2 25 1 80 50 1 25 2 00 50 30 50 30 50 30 50 30 1 65 1 25 60 1 25 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL MERCHANDISE. 181 The Star Letter and Copying Book, The i?iosi Convenient, the most Cofttplete, the Cheapest and the Best Mani- fold Book ever offered to the public. This is at once the best and the cheapest instrument ever devised for duplicating correspondence, accounts, or literary matter. At a single writing it gives from one to ten or more copies of any letter or other matter, vi^ritten in black indeli- ble ink on good paper and capable of being preserved for a hundred years, if need be^ and then produced in irrefragable evidence of what was written. The cost of the book, from $0.90 upwards, includes, the stylus, carbons, blotter, pad, and every- thing necessary; the book contains a handsome and comprehensive index, every alternate page is perforated so that it can be detached without tearing, and with- out injury to the rest of the book, and the whole is strongly bound in a compact volume, so that the simultaneous work of writing and copying can be performed without difficulty. DIRECTIONS. Under the plain sheet place the card-board ; then between the ruled and plain sheet place the cai-bon or black paper : with a stylus (which is furnished with every book) proceed to write your letter, writing on the ruled sheet. After writing your letter tear out the plain sheet, retaining the ruled sheet as your copy. STANDARD SIZES. 6x10 inches, 100 leaves, yi American Russia, Cloth sides. 8x10 200 300 SCO 100 200 WITH INDEX IN FRONT. 8x10 inches, 300 leaves, paged, ^ American Russia, cloth sides, 500 800 1000 300 500 Each. $0.90 1-25 1-75 2.50 1.85 $2.50 3-50 5-50 6.70 ■ 3-50 4-50 382 BAKER, PRATT & CO., NEW YORK. BOOKS FOR TEACHERS. The following will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of p)rice. Abbott's Dictionary of Religious Knowledge. 1 vol . 8vo $6 Anthon's Classical Dictionary, 1 vol. 8vo 5 Allibone's Dictionary of English Liter- ature and British and American Authors, 3 vols. 8vo 22 Allibone's Dictionary of Poetical Quo- tations 5 Allibone's Dictionary of Prose Quota- tions... 5 Appletons' American Cyclopaedia, 16 vols 80 Arnold's Turning Points in Life 1 Agassiz' Methods of Study in Natural History 1 Apgar's History of New Jersey 1 Bacon's Manual of Gesture 1 Baird's Annual Record of Science and Industry, 1871-'78, 8 vols each 2 Best Reading: A Classified Bibliogra- phy for Easy Reference 1 Bautain's xVrt of Extempore Speaking 1 Blackie on Self-Culture 1 Biyanfs Library of Poetry and Song. . 5 BaUou's Treasury of Thought 5 Brand's Encyclopedia of Science and Art 6 Brackett on Education of American Girls 1 Buckley's Short History of Nat. Science 2 Bartlett's FamiUar Quotations 3 '• Dictionary of Americanisms 4 Botta's Handbook of Universal Liter- ature 2 Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable 3 Chambers's Encyclopeedia, 10 vols. 8vo 25 Chambers's Encyclopedia of EngUsh Literature, 2 vols 9 Clarke's Concordance of Shakespeare, 8vo r Carleton's Popular Quotations 1 Cruden's Concordance of the Bible. . . 2 Cumnock's Choice Readings 1 Gushing' s Parliamentary Manual Crabb's Synonyms 2 Craik's English Literature 4 Dana's Household Book of Poetry 3 Draper's Intellectual Development of Europe 3 Drake's Dictionary of American Bio- graphy 6 Duncan's Examiner or Teacher's Aid. 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