' [ A copy of this volume will be furnished to the Clerk and Treasurer of each Board of Education, the Clerk of each Sub-district, the Clerk of each Board of School Examiners, and to each County Officer having duties to discharge under the school law, to be used by him during his term of office, and at the expiration thereof to be delivered to his successor, J * OHIO SCHOOL LAWS. JLIsT ^OT FOR THE REORGANIZATION AND MAINTENANCE OF CO>i.>IOX ;^CSOOI<^. Fassed JVIay 1, 18^3, Revised IMay, IS'TS, AS AMENDED BY THE SIXTY-FIEST GENERAL ASSEMBLY. COLUMBUS: NEVINS AND MYERS, STATE PRINTERS. 1875. ' o^^^^^^y a L-<)uUaJX^ , J8><^-C^ OHIO SCHOOL LAWS. AN ACT .EORGANIZATION AND MAINTENANCE COMMON" SCHOOLS, Passed May 1, 1873, Rktised Mat, 1875. AS AMENDED BY THE SIXTY- FIRST GENERAL ASSEMBLY. COLUMBUS : NEVINS & MYEBS, STATE PEI]!^TBES. 1875. .(Dz /87ublic record; p.nd all such proceedings when so recorded shall be signed by the clerk and president. Sec. 30. If' the qualified electors of any sub-district shall fail to meet and elect a local director on the second Monday of April in any one year, as prescribed in section twenty- seven of this act, or if at any time a vacancy shall occur in the board of local directors, it shall be lawful for any three qualified electors of such sub-district to call a special meet- ing of the electors of such sub district within ten days after such failure to elect, or the occurrence of such vacancy, for the purpose of electing a local director on first, giving five days notice in writing of the time and place of holding such meet- ing by posting the same in three of the most public places in such sub-district, and the local director so elected at such special meeting shall hold his office for the unexpired term to be filled, and until his successor is elected and qualified, and if there shall be a failure to hold such general or special elec- tion, as provided for in this section, then it shall be the duty of the township clerk to appoint some suitable resident of said sub district to act as local director until the next election and until his successor is elected and qualified. Sec. 31. It shall be the duty of the township board of education to hold regular sessions on the third Monday of April and on the third Monday of September in each year, in the usual place of holding township elections, or at such place in the immediate neighborhood as may be convenient for the transaction of any business which may be necessary in relation to any one of the schools of the township district, with power to adjourn from time to time, or to hold special meetings at any other time and place within the township as they may think desirable for the transaction of business as aforesaid ; which special meetings may be called by the town- ship clerk, by the president of the board or by two or more members of the board, each member of the board being duly notified personally or by a written notice left at his residen€e or usual place of business ; and at all such meetings, in case of the absence of the township clerk, they may appoint one of their own number to Kcrve temporarily as clerk, and no contract shall be binding upon any board of education unless such contract shall have been made or authorized to be made at a regular or special meeting of said board. Sec. 32. The said board shall prepare or cause to be pre- pared, a map of their township as often as they deem neces- sary, on which shall be designated the sub-districts of the township, which they may change or alter at any regular session, and the number assigned to each ; but no sub-dis- 11 triet shall contain less than sixty resident scholars by enu- meration, except iu cases where, in the opinion of the board or General Assembly, it is necessary to reduce the number ; whenever the board of education of any township district shall consolidate two or mv^re sub districts, to form a new sub-district, or the G-eaeral Assembly shall make a new sub- district, said board shall call a special meeting of the quali fled electors resident in said new sub-district, for the pur- pose of electing three local directors for the same ; at least five days before the time fixed for said meeting said board shall post, in three of the most public places in said new sub district, written or printed notices, stating the time, place, and object of holding said meeting; the election at such special meeting shall be conducted as provided in sec- tions twenty-seven and twenty-eight of this act; Provided, that three local directors shall be elected, one to serve for one year, one to serve for two years, and one to serve for three years Jrom the annual election next preceding the or- ganization of said new sub district; and that the terms of office of the local directors of the sub districts so co: soli- dated or made shall expire at the time such new district shall have been created ; and any sub district which may be made or established by a general or local act of the General Assembly, shall be governed by the provisions of this act, except that it cannot be changed, altered or consolidated by the board of education until after the expiration of three years after it has been so made or established. Seg. 33. It shall be the duty of the local director, wbo has been elected clerk in each siib-district,to take or cause to be taken annually, according to the provisions of section seventy-seven of this act, between the first and third Mon- days of September, an enumeration of youth resident within such sub district, and return a certified copy thereof to the clerk of the said township district, and in case any such local director shall fail to take and return the enumeration in his sub-disirict, it shall be the dury of the township cl« rk to em- ploy a competent person to take the same and allow him a reasonable compensation for his services, and to proceed to recover the amount so paid for such services in a civil action before any court having jurisdiction in the name of the state of Ohio against said local director ; and in such suits said clerk shall be a competent witness ; and the money so col- lected shall be applied to the use of common schools in the proper township ; provided, that in a township district ia which there is bat one sub- district the president of the board shall be required to take or cause to be taken the enumera- tion, as aforesaid, and to return the same to the township clerk. Sec. 34. Tha,t whenever the better accommodation of scholars makes it desirable to form a sub-district composed of parts of two or mora adjoining townships, by mutual agreement between the boards of education of such town- ships respectively, a transfer of territory for schooJ purposes may be made tt> the township in which the scliool-kouse o£ Size of snb-dis- tricts. Consolidation of sub-districts. Election of lo- cal directors. Government of new sub-dis- tricts. Enumeration of yeutli. In case of fail- ure, township clerk to employ a person to take emuneration. Joint sub-dis- trict, bow formed. 12 Local directors of joint sub- districts. Enumeration of, liow taken. School control- led by board of edtication of to-wnship in wliich the school-house is situated. [As amended March 17, 1875.] Joint sub-dis- trict, how changed or dissolved. Change of loca- tion, etc., of school-houses. such joint sub-district is or may be situated ; and the quali- fied elfctors resident within such joint sub district so com- posed shall, at the ssme time and iu the same manner as school elections are held in other sub districts, proceed to elect thiee local directors, ORe f.-.r the term of one year, one for the term of two years, and one for the term of three years, who shall have the f^arae powers, perfoim the same duties and be subject to the spn to employ a superintendent, teacher or teachers, janitor or jani- tors, or other employe or employes (or to elect or appoint an officer), or upon a motion to pay any debt or claim, it shall be the duty of the clerk of said board to call, publicly, the roll of all the members composing the same, aud to enter on the record authorized to be kept the nam@s of thosf voting " aye," and the names of those voting " no ;" and if a majoriry of all the members of said board 8hd,ll have voted " aye," then the president shall declare the motion carried, and upon any mo- tion or resolution any member of said board may demand the yeas and nays, and thereupon the clerk of said board' shall call the roll aud record the names of those voting ^' aye" aiid those voting " no." The proceedings of each board of educa- 15 tion shall be kept ia a book provided for that purpose, and shall be «>pen to the inspection of any resident of the district, or other persons having a legal or official interest in such proceedings. Sec. 43. In all cases of tie votes, at any election for mem- bers of the board, the judges of election shall decide the election by lot, and in other cases of failure to elect, or in case of a refusal to serve, the board shall appoint. All vacancies in any board of education arising from death, non- residence, resignation, expulsion, gross neglect of duty, fail- ure of a person elected or appointed to qualify within ten days after the annual organization, or after his appointment, or otherwise, the board shall fill wichout delay until the next annual election, occurring not less than fifteen days after such vacancy, when a successor shall be elected to fill the unexpired term ; provided, that any vacancy which may occur in township board of education from any of the causes afore- said, shall be filled by the election of a clerk by the local directors of the proper sub-district; and that in case of gross neglect of duty a member guilty of sach neglect shall cease to be clerk of said sub district, and a new election shall be held by the local directors thereof to fill such ofi&ce. Sec. 44. Each board of education shall organize on the third Monday of April in each year, by choosing a member of the board as a president, and a clerk, who may or may not be a member of the board ; provided, that in each township district the ckrk of the township shall be ex-officio clerk of the board. In each city district the treasurer of the city funds shall be ex-officio treasurer of the school funds of the school district, and in a township district the treasurer of the township funds shall be ex officio treasurer of the school funds of sach district, and in each village and special district the board of education shall choose its own treasurer ; pro- vided, that in the city districts of the first and second classses having no city treasurers other than the county treasurers, the boardjs of education of such ciry districts may choose their own treasurers, from their own number, who shall receive no compensation for their services. Sac. 45. The clerk of each board of education shall exe- cute a bond in an amount and with surety to be approved by the boar i, payable to the slate of Ohio, conditioned that he shall faithfully perform all the official duties required of him. Said bond shall be deposited with the president of the board, and a copy thereof certified by said president shall be filed with The county auditor. Sec. 46. Each school distiict treasurer or county treas- urer, who is ex officio treasurer of any school district, shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, execute a bond with sufficient security, in double the probable amount of moiiey that shall come into his hands, payable to the state of Ohio, to be approved by the board of education, conditioned for the faithiul disbursement, according to law, of all such funds as shall from time to time come into his hands. Said bond when so executed and approved shall be filed with the Tie vote. Vacancies. Vacancy in township board. [As amended March 5, 187S.J Organization. Township clerk, ex-officio clerk of board. City treasurer ex-officio treas- urers of school funds. Boards of edu- cation of village and special school distriotB choose their own treasurers. Certain city districts elect treasurers of school funds. Entitled to n« compensation. Clerk to exe- cute bond. Treasurers bond. 16 Treasurer to report to audi- tor. [As amended Feb. 18, 1874.] Treasurer's set- tlemeut with auditor. To deliver books, etc., to successor. Traveling, ex- penses to be paid. Penalty for fail- ure to make set- tlement. Surety, how re- leased. , clerk of the board of education of said district, who shall immediately cause a certified copy thereof to be filed with the county auditor. Said treasurer shall report to the board of education within ten days after his setth ment with the county auditor, the amount of funds in his hands for school purposes. Sec. 47. The said treasurer shall, annually, between the first and tenth day of September, settle with the county auditor for the preceding year, and account to him for all moneys received, from whom and on what account, and the amount paid out for school purposes in his district ; the aud- itor shall examine the vouchers for such payments, aod, if satinfied with the correctness thereof, shali certify the s^me, which certificate shall be prima facia a discharge ttf such treasurer; and at the expiration of his term of service said treasurer shall deliver over to his successor in office all books and papers, with all moneys or other property in his haods belonging to said district, and also all orders he may have redeemed since his last settlement with the county auditor, and take duplicate receipts of his successor therefor, one of which he shall deposit with the clerk within ten da.> s there- after ; and for making such annual settlement with the county auditor he shall be entitled to receive the sum of onw dollar and five cents per mile for traveling to and from the county seat, to be paid out of the county treasury on rhe order of the county auditor. In base the treasurer of any school dis- trict shall wilfully or negligently fail to make such annual settlement within the time as prescribed in this section, he shall be liable to pay a fine of fifty dollars, to be recovered in a civil action in the name of the state of Ohio ; which amount, when collected, shall be paid into the county treas- ury, and shall be applied to the use of common schools in the proper school district; and it is hereby made the duty of the county auditor to proceed forthwith in case ol such failure, by suit against such treasurer, betore any justice of the pea^ of his county, to recover the penalty aforesaid. Sbo. 48. It shall be lawful for any surety or sureties of any treasurer of school funds in any school district organized under th© provisions of this act, at any time to norify the board of education of the proper district by giving at least five days' notice in writing that he or they are unwilling to continue as security for such treasurer, and will at a ume therein named make application to said board of education to be released from further liability upon the bond of sucrh treasurer ; and shall also give at least three days' notice in writing to such treasurer ®f the time and place at which such application shall be made. It shall b@ the duty of the boiird of education upon such notice being given, to hear such appli- cation, and if in their opinion there is good reason therefor, they shall require such treasurer to give a new bond, con- ditioned according to law, and the sureties on said first bond shall be released and exonerated from further liability thenon; and thereupon said board of education shall require such treasurer to give a new bond conditioned according to Jaw 17 and to the satisfaction of said bonrd of education, within such time as they may direct ; and if sucu treasurer shall fail to execute sorh bond as aforesaid, the ofiBce shall be deemed vacant and shall be immediately tilled as otber vacauciew in said office; but such original surety or sureties shall not be released or discharged until the filing of the new bond, or the expiration of the time all»)wed therefor; provided, cliat the cost of t'Uch application shall be paid by the i)ersou or per- sons making such application. Seo. 49. The buarsity, or for the security and piotection of school property, said boird shall proceed as follows: 1. Said board shall advertise for bids for the period of four weeks in some newspaper in general circulation in said district, and two if there are so many; and if no newspaper is published therein, then by posting up such advertisements in three public places therein, which advertisement shall be entered in lull by the clerk on the record of the proceedings of said board. 2. The bids, duly sealed up, shall be filed with the clerk by twelve o'clock at noon of the last day, as stated in the adver- tisement. 3. The bids shall be opened at the next meeting of the buaid, and publicly read by the clerk and entered in full\ on the records of the board. 4. Bach bid sball contain the name of every person in- terested in the same, and shall be accompanied by a sufficient guarantee of some disinterested person, that if the bid is ac- cepted a contract will be entered into and the performauceof it properly secured. 5. It the work bid for embraces both labor and materials, each must be separately stated with the price thereof. ' 6. None but the lowest responsible bid shall be accepted, but the board may in their discretion, reject all the bids, or they may in their discretion, accept any bid for both labor and material, which shall be the lowest aggregate cost of such improvement or lep .irs. 7. Any part of a bid which is lower than the same part of any other, shall be accepted, whether the residue of the bid is higtier or not, and if it is higher such residue shall be rejected. 8. The contract shall be between the board of education, and the bidders; and «aid board shall pay the contract price for' the work waen it is completed, in cash, and may pay monthly estimates as the work progresses if they deem best. 9. If two or more bids are equal in the whole or any P'«rc thereof, and aie lower than any others, either may be accepted, but in no ca,se shall the work be divided between them. 10. When theie is reason to believe that there is any col- lusion, or combination among the bidders, or any number of them, the bids of those concerned therein shall be rejected. Sec. 56. Each board of education,, at a regular or special meeting held between the third Monday in April and the first Monday in June of each year, shall determine by esti- mate as nearly as practicable, the entire amount of money necessary as a contingent fund to be expended for prolong- ing tue several schools of the distriuc for the pur base of suitable sites for. school houses; for leasing, purchasing, erecting and furnishing school houses ; and for all other school expenses, not exceeding seven mills on the dollar of the taxable property of the district, as valued for taxation. 21 And any board of education of any city district of the first class are hereby authorized to issue bonds to obtain or im- prove public school pi operty, and in anticipation of income from taxes for such purpose levied or to be levied, may, from time to Time, as occasion shall require, issue and sell bonds, under the restrictions and bearing the rate of interest speci- fied in section sixty three, and shall pay such bonds and the interest thereon when due, but shall so provide that no greater amount of such bonds shall be issued in any one year th in would equal the aggi<^g ite of a tax at the rate of two .mills, under this section for. tne year next preceding such issue; provided, that the order of such board to issue such bonds, be made only at a regular meeting thereof, and by a vote of a majority of all the members of such board, taken by yeas and nays and entered on' the journal of the board. Sec. 57. The amount so estimated the board shall certify, in writing, on or belore the first Monday in Jane in each year, to the auditor of the county to which such district b^ longs, who shall thereupon assess the eucire amount of such estimate upon all the taxable property of the disliict, and enter it upon the tax duplicate of the county, and the county treasurer shall collect the same at the same time and in the same manner as state and county taxes are collected ; and when collected, he shall pay the same over to the proper school treasurer, upon a warrant from the county auditor. Sec. 58. Said county treasurer, unless he receives a fixed salary, shall be entitled to receive one per centum on all moneys so collected by him for school purposes, and no more. Seo. 59. If any board of eQucation shall in any one year fail to estimate and certify the levy as required in this act, or to provide sufficient school privilege for all the youth of school age in the district, or to provide for the continu- ance of any school in the district for at least six months in the year, or to provide for such school an equitable share of s®hool advantages as required by this act, or to provide a suitable school house or houses in each sub district, it shall be the duty of the county commissioners of the county to which such district belongs, upon btrdng advised and satisfied thereof, to do and perform any or all of said. duties and acts, in as full a manner as said board of education are by this act authorized to do and perform the same; and the members of said board causing said failure, shall be each severally liable in a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars, nor less than twenty- five dollars, to be recovered in a civil action in the name of the st'iite of Ohio, upon complaint of any elector in said district, which sum shall be collected by the prosecuting at- torney of said county, and when so collected shall be paid into the treasury of said county for the benefit of the school or schools of said district. Sec. 60. So much of the fund raised by local levy as may be i-et apart for the continuation ot the schools after the state funds have been exhausted, shall be so apportioned that the schools in all the sub-districts of the township shall be con- tinued the same length of time each year. In case this fund Bonds may ba issued b.v boards of city districts of the first class. Order to issue bonds, made only at a regu- lar meeting. Proceedings tbereou, and levy and collec- tions. Allowance to county exam- iners. [As amended Marcli 17, 1875.J County com- missioners to act in certain cases. Penalty of board of edu- cation for de- linquency. Township levy, how appor- tioned. 22 May appeal to eominissioners. [As am ended May 5, 1873.] When vote may be taken to au- *orize board of education to issue bonds and purchase sites and build sehool-houses. See act passed Pebniary 3, 1875, page 51. Notice of elec- tion. Levy to be made from year to year. Leyy and col- la^ition. lawne of bonds to anticipate moneys. be apportioned by any township board in a manner not sat- istactoiy to the local directors of any sub distri(5t, or a ma- jority of them, said local directors may give notice iliereof to the county commissioners of the proper county, who, at their first regular raeetlDg for the trans>iction of business after such notice shall have been given, shall revise sa,id ap- portionment, and the funds aforesaid shall he apportioned in the manner determined by said county commi.-^sinners. Sec. 61. Whenever the board of education of any- school district, except a city district of the first class, shall determ- ine that it is necessary for the proper accommodation of the schools of such school district to purchase a site or sites, and erect a school-honsn or schnol-houses tht-reon, or to do either, and such board shall be of opinion that the purchase oi such site or «ites, and erection and furnishing of such school-house or school houses, or either of said purposes, will require a greater tax upon the i)roperty of sucbi school district than such board is authorized by this act to levy, and that to pro- vide the means therefor it will be ueeess.iry to issue bonds, such board shall make an estimate of the probable cost of such site or sites, and such school house or school-houses, or of either, and at a general election, or special election called for that purpose, nf the qualified electors of the dis trict over which such board has jurisdiction, giving ten days notice, by posting in five of the most paiilio places in said district notices stating the time, place and otject of said election, shall submit to said votsrs at such meeting the question of lev.ying taxes for said purpo^et*, or either of them ; and the further questio^us whether the levy for such purposes shall be made from* year to year thereafter, and what amount shall be levied in each year until the actual cost of such site or sites, and the erection of such school- house or school houses, or either, sbaU be raised. Sec. 62. And if a majority of the qualified voters at such election nhall vote in favor of levying taxes for said pur- poses, or either of them, of continuing the levy from year to year theieatier, and Ibi' the amount to be levied each year for the purpose or purposes afoxesaid, said board of educa- tion shall certify the same, annually, to the county auditor of ihe proper county, who shall i»lace the same upon the tax duplicate in the same manner that ot-her taxes certified by such board of education are required to be placed on such tax duplicate. In case any part of the distric! is situated in an adjoining county, the levy in such part shall be certified, collected, and paid over as provided for in section thirty-five for levies mar.e by the board of education. Sec. 63. To enable such boards of education to anticipate the moneys to be raised by taxation, as provided for in the preceding section, and to purchase such site and erect sucn school-house, or to do either, they are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of money necessary for, such purposes, or of either, not exceeding the amount so authorized to be levied, and to issue bonds therefor, payable as indicated by the vote provided for in section sixty-one of this act, alter a certain 23 day to be named therein, bearing interest payable semi annu- ally, at a rate specified therein, not exceediug eight per cen- tum per annum ; the bonds to be issued by such board under this act, shall he in such sums as the board may determine, be numbered consecutively, made payable to the bearer, bear date the day of sale thereof, and be signed by such board oflScially, and the clerk of the board shall keep a record of the number, date, amount, and rate of interest of each bond sold, and the sum for which pach bond was sold, and the name of the persi>n to whom sold, and the time when pay- able, which record shall at all reasonable, times be open to the inspection of the public. The bonds so issued shall in no case be sold for a less sum than their par value, nor bear in- terest until the purchase money tor the same shall have been paid by the purchaser thereof. Sec. 64. The board of education of any school district may contract with the board of Ruy ndjacent district for the admission of pupils into nuy school in such adjacent dis- tricts, and the expense so incurred shall be paid out of the school funds of the district sending such pupils. Sec. 6o. In every case where it may be necessary to pro- cure or enlarge a school-house site, and the board of educa- tion of any school district and the owner of such proposed site or addition shall be unable from any cause to agree upon tJie sale and the purchase thereof, the board shall make out an accurate survey and description of the parcel of land which the said board of education may desire to appropriate for school house purposes, and iile the same with the probate judge of the proper county, and thereupon the same pro- ceedings' of appropriation ^liall be had which are provided for by chapter forty-seven of an act entitled an act to provide for the organization and govprnmeist of municipal coipora- tions, passed May 6, 1869. (O. L., volume 66,. page 234.) Sec. 6Q. The board of education of each district, except in citv districts of the first class, are hereby a-uthorized to require the clerk of said board annually, ten days prior to the election fur members of said board, to m&ke out and post up at the place or places of holding such election, oi publish in some newspaper of general circulation in their district, an Itemized statement of all moneys received and disbursed by said board within the sshool year last preceding. Sec. 67. It shall be unlawful for any member of any board of education organized under any law of thi 5 state, to receive any compensation for his services as a member of said board, except as clerk of the board, or to apply any money coming into his liands for the benefit of schools to hii own use; and any person violating either of the provi- sions of this section shall be prosecuted therefor, and pun- ished as for obtaining money under false pretenses ; and all moneys collected under the provisions of this Rection, shall be paid into the treasury of the county in which the action shall have originated, for the use of common schools in said district. Sec. 68. The process in all suits against any board of edu- cation, shall be by summons, and shall be served by leaving Nature of bonds. Admission of pnpils. Proceedings to appropriate land for s9liooi- liouse sites. Statement made by clerk. Members of board not enti- tled to compen- sation. Process against school officers. 24 Duty of prose- cuting attor- ney. School year, week, and montti. What pupils admitted. Suspension and expulsion. Assignment of scholars. Sec. 31 of act of March 14, 1853, retained. School property OT^'iTTit frr>m Penalty for in- juring school property. a copy thereof with the clerk or president of such board ; and such board shall i>e required to appear aud answer, as in other civil actions. Sec. 69. If is hereby made the duty of the prosecuting attorney of the proper county, or in case of a city i istiict, the city soliciror, to prosecute all actious which by this act may be brought against any member or officer of any school board, in his individual capacity 5 and to act in his official capacity as such prosecutor, as the legal counsel of such boards or officers in all civil actions brought by them or against them in their corporate or official caoaciiy ; provided, no prosecu- ting attorney or city solicitor shall be a member of the board of educarioD, Sec. 70. The school year shall begin ou the first day of September of each year, and close on the thirty- first day of August of the succeeding year. A school week shall coosist of five days, a school month of four school weeks. Sec. 71. The schools established by this act shall be free to all youth between six and twenty-one years of age who are children, wards or apprentices of actual residents of the school district, and no pupil shall be suspeuded therefrom except for such time as ma^y be necessary to convene the board of edncTtiou of the district or local directors of the sub-district, nor be expelled unless by vote of two-thirds of said board or local directors, after the parent or guardian of the offending pupil shall have been notified of the proposed expulsion, and permitted to be heard against the same ; and no scholar shall be suspended or expelled from the privilege of schools beyond the current term : Provided, that each board of education shall have p:)wer to admit other persons, not under six years of age, upon such terms or upon the pay- ment of such tuition as they may prescribe; and boards of education of city, village or special districts shall also have power to admit, without charge for tuition, persons within the school age who are members of the family of any free- holder whose residence is not within such district, if any part of su<^.h freeholder's homestead is withiu such district ; and, provided further, that the several boards ot education shall make such assignment of the youth of their ret-pective dis- tricts, to the schools established by them as will, in their opinion, best promote the interests of education in their dis- tricts; and, provided further, that nothing contained in this section shall supersede or modify the provisions of section thirty one of ao act entitled an act for the reorganization, supervision and maintenance of common schools, passed March 14, 1853, as amended March 18, 1864. Sec. 72. All property, real or personal, vested in any board of education, shall be exempted from tax and from sale on any execution or other writ or order in the nature of an execution. Sec. 73. That if any person shall willfully and maliciously injure or deface any school-house, its fixtures, books or appur- tenances, or shall commit any nuisance therein, or shall pur- posely and maliciously commit any trespass upon the enclosed grouLds attached thereto, or any fixtures placed thereon, or 25 any enclosure or sidewalk about the sauie, such person shall, upou couviction thereof, be hutd io any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding ninety days, or both, in the discretion of the court. Sach tine, when collected, shall be paid to the treasurer of the proper county for the use of ihe school district in which the oiir^nse was committed. Seo. 74. If any person or persons shall hereafter willfully disturb, molest or interrupt any school or society formed in such school for the intellectual' improvement of its members, such person or persons so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeaaor, and on couviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum iiot less than five nor more than twenty dollars, Willi cost of prosecution, and shall stand committed until such fine shall have been paid, or h.p shall have been dis- charged by due course of law; and, provided iurther, that the judgment for ost shall not be abated until such costs shall have been fully paid. Such fine when collected, shall be paid into the county treasury, for the use of common schools in the proper county. Sec. 75. The board of education of each district shall make a report to the county auditor on or before the first day of Oct >ber in each year, containing a statement of the receipts and expenditures of said board, the number of schools sus-. taiued by them, the length of time such schools were sus- tained, the enrollment of pupils, the average monthly enroll- ment and average daily attendance, number of teachers em- ployed, their salaries, the number of school-houses and school rooms, and such other items as the state commissioner of common schools may require. These reports shall be made on blanks which shall be furnished by the said commissioner of common schools to the auditor of each county, and by such auditor to each school clerk iu his county; and it shall be the duty of each board of education, or ofiflcer or employe thereof, or other school officer in any district or county of the state, whenever the state commissioner of common schools shall so require, to report to him direct upon such blanks as the said commissioner shall furnish, any statements or items of iuforu^ation that the said commissioner may deem impor- tant or necessary; and whenever the school commissioner, on examination of the enumeration of youth made and returned by any district under 'this act, shall be of opinion that tte same is excessive in number or iu any other way iacorrect, he may require the enumeration for such district to be retaken and returned, and if he think it necessary he may for this purpose appoint one or more persons to perform this duty, who shall take the same oath and perform the same duties and receive the same compensation, and out of the same funds, as the person or persons who took the enumeration in the first instance, and the school fund shall be distrib:tted on the corrected enumeration ; and any officer through whose hands the enumeration required by this act to be returned, shall pass, who shall, by pi^rcentage or otherwise, add to or take from the number actually enumerated, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction of such offense, Willful disturb- ance, how pun- ished. Statement made to auditor by board of education. When to report to school com- missioner. WTien enumer- ation may be retaken by state commis- sioner. Penalty for fraudulently altering enum- eration. 26 Teachers and superintend- ents to keep school records. What boards to ptiblish report of condition of schools. [As amended March 3, 1874.] Enumeration of youth of school age. Oaths of person taking enumer- ation. Compensation for services. shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars and not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not less than reu d-dys nor more than thirty days, at the dincrerion of the court. Sec. 76. Eacb board of education shall require the teach- ers and superintf^ndents appointed by them, to keep the school records in such a manner that the board may be ena- bled to report annually to the county auditor a ; required by the provisions of this act. Said board of educanon is hereby authorized to wiihhqld the pay of such teachers as soail fail to file with the clerk the leports required of them by the board, and to require the superintendent to report each year such matters as Sdid board may determine to be important or neee.>*sary for information in regard to the management and conduct of the school?;, and to make such suggestions aad re* ommendations as he may deem advisable relative to methods of instruction, school management or other matters of educational interest. And the board of education of each city district of the first class shall make and publish annually a report on the condition of the schuols umier their charge, as well as the fiscal and other concerns in relation thereto, and a particular account of the administration thereof. Sec. 77. In every district in the state there shall be taken, between the first Monday in September and first Mon- day in October in each jear, an enumeration of all unmarried youth, noting race and sex, betweeii six and twenty one years of age, resident within the district, and not temporarily thtre, designating also the number between sixteen and twenty one years of age, the number residing in the Western Reserve, the Virginia Military District, the United States Military Dis- trict, and in any original surveyed township or fi actional township to which belongs section sixteen, or other land in lieu thereof, or any other lands for the use of schools or any interest in the proceeds of such land ; provided, that in a< di- tion to the classified return of all the youths residing in the district, that the aggregate number of youths in the dLstiict resident of any adjoining county shill be separately given, if any such there be, and the name of the county in which they reside; and each person required or employed under this act to take said enumeration, shall be first sworn or afiirmed to take said enumeration accurately and truly to the best of his skill and ability ; and when making return of the same to the proper officers, he shall accompany said return by his affi- davit duly certified that ho has taken and returned said enu- meration accurately and truly to the best 3f his knowledge and belief; and the officer to whom such return of enumera- tion is lequired to be made, is hereby authorized to adminis- ter such oath or affirmation, and to take and certify such affidavit. Each person so taking and returning said enumer- ation shall be allowed by the proper board of education, rea- sonable compensation for his services, which compensation in sub districts shall not exceed two dollars for each person authoriz-d, required or appointed to take and return said enumeration. 27 Sec. 78. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the board of education of each district io the state, other than township districts, to tinploy one or more competent persoTis to t^ke and return to bim the enumeration of said distiict in the manner pr«^scrihed in section seventy-seven of this act. Sec. 79. The clerk of each board of education shall, on or before the second Monday of October in each year, mfike and transmit to the county auditor an abstract of the «^nu- meration by this ac-t required to be returned to him, ao(;ording to the ibrm prescribed by the state commissioner of common schools, wich an oath or afBrmafion endorsed thereon, that it is a correct abstract of the retnrus made under oath or affirm- ation to him. The oath or affirmation of tbe clerk may be administered and certified to by any member of the board of education, or by the county auditor. Sec. 80. If the clerk of any school district shall fail to return the annual enumeration herein required, to the county auditor of the proper county on or before the^i cond Monday of October, the said auditor shall at once demand a dnly cer- tified abstract cf such enumeration from said clerk, and in case such enumeration has not been taken as required in this act, or an abstract furnished at ouce as required in this sec- tion, the said auditor shall employ one or more compefent persons to take such enumeration, which persons shall be subject to the legal requirements already specified, except that the returns shall be made directly to the auditor, wh- is hereby authorized to administer to each person employed the oath or affirmation required. The auditor shall allow the person or persons employed by him a reasonable conipensa- tion out of the general county fund, and shall proceed to re- cover the amount or amounts so paid for such services in a civil action before any court having competent jurisdiction, in the name of the State of Ohio against said clerk on his bond, and the amount so collected shall be paid into the gen- eral county fund. Sec. 8].. The county auditor of each county shall trans- mit to the stalje commissioner of common schools, on or be- fore the fiith day of November in each year, an abstract of the euameratioo returns made to him, duly certified. If the auditor shall willlully or negligently fail to perform any duty herein required, he shall be liable on his bond to twice the sum lost to the school districts of his county in conse- quence of any such neglect, which sum shall be recovered in a civil action before any court of competent jurisdiction, in the name of the State of Ohio against the said auditor on his bond, and the amount so collected shall be paid into tbe county treasury for the benefit of such districts. Sec. 82. The clerk of each board of education shall pre- pare the annual report of the receipts and expenditures of school moneys, and the statistical statement in reference to the schools required of the board of education, and transmit the same to tbe county auditor on or before the first clay of October in each year; and immediately after tbe filing of a bond by the school treasurer of such board, transmit to the Clerk to em- ploy person to take enumera- tion. Abstract to be transmitted to auditor. When auditor shall take enu- meration. Compensation therefor. Abstract to be transmitted to school commis- sioner. Penalty for fail- ure to certify abstract. Eeport of re- ceipts and ex- penditures of school moneys to auditor. 28 [As amencled March 3, 1874.; How certain school funds are received and disbursed. Auditor to fur- nish blank book for treas- urers and clerks. Books, how kept, Books to be delivered to successors. School funds in hands of treas- urers not to exceed one-half the penalty of their bond. county auditor a certified statement that said treasurer has executed fi^nd deposited the requisite bond according to the provisions of this act, and also state* the amount of such bond. Sec. 83. No treasurer of a board of education, except in cases otherwise provided for in this act, shall pay out any school money, except on an order signed by the president} and countersigned by the clerk of said board. No money shall be paid to the treasurer of a board ot education other than that received froui the county trcisurer, except upon the order of the clerk of said board whose duty it shall be to report the amount of such miscellaneous receipts to the auditor of the proper county. Sec. 84. It shall be the duty of the auditor of each county in the state to furnish the clerk and treasurer of the several school districts in his county with a suitable blank book each, made according to the form prescribed by the state commissioner of common schools, iu which it shall be the duty of said clerk and treasurer respectively to make a record of all school moneys received and disbursed within each school year, showing the amount of school moneys in the hands of the said treasurer on the first day of September of each year, and also at the time of the annual settlement of said treasurer with the board of education, and from what sources received ; the amount received within the school year, and from what sources ; the orders drawn or paid, as the case may be, from what funds and forivhat purpose, and the amount of school funds in the hands ot said treasurer at the close of the school year ; and at the expiration of his ofl&cial service, said clerk shall deliver to his successor in office the aforesaid book, also the book in which is recorded the cfficial proceedings of the board of education, all certifi- cates and reports of teachers required by law to be filed in his office, and all other official books and papers in his hands relating to schools. The auditor shall in no case permit said treasurer to have iu his hands at any one time, ah amount of school funds over one-half the amount of the penalty in the bond of said treasurer. And to enable said auditor to ascertain the amount of such funds in the hands of said treasurer, the said treasurer shall be required to furnish a written statement from the clerk of his school district, ex- hibiting the amount of school funds in said treasurer's hands, as shown by said clerk's books, which statement the said treasurer shall present to the county auditor before an order is drawn on the county treasurer for any of said school funds, and it is hereby made the duty of such clerk to furnit^h such statement whenever it may be necessary for the purposes aforesaid. 29 CHAPTER VII. EXAMINERS AND THEIR DUTIES- INBRS. -STATE BOARD OF EXAM- Sec. 85, It shall be the duty of the state commissiouer of cjmmoQ schools to appoint a state board ot exaininers, to_ consist of three competent persons, resident iu the state, who shall hold their office for two years, and until their suc- cessors are appointed ; and all vacancies in said board which may thereafter occur by death, resignation or otherwistj shall be filled hy appointment by said commissioner for the unexpired term. Sec. 86. The state board of examiners thus constituted are heieby authorized to issue lite certificates of high quali- fications to such teachers «.8 may be found upon examiuation to possess the requisite scholarship, and who may also ex- hibit satisfactory evidence of good moral character, and of eminent prolessional experience aad ability. Sec. 87. All certificates issued by said state board of examiners shall be countersigned by the commissioner of common schools; and such certificates shall supersede the necessity of any and all other examinations of the persons holding them by county or local boards of examiners, and such certificates shall be valid in any school district in the state, unless revoked by said board of examiners for good cause. Sec, 88. Each applicant for a state certificate shall pay to the board of .examiners a fee of three dollars. state school commissioner to appoint board of ex- aminers. Powers of state board of exam- iners. Validity of state certifi- cates. May be revoked for cause. Examination COUNTY EXAMINERS. Sec. 89. It shall be the duty of the probate judge of each county of this state, as soon alter the election of school officers under the provisions of this act as practicable, to ap- point a county board ot scuooi examiners, to consist ot ctiiets competent persons, resident in the county, one for the term of one year, one for two years and one for three jears, and annually thereafter one for three years, who shall hold their office for the term of three years, ana umil tneir successara are appointed; provided, that no person shall be appuiuted school examiner who, as principal or teacher is connected with or interested in any normal school, or school for the special education or training of persons for teachers ; and if any school examiner shall after his appointment as such examiner, become so couuecied with any such normal school or school for the education or training of peisous for teacners, his place shall thereby be held and become vacant, and the probate judge shall immedidteiy hll Bucii vacancy L»y appoint- ing some suitable person not su connected with any such school ; provided, the said probate judge may at any time re- voke the appointment of any school examiner upon satisfac- fSupplemented March 30, 1874. See page 52.] Probate judge to appoint ex- aminers. Ko person con- nected with a normal school shall be an ex- aminer. Probate iudge shaU appoint a substitute- 30 "When judges of common pleas may appoint ex- aminers. Powers and duties of board. Quarterly re- port of exam- iners. Examination fees to be set apart to sup- port teachers' institutes. Validity of county certifl- catea. Certificates mav be revok- ed. [As amended April 18, 1874.] Teachers must have certifi- cates of qualifl- eation, etc. tory proof that said examiner is inefficient, negligent or guilty of iiujnoral conduct; and all vacancies in said board which may thereafter occur, whether from espiratiou of the term of office, refusal to serve, or otherwise, shall be filled by like appointment by paid judge ; and it shall bo the duty of the probate jadge, within ten days after the appointment of school examiners,- to report the names and residence of the appointees to the staie commissioner of common schools; provided, that in case there be no probate judge in said county, the judge or judges of the court of common pleas shall perform the duties by this section required of the pro- bate judges. Sec. 90. It shall bei the duty of the examiners to fix upon the time of holding thf. meetings for the examinations of teacl ers, in such places in their respeciive counties as vvill, in their opinion, best accommodate the greatest number of candidates for examination, noJiceof all sncih ujeetings beiog published in some newspaper of general circulation in their respective counties; and at such mensings any two of said board shall be competent to examine applicants and grant certificates; and as a condition' of exaraitiation, each appli- cant for a certificate shall pay the board of examiners a fee of fifty cents. Sec. 91. All such fees received by the examiners shall be paid over quarterly to the county treasurer, with a statemnnt made to the auditor of the number of applicants, msle and female, examined ; and all moneys so paid over to the county treasurer by the board of examiners, shall, after paying on the order of the county aud!'"or, the necessary traveling expenses of said examiners, which in no quarter shall exceed one- third of the amount so paid to the county treasurer as ex- amination ftes, be set apart as a fun*! for the support of teach- ers' institutes, as hereafter provided in this act, and shall be used tor no other purpose; provided, that the nunsber of meetings held by said board of examiners for the examina- tion of teachers, shall not, in any one year, exceed eighteen. Sec. 92. A certificate granted by counts examiners shall be valid only tor six, twelve, eighteen, or twenty four months from the day of examination, and in all the school districts of the county in which it shall be granted ; provided, no such certificate shall be valid iu a city district, of the first class, lii a city district of the second class, or iu a villa-ge dis- trict, unless the same shall be endorsed by the |.rpsideut and secretiiry of the boards of examiners of siich distsicts. If at any time the recipient of the certificate shall be found im- moral, incompetent or negligent, the examiners, or any two of them, may revoke the same. Sec. 93. No person shall be employed as teacher in any common school, unless such person shall have first ob- tained from a board of examiners having competent jurisdic- tion, or a majority of them, a certificate of good moral char- acter, and that he or she is qualified to te;ich orthography, reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, English grammar, and possesses an adequate knowledge of the theory and practice of teaching ; and in case such person be required to SI teacli other branches than those herei?i specified, he or she shall til si") obtain ti oexLilicaLe of the requisite qualiliiiixtiuns, in addition to the bra-uches aforesaid : Provided, that per- iso/is; di-sii'iug or expected to teach ou!y oue or more special studies, such as music, drawing, paintiug, peruoauship, gym- Dastics, German or French, mr».y be eximiued and tested only in regard to such study or studies, and having obtained from the said boaid a ct-rtiticate ot qualification, may be employed as teachers of the respeciive special study or studies. Seo. 94. And it shall be unlawful for any cleik to dravV an order oa the treasurer for the payment of a t(^acher for Si/rvici:'s, U(d('Ss said rcctcher whall have first iiitd with said clerk a legal certitlcate of qaaliticatiou, or a true copy thereof, covering the entire time of the services for the payment of which such order it^ drawn, and the branches which sach teacher has taught; provided, that orders may be drawn for special teachers of drawing, paiiiiing, penmanship, music, gymnastics, or any foreign language, on presentation oJ a certificate, signed by a majority of the examiners, covering the time for which said special teacher has been employed. Sec. 95. Tne said board of examiners shall appoint one of their number to serve as clerk, who shall keep a r*-cord of their proceedings, noting the number and date of each cer- tificate given, to whom, f'nr what term of time, for what branches of study, and buch other statistics relating to their examinations and })roceedings as the state commissioner of common schools may lequire; and said ooard may make all needtul rules and regulations for the proper discharge of their dories. The members of the board shall be entitled to receive each two dollars for every day necessarily engaged in official service, to be paid out of the county treasury, on the order of the county auditor, exclusive of blanks and sta- tionery, which the county auditor shall furnish; and said board of examiners is authorized to obtain the use of suita- ble rooms in which to conduct examinations, and procure fuel and light, and employ janitors to take charge of such rooms and keep the same iii order, and the expense of pro- curing sucQ rooms, fuel and lights, and employing such janitors, is to be paid out of the county treasury on the order of the county auditor. The said auditor shall grant said order upon the certificate of the chairman of said board of examiners, countersigned by the clerk of said board. It shall be the duty of tlie clerk of said board of examiners to prepare and forward to the state commissioner of common schools, on or before the first day of October, a statement of the number of examinations held by the board, the number of applicants examined, the number of certificates granted, and for what lengtti of time, the amount of fees received and paid over to the county treasurer, the amount received of the county by the board for their services, and such other important statistics and information in relation to their duties as the state commissioner of common schools may require. The clerk of the board shall deposit with the county auditor a bond, with surety, to be approved by him, in the sum of three hundred dollars, that he will faithfully pay into When orders for teachers' pay illegal. Payment of teachers for special branch- es. [As amended May 5, 1873.J Clerk of exam- iners and his duties. Eules and regu- lations of board. Compensation of examiners ; how paid. May provide rooms, fuel, etc., for exami- nations. Cost of same to be paid out of county treas- ury. Annual report of examiners. Bond of clerk of examiners. 32 Quarterly re- f^g countv treasurv, Quarterly, the examiDation fees required port of examm- , ,, . , ^ , • , n ^V . . -n /? • i ■ n i i era. Dj ttiis at'-t to be paiU, aiid that he will faithiully make the statistical returns required and authorized by this act. [As amended April 18, 1874.] Board of educa- tion to appoint examiners ; their duties, etc. Applicable to city districts, etc. Shall appoint annually. Shall fill vacancies. Names of exam- iners to be re- ported to state commissioner. Organization of board. CITY EXAMINEES. !Sec. 9G. The board of education of each city district of the first class v^hal!, as soon as prjicticable after the first organization under ihis act, appoint a board of examiners, to consist of ibree, six or nine competent persons, as the board m;!y deter mine, who shall have power to examine the schools established in such district, and shall examine all persons that desire to hold teacher^' certificates valid in such district. One-third of said examiners shall be appointed for one, one- third for two, and one third for three years, and shall serve until tbeir successors are appointed and qualified. The stand- ard of qualifications of teacheis shall be determin* d by the board ot examiners, and the board of education are hereby empowered to fix the salary or pay ot said examiners, and to pay the sanip from the g«^nernl fund raised lor school pur- poses. Section ninety chtt-e, as hervby amended, nnd ninety- four shall be also applicable to city uisirictw «if thw first and second class; and to secure a more thoiough exauiiuatiou of teachers antl [tupils in the more difficult branches or special studies, the board of examiners may ^temporarily associate with themselves, for such purpose, one or more other persons ot sufficient knowledge iu such bianches or studies respect- ively, who shall, in such case, promise by oath or affirmation that chey will faithfully and impartially perform the duties of examiners. And the superinrendents of education shall give to the, examuicrs nil th^' necessary information about the branches and special studies to be taught, and the grades and classes the persons appointed or to be appointed as teach- ers shall have to teach. . Sec. 97. The said board of e<'ucation shall annually thereafter appoint one, two or three examiners, as the case may be, who shall serve for three years and until their suc- cessors are appointed and qnalifird. And tl'e boaid of edu- cation shall fill all vacancies in said doard of eixsniiners that may occur from refusal to serve, death, r< signafion or other- wise, for the unexi)ired term, and shall have power to revoke the ai»poiatmeat of any >xamiiier upon satisfactory proof that said examiner is inefficient, negligent or guilty of im- moral conduct. It shall he the duty of the clerk of each board of education to report to the state comm's^ioner of common schools within ten days after the appointment, the names of the city school examine! s appointed by .■^uch board, and also report in like manner the appointments made to fill vacancies. Sec. 98. The board of examiners in each city district of the first class shall organize by appointing one of their own number as clerk, who shall give bjud, with surety to be ap- proved by the board of education, in the sum of five hun- dred dollars, conditioned that he shall pay to the school treasurer of his distiict the examination fees collected in pursuance of this act, and that he shall make, on or before 33 the first day of October in each year, such returns in refer- ence to the examiuations as may be required by the state commissioner of common schools of the clerk of the county board of examiners. Sec. 99. Said board, or- a majority of them, may grant certificates, which shall be valid only in the city school dis- tricts in which they are granted " for one, two or tbree years," except in cities in [of] the first class in which they shall be granted for two, five or ten years. Sec. 100, Said board of examiners shall have power to revoke the certificate of any person who shall be guilty of immorality or improper conduct, or shall prove to be ineffi- cient, and if such person shall be employed in any school in the district, they shall have power to discharge such teacher, who. shall, however, be entitled to pay for services to the time of such discharge. Every person applying to a city board of examiners shall pay to the examiners fifty cents before entering upon the examination, which money shall be paid quarterly to the school treasurer of the city, and shall be set apart as a teachers' institute fund, to be appropriated as provided for in this act. Sec. 101. The powers and privileges herein granted to city districts of the first class, with reference to boards of examiners, are hereby extended to city districts of the sec- ond class and village districts having a population not less than twenty-five hundred ; provided, that the board of exam- iners in such districts shall consist of tbree members ; and provided further, that in any city districts of the second class, and in village districts (except in those localities where associations have been or may hereafter be formed as provided for in section 119 of this act), the fee of fifty cents which is required to be paid to the board of examiners by every person applviog for a certificate to teach, shall be paid by said examiners to the county treasurer for the use of county institutes, aad be paid out as other fuods for the same purpose are -ordered to be paid. The boards of educa- tion of said city districts of the second class, in the matter of attaching the annexed territory for voting purposes, shall be governed by the provisions ot this act conferring like powers upon city boards of education of the first class, as provided for in section ten. [As amended March 29, 1875.1 Validity and term o^ certi- cates. Further powers of examiners. Examination fees. Certain privileges extended. CHAPTER VIII. STATS COMMISSIONEE. Sec. 102. .There shall be elected by the qualified electors of this state, at the annual election for state and county offi- cers, in the year eighteen hundred and seveisty-four, and every three years thereafter, a state commissioner of common schools, who shall hold his office for the term of three years from the second Monday in January succeeding his election, and until his successor is elected and qualified. The election of said eommissioner, and the return thereof, shall be the same in all respects, as is provided for the election of judges 3 When commis- sioner elected. Term of office 34 Vacancy, how iftUed. His official 1k>ond. — ^nd oaik. Office, etc., at seat of govern- ment. His duties in ■visitina: the sev- oral judicial ■distriets. His supervision over school funds. May require reports from certain oiiioers T» prepara forms, etc. 1 asto distribution of school laws, etc. of the supreme court ; and in case a vacancy shall occur ia said office by death, resignation, or otherwise, the governor shall fill the same by appointment until the next annual elec- tion of state offic rs, occurring not less than ninety days after such vacancy, and until a successor shall be elected and gualified. «Seo. 103. Before entering upon the discharge of his offi- cial ag, file his petition in the court of common pleas of the co nty in which the largest portion of such lands are situate, ,^ Uing forth a description of the premises so held, the state ot i ^s lease, or his title thereto, that he is desirous of surrenderiL. such lease and becoming the owner of the premises in fee, and asking the court to appoint three disinterested freeholders of the county, and not resident of the township wherein such lands are situate, to value the same; and the court on being satisfied of the truth of the fact set forth in such petition, shall appoint such appraisers, who shall proceed under oath, to make a just valuation of the premises in money, without reference to the improve- ments made thereon, under and by reason of said lease, and shall return such valuation in writing to said court ; and the said court, if it shall be satisfied that said valuation is just, shall confirm the same, and order it, with the petition and other proceedings therein, to be recorded : Provided, that before the trustees of any original surveyed township shall consent to the surrender of any lease as provided in this act, they shall cause the proposition to be submitted to the electors of said township, at an election to be held and con- ducted in conformity with the provisions of sections one hun- dred and thirty-iour and one hundred and thirty-fiv^e of this act; and, if at such election, a majority of the electors shall vote for such surrender, then, and not otherwise, said trustees shall consent to the surrender, in manner and form as herein provided. Sec. 143. Any such lessee on producing to the auditor of the proper county, within one year after the making of the same, a certified copy of such petition and appraisement and confirmation, shall be permitted by endorsement thereon, attested by the auditor, to release to the state of Ohio all his interest, title, and claim in and to such lease, for the benefit of the township to which the same may belong; which certified copy of said record and said release, shall be re- corded in a book for that purpose to be provided. Sec. 144, The purchaser of any such lands at anv audi- tors's sale, or the lessee of any such land held under such lease, on executing his release as aforesaid, shall each forth- with pay to the treasurer of the county, one-third of the purchase money in the first case, and one-third of the valua- tion in the second, and take the treasurer's receipt therefor; and the auditor on receiving the treasurer's receipt for said first installment, shall give to said purchaser or lessee, a cer- tificate, containing the name of the purchaser or lessee, a description of the premises, the number, amountj and the time of payment of the subsequent installments, and that said purchaser or lessee, his heirs or assigns, on the punctual payment of the sums still due, with annual interest up to the time of payment, shall be entitled to receive a final certificate from such auditor ; provided, that such lessee shall produce 45 to the auditor the certificate of the proper officer, that all rents due on such premises have been paid up to the time of surrendering said lease. Sec. 145. Any person wishing to pay any money under same. the provisions of this act, in part or full payment of any such lands, shall first obtain the certificate of the auditor of the amount due, or to be paid ; and on the presentation of the same, the treasurer is authorized to receive the amount therein specified, and shall give to the person paying the same a certificate directed to the auditor, of the payment of said sum of money ; and -the auditor on the presenraSion of said certificate, shall give to such person a receipt therefor, credit him with the amount in his books, and charge the treasurer therewith. Sec. 146. The county auditor shall keep an account with the county treasurer of all sales made and leases surren- dered, and moneys paid thereon by each purchaser or lessee, and shall make a report of the same to the auditor of state on the first day of February, May, August and November in each and every year, which report shall distinguish between the amount paid in as principal and the amount paid in as interest, and from the time of such report the state shall be liable to pay interest on all such sums of principal so reported as paid, and the treasurer of state, on receiving a certified copy of the account from the auditor of state, shall be au- thorized immediately to draw said money paid in as princi- pal, from the county treasurer ; and the amount so reported as interest shall be retained in the county treasury and appor- tioned to the several civil townships and parts of civil town- ships in the original surveyed township, or fractional town- ship to which said lands belong. Sec. 147. If any such purchaser or lessee shall fail to make any payment on any tract of land, for the space of twelve months after the time the same shall become due and payable, the auditor of the proper county shall forthwith proceed to sell such tract or tracts of land, with all tbe im- provements thereon, at the door of the court house, to the highest and best bidder therefor, in cash, having first given notice of the time and place of such sale, containing a de- scription of the lands, and the money due and to become due thereon, by publishing the same in some newspaper of gen- eral circulation in said county, for six consecutive weeks before the day of sale; and on such sale, no bid shall be entertained for a sum which will not be sufficient to pay all the purchase moaey due to the state, and all expenses inci- dent to such sale ; and in case the said premises can not be sold for that amount, they shall revert to the state, in trust for said township, and be sold in the manner hereinbefore provided for the sale of such lands not under permanent leases, or leases for ninety- nine years. Sec. 148. When said lands sell as aforesaid, the purchaser same. shall pay to the treasurer of the county the amount so bid for said premises ; and on producing to the auditor the treas- urer's receipt for such jiajmeat, the auditor shall give him a final certificate, stating the fact of such sale, the name of the County auditor to report sales to auditor of state Enforcing pay- ment by sale, etc. Tioal eertifl- (Hrte. Beed^from ^the state. : ,-, „^< Bioess of ' '"^^ money oh delin- qaoMt sale. Fees S««tian twenty laiae. Certain caJea of Motion sixteea Mid Vvrwity- purchaser, the description of the lands sold, the amount for which sold, the payment of the same, and that the purchaser is entitled to receive from the state of Ohio, a deed in fee simple for the same, on producing to the proper officer this certificate. .Sec. 149. When the purchaser or lessee, his heirs or assigns, shall have made payment in full, the auditor shall give to such person a fisiial certificate, containing, in addition to the former one, the fact of the payment in lull, and that said person is entitled to receive, from the state of Ohio, a deed in fee simple for said premises, on the presentation of this certificate to the proper officer or officers. Sec. 150, The auditor of state, upon the filing of any such fiaal certificate in his office, shall make out the draft for a deed therefor, and deliver the same, with such final certifi- cate, to the governor of the state, who shall sign said deed, and cause the same to be sealed with the great seal of the state, and by him delivered to the grantee on demand. Sec. 151. All excess of moneys made on any sale of delin- quent lands as aforesaid, after paying all" sums due, interest and costs, shall be paid on demand t@ such delinquent owner, his heirs or assigns, from the county treasury, on the order of the auditor,, if such demand be made within one year from the time of such sale ; and if not so demanded, it shall be paid into the state treasury ; and unless the same shall be demanded within one year, after the same shall have been paid 'into the state ireasiiry, it shall be applied for the same uses as the lands are subject to. Sec. 152. The fees for services under this act shall be as follows : The court shall tax such fees on any petition filed in the same, as are allowed for similar services on proceed- ings in chancery. The county auditor to be allowed one dol- lar and fifty cents on each sale made by him ; for each cer- tificate, fifty cents; for each receipt six cents, to be paid by the purchaser, and the same fees lor recording as are allowed to county recorders, to be paid out of the first moneys paid in as interest or rents on such sale or surrender. All printers' fees for advertising, shall be paid out of the county treasury on the order of the auditor, and refunded out of the first moneys received ou such sale as interest or rents. The cost in court shall, in case of a petition by the trustees, be paid out of the county treasury, on the order of the county audi- tor, and refunded out of the first moneys received from the sale as interest or rents; in case of a lessee being petitioner, ail costs shall be paid by him. Sec. 153. That all those lands granted by the congress of the United States for religious purposes, known as section twenty-nine, may be sold or the permanent leases thereto surrendered, and that said sale or surrender shall be regu- lated by and conducted according to the provisions of this act in relation to the sale of school lands 'and the surrender of permanent leases thereto. Sec. 154. That section sixteen, donated and set apart for the support of schools, and section twenty-nine, for the pur- pose of religion, or lands granted in lieu of either, by the 47 directors of the Ohio Company, on the seventh day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1796, in the following original surveyed townships within the Ohio Company's purchase, to wit : Township num- ber eight, in range number twelve; (township number seven, in range number thirteen ; township number eleven, in range number fourteen ; township number thirteen, in range num- ber fifteen ; and townships number eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen, in range number sixteen, may be sold, or the leases thereto, whether permanent or otherwise, sur- rendered) and that said sale or surrender shall be regulated by and conducted according to the provisions of this act, and the lessees of any of said lands holding leases for any term less than ninety-nine years, shall be permitted to surrender their said leases in the same manner, and be entitled to all the benefit of the said act as if their leases were for ninety- nine years. CHAPTER XV. MANNER OF CHANGINa TOWNSHIP DISTRICTS. Sec. 155. The board of education of any township school district may decide to submit, and on petition of oae-third of the electors of the district are required to submit, at the first election of township officers after such decision is made or petition received, the qaescion whether such township school district shall be governed by the provisions of this act relating to village school districts, and the board shall give notice of ■ the vote to be taken by posting up written or printed notices in ten or more public places in the township at least twenty days prior to such annual election. Sec. 156. The election shall be conducted by the township trus!;eeSi who shall proyide a separate ballot-bos and poll- books, and make a return of the fote to the township clerk, and also to the state commissioner of common schools within five days after such election. The persons voting at such election in favor of such change shall have written or printed on their ballots—" School District," and those opposed to such change — " No School District." Sec. 157. At the annual organization of the township board after any such election, if it be found that a majority of the votes cast were in favor of the chauge, the board shall select, by vote or lot, six persons to serve as a township board of education, two of whom shall serve for three years, two for two years, and two for one year. Said board shall thereafter ' be goveias'l bv th© provisions relating to the board of edacatioa in ; .ilage school districts. CHAPTER XVI. acts ejl pealed. Sec. 158. That the act ent.tled "An act for the support and better regulation of the public schools ia the town of Zanesville," passed March 12, 1839, and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof; the act entitled " An act to divide the town of Lancaster into school districts," passed March To-wnsbip dis- tricts may adopt provis- ions of law tor village dis- tricta. How vota maj be taken. How board organized. Ac's r6|>6t.l«i. 48 13, 1843, (40 vol., Stat. 216,) and tlie act entitled " An act for the support and better regulation of common schools in the town of Lancaster, Ohio," passed February 19, 1848, (46 vol., Stat. 199,) and all acts amendatory and supplemeotaiy thereof; the act entitled " An act for the support and better regulation of common schools in the city of Columbus, passed February 3, 1845, (47 vol., Stat. 230,) and all acts amendatory and supplementary thereof; the act entitled " An act to provide for the support and regulation of public schools in the city of Cleveland," passed March 26, 1850, (65 vol., Stat. 236,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof; the act entitled " An act to provide for the main- tenaece and better regulation of common schools in the city of Cincinnati," passed January 27, 1853, (51 vol, Stat. 503,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof; so much of the act entitled " An act in relation to taxes, schools and sewers in the city of Toledo," passed March 9, 1849, (47 vol. Stat. 205,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof as may relate to common schools in said city ; the act enti- tled "An act to provide for the reorganization, supervision and maintenance of common schools'," passed March 14, 1853, (51 vo). Stat. 429,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary [Seepage 55.1 thcrcof, exccpt sectiou thirtj-oue of said act, as amended March 18, 1864; the act entitled " An act to establish a fund for the support of common schools," passed March 2, 1831, took eiJect June 1, 1831, -(29 vol. Stat. 423,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof ; the act entitled "An act for the support and better regulation of common schools in the town of Akron," passed February 8, 1847, (45 vol. Stat. 187,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof, or extending the provisions of the same ; the act entitled " An act for the 'setter regulation of the public schools in cities, towns, etc.," passed February 21, 1849, (47 vol. Stat. 22,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof; the act enti- tled " An act relating to common schools," passed and took effect April 10, 1856, (53 vol. Stat. 200,) and all acts amenda- tory or supplementary thereof; the act entitled " An act to provide for the completion of certain contracs heretofore made by school directors," passed February 6, 1854, (52 vol. Stat. 17,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof; the act entitled " An act to encourage teachers' institutes," passed February 8, 1847, (45 vol. Stat. 67,) and all acts amend- atory or supplementary thereof or extending the same ; the act entitled "An act to provide for the appointment of county superintendents of common schools, and defining the duties in certain counties therein named," passed February 8, 1847, (45 vol. Stat. 32,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof or extending the same ; the act entitled " An act farther defining the duties of boards of education for incor- porated cities, towns, villages, or inde^en^ient school dis- tricts," passed and took effect April 4, 1861, (58 vol. Stat. 56,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof; the act entitled "An act to authorize cities of the second class to receive donations of library buildings and libra) ie.«, and to keep up and maintain the same," passed and took effect Feb- 49 ruary 24, 1868, (65 vol, Stat. 12,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof ; the act entitled " An act to author- ize certain cities therein described to borrow an additional amount of money for school purposes," passed May 4, 1869, (66 vol. Stat. 92,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof; an act to incorporate school district number one, in Perry township, Stark county, passed February 21, 1848, (46 vol. Stat. 223,) and all acts amendatory thereof and supple- mentary thereto ; the act entitled " An act for the support and better regulation of common schools in the Lebanon dis- trict, in Warren county," passed February 24, 18i8, (46 vol. Stat. 237,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof; the act entitled " An act for the support and better regula- tion of common schools in the town of Lithopolis, Fairfield county," passed February 18, 1848, (46 vol. Stat. 185,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof; the act enti- tled " An act for the support and better regulation of com- mon schools in district No. 4, in Washington township, Preble county, in this state," passed February 15, 1849, (47 vol. Stat. 224,) and all acts^amendatory or supplementary thereof; the act entitled " An act to divide the town of St. Clairsville, Belmont county, into two school districts," passed February 23, 1849, (47 vol. Stat. 240,) and all acts amendatory or sup- plementary thereof; the act entitled " An act for the better support of common schools in Perrysburgh, Wood county," passed March 9, 1849, (47 vol. Stat. 245,) and all acts amend- atory or supplementary thereof; section nine of the act enti- tled an act prescribing the rate of taxation for county, bridge, road and township purposes, passed May 1, 1871, (68 vol. Stat. 116,) and all acts amendatory or supplementary thereof; an act for the support and better regulation of schools in school district No. 1, in Ravenna, passed February 8, 1847, (O. L., vol. 40, p. 121,) and all other acts, whether general or local, so far as inconsistent with any of rhe provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed ; provided, that the saving, etc. obligations or liabilities incurred, and the rights acquired un- der the provisions of any of the acts hereby repealed, shall re- matin and be in nowise altered or affected, but may be enforced as if this act had not been passed. Each district that would be required by any act herein repealed to hold an election of members of a board of education, or to organize a board of education, between the time of the taking effect of this act, and the first Monday of April in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-four, if a city district of the first or second class, or a village district, and the second Monday of April, 1874, if a township or special district, shall hold such election or effect such organization the same as if this act had not been passed ; and the school officers in the several school districts of the state shall hold their respective offices and perform their respective duties, until the school officers, their respec- tive successors, herein provided for, shall have been elected, or appointed, as the case may be, and qualified. 50 Sec. 159, This act shall take effect on'^the first day of May, eighteen hundred and seventy-three. N. H. VAN VOEHES, Speaker of the Souse of Representatives. JACOB MUELLER, President oj the Senate. Passed May Ist, 1873. 51 SUPPLEMENTARY ACTS. AN ACT Supplerileutary to an act entitled "An act for the re- organization and maintenance of common schools," passed May 1, 1873 (0. L., Vol. 70, page 195), and the several' acts amendiitorj thereto. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio^ That whenever a complaint shall be made to the state school commissioner, in writing, verified by the affidavit or affidavits of at least three freeholders and tax- payers, resident of any school district in this state, alleging that they have good reason to and do believe that any por- tion of the school fund of such district has been expended contrary to law, or has been fraudulently, unlawfully or cor- ruptly used, or misapplied, by any of the officers ®f such dis- trict, or that there have been fraudulent entries ih the books, accounts, vouchers or settlement sheets thereof, by any of such officers, or that any of such officers have not made set- tlement of their accounts as required by law, said state school commissioner is hereby authorized and required to appoint some trustworthy and competent accountant, for the purpose of investigating such complaint, who shall proceed forthwith to visit such school district and take possession of all the books, papers, vouchers and accounts of such district, and investigate the truth of the allegations of such com- plaint, and the condition of the school fund of such district ; and it shall be the duty of the several officers of such school district, on the application of such examiner, immediately to place in his possession all their books, accounts, contracts, vouchers and other papers having reference to tbe receipt and disbursement of said school fund ; and it shall be the duty of the county auditor and county treasurer to give such examiner free access to all th@ records, books, papers, vouch- ers and accounts in their respective offices haviag reference to the object of such investigation. Sec. 2. That such examiner shall have authority to eall before him forthwith, upon wiilten notice, and examine wit- nesses, under oath, to be administered by such examiner; said examiner shall, immediately after completing such investigation, report in writing in duplicate setting forth the condition of the books, vouchers and accounts of such dis- trict, the amount of school funds received for any and all purposes, and from whatever source, the amount expended, and for what, and the amount actually in the treasury, one copy of which report he shall file in the office of the clerk of th^ pourt of comnion pleay of the qounty Jn which smh. dis- Duty of com. missioner on complaint of fraudulent use of money, etc. Appointment of an accountant to investigate charges. Powers and duties of ex« aminer. 62 His compensa- tion. Payment thereof. Adverse report of examiner to be given in charge to grand jury- Duty of prose- cnting attor- ney. trict shall be situate, and the other copy he shall transmit to the state commissioner of common schools at Columbus ; and such examiner so appointed and performing the duties re- quired by this act, shall receive as compensation a per diem of three dollars for each day necessarily engaged in the per- formance of said duties, and shall also receive five cents for each and every mile by him necessarily traveled in that be- half; Provided, no mileage shall be allowed for a greater dis- tance than from Columbus to such district. Such compensa- tion and mileage shall be paid out of the county treasury upon the warrant of the county auditor, and if such investi- gation shall establish the truth of any material allegation in such complaint, then such amount so paid shall be assessed by the county auditor upon the taxable property of said dis- trict, to be collected as other taxes are for the use of such county treasury. Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of the judge of the coart of common pleas of the proper county, to examine the report so filed in the clerk's oflSce, as provided in section two of this act, and if it shall appear therefrom that any part of the common or school fund has been fraudulently, unlaw- fully or corruptly used or misapplied, or that there has been fraud in any of the entries, accounts, vouchers, contracts or settlements, or that the settlements have not been made as required by law, or that there appears any defalcation or em- bezzlement on the part of any of the officers of such school district, he shall give said report specially in charge td the grand jury at the term of the court of common pleas next after the filing of said report ; and it shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney of such county to forthwith institute and carry forward such proceedings, civil or criminal, or both, against the delinquent officer or ofiicers of such district as is authorized by law. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. GEO. L. CONVERSE, Speaker of the House of Be-presentati'oes. ALPHONSO HART, President of the Senate. Passed March 23, 1875. Election of members of board of educa- tion in certaLnj wards. AN ACT Supplementary to an act entitled " An act for the reor- ganization and naaintenance of Common Schools," passed Ma> 1, 1873. (0. L., Vol. 70, pp. 195-240.) Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That in every city district of the first class, in which the board of education consists of one member for each ward, in each ward designated by an odd member [number], where the regular term of office of any member of the board of education expires during the month of April in tl^§ year 53 1874 or 1876, there shall be elected by the qualified electors thereof, at the annual election of city officers for that year, one member of such board for such ward, who shall hold his office for the term of one year and until his successor shall have been elected and qualified under the act to which this act is supplementary. Sec. 2. In every such city district designated by an even number, when the regular term of ofi&ce of any member of the board of education thereof expires during the month of April in the year 1875, there shall be elected by the qualified electors thereof, at the annual election of city officers for the year 1875, one member of such board for such ward, who shall hold his office for the term of one year and until his successor shall have been elected and qualified under the provisions of the act to which this act is supplementary. Sec. 3. In a city district of the first or second class, a village district or a special district, organized prior to May 1, 1875, under a general or special act that would have au- thorized or required an election of a member or members of a board of education to be held between the time of the tak- ing effect of said act of May 1, 1873, and- the first Monday of April, in the year 1874, if a city district of the first or sec- pnd class, or a village district, and the second Monday in April, 1874, if a special district, each member of the board of education shall be continued in office until the third Mon- day in April succeeding the day on which his term of office would expire according to the provisions of the act under which such district was organized as aforesaid, and until his successor shall be elected and qualified. Sec. 4. In a district having a population of less than twenty-five hundred, organized prior to the passage of said act of May 1, 1873, under an act authorizing the appointment of a board of examiners for such district, the certificates granted to teachers by such board of examiners subsequent to the passage of the act above entitled and prior to the passage of this act, shall be valid during the school year end- ing August 31, 1874: provided, that certificates granted to teachers by the board of examiners of the county in which such distric!--is situated shall also be valid in such district. Sec. 5. If any incorpoiated village has been or hereafter shall be created, as contemplated in the act to which this act is supplementary, the same may be organized as a village district in the following manner, to wit : Written or printed notices, signed by not less than five electors residing within the limits of said village, shall be posted in at least five of the most public places within said village, requesting the electors of such village to meet for the purpose of electing a board of education for sucn proposed village district, on a day and at an hour and place designated in said notices, which notices shall be posted at least ten days prior to the day designated in them for such meeting. The electors so assembled at the time and place designated in said notices, shall appoint a chairman and two clerks, who shall be judges of said election, and shall then choose by ballot six compe- tent and judicious persons to serve as members of the board Tho samo. Continuance in office of mem- bers in certain cases. Validity of teachers' cer- tificates in cer- tain cases. Organization of new village districts. 54 Organization of i)oard therein. of edacation of such proposed village district — two to serve for one year, two to serve for tNm years, and two to serve for three years from the annual scliool election next preceding the organization of such village district, and until their suc- cessors shall have been elected and qualified : Provided, that in case such election shall be held on the day of the annual election of school officers, the persons so elected shall hold their offices for the period of one, two and three years from that'^date,j,respectively, and, until their successors shall have been elected and qualified according to the provisions of sec- tion 18 of the act to which this is supplmentary. Sec. 6. The board of edacation so elected shall organize as is provided in section 44 of the act to which this act is supplementary. In case the election shall be held on the day of the annual election in village districts, the board shall organize on the third Monday in April succeeding such elec- tion 5 but if such election shall be held at any other time, the board shall organize on the Monday next succeeding such election. f^ Sec. 7. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. GEO. L. C0NVES8E, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ALPHOl^SO HAET, President of the Senate. Passed March 30, 1874. AJSl ACT To authorize Boards of Education of incorporated villages and special school districts in the State of Ohio, to de- termine on places to pay interest and principal on bonds which they are authorized to issue and sell. Relativ* to place of pay- ment oi bonds for school l)uiM- inga. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That in all cases when boards of education of incorporated villages and special, school districts within this state, are authorized to issue and sell bonds, to enable them to construct school buildings, the said boards shall be author- ized to decide upon places of payment of the principal and interest of such bonds; and when so doing, the said boards shall make a minute of the same on their journal. Sec. 2. This act shall be in force from and after its pas- sage. GEO. L. CONYEESB, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ALPHONSO HAET, r^ ""^'^ President of the Senate, g^Passed February 3, 1875. 55 [Section thirty-one of " An act to provide for the reorgani- zation, snpervision and niaiotenance of common schools," passed March 14, 1853, and amended March 14, 1864, not having been repealed by the act of May 1, 1873, its provisions remain ia force.] Section 31. The township boards of education in this state, in their respective townships, and the several other boards of education, and the trustees, visitors and directors of schools, or other officers having an hority in the premises, of each city or incorporated village sh dl be and they are hereby authori- zed and required to establish within their respective jurisdic- tions, one or more separate schools for colored children, when the whole number, by enumeration, exceeds twenty, and when, such schools will afford them, as far as practicable, the ad- vantages and privileges of a common school education ; and all such schools so established for colored children, shall be under the control and management of the board of education, or other school officers who have in charge the educational interests of the other schools ; and such schools for colorfed children shall be continued in operation each year until the full share of all the school funds of the township or district belonging to said colored children, on the basis of enumera- tion, shall have been expended ; provided^ that when the number of colored children residing in adjoining townships or districts, whether in the same or in different counties, shall exceed twenty, the boards of education of said town- ships or districts so situated, may form a joint district for the education of colored children, and said school shall be under the control and direction of the board of education of the township or district in which the school house is situated. When the whole number of colored children enumerated is less than twenty, or when owing to the great distance they reside from each other a separate school for colored children is impracticable, the board of education shall set apart the full share of school funds raised on the number of said colored children, and the money so set apart shall be appropriated each year for the education of such colored children, under the direction of the board. Separate schools when the numbet enumerated ex- ceeds twentj. Joint distriot for colored youth. Colored chil- dren entitled eafih year to thtsir full share ot all school funds. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 312 241 fl i