^^0^ ^^°.^ o -.^^^v „0^°''<^-^ "'^^^° Z"-*^ *-^P-" 0*-°"'t. ^• ,- ,/ ^^^ '-»K* ^^ -^^ ^%P;* ^^'N^^ '.^^* ^^N^ .. %:^^^\r %.'^^'\o'> V^:?^\/ V^"^' ^v^-^^ o 9" 'fv. " \ #^^if^-% ^''>:¥/i%\ ^^^^^^''^^ ^v ^ o;^ Biographical Catalog OF THE MATRICULATES OF Haverford College together vitH lists of tLe Members of the College Faculty and tbe Managers, 0& cers and Recipients of Honorary Degrees 33 m ^R. M ^922 Prepared By a Committee of the Alumni Association PHILADELPHIA Printed for the Alnmni Association 1912 GIFT COLLEGE Ai^n 22 '24 lDzz\z ^ To Henry Cope, '69, In Recognition of More Than Half a Century of Devoted Service to Haverford College This Book is Affectionately Dedicated by His Fellow Alumni PREFACE In the Spring of 1900 was published the first edition of this Catalog. It was the result of six years of work on the part of an Alumni Committee, of which George Gluyas Mercer, '77, was Chair- man, and which included Charles Roberts, '64, Edward Y. Harts- horne, '81, Barker Newhall, '87, and Franklin B. Kirkbride, '89. This Committee was fortunate in securing the services of Pro- fessor Allen Clapp Thomas, '65, as Editor, and the accuracy and completeness of the original edition were largely due to his pains- taking research. From the publication of the first catalog up to the time of his death, Professor Thomas carefully set down in the margins of the book such changes as came to his attention, and this annotated copy has been of great assistance to the present Com- mittee. The College Records and Alumni Notes from the files of the Haverford Nezvs and the Haverfordian have given much informa- tion, and the Endowment Fund Campaign, which brought a great majority of the Alumni into close communication with the College, opened a rich source of new material. Questionnaires covering all essential biographical details were returned by over 1450 matricu- lates during 1920, and in addition, a good deal of information was obtained about men who had died since graduation. When all this information had been collated and put in the form adopted for the present edition, to each living matriculate was mailed a typewritten copy of his own history for corrections or additions. The present volume embodies the result of these inquiries. The Committee wishes to express its appreciation to Miss M. Evelyn Babbitt for her assistance in the difficult preliminary work of research and collation, and to Albert E. Rogers, '21, Granville E. Toogood, '20, and Miss Jean F. Morton, for their care in the prepara- tion of the manuscript and index. The proof was read by the VI HAVERFORD COLLEGE Committee, which therefore takes the responsibility for any errata which may appear. We beHeve that there is pride for every Haverfordian in this record of the men who, in College and after, for nearly ninety years, have been making the history of Haverford. For the Alumni Association, Hans Froelicher, Jr., '13 Chairman L. Arnold Post, '11, Treasurer Stephen W. Meader, '13. CONTENTS Preface ^ Editor's Note . »^ Sketch of the History of Haverford College, xi Officers and Managers of Haverford School Association and the Corporation of Haverford College, xiii Officers of the College, xviii College Faculty ; . . . xx Officers of the Alumni Association, xxv Orators, Poets and Prize-Winners of the Alumni Assoctation, . . xxvii Matriculates 1 Graduate Students, . 715 Recipients of Honorary Degrees, 729 Enumeration, 734 Index, 735 Additions and Corrections • • 757 EDITOR'S NOTE {Reprinted from the First Edition) In the preparation of this Catalog great pains have been taken to secure accurate information. In a few cases it has been impossi- ble to trace old students; but in many cases those whose addresses have been known have failed to reply to repeated requests, and their records have been made up from what data could be secured from other sources. The names have been arranged, by classes; that is to say, the name of a matriculate is put under the year in which his class grad- uated. Without doubt, some will be surprised to see themselves ranked with those whom they have never known, or of whom, per- haps, they have never heard; but, on the whole, this method of arrangement seemed to be the best. For about twenty years after the opening of the institution the division into classes was very loosely observed. Apparently, stu- dents were not ranked according to any definite system. No catalogs were published until 1852. Lists of students were from time to time printed in the Managers' Reports, but irregularly ; and these lists were not always divided into classes; while from 1843 to 1852, with a single exception, no lists whatever were published. These facts have made it exceedingly difficult to place some of the matriculates, especially those who did not complete the course. Rec- ords have been made up, therefore, from grade books, ledgers, etc. Previous to 1877, the only degree conferred upon undergraduates was that of Bachelor of Arts; in 1877 the degree of Bachelor of Science was added, and in 1887 the degree of Bachelor of Engi- neering. Since 1891, however, the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science have been the only ones conferred. It remains for the editor to acknowledge the great assistance X HAVERFORD COLLEGE given him by the active members of the Catalog Committee, two of whom have most kindly read the proof-sheets. Acknowledg- ments are also due to a number of the Alumni who have given infor- mation of much value; among these, Robert Bowne, '42, of New York City, and Mark Brooke, '96, of Radnor, Pa., should be spe- cially mentioned. Thanks are also due to Dr. Edward T. Tucker, of New Bedford, Mass., and Gilbert Cope, of West Chester, Pa., for information most kindly furnished. ALLEN C. THOMAS, A.M., '65, Editor. SKETCH OF THE History of Haverford College Haverford College, opened as Haverford School in 1833, was founded by members of the Society of Friends, residents chiefly of Philadelphia and New York, who wished to establish an institution of higher learning which should be in accordance with their religious opinions. Of the ten Quaker colleges now in existence in the United States, Haverford was the first to be established. Though the modesty or special views of those interested prevented them from calling the institution a college, collegiate instruction was given from the start. In 1856 the managers obtained a charter, giving Haverford the name and standing of a college with the power to grant degrees. Temporarily suspended from 1845 to 1848 for lack of funds, Hav- erford has gradually acquired a substantial endowment, which makes possible generous compensation for its Faculty and comparatively low charges for its students. The munificent bequest of Jacob P. Jones received in 1897 is the largest single benefaction the College has received, while the Alumni Fund for the increase of salaries, completed in 1920, is perhaps the most significant. At the present time the invested funds of the College amount to about $3,250,000. The physical plant of the College, centering about old Founders Hall, now includes 16 permanent buildings, built chiefly by gifts of individuals or of the Alumni at large. Five athletic fields are in quite constant use for the physical development of the students, who now number 225. Outside of the campus and assuring space for future growth, is a farm of upwards of 100 acres, making the total area of the College property 220 acres. The estimated value HAVERFORD COLLEGE of this choice suburban property, with the solid buildings erected during the past three quarters of a century, is over $2,000,000. More important are the facilities directly available for undergradu- ate teaching. The Faculty numbers 25, assuring rather intimate methods of instruction to small groups of students. The Library, generously endowed, contains about 87,000 volumes and receives about 220 periodical publications. The shelves are open to the students. The increased interest in natural science has recently made necessary the erection of adequate modern laboratories for chemistry, biology and physics. It is likely that Haverford will remain for some time a small undergraduate college devoted to thorough instruction in the Arts and Sciences. For over twenty years it has admitted students only after examination of their intellectual qualifications. This practice tends to keep the numbers down, but the quality up. The moral welfare of the students has always been a matter of concern to the responsible officers of the College. Of recent years a considerable degree of self-government has been tried, with satisfactory results. The ancient custom of attendance at a brief meeting for worship in the neighboring meeting-house is still observed on the fifth day of the week and exercises a salutary influence upon the spiritual life of the college community. The management of the College is vested in a Board of twenty- seven members elected by the Corporation. Though the manage- ment of the College is in the hands of members of the Society of Friends, it has never been dependent upon any organized group of the Society, and extends its facilities without distinction to a limited number of properly qualified young men, in whom Haverford seeks to develop "vigorous bodies, scholarly minds, strong char- acters, and a real religious experience." WILLIAM WISTAR COMFORT, '94. OFFICERS AND MANAGERS OF Haverford School Association AND THE Corporation of Haverford College ' President.* Appointed Served until Wistar Morris, Oct 12, 1886 Mar. 3, 1891 T. Wistar Brown, Apr. 10, 1891 Apr. 16, 1916 Asa S. Wing, Oct. 9, 1916 Secretary.* Henry Cope, Dec. 30, 1830 May 14-, 1832 George Stewardson, . May 14, 1832 May 14, 1835 Abraham L. Pennock, . May 14, 1835 May 8, 1837 Charles Evans, . . May 8, 1837 May 9, 1842 Charles Ellis, . , May 9, 1842 May 13, 1861 William S. Hilles, . . May 13, 1861 May 9, 1864 Philip C. Garrett, . . May 9, 1864 Oct. 11, 1875 Edward Bettle, Jr., . . Oct. 11, 1875 Oct 9, 1883 Charles Roberts, . Oct. 9, 1883 Oct. 12, 1886 Elliston P. Morris, . . Oct. 12, 1886 Oct. 13, 1891 George Vaux, Jr., . . Oct. 13, 1891 Oct. 1900 J. Stogdell Stokes, . . Oct. 9, 1900 Treasurer.* Benjamin H. Warder, Dec. 30, 1830 May 13, 1844 Isaiah Hacker, . , May 13, 1844 May 12, 1845 John Elliott, . May 12, 1845 May 11, 1846 Isaiah Hacker, . . May 11, 1846 May 14, 1860 Wistar Morris, . . May 14, 1860 May 13, 1861 John M. Whitall, . . May 13, 1861 Apr. 9, 1866 David Scull, Jr., . Apr. 9, 1866 Oct 12, 1883 Edward Bettle, Jr., . . Oct. 9, 1883 Oct. 14, 1884 Asa S. Wing, . Oct. 14, 1884 Oct. 12, 1915 J. Henry Scattergood, . Oct. 12, 1915 Managers. Samuel Bettle, Dec. 30, 1830 May 14, 1832 Daniel B. Smith, . Dec. 30, 1830 May 12, 1834 John Griscom, . . Dec. 30, 1830 May 12, 1834 Gerard T. Hopkins, . Dec. 30, 1830 Mar. 27, 1834 John G. Hoskins, . . Dec. 30, 1830 May 14, 1835 * The office of President of the Corporation was not created until 1886. From 1830 to 1886 the Secretary acted as presiding officer at all meetings of the Cor- poration. The President, Secretary and Treasurer are ex-officio members of the Board of Managers, and the President presides at meetings of the Board. 2 XIV HAVERFORD COLLEGE Samuel B. Morris, John Gummere, Benjamin W. Ladd Thomas C. James, Isaac Davis, Thomas Evans, . John Paul, . Abraham L. Pennock Isaac Collins, Bartholomew Wistar, Samuel Parsons, Benjamin H. Warder, Samuel F. Mott, Lindley Murray, Thomas P. Cope, George Stewardson Thomas Cock, . Joseph King, Jr., Henry Cope Thomas Kimber, Charles Yarnall, Edward Bettle, . Isaac S. Loyd, . Samuel Bettle, . George Williams, William F. Mott, Edward Yarnall, Josiah White, Samuel Hilles, . Charles Evans, . John G. Hoskins, John Farnum, . Mordecai L. Dawson Abraham Hilyard, Josiah White, Edward B. Garrigues, Stephen P. Morris, John Elliott, William E. Hacker, William M. Collins Blakey Sharpless, Elihu Pickering, Alfred Cope Townsend Sharpless, James R. Greeves, Joseph Trotter, . George Howland, Charles Ellis, . Isaac Collins, . Abraham L. Pennock Paul W. Newhall, Josiah Tatum, . Samuel B. Parsons, Abraham L. Pennock Isaiah Hacker, . Samuel Rhoads, Samuel Hilles, . John Elliott, Appointed Serv ed until Dec. 30, 1830 May 14 1835 Dec. 30, 1830 May 14 1835 Dec. 30, 1830 May 14 1835 Dec. 30, 1830 May 9 1836 Dec. 30, 1830 May 14 1838 Dec. 30, 1830 May 13 1839 Dec. 30, 1830 May 10 1841 Dec. 30, 1830 May 10 1841 Dec. 30, 1830 May 9 1842 Dec. 30, 1830 May 9 1842 Dec. 30, 1830 May 9 1842 Dec. 30, 1830 May 13 1844 Dec. 30, 1830 May 11 1846 Dec. 30, 1830 May 14 1849 Dec. 30, 1830 May 14 1849 Dec. 30, 1830 May 14 1849 Dec. 30, 1830 May 13 1850 Dec. 30, 1830 May 13 1850 Dec. 30, 1830 May 12 1851 Dec. 30, 1830 May 8 1865 Dec. 30, 1830 Apr. 13 1868 May 14, 1832 Oct. 10 1832 May 12, 1834 May 14 1838 May 12, 1834 May 13 1839 May 12, 1834 May 13 1839 May 12, 1834 May 11 1846 May 12, 1834 May 14 1860 May 14, 1835 May 9 1836 May 14, 1835 May 14 1838 May 14, 1835 May 10 1841 Dec. 9, 1836 May 10 1841 May 9, 1836 May 9 1859 May 14, 1838 May 13 1839 May 14, 1838 May 13 1839 May 14, 1838 May 13 1844 May 13. 1839 May 10 1841 May 13, 1839 May 10 1841 May 13, 1839 May 12 1845 May 13, 1839 May 13 1850 May 10, 1841 May 13 1844 May 10, 1841 May 13 1844 May 10, 1841 May 14 1849 May 10, 1841 May 9 1853 May 10, 1841 Dec. 30 1863 May 9, 1842 May 13 1844 May 9. 1842 May 13 1844 May 9, 1842 May 21 1852 May 9, 1842 May 12 1862 May 13, 1844 May 12 1845 May 13, 1844 May 12 1845 May 13, 1844 Sept. 2 1848 May 13, 1844 Apr. 4 1853 May 13. 1S4J May 10 1858 May 10, 1845 May 10 1852 May 12, 1845 May 12 1862 May 12, 1845 May 9 1864 May 12, 1845 Oct. 13 1873 May 11, 1846 May 14 1849 OFFICERS AND MANAGERS XV David Scull, Daniel B. Smith, George Holland, Jr. Joel Cadbury, . Jeremiah Hacker, Robert P. Smith, Marmaduke C. Cope, John M. Whitall, . Anthony M. Kimber, Edward Brown, Francis T. King, Richard H. Thomas, Theophilus E. Beesley, Francis R. Cope, Paul Swift, Wistar Morris, . T. Wistar Brown, . Samuel Allinson, Jr., Samuel F. Troth, Nathaniel Randolph, Joseph W. Taylor, . Robert Lindley Murray, David Scull, . Harrison Alderson, . Richard Richardson, James Whitall, . Henry Hartshorne, . William S. Hilles, . William Bettle, . Haydock Garrigues, Hugh D. Vail, . James Carey Thomas, Edward Garrett, Benjamin V. Marsh, Henry Hartshorne, . Philip C. Garrett, . Benjamin Coates, Thomas P. Cope, William C. Longstreth, James E. Rhoads, Richard Cadbury, . David Scull, Jr., William Evans, Jr., George S. Garrett, . John Farnum, . Abram S. Taylor, . Joel Cadbury, Jr., . John E. Carter, . Thomas Wistar, Jr., Edward Rhoads, Richard Wood, . John S. Haines, . William H. Nicholson, Robert B. Haines, . Charles Hartshorne, William R. Thurston, William F. Mott, . William G. Rhoads, Appointed May 11. 1846 May 10 May 11 May 14 May 14, May 14 May 14, May 14, May 14 May 13 May 13 May 13 May 13 May 12 May 10 May 10 May 9 May 9 May 9 May May May 14 May 14 May 14 May 12 May 11 May 11 May 11 May 10 May 9 May May 14 May 14, May 14 May 13 May 12 May 12 May 9 May 9 May 9 May 8 May 8 May 8 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Apr. 8 Apr. 8 Apr. 13 Apr. 13 Apr. 13 Apr. 12 Apr. 12 Apr. 12 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 1846 1846 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1850 1850 1850 1850 1851 1852 1852 1853 1853 1853 1854 1854 1855 1855 1855 1856 1857 1857 1857 1858 1859 1859 1860 1860 1860 1861 1862 1862 1864 1864 1864 1865 1865 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1868 1868 1868 1869 1869 1869 1870 1871 1871 1871 1871 Served until May 14, 1849 Oct 11, 1849 Apr. 12, 1869 May 11, 1857 May 11, 1857 May 9, 1859 May 9, 1865 Apr. 12, 1869 Apr. 10, 1871 May 9, 1853 May 11, 1857 May 9, 1859 Apr. 9, 1866 May 10, 1852 May 8, 1854 Mar. 23, 1891 Apr. 16, 1916 May 14, 1855 May 12, 1856 May 14, 1855 Oct. 12, 1880 May 10, 1858 May 8, 1865 Apr. 8, 1867 May 11, 1857 Feb. 28, 1896 May 14, 1860 Apr. 10, 1871 May 12, 1862 Apr. 9, 1866 Oct. 10, 1882 Nov. 9, 1897 May 9, 1864 Oct. 9, 1883 Apr. 13, 1868 Dec. 9, 1905 May 9, 1864 Apr. 10, 1871 Apr. 25, 1881 Dec. 5, 1884 Mar. 13, 1897 Nov. 22, 1907 Apr. 10, 1871 Apr. 12, 1869 Oct. 13, 1873 Apr. 13, 1868 Nov. 17, 1881 Apr. 10, 1871 Apr. 10, 1871 Jan. 15, 1871 Sept. 29, 1910 Apr. 10, 1871 Apr, 10, 1871 Aug. 9, 1895 Oct. 30, 1908 Oct. 10, 1895 Oct. 8, 1878 Apr. 28, 1880 XVI HAVERFORD COLLEGE George Howland, Jr Francis T. King, John B. Garrett, Thomas Kimber, Edward Bettle, Jr. Charles Roberts, John S. Hilles, . Edward L. Scull, Charles S. Taylor, Francis White, . Howard Comfort, Benjamin H. Shoemaker William S. Taylor, William Penn Evans John T. Morris, Henry Bettle, . Justus C. Strawbridge, Asa S. Wing, . Elliston P. Morris, Francis Stokes, . James Wood, . Abram F. Huston, J. Preston Thomas, William H. Haines, Walter Wood, . John T. Morris, George Vaux, Jr., Richard M. Jones, William H. Jenks, Francis A. White, Stephen W. Collins Jonathan Evans, Samuel L. Allen, John Stogdell Stokes, Thomas F. Branson, Frederic H. Strawbridge John M. Whitall, . Seth K. Gifford, Charles J. Rhoads, . J. Henry Scattergood, Isaac Sharpless, Morris E. Leeds, Johnathan M. Steere, Edward W. Evans, . Daniel Smiley, . L. Hollingsworth Wood, Albert L. Baily, Stanley Rhoads Yarnall Henry Cope, Willard E. Swift, . Henry M. Thomas, . William Wistar Comfort, T. Chalkley Palmer, Richard M. Gummere, Richard D. Wood, . Arthur H. Thomas, . William Aldrich Battey, Appoi nted Served until Apr. 10, 1871 Oct. 11, 1887 Apr. 10, 1871 Dec. 18, 1891 Apr. 8, 1872 Nov. 23, 1914 Apr. 8, 1872 Oct. 14, 1872 Oct. 14, 1872 Apr. 8, 1912 Oct. 14, 1872 Jan. 23, 1902 Oct. 13, 1873 June 2, 1876 Oct. 11, 1875 June 14, 1884 Oct. 9, 1876 Oct. 12, 1880 Oct. 8, 1878 Sept. 11. 1904 Oct. 12, 1880 Apr. 12, 1912 Oct. 12, 1880 May 19, 1916 Oct. 12, 1880 Oct. 14, 1890 Oct. 10, 1881 Apr. IS, 1887 Nov. 17, 1881 Oct. 24, 1884 Oct. 10, 1882 Dec. 5, 1884 Oct. 9, 1883 Mar. 27, 1911 Oct. 14, 1884 Oct. 24, 1884 Oct. 13, 1891 Jan. 9, 1885 Jan. 2, 1917 Jan. 9, 1885 Oct. 12, 1886 June 3, 1887 Nov. 20, 1905 Oct. 11, 1887 Oct. 14, 1890 Oct. 9, 1916 Oct. 12, 1891 Oct. 13, 1896 Oct. 13, 1891 Oct. 11, 1892 Jan. 19, 1906 Oct. 11, 1895 Nov. IS. 1907 Oct. 8, 1895 Oct. 13, 1896 Oct. 14, 1919 Oct. 12, 1897 Mar. 26, 1911 Oct. 12, 1897 June 19, 1917 Oct. 11, 1898 May 16, 1902 Oct. 11, 1904 Mar. 16, 1906 Mar. 16, 1906 Mar. 16, 1906 Mar. 20, 1908 Jan. 17, 1908 Jan. 16, 1920 Jan. 15, 1909 Oct. 11, 1910 Sept. 15, 1911 Sept. 15, 1911 Sept. 20, 1912 Sept. 20, 1912 Nov. 19, 1920 Nov. 23, 1914 May 19, 1916 Oct. 8, 1917 Oct. 11, 1921 Oct. 10, 1916 Mar. 16, 1917 Oct. 10, 1916 Oct. 17, 1919 Oct. 12, 1920 Jan. 21, 1921 Oct. 11. 1921 OFFICERS AND MANAGERS xvn Secretaries of the Board. Charles Yarnall, James Whitall, . Edward Battle, Jr., . John B. Garrett, Howard Comfort, Charles J. Rhoads, . J. Henry Scattergood, Morris E. Leeds, .ppointed Served until 1883 1867 1867 1877 1877 1883 1883 1884 1884 1908 .1909 1914 1915 1916 1916 Officers of the College Presidents. Appointed Name Ceased 1857 Joseph Gibbons Harlan, A.M., (Principal) 1857 Vacancy 1863 Samuel James Gummere, A.M 1874 1874 Thomas Chase, A.M., LL.D., LittD . . 1886 1886 Vacancy. 1887 Isaac Sharpless, Sc.D., LL.D 1917 1917 William W^istar Comfort, Ph.D., Litt.D., LL.D Principals and Superintendents.* 1833 Samuel Hilles 1834 1834 John Gummere, A.M 1838 1838 Isaac Davis 1839 1839 John Gummere, A.M 1843 1843 Daniel B. Smith 1845 Suspension. 1848 Lindley Murray Moore 1850 1850 Joseph Cartland 1853 1853 Jonathan Richards 1857 Deans. 1884 Isaac Sharpless, Sc.D., LL.D 1887 1890 Myron Reed Sanford, A.M 1893 1893 No Dean 1904 1904 Don C. Barrett, Ph.D 1908 1908 Frederic Palmer, Jr., Ph.D * Note: From 1833 to 1855 the titles Principal and Superintendent seem to have been interchangeable. Registrars. 1886 Myron Reed Sanford, A.M 1890 1894 James Addison Babbitt, A.M., M.D 1907 1907 Oscar Marshall Chase, S.M Superintendents. 1857 Joseph Jones . 1859 1859 Timothy Nicholson 1861 1861 William Foster Mitchell 1862 1864 William Wetherald 1866 1866 John Hoag Dillingham, A.M 1875 1875 Samuel Alsop, Jr., A.M 1878 1878 Nereus Mendenhall, M.D 1880 Assistant Superintendents. 1834 Benjamin F. Hardy 1837 1837 Benjamin Vail Marsh 1844 1860 Charles Atherton 1862 1869 Henry Wood, A.B 1870 1870 Oliver Goldsmith Owen, A.B 1871 1876 Thomas E. Taylor, A.B 1877 1877 James Franklin Davis, A.B 1879 OFFICERS OF THE COLLEGE XIX Prefects. Appointed Name Ceased 1878 Allen Clapp Thomas, A.M 1884 1897 William Henry Collins, A.M 1904 Librarians. 1859 Thomas Wistar, A.B 1861 1861 Charles Atherton 1862 1862 Thomas White Lamb, A.B 1862 1862 John W, Pinkham, A.B 1863 1863 Clement Lawrence Smith, A.M 1865 1865 John Hoag Dillingham, A.M 1875 1875 Samuel Alsop, Jr., A.M 1878 1878 Allen Clapp Thomas, A.M. (Consulting Librarian, 1914-1920) . 1914 1914 Helen Sharpless (Acting Librarian, 1914-1920) 1920 1920 Dean Putnam Lockwood, Ph.D Directors of the Observatory 1857 Joseph Gibbons Harlan, A.M 1857 1857 Hugh D. Vail, A.M 1858 1858 Moses C. Stevens 1862 1862 Samuel James Gummere, A.M 1874 1875 Samuel Alsop, Jr., A.M 1878 1878 Nereus Mendenhall, M.D. 1879 1879 Isaac Sharpless, Sc.D 1887 1887 Francis P. Leavenworth, A.M 1892 1892 William Henry Collins, A.M. 1904 Assistants in the Observatory. 1880 William Bishop, S.B 1881 1881 William Henry Collins, S.B 1882 1882 John Elihu Coffin, S.B 1883 1883 William Earl Morgan, A.M 1885 1885 Joseph Lybrand Markley, A.B 1886 1891 William Henry Collins, S.B 1892 Secretaries of the College. 1887 Jonathan Jones Comfort, A.B., M.D 1889 1889 Alison Wing Slocum, A.M 1890 1890 Jonathan Mowry Steere, A.B 1892 1892 Eugene Caryl Lewis . . . -.^ 1894 1894 Thomas Harvey Haines . . > 1896 1896 Alfred Sharpless Haines 1897 1897 Oscar Marshall Chase, S.M 1907 Superintendents of Grounds. 1904 William Henry Collins, A.M 1919 1919 Robert J. Johnston College Faculty Professors. Appointed Name Ceased 1856 Paul Swift, M.D., 1865 1856 Thomas Chase, A.M., Philology, . 1886 1856 Joseph Gibbons Harlan, Mathematics, 1857 1858 Moses C. Stevens, A.B., Mathematics, 1862 1862 Samuel James Gummere, A.M., Mathematics, 1874 1864 Edward Drinker Cope, A.M., Natural Sciences, 1867 1865 John Hoag Dillingham, A.M., Moral and Political Science, . . 1878 1867 Henry Hartshorne, A.M., M.D., Organic Sciences, .... 1871 1871 Pliny Earle Chase, A.M., LL.D., Natural Science and Philosophy, . 1886 1875 Isaac Sharpless, S.B., Sc.D., L.H.D., Mathematics; Chemistry; Astronomy; Ethics, 1917 1875 Samuel Alsop, Jr., A.M., Physics and Astronomy, .... 1878 1878 Allen Clapp Thomas, A.M., History and Political Science, . . 1914 1878 Nereus Mendenhall, M.D., Ethics and Astronomy, .... 1880 1879 Robert Bowne Warder, A.M., Chemistry and Physics, . . . 1880 1880 Lyman Beecher Hall, Ph.D., Chemistry and Physics .... 1917 1883 Edwin Davenport, A.M., Latin and Greek, 1886 1884 Henry Carvill Lewis, Geology, 1886 1884 Thomas Newlin, Zoology and Botany, 1886 1884 James Beatty, Jr., M.E., Engineering, 1886 1885 Seth Kelley Gifford, A.M., Ph.D., Greek, 1904 1886 James Rendel Harris, A.M., Ecclesiastical History, .... 1891 1886 Levi Talbot Edwards, A.M., Mechanics and Electricity, . . . 1905 1886 Myron Reed Sanford, A.M., Latin, 1893 1886 J. Playfair McMurrich, Ph.D., Biology, 1889 1887 William Coffin Ladd, A.M., French, 1901 1887 Francis Barton Gummere, English and German, . . . . . 1919 1888 Henry Crew, Ph.D., Physics, 1891 1889 Frank Morley, A.M., ScD., Mathematics, 1900 1889 Winfield Scott Hall, M.S., M.D., Biology and Physical Culture, . 1893 1893 Ernest William Brown, A.M. Sc.D., F.R.S., Mathematics, . . . 1907 1894 Wilfred P. Mustard, Ph.D., Latin, 1907 1902 Henry Sherring Pratt, Ph.D., David Scull Professor of Biology, 1904 Rufus Matthew Jones, Litt.D., LL.D., D.D., 1907 Don Carlos Barrett, Ph.D., Economics, 1907 Legh Wilber Reid, Ph.D., Mathematics 1909 Albert Elmer Hancock, Ph.D., English, 1914 1911 James Addison Babbitt, M.D., Hygiene and Physical Education, 1916 Frederic Palmer, Jr., Ph.D., Physics 1916 William Wilson Baker, Ph.D., Greek, 1917 1917 William Edward Lunt, Ph.D., English Constitutional History, . 1917 Elihu Grant, Ph.D., Biblical Literature, 1920 Rayner Wickersham Kelsey, Ph.D., History, 1920 Walter Swain Hinchman, A.M., Francis B. Gummere Professor of English, 1922 1921 Frank Dekker Watson, Ph.D., Sociology and Social Work, 1921 Leon Hawley Rittenhouse, M.E., Engineering, 1922 Dean Putnam Lockwood, Ph.D., Latin, . COLLEGE FACULTY XXI Associate Professors. Appointed Name Ceased 1897 Henry Sherring Pratt, Ph.D., Biology, (David Scull Foundation) . 1902 1901 Rufus Matthew Jones, A.M., Litt.D., Philosophy, 1904 1901 Don Carlos Barrett, Ph.D., Political Science, 1907 1901 Albert Elmer Hancock, Ph.D., English and German, .... 1909 1901 Legh Wilber Reid, Ph.D., Mathematics, 1907 1903 James Addison Babbitt, M.D., Physical Director, Physiology, . 1911 1904 William Wistar Comfort, Ph.D., Romance Languages, . . . 1909 1904 William Wilson Baker, Ph.D., Greek, 1916 1907 William Hartas Jackson, A.M., Mathematics, 1910 1909 Frederic Palmer, Jr., A.M., 1916 1909 Leon Hawley Rittenhouse, M.E., Mechanics and Electricity, . . 1921 1910 Richard Mott Gummere, Ph.D., Latin, 1918 1910 Alexander Guy Holborn Spiers, Ph.D., Romance Languages, . . 1916 1910 Albert Harris Wilson, S.M., Mathematics, 1911 Rayner Wickersham Kelsey, Ph.D., History, 1920 1914 Frank Dekker Watson, Ph.D., Social Work, 1921 1917 Henry Joel Cadbury, Biblical Literature 1919 1919 Dean Putnam Lockwood, Ph.D., Latin, 1922 1921 William Buell Meldrum, Ph.D., Chemistry, ' Assistant Professors. 1863 Clement Lawrence Smith, A.M., Classics and Mathematics, . . 1865 1867 Albert Ripley Leeds, A.B., Chemistry, 1867 1874 Ludovic Estes, A.B., Classics and Mathematics, 1875 1876 Thomas E. Taylor, 1877 1877 James Franklin Davis, A.B., Classics 1879 1880 Francis Greenleaf Allinson, Ph.D., Classics, 1882 1882 Seth Kelley Gifford, A.M., Greek and Latin, 1885 1915 Oscar Marshall Chase, Drawing, 1915 Thomas Kite Brown, Jr., A.M., German, 1919 1915 Henry Joel Cadbury, Ph.D., Biblical Literature, 1917 1915 William Otis Sawtelle, A.M., Physics, 1919 1915 Edward Douglas Snyder, Ph.D., English, 1916 Joseph Seronde, Ph.D., French, 1917 1917 William Buell Meldrum, Ph.D., Chemistry, 1921 1921 John Alexander Kelly, Ph.D., German, 1922 James McFadden Carpenter, Jr., Ph.D., Romance Languages . . 1922 Levi Arnold Post, M.A., Greek, Instructors. 1880 William Bishop, S.B., Mechanical Drawing, 1881 1880 Joseph Rhoads, Jr., A.B., Natural History, 1883 1881 Samuel Jacques Brun, S.B., French, 1882 1881 Alfred Greeley Ladd, A.M., Physical Culture, 1883 1881 Charles M. Burns, Jr., Drawing, 1884 1883 Charles Edward Gause, Jr., S.B., Mathematics, 1884 1883 Walter A. Ford, M.D., Physical Culture, 1889 1884 William Earl Morgan, A.M., Drawing, 1885 1885 Alphonse Van Daell, French, 1886 1886 Samuel Lepoids, Bach, es Lett., French 1887 1887 Frank Morey, A.M., Mathematics, 1889 1887 John Jones, A.M., Philosophy, 1888 1887 Robert William Rogers, A.B., Greek and Hebrew 1889 1888 Henry Crew, Ph.D., Physics, 1891 1889 Winfield Scott Hall, M.S., M.D., Biology, 1893 XXll HAVERFORD COLLEGE Appointed Name Ceased 1890 Lindley Murray Stevens, A.B., Mathematics, 1891 1890 John H. Bechtel, Elocution, 1892 1891 Ernest William Brown, A.M., Mathematics, 1893 1891 Joseph Osgood Thompson, Ph.D., Physics 1894 1891 George H. Bickford, A.B., English and Physical Training, . . 1892 1891 George Aaron Barton, A.M., Bible Languages 1893 1891 Robert S. DeBow, Ph.D., Philosophy, 1892 1892 Arthur L. Brainard, A.B., Latin and German, 1893 1892 William Draper Lewis, Ph.D., Political Science, 1896 1893 Wilfred P. Mustard, Ph.D., Latin, 1894 1893 Henry Sherring Pratt, Ph.D., Biology 1897 1893 Rufus Matthew Jones, A.M., Philosophy, 1901 1893 Emory R. Johnson, Ph.D., Economics, 1896 1893 James Addison Babbitt, A.M., M.D., Physical Training, . . . 1903 1895 Clarence Gilbert Hoag, A.B., English and German, .... 1896 1896 Roeliff Morton Breckenridge, Ph.D., Political Science, . . . 1897 1896 Arthur C. L. Brown, A.M. English, 1898 1897 Oscar Marshall Chase, S.M., Mechanical Drawing, .... 1915 1897 Don Carlos Barrett, A.M., Political Science and History, . . . 1901 1897 Frank E. Farley, Ph.D., English and German, 1898 1897 William Wistar Comfort, A.M., French and German, . . . 1904 1898 Albert Elmer Hancock, Ph.D., English and German 1901 1898 Martin Bell Stubbs, Ph.D., Chemistry and Physics, .... 1899 1899 Gregory Paul Baxter, Ph.D., Chemistry, . . . . . . . 1900 1899 Frederick A. Saunders, Ph.D., Physics, 1901 1899 Herman L. Ebeling, Ph.D., Latin, 1900 1901 Herman L. Ebeling, Ph.D., Latin, 1902 1901 Edward Rhoads, Ph.D., Physics 1903 1901 John Darlington Carter, A.M., Chemistry, 1903 1902 R. Myron Strong, Ph.D., Biology, 1903 1903 George Flowers Stradling, Ph.D., Physcs 1904 1903 James Warner Harry, Ph.D . . 1904 1904 Frederic Palmer, Jr., A.M., Physics and Astronomy, .... 1909 1905 Leon Hawley Rittenhouse, M.E., Mechanics and Electricity, . . 1909 1906 Alpheus Wilson Smith, Ph.D., Physics 1907 1907 Richard Mott Gummere, Ph.D., Latin, 1910 1907 Thomas Kite Brown, Jr., A.M., German, 1915 1907 Walter Mann Mitchell, Ph.D., Astronomy, 1909 1908 Fletcher Barker Coffin, A.M., Chemistry, 1909 1909 Alexander Guy Holborn Spiers, Ph.D., Romance Languages, . . 1910 1909 Rayner Wickersham Kelsey, Ph.D., History, 1911 1909 Clarence Elnathan Norris, A.M., German, 1912 1910 Henry Joel Cadbury, A.M., Greek, 1915 1910 Paul Givler, Ph.D., Biology, 1910 1910 Alfred Loranus Atwood, A.B., Physical Training, .... 1912 1911 Joseph Eugene Rowe, Ph.D., Mathematics, 1812 1911 Joseph Haines Price, A.B., English, 1912 1912 Robert Roy Chamberlain, A.B., Physics, 1913 1913 Victor Oscar Freeburg, A.M., English, 1915 1913 William Otis Sawtelle, A.M., Physics, 1915 1916 Charles Harold Livingston, A.M., French, 1917 1916 Charles Harlan Abbott, A.M.. Biology, 1917 1917 Walter Elwood Vail, A.M., Chemistry, 1918 1917 James McFadden Carpenter, Jr., A.M., Romance Languages, . . 1922 1917 Levi Arnold Post, A.M., B.A., Romance Languages and Greek, . 1922 1917 Ralph Vanderwort Bangham, A.M., Biology, 1918 1917 Albert Winslow Barker, A.B., Greek, 1918 1917 Donald Galbraith Baird, A.M., English, . 1917 COLLEGE FACULTY XXUl Appointed Name Ceased 1919 Abraham Henwood, Sc.D., Chemistry, 1919 1919 Arthur Walker Bull, B. Chem., Chemistry 1920 1919 Walter Alinerian Hildreth, A.M., German 1920 1919 Elmer Lentz Shaffer, A.M., Biology, 1920 1920 John Alexander Kelly, Ph.D., German, 1921 Lecturers. 1871 Edward Drinker Cope, A.M., Zoology, 1874 1875 Edward Drinker Cope, A.M., 1878 1877 Joseph Thomas, A.M., M.D., History, 1879 1883 Henry Carvill Lewis, A.M., Geology, 1884 1886 James Wood, A.M., American History, 1887 1887 Albert Sidney Bolles, Ph.D., Political Science, 1888 1892 Alden Sampson, A.M., Fine Arts, 1893 1893 George Aaron Barton, Ph.D., Bible Languages, 1895 1897 Albert Sidney Bolles, Ph.D., Commercial Law and Banking . 1904 Alfred Cope Garrett, Ph.D., Biblical Literature, 1908 1908 Felix Emmanuel Schelling, Ph.D., Litt.D., English, .... 1909 1920 John Saeger Bradway, A.M., LL.B., Business Law, .... 1921 Tutors. 1856 George H. Stuart, A.B., Classics, 1858 1858 Thomas Wistar, A.B., Classics and History, 1861 1861 Thomas White Lamb, A.B., Classics and History, 1862 1862 John W. Pinkham, A.B., Classics and Mathematics, .... 1863 1869 Henry Wood, A.B 1870 1870 Oliver Goldsmith Owen, A.B., Classics and Ethics 1871 Teachers. 1833 Daniel B. Smith, Moral Philosophy and English 1845 1833 John Gummere, A.M., Mathematics 1843 1833 Joseph Thomas, A.M., M.D., Latin and Greek, 1834 1834 William Dennis, Classics, 1840 1835 Samuel James Gummere, Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, . 1840 1835 Benjamin H. Deacon, Preparatory Department, 1835 1843 Henry D. Gregory, Classics, 1845 1843 Joseph W. Aldrich, Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, . . 1845 1848 Lindley Murray Moore, 1850 1848 Hugh D. Vail, Mathematics 1852 1848 Joseph W. Aldrich, Classics, 1853 1851 Albert K. Smiley, English Literature and Chemistry, .... 1853 1851 Alfred Homans Smiley, Philosophy and Geology, 1853 1852 Joseph Thomas, A.M., M.D., Elocution, 1853 1853 William Augustus Reynolds, Classics, 1855 1853 Joseph Gibbons Harlan, Mathematics, 1856 1853 Paul Smith, M.D., English and Natural Science, 1856 1854 Henry S. Schell, Drawing, 1855 1855 Jesse S. Cheyney, Introductory Department 1855 1855 Thomas Chase, A.M., Classics 1856 1855 Timothy Nicholson, Introductory Department, 1856 1856 John Kern, Drawing, 1859 1860 Lucien Crepon, Drawing, 1860 1860 John B. Wilson, Drawing, 1865 1860 Charles Atherton, Elocution, . 1861 Xxiv HAVERFORD COLLEGE Assistant Teachers. Appointed Name Ceased 1833 John Collins, Drawing and Classics, 1835 1834 William Gummere, English and Classics, . . . . . . 1838 1834 Samuel James Gummere, Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, . 1835 1836 Andrew Comstock, Elocution, 1837 1840 G. Pasaderian De Theligny, French, 1841 1844 William S. Hilles, 1845 1845 James M. Price, Classics, 1845 1845 Charles M. Allen, Mathematics, 1845 1849 Albert K. Smiley, English Literature and Chemistry, .... 1851 1849 Alfred Romans Smiley, Mental and Moral Philosophy, . . . 1851 1850 Dougan Clark, Introductory Department, 1850 1850 Zaccheus Test, Introductory Department, 1853 1851 Stephen Roberts, A.B 1851 1851 Franklin Enoch Paige, Mathematics, 1853 1852 Jonathan Jones Comfort, Introductory Department, .... 1853 1853 John R. Hubbard, Classics, 1854 1853 John F. Rowell, Introductory Department, 1853 1854 Thomas Heaton Burgess, Introductory Department, .... 1855 1855 Cyrus Mendenhall, Introductory Department 1856 OFFICERS Alumni Association WITH THE YEARS OF THEIR ELECTION Year President 1856 Thomas F. Cock, M.D. 1857 Benjamin V. Marsh. 1858 Francis R. Cope. 1859 Francis R. Cope. 1860 Francis T. King. 1861 Francis T. King. 1862 Thomas P. Cope. 1863 Francis T. King. 1864 Robt. Lindley Murray. 1865 Robt. Lindley Murray. 1866 Robt. Lindley Murray. 1867 Jas. Carey Thomas, M.D. 1868 Henry Hartshorne, M.D. 1869 Henry Hartshorne, M.D, 1870 Henry Hartshorne, M.D. 1871 Charles Hartshorne. 1872 Charles Hartshorne. 1873 Benjamin V. Marsh. 1874 David Scull, Jr. 1875 David Scull, Jr. 1876 Philip C. Garrett. 1877 Philip C. Garrett. 1878 Isaac F. Wood. 1879 John B. Garrett. 1880 John B. Garrett. 1881 Joseph Parrish. 1882 Henry Hartshorne, M.D. 1883 Henry Hartshorne, M.D. 1884 Howard Comfort. 1885 Howard Comfort. 1886 Charles Roberts. 1887 Charles Roberts. 1888 James J. Levick, M.D. 1889 James J. Levick, M.D. 1890 Francis B. Gummere. 1891 Francis B. Gummere. 1892 Francis B. Gummere. 1893 Francis K. Carey. 1894 John C. Winston. 1895 John C. Winston. 1896 William Draper Lewis. 1897 William Draper Lewis. 1898 Edward P. Allinson. 1899 Edward P. Allinson, Secretary Robert Bowne. David Scull, Jr. David Scull, Jr. John B. Garrett. John B. Garrett. John B. Garrett. John B. Garrett. John B. Garrett. Barthol. W. Beesley. Barthol. W. Beesley. Edward Rhoads, M.D. Edward Rhoads, M.D. Edward L. Scull. Edward L. Scull. Henry Bettle. Henry Bettle. Walter Wood. Walter Wood. Walter Wood. Walter Wood. Walter Wood. Walter Wood. Walter Wood. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan el B. Crenshaw, el B. Crenshaw, el B. Crenshaw, el B. Crenshaw, el B. Crenshaw, el B. Crenshaw, el B. Crenshaw, el B. Crenshaw, el B. Crenshaw, el B. Crenshaw, el B. Crenshaw. Treasurer Edmund A. Crenshaw. Henry H. G. Sharpless. John S. Hilles. John S. Hilles. John S. Hilles. John S. Hilles. John S. Hilles. Edward R. Wood. Edward R. Wood. Edward R. Wood. Charles Roberts. Charles Roberts. Charles Roberts. Charles Roberts. Thomas K. Longstreth. Howard Comfort. Howard Comfort. Howard Comfort. Reuben Haines. Reuben Haines. Reuben Haines. Reuben Haines. Reuben Haines. Thomas K. Longstreth. Thomas K. Longstreth. Thomas K. Longstreth. Thomas K. Longstreth. Benjamin H. Lowry. Benjamin H. Lowry. Benjamin H. Lowry. Samuel Mason. Samuel Mason. Samuel Mason. Samuel Mason. Samuel Mason. Samuel Mason. Henrv Cope. Walter P. Shiplev. Walter P. Shipley. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. XXVI HAVERFORD COLLEGE Year President 1900 Edward P, Allinson. 1901 Nathaniel B. Crenshaw 1902 Nathaniel B. Crenshaw 1903 William M. Coates. 1904 Rufus M, Jones. 1905 Rufus M. Jones. 1906 Frederic H. Strawbridge. 1907 Frederic H. Strawbridge. 1908 James Wood. 1909 Joseph W. Sharp, Jr. 1910 Edward Battle, Jr. 1911 Alfred C. Garrett. 1912 Parker S. Williams. 1913 Henry Cope. 1914 Charles J. Rhoads. 1915 Charles J. Rhoads. 1916 William W. Comfort. 1917 Alfred M. Collins. 1918 Walter C. Janney. 1919 Walter C. Janney. 1920 J. Stogdell Stokes. 1921 J. Stogdell Stokes. 1922 Alfred M. Collins. Secretary Nathaniel B. Crenshaw. Charles J. Rhoads. Charles J. Rhoads. Charles J. Rhoads. Charles J. Rhoads. Charles J. Rhoads. Charles J. Rhoads. Charles J. Rhoads. Edward W. Evans. Edward W. Evans. Edward W. Evans. Edward W. Evans. Joseph H. Haines. Joseph H. Haines. Joseph H. Haines. Joseph H. Haines. Joseph H. Haines. Joseph H. Haines. H. Norman Thorn. H. Norman Thorn. Joseph H. Haines. Albert E. Rogers. Albert E. Rogers. Treasurer Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Alfred G. Scattergood. Alfred G. Scattergood. Alfred G. Scattergood. Emmett R. Tatnall. Emmett R. Tatnall. Emmett R. Tatnall. Emmett R. Tatnall. Emmett R. Tatnall. William H. Haines, Jr. William H. Haines, Jr. William H. Haines, Jr. William H. Haines, Jr. William H. Haines, Jr. ORATORS, POETS AND PRIZE-WINNERS Alumni Association Year 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 Orators Poets Isaac S. Serrill. Henry Hartshorne, M.D. Charles Taber. James J. Levick, M.D. Richard Wood. Franklin E. Paige. Zaccheus Test, M.D. Jas. Carey Thomas, M.D.Henry Hartshorne, M.D. Edward R. Wood. Undergraduate Prize- Winners Edward Rhoads, M.D. Joseph G. Pinkham. Joseph Parrish. Edward Rhoads, M.D. Lloyd P. Smith. Henry Bettle. Robert B. Taber. Samuel C. Collins. Charles E. Pratt. Clement L. Smith. Jos. G. Pinkham. Allen C. Thomas. Richard M. Jones. Francis B. Gummere. Joseph K. Murray. Nereus Mendenhall, M.D Philip C. Garrett. Henry Wood. (No oration.) John B. Garrett. James Tyson, M.D. Francis G. Allinson. Alden Sampson. Robert H. Chase, M.D. Morris Longstreth, M.D. George G. Mercer. Edward P. Allinson. Benjamin H. Lowry. Thomas K. Worthington Alfred C. Garrett. Bond V. Thomas. William Draper Lewis. Rufus M. Jones. Howell S. England. William B. Broomall. Barker Newhall. Parker S. Williams. Walter Morris Hart. (No oration.) William W. Comfort. Allen C. Thomas. Joseph Parrish. Charles E. Pratt. Francis B. Gummere. Roberts Vaux. Francis B. Gummere. R. Henry Holme. Francis K. Carey. John H. Gifford. Josiah P. Edwards. Henry Hartshorne, M.D. Charles E. Gause. John C. Winston. Wilmot R. Jones. Charles R. Jacob. Augustus T. Murray. William S. Hilles. Henry H. Goddard. William H. Futrell. Howell S. England. Edward M. Angell. Henry L. Gilbert. David H. Blair. Clarence G. Hoag. Eugene M. Westcott. Edmund Blanchard, Jr. Homer J. Wtebster. Milton Clausen Elliot Field. Arthur Clement Wild. William John Bawden. Howard V. Bullinger. W. P. Philips. Edgar H. Boles. Charles W. Davis XXVIU HAVERFORD COLLEGE Year 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 Orators (No oration.) Wilmot R, Jones, Francis R. Cope, Jr. (No oration.) Poets Undergraduate Prize-Winners Bernard Lester. Chester J. Teller. Harold Evans. Ira J. Dodge. J. P. Elkinton. Walter C. Sandt. Ralph R. Else. Richard J. M. Hobbs. Mark Balderston. Oliver M. Porter. Carroll D. Champlin. Wilmar M. Allen. Ulric J. Mengert. (No contest.) (No contest.) (No contest.) f Clarence J. Leuba. I Christopher Roberts. f Edmund G. Hauff. I M. Huyette Sangree. f Nelson A. White. I Hal G. Farrar. MATRICULATES 1835 Non-Graduate fBurson, David Stroud. Entered Junior Class 1834 and left before graduation 1835. Studied medicine at Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, O. Teacher 16 years. b. Stroudsburg, Pa., April 5, 1816. d. Richmond, Ind., April 3, 1911. s. Edward Burson, M.D., and Jemima Stroud, m. Waynesville, O., August 1, 1838, Margaret Evans. 1836 fCock, Thomas Ferris, A.M., LL.D. (Hon.) 1883. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1838.) Entered Junior Class 1834. The First Graduate of Haver ford. Studied medicine at Columbia College, New York City, and at University of Pennsylvania. Physician. Consulting Physician New York Hospital, Bellevue Woman's Hospital, Woman's In- firmary, etc. Member of numerous Medical Societies. b. New York City, July 1, 1819. d. New York City, June — , 1896. s. Thomas Cock, M.D. (Manager, 1830-50), and Elizabeth Ferris, m. (1) Ann Augusta Wood; (2) Mrs. Louise de Forest. fWalton, Joseph. Entered 1833, being No. 17 of the 21 present on the opening day. Teacher of Latin, Westtown School ; printer ; surveyor ; dealer in furniture. Sixteen years Clerk of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1881-97; Clerk of the Meeting for Sufferings. Editor of The Friend, Philadelphia, 1879-98. Compiler or author of the following: "Brief Biographies of Some Members of the Society of Friends;" "Foot-Prints and Way-Marks for the Help of the Christian Traveler;" "Incidents and Reflections, Containing Illus- trations of Religious Truth ;" "Some of the Doctrines of the Christian Religion as Held by the Society of Friends, extracted from the Writings of William Penn;" "Memoirs of John S. Stokes;" "Incidents Concerning the Society of Friends." b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 3, 1817. d. Moorestown, N. J., February 10, 1898. s. Joseph Walton and Abi Kite. m. Decem- ber 23, 1858, Lydia Lippincott. f Deceased. 1 2 haverford college [1836 Non-Graduates •fBarnes, Jonathan B. Entered 1833, left 1834. b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1817. d. Philadelphia, Pa., . s. Samuel Barnes and Rebecca . m. Hannah Brown, of Falls- ington. Pa. fGummere, William. Entered 1833, No. 12 of the 21 who were present on the opening day. Pursued a partial course. Instructor in English and Classics, Haverford, 1834-38. Entered service of United States Bank, Philadelphia, 1838; Bank of the Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, Pa., 1842; Cashier, 1855-74; President, 1874-90; President Emeritus, 1890. b. Westtown, Pa., January 29, 1814. d. Burlington, N. J., June 14, 1897. s. John Gummere and Elizabeth Buzby. m. April 10, 1845, Martha Moore Morris. fMendenhall, Cyrus. Entered Junior Class 1834 and left at close p-f the year. Fur trader among the Indians in the Lake Superior country; miner of copper ; launched the first vessel, the "Algonquin," on Lake Superior, moving it in winter on rollers over the line of the present ship canal of Sault Ste. Marie. Member of Ohio House of Representatives, 1856-58 ; Chairman of Committee on State Penitentiary ; drafter of law forbidding infliction of corporal pun- ishment on any prisoners ; instituted the plan by which a prisoner might, by good behavior, reduce the time for which he was sen- tenced (probably the first law of the kind in the United States) ; miner of iron ore and dealer in iron. b. East Fairfield, Columbiana County, O., November 3, 1810. d. Oskaloosa, la., February, 1877. s. Aaron Mendenhall and Lydia Richardson, m. (1) September 20, 1836, Esther Rundle; (2) at Mt. Pleasant, O., April 27, 1848, Anna T. Updegraff ; (3) at Philadelphia, June, 1863, Phebe E. Howell. fParsons, Samuel Bowne. Entered 1833, being No. 10 of the 21 students present on the opening day. Left 1835. Nurseryman and florist. Published "Book of the Rose ;" a volume of poems ; various horticultural addresses. b. Flushing, N. Y., February 16, 1819. d. . s. Samuel Parsons and Mary Bowne. m. (1) 1842, Susan Howland; (2) 1858, Elizabeth Butterworth. 1837] MATRICULATE CATALOG 3 fRichardson, John D. Entered Junior Class 1834 and left at close of the year, b. Bucks County, Pa., January 24, 1815. d. July 27, 1842. s. Joseph Richardson and Mary Dixon, of Middletown. fSheppard, Clarkson. Entered Sophomore Class 1833, being No. 16 of the 21 present on the opening day. Left during Junior year, 1835. School teacher for 20 years; Minister of the Society of Friends; Clerk of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1877-81. b. Greenwich, N. J., April 7, 1813. d. Media, Pa., October 4, 1895. s. John Sheppard and Mary Miller, m. (1) September 5, 1843, Anne Garrett; (2) May 22, 1856, Lydia Warrington. 1837 fLongstreth, William Collins. Entered Sophomore Class 1834. Farmer; Treasurer, Elmira & Williamsport Railroad Company; Vice-President, Provident Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 15 years. Manager of Haverford College, 1864-81. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 12, 1821. d. Philadelphia, Pa., April 25, 1881. s. Isaac Longstreth and Mary Collins, m. Novem- ber 16, 1848, Abby Ann Taylor. fMarsh, Benjamin Vail. Entered Junior Class 1836. Assistant Superintendent, Haverford, 1837-44; teacher; dry goods merchant. Manager, Haverford College, 1860-82; Presi- dent of Alumni Association, 1857, 1873. Published a monograph on Luminosity of Meteors. b. Rahway, N. J., 1820. d. Burlington, N. J., 1882. s. Abel Marsh and Christiana Vail. m. Burlington, N. J., October 16, 1851, Frances Gummere. fMurray, Lindley. Entered 1833. Wholesale druggist; editor of Literary Periodical; President of Fire Insurance Company; Real Estate Agent. b. New York City, January 11, 1821. d. New York City, March 11, 1897. s. Lindley Murray and Eliza Cheeseman. m. May 22, 1843, Fanny Russell Talman. fMurray, David Golden. Entered 1834. Shipping merchant. Secretary New York Hospital. 4 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1837 b. New York City, — . d. New York City, September, 1885. s. Robert I. Murray and Elizabeth Colden. m. Mary Sherwood. fParsons, Robert Bowne. Entered Sophomore Class 1834. Nurseryman and florist. b. Flushing, N. Y., February 14, 1817. d. Newtown, L. I., N. Y., November 15, 1898; run over by railroad train, s. Samuel Parsons and Mary Bowne. m. August 18, 1857, Mary E. Mitchell. fPennock, Joseph Liddon. Entered 1833, being No. 6 of the 21 present on the opening day. Florist. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 22, 1819. d. Jacksonville, Fla., November 18, 1870. s. Abraham Liddon Pennock and Elizabeth Sellers, m. December 15, 1847, Lydia Ann Eldridge. fSharpIess, Charles Leeds. Entered 1833, being No. 11 of the 21 present on the opening day. Dry goods merchant, b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 18, 1821. d. Montgomery County, Pa., July 1, 1882. s. Townsend Sharpless (Manager 1841-63) and Mary B. Jones, m. October 1, 1844, Anna R. Williams. fSmith, Lloyd Pearsall, A.M., 1869. Entered Sophomore Class 1834. Alumni Orator 1868. Librarian of the Library Company of Philadelphia. Author of "Classification of Books," 1882; "Symbolism and Science," 1885; "A Bibliography of that Ancient and Honorable Order, 'The So- ciety of the Cincinnati,' " 1885 ; "An Address in Philadelphia," 1869; "Joint and Separate Answer of Thomas J. Crain and Lloyd P. Smith to the Bill of Complaint of William A. Coit," 1880; "Remarks on the Apology for Imperial Usurpation Contained in Napoleon's Life of Caesar," 1865 ; speech at the Inauguration of the New Hall of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1884. Member of Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Association of Librarians. In Pennsylvania Vols., September, 1862; a member of the Emergency Corps of the Third Pennsylvania Reserves dur- ing the Gettysburg campaign. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 6, 1822. d. Germantown, July 2, 1886. s. John Jay Smith and Rachel Collins Pearsall. m. October 13, 1844, Hannah E. Jones. 1837] MATRICULATE CATALOG 5 fWistar, Bartholomew Wyatt. Entered 1833, being No. 1 of the 21 present on the opening day. Dry goods business. b. New Albion, N. J., July 12, 1818. d. Philadelphia, Pa., Oc- tober 23, 1869. s. Bartholomew Wistar and Susan Newbold Lawrie. m. November 11, 1841, Annabella Elliott Cresson. Non-Graduates fBaker, Isaac S. Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., Senior Class 1836 and left 1837, having pursued a partial course, b. , 1816. Could not be traced, but supposed to be dead. fCanby, Roberts, afterwards Roberts M. Canby. Entered 1833, and left the same year. No. 19 of the 21 stu- dents present on the opening day. b. Wilmington, Del., April 7, 1819. d. Wilmington, Del., Sep- tember 25, 1854. s. James Canby and Elizabeth Roberts. fColIins, Alfred Morris. Entered 1833, being No. 3 of the 21 students present on the opening day. Left during Junior year, 1836. Manufacturer of carpets; manufacturer of cardboards; Secre- tary of Board of Managers of House of Refuge, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Director of Philadelphia National Bank ; connected with sev- eral charitable societies. b. New York City, January 11, 1820. d. Philadelphia, May 26, 1895. s. Isaac Collins and Margaret Morris, m. Novemter 22, 1843, Hannah R. Evans. fCollins, Henry Hill. Entered 1833, being No. 2 of the 21 present on opening day. Left 1835. b. February 3, 1818. d. Philadelphia, Pa., July 20, 1840. s. Isaac Collins and Margaret Morris. fCollins, Thomas Abbott. Entered Sophomore Class 1834 and left 1836. Farmer. b. Burlington, N. J., June 11, 1819. d. November 27, 1840. s. Thomas Collins and Ann Abbott. fEvernghim, Henry. Entered Sophomore Class 1834 and left 1835. b. , Skaneateles, N. Y. d. . s. James Evernghim and Avis Mott. 6 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1837 fFell, Jonathan W., (M.D.) Entered Sophomore Class 1834 and left 1837. Physician. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 5, 1816. d. Faulkland, Del, May 30, 1868. s. Jonatlian Fell and Rebecca Jenks. fFisher, Lindley. Entered Junior Class 1835 and pursued a partial course. Left 1837. b. near Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., October 20, 1818. d. February 3, 1852. s. William Logan Fisher and Sarah Lindley. fHacker, Henry Marriott. Entered Sophomore Class 1834 and left 1835. b. Salem, Mass., October 27, 1817. d. Lynn, Mass., April 10, 1881. s. William Estes Hacker and Nancy Shove, m. (1) Oc- tober 15, 1843, Lucy J. Breed; (2) November 17, 1847, Katherine J. Breed. fHowell, Arthur Holton. Entered 1833 and left 1834. Leather merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 8, 1818. d. Philadelphia, Pa., April 5, 1877. s. Joseph Howell and Sarah Richie, m. April 27, 1847, Annie B. Ruffner. fHulme, Samuel. Entered Sophomore Class 1834 and left 1835. b. Bristol, Bucks County, Pa., September 11, 1818. d. Phila- delphia, Pa., July 27, 1895. s. Samuel Hulme and Mary Richard- son, m. May 11, 1843, Rachel S. Kirkbride. fJones, Charles. Entered Junior Class 1835 and left 1836. Private tutor for several years ; head of private school, Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, for several years ; principal Friends' Select School, Philadelphia, 12 years ; merchant for a number of years. Retired. b. Cheltenham, Pa., March 18, 1817. d. May 30, 1902. s. John Jones and Mary Shoemaker, m. July 22, 1852, Ann Megarge. fJones, Samuel Howell. Entered 1833 and left 1834. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 30, 1818. d. January 27, 1883. s. Benjamin Jones and Mary Howell, m. (1) 1848, Lydia H. Bishop; (2) 1862, Eliza Kate Jacob. 1837] MATRICULATE CATALOG 7 fKing, Francis Thompson. Entered 1833, being No. 18 of the 21 present on opening day. Left 1834. Merchant; banker; Director, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Com- pany; President, Central Savings Bank, Baltimore; member Balti- more City Water Board ; President, Thomas Wilson Sanitarium ; Director, Samuel Ready Orphan Asylum; President, Maryland Bible Society ; Clerk, Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1859- 85; Manager of Haverford College, 1850-57, 1871-91; President, Alumni Association, 1860, 1861, 1863; Trustee, Bryn Mawr Col- lege, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1880-91 ; First President of Trustees of same, 1880-91 ; Original Trustee, Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Hospital, and President of Trustees of the latter. b. Baltimore, Md., February 25, 1819. d. Baltimore, Md., De- cember 18, 1891. m. New Bedford, Mass., January 8, 1846, Elizabeth G. Taber. fLewis, John Howard. Entered 1833, being one of the 21 present on the opening day. Paper manufacturer; fox hunter. b. Delaware County, Pa., February 3, 1816. d. Media, Pa., April 24, 1907. s. John Lewis and Elizabeth Crozer. m. Malvina H. Irwin. fLippincott, James Starr. Entered Sophomore Class 1834 and left 1835. Teacher. Experimenter in Scientific Farming, 1856-68. Dele- gate to World's Peace Conference, Frankfort, Germany, 1850; Editor American Revision of Chambers's "Encyclopsedia," 1870- 71 ; author of many essays in Reports United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, and many essays on agricul- tural subjects in various periodicals. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 12, 1819. d. Greenwich, N. J., March 17, 1885. s. John Lippincott and Sarah West Starr, m. (1) 1857, Susan Haworth Ecroyd; (2) 1881, Anne E. Sheppard. fLogan, John Dickinson. (M.D., Univ. of Pa.) Entered 1833, being No. 21 of the 21 students present on the opening day. Pursued a partial course and left at close of Senior year without graduating. Studied medicine at University of Pennsylvania. Physician. b. June 21, 1817. d. Baltimore, Md., April 25, 1881. s. Al- banus Charles Logan and Maria Dickinson, m. April 28, 1846, Susan Wister. 8 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1837 fOsborne, Charles. Entered 1836 and left 1837, during Senior year. Banker; accountant. b. Smithfield, R. I., October 26, 1818. d. Vassalboro, Me., April 19, 1891. s. John Osborne and Elizabeth Allen, m. July 1, 1846, Louisa L. Lang. fSerrill, Isaac S. Entered Sophomore Class 1834 and left during the Senior year, having pursued a partial course. Prominent in the reorganization of the institution after its temporary suspension in 1845. Orator at the meeting of old stu- dents at Haverford in 1846; subject, "Haverford Revisited" (see Haverford History, 1892, pp. 168-175) ; Member of Committee to organize Alumni Association, 1856; Alumni Orator, 1857. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 12, 1819. d. 1859. s. Pearson Serrill and Rachel Starr. fSmith, Dillwyn. Entered 1833, being No. 7 of the 21 present on the opening day. Left at close of Sophomore year. b. Burlington, N. J., April 2, 1818. d. Medford, N. J., Septem- ber 10, 1891. s. Richard Morris Smith and Susanna R. Collins, m. July 6, 1848, Elizabeth M. Morris. fTatnall, Edward. Entered 1833, being No. 20 of the 21 present on the opening day. Left at close of Junior year on account of ill health. Clerk in mill ; farmer ; inventor and first manufacturer of parlor matches; nurseryman and florist; Superintendent of Public Parks in Wilmington, Del., 1888-93. b. Wilmington, Del., September 30, 1818. d. Wilmington, Del., May 31, 1898. s. Edward Tatnall and Margery Paxson. m. Sep- tember 12, 1844, Rachel R. Webb. fThurston, William Richardson, Jr. Entered Sophomore Class 1834; left 1835. Wholesale druggist; Manager of Haverford College, 1871-95. b. New York, May 14, 1817. d. October 10, 1895. s. William Richardson Thurston and Mary Seaman, m. November 9, 1842, Jane Ridley Day. fYarnall, William. Entered 1833, being No. 8 of the 21 present on the opening day. Left 1835. Hardware merchant. Retired. 1838] MATRICULATE CATALOG 9 b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 18, 1819. d. West Philadelphia, Pa., December 30, 1903. s. Benjamin Hornor Yarnall and Eliza- beth Coffin, m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 23, 1844, Elizabeth Moore Massey. 1838 .- fElliott, John. Entered 1834. Farmer, b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 10, 1820. d. Near Santa Cruz, Cal., 1892. s. Daniel Elliott and Lydia Richards. fEmlen, James Valentine. (M.D., Univ. of Pa.) Entered Sophomore Class 1835. Physician. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 21, 1820. d. Philadelphia, Pa., 1880. s. Samuel Emlen, M.D., and Beulah Sansom Valentine, m. Ann Armour. N N -Graduates fBishop, John. Entered Introductory Department 1833 and left 1837, during Junior year. Merchant. b. Columbus, N. J., March 16, 1820. d. Trenton, N. J., August 1, 1900. s. John Bishop and Ann Black, m. (1) Rebecca Field Biddle; (2) September 9, 1896, Mary James Bowen (Cropper). fClapp, Isaac Hicks. Entered 1834 and left during Senior year. Merchant. Lawyer. b. New York City, July 28, 1820. d. New York City, Novem- ber 21, 1852. s. John Clapp and Phebe Hicks. fCoIlins, John. Entered Sophomore Class 1833 and left 1835. First Secretary and one of the founders of the Loganian. Teacher in Introductory Department, Haverford (Drawing and the Classics), 1833-35; Teacher in Private Schools in Philadelphia, Pa., and Burlington, N. J.; Principal of Schools, Mt. Holly and Bordentown, N. J. ; Teacher of Penmanship, Burlington College, Burlington, N. J. ; Township Superintendent of Public Schools, Burlington, 1857; Principal of William Forster Home and School, Friendsville, Tenn. Retired. Author of "The Art of Engrav- ing;" "Voices of the Dumb Creation;" "1970, a Vision of the 10 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1838 Coming Age;" numerous poetical and other contributions to vari- ous periodicals; author "The ColHns Book;" executed several views of Haver ford College (see History of Haver ford College, p. 56), etc.; Vice-President, Universal Peace Union; Honorary Member, Delavi^are County Institute. b. New York City, March 15, 1814. d. Philadelphia, Pa., De- cember 17, 1902. s. Thomas Collins and Ann Abbott, m. Feb- ruary 10, 1839, Anna Baily. fCromwell, Henry. Entered 1835 and left 1836. Merchant. b. New York City, 1818. d. New York City, October 25, 1884. s. Daniel Cromwell and Elizabeth Townsend. m. 1845, Sarah M. Bovnie. fDavis, Richard Wistar. Entered Introductory Department 1833 and left at close of Junior year, 1838. Druggist. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 11, 1820. d. Philadelphia, Pa., March 31, 1852. s. Isaac Davis (Manager, 1830-38; Superin- tendent, 1838-39) and Mary Wistar. fGummere, Barker. (LL.D., Princeton.) Entered 1835 ; left at close of Junior year, 1835. Lawyer; Clerk of Court of Chancery, State of New Jersey, 1860-70. b. Burlington, N. J., October 16, 1822. d. Trenton, N. J., April 21, 1895. s. Samuel R. Gummere and Elizabeth Drinker Barker. m. March 24, 1846, Elizabeth C. Stryker. fGummere, John Griscom. Entered 1835 and left at close of Junior year, 1838. Manufacturer of paper ; afterwards in employ of Adams Ex- press Company. b. Burlington, N. J., August 17, 1817. d. Burlington, N. J., January 24, 1899. s. John Gummere (Professor Mathematics, 1833-43; Superintendent, 1834-38, Haver ford) and Elizabeth Buzby. fHacker, Edward. Entered 1834; left during Freshman year. b. Salem, Mass., July 2, 1820. d. Philadelphia, Pa., March 9, 1835. s. William Estes Hacker and Nancy Shove. 1838] MATRICULATE CATALOG 11 fHaines, John Smith. Entered 1833; left 1838. Manager, 1869-79. Member Academy Natural Sciences, b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 4, 1820. d. Philadelphia, Pa., 1886. s. Reuben Haines and Jane Bowne. m. 1850, Mary Drinker Cope. fHowell, Joseph Kirkbridge. Entered 1834 ; left 1834. Merchant; 31 years Clerk of County Prison. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 27, 1819. d. February 24, 1887. s. Asher Mott Howell and Harriet Kirkbride. m. (1) November 24, 1841, Elizabeth Gillingham Simmons; (2) June 10, 1875, Elizabeth Reynolds Cochran. fHowell, William Hudson. Entered 1834; left 1836. Farmer, 1841-46; dry goods merchant, 1847-64; member of shipping transportation firm of William Clyde & Co., 1864-72; genealogist; compiled Family Charts of Howell, Hudson and Mott families ; during War of Rebellion was member of Home Guards of Philadelphia ; First Lieutenant in Artillery Company of Ger- mantown. Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 12, 1819. d. April 18, 1872. s. Joseph Howell and Sarah Richie, m. April 14, 1841, Rebecca Hacker. fLownes, Phineas. Entered 1835 and pursued a partial course; left 1838. b. Delaware County, Pa., April 1, 1817. d. . s. Joseph Lownes and Rachel . m. December 10, 1840, Emily Lewis. yMorgan, James Trask. Entered 1833, being No. 13 of the 21 present on the opening day ; left 1835. Printer and bookbinder. b. Cincinnati, O., February 17, 1817. d. October 6, 1866. s. Ephraim Morgan and Charlotte Anthony, m, Hannah Weatherby. fRedman, Joseph Sweet. Entered Sophomore Class 1835 ; left 1836. b. Haddonfield, N. J., May 25, 1817. d. 1891. s. Thomas Redman and Elizabeth L. Hopkins. yShotwell, George Fox. Entered 1834; left at close of the Freshman year. Farmer; retired 1890. 12 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1839 b. New York City, February 28, 1819. d. Skaneateles, N. Y., January 2, 1899. s. Joseph S. Shotwell and Deborah Fox. m, Louisa R. Rossiter. fSmith, Barclay Arney. Entered 1834 and left 1836. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 11, 1820. d. . s. Benjamin Smith and Ann W. Arney. fWistar, Richard. Entered 1837; left 1838. Superintendent Wills Hospital, Philadelphia. b. Salem, N. J., July 14, 1821. d. Salem, N. J., February 4, 1902. s. Cleayton Wistar and Mary Stevenson, m. September 7, 1842, Charlotte Wistar Acton. 1839 fCollins, Frederic. Entered Introductory Department, 1834. Brewer ; banker ; President, House of Refuge, Philadelphia, Pa. b. New York City, January 21, 1822. d. Philadelphia, Pa., November 27, 1892. s. Isaac Collins (Manager 1830-42) and Margaret Morris, m. August 28, 1844, Letitia Poultney Dawson. fCope, Thomas Pim Entered 1835. Merchant in Philadelphia. Author of "Passages from Life and Writings of William Penn;" "Views of Christian Doctrine" (ex- tracts from Barclay's "Apology") ; "Passages from Life of George Fox;" compiler of "Readings from Holy Writ." Manager of Haverford, 1864-71. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 7, 1823. d. Germantown, Pa., October 27, 1900. s. Henry Cope (Manager 1830-51) and Rachel Reeve, m. November 13, 1849, Elizabeth Wistar Stokes. fHartshorne, Henry, A.B., A.M., 1860. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1845; LL.D., 1884.) Entered 1836. Vice-President, Loganian Society, 1839; Presi- dent, Alumni Association, Semi-Centennial Year ; Alumni Poet, 1858, 1880, 1889, 1895. Student at University of Pennsylvania Medical Department, 1840-45 ; Practicing Physician ; Professor in Central High School, Philadelphia; Professor in University of Pennsylvania (Auxiliary Medical Department) ; Professor Organic Science and Philosophy, 1867-71, Physiology and Hygiene, 1871-76, Haverford College; Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania; Girard College; 1839] MATRICULATE CATALOG 13 Medical Department Pennsylvania Dental College, etc. ; editor of Friends' Review, 1873-78, 1881-93; author of Prize Essay on "Arterial Circulation," American Medical Association, 1856; "Memoranda Medica," 1860; "Monograph on Glycerine," 1856; "Treatise on Cholera," 1860; "Essentials of Practical Medicine," 1867-81; "Conspectus of Medical Sciences," 1869; "Guide to Medicine Chest," 1868; "Our Homes" (a Health Primer), 1880; also "Household Manual of Hygiene, Medicine and Surgery," 1887-91 ; articles on Brain, Evolution, Hygiene, etc., in "Johnson's Universal Cyclopsedia," 1875; several volumes of poems; "Bertram the Prince, and Other Poems," 1892; Acting Assistant (Contract) Surgeon for Hospital Service, U. S. A., 1862; Attending Physi- cian Philadelphia Hospital, 1855-56; Episcopal Hospital, 1860-62; Consulting Physician Woman's Hospital, Philadelphia, 1866-76. Member of American Philosophical Society, elected 1863 ; College of Physicians of Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 16, 1823. d. Tokyo, Japan, Feb- ruary 10, 1897. s. Joseph Hartshorne and Anna Bonsall. m. January 8, 1849, Mary Elizabeth Brown. fMendenhall, Nereus. (M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Phila.) Entered Junior Class 1837. Studied medicine at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa. Physician. Taught at Friends' Boarding School, New Garden, N. C. Instructor in Latin, William Penn Charter School, Phila- delphia, Pa. ; Professor of Moral Science and Astronomy, Haver- ford College, 1878-79; Professor of Greek and Latin, 1879-80; Superintendent, 1878-80; Alumni Orator, 1879; Civil Engineer at various periods in his life; Member of School Board, N. C. ; Member of Legislature, North Carolina. b. Jamestown, N. C, 1819. d. Jamestown, N. C, 1893. s. Richard Mendenhall and Mary Pegg. m. 1851, Orianna Wilson. fRandolph, Richard. (M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Phila.) Entered 1836. Studied medicine Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa. Physician. Author of "Aspects of Humanity," "Sober Thoughts on Staple Themes," etc. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 27, 1822. d. January, 1905. s. Ed- ward Randolph, Jr., and Mary Taylor. fTaber, Charles. Entered 1837. Bookseller and Art Publisher. Alumni Orator, 1859. b. New Bedford, Mass., April 8, 1822. d. New Bedford, Mass., 14 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1839 November 17, 1887. s. William Congdoii Taber and Hannah Tucker Shearman, m. March 21, 1853, Sarah Jane Howland. Non-Graduates fBalderston, Lloyd. Entered Junior Class 1837 ; left during Senior year, 1839. Teacher. Farmer since 1841. Contributor to agricultural and other journals. b. Falls, Bucks County, Pa., July 21, 1818. d. Colora, Md., December 23, 1907. s. Mark Balderston and Elizabeth Lloyd, m. 1843, Catharine Canby. fCarey, James. Entered 1835 ; left 1836. Merchant. b. Baltimore, Md., January 20, 1821. d. Baltimore, Md., Oc- tober 8, 1894. s. John Ellicott Carey and Ann Irwin, m. Phila- delphia, Pa., May 1, 1850, Susan Budd Kimber. fCoates, Joseph Potts Hornor. Entered 1835 ; left 1836. Merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 7, 1821. d. October 9, 1850. s. George Morrison Coates and Rebecca Hornor. m. 1844, Eliza Henri Troth. f Collins, Benjamin, Jr. Entered Introductory Department, 1834; left during Senior year, 1839. Merchant. Connected with Sanitary Commission during the Civil War. b. New York City, , 1823. d. New York City, February 20, 1900. s. Benjamin S. Collins and Hannah Bowne. fCoUins, Francis. Entered 1835 ; left during Junior year. Farmer. b. Burlington, N. J., April 6, 1821. d. Penn's Manor, Pa., June 2, 1880. s. Thomas Collins and Ann Abbott, m. January 29, 1850, Anna Whitehead. fCope, Francis Reeve. Entered 1835 ; left 1838 on account of ill health. Merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 6, 1821. d. , 1909. s. Henry Cope (Manager 1830-51) and Rachel Reeve, m. December 18, 1847, Anne Stewardson Brown. 1839] MATRICULATE CATALOG 15 fCrenshaw, John Bacon. Entered Junior Class 1837; left at close of year. Farmer ; surveyor ; Minister of Society of Friends for 45 years. Member of Virginia State Legislature and of convention held about 1868 for nev/ State Constitution. b. Henrico County, Va., May 2, 1820. d. Richmond, Va., May 10, 1889. s. Nathaniel Chapman Crenshaw and Deborah Crew, m. (1) September 12, 1844, Rachel Hoge; (2) June 5, 1860, Judith Ann Willitts. fDrinker, John Henry. Entered Junior year 1838 ; left at close of year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 25, 1821. d. . s. John Drinker and Eliza A. Morgan. fFoiwell, Joseph D. Entered 1835 ; left close of Sophomore year, 1837. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 18, 1817. d. . s. William Fol- well, Jr., and . fFoster, Charles. Entered 1835 ; left during Senior year. Merchant; publisher; author of "The Story of the Bible," 550,000 copies sold; "The Story of the Gospel," 150,000 copies sold; "First Steps for Little Feet," 75,000 copies sold; "Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us," over 100,000 copies sold; "Fables and Allegories." b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 3, 1822. d. January 1, 1887. s. William Foster and Hetty Harker. m. January 21, 1847, Emily Musgrave Wetherill. tHaines, William Snell. Entered Junior Class 1837; left at close of year. Civil engineer and surveyor in Providence for many years, b. Philadelphia, March 8, 1816. d. Providence, R. I., May 28, 1887. s. Jesse Pierce Haines and Sarah Snell. fHill, Nathan Branson. (M.D., Ohio Med. Coll., Cin., O.) Entered Junior Class 1838 ; left during Senior year. Studied at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., and at Ohio Medical College, Cincinnati, O. Practiced medicine in North Carolina 15 years, then removed to Minnesota. Published various essays on medical topics. Member of Hennepin County Medical Society; President, Minnesota Medical Society; Alderman in City of Minneapolis; President, City Council; President, Minnesota Bible Society. ,16 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1839 b. Randolph County, N. C, May 13, 1817. d. St. Paul, Minn., February, 1875. s. Samuel Hill and Mary Branson, m. May 5, 1845, Eliza L. Mendenhall. fHinsdale, Stephen Grellet. Entered 1835 ; left 1836. Merchant; bookkeeper. b. New York City, June 18, 1819. d. Cleveland, O., October 8, 1877. s. Henry Hinsdale and Mary Roscoe. m. June 18, 1844, Martha A. Elmer. fKing, Thomas. Entered 1835 ; left at close of Sophomore year. Merchant; farmer. b. Baltimore, Md., August 19, 1820. d. Glenville, Md., May 18, 1884. s. Joseph King, Jr., and Tacy Ellicott. fMoore, Richard Mott. Entered 1835 ; left 1836. b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1820. d. . s. John Moore and Cath- arine Robeson. fMorris, Joshua Husband. Entered 1834; pursued a partial course, leaving at end of Senior year. Lawyer and conveyancer. President, Real Estate Title and Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 12, 1823. d. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., December 23, 1885. s. Anthony Paschall Morris and Anna Husband, m. (1) Anne Wistar; (2) Elizabeth Stokes. fMott, William Franklin, Jr. Entered Preparatory Department 1834 ; left during Junior year, 1837. Merchant. b. New York City, July 7, 1820. d. New York City, May 25, 1882. s. William Franklin Mott (Manager 1834-46) and Phebe Merritt. m. October 13, 1841, Jane Bowne. fNeedles, Caleb Hathaway. Entered Introductory Department 1834; left 1835. Druggist. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 3, 1820. d. Philadelphia, Pa., October 10, 1884. s. Edward Needles and Mary Hathaway, m. November 10, 1841, Ann Maria Needles. 1840] MATRICULATE CATALOG 17 fRandoIph, George. Entered 1835; left 1837. Merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March, 1820. d. March 7, 1903. s. Edward Randolph, Jr., and Mary Taylor, m. October 6, 1847, Rebecca Cope. 1840 fHowell, Joseph, Jr. Entered Introductory Department 1836. Leather merchant ; accountant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1823. d. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., August 18, 1889. s. Joseph Howell and Sarah Richie, m. Novem- ber 4, 1852, Anne Emlen. fKimber, Anthony Morris. Entered 1836. At time of death, oldest living Alumnus. Merchant in Philadelphia. Retired. Manager of Haverford College, 1849-71. b. Philadelphia, Pa,, May 19, 1824. d. Germantown, Pa., Septem- ber 20, 1917. s. Thomas Kimber (Manager 1830-65) and Joanna Sophia Shober. m. (1) June 8, 1853, Margaret Cooper Cope; (2) September 2, 1881, Josephine Winner. fSharpless, Henry Hale Graham. Entered 1836. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 12, 1823. d. Chester Hills, Phila- delphia, April 15, 1870. s. Townsend Sharpless and Mary B. Jones, m. November 21, , Mary Lyman Van Buren. fWinslow, John Randolph. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1846.) Entered Junior Class 1838. Physician and surgeon. Professor of Materia Medica in Mary- land College of Pharmacy. b. Piney Woods, N. C, November 8, 1820. d. Baltimore, Md., February 13, 1866. s. Nathan Winslow and Margaret Fitz Ran- dolph. Non-Graduates fAUen, Marmaduke Watson. Entered Introductory Department 1835 ; left at close of Junior year, 1838. Physician; farmer; Collector of Internal Revenue for Bucks County, Pa. b. Langhorne, Pa., March 15, 1821. d. Langhorne, Pa., Jan- uary 28, 1890. s. Thomas Lancaster Allen and Susan M. Watson, m. June 5, 1856, Sarah Rodman Paxson. 2 18 KAVERFORD COLLEGE [1840 jBaily, Thomas Loyd. Entered 1836 ; left during Junior year. Merchant. Ordained to ministry in Baptist Church, 1871. Held charges in West Chester, Reading, and Pleasantville, N. J. Author of seven Sunday-School Library Books, viz.: "Possibili- ties," "Only Me," "Dr. Wallsten's Way," "Nat, the Miner's Boy," "Open Ways," "An Entire Stranger," "In Pine Woods." b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 2, 1824. d. Atlantic City, N. J., May 6, 1914. s. Joshua Baily and Elizabeth Loyd. m. Bellefonte, Pa., November 9, 1854, Caroline Adelia Smith. fBarker, Benjamin. Entered Senior Class 1840; left before graduating, 1840. Lumber merchant, Providence, R. L, Olean, N. Y., and later in Tiverton, R. L b. Tiverton, R. L, September 24, 1822. d. Tiverton, R. L, April 14, 1897. s. Abraham Barker and Margaret Buffum. m. December 1, 1847, Catherine Jackson Dennis. fBowne, John. Entered Introductory Department and left at close of Sopho- more year, 1838. General Agent of Society for Improving the Condition of the Poor, New^ York City, for 12 years. During Civil War in the employ of the Sanitary Commission. b. New York City, June 6, 1820. d. Ash Brook, N. J., Feb- ruary 13, 1894. s. Robert H. Bow^ne and Sarah Hartshorne. fCowperthwaite, Edwin. Entered Introductory Department 1834; left during Junior year, 1839. Wholesale boot and shoe merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 9, 1824. d. June 17, 1857. s. Joseph Cowperthwaite and Rebecca Carlile. m. January 21, 1851, Lucy Reed. fFisher, Charles Willianr. Entered Introductory Department 1835 and left during Junior year, 1839. Farmer. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., September, 1820. d. De- cember 28, 1857. s. William Logan Fisher and Sarah Lindley. fHartshorne, George. Entered 1836; left at close of Sophomore )^ear. Farmer. 1841] MATRICULATE CATALOG 19 b. Near Rahway, N. J., September 30, 1822. d. — , 1911. s. Hugh Hartshorne and Elizabeth Brown, m. September, 1848, Sarah Robinson. fHolIingshead, Joseph Mickle. Entered Introductory Department 1835 ; left during Junior year, 1839. Wholesale grocer; insurance agent. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 15, 1821. d. Philadelphia, Pa., March 28, 1885. s. Hugh F. Hollingshead and Martha Mickle. m. Caroline Atwood. fSharpless, Daniel Offley . Entered Introductory Department, 1833, being No. 9 of the 21 present on opening day; left 1838. Merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 24, 1821; drowned at Atlantic City, N. J., July 10, 1874. s. Blakey Sharpless (Manager 1841-44) and Mary Offley. m. May 3, 1843, Hester Shove Hacker. fThurston, Joseph D. Entered 1836 ; left at close of Junior year, 1839. b. New York City, February 22, 1823. d. June 5, 1861. s. William Richardson Thurston and Abigail Evernghim. m. April 30, 1849, Mary Wharton. fWilliams, Joseph Kirkbride. Entered 1835 ; left 1836. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 7, 1817. d. October 21, 1848. s. Jonathan G. Williams and Mary Ann Kirkbride. 1841 fLawrence, Richard Henry. Entered 1837. No business. b. New York City, October 7, 1824. d. Saratoga, N. Y., Sep- tember 22, 1847. s. Henry H, Lawrence and Mary Folwell. fPerot, James Poultney. Entered Introductory Department 1836. Merchant; flour inspector; Adjutant of the 118th Pennsylvania Volunteers (Com Exchange Regiment), which he was foremost in raising ; served seven months ; wounded at the battle of Shep- herdstown, Va. ; honorably discharged January, 1863. Colonel of the 49th Pennsylvania Militia, to quell the riots in the mine regions. 20 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1841 b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 12, 1825. d. Philadelphia, Pa., Jan- uary 13, 1872. s. William S. Perot and Mary Williams Poultney. fWhite, Elias Albertson. (M.D.) Entered Sophomore Class 1838. Physician. b. Perquimans County, N. C, September 23, 1821. d. Feb- ruary 18, 1866. s. Miles White and Elizabeth Albertson. fBirdsall, Thomas Webb. Entered Introductory Department 1835 ; left at close of Junior year, 1839. Flour merchant; ladies' furnishing goods. President, Fire In- surance Company. b. New York City (?), May, 1824. d. 1866. s. WiUiam Bird- sail and Martha Webb. m. December 13, 1848, Margaret Wood. fBirdsall, William, Jr. Entered Introductory Department 1835 ; left same year. Clerk ; flour merchant ; insurance surveyor. b. New York City (?), October 30, 1822. d. Brooklyn, N. Y., December 1, 1873. s. William Birdsall and Martha Webb. m. September 12, 1849, Caroline Wood. fGreaves, Thomas (sometimes spelled Greeves.) Entered Introductory Department 1834; pursued partial course leaving during Senior year, 1841. Student; author, b. West Chester, Pa., 1823. d. In England about 1897. s. James R. Greaves (Manager 1842-44) and Sarah (or Mary) Ann Fling. fGummere, Charles J. Entered 1839; left at close of Junior year, 1840. Clerk in ofiice of Court of Chancery, N. J. ; Receiving Teller, Bank of Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Burlington, N. J., June 29, 1824. d. April 22, 1880. s. Samuel R. Gummere and Elizabeth Drinker Barker. f Jones, Benjamin W. Entered Introductory Department 1833 ; left 1834. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 29, 1821. d. December 15, 1883. s. Benjamin Jones and Mary Howell, m. Harriet Woodmansie Davis. 1841] MATRICULATE CATALOG 21 fLong, Alfonzo W. Entered Introductory Department 1836; left 1838. b. Orange County, N. C, . d. . s. John Long and Mary W. . fMauIe, Edward. Entered Introductory Department 1835 ; left during Junior year, 1839. Dry goods merchant ; lumber merchant, 1844-83 ; retired. Mem- ber Company C, Gray Reserves, 1861-65. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 6, 1823. d. Philadelphia, Pa., December 6, 1890. s. Israel Maule and Ann Price, m. October 15, 1857, Harriet N. Mentz. fParsons, William Bowne. Entered Introductory Department 1835 ; left 1837, during Freshman year. b. Flushing, N. Y., February 10, 1823. d. September 14, 1856. s. Samuel Parsons and Mary Bowne. m. Mary F. Leggett. fSharpless, Isaac. Entered Introductory Department 1836; left 1839. Merchant; glass manufacturer; accountant, Pennsylvania Rail- road. b. Philadelphia, Pa.. October 8, 1822. d. Philadelphia, Pa., February 7, 1889. s. Blakey Sharpless (Manager 1841-44) and Mary Offley. m. October 18, 1855, Rebecca Hutchinson. fSmith, Albanus. Entered 1837; left 1839. Entered Sophomore Class, University of Pennsylvania, 1839, and died while a student. His memoir was printed in 1873. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 30, 1823. d. Philadelphia, Pa., March 29, 1842. s. John Jay Smith and Rachel Collins Pearsall. fTrotter, William Henry. Entered Introductory Department 1834; left at close of Junior year, 1839. Wholesale grocer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 1, 1822. d. January 5, 1898. s. Nathan Trotter and Susan Hough, m. Maria Louisa Farr. fWarder, William. (A.B., Oxford College, Ohio.) Entered 1836; left 1838. Lawyer; miller. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 21, 1821. d. Springfield, O., August 31, 1886. m. November 28, 1855, Mary P. Price. 22 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1842 1842 fBowne, Robert. Entered Introductory Department, 1835. First Secretary, Alumni Association, 1856; Vice-President, 1892. Stationer. Some time member of the New York Geographical Society. b. New York City, May 6, 1825. d. New York City, March 4, 1906. s. John L. Bowne and Eliza Rowland, m. April 26, 1860, Anna F. Willis. fCadbury, Richard. Entered Introductory Department 1837. Merchant for 40 years ; Steward of Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. ; accountant. Manager of Haver ford College, 1865-97. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 18, 1825. d. March 13, 1897. s. Joel Cadbury (Manager 1849-57) and Caroline Warder, m. December 4, 1850, Lydia Comfort Shinn. fHilles, William Smith. Entered 1833, being No. 14 of the 21 present on opening day; left 1835, and re-entered Junior Class 1840. Assistant Teacher, Haverford College, 1844-45. Manufacturer; Secretary, Railroad Company; President, Savings Bank. b, Wilmington, Del., January 28, 1825. d. Nice, France, De- cember 25, 1876. s. Samuel Hilles (Superintendent 1833) and Margaret Hill Smith, m, Attleboro, Bucks County, Pa., May 17, 1849, Sarah L. Allen. fKimber, Thomas, Jr., Litt.D., 1887. Entered Sophomore Class 1838. Merchant, Wilmington, Del. ; President, Williamsport & Elmira Railroad, etc., Philadelphia, Pa. Retired. For Benefactions to the College see index to History of Haverford College, 1830-92. Minister of the Society of Friends. Author of a number of pamphlets on questions of Church Polity, doctrinal subjects and tracts chiefly relating to the Society of Friends; "The Spiritual Nature of Baptism and the Lord's Supper ;" "The Early Christian Church and Other Essays." b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 1, 1825. d. Richmond Hill, N. Y., December 23, 1890. s. Thomas Kimber (Manager 1830- 65) and Joanna Sophia Shober. m. June 21, 1874, Mary Shear- man. 1842] MATRICULATE CATALOG 23 tLevick, James Jones., A.B., A.M., 1884. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1847.) Entered Junior Class 1840. Alumni Orator, 1860. Author of frequent brief addresses before Haverford Alumni; President of Alumni, 1888-89. Studied medicine, University of Pennsylvania; physician; sur- geon, United States Hospital in Philadelphia, Pa. Organized a military hospital as volunteer surgeon at Hagerstown, Md., after battle of South Mountain; also acted as volunteer surgeon after battle of Antietam. Member of the Medical Staff, Pennsylvania Hospital, 1856-68, when he resigned; resident physician in same, 1849-51; physician to Magdalen Asylum 41 years; physician to Wills' Eye Hospital, 1853-65. While at the Pennsylvania Hos- pital he introduced the use of ice in the treatment of sunstroke. Author of very many papers relating to medical subjects in the various medical periodicals; frequent contributor to the daily press of Philadelphia on literary and historical subjects. Frequent contributor to the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biog- raphy on matters of local history and biography, among which may be mentioned: "Memoir of Daniel B. Smith;" "Dr. Benjamin H. Coates;" "The Early Friends and Their Service in Pennsyl- vania;" "The Early Welsh Quakers and Their Emigration to Pennsylvania;" "Three Epochs in the Life of William Penn," etc. Author of "Fenny Drayton, the Birthplace of George Fox," "Barclay of Ury," and "Swarthmore Hall, the Home of Margaret Fell Fox," Memoir of Jacob P. Jones; "The Ancient Britons," an address before the Welsh Society, the "Early Physicians of Philadelphia," and many other papers. Fellow of the College of Physicians, 1851 ; Member of American Medical Association, 1864; of Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1853; of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1865; of the Welsh Society of Pennsylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 28, 1824. d. Philadelphia, Pa., June 25, 1893. s. Ebenezer Levick and Elizabeth Wetherill Jones. fRodman, Edmund, A.M. Entered Sophomore Class 1839. Dealer in sperm and whale oil ; candle manufacturer ; oil broker ; artist. Serv^ 14 years on the school committee of New Bedford, 2 years as chairman. Secretary of the Board of Trustees, Friends' Academy, New Bedford, 35 years, and a trustee of the same. Member of the Home Guard for six months, 1861. b. New Bedford, Mass., January 18, 1824. d. , 1903. s. Samuel Rodman and Hannah Haydock Prior. 24 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1842 fRodman, Thomas Rotch. Entered 1839. b. New Bedford, Mass., September 27, 1825. d. December, 1905. s. Samuel Rodman and Hannah Haydock Prior, m. Oc- tober 4, 1853, Anne Miles. f Smith, Benjamin Raper. (Ph.G., Phila. College of Pharmacy.) Entered Preparatory Department 1833, being No. 15 of the 21 present on the opening day. Drug and chemical manufacturer. Manager Philadelphia House of Refuge, 1876-95. Member of Historical Society of Penn- sylvania, Franklin Institute, Historical Society of Newport, R. I., Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. Private in G^r- mantown Home Guard. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 31, 1825. d. April, 1804. s. Daniel B. Smith (Manager 1830-34, 1846-49; Principal 1843-45; Pro- fessor of Moral Philosophy and English Literature, etc., 1833-45) and Esther Morton, m. June 8, 1859, Esther Fisher Wharton. fTaber, Augustus. Entered Junior Class 1840. Bookseller; dealer in marbles. New York City, 1852-86. Re- sided in California, 1893-98. Clerk New York Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1875-89. Vice-President, American Bible Society; Vice-President, Evangelical Alliance. b. New Bedford, Mass., February 3, 1826. d. San Jose, Cal., April 6, 1898. m. May 15, 1851, Anna Haviland Ferris. fWinslow, Caleb. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1849.) Entered Sophomore Class 1839. Physician and surgeon in North Carolina and afterwards in Baltimore, Md. Examiner in Surgery on the Original Board of Medical Examiners of the State of North Carolina. Frequent contributor to medical journals. Member of Medical and Chirurgical Society of Maryland. b. Piney Woods, N. C, January 24, 1824. d. Baltimore, Md., June 13, 1895. s. Nathan Winslow and Margaret Fitz Randolph, m. January 22, 1852, Jane Paxson Parry. Non-Graduates fArnold, William Dennis. Entered 1837; left 1839. Machinist in Philadelphia; teacher in William Dennis's School at Rancocas, N. J. ; engineer coal mines, Portsmouth, R. I. ; es- tabbshed a machine shop, Beloit, Mich., 1851; machinist at 1842] MATRICULATE CATALOG 25 Marinette, Wis., 1858; afterwards machinist at Brunswick, Ga., and at Tampa, Fla. b. Newport, R. I., September 16, 1820. d. Glenmore, Ga., June, 1887. s. Aza Arnold and Abigail Dennis, m. (1) 1854, Ellen Fry Eldredge, of East Greenwich, R. I., and (2) 1879, Ellen Stiger. fAshbridge, Abraham Sharpless. Entered 1838 ; left 1840. Farmer and civil engineer. b. East Cain, Pa., March 24, 1823. d. April 22, 1902. s. George G. Ashbridge and Rachel V. Sharpless. m. October 13, 1853, Elizabeth Downing Sharpless. f Bunker, Nathan, Jr. Entered Introductory Department 1837; left 1838. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 8, 1825. d. . s. Nathan Bunker and Elizabeth . fCanby, William. Entered 1837 ; left 1839. Farmer. Retired. b. Wilmington, Del., April 11, 1822. d. Wilmington, Del., January 15, 1897. s. James Canby and Elizabeth Roberts, m. April 30, 1846, Ann Tatnall. tCobb, William Almy. (M.D., Univ. of Md., 1845.) Entered 1836; left 1837. Physician. b. Baltimore, Md., May 25, 1823. d. Baltimore, Md., July 30, 1845. s. Daniel Cobb and Ruth Almy. f Collins, Isaac. Entered Introductory Department 1837; left at close of Sopho- more year, 1841. Lumber merchant ; optician ; insurance agent. b. New York City, May 2, 1824. d. December 28, 1902. s. Isaac Collins (Manager 1830-42) and Margaret Morris, m. De- cember 9, 1847, Elizabeth Budd Kner Earl. fCowperthwaite, Thomas Carlile. Entered Introductory Department 1834; left during Freshman year, 1838, on account of ill health. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 4, 1822. d. Philadelphia, Pa.. 1841. s. Joseph Cowperthwaite and Rebecca Carlile. 26 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1842 fEdwards, Edward Bird. Entered 1838; left 1839. Entered flour and feed business; lumber merchant; held large interests in street railway companies; President, Ridge Avenue Passenger Railway Company. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 10, 1822. d. Moorestown, N. J., August 15, 1902. s. Edward Edwards and Agnes . fElliott, Daniel Morris. Entered Introductory Department 1837; left 1840. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 10, 1822. d. Cincinnati, O., in Mili- tary Hospital, 1864. s. Daniel Elliott and Lydia Richards, m. Sarah Ann Laws. fHardy, Benjamin F. Entered from Fallston, Beaver County, Pa., 1834. Assistant Superintendent, Haverford, 1834-37. b. , 1809. d. November 22, 1886. s. and . m. November 24, 1841, Elizabeth G. Simmons. fHuhn, John. Entered 1833 ; left 1834. Farmer; agent Freedman's Bureau, St. Helena, S. C, during Civil War; United States Department Collector, Beaufort, S. C. b. MurderkiU, Del., June 25, 1818. d. Wyoming, Del., July 6, 1894. s. Ezekiel Hunn and Hannah Alston, m. (1) Mary Swal- low; (2) November 25, 1855, Anne Jenkins. fHussey, William Rowland. Entered Introductory Department; left at close of Sophomore year, 1840. Engaged in the East India trade, at first in New York City and later in New Bedford, Mass. ; entered in commission business in New York. During the Civil War passed winters in Nicaragua superintending raising of cotton. Engaged in sale of plumbers' supplies, New York City. b. New York City, January 24, 1824. d. East Orange, N. J., May 2, 1919. s. George Hussey and Hetty Howland. m. April 14, 1851, Cornelia Collins. f Johnson, Henry Norton. (Entered as Henry John Johnson.) Entered Introductory Department 1834; left 1835. Member of Horticultural Society of Germantown. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., May 20, 1820. d. August 30, 1879. s. John Johnson and Sarah Wheeler. 1842] MATRICULATE CATALOG 27 fLeggett, Charles Pleasants. (M.D.) Entered Introductory Department 1834; left 1839. Homeopathic physician in New York City. b. New York City, December 31, 1824. d. New York City, . s. Thomas Haight Leggett and Frances Vaux Pleasants. m. Ellen Currie. fMendenhall, James Ruffin. Entered Preparatory Department 1836; left 1839, at close of Freshman year. Planter. b. Jamestown, N. C, , 1825. d. Jamestown, N. C, . s. George C. Mendenhall and Eliza W. Dunn. fMorgan, Samuel Rodman. Entered 1840; left 1842. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 18, 1824. d. November 21, 1891. s. Cliarles Wain Morgan and Sarah Rodman, m. June 17, 1854, Josephine Wharton Craig. fMott, Samuel Franklin. Entered Preparatory Department 1833 ; left at close of Fresh- man year. Merchant. b. New York City, 1826 (?). d. New York City, 1856 (?). s. Samuel Franklin Mott and Ann Leggett. m. 1850 ( ?), Lavinia McCaffrey. fMurray, Robert Lindley. Entered 1838; left during Junior year on account of ill health. Wool merchant; General Agent of Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia in New York City ; Manager of Haver- ford College, 1855-58; President, Alumni Association, 1864, 1865, 1866 ; Minister in Society of Friends ; Clerk of New York Yearly Meeting of Friends; President of New York Bible Society. b. New York City, November 11, 1825. d. Chappaqua, N. Y., August 29, 1874, as result of being thrown from carriage, s. Robert L Murray and Elizabeth Golden, m. May 3, 1849, Ruth Shearman Taber. fTalcott, Joseph D. Entered Introductory Department 1836; left 1837. b. Skaneateles, N. Y., , d. . s. Richard Talcott and 28 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1843 fTatnall, William. Entered 1837 ; left 1839. Merchant and broker; President, New Castle County Mutual Insurance Company ; Director, Wilmington Saving Fund Society ; Director, First National Bank, etc. ; Member Historical Society of Delaware. b. Brandywine Village, Del., March 11, 1822. d. Wilmington, Del., October 28, 1885. s. Edward Tatnall and Margery Paxson. m. (1) October 17, 1844, Rachel Burgess Moon; (2) February 13, 1884, Esther Warner. fTaylor, Joseph B. Entered Sophomore Class 1839; left during year. Farmer. b. Burlington County, N. J., March 16, 1821. d. Fallsington, Pa., December 18, 1877. s. Benjamin Taylor and Sarah Brant- ingham. m. Fallsington, Pa., October 18, 1849, Martha Brown. 1843 fHowland, Robert Bowne. Entered Preparatory Department 1838. Farmer for 40 years; President and Resident Trustee How- land School, Union Springs, N. Y., 1863-76; Supervisor of Town- ship 3 years. Author of "The Christ in Pagan, Jewish, and Early Christian History," a condensation of Pressense's History of the Church. Dean and Honorary Member of Pleasantville University Club, Pleasantville, N. Y. b. New Bedford, Mass., March 23, 1826. d. Pleasantville, N. Y., August 17, 1916. s. George Howland and Susan How- land, m. February 25, 1851, Susanna Robinson. fStroud, William Daniel. (M.D., Univ. of Pa.) Entered Junior Class, 1841. Studied medicine at University of Pennsylvania; physician; ex- amining physician and afterwards general agent New England Mutual Life Insurance Company. b. Stroudsburg, Pa., October 5, 1825. d. Philadelphia, Pa., September 25, 1883. s. William Stroud and Mary Paul Robeson, m. (1) October, 1855, Charlotte Wistar Beesley; (2) Mrs. Mary (Johnson) Ellicott. fWhite, Francis. Entered November, 1838. Merchant. Manager, Haverford College, 1878-1904; Trustee 1843] MATRICULATE CATALOG 29 (original), Johns Hopkins University and Treasurer of same; Trustee (original), Johns Hopkins Hospital. b. Perquimans County, N. C, March 25, 1825. d. Baltimore, Md., September 11, 1904. m. 1854, Jane E. Janney. Non-Graduates fAdams, Justus C. Entered Introductory Department 1838; left 1839, b. Newburgh, N. Y. (about) 1821. d. Cornwall, N. Y., Feb- ruary 7, 1841. s. Nathaniel Adams and , fAIdrich, Joseph W. Entered Senior Class 1843 and took a partial course. President, Loganian Society ; Alumni Orator elect, 1865. Teacher Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Haverford, 1843- 45 ; Classics and Ancient Literature, Haverford, 1848-53. Prin- cipal Friends' Select School for Boys, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Smithfield, R. I., January 18, 1821. d. April 12, 1865. s. Moses Aldrich and Ann Jones, m. September 13, 1849, Rachel E. Sharpless. yBacon, Joseph Kirkbride. Entered 1840; left at close of Sophomore year, 1842. Served as private in Mexican War. Manufacturer of paper boxes. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October, 1825. d. Philadelphia, Pa., June 1, 1861. s. George Vaux Bacon and Sally Ann Kirkbride. m. (1) August, 1849, Annie E. Bryan; (2) June, 1852, Sally A. McLain. fBrown, William A. Entered Introductory Department 1833 ; left close of Junior year, 1842. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 14, 1824. d. . s. Jeremiah Brown and Elizabeth Stewardson. fBuffum, Benjamin. Entered 1839; left at close of Freshman year. Farmer near Newport, R. I. Coal and wood dealer, Worcester, Mass. President, Steamboat Transportation Company, Providence and New York, and Providence and Newport, R. I. b. Newport, R. I., October 20, 1822. d. Providence, R. I., June 28, 1878. s. David Buffum and Susan Ann Barker, m. November 11, 1846, Eleanor King. 30 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1843 fBuUock, William Rockhill. (M.D., U. of P.) Entered 1839; left 1842. Studied medicine at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., and in Paris, France. Physician in Philadelphia for a short time, then moved to Wilmington, Del. Surgeon to the United States Army Hospital at Wilmington during the Civil War. Fre- quent lecturer on chemical and electrical subjects. Fellow of Philadelphia College of Physicians; Charter Member and Physi- cian to Delaware Hospital, Wilmington, Del. One of founders and most active member of Wilmington Institute and Library ; President, Board of Education, Wilmington, Del. b. Wilmington, Del., October 4, 1824. d. Germantown, Pa., November 18, 1914. s. John Bullock and Rachel Griscom. m. Elizabeth Ann Emlen. f Chase, George Hazen. Entered 1838; left Senior year on account of ill health. b. Salem, Mass., January 10, 1826. d. Salem, Mass., February 11, 1870. s. Philip Chase and Alice Brown, m. July 8, 1851, Eliza Earle Chase. fCoale, James Carey. Entered 1838 ; left 1839. Merchant; marine insurance agent; agent for "Lloyds," Balti- more, Md. b. Baltimore County, Md., May 25, 1825. d. Bahimore, Md., April 13, 1891. s. William Ellis Coale and Hannah Ellicott Carey, m. August 2, 1847, Katharine Baily. fDunbar, Charles Clark. Entered Junior Class 1841; left 1842 (?). Merchant ( ?) ; Assistant Quartermaster General under Gov- ernor John A. Andrew, 1861 ; Import Clerk in United States Custom House, Boston, Mass. b. New Bedford, Mass., November 18, 1826. d. Boston, Mass., January 14, 1885. m. October 4, 1848, Mary Elizabeth Willis. fEstlack, Thomas, Jr. (Ph.G., Phila. College of Pharmacy.) Entered Introductory Department 1836; left close of Freshman year, 1839. Studied at Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Druggist. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 30, 1823. d. February 24, 1902. s. Thomas Estlack and Eliza Shinn. m. March 24, 1847, Sarah Watson. 1843] MATRICULATE CATALOG 31 fFisher, Israel Pleasants. Entered Introductory Department 1836; left 1838. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 24, 1825. d. November, 1847, killed in Mexican War. s. Samuel Rhoads Fisher and Ann Pleasants. fFolwell, Richard L. Entered Introductory Department 1837; left 1840. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 20, 1823. d. December 21, 1887. s. Charles S. Folwell and Ann Lawrence. fFranklin, Benjamin H. Entered Introductory Department 1835 ; left 1837. b. New York City, . d. . s. William H. Franklin and . fFuIler, James, Jr. Entered Introductory Department 1836; left 1840. b. Skaneateles, N. Y., 1824. d. . s. James Fuller and . fFuUer, John Wilkinson. Entered Introductory Department 1836; left 1838. b. Skaneateles, N. Y., 1820. d. . s. James Fuller and . fHoIlingshead, Henry. Entered Introductory Department 1836; left during Junior year, 1842. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 24, 1826. d. August 29 (?), 1908. s. Hugh F. Hollingshead and Martha Mickle. fHowland, William Penn. Entered 1839; left during Senior year. b. Ledyard, N. Y., July 17, 1824. d. San Francisco, Cal., April 11, 1914. s. Humphrey Howland and Sarah T. Field, m. July 17, 1860, Cornelia Hine. fHussey, John Bowne. Entered Introductory Department 1836; left close of Senior year, 1843, having pursued partial course. East India merchant. b. New York City, April 4, 1826. d. August 4, 1909. s. George Hussey and Hetty M. Howland. fKing, Joseph. Entered 1839 ; left 1840. Merchant; farmer. 32 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1843 b. Baltimore, Md., July 17, 1825. d. Baltimore, Md., December 12, 1899. s. Joseph King, Jr., and Tacy Ellicott. m. June 1, 1869, Jane G. Howard. fMorris, Charles Wistar. Entered Preparatory Department 1838; left 1841, at close of Freshman year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 27, 1824. d. November 4, 1893. s. Anthony Paschall Morris and Anna Husband, m. August 24, 1848, Frances E. Skerrett. fNewbold, Edward. Entered Introductory Department 1838; left 1842. b. Springfield, N. J., April 12, 1824. d. August 20, 1853. s. Clayton Newbold and . tQuinby, Watson Fell.(M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., Phila., 1847.) Entered Junior Class 1842 ; left 1843. Studied medicine, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa. Physician. Crossed the plains in 1849 with the California pioneers; lived some years in mountain camps; one of the original experimenters with aircraft. Published "Mongrelism," "The Coming Kingdom," "Solomon's Seal," "A Solution of the Circle," "Weights and Measures," "Silver," "Greek Names in America," "The Yard or the Metre, Which Will Ye Choose?" b. Brandywine Springs, Del., December 15, 1825. d. Wilming- ton, Del., May 26, 1918. s. John Quinby, M.D., and Elizabeth Starr Phillips, m. February 22, 1855, Annie Giffen. fScull, Gideon Delaplaine. Entered Introductory Department 1838 ; left during Junior year. Merchant. Retired about 1868. Author of "Radison's Voy- ages," "The Evelyns in America," and "Dorothea Scott." Member of Massachusetts Historical Society. b. Sculltown, Salem County, N. J., August 13, 1824. d. Lon- don, England, April 22, 1889. s. David Scull (Manager 1846-49, 1855, 1865) and Lydia Lippincott. m. April 7, 1862, Anna Holder. fStapIer, John Wardell. Entered Sophomore Class 1839; left 1840. b. Wilmington, Del., October 21, 1822. d. May 12. 1887. s. John Stapler and Ann . m. Tablequah. Okla., October 22, 1854, Louisa Jane Hicks, c. James, Mary, Maggie, John. 1844] MATRICULATE CATALOG 33 fStroud, Morris Robeson. Entered Introductory Department 1838 ; left during Senior year. b. Stroudsburg, Pa., July 30, 1824. d. Philadelphia, Pa., April 21, 1882. s. William Stroud and Mary Paul Robeson, m. (1) May 25, 1848, Mary Anne Skerrett; (2) Marie Louise (Barry) Bailey. fTatum, Samuel Canby. Entered Junior Class 1841 ; left 1842. Machinist; manufacturer in Cincinnati, O. Director, Art Museum, Cincinnati. b. Wilmington, Del., May 13, 1827. d. Cincinnati, O., June 16, 1887. s. John W. Tatum and Mary Canby. m. 1849, Eleanor Bardsley. fThomas, William Ashbridge, Jr. Entered Preparatory Department 1838; left 1838. Iron manufacturer. b. Bellefonte, Pa., November 16, 1824. d. Bellefonte, Pa., 1865. s. William Ashbridge Thomas and Eliza Miller. fThorne, Edwin. Entered Introductory Department 1838; left 1839. Merchant. b. New York City, 1824. d. March 25, 1889. s. Jonathan Thorne and Lydia Ann Corse, m. 1857, Charlotte Pearsall. fUnderhill, George W. Entered Introductory Department 1835 ; left 1838. Agent, Bible Society, Westchester County, N. Y. b. New York City, 1823. d. . s. George Underbill and Sally Ann Waring, m. Mary Sutton. fUnderhill, William W. Entered Introductory Department 1837; left 1841. Treasurer, Glen Cove Machine Company, b. New York City, 1825. d. , 1913 ( ?). s. George Under- bill and Sally Ann Waring, m. Mary Anna Seaver. 1844 fEllis, Evan Tyson. (Ph. G., Phila. College of Pharmacy.) Entered 1840. Wholesale druggist and manufacturing chemist, firm of Charles Ellis, Son & Co. Retired in 1875. Member and Trustee of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Member of American Phar- 3 34 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1844 maceutical Association from 1853, etc. Original member of Phila- delphia Photographic Society, etc. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 10, 1826. d. October 11, 1913. s. Charles Ellis (Manager 1842-62) and Deborah Tyson, m. April 28, 1868, Martha M. Shewell. fHartshorne, Isaac. Entered 1840. Merchant ; farmer ; fire and life insurance agent. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 14, 1827. d. December 19, 1900. s. Joseph Hartshorne, M.D., and Anna Bonsall. m. January 13, 1853, Anna Elizabeth Stabler. Non-Graduates fBines, William Henry. Entered Introductory Department 1838; left 1840. Superintendent of Bridges, Philadelphia, Pa. b. December 25, 1826. d. January 10, 1891. s. David Adams Bines and Ann Mason. fBullock, Charles. Entered Sophomore Class 1841 ; left 1842. Chemist and druggist. President, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, 1887-1900. Member American Philosophical Society; Franklin Institute ; Academy of Natural Sciences. b. Wilmington, Del., February 25, 1826. d. Philadelphia, Pa., March 21, 1900. s. John Bullock and Rachel Griscom. m. 1854, Margaret C. Robinson. fDay, Edward Munson. Entered Introductory Department 1838 ; left during Junior year, 1842. Publisher. b. New York City, November, 1824. d. Rochester, N. Y., Jan- uary 4, 1861. s. Mahlon Day and Mary Kerr. m. January 29, 1858, Charlotte Briggs Seymour. fEddy, Job Abraham Tucker. Entered Introductory Department 1839; left during Sophomore year, 1841. Dry goods merchant. Member and officer of several Masonic lodges. b. New Bedford, Mass., July, 1825. d. New Bedford, Mass., March 13, 1885. m. October 7, 1846, Emily Antoinette Taylor. 1844] MATRICULATE CATALOG 35 fHacker, Lloyd Mifflin. Entered 1838 ; left during Senior year, 1844. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 4, 1827. d. Baltimore, Md., No- vember 1, 1892. s. Isaiah Hacker (Manager 1846-60; Treasurer 1844-45, 1846-60) and Anna Hazen Brown. fHeston, George Thomas. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1852.) Entered Sophomore Class 1842; left during Junior year, 1843. Studied medicine. University of Pennsylvania, 1849-52. Physi- cian, Norristown, Pa., 1852-92. b. Pennsylvania, February 17, 1826. d. August 18, 1904. s. Jesse Stackhouse Heston and Martha Thomas, m. Mary Amanda Duncan. fKing, Elias EUicott. Entered 1842; left 1844. Merchant; accountant. b. Baltimore, Md., February 28, 1828. d. Baltimore, Md., May 28, 1876. s. Joseph King, Jr., and Tacy Ellicott. fLewis, Mordecai K. Entered Introductory Department 1835 ; left 1842. Farmer for 20 years ; City Clerk and Clerk of Councils, Chester, Pa., 18 years. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 15, 1825. d. Chester, Pa., December 6, 1898. s. Mordecai Lewis and Elizabeth Smith, m. February 25, 1847, Philena M. Harvey. fMorgan, Alexander. Entered 1841 ; left 1844. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 1, 1826. d. Philadelphia, Pa., Au- gust 1, 1848. s. Joseph R. Morgan and Mary . fSmith, Richard Morris. Entered 1840; left during Senior year, 1844. First honors in classics, 1844; editor of The Budget. Architect, 1847-67; artist. Author of "Future Religion of the World;" "The Burlington Smiths, a Family History." Associate of London Society for Physical Research. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 22, 1827. d. Philadelphia, Pa., March 6, 1896. s. Morris Smith and Caroline Smith, m. March 30, 1875, Anna Kaighn. fSmith, Robert Pearsall. Entered Sophomore Class 1841 ; left 1845. Manager of Haverf ord, 1849-59. Publisher ; glass manufac- 36 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1844 turer. Author of "Holiness Through Faith;" "Walk in the Light," etc. ; also of "International Copyright" in Nineteenth Century; and articles in Spectator, etc. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 1, 1827. d. London, England, April 17, 1898. s. John Jay Smith and Rachel Collins Pearsall. m. November 5, 1851, Hannah Whitall. fStokes, John Newton. Entered 1841 ; left 1843. In employ of Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Express Com- pany. b. Stroudsburg, Pa., June 21, 1826. d. Stroudsburg, Pa., July 7, 1875. s. Stogdell Stokes and Eliza B. Eastburn. fTrotter, Charles West. Entered 1841 ; left at close of Senior year, 1844, having pursued a partial course. Dealer in metals, etc. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 4, 1827. d. July, 1903. s. Nathan Trotter and Susan Hough. fTrotter, Newbold Hough. Entered 1841 ; left 1844. Clerk ; builder of machines, etc. ; retired 1858 ; hardware mer- chant 1863-67; artist (animal painter). Member Germantown Home Guards, 1862; fought at Antietam. Member Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts ; Philadelphia Society of Artists ; Phila- delphia Art Club; Artists' Fund Society. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 24, 1827. d. Atlantic City, N. J., February 21, 1898. s. Joseph Trotter and Ann Hough, m. Oc- tober 10, 1855, Annie M. Dawson. fTyson, Jesse. Entered 1841 ; left 1843. Miner and manufacturer. b. Baltimore, Md., August 26, 1826. d. Near Baltimore, Md., November 28, 1906. s. Isaac Tyson and Hannah Ann Wood. m. January 26, 1888, Edith Johns. fTyson, Richard Wood. Entered Introductory Department 1837; left 1841. Merchant and manufacturer. b. Baltimore, Md., October 20, 1824. d. Baden Baden, Ger- many, June 15, 1873. s. Isaac Tyson and Hannah Ann Wood, m. (1) Annie Wyre Smith; (2) Sophia Howard. 1845] MATRICULATE CATALOG 37 fWigham, Thomas Matthew. Entered 1840; left 1842. Banker. Member of New York Stock Exchange. b. New York City, March 2, 1826. d. New York City, Feb- ruary, 1892. s. Isaac Wigham and Mary Lydia Seaman, m. June 2, 1858, Phebe MacCoun Buckley. fWistar, Isaac Jones. (Hon. Sc.D., Univ. of Pa., 1893.) Entered Sophomore Class 1842; left 1843. Attorney at law; miner and shipper of coal, in employ of Pennsylvania Railroad Company; Inspector, Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania; Brigadier General Volunteers United States Army, 1862-65. Author of a Geology, a work on Penology. Pub- lished a number of papers in periodicals. Member of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Pa. ; President of same, 1891- 95 ; American Philosophical Society, Councilor in same, Vice- President of same, 1899; President, Biological Association; Presi- dent, Board of Charities, State of Pennsylvania, 1899; Manager, Library Company of Philadelphia; Secretary, Wistar Institute Anatomy and Biology, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 14, 1827. d. September 18, 1905. s. Caspar Wistar, M.D., and Lydia Jones, m. July 9, 1862, Sarah Toland. fWood, William Eldridge. Entered 1840; left 1842. Stove manufacturer and dealer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August, 1827. d. Baltimore, Md., Decem- ber 17, 1896. s. James Wood and Deborah M. Eldridge. m. (1) June 14, 1877, Mary Elizabeth Riggs; (2) June 17, 1896, Amelia R. Macgill. fWright, Benjamin H. Entered 1842; left 1843. b. Near Philadelphia, Pa., 1820. d. Indianapolis, Ind., June 11, 1896. s. Benjamin Wright and Hannah Milhous. m. Mt. Pleasant, O., Sarah Ann Stroud. 1845 fCrenshaw, Edmund Austin.(Ph.G., Phila. College of Pharmacy.) Entered Senior Class 1844. Graduated at Philadelphia College of Pharmacy about 1849. Wholesale druggist. b. Richmond, Va., February 4, 1827. d. Philadelphia, Pa., 38 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1845 February 19, 1894. s. Nathaniel Chapman Crenshaw and Mary S. Couch, m. January 8, 1852, Mary C. Robinson. •j-Pearsall, Robert. Entered 1841. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 25, 1827. d. Philadelphia, Pa., January 5, 1849. s. Robert Pearsall and Ann Shoemaker. fAdams, Samuel F. Entered 1841 ; left 1842. b. Newburgh, N. Y., August 28, 1823. d. 1846. s. Nathaniel Adams and . fBrown, Stephen. Entered 1842; left 1843 (?). Leather merchant. b. Peekskill, N. Y., January, 1827. d. Peekskill, N. Y., Jan- uary, 1890. s. James Brown and Lydia Underbill, m. February, 1852, Matilda Southard. fGummere, Henry Day. Entered Introductory Department 1841 ; left 1843. Accountant. b. Burlington, N. J., November 21, 1831. d. Burlington, N. J., October 18, 1910. s. John Gummere (Professor Mathematics 1833-43; Superintendent 1834-38) and Elizabeth Buzby. fHandy, Charles. ' Entered 1841 ; left 1844. Commission iron merchant in Philadelphia, Pa. b. Baltimore, Md., January 17, 1827. d. Philadelphia, Pa., No- vember 30, 1858. s. William Winder Handy, M.D., and Elizabeth Tyson, m. April 2, 1856, Margaret Justice Jenks. fLadd, William Henry. Entered Sophomore Class 1842 ; left close of Junior year. Teacher, Friends' Boarding School, Mt. Pleasant, O., 1842-43 ; stock raiser of fine horses and sheep in Ohio to 1865 ; provision and wool dealer. Delegate to Convention at Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1856, at which Republican party was formed. Sent by President Lincoln to take charge of "Contrabands" at Port Royal. Presi- dent, Ohio State Board of Agriculture, 1856; Minister of Society of Friends. b. Smithfield, O., March 12, 1823. d. Haverford, Pa., May 31, 1890. s. Benjamin W. Ladd (Manager 1830-35) and Elizabeth Wood. m. August 24, 1848, Caroline E. Coffin. 1846} MATRICULATE CATALOG 39 fMartin, James, Jr. Entered 1841 ; left 1843. Master mechanic; civil engineer; Second Lieutenant, Pennsyl- vania Artillery, 1863 ; honorably discharged on account of ill health, July, 1865. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 4, 1826. d. Burlington, N. J., August 20, 1866. s. James Martin and Mary Willis, m. April 28, 1852, Mary Jenks Yardley. fPerot, Sansom. Entered Introductory Department 1840; left 1841. b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1826. d. Philadelphia, Pa., October 17, 1899. s. William Sansom Perot and Letitia Poultney. m. Sarah Siter. fStarbuck, Charles Casey. (A.B., Oberlin, 1849; A.M., 1852.) Entered Introductory Department 1841 ; left at close of year. Studied at Oberlin College, 1845-49. Taught in Oberlin Col- lege and in Oberlin, Union and Andover Theological Seminaries ; missionary in Jamaica, 1855-61, 1866-71. Co-editor of Lange's Bible- work (English). Author of many reviews and newspaper articles. b. Boston, Mass., December 4, 1827. d. July 23, 1909. s. Charles Casey Starbuck and Lydia Alexander Staples, m. No- vember 29, 1872, Harriette Augusta Pratt. fTyson, James Wood. Entered 1841 ; left 1843. Miner and manufacturer. b. Baltimore, Md., July 16, 1828. d. December, 1900. s. Isaac Tyson and Hannah Ann Wood. m. (1) Philadelphia, Pa., Jan- uary 1, 1851, Elizabeth W. Dawson; (2) Richmond, Va., Decem- ber 29, 1890, Elizabeth K. Howard. 1846 N N -Graduates fBrowri, David Sands, Jr. Entered Introductory Department, 1841 ; left 1842. Dry goods merchant until 1868; woolen manufacturer, b. Dover, N. H., May 16, 1827. d. Bala, Pa., October 3, 1914. s. John Brown and Mary Thornton, m. Catharine P. Stewardson. fBrown, Thomas S. Entered Introductory Department 1837; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. 40 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1846 b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 11, 1828. d. . s. Jeremiah Brown and Elizabeth Stewardson. fCoale, Isaac, Jr. Entered 1841 ; left 1842. Merchant, Baltimore, Md. b. Baltimore, Md., April 10, 1827. d. Baltimore County, Md., December 31, 1873. s. William Ellis Coale and Hannah Ellicott Carey, m. (1) Baltimore, Md., April 30, 1851, Mary Gable; (2) Baltimore, Md., October 22, 1868, Helen McDowell. fHartshorne, Charles. (A.B., Univ. of Pa., 1847; A.M., 1850.) Entered Sophomore Class 1843 ; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Studied at University of Pennsylvania, 1845-47. Vice-Presi- dent, Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Acting President, 1852- 1880; President, 1880-82; Vice-President of other railroad com- panies. Manager, Haverford College, 1871-1908; President, Alumni Association, 1871-72; Trustee, Bryn Mawr College. Mem- ber Academy Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Franklin Insti- tute; Historical Society of Pennsylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 2, 1829. d. Merion, Pa., Oc- tober 30, 1908. s. Joseph Hartshorne, M.D., and Anna Bonsall. m. June 8, 1859, Caroline Cope Yarnall. fHunt, Ambrose. Entered 1842 ; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Bookseller and publisher. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 15, 1827. d. Philadelphia, Pa., February 24, 1880. s. Uriah Hunt and Elizabeth Shreve. fMorris, Samuel. Entered 1842 ; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Farmer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 7, 1827. d. October 18, 1905. s. Samuel Buckley Morris and Hannah Perot, m. Gwynedd, Pa., February 17, 1853, Lydia Spencer. fMurray, John. Entered 1842; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Author of work on elocution, etc. b. New York City, December 25, 1827. d. California, . s. Lindley Murray and . 1846] MATRICULATE CATALOG 41 fNicholson, William Hopkins. Entered Junior Class 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of institution. Glass manufacturer; farmer. Member of Historical Society of New Jersey ; American Academy of Political and Social Sci- ence; Civil Service Reform Association. Member of National Committee, Prohibition Party. b. Near Haddonfield, N. J., September 30, 1827. d. November 5, 1908. s. Samuel Nicholson and Rebecca M. Hopkins, m. May 2, 1855, Sarah Whitall. fUnderhill, Robert. Entered Sophomore Class 1843 ; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Dry goods merchant; ship builder; banker and broker in Wall Street, New York City, 1858-95. Member Metropolitan Museum of Art; New York Yacht Club; Atlantic Yacht Club; President, Skaneateles Yacht Club. b. New York City, August 4, 1829. d. June 29, 1905. s. George Underbill and Sally Ann Waring, m. June 21, 1859, Charlotte Ann Haight. fValentine, Jacob Downing. Entered 1843 ; left 1845 on account of the temporary closing of the institution. Iron manufacturer ; farmer. One of the Pennsylvania Emer- gency Men, 1862-63. b. Bellefonte, Pa., October 4, 1823. d. Bellefonte, Pa., Septem- ber 16, 1896. m. December 15, 1868, Deborah Elizabeth Downing. fValentine, Robert. Entered 1843; left 1845. Merchant; iron manufacturer, Bellefonte, Pa. Enlisted 3 months, Volunteers, 1861. Honorably discharged. b. Bellefonte, Pa., May 24, 1827. d. March 14, 1905. s. Bond Valentine and Lydia Fairlamb. m. (1) Philadelphia, Pa., Sep- tember 24, 1856, Mary Yarnall; (2) Philadelphia, Pa., 1861, Mary A. Natt. fWillets, Jeremiah, Jr. Entered 1842 ; left 1844. Lumber merchant; farmer; real estate agent. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 6, 1829. d. Philadelphia, Pa., December 13, 1870. s. Jeremiah Willets and Sarah B. Smith, m. October 20, 1853, Henrietta Ridgway Woodward. 42 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1847 fWines, Gilbert H. Entered 1842 ; left same year. b. June 29, 1827. d. . s. John Wines and . yWood, Richard. Entered 1841 ; left 1845. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 3, 1828. d. As the result of a rail- road accident near Frederick, Md., June 10, 1848. s. Horatio Curtis Wood and Elizabeth H. Bacon. fWood, Joseph. Entered 1841 ; left 1842. Dealer in woolens, 1847-61 ; steam heating apparatus, etc., 1861-92. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 13, 1825. d. Philadelphia, Pa., May 25, 1892. s. James Wood and Deborah M. Eldridge. m. April 10, 1856, Deborah A. Risley. 1847 Non-Graduates fBrown, Joseph Johnson. ( A. B., 1851, Univ. of Pa.; A.M., 1854.) Entered Introductory Department 1842 ; left at close of Sopho- more year. Entered Sophomore Class, University of Pennsylvania, 1848. Merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 6, 1832. d. Philadelphia, Pa., August 13, 1868. s. David Sands Brown and Elizabeth Jones Johnson. fBrown, Moses, Jr. Entered Introductory Department 1842; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 15, 1829. d. May 23, 1883. s. Moses Brown and Mary Wistar. m. 1856, Mary Wain Wistar. fCrew, Benjamin Johnson. Entered 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Studied at University of Pennsylvania, 1845 (Junior Class). Manufacturing chemist, 1876. Author of "Petroleum," "Our Jewels and the Work of Resetting Them;" article on "Aniline Colors" in appendix of an edition of "Encyclopaedia Britannica." 1847] MATRICULATE CATALOG 43 Secretary of Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 1876- 1885. b. Richmond, Va., December 8, 1828. d. Atco, N. J., November 5, 1885. s. James Crew and Elizabeth Maule. m. December 2, 1856, Anna Bartram Richards. fHacker, Charles. Entered 1843 ; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 30, 1829. d. Leicester, Mass., August 29, 1893. s. Isaiah Hacker (Manager 1846-60; Treasurer 1844-45, 1846-60) and Anna Hazen Brown, m. (1) May 25, 1853, Jane Johnson; (2) July 12, 1888, Sarah Earle. fMorgan, William Burroughs. Entered 1842; left 1844. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 26, 1830. d. Philadelphia, Pa., February, 1855. s. Joseph R. Morgan and Mary . fPennock, Abraham Liddon. Entered 1843 ; left 1845 owing to the temporary closing of the institution. Worked in woolen mills, Paschallville, Pa., and Woonsocket, R. I.; lumber and coal merchant, and miller (flour), Holmesburg, Pa. ; nurseryman and florist. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 3, 1827. d. Lansdowne, Pa., June 29, 1917. s. Abraham and Elizabeth Pennock. m. (1) Woonsocket, R. I., October 3, 1850, Abby Jane Aldrich; (2) June 5, 1867, Anna N. Cadwallader. fPerkins, Lindley Murray. Entered 1842; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of institution. Farmer. b. Flushing, N. Y., September 6, 1829. d. . s. Benjamin Douglas Perkins and Mary Shotwell. fShinn, Samuel Earl. (Ph.G., 1850, Phila. College of Pharmacy.) Entered 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Student at Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, 1850. Author of essay on "Glycerine," published in "American Journal of Pharmacy." b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 1, 1830. d. February 3, 1855. (Drowned in the Schuylkill River while skating.) s. Earl Shinn and Sarah Comfort. 44 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1847 fShotwell, Augustus Fox. Entered Sophomore Class 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Student University of the City of New York. Lawyer. b. New York City, 1829. d. At sea, 1864. s. Joseph S. Shot- well and Deborah Fox. fShotwell, Joseph Fox. Entered Sophomore Class 1844; left at end of year. Farmer. b. New York City, January 31, 1827. d. Westbury, L. I., N. Y., June 21, 1869. s. Joseph S. Shotwell and Deborah Fox. m. Sep- tember 22, 1847, Amie Titus. fStewardson, John. Entered Introductory Department 1841 ; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 23, 1830. d. June 29, 1856. s. George Stewardson and Rachel Smith. fStewardson, Thomas. Entered 1841 ; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Entered Junior Class, University of Pennsylvania, 1845. Lawyer. Member of Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia ; Franklin Institute; Historical Society of Permsylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 13, 1829. d. January 20, 1902. s. George Stewardson and Rachel Smith, m. Margaret Haines. fWright, John Howard. Entered Introductory Department 1842; left at close of Fresh- man year, 1844. Banker; retired. b. Flushing, N. Y., August 2, 1828. d. December (?), 1914. s. John D. Wright and Mary Byrds. m. January 4, 1849, Sarah Jane Walton. fYarnall, Francis Cope. Entered 1842; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Merchant; Vice-President, Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com- pany; President, . b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 4, 1830. d. Lower Merion, Pa., June 26, 1890. s. Edward Yarnall (Manager 1834-60) and Caroline Cope. m. June 5, 1855, Mary Coale. 1848] MATRICULATE CATALOG 45 1848 Non-Graduates fBarrow, Henry Haydock, Jr. Entered 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of institution. b. New York City, February 28, 1829. d. Chappaqua, N. Y., . s. Henry Haydock Barrow and Eleanor Prior, m. Mary Jenkins. fBeesley, Theophilus. Entered 1845 ; left on account of temporary closing of institu- tion. b. Salem, N. J., February 3, 1830. d. Millville, N. J., Feb- ruary 2, 1848. s. Theophilus Beesley (Manager 1850-66) and Hannah Wistar. fHacker, Morris. Entered 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Coal and iron merchant. b. September 10, 1831. d. March 19, 1872. s. Jeremiah Hacker (Manager 1849-57) and Beulah Morris, m. (1) March 31, 1858, Letitia Poultney Perot; (2) September 10, 1862, Isabel Wetherill. fHaviland, Edward Emmet. Entered 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. China merchant. b. Augusta, Ga., July 22, 1830. d. San Francisco, Cal., Sep- tember 9, 1852. s. Robert Barclay Haviland and Lucy Comstock. fHilles, John Smith. Entered 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Brick manufacturer, Wilmington, Del. ; General Freight Agent, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, Philadelphia, Pa. ; shipping business. b. Wilmington, Del., March 4, 1830. d. Philadelphia, Pa., August 19, 1876. s. Samuel Hilles (Superintendent 1833-34) and Margaret Hill Smith, m. May 7, 1862, Sarah Cooper Tatum. fMorris, Elliston Perot. Entered 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Manager of Haverford College, 1884-91 ; Secretary of the 46 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1849 Corporation, 1886-91. Trustee of Estates, etc. President, Freed- men's Association. Incorporator and Secretary Saving Fund So- ciety of Germantown; Manager, Friends Asylum, Frankford. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 22, 1831. d. Germantown, Pa., De- cember 3, 1914. s. Samuel Buckley Morris and Hannah Perot, m. Wilmington, Del., March 21, 1861, Martha Canby. fPancoast, Charles Howard. Entered 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. b. May 11, 1830. d. August 30, 1861. s. Dr. Joseph Pancoast and Rebecca Abbott, m. September 28, 1857, Sarah E. Smith. fPrice, Joseph M. Paul. Entered 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 9, 1829. d. Bangor, Me., Sep- tember 20, 1894. s. Thomas Callander Price and Sarah A. Paul, m. 1856, Emily M. Robeson. fRedmond, Charles Philip. Entered 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. b. New York, 1833. d. . s. James M. Redmond and Ann B. . fWood, George Bacon. Entered 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. Artist. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 6, 1832. d. June 18, 1909. s. Horatio Curtis Wood and Elizabeth H. Bacon, m. November 21, 1861, Julia Reeve. 1849 fSmiley, Albert K., A.B., A.M., 1859. Entered Senior Class 1848. Instructor, Haverf ord, 1848-53 ; Principal, Oak Grove Semi- nary, Vassalboro, Me. ; Teacher and Principal, Friends' School, Providence, R. I., 1860-74; Joint Proprietor, Lake Mohonk Hotel and Grounds. Trustee, Bryn Mawr College. Member Phi Beta Kappa, 1899. b. Vassalboro, Me., March 17, 1828. d. December 2, 1912. s. Daniel Smiley and Phebe Howland. m. July 8, 1857, Eliza P. Cornell. 1849] MATRICULATE CATALOG 47 fSmiley, Alfred Homans, A.B., A.M., 1863. Entered Senior Class 1848. Tutor at Haverford, 1849-50; Instructor, 1850-53; teacher, school, 10th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Pa., from 1853-55 ; farmer, Oskaloosa, la., 1855-60; teacher, Friends' School, Provi- dence, R. I., 1860-75; Joint Proprietor, Hotel Lake Mohonk; Proprietor Hotel and Grounds, Lake Minnewaska, N. Y., 1879- 1903. b. Vassalboro, Me., March 17, 1828. d. Redlands, Cal., Jan- uary 25, 1903. s. Daniel Smiley and Phebe Howland. m. July 12, 1854, Rachel Mott Swan. Non-Graduates fBirdsall, Nathan Dunn. Entered Introductory Department 1844; left 1845. Hardware merchant. b. Septondale, N. Y., October 19, 1825 (or 1827). d. Erie, Pa., August 1, 1867. s. Gideon M. Birdsall and Palmyra Osborn. fBirdsall, Zephaniah. Entered Introductory Department 1844; left 1845. Farmer and teacher. b. Septondale, N. Y., May 17, 1823 (or 1825). d. Septondale, N. Y., 1849, of cholera, s. Gideon M. Birdsall and Palmyra Osborn. fHaviland, Charles Field. Entered Introductory Department 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of institution. Decorator of French porcelain at Limoges, France, 1858-68 (in firm of Haviland Brothers & Co.) ; manufacturer of porcelain at Limoges and Vierzon, France, 1868-81 (operated the factory of Francois Allnand) ; 1881, retired from active business. b. North Castle, Westchester County, N. Y., August 1, 1832. d. Chauteau Masmarvant, near St. Victurnien, France, June 12, 1896. s. Robert Barclay Haviland and Lucy Comstock. m. Limoges, France, November 16, 1858, Marie Louise Mallevergue. tHazard, Rowland. (A.B., Brown Univ., 1849; A.M., 1852; Hon., LL.D.) Entered 1845 ; left same year on account of temporary closing of the institution. Entered Brown University, Providence, R. I., fall of 1845. Woolen manufacturer. Peace Dale, R. I. ; miner of lead, Wis- consin, 1870 ; introduced the "Solway Ammonia Process," at Syra- 48 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1850 cuse, N. Y., 1881. Published annual address on Economics, etc., before Washington County Agricultural Society; address on the laying of the Cornerstone of Rhode Island State House, 1896, etc. President, Brown Alumni Association; Member Phi Beta Kappa Association, President, 18 — ; Moderator of Town of South Kingston, R. I., 1865-68; Representative Rhode Island Legisla- ture, 1863-64; Senator for same, 1867-68 and 1868-69; Presi- dent, Washington County Agricultural Society, R. I., 1875; Mem- ber American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions ; Trustee Brown University, 1875-89; Fellow of same, 1889-90, etc. b. Newport, R. I., August 16, 1829. d. Peace Dale, R. I., Au- gust 16, 1898. s. Rowland Gibson Hazard and Caroline New- bold, m. March 29, 1854, Margaret Anna Rood. fPrice, Stephen Simmons. Entered 1844; left 1845 on account of the temporary closing of the institution. Dry goods merchant; retired in 1881. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 28, 1830. d. 1907 (?). s. Joseph Price and Elizabeth Gilhngham Simmons, m. January 8, 1857, Margaret Simmons Price. fWalker, Robert. Entered Introductory Department 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the institution. b. New York, January 26, 1832. d. . s. Robert T. Walker and . fWalker, Thomas. Entered 1844, Introductory Department; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of institution. b. New York, July 6, 1828. d. . s. Robert T. Walker and . 1850 Non-Graduates fCadbury, William Warder. Entered Introductory Department 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of institution; re-entered 1848; left 1849. Hardware merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 13, 1832. d. Philadelphia, Pa., October 28, 1859. s. Joel Cadbury (Manager 1849-57) and Caroline Warder. 1851] MATRICULATE CATALOG 49 fHowland, George Henry. Entered Introductory Department 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of institution. b. New Bedford, Mass., June 3, 1833. d. June 24, 1861. s. George Howland, Jr., and Sylvia G. Allen. fNicholson, Coleman Lindzey. Entered Junior Class 1848 ; left at close of Junior year. Lumber merchant; Secretary and Treasurer of Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Company; President, same company. Overseer, William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, Pa. Vice-President, Friends' Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 25, 1832. d. Ardmore, Pa., Jan- uary 16, 1916. s. Lindzey Nicholson and Abigail Passmore. m. September 22, 1869, Mary Paul Robeson. 1851 fBailey, Joseph Lukens. Entered Junior Class 1849. Farmer; iron manufacturer. Pine Iron Works, Pa. School director. b. Westtown, Pa., May 26, 1834. d. Pine Iron Works, Pa., March 11, 1904. s. Joseph Bailey and Martha Lukens. m. (1) March 31, 1863, Anna Scattergood; d. March 27, 1872; (2) October 15, 1885, Anna H. Warrington; d. July 8, 1888. fGarrett, Philip C, A.B. Entered Junior Class 1849. President, Alumni Association, 1876-77; Alumni Orator, 1880; Manager 1862-1905 ; Secretary of the Haverford Corporation, 1864-75; editor of "History of Haverford College, 1832-92." Manufacturer ; retired 1877. Author of numerous reports of vari- ous organizations, etc. Chairman of State (Pennsylvania) Lunacy Commission ; President of Board of State Charities ; Member United States Board of Indian Commissioners ; Chairman of "Committee of One Hundred," Philadelphia (1880); Member American Philosophical Society; Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania ; American Association for Advancement of Science, etc. ; Member Phi Beta Kappa, 1899; President, Board of Trustees, Bryn Mawr College. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 1, 1834. d. Philadelphia, Pa., December 9, 1905. s. Thomas C. Garrett and Frances Biddle. m. May 18, 1865, Elizabeth W. Cope. 4 50 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1851 fLevick, Thomas J. Entered 1848. Wholesale boot and shoe merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1833. d. 1893. s. Robert R. Levick and Hannah Jefferson, m. January 29, 1868, Mary Anna Jenkins. fPaige, Franklin Enoch, A.B., A.M., 1857. Entered Sophomore Class 1848. Vice-President, Loganian; Secretary of same. Alumni Orator, 1862. Assistant in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Haver- ford, 1851-53; teacher; merchant; civil engineer; stationer and printer; farmer. Railroad treasurer. b. Weare, N. H., March 6, 1829. d. Brandyvi^ine Summit, Pa., July 4, 1918. s. Daniel Paige and Mary Gove. m. April 27, 1898, Amy Agnes Moore. fTest, Zaccheus, A.B., A.M. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1855; Hon., A.M., FrankHn and Marshall, 1861.) Entered Junior Class 1849. Alumni Orator, 1863. Studied at Theological Seminary, Mer- cersburg, Pa., 1861 ; also at Andover, Mass., 1863 ; and two semesters at Tiibingen, Germany, 1874-75. Physician in Rich- mond, Ind. ; teacher of Latin and Greek, Earlham School (after- vi^ards Earlham College) ; teacher, Latin and Greek, Howland School, Union Springs, N. Y., 1866-78; Supervisor of German in city schools, Richmond, Ind. ; Assistant Pastor, St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Ind. b. Dunlapsville, Union County, Ind., September 13, 1828. d. November 3, 1905. s. Samuel Test, Jr., and Hannah Jones, m. (1) August, 1857, Elizabeth M. Pray; (2) Sarah Anthony. fThomas, James Carey,A.B., A.M., 1877. (M.D., Univ. of Md., 1854.) Entered Sophomore Class 1848. Vice-President, Loganian ; Editor of Collegian. Alumni Orator, 1864; Alumni President, 1867; Manager of Haverford College, 1860-97. Studied medicine, University of Maryland, 1851-54. Physician. Author of contributions to medical press and also to religious press. Trustee of Johns Hopkins University, 1870-97; Chairman of Executive Committee of same for a number of years ; Member of Medical Board of Johns Hopkins Hospital; original trustee of Bryn Mawr College; President, Maryland Clinical So- ciety ; twice Vice-President, Maryland Medical and Chirurgical Society; one of founders of Baltimore Children's Aid Society; Director, Industrial School for Girls; President, Y. M. C. A., 1851] MATRICULATE CATALOG 51 1877-84, then Vice-President; President, Thomas Wilson Fuel Saving Society; Trustee of Thomas Wilson Sanitarium for Chil- dren; Vice-President, Charity Organization Society; President, Baltimore Manual Labor School; Manager of Society for the Suppression of Vice; Member of Municipal Commission on Free Baths. Recorded Minister in Society of Friends, 1866. Qerk of Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1885-97. b. Baltimore, Md., July 13, 1833. d. Baltimore, Md., November 9. 1897. s. Richard Henry Thomas, M.D. (Manager 1850-59) and Martha Carey, m. October 31, 1855, Mary Whitall, of Phila- delphia, Pa. fWood, Richard, A.B. Entered 1848. Alumni Orator, 1861. Manager 1869-1910. Merchant. Trustee, University of Pennsylvania; Member American Philosophical Society. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 25, 1833. d. September 30, 1910. s. Richard Davis Wood and Julianna Randolph. Non-Graduates fAtwater, Joseph Hoag. Entered 1849; left 1850. Assistant teacher at Haverf ord, 1849-50 ; teacher ; clerk ; lumber dealer ; agent ; inventor of Atwater Newspaper File, etc. Minister of the Society of Friends. b. Orleans County, N. Y., February 27, 1825. d. Anthony, R. I., June 17, 1901. s. Mead Atwater and Huldah Hoag. m. (1) February 2, 1852, Elizabeth Anthony Harkness; d. 1882; (2) October, 1886, Ellen M. Babcock. fClapp, John, Jr. Entered 1848 ; left 1850. Merchant. b. New York City, September 11, 1831. d. Plainfield, N. J., September 30, 1885. s. John Clapp and Phebe Hicks, m. Plain- field, N. J., September 2, 1873, Susan Loyd, fEly, Richard Elias. Entered Sophomore Qass 1848; left 1850. Farmer. b. New Hope, Pa., July 5, 1833. d. New Hope, Pa., November 18, 1914. s. Elias Ely and Sarah M. Wilson, m. September 2, 1858, Caroline A. Newbold. 52 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1852 fPaxson, Samuel. Entered 1848; left 1849 (?). b. , N. J., September 2, 1830. d. . s. Henry Paxson (?) and Caroline . fPrice, Richard, Jr. Entered Sophomore Class 1848; left 1849. Lumber merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 20, 1832. d. March 8, 1868. s. Thomas Callander Price and Sarah A. Paul. m. 1857, Anna Dunbar. fTaber, Abraham. Entered Sophomore Class 1848; left 1850. Bookseller; art publisher; farmer. b. New Bedford, Mass., August 3, 1832. d. New Bedford, Mass., November 29, 1898. s. William Congdon Taber and Hannah Tucker Shearman, m. May 24, 1854, Mary Jane How- land. 1852 fClark, Dougan, (A.B., Univ. of N.C.; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1861.) Entered Sophomore Class 1849. Vice-President, Loganian. Assistant teacher, Haverford, 1850- 53 ; studied medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 1858-61 ; Mem- ber of Faculty of Indiana Medical College ; teacher ; Professor of Latin and Greek ; Professor of Materia Medica ; physician ; Professor of Biblical Instruction, Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. Author of numerous articles on religious subjects. Member of Wayne County (Ind.) Medical Society. b. Randolph County, N. C, May 17, 1828. d. Richmond, Ind., October 10, 1896. s. Dougan Clark and Asenath Hunt. m. April 21, 1852, Sarah Jordan Bates. fHopkins, Lewis Neill. Entered Sophomore Class 1849. Merchant; ten years Collector of Taxes, City of Baltimore, Md. Secretary of Board of Trustees, Johns Hopkins University. b. Anne Arundel County, Md., June 27. 1834. d. August, 1904. s. Joseph Janney Hopkins and Elizabeth Schofield. m. (1) Josephine Hoge; (2) Lucy Tomlin Braston. fKinsman, William Low. Entered 1848. Clerk ; insurance agent. 1852] MATRICULATE CATALOG 53 b. Salem, Mass., March 10, 1836. d. Salem, Mass., October 5, 1899. s. Nathaniel Kinsman and Rebecca Chase, m. October 19, 1870, Sarah Augusta Nichols. fNewhall, William Estes. Entered 1849. Clerk; manufacturer of cotton goods; manufacturer of iron. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 13, 1834. d. May 2, 1906, as result of accident, s. Paul Wing Newhall and Hannah Johnson, m. October 8, 1857, Philena M. Peterson. fWhitall, James. Entered Junior Class 1850. Frequent and liberal contributor to the funds of the College. Manager 1857-96; Chairman of Executive Committee; Secretary of Board of Managers, 1867-77. Glass manufacturer. Trustee, Bryn Mawr College; Overseer, William Penn Charter School. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 3, 1834. d. Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa., February 28, 1896. s. John Mickle Whitall (Man- ager 1849-69) and Mary Tatum. m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 26, 1856, Mary Wistar Cope. Non-Graduates fBrinton, George. Entered 1848 ; left 1849. Farmer. b. Thornbury, Chester County, Pa., October 9, 1830. d. Thorn- bury, Pa., July 7, 1883. s. Caleb Brinton and Martha Levis Strode, m. October 23, 1852, Christiana Brinton. fBrinton, Thomas Hill. Entered 1848; left 1849 (?). Farmer. b. Chadds Ford, Pa., July 25, 1835. d. Chadds Ford, Pa., August 30, 1896. s. George Brinton and Mary Keppele. m. December 2, 1858, Mary S. Jones. fBrooke, Nathan. Entered 1849; left 1850. Dry goods merchant; grain merchant. President, Commercial Exchange, Philadelphia, 1870. b. Radnor, Pa., January 21, 1832. d. Media, Pa., May 13, 1885. s. Hugh Jones Brooke and Jemima Elizabeth Longmire. m. Philadelphia, Pa., February 3, 1858, Anna Elizabeth Thomas. 54 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1852 fChase, George Howland. Entered 1848; left 1850 (?). Fanner. b. Salem, Mass., April 15, 1834. d. Union Springs, N. Y., October 29, 1868. s. William Henry Chase and Elizabeth How- land, m. May 31, 1862, Mary F. Adams. fCope, Samuel Barnes. Entered 1848; left 1849. b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1834. d. . s. Charles S. Cope and Rebecca Barnes. fHacker, Arthur. Entered 1848; left 1851. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 15, 1834. d. Philadelphia, Pa., April 1, 1858. s. Isaiah Hacker (Manager 1846-60; Treasurer, 1844, 1845, 1846-60) and Ann Hazen Brown. fHerendeen, Edward Welcome. Entered Junior Class 1850 ; left at close of year. Nurseryman, 1856-74; manufacturer of agricultural imple- ments (Thomas Harrow Company), 1874-86; steam and hot- water heating, etc., Herendeen Manufacturing Company, Geneva, N. Y., 1886-97 (President of same). b. Farmington, N. Y., July 21, 1831. d. Geneva, N. Y., Feb- ruary 23, 1897. s. Gideon Herendeen and Bersheba Willits. m. December 10, 1856, Anna Hallett Nickerson. fHull, Joseph Janney. (M.D., Univ. of City of N.Y., 1858.) Entered 1848; left at close of Freshman year. Studied medicine. Medical School of University of City of New York; merchant; physician. Acting Assistant Surgeon, United States Army, in Utah, 1860. b. Baltimore, Md., August 19, 1834. d. August, 1911. s. Robert Hull and Hannah Ann Janney. m. December 9, 1862, Mary Delafield DuBois. fHuIme, John L. Entered 1849; left 1850. Manufacturer. b. Mt. Holly, N. J., 1831. d. August, 1888. s. James S. Hulme and Hannah Lippincott. m. (1) Anna Mears; (2) Emily Little- field. fLadd, Benjamin. Entered 1849; left 1850. Farmer and wool grower in Ohio and Illinois until 1860; re- 1852] MATRICULATE CATALOG 55 moved to Iowa; pork packer; removed to Colorado, 1880; miner, b. Smithfield, Jefferson County, O., August 24, 1830. d. Sun- set, Boulder County, Col., January 11, 1890. s. Benjamin W. Ladd (Manager 1830-35) and Elizabeth Wood. m. November 25, 1857, Maria L. Judkins. fParry, Edward Randolph. Entered 1848; left 1849. Secretary of Loganian. United States Army, May, 1861. En- tered Army, First Lieutenant, 11th United States Infantry, and served through w^ar; 1864, made Captain of the 11th; transferred to 20th; on reorganization of the Army, promoted a Major for gallant services. Fought along line of Weldon Railroad and be- fore Petersburg, Va., commanding his regiment in several actions. In 1865 vi^as Assistant Adjutant General of the regular brigade Army of the Potomac, serving upon staff of General Winthrop. In 1868 commanded Forts Phillips and Jackson, at mouth of Mississippi, and Fort Ripley, Minn., in 1869. Resigned on ac- count of ill health, 1871. b. New Hope, Bucks County, Pa., July 27, 1832. d. New Hope, Pa., April 13, 1874. s. Oliver Parry and Rachel Randolph, m. December 17, 1863, Frances E. Dimick. fReeve, William Cooper. Entered 1850; left 1851 (?). b. Salem County, N. J., 1832. d. Salem, N. J., February, 1914. s. William Foster Reeve and Mary Wills Cooper, m. Mary Mason Acton. fRoberts, George Wilson. (A.B., Yale, 1857.) Entered February, 1849 ; left same year. Entered Sophomore Class, Yale, 1854; lawyer. West Chester, Pa., and Chicago, 111. Major, 42d Illinois Volunteers, 1861 ; Lieutenant Colonel; Colonel; Brigadier General at Island No. 10; Fort Pillow ; Nashville ; killed in leading a charge near Murf rees' boro, Tenn., December 31, 1862. b. East Goshen, Pa., October 2, 1833. d. (Killed in action, Murfreesboro, Tenn.), December 31, 1862. s. Pratt Roberts and Ann Wilson. fStokes, Francis. Entered 1848; left 1850. Manager of Haverford College, 1885-1917; Vice-President, Alumni. Dry goods merchant; lumber merchant, 1858-86. Mem- ber, Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 56 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1853 b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 15, 1833. d. Germantown, Pa., Jan- uary 2, 1917. s. John Stokes and Hannah Gilpin Smith, m. March 23, 1865, Katharine Wistar Evans. fWeaver, Thomas. Entered 1849; left 1850 or 1851. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 10, 1835. d. Philadelphia, Pa., October 6, 1870. s. Elijah Weaver and Ann Griffin, fWistar, Caspar. Entered Sophomore Class 1849; left 1850. Druggist. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 18, 1833. d. Supposed to have been lost at sea 1854 or 1855. s. Caspar Wistar, M.D., and Lydia Jones. 1853 fMorgan, William Butler, A.B., A.M., 1857. (C.E., Univ. of IVliich., 1863.) Entered Sophomore Class 1850. Teacher of Classics, Westtown Boarding School, 1853-55 ; Pro- fessor of Latin and Greek, Earlham College, 1855-60; Professor of Mathematics, 1860-62; Graduate Student, Ann Arbor, Univer- sity of Michigan, 1862-63 ; Professor Mathematics, Earlham Col- lege, 1863-64, 1865-68 ; Instructor in Engineering, University of Michigan, 1864-65 ; teacher in Spiceland Academy, Spiceland, Ind. ; teacher in Indianapolis High School, 1872-74; Professor of Mathe- matics and Engineering, Purdue University, Ind., 1874-75 ; Gov- ernor and Professor of Chemistry, Earlham College, 1875-76; Professor of Mathematics, Penn College, Iowa, 1876-82, and President two years ; Professor of Mathematics, Earlham College, 1883-98. Published Journal Franklin Institute, 1864, "The Macro- graph." b. Near Raysville, Ind., December 2, 1830. d. February 24, 1904. s. Charles Morgan and Michal Butler, m. October 10, 1855, Sarah Henley. fPancoast, William Henry, A.B., Honorary A.M., 1876. (M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Phila., Pa., 1856.) Entered 1849. Student, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1853-56. Studied in London, Paris, Berlin and Vienna. Physician ; Demon- strator of Anatomy, Jefferson Medical College, 1862-74; Ad- 1853] MATRICULATE CATALOG 57 junctor Professor, Anatomy, and Lecturer; Professor of Descrip- tive, General and Surgical Anatomy, 1874-86; First President, Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia; Surgeon-in-Chief, United States Hospital, during Civil War; Consulting Surgeon, Charity Hospital; Senior Surgeon, Philadelphia Hospital; Dele- gate to International Medical Congress, 1876; Membre Corre- spondant Societe Clinique de Paris ; Member of American Philo- sophical Society ; Academy Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, etc. ; President, Philadelphia County Medical Society; President, Red Cross Society in Pennsylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 16, 1834. d. Philadelphia, Pa., January 5, 1897. s. Joseph Pancoast, M.D., and Rebecca Abbott, m. (1) November 13, 1873, Mary Anna Gertrude Lewis; (2) Charlotte Matilda Robb. Non-Graduates fBrinton, Charles. Entered 1849; left 1851. Farmer. b. Thornbury, Chester County, Pa., May 1, 1836. d. Media, Pa., April 6, 1882. s. Caleb Brinton and Martha Levis Strode. m. Julia Speakman. fCoale, Thomas Ellicott. Entered 1848 ; left 1849. Merchant; Director Commercial Agency. b. Baltimore, Md., March 31, 1833. d. Baltimore, Md., 1897. s. William Ellis Coale and Hannah Ellicott Carey, m. January 18, 1855, Cecelia Harvey. fCorbit, John Cowgill. Entered 1849; left 1851. b. Cartswell's Bridge, Del., 1834. d. 1907. s. Daniel Corbit and Eliza Naudain. m. Emily Peterson. tCorbit, William Francis. Entered 1849; left 1850. Journalist ; connected with Associated Press in Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 16, 1834. d. Philadelphia, Pa., 1885. s. Henry C. Corbit and Sarah Bolton. fDilworth, William T. Entered 1849; left 1850. b. Solebury, Bucks County, Pa., July 30, 1833. d. June 22, 1858. s. Joseph Dilworth and Mary Paxson. 58 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1853 fGififord, Charles Henry. Entered 1849; left 1850. Member State Board of Gas and Electric Light Commission (Boston). b. New Bedford, Mass., July 18, 1833. d. . s. William Gifford and Rhoda Tucker, m. September 15, 1858, Elizabeth Peckham Cummings. fGill, William Hopkins. Entered 1848; left 1849. b. Haddonfield, N. J., August 5, 1831. d. Philadelphia, Pa., December 20, 1872. s. John Gill and Sarah Hopkins, m. July 6, 1848, Phebe Shreve. fHaworth, James Mahlon. Entered 1850; left 1852. Studied at Earlham School, Richmond, Ind., 1848-50; farmer merchant; railroad ticket agent; Treasurer, Clinton County, O. Captain, 40th Regiment Ohio United States Volunteers, 1861-63 Superintendent, Kiowa Indian Agency, 1873-77; Special Indian Agent-at- Large, 1879-80; Indian Inspector, 1880-82; Inspector of Indian Schools, 1882-83 ; Superintendent, Indian Schools, 1883-85. b. Wilmington, O., November 19, 1831. d. Albuquerque, N. M., March 12, 1885. s. George D. Haworth and Edith Hadley. fHoag, Nicholas W. Entered 1851; left 1852. b. Washington (now Millbrook), N. Y., 1853. d. . s. John Hoag and . fHowland, Andrew Moore. Entered 1848; left 1851. Wool merchant; trustee for the Children of Shalam. b. New Bedford, Mass., November 1, 1834. d. April 10, 1917. s. Edward W. Howland and Minerva Ellison, m. June 25, 1893, Frances Vandewater Newbrough. fHowland, Benjamin. (A.B., Union College, Schenectady, N.Y.) Entered 1849; left at close of Sophomore year (?). Studied at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. ; woolen manu- facturer; Secretary and Treasurer, Harris Manufacturing Com- pany, Catskill, N. Y. b. Sherwood, N. Y., March 25, 1832. d. Catskill, N. Y., April 26, 1882, as result of accident, m. January 27, 1858, Louisa Powell. 1853] MATRICULATE CATALOG 59 fHuII, John. Entered 1849; left 1850. Studied at University of Virginia, 1859-60. In Confederate Army, 1861-64; 1st Lieutenant, 5th Virginia Cavalry, General Fitz Hugh Lee's Division, Army Northern Virginia. b. Baltimore, Md., 1839. d. Canada, December, 1864. s. Rob- ert Hull and Hannah Ann Janney. fJones, Thomas Woodward. Entered 1849; left 1851. Farmer, Pennsbury, Pa. b. Birmingham, Pa., May 27, 1834. d. Philadelphia, Pa., No- vember 19, 1877. s. Brinton Jones and Mary Woodward, m. Martha C. Ogborn. fLevis, Franklin B. (A.B, Princeton, 1853.) Entered 1849; left 1851. Student at Princeton; Counsellor at Law. b. Mt. Holly, N. J., July 28, 1834. d. April 9, 1913. s. Samuel F. Levis and Sarah B. Hulme. m. Mt. Holly, N. J., October 14, 1857, Rebecca B. Coppuck. fMatthews, Richard J. Entered Introductory Department 1848; left 1850 or 1851. Farmer and dairyman. b. Baltimore County, Md., July 6, 1834. d. Baltimore County, Md., April 8, 1885. m. May 20, 1862, Sallie H. Scott. fPancoast, George Abbott. Entered 1849; left 1850. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 22, 1832. d. October 1, 1859. s. Dr. Joseph Pancoast and Rebecca Abbott. fPerkins, Benjamin Douglas. Entered Introductory Department 1848; left 1849. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., April 2, 1832. d. August 3, 1888. s. Benjamin Douglas Perkins and Mary Shotwell. fScull, Jacob Ridgway. Entered Preparatory Department 1848; left 1851. Iron worker and machinist. Private in "Three Months" Volun- teers, 1861 ; enlisted for three years, August, 1861 ; Lieutenant and then Captain, 72d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers; honor- ably discharged, 1864. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 26, 1835. d. . s. Gideon Scull and Lydia Ann Rowan, m. May 3, 1865, Margaret Clevenstine. 60 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1853 fStadelman, Jacob Latch. Entered Preparatory Department 1848 ; left 1849. Dealer in lumber and coal. Mustered into United States Vol- unteers, August 5, 1861, at Harrisburg, Pa., as Captain B Com- pany, 1st Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Cavalry. Honorably discharged in Virginia, March 28, 1862. b. Lovi^er Merion, Montgomery County, Pa., March 19, 1834. d. Bala, Pa., December 21, 1899, s. Jacob Stadelman and Hannah Higgins Latch, m. August 29, 1861, Henrietta Rachel Leech. tStokes, Wistar H. Entered 1850; left 1851 (?). b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 11, 1833. d. 1907 (?). s. Levi B. Stokes and . fTatum, Charles. Entered 1849; left 1850 (?). b. Deptford, N. J., November 9, 1834. d. . s. Josiah Tatum and Rachel Offley. m. Chicago, 111., December 16, 1856, Josephine Porter. fTillinghast, Joseph. Entered 1849; left 1851 (?). Fire insurance agent; Justice of the Peace; Commissioner to qualify City Common Council. b. New Bedford, Mass., September 5, 1834. d. New Bedford, Mass., September 24, 1889. s. Joseph S. Tillinghast and Ann Taber. m. (1) Amelia A. Odiorne, Framingham, Mass.; (2) Maria A. Chapman, New Bedford, Mass. fTroth, John Trimble. Entered 1851; left 1851. Editor of The Collegian. Farmer; School Director, Burling- ton, N. J. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 31, 1833. d. Near Burlington, N. J., October 20, 1860. s. Samuel Fothergill Troth and Mary Trimble, m. October 30, 1856, Elizabeth Taylor Lippincott. fTyson, Isaac. Entered Preparatory Department 1848; left 1851. Clerk. b. Baltimore, Md., 1833. d. Baltimore, Md., November 19, 1873. s. Isaac Tyson and Hannah Ann Wood. m. October 4, 1854, Fannie Thornton. 1854] MATRICULATE CATALOG 61 fTyson, John Snowden. Entered 1849; left 1851. Lawyer; Member of Maryland Legislature, 1864. b. Near Baltimore City, Md., May 22, 1837. d. (Drowned in Gunpowder River, Md.) July 26, 1890. s. Judge John Shoe- maker Tyson and Rachel Snowden. m. February 2, 1865, Mary Roberts. fUnderhill, Edmund B. Entered 1851; left 1852. b. Clinton Corners, N. Y., 1833. d. . s. Alfred M. Under- hill and Lydia P. Howes. fUnderhill, Robert F. Entered 1850; left 1851 (?). Machinist and foundry man. b. , 1830 or 1831. d. Indianapolis, Ind., 1863. s. Robert R. Underbill, of Indianapolis, Ind., and Sarah Wood. fUpdegrafif, David Brainard. Entered 1851; left 1852. Farmer; editor of Friends' Expositor; Minister in Society of Friends; author of "Old Corn; or. Sermons on the Baptism with the Holy Spirit." b. Mt. Pleasant, O., August 23, 1830. d. Mt. Pleasant, O., May 23, 1894. s. David Updegraff and Rebecca Taylor Upde- grafif. m. (1) September 23, 1852, Rebecca B. Price; (2) Sep- tember 4, 1866, Eliza J. C. Mitchell. 1854 fArthur, Frederick, Jr. Entered Freshman Class 1850. Farmer until 1860; wholesale furniture business; manager, wholesale glass house. b. Nantucket, Mass., August 20, 1834. d. St. Louis, Mo., De- cember 21, 1891. s. Frederick Arthur and Mary Gardner, m. Lena Talmage. Cadbury, John Warder, A.B., (in 1856.) Entered Introductory Department 1849. Vice-President, Loganian. Manufacturer of plumbers' sup- plies; retired. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 29, 1836. s. Joel Cadbury (Manager 1849-57) and Caroline Warder, m. Germantown, Pa., October 5, 1871, Rebecca Warner, c. Hannah Warner, 1872; 62 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1854 Caroline Warder, 1873; Eleanor Anne, 1875; William Edward, 1881; Esther Head, 1888. Address, 441 Locust Avenue, Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Garrett, John Biddle, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1851. Secretary of Alumni Association, 1859-63; President of same, 1879-80; Orator, Semi-Centennial, 1883; Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1898; Manager, Haverford College, 1872-1914; President pro tern, of the College during absence of President Sharpless in Europe, 1890-91. Manufacturer and merchant, 1854-74; in vari- ous railroad and trust corporations, 1874-1901 ; President, Girard Trust Company, Philadelphia, 188 -87; Vice-President, Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, 1887-1901. Trustee, Bryn Mawr Col- lege, 1881-1902; Overseer, William Penn Charter School, 1868-81. Commissioner to locate Osage Indians, appointed by President Johnson. Member, American Academy of Political and Social Science; American Statistical Association; Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Minister in Society of Friends. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 30, 1836. s. Thomas C. Garrett and Frances Biddle. m. September 6, 1866, Hannah Rhoads Haines. Address, Rosemont, Pa. fScull, David, A.B. Entered Introductory Department 1849. President of Loganian; Secretary, Alumni, 1857-58; President, 1874-75; Manager, 1865-1907. Wool merchant; retired 1891. Drafted in 1864 ; about to be sent to front, but paroled by E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War; author several pamphlets; "Salvation in a Twofold Aspect," Philadelphia, 1897; frequent contributor to Friends' Review. Trustee, Bryn Mawr College ; connected with various charitable institutions. b. ScuUtown, Salem County, N. J., January 17, 1836. d. No- vember 22, 1907. s. David Scull and Lydia Lippincott. m. Feb- ruary 28, 1861, Hannah EUicott Coale. Non-Graduates fAllen, Gideon, Jr. (A.B., Harvard, 1858.) Entered Freshman Class 1850; left 1852. Student at Harvard College; Treasurer, Morse Twist Drill and Machine Company, New Bedford, Mass. ; retired. b. New Bedford, Mass., September 27, 1837. d. New Bedford, Mass., July (?), 1920. s. Gideon Allen and Betsy Nye. m. Oc- tober 16, 1860, Horatia Anna Howland. c. Helen Allen. 1854] MATRICULATE CATALOG 63 fChase, William Henry, Jr. Entered 1850; left 1852. Enlisted in New York Volunteers, February 20, 1861, as Ser- geant, Company K, 19th New York Infantry ; discharged June 19, 1862; re-enlisted February 20, 1864, as Sergeant, Company K, 3d New York Artillery; discharged June 19, 1865. Farmer. b. Salem, Mass., January 21, 1838. d. Bath, N. Y., March 19, 1892. s. William Henry Chase and Elizabeth Rowland, m. No- vember, 1860, Margaret F. Clapp. fCrew, Peter Joel. Entered 1850; left 1852. Student at Richmond College one year. Manufacturer of soap and candles, Richmond, Va. b. Richmond, Va., July 29, 1832. d. August 6, 1903. s. Cor- nelius Crew and Mary Ann Hall. m. (1) March 23, 1854, Vir- ginia Bowen; (2) November 1, 1864, Maria Louisa Rodes. fDeacon, James Woolman. Entered Junior year 1851; left during Senior year on account of ill health. Editor of The Collegian. Miller and manufacturer, Birming- ham, N. J., 1853-70; manufacturer of varnishes, Philadelphia, Pa.; manufacturer of phosphorus, Centreton, N. J. ; Secretary, Ken- tucky Coal Exchange; Secretary of Mining Companies in Georgia. b. Birmingham Mills, near Mount Holly, N. J., June 2, 1834. d. October 8, 1912. s. Thomas Bayre Deacon and Elizabeth Wool- man, m. (1) February 10, 1858, Anna M. Hilyard; (2) Decem- ber 1, 1870, Sarah Shreve Newbold. fPox, Samuel Lewis. Entered 1850; left end of Freshman year, 1851. Optician and manufacturer of scientific instruments. Member, Historical Society of Pennsylvania ; Philadelphia Academy of Nat- ural Sciences ; Franklin Institute. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 26, 1834. d. Philadelphia, Pa., November 12, 1912. s. Joseph Fox, C.E., and Edith Hibbard. m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 8, 1861, Harriet Brown. fHacker, William. Entered 1848; left 1850. Dealer in agricultural implements and seeds; nurseryman; Auditor, Coal and Canal Company, Pennsylvania Railroad; Mem- ber, Philadelphia Agricultural Society ; Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Philadelphia; Zoological Society; Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 64 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1854 b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 2, 1832. d. Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa., March 11, 1898. s. Jeremiah Hacker (Manager 1849- 57) and Beulah Morris, m. December 16, 1858, Hannah J. Wistar. fHill, Thomas Clarkson. Entered 1850; left close of Sophomore year. Merchant, Carthage, Ind. ; real estate and insurance, Chicago, 111. ; Justice of the Peace. School Director and Trustee. b. Randolph County, N. C, March 13, 1831. d. Western Springs, 111., November 9, 1897. s. Samuel Hill and Mary Bran- son, m. April 15, 1857, Adaline Amanda Butler. fHowland, Cornelius. Entered 1850; left 1851. Merchant; Captain, 23d Massachusetts (nine months) Volun- teers, 1861 ; Burnside Expedition, Roanoke Island. b. New Bedford, Mass., April 7, 1835. d. Smyrna, Asia Minor, December 6, 1893. s. Cornelius Howland and Harriet Converse, m. September 15, 1857, Katherine N. Gibbs. fLadd, Thomas Wood. Entered 1852; left 1853. Meat and provision commission merchant, Cincinnati, O., after- ward New York City. Member of New York Produce Exchange. Minister, Society of Friends. b. Smithfield, O., December 4, 1832. d. Ottumwa, la., Decem- ber 12, 1882. s. Benjamin W. Ladd and Elizabeth Wood. m. August 16, 1854, Hannah Peckham Gifford. fParry, Israel Hallowell. Entered 1850; left 1851 (?). b. Philadelphia, Pa., ( ?) 1835. d. April 23, 1877. s. Samuel Parry and Martha R. Hallowell. Parry, Richard Randolph. Entered 1850; left 1851. Banker at Mankato, Minn., 1856-61 ; dry goods commission merchant. New York and Philadelphia, 1866-73 ; retired 1873. President, New Hope Delaware Bridge Company. Author of many historical sketches contributed to the newspapers ; to "Hotch- kiss' York Road, Old and New," to "Johnston's Campaign of 1776, including Battle of Long Island" (Long Island Historical . Society, 1878), etc., etc. b. Philadelphia. Pa., December 5, 1835. s. Oliver Parry and Rachel Randolph, m. October 11, 1866, Ellen L. Read, of Port- land, Me. Address, New Hope, Bucks County, Pa. 1854] MATRICULATE CATALOG 65 fRichmond, Alexander A. Entered 1850; left 1851. Clerk and Treasurer; connected with Metropolitan Savings Bank, New York City. b. New Bedford, Mass., July 11, 1836. d. Peekskill, N. Y., October 15, 1915. s. Joshua Richmond and Hannah H. Hussey. m. October 13, 1868, Emma Frost. fRichmond, James Henry Crocker. Entered Preparatory Department 1849; left 1851 (?). Merchant in New Bedford, Mass. b. New Bedford, Mass., March 7, 1835. d. New Bedford, Mass., April 18, 1877. s. Joshua Richmond and Hannah H. Hus- sey. m. Hannah Katharine Courtis. fStabler, William Davis. (M.D.) Entered 1851; left 1852 (?). Studied medicine. b. Lynchburg, Va., June 7, 1835. d. May 7, 1874. s. Robinson Stabler and Maryannis Davis. fStreet, Lewis. Entered 1850; left 1851. Missionary to Madagascar. Minister in the Society of Friends. b. Salem, O., April 2, 1833. d. August 15, 1892. s. Zadok Street and Sibyl Tatum. m. Salem, O., February 24, 1859, Sarah T. Fawcett. fTatum, John Cooper. Entered 1850; left 1852. Farmer. Director of First National Bank, Woodbury, N. J. ; Secretary of Gloucester County Sunday School Association; Trus- tee of Deptford Institute, Woodbury, N. J. b. Mantua Farm, near Woodbury, N. J. d. Woodbury, N. J., March 25, 1895. s. Joseph Tatum and Ann Cooper, m. Josephine Cornog. fTaylor, Augustus. Entered 1850; left 1851. Merchant; farmer; school director; private in "Anderson Cav- alry," 1862-63 ; honorably discharged on account of illness. b. Taylorsville, Pa., December 14, 1833. d. Swarthmore, Pa., February 13, 1888. s. Mahlon K. Taylor and Elizabeth Hough. 5 66 KAVERFORD COLLEGE [1855 fTaylor, Thomas Chalkley. Entered 1850; left 1851. Merchant. b. Taylorsville, Pa., December 14, 1833. d. Philadelphia, Pa., January 31, 1883. s. Mahlon K. Taylor and Elizabeth Hough. fTroth, Samuel. Entered 1850; left 1852. Farmer; merchant; clerk, Justice of the Peace; 2d Lieutenant, Company B, Regiment P. V. M., 1863 ; Member, Historical Society of Pennsylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 16, 1835. d. December 6, 1911. s. Henry Troth and Henrietta Henri, m. March 11, 1857, Anna Speakman. tWillets, John Titus. Entered 1850; left 1851 (?). b. Westbury, Queens County, N. Y., 1835. d. New York City, January 22, 1879. s. Robert R. Willets and Lydia Titus, m, November 2, 1858, Amelia Underbill. 1855 fBettle, Samuel, Jr. Entered Sophomore Class 1852. Merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 11, 1837. d. Philadelphia, Pa., May 14, 1859. s. Samuel Bettle and Mary Ann Jones. fHubbard, John Russell, A.B., A.M., (1859.) Entered 1851. Teacher, 1855-61 ( ?) ; farmer. b. New Garden, N. C, 1827. d. . s. Joseph Hubbard and Achsa Coffin, m. (1) 1857, Susan F. Bates; (2) 1883, Minerva Allen. Non-Graduates fBaily, Thomas Chalkley James. Entered Preparatory Department 1850; left 1851. 1st Lieutenant, 17th United States Infantry, May 14, 1861; Captain, 17th United States Infantry, December, 1862; Major by Brevet, August, 1864; retired from active service on account of wounds and sickness, acquired in active service, August, 1865. b. Stanton Mills, Del., October 6, 1836. d. Seattle, Wash., Oc- tober 5, 1911. s. Samuel Baily and Hannah James, m. Augusta, Me., January 15, 1863, Caroline E. Ladd. 1855] MATRICULATE CATALOG 67 fBrown, Joseph Howell. Entered Sophomore Class 1852; left 1855. Lawyer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 6, 1837. d. Valparaiso, South America, May 6, 1862. s. William Henry Brown and Laura Ann Howell. fCrew, John Henry. Entered 1851; left 1852. Manufacturer of tobacco, Richmond, Va. b. Richmond, Va., April 27, 1835. d. Richmond, Va., Decem- ber 3, 1861. s. Cornelius Crew and Mary Ann Hall. m. Decem- ber 13, 1860, Annie Elizabeth Lacey. fFerris, Lindley Murray, Jr. Entered 1851; left 1853. Shipowner and agent; sugar refiner. b. New York City, April 1, 1837. d. In Louisiana, February 12, 1895. s. Lindley Murray Ferris and Caroline Murray Ferris, m. Martha Sands. fHallowell, Richard Price. Entered Introductory Department 1849; left 1853. Wool merchant; prominent abolitionist, coadjutor of Wendell Phillips and William Lloyd Garrison; appointed Special Agent by Hon. John A. Andrew, of Mass., to recruit for the negro regiment. Author of "The Quaker Invasion of Massachusetts," fourth edition, 1887; "Pioneer Quakers," 1887. Treasurer, Free Religious Association; Vice-President, New England Woman Suffrage Association. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 16, 1835. d. Norwood, Mass., January 5, 1904. s. Morris Longstreth Hallowell and Hannah Smith Penrose, m. October 26, 1859, Anna C. Davis. fHanson, Ezekiel Hunn. Entered 1851; left 1853. Lawyer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 15, 1835. d. . s. Joseph Berry Hanson and Gulielma Maria Hunn. Hibberd, Isaac H. Entered 1851; left 1853. b. Upper Darby, Pa., April 8, 1833. s. Isaac Hibberd and Susan Fairlamb. Address, 735 South Tenth Street, San Jose. CaJ. 68 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1855 fHopkins, John J. Entered 1850; left 1851. Merchant. b. Baltimore, Md., 1837. d. . s. Samuel Hopkins and Lavinia Jolliffe. m. Elizabeth Beard. fJones, James Parnell. (A.B., L^niv. of Mich., 1856; A.M., 1859.) Entered 1851 ; left at close of Junior year. Studied two years at University of Michigan; teacher before entering army; Captain, Company B, 7th Maine Volunteers, Au- gust, 1861 ; Major of same, 1863, and generally in command of the regiment. Was in all the leading battles of the Army of the Potomac. b. South China, Me., May 21, 1835. d. Crystal Springs, near Washington,. D. C, July 12, 1864, falling at the head of his regi- ment in the successful repulse of General Elarly, C. S. A. s. Eli Jones and Sibyl Jones, m. October 15, 1857, Rebecca Maria Runnells. fMorris, Stephen. Entered Introductory Department 1848; left at close of Junior year. Iron manufacturer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1835. d. Philadelphia, Pa., 1871. s. Henry Morris and Caroline Old. m. 1859, Rachel Dawson. fOsborn, William Peckham. Entered 1852 ; left at close of year. Tea merchant in Philadelphia and New York, b. Dover, N. H., July 23, 1834. d. Dover, N. H., July 3, 1858. s. William Osborne and Mary Peckham Rathbone. fPainter, John Vickers. Entered 1850; left 1853. Studied one year at Oberlin College. Railroading; banker, Cleveland, O. ; retired 1873. At time of death, Director of Re- public Iron Company, of Cleveland Trust Company, of Citizens Saving and Trust Company, and Vice-President of Pittsburgh Railway Company; Trustee of Cleveland Museum of Art; Treas- urer and Trustee of John Huntington Benevolent Trust; Member of Chamber of Commerce. b. West Chester, Pa., July 20, 1835. d. Cleveland, O., August 13, 1903. s. Samuel Marshall Painter and Ann Vickers. m. (1) October 31, 1855, Frances Barton; d. in 1858; (2) January 17, 1861, Lydia E. Farmer. 1855] MATRICULATE CATALOG 69 fReeve, Augustus. Entered 1850; left 1852. Iron master; brick and terra cotta manufacturer for nearly 50 years. Member of City Council of Camden, N. J. ; President, Board of Trustees, Cooper Hospital, Camden, N. J., 1893-1918. b. Alloway, N. J., August 31, 1833. d. Camden, N. J., July 19, 1918. s. William Foster Reeve and Mary Wills Cooper, m. June 25, 1862, Rebecca Cooper Wood. fRiddick, Joseph H. (M.D., Univ. of Pa.) Entered as partial student 1852; left 1853 (?). Studied medicine at University of Pennsylvania. Surgeon in Confederate Army. b. Gates County, N. C, 183 . d. Baltimore, Md., 1865. s. Joseph Riddick and Elizabeth Briggs. fRiddick, Reuben Briggs. (M.D., Univ. of Pa.) Entered as partial student 1852; left 1853. Studied medicine at University of Pennsylvania. Physician. b. Gates County, N. C, December 24, 1831. d. June 22, 1867. s. Joseph Riddick and Elizabeth Briggs. m. November 24, 1858, Martha Ann Reed. fRowell, John F. Entered 1851 ; left 1853. Teacher, Friends' School, Providence, R. I. b. London, N. H. d. California, . s. and . fStabler, Thomas S. Entered 1851; left 1852 (?). Tobacco inspector. b. Lynchburg, Va., August 5, 1837. d. March, 1909. s. Robin- son Stabler and Maryannis Davis, m. Jane Owen Latham. fTaylor, Joseph Petty. Entered 1851 ; left 1853. b. Fairfield, Me., 1831. d. . s. Isaiah Taylor and Mehetabel Petty. fThomas, William Richard. Entered 1848 ; left 1850. b. West Whiteland, Pa. d. March 3, 1909. s. Richard Malin Thomas and Eliza Miller, m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 19, 1856, Susan S. Dewees. fWalton, Francis. Entered Introductory Department 1848; left 1853. 70 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1856 Clerk. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 14, 1835. d. April 28, 1857. s. William Walton and Susannah Morris Hallowell. 1856 fBeesley, Bartholomew Wistar, A.B. Entered 1852. Secretary, Alumni Association, 1864-65. Manufacturer; con- veyancer; attended lectures on conveyancing. University of Penn- sylvania, 1858; Notary Public; Secretary and Treasurer, North- wood Cemetery Company; School Director, 1861-66. Overseer, William Penn Charter School. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 3, 1838. d. October 14, 1911. s. Theophilus Beesley, M.D., and Hannah Wistar. m. Baltimore, Md., October 1, 1868, Margaret Cheston Coale. Cadbury, Joel, A.B. Entered 1852. Manager, 1867-81. 1862-66, of firm of R. Esterbrook & Co.; 1867-1920, manufacturer of plumbers' supplies, Haines, Jones & Cadbury Company, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Director of same company. Member of American Academy of Political and Social Science; Manager of Friends' Hospital, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 31, 1838. s. Joel Cadbury (Man- ager 1849-57) and Caroline Warder, m. Philadelphia, Pa., De- cember 1, 1869, Anna Kaighn Lowry. c. Elizabeth B. Jones, 1871; Benjamin, 1873; Emma, 1875; William Warder, 1877; John W., Jr., 1880; Henry Joel, 1883. Address, 254 East Main Street, Moorestown, N. J. fComfort, Jonathan Jones, (M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1858; Jeffer- son Med. College, Phila., Pa., 1859.) Entered 1852. Assistant in Introductory Department, 1852-53; studied medi- cine, University of Michigan, 1856-58; also Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1858-59; physician; Surgeon, United States Army, 1862-65 ; practiced medicine, Haddonfield, N. J. ; Secre- tary, Haverford College, 1887-89; connected with the manufac- ture of perfumes and extracts. b. Fallsington, Bucks County, Pa., January 9, 1830. d. March 22, 1906. s. Aaron Comfort and Ann Woolston, m. Medford, N. J., October 12, 1865, Hannah J. Haines. 1856] MATRICULATE CATALOG 71 fWalton, James M., A.B. Entered Introductory Department 1848. Broker in New York. b. July 12, 1838. d. May 25, 1874. s. William Walton and Susannah Morris Hallowell. m. November 28, 1867, Mary Forster Collins. Wood, Edward Randolph, A.B., A.M., 1859. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1861.) Entered 1852. Alumni Orator, 1865. Iron manufacturer, R. D. Wood & Sons; politician; President, Millville Improvement Company, N. J. First Vice-President, Philadelphia Board of Trade; charter mem- ber of original Committee of 100, Philadelphia. Member of Penn Club and Manufacturers* Club, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 21, 1840. s. Richard Davis Wood and Julianna Randolph, m. (1) Mary H. Kneass. c. Charles R., Juliana, Marian H., Edward R., Jr. (2) Asheville, N. C, De- cember 24, 1919, Erma Richardson. Address, 400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Non-Graduates fCanby, Samuel. (C.E., Delaware College, Del.) Entered Introductory Department 1850; left 1852. Studied at Delaware College. Civil Engineer; Sergeant, 4th New Jersey Infantry, May- July, 1861 ; 1st Lieutenant and Adju- tant, 2d Delaware Infantry, July-November, 1861 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th United States Artillery, October, 1861 ; 1st Lieutenant, Au- gust, 1862; resigned and honorably discharged July 1, 1868; brevetted 1st Lieutenant, United States Army, April 7, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ;" Captain, July 3, 1863, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.;" Major, March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Franklin, Tenn." Re- sumed his profession, 1868 ; Assistant Engineer, City of Wilming- ton, Del., 1873; Engineer, B. & O. R. R., Philadelphia Division; Railroad Engineer, South America, 1883-84; Railroad Engineer, Vera Cruz, Mexico; Park Engineer, Wilmington, Del., 1890-93; Assistant Receiver, Vancouver, Klikitat and Yakima Railroad, 1894-97. b. Wilmington, Del., August 5, 1837. d. Vancouver, Wash,, July 24, 1897. s. Edmund and Mary T. Canby. m. December 12, 1861, Rebecca Tilghman Johnston. 72 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1856 Collins, Stephen Grellett. Entered 1853 ; left 1854. In employ I. P. Morris & Co. (machinists) ; farmer, 13 years; seedsman; Purchasing Agent and Road Auditor, Lehigh Valley Railroad Company; Treasurer, Pottsville Iron and Steel Com- pany ; Auditor, South Jersey Railroad Company ; Calculating Cost of Machinery at George V. Cresson & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; retired about 1903. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 22, 1836. s. Isaac Collins and Rebecca Singer, m. October 13, 1860, Adelaide A. Knorr. c. Grellet, 1862 ; George Fred, 1863 ; Percival, 1868 ; Clarence Wil- berforce, 1869; Adelaide A., 1870; Isaac, 1874. Address, 3929 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fCooper, John. Entered Preparatory Department 1851; left 1853. Studied at Georgetown College, D, C, 1854. Insurance, Insur- ance Company of North America, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 23, 1837. d. Philadelphia, Pa., January 7, 1901. s. John Cooper and Caroline Elizabeth Adams, m. March 1, 1877, Nellie F. Alston. fField, W. Harrington. Entered 1852 ; left 1854. b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1838. d. . s. Benjamin Field and Hadley, Hiram. (Hon., A.M., Earlham College, 1886.) Entered Sophomore Class 1853 ; left 1854. Teacher; Representative in West of Educational Publications of Scribner Firm, N. Y., 12 years; active in organization of Las Cruces College, New Mexico; President, same, 1888-90; largely instrumental in establishment of New Mexico College of Agri- culture and Mechanic Arts, Las Cruces, 1890; President of same, 1890-94 ; Acting President, New Mexico University, Albuquerque, 1894-97; Professor of History and Psychology, New Mexico Col- lege of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts, 1898-1905; Territorial Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1905-07. Author, "Lessons in Language," 1871 (first book of this nature written) ; joint author, Lee and Hadley's English Grammar. Member, Board of Regents, New Mexico College of Agricultural and Mechanical Arts, 1907-11; National Education Association, New Mexico; State Teachers' Association ; Chamber of Commerce. b. Clinton County, O., March 17, 1833. s. John Hadley and Ann Wildman. m. (1) Richmond, Ind., April 30, 1856, Hannah 1856] MATRICULATE CATALOG 73 Fulghum; (2) Katharine E. Coffin, c. Walter G., 1857; Caroline E. Hadley, 1861 ; Francis Lush, 1863 ; Anna Rhoda, 1866. Ad- dress, Mesilla Park, New Mexico. fHopkins, Gerard. Entered 1853 ; left 1855. Farmer. b. South River, Md., February 14, 1836. d. January 28, 1901. s. Joseph Janney Hopkins and Elizabeth Scofield. m. Sandy Spring, Md., October 6, 1874, Emily R. Snowden. fHunn, Townsend Sharpless. Entered Preparatory Department 1850; left 1853 (?). Merchant, Philadelphia, Pa., and New York City. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 2, 1837. d. November 7, 1912. s. Ezekiel Hunn and Lydia Jones Sharpless. m. May 14, 1872, Julia de Murguiondo. fHunt, Ellwood. Entered 1852; left during year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 17, 1836. d. December 31, 1869. s. Uriah Hunt and Elizabeth Shreve. fJanney, Johns Hopkins. Entered 1850; left 1851. Merchant; farmer. b. Baltimore, Md., July 14, 1836. d. Churchville, Md., August 2, 1889. s. Richard Miller Janney and Sarah Hopkins, m. Balti- more, Md., Caroline Symington. fLamb, Eli Matthews. Entered Senior Class as partial student, 1855 ; left 1856. Instructor, Milton Academy, Philopolis, Md. ; Founded Balti- more Friends' School, 1864; Principal of Friends' Elementary and High School, Baltimore, Md., 30 years; Associate Principal of same; in Naval Office, Baltimore Custom House, during Lin- coln's Administration. b. Gunpowder, Baltimore County, Md., 1835. d. Baltimore, Md., January 25, 1911. s. John Emerson Lamb and Esther Matthews, m. 1861, Anna Williamson Gorkran. fLewis, Enoch Edward. Entered Introductory Department 1851 ; left 1853. Studied law ; in employ Pennsylvania Railroad ; clerk in mer- cantile house, Philadelphia; entered United States Army as pri- 74 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1856 vate, 1861; 1st Lieutenant, 1st California Regiment; Captain in same; resigned 1863; appointed Lieutenant Colonel, 22d Pennsyl- vania Regiment, which he commanded at Petersburg, where he was severely wounded. Served after the Civil War as Paymaster in United States Navy. b. West Chester, Pa., July 1, 1838. d. Leadville, Col., Novem- ber 10, 1879. s. Joseph Jackson Lewis and Mary Linton Miner, m. Aoril, 1866, Emma L. Lafitte. fMellor, John Bancroft. Entered Preparatory Department 1850; left 1854. Importer; retired. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 9, 1836. d. . s. Thomas Mellor and Martha Bancroft, m. November 5, 1863, Margaret Burns Larrabee. fPrice, William Ballinger. Entered Sophomore Class on partial course, 1853 ; left 1855. Editor of The Collegian, Merchant; banker; secretary; treas- urer; General Manager, Railroad; Secretary and Treasurer, "Street Railway Association of New Jersey." b. Smithfield, Jefferson County, O., February 27, 1836. d. May 31, 1916. s. William Price and Edith Ballinger. fStreet, George. Entered 1854; left 1855. Merchant. b. Salem, O., December 22, 1834. d. . s. Zadok Street and Sibyl Tatum. m. Esther Homer. fStreet, Ogden. Entered 1854; left 1855. Machinist. b. Salem, O., October 18, 1838. d. . s. Samuel Street and Sarah Butler, m. Margaret McElroy, Philadelphia, Pa. fTaber, William Congdon, Jr. Entered 1852; left 1855. Bookseller ; manufacturer of pictures and frames ; Treasurer, Whitman Mills (plain and fancy cotton yams). Member, Com- mon Council of New Bedford, Mass. ; Member, Home and Coast Guard, 1863-65. b. New Bedford, Mass., October 3, 1837. d. New Bedford, Mass., December 23, 1907. s. William Congdon Taber and Hannah Tucker Shearman, m. June 27, 1860, Sarah A. Wood. 1856] MATRICULATE CATALOG 75 fThomas, George Brinton. (A.B., Yale, 1857; M.A., 1860). Entered Introductory Department 1848; left 1852. Student at Yale, 1853-57; Captain, 2d Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia, September, 1862, fighting at Battle of Antietam; Private, 29th Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1863, and 192d, 1864; honorably discharged, November 11, 1864. Nurseryman; retired July 1, 1904. Life Member, State Horticultural Association of Pennsyl- vania; Member, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society; Chester County Historical Society; University Club of Philadelphia; West Chester Golf and Country Club. b. West Chester, Pa., July 5, 1836. d. West Chester, Pa., No- vember, 1920. s. Isaac Thomas, M.D., and Mary Hendricker Brinton. m. (1) September 17, 1866, Helen Biddle; d. 1877; (2) January 4, 1883, Linda Hastings. fThomas, Lewin Wethered. Entered Introductory Department 1851; left 1852. b. Baltimore, Md., March 6, 1837. d. December 8, 1877. s. William George Thomas and Mary Lewin Wethered. fThorne, Barton F. Entered 1853; left 1854. Member, New Jersey Senate, 1874-77; farmer, b. Crosswicks, N. J., 1833. d. May 9, 1904. s. Edward Thome and Mary Hendrickson. m. Anna Josephine Duer. fValentine, Bond. Entered 1848; left 1851. Farmer; insurance. b. Bellefonte, Pa., March 22, 1834. d. April 19, 1889. s. Abram Sharpless Valentine and Clarissa Miles, m. October 18, 1865, Martha Kenney. fValentine, George. Entered Preparatory Department 1848; left 1855. Iron manufacturer. b. Bellefonte, Pa., August 5, 1834. d. Bellefonte, Pa., March 26, 1910. s. George Valentine and Mary Sandwith Downing, m. November 22, 1865, Emily T. Jacobs. fWalton, Isaac M. Entered Introductory Department 1851; left 1852. b. New York City, . d. , s. Isaac Walton and . fWistar, William Wilberforce. Entered 1853; left 1855. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 23, 1837. d. Philadelphia, Pa., 76 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1857 May 13, 1866. s. Caspar Wistar and Lydia Jones, m. October 14, 1864, Anna Mary Alderson. 1857 fCheyney, Jesse Sharpless. Entered 1853. Won Loganian Prize 1856 for poem. Teacher, Introductory Department, Haverford, 1855 ; teacher of Classics, Westtown, 1857-66; Principal, Friends' Select School for Boys, Philadelphia, Pa., 1866-69; optician and manufacturer of physical apparatus from 1870. Member, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.; American Institute, New York, and various Microscopical So- cieties. b. Thornbury, Delaware County, Pa., March 4, 1837. d. 1908. s. Joseph Reed Cheyney and Edith Sharpless. m. October 21, 1858, Ellen R. Moore, of Haverford, Pa. fMendenhall, Cyrus, A.B. Entered 1853. Assistant in Preparatory Department, 1855 ; teacher in Farmers' Institute, Indiana, 1858. b. Wayne County, Ind., January 27, 1834. d. Plainfield, Ind., July 3, 1858. s. Elijah Mendenhall and Huldah Coffin. fWood, Stephen, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1854. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., August 28, 1837. d. Mt. Kisco, N. Y., June 11, 1897. s. Henry Wood and Mary Jane Underbill, m. 1863, Anna H. Terry. Non-Graduates fBradford, James Cresson. Entered Introductory Department 1852; left 1853. Commission merchant ; salesman, sugar refinery, New York City. Entered Anderson Troop 1861 ; served one year. b. Columbia, Pa., April 7, 1835. d. Philadelphia, Pa., February 28, 1882. s. Albert G. Bradford and Tacy Cresson. m. Phila- delphia, Pa., October 6, 1859, Anne R. Holt. fBrooke, Francis Mark. Entered Introductory Department 1852 ; left 1853. Studied in Law Department, University of Pennsylvania, 1857- 1857] MATRICULATE CATALOG 77 58; admitted to the Bar, 1859; Lawyer, 1859-64; District Attor- ney, Delaware County, Pa., 1863-64; resigned and became grain merchant, 1864; Private, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Emergency Service, 1863. President, Valley Forge Commission, 1893 ; Presi- dent, Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, before and after 1878; President or Director in fifteen business or charitable organiza- tions. b. Radnor Township, Delaware County, Pa., July 4, 1836. d. Philadelphia, Pa., December 29, 1898. s. Hugh Jones Brooke and Jemima Elizabeth Longmire, of Nottingham, England. fBrooke, Lewis Trimble. Entered Introductory Department 1852; left 1856. Various occupations; real estate broker in Philadelphia, Pa., 1877-92. b. Radnor, Pa., November 3, 1836. d. Philadelphia, Pa., No- vember 10, 1892. s. Mark Brooke and Sarah Trimble, m. April 3, 1860, Anne Bartram Carr Gale. fCope, Edgar. Entered Sophomore Class as partial student 1854; left 1857. b. Woodbourne, Susquehanna County, Pa., February 22, 1838. d. Overbrook, Pa., June 9, 1895. s. William D. Cope and Susan L. Newbold. m. June 11, 1874, Amy Ellis Yamall. fCrew, WiUiam Hall. Entered 1853; left 1855. Clerk in drug store, Philadelphia, Pa., 1855-57; commission merchant, Richmond, Va., 1857-61 ; served in Confederate Army during Civil War, Division Commissary Sergeant, General G. W. C. Lee's Division, 1864-65; merchant. b. Richmond, Va., August 24, 1837. d. . s. Cornelius Crew and Mary Ann Hall. m. September 28, 1860, Irene H. Winston. fDickinson, Edwin L. Entered Introductory Department 1852; left 1854, Went to California, 1858; Minister in Methodist Episcopal Church; retired on account of ill health; Clerk, United States Treasury Department, Washington, D, C. ; in Internal Revenue Department, Boston, Mass. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 14, 1837. d. April 20, 1878. s. John Dickinson and Mary Edmondson. 78 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1857 fFarmer, Elihu Jerome. Entered Preparatory Department 1852; left 1855. Banker; journalist; miner. Published "Resources of the Rocky Mountains," and several books on "Bi-metalism." b. Salineville, O., February 18, 1836. d. . s. James and Meribah Farmer, m. October 6, 1864, Lydia Hoyt. fHallowell, Norwood Penrose. (A.B., Harvard, 1861.) Entered Introductory Department 1851 ; left 1853. Student Harvard University, 1857-61 ; President, "Institute of 1770." Merchant, New York City; member of firm, Hallowell, Prescott & Co. ; wood merchant, Sioux City ; wood merchant, Boston, Mass., 1869; retired, January 1, 1892. President, National Bank of Commerce of Boston, 1891 ; President, Middle- sex School. Private, 4th Battalion North East Guards, stationed at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, April 25-June 10, 1861 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, No- vember 26, 1861 ; Lieutenant Colonel, 54th Regiment, Massachu- setts Volunteers, April 17, 1863 ; Colonel, 55th Regiment, Massa- chusetts Volunteers, May 30, 1863 ; at Ball's Bluff, Yorktown, Fair Oaks, Savage's Station, Glendale, Malvern Hill, Chantilly, An- tietam, etc. ; siege of Fort Wagner, S. C. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 13, 1839. d. West Medford, Mass., April 11, 1914. s. Morris Longstreth Hallowell and Hannah Smith Penrose, m. January 27, 1868, Sarah Wharton Haydock. flddings, James C. Entered 1853 ; left 1855. Bookkeeper. b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1837. d. Cincinnati, O. s. James Iddings and Frances Martin, m. (1) ; (2) . fLeedom, John Moore. (Ph. G., College of Pharmacy, Phila., Pa., 1856 ;M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1859.) Entered Introductory Department 1852 ; left 1853. Student, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy; University of Penn- sylvania Medical Department. Physician and Surgeon; Surgeon at Germantown Hospital, 1861-64. Member, College of Physi- cians, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Pathological Society, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Union League, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 15, 1837. d. Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa., January 8, 1885. s. Benjamin Jones Leedom and Priscilla Ballinger. m. June 16, 1859, Virginia A. Reynolds. 1857] MATRICULATE CATALOG 79 fLongstreth, Samuel Townsend. Entered 1854; left 1855. b. Warminster Township, Bucks County, Pa., August 2, 1837. d. . s. Daniel Longstreth and Hannah Townsend. m. June 10, 1869, Jane Lukens Jones. fNewbold, Joseph Trotter. Entered Introductory Department 1852; left 1853. Farmer. b. Springfield, N. J., June 7, 1836. d. Springfield, N. J., April 7, 1869. s. Clayton Newbold and Susan H. Trotter, m. Philadel- phia, Pa., October 10, 1866, Rachel G. Baker. f Pileher, Samuel F. Entered 1854; left at close of year. b. Richmond, Va., 1838. d. . s. and Elizabeth Ann fSellers, Nathan. Entered 1852; left 1854. Merchant; miller. b. Millbourne, Delaware County, Pa., July 18, 1836. d. . s. John Sellers and Elizabeth Poole, m. Mary Keen. fStreet, John W. Entered 1853 ; left 1854. Lawyer. b. Salem, O., February 24, 1837. d. Chicago, 111., 1888. s. Zadok Street and Sibyl Tatum. m. March 25, 1858, Mary Jane Williams. fThomas, Evan. Entered Introductory Department 1851; left 1853. Studied law in Baltimore, Md. ; removed to New York City ; merchant; Manager, New York Produce Exchange; President, New York Produce Exchange; Presidential Elector (Democratic), 1892. President, Business Men's Democratic Association, etc. b. Baltimore, Md., October 28, 1838. d. 1907. s. William George Thomas and Mary Lewin Wethered. m. New York City, April 28, 1880, Zaydee A. Barker. Tucker, Benjamin. Entered Introductory Department 1852; left 1853. Clerk, Merchants' Bank, New Bedford, Mass., 3 years ; mem- ber firm, Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R. I., 1857-60; coal business, Milwaukee, Wis., 1860-62; miner, Colorado, 1862- 80 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1858 65 ; farmer ; retired. Has held every town office, Bethlehem, N. H.; Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, etc.; Member of Grange. b. New Bedford, Mass., November 20, 1836. s. Charles Rus- sell Tucker and Dorcas Fry. m. Littleton, N. H., September 4, 1876. c. Edith, 1877; George Edward, 1885. Address, Bethle- hem, N. H. fValentine, Abram Sharpless. Entered Preparatory Department in 1849; left 1855. Iron manufacturer. Private, 2d Regiment, Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, 1861 (Three Months' Volunteers). b. Belief onte, Pa., October 15, 1835. d. February, 1904. s. Abram Sharpless Valentine and Clarissa Niles. m. July 12, 1864, Eliza Y. Natt, of Philadelphia, Pa. fValentine, Samuel Rhoads. Entered 1853 ; left 1854. b. August 20, 1834. d. Philadelphia, Pa., August 20, 1855. s. Benjamin Eyre Valentine and Elizabeth Rhoads. fValentine, William Thomas. Entered Introductory Department 1848; left 1855. Iron manufacturer. b. Bellefonte, Pa., December 18, 1836. d. Bellefonte, Pa., De- cember 26, 1862. s. Reuben Valentine and Sarah Drinker Down- ing. fWood, William Cooper. 1858 f Burgess, Thomas Harvey, Entered Introductory Department 1851; left 1853. b. Haddonfield, N. J., 1835. d. March 26, 1918. s. Isaac H. Wood and Elizabeth H. Cooper, m. (1) Moorestown, N. J., De- cember 21, 1864, Rebecca C. Wills; (2) Haddonfield, N. J., Oc- tober 3, 1894, Laura Cooper. Entered Sophomore Class 1855. Founder of Everett Society; first President of same. Studied at Farmers' College, Cincinnati, O., 1853; Assistant in Intro- ductory Department, Haverford, 1854-55 ; teacher ; horticulturist ; author of "The Loved and Lost," a poem in memory of Joseph G. Harlan, Principal of Haverford College, 1857, published in Friends' Review, etc. ; also many other poems ; frequent con- tributor to local press wherever he resided. 1858] MATRICULATE CATALOG 81 b. Near Wilmington, O., July 17, 1833. d. Highlands, N. Y., March 14, 1893. s. Jesse Burgess and Elizabeth Harvey, m. (1) October 22, 1865, Mary G. Heaton; (2) October 14, 1885, Emilie E. Underbill. fClark, Thomas, Entered December 25, 1854. Teacher, 1858-60; farmer and stock raiser. President, County Association of Farmers. b. Ashborough, N. C, August 27, 1831. d. January 18, 1920. s. John Clark and Nancy Hussey. m. Raysville, Ind., June 26, 1861, Emily J. Griffin, c. Mary B., 1863; John G., 1865; Daniel B., 1868; Anna R., 1873. fHunt, Daniel Williams, A.B. Teacher, 6 years, Bloomingdale Academy, Bloomingdale, Ind.; merchant in Oskaloosa, la. ; Superintendent and Engineer, Gas Works, and Electrical Engineer, Oskaloosa. Secretary, Board of Managers, Penn College. b. New Garden, N. C, January 7, 1832. d. Oskaloosa, la., Feb- ruary 27, 1898. s. George Hunt and Dorcas Stanley, m. Haver- ford, Pa., Mary R. Llewelyn. fSatterthwaite, Samuel T., A.B. Entered 1854. Principal, Friends' Select School, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Chesterfield, Burlington County, N. J., April 12, 1836. d- 1865. s. Joseph D. Satterthwaite and . Tyler, William Graham, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1855. In leather business, Salem, N. J., 1862-87; farming and manu- facturing interests ; fiduciary ; in hospital service at Fortress Mon- roe, 1862 ; and Norfolk, Va., colored schools. Director and Treas- urer, Vineland Training School, N. J. ; Director and Treasurer, Salem, N. J., Gas Light Company; President, Salem, N. J., Li- brary, which he built in memory of his father; Member, Salem, N. J., School Board. Member, Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania; Academy of Natural Sciences. Member, City Club, Phila- delphia, Pa. b. Salem, N. J., March 17, 1838. s. John Tyler and Dorothea Graham Hoskins. c. Catherine L., Daisy C, W. G., and Mary G. Address, 3638 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 6 82 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1858 fWistar, Thomas, A.B., A.M., 1861. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1863.) (Originally known as Thomas Clarkson Wistar.) Entered 1853. Studied medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 1861-63 ; tutor in Classics and History, and Librarian, Haverford College, 1858- 61 ; school director ; Contract Surgeon, United States, 1865 ; physi- cian; Medical Adviser and Examiner-in-Chief, Provident Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Author of numerous poems and articles in various periodicals. Member, College of Physicians and Surgeons; Academy of Natural Sciences; Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, "Fishing Commission of the State in Schuylkill." b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 23, 1837. d. September 27, 1913. s. Caspar Wistar, M.D., and Lydia Jones, m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 15, 1898, Theodora P. Feltwell. fYarnall, Ellis Hornor, A.B., (LL.D., Univ. of Pa., 1866.) Entered 1853 ; lost one year on account of serious illness ; re- entered and graduated with Class of 1858. Studied at Law School, University of Pennsylvania, 1864-66; clerk ; lawyer. Member, Historical Society of Pennsylvania ; Philadelphia Geographical Society. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 23, 1839. d. December 17, 1907. s. Charles Yarnall (Manager 1830-68; Secretary, Board of Man- agers, 1830-66) and Emma Cope. m. (1) 1880, Caroline Ridg- way Rowland; (2) 1897, Emily Yarnall. Non-Graduates fActon, Thomas Wistar. Entered Introductory Department 1855 ; left 1856. Clerk, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. ; Clerk, United States Revenue Department, Salem, N. J. b. Salem, N. J., January 2, 1840. d. Salem, N. J., February 20, 1873. s. Benjamin Acton and Jane Blackwood. fAlderson, William Charles. Entered 1854; left 1855. Farmer; merchant; connected with Lehigh Valley Railroad Company after 1870; Treasurer of same. b. Blackburn, England, November 5, 1837. d. November 9, 1914. s. Harrison Alderson (Manager 1855-67) and Emma Botham. m. June 1, 1870, Eleanor Tyson Yarnall. 1858] MATRICULATE CATALOG 83 fBrooke, Alfred. Entered 1854; left 1857. Coal and lime merchant; miller. b. Radnor Township, Delaware County, Pa., March 2, 1840. d. February 10, 1896. s. Jesse Brooke and Catherine Bootes, m. (1) October 14, 1875, Josephine Fell; (2) June 13, 1883, Sarah Neide. fCooper, Lehman Adams. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1864.) Entered Preparatory Class 1851 ; left 1853. Studied Georgetown College, D. C, 1854-56; University of Pennsylvania Medical School, 1864. Physician. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November, 1839. d. Raton, New Mexico, May 28, 1879. s. John Cooper and Caroline Elizabeth Adams, m. Anna Kennedy, of Maryland. fCresson, James Clarence. Entered Introductory Department 1853; left 1854 (?). Iron manufacturer; iron merchant; served a short time in the Militia during the Civil War. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 19, 1835. d. Philadelphia, Pa., June 6, 1881. s. James Cresson and Mary Jones Leedom. m. February 1, 1865, Ella Blow Drake. fCrowe, Samuel. Entered Introductory Department 1853 ; left 1856. b. Ind., 1830. d. . s. and . fDawson, William Morrison. Entered Introductory Department 1852; left 1855. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 2, 1838. d. Lost at sea ofif Charleston, S. C, October 3, 1866. s. Mordecai I. Dawson (Manager 1838- 39) and Elizabeth Poultney. fEyre, Joshua P., Jr. Entered 1852; left 1854. b. Chester, Pa., 1835. d. September 25, 1889. s. William Eyre and . fFothergill, Henry. Entered Introductory Department 1853 ; left 1854. b. Wilmington, Del. ( ?), 1837. d. 1907. s. and . fHacker, Paschall. Entered May, 1854 ; left during Senior year. Merchant. 84 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1858 b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 31, 1838. d. Santa Barbara, Cal., January 9, 1898. s. Jeremiah Hacker and Beulah Morris, m. (1) 1865, Mary Scull; d. 1884; (2) 1886, Mary Moody. fHoag, Joseph Lindley. Entered Preparatory Department 1852; left 1853. b. Wolfboro, N. H., September 2, 1834. d. Pasadena, Cal., November, 1900. s. Lindley Murray Hoag and Huldah Varney. m. September 3, 1859, Emma Frost. fHopkins, Ephraim. (M.D., 1858, Univ. of Md.) Entered 1853 ; pursued partial course. Student, Medical School, University of Maryland, 1856-58 ; Resident Physician, Friends' Asylum for the Insane, Frank ford, Pa., 2 years; general practitioner, Marshallton, Pa., and Darling- ton, Md. Member, Chester County, Pa., Medical Society; Penn- sylvania State Medical Society; American Medical Association. b. Darlington, Md., February 10, 1837. d. May 11, 1912. s. Wakeman B. Hopkins and Hannah Richardson Worthington. m, April, 1867, Rachel Morris Johnson. fHopkins, George H. Entered 1853 ; left 1856. b. Haddonfield, N. J., 1839. d. March 8, 1910. s. John Estaugh Hopkins and Antoinette Hicks. fHopkins, Samuel. Entered Introductory Department 1851; left 1856. Farmer. b. Hamilton, Loudoun County, Va., 1837. d. February 13, 1893. s. Joseph Janney Hopkins and Elizabeth Schofield. m. 1877, Martha Smith. f Lewis, Berge Rawle. Entered 1853 ; left 1854. Assistant Consul General United States at Shanghai, China, 1868-81. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 3, 1838. d. Shanghai, China, October 29, 1881. fLivezey, John. Entered Introductory Department 1852; left 1855. Commission dry goods business, John Farnum & Co., Phila- delphia ; dry goods merchant ; real estate business. b. Glenn Fern Mill, now in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa., 1837. d. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., May 22, 1921. s. Thomas Livezey and Ann Louisa Phillips. 1858] MATRICULATE CATALOG 85 fLivezey, Joseph Ridgway. Entered Introductory Department 1852; left 1854. Active in having gymnasium . erected. Read law, but never practiced. b. Glenn Fern Mill, now in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa., February 2, 1840. d. May 3, 1916. s. Thomas Livezey and Ann Louisa Phillips, m. January 9, 1869, Sarah Haas. fMellor, William. Entered Academical Department 1853 ; left close of Sophomore year. Importer; wool commission merchant; Superintendent of Vaults, Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting An- nuities. Member, Historical Society of Pennsylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 28, 1838. d. October 3, 1913. s. Thomas Mellor and Martha Bancroft, m. June 4, 1863, Emma M. Brooks. Miller, William H. Entered Introductory Department 1851; left 1855. b. Providence, Delaware County, Pa., 1838. s. John Miller and . m. March 20, 1861, Sarah Wistar Pennock. Last address. Media, Pa. fPedrick, Alexander K. Entered Introductory Department 1852; left 1854. Civil Engineer; with Dubuque and Pacific Railroad; City Edi- tor, Philadelphia "Evening Journal," and "The Inquirer," 1858- 61 ; Secretary, First Press Club in Pennsylvania ; Representative, Associated Press, Harrisburg, Pa., 1861-83 ; War Correspondent in Maryland and Virginia during Civil War; Secretary, Advisory Committee Pennsylvania Managers during Centennial, 1876; com- piler of General Laws governing railroads and telegraphs in Penn- sylvania, and compiler for the use of State Officials of all Special Laws governing every chartered corporation in Pennsylvania, both appointments made by Governor of State; Secretary, Commission appointed by State Legislature to investigate and report on best methods of utilizing convict labor; appointed compiler of Laws relating to State Prisons, Hospitals, Soldiers' Homes, and Orphan Schools, published in 2 volumes, 1897; compiler of history of and the amount of State Appropriations received by all charitable, benevolent and reformatory institutions of the Commonwealth, published in 2 volumes, 1898; Special Agent, Pennsylvania Rail- road Company, 1884-1905 ; retired at the age of 70 years. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 23, 1836. d. Philadelphia, Pa., 86 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1858 September 18, 1920. s. Elihu Pedrick and Lavinia Lloyd Knight, m. (1) October 16, 1861, Elizabeth J. Cooper; d. 1868. c. Lillian B., 1862. (2) 1869, Emily Crawford; d. 1872. c. Laura, 1870. (3) April 17, 1873, Julia C. Snow. f Potts, William Weaver. Entered Introductory Department 1851; left 1854. Farmer; student of scientific farming. State College, Pa., 1859; responded to President Lincoln's first call for 75,000 troops; Pri- vate; re-enlisted in 124th Pennsylvania Volunteers; Sergeant of Company F; discharged on account of serious wound received at Battle of Antietam. Treasurer, School Board of Upper Merion Township. b. Swedeland, Pa., December 1, 1838. d. Norristown, Pa., August 17, 1917. s. Robert T. Potts and Elizabeth Hitner. m. November 9, 1870, Ella Holstein. fRatcliff, William Robinson. Entered Sophomore Class 1855 ; left at close of year. Merchant and banker till 1881; banker, 1881-95; retired 1895. b. Mount Pleasant, O., July 21, 1838. d. . s. Ellwood Ratcliff and Martha Jones Robinson, m. (1) Esther Williams; d. 1873; (2) June 5, 1877, Myrtella Ella Mitchell. fRhoads, William Gibbons. Entered 1854; left 1858; pursued partial course and received certificate for proficiency. Machinist, Philadelphia, Pa., Wilmington, Del., and Altoona, Pa. ; steam and gasfitter and plumber, Philadelphia, Pa. Manager, Haverford College, 1871-80. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 26, 1838. d. Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa., April 28, 1880. s. Samuel Rhoads and Anne Gib- bons, m. November 28, 1866, Sarah Wistar. fStarr, Joseph West. Entered Sophomore Class 1855 ; left Junior year. Accountant, 1857-58; grocer, 1859-60; manufacturer, 1860-61 accountant and real estate, 1865-74; lumber dealer, 1874-79 farmer and "Orchardist," after 1860. Enlisted August 21, 1861 1st Lieutenant, September, 1861 ; Captain, May, 1862-October 4 1864, Company C, 2d Cavalry, 41st Regiment, Indiana Volunteers honorably mentioned by Commanding General for good conduct in action; Member, 13th Division Courts-Martial, Judge Advocate of eleven. b. Richmond, Ind., April 4, 1838. d. . s. Charles West Starr and Elizabeth Wilson, m. January 24, 1865, Eliza Morgan Burr. 1858] MATRICULATE CATALOG 87 fStreet, David. Entered Introductory Department 1853 ; left 1855. Studied Theology in Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pa., 1872-73. Merchant until age of 35 ; Minister of Presby- terian Church; engaged in study and reform of Municipal Grov- ernment of City of Cincinnati, O., 1884-88, writing continuously for daily press. b. Salem, O., February 23, 1838. d. . s. Zadok Street and Sibyl Tatum. m. September 29, 1859, Eunice Fawcett. Tatum, George M. Entered Introductory Department 1853 ; left close of Sopho- more year. One of organizers and President, Athenaeum; Member of first Cricket Club. Farmer, Brighton, Md. b. Woodbury, N. J., March 16, 1839. s. William R. Tatum and Sarah Mickle. m. September 3, 1862, Elizabeth Ladd Jones, c. Joseph Francis, William R., and Mary Mickle. Address, Brighton, Md. fTevis, Edwin L. Entered Introductory Department 1853 ; left 1854. Broker; inventor. 2d Lieutenant, 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry, serving three years in Civil War; honorably discharged with rank of Captain. Member, First City Troop; served as Major on Gov- ernor Hartraff's staff. Member, Philadelphia Club, Union League and Loyal Legion. b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1839. d. Plainfield, N. J., July 30, 1893. s. Joshua Tevis and Jane Evans, m. Philadelphia, Pa., 1864, Delia Fairman. c. Emilie. fTevis, Norman. Entered Introductory Department 1853; left 1854. Engaged in tobacco business; paper business; retired. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 14, 1837. d. November 10, 1913. s. Joshua Tevis and Jane Evans, m. September 23, 1858, Eugenia C. Caldwell, c. Fanny K., 1859; Norman E., 1863; John C, 1867 ; Eugenia, 1869. fThomson, Edgar Lewis. Entered Introductory Department 1853 ; left close of Sopho- more year. In foundry business; engaged in reconstruction of bridges destroyed in Civil War. b. Atlanta, Ga., 1836. d. Philadelphia, Pa., July 14, 1913. s. Lewis Thomson, M.D., and . 88 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1859 Underbill, Stephen. Entered 1854; left 1856. Agriculturist and horticulturist; cultivated grapes in Croton Point vineyards; manufacturer of bricks from 1873 to about 1896; since that time engaged in horticultural pursuits, especially study of tomato blight. b. Croton Point, N. Y., June 17, 1837. s. William A. Under- bill and Abby Wood. m. Westchester County, N. Y., October 21, 1868, Elizabeth Wales, c. William A., 1880; Stephen Maurace, 1884. Address, Cambridge, Maryland. Wood, James, A.M., Hon., 1883. Entered 1854 ; left 1857. Editor, Collegian; President, Henry Society; Manager, Haver- ford College, 1885 to date. Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1899. Farmer; traveler. Author of many papers on agricultural and religious subjects. Clerk, New York Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1885-96; Chairman, Five Years' Meeting of Friends, 1892. Trus- tee of Bryn Mawr College, 1902-18; Chairman, 1914-18. Presi- dent, Westchester County Historical Society, 1885-96; President, Westchester County Bible Society, 1893 to date; President, Ameri- can Bible Society, 1908-19; President, Bedford Farmers' Club. b. Mt. Kisco, N. Y., November 12, 1839. s. Stephen Wood and Phoebe Underbill, m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 6, 1866, Emily Hollingsworth Morris, c. Ellen M., 1868; Carolena M., 1871; L. Hollingsworth, 1873. Address, Mt. Kisco, N. Y. 1859 tChase, Richard Wyatt, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1856. Member, Anderson's Cavalry, United States Army; killed in battle. b. New Jersey, November 7, 1841. d. , Tenn., 1862. s. William B. Chase and Mary Ann Wistar. fMagee, James Ronaldson, A.B. Entered Introductory Department 1854. Lawyer. Member, Union League, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa. (?), 1839. d. Philadelphia, Pa., November 3, 1914. s. James Magee and . fPaxson, Richard C, A.B. Entered Introductory Department 1853. Deputy Treasurer of San Francisco. 1859] MATRICULATE CATALOG 89 b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 2, 1839. d. California, March 15, 1864. s. Joseph S. Paxson and Deborah J. Iddings. fRhoads, Edward, A.B., (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1863.) Entered 1855. Awarded Undergraduate's Alumni Prize, 1859. Resident Physi- cian at Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Hospitals; Physician; Visit- ing Physician at Philadelphia Hospital; refused to serve in war on conscientious grounds. Member, Pathological Society ; College of Physicians; American Philosophical Society; Academy of Nat- ural Sciences. Frequent contributor to medical journals. Manager of Haverford College, 1868-71. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 29, 1841. d. Philadelphia, Pa., January 15, 1871. s. Samuel Rhoads and Anne Gibbons. fSampson, Edward Cobb, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1856. Manufacturer. b. Hallowell, Me., December 25, 1836. d. Sugar Hill, N. H., September 25, 1916. s. Alden Sampson and Sarah Taber Pope, m. April 11, 1883, Sally Phillips Blagden. fSampson, George, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1856. Manufacturer. b. Hallowell, Me., February 10, 1840. d. April 21, 1872. s. Alden Sampson and Sarah Taber Pope. m. May 1, 1867, Isabella Merrick. fSharples, Abram, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1866.) Entered 1855. Studied medicine at University of Pennsylvania. Physician; Professor of Anatomy and Surgery, Willamette University, Salem, Ore.; retired, "fruit raiser and owner of 1100 acres of land." b. Concord, Pa., February 14, 1841. d. November 20, 1920. s. Caspar Wistar Sharpies and Elizabeth Onderdonk. m. Gilroy, Cal., March 30, 1865, Euretta O. Fitch, c. Caspar Wistar, 1866; A. W. W., 1869. fSmith, Benjamin Hayes, A.B. Entered 1855. Secretary, Henry Society, 1857-58. Member, Anderson Troop, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-63 ; on duty at General Buell's headquarters throughout his campaign in Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and with General Rosecrans through Stone River campaign; surveyor and topographical engineer. Author, 90 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1859 Atlas of Delaware County, Pa., exhibiting early grants and patents, with history of land titles in the County, 1880. Member, Dela- ware County Institute of Science; Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; Historical Society of Pennsylvania; American Entomological Society. b. Upper Darby, Delaware County, Pa., May 7, 1841. d. . s. George Smith and Mary Lewis, m. September 11, 1866, Ade- laide L. Brooke. Non-Graduates fBacon, Morris. Entered 1855 ; left end of Freshman year. Farmer; Member of Freeholders for 14 years. Vice-President, New Jersey State Board of Agriculture, 1890-92. b. Greenwich, N. J., April 14, 1839. d. May 29, 1901. s. John Bacon and Ann B. Hall. m. May 21, 1863, Mary E. Brown. fBrown, William Henry, Jr. Entered Academical Department 1855; left 1857 (?). Leather merchant; Private in Battery Company L, 32d Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Militia, 1863. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 2, 1841. d. St. Louis, Mo., Oc- tober 16, 1867. m. December, 1866, Ann Nolan. Carmalt, James Edward. Entered Introductory Department 1853; left 1854; re-entered 1855 ; left 1857. Student, Harvard Law School, 1862-64; admitted to Bar, Mon- trose, Pa., April, 1865; practiced 1865-74; lawyer at Scranton, Pa., 1874-84; admitted to practice in Supreme Court, Scranton, Pa., and New York City. District Attorney for Susquehanna County, 1870-73. Secretary, Penn Germania Building and Loan Association, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Friendsville, Pa., May 11, 1840. s. Caleb Carmalt and Sarah Kirk Price, m. September 7, 1865, Charlotte J. Churchill, c. Churchill, 1866; William Kelly, 1867; Raymond Wahon, 1869; Sarah Price, 1870; James Walton, 1872. Address, care of Theo- dore D. Starr, 323 Moreland Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. fComstock, Nathan F. Entered 1853 ; left 1856. b. Adrian (?), Mich., 1836. d. . s. and . 1859] MATRICULATE CATALOG 91 Cromwell, James William. Entered 1855; left 1857. One of founders of Athenaeum ; Secretary, Henry Society. Mer- cantile banker, member of firm of William Iselin & Co., New York City, N. Y. Night Hospital Nurse during Civil War at New England Soldiers' Relief Hospital, New York City. Mem- ber, Brooklyn Institute Arts and Sciences ; Long Island Historical Society; Rembrandt Art Club of Brooklyn; Herman Society; Union League Club (Brooklyn) ; Hamilton Club; Merchants' Club of New York ; New York Chamber of Commerce ; Lauren- tian and St. Maurice Clubs of Canada; Century Club, N. Y. ; Washington Association of New Jersey (Morristown) ; New Eng- land Society (N. Y.) ; Manhattan Club of New York; New York Academy of Sciences. b. New York City, February 10, 1842. s. William Cromwell and Caroline Underbill, m. Radnor, Pa., June 22, 1864, Elizabeth Stuart Henderson, c. Lincoln, 1865 ; William, 1868 ; Anna Caro- line, 1872; Charles Edwin, 1877. Address, Summit, N. J. fDe Cou, Samuel Coleman. Entered 1855 ; left close of year. Farmer and nurseryman. Member, New Jersey State Horti- cultural Society. b. Near Trenton, N. J., February 2, 1835. d. December 2, 1917. s. Nathan De Cou and Deborah Coleman, m. November 13, 1862, Martha C. Lippincott. fHickman, Joseph E. Entered Introductory Department 1853; left 1856. b. Edgemont, Delaware County, Pa., 1837. d. . s. Joseph Hickman, M.D., and Mary Grubb. m. (1) Sarah Phipps; (2) Mary . fHill, Folwell Buxton. Entered 1855 ; left at close of Sophomore year. Teacher, Oakwood Academy, Union Springs, N. Y. ; commis- sion merchant and lumber dealer, Chicago, 111. ; real estate ; Trus- tee, Earlham College, 1893-95. b. Randolph County, N. C, February 3, 1836. d. April 16, 1907. s. Samuel Hill and Mary Branson, m. January 1, 1866, Abbie Bassett. flddings, George W. Entered 1855 ; left 1856. Bookkeeper. b. Philadelphia, Pa., . d. New York, April 2, 1889. s. James Iddings and Frances Martin, m. (1) ; (2) . 92 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1859 t Johnson, Jacob Lindley. Entered 1855 ; left 1856. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 12, 1839. d. November 16, 1888. s. Topliff Johnson and Mary Richards Simmons, m. Mrs. Ellen Perkins (Johnson) nee Perkins. fMatlack, George T. Entered 1855 ; left 1856. b. April 23, 1836. d. November 14, 1877. s. George B. Mat- lack and Sarah Hickman. fMorris, Henry Gurney. Entered 1854 ; left 1858. Iron manufacturer and engineer; "Leader in the design and manufacture of various kinds of machinery;" firm of Morris, Tasun & Co. ; later owner, Southwark Foundry. Invention of electric vehicle about 1895. Director, Pennsylvania Steel Com- pany. Member, Franklin Institute; American Society Mechanical Engineers ; American Institute Mining Engineers ; American So- ciety Civil Engineers; Union League, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1839. d. Philadelphia, Pa., January 19, 1915. s. Henry Morris and Caroline Old. m. June 13, 1861, Sallie Marshall Morris, c. Anthony Saunders; Paschall Hollings- worth; Stephen. fMorris, Morton. Entered 1854 ; left 1857. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 18, 1839. d. . s. Paschall Morris and Thomasine R. Pennell. m. July 22, 1873, Emma Fort. fNoble, Charles. Entered 1855 ; left during year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 16, 1840. d. . s. Charles Noble and Adeline Millward. fParrish, Dillwyn, Jr. Entered 1855 ; left 1857. Merchant; about 1874 he went abroad to introduce street rail- ways into Europe; developed original systems of tramways of London, Liverpool and other English cities, and introduced street cars into Germany and India ; when electricity came intO' use as motor power, he took up its promotion in Africa and brought into being the trolley lines of Cape Town and Port Elizabeth. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 10, 1840. d. Chatel Guyon, France, August 10, 1899. s. William D. Parrish and Elizabeth Miller, m. Sarah De Coursey. 1859] MATRICULATE CATALOG 93 Parrish, James Cresson. Entered 1856; left 1857. Until 1870, engaged in importing dry goods from Great Britain and France; upon retiring from the importing business remained mostly in Europe, being a member of various railroad reorganiza- tion committees in London, Amsterdam, Paris and New York. Member of the Century, Metropolitan, Knickerbocker, and Down Town Clubs of New York. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 10, 1840. s. Dr. Isaac Parrish and Sarah Redwood, m. Paris, France, January 5, 1882, Emma Thorn King. c. Helen, 1882; James C, Jr., 1884. Address, Southampton, L. I., N. Y. fSampson, Henry. Entered Sophomore Class 1856; left close of year. Manufacturer; famous collector of porcelains — 1000 pieces. President, Alden Sampson's Sons, Oilcloth Manufacturers. b. Hallowell, Me., May 24, 1838. d. May 24, 1914. s. Alden Sampson and Sarah Taber Pope. m. August 21, 1866, Julia Page, fSteele, Thomas C. Entered 1855 ; left 1858. Civil engineer; member, 175th Pennsylvania Regiment, 20th, Corporal, 1862 ; surveying, lighthouse and buoy work ; 1st Captain, Company A, 6th Regiment, 1 N. G. P. Has held Republican offices. b. Flemington, N. J., January, 1841. d. Pottstown, Pa., May 15, 1915. s. S. Dutton Steele and . Twice married. fTomlinson, William Inskeep. Entered Academical Department 1854; left 1857. Miller and farmer. b. Laurel Mills, N. J., July 9, 1838. d. Kirkwood, N. J., Oc- tober 20, 1899. s. Ephraim Tomlinson and Sarah T. Inskeep. m. (1) Rachel Hilyard; (2) January 25, 1872, Achsah Irick Peterson. fWildes, Thomas. (M.D., 1861, N.Y. Homoeopathic College.) Entered 1855 ; left close of Sophomore year. Merchant; Private, New York 10th Infantry, 1861; 1st Lieu- tenant, May, 1861 ; promoted to Captain, October, 1861 ; with General B. F. Butler; at Fortress Monroe under General Wool; under General McClellan, Peninsular Campaign; in battles of Gaines' Mills, Malvern Hill, etc. ; at Big Bethel ; Antietam ; Shep- herdstown Ford, etc, ; stock broker ; Member, New York Stock Exchange; studied medicine, New York Homeopathic College; 94 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1860 United States Deputy Consul, Jamaica, W. I. ; physician. Won many prizes as Rifle and Pistol Marksman, standing for many years as one of five crack shots of New York City. Published monographs on "Epilepsy and Its Cause and Cure;" "Leprosy, Syphilis, Vaccination," etc. b. Arneytown, N. J., November 10, 1839. d. New York City, N. Y., November 27, 1907. s. Tilton Wildes and Lydia Wallace Brown. Witmer, John Steele. Entered Introductory Department 1854; left 1858. Private, 2d Pennsylvania Militia, 1862; Gray Reserves of Phila- delphia, Pa., 1863 ; merchant ; Secretary and Treasurer, Lancaster County Mutual Insurance Company; retired. b. Paradise, Pa., October 3, 1840. s. Adam K. Witmer and Hannah Steele, m. St. Louis, Mo., October 6, 1875, Cecelia Lightner. c. John Steele, Jr., 1877. Address, Paradise, Pa. fWood, William H. S. Entered 1855 ; left 1856. Publisher, partner in firm of William Wood & Co. ; President, Bowery Savings Bank, New York ; Incorporator, New York Bo- tanic Garden; Member, New York Academy of Sciences; New York Historical Society. b. New York City, April 13, 1840. d. New York City, Decem- ber 12, 1907. s. William Wood and Mary S. Underbill, m. Sep- tember 5, 1875, Mary Emma Congdon. 1860 fClark, Lindley Murray, Entered Sophomore Class 1857. Principal, New Garden Boarding School, New Garden, N. C, 1860-61. b. Carthage, Ind., April 10, 1836. d. September, 1861. s. John Clark and Nancy Hussey. fCorbit, William Brinton, A.B. (M.D., Jefferson Med. College, Phila., Pa., 1863.) Entered 1856. Student, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., and at Heidelberg, Vienna and Paris, 1865-68 ; Assistant Surgeon, United States Army, 1863-65, at Satterlee Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. ; in Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D. C, 1875-82. b. Odessa, Del., August 2, 1840. d. Washington, D. C, July 1860] MATRICULATE CATALOG 95 17, 1882. s. Daniel Corbit and Eliza Naudain. m. November, 1875, Virginia Dove. fCorlies, William Moore, A.B. Entered 1856. Merchant, 1860-66; moved to Paris, France, and engaged in literary occupations, 1866. b. Chester County, Pa., May 4, 1841. d. St. George, France, October 18, 1881. s. Jacob W. Corlies and Mary W. Moore, m. Paris, France, 1867, Octavie E. Pruvost. fLindley, Cyrus, A.B. Entered 1856 and left 1858. b. Indiana, March 26, 1836. d. Oak Park, Cal., January 30, 1917. s. David Lindley and . t Morris, Frederick Wistar, A.B. Entered 1856. Iron manufacturer and merchant. b. Philadelphia, March 18, 1842. d. September, 1916. s. Israel Morris and Elizabeth Longstreth. m. September 3, 1866, Eliza- beth F. Paul. t Morris, Theodore Hollingsworth, A.B. Entered 1855. Iron merchant, Morris & Wheeler, Philadelphia; active in poli- tics and charity. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 10, 1840. d. Villa Nova, Pa., February 18, 1913. s. Israel Morris and Elizabeth Longstreth, m. Philadelphia, Pa., September 3, 1863, Mary Lownes Paul. fPancoast, Richard, A.B. Entered 1856. Member 15th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, 1862-63, sta- tioned and acting chiefly in the southwest. Merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 11, 1840. d. September 9, 1909. s. Joshua Pancoast and Anna Paxson. fPinkham, John Warren, A.B. (M.D. Bellevue Med. College, N. Y., 1866.) Entered Sophomore Class 1857. Teacher and tutor in Classics and Mathematics, and Librarian, 1862-63. Studied medicine, Berkshire Medical College, Mass.; Medical School, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. ; Belle- vue Medical College, Nevv^ York City. One of the organizers of 96 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1860 New Jersey Academy of Medicine ; Member, Essex County Medi- cal Society; Orange Mountain Medical Society. Contributed frequently to medical journals. b. Gardiner, Me., May 14, 1834. d. Montclair, N. J., Decem- ber 7, 1894. s. Elias Pinkham and Fanny Sampson, m. March 15, 1866, Cornelia Frost. fRichardson, Francis, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1857. Real Estate. Supervisor of Census, 1880, 1st District, Virginia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 25, 1837. d. . s. John Richardson and Martha Gibbons, m. 1866, Emma H. Ingersoll. fSmith, Clement Lawrence, A.B., A.M., 1863; LL.D., 1888. (A.B., Harvard, 1863.) Entered 1856. President of Athenaeum; Alumni Orator, 1873. Studied at Harvard College, 1861-63; University of Gottingen, 1865-66; 1863-65, Assistant Professor in Haverford College; 1865-67, studied in Europe; 1867-69, private study; 1869-70, Professor in Swarthmore College; 1870-73, tutor; 1873-83, Assistant Profes- sor; 1883, Professor of Latin in Harvard University; 1882-91, Dean of Harvard College ; 1898, Dean of College Faculty. Director of American Classical School at Rome, Italy, 1897-98 ; Member of the American Philological Association; Member of School Com- mittee of the City of Cambridge, 1882-83. Co-editor with Pro- fessor Tracy Peck, of Yale University, of the College Series of Latin Authors, now embracing eight volumes, by various editors. Of these, C. L. S. is editor of the "Odes and Epodes of Horace." Articles in the "American Journal of Philology;" "Harvard An- nual Reports as Dean of Harvard College;" "Harvard Studies in Classical Philology," Classical Reviews, etc. b. Upper Darby, Delaware County, Pa., April 13, 1844. d. July 1, 1909. s. George Smith, M.D., and Mary Lewis, m. Au- gust 25, 1870, Emma Gertrude Griscom. fTyson, James, A.B., A.M., 1865, LL.D., 1908. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1863. LL.D., 1912.) Entered Sophomore Class 1857. President of Everett. Valedictorian. Studied medicine. Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1860-63. Vice-President, Alumni, 1880- 81. Alumni Orator, 1884; subject, "The Requirements of a Modern College Education." Member of American Philosophical Society ; Fellow of College of Physicians ; Member of American Medical Association ; of Association of American Physicians ; of 1860] MATRICULATE CATALOG 97 Medical Society of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia County Medical Society; Pathological Society of Philadelphia; Professor of Medi- cine at University of Pennsylvania ; Dean of the Medical School, University of Pennsylvania. Author of "The Cell Doctrine ; its History and Present Status;" "An Introduction to Practical His- tology;" "Practical Examination of Urine;" "Bright's Disease and Diabetes ;" "Hand Book of Physical Diagnosis ;" "The Text Book of Medicine." Also author of numerous papers on Histology and Pathology in medical periodicals. Acting Medical Cadet, United States Army, 1861-63; Acting Assistant Surgeon, 1863-65. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 26, 1841. d. Philadelphia, Pa., February 21, 1919. s. Henry Tyson and Gertrude Haviland. m. December 5, 1865, Frances Bosdevex. fUnderhill, Silas Albertson, A.B. (LL.B. Harvard, 1862.) Entered the Sophomore Class 1857. Studied at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass., 1861-62. Soldier, 1861-65. Law Clerk, 1866-67. Lawyer, 1867. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., March 28, 1840. d. June 16, 1915. s. Alexander Underbill and Phebe W. Albertson. m. May 15, 1888, to Mrs. Frances Gertrude (Lowere) Rushmore. Non-Graduates fBrooke, Benjamin. Entered 1856 and left 1857. Manufacturer. b. Delaware County, Pa., 1840. d. Media, Pa., March 12, 1902. s. Hugh Jones Brooke and Jemima Elizabeth Longmire, of Not- tingham, England, m. . fColket, William Walker. Entered Introductory Department 1854 and left 1857. Clerk, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown Railroad ; Secretary ; Treasurer ; General Manager ; President, Philadelphia City Passenger Railway Company. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 11, 1841. d. 1907. s. Coffin Colket and Mary Pennepacker Walker, m. November 19, 1863, Jane Frances Hoxsie. fCooper, Samuel C. Entered Introductory Department 1854; left 1856. Lawyer. b. Cooper's Point, N. J., 1840. d. Camden, N. J., March 3, 1904. s. Joseph W. Cooper and Rebecca F. Champion, m, June 15, 1865, Emma J. Widener. 7 98 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1860 fHarris, John Stuart. (M.D., Univ. of Mich.) Entered 1855 ; left 1856. Physician. Studied medicine at the University of Michigan. b. Westminster, N. C, February 22, 1836. d. Fountain City, Ind., July 23, 1890. s. Jonathan Harris and Louisa Stuart, m. Mary Price Jones. Hopkins, Joseph Schofield. (A.B., Univ. of Maryland.) Entered the Academical Department 1855 and left at close of year. Merchant. Studied at University of Maryland. Clerk, b. Baltimore, Md., June 19, 1840. s. Joseph Janney Hopkins and Elizabeth Schofield. m. October, 1866, Annette Hicks Hop- kins. Address, Garrison, Baltimore County, Md. fHopkins, Walter G. Entered Introductory Department 1855 ; left 1857. Dry goods commission business. b. Haddonfield, N. J., January 15, 1841. d. January 18, 1922. s. John Estaugh Hopkins and Antoinette Hicks, m. November 10, 1870, Esther S. Sharpless. Hull, William Janney. Entered 1856; left at the close of the Sophomore year. Merchant. In Confederate Army, 1861-65 ; 5th Virginia Cav- alry, Captain and A. D. C. on the staff of General I. D. Imboden, commanding the Valley Division of the Army of Northern Vir- ginia. b. Baltimore, Md., October 13, 1842. s. Robert Hull and Han- nah Ann Janney. m. January 9, 1865, Amelia B. Murphy. Ad- dress, 622 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. fJessup, Benjamin H. Entered 1856; left 1857. b. Cinnaminson, N. J., November 23, 1839. d. . s. Charles Jessup and Mary Lippincott. fLang, John Alton. Entered February, 1856, and left at close of Junior year. Manufacturer of knit goods ; car lumber ; woolen goods ; Master Mechanic of Lockwood Cotton Mills, Waterville, Me., for eight years ; Superintendent of same for three years ; Superintendent, Smithville Cotton Mills, Willimantic, Conn.; Agent for Gibson Cotton Mills, Marysville, N. B. Employ of Maine Central Rail- road; Alderman of City of Waterville, Me., for three years; Chairman of Board of Aldermen, 1897. 1860] MATRICULATE CATALOG 99 b. North Berwick, Me., January 27, 1840. d. January 8, 1919. s. Hon. John Damon Lang and Ann Elmira Stackpole. m. No- vember 20, 1861. Carrie Reddington Drummond. fLippincott, Joshua W. Entered 1856; left 1858. Woolen merchant. b. Cinnaminson, N. J., October 20, 1840. d. August 16, 1896. s. Samuel R. Lippincott and Mary Woodward Heulings. m. (1) Mary E. Perry; (2) Eliza Lippincott. Maddock, Edward. Entered Introductory Department 1855; left 1856. b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1840. d. December 26, 1910. s. William L. Maddock. Merritt, Isaac Nehemiah. Entered 1856; left in Sophomore year. Leather merchant. Private in 89th Illinois Volunteers, United States Army, 1862-65. Battles Chickamauga and Mission Ridge. In Commissary Department of the Brigade for 18 months. Com- piled a Book of Pencil Sketches and published the History of the 89th Illinois Regiment. Interested in railroading. b. Millbrook, Dutchess County, N. Y., July 24, 1838. s. Isaac Merritt and Eliza Hart. m. October 25, 1881, Almira Henderson. Address, 105 West 128th Street, New York City. fMerritt, William Henry. Entered 1856; left during Freshman year. Operator in coal mines. b. Millbrook, Dutchess County, N. Y., February 24, 1842. d. Lost in wreck of Steamship Atlantic off Coast of Nova Scotia, April, 1873. s. Isaac Merritt and Eliza Hart. m. April 2, 1872, Louisa Schrymser. f Mott, John Bowne. Entered Academical Department 1857; left at close of Sopho- more year. Merchant. b. New York City, September 22, 1842. d. New York City, February 16, 1913. s. William Franklin Mott (1839) and Jane Bowne. m. 1885, Lucy Latham Barney. fPIeasants, Charles Israel. Entered Academical Department 1855 and left at close of Freshman year. 100 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1861 Civil Engineer. 1st Lieutenant, 4th United States Infantry, b. Sunbury, Pa., September 4, 1839. d. 1863, killed in Battle of the Wilderness, s. Charles Pleasants and Eliza P. Bellas. fRatcIiff, EUwood Entered 1856 ; left same year. b. Mt. Pleasant, O., 1843 (?). d. . s. Elwood Ratcliff and . fShinn, Thomas Jefferson. Entered Academical Department 1855 and left at close of the year. b. Haddonfield, N. J., October 5, 1841. d. October 19, 1880. s. Charles H. Shinn and Abbie Coffin. fSmith, Thomas C. Entered Academical Department 1854 and left at close of Soph- omore year, 1858. b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1840. s. Thomas Smith and . fUnderhill, Edward B. Entered Sophomore Class 1857 and left at close of the year. Member of 15th Regiment of New York State Militia. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., November 15, 1840. d. Little Rest, Dutchess County, N. Y., June 16, 1915, s. Aaron C. Underbill and Eliza- beth Van Der Vort. m. January 7, 1872, Frances M. Hartwell. fUnderhill, William Henry. Entered 1856; left 1858. Miller. b. Indianapolis, Ind., about 1838. d. Railroad accident between 1870 and 1873. s. Robert R. Underbill and Sarah Wood. m. ^(?)- fYardley, Edwin. Entered 1856 and left during Junior year, 1860. Enlisted in United States Navy, 1861. b. Yardleyville, Pa., January 20, 1839. d. January 20, 1861, killed during naval engagement in Pensacola Bay. 1861 fBettle, Charles, A.B. Entered 1857. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 9, 1843. d. Lebanon, Pa., 1883. s. William Bettle (Manager, Haver ford College, 1858-62) and Martha Sinton. m. Newton, N. J., April 12, 1866, Deborah E. Wetherill. 1861] MATRICULATE CATALOG 101 fBettle, Edward, Jr., A.B. Entered 1857. Librarian of Loganian. President, Athenaeum; one of the founders of the Athenaeum; on Dorian Cricket Club. Wool mer- chant and investor. Manager, Haverford College, 1872-1912. Secretary of the Corporation, 1875-83 ; Treasurer of Corporation, 1883-84; Trustee of Bryn Mawr College; Member of Phi Beta Kappa, 1899; Member of the Overseers of the Public School founded by charter in the town and county of Philadelphia, Pa. (Penn Charter School) ; Manager of Pennsylvania Institute for Deaf and Dumb; of Friends' Asylum for the Insane; of the Magdalen Society of Philadelphia, Pa. ; of the Provident Society for Employing the Poor, etc. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 17, 1841. d. Philadelphia, Pa., April 8, 1912. s. Samuel Bettle and Mary Ann Jones, m. Sep- tember 26, 1872, Elizabeth Tatnall, of Wilmington, Del. fBettle, Henry, A.B. Entered 1857. Alumni Orator, 1869. Vice-President, 1878. Merchant. Man- ager, Haverford College, 1882-84; Member of Historical Society of Pennsylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 28, 1843. d. Philadelphia, Pa., 1886. s. Samuel Bettle and Mary Ann Jones. Broomall, William Booth, A.B. Entered 1857. • Member Loganian Society and Athenaeum Society. Lawyer and Judge of the Courts of Delaware County, Pa. Studied Law, 1861. Enlisted in United States Army for nine months. 3d Sergeant in Company D, 124th Regiment; participated in campaigns and battles of Antietam and Chancellorsville. Honorably discharged, 1863. Admitted to Bar, 1864; practiced law until March, 1907. Appointed Judge of Courts of Delaware County, March, 1907, for term of ten years, and re-elected for another ten-year term in 1917. Member of Union League, Philadelphia, Pa.; President, Penn Club, Chester; Member of Chester Club; President, Dela- ware County Historical Society; member of numerous lodges. b. Chester, Pa., January 30, 1843. s. Hon. John M. Broomall and Elizabeth Booth, m. October 17, 1866, Anna M. Hinkson. Address, 701 East 14th Street, Chester, Pa. t Jones, Charles Henry, A.B. Entered 1857. Manufacturer of Steam and Plantation Machinery, 1865-75. .102 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1861 Farmer and manufacturer in Northwest Iowa, 1876-95. City Magistrate, 1894-97. Private in Anderson Troop, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-63; Captain, 21st Pennsylvania Infantry, 1863-65. b. Tamaqua, Pa., January 16, 1842. d. Lemars, la., 1902. s. Roland Jones and Hannah Jacob Kersey. fLamb, Thomas White, A.B. (M.D.) Entered 1857. Tutor in Haverford College, 1861-62; studied medicine and practiced in North Carolina. b. Newby's Bridge, N. C, February 1, 1840. d. 1878. s. Willis Lamb and Penina White. fPotts, William Newlin, A.B. Entered Academical Department 1856. Various occupations. Connected with Fidelity Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 23, 1841. d. Norristown, Pa., December 4, 1919. s. Isaac William Potts and Hannah Austin Newlin. fStuart, Jehu Harlan, A.B., A.M., 1864; (M.D. Bellevue College, N. Y., 1867.) Entered Sophomore Class 1858. President, Everett Society. Physician. Taught in High School, Mooresville, Ind., 1861-64. Studied, University of Michigan, Medical Department, 1864-65. Bellevue Hospital, Medical Col- lege, New York, 1866-67. Ex-President, Kansas State Medical Society. Physician, 5 years in Indiana ; 10 years in Lawrence, Kans. ; 12 years in Minneapolis, Minn. Professor, Clinical Medi- cine, Minneapolis College of Physicians and Surgeons; Visiting Physician to City Hospital, Minneapolis. Consulting Physician to Asbury Hospital. Medical Department of Hemline University, 1891-98; President, Board of Education, Lawrence, Kans.; Assist- ant Clerk of Kansas Yearly Meeting for several years; Secretary of General Conference of All Yearly Meetings of Friends, held at Richmond, Ind., 1887; Examiner for a number of insurance com- panies; Trustee of Penn College, Oskaloosa, la.; author of num- ber of papers and contributor to medical journals. Member of American Medical Association; Member of Minnesota State Medical Society ; ex-President and Member of Hennepin County, of the Minneapolis Medical Society. b. Guilford County, N. C, June 20, 1836. d. Minneapolis, Minn., August, 1920. s. Amos Stuart and Matilda Hadley. m. 1861] MATRICULATE CATALOG 103 October 13, 1869, Annis M. Lynch, c. Harry Harlan Stuart; b. July 10, 1878. Thomas, John Clapp, A.B. Entered 1857. Editor, The Bud; a founder of the Everett Society; a founder of the Dorian Cricket Club. Minister of Society of Friends, August 8, 1889, to date; merchant, 1866-78; Auditor's Office, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, 1878-80; Real Estate De- partment, ofifice Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md., 1880- 1902; Treasurer, Johns Hopkins Hospital since 1902. b. Baltimore, Md., December 11, 1842. s. Dr. Richard H. Thomas and Phebe Hicks Clapp of New York. m. Eugenia Cromwell, June 11, 1873. Address, 1333 Bolton Street, Balti- more, Md. Non-Graduates fExton, Joseph Capnerhurst. Entered Preparatory Department 1856 and left 1857. Farmer. b. Union Farm, near Clinton, Hunterdon County, N. J., August 19, 1841. d. June 8, 1917. s. Hugh and Amy Stockton Lundy Exton. fFlowers, William Pickering. (A.B. Antioch College, O., 1862; A.M., 1871.) Entered 1857 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1859. Studied at Antioch College, O., 1859-62; teacher; editor of Flowers' Family Magasme. b. Edgewood, Bucks County, Pa., December 26, 1837. d. Bay- onne, N. J., April 7, 1894. s. Joseph Flowers and Sarah Picker- ing, m. February 23, 1865, Sarah Lavinia Bump. fHarkness, Howard F. Entered May, 1856, and left at close of Sophomore year, 1859. b. Philadelphia, Pa. (?), October 16, 1841. d. . s. Charles Harkness and . t Jones, Ivins Davis. Entered 1856 and left 1859. Civil engineer. Captain, 1st New Jersey Cavalry, 1861 ; Major, 1862. b. Hanover Furnace, N. J., May 25, 1842. d. New York, May 25, 1867. s. Richard Jones and Alice Woodmancey Davis. 104 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1861 Lippincott, Charles. Entered 1857 and left at close of Sophomore year. A founder of the Dorian Cricket Club; Editor of The Bud. Graduated from New Jersey State Normal School, 1861 ; teacher for 12 years ; during this time Principal of Friends' School, Salem, N. J., also of Friends' Seminary, Easton, N. Y. Farmer and fruit grower, 1875-86. Retired. Compiler of "Lippincott Genea- logical Tree." b. Westfield, N. J. (Cinnaminson), June 16, 1842. s. Isaiah and Mary Ann Lippincott. m. (1) December 22, 1875, Anna G. Hill, of Springfield, Pa.; (2) Isabella Smith. Address, Moores- town, N. J. Mellor, Alfred. (Ph.G., Phila. College of Pharmacy, 1863.) Entered February, 1858, and left at the close of the Junior year. Secretary of Everett Society; one of the founders of the Dorian Cricket Club. Graduated from Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, March, 1863; Private in 1st Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry, in the Gettysburg Campaign, 1863 ; member of firm, Parrish & Mel- lor, 1863 ; member and later president of firm, Mellor & Ritten- house ( 1902) ; First Vice-President of Mac Andrews & Forbes Company. Retired as manufacturing chemist, May, 1919. Fellow, Royal Society of Arts, London, England; Member, Franklin In- stitute of Pennsylvania; Member, Philadelphia College of Phar- macy; Member, American Pharmaceutical Association; Member, Germantown Cricket Club; Merion Cricket Club; Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 21, 1841. s. Thomas Mellor and Martha Bancroft, m. June 12, 1873, at "Bilbro," Chelten Hills, Montgomery County, Pa., Isabella Latham, c. Ralph, Feb- ruary 10, 1878; Walter, April 25, 1880. Address, 152 West Wal- nut Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. fMurray, Joseph King. Entered Junior Class 1859 and left February, 1861, during the Senior year. Member, Loganian Society; Editor of Collegian. Studied at Harvard Law School; Vice-President, Haverford Alumni, 1887; Alumni Orator, 1878. Enlisted in Hamilton Rifles; practiced Law, New York City, 1863-1910. 1910, retired from practice; 1886, first President, Flushing Association (welfare) ; founder of Fireside Club. b. New York City, January 17, 1836. d. January 3, 1916. s. Lindley Murray and Mary A. King. m. June 20, 1866, Harriet Charlotte Griffith. 1861] MATRICULATE CATALOG 105 Parsons, Samuel. (Ph.B., Yale, 1862.) Entered 1857 and left at close of Junior year, 1860. Student at Yale Sheffield Scientific School, 1860-62; Superin- tendent of the planting of the Parks of New York City, 1882-83 ; Superintendent, Parks of New York City, 1884-97; President, Parks in the Park Department, New York City, for 29 years. Author, "Landscape Gardening;" "How to Lay Out Home Grounds ;" "Landscape Gardening Studies ;" "Art of Landscape Architecture ;" author of various articles published in magazines ; Editor of "Hints on Landscape Gardening," by Prince Von Puck- ler-Muskau ; Member, Society of Landscape Architects ; Century Club, New York City. b. New Bedford, Mass., February 8, 1844. s. Samuel Bowne Parsons and Susan Howland. m. October 25, 1865, Martha E. Francis, c. Mabel. Address, 101 Park Avenue, New York City. Smith, William Eastwick. Entered Preparatory Department 1855 and left 1857 on account of ill health. Merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 4, 1844. s. Hugh Smith and Ellen Chamberlin. m. November 7, 1876, Helen Cope. Last address, Center Square, Greencastle, Pa. fStarr, Theodore. Entered Academical Department 1856 and left 1859, at close of Junior year. Accountant. Interested in philanthropical and social work. Author of many lectures, etc., in connection with charity work. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 20, 1841. d. Philadelphia, Pa., June 1, 1884. s. Isaac Starr and Lydia Ducoing. Street, John. Entered 1857 and left at close of the year. b. Carthage, Ind. (?), November 3, 1836. s. and . Last address, Kokomo, Ind. fTomlinson, Edwin. Entered Academical Department 1855 and left at the close of the Sophomore year, 1859. Farmer. b. Laurel Mills, N. J., January 2, 1841. d. Kirkwood, N. J., April 22, 1896. s. Ephraim Tomlinson and Sarah T. Inskeep. 106 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1862 1862 fCoates, Henry Troth, A.B., A.M., Hon., 1882. Entered 1858. Editor of The Bud and of The Collegian. Vice-President, Alumni Association, 1881; Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1898. Member, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa.; His- torical Society of Pennsylvania; University Archaeological Asso- ciation of Philadelphia, Pa. Treasurer of Zoological Society. Editor of "Comprehensive Speaker," "Fireside Encyclopaedia of Poetry," "Children's Book of Poetry," etc. Publisher and book- seller. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 29, 1843. d. January 22, 1910. s. George Morrison Coates and Anna Troth, m. June 25, 1874, Estelle Barton Lloyd. fHadley, Samuel Allen, A.B. Entered 1858, from Osceola, la. President of Everett Society; Vice-President, Loganian, 1861-62. Teacher, b. December 4, 1838. d. 1864. s. Jeremiah Hadley and . Lippincott, Horace Greenough, A.B. Entered Academical Department 1857; left late in Senior year on account of wecik eyes. One of the founders of the Everett and its first Secretary; one of the founders of the Dorian Cricket Club. Granted A.B. de- gree in 1883. Member, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Genea- logical Society; American Academy of Political and Social Sci- ence. Wholesale grocer, 1865. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 29, 1844. s. George Lippincott and Mary Greenough. m. April 15, 1873, Caroline Rowland. Address, Wyncote, Pa. Mellor, George Brown, A.B. Entered Academical Department, February, 1858. Member Dorian Cricket Club. Farmer. School Director. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 25, 1843. s. Thomas Mellor and Martha Bancroft, m. Parkerville, Pa., December 17, 1868, Sarah Savery. c. Thomas S., October 10, 1869; Elizabeth M. Bring- hurst, May 10, 1871; Hanna S. M. Pennell, December 20, 1872; George B., Jr., November 13, 1877. Address, R. F. D. No. 4, West Chester, Pa. 1862] MATRICULATE CATALOG 107 WiUiams, Horace, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1865.) Entered 1858. Physician. Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadel- phia, 1868-81; Physician to the Howard Hospital, 1871-76; one of the founders of the Maternity Hospital, Philadelphia, 1872; one of the Obstetricians from its incorporation, 1873 until 1881 ; Member of the Philadelphia County Medical Society, 1880; Con- sulting Obstetrician, 1885-1907. Large private practice until 1907. b. Rocky Brook, R. I., August 13, 1842. d. Oberlin, O., June 12, 1918. s. John D. Williams and Hannah Brown. fWood, Isaac Francis, A.B. ( Formerly known as Francis Augus- tus Napoleon Wood, then as Francis Augustus Wood. Entered 1856. Founder of Everett Society ; Vice-President, Loganian ; Vice- President, Alumni Association, 1877; President, 1878. Member, American Numismatical Society, New York Academy of Sciences, etc. Author of numerous papers on Numismatical subjects. Mer- chant. b. New York City, July 15, 1841. d. Rahway, N. J., July 5, 1895. s. Isaac Wood, M.D., and Margaret Street, m. Sarah Browne, of New York City. Non-Graduates fCox, Robert B. Entered 1858 and left 1860. b. Hertford, N. C, January 31, 1842. d. . s. Joseph M. Cox and Eliza E. Hollowell. tFarnum, Samuel Entered 1858 and left during the Senior year, 1862. Enlisted 1862 as Private in R. I. United States Volunteers; promoted to Corporal, Sergeant, Captain of Colored Troops. Bat- tle of Fredericksburg. b. Uxbridge, Mass., January 1, 1840. d. October 15, 1865 (lost at sea from S. S. Atlanta on way home from New Orleans). s. Jonathan Farnum and Minerva Buxton. fHaines, Samuel Bunting. Entered 1858 and left 1859. Lieutenant, 121st Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, July, 1862-63. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 19, 1840. d. In Camp near Belle Plain, Va., February 23, 1863. s. Josiah Lippincott Haines and Deborah Bunting. 108 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1862 fLippincott, Heulings. Entered 1858 and left at close of Sophomore year. Farmer, lumber manufacturer and ice dealer, 1866-87; Presi- dent, National State Bank of Camden, N. J., 1887. b. Chester Township, Burlington County, N. J., July 6, 1842. d. Riverton, N. J., March 25, 1921. s. Samuel R. Lippincott and Mary Woodward, m. Anna Stevenson, October 17, 1866. fMorris, Anthony Jones. Entered 1857 and left at close of the Freshman year. Chief Burgess of Pemberton, N. J., several times. Private, 1st Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers, 1863. Miller and farmer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 26, 1842. d. January 6, 1916. s. Anthony Saunders Morris and Anne Emlen Jones, m. April 26, 1866, Mary Ridgway Smith. fStarr, Edward. (S.B., Univ. of Pa., 1862.) Entered 1858 and left during the Junior year. Studied at University of Pennsylvania, 1861-62. Stock broker. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 17, 1844. d. At home, "The Lilacs," Wyncote, Pa., January 14, 1914. s. Isaac Starr and Lydia Ducoing. m. 1866, Mary Williams Sharpless. fStokes, J. Spencer. (M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Phila., Pa., 1864.) Entered Academical Department 1857 and left 1859, Physician. Military Hospital at York, Pa., as Assistant Sur- geon, and remained there until it was closed after the war was over. b. Moorestown, N. J., October 4, 1842. d. Moorestown, N. J., September 18, 1868. s. John H. Stokes, M.D., and Tabitha Jenkins. fThurston, William Richardson. Entered 1858; left 1861. Studied at Yale for a short time. Wholesale druggist. b. New York, October 27, 1843. d. Morristown, N. J., October 19, 1890. s. William Richardson Thurston (1837, Manager 1871- 75) and Jane R. Day. m. November 4, 1869, Maria Sampson. fWillets, William Henry. Entered Academical Department 1856 and left 1859. Merchant. b. Westbury, N. Y., October 12, 1840. d. 1903. s. Robert R. Willets and Lydia Titus. 1863] MATRICULATE CATALOG 109 Wood, George. Entered Introductory Department 1855 and left 1860. Member, Loganian and Dorian Cricket Club. Merchant ; manu- facturer; farmer. Member of firm, Wood & Garrett, 1863, now known as George Wood, Sons & Co. President and Principal Owner of The Millville Manufacturing Company and The May's Landing Water Power Company; Vice-President, Philadelphia Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company ; Director, Phila- delphia National Bank, The Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Railroad (since 1893) ; West Jer- sey & Seashore Railroad Company. Member, Union League, Manufacturers' Club, Art Club, Philadelphia ; Lawyers' Club, New York City; Royal Arts Association of London, England. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 1, 1842. s. Richard Davis Wood and Julianna Randolph, m. October 12, 1864, Mary Sharpless Hunn. c. Richard D. Wood ; b. August 16, 1865 ; (d. December 22, 1865) ; Lydia Wood Baily ; b. March 23, 1867 ; George B. Wood ; b. June 11, 1869; (d. December 14, 1894); Caroline Wood Furness ; b. February 25, 1871; Grahame Wood; b. December 6, 1873; Rich- ard D. Wood; b. December 12, 1877; Mary Wood; b. July 20, 1883; Dorothea Wood; b. September 12, 1889. Address, "Red Roof," Wawa, Pa., and 1313 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Business Address, 512-514 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1863 Battey, Thomas Jesse, A.B., A.M., 1889. Entered 1859. Librarian, Loganian ; Member of Everett Society, Studied at Harvard Summer School, 1871 and 1878; at Cold Spring Harbor Summer School, 1901 ; at Martha's Vineyard Summer School at Woods Hole; and at R. I. Agricultural College; Extension Course at Brown University. 1863-1867, New York Yearly Meet- ing School at Union Springs, N. Y. ; farmer at Burrillville, R. I. ; teacher in private school at Burrillville, winter 1867-68; teacher of the Natural Sciences in Moses Brown School, 1868 to date. b. Burrillville, R. I., January 25, 1842. s. Smith Battey and Ruth Muzzey Aldrich. m. April 5, 1865, M. Augusta Heaton, at Plattekill, Ulster County, N. Y. c. Charles Heaton; b. March 27, 1868; Edward Heaton; b. January 1, 1873 (deceased in infancy) ; William Aldrich ; b. July 22, 1876. Address, Moses Brown School, Providence, R. I. 110 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1863 fCoates, George Morrison, A.B., A.M., 1866. Entered 1859. Secretary, Vice-President, President, Everett Society. Wool merchant in Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 29, 1845. d. Philadelphia, Pa., November 12, 1894. s. Joseph Potts Hornor Coates (Class 1839) and Elisa Henri Troth, m. November 9, 1871, Laura Lloyd. Coates, William Morrison, A.B. Entered 1859. Private, "Grey Reserves," 1863-65 ; Member, Veteran Corps, 1st Regiment, Pennsylvania National Guard. 1863, bookkeeper, De Coursey, Hamilton and Evans. 1864, Coates Brothers ; Presi- dent, Philadelphia Board of Trade ; President, Apprentices Library Company. Trustee, Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company; Di- rector, American Security and Trust Company, Washington. Member, University Club, Philadelphia; Rittenhouse Club, Phila- delphia; Union League, Philadelphia; Art Club, Philadelphia; Metropolitan Club, Washington, D. C. ; University Club, Wash- ington, D. C. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 19, 1845. s. George Morrison Coates and Anna Troth, m. Philadelphia, Pa., September 30, 1869, Anne Morris Lloyd, c. Esther M. Coates Sharp, 1870; Samuel Coates, 1874 (d. 1876) ; Benjamin Coates, 1877 (d. 1912) ; John Lloyd Coates, 1878; Helen Langdale Coates Huston, 1890. Address, 1717 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. t Jones, Richard Thomas, A.B. Entered 1859. Vice-President, Loganian; President, Athenseum. Iron mer- chant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 8, 1844. d. Philadelphia, Pa., June 6, 1868. s. Jacob Paul Jones, Benefactor, and Mary Thomas, m. 1868, Marie Louise Bailey. Morris, William Henry, A.B. Entered 1859. Member Loganian and Athenseum Societies. Iron and steel merchant and manufacturer. Member, American Institute Min- ing Engineers ; Iron and Steel Institute, Great Britain ; Art Qub, Philadelphia, Pa. Retired from business January 1, 1912. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 25, 1846. s. Israel Morris and Elizabeth Longstreth. m. December 3, 1868, Sallie W. Paul. c. Richard J. Paul, 1869; Mary P., 1871; Alfred P., 1875; Arthur W., 1877 ; Francis B., 1885 ; Reginald H., 1887. Address, Villa Nova, Pa. 1863] MATRICULATE CATALOG 111 Pinkham, Joseph Gurney, A.B., A.M., 1866; (M.D., 1866, Long Island College Hospital.) Entered Sophomore Class 1860. Alumni Undergraduate Prize Essay, 1863 ; Alumni Orator, 1874. Medical Student at University of Michigan and Long Island College Hospital. Physician and Surgeon of Lynn Hos- pital for many years ; now Consulting Surgeon of Lynn Hospital ; Medical Examiner of Ninth District Essex County, Mass. ; Fel- low of the American College of Surgeons. President of the Com- monwealth Savings Bank, Lynn, Mass. Published numerous papers on medical and surgical and medico-legal subjects. b. West Gardiner, Me., October 20, 1839. s. Elias Pinkham and Fanny Sampson, m. November 2, 1867, at Somerville, Mass., Emily G. Williams. Address, 64 Nahant Street, Lynn, Mass. Non-Graduates Corbit, Daniel Wheeler. Entered Sophomore year 1860 and left on account of the Civil War early in Junior year, 1862. Final Honors in Greek. Private in 7th Delaware Emergency Men, July 11 to August 12, 1864. Owner and manager of farms; President of New Castle County National Bank; President of Cantwell Mutual Fire Insurance Company and of the Odessa Building and Loan Association; Director, The Equitable Security and Trust Company of Wilmington, Del. ; President of the State Free Library Commission of Dover, Del. ; Trustee, New Castle County Workhouse ; Member of G. A. R. ; Member, Sons of Colonial Wars ; Delaware Historical Society ; Board of Trustees of Delaware College. b. Odessa, Del., March 17, 1843. s. Daniel Corbit and Eliza Naudain. m. October 13, 1870, Mary Clark Higgins. c. Sara Clark; Louise Naudain, 1871. Address, Odessa, Del. fDavis, Henry Wilkins. Entered 1859 ; left at close of Freshman year. Member of "Grey Reserves" (1st Regiment, National Guard, Philadelphia, Pa.), 1861-65. Some time member of 1st Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry. b. May 12, 1842. d. June 28, 1904. s. Thomas Wilkins Davis and Phoebe Shotwell Townsend. m. June 29, 1875, Elizabeth Corlies Allen. 112 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1863 fHandy, Thomas Poultney. Entered 1859 and left during the Junior year. Iron merchant. b. Baltimore, Md., December 19, 1844. d. Baltimore, Md., January 28, 1877. s. William Winder Handy, M.D., and Mary Ann Poultney. m. October 31, 1865, Maria Poultney. fHolme, John Gibbon. Entered 1859 and left at close of Freshman year. Orderly Sergeant, 24th New Jersey Regiment, 1862-63 ; Battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. Retired farmer. b. Salem County, N. J., February 4, 1842. d. June 11, 1921. s. Benjamin Seeley Holme and Elizabeth Dennis, m. April 26, 1866, Helena Woolman. c. Elizabeth Dennis, 1867 ; James Henry, 1868; Benjamin Seeley, 1870; Mary Woolman, 1873; Mar- garet Morris and Eleanor Gibbon, 1877. Jessup, George White. Entered 1859 and left during the Sophomore year. Retired farmer. b. Cinnaminson, N. J., August 28, 1842. s. Charles Jessup and Mary Lippincott. m. December 6, 1866, Esther Anna Handcock. Address, Moorestown, N. J. fKnight, Thomas Walter. Entered 1859 and left in 1861. Wounded in Battle of Potomac, Va. Member, 119th Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 1, 1844. d. May 25, 1864 (Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C). s. Walter Knight and Elizabeth Roberts. fLeeds, Albert Ripley. (A.B. Central H. S., Phila., Pa. 1860; A.B., Harvard, 1865. Hon. Ph.D., Princeton, 1876.) Entered Class of 1863 at beginning and left at close of Sopho- more year. Studied, Central High School, Philadelphia, 1856-60; Harvard College, 1861-65; School of Mines, Berlin, Germany, 1869; The Lawrence Scientific School, Cambridge, Mass., 1870. State Chemist of New Jersey, 1879-95 ; Chemist of Water De- partment, Philadelphia, Pa., 1883-85 ; Professor of Chem- istry, Philadelphia High School ; in the Franklin Insti- tute of Pennsylvania; in the Philadelphia Dental College; in the Haverford College, 1867; in the Stevens Institute of Tech- nology, 1871-1902. Author of numerous papers on Ozone. Water Analysis and Supply, and other Chemical Subjects, in the Journal 1863] MATRICULATE CATALOG 113 of American Chemical Society, etc., Franklin Institute Journal, etc. Member of American, English and German Societies ; Fellow and Corresponding Member of British and American Associations for Advancement of Science. Fellow of the Academy of Science of New York; Member of State Board of Health, New Jersey, 1879-95. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 27, 1843. d. Philadelphia, Pa., March 13, 1902. s. Benjamin Sykes Leeds and Beulah Bassett. m. (1) Philadelphia, Pa., September 12, 1871, Margaretta Reed West; (2) Philadelphia, Pa., December 12, 1890, Anne Griscom Webb. fLevick, Robert. Entered Introductory Department 1858 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1861. Wholesale shoe merchant. b. Frankf(jrd, Philadelphia, Pa., July 24, 1844. d. Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa., January 30, 1897. s. Robert R. Levick and Hannah Jefferson, m. October 19, 1882, Jeannette Savage. fMatthews, William W. Entered 1859 and left 1860. Farmer. b. Cockeysville, Md., October 7, 1842. d. Philopopolis, Md., January 30, 1899. s. Thomas H. Matthews and Elizabeth Ann Price, m. Mary Alice Matthews. fMerritt, J. Walter. Entered Academical Department 1858 and left at end of Sopho- more year. b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., March 21, 1841. d. . s. Joseph Merritt and Eliza L. Corlies. fMorris, James Thompson. Entered Academical Department 1857 and left at close of Soph- omore year, 1861. Engineer and iron manufacturer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 18, 1842. d. Philadelphia, Pa., September 23, 1874. s. Isaac P. Morris and Rebecca Thompson, m. December 5, 1872, Jane Montague. fPancoast, Henry Boiler. Entered 1858 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1861. Iron manufacturer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 12, 1843. d. Philadelphia, Pa., July 2, 1911. s. Joshua Pancoast and Anna Paxson. m. January 31, 1870, Elizabeth Hammeken. 8 114 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1863 fParrish, Joseph, Hon. A.M., 1884. Entered 1859 and left at close of Freshman year, 1860. Everett Prize Poet, 1860. Alumni Orator, 1866. Alumni Poet, 1873. President, Alumni, 1881. Author of Haverford College Cricket Song, "Scarlet and Black," 1877. Lawyer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 6, 1843. d. Philadelphia, Pa., Novem- ber 11, 1893. s. Dilwyn Parrish and Susan Maxfield. m. Paris, France, September 3, 1868, Isabella Pelham Mott. Scott, Thomas, Jr. Entered Academical Department 1858; left at close of Sopho- more year, 1861. b. Pittsburgh, Pa. (?), September 28, 1843. s. Thomas Scott and . Last address known, Westinghouse Building, Pitts- burgh, Pa. fThorne, Johnathan, Jr. Entered Academical Department 1858 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1861. Served as Private in 7th New York Militia, 1863. Merchant. Member, New York Historical Society; American Geographical Society. b. New York City, 1843. d. New York City, January 10, 1920. s. Jonathan Thorne and Lydia Ann Corse, m. December 15, 1867, Harriett S. Van Schronhoven. fToms, Richard H. R. Entered Academical Department 1858 and left in 1859. Probably joined the Confederate Army. b. Holly Grove, Va., November 9, 1845. d. . s. and Mary A. E. . fTyler, John Edgar. Entered 1858 and left 1861. Farmer. b. Salem, N. J., October 5, 1842. d. Media, Pa., October, 1892. s. Hugh L. Tyler and Mary Shipley Miller, m. 1881, Anne Hicks. fVaux, Roberts. Entered Academical Department 1855 and left in 1861. Alumni Poet, 1882. Member, Philadelphia City Troop. Cap- tain, A. D. C, General Snowden's Staff, National Guard, Penn- sylvania. Merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 10, 1843. d. Philadelphia, Pa., July 24, 1888. s. Richard Vaux and Mary M. Wain. 1864] ' MATRICULATE CATALOG ll5 1864 fAngell, Franklin, A.B., A.M., 1869. Entered 1860. Teacher. b. Greenfield, Saratoga County, N. Y., December 10, 1841. d. Seneca County, N. Y., August 2, 1882. s. Benjamin Angell and Mary Anthony. f Ashbridge, William, A.B. (M.D. College of Phys. and Surgeons, Phila.) Entered 1860. Physician. Studied medicine at College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Philadelphia, Pa. b. West Whiteland, Pa., March 15, 1846. d. Philadelphia, Pa., December 13, 1884. s. Richard Ashbridge and Mary Bennett James. fCoates, Edward Hornor, A.B. Entered 1860. Secretary, Vice-President and President of Everett. Merchant until 1889. Chairman of Committee on Instruction, 1883-90; President, 1880-1906, of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Chairman of Muybridge Committee for the Investigation of Ani- mal Locomotion, University of Pennsylvania, 1883. Founder of Contemporary Club of Philadelphia, 1886; President of Gilbert Stuart Memorial Association, 1890. President, Trans-Atlantic Society of America, 1900; President, Corporation for Relief of Widows and Children of Clergymen in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Director of Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities. Director of Philadelphia Sav- ings Fund Society ; Director of Insurance Company of North America. Manager of Pennsylvania Hospital ; Manager of Penn- sylvania Hospital for the Insane. Gold Medal of Honor, Penn- sylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1915. Member Rittenhouse Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 12, 1846. d. Philadelphia, Pa., December 23, 1921. s. Joseph Potts Hornor Coates (1839) and Eliza Henri Troth, m. (1) Ella Mary Potts; (2) January 7, 1879, Florence (Earle) Nicholson, c. Alice N. and Josephine W. Cooper, Howard Mickle, A.B., A.M., 1867. Entered Sophomore Class 1861. Editor of The Bud. First Cricket Eleven, 1864. Lawyer. President of Security Trust and Safe Deposit Company; Presi- 116 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1864 dent of Harleigh Cemetery Association; President, Free Public Library ; President, West Jersey Orphanage for Destitute Colored Children; Director of Camden National Bank; Director of West Jersey Title and Guaranty Company, all of Camden, N. J. Vice- President, Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Children; Presi- dent of Society of Prevention and Relief of Poverty; President. Camden City Dispensary. Member, New Jersey State Bar As- sociation ; Member, United States Bar Association ; Member, Cam- den County Bar Association; Member, New Jersey State Board Bar Examiners, 1902-12. Member, State Board Library Com- missioners, 1898 to date. Author of Historical Sketch of Cam- den, N. J., and Sketches of Local Places. Member, New Jersey Historical Society. b. Camden, N. J., June 24, 1844. s. John Cooper and Mary Mickle Kaighn. m. (1) October 23, 1872, Alice M. Mears; (2) April 22, 1884, Lucy Smyth, c. Emily Smyth Cooper. Address, 106 Market Street, Camden, N. J. fGarrett, Albin, A.B. Entered 1860. President of Class; Vice-President, Loganian Society; Presi- dent of Athenaeum Society. Merchant. b. Willistown, Pa., April 22, 1844. d. February 27, 1913. s. Albin Garrett and Esther Painter James, m. November 24, 1885, Mary Hickman. fLongstreth, Morris, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1866; A.M., 1869; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1869.) Entered 1860. Member of First Cricket Eleven, Physician. Student at Har- vard, 1864-66; Medical Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1866-69. Alumni Orator, 1888. Some time Professor of Patho- Anatomy, Jefferson College, Philadelphia; some time Attending Physician at Philadelphia Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. Author, "Rheumatism, Gout, etc.," 1882; Catalogue of Pathological Museum of Pennsylvania Hospital; Clinical Lectures; Articles in Medical Journals, etc. Lowell Institute Lecturer, Boston, 1883- 84. Member, American Philosophical Society; Member, College of Physicians, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 24, 1846. d. Barcelona, Spain, September, 1914. s. Thomas Bedford Longstreth and Lydia Noble, m. Cambridge, Mass., October 11, 1871, Mary Oliver Hastings. 1864] MATRICULATE CATALOG " 117 fPancoast, Albert, A.B. Entered Academical Department 1858. Banker and broker. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 15, 1842. d. Elberon, N. J., August 19, 1898. s. Joseph Pancoast, M.D., and Rebecca Abbott, m. Baltimore, Md., November 28, 1871, Rebecca Emily Thomas. fRoberts, Charles, A.B. Entered 1860. Editor of The Bud; The Collegian; Secretary, President of Council, Everett. Manufacturer. Entered commercial life with Whitall, Tatum & Co., 1864. 1869-85, partner in firm of Whitall, Tatum & Co.; 1891, Vice-President, Spring Garden Insurance Company; 1895, President, Spring Garden Insurance Company; Treasurer, Alumni Association, 1866-69; President, 1886-88. Manager, Haverford College, 1872-1902. Secretary of the Cor- poration, 1883-86. President, Apprentices Library Company; Di- rector of Academy of Fine Arts ; President of 8th and 9th Wards Charity Organizations; Vice-President, Fuel Savings Society; Overseer of William Penn Charter School; Member, Common Council, Philadelphia, Pa., 1882-84, 1886-1902. Member, Council of Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Life Member, American Historical Association; Honorary Member, Historical Society of Salem, N. J., and Wisconsin Historical Society; Life Member, Academy of Natural Sciences of the Horticultural Society; of the Zoological Society ; of the Genealogical Society ; of the Frank- lin Institute of the Colonial Society ; of the Photographic Society ; of the Fairmount Park Arts Association. Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1898. His collection of manuscripts and works relating to Friends was unsurpassed in this country, and he had also gath- ered a large and valuable collection of autographs which was pre- sented to the College in 1902, together with a donation of about $50,000 to found the hall named after him. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 21, 1846. d. Philadelphia, Pa., January 23, 1902. s. Elihu Roberts and Anne Pettitt. m. Phila- delphia, Pa., November 23, 1892, Lucy Branson Longstreth. tSampson, Elijah Pope, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1861. Manufacturer of oilcloths. b. Hallowell, Me., August 6, 1843. d. New York City, May 18, 1893. s. Alden Sampson and Sarah Taber Pope. m. September 14, 1876, Florence de Wolfe Smith. 118 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1864 fScuU, Edward Lawrence, A.B. Entered 1860. Librarian, Loganian; President of Council Everett; Editor of The Bud; Editor of The Collegian. Secretary, Alumni Associa- tion, 1868-69 ; Manager of Haverf ord College, 1875-84, and bene- factor by his will. Overseer, William Penn Charter School. Mem- ber, Philadelphia Sketch Club; Founder of Friends' Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. Wool merchant. b. March 7, 1846. d. Oaklands Park, Surrey, England, June 14, 1884. s. David Scull (Manager 1855-65, Benefactor) and Lydia Lippincott. m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 26, 1879, Sarah Elizabeth Marshall. tWood, Randolph, A.B. Entered Academical Department 1857. Iron manufacturer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 5, 1845. d. Philadelphia, Pa., April 19, 1876. s. Richard Davis Wood and Julianna Randolph, m. 1869, Elizabeth H. Wood. Non-Graduates fBacon, George Warder. Entered Academical Department 1859 and left during the Soph- omore year, 1862. Private Secretary 25 years to Wistar Morris ; some time Presi- dent of Corporation of Haverford College, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 30, 1843. d. Atlantic City, N. J., August 11, 1908. s. George Vaux Bacon and Sarah Ann Paul. fBarney, William Henry. Entered Academical Department 1859 and left at middle of Freshman year. b. August 24, 1844. d. October, 1891. s. William Henry Barney and . fDawson, Charles Poultney. Entered Academical Department 1858; left Freshman year, 1861. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 5, 1842. d. Philadelphia, Pa., Jan- uary 2, 1885. s. Mordecai L. Dawson (Manager 1838-39) and Elizabeth Poultney. m. October 28, 1863, Emily Elizabeth Pearsall. 1864] MATRICULATE CATALOG 119 fDennis, James^ Jr. Entered 1860 and left during the Sophomore year. Cotton manufacturer; manufacturer of machinery; farmer. b. Pawtucket, R. I., April 24, 1842. d. September, 1919. s. James Dennis and Anna T. Lockvvood. m. (1) December 12, 1865, Angeline Willcox; (2) May 23, 1889, Laura C. Curtis. fGrier, George. Entered 1860 and left 1861. Machinist at Altoona, Pa., at Frankstown, Pa., at Johnstown, Pa. b. Altoona, Pa. (?), March 10, 1842. d. . s. George W. Grier and . fHaines, Howard Lippincott. Entered 1860 and left during the Sophomore year. Entered Junior Class, University of Pennsylvania, as a partial student and left at close of the Junior year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 19, 1845. d. Philadelphia, Pa., April 16, 1913. s. Josiah Lippincott Haines and Deborah Bunting. fHall, Frank Stevens. Entered Sophomore Class 1861 and left during the Senior year. b. Casco, Me., December 2, 1839. d. . s. William Hall and . fHiatt, Oliver Smith. Entered 1860 and left at the close of the Freshman year. Farmer, stock dealer, and contractor. Member, Board County Commissioners of Leavenworth, Kans. ; Auditor of Leavenworth County for 12 years. Member, Board of Directors of Kansas State Penitentiary. b. Richmond, Ind., February 4, 1839. d. Leavenworth, Kans., July 15, 1901. s. Elam B. Hiatt and Sarah Horn. m. December 31, 1861, Mary Eleanor Maris, c. Effie Hiatt Van Tuyl and Mary Eleanor Lloyd. fLindley, John Hadley. Entered Sophomore year 1861 and left 1862. Captain, United States Volunteers, Civil War; Deputy Treas- urer, Parke Company ; Treasurer, Parke Company ; Secretary and Treasurer, Sand Creek Coal Company, Ind. b. Morgan County, December 4, 1841. d. Indianapolis, Ind., December 26, 1892. s. James Lindley and Ruth Hadley. m. (1) November 29, 1866, Alice Silliman; (2) Mrs. Annetta Bates. 120 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1864 Merritt, Charles Frost. Entered 1860 and left at close of the Freshman year. Everett Society. Clerk, General Store, Bristol, 111. ; Clerk in mercantile business and in bank ; in office of Delaware and Raritan Canal, 1871-81. Bookkeeper and note teller in Hamilton Bank, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1889-1900. 1900, to date, laundry and coal business. b. Millbrook, Dutchess County, N. Y., September 24, 1844. s. Isaac Merritt and Eliza Hart. m. December 27, 1871, Amanda A. Blake. Address, 89 Henry Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. fParrish, William Wright. Entered 1859 and left during Sophomore year, 1861. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 27, 1845. d. , March 20, 1886. s. William D. Parrish and Elizabeth Miller. fParry, Charles. Entered Junior Class 1862 and left at close of year; Horticulturist. b. Cinnaminson, N. J., February 18, 1846. d. Riverton, N. J., August 23, 1920. s. William Parry and Alice Stokes, m. Anna Sill. fPhillips, Albert Shreve. Entered 1860 and left at close of the year. Salesman. b. Trenton, N. J., May, 1845. d. . s. Philip Phillips and Susanna Shreve. m. Virginia Scherum. fShepherd, Caleb William. Entered Sophomore Class 1862 and left at close of year. Clerk in Albany, N. Y. ; Grain and Flour Merchant in New York City ; Member of New York Produce Exchange. b. Saratoga, N. Y., October 4, 1841. d. New York City, No- vember, 1917. s. William R. Shepherd and Eliza Ann Keese. m. October 8, 1879, Sarah M. Willets. fSmyth, Horace. Entered 1859 and left 1862. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 9, 1844. d. October 22, 1902. s. Lindley Smyth and Elizabeth S. Ferris, m. October 3, 1865, Mary Elizabeth Hanson. fThomas, Jonas Preston. Entered 1860 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1862. Farmer. Manager of Haverford College, 1887-1905. 1865] MATRICULATE CATALOG 121 b. West Whiteland, Chester County, Pa., August 7, 1842. d. Whitford, Pa., November 20, 1905. s. George Thomas, M.D., and Anna Townsend. m. Hannah Gibbons. Zook, John Miller. Entered 1860 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1862. 1862, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 12th Regiment; 1863, Assistant Postmaster, West Chester, Pa.; 1864-1899, with Hoopes & Town- send, Philadelphia, Pa.; 1899-1921, Treasurer, Hoopes & Town- send. Member, Historical Society, Chester County, Pa. ; Athletic Association, University of Pennsylvania; City Club of Philadel- phia. b. Conestoga Valley, Pa., January 12, 1844. s. Isaac M. Zook and Leah Miller, m. May 15, 1873, Susan J. Davis, c. S. Town- send, 1874; Frank, 1876; John M., Jr., 1878. Address, 1728 North Nineteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1865 • fBringhurst, John Richardson, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1862. Iron and steel manufacturer. Farmer. b. Wilmington, Del., January 8, 1845. d. Wilmington, Del., December 7, 1903. s. Joseph Bringhurst and Anna Richardson, m. (1) Wilmington, Del., February 17, 1870, Elizabeth Tatnall (d. January 19, 1874) ; (2) June 16, 1881, Annie S. Stokes (d. April 23, 1882) ; (3) Darlington, Md., April 20, 1887, Esther Harlan Wilson. fBrown, Edward Taylor, A.B. Entered 1861. Clerk; bookkeeper; banker's confidential clerk, b. Doylestown, Pa., March 20, 1845. d. Swarthmore, Pa., No- vember 1, 1892. s. John S. Brown and Rebecca J. Taylor. Chase, James Anthony, A.B. Entered Freshman Class, February, 1862. Apprentice, Chase, Sharpe and Thompson's Stove and Hollow Ware Foundry, 1865-66; Rodman of Engineer Corps, Pennsyl- vania Railroad, 1867; Rodman on the Wilmington & Reading Railroad, 1867-69 ; Assistant Engineer on St. Paul & Duluth Rail- road, 1869-70; Assistant Engineer on Philadelphia & Erie Rail- road, 1871 ; Superintendent and Engineer, Junction & Breakwater Railroad (now a part of Pennsylvania Railroad), March 1, 1871, to January 8, 1872; Assistant Engineer in United States Corps, 1873; Assistant Engineer of Atlantic & Great Western Railroad. 122 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1865 Draughtsman and apprentice in Edward O. Chase Machine Shop, 1873. Draughtsman, Lehigh Valley Railroad, Lehigh Valley Coal Company, and numerous other coal companies, 1874-1921. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 4, 1844. s. Pliny Earle Chase (Pro- fessor of Philosophy, 1871-86, and Acting President, Haverford, 1886) and Elizabeth Brown Oliver, m. At Brookfield, Chester County, Pa., December 7, 1870, Mabel Elma Marshall, c. Oscar Marshall Chase, 1871; Warren Abner Chase, 1875 (d. July 3, 1876) ; Anna Eliza Chase (Mrs. Harry Frank Margwarth), 1881. Address, 239 West Broad Street, Hazleton, Pa. t Downing, Joseph Miller, A.B. Entered 1861. Iron manufacturer, Coatesville, Pa., 1865-79 ; New Castle, Pa. ; Tyrone, Pa.; Danville, Pa., 1879-86; manufacturer of wheel ma- terials, Wilmington, Del., 1886. b. West Whiteland, Pa., July 23, 1846. d. Elsmere, Del., April 4, 1915. s. Thomas Stalker Downing and Eliza Sharpless Valen- tine, m. June 3, 1880, Hannah Pennock Steele, of Coatesville, Pa. c. T. S. Downing, 1905, and G. V. Downing, 1914. fHaviland, Arthur, A.B. Entered Preparatory Department 1860. Cricket teams. Clerk in Mercantile House, 1865-68; Civil En- gineer, 1869-92 ; Real Estate Department, New York City & Hud- son River Railroad, 1892-98; Captain of 1st Regiment of Volun- teers, United States Military Engineers, 1898. 1910-1919, Special Assistant Engineer in Law Department, New York Central Rail- road; Member, American Society Civil Engineers. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., March 8, 1848. d. New York City, June 18, 1919. s. Daniel Griffin Haviland and Hannah Quinby. m. April 11, 1888, Mary Ann (Martin) Burt. fNichols, David Holder, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1862. President, Everett; Editor, The Bud. Entered Harvard, 1865. b. East Vassalboro, Me., July 21, 1842. d. 1865. s. Thomas B. Nichols and Ruth Anna Holder. fSharpless, Henry Williams, A.B. Entered 1861. Dry goods merchant; retired 1899. b. Near Philadelphia, Pa., February 9, 1849. d. November 11, 1905. s. Charles Leeds Sharpless (Class 1837) and Anna Reeves Williams. 1865] MATRICULATE CATALOG 123 fSmith, George, Jr., A.B. Entered 1861. On first Cricket Eleven. Manufacturer, Darby, Pa. ; also Bridgewater Paper Mills in Aston, Delaware County, Pa. b. Upper Darby, Delaware County, Pa., November 14, 1846. d. Palatka, Fla., March 21, 1872. s. George Smith, M.D., and Mary Lewis. fTaber, Robert Barney, A.B., A.M., 1869. Entered Junior Class 1863. Alumni Orator, 1870. Bookseller and Pubhsher; President, New England Association Gas Engineers ; Gas and Electric Engi- neer. b. New Bedford, Mass., May 4, 1846. d. Washington, D. C, March 27, 1905. s. William Congdon Taber and Hannah T. Shearman, m. September 16, 1878, Annie P. Beard. fThomas, Allen Clapp, A.B., A.M., 1882. Entered 1861. Secretary, Everett Society; Loganian; First Cricket Eleven. Baseball Team. Librarian, Loganian, 1865. President, Everett Society. Valedictorian, Alumni Poet, 1866. Orator, 1875. Vice- President, 1896. Mercantile, shipping and commission business, 1865-78. Prefect, Haverford College, 1878-87. Professor His- tory and Political Science, 1887-93. Professor, History, 1893- 1912. Professor, History, Emeritus, 1912-1920. Librarian, 1878- 1915. Librarian Emeritus, 1915-20. Consulting Librarian, 1915- 20. Editor, Bulletin of Friends' Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania. Author of "The Mystics" ; "A Memoir of Edward Law- rence Scull"; "The Family of Love or Familists"; "History of the United States for Schools and Academies" ; "History of the Society of Friends in America" (Joint Author with R. H. Thomas, 72) ; "William Penn, Founder of Pennsylvania"; "Attitude of the Society of Friends Toward Slavery in the Seventeenth and Eight- eenth Centuries" ; "An Elementary History of the United States." Editor of "Matriculate Catalogue of Haverford College"; "Some Letters and Papers of John Hancock"; "John Hancock, the Man and the Patriot" ; "A History of England for Schools" ; "A His- tory of Pennsylvania for Schools." Contributor to the Friends' Review, American Friend, Bulletin of "Friends' Historical So- ciety," and other periodicals. Member of Baltimore Corn Ex- change, 1875-78; Original Member, American Historical Associa- tion; American Society of Church History; American Antiquarian Society ; Friends Historical Society of Pennsylvania ; Friends His- 124 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1865 torical Society of London. Some time member of the following: Maryland Historical Society; Historical Society of Pennsylvania; American Philosophical Society ; Pennsylvania Library Club ; Phi Beta Kappa, 1898. American Library Association ; Minister of the Society of Friends and Presiding Clerk of Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox), 1897-1920. b. Baltimore, Md., December 26, 1846. d. Haverford, Pa., De- cember 15, 1920. s. Richard Henry Thomas, M. D. (Manager 1850-59) and Phebe Clapp. m. Woonsocket, R. I., August 20, 1872, Rebecca H. Marble, c. Edward Thomas, 1877; Miriam Thomas. Vail, Benjamin Augustus, A.B. Entered 1861. Lawyer. Member of House of Assembly, N. J., 1876-77; State Senator, Union County, 1879-84 ; President, Senate, 1884 ; County Judge, Union County, 1898-1905 ; Circuit Court Judge, State of New Jersey, 1906-1914; Government Agent, Union County, N. J., for the Draft Law. Member, New Jersey Historical Society. b. Woodbridge Township, Middlesex County, N. J., August 15, 1844. s. Benjamin Franklin Vail and Martha C. Parker. Ad- dress, Essex Club, 44 Park Place, Newark, N. J. fWistar, Caleb Cresson, A.B. Entered 1861. Cricket Team, 1864. Studied Law at University of Pennsyl- vania; Secretary, Howard Hospital; Manager, Philadelphia Bourse ; Provident Life and Trust Company ; Wholesale and Com- mission Merchant for 24 years. Member, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Zoological Society, and the Union League, Phila- delphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 21, 1846. d. Philadelphia, Pa., Au- gust 8, 1917. s. Bartholomew Wyatt Wistar (1837) and Anna- bella Elliott Cresson. m. Philadelphia, Pa., 1876, Mary Emlin Cresson. c. 4. Non-Graduates fClapp, Samuel Hicks. Entered 1861 and left in Senior year. Merchant and Lawyer. Studied at University of Pennsylvania, 1865-66. b. New York City, November 10, 1846. d. Philadelphia, Pa., June 28, 1891. s. Samuel Hicks Clapp and Phebe M. Kimber. m. Fishkill-on-Hudson, 187-, Anna Verplanck. 1865] MATRICULATE CATALOG , 125 fDrake, James Haines. Entered 1861 and left during Freshman year. Grain merchant and exporter. Served in Civil War. Grain business in Chicago. Owner of several sections of prairie land in Minnesota. Land Commissioner. Member of House of Rep- resentatives of Minnesota. Connected with railroads of Minne- sota and South Dakota; Developer of the Petrified Forests in Arizona; Exhibitor at the Chicago, Paris, Buffalo and St. Louis Expositions. Member of Board of Trade of Chicago. b. Waynesville, O., November 1, 1844. d. Pasadena, Cal., De- cember 15, 1912. s. Henry E. Drake and Ann S. Haines. Febiger, Christian Carson. Entered 1861 and left at close of Sophomore year. Publisher of Medical Books. Took active part in securing In- ternational Copyright. Director of P. B. & W. Railroad; Man- ager of Wistar Saving Fund; Director of Bank of North America; West End Trust Company; William Sellers Company; Edge Moor Iron Company; Philadelphia Warehouse Company, and many others. Member, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Vice-President, Zoological Society; Member, Loyal Legion of Philadelphia; Order of the Cincinnati; Union League; Ritten- house Club; Merion Cricket Club. b. Cincinnati, O., April 2, 1845. s. Col. Christian Febiger and Sarah Tatnall. m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 6, 1877, Katharine M. Sellers, c. Christian Febiger, 1878 ; Mary S. Febiger, 1880 ; Eliza- beth S. Febiger, 1882; William S. Febiger, 1888; Katharine Febiger, 1884. Address, 3421 Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. fGillis, John Pritchett. Entered 1861 and left at close of Sophomore year. Iron merchant and fruit grower. b. Brandywine, Del., December 24, 1845. d. Orange, N. J., February 24, 1912. s. John Pritchett Gillis and Elizabeth Tatnall. m. West Orange, N. J., June 23, 1886, Harriette Tillinghast. fHaines, Frederic. Entered Academical Department 1860 and left 1861. b. Marietta, Pa., April 9, 1845. d. . s. Haines and Sarah . fJones, William Brinton. Entered Academical Department 1860 and left same year. Farmer. b. Birmingham, Pa., . d. . s. Brinton Jones and Mary Woodward. 126 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1865 fLawrence, William Henry. Entered 1862 and left during the Freshman year. b. Delaware County, Pa., February 26, 1846. d. Philadelphia, Pa., October 16, 1865. s. Henry Lawrence and Mary Davis Ashbridge. fMiller, Charles Martin. Entered 1860 and left at close of the year. Connected with H. Disston & Sons, Keystone Saw Works, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Nashville, Tenn., October 16, 1847. d. Philadelphia, Pa., 1893. s. Miller and Martha . fMorris, Isaac Wistar. Entered Academical Department 1859 and left in 1861. Qerk with I. P. Morris, Towne & Co., Iron Manufacturers, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 14, 1844. d. Philadelphia, Pa., May 11, 1872. s. Isaac P. Morris and Rebecca Thompson. Pharo, Joseph John. Entered 1861 and left at close of Junior year, 1864. Mercantile business at Tuckerton, N. J., 1865-77. Mercantile and transportation business at Tuckerton, N. J., 1877-89. Asso- ciated with lumbering business in Virginia and North Carolina. b. New York City, February 22, 1847. s. Joseph Willits Pharo and Beulah Hooten Oliphant. m. Memphis, Tenn., April 28, 1878, Katharine A. Napier. Address, Tuckerton, Ocean County, N. J. fRichardson, Henry Banning. Entered Sophomore Class 1862 and left in 1863. Farmer. b. Wilmington, Del., January 10, 1846. d. Philadelphia, Pa., April 3, 1876. s. George Richardson and Sarah Woolston. m. November 8, 1866, Sarah T. Speakman. Roberts, Edward Churchman. Entered Preparatory Department 1860 and left 1862. Accountant, merchant and broker. b. New York City, June 24, 1845. s. John S. Roberts and Sarah Anna Churchman, m. March 26, 1872, Eleanor Merritt. Address, 100 Broadway, New York City. fShannon, John Relph. Entered 1861 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1863. Tea dealer. Author of many newspaper articles. 1866] MATRICULATE CATALOG 127 b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 12, 1846. d. Philadelphia, Pa., February 3, 1882. s. Elwood Shannon and Mary Relph. m. Sep- tember 2, 1869, Helen Cromwell. Swift, Henry Hinsdale. Entered Sophomore year 1862 and left at close of the year. Minister in Society of Friends ; farmer ; lumber and coal dealer. b. Millbrook, N. Y., October 5, 1869. s. Nathan G. Swift and Esther Lane. m. October 5, 1869, Mary Wood. Address, Mill- brook, N. Y. 1866 fElIiott, Aaron Marshall, A.B., A.M., 1878, (A.B., Harvard, 1868; Hon. Ph.D., Princeton, 1877; LL.D., Wake Forest College, 1891.) Entered 1862. Studied at Harvard; College de France, Paris, 1868-71, 1871- 72, Instituto degli Studii Superiori, of Florence, Italy ; 1873, Uni- versity of Madrid; 1874-76, at Munich, Tiibigen, and Vienna; graduated from latter. On original staflf of Johns Hopkins Uni- versity; Associate in Romance Languages, Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, 1876-84; Associate Professor, 1884-92; Professor, 1892 to 1910 (?). Editor of "Modern Language Notes." Author of many papers on Philological subjects, etc. President, Haver ford Alumni Association. Delegate to Paris Exposition. Member of numerous philological and geographic societies. b. Wilmington, N, C, January 24, 1846 (?). d. Baltimore, Md., November 9, 1910. s. T. Aaron Elliott and Rhoda Menden- hall. m. June 14, 1905, Lily Tyson (Manly). fValentine, Benjamin Eyre, A.B., (LL.B., Harvard, 1868.) Entered Sophomore year, 1866. Valedictorian and Honor Man; Greek Orator, Junior Exhibi- tion. Harvard Law Department, 1866-68; Justice of Peace for Essex County, Mass., 1868. Colonel, 2d Division, N, G. S. N. Y., 1873-79; Inspector of Rifle Practice of 5th Brigade in 1873, and of 2d Division, New York, 1874-77. Lawyer, 1869- 1906. 1892-1920 (?), interested in real estate. Member, New England Society, Brooklyn. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 5, 1847. d. August 15, 1920. s. Benjamin Eyre Valentine and Elizabeth Hacker Hope. m. No- vember 5, 1872, Marie Antoinette Storrs. c. Ethel Eyre, 1874; Marie Antoinette, 1875 ; Elizabeth Hacker, 1876 ; Harriet Storr and Marguerite, 1878. 128 haverford college [1866 Non-Graduates Brown, Henry Clay. (A.B., 1866, U. of Pa. ; A.M., 1869, U. of Pa.) Entered 1862 and left 1865. Studied at University of Pennsylvania, 1865-66. Lawyer, 1877- 1922. Entered commercial house, Lippincott & Trotter, Phila- delphia, Pa., 1866. Member of Union League; Merion Cricket Club. b. Doylestown, Pa., November 20, 1847. s. John S. Brown and Rebecca J. Taylor, m. Doylestown, Pa., December 28, 1882, Emma C. Ruckman. Address, 1220 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fCarpenter, Samuel Preston. Entered Sophomore Class 1863 and left at end of year. b. Salem, N. J., October 25, 1846. d. Salem, N. J., April 17, 1917. s. Samuel Preston Carpenter and Hannah H. Acton, m. 1869, Rebecca Bassett. Cloud, Joseph Cooper. Entered 1862 and left at close of Junior year. Farmer until 1877; produce commission merchant, 1877-84; electrician, General Electric Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1884 to date. b. Woodbury, N. J., December 4, 1844. s. Benjamin Cloud and Sarah French Cooper, m. February 11, 1868, Mary Scull, c. Anna W., 1872; William W., 1874; Sarah F., 1876; Joseph C, 1878; Herbert S., 1883. Address, Philadelphia Young Friends' Association, 140 North Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fCongdon, Samuel Hopkins. Entered Sophomore Class 1863 and left 1864. Farmer; merchant. b. Providence, R. L, October 7, 1845. d. Baltimore, Md., Feb- ruary 1, 1898. s. Gilbert Congdon and Mary Hopkins, m. Balti- more, Md., November 27, 1867, Henrietta Cromwell. fGummere, Richard Morris. Entered 1862 and left at close of the Sophomore year. Secretary-Treasurer, Jefferson Coal Company ; Secretary, Board Trustees, and Treasurer, Lehigh University. Member, University Club, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Buffalo Club, Buffalo, N. Y. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 8, 1846. d. South Bethlehem, Pa., February 16, 1914. s. William Gummere (Class of 1836) and Martha Moore Morris, m. February 15, 1872, Elizabeth Hunt. 1867] MATRICULATE CATALOG 129 fPendleton, Charles Mason. Entered 1862 and left at close of the year. Served in Confederate Army as Colonel. b. Martinsburg, Va., 1846. d. Berkeley Springs, W. Va., 1919. s. Philip Pendleton and . Pendleton, Edward Gray. Entered 1862 and left during the Freshman year. Captain in Cavalry of United States Army, 1864; severely wounded at Monocacy, 1864. b. Martinsburg, Va., January 24, 1844. s. Philip Pendleton and . m. May 12, 1890, Emily Barton. Address, 1750 N Street, Washington, D. C. fRedman, Samuel Bispham. Entered 1862 and left during the Junior year. Teacher and farmer. b. Haddonfield, N. J., April 24, 1846. d. Near Marlton, N. J., June 7, 1885. s. James Redman and Harriet Offley. m. October 14, 1875, Florence H. Elfreth. fSands, William Leach. Entered 1862 and left 1863. b. New York, June 7, 1848. d. Berkeley Springs, W. Va., Feb- ruary 19, 1919. s. David Sands and Paulina Leach, m. Rosalie V. Ackerman. fWoodward, Thomas, Jr. Entered 1862 and left at close of the Freshman year. Member, Company A, 22d Regiment, New York National Guard, 1865-72. Clerk, 1866-68; merchant, 1868-1918. b. New York City, April 2, 1846. d. New York City, February 3, 1918. s. Thomas Woodward and Elizabeth Cromwell, m. (1) October 7, 1869, Emma E. Smith, c. Thomas; Frank M.; Crom- well, m. (2) Emily M. Hamilton. 1867 Ashbridge, George, A.B., A.M., 1870. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa.) Entered 1863. Captain, Cricket Eleven, 1866. Studied at University of Berlin, Germany, 1871-72; at Law School of University of Pennsylvania, 1880-82. Farmer and Herder of Shorthorn Cattle, 1873-88 ; Prac-- ticed Law, 1882-84. 1884-1921, Land Valuation, Liquidation, etc. ; local officer, 1873-88. Author of sundry articles on Stock Breeding ; on public questions ; and on Cricket. Fellow, American 9 130 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1867 Geographical Association; Member, Merion Cricket Club; Mem- ber, Philadelphia Bar. b. West Whiteland, Pa., August 29, 1850. s. Richard Ash- bridge and Mary B. James, m. Elm Station (now Narberth), Pa., November 4, 1875, Jeannette B. Campbell, c. William, 1876; Mary Dorsey, 1879; George, Jr., 1883. Address, Whitford, Pa. fAshbridge, John, A.B. Entered 1863. Lawyer. b. West Whiteland, Pa., March 20, 1849. d. Colorado Springs, Col., December 3, 1881. s. Richard Ashbridge and Mary Ben- nett James, m. November 12, 1874, Phebe H. Benners. fClark, William Penn, A.B., A.M., 1870. (LL.B., Univ. of Ind., 1871.) Entered Sophomore Class 1864. Studied at Earlham College, Ind., 1859-61. Law Student, Uni- versity of Indiana, 1870-71. Lawyer; teacher. b. Alamance County, N. C, August 16, 1841. d. Paonia, Delta County, Col., March 22, 1920. s. Alexander Clark and Anna Johnson, m. Springdale, la. (?), August 31, 1871, Martha Pick- ering, c. Marcella, 1873 ; Thomas, 1875 ; Mary, 1877. fCoUins, Samuel Craft, A.B., A.M., 1870. Entered 1863. President, Athenaeum; Librarian, Loganian; Vice-President of same. Editor of The Collegian. Alumni Orator. Principal, New Garden Boarding School (now Guilford College), N. C, 1867-70; Chappaqua Mountain Institute, Chappaqua, N. Y., 1870-98 (?). Author of numerous magazine and newspaper articles. b. Monmouth County, N. J., November 11, 1846. d. Trenton, N. J., July 13, 1900. s. Mark Collins and Edith Craft. t Crenshaw, Nathaniel Bacon, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1864. President of Everett. Secretary, Alumni Association, 1889-99. Magistrate in Virginia. Conscript in Confederate Army ; ex- empted by payment of $500. Conscripted again, but relieved of duty through personal influence of Assistant Secretary of War, C. S. A. Farmer, 1869-71 ; with iron manufacturing firm, 1871- 79; merchant, 1879-84; insurance and real estate, 1884-86; Real Estate Officer of Girard Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1886 to 1903 (?). b. Loudoun County, Va., December 18, 1845. d. Baltimore. November 16, 1903. s. John B. Crenshaw (1839) and Rachel 1867] MATRICULATE CATALOG 131 Hoge. m. Baltimore, Md., May 13, 1869, Elizabeth Hopkins Jolliffe. Darlington, Charles Howard, A.B., A.M., 1870. Entered Sophomore Class 1864. Curator of Loganian. Clerk in mercantile business, 1867-70; teacher, 1870-73; editor and printer. 1873-1920, farmer. b. West Chester, Pa., August 23, 1848. s. Howard Darlington and Anna Maria Haines, m. Woodstock, 111., February 5, 1874, Louise Hart. c. Hart, Ernest Marshall, Ethel, Edith. Address, R. F. D. No. 3, Phoenixville, Pa. fDorsey, William Tagart, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Maryland, 1870.) Entered 1863. Medical Student, University of Maryland, 1867-70. Physician, b. Baltimore, Md., June 4, 1848. d. Baltimore, Md., April 15, 1870. fEshleman, Benjamin Franklin, A.B. Entered 1863. President of Athenaeum. Lawyer. District Attorney of Lan- caster County, Pa., 1878-81. Delegate to convention in Cincinnati which nominated Hayes. Lieutenant Colonel on staffs of Gov- ernor Hoyt, of Pennsylvania, and of Governor Beaver. Private in First City Troop Cavalry. Judge Advocate General on staff of Governor Hastings. b. Lancaster, Pa., March 10, 1847. d. Lancaster, Pa., Decem- ber 17, 1904. s. Benjamin Eshleman and Elizabeth Gyger. m. December 21, 1876, Mary E. Mercur. fJones, Richard Mott, A.B., Hon. A.M., 1879; LL.D., 1891. (LL.D. Univ. of Pa., 1902.) Entered 1863. President of Class; President of Everett; Valedictorian. Mem- ber, Phi Beta Kappa. Manager of Haver ford College, 1892-1906 ( ?) ; Vice-President, Alumni Association; Orator, 1876. Teacher. Headmaster, Oak Grove Seminary, Me., 1870-74; Headmaster, William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1875-1917. b. South China, Me., June 29, 1843. d. Philadelphia, Pa., Au- gust 1, 1917. s. Eli Jones and Sibyl Jones, m. June 5, 1873, Annie Virginia Costello. fSharpless, Charles Williams, A.B. Entered 1863. Dry goods merchant. 132 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1867 b. January 19, 1851. d. Montgomery County, Pa., December 26, 1889. s. Charles Leeds Sharpless (Class of 1837) and Anna Reeves Williams. Wood, Walter, A.B. Entered 1863. Secretary of Class 1867. Member of Loganian and Everett Societies. Studied at Harvard, 1867-68. Secretary, Alumni As- sociation, 1873-78. Manager, Haverford College, 1890- ; Civil Service Examiner of City of Philadelphia, Pa., from 1887; Presi- dent, Florence Iron Works; President, Camden Iron Works; Treasurer, Millville, N. J., Gas, Water and Electric Company, and 12 or 15 other water and gas companies; Director of several banks and trust companies. Manufacturer, firm of R. D. Wood & Co. Member, University Club, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington; Harvard Club, New York; Engineers' Club, Phila- delphia; City Club, Philadelphia; Art Club, Philadelphia; Union League, Philadelphia; Manufacturers' Club, Philadelphia; Ameri- can Water Works Association, Pacific Gas Light Association ; American Institute Mining Engineers ; American Institute Me- chanical Engineers; American Institute Electrical Engineers. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 6, 1849. s. Richard Davis Wood and Julianna Randolph. Address, 1620 Locust Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Non-Graduates fBeatty, H. J. Entered 1863 and left soon after entering. . b. Harrisburg, Pa. (?), April 2, 1847. d. . s. . c. and . fBeck, Charles Bayard. Entered 1863 and left Freshman year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., . d. . s. . fChase, Robert Rowland, Hon. A.M., 1885. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1869.) Entered 1863 and left at close of the Junior year. President of Class. Studied Medicine, University of Pennsyl- vania, 1867-69; special study, 1869-70. Alumni Orator, 1887. Physician ; alienist. Author : General Paresis; Mental Medicine and Nursing; The Ungeared Mind. Assistant Physician, Govern- ment Hospital for Insane, Washington, 1872-80 ; Medical Superin- tendent, Male Department, State Hospital of Insane, Norris- town. Pa., 1880-93 ; Medical Superintendent, Friends' Hospital, Philadelphia, many years, from 1893. Member, American Medico^ 1867] MATRICULATE CATALOG 133 Psychological Association; American Medical Association; Penn- sylvania State Medical Society ; Philadelphia Neurological Society ; Philadelphia Medico-Legal Society; Philadelphia Medical Club; Vice-President, Secretary, of Psychological Medicine, International Medical Congress, Washington. b. Salem, Mass., January 30, 1845. d. Wyncote, Pa., March 13, 1921. s. William Henry Chase and Elizabeth Howland. m. (1) Philadelphia, Pa., October 10, 1871, Amanda H. Adams (d. October 20, 1885) ; (2) Philadelphia, Pa., Jane Sovereign Rum- sey. c. Elizabeth Chase McDaniel, 1874; Mary C. Whitaker, 1877; Amanda C. Hilles, 1885. fCoffin, Elijah. Entered 1863 and left end of Sophomore year. Fellow, Royal Geographical Society. Member of Palestine Ex- ploration Society. Member, Egypt Exploration Society. Dealer in bonds. b. Richmond, Ind., May 3, 1848. d. Philadelphia, Pa., August 28, 1917. s. Charles Francis Cofifin and Rhoda M. Johnson, m. July 8, 1869, Sarah E. Fletcher, c. Charles F. ; Elizabeth. fColes, David Budd, Jr. Entered 1863 and left 1864. Retired farmer. b. Mt. Holly, N. J., September 18, 1845. d. Lumberton, N. J., . May 12, 1922. s. David Budd Coles and . fCoIes, Isaac Woolston. Entered 1863 and left 1865. Farmer. b. Moorestown, N. J., June 7, 1844. d. EUisburg, N. J. (?), about 1910. s. Joseph K. Coles and . De Cou, Franklin. Entered 1863 ; left second session of Senior year. Captain, Baseball Club. Sash and door business, St. Paul, Minn., 1868-78. 1878-88, Trenton, N. J., real estate. 1888-94, St. Paul, Minn., seed business. 1894-1912, St. Paul, Minn., farm- ing. 1912-15, Sacramento Valley, Cal., ranching. 1915-17, New Jersey and Minnesota, farming. 1919, working, Borden's Milk Condensery. Life Member, Humane Society of St. Paul, Minn. ; Honorary Member, New Jersey Humane Society. Organizer of Mercer County, N. J., Agricultural Fair in 1884 (now the State Fair) ; President in 1885. Organizer and President of Hamilton Township Agricultural Society, Mercer County, N. J. 134 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1867 b. Trenton, N. J., June 23, 1845. s. Nathan De Cou and Deborah Coleman, m. St. Paul, Minn., April 19, 1870, Mary Castle Allis. c. Lida Ashton, 1876; Lorenzo AUis, 1879; Mary Allis, 1881; Sarah Satterthwaite, 1883; Harold Allis, 1886; Lily Deborah, 1889. Address, 825 Franklin Street, Modesto, Cal. fGriffith, Richard Edward. Entered Sophomore Class 1864 and left during the year. Clerk; Postmaster, Winchester, Va. b. Winchester, Va., April 15, 1847. d. . s. Aaron H. Griffith and Mary Parkin HoUingsworth. Haines, Zebedee. Entered 1863 and left for a time, then returned, finally leaving in 1866. Minister in Society of Friends. Teacher ; farmer ; Superin- tendent of Westtown Boarding School, Westtown, Pa. ; farmer. b. Medford, N. J., September 20, 1843. s. Zebedee Haines and Elizabeth Hendrickson. m. Westgrove, Pa., December 22, 1870, Anna Philips Harvey, c. T. Harvey, 1871 (Haverford, 1896) ; Edgar T., 1873; Alfred S., 1875 (Haverford, 1898); Debora P., 1876 ; W. Herbert, 1881 ; Mary Elizabeth, 1885. Address, West- grove, Pa. Heulings, Isaac W. (M.D., Jefferson, 1870.) Entered Sophomore Class 1864 and left at close of year. Physician for 6 years in Haddonfield, N. J. Member of firm of L W. Heuling's Sons, afterwards known as A. C. Heulings & Bros. Retired from business. b. Moorestown, N. J., August 9, 1848. s. Israel W. Heulings and Sarah M. Hornor. m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 10, 1879, Annie N. Chew. c. Joseph C, 1880; Alice, 1888; Edythe, 1891. Address, 231 East Main Street, Moorestown, N. J. fHopkins, Frank Neville. Entered 1863 and left first session of Sophomore year, 1864. Merchant. b. Baltimore, Md., February 3, 1848. d. Philadelphia, Pa., February 16, 1879. s. Gerard Thomas Hopkins and Elizabeth R. Coates. m. Baltimore, Md., Fannie Monroe. Jackson, Charles West. Entered 1863 and left in 1864. United States Marine Corps (?). b. Baltimore, Md. (?), September 22, 1847. s. Charles M. Jackson and . Address, . 1867] MATRICULATE CATALOG 135 Jackson, Walter. Entered 1863 and left in 1864. b. Baltimore, Md. (?), 1849 (?). s. Charles M. Jackson and . Address, , New York City. fLevick, Lewis Jones. Entered 1863 and left at close of the Sophomore year. Secretary, Athenseum ; Vice-President, Alumni, 1892-94. Mem- ber of Civil Service Commission; Executive Committee of Phila- delphia Board of Trade, and Director of Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce; Vice-President, Pennsylvania Paraffine Company, Titusville, Pa. ; President Director in Darby, Media and Chester Street Railway Company ; Director of United States Light and Heating Company of Philadelphia; Righter Coal and Coke Com- pany, and many other corporations in Philadelphia and through- out Pennsylvania; President of Crew Levick Company, Philadel- phia, Pa. Oil merchant and refiner of petroleum. Member, Union League ; Penn Club ; Colonial Society of Pennsylvania ; Society of Colonial Wars ; affiliated for many years with Academy of Fine Arts and the City Parks Association. b. Quakertown, Pa., October 15, 1845. d. Bala, Pa., November 27, 1914. s. Samuel Jones Levick and Susanna Morris Mather, m. Philadelphia, Pa., September 6, 1876, Mary A. dTnvilliers. c. Henry L., Mrs. Winthrop C. Neilson; Mrs. George B. Atlee, Jr., and Suzanne Levick. fLippincott, Joseph Kay. Entered 1863 and left 1865. b. Woodstown, N. J., July 2, 1848. d. Haddonfield, N. J., . m. Gertrude White. fMorris, John Thompson. Entered 1863 and left at close of the Sophomore year. Manager of Haverford College, 1881-84, 1891-96; Overseer, William Penn Charter School; Vice-President, Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art; Director, Fairmount Park Art Association; Member, Franklin Institute; Numismatic and Antiquarian Association, Philadelphia; Academy of Natural Sci- ences, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1912, donated Morris Infirmary to Haverford College. Iron manufac- turer. President, I. P. Morris Company, 1876-91. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 18, 1842. d. Bretton Woods, N. H., late in summer of 1915. s. Isaac Paschall Morris and Rebecca Thompson. 136 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1867 fParrish, Alfred. Entered 1863 and left at close of Sophomore year. Manufacturer of machinery. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 5, 1848. d. July 24, 1921. s. William D. Parrish and Elizabeth Miller. fSwift, William Lane. (A.B., Harvard, 1868; A.M., 1873.) Entered Sophomore Class 1864 and left middle of Junior year. Studied two years at Harvard University ; teacher five years ; machinist seven years ; editor five years ; always a surveyor, b. Hart's Village (now Millbrook), N. Y., December 17, 1846. d. Millbrook, N. Y. (?), 1906. s. Nathan G. Swift and Esther Lane. m. September 1, 1874, Henrietta Swift. fTatham, Henry Billington. Entered 1863 and left at close of Freshman year, b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 29, 1847. d. Philadelphia, Pa., February 12, 1901. s. Henry Billington Tatham and . Tomlinson, Benjamin Albert. Entered 1862 and left 1865. Farmer. b. Laurel Mills, N. J., March 29, 1846. s. Ephraim Tomlinson and Sarah T. Inskeep. m. (1) Mary Volins Cooper; (2) Emily Hilyard. Address, Laurel Springs, N. J. fTomlinson, Ephraim, Jr. Entered 1862 and left 1864. b. Laurel Mills, N. J., March 29, 1846. d. August 30, 1888. s. Ephraim Tomlinson and Sarah T. Inskeep. Wistar, John. Entered 1863 and left 1865. b. Salem, N. J., July 21, 1847. s. John Wistar and Letitia M. Acton, m. 1869, Annie Harlan. Address, . fWitmer, Adam Exton. Entered February, 1864, and left 1865. Merchant. Some time engaged in making Historical Investiga- tions for State Library, Harrisburg, Pa. Member, Lancaster County Historical Society. b. Paradise, Pa., August 4, 1846. d. , 1908. s. Adam K. Witmer and Hannah Steele, m. June 1, 1871, Mary Augusta Hedenberg. 1868] MATRICULATE CATALOG 137 1868 Cook, Edward Hanson, A.B. Entered 1864. Principal, Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y. ; Prin- cipal, East Hamburg Friends' Institute, two years ; Principal, Oak GroA^e Seminary, Vassalboro, Me., nine years. Fruit farmer and wholesale dealer in apples. Superintendent, Public Schools. Farmer, 1883 to date. Two terms in State Legislature. b. Milo, Me., June 10, 1844. s. Elijah Cook and Judith Meader. m. November 27, 1868, Annie Louisa Hamblin. c. Edward C, 1869; Harriett H., 1874; Edith M., 1876; Anna G. (Starkey), 1886. Address, Waterville, Me., R. D. No. 39. fCope, Alexis Thomas, A.B. Entered 1864. Member of Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Susquehanna County, Pa., February 5, 1850. d. Susque- hanna County, Pa., September 22, 1883. s. William Drinker Cope and Susan Newbold. m. May 27, 1875, Elizabeth Steward- son Cope. Satterthwaite, Benjamin Cadwallader, A.B. Entered 1864. Lawyer. b. Oxford Valley, Pa., April 17, 1847. s. Joseph H. Satter- thwaite and Mary Cadwallader. m. Elizabeth C. French. Ad- dress, . Starr, Louis, A.B., LL.D., 1908. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1871.) Entered 1864. Captain of Cricket Eleven. Studied Medicine at University of Pennsylvania, 1868-71. Interne in Episcopal Hospital, 1871-73. Assistant Physician in 1873-74 and Visiting Physician from 1875- 84. 1874, Assistant Physician to Children's Hospital; Visiting Physician in 1879. 1874-78, Physician to the Southern Home for Destitute Children; 1878-80, Out- Patient Physician to Uni- versity Flospital. Since 1879, Consulting Pediatrist to the Ma- ternity Hospital. Instructor of Physiology and Therapeutics, 1874-77 ; Lecturer on Symptomatology, 1877-79 ; Lecturer on Dis- eases of Children, 1880-84; Clinical Professor of Diseases of Children, 1884-90; at University of Pennsylvania. Assistant Editor, Pepper's System of Medicine; American Editor, Good- hart's Diseases of Children; An American Text Book of the Diseases of Children ; Editor of Department of Diseases of Chil- dren, in the American Year Book of Medicine and Surgery. 138 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1868 Author : Diseases of Digestive Organs in Infancy and Childhood ; Hygiene of the Nursery ; Diets for Infants and Children in Health and Disease. A Synopsis of the Physiological Action of Medi- cines. (Non-Professional, "The War Story of Dillwyn Parrish Starr.") Member, Association American Physicians; Foundation Member, Pediatric Society; Honorary Member, Chicago Academy Medicine. Elected Fellow of the College of Physicians of Phila- delphia, Pa., 1875 ; in 1892 a Member of the Council and Chair- man of the W. F. Jenks Prize Fund Committee. Physician. Fel- low, Royal Society of Medicine, London, 1915. Fellow, Royal Society of Arts, London. Member, Historical Society of Penn- sylvania. Member, Phi Beta Kappa, and of various social clubs in Philadelphia and London. Retired from practice of medicine in 1914. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 25, 1849. s. Isaac Starr and Lydia Ducoing. m. Bickley, Kent, England, September 16, 1882, Mary Parrish. c. Louis, Jr., 1883; Dillwyn Parrish, 1884; Elizabeth Parrish, 1888. fTomlinson, Samuel Finley,A.B., (Hon. A.M., Trinity, N. C, 1872.) Entered Sophomore Class 1865. Teacher, Sylvan Academy, N. C, 1868-70; in Legislature, N. C, 1870-72; Principal, State Institution for Deaf and Dumb, 1872- 7Z\ manufacturer, 1873-1920. Alderman of Durham, N. C; Mayor of Durham, N. C. ; Member, State Board of Education, 25 years. In service of Confederate States Government, Depart- ment of Supplies, two and one-half years. Engaged in literary work. President, Tomlinson Chair Company. b. Archdale, N. C, October 3, 1840. d. Durham, N. C, Jan- uary 22, 1920. s. Allen Unthank Tomlinson and Rachel English, m. 1872, Angela J. Lawrence. fWills, Joseph Henry, A.B., A.M., 1871. (M.D.) Entered Junior Class 1866. Secretary and President, Camden City Medical Society. Resi- dent Physician and Surgeon, Orthopsedic and Pennsylvania Hos- pitals, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Surgeon and Pathologist to Cooper Hos- pital, Camden, N. J. ; Consulting Surgeon, Camden City Dis- pensary; Lecturer to New Jersey Training School for Nurses, Camden, N. J. ; Contributor to Medical Journals. Teacher ; book- keeper ; physician. b. Mt. Holly, N. J., March 13, 1844. d. . s. Joseph T. Wills and Mary Ballinger. m. May 11, 1882, Lillian C. Bunting. 1869] matriculate catalog 139 Non-Graduates fAbbott, Charles Tucker. Entered Sophomore Class 1865 and left at close of year. b. Salem, N. J., April 12, 1848. d. . s. George Abbott and Ruth Smith Baker. fHunt, Howard Abbott. Entered 1864 and left during Freshman year, b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 14, 1848. d. St. Paul, Minn., July 13, 1873. s. Caleb S. Hunt and Rebecca A. Abbott. Pinkham, Gilbert Latey. (A.B., Iowa State Univ., 1869; A.M., 1871.) Entered 1864 and left in the Spring of 1867. Studied at Iowa State University, 1869. Assistant Professor, English, Literature and History, Iowa State University, 1869-70; Professor of same, 1871-73; also Professor of Elocution, 1873-78. State Superintendent of Education, South Dakota, 1889-90. Min- ister in Society of Friends. Published "Chart of English Litera- ture." "Report of State Superintendent of Education." Various business pursuits, 1878- . Retired from business. b. Brownsville, Pa., September 9, 1843. s. Thomas Pinkham and Mary Beede. m. March, 1876, Mary E. Meyers, c. James E. Pinkham; Mrs. Leda P. Wilbur. Address, 434 Thirty-fifth Avenue, Seattle, Wash. fThompson, David Allen. (A.B., Princeton, 1868 ; A.M., Princeton, 1871; LL.B., Albany Law School, 1869.) Entered 1864 and left during Sophomore year, 1865. Studied at Princeton, 1866-68. Private Secretary to May, of Albany, N. Y., 1874-76; Member, Albany Institute; Lawyer, Al- bany, 1869-1912; President, Home Savings Bank, Albany, 1910. b. Mannington, Salem County, N. J., May 29, 1844. d. Albany, N. Y., October 23, 1919. s. Andrew Thompson and Mary Thomp- son Tyler, m. Albany, N. Y., October 4, 1871, Margaret Mc- Naughton. 1869 fCongdon, Johns Hopkins, A. B. Entered 1865. Member and later (1892-1918) Vice-President of the Congdon- Carpenter Company, iron manufacturers. Director of Mechanics National Bank; Chairman of the Providence Dispensary; Trustee 140 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1869 of the Rhode Island Hospital. Member of the Hope and Agawam Hunt Clubs and at one time President of the former. b. Providence, R. I., June 3, 1847. d. Providence, R. I., Jan- uary 7, 1918. s. Gilbert Congdon and Mary Hopkins, m. Provi- dence, R. I., Caroline Buffum. c. Eleanor B. ; Harold; Louise Buffum (Mrs. Richard S. Francis, of Bryn Mawr) ; Elizabeth Arnold (Mrs. J. Neverette Steele, Jr.) ; Johns Hopkins, Jr., and Maurice. Cope, Henry, A.B.; A.M., 1877. Entered 1864. Member, Everett and Loganian. Member, First Cricket Eleven. Vice-President, Alumni Association, 1895. Enthusiastic supporter of the game of cricket; laid out cricket ground, 1876-77, which afterwards was named "Cope Field" by the Managers and Alumni of Haverford; Donor of "Cope Prize Cricket Bat"; Organizer and Director of trips of Haverford Cricket Teams to England in 1896, 1900, 1904, 1910 and 1914. For many years member of Executive and Athletic Committees. Treasurer of Alumni ; Presi- dent, Alumni, 1913-14. Chairman of Committee to build Isaac Sharpless Hall, 1916-17. Manager of Haverford College. Man- ager of House of Refuge, 20 years. Manager, Friends' Asylum, Frankford, 30 years. A founder and the first editor of "American Cricketer," in 1877. Member, University Club, Philadelphia; Germantown Cricket Club; Philadelphia Cricket Club. Some time member Young America Cricket Club. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Baltimore Cricket Club; Union League, Philadelphia; Art Club, Philadelphia. Various mercantile and manufacturing occu- pations. Retired. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 16, 1850. s. Thomas Pim Cope (Class 1839; Manager, 1864-71) and Elizabeth Wain Stokes. Address, "Awbury," Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. fEstes, LudovicA.B., (A.M., Univ. of Mich., 1877; Ph.D., 1888.) Entered Sophomore Class 1866. Salutatorian ; President of Class. Teacher, Sand Creek Semi- nary, Ind., 1869; Instructor, Wilmington College, Wilmington, O., 1871-72; Civil Engineer, Pennsylvania Railroad, at Harrisburg, Pa., 1872. Student at University of Michigan, 1876-77 ; Teacher, Spiceland Academy, 1878; Student at University of Michigan, 1885-88 ; Student at Harvard and Cornell ; Instructor at University of Michigan, 1887; Professor Mathematics and Physics at Uni- versity of North Dakota, 1888-98 ; Author of Astronomical Papers, etc. Teacher in Haverford a short time. Public schools of Indiana. 1869] MATRICULATE CATALOG 141 b. Richmond, Ind., March 4, 1849. d. Grand Forks, N. D., March 10, 1898. s. Lewis Alden Estes and Hulda Case Hoag. m. July 6, 1881, Mary Belle Chambers. fEvaul, Henry, A.B. Entered 1864 and left at end of the Freshman year. Re- entered Junior Class, 1867. b. Palmyra, N. J., November 14, 1846. d. 1877. s. Abraham Evaul and . jKaighn, William Bartram. Entered Junior Class 1867. Teacher, Moorestown, N. J. ; Teacher, Classics, Westtown Boarding School, Westtown, Pa. ; Bookkeeper, National State Bank, Camden, N. J. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 17, 1851. d. Moorestown, N. J., March 11, 1876. s. Bartram Kaighn and Mary Ann Edwards. fKing, Pendleton, A.B., A.M., 1872. Entered Sophomore Class, February, 1866. Teacher ; Acting Secretary, United States Legation, Constanti- nople, Turkey, 1889 ( ?) ; Chief of Bureau of Accounts of United States, Department of State, Washington, D. C. ; United States Consul to Aix-la Chapelle, Germany. Author "Life of Grover Cleveland." b. North Carolina, April 2, 1844. d. July 31, 1913. «. John King and . Randolph, William Henry, A.B. Entered in 1867. Bookkeeper and Accountant. General Manager and Treasurer. Retired from business. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 17, 1848. s. George Randolph (Class 1839) and Rebecca Cope. m. Millboro, Bath County, Va., No- vember 26, 1880, Virgilia Hopkins, c. Elizabeth Cope, 1882; Walter Randolph, 1884 (deceased). Address, Lenoir, N. C. Taylor, Edward Ballinger, A.B. (B.C.E., 1870, and M.C.E., 1873, Polytechnic College of Pa.) Entered Sophomore, 1866. President, Everett Society ; Librarian, Loganian ; Student at Polytechnic College of Pennsylvania, 1869-70 ; Rodman and Clerk, Pennsylvania Railroad, 1870-81 ; Supervisor, Pennsylvania Rail- road, 1871-72; Assistant Engineer, Pennsylvania Railroad, 1872- 7^\ Superintendent, Lewistown Division, Pennsylvania Railroad, 142 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1869 1876-79; Superintendent, Western Pennsylvania Division, Penn- sylvania Railroad, 1878-81 ; Superintendent, P. C. and St. L. Rail- way, 1881-88; General Superintendent, Northwestern System, Pennsylvania Lines, 1888-90; General Superintendent, Transpor- tation, all Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh, 1890 to 1901. Fourth Vice-President, Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis Railway Company, 1902- 1907. Third Vice-President, 1907-1914. Second Vice-President, 1914-1920. Retired. Member, American Society of Civil Engi- neers; Engineers' Society, Western Pennsylvania (President, 1886) ; Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; Academy of Science and Art, Pittsburgh; American Academy Political and Social Science, etc.; American Bankers, New York City; Member, Pittsburgh Club; Allegheny County Club; Edgeworth. Member, Chamber of Commerce, Pittsburgh. President of Board, Water Commission- ers, Sewickley, Pa. b. Near Riverton, N. J., February 6, 1850. s. John Gardiner Taylor and Rebecca Haines Ballinger. m. Fallsington, Pa., Mari- anna Satterthwaite. c. Marion Satterthwaite, 1873 ; Bertha Anna, 1875; Edward Ballinger, Jr., 1879; Rebecca Wright, 1880; Edith Knight, 1892. Address, 72 Linden Place, Sewickley, Allegheny County, Pa. fTaylor, William Shipley, A.B. Entered 1864 and left 1864 on account of trouble with eyes. Re-entered 1865 (Freshman Class). Vice-President, Alumni, 1882. Farmer, near Burlington, N. J., 1866-68; merchant; Real Estate Officer. United Security Life In- surance and Trust Company, Philadelphia, 1887-89; with Mis- souri, Kansas and Texas Trust Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1889- 91 ; Third Vice-President of same in Philadelphia, 1891-99 ; Sec- retary and Treasurer, Kansas City, Pittsburgh & Gulf Railroad Company; President, Texarkana & Fort Smith Railroad Com- pany; State Visitor to State Agricultural College, New Jersey; President, several years. State Experiment Station, New Jersey; Secretary, several years, of New Jersey State Board of Agricul- ture. b. Cincinnati, O., June 20, 1847. d. Overbrook, Pa., March 12, 1909. s. James Taylor and Elizabeth C. Shipley, m. March 16, 1871, Julia Clarke Kirkbride. Whitlock, James Gilbert, A.B. Entered middle of Freshman year 1866. Farmer, 1891-1902. Dredge business, 7 years. Retired. 1869] MATRICULATE CATALOG 143 b. Richmond, Va., February 28, 1849. s. Richard Henry Whit- lock and Jane Copeland Jordan. Address, 104 South Third Street, Richmond, Va. Wood, Henry, A.B. (Ph.D., Leipsic, 1879.) Entered Sophomore Class 1866. Student at University of Berlin, 1875-77; at Leipzig, 1877-79. Instructor (Tutor), Haverford College, 1869-70; Instructor, Modern Literature, Moses Brown School, Providence, R. I., 1879- 81. Associate in English, Johns Hopkins University, 1881-85; Associate Professor, Germanic Languages, at Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, 1885-92; Professor of German Language and Literature, Johns Hopkins University, since 1892 (retired June, 1919). Alumni Orator, 1881. Author: "Faust Studien; Ein Beitrag zum Verstandnis Goethes in seiner Dichtung" ; Study of Bettina von Arnim ; of various monographs on German and English Literature in American Journal of Philology; Vierteljahrschrift fur Litera- turgeschichte, Germanistic Society Quarterly, etc. Member, Aca- demic Council, Johns Hopkins University; Co-editor of "Hes- peris." Decorated Order of the Red Eagle, 1910. President of the American Folk-Lore Society, 1898. LL.D., Wake Forest College, 1914. b. New Bedford, Mass., July 8, 1849. s. Henry Taber Wood and Anna Greene Russell, m. Potsdam, Germany, June 16, 1902, Clothilde von Kretschman. c. Carl Anton Wood, 1903 ; Henry Russell Wood, 1905 ; Ernst Friedrich Wood, 1918. Address, 17 Scott Street, Cambridge, Mass. Wood, Walter, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1866. 1876-1882, Student of Greek, Philology, History (Ancient and Mediaeval), Music Harmony, Piano, Singing. Teacher of Greek and Latin at Swarthmore College, 1871-73. Clerk in Greene and Wood's Lumber Business, New Bedford, Mass., 1873-76. Uni- versity of Berlin, 1876-78; University of Leipzig, 1879-82. Teacher of Music, also German and Italian, 1882-1910. Author, 1914-20: "The Scarlet Queen of Enchantment"; a long nature- drama entitled "The Halloween Bride," and other poems. Mem- ber numerous choral clubs and singing societies in Massachusetts, California, Europe, etc. Author, student. b. New Bedford, Mass., June 30, 1847. s. Henry Taber Wood and Anna Greene Russell. Address, 247 Burton Court, Pasadena, Cal. 144 haverford college [1870 Non-Graduates fHaines, Lindley. Entered 1865 and left at close of Freshman year. Member, Board of Guardians of the Poor, Philadelphia, Pa., 1866-90. Member, Common Council, Philadelphia, Pa., 1890-91. Stock broker. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 12, 1849. d. . s. Lindley Haines and Anne Lindsey Sharp, m. January 14, 1874, Lillie L. Atlee. fLongstreth, Benjamin Taylor. Entered 1865 and left 1867, at close of Sophomore year. Iron manufacturer and merchant. b. Morton, Delaware County, Pa., August 16, 1849. d. No- vember 11, 1912. s. William Collins Longstreth (Class 1837; Manager, 1864-81) and Abby Ann Taylor, m. (1) Fannie Halde- man; (2) November 14, 1889, Sara G. Haldeman. fPearson, George. (A.B., Harvard Univ., 1870.) Entered 1865 and left at close of the Junior year. Student at Harvard University, 1868-70. Message Clerk, Sen- ate of Pennsylvania, 1877-78; Reading Clerk, House of Repre- sentatives, Pa., 1881 ; Reading Clerk, Senate, 1883 ; Chief Clerk, House of Representatives, 1887; resigned to accept position of Private Secretary to Governor Beaver, 1887-91 ; Prothonotary, Supreme Court, Western District, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1892 ; ex-officio Prothonotary, Superior Court, 1895. Secretary, Republican State Committee, 1880-86. Lawyer. b. Mercer, Pa., April 3, 1850. d. . s. Johnson Pearson and Sarah Jane Templeton. m. (1) October 11, 1875, Jessie Patton (d. June 2, 1889) ; (2) November 15, 1892, Helen Hester Hume. fWalton, William Kite. Entered 1865 and left at close of Freshman year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 2, 1849. d. July 5, 1887. s. Charles Walton and Deborah Lightfoot. m. Baltimore, Md., Oc- tober 31, 1879, Dolores Palmer. 1870 Brown, James Stuart, A.B. Entered 1866. Iron manufacturer; President, Pennsylvania Drop Forging 1870] MATRICULATE CATALOG 145 Company; President, Brown & Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa. Di- rector, Bank of Pittsburgh, N. A., Fidelity Title & Trust Com- pany, National Union Fire Insurance Company, Allegheny Ceme- tery, St. Margaret's Hospital ; Director and Treasurer, Clyde Coal Company. Member, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Duquesne, Univer- sity, Allegheny Country, Pittsburgh Golf, Edgeworth, Church and Automobile Clubs. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 18, 1850. s. John H. Brown and Anna Sharpless. m. October 31, 1888, Lily Shiras Forsyth, c. Stuart, Jr., 1890; Lilian F., 1894; Laurence F., 1902. Address, care of Brown & Co., Inc., Tenth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Carey, John Ellicott, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1867. Commission cotton goods merchant and promoter and financier of cotton mills in the Southern States. Founder of Baltimore Cricket Club, 1874. b. Baltimore, Md., June 28, 1852. s. James Carey (1839) and Susan Budd Kimber. m. December 21, 1880, Sarah H. Murdoch, of Claiborne County, Miss. Address, "The Cedars," Walbrook P. O., Baltimore County, Md. fCoale, Alford Gable, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1867. Merchant. b. Baltimore, Md., March 22, 1852. d. . s. Isaac Coale, Jr. (1846) and Mary Gable, m. October 25, 1891, Elsie Jauncey Ray. t Comfort, Howard, A.B. Entered 1866. President of Class ; President, Athenaeum ; Librarian, Loganian ; Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1898; Treasurer, Alumni Association, .1871-73 ; Vice-President ; President, 1884-85 ; Manager of Haver- ford College, 1880-1912, Secretary, Board of Managers, 1884- 1908. Merchant. Trustee, Bryn Mawr College. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 21, 1850. d. April 14, 1912. s. Edward Comfort and Susan Edge. m. May 16, 1872, Susan Foulke Wistar. Hilles, Thomas Allen, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1867. Manufacturer of machine tools, Hilles & Jones Company, Wil- mington, Del. ; retired. Water Commissioner, City of Wilming- ton; Trustee, New Castle County Workhouse; various social service associations; Chairman of Board, Artisans' Savings Bank, 10 146 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1870 Wilmington ; officer or director of various corporations and banks. b. Wilmington, Del., January 21, 1852. s. William Samuel Hilles (1842, Manager, 1857-71) and Sarah Lancaster Allen, m. Mt. Pleasant, O., September 28, 1878, Anna Edith Updegraff. c. Edith, 1891. Address, 1600 West Seventh Street, Wilmington, Del. fHubbard, William Harrison, A.B. (M.D., Indiana Medical Col- lege, 1878.) Entered Junior Class 1868, Teacher, High Schools, Monrovia, Mooresville and Webster, Ind., until 1876. Student at Indiana Medical College, 1876-78. Physician at Fairmount and Marion, Ind., 1883-96; retired; farmer and miller, Monrovia, Ind. President, Indiana Medical College Alumni Association, 1892. Wrote numerous papers on medical subjects. b. Monrovia, Ind., November 14, 1848. d. August, 1919. s. William B. Hubbard and Ludah Vestal, m. October 13, 1881, Emma J. Woolen. fLongstreth, Thomas Kimber, A.B., A.M., 1873. Entered 1866. Studied Law at University of Pennsylvania. Lawyer, Phila- delphia, Pa. b. Springfield, Delaware County, Pa., August 30, 1851. d. Philadelphia, Pa., March 3, 1883. s. William Collins Longstreth (1837, Manager, 1864-81) and Abby Ann Taylor, m. October 27, 1880, Lucy Branson. fOwen, Oliver, A.B., A.M., 1874 (formerly known as Oliver Gold- smith Owen). Entered Sophomore Class 1867. Assistant Superintendent and Tutor in Classics and Ethics, 1870-71 ; teacher ; recorded Minister in Society of Friends ; be- came clergyman in Protestant Episcopal Church, 187- ; in charge of parish in Clinton, N. Y. b. Iowa (?), September 22, 1846. d. Clinton, N. Y., April 13, 1907. s. Samuel Owen and . m. Maria Elizabeth Wilson. fPratt, Charles Eadward, A.B., A.M., 1877. Entered 1866. Vice-President, Loganian ; President, Everett ; Alumni Orator, 1872 ; Alumni Poet, 1877. Admitted to Suffolk Bar, June, 1871 ; to United States Bar, July, 1872 ; Attorney and Counsel for Pope Manufacturing Company; represented Ward 21, Boston Com- mon Council, 1877-82; President, Boston Common Council, 1870] MATRICULATE CATALOG 147 1881-82; Solicitor of Patents; specialty, patent cases. First member of the Society of Friends to hold office in Boston and first to speak on Boston Common since execution of Mary Dyer in 1660; this he did as Orator for Post 113, G. A. R., Deco- ration Day, 1882. Trustee of Boston Public Library; Projector of League of American Wheelmen; first president of same; founder of The Bicycling World ; editor, 1879-81 ; editor of Out- ing, 1883-94; author, "The American Bicycler," 1879; contributor to many periodicals. Member, Papyrus, St. Botolph, University, Odd Volume, Walt Whitman Clubs, of Boston, and Societe des Bibliophiles Contemporains of Paris, etc. b. Vassalboro, Me., March 13, 1845. d. Roxbury, Boston, Mass., August 20, 1898. s. Joseph Howland Pratt and Martha Eunice Hanson, m. (1) October 16, 1872, Georgiana E. Folic; (2) June 18, 1893, Ella Augusta (Chute) Heath. fRose, David Franklin, A.B., Entered 1866. Student at University of Pennsylvania Law School, 3 years. Attomey-at-Law, Chester, Pa. ; School Director, City of Chester. b. Rockdale, Pa., October 28, 1850. d. Chester, Pa., July 19, 1914. s. David Rose and Sarah Rutter. m. January 17, 1893, Florence Murray Worrell, c. Sarah Rutter, 1894; David, 1896; Florence Marguerite, 1897; Rebecca, 1899, fSteele, John Button, A.B., Entered 1866. Iron manufacturer, Coatesville, Pa., New Castle, Pa., and Mc- Keesport, Pa. b. Coatesville, Pa., November 27, 1850. d. McKeesport, Pa., March 31, 1886. s. Hugh Exton Steele and Hannah Baldwin Rakestraw. m. April 14, 1884, Sophia M. Bard. Wood, Charles, A.B., A.M,. 1873. (D.D., Princeton.) Entered 1865. Studied at Princeton Theological Seminary, 1870-73. Pastor, Central Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, N. Y., 1873-78; studied in Germany; pastor. First Presbyterian Church, Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa., 1886-97; pastor, Second Presbyterian Church, Phila- delphia, Pa., 1897-1908; pastor, Church of the Covenant, Washing- ton, D. C, 1908 to date. Author, "Memoir John C. Lord," "Saunterings in Europe," "Beginning Life," "Friends and Foes of Youth," "Some Moral and Religious Aspects of the War," "The Living Christ," William B. Noble Lecture at Harvard Uni- versity. 148 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1870 b. Brooklyn, N. Y., June 3, 1851. s. John Jay Wood and Mary Lyon. m. (1) September 6, 1883, Mary HoUingsworth Morris (d. 1891); (2) June 20, 1905, Alice Cox. c. Charles Morris, Marguerite P. (Mrs. Logan MacCoy). Address, 2110 S Street, Washington, D. C. fWood, Stuart, A.B. (Ph.D., Harvard, 1875.) Entered 1866. Studied at Harvard University. Iron manufacturer, R. D. Wood & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Author of "New Theory of Wages," American Economic Association. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 30, 1853. d. March 2, 1914. s. Richard Davis Wood and Juliana Randolph. Non-Graduates fCarey, Thomas Kimber. Entered 1866; left close of Sophomore year. Merchant. b. Baltimore, Md., February 23, 1851. d. Baltimore, Md., May 29, 1906. s. James Carey (1839) and Susan Budd Kimber. m. Mary Thomas King. fDelaplain, Louis Springer, Jr. Entered 1866 left close of Freshman year, b. Wheeling, W. Va., July 24, 1851. d. March 2, 1884. s. Louis Springer Delaplain and . fGriscom, William Woodnutt. (A.B., Univ. of Pa., 1870; A.M., 1873.) Entered 1866; left at close of Junior year. Entered Senior Class, University of Pennsylvania. Graduated 1870. President, Electro-Dynamic Company. Author, "Some Storage Battery Phenomena." Member, American Institute of Electrical Engineers; Franklin Institute; American Philosophical Society. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 6, 1851. d. Near Penelanguishene, Ont., Canada, September 24, 1897. Killed by accidental discharge of rifle while hunting, s. John D. Griscom and Margaret Wood- nutt Acton, m. 1877, Dora Ingham Hale. fLevick, Samuel Jones, Jr. Entered 1866 ; left close of Sophomore year. Oil merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 19, 1849. d. Quakertown, Pa., July 28, 1880. s. Samuel Jones Levick and Susanna Morris Mather, m. June 13, 1872, Anna E. Bullock. 1871] MATRICULATE CATALOG 149 fWistar, Bartholomew. Entered 1865 ; left close of Junior year. Resided in Wellington, Ontario, Canada, 15 years. Merchant, Minneapolis, Minn., and Cleveland, O. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 29, 1849. d. East Cleveland, O., May 6, 1920. s. Bartholomew Wyatt Wistar (1837) and Anna- bella Elliott Cresson. m. Minneapolis, Minn., May 28, 1872, May Borland, c. John Borland, 1874; Bartholomew Wyatt, 1876; Bessie Louisa, 1879; Mary Emlen S., 1881; Billwyn Caspar, 1883; Charles Emlen. 1886; Robert Warder, 1889; Helen Mar- jorie, 1895. 1871 t Brown, Henry Graham, A.B. Entered 1867. Iron and steel manufacturer, Brown & Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa. b. Chester County, Pa., June 20, 1852. d. . s. John H. Brown and Anna Sharpless. m. June 6, 1895, Nannie Price Pugsley. fEvans, William Penn, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1868. Valedictorian. Manager, 1881-87. Manufacturer of flour; manufacturer of platinum ; retired. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., October 19, 1850. d. Phila- delphia, Pa., May 8, 1893. s. Josiah Evans and Susan M. Thomas, m. September 28. 1881, Mary Tatum. Garrigues, John Sharpless, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class, 1868. Engineering, surveying and conveyancing, 1871-89; Secretary and Treasurer, Bryn Mawr Trust Company, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1889 to date. b. Haverford, Pa., July 15, 1851. s. Haydock Garrigues (Man- ager, 1859-66) and Sidney Sharpless. m. Ardmore, Pa., January 28, 1885, Elizabeth Ashmead. c. Sidney G., 1886; Margaret A., 1889; John K., 1892; Albert G., 1894; Ruth M., 1896. Address, Haverford, Pa. tHaines, Reuben, A.B., A.M., 1878. Entered Sophomore Class 1868. Treasurer, Alumni Association, 1875-78. Took special course in Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, 1872-75 ; received cer- tificate of proficiency, 1875 ; teacher of Science in various schools, 1876-79; analytical chemist, 1880-1909; retired. Member, Acad- 150 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1871 emy Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa.; Franklin Institute; American Chemical Society; American Institute of Mining Engi- neers; Society of Chemical Industry (England). b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., November 1, 1851. d. Ger- mantown, Pa., February 18, 1920. s. John Smith Haines (1838, Manager, 1869-71) and Mary Drinker Cope. m. July 3, 1879, Sophia Phelps Hartshorne. Haines, William Henry, A.B. Entered 1867. Vice-President, Alumni, 1888; Manager, Haverford College, October 11, 1887, to date. Manufacturer and dealer in plumbers' supplies; retired. Member, University and Huntingdon Valley Country Clubs. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 1, 1854. s. Lindley Haines and Anne Lindsey Sharp, m. (1) 1877, Mary Howell; (2) 1893, Phebe Emlen Howell, c. Joseph H., 1878; Rachel H. (Bacon), 1880; Mary H. (Peacock), 1882; William H., Jr., 1885. Address, 5433 Wayne Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. fHartshorne, Joseph, A.B. Entered 1867. Special Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1871- 72 ; Special Student, Towne Scientific School, University of Penn- sylvania, 1872-73. In employ of Pennsylvania Steel Company, 1873-76 ; Assistant Chemist on Geological Survey of Pennsylvania, 1876-78 ; Assistant and Superintendent, Open Hearth Department, Cambria Iron Company, 1878-81 ; Superintendent, Bessemer De- partment of Cambria Iron Company, 1881-84; General Superin- tendent, Steel Department, Pottstown Iron Company, 1884-94; member, firm of Hartshorne & Robeson, as Consulting Metallurgi- cal Engineer. Author of various articles in Iron Age and other journals. Member and ex-councilor, American Institute of Min- ing Engineers; Member, British Iron and Steel Institute; "Verein deutscher Eisenhuttenleute" ; American Iron and Steel Institute, and Franklin Institute; Member, Pottstown School Board, 1907- 10. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 21, 1852. d. Pottstown, Pa., Au- gust 23, 1918. s. Edward Hartshorne and Adelia Coffin (Swett) Pearse. m. (1) January 11, 1893, Mary Ives Hobart (d. January 7, 1894) ; (2) April 15, 1896, Anna Potts Hobart. fHoskins, Jesse Franklin, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1869. Teacher. 1871] MATRICULATE CATALOG 151 b. Summerfield, N. C, March 21, 1849. d. November 17, 1900. s. Joseph Hoskins and . Moore, Walter Thomas, A.B. Entered Junior Class 1869. Steamship and railroad transportation; Foreign Freight Agent, Lehigh Valley Railroad Company. b. Salem, O., February 24, 1854. s. Calvin C. Moore and Sarah Walter, m. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., May 14, 1896, Sarah Emlen, Jr. Address, 121 West Coulter Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Reeves, Ellis Biddle, A.B. Entered 1867. Bookseller ; mercantile pursuits. Author religious booklets : ( 1 ) "No Salvation Beyond the Grave"; (2) "Christ the Incarnate God." Political historical article, "Does the Victor Own the Spoils?" b. Phoenixville, Pa., September 7, 1851. s. Ellis Reeves and Rebecca Myer. fRoberts, Alfred Reginald, A.B. Entered September 11, 1867. Civil Engineer. Assistant Commissioner of Highways and Superintendent of Bridges, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Franklin Institute. b. Allegheny, Pa., March 14, 1853. d. . s. Solomon White Roberts and Anna S. Rickey, m. April 15, 1880, Emily I. Lewis. Taylor, Charles Shoemaker, A.B. Entered 1867. Vice-President, Alumni Association. Manager, Haverford Col- lege, 1876-80. Trustee, Bryn Mawr College until 1893. Member, Merion Cricket Club, Haverford, Pa. ; Life Member, University Club, Philadelphia, Pa., and Haverford College Union. b. Cincinnati, O., November 26, 1850. s. Abraham M. Taylor and Elizabeth R. Shoemaker, m. (1) West Grove, Pa., June 12, 1873, Rebecca Hughes, c. A. Merritt, 1874; C. Clifford, 1876; Joseph W., 1878; Marianna, 1881; Frederick Raymond, 1887. m. (2) Beverly, N. J., November 14, 1894, Gertrude Allinson. c. Margaret Wood, 1898; Edward Allinson, 1900; Lawrence New- bold, 1903. Address, Haverford, Pa. Thurston, Edward Day, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1868. Marble merchant; partner, Taber & Co., New York City. 152 HAVERFORD COI.LEGE [1871 b. New York, March 4, 1851. s. William Richardson Thurston (1837, Manager, 1871-95) and Jane R. Day. m. November 11, 1880, Sara F. Leggett. Address, 444 East 106th Street, New York City. Winslow, Randolph, A.B., A.M., 1874. (M.D., Univ. of Md., 1873.) Entered 1867. Studied at University of Maryland Medical School, 2 years; University of Pennsylvania Medical School, 1873; University of Vienna, 1883. Assistant Demonstrator and Demonstrator of Anatomy, University of Maryland, 1874-86; Lecturer on CHnical Surgery, 1886-91 ; Professor of Anatomy and Clinical Surgery, 1891-1902; Professor of Surgery, 1902-20. Now Emeritus Pro- fessor of Surgery. Professor of Surgery, Women's Medical Col- lege of Baltimore, Md., 1882-93. Formerly First Lieutenant, Medical Reserve Corps, United States Army. Author of numer- ous articles contributed to the medical journals. Member and ex- President, Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland; Fellow and Member of Judicial Council, American Medical Association; Fellow, American College of Surgeons; Fellow, American Surgical Association; Fellow and ex-President, Southern Surgical Asso- ciation. Formerly Member of Merion Cricket Club, Philadelphia; a founder of Baltimore Cricket Club, Baltimore, Md. b. Hertford, N. C, October 23, 1852. s. Caleb Winslow, M. D. (1842) and Jane Paxson Parry, m. December 12, 1877, Rebecca Fayssoux Leiper. c. Nathan, 1878 ; John Leiper, 1880 ; Fitz Randolph, 1881 ; Edwards Fayssoux, 1883 ; Mary Fayssoux, 1885 ; Jane Parry, 1886; Caleb, 1889; Eliza Leiper, 1891 ; George Leiper, 1893; Oliver Parry, 1895; Richard Randolph Parry, 1897; St. Clair Spruill, 1899; Callender Fayssoux, 1901. Address, 1900 Mt. Royal Terrace, Baltimore, Md. Non-Graduates fComfort, William. Entered Sophomore Class ; left at close of year, b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 18, 1852. d. Philadelphia, Pa., July 18, 1872. s. Edward Comfort and Susan Edge. Hartshorne, William Davis. (C.E., Lehigh Univ., Pa., 1874.) Entered 1867 ; left 1869. Student, Lehigh University, Pa., 1871-74; first recipient of "Wilbur Scholarship." Alumni Trustee, Lehigh University. Studied chemistry of dyeing, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, Boston, Mass., Fall of 1879. On Drinker's Engineer 1871] MATRICULATE CATALOG 153 Corps, Musconetcong Tunnel, 1874-75. Engineer, Lehigh Valley Railroad and E. & A. Railroad, 1875-76; Teacher of Mathe- matics and Natural Philosophy, Howland School, Union Springs, N. Y., 1876-78; Assistant Engineer in charge of part gauging Mississippi River under Major Benyard and Hiero B. Herr, 1879; Chemist, Arlington Mills, Lawrence, Mass., 1879-80; in charge of Dyeing and Finishing Department, 1881-82; Superintendent Worsted Department, 1882; Agent of Arlington Mills, 1898-1913; Consulting Engineer, textile mill conditions a specialty, 1913 to date. Author of numerous articles relating to the textile arts. Member, Boston Society Civil Engineers ; American Society Me- chanical Engineers ; American Chemical Society ; New England Branch, Society Chemical Industry; American Society for Test- ing Materials; Life Member and Past President, National Asso- ciation of Cotton Manufacturers ; President, National Bank of Methuen, Mass. ; Director, Merchants Trust Company, Lawrence, Mass. ; Trustee, Broadway Savings Bank, Lawrence, Mass. Mem- ber and Chairman, Methuen School Committee. President, Texet Corporation, Lawrence, Mass. Member, Merrimack Valley Country Club. b. Montgomery County, Md., January 18, 1853. s. Isaac Hart- shorne (1844) and Anna Elizabeth Stabler, m. Cambridge, Mass., October 25, 1877, Eliza J. Cutler, c. Elsie Cutler, 1878; Miriam, 1880; Isaac, 1882; Hugh, 1885. Address, 40 Pleasant Street, Methuen. Mass. fMcDowell, Henry. Entered 1867 ; left 1868. b. Baltimore, Md., March 4, 1851. d. Baltimore, Md., . s. Edward Gable McDowell and . fPainter, Howard. Entered 1867; left close of Sophomore year. United States Commissioner, Vienna International Exhibition, 1873 ; in Government Printing Office, Washington, 1875 ; Mining Engineer. Author, Report on Metallurgy, Lead, Silver, Copper and Zinc. b. West Chester, Pa., January 29, 1851. d. San Francisco, Cal., 1876. s. Samuel M. Painter and Anna Vickers. Thomas, Charles Yarnall. Entered 1868; left 1869. Clerk, 1869-78; farmer and canner, 1878-88; retired. Enumerator of Eleventh Census of the United States, 1890. Recorded Minister in Society of Friends, 1888. 154 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1872 b. Baltimore, Md., October 16, 1851. s. Richard Henry Thomas, M. D. (Manager, 1850-59) and Phebe Qapp. m. Dar- lington, Md., August 16, 1877, Rebecca Smith Edge. c. Richard H., Jr., 1881; Elizabeth S., 1882; Joseph E., 1884; Charles Ed- gar, 1888. Address, Darlington, Md. fTomlinson, Allen Josiah. Entered Sophomore Class, February, 1869; left February, 1870. Class President. Studied at Trinity College, N. C. ; taught three years ; manufacturer. b. Bush Hill, now Archdale, N. C, May 16, 1843. d. July 2, 1900. s. Allen Unthank Tomlinson and Rachel English, m. November 10, 1880, Anna Fawcett. 1872 Ashbridge, Richard, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1875.) Entered 1868. Studied medicine at University of Pennsylvania; Surgeon, United States Navy, 1876-93 ; physician. Former Member, Col- lege of Physicians of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Club, Merion Cricket Club, Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. b. West Whiteland, Pa., July 16, 1854. s. Richard Ashbridge and Mary B. James, m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 15, 1880, Emily Baker Benners. c. Margaretta Benners, 1882. Address, care of Commander A. J. Geiger, M. C, United States Navy, Mare Island, San Francisco, Cal. Cadbury, Richard Tapper, A.B. (A.B.., Harvard, 1877; A.M., Harvard, 1878.) Entered 1868. Vice-President, Everett. Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1898; President, 1915-16. Studied, Harvard University, 1876-78. In manufacturing business, 1873-75 ; teacher, 1875-76, 1878-79 ; Superintendent, Deaf and Dumb Institution, Philadelphia, Pa., 1880-83 ; Superintendent, University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 1884-86 ; in Trust Department, Provident Life & Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1886 to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 11, 1853. s. Richard Cadbury (1842, Manager, 1865-97) and Lydia Comfort Shinn. m. Phila- delphia, Pa., August 28, 1884, Helen Virginia Nathans, c. Rich- ard, Jr., 1885; Helen, 1886; Earl Shinn, 1888; Leah Tapper, 1892. Address, Box 185, Haverford, Pa. 1872] MATRICULATE CATALOG ' 155 Carey, James, Jr., A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Maryland, 1874.) Entered Sophomore Class 1869. Studied at Law School, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. Lawyer to 1888; merchant; President, Carey Machinery and Supply Company, Baltimore, Md. Author with brother, Francis King Carey, "Forms and Precedents." b. Baltimore, Md., March 11, 1854. s. James Carey (1839) and Susan Budd Kimber. m. (1) May 23, 1887, Anna Tacy King. c. Frances King. m. (2) Caroline Maccoun. Address, 119 East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Md. Downing, Thomas Stalker, A.B. Entered 1868. Farmer, 1872, to April, 1920. b. West Whiteland, Pa., March 4, 1852. s. Thomas Stalker Downing and Eliza Sharpless Valentine. Address, Whitford, Pa. Erben, Walter, A.B. Entered 1868. Manufacturer, worsted yarns ; entered employ Fiss, Banes, Erben & Co., 1872 ; partner in successors to company, Erben, Search & Co. (afterwards Erben-Harding & Co.) ; President, Erben, Harding & Co., 1901 to date. Director, Philadelphia Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Company and Bank of North America. Member, Merion Cricket Club, Union League, St. Davids Golf Club, Tredyffrin Country Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 23, 1854. s. Peter C. Erben and Mary Davis, m. Philadelphia, Pa., September 3, 1877, Emma Ten Broeck Mentz. c. Helen Ten Broeck, 1878; Agnes C. Van B., 1880; Walter, 1887; Philip Van R., 1889. Address, Radnor, Pa. fEstes, Thomas Rowland, A.B. Entered Sophomore year 1869; left on account of ill health. Re-entered Haver ford, 1871. Vice-President, Loganian. Student, Wabash College, Craw- fordsville, Ind., 1870-71; teacher, 1872-79; banker, 1879-91; mer- chant, 1893-95; teacher, 1895-97. b. Richmond, Ind., December 14, 1851. d. Westfield, Ind., Oc- tober 13, 1897. s. Lewis Alden Estes and Hulda Case Hoag. m. March 30, 1881, Ida A. Moudy. Forsythe, John Evans, A.B. (Degree granted, 1879.) Entered Junior Class 1870; left Senior year on account of ill health. 156 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1872 Entered Senior Class, Harvard; left during year on account of ill health. Teacher. b. Near West Chester, Pa., February 1, 1850. s. James Forsythe and Emily Evans. Address, 22 South Oakland Avenue, Ventnor, N.J. Gibbons, William Henry, A.B., A.M., 1875. Entered Sophomore Class 1869. Valedictorian. Iron manufacturer; Vice-President and Presi- dent, Parkesburg Iron Company; Vice-President and Treasurer, Pulaski Iron Company, Pulaski, Va. ; Vice-President, National Bank of Chester Valley, Coatesville, Pa. Retired in 1919. Mem- ber, Pennsylvania Historical Society ; Merion Cricket Club. b. Coatesville, Pa., September 16, 1852. s. Abraham Gibbons and Martha Pennock Lukens. m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 11, 1884, Harriet Lucretia Fuller, c. Caroline Martha; Elizabeth; Harriet; Ruth Anna; Martha Lukens. Address, Ardmore, Pa. fGummere, Francis Barton, A. B., A.M., 1875. (A.B., Harvard, 1875; Ph.D., Univ. of Freiburg, 1881; LL.D., Haverford, 1908; Litt.D., Harvard, 1909.) Entered 1869. Cricket Eleven. Alumni Orator, 1877 ; Poet, 1878 ; Vice-Presi- dent, Alumni Association, 1890; President, 1891-94. Teacher, Friends' School, Providence, R. I., 1875-79; Instructor in English, Harvard College, 1881-82 ; Head Master, Swain Free School, New Bedford, Mass., 1882-87; Professor of English, Haverford Col- lege, 1887-1919. Author: "The Anglo-Saxon Metaphor," 1881; "Handbook of Poetics," 1885; "Germanic Origins," 1892; "Old English Ballads," 1894; "Beginnings of Poetry," 1901; "Popular Ballads," 1907; "Oldest English Epic," 1909; "Democracy and Poetry," 1911; "Lives of Great English Writers," 1908 (collab- oration with W. S. Hinchman, 1900) ; contributor to numerous periodicals and author of many occasional poems. Member, American Modern Language Association (President, 1905) ; American Dialect Association ; American Academy of Arts and Letters ; Committee on Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard ; American Philosophical Society ; Appalachian Club of America ; Franklin Inn Club ; Contemporary Club, Philadelphia ; University Club, Philadelphia; Elizabethan Club, Yale University; St. Davids Golf Club; Phi Beta Kappa; Founders' Club. b. Buriington, N. J., March 6, 1855. d. Haverford, Pa., May 30, 1919. s. Samuel J. Gummere, A, M. (President, Haverford College, 1862-74) and Elizabeth Hooton Barton, m. Burlington, 1872] MATRICULATE CATALOG 157 N. J., September 14, 1882, Amelia Smith Mott. c. Richard Mott, 1883; Samuel J., 1885; Francis B., Jr., 1888. Haines, Caspar Wistar, A.B., A.M., 1884. (C.E., Lehigh Univ., 1874.) Entered 1868. Engineering positions on Pennsylvania Railroad and Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 1874-80; engineering on rail- roads and private practice in Mexico, 1880-1901 ; Clerk on Mex- ican Commission to Cotton Exposition, New Orleans, 1884-85 ; Second Assistant in National Astronomical Observatory, Cordoba, Argentine, 1885-87; Assistant Engineer, Intercontinental Railway Commission, Central American Section, 1891-92; Chief Engineer, Richmond-Washington Line, 1901-07; Mexican Vice-Consul, Philadelphia, 1901-14. Trustee, The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, 1913 to date. Member, American Society of Civil Engineers; Franklin Institute; Horticultural Society of German- town; City History Society; University Club, Philadelphia; Auto- mobile Club, Philadelphia. b. Cheltenham, Pa., February 11, 1853. s. Robert Bowne Haines (1844, Manager, 1870-95) and Margaret Vaux Wistar. Address, 6026 Main Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Huston, Abram Francis, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1869. Manager, Haverf ord College, 1886 to date. Steel manufacturer ; President, Lukens Steel Company, Coatesville, Pa. Trustee, Bryn Mawr College; President, Coatesville Trust Company, Coatesville, Pa. ; Vice-President, National Bank of Chester Valley, Coates- ville, Pa.; Director, Commercial Trust Company; Pennsylvania Sugar Company, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Member, Steel Committee of American Iron and Steel Institute during World War; fixed prices in co-operation with the War Industries Board, Washing- ton, D. C. President, Coatesville Chamber of Commerce; Presi- dent, Y. M. C. A., Coatesville, Pa. ; President, Coatesville Hos- pital ; Good Samaritan Hospital, Florida. Member, Merion Cricket Club, St. Davids Golf Club, Northfield Country Club, Manufac- turers Qub of Philadelphia. b. Coatesville, Pa., July 7, 1852. s. Charles Huston and Isa- bella Pennock Lukens. m. (1) Philadelphia, Pa., January 17, 1889, Alice Galley (d. April 28, 1906). c. Isabel, 1890; Alice R.. 1897; Marjorie, 1899. m. (2) October, 1907, Alfie Frances Sly. Address, 53 South First Avenue, Coatesville, Pa. 158 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1872 fKimber, Marmaduke Cope, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1869. Studied in Germany, Greece and Italy, 1875-76; Professor of Greek and Latin, Wilmington College, Wilmington, O., 1874-75; Teacher of Classics, Germantown Academy, 1876-78. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 1, 1854. d. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb- ruary 17, 1878. s. Anthony Morris Kimber (1840, Manager, 1849- 71) and Margaret Cooper Cope. fLongstreth, William Morris, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1869. Salutatorian. Commission merchant; Schell, Longstreth & Co., Philadelphia, Pa, b. Springfield, Delaware County, Pa., July 7, 1853. d. Decem- ber 8, 1918. s. William Collins Longstreth (1837, Manager, 1864-81) and Abby Ann Taylor, m. Germantown, Pa., October 17, 1888, Elizabeth L Church. fThomas, Richard Henry, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Md., 1875.) Entered Sophomore Class 1869. Student at University of Maryland Medical School, 1872-75 ; special student in Biology, Johns Hopkins University, 1876-77; studied in London Hospitals, 1876; Medical Department, Univer- sity of Vienna, Austria, 1880-81. Professor of Diseases of Throat and Chest, Woman's Medical College, Baltimore, Md., 1882-93; Dean of Faculty, 3 years; Visiting Physician, Baltimore House of Refuge, 1877-87; physician. Author of numerous papers relating to medicine; joint author with his brother, Allen C. Thomas (1865), "The History of the Society of Friends in America" (Vol. XII, American Church History Series), N. Y., 1894, Phila- delphia, 1895; author of number of essays on religious subjects; also "Echoes and Pictures" (poems), London, 1895; "Penelve," a story, London and Philadelphia, 1898. Recorded a Minister of Society of Friends, 1883. b. Baltimore, Md., January 26, 1854. d. Baltimore, Md., Oc- tober 3, 1904. s. Richard Henry Thomas, M. D. (Manager, 1850- 59) and Phebe Clapp. m. London, England, March 28, 1878, Anna Lloyd Braithwaite, of London, England. Non-Graduates fChase, William Barker. Entered Sophomore Class 1869; left Senior year on account of ill health. 1872] MATRICULATE CATALOG 159 b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 6, 1853. d. May 26, 1872. s. Pliny Earle Chase, LL.D. (Professor of Philosophy, 1871-86; Acting President, 1886) and Elizabeth Brown Oliver. fHarlan, William Brick. Entered 1868; left at close of year. Civil Engineer, 1870-76; broker, 1876-77; accountant in rail- road, 1877-78. b. Westtown, Pa., January 31, 1852. d. Fredericksburg, Va., August 31, 1878. s. Joseph Gibbons Harlan (Professor of Mathe- matics, 1853-57; Principal (President) 1857) and Anna Amelia Stevenson, m. June 14, 1875, Caroline Murray. fHowland, Charles Samuel. Entered Sophomore Class 1869; left Senior year. President, Everett; Librarian, Loganian. Manufacturer. b. Union Springs, N. Y., September 4, 1851. d. October 23, 1914. s. Charles W. Howland and Gulielma M. Hilles. m. De- cember 17, 1873, Mary C. Shipley. Huston, William Perot. (A.B., Univ. of Pa., 1872; A.M., 1875.) Entered 1868; left 1871. Entered University of Pennsylvania, 1871. With Huston & Penrose, iron manufacturers, 1873-76; connected with Baird, Huston & Co., ship builders, Philadelphia, Pa. 1876-78; Actuary, Girard Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1878-88; dealer in stocks and bonds, 1888 to date. Member, American Protective League during War; President, Philadelphia Society for Supply- ing Poor with Soup; President, Mountain Golf Club, Santa Cruz Country and Parks Swimming Clubs. Member, Zeta Psi Fra- ternity, and Atlantic City Country Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 2, 1854. s. Samuel Huston and Sarah Sansom Perot, m. Haddonfield, N. J., October 11, 1888, Caroline Bettle. c. Aubrey, 1889; Lawrence B., 1892; Norman, 1894; William B., 1904. Address, 5007 Ventnor Avenue, Vent- nor, N. J. Morris, Isaac Tyson. (A.B., Univ. of Pa., 1874; A.M., 1877; LL.B., 1877.) Entered February, 1869; left Junior year. Entered Junior Class, University of Pennsylvania, 1872. Stu- dent, Law School, University of Pennsylvania. Received Shars- wood Prize for graduating essay in Law Department. Lawyer; farmer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 3, 1854. s. James Cheston Morris and Hannah Ann Tyson. 160 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1873 Sharpless, Samuel Franklin. Entered February, 1869; left close of Junior year. Iron broker, 1876-84; retired, 1884. Member, Historical So- ciety ; Academy of Fine Arts ; Philadelphia Club ; Travelers' Club, Paris, France; Automobile Club; The Athenaeum, and Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 7, 1853. s. Samuel J. Sharpless and Charlotte Ann Heberton. m. Ardmore, Pa., May 26, 1913, Eliza- beth McKean Rhodes, c. Franklin, 1917. Address, 1919 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Wistar, Edward Morris. Entered January, 1869; left January, 1871. Librarian of Athenaeum; Vice-President, Loganian; President, Class. Read law a short time; banking and life insurance, 17 years; traveled in Europe, 1887-88; Treasurer and President, Real Estate Company; in cotton yarn business; executor, trustee, auditor, etc. ; much time given to educational organizations, in- cluding Indian Missions and Freedman work; in 1896, visited Eastern Turkey in interest of persecuted Armenians and took charge of an expedition of relief for the American Red Cross during massacres of 1895-96. Interested in gardening, 1890 to date. Chairman, Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs, 1895-1919; Member and Vice-President, Indian Rights Association, 1889-1917; President, Pennsylvania Prison Society, 1917 to date; Member, Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania; Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; Asiatic So- ciety; Home Missions Council. b. Abington, Montgomery County, Pa., January 3, 1852. s. Thomas Wistar, 3d, and Priscilla Foulke. m, Germantown, Pa., November 16, 1876, Margaret Cooper Collins, c. Thomas, 1877; Caspar, 1880 ; Elizabeth Cope, 1884. Address, 5449 Wayne Ave- nue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. 1873 fComfort, James Cooper, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1870. Member of firm of Samuel C. Eastbirm & Co., dry goods, 1876-78; connected with firm of William M. Lloyd Company, coal and lumber, for nimiber of years ; merchant ; retired ; worked in woolen goods warehouse of American Red Cross, Philadelphia, 1917-18. Director, William M. Lloyd Company; Member, Ger- mantown Cricket Club; Huntington Valley Country Club. b. Byberry, Philadelphia, Pa., June 1, 1854. d. Germantown, 1873] MATRICULATE CATALOG 161 Philadelphia, Pa., March 16, 1921. s. Edward Comfort and Susan Edge. m. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., June 4, 1907, Martha Mellor. Cope, Thomas Pirn, A.B. Entered 1869. Merchant, 1874-82; manufacturer, 1882-1906; retired. Over- seer, William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., October 2, 1852. s. Francis Reeve Cope (1839) and Anna Stewardson Brown, m. Saybrook, Conn., June 2, 1917, Lilla B. Dimock. Address, 698 Arden Road, Pasadena, Cal. Emlen, George Williams, A.B. Entered February, 1870. Manufacturer ; insurance. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 4, 1853. s. Samuel Emlen and Sarah Williams, m. 1877, Eleanor Cope. Address, Awbury, German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. fFox, Joseph Mickle, A.B. Entered 1869. President, Athenaeum. Captain and Aide-de-Camp, Pennsylvania Militia; lawyer. President, Racquet Club, Philadelphia; Member, Historical Society of Pennsylvania ; Philadelphia Academy of Nat- ural Sciences. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 4, 1853. d. September 5, 1918. s. Samuel Mjckle Fox and Mary Rodman Fisher, m. May 10, 1883, Emily A. Read, of Charleston, S. C. t Haines, Henry Cope, A.B. Entered 1869. "Spoon Man." b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 7, 1853. d. Philadelphia, Pa., Jan- uary 15, 1900. s. John Smith Haines (1838, Manager, 1869-71) and Mary Drinker Cope. fLowry, Benjamin Howard, A.B., A.M., 1876. Entered Sophomore Class 1870. Valedictorian ; Treasurer, Alumni Association, 1884-85 ; Orator, 1891. Lawyer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 4, 1855. d. April 13, 1902. s. John Stroud Lowry and Elizabeth Collins Stokes. Sampson, Alden, A.B., A.M. (Harvard A.B., 1876; A.M., 1877.) Entered 1869. Loganian Orator, Freshman year; President, Athenaeum; prize 11 162 HAVERFORD COLLEGE ' [1873 for best essay in The Collegian (Loganian Society), Senior year; prize for best essay in The Gem (Athenaeum Society), Senior year; one of the founders of The Grasshopper (1873), and one of the editors of Ho Tettix (1874), the first undergraduate papers pubHshed at Haverf ord ; Member, Phi Beta Kappa. Stu- dent, Harvard University, 1874-77; Harvard Law School, 1878- 80; Alumni Orator, Haverf ord, 1886; Vice-President, Alumni Association, 1888 ; Author. Game Preserve Expert, United States Biological Survey, 1907 ; Lecturer on Literature, Art and Archae- ology, etc. ; Author of Milton's Sonnets, A Bear Hunt in the Sierras, The Establishment of Game Refuges, Essays on the Wild Life, Studies in Milton and an Essay on Poetry (the last re- published in England by John Murray). Member, American In- stitute of Archaeology; American Geographical Society; National Geographical Society; American Philosophical Society of Phila- delphia ; American Society for the Advancement of Science. Mem- ber of Century, University, Harvard Clubs; Artist Member of Salmagundi Club, Nev^ York City; Member of the Boone and Crockett Club of New York; Member of the Cosmos, Metro- politan, Chevy Chase, Harvard Clubs, and of the Biological So- ciety, Washington, D. C. ; Member of the Alpine Club of the United States; Member of the Appalachian Club of Boston; the Sierra Club of San Francisco. b. Manchester, Me., March 13, 1853. s. Alden and Sarah Taber (Pope), m. Haverf ord. Pa., Mary Agnes Yarnall. c. Edward, 1891. Address, The Chastleton, Sixteenth and R Streets, Wash- ington, D. C. fTomlinson, Julius Lines, A.B., A.M., (Hon.), 1886. Entered Senior Class 1872. Student at Trinity College, N. C. Teacher in North Carolina, California and Baltimore, M.d. b. Archdale, N. C, June 21, 1852. d. 1890. s. Allen Unthank Tomlinson and Rachel English. Non-Graduates fClark, Charles Granville. (M.D. , 1880, Bellevue College, N. Y.; 1882 L.R.C. P.I. The Royal College of Physicians, Ireland; also L.M.R.C. P.I.) Entered 1869 and left at close of Sophomore year. Medical Officer at Bessbrook, Ireland, for 23 years. Fellow of the Ulster Medical Society, Belfast. President of the North of Ireland District Union of Young Men's Christian Associations, 1874] MATRICULATE CATALOG 163 Recorded a Minister of the Society of Friends in Ireland, 1885. Superintendent for 3 years of "Chester House" Missionary Train- ing Home, London; for 8 years of Friends' Hall Mission of the Society of Friends (Bethnal Green, London). On the staff of two medical missions. Maintained a small private practice. Author : "On Pernicious Anemia" ; "The Balance of Truth" ; "Friends as the Pioneers of Reform" ; "The Epistle to the Philip- pians"; "The Prophet Hosea," etc., etc. b. New Garden, Guilford County, N. C, February 4, 1853. d, London (?), August 27, 1920. s. Dougan Clark (Class of 1852) and Sarah Jordan Bates. fPeitsmeier, Edward. Entered Freshman Class 1869. b. Minden, Prussia, August 8, 1847. d. Cape May (drowned), July 17, 1872. s. David Peitsmeier and . Warner, George Malin. Entered Sophomore Class 1870 and left at close of Junior year. Secretary of Class ; Secretary of Everett. 1872, entered whole- sale grain business, in same business to date. Member, Board of Directors of Commercial Exchange of Philadelphia, several times, 1906 to 1922. Chairman of Grain Committee of the Com- mercial Exchange, 1914-1921. Member, Board of Managers, Grandom Institution (charitable) ; Treasurer and later Vice-Presi- dent of Fuel Savings Society of Philadelphia (charitable) ; 1902, recorded Minister in the Society of Friends. Clerk of Repre- sentative Meeting of Society of Friends in Philadelphia, 1918 to date. b. Chester County, Pa., November 15, 1855. s. Yardley Warner and Hannah Allen, m. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., Septem- ber 18, 1879, Elizabeth B. Wistar. Address, 462 Bourse, Phila- delphia, Pa. 1874 fAIlinson, Edward Pease, A.B., A.M., 1874. Entered 1870. Loganian Society. 1876, admitted to Bar. 1878-79, Editor, "The Quaker Alumnus"; 1879, "The Alumnus." Secretary of Alumni Association, 1879-89. Alumni Orator, 1890. Vice-Presi- dent, Alumni Association, 1896-98; President, 1898-1900. Mem- ber, Phi Beta Kappa. Reporter for Superior Court of Pennsyl- vania, 1895-1900. Lawyer. Author: "Philadelphia, 1682-1882; A History of Municipal Development." 164 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1874 b. Burlington, N. J., November 21, 1852. d. Philadelphia, Pa., January 16, 1901. s. William J. Allinson and Rebecca W. Hinch- man. m. October 14, 1886, Anna G. Roberts. Buliock, John Griscom, A.B. (Ph.G., Phila. College of Pharmacy.) Entered Sophomore Class 1871. President, Everett Society. Valedictorian. President of Class. Editor, The Bud. Publisher, The Grasshopper, 1873, and other papers which were the forerunners of The Haverfordian. Chemist and wholesale druggist in firm of Bullock & Crenshaw, Philadel- phia, 1874; firm member for 31 years. A founder of the "Photo Secession," an organization for the advancement of photography as an art. Received many medals for work in photography. Presi- dent, Photographic Society of Philadelphia, 1890. Member, Franklin Institute, for many years ; Board of Managers of Ap- prentices' Library, Philadelphia; the Church Club, Diocese of Pennsylvania. Member of Site and Relic Society. b. Wilmington, Del., September 27, 1854. s. William R. Bul- lock, M. D. (Class 1843) and Elizabeth A. Emlen. m. June 6, 1888, Rebecca M. Downing, c. Marjorie, 1889; John Emlen, 1891 ; Francke Rumsey, 1895 ; Richard H. Downing, 1900. Ad- dress, 6439 Greene Street, Germantown, Pa. Emlen, James, A.B. Entered 1870. Captain, Cricket Team. "Spoon Man." Manufacturer; Dry Goods Commission; Secretary and Treasurer, Charleston, S. C. Mining and manufacturing company. Retired, 1900. Engaged in Social Service Work, Director, Executor and Trustee. Trustee, Friends' Hospital, Frankford, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 12, 1854. s. Samuel Emlen and Sarah Williams, rn. Philadelphia, Pa., December 13, 1877, Susan Trotter Thompson, c. John Thompson, 1878. Address, 121 West Coulter Street, Germantown, Pa. Hartshorne, Charles Robinson, A.B. (LL.B. Harvard, 1878.) Entered 1868. Loganian Orator. Editor, The Bud. First Cricket Eleven. Editor, The Collegian. President, Council of Loganian. Student, Harvard, 1876-78. Clerk. Farmer, lumberman, surveyor, ac- countant. President, Maryland Public Health Association; Vice- President, State Horticultural Society. Interested and engaged in social, political and religious affairs. Contributor to magazines. Master of Brighton Grange. State Grange General Deputy. b. Brighton, Md., January 27, 1856. s. Isaac Hartshorne (1844) 1874] MATRICULATE CATALOG 165 and Anna Elizabeth Stabler, m. Unity, Md., November 24, 1886, Ella M. Lansdale. c. William Davis, Jr., 1889; Anna (Brown), 1890; Elizabeth L. (Ligon), 1892. Address, Brighton, Md. Hilles, Samuel Eli, A.B. Entered 1870. Vice-President, Everett. Salutatorian of Class. Draughtsman; clerk and salesman, coal business, Philadelphia, Pa. Clerk in foundry and machine shop, Cincinnati, O. ; President, The Samuel C. Tatum Company, Foundry and Machine Works, Cincinnati, O., 1891-1914. Director of National Bank of Cincinnati, 1888- 1915. Retired in 1914. Interested in charities and travel. Con- tributor to many magazines. Poet. Member, Haverford Corpora- tion; Associated Charities, Cincinnati; Avondale Club, Cincinnati; Cincinnati Union Bethel ; Hope Gospel Mission ; Business Men's Club, Cincinnati; Hamilton County Golf Club, Cincinnati; Mem- ber and Director of numerous business concerns. b. Wilmington, Del., March 7. 1854. s. William Samuel Hilles (1842, and Manager from 1857-71) and Sarah Lancaster Allen, m. (1) Cincinnati, O., October 28, 1880, Amy Y. Tatum. c. William Tatum, 1883. m. (2) Cincinnati, O., February 8, 1909, Mina B. Colburn. c. Elizabeth Mary (adopted 1917). Address, 911 Marion Avenue, Avondale, Cincinnati, O. t Jones, John Barclay, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1871. Member of Baseball Nine and Cricket Eleven for 3 years. Con- nected with cotton manufacturing firm; window glass manufactur- ing firm; paper manufacturing firm; Conard & Jones Company, Westgrove, Pa. ; Christiana Construction Company, b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 26, 1854. d. Germantown, Pa., August 20, 1920. s. Charles Jones (1837) and Ann Magarge. m. October 24, 1889, Helen Lee Hopkins, c. Esther Edmundson, 1897; John Barclay Jones, Jr., 1900. fKirkbride, Mahlon, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class, 1871. In employ of Cambria Iron Company, 1874-89. Auditor of Johnson Steel Street Rail Company. b. Lower Makefield, Bucks County, Pa., April 30, 1855. d. Johnstown, Pa., May 31, 1889. s. and . m. . c. 3. Price, Theophilus Pharo, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class. Published The Grasshopper, 1873. Student at Crozer Theo- 166 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1874 logial Seminary, Upland, Pa. ; graduated 1882. Pastor, Cape May City Baptist Church, 1883 ; Cedarville Baptist Church, N. J., 1884- 88; West Creek Baptist Church, 1888-91; Hatboro Baptist Church, 1891-94. Surveyor, conveyancer and farmer, 1894-1906. New Jersey State Fire Warden, 1906-11. Searcher of Land Titles, 1911-21. Secretary and Valuation Engineer of the Tuck- erton Railroad. Member, New Jersey State Forest Commission. Author, "An Account of the Disastrous Fires," New Jersey Geo- logical Survey, 1885. b. Tuckerton, N. J., August 7, 1855. s. Theophilus Townsend Price and Eliza Pharo. m. March 4, 1884, Emma Leach, c. Flor- ence EHza, 1885; Walter Pharo, 1886 (deceased) ; Frank Willing Leach, 1887 (deceased); Granville Manning, 1890; Eleanor Browning, 1893. Address, Main Street, Tuckerton, N. J. fThompson, James Beatin, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class, February, 1872. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 20, 1855. d. Philadelphia, Pa., January 8, 1915. s. John J. Thompson and Elizabeth Hough Trotter, m. Emilia Garrison Brinton. Trotter, Joseph, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1871. Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1870-71. Stock broker, 1874-1907. Retired, 1907. Member, Historical Society of Penn- sylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 12, 1853. s. Joseph H. Trotter and Edith Newbold. m. Ellen M. Dudley. Address, "The Grange," Camden, N. J. Non-Graduates Bangs, William. Entered 1870 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1872. Salesman, oil business. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., September 24, 1856. s. William Penn Bangs and Sarah Cresson Emlen. m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 28, 1886, Annie B. Davis. Address, 165 West Coulter Street, Germantown, Pa. Deacon, Frederick Howard. Entered 1870 and left at close of Freshman year. Member, Pennsylvania State Militia, 3 years. Electrical Engi- neer, Accountant, Assistant Treasurer, Cresson-M orris Company, Philadelphia, Pa. 1874] MATRICULATE CATALOG 167 b. Burlington, N. J., May 30, 1853. s. John C. Deacon and Maria W. Buzby. m. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1882, Margaret Louise Lipman. c. Joseph G., 1890; Frederick S., 1892. Address, care of Cresson-M orris Company, Eighteenth Street and Allegheny Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Longstreth, Henry. Entered Freshman Class, February, 1871, and left at close of the Junior year. Clerk, Provident Life & Trust Company, Philadelphia, 1873 ; Manager, Western Mortgage Department, Provident Life & Trust Company of Philadelphia, 1920; Investments, Tacoma, Wash. b. Springfield, Delaware County, Pa., June 27, 1855. s. William Collins Longstreth (Class 1837, Manager, 1864-81) and Abby Ann Taylor, m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 1, 1887, Emma V. Smith, c. Henry, 1888; Grellet, 1890; Margaret, 1892; Gerald, 1893; Evelyn, 1895 ; Edward, 1898 ; Winifred, 1904. Address, Tacoma, Wash. fSmith, Franklin Whitall. Entered 1870 and left at close of Freshman year, 1871. Student, Princeton, 1871-72. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., August 12, 1854. d. Near Haddonfield, N. J., August 8, 1872. s. Robert Pearsall Smith (Class 1854, Manager, 1849-59) and Hannah Whitall. fStabler, Charles Miller. (A.B., Yale, 1876; LL.B., Univ. of the City of New York, 1880.) Entered 1870 and left during the Freshman year. Student at Yale, 1872-76 ; University City of New York, 1877- 80. Teacher, Friends' High School, Baltimore, Md., for 3 years; Stevens Institute, Hoboken, N. J., 3 years; practiced law in New York City for 9 years. Principal, Sherwood Friends' School, Sandy Spring, Md., 2 years. Instructor in Higher Mathematics, George School, Pa., for 4 years. b. Alexandria, Va., June 6, 1853. d. George School, Pa., 1902. s. Francis Stabler and Cornelia Miller, m. George School, Pa., August 7, 1895, Mary Ida Palmer, c. Eleanor (Clarke) ; Cornelia; Sarah; C. Norman. fWarrington, Curtis Hoopes. Entered Sophomore Class 1871 and left during Senior year. Farmer. b. Near Moorestown, N. J., October 23, 1851. d. West Goshen, Pa., June 27, 1896. s. Thomas Warrington and Anna Mary 168 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1875 Hoopes. m. (1) October 7, 1875, Helen A. Smith; (2) October 12, 1893, Elizabeth L. Walton. 1875 Bispham, Edward Koons, A.B. Entered 1871. Member of Philadelphia Club and Philadelphia Country Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 20, 1856. s. Samuel Augustus Bispham and Cornelia Koons. Address, 2313 De Lancey Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Brown, Alonzo, A.B., A.M., 1878. Entered Junior Class 1873. Student at Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., 1869; Ripon Col- lege, Wis., 1870-73. Teacher, 1875 to date. Conducting a private school (Brown Preparatory School, Philadelphia, Pa.). Member of Arts and Letters Society ; Browning Society. b. Hamilton County, Ind., July 9, 1849. s. Jabez Brown and Sarah Durflinger. m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 11, 1884, Mary Elizabeth Van Leer. Address, 4048 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Davis, James Franklin, A.B., A.M., 1879. Entered Sophomore Class 1872, Vice-President, Loganian. Valedictorian. Teacher. Studied half year at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. ; also at University of Leipzig, Strassburg, Germany. Teacher at Oak- wood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y., 1877; Assistant Professor of Greek and Assistant Superintendent, Haverford College, 1879- 80. Teacher in various places, 1881-88. Professor of Greek and German, Guilford College, N. C, 1889; of Biblical Literature since 1915. Member, Phi Beta Kappa. b. Deep River, N. C, July 4, 1850. s. Henry Davis and Anna Henley, m. (1) Deep River, N. C, May 4, 1881, Laura Menden- hall. c. Henry, 1886; Margaret, 1890; Anna Laura, 1891. m. (2) June 3, 1897, Mary E. Mendenhall. Address, Guilford Col- lege, N. C. fHaines, Charles Edward, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1872. Captain, Cricket Eleven, and of Baseball Nine. Manufacturer of plumbers* supplies. Retired. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 13, 1856. d. Philadelphia, Pa., De- cember 1, 1917. s. Lindley Haines and Ann Lindsey Sharp, m. November 19, 1878, Elizabeth Montgomery. 1875] MATRICULATE CATALOG 169 fHunt, William, Jr., A.B. Entered 1871. Lawyer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 2, 1857. d. Philadelphia, Pa., November 21, 1898. s. William Hunt, M. D., and Rebecca Thomp- son Price. Huston, Charles Lukens, A.B. Entered 1871. Clerk and bookkeeper of Huston & Penrose, and Huston, Pen- rose & Co. (now the Lukens Steel Company), 1875-80; in charge of the Puddle Mill, 1881-90; Plate Mills, 1882. Became member of firm, Huston, Penrose & Co., 1880, and Charles Huston & Sons, 1881. Elected Second Vice-President and Works Manager of the Lukens Steel Company, and Vice-President, 1897. Director of the Belmont Iron Works. Director of the Poor for Chester County, Pa. Chairman, General Assembly's Permanent Commit- tee on Evangelism ; Chairman, Philadelphia Conference of Chris- tian Fundamentals; President, Philadelphia School of the Bible. Associated Member, American Society Mechanical Engineers. Member, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Engi- neers ; American Society for Testing Materials. b. Coatesville, Pa., July 8, 1856. s. Charles Huston, M. D., and Isabella Pennock Lukens. m. Savannah, Ga., July 23, 1895, Annie Stewart, c. James Stewart, 1898; Ruth, 1899; Charles Lukens, Jr., 1906. Address, 64 South First Avenue, Coatesville, Pa. fNewlin, Harold Parker, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1872. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 7, 1855. d. 1907 (?). s. William Parker Newlin and . fPharo, Walter Willits, A.B. Entered 1871. Iron manufacturer and dealer. b. Tuckerton, N. J., May 31, 1855. d. Haverford, Pa., October 10, 1919. s. Archelaus R. Pharo and Louisa Willits. m. October 30, 1894, Elizabeth Bellerby Wilson. Tebbetts, Charles Edwin, A.B., A.M., 1880. (Ph.B., Iowa State Univ., 1877; A.M., 1880.) Entered 1871. On First Cricket Eleven. Honor Student. 1876, Teacher for brief time at Oakwood Seminary, N. Y. ; 1876-77, P. G. Student 170 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1875 at Iowa State University; 1877-82, Professor, Science; 1882-87, Professor, Mathematics, Penn College, Oskaloosa, la. ; 1889-90, Principal, Pasadena High School, Cal. ; 1892-1903, Pastor, Friends' Church, Pasadena, Cal. ; 1900-07, President, Whittier College, Cal. ; 1908-17, General Secretary, American Friends' Board Foreign Missions. Honorary Secretary, American Friends' Board of For- eign Missions. Engaged in ministerial work in Great Britain (1905 and 1910) and in American Yearly Meetings, 1892-1920. Pastor, Brooklyn, N. Y., Friends, 1920-21. Occasional articles in American Friend and other Church Periodicals on missionary and religious subjects and some sketches of travel, pamphlets on missionary subjects, etc. For 8 years (1908-16), Member of Executive Committee of Federated Council of Churches of America. Delegate to Friends' Five Year Conferences, 1892, 1897, 1902, 1907, 1912, 1917. Delegate to Edinburgh Missionary Conference (1910) and Panama Congress of Religions for Latin America (1917), etc. Minister in Society of Friends. b. Muscatine, la., April 25, 1855. s. Charles Albert Tebbetts and Mary Hill Bean. m. Muscatine, la., July 30, 1879, Imelda A. Painter, c. Edith Mary, 1882; Clara Imelda, 1884; Herbert Edwin, 1887 ; J. Walter, 1889. Address, 501 North Painter Ave- nue, Whittier, Cal. White, Miles, Jr., A.B. Entered 1871. "Spoon Man." President, Everett, 1874 and 1875. Clerk with P. T. George & Co. several years; clerk in father's ofifice; then assistant in care of his estate. For a number of years Chairman, Western District Board Charity Organization Society ; Member of Board of Managers of same, and Chairman of same. Trustee of Thomas Wilson Sanatorium for Children; also of Baltimore Manual Labor School, and of the New Mercantile Library; Dele- gate from Baltimore Yearly Meeting to the Five Years' Meeting, 1902, 1907. Ten years as Treasurer of Five Years' Meeting; now Chairman of Finance Committee and Member of Executive Com- mittee. Former Director and Vice-President of Union Trust Company; Central Railway Company; Georges Creek Coal and Iron Company ; Finance Commissioner of City of Baltimore. Trustee and President of Miles White Beneficial Association. Member, Permanent Board Baltimore Yearly Meeting, and Chair- man of Yearly Meetings Committee on Education; Treasurer of Baltimore Monthly Meeting; Director of Merchants National Bank ; Director and Vice-President of Central Savings Bank ; Di- rector of Baltimore Trust Company ; Colonial Trust Company ; 1875] MATRICULATE CATALOG 171 Equitable Society. Member, Historical Society of Maryland. Author of articles pertaining to history, published in periodicals. Member, Baltimore Club (Treasurer, 1883-85; Secretary, 1885- 87; Vice-President, 1893) ; Maryland; Johns Hopkins; Merchants; University; Baltimore Country; Elkridge Fox Hunting; Bache- lor's Cotillion; also York Country Club, and formerly of New York Club. Capitalist. b. Baltimore, Md., January 17, 1856. s. Francis White and Jane Eliza Janney. m. Baltimore, Md., Virginia Purviance Bon- sal, c. Stephen Bonsai, 1891 ; Francis, 1892; Sara Elizabeth, 1894 (d. 1919); Miles, HI, 1904 (d. 1904). Address, 607 Keyser Building, Baltimore, Md. Non-Graduates Richards, Archer. (Formerly known as Ellis Archer Richards.) Entered 1871 and left 1873. Member of Dorian Cricket Team; Member, Everett Society. Draughtsman and designer. Special course in Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J., 1877. Published papers in Sci- entific Journals. In charge of structural and decorative design of Palace, Dining and Private Cars for the Delaware Car Company of Wilmington, Del., for 14 years. Draftsman of Wason Car Works, 1899-1905 (Springfield, Mass.). Charge, Special Car Construction for St. Louis Car Company, etc. Studied painting in oil and portraiture. Portrait painter and painter of miscellane- ous art works until 1912. Retired. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 30, 1857. s. William T. Richards and Anna Matlack. m. Milwaukee, Wis., August 24, 1882, Caro- line Nelson, c. Archer William, 1885; Charles Nelson, 1887. Address, 212 South Laird Avenue, Warren, Ohio. fStokes, N. Newlin, Jr. Entered Sophomore Class 1872 and left at close of year. Insurance. Member of University Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 10, 1856. d. December 2, 1921. s. John H. Stokes and Lydia Lukens Jones, m. Baltimore, Md., June 1, 1887, Helen C. McCreary. c. Nancy Evans Stokes (Hew- son), 1893. fTrotter, Walter Newbold. Entered Sophomore Class 1872 and left at close of the year. Clerk in Penn Mutual Insurance Company; clerk in Fidelity Trust Company. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 25, 1855. d. Philadelphia, Pa., March 6, 1918. 172 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1876 1876 Allinson, Francis Greenleaf, A.B. A.M., 1879. (A.B., Harvard, 1877; Ph.D.. Johns Hopkms Univ., 1880; Hon. A.M., Wil- Uams, 1895; Litt.D., Trinity College, 1922.) Entered Sophomore Class 1873. Member of First Cricket Eleven. Student (at various times) at Heidelberg, Bonn, Berlin, Rome, Athens. Fellow of Johns Hopkins University, 1877-80. Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin, Haverford, 1880-82; 1882-91, Headmaster of Classics, Uni- versity School for Boys, Baltimore, Md. ; 1892-95, Assistant Pro- fessor, Greek and Latin, at Williams College; 1895-98, Associate Professor, Greek and Classical Philology, Brown University ; 1898- 1915, David Benedict Professor, Classical Philology, Brown Uni- versity, 1915- , Professor, Greek Literature and History and D. B. Professor of Classical Philology and Director of Museum of Fine Arts, Brown University. 1910-11, Annual Professor, American School Classical Studies, Athens, Greece, and, 1917, Sather Lecturer at University of California. Member, Managing Committee American School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece, 1913- ; Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Boston), elected 1914. Member, American Philological Asso- ciation; Archaeological Institute; Phi Beta Kappa (Johns Hopkins University) ; Haverford College Corporation; Trustee, Providence Public Library, 1904- ; Author and Editor: Greek Prose Com- position ; Lucian, Greek text and commentary ; Greek Lands and Letters; Virgil (for English Schools); Menander, Greek text, notes and translation ; Contributions to American Journal Philol- ogy ; Transactions, American Philological Association. Studies in honor of B. L. Gildersleeve ; Classical Philology, etc. University Club, Providence ; Art Club, Providence ; Philological Club, Brown University. President of American Philological Association (1921- 22). Read for Government, during Great War, the newspapers published in Greek in this country. b. Burlington, N. J., December 16, 1856. s. William J. Allin- son and Rebecca W. Hinchman. m. (1) Mary Irwin Carey, c. Susanne Carey Allinson. m. (2) Hancock Point, Me., August 22, 1905, Anne Crosby Emery. Address, Brown University, Provi- dence, R. I., or 163 George Street, Providence, R. I. fBispham, David, A.B., LL.D., 1914 (Formerly known as David Scull Bispham.) Entered 1872. Studied vocal music in Philadelphia, London, and Florence, Italy, from 1880-1895. Leading Baritone at Royal Opera, Covent 1876] MATRICULATE CATALOG 173 Garden, London, 1891-1903. For 7 years. Metropolitan Opera House, New York City. Principal, American Lieder Singer. Opera, Oratorio and Concert Singer. Actor and Teacher of Song and Speech. Published numerous magazine articles pertaining to vocal music ; The Bispham Album ; Celebrated Recital Songs ; A Quaker Singer's Recollections, etc., etc. Member, Century Asso- ciation, Players' Club, MacDowell Club, all of New York ; Musical Art Club, Philadelphia; Y. M. C. A., New York; Symphonia, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 5, 1857. d. New York City, N. Y., October 2, 1921. s. William D. Bispham and Jane L. Scull, m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 28, 1885, Caroline Russell, c. Vida (Daddi-Borgheri), 1889; Leonie, 1893; David (deceased), 1898. Colton, Reuben, A.B. Entered 1872. Captain of Baseball. Librarian, American Antiquarian Society for 11 years. Landscape architect for about 20 years. President, New England Haverford Alumni Association, 1920- . Member, American Antiquarian Society; Saint Botolph Club, Boston. b. Worcester, Mass., November 27, 1855. s. Samuel Horton Colton and Ann King. m. Worcester, Mass., October 21, 1889, Grace Goddard Cleveland. Address,, 157 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass. fDudley, Henry Wilson, A.B. Entered 1872. b. East Vassalboro, Me., January 28, 1850. d. East Vassalboro, Me., January 16, 1909. s. Henry Dudley and . Gifford, Seth Kelley, A.B., A.M., 1879, (Ph.D., 1892.) Entered 1873 Sophomore Class. President of Class ; President, Athenaeum ; Valedictorian. Vice- President, Alumni, 1892. Studied, Berlin, Bonn and Munich, 1883-85. Teacher. Teacher at Friends' School, Providence, R. L ; Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin, Haverford, 1882-83; Professor, German, Latin, 1885-86; Professor, Greek and Ger- man, 1886-88; Professor, Greek, 1888-1904. Principal, Moses Brown School, Providence, R. L, 1904 to date. Member, Board of Managers of Haverford College; American Philological Asso- ciation; American Archaeological Association; Barnard Club; Head Masters' Association ; New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools; Providence Biblical Association; Mem- ber, Phi Beta Kappa, 1898. b. West Falmouth, Mass., July 29, 1854. s. Azariah S. Gifford 174 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1876 and Lois Bean. m. (1) St. Albans, Me., July 15, 1878, S. Elma Winslow; (2) Providence, R. I., June 28, 1883, Mary Amy Col- lins, c. Margaret Amy, 1888; Philip Collins, 1891. Address, 257 Hope Street, Providence, R. I. Hobbs, Lewis Lyndon, A.B., A.M., 1882; LL.D., 1908. (LL.D. 1909, Univ. of N.C.) Entered 1872. Vice-President, Loganian. President, Everett. Professor of Education, Guilford College, N. C. Teacher in New Garden School (later Guilford College), 1876-88. President, Guilford College, 1888-1915; 1915 to date, Professor of Education. Clerk of North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1886-1916. Mem- ber, Board of Education, Guilford County, N. C. ; State Board of Examiners for Public Teachers. Member, North Carolina His- torical Society and of Phi Beta Kappa. b. New Garden, N. C, May 17, 1849. s. Lewis Hobbs and Phoebe Cook. m. Deep River, N. C, November 4, 1880, Mary Mendenhall. c. Walter M.. 1881; Louis Lyndon, 1883; Allan Wilson, 1885; Richard J. M., 1888; Gertrude Mendenhall, 1896. Address, Guilford College, N. C. fHoIme, Richard Henry, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1865 ; left 1867 ; returned 1873. Alumni Prize for Oratory, 1876. Farmer and dealer in milk. County Superintendent Schools, Salem County, N. J., for 9 years. Superintendent, Schools, City of Salem, 3 years. First Vice- President, City Dairy Company, Baltimore, Md. ; member of firm of Holme & Waddington, Baltimore, Md. ; member of firm, Wad- dington & Holme, Canners, Naylors, Va. Candidate for the Comptroller of the State of Maryland, also a candidate for the United States Senate. President, Haverford Society of Mary- land, 1912-1913. b. Salem County, N. J., October 27, 1846. d. Mt. Washington, Md., April 22, 1921. s. Benjamin Seeley Holme and Elizabeth Dennis, m. Salem, N. J., October 11, 1883, Pauline Waddington. fKimber, Thomas William, A.B. Entered 1871 and left at close of Sophomore year; returned in 1874; graduated with Class of 1876. Lawyer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 1, 1855. d. January 9, 1885. s. Anthony Morris Kimber (Class 1840, and Manager, 1849-71) and Margaret Cooper Cope. m. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., Feb- ruary 16, 1881, Maria B. Shoemaker. 1876] . MATRICULATE CATALOG 175 fLongstreth, Charles Albert, A.B. Entered 1872. Optician. b. Springfield, Delaware County, Pa., May 20, 1857. d. Bryn Mawr, Pa., March 9, 1916. s. William Collings Longstreth (Class 1837, and Manager, 1864-81) and Abby Ann Taylor, m. Phila- delphia, Pa., November 4, 1885, Ellen Warder Pearsall. Nicholson, John Whitail, A.B. Entered 1872. President of class several times. Glass manufacturer. Entered office of Whitail, Tatum & Co. Vice-President and Director of Whitail, Tatum & Co. ; Director, Burlington County Trust Com- pany, Moorestown, N. J. ; Director, Provident Trust Company, Philadelphia. b. Camden County, N. J., March 31, 1856. s. William Hopkins Nicholson (1846) and Sarah Whitail. m. Moorestown, N. J., October 22, 1885, Eliza E. Stokes, c. John W., Jr., 1886; Edith (Perry), 1889; Arthur S., 1890; Agnes (Stokes), 1894; Alfred, 1898. Address, 245 East Main Street, Moorestown, N. J. Roberts, Percival, Jr., A.B. Entered 1872. Manufacturer. P. G. Course, University of Pennsylvania, 1877. Director, United States Steel Corporation (Member of Finance Committee). Member, American Society of Civil Engineers; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Rittenhouse Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa.. July 15, 1857. s. Percival Roberts and Eleanor Williamson, m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 11, 1885, Bessye Wolcott Frothingham. c. Percival, III, and Francis Wol- cott, both deceased. Address, Narberth, Pa. Taylor, Frank H., A.B. (A.B. Harvard, 1877.) Entered 1872. Captain, Cricket Team. "Spoon Man." Vice-President, Alumni, 1895-97. Studied at Harvard, 1877. Superintendent, George Fox Starch Manufacturing Company, Cincinnati, O., 1878. 1881, Wholesale Dry Goods Business. 1882, Treasurer, Belmont Iron Company, Philadelphia, Pa. ; President in 1887. 1888-89, with Taylor & Shoemaker, Paper Folding Machines. 1890, Manager of Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company. 1897- 1902, Westinghouse Electrical Manufacturing Company, Pitts- burgh, Pa.; 1897, Sales Manager; 1900, Fourth Vice-President; 1902, Second Vice-President ; 1906, Vice-President. Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, New York. 1909-15, General Man- 176 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1876 ager, Linotype and Machinery, Ltd., London. 1915 to date. Presi- dent, S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Director, Engineers' Club, New York ; Belmont Iron Com- pany ; Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Company ; Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company ; Provident Life and Trust Com- pany, Philadelphia; Linotype and Machinery, Ltd.; S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Company ; American Manufacturers Ex- port Association ; Councillor of the Chamber of Commerce of United States ; Council of National Defense ; Member, National Foreign Trade Council ; American Society Mechanical Engineers ; American Institute of Electrical Engineers ; Racquet and Phila- delphia Cricket Club of Philadelphia ; Harvard and Engineers' Club of New York ; Devonshire, Surrey County, Cricket Club ; Stoke Poges Golf Qub of London; City of London Chess Club; Poor Richard Club, Philadelphia. b. Cincinnati, O., November 20, 1855. s. David Taylor and Laura Carroll, m. Philadelphia, Pa., March 31. 1880, Rebecca M. Nicholson, c. William N., 1882; Frank C, 1884; Roger W., 1890 ; Norman H., 1892. Address, 8016 Seminole Avenue, Chest- nut Hill, Pa. Taylor, Howard Gardiner, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1873. Curator of Loganian. First Cricket Eleven. Retired farmer. Township Committee, Cinnaminson, N. J. ; Township Treasurer for 1 year. President, Board of Education for 8 years. Secre- tary of New Jersey State Horticultural Society, 1908-21, inclusive. President, Burlington County Board of Agriculture for one term. President, Township Board of Health, 1915 to date. b. Near Riverton, N. J., March 9, 1858. s. J. Gardiner Taylor and Rebecca H. Ballinger. m. October 28, 1886, Anna M. Com- fort, c. Alice C, 1888; Howard G., Jr., 1890; Ruth, 1897. Ad- dress, Riverton, Burlington County, N. J. t Taylor, Lewis Alfred, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1873. b. Tecumseh, Mich., April 6, 1857. d. 1881, s. Joshua Taylor and . Non-Graduates fCope, Alfred, Jr. Entered 1872 and left at close of Junior year. Manufacturer. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., January 31, 1857. d. Saranac 1877] MATRICULATE CATALOG 177 Lake, N. Y., January 14, 1897. s. Francis Reeve Cope (1839) and Anna Stewardson Brown, m. June 2, 1887, Margaret Cheston Yarnall. fHaines, Francis Cope. Entered 1872 and left during Senior year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 8, 1857. d. June 27, 1918. s. John Smith Haines (1838, and Manager, 1869-71) and Mary Drinker Cope. Longstreet, Jacob Holmes. Entered 1872 and left 1874. b. Bordentown, N. J., March 19, 1857. s. H. H. Longstreet, M. D., and . Address, 114 Liberty Street, New York City. Warrington, Thomas Francis Entered Sophomore Class 1873 and left at close of the Junior year. Machinist ; farmer ; miller ; draughtsman ; engineer ; painter. b. West Chester, Pa., October 11, 1856. s. Thomas Warrington and Anna Mary Hoopes. m. (1) September 18, 1879, Josephine L. Smith; (2) Maiden Creek, Berks County, Pa., February 3, 1886, Ellen Parvin. c. Anna S., 1889; Deborah P., 1892. Ad- dress, 549 North Walnut Street, West Chester, Pa. White, David Francis. Entered 1872 and left at close of the Junior year. Treasurer, Loganian. Teacher ; farmer ; bookkeeper in grain house; agent and solicitor of Richmond (Ind.) Weekly Enterprise. Reporter to The Miami Daily Metropolis, Miami, Fla. ; Circulation Manager. b. Belvidere, N. C, October 7, 1850. s. Josiah T. White and Elizabeth Wilson, m. April 20, 1876, Angelina G. Hough, c. Anna H. (Williams), 1877; Elizabeth W. (Sutton), 1879; Edith W. (Fickel), 1882; Elma W. (Clark), 1887. Address, 620 Mon- roe Street, Media, Pa. 1877 Anderson, Isaac W., A.B. Entered 1873. "Spoon Man." General Manager, Tacoma Land Company, b. Haverford, Pa., February 17, 1856. s. Isaac W. Anderson, M. D., and Martha Crawford, m. Olympia, Wash., June 4, 1884, Maude Parker, c. Helen, 1885. Address, Rutland Apartments, Tacoma, Wash. 12 178 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1877 Baily, Frederick Lang, A.B. Entered 1873. Vice-President, Loganian. First winner of "Cope Prize Bat" in Cricket. Captain, First Eleven. Senior Member, firm Joshua L. Baily & Co., Dry Goods Commission Merchants. Director, Franklin National Bank ; Manager, Girard Trust Company ; Presi- dent, University Club, Philadelphia; Governor, Merion Cricket Club; Member, Radnor Hunt, Bryn Mawr Polo Club, etc. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 31, 1857. s. Joshua Longstreth Baily and Theodate S. Lang, m. April 10, 1884, Caroline Atlee Corlies. Address, Ardmore, Pa. Forsythe, Isaac, A.B. Entered Junior Class middle of the year 1876. Real estate and insurance broker. Studied a short time at University of Pennsylvania. Farmer ; civil engineer ; clerk. Stew- ard at Friends' Asylum two and one-half years. b. Near West Chester, Pa., December 27, 1853. s. James For- sythe and Emily Evans, m. Westtown, Pa., March 14, 1894, Sarah Cope Garrett, c. Jesse G., 1896 ; Alice D., 1898 ; Lydia T., 1900; James E., 1904. Address, R. F. D. No. 3, Media, Pa. Krider, James Delaplaine, A. B. (Ph.G., Phila. College of Phar- macy, 1883.) Entered 1873. Pharmacist. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 25, 1857. s. Richard C. Krider and Jane McCay. Address, 115 South Fiftieth Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. fMercer, George Gluyas, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. Pa., 1877; LL.M., Yale, 1878; D.C.L., Yale, 1879.) Entered Senior Class 1876. Alumni Orator, 1889. Lawyer. Director, Geographical Society, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Pennsylvania Ballot Reform Association ; Phila- delphia "Committee of Fifty"; Civil Service Reform Association; Indian Rights Association ; Municipal League, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Counsellor of American Academy of Political and Social Science; American Institute of Civics ; Treasurer, Free Library of Eco- nomics and Political Science, Philadelphia; Member, Philadelphia City Councils, 1897-1906. Memiber, American Bar Association; In- ternational Law Association; American Economic Association; Historical Society of Pennsylvania; International Arbitration and Peace Association ; American Social Science Association ; Law Association, Philadelphia, Pa. ; American Statistical Association ; 1877] MATRICULATE CATALOG 179 Pennsylvania Bar Association ; Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1898. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 20, 1853. d. Philadelphia, Pa., May 28, 1906. s. John Alexander Mercer and Anna Van Arsdalen. Smith, William Foulke, S.B. Entered Senior Class 1876. President, Everett Society; President, Loganian Society. Law- yer. Taught school 1 year. Admitted to Bar, 1879. Practiced Law, 1880-96. Judge of Probate Court, Belmont County, O., 1896-1903. Director, First National Bank, Barnesville, O. ; Presi- dent, Dollar Savings Bank, Barnesville, O. ; President, Belmont County Bar Association, 1919-21. Member of numerous lodges. b. Chesterhill, O., June 5, 1854. s. David Smith and Mary Foulke. m. Malta, O., June 23, 1880, Blanche Pond. c. Frances S. (Bradfield), 1883 ; Harold D., 1895. Address, 602 N. Chestnut Street, Barnesville, O. Townsend, Wilson, A.B. Entered Junior Class 1875. Valedictorian. Teacher and private tutor, 1877-82. Book- keeper and private secretary, 1882 to date. b. Rahway, N. J., September 29, 1857. s. Joseph S. Townsend and Mercy Wilson. Address, Longdale, Va. Non-Graduates fBell, Charles Dutilh. Entered 1873 and left 1874. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 21, 1856. d. October 19, 1885. s. Samuel Bell and . fCongdon, Gilbert Arnold. Entered 1873 and left at close of Freshman year, b. Providence, R. L, November 25, 1856. d. 1884. s. Gilbert Congdon and Elizabeth A. Crenshaw, m. Elizabeth G. Abbott. fLyon, John Stewart. Entered 1873 and left at close of Freshman year. Iron manufacturer. b. Bellefonte, Pa., January 4, 1856. d. January, 1899. s. Samuel Stewart Lyon and Annie Valentine, m. April 2, 1885, Margaret McKnight. Metcalf , Charles A. Entered as special student, 1873, and left the same year. Clerk ; financial manager, Wallace Theater, Boston, Mass. 180 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1878 b. Providence, R. I., May 30, 1857. s, Henry B. Metcalf and Mary T. Haskell, m. Chicago, 111., April 17, 1892, Maude Harold. Address unknown. Thompson, John James, Jr. Entered Freshman Class, January, 1874, and left during the Junior year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 20, 1858. s. John James Thomp- son and Elizabeth Hough Trotter. Address, Roxborough, Phila- delphia, Pa. 1878 Baily, Albert Lang, A.B. Entered 1874. "Spoon Man." Secretary of Class. Secretary, Athenaeum; President of same. Winner of Cricket Fielding Belt; on First Eleven. Dry Goods Commission Merchant, 1878-1921. b. Vassalboro, Me., June 22, 1859. s. Joshua Longstreth Baily and Theodate S. Lang. m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., April 2, 1888, Eliza Montell Lycett. c. Joshua L., Jr., 1889; Albert L., Jr., 1890. Address, Haverford, Pa. Baily, Henry, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1879; A.M., 1880.) Entered 1874. Student at Harvard University, 1878-80. Tutor at St. Mark's School, Southboro, Mass., 1880-81. At Chauncy Hall School, Boston, 1881-85. Student, Boston Law School, 1889-92. Ad- mitted to Massachusetts Bar, 1896. Lawyer, 1896 to date. Chair- man of Board of Assessors, Newton, Mass., and other civic offices. b. Newport, Pa., January 18, 1857. s. Hon. Joseph Baily and Rebecca Watson, m. Nashua, N. H., December 31, 1885, Frances Emerson. Address, 976 Center Street, Newton Centre, Mass. Carey, Francis King, A.B., A.M., 1881. (LL.B.) Univ. of Md., 1880.) Entered 1874. Alumni Prize Orator, 1877. Vice-President, Alumni Association. Lawyer. President, National Sugar Company. Author: "The Law of Husband and Wife," with David Stewart; with James Carey, Jr., "Forms and Precedents." Contributor to Princeton Review and American Law Review. b. Baltimore County, Md., July 1, 1858. s. James Carey (1839) and Susan Budd Kimber. m. Baltimore, Md., April 26, 1886. Anne Galbraith Hall. c. Louise (Rosett) ; Francis James ; Andrew 1878] MATRICULATE CATALOG 181 Galbraith; Reginald Shober; Margaret Townsend (Cadwallader) ; Eleanor (deceased). Address, 509 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Md. Comfort, Edward Thomas, A.B. Entered middle of the Freshman year, 1875. Captain, Cricket Eleven ; President of Class ; President, Athenaeum ; Prize in Batting and Bowling, 1877-78. Retired. Mercantile business, 1878-1913. b. Byberry, Philadelphia, Pa., August 24, 1858. s. Edward Comfort and Susan Edge. m. May 8, 1915, Mary May Dunn. Address, Dongan Hills, Staten Island, N. Y. Crosman, Charles Sumner, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1879; LL.B., Columbian Univ., Washington, D. C, 1884.) Entered Sophomore Class 1875. Student at Harvard University, 1878-79; 1879-84, Tutor in Washington, D. C. ; Columbian University, 1884 ; Headmaster, Haver ford School, 1884-1912. 1911-12, travel. 1913-15, Lecturer for Raymond & Whitcomb Company; 1915-18, Lecturer of the Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. ; 1918 to date. Man- ager of Fisk Teachers' Agency, New York City. Lecturer of Department of Public Lecture of New York City. Speaker, United States Food Administration; United States Shipping Board; Emergency Fleet Corporation; National Security League; United States War Work Council, Y. M. C. A. Speaker, Liberty Loan Committee, New York; Victory Minute Man. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Harvard Club of Philadelphia; Pan-American So- ciety of United States ; Member, Administrative Committee, Fed- eral Council of Churches of America. b. Lynn, Mass., June 3, 1858. s. John Henry Crosman and Deborah Wing Holway. m. Lynn, Mass., September 1, 1885, Sarah Elizabeth Fuller, c. Marion (Philips), 1887; Charles Henry, 1890 ; Elizabeth, 1904. Address, 225 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Eldridge, Jonathan, S.B. Entered Senior year 1877. Farmer. School Director, Birmingham Township, Chester County, Pa., 20 years. Road Commissioner for 6 years. Clerk, Birmingham Preparative Meeting of Friends for 34 years. Clerk of Monthly Meeting of Friends for 15 years. Assistant Clerk, Concord Quarterly Meeting for 6 years. Member and President, Brandy wine Valley Farmers Club; American Guernsey Cattle Club; Organizer, Chester County Farm Bureau. 182 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1878 b. Darlington, Md., November 17, 1855. s. David Eldridge and Susanna Hall. m. Goshen, Pa., March 4, 1886, Anne Thomas. Address, West Chester, Pa. Forsythe, Edward, S.B. Entered Senior Class 1877. Principal, Moorestovra Academy, N. J., 2 years; Principal, Mor- ris Normal School, Morris, 111. ; Investment Brokerage Business ; General Manager, Des Moines Loan & Trust Company (Phila- delphia Office), 1886-96; Hamilton Loan & Trust Company of New York and Nebraska, 1887-97 ; Security Loan & Trust Com- pany of Seattle, Wash., 1888-98; Agent, E. H. Rollins & Sons; Member of firm, Edward & F. H. Forsythe, to date. Farmer. b. Pennsbury Township, Chester County, Pa., July 7, 1856. s. John Forsythe and Mary Parvin Smith, m. April 16, 1885, Han- nah J. Yerkes. c. Grace Laetitia Edythe, 1892 ; F. Hamlin Gar- land, 1896. Address, 729 Perry Building, Philadelphia, Pa., and Chadds Ford Junction Post Office, Chester County, Pa. Frazier, Cyrus Pickett, S.B. (A.B., Trinity College, N. C, 1877; A.M., 1879.) Entered Senior Class 1877. Student, Trinity College, N. C, 1874-77. 1879-80, Instructor of French and German, Trinity College, N. C. Principal of the High Schools of Goldsboro and Archdale, N. C, for 7 years. Superintendent of City Schools of Greensboro, N. C, until 1887. Director, Southern Life & Trust Company of North Carolina; South Greensboro Bank ; Trustee, Guilford College. Republican Nominee for Superintendent Public Instruction of North Caro- lina, 1904 and 1912. Real Estate Broker and Manufacturer, 1888 to 1918. 1918, retired. b. Archdale, N. C, August 25, 1853. s. Harrison Frazier and Grace Pickett, m. Kingston, N, C, Lucetta Churchill, c. Cyrus Clifford, 1884; Gertrude, 1889; Robert H., 1899. Address, 313 West Washington Street, Greensboro, N. C. Haines, Robert Bowne, Jr., S.B. Entered 1874. Brush Electric Light Company ; Thompson-Houston Electric Light Company; Harrison Safety Boiler Works; Philadelphia Drop Forge Company; Lukens Iron & Steel Company; Haines Gauge Company; Scripture Gift Mission. Member, Franklin In- stitute of Philadelphia ; Geographical Society of Philadelphia ; The Automobile Club; The Pennsylvania Prison Society; Y. M. C. A. 1878] MATRICULATE CATALOG 183 and Certificate and Premium from Franklin Institute of Phila- delphia for patent automatic micrometer rolling mill plate gauge. Manufacturer. b. Cheltenham, Pa., April 10, 1857. s. Robert Bowne Haines (1844, Manager, 1870-95) and Margaret Vaux Wistar. m. Cain, Chester County, Pa., June 18, 1890, Mary West Huston, c. Isa- belle Pennock (Nicholson), 1891; Robert Bowne, HI, 1893; Mar- garet Wistar, 1896; Charles Huston, 1898. Address, 156 West School House Lane, Germantown, Pa. Hill, Samuel, A.B. (Formerly known as Samuel H. Hill.) (A.B., Harvard, 1879; LL.D., Penn College, la.) Entered Sophomore Class 1875. Life President of Class. Student at Cornell and Harvard, 1878- 79. Admitted to Bar, 1880. President, Minneapolis Trust Com- pany; President, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway Com- pany ; the Montana Central Railway Company ; the Eastern Rail- way Company of Minnesota; the Great Falls Water Power and Townsite Company ; the Sand Coulee Coal Company ; Vice-Presi- dent of the Minneapolis Union Railway Company; of the Minne- apolis Athenaeum; General Manager of the Minneapolis Western Railway Company. President, Pacific Highway Association. Vice- President, Columbia Highway Association; Honorary Life Presi- dent, Washington Good Roads Association; Director in the Great Northern Railway Company; Willmar & Sioux Falls Railway Company; Duluth, Watertown & Pacific Railway Company; and in the Northern Steamship Company. Director, Lakewood Ceme- tery Association; President, Alumni Association, Minneapolis High Schools. President, Gas and Telephone Companies, etc., etc. Honorary Consul General of Belgium for Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Member, Society of Earth Knowledge of Germany (because of earthquake theory). Commander of the Order of the Crown. Member of the Royal Household of King Albert of Belgium. Member, Seattle Harvard Club (President) ; College, Rainier (Seattle), University, Harvard, Minnesota (New York), Cosmos, Chevy Chase (Washington), Arlington (Portland. Ore.), Minnesota (St. Paul), Qiicago (Chicago). b. Uwahree, N. C, May 13, 1857. s. Nathan Branson Hill and Eliza Leonora Mendenhall. m. St. Paul, Minn., September 6, 1888, Mary Hill. c. Mary Mendenhall, 1889 ; James Nathan, 1893. Address, 814 East Highland Drive, Seattle, Wash. fReynolds, Lindley Murray Hoag, A.B. Entered 1874. Valedictorian. President of Class; President, Everett Society; 184 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1878 Editor, The Bud and of The Collegian. Teacher in Friends' Select School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1878-84; Teacher in Friends' Central School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1884-90; Principal, High School. Winston, N. C, 1890-95. b. Guilford County, N. C, January 7, 1852. d. High Point. N. C, April 21, 1910. s. Joash Reynolds and Anna English Blair. Smiley, Daniel, A.B. Entered 1874. President, Everett, 1887-88. Teacher, William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1878-81. Clerk and Manager of Lake Mohonk House, 1881 to date. Trustee of Vassar College, New York, since 1892. Manager of Haverford College. President, Board Trustees, State Normal School at New Paltz, Ulster County, N. Y. Trustee, Redlands, California University. Member, United States Board Indian Commissioners. Conference of Friends of the Indians and Other Dependent Peoples held at Lake Mohonk yearly; Conference on International Arbitration; Member, Execu- tive Committee, National Peace Conference, N. Y. (1907) and Chicago, 1909. Member, American Society International Law ; Life Member, American Geographical Society. b. Vassalboro, Me., November 29, 1855. s. Daniel Smiley and Dorcas Burnham Hanson, m. Boston, Mass., June 18, 1881, Effie Florence Newell, c. Albert Keith, 1883; Hugh, 1886; Francis Gerson, 1889; Ruth (Sanborn), 1892. Address, summer, Mohonk Lake, N. Y. ; winter, Cafion Crest Park, Redlands, Cal. Stokes, Henry Newiin, (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1884.) Entered 1874. Student, Johns Hopkins for 6 years; 1^ years. Chemistry, University of Munich ; 2^^ years. Chemistry, Federal Poly- technic, Zurich, Switzerland. Chemist in United States Geo- logical Survey, 1889-92. Associate Professor, Chemistry, Uni- versity of Chicago, 1892-93. Chemist in United States Geo- logical Survey, 1893-1903. Chemist in Bureau of Standards, about 1903-07. Since then interested in philanthropic and similar work. Published many original research papers in chemistry, in- organic, organic, geological. Editor for 10 years, The O. E. Library Critic, Organ of the O. E. Library League, devoted to Prison Reform; President of the O. E. Library League. Mem- ber, Phi Beta Kappa; Cosmos Club, Washington; O. E. Library League, President and General Manager; Social Worker. b. Moorestown, N. J., October 24, 1859. s. John H. Stokes, M. D., and Tabitha Jenkins, m. Baltimore, Md., 1884, Wil- 1878] MATRICULATE CATALOG 185 helmina F. van den Berg. c. John Hinchman; Harmina W. ; Dorothy N. Address, 1207 Q Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Taylor, Henry Longstreet, A.B., A.M., 1885. (M.D., Medical College of Ohio, 1882.) Entered 1875. First Cricket Eleven; Vice-President, Loganian. Loganian Orator. Student of medicine, Cincinnati, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Strassburg, London, until 1884. Practiced medicine, 1884-89, Cin- cinnati; 1889-92, Asheville; 1893 to date, St. Paul. Author of many professional articles. Managing Editor, St. Paul Medical Journal, 1899-1908. President, Minnesota State Tuberculosis Committee, 1901-18; Medical Director, Pokegama Sanatorium for Tuberculosis, 1905 to date; Medical Director, Ramsey County Children's Preventorium; Medical Director of Ramsey County Tuberculosis Pavilion. Member, later Vice-President, American Climatological Association, 1892- , Corresponding Member (Honorary), International Anti-Tuberculosis Association, Berlin. Member, The Minnesota Club; the St. Paul Association of Public and Business Affairs, several times director of same ; the St. Paul Institute; Minnesota State and American Medical Associations; National Tuberculosis Association; Congress of American Physi- cians and Surgeons; National Sanatorium Association; President, Ramsey County Medical Society, 1904. b. Cincinnati, O., August 19, 1857. s. David H. Taylor and Laura Carroll, m. (1) . c. Louise Taylor, (2) St. Paul, Minn., September 8, 1910, Ethelberta Geer. c. Henry Longstreet, Jr., 1912; Laura Carroll, 1915. Address, 748 Linwood Place, St. Paul, Minn. fThomas, John Mickle Whitall, A.B. Entered 1874. Glass manufacturer, 1878-96; engraving and printing, 1896 to 1919. b. Baltimore, Md., April 11, 1859. d. January 24, 1919. s. James Carey Thomas, A. M., M. D. (Class 1851, Manager, 1860- 97) and Mary Whitall. m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 24, 1883, Mary Clark Nicholson. fWhite, George Wilson, A.B. Entered 1874. Athenaeum Society Medal ; Class President, 1878. Teacher of Science and Mathematics; Principal, Sunbury Academy, N. C, 1878-79; Principal, Belvidere Academy, N. C, 1880-83; New London Academy, Ind., 1883-84; Central Academy, Plainfield, 186 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1878 Ind., 1884-92; Treasurer, Guilford College, N. C, 1893-1913. Assistant in Mathematics, 1913-17. b. Belvidere, N. C, June 22, 1855. d. February 22, 1917. s. Rufus White and Lydia Wilson, m. September 16, 1886, Mary Elizabeth White. Non-Graduates Black, John Maris Lindsay. Entered partial course (Arts), 1873, and entered full course, 1874. Left middle of Sophomore year. Student 1 year, Philadelphia Polytechnic College. Printer ; rail- road freight clerk. Retired, 1901. 1921-22, conducting subscrip- tion agency. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 8, 1857. s. Samuel Anderson Black and Elizabeth Cochran Lindsay, m. Camden, N. J., May 28, 1891, Lydia Kite Abell. c. Dorothy Lindsay, 1892 ; Jeannette Hotchkin, 1893; Henry Maris, 1894; Samuel Lindsay (d. 1896), 1895; Bertha Parker, 1897; Elizabeth Lindsay, 1901. Address, Villa Nova, Pa. fBrown, Thomas Wistar, Jr. Entered Sophomore Class 1875 ; left 1876. Merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 7, 1858. d. April 16, 1916. s. Moses Brown, Jr., (Class 1848) and Mary Wain Wistar. m. Scotland, October 4, 1890, Margaret Muir Coldstream. fPaul, Joseph William. Entered 1873 and left 1876. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 12, 1858. d. 1911. s. William W. Paul and . m. Margaret Parrish. fPearce, Robert Kester. Entered 1873 as Special Student and left at close of the Fresh- man year. Manufacturer and merchant. b. Bordentown, N. J., October 29, 1855. d. June 1, 1917. s. Joseph Pearce and Emily Thompson, m. June 19, 1877, Emily Nelson Wynne. White, Oliver H. Entered 1874 and left at close of Freshman year. Farmer; merchant; teacher; President of Topeka Transfer & 1879] MATRICULATE CATALOG 187 Storage Company. Member, Chamber of Commerce of City of Topeka. Member of Board of Trustees, Y. M. C. A.; Rotary Club. b. Belvidere, N. C, October 9, 1852. s. Josiah T. White and EHzabeth Wilson, m. Charlottesville, Ind., December 30, 1880, Caroline Hill. c. Mary Elizabeth, 1882; lone Hill, 1886; Florence Ruth, 1889; Olive, 1893; Eliott Hill. 1902. Address, 1327 Lane Street, Topeka, Kan. 1879 Bispham, Samuel, Jr., A.B. Entered 1875. Merchant. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 12, 1858. s. Samuel Augustus Bispham and Cornelia Koons. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 4, 1894, Ella Mount, c. Eleanor, 1895; Samuel, Jr., 1896; John B., 1899; Roger, 1904. Address, 2306 De Lancey Place, Philadelphia, Pa. fGibbons, Edward, A.B. Entered 1874. b. Wilmington, Del., March 9, 1858. d. 1891. s. Richard P. Gibbons and . fGifford, John Henry, A.B. (M,D., Harvard Univ., 1884.) Entered Sophomore Class 1876. President, Athenaeum. Alumni Medal for Oratory and Com- position, 1878. Valedictorian. Teacher, South Pittsburg, Tenn., 1879-80. Assistant Governor, Friends' School, Providence, R. I., 1881-82. Graduate, Harvard Medical School, 1884. Councillor of Massachusetts Medical Society; President, Fall River Medical Society ; President, Home Training School for Nurses, Fall River. Secretary, Staff, Fall River Hospital; Physician at Fall River, Mass., 1884-1919. Consulting Physician, Highland Hospital, Fall River. Served on Exemption Board during Great War. Director of hospital to care for wounded during the war. Member: Phi Beta Kappa; New England Haverford Club; Fall River Harvard Club; Fall River Chamber of Commerce; Fall River Congrega- tional Club; Fall River Adams Club. b. West Falmouth, Mass., February 6, 1858. d. Fall River, Mass., December 14, 1919. s. Azariah S. Gifford and Lois Bean, m. Fall River, Mass., September 14, 1886, Phebe E. Newton, c. Edward S. A., 1889 (d. 1890) ; Newton R., 1890. 188 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1879 Henderson, Francis, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa.) Entered 1875. Studied Law, University of Pennsylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 30, 1859. s. Henry Henderson and Helen A. Claubaugh. Address, Scotch Plains, N. J. fLowry, William Challcley, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1876. Secretary, Everett. Numismatic Curator, Loganian. Winner, Comfort Cricket Prize for Bowling ; First Cricket Eleven. "Spoon Man." Clerk. Collector. Wholesale grocer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 11, 1860. d. Philadelphia, Pa., June 29, 1919. s. John Stroud Lowry and Elizabeth Collins Stokes, m. May 23, 1887, Elizabeth Webster, c. Alfred, 2d., 1888; Ed- mund W., 1889; Herbert M., 1891 ; William C, Jr., 1894; Benja- min H., 1906. Newkirk, John Bacon, A.B. (M.E., 1897.) Entered 1875. First Cricket Eleven. Manufacturer. Firm, John B. Newkirk & Co., Iron and Steel Products. Retired 1909. Member, various clubs and organizations. Treasurer, Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia for the Western District. b. Near Bridgeton, N. J., March 6, 1859. s. Nathaniel R. New- kirk, M. D., and Martha R. Bacon, m. Moorestown, N. J., De- cember 15, 1915, Mary Chapman Borton. Address, 119 East Montgomery Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. fSheppard, John E., A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1882.) Entered 1873. President of Everett Society. Student, University of Pennsyl- vania School of Medicine, 1879-82 ; University of Berlin, Ger- many, 1888-89; University of Vienna, Austria, 1889. Interne, Pennsylvania and University Hospitals, 1882-83. Attending Phy- sician, Mercer Memorial Home, Atlantic City, 1884-88. Health Officer, Atlantic City, 1885-86. Instructor in Otology, New York Post-Graduate School and Hospital, 1890-92; Professor, Otology, New York Polyclinic, 1893-96. Long Island College Hospital Medical School, 1895-1915. Assistant Surgeon and Surgeon, Ear Department, Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hospital ; then Consulting Aurist, Attending Aurist, Long Island College Hospital, 1903-15. Aurist, Methodist-Episcopal, St. Catharine's, Brooklyn Hospital, and Day-Kimball Hospital, Putnam, Conn. Author of various monographs on otological subjects and Contributing Otologist to Reference Handbook of Medical Sciences. Member, American Otological Society; American Laryngological, Rhinological and 1880] MATRICULATE CATALOG 189 Otological Society; A. M. A.; American Academy Medicine; New York Otological Society (President, 1908-09) ; New York State Medical Society; Kings County Medical Society (President, 1905) ; Brooklyn Pathological Society; Association of Physicians; Long Island Medical Club; Brooklyn Practitioners' Club. b. Stoe Creek, Cumberland County, N. J., June 1, 1859. d. Putnam, Conn., September 13, 1915. s. George Wood Sheppard and Ruth Bacon, m. August 11, 1894, Juanita Argyle Campbell, c. Ruth. Non-Graduates Beezley, James. Entered Sophomore Class 1876 from Earlham, la., and left Junior year, 1878. b. May 2, 1853. s. Joseph Beezley and . Last address, Yazoo City, Miss. 1880 Bishop, William, S.B. Entered Junior Class 1878. Assistant in Astronomical Observatory and Instructor in Me- chanical Drawing, Haverford College, 1880-81. Recorded Minister in Society of Friends. Merchant. Secretary and Treasurer, Bucks County Contributionship (Fire Insurance). Member, National Education Association; American Water Works Association. b. Columbus, N. J., December 23, 1856. s. John Bishop (Class 1838) and Rebecca F. Biddle. m. Flushing, Belmont County, O., May 26, 1883, Martha M. Holloway. c. Edward, 1884; William, Jr., 1891; Sarah, 1901. Address, 63 Trenton Avenue, Morrisville, Bucks County, Pa. Brede, Charles Frederic, A.B., A.M., 1891. (B.S., Whittier Col- lege, Iowa, 1877. Ph.D. at Univ. of Pa., 1905.) Entered Sophomore Class 1877. Salutatorian Honors in Greek, Latin, Mathematics. Student, Whittier College, la., 1875-77; Johns Hopkins University, 1886- 87. Clerk, 1880-81. Teacher, 1881-86, Ely Lamb's Elementary and High School, Greek, Latin and German, Baltimore, Md. 1887- 88, English, Latin and German in German Classical School, Balti- more, Md. Greek, Latin and German in Friends' School, German- town, Philadelphia, Pa., 1888-98; 1898-1900, Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa., Professor of Modern Languages. 1903-05, As- sistant Instructor in French, University of Pennsylvania; 1905-21, Teacher of German, French and Spanish, Philadelphia Northeast 190 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1880 High School. During several seasons between 1889 and 1893, Pro- fessor of German at the Sauveur Summer School at Amherst, Mass., Burlington, Vt., and Rockford, 111. 1903-08, Central High School, Philadelphia (Night School), French and English for foreigners. Teacher in Northeast High School, Philadelphia, Pa, Contributor to German American Annals. Author of "The Ger- man Drama in English on the Philadelphia Stage," 1918. Lec- turer on various literary subjects. Member, Modern Language Association; Association of Modern Language Teachers of Phila- delphia (President, 1912-13) ; Teachers' Association of Philadel- phia ; High School Men Teachers' Association ; American Academy of Political and Social Science; National Geographical Society; German Society of Pennsylvania; Secretary of Library Commit- tee, 1897-1921 ; Friends' Institute, etc., etc. b. London, England, 1857, s. Carl Brede and Johannot Mc- Mahon. m. December 19, 1906, Voll. c. Marie Therese Hilpert, 1907; Anna Marie Johannot, 1909. Address, 176 Man- heim Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Corbit, Alexander Peterson, S.B. Entered 1876. Farm owner and manager. Member of Delaware Assembly, in the House, Sessions 1907 and 1919 ; Speaker, latter session. State Senate, Sessions 1909 and 1911. Member, University Club, Phila- delphia, Pa. ; Swedish Colonial Society ; Pennsylvania Society for Promotion of Agriculture; Grange. b. Odessa, Del., February 20, 1861. s. John Cowgill Corbit (Class of 1853) and Emily Peterson. Address, Odessa, New Castle County, Del. Cox, Charles Ellwood, A.B, (Hon. A.M., Univ. of the Pacific, San Jose, Calif., 1889; A.M., Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., Calif., 1893.) Entered 1876. Librarian, Everett; President, Everett; Member, Loganian. Student, 1 year at Kansas State University. Principal, Friends' Academy, Le Grand, la., 1880-85 ; Instructor of Private Pupils, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1885-86; Professor, Mathematics, College of the Pacific, San Jose, Cal., 1886-91 ; Instructor and Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Stanford University, 1891-1900; Teacher of Mathematics, Washburn School, San Jose, 1901-02. Manager of two small orchards, 1890-1905. Assessor, College Park Sani- tary District, 1905-09; President of College Park Association of Friends, 1893-1904. Minute Clerk in Senate, California State 1880] MATRICULATE CATALOG 191 Legislature, Session of 1913. Insurance business. Provident Life & Trust Company ; New York-California Underwriters, etc. 1899, elected a member of the Corporation of Haverford College; Di- rector of the Mutual Building and Loan Association of San Jose and College Park since organization in April, 1889. b. Azalia, Ind., August 10, 1854. s. Benjamin Cox and Mary Morris, m. San Jose, Cal., June 26, 1884, Lydia Shipley Bean. c. Mary Hannah, 1885 (d. 1885); Anna Shipley, 1887; Catharine Morris, 1890. Address, 855 Chapman Street, San Jose, Cal. Edwards, Josiah Pennington, A.B. Entered 1876. Won Gold Medal Alumni Prize for Oratory and Composition, 1879. Teacher, Bloomingdale Academy, Ind., 2 years; General Agent for Book Concern, Nashville, Tenn., 2 years; Homesteader and Lumber Dealer, Colorado, 4 years ; General Agent, Book Con- cern, Kansas City, Mo., 2 years; Insurance Agent, Richmond, Ind., 1 year ; shingle manufacturer. State of Washington, 1 year ; Teacher in Washington, 2 years. Editor of The Record, Mt. Ver- non, Wash. Mechanician and inventor. b. Spiceland, Ind., March 22, 1852. s. David Edwards and Susanna Pennington, m. Kansas City, Mo., June 25, 1890, Ella Henry Bailey, c. Carleton Bailey, 1892; Ella Louise (Maxwell), 1897. Address, Spiceland, Ind. Gause, Charles Edward, SB. Entered Junior Class 1878. Alumni Prize for Oratory. Editor, The Haverfordian, 1880. Student at Harvard, 1884-85. Instructor in Mathematics and Curator of the Museum, Haverford College, 1883-84, Teacher. Compiler and Editor, two School Readers. Tutor. b. Rahway, N. J., November 27, 1859. s. Charles E. Gause and Mary Jane Townsend. Address, 14 Llandilo Road, Llanerch, Pa. Jones, Edward Megarge, SB. Entered Junior year 1878. Vice-President, Everett. Editor, The Bud. Cricket Team. Lumber merchant, 1881-87; commission merchant, 1887-1907. Re- tired. Member, Philadelphia Cricket Qub; Germantown and Chestnut Hill Improvement Association; Germantown Horticul- tural Society; Young Men's Christian Association; Independent Republican Club. Keystone Automobile Club. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., February 22, 1859. s. Charles Jones (1837) and Ann Magarge. Address, 114 West Coulter Street, Germantown, Pa. 192 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1880 Lynch, James Lewis, A.B. Entered 1876. Teacher; Superintendent, Public Schools, Fayette, and County School Commissioner, Howard County, Mo., 6 years. Bookseller and stationer at Fayette, 8 years. County Superintendent, Schools, Saline County, Mo., 1909-19. b. Fayette, Mo., November 19, 1848, s. Robert Lynch and Matilda Hall. Address, 362 South Jefferson Avenue, Marshall, Mo. Mason, Samuel, A.B. Entered 1876. Won Freshman Cricket Prize Belt; Sophomore-Freshman Prize Bat, 2 years ; First Eleven Prize Bat, Junior and Senior years ; Captain of First Eleven. Treasurer, Alumni Association, 1886-90. Director in Trust Company, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., and also in various manufacturing companies. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., October 15, 1859. s. Samuel Mason and Jane T. Edge. m. January 7, 1886, Katharine E. Stokes, c. Samuel, Jr., 1887; Katharine W. (Elkinton), 1892; Evelyn, 1896. Address, 704 Locust Avenue, Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. Perry, William Francis, A.B. Entered 1877. Various offices in Athenaeum and Loganian. Honor Student. Associate Principal, New Paltz Academy, 3 years ; Principal, Ver- milion Grove Academy. 1 year ; Hotel Clerk, Minnewaska, Ulster County, N. Y., 8 years ; Manager, Aldine Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa., 1890-1915. b. Providence, R. L, March 12, 1857. s. William Henry Perry and Sarah Anna Nichols, m. December 23, 1883, Ellen Elizabeth Markle. Address, Aldine Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. Rhoads, Joseph, A.B., A.M., 1883. Entered 1877. Valedictorian. Editor, The Haverforduin, 1879-80. Instructor in Natural History and Curator, Museum, Haverford College, 1880-83. Principal, Friends' Central Academy, Plainfield, Ind. Teacher, Wilmington, Del., and at Westtown. Salesman. Adver- tising Manager. Minister in the Society of Friends. b. Marple, Delaware County, Pa., April 3, 1857. s. Jonathan Evans Rhoads and Rebecca C. Garrett, m. Pennsdale, Pa., July 5, 1882, Harriet E. Masters, c. Joseph Edgar Rhoads, 1883. Address, Moylan, Delaware County, Pa. 1880] matriculate catalog 193 Non-Graduates Bachman, Frank Eshleman. (S.B., Lafayette College, 1880.) Entered 1876 and left at close of Freshman year. Student, Lafayette College, Pa., 1877-80. Analytical Chemist and Blast Furnace Manager. b. Strasburg, Pa., December 9, 1858. s. Jacob Bachman and Elizabeth Eshleman. m. October 20, 1888, Bessie Timberlake. Address, Port Henry, N. Y. Bines, David Adams. Entered 1876; left 1877. Farmer. Coal Dealer. Solicitor, b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 18, 1859. s. David Adams Bines and Tacy M, Trump. Address, Fifty-third and Berks Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. fCope, Francis Hazen. Entered 1876 and left 1879, at close of the Junior year. Manufacturer. b. Awbury, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. d. Boston, Mass., January 7, 1909 (accident), s. Francis Reeve Cope (Class 1839) and Anna Stewardson Brown. fHill, Mahlon Patterson. Entered 1876 and left at close of Sophomore year. Farmer. b. Mt. Pleasant, O., January 27, 1857. d. October 12, 1916. s. Joseph Hill and Deborah Patterson, m. June 11, 1885, Anna E. Jones. Roberts, Joseph Russel Evans. Entered 1876 and left at close of the Freshman year. Rockhill Iron & Coal Company ; Secretary and Treasurer, Phila- delphia National Baseball Club; with Marshall Spader & Co. (stock brokers). Member, Philadelphia Club; Racquet Club; Philadelphia Country Club ; Maryland Jockey Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 16, 1860. s. Edward Roberts and Martha Price Evans, m. November 15, 1910, Ethel Inez Tiera. Address, 1833 Delancey Place, Philadelphia, Pa. fSchively, Edwin Ford. (A.B., A.M., LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1884. Entered 1876 and left 1877. Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1877-80. Instructor of Latin and Greek, Germantown Academy, 1880-81. Lawyer, Real Estate Title & Trust Company, 1889. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 9, 1860. d. August, 1912. s. W. Henry Schively and Anna Thomas Ford. m. Mary Esther Roots. 13 194 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1881 fTownsend, Clayton William. (M.D., 1870, College of Phys- icians and Surgeons, N. Y. City.) Entered Junior Class 1878 and left at close of the year. Editor, The Haverfordian. Studied medicine at University of Michigan, 1868-69, and at College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, 1869-70. Physician; teacher. b. Near Fredericktown, O., November 8, 1847. d. Lanthol, O., June 30, 1880. s. Asa M. Townsend and Elizabeth G. Wood, m. August 23, 1872, Rachel Annette Levering. fUpdegrafif, William Ross. Entered Sophomore Class 1877 and left at end of the year. Student at Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., two years. Mer- chant. Manufacturer of and jobber in pottery wares. b. Mt. Pleasant, O., May 12, 1859. d. 1907. s. David Brainard Updegraff (Class 1853) and Rebecca Ballinger Price, m. Febru- ary 14, 1887, Laura Alda Heberling. Whitall, John Mickle. Entered 1876 and left at close of Junior year. Overseer, William Penn Charter School. Manager of Haver- ford College. Glass manufacturer. Member, University Club; Huntingdon Valley Country Club; Sunnybrook Golf Club; Ger- mantown Cricket Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 8, 1858. s. James Whitall (Class of 1853) and Mary Wistar Cope. m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 20, 1881, Margaret Haines Bacon, c. Margaret M., 1882; Mil- dred, 1884; James, 1888; Helen, 1890; William H. B., 1892. Address, 512 Church Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. tWhite, Thomas Newby. (M.D., 1882, College of Phys. and Sur- geons, Baltimore, Md.) Entered 1876 and left at end of Sophomore year. Studied medicine. Vice-President, Seaboard Medical Associa- tion of Eastern North Carolina and Virginia. b. Belvidere, N. C, December 12, 1857. d. Franklin, Va., April 2, 1918. s. David White and Isabel Wilson, m. Franklin, Va., October 20, 1909, Jane Densur Pretlin (?). c. Mary Winston, 1911; Thomas N., Jr., 1913. 1881 Blair, William Allen, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1882. Hon. A.M., Trinity College, N. C, 1889.) Entered 1877. President, Everett. One of the first Editors of The Haver- 1881] MATRICULATE CATALOG 195 fordian. Business Manager of the same. Student at Harvard University, 1881-82; at Johns Hopkins University, 1885-86. Prin- cipal, High Point School, N. C, 1882; Superintendent of Schools, High Point, 1883 ; Principal, High School, 1885 ; Lecturer on Pedagogy, Swarthmore College, 1886. Principal, High School, Winston, N. C, and Editor Educational Magazine, 1887. 1888, Superintendent, State Normal Schools; 1889, State Representative to Paris Exposition. 1889, Delegate to World's Sunday-School Convention, London, 1890, President, Bank ; Board of Examiners, Trinity College. 1891, State Board Charities and Public Wel- fare; Delegate to National Association Charities and Corrections. 1894, admitted to Bar. 1898, President, North Carolina State Bankers' Association. 1901, assisted in organizing a powerful Life Insurance Company. 1904 to date, President, State Board Charities and Public Welfare. 1905, Member, United States As- say Commission. Special Aide on personal staff of President of United States, with rank of Colonel. 1908, appointed. Inaugura- tion Committee. 1909, Trustee, George Peabody College for Teachers; Trustee, Salem College. Speaker for Liberty Loan Campaign. Lawyer, banker, welfare worker, etc. Director and Chairman, Finance Committee, Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company; Scout Commissioner for Winston-Salem; State Board of Pardons. Member, Winston-Salem Board of Trade; Cosmos Club; Twin City Club; Forsythe Country Club; State Bankers' Association; American Bankers' Association; Vice-President of same, 1919. Member, State Historical Association; United States Historical Association; Southern Historical Association; Na- tional Geographic Society; Shakespearian Society; Phi Beta Kappa. b. High Point, N. C, June 4, 1859. s. S. I. Blair and Abigail Hunt. m. Winston-Salem, N. C, November 20, 1895, Mary Eleanor Fries, c. Margaret Agnes, 1896; Marian Hunt, 1899; John Fries (Class 1924), 1903. Address, 210 South Cherry Street, Winston-Salem, N. C. Brinton, Walter. Entered Junior Class 1879. Associate Editor, The Haverfordian; on First Football Team. Civil Engineer. Surveyor and Regulator of Fifth Survey of Dis- trict of Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Board of Surveyors for City of Philadelphia since 1892. Member, Engineers' Club of Phila- delphia; American Institute of City Planning; Pennsylvania His- torical Society; Union League of Philadelphia. b. Chadds Ford, Pa., July 10, 1859. s. Emmor Brinton and 196 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1881 Deborah Garrett, m. Frarikford, Philadelphia, Pa., April 16, 1891, Elizabeth W. Smedley. c. W. Carroll (d. 1918), 1894; Mary S., 1896; Elizabeth, 1900. Address, 4540 Adams Avenue, Frank- ford, Philadelphia, Pa. Carey, Anthony Morris, A.B. Entered 1877. Captain of First Cricket Eleven. Minister in Society of Friends. Vice-President, Carey Machinery and Supply Company, b. Baltimore County, Md., January 11, 1861. s. James Carey (Class of 1839) and Susan Budd Kimber. m. January 18, 1893, Margaret Cheston Thomas, c. G. Cheston, 1894; James Carey, III, 1895; M. Millicent, 1899; Anthony Morris, Jr., 1900; Susan Shober, 1904; Richard H. T., 1906. Address, 1004 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Md. Collins, William Henry, SB., A.M., 1892. Entered 1877. "Spoon Man" ; Secretary of Athenaeum. Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1898. Member, Loganian; Founders' Society. Secretary of Class of 1881 to date. Author several articles on "Observa- tions of Sun Spots," "Position of Comets," etc. Mercantile pur- suits, 1884-87; Assistant in Haverford College Observatory, 1891- 92. Director, 1892-1904; Superintendent, Buildings and Grounds of Haverford College, 1897-1920. Member, National Geographi- cal Society ; American Astronomical Society ; Save the Redwoods League; Foreign Missionary Association of Friends of Philadel- phia; Member of the Corporation of Haverford College; of the Cheyney Training School for Teachers ; Member of the Keystone Automobile Club; Member of Society of Friends; Member of the Main Line Citizen's Association. Retired. b. Peekskill, N. Y., October 22, 1859. s. William Bowne Col- lins and Mary Griffen. m. Philadelphia, Pa., May 22, 1894, Julia Cope. Address, Haverford, Pa. Cook, Joseph Horace, S.B. Entered 1877. Civil Engineer and Architect, Pennsylvania Railroad, 1881-84; Board of Public Education, Philadelphia, Building Department, 1885-1918. 1918, retired. Member. Union League, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 18, 1862. s. Joseph Harris Cook and Anna Pharo. m. (1) Philadelphia, Pa., November 26, 1906, Mar- garet Miller Bradley (d. November 25, 1911); (2) Philadelphia, Pa., July 10, 1918, Mary M. Fuller. Address, Holliston and Rubio Streets, Altadena, Cal. 1881] MATRICULATE CATALOG 197 Edwards, Levi Talbot, A.B., A.M., 1889. Entered 1877. President of Class. First Prize, Haverfordian Essay. Teacher, Bloomingdale Academy, Ind., 1881-82. Professor of Mathe- matics, Wilmington College, O., 1882-86; Professor of Mechanics and Engineering, Haverford College, 1886-1905. Consulting Engi- neer, 1905-17. Awarded Edward Longstreth Medal of Merit by Franklin Institute of Philadelphia for inventon of Talbot Com- pound Air Lift System. Member, Phi Beta Kappa. Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Society for the Pro- motion of Engineering Education. Member, City Club of Phila- delphia. Engineer. Municipal and Industrial Water Supply. In- ventor and Patentee. b. Ogden, Ind., January 29, 1854. s. David Edwards and Susanna Pennington, m. (1) Blanchester, O., July 1, 1885, Elvie L. Aikin; (2) Haverford, Pa., June 25, 1890, Mariana C. Ladd. c. Edward Aikin, 1886 ; Earle Nelson, 1888 ; Alethea Talbot, 1892. Address, 1478 North Lake Avenue, Pasadena, Cal. Forsythe, Davis Hoopes, SB. Entered Junior Class 1879. Teacher for 33 years at Germantown Friends' School and at Westtown. Editor, The Friend. Superintendent of Office Build- ing in Philadelphia. b. Near Chadds Ford, Pa., August 25, 1858. s. Lewis For- sythe and Mary Ann Hoopes. Address, 400 North Church Street, West Chester, Pa. Hartshorne, Edward Yarnall, A.B. Entered 1877. President, Everett Society; President of Class; Treasurer of Alumni Association. Railroading, 1882-1903. Banking, 1903-19. Retired. Treasurer of several charitable organizations. Member, Main Line Citizens' Association; American Academy of Political and Social Science ; Pennsylvania Historical Society ; various chari- table organizations. b. Overbrook, Pa., October 11, 1861. s. Charles Hartshorne (Class of 1846) and Caroline Cope Yarnall. m. Ardmore, Pa., October 15, 1896, Clementina Borie Rhodes, c. Caroline C, 1897; Emily B., 1898 ; Clementina R., 1903 ; Edward Y., 1912. Address, Oakley Road, Haverford, Pa. Johnson, Isaac Thorne, A.B., A.M., 1887. Entered 1877. Principal, Friends' School, Wilmington. Del.. 1881-98; Treas- 198 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1881 urer and Literary Editor, The John C. Winston Company, Phila- delphia, Pa., 1899-1906; Secretary-Treasurer, The Johnson Manu- facturing Company, makers of railway supplies, Urbana, O., 1907 to date. Manufacturer. Member, The American Academy of Political and Social Science. Member of Friends' Publication Board (appointed 1912 by the Five Years' Meeting) ; Member of Board of Trustees of Wilmington College, O. ; Member of Haver- ford College Corporation. b. Mooresville, Ind., February 6, 1858. s. Alfred Johnson and Anna M. Thorne. m. Dwight, 111., October 7, 1902, Lida Manson Kimball. Address, 200 South High Street, Urbana, O. Kennard, Edwin Orson, A. B. Entered Sophomore Class 1878. Won First Prize, Loganian Debating Contest. President, Athenaeum. Valedictorian. Sub- scription book business, 1881-85. Teacher, Central High School, Columbus, O., 1885-90; furniture business, 1891; orange and lemon grower; instrumental in development of irrigation in upper San Gabriel Valley. b. Greensboro, Ind., October 23, 1852. s. Jacob Kennard and Rebecca Polk. m. Columbus, O., October 23, 1884, Flora Hesse. c. Earle H., 1885; Helen Rose, 1888; Roberta Claire, 1890; Ruth, 1892; Theodore Gladden, 1904. Address, Glendora, Cal., R. F. D. 118. Moore, Jesse Hollo well, A.B. Entered 1877. Secretary, Loganian ; Secretary, Everett ; Editor of The Haver- fordian. Secured organization of Y. M. C. A. in the College; Corresponding Secretary of same for 1 year. Teacher, 1881-90, North Carolina; Principal, High School in Illinois, 1890-91. Teacher in High School in Texas, 1891-94. Principal, Friendsville Academy, Tenn., 1894-1902. Professor, Greek, Washington Col- lege, 1904-05. Dean and Professor of Latin and Greek in Lincoln Memorial University, Tenn., 1905-09. Professor, Latin and Greek, Lincoln Memorial University, 1909 to date. Recorded a Minister of the Society of Friends, 1884. Chairman, Chapter Red Cross, 1918-19. Member, The Classical Association of the Middle West and South ; National Geographical Society. b. Goldsboro, N. C, April 18, 1855. s. Curtis P. Moore and Jinnette Smithey. m. Lagrange, N. C, December 26, 1889, Blanche Headen. c. Ruth, 1894. Address, Harrogate, Claiborne County, Tenn. 1881] MATRICULATE CATALOG 199 Page, WiUiam Enoch, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1882.) Entered Sophomore Class 1878. President, Athenaeum; Editor of The Haverfordian. Student at Harvard University, 1881-82; at Harvard Law School, 1883. Teacher, Newport, R. I., 1883-88; Chicago, 111., 1889. Manager of Carnegie property, Cumberland Island, Ga., 1890-1915. Man- ager of Estate of Lucy C. Carnegie (deceased), 1916-22. Di- rector of First National Bank of Fernandina, 1896-1922. Secre- tary of Fernandina Dock & Realty Company, 1903-22. Member, Harvard Law School Thayer Club; Seminole Club, Jacksonville, Fla. b. South Danvers, Mass., August 7, 1862. s. Enoch Page and Ruth Devol. m. Chicago, III, November 23, 1903, Elinor Tucker Bickford. Address, Cumberland Island, Ga. Price, Walter Ferris, A.B., A.M., 1882. (A.M., Harvard, 1884.) Entered 1877. Won Prize Belt for Fielding in Cricket, twice ; Bat, once. Mem- ber, Phi Beta Kappa. Assistant Librarian, Haverford College, 1881-83. Teacher in Haverford Grammar School, 1884-91. Studied architecture and traveled, 1892-1902; since, practiced as an architect. b. Delaware County, Pa., August 31, 1857. s. James Martin Price and Sarah D. Lightfoot. m. Philadelphia, Pa., December 8, 1906, Felicia H. Thomas, c. Eleanor M., 1910. Address, 119 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, Albanus Longstreth, SB. Entered 1877. United States Coast Survey; Structural Iron Contractor; Im- porter of Metallic Tubing; Trustee and Manager of Cemeteries. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., March 29, 1859. s. Horace J. Smith and Margaret Longstreth. m. Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa., October 20, 1885, Emma Brooks Mellor. c. Mayburry Mellor, 1888; Lloyd Mellor, 1890; Elizabeth P. (Satterthwaite), 1897. Address, 45 East Penn Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Winslow, Thomas Newby, A.B. Entered 1877. First Cricket Eleven. Teacher, 2 years. Lawyer. Life Insur- ance, about 15 years. Income Tax Agent, 5 years. Accountant, 2 years. Life Insurance. b. Belvidere, N. C, April 19, 1861. s. Thomas E. Winslow and Mary Ann Peele. m. Guilford County, N. C, June 5, 1901, 200 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1881 Louise Palmer, c. Thomas P., 1904; Louis J., 1907. Address, 183 William Street, East Orange, N. J. t Winston, John Clark, A.B. Entered 1877. Alumni Prize for Oratory, 1881. Class President; Vice-Presi- dent, Loganian Society; President, Alumni Association, 1895-96. Manager of "Branch Office" of the "Christian Union" of New York, 2 years; and at Indianapolis, Ind., 1884-1920; President, John C. Winston Publishing Company, Philadelphia. One of the originators of the Philadelphia reform movement, and Chairman, Committee of Seventy; Chairman of Citizens' Committee, which secured a new charter for Philadelphia, 1919. Active in politics and civic duties, 1904-1920. December, 1919, appointed Director of Public Works, Philadelphia, Pa.; Member, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; The University Club; the City Club; the G^r- mantown Cricket Club; the Huntingdon Valley Country Club. 1916, President, Arts and Science Club of Germantown. b. Darlington, Ind., November 22, 1856. d. Philadelphia, Pa., May 6, 1920. s. Bowling Henry Winston and Anna Clark, m. Richmond, Va., July 19, 1883, Samuella Terrell Ricks, c. Lucy A. Winston. Non-Graduates Chase, William Cromwell. Entered 1877 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1879. Re- entered Junior Class 1880 and left during the year. b. Haverford, Pa., September 27, 1862. s. Thomas Chase (Pro- fessor of Philology, 1885-86; President, 1874-86) and Alice Un- derbill Cromwell. Address, care of T. H. Chase, 6558 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, 111. Davis, George Frederick. Entered Sophomore Class 1878 and left at close of Sophomore year. School teacher; farmer; bookkeeper; express agent; agent of State Board of Lunacy and Charities; Member, Town School Committee ; Assistant in the State Department of Public Welfare. b. Westport, Mass., September 8, 1857. s. Benjamin Davis and Esther M. Gifford. m. Tiverton, R. I., Christina R. Sanford. Address, 281 Grove Street, Fall River, Mass. fHadley, Walter Carpenter. Entered Sophomore Class 1878 and left because of ill health at close of Junior year. 1881] MATRICULATE CATALOG 201 One of the founders of The Haverfordimi and its first Business Manager. Student at Chicago University. Member, American Institute of Mining Engineers; President, Southwestern Mining Association; Secretary, Historical Society of New Mexico. Sen- ator, New Mexico Thirty-first Assembly. President, New Mexico School of Mines. Member of Board of Regents. Journalist; Mining Engineer, Merchant and Railroad Builder. b. Richmond, Ind., September 8, 1857. d. Albuquerque, N. M., February 16, 1896. s. Hiram Hadley (Class 1856) and Hannah Fulghum. m. Philadelphia, Pa., 1883, Alice C. Paxson. fHarvey, Lawson Moreau. (LL.B. Central Law School, Ind., 1882.) Entered 1877 and left at close of Freshman year. Student at Butler University, Ind., 1878-80 ; Central Law School of Indiana. Lawyer. Judge of Superior Court, Marion County, Ind., 1894-98. Lawyer. Justice of Supreme Court of Indiana, at Indianapolis, 1916-20. b. Plainfield, Ind., December 5, 1856. d. Indianapolis, Ind., June 25, 1920. s. Thomas Burgess Harvey, M. D., LL. D., and Delitha Butler, m. October 18, 1882, Kate Parrott. fHussey, George Frederick. (LL.B., Univ. of Md.) Entered Sophomore Class 1878 and left at close of the year. Student at Law School of University of Maryland. Lawyer. Advertising Agent, Cincinnati, O. ; then at Rochester, N. Y. ; then New York City ; Book Publisher ; Assistant Secretary, Ameri- can Bible Society. b. Peekskill, N. Y., September 24, 1859. d. East Orange, N. J., April 27, 1894. "s. George Frederick Hussey and Margaret Clapp. m. July 2, 1890, Kate Philip. fJenkins, Charles Williams. Entered 1877 and left at close of the Freshman year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 26, 1860. d. Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa., August 17, 1881. s. Jabez Jenkins and Margaret Wil- liams. Marshburn, William Valentine. (M.D., Univ. of Louisville, Ky., 1886.) Entered 1877 and left at close of Freshman year. Student at Louisville Medical College, 1880-81, and at Uni- versity of Louisville, Tenn., 3 years ; Principal, Sylvan Academy, N. C, 1877-79; Principal of Friendsville Academy, Friendsville, Tenn., 1881-84. Physician, Estacade, Tex., 1886-1895 ; Physician, El Modena, Cal., 1895-1903; at Whittier, Cal., 1903-12; Superin- 202 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1881 tendent, Whittier Hospital, Cal., 1907-12. Physician at Yorba Linda, Cal., 1912-20. Surgeon for Pacific Electric Railway since 1907. Physician and Surgeon. Fruit grower. Director in First National Bank. b. Snow Camp, N. C, June 13, 1855. s. Obed Marshburn and Catherine Pickett, m. Danville, Ind., July 26, 1881, Alzora E. Hadley. c. Clara (Semans), 1887; Albert L., 1889; Elma (Pear- son), 1891; Cora A. (Sydnor), 1893; Oscar O., 1896. Address, Yorba Linda, Cal., Box 65. fPhillips, John Lougeay. (M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Phila., Pa., 1883.) Entered 1875 and left during Junior year, 1880. b. Pittsburgh, Pa., March 1, 1859. d. . s. R. B. Phillips and . Shipley, Walter Penn. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1883.) Entered 1877 and left at close of Junior year. First Cricket Eleven. Treasurer of Alumni Association, 2 years. Law Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1880-83. Licensed Pilot of Delaware River. Member of Law Firm, Shipley & Vaux, for over 30 years. For over 14 years Editor of Chess Column in Philadelphia Inquirer. Half owner of Shipley & Vaux Shoe Manufacturing Company, Philadelphia, Pa., since 1915. Director and Treasurer, Trustees Germantown Preparative Meeting of Friends. Treasurer of Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Per- sons ; Director of The John C. Winston Company. Co-editor with G. C. Reichholm, "History of Chess in Philadelphia." Chess champion of Pennsylvania for years 1898, 1902, 1909. Chess champion of Philadelphia for years 1888, 1890, 1901, 1906, 1913. President, Franklin Chess Club for many years. Member, Uni- versity Club; Historical Society of Philadelphia. Member, Man- hattan Chess Club of New York City; Boot and Shoe Manufac- turers' Association of Philadelphia ; National Boot and Shoe Manu- facturers' Association. Attorney at Law and Manufacturer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 20, 1860. s. Thomas Shipley and Eliza M. Drinker, m. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., October 17, 1889, Anne Emlen. c. Thomas Emlen, 1890; James Emlen, 1894; Walter Penn, Jr., 1897. Address, 477 Locust Avenue, Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. fVail, George Requa. Entered 1877; left during Junior year. b. February 13, 1860. d. Los Angeles, Cal., 1880. s. Nathan R. Vail and Anna Walker. 1882] MATRICULATE CATALOG 203 fVail, John Randolph. Entered 1877 and left Sophomore year, 1878. b. May 28, 1861. d. 1891. s. Nathan R. Vail and Anna Walker. White, Walter. Entered 1877 and left at close of Freshman year. Farmer. Clerk. Minister in Society of Friends. Operator of lumber and shingle mill. Bookkeeper and stenographer for manu- facturing plant. b. Belvidere, N. C, November 26, 1858. s. Rufus White and Lydia Wilson, m. Belvidere, N. C, October 20, 1880, Alice Law- ton Nicholson, c. Lydia Nicholson, 1881 ; Percival Bassett, 1883 ; Alice Everett, 1887; Charles Nicholson, 1889; Ellen Mildred, 1896; Marianna, 1900. Address, 309 Johnson Street, High Point, N. C. 1882 Barton, George Aaron, A.B., A.M., 1885; LL.D., 1914. (A.M., Harvard, 1890; Ph.D., Harvard, 1891.) Entered Sophomore Class 1879. Associate Editor of The Haverfordian; President of Class; Valedictorian ; President of Council of Loganian Society ; Presi- dent, Everett Society. Editor-in-Chief, The Haverfordian. Presi- dent of Y. M. C. A. Everett Prize for Debating. Member, Phi Beta Kappa. Recorded Minister in Society of Friends, 1879-1918. Deacon in the Episcopal Church, 1918-19; Presbyter, 1919 to date. Insurance business, Boston, Mass., 1882-84. Teacher of Bible, Philosophy, Mathematics and Classics, Friends' School, Providence, R. I., 1884-89; Student at Harvard University, 1889- 91. Lecturer on Bible Languages, Haverford College, 1891-95; Associate in Biblical Literature and Semitic Languages, Bryn Mawr College, 1891-96; Associate Professor, 1896-1904; Pro- fessor, 1904 to date ; Director of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem, 1902-03. Professor of the Literature and Language of the New Testament in the Divinity School of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, 1921 to date; Di- rector of the American School of Oriental Research in Bagdad, 1921 to date. Author : A Sketch of Semitic Origins, Social and Religious; The Roots of Christian Teaching as Found in the Old Testament; A Year's Wandering in Bible Lands; Haverford Library Collection of Cuneiform Tablets (3 vols.) ; Ecclesiastes; The Heart of the Christian Message; Commentary on Job; The Origin and Development of Babylonian Writing; Sumerian Busi- 204 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1882 ness and Administratvve Documents; Archaeology and the Bible; The Religions of the World; Miscellaneous Babylonian Inscrip- tions; Sumerian Religious Texts; The Religion of Israel; Jesus of Nazareth, a Biography. Author, important monographs in memorial volumes to the late President Harper, of Chicago, and the late Professor Toy, of Harvard ; also more than ninety articles in the Jewish Encyclopedia; the article "Number" in the Encyclo- paedia Biblica; more than thirty articles in Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible in One Volume; and more than twenty articles in Hastings' Encyclopcsdia of Religion and Ethics; also numerous articles in the Journal of the American Oriental Society, the Jour- fval of Biblical Literature, the American Journal of Archceology, the American Journal of Semitic Languages; the Biblical World, Orientalische Literaturzeitung , the Friends Review, American Friend, Present Day Papers, Friends' Quarterly Examiner and other journals. Member, American Oriental Society (President, 1916-17) ; Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis (President, 1913-14) ; Archaeological Institute of America (President of its Pennsylvania Society, 1916 to date) ; American Philosophical So- ciety; Phi Beta Kappa (President of Haverford Chapter, 1911- 12) ; Society for the Promotion of Liberal Studies; Society of Biblical Archaeology, London; Victoria Institute, London; Deutsche Morgenlande Gesellschaf t ; Deutsche Orients-Gesell- schaft; Vorderasiatische Gesellschaf t; Palestine Oriental Society, Jerusalem; Palestine Exploration Fund, London; Egypt Explora- tion Fund, London; Egyptian Research Account, London; Text and Translation Society, London; and the Oriental Club of Phila- delphia (President, 1897-98 and 1908-09). Corresponding Mem- ber of the Societe Archeologique Frangaise. For 12 years (1906- 18) Manager of the American Sunday School Union, and since 1919 its Educational Adviser. Member of "American Land Army," 1917-19. Member, The Harvard Biblical Club and the Philadelphia Clericus. Examining Chaplain of the Diocese of Pennsylvania. b. East Farnham, Province of Quebec, Canada, November 12, 1859. s. Daniel Barton and Mary Stevens Bull. m. Boston, Mass., Caroline Brewer Danforth. c. Rhoda C. Barton. Address, 237 Roberts Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Coffin, John Elihu, SB. Entered 1878. First and Second Cricket Teams. President, Cricket and Base- ball Associations, 2 years ; Captain, Baseball Team, 2 years. Mem- ber, Athenaeum Society. Assistant in Astronomical Observatory, 1882] MATRICULATE CATALOG 205 1882-83. Compiler of Porter and Coates Interest Tables, 1883. Principal, Vermillion Academy, 111., 1883-84. Real estate, Los Angeles, Cal., 1887-88. Treasurer's Office, Los Angeles, 1889-90. Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent, State School, Whit- tier, Cal., 1891-97. Lumber business. Southern Oregon and Northern California, 1897-1903. 1906 to date, California Furni- ture (Vice-President and President). Empire Arizona Consoli- dated Copper Company. Member, University Club; Los Angeles Athletic Club; Los Angeles; Merchants and Manufacturers As- sociation of Los Angeles; Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles; Automobile Club of Southern California. b. New Garden, N. C, September 17, 1860. s. Samuel D. Coffin and Mary Ann Newlin. m. Los Angeles, Cal., December 31, 1889, Bertha Lindley. Address, 202 South Washington Ave- nue, Whittier, Cal. Corbit, Daniel, S.B. Entered 1878. Member First Cricket Eleven (3 years) and First Football Eleven (3 years). Farmer and Farm Manager. Member, Uni- versity Club, Philadelphia. b. Odessa, Del., January 15, 1863. s. John Cowgill Corbit (Class of 1853) and Emily Peterson. Address, Odessa, Del. Cox, Isaac Milton, S.B. Entered 1878. Teacher. Principal, School, Fairmount, Kan., 1878; Principal of Schools, Montana, la., 1883; Principal, Academy, 1883-86; Professor, Greek, Wilmington College, O., 1886-87; Teacher, Greek and Latin, Friends' School, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., 1887-89. Tutor in Latin, San Jose, Cal., 1890-91 ; fruit grower, 1891-97. Inspector, Schools, Hawaii. Principal of Kalihiwaena School (?), Honolulu. President of the Territorial Teachers' Association; Member of Board of Directors of Associated Chari- ties, Honolulu. Member, National Education Association; Na- tional Geographical Society. b. New Providence, la., April 12, 1861. s. Benjamin Cox and Mary Morris, m. College Park, San Jose, Cal., May 7, 1891, Catherine Elizabeth Bean. c. Joel Bean, 1892; Mary Morris, 1893 (d. 1898). Address, 919 Twelfth Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii. Crosman, George Loring. . Entered 1878. Business Manager of The Haverfordkin. City Office Manager, Thomson-Houston Electric Company, Chicago, 111. President, G. 206 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1882 A. Crosman & Sons Company, Portland, Me. ; Qiairman, Public School Board, Swampscott, Mass.; Chairman, Trustees, Oak Grove Seminary, Vassalboro, Me.; Mayor, City of Saco, Me., March 18, 1901 ; President, Board of Foreign Missions, New England Y. M. Friends; President, Y. M. C. A., Portland, Me.; President, Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Me.; President, Maine Peace Society, 1914-15; Member, Rotary Club; Portland Club; National Association of Box Manufacturers. Manufac- turer, lumber and box shooks. b. Lynn, Mass., June 14, 1860. s. George A. Crosman and Evaline Brown, m. Chicago, 111., September 28, 1886, Mary Agnes Pickering, c. Helen C, 1888; Loring Pickering, 1892; Aquila Hurford, 1897. Address, Deering Junction, Portland, Me. Hazard, Richard Bowne, A.B. Entered 1878. Teacher for 10 years. Principal. Superintendent, City Schools, River Falls, Wis. Proprietor of the Hazard Teachers' Agencies, Minneapolis and Spokane, established 1892; incorporated, 1905. Also engaged in farming and fruit growing. Author, various pamphlets. b. N. Ferrisburg, Vt., August 26, 1859. s. Seneca Hazard and Achsah Meader Huntington, m. (1) June, 1884, Isabel Merriam. c. Rowland M., 1885; Margery I., 1891. (2) May, 1896, Hattie B. Shepherd, c. Frederick S., 1897; Mary S., 1899; T. Hartley, 1901; Lillian A., 1905; Ruth H., 1907; Richard B., II, 1914. Address, Excelsior, Lake Minnetonka, Minn, (home), and 703-4 Globe Building, Minneapolis, Minn, (business), Jones, Frederick Dilwin, S.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1879. Treasurer, Athenaeum. Treasurer, Union Reform League, 1899- . Proprietor, Jones Book Store, Los Angeles, Cal., 1886-1906; President and Treasurer, Jones Book Company, Los Angeles, Cal., 1906-13. Published some "Practical Helps for Teachers in Pri- mary Grades." Member, Los Angeles Academy of Science. Treasurer of Intercollegiate Socialist Society of Los Angeles. Member, Proximo Club. Jones Realty Company. b. South China, Me., November 30, 1855. s. Clarkson Jones and Alvina P. Runnels, m. San Jose, Cal., June, 1891, Minnie Hanby. Address, 25 North Wilson Avenue, Alhambra, Cal. fJones, Wilmot Rufus, A.B. Entered 1878. Won Alumni Prize Medal for Composition and Oratory, 1882. 1882] MATRICULATE CATALOG 207 Won Prizes for Debate and Declamation, 1882. Vice-President, Loganian. Teacher in Friends' School, Providence, R. I., 1882-86; Superintendent of Schools and Principal, High School, South Hadley Falls, Mass., 1886-89; Headmaster, High School, Brad- ford, Mass., 1889-90; Stamford, Conn., 1890-1904; Allegheny Preparatory School, Pittsburgh, 1904-10; Headmaster and Founder of Mill Brook School, Concord, Mass., 1910-1915. Mem- ber of Council of Education, Conn., 1895-1915. President, State Teachers' Association, Conn, 1904. Member, National Commis- sion on Graded Worship, 1912-15. b. South China, Me., October 27, 1859. d. Concord, Mass., June 2, 1919. s. Jeremiah Rogers Jones and Mary C. Jones, m. (1) July 31, 1883. Julia E. Jones (d. November 16, 1886) ; (2) July 30, 1890, Mirah L. Judd (d. August 3, 1897). f Leeds, Wiimer Pancoast, A.B. Entered Junior Class 1880. First Scholar, 1882. Principal, Moorestown Academy. Teacher, Friends' Select School, Philadelphia, Pa. b. January 12, 1859. d. Atlantic City, N. J., August 10, 1885. s. Allen T. and Hannah Leeds. Morgan, Jesse Henley, SB. Entered from Oskaloosa, la., 1878. Student at Earlham College, 1875-76 ; at Penn College, 1876-78. Honor Student. Bookkeeper, Kansas City, Mo., 1883-84; Town- ship Trustee, 2 years. School Director. President, Board of Directors, Lowell Polytechnic Institute, Lowell, Kan. ; miller, Low- ell, Kan. Local traveling salesman. Farmer. Promoter of short line of railroad ; railroad contractor ; real estate agent. b. Richmond, Ind., July 6, 1861. s. William B. Morgan and Sarah Henley, m. August 30, 1893, Ida M. George, c. Raymond L. Address, 823 Fourth Street, Alva, Woods County, Okla. Palmer, Thomas Chalkley, SB. Entered 1878. First Scholar, 1882 (Scientific Section) ; President, Everett So- ciety; "Spoon Man," 1882. Special Chemistry Student, Philadel- phia College of Pharmacy, 1883-84. Chemist to John M. Sharp- less & Co., Chester, Pa., 1882; later a Director in Sharpless Dye- wood Extract Company until 1904 ; Director and Chemist at plant of American Dyewood Company, Chester, Pa., 1904- . Manager of plant, Chester, Pa., and Director and Second Vice-President of American Dyewood Company ; Author, Technical Articles on dyes and their uses, in trade journals, and Nature Studies, and more 208 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1882 technical articles on Natural History, e. g., Notes on Isoetes, Botanical Gazette ; Structure of the Diatom Girdle; Delaware Val- ley Forms of Trachelomotias; A New Diatom; Apparatus of Loco- motion in Surirella; various Diatom papers in scientific proceed- ings. Member, Phi Beta Kappa; Fellow of Royal Microscopical Society ; Member, Franklin Institute and Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia ; Delaware County Institute Sciences, Media, Pa. ; University Club, Philadelphia ; Authors' Club, London. Some time member. Society Chemical Industry, England ; Society Dyers and Colorists, England ; Societe Chimique de Paris. b. Media, Pa., October 23, 1860. s. Lewis Palmer and Mary Comfort Wildman. m. Parkerville, Chester County, Pa., October 21, 1886, H. Jane Walter, c. Walter, 1888; Lewis, 1889. Ad- dress, R. F. D. No. 2, Media, Delaware County, Pa. Randolph, Edward, A.B. Entered 1878. Class Secretary and Treasurer. Bookkeeper. In export and import trade with west coast of Africa. Civil Engineer, Chemist and Bacteriologist. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 6, 1861. s. Edward Taylor Ran- dolph and Mary Sharpless. m. August 2, 1893, Anna J. Moon, c. Jane C, 1902. Address, R. F. D. No. 4, Hampton, Va. Winston, Lindley Murray, S.B. Entered 1878. Civil Engineer, with C. B. & Q. Railway System, 1 year; City of Philadelphia, Pa., 3 years; Santa Fe Railroad Company in Colorado and in Chicago, 1 year ; with John C. Winston & Co., Philadelphia, 1889-91. Orange grower, at Redlands, Cal. Secre- tary and Manager, Redlands Fruit Association, 7 years. Vice- President of same, 1905-20; President, to date. Vice-President of the Redlands Co-operative Fruit Association. President, Red- lands Highlands Fruit Exchange since 1912. Charter Member of Redlands Fortnightly Club. b. Darlington, Ind., August 24, 1861. s. Bowling Henry Win- ston and Anna Clark, m. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., April 30, 1891, Lily Palmer White, c. Juliana, 1893 (d. 1893) ; John Clark, 1896. Address, 832 Stillman Avenue, Redlands, Cal. Non-Graduates fGamble, Elisha. Entered Junior Class 1880 and left during Senior year. Teacher. b. East Carmel, O. (?), November 28, 1855. d. March 10, 1895. s. Harrison Gamble and , 1882] MATRICULATE CATALOG 209 fJay, William Charles. (M.D., Bennett Medical College, 1883.) Entered Sophomore Class 1879 and left during Junior year, 1881. Studied medicine, Bennett Medical College, Chicago, 111., 1881- 83. Manager of Penn College, la. Physician, Richmond, Ind., until on account of failing health removed to a farm near Sharon, la. b. Farmers' Institute, Ind., December 2, 1860. d. Richmond, Ind., January 10, 1898. s. Allen Jay and Martha Ann Sleeper. m. May 2, 1883, Anna Florence Newby. Mott, Richard. Entered Sophomore Class 1879 and left at end of the year. In earthenware and china jobbing business. Banker. Member, Union League; Huntingdon Valley Country Club; Pine Valley Golf Club. b. Burlington, N. J., September 3, 1861. s. Richard Field Mott and Susan Thomas, m. Marietta, Pa., October 26, 1892, Emily Mehaffey. c. Gertrude (Detwiler) ; Richard F. ; George M. Ad- dress, 211 East Union Street, Burlington, N. J. Robinson, Herbert Winslow. (M.D., Bowdoin College, 1892.) Entered Sophomore Class 1879 and left December, 1879. Physician at Epping, N. H., 7 years; in Medford, Mass., 11^ years ; in Candia, N. H., 5^ years. b. Windham, Me., July 27, 1857. s. Henry Robinson and Lydia Varney. m. March 23, 1887, Mary G. Moody, c. Kenneth, 1896. Address, Sterling, Mass. Robinson, William Henry. (A.B., Colby University, 1882; A.M., 1887.) Entered 1878 and left 1880, at close of Sophomore year. Teacher in Oakwood Seminary for 1 year ; Teacher of Greek and Latin, Dundee Preparatory School, 1883-84. Student of Theology, Oberlin College. Minister of the Gospel in northern Ohio, Southern California, Northern California; 1892, ordained Minister of Congregational Church. Retired from Ministry. Con- tractor. b. Windham, Me., April 15, 1856. s. Henry Robinson and Lydia Varney. m. (1) South Durham, Me., August 14, 1884, Alice May Coombs (d. June 26, 1910). c. Ervin Varney, 1903; Ruth Lois, 1893. m. (2) Mary Alice Moore (Wilder). Address, 657 Tularosa Drive, Los Angeles, Cal. 14 210 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1883 Rushmore, Townsend. Entered Sophomore Class 1879 and left at close of the year. Secretary, Athenaeum, President of Class. Entered business shortly after leaving college. Member of firm, Carlowitz & Co., of China and Japan, until 1919. One term, Member of Common Council of the City of Plainfield. Member, Chamber of Com- merce of State of New York; Down Town Association of New York ; various local organizations and clubs in Plainfield. Retired. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 27, 1861. s. Isaac W. Rushmore and Mary J. Quinby. m. December 3, 1890, Jean Bertram Murray, c. Murray Rushmore, 1891 ; Mary Rushmore, 1893. Address, 524 Stelle Avenue, Plainfield, N. J. Thomas, Henry M. (M.D., Univ. of Maryland, 1884; Hon. A.M., Johns Hopkins, 1902.) Entered 1878 and left at the close of the Freshman year. Won Freshman Prize Cricket Belt for Fielding, 1879. Mem- ber, Board of Managers, Haverford College. Pre-Medical Stu- dent at Johns Hopkins University, 1879-82 ; Medical Student, Uni- versity of Maryland, 1882-85. Post-graduate Student, Johns Hop- kins University, 1882- . Post-graduate, Heidelberg, Berlin and Vienna, 1886 and 1887. Neurologist. Clinical Professor of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University; Visiting Physician to Bay View Hospital, representing Johns Hopkins University, 1887-88. Physician-in-Chief to Neurological Dispensary, Johns Hopkins University Hospital; Neurologist to Johns Hopkins Hospital; Consulting Neurologist to Bay View Hospital, Union Protestant Infirmary and several other hospitals. Ex-President, Board of Trustees, Thomas Wilson Sanitarium for Children. Member, Haverford Society of Maryland ; American Neurological Associa- tion ; American Medical Association ; other medical societies ; Balti- more Country Club. b. Baltimore, Md., May 25, 1861. s. James Carey Thomas, M. D. (Class 1851, Manager, 1860-97) and Mary Whitall. m. Baltimore, Md., October 10, 1889, Josephine Carey, c. Henry M., Jr. ; Edward Trudeau. Address, 1228 Madison Avenue, Balti- more, Md. 1883 Baily, William Lloyd, SB. Entered Sophomore Class 1880. Secretary, Everett; President, Cricket Club. Won following prizes in cricket: First Prize for Bowling, 1883; First Prize for Fielding, 1883; First Prize for Highest Score (56), 1883. Perma- 1883] MATRICULATE CATALOG 211 nent Class Secretary. Student, Academy of Fine Arts, 1886. Studied Architecture in Europe, 1889. Professor of Architecture, University of Pennsylvania, 1889-90. Entered Profession of Architecture, 1891. Critic on Competitions at University of Penn- sylvania and Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Architect of firm, Baily & Bassett. Architect of Haverford College Infirmary, Chemical Building; Library Extensions and Stack Room, and Sharpless Hall, and of many other prominent buildings in Phila- delphia and elsewhere; residences, churches, hotels, schools, office buildings, banks, etc. Lecturer on Ornithology in schools, col- leges, etc., in eastern states. Founder of the Delaware Valley Ornithological Club (the largest and most active Bird Society in the United States) ; Red Cross and Liberty Loan Worker, 1917- 18 ; War Garden Committee, etc. Member, Merion Cricket Club ; American Institute of Architects; Pennsylvania State Association of Architects; T-Square Club of Philadelphia; Academy of Nat- ural Science; American Ornithological Union; Pennsylvania Audubon Society, Treasurer ; Member, Board of Managers, Whit- tier Centre (in interest of negroes). b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., December 26, 1861. s. Joshua Longstreth Baily and Theodate Lang. m. Wayne, Pa., April 27, 1893, Sarah S. Boyd. c. William L., Jr., 1895 ; Living- ston B., 1899; Sarah B., 1903. Address, 220 East Lancaster Ave- nue, Ardmore, Pa. Blanchard, John, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1886.) Entered 1879. President of Class. Law Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1884-86; Graduate Student at Law School, University of Penn- sylvania. Lawyer. b. Bellefonte, Pa., October 23, 1862. s. Evan Miles Blanchard and Eliza Thomas Harris. Address, Bellefonte, Pa. Briggs, Frank Elwood, A.B. Entered 1879. With West Shore Railroad, 1883-86. With New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, January 1, 1886, to date. Chief Clerk to the Auditor Freight Account. Auditor of Freight Accounts, New York Central Railroad Company. b. Winthrop, Me., July 18, 1858. s. Moses Briggs and Lavinia Winslow. m. New Yorlc, N. Y., December 7, 1892, Ella Loutrel. c. Lutrel W., 1893; Elizabeth L. (deceased), 1895. Address, 225 West Eighty-sixth Street, New York, N. Y. 212 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1883 Collins, Stephen Willets, S.B., 1883. (LL.B., Columbia Univer- sity, N. Y., 1885.) Entered 1879. Treasurer and President, Council, Athenaeum ; Manager, Haver- ford College, 1896-1919. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Mem- ber of Society of Friends ; Trustee, Treasurer and Attorney, New York Colored Mission; Trustee, Secretary and Attorney of Twenty-first Ward Mission and Industrial School Association. Member, Union League Club; Bar Association of City of New York ; Life Member, New York Historical Society. Canoe Brook Club; Civic Club of Summit; Director or Attorney for Imperial Investing Corporation; Prospect Investing Company; Purchase Holding Corporation ; Lenox Hill Corporation ; Lowerre Com- pany; W. S. Kitchell Company, Inc.; Purchase Property Owners' Association, b. Purchase, N. Y., October 12, 1862. s. Richard Smith Collins and Sarah Willets. m. Arietta Hope Prentice, New York City, November 15, 1911. c. Stephen Willets, Jr., 1913; Arietta Hope, 1917. Address, 40 Wall Street, New York City. Edwards, David William, S.B. Entered 1879. President of Class. First Scholar in Scientific Section of Class, for 4 years. General Agent for Indiana, of Provident Life & Trust Company of Philadelphia, Pa. Member of Chamber of Commerce. b. Henry County, Ind., June 17, 1857. s. David Edwards and Susanna Pennington, m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 24, 1885, Fannie Lytle. c. L. Murray (deceased), 1886; William L. (deceased), 1888 ; Edith A., 1890; Walter J., 1893 ; Carroll P., 1895. Address, 2054 North New Jersey Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Evans, George Henry, A.B. Entered 1879. Editor of The Haverfordian. Merchant and manufacturer, 1885-95. Secretary and Superintendent, Evans Linseed Oil Com- pany. Manager, Mica Roofing Company, Branch Plant. Now with Evans Milling Company, Indianapolis, Ind. President, In- dianapolis Board of Trade, 1915-16. Treasurer, Midwest Ele- vator Company; Member, City Council, 1 term; Member, Wood- stock Club (Social). Interested in transportation, railway and ocean. Traffic expert. b. Waynesville, O., October 15, 1863. s. William R. Evans and Margaret A. Hadley. m. Indianapolis, Ind., June 19, 1888, Edna 1883] MATRICULATE CATALOG 213 B. Pyle. c. William R. ; Mary M.; Edith A. Address, 5019 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Ind. ScuU, William Ellis, SB. Entered 1879. Publisher. Vice-President, John C. Winston Company of Phila- delphia. Editor, "Westminster Abbey and The Cathedrals of England," and "Concerning a Cathedral Proposed for the Diocese of Pennsylvania." Vestryman for 30 years of St. Asaph Church, Bala. Incorporator of Christ Church, Dark Harbor, Me. Pro- poser, incorporator and first Canon Registrar of the Cathedral Church of Christ of the Diocese of Pennsylvania. Member of the Austin Riggs Foundation. Member, "Charter Revision Com- mittee" of Philadelphia; Member, Philadelphia Club; Rittenhouse Club; Racquet Club; Radnor Hunt Club; Merion Cricket Club; Bryn Mawr Polo Club; Historical Society; Church Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 3, 1862. s. David Scull (Class of 1854) and Hannah EUicott Coale. m. February 16, 1887, Flor- ence Moore Prall. c. Margaret (Biddle). Address, Philadelphia Club, Philadelphia, Pa. tShoemaker, Samuel Bines, A.B., (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1886.) Entered 1878; absent part of Freshman year; re-entered 1879 Student, University of Pennsylvania, Medical Department. Resident Physician, Pennsylvania Hospital, 1886-87; Member of the County Medical Society; Physician, Out- Patient Department, Pennsylvania Hospital, 1890. Physician, Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 6, 1861. d. Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa., April 2, 1893. s. Benjamin Hallowell Shoemaker (Manager, 1880-1916) and Susan Brinton Trump, m. Baltimore Md., February 8, 1888, Mary Dawson Tyson. Spruance, John Spotswood, SB. Entered 1879. Civil Engineer, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 1884-86. Manu- facturer, Woolen and Worsted Goods, Kensington, Philadelphia, 1886-92; of Woolen Yarns, Camden, N. J., 1892-99; of Wool and Worsted Yarns, Philadelphia, 1899-1902. Cashier, Street Rail- way, Wilmington, Del, 1902-06. Operator of farms and real estate, 1906-20. Owner and operator of three farms. b. New Castle, Del., March 25, 1863. s. William Corbit Spru- ance and Mary Louisa Spotswood. m. Spring Lake, N. J., June 2, 1902, Sarah Keller Johnson, c. William Corbit, Jr., 1904; Emily Louisa, 1906; John Spotswood, Jr., 1913. Address, 2210 Gilpin Avenue, Wilmington, Del. 214 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1883 Stuart, Francis Bacon, A.B. Entered 1879. Cricket and Football Teams. School Teacher, Danville, III., "Friends' Academy" ; General Mercantile and Stock Raising, New Mexico ; established "Union Stock Yards," El Paso, Tex. ; Presi- dent and Manager, "Atlas Brick Company," El Paso, Tex. Justice of Peace ; Postmaster ; Chairman of "Board of Commissioners" in New Mexico. Community War Service. Member of Chamber of Commerce. Thirty-third degree Mason. b. Deep River, N. C, August 15, 1859. s. Amos Stuart and Matilda Hadley. Address, 400 Dallas Street, El Paso, Tex. fThomas, Bond Valentine, A.B. Entered 1879. First Scholar in Class. Vice-President, Loganian ; President of Class. Won Haines Prize Cricket Fielding Belt, 1881 ; Congdon Prize Cricket Ball, 1880. Alumni Orator, 1894. Student at Johns Hopkins University, 1883. Studied Law. Superintendent, Glass Works; General Manager of Gold Mining Company, 1899- (?). With Bedell & Co., New York City. b. Baltimore, Md., March 23, 1863. d. January 25, 1920. s. James Carey Thomas, M. D. (Class 1851; Manager, 1860-97), and Mary Whitall. m. (1) Concord, N. H., October 13, 1886, Edith Carpenter; (2) , 1901. c. Anne Carey Thomas. White, William Alpheus, SB. Entered 1879. "Spoon Man." Valedictorian. Teacher in public schools and in Guilford College. Farmer. Minister of Friends. Member, Farmers' Union; Permanent Board of North Carolina Yearly Meeting. b. Randolph County, N. C, March 26, 1852. s. John White and Jane Wilson, m. Snow Camp, N. C, Roxie Dixon, c. Hugh Dixon, 1887; Flora Wilson, 1889; Mary Mendenhall, 1891; Wil- liam Alpheus, Jr., 1893 ; John Gurney, 1897 ; Joseph Dixon, 1899. Address, Guilford College, N. C. Whitney, Charles Henry, S.B. Entered 1879. Cricket Team, 2 years; Football Team, 2 years. Clerk in Car Wheel Foundry, Mechanical Draughtsman, Baldwin Locomotive Works; A. Whitney & Sons, cashier and assistant to head of the business ; Samuel H. French & Co., clerk and salesman ; Best, Fox & Co., salesman and assistant in Philadelphia office; Member of firm of W. K. Mitchell & Co. ; Charles H. Whitney Company, 1883] MATRICULATE CATALOG 215 manufacturers' representative ; President and Treasurer, Whitney, MacDonald Company, manufacturers of high and low pressure piping systems. Member, Rotary Club; Keystone Automobile Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 11, 1861. s. John R. Whitney and Louisa Caldwell Butler, m. (1) Overbrook, Philadelphia, Pa., December 9, 1903, Mary Dorothy Bians. (2) Bryn Mawr, Pa., Mary Frances Smith. Address, Tioga and Memphis Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Whitney, Louis Butler, S.B. Entered 1879. Clerk at Baldwin Locomotive Works; at A. Whitney & Sons; at 12 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Manager, Alpha Port- land Cement Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 13, 1863. s. John R. Whitney and Louise Caldwell Butler, m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 30, 1889, Mary E. Head. Last address, 529 Pine Road, Sewickley, Pa. Worthington, Thomas Kimber, A.B. (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1888; LL.B., Univ. of Md., 1890.) Entered 1879. President, Everett Society; of the Loganian; and Editor of The Haverfordian. Alumni Orator, 1892. Vice-President, Alumni Association. Graduate Student at Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, 1883-88; University of Maryland Law School, 1888-90. Author, "Historical Sketch of Pennsylvania Finance and Taxa- tion." Lawyer; Editor, Baltmiore News; President, Maryland Title Insurance & Trust Company; real estate business. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 23, 1863. s. Dr. Joshua H. Worth- ington and Mary Morris Kimber. m. (1) May 24, 1887, Mary Grace Thomas; (2) Lancaster, Pa., April 4, 1899, Helen Baker Higbee. Address, Maryland Casualty Company, Liability Depart- ment, Baltimore, Md. Non-Graduates Gates, Edward Earle. (A.B., 1883; A.M., 1888, Colby Univ.) Entered Sophomore Class 1880 and left 1881. Teacher. Principal of High School in New York, 1884-93; Principal of High School, Los Angeles, Cal., 1893-97; President, Frederick College, Frederick, Md., 1897; Principal, High School, Parker, Ariz. Author of articles in "School Bulletin"; "Journal 216 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1883 of Education" ; "Inland Journal" (educational) ; "School Re- view"; "Education"; Author of "Genealogy of the Cate-Cates Family of New England." b. East Vassalboro, Me., September 12, 1860. s. Charles Bunker Gates, M. D., and Margaret Buffum Barker, m. August 18, 1886, Maggie Wightman. Address, 3830 Homer Street, Los Angeles, Cal. fCates, Horace Getchell. (A.B., 1883; A.M., 1885, Colby Univ.; M.D., Maine Hospital College, 1887.) Entered Sophomore Class 1880 and left 1881. Student at Colby University, 1879 and 1882-83; Physician and Surgeon to various railroads ; Assistant Surgeon to Southern Pa- cific Railroad Company; County Coroner, Los Angeles, Cal., 1892-94. b. East Vassalboro, Me., May 22, 1863. d. Los Angeles, Cal., March 27, 1911. s. Charles Bunker Cates, M. D., and Margaret Buffum Barker, m. June 15, 1895, Mary Bichnell. Dunn, Robert Rowe. Entered 1879 and left 1881. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 25, 1863. s. Charles R. Dunn and . No address. Frissell, Walker Irwin. Entered Sophomore Class 1880 and left at close of the year. Chemist at Wheeling Iron & Steel Works. b. Wheeling, W. Va., December 25, 1862. s. John Frissell, M. D., and Elizabeth Ann Thompson, m. Wellsburg, W. Va., June 8, 1894, Clara Beale. Address, 54 Fourteenth Street, Wheel- ing, W. Va. Osborne, William Elmore. Entered 1879 and left at close of Freshman year. Farmer and sheep raiser. b. Near Ashley, O., September 27, 1856. s. John Osborne and Minerva Oliver, m. August 22, 1882, Laura Levering. Last address, Stantontown, O. Price, William Farmer. Entered 1879 and left at close of Sophomore year. Student at Western Reserve College, Hudson, O., 1874-75. Sheep raising in Southwestern Virginia, 1881-83; farming in Chester Valley, Pa., 1883-89. Superintendent, New Brunswick City Railway Company, and Brunswick Traction Company, 1890- 98. Philatelist, 1899 to date. 1883] MATRICULATE CATALOG 217 b. Milwaukee, Wis., August 12, 1860. s. William Ballinger Price (Class 1856) and Ellen Farmer, m. Germantown, Pa., April 27, 1882, Eleanor French Richards, c. William T. Richards, 1885 ; Charles Matlack, 1887 ; Edith Ballinger, 1897. Address, 7 Arnold Avenue, Newport, R. I. Rhodes, Richard Somers Smith. Entered 1879 and left during the Junior year. Member, Glee Club ; Captain, Football Team ; First Cricket Eleven. Manufacturer of cotton and woolen goods, 1887-1902. Fire insurance business. Member, Delaware County Historical Society; Springhaven Golf Club, Wallingford, Pa. b. Crozerville, Pa., March 11, 1861. s. John B. Rhodes and Ann Warren, m. Chester, Pa., April 28, 1887, Fannie Wallace Price, c. William Warren, 1888. Address, care of William War- ren Rhodes, 1309 West Thirteenth Street, Wilmington, Del. f Smith, Stephen Decatur, Jr. Entered 1880 and left at close of the Freshman year. Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1879-80. Author of Poems, "Hallo, My Fancy !" in collaboration with Charles Henry Liiders, etc. Iron manufacturer. Associate Editor of Ladies' Home Journal. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 28, 1861. d. Philadelphia, Pa., December 17, 1909. s. Stephen Decatur Smith and Elizabeth Cuthbert. m. January 25, 1887, Florence Eustis. Starkey, Howard Abbott. Entered Sophomore Class 1880 and left at close of the year. In employ of the Elevator Companies, Duluth, Minn., 1881- 1922. President of Consolidated Elevator Company, Duluth, Minn., since 1915. b. Vassalboro, Me., February 1, 1860. s. John W^arren Starkey and Charity Carr. m. July 9, 1885, Jennie M. Fellows. Address, 2602 East Third Street, Duluth, Minn. Vail, Herbert Eli. (A.B., Hobart College, N. Y., 1883; A.M., 1886.) Entered Sophomore Class 1880; left December, 1880. Student, Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. Teacher. Observer, United States Weather Bureau Station, Mobile, Ala. Meteorolo- gist, United States Weather Bureau. Newspaper work, tutoring, teaching and government service since 1898. Member, Theta Delta Chi Fraternity. b. Waterloo, N. Y., November 21, 1858. s. Alfred Vail and Mary Jane Pound, m. Rochester, N. Y., June 6, 1900, Mary 218 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1884 Blanche Sperry. c. Elizabeth Mary, 1904. Address, Elsmere, Albany County, N. Y. Wetherell, John Mcllvane. Entered Sophomore Class 1880 and left at close of the year. Quarterback on Football Team. Lumber business, 1887-89. Chief Estimator for Nicola Building Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. Manager, Standard Lumber Company, Butler, Pa. ; Estimator in charge of construction, C. H. Mead, Boston, Mass. At present, General Contractor and Builder. Member, Rockport Social Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 10, 1864. s. John Macllvain Wetherell and Mary Smith, m. June 26, 1889, Nellie Choate. c. Mary Eleanor, 1890 ; Helen Choate, 1892. Address, 49 Broadway, Rock- port, Mass. fWilbur, Harry Lawrence. (A.B., Amherst, 1884.) Entered 1879 and left at close of the Sophomore year. Student at Amherst College, Mass., 188 -84. Chocolate manu- facturer. b. Kingston, Pa., December 10, 1863. d. Chicago, 111., Decem- ber 23, 1900. s. Henry O. Wilbur and Harriet Almira Lawrence, m. October 20, 1896, Clara Mattison Derby. 1884 Allen, John Henry, A.B., A.M., 1890. (Litt.D., Univ. of Denver, 1914.) Entered Sophomore Class 1881. Permanent Class President. First honors. Teacher since 1884. District School, Cayuga County, N. Y. ; Principal, Yates Academy, N. Y. ; Principal, Schools, Rockvale, Col. ; Superintendent, City Schools, Montrose, Colo. ; High School Principal in Cafion City, Colo.; 111/2 years, Superintendent of City Schools in Canon City, Colo. ; for 14 years, 1904-18, Superintendent, City Schools, Grand Junction, Colo. ; Buhl, Idaho, at present. Author of many articles on school work, school management, etc. A "4-minute" speaker during the war. Many times president of local or county teachers' associations ; President of Superintendents' and Principals' Round Table of the S. T. A. in Denver, Colo. ; Lecturer at Teachers' College, Greely, Colo.; Y. M. C. A. active worker; Member, Na- tional Education Association ; Idaho State Teachers' Association. Member of Chamber of Commerce, Buhl, Idaho ; Chairman, local Junior Red Cross, etc., etc. City School Superintendent. b. East Hamburg, N. Y., November 1, 1861. s. Franklin G. 1884] MATRICULATE CATALOG 219 Allen and Hannah Patience Thomas, m. Rockvale, Colo., March 14, 1888, Jennie Zelle Jones, c. Arthur Jones, 1891 ; Florence, 1894; Harold Franklin, 1896; Edward Jones, 1898; Winifred. 1901 ; Ruth, 1904. Address, Corner Eighth and Locust Streets, Buhl, Idaho. Bates, Orren William, A.B. (LL.B., Yale, 1891.) Entered Sophomore Class 1881. Student, Yale Law School, 1889-91. Member, "Book and Gavel" of Yale. Politician. Town Clerk of Sterling, Conn, 1896- 1920, 1922- . Member, Connecticut House of Representatives, 1897 and 1905. Town Clerk, Oneco, Conn. b. Coventry, R. L, August 17, 1862. s. Ambrose Hopkins Bates and Diana E. Kenyon. m. September 16, 1887, Julia Helena Seeley. Address, Oneco, Conn. Chase, Thomas Herbert, A.B. (A.B., Harvard Univ., 1885, A.M., 1902.) Entered 1880. Vice-President of Class, Freshman year; President of Class; Vice-President, Loganian; President, Everett. Member, First Cricket Eleven. Student at Harvard University, 1884-85 and 1902. Clerk. Teacher, Oakwood Academy, Union Springs, N. Y., 1898-1901. Private Tutor, Cambridge, Mass., 1902-10. Teacher, Waller High School, Chicago, 111., 1910- . b. Haverford, Pa., April 17, 1864. s. Thomas Chase and Alice Underbill Cromwell, m. Chicago, III, August 26, 1909, Elizabeth CliflFord. Address, 6558 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, 111. Haines, William Jones, A.B. Entered 1880. Secretary, Everett. Real estate. Office, Manly & Cooper Manu- facturing Company, 1884-85 ; Morris Wheeler & Co., Iron and Steel, 1886-87 ; Stephen, Jones & Co. ; Haines, Jones & Co. ; Wil- liam J. Haines & Co.; William J. Haines Company, Inc. (Iron and Steel Manufacturing) ; Penn Supply Company (Bicycle Sup- plies), 1887-97. Waterhouse, Forbes Company (J. S. Forbes, Water Sterilizers), 1898-99; Real Estate Department, Fidelity Trust Company, 1901-04; Registered Law Student (office Biddle & Ward), 1901; real estate, 1904. President, Penn Canadian Mines, Ltd., 1912 ; of Indian Peninsula Mining Company, Ltd., 1918 ; of St. Maurice Mines Company, Ltd., 1918. Member, Auto- mobile Club of Philadelphia, 1909; Honorary Agent, Women's S. P. C. A., 1886; Life Member, Franklin Institute, 1884. Cor- 220 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1884 poration, Philadelphia Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicine, 1895. b. Cheltenham, Montgomery County, Pa., October 14, 1865. s. Robert B. Haines (Qass 1844) and Margaret Vaux Wistar. m. Philadelphia, Pa., May 26, 1903, Katharine W. Cheston. c. Murray Cheston, 1904; Ellen Randall, 1906; Katharine Wirt, Jr., 1908; William Jones, Jr., 1910. Address, 124 Chestnut Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Pa. tHall, Arthur Diilwyn, A.B., (A.M., 1895, Univ. of Minn.) Entered Sophomore Class 1881. Won Athenseum Prize for Essay. Librarian, Athenseum ; Editor of The Gem. Student, University of Minnesota, 1894-95. Teacher. Windham, Me., rural school ; Beverly, Mass., High School, Assist- ant Principal ; Goshen, Conn., High School, Principal ; Bethel, Me., Academy, Principal; Fargo, N. D., Fargo College, Dean; Minneap- olis, Minn., Minneapolis Academy, Instructor ; Minneapolis Classi- cal School, Principal; Anamoose, N. D., High School, Principal; Van Hook, N. D., High School, Principal; Three Forks, Mont., Consolidated Schools, Superintendent. Member, Royal Arcanum; Masons. b. Providence, R. I., July 22, 1861. d. Three Forks, Mont., November 13, 1919. s. John Hacker Hall and Anna Frye Hoag. m. Minneapolis, Minn., Jennie M. Briggs. c. Raymond A., 1903 ; Alice E., 1904; Rufus H., 1908; Philip A., 1911; Lawrence E., 1915. Hill, Louis Taber, SB. Entered 1880. Teacher and School Superintendent until 1909. Five years as rancher in New Mexico. West Branch, Iowa, 1914, newspaper work. b. Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, November 11, 1860. s. Joseph Hill and Deborah Patterson, m. West Branch, Iowa, June 27, 1893, Rachel W. Vore. Last address, West Branch, Iowa. t Jacob, Charles Richard, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1881. President, Athenaeum ; Secretary, Loganian ; Editor, The Haverfordian; President of Class in Senior year; "Spoon Man"; won Alumni Oratorical Prize ; Member, Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher. Teacher, Drury College, Mo., 1888-90. Teacher, French and Ger- man, at Moses Brown School, Providence, R. I., 1890-1915. In- terested in holding Yearly Meeting. b. South China, Me., July 11, 1863. d. Providence, R. I., April 1884] MATRICULATE CATALOG 221 3, 1916. s. William Jacob and Sibyl Narcissa Jones, m. Union Springs, N. Y., July 14, 1892, Hattie Elizabeth Jones. Moore, Walter Linton, S.B. Entered Junior Class 1882. Teacher, Friends' Academy, Moorestown, N. J., 1884-92. En- tered business with Abbott's Alderney Dairies, when incorporated ; became Secretary, Abbott's Alderney Dairies, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. b. Near Kennett Square, Chester County, Pa., October 27, 1858. s. Kirkwood Moore and Esther Linton, m. West Grove, Pa., April 13, 1887, Gulielma Harvey, c. Helen M. Brinton, 1888; Thomas Harvey, 1896. Address, Drexel Hill, Pa., and 3034 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, Alfred Percival, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1885; LL.B., U. of P., 1888.) Entered 1880 (from Germantown Academy). Won Everett Society Prize for Declamation. Class Secretary ; Editor of The Bud; Founded Freshman-Sophomore Contest in Public Speaking; donated Everett Society Medal; and later. Trophy; donor, The Haverford Union. Student 2 years at Har- vard ; and at Law School, University of Pennsylvania. Life Mem- ber, American Academy of Political and Social Science; Harvard and Haverford Unions ; Boston Harvard Club ; Law Academy of Philadelphia ; Law Association of Philadelphia ; American Bar As- sociation; Charter Member of Pennsylvania Bar Association; Elder in Overbrook Presbyterian Church; Life Member, German Society ; Pioneer Verein of Philadelphia ; Pennsylvania German Society, its Executive Committee; Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania; Presbyterian Historical Society, its Executive Council, and Curator of its Museum these many years ; Societe de I'Histoire du Protestantisme Frangaise; Colonial Society of Pennsylvania; Netherlands Society of Philadelphia; Swedish Colonial Society of Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Genealogical Society; New Eng- land Historic Genealogical Society ; Society for the Preservation of N. E. Antiquities; Life Member and Fellow of Society of London Genealogists ; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts ; Life Member and Past Master of Colonial Lodge No. 631, F. & A. M. ; Life Member, Scottish Rite Bodies ; The Union League of Phila- delphia ; The City Club of Philadelphia ; Guild of Book Workers ; The Grolier Club. Lawyer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 11, 1863. s. Alfred Smith and Cor- nelia Stanley Allen, m. February 4, 1890, Elizabeth Wandell 222 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1884 David. Address, Rooms 704-05, Northeast Corner Broad and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. ; 6391 Overbrook Avenue, Overbrook, Philadelphia, Pa. ; and Summer Residence, "Juniper Lodge," Israel's Head, Ogunquit, Me. Vaux, George, Jr., (IX), S.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1888.) Entered Sophomore Class 1881. President, Council, Everett Society ; Vice-President of same. Manager, Haverford College, 1891 to date. Student at Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Attorney-at-Law. Shoe manufacturer. Author, two chapters in History of Haverford Col- lege. Scientific Reports on Investigations of Glaciers of British Columbia, etc. Member, Board of Inspectors, Eastern Penitentiary, Philadelphia, over 7 years. Member, United States Board of Indian Commissions (appointed by President Roosevelt) since 1906; Chairman, 1913 to date. Member, American Philosophical Society; Fellow, A. A. A. S.; Founder, American Alpine Club; Treasurer, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; Man- ager, Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, Philadelphia; Clerk, Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting of Friends; Associate, Legal Advisory Committee to Local Draft Board, 1918. Mem- ber, University Club, Philadelphia; National Educational Associa- tion; National Conference of Social Work; Horticultural Society Philadelphia, Pa. ; Franklin Institute ; Geographical Society, Phila- delphia; Appalachian Mountain Club, Boston; Alpine Club oi Canada; Archaeological Institute of America, etc., etc. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 18, 1863. s. George Vaux, VIII, and Sarah H. Morris, m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 2, 1907, Mary W. James, c. George Vaux, X, 1908; Henry James Vaux, 1912. Address, Gulph Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa., and 1606 Morris Building, Philadelphia, Pa. White, Francis Albertson, L.B. Entered 1880. Secretary and President of Everett Society. Manager of Havei ford College, 1895 to date. Clerk. Manager of estates. Capitalist. Director in Provident Savings Bank, Baltimore, Md. ; from 1902- 21, President, Young Men's Christian Association, Baltimore, Md. Member, Merchants' Club and Maryland Club. b. Maryland, December 4, 1860. s. Francis White (Class 1834) and Jane E. Janney. m. Baltimore County, Md., June, 1887 Sarah P. EUicott. Address, 607 Keyser Building, Baltimore, Md 1884] matriculate catalog 223 Non-Graduates tButler, Frederick C. Entered 1880 and left at close of Freshman year. Publisher. Member of firm, Butler & Smythe, paper manu- facturers and dealers, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., . d. . s. Edgar H. Butler and Clothier, John Birely. Entered 1880 and left 1881. Student at University of Pennsylvania for 2 years. Real estate. Brokerage, since 1886. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 23, 1862. s. Conrad F. Clothier and Mary Victoria Birely. m. October 6, 1896, Emma Virginia Dabbs. c. Elizabeth King, 1890; John Birely, Jr., 1901. Address, 60 North Windemere Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa. fCraig, Andrew Catherwood, Jr. Entered 1878 and left at close of Junior year, 1883. Law Student. Travel. Hunter of big game. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 20, 1863. d. Philadelphia, Pa., January 18, 1917. s. Joseph C. Craig and Emma G. Leibert. m. June 1, 1898, Adaline J. Crilly. Ellicott, William Miller, Jr. Entered 1880 and left at close of Sophomore year. Special Course in Architecture at University of Pennsylvania. Studied, Atelier Pascal (Architecture), 1887-88. Practiced, Port- land, Ore., 5 years, and afterward in Baltimore, Md. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 8, 1863. s. William Miller Ellicott, Jr., and Nancy Morris Ellis, m. (1) Baltimore, Md., March 3, 1900, Elizabeth Taber King; (2) December 29, 1917, Mrs. Anna Campbell McFee, nee Anna Goldthwaite Campbell, of Washing- ton, D. C. Address, 714 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md. fEstes, Joseph Stanley. Entered 1880 and left at close of Sophomore year. Lawyer. b. Vassalboro, Me., May 13, 1861. d. . s. Jonathan Estes and Julia Ann Wadsworth. fFerris, David Sands. Entered 1880 and left at close of Sophomore year. Student at Harvard, 1882-83. Sugar planter and refiner. b. New York City, August 13, 1863. d. New York City, Au- 224 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1884 gust 20, 1915. s. Lindley Murray Ferris (Class 1856) and Martha Sands, m. Eloise Polk. fGummere, William Henry. Entered 1880; absent during the Junior year with the Cambria Iron Company ; returned at beginning of Senior year and took special course, receiving certificate of proficiency in Mathematics. One year in National Bank of Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, Pa. ; for several years connected with various estates, trusts, etc. ; Acting Treasurer, Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Pa., June, 1894. General Baggage Agent, Lehigh Valley Railroad. Author, "Land o' Cakes" ; "Claims Legitimate and Otherwise" ; "Rev. John Jasper, Philosopher," etc. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., May 3, 1864. d. Burlington, N. J., July 22, 1901. s. William Gummere (Class 1836, and In- structor, 1834-38) and Martha Moore Morris. Jones, Samuel Rufus. Entered 1880 and left at close of Sophomore year. President of Class. Assistant Secretary, Mutual Home and Savings Association, of Dayton, Ohio; Assistant Manager of same; General Manager of same to date. b. West Milton, Ohio, November 12, 1859. s. Samuel Jones and Anna Jay. m. Erie, Pa., June 5, 1888, Mary Adele Yost, c. Rufus B., 1896; Robert Howard, 1899; Alfred William, 1902. Address, 931 Grand Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. Ladd, Isaac Gilford. Entered Sophomore Class 1881 and left 1882, Broker. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., April 6, 1864. s. Thomas Wood Ladd (Class 1854) and Hannah Peckham Gififord. Address, Waldorf- Astoria, New York City. List, John Kilbourne. Entered 1880 and left at close of Junior year. Assistant Cashier, City Bank of Wheeling, W. Va. Member, City Council of Wheeling. b. Wheeling, W. Va., June 26, 1861. s. Henry K. List and Sarah J. Shaw. m. April 20, 1884, Harriet Glass. Address, Winter Park, Fla. Peet, William Fellows. Entered 1880 and left at close of the Freshman year. b. Philadelphia, Pa. (?), April 16, 1864. s. E. W. Peet and . Last address, 110 Virginia Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. 1885] MATRICULATE CATALOG 225 Tyson, James Wood, Jr. Entered 1879 and left 1881. Copper mining and smelting, 20 years. Mine Manager; Man- ager of Steel Rolling Mill ; Receiver for Steel Company. Author, a few political articles. Legislative representative. Member, Board of School Directors for residential township; Trustee for Memorial Fund. Member, American Institute of Mining Engi- neers. Farmer. b. Baltimore, Md., December 20, 1861. s. James Wood (Class 1845) and Elizabeth Dawson, m. New York City, October 25, 1887, Esther S. Buchanan, c. Buchanan, 1888; Elizabeth Daw- son, 1894; Richard , 1896; James Wood, IV, 1898; Rosa Buchanan, 1900; Mordica Dawson, 1901. Address, South Straf- ford, Vt. Yarnall, Charlton. Entered 1880 ; left 1882, at close of Sophomore year. Merchant. Junior Member of firm, Ellis Yarnall & Son. 1911, Editor of Correspondence of "Forty Years of Friendship." Vice- Chairman, Department of "Medical Sanitation and Hospitals" of Committee of Public Safety (later called Pennsylvania Council of National Defense). Director, Franklin National Bank; Com- mercial Trust Company ; Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Cor- poration; Hale & Kilburn Corporation; Central Realty Company, etc. ; Vice-President and Chairman, Executive Committee, Bryn Mawr Hospital. Trustee, Estate of Alexander B. Coxe; Trustee, Church Pension Fund, etc. Member, Philadelphia Club; Ritten- house Club; Franklin Inn; Radnor Hunt; Racquet Club; Merion Cricket Club; Rabbit; New York Yacht Club, etc., etc. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., August 1, 1864. s. Ellis Yar- nall and Margaret Anne Harrison, m. Philadelphia, Pa., May 23, 1889, Anna Brinton Coxe. c. Alexander Coxe, 1890; Margaret Yarnall Newbold, 1892; Anna Sophia, 1902; Agnes, 1904. Ad- dress, Franklin Bank Building, Philadelphia, Pa. 1885 Baily, Charles Winter, SB. Entered 1881. Business Manager, The Haverfordian; Treasurer, Carpenter Shop Association; Treasurer, Football Association; President of Class, etc. Dry goods commission merchant, firm, Joshua L. Baily & Co. Member, Rittenhouse Club, Philadelphia, Pa.; Racquet Club, Philadelphia, Pa. 15 226 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1885 b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 1, 1866. s. Joshua L. Baily and Theodate Lang. m. Haverford, Pa., April 23, 1892, Lydia Hunn Wood. c. Mary Wood; Charles Frederick. Address, Strafford, Chester County, Pa. Bettle, Samuel, A.B. Entered 1881. Won the following Cricket Prizes: "Improvement Bat," Fresh- man year; "Fielding Belt," Second Eleven Prize Ball; "First Eleven Bat," 2 years. General Freight Agent in the International Navigation Company. Contractor, New York City. b. Oaklyn, N. J., October 15, 1884. s. William Bettle and Mary Sharpless. m. Haverford, Pa., June 20, 1889, Helen Biddle Gris- com. Address, 17 West Forty-second Street, and 101 East Sev- enty-second Street, New York City. Blair, John Jay, S.B. Entered 1881. Studied 2 years, Guilford College, 1879-81. Halfback, Class Football Team; President of Class; Cricket and Football Teams; Editor, The Havcrfordhn; The Gem; Member, Everett Society. Principal, High Point High School, 1885 ; Teacher, Winston- Salem, N. C, 1888-99. Superintendent, City Schools, Wilmington, N. C, 1899-1920. President, North Carolina Teachers' Associa- tion, 1893. President, Association City Superintendents, 1895 ; Instructor, Drawing and Architecture, University of Virginia, 1907-14. President, Tree and Park Commission, Wilmington, N. C. ; Chairman, Civic Committee, Chamber of Commerce ; Mem- l>er of State Building Commission; Member, State Board Trus- tees, Stonewall Jackson Training School (State Reformatory). Instructor, Drawing, University of North Carolina Summer School, 1915-20. Lectures and papers on Astronomy and on Birds of North Carolina. President, Springfield Memorial Asso- ciation. Member, Cape Fear Club ; President of same, 1900 ; Cap- tain of Golf Team, 1901-08. Chairman, Boy Scout Commission, and Court of Honor, 1917-20. Superintendent, City Schools, Wilmington, N. C. b. High Point, N. C, September 15, 1860. s. Solomon I. Blair and Abagail Prudence Hunt. Address, Director of School House Planning, Office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Raleigh, N. C. fDoan, Enos L., A.B. Entered 1881. Won Athenaeum Debating Prize, 1882. President, Class, 1881- 1885] MATRICULATE CATALOG 227 82, 1882-83; Editor, The Haverfordian, 1882; Editor-in-Chief, 1884; President, Athenaeum, 1884; Librarian, Loganian, 1883; President, Council, 1884. Student at University of Bonn, Ger- many, 2 semesters, 1889-90. Teacher, Friends' School, Wil- mington, Del., 1885-89. Associate Principal of Friends' School, Wilmington, Del., 1891-95 ; Teacher of French, High School, Den- ver, Colo., 1897 ; Teacher, Friends' School, Wilmington, Del, 1897- 98; Principal, Friends' School, Wilmington, Del., 1898-99; Li- brarian, Wilmington Institute Free Library, Wilmington, Del., 1899-1900. b. Valley Mills, Ind., May 14, 1860. d. Wilmington, Del., De- cember 18, 1900. s. Amos Doan and Martha Furnas, m. June, 1891, Mary Louisa Clark. Ferris, William Taber, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1882. Assistant manager and later manager, New York Branch, Provi- dent Life & Trust Company of Philadelphia. b. Chappaqua, N. Y., July 16, 1866. s. Robert Murray Ferris and Mary Anna Taber. m. Wilmslow^, England, June 1, 1905, Sophie Neave. c. Philip Livingston, 1909; Francesca, 1912; Wil- liam T., Jr., 1913. Address, 149 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and Dobbs Ferry, West Chester County, N. Y. Hiiles, William Samuel, A.B. Entered 1881. Alumni Prize Orator, 1885. Student of Law. Lawyer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 5, 1865. s. John Smith Hiiles and Sarah Cooper Tatum. m. Wilmington, Del., Florence Bayard, c. Katherine Lee Bayard. Address, New Castle Hundred, Del. Hussey, William Timothy, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1882. Secretary, Athenaeum; President, Y. M. C. A. Business Man- ager of The Haverfordian. Manufacturer of agricultural imple- ments. Retired (?). b. North Berwick, Me., June 10, 1863. s. Timothy Buffum Hussey and Anna Mekeel. m. Plainfield, N. J., June 8, 1892, Florence J. Rushmore. c. Anna Rushmore, 1899. Address, North Berwick, Me. Jones, Arthur Winslow, A.B., A.M., 1890. Entered Sophomore Class 1882. Graduate Student in Greek, 1889-90. Graduate Student, Uni- versity of Chicago, Greek and Latin, 1894-95. Teacher in Friends' University, Wichita, Kans. 228 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1885 b. South China, Me., November 30, 1864. s. William A. Jones and Ann Runnels, m. Windham Center, Me., June 22, 1891, Lenora Louise Hawkes. c. Ruth Murray, 1892; Marietta, 1894; Leroy Michener, 1899 (d. 1914). Address, 2016 Maple Avenue, Wichita, Kans. Jones, Rufus Matthew, A.B., A.M., 1886. (Litt.D., Penn College, 1898; D.D., Harvard, 1920; LL.D., Swarthmore, Haver- ford, 1922.) Entered Sophomore Class 1882. President of Class in Senior year. Editor-in-Chief and Busi- ness Manager of The Haverfordian. President, Y. M. C. A.; President, Athenaeum. "Spoon Man." Alumni Orator. Member, Phi Beta Kappa. Student, Heidelberg University, 1887; Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, 1894-96; Harvard, 1900-01 (A. M.) ; Ox- ford University, 1908; Philosophy, at Marburg University, 1911; Hon. Degree Litt.D. from Penn College, 1898. Instructor, then Professor of Philosophy in Haverford College, 1893 to date. Recorded Minister in Society of Friends, 1890. Teacher at Union Springs, N. Y. ; 1885-86; Moses Brown School, 1887-89; Prin- cipal, Oak Grove Seminary, 1889-93; Professor at Haverford since 1893. Chairman of American Friends' Service Committee, 1917 to date. Editor, Friends' Revini>, 1893-94; American Friend, 1894-1912; Present Day Papers, 1913-15. Author: Life of Eli and Sybil Jones; A Dynamic Faith; Practical Christianity ; An Autobiography of George Fox ; Social Laiv in the Spiritual World; A Double Search; Studies in Mystical Religion; Quakers in the American Colonies; The Children of the Light; Selections from Clement of Alexandria; Spiritual Reformers in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries; Hebrew Heroes; The Inner Life; A Boy's Religion; St. Paul the Hero; The World Within; The Story of George Fox; The Remriiant; A Service of Love in War Tim^e; The Abundant Life; Quakerism, A Religion of Life; The Later Periods of Quakerism. Member, American Philosophical Asso- ciation, The Theological Club; Founders Club (Haverford). b. South China, Me., January 25, 1863. s. Edwin Jones and Mary Hoxie. m. (1) Ardonia, N. Y., 1888, Sarah H. Coutant; (2) Elizabeth Bartram Cadbury. c. (1) Lowell Coutant, 1892 (d. 1903). c. (2) Mary Hoxie, 1904. Address, Haverford, Pa. Markley, Joseph Lybrand, A.B.. A.M., 1886. (S.B., State Nor- mal School, West Chester, Pa., 1883; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1887; Ph.D., 1889.) Entered Junior Class 1883. Graduate Student in Mathematics, 1885-86; Assistant, Astro- 1885] MATRICULATE CATALOG 229 nomical Observatory, 1885-86; Graduate Student at Harvard Uni- versity, 1886-89. Holder of Morgan Fellowship, Harvard Uni- versity, 1887-89; Instructor in Mathematics, Harvard University, 1889-90; Instructor in Mathematics, University of Michigan, 1890-96 ; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of Mich- igan, 1896-1904; Junior Professor, 1904-07; Professor of Mathe- matics, University of Michigan, 1907 to date. Member, Univer- sity Club, Ann Arbor, Mich. ; American Mathematical Society ; Mathematical Association of America; Phi Beta Kappa at Haver- ford and at University of Michigan. b. East Nantmeal, Chester County, Pa., October 6, 1859. s. Napoleon Bonaparte Markley and Ellen Ann Liggett, m. Engle- wood, N. J., July 6, 1893, Mary Elizabeth Butler. Address, 1816 Geddes Avenue, Ann Arbor, Mich. Morris, Marriott Canby, A.B. Entered 1881. Treasurer of Class ; Treasurer of Cricket Club ; Treasurer, Foot- ball Association; Registrar of Everett Society; Editor, The Bud; Treasurer, Everett Society. Executor and trustee for estates. Member of Board of Managers, Provident Life & Trust Com- pany ; Member of Board of Managers of Saving Fund Society of Germantovi^n and vicinity. Member, Photographic Society of Philadelphia. Treasurer of Germantown Boys' Club, Inc., and Member of its Board of Managers. h. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., September 7, 1863. s. Ellis- ton P. Morris (Class 1848; Manager, 1884-91; Secretary of the Corporation, 1886-91) and Martha Canby. m. Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa., June 8, 1897, Jane G. Rhoads. c. Elliston P., 1899; Marriott C, Jr., 1900; Janet, 1907. Address, 131 West Walnut Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Murray, Augustus Taber, A.B. (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1890.) Entered 1882. Member, Everett; Vice-President, Loganian; Awarded Alumni Prize for Oratory, 1884; Latin Salutatorian, 1882; College Foot- ball Team (2 years) ; StafT of Haverfordian; Phi Beta Kappa, 1898. Student, Johns Hopkins University, 1885-88 ; University of Leipzig, and Berlin, 1890-91 ; Professor of Greek, Earlham College, 1888-90; at Colorado College, 1891-92; at Leland Stan- ford Junior University, 1892 to date. Published: TJie Antigone of Sophocles (translated) in conjunction with H. R. Fairclough ; College Greek Prose Composition; Xenophon's Anabasis , with 230 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1885 notes and vocabulary; Homer, the Odyssey (translated), 2 vol- umes; also numerous articles in philological magazines. War Service, Food Administrator for Northern Unit of Santa Clara County, Cal. Member, American Philological Association; San Francisco Society of the Archaeological Institute of America; American Association of University Professors ; President, Col- lege Park Association of Friends ; Minister of New England Yearly Meeting. Professor of Greek in Leland Stanford Junior University. b. New York City, October 29, 1866. s. Robert Lindley Mur- ray (Class 1842; Manager, 1855-58) and Ruth Shearman Taber. m. New Bedford, Mass., September 2, 1891, Nella Rowland Gifford. c. Robert Lindley, 1892; Frederic Seymour, 1894; Francis King, 1895; Minerva, 1898; Lydia, 1905. Address, 1019 Bryant Street, Palo Alto, Cal. Newlin, Thomas, S.B., A.M., 1892. (Ph.M., Univ. Chicago, 1905; LL.D., Whittier Col., 1915; D.D., Univ. of So. Cahf., 1915.) Entered 1884. Granted Degree upon Special Examinations and ranked with Class of 1885. Professor of Zoology and Botany, and in charge of the Discipline, Haverford College, 1884-86. Principal, Spice- land, Ind., Academy, 1886-91 ; President, Pacific College, New- berg, Ore., 1891-1900; Vice-President, Wilmington College, Ohio, 1900-02 ; Dean, Guilford College, N. C, 1902-07 ; President, Whit- tier College, 1907-15; President, Guilford College, 1915-17; Army Y. M. C. A., Camp Jackson, S. C. ; Park Field, Tenn. ; Paris Island, S. C. ; Ordained Minister in Society of Friends, 1892. President, Board of Trade, Whittier, Cal, 1908-13. Real estate and insurance agent. Loans and securities. Head of Department of Philosophy in Fullerton Junior College, Fullerton, Cal., 1920- . b. New London, Ind., December 28, 1855. s. John Newlin and Elizabeth King. m. Spiceland, Ind., July 10, 1884, Olive Wilson. Address, 201 North Washington Avenue, Whittier, Cal. Reeve, Augustus Henry, A.B. Entered 1881. Loganian Society. Read law during Senior year and for six months afterward. Entered business of father, manufacturer of oil cloths and linoleums, until 1901. 1901, insurance broker; Superintendent of Agencies of the Employers' Indemnity of Phila- delphia, in 1903. Manager of Travelers' Insurance Company, 1904 to date. During war served as member of the Philadelphia Home Defense Reserve. Member, Philadelphia Cricket Club, 1885] MATRICULATE CATALOG 231 Chestnut Hill; The Fire Insurance Society of Philadelphia; The Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania ; The Down Town Club. b. Alloway, N. J., November 11, 1865. s. Richard H. Reeve and Sarah W. Carpenter, m. Washington, D. C, Margaretta Willis Baldwin, c. Katharine, 1892; Augustus Henry, Jr., 1895; Richard H., 2d, 1904. Address, 417 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Reeve, William Foster, A.B. Entered 1881. Vice-President, Everett; Member, Cricket Eleven; Football Eleven and Baseball Nine; won Freshman Fielding Belt and two or three Prize Bats; held record for best batting up to 1885. Manufacturer of brick, sewer pipe and fire brick. b. Safe Flarbor, Pa., October 18, 1865. s. Augustus Reeve and Rebecca Cooper Wood. m. October 22, 1890, Mary Joy Guy. Address, Moorestown, N. J. Richards, Theodore William, S.B., LL.D., 1908. (A.B., Harvard, 1886; A.M. and Ph.D., Harvard, 1888; Sc.D., Yale, 1905 Chem.D., Clark, 1909; Ph.D., Prague, 1909; Sc.D., Harvard, 1910; M.D., Berlin, 1910; D.Sc, Cambridge, 1911; D.Sc, Oxford, 1911; D.Sc, Manchester, 1911; Ph.D., Christiania, 1911; LL.D., Pittsburgh, 1915; LL.D., Pennsylvania, 1920. Entered Sophomore Class, 1882. Secretary of Everett Society; Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1899; Studied at Harvard, 1885-88; Gottingen, 1888-89; Dresden, 1889; Leipzig, 1895; Highest Plonors in Chemistry at Harvard ; Morgan Fellow in Graduate Department, Harvard, 1886-88; Parker Fellow, 1888-89; Assist- ant in Quantitative Analysis, Harvard, 1889-91 ; Instructor in Chemistry, Harvard, 1891-94; Assistant Professor in Chemistry, Harvard, 1894-1901; Professor of Chemistry, Harvard, 1901-12; Visiting Professor to University of Berlin, 1907 ; Erving Pro- fessor of Chemistry, Harvard, 1912- ; Director, Wolcott Gibbs Memorial Laboratory, Harvard, 1912- ; Member, International Committee on Atomic Weights, 1899-1902; Advisor, Carnegie In- stitution of Washington, 1901-02 ; Associate, Carnegie Institution, 1902- ; Member, National Research Council, 1916-19; Consult- ing Chemist, Bureau of Mines, War Department, 1918; Author of 250 papers on Chemical and Physical Subjects, and 2 books, "The Scientific Work of Morris Loeb," and "Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber Atomgewichte" ; Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences (President, 1919-21) ; Member, National Academy of Sciences of Washington; Honorary Mem- ber, Royal Institution of Great Britain ; Foreign Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; Foreign and Honorary Member, 232 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1885 Chemical Society of London; Corresponding Member, Prussian Academy of Sciences ; Corresponding Member, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences ; Honorary Member, Harvey Society ; Mem- ber, American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia; Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (President, 1917) ; Member, American Electrochemical Society ; Member, American Chemical Society (President, 1914) ; Corresponding Member, Royal Bologna Academy of Science ; Honorary Member, Royal Irish Academy; Honorary Member, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; Foreign Member, Academia dei Lincei (Italy); Foreign Member, Royal Society, London ; Foreign Member, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences ; Honorary Member, Chemists' Club, New York City; Davy Medal of Royal Society (London), 1910; Faraday Medal of Chemical Society (London), 1911; Willard Gibbs Medal of American Chemical Society (Chicago Section), 1912; Nobel Prize for Chemistry of 1914 (Stockholm) ; Franklin Medal (Philadelphia), 1916. b. Germantown, Pa., January 31, 1868. s. William T, Richards and Anna Matlack. m. May 28, 1896, Miriam Stuart Thayer. c. Grace Thayer, 1898; William Theodore, 1900; Greenough Thayer, 1905. Address, 15 Follen Street, Cambridge, Mass. Sutton, Isaac, A.B., A.M., 1891. (A.B., Trinity, N.C., 1882 ; A.M., 1886.) Entered Sophomore Class 1878 and left during the Senior year, re-entering Senior Class 1884. Baseball Team, 3 years; Manager, Carpenter Shop; Athenaeum (Secretary), and Loganian. Teaching in North Carolina, 1882-84; Haverford Grammar School, 1885-94; Oakwood Seminary, 1894- 95. Manager, Fiske Teachers' Agency, 1895-1900. Mining, 1895 to date. Mine Examiner. Member, Y. M. C. A. ; Member, Colo- rado Metal Mining Association. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., February 20, 1857. s. Aaron Sutton and Mary Heaton Gough. m. (1) 1880, Lizzie Maria Dalton; (2) 1888, Harriet Kennedy Chase, c. Oliver G. (deceased), 1889; Elizabeth (Brown), 1892; James E., 1898; Richard M., 1900. Address, 1547 Clarkson Street, Denver, Colo. White, Elias Henley, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1891.) Entered 1881. Studied, Earlham College, Ind., 1880-81. Prefect at Girard College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1885-95. Student at Law School, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1888-91. Lawyer. b. Raysville, Ind., June 21, 1861. s. James White and Jemima 1885] MATRICULATE CATALOG 233 D. Henley, m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 7, 1908, Clara B. Patterson. Address, Box 190, West Palm Beach, Fla. Wickersham, William Frederic, A.B., A.M., 1891. Entered Junior Class 1883. Assistant Librarian, Haver ford College, 1883-85. Teacher, 1885-92, Westtown Boarding School, Westtown, Pa. ; 1892-96, at Friends' Select School, Philadelphia, Pa. ; 1896-1912, Principal of Westtown Boarding School, Westtown, Pa. Retired. b. Avondale, Chester County, Pa., October 31, 1864. s. Benja- min Franklin Wickersham and Mary Ann Pyle. m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 26, 1906, Winona B. Crew. c. Wilfred Hargrave, 1908. Address, 324 South Marshall Street, Kennett Square, Pa. t Wilson, Matthew Terrell, SB. Entered 1881. Teacher. b. Dublin, Ind., January 29, 1863. d. Richmond, Ind., April 5, 1891. s. Timothy Wilson and EHzabeth Ann Terrell, m. June 22, 1887, Isadore Hall. Non-Graduates Brick, Joseph Coles. (M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Phila., Pa., 1894.) Entered 1881 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1883. First Prize in Elocution. Business pursuits until 1891. 1891- 94, Student of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa. Physician and Surgeon. President, Jefferson Alumni Asso- ciation, 1919. President, City Council, Ventnor, N. J., 2 years, ending 1919. Assistant Surgeon, 2d Regiment, Pennsylvania Na- tional Guard, 4 years. Author of medical articles on Proctology, published in medical journals. Inventor of surgical instruments for use in Proctology. Member, American Medical Association; Philadelphia County Medical Society; American Proctologic So- ciety; Philadelphia Medical Club. b. Crosswicks, N. J., October 10, 1861. s. William French Brick and Anna Coles, m. Birdsboro, Pa., October 1, 1905, Laura Clingan. c. Mary; Clementine; Ann. Address, 1327 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa., and 5800 Ventnor Avenue, Ventnor, N.J. fBrooke, Benjamin. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1889.) Entered September, 1881, and left near the close of the Fresh- man year. 234 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1885 Student at University of California, 1884-86; University of Pennsylvania Medical School, 1886-89. Resident Physician, Phila- delphia Hospital, 1890-91. First Lieutenant and Assistant Sur- geon, United States Army, 1891. Captain. b. Radnor, Delaware County, Pa., October 17, 1866. d. . s. Major John Brooke, Surgeon, United States Army, and Esther Willing. Buffum, Edward. Entered Sophomore Class. February, 1883, and left during the year. b. Newport, R. I., August 19, 1861. s. Thomas B. Buffum and Lydia Potter, m. Elizabeth Griffith. Last address, care of Indian Motocycle Company, Toronto, Canada. fCoUins, Benjamin. Entered 1881 and left at end of the Freshman year. Farmer. b. Purchase, N. Y., November 14, 1864. d. Purchase, N. Y., February 18, 1919. s. Richard ColHns and Sarah Willets. m, November 12, 1890, Esther Carpenter. Harding, George Franklin. (M.D., Harvard Univ., 1889.) Entered Sophomore Class, February, 1883, and left at end of the year. Student at Harvard University, 1881-83 ; Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology, 2 years ; Harvard Medical School ; Physician to Skin Department, Boston City Hospital, and Cancer Hospital. Member, Massachusetts Medical Society ; Boston Dermatological Club; Boston Society for Medical Improvement; Boston Society of Medical Sciences. Physician. Skin specialist. b. Dorchester, Mass., October 18, 1862. s. George W. Harding and Harriet Russell, m. June 19, 1890, Elizabeth S. Clarke. Ad- dress, 419 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass., and 7 Regent Circle, Brookline, Mass. fHill, Joseph Gurney. Entered 1881 and left at close of Freshman year on account of ill health. Student, Earlham College, Ind., 1880-81. Bridge building under General Sooy Smith, at Vicksburg, Miss. b. Carthage, Ind., January 27 , 1863. d. Western Springs, 111., May 15, 1883. s. Thomas Clarkson Hill (Class of 1854) and Adaline Amanda Butler. 1885] MATRICULATE CATALOG 235 Jay, Isaac E. Entered Sophomore Class as special student, 1882, and left during the year. Student, Earlham College. Ind., 1881-82 and 1883-85 ; at Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terra Haute, Ind., 1886; Purdue Univer- sity, Lafayette, Ind., 1887. Civil engineer. Electrical street railway work ; oil producer. b. Farmers' Institute, Ind., October 5, 1865. s. Allen Jay and Martha Ann Sleeper, m. May 25, 1893, Anne Horton. Address, 1305 South Baltimore Street, Tulsa, Okla. fLee, Philip. Entered from New Iberia, La., 1881, and left at close of Fresh- man year. Bookkeeper. Druggist. Commissary, Iberia Guards, during political strife, 1884. b. New Iberia, La., July 14, 1865. d. New Orleans, June 12, 1908. s. James Augustin Lee and Lucinda Ray. Smith, Logan Pearsall. (Formerly known as Lloyd Logan Smith.) (B.A., Univ. of Oxford, Eng., 1892.) Entered 1881 and left 1884. Student, Harvard University, 1884-85 ; Berlin University, 1885- 86; Student, University of Oxford, England, 1888-92. One year in business ; since then, literary work. Author : "The Youth of Parnassus and Other Stories" ; "Life and Letters of Sir Henry Wolton" ; "Songs and Sonnets" ; "Trivia" ; "A Treasury of Eng- lish Prose" ; "Donrie's Sermon : Selected Passages with an Essay" ; "Little Essays from the Writings of George Santayana." Author. b. Millville, N. J., October 18, 1865. s. Robert Pearsall Smith and Hannah Tatum Whitall. Address, 11 St. Leonard's Terrace, London, S. W. 3, England. fWhitall, Thomas Wistar. Entered Freshman Class 1877 and left during the year on ac- count of ill health. Re-entered Sophomore Class 1882 and left during the year on account of ill health. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 30, 1859. d. October 1, 1894. s. James Whitall (Class 1852; Manager, 1857-96; Secretary, Board of Managers, 1866-76) and Mary Cope. m. Boston, Mass., Jan- uary 10, 1888, Sarah Whitmore. 236 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1886 1886 fBetts, Thomas Wade, SB. Entered from Wilmington, Ohio, 1882. Studied architecture, Washington, D. C. Architect, Denver, Colo. b. Martinsville, Ohio, June 17, 1864. d. Wilmington, Ohio, June 20, 1893. s. Madison Betts and Caroline Janney. fDickinson, Jonathan, Jr., A.B., A.M., 1898. Entered Sophomore Class 1883. Won First Prize for Debate, Everett Society; First Prize for Public Speaking. President, Everett Society, 2 years. Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1899. Teacher. Professor, Greek, Wilmington College, Ohio, 1886-90; Teacher and Vice-Principal, West End Military School, New York City, 1890-95; Proprietor and Head Master, University Grammar School, New York City, 1895-96; Teacher and Principal, Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y., 1896-1900. Owner and Head Master, Ingleside School, Levanna, N. Y., 1900-02. Superintendent of Raisin Valley Seminary, Adrian, Mich., 1902-04; Mercantile Life, 1904-05; Superintendent of Schools, Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio, 1905-12; Ideal Steel Wheel Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1912-15; Kemper Military School, Boonville, Mo., 1915, Latin, Greek and English. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., April 7, 1861. d. Boonville, Mo., February 8, 1920. s. Jonathan Dickinson and Anna Willis Smith, m. Sep- tember 12, 189-, Clara J. O'ren. fJohnson, Guy Roche, S.B. Entered Freshman Class, January 1883. Bookkeeper and Assistant Manager, Malaga Glass Works, 1886- 87 ; Assistant Manager and Engineer, Allegheny Mining Company, 1887; Engineer and Assistant Manager, Longdale Iron Works, Longdale, Va., 1888-95 ; General Manager, Embreville Iron Com- pany, Ltd., 1895. Author of a number of papers on Mining Engi- neering, Manufacture of Iron, etc. Member of American Insti- tute of Mining Engineers; North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. b. , September 28, 1866. d. June 24, 1910. s. Joseph Esrey Johnson, Major, United States Army, and Mary Catharine Roche, m. April 26, 1892, Edith Ashley Whelen. fMcFarland, William Stuart, SB. Entered 1882. President of Class; President of Cricket Club. Analytical 1886] MATRICULATE CATALOG 237 Chemist. Six years, Superintendent, Pottstown Iron Company; Superintendent, Chemical Department, Barrett Manufacturing Company. b. Wilhams' Mills, N. J., March 31, 1865. d. Long Beach, Cal., January 4, 1922. s. James McFarland and Sarah Ryan. m. April 1, 1891, Mary Price. t Morris, Israel, Jr., S.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1883. Iron business. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 23, 1867. d. Ampersand, Adiron- dacks, N. Y., February 13, 1891. s. Theodore Hollingsworth Morris (Class of 1860) and Mary Lownes Paul. Morris, William Paul, SB. Entered Sophomore Class 1883. Iron and steel merchant. Blast furnace business at Pottstown, Pa., September, 1886. 1893, Morris, Wheeler & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ; 1896, Troy Steel Company, Troy, N. Y. ; returned to Morris, Wheeler & Co., Philadelphia; Member of firm, Morris, Wheeler & Co. Member, Union League, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Tredyffrin Country Club, Paoli, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 23, 1867. s. Theodore H. Morris (Class 1860) and Mary Lownes Paul. m. "Hawthorn," Berwyn, Pa., June 11, 1889, Mary B. Sharp, c. Sydney Sharp (Class 1912), 1890; Mary Paul, 1894; Ellenor, 1905. Address, Ber- wyn, Pa. Scott, Alexander Harvey, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1889.) Entered 1882. Class Secretary, Freshman year; Class President, Senior year. "Spoon Man." Law Student, 1888-90, University of Pennsyl- vania. Attorney-at-Law. Member, Philadelphia Club; Sons of Revolution ; Society of Colonial Governors ; Colonial Wars ; Phila- delphia Country Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 25, 1866. s. Lewis Allaire Scott and Frances Anna Wistar. m. Philadelphia, Pa. (?), February 21, 1920, Helen von L. Struthers. Address, 1815 De Lancey Place, Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, Horace Eugene, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1887.) Entered 1882. Everett Society; Loganian Society; Captain, College Bicycle Club, 2 years. Student, Harvard University, 1886-87. Banker. Member firm, Charles Smith & Sons, 1889-1915. Director, West- 238 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1886 inghouse Air Brake Company, Pittsburgh, 1909-12; of Westing- house Machine Company, Pittsburgh, 1908-15; of Electric Prop- erties Company, New York, 1908-13 ; of Bank of North America, Philadelphia, 1913-21. Trustee, The Lankenau Hospital, Phila- delphia, since 1895. President, Board of Trustees, The Lankenau Hospital, since 1917. Inspector, Eastern State Penitentiary. Member, University Club; The Union League; Markham Club; Manufacturers' Club ; Philadelphia Country Club ; Merion Cricket Club; Corinthian Yacht Club of Philadelphia; Bachelors' Barge Club ; Harvard Club of Philadelphia ; Harvard Club of New York ; Penn Club; Cape May Yacht Club; New England Society of Pennsylvania; American Geographical Society; Geographical So- ciety of Philadelphia; Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania; His- torical Society of Pennsylvania; Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 1, 1866. s. Charles Smith and Catharine lungerich. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 29, 1891, Amelia Benham Matthews, c. Mary Christine, 1892 ; Edith Louise (Fahnestock), 1893. Address, Glyn Wynne Lane, Haverford, Pa. fUnderhill, Alfred Mott, Jr., SB. Entered Sophomore Class 1883. Three years on College Football Team. Civil Engineer, P. C. C. and St. L. R. W. Company ; Special Superintendent, Con- struction Station Buildings, P. C. C. and St. L. Railway. Engi- neer on Peoria Division of Terre Haute and Indianapolis ; Engi- neer on Vandalia. 1894, published lithographic map of city of Logansport, Ind. b. Clinton Corners, N. Y., June 22, 1865. d. Terre Haute, Ind., December 17, 1902. s. Alfred A. Underbill and Mary Gillingham Turner, m. April 8, 1890 ( ?), Lillian V. Lemon. Wadsworth, Edward Borland, A.B., (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1888.) Entered Sophomore Class 1883. Editor of Haverfordian, 3 years ; Salutatorian ; President of Class; President of Athenaeum. Law Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1886-88. Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. School Director. Member, Pennsylvania State Legislature, 1898 and 1900. Secured passage of first Juvenile Court Bill. Member, Commission to confer with other State Legislatures about election of United States Senators by popular vote. b. Manchester, Me., March 28, 1864. s. George Wadsworth and Sarah Austin Gifford. Address, 609 Lincoln Building, Philadel- phia, Pa. 1886] MATRICULATE CATALOG 239 White, Wilfred Walton, SB. Entered 1882. President and Secretary of Athenaeum ; Secretary of Loganian ; Business Manager, Havcrfordlan. Studied at Earlham College, Ind., 1881-82. "Spoon Man." Teacher and Surveyor. County Surveyor of Ector County, Tex., 1891-94. With Henry Holt & Co., Publishers, Chicago, 111., for 17 years. Farmer and fruit grower, b. Raysville, Ind., November 12, 1861. s. Charles White and Lucy Haughton. m. Reading, Mich., June 1, 1901, Edith Dunton. c. Ferris Dunton. Address, Newberg, Ore. Non-Graduates Brooke, Hugh Jones. Entered 1882 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1884. Member, Everett Society. Captain, Class and College Football Teams, 2 years. Member, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of United States. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 25, 1865. s. Nathan Brooke (Class 1849) and Anna Elizabeth Thomas, m. Norristown, Pa., April 26, 1893, Harriet Boyer Weand. Address, 1448 Powell Street, Norristown, Pa. fCarmalt, Charles Churchill. (A.B., Harvard, 1887; M.D., Co- lumbia, 1891.) Entered 1882 and left at close of the Freshman year. Student, Harvard University, 1883-87; Columbia College Medical School, 1888-91; Hospital Interne, 1892-93; Physician. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Columbia University, 1894. b. Montrose, Pa., June 15, 1866. d. New York City, January 8, 1905. s. James E. Carmalt (Class of 1859) and Charlotte Jane Churchill, m. Tivoli, N. Y., December 4, 1902, Alice Kidd. c. Elizabeth, 1903; Churchill, 1905. Kimber, John Shober. (A.B., Whittier College.) Entered 1882 and left at end of Freshman year. Student for eighteen months at Brown University, Providence, R. I. Real estate business. Retired. Mission work. Author: Re- ligious addresses entitled, "Following the Star." Minister (Evangelist) in Society of Friends. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 24, 1864. s. Anthony Morris Kimber (Class 1840; Manager, 1849-71) and Margaret Cooper Cope. m. Muncy, Pa., Mary Haines Ecroyd. c. J. A. Morris ; James Ecroyd ; 240 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1886 Thomas ; Margaret C. ; and John Shober, Jr. Address, 849 North Mariposa, Los Angeles, Cal. f Lippincott, Samuel Parry. Entered 1882 and left 1884. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 23, 1865. d. October 18, 1915. s. Joshua W. Lippincott (Class of 1860) and Mary E. Perry. Savery, William H. Entered Sophomore Class 1883 and left at close of the year. Order Clerk; Salesman; Assistant to Vice-President, Pusey & Jones Company, Engine Builders, Wilmington, Del., 1900-07; 1907, Parsons Engineering Company, of Wilmington, Del.; 1910, elected Secretary, General Manager, and Director, until 1914. 1915, Vice-President and General Manager and Director of Dela- ware Railway Specialty Company; 1910 to date, President and Director, Shenandoah Pulp Company of Harpers Ferry, W. Va. ; 1910 to date. President, Harpers Ferry Electric Light and Power Company ; 1910 to date, Vice-President, Harpers Ferry Paper Company. 1911 to date, Vice-President, Jefferson Power Com- pany; 1915, Director, York Haven Paper Company. Local Secre- tary, Y. M. C. A. Holder of four United States Patents. Ad- visory Member, Old Colony Club; Member, Technical Association; American Paper and Pulp Association. b. Wilmington, Del., October 24, 1865. s. Thomas H. Savery and Sarah Pim. m. Economy, Ind., September 5, 1894, Nellie Goodrich Clark, c. Sarah Louisa, 1897. Address, 1204 Rodney Street, Wilmington, Del. Starr, Isaac Tatnall. Entered 1882 and left during Sophomore year. Treasurer, Everett. Stock Broker. . b. August 7, 1867. s. Edward Starr (Class 1862) and Mary William Sharpless. Address, 400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Pa. fTrotter, Francis Laurie. Entered 1882 and left 1884. Connected for many years with Fidelity Trust Company, Phila- delphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 20, 1865. d. Philadelphia, Pa., May 26, 1910. s. Joseph H. Trotter and Edith Newbold. Tunis, Joseph Price. (A.B., Univ. of Pa., 1886; M.D., 1889.) Entered 1882 and left at end of Sophomore year, 1884. Student, Junior Class, University of Pennsylvania, 1884; Stu- 1887] MATRICULATE CATALOG 241 dent, Medical School, 1886-89. Physician ; Specialist on Ear, Nose and Throat, 1906-18. First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon, 1st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, during Spanish-American War. Captain in World War in Medical Corps of Base Hospital at Camp Meade, Md. On Staff of Methodist Episcopal Hospital, 1897-1901. Assistant Editor: International Clinics, 1892-98; Editor, International Medical Magazine, 1893 ; Author of various articles on medical subjects. Member, Historical Society of Penn- sylvania ; College of Physicians and Surgeons ; Philadelphia County Medical Society; of A. M. P. O. ; University Barge Club; Uni- versity Club of Philadelphia, etc. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 7, 1866. s. Thomas Roberts Tunis and Anna Callender Price, m. Philadelphia, Pa., February 24, 1903, Annis Wister Russell, c. Annis Lee, 1903 ; Lily Wister, 1906. Address, 2216 De Lancey Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fUnderhill, Joseph Turner. Entered Sophomore Class 1883. b. Clinton Corners, N. Y., June 22, 1865. d. . s. Alfred A. Underbill and Mary Gillingham Turner. 1887 fAdams, Jedediah Howe, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1889.) Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., 1883, and left at close of Junior year, but in consideration of studies pursued elsewhere and examinations, was granted the Degree of A.B. in 1890 and ranked with his class. President, Everett; Vice-President, Loganian; Editor, The Haverfordimi. Student, Medical School, University of Pennsyl- vania, 1886-89. President, D. Hayes Agnew Surgical Society of University of Pennsylvania. 1889-92, Editor, University Medical Magazine. Author of numerous articles in medical journals. Author: "Life of D. Hayes Agnew." Until 1900, engaged in general practice of medicine. After 1900, Specialist on Neurology. Neurologist at Paoli Hospital. b. Union Springs, N. Y., August 19, 1866. d. "Dingley Dell," Paoli, Pa., May 25, 1919. s. Charles Henry Adams and Caroline Howland Chase, m. May 6, 1889, Margaret Agnew Stuart, c. Marguerite Agnew; D. Hayes Agnew; J. Howe, HI (d. October, 1918). fBaily, Arthur Hallam, SB. Entered Junior Class 1885. b. , Ind., December 3, 1860. d. February 1, 1889. s. and Phebe . 16 242 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1887 Bedell, Charles Hampton, SB. (A.M., 1894.) Entered from Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1883. Student of Electrical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 1887-88. 1888-1908, Electro-Dynamic Company of Philadelphia. 1908, transferred to Electric Boat Company, Electrical Engineer. Engaged in building submarines for United States and Allies dur- ing World War. Member, Franklin Institute; American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and of various social clubs. b. Lynn County, la., December 18, 1861. s. Edwin Bedell and Mary Hampton, m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 6, 1889, Florence Gardner Whetstone, c. Marion Gardner, 1899; Charles Hampton, Jr., 1905. Address, 189 Pequot Avenue, New London, Conn. fCassatt, Edward Buchanan, A. B. (Diploma of Graduation, West Point, 1893.) Entered 1883. "Student-Soldier" Ecole Speciale Militaire, St. Cyr, France, 1887-89; United States Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., 1889-93; 2d Lieutenant, Fourth United States Cavalry, 1893-95, at Fort Walla Walla, Wash. ; Assistant Instructor of Modern Languages, West Point, 1895-98 ; Captain in Roosevelt's "Rough Riders" in Cuba, Spanish- American War, 1898. Major, Tvv^enty- seventh Infantry, 1899-1901 (Volunteers) ; Captain, Cavalry (Regulars), 1901-13. 1901. Military Attache, United States Em- bassy in London. October, 1917, Major Inspector General's Re- serve Corps; 1918, Lieutenant Colonel, Inspector General's De- partment; Honorable Discharge, March, 1919. Member, Ranelagh Club, London ; Union Club, New York ; Brook Club, New York ; Philadelphia Club, Philadelphia ; Rittenhouse Club, Philadelphia ; Merion Cricket Club, Philadelphia; Radnor Hunt Club; University Barge Club, Philadelphia ; Maryland Club, Baltimore ; Metro- politan Club, Washington ; Chevy Chase Club, Washington ; Army and Navy Club, Washington; and at Manila, P. I.; Manila Club, P. I. ; The Jockey Club, New York. b. Altoona, Pa., August 23, 1869. d. Berwyn, Pa., Jan. 31, 1922. s. Alexander Johnston Cassatt and Maria Lois Buchanan, m. (1) Philadelphia, Pa., December 28, 1893, Emily Louise Phillips; (2) Broad Run, Va., October 7, 1908, Eleanor Blackford Smith. c. Lois Buchanan (Mrs. J. B. Thayer, III). Clement, Allen Ballinger, S.B., A.M., 1892. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1901.) Entered 1885, Junior Class, and left during Senior year, 1887. Returned 1890, completing Senior studies and taking Graduating 1887] MATRICULATE CATALOG 243 Course in Electricity. Granted in 1891 degree of S.B. to rank with Class of 1887, and degree of A.M. to date from 1892. Secretary of Class, 1886-87; President, Council, Everett, and President of same; one of the editors of The Haz'erfordian. Honors in Scientific Section. Attorney-at-Law. Teacher, Barnes- ville, Ohio ; Darlington, Md. ; Westtown, Pa. ; Kennett Square, Pa.; Wilmington, Del. Since 1901, Lawyer. b. Leeds Point, N. J., September 5, 1864. s. Charles Allen Clement and Susanna Troth Ballinger. m. Haddonfield, N. J., June 8, 1915, Bertha E. Jones, c. Robert Allen, 1916. Address, 225 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Evans, Horace Young, S.B. Entered 1883. Left End, Class and Varsity Football Teams, 3 years. Civil Engineering and Ranching. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 14, 1866. s. Horace Young Evans, M. D., and Anna Louise Richards, m. (1) Redlands, Cal., No- vember 16, 1893, Sue McAbee. c. Eleanor E., 1895. m. (2) Santa Ana, Cal., July 19, 1913, Esther Mildred Wollaston. c. Horace Young, HI, 1917; Frederick Wollaston, 1921. Address, R. F. D. No. 5, Santa Ana. Cal., Box 34 Futrell, William Harrison, A.B. Entered 1883. Vice-President of Class; 1907, elected President; Wentworth man of Class and duly cremated ; Business Manager, The Haver- fordian; won the Everett Society Essay, Debating and Oratory Prizes; Debating and Oratory Prizes of the Loganian Society; also the Alumni Prize for Oratory and Composition, 1887 ; Presi- dent, Everett Society, and Vice-President, Loganian Society ; De- livered Loganian Annual Address, 1887; Vice-President, College Y. M. C. A. ; Athletic Activities, tennis. Lawyer. Member of the New York Bar, and the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States. 1895, Junior Counsel for Senatorial Investigating Committee of Pennsylvania. Varied practice. Member, New York County Lawyers' Association ; State Bar Association ; Ameri- can Society of International Law; Society of Medical Jurispru- dence of New York. Author of many addresses and orations, in- cluding "The Declining Days of a National Literature," "The Problem of a Hundred Years," "Friends in Politics," "The Inter- pretation of the Scriptures According to the Society of Friends." Member for several years, Board of Managers of Fuel Savings Society of Philadelphia; Indian Rights Association; American 244 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1887 Sunday School Union; and Member, Historical Society of Penn- sylvania ; American Academy of Political and Social Science ; Union League; and University Club. 1913, Special Field Secre- tary of New York Parks and Playgrounds Association. 1918, served in the Personnel Division of National War Work Council of Y. M. C. A., Eastern Department; 1919, elected Member of Republican County Committee of New York; 1920, was Delegate to Republican State Convention. Active member of Charity Or- ganization Society, New York. Member of Corporation of Haver- ford College. b. Rich Square, N. C, June 17, 1863. s. Harrison Futrell and Lydia E. Stalker, m. Archdale, N. C, July 5, 1888, Ellen M. Hammond. Address, 19 West Eighty-fourth Street, New York City. Garrett, Alfred Cope, A.B. (A.B., Harvard. 1889; A.M., 1890; Ph.D., 1892.) Entered 1883. President of Class ; President, Football Association ; Captain of Football Team; President, Cricket Club; Captain, Cricket Eleven; President, Everett ; Winner, various Cricket Prizes ; Alumni Orator, 1893. Lumber business, 1887-88; Student, Harvard, 1888-92 (Ph.D., 1892) ; Assistant in Anglo-Saxon in Harvard University and Radcliffe College, 1892-93 ; Instructor in English, Harvard University, 1893-94; University Extension Lecturer in Philadelphia, 1894-95 ; Instructor in English and Member of Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, 1895-1900. Lecturer in Biblical Literature, Haverford College, 1904-08, in- cluding instructing in Greek Testament, 1904-06. Author: "Studies on Chaucer's House of Fame" ; "A Brief Biography of Stephen Grellet," and various articles in periodicals and pamphlets. Member of Board of Overseers, William Penn Charter School ; Chairman, Teaching Training Committee of Philadelphia County Sunday School Association; Dean of "Philadelphia Training School for Religious Teachers." Member, Phi Beta Kappa ; So- ciety of Biblical Literature and Exegesis; Religious Education Association; Member of Meeting of Ministers and Elders of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting; of Council on the Organic Union of Protestant Denominations of America; Pennsylvania Historical Society ; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts ; City Club of Phila- delphia, etc. Retired. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., November 3, 1867. s. Philip C. Garrett (Class 1851; Manager, 1862-1905) and Elizabeth Wain Cope. m. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., June 18, 1896, 1887] MATRICULATE CATALOG 245 Eleanor Evans, c. Eleanor Wistar, 1898 ; Thomas C, 1903 ; Philip C, 1903. Address, 5301 York Road, Logan, Philadelphia, Pa. Goddard, Henry Herbert, A.B., A.M., 1889. (Ph.D., Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass., 1899.) Entered Sophomore Class 1883 and left to become teacher at the close of the year. Returned and entered Junior Class 1885. Athenaeum Prize for Declamation; Alumni Prize for Oratory and Composition, 1886; Vice-President, Y. M. C. A.; Business Manager, The Haverfordian; Member, Football Team. 1887, In- structor in University of Southern California (Los Angeles) ; 1888-89, Student, Haverf ord ; 1889-91, Principal, Damascus Academy, Ohio ; 1891-94, Assistant, Oak Grove Seminary, Vassal- boro. Me.; 1894-96, Principal of same; 1896-99, Student, Clark University (Ph.D.) ; 1899-1906, Instructor (Head of Depart- ment) in Psychology and Pedagogy, West Chester State Normal School, Pa. ; 1901-02, Instructor in Psychology, Haverford, substi- tute for R. M. Jones; 1903-04, abroad; 1906-18, Director, Psycho- logical Research, Training School for Feeble Minded, Vineland, N. J.; 1908-16, Lecturer in New York University on Psychology of Defectives; and Director of Summer School for Training Teachers of Defectives; 1915, Lecturer in Summer Session of University of California on Psychology of Defectives. Present, Director, Ohio State Bureau of Juvenile Research for the Investi- gation of Juvenile Delinquency and Mental Abnormality. Author : "The Kallikak Family" ; "Feeble Mindedness, Its Causes and Con- sequences" ; "The Criminal Imbecile"; "The School Training of Defective Children" ; "Psychology of the Normal and Subnormal" ; "Human Efficiency and Levels of Intelligence"; Article, "Faith Cure," in International Encyclopedia; Articles, "Mental Defi- ciency," and "Intelligence Tests"; Article, "Defectives, Schools for," in Cyclopedia of Education; "The Educational Treatment of the Feeble Minded" in Jellifife and White's "Modern Treatment of Nervous and Mental Diseases." Author of Article, "Feeble Minded," in Encyclopedia Americana, and numerous journal ar- ticles. Member, American Association for Advancement of Sci- ence; American Psychological Association; American School Hy- giene Association; American Association for the Study of Feeble Mindedness; Phi Beta Kappa (Haverford); Sigma Xi (Univer- sity of Pennsylvania) ; Societe Belgique de Pedotechnie ; Ameri- can Association of Clinical Psychologists; American Alpine Club; Columbus Athletic Club; Columbus Country Club; Philadelphia Psychiatric Society. Mountain Climbing as recreation, in Sv^itz- erland, Colorado, Canada, Glacier Park, Mont., etc. 246 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1887 b. Vassalboro, Me., August 14, 1866. s. Henry C. Goddard and Sarah Winslow. m. Winthrop, Me., August 7, 1889, Emma Florence Robbins. Address, 1638 Granville Street, Columbus, Ohio. Hazard, Willis Hatfield, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1892; Ph.D., 1894; graduate. Gen. Theological Seminary, N.Y., 1891.) Entered Freshman Class 1882 and left at close of year on ac- count of ill health; re-entered February, 1883. Clergyman. Student at Harvard and at General Theological Seminary, New York. Deacon, 1891 ; priest, 1896, Protestant Episcopal Church; Rector, Concord, Pa., 1895-98; Worcester, Mass., 1898 ; editorial writer on The Churchman, New York, 1899 ; Editorial Department, D. Appleton & Co., 1900-02 ; Agency Man- ager, North East Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1903-15; Editor, New England Pilot, and head of Department of Publi- cations, North East Mutual Life Insurance Company ; Associate. Victoria Institute of Great Britain. Author, introduction to "The Reasons for the Higher Criticism of the Hexateuch," by Rev. Isaac Gibson. Contributor to various reviews. Member, American Oriental Society ; Society Biblical Literature and Exegesis ; Ori- ental Society, New York; Board of Managers, American Sunday School Union, Philadelphia. Member, University Club ; Harvard (Philadelphia) ; Harvard (Boston). b. Maple Knoll, West Chester, Pa., July 27. 1866. s. Willis Pope Hazard and Susan Robinson Gilpin, m. West Chester, Pa., November 14, 1898, Mary Dunbar Creigh. c. Vincent Hatfield. 1902; Colton Dunbar, 1902; Willis Gilpin, 1907. Address, 87 Milk Street, Boston, Mass., and 35 Greenough Avenue, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Lesley, Hugh, S.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1884. Summer vacations, 1885 and 1886, on Civil Engineer Corps, Pennsylvania Railroad. Electro Dynamic Company, Philadelphia, 1888-94; Superintendent, Plante Company, New York, 1895- (11 months) ; Electric Storage Battery Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1895 to date; 1900 to date, Operating Department of same. Elec- trical Engineer. Member, Engineers' Club, Philadelphia ; Ameri- can Institute of Electrical Engineers. Class Secretary, 1917- . b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., August 10, 1867. s. Joseph Lesley and Emily Louise Davis, m. (1) Philadelphia, Pa.. Feb- ruary 9, 1893, Cecilia Katherine Austin (d. 1898). c. Joseph Davis, 1894 (d. 1896). m. (2) Philadelphia, Pa.. June 29, 1904, 1887] MATRICULATE CATALOG 247 Luella L. Leighton. c. Dorothy Elizabeth, 1905; Joseph, 1907; Mary Leighton, 1912. Address, 155 West Washington Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Morris, Paschall Hollingsworth, B.E. Entered 1883. Clerk with George H. McFadden & Bro. (Cotton Factors), 1887-90; with Henry G. Morris (Mechanical Engineer), 1890-96; P. H. Morris (Machinist), 1896-1907; President, Morris Engi- neering Company, 1907-12. President, Cresson-Morris Company, since 1912. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Racquet Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 25, 1867. s. Henry G. Morris (Class of 1859) and Sallie Marshall Morris, m. Pottstown, Pa., Sep- tember 17, 1890, Mary Paul Morris, c. Marjorie Paul, 1895; P. Hollingsworth, Jr., 1904. Address, Villa Nova, Pa. Newhall, Barker, A.B., A.M., 1890. (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1891.) Entered Sophomore Class 1884. Corresponding Secretary and President, Y. M. C. A.; Saluta- torian; Associate Editor, The Haverfordian. Alumni Orator, 1899. University Scholar and Fellow in Greek at Johns Hopkins, 1887-91. Student, University of Berlin, Munich and Athens, 1891-92. Fellow by Courtesy, Johns Hopkins, 1895-96. In- structor in Greek, Brown University, 1892-95; Classical Master, Monson Academy, 1896-97; Author, "Dramatic Features of Plato's Gorgias" ; Editor of Plato's "Charmides Laches and Lysis" ; Associate Editor, with J. S. Manatt, in the "Mycenaan Age." Senior Warden and Treasurer of Harcourt Parish. Professor of Greek and Registrar, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, 1897 to date. b. Lynn, Mass., June 20, 1867. s. Joseph Philbrick Newhall and Elizabeth Huntington Barker, m. New York City. July 1, 1902, Marie Verena Valet, c. Margaret Elizabeth, 1905; Anne Marie, 1910. Address, Gambier, Ohio. Philips, Jesse Evans, A.B., A.M., 1891. Entered 1883. Assistant Librarian; Editor, The Havcrfordian; Valedictorian. Teacher, West Chester High School, 1887-90; Student in Mathe- matics, University of Gottingen, Germany, 1890-91 ; Head De- partment Mathematics, Worcester Academy, Worcester, Mass., 1891-92; Master of Mathematics, Roxbury Latin School, Boston, Mass., 1892-96. 1896-1905, Head Department Mathematics, Wor- cester Academy, Worcester, Mass. Headmaster, Cedarcroft School, Kennett Square, Pa., 1905-17. Associate Headmaster, St. Luke's 248 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1887 School, Wayne, Pa., 1917 to date. Author, various articles on local history of Chester County, and Vice-President, Chester County Historical Society. Secretary, Headmasters' Club, Phila- delphia, Pa. b. Chester County, Pa., October 6, 1862. s. Lewis Philips and Jane Amanda Keeley. m. December 26, 1891, Mary J. Durham, c. Edith, 1892 ; J. Evan, 1898 ; Amy L., 1900. Address, St. Luke's School, Wayne, Pa. Stokes, Henry Warrington, A.B. Entered 1883. Secretary, Class, 1883-84. Clerk, 1887-88. PubHsher, 1888-89; Treasurer, York Haven Paper Company, 1889- ; Treasurer, Beaver Creek Lumber Company, 1890-93. President, York Haven Paper Company since 1889. Member, Union League; University Club, Philadelphia and New York. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 24, 1867. s. Francis Stokes (Class 1852; Manager, 1885-1917) and Katherine Wistar Evans, m. Philadelphia, Pa., May 20, 1905, Helen B. Tyson, c. James Ty- son, 1906. Address, 906 Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Strawbridge, Frederic Heap, A.B. Entered 1883. Won Second Prize, Tennis Championship in Singles, 1885. Secretary, Everett, 1885-86. Vice-President of Everett Society, 1886-87. Member of First Cricket Eleven (Junior and Senior years). One of the six speakers at Commencement. Entered store of Strawbridge & Clothier, 1887; (1) Clerk in Transfer, Packing and Delivery Departments; (2) Cashier's Office and Pay- master; (3) Superintendent's Office and Credit Department; (4) admitted to firm, January 1, 1900. Supervising, Executive and Mechanical Departments (Alterations, Additions and Improve- ments), Delivery Equipments, Displays and Decorations. "Di- rector of SuppHes and Transportation" for Pennsylvania-Delaware Division. American Red Cross, 1917-18. Member, Troop A, Philadelphia Home Defense Reserves, 1918-19. Member, "Com- mittee of Seventy," 1904; University Club, Philadelphia; German- town Cricket Club; Fairmount Park Art Association; City Parks Association ; The Four-in-Hand Club of Philadelphia, 1909 ; White Marsh Valley Hunt Club, 1914; Union League, Philadelphia, 1919; Board of Managers, Haverford College, 1905 to date; German- town Saving Fund Board, 1905 to date; Provident Life & Trust Company Board, 1906 to date; Bryn Mawr College Board, 1908 to date. 1887] MATRICULATE CATALOG 249 b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 24, 1866. s. Justus Clayton Straw- bridge (Manager, 1883-1911) and Mary Lukens. m. Brookline, Mass., June 5, 1894, Bertha Gordon Walter, c. J. Clayton, 1895 ; Frederic H., Jr., 1899; Anna Walter (Mrs. J. W. Claghorn), 1899; Gordon Weld, 1900; Edward Richie, II, 1903. Address, 801 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fTrimble, William Webster, SB. Entered 1883. Bookkeeper, 1887-88 ; Conveyancer ; Civil Engineer, Pennsyl- vania Railroad, 1888-91. b, Exton, Pa., April 16, 1867. d. Huntingdon, Pa., September 21, 1891. s. Abram Vickers Trimble and Mary Vickers Webster. White, Richard Janney, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1884. President of Class, last half of Senior year. Member, Everett Society ; President, Tennis Association. "Spoon Man." Graduate Student of History and Law, Johns Hopkins University, 1887-88. 1888-94, Clerk in banking and shipping office of C. Morton Stewart Company, Baltimore, Md. 1895, Founder of firm of Whitridge, White & Co., Baltimore, Md., importers. At present member of same firm. Trustee, Johns Hopkins Hospital ; Hopkins Place Savings Bank ; Member of Corporation of Haverf ord College. Member, Plaverf ord Alumni Association of Maryland ; Maryland Club ; Baltimore Country Club ; Treasurer, Baltimore Yearly Meet- ing; Member, City Club of Baltimore; Merchants' Club, Balti- more. b. Baltimore, Md., June 9, 1867. s. Francis White (Class 1843 ; Manager, 1878-1904) and Jane E. Janney. m. New York, April 13, 1912, Janet H. MacLaren. c. Jane, 1915; Janet M., 1917. Address, 10 South Street, Baltimore, Md., and St. George's Road, Roland Park, Md. fWood, George Bacon, A.B. Entered 1883. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 11, 1869. d. Philadelphia, Pa., De- cember 19, 1894. s. George Wood (Class 1862) and Mary Sharp- less Hunn. Wood, William Condon, A.B. Entered Sophomore Qass 1884. Publisher. Partner in firm, William Wood & Co., since 1889. Member and foreman of New York Grand Jury for many years. Author, articles, chiefly on entomological subjects in scientific jour- 250 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1887 nals. Member: Union Club; University Club (New York) ; New- York Academy of Sciences ; American Geographical Society ; New York Zoological Society ; American Museum of Natural His- tory; New York Entomological Society; Brooklyn Entomological Society. Avocations: Entomology; Book Collecting; Motoring; Cabinet Carpentry. b. Mt. Kisco, N. Y., July 22, 1866. s. William H. S. Wood (Class 1859) and Emma Congdon. Address, 51 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Non-Graduates fBacon, John. (M.D., 1889, Univ. of Pa.) Entered Freshman Class 1882; dropped out because of illness. Left again at close of Sophomore year, 1885. Won Everett-Athenseum Prize for Oratory. Studied medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 1886-89. Resident Physician, Wilkes- Barre Hospital ; Resident Physician, University Hospital, Phila- delphia, Pa. ; Resident Physician, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Balti- more, Md. ; Resident Physician in Eastern State Penitentiary Philadelphia, Pa. Physician. b. Greenwich, N. J., July 21, 1865. d. August 2, 1915. s Josiah Bacon and Caroline Wood. fBarr, Ernest Kirby. Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., 1883, and left during Sopho- more year. Iron business in Philadelphia, Pa. With Herendeen Manufac- turing Company, of Geneva, N. Y. b. Pittsburgh. Pa., December 14, 1864. d. Old Forge, N. Y., September 5, 1908. s. George Washington Barr and Martha Elkins Kirby. m. May 28, 1891, Margaret Butler Barbour. Chase, Alfred. Entered 1883 and left at close of Junior year. Commercial photographer. b. Haverford, Pa., June 21, 1858. s. Thomas Chase, LL.D., Litt.D. (Professor, Philology, 1855-86; President, Haverford Col- lege, 1874-86) and Alice Underbill Cromwell, m. San Francisco, Cal., May 19, 1915, Barbara Chalmers Murray (Haydn). Ad- dress, 1229 Federal Boulevard, Denver, Colo. Chillman, Edward Fennemore. (C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic In- stitute, Troy, N. Y., 1888.) Entered 1883 and left at close of the Freshman year. Student for four years at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, 1887] MATRICULATE CATALOG 251 N. Y. Instructor in Descriptive Geometry, Stereotomy and Draw- ing at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1888-1902; Assistant Pro- fessor of same, 1902-08; Associate, 1908-16; Professor and Head of Department of Descriptive Geometry, Stereotomy and Drawing, 1916 to date. Until 1910, spent three or four months each year in Structural Engineering work with Cooper, Hewitt Company, Tren- ton, N. J. ; American Bridge Company, New York City ; R. H. Hood, Contractor, New York City ; and others. Also did miscel- laneous consulting work. For over ten years General Secretary of the Alumni Association of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Member, Rensselaer Society of Engineers ; Sigma Xi ; Tau Beta Pi. Formerly member of various social, political and athletic clubs. b. Philadelphia. Pa., August 26, 1866. s. Philip Edward Chill- man and Annette Lomas. m. Trenton, N. J., 1894, Virginia Yard, c. Virginia Delmar, 1907. Address, 552 Fourth Avenue, North, Troy, N. Y. tCope, Alban. Entered Partial Course, Sophomore Class 1884, and left during the year. b. Awbury, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. d. . s. Thomas Pim Cope (Class 1839; Manager, 1864-71) and Elizabeth Wistar Stokes. Dean, William. Entered 1883 and left at close of Freshman year. President of Class, Freshman year. Photographer. b. North Ferrisburg, Vt.. February 24, 1863. s. William Lind- ley Dean and Mary Houghten Paige, m. Roanoke, Va., November 12, 1889, Martha Bowers. Address, 44 South Main Street, Har- risonburg, Va. GraflBin, Frederick Lincoln. Entered 1882 and left during the year 1883-84. b. Baltimore, Md., June 6, 1865. s. John C. Grafflin and . No address. Hacker, William Estes. Entered Sophomore Class 1884 and left at close of Junior year. Retired. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 12, 1867. s. William Hacker and Hannah Jones Wistar. m. April 28, 1897, Mabel R. Tilton. Address, 2091 West Adams Street, Los Angeles, Cal. 252 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1887 Herendeen, Francis Albert. Entered 1883 and left at close of the Sophomore year. Student, Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., 1885-86. b. Macedon, N. Y., February 12, 1866. s. Edward Welcome Herendeen (Class 1852) and Anna Nickerson. m. New York City, February 5, 1891, Annie Boynton, c. Frances Irene, 1907. Address, Geneva, N. Y. Hussey, Arthur Mekeel. (A.B., Univ. Mich., 1889.) Entered Sophomore Class 1884 and left at close of the year. Student, University of Michigan, 1886-89; Manufacturer of Agricultural Implements, North Berwick, Me. b. North Berwick, Me., July 21, 1861. s. Timothy B. Hussey and Anna Mekeel. Address, North Berwick, Me. Janney, John Hall. Entered 1883 and left at close of Junior year. Secretary of Class. Farmer and raiser of Jersey Cattle. Teacher of Agriculture, Montgomery County High Schools, 1914-19. Member, The Senior Farmers' Club of Montgomery County, Md. b. Montgomery County, Md., September 19, 1866. s. Samuel A. Janney and Mary Catharine Hall. m. Plains, Va., November 11, 1891, Sallie Randolph Turner, c. John H., 1893; Mary R., 1895; Edward T., 1896; Richard W., 1904 (Class 1922). Ad- dress, Brookville, Md. fLewis, Edmund Coleman. Entered 1883 and left at close of Junior year. Cotton business, 1886-88 ; mechanical engineer ; salesman. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 24, 1868. d. . s. Edmund Lewis and Elizabeth Coleman Maule. m. November 15, 1892, Emma S. Snodgrass. MacLear, Walter. Entered 1883 and left 1884. b. Wilmington, Del., January 3, 1865. s. Henry C. MacLear and . Address, . fMartin, L. Lanphier. Entered Sophomore Class 1884 and left 1885. b. West Chester, Pa. (?). May 26, 1866. d. April, 1893. s. and . fMowry, Allan McLane. Entered 1883 and left at end of Freshman year. Student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1885 ; Cornell Uni- 1887] MATRICULATE CATALOG 253 versity, 1886. On New York State Engineer Corps, 2 years. With Diamond Match Company, 1893-1921 ; Manager of same. Thirty- second Degree Mason. Member, Sons of Revolution, Connecticut ; Cornell University Club ; Delta Kappa Epsilon ; Bankers' Club of America. b. Greenwich, N. Y., June 18, 1867. d. September 23, 1921. s. Charles Townsend Mowry and Harriet Martin Blanchard. m. Alameda, Cal., April, 1896, Isabel Ramsey, c. Janet, 1898; Har- riet, 1900; Allan, Jr., 1910. Parker, John Eberly. (A.B., Earlham, 1887.) Entered Junior Class 1885 and left at close of the year. Wholesale produce dealer. Trustee of Stillwater Sanitorium for Tubercular Patients for the past 1 1 years ; Trustee of Earlham College, 3 years. Member, Tourist Club, Richmond, Ind. b. Knightstown, Ind., July 17, 1862. s. Isaac Parker and Han- nah M. Newby. m. December 20, 1893, Anna M. Wildman. c. Edna A., 1895 ; James W., 1896 ; Priscilla, 1899 ; Elisabeth, 1902 ; John E., Jr., 1905. Address, Eaton, Ohio. Purdy, Ellison Reynolds. Entered Freshman Class 1883 and left at close of the year. Nursery business and Minister, High Point, N. C, 1885-88; Pastor, following Friends' Meetings; West Laurens and Morris, N. Y., 1888-91; West Branch, N. Y., 1891-95; Portland, Me., 1895-1901; Marshalltown, la., 1901-03; Oskaloosa, la., 1903-10; Wilmington, Ohio, 1910-19; Minneapolis, 1919- . Chairman, Board of Home Mission of Five Years Meeting of Friends. Mem- ber, Minneapolis Ministers' Federation; Commission on Evangel- ism of Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America. b. Manchester, Ontario County, N. Y., November 30, 1864. s. Alexander Monmouth Purdy and Mary Reynolds, m. (1) Palmyra, N. Y., 1884, Amelia F. Converse, c. Alexander Con- verse, 1890. m. (2) Boston, Mass., 1901, Harriet E. Wyman. Address, 2440 Stevens Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. fTanner, Clarence Lincoln. Entered Freshman Class 1883 and left at end of the year. Lawyer. City Clerk, Augusta, Me. b. Sidney, Me., March 25, 1865. d. March 29, 1898. s. William A. Tanner and Sarah Ella Sawtelle. fTrotter, Frederick Newbold. Entered 1882 and left 1885. With bond house of Borden & Knoblauch, Philadelphia, Pa. 254 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1887 Member, Philadelphia Barge Club and Markham Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1866. d. Philadelphia, Pa., March 25, 1918. s. Joseph H. and Edith Newbold Trotter. Wilson, Calvert. Entered from Washington, D. C, Sophomore Class 1884 and left during the year. b. , Md., April 18. 1867. s. T. F. Wilson and . Last address, Washington, D. C. Wright, William Townsend. (Entered as William Moorhead Wright. ) Entered 1883 and left 1885. Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1885-87. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 14, 1866. s. Charles Berston Wright and Susan T. Townsend. m. November 9, 1887, Daisy Coxe. Ad- dress, St. Davids, Pa. fYarnall, Harold Ellis. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1883, and left 1885. Clerk in Lehigh Valley Railroad, 5 years. Local Treasurer and Passenger Agent, Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf Railroad Company; Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Secretary of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company, 1902-04. Secretary and Treas- urer, Midland Valley Railroad Company, 1904- , b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 7, 1867. d. March 26, 1917. s. Ellis Yarnall and Margaret Harrison, m. Philadelphia, Pa., May, 1905, Adele Locke Gilpin. Young, Frank Levi. (A.B., Cornell, 1888.) Entered Junior Class 1885 ; left 1886, at close of Junior year. Student, Cornell University, 1887-88. Teacher in Mt. Pleasant Military Academy, Sing Sing, N. Y., 1888-92; Admitted to Bar of State of New York, May, 1892. Lawyer, 1892 to date; Mem- ber, New York State Legislature, 1908-12. County Judge of Westchester County, N. Y., 1916-22. Justice, Supreme Court, January 1, 1922, to date. Member, Masons; Royal Arcanum; Knights of Pythias; Junior Order United States Mechanics, etc. b. Port Byron, Cayuga County, N. Y., October 31, 1860. s. Levi Wayland Young and Margaret Lane. m. (1) July 31, 1889, Mary Yawger; (2) July 11, 1900, Mary Lee Lockwood. c. Frank L., Jr., 1901; Margaret L., 1903; John A., 1908. m. (3) Decem- ber 27, 1916, Mary E. Gumming. Address, 32 Linden Avenue, Ossining, N. Y. 1888] MATRICULATE CATALOG 255 1888 Battey, Charles Heaton, SB. Entered from Providence, R. I., Sophomore Class 1885. Editor, The Gem; Treasurer and Vice-President, Athenaeum. Artist. Author; Portrait Painter; Landscape Painter; Sculptor. Student, 1888-89, in Art Students' League, New York ; in Rhode Island School of Design. Student, Royal Academy, Antwerp, Belgium, 1901. Violinist, giving concerts. Author, "Shorter Poems," and "Tales and Sketches"; a long operetta, "The En- chanted Wood." Interested in arranging poems into oratorios, such as "The Vision of Sir Launf al" ; "Chambered Nautilus" ; "Waiting at the Gate," by Bryant, etc. b. Burrillville, R. I., March 27, 1868. s. Thomas Jesse Battey (Class 1863) and M. Augusta Heaton. m. Minneapolis, Minn., August 14, 1895, S. Edith Thompson, c. Richard Thompson, 1897; Ernest Heaton, 1899. Address, 284 Lloyd Avenue, Provi- dence, R. I. Beidelman, Lawrence Peterson, B.E. Entered from Little Rock, Ark., 1884. Editor, The Gem; Secretary, Athenaeum. Designed Class Memorial Shield presented to College, 1888. Draftsman, Cotton Belt Railway, 1888-91 ; Mexican National Railway, 1891-1903. In charge of large cotton plantation, 1903-06; Clerk to Vice-Presi- dent, Ozon Graysonia Lumber Company, 1906- . Vice-President, Ozon Graysonia Lumber Company. Wholesale manufacturers, yellow pine lumber. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 18, 1868. s. John Wilmer Beidelman and Marianna Yard Peterson, m. Texarkana, Tex., December 4, 1894, Nelle Parish Rosborough. c. Elizabeth, 1895 ; Mary, 1901; Martha, 1901. Address, Prescott, Ark. fCorbit, John Cowgill, Jr., SB. Entered 1884. Manufacturer. Employed with Haines, Jones & Cadbury. b. Odessa, Del., June 21. 1868. d. Philadelphia, Pa. (killed by train), March 31, 1906. s. John Cowgill Corbit (Class 1853) and Emily Peterson, m. Odessa, Del., November 7, 1901, Anna P. Gibson. Cox, Exum Morris, A.B. Entered from McPherson, Cal., Junior Class 1886. Won First Prize, Everett Oratorical Contest, 1888. President Y. M C. A. ; Latin Salutatorian. College Football Team, 1887. 256 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1888 Student at University of Kansas, 1882-85 ; Leland Stanford, Jr., University, Cal., 1892-93. Teacher. 1888-89, in business; 1889- 1921, in Educational Work. Assistant City Superintendent of Schools, Oakland, Cal, since 1910. Author, Educational Articles. Member, Rotary Club ; California Schoolmasters' Club ; President, California Teachers' Association, 1913 to date. President, "Bay School Administrators' Association," 1918 to date. b. New Providence, la., October 15, 1865. s. Benjamin Cox and Mary Morris, m. Santa Rosa, Cal., July 10, 1901, Mary Eleanor Anderson, c. Morris, Jr., 1903; Eleanor, 1906; Millicent, 1908; Anna, 1910. Address, 3059 Capp Street, Oakland, Cal. England, Howell Stroud, A.B., A.M., 1890. Entered from Wilmington, Del., 1884. First Scholar in Classical Section of Class. Won Alumni Prize for Oratory and Composition, 1888 ; Associate Editor, The Haver- fordian, 2 years ; Editor-in-Chief, Senior year. Librarian, Everett; Member, Loganian. Editor of "Class Book." Lawyer. 1893, Admitted to Bar of Delaware. 1908-12, Director of Wilmington Board of Trade. 1908-13, Delegate from Wilmington to annual conventions of Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association and Na- tional Board of Trade. 1911, traveled extensively through United States and Canada, studying city problems, etc., in behalf of Wil- mington Board of Trade. 1912-14, Director of Wilmington Mer- cantile Association. 1915, Admitted to Bar of Michigan, and practiced Law in Detroit. Author : "Shots at Random" ; "Gold and Clay"; "Book of Free Verse, Very Free" (last in course of preparation). Enlisted, E Company, 550th Infantry, Michigan State Troops, and served during the war at Detroit as Supply Sergeant. "War Camp Community Service," Camp Sherman, Ohio; Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. ; Camp Lee, Va. ; Camp Dix, N. J., and at Harrisburg, Pa. Member, Detroit Republican Club; Detroit Board of Commerce ; Wolverine Lodge ; Palestine Chapter, Michigan Sovereign Consistory, 32d degree; Monroe Council; Detroit Commandery, Knights Templar; North Woodward Resi- dents' Club (Civic Association), President; Moslem Shrine; Mem- ber, American Bar Association; Michigan State Bar Association; Wayne County Bar Association; Commercial Law League. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 21, 1864. s. James England and Anna Stroud, m. Wilmington, Del., October 18, 1893, Elizabeth Pusey. c. Jane Richardson, 1894; Elizabeth Pusey, 1896; Mary Stroud, 1897; Sarah Stroud, 1899; Josephine Pusey, 1901; James, 1904. Address, 321 Trowbridge Avenue, Detroit, Mich. 1888] MATRICULATE CATALOG 257 Gummere, Henry Volkmar, A.B., A.M., 1889. (A.M., Harvard, 1890.) Entered Sophomore Class 1885. Member, Athenaeum; Loganian; Editor, The Gem. Graduate Student in Astronomy, 1888-89 ; Student, Harvard, 1889-90. In- structor in Mathematics, Swarthmore College, 1893-98. Graduate Student, Harvard, 1898-99. Professor, Mathematics, Ursinus Col- lege, Pa., 1899-1904; 1904-18, Professor, Mathematics, Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.; 1914-18, Director of Evening Courses, Drexel Institute; Swarthmore College, 1920-21. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 20, 1870. s. John Gummere and Rebecca Volkmar. m. Swarthmore, Pa., December 27, 1899, Lydia Craft Flagg. Address, Breezy Knoll Farm, Glen Mills, Pa. Hartshorne, Francis Cope,S.B., A.M., 1894. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa 1891.) Entered 1884. First Honors, 1888. Class Historian and President; Assistant Business Manager and Associate Editor, The Haverfordian; Sec- retary and Librarian, Everett Society. Loganian. Student, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania Law School, 2 years. Law Student, 3 years. Lawyer, 1 year. One year. General Theological Seminary, New York; Philadelphia Divinity School, 1^ years. Clergyman of Protestant Episcopal Church. Author : "The Railroads and the Commerce Clause." Editor, "The Church News of the Diocese of Pennsylvania," 1917-19. Rector of St. Paul's Church, Kittan- ning. Pa., 1897-1909; St. Peter's, Phoenixville, Pa., 1909 to date. Member, Executive Council and of the Committee on Canons of the Diocese of Pennsylvania; President, Phoenixville Playground Association, 1914-17. Member, City Club of Philadelphia; Phoenixville Country Club; Phi Beta Kappa, Haverford Chapter. b. Overbrook, Pa., October 4, 1868. s. Charles Hartshorne (Class 1846; Manager, 1871-1908) and Caroline Cope Yarnall. m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., April 25, 1895, Marguerite Hartshorne. c. Frances, Charles, James, Henry, Richard, Alfred C. Address, 121 Church Street, Phoenixville, Pa. Hilles, Joseph Tatum, A.B. Entered from Wilmington, Del., 1884. Editor, The Bud; President of Class, Junior year; President, Baseball Association; Captain, Second Cricket Eleven; Captain, First Eleven Football Team ; Won First Eleven Prize Cricket Bat and Second Eleven Prize Ball. Pitcher on College Baseball Nine, Freshman year. Iron manufacturer. Coal operator. IMember, 17 258 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1888 American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers; Uni- versity Club of Philadelphia ; Wilmington Club, etc. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 26, 1868. s. John Smith Hilles (Class 1848; Manager, 1873-76) and Sarah Cooper Tatum. m. Norristown, Pa., March 2, 1918, Alice Stewart Saylor. Address, 1301 Rodney Street, Wilmington, Del. fJohnson, Joseph Esrey, Jr., B.E., M.E., 1891. (M.M.E., Cornell, 1892.) Entered Sophomore Class 1885. Student, Cornell University, N. Y., 1891-92; Draughtsman at Baldwin Locomotive Works; Designer; Draughtsman; Assistant Engineer, Solway Process Company; with Ames Iron Works; Superintendent of Furnaces and Mines, Alabama Coal & Iron Company, Gadsden, Ala. ; 1901-06, Assistant Manager, Longdale Iron Company ; 1906-09, General Manager, Princess Furnace Com- pany, Glen Wilton, Va. ; 1909-10, General Superintendent, Repub- lic Iron and Steel Company, Southern Blast Furnaces and Coke Ovens; 1910-13, Manager, Lake Superior Iron & Chemical Com- pany, Ashland Plant, Wisconsin; 1913- , Consulting Engineer and Metallurgist. Author of important technical papers, e. g., "Notes on Physical Action of Blast Furnaces" ; comprehensive book on the blast furnace. Meml>er, American Institute Mining Engi- neers; American Society of Mechanical Engineers. b. Longdale, Va., July 10. 1870. d. April 4, 1919. s. Joseph Esrey Johnson and Mary Catherine Roche, m. Wilmington, Del, April 24. 1902, Margaret H. Hilles. Leeds, Morris Evans, S.B. Entered Junior year 1886. Everett Society. Student. Physics and Mathematics, University of Berlin, 1892-93. 1888-90, Teacher, Westtown Boarding School. 1890-99, in employ of Queen & Co. ; 1899-1903, Managing Partner of Morris E. Leeds & Co. ; 1903 to date, President and Treasurer of Leeds & Northrup Company, manufacturers of electrical and scientific apparatus. 1909 to date, Manager, Haverford College; 1916 to date. Secretary of Board of Managers, Haverford College; 1899 to date. Secretary, Friends' Freedmen's Association; 1917, in France for 3 months as Special Commissioner with Red Cross, representing at same time American Friends' Service Committee. For 18 months on Executive Committee and Personnel Committee of American Friends' Service Commission. Member, Phi Beta Kappa Association of Philadelphia ; University Club, Philadelphia ; Franklin Institute; American Physical Society; Academy of Nat- ural Sciences ; Engineers' Club, Philadelphia ; Huntingdon Valley 1888] MATRICULATE CATALOG 259 Country Club; Germantown Cricket Club; Country Club of At- lantic City, N. J.; City Club, Philadelphia; Fellow, American As- sociation for the Advancement of Science. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 6, 1869. s. Barclay R. Leeds and Mary Maule. Address, 4901 Stenton Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Lewis, William Draper, S.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1891 ; Ph. D., Univ. of Pa., 1891.) Entered Sophomore Class 1885. Vice-President, Loganian ; President, Everett ; played on College Football Team, 2 years ; Alumni Orator, 1895 ; President, Alumni, 1897-98. Student at University of Pennsylvania, Law Department, 1888-91 ; University of Pennsylvania, Philosophy Department, 1888-91 ; Lawyer ; Lecturer on the History of Law in the Whar- ton School, University of Pennsylvania, 1893-96 ; Dean of the De- partment of Law, University of Pennsylvania, 1896-1914 (resigned Deanship, 1914). Instructor in Economics and Political Science, Haverford College, 1892-96. At present. Professor of Law, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, since 1896. Author : Federal Power Over Cammerce and Its Effect oil State Action; Our Sheep and the Tariff; Restraint of Infringement of Incorporeal Rights; also numerous articles on legal, economic and historical topics for peri- odicals. Editor: Lewis' Edition of Greenleaf's Evidence; Whar- ton's Criminal Law ; Lewis' Edition Blackstone's Commentaries ; Digest of Decisions of United States Supreme Court and Circuit Court of Appeals; Pepper & Lewis' Digest of Statutes of Penn- sylvania (co-editor) ; Digest of Decisions and Encyclopcedia of Pennsylvania Laws; Great American Lawyers; Pepper and Lewis' Cases on Law of Association (co-editor). Member, Advisory Council of World's Best Orations and World's Best Essays. Chairman, Resolutions (platform) Committee, First and Second Progressive National Conventions, Chicago, 1912 and 1916; Pro- gressive Candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 27, 1867. s. Henry Lewis and Fanny Hannah Wilson, m. Awbury, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., June 22, 1892, Caroline Mary Cope. c. Henry, 1893; Alfreda Cope (Sampson), 1897; Anna, 1898; William Draper, Jr., 1903. Address, Awbury, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Morris, Frederick Wistar, Jr., B.E. Entered Sophomore Class 1885. Editor, The Haverfordian; President, Council, Loganian; Edi- tor of The Gem; Secretary, Athenaeum; President, Athenaeum; President of Class, Senior year ; First Cricket Eleven Club, Junior 260 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1888 and Senior years. Member, First Regiment, N. G. P., Private; First Naval Battalion, N. G. P., Ensign; iron merchant. Member, firm, Morris, Wheeler & Co. Member, Rittenhouse Club; Hunt- ingdon Valley Country Club; Sons of Revolution; Society of Colonial Wars; Military Order of Foreign Wars. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 26, 1867. s. Frederick Wistar Morris (Class 1860) and Elizabeth Flower Paul. m. Chelten Hills, Pa., June 5, 1902, Sophia Starr, c. Elisabeth Flower, 1904; Frederick Wistar, 3d, 1905; Edward Starr, 1911. Address, Church Road and Washington Lane, Wyncote, Pa. Morris, Richard Jones, B.E. Entered Sophomore Class 1885 ; absent during part of Senior year ; returned and received degree, 1889 ; ranked with Class 1888. Member, Athenaeum; Editor, The Gem; College Cricket Team. Student, Divinity School, Protestant Episcopal Church, Philadel- phia, 1897-99. Pottstown Iron Company, Pottstown, Pa., 1888- 93 ; Assistant Engineer, Superintendent of Department, and As- sistant to President; Morris Wheeler & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 1894-96, Cashier, Salesman; Norwich Lock Manufacturing Com- pany, Roanoke, Va., 1895, Secretary; Curate, St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 1899-1903; Vicar, St. Paul's Church, Philadel- phia, Pa., 1900-03 ; Rector, Epiphany Church, Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa., 1904-15; Assistant Secretary to Bishop of Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa., 1915- ; Secretary, Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, 1920- ; Curate, Ascension Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 1915-18; Treasurer, Alumni, Philadelphia Di- vinity School, 1904- ; Manager, Philadelphia City Institute Li- brary, 1916- ; Member, American Institute Mining Engineers ; Germantown Automobile Club ; Zoological Garden, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 2, 1869. s. William Henry Morris (Class 1863) and Sallie Wheeler Paul. m. (1) Potts- town, Pa., June 1, 1892, Elizabeth Mintzer Hobart. c. Mildred, 1893 ; Elizabeth Hobart, 1895. m. (2) Philadelphia, Pa., June 16, 1900, Mary Sellers. Address, 202 South Nineteenth Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Roberts, George Brinton, SB. Entered from Bala, Pa., 1884. Member, Everett. Member of firm, David E. Williams & Co., wholesale bituminous coal and coke, Philadelphia, Pa. Vice-Presi- dent and Director, Third National Bank, Philadelphia; Director, West End Trust Company ; Director in various corporations. Member, Rittenhouse Club; Merion Cricket Club; Philadelphia 1888] ^ MATRICULATE CATALOG 261 Country Club, and various other clubs. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 24, 1869. s. George B. Roberts and Sallie L. Brinton. m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 25, 1898, Alice Tyson Butcher, c. George B., 1900; Brinton P., 1901; Laurance P., 1907; Henry B., 1914. Address, Bala, Pa. Entered 1884. Sharp, Joseph Webster, Jr., S.B. President of Class ; Class Prophet ; Secretary, Everett Society ; also President, Everett Society ; Class Valedictorian ; Freshman Prize Belt in Cricket; First Prize Belt in Cricket; First Prize Ball in Cricket, twice; Member, First Cricket Eleven, 1884-88; Mem- ber, College Football Team, Freshman and Sophomore years ; Col- lege Baseball Team; "Spoon Man." Manufacturer. Retired. b. Berwyn, Pa., July 4, 1867. s. Joseph Webster Sharp and Sidney Serrill Bunting, m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 22, 1896, Esther Malcolm Coates. c. Joseph W., Ill; Anna Coates; Estelle Lloyd ; May Bunting ; Rachel. Address, Berwyn, Pa. Slocum, AUison Wing, A.B., A.M., 1889. (A.M., Harvard, 1893.) Entered Sophomore Class 1883 and left at close of the year; re-entered Junior Class 1886. Played on all College Baseball Teams. Secretary, Haverford College, 1888-89 ; Vice-President and President, Athenaeum, 1887- 88. Graduate Student, 1888-89. Student, Harvard. 1891-93— Shattuck Scholar, Tyndal Fellow and Harris Fellow. Student, University of Berlin, 1893-94. Professor of Physics, University of Vermont. Member, American Physical Society ; American Welding Society ; Ethan Allen Club ; St. Bernard Club. b. Dartmouth, Mass., April 22, 1866. s. Henry A. Slocum and Elizabeth Hooker Brownell. m. Burlington, Vt., June 14, 1900, Mary W. Bowers, c. Edward B., Allison W. Address, 295 Maple Street, Burlington, Vt. Stubbs, Martin Bell, A.B., A.M., 1889. (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1892.) Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., 1884. Everett Society. Student. Johns Hopkins University, 1889-92. Chemist, Millville, N. J. ; Teacher at Toledo High School. Chem- ist, La Salle, 111. Chemist, Pencoyd Iron Works ; Instructor, Guil- ford College, N. C. ; Assistant in Chemistry, Haverford College, 1898-99. Professor, Chemistry and Physics, Fort Worth Univer- sity, Fort Worth, Tex., 1899. 1900, Professor, Chemistry, Ur- sinus College, Pa. Author: "Nitro-Ortho-Sulpho-Benzoic Acid." b. Vienna, Austria, June 17, 1866. s. George E. Stubbs, M. D., 262 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1888 and Annie Bell. Last address. United States Weather Bureau, Local Office, Omaha, Neb. Non-Graduates Binns, Edward Hussey. Entered 1884 and left in middle of Sophomore year. Manufacturer. Pittsburgh Copper & Brass Rolling Mills, C. G. Hussey & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. b. New Brighton, Pa., August 9, 1866. s. Edward Binns and Anna M. Hussey. m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 19, 1894, Cecilia Kerrigan, c. One daughter and four sons living. Address, C. G. Hussey & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., and West Woodland Road, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Binns, Ralph Holden. Entered 1884 and left 1886. Manufacturer. Hussey, Binns Shovel Company, President; Vice-President, Exchange National Bank; Trustee, Dollar Savings Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa. b. Pittsburgh, Pa., January 15, 1869. s. Edward Binns and Anna M. Hussey. m. M. Lulu Cavitt. Address, Portland, Me. fBowne, Rowland. Entered 1884 and left December, 1885. Played on College Football Team, Freshman and Sophomore years ; on First Cricket Eleven, Sophomore year ; on College Base- ball Nine. Clerk in Mercantile House, New York. b. New York City, November 5, 1867. d. . s. Robert Bowne and Anna F. Willis. Brooks, Edward, Jr. (A.B. Yale, 1890; LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1893.) Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., 1884, and left at close of Freshman year. Won Second Prize for Declamation, Freshman year; Member, Baseball Nine; Freshman Baseball and Cricket Clubs; Member, Glee Club. Student, Yale University, 1886-90. University of Pennsylvania Law School, 1890-93. Lawyer. Author : "An Essay on the Law Relating to Telegraph Companies." Member, Univer- sity Club; Union League; Philadelphia Country; Mask and Wig; Orpheus. b. Millersville, Lancaster County, Pa., May 10. 1868. s. Edward Brooks and H. Marie Dean. m. Atlantic City, N. J., October 14, 1911, Mary White Carstairs. Address, care of Carstairs & Co., 1419 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1888] MATRICULATE CATALOG 263 Collins, Frederic, Jr. Entered Sophomore Class and left at middle of Senior year. Won "Improvement Bat" in Cricket, 1888; Member, First Eleven, Cricket, 1886. Reading Iron Works, 1888; Lindsay, Par- vin & Co., 1889; Crane Company in 1890. 1893-99, in business for himself. 1899-1909, Philadelphia Manager for the Philip Carey Manufacturing Company, of Lockland, Ohio. 1909 to date, Collins Office Machinery Company, 831 Chestnut Street, Philadel- phia. (Dealer in rebuilt and slightly used adding machines and calculating machines.) Member, Philadelphia Cricket Club; Mark- ham Club; Cedar Park Driving Club; Member, The Chestnut Street Association. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 4, 1868. s. Frederic Collins (Class of 1839) and Letitia Poultney Dawson, m. (1) Philadel- phia, Pa., June 25. 1895, Lily M. Brown, c. Frederic, III, 1896. m. (2) Philadelphia, Pa., November 9, 1898, Janet Rae. c. Daw- son Rae, 1899; Marjorie Janet, 1900. Address, Penllyn, Pa. Dawson, Charles Wilmott. Entered from Lowell, Mass., 1884, and left at end of Sopho- more year. Student, Architecture, 1886-87; 1887-88. Architect since 1891. Vice-Consul, L. A. W. for Colorado, 1895-96; Chief Consul, L. A. W., for Colorado, 1896-97. President, Rotary Club, Mus- kogee, Okla., 1914-15; Governor, Eleventh District (Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas), International A. R. C, 1917-18. Special Representative, War Camp Community Service, 1917-19 (18 months). Member, Masons; Elks; Knights of Pythias; Sequoyah Club (Fishing and Hunting) ; American Society for Testing Ma- terials; American Institute of Architects; Society of Technology Architects; National Fire Protection Association; British Fire Prevention Committee; Muskogee Chamber of Commerce; Fort Smith (Ark.) Business Men's Club; Fort Smith Realtors; Di- rector, Muskogee United Charities; Secretary, Muskogee County Public Health Association; Muskogee Council, Boy Scouts of America; President, Muskogee Emeritus Community Service As- sociation; President, Muskogee Historical Society; President, Oklahoma Commission for the Adult Blind. b. Plainfield, N. J., December 10, 1867. s. Charles Carroll Daw- son and Jeanette M. Simonson. m. (1) Kansas City, Mo., Janu- ary 27, 1888, Louisa Krauss (deceased), c. Dorothy, 1889 (d. 1890) ; Bernhard Hildebrandt, 1890. m. (2) Toledo, Ohio, Oc- tober 27, 1900, Jessie Barlow. Address, 207 Barnes Building, Muskogee, Okla. 264 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1888 Howell, Herbert Charles. Entered 1884 and left Freshman year. Everett Society. Member, College Baseball Team. Roll turner. b. Philadelphia, Pa. ( ?), January 6, 1867. s. William J. Howell and Maria Brown. Last address, 11 Madison Terrace, Paterson, N. J. fJanney, Richard Mott. Entered Sophomore Class 1885 and left December, 1886. Played on College Baseball Team. Clerk in mercantile house, Baltimore, Md. b. Baltimore, Md., August 2, 1866. d. Baltimore, Md., January 7, 1894. s. Johns Hopkins Janney (Class 1856) and Caroline Symington. Johnson, Joseph Henry. Entered 1884 and left at close of Freshman year. Farmer. With J. Spencer Turner Company, yarns, Mariner & Merchants Building, Philadelphia, Pa., 1908. b. Ardmore, Pa., September 3, 1867. s. Edwin Johnson and Elizabeth Lowber Thompson. No address. Nields, John P. Entered 1884 and left at close of Junior year. Won First Prize, Everett Oratorical Contest, 1887. Graduated at Harvard University, Class 1889. Two years in Harvard Law School, 1890-92. Lawyer. Appointed United States. District At- torney for Delaware by President Roosevelt, 1903 ; re-appointed by President Roosevelt, 1907; reappointed by President Taft, 1912. b. Wilmington, Del., August 7, 1868. s. Benjamin and Gertrude Nields. Address, 401 Broome Street, Wilmington, Del. Orbison, Thomas, (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1898; also Certificate of Medical Jurisprudence, 1898.) Entered from Bellefonte, Pa., 1884, and left during Senior year, 1888. President of Class, Sophomore year. Played on College Foot- ball and Baseball Teams, Sophomore, Junior and Senior years. Member, Everett. Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1894-98. Member, D. Hayes Agnew Surgical Society ; Iron Furnace Works ; Chain Works ; Soft Coal Region Store Company ; Union Switch and Signal Company (New York City) ; Beaver Creek Coal & Lumber Company, W. Va. ; 1st Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry, in expedition against Porto Rico, Spanish-American War, 1898 1888] MATRICULATE CATALOG 265 (private). Physician. Assistant in Department of Neurology: University of Pennsylvania, Polyclinic Hospital, and Orthopedic Hospital, all of Philadelphia; Member, Philadelphia Neurological Society. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., March, 1907. Member, Clinical and Pathological Society; Professor of Clinical Thera- peutics, University of California, in the Los Angeles Medical De- partment. Neurologist to Los Angeles County Hospital ; Member of Lunacy Commission, Los Angeles County ; Vice-President, California Academy of Medicine, 1915. Author: Monographs of Neurological Subjects. 1918, Captain in Medical Corps of United States Army, at Camp Kearney, San Diego, Cal. 1920, Head of American Relief Association, Russia. b. Ravv^al Pindee, India, November 13, 1866. s. James Orbison and Nannie Dunlop Harris. Address, Los Angeles, Cal. Patterson, George Stuart. (Ph.B., Univ. of Pa., 1890; LL.B., 1891.) Entered 1884 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1886. Class President, Freshman year; Treasurer, Everett; Member, First Eleven Cricket Team, Freshman and Sophomore years ; and Captain, Sophomore year ; won Cope Prize Bat, 1886. Student in College Department, University of Pennsylvania, 1886-88, 89-90; Law Department, 1890-91 ; Fellow, Department of Law, Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, 1891-94; Professor in Department of Law, 1894-1910. 1899-1900, Assistant District Attorney, Philadelphia; 1900-18, Assistant General Solicitor and General Solicitor, Penn- sylvania Railroad Company. 1918-19, General Solicitor, United States Railroad Administration; 1919, entered the firm of George H. McFadden & Bro., cotton merchants. Member, Philadelphia Club; Racquet Club; Union League; Philadelphia Country; Metropolitan (Washington) ; National Golf Club, etc. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 10, 1868. s. Christopher Stuart Patterson and Ellen Stuart, m. May 24, 1904, Eleanora Willing. c. Beatrice Willing, 1906; George Stuart, Jr., 1909; Arthur Willing, 1910. Address, 121 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fPope, Edward Morrill. Entered Sophomore Class 1885. Led his class from the first. Editor, The Bud. b. Qeveland, Ohio, October 8, 1869. d. At Haverford College, December 19, 1886. s. John L. Pope and Frances E, Whipple. Takasaki, Koh Ichi. Entered 1884 and left during the Freshman year. Studied, Bellefonte, Pa., Academy, 1885; Ann Arbor High 266 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1889 School, Mich., 1886-87. University of Michigan, 1888-89; Pro- fessor in College of Peers, Tokyo, Japan, 1891 ; Director of Eng- lish Department of same, 1893 ; Member of the College Senate, 1893 ; Member of English Speaking Society at Tokyo, and of Meiji Club. b. Kagoshima, Japan, January 8, 1864. s. Kishichiro Taltyear; Professor, Biology and Psychology, Friends' University, Wichita, Kan., 6 years; Principal, Mapleside School, near Paulbina, Iowa, 2 years ; Superintendent of Schools for Conservative Friends of Iowa, for 1 year of this time. Entered business. One year with National Metal Edge Box Company, Philadelphia ; short time with Brown & Bailey Box Company, Philadelphia ; for more than 3 years, Assistant to Advertising Manager of J. E. Rhoads & Sons, Leather Belting. For about 10 years, Associate Member, Ameri- can Branch, Society Psychical Research; Member, Delaware County Institute of Science. b. Near Baxter Springs, Kan., June 29, 1870. s. Cyrus W. 324 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1894 Harvey and Lavina Jane Carter, m. Bloomfield, Ontario, Canada, August 30, 1901, Carrie B. Robinson, c. Henry Conard, 1902; Cyrus Robinson, 1906; Deborah Louella, 1908; Anson Burlingame, Jr., 1912. Address, 25 East Fourth Street, Media, Delaware County, Pa., and 12 North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Haughton, John Paul, A.B. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1889, and left 1892 at close of Junior year. Re-entered 1893. Treasurer, Everett-Athenseum. Insurance. Retired on account of poor health. b. Hanover, N. H., April 11, 1872. s. James Haughton and Augustine Meilet. m. Erie, Pa., October 30, 1919, Mary B. Mont- gomery. Address, Paoli, Pa. Hughes, James Edward, A.B. (A.B., Central High School, Phila., Pa., 1889; A.M., 1894.) Entered Junior year, December, 1892. At Central High School and at Lehigh University previously. Assistant Principal, New Berne Collegiate Institute, New Berne, N. C, 1894-95. Teacher, Languages and Mathematics, 1895-96, Mt. Holly Military School, N. J.; 1895-96, University of Penn- sylvania Law School, 1^ years. General Manager, Coastwise Transportation and Towage Company, 115 Walnut Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Aronimink Golf Club, Drexel Hill, Pa. ; Automobile Club of Philadelphia ; Phila- delphia Maritime Exchange ; Maritime Association, Port of New York; Philadelphia Director, Mclntyre Oil and Gas Company, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ; Member, New York and Philadelphia Philatelic Societies. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 19, 1871. s. Asa S. Hughes and Jane Emma Molloy. m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 12, 1910, Adele G. Smith. Address, Garrett Road, Drexel Hill, Pa. Morris, Samuel Wheeler, S.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1891. Captain of Cricket Team, 1894. With Girard Trust Company since graduation. Banker. Secretary of Girard Trust Company. Member, Philadelphia Club ; Merion Cricket Club ; Philadelphia Cricket Club; University Barge Club; Sunnybrook Golf Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 16, 1874. s. Frederick Wistar Morris (Class 1860) and Elizabeth F. Paul. m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., June 6, 1917, Barbara Warden Strawbridge. c. Barbara W. Strawbridge, 1910; William J. Strawbridge, 1911; Samuel W., Jr., 1918. Address, Girard Trust Company, Broad and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 1894] MATRICULATE CATALOG 325 Palmer, Louis Jaquette, A.B. Entered Freshman Class 1891 and completed course in 3 years. Assistant Principal, Pottstown High School, 1894; Principal, Pottstown High School, 1897; Instructor, West Chester State Normal School, 1898; Assistant Principal, West Chester High School, 1899; Principal, Boys' Department, Pennsylvania Insti- tute for the Instruction of the Blind, 1900; Admitted to Chester County Bar, 1902; Admitted to the Philadelphia Bar, 1903. At- torney-at-Law. Member, Triangle Society, Haverford College; Director of the Neighborhood League of Wayne, Pa.; Manager of Foulke & Long Institute; Manager of Glen Mills Schools; Member of Union League, Philadelphia, Pa. Vestryman of St. Mary's Protestant Episcopal Church, Wayne, Pa. b. West Chester, Pa., May 24, 1874. s. Eli Palmer and Marianna Smedley. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 15, 1905, Anne Knox Buzby. c. Marian Knox, 1906; Dorothy, 1910 (d. 1910) ; Anne Smedley, 1912. Address, 632 Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Quimby, Edward Entwisle, SB. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1890. Treasurer of Class during Senior year. Draughtsman. City Engineer, Hazleton, Pa. ; Lehigh Valley Coal Company, Hazleton, Pa. ; Lehigh Valley Coal Company, Centralia, Pa. ; Sewer Depart- ment, District of Columbia ; Great Falls and Old Dominion Rail- road,' Washington, D. C. ; Superintendent of Yards and Buildings Department, American Bridge Company, Pencoyd Plant, at present. b. Phoenixville, Pa., February 10, 1874. s. Alden Walker Quimby and Malinda Jane Brower. Address, 3729 Manayunk Avenue, Wissahickon, Philadelphia, Pa. fRex, Frank Clayton, A.B. (S.B., West Chester Normal School, Pa., 1892.) Entered Sophomore Class 1891. Honors in English and allied subjects. 1894-95, Teacher of English, West Chester, Pa., Normal School; 1895-96, Principal, Waterford Academy, Waterford, Pa.; 1896-97, Teacher, Potts- town, Pa., High School; 1897-99, Teacher, Reading, Pa., Boys' High School. 1900-01, Advertising Department, Strawbridge & Clothier, Philadelphia; 1901-06, Advertising Manager, Austin Nichols & Co., New York; 1906-09, Treasurer, The Canister Com- pany. Phillipsburg, N. J.; 1909-12, Real Estate, New York; 1912- 16, engaged in agriculture and horticulture in South, because of ill'heafth. 1916-17, Acting Receiver for The Canister Company, 326 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1894 bankrupt; 1917-18, Vice-President and General Manager, The Canister Company, of Phillipsburg, N. J. ; President and General Manager of same, and President, Republic Can and Metal Com- pany, Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y., at time of death. During war, Sec- retary-Treasurer, War Service Committee, Febei Can Industry. 1919, Director, Phillipsburg National Bank, Phillipsburg, N. J. Member, The Pomfret Club (social), Easton, Pa.; The Whitehall Club (business men's). New York City. b. East Nantmeal, Chester County, Pa., February 14, 1872. d. Phillipsburg, N. J., December 13, 1920. s. William Francis Rex and Elizabeth Ann Duchman. m. Waterford, Pa., September 20, 1900, Mary Glover Barton, c. Millicent Barton, 1901. Ristine, Frederick Pearce, A.B. Entered 1890. Manager and President, Football Association; Leader, Banjo Club, 1893-94. Member, Glee Club, Mandolin and Banjo Clubs. Member, Baseball Team, Freshman year ; Cricket Team, Senior year. Triangle Society. Stock Broker. 1894, entered employ. Real Estate Trust Company, Philadelphia; 1902, formed partner- ship, Ristine & Conklin, Brokers; 1912, formed partnership, F. P. Ristine & Co., successors to Ristine & Conklin. At present, F. P. Ristine & Co., Brokers, Members, New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges. Member, Triangle Society, Haverford; St. Davids Golf Club; Philadelphia Stock Exchange; Crescent Lodge, F. & A. M. ; Union League of Philadelphia. b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., November 11, 1871. s. George Carpenter Ristine and Susannah Shank, m. Wayne, Pa., November 17, 1904, Elizabeth Whetstone, c. Elizabeth Ann, 1912. Address, Widener Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Scarborough, Henry Wismer Stover, S.B., A.M., 1895. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1896.) Entered 1890. Studied at West Chester State Normal School, 1887-90. Stu- dent at University of Pennsylvania Law School, 1894-96. At- torney-at-Law. Teacher of Commercial Law, Conveyancing and Real Estate Law, for 12 years, beginning 1896. Established in Temple University the first course in Conveyancing and Real Es- tate Law given for laymen. Solicitor for the Diamond Building and Loan Association. Member, Pennsylvania State Bar Asso- ciation; Law Association of Philadelphia; Independent Order of Odd Fellows ; American Academy of Political and Social Science ; Germantown and Chestnut Hill Improvement Association ; Chair- 1894] MATRICULATE CATALOG 327 man of Board of Directors of the Alumni Association, West Ches- ter Normal School. b. Solebury Township, Bucks County, Pa., July 24, 1870, s. Watson Scarborough and Anna M. Stover, m. Plumsteadville, Bucks County, Pa., July 20, 1904, Clara Hagerty. c. J. Watson, 1905; Marian Stover, 1906; Mary Hagerty, 1908; Henry Wis- mer, Jr., 1910. Address, 1200 Lincoln Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Stokes, Francis Joseph, A.B. Entered 1891. President, Cricket Association. Member, First Cricket Eleven, 3 years. Engineer and Machinist. 1894, started as apprentice in machine shop of Robert Shoemaker, Jr., Philadelphia; 1895, pur- chased the business, which was then called the F. J. Stokes Ma- chine Company. At present, proprietor of the same. Manufac- turers of chemical, medicinal and special machinery. Member, University Club, Philadelphia; City Club, Philadelphia; Hunting- ton Valley C. C. ; American Society of Chemical Engineers ; Drug and Chemical Club, and Chemists' Club of New York; Franklin Institute; American Academy of Political and Social Science; Academy of Fine Arts ; Zoological Gardens Association. b. Philadelphia (Germantown), Pa., December 24, 1873. s. Francis Stokes (Class 1852; Manager, 1885- ) and Katharine Wistar Evans, m. Scranton, Pa., June 28, 1912, Lelia T. Wood- ruff, c. Francis Joseph, Jr., 1913; Allen Woodruff, 1915; Henry Warrington, 1917; Alison, 1919. Address, 629 Church Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. fStrawbridge, William Justus, S.B. Entered 1890. Captain, Football Team, Fall of 1893. Civil Engineer, in Cramp's Ship Yard, Philadelphia, Engine Department. Head of Drafting Department, Naval Shops at Cavite, P. I. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., October 2, 1873. d. August 13, 1911. s. Justus Clayton Strawbridge (Manager, 1883-1911) and Mary Lukens. m. Germantown, Pa., April 21, 1909, Barbara Warden, c. A daughter. Taber, David Shearman, Jr., A.B. Entered 1890. Member, Banjo Club, all four years; President, Everett- Athenaeum Society, Sophomore year; President, Class, Senior year. With firm, Taber & Co., Importers of Italian Marble. Clerk of New York Monthly Meeting of Friends, 1912 to date. 328 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1894 Appointed Correspondent, New York Monthly Meeting, 1915; of New York Yearly Meeting, 1915. b. New York City, June 6, 1873. s. David S. Taber and Elisa- beth Underbill Wood. m. Pittsfield, Mass., April 19, 1911, Char- lotte Bbss. c. David Shearman, Jr., 1917. Address, 411 West 114th Street, New York City. Williams, Parker Shortridge, A.B. Entered 1890. Won Essay Prize, Class of 1870 ; Alumni Orator, 1900 ; Presi- dent, Class, Sophomore year; Editor-in-Chief, The Haverfordian, Senior year ; Delivered Commencement Address, 1903 ; President, Alumni Association, 1912-13; President, Haverford Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa, 1913-15. 1898, Admitted to Philadelphia Bar. Man- ager, Pennsylvania Hospital; Haverford School; Director, Provi- dent Life and Trust Company; Merion Title and Trust Com- pany; John Farnum Company, and other business corporations. Legal Department, Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1894-99; Member of firm, Innes & Williams, 1899-1908; Member of firm, Williams &. Sinkler, 1910 to date. Attorney-at-Law. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 18, 1873. s. Henry N. Williams and Ella Souder. m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., July 15, 1908, Mary Wis- tar Brown. Address, 601 Commercial Trust Building, Fifteenth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Non-Graduates Beale, Horace Alexander, Jr. Entered from Parkesburg, Pa., 1890, and left in 1892, end of Sophomore year. Chemist in Laboratory of the Pennsylvania Steel Company, Steelton, Pa., 1892-93, 1893-99. Chemist, Superintendent of Puddling Mill, Bloomery & Skelp Mill, and Vice-President of Parkesburg Iron Company, Parkesburg, Pa., personally directing and supervising these departments. January 1, 1900, to date. President of the Parkesburg Iron Company, Pa. Member, Ameri- can Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, New York City; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Engineers' Club, New York City, and same, of Philadelphia ; Union League, Art Club, Racquet Club, Quaker City Motor Club, Automobile Club, all of Philadelphia; Merion Cricket Club; Automobile Club of America, New York ; Franklin Institute, Philadelphia ; American Iron and Steel Institute, New York ; American Society for Test- ing Materials ; Wilmington Country Club, Wilmington, Del. ; Wil- 1894] MATRICULATE CATALOG 329 mington Club, Wilmington, Del. ; Pittsburgh Athletic Club, Pitts- burgh, Pa. ; Corinthian Yacht Club, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Hibernia Iron Works, Pa., February 10, 1870. s. Horace Alexander Beale and Ellen Mary Mendenhall. m. Wilmington, Del, April 17, 1900, Mary Rogers Hartshorn Dunning, c. Horace Alexander, 3d, 1901. Address, Parkesburg, Pa. Busselle, Alfred. Entered 1890 and left at close of the Sophomore year. Won First Prize, Everett- Athenaeum, 1891-92. Treasurer, Foot- ball Association, 1891-92 ; Vice-President, Class, Sophomore year. Architect. Manager of practice of Bruce Price, Architect, to 1903. General practice of Architecture, specialist in country houses, to date. Justice of the Peace, 1911-15. Treasurer, New York Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1903 to date. Member, New York Haverf ord Association ; Architectural League of New York ; Transportation Club ; American Institute of Architects. b. New York City, May 26, 1874. s. Samuel D. Busselle and Sarah Elizabeth Moss. m. Chappaqua, N. Y., October 1, 1903, Harriet C. Murray, c. Robert M., 1904; Alfred, Jr., 1905; Ann, 1910. Address, 347 Madison Avenue, New York City. fFoulke, Edward Jeanes Entered 1890 and left at close of Freshman year. Two years at Princeton University; Clerk in Real Estate De- partment, Germantown Real Estate, Deposit and Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 24, 1874. d. , 1905. s. W. G. Foulke and Anna E. Jeanes. Harvey, LeRoy. (A.B. Harvard, 1894.) Entered 1890 and left, end of Freshman year. With William Ropes & Co., St. Petersburg, Russia, Oil Refiners, to 1899. Lumber business (wholesale and manufacturing), until 1915. Mayor of Wilmington, 1921- . Member, Harvard Club, New York; same, of Delaware (Vice-President). Member, Orpheus Club of Philadelphia ; Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Manager ; Wilmington Institute Free Library, Treasurer and Man- ager; Y. M. C. A., Manager; Wilmington Club; Wilmington Country Club; West Chester Golf Club. b. Wilmington, Del., April 28, 1873. s. Huxley Harvey and Mary Louisa Belt. m. Wilmington, Del., January 9, 1904, Renee de Pelleport du Pont. c. Alice Hounsfield, 1905 ; Mary Van Dyke, 1908; Edmund Huxley, 1911; Sophie Renee de Pelleport, 1915. A.ddress, 907 Broome Street, Wilmington, Del. 330 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1894 Lancaster, George. (Ph.B., Wesleyan Univ., Bloomingtton, 111., 1899.) Entered from Wyoming, Pa., 1890, and left at close of Sopho- more year, 1892. Studied at Wesleyan University, Bloomington, 111., 2 years. Winner of Shakespeare "Bat." Teacher. Teacher in District School in Minneapolis ; High School Teacher, 3 years, Hutchinson, Minnesota ; Principal, High School, 6 years, Everett, Wash. ; Superintendent, Schools, 9 years, Arlington, Wash. ; Head of Historical Department, Tacoma High School, Tacoma, Wash., since 1914. Member, N. E. A., since 1898. b. Durham County, England, January 8, 1868. s. George Lan- caster and Sarah Wood. m. Everett, Wash., August 20, 1905, Bertha Juergens. c. Lotte, 1907; Mimi Isabel, 1910. Address, 4118 South Kay Street, Tacoma, Wash. Lewis, Eugene Caryl. Entered as Special Student, 1892 and left 1894. Secretary of the College, 1892-94. Studied at Miami Valley College, Springboro, Ohio, 1879-80. Librarian, West Chester State Normal School, West Chester, Pa. Employed with Reyburn Manufacturing Company, Philadelphia; Teacher in business schools, Amsterdam, N. Y. (Acting as Principal), and Philadel- phia; Owner and Editor of The New Vienn-a Reporter, 1910-16. Farming until recently. Author : A Brief History of the American Tariff, 1789-1860. Member, Union Grange, No. 77, New Vienna, Ohio. b. Near New Vienna, Ohio, June 20, 1860. s. Christopher Lewis and Louisa K. Hallo well. m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 6, 1917, Irene Blackburn. Address, New Vienna, Ohio, R. F, D. No. 3. Miller, Martin Nixon. Entered 1890; left at close of Junior year. Electrical, Mechanical and Structural Engineer; Designer of Power Plant Installations, Supervising Building Construction and Installation of Machinery. For 7 years, Electric Storage Battery Company, from office boy to chief draftsman and engineer in charge installing power plants. With Keasbey & Mattison Com- pany, Ambler, Pa., for 1 year as Mechanical Engineer and Assist- ant Superintendent. Thirteen months, in Panama, first 6 months as Expert Electrical and Mechanical Draftsman, and balance of time, Assistant Engineer of Staff of Colonel George W. Goethals, United States Army, on Panama Canal Construction. For many 1894] MATRICULATE CATALOG 331 years with the American Bridge Company, both at Ambridge and Pencoyd Plants, as Assistant Chief Draftsman in the Mechanical Department. For several years as Assistant Chief Draftsman, Marine and Engine Department, New York Shipbuilding Com- pany; Superintendent of Construction, McClintic-Marshall Com- pany, Pottstown, Pa., in charge of erecting and installing the bridge shop ($1,000,000). Prior to the war with Germany was Supervising Engineer in charge of ($2,000,000) building work and installing the machinery at the Frankford Arsenal. May 4, 1917, enlisted as a private in the United States Army, Philadel- phia. Sent to the First Officers' Training Camp and earned a commission as Captain, Corps of Engineers, United States Army. Organized the First Battalion of the 20th Engineers ; organized, quartered, messed, equipped and drilled the first Camouflage Com- pany of United States Army (see Literary Digest, October 13, 1917). With 21 volunteers of 10th Engineers, organized, messed, quartered, drilled, and took to France, November 26, 1917, Com- pany B, 501st Engineers. Built hospitals, base headquarters, bar- racks, machine shops, and a large dam at Pontcheteau, where the water for St. Nazaire was held in reserve. Was Camp Commander on the dam construction for 3^ months. With 19th Engineers. Company A, for 3}4 months. Two months, on detached service, as Engineer of Machine Shops in the Department of Military Engineering and Engineering Supplies at Tours, France. Re- turned to United States on December 29, 1918, and sent to Camp Humphreys, Va., in charge of Company A, 2d Engineer Training Regiment. Honorably discharged, January 18, 1919. Previous military training with National Guard, Pennsylvania, 7y2 years, and on riot duty at Hazleton, Pa., October and November, 1902, during the coal strike. Mechanical Engineer with Emergency Fleet during year 1919; Assistant to President, Philadelphia Gear Works, 1920; Designing Engineer, Wharves, Docks and Ferries, Philadelphia, Pa., during year 1921. January, 1922, to date, Super- intendent of Construction and Plant Maintenance Engineer, Ellis Island, New York Harbor. Member, American Legion, B. Frank- lin Pepper Post No. 425, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa.; 1st Regiment Infantry Veteran Corps, National Guard, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. ; American Society Mechanical Engineers, New York ; Engineers' Club of Philadelphia, Pa. ; Franklin Chess Club, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Republican Club of Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.; The Masonic Club, New York City; Lodge 51, F. & A. M., Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 3, 1873. s. Alfred Gowen Miller 332 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1894 and Martha Brown Nixon, m. Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa., October 9, 1901, Helen MacGreagor Pidjeon. c. Martha Nixon, 1902. Address, Ellis Island, New York Harbor, N. Y. Morris, Howard. Entered from Parkesburg, Pa., 1890, and left at close of the year. Stationary Engineer; Machinist. b. Coatesville, Pa., July 4, 1871. s. Charles Brooke Morris and Mary Jane Gross, m. June 22, 1893, E. Jane Osmond. Address, Parkesburg, Pa. Pancoast, William Howard. Entered 1890 and left in the spring of 1893. Reporter ; Assistant Sporting Editor ; Commercial Editor ; Ex- change Editor ; Assistant News Editor ; Philadelphia Evening Tele- graph, for 4 years. Banker and Broker. 2d and 1st Lieutenant, Light Battery "A," Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery, Spanish- American War. Office Management, Philadelphia Office of Naval Intelligence, World's War. President, Central Land and Mining Company. Investments, Redmond & Co. Member, Philadelphia Club; Racquet Club; Philadelphia Country Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 2, 1873. s. William Henry Pan- coast, M. D. (Class 1853), and Gertrude Lewis, m. February 18, 1896, Mary Warburton. c. Gertrude L., 1897; Mary W., 1899. Address, 2024 De Lancey Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fPinkham, Charles Heber. Entered from Lynn, Mass., 1890, and left at close of the Fresh- man year on account of ill health. b. Canton, Ind., December 12, 1872. d. Woonsocket, R. I., May 8, 1896. s. William Penn Pinkham and Emma Cecilia Curry. Rorer, Jonathan Taylor, Jr. (A.B., Colorado College, 1895; Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., 1901.) Entered from Hatboro, Pa., 1890, and left at the close of the Sophomore year. Eajtor of The Haverfordian, 1892. Student at Colorado Col- lege, Colo., 1894-95, and in the Graduate School, University of Pennsylvania, 1896-1901. Professor of Mathematics, Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1895-1909; Head of Department of Mathematics, William Penn High School, Philadelphia, 1909 to date; Vice-Principal, Central Evening High School, Philadel- phia, 1907-15; Principal, William Penn Evening High School, 1916-20; Principal, Central Evening High School, 1920 to date. 1894] MATRICULATE CATALOG 333 Member of the Educational Corps, A. E. F., 1919 (German Oc- cupation), and Superintendent of Instruction, 2d Division (Reg- ular Army), A. E. F., February 8 to July 13, 1919. Instructor, Summer School, and in College Courses for Teachers, Johns Hop- kins University, 1920-21. Member, American Mathematical So- ciety; American Astronomical Society; American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow) ; Phi Beta Kappa. (Beta of Colorado.) Treasurer, Philadelphia Association of Phi Beta Kappa, 1916-18; Military Order of Loyal Legion; Schoolmen's Club of Philadelphia, Vice-President, 1916-18; President, 1915- 17, Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Middle States and Maryland. b. West Chester, Pa., August 21, 1871. s. Jonathan T. Rorer and Helen V. Bitting, m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 14, 1899, Mabel Marion Ballon. Address, 333 North Thirty-fourth Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Shoemaker, Benjamin Hallowell, 2nd. Entered 1890 and left during the Junior year. Glass Merchant. b. Germantovv^n, Pa., March 3, 1872. s. Benjamin Hallowell Shoemaker (Manager, 1880-1916) and Susan Brinton Trump, m. Germantown, Pa., January 17, 1898. c. Benjamin Hallowell, 3d (Class 1923). Address, 523 Church Lane, Germantown, Pa., and 205 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Thomas, Frank Snowden. Entered 1890 and left during the Freshman year. Student at Johns Hopkins University. Secretary and Treasurer, Battersby Mercantile Agency. Photo Engraving. Owner and Manager, Alpha Engraving Company, Baltimore, Md. Broker in business in New York City for a number of years. Overseas Service as Lieutenant, American Red Cross, assigned to duty at the front. Member, St. Nicholas Club, New York City. b. Baltimore, Md., February 14, 1873. s. James Carey Thomas (Class of 1851; Manager, 1860-97) and Mary Whitall. m. New York City, February 20, 1920, Eleanor Bridgeland. Address, 5 Nassau Street, New York City. Walker, Frank Dinwiddle. Entered 1890 and left 1891, at close of Freshman year. Testing Laboratories of Electro-Dynamic Company; Founder, Walker Electric Company ; Eastern Agent, Electrical Department, National Brake and Electric Company; Freight Traffic Manager, U. G. I. Company (at present). Member, Overbrook Golf Club. 334 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1895 b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 29, 1873. s. Henry H. Walker and Esther Walker, m. June 19, 1900, Mabel O. Combs. Address, 108 Elmwood Avenue, Narberth, Pa. Warden, Herbert Watson. Entered 1890 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1892. Treasurer and Manager. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 13, 1872. s. William G. Warden and Sarah W. Bushnell. m. (1) Alice Pardee; (2) Stella Bur- nand. Address, Talcombe, South Devon; England. Warden, Nelson Bushnell. Entered 1890 and left at close of Junior year, 1893. Secretary. Member, Philadelphia First City Troop, Spanish War, 1898. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 3, 1874. s. William G. Warden and Sarah W. Bushnell. m. Edinburgh, Scotland, November 21, 1906, Cecile Angelesco Ghika. Address, 1012 Witherspoon Build- ing, Philadelphia, Pa. Wood, Arnold. Entered 1890; left at close of Freshman year. Studied at College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1891-92. Associate Director, Military Relief in Hospital Service, Atlantic Division, American Red Cross, during the World War, 1918-20. Published "A Bibliography of Isaac Walton." Mem- ber, Union Club, Racquet and Tennis Club, Delta Kappa Epsilon Club, all of New York City. b. New York City, September 23, 1872. s. William H. S. Wood (Class 1859) and Mary Emma Congdon. m. New York City, No- vember 11, 1896, Ethel Hartshorne. c. Arnold, Jr., 1899; Louise Hartshorne, 1907. Address, 1 East Fifty-first Street, New York City. 1895 Bettle, Samuel, Jr., A.B. Entered, Spring, 1892. Assistant Manager, Football Team, Junior year. Manager, Football Team, Senior year. In business for self as manufac- turer's agent. With H. W. Middleton Company; A. B. See Elec- tric Elevator Company ; Detroit Steel Products Company. Assist- ant to Manager, du Pont Fabrikoid Company, manufacturer of leather substitutes, since 1916. Served as Private with Battery "A," Pennsylvania Volunteers, in Spanish-American War, 1898. 1895] MATRICULATE CATALOG 335 Served on all (chairman of some) committees on Y. M. C. A., Liberty Bond, Red Cross, etc., "drives" during "World War." Member, Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity; Newburgh Chamber of Commerce. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 24, 1874. s. Edward Bettle, Jr. (Class 1861 ; Manager, 1872-1912; Secretary of Corporation, 1875- 83 ; Secretary of Board of Managers, 1877-83 ; Treasurer, 1883- 84) and Elizabeth H. Tatnall. m. Philadelphia, Pa., August 10, 1904, Isabel Stockton, c. Betty, 1905; Nancy, 1907. Address, 236 Liberty Street, Newburgh, N. Y. Blanchard, Edmund, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1899.) Entered 1891. Alumni Prize Orator, 1894. Vice-President of Class, 3 years. Practiced Law in Centre County, Pa. Courts for 2 years. Mayor of Bellefonte for 2 terms. President of McCoy-Linn Iron Com- pany, Drilling Contractors, to date. Member, Markham Club of Philadelphia; Bellefonte Club and Nittany Country Club; Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity, "Alpha Chapter." b. Bellefonte, Pa., Februaiy 20, 1873. s. Evan M. Blanchard and Eliza F. Harris, m. Ridley Park, Pa., December 28, 1912, Ellen Donnelly. Address, Bellefonte, Pa. Brown, Samuel Hulme, A.B. (A.M. Harvard Univ., 1915.) Entered Junior Class 1893. 1895-1904, Bookkeeper and Claim Clerk, Philadelphia & Read- ing Railway Company. 1904 to date. Head of History Depart- ment, Westtown School, Westtown, Pa. Cornell University, Stu- dent of Research History, 1917. Member, American Historical Association; Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. b. Norristown, Pa., December 10, 1874. s. William Henry Brown and Elizabeth Kirkbride Hulme. m. West Chester, Pa., June 27, 1901, Elizabeth Wood Hoopes. c. Malin Hoopes, 1903; Emily Smedley, 1905; S. Hulme, Jr., 1906; Elizabeth Emily, 1910; Constance Kirkbride, 1918. Address, Westtown, Pa. Conklin, Frank Henry, A.B. Entered 1891. Vice-President, Class, Freshman year ; President, Class, Senior year; President, Athletic Association, 1894-95; President, Tennis Association; Vice-President, Football Association; "Spoon Man." Teller in Girard Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa., until Febru- ary, 1902. Banking and Brokerage under firm name of Ristine & Conklin, 1902-12. 1912 to date. Duck Grower. b. New York City, March 30, 1873. s. William Conklin and 336 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1895 Ellen Coffin Ladd. m. Haverford, Pa., December 10, 1904, Frances Smyth, c. Margaret, 1905 ; John Titus, 1907. Address, Main Street, Lakeville, R. F. D. No. 1, Middleboro, P. O., Mass. fCookman, Charles Howland, A.B. (Bachelor of Divinity, Drew Theol. Sem., 1901.) Entered 1891. An Editor of The Haverfordian; Member, Banjo Club; Charter Member, Triangle Society; President, Y. M. C. A. Private Sec- retary to Mr. S. M. Sayford, College Evangelist and Bible Study Promoter, 1895 ; Teacher of Latin, Greek and Ancient History, and Assistant Principal, Friends' School, Wilmington, Del., 1896- 98. General Secretary, Wilmington, Delaware City Y. M. C. A., 1895. Member, Evangelistic and Visiting Staff, Camp Thomas, Chickamauga, Ga., Spanish- American War, summer, 1898. Pas- tor, St. James and Montgomery Street Churches, Newark, N. J., 1899; Associate Pastor, Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, Har- lem, N. Y., 1900. Pastor, Central Valley Church, New York, 1902; St. Paul's Church, Middletown, N. Y., 1903-08; Grace Church, Harlem, N. Y., 1908-10; St. James, Kingston, N. Y., 1910-15; First Church, Yonkers, N. Y., 1915-19. Teacher of Re- ligious Education, Deaconess School, New York City. Member, Board of Examiners, New York Annual Conference ; of Board of Ministerial Qualifications Conference ; Writer for Sunday School Periodicals of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Member, Fortnightly Club, Middletown, N. Y. ; Middletown Clerical Asso- ciation; Monday Club, New York; Kingston Clerical Association; President, Yonkers' Ministerial Association (2 terms) ; Chairman, City of Yonkers, Billy Sunday New York Campaign ; New York District Chairman on Sunday School Teachers' Training. During World War, Member, City Committee in Seeing Boys Off for Front, and on Committee for Welcoming Them Home. Local Church Correspondent for Boys of First Methodist Church; on committees for all "drives," Y. M. C. A., Red Cross, Armenian and Syrian Relief. b. Wilmington, Del., March 2, 1873. d. Englewood, N. J., De- cember 5, 1921. s. Rev. John Emory Cookman and Margaret Smith Howland. m. Wilmington, Del., June 14, 1904, Alma Frances Groves, c. Frances Evelyn, 1906; Elisabeth Howland, 1914. Engle, James Linton, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1892. First Prize for Systematic Reading, 1894. Graduate Student 1895] MATRICULATE CATALOG 337 in Latin, 1895-96. Assistant in Library, 1895-96. President and Treasurer (Majority Stockholder), The Holmes Press, Philadel- phia, Pa. President, Haddonfield Board of Education; President, Haddonfield Safe Deposit and Trust Company ; President, United Typothetae of America; Chairman, United War Work Campaign in Haddonfield; Chairman, Victory Liberty Loan Drive in Phila- delphia for Printers, Electrotypers, Engravers. Member, Uni- versity Club ; Poor Richard Club ; Tavistock Country Club ; Had- don Field Club ; Haddonfield Civic Association ; Haddonfield Re- publican Club; Meridian Club; Pocono Lake Preserve; Philadel- phia Typothetae; Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce. b. Haddonfield, N. J., May 6, 1874. s. Joseph Engle and Mar- garet Taylor De Cou. m. April 12, 1899, Florence Hill Redman, c. Joseph Redman, 1900. Address, 140 Westmont Avenue, Had- donfield, N. J., and 1315 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Evans, Joseph Spragg, Jr., A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1899.) Entered 1891. Studied Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Resident Physi- cian, Hospital, University of Pennsylvania, 1900-01 ; 1901-02, Uni- versity of Vienna; 1902-09, Instructor in Medicine, University of Pennsylvania; 1902-09, Associate in Medicine, William Pepper Laboratory of Clinical Medicine. 1910, Professor of Clinical Medicine, University of Wisconsin. b. West Chester, Pa., March 6, 1875. s. Joseph Spragg Evans and Ruth Peirce. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 9, 1907, Mary Elizabeth Eagan. Address, 821 State Street, Madison, Wis. Goodman, William, S.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1896.) Entered 1891. President of Class, 1892-93. Student at Harvard University, 1895-96. Draftsman, Laidlaw-Dunn-Gordon Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1896. 1898, Ensign, United States Navy. 1899, Drafts- man, E. D. Leavitt, Cambridge, Mass. ; 1900, Engineer, Laidlaw- Dunn-Gordon Company; 1901, Chief Engineer of same; 1905, Assistant Manager of same; 1909, Manager of same. 1918, As- sistant to Vice-President, Worthington Pump and Machinery Cor- poration, 115 Broadway, New York. Member, University Club, Cincinnati, Ohio; Commonwealth Club, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Business Men's Club of same place ; Englewood Field Club, Engle- wood, N. J. ; Lawyer's Club, New York City ; Knickerbocker Country Club, Tenafly, N. J. ; American Society Mechanical Engi- neers. b. Cincinnati, Ohio, July 8, 1874. s. William Austin Goodman 22 338 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1895 and Grace Hastings Griswold. m. Coronado', Cal., October 15, 1902, Mary Wilber Healy. c. William, Jr., 1905 ; Helen Mary, 1909. Address, 115 Broadway, New York City, or Chestnut Street, Englewood, N. J. Harris, Henry John, A.B. (A.B., Central High School, Phila., Pa., 1892; Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., 1900.) Entered Freshman Class 1892 and completed course in 3 years. Honors in Economics on Graduating. Phi Beta Kappa. Stu- dent of Economics and History, University of Pennsylvania, 1895- 97; at Halle, Germany, 1897-98; University of Berlin, 1898-99; University of Pennsylvania, 1900, Ph.D. Statistician, United States Treasury Department, 1900-01. Research Expert, United States Department of Labor, 1901-11. Chief, Division of Docu- ments, Library of Congress, 1911 to date. Special Lecturer on Social Insurance, Johns Hopkins University, 1915. Author: "Handworking Industries in Germany," "Workmen's Insurance in Germany," "Workmen's Insurance in Austria," "Maternity Bene- fit Systems in Europe," and numerous articles in economic jour- nals. Member, Phi Beta Kappa; Cosmos Club, Washington; American Economic Association; American Statistical Associa- tion; American Association for Labor Legislation. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 10, 1872. s. John Thomas Har- ris and Elizabeth Saville. m. Washington, D. C, June 21, 1913, Dora Gertrude Knight, c. John Knight, 1915. Address, 1857 Lamont Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Hay, Arthur Moorhead, S.B. Entered January, 1891, from Lehigh University. Member of Triangle Society. Draughtsman, Baldwin Locomo- tive Works, 1895 ; Special Student of Physics and Chemistry, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1896. J. W. Queen & Co., Philadelphia, Electrical Instrument Testing and "X-Ray" Coil Department, 1897; Student at Law School, University of Pennsylvania, 1899; Secretary and Treasurer, Collins Wireless Telegraph and Tele- phone Company, 1900; Secretary and Treasurer, and Assistant Manager and Designer, Vitreous Stone Company, 1901 ; Fruit Farming and Poultry Raising, Bradford Hills, Pa., 1904; Real Es- tate Business in Pasadena, Cal., 1910; The Pequa Land Improve- ment Company, consulting engineer, 1911; Representative, Metro- politan Life Insurance Company, 1912-14. Investigation, Test- ing, Repair and Sale of "Electric Storage Batteries." Formerly a Member of Engineers' Club, Philadelphia, 1895-1904; Franklin Institute, 1895-1904; American Academy of Political and Social 1895] MATRICULATE CATALOG 339 Science, 1897-1904; Browning Society, 1899-1904; Camera Club of University of Pennsylvania, 1899-1900. Member, Triangle Society, Haverford. United States Weather Bureau Cooperation Observer for West Chester, 1921- . b. Beirut, Palestine, February 7, 1872. s. John Baldwin Hay (Consul General to Syria) and Cora Holmes Badger, m. South Coventry, Chester County, Pa., July 9, 1902, Mary Ellen Scholl. c. Robert Arthur, 1903 ; Dorothy Alice, 1910. Address, 127 East Chestnut Street, West Chester, Pa. Hay, Erroll Baldwin, SB. Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., 1891. Secretary of Class, 1891 ; Vice-President, 1895 ; Manager, The Haverfordian; Member, Loganian Society and Triangle Society. Captain, Basketball Team ; Member, Varsity Football and Baseball Teams. Won College Record in High Dive, Gym. Team and Bicycle Race. Entered Intercollegiate Bicycle Races. Wrote Play for Class Day Exercises. Student at University of Penn- sylvania, 1896. On the Editorial Staff of New York Tribune for 1 year. With Thomas A. Biddle & Co., Bankers and Brokers, Philadelphia, 1898-1904. Manufacturer of Building Materials, 1904-07. Director in Philadelphia Security Life Insurance Com- pany. Managers' Department of John Wanamaker Store, and in the Educational Department on Cotton, Wool, Silk and History of Design. In United States Army (National Guard) on Mexican Border, 1915-16. Lieutenant in War with German Empire, to July, 1920. In engagements at Chateau Thierry, Argonne Forest, and in Belgium with the 108th Field Artillery, 28th Division. With United States Army Claims Board in Paris and Washing- ton, 1919-20, on General Staff. Graduate, French Artillery School, Valdahon, France, Captain of Field Artillery. 1921-22, business; address, Martin & Co., Banking and Bond House, 1411 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Philadelphia Barge Club and Franklin Chess Club. b. Beirut, Syria, March 28, 1873. s. John B. Hay (Consul General to Syria) and Cora Holmes Badger, m. Philadelphia, Pa., November, 1901, Mary G. Bradley, c. Erroll B., Jr., 1903; Margaret, 1905 ; Mary Louise, 1907. Address, 7423 Boyer Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. Hilles, William Smedley, SB. Entered Sophomore Class 1892. Cricket Team, 2 years. Journalist. City Editor, Philadelphia Bulletin; City Editor, Philadelphia Press; News Editor, Baltimore 340 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1895 News; Night Editor, Baltimore Sun; Second Lieutenant, United States Marine Corps, October 20, 1917, to July 11, 1918; First Lieutenant, United States Marine Corps, July 11, 1918, to June 17, 1920. Member, University Club, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 23, 1875. s. Albert Letchworth Hilles and Mary Webster Smedley. m. Baltimore, Md., June 2, 1906, Louise Estelle Robertson, c. Mary Louise, 1908. Address, 27 East Mt. Vernon Place, Baltimore, Md. Leeds, John Bacon, S.B., A.M., 1911. Ph.D., 1913. Entered from Seal, Pa., Junior Class 1893. Clerk, Penn National Bank ; 1895-98, Philadelphia Saving Fund ; Assistant Teller, Franklin National Bank; Secretary, Seventh and Eighth Wards Association of the Municipal League; Secretary, Proportional Representation League of Community Center Asso- ciation of Philadelphia; of Home and School League; Professor, Sociology and Economics, Temple University. State Secretary, Anti-Tuberculosis Association of Florida. Collateral Department, Federal Reserve Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. Professor, Sociology, and Dean of Men, Olivet College. Author: "The Household Budget." Member, Social Workers' Club of Philadelphia. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., December 24, 1874. s. Josiah Woodward Leeds and Deborah Ann Crenshaw, m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 8, 1901, Alice Cary Hay. c. Albert Erroll, 1902; Winthrop Moorhead, 1905 ; Kingsley Bacon. 1907. Address, 304 West School Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Lippincott, George, A.B. (A.B., Harvard Univ., 1896.) Entered 1891. President of Class, Junior year. President, College Associa- tion; President, Cricket Club. Entered Senior Class, Harvard, 1895. Member of firm, Lippincott & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 29, 1875. s. Horace Greenough Lippincott (Class 1862) and Caroline Rowland. Address, Chelten Hills, Wyncote P. O., Pa., and 20 North Delaware Avenue, Phila- delphia, Pa. Taylor, Charles Clifford, SB. Entered 1891. Triangle Society. Insurance. 1895-97, Employers' Indemnity Company; 1897-1908, Insurance Broker; 1908-12, Insurance Broker, associated with Piatt, Yungman & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ; 1912 to date. Member of firm, Piatt, Yungman & Co., 400 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Union League, Philadelphia ; 1895] MATRICULATE CATALOG 341 Art Club; Bachelors' Barge Club; Down Town Club; Merion Cricket Club; St. David's Golf Club; Tredyffrin Country Club; Megantic Fish and Game Corporation; Beideman Gun Club. b. Burlington, N. J., August 6, 1876. s. Charles Shoemaker Taylor (Class 1871; Manager, 1876-80) and Rebecca Hughes, m. Westminster, Md., February 21, 1905, Alice Wright Bond. c. Alice Bond, December 13, 1905. Address, St. David's, Pa. Thomas, Alien Curry, S.B., A.M., 1896. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa.) Entered 1891. Class Secretary; Secretary, Everett- Athenaeum ; Vice-President of same. Honors in History, 1895. Winner of Second Eleven Batting and Bowling Prizes. Member, Football Team ; on Cricket Eleven, English Tour, 1896. Graduate Student in History and Assistant in Mechanical Drawing Room and Machine Shop, 1895- 96. Principal, Night School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1896-97. Student in Law School, University of Pennsylvania. Instructor in Epis- copal Academy; Assistant City Solicitor, 1909-12; Member, Legal Staff, Local Draft Board, 1918-19. Attorney-at-Law, Member of firm, Thomas & Palmer, 632-34 Commercial Trust Building, Phila- delphia, Pa. Author: "Haverford College Cricket," in "Outing." Member, Torresdale Country Club; Masonic Fraternity; Bursar Welsh Society; Associate Member, General George G. Meade Post No. 1, G. A. R. ; Member, Union League, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 27, 1874. s. Glendon L. Thomas, M. D., and Margaret Frances Curry, m. Philadelphia, Pa., March 1, 1904, Mary E. Hunter, c. Allen Curry, Jr., 1907. Address, 2868 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. fThomas, Henry Evan, S.B. Entered 1891. Honors in Chemistry, Senior year. Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1899. Special Student in Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1895-96. Chemist at Cambridgeport, Mass., 1896-97. Real Estate. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 31, 1875. d. Philadelphia, Pa. (?), November 2, 1905. s. William Paca Thomas and Caroline Bullock Hodges. Webster, Walter Coates, S.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1897.) Entered 1891. Vice-President of Class, 1895 ; Vice-President, Loganian So- ciety; Captain, Football Team, 1894. Member of Football Team, Sophomore year. Manager, College Football Team, Junior year. 342 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1895 Member, College Cricket Team, Junior year; Member, Triangle Society and Founders' Club. 1898-1910, Manager, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company; until 1918, General Man- ager, Nichols Copper Company; until 1920, Director and Officer in Alien Property taken over by Government during the war. Vice-President and Director, Pearson Syndicate, 115 Broadway, New York. Member, Harvard Club of New York; Engineers' Club of New York ; Bankers' Club of New York ; Merion Cricket Club, Haverford; University Club of Philadelphia. b. Downingtown, Pa., September 24, 1872. s. Ezra Webster and Gertrude Coates. m. Lancaster, Pa., November 10, 1903, Eva E. Foster, c. Walter Foster, 1905; Marriott Coates, 1906; Bay- ard, 1917. Address, 179 Prospect Street, East Orange, N. J., and 115 Broadway, New York City. Non-Graduates Brown, Francis Head. Entered 1891 and left at close of Freshman year. Research Student in Biology, University of Pennsylvania, 1894- 95. 1895, entered Germantown Trust Company as Clerk. To date. Manager, Chestnut Hill Office, Germantown Trust Com- pany. Director, Flexible Compound Company; Chestnut Hill Mutual Building and Loan Association; Treasurer, Chestnut Hill Business Men's Association; Member, Germantown Cricket Club; Philadelphia Cricket Club; The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Associate Member, The Orpheus Club. From time to time identified with different charitable and church organizations as Treasurer. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., January 20, 1874. s. Amos Peaslee Brown and Frances Brown. Address, 20 East Penn Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Carter, Charles Lybrand. Entered 1891 and left 1892. Guard on Football Team. With MacAndrews & Forbes, Cam- den, N. J. Paper Board Salesman. b. Elkton, Md., January 20, 1874. s. J. D. Carter and Eliza Ann Levis, m. December 2, 1903, Linda M. Landenberger. Ad- dress, 28 South Marshall Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fDerderian, Navaret Kevork. Entered 1891 as special student in Biology and Physiology, and left, 1892. Studied at Ro1>ert College, opposite Constantinople, Turkey. 1895] MATRICULATE CATALOG 343 Studied at Chicago to prepare himself for Medical Missionary in Armenia. b. Constantinople, Turkey ( ?) , 1866. d. Chicago, 111., 1898. fGardner, Earner Somers. Entered 1890. b. Atlantic City, N. J. (?), January 27, 1874. d. August 7, 1894, during summer vacation, s. John J. Gardner, M. C, and f Griffith, Joseph Henry Oglesby. Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., 1891, and left January, 1892. b. Pau, France, May 26, 1872. d. , 1908. s. John R. Griffith and Josephine Sidney Oglesby. Johnson, Charles Hadley. Entered 1891 and left 1892. b. Topeka, Kan. ( ?), December 14, 1872. s. G. Y. Johnson and . No address. Male, Jonathan Tamblyn. (A.B., Univ. of Rochester, 1895; M.D., Univ. of Buffalo, N. Y., 1898.) Entered 1891 and left at close of Sophomore year. Studied at University of Rochester, N. Y., 1894-95; University of Buffalo, N. Y., Medical School, 1895-98 ; Physician and propri- etor of a drug store. Member of County, State and American Medical Associations. Health Officer for several years in New York State. Treasurer of School Board, 3 years. b. Beech Lake, Pa., October 14, 1868. s. John C. Male and Ann Spry. m. Buffalo, N. Y., June 29, 1898, Edith H. Hartman. c. Beatrice J., 1899 ; Frances Helen, 1901 ; William Benson, 1905 ; Florence Edith, 1909; Jonathan M., 1911. Address, Yampa, Col. Miller, Harry March. Entered 1891 and left 1892. Triangle Society. Wholesale Jobber, Stoves, Furnaces and Re- frigerators. Director, The March, Brownbach Stove Company. Member, Stichter Lodge, F. & A. M., Pottstown, Pa. ; Union League, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Phoenixville Country Club ; The Phoenixville Club; The Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce. b. Parry ville. Carbon County, Pa., February 11, 1872. s. Rev. J. P. Miller and Emma Catherine March, m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 4, 1904, Mae Williams, c. Amelia Catherine, 1905 ; Priscilla Grace, 1910. Address, Phoenixville, Pa., and 50 North Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 344 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1895 fMorris, Alfred Paul. Entered 1891 ; left during Senior year, 1895. Inspector. Member of firm, Bauerle & Morris, Coppersmiths. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 2, 1875. d. Villa Nova, Pa., December 31, 1913. s. William Henry Morris (Class 1863) and Sallie Wheeler Paul. m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., May 31, 1899, Mildred Wain. fO'Neill, John Lamond. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1891, and left Freshman year, b. , May 24, 1872. d. . s. Thomas J. O'Neill and Supplee, William Wagner. Entered 1891 ; left close of Sophomore year, 1893. Winner, Haines Fielding Belt, 1893. Miller. Member, F. & A. M.; I. O. O. F. b. Gulf Mills, Pa., October 12, 1874. s. Henderson Supplee and Elizabeth Ellen Wagner, m. January 6, 1895, Isabelle D. Lennen. c. Elizabeth E., 1895 ; Kathryn F., 1897 ; William W., Jr., 1898; Elsie L., 1900; Henderson, 1906; Albert, 1908. Ad- dress, Hampton, N. J. Tatnall, Samuel Alsop. Entered 1891 as a special student, for 1 year only. Draughtsman. Queen & Co., Scientific Instruments; Falkenau Engineering Company; S. L. Allen & Co., Farm Implements, until 1902 ; with Provident Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa., as Clerk, since 1902. Member, Germantown Cricket Club; Photo- graphic Society of Philadelphia; Delaware Valley Ornithological Club. b. Wilmington, Del, May 23, 1873. s. Edward Tatnall, Jr., and Rachel Alsop. m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 15, 1895, Helen Acton, c. Alice, 1897. Address, 503 Hansberry Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Wood, Grahame. Entered 1891 and left at close of Sophomore year. Manufacturer and Merchant of Cotton Goods. Director, Bank of North America ; Manager, Lankenau Hospital. Member, Phila- delphia Club; Rittenhouse Club; Racquet Club; Philadelphia Country Club; Merion Cricket Club; St. Anthony Club; all of Philadelphia. St. Anthony Club, Boston ; St. Anthony Club, New York ; Union Club, Boston. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 6, 1873. s. George Wood and 1896] MATRICULATE CATALOG 345 Mary Hunn. m. Philadelphia, Pa., January 3, 1906, Florence Wetherill. c. Margaret, 1913; Grahame, Jr., 1915; Sara Chattin, 1917; David, 1919. Address, Wawa, Pa. 1896 Adams, Douglas Howe, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1897.) Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., 1892. Honors in Greek and Latin and General Honors, 1896. Treas- urer, Cricket Association; Vice-President, Cricket Association; Member, Cricket Eleven, all four years; Member, Basketball Team ; Member, Cricket Eleven, English Tour ; Business Manager, Haverfordian; Secretary, Y. M. C. A. Member, Phi Beta Kappa. Graduate Student at Harvard, 1896-97. (Honors in Greek.) Teacher at Cloyne House School, Newport, R. I., 1897-98. Teacher in Haverford School, 1898-1909; Vice-Principal and Physical Director and Coach of Football Team, Baseball and Cricket. 1910, returned to Cloyne House School, Newport, R. I., as Headmaster. Founder and Headmaster of "Winchester School for Boys," Atlantic City, N. J., 1911 to date. 1916, Coach of Haverford College Baseball Team which beat Pennsylvania 2 to 0. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Atlantic City Yacht Club; Chairman of Regatta Committee, 2 years ; New England Teachers' Association; Classical Club of New Jersey. b. Cape May, N. J., August 12, 1876. s. Samuel Douglas Adams and Sophie Hampton. Address, Winchester School, Longport, Atlantic City, N. J. Allen, George Raymond, A.B. (A.B., Guilford College, N. C. 1895; LL.B., New York University, 1904.) Entered from Greensboro, N. C, Senior Class, 1895. Student at Guilford College, N. C, 1892-95. Teacher, 1897. 1904, graduated from New York University Law School; Ad- mitted to Bar in New York. Practiced Law in New York City, 1904-15. Assistant General Solicitor, Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa., 1916 to date. b. Bordentown, N. J., March 21, 1876. s. William W. Allen and Linda Rogers, m. Wareham, Mass., August 23, 1910, S. Jemima Beaton, c. Marion Rogers, 1911; Monawee, 1912; Don- ald Beaton, 1916; Mima, 1918. Address, 22 East Essex Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa. AIsop, William Kite, SB. Entered 1892. Football Eleven, all four years; Cricket Eleven, Junior and Senior years ; President of Class, Senior year ; Honors in Chem- 346 HAVERFORD COLLEGE £1896 istry. 1896-99, Assistant Chemist, United States Leather Com- pany, New York; 1900-08, Chemist for same; 1908 to date, Chief Chemist, Central Leather Company, Ridgway, Pa. Some time Member of the Council, Secretary-Treasurer, Vice-President and President of the American Leather Chemists' Association; and, since 1910, Editor of The Journal of The American Leather Chemists' Association. Member, Chemists' Club, New York; American Chemical Society; Society of Chemical Industry (British) ; Society of Leather Trades Chemists (British) ; Ameri- can Leather Chemists' Association. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., July 26, 1872. s. Samuel Alsop, Jr. (Professor of Physics and Astronomy, and Superin- tendent, 1876-78), and Esther Kite. m. Jersey City, N. J., Feb- ruary 3, 1904, Jane Ransom, c. Elizabeth Billings, 1904; William Kite, Jr., 1907. Address, 229 Euclid Avenue, Ridgway, Pa. Babbitt, James Addison, A.M., 1896. (A.B. Yale, 1893; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1898.) Grad. Student in Biology. Medical Student, Univ. of Pa., 1894-98. Teacher and Phys- ician. Numerous intercollegiate committee positions ; Fellow of College of Physicians, Phila. ; Fellow, Amer. Laryngological, Rhin- ological and Otological Society; Fellow, College of Surgeons; numerous hospital affiliations and positions (Lankenau, Chil- dren's, Univ. of Pa., Misericordia, School for Deaf, Overbrook, etc. Instructor in Otology, Univ. of Pa. Grad. School of Medi- cine. Member, College of Physicians; Phila. County Medical; Masonic organizations ; Medical and college fraternities ; Merion Cricket Club ; University Club ; Union League ; Phila. Country Club. b. Waitsfield, Vt., Oct. 22, 1869. s. Rev. James Howard Bab- bitt and Mary French Abbott, m. (1) Swanton, Vt., Sept. 11, 1895, Mary Abigail Adams, (d.) (2) Marcella G. Courdrey. c. Mary Evelyn, 1896; Helen Adams, 1899; Elizabeth, 1906, (d) ; Mary Adams, 1911. Address, Haver ford College, Haver ford, Pa. Bet tie, William Henry, SB. Entered 1892. Manager, Cricket Team, 1896. Assistant Naval Architect, In- ternational Navigation Company ; Assistant Superintendent of Meters, Philadelphia Gas Works ; Township Commissioner, Had- don Township, N. J. ; Superintendent Distribution, Kansas City Gas Company ; Gas Engineer, Peoples' Gas, Light and Coke Com- pany, at present. Member, American Gas Association; Western Society of Engineers; Illinois Gas Association; Beta Rho Sigma, Haver ford College. 1896] MATRICULATE CATALOG 347 b. Oaklyn, N. J., December 27, 1876. s. William Battle and Mary Offley Sharpless. Address, 38 West Sixty-fourth Street, Chicago, 111. Brecht, Samuel Kriebel, S.B. (M.A., Univ. of Pa., 1911.) Entered Sophomore Class 1893. President, College Chess Club, 1895-96. Student, West Chester State Normal School, 1888-91. Degree of B. E., 1891, and M. E., 1893, from West Chester State Normal School. Newspaper Re- porter, Junior and Senior years. Teacher of Mathematics and Bookkeeping, Perkiomen Seminary, Pennsburg, Pa., 1896-97; Solicitor of Insurance, 1897-98; Assistant Principal, Pottstown High School, Pa., March, 1898, to June, 1899; Principal, Rush- ford Union School, Rushford, N. Y., 1899-1901 ; Bookkeeper for Flour Commission Merchant, 1901-02. Teacher, Mathematics and Science, Norristown High School, Norristown, Pa., 1902-05 ; Pro- fessor, Mathematics, Boys' Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1905 to date. Member of Board of Commissioners, Upper Darby Township, Delaware County, Pa., 1913-18. Editor of The Schwenkfeldmn, 1904 to date. Editor, Revised Edition of Genealogy of The Schwenkfelders. Secretary to General Con- ference of the Schwenkf elder Church, 1911-15, 1919 to date. Member, Mathematical Association of Middle States and Mary- land; Pennsylvania State Educational Association; Philadelphia Teachers' Association; National Education Association; Pennsyl- vania German Association; Montgomery County, Pa., Historical Society; Member, Pennsylvania Historical Society; Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania; ex-Member, Schoolmen's Club, Phila- delphia. b. Montgomery County, Pa., December 14, 1869. s. John Ernst Brecht and Sarah Kriebel. m. Rushford, N. Y., August 2, 1898, Alberta Williams, c. Harold Walton, 1899 (Class 1920) ; Arthur Malcolm, 1902. Address, 11 Eagle Road, Manoa, Pa. Brooke, Mark, A.B. Entered 1892. Second Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, June, 1902; Major, 1915 to date; Colonel, Engineers, United States Army, 1917-19; Commanding 33d Engineers, January, 1918, to July, 1919; Section Engineer, Base Section No. 5, Brest, France, July, 1918, to July, 1919. Decorated Officer Legion of Honor (France), April, 1919. Member, Army and Navy Club, Wash- ington, D. C. ; Chevy Chase Club ; Loyal Legion ; Sons of the Revolution. b. Columbia, S. C, August 27, 1876. s. John Brooke and 348 HAVERFORD COLLEGE ■ [1896 Esther Willing, m. Washington, D. C, December 12, 1906, Marie Fauntleroy Barnes, c. Harriet Marie, 1907. Address, care of Chief of Engineers, United States Army, Washington, D. C. Clauser, Milton, A.B. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1892. Keystone State Normal School, Kutztown, Pa., 1887-89, De- gree B. E.; M. E., 1890. Teacher in North Side High School, District No. 17, Denver, Colo., 1896-98; Supervisor of Manual Training, District No. 17, Denver, Colo., 1898-1903 ; Supervisor of Manual Training, City and County of Denver, Colo., 1903-15; Supervisor of Manual Training at Salt Lake City, Utah, 1915-18. Developing Estes Park Real Estate, 1918-22. b. Shartlesville, Pa., December 30, 1867. s. Adam Clauser and Matilda Nunemacher. m. May 18, 1888, Anna H. Hettinger. Address, Estes Park, Colo. Coca, Arthur Fernandez, A.B., A.M., 1899. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1900.) Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1892. Member, Cricket Eleven on English Tour. Physician ; Patholo- gist and Assistant Professor of Immunology. Instructor and Demonstrator of Pathology, University of Pennsylvania, 1900-05 ; Student in Heidelberg University (Physiological Chemistry), 1905-07; Assistant in Chemistry, Cancer Institute, Heidelberg, 1907-09; Bacteriologist, Bureau of Science, Manila, P. I., 1909-10; Instructor in Experimental Medicine, Cornell Medical College, 1910-17; Instructor in Bacteriology and Immunology, at Cornell, 1919-21. Assistant Professor of Immunology, Cornell Medical College, New York, 1922- . Pathologist to New York Hospital, 1915-17; to Flushing Hospital, 1916 to date. Founded Journal of Immunology, 1916; Editor of same since that time. Published thirty to forty reports of original research in Experimental Medi- cine. Secretary-Treasurer, American Association of Immunolo- gists; American Association for Cancer Research; American So- ciety of Bacteriologists; American Society for the Advancement of Science; New York Pathological Society; New York Academy of Medicine; Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 20, 1875. s. Joseph F. Coca and Augustine Ware, m Philadelphia, Pa., April 27, 1905, Marietta A. Clews, c. Paul F., 1910; Augustine, 1912. Address, 55 Dela- ware Avenue, Flushing, N. Y. fDeuell, George Henry, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1893, Secretary and Treasurer, Class, 1895-96. Editor, The Haver- 1896] MATRICULATE CATALOG 349 fordian, 1895-96. Won Class of 1870 Prize in English Composi- tion; General Honors, Senior year, Highest Honors in Political Science and Economics. Member, Phi Beta Kappa. Student, Agricultural School, Cornell University, N. Y., 1897-98. Farmer, b. Bangall, N. Y., August 29, 1873. d. May 5, 1906. s. George S. Deuell and Maria L. Haight. Haines, Thomas Harvey, A.B., A.M., 1897. (A.M., Harvard, 1899; Ph.D. Harvard, 1901; M.D. Starling, O., 1912.) Entered from Westtown, Pa., Sophomore Class 1893. Secretary, Loganian Society, 1894-95 ; President of Council and Vice-President of same, 1895-96; Secretary of College, 1895-96. Associate Editor, The Haverfordian. Honors in Chemistry. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher of Chemistry, Westtown School, 1897; (Student of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania) Student and Assistant (Psychology), Harvard University, 1898-1901; Assist- ant Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Psychology, Ohio State University, 1901-16; Student of Medicine, Starling, Ohio, Medical College, 1908-12; 1911, Summer Interne at Post-Graduate Hospital, New York City; 1912-13, on leave of absence from Ohio State University, University of Munich ; Biirgholzle, Zurich ; and at National Hospital for Paralyzed and Epileptic, London. First Assistant Physician, Psychopathic Hospital, Boston, Mass., 1913- 14; Clinical Director, Bureau of Juvenile Research, Ohio Board of Administration, 1914-17; Director of Mental Deficiency Survey in Kentucky, 1917; Member of Committee on Psychological Ex- amination of Recruits which devised "Army Tests." Psychological Examiner at Camp Dix and Camp Stuart, 1917-18; Field Con- sultant for National Committee for Mental Hygiene in Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, 1918; Professor of Medicine, Nervous and Mental Diseases, Ohio State University, 1916 to date. Author of various articles on Psychological Research. Member, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Si Society ; American Psychological Asso- ciation; American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow) ; American Medico-Psychological Association; American Medical Association (Fellow) ; Columbus Academy of Medicine; Ohio State Medical Association; National Conference of Social Work ; The Columbus Club ; The Kit Kat Club, Columbus, Ohio. b. Moorestown, N. J., November 4, 1871. s. Zebedee Haines (Class 1867) and Anna Philips Harvey, m. August 15, 1912, Helen Manley Hague. Address, 1194 Oak Street, Columbus, Ohio. Hartley, Albert Dempsey, SB. Entered from Camden, N. J., Sophomore Class 1893. Student at Harvard University, 1896-97; University of Penn- 350 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1896 sylvania, 1897-98. Teacher. Instructor, Juniata College, Hunt- ingdon, Pa., 1898. Teacher of Mathematics in Chester High School, Pa., to date. b. East Bethlehem, Pa., January 26, 1868. s. Isaiah L. Hartley and Mary Elliot Rankin, m. Parker Ford, Pa., June 28, 1898, Ella S. Eisenberg. Address, Pottstown, Pa. Hinchman, Charles Russell, S.B. Entered Junior Class 1895. Junior Oration; First Cricket Eleven, Junior and Senior years; Football, Senior year ; Member, English Cricket Tour, 1896. Stu- dent, University of Pennsylvania, 1891-94. Office work, 1896-98; officer of sundry corporations, 1898-1908; farmer, 1908-11 ; officer of corporations, 1912-20. Treasurer. Member, University Club, Philadelphia; Merion Cricket Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 21, 1875. s. Charles S. Hinch- man and Lydia S. Mitchell, m. (1) April 24, 1901, Elizabeth S. B. Hopkins, c. Martha T. H., 1902. m. (2) March 10, 1915, Anna L. B. Babson. c. Anne B., 1916. Address, 1912 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Hunsicker, John Quincy, Jr., S.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1900.) Entered 1892. Vice-President, Class, Freshman year. Left at end of Fresh- man year and returned in 1894. In employ of Equitable Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1897, Entered Law Department, University of Pennsylvania, 1897. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 22, 1875. s. John Quincy Hun- sicker and Mary Elton Stiles, mi. West Chester, Pa., June 19, 1901, Helen Gheen. Address, 1420 Chestnut Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Lester, John Ashby, A.B, (Ph.D., Harvard, 1900.) Entered from Westport, Mo., 1892. Class of 1870 Prize in Composition, 1895, and First Prize for Systematic Reading, 1895. General Honors in Senior year. President, Class, 1892; President, Athletic Association, 1896; President, Cricket Association, 1896. Cope Prize Bat, 1892-96; Shakespeare Bat, 1892, etc. Captain, Cricket Eleven, English Tour, 1896. Graduate Student in English, 1896-97; "Haverford Fellow." First Holder of Haverford Graduate Fellowship, 1897- 98, Harvard University. Member, Football Team. Teacher, Edited Thackeray's "Henry Esmond," "School Spelling," etc. Teacher of English, The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa. b. Penrith, Cumberland, England, August 1, 1871. s. Edward Lester and Mary Hannah Ashby. m. Haverford, Pa., Margaret 1896] MATRICULATE CATALOG 351 Ashmead Garrigues. c. Elizabeth, 1913; John Ashby, 1915. Ad- dress, The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa. Maier, Paul David Irvin, A.B. (A.B., Central High School, Phila., Pa., 1892. LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1900.) Entered 1892. Secretary of Class. Business Manager of Haverfordian, 1895- 96. In business, 1896-97; Student, Law School, University of Pennsylvania, 1897-1900. Attorney-at-Law. Associated with Thomas Cahall, firm of Cahall & Maier, Philadelphia, Pa. Min- ister in Society of Friends. Active in various religious and charitable organizations. Member, Triangle Society, Haverford; City Club, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 15, 1874. s. William Maier and Rosine E. Koegel. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 28, 1906, Anna Morris Shinn. c. James Shinn, 1907 ; William Morris, 1909. Ad- dress, 313 South Forty-first Street, Philadelphia, Pa., and 1218 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Middleton, Samuel, S.B. Entered 1892. Member, Beta Rho Sigma and Triangle Societies. Inspector in Engineer and Tests Department, B. & O. Railroad Company, Mt. Clare Shops, Bahimore, Md., for 5 years. Farmer. b. Wilmington, Del., March 3, 1875. s. Samuel Middleton and EmiHe Pusey. m. Baltimore, Md., October, 1900, Mary Robert- son, c. Samuel Atherton, Alex. Hanson Robertson, Emilie B. Address, Gunston Farm, Centreville, Md. fNason, Charles Dickens, S.B. (A.B., Central High School, Phila., Pa.; Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., 1899.) Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., 1893, and completed course in 3 years. Studied at Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1889-93; Secretary of Class, Freshman year. Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1897-99. Member, Graduate Club, University of Pennsylvania, 1897-99; President, 1898-99; Secretary, Kensing- ton Centre, University Extension, 1897-99; Member, Biological Club, University of Pennsylvania, 1897-99; "Harrison Fellow" in Pedagogy, University of Pennsylvania, 1897-99; Professor of Pedagogy, Tri-State Normal College, Angola, Ind., until 1901. Author of various articles on education published in various edu- cational journals. b. Lagrange, Me., April 16, 1874. d. Angola, Ind., April 21, 1901. s. Edwin Hersey Nason and Georgiana Johnson. 352 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1896 Scattergood, Joseph Henry, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1897.) Entered 1892. Member of Football Team, 2 years. Treasurer, Tennis Asso- ciation, Sophomore year; President of same, Junior year; Mem- ber, First Cricket Eleven, 2 years ; winner of Haines Fielding Belt; Business Manager of Haverfordian, 1894-95; General Honors at Graduation; Honors in Mathematics; Secretary and Treasurer of Class; President of Y. M. C. A. Member of Cricket Team, First Tour to England, 1896; Phi Beta Kappa; Founders' Club. Student at Harvard University, 1896-97. American Pul- ley Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1897-99; Director since 1916; Sharpless Dyewood Extract Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1900-04; Secretary, American Dyewood Company, 1904-06; Director to date; Director, United Dyewood Corporation, 1912 to date; Presi- dent, Union Insurance Company and Insurance Company of State of Pennsylvania, 1908-11, when these companies were combined with Spring Garden Insurance Company ; Vice-President and Sec- retary, American Water Softener Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1907 to date ; President, Kent Building Company, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1907-20; Trustee of sundry estates, 1907 to date; Registration Commissioner for Philadelphia, 1906-12; Member of First Ameri- can Red Cross Commission to France in 1917, and Organizer of American Friends' Reconstruction Work in France, and First Chief of Friends' Bureau of American Red Cross in France, 1917; Treasurer of Christiansburg School, Va., 1900 to date; Treasurer of Pennsylvania Working House for Blind Men, Philadelphia, . 1914 to date; Treasurer of Haverford College Corporation, 1916 to date; Director of Bureau of Municipal Research, Philadelphia; Executive Committee of Committee of Seventy, of Philadelphia; Director, Philadelphia Y. M. C. A. ; Manager, Pennsylvania Train- ing School, Elwyn, Pa. Author, various articles for "Appalachia" ; "Report for Congress on French Spoliation Claims"; Co-Editor with William Allen White and Rev. John A. Ryan, "Russian- American Relations, 1917-20." Member and Governor, Merion Cricket Club ; Member of University Club, City Club, Down Town Club, Harvard Club, all of Philadelphia ; Cosmos Club, Washing- ton, D. C. ; Pennsylvania Historical Society; Academy of Natural Sciences; American Alpine Club; Geographical Society of Penn- sylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 26, 1877. s. Thomas Scattergood and Sarah Garrett, m. Villa Nova, Pa., 1906, Anne Theodora Morris, c. Mary Morris, Thomas, Alfred G., 2d, Ellen Morris, Evelyn. Address, Villa Nova, Pa., and 355 Bourse Building, Philadelphia, Pa. 1896] MATRICULATE CATALOG 353 fWay, Marshall Warren, S.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa, 1899.) Entered Freshman Class middle of the year 1893. Secretary, College Association; Treasurer, Athletic Association. Student at University of Pennsylvania Law School, 1896-99. Lawyer. b. West Chester, Pa., August 6, 1874. d. West Chester, Pa., July 27, 1909. s. Marshall S. Way and Anna E. Smedley. tWebster, Homer Jeptha, S.B., A.M., 1897. (Ph.M., 1902, Univ. of Chicago; Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1914 ( ?) .) Entered 1892. Alumni Prize Orator, 1895. Graduate Student in Mathematics and History, 1896-97; Assistant Librarian, 1896-97. Teather. Instructor, Bethel College, Newton, Kan., 1897-1900; Principal of Naugonee, Mich., High School, 1901 ; Head of History De- partment, Mt. Union College, Alliance, Ohio, 1911; Dean of same, 1912. Head of History Department, University of Pittsburgh, Pa., 1914-20. Published various articles on political history. Mem- ber, American Historical Association ; Mississippi Valley Historical Association; American Association University Professors; Authors' Club of Pittsburgh. b. Quaker City, Ohio, February 1, 1871. d. Pittsburgh, Pa., October 7, 1920. s. Jeptha Sharp Webster and Hannah Ann Hall, m. 1913, Edith Francisco, of Richmond, Ind. c. One son. Wood, Levi Rollings worth, A. B. (LL.B., Columbia Univ., 1899.) Entered 1892. Honors in Modern Languages, 1896. President of College As- sociation, 1896 ; President of Class, 1895 ; Member, Cricket Eleven, English Tour, 1896; Member, Football Team, 4 years; Captain of same. Senior year. Lawyer, Studied at Columbia University Law School, 1896-99. Admitted to New York State Bar, March, 1899; partnership for Law Practice, with Gustavus T. Kirby, 1904; at present in association with Edwards, O'Laughlin & George, New York City. President, National League on Urban Conditions Among Negroes; Manager of Haverford College; Member, American Friends' Service Committee ; Trustee and Vice- Chairman, Trustees, Fisk University; Trustee, Penn Normal and Industrial School ; Thessalonica Agricultural and Industrial School. Member, Association of the Bar of the City of New York; Columbia University Club; City Club of New York; As- sistant Clerk of New York Yearly Meeting of Society of Friends ; Member, Executive Committee, Peace Association of Friends ; Treasurer, Fellowship Press, Inc. b. Mt. Kisco, N. Y., August 14, 1873. s. James Wood (Class 23 354 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1896 1858; Manager, 1885 to date) and Emily Hollingsworth Morris, m. Jericho, Long Island, N. Y., October 28, 1915, Helen Under- bill. Address, Mt. Kisco-, N. Y. Non-Graduates Brinton, Howard Futhey. (A.B., Yale Univ. 1898.) Entered 1892 and left Sopbomore year, 1894. President of Class, Sopbomore year ; Editor, The Haverfordian. Instructor in History, Episcopal Academy, Summit, N. J. ; Cheshire Academy, Conn. At present, First Room Master and Instructor in History at Nazareth Hall Military Academy. Author, "Patriotic Songs of the American People," a history; "The Paci- fist," a book of poems. Four-Minute Man during the war. Mem- ber, Yale Union; Society of Colonial Wars; Colonial Society; Sons of Revolution; Member, The Board of Governors of the Society of the War of 1812; Loyal Legion; Pennsylvania His- torical Society ; Virginia Historical Society ; Chester County His- torical Society; University Club of Bethlehem. b. West Chester, Pa., September 28, 1872. s. William Bowen Brinton, M. D., and Ida Parkinson Futhey. m. Philadelphia, Pa., July 31, 1915, Una Ballou. Address, Nazareth, Pa. fField, Thomas Yardley, Jr. Entered 1892 from Wayne, Pa., and left at close of Sophomore year. Clerk. Member, First Regiment, National Guard, Pennsylvania, for 7 years ; Member, Second City Troop, First Pennsylvania Cavalry, 2 years ; 8 years, Member, Veteran Corps, First Regi- ment, National Guard ; 3 years, Member, Naval Reserves ; 10 years, Member, Sons of Veterans; Member, Aztec Club; Mili- tary Order of Foreign Wars ; Member of Socialist Party and an active worker in same for 20 years; Member, Ethical Society, 10 years. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 2, 1873. d. August 7, 1919. s. Thomas Yardley Field and Margaret Elliot, m. Arden, Del., September 6, 1917, Louise H. Kumme. fHuey, Robert, Jr. Entered 1892 and left 1894. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 10, 1875. d. 189-. s. Robert Huey and . Okie, Richardson Brognard.(S.B., Univ. of Pa., Architect. Dept, 1897.) Entered from Berwyn, Pa., 1892, and left at close of Sopho- more year. 1897] MATRICULATE CATALOG 355 Architect. b. Camden, N. J., June 26, 1875. s. Richardson B. Okie, M. D., and Clara Mickle. m. Devon, Pa., October 15, 1903, Christine L. Thomas. Address, Devon, Pa. Oliver, Cyrus Hicks. (Ph.B., Rochester, 1906.) Entered 1892 and left Freshman year. b. Beech Pond (now Beech Lake), Pa., August 26, 1868. s. James A. Ohver and . No address, fRoberts, Thomas Batten. Entered 1892 and left on account of illness, b. Whitford, Pa., May 16, 1875. d. Whitford, Pa., November 25, 1892. s. Samuel J. Roberts and Phebe Taylor. Sharpless, William Clemson. Entered Junior Class, Partial Course, 1894, and left at close of Senior year. Received Certificate of Proficiency in Chemistry. Assistant Chemist of Lukens Iron and Steel Company ; and with Worth Brothers; served a 4 years' apprenticeship as machinist with Chambers' Bros. Company, and traveled as journeyman machinist for about 4 years ; Draughtsman, New York City ; Chief Draughts- man of Rome Wire Company, Rome, N. Y. ; Victor Talking Ma- chine Company; Baldwin Locomotive Company; Atlas Ball Com- pany, in charge of designing machinery; Globe Machinery Com- pany; Globe Automatic Sprinkler Company; Fire Protection, Me- chanical Engineer, Consultant. Member, Philadelphia Engineers' Club. b. West Chester, Pa., November 3, 1874. s. John Clemson Sharpless and Lydia Coale Johnson, m. Rome, N. Y., November 27, 1907, Clarissa R. Brewer. Address, Woodside Avenue, Primos, Delaware County, Pa. 1897 Brown, Richard Cadbury, A.B., A.M., 1900. Entered Sophomore year. Assistant Editor, Haverfordian, 1895-96; Editor-in-Chief, 1896-97. Teacher at Westtown School, Pa. ; at Wilmington College, Ohio ; again at Westtown School ; at Bootham School, York, England ; at Friends' Select School, Wash- ington, D. C. ; with J. B. Lippincott Company, Publishers, Phila- delphia, Pa. ; Teacher at Westtown School ; with Strawbridge & Clothier, Philadelphia; with Philadelphia Quartz Company, Phila- delphia, Pa., at present. b. Westtown, Pa., July 20, 1877. s. Thomas K. Brown and 356 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1897 Caroline Cadbury. m. Brookline, Mass., December 3, 1904, Annie Browning, c. Emma Perry, 1906; Clarissa Browning, 1909. Ad- dress, Eastbourne Terrace, Moorestown, N. J. Burns, William John, S.B. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1893. Associated with Williams, Brown & Earle, Philadelphia. Op- tician. Optical and Scientific Instruments. b. Chester, Pa., July 27, 1877. s. James Burns and Martha Trainer, m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 9, 1905, Ada R. Holm. c. Donald Holm, 1907; William Douglas, 1909; Arthur Greaves, 1916. Address, Highland Park, Delaware County, Pa., and 918 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Darlington, Morton Pennock, A.B. Entered 1893. Treasurer of Class, 1896-97 ; General Honors ; Honors in Mod- ern Languages. Phi Beta Kappa. Employed in The National Bank of Kennett Square since 1899. Assistant Cashier and Sec- retary of Board of Directors of same to date. b. Rosedale, Pa., August 15, 1875. s. Edward B. Darlington and Elizabeth Townsend. m. Kennett Square, Pa., Sara G. Bar- nard, c. Edward B., 1907; A. Barnard, 1908; EHzabeth B., 1909; Ruth B., 1921. Address, Rosedale, Pa. Dean, Morris Burgess, A.B. Entered Freshman Class 1894 and completed the course in 3 years. President, Football Association; Treasurer, Athletic Associa- tion; Vice-President, Y. M. C. A. Advertising Department oi Proctor & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio; Partner in firm, Samuel C. Tatum Company, General Hardware, Cincinnati, Ohio; Manufacturer of Gasoline Engines and Gasoline Engine Driven Air Compressors, Pumps, Hoists and Mixers. Firm name, Chris. D. Schramm & Son, Inc. b. Cincinnati, Ohio, January 17, 1876. s. George H. Dean and Elizabeth L. Taylor, m. Detroit, Mich., September 22, 1902, Helen Marion Cram. c. Helen Elizabeth, 1904. Address, West Chester, Pa., R. F. D. No. 1. Detwiler, Frank Hughes, S.B. Entered 1893. Civil Engineer. In employ of Pennsylvania Railroad since leaving College. Draughtsman in Maintenance of Way Depart- ment, Pennsylvania Railroad. 1897] MATRICULATE CATALOG 357 b. Norristown, Pa., August 8, 1876. s. C. H. Detwiler and Elizabeth Allabough. Address, 19 Lincoln Court, Rockville Centre, New York. Field, Elliot, A.B., A.M., 1903; D.D., 1916. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1893, Alumni Prize Orator, 1897. President, Y. M. C. A.; Editorial Staff, Haverfordian; College Football Team, 3 years; Member, Loganian Society; Cap and Bells. Editor, Haverford College Song Book. Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1909-13; at Union Theological Seminary, New York City, 1897-1900. Clergy- man. Pastor, Trout Run, Pa., Presbyterian Church, 1901-02; Felton, Del., Presbyterian Church, 1903-05 ; Field Secretary, New York State Christian Endeavor Union, 1905 ; Assistant Pastor, Munn Avenue Presbyterian Church, East Orange, N. J., 1905-06; Oakfield, N. Y., Presbyterian Church, 1906-08; Wissahickon, Philadelphia, Pa., Presbyterian Church, 1908-14; Publicity Secre- tary, President, Board of Education, Philadelphia, Pa., 1913-14; Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of West Hoboken, N. J., 1914- 16; Pastor, Bolton Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, Ohio, 1916- ; Publicity and New Era Secretary, Headquarters, Cleveland, Ohio, 1919-20. Field Representative, Presbyterian General Board of Education, New York, N. Y. Author: "The Basic Value of the Study of Comparative Religion" ; "Non-Christian Religions in America" ; "The Mediatorial Ministry" ; "Her Honor, The Court" ; "The Uses of the Imagination" ; "The Intermediate Catechism" ; "The Bachelor of Hearts" (story) ; "Every Church, An Easter Morality"; "The Wish that Prays"; "The Land of Silence" (poem) ; "Golden Cleveland" (prize poem) ; "A Philistine in Ar- cady" (story) ; "The Cat and the Mouse" (play) ; "Publicizing Presbyterianism" ; "Pan in America" (book). Member, The City Club, Cleveland, Ohio; The Jolly Friars, Cleveland, Ohio; The Sons of Veterans, Cleveland, Ohio; Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lodge No. 603, Oakfield, N. Y. ; Free and Accepted Ma- sons, Euclid Lodge No. 599, Cleveland, Ohio; Melita Royal Arch Chapter No. 284, Philadelphia, Pa. ; The Aztec Club, Washington, D. C. ; Military Order of Foreign Wars, Washington, D. C. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 27, 1875. s. Thomas Yardley Field and Margaret Elliot, m. Oakfield, N. Y., October 21, 1908, Sara Marie Root. Address, 8919 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Gilpin, Vincent, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1898.) Entered 1894 from West Chester Pa., and completed the course in 3 years. 358 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1897 Secretary of Athletic Association, 1895-97; Leader of Banjo Club, 1896-97. Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1899. Founders' Club, Haverford. Travel. Red Cross Branch, Chairman and Manager, 1917-18. Purchasing Agent, Schramm, Inc., West Chester, 1922. Member, University Club, Philadelphia, Pa.; Appalachian Moun- tain Club; Biscayne Bay Yacht Club; West Chester Club; West Chester Golf and Country Club, West Chester, Pa. ; Keystone Auto Club ; Keene Valley Country Club ; National Geographic So- ciety; American Geographic Society; Y. M. C. A., etc., etc. b. Delaware County, Pa., July 31, 1874. s. John Robinson Gil- pin and Emma Elizabeth Bowers. Address, 526 North Church Street, West Chester, Pa. Hoffman, Benjamin Rose, A.B. Entered Freshman Class 1894. Business. Real Estate. Fellow of Royal Geographical Society ; Member, Pennsylvania Sons of the Revolution; Vice-President, St. Andrews (Scottish) Society of Philadelphia; Member, Uni- versity Club, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Royal Societies Club, London ; St. James Club, London. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 3, 1878. s. Sellers Hoffman and Jessie Watson. Address, Sixtieth Street and Cobbs Creek Park- way, Philadelphia, Pa. Howson, Charles Henry, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1900.) Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1893. President, Class, Junior year; President, College Association; Captain, Cricket Eleven, 1896-97; 4 years on Cricket Eleven; Member, Cricket Eleven English Tour, 1896. Vice-President, Loganian. "Spoon Man." Founders' Club. Triangle Society. Lawyer. Member, American Bar Association; Pennsylvania Bar Association; American Patent Law Association; Lawyers' Club, Philadelphia ; Art Club, Philadelphia ; St. David's Golf Club. Spe- cialist on Patent Law. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 27, 1876. s. Charles Howson and Medora Ware. m. St. David's, Pa., April 11, 1905, May Day Yeatts. Address, 134 Walnut Avenue, Wayne, Pa. Hume, John Elias, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1900.) Entered 1893. Vice-President, Class, 1894; President, Class, 1894-95. Mem- ber, Triangle Society. Physician. Medical Officer in United States Army, July 15, 1917, to May 1, 1919. Member, The Ameri- can Medical Association ; County Medical Society ; Pathological Society; Pediatric Society; The Medical Club; Physicians' Motor Club. 1897] MATRICULATE CATALOG 359 b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 16, 1875. s. Robert Hume and Eleanore Cascaden. Address, 900 South Forty-ninth Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Jacobs, Francis Brinton, S.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1900.) Entered 1893. Beta Rho Sigma. Physician. Resident Physician at Pennsyl- vania Hospital, 1901-03; Practiced Medicine in Philadelphia, Whit- ford, and at West Chester, to date. Member, College of Physi- cians, Philadelphia ; West Chester Golf Club ; West Chester Hunt ; Whitelands Hunt ; Chester County Medical Society ; Phi Delta Theta; Phi Alpha Sigma (Medical). b. West Chester, Pa., September 22, 1874. s. Francis Jacobs and Jane B. Johnson, m. Whitford, Pa., Phebe Ann Price, c. Francis, 3d, 1915; Phebe Ann, 1922. Address, 102 South High Street, West Chester, Pa. Maxfield, Francis Norton, A.B. (Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., 1912.) Entered from Amesbury, Mass., 1893. President, Class, 1896; Manager, Football Association, 1896- 97; Member, Founders' Club. Teacher of Science and Mathe- matics, Oak Grove Seminary, Vassalboro, Me., 1898-1900; at Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y., 1900-03; 1901-03, Headmaster of same; Teacher of Science and Mathematics, and Vice-Principal, Germantown Friends' School, Pa., 1903-12; As- sistant Professor of Psychology and Assistant Director of Psy- chological Clinic, University of Pennsylvania, 1912-18; 1918-20, Psychologist, Public School Clinic, Department of Medical Inspec- tion, Board of Education, Newark, N. J. 1920 to date. Director, Bureau of Special Education, State Department of Public Instruc- tion, Harrisburg, Pa. Member, American Psychological Associa- tion; American Association for the Advancement of Science; Sigma Xi, University of Pennsylvania Chapter. b. Sandwich, Mass., August 29, 1877. s. Daniel C. Maxfield and Alice R. Wing. m. Richmond, Ind., August 3, 1904, Alice A. Jenkins, c. Mildred Elizabeth, 1910; William Francis, 1913. Ad- dress, 2830 North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. McCrea, Roswell Cheney, A.B. (A.M., Cornell, 1900; Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., 1901.) Entered 1893. Treasurer of Class ; Vice-President, Class, Senior year ; Honors in Political Economy. Teacher and Educational Executive. East- ern Illinois State Normal School, 1901-02; Instructor in Eco- nomics, Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., 1902-03 ; Professor of Economics, Bowdoin College, 1903-07; Professor of Economics 360 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1897 and Associate Director, New York School of Philanthropy, 1907- 11; Professor of Economics and Dean of Wharton School, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1911-16; Professor, Economics, Colum- bia University, 1916 to date. 1919 to date, Director of Com- mercial Educational Work, Chamber of Commerce, of State of New York; 1918, Civilian Commissioner on Conscientious Ob- jectors, War Department. Author, various books and articles, mainly on social, economic and educational topics. Member, Phi Beta Kappa ; Beta Gamma Sigma ; Phi Gamma Delta ; The Cen- tury Association of New York; The American Economic Asso- ciation; American Academy of Political and Social Science (Mem- ber of Board of Editors of Annals) ; Academy of Political Science (Secretary). b. Norristown, Pa., July 30, 1876. s. W. H. H. McCrea and Fredericka Frankfurter, m. Norristown, Pa., June 19, 1901, Marian I. Grater, c. Edith G., 1902; Winston, 1906; Thompson, 1909. Address, 101 Rockland Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Mendenhall, Otis Earl, A.B., A.M., 1898. (A.B., Guilford, N. C 1896.) Entered from Lexington, N. C, Senior Class, 1896. Graduate Student in English, 1897-98; Assistant Librarian, 1897-98; Professor of English at Bridgewater College, Bridge- water, Va., 1898-99. Manufacturer of furniture, 1899, Manager and Treasurer; wholesale lumber business for 1 year; Manager, Insurance Company, High Point, N. C, 1909; 1912 to date. Gen- eral Agency for Insurance. Commissioner of Public Buildings for City of High Point, 1913-14. Member, Commercial Club, High Point, N. C. ; Loyal Order of Moose; Clerk in Monthly Meeting of Friends, High Point, N. C. ; Treasurer, North Caro- lina Yearly Meeting of Friends. b. Jamestown, N. C, June 5, 1875. s. James N. Mendenhall and Martha Wheeler, m. Lexington, N. C, April 10, 1907, Lizette Brown. Address, 410-12 Bank Building, High Point, N. C. fPalmer, George Martin, SB. Entered Junior Class 1895. Secretary of Class; Secretary, Everett- Athenaeum Society; Clerk. Sales Manager for Wales Adding Machine Company, Newark, N. J. Member, Kiwanis Club, Newark, N. J. b. Media, Pa., March 14, 1876. d. Arlington, N. J., January 15, 1920. s. Lewis Palmer and Mary Comfort Wildman. m. Moorestown, N. J., April 16, 1902, Marian Rogers, c. Roger Lewis, 1903; Dorothea Miller, 1907; Marian R., Jr., 1913. 1897] MATRICULATE CATALOG 361 Rodney, Warren Brown, A.B, Entered from Broomall, Pa., 1893. Clerk. Teacher of Latin, Eastburn Academy, 1898-99 ; Friends' Central School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1899- ; Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1899- ; Manager, Rochester, N. Y., Branch of Booklovers' Library, 1901- . b. Marksboro, N. J., December 28, 1876. s. Calbe Hun Rodney and Ann Sipple Waples. Address, 263 Albemarle Street, Rochester, N. Y. Tatnall, Charles Gibbons, S.B. Entered from Coatesville, Pa., Junior Class, 1895. Member of Triangle Society. First English Cricket Tour; won Bat for Highest Batting Average; Member, First Cricket Eleven, 2 years. Bethlehem Steel Company, 1897; Lukens Iron and Steel Company, Coatesville, Pa., Assistant to Open Hearth Superin- tendent; Crucible Steel Company of America, Clairton, Pa., Fore- man of Open Hearth Furnaces. Since 1904, Bell Telephone Com- pany of Pennsylvania. At present, Division Supervisor of Traffic, Harrisburg Division. Member, The University Club of Harris- burg; The Harrisburg Telephone Society. b. Wilmington, Del., May 20, 1876. s. Charles Moon Tatnall and Rebecca L. Gibbons, m. Philadelphia, Pa., January 31, 1900, Esther Dawson Stone, c. Esther Elizabeth, 1906. Address, 202 Reily Street, Harrisurg, Pa. Taylor, William Jordan, S.B. (M.D., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1900.) Entered Freshman Class in 1894 and completed course in 3 years. Treasurer of Class; Leader of Mandolin Club. Resident Physi- cian, Cincinnati General Hospital, 1900-01 ; Radiographer, Presby- terian Hospital, and at Cincinnati General Hospital; Professor, Electro-Therapeutics, Laura Memorial College and at Miami Medical College; Chief Medical Examiner in Cincinnati, New York Life Insurance Company; Provident Life and Trust Com- pany, and Continental Insurance Company; Member, University Club, Cincinnati, Ohio; Business Men's Club, Country Club, of Cincinnati, Ohio; Academy of Medicine; Cincinnati Research So- ciety ; Ohio State Medical Society ; American Medical Association. b. Cincinnati, Ohio, November 7, 1874. s. William Henry Tay- lor and Mary Haynes. m. Cascade Lake, N. Y., September 16, 1903, Katharine Weston, c. Helen Louise, 1908. Address, 1812 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. 362 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1897 Thacher, Frank William, SB. Entered 1893. Florence Iron Works after graduation, 1 year. Florence Thread Company, 1894 to date. Beverly Underwear Company, Beverly, N. J., President and Treasurer, since 1916; Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager, Florence Thread Company, Florence, N. J. Director, Burlington City Loan and Trust Company, Burlington, N. J. Federal Food Administrator for Burlington County, N. J., during war; Chairman for Burlington County, N. J., Y. M. C. A. drives and United War Work Campaign. Member, F. & A. M. ; Machinery Club of New York; Trenton Country Club; Seaside Park, N. J., Yacht Club; Beverly Yacht Club; Riverton Country Club, etc. b. Florence, N. J., June 24, 1877. s. William Franklin Thacher and Ella Hoover, m. Beverly, N. J., June 6, 1909, Catharine Wallace Levin, c. Catharine Wallace, 1911 ; Frances, 1912; Frank William, Jr., 1916; John Hoover, 1919. Address, Edgewater Park, Burlington County, N. J. Thomas, Edward, A.B. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1893. Honors in Mathematics and Physics. Clerk, salesman, office manager, wholesale paints and chemicals, 1897-1905. Assistant Examiner, United States Patent Office, 1905-11. Member, Ap- pellate Federal Bars of New York and Washington, D. C. ; Solicitor of Patents and Expert, to date. Author : Process (Pat- ent) Digest; Chemical Patents; Industry, Emotion and Unrest; also articles and letters in various periodicals. Member, Local School Board, New York City, 1912-14; Chairman, New York City Friends' Service Committee; Chairman, Peace and Arbitra- tion Committee, New York Yearly Meeting of Friends. Member, Civic Club, New York; Chemists' Club, New York; New York Patent Law Association. b. Baltimore, Md., June 21, 1877. s. Allen Clapp Thomas (Class 1865; Professor, History, and Librarian, 1878-1920) and Rebecca H. Marble, m. Braintree, Mass., November 10, 1914, Margaret Loring Dike. Address, 841 West End Avenue and 61 Broadway, New York City. White, Henry Alva, S.B. (S.B., Guilford College, N. C, 1894.) Entered Senior Class, 1896. Studied, Guilford College, N. C, 1891-94. Teacher; Superin- tendent, Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y., 1897-1900. Secretary-Treasurer, High Point Buggy Company, High Point, 1897] MATRICULATE CATALOG 363 N. C, 1901-22. Member, Commercial Club, Kiwanis Club and Board of Trade, High Point, N. C. President, Carriage Builders' National Association, 1920-21. Board of Trustees, Guilford Col- lege, N. C. ; Director, High Point Savings and Trust Company. b. Belvidere, N. C, July 29, 1874. s. Rufus White and Lydia Wilson, m. (1) High Point, N. C, July 6, 1899, Elizabeth M. Meader (d. 1907). c. Sidney Meader, 1901 (d. 1902); Murray M., 1903. m. (2) Lynn, Mass., September 7, 1910, Alice Paige. Address, 315 Lindsay Street, High Point, N. C. Non-Graduates Barns, Jesse Battey. Entered 1893 and left at close of Freshman year. Student at Williams College, 2 years; at Boston University, 1 year. Draughtsman, St. Paul, Minn. b. Milford, Mass., August 24, 1874. s. John Barns and Phebe Battey. Address, 298 Arundel Street, St. Paul, Minn. Beidelman, Prescott Burton. Entered 1893 and left at end of the Sophomore year. Clerk and Rodman, Quartermasters' Department, United States Army; Clerk, Engineering Department, St. Louis and Southwest- ern Railway. 1896, Druggist. 1908, in charge of refrigerator service of Great Northern Railroad. b. Little Rock, Ark., December 5, 1875. s. John Wilmer Beidel- man and Mariana Yard Peterson. Address, Freight Traffic De- partment, Great Northern Railway, St. Paul, Minn. Chalfant, Thomas Marshall. Entered from Kennett Square, Pa., 1893, and left at the end of the Sophomore year. Electrician and Draughtsman. Secretary and Treasurer, Vapor Heating Company ; Secretary, Board Commissions, Radnor Town- ship ; and Real Estate Assessor. b. Unionville, Pa., June 11, 1874. s. William Chalfant and Sarah Webb Marshall, m. Philadelphia, Pa., 1904, Gertrude Ertel. c. Rachel, 1909; John, 1911. Address, 124 Bloomingdale Avenue, Wayne, Delaware County, Pa. Collins, Alfred Morris. Entered 1893, pursued a special course, and received Certificate of Proficiency. President, Class, Senior year. Manager, Football Team, 1896; President, Musical Association, 1896-97; President, Football As- 364 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1897 sociation, 1897; President, Cricket Association, 1897; Member, Cricket Eleven, English Tour, 1897. President, Alumni, Haver- ford College, 1917-18. Entered employ of A. M. Collins Manu- facturing Company upon leaving college ; 1900, elected Vice-Presi- dent and General Manager of same, to date. Honorary Life Member, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; Honorary Life Member, Zoological Society, Philadelphia; Honorary Life Member, American Museum of Natural History, New York; Patron of the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 111. ; Fel- low of the Royal Geographical Society, London, England. Presi- dent, Main Line Citizens' Association, 1915-22. President, Phila- delphia Geographical Society, 1922. Appointed by Governor on States Committee of Public Safety, Department Motors and Motor Trucks ; Montgomery County Committee on Food Supply ; Coun- cil of Six for Consideration of Labor Disputes and Employment, under State Department of Labor, District of Philadelphia; Coal Director for Lower Merion Township. Member, First City Troop Cavalry, 1905-12; Commissioned Major of Ordnance, January 18, 1918. In charge of Expedition to British East Africa in interest of Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1911-12. Hunting trip through Alaska, Northeast Siberia and Arctic Ocean, 1914. Director of Collins-Day South American Expedition, 4000 miles across South America, in interest of American Museum of Nat- ural History, New York, and Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, III, 1916, etc. Member, University Club; Racquet Club; Philadelphia Country ; Merion Cricket ; Radnor Hunt ; Bryn Mawr Polo; Wilderness Club; African Big Game Club, New York; Explorers' Club, New York ; Boone and Crockett Club, New York, b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 3, 1876. s. Henry Hill Collins and Edith Earl Conrad. Address, 226-240 Columbia Avenue, Phila- delphia, Pa., and Bryn Mawr, Pa. Edwards, Ernest Russell. Entered from Hastings, Neb., 1893, and left 1895. Electrician. b. Rondout, N. Y., May 2, 1875. s. Lindley M. Edwards and Laura A. Sawyer. No address. Fisher, Wager. (C.E., Cornell, 1899.) Entered Sophomore Class and left at close of year. Student at Cornell University. Civil Engineer. Surveys, topo- graphical and property; design and supervision of construction of waterworks, water powers, electric railways, dams, tunnels, bridges, roadways, sewers, streets, factories, residences, power plants, etc.. 1897] MATRICULATE CATALOG 365 etc. Consulting Engineer, 205 Otis Building, Sixteenth and Sansom Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Main Line Citizens' Association, Bryn Mawr ; Merion Cricket Club, Haverf ord ; Union League, Philadelphia; Cornell Club, Philadelphia; American So- ciety of Civil Engineers. b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., May 14, 1877. s. William Righter Fisher and Mary A. Wager. Address, Fishers' Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Higgins, Frank Burton. Entered 1893 and left 1894. Druggist. b. Thorndike, Me., May 10, 1873. s. Marshall Thomas Higgins and Mary A. Cross. Address, Main Street, Townsend, Mass. Hutton, Walter Pandrich. Entered from Berwyn, Pa., Junior year, as Special Student, and left at close of Senior year. Draughtsman, The Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, Pa. Township Auditor, Easttown Township, Chester County, Pa., since 1908. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 23, 1874. s. George Smedley Hutton and Ellen Smith Pandrich. m. Devon, Pa., October 10, 1913, Elizabeth Paxson. c. Ruth, 1914; Walter Pandrich, Jr., 1916; William Paxson, 1920. Address, Berwyn, Pa. Levett, Walker Moore. (A.B., Univ. of Pa., 1898; A.B., Central High School, 1894.) Entered Sophomore Class 1894 and left at close of the year. Harrison Fellow in Semitics, University of Pennsylvania, 1899- 1900, 1900-01. Founder of business in 1904, and President of Walker M. Levett Company. Manufacturers of special aluminum alloys. Manufacturer. Member, Alpha Chi Rho Fraternity ; A. L M. E. ; N. Y. A. C. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 11, 1877. s. David Henry Levett and Leah Moore Haworth. Address, 419 East Twenty-third Street, New York City. MacAfee, William Harrison. Entered from Ardmore, Pa., 1893, and left at end of Sopho- more year. Member, Triangle Society. Bond Business and Banking. Mem- ber, Masons ; Pittsburgh Country Club ; Duquesne Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 2, 1875. s. Robert MacAfee and Catharine Stevens, m. Birmingham, Ala., April 30, 1908, Helen Ehrman. c. Helen Alvis, 1909; Jane, 1915. Address, 1759 Beech- wood Boulevard, Pittsburgh, Pa. 366 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1898 Rhoads, William Gibbons. Entered 1893 and left at close of the Sophomore year. Six months employed with Haines, Jones & Cadbury. Clerk, Provident Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Depart- ment Manager of same to date (Policy Loan Department). b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 10, 1876. s. William Gibbons Rhoads (Class 1858; Manager, 1871-80) and Sarah Wistar. m. Novem- ber 11, 1903, Nora Ward. c. Nora Ward, 1906. Address, 2225 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Round, Julian Mills. (A.B., Wesleyan Univ., 1897.) Entered from Elmira, N. Y., Junior Class 1895 and left at close of the year. Principal of High School, Endicott, N. Y. (?). b. Lenoir, N. C, October 11, 1875. s. Robert J. Round and Frances S. Hibbler. m. Trumansburg, N. Y., December 21, 1901, Edna M. Hart. c. Robert E., 1904. Address, 12 Ohio Avenue, Endicott, N. Y. fWatkins, James Carey Thomas. Entered 1893 and left 1895 on account of ill health. President of Class, second half of Freshman year. Private Secretary; Secretary-Treasurer. Sash and frame manufacturer b. Bahimore, Md., November 2, 1874. d. February 8, 1902 s. Frank Dungan Watkins and Augusta Priscilla Day Lyon. 1898 Butler, James Edgar, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1902.) Entered from Uwchland, Pa., 1895, Freshman Class, and grad- uated with Class of 1898. President, Class, 1898; College Football Team, 1895-98 Teacher, 1898-1900. Lawyer, 1524 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., firm of Warwick & Butler, to date. b. Loag, Chester Count}^ Pa., June 2, 1877. s. James Butler and Rachel M. James. Address, 2127 Green Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Cadbury, William Warder, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1902.) Entered 1894. Graduate student in Biology, Haverford College, 1898-99. Physician ; Missionary. College Physician to the Canton Chris- tian College ; Internist to Canton Hospital, at present. Interne, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia; Student of Medicine in Vienna; Demonstrator in Pharmaco-Dynamics and Assistant 1898] MATRICULATE CATALOG 367 Demonstrator in Pathology at University of Pennsylvania, 1906- 07; Pathologist to St. Mary's Hospital, Philadelphia, 1906-07; Physician, Starr Centre Dispensary, Philadelphia, 1906-08; Ex- amining Physician to Children's Bureau, Philadelphia, 1907-08; Visiting Physician to Free Hospital for Poor Consumptives, White Haven, Pa., 1908; same to Henry Phipps Institute for Study, Treatment and Prevention of Tuberculosis, 1906-08 ; Curator and Librarian, 1907; Pathologist, 1908; Instructor in Materia Medica and Therapeutics, University Medical School, Canton, China, 1910-14; Physician to the Canton Christian College, 1914-16, and College Physician, 1917 to date; Editor, Chinese Edition, China Medical Journal, 1912-14. Translator, in cooperation with Dr. Allen J. Smith, of Text Book of Comparative General Pathology for Practitioners and Students of Veterinary Medicine, by Pro- fessor Th. Kitt. Author of numerous articles on medical re- search, etc. Assistant Resident Physician, Peter Brent Brigham Hospital, Boston, 1915-16; Instructor in Clinical Medicine, Hackett Medical College for Women, Canton, 1914-19; Internist to Canton Hospital, 1914 to date. Recorded Minister in the Society of Friends, 1916. Fellow, College of Physicians, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Member of China Medical Missionary Association. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 15, 1877. s. Joel Cadbury (Class 1856; Manager, 1867-81) and Anna Kaighn Lowry. m. (1) Providence, R. I., September 23, 1911, Sarah Imbree Manatt (d. 1912) ; (2) Canton, China, June 29, 1917, Catharine Balderston Jones, c. Jane Balderston, 1918; Emma, 3d, 1920. Address, Can- ton Christian College, Kwangtung Province, China. Ellis, Richard Stanton, SB. Entered Senior Class from Motor, Iowa, 1897. "Penn Scholar." Student at Penn College, 1893-97. Graduate Student in Chemistry, 2 years, at University of Chicago. For 15 years with the Kennicott Water Softener Company as Chemist, Erecting Engineer, Chief Chemist and Sales Manager. Travel, 1902-08. Owner and Director, Water Purification Laboratories, Chicago. b. Milo, Iowa, May 30, 1876. s. Jonathan W. Ellis and Mary J. Smith, m. Belief onte, Ohio, May 9, 1908, Emma Ahce Shaffer. c. Alton Alexander, 1909; Richard Henry, 1912; Homer Jonathan, 1914; Arthur Merlin, 1916; Florence Edith, 1917. Address, 6549 South Bishop Street, Chicago, 111. fEmbree, John Gyger, S.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1895. Teacher. Social Executive. Principal of School, 1898-1901; In- 368 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1898 structor in Philippine Islands, 1901-03 ; Principal, Friends' High School, Moorestown, N. J., 1903-07; Principal and Manager, Pop- penhausen Institute, College Point, N. Y., 1907-21. Scout Master and Deputy Commissioner, Boy Scouts of America, 1910-19, guiding eight troops in war gardens and Liberty Loans. Chair- man, Local Liberty Loan Committee for last four loans. Chair- man, Local Red Cross, 1917- ; Chairman, Queens County Red Cross, 1918-19. b. Marshallton, Pa., August 1, 1872. d. College Point, N. Y., June 28, 1921. s. Joshua Gibbons Embree and Sarah Gyger New- lin. m. New York, 1897, Marie W. Patterson, c. John Harold, 1898 (d. 1918, killed in France) ; James Newlin, 1902. fHaines, Alfred Sharpless, A.B. Entered from West Grove, Pa., Sophomore Class 1896. Com- pleted course in two years. College Secretary, 1896-97; won Class of 1870 Prize for Com- position, 1898-99. Student at Harvard, 1898-99. Teacher at Westtown School, 1901-09. b. Moorestown, N. J., January 24, 1875. d. October 1, 1909. s. Zebedee Haines (Class 1867) and Anna Phillips Harvey, m. July, 1901, Edith Hayes. Haines, Joseph Howell, A.B, Entered 1894. Class Treasurer, 1895-96; Treasurer, Loganian Society, 1895- 96; Secretary, Loganian Society, 1896-97; President, Council, Loganian Society, 1897-98; President, Everett- Athenseum, 1896- 97. Employed by Haines, Jones & Cadbury Company, 1898-1917 (Secretary and Purchasing Agent) ; with American Friends' Serv- ice Committee in France, 1917-19; to date, a Director in company of Haines, Jones & Cadbury. Member, University Club; Philadel- phia Barge Club; Huntingdon Valley Country Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 22, 1878. s. William H. Haines (Class 1871 ; Manager, 1887- ) and Mary Howell, m German- town, Philadelphia, Pa., June 3, 1916, Helen Whitall. Address, 5433 Wayne Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Harding, Arthur Search, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1899.) Entered 1894. Student at Harvard, 1898-99. First Vice-President, The Erben- Harding Company, Worsted Yarn Manufacturing, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Union League, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Harvard Club of New York City; Philadelphia Country Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 20, 1876. s. Charles H. Harding 1898] MATRICULATE CATALOG 369 and Alice E. Thomas, m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 15, 1902, Marguerite Perry, c. S. Louise, 1903, Address, 512 Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Hodgin, Samuel Horace, A.B. (A.B., Guilford, N.C., 1895.) Entered from Greensboro, N. C., Senior Class 1897. Studied at Guilford College, 3^/^ years. Teacher of History and English, Guilford College, N. C, 1898. Professor, English literature, Guilford College, 1906-11; Dean, Rollins College, Win- ter Park, Fla., 1912; President, Wilmington College, Wilmington, Ohio, 1912-15; Secretary, Farquar Heating and Ventilating Com- pany, 1915- . With the Carnegie Foundation for the Advance- ment of Teaching, New York, 1919- . b. Greensboro, N. C, September 11, 1872. s. David Hodgin and Martha M. Blair, m. Richmond, Ind., August 22, 1906, Olive L. Jenkins, c. Olive Marian, 1909; Samuel H., Jr., 1913. Address, 321 College Avenue, Richmond, Ind. Janney, Walter Cdggeshall, A.B. Entered 1894. Secretary of College Association; Secretary of Tennis Associa- tion; Secretary, Loganian Society; Vice-President, Tennis Asso- ciation; President, Council, Loganian Society; President of Class, Sophomore year; Editor-in-Chief, Haverfordian; Manager of Football Team. "Spoon Man." President of Alumni Associa- tion, 1918-20. Student, 2 years, in Law School, University of Pennsylvania. Travel for 1 year; cattle raising in Wyoming, 3 years ; sole leather business for 6 years. Member of firm of Janney & Burrough; 7 years, a member of the firm of Mont- gomery & Co., Bankers, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago; to date, President, Janney & Co., Philadelphia, Investment Bankers. Executive Manager for the Third Federal Reserve District for First and Second Liberty Loan Campaigns ; Member of Executive Committee for Third, Fourth and Fifth Campaigns. Member of Rittenhouse Club ; Racquet Club ; University Club ; Merion Cricket Club ; Radnor Hunt Club ; Metropolitan Club, New York. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 25, 1876. s. Emma Kimber Janney and Mary Rhoads Coggeshall. m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., January 23, 1909, Pauline Flower Morris, c. Walter C, Jr., 1911; Marian Morris, 1912; Anne Flower, 1914; Margaret Morris, 1915; Pris- cilla Paul, 1915 ; Frederick Wistar Morris, 1919. Address, Haver- ford Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Jones, Davis Godfrey, S.B. Entered 1895. Dealer in coal, wood, lime, etc. Confectioner. 24 370 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1898 b. Wilmington, Del., October 17, 1876. s. Davis Benton Jones and Annie J. Faron. m. Wilmington, Del., February 19, 1914, Lorraine Geltz. Address, Cleveland Avenue, Elsmere, Del. Lee, Morris Matthews, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1899.) Entered Freshman Class 1895 and completed course in 3 years. Prize in Latin, 1897 ; Honors in French and English ; President of Freshman Class; President of Everett- Athenseum, 1897-98; Holder of Haverford Graduate Fellowship at Harvard, 1898-99. Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1899. Triangle Society. Reporter, News Editor, Assistant Managing Editor of Evening Bulletins- Managing Editor of Evening Public Ledger. Member, Harvard Club, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Unitarian Society ; Poor Richard Club ; Chamber of Commerce, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 9, 1876. s. James Ashton Lee and Amelia Johanna Walz. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 26, 1905, Mary Ritchie Walter, c. Morris, Jr., 1907; William F., 2d, 1911. Address, 602 East Woodlawn Avenue, Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa. Moffit, Oscar Payton, A.B. (A.B., Guilford College, N. C, 1897.) Entered Senior Class 1897. Studied at Guilford College, N. C, 4 years, 1893-97. Retail grocer in High Point, N. C, 1900-05. Since then. Manager, High Point Grocery Company, High Point, N. C, and farmer. b. Lexington, N. C, December 30, 1875. s. William H. Moffttt and Mary Lou Sowers, m. October 25, 1911, Lafayette Hester Paschall. c. Oscar Payton, Jr., 1914; Mary Lou, 1917. Address, 223 Lindsay Street, High Point, N. C. Rhoads, Samuel, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1901.) Entered from Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., 1894. Founders' Club ; Beta Rho Sigma. Two years on Cricket Team. Medical Student, 3 years ; Interne in Pennsylvania Hospital, 2 years; practiced Medicine and in Medical Department of Provident Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia, until 1918. Member, College of Physicians, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 16, 1878. s. William Gibbons Rhoads (Class of 1858; Manager, 1871-80) and Sarah Wistar. Address, 152 School Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Ross, Eldon Roxy, S.B. (A.B., Wilmington, O., 1897.) Entered from Wilmington, Ohio, Senior year, 1897. Student, Wilmington College, Ohio, 2 years, 1895-97. Holder 1898] MATRICULATE CATALOG 371 of Wilmington Scholarship, 1897-98. 1898-1901, Field Manager for New England for Underwood & Underwood. 1902-12, European Manager for same company, residence in London; 1912- 21, Secretary and Director of Underwood & Underwood; 1912- 19, Manager, Educational Department of same company ; 1920-21, Manager, Touriscope Department of same; 1921 to date, Eastern Organization Manager, Keystone View Company, Inc. ; 1906, awarded Silver Medal by Pope Pius X in recognition of pho- tographic success for the Pope and his official family. Author of various magazine articles. b. Port William, Ohio, November 17, 1872. s. Naaman Ross and Emmeline Bangham. m. (1) July 9, 1902, Maude Jones. c. Maude OHve, 1903. m. (2) October 18, 1919, Inez Gertrude Lawrence. Address, 33 Ely Place, East Orange, N. J. Scattergood, Alfred Garrett, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1899.) Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., 1894. Member, College Cricket Team, 3 years ; Treasurer, Cricket Club; Captain, Class Football Team, 3 years; Vice-President, Class; President of Class, Senior year; President, Athletic Asso- ciation; President, Football Association; Member, College Foot- ball Team, 3 years. Winner of Haines Prize Belt, 3 years. En- tered Provident Life and Trust Company, 1900, as Clerk ; Pur- chasing Agent, 1910-17; Assistant Treasurer, 1917-19; Secretary and Treasurer, 1922; 1919-21, with American Friends' Service Commission to feed undernourished children in Germany. Mem- ber, Executive Committee of Civil Service Reform Association of Pennsylvania for several years ; Independent Politics of Twenty- second Ward, Philadelphia; several times Chairman of Ward Campaign Committee; Member of Board of Friends' Hospital at Frankford, 1907 to date, and Treasurer of same; Member of Board of Overseers of William Penn Charter School, 1907 to date, and Clerk of same. Member of Committee of Westtown School ; Treasurer, several years. Alumni Association of Haver- ford College. Chairman, Friends' Peace Committee of Philadel- phia Yearly Meeting for 2 years; Vice-Chairman, American Friends' Service Committee, for 3 years ; Member, National Coun- cil of "The Survey" (periodical). Member, Philadelphia Cricket Club; City Club. b. Moorestown, N. J., September 10, 1878. s. Thomas Scatter- good and Sarah Garrett, m. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., April 27, 1904, Mary Cope Emlen. c. Elizabeth Cope, 1907; Eleanor, 1909; Henry, 1911 ; Caroline, 1911 ; Roger, 1912. Address, "Aw- bury," Germantown, Pa. 372 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1898 Stadelman, Frederic, A.B., (LL.B., New York Law School, 1902.) Entered 1894 from Bala, Pa. Football Eleven, 3 years. Student, New York Law School, 1899-1902; Admitted to New York Bar, 1902. At Columbia Col- lege, Engineering, 1908. 1898-1905, with Brown Hoisting Ma- chinery Company; 1905 to date, Wellman, Seaver, Morgan Com- pany, Manufacturers of Machinery; 1919-20, Mayor, Village Great Neck Estates. Member, Engineers' Club, New York; Machinery Club, New York (Secretary of same) ; Material Handling Builders' Association, Director. b. Ardmore, Pa., April 17, 1877. s. Jacob L. Stadelman (Class 1853) and Henriette Rachel Leech, m. 1910, Florence Lansing Osgood. Address, Great Neck, Long Island, N. Y. Sterner, Ira Isbon, A.B., A.M., 1899. Entered Junior year 1896. Philip C. Garrett Prize in Mathematics, 1897-98. Student at Harvard University, 1898-1900. b. Kellers Church, Bucks County, Pa., March 18, 1879. s. Christian Sterner and Elizabeth S. Shelly. Address, R. F. D. No. 3, Richland Center, Pa. Strawbridge, Francis Reeves, S.B. Entered 1894 from Germantown, Pa. Entered Strawbridge & Clothier's Department Store, 1898; be- came member of firm, 1908. President, Germantown Hospital and Dispensary; Member of Board of Directors, Germantown Trust Company. Member, Union League; University Club; Rit- tenhouse Club; Philadelphia Barge Club; Germantown Cricket Club; all of Philadelphia. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., October 20, 1876. s. Jiistus Clayton Strawbridge (Manager, 1883-1911) and Mary Lukens. m. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., April 30, 1902, Anna Estes Hacker, c. Mary Dawson, 1906; Elisabeth Hacker, 1910; Francis Reeves, Jr., 1911; George Stockton, 2d, 1913. Address, School Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Swan, Frederick Asa, A.B. Entered from Lake Kerr, Fla., 1894. Secretary of Class, 3 years; President, Y. M. C. A., 1897-98; First Football Eleven, 3 years. Mining and Engineering Work, covering reports on Cobalt and Silver properties in Canada; on 1898] MATRICULATE CATALOG 373 Copper, Lead, Gold and Silver properties in the United States and in Mexico; and on Peat in Mexico, 1899-1911; 1911 to date, Contracting Printer and Publisher. Member, Underbill Society of America ; Sons of the American Revolution. b. Tecumseh, Mich., April 28, 1875. s. Joseph Benjamin Swan and Hannah Atkinson Sutton, m. New York City, August 29, 1906, Helen Adelaide Wood. c. Frederick Wood, 1907 ; Gulielma Wood, 1910. Address, 633 Qark Street, Westfield, N. J., and 30 Church Street, New York City. Taylor, Joseph Wright, S.B. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1894. Treasurer, Loganian Society, 1896-97; President, Everett- Athenaeum, 1897-98; Manager and Treasurer, Banjo and Mando- lin Clubs, 1896-97; Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1899. Honors in Chemistry and Biology, Senior year. Member, Triangle Society. 1898, Medical Student, University of Pennsylvania. Travel in Arizona; 1899, in New Mexico, in employ of Page, Allinson & Penrose, of Philadelphia; 1900, with same company; 1901, Arizona and New Mexico. 1901-05, cattle ranching; 1905-20, farming. Member of Masons. b. Burlington, N. J., July 10, 1878. s. Charles S. Taylor (Class 1871; Manager, 1876-80) and Rebecca Hughes, m. October 22, 1908, Lula E. J. Rhodes, c. Joseph W., Jr., 1909. Address, R. F. D. No. 1, Las Cruces, N. M. Wilson, Robert North, A.B. (M.S., Univ. of Fla. 1909.) Entered 1895. Studied at Guilford College, N. C, 1 year. Member of Foot- ball Team, 2 years. Editorial Staff, Haverfordian, 2 years. Teacher of Chemistry, Guilford College, N. C, 1898-1908; Stu- dent, Chemistry, Harvard University, 1905-06; 1908-10, Univer- sity of Florida, M. S. Assistant Chemist, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, 1908-09; Director of University Extension, University of Florida, 1910; Professor, Chemistry, Trinity Col- lege, Durham, N. C, 1910 to date. Superintendent, Memorial Sunday School, 1911 to date. Member, American Chemical So- ciety; Fellow, American Association for Advancement of Science; Charter Member, North Carolina Academy of Science; and of North Carolina Harvard Club; Member of Chamber of Com- merce; Scoutmaster, Troop No. 3; Member, Y. M. C. A. b. Lenoir, N. C, March 3, 1875. s. Jethro R. Wilson and Louisa Jane Round, m. Greensboro, N. C, September 15, 1910, 374 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1898 Sara Hendrick Peck. c. Robert N., Jr., 1911; Jane Bliss, 1914. Address, Box 87, College Station, Durham, N. C. Wistar, Thomas, A.B. Entered 1894. First Eleven, Cricket Team, 3 years; on English Tour, 1896; Captain of College Cricket Team, Senior year ; Member, College Banjo Team. Member, Triangle Society. 1898-99, in office and mills of Cedartown Manufacturing Company, Cedartown, Ga. ; 1899-1903, E. S. Hyde & Co., Cotton Yarn Commission Merchant, Philadelphia, as salesman; 1903 to date, various field and staff positions with the Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania. Member, Philadelphia Barge Club; Philadelphia Telephone So- ciety; Cross Talk Club (Bell Telephone Company). b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., October 18, 1877. s. Ekiward Morris Wistar (Class 1872) and Margaret Cooper Collins, m. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., April 21, 1906, Mary Beatrice Starin. c. Beatrice Gaylord, 1907; Thomas, Jr., 1908; Eleanor Stanley, 1913. Address, 166 West School Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Wood, Richard Davis, A.B. Entered 1894. With Millville Manufacturing Company, Millville, N. J. ; mer- chant, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 1, 1877. s. George Wood (Class of 1862) and Mary Hunn. m. New York City, November 14, 1907, Louisa Lawrence Schroeder. c. Three. Address, 626 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Non-Graduates Bell, Charles Herbert. (A.B. Harvard, 1900.) Entered 1894 and left Sophomore year. Flour merchant and miller since 1900. President, Commercial Exchange, Philadelphia, Pa. Last 8 months of war, served as civilian expert in office of Director of Storage and Purchase, Washington, D. C. ; in the Subsistence Division in charge of the purchase and distribution of flour and cereals. Later Captain in Q. M. C. Member, Union League; Racquet Club; Merion Cricket Club; Philadelphia Country Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 16, 1877. s. Samuel Bell and Ada A. Rees. m. Devon, Pa., May 15, 1918, Harriette A. Rogers. Address, Devon, Pa. 1898] MATRICULATE CATALOG 375 Bishop, Alexander Hamilton. Entered from Paoli, Pa., February, 1893, and left at close of Sophomore year, 1896. Bookkeeper, Overbrook Steam Heat Company, until 1905. Man- ager of Wynnewood Real Estate Operation for Walter B. Smith. 1911, entered employ of The Autocar Company, Service Depart- ment, at Philadelphia Branch, until 1915; 1915 to date. Manager of Baltimore Branch of Autocar Company. Member, Green Spring Valley Hunt Club ; The Baltimore Automobile Dealers' Associa- tion; Kiwanis Club; Merchants' and Manufacturers' Association of Baltimore ; The North Baltimore Business Men's Association. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 12, 1874. s. Gilbert Livingston Bishop and Ellen M. Conarroe. m. 1902, Sarah Shreve Wallace, c. Alexander Hamilton, Jr., 1903 ; Matilda Shreve, 1908. Address, Sudbrook Park, Pikesville P. O., Md. Holloway, Walter Vail. Entered from West Liberty, Iowa, 1895 ; passed into Class of 1898; left 1897, during the Junior year. Teacher at Elsmore, Cal., 1899. 1902, Insurance Agent, Provi- dent Life and Trust Company, at San Francisco, Cal. b. Coal Creek, Keokuk, low^a, November 28, 1875. s. Martin B. Holloway and Anna Vail. m. Philadelphia, Pa., January 16, 1897, Alice J. Vail. No address. Hulme, Frederick George. Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., as Special Student, 1894, and left at close of Freshman year. Draughtsman; Assistant Manager, Gumphert-Marrin Engineer- ing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Mechanical Engineer. Proprietor, Eagle Liquid Glue and Paste Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1901. b. Camden, N. J., September 9, 1873. s. John Kirkbride Hulme and Rebecca Folwell Brown, m. Bucks County, Pa., May 21, 1902, Gertrude Parsons, c. Alfred Parsons, 1903. Address, 5900 Wayne Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Jenks, John Story, Jr. Entered 1894 and left at close of Sophomore year. 1897, employed by Girard Trust Company; 1900, Partner, Ed- ward B. Smith &. Co. ; 1909, Bertron, Griscom & Jenks ; 1912, business in own name. Banker and leather business. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 15, 1876. s. William H. Jenks (Man- ager, 1895) and Hannah Mifflin Hacker, m. Wayne, Pa., 1902, Isabella F. G. Morton, c. Thomas S., 1904; Morton, 1907; Ann West, 1912. Address, Seminole Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Pa. 376 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1898 Lane, John Irving. Entered from Port Chester, N. Y., 1894, and left during the Freshman year. Beta Rho Sigma. Manufacturer of canvas baskets and bags. b. West Chester County, N. Y., April 9, 1876. s. A. H. Lane and Mary L. Cox. m. West Chester, Pa., June 15, 1899, Emily Pim Thatcher, c. Emily P., 1905; John Irving, Jr., 1913! Ad- dress, 15 Dwight Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. McGrath, Francis Sims. (S.B., Univ. of Pa., 1898; LL.B., Colum- bia Univ., 1901.) Entered 1894 and left end of Freshman year. Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1895-98; Law Student, Columbia University, 1901 ; Law Office of Strong & Cadwalader, New York City, until 1914; Lawyer. Member, University Club; Columbia University Club; City Midday Club; firm of Bayne & McGrath, 1914-18. Bedford Golf and Tennis Club; Bar Asso- ciation of City of New York. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 8, 1877. s. Robert Hunter McGrath and Elizabeth Gibson Bordley Belt. m. New York City, June 21, 1910, Neva Smith, c. Eileen, 1911; Margaret, 1915; Sims, 1918; Gordon, 1920. Address, 45 Cedar Street, New York City, N. Y. Morgan, Samuel Rowland. (B.S. in Architecture, U. of Pa., 1899.) Entered 1894 and left end of Freshman year. Won Fielding Belt, Second Cricket Team. With John Farnum Company, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., October 24, 1877. s. John Buck Morgan and Sarah Fisher Corlies. m. Germantown, Pa., April 30, 1904. c. John Buck, 1905; S. Rowland, 1906; William Buck, 1910; Rodman, 1914. Address, 235 Chestnut Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Moyer, Menno S. Entered Sophomore Class 1895 and left 1896. b. Chalfont, Pa., November 18, 1871. s. William G. Moyer and . Address, Lansdale, Pa. Sisler, Perlee Chandler. Entered 1894 and left Sophomore year. Beta Rho Sigma. Clerk ; wholesale grocer. Member, Wilming- ton Country Club. b. Centreville, Del., February 11, 1876. s. J. Davis Sisler and Rebecca H. Chandler, m. Wilmington, Del., October 23, 1900, Mary Louise PhilHps. Address, 1101 Broome Street, Wilming- ton, Del. 1898] MATRICULATE CATALOG 377 Syze, Albert. Entered 1894 and left Freshman year. Farmer and clergyman. Minister in Society of Friends. Farmer and postal employe, 1905 to date, combined with ministerial work. b. Baldwin Place, N. Y., November 30, 1867. s. James F. Syze and Martha Brown Griffin, m. Farmington, N. H., June 12, 1901, Laura S. Huckins. c. Karl Ira, 1903; Clyd Albert, 1908. Address, Bolton, Mass. Towie, Clifton Augustus. (A.B., Bowdoin College.) Entered 1893 and left Freshman year on account of illness ; re-entered 1894 and left during Freshman year. Superintendent of Schools. Sub-Master, Gorham, N. H., High School; Headmaster of same; Sub-Master, Lexington, Mass., High School; Instructor in Science, Worcester Academy, Wor- cester, Mass.; Assistant Principal of same; for 10 months in Divi- sion of Physical Reconstruction, United States Army ; October, 1918, to July, 1919, Lieutenant in Reserve Corps. Member, Delta Kappa Epsilon; Mason; Member of Grange. b. Winthrop, Me., March 12, 1875. s. Sherbourne Sleeper Towle and Harriet A. Nash. m. Laconia, June 20, 1908, Annie Louise Stratton. c. Alice Stratton, 1912 ; Harriet Nash, 1916. Address, Exeter, N. H. Varney, Alpheus Gould. (A.B., Bowdoin, 1898.) Entered 1894 and left at close of Sophomore year. President, Class, Freshman year; Manager, Musical Clubs; Member, Banjo and Glee Clubs. Member of Triangle Society. Assistant Manager, Haverfordian. Student at Bowdoin College, 1896-98. Biology, special original research in Chemistry and Biology. Clerk for 1 year, Girard Trust Company ; 3 years, clerk, real estate office. Banking and Brokerage Business ; first, Ristine & Conklin ; second, George B. Hopkins & Co. ; 1908 to present time, Thomas A. Biddle & Co. Organizer and Secretary, then President, The Neighborhood Club of Bala and Cynwyd. Or- ganizer of Bala-Cynwyd Building Association in 1910; Secretary since that date of same. Speaker in Liberty Loan Campaigns, Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., etc., also in Marine Recruiting Cam- paigns. Member, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Bowdoin ; Geographic So- ciety ; Keystone Automobile Club. b. Windham, Me., March 29, 1874. s. William H. Varney and Martha Ellen Dudley, m. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., May 9, 1905, Valle Van Doren. Address, 310 Pembroke Road, Cyn- wyd, Pa. 378 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1899 Varney, Charles Arthur. Entered from Providence, R. I., 1894, and left middle of Junior year. Quarterback of Varsity Football Team, 3 years. Captain dur- ing Junior year. Real estate business. 1897, clerk; insurance. b. Croton, N. Y., June 28, 1876. s. Charles C. Varney and Anna Cock. m. Yakima, Wash., Zoe Josephine L'Anglaise. Ad- dress, Yakima, Wash. Vernon, John Jesse. Entered 1894 and left after few weeks. Secretary of the College. Student at Penn College, Iowa. b. Bangor, Iowa, January 16, 1868. s. and . m. . Address, Palmyra, Va. 1899 Battey, William Aldrich, S.B. Entered from Providence, R. I., 1895. Varsity Football Team, Senior year. Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 1898. Captain and Manager, Hockey Team. Salesman, Borton, Tierney Company (crushing machinery) ; New York Manager, Philadelphia Pneumatic Tool Company; Sales Director, Export Manager and Director, Shepard Electric Crane and Hoist Com- pany ; Vice-President, Pennsylvania Crusher Company ; President, Borton-Tierney Company; Associate Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers ; and American Institute Mining and Metallurgical Engineers ; Machinery Club of City of New York ; City Club of Philadelphia. Manager, Haver ford College. b. Pawtucket, R. I., July 22, 1876. s. Thomas Jesse Battey (Class 1863) and Mary Augusta Heaton. m. Leptondale, N. Y., June 27, 1901, Rhoda Amelia Birdsall. c. Ruth Osborne, 1903; Janet, 1906; William Aldrich, Jr., 1911. Address, Walnut Lane, Haverford, Pa., and Stephen Girard Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Bawden, William John, A.B. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1896. Alumni Prize Orator, 1899. Methodist Minister, 1899-1912; 1912-15, Cost Accountant; 1915-22, High School Instructor in English. Member, Philadelphia Conference of Methodist Epis- copal Church; Northampton County Educational Club. b. Gordon, Pa., December 22, 1874. s. Josiah Bawden and Catherine Cheynoweth. m. Bangor, Pa., March 7, 1906, Clara Louise Ditchett. c. William Ditchett, 1907. Address, 334 Market Street, Bangor, Pa. 1899] MATRICULATE CATALOG 379 Blair, Walter Elihu, A.B. (A.B., Guilford, 1898.) Entered Senior Class 1898. Student, Guilford College, N. C, 4 years. Real estate and Insurance. Assistant Clerk, United States Court for Western District of North Carolina. Member, Board Directors, and Presi- dent, Greensboro Y. M. C. A.; Treasurer, Southern Real Estate Company; Treasurer and Manager, Irving Park Company; Vice- President and Treasurer, North Carolina Trust Company; Mem- ber, Board of Trustees, Guilford College. b. Archdale, N. C, March 28, 1873. s. Benjamin F. Blair and Rachel Anderson, m. October 24, 1906, Mary Kennett. c. William Kennett, 1909. Address, 510 West Washington Street, Greens- boro, N. C. Bode, William, A.B. (A.B., Penn. 1898; A.M., 1899; B.D., 1901, Univ. of Chicago, Theology; Temple Univ., S.T.D., 1914; Graduate Calvin Theological Seminary, 1902.) Entered from Austinville, Iowa, Senior Class 1898, as holder of Penn College Scholarship. Fellow in Semitics at University of Chicago, 1910-12. Or- dained Minister of Gospel, 1901. Pastor, Christian Reformed Church; Professor of Old Testament Theology and President of Grundy College, Grundy Center, Iowa. Author: "The Book of Job and the Solution of the Problem of Suffering"; "Praise Service and the Christian Reformed Church" ; for 7 years, De- partment Editor of The Banner. Managing Editor, Grundy Col- lege Messenger. b. Muskegon, Mich., September 7, 1875. s. Rev. C. Bode and Helen Ammerman. m. October 7, 1903, Emma Heeringa. c. Clarence, 1910; Julius, 1916. Address, Grundy Center, Iowa. Carter, John Darlington, SB., M.A., 1901. Entered Sophomore Class 1896. Class Secretary and Treasurer, 1897-98; won Class 1898 Prize in Chemistry, 1899; Honors in Chemistry, 1899; also General Honors ; Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1899. Haverford Graduate Fellowship, 1899-1900, at Johns Hopkins University. Chemist. United States Leather Company ; Instructor in Chemistry, Haver- ford College ; Chemist, Carter & Scattergood, and with Philadel- phia Quartz Company. b. Lenape, Pa., December 30, 1874. s. Charles S. Carter and Elizabeth Cope. m. Haverford, Pa., May 7, 1903, Rachel G. Alsop. c. David A., 1907; Esther A., 1909; John H., 1912. Address, Lansdowne, Pa. 380 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1899 fConklin, Edward Boote, S.B. Entered 1895. Vice-President, Class, last half Freshman year ; President, Class, Sophomore year; Member, College Football Team, Freshman and Sophomore years. Captain, College Track Team, 3 years ; Treas- urer, Athletic Association ; Vice-President, Junior year ; President, Athletic Association, Senior year. With Venier & Co., Bankers and Brokers. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., August 10, 1877. d. Suddenly, Thanks- giving Day, 1900. s. William Conklin and Ellen Coffin Ladd. Davis, Royal Jenkins, A.B. (A.B., Earlham, 1898; A.B., Harvard Univ. 1900.) Entered from Richmond, Ind., Senior Class, 1898, as holder of Earlham Scholarship. Student at Earlham College, 3 years ; Loganian Society. Phi Beta Kappa. Newspaper work; editorial writer; lecturer. New York University. 1901-02, with Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia, then Assistant Editor, The American Friend, Philadelphia; 1902- 03, Reporter, Chicago Tribune; 1904-06, Professor of English and History, Guilford College, N. C. ; 1906-10, Professor, Eng- lish, St. John's College, Annapolis, Md. ; 1910 to date. Editorial Writer; 1914-20, Literary Editor, New York Evening Post; Lec- turer in Journalism and also in English, New York University. Author: America's View of the Sequel. Member, Andiron Club, New York City (literary) ; Authors' Club; Society for Ethical Culture of New York; Haverford Association of New York. b. Ridge Farm, 111., November 29, 1878. s. Jonah M. Davis and Ella Jenkins, m. Richmond, Ind., June 27, 1906, Louise Stanton, c. Royal Stanton, 1907; William Wiles, 1909; Emily Louise, 1911; Jane, 1916. Address, The Evening Post, 20 Vesey Street, New York City, N. Y. DeCou, Benjamin Satterthwaite, S.B. Entered from Moorestown, N. J., 1895. Laboratory Assistant, 4 years, Electro-Dynamic Company, Philadelphia, Pa. ; salesman, short time, Crocker-Wheeler Com- pany, Philadelphia; Salesman and Office Manager, 13 years, James G. Biddle, Philadelphia, Pa. ; at present, farming. Member, Cor- poration of Haverford College; Member of Corporation of Friends' Hospital; Member of Board of Managers, Bible Asso- ciation of Friends ; Member, Fellowship of Reconciliation ; Mem- ber, New Jersey State Horticultural Society ; State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania ; American Pomological Society. 1899] MATRICULATE CATALOG 381 b. Columbuus, N. J., June 29, 1879. s. Daniel De Cou and Ruthanna Leeds Allen, m. Walden, N. Y., October 22, 1908, Lily A. Tears. Address, R. F. D. No. 1, Norristown, Pa. Evans, Francis Algernon, A.B. Entered 1895. Treasurer of Cricket Club, 1896-97; Secretary, Tennis Asso- ciation; Treasurer of Athletic Association, 1897-98; President, Cricket Club, 1898-99; Vice-President, Tennis Association, 1897- 98. Member, Founders' Club. 1899-1917, with Girard Trust Company, Philadelphia; 1917-18, Assistant Secretary, American Friends' Service Committee; 1918 to date, Assistant Treasurer and Treasurer, Philadelphia Quartz Company, Manufacturers of Silicate of Soda. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., August 1, 1878. s. Jonathan Evans (Manager, 1899-1911) and Rachel Reeve Cope. m. Phila- delphia, Pa., September 24, 1915, Anna Rhoads Elkinton. c. (twins) William Elkinton and Jonathan, 1916; Arthur, 1920; Joseph Morris, 1921. Address, 121 South Third Street, Phila- delphia, Pa., and 6012 Chew Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. t Jones, Rufus Horton, A.B. Entered 1895. Vice-President, Y. M. C. A.; Treasurer, Everett- Athenaeum ; Student, General Theological Seminary, New York City. • b. Deering, Me., June 11, 1877. d. August 19, 1907. s. Au- gustus Caleb Jones and Sophronia Allen Larrabee. fLowry, Howard Haines, A.B. (A.B., Harvard Univ., 1900.) Entered 1895. Editor-in-Chief, Haverfordian, 1898-99; Captam, Football Team, 1898 ; Captain, Cricket Eleven, 1899 ; Secretary and Treas- urer, Class, Freshman year; Vice-President, Class, Junior year. Student, Harvard University, 1899-1900. Secretary-Treasurer, Coulter & Lowry Company, 1900-10; Assistant Manager, Bon- bright & Co., Pennsylvania, 1910-18. Retired. Member, Union League. b. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 31, 1878. d. 1922. s. John Collins Lowry and Lavinia Caroline Haines, m. Burlington, N. C, October 27, 1908, Margaret Erwin Holt. c. Margaret Holt, 1910. Lycett, Edward Howes, Jr., A.B. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1895. Treasurer, Tennis Association; Triangle Society. Insurance 382 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1899 Business since graduation. Member of firm, Hare & Chase, Phila- delphia, Pa., since 1914. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Insur- ance Federation of America. One time Secretary, Main Line Citizens' Association; Liberty Loan Committee; Director, Ard- more National Bank ; Director, Hare & Chase, Inc. ; President of Fourth Street Club. b. Kirkwood, Mo., November 23, 1877. s. Edward Howes Lycett and Anna Fox. m. Haddonfield, N. J., November 10, 1904, Esther Hacker Hopkins, c. Arthur Hopkins, 1911. Ad- dress, Simpson Road, Ardmore, and Third and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Maule, Alfred Collins, S.B. Entered 1895. Vice-President of Class, Sophomore year; President, Y. M. C. A., 1898-99 ; Varsity Football Team, Member and Assistant Man- ager; President, Football Association, 1898; President, College Association, 1898-99. President, Class, Senior year. Apprentice with John M. Rogers, Boat Gauge and Drill Works, Gloucester, N. J., 1899-1900; with Southwark Foundry and Machine Com- pany, Philadelphia, 1900-13; Assistant and then Secretary of same. Secretary and Treasurer of Merritt Hydraulics Company, 1914-15; with Cramps' Shipyard, 1915-17; sales office in Philadel- phia of Baltimore Tube Company, Inc., 1917-19; to date, Phila- delphia Sales Representative of Scovill Manufacturing Company of Waterbury, Conn. Secretary, Main Line Citizens' Association; Secretary and Member of Board of Trustees of Penn Normal Industrial and Agricultural School, St. Helena Island, S. C. ; Trustee of Bryn Mawr War Memorial and Community House Association ; Member, University Club, Philadelphia ; Merion Cricket Club, Haverford, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 6, 1879. s. Samuel George Morton Maule and Jane Tevis Collins, m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., May 19, 1909, Katharyn Leonard Wain. c. Nancy Wain, 1914; Samuel George Morton, 1918. Address, Gulf Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa., and 1413 Pennsylvania Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Mellor, Ralph, S.B. Entered 1895. Class Athletic Teams; Banjo Club; Member, Founders' Club; Cap and Bells Club. Editor, Haverford Song Book, 1899 to date. Manager, The Mellor & Rittenhouse Company, 1899-1901 ; Mac- Andrews & Forbes Company, 1901-03 ; for Charles F. Squibb, at West Augusta, Va. (hotel, store, saw mill, 2 farms, stage line. 1899] MATRICULATE CATALOG 383 post office and mail route, Staunton-Monteray), 1905-08; Engi- neer with Kestner Evaporator Company, 1908; General Manager of same, 1914 to date; President of same, 1921 to date; President, By-Products Recovery Company, 1918 to date; Secretary, Cap and Bells Club of Haverford College, 1911-18; President of same, 1918 to date. Member, Germantown Cricket Club; City Club, of Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 10, 1878. s. Alfred Mellor (Class 1861) and Isabella Latham, m. Merchantville, N. J., June 21, 1905, Mary Junia Keller, c. Alfred, 1907; Marjorie, 1909; Dor- othy, 1912; Helen Evans, 1913; Priscilla, 1916. Address, 6017 Greene Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Morris, Joseph Paul, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1904.) Entered 1895. Secretary and Treasurer, Class, Sophomore year; "Spoon Man." Clerk in office of machine shop of P. H. Morris, 1899-1903; Graduate Student at Harvard University, 1903-04; Teacher in Hoosac School for Boys, 1904-05 ; Student in Philadelphia Di- vinity School, 1905-08; Ministry in the Chapel of The Prince of Peace, Philadelphia, 1908-16; May to September, 1916, Orderly in American Ambulance Hospital, Neuilly-Sur-Seine, France; 1917, British Y. M. C. A. Work in England, India and Meso- potamia; 1918 (8 months), American Y. M. C. A. Work in France and Switzerland; 1919 to date. Minister in Chapel of The Prince of Peace. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 1, 1879. s. Theodore H. Morris (Class 1860) and Mary Lownes Paul. m. Philadelphia, Pa., De- cember 1, 1919, Emma Elizabeth Montgomery. Address, Villa Nova, Pa. Petty, Herbert Clinton, A.B. (S.B., Guilford, 1898.) Entered Senior Class 1898 as Holder of Guilford Scholarship. Student at Guilford College, N. C, for 4 years; Member of the 1898 Football Team. Assistant Sales Manager of the Crocker- Wheeler Company, Ampere, N. J. b. Archdale, N. C, July 31, 1877. s. William Clinton Petty and Mary Victoria Hayworth. Address, 16 North Twenty-second Street, East Orange, N. J., and Ampere, N. J. Redfield, John Howard, Jr., S.B. (S.B., 1902, Mass. Inst. Tech.; M.A., Harvard, 1910; Ph.D., Harvard, 1914.) Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1895. Author, "The Satrap," comic opera presented by Class of 1901. Civil Engineering Practice, Wayne, Pa., 1902-04; with Post & 384 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1899 McCord, Steel Construction, New York, N. Y., 1904-06; Stu- dent of Romance Philology, University of Paris, 1907-08; In- structor in Mathematics, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Wor- cester, Mass., 1908-09; Instructor in French, Swarthmore Col- lege, 1910-11; Instructor in Romance Languages, Princeton Uni- versity, 1912-14; 1916 to date. Civil Engineer, with Frank N. Kneas, Consulting Engineer; John T. Windrim, Architect; Frank C. Roberts & Co., Engineers. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 8, 1879. s. Robert S. Redfield and Mary Thibault Guilloii. m. Kolberg, Germany, July 10, 1913, Elli Proschwitz. Address, Wayne, Pa. Richie, Elisha Roberts, S.B. (M.D., 1902, Hahnemann.) Entered Sophomore Class 1896. Assistant Business Manager, Haverfordian. Practice of Medi- cine at Moorestown, N. J., from July, 1902, to March, 1911; at Brewster, N. Y., since March, 1911. Food Administrator for Putnam County, N. Y., 1918; First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, United States Army, 1918-19. Graduate Student at New York Post-Graduate Hospital, 1917; and at New York University and Bellevue Hospital, 1919-20. Sanitary Supervisor, New York State Department of Health, since July 1, 1920. Member, New York State Medical Society; American Institute of Homeopathy; New York State Homeopathic Medical Society; American Society of Physical Therapeutics ; American Legion ; Kishawana Country Club ; Honorary Staff of West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital for Women. Member, Free and Accepted Masons. b. Moorestown, N. J., February 25, 1877. s. Edward B. Richie and Elizabeth Hooton Roberts, m. Boston, Mass., April 27, 1904, Anna S. Wood (d. July 9, 1921). c. Donald Wood, 1906; Robert Yarnall, 1908. Address, Oak and Hoyt Streets, Brewster, N. Y. Shipley, Malcolm Augustus, A. B. (S.T.B., Phila. Divinity School, 1910.) Entered 1895. Secretary of Class in 1896. Student of Theology, 1899-1902. Clergyman. Curate, Holy Trinity Church, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Rector, Zion Church, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Rector, St. Peters Church, Hazleton, Pa. ; at present, Rector, Trinity Church, Hoboken, N. J. Archdeacon of Jersey City, Diocese of Newark. President, Christ Hospital, Jersey City, N. J. Member, New York Catholic Club; Euclid Lodge, 316, Hoboken, N. J., F. & A. M. ; Military Order Loyal Legion, New York Commandery. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 9, 1873. s. Malcolm A. Shipley and Josephine Gregg, m. June 2, 1903, Christine Bush Moyer. c. 1899] MATRICULATE CATALOG 385 Mary Josephine, 1904; Malcolm Augustus, 1906; Esther Chris- tine, 1908; David Gregg, 1911. Address, 707 Washington Street, Hoboken, N. J. Walter, Frank Keller, A.B, A.M., 1900. (B.L.S., 1906, N. Y. State Library School, Albany, N. Y. ; M.L.S., 1913, New York State Lib. School.) Entered Freshman Class 1896, and in September, 1898, passed into Class of 1899. Editor of Haverfordian, 1897-98, 1898-99; Honors in English and German, 1899; Member, Phi Beta Kappa, 1899. Instructor in German and Assistant in English, Haverford College, 1899- 1900. Teacher, West Chester, Pa., High School, 1900-01 ; Prin- cipal, Avondale, Pa., Public School, 1901-02; Teacher, Bethlehem, Pa., Preparatory School, 1902-03 ; Teacher, Friends' Select School, Washington, D. C, 1903-04; Reference Assistant, Brooklyn Pub- lic Library, 1906-07; Director's Assistant, New York State Li- brary, Albany, N. Y. ; 1907-08; Vice-Director, New York State Library School, 1908-19; Librarian, General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich., 1919-20. Instructor in Library Science, University of Illinois, Second Semester, 1921 ; Associate Professor, Library Methods, University of Michigan, Summer Session, 1921 ; Li- brarian, University of Minnesota, 1921 to date; Joint Compiler of "Modern Drama and Opera"; Abbreviations and Technical Terms used in Book Catalogues and Bibliographies ; Periodicals for the Small Library; Library Printing; Contributor to Moth, Axel; Technical Terms used in Bibliographies ; Special Con- tributor on Library Subjects to Encyclopedia Americana (1919 edition) ; Editor and Reviser, Training for Librarianship ; frequent periodical articles in Library Journal, Public Libraries, etc., etc. Special Consultant on Ofifice Filing Systems, Equipment Division, United States Signal Corps, 1918; Selective Service (Draft Board), United States Army, New York State Headquarters, 1919; Income Tax Bureau, Office of the Comptroller of the State of New York; Library Supervisor, American Library Associa- tion War Service, Albany District, 1918-19; President, New York State Library Association, 1915-16; President, Association of American Library Schools, 1919. Hudson Valley Phi Beta Kappa Association ; Founders' Club, Haverford ; Life Member, American Library Association; New York Library Association; Fellow of the American Library Institute; Member, New York State Li- brary School Association; Campus Club (University of Minne- sota). b. Point Pleasant, Pa., July 23, 1874. s. Samuel Arnold Walter 25 386 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1899 and Elizabeth Keller, m. West Chester, Pa., June 25, 1907, S. Ruth McMichael. c. Richard Keller, 1913. Address, Redford, Mich. Wild, Arthur Clement, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1902.) Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., 1896. Studied at Bucknell University about 3 months. Alumni Ora- torical Prize, 1898. Vice-President, Loganian Society. Lawyer. Practiced in Philadelphia until 1908; in Chicago, 1908 to date. Member, University Club, Chicago, 111. ; Cliff Dwellers, and Legal Club, of Chicago. b. Leeds, Yorkshire, England, February 10, 1875. s. Benjamin Wild and Hannah Moore, m. Chicago, 111., April 6, 1907, Ger- trude Turner. Address, 105 South La Salle Street, Chicago, 111. (business), and 1115 Lake Street, Evanston, 111. Non-Graduates Beadenkopf, Clarence Milton. Entered 1895 and left during the Freshman year. Glazed Kid Manufacturer. b. Wilmington, Del., December 14, 1875. s. William Beaden- kopf and . Address, Fourteenth and Walnut Streets, Wil- mington, Del. Bishop, Gilbert Livingston, Jr. Entered 1895 and left Freshman year. Assistant Trust Officer, Girard Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Whitelands Hunt Club. b. Glen Lock, Pa., March 2, 1877. s. Gilbert Livingston Bishop and Ellen M. Conarroe. m. May 1, 1905, Ella M. Coates. c. Hope L., 1906; Thomas L., 1908. Address, Frazer, Pa. Chase, William Thomas, Jr. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1900.) Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., 1895, and left at close of Sopho- more year. Student at Bucknell University. Law Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1897-1900. Entered firm of N. W. Ayer & Son, Philadelphia; same position to date (Educational Advertising). Member, Twentieth Century Club, Boston; Auburndale Club, Au- burndale; Rotary Club, Boston. b. Lewiston, Me., September 2, 1876. s. William Thomas Chase and Hannah C. Maston. m. Brattleboro, Vt., June 19, 1909, Lucy Augusta Gow. c. William Thomas, 3d, 1910; Richard Hovey, 1912; Helen Kathrina, 1914; John Kenneth, 1917. Address, 64 Summer Street, Newton Center, Mass. 1899] MATRICULATE CATALOG 387 Eastburn, George, Jr. Entered 1895 and left at close of the Freshman year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 31, 1877. s. George Eastburn and Elizabeth M. Beale. No address. Gillespie, William Allen. Entered 1895 and left 1896. b, Philadelphia, Pa., October 21, 1874. s. James S. Gillespie and . Address, 906 Susquehanna Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Haines, Arthur. Entered 1895 and left at end of Junior year. Vice-President of Class ; Captain, Football Team of 1897 ; Mem- ber of Cricket Eleven, English Tour, 1896. Insurance. Adver- tising Department, Philadelphia Inquirer; Commercial Trust Company ; Philadelphia Trust Company ; Guaranty Trust Com- pany of New York (Philadelphia office) ; Correspondent, New Business Department, to date. Member, Germantown Cricket Club; Treasurer and Trustee of the Society for Ethical Culture. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 15, 1876. s. Lindley Haines (Class of 1869) and Elizabeth Irie Atlee. m. Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa., October 7, 1902, Ellen Elizabeth Reeves, c. Arthur, Jr., 1904; Ellen Elizabeth, 1908; Edith Atlee, 1912. Address, 5005 McKean Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Hay, Kenneth. Entered from Lawrenceville Academy, Freshman Class as Spe- cial Student, 1895, and left at close of the year. Member of Varsity Football Team. Member, Triangle Society. Clerk in Wholesale Trimming House, New York City; Manufac- turing of Silks ; Manufacturing of Paper Boxes ; Manufacturing of Paints, Oils and Varnishes, to date. b. Cairo, Egypt, July 21, 1876. s. John Baldwin Hay and Cora Holmes Badger, m. London, England, July 18, 1896, Violet Hamilton Leaf. c. Aluriel V., 1904. Address, 110 William Street, New York City, and 40 Elmwood Avenue, Bogota, N. J. MiflBin, Archer Bioomfield. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1895, and left at close of the Junior year. Member, Cricket Eleven, English Tour, 1896. Civil Engineer and Surveyor; Farmer; Auditor, Lower Providence Township, Montgomery County, Pa. b. Columbia, Pa., February 13, 1878. s. George B. Mifflin and Barbara Harnli Peart, m. Wayne, Pa., September 30, 1909, Helen M. Watt. Address, Audubon, Montgomery County, Pa. 388 HAVERFORD COLLEGE ' [1899 Stokes, Andrew Maloney. Entered 1895 and left Freshman year. Real Estate, care of J. T. Jackson Company, Southeast Corner Chestnut and Thirteenth Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Phi Delta Theta, University of Pennsylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 26, 1876. s. James C. Stokes and Sarah J. . m. Grand Rapids, Mich., June 20, 1917, Rachel F. . c. Mary Jane, 1918. Address, 3642 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Wilson, Louis Round. (A.B., Univ. of N. C, 1899; A.M., Univ. of N. C, 1902; Ph.D., Univ. of N. C, 1905.) Entered 1895 and left on account of ill health, end of Junior year, 1898. Entered University of North Carolina Senior Class, 1898. Teacher in Vine Hill Academy, Scotland Neck, N. C, 1899-1900; in Catawba College, Newton, N. C, 1900-01 ; Librarian, Univer- sity of North Carolina, 1901 to date; Associate Professor of Li- brary Administration, 1907-12; Professor, Library Administra- tion, 1912-20; Kenan Professor of Library Administration, 1920 to date; Director of University Extension, 1912-21. Author: Chaucer's Relative Constructions; Associate Editor, Studies in Philology; Editor, The Alumni Review (University of North Carolina); Editor, "Education and Citizenship"; Contributor to the Extension Bulletins and Leaflets Series (University of North Carolina) and to library and educational magazines. Chairman, North Carolina Library Commission, 1909-16; Member, N. E. A. Committee on Library Instruction in Normal Schools, 1914; Member, American Library Association Committee on School Li- brary Administration, 1915-16; Vice-President, National Univer- sity Extension Association, 1919-20; Chairman, Library Depart- ment, Southern Education Association, 1910-11. President, North Carolina Library Association, 1910 and 1921-22. Chairman of Four-Minute Men in Orange County, N. C, 1918. Member, Phi Beta Kappa; North Carolina State Literary and Historical Asso- ciation. b. Lenoir, N. C, December 27, 1876. s. Jethro Reuben Wilson and Louisa Jane Round, m. Coharie, N. C, June 10, 1909, Penelope Bryan Wright, c. Elizabeth Wright, 1910; Louis Round, 1911 (d. 1913); Penelope, 1913; Louise, 1920. Address, Chapel Hill, N. C. 1900] MATRICULATE CATALOG 389 1900 Allen, Charles Jackson, S.B. Entered 1896. Manufacturer of Planet, Jr., Agricultural Implements and Flex- ible Flyer Sleds, S. L. Allen & Co., Second Vice-President. In- ventor of Agricultural Implements, Tractor Implements and Tractors. Member, Moorestown Field Club; Riverton Yacht Club; Ben Lomond Golf Club. b. Cinnaminson, N. J., December 28, 1877. s. Samuel Leeds Allen and Sarah Hooton Roberts, m. Providence, R. I., Decem- ber 11, 1903, Henrietta G. Benson, c. Esther Breidenhart, 1905; Samuel Leeds, 1907; Rodman Benson, 1911; Charles Jackson, 1913. Address, 321 East Oak Avenue, Moorestown, N. J., and Fifth Street and Glenwood Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Allen, William Williams, Jr., A.B. (A.B., Guilford College, 1899; LL.B., Temple Univ., 1911.) Entered Senior Class 1899. Student, Guilford College, N. C, 1895-96 and 1899. Guilford Scholarship. Instructor in Temple University; in American Insti- tute of Banking, Lecturer in the Law of Negotiable Instruments. Transfer Officer, The Philadelphia National Bank. b. Wilmington, N. C, January 21, 1880. s. William Williams Allen and Linda Rogers, m. June 20, 1905, Annie Blair, c. Lydia Louise, 1908; William Williams, 3d, 1916. Address, 231 Poplar Avenue, Woodbury, N. J. Bell, William Brown, A.B. (A.M., 1901; LL.B., Columbia.) Entered from New York City, 1897. President, Council, Loganian; Editor and Business Manager, Haverfordkin. Lawyer. Member, City Club of New York ; Columbia University Club; Transportation Club of New York; New York Club of New York. b. Stroudsburg, Pa., February 16, 1879. s. Thomas Alsop Bell and Elizabeth Dunn. m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 7, 1903, Susan Alsop. Address, 141 East Forty-fourth Street, New York City. Burdette, Robert Jones, Jr., A.B. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1896. Editor of Haverfordkin; Officer in Y. M. C. A. Haverfordian Prize for Literary Work. Clerical and stenographic work ; news- paper reporter, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 1901. Mostly news- paper work until 1920. Advertisement writer with Malcolm Mc- Allister Advertising Company since April, 1920; reporter. Salt Lake Tribune. 390 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1900 b. Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa, April 10, 1877. s. Robert Jones Burdette and Caroline Spalding Garrett, m. Okla- homa City, Okla., Felicia G. Johnson, c, Caroline Virginia, 1912; Robert James, 1915; Charles E., Jr., 1921. Address, 550 South Fourth East Street, care of Tribune, 152 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Carter, Charles Henry, A.B., A.M., 1901. (A.M., 1902; Ph.D., 1904, Harvard.) Entered Sophomore Class 1897. Phi Beta Kappa. Member, Cricket Team Tour to England, 1900. Assistant in German and French, Haverford, 1900-01 ; Highest Honors in English; General Honors. Student, Harvard University, 1901-04. Instructor in English, Syracuse University, 1904-08; Assistant Professor, 1908-12; Associate Professor, 1912- 17; Professor, 1917 to date. Member, Phi Kappa Phi; Associa- tion of American Professors ; Drama League. b. West Chester, Pa., December 23, 1879. s. Charles Shoemaker Carter and Elizabeth Cope. m. North Dartmouth, Mass., June 29, 1910, Mary Jessie Gidley. c. Ruth Elizabeth, 1912; Anne Gidley, 1914; Priscilla, 1919. Address, 866 Ostrom Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Carter, John Pim, A.B., A.M., 1901. Entered 1896. Graduate Student, 1901, Haverford (Chemistry). Chemical Engineer. With Carter & Scattergood, Philadelphia, as Chemist and Assistant Superintendent; Charles Lennig & Co., Philadel- phia, as Assistant Superintendent; Proctor & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, as Chemical Supervisor, Soap Department; At- lantic Refining Company, Philadelphia, Process Chemist. Ohio State Home Guard, Cincinnati Regiment, 1917-19. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., January 9, 1880. s. John Elliott Carter (Manager, 1868-71) and Frances Wilkinson Pim. m. Media, Pa., September 13, 1905, Abbie Hawley Garrett, c. Lillian Garrett, 1907 (d. 1907); Susan Elizabeth, 1909; Henry Harlan, 1911 (d. 1911) ; John Elliott, Jr., 1912. Address, Wawa, Delaware County, Pa. Cope, Francis Reeve, Jr., A.B. (A.B., 1901, A.M., 1902, Har- vard.) Entered 1896. Secretary of Class, Sophomore year ; President, Class, Junior year; President, College Association, Senior year; Secretary, Ath- letic Association, Sophomore year ; Loganian Society. Chairman, 1900] MATRICULATE CATALOG 391 Honor Committee; Honors in Economics, at graduation. Founders' Club, Alumni Orator, 1905. Student at Harvard Uni- versity, 1901-02. Holder of Robert Treat Paine Fellowship, from Harvard, 1903, studying Municipal and Social Questions, New York City; Holder of Honorary John Harvard Fellowship from Harvard, 1904, studying in England and Germany. Executive Secretary, Civil Service Reform Association of Pennsylvania, 1904-05 ; Assistant Secretary and Secretary of Philadelphia Com- mittee of Seventy, 1905-12; since 1912, engaged in farming (dairy- ing and fruit growing) as owner and manager of 640-acre farm. 1912-14, active in civic campaign for better rural schools, securing the consolidation of the schools of the township. 1916-18, Mem- ber, Pennsylvania Committee of Public Safety, and Chairman, Committee on Food Production and Conservation for Susquehanna County; Organizer and Member of Executive Committee of Sus- quehanna County Farm Bureau (State and County Support) ; President, Susquehanna County Historical Society and Free Li- brary Association, 1908 to date ; Organizer of an interdenomina- tional survey of religious, educational, economic and social forces of Susquehanna County ; Chairman of First Interdenominational Con- ference of all Churches in Susquehanna County, 1919. Trustee, Bryn Mawr College, 1905-20; Manager, Pennsylvania Hospital of Philadelphia, 1906-20; Manager, William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, 1906-21 ; Trustee, Penn School, St. Helena Island, S. C. ; Member, Harv^ard University Memorial Society, and Har- vard Union; University Club of Philadelphia; Academy of Nat- ural Sciences, Philadelphia; Zoological Society of Philadelphia; American Museum of Natural History, New York ; American Ornithologists' Union ; The Dairymen's League ; State Horticul- tural Association of Pennsylvania; The Pennsylvania State Grange. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., August 9, 1878. s. Alexis T. Cope (Class of 1868) and Elizabeth Stewardson. m. Villa Nova, Pa., October 13, 1903, Evelyn Flower Morris, c. Theodora Mor- ris, 1906. Address, Dimock, Susquehanna County, Pa. Drinker, Henry Sandwith, Jr., A.B. (A.B., 1901, Harvard; LL.B., U. of P. Law School, 1904.) Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1896. Football Team, 1898 and 1899. Vice-President of Class, Senior year; Secretary, Class, 1905-10. Student at Harvard (A. B.), and University of Pennsylvania (LL.B.) Practice. of Law since 1904. Entered Law Office of Dickson, McCouch & Glasgow, 392 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1900 Philadelphia, 1904; admitted to limited partnership, 1910; and full partnership, January 1, 1918. Author, three volumes on "The Interstate Commerce Act." Member, Philadelphia Club ; First City Troop (non-active, 1911); Art Alliance. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 15, 1880. s. Henry S. Drinker and Aimee Ernesta Beaux, m. Haverford, Pa., May 16, 1911, Sophie Lewis Hutchinson, c. Sophie, 1912; Henry S., 3d, 1914; Cecilia Beaux, 1917; Ernesta, 1920; Pemberton S., 1921. Address, Merion Road, Merion, Pa. Emien, John Thompson, A.B. (B.S. Architecture, Univ. of Pa., 1904.) Entered 1896. Treasurer of Class, Junior year. Class Record Board. Prac- ticed architecture for 2 years; Student in Department of Archi- tecture, University of Pennsylvania, 2 years ; Teacher at Hampton Institute for 1 year; Social Work, Secretary and Treasurer, Arm- strong Association of Philadelphia. Author of various pamphlets on living conditions among colored people, etc., and various re- ports on social work among colored people in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Member, Board Directors, Provident Life and Trust Company; Anna T. Jeanes Foundation (Secretary) ; National Ur- ban League (Vice-President); Christiansburg Industrial School; Germantown Friends' School ; White Williams Foundation ; Wissa- hickon Boys' Club (President). Member, City Club; Member, Sigma Xi ; Executive Committee of the Council of Social Agencies of the Welfare Federation of Philadelphia; Member of Repre- sentative Committee of the Welfare Federation of Philadelphia; Member of Board of Directors of Woolman School. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 28, 1878. s. James Emlen (Class 1874) and Susan Trotter Thompson, m. March 6, 1906, Mary Carpenter Jones, c. Susan Thompson, 1907; John Thompson, Jr., 1908; Mary Carpenter, Jr., 1911 ; Woodruff Jones, 1913. Ad- dress, 36 West School Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Eshleman, Frank Mercur, A.B. Entered 1896. Student at Franklin and Marshall College, 1895-96. Assistant Manager, Football Team, Sophomore year; Manager, Junior and Senior years. Member, Banjo Club, 2 years ; Vice-President, I. C. A. A. A. A.; Editor-in-Chief of Class Book. Member, Triangle Society; Founders' Club. Wool Merchant. Entered employ of Justice Bateman & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 1900; Member of firm, January 1, 1906-09; 1910, entered employ of Jeremiah Williams 1900] MATRICULATE CATALOG 393 Company, Boston, Mass, Wool Merchants. Member of firm, 1916 to date. Member, Philadelphia Barge Club; St. Nicholas Club, New York; Union Boat Club, Boston; Automobile Club, Ex- change Club of Boston; Milton Club; Hoosic Whisick Club, Mil- ton, Mass. b. Lancaster, Pa., February 12, 1880. s. B. Frank Eshleman (Class 1867) and Mary Eliza Mercur. m. Torresdale, Pa., Oc- tober 12, 1910, Annabel Esler. c. Francis, 1911; Elizabeth Bar- nett, 1914; Annabel, 1921. Address, 481 Summer Street, Boston, Mass., and Columbine Road, Milton, Mass. Febiger, Christian, S.B. Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., 1896. Member, Triangle Society. With Lea & Febiger, publishers of Medical and Surgical Books, since graduation. Member, Uni- versity Club, Philadelphia; Union League, Philadelphia; Merion Cricket Club. b. Ridley Park, Pa., March 20, 1878. s. Christian C. Febiger (Class 1865) and Katharine Megear Sellers, m. July 24, 1912, Madeleine S. Houte. Address, 706 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Freeman, Edward Dale, A.B. (LL.B., New York Law School, 1903.) Entered 1896. Vice-President, Class, Sophomore year; President, Junior year; Captain, Sophomore Track Team. Member, Football Team, 1896- 1900. Junior Exercises Committee; Junior Play; President, Col- lege Association. Student at Columbia Law School, 1900-01 ; at New York Law School, 1901-03. Lawyer, New York, Washing- ton. Chairman, Board of Finance, Wilton, Conn.; Delegate, Democratic State Convention (Connnecticut), 1916. Alternate Delegate at Large from Connecticut to National Democratic Con- vention, 1916. First Officers Training Camp, Madison Barracks, N. Y., 1917, commission Captain, Infantry; later promoted Major, Infantry, 311th Regiment, 78th Division, Camp Dix, N. J.; 3d Provisional Regiment, and later Assistant Chief of Stafif of 78th Division; Sailed for France, 1918, in command of Advance De- tachment of Division. Attended Army General Stafif College at Longres, France, June to August, 1918; assigned to Operations or Tactical Section of General Stafif of First Army, A. E. F. ; took part in St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives; after Armistice, Assistant Inspector General of First Army; similar appointment for Base Section No. 9, Antwerp, Belgium; Execu- 394 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1900 tive Officer of the Port of Rotterdam, Holland ; Second in Com- mand of United States Troops in Holland. Honorably Dis^charged, July 9, 1919, Camp Dix. With War Risk Insurance Bureau as Counsel until resignation in June, 1920. Private practice of law to date. Member, Beta Rho Sigma; Phi Kappa Psi; Delta Chi; Lotos Club, New York; formerly Secretary, House Committee, National Arts Club, New York; Member, University Club, Phila- delphia. b. Warren, Pa., April 4, 1878. s. Lewis Ross Freeman and Florence Dale. m. (1) December 18, 1900, Grace Gertrude Den- nison. c. Lewis Ross, 2d, 1902; Florence Dennison, 1904 (de- ceased) ; Marian Dennison, 1909. m. (2) November 26, 1919, Josephine Bartlett Smith. Address, 1622 Webster Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Hallett, Henry McLellan, A.B. Entered 1896 from Windham Centre, Me. Treasurer, Class, 1897-98; Treasurer, Y. M. C. A., 1897-98; Treasurer, College Association, 1897-98; Varsity Football Team, all four years. Beta Rho Sigma. Secretary and District Man- ager, Pennsylvania Crusher Company. Member, Shannopiu Country Club; Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania; Coal Mining Institute of America. b. Manchester, Me., June 1, 1875. s. James Hervey Hallett and Sarah Louise Hawkes. m. North Chili, N. Y., June 18, 1910, Lois Ellen Roberts, c. Sarah Louise, 1911; Jane Sellew, 1913; Douglas Roberts, 1921. Address, 324 Forest Avenue, Ben Avon, Pittsburgh, Pa. fHiatt, James Smith, A.B. (B.L., Earlham College, 1899.) Entered 1899, Senior Class, as Earlham Scholar. Student at Earlham College, 1895-99. Teacher of English, Friends' Academy, Locust Valley, L. I., 1900; Teacher in Friends' School, Germantown, 1909; Secretary of Public Education Asso- ciation ; connected with public and private schools of Philadelphia ; 1915, Secretary to Governor Brumbaugh of Pennsylvania. b. Richmond, Ind., July 10, 1877. d. November 20, 1915. s. William J. Hiatt and Eliza Willen Smith, m. Springboro, Ohio, September 4, 1902, Margaret C. Chapman, c. Benjamin Chap- man, 1909; Catherine Chapman, 1912. Hinchman, Walter Swain, A.B., A.M., 1903. (A.B., Harvard, 1901.) Entered 1896 from Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Cricket Team, all four years (Captain, Senior year) ; 1900] MATRICULATE CATALOG 395 Triangle Society; Cap and Bells Club; Founders' Club. Teacher and Author. Groton School, 1901-03, 1904-20. Student at Ber- lin, 1903-04. Francis B. Gummere Chair of English, Haverford College, 1920-1922. Author, Lives of Great EngHsh Writers; Tintagel and Other Poems ; William of Normandy ; Holmes Hink- ley ; History of English Literature ; The American School. Com- piler, Selections from Arnold. Contributor to Appleton's Maga- zine; Poet Lore; Atlantic Monthly; New York Times Book Re- view ; Contemporary Verse ; Educational Review ; English Journal ; English Leaflet; Independent. Chairman, Groton Food Com- mittee, 1917; Chairman, Groton Public Safety Committee, 1918; Associate Director, Bureau of Camp Service, American Red Cross, Washington, D. C, 1918-19. President, New England Association of Teachers of English, 1918-20; Vice-President, National Council of Teachers of English, 1920. Member, Har- vard Union, Cambridge, Mass. ; Harvard Club, New York City ; St. Botolph Club, Boston ; University Club, Philadelphia ; St. Davids Golf Club, St. Davids, Pa. ; English- Speaking Union ; New England Association of Teachers of English; Association of Col- leges and Preparatory Schools. Overseer, William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1922- . b. Burlington, N. J., September 13, 1879. s. Charles Shoe- maker Hinchman and Lydia Swain Mitchell, m. Ludlow, Shrop- shire, England, June 27, 1911, Julia Henderson, c. Richard, 1912; Hildegarde, 1913; John, 1916; Mary, 1919; Dorothea, 1921. Ad- dress, Haverford College, Haverford, Pa. Jenks, Horace Howard, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1904.) Entered 1896. Mandolin Club; leader of same. Senior year; Assistant Man- ager, Football Team ; Manager, Track Team ; Captain, Gymnastic Team, Junior and Senior years ; President of Class, Senior year. "Spoon Man." Triangle Society. Physician. Resident Physi- cian, Children's Hospital, 1904-05 ; fat Pennsylvania Hospital, 1905-07; Assistant Dispensary Physician, Children's Hospital, 1907-09; same at Polyclinic Hospital, 1907-09. Associate in Pediatrics, Howard Hospital, 1907-09; Dispensary Physician, Children's Hospital, 1916 to date ; Superintendent, Children's Hos- pital (during war), 1917-19; Assistant Medical Director, Chil- dren's Hospital, 1918 to date; Medical Director of the Children's Bureau (of Seybert Institution), 1920 to date. Member, City Club; Pediatric Society; Fellow of the College of Physicians; President, Pediatric Society, 1922. b. Ashbourne, Pa., June 7, 1878. s. William F. Jenks and Helen 396 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1900 Carnan Towne. m. New London, New Hampshire, September 11, 1908, Eloise C. North, c. William Furness, 1909; EdAA^rd North, 1910; Robert Darrah, 1912. Address, 920 Clinton Street, Philadelphia, Pa., and Haverford, Pa. Justice, William Warner, Jr., S.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1901.) Entered 1896. Class Secretary, Freshman year; Secretary, Loganian, 1897- 98; Editor, Haverfordian; Class Record. Member, Cricket Eleven; also Tour to England, 1900. Senior Advisory Board, etc., etc. At Harvard, Editor of "Harvard Advocate." Wool Merchant, 1901-12; 1912 to date, Steel and Tin Plate Manufac- turer. (Vice-President of N. & G. Taylor Company, Inc., Phila- delphia, Pa.) Member, Board of Saving Fund Society of Ger- mantown and Chestnut Hill; President, Philadelphia Sales Man- agers' Association. Member, University Club; Huntingdon Val- ley Country Club; Huntingdon Valley Hunt Club; Master of Foxhounds of latter. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 8, 1878. s. Theodore Justice and Anna Vaughan Neall. m. St. Martins, Chestnut Hill, Phila- delphia, Pa., October 1, 1910, Elizabeth Hollinshead Taylor. Ad- dress, 300 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Levick, Henry Lewis D'Invilliers, A.B. Entered 1896 from Bala, Pa. Sometime Director of Providence Mills Manufacturing Com- pany; some time Vice-President, Providence Mills Manufacturing Company ; some time Director, Crew Levick Company, and Secre- tary of same; former President of Crew Levick Athletic Asso- ciation; Social Service Welfare Work since 1919. To date, with the Seamen's Church Institute of Philadelphia. Scoutmaster, Troop 8, Boy Scouts of America; Associate Director, Camp Brooks (Juvenile Protective Association) ; Member, The Union League; The City Club; The Historical Society; The Society of the Runnymede; The Social Workers' Club; The Bala-Cynwyd Neighborhood Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 12, 1877. s. Lewis J. Levick (Class 1867) and Mary Ann d'Invilliers. Address, Bala, Pa. Lutz, Frank Eugene, A.B. (A.M., 1902; Ph.D., 1907, Univ. of Chicago.) Entered 1896. Student at University of Chicago, 1900-02, 1903-04; Student of Biometry at University of London, 1902-03. Assistant in Zoology, University of Chicago ; on Research Staff Station for Experimental Evolution of the Carnegie Institution of Washing- 1900] MATRICULATE CATALOG 397 ton ; Assistant Curator of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York City, to date. Also Editor of the Museum's Scientific Publications. Author of various scientific and popular papers on biology, including "Field Book of Insects." Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science; of Entomological Society of America; of New York Academy of Science; Member, Society of American Naturalists, etc. b. Bloomsburg, Pa., September 15, 1879. s. Martin P. Lutz and Anna A. Brockway. m. Germantown, Pa., December 30, 1904, Martha Ellen Brobson. c. Anna, 1906; Eleanor, 1910; Frank Brobson, 1911; Laura, 1915. Address, Ramsey, N. J. Mifflin, Samuel Wright, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1901 ; LL.B., U. of P., 1904.) Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1896. Cricket Team, 3 years; English Tour, 1900. Football Team, 3 years; Captain, Senior year. Triangle Society. Student at Harvard and at Harvard Law School and Law School of Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1901-04. Law Practice in Philadelphia, Pa., 1904-11; Specialty Investigator for Fayette R. Plumb, Inc., Philadelphia, 1911-15; Manager for New England District Air Reduction Sales Company, New York, 1916-17; Office Organizer and Manager, Employment Department, American International Shipbuilding Corporation, Hog Island, 1917-18; Director of Con- trol Division, United States Employment Service for Pennsylvania, 1918-19. Cancellations Division, Emergency Fleet Corporation, 1918-20; Manufacturers' Cooperative Service, 1920 to date (Di- rector). Member, Hasty Pudding, Harvard; Sharswood Law Club, University of Pennsylvania; Merion Cricket Club; Harvard Club of New York. b. Columbia, Lancaster County, Pa., February 27, 1880. s. George Brown Mifflin and Barbara Harnli Peart. Address, 500 Stock Exchange Building, 1411 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or Merion Cricket Club, Haverford, Pa. Moorhouse, John Kennedy, A.B. Entered from Pittsburgh, Pa., 1896. Treasurer of Class; Secretary of Y. M. C. A.; President of same ; Secretary of College Association ; Secretary, Musical Club. Minister of the Episcopal Church. Rector, St. Paul's Church, Bristol, 1903-10; Rector of Calvary Church, Conshohocken, 1910 to date; Dean of Convocation of Norristown, 1919 to date. b. Allegheny, Pa., June 15, 1877. s. John Lawson Moorhouse and Annie Craig Lafferty. m. Wayne, Pa., October 10, 1906, Katharine Allen Boyd. c. Livingston Boyd, 1907 ; Bernetta Anne, 1910. Address, Conshohocken, Pa. 398 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1900 Peele, Jonathan Irving, S.B. (S.B., Wilmington College, O., 1899.) Entered from Wilmington, Ohio, Senior Class, 1899. Student at Wilmington College 5 years ; Holder of Wilmington Scholarship. Farmer. American Steel Wire Company, 1900-01 ; Farquhar Furnace Company, 1902-04; farmer, 1904 to date. b. Bowersville, Ohio, January 5, 1879. s. Seth L. Peele and Mary Esther Fawcett. m. Sabina, Ohio, December 28, 1904, Edna Custis. c. Miles, 1906. Address, R. F. D. No. 1, Wilming- ton, Ohio. Sensenig, Heber, A.B. Entered 1896. Captain, Track Team. College Football. Instructor of Mathe- matics. Teacher in private school in New Jersey, 1900-01 ; in private schools in New York City, 1901-09; in City High School at Newport, R. I., 1909 to date. b. Lancaster County, Pa., February 2, 1873. s. John Sensenig and Martha Weaver, m. New York City, 1903, Elizabeth Boshagen. c. Edmee Alice, 1906; Herbert Rudolf, 1907; Edgar Carl, 1911. Address, Annisquam, Mass. Sliarpless, Frederic Cope, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1903.) Entered 1896. College Cricket Team, 3 years ; Football Team, 2 years. Physi- cian. Resident Physician, Pennsylvania Hospital, 1904-06; Gen- eral Practice, 1906 to date. Attending Physician, Bryn Mawr Hospital, since 1912 ; Member, Medical Advisory Board, Dela- ware and Montgomery Counties, during war. b. Haverford, Pa., October 1, 1880. s. Isaac Sharpless, Sc.D., LL.D. (President, Haverford College, 1887-1917) and Lydia Trimble Cope. Tatnall, Abram Gibbons, S.B. Entered from Coatesville, Pa., 1896. Secretary and Treasurer, Football Association, 1897-98 ; Sec- retary and Treasurer, Football Association, 1898-99. Sales Man- ager, William E. Hooper & Sons Company. Member, University Club ; Merion Cricket Club. b. Wilmington, Del., December 17, 1878. s. Charles M. Tat- nall and Rebecca L. Gibbons, m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 15, 1903, Margaret Butcher, c. Margaret, 1905; Gibbons, 1913. Ad- dress, Roberts Road, Ardmore, Pa. 1900] MATRICULATE CATALOG 399 Taylor, Edward Ballinger, Jr., A.B. Entered 1896 from Sewickley, Pa. Superintendent, Marietta Division, Pennsylvania System. With Pennsylvania System as Rodman, Transitman, Assistant Engi- neer, Division Engineer and Superintendent, 1900 to date. Mem- ber, American Society of Civil Engineers; American Railway Engineering Association ; Engineers' Society of Western Pennsyl- vania; Cambridge Board of Trade; Cambridge Golf Club. b. Blairsville, Pa., June 30, 1879. s. Edward Ballinger Taylor (Class of 1869) and Mariana Satterthwaite. m. Pittsburgh, Pa., March 15, 1904, Mary E. Barker, c. Edward Ballinger, 3d, 1905; Ruth Barker, 1908. Address, 600 North Seventh Street, Cam- bridge, Ohio. Taylor, Joseph McFerran, A.B. Entered 1896. With Fourth Street National Bank, Philadelphia, 1900. Stu- dent at State College, Pa., mining, 1902; in charge of coal mines, Spangler, Pa., 1903 ; Student in Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1904; with Majestic Mining Company, Milford, Utah, 1907; Minmg Engineer in firm of Taylor & Taylor, Salt Lake City, 1908 ; McDonald & Taylor, Architects, Salt Lake City ; Taylor & Ingalls, Engineers, Milford, Utah, 1909. Member, Beta Theta Pi, State College. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 26, 1880. s. Joseph Hazzard Taylor and Florence Dashiell McFerran. No address. White, Wilfred Wallace, S.B. (S.B., Penn, 1899; M.S.F., 1906, Univ. of Mich.) Entered 1899 Senior Class as Penn Scholar. Student at Penn College, Oskaloosa, Iowa, 4 years. 1900-01, farmer; 1901-02, Instructor in Sciences, Sac City Institute, Iowa; 1902-03, Student, Cornell University, and Forest Student, United States Forest Service; 1903-05, farmer; 1905-06, Student, Michi- gan University, and Forest Student in Summer, United States Forest Service; 1906-07, Forest Assistant, United States Forest Service ; 1907-08, Deputy Forest Supervisor ; 1908 to date. Forest Supervisor, Bitter Root National Forest. (District Forest In- spector.) During war. Chairman, Live Stock Committee of State Council of Defense, District No. 13, Montana. Chairman of Mis- soula Public School Board ; formerly Member Missoula Chamber of Commerce, "New Industries Committee" ; Chairman, Finance Committee, Missoula First Class Boy Scout Council; Vice-Presi- dent, Missoula Kiwanis Club. 400 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1900 b. Oskaloosa, Iowa, July 11, 1877. s. Thomas B. White and Dora Hiatt. m. Sac City, Iowa, December 19, 1907, Sarah Jane Campfield. c. Jack C, 1910; Paul H., 1912; Ben E., 1915; Mar- garet, 1919. Address,' 244 South Third Street, West, Missoula, Mont. Non-Graduates Chamberlain, William Reginald. Entered 1896 and left at close of Sophomore year. With Emery-Waterhouse Wholesale Hardware Company, Port- land, Me., 1900. Hardware and marine business since leaving college. To date. President, Woodward & Chamberlain, Inc., Marine Supplies, New York. b. Portland, Me., June 20, 1877. s. William Chamberlain and Lizzie Hale Coffin, m. Portland, Me., April 5, 1905, Flora M. Otis. c. Elizabeth, 1906. Address, 247 Bedford Avenue, Mt. Vernon, N. Y., and 14 Fulton Street, New York City. Freedley, William Gardiner, Jr. Entered 1896 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1898. Junior partner in firm of J. K. Freedley & Sons, 1901- . b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 6, 1878. s. William Gardiner Freedley and Katharine E. Conrad. Address, 142 Maplewood Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Hoopes, Macmillan. Entered 1896 and left 1897. Financial Secretary for Lammot du Pont. Member, Union League, Philadelphia; Wilmington Club; St. Andrews' Society of Philadelphia; Beta Theta Pi Fraternity; Church Club of Dela- ware. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 16, 1879. s. Clement R. Hoopes and Marie Louise MacMillan. m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 21, 1905, Helen Massey Hoopes. c. Clement R., 2d, 1906; George V. Massey, 1910. Address, Brindley Road, Wilmington, Del. Howson, Furman Sheppard. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1896; left during Senior year. Member of firm of Rufus Waples 8i Co., 322 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (Investment Bonds). b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 9, 1879. s. Charles Howson and Medora Ware. Address, 401 Woodland Avenue, Wayne, Pa. Kingston, Henry Houston, Jr. Entered 1896. Manager of the News Bureau, Buffalo, Rochester and Pitts- burgh Railway. 1900] MATRICULATE CATALOG 401 b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 13, 1876. s. Henry Houston King- ston and Frances Allan Hunter. Address, R. F. D. No. 1, Rochester, N. Y. Lloyd, John Eshleman. Entered 1896. Captain, Relay and Track Team, Senior year. Secretary, Class, 1900. Lumber and Coal Merchant. President, William M. Lloyd Company ; President, Braganza Lumber Company, Waycross, Ga. ; Vice-President, Branford Lumber Company, Jacksonville, Fla. ; Chairman, Board of Directors, National Retail Coal Merchants' Association; President, Philadelphia Coal Exchange; President, National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association ; President, Philadel- phia Society for Promoting Agriculture. During the war, Chair- man, Emergency Bureau, representing Retail Lumber Yards in the Eastern District, Quartermasters' Department, December, 1917, to August, 1918. Resident Vice-President, National Retail Coal Merchants' Association, 1917-19. Member, The Church Club ; Union League ; Merion Cricket Club, Haverf ord. Pa. ; St. Nicholas Club, New York City; Cape Fear Club, Wilmington, N. C. ; West Chester Golf and Country Club ; Lumbermen's Ex- change ; Chamber of Commerce ; Builder's Exchange. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., March 28, 1878. s. William McClure Lloyd and Ruth Anna Eshleman. Address, 29th and Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Logan, James Addison, Jr. Entered Freshman Class as Special Student and left during the year. Colonel in United States Army. 1901, Captain in Regular Army; Assistant Depot Commissary, Manila, P. I., 1904; in Washington, duty in War Department, 1909; Military Attache at United States Embassy, Paris; Commissary, at Panama, 1911; Major Staff Officer in Commissary General's Department, 1912. During World War, Assistant Chief of Staff, A. E. F. ; Chief of Staff for Mr. H. C. Hoover during period of general relief opera- tion in Europe after the Armistice ; Deputy Delegate ; Unofficial American Delegation on Reparation Commission under Treaty of Versailles. Distinguished Service Medal, United States Army; Croix de Guerre and Officer of the Legion of Honor, France; Officer of the Order of Leopold, Belgium ; Commander of the Order of St. Saviere, Serbia ; Commander of the Order of the 26 402 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1900 White Rose, Finland. Member, Markham Club and Philadelphia Barge Club, of Philadelphia; Metropolitan Club, Army and Navy Club, and Chevy Chase Club, of Washington; Knickerbocker Club, of New York. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 14, 1879. s. James A. Logan and Ehzabeth Marchand. Address, 1718 H Street, N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. Marshall, Moses. Entered 1896 and left during the Sophomore year. Law Student, Boston University, Boston, Mass., 1900. Prac- tice of Law, Lawrence, Mass., 1902. Register of Deeds, Northern District, Essex, Mass. ; Practice of Law at Lawrence, 1908. b. — ■ — , England, June 20, 1872. s. John C. Marshall and . Address, 176 West Street, Lawrence, Mass. fMiller, Daniel. Entered 1896 and left during the Freshman year. With Townsend, Wheelen & Co., and later with a company manufacturing boat propellers. b. Glendale, Md., November 13, 1877. d. Philadelphia, Pa., February 16, 1912. s. H. C. Miller and . Murphy, Grayson Mallet-Prevost. Entered from Atlantic City, N. J., 1896, and left during Sopho- more year 1898. Joined Pennsylvania Volunteers, United States Army, 1898 (Private, Company K, Infantry) ; appointed to West Point, 1899. Graduated from West Point, 1903. Captain and Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier-General Commanding Provisional Guard of Pennsyl- vania during Spanish- American War. Second Lieutenant, 17th Infantry, United States Army. Sales Manager, Electric Cable Company ; Member of firm of G. M. & P. Murphy & Co. ; Vice- President, Guaranty Trust Company, of New York; Major, In- fantry, Officers Reserve Corps ; American Red Cross Commis- sioner to Europe; Lieutenant-Colonel, Infantry, United States Army; Operations Officer, 42d Division; Distinguished Service Medal; Commendatore of the Order of the Crown of Italy; Officer of the Legion of Honor. President, Foreign Commerce Corporation of America; Member of firm of G. M. & P. Murphy & Co. ; Director in Bethlehem Steel Corporation ; Cuba Cane Sugar Corporation ; Finance and Trading Corporation ; Foreign Com- merce Corporation ; Foreign Credit Corporation ; Guaranty Safe Deposit Company ; Guaranty Trust Company ; Textile Banking Company, Inc.; The New York Trust Company; Federal Ac- 1900] MATRICULATE CATALOG 403 counting Corporation. Member, St. James Club, London; Army and Navy Club of America ; The Brook ; Down Town Association ; The Links Club; Parramore's Island Association; Piping Rock Club; Racquet and Tennis Club; Recess Club; Rockaway Hunt- ing Club; The Riding Club; Turf and Field Club; Union Club; University Club; American Legion; Rainbow Division Veterans; Member of Executive Committee, Association of Graduates of West Point; Honorary Trustee, The Boys' Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 19, 1878. s. Howard Murphy and Anita Mallet-Prevost. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 19, 1906, Maud Donaldson, c. Grayson Mallet-Prevost, Jr., 1907; Robert Donaldson, 1912. Address, 11 East Seventieth Street, New York City. Schober, George Mitchell. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1896, and left during Freshman year. Automobile business since leaving college. Selling automobile parts, to date. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., March 19, 1878. s. Fred- erick W. Schober and Emilie I. Hart. m. Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa., June 1, 1910, Esther M. Siegel. Address, 3339-45 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa., and 700 North Fortieth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Seager, Schuyler Fiske. (A.B. Harvard, 1902.) Entered from Hancock, Mich., 1896, and left at close of Sopho- more year. Mining, Timber and Automobile Industries. Secretary-Treas- urer, Olds Gas Power Company, Lansing, Mich., until 1915; Sec- retary-Treasurer, Lansing Manufacturers' Railroad, until 1915; in miscellaneous business in Los Angeles, Cal., 1915 to date. Mem- ber, Midwick Country Club, Pasadena, Cal. ; Valley Hunt Club, Pasadena, Cal. ; University Club, Los Angeles ; University Club, Detroit, Mich. ; Los Angeles Athletic Club. b. Lansing, Mich., January 22, 1879. s. Schuyler F. Seager and Alice Berry, m. London, England, July 6, 1907, Mary Mar- guerite Goodell. c. Katharine G., 1908; Marguerite L., 1909; Schuyler F., Jr., 1914. Address, 331 South Hill Avenue, Pasa- dena, Cal. fStuart, Harry Harlan. Entered from Minneapolis, Minn., 1896, and left at close of Sophomore year, 1898. Beta Rho Sigma. Vice-President, Carnation Milk Products Company, Manufacturers of Condensed Milk. 1898-1902, grain 404 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1900 business, Minneapolis; 1902-21, Condensed Milk Business. 1918, United States Food Administration, Washington, D. C, in charge of the Condensed Milk Section of the Division of Co-Ordination of Purchase. "Dollar a year." Member, Rainier Club, Seattle, Wash. b. Lawrence, Kan., July 10, 1878. d. Due to accident, April 16, 1921. s. Dr. J. H. Stuart (Class 1861) and Margaret Annis Lynch, m. Minneapolis, Minn., October 18, 1905, Hester M. Tor- rance, c. Douglas Harlan, 1906; Patricia, 1908; Margaret Annis, 1915; Harry Harlan, Jr., 1918. White, Linden Harris. (A.B., St. Stephens, Annandale-on-Hud- son, 1900; S.T.B., Phila. Divinity School, 1907.) Entered from Germantown Academy, 1896, and left at close of Freshman year. Won Everett Prize Medal for Oratory, 1897. Valedictorian. Editor and Business Manager, St. Stephen's Messenger. 1900-01, Professor of English and Latin at Hudson River Military Acad- emy, Nyack-on-Hudson, N. Y. ; 1901-03, Editor and Business Manager of El Pais, later named "The Puerto Rico Sun." Printed first Civil Code of Laws for Puerto Rico; later Business Manager of "San Juan News"; 1903-06, Philadelphia Divinity School; 1906-07, Curate, Church of the Ascension, Fall River, Mass.; 1907-12, Rector, St. James Church, Fall River, Mass.; 1912-21, St. Mary's Church, St. Louis, Mo.; 1914, Chairman of "The Church News" of Missouri. During war. Platform Speaker for Red Cross and Liberty Loan Drives. Member, Board of St. Luke's Hospital, St. Louis; Board of St. Louis Clericus; and of Church Federation; Secretary-Treasurer, Southern Branch, Church School Union; Chairman, Near East Relief, New Bedford, Mass. ; Chaplain, St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford, Mass. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 5, 1876. s. William A. White and Rachel Hunter, m. Fall River, Mass., June 17, 1909, Eliza- beth Heatley. c. David Linden, 1910; Linden Harris, Jr., 1915; Thomas Heatley, 1917. Address, St. Martin's Church, New Bed- ford, Mass. Yocum, Charles Crawford. Entered 1896 and left Freshman year. Factory office, Autocar Company, Ardmore, Pa. b. Ardmore, Pa., October 29, 1874. s. George Peachen Yocum and Mary Litzenberg. m. New York City, October 15, 1898, Effie Stella Seavey. c. Charles Crawford, Jr., 1899; Armon Cor- son, 1905; Bremer Wright, 1907; Mary Marshall Aldrich, 1909. Address, 208 Elm Terrace, Narberth, Pa. 1901] MATRICULATE CATALOG 405 1901 Baltz, William Sagehorn, S.B. Entered 1897. Mechanical Engineering, 1901-03; Farming, 1903-13; Student at Princeton Theological Seminary, 1913-16; Pastor, Pequa Pres- byterian Church of South Hermitage, Lancaster County, Pa., 1916 to date; and Farmer. Member, Percheron Society of America; Holstein-Friesian Association; Grange. b. Whitford, Pa., July 13, 1880. s. John Daniel Baltz and Annie Augusta Sagehorn. m. Doe Run, July 26, 1916, Lyde Wilson Polk. c. John Daniel, 2d, 1917. Address, Honey Brook, Pa. (Star Route). Bankard, Clarence Walton, A.B. Entered from Berwyn, Pa., 1897. Honors in Greek. Phi Beta Kappa. Sales Agent, Office Equip- ment. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 6, 1880. s. George W. C. Bankard and Anna R. Wiggins. Address, 824 North Twentieth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Brown, Ellis Yarnall, Jr., A.B. Entered 1897 from Downingtown, Pa. Assistant Business Manager, Haverfordian, 1899-1900. Honors in English. With Downingtown Manufacturing Company since graduation, manufacturers of paper mill machinery ; Treasurer of same to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 6, 1880. s. Ellis Yarnall Brown and Sarah Elizabeth Willits. m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., April 29, 1911, Mary Downing Godley. c. Ellis Yarnall, 3d, 1912; Thomas Down- ing, 1914; Francis Godley, 1917; Richard Willits, 1921. Address, East Downingtown, Pa. BuUinger, Howard Valentine, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1902.) Entered 1897. Haverfordian Board, 4 years ; Manager of same, 2 years. Presi- dent, Class, Senior year. Cope Fellowship. Student at Harvard University, 1901-02. Teacher, 1902; Bond Salesman, 1917; Pub- licity Manager, 1918. Member, Boston Chamber of Commerce; Boston Kiwanis Club; Celbra Tennis Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 2, 1878. s. Charles Howell Bul- linger and Mary Elizabeth Cox. m. Boston, Mass., June 26, 1909. Gertrude Tileston. c. Jean, 1911; Betty, 1916. Address, Hyde Park, Mass. 406 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1901 Cad bury, John Warder, Jr., A.B. Entered from Philadelphia, Pa., 1897. Haines, Jones & Cadbury Company ; Trust Department, The Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia. b. Moorestown, N. J., June 29, 1880. s. Joel Cadbury (Class 1856; Manager, 1867-81) and Anna Kaighn Lowry. m. German- town, Philadelphia, Pa., October 15, 1910, Rachel Comfort Reeve. c. John Warder, 3d, 1912, Thomas Lloyd, 1920. Address, 272 West Main Street, Moorestown, N. J. Cadbury, William Edward, A.B., A.M., 1902. Entered 1897. President, College Association; President, Y. M. C. A.; "Spoon Man"; Founders' Club; President, 2 years. Wholesale grain business with George M. Warner, Philadelphia, 1902-08; with F, Wallis Armstrong, Advertising Agency, 18 months; investment business as bond salesman, with Elkins, Krumbhaar & Morris (now Elkins, Morris & Co.). 1911-17, salesman for the National City Company, Philadelphia Office; 1918-20, with Clayton F. Banks, Philadelphia. Correspondent, Guaranty Trust Company of New York. Member of firm, Cadbury, Ellis & Haines, Invest- ment Bankers, 1920 to date, as Sales Manager. Liberty Loan Worker during the five campaigns, and Vice-Chairman of Indus- trial Committee, Philadelphia. Member of University Club, Phila- delphia. b. Germantown, Pa., June 25, 1881. s. John Warder Cadbury (Class of 1854) and Rebecca Warner, m. Downingtown, Pa., May 31, 1905, Mary Yarnall Brown, c. Elizabeth Willits, 1906; William Edward, Jr., 1909; Eleanor, 1912. Address. Whit- ford, Pa. Carey, Clifton O'Neal, S.B. (S.B., Wilmington, O., 1900; B.S. in C.E., Univ. of Mich., 1906; C.E., 1914.) Entered September, 1900, from Wilmington College. Football "H," Senior year. Teacher in public schools of Ohio, 1901-03; Professor of Mathematics, Wilmington College, 1904- 05 ; Draftsman and Superintendent of Building Construction, Sherwin-Williams Company, Cleveland, Ohio, 1906-08; Instructor in Surveying, University of Michigan, 1908-14; Assistant Pro- fessor of Surveying, University of Michigan, 1914-20; Associate Professor of Surveying, University of Michigan, 1920- . Au- gust, 1918, to February, 1920, in employ of Chinese Government, Principal Assistant Engineer on the Grand Canal Improvement Board. Member, University of Michigan Faculty Club; Uni- versity of Michigan Union; Michigan Engineering Society; Na- 1901] MATRICULATE CATALOG 407 tional Geographic Society; American Association of Engineers; Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education. b. Wilmington, Ohio, December 1, 1875. s. Samuel Albert Carey and Ruth Polk. m. Wilmington, Ohio, September 12, 1905, Alberta Nevin. c. Harold Nevin, 1907; Edwin Albert, 1909; Miriam Elisabeth, 1910. Address, Geddes Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. DeArmond, James Keyser, A.B. Entered from Friends' Central School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1897. Merchant in upholstery goods and cabinet hardware, De Ar- mond & Co., 930 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa., since graduation. Member, Pennsylvania Society, Sons of the Revolution; Welcome Society of Pennsylvania; Netherlands Society of Pennsylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 21, 1877. s. George J. De Ar- mond and Elizabeth Webster Keyser. m. Philadelphia, Pa., Oc- tober 27, 1906, Emily Janney. c. Anna Janney, 1910; James Keyser, Jr., 1913. Address, 812 North Sixty-third Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. De Motte, Laurence Washburn, S.B. (LL.B., 1903.) Entered from Haverford School, 1897. "H" in Football; Captain, Cricket and Hockey Teams (IV). Personnel Director, American Express Company, 65 Broadway, New York City. 1903-07, legal and other work; 1907-08, Head of History Department, Tome School for Boys, Port Deposit, Md. ; 1908-09, Director of Discipline, Peekskill Military Academy, Peekskill, N. Y. ; 1909-12, Headmaster, Army and Navy Prepara- tory School, Washington, D. C. ; 1912-14, Financial Editor, Wash- ington Post; Editor, Alexandria News; 1914-15, in charge of Issue and Redemption Emergency Currency, Office Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C. ; 1915-17, Assistant to Chief National Bank Examiner, Sixth Federal Reserve District, At- lanta, Ga. ; May, 1917, to August, 1917, First Reserve Officers' Training Camp, Third Battery, Fort McPherson; commissioned First Lieutenant; August, 1917, Statistical Officer, Draft Officer and Insurance Officer combined, 82d Division, and Assistant Di- vision Adjutant; January, 1918, commissioned Captain, Adjutant General's Department, and made Personnel Officer, 82d Division; March, 1918, Personnel Adjutant, Camp Gordon, Ga. ; August, 1918, commissioned Major, A. G. D. ; September, 1918, Personnel Adjutant, Camp McClellan, Ala.; France, October, 1918; Novem- ber, 1918, to May, 1919, Personnel Adjutant, Base Section No. 2, Bordeaux, France; May, 1919, Army of Occupation, Germany. Secretary, 82d Division Association ; Cricket Captain, Staten Island Cricket and Tennis Club. 408 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1901 b. Greencastle, Ind., September 18, 1879. s. John Brewer De Motte and Lelia Laura Washburn, m. Washington, D. C, De- cember 30, 1910, Marjorie Ramey. c. Washburn Payne, 1913; Betty Brewer (deceased), 1915. Address, 65 Broadway, New York City. Dewees, Aaron Lovett, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1907.) Entered Sophomore Class 1898. Honors in Biology, Physician, Teacher of Gymnastics, Booth- am School, York, England, 1901-03; Resident Physician, Ger- mantown Hospital, July, 1907-08; at Pennsylvania Hospital, 1908- 10; at Bryn Mawr Hospital, 1911. Assistant in Dispensary for Nervous Diseases, University Hospital, 1911-13, inclusive. Dis- pensary Physician, Bryn Mawr Hospital, 1918 to date; Chairman, Visiting Nurse and Relief Committee of Main Line Citizens' As- sociation, 1918 to date. Member and President, Haverford Town- ship Board of Health, 1911 to date; Member and Secretary, Bryn Mawr Hospital Medical Advisory Board of the Selective Service System, 1918. Overseer, Haverford Monthly Meeting, 1916 to date. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Pathological Society of Philadelphia ; Philadelphia Pediatric Society ; Keystone Automobile Club; Secretary, Main Line Branch of the Montgomery County Medical Society. b. Westtown, Pa., January 17, 1880. s. Watson Wood Dewees and Sarah Lovett Brown, m. Natick, Mass., September 15, 1917, Margaret Dakin. c. Robert Lovett, 1919. Address, Old Rail- road Avenue, Haverford, Pa. Freeman, Alfred Edgar, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1904.) Entered 1897. Attorney-at-Law. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 19, 1877. s. Erasmus Freeman and Henrietta Knoop. Address, 1926 North Broad Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Kirkbride, William Howard, S.B. Entered 1897. President, Class, 1897-98; President, Cap and Bells Club (HI) ; Manager, Glee Club (HI) ; Manager, Football Team, Glee Club, Hockey Team, Gymnasium Team (IV). Beta Rho Sigma. Planter, South Carolina ; Mining, British Columbia ; Oil, Kentucky and Oklahoma. Rancher and Fruit Grower, Idaho, 1902-04; President, Pacific Coast Construction Company, Victoria, B.C.; President, Sombrio Gold Mining Company, Vancouver Island, B. C. Author of several plays and articles and magazine stories. Member, Union Club, Victoria, B.C.; Westmoreland Club, Rich- 1901] MATRICULATE CATALOG 409 mond, Va. ; Sarsfield Golf Club, Camden, S. C. ; Riding and Driv- ing Club; Camden County Club; Dublin Lake Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 27, 1879. s. William Kirkbride and Mary Pennell Churchman, m. Orange, N. J., January 14, 1907, Georgiana Sheldon Tilney. c. Adele Wallace, 1908; Malcolm Churchman, 1909; Ronald DeLevington, 1911. Address, Winter, "Cool Springs," Camden, S. C. ; Summer, "Fairview," Dublin, N. H. Mellor, Walter, S.B. (B.S., Univ. of Pa., Architecture, 1904.) Entered 1897. Charter Member, Cap and Bells. Varsity Football Team, Junior and Senior years ; Varsity Hockey Team ; Member, Musical Clubs; Vice-President of same. Junior and Senior years. Archi- tect. For six months in office of Theo. P. Chandler; thereafter, Member of firm, Mellor, Meigs & Howe. Member, Phi Gamma Delta; Mask and Wig, University of Pennsylvania; Cap and Bells, Haver ford; Union League; University Club, Philadelphia; Germantown Cricket Club; Merion Cricket Club; Zoological So- ciety of Philadelphia; T Square Club, Treasurer, 1913-18; Ameri- can Institute of Architecture; American Forestry Association. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 25, 1880. s. Alfred Mellor (Class 1861) and Isabella Latham, m. New York City, October 11, 1919, EHzabeth Wharton Mendelson. c. Louise, 1920. Address, 152 West Walnut Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Mendenhall, William Orville, A.B. (A.B., 1900; A.M., 1901, Penn; Ph.D., Univ. of Mich., 1911.) Entered Senior year 1900 as Penn Scholar. President, Friends' University, Wichita, Kan. Principal, Pleasant Plain Academy, Iowa; Professor of Mathematics, Wil- mington College, Ohio; Student and Fellow, Clark University, Mass. ; Instructor, High School, Portland, Ore. ; Instructor, Le- land Stanford, Jr., University, Cal; Student, University of Mich- igan; Professor, Earlham College, Ind. To date, President, Friends' University. Member, American Statistical Association; American Mathematical Association; Sigma Xi. b. Ridge Farm, 111., May 10, 1879. s. Albert W. Mendenhall and Almida Rees. m. Verona, N. Y., June 22, 1907, Lucy J. Osgood, c. William Rees, 1914. Address, 1412 University Ave- nue, Wichita, Kan. Meredith, Clement Orestes. A.B. (A.B., Guilford, 1900; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1912.) Entered 1900 as Guilford Scholar. Teacher. Superintendent of Guilford College High School; 410 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1901 Professor of Latin, Guilford College, N. C. ; Dean of same; Pro- fessor of French in Oglethorpe University, Ga. ; Professor of German, University of Richmond, Va. b. High Point, N. C., September 13, 1876. s. Elihu Meredith and Prudence Jane Welborn. m. Tamworth, N. H., July 23, 1913, Angelina Wood. c. Edward Clement, 1914; Owen Wood, 1915; Horace Welborn, 1917; David Lawrence, 1920; Lucile Wood, 1922. Address, University of Richmond, Va. Neilson, William LaCoste, A.B. Entered 1897. "H" in Football; Beta Rho Sigma. Mechanical Engineer. Standard Steel Works, 1901-05 ; Chester Steel Castings Company, 1905-06; Vice-President and Foreign Manager, Norton Company, of Worcester, Mass., 1907 to date. Member, Royal Automobile Club ; Luffenham Heath Club ; Leicestershire Golf Club ; American Institute Mechanical Engineers. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 2, 1879. s. William G. Neilson and Mary Cunningham, m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 30, 1907, Dor- othy Crawford, c. W. LaCoste, Jr., 1909; Alan Crawford, 1914. Address, 10 Sackville Street, Piccadilly, London, W. L Patton, Richard, A.B. Entered 1897. Triangle Society. Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Depart- ment, 1901-04, inclusive; Winslow & Co., Wool, 1904-16; Sutcliffe & Co., Inc., 1916-18; 1918-19, in charge of Scouring and Carbon- izing Department, Wool and Yarns, Quartermaster Corps, United States Army. 1919 to date. Wool Commission Business, 158 Surnmer Street, Boston. Member, Pennsylvania Scotch-Irish So- ciety; Boston Wool Trade Association; Wollaston Club, Wollas- ton, Mass. b. Doylestown, Pa., November 9, 1881. s. William Alexander Patton and Mary Elizabeth Tripple. m. Worcester, Mass., June 4, 1913, Lilian I. K. Thompson, c. Richard Alexander, 1917; Eileen Dewhist, 1919. Address, 128 Winthrop Avenue, Wollas- ton, Mass., and 158 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. Rossmassler, Edward Collins, B.S. Entered 1897. Captain, Gymnasium Team (IV). With Sauquoit Silk Manu- facturing Company since 1901 ; Director of same and Secretary to date. Member, Board Managers, Silk Association of America ; Chairman, Bureau of Adjustment of same; Chairman, Committee on Admission of same. Member, 7th Regiment, Infantry, New York Guard, for 2 years. Member, Essex County Country Club, 1901] MATRICULATE CATALOG ' 411 West Orange, N. J. ; Scarsdale Golf and Country Club, New York; Manhattan Club, New York City. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 5, 1878. s. Richard Rossmassler and Bertha ColHns. m. May 1, 1905, Marjory Garrison Atwater. c. Richard (deceased), 1906; Edward Collins, Jr. (deceased), 1907; Deborah Ward, 1909; Ogden Wood, 1912; Stephen At- water, 1920. Address, Circle Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. Rush, Calvin C. S.B. (M.D., 1907, Univ. of Pa.) Entered 1900 from Earlham College. Physician; Specialist on Diseases of the Eye. Clerk in Phila- delphia National Bank, Philadelphia, 1901-03; Student at Uni- versity of Pennsylvania Medical School, 1903-07 ; Resident Physi- cian, University Hospital, Philadelphia, 1907-09; General Prac- tice, Portage, Pa., 1909-16; Post-Graduate Work at Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia ; Polyclinic Hospital ; Jefferson Medical Col- lege; Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston; New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, New York, 1916-18; 1918-19, Visiting Ophthalmologist to Canton Hospital, David Greek Hos- pital and Kung Yee Hospital, Canton, China, and to St. Luke's Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, during summer of 1919. Author of sci- entific articles on the treatment of myopid, of trachoma, etc., etc. Member, American Medical Association ; Pennsylvania State Medi- cal Association; Cambria County Medical Association; Sunne- hanna Country Club; Alpha Omega Alpha (Honorary Medical). b. Fairmount, Ind., February 16, 1876. s. Rev, Nixon Rush and Louisa Winslow. m. Fairmount, Ind., June 20, 1910, An- nette Johnson, c. Sylvia Louise, 1911 ; Norman J., 1913; Eleanor, 1916; Calvin C, Jr., 1921. Address, 342 Main Street, Johnstown, Pa., and Mill-Creek Road, Southmont, Pa. Scull, Edward Marshall, A.B. Entered 1897. Editor-in-Chief, Haverfordian; Manager of same. Beta Rho Sigma. Writing and publishing. The Evening Bulletin, Philadel- phia, 1902-03; Officer and Director, The John C. Winston Pub- lishing Company, Philadelphia, 1903-11 and 1915-18; First Lieu- tenant, M. I. D., United States Army, General Staff, 1918-19; Editorial Contributor, The Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia, 1919; Author, "Hunting in the Arctic and Alaska," etc. Member, The Philadelphia Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 7, 1880. s. Edward Lawrence Scull (Class 1864; Manager, 1875-84) and Sarah Elizabeth Mar- shall, m. Philadelphia, Pa., May 26, 1914, Anne Price Johnson. c. Anne, 1916; David, 1917; Joan, 1919. Address, 1301 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 412 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1901 Sensenig, Wayne, A.B. (M.A., 1914; Ph.D., 1919. Univ. of Pa.) Entered 1898. Teacher of Mathematics. Engineer for 4 years in Nevada, Oregon and Washington. Teacher for 13 years. Member, Moun- taineers' Club, Seattle, Wash. ; Mathematical Association of America. b. Goodville, Lancaster County, Pa., April 23, 1879. s. Martin Sensenig and Mattie Rutt. m. Conshohocken, Pa., 1914, Elizabeth Long Crawford, c. Wayne, Jr., 1915; J. Crawford, 1917; David M., 1921. Address, care of Mrs. J. C. Crawford, R. F. D., Con- shohocken, Pa. Sharp, Frederick William, A.B. Entered 1897. *'H" in Cricket (IV). Stock farmer. Two years with lumber company in Tennessee ; 2 years. Assistant Cashier in Bank ; 6 years, ranching and fruit growing in Idaho. Member, Piedmont Hunt Club. b. Berwyn, Pa., November 29, 1880. s. Joseph Webster Sharp and Sidney Serrill Bunting, m. April 9, 1910, Frida Grelle. c. Frederick W., Jr., 1911; Robert Webster, 1915; C. Louise, 1917. Address, R. F. D. No. 2, The Plains, Va. Walenta, George John, A.B. (B.D., Gen. Theolog. Seminary, 1905.) Entered 1897. Captain, Track Team (IV) ; Editor, Haverfordian (III) ; Man- ager of same (IV). Founders' Club; Phi Beta Kappa. Clergy- man. Curate, Church of St. Simeon, Philadelphia, 1904-05 ; Church of the Advent, Boston, Mass., 1906; Instructor of Bible, William Penn Charter School, 1906-09; Curate, St. John's Church, Norristown, Pa., 1909-10; Rector, Church of St. Simeon, Phila- delphia, 1910 to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 22, 1874. s. Edmund Joseph Walenta and Anna Elizabeth Soltzhauer. m. Haverford, Pa., December 20, 1906, Madeleine Jones, c. Madeleine Dudley, 1908 ; Ruth Sherlock, 1909. Address, 2650 North Ninth Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Winslow, John Leiper, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Md., 1903.) Entered 1898 Sophomore Class. Lawyer. Associate Member of Draft Board ; Government In- vestigation. b. Baltimore, Md., March 7, 1880. s. Randolph Winslow (1871) and Rebecca Fayssoux Leiper. m. Bainbridge, Ga., June 27, 1906, 1901] MATRICULATE CATALOG 413 Anna Stuart Torrge. c. John Leiper, Jr., 1911; Rebecca F., 1911. Address, 2033 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md. Wirgman, William Wayne, S.B. Entered from Paoli, Pa., 1897. Engineering Department of Phoenixville Bridge Building Com- pany, 1901- . b. Wayne, Pa., March 24, 1878. s. John McCrea Wirgman and Mary Atlee Wayne, m. , Elizabeth Ryon. Address, 412 Pine Street, Selinsgrove, Pa. fWood, Walter Hallock, A.B. Entered 1898 Sophomore Class. Football "H" (II, III and IV) ; Member, Student Advisory Board (III and IV; Chairman, IV). Founders' Club. Teacher of Mathematics. Master, Mathematics, Friends' Select School, Philadelphia, 1901-05 ; Principal, Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y., 1905-15; Mathematics Master, Westtov^n School, Pa., 1915-21. Member, National Educational Association; Mathe- matics Teachers' Association of Middle States ; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Minister in Society of Friends; Recorded, 1911. b. Farmington, N. Y., December 27, 1876. d. Westtown, Pa., April 11, 1921. s. Charles Henry Wood and Adelaide Hallock, m. Salem, Ohio, December 24, 1902, Jessie T. Atkinson, c. Kath- arine Virginia, 1906. Woodward, William Wellington, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1905. Entered 1897. Student, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, 1901-05 ; Interne, Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia, 1905-08; Practice of Medicine in West Chester. Member, Stafif, Chester County Hos- pital, 1908-22, except during war service, 1917-19. A, E. F. Medical Corps in France, 1918-19. Member, College of Physi- cians, Philadelphia; A. M. P. O. Medical Fraternity; Chester County and Pennsylvania State Medical Societies; American Medical Association; Officers of Foreign Wars; West Chester Golf and Country Club. b. West Chester, Pa., March 9, 1880. s. Charles E. Woodward and Ellen Louise James. Address, 26 South Church Street, West Chester, Pa. Yearsley, Arthur Ralston, S.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1898. Captain, Track Team (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa. Real Estate and Insurance. With Lukens Iron and Steel Company, 1901-09; Real Estate and Insurance, 1909 to date. b. Coatesville, Pa., September 25, 1880. s. Isaac Yearsley, Jr., 414 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1901 and M. Ella Emery, m. Coatesville, Pa., September 19, 1907, Elva L. Ash. c. C. Wistar, 1914; Eleanor, 1918; Lawrence, 1921. Address, 568 East Main Street, Coatesville, Pa. Non-Graduates Allen, Charles Francis. Entered 1897 and left 1898 during the Freshman year. Clerk, Provident Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia, 1901- . Farmer and Fruit Raiser. b. Beverly, N. J., May 26, 1879. s. Charles Milton Allen (As- sistant in Mathematics, 1845) and Martha AUinson. m. Edge- water Park, N. J., October 12, 1911, H. Elfleda Mann. Address, Eighth Street, Riverton, N. J. Babbitt, Harold French. Entered from West Brattleboro, Vt., 1897, and left at close of Freshman year, 1898. Sales Engineer, S. F. Bowser & Co., 50 Church Street, New York City. b. Andover, Mass., September 21, 1876. s. Rev. James Howard Babbitt and Mary French Abbott, m. Takoma Park, D. C, Sep- tember 21, 1904, Katherine Maude Dexter, c. Alice Dexter, 1907. Address, 116 Lenox Avenue, East Orange, N. J. Chase, Frank Sewell. Entered from Manchester, N. H., 1897, and left at close of Freshman year. With Illinois State Agent, New Hampshire Fire Insurance Com- pany. With same company in various capacities since leaving college. b. East Deering, N. H., February 5, 1877. s. John Franklin Chase and Mary Almy. m. Chicago, 111., November 1, 1911, Sybil Nash. Address, 305 Vale Street, Bloomington, 111. Fardon, Albert Henry. (M.A.; M.D.; D.P.H., Cambridge; M.R. C.S.; L.R.C.P., London.) Entered Junior Class 1899 and left February, 1900. Physician. Numerous hospital appointments. Surgeon to Friends' Ambulance Unit, B. E. F. b. Finsbury Park, London, England, October 13, 1877. s. Thomas Fardon and Sarah Ann Brown. Last address, Brendon, Red Hill, England. Grayson, Theodore Julius. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1902; B.S. in Econ., Univ. of Pa., 1920.) Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1897, and left at close of Sophomore year. 1901] MATRICULATE CATALOG 415 Attorney-at-Law, member of all courts, both Federal and State, in Pennsylvania. Specialist in public utility law and law of estates. Represents many gas and water companies. Author of Grayson on the Law of Beneficial Associations, and numerous magazine articles. Assistant Professor of Finance, Wharton School, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania; Director of Evening and Extension Schools, University of Pennsylvania. Treasurer of New Jersey Utilities Association; Member of American Gas Association; American Water Works Association; Pennsylvania Water Works Association ; Pennsylvania State Gas Association ; New Jersey State Gas Association; Member, Union League of Philadelphia; University Club of Philadelphia; Philadelphia Cricket Club; FrankHn Inn Club; Pennsylvania State Bar Association; His- torical Society of Pennsylvania. b. Beverly, N. J., March 4, 1880. s. Frederick W. Grayson, Jr., and Katherine Julius. Address, 1327 Real Estate Trust Build- ing, Philadelphia, Pa. Residence, 2109 Locust Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Langfeld, Herbert Sidney. (Ph.D., BerHn, Germany, 1909.) Entered 1897 and left on account of ill health at end of Fresh- man year. Assistant Professor, Psychology, and Director of Psychological Laboratory, Harvard University. Secretary to United States Naval Attache, United States Embassy, Berlin, 1902-04; Research Fellow, Harvard, 1909-10; Instructor in Psychology, Harvard, 1910-15; Assistant Professor since 1915. Acting Director, Psy- chological Laboratory, Harvard, 1917-19; Director of same since 1919. Lieutenant, R. O. T. C, Harvard, 1918 ; Member, Massa- chusetts Motor Corps; Research Secretary, Y. M. C. A. in France, 1918. Author: An Elementary Laboratory Course in Psychology; The Aesthetic Attitude; numerous scientific articles on psycho- logical subjects, and six articles on Psychology of Advertising, etc. Member, Harvard Club, Boston and New York; Oakley Country Club; Hyannisport Golf Club; Fellow of American As- sociation for the Advancement of Science; Member, Council of American Psychological Association ; American Archseological As- sociation; American Folk Lore Society; Cambridge Social and Dramatic Union, Men's Church Club, Cambridge. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 24, 1879. s. Charles Langfeld and Flora Rosenbaum. m. New York City, N. Y., October 6, 1904, Florence Hoffman. Address, 38 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 416 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1901 Macomber, Edward Leonard. Entered 1897 and left at close of Freshman year. Town Clerk, Westport, Mass., 1898 to date; Justice of Peace, 1899 to date; Notary Public, 1901 to date; Executor and Ad- ministrator of Estates; Trustee of Public Library, 1901-07; Mem- ber, School Board, 1903-09; Board of Health, 1913 to date. Di- rector of Old Dartmouth Historical Society, 1903 to date; Presi- dent, Central Village Improvement Society; Secretary, Associa- tion of Descendants of Stephen Allen; Treasurer, Westport Monthly Meeting. b. Westport, Mass., January 26, 1877. s. John A. Macomber and Esther A. Allen, m. Wakefield, Mass., June 27, 1906, Ada Snowden Buzzell. c. Elizabeth Snowden, 1912; John Austin, 1916; Eleanor Russell, 1918; Margaret Allen, 1921. Address, Central Village, Mass. Mellor, George Brown, Jr. Entered Sophomore Class 1898 and left at close of year. Farmer since leaving college. Member of East Bradford School Board since 1907. Member, Home Cluster; Chester County Farm Bureau; Chester County Corn Growers' Association; Brandywine Grange No. 60. b. "Willow Dale" Farm, Chester County, Pa., November 13, 1877. s. George B. Mellor (Class 1862) and Sarah Savery. m. West Chester, Pa., August 6, 1913, Martha Bullock. Address, "Willow Dale" Farm, East Bradford Township, Chester County, Pa. (West Chester R. F. D. No. 7). Moore, Herbert Wills. (B.S. Rutgers, 1904.) Entered 1897 and left at close of the year. Research Engineer. General Chemical Company, Camden, N. J., 1904-1907. Assistant Instructor, Ceramics, Rutgers, 1907-09; At- lantic Terra Cotta Company, Perth Amboy, N. J., Plant Chemist, Chief Chemist and Production Manager of same. 1920- , Re- search Engineer with Precision Grinding Wheel Company, Holmesburg, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, National Geographical Society; American Ceramic Society; Phi Beta Kappa. b. Moorestown, N. J., May 23, 1880. s. John Moore and Priscilla N. Wills, m. Radnor, Pa., Ella A. Edwards, c. Herbert W., Jr., 1912. Address, Holmesburg, Philadelphia, Pa. Off, Edward Peltz. Entered 1897 and left Freshman year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., . s. and . m. Philadelphia, Pa., May 10, 1907, Elsie M. Fox. Address, 1930 Rittenhouse Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1901] MATRICULATE CATALOG 417 Randolph, Evan. (A.B., Harvard Univ., 1903.) Entered 1897; left during Freshman year. Entered Freshman Class, Harvard University, 1899. Vice- President, The Girard National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 29, 1880. s. Evan Randolph and Rachel Story Jenks. m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 7, 1906, Hope Carson, c. Hope, 1908; Evan, 3d, 1909; Hampton Carson, 1911; Rachel, 1915; David Story, 1922. Address, Corner Seminole and Chestnut Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Schoiey, Howard Wilson. Entered 1897 and left at close of Sophomore year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 31, 1881. s. Edmund Dickinson Schoiey and Anna Wilson. Address, care of Edmund D. Schoiey, Philadelphia Trust Safe Deposit and Insurance Company, 413-17 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Taylor, Herbert Hazzard. Entered 1897 and left at close of Sophomore year, b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 22, 1882. s. Joseph Hazzard Tay- lor and Florence McFerran. No address. Thomas, Russell Elmslie. Entered 1898 Sophomore Class and left in Spring of 1901. Student of Mining Engineering, Lehigh University. Mining and Metallurgical Work in Copper and Coal Mines, Mexico; Hy- draulic and Tunnel Work in Alaska; Arizona, Copper and Gold Developments ; Assistant to Chief Engineer at Jerome, Ariz. ; Los Angeles, 1907 to date, Construction Work. Assistant Building Inspector, City of Los Angeles, Cal., to 1922. Farming to date. Member, Phi Gamma Delta ; Masons ; American Association of Engineers. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 18, 1878. s. Charles Monroe Thomas, M. D., and Marion Elmslie TurnbuU. m. Los Angeles, Cal., Jan- uary 22, 1908, Charlotte M. Hartford, c. Marion; Virginia. Ad- dress, Route 3, West Chester, Pa. Twin Larches Farms. Tomlinson, Alexander Cooper. Entered 1897. 1901-03, with Glen Iron Furnace Company. 1903 to date, American Water Softener Company; Treasurer of same. Mem- ber, The Union League, Philadelphia; Haddon Country Club. b. Laurel Springs, N. J., September 3, 1897. s. Benjamin Albert Tomlinson and Mary V. Cooper, m. Haddonfield, N. J., April, 27 418 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1902 1914, Mary Cooper Buzby. c. William B., 1915 ; Margaret, 1918. Address, 114 King's Highway West, Haddonfield, N. J. fWebster, I. Herbert. Entered from Media, Pa., 1897, and left at close of Sophomore year. 1899-1900, Real Estate, William T. B. Roberts; 1900-04, Phila- delphia Pneumatic Tool Company; 1904- , Provident Life and Trust Company, Insurance Division. Publisher of pamphlets on insurance systems. b. Delaware County, Pa., March 8, 1879. d. March 9, 1917. s. Pennell Larkin Webster and Mary Webster Yarnall. m. Nor- ristown. Pa., October 3, 1901, Mary Rowena Hobensack. Wendell, Robert Stewart. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1896, and left 1899. Civil Engineer. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 6, 1878. s. Herman Wendell and Tilla A. Wendell. Address, care of Wendell & Smith, Essex Fells, N. J. Zook, Charles Augustus Bitner. Entered 1897 and left at close of Freshman year. Dealer in Leaf Tobacco until 1908. United States Navy, as Pay Clerk, during war (Overseas Transportation Service). Re- tired. President, Pennsylvania Soap Company, since May 8, 1922. Member, Hamilton Club; Lancaster Country Club; Lancaster Auto Club; The American Legion; Lancaster Post 34, Depart- ment Pennsylvania. b. Lancaster, Pa., January 10, 1879. s. J. Gust. Zook and Emma Elizabeth Bitner. m. Philadelphia, Pa., January 19, 1914, Beatrice McMullen Bullen. c. J. Gust., II, 1914; C. A. B., Jr., 1916; Sarah Lippincott, 1920. Address, Route 5, Lancaster, Pa. 1902 Balderston, Henry Lloyd, S.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1899. 1902-04, Draftsman, Pencoyd Iron Works; 1904, Chief In- spector of same; 1904-05, Assistant Engineer, Allentown Rolling Mills; 1905-06, Drafting Department, Trenton Plant, American Bridge; 1906-07, Drafting Department, Belmont Iron Works; 1907-08, Survey and Construction, Cecil Farmers' Telephone Com- pany; 1908-10, Stock Salesman, United Securities Company; 1910, Stock Salesman, Precision Thermometer and Instrument Com- 1902] MATRICULATE CATALOG 419 pany; 1910-11, Chemical Engineering, Precision Thermometer and Instrument Company; 1911 to date. Secretary, and, since 1920, Treasurer, also Sales Manager, Precision Thermometer and In- strument Company. Member, Philadelphia Golf Club; Divotee Golf Club. b. Westtown, Pa., July 3, 1881. s. C. Canby Bladerston and Mary Anna Brown, m. December 5, 1912, Cara M. Gibbons, c. William Gibbons, 1915; Henry Lloyd, Jr., 1917. Address, 34 Simpson Road, Ardmore, Pa. Barclay, Joseph John, A.B. Entered 1898. Law Student for 1 year. Poultry Business. Manager and Owner of The Barclay Egg Farm; Treasurer, The Barclay Canister Rock Company. Member, Bedford Springs Golf Club. b. Newport, Pa., December 13, 1880. s. John J. Barclay and Laura W. Baily. Address, 230 South Juliana Street, Bedford, Pa. Boles, Edgar Howard, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1905.) Entered 1898. Alumni Prize Oration, Senior year. Editor-in-Chief, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 1904-05 (then called "American Law Register"); Practice of Law, Philadelphia, 1905-08; As- sistant to General Solicitor, New York Central Railroad Com- pany, 1908-10; Assistant General Solicitor, Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, 1910; General Attorney of same, 1910-11; General Solicitor, 1911-18; General Counsel, 1918-20; Vice-President and General Counsel, 1920- . Member, University Club, New York City ; Ardsley Club, New York ; Railroad Club, New York City. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 7, 1880. s. George H. Boles and Rhoda O. Borden, m. Ardmore, Pa., October 18, 1905, Blanche Huey. c. Alan, 1906; Eloise, 1908; Laurence, 1910. Address, 21 East Eighty-second Street, New York City, and 143 Liberty Street, New York City. Brown, Justin Emmett, A.B. (A.B., Penn College, 1901 ; M.A., 1902.) Entered 1901 from Penn College Seminary. Student, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, 1902-04. Mis- sionary to China since 1904. Luchowfu, Anhuei, China. b. Rose Hill, Iowa, June 6, 1876. s. William H. Brown and Margaret Caroline Ayers. m. Nanking, China, November 16, 1906, Genevieve Perkins, c. Ransom Perkins, 1911 ; Arthur Win- field, 1914; Jeanne Elizabeth, 1916. Address, 503 Sixth Street, Ames, Iowa, and Luchowfu, Anhuei, China. 420 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1902 Brown, Shipley, S.B. Entered 1899. Captain, Gymnasium Team, Senior year. Chemist, Lake Su- perior Company; with Downingtown Manufacturing Company; Hotel Manager, Atlantic City; Farming; Manager; Community Kitchen. b. Westtown, Pa., October 23, 1881. s. Thomas Kite Brown and Caroline Cadbury. m. Germantown, Pa., October 18, 1905, Lucy Haines, c. Alice Deborah, 1907; Thomas Shipley, 1912. Address, Westtown, Pa. Cary, Charles Reed, S.B. (S.B., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1904.) Entered 1899. Student of Electro-Chemistry, M. I. T., 1902-04. Sales Man- ager, James S. Biddle, 1904-06; Assistant Engineer, Pennsylvania Railroad East River Tunnels, 1906-08; Sales Department, Leeds & Northrup Company, 1908 to date; Sales Manager of same. b. Baltimore, Md., December 26, 1881. s. Charles J. Cary and Sue B. Reed. m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., September 7, 1912, Margaret Morris Reeve, c. Barbara Lloyd, 1914; Stephen Grellet, 1915; Sarah Comfort, 1918. Address, 1 Lehman Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Chambers, William Wilkie, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1905.) Entered 1898. Football Team, I, H, III and IV. Real Estate Broker, Insur- ance and Notary Public. b. Manchester, England, November 8, 1876. s. Isaac Chambers and Mary Blackie. m. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., July 19, 1912, Minnie M. Harrison, c. Charlotte E., 1913; William W., Jr., 1914; Ada H., 1917; Terrance H., 1919. Address, 116 Ardmore Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. Cookman, Arthur Shirley, A.B. Entered 1898. President, Student Council, IV; President, Y. M. C. A., IV. Merchant. 1902-05, Clerk, Robert Crooks 8i Co., Importers and Exporters; 1906-07, Manager, Wool Department, The Abe Stein Company; 1907-16, Manager, New York Ofifice, and Partner, Ayres Bridges & Co.; 1917 to date, A. S. Cookman & Co., Im- porters and Exporters. 1918, Officers' Training Camp for Ar- tillery at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Member, Englewood Field Club; Englewood Club. b. Wilmington, Del., November 28, 1880. s. John E. Cookman and Margaret Howland. m. Haverford, Pa., October 19, 1905, Martha Stephenson, c. Briant, 1907; John, 1909; Arthur, 1911; George, 1916. Address, Broad Avenue, Englewood, N. J. 1902] MATRICULATE CATALOG 421 Dennis, William Varney, A.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1899. Honors in English. Teacher and Supervisor. 1902-10, Teacher, Friends' Academy, Moorestown, N. J.; 1910-19, Friends' Select School, Philadelphia, Fa.; 1919-20, Director, Vocational School, and Supervisor of Township Schools, Spring Mills, Pa. ; 1921 to date, Associate Professor of Rural Sociology, The Pennsylvania State College. b. Dover, N. H., September 21, 1879. s. William Brown Dennis and Leah Helen Goodwin. Address, 426 East College Avenue, State College, Pa, Evans, Charles, A.B. Entered 1899. Honors in German. Student, University of Leipzig, 1906-08; Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris, 1908-09. Fellow in Germanics and Romance Languages, University of Pennsylvania, 1910-11. 1902-04, Professor, English Literature, Guilford College, N. C; 1904-05, Instructor in English, Locust Valley School, L. I.; 1911- 13, Instructor in German, Bucknell University; 1914 to date, Pro- fessor, German, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Author, various articles on evangelical topics. Member, Modern Language Association. b. Springfield, Pa., August 19, 1878. s. Thomas Evans and Agnes Parker, m. Berlin, Germany, June 8, 1910, Clare Grube. c. Charles Johannes, 1911; Clara Agnes, 1912; Thomas Reinliard Grube, 1918. Address, 1824 North Bouvier Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Evans, Edward Wyatt, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1903; LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1907.) Entered 1898. Manager, Track Team (HI). Phi Beta Kappa. Founders' Club. Member, Board Managers, 1911 to date. 1903-04, Haines, Jones & Cadbury Company ; 1904-07, Law Student, University of Pennsylvania; 1907-12, Practice of Law, with Innes & Williams and WilHams & Sinkler; 1912-15, Assistant Counsel, Legal De- partment, The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania and As- sociated Companies; 1915-19, Secretary of Fellowship of Recon- ciliation; 1918 to date. General Secretary, Social Order Committee, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 304 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Mem- ber, City Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 31, 1882. s. Jonathan Evans (Manager, 1897-1911) and Rachel Reeve Cope. m. Villa Nova, 422 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1902 Pa., September 15, 1911, Jacqueline Pascal Morris, c. Ernest Mervyn, 1913; Francis Cope, 1914; Katharine Wistar, 1916; Elisabeth Morris (deceased) 1917; Christopher, 1919. Address, 6014 Chew Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., and 304 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Fox, John Sharpless, A.B. (Ph.D., Univ. of Mich., 1906.) Entered 1898. Captain, Football Team (III) ; Honors in History and Political Science; Phi Beta Kappa. 1902-03, Instructor in History, Bloomsburg State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa. ; 1903-04, Graduate Student, University of Chicago ; 1904-06, at University of Michigan; 1906-12, Instructor in History, University High School, University of Chicago. Teacher of Civics and History, Bowen High School, Chicago, 111., 1915 to date; also, Extension Instructor of History in Correspondence Department of Univer- sity of Chicago since 1914. b. Lincoln University, Pa., November 14, 1877. s. John Thorn- ton Fox and Gertrude Sharpless. m. Allegan, Mich., June 27, 1906. Myrtle Leah Perrigo. c. John Perrigo, 1908; William Thornton Rickert, 1912; David Sharpless, 1922. Address, 5473 Drexel Avenue, Chicago, 111. fGarrett, George Spencer, S.B. Entered 1899. Chemist, American Water Softener Company, Philadelphia. b. Garrettford, Pa., November 2, 1880. d. November 28, 1907. s. George Sellers Garrett (Manager, 1866-69) and Mary West Maris. Grant, William Henry, S.B. Entered 1898. Triangle Society. Manufacturer. Division Superintendent, B. F. Sturtevant Company, Boston, Mass. ; Production Engineer, Westinghouse Machine Company, Pittsburgh ; Factory Superin- tendent for Rockwood Sprinkler Company, Chicago, Manufac- turing Engineers ; General Electric Company, Pittsfield, Mass. ; Manufacturing Superintendent, The Fulton Company, Knoxville, Tenn. ; Manufacturer of Domestic Specialties. Member, Travelers' Protective Association; Masonic Orders. b. Woonsocket, R. I., February 25, 1880. s. George H. Grant and Ellen F. Rand. m. Boston, Mass., November 21, 1906, Louise Beaumont Wootton. c. Ellen Beaumont, 1907. Address, 2900 Magnolia Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn. 1902] MATRICULATE CATALOG 423 Gummere, Richard Mott, A.B. (A.M., 1904; Ph.D., 1907. Har- vard.) Entered 1898. Cricket "H" (III) ; Final Honors in Greek and Latin; General Honors; Haverfordian; Musical Clubs; Manager, Cricket Team (IV) ; Captain, Soccer Team (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa. (Presi- dent, Haverford Chapter, 1918-19.) Provident Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia, 1902-03; Student, Harvard University, 1903-07; Instructor, Assistant and Associate Professor of Latin, Haverford College, 1907-18; Assistant to the President, 1915-18; Headmaster, William Penn Charter School, 1918 to date. Mem- ber, Board of Overseers, William Penn Charter School; School Director, Haverford Township, 1917- ; Board of Managers, Hav- erford College, 1919- ; Board of Trustees, Bryn Mawr College, 1920- . Co-author in two Beginners' Latin Books; Translator of Seneca's Letters in the Loeb Classical Library; Contributor of articles in various classical periodicals; President, Classical Asso- ciation of Atlantic States, 1919-20; President, Philadelphia Classi- cal Club, 1919-20; Member, Headmasters' Association; Township Officer, Boys' Working Reserve of Pennsylvania, 1918. Member Franklin Inn Club, Philadelphia; University Club, Philadelphia (Board of Governors, 1919-21). b. Burlington, N. J., August 3, 1883. s. Francis Barton Gum- mere (Class 1872) and Amelia Smith Mott. m. Villa Nova, Pa., June 30, 1908, Christine Robinson, c. Eleanor, 1909; Richard M., Jr., 1912. Address, College Avenue, Haverford, Pa., and 8 South Twelfth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Haviland, Joseph Bernard, A.B. Entered 1898. 1902-03, Business; 1903-05, Columbia Law School; 1905 to date. Law Practice; 1910-11, Supervisor, United States Census; 1906-11, National Guard, New York State, 7th Infantry, Private; 1916-20, New York State Guard, 7th Infantry, all ranks to Lieu- tenant; 1917-18, Draft Board; 1917-19, Company B, 7th Infantry, New York Guard, representative on "7th Regiment Gazette." b. Glens Falls, N. Y., December 4, 1876. s. Willis J. Haviland and Arabella Wing Andrews, m. New York City, April 6, 1910, Emily Elizabeth Hait. Address, 2612 Broadway, New York City. Hendricks, Kearney Everett, S.B. (S.B., Guilford, 1900.) Entered 1901 from Guilford College. 1902-03, Railroad Surveying and Construction. Graduate Stu- dent, Mathematics, Johns Hopkins, 1903-04. 1904-05, Transit- 424 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1902 man . on Railroad Construction ; 1905-07, Resident Engineer on Railroad Construction; 1907, Assistant Engineer on Railroad Project; 1908-16, Instructor in Civil Engineering at Lehigh Uni- versity; 1916-20, Assistant Engineer in charge of construction of dam. Member, A. S. C. E. b. Randolph County, N. C, January 9, 1878. s. George G. Hendricks and Priscilla A. Spoon, m. Natural Bridge, Va., Au- gust 17, 1918, Ethel McGill. Address, 404 Queens Road, Char- lotte, N. C, Inumaru, Tetsutaro, A.B. Entered . 1903, appointed Overseer of Departments 1, 6 and 7 at Fifth Imperial Japanese Government Exposition. 1904, Member of Japan Exhibit Association at St. Louis Fair. Managing Director, Tokio Rice and Produce Exchange, Ltd. b. . s. and . m. Japan, 1907, Tsune. c. Three. Address, 7 Koyamacho, Mita Tokyo, Japan. Jones, Samuel Percy, S.B. Entered 1898. Retail Coal and Millwork Business since 1902; Manager of same since 1911. Committeeman, Industrial Committee, Victory Liberty Loan. Member, Philadelphia Coal Exchange; Coal Club of Philadelphia; Keystone Auto Club; Little Egg Harbor Yacht Club; Germantown Business Men's Association. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 13, 1880. s. Samuel Jones and Philena S. Smedley. m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 3, 1905, Mary K. Yerkes. c. Samuel C, 1906; Eleanor Y., 1913. Address, 173 Maplewood Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Kirk, Edward Goodwin, A.B. Entered 1898. b. West Chester, Pa., June 30, 1879. s. William S. Kirk and Betsey Davies Barnes. Address, 257 South Fifty-third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Longstreth, William Collins, A.B.; A.M., 1904. Entered 1898. Leader, Banjo Club (IV). Banker. Stokes & Smith Company, Manufacturers of Paper Box Machinery, etc. ; Kelsey Motor Car Company, Automobile Dealers; Longstreth Motor Car Company; Brooke, Stokes & Co., Bankers ; partner in same to date. Squad Leader in Third and Fourth Liberty Loan Drives. Member, Merion Cricket Club; University Club; Member, Committee of 1902] MATRICULATE CATALOG 425 Management, Central Branch, Y. M. C. A. of Philadelphia; Mem- ber, Board Managers, Apprentices' Library of Philadelphia ; Mem- ber, Executive Committee, Friends' Temperance Association of Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 13, 1882. s. Thomas Kimber Long- streth (Class 1870) and Lucy Branson, m. Washington, D. C, April 21, 1917, Nella Thacher. c. William Thacher, 1919; Frank Hoover, 1921. Address, Haverford, Pa. Newman, Herman, A.B.; A.M., 1906. Entered 1900. "H" in Debating. 1902-07, Assistant Editor, "The American Friend"; 1907-12, Editor of same; 1913-16, Director, Aid De- partment, to date. Assistant Superintendent, Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society; 1913-18, Pastoral Secretary of Chicago Monthly Meeting. Treasurer, Social Service Club, Chicago, 111., 1916-17; 1905-06, Recording Clerk of Kansas Yearly Meeting. To date, Editor, "Home Life for Childhood." 1919, Member of Friends' Unit in Germany, American Friends' Service Committee. b. Roberts, III, October 22, 1874. s. William R. Newman and Sarah H. Peacock, m. Baltimore, Md., August 15, 1907, Emma J. Broomell. Address, 10114 Prospect Avenue, Chicago, 111. Philips, William Pyle, A.B. (A.M., 1903; LL.B., 1907, Harvard Univ.) Entered 1899. Editor-in-Chief, Haver fordian (IV); Phi Beta Kappa; Final Honors in English ; Haverford Fellowship. Founders' Club. Banker. 1907-12, Practice of Law; Partner in Law Firm, Byrne & Cutcheon; Partner in Firm of J. W. Seligman & Co., 1912 to date. Director in numerous corporations. Member, University, Metropolitan, Piping Rock, City Midday, and Harvard Clubs, all of New York City. b. West Chester, Pa., June 29, 1882. s. George Morris Philips and Elizabeth M. Pyle. m. New York City, December 1, 1914, Harriet B. Paris. Address, 54 Wall Street, New York City. fPusey, William Webb, IL, S.B. Entered 1898. 1902-03, Purchasing Department, Pusey & Jones, Wilmington, Del. ; 1903- , Banking, with The Maxwell Stevenson, Jr., & Co., Philadelphia. b. Wilmington, Del., May 12, 1880. d. August 6, 1915. s. Charles Wise Pusey and Anna Rumford. 426 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1902 Reeder, John Wallace, S.B. Entered 1898. Iron Manufacture; Railroad Contracting; Ice Manufacture, to date. Member, Boy Scouts. b. Bellefonte, Pa., December 26, 1879. s. Wilbur Fisk Reeder and Elizabeth Gotwalt. m. Claremont, Cal., December 1, 1910, Mabelle Crawford, c. Harriet Spencer, 1913; John Wallace, Jr., 1916. Address, 729 South Madison Avenue, Pasadena, Cal. fRoberts, David Allen, S.B. Entered 1898. 1903-12, Nazel Engineering and Machine Works, Machine De- partment. b. Moorestown, N. J., May 25, 1880. d. Moorestown, N. J., April 16, 1912. s. David Roberts and Elizabeth Leeds Allen. Ross, Robert John, S.B. Entered 1896; completed one year; re-entered 1899. Sales Engineer. 1902-04, Engineering Apprentice, Westing- house Electric Manufacturing Company, East Pittsburgh, Pa.; 1904 to date. Sales Department, Westinghouse Electric and Manu- facturing Company. Member, American Institute Electrical Engi- neers ; Engineers' Club of Philadelphia ; New York Railroad Club ; Overbrook Golf Club, b. Ontario, Canada, April 14, 1878. s. Adam A. Ross and Elizabeth McMaster. Address, Walnut Lane, Haver ford, Pa. Scattergood, Herbert Armitt, S.B. Entered Sophomore Class 1899. Rodman on Pennsylvania Railroad, Lambertville, N. J., 1903- . Manufacturers' Representative, 601 Market Street, Camden, N. J., 1922. b. West Chester, Pa., January 11, 1881. s. Thomas S. Scatter- good and Sarah Armitt Woodward. Address, 351 Kings Highway West, Haddonfield, N. J. Schrag, Andrew Dante, A.B. (Ph.D., 1906, Johns Hopkins Univ.) Entered 1899. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Banker. Instructor, Western Reserve University, 1906-07; Student at University of Berlin, 1907-08 Associate Professor of German, University of Nebraska, 1908-18 President of Farmers' State Bank, Davenport, Neb., 1919 to date Author : Dissertation on "Development of German Village Story,' and "A German Grammar." 1902] MATRICULATE CATALOG 427 b. Moundridge, Kan., September 19, 1876. s. Daniel Schrag and Katherine Stucky. m. July 9, 1914, Harriet Graves, c. Harriet Gretchen, 1916; Harold Graves, 1919. Address, Daven- port, Neb. Scott, Norris Alexander, S.B. Entered 1898. Triangle Society. Treasurer, Heed Office Building; President, Scott Motor Company, Inc. Member, Union League, Philadel- phia ; Lansdowne Golf Club ; Director, Keystone Automobile Club ; Mason; Member, Fairway Club; Automobile Trade Association; Building Owners' Association. b. Concordville, Pa., September 9, 1880. s. Norris J. Scott and Rebecca Cope Smedley. m. Lansdowne, Pa., October 17, 1906, Frances Lillian Taylor, c. Norris A., Jr., 1907; Gretchen, 1912. Address, Moylan-Rose Valley, Pa. Seller, C. Linn, S.B. ; A.M., 1905. (Ph.D., 1912, Univ. of Pa.) Entered 1898. Leader of Musical Clubs, 3 years; President, Class (IV). Engi- neering Department, B. & O. Railroad, at Baltimore; Baldwin Locomotive Works, Draughting Department; Master at Haver- ford School, 1903-07; Member, Faculty, University of Pennsyl- vania, Wharton School, Department of Economics, 1907-13; Pro- fessional Musician, 1913-17, New York City; Phonograph Busi- ness, 1917-21. 1921 to date, with American Piano Company. Author, 45 songs, choruses and other musical compositions. Mem- ber, American Manufacturers' Export Association; Psi Upsilon Club of New York ; Peninsula Club of Long Island. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 30, 1881. s. Dr. Carl Seiler and Caroline Gibson Linn. m. New York City, December 11, 1909, Evelyn Norton, c. Jane, 1910; Ursula Lucy, 1916; Edwin Nor- ton, 1918. Address, 34 North Drive, Great Neck, L. I., and care of American Piano Company, 129 East Thirty-ninth Street, New York City. Smith, Charles Harper, A.B. (A.B., Earlham, 1901 ; A.M., Har- vard, 1906.) Entered 1901 from Earlham College. Teacher, Abington Friends' School, Jenkintown, Pa., 1902-03 ; - at Sidwell's School, Washington, D. C, 1903-05 ; Student, Har- vard University Graduate School, 1905-06; Teacher, Roxbury Latin School, Boston, Mass., 1906-08 ; at University School, Cleve- land, Ohio, 1908-09; at Haverford School, Haverford, Pa., 1912- 17; Officer, United States Food Administration, Washington, D. 428 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1902 C, October to December, 1917; Captain, United States Army, December, 1917, to August, 1919; Officer, United States Veterans' Bureau, July, 1920, to date. b. Newcastle, Ind., July 11, 1878. s. George W. Smith and Tacy Livezey. m. San Francisco, Cal., August 22, 1918, Josephine Helen Stubbs. Address, Sunderland House, Thirty-fifth Street and Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Spiers, Alexander Guy Holborn, A.B. (A.M., 1904; Ph.D., 1909, Harvard.) Entered 1898. Teacher, French and German, Coulter School, Chicago, 111. ; Student in France and Germany, 1902-03 (15 months) ; Teaching Fellow and Instructor, Harvard University; Associate Professor of Romance Languages, Haverford College, 1909-16; Associate Professor in charge of French and Spanish, Columbia College, Columbia University, since 1916. Member, Committee for Ameri- can Reviewing of French Books; Critic for the Bookman of "Re- cent French Books." Author, college text: Balzac's Eugenie Grandet; Author of sundry articles in the Bookman, The Nation, Columbia University Quarterly, The Review, Studies in Philology, Modern Language Review, Modern Language Notes, etc. Mem- ber, Franklin Inn Club of Philadelphia. b. London, England, May 14, 1881. s. I.H. B. Spiers and Jane Owen Williams, m. Wayne, Pa., 1910, Jessie Louise Fulweiler. c. Jane Alice Florence, 1911; Anne Evelyn Parker, 1912. Ad- dress, Columbia University, New York City, and Wayne, Pa. Stone, John Lyon, A.B. Entered 1898. Law Clerk in Warren, Pa., 1903 ; Secretary, Conemaugh Coal Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1907. b. Warren, Pa., December 25, 1879. s. Charles Warren Stone and Elizabeth Moorhead. Address, Yorba Linda, Cal. Stork, Charles Wharton, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1903 ; Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., 1905.) Entered 1898. Honorary Phi Beta Kappa. Author, Editor, Lecturer. 1903- 05, Assistant Instructor in English, University of Pennsylvania; 1906-14, Instructor; 1914-15, Assistant Professor. Since 1915, engaged in literary work — original poetry, verse translation, criti- cism and editing; since 1917, Editor of "Contemporary Verse"; Contributor to about fifty periodicals, including Century, Harpers, 1902] MATRICULATE CATALOG 429 North American Review, etc., etc. Represented in about twenty anthologies of American Poetry. 1916-17, President, Browning Society of Philadelphia; 1919-20, Vice-President of the Poetry Society of America. 1921, Decorated by His Majesty the King of Sweden with the Order of Gustaf Vasa, First Grade. Author of books of verse: "Day Dreams of Greece," "Queen of Orplede," "Sea and Bay." Editor: "William Rowley" (two plays with an introduction), "Contemporary Verse Anthology," Verse Transla- tion: "Selected Poems of Gustaf Froding" from the Swedish; "Anthology of Swedish Lyrics"; "Lyrics of Hugo von Hofmanns- thal" from the German ; "Sweden's Laureate" ; "Selected Poems of Verner von Heidenstan" ; Prose Translation : "The Charles Men," a novel from the Swedish. Contributed a play and over fifty lyrics in translation to "The German Classics," editor, Kuno Francke. Member, University Club, Philadelphia; Franklin Inn Club; Germantown Cricket; Philadelphia Athenaeum (Board of Directors of same) ; Harvard Club, New York. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., February 12, 1881. s. Theo- philus B. Stork and Hannah Wharton, m. Salzburg, Austria, August 5, 1908, Elisabeth von Pausinger. c. Rosalie, 1909 ; Francis Wharton, 1911; George Frederick, 1913. Address, Logan P. O., Philadelphia, Pa. Thomas, George Herbert, S.B. Entered 1898. Founders' Club. Secretary, Millville Traction Company, 1903- 20; Secretary, Union Lake Park Company, 1911-16; Secretary- Treasurer, Union Lake Coaster Company, 1912-19; Secretary- Treasurer, Maurice River Tratisportation Company, 1916-19; Pur- chasing Agent, The Millville Manufacturing Company, 1918 to date. Trustee, Millville Public Library, 1904-19 (Vice-President, 1916-18) ; President, Home and School League, Millville, 1916; Secretary-Treasurer, Class, 1902, 1919- . Chairman, Publicity Committee, Red Cross War Fund Drive, 1918. Member, Pur- chasing Agents' Association of Philadelphia; Union Lake Canoe Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 4, 1881. s. William Paca Thomas and Caroline Bullock Hodges, m. Millville, N. J., April 12, 1906, Maud Dawson, c. Caroline H., 1907; William G., 1913; George H., Jr., 1918. Address, 511 South Forty-ninth Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. 430 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1902 Trout, Edgar Earl, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1903.) Entered 1898. Phi Beta Kappa. "Spoon Man." Founders' Club. Real Estate Business since 1903. Member of firm, Herman Wendell, Wayne, Pa. Some time Secretary and Vice-President, Radnor Cricket Club; Lieutenant, American Protective League. Member, Merion Cricket Club; St. David's Golf Club; American Philatelic Society; Men's Club of Wayne. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 26, 1881. s. S. Edgar Trout and Frances S. Wendell, m. Uniontown, Pa., September 29, 1909, Edna Hammon Baily. c. George Baily, 1911; Robert Wendell, 1912; John Howard, 1912; Edgar Evert, 1920. Address, 410 Woodland Avenue, Wayne, Pa. Wood, Alexander C, Jr., A.B. Entered 1898. Cricket "H" (I) ; Manager, Cricket Team (HI) ; Captain, Cricket Team (IV) ; President, College Association (IV). Cam- den Safe Deposit and Trust Company, 1902-17; Charles Fearon & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 1917-21 ; Morley, Wood & Co., 1921 to date. Member, Liberty Loan Committees for all five loans during war ; Captain, Red Cross and United War Work Campaign Solicit- ing Teams ; President, Free Library Association, Moorestown, N. J. Member, Moorestown Field Club; Riverton Country Club; University Club, Philadelphia. b. Riverton, N. J., July 5, 1880. s. Alexander Cooper Wood and Mary Emma Stokes, m. Moorestown, N. J., September, 1912, Gertrude S. Elliott, c. Alexander Cooper, III, 1913; James Ar- nett Elliott, 1916. Address, Riverton, N. J. Woodward, Parke Lewis, S.B. (LL.B., N. Y. Law School, 1906.) Entered 1898. Lawyer. 1902-03, Teacher, St. George's Hall, Summit, N. J.; Law Student, 1903-05. General Practice of Law in New York City since 1905. Member, New York Haverford Association; New York County Lawyers' Association. b. Near Coatesville, Pa., December 30, 1877. s. George Wilmer Woodward and Adeline Ash. m. Brooklyn, N. Y., December 23, 1909, Hannah Mathisen. c. Adeline Dorothea, 1917. Address, 3737 Amboy Road, Great Kills, Staten Island, N. Y. 1902] matriculate catalog 431 Non-Graduates Boyer, Francis Buckner, (B.D., Phila. Divinity School, 1906.) Entered 1898 and left at close of year. Minister of Protestant Episcopal Church. 1906, Curate, St. Mark's Church, New York; 1907-08, Curate, Church of the Ad- vent, Boston; 1908-09, Student at Oxford University; 1909-14, Rector, St. Martin's Church, New Bedford, Mass. Retired from Ministry; now engaged in automobile business. 1914-16, Ameri- can Field Service, France; 1917-19, American Red Cross, France, in charge of relief work in war zone and afterwards Deputy Com- missioner, in charge of all field work in France of the American Red Cross. Croix de Guerre, France; Order of St. Michael, Russia; Medaille d'Honneur, France; Officier de I'Academie Frangaise, France; American Field Service Medal. Member, St. Botolph Club, Boston; Laurentian Club, Canada. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 20, 1879. s. Samuel Boyer and Sophia Buckner. m. Southboro, Mass., June, 1907, Catharine E. Gardner, c. Esther Gardner, 1909. Address, 4185 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Caswell, Andrew B. (A.B., Lake Forest College, 1902.) Entered 1898. With The Northern Trust Company since graduation. Second Vice-President of same to date. Member, University Club, Chi- cago; Edgewater Golf Club. b. Toronto, Canada, February 25, 1882. s. Alexander K. Cas- well and Martha F. Baird. m. Chicago, III, October 22, 1916, Katherine I. Maddison. c. Richard Baird, 1917. Address, 548 Aldine Avenue, Chicago, 111. Ervien, Charles Richmond. Entered 1898 and left in spring of 1900. Partner in firm of Charles W. Ervien & Co., Philadelphia, since 1900 (Iron and Steel Works). To date, sole owner of same; also owner of The Pennsylvania Dryer Works, Manufacturers of Stone, Sand and Fertilizer Dryer, Philadelphia. Retired from business, 1920. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 20, 1880. s. Charles Westly Ervien and Emma Richmond Talbot, m. December 12, 1905, Norma A. Paling, c. Charles Richmond, Jr., 1914; John Talbot, 1917. Address, 1664 Harrison Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 432 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1902 fHall, William Wilder. Entered 1898 and left 1900. 1902, Duck Farmer, Middleboro, Mass. Forestry, Antocosti Island, Canada, Province of Quebec. b. Cumberland, Me., July 16, 1878. d. October 6, 1918. s. Milton Wilder Hall, M. D., and Emma Vining York. m. New Bedford, Mass., March 29, 1916, Elise Willis, c. William W., Jr., 1917. fHippIe, Edward Payson, Jr. Entered 1898 and left Freshman year. 1903- , Quaker City Baking Company, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 3, 1881. d. . s. Edward Payson Hippie and . Johnson, Carl. Entered Junior Class 1900 and left at end of year. Abstracts of Title and Local Fire Insurance Agency, Johnson Abstract Company, 121 High Avenue, East Oskaloosa, Iowa. As- sistant to County Chairman, War Finance, during war ; Local Draft Board; Secretary, Local Price Interpreting Committee. Member, K. of P. ; Oskaloosa Community Club. b. Oskaloosa, Iowa, April 4, 1879. s. J. Kelly Johnson and Ann Eliza Gruwell. m. Earlham, Iowa, September 12, 1906, Mabel Hill. Address, 808 A Avenue, East Oskaloosa, Iowa. Jones, Hudson Godfrey. Entered 1898 and left during winter, 1899. Beta Rho Sigma. Clerk, Farmers and Mechanics National Bank, Philadelphia; 1901, with N. Holmes & Sons, Bankers; North American Savings Trust ; Commercial Trust Company, Philadelphia, Receiving Teller. 1905, Bookkeeper for Valley Lum- ber Company, Clarkston, Wash. ; 1909, Cashier, First National Bank, Clarkston, Wash. 1916 to date. Farming and Stock Rais- ing, Morningside, Alberta, Canada. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 14, 1882. s. William Foster Jones and Emeline F. Godfrey, m. Clarkston, Wash., May 1, 1906, lone Hollister. c. EmeHne, 1909; Hudson G., Jr., 1911. Address, Morningside, Alberta, Canada. Lane, Silas. Entered 1898 and left at close of year. For 2 years, laborer in factory of Lane Bros. Company ; for 13 years. Junior Member of Firm; to date, Vice-President of same (Manufacturers of Hardware). Trustee, Poughkeepsie 1902] MATRICULATE CATALOG 433 Rural Cemetery; Director, First National Bank. Member, Hyde Park Ice Yacht Club; New Hamburgh Ice Yacht Club; Amrita Club, Poughkeepsie. b. October 10, 1879, s. W. J, Lane and Susan Underbill, m. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1907, Hilda Swift, c. William Stephen Theodore. Address, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Malone, Lewis. Entered 1898 and left towards the close of the year. Teacher in Denver Schools, 1899-1904; Seed Business, 1904-16; Dry Goods Business, 1916 to date. Manager of Adjustment at the A. T. Lewis & Son Dry Goods Company, Denver, Col. Mem- ber, Civic and Commercial League. b. Hartsville, Pa., February 18, 1875. s. William H. Malone and Sarah A. Buckman. m. Richboro, Pa., August 15, 1899, Sue Van Horn Slack, c. Carle H., June 12, 1904. Address, 2971 Irving Street, Denver, Col. Morris, Galloway Cheston, Jr. Entered 1898; left at close of the year. With Johnson Higgens Company (Insurance Business) until 1909; since 1909, Insurance Company of North America (to date, Vice-President of same). b. West Chester, Pa., August 29, 1881. s. Dr. James Cheston Morris and Mary Ella Johnson, m. 1909, . Address, Fair- field Avenue and Berkley Road, Devon, Pa. Murphy, Eugene Besson. Entered . 1903, Practice of Law, San Francisco; 1904, in Law Office of Lent & Humphrey. Lawyer to date. b. . s. and . m. . Address, care of Fed- eral Telegraph Company, Portland, Ore., and care of Mrs. C. A. Besson, 4119 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Newlin, Gurney Elwood.(S.B. Univ. of Calif., 1902; LL.B., Har- vard, 1905.) Entered 1898 and left 1900. Beta Rho Sigma. Lawyer. 1905-17, Practice of Law, Los Angeles ; 1919-20, Law Practice under name of Newlin & Ash- burn ; 1917, Member, State Council, Section of the Council of National Defense, in charge of 9 western states; 1917-18, Chair- man, Los Angeles Chapter, American Red Cross; 1918, Examiner for Southern District California, United States Shipping Board and Emergency Fleet Corporation; 1918-19, Deputy Commis- 28 434 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1902 sioner to France, American Red Cross, rank of Major. 1918-19, Chairman, Paris District Chapter, American Red Cross; 1914-19, Commissioner from California to National Conference of Com- missioners on Uniform State Laws; 1912-14, Instructor, Medical Jurisprudence, University of California. Member, Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, Harvard Club of Southern California; Ameri- can Bar Association ; Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles ; Municipal League, Los Angeles, etc., etc. b. Lawrence, Kan., November 11, 1880. s. Thomas Elwood Newlin and Laurie Hadley. Address, 737 West Twenty-eighth Street, Los Angeles, Cal, Nicholson, Percival. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1905.) Entered 1898 and left 1901. Interne in Presbyterian Hospital, Philadelphia; Philadelphia Hospital, Contagious Diseases ; Emergency and General Hospital, Los Angeles, Cal. ; Cooper Hospital, San Francisco ; Pennsylvania Hospital. Practice of Medicine in Ardmore since 1910. General Practice and Children's Diseases. Visiting Physician in Medical Dispensary, Children's Hospital, and Clinical Assistant, Children's Hospital. Author of numerous articles on blood pressure and children's diseases. Inventor of blood pressure apparatus. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 14, 1881. s. Coleman L. Nichol- son (Class 1850) and Mary Paul Robeson, m. Wilmington, Del., April 8, 1916, Nell Gray Clayton. Address, 16 West Montgomery Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. fPyle, Cyrus. Entered 1898 and left after Freshman year. With Trading Company of Peter Wright & Son, Philadelphia. Traveled in west in search of health. b. Wilmington, Del., April 12, 1881. d. Wilmington, Del., January 22, 1903. s. Fred Pyle and Clara Pusey Wise. Whiteley, Stockett Matthews. Entered 1898. 1902, in Engineering Department of Faunt Le Roy & Co., Baltimore, Md. ; 1903, with Riter-Conley Manufacturing Com- pany of Pittsburgh ; Carnegie Steel Company ; 1905, Member of firm of Faunt Le Roy & Co., Baltimore, Manufacturers of Ele- vators. b. Baltimore, Md., November 15, 1881. s. Seth Holmes White- ley and Mary Eliza Mathews, m. Baltimore, Md., December 16, 1903, Hester Hopkins. No address. 1903] MATRICULATE CATALOG 435 fWistar, Caspar. Entered 1898. 1902-03, Engineers' Office, Robert T. Mickle, Philadelphia; Special Student at Haverford, 1904; 1904-05, with Philadelphia and West Chester Traction Company; 1905-07 Missionary Teacher, Institute Ingles, Santiago, Chile; 1907, in charge of Engineering Work in Arucaniam Indian Mission at Temuco, Chile; 1908-09, Religious and Medical Study, Philadelphia; 1909, went to Chiquimula, Guatemala, under California Yearly Meeting of Friends. Missionary Work in Guatemala. b. Germantown, Pa., November 18, 1880. d. March 14, 1917. s. Edward M. Wistar (Class 1872) and Margaret C. Collins, m. November 11, 1910, Raquel Asturias T. c. Raquel, 1913; Ed- ward, 1915. 1903 Barr, Franklin Elverson, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1906.) Entered 1899. Lawyer. Assistant District Attorney, Philadelphia, February, 1914, to date. Four-Minute Man. Home Defense. Member, University Club. b. Camden, N. J., March 10, 1883. s. Franklin P. Barr and Alice M. Elverson. m. Newark, N. J., November 5, 1914, Elsie B. Smith, c. Alice E., 1918; Franklin E., Jr., 1922. Address, 109 Nippon Street, Philadelphia, and 239 South Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fBateman, Edwin B., S.B. Entered 1899. b. West Chester, Pa., September 25, 1882. d. July 29, 1904. s. George Bateman and Ella Terrence Brooke. Cadbury, Henry Joel, A.B. Entered 1899. Editor-in-Chief, The Haverfordian (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV) ; Final Honors in Greek and Philosophy. Founders' Club. Teacher. Teacher of Classics in University School, Chicago, 1904-05. Master in Westtown Boarding School, 1905-08; In- structor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor in Greek and in Biblical Literature, Haverford College, 1910-19. Lecturer, As- sistant Professor in the New Testament, Andover Theological Seminary, Cambridge, Mass., 1919 to date. Chairman, Friends' National Peace Committee, 1915-17; Member, American Friends' Service Committee, 1917 to date. Author: The Style and Literary 436 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1903 Method of Luke (in two parts) ; National Ideals in the Old Testa- ment, and various magazine articles. Member, Fellowship of Rec- onciliation; American Oriental Society; Society of Biblical Litera- ture and Exegesis (Secretary since 1916) ; Oriental Club of Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 1, 1883. s. Joel Cadbury (Class 1856) and Anna Kaighn Lowry. m. Moorestown, N. J., June 17, 1916, Lydia Caroline Brown, c. Elizabeth, 1917; Christopher Joel, 1921. A,ddress, 7 Buckingham Place, Cambridge, Mass. Cornman, Clarence R., A.B, Entered 1899. General Merchandise Business, 1903-11; Ardmore National Bank, as Bookkeeper, Assistant Cashier and Cashier, 1911-18. . Enlisted in Army, 1918. To date. Salesman with Reed A. Morgan & Co., Stock and Bond Brokers (in Bond Department), Philadel- phia, Pa. b. Mill Creek, Pa., January 30, 1881. s. Isaac B. Cornman and Hannah J. de Grant. Address, Gladwyne, Pa. Davis, Charles Woodward, S.B. (S.B. Guilford, 1902; LL.B., Univ. of Va., 1912.) Entered 1902 from Guilford College. Alumni Oratorical Prize. Attorney-at-Law. 1904-05, Instructor in Mathematics and Science at Oak Grove Seminary, Vassalboro, Me. ; 1906, Professor of Natural Science, Pacific College, New- berg, Ore. ; 1907-09, Assistant to Master and Instructor in Mathe- matics and Science at Oak Grove Seminary; 1910-12, Student in Law at University of Virginia; 1912-13, Instructor in Law, Uni- versity of Virginia; 1913-18, Attorney-at-Law, associated with John N. Sebrell, Jr., Norfolk, Va. ; 1918-19, Captain, Quarter- master Corps, United States Army, attached to Construction Divi- sion, and Personal Aid to Brigadier-General R. C. Marshal, Jr., Chief of the Division. 1919 to date, Attorney-at-Law, General Practice, at Courtland, Va. Member, Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Sigma Rho; Order of Coif (Natural Law) ; Raven Society (Uni- versity of Virginia). b. Vicksville, Va., November 26, 1878. s. William T. Davis and Eugenia A. Butler. Address, Courtland, Va. Domincovich, Harry Anthony, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1904.) Entered 1899 from Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa. Highest Honors in Greek and English (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV) ; Cope Fellowship. Founders' Club. Teacher. Instructor 1903] MATRICULATE CATALOG 437 in Latin and English, Moses Brown School, Providence, R. I., 1904-08; Instructor in Latin, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1908-09; Instructor in English and Latin, Germantown Friends' School, 1909 to date. Associate Director, The Megunticook Camps, 1910, 1912-20. Director, Flying Moose Lodge, 1921- . Member, National Council of Teachers of English; Classical Club of Philadelphia; Private School Teachers' Association of Phila- delphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 9, 1881. s. Peter Domincovich and Mary Kuhn. m. July 7, 1909, Margaretta Elizabeth Lickfield. c. Ruth Domincovich. Address, 5369 Wingohocking Terrace, Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Drinker, James Blathwaite, A.B, Entered 1899. Triangle Society. "Spoon Man." Special Sales Agent, Mercer Rubber Company ; Sales Manager, National Clay Refining Com- pany; Member of firm, J. B. Drinker & Co. June, 1917, First Lieutenant, Cavalry, O. R. C. ; Discharged. Captain, 4th Cavalry, Fort Ringgold, Texas, December 22, 1918. Member, University Club, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 23, 1882. s. Henry Sturgis Drinker and Aimee Ernesta Beaux, m. Jenkintown, Pa., October 20, 1918, Mary Frances Fisher, c. Henry Middleton, 1919. Ad- dress, 430 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Duerr, Otto Eugene, S.B. (S.T.B., Pacific Unitarian School for the Ministry, 1909.) Entered 1899. President, Senior Class (IV) ; President, Student Advisory (IV) ; Manager, Football (HI) ; Captain, Gymnasium Team (IV). Minister of Unitarian Church. 1903-04, with Jones & Laughlin Steel Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; 1904-07, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company ; 1907-09, Studied for Min- istry. Minister, Everett, Wash., 1909-11; Melrose, Mass., 1911- 14; Lancaster, Mass., 1914-17; Laconia, N. H., 1917 to date. 1917, organized Home Service Red Cross (Chairman of same since founding) ; 1919, organized Laconia Community Service (Di- rector of same to 1921) ; 1919, organized Laconia Chamber of Commerce (Secretary of same to 1921). During war. Chairman, Board of Instruction for Drafted Men in Belknap County ; Chair- man, Junior Red Cross in Laconia ; Chairman, Home Service Sec- tion, Red Cross, in the County; War Historian for Laconia; Chairman, Y. M. C. A., Salvation Army, and Syrian Relief Drives 438 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1903 in the County. Chairman, Committee Civil Conditions for Min- isters' Association; Scout Master; President, Laconia Chautau- qua Association, etc., etc. Member, Masonic and Elk Lodges and Eastern Star; Chaplain in Masonic Bodies; Secretary, Laconia Ministers' Association, 1922. b. Mansfield, Ohio, November 16, 1881. s. John W. C. Duerr and Emilie Marie Princehorn. m. December 25, 1905, Florence Mae Wade. c. John Lathrop, 1907; EmiHe Marie, 1913; Mar- garet Ellen, 1913. Address, 26 Fenton Avenue, Laconia, N. H. Hodgson, Carey Vandervort, S.B. (S.B., Wilmington, O., 1902.) Entered 1902 from Wilmington College. 1903-04, Teacher of Science, Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y.; 1904-17, Field Work, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey; 1917-19, Captain and Major, Corps of Engi- neers, United States Army. 1919 to date, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey (Geodetic Engineer). Member, American Society of Civil Engineers; Washington Academy of Sciences; Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C. b. Wilmington, Ohio, July 11, 1880. s. Lorenzo D. Hodgson and Clara Emma Hyatt, m. Cincinnati, Ohio, April 17, 1916, Edith Hockett. c. William Hockett, 1919. Address, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. Hoffman, Enoch Farson, A.B., A.M., 1906. Entered 1899. Minister in Methodist Episcopal Church. 1903, Malvern, Pa.; 1904-05, Doylestown, Pa.; 1906-08, Hamburg, Pa.; 1909-12, Holmesburg, Pa.; 1913-14, Norris Square, Pa.; 1915-17, Olivet, Pa. ; 1919-22, South Chester, Pa. ; 1922, First Methodist Episcopal Church, Norristown, Pa. Member, F. A. & M. b. St. Clair, Pa., August 26, 1875. s. Edward H. Hoffman and Caroline H. Farson. m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 22, 1903, Sarah W. Tongue, c. Enoch Francis, 1904; Charles Wesley, 1909; Margaret Frances, 1911. Address, 540 De Kalb Street, Norristown, Pa. Hollingsworth, John Emory, A.B. (A.B., 1902; A.M., Penn Coll., 1903; Ph.D., Chicago, 1913.) Entered 1902 from Penn College. Teacher. Instructor, Latin and Greek, Penn College, 1904-06; Instructor, Greek, University of Texas, 1909-11 ; Acting Professor of Greek, De Pauw University, Spring of 1914; Professor of Latin and Greek, Whitworth College, 1914-16; Professor, Latin and Greek, Missouri Valley College, 1916-19; Professor of Latin 1903] MATRICULATE CATALOG 439 and Greek, Washburn College, Topeka, Kan., 1920 to date. Author : "Antithesis in the Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isseus." Chairman, Latin Section of the Inland Teachers Association, 1916; Chairman, Latin Section, Missouri State Teachers' Association, 1918-19; Member, American Association of University Pro- fessors ; American Philological Association ; Classical Association of the Middle West and South. b. Shadeland, Ind., April 6, 1881. s. Eli HoUingsworth and Eliza Butler, m. Ackworth, Iowa, August 17, 1905, Luda E. Smith, c. Joseph Keith, 1907; Edith Eleanor, 1919. Address, Washburn College, Topeka, Kan. Hoskins, Hervey Macy, A.B. (S.B., Pacific, 1899; A.B., Pacific, 1900.) Entered 1902 from Pacific College. 1903-04, Banking; 1905-07, Fire Insurance; 1908-16, Post- master, McMinnville, Ore. ; 1917-20, Banking. b. Charlottesville, Ind., January 4, 1879. s. J. Lewis Hoskins and Mary L. Hadley. m. McMinnville, Ore., September 26, 1906, Louisa Maloney. c. Lewis M., 1916. Address, 406 Fifth Street, Newberg, Ore. fPierce, George, A.B. (M.D., Johns Hopkins, 1907; Ph.D., Berlin, 1912.) Entered 1899. Student of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, 1903-07. In Charge of Hospital at St. Anthony, Newfoundland, Summer, 1907; Resident Physician, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, 1908-10; Student, Berlin University, 1910-12; Assistant in Physi- ology and Instructor in Pharmacology, University of Wisconsin, 1912-13 ; Instructor in Urology, Johns Hopkins University, 1914- 16. Chemical Research, Colgate & Co., 1916-19. Author, a few journal articles on chemical subjects. b. Bristol, Pa., May 7, 1883. d. Jersey City, N. J., February 4, 1919 (chemical explosion accident), s. Harold Peirce and Charlotte Converse, m. West Orange, N. J., February 5, 1910, Ethel Mathews Girdwood. c. James Girdwood, 1914; George, Jr., 1915. Phillips, Arthur John, A.B. Entered 1899. Captain, Football Team (IV); Triangle Society; Founders' Club. Advertising Manager, Haines, Jones & Cadbury, Phila- delphia. b. Truro, Cornwall, England, June 11, 1877. s. Thomas Henry 440 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1903 Phillips and Margaret Cronin. m. Worcester, Mass., October 16, 1911, Claudia M. Hedlund. c. Gilbert Arthur, 1914; Cecil Eric, 1917. Address, 274 South Felton Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Rabinowitz, Elias Nathan, A.B. (Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1917.) Entered 1899. Student, Jewish Theological Seminary, 1904-08. Clergyman. Instructor at J. T. S., 1908-09; Hebrew Education Society, Balti- more, 1910-18; Holder of Rayner Fellowship at Johns Hopkins University, 1914-15; Army Chaplain in France, 1918-19. To date, Chaplain, Hawthorne School of the Jewish Protectory and Aid Society. Member, American Oriental Society; Officers' Re- serve Corps. b. Russia, March 21, 1883. s. Isaiah Rabinowitz and Esther Shapiro, m. Brooklyn, N. Y., , Ida Deborah Zaluda. Ad- dress, Hawthorne, N. Y., Box HI. Simkin, Robert Louis, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1904; B.D., Uiiion Theological Seminary, N. Y., 1906; A.M. Columbia, 1915.) Entered 1899. President, Y. M. C. A. (Ill) ; Phi Beta Kappa. Recorded Minister in Society of Friends, 1905. Foreign Missionary, 1906 to date. Friends' Mission. Principal of Union Middle School (equivalent to High School), Chengtu, West China, 1912-13; Principal, Friends' High School, Chungking, West China, 1916; Acting Vice-President of the West China Union University, Chengtu, West China, 1919. b. Poplar Ridge, N. Y., May 10, 1879. s. Samuel Simkin and Ann Rebecca Chase, m. Ossining, N. Y., May 1, 1906, Margaret Lowenhaupt. Address, Chengtu, West China. Tilney, Israel Sheldon, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1904.) Entered 1899. Bond Salesman, Harris, Forbes, New York; with George C. White, Jr., New York; Secretary-Treasurer, United States Drain- age and Irrigation Company; Member, firm. Walker Brothers; September, 1917, to October, 1918, Red Cross, in France. Second Lieutenant, United States Army, Infantry, October, 1918, to March, 1919. Member, Union League, Harvard Club, Racquet and Tennis Club, Stock Exchange Lunch Club, all of New York; Essex County Country Club, Orange, N. J. b. Orange, N. J., June 28, 1882. s. John S. Tilney and Georgiana E. Sheldon, m. Orange, N. J., October 5, 1907, Au- gusta Munn. c. Anne Munn, 1910; John Sheldon, 1911; Nor- cross Sheldon, 1913. Address, Llewellyn Park, Orange, N. J. 1903] MATRICULATE CATALOG 441 Trueblood, Howard Moflitt, S.B. (S.B., Earlham, 1902; Ph.D., Harvard, 1913.) Entered 1902 from Earlham College. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Field Officer, 1903- 08; Assistant in Physics, Harvard University, 1911-14; Instructor in Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 1914-15; Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Penn- sylvania, 1915-17; Engineer, Department Development and Re- search, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1917 to date. War work: Navy Department, Research in Submarine De- tection; United States Naval Experimental Station, New London, Conn., 1918-19. Author: "The Joule-Thomson Effect in Super- heated Steam: Experimental Study of Heat Leakage." Member, Sigma Xi and Sigma Tau Fraternities; American Institute Elec- trical Engineers; American Physical Society; American Associa- tion for Advancement of Science; Societe Frangaise de Physique. b. Richmond, Ind., April 16, 1884. s. William Newby True- blood and Ruth Emma Stubbs. m. Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., June 29, 1914, Louise Nyitray. c. Howard Moffitt, Jr., 1915; Alan Stubbs, 1917; Kenneth Nyitray, 1920. Address, American Telegraph and Telephone Company, 195 Broadway, New York City. fWhite, Irving, S.B. (A.B. Earlham College, 1902.) Entered 1902 from Earlham College, b. — — : d. Lewisville, Ind., July 7, 1906. s. and . Wilson, Samuel Norman, A.B.; A.M., 1906. Entered 1899. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Teacher. Principal, Nether Provi- dence Schools, Delaware County, Pa., 1903-04; Principal, Nar- berth Public Schools, Narberth, Pa., 1904-05; Graduate Student, Haverford College, 1905-06; Instructor, Mathematics, in High School, West Chester, Pa., 1906-07; Instructor, Mathematics, Swarthmore Preparatory School, Swarthmore, Pa., 1907-14; As- sistant Headmaster and Instructor in Mathematics, Swarthmore Preparatory School, 1914 to date. b. Oxford, Pa., October 20, 1881. s. Howard Gregg Wilson and Adelaide Spering. Address, Swarthmore Preparatory School, Swarthmore, Pa. Winslow, Fitz Randolph, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Md., 1906.) Entered Sophomore Class 1900. Physician. Member, Wisconsin State Medical Society; Sank County Medical Society; Rush Medical Society (University of Maryland); Phi Sigma Kappa; Fellow, American College of 442 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1903 Surgeons ; Fellow of American Medical Society. Executive Offi- cer of Sank County Horticulture Society; Member, Wisconsin Horticulture Society. b. Baltimore, Md., July 2, 1881. s. Randolph Winslow (Class of 1871) and Rebecca Fayssoux Leiper. m. Baraboo, Wis., Oc- tober 1, 1913, Florence Isabelle Reese. Address, 1107 Ash Street, Baraboo, Wis. Worthington, Joseph Kent,.A.B. (M.D., Johns Hopkins, 1908.) Entered 1899. Manager, Track Team (IV) ; Football (I, II, HI, IV). Physi- cian, 1908 to date. Interne, Roosevelt Hospital, N. Y., 1908-09; Resident Staif, Brady Urological Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1915-16; Captain, United States Army Medical Corps; France, with American Red Cross, 1918-19. Member, Delta Phi Fra- ternity ; University Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 14, 1882. s. Joseph Kent Worth- ington and Josephine Harlan, m. Baltimore, Md., June 7, 1909, Mary Worsdale Spencer, c. Elizabeth Coleman, 1910; Josephine Harlan, 1912; Marion Lindsay, 1913; Carolin Kent, 1920. Ad- dress, 2563 St. Raymond Avenue, West Chester, New York City, and 70 East Fifty-sixth Street, New York City. Non-Graduates Bayiis, Harry Milton. Entered 1899 and left 1900. Electrical Machinist. b. Port Deposit, Md., October 4, 1881. s. William Bayiis and Alice Johnson, m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 4, 1909, Elizabeth Gleiner. c. EHzabeth Ruth, 1910; Harry David, 1912. Address, 2922 Ogden Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dean, Archer Griffin. Entered 1899 and left 1902. Industrial Engineer. Tester and Draftsman, Westinghouse Manufacturing Company, East Pittsburgh, Pa., 1902; Sales and Production Engineer, Dean Manufacturing Company, 1904; Pro- duction Engineer, Westchester Engine Company, 1913; Sales En- gineer, Pusey & Jones, 1914; Industrial Engineer, H. O. Wilbur & Sons, Inc., 1917 to date. Some time Member, Cincinnati Rid- ing Club; Member, Industrial Engineers' Club, Philadelphia (Ex- ecutive Committee) ; Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce (Mem- ber, Americanization Committee) ; American Academy of Political and Social Science; Member, The American Society of Mechanical 1903] MATRICULATE CATALOG 443 Engineers; The Ohio Society of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia As- sociation for Discussion of Employment Problems ; National As- sociation of Practical Refrigeration Engineers (Vice-President), b. Cincinnati, Ohio, July 29, 1881. s. George Henry Dean and Elizabeth Lippincott Taylor, m. Cincinnati, Ohio, October 17, 1906, Therese Ohlen Holland, c. Catherine Elizabeth, 1908. Ad- dress, 6 Buck Lane, Haverford, Pa. Eshleman, Ulysses Mercur. Entered 1899 and left at close of Sophomore year. Connected with several bond houses in Pennsylvania; with the Times Mirror Company, Los Angeles, Cal. b, Lancaster, Pa., March 9, 1883. s. B. Frank Eshleman (Class 1867) and Mary E. Mercur. m. Fair Oaks, Cal., August 6, 1914, Eleanor Brown Thompson. Address, City Savings Bank, San Diego, Cal. Garrigues, Henry Haydock. Entered 1899 and left at close of the Freshman year. Civil Engineer. Rodman, Belmont Division, Pennsylvania Rail- road, Lambertville, N. J., 1901-03 ; Rodman, Philadelphia Divi- sion, Pennsylvania Railroad, Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pa., 1903; Transitman, Altoona, Pa., 1903-04; Assistant Supervisor, Altoona, Pa., 1904-05 ; Assistant Supervisor, Pittsburgh Division, Pitcairn, Pa., 1905-08; Assistant Supervisor, Maryland Division, Perryville, Md., 1908; Supervisor, Allegheny Division, Kittanning, Pa., 1908-12; Supervisor, W. J. & S. Railroad, Millville, N. J., 1912-14; Supervisor, Office of General Manager, Philadelphia, Pa., 1914-15; Pilot Engineer, Valuation Department, Philadelphia, Pa., 1915-17; Supervisor, Baltimore Division, Parkton, Md., 1917; Supervisor, Philadelphia Division, Paoli, Pa., 1917; Division Engi- neer, Trenton Division, Trenton, N. J., 1917-19; Division Engi- neer, Philadelphia Terminal Division, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919-20; Engineer, Maintenance of Way, Southern Division, Wilmington, Del., 1920; Division Superintendent, Delaware Division, Pennsyl- vania Railroad, 1920 to date. Member, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York; American Railway Engineering Associa- tion, Chicago; Masonic Fraternity, 32d degree. b. Harrisburg, Pa., September 4, 1881. s. Samuel Mitchell Garrigues and Sally Frances White, m. Hollidaysburg, Pa., Sep- tember 8, 1909, Mary Elizabeth Over. c. Samuel Mitchell, 1910; Henry Haydock, Jr., 1915. Address, Division Superintendent, Delaware Division, Pennsylvania Railroad, Pennsylvania Building, Wilmington, Del. 444 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1903 Greb, John Walter. Entered 1899 and left during Sophomore year. Law Student at Temple University and in law offices. Ad- mitted to Bar in Idaho and Washington. Stenographer to Chief Engineer, American Bridge Company, Pencoyd, Pa., 1901-02; Court Reporter and Public Stenographer, Philadelphia, Pa., 1903- 04; at Lewiston, Idaho, 1904-07; Secretary to Hon. Miles Poin- dexter, Spokane, and Washington, D. C, 1908-09. An Official Court Reporter of the Superior Court of Spokane County, Wash., to 1920. Graduate of Life Insurance School, Carnegie Technical, Pittsburgh, 1920. Insurance Agent to date. Secretary, Repub- lican County Central Committee, Spokane County, 1910; Sec- retary, Progressive County Central Committee of Spokane County, 1912; Vice-President, Spokane Expert School of Busi- ness; Secretary, Washington Shorthand Reporters' Association; Knight Commander of the Court of Honour of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry; Past Master, F. & A. M.; Elks ; Chamber of Commerce ; Bar Association ; Shorthand Asso- ciations. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 22, 1879. s. John Greb and Theresa Steidle. m. Lewiston, Idaho, December 31, 1907, Bernice O'Neill, c. John Walter, Jr., 1909; Elliot, 1914; Marigene, 1917. Address, 1221 North Sherwood Street, Spokane, Wash. Keisey, Cadwallader Washburn. Entered 1899 and left 1900. Engineer. Draughtsman, Upton Machine Company; Agent, Autocar Company ; Assistant Manager, France Metallic Packing Company; Agent, Maxwell Briscoe Company; Sales Manager of same; President, C. W. Keisey Manufacturing Company; General Manager, Keisey Motor Company. Production Engineering, United States Government, in charge of production of Martin Bomber and Bristol Lighter Aeroplanes. Member, Aero Club of America; National Arts Club; Short Hills Club; Society Auto- motive Engineers. b. Clarens, Switzerland, July 30, 1880. s. Albert Warren Kei- sey and Jeannette Gar Washburn, m. Haverford, Pa., June 2, 1909, Marian Sharwood. c. Marian Eleanor ; Barbara Sinclair ; Anita Sharwood ; Cadwallader Washburn, Jr. Address, Short Hills, N. J. Miller, David Blaine. Entered 1900 and left 1903. Director of Advertising, T. H. Towell Enterprises ; Distributor 1904] MATRICULATE CATALOG 445 and Dealer, Cadillac Motor Cars, Dodge Brothers Motor Cars, Victrolas and Victor Records. Editor, "The Total Eclipse" ; "The Towell Cadillacian" ; "Towell Topics." Member, Cleveland Ad- vertising Club; Cleveland Athletic Club; Singers' Club of Cleve- land. b. Rockwood, Pa., September 24, 1883. s. E. D. Miller and Almira J. Weimer. m. Youngstown, Ohio, February 18, 1920, Elsie Ruth Hultgren. Address, c/o Toledo Metal Furnishing Co., Toledo, Ohio. Snowden, James Ross. Entered 1899; left . b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 2, 1881. s. Frank V. Snowden and Mary Delworth. No address. Swift, Willard Everett. Entered 1899 and left 1903. With the United States Envelope Company since leaving col- lege. Mechanical Superintendent of same to date. Member, Wor- cester Chamber of Commerce ; Economic Club ; Worcester Club ; Worcester Country Club; Scientific Society of Worcester Poly- technic Institute. b. Worcester, Mass., October 16, 1879. s. Henry D. Swift and Emma Catherine Fuller, m. Worcester, Mass., June 15, 1904, Alice M. Metcalfe, c. Chry Stella Alice, 1905; Willard Everett, Jr., 1907; Arthur Henry, 1911. Address, 5 Massachusetts Avenue, Worcester, Mass. f Warrington, Samuel Abbott. d. June 17, 1904. 1904 Andrew, Fred Van Winkle, A.B. Entered Senior Class 1903 from Wilmington College. Manager of large retail store, Columbia, S. C, 1905. b. Westboro, Ohio, July 4, 1883. s. Robert E. Andrew and Clara Van Winkle. Address, Bowling Green, Ky. fBonbright, William Parker, A.B. Entered Freshman Class 1900. Manager, Cricket (HI) ; Haverford Fellow (IV) ; Student in Graduate School, Harvard University. With Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, New York City, 1906; Contract De- partment, Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, New Britain, Conn., until 1909. 446 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1904 b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 31, 1883. d. Atlantic City, N. J. (by drowning), June 3, 1909. s. James Shallenberger Bonbright and Mary Parker, Brinton, Howard Haines, A.B. ; A.M., 1905 (A.M., Hazard, 1909.) Entered 1900. Mathematics Master, Friends' Select School, 1905-06; Teacher, Friends' School, Barnesville, Ohio, 1906-08; Mathematics In- structor, Pickering College, Ont., 1909-15; Professor, Mathe- matics, Guilford College, 1915-19; Acting President, Guilford College, 1917-18; Dean of same, 1918-19; Publicity Secretary, American Friends' Service Committee, 1919 to date. b. West Chester, Pa., July 24, 1884. s. Edward Brinton and Ruthanna H. Brown, m. San Jose, Cal, July 23, 1921, Anna Shipley Cox. Address, 403 North Church Street, West Chester, Pa. Burgess, Daniel Lawrence, A.B. (A.M., 1911, Harvard.) Entered 1900. Editor-in-Chief, Haverfordian (III) ; Founders' Club. Took Honors in Philosophy at Graduation. Master at Bootham School, York, England, 1905-09; Teacher, Germantown Friends' School, 1909 to date. Councilor in Camp Megunticook, Camden, Me., Summers of 1911, 1913, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920. Member, Sten- ton Country Club. b. Highland, N. Y., January 4, 1882. s. Thomas H. Burgess (Class 1858) and Mary G. Heaton. Address, care of Friends' School, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Charles, John Wesley, A.B.; A.M., 1908 (A.B. Friends Univ., 1903.) Entered 1903 from Friends' University. Teacher of Latin and Greek, Lewis Academy, Wichita, Kan., 1904-05 ; Teacher of Latin and Greek, Wichita High School, 1905- 10; Principal, Rose Hill Consolidated Schools, Rose Hill, Kan., 1910-12 ; Principal of El Dorado High School, El Dorado, Kan., 1912-15; Graduate Study, Columbia University, Summer 1915; 1915-16, Summer 1916. Assistant Professor of Education, Iowa State Teachers' College, 1916-17; Professor of Education, Iowa State Teachers' College, 1917 to date. Collaborator with Lee Byrne in the production of "Syntax in High School Latin." Mem- ber of the Cedar Falls War Service Corps through the war. Mem- ber, Phi Delta Kappa; Masonic Lodge. 1904] MATRICULATE CATALOG 447 b. Gillespie, 111., December 7, 1878. s. L. H. Charles and Nettie Dugger. m. Wichita, Kan., June 1, 1905, Mabel Grace Munns. c. Dorothy, 1906; John Forrest, 1918. Address, 2510 College Street, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Clark, Joseph Woodburn, S.B. Entered 1900. Engineer. Special Apprentice in the Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1904-06; with Western Electric Company, 1906-08; Engi- neer in Maintenance of Plant Department of the Baldwin Loco- motive Works, 1908 to date. Captain in an organization of Rail- way Engineers in Siberia during the war. Member, The Engi- neers' Club. b. Doe Run, Pa., March 13, 1881. s. Joseph Clark and Ann Woodburn. Address, 2433 South Twenty-first Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Crowell, Arthur, SB. Entered 1900. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Field Officer, 1904- 11. Farmer, Fruit Grower and Mushroom Grower since 1911. Member, Chester County Farm Bureau; Chester County Corn Growers; State Horticultural Association; Boy Scouts of America. b. Avondale, Pa., April 26, 1881. s. William J. Crowell and Frances Eakins. Address, Avondale, Pa. Folwell, Philip Donald, SB. Entered 1900. Manufacturer of Worsteds, with Folwell, Brother & Co., Inc., Philadelphia ; Vice-President of same since 1917. Connected with Boy Scouts of America since 1915. Member, Manufacturers' Club; Quaker City Motor Club; Ocean City Yacht Club; New Jersey Society of Pennsylvania; Mason (Blue Lodge); Automo- bile Club of Philadelphia. b. Sharon Hill, Pa., May 22, 1881. s. Nathan Thomas Folwell and Sarah Elizabeth Harned. m. West Grove, Pa., October 12, 1904, Mary Ballard Chambers, c. Nathan T., Jr., 1906; Mary Kemble, 1908; Katrina Reed, 1912; Jean Harned, 1914; Phyllis Dorothy, 1921. Address, 2008 Spring Garden Street, Philadel- phia, Pa., and Third and Somerset Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Haig, Chester R., A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1909.) Entered 1900. Captain, Gymnasium Team (IV); Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Physical Instructor, Bootham School, York, England, 1904-05; 448 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1904 Medical Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1905-09; Resident Physician, University of Pennsylvania Hospital, 1909-11; Medical Officer, United States Army, since 1911, ranking as Major since 1917, Post-Graduate Course, Internal Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 1921-22. Member, Alpha Omega Alpha and Alpha Mu Pi Omega (University of Pennsylvania Medical). b. Riverton, N. J., February 1, 1883. s. Charles R. Haig and Ella L. Herrin. m. Merchantville, N. J., November 18, 1914, Mabel Hilda Morse, c. Faythe Elizabeth, 1915; Chester R., Jr., 1917. Address, Merchantville, N. J. Helbert, George Kingman, S.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1911.) Entered 1900. Engineering, both sales and manufacture of automobiles, from 1904-09. Practice of Law, specializing in patent and trade-mark practice, since 1911. Second Officers' Training Camp, 1917; First Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Reserve Corps, 1917. In United States until 1918; in England and France from 1918-19; Honor- able Discharge, March 3, 1919. Member, Psi Upsilon Fraternity; Masons; University Club of Philadelphia; Germantown Cricket Club; Sharswood Law Club; Military Order of Foreign Wars. b. Cheyenne, Wyo., April 2, 1882. s. M. G. Helbert and Grace C. Kingman. Address, 305 West Hortter Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Hilles, William Tatum, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1905.) Entered 1900. Mechanic, Packer, Assistant Bookkeeper, Samuel C. Tatum Company, Cincinnati, 1905-06; New York City, Salesman for same, 1907-09; Instructor in Spanish, University of the Philippine Islands, Manila, P. I., 1910-13; Instructor in English at same, 1910-12 and 1914-15; Assistant Professor, English, at same, 1915-17; Associate Professor, EngHsh, 1917-18. First Lieu- tenant, Field Artillery Reserve Corps, Camp Taylor, Ky., 1918. Junior Accountant, J. E. Graef & Co., New York City (Certified Public Accountants), 1919-20. Scovell, Wellington & Co., New York City (Certified Public Accountants), 1920-22. Member, American Legion; Veterans of Second Company, 7th Regiment, New York National Guard ; Survey Associates ; Committee of Forty-eight; Co-operative League of America. b. Cincinnati, Ohio, April 1, 1883. s. Samuel E. Hilles (Class 1874) and Amy Yarnall Tatum. m. Manila, P. I., October 24, 1910, Mary Chapin Reed. Address, 423 West 120th Street, New York City. 1904] - MATRICULATE CATALOG 449 Kimber, William Marmaduke Cope, A.B. Entered 1900. President, Musical Association (IV). Link Belt Engineering Company, 1904-06; Leeds & Northrup Company, 1906 to date, manufacture of heat treating apparatus and electrical instruments. Vice-President and Factory Manager of same to date. Member, University Club; City Club; Academy of Fine Arts; Franklin Institute ; Society of Industrial Engineers ; Taylor Society ; Cedar- brook Country Club ; Island Heights Yacht Club ; Newport Yacht Club; Orpheus Club. b. Germantown, Pa., July 16, 1882. s. Thomas William Kimber (Class 1876) and Maria Brinton Shoemaker, m. Germantown, Pa., December 28, 1912, Elizabeth Hartshorne Haines, c. William Lawrence, 1914; John Haines, 1917; Richard Hartshorne, 1919. Address, 999 East Haines Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Kratz, Abel Wesley, A.B. Entered 1900. Merchant. Town Auditor. Chairman of Four-Minute Men during the war. Director of North Penn Building and Loan As- sociation; Treasurer, Community Memorial Association; Member, Lansdale Board of Trade. Superintendent of Sunday School. b. Chalfonte, Bucks County, Pa., May 16, 1880. s. Aaron M. Kratz and Mary Clymer. m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 16, 1911, Isabelle Jessie Wardle. c. Aaron Granville, 1916. Address, 20 East Main Street, Lansdale, Pa. Lester, Bernard, S.B., S.M., 1907. Entered 1900. President of Class (IV) ; Business Manager, Haverfordian (IV); Alumni Oratorical Prize. Beta Rho Sigma; Founders' Club. Graduate Work, University of Pittsburgh. Jones & Laughlin Steel Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1904; Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1905 to date. Manager, Small Motor Section, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, East Pittsburgh, Pa., to date. Assistant Manager, In- dustrial Department. Member, Board of Managers, East Liberty Y. M. C. A., Pittsburgh, Pa.; Member, University Club and Amber Club, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; American Society of Electrical Engineers; Electric Power Club; National Electric Light Associa- tion. Author of a number of articles on Industrial Electrical Sub- jects, and Contributor to the Standard Handbook of Electrical Engineers. 29 450 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1904 b. Penrith, England, November 23, 1881. s. Edward Lester and Mary Hannah Ashby. m. Pittsburgh, Pa., October 23, 1916, Mrs. Laura Heussy Greth. c. William Lucien, 1904; Walter Martin, 1906. Address, 751 South Linden Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Lindley, Luke, S.B. (S.B., 1903; S.M., Penn., 1904.) Entered Senior year from Penn College. b. New Providence, Iowa, October 18, 1875. s. Addison Lind- ley and Rebecca Jane — — . Address, Calhan, Col. Lowry, Robert Pharo, S.B. Entered 1900. Student, Oxford University, England, 1904-05 ; English Lan- guage and Literature. Clerk in Girard Trust Company, Phila- delphia, 1906; Camera Supplies, Havana, Cuba, 1907; Advertising Copy Writer, 1908; Reporter, Philadelphia Inquirer, 1910; Local Copy Desk, 1912-19; Assistant Make-up and News Editor, 1919; New York Correspondent, 1919 to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 5, 1880. s. Edward S. Lowry and Phoebe Pharo. Address, New York News Bureau, 1107 Pulitzer Building, New York City. Megear, Thomas Jefferson, S.B. Entered 1900. Founders' Club. Stokes & Smith Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1904-10; Longstreth Motor Car Company, Philadelphia, 1910- 13; American Locomotive Company, Philadelphia and Chicago, 1913-15; Summerdale Dyeing, Printing and Finishing Works, Holmesburg, Pa., 1915-18; First Lieutenant, Motor Transporta- tion Corps, Camp Holabird, Md., October, 1918, to July, 1919. Bonbright & Co., Inc., New York City, Industrial Engineering, August, 1919, to date. Member, University Club, Philadelphia; Merion Cricket Club; Bryn Mawr Polo Club; Old Colony Club, National. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 29, 1883. s. Alter Megear and Elizabeth Tatnall Betts. m. Short Hills, N. J., January 5, 1910, Virginia Randolph Atkinson, c. Virginia Randolph, 1910; Bayard Harrison, 1916. Address, 416 Berkeley Road, Haverford, Pa. Morris, Charles Christopher, S.B.; A.M., 1905. Entered 1900. Steel Merchant. Member, Merion Cricket Club; University Club; Church Club of Philadelphia; Executive Committee, Phila- delphia Board of Trade; Board of Overseers of Philadelphia Di- 1904] MATRICULATE CATALOG 451 vinity School; President, St. Christopher's Hospital for Children; Member, City Club of Philadelphia. b. Villa Nova, Pa., June 30, 1882. s. Theodore Hollingsworth Morris (Class I860) and Mary Lownes Paul. Address, 3000 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Morris, Harold Hollingsworth, S.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1908.) Entered 1900. Cricket "H" (II) ; Track "H" (II). Beta Rho Sigma. Physi- cian. Resident Physician in Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, 1908-10; Physician at St. Luke's Hospital, Shanghai, China, 1911 to date. Member, American University Club, Shanghai, China; China Medical Missionary Association (Recording Secretary and Treasurer of same) ; Shanghai Cricket Club; North China Branch, Royal Asiatic Society. Phi Kappa Sigma; Alpha Mu Pi Omega (Medical). b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 16, 1884. s. Theodore H. Morris (Class 1860) and Mary L. Paul. m. Clifton Forge, Va., January 26, 1911, Frances W. Jordan, c. Alice E., 1911 ; Evelyn F., 1913; C. Christopher, 2d, 1914; Harold H., Jr., 1917. Address, St. Luke's Hospital, Shanghai, China. Schabacker, Harold Messner, A.B. Entered 1900. Teacher, Glenwood, Pa., High School; Principal, Harborcreek High School, Pa. ; Teacher, Erie, Pa., High School ; Teacher, Lock Haven, Pa., State Normal School; Teacher in Spanish Depart- ment, Stuyvesant High School, New York City; also of Morris Evening High School, New York City ; now of Brooklyn Evening High School, to date. Salesman for New York Office, Erie Art Metal Company. Member, Modern Language Association; Hispanic Society; New York Society for Experimental Study of Education. b. Erie, Pa., October 3, 1883. s. Henry George Schabacker and Josephine Messner. m. Erie, Pa., June 29, 1915, Gertrude Montgomery, c. John, 1917; Esther, 1918; Paul, 1921. Address, 219 Audubon Avenue, New York City. Sheldon, Carlos Noyes, A.B. ; A.M., 1905. Entered 1900. Triangle Society; Phi Beta Kappa. Manager, Football Team. "Spoon Man." Commission Business, with Slay ton & Boynton, Boston, Mass., since 1906. b. Swanton, Vt., August 4, 1881. s. Bertron C. Sheldon and Gertrude H. Noyes. m. Millis, Mass., June 26, 1909, Louise M. 452 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1904 Slayton. c. Alice Gertrude, 1913 ; Jean Margaret, 1916. Address, 22 Hillside Avenue, Melrose, Mass., and care of Slayton & Boyn- ton, 19 Blackstone Street, Boston, Mass. Snipes, Edgar Thomas, A.B.; A.M., 1905. (S.B., 1903, Guilford; LL.B., Univ. of N. C., 1906.) Principal, Corinth Academy, Conley, Va., 1906-08; Active Practice of Law, Ahoskie, N. C., 1908-16; Republican Candidate, Judge, Third Judicial District of North Carolina, 1912 ; Progress- ive-Republican Candidate, Judge of the Superior Court of North Carolina, 1916; Associated with Kane & Runk, Law Practice, Phila- delphia, 1916-18; Associated with Brown & Lloyd, Philadelphia, Law Practice, 1918 to date. Draft Board, Classification of Drafted men, during war. Director, Morrisville Library ; Director, Build- ing and Loan Associations; Member of Bar, North Carolina, Philadelphia County, and Bucks County, Pa. Member, Tuscora Club, Ahoskie, N. C. ; City Club of Philadelphia; Fallsington Committee of Safety; The Law Association of Philadelphia; American Academy of Political and Social Science of Philadelphia. b. Menola, N. C, July 9, 1881. s. Elisha Thomas Snipes and Louisa Bradshaw. m. Fallsington, Pa., May 4, 1918, Jane Chace Moon. c. Samuel Moon, 1919. Address, Morrisville, Pa. Stokes, James Martin, Jr., A.B. Entered 1900. Powers & Armstrong, Advertising Agents, 1904-07 ; Stokes & Packard, Insurance Brokers, 1907-15; Mutual Benefit Life Insur- ance Company (Superintendent of Agency in Philadelphia), 1915- 17; Insurance, Drexel Building, Philadelphia, 1917 to date. Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., United War Work Campaigns in Moorestown, N. J. Past Master, Moorestown Lodge, F. & A. M. Member, Union League, Philadelphia ; Moorestown Field Club ; Riverton Country Club. b. Moorestown, N. J., February 26, 1883. s. John H. Stokes and Alverda S. Dunham, m. Moorestown, N. J., October 6, 1908, Mary N. Hooton. c. W. Hooton Stokes, 1911; Katharine, 1912; Margaret, 1913. Address, 50 East Oak Avenue, Moores- town, N. J. Thomas, John Roberts, S.B. Entered 1900. Provident Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia ; Maxwell- Briscoe Motor Company, Tarrytown, N. Y. ; Manager of Wash- ington, D. C, Branch of United States Motor Company; Man- 1904] MATRICULATE CATALOG 453 ager, Downingtown Paper Box Company, Downingtown, Pa. ; Member, Partnership of Grieb & Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa., Auto- mobiles; Treasurer of same to date. Second Lieutenant, 6th United States Infantry, France (wounded at Frapelle, August 17, 1918). b. Whitfort, Pa., June 10, 1882. s. Charles T. Thomas and Isabella L. Gibbons. Address, Whitford, Pa. Thorn, Henry Norman, A.B. Entered 1900. Captain, Football Team (IV). Manager, Haines, Jones & Cad- bury Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, University Club, Philadelphia; Merion Cricket Club. Chairman, Athletic Com- mittee. b. Medford, N. J., July 18, 1881. s. Henry P. Thorn and Clara T. Branin. m. Philadelphia, Pa., February 10, 1910, Ethel T. Megear. c. Eleanor M., 1910; Elizabeth T. M., 1916. Address, 129 Edgewood Road, Ardmore, Pa. Wells, Bert Calvin, A.B. Entered 1903 from Friends' University. Teacher, Sciences, Oakwood Seminary, 1904-05 ; Principal, Corinth Academy, Conley, Va., 1905-06; Teacher, Chemistry, Wichita High School, Wichita, Kan., 1906-07; Assistant City Engineer, Wichita, Kan., 1907; City Engineer, Wichita, 1908-17; City Manager, El Dorado, Kan., 1917-21 ; City Manager, Atchison, 1921 to date. Member, Kansas Engineering Society; American Society of Civil Engineers ; City Managers' Association of America; Kiwanis Club. b. Sheridan, Ind., July 19, 1880. s. William A. Wells and Mary Cox. m. Indianapolis, Ind., August 7, 1904, Sara E. Shoe- maker, c. Dorothy S., 1905; Francis A., 1908; Robert H., 1912 (d. 1916). Address, Atchison, Kan. West, Erwyn Porter, SB. Entered 1900. Leader, Mandolin Club (III, IV); Leader, Glee Club (IV). Triangle Society. Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia ; West-Stillman Motor Car Company, Auto Dealers, Philadelphia ; Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Detroit ; General Motors Truck Com- pany, Pontiac, Mich. ; John A. Crowley Company, Electric Steel Manufacturers, Detroit; Bellevue Foundry Company, Detroit; West Foundry Company, Sibley, Mich., Manufacturing of Grey Iron Castings. Member, American Foundrymen's Association ; 454 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1904 Michigan Manufacturers' Association; Employers' Association of Detroit; Grosse Men's Club; American Steel Treating So- ciety; Rotary Club of Detroit. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 28, 1883. s. William Nelson West and Mary Pennel Loflin. m. Branford, Conn., August 2, 1913, Jessamine Bortle Woods, c. Barbara, 1914; Mary Loflin, 1919. Address, Sibley, Mich. Wills, William Mintzer, A.B. ; A.M., 1905. Entered 1900. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1905; Managing Chemist, Klenzene Company, 1905 ; Vice-President, Jena Company, 1906-09; Secretary, German- American Glass Com- pany, 1909-11; President, Diamond Glass Import Company, 1911- 12; Vice-President, Treasurer, President, Diamond Specialty and Supply Company, 1919 to date. Charter Member, Phi Beta Kappa Association of Philadelphia (Treasurer of same, 1918-19 to date) ; Member, Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce ; American Economic Association; Army Ordnance Association; Member, Union League. b. Downingtown, Pa., July 27, 1882. s. J. Hunter Wills and Katherine Ellicott Lindley. m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 14, 1907, Julia Hazlehurst Ireland. Address, 3714 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Withers, Samuel Clayton, A.B. (A.M., Columbia, 1915.) Entered 1900. President, Y. M. C. A. (IV) ; President, Advisory Board (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Teacher, in charge of Gymnastics, Moses Brown School, Providence, R. I., 1904-06; Teacher, Mathematics, Friends' Select School, Philadelphia, 1906-13; Teacher, Mathe- matics, Evander Childs High School, New York City, 1913 to date. Member, Phi Beta Kappa Society of New York City; Men's High School Teachers' Association, New York City. b. Dauphin County, Pa., August 30, 1873. s. Samuel Aaron Withers and Esther Garber. m. New York City, June 14, 1911, Helen Wheatley Edson. c. Samuel Clayton, Jr., 1917; Helen Francelia, 1922. Address, 400 West 118th Street, New York City. Non-Graduates Bevan, Edwin Jay. Entered Freshman year ; left at end of Sophomore year. 1904] MATRICULATE CATALOG 455 Blanchard, Irvin Thomas. (S.B., Guilford, 1903.) Entered 1903 from Guilford College; left in October, 1903, on account of ill health. 1904, Studying Banking Business; 1904-06, Assistant Cashier, Bank of Northampton, Jackson, N. C. ; 1906-11, Cashier, Farmers' Bank, Woodland, N. C. (resigned on account of ill health) ; Sep- tember, 1911-15, Bookkeeper and Office Assistant of Bertie Cotton Oil Company, Aulander, N. C. ; 1915, Assistant Cashier, The Farmers Bank, Woodland, N. C. ; Cashier of same since 1917. b. Woodland, N. C, September 6, 1882. s. Roger W. Blanchard and Sarah J. Outland. m. Bertie County, N. C, April 11, 1916, Mamie Pearl Warde. c. Irvin Thomas, Jr., 1917; Edward Ver- mond, 1920. Address, Woodland, N. C. Bradley, William Summer. Entered 1900. 1904, with Wylie T. Wilson, Paper Box Manufacturers; Mer- chant, Market and Twenty-first Streets, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 19, 1882. s. Thomas Bradley and Hannah W. Goodall. m. Philadelphia, Pa., May 6, 1908, Anna Collins Remington. Address, 161 Union Avenue, Bala, Pa. Owen, Charles Raymond. Entered 1900; left at end of Freshman year. Grocery Business, 1901-02; 1902-09, Clerk, Pennsylvania Rail- road; 1909 to date, Mitchell Lumber and Coal Company, Lans- downe. Pa. b. Toughkenamon, Pa., August 3, 1880. s. Henry P. Owen and Alice Jackson Watson, m. West Chester, Pa., October 22, 1907, Anna Temple Pratt, c. Charles Henry, 1909; Alice Lilian, 1911; Esther, 1914; Raymond CHfford, 1919. Address, 122 Mel- rose Avenue, East Lansdowne, Pa. Perkins, Lindley Murray, Jr. Entered 1900 and left at close of Junior year. Foreman, Machine Shop, Kansas City Southern Railroad, Pitts- burg, Kan. b. Baxter Springs, Kan., June 16, 1882. s. Ira C. Perkins and Ella Burgess. Address, 1013 Short Street, Galena, Kan. Powell, Wilfred Mansell. Entered 1900; left at close of Freshman year. 456 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1905 1905 Alexander, Charles Allison, S.B. Entered 1901. Jones & Laughlin Steel Company, Pittsburgh, 1906; Cambria Steel Company, Johnstown, Pa., 1907. b. Devon, Pa., January 21, 1883. s. James Allison Alexander and Annie Burnette Wells, m. 1908, . Andrew, Adelbert Owen, A.B. (LL.B., 1911, Kansas State Univ.) Entered 1904 from Friends' University. Teacher. 1905-06, Teacher, Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y. ; 1906-07, at Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. ; 1907-08, at Little Rock High School, Little Rock, Ark.; 1908-11, Law Stu- dent, Kansas State University; 1911-12, Teacher, Wichita High School, Kan.; 1912-15, Insurance; 1915-20, Teacher. 1921- , Superintendent, Schools, Beaver, Okla. Member, Delta Sigma Rho (Kansas University). b. Johnson County, Kan., May 6, 1880. s. WilHam Andrew and Sibyl Jones Lindley. m. Prairie Center, Kan., September 14, 1910, Beulah Williams, c. Adelbert, Jr., 1912; Owen Nathan, 1914; Norman Keats, 1916. Address, Beaver, Okla. Babb, Maurice Jeflferis, S.B. (Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., 1910.) Entered Fall of 1894 and left Fall of 1895 ; returned 1904-05. Teacher. Downingtown High School, 1895-96; Williamsport Dickinson Seminary, 1896-1900; Belief onte Academy, 1900-01; Penn State College, 1901-05 ; University of Pennsylvania, 1905 to date ; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of Penn- sylvania, to date. Teacher of Navigation for 2^ years at Navy Yard with War Community Service and Y. M. C. A. Member, Sigma Xi; Fellow, American Association Advancement of Sci- ence ; Member, American Mathematical Society ; Past President of Philadelphia Section, Teachers of Mathematics, Middle States and Maryland; Member, Lower Merion School Board, 1911-14; President, Pennsylvania Chapter, Society of Sigma Xi, 1921-22; Member, Lenape Club, University of Pennsylvania; University Club; Schoolmen's Club; Sigma Phi Sigma. Author: "Mathe- matics," published by American Educational Institute. b. Marshalton, Pa. (?), October 20, 1870. s. Hiram W. Babb and Galena M. Jefferis. m. (1) November 21, 1898, Blanche Elsegood Vincent (d. 1915). c. Jervis Jefferis, 1902 (Class 1921). m. (2) June 14, 1920, Mary Fulton Gibbons. Address, 157 Cricket Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. 1905] MATRICULATE CATALOG 457 Bales, Thomas Menroy, S.B. (S.B., Wilmington, O., 1904.) Entered 1904 from Wilmington College. Teacher, Oak Grove Seminary, Vassalboro, Me., 1905-06; Teacher, Mathematics, Wilmington College, Wilmington, Ohio, 1906-16; Clothing Merchant, 1916 to date. Member, Wilmington City Council, 1913-17; C^erk, Clinton County Board of Elections, 1918-19. Member, Wilmington Commercial Club; Masonic Order. b. Wilmington, Ohio, March 28, 1884. s. William H. Bales and Cordelia J. Faulkner, m. Wilmington, Ohio, June 23, 1909, Adah Probasco. c. Mary Elizabeth, 1914; William Charles, 1915. Ad- dress, 527 North South Street, Wilmington, Ohio. Boher, Sydney Morris, A.B. Entered 1901. Advertising Business, with Powers & Armstrong, 1905-06; Furniture Manufacturing, with Boher & Phillips, Shippensburg, Pa., 1906 to date. b. Shippensburg, Pa., April 5, 1884. s. John E. Boher and Sara Rees Hogan. m. Blairsville, Pa., June 8, 1912, Mae Clark Koehler. Address, Shippensburg, Pa. Bushnell, Charles Stone, S.B. Entered 1902. Manager, Track Team (IV) ; Captain, Gymnasium Team (IV). Engineer. Worth Brothers, Coatesville, Pa. ; L. T. Edwards & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ; Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Trenton, N. J. ; Federal Signal Company, Albany, N. Y. ; New York Cen- tral Railroad, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; General Railway Signal Com- pany, Rochester, N. Y. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 7, 1884. s. Joseph Bushnell and Alice Stone, m. Troy, N. Y., October 14, 1913, Henrietta Ferriss Freeman, c. Elizabeth Ferriss, 1915; Charles Stone, 1917; Kath- erine McFadden, 1918. Address, care of General Railway Signal Company, Rochester, N. Y. Cates, Benjamin Harold, A.B. Entered 1901. Jordan Marsh Company, Boston, 1905 ; Boston Woven Hose and Rubber Company, Cambridge, Mass., 1905-07; Cates Bros., Market Gardeners and Wholesale Meat Dealers, East Vassalboro, Me., 1907 to date. Representative, from class towns Winslow- Vassalboro, to Seventy-eighth Maine State Legislature. Appointed by Governor on Local Signal Advisory Board, making out Ques- tionnaires for Draft; Third Liberty Loan Committee; Chairman, Local Vassalboro War Savings Committee; Chairman, Vassal- 458 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1905 boro U. W. W. drive, etc., etc. Member, Vassalboro Grange (Present Master). b. East Vassalboro, Me., October 17, 1881. s. George H. Gates and Louise F. Bryant, m. June 27, 1910, Annabel Ingraham. c. Maynard Lawrence; Helen Nancy; George Fletcher; Effie Up- ham. Address, East Vassalboro, Me. Cookman, Harold Holmes, A.B. Entered 1901. 1905-07, Clerk, Hanover National Bank, New York Gity; 1907- 08, Weighmaster, R. G. Layton & Son, New York Gity; 1908-17, Salesman, Ayres, Bridges & Go., New York Gity; 1917 to date, Export Manager, A. S. Gookman & Go., New York Gity. b. Wilmington, Del., September 4, 1883. s. John E. Gookman and Margaret Howland. m. New York Gity, Easter Monday, 1913, Helen Pulver Hills, c. Prentice Glark, 1914. Address, 85 Wall Street, New York Gity. Cox, Henry Greer, A.B. ; A.M., 1911. (D.G. B.S.G., Universal Ghiropractic Gollege, Davenport, la., 1915.) Entered 1901. 1905-06, Bank Glerk; 1906-07, Teacher, Porto Rican Service, under United States Government, San Juan High School and Patillas, P. R.; 1907-08, Teacher, Finderne, M. A., Somerville, N. J. Teacher in Philadelphia Public Schools ; 1908-09, Professor English Literature and German, Berea Gollege, Berea, Ky. ; 1909- 11, Teacher, Philippine Service, Supervisor and Acting Principal, High School. February to June, 1912, Teacher, English Litera- ture, Jenkintown Grammar and High School; 1912-14, Manager, Rehsom Institute, Brooklyn, Massage and Mechano-Therapy Work. 1914-15, Student, Universal Ghiropractic Gollege, Daven- port, Iowa; 1915, Chiropractor and Mechano-Therapist, Gamden, N. J.; 1915-17, Chiropractor and Mechano-Therapist, Elmira, N. Y. ; 1917 to date. Chiropractor, evenings; Stock Chaser, Foreman, Production Manager of Aircraft Department, and Employment Manager of the Willys-Morrow Company, Elmira (Branch of Willys-Overland Company). Resigned, January 28, 1922, to de- vote time to Chiropractic. Member, Chamber of Commerce; New York State Chiropractic Society ; Originator and Chairman, 1 year, of the Elmira Employment Managers' Association; Member, Business Men's Association. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 31, 1884. s. Andrew J. Cox and Mary G. England, m. Elmira, N. Y., September 15, 1915, Mabel F. Morrow, c. Phyllis Morrow, 1918. Address, 411 West Water Street, Elmira, N. Y. 1905] MATRICULATE CATALOG 459 Downing, Thomas Stalker, S.B. Entered 1901. Worth Brothers, Coatesville, Pa., 1905-10 (Assistant in Master Mechanic's Office, Open Hearth and Tube Mill ; Foreman in Tube Mill); Spang Chalfant & Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1910-12, Night Foreman in Tube Mill; Worth Brothers Company, Coates- ville, Pa., 1912-13, Assistant Superintendent, Tube Mill; Alle- gheny Steel Company, Brackenridge, Pa., 1913-16, Superintendent of Tube Mill ; Alan Wood Iron and Steel Company, Philadelphia, 1916-18; Captain, Ordnance Department, United States Army, Inspection Division; Metallurgical Section; later, on Salvage Board, Assistant Secretary, Committee on Sale of Materials, 1918- 20; Iron and Steel Business, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1920 to date. b. New Castle, Pa., July 22, 1883. s. Joseph Miller Downing (Class 1865) and Hannah Pennock Steele, m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 8, 1913, Mary Valentine Fox, Address, 311 Chestnut Street, Sewickley, Pa., and 427 Oliver Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Eshleman, Benjamin, A.B. Entered 1901. Manager, Soccer Team (IV). Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1905-08; Proctor & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1908-13; Sales Manager, Commonwealth Shoe and Leather Company, Bos- ton, Mass., 1914-17; December, 1917, Commissioned Captain, Quartermaster Corps, United States Army, Stationed at Boston; 1918, transferred to Quartermaster General's Office, Washington, D. C, in charge of Production Department on Army Shoes ; 1918, Chemical Warfare Service, France, September, 1918, and Assist- ant Gas Officer of 7th Division. Returned to United States, Jan- uary, 1919, and received Honorable Discharge. 1919 to date. Smith, Kline & French Company, Philadelphia, Pa., Sales Man- ager and Advertising Manager, Aspirin Department. Member, Racquet Club, Philadelphia; Merion Cricket Club; St. Nicholas Club, New York ; American Legion. b. Lancaster, Pa., October 10, 1884. s. B. Frank Eshleman (Class 1867) and Mary E. Mercur. Address, Racquet Club, Sixteenth Street below Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fEvans, Ernest Mervyn, A.B. Entered 1901. b. "Awbury," Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., July 16, 1884. d. "Awbury," Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., June 2S, 1911. s. Jonathan Evans and Rachel Reeve Cope. 460 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1905 Fisher, Charles Worley, A.B. Entered 1901. Phi Beta Kappa. Business Office, Philadelphia Press, 1905. Editorial Staff, Textile Manufacturer's Journal, 1909 (now en- larged into Textile World; Philadelphia Representative on Edi- torial Staff of same. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 6, 1882. s. Rev. Charles G. Fisher, D. D., and Margaret Hay. m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 25, 1916, Emily Kohler. c. Charles Worley, Jr., 1917. Address, 828 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Fleming, Montgomery Ward, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1908.) Entered 1901. Admitted to Bar of Allegheny County, Pa., 1908; Teacher of Mathematics, Belief onte High School, 1908-09; at Central High School, Harrisburg, Pa., 1909-11; Admitted to Bar, Pennsylvania Supreme Court, 1910; Referee in Bankruptcy for Centre County, 1916 to date; President, Chamber of Commerce, Phillipsburg, Pa.; Borough Solicitor, Phillipsburg, Pa. Attorney-at-Law. Member, Pennsylvania Bar Association; F. & A. M.; R. A. M.; K. T. ; A. A. S. R.; B. P. O. E.; I. O. R. M.; Junior O. U. A. M. b. Belief onte, Pa., August 23, 1884. s. Wilson I. Fleming and Bella Priscilla Ward. m. Butler, Pa., October 24, 1908, Winifred M. Donaldson, c. John Montgomery, 1910; Mary Isabel, 1915; Winifred Maud, 1921. Address, 301 South Front Street, Phillips- burg, Pa. Hopkins, Arthur Haddon, S.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1909.) Entered 1901. Captain, Football Team (IV). Triangle Society. Physician and Teacher. Associate in Medicine and Instructor in Thera- peutics, University of Pennsylvania; Assistant Physician to Uni- versity Hospital; Consultant to Chester County Hospital; Physi- cian to Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia. Contributor to Journal of American Medical Association; American Journal of Medical Sciences; Medical Clinics of North America; Neiv York Medical Journal. Fellow of the College of Physicians, Philadelphia; Fel- low, The American Medical Association; Member, Philadelphia County Medical Society; Pathological Society; Pediatric Society; John Morgan Society; Society of Physiology and Pathology; A, M. P. O. Medical Society; Delta Phi Fraternity, University of Pennsylvania ; St. Elmo Club, University of Pennsylvania ; Merion Cricket Club. 1905] MATRICULATE CATALOG 461 b. Haddonfield, N. J., March 7, 1882. s. Walter G. Hopkins (Class 1857) and Esther Sharpless. m. Charleston, S. C, April 10, 1917, Martha Porter Carrington. c. Arthur H., Jr., 1918; Waring Porter, 1920; John Esbaugh, 1921. Address, 1726 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Jones, Harold William, A.B. Entered 1901. President, Y. M. C. A. (IV); Captain, Track Team (IV). Teacher, Physical Director, Blight School for Boys, Philadelphia, 1906-10; Farmer, 1911-12; Shoemaker, 1912-16; Superintendent, Condensed Milk Manufacturing Plant, 1917 to date. b. South China, Me., December 25, 1879. s. Frank E. Jones and Luella E. Graves, m. Mercersburg, Pa., June 30, 1917, Nancy Leona Smith, c. Nancy Elizabeth, 1918. Address, Walton, N. Y. Jones, Paul, A.B. Entered 1901. Manufacturer of Men's Fine Shoes, Commonwealth Shoe and Leather Company, Boston, Mass. b. Whitman, Mass., August 7, 1884. s. Charles Henry Jones and Bessie Roberts, m. Chicago, 111., February 7, 1920, Edna H. Harrison. Address, care of Commonwealth Shoe and Leather Company, Whitman, Mass. Lee, Charles Smith, A.B. Entered 1901. Baldwin Locomotive Works, Apprenticeship; same in Drawing Room; Inspecting Engineer; Farmer; Captain of Engineers, United States Army; Baldwin Locomotive Works, Foreign Sales Department. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Rose Tree Fox Hunting Club; L'Ermitage Golf Club (France). b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 12, 1882. s. Edmund Lee and Mary Smith, m. Philadelphia, Pa., August. 23, 1919, Ellen D. New- bold. Address, 1812 South Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Morris, Joseph Howard, S.B. Entered 1901. Manager of Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work, Busi- ness of J. A. Morris, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1905-18; Government In- spector of Plumbing and Heating for United States Housing Corporation in a South Philadelphia Building Operation, 1918-19; Owner of Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work Business, Bryn Mawr, Pa., July, 1919, to date. During war, Member, Bryn 462 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1905 Mawr Home Defense and Solicitor in Liberty Loan Campaigns. Member, Bryn Mawr Business Association. b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., May 26, 1883. s. Joseph A. Morris and Annie Whitby, m. Philadelphia, June 5, 1907, Helen Miller, c. Joseph Howard, Jr., 1908; Kathryn Miller, 1911; Margaret, 1913. Address, 864 Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Murray, Effingham Cock, A.B. Entered 1901. Life Insurance Solicitor, 1905-09; Irrigation and Mining Sur- veyor, 1909-12; Farmer, 1913-17; Teacher, 1918 to date. Y. M. C. A. War Service. Directeur d'un Foyer du Soldat. Teacher, French and History, Kew-Forest School, 1918-20; Teacher, His- tory and Civics, Adelphi Academy, 1920-22. b. Chappaqua, N. Y., October 11, 1884. s. Robert I. Murray and Phoebe Anna Cock. m. (1) March 26, 1906, Marie de Mont- alvo. c. Evaristo Montalvo, 1907. m. (2) February 5, 1916, Laura Clark. Stepdaughter, Judith Tobey, 1907. c. Phoebe Anna, 1920. Address, 531 Birch Street, Richmond Hill, New York City. Ohl, Frederick William, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1906.) Entered 1901. Clementine Cope Fellowship (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Teacher. Tutor, "Westover," Va., February, 1907, to June, 1908; Instructor, Latin, Conway Hall, Dickinson College, 1908-09; In- structor, Classics, Thiel College, Greenville, Pa., 1909-12; In- structor, Languages, Germantown High School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1912 to date. Member, Classical Club, Philadelphia; Classical League, Philadelphia; Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Liberal Studies ; Classical Association of the Atlantic States. b. Quakertown, Pa., December 1, 1883. s. Jeremiah Franklin Ohl and Olivia Elizabeth Kessler. m. Wilkinsburg, Pa., June 27, 1913, Mabel Mildred Jackson. Address, 6327 McCallum Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. fPearson, Ralph Lincoln, S.B. Entered 1901. Lumber Business since leaving college. Vice-President, Pear- son & Ludascher Lumber Company, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., November 16, 1884. d. Feb- ruary 1, 1920. s. Joseph Thurman Pearson and Annie V. Wells. Peirce, Edmund Converse, A.B. Entered 1901. Phi Beta Kappa (IV) ; Manager, Football Team (IV) ; 1905] MATRICULATE CATALOG 463 Founders' Club; Triangle Society. With the Baldwin Locomotive Works since graduation. 1919 to date, Manager, Pittsburgh, Office, The Baldwin Locomotive Works, and the Standard Steel Works Company. Member, Duquesne Club, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; Fourth Street Club, Philadelphia; University Club, Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh Athletic Association ; Pittsburgh Railway Club ; Engi- neers' Society of Western Pennsylvania; Chamber of Commerce, Pittsburgh, Pa. b. Bristol, Pa., January 15, 1885. s. Harold Peirce and Char- lotte Converse. Address, 1261 Denniston Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Priestman, Albert Glyndon, S.B. Entered 1901. Manager, Cricket Team (HI) ; Captain, Soccer Team (IV). Clerk, Merritt & Co., Steel Brokers, 1905 ; Office Manager, Ameri- can Fabric Rug Company, 1906-07; Real Estate Broker, German- town, 1908 to date. Member, Germantown Cricket Club Military Organization, drilled drafted men during war; Member, Phila- delphia Real Estate Board, Liberty Loan Committee. Member, Germantown Cricket Club; Philadelphia Cricket Club; Fourth Street Club ; Philadelphia Real Estate Board. b. Hull, England, July 22, 1884. s. Albert Priestman and Mabel Tuke Taylor, m. New York City, March 31, 1912, Dorothy Williams, c. Ruth, 1913; Sidney W., 1915. Address, 3223 Queen Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Reagan, William J., A.B. (A.B., Earlham College, 1904.) Entered Senior year from Earlham College. Teacher. Principal of Friends' Bloomingdale Academy, 1905- 08; Teacher of Philosophy, Pacific College, 1908-10; Acting Presi- dent, Pacific College, 1910-11; Teacher of Philosophy, Friends' University, 1911-15; Principal, Oakwood Seminary, 1916 to date. Member, School Masters' Club of Cayuga County ; Member of Education Board of Five Years' Meeting; Member, Associated Academic Principals of New York State. b. Sheridan, Ind., September 26, 1882. s. John Reagan and Mary McMillan, m. Neoga, 111., September, 1908, Florence O. Lindley. c. Mary Agnes, 1910; Caroline Elizabeth, 1912; William James, 1914; Lindley Bertram, 1918. Address, The Oakwood Seminary, Poughkeepsie, New York. Ritts, Elias, S.B. Entered 1901. Manager, Gymnasium Team (IV) ; Manager, Cricket Team (IV). Butler County National Bank, 1905-07; Cashier, Lyndora 464 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1905 National Bank, 1907-14; Assistant Cashier, Butler County Na- tional Bank, 1914-18; Vice-President of same to date. President, Spaide Shirt Company, Butler, Pa. ; Director, Corona Cord Tire Company, Butler, Pa. ; Treasurer, Butler County Chapter, Ameri- can Red Cross, since 1915; Chairman, Butler County War Sav- ings Committee; Member, Butler County Liberty Loan Executive Committees; Member, Butler County Fuel Administration Com- mittee; Member, Y. M. C. A. War Work Council of Butler County ; President of Chamber of Commerce, Butler, Pa. ; Di- rector, Butler Y. M. C. A.; Member, Syria Temple, Pittsburgh; Member, Rotary Club; Member, Butler Country Club; Americus Club of Pittsburgh. b. St. Petersburg, Clarion County, Pa., July 6, 1883. s. John V. Ritts and Irene C. Blakslee. m. Butler, Pa., December 29, 1909, Helen H. Herr. c. Mary Irene, 1911; Susan E., 1913; Ruth E., 1914; John V., Jr., 1918. Address, Butler County National Bank, Butler, Pa. Seely, Leslie Birchard, A.B. Entered 1902. Teacher. Head Master, Chappaqua Mountain Institute, Chap- paqua, N. Y., 1905-06; Instructor in Science, Northeast Manual Training High School, Philadelphia, 1906-07; Professor of Sci- ence in same, 1907-15; Head of Science Department, Germantown High School, Germantown, Philadelphia, 1915 to date. Professor of Physics, Wagner Free Institute of Science, 1914 to date. Mem- ber, Philadelphia Teachers' Association ; American Association for the Advancement of Science; Pennsylvania State Educational As- sociation; Franklin Institute of Philadelphia; American Associa- tion of Political and Social Science ; National Geographic Society ; Philadelphia Natural History Society. b. Luzerne County, Pa., April 22, 1877. s. Samuel Pollock Seely and Mary Elizabeth Patterson, m. July 20, 1910, Mary Louise Bogenrief. c. Leslie Birchard, Jr., 1915. Address, 5918 Pulaski Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Seevers, Marion Bruner, A.B. (Ph.B., Penn College, 1904; A.M., Penn. College, 1905; A.M., Yale, 1906; J.D., Univ. of Calif., 1909.) Entered 1904 from Penn College. Lawyer. Member of firm, Spurrier, Soever & Spurrier, 1910- 12; firm, Brammer, Lehmann & Seevers, 1914-19; Brammer, Seevers & Hurlburt, 1919-21 ; Brammer, Lehmann, Seevers & Hurlburt, 1921-22 ; Lehmann, Seevers & Hurlburt, 1922- . Mem- 1905] MATRICULATE CATALOG 465 ber, California and Iowa State Bars; Liberty Loan Committee; Speaking Committee; Legal Advisory Board; High Priest, Corinthian Chapter, R. A. M., 1917; Master, Alpha Council, R. & S. M., 1922; Acacia Fraternity; Delta Chi Fraternity; Capital Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Temple Commandery, K. T.; Des Moines Consistory; Zagazig Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. ; University Club, Des Moines; Des Moines Chamber of Commerce; Iowa State Bar Association; Des Moines Bar Association; Des Moines Golf and Country Club. b. Oskaloosa, Iowa, February 2, 1886. s. W. A. Seevers and Mary E. Bruner. m. Bethlehem, Pa., November 24, 1914, Lucile Meredith, c. Elaine, 1916; Marion B., Jr., 1918; William Mere- dith, 1919. Address, Flynn Building, Des Moines, Iowa. Smith, Manning James, A.B. Entered 1904 from Earlham College. Clerical Work, Haines, Jones & Cadbury, 1905-07; Treasurer and Manager, I. H, Gilmer Company, Belt Manufacturers, 1907- 15; Manning J. Smith Belting Company to date. b. Mt. Summit, Ind., July 6, 1883. s. George Waters Smith and Tacy Livezey. m. Fairmount, Ind., October 14, 1908, Georgiana Hiatt. c. Manning J., Jr., 1910; Lowell H., 1914. Address, 214 East Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Spaeth, Sigmund, A.B. ; A.M., 1906. (Ph.D., Princeton, 1910.) Entered 1901. President, Class, both terms (IV) ; Editor-in-Chief, Haver- fordian. "Spoon Man." Founders' Club. Instructor in German, Princeton University, 1906-08; Graduate Student, Princeton, 1908-10; Head of English Department, Asheville School, Ashe- ville, N. C, 1910-12; Music Editor, Life; Literary Editor, J. Schirmer, Publisher, New York; Music Editor, New York Even- ing Mail, 1914-18; Y. M. C. A. Music Director, Industrial War Service, Bayonne, N. J. ; Editorial Stafif of New York Times; Correspondent on Music for Boston Evening Transcript, 1919-20. Educational Director and Manager, Ampico Department, Ameri- can Piano Company, 1920- ; Lecturer on Musical Topics. Pub- hshed "Milton's Knowledge of Music"; "Milton and Music." Contributor to magazines (Harper's Weekly, Collier's, Ladies' Home Journal, Lippincott's, etc.) ; Translator of songs and li- brettos; Author of operatic guides and Editor Century Opera Weekly. Editorial Writer, Opera Magasinc. Former Mem- ber, Nassau Club; Princeton Club; National Arts Club; Benson- hurst Cricket Club. 30 466 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1905 b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 10, 1885. s. Adolph Spaeth and Harriett Reynolds Krauth. m. New York City, January 30, 1917, Irene Katharine Lane. Address, 534 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Stein, Herman Kroberger, S.B. Entered 1901. Engineering Apprentice, Westinghouse Electric and Manufac- turing Company, East Pittsburgh, Pa., 1905-07; Engineer, West- inghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Boston, Mass., 1907-10; Superintendent, Genesee Light and Power Company, Batavia, N. Y., 1910-13 ; Superintendent and Electrical Engineer of Genesee Light and Power Company, Batavia, N. Y., 1913 to date. President, Batavia Y. M. C. A., 1918; Member, American Institute Electrical Engineers ; Rotary Club. b. Chester County, Pa., July 14, 1883. s. Jacob S. Stein and Lillian G. Kinneer. m. Athens, Pa., April 12, 1909, Anne Elsbree. Address, 212 State Street, Batavia, N. Y. Stone, Elliott Kays, SB. Entered Senior Class 1904. Timekeeper, Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1905-08 ; Teacher, Mills Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1908-09; Teacher, Rose Creek District School, Rose Creek, Nev., 1909-10; Teacher, Denio Dis- trict School, Oregon, Nev., 1910-11; Superintendent, Nevada Mines Company, Imlay, Nev., 1911-13; Teacher, Sod House Dis- trict School, Amos, Nev., 1913-14; Mail Order Business, 1914-16; Teacher, Cane Springs District School, Amos, Nev., 1916-17; Pine Forest District School, Amos, Nev., 1917-18; Ranching, Amos, Nev., 1918-19; Free Lance Writer, Wayne, Pa., 1919 to date. b. Scranton, Pa., August 25, 1880. s. George Elliott Stone and Martha Jane Kays. Address, 122 Walnut Avenue, Wayne, Dela- ware County, Pa. Teller, Chester Jacob, S.B.; A.M., 1906. Entered Junior Class 1903. Phi Beta Kappa. Director of Boys' Clubs, Educational Alli- ance, New York, 1906; Assistant Superintendent, Hebrew Shelter- ing Guardian Society (Orphan Asylum), New York City, 1907- 08; Superintendent, Jewish Orphans' Home, New Orleans, La., 1909-11; Superintendent, Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1912; Director, Extension Department, Bureau of Educa- tion, Jewish Community, New York, 1912-13; Organizer and Di- 1905] MATRICULATE CATALOG 467 rector, Camp Arcadia for Boys, 1914; Staff Member for Welfare Work, Bureau Municipal Research, New York, 1914-17; Execu- tive Director, Jewish Welfare Board, New York, 1917-19; Sec- retary-Treasurer and Director of Arcadia Schools (Summer Camp for Boys), since 1914; Secretary-Treasurer and Director of Camp Arden (Summer Camp for Girls), since 1921. Published: "Widow's Pension Legislation in the United States Bureau Munici- pal Research, 1917." b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 29, 1883. s. Jacob Teller and Amelia Hirsh, m. New York, November 26, 1908, Eva Magnes. c. Walter Magnes, 1910; Sophia, 1911; Amelia, 1919. Address, 854 West 181st Street, New York City. Thomas, Howard Pitner, S.B. Entered 1901. With Pennsylvania Railroad Company in various positions since 1905 ; Supervisor, Pennsylvania Railroad Company, to date. Mem- ber, Blair County Committee of Public Safety, 1917-18. b. Kennett Square, Pa., January 28, 1884. s. Charles Thomas and Sara Pitner Osmond, m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 16, 1915, Lydia S. Baker, c. Howard Pitner, Jr., 1918. Address, 500 Blanchard Street, Osceola Mills, Pa. White, Lyndon Lea, A.B. (A.B., Guilford, 1904.) Entered Senior Class 1904 from Guilford College. Principal, Jamestown State High School, 1905-10; Principal, Winston-Salem City High School, 1910 to date. Member, Na- tional Education Association ; North Carolina Teachers' Assembly ; Winston-Salem Y. M. C. A. b. Trinity, N. C, March 5, 1879. s. I. A. White and Mary Elizabeth Elder, m. August 25, 1909, Jessie Holt Foust. c. Lucy May, 1912; Martha Gray, 1915; Lyndon Lea, Jr., 1916. Address, 125 South Spruce Street, Winston-Salem, N. C. Non-Graduates Bausman, Thomas Franklin, Entered 1901 and left at close of Freshman year. Student in Academic Department, Yale University, 1902-03 ; with Steinman Hardware Company, Lancaster, Pa., 1903-10; Farmers' Trust Company, Lancaster, Pa., 1910-12; 1914-17, Oil Business, in various parts of Oklahoma and Kansas. First Offi- cers' Training Camp, Commissioned First Lieutenant, 1917; 19 months in France ; with Third Army Corps in Coblentz. Resigned 468 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1905 Commission, 1919. Member, Hamilton Club, Lancaster; Lan- caster Country Club. b. Lancaster, Pa., June 12, 1882, s. John Watts Baer Bausman and Annette Franklin. Address, 325 Chestnut Street, Lancaster, Pa. Fenwick, James Bussier. Entered 1901 ; left b. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 19, 1874. s. William Henry Fenwick and Mary Frances Hesler. No address. Godshall, Harry Hackman. Entered 1901 ; left . With Keasbey & Mattison Company, Ambler, Pa., 1907- . b, Lansdale, Pa., June 16, 1881. s. John Clemens Godshall and Mary Hackman. Address, Lansdale, Pa. Libby, Ralph Garfield. Entered 1901 and left at close of Freshman year. President and Treasurer of J. R. Libby Company, Department Store, Portland, Me. Member, The Phillips Exeter Club ; Liming- ton Academy Trustee; Trustee, Homestead Loan Association; Member, State Street Congregational Church; Teacher of School; Member of Church Committee; 32d Degree Mason; a Governor of The Portland Republican Club; Member, The National Dry Goods Association; The Portland Chamber of Commerce. b. Biddeford, Me., July 5, 1881. s. Joseph Ralph Libby and Helen Louise Larrabee. m. Portland, Me., April 20, 1911, Hattie Payson Brazier, c. Ralph Garfield, Jr., 1914; Daniel Brazier, 1918, and Ellen Brazier, 1918 (twins). Address, 234 State Street, Portland, Me. Scull, John Lawrence. Entered 1901 and left Spring, 1904. Beta Rho Sigma. John C. Winston Company, 1904-07; Auto- mobile Agency, 1907-08 ; Standard Roller Bearing Company, 1908- 14; Stokes & Smith Company, 1914; Standard Roller Bearing Company, 1914-18; Emergency Fleet Corporation, 1918-19; N. W. Ayer & Son, October, 1919-20; Manufacturer of Writing Paper, 1921 to date. Member, Union League, Philadelphia; Haver ford Club, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 11, 1883. s. Edward Lawrence Scull (Class 1864) and Sarah Elizabeth Marshall, m. Haverford, Pa., January 1, 1907, Mary Rachel Bettle. c. Molly, 1909; Ed- v/ard Bettle, 1915; John Lawrence, Jr., and Phoebe Rowan (twins), 1917. Address, College Avenue, Haverford, Pa. 1905] MATRICULATE CATALOG 469 Slonimsky, Harry Nahum. Entered 1901. b. Russia, September 9, 1884. s. Moses Aaron Slonimsky and Sarah Epstein. Address, 521 Federal Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fSmyth, Lindley, Jr. Entered 1901. b. West Philadelphia, Pa., March 6, 1882. d. February 18, 1909. s. Marriott Canby Smyth and Clara Lauterbauch. m. 1907, Louis- ville, Ky., Florence N. Danforth. Starkey, Glenn Wendell, (A.B., 1905, Colby College, Waterville, Me.) Entered 1901 and left at close of Freshman year. New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, Boston, Mass., 1906-08. District Superintendent of Schools, Vassalboro and China, Me., 1908-11; Agent, State Department of Education, Augusta, Me., 1911-15; Deputy State Superintendent of Schools, Augusta, Me., 1915-16; State Superintendent, Schools, 1916-17; Deputy State Superintendent, Schools, Augusta, Me., 1917 to date. Secretary, State Teachers' Association, 1915-20. Author: "The Story of Maine, Its History and Government." Member, Delta Upsilon Fraternity; Masons. b. Mapleton, N. D., November 21, 1884. s. Thomas H. Starkey and Agnes A. Cross, m. Vassalboro, Me., August 4, 1909, Annie E. Cook. c. Virginia, 1920. Address, State House, Augusta, Me. fTilney, Nicholas Lechmere, (A.B., Harvard, 1906.) Entered 1901. Student at New York Law School, 1909. Banking Business, New York. b. Orange, N. J., January 29, 1884. d. Pneumonia, France, September 17, 1918. Wheeler, Victor Wayne. Entered 1901 and left at close of Sophomore year. Accountant. With J. E. Caldwell & Co., Jewelers, Philadel- phia, 1903 ; G. W. Russell, Jewelers, Philadelphia, 1904-05 ; Lin- coln National Bank, Rochester, N. Y., 1905-08 ; Wheeler & Ben- ham, Printers, Rochester, N. Y., 1908-14; N. W. Halsey & Co., Bonds, Philadelphia, 1915; Auditor, Port of Havana Docks Com- pany, 1915-17; American Cuban Estates Corporation, Central Caracas, Caracas, Cuba (Office Manager), 1917 to date; also Representative of Fordson Tractor in Western Santa Clara Prov- ince, Cuba. Member, Masonic Lodge. 470 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1906 b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 4, 1884. s. George R. Wheeler and Anna Briggs. m. Rochester, N. Y., January 20, 1910, Elizabeth McDowell. Address, 137 East Main Street, Penn Yan, N. Y., and Central Caracas, Caracas, Province de Santa Clara, Cuba. 1906 Bainbridge, Edmund Fletcher, A.B. (SB., Penna State College, 1908; M.S., 1914.) Entered 1902. Chemical Manufacturer and Consulting Chemical Engineer. Member, American Chemical Society; American Electrochemical Society; New York Chemists' Club; Fort Orange Club; Rotary Club, Albany; University Club of Albany; Albany Country Club; Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. b. Asbury Park, N. J., August 19, 1885. s. George M. Bain- bridge and Mary M. Coulston. m. Philadelphia, Pa., May 10, 1910, Blanche Atkinson, c. Constance Atkinson, 1919. Address, 544 Providence Street, Albany, N. Y. Baldwin, Donald Cornog, A.B. (Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., 1918.) Entered 1903. Building Construction, 1907-14; Graduate Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1915-16; Investigation Work for City of New York, 1917; Financial Investigator, National City Company, New York, 1918 to date. Member, Economics Club, New York City. b. West Chester, Pa., March 19, 1885. s. Hannum Baldwin and Nettie D. Cornog. Address, 351 West 114th Street, New York City. Breyfogle, Frank Seneca, A.B. Entered 1902. George L. Dyer, Advertising Agency, 42 Broadway, New York City. b. Reading, Pa., October 2, 1885. s. Sylvanus Charles Brey- fogle and Kate Elizabeth Boas. Address, 128 Convent Avenue, New York City. Brown, Thomas Kite, Jr., A.B.; A.M., 1907. (Ph.D., Harvard, 1919.) Entered 1902. Captain, Gymnasium Team (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa; Founders' Club ; Teaching Fellowship, 1906-07. Student at University of Berlin in 1909; and in the Graduate School of University of Pennsylvania, 1907-09 ; and in the Bureau of Personnel Adminis- 1906] MATRICULATE CATALOG 471 tration, New York City, in 1920. Student, Harvard, 1909-12; also Assistant in German, Harvard, 1910-11. Instructor and As- sistant Professor of German, Haverford College, 1907-19; Ex- ecutive Director, American Association for Organizing Family Social Work, New York City, 1919-20; Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Passaic, N. J., 1921 to date. Member, Phi Beta Kappa Association of Philadelphia; Cum Laude Society of Penn Charter School ; American-Scandinavian Foundation ; Passaic Rotary Club; Passaic City Club. b. Westtown, Pa., March 19, 1885. s. Thomas Kite Brown and Caroline Cadbury. m. Flaverford, Pa., June 1, 1915, Helen Wheeler Barnes, c. Thomas Kite, 3d, 1916; Arthur Ellis, 1918. Address, Chamber of Commerce, Passaic, N. J. Carson, Waiter, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1907; LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1910.) Entered 1902. Business Manager, Haverfordian (HI) ; Editor-in-Chief, Haverfordimi (IV) ; President, Advisory Board (IV) ; "H" in Gymnastics (IV) ; President of Class (IV) ; "Spoon Man"; Cope Fellowship; Phi Beta Kappa; Founders' Club. General Practice of Law. Instructor in American History and Commercial Law, Camden High School, 1912-16. Member, Board of Education, Chester Township, Burlington County, N. J., 1916- ; President of Board since 1918. Member, New Jersey State Bar Associa- tion; Camden County Bar Association; Y. M. C. A. b. Camden, N. J., September 7, 1883. s. James R. Carson and Anna J. Wood. m. Moorestown, N. J., June 23, 1910, Charlotte E. Reed. c. Emily Elizabeth, 1911 ; Charlotte Martha, 1914. Ad- dress, 325 East Second Street, Moorestown, N. J. Gary, Richard Lucius, A.B.; A.M., 1907. (S.B., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1909.) Entered 1902. Student and Assistant in Chemical Laboratory, Haverford Col- lege, 1906-07; Student, M. I. T., 1907-09; Assistant Hydraulic Engineering, M. I. T., 1909-10; Instructor in Mathematics, Prince- ton University, 1910-12; Civil Engineering, 1912; Assistant Di- rector, Bureau of Municipal Research, Baltimore, Md., 1913-15; Assistant Director, Industrial Bureau, Board of Trade, Balti- more, Md. To date. Editorial Staff, the Baltimore Sun. Member, Baltimore Country Club; City Club. b. Baltimore, Md., March 14, 1886. s. John R. Gary and Mary E. Bush. Address, Editorial Staff, Baltimore Sun, Baltimore, Md. 472 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1906 Croweil, Thomas, SB. Entered 1902. American Iron and Steel Company, Lebanon, Pa., 2 years after graduation, as Machinist. Farming and Fruit Growing since 1909. Member, Pomona, State and National Grange; Chester and Delaware Counties Corn Growers' Association; Chester and Delaware Counties Fruit Growers' Association; Pennsylvania State Horticultural Association. b. Avondale, Pa., March 19, 1883. s. William J. Croweil and Frances Eakins. m. Philadelphia, Pa., August 16, 1915, Mary Shelmire. c. Richard S., 1916. Address, Avondale, Chester County, Pa. Dickson, Aubrey Cowtan, A.B. Entered 1902. Phi Beta Kappa. Purchasing Agent, Philadelphia Branch, Johns Manville, Inc. ; Commission Merchant, Wholesale Fruit and Produce ; Secretary and Treasurer, Nelson Valve Company, Chest- nut Hill, Pa. ; Treasurer's Department, Barber Asphalt Company, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Camden, N. J., November 14, 1884. s. David T. Dickson and Edith Elizabeth Cowtan. m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 14, 1915, Bertinia Hallowell (deceased 1922). c. Aubrey Cowtan, Jr., 1916; Bertinia Edith, 1918; Wallace Hallowell, 1922. Address, 515 West Clapier Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Doughten, Henry Warrington, Jr., A.B. Entered 1902. Savoy Opera Company, 1907. b. Moorestown, N. J., October 16, 1885. s. Henry Warrington Doughton and Anna . m. Wellesley, Mass., Florence C. Jones. Address, 59 Pearl Street, New York City. Edsall, Joseph Pusey, S.B, Entered 1902. With Western Electric Company, St. Louis, Mo., since gradua- tion. b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., July 22, 1883. s. James Edsall and Anna Stine Pusey. m. Bay City, Mich., December 6, 1913, Mabel Meeker, c. Hanford, 1915; Jane Ann, 1917. Address, 5903 En- right Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Fales, James Turner, A.B. Entered 1902. Beta Rho Sigma. Assistant Attorney, Chicago Title and Trust 1906] MATRICULATE CATALOG 473 Company, 1909-10; Associate, Law Firm of Kiiapp & Campbell, Attorneys for United States Steel Corporation, 1910-13; City Attorney for City of Lake Forest, 111., 1917-19. Four-Minute Speaker, 1916-18. Member, University Club, Chicago; Wheaton Country Club, Wheaton, 111. ; Chicago Bar Association ; Adven- turer's Club of Chicago. b. Chicago, 111., February 13, 1884. s. David Fales and Mary E. Lawton. m. New York City, February 11, 1920, Mary Thomp- son Chandler. Address, 111 West Washington Street, Chicago, 111., and Lake Forest, 111. Graves, Gordon Harwood, A.B. (A.B., Earlham, 1905; A.M., Columbia 1909; Ph.D., Columbia, 1914.) Entered 1905 from Earlham College. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Instructor in Mathematics, George School, Pa., 1906-08; same at Horace Mann High School, New York City, 1909; same at Columbia University, New York City, 1911-15; (Exchange Instructor, with Colorado Agricultural Col- lege, Fort Collins, Col, 1912-13) ; Instructor, Mathematics, Pur- due University, 1915-20; Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Pur- due University, 1920 to date. Member, American Mathematical Society; Mathematical Association of America; Treasurer, Lafa- yette Community Chorus ; Member, American Association Univer- sity Professors. b. Logansport, Ind., July 10, 1884. s. George Clarence Graves and Clara Burr Wiggins, m. Greeley, Col., June 24, 1916, Wini- fred Maria Sibley, c. Margaret, 1921. Address, 829 Main Street, West Lafayette, Ind. Haines, William Henry, Jr., A.B. Entered 1902 from Westtown Boarding School. With Haines, Jones & Cadbury, 1906-21 ; Secretary of same, 1918-21 ; with W. H. Newbold's Son & Co., 1921 to date. Mem- ber, University Club; Philadelphia Barge Club; City Club. Di- rector, Haines, Jones & Cadbury ; Treasurer,' Alumni Association of Haverford College, 1918 to date; Class Secretary; President, Spring Garden Association, 1920-21. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., March 1, 1885. s. William Henry Haines (Class 1871) and Mary Howell, m. South Orange, N. J., October 26, 1907, Alice Cresson Janvier, c. William Henry, HI, 1911; Ann, 1913; Francis J., 1916; Alice Cresson, 1921. Address, 500 West Chelten Avenue, Germantown, Pa. 474 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1906 Hemphill, Albert Weimer, S.B. Entered second term, 1905, from M. I. T. Engineer. First Lieutenant, F. A. O. R. C. during war. Mem- ber, American Legion; Bankers' Club of America (New York), b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., March 3, 1885. s. Alexander Julian Hemphill and Jeannette Cadmus, m. Summit, N. J., Oc- tober 8, 1910, Margaret M. Hovey. c. Alexander J., 2d, 1911; Franklin H., 1913; Geoffrey, 1919; Albert W., Jr., 1920. Ad- dress, 43 Cedar Street, New York City. Hopper, Harry Boardman. Entered 1902. Member of firm, William G. Hopper & Co., Stock and Bond Brokers, Philadelphia ; Director, New Chester Water Company ; Director, Warrior Copper Company. Member, Union League, Philadelphia; Phi Delta Theta Fraternity; Member, Board Trus- tees, Bucknell University ; Member, Philadelphia Stock Exchange. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 19, 1884. s. Harry S. Hopper and Harriet M. Bucknell. m. Narberth, Pa., April 24, 1912, Dor- othy Kerbaugh Goodwin, c. Harry S., 2d, 1913; EHzabeth Anne, 1918. Address, Merion, Pa. Kennard, William, Jr., A.B. Entered 1902. Captain, College Bowling Team (IV). With Provident Life and Trust Company since graduation, either as Agent or General Agent. To date. General Agent of same (Life Insurance). Mem- ber, Union League, Philadelphia ; Colonial Society of Pennsyl- vania; Moorestown Field Club; Riverton Country Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 25, 1884. s. William Kennard and Ruth Anna Lytle. m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 27, 1907, Anita B. Calves. Address, 122 East Central Avenue, Moorestown, N. J. Lindsay, William Gibbon, A.B. (A.B., Guilford, 1905.) Entered 1905. Professional Baseball Player (Southern and American League and Pacific Coast League) ; Farmer, Cultivating Tobacco ; Presi- dent, Rockingham Telephone Company; Vice-President, Auto Motor Corporation ; Vice-President, Madison Hosiery Mills ; Di- rector, Farmers' Bank and Trust Company. b. Madison, N. C, February 24, 1885. s. W. R. Lindsay and Nannie Hutchinson Meador. Address, Madison, N. C. 1906] MATRICULATE CATALOG 475 Lowry, Arthur Tilghman, A.B. Entered 1902. Captain, Football Team (IV). Iron and Steel Broker. Mem- ber, Merion Cricket Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 4, 1885. s. Edward S. Lowry and Deborah H. Patterson, m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., September 16, 1911, Isabel D. Sayres. c. Isabel Eustis, 1914; May Tilghman, 1915. Address, 715 Old Lancaster Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. fMiller, Warren Koons, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1909.) Entered 1902. Track "H" (III) ; Alumni Oratorical Contest (III). Attorney- at-Law. Editor, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 1908, 1909; Member, Sharswood Law Club; Order of The Coif. Mem- ber, House of Representatives of General Assembly of Pennsyl- vania, from Lehigh County, 1913. District Attorney of Lehigh County, 1915- . b. Schwenksville, Pa., October 23, 1883. d. November, 1918. s. Irvin S. Miller and Emma G. Koons. m. Allentown, Pa., De- cember 18, 1914, C. Frances Jordan. Monroe, James, A.B. (M.E., Cornell Univ., 1909.) Entered 1902. Mechanical Engineer. Engineer, Public Service Corporation of New Jersey, 1909-12; Engineer, Link Belt Company, Nicetown, Philadelphia, Pa., 1912-18; Chemical Warfare Service, Edgewood Arsenal, Md., 1918; Engineering Representative, Link Belt Com- pany, Cleveland, Ohio, 1919 to date. Member, Zeta Psi Fra- ternity; Philadelphia Cricket Club; University Club of Cleveland; Cornell Club of Philadelphia; Cornell University Club, New York City. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 26, 1886. s. William Frederic Mon- roe and Mary Elizabeth Perrine. m. Cincinnati, Ohio, May 21, 1921, Martha Nixon Shipley. Address, 9797 Newton Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Morris, Francis Bolton, S.B. Entered 1902. Mechanic, Maxwell-Briscoe Motor Company, Tarrytown, N. Y., 1906; Automobile Salesman, Scull-Morris Motor Company, Phila- delphia, 1907 ; Secretary and Treasurer, Morris Engineering Com- pany, Philadelphia, 1907-12; Salesman, Automobile Trucks, Auto- car Company, Philadelphia, 1913 ; Sugar Engineer, Student, etc., Porto Rico, 1914-16; Erecting Engineer (The Keppers Com- pany), Ramsey-Wood Coke Company, Swedeland, Pa., 1918; Sec- retary-Treasurer and Manager, Wright Manufacturing Company, 476 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1906 Manufacturers of Ecclesiastical Art Metal Work, Philadelphia, 1918 to date. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Keystone Automo- bile Club; Metal Manufacturers' Association of Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 9, 1885. s. William H. Morris (Class 1863) and Sallie W. Paul. m. Philadelphia, Pa., February 21, 1919, Eleanor V. McVey. Address, Villa Nova, Pa. Mott, Joseph Walton, S.B. Entered 1902. Clerk at Hotel Morton, Atlantic City, N. J., 1906; at Irving House, Philadelphia, 1907; at Devon Inn, Devon, Pa., 1907; Cashier at Chalfonte, Atlantic City, N. J., 1908-09; Steward, Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia, 1910-11; Steward, St. Charles Hotel, Atlantic City, N. J., 1912; Manager, Traymore, Atlantic City, 1913; Organizer of new company which built new Tray- more, 1914; Director, Secretary, Treasurer, General Manager, and Controlling Stockholder of Hotel Traymore Company, 1915 to date. Commissioner of Atlantic City Sinking Fund, 1920 to date; Director, Atlantic City National Bank, 1920 to date; Director and President, Central Pier Company, 1920 to date; Director, Eastern Fire Insurance Company, 1922 ; Director and President, Atlantic City Yacht Club Holding Company, 1922; Vice-Commodore, At- lantic City Yacht Club, 1922 ; Trustee, Atlantic City Hotel Men's Association ; Trustee, Atlantic City Publicity Bureau ; Member, National Advisory Board, Old Colony Club. Member, Manufac- turers' Club, Philadelphia; Chamber of Commerce of the United States ; Atlantic City Chamber of Commerce ; Morris Guards, At- lantic City ; Atlantic City Country Club ; Linwood Country Club ; Chelsea Yacht Club; Once a Week Club; National Hotel Men's Association ; New Jersey Hotel Men's Association ; Atlantic City Automobile Association ; The Greeters of America. b. Springfield, Iowa, December 28, 1880. s. Thomas Edgerton Mott and Martha Briggs. m. (1) Philadelphia, Pa., April 19, 1911, Elizabeth Robinson, c. Joseph Walton, Jr., 1912. m. (2) Buck Hill Falls, Pa., June 2, 1917, Lucile Gawthrop. c. Lucile Elizabeth, 1921. Address, Hotel Traymore, Atlantic City, N. J. Nauman, Spencer Gilbert, A.B. Entered 1902. Lawyer. Admitted to Bar, October 9, 1908. Practice of Law, Lancaster, Pa., 1908-17; Harrisburg since 1917. Officers' Train- ing Corps. b. Lancaster, Pa., October 9, 1885. s. George Nauman and Elizabeth Henderson. Address, Bergner Building, Harrisburg, Pa. 1906] MATRICULATE CATALOG 477 Philips, Jesse Duer, A.B. Entered 1902. Business Manager, Haverfordian (III) ; Captain, Track Team (IV) ; Cricket "H"; Soccer "H" (IV). Triangle Society. Traffic Department, Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, 1906-10; Assistant Superintendent, Wall Paper Mill, Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, 111., 1910-16; Secretary, Philips-Brinton Company, Manu- facturers Battery Ignition Systems, Kennett Square, Pa., 1916 to date. b. Kennett Square, Pa., April 17, 1883. s. D. Duer Philips and Emma Ivey. m. Wilmette, 111., September 19, 1914, Maude Allen. c. Allen Duer, 1915; David Everitt, 1919. Address, 221 Gar- field Street, Kennett Square, Pa. Pleasants, Henry, Jr., A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1910.) Entered 1902. Captain, Soccer Team (IV) ; Cricket Team, English Tour, 1904. Practicing Physician. Practice of Medicine, 1910 to date. Medi- cal Reserve Corps, 1916. Active Duty, 1917; Overseas Duty, April 6, 1918, to April 16, 1919; Honorable Discharge, May 1, 1919. Captain, 1917; Major, 1919 (Citation Certificate of Merit) ; Battalion Surgeon, 308th Infantry, Sanitary Inspector, 77th Di- vision ; Staff of Chief Surgeon, Advance Section, A. E. F. ; As- sistant Visiting Physician, Chester County Hospital. Editor, Memoirs of a Physician, by Vikenty Veressaye. Member, St. Elmo Club, Philadelphia; Alpha Mu Pi Omega Medical Fra- ternity; Philadelphia Pediatric Society; American Legion; Mili- tary Order Foreign Wars of United States ; Chester County His- torical Society; Chester County Medical Society. b. Radnor Township, Delav^are County, Pa., May 23, 1884. s. Henry Pleasants and Agnes Spencer, m. Radnor, Pa., June 8, 1909, Elizabeth Washington Smith, c. Henry, 3d, 1910; William Wilkins, 1911; Richard Rundle, 1912; Howard Spencer, 1912 (twins); Constantia Elizabeth, 1915; Dallas Franklin, 1917. Ad- dress, F. & M. Trust Building, West Chester, Pa. fReid, David J., A.B. Entered 1902. b. Philadelphia, Pa.. April 3, 1885. d. April 7, 1912. s. James Hugh Reid and Priscilla Cousley. Richards, Elliott Bartram, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1913.) Entered 1902. Lawyer. Member, Merion Cricket Club; University Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 26, 1884. s. Thomas John Richards 478 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1906 and Lydia Shipley Winn. Address, 700 West End Trust Build- ing, Philadelphia, Pa. Sands, Ralph William, A.B. Entered 1903. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Teacher of History, Northeast High School, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Phi Beta Kappa Association of Philadelphia. b. Winterdale, Pa., February 20, 1879. s. William H. Sands and Elizabeth A. White, m. Brooklyn, N. Y., June 26, 1912. Alice Stephens, c. Elizabeth W., 1913. Address, 233 Apsley Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Schweyer, Daniel Herbert, S.B. Entered 1904. Manager and Secretary, Henry A. Schweyer Company, Quarry- men and Manufacturers of Serpentine Green Marble, 9 years. President and Manager, Schweyer Electric and Manufacturing Company, to date. Inventor, Automatic Train Control, a safety appliance on Reading Railroad (Electro-Pneumatic) ; President and Half Owner of Hay-Schweyer & Co. ; President and Large Stockholder, Rock Products Company (Clay, Soapstone, Talc and other Rock Products). Member, Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, Lafayette College. b. King of Prussia, Pa., May 15, 1886. s. Henry A. Schweyer and Maria Bittenbender. m. Richmond, Va., February 2, 1909, Alice Taber English, c. Herbert English, 1910. Address, 1030 Jackson Street, Easton, Pa. Scott, Roderick, A.B.; A.M., 1907. (A.M., Harvard, 1908.) Entered 1902. Phi Beta Kappa, Clementine Cope Fellowship (IV). Instructor of English and Secretary of Y. M. C. A., Bowdoin College, 1908- 09; Assistant Professor of English, Earlham College, 1909-13; Student, Y. M. C. A., Petrograd, Russia, 1913-14; Assistant Sec- retary, Y. M. C. A., Vincennes, Ind., 1914-15; Acting Assistant Professor of English, OberHn College, 1915-16; Member of Foochow Mission of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1916 to date (Professor of English and Philoso- phy and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, and in 1919-20, Act- ing President, Fukien Christian University). b. Auburn, N. Y., July 12, 1885. s. Charles P. G. Scott and Jennie G. Smedley. m. Richmond, Ind., August 13, 1914, Agnes R. Kelly. Address, Foochow, China. 1906] MATRICULATE CATALOG _ 479 Sheldon, Franklin Gates, A.B. Entered 1902. Lumber Business, Swanton, Vt., 1907; at Newton Falls, N. Y., 1909. Druggist, Swanton, Vt., to date. b. Swanton, Vt., December 31, 1883. s. Bertram Cornelius Sheldon and Gertrude Noyes. m. Vermont, December 26, 1911, . Address, Swanton, Vt. Shortlidge, Raphael Johnson, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1909.) Entered 1902. Manager, Football Team (IV) ; President, Y. M. C. A. (IV). Teacher, West Chester Normal School, West Chester, Pa., 1906- 08; Cascadilla School, Ithaca, N. Y., 1909-10; The Choate School, Wallingford, Conn., 1910 to date. 1912 to date. Headmaster, Camp Marienfeld, Chesham, N. H. b. Media, Pa., August 3, 1883. s. Swithin Chandler Shortlidge and Mary Jane Johnson, m. Nelson, N. H., September 2, 1914, Helen Wetmore Houghton, c. George Houghton, 1916; Anne, 1918; Margaret, 1919. Address, 38 Beaumont Avenue, Walling- ford, Conn. Smiley, Albert Keith, A.B. Entered 1902. Football "H"; Manager, College Track Team (IV). With Lake Mohonk Mountain House and Estate since 1906. Assistant Steward and in Charge of Transportation, Ordering and Me- chanical Work until 1909; Steward and in Charge of Mechanical Work, etc., 1910-15; Manager, 1916 to date. Treasurer, Catskill Shawangunk Mountain Association. b. Mohonk Lake, N. Y., August 8, 1883. s. Daniel Smiley (Class 1878) and Effie Florence Newell, m. West Chester, Pa., June 18, 1906, Mabel Archer Craven, c. Daniel, Jr., 1907; Albert Keith, Jr., 1910; Anna Craven, 1914. Address, Lake Mohonk Mountain House, Mohonk Lake, Ulster County, N. Y. Stratton, John Alfred, S.B. Entered 1902. Building Contractor (R. C. Ballinger & Co., Philadelphia). b. Winona, Ohio, August 17, 1882. s. Abram Stratton and Hannah D. Brautingham. m. Llanerch, Pa., September 29, 1909, Isadora E. P. Brown, c. Charles B., 1912; John A., Jr., 1913; Morton B., 1916; Alice E., 1919. Address, Moylan, Pa. 480 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1906 Taylor, Francis Richards, A.B.; A.M, 1910 (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1909.) Entered 1902. Attorney-at-Law. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 31, 1884. s. Thomas B. Taylor and Elizabeth Savery. m. Moorestown, N. J., May 30, 1911, Elizabeth Bell Richie, c. Esther Hunt, 1913; Hubert Richie, 1916; Marian Phillips, 1918; Margery Scull, 1920. Address, 525 Ryerss Avenue, Cheltenham, Pa., and 918 Stephen Girard Build- ing, Philadelphia, Pa. Tunney, Joseph John, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1909.) Entered 1902. Attorney-at-Law. Secretary, Legal Advisory Board, Pennsyl- vania Council of National Defense; Assistant City Solicitor, City Hall, Philadelphia. Member, University Club, Philadelphia; Law Association, Philadelphia; Cahill Club, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 25, 1883. s. William Tunney and Hannah Lynch, m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 18, 1917, Maria Frances Kelly. Address, 1420 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Young, Walter Albert, A.B. (A.B., Friends Univ., 1905 ; A.M., Chicago, 1912.) Entered 1905 from Friends' University. Instructor in History, Wichita High School; Professor of His- tory, Iowa State Teachers' College. b. Marion, Ky., April 2, 1882. s. Isaac Newton Young and Martha Dowell. m. Arkansas City, Kans., August 16, 1916, Mary Edith Wilson, c. Wilson Abron, 1918. Address, Iowa State Teachers' College, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Non-Graduates fEvans, Donald. Entered 1902 and left in February, 1903. Assistant Editor, Philadelphia Inquirer, 1905-11 ; Assistant Edi- tor, New York Times, 1911-15; Assistant Editor, Philadelphia Inquirer, 1915-17; Enlisted Soldier, Medical Department, United States Army, 1917-19; Editor-in-Chief, Daily Garment News, 1919-21. Author: Discords; Sonnets from the Patagonian; Two Deaths in the Bronx; Nine Poems from a V aletudinarium ( ?) ; Ironica. Member, Patrons, New York. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 24, 1884. d. New York City, N. Y., May 29, 1921. s. William Penn Evans and Anne Mary Idell. m. Easton, Pa., January 9, 1918, Esther EHzabeth Porter, c. Anne, 1918. 1906] MATRICULATE CATALOG 481 Ewing, J. M. Sharpless. Entered 1902 and left in Spring, 1904. Gymnasium "H" (I). Huff Paper Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1904- rO; A. M. Collins Manufacturing Company, 1910-19; Edwin P. Lindsay, Boston, 1919 to date (Sale of Chemical Wood Pulp for use in Manufacturing of Paper and the Sale of Paper), b. Bridgeton, N. J., February 8, 1882. s. Maskell Ewing and Beulah S. Harmer. m. Darlington, Md., September 28, 1909, Elizabeth Newlin Smith, c. Elizabeth Mason, 1912 ; Jean Stewart, 1914; Maskell, II, 1916. Address, Washington Lane and Sullivan Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Harvey, Thomas Parrott. (A.B., Lake Forest, 1906; LL.B., In- diana Law School, 1909.) Entered 1902 and left at close of the Freshman year. Lawyer. Odd jobs in Southern California, 1906. Indiana Law School, 1907-09; Member, House of Representatives, Indiana Legislature, Session of 1915. Travelers Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn., since 1908, Handling Claim Department in In- diana, Ohio, Kentucky. Member, Phi Pi Epsilon, Lake Forest College; Inn of Chancery, Indiana Law School; Indianapolis Bar Association ; Columbia Club, Indianapolis ; Marion Club, In- dianapolis; Exchange Club, Indianapolis, and Hawthorne Tennis Club, Indianapolis. b. Indianapolis, Ind., March 9, 1884. s. Lawson M. Harvey (Class 1881) and Kate Parrott. m. Ottumwa, Iowa, October 26, 1909, Frances Stoltz. c. Thomas Stolz, 1912; Jean, 1914. Ad- dress, 212 East Thirty-second Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Maloney, Jackson. Entered 1902 and left 1904. Strawbridge & Clothier, Stock Boy and Salesman, 1904-05 ; Father's Law Office, 1905, June to October; Clerk, Philadelphia Life Insurance Company, October, 1905, to November, 1905 ; Gen- eral Agent, Philadelphia Life Insurance Company, 1905-13; Manager of Agencies, Philadelphia Life Insurance Company, 1913- 21. Vice-President and Director, Philadelphia Life Insurance Company, 1921 to date; Director, Sun River Chemical Company; Vice-President and Director, Dr. Von's Health Biscuit Company, Inc. Member, National Geographic Society ; American Red Cross ; Robert A. Lamberton Lodge No. 487, Free and Accepted Masons ; Philadelphia Association of Life Underwriters ; National Asso- ciation of Life Underwriters; Plico Club of Philadelphia; Life 31 482 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1907 Insurance Company; Lodge No. 2, B. P. O. E. ; Choral Art So- ciety of Philadelphia ; Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania ; Neff College of Oratory Alumni Association; Haverford College Alumni Association; Playgrounds Association of Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 3, 1884. s. Andrew Jackson Ma- loney and Susie Noble, m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 7, 1909, Elsie Elizabeth James, c. Andrew Jackson, 1913; Elsie May, 1917. Address, 1009 North Sixty-fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., and 111 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fShapleigh, Norwald. Entered 1902; left middle of Freshman year. b. New York City, November 20, 1885. d. . s. Waldron Shapleigh and Mary Haskins Du Puy. Spencer, George Henry. Entered 1902 ; left at end of Freshman yertr. b. Tokio, Japan, November 20, 1883. s. John Oakley Spencer and Almeda Ruth Cushman. No address. 1907 Birdsall, Joseph Cooper, A.B.; A.M., 1911. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1911.) Entered 1903. Football "H" (I, III and IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa. Surgeon and Genito-Urinary Specialist. Resident Physician, University Hos- pital, Philadelphia, 1911-13; Instructor in Surgery, University of Pennsylvania, 1913-18; Assistant Surgeon, Out- Patient Depart- ment, University Hospital, 1913-18; Instructor and Associate Pro- fessor of Urology, Post-Graduate School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 1913 to date. Chief of Urological Dispensary, Presbyterian Hospital, Philadelphia, 1918-19; First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, United States Army, 1917-18; Captain, United States Army Medical Corps, 1918-19; in charge of Urological Department, Base Hospital No. 20, France, 1918-19; Urological Staflf at Camps DeSouge and Beau Desert and Commanding Offi- cer of Provisional Battalion, St. Sulpice, Base Section No. 2, 1919, February to August. Author of various scientific articles. Member, University Club, Philadelphia; Merion Cricket Club; Doctor's Saturday Night Club; Philadelphia Genito-Urinary So- ciety; Philadelphia Pathological Society; Philadelphia County Medical Society ; American Urological Association ; American As- 1907] MATRICULATE CATALOG 483^ sociation of Immunologists ; Fellow of College of Physicians, Philadelphia ; Lu Lu Temple ; Lu Lu Temple Mounted Guard. b. Leptondale, Orange County, N. Y., September 11, 1882. s. Lindley F. Birdsall and Abbie Morrison, m. Chatel Guyon, France, January 1, 1919, Anne Elizabeth Newman. Address, 4610 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Brown, Arthur Emlen, S.B. Entered 1903. Football "H" (IV). Manufacturing of Folding Paper Boxes since 1907, with Brown & Bailey Company (Director in sarhe company). Member, University Club, Philadelphia; Germantown Cricket Club; Old Colony Club, Inc.; Keystone Automobile Club. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., May 29, 1883. s. David J. Brown and Anne Emlen Bangs. Address, 446 Church Lane, Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Brown, Paul Willits, A.B. Entered 1903. Football "H". Lukens Iron and Steel Company, Coatesville, Pa., 1907-08; John R. Evans & Co., Leather, Philadelphia, Pa., 1908-09; Wurts, Dulles & Co., Bankers, Philadelphia, Pa., 1909- 11; Elkins, Morris & Co., Philadelphia, 1911 to date (Manager, Bond Department). Clerk of Borough Council, Downingtown, Pa. ; President, Downingtown Men's Club. b. East Downingtown, Pa., September 2, 1885. s. Ellis Yarnall Brown and Sarah Elizabeth Willits. m. Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa., September 20, 1911, Mary Aitken Bradbury, c. Paul W., Jr., 1913; Chapman, 1914; Martha Bradbury, 1917. Address, East Lancaster Avenue, East Downingtown, Pa. Comfort, George Brinton, S.B. Entered 1903. Captain, Bowling Team (IV). For 2 years, machinist and tool maker in various plants ; Superintendent, Rockwell Manufactur- ing Company, Manufacturers Gasoline Engines; Superintendent, American Bronze Company, Manufacturers "Non-Gran" Bearing Bronze; Superintendent of Properties, Hotel Traymore, Atlantic City; Production Manager, Nelson Valve Company, Valve Manii- facturers; Assistant Works Manager, Miller Lock Company, Frankford, Philadelphia, to date. Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers ; Industrial Engineering Club of Philadel- phia; Chairman, Committee on Papers. b. Spring Mill, Montgomery County, Pa., October 29, 1886. s. I. Roberts Comfort and Anna Adelaide Brinton. m. West 484 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1907 Chester, Pa., June 8, 1910, Ruth L. Hoopes, c. Mary Brinton, 1911. Address, 6369 Sherman Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Craig, George Craig, S.B. Entered 1903. Lumber Manufacturer and Wholesale Lumber Merchant. Mem- ber, Union League. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 23, 1886. s. George F. Craig and Sarah Y. Cadwallader. m. New York City, July 7, 1911, Olive M. Kelley. c. Nancy M., 1912; George, 1915; William B., 1918; Rebecca L., 1921. Address, 12 Radnor Way, Radnor, Pa. CroU, Walter Lewis,A.B.; A.M., 1911. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1911.) Entered 1904. At University of Pennsylvania; President, Hirst Obstetrical So- ciety; President of Class, Senior year; Editor-in-Chief of "Scope" ; Member, Sigma Xi. Chief Resident Physician, Howard Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Consulting Obstetrician to Southern Maternity Dispensary, University of Pennsylvania; Resident Physician, Elizabeth Steel Magee Maternity Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1912-16; Instructor in Obstetrics, University of Pittsburgh, 1912-13; First Assistant Professor of same, 1913-16; Obstetrician, Presbyterian Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1915- ; Obstetrician to Bethesda Home, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1916- . Member, Allegheny County Medical Society; College of Physicians, Pittsburgh, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 19, 1884. s. Lewis Coulter CroU and Clara Virginia Matthias. Address, 400 West North Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dodge, Ira Jacob, B.S. Entered 1903. Editor-in-Chief, Haverfordian (IV) ; Winner of Alumni Ora- torical Medal (IV); President, Y. M. C. A. (IV). Lumber Business in Northwest, 1908. Real Estate, Seattle and Medford, Ore. ; Sales Manager, Northwest Territory, Kleine-Edison- Selig-Essanay Motion Pictures ; First Officers' Training Camp, Presidio, San Francisco, 1917; Second Lieutenant, Quartermaster Corp ; Camp Lewis, Wash. ; Camp Kearny, San Diego, Cal. ; Field Quartermaster, Mather Field (Air Service), Sacramento, Cal. ; Adjutant General's Department, First Lieutenant, Adjutant General's Department; Camp Kearny, as Assistant Camp Per- sonnel Adjutant; Discharged, Columbus, Ohio, October 21, 1919. To date, Labor Research Work, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Com- pany, Akron, Ohio. 1907] MATRICULATE CATALOG 485 b. Akron, Ohio, June 23, 1884. s. Burdette Lynde Dodge and Nellie Snyder. Address, Medford Building, Akron, Ohio. Eldridge, William Stauflfer, A.B.; A.M., 1917. Entered 1903. Secretary to Director of Department of Public Health, Phila- delphia, 1907-08; Instructor of Shorthand, Temple University, 1908-09; Instructor of English, Philadelphia Trades School, 1909- 12; Associate Professor of English, Southern High School, 1912; Professor of Greek and Latin, West Philadelphia High School for Boys, since 1912. Member, Philadelphia Classical Club; Phila- delphia Society for Promotion of Liberal Studies; Philadelphia Classical League ; Classical Association of Middle Atlantic States ; High School Men's Organization. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 1, 1884. s. William Brookfield Eldridge and Elizabeth Stauffer. m. Ardmore, Pa., December 25, 1907, Gertrude Anderson. Address, 29 East Stewart Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa. Evans, Harold, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1910.) Entered 1903. Alumni Oratorical Prize (HI). Lawyer. Member, American Friends' Service Committee Mission to Germany, 1919-20. Mem- ber, University Club, Philadelphia; City Club, Philadelphia. b. Germantown, Pa., October 26, 1886. s. Jonathan Evans and Rachel R. Cope. m. Germantown, Pa., May 1, 1914, Sylvia Hathaway, c. Sylvia H., Jr., 1915; Margaret, 1916; Nathaniel H., 1917; Faith, 1921. Address, "Awbury," Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. Godley, Francis Downing, S.B. Entered 1903. Captain, Cricket Team (IV) ; Cricket "H." Insurance Busi- ness, 1907-09; General Merchandise Storage ( Godley 's Storage Warehouse), to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 12, 1883. s. Philip Godley and Mary V. Downing, m. Downingtown, Pa., April 21, 1910, Mari- bah W. Brown, c. Philip, Jr., 1912; Sarah W., 1914; Mary V., 1915. Address, Millbrook and Railroad Avenues, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Gummere, Samuel James, S.B. Entered 1903. Beta Rho Sigma. The Hooker Electro-Chemical Company, Niagara Falls, 1907; William D'Olier & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 486 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1907 • 1907-08; Treasurer's Office, Pennsylvania Railroad, 1908-17; United States Army, 1917-19, Captain; Camp Personnel Adjutant, Camp Humphreys, until 1918; General Headquarters, A. E. F,, overseas 11 months; Coordinating Officer of the G-1 Section of General Staff, January, 1919, at Brest, France. February, 1919, Major. Discharged, June, 1919. The Scott Company, Industrial Engineers, June, 1919, to June, 1920; The Dayton Company, Minneapolis, Minn., June, 1920, to date. b. New Bedford, Mass., August 16, 1885. s. Francis Barton Gummere (Class 1872) and Amelia Smith Mott. m. Haver ford, Pa., October 10, 1910, Margery Tatnall. c. Francis Barton, III, 1911; James Edward Tatnall, 1912; Barbara, 1917. Address, care of Dayton Company, Nicollet Avenue, Seventh and Eighth Streets, Minneapolis, Minn. Haines, Wilbur Hamilton, S.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1911.) Entered 1903. Football "H" (I, II, III, IV). Resident Physician, German Hospital, Philadelphia, 1912-14; Field Coach, Haverford College Football Coach, 1907; Head Coach, 1908-09; Practicing Genito- urinary Surgery, Philadelphia, since June, 1914. Assistant . Urologist to Lankenau Hospital since 1914; Genito-Urinary Sur- geon to St. Agnes Hospital since 1916 ; Assistant Professor of • Urology, University of Pennsylvania Post-Graduate School, 1921- 22; Consultant in Urology to Adams County Hospital, Gettys- • burg, Pa., since 1921 ; Attending Urologist to St. Mary's Hospital, 1922, Member, Medical Advisory Board, Council National De- fense, Pennsylvania, 1917-18; First Lieutenant, United States Army, Medical Corps, November, 1918, to March, 1919; Genito- Urinary Consultant to War Risk Insurance Bureau since 1919. Member, Philadelphia County and Pennsylvania State Medical Societies ; American Medical Association ; Association of Military Surgeons ; Philadelphia Genito-Urinary Society ; American Uro- • logical Association ; Northern Medical Association ; Alpha Mu Pi Omega Medical Fraternity; Phi Gamma Delta; Physicians' Motor Club of Philadelphia ; Union League ; Merion Cricket Club ; Ameri- can Legion. b. Haddonfield, N. J,, January 23, 1883. s. Hamilton Haines and Rebecca Kaighn. m. Philadelphia, Pa., March 26, 1918, Ren- wick Carrick. c. Wilbur Hamilton, Jr., 1919; Nancy Jeanette, 1921. Address, Medical Arts Building, Sixteenth and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa., and Rosemont, Pa. 1907] MATRICULATE CATALOG 487 Hoover, Charles Ruglas, S.B.; A.M., 1908. (Ph.B., Penn Col- lege, 1906; Ph.D., Harvard, 1913.) Entered 1906. Teacher of Chemistry. Professor, Chemistry, Penn College, 1909-10; Austin Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, 1910-11; Research Fellow on Carnegie Foundation, Harvard, 1911-13; As- sociate Professor, Chemistry, Syracuse University, 1913-15; As- sociate Professor of Chemistry, Wesleyan University, 1915-18; Professor, Chemistry, Wesleyan University, 1918 to date. Gas Chemist, Research Division, Chemical Warfare Service, 1918-19. Author, articles on Atomic Weights and Gas Analysis. Devised and patented carbon monoxide absorbent and detector. Member, Sigma Xi ; Alpha Chi Sigma ; American Chemical Society ; Ameri- can Association for the Advancement of Science. b. Oskaloosa, Iowa, September 30, 1885. s. H. A. Hoover and Edith A. Crane, m. September 7, 1912, Anna Mary Johnson, c. Albert Charles, 1913; John Crane, 1919. Address, 151 Mount Vernon Street, Middletown, Conn. Jones, Ernest Fuller, A.B. (M.F., Yale, 1911.) Entered 1902. Captain, Football Team (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV) ; "Spoon Man"; Founders' Club; Football "H" ; Track "H." Forester. United States Forest Service. Great Northern Paper Company. b. South China, Me., June 10, 1883. s. Frank E. Jones and Luella E. Graves. Address, South China, Me, fLee, Charles Frederick, A.B. (A.B. Earlham, 1906; A.M., Har- vard, 1909.) Entered 1906. Student of Philosophy and English, Harvard University, b. Friendsville, Tenn., November 24, 1879. d. October 17, 1914. s. and Ruth . Lindsay, Raleigh Cabell, A.B. (A.B., Guilford, 1906.) Entered 1906 from Guilford College. Admitted to Bar of North Carolina, 1911. Private Practice of Law to date. b. Madison, N. C, November 15, 1885. s. William R. Lindsay and Nancy Hunt Meador. Address, Madison, N. C. Magill, James P., S.B. Entered 1903. Cricket "H" (HI); Football "H" (IV); Founders' Club (President, 1915-16). Fayette R. Plumb, Inc., Manufacturers of Hammers, Hatchets and Axes, 1907-12; Production Superin- 488 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1907 tendent, F. R. Plumb, Inc., 1911-12; Elkins, Morris & Co. Phila- delphia, Investment Bankers, 1912-17; Manager of Bond De- partment, Elkins, Morris & Co. ; in France with Pennsylvania Hospital Unit attached to British Expeditionary Forces, 1917-19; Bond Department, Guaranty Trust Company of New York (Phila- delphia Office), 1919; Sales Manager, Guaranty Trust Company of New York; Buffalo Office, 1921 to date. Member, University Club, Philadelphia, and Merion Cricket Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 31, 1885. s. Andrew Magill and M. Eleanor Ash. Address, 2129 Land Title Building, Philadel- phia, Pa. March, Joseph Cornell Beans, A.B. Entered 1903. b. North Carolina, June 28, 1885. s. Franklin March and Jennie Beans. No address. t March, Michael Henry, SB. Entered 1903. Manager, Football Team (IV). President of Class (IV). Sec- retary, Bader Coal Company, Boston, Mass. b. Pottstown, Pa., December 4, 1882. d. , 1916. s. Thomas Jefferson March and Emma C . Mitchell, Howard, A.B. (A.M., Columbia, 1918.) Entered 1906 from Friends' University. Teacher. Study in Germany, France and Switzerland. Head of Modern Language Department, Holyoke High School, Holyoke, Mass. b. Harveyville, Kan., November 15, 1884. s. Howard Mitchell and Mary F. Van Ornem. m. Santa Barbara, Cal., June 10, 1910, Mable Alice Rasey. Address, 29 Liberty Terrace, Holyoke, Mass. Morton, Alfred Balch, A.B. (A.M., Johns Hopkins Univ. 1911.) Entered 1905. Graduate Student at Johns Hopkins University, 1908-11; Real Estate Broker, Baltimore, 1911-17; Economist in Bureau of Re- search, War Trade Board, Washington, 1918-19 (Far Eastern Affairs) ; Chief of Statistical Department of the Inter- Continental Trading Corporation of Baltimore; Economist and Investigator for the United States Bureau of Efficiency, Washington, D. C. Member, Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity; Baltimore Country Club. b. Baltimore, Md., October 8, 1887. s. Franklin Joy Morton and Fanny M. Nason. m. Baltimore, Md., March 16, 1916, Martha H. Loflin. c. Priscilla Gaither, 1917. Address, Tudor Hall Apartments, University Parkway, Baltimore, Md. 1907] MATRICULATE CATALOG 489 fNicholson, John Whitall, Jr., A.B. Entered 1903. Manager, Cricket Team (IV) ; Leader, Mandolin Club (IV) ; Leader, Glee Club (IV). Whitall, Tatum Company, Philadelphia, until 1917; Army Y. M. C. A. work. Camp Dix, 1917-18. b. Germantown, Pa., October 16, 1886. d. Moorestown, N. J., April 10, 1918. s. John Whitall Nicholson and Eliza E. Stokes, m. October 15, 1912, Isabelle P. Haines. Padin, Jose, S.B. ; A.M., 1908. Entered 1903. Teacher of English, Corozal, Porto Rico, 1908 ; Acting Superin- tendent of Schools and Actual Superintendent of Guayama, Porto Rico, 1909-12; Superintendent of Schools, Arecibo, Porto Rico, 1912-13 ; General Superintendent of Schools for Porto Rico, 1913- 16; Assistant Commissioner of Education for Porto Rico, 1916- 17; Editor and Manager in Charge of the Spanish-American De- partment of D. C. Heath & Co., since 1917. Editor, Porto Rico School Review, 1917; Author in collaboration, "Cervantes-Shakes- peare Tercentenary" and "Nociones de Agricultura Tropical." April to June, 1917, on Committee to Organize Military Regis- tration (Porto Rico) ; Translator of some of Vicente Blasco Ibafiez's articles and short stories. Member, American Associa- tion of Teachers of Spanish; Porto Rico Teacher's Association; Ateneo de Puerto Rico, etc. Author of "El mercader de Venecia," an annotated edition of "The Merchant of Venice," for Spanish- speaking students. b. San Juan, Porto Rico, May 3, 1886. s. Jose Padin and Francisca Rodriguez, m. San Juan, Porto Rico, June 2, 1917. Paulina Cuebas Montval. Address, care of D. C. Heath & Co., 239 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City. Ricks, Richard Arnold, S.B. (S.B., Guilford, 1906.) Entered 1906 from Guilford College. Admitted to Virginia State Bar. Banking Business; Law In- spector for Insurance Company; Real Estate Business. Member, Country Club of Virginia; Commonwealth Club, Richmond, Va. b. Caroline County, Va., June 10, 1885. s. Richard Arnold Ricks and Eliza Catharine Crenshaw. Address, 1149 West Ave- nue, Richmond, Va. Rossmassler, William Ryle, S.B. Entered 1903. Captain, Soccer Team (IV) ; Manager, Gymnasium Team (IV); Member, Beta Rho Sigma; Soccer "H." Sauquoit Silk 490 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1907 Manufacturing Company, 1907-17; General Manager, Allied Silk Trading Corporation of New York (Government Work) ; Assist- ant Treasurer, Sauquoit Silk Manufacturing Company, 1919 to date. Member, Merion Cricket Club ; University Club ; Manhattan Club, New York City. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 9, 1884. s. Richard Rossmassler and Bertha Collins, m. November 22, 1919, Eleanor Radford, c. William Ryle, Jr., 1921. Address, 4015 Clarissa Street, Philadel- phia, Pa., and Bryn Mawr, Pa. Shoemaker, Howard Hey, A.B. Entered 1903. William M. Lloyd Lumber Company, 1907-08; Wilkinson Bros. & Co., Inc., Paper Business, 1909. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 12, 1885. s. Charles John Shoe- maker and Lucretia Hey. Address, 2029 Arch Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Tatnall, Edward Comfort, SB. Entered 1903. Track "H" (I, II, III); Captain (IV); Football "H" (III, IV). Beta Rho Sigma. Advertising Solicitor, Philadelphia North American; Copy Writer, F. Wallis Armstrong Advertising Agency; Solicitor, Philadelphia Evening Times; Advertising Solicitor, Tracy Parry Advertising Agency; Philadelphia Repre- sentative, Federal Advertising Agency; General Manager, Na- tional Inspection Company; Sales Manager, James Boyd & Bro. ; Assistant Advertising Manager, Ladies' Home Journal Pattern Company, New York; Advertising Manager, The Electric Jour- nal, Pittsburgh; Assistant Advertising Manager, The Horseless Age, New York; Advertising Manager, Puck, New York. First Lieutenant, Field Artillery, and Signal Officer, 310th Field Ar- tillery, 79th Division, France, July 12, 1918, to April 30, 1919. Instructor in Radio at Army Artillery School, Valdahon, France, December, 1918, to February, 1919; 307th Field Artillery, 78th Division, until demobilized. May 28, 1919. Advertising Solicitor, Cosmopolitan Magazine; Sales Manager, Culm-Burn Equipment Company, to date. Member, National Arts Club, New York ; Ad- vertising Club, New York; Poor Richard Club, Philadelphia; Merion Cricket Club. b. South Bethlehem, Pa., December 7, 1884. s. James E. Tatnall and Edith A. Comfort. Address, 262 South Seventeenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1907] MATRICULATE CATALOG 491 Tatnall, Emmett Robinson, A.B. Entered 1903. Manager, Soccer and Track Teams (IV), Volunteer with M, M. Warburg & Co., Hamburg, Germany, 1907-08 ; Bourke, Schiff & Co., London, England, 1908-09; Union Discount Company, London, England, January, 1909, to April, 1909; London Joint Stock Bank, London, England, April to May, 1909. With Henry & West, Bankers, Philadelphia, 1909-12 ; Keystone Coal and Coke Company, Philadelphia, 1912-16; Cassatt & Co., Bankers, Phila- delphia, 1912-18, President, Franklin Coal and Coke Company, Philadelphia, 1916 to date. School of Military Aeronautics, Georgia School of Technology, 1918; Second Lieutenant, Signal Corps, Air Service, April 1, 1918; Eberts Field, Lonoke, Ark., until July, 1918; Boiling Field, Anacostia, D. C, 1918-19; Supply Officer, Quartermaster, Ordnance and Transportation Officer, Boiling Field; and Supply Officer, 312th Aero Squadron, July 8 to December 31, 1919. Member, Merion Cricket Club; University Club, Philadelphia; American Legion, John Winthrop Post No, 118, Bryn Mawr, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 6, 1884. s, Henry Tatnall and Lola De Haven Robinson, m. Haverford, Pa., October 12, 1911, Margaret Felton. c, Alice Bent, 1914; Rachel Burgess, 1918. Address, Haverford, Pa. Terrell, Charles Clayton, S.B. (S.B., Wilmington College, 1906.) Entered 1906. Pure-Bred Live Stock Farmer. Executive Committee, Farm Bureau Federation; President, County Duroc-Jersey Breeders' Association; Secretary, Ohio Duroc-Jersey Association; Trustee, Wilmington College; Reading Clerk, Wilmington Yearly Meeting of Friends ; Presiding Clerk of Fairfield Quarterly Meeting ; Mem- ber, Young Friends Active Board, Five Years' Meeting; Chair- man, Foreign Missions Committee, Wilmington Y, M, C. A. ; Chairman, Young Friends Active Committee, Wilmington Y, M. C, A., Member, Percheron Society of America ; American Duroc Breeders' Association. b. New Vienna, Ohio, July 22, 1885. s. James H, Terrell and Edith H. Nordyke, m. New Vienna, Ohio, September 29, 1915, Helen Elizabeth Coffin. Address, R. F. D. No. 1, New Vienna, Ohio. Warner, Alexander Nes, SB. Entered 1903. Manager, Musical Clubs (HI). Oil Business (producing crude oil, gas and gasoline) and Farming (breeding pure-bred livestock). 492 HAVERFORD COLLEGE fl907 b. Titusville, Pa., July 17, 1886. s. William C. Warner and Katherine Nes. m. Rosemont, Pa., October 7, 1911, Frances Yardley Craig, c. Edith W., 1913; Lydia C, 1915. Address, 708 Perry Street, Titusville, Pa., and Second National Bank Building, Titusville, Pa. Windle, WiUiam Butler, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1910.) Entered 1903. Soccer Team "H" (IV) ; Manager, Musical Clubs (IV) ; Tri- angle Society. Law Student, 1907-10; Practiced Law, Chester County Bar, West Chester, Pa., 1910-16; Military Service, United States, on Mexican Border, as Member of Pennsylvania National Guard, 1916-17; Practice of Law, February, 1917, to July, 1917; United States Army, July 15, 1917, to June 2, 1919. Major, As- sistant Judge Advocate, 28th Division, United States Army, A. E. F., 1918-19. Practice of Law, June, 1919. District Attorney of Chester County for 4 years, term beginning January, 1920. Member, Phi Kappa Sigma; Sharswood Club (Law); American Legion; West Chester Golf and Country Club. b. West Chester, Pa., August 4, 1886. s. William Seal Windle and Mary Butler, m. St. Martins, Philadelphia, Pa., June 27, 1917, Eleanor Landis Porcher. Address, 115 North High Street, West Chester, Pa. Wood, George Hallock, S.B. Entered 1903. Vice-President of Class (III) ; President of Class (IV) ; Gen- eral Honors (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV) ; Football "H." Elec- trical Department of Carrie Furnaces of Homestead Plant of Carnegie Steel Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1907-10; Inquiry De- partment, Correspondent of I. and P. Department of Westing- house Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1910-11; Salesman, Borton Tierney Company of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh Office, 1911- 12; Manager and later Superintendent of The Waverley Com- pany, Commercial Vehicles, Indianapolis, Ind., 1912-18; Assistant to General Manager, The Carey Machinery and Supply Com- pany, Baltimore, Md., 1918-19; Assistant to General Manager, J. H. Williams & Co., Brooklyn and Buffalo, N. Y., 1919-21; Engineer for Western Block Company, Lockport, N. Y. b. Farmington, Ontario County, N. Y., January 2, 1883. s. Charles Henry Wood and Adelaide Hallock. m. Williamsburg, Ind., October 4, 1913, Hazel B. Oler. c. Robert Walter, 1914; Frances Adelaide, 1918. Address, 7Z Delaware Road, Station H, Buffalo, N. Y. 1907] matriculate catalog 493 Non-Graduates Barr, Karl Jackson, Entered 1903 and left June, 1906. Citizens' National Bank, Paris, 111., 1906-08; Reporter, Paris Daily News, Paris, 111., 1908-10; Assistant City Engineer, Paris, 111., 1910-11; Civil Engineering and Construction Business, Dan- ville, 111., 1911-13; 1913, County Surveyor, Paris, III; County Superintendent of Highways, Paris, III, 1914-18; Chief Engineer, Coventy Land and Improvement Company, Akron, Ohio, 1918; Engineering Department, Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, December, 1918, to September, 1920. Secretary, Akron Lodge B. P. O. E., September, 1920, to September, 1921. Sports Editor, Akron Press, Akron, Ohio, September, 1921, to date. Twice rejected for enlistment in army; enlisted with Red Cross for Ambulance Service ; accepted, but not called into service. Member, B. P. O. E. ; Akron Chamber of Commerce; Sons Ameri- can Revolution. b. Paris, 111., December 24, 1884. s. James D. Barr and Har- riet D. Wilson, m. Paris, 111., June 24, 1908, Bess Link. c. Rob- ert Link, 1910; Mary Margaret, 1915. Address, Elks' Club, Akron, Ohio. Buzby, John Stewart. Entered 1903 ; left Sophomore year. b. Moorestown, N. J., December 2, 1886. s. John Burrows Buzby and Emily Hudders. Address, Edgewater Park, Burling- ton County, N. J. Cadbury, Richard, Jr. Entered 1903; left Sophomore year. Public Works, with David Pepper, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa.; with Smethurst & Allen, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Leather Belting, J. E. Rhoads & Sons, Wilmington, Del. ; Social Work : Playground As- sociation, Wilmington, Del. ; New York School of Philanthropy ; University Settlement, New York City; New York Charity Or- ganization ; American Red Cross, Seattle, Wash. ; American Red Cross, Yakima, Wash. ; Executive Secretary of same ; American Friends' Service at Warsaw to May, 1922. Member, The Moun- taineers, Seattle, Wash. ; The Sagebrush and Pine Club, Yakima, Wash. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 8, 1885. s. Richard T. Cadbury (Class 1872) and Helen V. Nathans. Address, Box 185, Haver- ford, Pa. 494 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1907 Claassen, Cornelius Jansen. Entered 1903 ; left at close of Freshman year. Cashier, State Bank of Jansen, Jansen, Neb., 1904-07; Manager, Peter Jansen Company, Grain Merchants, Winnipeg, Canada, 1907-09; Assistant Secretary and now Vice-President, Peters' Trust Company, Omaha, Neb., 1909 to date; Vice-President, Peters' National Bank, Omaha, 1920 to date; President, Dailey State Bank, Dailey, Col., 1919-21. Member, Nebraska Home Guards, Company A, 1917-18; Liberty Bond Committee for Omaha, 1917-18; Associate Member, Council of Defense, 1917- 18; Member, Board of Trustees, Bluffton College, Bluffton, Ohio, 1918 to date; Member, Haverford College Alumni Advisory Com- mittee to Board of Managers, 1919-21 ; Member, Beta Rho Sigma Fraternity; Member, Executive Committee, Nebraska Association for Prevention of Tuberculosis ; Author and Legislative Sponsor of Statute Law Creating Trust Companies in State of Nebraska, 1911; Member, University Club, Omaha; Omaha Field Club (Treasurer since 1915) ; Lions' Club; Chamber of Commerce. b. Beatrice, Neb., May 6, 1883. s. Aaron E. Claassen and Anna Jansen. m. October 7, 1909, Gertrude Margarette Jansen. c. Randolph Martin, 1910 ; Gertrude Ruth, 1912 ; Kathryn Ann (de- ceased), 1919. Address, Peters' Trust Company, Omaha, Neb. fFritz, Henry Percival. Entered 1903 ; left Sophomore year. b. Berwyn, Pa., October 17, 1887. d. . s. William Howard Fritz and Mabel May . Haf er, Warren Lavere. Entered Sophomore year from Gettysburg College; left at end of Sophomore year. b. Abbottstown, Pa., August 23, 1885. s. William Warren Hafer and Emma Wilson. Address, Carlisle Street, Gettysburg, Pa. Hood, Lee Everett. Entered 1903 ; left at close of Freshman year, b. July 7, 1886. s. Walter W. Hood and Hannah Esrey. No address. Janeway, John Livingston, 3rd. Entered Sophomore year from Cornell University; left during the year. b. Buck Creek, Pa., March 18, 1883. s. John Livingston Jane- way, Jr., and Elizabeth Linard. Address, Oaks, Pa. 1908] MATRICULATE CATALOG 495 fLewis, Chester Preston. Entered 1903 ; left during Sophomore year, b. West Chester, Pa., March 27, 1887. d. July 10, 1912. s. Samuel Jackson Lewis and Marian Preston. Thomas, Frederick Throckmorton. (B.S. in E., Univ. of Pa., 1907.) Entered 1903 ; left at close of Freshman year. E. P. Alexander & Son, Leather and Leather Belting, 259 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Concord, N. H., December 25, 1885. s. J. Frederick Thomas and Margaret Throckmorton, m. New York City, August 25, 1911, Helen Douglass, c. Elizabeth Newton, 1912; Frances Gur- ney, 1918; Douglas Mackie, 1920. Address, 40 West Walnut Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. 1908 Baily, Fisher Corlies, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1909.) Entered 1904. Founders' Club. Head of Foreign Department and Member of Firm of Joshua L. Baily & Co.; Vice-President, Manhasset Post, American Legion; Chairman, Law and Order Committee, Manhasset Board of Trade; Washington Four-Minute Men, Com- mittee on Public Information; Winnetka, III, War Emergency Committee; Field Artillery, Central Officers' Training School; Head of Office Methods Section, Planning Branch, Methods Con- trol Division, Office of the Quartermaster General, Washington, D. C. ; Head of Textile Branch, Equipment Section, Production Division, Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D. C. Member, North Hemstead Country Club; Manhasset Bay Yacht Club. b. Ardmore, Pa., November 2, 1886. s. Frederick Lang Baily (Class 1877) and Caroline Atlee Corlies. m. Wheeling, W. Va., February 23, 1911, Dorothy Louise Hombrooke. c. Fisher Cor- lies, Jr., 1911; Frederick Lang, 2d, 1913; Caroline Corlies, 1914; Dorothy Louise, 1920. Address, Joshua L. Baily & Co., 10 and 12 Thomas Street, New York City, and 220 Plandome Road, Manhasset, L. I. Brown, Carroll Thornton, A.B.; A.M., 1909. Entered 1904. Football "H" (I, II, III, IV) ; Soccer "H" (III, IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV) ; Member, Founders' Club. Teacher at William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, 2 years; Teacher of English and Latin, Westtown School, Westtown, Pa., to date. Editor for 4 years. The Westonian. 496 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1908 b. Westtown, Pa., May 12, 1887. s. Thomas K. Brown and Caroline Cadbury. m. Brighton, Md., August 22, 1914, Anna Hartshorne. c. Caroline Cadbury, 1916; Carroll Thornton, Jr., 1918. Address, Westtown, Pa. Burtt, Howard, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1911.) Entered 1904. , Editor of Haverfordian (III and IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV) ; General Honors. Founders' Club. Attorney-at-Law. Admitted to Philadelphia Bar, 1911. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 20, 1886. s. John Ingham Burtt and Elizabeth Armstrong. Address, 1909 Pine Street, Phila- delphia, Pa., and 1011 Commonwealth Trust Building, Twelfth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Bushnell, Joseph, 3rd, S.B. Entered 1904. Gymnasium "H" (I); Track "H" (II); Soccer "H" (III). Member, Triangle Society. Tabor Manufacturing Company, Philadelphia, Pa., Machine Shop; Farrel Foundry and Machine Company, Ansonia, Conn. ; American Steel Foundries, Chester, Pa.; McEwen Manufacturing Company, Tulsa, Okla. (in charge of installing Taylor System of Shop Management) ; Assistant to Consulting Engineer, Crew Levick Company; Assistant Superin- tendent, Barber Asphalt Oil Refinery, Maurer, N. J., to date. b. Titusville, Pa., April 14, 1886. s. Joseph Bushnell, Jr., and Alice Stone, m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 21, 1919, Elsie Mussel- man, c. David Joseph, 1920. Address, 16 Rosewood Place, Eliza- beth, N. J. Carroll, Dudley De Witt, A.B. (A.B., Guilford, 1907; A.M., Col- umbia Univ., 1916.) Entered 1907 from Guilford College. Teacher. Principal, Mountain View Institute, Mizpah, N. C, 1908-09; Instructor in History and Economics, Guilford College, 1909-14; Dean, Guilford College, 1912-14; Assistant Professor, Economics, Hunter College, New York City, 1915-18; Professor of Economics, University of North Carolina, 1918 to date. Dean, School of Commerce, University of North Carolina, 1919 to date; Member, Exemption Board 132, New York City, during war; Author: "Studies in Citizenship for Women"; "History of Poll Tax in North Carolina" ; Chairman, Red Cross Chapter of Chapel Hill, 1919-21. Member, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity; Gimghoul Honorary Fraternity, University of North Carolina; American Economic Association. 1908] MATRICULATE CATALOG 497 b. Mizpah, N. C, July 28, 1885. s. De Witt Valentine Carroll and Sallie Ann Lewis, m. Greensboro, N. C, June 27, 1918, Eleanore Dixon Elliott, c. Dudley Dewitt, Jr., 1919. Address, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Clement, John Browning, Jr., A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1912.) Entered 1904. Captain, Cricket Team (IV) ; Manager, Soccer Team (IV) ; Member, Beta Rho Sigma. Practice of Law, 1911-13; Henry W. Brown & Co., Insurance, 1913-17; Captain, Field Artillery, United States Army, 1917-19; Secretary, Standard Supply and Equip- ment Company, 1919 to date. Member, Zeta Psi (University of Pennsylvania); Merion Cricket Club; University Club of Phila- delphia: Orpheus Club of Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 4, 1886. s. John B. Clement and Dessa W. Crowell. m. Boston, Mass., October 24, 1919, Margaret J. Guerini, Address, 25 East Athens Avenue, Ard- more. Pa, Crites, Jesse William, S.B. Entered 1907. Track "H" (IV). Teacher of Science and Athletics, Friends' School, Wilmington, Del., 1908-10; Teacher, Science and Ath- letics, Hood River High School, Hood River, Ore., 1910-15; Principal, High School, Coquille, Ore., 1915-16; Principal, Hood River High School, Ore., 1916-17; President, Hood River Ab- stract and Investment Company, Abstracts, Insurance, Loans, Real Estate, 1917 to date. "Four-Minute Man" during war; City Treasurer and Member of School Board. b. Clinton County, Ohio, August 25, 1884. s. John C. Crites and Ruth Anna Peelle. m. Washington, D. C, April 17, 1909, Ruth Douglas Griffith, c. Marnie Virginia, 1913; Ruth Anna, 1914; Barbara, 1918. Address, 1015 State Street, Hood River, Ore. Drinker, Cecil Kent, S.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1913.) Entered 1904. Class President (II and IV) ; President, Student Advisory Board (IV) ; Captain, Soccer Team (IV) ; Soccer "H" ; Manager, Football Team (IV) ; President, Loganian Society (IV) ; Presi- dent, Y. M. C. A. (IV). Voluntary Assistant, Department of Pharmacology, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, 1913- 14. Medical House Officer, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, March 1 to July 1, 1914; Assistant in Physiology, Johns Hopkins Medical School, September, 1915, to July, 1916; Faculty Instructor 32 498 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1908 in Physiology, Harvard Medical School, 1916- ; Assistant Pro- fessor, Physiology, Harvard Medical School, 1918-19; Acting Head of Department of Physiology, Harvard Medical School, 1917-18; Associate Professor of Applied Physiology, February 1, 1919, to date. Managing Editor, Journal of Industrial Hygiene, 1919 to date. Assistant in Medicine, Massachusetts General Hos- pital, 1921-22. Author of numerous scientific articles published in American Journal of Physiology, Journal of Experimental Medicine, etc. Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences ; American Society for Clinical Investigation; American Physio- logical Society; Harvard Club; Sigma Psi; Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Beta Kappa, b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 17, 1887. s. Henry Sturgis Drinker and Aimee Ernesta Beaux, m. Gloucester, Mass., September 7, 1910, Katherine Livingston Rotan. c. Anne Sandwith, 1917; Katherine McCall, 1916 (d. 1916). Address, Harvard Medical School, 240 Longwood Avenue, Boston, Mass. Edwards, Edward Aikin, SB. Entered 1904. Captain, Gymnasium Team (IV) ; Manager, Cricket Team (IV); Football "H"; Cricket "H"; Gymnasium "H." Triangle Society. Naval Architect and Engineer. Member, Engineers' Club, Philadelphia ; Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engi- neers. b. Blanchester, Ohio, July 3, 1886. s. Levi Talbot Edwards (Class 1881) and Elvie L, Aikin. m. Haverford, Pa., April 19, 1911, Sidney Garrigues. c. John Sharpless, 1912; Sidney Garri- gues, 1916. Address, College Avenue, Haverford, Pa. Elkinton, Joseph Passmore, A.B. Entered 1904. Manager, Haverfordian (III and IV). Philadelphia Quartz Company since graduation; Assistant Sales Manager of same; later. Secretary ; Sales Manager to date. Secretary of Peoples' Association of Delaware County, 1913-16. Member, Old Colony Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 18, 1887. s. Joseph Elkinton and Sarah West Passmore. m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 5, 1909, Mary Russell Bucknell. c. J. Russell, 1910; Rebecca, 1913; David Cope, 1915. Address, Moylan, Pa. Emien, George Williams, Jr., A.B. Entered 1904. Shane Brothers & Wilson, Flour Merchants, Philadelphia; Herk- 1908] MATRICULATE CATALOG 499 ness & Stetson, Real Estate Brokers, Philadelphia ; Partner in firm, Warnock & Emlen, Real Estate Brokers, Philadelphia; Hero Manufacturing Company, Stamped Metal Ware, Philadelphia; Supplee Biddle Hardware Company, Philadelphia (Buyer for same). Entered School of MiHtary Aviation, Austin, Texas; discharged after 2 months for physical condition. At present employed by The Matthew Addy Company, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 7, 1887. s. George W. Emlen (Class 1873) and Eleanor Cope. m. Conshohocken, Pa., June 12, 1912, Eleanor Clark, c. Elizabeth Clark, 1913; Robert Lukens, 1915; George W., 3d, 1917; Alan Lukens, 1920. Address, 1030 East Washington Lane, Germantown, Pa. Guenther, Jacob Jarden, A.B. (Degree conferred 1911.) Entered 1904 from Friends' Select School. Absent second half Freshman and all of Sophomore year. Class Secretary, 1906-07; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. 1907-08; Presi- dent, Y. M. C. A., 1908-09; Chairman, Preston Work, 1907-12. Assistant Director, Department of Education, Central Y. M. C. A., 1909-10; Associate Director, National Temperance Union, 1914-16; Financial Secretary, West Branch Y. M. C. A., 1916-17; Secretary, Religious and Social Work, Camp Mills (Y. M. C. A. General Staff), 1917; Camp Secretary, Army Y. M. C. A., Fort Myer, Va., 1917-18; Executive Manager, Philadelphia Council of National Defense, 1918-19; Secretary, Philadelphia War History Committee, 1919 to date; "Compiler and Co-Editor of Official History of Philadelphia's War-Time Activities" ; "Philadelphia in the World War." Executive Committee, Intercollegiate Civic League, 1908-15; Founder and President, University of Pennsyl- vania Civic Club, 1911; Vice-President, University of Pennsyl- vania Y. M. C. A., 1913; Four-Minute Man, 1918-19. Member, University Club ; American Academy of Political and Social Sci- ence ; Society for the Promotion of Liberal Studies ; Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Tredyffrin Country Club; Presbyterian Social Union of Philadelphia, etc. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 12, 1886. s. Emil Guenther and Ida V. Jarden. m. Paoli, Pa., October 30, 1915, Dorothy Erwin Hen- derson, c. J. Jarden, Jr., 1919; Dorothy Henderson, 1921. Ad- dress, Highwayside, Paoli, Pa., and Hamilton Court, Philadelphia, Pa. Hill, Thomas Roth well, SB. Clerk in Planning and Production Department, Leeds & Northrup Company, Manufacturers of Electrical Instruments, since graduation. 500 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1908 b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 19, 1887. s. Charles B. Hill and Elizabeth R. Simon, m. Wycombe, Bucks County, Pa., September 25, 1913, Elinor C. Twining, c. Charlotte Elizabeth, 1916; Eliza- beth Simon, 1920. Address, 158 Wharton Avenue, Glenside, Pa. Hobbs, Allen Wilson, A.B. (A.B., Guilford, 1907; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1917.) Entered 1907 from Guilford College. Instructor, Mathematics, Guilford College, 1909-11; Professor of same, 1913-15 ; Instructor in Mathematics, University of North Carolina, 1917-18; Assistant Professor of same, 1918-20; Asso- ciate Professor of same, 1920-21. Member, American Mathe- matical Society; Mathematical Association of America. b. Guilford College, July 12, 1885. s. Lewis Lyndon Hobbs (Class 1876) and Mary Mendenhall. Address, Guilford College, N. C. Lewis, Walter E., S.B. (S.B., Penn College, 1907; A.M., 1907.) Entered Senior Class 1907. Farmer; extensive grower of wheat and alfalfa. President of Gate Valley Grain and Supply Company ; Secretary, Temple Auto Company; President, Board of Trustees of Lawrence Friends' Academy; Former Clerk of Gate Quarterly Meeting; Lecturer on Ornithology. b. Marshall County, Iowa, October 24, 1887. s. Dr. Enoch Lewis and Rebecca Green, m. Emporia, Kan., September 13, 1914, Jane Stanley, c. Wayne Stanley, 1915; Gordon, 1917; Lois Rebecca, 1919; Esther, 1921. Address, Gate, Okla. Linton, Morris Albert, SB.; A.M., 1910. Entered 1904. Phi Beta Kappa. Federal Polytechnic, Ziirich, Switzerland, 1908-09. Electrical Instrument Manufacture, Leeds & Northrup Company, in shop for six weeks, 1909; Actuarial Department, Provident Life and Trust Company, 1909-13 ; Mathematician in same, 1913-15; Associate Actuary, 1915-16; Vice-President, Provident Life and Trust Company, 1916 to date. Lecturer on Life Insurance, Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1919 to date. Fellow, Actuarial Society of America ; Member of Council ; Chair- man, Educational Committee ; Fellow, Institute of Actuaries (Great Britain). b. Germantown, Pa., April 4, 1887. s. Morris Linton and Ruth A. Leeds, m. Moorestown, N. J., December 8, 1914, Margaret S. Roberts, c. Morris Albert, Jr., 1915; Elizabeth, 1917. Ad- dress, 1 East Oak Avenue, Moorestown, N. J. 1908] MATRICULATE CATALOG 501 Longstreth, Thomas Morris. Entered 1904. Author. Teacher and Boy Specialist, 1909-18; Author: "Read- ing the Weather"; "The Adirondacks" ; "The Catskills" ; "Mac of Placid" (a novel). Contributor to Harper's, Century, St. Nich- olas, etc. Member, Lake Placid Club; Adirondack Camp and Trail Club; Ski Club; Phi Beta Kappa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 17, 1886. s. Benjamin T. Long- streth (Class 1869) and Frances Haldeman. Address, Lake Placid Club, Essex County, N. Y. Miller, Charles Lichty, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1912.) Entered 1904. Football "H" (IV). Lawyer. Teacher of English, Yeates School, Lancaster, Pa., 1908-09; Law Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1909-12; Gowen Memorial Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania Law School, 1912-13; Practicing Attorney, 1913 to date. Law Enforcement Representative, War and Navy De- partments, C. T. C. A., 1918-19. Member, Sharswood Law Club; Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Kappa Psi Clubs, Philadelphia and Lan- caster; Phi Delta Phi (Legal Fraternity); Hamilton Club, Lan- caster; Lancaster Country Club; Order of the Coif, Legal Honor Society; Lancaster Bar Association; Cliosophic and Eclectic Lit- erary Societies, Lancaster. Director, Lancaster Community Serv- ice Association ; Lancaster Recreation and Playground Association ; Law and Order Society of Lancaster, Pa. b. Lancaster, Pa., December 1, 1887. s. Charles F. Miller and Blanche Lichty. m. Ardmore, Pa., July 10, 1912, Josephine Ross, c. Edward Ross, 1913; Anne, 1915; Elizabeth Ross, 1917. Ad- dress, 1267 Wheatland Avenue, Lancaster, Pa., and 7 South Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa. Morriss, William Haviland, A.B. (M.D., Johns Hopkins, 1912.) Entered 1904. Physician. Resident Physician, The Gaylord Farm Sanatorium, Wallingford, Conn. Instructor in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Yale University, 1915-17; Surgeon, American Red Cross in Bel- gium, 1915 ; First Lieutenant; Captain, United States Army, Medi- cal Corps, 1917 to date. Nineteen months' service in France with Mobile Hospitals 39 and 11. Member, Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha (Johns Hopkins) ; American Medical Association; Connecticut State Medical Society; The Graduates' Club, New Haven, Conn. b. Baltimore, Md., January 28, 1886. s. William H. Morriss 502 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1908 and Mary Elizabeth Haviland. Address, Gaylord Farm Sana- torium, Wallingford, Conn. Musser, Frederic Omar, A. B. (S.T.B., Phila. Div. School, 1911.) Entered 1904. Manager, Musical Clubs (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa. Priest, Epis- copal Church. Curate, St. Stephen's Church, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1911-12; Rector, St. Paul's Church, Bloomsburg, Pa., 1912-20; Deputy, Provincial Synod, Province of Washington, 1913-15; Archdeacon, WilHamsport, 1916-19; First Lieutenant and Chap- lain, United States Army, 1918; Deputy, General Convention of Episcopal Church, 1919; Rector, Church of the Covenant, Phila- delphia, Pa., to date. b. Lancaster, Pa., October 31, 1887. s. WilUs Musser and Katharine Witmer Kaufman, m. Quakertown, Pa., October 23, 1912, Gertrude Lott Haring. Address, Church of the Covenant, Twenty-seventh Street and Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Petry, Loren Clifford, S.B. (S.B. Earlham, 1907; S.M., Chicago, 1911; Ph. D., Chicago, 1913.) Entered 1907 from Earlham College. Instructor in Science, High School, Urbana, Ohio, 1908-10; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1910-11; Fellow in Botany, University of Chicago, 1911-13; Research Student, Uni- versity of Chicago, 1913-14; Instructor in Botany, Syracuse Uni- versity, 1914-16; Professor of same, 1916-20; Associate Professor of same to date. Assistant Professor of Botany in Summer Sessions, New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell Uni- versity, 1918-19; Director of Summer Session, Syracuse Univer- sity, 1919- . Author of scientific articles published in Botanical Gazette, etc. Phi Beta Kappa (Chicago Chapter) ; Sigma Xi (Syracuse) ; Gamma Alpha (Chicago) ; Fellow, American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science; Member, Botanical So- ciety of America; Torrey Botanical Club. b. New Paris, Ohio, September 22, 1887. s. Francis Marion Petry and Armina E. Petry. m. Mingo, Ohio, June 12, 1915, Nellie Von Runkle. c. Ruth Mary, 1916; Loren Von Runkle, 1918. Address, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. Sargent, Winthrop, Jr., A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1909.) Entered 1904. Manager, Track Team (III and IV) ; Editor-in-Chief, Haver- fordian (IV) ; Cope Fellowship (IV) ; Triangle Society. Director, Merion Title and Trust Company; President, Standard Supply and Equipment Company; Director and Member, Executive Com- 1908] MATRICULATE CATALOG 503 mittee of same; Director, Haverford School. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Pine Valley Golf Club; Seaview Club; Engineers' Club; Pen and Pencil Club; University Club; American Philo- logical Society ; American Institute of Archaeology ; American Geographic Society; Army Ordnance Association; Military Order of the World War ; American Legion. Lieutenant Colonel, Ord- nance, United States Army; Lieutenant Colonel, Ordnance, Re- serve Corps. b. Bridgewater, Mass., August 21, 1887. s. Winthrop Sargent and Emma Worcester, m. Gloucester, Mass., July 6, 1910, Frances Rotan. c. Winthrop, 3d, 1911; Edward Rotan, 1914. Address, Glyn Wynn Road, Kaverford, Pa. Scott, Carl Forse, A.B. Entered 1904. Phi Beta Kappa. With Sprague Electric Works since 1908, Engineering and Sales Departments, Electric Hoists, Motors, Gen- erators, Controllers and Dynamometers ; Manager, Apparatus Sales, since January, 1920. Author of several articles in the trade press on electric dynamometers, electric power in the printing in- dustry, etc. ; Instruction Book for United Typothetae Apprentice Course. Manufacturing and Application of Special Machinery for the War Department during war. Member, Amakassin Club, Yonkers; American Institute of Electrical Engineers (Industrial and Domestic Power Committee) ; Society of Automotive Engi- neers (Councillor, 1922; Chairman, New York Section, 1918-19) ; Association Electric Hoist Manufacturers. b. New York City, May 30, 1887. s. Charles P. G. Scott and Jane G. Smedley. m. Yonkers, N. Y., April 25, 1914, Dorothy Taussig, c. William Taussig, 1916; Barbara, 1920. Address, 49 Arthur Street, Yonkers, N. Y. Shoemaker, Walter Rodman, A.B. Entered 1904. Manager, Gymnasium Team (IV) ; College Soccer Team (IV). With W. A. Lippincott Company, Shoe Goods, Philadelphia; As- sistant Manager of Cincinnati Branch of same; J. L. Shoemaker & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ; Marot's Greenhouses, Swarthmore, Pa. ; Midvale Steel and Ordnance Company, Eddystone Rifle Plant; John R. Evans & Co., Camden, N. J. Paymaster of same to date. b. Fernwood, Pa., June 29, 1886. s. Owen Shoemaker and Mary Margaret Jack. m. Berwyn, Pa., April 5, 1913, Emma Jane Wilson, c. Walter Rodman, Jr., 1914 (d. 1914) ; Ruth Anna, 1916; David Wilson, 1918; Margaret Jack, 1920. Address, 316 Dickinson Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. 504 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1908 Strode, George King, S.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1912.) Entered 1904. Member, Triangle Society. Medical Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1908-12; Resident Physician, University of Pennsyl- vania Hospital, 1912-14; also Chief Resident Physician at same; Practice of Medicine, Philadelphia, 1915 ; Chief of Division of Public Service, State Department of Health, 1916; Member, In- ternational Health Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, as State Director for State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Captain in Medical Corps, United States Army, 19 months' service; 11 months in France as Member of University of Pennsylvania Base Hospital No. 20; Chief of Division of School Health, State Department of Health, Pennsylvania, April, 1919, to September, 1920; Assistant Director, International Health Board, Rockefeller, in Brazil since October, 1920. Member, A. M. P. O. Medical Fraternity, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania; Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Fraternity, University of Pennsylvania; Central Club of Rio de Janeiro; American Medical Association; American Public Health Associa- tion; American School Hygiene Association. b. Chester County, Pa., January 16, 1886. s. Richard Henry Strode and Hannah Mary King. m. Hanover, Pa., Elizabeth J. Coombs. Address, International Health Board, Rockefeller Foundation, 61 Broadway, New York. (International Health Board, Caxia 49, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.) Thomas, James Carey, 2nd, A.B. Entered 1904. Manager, Butler, Thomas & Co., Printers and Engravers, 1908- 09; Partner, Thomas & Sargent, Printers and Engravers, 1909- 10; Instructor and Athletic Director, Yeates School, 1910-15; In- structor, Riverview Academy, 1915-16; Instructor and Athletic Director, Yeates School, 1916-18; Instructor, Bethlehem Prepara- tory School, Spiers School, Raymond Riorden School, 1918-19; Shattuck School, 1919-20. Author of volume of verse, "Seven Sonnets and Other Poems." b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 5, 1885. s. John M. W. Thomas (Class 1879) and Mary C. Nicholson. Address, 114 Mondella Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Whitson, Walter Wilkin, A.B. ; A.M., 1909. Entered 1904. Business Manager, Haverfordian (III and IV) ; Manager, Class Record (IV). General Secretary, Associated Charities, Orange, N. J., and Peoria, 111.; Assistant Director, Department 1908] MATRICULATE CATALOG 505 of Civilian Relief, Central Division, American Red Cross ; Super- intendent, Kansas City Provident Association ; Columbia Univer- sity, Summer, 1911; University of Wisconsin, Summer, 1915; New York School of Social Work. b. Long Island, N. Y., May 24, 1888. s. Oliver Whitson and Amelia Willets Titus, m. Peoria, III, May 19, 1917, Myra Howell King. c. Robert Oliver, 1918; Ruth Carolyn, 1920. Address, care of Kansas City Provident Association, 1115 Charlotte Street, Kansas City, Mo. Wing, Stephen Remington, S.B. (M.E., Cornell, 1910.) Entered 1904. Student Instructor in Physics at Cornell, 1909-10; Instructor in Experimental Engineering, Sibley College, Cornell University, 1910-14; Professor, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Penn- sylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa., 1914-18; Assistant to Superin- tendent of Machinery, Harlan Plant, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Cor- poration, Wilmington, Del., 1918-20; in charge of Research and Development, Vaile-Kimes Company (Manufacturers of Auto- matic Electric Pumps for Domestic Water Supply) ; Superintend- ent, Vaile-Kimes Company. Member, Acacia Fraternity; Sigma Xi; Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 3, 1887. s. Stephen R. Wing and Lydia Hart Remington, m. Gettysburg, Pa., February 24, 1917, Amy McCurdy Swope. c. Stephen Remington, 4th, 1918. Ad- dress, 54 Rockwood Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. Woodard, Raymond Clarence, A.B. (A.B., Friends Univ., 1907.) Entered 1907 from Friends' University. Teacher in Cedarcroft School for Boys, 1908-12; Stock and Grain Farmer since 1912. Representative in State Legislature, 1919-20. Principal, Haviland Rural High School, 1920- . b. Coloma, Ind., May 28, 1885. s. Isaac A. Woodard and Martha Middleton. m. Wichita, Kan., November 9, 1917, Julia Ellen Styles, c. Barbara Ellen, 1918. Address, Haviland, Kan. Wright, Edwin, S.B. Entered 1904. With De Cou Brothers' Company (wholesale shoes, slippers, and rubber footwear), Philadelphia, since leaving college. Mem- ber of firm to date. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Fourth Street Club; Union League. b Columbus, N. J., September 27, 1883. s. Charles Wright and Sarah E. De Cou. m. Elkton, Va., September 1, 1913, Louise Norton Mason, c. Louise Norton, 1915. Address, St. Davids, Pa. 506 haverford college x1908 Non-Graduates Collings, Clifford Carmalt. Entered 1904 and left February, 1906. Salesman, William S. Scull Company, Camden, N. J. ; Treas- urer, Collings Carriage Company, Camden, N. J. ; Bond Salesman, J. W. Sparks & Co., Philadelphia; Salesman, Reilly Brock & Co., Philadelphia; Manager, Baltimore Office, Guaranty Trust Com- pany, New York. Member, Union League, Philadelphia ; River- ton Country Club; Baltimore Country Club. b. Camden, N. J., April 8, 1885. s. Joseph Z. Collings and Emily Willis, m. East Orange, N. J., April 20, 1910, Mary S. Johnson, c. Mary Dayton, 1913; Clifford C, Jr., 1917. Address, 3927 Canterbury Road, Baltimore, Md. Coulter, Calvin Brewster. (A.B., Williams College, 1907 ; A.M., Princeton; M.D., Columbia Univ., 1913.) Entered 1904; left June, 1905. Physician. Bacteriologist, Presbyterian Hospital, New York City; Associate in Pathology, Columbia University; Resident Pathologist, Roosevelt Hospital, New York City; Assistant Pro- fessor, Pathology, Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Captain, Medical Corps, A. E. F., June, 1917, to February, 1919. Author of several papers on medical subjects. Member, Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Alpha. b. Austinburg, Ohio, January 3, 1888. s. Eugene C. Coulter and Anna Brewster, m. August 19, 1914, Grace Dickey, c. Calvin B., Jr., 1915; James Wadsworth, 1919. Address, 335 Henry Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Desmond, Thomas Charles. (A.B., Harvard Univ., 1908; S.B. in C.E., Mass. Inst. Technology, 1909.) Entered 1904 ; left June, 1906. Consulting Engineer. Engaged in construction work, various parts of United States, 1909-14; President, T. C. Desmond & Co., Engineers and Contractors, New York, since 1914; President, Nevtrburgh Shipyards, Inc., Steel Shipbuilders. Member, Execu- tive Committee, National Republican Club, 1918 to date; National Treasurer, Roosevelt Non-Partisan League, 1916. Member, Uni- versity Club, Union League, Engineers, Players, Harvard, etc., of New York ; American Society of Civil Engineers ; American Society Naval Architects and Marine Engineers ; American Academy of Political and Social Science ; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. During war, Member, New York Majors' Committee on National Defense, Newberg Liberty Loan Committee, etc., etc. 1908] MATRICULATE CATALOG 507 b. Middletown, N. Y., September 15, 1887. s. Thomas Henry Desmond and Katharine Safried. Address, 17 Gramercy Park, New York City. Ervien, Robert. Entered 1904; left June, 1906. Iron Business for 2^ years, in firm of Charles W. Ervien & Co. Since 1911, own business. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 14, 1887. s. Charles Wesley Ervien and Emma Talbot, m. Philadelphia, Pa., May 17, 1911, Elsie Harrison Heim. Address, 48 Brandon Road, Upper Darby, Pa. Green, Thomas Lightfoot. Entered 1904; left 1905. Assistant Cashier, First National Bank, Adams, Neb. ; Cashier, Blue Springs State Bank, Blue Springs, Neb.; Cashier, First State Bank, Pawnee City, Neb., to date; Vice-President, Platte Valley State Bank; Secretary-Treasurer, Platte Valley Land and Investment Company ; Secretary-Treasurer, Airidale Ranch and Cattle Company, all of Scottsbluff, Neb. b. Beatrice, Neb., February 1, 1884. s. Albert Lamborn Green and Sallie Cadwallader Lightfoot. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 26, 1911, Lucretia Shoemaker, c. Lucretia Winslow, 1914. Address, Scottsbluff, Neb. Haines, John Howard. Entered 1904; left in Spring, 1905. Davis & Haines, Denton, N. C, Lumber Manufacturers, 1905- 08; Babcock Lumber Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Manager, Phila- delphia Office), 1908-18; Haines Sales Company, Philadelphia, Wholesale Lumber, 1918 to date. b. Malvern, Pa., June 10, 1885. s. John G. Haines and Rebecca Patterson, m. Jacksonville, Fla., April 13, 1907, Nancy-Leola Rogers Tate. c. Marjorie Patterson, 1909. Address, 39 South Fiftieth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Kurtz, William Wesley, 2nd. Entered 1904; left in middle of Junior year. Member, Beta Rho Sigma. Worth Brothers' Steel Company, Coatesville, Pa., 2 years; since then, banking business, Kurtz Brothers. United States Naval Reserve Force, 1917-19. Com- missioned Ensign, January 23, 1918, in command of Submarine Chaser 341. Lieutenant (Junior Grade), September 21, 1918. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Fourth Street Club; Associate 508 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1908 Member of Orpheus Club; Fourth Naval Reserve Officers' So- ciety. b. Allentown, Pa., May 12, 1885. s. Henry Keller Kurtz and Leila Longaker. Address, 1421 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Leonard, Arthur Cheyney, Entered 1907; left 1908. Football "H" ; Track "H." Physical Director, Friends' Central School, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Superintendent, Leonard Construction Company ; Superintendent, James McGraw Company, Contractors ; Engineer and Member of firm, James McGraw Company, to date. Member, Engineers' Club; Merion Cricket Club; Pennsylvania Railroad Gun Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 13, 1886. s. Henry R. Leonard and E, M. Zerega. m. December 19, 1910, Helen Moltzner. Ad- dress, 1010 Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Merrick, Thomas Belsham, Entered 1904; left at end of Freshman year. Constructional Engineer, Pennsylvania Railroad ; Isthmian Canal Commission; Assistant Engineer, Southern Railway; Dupont En- gineering Company; Supervisor, Manufacturing of Powder, Du- pont Company; Area Engineer, Dupont Engineering Company; Mechanical Superintendent, Dupont Company; Assistant Ris. Engineer ; Dupont Engineering Company ; Ris. Engineer of same. Member, Delta Tau Delta ; Lambda Pi ; B. P. O. E., etc. b. Glendower, Va., October 26, 1886. s. William Gordon Mer- rick and Ann Dwight Brown, m. Nashville, Tenn., April 20, 1918, Bye Johnson. Address, 34 Gramercy Park, New York City, and care of Dupont Engineering Company, Wilmington, Del. Pearson, Henry Grant. Entered 1904; left during Sophomore year. Farmer. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., November 8, 1885. s. Joseph T. Pearson and Annie V. Wells, m. April 17, 1917, Jane Jarvis Mumford. c. Jane Mumford, 1919. Address, High Falls, N. Y. Phillips, Clifford Stevenson. Entered 1904; left at end of Freshman year. Advertising and Sales Manager, Pittsburgh Auto Equipment Company. During the war, in United States Navy. b. Pittsburgh, Pa., July 4, 1887. s. Francis C. Phillips and Sarah O . m. Norfolk, Va., June 7, 1918, Edith E. Iron- monger. Address, 144 Ridge Avenue, Ben Avon, Pa. 1908] MATRICULATE CATALOG 509 Rogers, Charles Henry. (Litt. B., Princeton, 1909.) Entered 1904; left at end of Freshman year. Student at Princeton University, 1905-09; Messenger for the First National Bank of New York City, 1910-11; Messenger for L. von Hoffman & Co., Private Bankers, New York City, 1911- 12; Volunteer Visitor for Charity Organization Society, New York, 1912 ; Scientific Assistant, Department Ornithology, Ameri- can Museum of Natural History, New York City, 1912-20; Curator of the Princeton (University) Museum of Zoology, 1920 to date. War Service: Private in D Company, 1st Training Regi- ment, Plattsburg, N. Y. (Marksman), 1915; Private, H Troop, 2d United States Cavalry (Expert Rifleman), 1916; Private, Cor- poral, Sergeant, M. G. T. C, Camp Hancock; Supply Sergeant, B Company, 31st Machine Gun Battalion, Uth (Lafayette) Di- vision, Camp Meade. Discharge, January 29, 1919. Member, American Ornithologists' Union; Wilson Ornithological Club; Delaware Ornithological Club; Linnsean Society of New York (Secretary, 1915-20) ; National Association of Audubon Societies; New Jersey Audubon Society, etc. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 13, 1888. s. Charles R. Rogers and Emma Duer. Address, Nassau Inn, Princeton, N. J. Sidwell, Wilson. (A.B., Stanford Univ., 1910.) Entered 1904; left at close of Freshman year. Assistant Engineer, Central Argentine Railway, 1910-12; Chief Locating Engineer, Central Paraguayan Railway, 1912-14; Chief Engineer, Empresa Mate Larangeira, 1914-19; Manager and Chief Engineer, Empresa Mate Larangeira, Division Parana, 1919 to date. Since 1914, builder of narrow-gauge railway through the jungle. Member, American Society of Civil Engineers. b. Flushing, Ohio, November 5, 1884. s. B. D. Sidwell and Abbie Holloway. m. Guayra, Brazil, June 30, 1919, Ercilia Sanchez, c. Henry, 1920. Address, Empresa Mate Larangeira, Posadas, Argentine Republic, S. A. Smiley, Hugh. Entered 1904; left during Sophomore year. Landscape Gardening, Forestry. Assistant Cashier, Lake Mo- honk Mountain House, 1908-12; Postmaster at Mohonk Lake, Ulster County, N. Y., 1913-20; Part Manager, Lake Mohonk Mountain House, 1914-19; United States Army Captain, Quarter- master Corps; Executive Officer, General Supply Depot, Wash- ington, D. C, 1918; Honorably Discharged, 1919; Captain, United States' Army, Officers' Reserve Corps, March, 1919; Assistant 510 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1909 Manager, Lake Mohonk Mountain House; Manager, Mountain Rest Bungalows and Camps, to date. b. New Paltz, N. Y., February 3, 1886. s. Daniel Smiley (Class 1878) and Effie Florence Newell, m. Greenwich, Conn., October 31, 1907, Hester Freeman Squier. c. Virginia La Bau, 1911; Hugh, Jr., 1915. Address, Mohonk Lake, Ulster County, N. Y. Stribling, William Clarkson. Entered 1904; left during Junior year. b. Markham, Va., April 18, 1885. s. Robert M. Stribling and Agnes H . Address, Markham, Va. Troth, John Theodore. Entered 1904 ; left at close of Sophomore year. Journalist. First Lieutenant, Ordnance Department, United States Army, 1918-19. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 30, 1884. s. Samuel Henry Troth and Anna Shipley. Address, Hotel Marlyn, Fortieth and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 1909 fBard, George Smith, S.B. Entered 1905. Captain, Football (IV) ; Captain, Track Team (IV) ; Presi- dent, Athletic Association (IV) ; Class President (IV) ; Football "H" ; Track '*H." With Forest Insurance Company, New York, 1909. b. Camden, N. J., July 12, 1888. d. Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa., November 17, 1911. s. Daniel Webster Bard and Elizabeth M. Smith. Brey, Robert Newton, S.B. Entered 1905 from Friends' Central School. Tennis Team (IV) ; Soccer Team "H" (IV) ; Cricket (IV) ; Manager, Soccer Team (IV); Manager, Class Record (IV). Wholesale Flour Business, with father, 1909-17; Member, firm of Brey & Sharpless, Philadelphia, Wholesale Distributors of Flour, Feed and Grain, 1918 to date; also Secretary, Columbia Milling Company, Columbia, Pa. Member, Germantown Cricket Club; Flour Club of Philadelphia; Commercial Exchange of Philadel- phia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 13, 1888. s. William F. Brey and Laura F. Coulston. m. Langhorne, Pa., April 27, 1918, Jane Watson Taylor, c. Robert Newton, Jr., 1920. Address, 3102 West Penn Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. 1909] MATRICULATE CATALOG 511 Bryne, Andreas, A.B. (A.B., Earlham, 1907 ; A.M., Harvard, 1913.) Entered 1907 from Earlham College. Professor, German, University of Rochester. Business with father in Stavanger, Norway, to date. b. Stavanger, Norway, June 4, 1884. s. Thorstein Bryne and Marie Nortensen. m. Rochester, N. Y., February 14, 1920, Jean Chadwick Moore. Address, Stavanger, Norway. Crowell, James White, SB.; A.M., 1911. Entered 1905. Charter Member, Cap and Bells. Teacher. Assistant in Chem- istry Laboratory, Haverford College, 1909-10; Graduate Student in French, Haverford College, 1910-11; Graduate Student in Ro- manics at University of Pennsylvania and University of Gren- oble, France, 1911-12; Teacher of French, Episcopal Academy, Philadelphia, 1912-14; Instructor in French at Haverford College, 1914-15 ; Instructor, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor of Romance Languages, Pennsylvania State College, 1915-21. During leave of absence from Pennsylvania State College, from 1917-19, Y. M. C. A. War Work in Italy with Italian Army; Italian "Croce di Guerra" and "Cavaliere della Corona d'ltalia." 1921 to date, Instructor in Romance Languages and Graduate Student at Cornell University. b. Avondale, Pa., November 28, 1888. s. William J. Crowell and Frances Eakins. m. West Grove, Pa., December 31, 1915, Helen Hunt Chambers, c. John Chambers, 1917; Helen Hunt, 1920. Address, Department of Romance Languages, Cornell Uni- versity, Ithaca, N, Y. Deacon, Gerald Hartley, A.B. Entered 1905. With Charles E. Hires Company, October, 1909, to September, 1911; Robert Gair Company, Brooklyn, N. Y., Manufacturers of Fibre Boxes, Corrugated Paper Boxes, etc., 1911-17; Ordnance Department of United States Army, in charge of purchasing fibre containers and boxes for ammunition (First Lieutenant) ; 1919 to date, with Kieckhefer Paper Company, of Milwaukee and Camden (manufacturers of fibre boxes and corrugated paper boxes). Member, F. & A. Masons; Germantown Cricket Club. b. Beach Haven, N. J., July 25, 1888. s. George Hartley Deacon and Mary Primrose Reeves, m. Germantown, Pa., July 25, 1917, Marjorie Viola Macdonald. c. Mary Ellen, 1919. Address, 5027 Morris Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. 512 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1909 Doak, Henry Andrew, A.B. (A.B., Guilford, 1908; A.M., Har- vard, 1911.) Entered 1908 from Guilford College. Teacher. Principal, Farmington High School, Farmington, N. C., 1909-10; Instructor in English, Dartmouth College, 1911-13; Instructor in English, University of North Dakota, 1913-16; As- sistant Professor, English Department, University of North Da- kota, 1917 to date. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Training Camp, Fort Sheridan, 111. Personal Adjutant, S. A. T. C, Uni- versity of North Dakota, 1918-19. Member, Alpha Kappa Zeta (University of North Dal/ota) ; American Legion. b. Greensboro, N. C, October 14, 1882. s. James Wilson Doak and Emily Anne Watson, m. New York City, June 19, 1915, Mary Ellice Black, c. Emily Watson, 1917. Address, 504 Ham- line, Grand Forks, N. D. P. O., University of North Dakota. Fay, Percival Bradshaw, A.B. (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1912.) Entered 1905. Member, Phi Beta Kappa. Instructor in French and Spanish, University of Michigan, 1912-14; Assistant Professor of French, University of California, 1914 to date. Author of various articles in professional magazines, e. g., Modern Langimge Notes. Mem- ber, Modern Language Association of America; Philological As- sociation of the Pacific Coast. b. Nantucket, Mass., August 4, 1890. s. Edward Allen Fay and Mary Bradshaw. m. Berkeley, Cal., August 5, 1916, Esther Frances Merrill, c. Edward Allen, II, 1918. Address, 2508 Hil- yard Avenue, Berkeley, Cal. Febiger, William Sellers, S.B. Entered 1905. Wool Merchant. With Justice Bateman & Co., Philadelphia, 1909-11; Brown & Adams, Boston, 1911-18; Brown & Howe, Boston, 1919-22; 1918, on Committee for Valuation of Wools Taken Over by United States Government under Wool Adminis- tration; 1918, United States Naval Aviation, Great Lakes Sta- tion, C. Q. M. A., U. S. N. R. F. Member, Brookline Country Club; Milton Club; Dedham Country and Polo Club; Myopia Hunt Club ; Tennis and Racquet Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 20, 1888. s. Christian Carson Febiger (Class 1865) and Katharine Megear Sellers, m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., October 18, 1913, Lillian Wayland Wood. c. Christian Car- son, 1915; Ethel Stokes, 1920. Address, 480 Randolph Avenue, Milton, Mass. 1909] MATRICULATE CATALOG 513 Hamilton, Frederick Clifford, S.B. Entered 1905. Foreign Freight Department, Lehigh Valley Railroad, 1909-11; Traffic Department, Butler Brothers, New York City, 1911-12; Chief Mechanical Clerk to Mechanical Superintendent, New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, 1912 to date. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., September 19, 1887. s. F. L. Hamilton and Lillian F. Jarvis. Address, 12 Clinton Avenue, Stamford, Conn. Killen, Clarence Creadick, A.B. Entered 1905. Phi Beta Kappa (IV) ; Triangle Society. Teacher, Cedarcroft School, Kennett Square, Pa., 1910; Secretary, Political Campaign Committee, 1911-12; Newspaper Reporter, 1913-14; Commercial Organization Secretary (Chamber of Commerce, Wilmington, Del.), 1914-19; Secretary-Treasurer of Evening Journal Pub- lishing Company, Wilmington, Del., 1919 to date. Member, Ro- tary Club, Wilmington; Wilmington Club; Wilmington Country Club. b. Felton, Del, June 3, 1888. s. Elwood C. Killen and Margaret Vosnell Wyatt. Address, 1007 West Street, Wilmington, Del. Kitchen, Paul Cliff, A.B. (Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., 1913.) Entered 1905. Teacher, University of Pennsylvania. United States Army, from July, 1918, to May, 1919. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 3, 1888. s. Frank Birdsall Kitchen and Emma Noble Cliff. Address, 6411 Overbrook Avenue, Phila- delphia, Pa. Lewis, Thomas Krapfel, S.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1913.) Entered 1905. Captain, Gymnasium Team (IV) ; "H" in Football, Soccer and Gymnasium (IV). Medical Student, 1909-13; Interne, Cooper Hospital, Camden, N. J., 1913-14; General Practice of Medicine since 1914. Assistant Ophthalmologist, Cooper Hospital, 1914-17; Mexican Border Duty, Assistant Surgeon, 1st New Jersey In- fantry, 1916 ; World War ; Commanding Officer, Ambulance Com- pany 165, Rainbow Division. Member, Nu Sigma Nu (Medical) ; F. & A. M. ; Aurora Grata Consistory, Brooklyn ; Cooper Hospital Clinical Society. b. Merchantville, N. J., January 7, 1887. s. William H. Lewis and Clara M. Krapfel. m. Trenton, N. J., July 11, 1917, Eliza- beth Fenno Curtis. Address, 47 South Twenty-seventh Street, Camden, N. J. 33 514 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1909 Lowry, Alfred, A.B., A.M., 1910. Entered 1905. Editor-in-Chief, Haverfordmn (IV) ; Class Record Board (IV) ; Merhber, Founders' Club. Teacher of Modern Languages. Graduate Student at Haverford, 1909-10; Study and Travel Abroad, 1910-12; Teacher of German at Westtown School, 1912- 16; Germany and France, War Prisoners' Aid of the Y. M. C. A., 1916-19; Central Europe, Religious Work, 1920. Editor of the "Young Friends' Number" of The Friend, 1919-20. Associate Editor of The Friend, 1920 to date; Teacher of French, Moores- town Friends' School, 1920- ; Recorded Minister in the Religious Society of Friends. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 14, 1888. s. William Chalkley Lowry (Class 1876) and EHzabeth Webster, m. Haddonfield, N. J., June 24, 1914, Grace Scattergood Bacon, c. Alfred, Jr., 1917; Warrington Stokes, 1920. Address, 117 East Central Avenue, Moorestown, N. J. Lutz, Howard Milton, A.B. (LL.B.. Univ. of Pa., 1913.) Entered 1905. Attorney-at-Law. Director, First National Bank of Clifton Heights, 1913 to date; Director, Lansdowne National Bank; Di- rector and Secretary, Philadelphia Farmers' and Dairymen's Sup- ply Company, Philadelphia, 1916 to date. Attorney, 1913 to date, Media, Pa. United States Army, November, 1917, to March, 1919. Member, Pennsylvania Bar Association; Union League; Military Order of Foreign Wars of United States. b. Upper Darby, Pa., November 28, 1887. s. J. Milton Lutz and Mary J. Dermond. m. (1) September 1, 1914, Jenny Lynd (d. June 13, 1915) ; (2) April 22, 1919, Katharine Ten Broeck. Address, 310 North Lansdowne Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa. Martinson, Charles Gilbert, SB. (SB. in M.E., 1912; M.E., 1917.) Entered 1908 from Friends' University. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado, 1912-14; same at A. & M. College of Texas, 1914-17; Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, A. & M. College of Oklahoma, 1917-19. b. Wichita, Kan., June 13, 1884. s. Otto Martinson and Sarah Knofflock, m. Liberal, Kan., September 3, 1912, Mabel Glenn, c. Betty, 1913; Glenn, 1917. Address, 221 North Dodge Avenue, Wichita, Kan. 1909] MATRICULATE CATALOG 515 Miller, Paul Van Reed, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1912.) ; Entered 1905. Practice of Law since 1912. First Lieutenant, Infantry, R, O. T, C, Fort Oglethorpe; 55th Infantry Division; overseas with the 55th until 1919. Member, Germantown Cricket Club. , b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 15, 1889. s. E. Augustus Miller and Mary Van Reed. Address, 714 Commonwealth Trust Build- ing, Twelfth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Moore, Lawrence Clayton, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1913.) Entered 1905. Captain, Bowling Team (III). Student of Medicine, 1909-13; Hospitals, 1914; Practice of Medicine, Chatham, Pa., 1914-17; Medical Corps, United States Army, September, 1917-19. Prac- tice of Medicine, Coatesville, Pa., 1919 to date. Member, D, Hayes Agnew Surgical Society ; Medical Society of State of Penn-^ sylvania; Chester County Medical Society; A. M. A.; Staff of Coatesville Hospital. b. Ercildoun, Pa., November 16, 1887. s. George W. Moore and Elizabeth Palmer Walton, m. September 7, 1916, Helen Paschall. Address, Coatesville, Pa. :. Morris, Glen Whinery, S.B. " Entered Senior year from Wilmington College. ' b. Highland, Ohio, March 19, 1886. s. Mahlon Morris a[nd Sarah Whinery. Address, Highland, Ohio. Mott, Richard Henry, S.B. Entered 1905. Accountant. ' b. Near Springfield, Iowa, October 11, 1885. s. Thomas ;E. Mott and Martha Briggs. m. May 5, 1914, Mary Wetherald. c. Mary Adele, 1916; Martha Gertrude, 1919. Address, George Washington Inn, New Jersey Avenue and C Street, S. E., Wash- ington, D. C. Myers, Frederick A., Jr., S.B. Entered 1905. Manager, Musical Clubs (IV) ; Manager, Cricket Team (IV,) ; Football "H." Real Estate Business (Myers & Barth, Southwest Corner Ridge Avenue and Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.). > b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 13, 1888. s. Frederick A. Myers and Margaret Vogdes. m. April 25, 1914, Margaret Kerr Cul- bertson. c. Culbertson, 1915; Phoebe, 1917. Address, 3 Green- wood Place, Wyncote, Pa. t 516 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1909 Pennypacker, Joseph Whitaker, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1910.) Entered 1905. Graduate Student, Harvard, 1909-10; Instructor in English, Syracuse University, 1910-11; Student, Law School, University of Pennsylvania, 1911-12; Salesman for Christopher Lower Com- pany, Philadelphia, 1912-13 ; Sergeant, Camp Dix, 1919. In serv- ice, 1918-19. Instructor in English, Central High School, Phila- delphia. b. Haddonfield, N. J., October 2, 1887. s. James Lane Penny- packer and Grace Fisher Coolidge, m. Haddonfield, N. J., Sep- tember 14, 1918, Mary Disbrow Bergen, c. Mary Bergen, 1920; Caroline Hawke, 1922. Address, 203 Kings Highway West, Had- donfield, N. J. Philips, David Leon, A.B. Entered 1905. Manager, Western Branch of the Good Roads Machinery Com- pany, Inc. b. Kennett Square, Pa., March 27, 1886. s. Samuel Jones Philips and Martha Voorhees. m. Haverford, Pa., November, 1909, Marion Crosman. c. Mary Chester, 1910; Elizabeth, 1912; David Holway, 1914, Address, 419 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Cynwyd, Pa. Raiford, Edward Paul, S.B. (A.B., Friends Univ., 1908.) Entered 1908 from Friends' University. Principal of High Schools in Virginia, 1909-15; Acid Superin- tendent for E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Powder Company at Hopewell, Va., 1915-16; Assistant Acid Superintendent and Fore- man of T. N. T. Crystallizing Plant of Curtis & Harvey, Ltd., Montreal, Canada, 1916-17; Technologist, Active Explosives Com- pany, New York City, in the Picric Acid Plant at Emporium, Pa., and later at T. N, T. Acid Synthetic Phenal Plant at Car- negie, Pa., 1917-18; United States Public Health Service, Assist- ant Chemist (First Lieutenant), 1918. Head of Suggestion De- partment, The B. F. Goodrich Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, since 1919. Member, Chamber of Commerce, Akron, Ohio; A. F. & A. Masons. b. Ivor, Va., February 8, 1884. s. Edward J. Raiford and Elizabeth F. Babb. m. Richmond, Va., June 19, 1912, Bessie Williams Thacker. c. Evelyn Virginia, 1917, Address, R. F. D. No. 1, Ivor, Va, 1909] MATRICULATE CATALOG 517 Ramsey, Frank McCracken, S.B. (M.D., 1913, Univ. of Pa.) Entered 1905. "H" in Football and Track. Physician. Interne, Pennsylvania Hospital, 1913-15; United States Army Medical Corps, 1917-19; Assistant Attending Physician, Germantown Hospital Medical Dis- pensary. Member, Medical Staff, Chestnut Hill Hospital; Mont- gomery County Medical Society; American Medical Association; American Legion; Nu Sigma Nu Medical Fraternity. b. Welda, Kan., May 28, 1884. s. David A. Ramsey and Alia M. McCracken. m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 10, 1915, Elizabeth Ann Burton, c. Frank M., Jr., 1916; EHzabeth Ann, 1920; Mary Burton, 1921. Address, East Willow Grove Avenue, Wyndmoor, Pa. (Chestnut Hill, Pa.) Sandt, Walter Correll,A.B. (B.D., Lutheran Seminary, Mt. Airy, Phila., 1913.) Entered 1907 from Muhlenberg College. Winner of Alumni Oratorical Contest. Teaching Fellowship, 1909-10. Clergyman. Author, Sunday School Educational Lesson Series. Member of City Club of Philadelphia. b. Easton, -Pa., June 24, 1887. s. Charles Milton Sandt and Esther Ellen Hawk. m. Catasauqua, Pa., May 3, 1916, Marie Theresa Kostenbader. c. Helen Barbara, 1918. Address, 5204 North Carlisle Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sharpless, Thomas Kite, A.B. Entered 1905. Captain, Cricket Team (IV); Manager, Gymnasium Team; Football "H"; Soccer "H" ; Cricket "H" (IV). Member, Founders' Club. With Shane Brothers & Wilson Company, Phila- delphia; Quaker City Flour Mills Company; in business on own account; with R. Newton Brey (Member of firm, Brey & Sharp- less to date) ; Secretary-Treasurer, Pennsylvania Millers' Export Association; President, Columbia Milling Company. Member, Germantown Cricket Club; Union League; Flour Club of Phila- delphia; Philadelphia Commercial Exchange. b. Chester County, Pa., September 15, 1887. s. Thomas Sharp- less and Susanna Parvin. m. Germantown, Pa., June 4, 1912, Grace Warner, c. Thomas K., Jr., 1913; Susanna, 1915; Mary Warner, 1918. Address, 158 Queen Lane, Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. Shoemaker, Edwin, B.S. (D.D.S., Univ. of Pa., 1912.) Entered 1905. Dentist. With Base Hospital No. 10 in France, May 15, 1917, 3 18 HAVERFORD COLLEGE. [1909 ta. April 22, 1919. Captain, 1918; Major, 1919. Member, Acad- emy of Stomatology, Philadelphia; Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. .' b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 9, 1888. s. Owen Shoemaker and ; ■ Greta Jack. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 29, 1916, Martha Clawson : Reed. Address, Northeast Corner Twenty-first and Spruce Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Spaeth, Reynold Albrecht,S.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1911; Ph.D., Harvard, 1913.) \ Entered 1905. .Football "H"; Manager, Soccer Team (IV); Captain, Soccer ■\ (IV); Phi Beta Kappa. Fellow in Zoology, Harvard, 1909-13; Traveling Fellow at Kiel and Naples, 1913-14; Instructor in Biology, Clark College, Worcester, Mass., 1914-15; same at Yale, , 1915-18; Instructor in Embryology, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., 1915-16; Technical Assistant, United States Hygienic Laboratory, Washington, 1918; Associate in Physiology, . School of Hygiene and Public Health Biology, Johns Hopkins • University, 1918- . Author of numerous scientific articles. Mem- ber, Sigma Chi (Yale) ; American Physiological Society; American ' Association for the Advancement of Science; Society for Experi- ' mental Biology and Medicine; Marine Biological Corporation. i b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 22, 1886. s. Adolph Spaeth and Harriet Krauth. m. Yonkers, N. Y., August 18, 1913, Edith E. Taussig, c. Walter Taussig, 1914. Address, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, 310 West Monu- . ment Street, Baltimore, Md. Spiers, Mark Herbert Carver, S.B. Entered 1905. Leader, Glee Club (III and IV) ; President of Class (IV) ; "Spoon Man"; Manager, Football Team (IV); Soccer Team • (IV). Instructor, Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, 1909-14; ' Headmaster, Spiers Junior School, 1914-18. Salesman, N. K. Fairbank Company, Chicago, 1918. Special Agent, Provident Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa., to date. b. Wayne, Pa., April 27, 1887. s. Isadore H. B. Spiers and Jane Owen Williams, m. Augusta, Me., September 10, 1910, . Faith Randall, c. John I. R., 1911 ; Faith, 1914; Marcia Y., 1916; Phoebe O., 1917. Address, 111 Wayne Avenue, Wayne, Pa. Stokes, Joseph Warrington, S.B. (M.F., Yale, 1911.) Entered 1905. United States Forestry Service. During War, Ordnance De- 'partment, Washington, inspector of walnut sawmills and in settling 1909] MATRICULATE CATALOG 519 claims on gunstock contracts; also Pennsylvania Fuel Administra- tion, 1918-19, wood fuel supplies. Member, Society of American Foresters. b. Darlington, Md., October 20, 1886. s. Horace Stokes and Helen Stokes, m. Harlan, Iowa, December 17, 1914, Edna Louise Smith, c. Joseph Warrington, Jr., 1916; Eugene Smith, 1917. Address, care of United States Forest Service, Burley, Idaho. Taylor, Frederick Raymond, S.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1913.) Entered 1905. Physician; Practice Limited to Internal Medicine and Labora- tory Diagnosis. Interne, Germantown Hospital, 1913-14; Secre- tary-Treasurer, High Point, N. C, Thomasville Academy of Medi- cine, 1915-16. Member, Executive Committee, Local Chapter, Red Cross, High Point, N. C, 1917-18; 1919-20, First Lieutenant, M. C, United States Army; 1918-19, on Staff of Internal Medi- cine Base Hospital 65, Kerhuon Hospital Center, A. E. F. Lec- turer in Bacteriology, Nurses' Training School, The Guilford Gen- eral Hospital, High Point, N. C. Physician and Clinical Patholo- gist to the Guilford General Hospital. Member, Barton Cooke Hirst Obstetrical Society, University of Pennsylvania; Nu Sigma Nu (Medical Fraternity); Guilford County Medical Society; Medical Society of State of North Carolina; Southern Medical Association; Fellow of the American Medical Association. b. Burlington County, N. J., July 15, 1887. s. Charles Shoe- maker Taylor (Class 1871) and Rebecca Hughes, m. Guilford College, N. C, September 25, 1914, Rachel Ethel Farlow. c. Martha Rebecca, 1915; Mark Hughes, 1918; Sarah Merritt, 1919; Frederick Harvey, 1921. Address, 313 Johnson Street, High Point, N. C. Thompson, Charles Baker, A.B. (M.D., Johns Hopkins, 1913.) Entered 1905. Member, Phi Beta Kappa. Physician. Psychiatrist; Medical Director, Mental Hygiene Society of Maryland, 1916 to date; Assistant Dispensary Psychiatrist, Johns Hopkins Hospital. Ad- junct in Psychiatry, Hebrew Hospital; Psychiatrist, Baltimore Public Schools, etc. Author : "Mental Disorders Briefly Described and Classified," and various pamphlets. b. Catonsville, Md., January 14, 1888. s. Eustis Thompson and Elizabeth Baker. Address, 700 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md. Underhill, Robert Lindley Murray, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1911; Ph.D., 1916.) Entered 1905. Phi Beta Kappa; Cope Fellowship; Member, Founders* Club. 520 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1909 Assistant in Philosophy, Harvard University, 1916-20. Philo- sophic Research. b. Ossining, N. Y., March 3, 1889. s. Abram Sutton Underbill and Anna Taber Murray. Address, Ossining, N. Y. Watson, Matthew Herbert, A.B. (A.B., 1908; A.M., 1909, Penn. College.) Entered 1908. Instructor in Greek and Latin, Penn College, 1909-10; Teacher, Westtown Boarding School, 1910-11; at Oak Grove Seminary, 1911-13; Farmer, 1913 to date. b. Springville, Iowa, August 20, 1882. s. Barclay S. Watson and Ada Ransome. m. Vassalboro, Me., August 12, 1914, Vivian M. Shaw. c. William Reverdy, 1915; Barclay Herbert, 1916; Alice Millicent, 1917; Anna Margaret, 1919. Address, Miller, Lyon County, Kan. Non-Graduates Clauser, Claude. Entered 1905 ; left at end of Freshman year. b. Sinking Spring, Pa., December 16, 1888. s. Milton Clauser and Anna Hettinger. Last address, 1224 Princeton Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah. Cope, Joseph Entered 1905 ; left during Sophomore year. Student of Agriculture, Pennsylvania State College, during year 1907-08 ; Farmer to date. b. West Chester, Pa., November 21, 1886. s. Gilbert Cope and Anna Garrett, m. March 30, 1911, Ellen Fussell. c. Alfred Haines, 1912; Edwin Fussell, 1914 (d. 1914); Gilbert, 1917; Marian Fussell, 1918 (d. 1919). Address, R. D. No. 4, West Chester, Pa. Dodge, Burdette Lynde, Jr. Entered 1905 ; left at close of the Freshman year. Six months' bank training, 1906; with B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company, in New York City and in Akron, Ohio, 1906-11; Or- charding and Stock Raising, 1911 to date. b. Akron, Ohio, April 14, 1887. s. Burdette L. Dodge and Mary E. Snyder, m. Medford, Ore., May 21, 1914, Sibyl V. Fish. c. Carol Raym.ond, 1915; Burdette Lynde, III, 1921. Address, 19 Geneva Avenue, Medford, Ore. 1909] MATRICULATE CATALOG 521 Hill, Allen Janney. Entered 1904; left at end of Junior year. Buyer and Director for Janney, Semple, Hill & Co. (Wholesale Hardware). b. Minneapolis, Minn., September 14, 1887. s. Horace Mann Hill and Mary Whitmore. m. Minneapolis, Minn., November 12, 1913, Helen I. Harrison, c. Allan J., II, 1915. Address, 318 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, Minn. Loewenstein, Sidney. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1910.) Entered 1905 ; left 1907. Special two-year course. Attorney. Member, Mercantile Club, Philadelphia ; F. & A. M. ; Law Association, Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 24, 1887. s. Benjamin Loewen- stein and Rose Strauss, m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 26, 1911, Cecilia C. Steinberg, c. Benjamin S., 1912; Elsa C, 1919. Ad- dress, 580 Pelham Road, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Marsh, Charles Edward. Entered 1905. Reporter, Managing Editor, Cincinnati Post; City Editor, Cleve- land Press; Editor, Akron Press; Editor, Des Moines News; to date. Editor of a chain of five Texas newspapers. b. Hartwell, Ohio, January 17, 1887. s. Andrew Jackson Marsh and Elizabeth Wade. m. Cleveland, Ohio, December 8, 1911, Leona K. Johns, c. Antoinette, 1914; John Edward, 1916; Charles Edward, II, 1917. Address, 3100 Speedway, Austin, Texas. Martin, Harold Thomas. Entered 1 905 ; left during Freshman year. Motorman for Philadelphia and West Chester Traction Com- pany, Sixty-ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Chester County, September 26, 1889. s. Samuel P. Martin and Annie C. Wood. m. West Grove, Pa., March 2, 1912, Violet R. Fairlamb. c. Kathryn Susanna, 1913; Ernest Walter, 1915. Address, 8903 West Chester Pike, Upper Darby Branch P. O., Philadelphia, Pa. f Powell, William Chambers. (M.D., Hahnemann Med. College, 1911). Entered 1905 ; left at close of Sophomore year. Physician. First Lieutenant, M. R. C, attached to 11th United States Engineers in France, 14 months. Member, Main Line Medical Society ; Tri-County Medical Society ; Alpha Sigma Medi- cal Fraternity; Pennsylvania Medical Society. 522 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1910 b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., November 16, 1886. d. Bryn Mawr, Pa., May 6, 1921. s. Dr. William C. Powell and Mary Williams. Ryan, Thomas Augustine. Entered 1905 ; left at end of Freshman year, b. Rosemont, Pa., February 12, 1889. s. Thomas Ryan and Mary Catherine Nunan. Address, Rosemont, Pa. Stetson, Joseph VanDusen. Entered 1905 ; left at end of Sophomore year. Treasury Department, Pennsylvania Railroad Company; Agent, Great Northern Paper Company ; New Jersey and Delaware River Transportation Company. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 24, 1887. s. James N. Stetson and Anna M. Van Dusen. Address, 1327 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Warner, William Weatherby. (S.B., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1911.) Entered 1905 ; left at close of Freshman year, b. Titusville, Pa., July 22, 1888. s. William Crim Warner and L. Kate Nes. No address. Warnock, A. Degrauw. Entered 1905 ; left at end of Junior year. Real Estate Broker. Member, Philadelphia Real Estate Board. b. Jamaica, N. Y,, October 1, 1886. s. William A. Warnock and Harriet E. Crossman. m. October 21, 1911, Phyllis Sylvester, c. William A., II, 1912 ; A. Degrauw, Jr., 1919. Address, Haver- ford, Pa. 1910 Allinson, Edward Page, A.B. Entered 1906. Captain, Tennis Team (IV). Dairy Farmer; Breeder of Regis- tered Holstein-Friesian Cattle. Member, University Club, Phila- delphia; West Chester Golf and Country Club, etc. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 28, 1887. s. Edward Pease Al- linson (Class 1874) and Anna G. Roberts, m. West Chester, Pa., Friday, June 13, 1913, Mary Mallet-Prevost Shipley, c. Agnes, 1915; Mary Mallet-Prevost, Jr., 1916; Jeanne Patrie, 1918; Ed- ward Page, Jr., 1919. Address, Towns End Farms, West Chester, Pa. Barrett, Lawrence Haney, A.B. Entered 1908 (Junior year) from Earlham College. Football "H" (III). Assistant Superintendent, Evans Milling Company. 1910] MATRICULATE CATALOG 523 b. Spring Valley, Ohio, August 15, 1887. s. John R. Barrett and Ella M. Haney. m. Canby, Ind., June 28, 1911, Evelyn Reeve, c. John Reeve, 1912; Barbara Evelyn, 1913; Robert Horace, 1915; Charles Lawrence, 1918. Address, 4251 North Capitol Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. Boyce, William Thomas, A.B. ; A.M. Entered 1909 from Guilford College. Harvard Graduate Student, 1910-11. Principal, Sherwood High School, Sandy Spring, Md., 1911-13; Teacher of History and Political Science at Whittier College, Cal., 1913-15; Teacher of History and Economics in FuUerton Union High School and Junior College since 1915; Dean of the Junior College since 1918; Head of Department of Political Science since 1920. Member, American Historical Association; Board of Trade of City of Fullerton; Men's League of Fullerton (President since organization) ; Di- rector of Port Lobos Oil Company (Mexico) since 1920. b. Tyner, N. C, October 25, 1884. s. Richard Dillard Boyce and Maggie E. Outland. m. Whittier, Cal, June 25, 1916, Vera M. Votaw. c. William Dillard, 1918; Durant, 1921. Address, 1015 Hillcrest Street, Fullerton, Cal. Bryan, Julian Scott, S.B. (Ph.B., 1909, Franklin College; A.M., 1911, Colgate.) Entered 1909 from Franklin College. Teacher, Phillips Andover Academy, 1911-13; Head of English Department, Orange, N. J., High School, 1913-15; Special Agent, Equitable Life Insurance Company, 1915-17; Lieutenant, Coast Artillery; Associate Director, Personnel Department, War Camps Community Service, 1919 ; Principal, High School, Pelham Manor, N. Y., since 1919. Author, The Garden of Luzon. Member, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity; Men's Club, Pelham Manor, N. Y. b. Kokomo, Ind., September 25, 1890. s. Elmer B. Bryan and Margaret L. Scott, m. FrankUn, Ind., November 28, 1913, Ida Marie Wilson, c. Elizabeth Jeane, 1915. Address, 459 Siwanoy Place, Pelham Manor, N. Y. Cadbury, Earl Shinn, S.B. Entered 1906. Captain, Soccer Team (IV). Salesman. The Commonwealth Shoe and Leather Company, Boston ; The American International Corporation, New York; The American Field Service, Paris; United States Air Service; A. E. F., France; S. L. Allen & Co., Inc., Philadelphia; Loyal Hanna Coal and Coke Company, Phila- delphia. 524 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1910 b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 16, 1888. s. Richard T. Cad- bury (Class 1872) and Helen Virginia Nathans. Address, Haver- ford, Pa. Gary, Donald Bush, S.B. Entered 1906. Track "H." United States Fidelity and Guarantee Company, Baltimore, Md. ; Bureau of State and Municipal Research, Balti- more, Md. ; Secretary-Treasurer, "The Apartment Corporation." In France as member of the Transport Division of The American Field Service, with the French Army, in 1917. b. Baltimore, Md., August 21, 1889. s. John R. Cary and Mary E. Bush. m. Baltimore, Md., October 15, 1919, Dorothy E. Dowell. Address, Oilman Apartments, D 6, Calvert and Thirty- first Streets, Baltimore, Md. Clark, Charles Fygis, A.B. Entered 1906. Class President (IV). b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 23, 1888. s. Charles Davis Clark and Bertha Anderson Smith. Address, 2215 Spruce Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Crow, Hollie Ernest, S.B. (A.B., Friends Univ., 1909; A.M., Kan- sas Univ., 1912.) Entered 1909 from Friends' University. Professor of Biology, Penn College, Oskaloosa, Iowa, 1910-11; Professor of Biology, Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pa., 1912-13; Assistant Professor of Biology, Medico-Chirurgical College, Phila- delphia, 1912-16; Assistant Professor, Zoology, University of Pennsylvania, 1916-18; Professor, Biology, Friends' University, Wichita, Kan., 1918 to date. Member, National Geographic So- ciety; American Association for Advancement of Science; Ameri- can Genetic Society ; Society of Sigma Xi. b. Bourbon, Mo., March 20, 1884. s. Franklin C. Crow and Mary J. Hethcock. m. Wichita, Kan., September 1, 1909, Lena Whitaker. c. James Franklin, 1916; Ernest Whitaker, 1920. Ad- dress, 620 Hiram Street, Wichita, Kan. David, Edward Wandell, A.B. Entered 1906. Cricket "H" (IV) ; Manager, Gymnasium Team (IV) ; Busi- ness Manager, Class Record (IV) ; Member, Founders' Club (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa. With Hires Condensed Milk Company, Malvern, Pa., 1910-11; Federal Packing Company, Enosburg 1910] MATRICULATE CATALOG 525 Falls, Vt., Manager and Secretary, 1911-17; Hires Condensed Milk Company, in charge of manufacture, 1912-18; Nestle's Food Company, New York City, Assistant General Superintendent, 1918-20; The Charles E. Hires Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1920 to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 1, 1889. s. Edward Morris David and Martha Frances Knight, m. Enosburg Falls, Vt., June 28, 1916, Annie Frances Merrill, c. Martha Knight, 1917; Olin Merrill, 1918. Address, 310 East Gowen Avenue, Mt. Airy, Phila- delphia, Pa. Davis, Henry, A.B. (A.B., Guilford, 1909.) Entered 1909 from Guilford College. Track "H" (IV). Farmer. MaryhiU (Wash.) Land Com- pany, 15 months; Farming in North Carolina, 2 years; Farm Man- ager for MaryhiU Land Company, 4 years; Friends' Reconstruc- tion Unit in France, 13 months; in Germany with Friends' Service Committee, 6 months. Farming, North Carolina, to date. b. Guilford College, N. C, October 12, 1886. s. J. Franklin Davis (Class 1875) and Laura Mendenhall. m. MaryhiU, Wash., September 1, 1920, Lois Henderson. Address, Guilford College. Develin, Joseph Chubb, A.B. Entered 1906; left 1909. Degree conferred in 1918 as of the Class of 1910, upon examination. Rancher, Crockett County, Texas. Second Lieutenant, Cavalry, May 8, 1917; First Lieutenant, Infantry, November 27, 1917; Captain, Infantry, 1918. Honorable Discharge, July 23, 1919. Sailed with 54th Pioneer Infantry, 1918; returned, 1919. Mem- ber, American Legion ; Military Order of Foreign Wars, Philadel- phia, Pa. ; B. P. O. E. ; Country Club, San Angelo, Texas. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 8, 1889. s. John Frederick Develin and Susannah Harmstead Chubb, m. New York, N. Y., July 15, 1914, Jeannette Millspaugh. c. John Chubb, 1915. Address, 913 South David Street, San Angelo, Texas. Edwards, Earle Nelson, S.B. (S.B. in Architecture, Univ. of Pa., 1912.) Entered 1906. Captain, Gymnasium Team (IV) ; Gymnasium "H" (IV) ; Member, Triangle Society. Architect. Member of firm, Edwards & Baker. Entered Army as Private, October 5, 1917; Commis- sioned Second Lieutenant, Engineers, United States Army; Post Adjutant; First Lieutenant. Honorably Discharged, December 23, 526 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1910 1918. Former Member, Merion Cricket Club ; Member, Tredyif rin Country Club; American Institute of Architects. b. Elanchester, Ohio, June 3, 1888. s. Levi Talbot Edwards (Class 1884) and Elvie L. Aikin. m. June 16, 1917, Elizabeth Roberts Allinson. c. Elizabeth Anne, 1918; Barbara Goodrich, 1922. Address, Chestnut Road, Paoli, Pa. Else, Ralph Roscoe, S.B. (A.M., Penn College, 1910.) Entered 1909 from Penn College. Winner of Alumni Oratorical Contest. Attorney-at-Law. Ranching and Religious Work in Idaho, 1910-12; Practice of Law and Banking, 1912-20. Member, Bench and Bar of Alameda County, Cal., and of State of California. b. Oskaloosa, Iowa, September 13, 1885. s. John Jayne Else and Jennie West. m. Berkeley, Cal., August 16, 1915, Oma A. Davies. Address, First National Bank Building, Berkeley, Cal. Froelicher, Charles Mitchell, A.B. Entered 1906. Football "H"; Track "H"; Manager, Track Team (IV). Mas- ter of French, Oilman Country School, 1911-17; Headmaster, Pingry School, 1917-20; Director, Camp Tunckhannock, 1914-20; Headmaster, The Kansas City Country Day School, Kansas City, Mo., to date. b. Media, Pa., June 29, 1889. s. Hans Froelicher and Frances H. Mitchell, m. New York City, June 16, 1917, Frances Humm- ler. c. Charles Mitchell, Jr., 1918; Jackson, 1921. Address, The Country Day School, Fifty-first and Ward Parkway, Kansas City, Mo. Furness, Harold Alan, S.B. Entered 1906. Manager, Soccer Team (JV) ; Captain, Tennis Team (III) ; Captain, Cricket (IV) ; Soccer "H"; Cricket "H." Member, Tri- angle Society. Clerk, Standard Supply and Equipment Company, 1910- . b. Pittsfield, Me., May 11, 1887. s. Thomas S. Furness and Adelaide Ward. Address, 129 West Park Avenue, Haddonfield, N.J. Gheen, Evan Pennock, A.B. Entered 1906. Soccer "H" (IV). Stock Raising. b. West Chester, Pa., March 4, 1890. s. John Jay Gheen and Carrie O'Neill. Address, Jordan Valley, Ore. 1910] MATRICULATE CATALOG 527 Green, John Clinton, A.B. Entered 1905 ; left December, 1908, and returned winter of 1909-10. Real Estate and Insurance Business. b. Clarksboro, N. J., June 25, 1884. s. William Sharp Green and Martha Walton Davis, m. Philadelphia, Pa., January 25, 1912, Eugenia Bayard Pierce. Address, 22 South Boston Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. Haines, Carroll Austin, S.B. Entered 1906. Manager, Cricket Team (IV) ; Manager, Musical Clubs (IV) ; Member, Triangle Society. Agent for Baker Electric; Treasurer, Magnetic Auto Company ; First Lieutenant, Chemical Warfare Service; Treasurer, George Hugh Smith, Inc., Agents for Owen Magnetic and Ranch & Lang Electric; Sales Manager, Salom In- novation Battery Company, to date. Member, Union League, Philadelphia; American Legion. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 16, 1887. s. William A. Haines and Laura Kirk. m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 11, 1913, Mar- guerite Faust.' c. Laura Kirk. 1917. Address, 122 West Mt. Airy Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Hires, Harrison Streeter, A.B. Entered 1905. Business Manager, Haverfordian (IV). Manufacturer (Hires Root Beer Company). b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 31, 1887. s. Charles Elmer Hires and Clara Kate Smith, m. Philadelphia, Pa., October 25, 1911, Christine B. Leland. c. Claramary, 1915; William L., 1918. Ad- dress, Berwyn, Pa. Kenderdine, John Donald, A.B. Entered 1906. Joint Founder and Publisher of "College Weekly" (now "Haver- ford News"), (III) ; Manager, Haverfordian (III) ; President, College Association (III) ; Member, Beta Rho Sigma. Treasurer, Windsor Chocolate Company, Philadelphia, 1910-12; Circulation Manager, McClure's Magazine, 1912-16; Business Manager, Na- tion.al Service Magazine (Published by Military Training Camps Association, New York), 1917; 1917-19, United States Army; Battalion Adjutant, 1918. France, April, 1918, to April, 1919, with 77th Division; Captain and Regimental Adjutant, 1918; wounded at Autrecourt, France, November 9, 1918 ; Cited in Orders; Division Manager, Red Cross Magazine, 1919-20; Assist- ant Manager, The Survey and Survey Graphic, 1921-22. 528 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1910 b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., February 6, 1889. s. Isaac W. Kenderdine and Mary E. Flint, m. New York City, May 5, 1919, Clare Tree Major. (Stepdaughter), Dorothy Kenderdine, 1908. Address, Chappaqua, N. Y. Kerbaugh, George Allen, A.B. Entered 1906. Manager, Football Team (IV) ; Member, Triangle Society. W. H. & G. W. Allen, Hardware, 1910-11; Salesman, Standard Supply and Equipment Company, 1911-13; Manager of the Al- toona Office of the above firm, 1913-19; Manager, Philadelphia Office, 1919 to date. Director, Croft & Allen Company; Director and Vice-President, Atlas Paper Box Company, Member, Al- toona Cricket Club; Orpheus Club, Philadelphia; St. David's Golf Club; Charter Member, Altoona Rotary Club. b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., July 15, 1888. s. Joseph O. Kerbaugh and Matilda Dean Allen, m. Cresson, Pa., October 14, 1914, Mary Pynchon Cleave, c. Mary Campbell, 1915. Address, Berkley Road, Haverford, Pa. Leininger, Charles Scott, S.B. Entered 1908 from Albright College. Hosiery Establishment, Mohnton, Pa., 1 year; Manager of Building of Haverford Apartments, Atlantic City, 2 years; Hosiery Manufacture, 1914 to date (Mohnton, Pa.). Member, Masonic Order; Mystic Shrine. b. Mohnton, Pa., February 24, 1888. s. George H. Leininger and Ella S. Mohn. m. Harrisburg, Pa., October 20, 1917, Mabel Carver. Address, Mohnton, Pa. Lewis, Henry Carvill, S.B. Entered 1906. Engineer, with Link Belt Company, Philadelphia, since 1910. EnHsted as Private, June 11, 1917; First Lieutenant, United States Air Service, March 9, 1918; Overseas, 1917-19; Attached to 90th and 96th Aero Squadrons; Prisoner of War, Germany, July 10, 1918; Discharged from Service, January 8, 1919. Member, Ger- mantown Cricket Club; Military Order of Foreign Wars (Penn- sylvania Commandery) ; American Officers of the Great War. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 9, 1889. s. Louis K. Lewis and Amy Lewis. Address, 6304 Morton Street, Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. 1910] MATRICULATE CATALOG 529 Morley, Christopher Darlington, A.B. (B.A., Oxford, England, 1913.) Entered 1906. President, Y. M. C. A. (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa; Rhodes Scholar from Maryland at New College, Oxford, 1910-13. Editorial Staff of Doubleday, Page & Co., Publishers, Garden City, N. Y., 1913- 17; Editorial Staff, The Ladies' Home Journal, 1917-18; the Evening Public Ledger, Philadelphia, 1918-20; the New York Evening Post, 1920 to date. Author, The Eighth Sin; Parnassus on Wheels; Songs for a Little House; Shandygaff ; The Rocking Horse; The Haunted Bookshop; In the Sweet Dry and Dry (in collaboration with Bart Haley) ; Mince Pie; Kathleen; Travels in Philadelphia; Pipefuls; Hide and Seek; Tales from a Rolltop Desk; Plum Pudding; Chimneysmoke ; Translations from the Chinese; Where the Blue Begins; numerous reviews, verses, stories, etc., in newspapers and magazines. {Parnassus on Wheels and The Haunted Bookshop have been printed in Braille type for the blind.) Member, The Franklin Inn Club, Philadelphia; The Coffee House, New York; The Players, New York; Modern Language Association. b. Haverford, Pa., May 5, 1890. s. Frank Morley (Professor of Mathematics in Haverford College, 1887-1900) and Lillian Janet Bird. m. New York City, June 3, 1914, Helen Booth Fair- child, c. Christopher, Jr., 1916; Louise Booth, 1918; Helen Fair- child, 1920. Address, care of New York Evening Post, New York City. Morris, Reginald Hollingsworth, S.B. Entered 1906. Track "H" (I) ; Member, Beta Rho Sigma. Member of firm of Morris, Wheeler & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Enlisted in United States Air Service, October, 1917. Member, University Barge Club. b. Pottstown, Pa., June 14, 1887. s. William Henry Morris and Sallie Wheeler Paul. m. Rosemont, Pa., January 25, 1913, Emily Le Compte Parker, c. Parker William, 1914; Haydee, 1915; Phyllis, 1917. Address, Villa Nova, Pa. Palmer, Walter, S.B. Entered 1906. Captain, Track Team (IV); Track "H" (I, II, III, IV); "Spoon Man." Student of Mechanical Engineering, M. I. T., 1911-12; Draftsman, Walker Electric Company; Superintendent, Chester Factory, and Member, Board of Directors, American 34 530 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1910 Dyewood Company, Chester, Pa., to date. Manufacturers' Com- mittee of Second, Third, Fourth and Victory Liberty Loans. Mem- ber, Springhaven Country Club ; Rotary Club of Chester ; The Academy of Natural Sciences of Pennsylvania; The Franklin In- stitute; The Delaware County Institute of Natural Sciences. b. Media, Pa., March 30, 1888. s. Thomas Chalkley Palmer (Class 1882) and Hanna Jane Walter, m. Lansdowne, Pa., Oc- tober 11, 1913, Sara Frances Pennock. c. Laura Pennock, 1916; Margaret Walter, 1918. Address, 105 West Twenty-third Street, Chester, Pa. Phillips, John Phillips, S.B.; DC. Entered 1906. Member, Triangle Society. Chiropractor. Graduate, Universal Chiropractic College, Pittsburgh. b. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., September 11, 1887. s. Thomas H. Phil- lips and Jennie E. Kulp. m. Merchantville, N. J., May 3, 1913, Dorothy B. Guild. Address, 200 Jackson Building, Nashville, Tenn. Rabinowitz, Samuel Abraham, A.S. Entered 1906. Rabbi. Principal of School of Gratz College, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Rabbi, Temple of Truth, Wilmington, Del. ; Fellow, Dropsie Col- lege, Philadelphia; Member, Wilmington Defense Council; Citi- zens' Committee on Public Schools; Legislative Committee on Minimum Wage Law ; Executive Committee of Wilmington Com- munity Service ; Executive Committee, Jewish War Relief ; Ex- ecutive Committee, Jewish Community Organization ; Member, Social Service Club ; Aids of Zion ; Independent Order B'nai Brith; Y. M. H. A. Ministers' Union. b. Youngstown, Ohio, April 16, 1888. s. Isaiah Rabinowitz and Esther . Address, 2 Marquette Apts., Wilmington, Del. Ristine, Charles Scott, S.B. Entered class Junior year from Class of 1909. Member, Triangle Society. Engineer. With Virginia Railway and Power Company, Norfolk, Va., 1910-17; Infantry, United States Army, 1917-19; Engineer with The Oil and Waste Saving Machine Company, Real Estate Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. Member, Country Club, Norfolk, Va. ; Military Order of Foreign Wars; American Legion; American Institute Electrical Engineers. b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., February 11, 1887. s. George Carpenter Ristine and Susannah Shank. Address, 711 Old Lancaster Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. 1910] MATRICULATE CATALOG 531 Roberts, Alfred Stokes, S.B. Entered 1906. Track "H" (I, II). Sterling Switchboard Company, of Cam- den, N. J. ; Farmer to date. b. Atlantic City, N. J., July 7, 1887. s. Joseph H. Roberts and Mary Collins Stokes, m. Alton, R. I., August 22, 1914, Anna E. Collins, c. Thomas Hooton, 1915. Address, 201 East Oak Ave- nue, Moorestown, N. J. Shoemaker, Comly Bird, 2nd, S.B. Entered 1906. With Glasgow Iron Company since graduation, as laborer, time clerk, draftsman, engineer of tests, clerk in sales office, assistant to President; Vice-President to date. Manager, Bedford Street Mission (Philadelphia); Trustee, Pottstown Hospital; Director, Glasgow Iron Company. Member, Colonial Club, Pottstown; Brookside Country Club, Pottstown; Pen and Pencil Club, Phila- delphia. b. Pottstown, Pa., March 4, 1888. s. Comly Bird Shoemaker and Martha Lukens Bailey, m. Wilmington, Del., September 17, 1910, Margaret Mary Hilles. c. Robert Hilles, 1911; Richard Bailey, 1915; Comly Bird, 3d, 1918. Address, 1022 High Street, Pottstown, Pa. Spaulding, Eugene Ristine, S.B. Entered 1906. Member, Triangle Society. Member, firm, Carroll A. Haines & Co., Philadelphia; Treasurer, Elliott Service Company, New York; Secretary, Henri M. Stewart, Inc., New York; Business Manager and Assistant Treasurer, "The Churchman," New York, to date. b. Galion, Ohio, October 30, 1889. s. Clement D. Spaulding and Jane Ristine. m. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., April 22, 1913, Elizabeth Shaw. c. Robert Eugene, 1917. Address, Ho- hokus, N. J. Tomlinson, Willard Pyle, A.B. (A.M.. 1911, Harvard.) Entered Sophomore year from Swarthmore Preparatory School. Member, Phi Beta Kappa (IV) ; Captain, Football Team (IV) ; Founders' Club; Cap and Bells (IV). Teacher of Modern Lan- guages, Lawrenceville, 1911-13; Teacher and Football Coach, Swarthmore Preparatory, 1913-16; Y. M. C. A. Secretary, New- port, R. I., May to October, 1917; Woods Hole, Mass., until December, 1917. Enlisted, Medical Department, United States Army, December 13, 1917; Psychological Examining of Recruits 532 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1910 until 1918; Field Artillery Officers' Training School, Camp Tay- lor, Ky., until discharge, November 29, 1918. To date. Head- master, Swarthmore Preparatory School. Member, Headmasters' Club; Kiwanis Club; Field Artillery Alumni Association; Ameri- can Legion ; Director, Swarthmore Building and Loan Association, b. Jenkintown, Pa., February 8, 1890. s. Arthur Hibbs Tom- linson and Emma Taylor Pyle. m. Woods Hole, Mass., December 5, 1917, Cornelia J. Turner, c. Marjorie Jean, 1920. Address, Swarthmore, Pa. Townsend, Horace Raymond, A.B. (B.A., Wilmington College, 1909; M.A., Harvard Univ., 1911.) Entered 1909 from Wilmington College. Teacher. Teacher, Blanchester, Ohio, 1911-12; Principal, Nel- sonville, Ohio, 1912-13; Principal, Ashtabula, Ohio, 1913-16; Principal, High School, Hamilton, Ohio, 1916 to date. Farmer, Martinsville, Ohio. Member, N. E. A. ; Harvard Club, Cincin- nati; School Masters' Club, Cincinnati; American Historical As- sociation; Rotary Club; Phi Beta Kappa, Haverford, 1920; Com- mittee of North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. b. Martinsville, Ohio, September 15, 1883. s. Orland Townsend and Mary E. Leaf. m. Wilmington, Ohio, August 14, 1914, Mary O. Hazard, c. Mary Elizabeth, 1916; Esther Jane, 1920. Address, 212 South "D" Street, Hamilton, Ohio. Wheeler, Guy Samuel, A.B. (1912, as of the Class of 1910.) Entered 1906. Absent second half of Sophomore year and Junior year. Football "H" (IV). b. Doylestown, Pa., March 28, 1891. s. George Wheeler and Eleanor King. Address, care of Ajax Auto Repair Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Whitall, James, A.B. ; A.M., 1911. Entered 1906. Editor-in-Chief, Haverfordian (IV) ; Member, Beta Rho Sigma; Leader, Mandolin Club (IV). Author. With Whitall Tatum Company until 1914. Translator: Complete Poems, Leanidas of Tarentum; Chinese Lyrics from the Book of Jade, Judith Gautier (1914) ; People, Pierre Hamp (1920) ; Daughters of Fire, Gerard de Nerval (1922). On Editorial Staff of London Mercury since May, 1921. b. Germantown, Pa., April 8, 1888. s. John M. Whitall (Class 1880, Manager to date) and Margaret Haines Bacon, m. German- 1910] MATRICULATE CATALOG 533 town, Pa., September 26, 1911, Mildred Mason Smith. Member, Savile Club, London. Address, 21 St. Leonard's Terrace, Lon- don, S. W. 3, England. Williams, William Lloyd Garrison, Entered with Class of 1909; left college at end of Sophomore year; entered Class of 1910 at beginning of Junior year. Track "H" (II) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV) ; Rhodes Scholar (IV) from North Dakota. Member, Founders' Club. Assistant Pro- fessor, Mathematics, Miami University, 1913-18; Acting Pro- fessor, Mathematics, Pennsylvania College, 1918-19; Professor of Mathematics, College of William and Mary, 1919-20; Instructor in Mathematics, Cornell University, 1920 to date. b. Friendship, Kan., October 3, 1888, s. Nathan Williams and Amanda Truex. m. Cincinnati, Ohio, June 13, 1916, Anne Chris- tine Sykes. c. Hester Truex; Christine. Address, White Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Non-Graduates Ayer, Nathaniel Davis. Entered 1906; left during Freshman year. b. Boston, Mass., August 5, 1887. s. Silas Hibbard Ayer and Juliette Butterfield. Address, 4 Lincoln House, Basil Street, Knightsbridge, London, England. Baker, Philip J. (B.A., 1912; M.A., 1915, Cambridge, Eng.) Entered 1906; left at close of Freshman year. Track "H"; Soccer "H" (I). Vice-Principal, Ruskin College, Oxford, 1914; Commandant, Friends' Ambulance Unit, 1914-15; Adjutant Field Officer, British Ambulance, 1915-18; British For- eign Office, November, 1918, to January, 1919; British Peace Delegation (League of Nations Section), January to November, 1919; Member of League of Nations Secretariat, November, 1919- . Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, 1915. b. London, England, November 1, 1889. s. Joseph Allen Baker and Elizabeth Balmer Moscup. m. Crabbet Park, Sussex, Eng- land, June 12, 1915, Irene Noel. c. Francis Edward, 1920. Ad- dress, King's College, Cambridge, England. Bryant, Earlham. (B.S. in C.E., Univ. of Pa, 1917.) Entered 1906; left June, 1909. Railway Construction, Transcontinental Railway, 1909-13; Phoenix Construction Company (Hydro-Electric Development), Utah and Idaho, 1913-14; Student, University of Pennsylvania, 534 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1910 1914-17; Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, summer, 1914; with Charles E. Collins, as Resident Engineer, Municipal Water Works Installation in Delaware, summer, 1915; Canadian Field Artillery, 1917; Commission in Royal Flying Corps; 22d Wing, Royal Flying Corps (later, Royal Air Force), Squadron Equip- ment Officer, and Assistant Wing E. O., 4th Army Area (Amiens to Cologne), 1918-19; in Northwest Frontier Province, India, 1919- 20; Engineering Service, with the Farnsworth Company, Con- shohocken, Pa., October, 1920-21 ; Resident Engineer, Sewer Con- struction, Pottstown, Pa., summer, 1921; Instructing (Modern Languages), Episcopal Academy, Overbrook, Pa., 1921-22. b. Toronto, Canada, January 18, 1889. s. John E. Bryant and Antoinette M. Reazin. Address, 35 Fairview Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa. Calley, Donald MacMakin. Entered 1906; left at end of Sophomore year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 14, 1886. s. Rev. Walter Calley and Irene Hopkins. Address, 141 East Twenty-sixth Street, New York City. Clark, Thomas Noah. Entered 1906 ; left at end of Sophomore year. Student in Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. b. Oil City, Pa., September 14, 1885. s. Noah F. Clark and Rebecca Jack. Address, Omar Oil and Gas Company, 806 Magee Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Coates, Sidney Hornor Entered 1906; left during Junior year. Electric Storage Battery Company, Inspector; Farmer; Steel Manufacture. Mountain Missionary. b. Berwyn, Pa., September 23, 1887. s. Joseph H. Coates and Elizabeth G. Potts, m. Philadelphia, Pa., December 28, 1916, Emily R. Wadleigh. Address, Ivy, Va. Eshleman, Rodney Mercur. Entered 1906; left at end of Sophomore year. Newspaper Work; Salesman for Fidelity Electric Company (Manufacturers of Electric Motors). Private, United States Army Ambulance Corps (Medical Department), AUentown, Pa., 1918, transferred to Erie, Pa., Post Hospital, Fort Jay, Governor's Island, N. Y. Instructor in French while at AUentown. Hon- orable Discharge, January 13, 1919. Automobile Insurance, to date, Pennsylvania Indemnity Exchange of Philadelphia (Lan- caster Representative) . 1910] MATRICULATE CATALOG 535 b. Lancaster, Pa., May 30, 1887. s. B. Frank Eshleman (Class 1867) and Mary E. Mercur. Address, 215 East Orange Street, Lancaster, Pa. Frost, Meigs Oliver. Entered 1907; left in Spring, 1908. Mutual Bank, Broadway and Thirty-third Street, New York City, 1 year; Reporter, New York Times and New York Herald; on Ranch, Texas; Reporter and City Editor, Galveston News; Staff Correspondent, Dallas-Galveston News, in South and South- west United States and Mexico; Secretary, Galveston Chamber of Commerce, 1 year; Reporter, Telegraph Editor, City Editor, Staff Correspondent, New Orleans Item; Second Lieutenant, Bat- tery B, 1st Louisiana Field Artillery, Mexican Border, 1916-17; Special Agent, United States Government ; Staff of Governor John M. Parker, of Louisiana; Magazine Short Story Writer to date. Member, New Orleans Press Club; Southern Yacht Club; Round Table Club; Washington Artillery Veterans' Association; Louisiana Historical Society; Mason; Shriner; Elk. b. New Britain, Conn., June 26, 1882. s. Howard Bishop Frost and Emma Mary Burgess, m. New York, August 15, 1908, April Doig. c. Frances Madeline, 1909; Burgess Murray, 1911; Valerie Ann, 1914. Address, 6018 Hurst Street, New Orleans, La. Frutchey, Charles Arthur. Entered 1906; left at end of Sophomore year. Silk Expert, Buyer and Representative of John Wanamaker, New York, 1911-18; Member, Original Color Committee of "The Standard Color Card of the United States Army"; Eastern Rep- resentative Judge of Textiles to the Jury of Award, Panama- Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco. United States Navy, Commercial Expert in Cable Censor, New York (Ensign). Silk Manufacturer and Stylist. Publicity and Sales Manager, Frutchey Silk Shop (Retail), New York. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 21, 1888. s. William John Roberts Frutchey and Emma Jane Shearer. Address, 4 West Fortieth Street, New York City. Greene, William Chase. (A.B., 1911, Harvard; B.A., 1914, Ox- ford, Eng.; A.M., 1916, Harvard; Ph.D., 1917, Harvard.) Entered 1906; left at end of Freshman year. Instructor in English, Harvard University, 1914-17; Master in Greek and Latin, Groton School, Groton, Mass., 1917-20; In- 536 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1910 structor in Greek and Latin, Harvard University, 1920- . Author: "Richard I Before Jerusalem" (Newdigate Prize Poem, Oxford, 1912) ; "Plato's View of Poetry," and "The Spirit of Comedy in Plato," in Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 1918 and 1920. Contributor to North American Review; Unp artisan Review; Classical Journal, etc. Member, American Philological Associa- tion; Harvard Club of Boston; Phi Beta Kappa. b. Brookline, Mass., June 14, 1890. s. Herbert Eveleth Greene and Harriet Savage Chase, m. July 18, 1917, Margaret Weed Eckfeldt. c. Herbert Thomas, 1918; Margaret Chase, 1920; Anne Marston, 1921. Address, 44 Shepard Street, Cambridge 38, Mass. Hutton, Arthur Webster. Entered 1906; left at end of Junior year. Cricket "H" (IV). With Charles E. Brown Company, Phila- delphia, 1909-10; Charles T. Wills, Inc., New York, 1910-11; Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, 1911, June to Novem- ber; A. M. Collins Manufacturing Company, Philadelphia, 1911 to date (Sales and Department Manager of same). Treasurer, The Philadelphia Paper Box Manufacturing Association; Treas- urer, National Paper Box Manufacturing Association; Director, United Security Life Insurance and Trust Company ; Director, Hillside Cemetery Company ; The Berwyn Free Library ; Vice- President, Quaker Building and Loan Association of Philadelphia. Member, The City Club of Philadelphia; The Philadelphia Sales Club; The Tredyfifrin Golf Club. b. Berwyn, Pa., November 12, 1886. s. George Smedley Hut- ton and Ellen S. Pandrich. m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 30, 1913, Mary E. Smith, c. George Smedley, Jr., 1916; Dorothy Hutton, 1920. Address, Berwyn, Pa. Judkins, William, 3rd. Entered Freshman year; left at end of Sophomore year. Terro Concrete Construction Company, Rochester, N. Y., Chi- cago, Memphis, Cincinnati (1909-12, Timekeeper to Assistant Superintendent) ; Broker in Building Material, Cincinnati, 1912- ; President and Manager, Contracting Business, Cincin- nati, 1913-17; First Lieutenant, Plattsburg, N. Y., 1917 (In- fantry) ; 1 year in France (Meuse-Argonne, November 9, 1918). Industrial Engineer, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, 1919 to date. Member, American Legion. b. Cincinnati, Ohio, January 9, 1886. s. William Judkins and Nellie Anderson. Address, 1703 Goodyear Avenue, Akron, Ohio. 1910] MATRICULATE CATALOG 537 Langsdorf, Jacob Morris. Entered 1906; left at end of Freshman year. Track "H." Cigar Manufacturing. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 9, 1888. s. Morris K. Langsdorf and Minnie Levy. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 10, 1912, Dorothy May Kirschbaum. c. Jack Bernard, 1913; Robert Morris, 1915; Elizabeth May, 1917. Address, 401 North Thirty-third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Law, Fern. Entered 1906; left at close of Freshman year. Office of Wholesale Paper Manufacturers, 15 months; Retail Nursery Business, 4 years; Stock Brokerage Business since 1915. b. Ardmore, Pa., March 11, 1888. s. James B. Law and Annie C. Sibley. Address, Radnor, Pa. Lufkin, Harold Marshall. (S.T.B., Phila. Divinity School, 1915; A.B., Cornell Univ., 1920.) Entered 1906; left 1907. Y. M. C. A. Secretary, 1910; Teacher, St. Andrew's School, Sewanee, Tenn, 1916-18; Vice-President, Second District of Cos- mopolitan Clubs, 1919-20. Clergyman and Instructor in Mathe- matics, Cornell University, to date. Member, Masons ; Cornell Cosmopolitan Club; Phi Delta Kappa. b. Portland, Me., April 6, 1887, s. George W. Lufkin and Annie Lilian Marshall. Address, White Hall, Ithaca, N. Y. Martin, Stuart Thompson. Entered 1906; left during Sophomore year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 19, 1888. s. Alexander Martin and Blanche Thompson. No address. Mason, Samuel, Jr. Entered 1906; left at end of Junior year. Draughtsman; General Machinist; Manufacturing Confec- tioner; Reconstruction Work near Verdun for 1 year. Farmer to date. b. Germantown, Pa., April 19, 1887. s. Samuel Mason (Class 1880) and Katharine Evans Stokes. Address, Darlington, Har- ford County, Md. Mayers, Clayton Wadleigh. Entered 1906; left toward close of Freshman year. Graduated from Polytechnic Institute, Boston, as Engineer, 1911. New England Granite Works, Westerly, R. I., Draftsman, 1908-09; National Fire Proofing Company, Boston, Engineer and 538 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1910 Estimator, 1909-13; General Store, John H. Mayers & Sons, Dresden, Me., 1913-15; Aberthaw Construction Company, Bos- ton, Mass., Estimator, 1915 to date. Member, Board of Trustees, Bridge Academy, Dresden, Me. ; Member, Executive Board and Officer, Aberthaw Construction Company. Member, Masonic Lodge; Boston Athletic Association. b. Dresden, Me., April 28, 1887. s. John H. Mayers and Susie E. Wadleigh. m. Winthrop, Mass., October 29, 1912, Hazel Edna Wyman. Address, 35 Rowe Street, Auburndale, Mass., and 27 School Street, Boston, Mass. Phillips, Alfred Ingersoll, Jr. (S.B., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1910.) Entered 1906; left at end of Freshman year, b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 9, 1887. s. Alfred Ingersoll Phillips and Mary Colgate Dale. Last address, 202 Leavenworth Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Roberts, Ashbel Sellew. (A.B., Cornell, 1910.) Entered Sophomore year from Cornell University ; left at close of Sophomore year. b. North Chili, N. Y., June 26, 1888. s. Benson Howard Rob- erts and Emma Jane Sellew. No address. Sholem, Grover. Entered Freshman year; left at end of Freshman year. Junior Partner, Sholem & Sons Department Store, Paris, 111., 1916- . b. Paris, 111., June 16, 1888. s. M. Sholem and Bella . Address, 853 Edgemont Boulevard, Los Angeles, Cal. Shultz, Walter Dexter. (LL.B., Cornell Univ., 1911.) Entered 1906; left at close of Freshman year. Legal Staff of Spokane Title Company, Spokane, Wash., 1911- 12; 1912 to date, Commercial Bank and Trust Company, of Wenatchee, Wash., as Bookkeeper and Messenger, General Book- keeper, Teller, Assistant Cashier and Cashier. Member, City Council; Trustee, Commercial Club; Member, Executive Com- mittee, Republican Central Committee; Liberty Loan Executive Committee ; Treasurer of Red Cross for Chelan County ; Ser- geant, Company I, Washington National Guards. Member, Phi Sigma Kappa and Phi Delta Phi. b. Sedalia, Mo., November 4, 1888. s. Frank W. Shultz and Anna Devlin, m. Wenatchee, Wash., June 9, 1915, Esther Frances Duley. Address, 10 Wenatchee Avenue, Wenatchee, Wash., and Commercial Bank and Trust Company, Wenatchee, Wash. 1911] MATRICULATE CATALOG 539 Strassburger, Perry Beaver. Entered 1906; left at close of Freshman year. Director, Ambler Trust Company, Ambler, Pa. ; some time Head of Follow-Up Division, National City Company ; later, Sales Pro- motion and Statistical Writer on Investment Banking, connected with Kissel, Kinnicutt & Co., New York ; at present, General Man- ager, Securities Department, American Express Company, New York. Member, Fourth Street Club, Philadelphia; Colonial So- ciety of Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Society Sons of Revolution, Philadelphia ; Pennsylvania Historical Society ; Genealogical So- ciety of Pennsylvania; Executive Committee, New York Haver- ford Alumni Society. b. Norristown, Pa., August 6, 1888. s. Jacob Andrew Strass- burger and Mary Beaver, m. Germantown, Pa., June 3, 1911, Mary Alice Birchall. c. Betty Heap, 1912; Susanne, 1914; Beaver, 1916. Address, 68 Hawthorne Place, Montclair, N. J. Wilson, John French. Entered 1906; left during spring, 1908. Editor-in-Chief, Haverfordian (II). Lawyer. Private Prac- tice, 1912-14; Assistant Director of Law, City of Cleveland, 1915; Private Practice, 1916 to date, as Member of firm, Maurer, Bolton, Wilson & McGififen. Author of Poems, Sonnets, etc. Member, City Club of Cleveland; The Cleveland Bar Association; The American Poetry Society ; The Canterbury Golf Club. b. Flushing, Ohio, April 15, 1886. s. Benjamin Wilson and Mary French, m. West Chester, Pa., September 16, 1911, Anna Hoopes Brinton. c. Caroline, 1914; John French, Jr., 1917. Ad- dress, 1032 Guardian Building, Cleveland, Ohio. Zieber, Eugene Roy. Entered 1906; left at end of Sophomore year. Book Publishing Business; Member, A. E. F., 77th Division, New York. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 19, 1887. s. Eugene Zieber and Emma Loflin. Address, 325 Hathaway Lane, Wynnewood, Pa. 1911 Ashbrook, James, III, A.B. Entered 1907. President, Scientific Society (IV). Studied Illustration, 1911- 14. Counsellor, Children's Country Week Association; Teacher, School of Industrial Art, and Shady Hill Country Day School; 540 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1911 Assistant Paymaster, United States Naval Reserve Force; Supply Officer, Naval Operating Base, Hampton Roads, Va. ; Special Agent, Provident Life and Trust Company, to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 9, 1888. s. Louis Ashbrook and Mary Ellen Beebe. m. Swarthmore, Pa., May 18, 1918, Elsa Nor- ton, c. James Norton, 1919. Address, 613 South Forty-second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bernard, Henry Stuccator, Entered 1907. Playground Work, Philadelphia; Civil Service in Philippines, as Teacher and as Clerk in Postal Savings Bank, Manila. Psycho- logical Division of Medical Department, United States Army, Camp Dix, Examining Soldiers. Sergeant, First Class. Manu- facturer of Furniture, Bernard & Beck, Philadelphia, Pa., to date. Member, Masons. b. Kiev, Russia, April 9, 1887. s. Benjamin Stuccator and Cecilis Factor, m. Philadelphia, Pa., February 2, 1917, Dorothy Rosenstein. Address, 5455 Delancey Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Boyer, Daniel Burghard. Entered Sophomore year from Yale. National Bank of Boyertown; J. & H. K. Boyer; D. B. Boyer & Co., Merchant. Director of Boyertown Savings and Loan As- sociation; Boyertow^n Casket Company; and Boyertown Ore Com- pany; United States Army in France, 1918-19. Private, 313th Infantry, Medical Detachment; Second Lieutenant, Company I, 111th Infantry, 28th Division. Member, University Club, Read- ing, Pa. ; Brookside Country Club, Pottstown, Pa. ; Charles Yeager Post, American Legion, Boyertown, Pa. ; Rotary Club. b. Boyertown, Pa., October 2, 1889. s. James K. Boyer and Annie C. Stetler. m. Reading, Pa., March 9, 1918, Blanche M. Reigner. c. Daniel B., Jr., 1919; Mary Elizabeth, 1922. Address, Sixth and Walnut Streets, Boyertown, Pa. Bradway, John Saeger, A.B.; A.M., 1915. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1914.) Entered 1907. Phi Beta Kappa. Attorney-at-Law. Practice of Law, 1914-17; United States Naval Reserve, May 5, 1917, to March 17, 1919. Lieutenant (Junior Grade), Pay Corps. Practice of Law to date. Member, Union League, Philadelphia; Delta Theta Phi Law Fra- ternity; Order of Foreign Wars of the United States; American Legion; The Savoy Company; President, 1922. Chief Counsel of the Bureau of Legal Aid Society, Department of Public Wei- 1911] MATRICULATE CATALOG 541 fare; Counsel of the National Association of Legal Aid Societies. b. Swarthmore, Pa., February 17, 1890. s. William Bradway and Jennie Saeger. m. June 11, 1921, Mary Henderson. Ad- dress, 4446 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa., and 133 South Twelfth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Clark, Jefiferson Hamer, Jr., A.B. (M.D., Johns Hopkins, 1915.) Entered 1907. Physician. Interne, Samaritan Hospital, Philadelphia, 1915-16; Associate, Clinical Laboratory, at same, 1917 ; Instructor in Medi- cine, Temple University Medical School, 1917; Assistant Visiting Physician, Episcopal Hospital, 1917-19; United States Army, 1917-19; British Expeditionary Force, 1917-18; Captain, 1919; Wounded, Ypres, May, 1918 ; Central Medical Department Labo- ratory, A. E. F., 1918-19; Instructor, Bacteriology, A. E. F. Uni- versity, 1919, April to June; Instructor in Pathology, Temple University Medical School. Member, Phi Chi Medical Fraternity ; Philadelphia County Medical Society; American Medical As- sociation. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 10, 1890. s. Jefiferson H. Clark and Amy B. Hamm. Address, 3343 North Twentieth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Clarke, James Alexander, Jr., A.B. (M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1916.) Entered 1907. Clerk, Provident Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia, 1911- 12; Student, Jefferson Medical College, 1912-16; Interne, Roose- velt Hospital, New York, 1916-18; Teaching Staff, College of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia University), 1918-19; As- sistant Physician, Vanderbilt Clinic, 1918-20; same of Roosevelt Hospital Dispensary, 1918-20; Adjunct Physician, St. John's Guild, Seaside Hospital, 1918-20; Deputy Physician, New York Hospital Dispensary, 1920 to date; Instructor, Jefferson Medical College, 1921 to date. b. Coatesville, Pa., November 17, 1891. s. James Alexander Clarke and Anna Alexander, m. Philadelphia, Pa., February 16, 1917, Sophia Richards Lancaster Helmbold. c. Elizabeth Lan- caster, 1918; Anne Stevenson, 1921. Address, 2111 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Deane, Philip Bernard, S.B. Entered 1907. H. K. Mulford Company, Philadelphia, 1911-19; Quaker City Corporation, 1919-20, Managing Director of Spain Headquarters, 542 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1911 Madrid, Spain; York Safe and Lock Company, 55 Maiden Lane, New York City, Export Manager, 1920 to date. Member, Uni- versity Club, Philadelphia; Merion Cricket Club; York Country Club and Lafayette Club, York, Pa.; Liceo Club, Madrid; Royal Golf Club, Madrid. b, Middleboro, Mass., August 16, 1889. s. Leonidas Deane and Annie Davis Pratt, m. York, Pa., April 10, 1920, Ellen Louise Spahr. Address, Munn Court, 18 South Munn Avenue, East Orange, N. J. Downing, John Steele, S.B.; A.M., 1912. Entered 1907. Cricket "H" (III) ; Soccer "H." Assistant in Chemical Lab- oratory, Haverford College, 1911-12; Professor, Guilford College, 1912-16; Leather Chemist, J. E. Rhoads & Sons, Wilmington, Del., 1916-20; Chemist, Bona Allen, Inc., Buford, Ga., 1920 to date. Member, American Chemical Society ; American Leather Chemists' Association. Member, Corporation of Haverford Col- lege. b. Wilmington, Del., December 4, 1888. s. Joseph Miller Down- ing (Class 1865) and Hannah Pennock Steele, m. Guilford Col- lege, N. C, July 1, 1919, Mary Willard Fox. c. John Steele, Jr., 1920. Address, Box 192, Buford, Ga. Farquhar, Benjamin, S.B. Entered 1910 from Wilmington College. b. Wilmington, Ohio, July 25, 1890. s. Charles Farquhar and Sarah Mabel Brackney. m. Yellow Springs, Ohio, September 16, 1913, Mary Louise Vandervort. c. Mary Elizabeth; Charles Benjamin. Address, 123 Library Avenue, Wilmington, Ohio. Ferris, Henry, Jr., S.B. Entered 1907. United Gas Improvement Company, 3 years; Farm Journal, 1^^ years ; Philadelphia Public Ledger, 2 years ; Advertising Manager for Harrison Bros. & Co., Philadelphia; in charge of paint ad- vertising of same, after company was purchased by Du Pont. Joseph Richards Advertising Agency, New York ; Co-partner with Mr. Rufus B. Burnham, Advertising, New York City, since 1919. Paint Editor, The Hardware Age; Secretary of Board of Di- rectors, Marvel House, Inc. (Charitable), Home for "Homeless" Boys, New York City. b. Wilmington, Del., May 19, 1888. s. Henry Ferris and Elizabeth Ellis Masters, m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 9, 1915, Mary Keeney Harris, c. Henry Alexander, 1917; Lawrence Al- len, 1919. Address, 420 West 119th Street, New York City. 1911] MATRICULATE CATALOG 543 Hadley, Thomas Frederic, A.B. (A.B, Friends Univ., 1910.) Entered Senior year from Friends' University, Kansas. Teacher in Kansas, 1911- . b. Northbranch, Kan., January 1, 1887. s. Z. M. Hadley and Sara A. Mendenhall. Address, Richland, Iowa. Hartshorne, William Davis, Jr., A.B.; A.M., 1912. Entered 1907. Cricket "H" (IV) ; Football "H" (IV) ; Final Honors in Ro- mance Languages (IV) ; Member, Founders' Club. Teaching Fellow, Haver ford College, 1911-12; Teacher, French and His- tory, Friends' Select School, Philadelphia, 1912-13; Physical Di- rector and Teacher of French and Latin at Cedarcroft School, Kennett Square, Pa., 1913-16. Co-Founder and Associate Prin- cipal of Wardlaw School, Plainfield, N. J., 1916-17; Private, Com- pany A, 311th Infantry; Corporal and Sergeant, Company C, 309th Machine Gun Battalion; Second Lieutenant, Infantry (from Camp Dix Training School), Camp Meade; 33d Machine Gun (11th Division), in Command of Company C; Demobilization Officer of Battalion. Wardlaw School, Plainfield, N. J. (Teacher of French and Latin, and Associate Principal and Treasurer of same). b. Brighton, Md., August 1, 1889. s. Charles Robinson Hart- shorne (Class 1874) and Ella Maria Lansdale. m. Shipman, Va., August 30, 1917, Edith Corrinne Ligon. Address, 1038 Park Avenue, Plainfield, N. J. Hinshaw, David Scull, S.B. Entered 1907. Manager, Soccer Team (IV) ; Editor-in-Chief, College Weekly (IV); Football "H" (IV). Oil Operator. National Campaign Manager or National Publicity Director of the following: Ameri- can Bible Society; War Camp Community Service; National Catholic War Council; Armenian and Syrian Relief; American Committee for Devastated France. Member, Masons; Phi Delta Theta; Advertising Club, New York. b. Emporia, Kan., November 4, 1882. s. Stephen Curtis Hin- shaw and Hannah Lee Brickell. m. Mt. Kisco, N. Y., July 1, 1916, Augusta C. Wiggam. c. Robert Yost, 1917. Address, Wichita Falls, Texas. Hobbs, Richard Junius Mendenhall, A.B. (A.B., Guilford Col- lege, 1909; LL.B., Columbia, 1914.) Entered 1910 from Guilford College. Winner, Alumni Oratorical Contest. Attorney-at-Law. Asso- 544 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1911 ciated with Solicitor George W. Wilson, Charlotte, N. C, 1914-15 ; in Greensboro, N. C., 1915. In France with Friends' Service Com- mittee, 1917-19. General Practice of Law, Greensboro, 1919; Gen- eral Counsel, Security Life and Trust Company, since 1920. Mem- ber, firm, Shuping, Hobbs & Davis, since January 1, 1920. Mem- ber, Merchants' and Manufacturers' Club of Greensboro; Bache- lors' Club of Greensboro; Bar Association of North Carolina; Delta Sigma Rho (Columbia University). b. Guilford College, N. C, July 6, 1888. s. L. Lyndon Hobbs (Class 1876) and Mary Mendenhall. m. December 15, 1920, Gretchen A. Taylor. Address, Greensboro, N. C. Jones, LeRoy, A.B.; A.M., 1911. (A.B., Penn College, 1910.) Entered 1910 from Penn College. Principal, Oak Grove Seminary, Vassalboro, Me., 1911-14; In- structor, Westtown School, 1914-17; Secretary, Index Orchards (Fruit Exchange), La Habra, Cal., 1917-18; Rancher, 1918 to date. b. Richland, Iowa, January 2, 1878. s. Abram Jones and Rachel Emery, m. Whittier, Cal., July 10, 1917, Wilhelmina Barth. Address, R. F. D. No. 1, Orange, Cal. McKay, Howard Franklin, S.B. (S.B. Wilmington College, 1910.) Entered 1910 from Wilmington College. b. Gurneyville, Ohio, January 15, 1891. s. Jacob Beeman Mc- Kay and Priscilla Ann Haines, m. Wilmington, Ohio, January 24, 1914, Edith Mae Starbuck. c. Robert Franklin, 1915; Donald Starbuck, 1920. Address, R. F. D. No. 1, Oregonia, Ohio. Patrick, Jesse Kersey, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1915.) Entered 1907. Manager, Football Team ; President, Cap and Bells Club ; Mem- ber, Beta Rho Sigma Society (IV). Physician. Surgical Staff, Chester County Hospital; Borough Bacteriologist, West Chester; Lieutenant, United States Navy; Member, Phi Kappa Psi Club of Philadelphia; Alpha Mu Pi Omega (Medical) ; West Chester Country Club; Military Order Foreign Wars. b. West Chester, Pa., October 6, 1889. s. Ellwood Patrick and Emma Shoemaker, m. New York City, April 6, 1918, Marie Overstreet. Address, 33 East Washington Street, West Chester, Pa. 1911] MATRICULATE CATALOG 545 Post, Levi Arnold, A.B.; A.M., 1911. (A.M., Harvard, 1912; B.A., 1916; M.A., 1922, Oxford, Eng.) Entered 1907. Football "H" (III, IV) ; Class President (III, IV) ; President, Student Council (IV) ; Clementine Cope Fellowship (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV) ; Final Honors in Greek and English; Rhodes Scholar ; Member, Founders' Club. Teacher. Teacher of Mathe- matics and Latin, Moses Brown School, 1912-13; Residence in Oxford, Rhodes Scholar, 1913-16; American Ambulance Unit, Private in French Army, 1915; Y. M. C. A., Secretary, with British Forces in India and Mesopotamia, 1916-17; Instructor, French, Italian, German, Haverford College, 1917-18; United States Army, May, 1918, Private, 2d Pioneer Infantry; Corporal; Sergeant. Typist of Staff of Stars and Stripes; Assigned to Duty as Student at University of Caen, Normandy, 1919. Honorably Discharged, July, 1919. Instructor in Greek, Haverford College, 1919-22. Assistant Professor of Greek, 1922 to date. b. Stanfordville, N. Y., July 8, 1889. s. Isaac Rushmore Post and Mary Lydia Arnold, m. Stanfordville, N. Y., October 4, 1919, Grace Hutcheson Lickely. c. Robert Lickely, 1920. Ad- dress, Haverford College, Haverford, Pa. Price, Joseph Haines, A.B.; A.M., 1913. Entered 1907. Teacher. Instructor in English, Haverford College, 1911-12; same at Friends' Central School, 1912-17; Instructor in History, Germantown Friends' School, 1917-18; Sergeant, Company A, 54th Pioneer Infantry, United States Army, A. E. F., 1918-19; Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September to November, 1918; Army of Occupation (Coblenz), December, 1918, to March, 1919; Stu- dent, University of Dijon, France, March to July; Honorable Dis- charge, Camp Dix, July 26, 1919. Instructor in History, German- town Friends' School, 1919 to date. b. West Chester, Pa., September 8, 1889. s. Joseph Townsend Price and Jeanette Baily. m. Philadelphia, Pa., July 3, 1920, Anne M. Haslett. Address, 7435 Sprague Street, Mt. Airy, Philadel- phia, Pa. Reynolds, David Duer, A.B. (M.D., 1916, Univ. of Pa.) Entered 1907. Banking, 1911-12; Student, Medical School, 1912-16; Hospital Interne, 1916-17; First Lieutenant, Marine Corps, A. E. F., 1917- 19; Physician, 1919-20. Member, William Pepper Medical So- 35 546 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1911 ciety. Member, Alpha Mu Pi Omega; Pennsylvania Medical As- sociation; American Medical Association. b. Kennett Square, Pa., April 9, 1890. s. C. S. Reynolds, M. D., and Clara Ratcliffe. Address, 106 North Union Street, Kennett Square, Pa. Schoepperle, Victor, A.B. Entered 1908 from Harvard. Editor-in-Chief, Haverfordian (III, IV) ; Manager, Gymnasium Team (IV) ; Class President (IV) ; Editor-in-Chief, Class Record (IV). Member, Phi Beta Kappa. N. W. Halsey & Co., 49 Wall Street, New York, 1911-16; National City Company, 1916 to date; elected Assistant Vice-President, January, 1921. Investment Banking. Member, Harvard Club; Bond Club of New York; Essex County Country Club, Orange, N. J. b. Oil City, Pa., January 1, 1890. s. Vinzens Schoepperle and Elizabeth Klein, m. Jersey City, N. J., December 26, 1912, Edith Payne, c. EHzabeth Katherine, 1916; John Vinzens, 1918; Edith Lydia, 1919. Address, 415 Lawn Ridge Road, Orange, N. J. Shero, Lucius Rogers, A.B. (M.A., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1912; Ph.D., 1920; B.A., Oxford Univ., 1917.) Entered 1907. President, Music Study Club (IV) ; General Honors; Phi Beta ICappa. Member, Cap and Bells; Founders' Club. College Pro- fessor. Scholar in Greek and Latin, University of Wisconsin, 1911-12; Fellow in Latin, University of Wisconsin, 1912-13; Fel- low in Greek, University of Wisconsin, 1913-14; Rhodes Scholar from Wisconsin, 1914-17; Associate Professor of Latin, Mac- alester College, 1917-19; Secretary of the Faculty, Macalester, 1918-20; Professor of Latin, Macalester College, 1919-20; Hoff- man Professor of Greek, St. Stephen's College, 1920- . Mem- ber, American Philological Association; Classical Associate of the Atlantic States ; American Classical League. b. Smethport, Pa., April 5, 1891. s. William Francis Shero and Lucy S. Rogers, m. Milwaukee, Wis., June 26, 1918. Julia Adrienne Doe. c. Gertrude Caroline, 1919; Lucy Adrienne and Frances Livia, 1920. Address, St. Stephen's College, Annandale- on-Hudson, N. Y. Spencer, Eben Hall, A.B. Entered 1907. Member, Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Superintendent, Packing De- 1911] MATRICULATE CATALOG 547 partment, Peck Bros. & Winch, Tea Merchants ; Secretary, The National City Company of Boston. Member, Masons ; Swampscott Masonic Club. b. Sheffield, England, July 4, 1884. s. Arthur Spencer and Agnes Hall. m. Swampscott, Mass., June 3, 1915, Edna Young Stocker. Address, 47 Farragut Road, Swampscott, Mass., and care of National City Company, 10 State Street, Boston, Mass. Taylor, Howard Gardiner, Jr., A.B. Entered 1907. Cricket "H" (III) ; Captain, Cricket Team (IV) ; Soccer "H" . (IV). Farmer. Member, Executive Committee of Burlington County Farm Bureau, 1916-20; Vice-Chairman, 1920; Treasurer, 1921-22; Chairman, Young Friends' Committee, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1919. b. Riverton, N. J., June 4, 1890. s. Howard G. Taylor (Class 1876) and Anna Mary Comfort, m. Moorestown, N. J., Septem- ber 24, 1913, May S. Roberts, c. Joseph Hooton, 1914; Rebecca, 1916; Mary Roberts, 1919; Margaret Comfort, 1922. Address, "Riverside Homestead," Riverton, N. J. Tostenson, Frederick Oscar, S.B.; A.M., 1917. Entered 1907. Soccer "H" (IV). Teacher of French and German. Student at Berlin, Heidelberg, Grenoble and Wisconsin during Summers, 1910-14. b. Le Grand, Iowa, May 31, 1888. s. Ole Tostenson and Anna T. Huseboe. Address, St. Helena, Cal. Wadsworth, Charles, 3rd, A.B. (A.M., 1913; Ph.D., 1916, Har- vard.) Entered 1907. Business Manager, Class Record; Manager, Tennis Team; Track "H" (IV). Chemical Engineer. Graduate Student at Har- vard, 1911-16; Research Chemist, Aetna Explosives Company, New York, 1916-17; Head of Research Department, Merck & Co., ' Rahway, N. J., 1917; Chemist, United States Army, Bureau of Mines, War Gas Investigation, 1918; First Lieutenant, Chemical Warfare Service, United States Army, 1918; Chemical Engineer, Zinsser & Co., Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., 1919-20; Chemical Engineer, Grasselli Chemical Company, Chicago, 111., 1921 ; Edi- torial Staff, "Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering," 1922. Author of scientific articles on Radioactive Lead, and of maga- zine articles on business and technology of manufacturing. Mem- 548 HAVERPORD COLLEGE [1911 ber, Harvard Club of New York; American Chemical Society; American Institute of Chemical Engineers; American Electro- Chemical Society. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 5, 1891. s. Charles Wadsworth, Jr., and Agnes E. Wood. m. Grand Rapids, Mich., October 6, 1917, Martha Clay Hollister. c. George Hollister, 1918; Charles Cong- don, 1920. Address, care of McGraw-Hill Company, Tenth Ave- nue and Thirty-sixth Street, New York City. Winslow, Caleb, A.B.; A.M., 1912. Entered 1907. Instructor in Jefferson School, Baltimore, Md., 1912-15; Regis- trar, University of Maryland, 1915-17; Manufacturer's Agent, 1917-19; Manager, Baltimore Branch, Dominion Asbestos and Rubber Corporation of New York, 1919-20. Representative, The Pioneer Manufacturing Company of Cleveland Ohio, 1920 to date. b. Baltimore, Md., July 1, 1889. s. Randolph Winslow (Class 1871) and Rebecca Fayssoux Leiper. m. Denton, Md., June 20, 1916, Lena Rebecca Garey. c, Caleb, Jr., 1918; Robert Garey, 1919. Address, 1902 Mt. Royal Terrace, Baltimore, Md. Young, Alan Sedgwick, S.B. Entered 1907. Salesman, Leeds and Northrup, Philadelphia, 5 years ; Salesman, Vim Motor Truck Company, 3 months ; Autocar Company, 2^ years ; Ordnance Department, Inspection, Washington, 5 months ; Company P Telephone Company, 11 months. Special Agent with Maryland Agency, Provident Life and Trust Company, 1^^ years to date. b. Germantown, Pa., September 27, 1888. s. William R. Young and Kate G. Lawrence, m. Philadelphia, Pa., May 12, 1917, Mary H. Lessey. c. John Sedgwick, 1921. Address, 3743 North Road, Walbrook, Baltimore, Md. Young, Wilmer J., S.B. Entered 1907. Teacher, Barnesville, Ohio, Friends' Boarding School, 4 years ; Providence, R. I., Moses Brown School, 2 years ; Westtown School, 1 year; Friends' Relief Work in France, about 2 years. Kansas City Country Day School. b. Springville, Iowa, October 23, 1889. s. William P. Young and Mary Mott. Address, 3521 Harrison Boulevard, Kansas City, Mo., or Kansas City Country Day School, Fifty-first and Ward Parkway, Kansas City, Mo. 1911] matriculate catalog 549 Non-Graduates Birdsall, Daniel Lindley. Entered 1907; left at end of Junior year. With Carnegie Steel Company, 1911- . b. Leptondale, N. Y., May 21, 1886. s. Lindley F. Birdsall and Abbe Jane Morrison. Last address, 405 West Street, Wilkinsburg, Pa. Christie, Ronald. Entered from Upper Canada College; left at end of Sophomore year. b. Moose, Ontario, Canada, February 12, 1888. s. James Grant Christie and Bella Keppie. Last address, The Hudson Bay Com- pany, New Brunswick Post, via Missanabie, Ontario, Canada. Cloud, William Buchanan, Entered 1907; left at close of Sophomore year, b. Marlboro, Pa., January 4, 1890. s. Elisha G. Cloud and Florence Buchanan. Address, Kennett Square, Pa. Conklin, Frank Roland. Entered 1909. Special Course in English for 2 years. With Advertising Agency in New York, 3 years. Author. Free Lance Writer of Fiction, Plays, etc. b. Atchison, Kan., April 5, 1886. s. Stanley C. Conklin and Anna Adams. Address, "Aniston," Huntingdon, L. L Dent, Roscoe Walter. Entered 1907. Student, North Carolina Technical. Edison's Laboratory, 1911. Drafting Engineer. Norfolk Southern Railway, in Raleigh and Charlotte, N. C, 1913; Automobile Supply Business, Raleigh, N. C. Secretary-Treasurer of same, 1914- . b. Newark, N. J., June 22, 1886. s. Henry Hewitt Dent and Jessie Roder. m. December 19, 1912, Mildred Haughton Good- win, c. Dorothy Goodwin, 1913. Address, 1108 Walnut Street, AUentown, Pa. Fallon, Christopher. (S.B., M. L T., 1912.) Entered 1907 ; left 1909. Building. b. Wayne, Pa., February 17, 1889. s. Christopher Fallon and Amy Lewis, m. Plattsburg, N. Y., Edythe Chaffee, c. Chris- topher Chaffee, 1919. Address, Wayne, Pa. 550 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1911 Gallagher, Herbert Van Buren. Entered 1907; left at close of Sophomore year. Electrical Engineering; Sales Engineering; Banking (Bonds) to date. Member firm, Reilly, Brock & Co., Philadelphia. b. New York City, October 7, 1887. s. James Young Gallagher and Theresa Van Buren. m. Bryn Mawr, Pa,, June 9, 1915, Emilie Melvin Moore. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Gardiner, William Henry. Entered 1907; left 1910. Member, Beta Rho Sigma. Insurance Business; Pay Depart- ment, Pennsylvania Railroad; Bond Salesman; Engineer (Concrete Roads), Association Portland Cement Manufacturers, Philadelphia and Chicago; United States Naval Reserve Force, 1917-19; Ensign, April, 1918 ; with John B. Stetson Company, 1919 to date. Mem- ber, Fourth Street Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 5, 1890. s. Frederic Gardiner and Sallie Merrick, m. Flushing, L. I., N. Y., December 31, 1910, Margaret Douglas Christian, c. William Henry, Jr., 1911; Mar- garet Otis, 1913; Douglas Ramsey, 1915. Address, 36 Benezet Street, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Kleinz, William Lee. Entered 1907; left at close of Sophomore year. With Willett & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., Wool Merchants, Sales- man, 1909-11; Manager, Chicago Office, 1911-14; Manager, Wool Department, Armour & Co., Chicago, 1914- . Wool Appraiser under War Department during early part of war. Manager, Wool Department, Armour & Co., United States Army; and Manager, Chicago Office, Winslow & Co. (formerly Willet & Co. as above), to date. Member, Chicago Wool Trade Association (Treasurer of same, 1917-22) ; Member, Olympia Lodge, A. F. & A. M. ; Aryan Grotto, M. O. V. P. E. R., Beverly, I. A.; All-Chicago Council of Business Men. b. Merchantville, N. J., October 22, 1888. s. Frederick William Kleinz and Emma E. Lee. m. Merchantville, N. J., July 3, 1911, Helen Nekervis. c. WiHiam Lee, Jr., 1912; John Nekervis, 1918. Address, 9346 Longwood Drive, Chicago, 111., or care of Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. Levin, Edwin Rank. Entered 1907 as a Special Student; left 1911. Captain, Football Team (IV) ; Manager, Track Team (IV) ; Football Team (HI, IV), "H" (HI, IV). Real Estate and In- 1911] MATRICULATE CATALOG 551 surance Business. United States Army Medical Corps, Sergeant, 1917-19; in France, January 3, 1918, to December 21, 1918. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 26, 1888. s. Isidor Levin and Mary Josephine Rank. Address, Merion, Pa. fMcCann, Wilmot A. Entered 1907; left in Spring, 1908. Advertising Solicitor, Germantown Independent Gazette, Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Secretary-Treasurer of same, 1916. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., September 15, 1888. d. Jan- uary, 1919. s. Horace F. McCann and S. Laura Harper. Mixter, George Washington, Jr. Entered 1907 ; left at close of Junior year. Traveling Salesman; Corporal, 312th Field Artillery. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 27, 1889. s. George W. Mixter and Mary Ella Chaffee. Address, 819 South Forty-eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Palmer, Lewis. Entered 1907; left at close of Freshman year. Probation Officer of Delaware County. b. Media, Pa., July 28, 1889. s. T. Chalkley Palmer (Class 1882) and H. Jane Walter. Address, R. F. D. No. 2, Media, Pa. Russell, Edwin A. Entered 1907; left at close of Sophomore year. Member, Beta Rho Sigma. Clerk, Charles E. Brown Printing Company, Philadelphia; with Haines, Jones & Cadbury, Philadel- phia and Richmond, Pa.; Assistant Sales Manager, Philadelphia Quartz Company. Member, City Club, Philadelphia; Moorestown Field Club. b. Cleveland, Ohio, October 19, 1888. s. J. Kirk Russell and Matilda Masters, m. Moorestown, N. J., 1913, Elizabeth R. Stokes, c. Anne Naomi, 1916; Walter Stokes, 1918. Address, 303 East Central Avenue, Moorestown, N. J. Smith, Gibson. (A.B., 1911; M.D., 1914, Univ. of Pa.) Entered 1907; left at close of Sophomore year. Practice of Medicine, 1914-17; Medical Reserve Corps, 1917- 19; Practice of Medicine since 1919. b. Radnor, Pa., July 26, 1889. s. Allen J. Smith and Harriet W. Brooke, m. York, Pa., July 24, 1919, Elizabeth C. Barnes. c. Susan Smith, 1920. Address, York, Pa. 552 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1912 Wilbur, William Hale. (Grad. U. S. Military Academy, West Point, 1912.) Entered 1907 ; left March, 1908. Cadet at West Point, 1908-12; Second Lieutenant, Infantry, Canal Zone, Panama, 1912-15; First Lieutenant and Captain, In- fantry, West Point, as Instructor in Tactics, 1915-18; Major of Infantry, 160th Depot Brigade, and with 14th Division, 1918; Instructor, Infantry Officers' School, Camp Lee, Va. ; Assistant Inspector, R. O. T. C, Raleigh, N. C. ; Operations Division, Gen- eral Staff, Washington, D. C. ; First Secretary, General Staff, Headquarters, S. O. S., Tours, France; First Secretary, General Staff, American Forces, Paris, 1919. Graduated Ecole Speciale Militaire de Saint Cyr, France, 1920. Instructor, Military His- tory, etc., The Infantry School, Fort Benning, Ga., 1920-22. Author : "The Koehler Method of Physical Drill" ; pamphlets, "The Causes of the World War" ; "Methods of Instruction" ; ar- ticles in various Military Journals, etc. Member, Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. ; Cercle Militaire, Paris, France; Army and Navy Club of America, New York City. b. Palmer, Mass., September 24, 1888. s. Doctor John Wilbur and Edith Bernice Smart. Address, care of Adjutant General, War Department, Washington, D. C. Worthington, Harold. (A.B., Yale, 1912; S.B., M.I.T., 1915.) Entered 1907; left at close of Sophomore year. With Pennsylvania Railroad ; General Electric Company ; First Lieutenant, Field Artillery, United States Army, Overseas, Sep- tember, 1917, to March, 1919. Export and Import Business to date. Member, Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa; Beta Theta Pi; Yale Club of New York ; Technology Club, New York. b. Baltimore, Md., November 25, 1890. s. Thomas Kimber Worthington (Class 1883) and Mary Grace Thomas. Address, 101 East Seventy-fifth Street, New York City. 1912 Baily, Albert Lang, Jr., A.B. Entered 1908. Charter Member, Cap and Bells Club; Manager, Gymnasium Team (IV) ; Cricket "H" (II) ; Soccer "H" (IV) ; Editor, Haverfordian (II) ; Founders' Club. Salesman, Chicago Repre- sentative, Joshua L. Baily & Co., of Philadelphia, March, 1918, to February, 1919; Secretary for Alien Relief of the Peace Com- mittee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (finding work for worthy alien enemies) ; Teacher of French, Botany and Elocution at West- 1912] MATRICULATE CATALOG 553 town School, 1921 to date. Member, Chicago Association of Dry Goods Commission Men. b. Wynnewood, Pa.,- July 12, 1890. s. Albert L. Baily (Class 1878) and Eliza Montell Lycett. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 14, 1914, Helen M. Smedley. c. Elizabeth Loyd, 1917; Ellen Morton, 1919. Address, Westtown, Pa. Baily, Joshua Longstreth, Jr.,A.B.; (A.M., 1913; Mus. Bac, Univ. of Pa., 1915.) Entered 1908. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Loans, Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance, 1916; Conscientious Objector, Camp Meade, 1917; Clerk, Ameri- can Friends' Service Committee, 1918-19; Bookkeeper, Clerk and Visitor, American Red Cross, Civilian Relief, 1920-22; Checker, Union Title Company, to date; Secretary, Haverford College Alumni Association of Southern California. Composer of Ora- torio, "Job." b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 29, 1889. s. Albert Lang Baily (Class 1878) and Eliza Montell Lycett. m. San Diego, Cal., February 19, 1917, Ruth IngersoU Robinson. Address, 4435 Ampudia Street, San Diego, Cal. Balderston, Mark, A.B. Entered 1908. Phi Beta Kappa (III) ; Alumni Oratorical Prize (IV) ; Cope Fellowship (IV) ; Final Honors in Mathematics (IV). Graduate Student, Harvard University, 1912-13; Assistant in Physics Lab- oratory, Lafayette College, 1913-15; Professor of Physics, Guil- ford College, 1915-17; Professor, Physics, and. Dean, Guilford College, 1917-18; Member, Friends' Unit in France, 1918-19; Professor, Physics, and Dean, Guilford College, 1919-22. Mem- ber, North Carolina Academy of Science; American Association for the Advancement of Science. b. Colora, Md., May 2, 1889. s. Elwood Balderston and Sarah E. Atwater. Address, Guilford College, N. C, and Colora, Md. Beebe, Stacey Kile, A.B. Entered 1908. Charter Member, Cap and Bells Club. Special Agent. Home Office, Union Central Life Insurance Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Captain, Infantry, United States Army, June, 1917, to September, 1919. Present, Special Agent, Union Central Life Insurance Company, New York City. b. Paris, 111., May 17, 1890. s. Walter Butler Beebe and Caro- line Kile. Address, 1056-60 Woolworth Building, New York City. 554 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1912 Bowerman, Arthur Lindley, A.B. Entered 1908. Class 1896 Latin Prize (II); Track "H" (III); Phi Beta Kappa (IV) ; Final Honors in Latin. High School Teacher, 1912- 15; Clerk, Investment Department, United Fuel Gas Company, of Charleston, W. Va. ; American Friends' Service Committee, 1917-19; in France, Friends' Unit of Red Cross, Agriculture, Manufacturing (portable houses) ; Building, Maintenance. In Paris Office, Clerical Work. Clerk, in Trust Department of Girard Trust Company, December, 1919, to October, 1920. Buyer, The S. Spencer Moore Company, October, 1920, to date. b. Nelson, New Zealand, November 4, 1889. s. Judah Philip Bowerman and Edith Margaret Gregory. Address, 112 Oney Street, Charleston, W. Va. Brewer, Paul Clisby, S.B. Entered 1908. Manager, Tennis Team (IV). Engineering Department of Pennsylvania Railroad, 1912-19, as Chainman, Rodman, Transit- man, Assistant Supervisor. Bond Salesman, Evers, Reber & Co., Buffalo, 1919 to date. Engineer, Reserve Officers' Training Camp, Washington, D. C, 1917. First Lieutenant, 307th Engineers, 82d Division, in France. Toul Sector ; St. Mihiel Drive ; Meuse-Ar- gonne. Member, Engineers' Club, Philadelphia ; Central Brother- hood Club, Buffalo; Secretary-Treasurer, Babcock Street Com- munity House, Buffalo; Buffalo Golf Club; Claremont Tennis Club, Buffalo ; Associated Brokers, Buffalo. b. Blairsville, Pa., May 6, 1891. s. Paul C. Brewer and Bertha Cooper, m. Auburn, N. Y., October 2, 1920, Alice Lillian John- son. Address, 436 Potomac Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Brownlee, John Arthur, A.B. Entered 1908. Football "H" (I, IV). Teacher, 1912-19; Farmer, 1919- . b. Pretty Prairie, Kan., August 22, 1886. s. James Erskine Brownlee and Flaura Mathews, m. Sterling, Kan., August 20, 1914, Grace Ramsey, c. James Albert, 1915; Alia Elinor, 1918. Address, R. F. D. No. 3, Pretty Prairie, Kan. Carpenter, James McFadden, Jr., A.B. ; A.M., 1913; Ph.D., Cor- nell, 1922. Entered 1908. Member, Founders' Club. Assistant in French, Haverford College, 1912-13; Graduate Student, Romance Languages, Cornell University, 1913-14; Fellow of same, 1914-15; Instructor, Ro- 1912] MATRICULATE CATALOG 555 mance Languages, Cornell, 1915-17; same at Haverford College, 1917-22. Assistant Professor of same, 1922. b. Pittsburgh, Pa., January 16, 1890. s. James McFadden Car- penter and Mary Knox. m. Philadelphia, Pa., August 25, 1915, Paulette Amelie Nadejda Hagemans. c. Marguerite Hagemans, 1916; Mary Knox, 1918, James McFadden, 3rd, 1922. Address, Haverford College, Haverford, Pa. Cope, Joshua Alban, S.B. (M.F., Yale Univ., 1914.) Entered 1908. Football "H" (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Student of For- estry, Yale University, 1912-14; Forest Assistant, U. S. F. S., District No. 1, Missoula, Mont., 1914-16; Forester for Westtown School, also Instructor, 1916-18; Field Inspector, White Pine Blister Rust Eradication, Bureau of Plant Pathology, Washing- ton, D. C, 1917. Assistant Forester, State of Maryland, 1918- . b. Hatboro, Pa., December 31, 1887. s. Oliver Wilson Cope and Anna H. Kite. m. Glens Falls, N. Y., August 28, 1917, Edith L, Cary. c. Harold Cary, 1918; James Bonwill, 1920. Address 29 Schaeffer Avenue, Hamilton Station, Baltimore, Md. Durgin, Clyde Gowen, S.B. Entered 1908. Field Work, Pennsylvania Society to Protect Children from Cruelty, 1912-17; Court Representative, Children's Bureau of same, 1917-18; Northern Division, American Red Cross, 1918-20, as Field Representative, Assistant Director, Associate Director, Acting Director; 1920 to date. Secretary, Associated Charities of Duluth. b. Saco, Me., February 10, 1889. s. James A. Durgin and Mary A. Brien. m. Saco, Me., January 1, 1914, Helen C. Crosman. c. Douglas, 1915; Ralph, 1916; Wilmot, 1920. Address, 4624 Cooke Street, Duluth, Minn. Elfreth, John Benington, Jr., A.B. Entered 1908. During War, Department of Military Aeronautics, Washington, D. C. b. Millville, N. J., March 1, 1890. s. John Bennington Elfreth and Virginia Miller. Address, 1115 Stephen Girard Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Falconer, Douglas Piatt, A.B. Entered 1908. Charter Member, Cap and Bells Club; Leader, Glee Club (IV) ; Founders' Club. Agent, Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention 556 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1912 of Cruelty to Children, 1912-13; Superintendent, Children's Aid Society, Newark, N. J., 1913-17; War Camp Community Service, Summer and Fall, 1917; Superintendent, Children's Aid Society, Buffalo, N. Y,, 1917 to date. Secretary, Federation of Charities, 1918; New York State Child Labor Committee, 1918; Secretary, Social Workers' Club, Member, Social Welfare Conference of Buffalo ; Board of Trade, East Aurora. b. Oak Park, 111., April 21, 1889. s. Cyrus Falconer and Martha Piatt, m. Montclair, N. J., June 5, 1914, Margery Annesley Hoyt. c. Douglas Piatt, Jr., 1915; George Hoyt, 1917; Margaret Hoyt, 1920. Address, 265 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Fansler, Ralph Lee, A.B. Entered 1910 from Northwestern University. Phi Kappa Psi. Bond Salesman, E. T. Konsberg & Co., Chi- cago, 111., 1912-13; Teller, Empire National Bank, Lewiston, Idaho, 1914-15; Auditor, Real Estate Securities Company, Green Bay, Wis., 1915-16; Cashier, Farmers' and Merchants' State Bank, North Crandon, Wis., 1916-18; United States Naval Reserve Force, 1918-19; Cashier, Riverside State Bank, Riverside, 111., 1919 to date. b. Evanston, 111., February 16, 1890. s. Thomas L. Fansler and Willia Roland Spruill. m. Marinette, Wis., Ada Louise Schwartz, c. Jane Ann, 1918; Ada Louise, 1920; Mary, 1922. Address, care of Riverside State Bank, Riverside, 111. Farquhar, Francis Hunt, S.B. (B.S., Wilmington, O., 1911.) Entered Senior year from Wilmington College. Football "H" (IV). Heating Contractor. One year in Friends' Reconstruction Unit. b. Wilmington, Ohio, November 17, 1891. s. M. J. Farquhar and Laurena Hunt. m. Wilmington, Ohio, June 24, 1914, Mary Evelyn Kelly, c. Harold Francis, 1919. Address, 201 Fife Ave- nue, Wilmington, Ohio. Ferris, Leslie Warren, A.B. Entered 1908. E. I. Dupont Chemical Laboratory, at Haskell, N. J., July to October, 1913. Assistant Chemist, Bureau of Chemistry, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, 1913 to date. Author, scientific articles in Chemistry Journals. Chair- man, Committee on Remade Milk of International Association of Dairy and Milk Inspectors, 1920. Member, American Chemical Society. b. Wakeeny, Kan., July 30, 1888. s. Asa Warren Ferris and 1912] MATRICULATE CATALOG 557 Clara Elmira Riblet. m. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., October 18, 1913, Gladys Robson Haggerty. c. Isabella Robson, 1914; David War- ren, 1916; Robert Leslie, 1919; Richard Oliver, 1921. Address, Room 526, Federal Building, Buffalo, N. Y. Froelicher, Hans, Jr., A.B. (LL.B., 1917, Univ. of Md.) Entered 1908. Manager, Musical Clubs (IV) ; Charter Member, Cap and Bells (II); Member, Phi Beta Kappa; Founders' Club. Teacher of English, Oilman Country School, Baltimore, Md., 1912-14; Busi- ness Manager, Camp Tunkhannock, 1914-18. Law Student, Tutor and Law Clerk, 1914-16. Admitted to Bar, October, 1916. Prac- tice of Law, 1916-21. Lecturer in Law, Y. M. C. A. School of Commerce and Finance, 1916-21. Member of firm, Froelicher & Fesenmeier, 1916-17. Associated with Piper, Yellot, Hall & Carey, 1917-19; alone, 1919-20; Member of firm, Blum, Makover & Froelicher, 1920-21. General Manager, Duraplate Company, Philadelphia, 1921 to date. Civilian War Service; Four-Minute Man; Legal Advisory Committee, Local Board No. 21, Baltimore City ; Legal Adviser, Home Service Section, American Red Cross. Member, Governor's Emergency Committee, Red Cross Christmas Seals Campaign, 1919. Secretary-Treasurer, Haver ford Society of Maryland, 1915-20; Member, Alumni Advisory Committee of Haver ford College, 1919 to date; Member and Executive Sec- retary, Endowment Fund Committee, Haverford College, 1920. Member, Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity ; Moorestown Field Club ; Poor Richard Club. b. Baltimore, Md., February 18, 1891. s. Hans Froelicher and Frances H. Mitchell, m. Haddonfield, N. J., May 11, 1917, Joyce Sangree. c. Hans, 3d, 1918; Joyce, 1920. Address, 120 East Main Street, Moorestown, N. J. Howard, William Herbert, A.B. (A.B., Guilford, 1911.) Entered Senior year from Guilford College. United States Post Office Department. Railway Mail Service, b. Mechanic, N. C, August 19, 1889. s. Eli N. Howard and A. L. Loudermilk. Address, Mechanic, N. C. Howson, Horace, A.B. Entered 1908. Cricket "H" (II). Salesman, Manufacturing Chemists, H. K. Mulford & Co., Philadelphia, and Liquid Carbonic Company of Chicago, 1912-17. United States Army Medical Department, 1917-19. United States Army Medical Supply Depot, Liverpool. England, and Embarkation Service, St. Nazaire, France. Oil 558 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1912 Business, Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company, Bartlesville, Okla., to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 21, 1889. s. Charles Howson and Augustine Ware. Address, Illuminating Oil Company, Bartles- ville, Okla. Hunt, Clarence Merle, A.B. (A.B., Wilmington, O., 1911.) Entered Senior year from Wilmington College. District Supervisor, Schools, Clinton County, Ohio, 1918-21 ; Professor, Latin and Algebra, East High School, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1921- . b. Martinsville, Ohio, March 31, 1889. s. Isaiah Hunt and Mary E. Oliver, m. Wilmington, Ohio, August 14, 1913, Faye L. Hiatt. c. Mary Elizabeth, 1914; Katherine, 1917. Address 4802 Whitsel Avenue, Madisonville Station, Cincinnati, Ohio. Latham, Lance Brenton, A.B.; A.M., 1913. Entered 1908. Nicholson-Hemminger Evangelistic Party, 1915-17; Moody Bible Institute, 1917-18; Assistant Musical Director and Pianist, Moody Tabernacle, Chicago, 1918-21 ; Private Secretary and Pianist for Mr. Paul Rader, President of the Christian and Mis- sionary Alliance, and formerly Pastor of the Moody Church, 1921 to date. b. Duncanville, Pa., March 21, 1894. s. Rev. Abraham Lance Latham and Elizabeth McKeag. Address, 7060 Ridge Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Lewis, William Evan, A.B. (Ch.E., Lehigh Univ., 1915.) Entered 1908. Instructor in Chemistry, Lehigh University, 1915-16; Border Service, as First Lieutenant, 4th Pennsylvania Infantry, at El Paso, Texas, 1916-17; Instructor in Metallurgy, Lehigh Univer- sity, 1917, February to June. First Lieutenant, 149th Machine Gun Battalion, 42d Division (Rainbow), 1917-18. Captain, In- fantry, Machine Gun Instructor. In command of Machine Gun Company, 29th Infantry, Camp Benning, Ga., to date. b. Bethlehem, Pa., October 9, 1891. s. Francis G. Lewis and Sarah S. Rath. m. August 25, 1915, Amy L. Lindenmuth. Ad- dress, 26 North Sixth Street, Allentown, Pa. Longstreth, Walter Wood, S.B. Entered 1908. Automobile Business, Rosemont. Pa. ; Lieutenant, Aviation, United States Army; Automotive Engineer and Sales Promotion. 1912] MATRICULATE CATALOG 559 Member, Merion Cricket Club ; Automobile Club of America ; Lu Lu Auto Club ; Riverside Yacht Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 6, 1890. s. Benjamin T. Long- streth (Class 1868) and Sara G. Haldeman. Address, Merion Cricket Club, Haverford, Pa. Lowry, Herbert Mendenhall, A.B. Entered 1908. Member, Beta Rho Sigma. With Lowry Coffee Company and Lowry Rodgers Company, Inc., since graduation ; Treasurer of latter to date. First Class Private, Chemical Warfare Service (Gas Defense Division), January, 1918, to January, 1919. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 10, 1891. s. William Chalkley Lowry (Class 1879) and Elizabeth Webster, m. Penllyn, Pa., October 3, 1914, Mildred Dorothea VoUrath. c. Dorothea Mil- dred. 1915 ; Rosalie Vollrath, 1917; Joan Webster, 1919. Address, 6710 McCallum Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Maier, Harmon, A.B. (A.B., Earlham, 1911.) Entered Senior year from Earlham College. Teacher, Covington, Ohio, 1912-13; Bellaire, Ohio, 1913-14; Richmond, Ind., 1914-15; Hammond, Ind., 1915-17; First Lieu- tenant, Balloon Section, United States Army, 1917-18; Captain of same. 1918-19; Chief Observation Instructor, Balloon School, A. E. F. ; Dirigible Pilot, French Marine, May 29, 1919. Adver- tising Artist to date. Member, Masons ; Columbus, Ohio, Art Club. b. Covington, Ohio, October 20, 1887. s. Michael F. Maier and Mary Anna Gohring. m. Covington, Ohio, November 17, 1917, Margaret Rose Templeton. Address, Covington, Ohio. Marshburn, Albert Lawrence, A.B. (A.M., Univ. of Calif., 1915.) Entered Senior year from Whittier College. Teacher, Nebraska Central College, Central City, Neb., 1912- 14; Whittier College, Cal., 1915-17; Dinuba High School, Cal, since 1917. b. Estacado, Texas, December 10, 1889. s. William Valentine Marshburn (Class 1881) and Alzora E. Hadley. m. Central City, Neb., June 3, 1914, Ora Ellis, c. Oscar Ellis, 1915; Marjory Blanche, 1917. Address, 252 North J Street, Dinuba, Cal. Miller, Robert Everts, A.B. Entered 1908. Business Manager, Class Record (IV) ; Class President (III, IV) ; "Spoon Man"; Beta Rho Sigma; Founders' Club. Hamil- 560 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1912 ton Watch Company since graduation ; Advertising Manager, 1914 ; Assistant Sales Manager, 1915; Secretary, 1920; Production Man- ager, 1922. Second Lieutenant, Air Service, Aeronautics, 1918; A. E. F., July, 1918, to January, 1919. A. E. F. Instructor in Flying Officers' School; and in Transportation Department, Air Service Headquarters, in S. O. S. and Zone of Advance. Mem- ber, Lancaster Hamilton Club; Cliosophic Society; Association of National Advertisers. b. Lancaster, Pa., July 20, 1891. s. Charles F. Miller and Anna Blanche Lichty. m. Lancaster, Pa., December 6, 1916, Elizabeth Dickey Keller, c. Charles Frederick, 2d, 1918; William Keller, 1920; Robert Everts, Jr., 1921. Address, 1271 Wheatland Ave- nue, Lancaster, Pa. Miller, Edward Imbrie, A.B. (A.B., Lincoln Univ., Pa., 1910.) Entered Junior year from Lincoln University. With National Biscuit Company, in Operating Department, New York City, 1916- . b. Lincoln University, Pa., August 2, 1891. s. John Craig Miller and Mary Kendall Browne. Address, Lincoln University, Pa. Moon, Charles Thompson, S.B. Entered 1908. President, Y. M. C. A. (IV) ; Football "H" (III, IV) ; Track "H" (III) ; Founders' Club. Salesman for Scientific Instrument Dealers, 1913, June to December; Apprentice, Salesman, Assistant to Sales Manager, for Leather Belting Manufacturers, Philadel- phia, 1914-16; Northwestern Sales Representative for New York Tea Importers, Headquarters at St. Paul, Minn., 1917-19. Tea Buyer and Department Manager, Franklin MacVeagh & Co., Chi- cago, 1920- . Director of Boys' Work in Philadelphia Settle- ment House, 1915-16; Member, Executive Committee, Philadel- phia Boy Scouts, 1916. Member, Harvard University Business School Association; St. Paul Association (Civic). b. Fallsington, Pa., November 24, 1890. s. Alfred H. Moon and Beulah T. Evans, m. Olean, N. Y., May 5, 1917, Mary Huntley Gillette, c. Alfred Evans, 1918. Address, Fallsington, Pa., and care of Franklin MacVeagh & Co., 333 West Lake Street, Chicago, 111. Residence, 1386 Asbury Avenue, Hubbard Woods, 111. Morris, Sydney Sharp, S.B. Entered 1908. United States Steel Corporation at Pencoyd, Pa., and Gary, 1912] MATRICULATE CATALOG 561 Ind., 1912-14; Baeuerle & Morris, Member of firm, 1914 to date. United States Army, 1917-18. Member, Tredyffrin Country Club, b. Pottstown, Pa., March 24, 1890. s. William Paul Morris (Class 1886) and May B. Sharp, m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 10, 1920, Helen S. Doughten. Address, Berwyn, Pa. Murray, David Golden, A.B. Entered 1908. Football "H" (II, IV) ; Soccer "H" (III) ; Editor-in-Chief, News (IV); Charter Member, Cap and Bells; Manager (IV); Captain, Football Team (IV) ; Founders' Club; Beta Rho Sigma. Bookkeeping and Teller's Departments, Provident Life and Trust Company; Special Agent for same; Insurance Broker, Pennsyl- vania, New York, Maryland and District of Columbia; Corre- sponding Agency Division, Curtis Publishing Company ; Assistant to Manager of Agency Division, Curtis Publishing Company, to date. Author: 'The Lost Car" (Poem). b. Chappaqua, N. Y., July 11, 1890. s. Robert I. Murray and Phoebe Anna Cock. m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 11, 1912, Eloise O. Beebe. c. Frances Stockton, 1913; Nancy Stuart, 1919. Ad- dress, 317 Davis Road, Upper Darby, Pa. Nichols, Eli, S.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1915.) Entered 1908. Physician. b. New Castle County, Del., May 8, 1889. s. Joseph P. Nichols and Elizabeth M. Palmer. Address, 1607 Mt. Salem Lane, Wil- mington, Del. Parker, John Hollowell, S.B. Entered 1908. Phi Beta Kappa (III). Electrical Testing Laboratory of Con- solidated Gas and Electric Light and Power Company of Balti- more, 1912, September to October. Commercial Engineer's Office of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company at Baltimore, 1912-17; American Friends' Service Committee, 1917-20 (in re- construction work in France). b. Baltimore, Md., October 9, 1891. s. John Newby Parker and Eugenia Hollowell. Address, 1923 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md. Foley, Irvin Corson, A.B. Entered 1908. Editor-in-Chief, Class Record (IV) ; Founders' Club; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher of English and French, 1912-13; Cedarcrof^ 36 562 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1912 School, Kennett Square, Pa. ; Germantown Friends' School, 1913 to date (Assistant Principal, and Teacher of English and French). Chairman, Germantown District Conference of the Society for Organizing Charity; Director, Junior Camp, Camp Megunticook, Canada, summer, 1916-18. Member, Educational Association of the Middle States and Maryland ; Friends' Educational Associa- tion, etc. b. Germantown, Pa., November 11, 1891. s. Warren H. Poley and Martha Corson, m. December 15, 1917, Frances L. Ross (d. October 12, 1918). Address, 33 East Upsal Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. Renninger, John D., A.B. Entered 1909 from Ursinus College. Teacher. Superintendent, Schools, Ambler, Pa., 1912-16; Teacher of Modern Languages, Technical High School, Harris- burg, Pa., 1917 to date. First Army Headquarters Regiment, Provost Marshal General's Office at General Headquarters, Ser- geant. Honorable Discharge, June 14, 1919. b. Zieglerville, Pa., January 24, 1890. s. E. S. Renninger and Mary Friesbach. m. Carlisle, Pa., October 23, 1917, Ethel Z. Zimmerman. Address, 220 Seneca Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Rhoad, Kenneth Andrew, A.B. Entered 1908. Member, Triangle Society. Farming, 1912-17; Y. M. C. A. Secretary, Building Secretary at Fort Greble and Fort Adams, Newport, R. I., 1917-18; Farming, 1918- . Member, Chester Valley Grange. b. South Bethlehem, Pa., January 3, 1890. s. George William Rhoad and Olivia M. Foelker. Address, Valley View Farm, R. F. D. No. 3, Phoenixville, Pa. Ritts, Leonard Chase, A.B. Entered 1908. Manager, Football Team (IV) ; Football "H" (IV) ; Captain, Tennis Team (III, IV) ; Triangle Society; Founders' Club. Clerk, Butler County National Bank, 1912-14; Clerk, with National Bank Examiner, Western, Pa., 1914; Cashier, Lyndora National Bank, 1914-18; United States Naval Reserve Force, 1918; Secretary- Treasurer, Oklahoma Natural Gas Company, 1919- . Member, Butler Lodge, No. 272, F, A. M., Lorraine Commandery No. 87, K. T. ; Syria Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. ; Y. M. C. A., Tulsa; United States Naval Reserve Force; American Legion. 1912] MATRICULATE CATALOG 563 b. Albany, N. Y., August 5, 1889. s. John V. Ritts and Irene C. Blakslee. m. June 28, 1917, Gladys Clark, c. Marcia Clark, 1919; Leonard Chase, Jr., 1920. Address, 1612 South Detroit Avenue, Tulsa, Okla. Roberts, William Hooten, S.B. Entered 1908. Cricket "H" (III) ; Captain, Cricket (IV) ; Class President (IV) ; Member, Triangle Society. Secretary and Sales Manager, S. L. Allen & Co., Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Moorestowi^i Field Club. b. Moorestown, N. J., May 26, 1890. s. William H. Roberts and Elizabeth Collins Stokes, m. Philadelphia, Pa., September 28, 1914, Helen Boyd Kester. c. Helen Warrington, 1915; William Hooten, III, 1919; Kenneth Stokes, 1921. Address, 51 East Maple Avenue, Moorestown, N. J. Shipley, Thomas Emlen, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1916.) ' Entered 1908. Manager, Soccer Team (IV). Attorney-at-Law. With Rob- erts, Montgomery & McKeehan, Attorneys, 1916-18; Assistant to Chief of Visa Section, Department of State, 1918; with Shipley & Vaux, Attorneys, 1919- . Member, Huntingdon Valley Coun- try Club. b. Germantown, Pa., December 25, 1890. s. Walter Penn Ship- ley (Class 1881) and Anne Emlen. m. Darlington, Md., June 11, 1918, Mary Parker Wroth, c. Anne Emlen. Address, 5629 Musgrave Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Smiley, Francis Gerow, A.B. Entered 1908. Football "H" (III); Manager, Track Team (IV). Building Superintendent, Resort Hotel, 1912-17; Electrical Operator, Hog Island Ship Yard, 1918; Building Superintendent, Resort Hotel, 1919; Transportation Manager of same to dale. Member, Society of Mohonkers; Mohonk Bird Club, etc. b. Mohonk Lake, N. Y., May 20, 1889. s. Daniel Smiley (Class 1878) and Effie Florence Newel, m. North Abington, Mass., March 1, 1920, Rachel Orcutt. Address, Mohonk Lake, Ulster County, N. Y. Smith, Lloyd Mellor, A.B. Entered 1908. Captain, Soccer Team (IV) ; Manager, Cricket Team (IV) ; Class President (II) ; Vice-President, Y. M. C. A. (III). Mem- ber, Triangle Society. Teacher, Tokuyama Middle School, Japan ; 564 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1912 Student of University of Pennsylvania; Missionary in Japan of Protestant Episcopal Church of United States America; Student of Divinity School of Protestant Episcopal Church of America. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., September 5, 1890. s. Al- banus Longstreth Smith (Class 1881) and Emma Brooks Mellor. m. Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa., June 30, 1915, Margaret Eliza- beth Hall. Address, 45 East Penn Street, Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa. Steere, Walter Hopkins, A.B. Entered 1908. Manager, Haverfordian (IV). Bond Business, Grand Rapids, Mich., to date. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, United States Army, at Langres, France, October 31, 1918. b. Harrisville, R. I., October 18, 1890. s. Job Whittier Steere and Ida Velma Hopkins. Address, Browning Hotel, Grand Rapids, Mich. Thomas, Henry Malcolm, Jr., S.B. (M.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1916.) Entered 1908. Cricket "H" (III) ; Member, Beta Rho Sigma. Medical Stu- dent, 1912-16; Interne, Massachusetts General Hospital, 1916-17; First Lieutenant, Marine Reserve Corps, 1917-19; Resident, Bos- ton City Hospital, 1919-20; Assistant Resident and Resident, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1920-21. Author of scientific articles in medical Journals. Member, Pithotomy Club; Baltimore Country Club; Bachelors' Cotillon; Baltimore Club. b. Baltimore, Md., December 30, 1891. s. Henry M. Thomas (Class 1882) and Josephine Carey. Address, 1228 Madison Ave- nue, Baltimore, Md. Wallerstein, Edward, A.B. Entered 1908. Football "H" (III, IV); Captain, Gymnasium Team (IV); Gymnasium "H" (IV). Printing Business, 1912-15; Salesman, Refined Oils, Crew Levick Company, 1916-17; Oil Business, Pro- ducing, in Oklahoma, 1917, January to August; United States Army, 1917-18, First Lieutenant. Oil Business in Oklahoma, Jan- uary, 1919, to August, 1919; in Texas, 1919 to June, 1920; Phonograph Division, July, 1920, to date, Brunswick-Balke-Col- lender Company. b. Kansas City, Mo., December 9, 1891. s. David Wallerstein and Nellie Coons. Address, 253 West Hortter Street, German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. 1912] MATRICULATE CATALOG 565 Wheeler, Guy Samuel, A.B. Entered during Senior year. b. Doylestown, Pa., March 28, 1891. s. George Wheeler and Eleanor King. Address, care of Ajax Metal Company, 46 Rich- mond Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Non-Graduates Biedenbach, Albertus Lucas. Entered 1908; left in February, 1910. Accountant with Bethlehem Steel Company. b. Butler, Pa., September 28, 1889. s. Frank Biedenbach and Mary A. Lucas, c. Lucille, 1915; Estella, 1918; Carolyn, 1921. Address, 1321 Monroe Avenue, Bethlehem, Pa. Brinton, Edward Garrett. Entered 1908 ; left 1910. Merchant. b. West Chester, Pa., June 26, 1889. s. Edward Brinton and Ruth H. Brown. Address, 403 North Church Street, West Ches- ter, Pa. Cadbury, George Norman. Entered 1908 ; left Freshman year. b. Birmingham, England, July 19, 1890. s. George Cadbury and Elsie Mary Taylor. Address, Manor House, Northfield, England. Clement, Gregory, Entered 1908 ; left at end of Freshman year. Student, University of Pennsylvania, Engineering Department, 1909-12. Engineering Department, Philadelphia Electric Com- pany, 1913-16; Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau, 1916; Insurance Broker, Henry W. Brown & Co., 1917-19; Insurance Broker, Robert M. Coyle & Co., 1920- . Member, Zeta Psi Fraternity; Insurance Society of Philadelphia; Pennsylvania In- surance Federation. b. Haverford, Pa., November 28, 1890. s. John B. Clement and Dessa W. Crowell. m. Atlantic City, N. J., March 11, 1913, Helen Q. Wright, c. Gregory, Jr., 1914; Helen Suzanne, 1915; John DeWitt, 1918. Address, 223 East Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Garner, Ralph Leslie. Entered 1908 ; left 1910. Member, Triangle Society. Wool Business with Charles J. 566 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1912 Webb & Co., Philadelphia; W. W. Windle Company, Boston, Mass. ; Herbert Taylor & Co. (Treasurer) ; Wool Buyer and Salesman, Dwight Smith & Son Company, to date. b. Hatboro, Pa., September 24, 1889. s. Samuel J. Garner and Fannie H. Wilson, m. Scranton, Pa., December 3, 1912, Romaine S. Bronson. c. S. Bronson, 1914; Henrietta, 1917; J. Addison, 1919. Address, 3 Summit Avenue, Winchester, Mass. Graham, Walter Franklin. (B.S., Penna. State College, 1914.) Entered 1908 ; left at end of Freshman year. Metallurgical Work; Standard Roller Bearing Company, Phila- delphia, Pa. ; Ferro Machine and Foundry Company, Cleveland, Ohio; Metallurgist, Ingersoll-Rand Company, Athens, Pa.; Second Lieutenant, Ordnance, United States Army, Artillery Division, Cannon Section. Metallurgical work in connection with manu- facture of cannon and cannon steel. Metallurgist, Spicer Manu- facturing Corporation, South Plainfield, N. J., to date. Metallur- gist, Henry Souther Engineering Company, Hartford, Conn. Member, American Institute Mining and Metallurgical Engineers ; Society of Automotive Engineers ; American Society for Steel Treating; Franklin Institute; American Legion; Phi Kappa Phi (Honorary). b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 2, 1891. s. Walter Graham and . Emily Newbold Baker. Address, 11 Laurel Street, Hartford, Conn. Hill, Joseph Bennett.(B.S. in Chem., Univ. of Pa., 1913; Ph.D., 1916.) Entered 1908; left at close of Freshman year. Laboratory Manager, The Barrett Company, Chemical Depart- ment, 1916 to date. Member, The American Chemical Society; The Engineers' Club of Philadelphia; American Institute of Chemical Engineers ; Society of Sigma Xi ; The Cynwyd Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 3, 1891. s. Horace G. Hill and M. Louisa Bennett. Address, 207 North Thirty-fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Hoffman, Schuyler Van Vechten, Jr. Entered 1908; left at close of Freshman year. Student of Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University. Metal- lurgical Engineering, National Tube Company; Civilian Supervis- ing Inspector, Ordnance Department; New York District Claims Board of Ordnance Department; Reed & Hoffman, New York City, to date. b. Roselle, N. J., April 10, 1890. s. Schuyler Van Vechten 1912] MATRICULATE CATALOG 567 Hoffman and Mary Winthrop Sargent, m. New York City, May 15, 1917, Dorothy Fuller, c. Schuyler Van Vechten, III, 1918. Address, 122 Edgewood Avenue, Larchmont, N. Y. Kwan, Van Cho. Entered 1908 ; left Sophomore year. b. Canton, China, October 2, 1889. s. Loy Kwan and Leung See. Address, Canton Christian College, Honglok, Canton, China. Lowry, John Blanchard. Entered 1908; left during Freshman year. Wholesale Grocer. Member, Union League. b. Camden, N. J., February 9, 1889. s. Isaac S. Lowry and Kate Blanchard. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 22, 1913, Constance MacDonell Crittenden. Address, Dove Lake Farm, Ardmore, Pa. Raub, William Webster. (A.B., DePauw Univ., 1911.) Entered 1908; left during Freshman year. Associated with Joseph M. Hobbs Company, Brokers, Canned Foods and Dried Fruits. Member, Food Products Club of Chi- cago; Phi Delta Theta. Haverford Club of Chicago. b. Chicago, 111., April 7, 1887. s. William Wallace Raub and Mary J. Allen, m. Chrisman, III, March 31, 1913, Ethel Janette Johnston, c. Margery Ellen, 1914; Nancy Claire, 1917. Address, 6534 Kenwood Street, Chicago, 111. Robuck, Pearl Franz. (B.S., Wilmington, O., 1911.) Entered 1911 from Wilmington College. b. Westboro, Ohio, July 5, 1884. s. Albert W. Robuck and Elizabeth Garner. Address, Rawlins, Wyo. Sturgis, Samuel Booth. (M.D., 1914., Univ. of Pa.) Entered 1908 ; left at close of Sophomore year. Student of Medicine, 1910-14; Interne at Easton Hospital, 1914-15; Surgeon-in-Chief, Foot Hills Sanatorium, Lenoir, N. C, 1915-17; also Lecturer on Hygiene at Davenport College, Lenoir, N. C. ; Captain, Medical Corps, United States Army, 1917-19; 1 year's service in A. E. F. as Neuro-Surgeon on Base Hospital No. 65. Practice of Medicine and Assistant Instructor in Surgery at University of Pennsylvania to date. b. Montgomery County, Pa., May 2, 1891. s. Samuel Sturgis and Julia Vautier. m. Goldsboro, N. C, July 6, 1916, Margaret Castex Jones, M. D. Address, 119 Coulter Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. 568 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1913 Tunis, Richard. Entered 1907; left in June, 1910. Member, Beta Rho Sigma. Civil Engineer, Railroad Mainte- nance; Civil Engineer, Construction Corporation; Assistant Gen- eral Superintendent, with W. W. Lindsay & Co., Inc., Engineers and Contractors, to date. Member, University Club. b. Chestnut Hill, Pa., August 8, 1890. s. Thomas R. Tunis and Mary V. Wurts. m. Lewistown, Pa., September 15, 1916, Clara Teats, c. Dorothea R., 1917; R. Martyn, 1921. Address, 5927 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Votaw, George Joseph. Entered 1911 from Friends' University. b. Oskaloosa, Iowa, August 1, 1887. s. Oscar E, Votaw and Elizabeth Allseys. Address, Eudora, Kan. Wetzel, Charles Howard. (M.E., Cornell, 1913.) Entered 1908 ; left at close of Sophomore year. Assistant Yard Master, New Jersey Zinc Company, Palmerton, Pa., 1913-14; Street Clerk, United Gas Improvement Company, Philadelphia, 1914-15; Mechanical Engineer, Wayne Iron Works, Philadelphia, 1915-17; Officer Candidate, First Officers' Training Corps, Fort Niagara, N. Y., 1917; Second Lieutenant, Officers' Reserve Corps, 154th Depot Brigade, Camp Meade, Md., 1917; First Lieutenant, National Army, 1917-18; Captain, United States Army, 1918-19. 154th Depot Brigade and 32d Machine Gun Battalion, 11th Division. 1919 to date, Treasurer, Wayne Iron Works, Philadelphia. Member, Union League, Philadelphia; The American Legion. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 29, 1892. s. Charles M. Wetzel and Jennie E. Smith, m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 1, 1918, Mar- jorie Suplee. c. Barbara, 1918; Charles M. 1921. Address, 818 Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa. 1913 Baker, Paul Gay, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Nute High School, Milton, N. H. Electrical Work with the Westinghouse Electric and Manufac- turing Company, East Pittsburgh, Pa., 1913-17; First Class Pri- vate, Field Hospital, 1917-19; Electrical Work with the Stanley Worker, New Britain, Conn., 1919 to date. b. West Charleston, Va., March 26, 1890. s. Orrin Gay Baker and Aleda M. Barnes, m. Kensington, Conn., Emily Hart Porter. c. Harrison Porter, 1918 ; Lawrence Porter, 1920. Address, Perci- val Avenue, Kensington, Conn, 1913] MATRICULATE CATALOG 569 Beatty, Joseph Moorhead, Jr., A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1914; Ph.D., Harvard, 1917.) Entered Freshman year from Lower Merion High. Editor-in-Chief of Haverfordian (H, HI) ; Phi Beta Kappa (HI). Instructor in Latin and French, Pomfret School, Pom- fret, Conn. ; Assistant Professor of English, Goucher College, Baltimore, Md. Founder of the Founders' Club of Haverford College, 1914. Author: "The Letters of Judge Henry Wynkoop," 1914; "Charles Churchill's Treatment of the Couplet," 1919; "Johannes de Chause, Hauberger," 1919; "The Political Satires of Charles Churchill," 1919; "Sir Robert de Assheton, Treasurer of England," 1919; "The Redman Family of Philadelphia," 1919; "The Battle of the Players and the Poets," 1919; "Letters of the Four Beatty Brothers of the Continental Army (1774-96)," 1920; "Garrick, Colman, and the Clandestine Marriage," 1921 ; "Asshe- ton of Salford and Penn of Pennsylvania," 1921 ; "Milton and the Milburns," 1921; "Doctor Johnson and the Occult," 1922. Member, Founders' Club (Board of Governors) ; Historical So- ciety of Pennsylvania; Modern Language Association of America; Vice-President, The Haverford Society of Maryland. b. Villa Nova, Pa., January 23, 1891. s. Joseph Moorhead Beatty and Laura Milburn Schaefer. Address, Toughkenamon, Pa. Brown, Paul Howard, B.S. (B.S., Earlham College, 1912.) Entered Senior year from Earlham College. Track "H" (IV). Office Manager, Comstock-Bolton Company. Secretary of Central Board on Officials of Intercollegiate Football Rules Committee, 1913. Instructor, Earlham College, 1913-16. Purchasing Agent, Earlham College, 1916-17. Business Manager of same, 1916-20. Office Manager, Comstock-Bolton Company, 1920 to date. Member, Kansas City Accountants' and Auditors' Club. b. Cleveland, Ohio, July 12, 1889. s. Alfred Brown and Effie Afton Newbern. m. Greenfield, Ind., August 22, 1913, Mary Alice Elliott, c. Howard William, 1914; Martha Alice, 1919; Alfred Clarkson, 1921. Address, 3735 Belief ontaine Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. Crosman, Charles Henry, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Haverford School. Manager, Football (IV). Investment Banker. Standard Sup- ply and Equipment Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1913-14; The Pathescope Company of Philadelphia, 1914-15; The Hershey 570 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1913 Chocolate Company, Hershey, Pa. ; with Chicago Herald; firm of F. W. Atkin and C. H. Crosman, Business Organization and Pub- Hcity ; Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Repre- sentative, Cincinnati Office, The Tillotson & Wolcott Company, Investment Bankers. Member, Miami Valley Golf Club. b. Haverford, Pa., November 18, 1890. s. Charles Sumner Crosman (1878) and Sarah Elizabeth Fuller, m. Dayton, Ohio, June 8, 1916, Dorothy Pierce Craven, c. William Sumner, 1920. Address, 550 Superior Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. Crowder, William Samuel, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Chestnut Hill Academy. Track "H" (II); Manager, Gymnasium Team (IV). Clerk, Girard Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 2 years. American Friends' Service Committee, France, and Signal Corps, United States Army, 9 months, France. Director, Imperial Type Metal Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Philadelphia Cricket Club, St. Martins, Philadelphia. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., April 27, 1892. s. Walter J, Crowder and Alice Betty Scatchard. Address, 205 West Upsal Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Curtis, Frederick Augustus, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Wilmington Friends' School. Chemist. Chemist and Tester in Paper Laboratories, Wilming- ton, Del., Holyoke, Mass., and Dayton, Ohio; Corporal, Field Artillery ; Sergeant, First Class, Ordnance Corps ; Technologist, in charge Paper Section, United States Bureau of Standards Washington, D. C. Member of American Chemical Society; Tech- nical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry; Engineers Club, Dayton, Ohio. b. Wilmington, Del., June 2, 1891. s. Charles M. Curtis and Phoebe George Bradford, m. Dayton, Ohio, February 12, 1919, Janet Hults Nevius. Address, 23 Chevy Chase Apartments, Washington, D. C. Diament, Francis Harrar, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Haverford School. Retail and Wholesale Furniture and Decorators, Philadelphia, Pa. F, W. V. R. C. in France. Member of Merion Cricket Club. b. Devon, Pa., August 31, 1892. s. Albert L. Diament and Ida Harrar. Address, Devon, Pa. Froelicher, Francis Mitchell, A.B. (M.A., Johns Hopkins Univ.) Entered Freshman year from Baltimore City College. Football "H" (II, III, IV) ; Captain (IV) ; Track "H" (I, II, 1913] MATRICULATE CATALOG 571 III, IV); Captain (IV). Holder of College Records in Shot Put and Broad Jump. Leader of Glee Club (IV). Senior Presi- dent. Teacher. Head of Modem Language Department, Park School, Baltimore, Md., 1913-21. Head Master, Oak Lane Coun- try Day School, Oak Lane, Pa., at present time. U. S. B. W. R., Director of Camps for Maryland. Author: "Swiss Stories and Legends" ; "Speaking vs. Reading" ; Modern Language Associa- tion Journal. Member, Modern Language Association; National Educational Association; Educational Society of Baltimore; Drama League ; Beta Rho Sigma. b. Baltimore, Md., September 8, 1892. s. Hans Froelicher and Frances H. Mitchell, m. Philadelphia, Pa., September 5, 1914, Elizabeth Collins Lowry. c. Elizabeth L., 1915; Francis M., Jr., 1919; Deborah P., 1921. Address, Oak Lane Country Day School, Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Gifford, Philip Collins, A.B.; MA. Entered Freshman year from Moses Brown School. Business Manager of Haverford Nezvs (II, III) ; Editor-in- Chief (IV); Gymnasium Captain (IV); Track "H" (IV). Teacher, Moses Brown School, 1914-19. Director, Moses Brown Centennial Fund Campaign, 1919-20. Manager, Providence Branch, Moors & Cabot, Investment Bankers, Boston, Mass. Member, Harvard Business School Alumni Association. b. Haverford, Pa., September 22, 1891. s. Seth K. Gifford (1876) and Mary Amy Collins, m. Providence, R. I., June 17, 1916, Helen Sarah Thomas, c. Philip ColHns, Jr., 1919; Seth Kelley, II, 1921. Address, 324 Hospital Trust Building, Provi- dence, R. I. Goddard, Arthur Herbert, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Fairhaven High School, Mass. Architect. Draftsman, Vermont Marble Company, 1914-15. Examiner in Physics, United States Civil Service Committee, 1915-16. Captain, Infantry, 1916-19. Architectural Draftsman, 1919-20. Member, American Association of Engineers; American Legion; Atelier Wynkoop. b. Durham, Me., August 8, 1890. s. Alvano C. Goddard and Ida M. Howes. Address, 24 Larch Avenue, Fairhaven, Mass. tGregory, Raymond, A.B. , (A.B., Wilmington, O., 1912; A.M., Harvard, 1914; Ph.D., Ohio State Univ., 1917.) Entered Senior year from Wilmington College, Ohio. Student, b. New Antioch, Ohio, October 1, 1879. s. John Wistar Gregory 572 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1913 and Alia Elizabeth Moon. d. New Vienna, Ohio, December 6, 1920. Hadley, Lawrence Nathan, A.B. (A.B., Friends' Univ., 1912.) Entered Senior year from Friends' University, Kansas. Farmer and Stock Raiser. Director, School Board. Vice- President of the Alumni Association of Friends' University, 1918- 19. Member of Sedgwick County War Work Association. b. Coldwater, Kan., December 27, 1888. s. James Hadley and Mary Anna Lindley. m. Wichita, Kan., June 17, 1913, Daisy B. Zaring. c. Mary Helen, 1914; Lawrence Nathan, Jr., 1916. Ad- dress, R. D., No. 3, Valley Center, Kan. Hall, Norris Folger, A.B., A.M., 1913. (A.M., Harvard, 1915; Ph.D., Harvard, 1917.) Entered Freshman year from Moses Brown School. Vice-President of Cap and Bells Club (IV) ; President of Stu- dent Council (IV). Editor-in-Chief of Class Record (IV). Graduate Student, Harvard University, 1913-17. Captain, Chemical Warfare, 1917-19. Instructor in Chemistry, Harvard University, 1919 to date. Author: "An Attempt to Separate the Isotopic Forms of Lead by Fractional Crystallization"; "The Drainage of Crystals"; "On Periodicity Among the Radioactive Elements" ; "The Melting Points and Thermoelectric Behavior of Lead Isotopes." Member, American Chemical Society; Alpha Chi Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa; Colonial Club of Cambridge, Mass.; Founders' Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 7, 1891. s. Lyman Beecher Hall and Carolyn Coffin Ladd. Address, 3-C Boylston Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Hare, William Yarnall, B.S. Entered Freshman year from West Chester High School. With Greenleaf & Crosby Company, Jacksonville and Palm Beach, Fla., Jewelers, 1913-15 and 1919-20. Reconstruction and F. W. V. R. C, 1917-18. Chase National Bank, New York City, to date. Member of Beta Rho Sigma. b. West Chester, Pa., November 24, 1889. s. Jonathan C. Hare and Lydia T. Yarnall. Address, 3401 North Twenty-first Street. Philadelphia, Pa., and 60 West Ninety-third Street, New York City. Hires, Charles Elmer, Jr., B.S. Entered Freshman year from Haverford School. Charter Member of Cap and Bells Club (II). Treasurer, Charles E. Hires Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Treasurer and 1913] MATRICULATE CATALOG 573 Vice-President of Hires Sugar Company of Cuba. Member of Triangle Society. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 27, 1891. s. Charles E. Hires and Clara K. Smith, m. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., June 12, 1918, Else M. Keppelmann. c. Charles Elmer, 3d, 1919. Ad- dress, 6642 McCallum Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Howson, Richard, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Haverford School. Southwark Foundry and Machine Company; Philadelphia Elec- tric Company; Howson & Howson, Attorneys and Solicitors of Patents, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Franklin Institute of Phila- delphia; Engineers' Club of Philadelphia; Phi Delta Theta Fra- ternity; Triangle Society. b. Wayne, Pa., April 20, 1891. s. Charles Howson and Augustine Ware. m. Wayne, Pa., December 24, 1917, Mary Hurd Holmes, c. Mary Holmes, 1919. Address, 36 Mansion Avenue, Haddonfield, N. J. Longstreth, William Church, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Chestnut Hill Academy. Football "H" (II); Soccer "H" (IV); President of Athletic Association (IV). Salesman. James A, Biddle Company, Phila- delphia, Pa. ; Assistant Foreman, Westinghouse Electric and Manu- facturing Company, Newark, N. J. ; Carnegie Institute of Tech- nology, Assistant Dean. United States Army. Salesman, Atwater Kent Manufacturing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Partner in firm of Longstreth & Van Dyke, Electrical Instruments, Philadel- phia, Pa. b. Germantown, Pa., December 16, 1891. s. William Morris Longstreth (1872) and Elizabeth Inskeep Church. Address, 400 S. 15th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ludlam, Jesse Diverty, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Cape May Court House High School. Title Examiner. Law Student and Title Examiner, Cape Ma} Court House, N. J. Private, Infantry, 1918. b. Cape May Court House, N. J., January 17, 1892. s. Leslie S. Ludham and Lida Adams, m. Stone Harbor, N. J., June 8, 1918, Patience Marshall Richter. c. John Marshall, 1920. Ad- dress, Cape May Court House, N. J. Maule, Edmund Richardson, A.B. Entered Sophomore year from Class of 1912. Cricket "H" (IV). With Whitall, Tatum Company, Glass 574 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1913 Manufacturers, Philadelphia, Pa., 1913 to date. Medical Corps, 1918. Member, Moorestown Field Club. b. Moorestown, N. J., May 30, 1890. s. Edmund Weyman Maule and Isabelle Murray Richardson. Address, 654 Chester Avenue, Moorestown, N. J. Meader, Stephen Warren, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Moses Brown School. Agent, Children's Aid Society, Newark, N. J. ; General Secre- tary, Big Brother Movement, Newark, N. J.; Publicity Manager, Reilly and Britton Publishing Company, Chicago, 111. ; with Curtis PubHshing Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1916-21 ; Associate Editor, The Country Gentleman, 1920-21 ; Advertising Department, The Holmes Press, Philadelphia, Pa., 1921 to date. Author of "The Black Buccaneer," Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1920, and several short stories in Farm and Fireside, Boys' Life, and other magazines. b. Providence, R. I., May 2, 1892. s. Walter Sidney Meader and Lucy Jones Hawkes. m. Montclair, N. J., December 16, 1916, Elizabeth Hoyt. c. Stephen Warren, Jr., 1918, Jane Annes- ley, 1919; John Hoyt, 1921. Address, 119 E. 2nd Street, Moores- town, N. J. Mendenhall, Lloyd Hadley,B.S. (B.S., 1912; A.M., Penn College, 1913.) Entered Senior year from Penn College, Iowa. Professor of Chemistry and Physics, Pacific College, 1913-14; Student, Kennedy School of Missions, Hartford, Conn., 1914-15; Missionary in Cuba under the American Friends' Board of For- eign Missions, 1915-19; Missionary Work in Victoria, Mex., 1919 20; Farming and Stock Raising, Earlham, Iowa, 1920 to date. b. Earlham, Iowa, February 9, 1888. s. John J. Mendenhall and Mira R. Hadley. m. Le Grand, Iowa, August 28, 1913, Bertha Louise Hammond, c. Lewis Herschel, 1915; John Or- ville, 1917 (d. 1920). Address, R. D. No. 3, Earlham, Iowa. Montgomery, George, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1914.) Entered Freshman year from Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa. Winner of Everett Medal (II) ; Clementine Cope Fellowship (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV) ; Final Honors in Latin and History (IV). Head of Department of English, Guilford College, 1914- 15. Instructor in English, West Philadelphia High School for Boys, 1915 to date. Head of the Department of English in Drexel Institute Evening School. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 7, 1890. s. John Montgomery and 1913] MATRICULATE CATALOG 575 Margaret Russell, m. Norristown, Pa., June 28, 1916, Pearl H. Daub. Address, 1638 North Fifty-seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Nicholson, Herbert Victor, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Westtown Boarding School. Football "H" (IV) ; Manager, Soccer (IV) ; President of Y. M. C. A. (IV) ; Track "H" (II). Teacher, Westtown Boarding School, 1913-15. Missionary under Foreign Missionary Associa- tion of Friends of Philadelphia, in Japan, 1915 to date. b. Rochester, N. Y., January 30, 1892. s. Arthur Lees Nichol- son and Margaret Fox Bentley. m. Doshisha, Kyoto, Japan, March 31, 1920, Madeline C. Waterhouse. Address, R. D. No. 1, Westville, N. J. Offermann, Harry Carl, A.B. (A.M., Princeton, 1914; B.D., Mt. Airy Theological Seminary, 1917.) Entered Senior year from the Class of 1914. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Student, Princeton University, 1913-14; Mt. Airy Theological Seminary, 1914-17. Holy Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 1918-20. Pastor, St. John's Lutheran Church, Milton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1920 to date. b. Camden, N. J., December 4, 1892. s. Henry F. Ofiferman and Emily Saalman. Address, St. John's Lutheran Church, Milton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pickett, Samuel Caleb, A.B. (A.B., Whittier, 1911.) Entered Senior year from Whittier College. Insurance Clerk, Mutual Life Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn. Machine Gun Company, 1st Connecticut Infantry, Nogales, Ariz., 1916; First Lieutenant, Company F, 102d Infantry, 1917- 18; Captain, Company F, 102d Infantry, 1918-19; Overseas Serv- ice, 1917-19; wounded in action, September 14, 1918. b. Escondido, Cal., April 10, 1890. s. David Pickett and Elmina Stanley. Address, 1508 East Seventh Street, Long Beach, Cal. Porter, Oliver Moore, B.S., M.A. (M.F., Yale, 1915.) Entered Freshman year from William Penn Charter School. Football "H" (I, IV) ; Track "H" (I, HI, IV) ; Leader, Man- dolin Club (III) ; Winner, Everett Medal (I) ; Winner, Alumni Oratorical Contest (IV); Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Forester. United States Forest Service, 1915-17. Captain, Engineers, with A. E. F. in France, 1917-19. Chief, Quartermaster Fuelwood Production, S. O. S. With American Paper and Pulp Association, New York, 1919 to date. Member, American Forestry Associa- 576 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1913 tion; Society of American Foresters; Founders' Club; Society of American Military Engineers ; Canadian Society of Forest Engi- neers; Connecticut Forestry Association; Massachusetts Forestry Association; Maine Forestry Association. b. Kensington, Conn., February 23, 1892. s. Isaac Porter and Alice I. Bauer, m. Oak Bluffs, Mass., July 15, 1917, Margaret Claflin. Address, care of American Paper and Pulp Association, 18 East Forty-first Street, New York, N. Y. Tatnall, Joseph, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Wilmington High School. Football "H" (IV) ; Soccer "H" (IV) ; Cheer Leader (IV) ; Manager, Track (IV) ; Senior President; President, College As- sociation (IV) ; Spoon Man (IV). Salesman, Brown & Bailey Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1913-17; Chief Cost Clerk of same, 1917-18. Senior Instructor, Training Department of New York Shipbuilding Corporation, Camden, N. J., 1918-21 ; Salesman, The Charles E. Hires Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1921 ; Ac- tuarial Department, The Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia, 1921-22; Agent for same, 1922 to date. Member, Founders' Club, and Cap and Bells Club. b. Wilmington, Del., May 30, 1891. s. Ashton Richardson Tatnall and Mary Reybold. m. Gardiner, N. Y., September 25, 1917, Rosalyn Christine Smith, c. Joseph Birdsall, 1918; Phillip Reybold, 1921. Address, 329 Cypress Avenue, Woodlynne, Cam- den, N. J. Taylor, Norman Henry, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1914; M.D., Har- vard, 1918.) Entered Freshman year from Haverford School. Manager, Cricket Team (IV). Physician. Harvard Medical School, 1914-18. Interne, Pennsylvania Hospital, 1918-19. First Lieutenant, Marine Reserve Corps. Assistant Director Public Health, Philadelphia, Pa., 1920 to date. Member, Philadelphia County Medical Society ; Philadelphia Pediatric Society ; American Medical Association; Harvard Club of New York; Founders' Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 18, 1892. s. Frank H. Taylor (1876) and Rebecca M. Nicholson. Address, 33 East Springfield Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa, Thomas, Lester Ralston. B.S. Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Football "H" (III, IV) ; Soccer "H" (IV) ; Captain, Soccer (IV); Track "H" (II, III, IV); Captain, Track (HI). In- 1913] MATRICULATE CATALOG 577 structor, Westtown School, 1913-17. With Friends' Reconstruc- tion Unit and American Red Cross, 1917-19. Teacher of Chem- istry and Physical Director, Moses Brown School, Providence, R. I., 1919-1922. Head Master, Friends' Central School, Phila- delphia, Pa., to date. b. Avondale, Pa., January 19, 1890. s. Joshua Thomas and Annie Jane Meloney. m. Pottsville, Pa., September 1, 1916, Alice Stanton Bennett. Address, Friends' Central School, 15th and Race Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. VanSickle, John Valentine, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Baltimore City College. Track "H" (IV) ; Captain and Manager of Tennis Team (IV) ; Final Honors in Economics (IV); Phi Beta Kappa (IV). As- sistant in Economics, Harvard University, 1915-17. First Lieu- tenant, Air Service, 1917-19. Assistant in American Embassy, Paris, 1919 to date. b. Denver, Col, April 30, 1892. s. James H. Van Sickle and Caroline Valentine. Address, 16 Buckingham Street, Springfield, Mass. Webb, William, A.B.; A.M., 1914. (Bach, of Library Science, N. Y. State Library School, 1916.) Entered Freshman year from Cedarcroft School, Kennett Square, Pa, Librarian. Assistant, Legislative Reference Section, New York State Library, 1915-16; Sub-Librarian of same, 1916-17. With American Friends' Service Committee in France and Ger- many, 1917-20; Chief of Extension Department, Detroit Public Library, 1920 to date. b. Williamsport, Pa., January 4, 1893. s. William E. Webb and Emma Grace Evans. Address, Detroit Public Library, De- troit, Mich. Winslow, Edwards Fayssoux, A.B. (Phar. D., Univ. of Md., 1909.) Entered Senior year from Class of 1905. Pharmacist. With Pennsylvania Steel Company, Steelton, Pa. ; Bell Telephone Company, Bryn Mawr, Pa. ; Manager of Hypo- dermic Tablet Manufacturing Department, H. K. Mulford Com- pany, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Baltimore, Md., November 23, 1883. s. Randolph Winslow (1871) and Rebecca Fayssoux Leiper. m. Haverford, Pa., June 6, 1905, Emma White Garrigues. c. Randolph, 2d, Sarah Garri- gues, 1911. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. 37 578 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1913 Winslow, George Leiper, B.S. (A.B., St. John's College, 1912; B.S. in Engr., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1916.) Entered Senior year from St. John's College, Md. Engineer. Rodman, Trenton Division, Pennsylvania Railroad, 1916-17. First Lieutenant, Engineers, 1917-19. Assistant Super- visor of Track, Pennsylvania Railroad, 1919 to date. Member, Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity. b. Baltimore, Md.. March 4, 1893. s. Randolph Winslow (1871) and Rebecca F. Leiper. m. Philadelphia, Pa., May 5, 1917, Dor- othy H. Massey. Address, 1900 Mt. Royal Terrace, Baltimore, Md. Woosley, John Brooks, A.B.; A.M., 1914. Entered Senior year from Guilford College. Professor of History and Economics, Guilford College, N. C, 1914-17; First Lieutenant, Infantry, 1917-19. Principal, James- town High School, Jamestown, N. C, 1919-20. Assistant Pro- fessor of Economics, University of North Carolina, 1920 to date. b. Ashboro, N. C, January 20, 1892. s. John E. Woosley and Pauline Fishel. Address, Chapel Hill, N. C. Young, Charles Otis, B.S. ; A.M. 1914. (Ph.D., Univ. of Pitts- burgh, 1918.) Entered Freshman year from Toledo (Ohio) High School. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Research Chemist. Bureau of Chem- istry, United States Department of Agriculture, 1914-15; Citrus Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture, Los An- geles, Cal., 1915-16; Instructor in Organic Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh, 1916-18; Research Fellow, Mellon Institute, Pitts- burgh, 1918-20; Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation, Clen- denin, W. Va., 1920-21 ; Chemist, Union Carbide and Carbon Research Laboratory, Long Island City, 1921 to date. Member, American Chemical Society ; Chemists Club, New York ; Alpha Chi Sigma ; Phi Lambda Upsilon ; Phi Beta Kappa. b. Mexico City, Mex., June 21, 1892. s. Herbert A. Young and Olive C. Pratt. Address, 91 Eighteenth Street, Elmhurst, L. I., N. Y. Non-Graduates Briles, Herman McKinley. Entered 1909; left during the year. b. Westfield, Ind., October 12, 1882. s. John C. Briles and Rachel Ellen . Address, Iowa Park, Texas. 1913] MATRICULATE CATALOG 579 Darlington, Charles Goodliffe, (M.D., 1915, Medico Chirurgical College.) Entered 1909; left at close of Sophomore year. Physician. Assistant Pathologist, Pathologist, 1st United States Base Hospital No. 1 ; Captain, Medical Corps, United States Army. Serologist, Bellevue Hospital, New York City ; Assistant, Depart- ment of Pathology, New York University, and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, to date. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., January 28, 1892. s. Gustavus C. Darling- ton and Kate Annabel Beams, m. New York City, June 16, 1915, Mabel Isabel Heinz, c. Annabel Elizabeth, 1916. Address, Tena- fly, N. J. Fallon, Louis Fleming. (A.B., and M.D., 1916, Univ. of Pa.) Entered 1909; left May, 1910. Physician. b. Wayne, Pa., August 13, 1891. s. Christopher Fallon and Amy Lewis, m. St. Johns, Newfoundland, October 4, 1917, Anna E. Burke, c. Louis Fleming, Jr., 1918; Christopher, 1920; Richard N., 1922. Address, St. Johns, Newfoundland. Kellett, William Wallace. (Litt. B., Princeton, 1913.) Entered Junior year from Princeton University; left the same year. Sales Department, Liquid Carbonic Company, Chicago; Sales Representative, B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio; Pilot, French Flying Corps; American Representative, Henri & Maurice Farman Aeroplanes, Billancourt, Seine, France (1 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City). Member, Germantown Cricket Club ; Kansas City Athletic Club ; American Flying Club ; Aero Club of Pennsylvania ; Princeton Tower Club. b. Boston, Mass., December 20, 1891. s. William Wallace Kel- lett and Frances Revere Flagler. Address, 5103 Newhall Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Kirk, Elisha Theophllus. (B.S., 1919.) Entered 1909 ; left at close of Sophomore year. Photographer, in Boston, 1911-12; Pennsylvania Chestnut Blight Laboratories, etc., 1912-14; Photographer for Pennsylvania State College, 1914-20; entered Des Moines Still College of Oste- opathy, 1920. Member, Phi Kappa Phi (Honorary) ; Pennsyl- vania State College University Club. b. Columbiana, Ohio, November 24, 1887. s. Nathan Kirk and Mary F. Morlan. m. Harrisville, Ohio, June 24, 1914, Alice Mary Steer, c. Mary Evelyn, 1915. Address, 2416 Kingman Boulevard, Des Moines, Iowa. 580 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1913 Kojima, Edward Masayoshi. A.B., Potomac Univ., 1917; LL.B., 1920; J.D., 1920; D.C.L., 1921.) Entered 1911; left 1911. Patent Attorney since 1917. Associate Member, United States Patent Office Society. b. Japan, December 14, 1885. s. Hidetaro Kojima and Tarn Watano. m. Tokyo, Japan, May 3, 1913, Shizue Okamoto. c. Aiko (girl), 1916; Emiko (girl), 1921. Address, Fukuyone, Saihaku Gun, Tottori Ken, Japan, and 105 East First Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Kurtz, Henry Keller, Jr. Entered 1909; left during Freshman year. b. Coatesville, Pa., July 19, 1891. s. Henry Keller Kurtz and Leila Longaker. Address, 448 School Lane, Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. Lycett, Townsend Whelen. Entered 1909; left during Freshman year. b. Haverford, Pa., September 11, 1890. s. William Montague Lycett and Alice Maude Whelen. Address, 2124 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. McConnell, William Mallery. Entered 1909; left during Freshman year. b. Pittsburgh, Pa., February 9, 1891. s. Edward Barr McCon- nell and Ida Adela Mallery. Last address, 8 Court Street, Con- cord, N. H. Morgan, Gerard. Entered 1909; left during Freshman year. b. Baltimore, Md., October 11, 1889. s. Gerard Emory Morgan and Susan Frances Viles. Address, care of Gerard E. Morgan, Baltimore City College, Baltimore, Md. Peaslee, Francis Albert. Entered 1909; left during Freshman year, b. Pittsfield, N. H., August 7, 1891. s. Albert N. Peaslee and Hannah . Address, Pittsfield, N. H. Redfield, Arthur Clarence. (B.S., Harvard, 1914; Ph.D., 1917.) Entered 1909; left at close of Freshman year. Student, Harvard University, 1910-17; Cambridge University, 1920-21 ; Instructor in Physiology, Harvard Medical School, 1918- 19; Assistant Professor, Physiology, University of Toronto, 1913] MATRICULATE CATALOG 581 Toronto, Ontario; 1919-20, Assistant Professor, Physiology, Har- vard Medical School, 1921- . Member, Phi Beta Kappa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 15, 1890. s. Robert S. Redfield and Mary Thibault Guillon. m. Concord, Mass., June 19, 1913, Elizabeth Sewall Pratt (d. 1920). Address, 7Z Main Street, Con- cord, Mass. Richards, William. (A.B., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1916.) Entered 1909; left March, 1911. Student in Germany, 1911-12; at University of Wisconsin, 1913-16; Scholarship from American-Scandinavian Foundation for the Study of Danish Literature at University of Copenhagenj 1916-17. b. Bethlehem, Pa., June 12, 1890. s. Joseph William Richards and Annamarie Gadd. m. Copenhagen, Denmark, July 29, 1916, Johanne Jensen, c. Kirsten Daisy, 1918. Address, care of American-Scandinavian Foundation, 25 West Forty-fifth Street, New York City. Rosse, George Morton. Entered February, 1910, from State College ; left same year. b. Washington, D. C, April 17, 1891. s. Irving Collins Rosse and Florence James Rosse. Last address, care of Mrs. William James, 15 Irving Street, Cambridge, Mass. Sargent, Gorham Parsons. (A.B., 1914, Dartmouth.) Entered September, 1908; left 1910. Sailed with 19th Engineers for France, 1917; Sergeant, 1918; Discharged, Camp Dix, May 2, 1919. General Insurance Business, Hare & Chase, Philadelphia, to date. Member, Chi Phi Fra- ternity; Chi Phi Circle of Philadelphia; Merion Cricket Club; American Legion. b. Bridgewater, Mass., August 18, 1891. s. Winthrop Sargent and Emma Worcester, m. Riverton, N. J., July 21, 1919, Dorothy Inskeep Shreve. Address, Panmure Avenue, Haverford, Pa, Stieff, Frederick Philip, Jr. Entered Fall of 1909; left Spring of 1912. Gymnasium "H" (I) ; Member, Cap and Bells. Director of Baltimore Mutual Fire Insurance Company (Member, Finance Committee); Fellow in American Geographical Society; First Lieutenant, Signal Corps, United States Army ; Vice-President, Charles M. Stieff, Inc., Piano Manufacturers, Baltimore, Md., to date. Member, Baltimore Country Club ; University Club ; Ki- 582 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1913 wanis Club (Music Committee); Advertising Club; Automobile Club of Maryland; American Academy Political and Social Sci- ence; Maryland Academy of Sciences; Maryland League for National Defense; City Club, Baltimore; Member, Board of Gov- ernors, Paint and Powder Club of Baltimore, 1922; Member, Board of Managers, Baltimore Oratorio Society, 1922. b. Baltimore, Md., January 17, 1891. s. Frederick Philip Stieff and Sarah Upshur Waters, m. Detroit, Mich., December 10, 1917, Frances Helen Liggett, c. Frances Helen, 1919. Address, Stieff Hall, Baltimore, Md. Stinson, James Edme. (Litt.B., Princeton, 1914.) Entered 1909; left Spring 1910. Manufacturing until 1917; Insurance Agent and Broker, 1917; Insurance Underwriter, 1918 ; Insurance Adviser, Member of firm, William N. Stark & Co., Insurance Advisers, Worcester, Mass. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 6, 1892. s. Thomas Stinson and Isa- belle Fraley. m. Greensburg, Pa., February 12, 1916, Dorothy Beacom. c. Thomas Beacom, 1918. Address, 8 Otsego Road, Worcester, Mass. Taylor, Gerard Kirkbride. Entered 1909; left Freshman year. b. Overbrook, Pa., October 6, 1891. s. William Shipley Taylor and Julia Clark Kirkbride. m. Lancaster, Pa., March 23, 1912, Sara Sheunberger. Address, 20 West Orange Street, Lancaster, Pa., and care of Taylor & Watson, 276 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Watson, John Norris. Entered 1909; left at end of Freshman year. Football "H" (I). Taylor & Watson, Haberdashers and Clothiers, 1910-17; United States Army, 1918; Barron G. Collier, Inc., Street Car Advertising, 1918; Taylor & Watson, Inc., Im- porters and Exporters, Flexole Manufacturing Company, 1918 to date. b. Lancaster, Pa., May 6, 1891. s. Harry M. Watson and Catherine Dortwart. m. September 30, 1914, Edna Mae Mohler. Address, care of Taylor & Watson, 276 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Weber, Georges Minch. (A.B., George Washington Univ.) Entered 1909; left September, 1910. President's Committee on Economy and Efficiency, Washington, 1914] MATRICULATE CATALOG 583 D. C, 1911; Statistical Service Company, Washington, D. C, Chicago and New York City, 1911-13; Society for Betterment of Housing and Living Conditions, Richmond, Va., 1913 ; Student, University of Virginia, 1913-14; Student, University of Wiscon- sin, 1914-15; National City Bank (Foreign Exchange Depart- ment), New York City, 1915-16; Crescent Manufacturing Com- pany, Seattle, 1916-17 ; First Officers' Training Camp, Fort Meyer, Va., 1917; Second Lieutenant, Quartermaster Corps, August, 1917; Military Member, Administration of Labor Standards for Army Clothing, New York City, 1917-18; First Lieutenant, Quar- termaster Corps, July, 1918; Statistical Officer, Tours, Paris, Antwerp, 1918-19; Commissary Officer, Coblenz, Germany, 1919; Honorable Discharge, October 30, 1919. Appointed Captain, Quartermaster Reserve Corps, February, 1920 ; Statistician, United States Tariff Committee, Washington, D. C, 1919 to date. In- vestigated economic conditions in Europe, February to June, 1921. Member, American Political and Social Science ; Theta Delta Chi ; American Legion ; Military Order of the World War ; The Quar- termaster Association. b. Paris, France, October 18, 1891. s. Gustavus A. Weber and Lillian J. Minch. Address, 4311 Jewett Street, N. W., Washing- ton, D. C. Wilder, Donald. Entered 1909; left 1911. Farming and Mining. Heavy Artillery, Camp Winfield Scott, Cal. Mining, Goldfield, Nev., to date. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., January 22, 1888. s. Victor A. Wilder and Lillian Macdonald. Address, Warwick, N. Y., and Goldfield, Nev. Wood, Adelbert Day. Entered 1909 ; left Freshman year. b. Amboy, Ind., November 27, 1893. s. Stephen Adelbert Wood and Ella L. Denmore. Last address, Knightstown, Ind. 1914 Bell, Henry Ernest, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Oakwood Seminary. Manager, Tennis (IV). Fruit Grower. Edison Lamp Works, 1916-17; Fruit Farming, 1917 to date. b. Milton, N. Y., January 2, 1892. s. Arthur E. Bell and Martha Hallock. m. Clintondale, N. Y., April 30, 1921, Helen E. Piper. Address, Milton, N. Y. 584 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1914 Bentley, Jules Silvanus, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Soccer "H" (I). All- American Soccer Team (I, II). Banker, With Provident Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1915 to date. b. Camden, N. J., May 5, 1891. s. David Fuller Bentley and Louise Smith, m. Havre de Grace, Md., December 20, 1916, Bertie Mae White. Address, 1069 Princess Avenue, Camden, N.J. Bowerman, Walter Gregory, A.B. (A.M., Univ. of Michigan, 1915.) Entered Freshman year from Charleston High School. Track "H" (II, HI) ; Manager, Gymnasium Team (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (HI) ; Cope Fellowship (IV) ; High Final Honors in Mathematics (IV). Actuary. Actuarial Department of Equitable Life Assurance Society, New York City, 1915-17; Ac- tuary, West Virginia Insurance Department, 1917. Reconstruc- tion Work in France, 1917-19. Actuarial Department, New York Life Insurance Company, New York, 1919 to date. Member, American Institute of Actuaries; Actuarial Society of America; Founders' Club. b. New York City, November 16, 1893. s. J. Philip Bowerman and Edith Gregory. Address, 34 East Thirty-second Street, Bayonne, N. J. Champlin, Carroll Dunham, A.B., A.M., 1915. Entered with Class of 1912; left in 1910 and re-entered in 1912. Teacher. Instructor in History, McKeesport High, Pa., 1916- 17; Instructor in Education, University of Pittsburgh, 1917-18; 1919-21 ; Instructor in Education, East Stroudsburg Normal School, Summer, 1921 ; Professor of Psychology and Education, Southwestern Normal School, California, Pa., 1921-22. War Sec- retary, Y. M. C. A., 1918-19. Member, Phi Delta Kappa. b. Chelsea, Mich., October 22, 1887. s. Henry W. Champlin and Delia A. Sherwood, m. Beuton, Pa., September 1, 1919, Flelen Coreene Karns. Address, 122 York Avenue, Towanda, Pa. Clarke, Stewart Patterson, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Central Manual Training High School. Law Student. Girard Trust Company, 1914-16; Logan Trust Company, 1916; Goodrich Rubber Company, 1917. Field Artil- lery, 1917-19. Teacher, French and History, Media High School, 1919-20. University of Pennsylvania Law School, 1920 to date. 1914] MATRICULATE CATALOG 585 b. Devon, Pa., February 4, 1895. s. James Alexander Clarke and Anna Alexander. Address, Devon, Pa. Downing, George Valentine, B.S., A.M., 1921. Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Chemical Engineer. J. E. Rhoads & Sons, Wilmington, Del., 1915-16; Tannery Superintendent of same, 1916-17. Reconstruc- tion Work, 1917-20. Chemical Engineer, I. P. Thomas & Son Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1920 to date. Member, American Chemical Society ; American Leather Chemists' Association. b. Wilmington, Del., July 7, 1891. s. Joseph Miller Downing (1865) and Hannah Pennock Steele. Address, Elsmere, Del. Edgerton, Charles Willis, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Friends' Select School. College Record in Discus Throw (HI) ; Manager, Musical Clubs (IV). Mechanical Engineer. Sales Department, Coates- ville Boiler Works, New York City, 1914-17; Manufacturing and Service Departments, Wright-Martin Aircraft Corp, 1917-18; Superintendent of training and instruction of service and repair of Hispano-Suize Aviation Motors ; Sales Engineer, Coatesville Boiler Works, 1919-21 ; Works Manager of same at present time. Member of Society of Automotive Engineers; Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 26, 1893. s. Charles Edgerton and Ida R. Bonner. Address, Haverford, Pa. Elkinton, Alfred Walton, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Soccer "H" (III, IV); General Manager of Philadelphia Quartz Company of California, 1917 to date; Secretary, 1920 to date. Superintendent of Chester Plant of same, 1914-17. Member, Corinthian Yacht Club, Essington, Pa., 1916-17; California Manu- facturers' Association, Oakland, Cal. ; Berkeley Manufacturers' Association (Secretary and Treasurer, 1920; Vice-President, 1921 ; President, 1922) ; Berkeley Rotary Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 10, 1892. s. Alfred C. Elkinton and Abby Walton, m. June 17, 1915, Anna F. Trimble, c. Alfred W., 1916; and Robert Henry, 1918. Address, care of Philadel- phia Quartz Company of California, Sixth and Grayson Streets, Berkeley, Cal. Elkinton, Howard West, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Business Manager, College Weekly (III) ; Editor-in-Chief 586 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1914 (IV) ; Football "H" (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Philadelphia Quartz Company, Manufacturers of Silicate of Soda, 1914-17. In France with F. W. V. R. C, 1917-19. Assistant Export Man- ager of the Philadelphia Quartz Company, 1919-20; Assistant Manager of Purchasing Department, 1922 to date. Member of Founders' Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 28, 1892. s. Joseph Elkinton and Sara West Passmore. m. Germantown, Pa., October 14, 1916, Katharine Wistar Mason. Address, 121 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Elkinton, Thomas William, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Soccer "H" (III, IV) ; Captain (IV). Works Manager, Phila- delphia Quartz Company, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 22, 1892. s. William T. Elkinton and Eleanor Rhoads. m. Moorestown, N. J., May 10, 1916, Elizabeth West Roberts. Address, 45 East Maple Avenue, Moores- town, N. J. Ferguson, Joseph Cooper, 3rd, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Chestnut Hill Academy. Executive Committee, I. C. A. A, G. A. (IV). Dealer in Car- pets and Rugs. Sergeant, Infantry, 1918. Member, Philadelphia Cricket Club; Phi Kappa Sigma; Beta Rho Sigma. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 8, 1893. s. William Cramp Ferguson and Ella Buckman. Address, 115 West Mermaid Lane, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Ferris, Malcolm, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Phillips Brooks. Electrician. Marconi Company, Philadelphia, 1914; Instructor, School of Wireless Telegraphy, Philadelphia, 1915-17; Leading- man Radio Electrician, Philadelphia Navy Yard, Philadelphia, 1917-20; Radio Aid, Norfolk Navy Yard, 1920 to date. Associate Member, Institute of Radio Engineers; Member, Seaside Park Yacht Club. b. Glenside, Pa., May 7, 1894. s. Alfred U. Ferris and Anna Shoemaker. Address, 719 Redgate Avenue, Norfolk, Va. Garrigues, John Kittera, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Haverford School. Cricket "H" (HI, IV); Captain (HI, IV). Teacher, Haver- ford School, 1915-16; Girard Trust Company, 1916-17; Kendall Lumber Company of West Virginia, 1917-18; Accounting Depart- ment, Merchant Ship Building Company, Bristol, Pa., 1918; Ac- 1914] MATRICULATE CATALOG 587 counting Department, Union Petroleum Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1918-21; Secretary of Union Petroleum Company, 1921 to date. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Triangle Society; Manu- facturers' Club of Philadelphia; St. Davids Golf Club. b. Haverford, Pa., June 12, 1892. s. John Sharpless Garrigues (1871) and Elizabeth Ashmead. m. Wayne, Pa., May 6, 1919, Josephine Obdyke. Address, King of Prussia Road, Radnor, Pa. Green, Jesse Paul, A.B., A.M., 1917. Entered Freshman year from West Chester State Normal School. Track "H" (I, II) ; Editor-in-Chief, Class Record (IV) ; Final Honors in Economics (IV) ; Haverfordian Board (II, III, IV) ; Member, Cap and Bells (III, IV) ; Founders' Club (IV). Law- yer. Teacher, Sidwell Friends' School, Washington, D. C, 1914- 16; Security Trust, 1916-18; Secretary of Delaware Branch, Na- tional Council of Defense, 1918-19; Private, Infantry, 1918-19; Chief Probation Officer, Juvenile Court, Wilmington, Del., 1919 to date. Member, National Probation Association; Young Men's Republican Club ; Delaware Consistory ; Lu Lu Temple. b. Booth's Corner, Pa., September 18, 1887. s. Charles Green and Elizabeth E. Talley. m. Washington, D. C, November 6, 1917. Helen S. King. Address, 606 West Twentieth Street, Wil- mington, Del. Jones, Edward Morris, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Track "H" (I, II, III, IV); Captain (IV). College Record for 100- and 220-yard dashes. Clerk, Haines, Jones & Cadbury, 1914-16; Assistant to Sales Manager, Charles H. Elliott Com- pany, 1916-19; Secretary of Skillkrafters, Inc., 1919 to date. Member of Board of Managers of Germantown Boys' Club. 1918, Served in Merchant Marine of the United States. b. West Grove, Pa., March 9, 1893. s. S. Morris Jones and Jane Canby Balderston. Address, 1723 Ranstead Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Kelly, Thomas Raymond, B.S. (B.D., Hartford Theological Semi- nary, 1919.) Entered Senior year from Wilmington College. Minister. Teacher, Pickering College, Ontario, 1914-16; Y. M. C. A., 1917, with English Army and German Prisoners of War; Biblical Department, Wilmington College. 1919-21. Working toward a Ph.D. at Hartford Theological Seminary; also Pastor of Church at Wilson, Conn., 1921 to date. 588 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1914 b. Chillicothe, Ohio, June 4, 1893. s. Carlton W. Kelly and Madora E. Kersey, m. Newington, Conn., May 29, 1919, Lael Macy, Address, 279 Windsor Avenue, Wilson, Conn. Kelsey, Hadley Hart, A.B. Entered Senior year from Penn College. Teacher, Wilmington College, Ohio. ; Principal, Hesper Acad- emy, Kan., 1914-15; Bloomingdale Academy, Ind., 1915-17; Prin- cipal, Central Academy, Plainfield, Ind., 1917-19; Professor of History and Economics, Wilmington College, 1919 to date. b. Hart, Mich., April 17, 1889. s. Mead A. Kelsey and Anna L. Osborn. m. Amboy, Ind., September 4, 1915, Estella G. Cul- ver, c. Philip L., 1916; Louis E., 1920. Address, Wilmington, Ohio. Lane, Harold Macy, A.B. Entered Senior year from Penn College. Agent and Office Secretary of Pennsylvania Society to Protect Children from Cruelty, 1914-16; Secretary, Friends' Institute, 1916-17; Reconstruction, 1917-20; Secretary, Banj win-Clarke Cor- poration, Importers and Exporters, New York City, 1920-21. Teacher of English, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan. b. Tama, Iowa, October 7, 1892. s. Henry Douglas Lane and Sarah Macy. Address, care of Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan. Lewis, Benjamin Jones, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Friends' Select School. Farmer and Contractor. Corporal, Motor Transport Corps. Business in West Chester, Pa. b. Alderson, I. T., January 19, 1894. s. John F. L. Lewis (1890) and S. Phebe Moore. Address, Broomall, Pa. Locke, Robert Allison, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Titusville High School. Leader, Mandolin Club (III, IV) ; Vice-President of Cap and Bells Club (IV) ; Manager, Soccer (IV) ; Senior President. As- sistant General Manager, Titusville Plant, Bethlehem Steel Com- pany. First Lieutenant, Machine Gun, with A. E. F. in Siberia. Assistant General Manager, Titusville Iron Works. General Man- ager and President of Titusville Machine and Foundry Company. Petroleum Producer. Member of Triangle Society. b. Titusville, Pa., June 7, 1892. s. Robert Dickson Locke and Fannie Jane Allison, m. Titusville, Pa., September 6, 1919, Mar- garet Chase. Address, Pleasantville, Pa. 1914] MATRICULATE CATALOG 589 McFarlan, Roy, A.B. Entered Freshman year from West Chester High School. Class President (III) ; Business Manager, Class Record (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV) ; Final Honors in Latin and Economics (IV) ; Founders' Club (IV). Executive Secretary to the Presi- dent, Simmons Hardware Company, 1914-18; Captain in Special Commission of the American Red Cross in Siberia, 1918-19, re- turning via Japan, China, Philippine Islands, Hong Kong, Siam, Singapore, Johore, Java, Penang, Burma, India, Red Sea, Suez Canal, Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium, England and Ireland. Secretary to the President of the Simmons Hardware Company, 1919 to date. Member of the City Club of St. Louis; Phi Beta Society of Philadelphia (Charter Member) ; Academy of Political and Social Science. b. Downingtown, Pa., December 11, 1889. s. Frank McFarlan and Clara Louisa Batten. Address, care of Simmons Hardware Company, St. Louis, Mo. McKinley, Rowland Paull, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Radnor High School. Bond Salesman. With Rufus Waples & Co., 1914-17; 1919 to date, First Lieutenant, Infantry, and Adjutant General Depart- ment, 1917-19. Member, Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States. b. Wayne, Pa., November 27, 1891. s. Richard McKinley and Mary T. Paull. Address, 218 Lansdowne Avenue, Wayne, Pa. Miller, Harold Schaeffer, A.B. (B.D., Mt. Airy Theological Semi- nary.) Entered Freshman year from Friends' Select School. President of Y. M. C. A. (IV) ; Cricket "H" (IV). Clergy- man, Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mem- ber, Clergy Club, New York ; Founders' Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 4, 1892. s. E. Augustus Miller and Mary Van Reed. Address, 5323 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Parker, Douglas Leonard, B.S. (S.T.D., Hartford Theological Seminary, 1919.) Entered Senior year from Friends' University. Missionary, Friends' Field Service in Mexico. Heating and Ventilating Engineer, Farquhar Furnace Company, 1914-16; Pas- tor, Woonsocket Monthly Meeting of Friends, New England Yearly Meeting, 1917-19; Missionary in Mexico. Member of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. 590 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1914 b. Marion, Ind., March 3, 1891. s. Joseph W. Parker and Anna Maria Cosand. m. Wilmington, Ohio, June 12, 1920, Re- becca Jane Ross. Address, P. O. Box No. 137, Brownsville, Texas. Patteson, William Sheppard, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Staunton Military Academy. Lumber Dealer. Manager, Retail Lumber Yard, Penn Yan, N. Y., 1914-16; Raymond Lumber Company, Raymond, Wash., 1916-17; Second Lieutenant, Quartermaster Corps, 1917-18; First Lieutenant, Motor Transportation Corps, 1918-19; Lumber and Manufacturing Business, Penn Yan, N. Y., 1919 to date. Mem- ber, New York State Retail Lumber Dealers' Association. b. Dresden, N. Y., June 30, 1890. s. William Morris Patteson and Cornelia Fehrmann. Address, Pen Yan, N. Y. Philips, Rowland Stanton, A-B. (M.D., Univ. of Penna., 1918.) Entered Freshman year from Cedarcroft School. Football "H" (III, IV) ; Manager of the Haverfordian (IV). Physician. Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1914-18; Medical Reserve Corps, 1917-19; Resident Physician, Pennsyl- vania Hospital, 1918-20. Member, William Pepper Medical So- ciety ; Alpha Mu Pi Omega ; Phi Kappa Sigma ; Beta Rho Sigma, b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 19, 1893. s. Edwin S. Philips and Martha Rowland Yost. Address, 140 E. Main St., Moores- town, N. J. Rice, Edward, Jr., A.B. Entered in Freshman year. Manager, Football (IV). Steamship Business. New York Shipbuilding Company, Camden, N. J. ; Funch Edye Company, Steamship Agents, New York, N. Y. With British Red Cross, 1 year, and United States Navy, 2 years. Freight Manager, Cunard Steamship Company of Philadelphia. Rice, Unruh & Co., Steamship Agents, Bourse Building, Philadelphia. b. Cape May Court House, N. J., October 23, 1893. s. Edward Rice and Phoebe Steelman. m. Abington, Pa., October 11, 1919, Eleanor Wistar Garrett, c. Eleanor Evans, 1921. Address, 5301 York Road, Logan, Pa. Richardson, Baxter Key, A.B. Entered Senior year from Guilford College. Teacher of Mathematics, Millville High School, Millville, N. J., 1914-15; Salesman, Cold Storage and Refrigerator Machinery, 1915-16; Superintendent of Schools, Siler City, N. C, 1916-17; 1914] MATRICULATE CATALOG 591 Second Lieutenant, Aviation, 1917-19; Department of Public Health, Division of Surveys and Rural Sanitation for Illinois, 1919-20; Acting Chief of same, 1920; Chief, Division of Public Health Instruction, 1921 to date. b. Randolph County, N. C, December 16, 1888. s. John W. Richardson and Mary Craven. Address, care of Department of Public Health, Springfield, 111. Rogers, Robert Groves, A.B. (S.T.B., 1918.) Entered Freshman year from Brooklyn Polytechnic School. Clergyman. Minister, Church of the Redeemer, Astoria, N, Y. Assistant Minister, Grace Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Associate Rector, St. Peter's Church, Uniontown, Pa. ; Trinity Church, Connelsville, Pa., and St. Bartholomew's Church, Scottdale, Pa. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., September 23, 1893. s. Robert Rogers and Susie Groves. Address, 306 McDonough Street, Brooklyn, N. Y, Sangree, Paul Hudson, B.S. Entered Freshman Class 1910. Football "H" (II, III, IV); Captain (IV). Bond Salesman. With Rufus Waples & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. b. Currytown, N. Y., March 24, 1891. s. Henry H. Sangree and Helen Hoke. m. Cambridge, Mass., May 5, 1917, Margaret Dodd. c. Joyce, 1918; Katharine, 1920. Address, 322 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, Robert Chapman, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Friends' Select School. With the Pennsylvania Railroad, 1914-16; N. G. Taylor Com- pany, Steel and Tin Plate Manufacturers, 1916-17; Private, Army, 1917-19; American Asbestos Company, 1919-20; Sales Depart- ment of Midvale Steel Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1920-21 ; Sales Department, Horace T. Potts & Co., Philadelphia, Steel and Iron, 1921 to date. Member of the Triangle Society. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 6, 1892. s. Edward L. Smith and Mary Blanche Smith. Address, 215 East Main Street, Moores- town, N. J. Stokes, Samuel EmIen,A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Penna., 1918.) Entered Freshman year from Moorestown Friends' Academy. Soccer "H" (III, IV); Cricket "H" (III, IV); Manager, Cricket (IV). Physician. Interne at the Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 1918 to date. Medical Reserve during war. Member, Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity; Alpha Mu Pi Omega Medical Fraternity; Triangle Society. b. Moorestown, N. J., July 1, 1894. s. Joseph Stokes and Mary Emlen. Address, 220 East Main Street, Moorestown, N. J. 592 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1914 Taylor, Herbert William, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Penna., 1919.) Entered Freshman year from West Chester State Normal School. Football "H" (II, III, IV) ; Manager, Track (IV) ; President of Athletic Association (IV) ; President of Student Government (IV). Physician. Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1914- 19. Resident Physician, Presbyterian Hospital, Philadelphia; Secretary, Central Board on Football Officials. Member of Alpha Mu Pi Omega Medical Fraternity; Founders' Club; Beta Rho Sigma. b. Malvern, Pa., December 25, 1890. s. William S. Taylor and Phebe E. Passmore. m. Brooklyn, N. Y., December 28, 1915, Irene Lawrence, c. Herbert W., Jr., 1916; Lawrence, 1918. Ad- dress, Haverford, Pa. Trueblood, Charles Kingsley, B.S. Entered Senior year from Earlham College. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Instructor in English, University of Missouri, 1915-16. Instructor in English, University of Wis- consin. b. Richmond, Ind., August 20, 1894. s. W. N. Trueblood and Ruth Emma Stubbs. Address, R. D. Box 32, Richmond, Ind. Waples, Douglas, A.B., A.M., 1915. (A.M., Harvard, 1917; Ph.D., Univ. of Penna., 1920.) Entered Freshman year from Haverford School. Class President (I) ; Gymnasium "H" (I, II, IV) ; Captain (IV) ; Editor-in-Chief of Haverfordkm (IV). Professor of Edu- cation. Instructor in English, Gilman School, 1914-16; Assistant in English, Harvard University, 1916-17; Ensign, Naval Avia- tion, 1917-19; Student, University of London, 1918-19; Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1919-20; Assistant Professor of Edu- cation, Tufts College, Mass., 1920 to date. Author: "Has Edu- cation Progressed?" 1919; "The University Menace," 1919; "An Approach to the Synthetic Study of Interest in Education"; "Teaching Teachers to Motivate," 1921. Member, Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Kappa; Triangle Society; National Educational Association ; Association College Teachers of Education ; National Society for Scientific Study of Education; Secretary, Northeast Association College Teachers of Education. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 3, 1893. s. Rufus Waples and Christine B. Isham. m. June 12, 1917, Eleanor Jackson Gary. Address, 211 Powderhouse Road, Somerville, Mass. 1914] MATRICULATE CATALOG 593 Whitall, William Henry Bacon, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Chestnut Hill Academy. Glass Manufacturer. With Whitall, Tatum Company, Glass Manufacturers, Philadelphia, Pa., 1914 to date. Reconstruction Work in France for 18 months. Member of Beta Rho Sigma. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 15, 1892. s. John M. Whitall (1880) and Margaret H. Bacon. Address, 512 Church Lane, German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. Williams, Charles Rhoads, B.S. Entered Sophomore year from Clark College. Football "H" (III, IV) ; Secretary of Cap and Bells Club (III, IV) ; Member of Founders' Club. Salesman. Courier, Inter- preter and Guide with American Relief Commission in Germany and Holland, 1914; Actor and Stage Manager, 1914-15; Salesman, Philadelphia Quartz Company, New York City, 1915-16; Sales Manager, Buffalo District, Richardson Scale Company, 1916-17; Head of Correspondence Department, Butterick Publishing Com- pany, New York City, 1917-18; Pay Officer, U. S. S. B., 1918-19; Assistant Contract Manager, New York Office, Ernst & Ernst, C. P. A., 1919 to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 8, 1892. s. George Guest Williams and Anna Nicholson Rhoads. m. December 28, 1916, Grace East- burne Jones, c. Justin Cadwalader, 1921. Address. 2501 Voor- hies Avenue, Sheepshead Bay, N. Y. Non-Graduates Finestone, Lewis Julian. (LL.B., 1914.) Entered Freshman year from Central High School and left during Freshman year. • Attorney-at-Law. In Practice of Law since 1914. b. Russia, December 18, 1889. s. Isaac Finestone and Rebecca Wasserman. m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 10, 1919, Rose Kinder- man. Address, 404 Green Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Gates, Morris White. Entered Freshman year from Adirondack-Florida School and left at the end of the Junior year. Banker. Commercial Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Mem- ber, St. Davids Golf Club; Cincinnati Country Club and Golf Club. b. Cincinnati, Ohio, December 25, 1892. s. John Gates and Frances Alice White. Address, 634 Oak Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 38 594 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1914 Geisinger, William Shelly. Entered Sophomore year and left at end of Junior year. Principal of Red Hill Borough Schools, 1913-18; Metallurgical Department, Bethlehem Steel Company, Bethlehem, Pa., 1918-21 ; Principal of Richlandtown Borough Schools, 1921 to date. b. Zionsville, Pa., February 14, 1883. s. Henry B. Geisinger and Mary Ann Shelley, m. Bally, Pa., December 30, 1914, Lottie Irene Renninger. c. Henry, 3d, 1916; Karl William, 1921. Ad- dress, Richlandtown, Pa. Heym, Gerhard. (A.B., Harvard, 1914.) Entered Freshman year from Mr. Coulter's School, and left at the end of the Sophomore year. Writer and Student. Member of the Harvard Club, New York, N. Y. b. Leipzig, Germany, August 21, 1892. s. Albert Heym and Jeanne Schuck Hartman. Address, care of Dr. A. Heym, 25 East Washington Street, Chicago, 111. Lippman, Leonard Blackledge. Entered Freshman year and left in June of Senior year. Advertising. Solicitor for Charles E. Hires Company, Phila- delphia, Pa. Reporter for Philadelphia Press and Evening Ledger. Second Lieutenant, United States Intelligence Corps. Awarded Medaille du Service Sanitaire and Cross of Danilo. Author: "Preludes," "Variations," and "Letters Worth Writing." Mem- ber, Authors' Club, London ; Travelers' Club, Paris ; Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Literature, London. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 24, 1892. s. Charles James Lipp- man and Jane Conduit McClure. m. Coombe Ridge, Kingston Hill, Surrey, England, April 14, 1920, Constance Doreen. Ad- dress, 2131 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Moore, Percy Warren. Entered Freshman year and left at end of the Sophomore year. B. S. in Agriculture, Wisconsin, 1915; M. S., University of Arizona, 1916. Assistant in Plant Breeding, Arizona Experiment Station, Tucson, Ariz. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 19, 1893. s. J. Percy Moore and Kathleen Carter. Address, R. F. D. No. 1, Media, Pa. Russell, Charles. (B.S.A., McGill Univ., Montreal, 1915; Ph. D., Columbia Univ., 1922.) Entered Freshman year from Horace Mann School and left at the end of the Sophomore year. 1914] MATRICULATE CATALOG 595 Manager of Glenburnie Farm, Trenton, N. J., 1915-18; Ex- ecutive, Boy Scouts of America, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1918-19; Associate Professor of Agricultural Education and Director of Boys' Opportunity School, Toledo University, Toledo, Ohio, 1919-22. b. Ithaca, N. Y, April 24, 1893. s. James Earl Russell and Agnes Fletcher, m. Ottawa, Canada, April 25, 1916, Kathleen Lawson. c. Charles Brinley, 1917; David Lawson, 1921. Ad- dress, 500 West 121st Street, New York City. Schoepperle, Richerd Joseph. Entered in Freshman year and left in Sophomore year. Student, University of Illinois, 1911-13; Assistant Chemist, Buffalo Fertilizer Company, 1913-15; Salesman for Buffalo Builders' Supply Company, 1915-16. b. Oil City, Pa., February 20, 1892. s. Vinzensa Schoepperle and Elizabeth Klein. Address, Hamburg, N. Y. Seckel, Herbert Wetherill. Entered Freshman year and left at end of the Sophomore year. Football "H" (II); Cricket "H" (II). Salesman. Standard Supply and Equipment Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1912-16; with Cleveland Twist Drill Company, Cleveland, Ohio, 1916 to date. Member of Beta Rho Sigma. b. Moorestown, N. J., October 15, 1892. s. George Thomas Seckel and Joanna Todd Witcraft. m. Cleveland, Ohio, Decem- ber 20, 1918, Florence Bemice Swindler, c. George Thomas, III, 1920. Address, 33 Central Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. Stokes, Francis Collins. Entered Freshman year from Westtown School and left at the end of the Sophomore year. Seedsman. With Stokes Seed Farms Company, Moorestown, N. J., 1912 to date; President and General Manager of same, 1914 to date. Member, Triangle Society. b. Moorestown, N. J., March 2, 1892. s. Walter P. Stokes and Anna Naomi Reeves, m. Moorestown, N. J., November 5, 1920, Agnes Nicholson. Address, Moorestown, N. J. Stout, John Amos. (B.S., Univ. of Indiana, 1916.) Entered Freshman year from Paoli High School, Paoli, Ind., and left at the end of the Sophomore year. Flour Broker. Broker, Nashville, Tenn., 1916; Automobile Agency, Memphis, Tenn., 1917-19; Naval Aviation, 1917-19; Sec- retary and Treasurer of the Atlas Flouring Mills, Vincennes, Ind., 596 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1915 1919 to date. Member of the Masonic Order; Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. b. Paoli, Ind., August 21, 1892. s. John T. Stout and Adeline McCarrell. m. September 30, 1920, Helen Barnes, c. Diana, 1921. Address, Paoli, Ind. Taylor, Albert, M. Entered Freshman year from Lower Merion High School and left at end of the Freshman year. b. Ardmore, Pa., March 16, 1892. s. George Taylor and Mary Brooke Oat. Address, Athens Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. Tomlinson, Thomas. Entered Freshman year and left at the end of the Junior year. With John Wanamaker, 1914-15; with Bell Telephone Com- pany, 1915-20; Private, Signal Corps, 1917-20. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 8, 1892. s. William Thomas Tomlin- son and Catherine Stille Mclntyre. m. Philadelphia, Pa., April 23, 1915, Amy May Felton. c. William Felton, 1916; Earl Whitaker, 1920. Address, 805 East Washington Lane, German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. 1915 Allen, Percival Roy, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Newton High School. Leader, Glee Club (HI). Draftsman. Wireless Investigator for General Radio Company. Wireless Draftsman for Cutting & Washington, Inc., Auburndale, Mass. Instructor, Wentworth In- stitute, Boston, Mass. Member, Institute of Radio Engineers. b. Manchester, N. J., January 18, 1888. s. Edward Percival Al- len and Celia Jane Gates, m. Auburndale, Mass., June 26, 1917, Winifred Hunt Knapp. c. Virginia Margaret, 1918; Noel Churchill, 1919. Address, 131 Rowe Street, Auburndale, Mass. Baird, Donald Galbraith, B.S., A.M., 1916. Entered Senior year from Lehigh University. Leader, Glee Club (IV). Publisher. Instructor in English, Haverford College, 1916-18; Quartermaster Sergeant, Senior Grade, United States Army, 1917-19; Editor, Penn Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. Member of The Or- pheus Club; Merion Cricket Club; Psi Upsilon Fraternity. b. Beverly, N. J., June 8, 1892. s. David G. Baird and Georgiana Smallwood. m. June 7, 1916, Emilie Obrie Wagner. c. Anne Leonard, 1917; Emilie Wagner, 1922. Address, 410 South Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1915] MATRICULATE CATALOG 597 Bowman, Edgar Milton, A.B., A.M., 1916. Entered Freshman year from Yeates School, Phi Beta Kappa (HI) ; Final Honors in Romance Languages (IV). Instructor. Assistant in French, Haverford College, 1915- 16; Instructor in Romance Languages, Pennsylvania State Col- lege, 1916-18; Second Lieutenant, Army, 1918-19; Assistant Pro- fessor, Romance Languages, Pennsylvania State College, 1919; Instructor in French, Columbia University, 1919 to date. b. New Holland, Pa., January 5, 1894. s. Milton Josiah Bow- man and Mary V. Benner. Address, Kinzers, Pa. •j-Brinton, Walter Carroll, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Cricket "H" (II). With Miller Lock Company, Frankford, Pa., 1915-17; Reconstruction in France, 1917-18. Member of Beta Rho Sigma. b. Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa., January 2, 1894. d. Sermaize, France, December 8, 1918. s. Walter Brinton (1881) and Eliza- beth Smedley. Bye, Edgar Chalfant, A.B. Entered Freshman year from West Chester Normal School. Editor-in-Chief of Haverfordian (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Instructor in English, State Normal School, West Chester, Pa. Principal of Schools, Packerton, Pa.; Head of Department of History, Coatesville High School, Coatesville, Pa. Author: "Synopsis of Rhetoric and Composition," 1916; "Hope," a poem, 1920; "Chester County Song," 1920. Member of Founders' Club. b. Rutledge, Pa., May 18, 1890. s. George W. Bye and Mary Iliff. m. Media, Pa., July 7, 1917, Clara A. Williamson, c. Jane Elizabeth, 1918; John Edgar, 1920; Marian Esther, 1921. Ad- dress, Coatesville, Pa. Carey, Galloway Cheston, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Oilman Country School. With Carey Machinery and Supply Company, Baltimore, Md., 1915-17; Assistant Sales Manager, 1919 to date. Reconstruction Work in France, 1917-19. Member, Baltimore Country Club; University Club of Baltimore; Beta Rho Sigma. b. Baltimore, Md., February 14, 1894. s. Anthony Morris Carey (1881) and Margaret C. Thomas. Address, 1004 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Md. Coleman, Nelson Bader, B.S. Entered from Scranton Central High School. Manager, Musical Clubs (IV). Salesman, J. E. Rhoads & 598 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1915 Sons, Philadelphia, 1915-16; with Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, 1916-17; Executive, Manufacturing Department of same, 1919 to date. Ensign, Pay Corps, 1917-19. b. Phoenixville, Pa., March 25, 1893. s. George M. Coleman and Elizabeth Bader. Address, 6035 Ludlow Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Crosman, Edward Newton, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Haverford School. Cricket "H" (II) ; Manager, Football (IV). Salesman. South- wark Foundry and Machinery Company, 1915-17; Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Navy, 1917-19; Standard Supply and Equipment Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919-20. Automobile Salesman at present time. Member of Cricket Club; Beta Rho Sigma. b. Haverford, Pa., September 4, 1893. s. Edward Newton Crosman and Elizabeth McDowell Buddy. Address, Haverford, Pa. Crosman, Loring Pickering, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Thornton Academy. President, Y. M. C. A. (IV). Operator, Lanston Monotype Machine Company, Philadelphia; Inspector, later Assistant Sales Manager, Waterman Motor Company ; Master Mechanic, Cum- berland Shipbuilding Company ; Secretary, G. A. Crosman & Sons Company. Member of Founders' Club. b. Swampscott, Mass., July 23, 1892. s. George L. Crosman (1882) and Mary A. Pickering, m. Portland, Me., April 20, 1916, Mary Florence Hawkes. Address, Deering Junction, Port- land, Me. Dunn, Emmett Reid, A.B., A.M., 1916. (Ph.D., Harvard Univ., 1921.) Entered Freshman year from Episcopal High School. Phi Beta Kappa. Assistant Professor of Zoology, Smith Col- lege, Mass. Ensign, Naval Reserve. Author of various zoological papers. Member of Harvard Travelers' Club; Harvard Club of Boston ; the Biological Society of Washington, D. C. ; Ecological Society of America; Reptile Study Society; American Society of Icthyologists and Herpetologists. b. Alexandria, Va., November 21. 1894. s. Emmett Clarke Dunn and Mary Cassandra Reid. Address, Smith College, North- ampton, Mass. Falconer, Cyrus, A.B. Entered Freshman year from George School. Seed Advertiser. Salesman, Hickox, Rumsey Seed Company, 1915] MATRICULATE CATALOG 599 Batavia, N. Y. ; with Burpee Seed Company, Philadelphia, Pa. ; and H. A. Dreer Seed Company of Philadelphia. Advertising Manager of Ross Brothers Seed Company, Wichita, Kan. b. Chicago, 111., October 3, 1893. s. Cyrus Falconer and Martha Piatt, m. September 12, 1917, Helen Louise Cross, c. Cyrus, 1918, and Walter Cross, 1920. Address, care of Ross Brothers Seed Company, Wichita, Kan. Farr, Edward Lincoln, Jr., B.S. Entered Freshman year from Moses Brown School. Football "H" (IV) ; Manager, Track (IV). Sales Department, Farr & Bailey Manufacturing Company, Camden, N. J., 1915- 17; 1919 to date. Captain, Infantry, 1917-19. Vice-President, Lippincott-Bradley, Inc., 12 West Fortieth Street, New York City. b. Wenonah, N. J., September 11, 1893. s. Edward L. Farr and Mabel R. Greene. Address, 8908 Sutphin Road, Jamaica, N. Y. Gummere, John Westcott. (Certificate of Graduation, General Theological Seminary, New York City, 1920.) Entered Freshman year from Hoosac School. Student in General Theological Seminary, 1915-17; Private, American Ambulance, and Captain, Red Cross, 1917-19; Associate Pastor, St. Paul's Church, Bound Brook, N. J., 1919-20; Rector of same, 1920 to date. Member of the Triangle Society ; Middle- brook Country Club, Bound Brook, N. J. b. South Bethlehem, Pa., December 7, 1893. s. William Henry Gummere (1884) and Anna Elmer Westcott. m. Bloomsburg, Pa., January 11, 1921, Ruth Warg Clark. Address, St. Paul's Rectory, Bound Brook, N. J. Hallett, George Hervey, Jr., A.B.(A.M., Harvard, 1916; Ph.D., Univ. of Penna., 1918.) Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Track "H" (II, III, IV); Captain, Track (IV); Phi Beta Kappa (III) ; Cope Fellowship (IV) ; Final Honors in Mathe- matics and German (IV). Assistant Secretary, Proportional Rep- resentation League. Organizing Secretary, Collegiate Anti-Mili- tarism League, and Joint Editor of "War," 1917-18. Conscientious Objector, Camp Lee, Va., 1918. Associate Editor, "Young De- mocracy." Executive Committee, The Young Democracy, 1919- 21 ; Executive Committee, Philadelphia Young Democracy, 1919- 22 ; Executive Committee, Philadelphia Local Socialist Party, 1920. Peace Committee, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1919- 22. Author of two articles in mathematical magazines and nu- 600 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1915 merous articles and leaflets on Proportional Representation. Mem- ber, Society of Friends ; National Student Forum ; Committee of Forty-eight, League for Mutual Aid ; Arden Club ; Social Workers' Club of Philadelphia; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Founders' Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 24, 1895. s. George H. Hallett and Gertrude Amy Hawkes. Address, 1417 Locust Street, Philadel- phia, Pa., and Arden, Del. Harvey, Andrew, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Paterson High School. Instructor in Chemistry, Juniata College, 1915-16; Works Chemist, Jacques Wolf & Co., Chemists, Passaic, N. J., 1916-18; Head of the Benzol Intermediate Section of the E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Dye Works, Wilmington, 1918-21 ; Medical Stu- dent, University of Pennsylvania. b. Paterson, N. J., February 11, 1894. s. David Harvey and Agnes Maitland. Address, 22 Elliott Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Helveston, Harold William, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Abington High School. Simmons Hardware Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1915-17; American International Shipbuilding Corporation, 1917-18; Pri- vate, First Class, Ordnance, 1918-19; Assistant Manager, Circu- lation Service Division, Curtis Publishing Company, 1919-21 ; Superintendent of Schools, Northampton Township, Bucks County, Pa., 1921-22. b. Jenkintown, Pa., July 8, 1894. s. William Blake Helveston and Anna Catharine Deakyne. m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 5, 1919, Helen M. Jones. Address, 5849 Belmar Terrace, Philadel- phia, Pa. fHendricks, Paul Craig, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Mercersburg Academy. b. Lewisburg, Pa., February 23, 1895. d. Atlantic City, N. J., February 4, 1915. s. Irvin Washington Hendricks and Elizabeth Craig. Hoopes, Thomas, Jr., B.S. Entered Freshman year from West Chester High School. Wheel Manufacturer, Hoopes Bros. & Darlington, West Ches- ter, Pa. Second Lieutenant, Signal Corps. b. West Chester, Pa., August 8, 1894. s. Charles R. Hoopes and Helen W. Robison. Address, 411 North Franklin Street, West Chester, Pa. 1915] MATRICULATE CATALOG 601 Howson, Hubert Abbe, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Horace Mann School. Law Student. Harvard University, 1915-17; First Lieutenant, Signal Corps, United States Army, 1917-19; Law Student at Columbia University, 1919-20; employed, Howson & Howson, Patent Law, 1920 to date. b. New York, N. Y., April 26, 1893. s. Hubert Howson and Helen Abbe. Address, 489 West End Avenue, New York, N. Y. Leland, William Henry, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Lansdowne High School. Business Manager, College Weekly; Business Manager, Class Record. Industrial Engineer. Salesman, Charles E. Hires Com- pany, New York, 1915-18; System and Efficiency Work with Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, Jersey City, N. J., 1918- 19 ; Operating Manager, L. Barth & Son, New York, 1919 to date. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., January 30, 1894. s. William Henry Le- land and Mary Gibbons Lawson. m. May 28, 1920, Ethel Estelle Voigt. Address, 132 East Fortieth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Levis, Edward Megarge, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Germantown Friends' School. b. Cheltenham, Pa., September 7, 1893. s. Charles Megarge Levis and Jean Rowland. Address, 6624 McCallum Street, Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. McCracken, Harlan Linneus, B.S., A.M., 1916. Entered Senior year from Penn College. Professor of History and Social Science, Hastings College, 1915-18; Champion Debater of Nebraska; Secretary-Treasurer of the Interstate Oratorical Association for the Middle West. Pro- fessor of Economics and Sociology, Penn College. During past 2 years, on leave of absence from Penn College, doing graduate work at University of Wisconsin ; Instructor in Economics, Uni- versity of Wisconsin. Member of American Sociological Society; Fellowship of Reconciliation ; Oskaloosa Commercial Club ; The American Economic Association; The Richard T. Ely Political Economy Club. b. Richland, Iowa, February 3, 1889. s. William H. McCracken and Rebecca Jones, m. Oskaloosa, Iowa, August 12, 1915, Irene Hayes, c. Pauline Louise, 1916; and Genevieve Mae, 1919. Ad- dress, 1324 Mound Street, Madison, Wis. McNeill, Joseph, A.B. (A.M., Princeton, 1917.) Entered Freshman year from Central High School, Philadel- phia, Pa. 602 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1915 Missionary. American Presbyterian Mission, Kribi, Cameroun, West Africa. Ambulance Driver, American Field Service. b. Germantown, Pa., July 20, 1893. s. John McNeill and Susan Reid. Home address, 225 West Rittenhouse Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Moore, Lawton, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Abington High School. Sergeant, First Class, Medical Department, United States Army, 1917-19. Bacteriologist, Michigan Department of Health, Lansing. b. Germantown, Pa., June 29, 1894. s. Edwin Lawton Moore and Margaret Alice Linville. Home address, 7920 Forrest Ave- nue, Highland Park, Delaware County, Pa. Morley, Felix Muskett, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Baltimore Friends' School. President of College Association (IV) ; Final Honors in Eng- lish (IV). Student. Friends' Unit in France and Belgium, 1915- 16; Newspaper Work, 1916-17; Artillery, Private, 1917-19; elected Rhodes Scholar from Maryland in 1916; Student at Oxford, Eng- land, 1919 to date. Contributor to newspapers and magazines. Member of Press Club of Washington, D. C. ; American Club; Union Society; and British- American Club of Oxford, England. b. Haverford, Pa., January 6, 1894. s. Frank Morley and Lilian Janet Bird. m. Washington, D. C, December 8, 1917, Isabel Middleton. Address, 2032 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md. Nitobe, Yoshio, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Hill School. Manager, Gymnasium Team (IV) ; Editor-in-Chief of Haver- fordian (IV). b. Tokyo, Japan, May 27, 1892. s. Inazo Nitobe and Mary Elkinton Patterson. Address, Kobinata Dai machi, 75 Ichome, Kioshawa, Tokyo, Japan. Pharo, Eugene Morris, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Manager, Soccer (IV). Newspaper Reporter and Magazine Writer since 1915. Army, Motor Transport Corps, 1918. b. Brooklyn, N. Y,, March 10, 1893. s. Allen Ridgway Pharo and Anna Leeds Ogborn. m. Trenton, N. J., June 30, 1917, Mary Reed Macpherson. c. George Macpherson, 1918; Jean, 1920; Mary Emma, 1921. Address, 408 North Washington Avenue, Moorestown, N. J. 1915] MATRICULATE CATALOG 603 Shaffer, Elmer Lentz, B.S. (A.M., Princeton, 1919; Ph.D., Princeton, 1920.) Entered Freshman year from Central High School, Philadel- phia, Pa. Phi Beta Kappa (IV); High Honors in Biology (IV). Stu- dent at Princeton, 1915-20; Instructor in Biology, Haver ford Col- lege, 1919-20; Ensign, Hospital and Supply, 1917; Pathologist, St. Francis Hospital, Trenton, N. J. ; Director of Shaffer Labora- tories. Publications: Discocotzle Salmonis, 1916; The Electric Organs of Gymnotus Carapus, 1917; Mitochondria and Other Structures in the Spermatogenesis of Passalus Cornutus, 1917; The Germ Cells of Cicada, 1920; The Chromosomes of Lachno- sterna, 1920. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 29, 1892. s. Adam Shaffer and Sophia Lentz. Address, 2137 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Tang, Man Hoi, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Haverford School. Fire and Life Insurance Business. Member of Cantonese Guild and the Kwangtung Club. b. Hongkong, China, November 4, 1890. s. and . m. Shanghai, China, December 20, 1918. Address, Fook On Assurance and Godourn Company, Ltd., 51-B Kiangse Road, Shanghai, China. Taylor, Kempton Potter Aiken, B.S. (M.D., Univ. of Penna., 1919.) Entered Freshman year from Class of 1914. Manager, Cricket (IV) ; Leader, Glee Club (IV); Captain, Gymnasium Team (IV) ; Gymnasium "H" (IV) ; Vice-President, Secretary, of Founders' Club (IV). Physician. Ensign, Navy. Resident Physician, Pennsylvania Hospital. Member of A. M. P. O. Medical Fraternity; Zeta Pei; Sigma Xi; Philadelphia Cricket Club; Founders' Club; Triangle Society. b. Savannah, Ga., September 25, 1893. s. Frederick Winslow Taylor and Louise Bourne Spooner. Address, Highland Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Turner, Charles Brinkley, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Central High School, Philadel- phia, Pa. Editor-in-Chief of Scarlet (IV). Investment Banker. Girard Trust Company, 1915-16; Investment Banking, Harper & Turner, 1917 to date. Member of University Club of Philadelphia; City 604 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1915 Club of Philadelphia; Chester Club; Cap and Bells Club; and University Lodge, F. & A. M. b. Newark, Ohio, June 19, 1892. s. Albert E. Turner and Dora Evelyn Botsford. m. Los Angeles, Cal., May 19, 1916, Willie Bond Savage, c. Doris Grey, 1917; Albert Edward, 1921, Ad- dress, 1000 Stock Exchange Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Vail, Walter Elwood, B.S. (A.M., Harvard, 1917.) Entered Sophomore year from Baltimore Polytechnic Institute. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Instructor. Austin Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, 1915-17; Instructor in Chemistry, Haverford College, 1917-18; Gas Defense Chemist, 1918-19; Instructor in Chemistry, Harvard University, 1919 to date. Head Master of Copp Knoll Summer Camp for Boys, 1919- . Member, Alpha Chi Sigma; The Theosophical Society; American Chemical So- ciety; Society of Friends. b. Forest Hill, Md., September 23, 1891. s. Charles Lindley Vail and Cornelia Hilton Hoskins. Address, Forest Hill, Md. Van Hollen, Donald Beauchamp, A.B. (LL.B., Harvard, 1919.) Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Editor-in-Chief of Haverford News (IV) ; President of Ath- letic Association (IV) ; Captain, Soccer (IV) ; Spoon Man (IV). Lawyer. Ensign, Navy, 1917-19. Assistant Personnel Manager, Consolidated Gas, Electric Light and Powei Company of Balti- more, 1921 to date. Member of Founders' Club. b. Baltimore, Md., January 7, 1893. s. George H. Van Hollen and Margaret Beauchamp. m. July 1, 1921, Cecelia Harvey Coale. Address, 241 North Biddle Street, Baltimore, Md. Votaw, Ernest Nicholson, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Penna. 1918.) Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Final Honors in Mathematics and Economics. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Lawyer. Law Clerk, 1918-19; Reconstruction Work, 1919; Kinderhilfsmission der Quaker in Germany, 1920 to date. Associate Editor of "University of Pennsylvania Law Review" and Associate Editor of "War." Member of Hare Law Club; Phi Delta Phi; City Club of Philadelphia; Young Democracy, b. Haddonfield, N. J., September 19, 1894. s. Albert H. Votaw and Phebe Nicholson. Address, 20 Rigby Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa. Wagner, Samuel, Jr., A.B. (1916.) Entered Freshman year from West Chester, Pa. Manager, Cap and Bells Club (IV) ; Manager, Tennis Team. 1915] MATRICULATE CATALOG 605 Banker. First Lieutenant, Field Artillery, United States Army, 1917-19; with Janney & Co. (formerly Montgomery & Co.), Bankers, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. Member of Merion Cricket Club; Philadelphia Club; Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania; First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry; Zeta Psi Fraternity, b. Green Hill, Pa., September 1, 1895. s. Samuel Wagner and Anne Leonard Harlan. Address, 410 South Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Wain, Yvo Orestes, B.S. Entered Senior year from Wilmington College. Student and Minister. Teacher, Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y., 1915-17; Farming, Leesburg, Ohio, 1917-19; Minister and Student, Hartford Theological Seminary, 1919 to date. b. Leesburg, Ohio, February 2, 1892. s. Horatio Grant Wain and Launa Caroline Simmons, m. Cincinnati, Ohio, October 20, 1917, Graceanna Fishback. Address, 30 Townley Street, Hart- ford, Conn. Webster, William Dampier, B.S. Entered Senior year from Guilford College. b. Bennetts ville, N. C, November 14, 1886. s. Charles F. Web- ster and Elizabeth Gibson. Address, care of Y. M. C. A., Greens- boro, N. C. Weikel, Malcolm Husted, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Moorestown Friends' Academy. Lawyer. Attache, American Embassy, Paris ; Petrograd ; Court of St. James, England, 1920. Lawyer, White & White, New York, N. Y. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 22, 1892. s. William Daniel Weikel and Sallie Fisher Biddle. m. Paris, France, June, 1919, Odette M. D. Villeneuve de Pasquier. Address, 51 East Eighty-seventh Street, New York City, and 56 Avenue Hoeke, Paris, France. Whipple, Paul Kimball, A.B., A.M., 1917. Entered Freshman year from George School. Editor-in-Chief of Class Record (IV) ; Final Honors in Latin (IV); Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Teaching Fellowship, 1915-16; Latin Teacher, Asheville, N. C., 1916-17; Latin Teacher, Hotch- kiss School, Conn., 1917-18; Private, Signal Corps, 1918-19; with Curtis Publishing Company, 1919-20; Circulation Manager, Outers' Recreation Magazine, 1920 to date. b. Maiden, Mass., December 4, 1893. s. Wayne Whipple and 606 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1915 Gertrude Kimball, m. 1921, Doris Burleigh, c. One daughter. Address, 6214 Morton Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. White, William Alpheus, Jr., A.B., A.M., 1917. Entered Senior year from Guilford College. Teacher. Teacher of Economics, Mobile High School, Ala., 1915-16; Principal, Monroe High School, Monroe, N. C, 1917- 19; Head of Department of History, Raleigh High School, Raleigh, N. C., 1919-20; Retail Grocery Business, Winston-Salem, N. C., 1920-21 ; Teacher of History and Economics, Greensboro High School, N. C., 1921 to date. b. Climax, N. C, November 26, 1893. s. William Alpheus White and Roxie Dixon, m. Greensboro, N. C, December 22, 1917, Waldeen Hodgin. Address, 408 Tate Street, Greensboro, N. C. Non-Graduates Blair, John Insley. Entered in February, 1912, and left in June, 1912. Student of Medicine. First Class Private, Medical Detachment. b. Scranton, Pa., July 26, 1881. s. James Selden Blair and Mary Warren Eelk, Address, 4611 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fBliss, Addison Leech. Entered in October, 1915, and left in the Sophomore year. Student at Harvard. Ambulance Service, 1917, in France, b. Springfield, Mass., November 21, 1892. d. France, February 22, 1917. s. Chester W. Bliss and Isadora Leech. Dodge, Karl. Entered September, 1911, and left in May, 1914. Engineer, With Link Belt Company, Chicago; Electric Steel Company, Chicago. First Lieutenant, Ordnance. At present. Superintendent, Dodge Steel Company, Tacony, Pa. Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers. b. Germantown, Pa., November 25, 1891. s. James M. Dodge and Josephine Kern. m. December 9, 1916, Mildred Longstreth. c. James M., 1918. Address, Ambler, Pa. Egolf, Paul Hewlett. Entered in 1911 from Prospect Heights School, Brooklyn, N. Y., and left during Senior year to enter Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1915] MATRICULATE CATALOG 607 Philadelphia Manager, International (Hearst) News Service, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., March 16, 1894. s. Edward Egolf and Emma Louise . Address, Narberth, Pa. fGarrett, Hibbard. Entered in 1911. b. St. Louis, Mo., November 24, 1891. d. November 26, 1913. s. William Abner Garrett and Anna Cornelia Cheyney. Hill, Gerald Ford. Entered in Freshman year and left in the Sophomore year. Service, United States Navy. b. Concord, N. H., December 28, 1892. s. Josiah F. Hill and Blanche T. Ford. Address, Los Angeles, Cal. Kaleel, Mousa Jirius. Entered in Freshman year from Oak Grove Seminary and left in Freshman year. b. Ramallah, Palestine, May 15, 1891. s. Jirius Abu Kaleel and Miriam . Address, 27 Scbermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Kling, Edward William. Entered Freshman year from Chestnut Hill Academy and left at end of the year. b. Chestnut Hill, Pa., June 8, 1894. s. William Franz Kling and Laura Duntan Newkirk. Address, East Graver's Lane, Chest- nut Hill, Pa. Locke, Leroy Dyer. (B.S., Penna. State College, 1915; M.D., Univ. of Penna., 1920.) Entered in Freshman year and left in June, 1913. Football "H" (H). Physician. Medical R. C. and S. A. T. C. Member of Pepper Medical Society; Alpha Mu Pi Omega Fraternity; Phi Gamma Delta. b Philadelphia, Pa., September 4, 1892. s. Melvin Locke and Blanche Chipman Kipe. Address, 22 North Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Minot, Francis. Entered Freshman year and left in June, 1912. With Minot Hooper Company, Cotton Mill Agents, New York, 1912-16; with Turner Halsey Company, Cotton Agents, 1916-17; United States Naval Reserve Force, 1918. Student of Naval Architecture at Massachusetts Institute Technology. Member, Harvard Club of New York and Boston; Atlantic Tuna Club; Woods Hole Golf Course. 608 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1915 b. Milton, Mass., November 8, 1891. s. George Richards Minot and Agnes Olney. m. New York, N. Y., April 30, 1914, Isabel S. Quackenbush. c. Agnes Olney, 1915. Address, Mill Road, Falmouth, Mass. Neweil, Carl Lester. (D.O., 1919.) Entered in Freshman year and left in June, 1913. Osteopathic Physician. Medical Department, Aviation Corps, 1917-18; Osteopath, 1919 to date. Member of Phi Sigma Gamma, b. Brunswick, Me., March 11, 1893. s. Maurice L. Newell and Martha H. Dresser. Address, R. F. D. No. 4, Brunswick, Me. Sowell, George Aubrey. (M.D., 1915.) Entered Freshman year and left in 1912. Physician and Surgeon. Resident Physician, Samaritan Hos- pital, Philadelphia, Pa., 1915-16. Chief Surgeon, Merklein Pri- vate Hospital, Chambersburg, Pa., 1917 to date. Member, Bab- cock Surgical Society ; Applegate Obstetric Society ; Krusen Gyne- cological Society; County and State Medical Societies. b. Clayton, Pa., April 5, 1893. s. George A. Sowell and Amalia Joas. m. Moorestown, N. J., October 20, 1916, Ethel Boreau. Address, Center Square, Greencastle, Pa. Theis, Grover Cleveland. Entered in Freshman year and left in Junior year. Private Engineers. b. Germania, Pa., September 2, 1894. s. Henry John Theis and Virginia Schwarzenback, Address, Germania, Pa. Thomas, Leonard Van Hoesen. Entered in September, 1910, and left in October, 1914. Cricket "H" (II, HI); Captain elect (HI). Clerk. Butler, Thomas & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 1917-18. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 27, 1893. s. John M. W. Thomas (1876) and Mary C. N. Thomas. Address, 114 Mondella Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Totah, Selim. (A.B., 1916.) Entered in Sophomore year and left in June, 1913. Exporter. Export Department, National Cash Register Com- pany. Superintendent, Near Eastern Export Department, J. Aron & Co., Inc., New York City. Thirty-second degree Mason. b. Palestine, October 25, 1892. s. Abdullah Totah and Azeczie Mogannam. Address, 153 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1916] MATRICULATE CATALOG ' 609 Watson, Edgar Jordan. Entered Freshman year and left in June. With United Fruit Company, 1914-17; Army Field Clerk, 1917- 19; Merchandise Department, Tela Railroad Company, Honduras, C. A., 1919 to date. b. Camden, N. J., March 9, 1893. s. Richard J. Watson and Ella Mewbray MacMahan. Address, 37 North Cove Road, Mer- chantville, N. J. 1916 Allen, Wilmar Mason, A.B. (M.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1920.) Entered from Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, in 1912. Foundation Scholarship (I, H, HI, IV) ; Winner, Everett Medal (I) ; Winner, Alumni Oratorical Prize (HI) ; Captain, Tennis Team (H, HI, IV); Senior President; President of Stu- dent Council (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (HI) ; Vice-President, Founders' Club (IV); Spoon Man (IV). Medical Student at Johns Hopkins University, 1916-20. Senior President; Hopkins Scholarship. Service: E. M. R. C and S. A. T. C. (Johns Hop- kins). Interne, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Mich., 1920-21. Director of Central Laboratory, Saginaw, Mich., 1921-22. Mem- ber of Nu Sigma Nu and Alpha Omega Alpha Fraternities of Johns Hopkins ; Founders' Club of Haverf ord College ; Rotary Club of Saginaw, Mich. b. Chattanooga, Tenn., October 20, 1894. s. William Mason Allen and Mary Henry Drake, m. Lenoir, N. C, September 18, 1919, Mary Hendry Newland (d. February 10, 1922). Address, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. (after July 1, 1922). Bangham, Ralph Vandervort, B.S., A.M., 1917. (B.S., Wilming- ton College, 1915.) Entered from Wilmington College in 1915. Final Honors in Biology (IV), Teaching Fellowship, Haver- ford College, 1916-17; Instructor in Biology, Haverford College, 1917-18; Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Baylor University ; Medical College, Dallas, Texas; Assistant Professor, Zoological Department, Baylor Uni- versity, 1920 to date. Member of American Association for the Advancement of Science; Phi Chi Fraternity. b. Wilmington, Ohio, February 26, 1895. s. John C. Bangham and Mary Vandervort. Address, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. 39 610 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1916 Bray, William McKinley, A.B. Entered from St. Luke's School in 1912. Captain, Relay Team (III, IV) ; Track "H" (II, III, IV) ; Holder of Middle States 440-yard Dash Record (II, III). Serv- ice: Ordnance and Field Artillery, Second Lieutenant. Chief Clerk, Philadelphia Office, Republic Iron and Steel Company, 1919- 22. Salesman, Graham, Roberts & Co., Investment Bonds, to date. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Whitelands Hunt Club. b. Youngstown, Ohio, October 1, 1893. s. Charles W. Bray and May Harris, m. Devon, Pa., October 7, 1916, Eleanor Walker, c. Mariana, 1920. Address, Polo Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Buffum, Frederick Cyrus, Jr., B.S. Entered from Westtown School in 1912. Football "H" (HI, IV); Manager, Track (IV). Service: Second Lieutenant, A. S. A., 1917-18. Treasurer, The C. W. Campbell Company, Westerly, R. I., 1918 to date. b. Westerly, R. I., December 6, 1890. s. Frederick Cyrus Buffum and Phebe Wilbur Perry. Address, 66 Elm Street, West- erly, R. I. Carey, James, 3rd, A.B. Entered from Oilman Country School in 1912. Captain, Football Team (HI) ; Football "H" (I, II, HI, IV) ; Cricket "H" (II) ; Tennis Champion (I, HI. IV). Service: Sec- ond Lieutenant, Artillery, 1917-19. Student in Law School, Cam- bridge, Mass. Member of Founders' Club and Beta Rho Sigma. . b. Baltimore, Md., October 2, 1895. s. Anthony Morris Carey (1881) and Margaret Cheston Thomas. Address, 1004 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Md. Cary, Frank Wing, B.S. Entered from Westtown School in 1912. Captain, Soccer (IV); Soccer "H" (II, HI, IV). Service: American Field Service, 1917; Second Lieutenant, Aviation, 1918- 19. Student at M. I. T., 1916-17. Assistant Treasurer, Talbot Air Lift Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919-21. At present with Duraplate Company, Manufacturers of Advertising Plates, Phila- delphia, Pa. Member of Founders' Club. b. Baltimore, Md., October 20, 1893. s. Charles J. Cary and Minnie Wing. Address, Dresher, Montgomery County, Pa. Cooper, Joseph Arthur, B.S. Entered from Westtown School in 1912. Clerk, Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Chester County, Coatesville, Pa., 1916-17; 1919-21. Assistant Secretary, 1921 to 1916] MATRICULATE CATALOG 611 date. Secretary-Treasurer, Fidelity Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany, Coatesville, Pa., 1921 to date. Service: Reconstruction, 1917-19. Member of Coatesville Country Club. b. Coatesville, Pa., January 31, 1892. s. Brinton P. Cooper and Laura E. Branson. Address, 1316 East Lincoln Highway, Coatesville, Pa. Corson, Bolton Langdon, B.S. Entered from Norristown High in 1912. Service: Captain, Aviation, 1917-19. Automobile Engineer, H. H. Franklin Company, Syracuse, N. Y., 1919 to date. Member of Aero Club of Pennsylvania; Plymouth Country Club; Sigma Phi Fraternity. b. Plymouth Meeting, Pa., October 27, 1894. s. Walter H, Corson and Katherine I. Langdon. Address. Plymouth Meeting, Pa. Dunlap, George Arthur, A.B. Entered from Central High School in 1912. Clerk. Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Service: Sergeant, First Class, Quartermaster Corps. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 30, 1893. s. Fred. C. Dunlap and Alice Palmer. Address, 6621 North Twelfth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ellison, James Sprague, Jr., B.S. Entered 1911. Captain, Cricket (IV) ; Cricket "H" (III) ; Cheer Leader (IV). With H. K. Mulford Company, Philadelphia, 1916-17. Service: First Lieutenant, Infantry (315th Machine Gun Battalion), 1917- 19. Penn Button Works, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. Mem- ber of Cap and Bells Club; Founders' Club; Philadelphia Cricket Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 11, 1894. s. James Sprague Ellison and Jennie Thompson. Address, 1629 Poplar Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Faries, Walter Reichner, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Penna., 1920.) Entered from Penn Charter School in 1912. Manager and Captain of Swimming Team (III, IV). Lawyer. Service: Second Lieutenant, Ordnance, 1918-19. Student in Law School. University of Pennsylvania. 1919-20. Member of Theta Chi Fraternity and Wilson Law Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 5, 1896. s. William Walter Faries and Caroline Reichner. Address, Bala, Pa. 612 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1916 Garrigues, Albert Graham, B.S. Entered in 1912 from Haverford School. Manager of the Haverfordian (IV). With Charles E. Hires Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Service : First Lieutenant, Red Cross. b. Haverford, Pa., September 1, 1894. s. John S. Garrigues (1871) and Elizabeth Ashmead. Address, Haverford, Pa. Hannum, William Townsend, A.B., A.M., 1917. Entered in 1912 from West Chester Normal School. Football "H" (HI); Manager, Baseball (HI); Captain, Base- ball (IV) ; Final Honors in Mathematics (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Surveyor. Teaching Fellow at Haverford College, 1916- 17. Service: First Class Private, Medical Corps, 1917-19. Rod- man with United States Land Survey, 1920-21 ; Transitman, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, 1921-22; Clerk, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, to date. Member of Founders' Club and Triangle Society. b. Rosedale, Pa., May 8, 1896. s. Charles B. Hannum and Caroline Darlington, m. San Francisco, Cal., January, 1922, Helen J. Smith. Address, Rosedale, Pa. Hunter, Perry Ashbridge, A.B. Entered in 1912 from Episcopal Academy. Stage Manager, Cap and Bells Play (IV). With Lee, Higgin- son & Co. Service: Lieutenant (Junior Grade), United States Naval Reserve Force. b. Norristown, Pa., August 1, 1894. s. Ashley P. Hunter and Mary Frances Peirce. Address, 1430 De Kalb Street, Norristown, Pa. Johnson, Henry Alden, A.B. Entered 1912 from Haverford School. Football "H" (IV). Standard Oil Company, 1916-17. Quar- termaster, First Class, Navy, 1917-19. Underwriter of Automo- bile Insurance, Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, 1920 to date. Member of Merion Cricket Club. b. New York, N. Y., February 17, 1894. s. John Henry John- son and Emma Louise Hazeltine. Address, Millbrooke Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Kendig, Raymond Clare, B.S. Entered from Coatesville High School in 1912. Chemist, Lukens Steel Company, Coatesville, Pa., 1919; later with Midvale Steel Company, Coatesville, Pa. ; at present. Teach- ing Science in Bangor High School, Bangor, Pa. 1916] MATRICULATE CATALOG 613 b. Glen Rose, Pa., July 26, 1895. s. John R. Kendig and Mabel Walton. Address, Coatesville, Pa. Kirk, William Thompson, 3rd, B.S. Entered from Farnum Preparatory School in 1912. Business Manager of Haverford News (III) ; Manager, Cricket (IV) ; Cricket "H" (IV). Bond Salesman. With Elkins-Morris and Company, 1916; Lieutenant, Navy, 1917-19; with Hemphill, Noyes & Co., Philadelphia, 1919 to date. Member, Merion Cricket Club; St. Anthony Club; Founders' Club; Beta Rho Sigma and Delta Psi Fraternity. b. Beverly, N. J., May 5, 1895. s. William Thompson Kirk and Harriet Whitney Goodrich, m. Morristown, N. J., January 29, 1921, Edith G. Ely. Address, Berkeley Road, Haverford, Pa. fKnowlton, Henry Earle, B. S., A.M., 1917. Entered in 1912 from Haverford School. Football "H" (III, IV) ; Track "H" (III) ; Manager, Musical Clubs (IV). Teaching Fellow, 1916-17. Ensign. b. Deer Isle, Me., July 17, 1894. d. France, in service of his country, July 13, 1919. s. Stephen Brown Knowlton and Lilla Dutton Whitney. Kuhns, John, B.S. Entered in 1912 from Greensburg High School. Medical Corps, 1917-19; Student at Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn., 1919 to date. b. Greensburg, Pa., January 12, 1894. s. Jacob Ulam Kuhns and Katherine Young Black. Address, 427 West Pittsburg Street, Greensburg, Pa. Leidy, Philip Ludwell, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Biensis, Glion, Switzerland. Student of Law at University of Pennsylvania. Quartermaster, Second Class, Navy, 1918-19; Attorney, associated with Henry, Pepper, Bodine & Stokes, 2231-42 Land Title Building, Philadel- phia, Pa., 1920. Member, Delta Phi Fraternity; St. Elmo Club; Penllyn Country Club; Philadelphia Country Club Polo Associa- tion ; American Polo Association ; Sharswood Law Club ; Point Judith Country Club of Narragansett Pier, R. I. ; Houston Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 29, 1897. s. Dr. Joseph Leidy and Helen Redington Carter, m. Richmond, N. Y., January 29, 1917, Elsie B. Campbell. Address, 1530 Locust Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. 614 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1916 Love, John Gray, Jr., A.B. Entered in 1912 from Belle fonte Academy. Manager, Football (IV) ; Manager of Cap and Bells Play (IV). Law Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1916-17; Mas- ter Hospital Sergeant, Medical Corps, 1917-19; LL.B., Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, 1921 ; Practicing Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Member, Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Delta Phi, of University of Penn- sylvania, and the Founders' Club of Haverford College. b. Bellefonte, Pa., December 24, 1893. s. John Gray Love and Nellie Maude Kline. Address, Bellefonte, Pa. Lukens, Edward Fell, Jr., A.B. Entered Freshman year from Germantown Friends' School. Manager for the Charles E. Hires Company, Ltd., Toronto, Canada. First Class Private, Base Hospital, N. C. Member of Triangle Society. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., January 29, 1895. s. Edward Fell Lukens and Margaret Patton. Address, 147 West School Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Mart wick, William Lorimer, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Brooklyn Manual Training School. Track "H" (II, III, IV) ; Captain (IV) ; College and Middle Atlantic States Intercollegiate 220-yard Hurdle Record (IV) ; Manager, Tennis (IV). Engineer. Sales Engineer for Shepard Electric Crane and Hoist Company. Mechanical Engineer, Emer- gency Fleet Corporation. Sales Engineer for Pennsylvania Crusher Company and Borton Tierney Company. Member of Triangle Society. b. Chicago, 111., November 7, 1894. s. William Julius Martwick and Esther Abbott, m. Wilmington, Del., March 30, 1918, Edith R. Lackey. Address, 231 East Sixth Street, Plainfield, N. J. Maxwell, John Gordon, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Moorestown Friends' Academy. Manager of Soccer (IV). Student in Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, 1916-17; Ensign, Navy, 1917-19; Chemist, Du Pont Dye Works, 1919-20; Assistant Building Manager, Max- well Building, Philadelphia, 1920 to date. Member, St. Andrews Society of Philadelphia; The Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution ; Military Order of Foreign Wars, Pennsylvania Commandery ; American Legion ; Walnut Street Association ; Kappa Alpha Society; Seaside Park Yacht Club; Cap and Bells Club ; Building Owners and Managers Association ; Masons. b. Merchantville, N. J., May 28, 1895. s. Charles J. Maxwell 1916] MATRCCULATJE CATALOG 615 and Katharine Knight. Address, 12 East Cedar Avenue, Mer- chantville, N. J. Mengert, Ulric Johnson, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1917.) Entered Freshman year from Eastern High School, Washing- ton, D. C. Everett Prize (H) ; Class President (HI) ; Phi Beta Kappa (HI) ; Editor-in-Chief, Class Record (IV) ; Winner, Alumni Ora- torical Contest (IV) ; Elliston P. Morris Prize (IV) ; Clementine Cope Fellowship (IV). Captain, C. A. C, United States Army, 1917-18; Captain, O. R. C, 1919 to date. Student, Harvard Law School, 1919 to date. Member of Founders' Club. b. Washington, D. C, July 19, 1895. s. Ulric Theophilus Men- gert and Margaret Johnson. Address, c/o Roberts, Montgomery & McKeehan, 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Moon, Edward Randolph, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Captain, Football (IV) ; Football "H" (II, HI, IV) ; Business Manager, Haverfordian (IV) ; Business Manager, Class Record (IV). Investment Banker. With Harris, Forbes & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa., 1916-17; Second Lieutenant, Infantry, 1918; Man- ager, Bond Department, Bond & Goodwin, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 ; Bond Department, Hemphill, Noyes & Co., 1920-21; Bond De- partment, West & Co., 1511 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., at present time. Member of Cynwyd Club, Cynwyd, Pa. b. Fallsington, Pa., February 7, 1892. s. Alfred Haines Moon and Beulah T. Evans, m. Philadelphia, Pa., March 20, 1920, Elizabeth Roy Martin, c. John Martin, 1920. Address, 31 Penarth Road, Cynwyd, Pa. fMorgan, Sherman Parker, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). b. Zanesville, Ohio, September 1, 1894. d. Wheeling, W. Va., August 13, 1916. s. Arthur Lowell Morgan and Martha Lyon Parkes. Oberholtzer, Charles Herman, Jr., B.S. Entered Freshman year from Phoenixville High School. Private, Base Hospital No. 10. Bond Salesman, Hemphill, Noyes & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Phoenixville Country Club. b. Mont Clare, Pa., April 2, 1894. s. C. Herman Oberholtzer and Sarah Gertrude Thompson. Address, Mont Clare, Pa. 616 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1916 Sharpless, Francis Parvin, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Westtown School. Captain, Gymnasium Team (IV). Salesman. With Supplee- Biddle Hardware Company, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Reconstruction Unit in France for 18 months; Salesman for Woodward & Co., Grain Brokers, Philadelphia, Pa., 1 year; Resident Manager, Columbia Milling Company, Columbia, Pa. b. West Chester, Pa., May 16, 1894. s. Thomas Sharpless and Susanna Parvin. Address, 549 Walnut Street, West Chester, Pa. Shipley, James Emlen, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Germantown Friends' School. Football "H" (II, III, IV) ; Soccer "H" (II, IV) ; Cricket "H" (IV); Leader of Glee Club (IV). Shoe Manufacturer. With Girard Shoe Manufacturing Company, 1916-18; Ensign, United States Naval Reserve Force, 1918-19; with Shipley & Vaux Shoe Manufacturing Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. Member, National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association; Member and Secretary of the Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' As- sociation of Philadelphia, 1919 to date ; American Officers of the Great War ; American Legion ; Life Member of Founders' Club (President, 1919-22); Triangle Society; Life Member, Cap and Bells Club. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., April 4, 1894. s. Walter Penn Shipley (1881) and Anne Emlen. m. Pasadena, Cal., March 20, 1920, Ruth Ewart. c. James Emlen, Jr., 1921. Address, 315 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Pa., and 461 Locust Avenue, German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. Steere, Isaac Thomas, B.S. Entered Freshman year from Moses Brown School. Captain, Baseball Team (III) ; Soccer Team (III, IV) ; Soccer "H" (IV). With Supplee-Biddle Hardware Company, 1916-17; 1919-20. With Reconstruction Unit in France, 1917-19. Assist- ant Superintendent, Duraplate Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1921 to date. b. Harrisville, R. I., July 15, 1895. s. Job W. Steere and Ida Hopkins. Address, Box 435, Haverford, Pa. Stokes, Joseph, Jr., A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Penna., 1920.) Entered from Moorestown Friends' Academy. Soccer "H" (II, IV) ; Cricket "H" (II) ; President Y. M. C. A. (IV). Physician. Student of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania, 1916-20. Member of Phi Kappa Sigma ; Alpha Mu Pi Omega ; William Pepper Medical Society ; Fellowship of Recon- ciliation ; Founders' Club ; Triangle Society. 1916] MATRICULATE CATALOG 617 b. Moorestown, N. J., February 22, 1896. s. Dr. Joseph Stokes and Mary Emlen. Address, 220 East Main Street, Moorestown, N.J. Stone, Albert Hendrix, A.B., A.M., 1919. Entered Senior year from Whittier College. Teacher, Swarthmore Preparatory School, Swarthmore, Pa., 1916-17; First Lieutenant, Infantry, United States Army, 1917- 19; Teacher, Middletown, Conn., 1919; Teacher in China, Head- master, Kuling American School, Ruling, China, 1919 to date. b. Denton, Texas, November 21, 1890. s. John Sebastian Stone and Margaret Virginia Stanley, m. Middletown, Conn., August 1, 1917, Mabel J. Lyons, c. Margaret Frances, 1919; Albert Hen- drix, Jr., 1921. Address, Kuling, Kiangsi, China. Thiers, Frank Harrison, B.S. (A.B., Friends' Univ., 1915.) Entered Senior year from Friends' University. Teacher. Science Instructor, Wichita High School, 1916-17, 1920-21. Second Lieutenant, Air Service, 1918-19. Foreman of Electroplating Department, Coleman Lamp Company, Ltd., Toronto, Canada. b. Marietta, Okla., December 4, 1893. s. Harry Schuyler Thiers and Mertia Flanders, m. Marion, Kan., March 17, 1918, Edith Hodge, c. Frank Hodge, 1919. Address, 131 Ivy Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Wendell, Douglass Gary, A.B. Entered Freshman year from Radnor High School. Cricket "H" (III) ; Editor-in-Chief of Haver ford News (IV). Quartermaster, First Class, United States Naval Reserve Force, 1917-19. Real Estate Business, Wayne, Pa., 1919 to date. Con- tributor to Contemporary Verse and Philadelphia Evening Ledger. Member of Merion Cricket Club. b. Wayne, Pa., July 16, 1894. s. Herman Wendell and Mary Cary. m. Montclair, N. J., June 4, 1921, Margaret Yates Smith. Address, Wayne, Pa. Winslow, Oliver Parry, B.S. (B.S., in M.E., St. Johns College, 1915; B.S. in E.E., Johns Hopkins, 1918.) Entered Senior year from St. John's College. Second Lieutenant, Signal Corps. Engineer, George A. Fuller Company, Baltimore Office. Member of Phi Sigma Kappa. b. Baltimore, Md., February 9, 1895. s. Dr. Randolph Winslow (1871) and Rebecca F. Leiper. m. New Orleans, La., July 19, 1919, Harriett Agnes Christian. Address, 1900 Mt. Royal Ter- race, Baltimore, Md. 618 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1916 Wood, Joseph Densmore, B.S., A.M., 1917. Entered Senior year from Guilford College. Electrical Engineer. Teacher of Physics and Mathematics, Wil- mington College, Ohio, 1916-18; with Westinghouse Company, Pittsburgh, 1918 to date. Associate Member of American Insti- tute Electrical Engineers. b. Wichita, Kan., November 30, 1894. s. S. Adelbert Wood and Ella Densmore. Address, Murraysville, Pa. Non-Graduates Banes, Charles Henry. Entered in March, 1913, and left in June, 1913. Rancher in Wyoming. Peach Grower in North Carolina. Sec- ond Lieutenant, Navy. Investment Securities, Boston, Mass., at present time. Member of Williams Club, New York; Merion Cricket Club; Moore Country Club; Sigma Phi Fraternity. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 2, 1892. s. Warner Johnson Banes and Stella Wrenn. m. Chicago, 111., November 16, 1915, Madeline Wakem. Address, "Firleigh Farms," Southern Pines, N. C. Downing, Henry Drinker, Jr. Entered Freshman year and left in June, 1913. Civil Engineer. With Wilmington Wheel Manufacturing Com- pany, 1913-14; Delaware Hardware Company, 1914-15; J. E. Rhoads & Sons, 1915-17; Sergeant, Trench Mortar, 1917-19; Civil Engineer with Du Pont Engineering Company, 1919 to date. b. Elsmere, Del., September 27, 1893. s. Joseph Miller Downing and Hannah Pennock Steele, m. Elsmere, Del., June 15, 1918, Elizabeth Newberry Carswell. Address, Elsmere, Del. Farr, Walter Greene, (B.S., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1917; B.S., Harvard, 1917.) Entered Freshman year and left in June, 1914. Engineer. Ship Draftsman, Boston Navy Yard. Lieutenant, Construction Corps, United States Navy, at New York Navy Yard, 1917-19. Plant Engineer, Farr & Bailey Manufacturing Company, Camden, N. J., 1919 to date. Member of Naval Insti- tute; Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. b. Wenonah, N. J., December 19, 1894. s. Edward Lincoln Farr and Mable Greene, m. Oaklawn, R. I., July 27, 1918, Flor- ence Hooper Miner. Address, Wenonah, N. J. 1916] MATRICULATE CATALOG 619 Goerke, Francis Charles. (D.D.S., N. Y. College of Dentistry, 1918.) Entered Freshman Class and left in Spring, 1913. Dentist. OfHcers' Training School, Dental. Student, Columbia University, 1913-14; New York College of Dentistry, 1914-18. Member, Xi Psi Phi Fraternity; Second District Dental Society, b. Brooklyn, N. Y. September 14, 1893. s. Oscar Goerke and Selma Schissel. m. June, 1920, Ada Thoben. Address, 110 Cam- bridge Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Harvey, David Maitland. Entered in Sophomore year and left in June, 1914. With Standard Oil Company. b. Paterson, N. J., December 11, 1890. s. David Harvey and Agnes Maitland. Address, 170 Dixson Avenue, Paterson, N. J. Heaton, Lawrence Gardiner. ( A. B., Leland Stanford Univ., 1916.) Entered in 1912 and left in 1914. Chemist and Treasurer, Foster-Heaton Company, Newark, N. J. Member of American Chemical Society, and Chemist Club of New York City. b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., October 16, 1893. s. Adna F. Heaton and Margaret McCormick. m. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 15, 1916, Edna Vincent Moore, c. Marion Frances, 1918. Address, 351 Main Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Kamens, Jack Wexler. Entered October 15, 1913, from the University of Pennsylvania, and left in 1914. b. Kishineff, Russia, January 1, 1889. s. Philip Kamens and Jennie Wexler. Address, 708 North Franklin Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Knight, Clinton Prescott, Jr. Entered as Special Student in Freshman year and left in Spring, 1916. Manager, Gymnasium (IV) ; Manager, Baseball (IV). Service: Red Cross. Director of The National Bank of Commerce, Provi- dence, R. I.; Farming at East Greenwich, R. I. b. Riverpoint, R. I., October 24, 1891. s. Clinton Prescott Knight and Jessie May Cone. Address, East Greenwich, R. I. Lees, Alfred Whitaker. Entered Freshman Class and left in June, 1913. Student at Swarthmore College, 1913-15; Student at Auburn Theological Seminary, 1916-18. Minister of Presbyterian Church, 1918 to date. 620 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1916 b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 11, 1892, s. William Gray Lees and Mary Delaney. m. June 2, 1917, Blanche Irene Pontius, c. June Irene, 1918; Blanche Pontius, 1921. Address, Lyons, Kan. Marine, James Sidney. Entered Freshman Class and left in June, 1913. Student, Mechanical Engineering, at Massachusetts Institute Technology, 1913-17; First Lieutenant, Air Service, 1917-19; Student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1919-21 ; B. S. in Mechanical Engineering, 1921. Building Stone, 7 East Forty- second Street, New York City. Member, Aero Club of France; American Legion; Military Order of the World War; Alpha Tau Omega and Theta Tau Fraternities; Technology Club of New York. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., June 2, 1894. s. Arlando Marine and Viola May Browne. Address, 606 Fifth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. fRowntree, Lawrence Edmund. Entered Freshman year from Bootham School, York, and left in 1913. b. York, England, March 4, 1895. d. King's College, Cam- bridge, England, November 25, 1917. s. John Wilhelm Rowntree and Constance Margaret Naish. Rushton, Kenneth, Jr. Entered Freshman year from Haverford School and left in 1913. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 27, 1894. s. Kenneth Rushton and Margaret Pollock. Address, Wynnewood, Pa. fSheldon, George Bertron. Entered Freshman year from Kimball Union Seminary and left in 1913. Clerk in Swanton Bank. Druggist. b. Swanton, Vt., April 24, 1895. d. Swanton, Vt., January 14, 1919. s. Bertron Cornelius Sheldon and Gertrude Noyes. Van Buskirk, George. (A.B., Univ. of Penna., 1916.) Entered Freshman year from Hill School and left, June, 1914. Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1914-16; with Simmons Hardware Company, 1916-17; Sergeant, First Class, Medical Corps, 1917-19; Orange Business, 1919 to date. Member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. b. Pottstown, Pa., August 5, 1894. s. Charles C. Van Buskirk and Florence McKinley. Address, University Club, Redlands, Cal. 1917] MATRICULATE CATALOG 621 Woodbridge, Raymond Lester. Entered from Chestnut Hill Academy in Freshman year and left, June, 1915. Chemist. Student at Temple University, 1915-17; at Drexel Institute, 1918-19 (Evening Course) ; with Electric Storage Bat- tery Company since October, 1917. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., August 8, 1893. s. Joseph Lester Wood- bridge and Edith Emerson Forster. Address, 524 Arbutus Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. 1917 Ayusawa, Iwao Frederick, B.S. (A.M., Columbia, 1918; Ph.D. Columbia, 1920.) Entered 1915. Fellow at New York School of Social Work, and Resident Worker in University Settlement, New York City, 1917-18. Mem- ber, Japanese Delegation, International Labor Conference, Wash- ington, D. C. b. Tokio, Japan, October 15, 1894. s. Sohei Ayusawa and Take Kakimma. Address, 841 West End Avenue, New York, N. Y. Baily, William Lloyd, Jr., B.S. Entered 1913 from Haverford School. Stage Manager, Cap and Bells Club (IV) ; Assistant Business Manager, Class Record (IV) ; Senior Thesis, "Prison Reform." Service: Training Camp, Fort Niagara, N. Y., 1917; Received Provincial Second Lieutenancy, Field Artillery, August 15, 1917; First Lieutenant, Field Artillery, May 18, 1918; Overseas from May 26, 1918, to June 6, 1919. With Joshua L. Baily & Co., Wholesale Dry Goods Commission Merchants, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Theta Kappa Psi Fraternity ; Association of Chicago Dry Goods Commission Men ; Chicago Haverford College Club (Secretary of same). b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 12, 1895. s. William Lloyd Baily (1883) and Sarah S. Boyd. m. Toronto. Canada, March 28, 1918, Helen Gladys Edwards (d. May 1, 1919). Address, 2758 Hampden Court, Apartment No. 1, Chicago, 111. Barker, Albert Winslow, A.B. (A.M., Univ. of Penna., 1920; Ph.D., Univ. of Penna., 1921.) Entered in 1917. High Final Honors in Greek (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Student at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1890-95 ; 622 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1917 Instructor at the School of Industrial Art of the Pennsylvania Museum, 1903-13 ; Assistant Professor, Department of Fine Arts, Swarthmore College, 1914-16; Instructor in Greek. Haverford College, Pa., 1917-18; Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1918-21 ; Instructor, Summer School, University of Pennsylvania, 1921-22; Director of Art, Public Schools of Wilmington, Del., 1921 to date. Member of Archaeological Institute of America; Classical Club of Philadelphia. b. Chicago, 111., June 1, 1874. s. Albert S. Barker and Julia B. Winslow. m. (1) Media, Pa., 1904, Agnes McMakin; (2) Norristown, Pa., 1910, Anna Ellis Roberts, c. Agnes Susan, 1907; Elizabeth Roberts, 1911. Address, Moylan, Pa. Brodhead, Horace Beale, A.B. Entered 1913. Manager, Haverfordian (IV). Service: With A. E. F. in France. Student in Arts Course in University of Montpelier for 5 months. With Steel Company in Parkesburg, 1919-21; in Paris with American Express Company, 1921 to date. Member of Merion Cricket Club. b. Washington, D. C, November 2, 1895. s. Elber Howe Brod- head and Edith Ross Read. Address, Parkesburg, Pa. Brown, Charles Far well, A.B. Entered 1913. Manager of Cap and Bells Play (IV) ; Business Manager of Class Record (IV) ; Founders' Club. Service: Friends' Recon- struction, 1917-19. Bond Salesman, Harris, Forbes & Co., Inc., Boston, Mass., 1919 to date. b. Medford, Mass., July 22, 1895. s. Edward Lyman Brown and Isabel Weld Walter, m. Wellesley Hills, Mass., May 14, 1921, Sarah Southwick Rodman, c. Charles Farwell, Jr., 1922. Address, 416 Linden Street. Wellesley Hills, Mass. Brown, Ernest Lancaster, A.B. Entered 1913. Cheer Leader (IV) ; Track "H" (I, II, III) ; Leader of Man- dolin Club (HI, IV). Service: Friends' Reconstruction. With Brown & Bailey Company, Folding Paper Boxes, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. b. Tioga, Pa., December 14, 1893. s. Henry Tatnall Brown and Mary Scattergood. Address, 243 East Johnson Street, Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. 1917] MATRICULATE CATALOG 623 Buzby, John Howard, B.S. Entered 1913. Manager, Musical Clubs (IV) ; Soccer "H" (HI). Service: Friends' Reconstruction. With Mitchell Fletcher Company, Phila- delphia, Pa., 1920. With Hotel Dennis, Atlantic City, N. J., at present. b. Moorestown, N. J., October 12, 1893. s. Walter J. Buzby and Emily W. Borton. m. Atlantic City, N. J., October 12, 1921, Elizabeth D. Gage. Address, Hotel Dennis, Atlantic City, N. J. Chamberlin, William Henry, A.B. Entered 1913. Service: United States Army. Assistant Literary Editor of New York Tribune. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., February 17, 1897. s. Ernest N. Chamber- lin and May E. McClintock. Address, 80 Grave Street, New York, N. Y. Chandler, George Donald, B.S. Entered 1913. Football "H" (HI, IV) ; Baseball "H" (IV). Service: Master Hospital Sergeant, Medical Corps, 1917-19. Student of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, 1919 to date. Member of Pithotomy Club of Johns Hopkins. b. Hockessin, Del., March 25, 1896. s. Kennard Swithen Chandler and Margaret Emma Durham. Address, 410 North Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Clement, Dewitt Crowell, B.S. Entered 1913. Manager, Cricket Team (IV) ; Track "H" (I, II, III) ; Holder of College Record in Two Mile Run. Service : First Lieutenant, Field Artillery, 1917-19. With Brown Brothers & Co., Philadel- phia, Pa., 1919 to date. Member of Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution; Cap and Bells Club; Beta Rho Sigma. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 22, 1894. s. John Browning Clement and Dessa- Williamson Crowell. Address, 201 Poplar Avenue, Wayne, Pa. Crosman, Willard Martin Rice, B.S. Entered 1913. Captain of Cricket Team (IV) ; Cricket "H" (III) ; Soccer "H" (III, IV) ; Track "H" (HI) ; Captain, Swimming Team (IV). Service: Second Lieutenant, Infantry, 1917-19. Cotton Merchant with George H. McFadden & Bros., Philadelphia, Pa., 624 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1917 1919 to date. Member of Merion Cricket Club ; Augusta Country Club; Beta Rho Sigma. b. Haverford, Pa., October 13, 1894. s. Edward Newton Cros- man and Elizabeth McDowell Buddy. Address, Haverford, Pa. Dam, Colby Dorr, A.B. Entered 1913. With New York Evening Sun, New York, N. Y. b. London, England, August 7, 1894. s. Henry J. W. Dam and Dorothy Dorr. Address, 148^ East Fortieth Street, New York, N. Y. Dam, Loring, A.B. Entered 1913. Football "H" (II, HI, IV) ; Leader of Glee Club (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Service: Lieutenant (Junior Grade) ; Ensign, United States Naval Air Service. Assistant to President, New Jersey Brass Corporation, Grand Central Palace, New York City. Vice-President, Harvey Fisk & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa. Member, Aero League of America; Founders' Club; Beta Rho Sigma; Cap and Bells. b. London, England, May 8, 1896. s. Henry J. W. Dam and Dorothy Dorr. m. Chestnut Hill, Pa., June 4, 1921, Cornelia Hayman. Address, c/o Jas. N. Wright & Co., 309 U. S. National Bank Building, Denver, Col. Forsythe, Jesse Garrett, A.B. Entered 1913. With Logan Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1917-18. Serv- ice: Friends' Reconstruction, 1918-19; with Central National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa., 1920 to date. b. Media, Pa., September 12, 1896. s. Isaac Forsythe (1877) and Sarah C. Garrett. Address, Media, Pa., R. F. D. No. 3. Gardiner, William John, B.S. Entered 1913. Captain of Soccer (IV) ; Soccer "H" (II, III, IV). Service: Private, United States Army Ambulance. Awarded the "Croix de Guerre." b. Medford, N. J., January 28, 1896. s. William Gardiner and Elizabeth Wills Haines. Address, 130 East Main Street, Moores- town, N. J. Gibson, Robert, A.B. Entered 1913. Editor-in-Chief of Haverfordian (III, IV). With Autocar 1917] MATRICULATE CATALOG 625 Company, Ardmore, Pa., 1920, Salesman, Standard Supply and Equipment Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Member of Founders' Club and Triangle Society. b. Pueblo, Col., April 1, 1896. s. Robert Gibson and Eleanor Gibson. Address, Standard Supply and Equipment Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Greene, Joseph Warren, Jr., A.B. Entered 1913. Manager, Soccer (IV) ; President of Pennsylvania State Inter- collegiate Soccer League (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (III). Service: Coast Artillery Corps, 1917-19; Second Lieutenant, 1918-19. As- sistant Treasurer of Hamilton Web Company, Hamilton, R. I., 1919 to date. Member of American Legion and Founders' Club, b. Wickford, R. I., May 31, 1897. s. Joseph Warren Greene and Alice Hall Durfee, Address, Wickford, R. I. Haines, Robert Bowne, 3rd, A.B. Entered 1913. Fruit Grower and Entomological Research, Moorestown, N. J. Member of Pennsylvania and New Jersey State Horticultural So- cieties. b. Coatesville, Pa., May 26, 1893. s. Robert B. Haines, Jr. (1878) and Mary West Huston. Address, 156 West School Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Hall, Albert Winter, B.S. Entered 1914. Phi Beta Kappa. Service: Second Lieutenant, Signal Corps. Student of Medicine, Northwestern University. Member of American Legion. b. Zurich, Switzerland, January 8, 1895. s. Winfield Hall and Jeannette Winter. Address, 3136 Ivison Avenue, Berwyn, 111. Howland, Weston, A.B. Entered 1913. Business Manager, Haverford News (IV) ; Football "H" (II, III, IV) ; Manager of Inter scholastic Meet (IV) ; President of Athletic Association (IV). Service: Friends' Reconstruction; In- vestigator of Conditions in Poland and Russia. Member oi Merion Cricket Club, New Bedford Country Club, Founders' Club and Beta Rho Sigma. b. New Bedford, Mass., July 8, 1895. s. John S. Howland and Agnes Ellis. Address, 70 Borden Street, New Bedford, Mass. 40 626 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1917 Jones, Herbert Lawrence, B.S. Entered 1913. Bond Salesman, Harvey Fisk & Sons Company, Philadelphia, 1919 to date. b. Fairfield, Me., March 8, 1895. s. Willard Russell Jones and Jennie Louise Taylor. Address, Waterville, Me., or care of Har- vey Fisk & Sons, Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Klock, Harvey, A.B. Entered 1913. Student of Medicine, 1917 to date. b. Herndon, Pa., January 23, 1889. s. Noah Klock and Amelia Weaver. Address, Herndon, Pa. Laverty, Maris Alexander, B.S. Entered 1913. Service: First Lieutenant, Infantry. With Brann & Stuart Company, Engineers and Contractors, Philadelphia, Pa. Member of Merion Cricket Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 5, 1894. s. William M. Laverty and Emma S. Kennedy. Address, 2511 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Bala, Pa. Lawson, Mennis, B.S. Entered 1914. Farming at present time. Member of Theta Chi Fraternity. b. Burke's Garden, Va., August 27, 1895. s. Robert Mennis Lawson and Grace Bayne Waters. Address, Burke's Garden, Va. Little, William Clark, A.B. Entered 1913. Service: First Lieutenant, Infantry. Advertising Business, 1919 to date. b. Albany, Ore., December 2, 1895. s. Riley M. Little and Nannie M. Chamberlm. Address, 330 Park Avenue, Rock Hill, S. C. Ly, Juwan Usang, B.S. (B.C.S., New York Univ., 1912; A.M., Columbia, 1913; A.M., Univ. of Penna., 1919.) Entered 1916. Research in Congressional Library, Washington, D. C, 1917- 18; Assistant in Du Pont National Bank, 1918-19; Manager, The Industrial and Commercial Bank, Ltd., Hongkong, China, 1919 to date. Author : "Socialism in China," 1912 ; "An Economic Inter- pretation of the Increase of Bandits in China," 1918. b. Lyville, Canton, China, January 13, 1888. s. Ningda Cheongjun Ly and Li Well. m. Canton, China, 1919, Belle Lily Farn. Address, Box 488, Hongkong, China. 1917] MATRICULATE CATALOG 627 McKinstry, Hugh Exton, B.S. (M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1921.) Entered 1913. Captain of Gymnasium Team (IV) ; Editor-in-Chief of Haver- ford News (IV) ; President of Student Council (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa. Service: Friends' Reconstruction, 1917-18; Captain, American Red Cross, 1919. Student of Mining Geology, M. I. T., 1919-21 ; Geologist with Cerro de Pasco Copper Corporation, Casa- placa, Peru, 1921 to date. Member of Founders' Club. b. West Chester, Pa., May 5, 1896. s. Edwin L. McKinstry and Lorraine Stone. Address, 140 Dean Street, West Chester, Pa. Marshall, Franklin Osbun, B.S., A.M. 1918. Entered 1916. Principal, Vermilion Academy, Vermilion Grove, 111., 1919 to date. b. White City, Kan., May 27, 1891. s. Osbun Jesse Marshall and Rhoda Ann Strahl. Address, Vermilion Grove, 111. Metcalfe, Robert Davis, B.S. Entered 1913. Service : First Lieutenant, American Red Cross ; Member of the Balkan Commission of the American Red Cross ; Awarded the Chevalier of the Crown of Rumania; Captain, American Red Cross Serbian Commission; Received Serbian Red Cross Medal. With the Hill Division of the United States Envelope Company, Worcester, Mass. b. Woonsocket, R. I., December 10, 1893. s. John Metcalfe and Hattie B. Aldrich. Address, 9 Wayne Street, Worcester, Mass. Miller, Robert Boyd, A.B. Entered 1913. Manager, Tennis Team (IV) ; President of Y. M. C. A. (IV). Service: Captain, Infantry. Teacher, Oak Lane Country Day School. Member, Founders' Club; Military Order of Foreign Wars. b. Pittsburgh, Pa., November 15, 1894. s. Robert A. Miller and Mary Kredel. Address, Oak Lane Country Day School, Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Mitchell, Kenneth Sylvester, A.B., (A.B. Earlham, 1916.) Entered 1916. Service: Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps, 1918-19. Security Salesman, 1919 to date. With H. W. Dubiske & Co., Investment Bankers of South Bend, Ind. 628 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1917 b. Howard County, Ind., June 16, 1892. s. William Mitchell and Huldah Morris. Address, Russiaville, Ind. Morris, Fred Helsabeck, A.B. (A.B., Guilford, 1916.) Entered 1916. Baseball "H" (IV). Service: Medical Corps. Farming, 1919 to date. b. Kernersville, N. C, May 23, 1895. s. Frederic Morris and Alice Vance. Address, Kernersville, N. C. Painter, Donald Hinsliaw, A.B. Entered 1913. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Service: Second Lieutenant, Ordnance. Teacher in Parker High School, Dayton, Ohio. b. New Burlington, Ohio, September 24, 1894. s. Joseph Henry Painter (1889) and Elva Hinshaw. Address, 318 Grand Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. Price, Edmund Taber, B.S. Entered 1913. Captain, Track Team (IV) ; "H" (I, II, III) ; Manager, Foot- ball (IV). Service: First Lieutenant, Infantry, United States Army. Bond Salesman, with Callaway, Fish & Co., 37 Wall Street, New York, N. Y, Member, Founders' Club ; Cap and Bells Club; Triangle Society. b. New Bedford, Mass., February 28, 1895. s. Charles Russell Price and Elizabeth King Taber. Address, 419 West 11 5th Street, New York City. Ramsey, Lawrence Marshall, A.B. Entered 1913. Football "H" (I, II, III, IV) ; Captain (IV) ; Track "H" (III); Spoon Man (IV). Service: Second Lieutenant, 103d Field Artillery. Assistant Superintendent, Buck Hill Falls Inn. Member of Triangle Society. b. Sterling, Kan., June 3, 1894. s. David A. Ramsey and Alia M. Ramsey. Address, Sterling, Kan. Sangree, Carl Michael, A.B. (Diploma of Pastoral Theology, 1920.) Entered 1913. Captain, Baseball Team (IV) ; Football "H" (III, IV). Stu- dent at Union Theological Seminary, 1917-21. Minister of the Congregational Church, 1921 to date. Member of Beta Rho Sigma. b. Steelton, Pa., January 27, 1894. s. Henry H. Sangree and 1917] MATRICULATE CATALOG 629 Helen Hoke. m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., June 8, 1921, Constance La Boiteaux. Address, Cummington, Mass. Schoch, Wendell Deringer, A.B. Entered from Class of 1916 in February, 1913. Service: Ordnance. Underwriter for Pennsylvania Manufac- turers' Association and Casualty Insurance Company. Member of Men's Club, Wayne, Pa. ; Insurance Federation. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 25, 1893. s, Parke Schoch and Elsie Gross. Address, 321 Midland Avenue, St. Davids, Pa. Schoepperle, Hubert Vinzens, A.B. Entered 1913 from Hamburg High School, b. Oil City, Pa., March 25, 1896. s. Vinzens Schoepperle and Elizabeth Klein. Address, 12 Spring Street, Oil City, Pa. Snader, Edward Rowland, Jr., B.S. (M.D., Hahnemann, 1921.) Entered 1913. Service: Medical, Corporal; Enlisted, Red Cross and Medical S. A. T. C. Student of Medicine, Hahnemann Medical College, 1917-21; Interne, Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia, 1921-22; Appointed Chief Medical Interne at same hospital for 1922-23. Member of Orpheus Club of Philadelphia; Alpha Sigma Fra- ternity; Merion Cricket Club; American Legion; Public Educa- tion and Child Welfare Association of Philadelphia; National and State Homeopathic Medical Societies, etc., etc. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 1, 1895. s. Edward Roland Snader, M. D., and Martha J. McComb. Address, care of Hahne- mann Hospital, Fifteenth Street above Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Spaeth, John William, Jr., A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1918.) Entered 1913. Manager, Track Team (IV) ; Editor of Class Record (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (III); Cope Fellowship (IV). Service: Ser- geant, Infantry. Tutor, Haverford School, 1919; Instructor in Latin, The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., 1919-21; Instructor in Latin and English, William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, 1921 to date. Member of Founders' Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 2, 1895. s. John William Spaeth and Margaret Louise Hollick. Address, 53 North Paxon Street, West Philadelphia, Pa. Spellissy, Arthur Emerson, A.B. Entered 1913. Business Manager of Haver fordian (IV) ; Manager of Gym- 630 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1917 nasium Team (IV) ; Manager of Baseball Team (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa (IV). With Clarke & Co., Manufacturers of Naval Aero Ordnance, 1917-19. In Security Department of Brown Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. Member of Founders' Club. b. Newton, Mass., February 27, 1896. s. William A. Spellissy and Amy W. Slack. Address, 120 West Mt. Airy Avenue, Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Strawbridge, Justus Clayton, 2nd, A.B. Entered 1913. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Service: Ordnance. Retail Dry Goods, with Strawbridge & Clothier, Philadelphia, Pa. Member of Uni- versity Club of Philadelphia; Philadelphia Country Club. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., April 17, 1895. s. Frederic H. Strawbridge (1887) and Bertha Gordon Walter, m. German- town, Philadelphia, Pa., April 16, 1918, Margaret LaRue. c. Margaret, 1919. Address, Brook way Avenue, Merion, Pa. Weston, Edward Mitchell, A.B. Entered 1913. Chemist. Assistant in Chemistry, Haverford, 1917-18; Assist- ant in Chemistry, Harvard, 1919-20. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 10, 1895. s. Charles Neal Weston and Fanny Brown Fithian. Address, 130 West Eighty-first Street, New York City. Whitson, Thomas Barclay, A.B. Entered 1913. Electrical Engineer. With General Electric Company, 1917-19; with Friends' Service in Europe, 1919-20; Electric Storage Bat- tery Company, Philadelphia, 1920-21 ; Rubicon Company, Phila- delphia, to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 14, 1894. s. Benjamin F. Whitson and Anna Masters. Address, Moylan, Pa. Wilson, James Gordon, B.S. Entered 1913. Service: Chief Petty Officer, Naval Reserve Force. Real Estate Business, Philadelphia, Pa. Member of Merion Cricket Club. b. Paris, France, November 7, 1895. s. James Wilson and Florence Elea Hazzard. Address, 309 Narberth Avenue, Nar- berth. Pa. 1917] MATRICULATE CATALOG 631 York, Harold Quimby, A.B. Entered 1913. Manager, Track Team. Service: Corporal, Field Artillery. Junior Partner, The Tie Company, 1918 to date. b. Unadilla, N. Y., September 19, 1893. s. Mahlon D. York and Effie Ruth De Forest, m. Unadilla, N. Y., July 16, 1918, L. Marion Van Cott. c. James Webster, 1919. Address, Unadilla, N. Y. N o N - Graduates Bacon, Louis St. John. Entered in September, 1914, and left in February, 1915. Service: Sergeant, Machine Gun. Student at State College, 1915. Overseas, 1917-19. With the Phosphor Bronze Smelting Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 2, 1893. s. Horatio W. Bacon and Mary G. Thomas. Address, 4938 Walton Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Banks, Robert Parker. Entered in September, 1913, and left in 1914. b. Mifflintown, Pa., October 20, 1894. s. William H. Banks and Bess Jacobs. Address, Mifflintown, Pa. Burket, John Warren. Entered in 1914 from the University of Pennsylvania and left in January, 1916. Coal Business, L. K. Burket & Bro., Wayne, Pa. b. Wayne, Pa., October 24, 1894. s. Lee Keller Burket and Ella S. Smith. Address, 1226 Clayton Street, Denver, Col. Darlington, William Marshall. Entered in 1913 and left in Spring of 1917. In Merchant Marine after leaving college. Private, Marine Corps. At present, Vice-President and Superintendent of the Electric Foundry and Engineering Company, Inc. b. West Chester, Pa., December 5, 1894. s. John H. Darlington and Sarah Marshall, m. April 27, 1921, Torresdale, Pa., Jean Christian Bullitt. Address, Torresdale, Pa. fForman, Horace Baker, 3rd. Entered as Special Student from Haverford School in Septem- ber, 1913. Service: Second Lieutenant, Aviation. Killed in action, Sep- tember 14, 1918. 632 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1917 b. Baltimore, Md., March 4, 1894. d. France, September, 1918. s. Horace Baker Forman, Jr., and Lucy Chandler. Hill, Henry Whitmore. Entered in September, 1913, and left in 1915, Service: Ensign, United States Naval Flying Corps, 1918-19. Wholesale Hardware Business, Janney, Semple, Hill & Co., Minne- apolis, 1915-17, and from 1919 to date. Member of the Minne- tonka Yacht Club, b. Minneapolis, Minn., December 15, 1894. s. Horace Mann Hill and Mary Whitmore. m. Minneapolis, January 31, 1920, Florence Stevenson. Address, 2434 Pillsbury Avenue, Minne- apolis, Minn. Howey, Loyal Green. Entered in 1913, Arts Course, and left in 1915. b. Beatrice, Neb., February 14, 1896. s. Loyal Burtis Howey and Mary Green. Address, 1701 East Lincoln Street, Lincoln, Neb. Inman, Arthur Crew. Entered 1913 and left in Junior year. b. Atlanta, Ga., May 11, 1895. s. Henry Arthur Inman and Roberta Sutherland Crew. Address, Ponce de Leon Apartments, Atlanta, Ga. Lawrence, Edwin Field, Jr. (A.B., Stanford, 1917.) Entered in 1913 and left in 1916. Student at Stanford, 1916-17; Master Signal Electrician, Air Service, 1918-19; Wholesale Hardware Business, 1919 to date. b. Sterling, 111., September 16, 1896. s. Edwin Field Lawrence and Kate Osmer. Address, 705 West Third Street, Sterling, 111. Lester, Edward Rowntree. Entered in 1913 and left in June, 1914. Sales Department, Francis E. Lester Company, Mesilla Park, N. M., 1915-16; Partner and General Manager, Mesilla Valley Overland Company, Automobile Dealers, 1916-17; Second Lieu- tenant, A. S. A., 1917-19; Sales Manager, El Paso Overland Com- pany, Automobile Distributors, El Paso, Texas, 1919-21 ; General Manager, Southwestern Motors, Inc., El Paso, Texas, 1921 to date. Member, American Association of Engineers; Southwestern So- ciety of Engineers; Chamber of Commerce, El Paso; University Club and Country Club of El Paso. b. Las Cruces, N, M., June 27. 1894. s. Francis E. Lester and Margaret Rowntree. Address. Mesilla Park, N. M. 1917] MATRICULATE CATALOG 633 Mendes, Joas Silva. Entered as Special Student in 1913 and left in 1914. b. Sao Paulo, Brazil, S. A., December 10, 1892. s. Mendes and Ignez Silva Mendes. No address. Moore, Gilbert Henry. (A.B., Stetson Univ., Deland, Fla., 1917.) Entered 1913 and left in Spring, 1916. Service: Master Gunner, N. C. S. C. A. C, Heavy Artillery. President, Morallen Manufacturing Corporation, and Treasurer, Douglas Manufacturing Corporation, Manufacturing Jewelers, 45 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Haddonfield, N. J., May 8, 1895. s. Gilbert H. Moore and Ada Virginia Garrett. Address, 14 North Plaza Place, Atlantic City, N. J. Murray, Francis King. (A.B., Stanford University, 1917.) Entered 1913 and left in June, 1914. Student at Stanford University, 1914-17. Service: Master Engi- neer, Junior Grade, Engineers. Shoe Manufacturing Business, 1919 to date. Member of Phi Beta Kappa and Kappa Alpha Fra- ternities. b. San Francisco, Cal., September 18, 1895. s. Augustus Taber Murray (1885) and Nella Rowland Gifford. Address, care of Thomas & Co., 410-424 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Napier, Arthur Howell. Entered 1913 and left in 1916. Delegate to Intercollegiate Civic Association from Haverford, 1914. Welfare Worker. Volunteer Secretary, National War Work Council of Y. M. C. A., 1918-20. Received Appointment as "Welfare Specialist" from Sixth Division of Bureau of Navi- gation, 1920. "Special Representative" for the Keystone Indem- nity Company (Automobile Insurance), since 1920. Contributor to the Entomological News. Member, American Entomological Society; Boston Entomological Society; City Club; Chestnut Hill Club; Geographical Society of Philadelphia, Pa. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 8, 1895. s. Arthur Howell Napier and Dorothea Marcus, m. Chestnut Hill, Pa., September 25, 1918. Elizabeth Mary Doyle, c. Arthur Howell, Jr., 1919. Address, 503 East Willow Grove Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Paxson, Newlin Fell. (M.D., Hahnemann Med. College, 1919.) Entered 1914 and left in June, 1915. Service: Hospital Apprentice, First Class, Naval Reserves. Resident Physician, Hahnemann Hospital, 1919 to date. Member 634 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1917 of Alpha Sigma Medical Fraternity ; American Institute of Homeopathy ; Pennsylvania State Homeopathic Society ; City Club of Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 10, 1895. s. Oliver H. Paxson and Evalyn Mattson. Address, 2414 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Phila- delphia, Pa. Penney, Humphrey Linthorne. (B.Sc, Manchester Univ. Eng- land, 1920.) Entered 1913 and left in 1914. Service: Orderly, British Red Cross, 1915-19. Student in Man- chester University, 1919-20. Member of Manchester Union. b. Meekshaw, England, October 6, 1895. s. Norman Penney and Mary Alice Collinson. Address, 32 Arlow Road, London, England. Sanderson, George. Entered in 1913 and left in June, 1914. Teacher in Ungraded School in Southern New Jersey, 1 year. Physical Director, Vineland Training School, 1 term. Machinist. b. Penrith, England, June 19, 1893. s. Thomas Sanderson and Elizabeth Chapman, m. Newtown Square, Pa., April 23, 1919, Lena Pearl Garrett. Address, 328 Glover Street, Woodbury, N. J. Weller, Henry Seymour. Entered 1913 and left in June, 1916. Soccer "H" (III). Student at Stanford University, 1916-17. Service : 2 years with French and American Armies. Awarded "Croix de Guerre." Banker, with Dillon, Read & Co., Chicago, 111. b. Milwaukee, Wis., July 22, 1893. s. Henry Seymour Weller and Virginia Douglas. Address, 1610 Oak Avenue, Evanston, 111. Wilson, Francis Stirling. Entered from Dartmouth College in September, 1916, and left in 1917. b. Wenatchee, Wash., November 24, 1892. s. Posey Street Wilson and Augusta Elizabeth Fallow. No address. Zerega, John Whitman. Entered September, 1915, and left in May, 1917. Track "H" (IV). Service: Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, 1917-19. Shipping Clerk, Operating Department, International Mercantile Marine Company, New York, N. Y., 1919-21 ; Assist- ant Manager, Cunard Building, 1921-22; at present. Renting Man- ager for Export Oil Corporation, 25 Broadway, New York City. 1918] MATRICULATE CATALOG 635 Member, Plainfield Country Club; Princeton Club of New York. b. Bloomfield, N. J., March 23, 1894. s. John Frederick Zerega and Jane Webb. Address, 447 West Seventh Street, Plainfield, N.J. 1918 Arnold, Harrison Heikes, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1919.) Entered 1914. Captain of Gymnasium Team (4). Granduate of West Chester State Normal School, 1911. Teacher. Student at Harvard, 1919. Head of Department of Spanish, Pennsylvania State College. Member, Phi Beta Kappa; Founders' Club. b. Dillsburg, Pa., March 25, 1889. s. Noah Arnold and Fanny Heikes. m. 1920, Jessie M. Anderson. Address, Dillsburg, Pa. Barrie, Robert, Jr. B.S. Entered 1914. Soccer "H" (4), Manager, Soccer (4). Service: Naval Avia- tion, 1918. Treasurer, Publishing House of George Barrie's Sons, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. Member, University Club, Philadelphia; Merion Cricket Club; Haverford; Beta Rho Sigma; St. David's Golf Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 14, 1897. s. Robert Barrie and Eugenia Blunt. Address, Rose Lane, Haverford, Pa. Beeson, John Henry, A.B. (A.B., Guilford College, 1917.) Entered Senior Year, 1917. Service: U. S. A., 1918. With Peoples National Bank, Wins- ton-Salem, N. C, 1919 to date. b. Randleman, N. C, January 14, 1893. s. John F. Beeson and H. C. Hockett. Address, 748 Oak Street, Winston-Salem, N. C. fBuzby, George Haines, B.S. Entered 1914. Soccer "H" (2); Baseball "H" (3); Baseball Captain (4); Football "H" (4); Manager, Gymnasium Team (4). Cashier, Hotel Dennis, Atlantic City, N. J. Member, Triangle Society. b. Moorestown, N. J., April 22, 1896. d. Atlantic City, N. J., April 14, 1922. s. Walter J. Buzby and Emily Wills Borton. Carr, Herbert Joseph, B.S. Entered 1917. Service: U. S. A. Farming, 1919 to date. b. Harveysburg, Ohio, November 30, 1896. s. William Carr and Rose Carroll, m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 10, 1919, Lillian Sliker. Address, Harveysburg, Ohio. 636 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1918 Cleveland, Arthur Horton, Jr., A.B. Entered 1914. Service: Naval Reserve, 1918. Farming, 1919 to date, b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 20, 1897. s. Arthur Horton Cleve- land and Ethelwyn Morrill Atwater. Address, Chadds Ford, Pa. Cooper, Bennett Smedley, B.S. Entered 1914. Manager, Baseball (4); Cheer Leader (4). Service: Recon- struction Unit. With George D. Wethrill and Company, Philadel- phia, Pa. 1919 to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 28, 1896. s. Benjamin W. Cooper and Mary P. Smedley. m. . Address, Moorestown, N. J. Crosman, John Marshall, B.S. (1920.) Entered 1914. Football "H" (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Captain (4) ; Cricket "H" (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Captain elect (4) ; Gym. "H" (1, 2, 3) ; Captain elect (4) ; Baseball ''H" (4). Service: 2nd. Lieutenant, U. S. F. A., 1919. Teacher of English and Athletic Coach, Haverford School, Haverford, Pa., 1920 to date. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Beta Rho Sigma. b. Haverford, Pa., April 14, 1898. s. Edward Newton Crosman and Elizabeth McD/owell Buddy. Address, Pawling School, Pawling, New York. Deacon, Frank, B.S. Entered 1914. Soccer "H" (4); Manager, Cricket Team, (4). Service: U. S. F. A., 1918. With Reeves, Parvin and Company, Philadel- phia, Pa., 1918 to date. Member, Germantown Cricket Club. b. Germantown, Pa., January 16, 1897. s. George H. Deacon and Mary Primrose Reeves. Address, McKean Avenue, Ger- mantown, Pa. Dewees, Alfred Henry, B.S. Entered 1914. Football "H" (4) ; Manager, Tennis Team (4) ; Baseball "H" (4). With Clark and Company, Inc., 1918-19. N. W. Ayer and Son, Advertising, 1919 to date. Member of Founders' Club and the Triangle Society. b. Paoli, Pa., November 29, 1896. s. James Hervey Dewees and Emn^a Jane Branson. Address, 4740 Hazel Avenue, Philadel- phia, Pa. Fitts, Dwight Robert, B.S. Entered 1914. Manager, Football (4) ; President, Athletic Association (4). 1918] MATRICULATE CATALOG 637 Service: Flying Cadet, Signal Corps, 1918. Merchant, Fitts- Smith Dry Goods Company, Kansas City, Mo., 1918 to date. Member, Chamber of Commerce, Kansas City, Mo. ; Blue Hills Golf Club, Kansas City, Mo. ; University Club, Kansas City, Mo. ; Beta Rho Sigma, Haverford College, Pa. b. Oregon, Mo., September 13, 1896. s. Jesse C. Fitts and Cora Russel. Address, 407 West 8th Street, Kansas City, Mo. Gilmour, Neil, A.B. Entered 1914. Football "H" (3, 4) ; Captain (4) ; Baseball "H" (4). Corp. Scholar (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Student Council (3, 4) ; Class President (4) ; Final Honors in Mathematics. Service: 2nd. Lieutenant C. A., 1918-19. Clerk, Provident Life and Trust Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. Member, Phi Beta Kappa; Founders' Club. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., October 27, 1897. s. Harvey James Gilmour and Elsie Rebecca Dutcher. Address, 63 Greenfield Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. Greer, Robert Bratton, A.B. (1920.) Entered 1914. Service: 1st Lieutenant, S. C. Base Hospital No. 10. 1917-19. Member, American Legion. b. Johnstown, Pa., September 19, 1896. s. Charles C. Greer and Georgia B. Bratton. Address, "Dundee," Johnstown, Pa. Hallett, Henry McLellan, 2nd, A.B. (1920.) Entered 1914 from Westtown School. Soccer "H" (2, 3, 4) ; Captain-elect Soccer (4) ; Manager, Soccer (4). Service: U. S. A., Field Hospital, 1917 to 1919. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 17, 1897. s. George Hervey Hal- lett and Gertrude Amy Hawkes. Address, c-o H. K. Mulford Com- pany, 1228 Calle Charcas, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Hayman, Joseph Marchant, Jr., AiB. (M.D., Univ. of Penna., 1921.) Entered 1914, and left in June, 1917. Football "H" (3); Spoon Man (4). Student, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, 1917-21. Won Alumni Medal and Prize, and Df. Spencer Morris Prize, Pennsylvania Medical School, June, 1921. Member, Phi Beta Kappa; A. M. P. O. Medical Fraternity ; Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity ; Founders' Club. b. Germantown, Pa., June 25, 1896. s. Joseph Marchant Hay- man and Mabel Martha Greene. Address, 8030 St. Martins Lane, Chestnut Hill, Pa. 638 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1918 Hisey, John Alan, B.S. (1921.) Entered 1914. Track "H" (1, 2, 3, 4) ; Captain (3) ; Cap and Bells Club (3, 4). Service: 2nd Lieutenant at various camps, 1917-18. With Union Oil Company of South California, 1919; Warren Brothers Paving Company, Phoenix, Arizona, 1920; Automobile salesman, Main Line Motors ; Teacher, Country Day School, Kansas City, Mo., 1921-22. Member, Merion Cricket Club, Beta Rho Sigma. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 31, 1895. s. John A. Hisey and Julia Bowker. Address, 4250 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Hynson, Matthew Manlove, B.S. Entered 1914. Varsity "H" Baseball (4). Service. Naval Reserve, Princeton University, 1918. With the Biddle Press, 210 South 7th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., 1918-22. Now taking course in Merchandising, University of City of New York. Member, City Club, Phila- delphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 17, 1897. s. George Beswick Hynson and Susan Cornwell Jones. Address, 210 South 7th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Lester, Evan Jones, Jr., A.B. Entered 1914. Football "H" (4). Cope Fellowship (4). TraveUing auditor for the United Gas Improvement Company of Philadelphia, Pa., 1918 to date. Member of Phi Beta Kappa and Founders' Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 18, 1896. s. Evan Jones Lester and Helen C. Satterthwaite. m. Haverford. Pa., June 18, 1921, Catharine H. Lee. Address, c-o Northern Indiana Gas and Electric Company, Hammond, Ind. Long, Charles-Francis, A.B. Entered 1914. Final Honors in Latin (4); Phi Beta Kappa (4). Service: Medical Corps, 1918-19. Medical Student, University of Penn- sylvania, 1919 to date. b. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., March 1, 1898. s. Charles Long and Fannie Sax. Address, 33 South Washington Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Moore, Willard Brown, A.B. (1920.) Entered 1914. Soccer "H" (4). Service : U. S. A. M. E. R. C, 1917-19. b. Du Bois, Pa., Sept. 6, 1895. s. Herbert A. Moore and Eva Louise Brown. Address, 206 East Washington Avenue, Du Bois, Pa. 1918] MATRICULATE CATALOG 639 Mussetter, William, B.S. Entered 1917 from Wilmington College, Ohio. Service: 2nd Lieutenant C. A. C, 1918. Civil Engineer, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1918 to . Southern Cali- fornia Edison Co., Big Creek, California, at present. b. Xenia, Ohio., November 25, 1896. s. Joseph S. Mussetter and Sarah Swope. Address, Big Creek, California. Nevin, Walter Scott, A.B. Entered 1914. Track "H" (3) ; Editor-in-Chief of Haverfordian (4) ; Editor- in-Chief of Class Record, (4). With Crowell Publishing Com- pany, New York, N. Y., 1918 to date. Member, Founders' Club and Triangle Society. b. New Brighton, Pa., August 5, 1894. s. WiUiani Scott Nevin and Lida M. Merrick. Address, 5924 Spruce Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Painter, Herbert Joseph, A.B. Entered 1914. Manager, Gymnasium Team (4). Investment Banking with Harper and Turner, Philadelphia, Pa. Service : U. S. A. Mem- ber, Phi Beta Kappa and Founders' Club. b. Wilmington, Ohio, March 26, 1896. s. Joseph Henry Painter and Elva Hinshaw. m. Haverford, Pa., October 16, 1920, Caro- line Hastings Lee. Address, 21 N. Wyoming Avenue, Ard- more, Pa. Porter, Edward Arthur Gribbon, B.S. (1919 as of year 1918.) Entered 1914. Captain, Cricket Team (IV); Cricket "H" (IV). Service: First British Ambulance Unit for Italy; Honorary Lieutenant, Royal Italian Army, 1917-19. Member of Founders' Club and Triangle Society. Lawyer. b. Lisburn, Ireland, November 1, 1895. s. Thomas Johnstone Porter and Ellen Huges Fawcett. Address, Moylan, Pa., and 3539 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Schenck, Henry Paul, S.B. Entered 1914. Service: Medical Detachment, 315th Infantry, 1917-19. Medical Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1919 to date. Member, Pepper Medical Society ; Nu Sigma Nu Fraternity ; Hartzell Dermatological Research Society. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 6, 1895. s. James Buchanan Schenck and Savilla Ettinger Fries. Address, 5335 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 640 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1918 Stanley, Jesse Belts, A.B. (1919) (A.B., Guilford College, 1917.) Entered 1917. Government Shipyard, 1918-19. With Vick Chemical Com- pany, 1919 to date. b. Guilford College, N. C, April 27, 1896. s. W. P. Stanley and Lula Betts. Address, Guilford College, N. C. Tatum, Oliver Parry, B.S. (1920.) Entered 1914. Service: Sergeant, Field Hospital No. Ill, and Reconstruction, b. Haverford, Pa., April 24, 1896. s. Oliver P. Tatum and Mary Biddle McCollins. Address, Llanerch, Pa. Thacher, John Wilkins, B.S. (1920 as of year 1918.) Entered 1914. Manager of Musical Clubs (IV); Cap and Bells (III, IV). Cost and Traffic Manager of the Florence Thread Company, Flor- ence, N. Y. Member of Merion Cricket Club; Stephen Girard Lodge No. 450, F. & A. M. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 18, 1897. s. George H. Thacher and Clara Wilkins. m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 22, 1920, Evalyn Nesbitt Lathbury. Address, Warren Street, Edgewater Park, N.J. Thornton, Percy Stokes, A.B. (1920.) Entered 1915. Service: Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery. Student in Whar- ton School, University of Pennsylvania, 1920-21. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Racquet Club; First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry. b. New York City, N. Y., November 20, 1896. s. Samuel Stokes Thornton and Alice Emily Hilyard. Address, 115 Bloomingdale Avenue, Wayne, Pa. Thorpe, Edward Sheppard, B.S. Entered 1914. Leader of Mandolin Club (IV) ; Captain of Track Team (IV), Service: Sergeant, First Class, Medical Department, United States Army, 1918-19. Medical Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1919 to date. Member of Alpha Mu Pi Omega Medical Fra- ternity ; William Pepper Medical Society ; Merion Cricket Club ; Founders' Club; Cap and Bells Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 17, 1896. s. Edward S. Thorpe and Ella R. Hancock. Address, 417 Lancaster Avenue, Haverford, Pa. 1918] MATRICULATE CATALOG 641 Tomlinson, Albert Hibbs, B.S. (M.S., M.I.T., 1921.) Entered 1914. Soccer "H" (IV) ; President of Student Government (IV) ; Captain, Cricket Team (IV) ; Vice-President, Secretary, Founders' Club (IV); Cope Fellowship (IV). Student in Chemical Engi- neering at M. I. T., 1918-19. Service: Engineer Reserve Corps. Teaching, Chemistry, Swarthmore Preparatory School, Swarth- more. Pa., 1920-21 ; Chemical Engineer for Standard Oil Com- pany of New Jersey. Member, American Chemical Society; Phi Beta Kappa and Founders' Club. b. Swarthmore, Pa., July 11, 1896. s. Arthur Hibbs Tomlinson and Emma T. Pyle. Address, 35 Elmwood Place, Elizabeth, N. J. Townsend, Alfred James, A.B., A.M., 1919. Entered 1914. Manager of Track (IV). Teaching Fellow, Haverford College, 1918-19. Teacher at Gilman Country School, Roland Park, Md., 1919 to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 19, 1898. s. L. Tyler Townsend and Mary I. Wooley. Address, Gilman Country School, Roland Park, Md. Webb, Kenneth Waldie, A.B. Entered 1914. Editor-in-Chief of Haverford News (III) ; Final Honors in Economics and English (IV) ; Manager, Class Record (IV). Service: Chemical Warfare, 1918-19. Student (M. A. Degree) in Economics, Harvard University, 1919-21. Won Fellowships to Study in Belgium, 1921 and 1922-23. Member of Phi Beta Kappa and Founders' Club. b. Chicago, 111., September 5, 1895. s. Wilmer Marshall Webb and Sue Waldie Webb. Address, 332 West Seymour Street, Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Non-Graduates Alexander, John William. Entered 1914 and left June, 1917. Service: Top Sergeant, Trench Mortar, 1917-19. With Dreka Company, Stationers and Engravers, 1121 Chestnut Street, Phila- delphia, Pa., 1919 to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 19, 1894. s. William Alexander and Martha Fagan. Address, 3273 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 41 642 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1918 Bell, Herbert Hallock. Entered 1914 and left in 1916. Service: Private, Chemical Warfare, Gas Defense Division, 1918. Efficiency and Time Study, Gould & Eberhardt, Newark, N. J., 1918 to date. b. Milton, N. Y., May 13, 1894. s. Arthur E. Bell and Martha Hallock. m. Hackensack, N. J., June 19, 1918, Helen Strong. Address, Milton, N. Y. Coleman, Henry Frederick, Jr. (B.A., Univ. of Penna., 1921 as of 1919.) Entered 1914 and left in 1917. Service: Enlisted, United States Navy, September, 1917; Com- manding Officer, U. S. S. Elfin, S. P. 965. Teacher, Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1920-21 ; Instructor in Mathematics, Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa., to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 20, 1897. s. Henry F. Coleman and Louise Helen Coleman. Address, 5203 North Fifteenth Street, Logan, Philadelphia, Pa. Curtis, Stephen. Entered 1914 and left May, 1917. Football "H" (HI). Member of Founders' Club and Triangle Society. Service: First Lieutenant, Pioneer Infantry. With Graham Paper Company, St. Louis, Mo. b. Wilmington, Del., December 26, 1894. s. Charles Minot Curtis and Phoebe George Bradford. Address, c/o Graham Paper Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gillespie, Abraham Lincoln, Jr. Entered 1917 and left in February, 1918. Leader of Glee Club (IV). Teacher, West Philadelphia High School, 1918 to date. Member of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 11, 1895. s. A. Lincoln Gillespie and Lillie Bendix. Address, 332 Manheim Street, Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. Goltman, Alfred Meyer. Entered 1916 from University of Michigan and left in 1917. b. Nanticoke, Pa., September 30, 1895. s. Max Goltman and Mollie Sternberg. Address, 139 West Seventy-third Street, New York, N. Y. Harding, William Hover. Entered 1914 and left in December, 1917. Service: Private, Medical Department. Auditing Department, 1918] MATRICULATE CATALOG 643 C. M. and St. Paul Railway. Member, City Club, Chicago; Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. b. Chicago, III., October 14, 1892. s. Charles Ford Harding and Hattie Hover. Address, 4842 Kenwood Street, Chicago, 111. Hartman, Lewis Evans. Entered 1914 and left in Spring, 1915. Service: Second Lieutenant, C. W. S. Student in Mechanical Engineering, at M. I. T., 1915-17. Wholesale Grocery Business, 1917 to date. Member of Delta Upsilon Fraternity. b. Lancaster, Pa., February 20, 1896. s. Isaac Carpenter Hart- man and Elizabeth Christine Evans. Address, 442 Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa. Keay, Louis Kent. Entered 1914 and left in Spring of 1917. Winner of Everett Medal (I); Track "H" (II). Service: Second Lieutenant, Balloon Observation. With Woolen Manu- facturing Company. b. Clifton Heights, Pa., December 19, 1897. s. Nathaniel S. Keay and Louise Kent. Address, Clifton Heights, Pa. Kendall, John Wiley. (A.B., Princeton University, 1920.) Entered 1914 and left in May, 1918. Service: Ensign, Naval Aviation, 1918-19. Student at Prince- ton, 1919-20. With Kendall Lumber Company, 1920 to date. b. Meyerdale, Pa., November 23, 1897. s. Samuel Austin Ken- dall and Minnie Edith Wiley. Address, 228 North Street, Meyers- dale, Pa. Koons, Henry Webster. Entered 1914 and left in June, 1916. Student at Law in Office of U. S. Koons, Philadelphia, Pa., 1916-20; Attorney-at-Law, 1920 to date. Member, Law Academy of Philadelphia ; Temple University Law Club ; Gamma Eta Kappa Fraternity. b. West Chester, Pa., December 25, 1895. s. Ulysses S. Koons and Bertha Heacock. m. Rockville, Md., September 21, 1917, Adele R. Frankenfield. c. George Frankenfield, 1918; Henry Webster, Jr., 1920. Address, 4707 Cedar Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. LeClercq, Jacques Georges Clemenceau Schuman. . (A.B., Univ. of Calif., 1921 ;M.A., 1922.) Entered 1914 and left in Spring, 1917. Editor-in-Chief of Haverfordian (HI). Service: Private, 644 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1918 United States M. E. R. C, in France, 1917-19. Instructor in French and English, Beach School, Coronado, Cal., 1919-20; Faculty at University of California, Department of French, 1920 to date. American Field Service Fellow in France, probably at University of Strassbourg, 1922- , Contributor of lyric verse to the leading literary magazines; pseudonym: Paul Tanaquil. Author of "Attitudes," a volume of verse, published by the Yale University Press, 1922. Member of American Literary Associa- tion. b. Karlsbad, Austria, June 27, 1898. s. Frederic V. T. Schuman Le Clercq and Margaret Elizabeth Hart. Address, care of F. Le Clerq, Jr., United States Embassy, London, England. Lovell, George Willard. (A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1920.) Entered 1914 and left June, 1915. Service: Mechanic, Ambulance. Student at University of Michigan, 1920. Automobile Distributor. Member of Alpha Tau Omega. b. Crowley, La., April 25, 1898. s. Preston S. Lovell and Phoebe Beach. Address, Crowley, La. Lusson, Louis Camille Olry. Entered 1914 and left in June, 1917. Service: Sergeant, Remount, 1917-18. Real Estate and Insur- ance to 1919. 1919-21, Banking and Brokerage. 1922 to date, Treasurer, Edouard D. Kruse Company. Member of Merion Cricket Club. b. Ardmore, Pa., March 26, 1893. s. Louis Olry Lusson and May Neilson. Address, 32 East Montgomery Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. Moore, Robert Whitcomb. Entered 1914 and left June, 1917. Football "H" (II, III). Service: Base Hospital No. 10, 1917- 19. With Los Angeles Title Insurance Company, Los Angeles, Cal., 1919 to date. b. Haddonfield, N. J., July 30, 1896. s. Gilbert Henry Moore and Ada V. Garrett, m. De Land, Fla., October 23, 1919, Mar- garet E. Gilliland. Address, 618^^ East Adams Street, Los An- geles, Cal. Porch, Willard Ralph. Entered 1914 and left June, 1916. With First National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa., 1916-17. Service: Ordnance, 1917-18. Spent 1 year in Siberia with the A. E. F. 1918] MATRICULATE CATALOG 645 Assistant Treasurer of Porch Brothers, Inc., Piano Merchants, Johnstown, Pa., 1919 to date. Member of Kiwanis Club of Johns- town; American Legion, and Veterans of Foreign Wars. b. Johnstown, Pa., December 29, 1896. s. William Webster Porch and Lydia Cline McClelland. Address, 709 Napoleon Street, Johnstown, Pa. Reeve, Augustus Henry, Jr. Entered 1914 and left in 1915. b. Atlantic City, N. J., August 4, 1895. s. Augustus Henry Reeve and Margaretta Witlis Baldwin. Address, 7777 Cresheim Road, St. Martins, Pa. Sharp, Joseph Webster, 3rd. Entered 1914 and left in Spring, 1917. Football "H" (III) ; Track "H" (III). Member of Beta Rho Sigma. Service: First Sergeant, 103d Trench Mortar Battery, 28th Division, 1917-19; Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, Offi- cers' Reserve Corps. With American Bronze Corporation, 1919- 20; Madeira, Hill & Co., Philadelphia and New York, 1920 to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 29, 1897. s. Joseph W. Sharp, Jr. (1888) and Esther M. Coates. Address, Berwyn, Pa., and 678, The Mizpah, Syracuse, N. Y. Shipley, Morris Shotwell, Jr. Entered 1914 and left May, 1917. Manager, Haver ford News (HI). Service: Medical Depart- ment, with Base Hospital No. 10, 1917-19. Manager, Boston Office of the Lehigh Sales Company, Distributors of Automotive Specialties, 126 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Mass. b. Cincinnati, Ohio, July 13, 1895. s. Morris S. Shipley and Anna M. Neal. Address, 126 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Mass. Stief , David Ralston. Entered 1914 and left in February, 1917. Service: Sergeant, Medical Corps, 1917-19. Secretary to Wil- liam A. Gray, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. Student at Law, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Member of Belfield Country Club and Tuxedo Club of Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 13, 1896. s. William F. Stief and Jane M. Ralston. Address, 4517 North Thirteenth Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. 646 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1919 Taber, John Clarkson. Entered 1914 and left June, 1916. Service : Private, First Class, Medical Detachment. Bond Sales- man, S. W. Straus & Co., New York, N. Y. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., March 1, 1896. s. William C. Taber and Carrie Battey. Address, 140 Monroe Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wright, William Jenks. Entered 1914 and left in 1917. Service: First Class Private, United States Army Ambulance Service. Received the "Croix de Guerre." Taken Prisoner by the Germans in May, 1918. With Graham Parsons & Co., Bankers, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. Member of Philadelphia Cricket Club. b. St. Davids, Pa., August 8, 1898. s. Minturn T. Wright and Ethel S. Jenks. Address, Chestnut Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Pa. 1919 Balderston, Richard Mead, SB. (1921.) Entered 1915 from Westtown School; left Spring, 1918; re- turned September, 1920. Cricket "H" (III). In France with Friends' Reconstruction Unit, Summer, 1918-20; Head of Transport Department, 1919. b. Colora, Md., June 16, 1895. s. Elwood Balderston and Sarah E. Atwater. Address, Colora, Md. Battey, Richard Thompson, S.B. Entered September, 1915, from Moses Brown School, Provi- dence, R. I. Business Manager, Class Record (IV) ; Manager-elect, Soccer (III) ; Manager, Gymnasium (IV). In Special Training School, New York University, October-December, 1918; Draftsman, Nar- ragansett Electric Lighting Company, Providence, R. I., 1919 to date. b. Providence, R. I., July 16, 1897. s. Charles Heaton Battey and Edith Thompson, m. Philadelphia, Pa., November 26, 1921, Stephanie Balderston. Address, 158 Shawomet Avenue, Conimi- cut, R. I. Brockelbank, William John, A.B. (1920.) Entered September, 1915, from Pickering College, Canada. With Friends' Reconstruction Unit in France, 1918-19. b. Duncan, Ont., Canada, March 13, 1895. s. William Brockel- bank and Mary Hunter. Address, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada. 1919] MATRICULATE CATALOG 647 Corson, Philip Langdon, A.B. Entered September, 1915, from Norristown High School, Nor- ristown, Pa. Soccer "H" (II, III) ; Vice-President, Cap and Bells (III) ; Captain, Basketball (IV) ; Manager, Tennis (IV) ; Founders' Club (IV) ; Triangle Society. R. O. T. C, Harvard; S. A. T. C, Yale. Lime Manufacturer. Member, American Legion; Merion Cricket Club; Plymouth Country Club. b. Plymouth Meeting, Pa., October 31, 1898. s. Walter H. Corson and Katherine I. Langdon. Address, Plymouth Meeting, Pa. Earnest, Franklin McCreary, Jr., A.B. (1920 as of 1919.) Entered September, 1916, from Johns Hopkins University. Manager, Football (III); Cap and Bells Club (II, III, IV); Founders' Club (III, IV). Overseas Service in American Red Cross, 1918-19; Advertising Writer for United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, Baltimore, Md. ; now Member of firm. Earnest & Earnest, General Insurance, Mifflinburg, Pa. b. Mifflinburg, Pa., April 25, 1897. s. Franklin McCreary Ear- nest and Harriet Schoch. Address, 900 Chestnut Street, Mifflin- burg, Pa. Graves, Edgar Baldwin, A.B.; A.M., 1921. Entered September, 1915, from William Penn Charter School. Founders' Club (IV) ; Manager, Basketball (IV) ; Basketball "H" (IV). Life Insurance, Provident Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919-20; Assistant in Physics at Haverford, 1920-22 ; James Savage Scholar in History at Harvard University, 1922-23. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 30, 1898. s. Frederic Graves and Mary Ann Baldwin. Address, 2304 Madison Square, Phila- delphia, Pa. Haines, Hartley Stokes, B.S. Entered 1915. Service: S. A. T. C, Princeton, 1918. Secretary, Millville Manufacturing Company, Millville, N. J., 1919 to date. Member of Union Lake Canoe Club; American Legion. b. Millville, N. J., September 18, 1898. s. Jervis S. Haines and Clara R. Bomhoff. Address, 566 Columbia Avenue, Millville, N. J. Hartshorn, Gordon Birdsall, A.B. (1920.) Entered 1915. Service: First Lieutenant, American Red Cross. With Provi- 648 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1919 dent Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia, 1920 to date. b. Walden, N. Y., September 22, 1896. s. Denton G. Hart- shorn and Mary A. Birdsall. Address, Haverford, Pa. Hastings, William Fair bank, B.S. (1920.) Entered 1915. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Service: S. A. T. C. (M. I. T.), 1918. Student, Electrical Engineering, M. I. T., 1918-19. Teaching, 1920-21 ; Student, Union Theological Seminary, 1921-22. b. Milford, Neb., August 6, 1898. s. William Walter Hastings (1896) and Elizabeth Fairbank. Address, 600 West 122d Street, New York City. Haynes, John Shields, B.S. (1920.) Entered 1915. Bond Salesman, Harvey Fiske & Sons Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1920 to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 22, 1897. s. William L. Haynes and Augusta Russell. Address, 321 Kent Road, Cynwyd, Pa. McConnell, Thomas, 3rd. Entered 1915. Leader of Mandolin Club (IV) ; Editor-in-Chief, Haverford News (IV) ; Football Manager (IV) ; Track Manager (IV) ; President, Students' Association (IV). Student of Law, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1919 to date. Member of City Club (Philadelphia); Roxborough Country Club; Founders' Club (Haverford) ; Cap and Bells (Haverford). b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 26, 1897. s. Thomas McConnell, Jr., and Bernarda Kessler. Address, 437 Righter Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. t Miller, Russell Nelson, A.B. Entered 1915. Captain-elect, Football (IV) ; Manager, Musical Clubs (IV) ; Phi Beta Kappa; Clementine Cope Fellowship (IV). Service: United States Naval Reserve Force. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 19, 1898. s. Charles N. Miller and Katherine Speck (d. Philadelphia, Pa., December 10, 1919). Oliver, Alan Douglas, B.S. (1920.) Entered 1915. Captain, Cricket (IV) ; Cricket "H" (IV) ; Member of Tri- angle Society; Founders' Club. Service: British Ambulance, 1918- 19. With Provident Life and Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1920 to date. 1919] MATRICULATE CATALOG 649 b. Ras-el-Metn, Syria, December 25, 1896. s. Daniel Oliver and Emily Wright. Address, 409 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Osier, Chester Arthur, A.B. (1920.) Entered 1915. Soccer "H" (II, III, IV) ; Captain (IV) ; Cricket "H" (III, IV); President of Students' Association (IV). Service: Avia- tion. Rhodes' Scholar from New Jersey, 1920 to date. Member of Beta Rho Sigma. b. Pensauken, N. J., November 24, 1896. s. Benjamin F. Osier and Alice Tyler. Address, Pensauken, N. J. Philips, Jesse Evan, A.B. (1920.) Entered 1915. Football "H" (III); Track Captain-elect (III); Gymnasium Manager-elect (III). Teacher, Swarthmore Preparatory School, Swarthmore, Pa., 1918-19; Moses Brown School, Providence, R. I., 1920 to date. Member, Founders' Club. b. Worcester, Mass., August 15, 1898. s. Jesse Evans Philips (1887) and Mary J. Durham. Address, Moses Brown School, Providence, R. I. Stubbs, Thomas Hodgson, B.S.; A.M., 1920. Entered 1916. Service: United States Naval Reserve Force. Teaching Fel- low, Haverford College, 1919-20. b. Delta, Pa., September 13, 1899. s. Lewis K. Stubbs and Sophia Hodgson. Address, 427 West Union Street, West Chester, Pa. Sutton, Chester McKinley, A.B. Entered 1918. Principal, Manteo High School, Manteo, N. C, 1919-20; Prin- cipal, Bona Vista High School, Henderson, N. C, 1920 to date. b. Summerfield, N. C, August 6, 1896. s. Henry J. Sutton and Mary Winfree. Address, Summerfield, N. C. Thorpe, Elmer Hancock, B.S. (B.S. in C.E., Univ. of Pa.) Entered 1915. Editor-in-Chief of Haverford Nezvs (HI) ; Captain, Gym- nasium Team (IV) ; Class President (III, IV) ; Soccer "H" (III) ; Cricket "H" (III, IV). Civil Engineering Student, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 1919-21 ; Engineering Department of Bell Telephone Company. Member, Merion Cricket Club; Sigma Xi; Tau Beta Phi; Sigma Tau. 650 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1919 b. Frankford. Philadelphia, Pa., May 13, 1897. s. Edward Shepard Thorpe and Ella R. Hancock. Address, 417 Lancaster Avenue, Haverford, Pa. Non-Graduates Alden, Hollis Emery. Entered 1915 and left June, 1916. Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1916-18; Editor of The Pennsylvanian; Ensign, United States Naval Reserve Force, 1918- 19; Manager, Specification Department, W. H. McElvain Com- pany, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919-21. Member of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. b. Middleboro, Mass., September 17, 1896. s. George Denny Alden and Helen Deane Alger. Address, 55 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, Mass. Barlow, John Denman. Entered 1915 and left December, 1918. Soccer "H" (II, III, IV); Manager, Cricket Team (III); Cricket "H" (III) ; Captain-elect (IV) ; Beta Rho Sigma. Re- construction Unit, 1918-19. Accounting Business. b. London, England, June 15, 1898. s. Sir John Barlow, Bart. M. P. C. A., and the Hon. Miss Denman. Address, Torkingham Lodge, Hazel Grove, Cheshire, England. Bayliss, Ralph Bradford. Entered 1915 and left in 1916. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., June 11, 1898. s. Lucien Samuel Bayliss and Emma Louise Goff. Address, 170 Prospect Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bechtel, Jesse Bertolet. Entered 1915 and left in 1919. Student at University of Pennsylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 10, 1897. s. Joseph B. Bechtel and Catharine Diehl. Address, 1820 Mt. Vernon Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Callender, Gordon Samuel. Entered 1915 and left June, 1916. Automobile Salesman; Enlisted in Army and in Service, 1917- 18 ; Real Estate and Insurance Business. Member of Green Ridge Club of Scranton, Pa. b. Blakely, Pa., October 29, 1895. s. Samuel N. Callender and Margaret Jones. Address, 414 Quincy Avenue, Scranton, Pa. 1919] MATRICULATE CATALOG 651 Chapman, Samuel Hudson, Jr. (A. B., Univ. of Penna., 1920; M.A., Univ. of Penna., 1921.) Entered 1915 and left May, 1917. Corporation Scholarship, 1916-17; Varsity Soccer, 1916; Class of 1902 Prize in Latin, 1915-16. Service: Base Hospital No. 10. Instructor in Romanic Languages, University of Pennsylvania. Member of Merion Cricket Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 12, 1898. s. Samuel Hudson Chapman and Bertha Jayne Bucknell. Address, 1128 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Collins, Frederick, 3rd. Entered 1915 and left in 1916. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 25, 1897. s. Frederick Collins, Jr., (1888) and Mary Brown. Address, Gwynedd Valley, Pa. Day, Grafton Buckingham. Entered 1915 and left in 1917. b. Millville, N. J., October 7, 1897. s. Grafton Ellsworth Day and Alberta Louise Buckingham. Address, 624 Stokes Avenue, Collingswood, N. J. Dunn, Thomas Philips. (B.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1919.) Entered 1915 and left in Spring of 1917. Student at University of Chicago, 1917-19. Student of Law at Harvard, 1919 to date. b. Erie, Pa., October 26, 1896. s. Ira S. Dunn and A. Estella Phillips. Address, 406 Masonic Temple, Erie, Pa. Goodhue, Francis, 3d. Entered 1915 and left in 1916. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., June 10, 1894. s. Francis Goodhue, Jr., and Elizabeth Evans. Address, 639 Church Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Griffith, Roy Thurlby. Entered 1915 and left June, 1918. Engineering Assistant, Bell Telephone Company, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Chester, Pa., February 26, 1897. s. Griffith and Mar- garet Lindsey. Address, 200 Sabine Avenue, Narberth, Pa. Hall, Arthur Dillwyn. Entered 1915 and left in 1916. b. West Branch, Iowa, August 10, 1897. s. William Hall and Ella Smith. Address, 120 Harvard Avenue, Collingswood, N. J. 652 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1919 Hartshorne, Charles. Entered 1915 and left April, 1917. Service: United States Medical Reserve with Base Hospital No. 10. Student at Harvard, 1919 to date. b. Kittanning, Pa., June 15, 1897. s. Francis C. Hartshorne and Marguerite Haughton. Address, 121 Church Street, Phoenix- ville, Pa. Hathaway, Nathaniel, Jr. Entered 1915 and left in May, 1917. Service: A. E. F., 1917-18. Student at Harvard University, 1919 to date. Member of Corinthian Yacht Club, Essington, Pa. b. New Bedford, Mass., December 4, 1897. s. Nathaniel Hatha- way and Lily G. Vanderveer. m. Columbia, Pa., June 16, 1919, Gertrude C. Smith. Address, New Suffolk, Long Island, N. Y. Hoffman, William Alexander, Jr. Entered 1914 and left in May, 1917. Service: Base Hospital No. 10, 1917-18. Student, Saumur Ar- tillery School, Saumur, France. Flour Milling, 1919-20; Buck- nell University, 1920-22. b. Chadd's Ford, Pa., June 19, 1896. s. Sellers Hoffman and Katherine Thompson. Address, Chadd's Ford, Pa. Hubler, George Harold. Entered 1915 and left May, 1918. Service: A. E. F., 1918-19. Shoe Manufacturing Business, 1919 to date. b. Adamsdale, Pa., February 15, 1897. s. George W. Hubler and Carrie L. Beck. Address, Auburn, Pa. Huston, James Stewart. Entered 1915 and left June, 1917. Manager of Haverfordian (II). Service: United States Army Ambulance Service, 1917-19. Student of Metallurgical Engineer- ing at Lehigh University, Pa., 1919 to date. Member of Delta Phi Fraternity. b. Coatesville, Pa., May 9, 1898. s. Charles L. Huston (1874) and Anne Stewart. Address, 64 South First Avenue, Coatesville, Pa. Kerbaugh, Malcolm Dean. Entered 1914 and left in 1919. Service : Naval Aviation, 1918. Assistant Purchasing Agent of Collieries Supply and Equipment Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Member of Triangle Society and Merion Cricket Club. 1919] MATRICULATE CATALOG 653 b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., January 20, 1895. s. Joseph O. Kerbaugh and Matilda Allen. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Limeburner, Furman Hunte. Entered 1915 and left March, 1917. Service: Tank Corps, 1918-19, in France. Salesman, Autocar Company, Ardmore, Pa., 1919 to date. b. Tioga, Philadelphia, Pa., August 23, 1897. s. John E. Lime- burner and Lillian L. Hunte. Address, 1720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Miller, Lee Douglas. Entered 1917 and left in 1918. Student at the University of Pennsylvania. b. Miller, S. D., April 25, 1892. s. John Douglas Miller and Adda McWhorter. Address, 246 Plymouth Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Moock, Ralph Frederick Strodick. Entered February, 1917, and left December, 1917. Service: Ambulance Service in Italy. Awarded the "Croce al Merito di Guerra." With Travelers' Insurance Company, 1919 to December, 1921 ; Provident Life and Trust Company, Decem- ber, 1921, to date. Charter Member of United States Army Ambu- lance Association. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 18, 1896. s. Fred. W. Moock and Pauline A. Cassel. Address, 130 West Mt. Airy Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Morgan, Mordecai Reeves. Entered 1915 and left February, 1917. Service: Aviation. Chemical Laboratory, Midvale Steel Com- pany; Leeds & Northrup; Bourne Magnetic Company; Drilling Department of Marland Refining Company; Gulf Refining Com- pany ; Glenn Knitting Company. Member of the Triangle Society. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 12, 1896. s. Mordecai Morgan and Elizabeth L. Ridpath. Address, 1300 Lindley Avenue, Logan, Philadelphia, Pa. Moriey, Frank Vigor. (A.B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1918.) Entered 1915 and left June, 1917. Service: Second Lieutenant, C. A. O. R. C, Engineering De- partment, A. I. S. C, Hog Island, 1918. Rhodes Scholar from Maryland, 1919 to date. Member of Phi Beta Kappa. b. Haverford, Pa., January 4, 1899. s. Frank Moriey and Lilian Janet Bird. Address, 2032 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md. 654 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1919 Pancoast, Charles Edward, 2d. Entered 1915 and left in May, 1917. Service: Base Hospital No. 10, 1917-19. Member of American Legion. Bond Business, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., March 5, 1898. s. Henry S. Pancoast and Dorothea Marcus. Address, Spring Lane, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Price, Robert Barber. Entered 1915 and left in June, 1917. Service: S. A. T. C. (University of Pennsylvania). Medical Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1917 to date. Member of Nu Sigma Nu Fraternity. b. Charleston, W. Va., March 17, 1896. s. John D. Price and Anna Farrel Barber. Address, 209 Beauregard Street, Charleston, W. Va. fScattergood, Arnold Chase. Entered 1915. Soccer "H" (III, IV). Spent Summer of 1917 in Labrador with Dr. Grenfell. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 17, 1898. d. Philadelphia, Pa., De- cember 25, 1917. s. Thomas Scattergood and Maria Brown Chase. Schrope, Jacob. Entered 1915 and left in 1917. b. Valley View, Pa., May 20, 1896. s. George Wellington Schrope and Elizabeth Smith. Address, Valley View, Pa. Shipley, Walter Penn, Jr. Entered 1915 and left in June, 1918. Soccer "H" (I, II, III) ; Captain-elect (IV) ; Captain, Tennis Team (II, III); All-American Soccer Fullback, 1916, 1917; "Spoon Man"; Member of Founders* Club and Triangle Society. Shoe Manufacturer, Shipley & Vaux Shoe Manufacturing Com- pany, Philadelphia, Pa., 1918 to date. Member of National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association ; Philadelphia Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., November 2, 1897. s. Walter Penn Shipley (1881) and Anne Emlen. Address (business), 313- 315 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Simpson, William, 3rd. Entered 1915. b. Overbrook, Pa., February 8, 1896. s. William Percy Simp- son (1889) and Jesse Gillespie Seaver. Address, Overbrook, Pa. 1919] MATRICULATE CATALOG 655 Stair, Philip Whitney. Entered 1915 and left in June, 1916. Service: First Lieutenant, Signal Corps, 1917-18. Sales De- partment, Paige Motor Car Company, Detroit, Mich., 1919 to date. Member, Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity; Detroit Athletic Club; Ontario Club of Ontario, Canada; Country Club of Detroit, Mich. b. Hamilton, Canada, September 23, 1895. s. Frederick Waldo Stair and Delia Marie Pierce. Address, 193 Madison Avenue, Toronto, Canada, Strawbridge, Frederic Heap, Jr. Entered 1915 and left in June, 1917. Service: 108th Field Artillery. With Williams & Walton, In- surance Brokers, 416 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Member of Theta Beta Sigma Fraternity ; Phi Kappa Psi ; Germantown Cricket Club ; Racquet Club. b. GermantOM^n, Philadelphia, Pa., February 18, 1897. s. Fred- erick Heap Strawbridge (1887) and Bertha Walter, m. Radnor, Pa., October 5, 1920, Emily E. Clothier. Address, Wynnewood, Pa. Taylor, Hamilton Dana. Entered 1915 and left June, 1918. President of Y. M. C. A. (HI). Member of Phi Beta Kappa and Founders' Club. Service: Aviation, 1918-19. B. S. in Me- chanical Engineering at University of Wisconsin, June, 1921. Member of Theta Xi Fraternity and Tau Beta Pi. b. Le Grand, Ala., September 20, 1899. s. William Dana Tay- lor and Annie Lou Mclntyre. Address, Research Laboratory, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Thomas, Cleaver Shoemaker. Entered 1915 and left in Spring, 1917. Soccer "H" (H). With J. E. Rhodes & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa., 1917-18; American Friends' Service Commission, 1913-19. Cost Department of R. E. Rhodes & Sons, Wilmington, Del., 1919. In Russia with the Friends' Service Commission. b. Chester, Pa., October 2, 1895. s. Reece L. Thomas and Martha C. Shoemaker. Address, 1149 Potter Street, Chester, Pa. Walton, Joseph James. Entered 1915 and left same year. b. Barnesville, Ohio, July 13, 1896. s. James Walton and Sina Rebecca Steer. Last address known, Barnesville, Ohio. 656 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1920 1920 Brecht, Harold Walton, A.B. Entered 1916. Teacher, Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Rushford, N. Y., December 23, 1899. s. Samuel K. Brecht (1896) and Alberta Williams. Address, 205 McKinley Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa. Burritt, Robert William, A.B. Entered 1916. Captain, Baseball (III, IV) ; Baseball "H" (II, III, IV) ; Cap- tain, Basketball (IV); Basketball "H" (III, IV). Member of Triangle. Executive Secretary of Abington Branch, Y. M. C. A. of Philadelphia, Abington, Pa. b. Malone, N. Y., August 7, 1898. s. Olin Howard Burritt and Almetta Althea Benton. Address, Sixty-fourth Street and Mal- vern Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Collins, Benjamin, Jr., B.S. Entered 1916. Soccer "H" (III). Relief Work in Poland. Now with Western Electric Company, New York. b. Purchase, N. Y., May 20, 1898. s. Benjamin Collins (1887) and Esther Carpenter. Address, Purchase, N. Y. Edmonds, John Branson, B.S. (1921, as of 1920.) Entered 1916. Member of Triangle Society. Service: Radio Service, Navy. Member of Germantown Cricket Club. Employed by Madeira, Hill & Co., Coal Operators. b. East Orange, N. J., February 22, 1899. s. John Edmonds and Sarah Branson. Address, 1321 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Elder, Lucius Williams, Jr., A.B. Entered 1916. Student of Chemistry, Harvard University, 1920-21. Service: S. A. T. C. (M. I. T.), 1918. b. Wayne, Pa., March 26, 1900. s. Lucius W. Elder and Mar- garet N. Rutter. Address, Wayne, Pa., or 7Z Perkins Hall, Cam- bridge, Mass. Fitts, John Russell, B.S. Entered 1916. Member of Beta Rho Sigma. Service : Second Lieutenant, Field 1920] MATRICULATE CATALOG 657 Artillery, 1918. In Wholesale Dry Goods Business, Kansas City, Mo. b. Oregon, Mo., December 30, 1898. s. Jesse C. Fitts and Cora Russel. Address, 3406 Gillham Road, Kansas City, Mo. Flanders, Donald Alexander. A.B. (1922.) Entered 1916 and left 1918. Manager, Tennis Team. Machinist, Jones & Lamson Com- pany, 1918-20. Service: S. A. T. C, 1918. 1920-21, Student at Haverford College. Member of Founders' Club. b. Pawtucket, R. I., August 14, 1900. s. Albert W. Flanders and Mary Lizzie Gilfillan. Address, 31 Orchard Street, Spring- field, Vt. Gucker, Frank Thomson, Jr., A.B.; A.M. (1921.) Entered 1916. Vice-President of Founders' Club (IV) ; President of Y. M. C. A. (IV) ; Final Honors in Latin and English (IV). Member, Phi Beta Kappa; Founders' Club; Appalachian Mountain Club; Cap and Bells; Alpha Xi Epsilon. Teaching Fellow at Haverford College, 1920-21 ; Austin Teaching Fellow at Harvard University, 1921-22. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 3, 1900. s. Frank T. Gucker and Louise O. Fulton, Address, 3420 Hamilton Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Harris, Pierson Penrose, A.B. Entered 1916. President of Y. M. C. A. (HI). Student at Union Theological Seminary, New York, N. Y. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 3, 1898. s. Walter James Harris and Helen Penrose. Address, 6391 Sherwood Road, Overbrook, Pa. Hoag, Gilbert Thomas, A.B. Entered 1916. Manager of Soccer (IV) ; High Honors in English (IV). Stu- dent at Harvard, 1920-21. Service: S. A. T. C. b. Lewiston, Me., September 20, 1899. s. Clarence Gilbert Hoag (1893) and Anna Scattergood. Address, Walnut Lane, Haver- ford, Pa. Kamsler, Milton Adolph, A.B. Entered 1916. Business Manager, Haverford News (II) ; Manager, Class Record (IV). Service: S. A. T. C. 42 658 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1920 b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 17, 1899. s. Henry Kamsler and Clara Kahn. Address, 2352 North Park Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Kearney, Thomas Henry, B.S. Entered 1916. Baseball "H" (II, IV) ; Football "H" (IV) ; Manager, Basket- ball Team (IV) ; Stage Manager, Cap and Bells Club. Member of Founders' Club; Cap and Bells Club. Service: S. A. T. C. Bond Salesman, Elkins, Morris & Co., Philadelphia. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 10, 1898. s. Thomas Kearney and Mary Kingston. Address, Edgemont, Pa. King, Joseph Bernard, Jr., B.S. Entered 1916. b. Germantown, Pa., December 27, 1897. s. Joseph Bernard King and Mae La Rue Kitchen. Address, 7315 Boyer Street, Mt. Airy, Pa. Knowlton, Alfred Douglas, B.S. Entered 1916. Track "H" (III, IV); Football "H" (IV); Captain, Gym- nasium Team (IV) ; President, Intercollegiate Gymnasium Asso- ciation. Member of Triangle Society. Service: United States Navy Unit, Harvard University, 1918. Telephone Engineer. b. Haverford, Pa., October 9, 1898. s. Stephen B. Knowlton and Leila D. Whitney. Address, 181 North Sixth Street, Newark, N.J. Leuba, Clarence James, B.S, Entered 1916. Editor-in-Chief of Haverford News (III) ; Soccer "H" (IV) ; Alumni Debating Prize (IV) ; Manager, Tennis Team (IV). Member of Phi Beta Kappa and Founders' Club. Clementine Cope Fellowship (IV). Service: S. A, T. C. Student at Harvard University, 1920-21. b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., July 3, 1899. s. James H. Leuba and Berthe Schopfer. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Lycett, Isaac Gate, B.S. Entered 1916. Member of Beta Rho Sigma. Service: S. A. T. C. at Yale University, 1918. b. Baltimore, Md., March 10, 1899. s. Ethan Allen Lycett and Charlottie Abbott Cate. Address, "Abbottston," Gorsuch Avenue, Baltimore, Md. 1920] MATRICULATE CATALOG 659 Morris, Thomas Edward, A.B. Entered 1916. Service: S. A. T. C, Princeton, 1918. Bond Salesman, 1920-21. b. Philadelphia, March 27, 1898. s. William Lincoln Morris and Anna Catherine Flynn. Address, Cheltenham, Pa. MuUin, James Torbert, A.B. Entered 1916. Manager, Haver ford News (IV). Member of Founders' Club. Service: S. A. T. C. Member of Delta Upsilon Fraternity. b. West Chester, Pa., November 26, 1899. s. James Herbert Mullin and Mary Anna Mendinhall. Address, Winchester School, Longport, N. J. Oliver, Kenneth Stuart, A.E. Entered 1915. Vice-President of Cap and Bells Club (IV). Member of Founders' Club. Service: Ambulance With British Red Cross in France and Belgium, 1917-18. Johns Hopkins Medical School, 1920-21, Baltimore, Md. b. Ras-el-Metn, Syria, October 28, 1898. s. Daniel Oliver and Emily Wright. Address, 510 North Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Petry, Robert Lowell, B.S. (A.B., Earlham, 1919.) Entered 1919 from Earlham College. Service: S. A. T. C, Miami University, 1918. Instructor in Physics, Graduate College, Princeton University, 1920-21 ; In- structor in Physics, Saskatchewan University, Saskatoon, Sas- katchewan, Canada, 1921-22. b. New Paris, Ohio, November 1, 1897. s. Francis M. Petry and Armina Petry. Address, New Paris, Ohio, or Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Pierce, James Lawrence, A.B. (1921.) Entered 1916. Track "H" (III, IV) ; Football "H" (III, IV) ; Captain, Base- ball Team (IV). Member of Beta Rho Sigma. Service: Naval Aviation, 1918. b. Austin, Texas. June 9, 1898. s. James E. Pierce and Grace Lawrence. Address. Blessing, Texas. Reese, John Davies, B.S. Entered 1916. Manager, Track (IV) ; Manager, Cap and Bells Play (IV). b. Scranton, Pa., August 20, 1893. s. Evan G. Reese and Joanna Davies. Address, 619 North Hyde Park Avenue, Scran- ton, Pa. 660 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1920 Roberts, Christopher, B.S. (1921.) Entered 1916. Vice-President of Cap and Bells Club (IV) ; Alumni Debate Prize (IV). Member, Phi Beta Kappa; Founders' Club; Beta Rho Sigma. Service : Captain, American Red Cross, and Friends' Reconstruction Unit. b. Newark, N. J., April 20, 1897. s. Weldon Roberts and Florence Darress. Address, 27 Hillside Avenue, Montclair, N. J. Rogers, Joseph Elsworth, B.S. (1921.) Entered 1916. Cricket "H" (III, IV); Captain, Cricket Team (IV). Mem- ber of Beta Rho Sigma. Service: 11 months with British Ambu- lance Unit No, 1 (attached to the Third Italian Army) ; received the "Croce di Guerra," 1918. b. Toronto, Canada, August 30, 1898. s. Albert Steven Rogers and Mary E. Elsworth. Address, 56 Church Street, Toronto, Canada. Silver, Francis Stokes, B.S. . Entered 1916. Track "H" (III, IV) ; Captain (IV) ; Manager, Football (IV). Member of Founders' Club. Service: S. A. T. C, 1918. Canning Business, Darlington, Md., 1921. b. Hamilton, W. Va., November 6, 1898. s. William Silver and Edith Wistar Stokes. Address, Aberdeen, Md. Smith, Robert Buoy, A.E. Entered 1916. b. Hollidaysburg, Pa., November 30, 1897. s. Robert Watson . Smith and Myrtle Audley Buoy. Address, 916 Allegheny Street, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Sutton, James Edward, B.S. Entered Junior Class 1919 from Colorado College. Service: S. A. T. C. at University of Colorado, 1918. Member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. b. Denver, Col., March 6, 1898. s. Isaac Sutton (1885) and Harriett Kennedy Chase. Address, 1547 Clarkson Street, Denver, Col. Toogood, Granville Ernest, AH. Entered 1916. Cricket "H" (HI, IV) ; Football "H" (IV) ; Captain, Tennis Team (HI) ; Manager, Cricket Team (IV) ; Leader, Mandolin Club (IV) ; Editor-in-Chief, Class Record (IV) ; Class President 1920] MATRICULATE CATALOG 661 (II, IV); "Spoon Man," (IV). With the Consolidated Belting Company, Philadelphia, 1920-21. With Philadelphia Evening "Public Ledger, 1921-22. Executive Secretary of Haverford Col- lege Alumni Association, Assistant to President, 1922 to date. Service : S. A. T. C. Member of Germantown and Merion Cricket Clubs ; Founders' Club ; Cap and Bells Club ; Beta Rho Sigma. b. Evanston, 111., February 11, 1899. s. Ernest Thomas Too- good and Cora Cassard. Address, Executive Secretary, Haver- ford College, Haverford, Pa. Uflford, Charles Wilbur, A.B. Entered 1917. Soccer "H" (III); Cope Fellowship (III). Studied in Eng- land, 1920-21. b. Cambridge, Mass., February 15, 1900. s. Frank Parker UfiFord and Bertha Hazard Tierney. Address, 111 Broadway, New York, N. Y. VanSickle, Schuyler Curtis, B.S. Entered 1916. Manager, Gymnasium Team (IV). Service: Navy. b. Denver, Col, May 30, 1897. s. James H. Van Sickle and Caroline Valentine. Address, 16 Buckingham Street, Springfield, Mass. White, Joseph Dixon, B.S. ; A.M., 1921. (B.S., Guilford, 1919.) Entered 1919 from Guilford College. Member of AXE. Assistant in Chemistry, Haverford, 1920- 21 ; Austin Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, 1921-22. b. Climax, N. C. August 26, 1899. s. W. A. White and Roxana Dixon. Address, Guilford College, N. C. Williams, John Steele, A.B. Entered 1916. Cheer Leader (IV) ; Manager, Baseball Team (IV) ; Leader, Glee Club (IV). With Williams & Marcus Company, Printers, Philadelphia, Pa. Service: Naval Unit at Yale, 1918. Member of Founders' Club and Triangle Society. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 5, 1900. s. John S. Williams and R. Jennie Hopkins. Address, 7126 Chew Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Wood, Richard Reeve, B.S. (1921 as of 1920.) Entered 1916. Service : Reconstruction. b. Riverton, N. J., August 25, 1897. s. Edward S. Wood and Mary W. Reeve. Address, Riverton, N. J. 662 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1920 Zook, Allan, B.S. Entered 1919 from Penn State. Service: Navy, 1918. Teaching at Moses Brown School, Provi- dence, R. I., 1920-21. Member of Phi Sigma Kappa. b. Malvern, Pa., December 7, 1896. s. William T. Zook and Allie E. Evans. Address, Malvern, Pa. Non-Graduates Brodhead, Truxton Read. Entered 1916 and left in March, 1917. Tube Production Department, Parkesburg Iron Company, 1919 to date. Service: in France with 7th Engineers, 5th Division, 1917-19. Commander, American Legion, Post 431. b. Parkesburg, Pa., August 2, 1898. s. Elber Howe Brodhead and Edith Read. Address, Parkesburg, Pa. Bunting, Stephen Clarence. (A.B. Swarthmore, 1920.) Entered 1916 and left June, 1918. Student at Swarthmore College, 1918-20. Member, American Institute of Electrical Engineers; Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 11, 1899. s. John Hooper Bunt- ing and J. Ellen Simmonds. Address, 405 Darby Road, Llanerch, Pa. Campbell, Frank Leslie. Entered 1916 and left June, 1917. Student in Chemical Engineering at University of Pennsylvania. Service: S. A. T. C, University of Pennsylvania, 1918. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 5, 1898. s. Andrew Jackson Campbell and Esther Margaret Williams. Address, 3710 Baring Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Carus, Hermann Dietrich. Entered 1917 and left June, 1918. Research Chemist. Graduate at University of Chicago, 1921. Service: Chemical Warfare. b. La Salle, 111., February 26, 1899. s. Paul Carus and Mary Hegeler. Address, 1307 Seventh Street, La Salle, 111. Cochran, Jerrold Scudder. Entered 1916 and left May, 1917. Broker, Redman & Co., New York, N. Y. Service: Medical Corps, in France, 18 months. Member, Montclair Athletic Club; Maple Bluff Country Club, Madison, Wis. ; American Legion. 1920] MATRICULATE CATALOG 663 b. Madison, Wis., March 5, 1896. s. Joseph Wilson Cochran and Helen V. Scudder. Address, 180 Midland Avenue, Montclair, N.J. Crowther, Paul Carr. Entered 1916 and left in June, 1918. Medical Student at Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa. Service: S. A. T. C. Member of Alpha Sigma Fraternity. b. Chester, Pa., December 8, 1898. s. Isaac Crowther and Mary Paul Carr. Address, 331 East Twentieth Street, Chester, Pa. Elkinton, Henry Thomas. Entered 1916 and left in Spring of 1917. Manufacturer of SiUcate of Soda. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 16, 1898. s. Alfred C. Elkinton and Abby Wahon. Address, 926 Arlington Avenue, Berkeley, Cal. fFergusson, Edmund Morris, Jr. Entered 1916. Manager, Track Team (IV) ; Manager, Cap and Bells Club (IV). Member of Phi Beta Kappa and Founders' Club. Service: United States Naval Reserve Force. b. Trenton, N. J., September 29, 1899. d. Haverford, Pa., May 3, 1920. s. E. Morris Fergusson and Mary Fry Huber. Geckeler, Edwin Oscar. Entered October, 1916, and left June, 1918. Track "H" (II). Medical Student, Hahnemann College, Phila- delphia. Member of Alpha Sigma Fraternity. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 13, 1898. s. George D. Geckeler and Bertha Boehme. Address, Jenkintown, Pa. Goto, Ichizo. Entered 1916 and left in 1917. b. Tokyo, Japan, September, 1893. s. Shimpei Goto and . Address unknown. Hartman, Harry Calvin. Entered 1916 and left in June, 1919. Leader, Glee Club (II, III). Member, Founders' Club; Tri- angle Society ; Cap and Bells. Vocational Advisor, Federal Board for Vocational Education. Red Cross Institute for the Blind, 1919-20; Teacher in Department for the Blind, Cleveland, Ohio, 1920-21 ; at present, Head Teacher and Director, Department for the Blind and Partially Sighted, Public Schools, Seattle, Wash. b. Waynesboro, Pa., February 2, 1896. s. Samuel W. Hartman 664 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1920 and Mary Alice Greenewalt. m. December 29, 1921, Ada Holmes Whitmore. Address, Board of Education, 850 Central Building, Seattle, Wash. Haworth, Elwood Bates, Jr. Entered 1916 and left in 1917. Student at Washington and Jefferson College. b. Pittsburgh, Pa., July 9, 1899. s. Elwood Bates Haworth and Hannah Randall. Address, 145 North Craig Street, Pitts- burgh, Pa. tHicks, Harold Willard. Entered 1916 and left in 1917. b. Great Neck, L. I., April 18, 1898. d. October 18, 1918. s. Walter Hicks and Mary Hodges. Hill, Horace Prentice. Entered 1916 and left March, 1917. Buyer's Assistant, Janney, Semple, Hill & Co. Member of Friends' War Victims Relief Committee, 1918-19. b. Minneapolis, Minn., December 9, 1897. s. Horace Mann Hill and Mary Bliss Whitmore. Address, 1782 Fremont Avenue, South, Minneapolis, Minn. Howard, Philip Eugene, Jr. Entered 1916 and left October, 1917. Service: Y. M. C. A., in Camps Merritt, Dix and Humphreys, 1917-18. Graduate, Pennsylvania, 1921, O B K. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 25, 1898. s. Philip E. Howard and Annie Slosson Trumbull. Address, Swarthmore, Pa. Kimber, Thomas. Entered 1918 and left in December, 1918. Student at Whittier College, Cal., in the Arts Course. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 5, 1898. s. John Shober Kimber (1886) and Mary Haines Ecroyd. Address, 849 North Mariposa Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Lobaugh, Edward Harold. Entered 1916 and left June, 1917. Service: EnHsted in Regular Army, 1917; in the Argonne, 1917; in the Coblenz District, Germany, 1918. Student in Mus- kingum College, Ohio, 1919 to date. b. Conoquenessing, Pa., November 13, 1898. s. C. R. Lobaugh and Sarah Ann Downs. Address, Conoquenessing, Pa. 1920] MATRICULATE CATALOG 665 Maury, John M., Jr. Entered 1916 and left in June, 1917. Medical Student at University of Chicago, b. Memphis, Tenn., August 6, 1897. s. John M. Maury and Flora Battle Troley. Address, 567 East Parkway, Memphis, Tenn. Miller, Elmer Clarence, Jr. Entered 1916 and left in 1918. Accountant and Auditor. Service: United States Naval Re- serve Force. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 16, 1897. s. E. Clarence Miller and Mary Wagner. Address, Twelfth Street and Valley Road, Oak Lane, Pa. Milne, Norman Forbes. Entered 1917 and left in June, 1919. Service: Base Hospital No. 38, 1918; Coast Artillery Corps, 1919. With Textile Manufacturing Firm, C. J. Milne & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. Member of American Legion; Germantown Cricket Club and Theta Beta Sigma. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 19, 1897. s. David Milne and Mar- garet Skerrett. Address, School House Lane, Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. Morriss, Henry Hayles. ( A.B., Johns Hopkins, 1920.) Entered 1916 and left in the Fall of 1917. Service: United States Naval Reserve Force, 1918. Student at Johns Hopkins, 1918-20. Member of Phi Gamma Delta. b. Baltimore, Md., October 10, 1898. s. William Hayles Morriss and Mary EHzabeth Haviland. Address, 1904 Mt. Royal Terrace, Baltimore, Md. Phelps, Charles Edward. Entered 1916 and left in 1918. Service: United States Aviation. Student at Columbia, 1919-20. b. Bound Brook, N. J., December 11, 1895. s. Arthur Santford Phelps and Gertrude Lindall Tappan. Address, 144 West Fifty- seventh Street, New York, N. Y. Porter, Robert Russell. Entered 1916 and left June, 1918. Service : United States Navy, 1918. Manchester Gas Company, Manchester, N. H. b. Lonaconing, Md., December 17, 1896. s. Gilbert Arthur Por- ter and Maud F. Matheney. Address, 278 Ash Street, Manchester, N. H. 666 HAVERFORi) COLLEGE [1920 Price, Ferris Leggett. Entered 1916 and left May, 1917. Service: Base Hospital No. 10, 1918. Draughtsman, English Importing Company, 1919 to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 26, 1897, s. Howard Price and Emma H. Meyer, m. November 20, 1918, Renee Beauchamp. c. Blanche Dorothea, 1919. Address, 37 Rue St. Julien, Le Treport, France. Robinson, Abraham Penrose. Entered 1916 and left in Spring, 1917. Service: Naval Aviation, Squadron Commander, 1918-19. Standard Supply and Equipment Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919 to date. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 22, 1896. s. Anthony Wayne Robinson and Mary Bullock. Address, College Avenue, Haver- ford, Pa. Rollins, Carroll Joseph. Entered 1916 and left May, 1917. Teacher, High School, Winthrop, Me. Member of New Eng- land Educational Association. b. Winthrop, Me., April 13, 1898. s, Joseph Bradford Rollins and Cora Louise Pullen. Address, Highland Avenue, Winthrop, Me. Smith, Edward Lincoln, Jr. Entered 1916 and left in |une, 1917; returned in 1919 and left in March, 1920, Service : Base Hospital No. 10. Member of the Triangle So- ciety. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 25, 1896. s. Edward Lincoln Smith and Mary Blanche Horton. Address, Hatboro, Pa. Smith, Joseph Hopkinson. Entered 1916 and left in 1919. Student at Princeton. b. New Rochelle, N. Y., September 29, 1898. s. Francis Ed- ward Smith and Marv Marshall. Address, 15 Clark Street, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Spencer, Horace Fish. Entered 1916 and left March, 1918. Service: Motor Transport Corps and Quartermaster Corps, 1918. With R. E. Dietz Company, New York, N. Y., 1919-20; 1921] MATRICULATE CATALOG 667 with Paul Guenther Knitting Company, Passaic, N. J., 1921 to date. b. New York City, N. Y., October 11, 1896. s. Charles Henry Spencer and Edith Fish. m. January, 1922, Helen Purdy Shep- herd. Address, 250 Gregory Avenue, Passaic, N. J. Tatnall, Henry Rumsey. Entered 1916 and left June, 1919. Service: S. A. T. C, Delaware College, 1918. Real Estate Business. b. Wilmington, Del., September 12, 1897. s. Thomas Tatnall and Margaret Conarroe Rumsey. Address, 902 Delaware Avenue, Wilmington, Del. Thorpe, Clinton Clement Hancock. Entered 1916 and left in 1918. Soccer "H" (II). Service: Coast Artillery, 1918. Fulton Truck Company, 1919; with National City Company, 1920; Ed- ward V. Kane & Co., 1920 to date. Member of Merion Cricket Club. b. Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa., January 2, 1899. s. Edward Sheppard Thorpe and Ella R. Hancock. Address, 835 Marlyn Road, Overbrook, Philadelphia, Pa. Wilcox, William W., Jr. Entered 1916 and left June, 1918. Service: S. A. T. C, Princeton, 1918. Student at Brown Uni- versity, Providence, R. L, 1919 to date. b. Garrison, N. Y., February 5, 1900. s. William W. Wilcox and Marion Louise Lawall. Address, 609 Monroe Avenue, As- bury Park, N. J. Worrell, Granville, 2d. Entered 1916 and left June, 1918. Service: Master Gunner, Heavy Artillery. With Liberty Ball Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1919. With Ardmore National Bank, 1920 to date. Member of Merion Cricket Club. b. St. Paul, Minn., June 17, 1896, s. Granville Worrell and Elizabeth P. Sellers. Address, Ardmore, Pa. 1921 Abele, Alan Mason, A.B. Entered 1917. Cricket "H" (III, IV); Manager, Cricket (IV). b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 16, 1901. s. George Beckley Abele and Ada Mason. Address, Narberth, Pa. 668 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1921 Arrowsmith, Harold Walton, A.B Entered 1917. Gymnasium "H" (III, IV) ; Captain of Gymnasium Team (IV). Member of Triangle Society. b. Orange, N. J., April 11, 1899. s. Robert Arrowsmith and Edith Walton. Address, 496 Park Avenue, Orange, N. J. Atkinson, Robert, B.S. Entered 1917. Manager, Tennis (IV). Instructor in Chemistry, 1921 to date, b. Passaic, N. J., February 1, 1900. s. Ira Atkinson and Nellie List. Address, 312 Gowen Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Babb, Jervis Jefferis, A.B. Entered 1917. Soccer "H" (IV) ; Manager, Soccer (IV) ; Cricket "H" (IV) ; President, Intercollegiate Association Football League; President, Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Association Football League; Founders' Club; Cap and Bells Club. b. State College, Pa., April 28, 1902. s. Maurice J. Babb (1905) and Blanche E. Vincent. Address, 157 Cricket Avenue, Ard- more. Pa. Baker, James MacGranahan, B.S. Entered 1917. Manager, Cap and Bells. Service: S. A. T. C, Washington and Jefferson, 1918. b. Williamsport, Pa., February 13, 1898. s. Henry Heaton Baker and May McGranahan. Address, St. Davids, Pa. Bigelow, Henry Charles, B.S. Entered February, 1919. War Service: Second Lieutenant, Infantry, b. Salem, Mass., November 3, 1898. s. Charles H. Bigelow and Carlotta H. Pulsifer. Address, 917 Columbia Avenue, Millville, N.J. Brinton, Charles Addison, B.S. Entered 1917. War Record: United States Air Service. b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., November 1, 1898. s. Howard Courtland Brinton and Selena Florence Beadle. Address, 925 Old Lancaster Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Caskey, Paul Herbert, B.S. Entered 1917. Track "H" (I) ; Football "H" (III, IV) ; Manager, Gymnasium 1921] MATRICULATE CATALOG 669 Team (IV) ; Editor-in-Chief of the Class Record (IV) ; Senior President. Member of Beta Rho Sigma. War Record : S. A, T. C. (Yale). b. Youngstown, Ohio, August 19, 1900. s. Herbert K. Caskey and Mary S. McElevey. Address, 120 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada. Coder, William Dickey. B.S. (1922 as of 1921.) Entered Class in March, 1918. Private, First Class, Company I, 110th Infantry, 28th Division; Private, United States Marines, 2d Division, A. E. F. President, Y. M. C. A. (IV). Member Beta Rho Sigma. With Philadel- phia Evening Public Ledger, 1921 ; with Briar Hill Steel Co., Youngstown, O., 1922 — . b. Cumberland, Md., May 13, 1900. s. Bernard LeRoy Coder and Lillian Lynn Dickey. Address, 620 South High Street, West Chester, Pa. Cooper, Edwin Newbold, B.S. Entered 1918 and left in December; entered the Class again in Senior year. War Service: Medical Corps. Student in the University of Pennsylvania, 1919-20. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 16, 1898. s. Edwin K. Cooper and Ella S. Wills. Address, 218 West Providence Road, Aldan, Pa. Ewan, Stacy Newcomb, Jr. B.S. Entered 1917. Cricket "H" (III, IV) ; Captain (V). Teaching Fellow, 1921- 22. War Service: United States Naval Reserve Force (Prince- ton), 1918. b. Millville, N. J., May 13, 1900. s. Stacy Newcomb Ewan and Eleanor King JerJcins. Address, 19 East Broad Street, Millville, N.J. Gebauer, George John, A.B. Entered 1917. Student at Harvard, 1921-22. b. Erie, Pa., December 14, 1899. s. George John Gebauer and Clara Augusta Knobloch. Address, 963 West Tenth Street, Erie, Pa. Haines, Edward Cadmus, B.S. ; A.M., 1921. Entered 1917. Student, M. I. T., 1921-22. Phi Beta Kappa (IV). b. Rancocas, N. J., May 25, 1900. s. Thomas Lee Haines and Elena Cadmus. Address, 54 East Main Street, Moorestown, N. J, 670 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1921 Hastings, Alan Woods, B.S. (B.S., M. I. T., 1922.) Entered 1917. Track "H" (II); Cope Fellowship (IV); Phi Beta Kappa (IV). War Service: S. A. T. C. Engineer, Stone & Webster Company. b. Lincoln, Neb., January 17, 1900. s. William W. Hastings (1896) and Elizabeth Fairbank. Address, Prescott, Mass. Hauff, Edmund Guido, A.B. Entered 1917. Alumni Oratorical Prize (IV) ; Football "H" (IV). S. A. T. C. (Pennsylvania). Penn Charter School; now at University of Pennsylvania Law School and Instructor in Economic Depart- ment, Wharton. Member, American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, Philomathian Society ; The Church Club of Penn- sylvania; St. Simeon's Men's Club; Philates Lodge, F, & A. M.; American Economic Association ; The Philadelphia Forum. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 4, 1899, s. Guido E. Hauff and Kathryn Steen. Address, 2530 North Eighth Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Heilman, Eugene Blair, A B. Entered 1917. Basketball "H" (IV). Member of Beta Rho Sigma. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 24, 1900. s. Eugene A. Heilman and Martha Blair. Address, 876 Wynnewood Road, Overbrook, Pa. Henderson, Herschel Clifford, B.S. Entered 1917. Soccer "H" (II, III, IV); Basketball "H" (II, III, IV); Cricket "H" (IV) ; Captain, Basketball (IV) ; Track "H" (II) ; Captain, Tennis Team (III). b. Fairmount, Ind., September 9, 1889. s. Elam Henderson and Elda R. Stubbs. Address, 113 Maitland Street, Toronto, Canada. Hoopes, John Robison, B.S. Entered 1917. Editor-in-Chief, Haverford News; President of Student Gov- ernment (IV); Football "H" (IV). Member of the Triangle Society. S. A. T. C. (Princeton), 1918. b. West Chester, Pa., December 11, 1899. s. Charles Russell Hoopes and Helen Walker Robison. Address, 4081 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1921] MATRICULATE CATALOG 671 Jebb, William Thomas, B.S. Entered 1917. Business Manager. Havcrford News; Manager of Basketball (IV). Member of the Triangle Society. S. A. T. C. (1918). b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 9, 1899. s. William Baldwin Jebb and Mary EHzabeth Ball. Address, 922 Mogee Street. Lawndale, Pa. Jones, John Barclay, Jr., B.S. Entered 1917. Soccer "H" (III). Phi Beta Kappa. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., April 17, 1900. s. John Bar- clay Jones (1874) and Helen Lee Hopkins. Address, 114 West Coulter Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Kumm, Henry William, B.S. Entered 1918. b. Wiesbaden, Germany, February 26, 1901. s. H. Karl W. Kumm and Lucy E. Guinness. Address, 25 Pine Grove Avenue, Summit, N. J. Long, Julian Sax, B.S. Entered 1917. Gymnasium "H" (III, IV) ; Cheer Leader (IV). S. A. T. C. (Cornell), 1918. b. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., October 21, 1899. s. Charles Long and Fannie Sax. Address, 33 South Washington Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Macadam, John, Jr., B.S. Entered 1918. War Service: R. O. T. C. and S. A. T. C. (Pennsylvania). Member of Theta Xi Fraternity, and St. Andrew's Society of Philadelphia. b. Moore, Pa., August 20, 1899. s. John Macadam and Madge D. Dawkins. Address, Grant Avenue, Kentmere, Wilmington, Del. Macintosh, Archibald, A.B. Entered 1917. Football "H" (I, III, IV) ; Captain (IV) ; Track "H" (III) ; Captain (IV) ; Senior President. Member of Beta Rho Sigma. War Service: Second Lieutenant, Fortress Monroe, 1918-19. b. Malone, N. Y., October 23, 1899. s. John Alexander Mac- intosh and Sara Elizabeth Archibald. Address. 7 Chalmers Place, Chicago, 111. 672 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1921 Matzke, David Ernst, B.S. Entered 1917. Service: S. A. T. C. (Cornell), 1918. b. Leland Stanford University, Cal., August 14, 1899. s. John Ernst Matzke and Edith Virginia Hedges. Address, 805 East Seneca Street, Ithaca, N. Y. McKinley, Morrison Cushman. B.S. (1922.) Entered 1917. Gymnasium "H" (IV). Service: S. A. T. C. (Swarthmore), 1918. Member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., April 25, 1900. s. William S. McKinley and Carrie A. Cushman. Address, Ceylon Spice Company, 244 North Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Mengert, William Felix, B.S. Entered 1917. Service: United States Naval Reserve Force (1918). b. Washington, D. C, November 13, 1899. s. Ulric T. Mengert and Margaret Johnson. Address, 310 Third Street, S. E., Wash- ington, D. C. Miller, John Delaplane, B.A. Entered 1917. Service: S. A. T. C. (Gettysburg), 1918. ^ b. Baltimore County, Md., December 4, 1898. s. Charles J. F. Miller and Minnie A. Delaplane. Address, Woodsboro, Md. Molitor, Robert Louis. B.S. (1922.) A.M. (1922.) Entered 1917 and left in June, 1918 ; re-entered, 1920. Student at University of Pennsvlvania, 1918-19. Service: S. A. T. C. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 3, 1899. s. John Molitor and Ida Blodget. Address, 4959 Rubicam Avenue, Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. Nock, Samuel Albert, A.B. Entered 1917. Editor-in-Chief of Haverfordian (IV). Member of Phi Beta Kappa and Founders' Club (IV). b. Titusville, Pa., February 17, 1901. s. Albert J. Nock and Agnes EmeHne Grumbine. Address, 319 Division Avenue, Has- brouck Heights, N. J. Ohl, Raymond Theodore, A.B. Entered 1917. Member of Phi Beta Kappa (IV). Service: S. A. T. C. 1918. 1921] MATRICULATE CATALOG 673 b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 11, 1899. s. Wesley J. Ohl and Emma E. Bruegel. Address, 148 Cricket Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. Powell, Amos Arthur, B.S. Entered 1917. Service: S. A. T. C. (University of Pennsylvania), 1918. b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., February 5, 1899. s. William C. Powell and Mary K. Williams. Address, 25 North Merion Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Roberts, Garrett, A.B. Entered 1917. Editor-in-Chief, Scarlet; Record Board; Stage Manager, Cap and Bells. Member of Beta Rho Sigma. Service: S. A. T. C. (Princeton), 1918. b. Newark, N. J., October 6, 1898. s. Weldon Roberts and Florence Darress. Address, 27 Hillside Avenue, Montclair, N. J. Rogers, Albert Edward, A.B. Entered Freshman Class from George School, 1917. Manager, Football Team (IV) ; Vice-President and Secretary of Founders' Club (IV) ; "Spoon Man" (IV). Executive Secre- tary, Haverford College Alumni Association; Assistant to Presi- dent; Graduate Manager of Athletics, 1921-22. Managing Editor of Matriculate Catalogue, 1921-22. Member of Founders' Club; Beta Rho Sigma. b. Medford, N. J., August 17, 1897. s. Edward Rogers and Anna Lewis Gillingham. Address, 798 Drexel Building, Philadel- phia, Pa. Sangree, Milton Huyett, A.B. Entered 1917. Football "H" (III, IV) ; Alumni Oratorical Prize (IV). Serv- ice: S. A. T. C. b. Steelton, Pa., November 23, 1898. s. Henry Hudson San- gree and Helen Hoke. Address, 4031 Baltimore Avenue, Phila- delphia, Pa. Smith, Joseph Hutchinson, A.B. Entered 1917. Member of Friends' Historical Society ; Historical Society of Montgomery County, Pa. ; Cap and Bells Club. b. Weldon, Pa., July 31, 1898. s. Frederick J. Smith and Caro- line W. Thomas. Address, West Chester, Pa. 43 674 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1921 Taylor, Wiilard Samuel, B.S. Entered 1917. Manager, Baseball Team (IV). b. Malvern, Pa., October 1, 1898. s. William S. Taylor and Phebe E. Passmore. Address, Malvern, Pa. Timbers, Harry Garland, B.S. Entered 1918. Phi Beta Kappa. b. Hatfield, Mo., April 3, 1899. s. Harry G. Timbres and Ella Carter. Address, Clover Bar, Alberta, Canada. Weatherby, Benjamin B., 2d. B.S. Entered 1917. Captain, Tennis Team (IV). Service: S. A. T. C. (Princeton), 1918. b. Millville, N. J., August 7, 1899. s. Henry Allen Weatherby and Anna Burley Champion. Address, Physics Laboratory, La- fayette College, Easton, Pa. Wilbur, Bertrand Henry, B.S. Entered 1917. President, Y. M. C. A. (IV). Service: S. A. T. C. (Prince- ton), 1918. Member of City Club, Philadelphia, Pa.; Lavallette Yacht Club, Lavallette, N. J. b. Sitka, Alaska, April 10, 1899. s. Bertrand K. Wilbur and Anna Elliott Dean. Address, Haverford, Pa. Willson, David Harris, B.S. Entered 1917. Final Honors History. Phi Beta Kappa. Instructor in History, Cornell University, 1921-22. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 18, 1901. s. Thomas Harris Willson and Amelia Hyser Shyock. Address, Haddonfield, N. J. Wood, Robert Newlin, B.S. Entered 1917. Captain, Soccer (IV) ; Manager, Cap and Bells Club (IV) ; Manager, Class Record (IV). Founders' Club. Service: S. A. T. C. (Princeton), 1918. b. Riverton, N. J., April 6, 1899. s. Edward S. Wood and Mary W. Reeve. Address, Riverton, N. J. 1921] matriculate catalog 675 Non-Graduates Baily, Livingston Boyd. Entered 1917 and left in June, 1918. Princeton, 1919; University of Pennsylvania, 1920; Princeton, 1920-21; Graduated, Class of 1921. Service: Naval Aviation. Member, Princeton Charter Club; Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity; Merion Cricket Club; Princeton Club of Philadelphia. b. Ardmore, Pa., February 10, 1899. s. William Lloyd Baily (1883) and Sarah S. Boyd. Address, 220 Lancaster Avenue, Ard- more, Pa. Barlow, Thomas Bradwall. Entered 1917 and left in November, 1919. Merchant's Assistant. Member of Manchester Reform Club. b. Torkington, England, March 7, 1900. s. Sir John Barlow, Bart., and Anna Maria Hey wood Denman. Address, Hazel Grove, Cheshire, England. Brodhead, Robert Gifford. Entered 1917 and left June, 1919. Machinist, Autocar Company, 1920. b. Rome, Ga., April 14, 1899. s. Robert Sayre Brodhead and Sarah Claire Stafford. Address, Strafford, Pa. Brown, Edward Lyman, Jr. Entered 1917 and left in the Spring, 1918. Bank Clerk, National Union Bank, Boston, Mass. War Service : S. A. T. C. (M. I. T.). Member, Bank Officers' Association; American Institute of Banking ; Theta Xi Fraternity. b. Waltham, Mass., April 11, 1899. s. Edward Lyman Brown and Isabel Weld Walter. Address, 59 Addington Road, Brook- line, Mass. Brown, Elliot Weld. Entered 1917 and left May, 1918. Football "H" (I). Wool Merchant, Boston, Mass. War Serv- ice: Reconstruction Work in France and the Balkans. b. Kendall Green, Mass., November 16, 1897. s. Edward Ly- man Brown and Isabel Weld Walter. Address, 59 Addington Road, Brookline, Mass. Cawl, Melvin Allen. Entered January, 1919, and left in June, 1919. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., January 5, 1898. s. Robert C. Cawl and Florence Allen. Address, 210 Brooklyn Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 676 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1921 Donchian, Levon Peter. Entered 1917 and left March, 1918. Student in Yale University, 1919 to date. War Service: S. A. T. C. b. New York City, N. Y., May 28, 1899. s. Dickran B. Don- chian and Virginia Constantian. Address, 878 Broadv^ray, New York, N. Y. Dowlin, Cornell March. (A.B., Univ. of Penna., 1921.) Entered 1918 and left February, 1919. Member of Phi Beta Kappa ; Theta Xi, and Pennsylvania Var- sity Club, all of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. b. Philadelphia, Pa., September 14, 1898. s. Stanley Dowlin and Rachel B. Lamborn. Address, 1224 North Redfield Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ferguson, William Cramp, Jr. (A.B., Princeton, 1921.) Entered 1917 and left June, 1918. Track "H" (I). War Service: S. A. T. C. (Princeton), 1918. b. Mt. Airy, Pa., July 24, 1899. s. William C. Ferguson and Ella Buckman. Address, 115 Mermaid Lane, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Gifford, Nelson Davis. (A.B., Princeton, 1921.) Entered 1917 and left June, 1918. War Service: S. A. T. C. (Princeton). Member of Princeton Charter Club. b. Westport, Mass., April 19, 1900. s. Nelson D. Giflford and Mary I. . Address, Dartmouth, Mass. Grier, Harold Caulk. Entered November, 1918, and left January, 1919. War Service : Midshipman. Student at Delaware College, 1919- 20; Graduated, 1920. Member of Delta Phi Delta and Sigma Nu Fraternities. b. Camden, Del., May 5, 1898. s. Frank L. Grier and Florence L. Caulk. Address, 301 Lake View Avenue, Milford, Del. Hartshorne, Henry. Entered 1917 and left June, 1918. Artist. S. A. T. C. (Princeton), 1918. b. Kittanning, Pa., October 19, 1898. s. Francis Cope Hart- shorne and Marguerite Haughton. Address, 121 Church Street, Phoenixville, Pa. Hartshorne, James. Entered 1917 and left in June, 1918. Student at Princeton. S. A. T. C, Princeton, 1918. Member of Princeton Gateway Club. 1921] MATRICULATE CATALOG 677 b. Kittanning, Pa., October 19, 1898. s. Francis Cope Hart- shome and Marguerite Haughton. Address, 121 Church Street, Phoenixville, Pa. Hurwitz, Boris Leon. Entered 1918. Rabbi. b. Russia, December 8, 1897. s. Abraham Hurwitz and Sarah Halpern. Address, 2856 North Marshall Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Kitzmiller, Richard Dale. (A.B., Princeton, 1921.) Entered 1917 and left in June, 1918. Student at Princeton, 1918-21. War Service: United States Naval Reserve. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 20, 1900. s. William M. Kitzmiller and Jane Elizabeth Keen. Address, 144 East Washington Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Klaren, John Hugo, Jr. Entered 1917 and left June, 1921. War Service: S. A. T. C. (Princeton), 1918. b. New Bedford, Mass., July 24, 1898. s. John Hugo Klaren and Susan Otis Handy. Address, 482 County Street, New Bed- ford, Mass. fLane, George, Jr. Entered 1917. b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., February 27, 1900. d. Haverford, Pa.. March 21, 1918. s. George Lane and Elizabeth Sheppard Brown. Lee, Philip Leighton. Entered 1917 and left June, 1918. Student at Princeton, 1918-21. Service: Aviation Cadet, Navy, 1918. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 30, 1899. s. Leighton Lee and Mary Justice Chase. Address, 1357 Riverside Avenue, Jackson- ville, Fla. Leonard, John William. Entered 1917 and left June, 1918. Football "H" (I). Service: Marine Corps in San Domingo, 1918-19. Assistant Engineer and Contractor, 1919-21. Member of the Merion Cricket Club. b. New York, N. Y., December 3, 1898. s. Henry Reed Leonard and Effie Maria Zerega. Address, 315 Summit Avenue, Wayne, Pa. 678 HAVERFORD COLLEGE | 1921 McCullock, Warren Sturgis. (A.B., Yale, 1921.) Entered 1917 and left June, 1918. Student at Yale University. Service: United States Naval Re- serve (Yale). b. Orange, N. J., November 16, 1898. s. James W. McCullock and Mary H. Bradley. Address, 328 Center Street, Orange, N. J. Miner, Edwin Demetrius. Entered January, 1920. b. New York, N. Y., May 5, 1898. s. Edwin Demetrius Mine' and Sarah Agnes Hanna. Address, 236 Rich Avenue, Mt. Ver non, N. Y. Mitchell, John Jay, 3d. Entered 1917 and left June, 1918. Football "H" (I). Student at Princeton. Service: Naval Re- serve Flying Corps. Member of St. Davids Golf Club. b. West Newton, Mass., August 15, 1899. s. John Jay Mitchell, Jr., and Ada Gould. Address, 403 Midland Avenue, St. Davids, Pa. Muth, Frederick Jefferson. Entered 1917 and left June, 1918. Student at Cornell University. b. Lititz, Pa., February 12, 1900. s. William Henry Muth and Elizabeth Bausman Martin. Address, 216 South Broad Street, Lititz, Pa. Nicholson, Alfred. (A.B., Princeton, 1921.) Entered 1917 and left June, 1919. Student at Princeton, 1919-21. Service: S. A. T. C. Member of Princeton Literary Club. b. Moorestown, N. J., April 24, 1898. s. John Whitall Nichol- son (1876) and Eliza E. Stokes. Address, Moorestown, N. J. Peet, Herbert Orvis, (B.S., Princeton, 1921.) Entered 1917 and left June, 1918. Student at Princeton. Service: S. A. T. C. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, Camp Taylor, Ky., November, 1919. b. Kansas City, Mo., June 17, 1900. s. Albert William Peet and Orelle Smith. Address, 6 Janssen Place, Kansas City, Mo, Richardson, Hubert Townsend. Entered January, 1919, and left in June, 1919. b. Birmingham, England, May 22, 1899. s. Henry Richardson and Hennetta May Burtt. Address, 236 Van Hoaten Avenue, Passaic, N. J. 1921] MATRICULATE CATALOG 679 Roberts, Harmer Denny. (B.S., Princeton, 1921.) Entered 1917 and left June, 1918. Service: S. A. T. C, Princeton. Member of Princeton Charter Club and Merion Cricket Club. Address, Cherry Lane, Wynnewood, Pa. Ruffu, Henry. Entered January, 1919, and left in June, 1919. b. Atlantic City, N. J., February 2, 1898. s. Frank Ruffu and Maria Aeckersberg. Address, Atlantic City, N. J. Walker, Austin Shaflfner. (B.S., Lafayette, 1921.) Entered 1917 and left June, 1919. Student at Lafayette College. b. Mendenhall, Pa., August 6, 1901. s. James Walker and Anna Shaffner. Address, Mendenhall, Pa. Weigand, William Frederick, Jr. Entered 1917 and left June, 1918. Service: S. A. T. C. (University of Pennsylvania), 1918. Elec- trical Inspector with Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, 1918- 21. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 16, 1900. s. William F. Weigand and Minna P. Genth. Address, 100 McKinley Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa. Wright, Minturn Tatum, Jr. Entered 1917 and left in November, 1917. Insurance Business, Stokes, Packard, Houghton & Smith, Phila- delphia, Pa. Service: In France with Base Hospital No. 20. Member of Philadelphia Cricket Club, and Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 17, 1899. s. Minturn T. Wright and Ethel S. Jenks. Address, Chestnut Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Pa. 1922 Abbott, Charles David, Jr., A.B. Entered 1918. Vice-President of Cap and Bells Club (IV) ; Editor-in-Chief of Haverfordian; Vice-President, Secretary, Founders' Club. b. Milford, Del., November 26, 1900. s. Charles David Abbott and Anne Gow Evans. Address, 211 South Walnut Street, Mil- ford, Del. 1922-23, Choate School, Wallingford, Conn. 680 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1922 Arrowsmith, Noel Stryker, A.B. Entered 1918. Member of Triangle Society. Gymnasium team I, II, IV. Serv- ice, Princeton S. A. T. C. b. Orange, N. J., December 25, 1900. s. Robert Arrowsmith and Edith E. Walton. Address, 496 Park Avenue, Orange, N. J. Barker, John Bryant, A.B. Entered 1918. b. Pittsburgh, Pa., April 3, 1899. s. William Pierson and Eliza Bryant. Address, 1525 Shady Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa, Braddock-Rogers, Kenneth, B.S. Entered 1918. b. Rochester, N. Y., December 15, 1900. s. Albert E. Braddock- Rogers and Mary MacKenzie Chamberlain. Address, 125 West Park Avenue, Haddonfield, N. J. 1922-23, Trinity College, Hart- ford, Conn. Bucknell, Allen Kazlitt, B.S. Entered 1918. Captain, Tennis Team (IV) ; Soccer "H" (IV) ; Basketball "H" (IV). b. East St. Louis, 111., October 8, 1901. s. Samuel K. Bucknell and Cora L. Allen. Address, 1761 North Thirty-sixth Street, East St. Louis, 111. Wilmington Friends' School, 1922-23. Emigh, Chalmers Preston. Entered Class, September, 1919, and left at close of the College year. Re-entered, September, 1921. b. Huntingdon, Pa., December 1, 1901. s. William Henry Emigh and Caroline Eicher. m. Johnstown, Pa., November 22, 1920, Dorothy E. Otto. Address, 1610 Moore Street, Hunting- don, Pa. Fansler, Thomas Lafayette, Jr., B.S. Entered 1917. Leader of Glee Club (IV) ; Manager, Track Team (IV). Member of Beta Rho Sigma, and Cap and Bells. War Service: Marine Corps. b. Evanston, 111., June 2, 1899. s. Thomas L. Fansler and Willia Roland Spruill. Address, Frazer, Pa. Fraser, Henry Salmon, A.B. Entered 1918. Editor-in-Chief, Class Record; Baseball Manager. Member, American Historical Association; Phi Beta Kappa; Founders' Club; Triangle Society. 1922] MATRICULATE CATALOG 681 b. Oswego, N. Y., July 4, 1900. s. Hector A. Fraser and Minnie Salmon. Address, 1113 First, North Street, Syracuse, N. Y. 1922-23, 136 Cascadilla Park, Ithaca, N. Y. Grigg, Harold Maurice, B.S. Entered 1916 and left May, 1917. Returned September, 1919, and entered Class in Sophomore year. Track "H" (I, II, III, IV); Manager, Football (IV); Track Captain (IV) ; President, Athletic Association (IV) ; Founders' Club (IV). Private, United States Base Hospital No. 10, 1917-19. b. Brockport, N. Y., December 10, 1893. s. Harold S. Grigg and Henrietta K. Nash. Address, 4 Edna Court, Baldwin, L. I. Gummere, John Flagg, A.B. Entered 1918. Baseball team, (I, II, III, IV). b. Swarthmore, Pa., July 27, 1901. s. Henry Vdlkmar Gum- mere (1888) and Lydia Craft Flagg. Address, 418 S. Wycombe Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa. Hall, Percival, Jr., B.S. Entered 1918. Musical Clubs, (I, II, III, IV). b. Washington, D. C, March 4, 1901. s. Percival Hall and Ethel Z. Taylor. Address, 1 Kendall Green, Washington, D. C. 1922-23, Harvard Engineering School, Cambridge, Mass. Hallock, Joseph, A.B. Entered 1918. b. Milton, N. Y., June 22, 1902. s. Robert Walter Hallock and Isobel Taber. Address, Milton, N. Y. Heilman, William Blair, A.B. Entered 1918. Class President (IV) ; Captain, Gymnasium Team (IV) ; Gym- nasium "H" (HI, IV) ; Musical Clubs, (I, II, III, IV). Cap and Bells Club, Founders' Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 25, 1902. s. Eugene Augustus Heil- man and Martha Jane Blair. Address, 876 Wynnewood Road, Philadelphia, Pa. Hendricks, William Craig, A.B. Entered 1918. b. Bedford, Pa., March 2, 1901. s. Irvin W. Hendricks and Elizabeth Craig. Address, 259 South Main Street, Chambersburg, Pa. 682 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1922 Hilleman, George Adolph, B.S. Entered 1918. Football "H," (III, IV) ; Business Manager, Class Record (IV). Founders' Club; Class President (II). b. Pittsburgh, Pa., October 30, 1900. s. George Adolph Hille- man and Emma M. Schatz. Address, 7152 Meade Street, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Janney, Richard Worth, B.S. Entered 1918. Soccer "H" (III, IV) ; Manager, Track Team (IV). Cap and Bells Club. Service, Harvard S. A. T. C. b. Mt. Airy, Pa., December 7, 1899. s. Thomas Janney and Elinor W. Craig. Address, 212 West Upsal Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Klemm, Ralph Adam, B.S. Entered 1918. War Service, Bucknell, S. A. T. C. b. Ocean City, N. J., July 24, 1900. s. Adam Klemm and Caro- line Snyder. Address, 1204 West Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. MacCallum, William Henry, Jr., B.S. Entered 1918. Business Manager, Haverfordian (III, IV). b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 6, 1901. s. William Henry McCal- lum and Elizabeth Townsend Willis. Address, 6602 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. 1922-23, M. I. T., Cambridge, Mass. Matzke, Robert Rudolph, B.S. Entered 1918. Football "H" (IV) ; Baseball "H" (II) ; Basketball "H" (III) ; Captain, Basketball (IV). Member of Triangle. b. Palo Alto, Cal., January 14, 1902. s. John Ernst Matzke and Edith Virginia Hedges. Address, 805 East Seneca Street, Ithaca, N. Y. 1922-23, 6303 Greene St., Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa. Miller, Frederick Stahl, A.B. Entered Junior year. Tennis Team, (II, IV). Service, F. & M., S. A. T. C. b. Lancaster, Pa., July 8, 1900. s. Charles Frederick Miller and Blanche Lichty. Address, 349 N. Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa. 1922] MATRICULATE CATALOG 683 Montgomery, Thomas Roger, B.S. Entered 1918. Manager, Basketball (IV); Vice-President, Class (IV). Tri- angle Society. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 28, 1902. s. Thomas H. Montgomery, Jr., and A. Priscilla Braislin. Address, Woods Hole, Mass. 1922- 23, M. I. T., Cambridge, Mass. Morris, Eiliston Perot, Jr., B.S. Entered 1917 and left June, 1918. Returned September, 1920. Service : Reconstruction. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., May 17, 1899. s. Marriott Canby Morris (1885) and Jane Rhoads. Address, 131 West Wal- nut Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Muench, Alfred George, B.S. Entered 1918. Soccer "H" (I, II, III) ; Captain, Soccer Team (IV) ; Basket- ball "H" (IV). Member of the Triangle. Class President, (I). b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 3, 1900. s. Henry Muench and Anna Egle. Address, Haverford, Pa. Paxson, Chauncey Gause, B.S. Entered 1919, Sophomore year. Manager, Gymnasium Team (IV) ; Football "H" (IV). b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 21, 1899. s. Oliver H. Paxson and Evelyn Mattson. Address, 2414 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Philadel- phia, Pa. Pfund, Harry WiOiam, A.B. Entered in February, 1919. Editor-in-Chief, Haverford News (III, IV). Member of Founders' Club (III) ; Phi Beta Kappa (III) ; Cap and Bells Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 3, 1900. s. William J. Pfund and Anna M. Erb. Address, 115 West Logan Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1922-23 Friederichstrasse 44, Lahr-in-Baden, Germany, Univ. of Munich. Reiter, John Harkey, B.S. Entered 1917 and left June, 1918. Re-entered in 1919. Service: Quartermaster, United States Naval Reserve Force, 1918-19, at Yale University, Musical Clubs (I, III, IV). b. Ridgely, Md., December 11, 1898. s. Amos Oliver Reiter and Nora Agatha Raster. Address, 452 Walnut Street, Allen- town, Pa. 1922-23, 212 Otis Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Reitzel, William Attich, B.S. Entered 1918. Cap and Bells Ckib. b. Steelton, Pa., December 15, 1901. s. Frank S. Reitzel and Elizabeth Jane Attick. Address, Swarthmore, Pa. 684 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1922 Rhoads, William Lester, A.B. Entered 1918. Leader of Glee Club (IV). Cap and Bells Club, b. Boyertown, Pa., May 6, 1902. s. William L. Rhoads and Annie Sevilla Fryer. Address, Boyertown, Pa. Sagebeer, Richard Grafflin, A.B. Entered 1918. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 30, 1899. s. Joseph Evans Sagebeer and Catharine Grafflin Cook. Address, Berwyn, Pa. Teaching Fellow, Haverford College, 1922-23. Sangree, Nathan Barnitz, B.S. Entered 1918 from Penn Charter School. Football "H" (III, IV); Captain, Football (IV). Founders' Club. Cornell University, S. A. T. C. Class President, (III). b. Pocono Pines, Pa., August 3, 1900. s. Henry Hudson San- gree and Helen Hoke. Address, 4031 Baltimore Avenue, Phila- delphia, Pa. Sidel, James Eckel, A.B. Entered 1918. b. Reading, Pa., July 18, 1900. s. Harry D. Sidel and M. Flor- ence Eckel. Address, 114 South Sixth Street, Reading, Pa. Silver, William Easter, B.S. Entered 1918. Business Manager, Haverford News (IV). Service: Johns Hopkins S. A. T. C. b. Glenville, Md., July 7, 1900. s. William Silver and Edith Wister Stokes. Address, Aberdeen, Md. Snader, Craige McComb, A.B. Entered 1918. Manager, Musical Clubs (IV) ; President, Student Government (IV) ; Manager, Cricket Team (IV) ; Varsity Soccer "H" (IV) ; Class President (I, IV) ; Founders' Club (IV). Member, Merion Cricket Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 15, 19(X). s. Edward R. Snader and Martha J. McComb. Address, Haverford, Pa. Sutton, Richard Manlilfe, B.S. Entered September, 1919, from Colorado University. Cheer Leader (IV) ; Manager, Cricket (IV) ; Cap and Bells (III, IV) ; Class Vice-President (II) ; Corporation Scholar (III, IV). Service: S. A. T. C, Colorado University. b. Denver, Col., January 23, 1900. s. Isaac Sutton (1885) and Harriet Kennedy Chase. Address, 1547 Clarkson Street, Denver, Col. 1922-23, 111 N. University Avenue, Oxford, O. (Miami V.) 1922] MATRICULATE CATALOG 685 Taylor, Edward Allinson, B.S. Entered 1918. Manager, Soccer Team (IV). Member of Merion Cricket Club; Triangle Club. b. Haverford, Pa., April 24, 1900. s. Charles S. Taylor (1871) and Gertrude Allinson. Address, Buck Lane, Haverford, Pa. Thompson, Edward Jackson, B.S. Entered 1918. b. Philipsburg, Pa., June 2, 1901. s. Andrew C. Thompson and Bertha Denning. Address, Philipsburg, Pa. Walton, Kenneth Betts, B.S. Entered 1918. Football "H" (IV); Baseball "H" (II, III, IV); Captain, Baseball (IV) ; Basketball "H" (II). Member, Founders' Club; Cap and Bells Club ; Beta Rho Sigma. Track Team. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 8, 1901. s. John Gardener Walton and Clara R. Betts. Address, 315 Oriental Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. 1922-23 M. I. T., Cambridge, Mass. Wise, Malcolm Rose, B.S. Entered 1921 from University of Pennsylvania. War Service, Swarthmore, S. A. T. C. b. Clifton Heights, Pa., April 23, 1900. s. John Frank Wise and Gertrude Wise. Address, Clifton Heights, Pa. Wright, John Colvin, A.B. Entered 1918. Leader, Mandolin Club (III, IV). b. Bedford, Pa., November 20, 1901. s. J. Anson Wright and Anna Schell Colvin. Address, 116 East Penn Street, Bedford, Pa. Zerrer, Edwin Walter. Entered 1918. Tennis Team, (III, IV). b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 27, 1901. s. John T. Zerrer and Sophia Ritter. Address, 5428 Westford Road, Olney Park, Pa. Non-Graduates Atlee, Charles Biddle. Entered Sophomore year and left near close of the year, b. Riverton, N. J., July 27, 1898. s. Joshua Woolstin Atlee and Anna Biddle. Address, Riverton, N. J. 686 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1922 Brown, Andrew. Entered 1918 and left at close of the College year. Member, Delta Upsilon Fraternity. b. Kernville, Cal., May 26, 1901. s. Payson Summer Brown and Jessie Cartwright. Address 731 S. New Hampshire Avenue Los Angeles, Cal. Carey, Anthony Morris, Jr. Entered 1918; left at end of Sophomore year for Princeton University. Football "H" (II). Member of Beta Rho Sigma. S. A. T. C, Princeton. b. Baltimore, Md., July 8, 1900. s. Anthony Morris Carey (1881) and Margaret Cheston Thomas. Address, 1004 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Md. 1922-23 with Browne & Sharpe, Provi- dence, R. I. Chang, Samuel Hiok. Entered Class in Sophomore year and left at the close of the College year. b. Swatow, China, February 14, 1900. s. Ku Sun Chang and Hah Si Tok. Address, 841 West End Avenue, New York City, N. Y. Deacon, William Whitman. Entered 1921 from Wesleyan, Middletown, Conn, b. Fairfield, Pa., March 18, 1896. s. Rev. J. E. Deacon and Virginia Lee Whitman. Address, R. D. No. 2, West Chester, Pa. Hacker, Raymond Colby. (B.S., Oriental Univ.) Entered 1920 in Junior year and left at the end of the year to enter University of Pennsylvania Medical School. Graduate, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. War Training, Army Medical College. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 13, 1893. s. Samuel Edwin Hacker and Mary Alberta Beckner. Address, 1400 Lindley Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Haines, Howard Lippincott, Jr. Entered January, 1919, and left before end of the year. S. A. T. C, Swarthmore College. Member, Philadelphia Bourse, and Phi Delta Theta (Pennsylvania Kappa Chapter). b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 30, 1899. s. Howard Lippincott Haines and Anna De Freitas. Address, 1714 Green Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Jones, Edward Ballinger. Entered 1918 and left in January, 1919. Draftsman. Member of Haddon Country Club. 1922] MATRICULATE CATALOG 687 b. Haddonfield, N. J., October 6, 1898. s. Edward Healy Jones and Rebecca Moore Ballinger. Address, 36 West End Avenue, Haddonfield, N. J. Kay, David Alexander. Entered January, 1919, and left February, 1920, because of illness. b. West Chester, Pa., May 5, 1899. s. Robert G. Kay and Mary Cope Scott. Address, 516 North Church Street, West Chester, Pa. Kuhns, Barton Hay. Entered 1918 and left in middle of the year. Student at Harvard University. b. Omaha, Neb., June 6, 1901. s. Paul William Kuhns and Grace Virginia Detwiler. Address, Fifty-third Avenue and Far- num Street, Omaha, Neb. Lane, David Redfield. Entered 1918 and left at end of the College year. b. Port Chester, N. Y., October 16, 1899. s. WilHam T. Lane and Alice Amelia Loder. Address, South Road, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. McDaniel, Delaplaine. Entered 1918. Soccer "H" (II). b. Denver, Col., October 7, 1899. s. Samuel Delaplaine Mc- Daniel and Elizabeth Abbott Chase. Address, Wyncote, Pa. Marvin, Gerald Longacre. Entered 1918 and left at the end of the College year. b. Fort Spokane, Wash., May 9, 1897. s. Colonel Walter Mar- vin and Grace D. Wiggin. Address, 820 Corinthian Avenue, Phila- delphia, Pa. Miller, Karl Matz. Entered 1917. Left because of illness in 1922. Leader of Mandolin Club (III); Football "H" (III). Mem- ber of Triangle. Private, Ambulance Company No. Ill, 28th Division. Cap and Bells Club ; Triangle. b. Lancaster, Pa., March 14, 1900. s. Samuel William Miller and Adele Matz. Address, 217 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Miller, Vincent Oscar. Entered February, 1918. Left 1922. b. South Dennisville, N. J., February 26, 1902. s. Vincent Oscar Miller and Jane Rice. Address, Dennisville, N. J. 688 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1922 Milner, Alfred Walker. Entered 1921 from Wilmington College. b. Leesburg, Ohio, April 7, 1897. s. Fremont B. Milner and Ella Walker. Address, Leesburg, Ohio. Nakane, Shigeo. Entered 1918. b. Sendai, Japan, May 2.0, 1899. s. Shigeji Nakane and Cho Nakane. Address, 621 Nakashibuya, Tokyo, Japan; 232 Maine Street, Brunswick, Me. Oliver, Herbert Willard. Entered 1918 and left at end of the year. b. Lynn, Mass., June 11, 1901. s. William Theodore Oliver and Emma May Balbst. Address, 164 Allen Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Perry, Foster Nichols. Entered 1918 and left June, 1919. Student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, b. Westerly, R. L, January 11, 1902. s. Arthur L. Perry and Kate Sterns Nichols. Address, 62 Elm Street,. Westerly, R. L Sargent, Frederick Homer, Jr. Entered April, 1919, and left in June, 1919. Football Team, (II). b. Necedah, Wis., November 3, 1898. s. Frederic Homer Sar- gent and Alice Maud Wheeliham. Address, St. Augustine, Fla. Smith, William Brinton, Jr. Entered January, 1919, and left in March. b. West Chester, Pa., April 27, 1900. s. William Brinton Smith and Anna Talbot. Address, 119 East Gay Street, West Chester, Pa. Tatnall, Thomas, Jr. Entered in January, 1919, and left February, 1920. b. Wilmington, Del., June 2, 1900. s. Thomas Tatnall and Margaret Rumsey. Address, 902 Delaware Avenue, Wilmington, Del. Wirt, Prosper Daniel. Entered September, 1919, and left at the end of the College year, b. Lebanon, Pa., October 5, 1899. s. James E. Wirt and Dora M. Boyer. Address, 403 South Twelfth Street, Lebanon, Pa. Yeh, Kung Huei. Entered October, 1918, and left June, 1919. b. Kiangsee, China, February 9, 1897. s. Chung Lieu Yeh and Kau Lee Shein. Address, 7 Hsiao Yin Mem, Tientsin, China. 1923] MATRICULATE CATALOG 689 UNDERGRADUATES 1923 Adamson, Thomas. Entered Class Sophomore year and left in the Spring of 1921. b. Cedartown, Ga., November 23, 1900. s. Joseph Wright Adamson and Lena Stovall. Address, Hamilton Court, Philadel- phia, Pa. Allen, Kussel Green, Jr. Entered 1919. Track and Football Teams; Track "H" (II). Member of Triangle Society. b. Crawfordville, Ind., October 4, 1901. s. Russel Green Allen and Frances Watson. Address, Mountain Road, Cornwall-on- Hudson, N. Y. Bacon, William Warder, Jr. Entered 1919. Track "H," 2 years; Football "H," (II). b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., October 5, 1901. s. William Warder Bacon and Elizabeth Rowland Howell. Address, 162 Queen Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Borton, John Carter. Entered 1919. President, Y. M. C. A. Member of Beta Rho Sigma; Moores- town Field Club. b. Moorestown, N. J., January 12, 1901. s. C. Walter Borton and Sarah Carter. Address, 19 Prospect Avenue, Moorestown, N.J. Brown, Henry Tatnall, Jr. Entered 1919. Football "H," 3 years; Captain, (IV); Baseball "H." Mem- ber of Beta Rho Sigma; Cap and Bells. b. Germantown, Pa., April 7, 1900. s. Henry Tatnall Brown and Mary Scattergood. Address, 615 Chester Avenue, Moores- town, N. J. 44 690 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1923 Buck, Addison Steward. Entered 1919. b. New York City, November 10, 1900. s. Alfred Howard Buck and Mary Steward. Address, 82 Main Street, Hempstead, L. L, N. Y. Carpenter, Horace Walton. Entered Class in Sophomore year. b. Milford, Pa., August 24, 1900. s. Charles Blake Carpenter and Evelyn Burbank Smith. Address, Salisbury, Conn. Chapman, Joseph Zane Collings. Entered 1919 and left during the Sophomore year. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 12, 1902. s. Henry Chapman and Helen Collings. Address, 335 South Sixteenth Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Cope, Oliver. Entered 1919 and left at the close of the College year. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., August 15, 1902. s. Walter Cope and Eliza Middleton Kane. Address, 200 East Johnson Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Dennett, Carleton. Entered 1919. b. Boston, Mass., December 23, 1900. s. Hartley Dennett and Mary Ware. Address, 350 West Fifty-fifth Street, New York, N. Y. Farrar, Hal Gordon. Entered 1919. b. Springdale, Ark., November 6, 1900. s. William T. Farrar and Dora Belle Dailey. Address, 1434 Tremont Place, Denver, Col. Fay, Joseph Millard, Jr. Entered 1919 and left at the close of the College year, b. Altoona, Pa., September 8, 1899. s. Joseph M. Fay and Mollie A. Kirsch. Address, 808 Howard Avenue, Altoona, Pa. Fisher, Guilford Dudley. Entered 1919. Baseball "H" (II). Member of Triangle Society. b. Malvern, Pa., April 8, 1901. s. Thomas Wright Fisher and Ruth Smedley. Address, Malvern, Pa. 1923] MATRICULATE CATALOG 691 Flint, Frank Plumley. Entered 1919. b. Allegheny, Pittsburgh, Pa., January 13, 1903. s. Homer A. Flint and Theodora May Plumley. Address, 11 McDevitt Place, Pittsburgh, Pa. Flowers, Frank Shuster. Entered from Wesleyan University, 1921. b. Paulsboro, N. J., February 2, 1901. s. W. H. Flowers, Jr., and Josephine M. Clark. Address, Billingsport Road, Paulsboro, N.J. Fry, Gilbert Crawford. Entered 1919. b. Philadelphia, Pa., December 2, 1901. s. James Woods Fry and Mary Estelle Crawford. Address, 4612 Chester Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Gillespie, Samuel Crawford, Jr. Entered Sophomore year. b. Chicago, 111., December 13, 1900. s. Samuel Crawford Gil- lespie and Mary Rouser. Address, 141 Merriman Avenue, Ashe- ville, N. C. Grimes, George Randle. Entered 1919. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 6, 1901. s. William Wehrley Grimes and Sarah Fite. Address, 333 Vassar Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. Guthrie, Frank Warren. Entered 1919. b. Atchison, Kan., December 23, 1901. s. William Fowler Guthrie and Cornelia Quade. Address, 273 North Heights, Youngstown, Ohio. Hamilton, William Henry. Entered 1919. b. Omaha, Neb., August 27, 1901. s. James W. Hamilton and Adnee Van Gieson. Address, 4835 California Street, Omaha, Neb. Haviland, Edward Kenneth. Entered 1919. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 20, 1902. s. Edward Winfred Haviland and Martha V. McKeever; Address, Port Deposit, Md. 692 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1923 Heyer, Charles Dixon. Entered 1919. b. Mt. Holly, N. J., January 19, 1903. s. George W. Heyer and Kate I. Dixon. Address, Main and Ridgway Streets, Mt. Holly, N.J. Heyne, Irvin Coltun. Entered 1919. b. Alliance, N. J., September 3, 1900. s. Henry Heyne and Dora Coltum. Address, 5301 Larchwood Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Hfmes, Rees Slaymaker. Entered 1919. b. Shippensburg, Pa., August 4, 1900. s. George W. Himes and Anna M. Slaymaker. Address, 120 East King Street, Shippens- burg, Pa. Hinrichsen, Axel Fibiger. Entered 1919 ; left at the end of the College year, b. Copenhagen, Denmark, December 27, 1892. s. Axel Hinrich- sen and Louise C. Fibiger. Address, Glenolden, Pa. Hoag, Garrett Scattergood. Entered 1919. Soccer "H." b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 15, 1901. s. Clarence Gilbert Hoag (1893) and Anna Scattergood. Address, Haver ford. Pa. Holmes, Lee Grant. Entered 1919. Freshman Cup in Football. b. Roanoke, Va., July 11, 1900. s. George Holmes and Julia Thomas Harrison. Address, 517 West Mulberry Street, Balti- more, Md. Hubbard, Hillis Johnson. Entered 1919 and left in the middle of the year. b. Los Angeles, Cal., April 26, 1899. s. Homer S. Hubbard and Bertha Johnson. Address, 729 West Twenty-eighth Street. Los Angeles, Cal. Huffman, George Conrad. Entered 1919. b. Greene County, Pa., June 18, 1900. s. T. Riley Huffman and Bertha Orndoff. Address, 28 West Wayne Street, Waynesburg, Pa. 1923] MATRICULATE CATALOG 693 Hunsicker, William Cosgrove, Jr. Entered 1919. Soccer "H" (III) ; Captain (IV). b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 16, 1902. s. William C. Hunsicker, M. D., and Anna Cornelia Higbee. Address, 1625 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Hunt, George Wood. Entered 1919. Cap and Bells Club. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 4, 1903. s. George Wood Hunt and Genevra Holt. Address, 709 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Hutkin, Marcus Diamondstone. Entered 1919. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 25, 1902. s. Ephraim Hutkin and Lina Diamondstone. Address, 5826 Mascher Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Jones, Wilmot Rufus. Entered 1919. Football "H" ; Editor-in-Chief, Haverford News; Founders' Club. b. Stamford, Conn., May 5, 1902. s. Wilmot Rufus Jones (1882) and Mary Lee Bufkin. Address, Concord, Mass. Knowlton, Stephen Brooks. Entered 1919. b. Haverford, Pa., November 20, 1900. s. Stephen Brown Knowlton and Lilla Button Whitney. Address, Haverford, Pa. Lewis, Andrew Lindsay. Entered 1919. b. Broomall, Pa., April 7, 1901. s. John Frazier Taylor Lewis and Sabella Phebe Moore. Address, Broomall, Pa. Logan, Thomas Megowan. Entered 1919. United States Naval Service, 1917-19. Cricket "H." b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 20, 1898. s. Hugh H. Logan and Sarah E. Megowan. Address, 48 East Washington Lane, Ger- mantown. Pa. Lyon, John Lyttleton. Entered 1919 and left near the end of the year, b. Lincoln, Neb., February 4, 1901. s. Thomas Lyttleton Lyon and Bertha Clark. Address, 5 Reservoir Avenue, Ithaca, N. Y. 694 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1923 Martin, Loyal Decker. Entered Class Sophomore year. b. Butler, Pa., February 28, 1899. s. William Allen Martin and Caroline Nancy . Address, 529 West Penn Street, But- ler, Pa. Morris, Marriott Canby, Jr. Entered 1919. b. Pelham, Pa., December 29, 1900. s. Marriott Canby Morris (1885) and Jane G. Rhoads. Address, 131 West Walnut Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Morss, Franklin Crawford, Jr. Entered 1919. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 16, 1902. s. Franklin Crawford Morss and Katharine Brock Knight. Address, 6703 Cresheim Road, Mt. Airy, Pa. Mutch, Thomas Sangster. Entered 1919 and left at end of the College year. b. Galashields, Scotland, August 11, 1900. s. Andrew Mutch and Petras Dow Young. Address, Montgomery Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Nesbit, Robert, Jr. Entered 1919. b. Baltimore, Md., April 21, 1901. s. Robert Nesbit and Sarah Hamor. Address, 1128 Heberton Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Nieh, Kwonkwing. Entered Class Sophomore year. b. Shanghai, China, April 30, 1901. s. Chicheh Nieh and Ming Chun Siao. Address, 22 Wayside Road, Shanghai, China. Osier, Howard Benjamin. Entered 1919 and left at close of the College year. b. Pensauken, N. J., January 18, 1901. s. Benjamin Franklin Osier and Alice Ann Tyler. Address, 49 South Union Avenue, Pensauken, N. J. Parke, Thomas. Entered 1919. b. Downingtown, Pa., July 6, 1901. s. Dr. Thomas E. Parke and Mary A. Bacon. Address, Downingtown, Pa. 1923] MATRICULATE CATALOG 695 Pruitt, Dudley McConnell. Entered 1919. b. Hwanghsien, China, August 27, 1902. s. Cicero Washington Pruitt and Anna Ashley Seward. Address, Hwanghsien, Shan- tung, China. Rutt, Norman Eby. Entered 1919. b. Milton, Pa., March 16, 1900. s. Aaron Reist Rutt and Caro- line King Bell. Address, 914 Old Lancaster Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Sadtler, George Lewis. Entered Class Sophomore year. b. Baltimore. Md., April 26, 1903. s. Howard Plitt Sadtler and Mary Louise Field. Address, 1026 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Md. Sayre, Austin Bartholomew. Entered 1919 and left in the middle of the year. b. Glen Ridge, N. J., November 14, 1901. s. William Heysham Sayre and Elizabeth Bartholomew. Address, 181 Ridgewood Ave- nue, Glen Ridge, N. J. Schultz, Robert. Entered from Carnegie Institute Technology, Pittsburgh, 1921. b. Richmond Hill. N. Y., December 19, 1895. s. Max Schultz and Hannah Schultz. Address, Hawley, Pa. Scott, Kenneth Schurch. Entered 1919. b. Oakbourne, Pa., February 28, 1902. s. James Clifford Scott and Annabel E. Schurch. Address, Oakbourne, Pa. Shoemaker, Benjamin Hallowell, 3d. Entered 1919. b. Germantown. Pa., August 27, 1901. s. Benjamin Hallowell Shoemaker, 2d (1894), and Edith Dawson Hacker. Address, 523 Church Lane, Germantown. Philadelphia, Pa. Stevenson, John Bryant. Entered 1919. b. Pittsburgh, Pa., March 15, 1903. s. William McCurdy Steven- son and Sarah Bryant. Address, 1530 Denniston Avenue, Pitts- burgh, Pa. 696 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1923 Strawbridge, Gordon Weld. Entered 1919. Football "H" ; Manager, Basketball, 1922-23. Member of Beta Rho Sigma. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., November 4, 1900. s. Fred- erick Heap Strawbridge (1887) and Bertha Gordon Walter. Ad- dress, "Torworth," 601 School Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Strayer, Charlton Bevan. Entered 1919. Track "H" (II) ; Business Manager of The Haverfordian (IV). b. Mechanicsburg, Ohio, January 25, 1902. s. Charlton Bates Strayer and Gertrude May Veasey. Address, 101 East Tremont Avenue, Bronx, New York, N. Y. Taylor, Morris Peck. Entered Sophomore year. b. San Francisco, Cal., January 20, 1902. s. Alonzo Englebert Taylor and Madeline Peck. Address, care of Professor A. E. Taylor, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Test, Alfred Longstaff. Entered 1919. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 11, 1898. s. Daniel D. Test and Mary Brantigham. Address, 393 South Eighth Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Tiffany, John Neil. Entered Class Sophomore year. b. Lowell, Mass., . s. . Address, 203 Church Street, Lowell, Mass. Wagenseller, Wayne MacVeagh. Entered 1919. b. Nescopeck, Pa., January 18, 1901. s. George Wagenseller and Mary Elizabeth McClow. Address, Third and Center Streets, Bloomsburg, Pa. Wain, Robert Lee. Entered from Park College, Mo., 1921. b. Grampian, Pa., August 4, 1902. s. Thomas L. Wain and Lillian A. Quest. Address, Grampian, Pa. Walton, William Wyclif. Entered 1919. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 4, 1902. s. John G. Walton and Clara R. G. Betts. Address, 101 Dudley Avenue, Narberth, Pa. 1924] MATRICULATE CATALOG 697 Warner, Charles, Jr. Entered 1919. b. Wilmington, Del., May 2, 1902. s. Charles Warner and Ethel Eden Bach. Address, 2311 West Eleventh Street, Wilmington, Del. Warriner, Farnham. Entered 1920. Tennis Team. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 2, 1900. s. Samuel Dexter Warriner and Stella M. Farnham. Address, Northeast Corner Eighteenth and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. White, Nelson Arold. Entered 1919. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 14, 1901. s. Harry G. White and Fannie Arold. Address, Drexel Hill, Pa. Wilbur, Harry Lawrence. Entered 1919. b. Sitka, Alaska, January 11, 1901. s. Bertrand K. Wilbur and Anna Dean. Address, Haverford, Pa. Williamson, Alexander Jardine. Entered 1919. b. West Chester, Pa., January 5, 1903. s. Charles R. William- son and Elizabeth F. McKissick. Address, 414 South Walnut Street, West Chester, Pa. 1924 Bader, Charles Frederick, Jr. Entered 1920. b. Phoenixville, Pa., May 24, 1902. s. Frank Elwood Bader and Mary Alice Detwiler. Address, 163 Main Street, Phoenix- ville, Pa. Bainbridge, Henry Clay. Entered 1920. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 7, 1903. s. Frederick Fletcher Bainbridge and Savilla E. Clay. Address, Beesley's Point, N. J. Barry, Robert, 2nd. Entered 1920. b. Bordentown, N. J., July 14, 1903. s. John Blair Barry and Maude Heanor Guise. Address, 205 North Thirty-sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 698 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1924 Beideman, Casper Melvin. Entered 1920. b. Merchantville, N. J., October 12, 1901. s. Benjamin Melvin Beideman and Mae Wilson. Address, 24 Fithian Avenue, Mer- chantville, N. J. Blair, John Fries. Entered 1920. Cap and Bells Club. b. Salem, N. C, September 28, 1903. s. William Allen Blair (1881) and Mary Eleanor Fries. Address, 210 South Cherry- Street, Winston-Salem, N. C. Brinton, Courtland Beadle. Entered 1920. b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., August 8, 1897. s. Howard Courtland Brinton and Selena Florence Beadle. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Brinton, Hugh Penn, Jr. Entered 1921 from St. Steven's College. b. West Chester, Pa., December 10, 1901. s. Hugh Penn Brin- ton and Charlotte West Bishop. Address, West Chester, Pa. Busselle, Samuel Marshall. Entered 1920. b. New York City, June 10, 1903. s. S. Marshall Busselle and Agnes H. Busselle. Address, 43 De Lisle Avenue, Toronto, Canada. Campbell, James John, Jr. Entered 1920. b. Pittsburg, Pa., October 3, 1903. s. James John Campbell and N. B. Banersmith. Address, 4747 Bayard Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Carpenter, Charles Blake, Jr. Entered 1920. b. Milford, Pa.. August 20, 1921. s. Charles Blake Carpenter and Evelyn Burbank Smith. Address, Salisbury, Conn. Carpenter, Dean. Entered 1920. b. Port Chester, N. Y., August 4, 1902. s. Harry Stockwell Carpenter and Mary Newton Dean. Address, 394 Irving Avenue, Port Chester, N. Y. Carson, John Stanton. Entered 1921 from University of Pennsylvania, b. Pittsburgh, Pa., January 8, 1902. s. John B. Carson and Mathilda Madeleine Shubert. Address, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1924] MATRICULATE CATALOG 699 Cauffiel, Meade. Entered Junior Class September, 1922, from Ursinus College. b. Johnstown, Pa., Aug. 7, 1903. s. Joseph and Brinton Cauffiel. Address, 412 Coleman Avenue, Johnstown, Pa, Cocks, Rowland C. Entered 1921. b. Cornwall, N. Y., August 19, 1898. s. Gilbert Torry Cocks and Mary Addis. Address, Cornwall, N. Y. Cole, Webster Jennings, 2d. Entered 1920. b. Elmira, N. Y., September 5, 1901. s. Edward Helmar Cole and Clara Weaver. Address, 369 West First Street, Elmira, N. Y. Comfort, Howard. Entered 1920. b. Haverford, Pa., June 4, 1904. s. William Wistar Comfort (Class 1894; President of College, 1917 to date) and Mary Law- ton Pales. Address, Haverford, Pa. Costenbader, Walter Grosh. Entered 1920. b. Slatington, Pa., September 6, 1903. s. Benjamin Costenbader and Lillie May Kuntz. Address, 446 Main Street, Slatington, Pa. Edgerton, David Russell. Entered 1920. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 19, 1902. s. Charles Edgerton and Ida R. Bonner. Address, Haverford, Pa. Ekholm, Wendell Bowman. Entered 1920. b. Washington, D. C, January 29, 1904. s. A. Conrad Ekholm and Anna Bowman. Address, Wendell Apartments, Atlantic City, N.J. Ellis, Thomas Southard. Entered 1920. b. Swarthmore, Pa., September 19, 1902. s. Alfred S. Ellis and Lillie Ulery. Address, 5511 Morris Street, Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. Fetzer, John Clark. Entered 1920. b. Chicago, 111., May 20, 1902. s. Wade Fetzer and Margaret Spilman. Address, Hinsdale, 111. 700 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1924 Fetzer, Wade Melville. Entered 1920. b. Hinsdale, 111., December 3, 1904. s. Wade Fetzer and Mar- garet Spilman. Address, Hinsdale, 111. Fisher, John Monroe, Jr. Entered 1920. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 20, 1903. s. John Monroe Fisher and Caroline Robb. Address, 222 South Fifteenth Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Fite, George Liddle. Entered 1921 from Princeton University. b. Austin, Texas, February 20, 1904. s. Warner Fite and Esther Wallace Sturges. Address, Princeton, N. J. Foulke, Edward. Entered 1921 from University of Pennsylvania, b. Ambler, Pa., February 21, 1903. s. Joseph T. Foulke and Laura Lippincott. Address, Ambler, Pa. Frazier, Charles Harrison, Jr. Entered 1920. b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 16, 1904. s. Charles Harrison Frazier and Mary S. Gardiner. Address, 1724 Spruce Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Greenwell, Harold Doman. Entered 1920. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 26, 1903. s. John Greenwell and Mamie Doman. Address, 4517 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Grigg, Percy Chandler. Entered 1921 from Colgate University. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 20, 1901. s. Harold S. Grigg and Henrietta Nash. Address, Haddonfield, N. J. Hand, William Henry. Entered 1920. b. Nyack, N. Y., September 21, 1900. s. Walter S. Hand and Adelma Storms. Address, 122 South Franklyn Street, Nyack, N. Y. Haring, Forrest Chapman. Entered 1920. Cap and Bells Club. b. Detroit, Mich., September 30, 1902. s. Alexander Haring and Ethel Chapman. Address, 2489 Sedgwick Avenue, New York, N. Y. 1924] MATRICULATE CATALOG 701 Harnwell, Gayiord Probasco. Entered 1920. b. Evanston, III, September 29, 1903. s. Frederick W. Harn- well and Anna Jane Willcox. Address, 615 University Place, Evanston, 111. Hastings, Stanley Bond. Entered 1920. b. Springfield, Mass., December 7, 1901. s. William W. Has- tings (1896) and Elizabeth Fairbank. Address, Prescott, Mass. Haviland, Paul Robbins. \ Entered 1920. b. Lansdowne, Pa., March 12, 1903. s. Walter W. Haviland (1893) and Olive Robbins. Address, The Knoll, Lansdov^ne, Pa. Headly, John Frederick. Entered 1920. b. West Grove, Pa., September 22, 1903. s. James D. Headly and Margaret Lynch. Address, West Grove, Pa. Heilman, Wesley Marvin. Entered 1920. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 5, 1904. s. Eugene A. Heilman and Martha J. Blair. Address, 876 Wynnewood Road, Philadelphia, Pa. Herrick, Colin James. Entered 1920. b. Swarthmore. Pa., June 15, 1903. s. Cheesman A. Herrick and Clara Belle James. Address, Girard College, Pa. Hogenauer, Howard Jessup. Entered 1920. b. New York City, N. Y., November 21, 1902. s. George Francis Hogenauer and Alice B. Lange. Address, 2640 Morris Avenue, Bronx, New York, N. Y. Howgate, George Washburne. Entered 1920. b. Camden, N. J., February 28, 1903. s. George Henry How- gate and Grace Washburne. Address, 414 Carteret Street, Cam- den, N. J. Howland, John Gibbs. Entered 1919; left in the middle of the year and returned in 1920. Football Team for 2 years, and "H," 2 years. 702 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1924 b. New Bedford, Mass., April 5, 1901. s. John S. Rowland and Agnes Ellis. Address, 70 Borden Street, New Bedford, Mass. Jefferis, Warren Harper. Entered 1920. b. Philadelphia, Pa., May 30, 1901. s. Elwood C. Jefferis and Lillie Harper. Address, 100 East Walnut Avenue, Merchantville, N. J. Keller, Edwin Walker. Entered 1921 from Lehigh University. b. Allentown, Pa., July 28, 1902. s. Arthur Edwin Keller and Helen May Walker. Address, 27 South Sixteenth Street, Allen- town, Pa. Lee, Robert Harris. Entered 1920. b. Atlantic City, N. J., March 30, 1904. s. Edward S. Lee and Mary O. Harris. Address, 133 South Kingston Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. Leeds, Robert West. Entered 1919. Soccer "H" (H, HI). b. Atlantic City, N. J., October 21, 1899. s. Henry W. Leeds and Lydia M. Roberts. Address, 162 South Pennsylvania Avenue Atlantic City, N. J. Levering, GriflSth George. Entered 1920. b. Marysville, Tenn., March 30, 1904. s. Ralph G. Levering and Clara Osborne. Address, The Hollow, Va. Longstreth, Richard. Entered 1920. Baseball Team. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 25, 1903. s. Benjamin T. Longstreth and Sara Gibson Haldeman. Address, Haverford Inn, Haver- ford, Pa. Margolis, Abram. Entered 1920. b. West Chester, Pa., March 17, 1902. s. Morris MargoHs and Esther . Address, 129 Main Street, Coatesville, Pa. Mead, Morris William, Jr. Entered 1921 from University of Michigan, b. Pittsburgh, Pa., October 18, 1900. s. Morris William Mead and Johanna E. Mead. Address, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1924] MATRICULATE CATALOG 703 Morris, Leo Nelson. Entered 1921 from Riversich Junior College, b. Los Angeles, Cal., April 5, 1899. s. John L. Morris and Irene Cook. Address, La Habra, Cal. Muller, Frank Fenton. Entered 1920. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 20, 1903. s. Frank Muller and Ada Fenton. Address, 4196 Chestnut Lane, Wayne, Pa. Mullin, Arthur. Entered 1920. b. West Chester, Pa., January 20, 1903. s. James H. Mullin and Mary Mendenhall. Address, Pinecrest, West Chester, Pa. Nash, Charles Edgar. Entered 1920. b. Wyncote, Pa., September 16, 1902. s. Edgar Smiley Nash and Florence de Lacy Beck. Address, Wyncote, Pa. Neilson, Thomas Rundle, Jr. Entered Spring, 1921. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 31, 1901. s. Thomas Rundle Neil- son and Louise Fotterall Neilson. Address, 1937 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Nieh, Kwangchi Christopher, Entered 1920. b. Changsa, China, February 13, 1902. s. Chi-Chong Nieh and Tsoa Pung. Address, 22 Wayside Road, Shanghai, China. Patterson, Edward Bell. Entered 1920. b. Pensauken, N. J., August 11, 1902. s. James E. Patterson and Mary M. Bell. Address, 42 West Walnut Avenue, Merchant- ville, N. J. Payne, Harold Carnaby. Entered January, 1921. b. Omaha, Neb., September 7, 1901. s. Henry Bascom Payne and Sara Carnaby. Address, Omaha, Neb. Reich, John Frederick. Entered 1920. b. London, England, June 1, 1902. s. Max L Reich and Esther M. Lorenson. Address, Morrisville, Pa. 704 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1924 Rhoads, Philip Garrett. Entered 1920. b. Moorestown, N. J., April 20, 1902. s. William E. Rhoads and Ruth Evans. Address, Moorestown, N. J. Rittenhouse, John Olmstead. Entered 1920. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., October 11, 1901. s. John O. Rittenhouse and Anna Fitch Burch. Address, 392 Jefferson Avenue, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Robertson, James Theodore. Entered 1920. b. Pittsburgh, Pa., April 4, 1904. s. John L. Robertson and Hallie E. Knox. Address, 1450 Columbus Avenue, N. S., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Roedel, George Joyce. Entered 1920. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 18, 1902. s. John Roedel and Anne Seiff. Address, 613 Buck Street, Millville, N. J. Rosskam, Edwin Bernard. Entered 1920. b. Munich, Germany, March 15, 1903. s. Leon Rosskam and Emma — — . Address, Hotel Majestic, Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler, George Lewis. Entered February, 1921, from Johns Hopkins University. b. Baltimore, Md., April 26, 1903. s. Howard Plitt Sadtler and Mary Louise Field. Address, 1026 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Md. Sadtler, Leander Riddle. Entered September, 1921, from Johns Hopkins University. b. Baltimore, Md., April 26, 1903. s. Howard Plitt Sadtler and Mary Louise Field. Address, 1026 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Md. Savage, Albert Edward. Entered 1920. b. London, England, September 4, 1902. s. Edward E. Savage and Florence Louise. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Smith, James Bennett, Jr. Entered 1920. b. Eureka, N. Y., April 10, 1898. s. James B. Smith and Angelia E. Reynolds. Address, Eureka, Sullivan County, N. Y. 1924] MATRICULATE CATALOG 705 Sprankle, Joseph Fleming, Jr. Entered 1920. b. Du Bois, Pa., March 24, 1904. s. Joseph F. Sprankle and Helen V. Wood. Address, Du Bois, Fa. Taylor, Lawrence Newbold. Entered 1920. b. Haverford, Pa., April 26, 1903. s. Charles S. Taylor (1871) and Gertrude Allinson. Address, Haverford, Pa. Tingley, Charles Love Scott, Jr. Entered 1920. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 26, 1901. s. Charles L. S. Tingley and Anna B. Taylor. Address, St. Davids, Pa. Turner, Gordon Mackenzie. Entered 1921 from Stevens Institute Technology. b. Worcester, Mass., May 5, 1899. s. Daniel C. Turner and Katherine S. Turner. Address, 351 West 114th Street, Worcester, Mass. Van Tine, Edward Postlethwaite. Entered 1920. b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 9, 1903. s. John Lewis Van Tine and Jessie Blanche Postlethwaite. Address, 1706 Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Van Zandt, Howard. Entered 1920. Baseball Team. b. Fort Worth, Texas, July 29, 1901. s. Claude Van Zandt and Martha Binyon. Address, Fort Worth, Texas. Walker, Elwood Thomas. Entered 1920. b. Norristown, Pa., October 2, 1902. s. Ivins C. Walker and Mary R. Thomas. Address, Norristown, Pa. Wallenstein, Nathaniel. Entered 1921 from Columbia College. b. New York City, N. Y., October 15, 1903. s. Saul Wallen- stein and Rose Wallenstein. Address, 118 West 112th Street, New York City, N. Y. West, William Nelson, 3rd. Entered 1920. b. Wynnewood, Pa., July 1, 1903. s. William Nelson L. West (1892) and Anna Ervina West. Address, Wynnewood, Pa. 45 706 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1925 Wilbur, Donald Elliott. Entered 1920. b. Ardmore, Pa., November 2, 1902. s. Bertrand K. Wilbur and Anna Dean. Address, Haverford, Pa. Wilson, Gerald. Entered 1919. b. New York City, N. Y., August 5, 1902. s. Garret H. Wilson and Florence Kemble. Address, 25 Overlook Street, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Wood, Horatio C, 3rd. Entered 1920. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 7, 1904. s. Horatio C. Wood, Jr., and Alice Leas Lovell. Address, 319 South Forty-first Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1925 Acton, Conrad Berens. Entered 1921. b. Salem, N. J., September 6, 1902. s. Jonathan Woodnut Acton and Frances . Address, 32 Oak Street, Salem, N. J. Arnold, Jerrold Clement. Entered 1921. b. Berkeley, Cal., May 4, 1901. s. J. Clement Arnold and Anna Cook. Address, Whittier, Cal. Balis, Otis Wanton. Entered February, 1922, from Lehigh University. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., August 26, 1901. s. Clarence Wanton Balis and Margaret Otis. Address, 137 East Johnson Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Ball, Eric Glendinning. Entered 1921. b. Coventry, England, July 12, 1904. s. Charles Sturges Ball and Nellie Glendinning. Address, 1512 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md. Barton, Francis Carroll, Jr. Entered 1921. b. Chicago, III, September 17, 1903. s. Francis Carroll Barton and Clara Margaret . Address, 114 Park Road, Llanerch, Pa. Bates, Robert Charles, Jr. Entered 1921. b. Elmira, N. Y., August 3, 1903. s. Robert Charles Bates and Maybelle Dean. Address, Port Deposit, Md. 1925] MATRICULATE CATALOG 707 Bayer, William Livingston. Entered 1921. b. New York City, N. Y., August 31, 1902. s. John Henry' Bayer and Sophia Mcintosh. Address, 540 East 178th Street, New York City, N. Y. Bentley, Wray Davison. Entered 1921. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., February 17, 1901. s. Wray Annin Bentley and Mabel Davison. Address, 12 High Street, Glen Ridge, N. J. Billo, Geoffroy. Entered 1921. b. New York City, N. Y., August 21, 1904. s. Joseph Paul Billo and Emma Juliana . Address, 2422 University Avenue, New York City, N. Y. Blair, Henry Mitchell, Jr. Entered 1921. b. Richmond, Va., July 9, 1904. s. Henry Mitchell Blair and Winifred Isabel Whipple. Address, 111 West Washington, Chi- cago, 111. Burns, Roger Shupert. Entered 1921. b. Haverford, Pa., October 17, 1902. s. Roger T. Burns and Florence Shupert. Address, 35 Wyoming Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. Chadwick, Leigh Edward. Entered 1921. b. Washington, D. C, August 9, 1904. s. DeWitt C. Chadwick and Charlotte Alice Pechel. Address, 2026 O Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Douglas, Lyman Calkins. Entered 1921. b. Westfield, N. J., September 3, 1902. s. John B. B. Douglas and Marion Calkins. Address, 404 Lawrence Avenue, Westfield, N. J. Eiseman, Douglass Walter. Entered 1921. b. Ozone Park, N. Y., October 11, 1904. s. John S. Eiseman and Lucy Baker. Address, 513 West Clapier Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. 708 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1925 Eiseman, John Alfred. Entered 1921. b. Ozone Park, N. Y., March 19, 1903. s. John S. Eiseman and Lucy Baker. Address, 513 West Clapier Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Eshleman, Martin Sheafifer. Entered 1921. b. Ephrata, Pa., September 13, 1902. s. John W. Eshleman and Cora Sheaffer. Address, Denver, Pa. Fortescue, Frank Archambault. Entered 1921. b. Jenkintown, Pa., November 18, 1902. s. Horace Fortescue and Irene Archambault. Address, 509 Gorgas Lane, Mt. Airy, Pa. Garrett, Phillip Cresson. Entered 1921. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., October 16, 1903. s. Alfred Cope Garrett and Eleanor Evans. Address, 5301 York Road, Logan, Philadelphia, Pa. Garrett, Thomas Cresson. Entered 1921. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., October 16, 1903. s. Alfred Cope Garrett and Eleanor Evans. Address, 5301 York Road, Logan, Philadelphia, Pa. Gordy, Edward Lee. Entered 1921. b. Danville, Pa., February 27, 1904. s. Urie Lee Gordy and Helen Louise Weaver. Address, 527 Philadelphia Avenue, Cham- bersburg, Pa. Gross, Gerald Connop. Entered 1921. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., December 27, 1903. s. Jerome Gross and Laura Edwards Gross. Address, 85 West Post Road, White Plains, N. Y. Haines, Charles William. Entered 1921. b. Masonville, N. J., March 30, 1901. s. Albert Haines and Ehzabeth Roberts. Address, Masonville, N. J. 1925] MATRICULATE CATALOG 709 Harvey, John Sykes Curtis, Jr. Entered 1921. b. Overbrook, Philadelphia, Pa., August 14, 1904. s. John Sykes Curtis Harvey and Emily Bishop. Address, Radnor, Pa. Heilman, Horace Richard. Entered 1921. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 26, 1905. s. Eugene Augustus Heilman and Martha Blair. Address, 876 Wynnewood Road, Philadelphia, Pa. Hinrichs, William Ernest. Entered 1921. b. Glen Ridge, N. J., March 18, 1904. s. Alfred Edward Hin- richs and Elisabeth Bushnell Atkinson. Address, Glen Ridge, N. J. HoIIingshead, Irving. Entered 1921. b. Moorestown, N. J., February 29, 1904. s. Elwood HoIIings- head and Lydia Rogers. Address, Moorestown, N. J. House, Henry Fleming. Entered 1921. b. Knoxville, Tenn., September 10, 1904. s. Samuel Crawford House and Mary Smith. Address, 1623 Melrose Place, Knox- ville, Tenn. Hulme, Alfred Parsons. Entered 1921. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 19, 1903. s. Frederic George Hulme and Gertrude Parsons. Address, 5900 Wayne Avenue, German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. Johnson, Charles Harmony, Jr. Entered 1921. b. New Castle, Pa., March 15, 1904. s. Charles Harmony John- son and Clarinda Grace Phillips. Address, 221 Moody Avenue, New Castle, Pa. Johnson, Phillips. Entered 1921. b. New Castle, Pa., April 25, 1905. s. Charles Harmony John- son and Clarinda Grace Phillips. Address, 221 Moody Avenue, New Castle, Pa. 710 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1925 Johnston, Walter Ames. Entered 1921. b. Ridgway, Pa., February 28, 1902. s. Carl G. Johnston and Edith Ames. Address, 5905 Thompson Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Kumm, Karl Grattan G. Entered 1921. b. Cliff House, Derbyshire, England, May 27, 1902. s. H. Karl William Kumm and Lucy E. Guiness. Address, 25 Pine Grove Avenue, Summit, N. J. Laug, Edvk^in Peuckert. Entered 1921. b. Philadelphia, Pa., October 4, 1902. s. Melchior Laug and Olga Peuckert. Address, 701 Beechwood Avenue, Collingdale, Pa. Lord, Durrell Learock. Entered 1921. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., June 28, 1902. s. Durrell Lord and G. Augusta Learock. Address, Valhalla, N. Y. Margolis, M. Julius. Entered 1921. b. Coatesville, Pa., October 23, 1904. s. Morris Margolis and Esther Weinrach. Address, Coatesville, Pa. Mathis, Norman S. Entered 1921. b. Atlantic City, N. J., August 20, 1902. s. Hiram Mathis and Dora Scull. Address, 120 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. Meeks, Harold Edwin. Entered 1922. b. Meriden, Conn., March 15, 1901. s. Harold Albert Meeks and Sarah Florence Austin. Address, Meriden, Conn. Montgomery, Hugh. Entered 1921. Track "H" (I). b. Austin, Texas, April 17, 1904. s. Thomas Harrison Mont- gomery, Jr., and Priscilla Braislin. Address, Woods Hole, Mass, Oliver, Robert Hugh Henderson. Entered 1921. b. Syria, March 22, 1903. s. Daniel Oliver and Emily Wright. Address, 440 East Walnut Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. 1925] MATRICULATE CATALOG 711 Peck, Horace Sill, Jr. Entered 1921. b. Providence, R. I., April 12, 1903. s. Horace Sill Peck and Gertrude Mary Tuller. Address, Tenafly, N. J. Pennock, Edward Garrett. Entered 1921. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 2, 1902, s. Edward Pennock and Sara Louise Steltzer. Address, 243 Harvey Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Pittman, Chalmers Van Anglen. Entered February, 1922. b. Trenton, N. J., July 25, 1904. s. Raymond Hill Pittman and Evanna Catherine Van Anglen. Address, 5214 Grant Street, Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Prokosch, Frederick. Entered 1921. b. Madison, Wis., May 17, 1906. s. Edward Prokosch and Matilda Dapprich. Address, 221 Roberts Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Reinhardt, David Jones, Jr. Entered 1921. b. Wilmington, Del., January 31, 1903. s. David Jones Rein- hardt and Margaret Hewes. Address, 1107 Franklin Street, Wil- mington, Del. Rhoads, Owen Brooke. Entered February, 1922. b. Lansdowne, Pa., December 11, 1902. s. Warren Lawrence Rhoads and Anna Mary Moore. Address, 11 East Baltimore Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa. Rice, Willard Martin, IV. Entered 1921. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., August 6, 1902. s. Willard Martin Rice and Adelaide Morse. Address, 647 West Phil-EUena Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Rogers, William Davis. Entered 1921. Track "H" (I). b. Medford, N. J., November 15, 1900. s. Edward Rogers and Anna Lewis Gillingham. Address, Medford, N. J. 712 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1925 Sanders, James Montgomery. Entered 1921. b. Baltimore, Md., Mar. 16, 1904. s. Thomas George Sanders and Carolyn Montgomery. Address, 706 Reservoir Street, Balti- more, Md. Sassaman, Walter Richard. Entered 1921. b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 11, 1903. s. Charles Happy Sassaman and Maggie May Wartman. Address, 301 East Oakdale Avenue, Glenside, Pa. Schulze, John Lewis, Jr. Entered 1921. b. Philadelphia, Pa., June 3, 1903. s. John Lewis Schulze and Clara Quaid. Address, 104 Benedict Avenue, Upper Darby P. O., Philadelphia, Pa. Sellers, Charles Coleman. Entered 1921. b. Overbrook, Pa., March 16, 1903. s. Horace Wells Sellers and Cora Wells. Address, 210 Glenn Road, Ardmore, Pa. Silver, John Archer. Entered 1921. b. DarHngton, Md., April 16, 1903. s. William Silver and Edith Wistar Stokes. Address, Aberdeen, Md. Smith, Rutledge Fell. Entered 1921. b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 26, 1903. s. J. R. Smith and Marion D. Fell. Address, 319 North Sixteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Starbuck, John Clinton. Entered 1921. b. North Easton, Mass., February 18, 1903. s. Joseph Clinton Starbuck and Louisa Warner Parker. Address, Media, Pa. Stifler, Francis McIIhenny. Entered 1921. b. Roselle, N. J., March 11, 1903. s. James Madison Stifler and Lucy H. Burnley. Address, 628 Lincoln Street, Evanston, 111. Stokes, Walter Percival, Jr. Entered 1921. b. Moorestown, N. J., August 15, 1902. s. Walter Percival Stokes and Anna Taylor. Address, Moorestown, N. J. 1925] MATRICULATE CATALOG 713 Strong, Henry Hooker. Entered 1921. b. Dalton, Pa., September 4, 1901. s. George Hooker Strong and Nettie Fern Mertz. Address, 3 1 Pennsylvania Avenue, Coates- ville, Pa. Taney, Robert Brooke. Entered 1921. b. Media, Pa., November 18, 1903. s. John Charles Taney and Mabel Wood Reynolds. Address, Media, Pa. Taubel, Louis Edward. Entered 1921. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 10, 1903. s. Louis Edward Taubel and Elizabeth Virginia . Address, Wildwood, N. J. Taylor, Harold Benjamin. Entered 1921. b. Malvern, Pa., July 10, 1901. s. William S. Taylor and Phebe Passmore. Address, Malvern, Pa. Thomas, George, IV. Entered 1921. b. Wilmington, Del., October 4, 1904. s. George Thomas, 3d, and Ethel Hause. Address, Whitford, Pa. Thomas, Raymond Moore. Entered 1921. Track "H" (I). b. Wayne, Pa., February 8, 1903. s. Charles L. Thomas and Amy C. Thompson. Address, Wayne, R. D. No. 1, Pa. fTurner, Paul Flagler. Entered 1921. b. Philadelphia, Pa., January 29, 1903. d. Haverford, Pa., April 11, 1922. s. Albert Edward Turner and Dora Botsford. fVandever, Henry Shreve. Entered 1921. b. Wilmington, Del, March 23, 1901. d. Wilmington, Del., Sept. 17, 1922. s. Henry W .Vandever and Elizabeth R. Ackley. Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge. Entered 1921. b. Easton, Pa., January 1, 1905. s. Ethelbert Dudley Warfield and Nellie Frances Tilton. Address, Chambersburg, Pa. 714 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1925 Watson, James Rose. Entered 1921. b. Pittsburgh, Pa., December 12, 1903. s. Charles Masena Wat- son and Lulu Garrett. Address, 3270 Orleans Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Weisser, Charles O'Neil. Entered 1921. b. Pittsburgh, Pa., October 19, 1902. s. Charles J. Weisser and Mary E. O'Neil. Address, 5732 Walnut Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Willey, Stanley Edward. Entered 1921. b. Philadelphia, Pa., November 27, 1902. s. Isaac Tremont Willey and Sara Jane . Address, 5335 Locust Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Willson, Hugh Latimer. Entered 1921. b. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., August 5, 1905. s. Thomas Harris Willson and Amelia Heyer. Address, Haddonfield, N. J. Wright, Austin, Jr. Entered 1921. b. Bedford, Pa., May 20, 1904. s. Jacob Anson Wright and Anna Colvin. Address, Bedford, Pa. Yerkes, Harman Alfred. Entered 1921. b. Ambler, Pa., October 20, 1902. s. Frank Edgar Yerkes and Sue May Carpenter. Address, 140 North Fifteenth Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. 1885] MATRICULATE CATALOG 715 GRADUATE STUDENTS 1885 Morgan, William Earl. (A.B. and A.M., Penn College, Oskaloosa, la.) Entered as Graduate Student, 1883. Assistant in Astronomical Observatory, 1883-85 ; Instructor in Mechanical Drawing, 1884-85. Graduate Student for 1 year at Ohio State University. Teacher in High Schools and Academies for 20 years prior to 1919. Real Estate and Insurance, 1919, at Hutchinson, Kan. Since September, 1919, Teacher, General Sci- ence, Sherman Junior High School, Hutchinson, Kan. b. Richmond, Ind., September 29, 1859. s. William Butler Mor- gan (Class of 1853) and Sarah Henley, m. Lowell, Kan., Sep- tember 2, 1891, Hattie A. Sharp, c. Katie, 1893. Address, Box 53, Hutchinson, Kan. Conable, Morris R. B.C.E. Entered from Philadelphia as Special Graduate Student in As- tronomy, 1884-85. b. . s. and . No address. 1886 Lucas, Clinton W. Entered 1885 from Philadelphia, as Special Graduate Student in Astronomy. b. . s. and . No address. 1890 fEaton, William Bradford, A.M., 1890. (Ph.B., Wesleyan Univ., 1889. M.D.) Entered 1889 as Graduate Student in Biology. In Charge of Laboratory at Bryn Mawr Hospital, b. . d. March 17, 1908. s. and . 716 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1890 tMichener, Charles Leroy, A.M., 1890. (A.B., Penn College, 1884; A.M., 1887.) Entered as Graduate Student in Greek, 1889. Teacher. Professor of Greek, Penn College, 1891-1904. Sec- retary of College Department of Iowa State Teachers' Association. Member, American Philological Association. b. New Sharon, Iowa, May 28, 1861. d. February 23, 1904. s. David Osborn Michener and Emmeline Benedict. Pritchard, Charles Edgar, A.M., 1890. (A.B., Earlham College, 1889.) Entered from Georgetown, 111., as Graduate Student in Mathe- matics, 1889. "Earlham Fellow." Real Estate Dealer. Sub-Division Man. b. Waveland, Iowa, August 10, 1866. s. Enoch T. Pritchard and Elizabeth P. Reyman. m. Georgetown, 111., July 24, 1892, Grace D. Cloyd. Address, Georgetown, Illinois. Rogers, Robert William, (A.B., Johns Hopkins, 1887; Ph.D., Leipzig, 1895; D.D., Wesleyan (Conn.), 1894; LL.D., Baker Univ., and Nebraska Wesleyan Univ. ; Litt.D., Dickinson College, 1908; Litt.D., Univ. of Dublin, 1913.) Entered 1887 as Graduate Student in Semitics. Instructor. Professor, Dickinson College, 1890-93 ; Professor in Drew Theo- logical Seminary, 1893- . Author: Two Texts of Esarhaddon; Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Library of Haverford College; Inscriptions of Senacherib; Outlines of the History of Early Babylonia; History of Babylonia and Assyria; The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria; Cuneiform Parallels to the Old Testa- ment; Recovery of the Ancient Orient. Member, American Philo- sophical Society ; Fellow, Royal Geographical Society ; Member of the Johnson Society, Lichfield, England. b. Philadelphia, Pa., February 14, 1864. s. Samuel Rogers and Mary Osborne, m. June 3, 1891, Ida Virginia Ziegler. c. Eliza- beth Frances, 1892; Robert Samuel, 1900. Address, Madison, N.J. Sayrs, William Christopher. Entered as Graduate Student in Greek. 1889. Chair of Greek, Wilmington College, 1890-93 ; Superintendent of Schools, Leesburg, Ohio, 1893-94; University Extension Lec- turer in Greek, University of Chicago, 1894-95 ; Principal, High School, Wilmington, Ohio, 1895-97; Superintendent of Schools, Wilmington, Ohio, 1897-04; Teacher of English, Stivers High School, Dayton, Ohio, 1906-09; same at Woodward High School, 1891] MATRICULATE CATALOG 717 Cineinnati, Ohio, 1909- . Author: Practical Grammar. Mem- ber, Cincinnati Schoolmasters' Club; President, Cincinnati Asso- ciation of Public School Teachers. b. New Antioch, Ohio, November 18, 1861. s. Francis Penn Sayrs and Sarah Ellen Penquite. m. Cuba, Ohio, June 7, 1899, Mary Ellen West. c. William Allen, 1902; Mary Christina, 1917. Address, 239 Helen Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. fTerrell, Charles Ernest, A.M., 1890. (S.B., Wilmington, 1888.) Entered as Graduate Student, 1889. "Wilmington Fellow." b. New Vienna, Ohio, January 4, 1866. d. April 15, 1901. s. Israel A. Terrell and Sidney Hutf. m. November 19, 1890, Anna M. Harris. Thurber, Charles Herbert, A.M., 1890. (Ph.B., Cornell, 1896; Ph.D., Clark Univ., 1900.) Instructor, Cornell University, 1891-93; Professor, Colgate University, 1893-95 ; Associate Professor, University of Chicago, 1895-1900; with Ginn & Co. since 1900 (Member of firm, in charge of Editorial Department, to date). Author: Principles of School Organization. Editor: School Review. Member, Harvard Overseers Visiting Committee for Department of Education; President, Trustees, Clark University; Member, Framingham Committee, Public Safety ; Four-Minute Speaker ; District Chair- man, Y. M. C. A., and United War Work Campaigns; Member, Board Governors, Boston City Club, etc., etc. Member, Phi Beta Kappa; National Educational Association; American Historical Association; Modern Language Association of America; American Social Science Association; American Philological Association; American Association for Advancement of Sciences ; American Dialect Association; Algonquin Club; City Club (New York) ; Graduate Club, New Haven ; Town and Gown Club, Ithaca ; Pud- dingstone Club, Boston; Friday Evening Club, Boston. b. Oswego, N. Y., March 24, 1864. s. John A. Thurber and Sarah M. Aber. m. Apalachin, N. Y., June 25, 1891, Anna E. Billings, c. Gertrude Ruth, 1893. Address, Edgell Road, Fram- ingham Centre, Mass. 1891 fByers, Lawrence Marshall, A.M., 1891. (A.B., Penn College, la., 1890; LL.B., Yale, 1893.) Entered as Graduate Student in Astronomy, 1890. "Penn Fellow." Student at University of Zurich, 1891-92 (Law 718 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1891 School) ; at Law School, Yale University, 1892-93 ; Lawyer ; Pro- fessor in State University of Iowa. b. Bocken, near Horgen, Zurich, Switzerland, August 18, 1872. d. London, England, July 7, 1909. s. Samuel H. M. Byers (United States Consul, Zurich) and Margaret Gilmour. tCarroll, William Hunt, A.M., 1891. (S.B., Wihnington College, O., 1890; LL.B., Ohio State Univ.) Entered as Graduate Student in Astronomy, 1890. "Wilmington Fellow." Lawyer, b. Near Vienna, Ohio, October 10, 1871. d. 1897. Hill, Myron Francis, A.M., 1891. (A.B., Harvard, 1890.) Graduate Student in International Law, 1890-91. Patent Examiner, 1891-94 ; Patent Attorney and Counsel, 1894- 98; President, American Roller Bearing Company, 1898-1905; Patent Attorney, 1905-17; President, Cast Steel Ship Corporation, to date. Inventor: Automatic Telephone Exchange, 1893-95, the basis of automatic exchanges being installed by Bell Telephone; American Roller Bearing (highest awards at Paris Exposition, World's Fair, Pan-American Exposition, etc.) ; Inventor: The Cast Steel Ship, Hill Rotary Motor, etc. Member, Harvard Club; New York Electrical Society ; Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers ; Committee on Electric Welding of United States Shipping Board ; American Welding Society ; American Bureau of Welding (National Research Council). b. Milford, Mass., December 20, 1867. s. Frank A. Hill and Margaretta Brackett. m. Washington, D. C, September 28, 1893, Gertrude A. Martin, c. Francis A., 1895. Address, 43 West Ninth Street, New York City, N. Y. Robinson, Lucian Moore, A.M., 1891. (A.B., Harvard. 1882; D. C. L., 1917; S.T.D., 1904, Univ. of South.) Graduate Student in New Testament Textual Criticism and Germanic Philology, 1890-92. Master in De Lancey School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1882-1902; As- sistant Rector, The Church of the Epiphany, Philadelphia, 1888- 92 ; Instructor and Professor in Philadelphia Divinity School, 1891 to date ; Member of Faculty, The Church Training and Deaconess House, Philadelphia, 1891 to date; Examining Chaplain of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, 1894 to date ; Member of the Standing Committee, Diocese of Pennsylvania. Editor: Murray's Manual of Mythology. Member, Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard; A. L. A.; Pennsylvania Historical Society; North East Historic Genealogical Society; Maine Genealogical Society; American Association for 1893] MATRICUI.ATE CATALOG 719 Advancement of Science ; Masons ; City Club of Philadelphia ; Pennsylvania Library Club; Harvard Union, etc. b. Maine, January 3, 1858. s, Benjamin Franklin Robinson and Adelia Fitzalen Moore. Address, 901 Clinton Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. 1892 Gifford, Elmer H., A.M., 1892. (S.B., Penn, 1888.) Entered as Graduate Student in Physics, 1891. "Penn Fellow." Teacher and Financial Agent at Penn College for 20 years after graduating. Merchant to date. b. Richmond, Ind., December 23, 1863. s. Enoch T. Gififord and Edith S. Hunt. m. Iowa Falls, Iowa, August 30, 1888, Har- riet I. Hadley. c. Earl T. ; Maurice H. ; Harold E. ; Ruth H.; Paul H. Address, 365 North Mirage Street, Lindsay, Cal. Hubbard, Byron Charles, A.M., 1892. (S.B., Earlham, 1891.) Graduate Student in Engineering, 1891-92. "Earlham Fellow." Mechanical Engineering until 1912; Teacher, Chemistry and Physics, in Harvard Military School, to date. b. Monrovia, Ind., December 21, 1868. s. Nathan E. Hubbard and Elizabeth Ballard, m. Brighton, Md., June 6, 1895, Nelly Lansdale Hutton. c. Inis (?), 1897; Nathan, 1900. Address, 1601 Western Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. fStatler, Frank B. (A.B., Wilmington College, Wilmington, O., 1891.) Entered as Graduate Student in Greek, 1891. "Wilmington Fellow." b. Wilmington, Ohio, August 15, 1868. d. Haver ford College, November 24, 1891. s. Samuel Loudoun Statler and Lydia Thatcher. 1893 Hunt, Wilson Allen. (S.B., Wilmington College, O., 1892.) Entered as Graduate Student in Chemistry, 1892. "Wilmington Fellow." Student, Ohio State University, 1891 ; Principal, Tonganoxie Academy, Kan., 1893-94; Teacher, Chem- istry and Physics, Canon City, Col., High School, 1897-98; Teacher, Mathematics and Physics, High School, Denver, Col., 1898-99; Educational Publisher. b. Martinsville, Ohio, March 15, 1865. s. Joseph Moon Hunt and Emily Hailey. Address, Gravette, Ark. 720 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1893 Johnson, Irving Culver, A.M., 1893. (A.B., Penn College, la., 1892.) Entered as Graduate Student in American History. "Penn Fellow." Studied Law, 1893-95 ; Admitted to Practice, Iowa Supreme Court, 1895. b. Oskaloosa, Iowa, June 1, 1872. s. Judge J. Kelly Johnson and Ann Eliza Gruwell. m. Oskaloosa, Iowa, October 19, 1899, Mary Hortense Burnside. Address, 713 High Avenue, East Oska- loosa, Iowa. Van Noppen, Leonard Charles, A.M. (A.B., Guilford, 1890; B.L., Univ. of N. C, 1892.) Entered from Durham, N. C, as Graduate Student in English, 1892. Student in University of North Carolina, 1892-94; Engaged in Historical and Literary Research. Translator : Vondel, Lucifer. b. Province of Zealand, Holland, January 8, 1868. s. Cornelius Martin Van Noppen and Johanna Maria Cappon. Address, 406 West Gaston Street, Greensboro, N. C. 1894 fDakin, Franklin Arthur, A.M., 1894. (A.B., Harvard, 1882.) Graduate Student in Latin, 1893-94. Teacher of Latin and Greek, Haverford School, Haverford, Pa., 1892-1921. Member, Classical Association, Atlantic States; Classi- cal Club, Philadelphia ; Phi Beta Kappa Association, Philadelphia ; Society for Promotion of Liberal Studies; Association of Private Schools, Philadelphia; Harvard Teachers' Association; Classical League, United States. b. Natick, Mass., November 22, 1858. d. Haverford, Pa., April 27, 1921. s. George Thomas Dakin and Ellen Mills French, m. Natick, Mass., January 17, 1884, Sarah Estella True. c. Mar- garet, 1885. fKirk, Mahlon Zimri, A.M., 1894 (S.B., Penn College, la., 1893.) Entered as Graduate Student in Chemistry, 1893. "Penn Fellow." Geologist in Kansas, 1894- ; Financial Agent, Penn College, 1896-98; with "American Friend Publishing Com- pany," 1898-99; Manager of Union Book arid Bible House, Den- ver, Col., 1899- . b. Bangor, Iowa, September 21, 1870. d. 1912. s. Nathan Kirk and Abigail Whinery. m. Denver, Col., July 29, 1899, Linnie K. Mvers. 1895] MATRICULATE CATALOG 721 Spaid, Arthur Rusmiselle Miller, A.M., 1894. (A.B., Wilming- ton College, 1893; M.A. in School Administration, Columbia Univ., 1917.) Entered as Graduate Student in American History, 1893. "Wilmington Fellow." Principal, Alexis I. DuPont School, Wilmington, Del., 1894-1903; Superintendent, Public Schools, New Castle County, Delaware, 1903-13 ; same in Dorchester County, Md., 1913-16. Commissioner of Education for the State of Delaware, 1917-21. Student in Columbia University, 1921-22. Lecturer before Teachers' Institutes, for Anti-Saloon League, etc., etc. Member, N. E. A., etc. b. Capon Springs, W. Va., July 27, 1866. s. John W. Spaid and Margaret Elizabeth Brill, m. Wilmington, Ohio, September 30, 1897, Mary Abi Farquhar. c. Arthur Farquhar, 1898 ; Charles Dale, 1904; Mary Margaret, 1906; Ralph Stirling, 1908; Ruth Louise, 1909. Address, Dover, Del. Wilson, Edwin Mood, A.M., 1894. (A.B., Guilford, N. C, 1892; A.B., Univ. of N. C, 1893.) Graduate Student in English, 1893-94. Teacher of English and Latin, Oak wood Seminary, 1894-95 ; History and Latin, Haverford School, 1895-1909; Associate Head Master, Haverford School, 1909-12; Head Master of same, 1912 to date. b. Lenoir, N. C, July 26, 1872. s. Jethro Reuben Wilson and Louisa Jane Round, m. Wilmington, N. C, Alice Green, c. Hugh McLean, 1910. Address, Haverford, Pa. 1895 Kemble, Ira Oscar, Jr., A.M., 1895. (S.B., Penn College, la., 1894.) Entered as Graduate Student in Chemistry, "Penn Fellow." Florist. b. Alliance, Ohio, November 1, 1873. s. K. K. Kemble and Harriett Hillerman. m. Oskaloosa, Iowa. October 14, 1900, Caro- line Haskell, c. Jack H., 1912. Address, 211 West Colorado Boulevard, Eagle Rock, Cal. Villars, John Oscar, A.M., 1895. (S.B., Wilmington College, O., 1894.) Entered as Graduate Student in Mathematics. "Wilmington Fellow." Assistant, Wilmington High School, 1896-99; Instructor and Assistant Superintendent (1904-10) of 46 722 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1896 the Williamson Free Trade School ; Civil Engineer and Contractor, Great Falls, Mont., 1910-13; Principal, Reesville High School, Ohio, 1913-14; Instructor in Science, Wilmington High School (Ohio), 1914-18; Professor, Chemistry and Applied Mathematics, Wilmington College, 1918-19; Principal, Wilmington High School, 1919- . Member, F. & A. M. ; Clinton Comity Farm Bureau; Beech Grove Grange ; Ohio Teachers' Association. b. Clarksville, Ohio, July 3, 1873. s. John William Villars and Keziah Jane Penquite. m. Pansy, Ohio, August 11, 1897, Lula C. Statler. c. Donald Statler, 1900; Roger Merrill, 1904. Address, Wilmington, Ohio. fWhite, Roy Wilson, A.M., 1895. (S. B., Earlham, 1894; LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1898.) Entered as Graduate Student in Latin, 1894. "Earlham Fellow." Student at University of Pennsylvania, 1895-98 ; Fellow and Instructor in Department of Law, University of Pennsylvania, 1898- ; Student in Paris, France, 1899-1900. Lawyer. b. Dublin, Wayne County, Ind., June, 1872. d. (Murdered), May 20, 1900. s. William Wilson White and Mary Abigail White. 1896 Babbitt, James Addison, A.M., 1896. (A.B., Yale, 1893; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1898.) Graduate Student in Biology. Medical Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1894-98. Teacher and Physician. Numerous intercollegiate committee positions; Fellow of College of Physicians, Philadelphia; Fellow, American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society; Fellow, Col- lege of Surgeons ; numerous hospital affiliations and positions (Lankenau, Children's, University of Pennsylvania, Misericordia, School for Deaf, Overbrook, etc.). Instructor in Otology, Univers- ity of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Medicine. Member, Col- lege of Physicians ; Philadelphia County Medical ; Masonic organi- zations ; Medical and College Fraternities ; Merion Cricket Club ; University Club ; Union League. b. Waitsfield, Vt., October 22, 1869. s. Rev. James Howard Babbitt and Mary French Abbott, m. S wanton, Vt., September 11, 1895, Mary Abigail Adams (d. 1911). c. Mary Evelyn, 1896; Helen Adams, 1899; EHzabeth, 1906 (deceased); Mary Adams, 1911. Address, Haver ford College, Haver ford. Pa. 1896"! MATRICULATE CATALOG 723 Charles, Arthur Matthew, A.M., 1896. (S.B., Earlham College, 1895.) Entered as Graduate Student in English, 1895. "Earlham Fellow." Teacher, German and English, 1896-99, Germantown Friends' School; Principal, Friends' Oak Grove Seminary, Me., 1899-02; Professor, German, Earlham College, since 1904. With Friends' Service Commission in Germany, 1920. b. Richmond, Ind., August 28, 1873. s. M. Charles and Eliza D. Timberlake. m. Covington, Ky., July 25, 1899, Carrie Lane Riggs. c. Mary Lane, 1907. Address, Earlham College, Rich- mond, Ind. Hastings, William Walter, A.M., 1894; Ph.D., 1896. (A.B., Mary- ville, Tenn., 1886; A.M., 1892.) Entered as Graduate Student in Semitic Languages, 1892. Football "H," 1893. Professor, Physiology and Hygiene, Head Department, Physical Education, University of Nebraska, 1897- 1900; Professor, Hygiene and Anthropometry, Springfield Y. M. C. A. College, 1900-07 ; Editor and Manager, Hygiene and Physi- cal Education, 1909-10; Dean and Instructor, Normal School of Physical Education, Battle Creek, Mich., 1910-15; President, Southern Normal College, Hot Springs, N. C, 1915-16; Owner and Head Master, Jacksonville University School for Boys (Fla.), 1917-19; Y. M. C. A. Instructor in American Games, etc., France, 1919-22. Author : Manual of Physical Measurements; Co- Author, Manual of Wrestling. Former Member and Official of various societies and physical education associations ; Member, A. P. E. A. and Y. M. C. A. ; Official Delegate from United States to the De- partment of Physical Education of the Paris Exposition. b. Redfield, Iowa, November 1, 1865. s. William Penn Hastings and Luzena Stanley Bond. m. Hatfield, Mass., June 22, 1897, Elizabeth Fairbank. c. William Fairbank, 1898 (Class 1919); Alan Woods, 1900 (Class 1921); Stanley Bond, 1901 (Class 1924) ; John Winthrop, 1904; Elizabeth, 1905; Alice, 1907; Mar- garet, 1910; Jean, 1913. Permanent address, Prescott, Mass. Hunt, Luther Milton, A.M., 1896. (S.B., Wilmington College, O., 1895.) Entered as Graduate Student in American History, 1895. "Wilmington Fellow." Teacher in Public Schools, Clarksville, Ohio, 1896-98 ; Superintendent, Public Schools, Cuba, Ohio, 1898- 1900 ; same at Clarkville, Ohio, 1900-03 ; Cashier, Farmers' Bank, Martinsville, Ohio, 1903-05; Grain Business, 1905-20; Vice-Presi- dent and General Manager, The Robison-Hunt Grain Company, Colorado Springs, Col., to date. President, Rocky Mountain Bean 724 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1897 Jobbers' Association, 1919-20; Chairman, Grain Dealers' Section, International Rotary Clubs, 1918-20; Member, Winter Night Club and Rotary Club of Colorado Springs. b. Martinsville, Ohio, January 19, 1874. s. Jacob Green Hunt and Sarah Frances James, m, Clarksville, Ohio, August 11, 1897, Lena Davis Hadley. c. Nelson Vincent, 1898; Donald Leigh, 1901. Address, 5 West Colorado Avenue, Colorado Springs, Col. Owen, Horace Thornburgh, A.M., 1896. (A.B., Hamilton Col- lege, N. Y., 1895.) Entered Senior Class 1895 ; changed to Graduate Student in American History. Graduate, General Theological Seminary, N. Y,, 1899. Clergy- man, Episcopal Church, 1899- . b. East Saginaw, Mich., June 22, 1875. s. Oliver Goldsmith Owen (Class 1870) and Maria Elizabeth Wilson, m. Haw River, N. C, October 22, 1902, Gena Moore Jones, c. Louise Holt; Horace T., Jr.; Thomas Jones; Gena Bird. Address, 331 Centre Street, Trenton, N. J. Patterson, Clement Finney, A.M., 1896. (Ph.B., Penn Col- lege, 1895.) Entered 1896 as Graduate Student in Astronomy. "Penn Fellow." With G. W. Sues, Patent Attorney, Omaha, 1899-1900; Omaha Gas Company, 1901-11; Sunset Timber Com- pany, Washington, 1912-13 ; Southern Sierras Power Company, Riverside, Cal. (Auditing Department), 1913 to date. Member, Y. M. C. A. b. West Alexander, Pa., April 23, 1869. s. Joseph R. Patterson and Nancy T. Hosack. m. Omaha, Neb., October 18, 1906, Mary H. Cooper, c. Lois, 1907; Emily, 1909. Address, 1465 West Ninth Street, Riverside, Cal. 1897 Beal, William Otis, A.M.. 1897. (S.B., Earlham, 1896; M.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1902.) Entered as Graduate Student in Astronomy. "Earlham Fellow." Instructor in Mathematics, Michigan Agri- cultural College, 1897-1900; Instructor, Mathematics, Chicago Manual Training High School, 1902-03 ; Instructor and Professor of Mathematics at Illinois College, 1903-12; Assistant Astronomer, University of Minnesota, 1913 to date. Member, American As- sociation for the Advancement of Science ; American Astronomical 1900] MATRICULATE CATALOG 725 Society ; Mathematics Association of America ; Central Association of Science and Mathematic Teachers. b. RolHn, Mich., February 18, 1874. s. Joseph Otis Beal and Elvira Westgate. m. Tecumseh, Mich., September 8, 1898, Linora Charles, c. Charles Satterthwaite, 1900; William Robert, 1905; Clifford Otis, 1908; James Francis, 1915. Address, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Else, Frank Whittier, A.M., 1897. ( A.B., Penn College, la., 1896.) Entered as Graduate Student in American History, 1896. "Penn Fellow." Principal of Ward School, 2 years; Superin- tendent of Schools, Mt. Pleasant, 6 years; Superintendent, Schools, Oskaloosa, Iowa, 8 years ; Merchant ; Banker. b. Mahaska County, Iowa, November 5, 1871. s. John Else and Susanna Gearhart. m. August 29, 1899, Mary Himes. c. Dorothy Anna, 1904; Mary Louise, 1913; Frank Alfred, 1916. Address, 915 North Market Street, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Terrell, Paul Tasso, A.M., 1897. (S.B., Wilmington, 1896.) Entered as Graduate Student in Mathematics, 1896. Farmer and Breeder of Pedigreed American and Delaine Merino Sheep since graduation. b. New Vienna, Ohio, June 12, 1873. s. James H. Terrell and Edith H. Nordyke. m. Near Lynchburg, Ohio, June 30, 1902, Millie Terrell, c. Lois Asenath, 1903; Paul James, 1905. Ad- dress, New Vienna, Ohio. 1900 Loud, Frank Herbert, Ph.D., 1900. (A.B., Amherst, 1893; A.M., Harvard, 1899.) Entered 1899 as Graduate Student in Higher Mathematics. Walker Instructor in Mathematics, Amherst College, 1893-96; Professor of Mathematics, Colorado College, 1899- . Retired. Professor of Astronomy (Carnegie Foundation), Colorado Col- lege. Member, Phi Beta Kappa ; Western Association for Stellar Photography ; Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America ; la Societe Beige d' Astronomic ; American and British Esperanto Association. b. Weymouth, Mass., January 26, 1852. s. Francis Eliot Loud and Mary Tolman Capen. m. Weymouth, Mass., July 13, 1882, Mabel Wiley, c. Francis Martin, 1883; Mary, 1886; Harriet, 1890; Norman Wiley. 1892; William Brewster, 1894. Address, 1203 North Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, Col. 726 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1906 1904 Arishima, Takeo, A.M., 1904. (A.B., Agricultural College of Sap- poro, Japan, 1903.) Entered as Graduate Student, 1903. b. Tokyo, Japan, March 4, 1878. s. Takeshi Arishima and Yukido Arishima. Address, Tahoka Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan. McGrew, Henry Edwin, A.M., 1904. (S.B. and S.M., Penn Col- lege, 1895 and 1899; D.D., 1918.) Entered as Graduate Student, 1903. President of Pacific College, Newberg, Ore. ; Pastor, Whittier Friends' Church, Whittier, Cal. ; President of Penn College, Oska- loosa, Iowa, to date. b. Le Grand, Iowa, March 4, 1868. s. David Davis McGrew and Alpha Pearson, m. (1) November 24, 1892, Edith B. Ware (d. 1919). c. Marion Edwina, 1897. m. (2) July 28, 1921, Frances Willard Mitchell. Address, Penn College, Oskaloosa, Iowa. 1905 Trueblood, Ralph Waldo, A.M., 1905. (S.B., Earlham, 1903.) Entered 1903. Assistant in Chemistry Department. Teacher, Cranford High School, Cranford, N. J., 1906-08; Chemist, Victor Portland Cement Company, Los Angeles and Victorville, Cal., 1908-10; with Los Angeles Times as Reporter, 1910; City Editor of same, 1916-20; Assistant Managing Editor, 1920 to date. b. Richmond, Ind., November 19, 1885. s. William Newby Trueblood and Emma Stubbs. m. Los Angeles, Cal., November 9, 1914, Elsie Smith. Address, Hyde Park, Cal. 1906 Laughlin, Sceva Bright, A.M., 1906. (A.B., and A.M., Penn Col- lege, 1905.) Entered 1905 as Graduate Student, Principal, Pleasant Plain Academy, Pleasant Plain, Iowa, 1906- 07; Principal, High School, Akron, Iowa, 1908-10; Superintendent, Schools, Larchwood, Iowa, 1910-12; Teacher of English, Friends' Boys' School, Ram Allah, Palestine, 1912-13 ; Principal, Laurence Friends' Academy, Gate, Oklahoma, 1913-14; Principal, Friends- wood Academy, Friendswood, Texas, 1914-15; Professor of His- 1916] MATRICULATE CATALOG 727 tory and Social Science, Culver-Stockton College, Registrar and Principal, Summer School, 1915-20; Instructor in History, State University of Iowa, Summer of 1921 ; Professor of Economics and Sociology, Park College, Parkville, Mo. b. New Providence, Iowa, October 16, 1881, s. Preston Smith Laughlin and Penelope C. Martin, m. Beaver City, Okla., October 31, 1913, Lillian C. Goodall. c. Elizabeth Jean, 1916 (deceased) ; John Seth, 1918 ; William Sceva, 1919. Address, Parkville, Mo. 1911 Dixon, Alfred Alexander, A.M., 1911. (S.B., Guilford College.) Entered 1909. Teacher. b. Snow Camp, N. C, December 22, 1885, s. Thomas J. Dixon and Elizabeth Ann Stuart, m. Raleigh, N. C, Mary Inez Wilson. Address, R. D. No. 3, Liberty, N. C. Hobbs, Louis Lyndon, Jr. (A.B., Guilford, 1910.) Entered 1910. b. Guilford College, N. C, June 7, 1883. s. Louis Lyndon Hobbs and Mary Mendenhall. Address, Guilford College, N. C. Tebbetts, J. Walter, A.M., 1911. (S.B., Earlham.) Entered 1910 from Earlham College. Actuary. With Actuarial Department, Mutual Benefit Life In- surance Company, Newark, N. J., since leaving college. 1917, Appointed Assistant Actuary of War Risk Insurance Bureau, Washington, D. C. ; served throughout war. Fellow, Actuarial Society of America. b, Pasadena, Cal., November 28, 1889. s. Charles Edwin Teb- betts (Class 1875) and Imelda Ann Painter, m. East Orange, N, J., April 27, 1917, Enid Brooks Hallett. c. Margaret Imelda, 1919. Address, 91 Jefferson Avenue, Maplewood, N. J. 1916 Henley, Fred Murdoch, A.M., 1916. (S.B., Guilford.) Graduate Student in Chemistry. Lieutenant, United States Army, Edgewood Arsenal, Md. b, . s. and . Address, Edgewood Arsenal, Edge- wood, Md, 728 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1920 1917 Webb, John Richard, A.M. (A.B., Queen's University, Canada, 1910.) Entered 1916 as Graduate Student. Minister of the Gospel. b. Sunbury, Ontario, Canada, January 9, 1874. s. William Webb and Elizabeth Ann Hodgson, m. June 12, 1907, Margaret Hubbs Borland, c. John William Borland, 1908; Edith Lavina, 1911; Margaret Elizabeth, 1913; Robert Bavid Haviland, 1916. Address, 111 South Eleventh Street, Richmond, Ind. 1920 Davis, George Elton. (A.B., Cornell Univ., 1919.) Entered September, 1919, from Cornell University. Assistant in Physics Bepartment. b. Richland, N. Y., June 10, 1894. s. Charles Hewitt Bavis and Frances Caroline MacBonald. Address, 4069 Lake Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. MATRICULATE CATALOG 729 RECIPIENTS OF HONORARY DEGREES Died 1858 fVail, Hugh D., A.M. Instructor in Mathematics, 1848-52; Manager, 1859-82. Philadelphia, Pa. 1900 1859 fAldrich, Joseph W., A.M. Class of 1843; Instructor in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1843-46; Instructor in Classics and Ancient Literature, 1848-53. Philadelphia, Pa. 1865 1860 fWhittier, John Greenleaf, A.M. Poet. Amesbury, Mass. 1892 1864 fCope, Edward Drinker, A.M. Professor of Comparative Zoology and Botany, 1864- 67; Professor at Univ. of Penna., 1889-97. Scientist. Philadelphia, Pa. 1897 1867 fMoore, Joseph, A.M. President of Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., 1868-83. 1905 1872 t Jacobs, William, A.M. Assistant Editor, Thomas's Biographical Dictionary. West Chester, Pa. 1909 1875 tAlsop, Samuel, Jr., A.M. Teacher; Professor of Physics and Astronomy, 1875-78; Superintendent, 1875-78, Westtown, Pa. 1888 730 HAVERFORD COLLEGE Died 1876 tChase, Pliny Earle, LL.D. Professor Philosophy, 1871-86; Acting President, 1886. Philadelphia, Pa. 1886 fPancoast, William Henry, A.M. A.B,, Class 1853; M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Phila., Pa., 1856; Professor of Anatomy, Jefferson Medical College; President, Medico-Chirurgical College of Phila., Pa., etc. Philadelphia, Pa. 1897 1877 fThomas, John J., A.M. Author. Editor. Philadelphia, Pa. 1895 1879 t Jones, Richard Mott, A.M. A.B., Class 1867; Head Master, William Penn Charter School, Phila., Pa., 1875 to 1917. 1917 tYarnall, Ellis, A.M. Author, etc. Haver ford, Pa. 1905 1880 tChase, Thomas, Litt.D. (LL.D., Harvard, 1878.) Professor Philology, 1855-86; President, 1874-86. 1892 fHughes, Thomas, LL.D. Author. England. 1896 1882 Coates, Henry Troth, A.M. A.B., Class 1862. Editor. Publisher. Philadelphia, Pa. 1883 fCock, Thomas Ferris, LL.D. Class of 1836; M.D., Univ. of Penna., 1838. Physician. Author. New York City. 1896 Wood, James, A.M. Class of 1858. Mt. Kisco, N. Y. fHoxie, Henry Newell, A.M. Principal of Friends' School, Germantown, Phila., Pa., and Haverford School. 1909 MATRICULATE CATALOG 731 Died 1884 fParrish, Joseph, A.M. Class of 1863. Lawyer. Philadelphia, Pa. 1893 fCook, Elijah, A.M. Principal of Oakwood Academy, Union Springs, N. Y. 1899 1885 fTomlinson, Julius Lines, A.M. A.B., Class of 1873. Teacher. Archdale, N. C. 1890 Chase, Robert Rowland, A.M. Class of 1867. M.D., Univ. of Penna., 1869. Resident Physician, State Hospital for Insane, Norristown, Pa. Superintendent, Friends' Asylum for the Insane, Frank- ford, Phila., Pa. 1886 Magill, Edward Hicks, LL.D. President, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. Author, etc. 1887 fKimber, Thomas, Litt. D. Class of 1842. Benefactor. Author. Richmond Hill, N. Y. 1890 1888 Smith, Clement Lawrence, LL.D. A.B., Class of I860; A.M., 1863. Librarian and Asst. Pro- fessor of Classics, etc., 1863-65; Professor of Latin, Har- vard Univ. ; Dean of Harvard Univ. ; Director of Classical Shcool at Rome, 1897-98. Cambridge, Mass. 1890 Mills, Joseph John, LL.D. President, Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., 1884-1902. Member, Indiana State Board of Education. 1897-1902. Los Angeles, California. 1891 f Jones, Richard Mott, LL.D. A.B., Class of 1867; Hon. A.M., 1879. Head Master WilHam Penn Charter School. Phila., Pa., 1875-1917. LL.D., Univ. of Penna., 1902. 1917 732 HAVERFORD COLLEGE Died 1895 Trimble, Henry, x\.M. Chemist; Professor, Phila. College of Pharmacy, West 1900 Harris, J. Rendel, LL.D. Professor, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1882-85; Professor, Haverford College, 1886-92. Author. Editor. Curator of MSS. at the John Ry lands Library, Manchester, since 1918. 1908 Tyson, James, LL.D. Class of 1860. Dean and Professor in the Medical School, Univ. of Penna. Author. LL.D., Univ. of Penna., 1912. Starr, Louis, LL.D. Class of 1868. Professor in Medical School, Univ. of Penna. AuthoT of standard treatises on 'diseases of children, and other subjects. t Elliott, Aaron Marshall, LL.D. Class of 1866. Professor of Romance Languages in the Johns Hopkins Univ. ; Author of valuable linguistic papers ; Editor of Modern Language Notes. 1910 fGummere, Francis Barton, LL.D. Class of 1872. Teacher and Author. Professor of Eng- Hsh, Haverford College; 1887-1919. 1919 Hobbs, Lewis Lyndon, LL.D. Class of 1876; A.M., 1883; LL.D., Univ. of North Caro- lina, 1908. Educator. President of Guilford Collegte through its whole history. Richards, Theodore Williarsi, LL.D. Class of 1885, Professor in Harvard L^niv. Chemist of world-wide reputation. 1914 Barton, George Aaron, LL.D. Clas^ of 1882; A.M., 1885; A.M., Harvard, 1890; Ph.D., Harvard, 1891. Professor, Bryn Mawr College, 1904 to date. Author. Examining Chaplain of the Diocese of Pennsylvania. MATRICULATE CATALOG 733 Died fBispham, David Scull, LL.D. Class of 1876. Music. Opera, Oratorio and Concert Singer. Actor, and Teacher of Song and Speech. 1921 Parrish, Frederick Maxfield, LL.D. Class of 1892. Artist. Windsor, Vermont. Brinton, Christian, Litt. D. Class of 1892; A.M., 1906. Art. Author and Editor. 1922 Jones, Rufus Matthew, LL.D. Class of 1885. Professor of Philosophy at Haverford College. Author and Editor. ENUMERATION' Graduates 1441 Graduate Students not having been Undergraduates . . 49 Recipients of Honorary Degrees 39 Non-Graduates 1299 Undergraduates" 142 2970 Deceased Graduates 278 Graduate Students not having been Undergraduates . . 8 Recipients of Honorary Diegrees 30 Non-Graduates 599 ■ 915 Living Graduates 1163 Graduate Students not having been Undergraduates . . 41 Recipients of Honorary Degrees 9 Non-Graduates 700 Undergraduates' 142 2055 ^ Corrected to July 1, 1933. ^ Including members of classes of 1923, 1924 and 1925. INDEX MATRICULATES, GRADUATE STUDENTS and RECIPIENTS OF HONORARY DEGREES The years in which Graduate Students received advanced degrees are en- closed in parentheses. The names of recipients of honorary degrees are printed in itaUcs. *indicates deceased. A. NAME CLASS PAGE Abbott, Charles David, Jr. ... 1923 679 *Charles Tucker 1868 139 Abele, Alan Mason 1921 667 Acton, Conrad Berens 1925 706 *Thomas Wistar 1858 82 Adams, Douglas Howe 1896 345 *Jedediah Howe 1887 241 *Justus C 1843 29 *Samuel F 1845 38 Adamson, Thomas 1923 689 Alden, Hollis Emery 1919 650 ♦Alderson, William Charles . . . 1858 83 •Aldrich, Joseph W 1843 29 * Joseph W (1859) 739 Alexander, Charles Allison . . 1905 456 John William 1918 641 *Alger, Harry 1891 291 Allen, Charles Francis 1901 414 Charles Jackson 1900 389 George Raymond 1896 345 *Gideon, Jr 1854 62 John Henry 1884 218 *Marmaduke Watson 1840 17 Percival Roy 1915 596 Russel Green, Jr 1923 689 William Williams, Jr. . . . 1900 389 Wilmar Mason 1916 609 Allinson, Edward Page 1910 522 ♦Edward Pease 1874 163 Francis Greenleaf 1876 172 *Alsop, Samuel, Jr (1875) 729 William Kite 1896 345 Anderson, Isaac W 1877 177 Andrew, Adelbert Owen 1905 456 Fred Van Winkle 1904 445 Angell, Edward Mott 1890 381 *Franklin 1864 115 Arishima, Takeo (1904) 726 Arnold, Harrison Heikes 1918 635 Jerrold Clement 1925 706 *William Dennis 1842 24 Arrowsmith, Harold Walton . 1931 668 Noel Stryker 1933 680 Arthur, Frederick, Jr 1854 61 *Ashbridge, Abraham Sharpless 1842 25 George 1867 139 *John 1867 130 Richard 1873 154 *William 1864 115 Ashbrook, James, III 1911 539 Atkinson, Robert 1921 668 Atlee, Charles Biddle 1922 685 NAME CLASS *Atwater, Joseph Hoag 1851 Auchincloss, James Stuart . . 1890 Audenried, William Grattan . . 1890 Ayer, Nathaniel Davis, 1910 Ayusawa, Iwao Frederick . . . 1917 B Babb, Jervis Jefferis 1921 Maurice Jefferis 1905 Babbitt, Harold French 1901 James Addison (1896) Bachman, Frank Eshleman . . 1880 *Bacon, George Warder 1864 *John 1887 *Joseph Kirkbride 1843 Louis St. John 1917 *Morris 1859 William Warder, Jr 1933 Bader, Charles Frederick, Jr. . 1924 *Bailey, Joseph Lukens 1851 Leslie Adelbert, 1893 Baily, Albert Lang 1878 Albert Lang, Jr 1913 ♦Arthur Hallam 1887 Charles Winter 1885 Fisher Corlies 1908 Frederick Lang 1877 Henry 1878 Henry Paul 1890 Joshua Longstreth, Jr. . . 1913 Livingston Boyd 1931 'Thomas Chalkley James . 1855 *Thomas Lloyd 1840 William Lloyd 1883 William Lloyd, Jr 1917 Bainbridge, Edmund Fletcher, 1906 Henry Clay 1924 Baird, Donald Galbraith 1915 'Baker, Isaac S 1837 James MacGranahan .... 1921 Paul Gay 1913 Philip J 1910 Balderston, Henry Lloyd 1902 *Lloyd 1839 Mark 1912 Richard Mead 1919 Baldwin, Donald Cornog .... 1906 Bales, Thomas Menroy 1905 Balis, Otis Wanton 1925 Ball, Eric Glendinning 1925 Baltz, William Sagehorn 1901 Banes, Charles Henry 1916 Robert Coleman 1889 P.^GE 51 381 381 533 621 668 456 414 723 193 118 350 39 631 90 689 697 49 308 180 553 341 225 495 178 180 389 553 675 66 18 210 621 470 697 596 5 668 568 533 418 14 553 646 470 457 706 706 405 618 366 736 INDEX NAME CLASS PAGE Bangham, Ralph Vandervort . 1916 609 Bangs, William 1874 166 Bankard, Clarence Walton . . . 1901 405 Banks, Robert Parker 1917 631 Barclay, Joseph John 1903 419 *Bard, George Smith 1909 510 Barker, Albert Winslow 1917 621 *Benjamin 1840 18 John Bryant 1933 680 Barlow, John Denman 1919 650 Thomas Bradwall 1931 675 *Barnes, Jonathan B 1836 3 *Barney, William Henry 1864 118 Barns, Jesse Battey 1897 363 *Barr, Ernest Kirby 1887 350 Franklin Elverson 1903 435 Karl Jackson 1907 493 Barrett, Lawrence Haney . . . 1910 533 Barrie, Robert, Jr 1918 635 *Barrow, Henry Haydock, Jr. . 1848 45 Barry, Robert, 2d 1934 697 Bartlett, Jarvis Henry 1884 319 Barton, Francis Carroll, Jr. . 1935 706 George Aaron 1883 303 George Aaron .-...(1914) 733 *Bateman, Edwin B 1903 435 Bates, Orren William 1884 319 Robert Charles, Jr 1925 706 Battey, Charles Heaton 1888 355 Richard Thompson 1919 646 Thomas Jesse 1863 109 William Aldrich 1899 378 Bausman, Thomas Franklin . . 1905 467 Bawden, William John 1899 378 Bayer, William Livingston . . . 1925 707 Baylis, Harry Milton 1903 443 Bayliss, Ralph Bradford 1919 650 Beadenkopf, Clarence Milton 1899 386 Beal, William Otis (1897) 734 Beale, Horace Alexander, Jr 1894 338 *Beatty, H. J 1867 132 Joseph Moorhead, Jr. ... 1913 569 Bechtel, Harry Oliver 1893 315 Jesse Bertolet 1919 650 *Beck, Charles Bayard 1867 133 Bedell, Charles Hampton 1887 243 Beebe, Stacey Kile 1913 553 *Bees!ey, Bartholomew Wister 1856 70 *Theophilus 1848 45 Beeson, John Henry 1918 635 Beezley, James 1879. 189 Beideman, Caspar Melvin . . . 1924 698 Beidelman, Lawrence Peterson 1888 255 Prescott Burton 1897 363 *Bell, Charles Dutilh 1877 179 Charles Herbert 1898 374 Henry Ernest 1914 583 Herbert Hallock 1918 643 William Brown 1900 389 Bentley, Jules Silvanus 1914 584 Wray Davison 1935 707 Bernard, Henry Stuccator ... 1911 540 *Bettle, Charles 1861 100 *Edward, Jr 1861 101 *Henry 1861 101 Samuel 1885 226 *Samuel, Jr 1855 66 Samuel, Jr 1895 335 William Henry 1896 346 *Betts, Thomas Wade 1886 336 Bevan, Edwin Jay 1904 454 Beyerle, George Albert 1894 319 Biedenbach, Albertus Lucas . 1912 565 Bigelow, Henry Charles 1921 668 Billo, Geoffroy 1925 707 NAME CLASS PAGE Bines, David Adams 1880 193 *Wimam Henry 1844 34 Binns, Edward Hussey 1888 263 Ralph Holden 1888 262 Birdsall, Daniel Lindley 1911 549 Joseph Cooper 1907 483 *Nathan Dunn 1849 47 *Thomas Webb 1841 30 *William, Jr 1841 30 *Zephaniah 1849 47 Bishop, Alexander Hamilton . 1898 375 Gilbert Livingston, Jr. . . 1899 386 *John 1838 9 William 1880 189 *Bispham, David 1876 173 *Bisphain, David -...(1914) 733 Edward Koons 1875 168 Samuel, Jr 1877 187 Black, John Maris Lindsay, ..1878 186 Blair, Augustine Wilberforce 1893 297 David Hunt 1891 293 Henry Mitchell, Jr 1925 707 John Fries 1924 698 John Insley 1915 606 John Jay 1885 336 Walter Elihu 1899 379 William Allen 1881 194 Blanchard, Edmund 1895 335 Irvin Thomas 1904 455 John 1883 211 *Bliss, Addison Leech 1915 606 Bode, William 1899 379 Boher, Sydney Morris 1905 457 Boles, Edgar Howard 1903 419 *Ronbright, William Parker, . . 1904 445 Bond, Francis Edward, Jr. . . 1889 377 Borton, John Carter 1923 689 Bowerman, Arthur Lindley . . 1913 554 Walter Gregory 1914 584 Bowman, Edgar Milton 1915 597 *Bowne, Howland 1888 363 *Tohn 1840 18 *Robert . 1843 33 Boyce, William Thomas 1910 533 Boyer, Daniel Burghard 1911 540 Francis Buckner 1903 431 Braddock-Rogers, Kenneth . . . 1922 680 *Bradford, James Cresson . . . 1857 76 Bradley, William Summer . . . 1904 455 Bradway, John Saeger 1911 540 Branson, Thomas Franklin . . 1889 266 Bray, William McKinley 1916 610 Brecht, Harold Walton 1920 656 Samuel Kriebel 1896 347 Brede, Charles Frederic 1880 189 IBrewer, Paul Clisby 1912 554 Brey, Robert Newton 1909 510 Breyfogel, Frank Seneca 1906 470 Brick, Joseph Coles 1885 233 Briggs, Frank Elwood I 1883 311 Briles, Herman McKinley . . . 1913 578 Bringhurst, Henry Ryan, Jr. . 1890 282 *John Richardson 1865 121 "Brinton, Charles 1853 57 Charles Addison 1921 668 Christian 1892 398 Brinton, Christian (1914) 733 Courtland Beadle 1934 698 Edward Garrett 1913 565 *George 1853 53 Horace 1893 315 Howard Futhey 1896 354 Howard Haines 1904 446 Hugh Penn. Jr 1934 698 *Thomas Hill 1853 53 INDEX 737 NAME CLASS Brinton, Walter 1881 *Walter Carroll 1915 Brockelbank, William John . . 1919 Brodhead, Horace Beale 1917 Robert Gifford 1921 Truxton Read 1920 *Brooke, Alfred 1858 *Benjamin 1860 *Benjamin 1885 *Francis Mark 1857 Hugh Jones 1886 Lewis Trimble 1857 Mark 1896 *Nathan 1852 Brooks, Edward, Jr 1888 Broomall, William Booth 1861 Brown, Alonzo 1875 Andrew 1923 Arthur Emien 1907 Carroll Thornton 1908 Charles Farwell 1917 *David Sands, Jr 1846 Edward Lyman, Jr 1921 *Edward Taylor 1865 Elliot Weld 1931 Ellis Yarnall, Jr 1901 Ernest Lancaster 1917 Francis Head 1895 Henry Clay 1866 *Henry Graham 1871 Henry Tatnall, Jr., 1923 James Stuart 1870 *John Farnum 1893 *Joseph Howell 1855 *Joseph Johnson 1847 Justin Emmett 1903 *Moses, Jr 1847 Paul Howard 1913 Paul Willits 1907 Richard Cadbury 1897 Samuel Hulme 1895 Shipley 1903 *Stephen 1845 Thomas Kite, Jr 1906 *Thomas S 1846 Thomas Wistar, Jr 1878 *William A 1843 *William Henry, Jr 1859 Brownlee, John Arthur 1912 Brumbaugh, Isaac Harvey . . . 1892 Bryan, Julian Scott 1910 Bryant, Erlham 1910 Bryne, Andreas 1909 Buck, Addison Steward 1923 Bucknell, Allen Kazlitt 1922 *Buffum, Benjamin 1843 Edward 1885 Frederick Cyrus, Jr 1916 Bullinger, Howard Valentine . 1901 *Bullock, Charles 1844 John Griscom 1874 ♦William Rockhill 1843 *Bunker, Nathan, Jr 1843 Bunting, Stephen Clarence . . . 1930 Burdette, Robert Jones, Jr. . . 1900 Burgess, Daniel Lawrence . . . 1904 *Thomas Harvey 1858 Burket, John Warren 1917 Burns, Roger Shupert 1925 William John 1897 Burr, Charles Henry, Jr 1889 Burritt, Robert William 1920 *Burson, David Stroud 1835 Burtt, Howard 1908 PAGE 195 597 646 623 675 662 83 97 233 76 239 77 347 53 262 101 168 686 483 495 622 39 675 121 675 405 623 342 128 149 689 144 308 67 42 419 43 569 483 355 335 430 38 470 89 186 29 90 554 299 533 533 511 690 680 29 234 610 405 34 164 80 35 663 389 446 80 631 707 356 367 656 1 496 NAME CLASS Bushnell, Charles Stone 1905 Joseph, 3d 1908 Busselle, Alfred 1894 Samuel Marshall 1924 *Butler, Frederick C 1884 George Thomas 1890 James Edgar 1898 *Buzby, George Haines 1918 John Howard 1917 John Stewart 1907 Bye, Edgar Chalfant 1915 *Byers, Lawrence Marshall ....(1891) c Cabo, Angel Rodriguez .• . 1890 Cadbury, Benjamin . ; 1893 Earl Shinn 1910 George Norman 1913 Henry Joel 1903 Joel 1856 John Warder 1854 John Warder, Jr 1901 *Richard 1843 Richard, Jr 1907 Richard Tapper 1873 William Edward 1901 *Winiam Warder 1850 William Warder 1898 Callender, Gordon Samuel . . . 1919 Calley, Donald MacMakin . . . 1910 Campbell, Frank Leslie 1920 James John, Jr 1934 *Canby, Roberts '. 1837 *Samuel 1856 *William 1843 William Marriott 1891 Carey, Anthony Morris 1881 Anthony Morris, Jr 1922 Clifton O'Neal 1901 Francis King 1878 Galloway Cheston 1915 *Tames 1839 James, Jr 1873 Tames, 3rd 1916 John Ellicott 1870 *Thomas Kimber 1870 *Carmalt, Charles Churchill . . 1886 *James Edward 1859 Carpenter, Charles Blake, Jr. . 1934 Dean 1934 Horace Walton 1923 James McFadden, Jr. ... 1912 *"Samuel Preston 1866 Carr, Herbert Joseph 1918 Carroll, Dudley DeWitt 1908 *William Hunt (1891) Carson, John Stanton 1934 Walter 1906 Carter, Charles Henry 1900 Charles Lybrand 1895 John Darlington 1899 John Pim ..••_■•• 1900 Carus, Hermann Dietrich .... 1930 Gary, Charlea Reed 1903 Donald Bush 1910 Egbert Snell 1893 Frank Wing 1916 Richard Lucius 1906 Caskey, Paul Herbert 1921 *Cassatt, Edward Buchanan . . 1887 Caswell, Andrew B 1902 Gates, Benjamin Harold 1905 Edward Earle 1883 ♦Horace Getchell 1883 Cauffiel, Meade 1934 PAGE 457 496 329 698 223 289 866 635 623 493 597 717 290 299 523 565 435 70 61 406 22 493 154 406 48 366 650 534 662 698 5 71 25 295 196 686 406 180 597 14 155 610 145 148 239 90 698 698 690 554 128 635 496 718 698 471 390 342 379 390 662 420 534 300 610 471 668 243 431 457 315 316 47 738 INDEX NAME CLASS PAGE Causev, Foster 1889 277 Trusten Polk 1889 277 Cawl, Melvin Allen 1921 675 Chadwick, Leigh Edward. .... 1925 707 Chalfant, Thomas Marshall . . 1897 363 Chamberlain, William Regi- nald 1900 400 Chamberlin, William Henry . 1917 623 Chambers, William Wilkie . . . 1902 420 Champlin, Carroll Dunham . . 1914 584 Chandler, George Donald 1917 623 Chang, Samuel Hiok 1922 686 Chapman. Joseph Zane Col- lings 1923 690 Samuel Hudson, Jr 1919 651 Charles, Arthur Matthew (1896) 728 John Wesley 1904 446 Chase, Alfred 1887 250 Frank Sewell 1901 414 *George Hazen 1843 30 *George Howland 1852 54 James Anthony 1865 121 Oscar Marshall 1894 320 Chase, Plinv Earle (1876) 730 *Richard Wyatt 1859 88 •Robert Howland 1867 132 Chase, Robert Howland (1885) 731 *Chase. Thomas (1880) 730 Thomas Herbert 1884 219 *William Barker 1872 158 William Cromwell 1881 200 *William Henry, Jr 1854 63 William Thomas, Jr 1899 386 Cheyney, Jesse Sharpless .... 1857 76 Chillman, Edward Fennemore 1887 250 Christie, Ronald 1911 549 Claassen. Cornelius Jansen . . 1907 494 *Clapp. Isaac Hicks 1838 9 *Tohn, Tr 1851 51 *Samuei Hicks 1865 124 Clark. Charles Fygis . 1910 524 *Charles Granville 1873 162 *Dougan 1852 52 Jefferson Hamer, Jr 1911 541 Joseph Woodburn 1904 447 *Lindley Murray 1860 94 *Thomas 1858 81 Thomas Noah 1910 534 *William Penn 1867 130 Clarke, James Alexander, Jr. 1911 541 Stewart Patterson ....".. 1914 584 Clauser, Claude 1909 520 Milton 1896 348 Clement, Allen Ballinger 1887 242 DeWitt Crowell 1917 623 Gregory 1912 565 John Browning, Jr 1908 497 Cleveland, Arthur Horton, Jr. 1918 636 Clothier, John Birely 1884 223 Cloud. Joseph Cooper 1866 128 William Buchanan 1911 549 *Coale, Alford Gable 1870 145 Carey 1891 295 *Isaac, Jr 1846 40 *Tames Carev 1843 30 *Thomas Ellicott 1853 57 *Coates, Edward Hornor 1864 115 *George Morrison 1863 110 *Henry Troth 1862 106 *Coates, Henry Troth (1882) 730 *Joseph Potts Hornor .... 1839 14 Sydney Hornor 1910 534 William Morrison 1863 110 *Cobb. William Almy 1842 25 Coca, Arthur Fernandez 1896 348 NAilE CLASS PAGE Cochran, Jerrold Scudder .... 1920 662 *Cock, Thomas Ferris 1836 1 *Cock, Thomas Ferris (1883) 730 Cocks, Rowland C 1925 699 Coder, William Dickey 1921 669 *Coffin, Elijah 1867 133 John Elihu 1882 204 Thomas Amory 1890 282 Cole, Webster Jennings, 2nd. 1924 699 Coleman, Henry Frederick, Jr. 1918 642 Nelson Bader 1915 597 *Coles, David Budd, Jr 1867 133 *Isaac Woolston 1867 133 *Colket, William Walker 1860 97 Collings, Clifford Carmalt 1908 506 *Collins, Alfred Morris 1837 5 Alfred Morris . 1897 363 *Benjamin 1885 234 *Benjamin, Jr 1839 14 Benjamin, Jr 1920 656 *Charles 1894 320 *Francis 1839 '14 *Frederic 1839 12 Frederic. Jr 1888 263 Frederic. 3rd 1919 651 *Henry Hill 1837 5 *Isaac 1842 25 *John 1838 9 Minturn Post 1892 300 *Samuel Craft 1867 130 Stephen Grellet 1856 72 Stephen Willets 1883 212 *Thomas Abbott 1837 5 William Henry 1881 196 Colton, Reuben 1876 173 Comfort, Edward Thomas . . . 1878 181 George Brinton 1907 483 *Howard 1870 145 Howard 1924 699 *James C-ooper 1873 160 *Tonathan Jones 1856 70 *William 1871 152 William Wistar 1894 320 *Comstock, Nathan F 1859 90 Conable, Morris R. .'. (1885) 715 *Conard, Henrv Norman 1890 290 Henry Shoemaker 1894 321 *Congdon, Gilbert Arnold 1877 179 *Johns Hopkins 1869 139 *Samue! Hopkins 1866 128 *Conklin, Edward Boote 1899 380 Frank Henry 1895 335 Frank Roland 1911 549 Cook. Charles Gilpin 1892 300 Edward Hanson 1868 137 *Cook. Elijah (1884) 731 Joseph Horace 1881 196 Cookman. Arthur Shirlev . . . 1902 420 ♦Charles Howland 1895 336 Harold Holmes 1905 458 Cooper, Bennett Smedlev 1918 636 Edwin New-bold 1921 669 Joseph Arthur 1916 610 Howard Mickle 1864 115 *John 1856 72 *"Lehman Adams 1858 83 *Samuel C 1860 97 *Cope. Alban 1887 251 *Alexis Thomas 1868 . 137 ♦Alfred, Tr 1876 176 *Edgar • 1857 77 *Cope. Edward Drinker (1864) 729 •Francis Hazen .' 1880 193 •Francis Reeve 1839 14 Francis Reeve, Tr 1900 390 INDEX 739 NAME CLASS Cope. Henry 1869 Joseph 1909 Toshua Alban 1912 Oliver 1923 *Samuel Barnes 1852 *Thomas Pirn 1839 Thomas Pirn 1873 Corbit, Alexander Peterson . . . 1880 Daniel . 1882 Daniel Wheeler 1863 *John Cowgill 1853 *John Cowgill, Jr 1888 *William Brinton 1860 *William Francis 1853 *Corlies, William Moore 1860 Cornman, Clarence R 1903 Corson, Bolton Langdon 1916 Philip Langdon 1919 Costenbader, Walter Grosh . . 1924 Cottrell, Charles Thurston . . . 1890 Coulter, Calvin Brewster .... 1908 *Cowperthwaite, Edwin 1840 *Thomas Carlile 1842 Cox, Charles Ellwood 1880 Exum Morris 1888 Henry Greer 1905 Isaac Milton 1882 *Robert B 1862 *Craig, Andrew Gather wood, Jr. 1884 George Craig 1907 *Crawford, John Yocum 1891 *Crenshaw, Edmund Austin . . . 1845 *Tohn Bacon 1839 ^"Nathaniel Bacon 1867 *Cresson, James Clarence 1858 *Crew, Benjamin Johnson .... 1847 *John Henry 1855 *Peter Joel 1854 *William Hall 1857 Crites, Jesse William 1908 Croll, Walter Lewis 1907 *Cromwell, Henry 1838 James William 1859 Crosman, Charles Henry 1913 Charles Sumner 1878 Edward Newton 1915 *Edward Thomas 1878 George Loring 1882 John Marshall_ 1918 Loring Pickering 1915 Willard Martin Rice 1917 Crow, Hollie Ernest 1910 Crowder, William Samuel . . . 1913 *Crowe, Samuel 1858 Crowell, Arthur 1904 James White 1909 Thomas 1906 Crowther, Paul Carr 1920 William Mortimer 1893 Crozer, Edward P 1892 Curtis, Frederick Augustus . . 1913 Stephen 1918 r> *DaCosta. John Chalmers, Jr. . 1893 *Dakin, Franklin Arthur (1894) Dam. Colby Dorr 1917 Loring 1917 Darlington, Charles Goodliffe 1913 Charles Howard 1867 Morton Pennock 1897 Percy Smedley 1890 William Marshall 1917 David, Edward Wandell 1910 Davies, Guy Hulett 1890 PAGE 140 520 555 690 54 12 161 190 205 111 57 255 94 57 95 436 611 647 699 283 506 18 25 190 255 458 205 107 223 484 295 37 15 130 83 42 67 63 77 497 484 10 91 569 181 598 181 205 636 598 623 524 570 83 447 511 472 663 315 305 570 642 305 730 624 624 579 131 356 283 631 524 283 NAME CLASS PAGE Davis, Charles Woodward . . . 1903 436 Francis Franklin 1893 308 George Elton (1920) 728 George Frederick 1881 200 Henry 1910 525 Henry Lamont, Jr 1892 306 *Henry Wilkins 1863 111 Tames Franklin 1875 168 *Richard Wistar 1838 10 Royal Jenkins 1899 380 *Dawson, Charles Poultney . . . 1864 118 Charles Wilmott 1888 263 *William Morrison .. 1858 83 '^Day, Edward Munson 1844 34 Grafton Buckingham 1919 651 Deacon, Frank 1918 636 Frederick Howard 1874 166 Gerald Hartley 1909 511 *James Woolman 1854 63 William Whitman 1923 686 Dean, Archer Griffin 1903 443 George Brookhouse 1894 331 Morris Burgess 1897 356 William 1887 251 Deane, Philip Bernard 1911 541 DeArmond, James Keyser . . . 1901 407 DeCou, Benjamin Satterthwaite 1899 380 Franklin 1867 133 *John Allen 1894 332 *Samuel Coleman 1859 91 'Delaplain, Louis Springer, Jr. 1870 148 DeMotte, Lawrence Washburn 1901 407 Dennett, Carleton 1933 690 *Dennis, James, Jr 1864 119 ^Joseph Henry 1892 300 William Varney 1902 421 Dent, Roscoe Walter 1911 549 *Derderian, Nazaret Kevork . . 1895 342 Desmond. Thomas Charles . . . 1908 506 Detwiler, Frank Hughes 1897 356 *Warren H 1893 301 *Deuell, George Henry 1896 348 Develin, Joseph Chubb 1910 535 Dewees, Aaron Lovett 1901 408 Alfred Henry 1918 636 Diament, Francis Harrar .... 1913 57<) *Dickinson, Edwin L 1857 77 *Jonathan, Jr 1886 236 Dickson, Aubrey Cowtan .... 1906 473 *DiIworth, William T 1853 57 Dixon, Alfred Alexander (1911) 737 Doak, Henry Andrew 1909 512 *Doan, Enos L 1885 226 Dodge, Burdette Lynde, Jr. . . 1909 520 Ira Jacob 1907 484 Karl 1915 606 Domincovich. Harry Anthony 1903 436 Donchian, Levon Paul '. 1921 676 *Dorsey, William Tagart 1867 131 Doughten, Henry Warrington, Jr 1906 473 Douglas, Lyman Calkins 1935 707 Dowlin, Cornell March 1931 676 Downing, George Valentine . . 1914 585 Henry Drinker, Jr 1916 618 John Steele 1911 542 *Joseph Miller 1865 122 Thomas Stalker 1873 155 Thomas Stalker 1905 459 *Drake. James Haines 1865 125 Drinker, Cecil Kent 1908 497 Henry Sandwith, Jr 1900 391 James Blathwaite 1903 437 *John Henry 1839 15 *DuBarry, Joseph N., Jr 1890 290 740 INDEX NAME CLASS "Dudley, Henry Wilson 1876 Duerr, Otto Eugene 1903 "Dunbar, Charles Clark 1843 Dunlap, George Arthur 1916 Dunn, Emmett Reid 1915 Robert Rowe 1883 Thomas Philips 1919 Dunton, William Rush, Jr. . . . 1889 Durgin, Clyde Gowen 1912 E Earnest, Franklin McCreary, Jr 1919 Eastburn, George, Jr 1899 "Eaton, William Bradford (1890) "Eddy, Job Abraham Tucker . . 1844 Edgerton, Charles Willis .... 1914 David Russell 1924 Edmonds, John Branson .... 1920 Edsall, Joseph Pusey 1906 "Edwards, Clarence Kinley . . . 1893 David William 1883 Earle Nelson 1910 Edward Aiken 1908 "Edward Bird 1842 Ernest Russell 1897 Josiah Pennington 1880 Levi Talbot 1881 Egolf, Paul Hewlett 1915 Eiseman, Douglass Walter . . . 1925 John Alfred 1925 Ekholm, Wendell Bowman . . . 1924 Elder, Lucius Williams, Jr. . . 1920 Eldridge, Jonathan 1878 William Stauffer 1907 Elfreth, John Bennington, Jr. 1912 Elkinton, Alfred Walton 1914 Henry Thomas 1920 Howard West 1914 Joseph Passmore 1908 Thomas William 1914 Ellicott, William Miller, Jr. . 1884 'Elliott, Aaron Marshall 1866 "Elliott, Aaron Marshall (1908) "Daniel Morris 1842 "John 1838 "Ellis, Evan Tyson 1844 Richard Stanton 1898 Thomas Southard 1924 Ellison, James Sprague, Jr. . 1916 Else, Frank Whittier (1897) Ralph Roscoe 1910 "Ely, Richard Elias 1851 "Emlsree, John Gyger 1898 Emigh, Chalmers Preston .... 1922 Emlen, George Williams .... 1873 George Williams, Jr 1908 James 1874 "James Valentine 1838 John Thompson 1900 England, Howard Stroud .... 1888 Engle, James Linton 1895 Erben, Walter 1873 Ervien, Charles Richmond . . . 1902 Robert 1908 Eshleman, Benjamin 1905 "Benjamin Franklin 1867 Frank Mercur 1900 Martin Sheaffer 1925 Rodney Mercur 1910 Ulysses Mercur 1903 "Estes, Joseph Stanley 1884 "Ludovic 1869 "Thomas Rowland 1873 Wilbur Albert 1893 PAGE 173 437 30 611 598 316 651 367 555 647 387 715 34 585 699 656 473 316 213 535 498 36 364 191 197 606 707 708 699 656 181 485 555 585 663 585 498 586 223 127 733 26 9 S3 367 699 611 735 536 51 367 680 161 498 164 9 393 356 336 155 431 507 459 131 393 708 534 443 333 140 155 309 NAME CLASS "Estlack, Thomas, Jr 1843 Evans, Charles 1903 "Donald 1906 Edward Wyatt 1903 "Ernest Mervyn 1905 Francis Algernon 1899 George Henry 1883 Harold 1907 Horace Young 1887 Joseph Spragg, Jr 1895 Thomas 1889 "William Henry 1889 "William Penn 1871 "Evaul, Henry 1869 "Evernghim, Henry 1837 Ewan, Stacy Newcomb, Jr. . . 1931 Ewing, J. M. Sharpless 1906 "Exton, Joseph Carpenter .... 1861 "Eyre, Joshua P., Jr 1858 F Falconer, Cyrus 1915 Douglas Piatt 1912 Fales, James Turner 1906 Fallon, Christopher 1911 Louis Fleming 1913 Fansler, Ralph Lee 1913 Thomas LaFayette, Jr. . . 1921 Fardon, Albert Henry 1901 Faries, Walter Reichner .... 1916 "Farmer, Elihu Jerome 1857 "Farnum, Samuel 1863 Farquhar, Benjamin 1911 Francis Hunt 1913 Farr. Clifford Bailey 1894 Edward Lincoln, Jr 1915 Walter Greene 1916 Farrar, Hal Gordon 1923 Fay, Joseph Millard, Jr 1923 Percival Bradshaw 1909 Febiger, Christian 1900 Christian Carson 1865 William Sellers 1909 •Fell, Jonathan W. 1837 Fenwick, James Bussier 1905 Ferguson, Joseph Cooper, 3d . 1914 William Cramp, Jr 1931 "Fergusson, Edmund Morris, Jr. 1920 "Ferris, David Sands 1884 Henr3^ Jr 1911 Leslie Warren 1912 *Lindley Murray, Jr 1855 Malcolm 1914 William Taber 1885 Fetzer, John Clark 1934 Wade Melville 1934 Field, Elliot 1897 "Thomas Yardley, Jr 1896 "W. Harrington 1856 Finestone, Lewis Julian 1914 Firth, Henry Heberton 1889 "Samuel Lloyd 1893 "Fischer, William Gustavus, Jr. 1891 "Fisher, Charles William 1840 Charles Worley 1905 Guilford Dudley 1933 *Israel Pleasants 1843 John Monroe, Jr 1934 "Lindley 1837 Wager 1897 Fite, George Liddle 1934 Warner 1889 Fitts,. Dwight Robert 1918 John Russel 1920 Flanders, Donald Alexander . 1920 PAGE 30 431 480 431 459 381 313 485 243 337 368 377 149 141 5 669 481 103 83 598 555 473 549 579 556 680, 414 611 78 107 542 556 333 599 618 690 690 513 393 135 513 6 468 586 676 663 333 543 556 67 586 337 699 700 357 354 73 593 378 306 295 18 460 690 31 700 6 364 700 268 636 656 657 INDEX 741 NAME CLASS Fleming, Montgomery Ward . 1905 Flint, Frank Plumley 1923 Flowers, Frank Shuster 1923 *William Pickering 1861 *Folwell, Joseph D 1839 Philip Donald 1904 *Richard L 1843 *Forman, Horace Baker, 3d . . 1917 Forsythe, Davis Hoopes 1881 Edward 1878 Isaac 1877 Jesse Garrett 1917 John Evans 1872 Fortescue, Frank Archam- bault 1925 *Foster, Charles 1839 *Fothergill, Henry 1858 Foulke, Edward 1924 *Edward Jeanes 1894 Fox, John Sharpless 1903 *Joseph Mickle 1873 Robert Eastburn 1890 *Samuel Lewis 1854 *Franklin, Benjamin H 1843 Eraser, Henry Salmon 1922 Frazier, Charles Harrison,' Jr. 1924 Cyrus Pickett 1878 Freedley, William Gardiner, Jr 1900 Freeman, Alfred Edgar 1901 Edward Dale 1900 Frissell, Walker Irwin 1883 *Fritz, Henry Percival 1907 Froelicher, Charles Mitchell . 1910 Francis Mitchell 1913 Hans, Jr 1912 Frost, Meigs Oliver 1910 Frutchey, Charles Arthur .... 1910 Fry, Gilbert Crawford 1923 ^Fuller, George Llewellyn 1891 *Tames, Jr 1843 *John Wilkinson 1843 Furness, Harold Alan 1910 Futrell, William Harrison . . . 1887 G Gallager, Herbert Van Buren 1911 *Gamble, Elisha 1882 Gardiner, William Henry .... 1911 William John 1917 *Gardner, Earner Somers 1895 Garner, Ralph Leslie 1912 *Garrett, Albin 1864 Alfred Cope 1887 *George Spencer 1902 *Hibbard 1915 John Biddle 1854 *"Philip C 1851 Philip Cresson 1925 Thomas Cresson 1925 Garrigues, Albert Graham . . . 1916 Henry Haydock 1903 John Kittera 1914 John Sharpless 1871 Gates, Morris White 1914 Thomas Sovereign 1893 Cause, Charles Edward 1880 Geary, John White 1889 Gebauer, George John 1921 Geckeler, Edwin Oscar 1920 Geisinger, William Shelly .... 1914 Gheen, Evan Pennock 1910 ♦Gibbons, Edward 1879 William Henry 1872 Gibson, Robert 1917 PAGE 460 691 691 103 15 447 31 631 197 182 178 624 155 708 15 83 700 329 422 161 284 63 31 680 700 182 400 408 393 216 494 526 570 557 535 535 691 296 31 31 526 243 550 308 550 624 343 565 116 244 422 607 63 49 708 708 613 443 586 149 593 316 191 278 669 663 594 526 187 156 624 NAME CLASS PAGE Gifford, Charles Henry 1853 58 Elmer H (1892) 719 *Tohn Henry 1879 187 'Nelson Davis 1921 676 Philip Collins 1913 571 Seth Kelley 1876 173 *Gilbert, Henry Lee 1890 384 *Gill, William Hopkins 1853 58 Gillespie, Abraham Lincoln, Jr. 1918 643 Samuel Crawford, Jr. ... 1923 691 William Allen 1899 387 *Gillis, John Pritchett 1865 135 Gilmour, Neil 1918 637 Gilpin, Vincent 1897 357 Goddard, Arthur Herbert 1913 571 Henry Herbert 1887 345 Godley, Francis Downing . . . 1907 485 Godshall, Harry Hackman . . . 1905 468 Goerke, Francis Charles 1916 619 Goltman, Alfred Meyer 1918 643 Goodhue, Francis, 3d 1919 651 Goodman, William 1895 337 Goodwin, Warren Clarkson . . 1889 269 Gordy, Edward Lee 1925 708 Goto, Ichizo 1920 663 Grafiflin, Frederick Lincoln . . . 1887 251 Graham, Walter Franklin 1912 566 Grant, William Henry 1902 423 Graves, Edgar Baldwin 1919 647 Gordon Harwood 1906 473 Grayson, Theodore Julius .... 1901 414 *Greaves (or Greeves), Thomas 1841 30 Greb, John Walter 1903 444 Green, Jesse Paul 1914 587 John Clinton 1910 527 Kane Stovell 1894 333 Thomas Lightfoot 1908 507 Greene, Joseph Warren, Jr. . 1917 625 William Chase 1910 535 Greenwell, Harold Doman ... 1924 700 Greer, Robert Bratton 1918 637 *Gregory, Raymond 1913 571 *Grier, George 1864 119 Harold Caulk 1921 676 *Griffith, Joseph Henry Ogles- by 1895 343 *Richard Edward 1867 134 Roy Thurlby 1919 651 Grigg, Harold Maurice 1922 681 Percy Chandler 1924 700 Grimes, George Randle 1923 691 Griscom, Rodman Ellison 1889 278 *William Woodnutt 1870 148 Griswold, Frank Tracy 1892 306 Gross, Gerald Connop 1925 708 Gucker, Frank Thomson, Jr.. 1920 657 Guenther, Jacob Jarden 1908 499 *Guilford, William Moore, Jr. 1890 284 *Gummere, Barker 1838 10 *Charles T 1841 20 *Francis Barton 1872 156 *Gummere, Francis Barton ...(1908) 733 *Henry Day 1845 38 Henry Volkmar 1888 257 John Flagg 1922 681 *John Griscom 1838 10 John Westcott 1915 599 *Richard Morris 1866 128 Richard Mott 1902 423 Samuel James 1907 485 *William 1836 2 ♦William Henry 1884 224 Guss, John Noble 1890 284 Guthrie, Frank Warren 1923 691 742 INDEX H NAME CLASS PAGE *Hacker, Arthur 1853 54 *Charles 1847 43 *Edward 1838 10 *Henry Marriott 1837 6 *Lloyd Mifflin 1844 35 *Morris 1848 45 *Paschall 1858 83 Raymond Colby 1923 686 *William 1854 63 William Estes 1887 251 Hadley, Hiram 1856 72 Lawrence Nathan 1913 573 * Samuel Allen 1862 106 Thomas Frederic 1911 543 *Walter Carpenter 1881 200 Hafer, Warren Lavere 1907 494 Haig, Chester R 1904 447 *Haines, Alfred Sharpless 1898 368 Arthur 1899 387 Carroll Austin 1910 527 Caspar Wistar 1872 157 *CharIes Edward 1875 168 Charles William 1935 708 Edward Cadmus 1931 669 *Francis Cope 1876 177 *Frederic 1865 125 Hartley Stokes 1919 647 *Henry Cope 1873 161 *Howard Lippincott 1864 119 Howard Lippincott, Tr. . . 1922 686 John Howard 1908 507 *John Smith 1838 11 Joseph Howell 1898 368 *Lind;iey ). . ■.1869 144 *Reuben 1871 149 Robert Bowne, Tr 1878 182 Robert Bowne, 3d 1917 625 *Samuel Bunting 1863 107 Thomas Harvey 1896 349 Wilbur Hamilton 1907 486 William Henry 1871 150 William Henry, Tr 1906 473 William Tones 1884 219 *William Snell 1839 15 Zebedee 1867 134 Haley, Edwin Tames 1890 285 Hall, Albert Winter 1917 625 *Arthur Dillwyn 1884 230 Arthur Dillwyn 1919 651 *Frank Stevens 1864 119 Norris Folger 1913 573 Percival, Tr 1923 681 *Rufus Hacker 1893 301 *WiIliam Wilder 1903 433 Hallett, George Harvey, Tr. . . 1915 599 Henry McLellan 1900 394 Henry McLellan, 3d 1918 637 Ilallock, Joseph 1933 681 *Hallowell, Norwood Penrose . 1857 78 *Richard Price 1855 67 Hamilton, Frederick Clifford . 1909 513 William Henry 1933 691 Hand, William Henry 1934 700 *Handy, Charles 1845 38 *Thomas Poultney 1863 113 William Winder 1891 393 Hannum, William Townsend . 1916 613 *Hanson, Ezekiel Hunn 1855 67 Harding, Arthur Search 1898 368 George Franklin 1885 234 William Hover 1918 642 *Hardy, Benjamin F 1843 36 Hare, William Yarnall 1913 573 Haring, Forrest Chapman . . 1934 700 NAME CLASS PAGE *Harkness, Howard F 1861 103 *Harlan, William Brick 1873 159 Harnwell, Gaylord Probasco . 1924 701 Harris, Henry John 1895 338 Harris, J. Rendel (1900) 732 *Tohn Stuart 1860 98 Pierson Penrose 1930 657 Hart, Walter Morris 1893 301 Hartley, Albert Dempsey 1896 349 Hartman, Harry Calvin 1920 663 Lewis Evans 1918 643 Hartshorn, Gordon Birdsall . 1919 647 *Hartshorne, Charles 1846 40 Charles 1919 652 Charles Robinson 1874 164 Edward Yarnall 1881 197 Francis Cope 1888 257 *George 1840 18 *Henry 1839 13 Henry 1931 676 *Isaac 1844 34 James 1931 676 *Joseph 1871 150 William Davis 1871 153 William Davis, Jr 1911 54S Harvey, Andrew 1915 600 Anson Burlingame 1894 333 David Maitland 1916 619 John Sykes Curtis, Jr. ... 1935 709 *Lawson Moreau 1881 201 LeRoy 1894 329 Thomas Parrott 1906 481 Hastings, Alan Woods 1921 670 Stanley Bond 1934 701 William Fairbank 1919 648 William Walter (1896) 723 Hathaway, Nathaniel, Tr 1919 653 Hauff, Edmund Guido 1921 670 Haughton, John Paul 1894 334 Victor Mallet 1889 369 *Haviland, Arthur 1865 123 *Charles Field 1849 47 *Edward Emmet 1848 45 Edward Kenneth . , 1923 691 Joseph Bernard 1902 433 Paul Robbins 1924 701 Walter Winchip 1893 309 Haworth, Elwood Bates, Jr. . 1920 664 *James Mahlon 1853 58 Flay, Arthur Moorhead 1895 338 ErroU Baldwin 1895 339 Kenneth 1899 387 Hayman, Joseph Marchant, Tr. 1918 637 Haynes, John Shields 1919 648 Hazard, Richard Bowne 1883 206 *Rowland 1849 47 Willis Hatfield 1887 346 Headly, John Frederick 1924 701 Heaton, Lawrence Gardiner . . 191'6 619 Heilman, Eugene Blair 1921 670 Horace Richard 1925 709 Wesley Marvin 1921 701 William Blair 1922 681 Helbert, George Kingman . . . 1904 448 Helveston, Harold William . . 1915 600 Hemphill, Albert Weimer . . . 1906 474 Henderson, Francis 1879 188 Herschel Clifford 1921 670 Hendricks, Kearney Everett . 1903 433 *Paul Craig 1915 600 William Craig 1922 681 Henley, Fred Murdoch (1916) 727 *Herendeen, Edward Welcome 1853 54 Francis Albert 1887 252 Herrick, Colin James 1924 701 INDEX 743 NAME CLASS PAGE *Heston, George Thomas 1844 35 Heulings, Isaac W 1867 134 Heyer, Charles Dixon 1923 693 Heym, Gerhard 1914 594 Heyne, Irvin Coltun 1933 692 *Hiatt, James Smith 1900 394 *OHver Smith 1864 119 Hibberd, Dilworth Potts 1890 285 Isaac H 1855 67 *Hickman, Joseph E 1859 91 *Hicks, Harold Willard 1930 664 Higgins, Frank Burton 1897 365 Hill, Allen Janney 1909 531 *Folwell Buxton 1859 91 Gerald Ford 1915 607 Henry Whitmore 1917 632 Horace Prentice 1920 664 Joseph Bennett 1912 566 *Joseph Gurney 1885 334 Louis Taber 1884 220 *Mahlon Patterson 1880 193 Myron Francis (1891) 718 *Nathan Branson 1839 15 Samuel 1878 183 *Thomas Clarkson 1854 64 Thomas Rothwell 1908 499 Hilleman, George Adolph 1933 683 *HiIles, John Smith 1848 45 Joseph Tatum 1888 357 Samuel EH 1874 165 Thomas Allen 1870 145 William Samuel 1885 237 William Smedley 1895 339 *William Smith 1843 22 William Tatum 1904 448 Himes, Rees Slaymaker 1933 692 Hinchman, Charles Russell . 1896 350 Walter Swain 1900 394 Hinrichs, William Ernest 1925 709 Hinrichsen, Axel Fibiger, . . . 1933 692 "Hinsdale, Shephen Grellet . . . 1839 16 Hinshaw, David Scull 1911 543 *Hipple, Edward Payson, Jr. . 1903 433 *William Levis 1890 390 Hires, Charles Elmer, Jr 1913 573 Harrison Streeter 1910^ 527 Hisey, John Alan 1918 638 Hoag, Clarence Gilbert 1893 309 Garrett Scattergood 1923 692 Gilbert Thomas 1930 657 *Joseph Lindley 1858 84 *Nicholas W 1853 58 Hobbs, Allen Wilson 1908 500 Lewis Lyndon 1876 174 Hobbs, Lewis Lyndon (1908) 733 Louis Lyndon, Jr (1911) 737 Richard Junius Menden- hall 1911 543 Hodgin, Samuel Horace 1898 369 Hodgson, Carey Vandervort . . 1903 438 Hoffman, Benjamin Rose .... 1897 358 Enoch Farson 1903 438 Miles Atlee 1893 306 Schuyler Van Vechten. Jr. 1912 566 William Alexander, Jr. . 1919 653 Hogenauer, Howard Tessup . . 1924 701 *Hollingshead, Henry" 1843 31 Irving ; 1925 709 *Joseph Mickle 1840 19 Hollingsworth, John Emory . 1903 438 Holloway, Walter Vail 1898 375 *Holme, John Gibbon 1863 112 *Richard Henrv 1876 174 Holmes, Lee Grant 1923 692 Hood, Lee Everett 1907 494 NAME CLASS PAGE Hoopes, Arthur 1891 293 John Robison 1921 670 Macmillan 1900 400 Thomas, Jr 1915 600 Hoover, Charles Ruglas 1907 487 Hopkins, Arthur Haddon 1905 460 *Ephraim 1858 84 *Frank Neville 1867 134 *George H. 1858 84 *Gerard 1856 73 *John J 1855 68 Joseph Schofield 1860 98 *Lewis Neill 1853 52 *Samuel 1858 84 *WaIter G 1860 98 Hopper, Harry Boardman .... 1906 474 Hoskins, Hervey Macv 1903 439 *Jesse Franklin 1871 150 House, Henry Fleming 1935 709 Howard, Philip Eugene, Jr. . 1930 664 William Herbert 1912 557 *Howell, Arthur Holton 1837 6 Herbert Charles 1888 264 *Toseph, Jr 1840 17 ♦Joseph Kirkbride 1838 11 *WilHam Hudson 1838 11 Howey, Loyal Green 1917 632 Howgate, George Washburne . 1934 701 *Howland, Andrew Moore .... 1853 58 *Benjamin 1853 58 *Charles Samuel 1872 159 *Cornelius 1854 64 *George Henry 1850 49 John Gibbs 1924 701 *Robert Bowne 1843 28 Weston 1917 635 *William Penn 1843 31 Howson, Charles Henry 1897 358 Furman Sheppard 1900 400 Horace 1912 557 Hubert Abbe 1915 601 Richard 1913 573 *Hoxie. Henrv Newell (1883) 730 Hubbard, Bvron Charles (1892) 719 Hillis Johnson 1923 692 *Tohn Russell 1855 66 * William Harrison 1870 146 Hubler, George Harold 1919 653 *Huey, Robert. Jr 1896 354 Huffman. George Conrad 1933 692 Hughes, Tames Edward 1894 324 *flughes. Thomas (1880) 730 *Huil. John 1853 59 *Toseph Janney 1853 54 William Janney 1860 98 Hulme, Alfred Parsons 1935 709 Frederick George 1898 375 *John L., 1852 54 *Samue! 1837 6 Hume, John Elias 1897 358 *Hunn, John 1843 26 *Townsend Sharpless 1856 73 Hunsicker, John Ouincy, Jr. . 1896 350 William Cosgrove, Tr ... 1933 693 *Hunt, Ambrose 1846 40 Clarence Merle 1913 558 *Daniel Williams 1858 81 *Ellwood 1856 73 George Wood 1923 693 *Howard Abbott 1868 139 Luther Milton (1896) 723 *WiIliam, Tr 1875 169 Wilson Allen (1893) 719 Hunter, Perry Ashbridge 1916 61S Hurwitz, Boris Leon 1921 677 744 INDEX NAME CLASS Hussey, Arthur Mekeel 1887 *George Frederick 1881 *Tohn Bowne 1843 ♦William Rowland 1842 William Timothy 1885 Huston, Abram Francis 1872 Charles Lukens 1875 James Stewart 1919 William Perot 1872 Hutkin, Marcus Diamondstone 1923 Hutton, Arthur Webster 1910 John Wetherill 1891 Walter Pandrich 1897 Hynson, Matthew Manlove .... 1918 I *Iddings, George W 1859 *James C 1857 Inman, Arthur Crew 1917 Inumaru, Tetsutaro 1902 J Jackson, Charles West 1867 Walter 1867 *Jacob, Charles Richard 1884 *Jacobs, Carrol Brinton 1893 Francis Brinton 1897 * Jacobs, William (1872) Janeway, John Livingston, 3d 1907 Janney, John Hall 1887 *Johns Hopkins .- 1856 *Richard Mott 1888 Richard Worth 1922 Thomas Symington 1890 Walter Coggeshall 1898 Jansen, Cornelius Henry Von Riesen 1889 Jay, Isaac E 1885 *William Charles 1882 Jebb, William Thomas 1921 Jefferis, Warren Harper 1924 *Jenkins, Charles Williams . . . 1881 *William Grant 1890 Jenks, Horace Howard 1900 John Story, Jr 1898 William Pearson 1892 *Jessup, Benjamin H 1860 George White 1863 Johnson, Carl 1902 Charles Hadley 1895 Charles Harmony, Jr. . . . 1925 *Guy Roche 1886 Henry Alden 1916 *Henry Norton 1843 Irving Culver (1893) Isaac Thorne 1881 *Jacob Lindley 1859 *Joseph Esrey, Jr 1888 Joseph Henry 1888 Phillipis 1925 Johnston, Walter Ames 1925 Jones, Arthur Winslow 1885 *Benjamin W 1841 *Charles 1837 •Charles Henry 1861 Davis Godfrey 1898 Edward Ballinger 1922 "Edward Magarge 1880 Edward Morris 1914 Ernest Fuller 1907 Frederick Dilwin 1883 George Lindley 1893 Harold William . 1905 Herbert Lawrence 1917 PAGE 252 201 31 26 327 157 169 652 159 693 536 293 365 638 91 78 632 424 134 135 220 310 359 729 494 252 73 264 682 290 369 279 235 209 671 702 201 286 395 375 302 98 113 433 343 709 336 612 26 720 197 92 258 264 709 710 227 20 6 101 369 686 191 587 487 206 310 461 626 NAME CLASS PAGE Jones, Hudson Godfrey 1902 433 *Ivins Davis 1861 103 *James Parnell 1855 68 *John Barclay 1874 165 John Barclay, Jr 1921 671 LeRoy 1911 544 Lewis, Jr 1890 290 Paul 1905 461 *Richard Mott 1867 131 * Jones, Richard Mott (1879) 730 * Jones, Richard Mott (1891) 731 *Richard Thomas 1863 110 *Rufus Horton 1899 381 Rufus Matthew 1885 228 Jones, Rufus Matthezv 1922 733 *Samuel Howell 1837 6 Samuel Rufus 1884 224 Samuel Percy 1903 434 *Thomas Woodward 1853 59 *William Brinton 1865 125 *WilmoL Rufus 1883 306 Wilmot Rufus 1923 693 Judkins, William, 3d 1910 536 Justice, William Warner, Jr. . 1900 396 K *Kaighn, William Bartram . . . 1869 141 Kaleel, Mousa Jirius 1915 607 Kamens, Tack Wexler 1916 619 Kamsler, Milton Adolph 1920 657 Kay, David Alexander 1922 687 Kearney, Thomas Henry 1920 658 Keay, Louis Kent 1918 643 Keller, Edwin Walker 1924 703 Kellett, William Wallace 1913 579 Kelly, Thomas Raymond 1914 587 Kelsey, Cadwalader Washburn 1903 444 Hadley Hart 1914 588 Kemble, Ira Oscar, Jr (1895) 721 Kendall, John Wiley 1918 643 Kenderdine, John Donald . . . 1910 527 Kendig, Raymond Clare 1916 612 Kennard, Edwin Orson 1881 198 William, Jr 1906 474 Kerbaugh, George Allen 1910 528 Malcolm Dean 1919 653 Killen, Clarence Creadick .... 1909 513 *Kimber, Anthony Morris 1840 17 John Shober 1886 239 *Marmaduke Cope 1873 158 Thomas 1930 664 *Thomas, Tr 1843 32 *Kimber. Thomas (1887) 731 *Thomas William 1876 174 William Marmaduke Cope 1904 449 *Ring, Elias Ellicott 1844 35 *Francis Thompson 1837 7 *Joseph 1843 31 Joseph Bernard, Jr 1930 658 *Pendleton 1869 141 *Thomas 1839 16 Kingston, Henry Houston, Jr. 1900 400 *Kinsman, William Low 1853 52 Kirk, Edward Goodwin 1903 424 EHsha Theophilus 1913 579 *Mahlon Zimri (1894) 720 William Thompson, 3d . . 1916 613 Kirkbride, Franklin Butler . . . 1889 270 *Mahlon 1874 165 *Thomas Story, Tr 1890 286 William Howard 1901 408 Kitchen. Paul Cliff 1909 513 Kitzmiller. Richard Dale 1921 677 Klaren, John Hugo, Tr 1921 677 INDEX 745 NAME CLASS Kleinz, William Lee 1911 Klemm, Ralph Adam 1932 Kling, Edward William 1915 Klock, Harvey 1917 Knight, Clinton Prescott, Jr . 1916 *Thomas Walter 1863 Knipe, Arthur 1893 Knowlton, Alfred Douglas . . . 1930 *Henrv Earle 1916 Stephen Brooks 1923 Kojima, Edward Masayoshi . . 1913 Koons, Henry Webster 1918 Kratz, Abel Wesley 1904 Krider, James Delaplaine .... 1877 Kuhns, Barton Hay 1932 John 1916 Kumm, Henry William 1921 Karl Grattan G 1935 Kurtz, Henry Keller, Jr 1913 William Wesley, 2d 1908 Kwan, Yan Cho 1912 ^Ladd, Benjamin 1853 Isaac Gifford 1884 *Thomas Wood 1854 *WilHam Henry 1845 *Lamb, Eli Matthews 1856 *Thomas White 1861 Lancaster, George 1894 Lane, David Redfield 1922 *George, Jr 1921 Harold Macy 1914 John Irving 1898 Silas 1902 *Lang, John Alton 1860 Langfeld, Herbert Sidney . . . 1901 Langsdorf, Jacob Morris .... 1910 Latham, Lance Brenton 1912 Laug, Edwin Peuckert 1925 Laughlin, Sceva Bright (1906) Laverty, Maris Alexander .. .1917 Law, Fern 1910 Lawrence, Edwin Field, Jr. . . 1917 *Richard Henry 1841 *William Henry 1865 Lawson, Mennis 1917 Le Clercq, Jacques Georges Clemenceau Schuman . . 1918 *Lee, Charles Frederick 1907 Charles Smith 1905 Morris Matthews 1898 *Philip 1885 Philip Leighton 1921 Robert Harris 1924 *Leedom, John Moore 1857 *Leeds, Albert Ripley 1863 Arthur Newlin 1889 John Bacon 1895 Morris Evans 1888 Robert West 1923 *Wilmer Pancoast 1883 Lees, Alfred Whitaker 1916 *Leggett, Charles Pleasants . . . 1842 Leidy, Philip Ludwell 1916 Leininger, Charles Scott .... 1910 Leland, William Henry 1915 Leonard, Arthur Cheyney .... 1908 John William 1921 Lesley, Hugh 1887 Lester, Bernard 1904 Edward Rowntree 1917 Evan Jones, Jr 1918 John Ashby 1896 Leuba, Clarence James 1920 PAGE 650 683 607 626 619 112 316 658 613 693 580 643 449 178 687 613 671 710 580 507 567 54 234 64 38 73 102 330 687 677 588 376 433 98 415 537 558 710 736 636 537 632 19 126 626 643 487 461 370 335 677 703 78 113 371 340 258' 703 207 619 27 613 538 601 508 677 346 449 633 638 350- 658 NAME CLASS PAGE Levering, Griffith George 1924 703 Levett, Walker Moore . 1897 365 Levick, Henry Lewis d'lnvil- liers 1900 396 -*Tames Jones 1843 33 *Lewis Jones 1867 135 *Robert 1863 113 *Samuel Jones, Jr 1870 148 *Thomas J 1851 50 Levin, Edwin Rank 1911 550 Levis, Edward Megarge 1915 601 *Franklin B 1853 59 Lewis, Andrew Lindsay 1933 693 Benjamin Jones 1914 588 *Berge Rawle 1858 84 *Chester Preston 1907 495 Daniel Clark 1889 371 *Edmund Coleman 1887 353 *Enoch Edward 1856 73 Eugene Caryl 1894 330 Henry Carvill 1910 528 John Frazier Taylor 1890 286 *John Howard 1837 7 *Mordecai K 1844 35 Thomas Krapfel 1909 513 Walter E 1908 500 William Draper 1888 359 William Evan 1913 558 Libby, Ralph Garfield 1905 468 Limeburner, Furman Hunte . 1919 653 *Lindlev, Cyrus 1860 95 *John Hadley 1864 119 Luke 1904 450 Lindsay, Raleigh Cabell 1907 487 William Gibbon 1906 474 Linton, Morris Albert 1908 500 Lippincott, Charles 1861 104 George 1895 340 *Heulings 1862 108 Horace Greenough 1862 106 *Horace Greenough, Jr. . . 1893 316 *James Starr 1837 7 ♦Joseph Kay 1867 135 •Joshua W 1860 99 •Samuel Parry 1886 240 Lippman, Leonard Blackledge 1914 594 List, John Kilbourne 1884 234 Little, William Clark 1917 636 •Livezey, John 1858 84 •Joseph Ridgway 1858 85 Lloyd, John Eshleman 1900 401 •Richard Leonard 1893 307 Lobaugh, Edward Harold 1930 664 Locke, LeRoy Dyer 1915 607 Robert Allison 1914 588 Loewenstein, Sidney 1909 531 Logan, James Addison, Jr. . . . 1900 401 •John Dickinson 1837 7 Thomas Megowan 1933 693 •Long, Alfonzo W 1841 31 Charles-Francis 1918 638 Julian Sax 1931 671 Longstreet, Jacob Holmes . . . 1876 177 •Longstreth, Benjamin Taylor 1869 144 •Charles Albert 1876 175 Edward Rhoads 1890 387 Henry 1874 167 •Morris 1864 116 Richard 1924 703 •Samuel Townsend 1857 79 •Thomas Kimber 1870 146 Thomas Morris 1908 501 Walter Wood 1912 558 William Church 1913 573 •William Collins 1837 3 746 INDEX NAME CLASS Longstreth, William Collins . 1902 *WilHam Morris 1873 Lord, Durrell Learock 1925 Loud, Frank Herbert (1900) Love, John Gray, Tr 1916 Lovell, George Willard 1918 *Lownes, Pliineas 1838 Lowry, Alfred 1909 Arthur Tilghman 1906 *Benjamin Howard 1873 Herbert Mendenhall 1913 *Howard Haines 1899 John Blanchard 1912 Robert Pharo 1904 *William Chalkley 1879 Lucas, Clinton W (1886) Ludlam, Jesse Diverty 1913 Lufkin, Harold Marshall 1910 Lukens, Edward Fell, Jr 1916 Lusson, Louis Camilla Olry . . 1918 Lutz, Frank Eugene 1900 Howard Milton 1909 Ly, Juwan Usang 1917 Lycett, Edward Howes, Jr. . . 1899 Isaac Gate 1920 Townsend Whelen 1913 Lynch, James Lewis 1880 Lyon, John Littleton 1923 *John Stewart 1877 ]VI Macadam, John, Jr 1921 MacAfee, William Harrison . . 1897 MacCallum, William Henry, Tr. 1922 Macintosh, Archibald 1931 MacLear, Walter 1887 Macomber, Edward Leonard . 1901 *Maddock, Edward 1860 *Magee, James Ronaldson .... 1859 *Magill, Edzvard Hicks (1886) James P 1907 Maier, Harmon 1913 Paul David Irvin 1896 Male, Jonathan Tamblyn .... 1895 Malone, Lewis 1903 Maloney, Jackson 1906 March, Joseph Cornell Beans 1907 *Michael Henry 1907 Margolis, Abram 1924 M. Julius 1925 Marine, James Sidney 1916 Markley, Joseph Lybrand . . . 1885 *Marsh, Benjamin Vail 1837 Charles Edward 1909 Marshall, Franklin Osbun . . . 1917 Moses 1900 Marshburn, Albert Lawrence 1912 William Valentine 1881 Martin, Harold Thomas 1909 *James, Jr 1845 Loyal Decker 1923 • *L. Lanphier 1887 Robert Linwood 1893 Stuart Thompson 1910 Martinson, Charles Gilbert . . . 1909 Martwick, William Lorimer . . 1916 Marvin, Gerald Longacre .... 1922 Mason, Samuel 1880 Samuel, Jr 1910 Mathis, Norman S 1925 *Matlack, George T 1859 *Matthews, Richard T 1853 *William W 1863 Matzke, David Ernst 1921 Robert Rudolph 1923 PAGE 424 158 710 725 614 644 11 514 475 161 559 381 567 450 188 715 573 537 614 644 396 514 626 381 658 580 192 693 179 671 365 683 671 353 416 99 88 731 487 559 351 343 433 481 488 488 702 710 630 228 3 521 627 402 559 301 521 39 694 253 307 537 514 614 687 193 537 710 92 59 113 672 682 NAME CLASS PAGE Maule, Alfred Collins 1899 382 Edmund Richardson 1913 573 *Edward i. 1841 31 Maury, John M., Tr 1930 665 Maxfield, Francis Norton 1897 359 Maxwell, John Gordon 1916 614 Mayers, Clayton Wadleigh . . . 1910 537 McAllister, Franklin 1893 302 *McCann, Wilmot A 1911 551 McConnell, Thomas, 3d 1919 648 William Mallery 1913 580 McCracken, Harlan Linneus . 1915 601 McCrea, Roswell Cheney 1897 359 McCullock, Warren Sturgis . . 1921 678 McDaniel, Delaplaine 1923 687 *McDowell, Henry 1871 153 McFarlan, Roy 1914 589 *McFarland, William Stuart . . 1886 236 McGrath, Francis Sims 1898 376 McGrew, Henry Edwin (1904) 726 McKay, Howard Franklin . . . 1911 544 McKinley, Morrison Cushman 1931 673 Rowland Paull 1914 589 McKinstry, Hugh Exton 1917 627 McNeill, Joseph 1915 601 Mead, Morris William, Jr. . . . 1934 703 Meader, Stephen Warren 1913 574 Meeks, Harold Edwin 1925 710 Megear, Thomas Jefferson . . . 1904 450 Mekeel, David Lane 1891 293 Mellor, Alfred 1861 104 George Brown 1862 106 George Brown, Tr 1901 416 *John Bancroft 1856 74 Ralph 1899 383 Walter 1901 409 *William 1858 85 *Mendenhall, Cyrus 1836 2 *Cyrus 1857 76 *Tames Ruffin 1842 27 Lloyd Hadley 1913 574 *Nereus 1839 13 Ottis Ear] 1897 360 William Orville 1901 409 Mendes, Joas Silva 1917 633 Mengert, Ulric Johnson 1916 615 William Felix 1931 672 *Mercer, George Gluyas 1877 178 Meredith, Clement Orestes . . . 1901 409 Merrick, Thomas Belsham 1908 508 Merritt, Charles Frost 1864 130 Isaac Nehemiah 1860 99 *T. Walter 1863 113 *William Henry 1860 99 Metcalf, Charles A 1877 179 Metcalfe, Robert Davis 1917 627 *Michener, Charles Lerov ....(1890) 716 Middleton, Samuel 1896 351 Mifflin, Archer Bloomfield . . . 1899 387 Samuel Wright 1900 397 Miller, Charles Lichtv 1908 501 *Charles Martin 1865 126 *Daniel 1900 402 David Blaine 1903 444 Edward Imbrie 1913 560 Elmer Clarence, Tr 1920 665 Frederick Stahl 1933 683 Harold Shaeffer 1914 589 Harrv March 1895 343 John Delaplane 1921 672 Karl Matz 1922 687 Lee Douglas 1919 653 Martin Nixon 1894 330 Paul Van Reed 1909 515 Robert Bovd 1917 637 INDEX 747 NAME CLASS PAGE Miller, Robert Everts 1913 559 *Russell Nelson 1919 648 Vincent Oscar 1932 687 *Warren Koons 1906 475 William H 1858 85 Mills, Joseph John (1890) 731 Milne, Norman Forbes 1930 665 Milner, Alfred Walker 1923 688 Miner, Edwin Demetrius 1921 678 Minot, Francis 1915 607 Mitchell, Howard 1907 488 Jacob Thomas 1891 396 John Jay, 3d 1921 678 Kenneth Sylvester _ 1917 627 Mixter, George Washington, Jr 1911 551 Moffitt, Oscar Payton 1898 370 Molitor, Robert Louis 1921 672 Monroe, James 1906 475 Montgomery, George 1913 574 Hugh 1925 710 Thomas Roger 1923 683 Moock, Ralph Frederick Strod- ick 1919 653 Moon, Charles Thompson .... 1913 560 Edward Randolph 1916 615 Moore, Gilbert Henry 1917 633 Herbert Wills 1901 416 Jesse Hollowell 1881 198 *Moore, Joseph (1867) 729 Lawrence Clayton 1909 515 Lawton 1915 603 Percy Warren 1914 594 *Richard Mott 1839 16 Robert Whitcomb 1918 644 Walter Linton 1884 221 Walter Thomas 1871 151 Willard Brown 1918 638 Moorhouse, John Kennedy . . . 1900 397 *Morgan, Alexander 1844 35 (ierard 1913 580 *James Trask 1838 11 Jesse Henley 1883 207 Mordecai Reeves 1919 653 *Samuel Rodman 1842 27 Samuel Rowland 1898 376 *Sherman Parker 1916 615 *William Burroughs 1847 43 *WiIliam Butler 1853 56 William Earl ...(1885) 715 Morlev, Christopher Darling- 'ton 1910 529 Felix Muskett 1915 602 Frank Vigor 1919 653 *Morris, Alfred Paul 1895 344 ■*Anthony Jones 1862 108 Charles Christopher 1904 450 *Charles Wistar 1843 33 *Elliston Perot 1848 45 Elliston Perot, Jr 1933 683 Francis Bolton 1906 475 Fred Helsabeck 1917 628 *Frederick Wistar 1860 95 Frederick Wistar, Jr. . . . 1888 359 Galloway Cheston, Jr. . . . 1903 433 Glenn Whinery 1909 515 Harold HolHngsworth ... 1904 451 *Henry Gurney 1859 93 Herbert 1889 272 Howard 1894 332 Isaac Tyson 1872 159 *Isaac Wistar 1865 126 *Israel, Tr 1886 237 *James Thompson 1863 113 *John Stokes 1891 293 NAME CLASS "■Morris, John Thompson 1867 Joseph Howard 1905 Joseph Paul 1899 *Joshua Husband 1839 Lawrence Johnson 1889 Leo Nelson 1924 Marriott Canby 1885 Marriott Canby, Jr 1923 *Morton 1859 Paschall HolHngsworth . . 1887 Reginald HolHngsworth . 1910 Richard Jones 1888 *Samuel 1846 *Samuel Buckley 1889 Samuel Wheeler 1894 *Stephen 1855 Sydney Sharp 1912 *Theodore HolHngsworth . 1860 Thomas Edward 1920 William Henry 1863 William Paul 1886 Morriss, Henry Hayles 1920 William Haviland 1908 Morss, Franklin Crawford, Jr. 1923 Morton, Alfred Balch 1907 Arthur Villiers 1893 *Mott, John Bowne 1860 Joseph Walton 1906 Richard 1882 Richard Henry 1909 * Samuel Franklin 1843 *William Franklin, Jr. . . . 1839 *Mowry, Allan McLane 1887 Meyer, Menno S 1898 Muench. Alfred George 1923 Muir, John Wallingford 1893 Muller, Frank Fenton 1934 MulHn, Arthur 1934 James Torbert 1930 Murphy, Eugene Besson 1903 Grayson MaHet-Prevost . 1900 Murray, Augustus Taber 1885 *David Golden 1837 David Golden 1913 Effingham Cock 1905 Francis King 1917 *John 1846 *Toseph King 1861 *"Lindley 1837 ^Robert Lindley 1842 Musser, Frederic Omar 1908 Mussetter, WilHam 1918 Mutch, Thomas Sangster 1933 Muth, Frederick Jefferson . . . 1931 Myers, Frederick A., Jr 1909 ]V Nakane, Shigeo 1923 Napier, Arthur Howell 1917 Nash. Charles Edgar 1924 *Nason, Charles Dickens 1896 Nauman, Spencer Gilbert . . . 1906 *Needles, Caleb Hathaway 1839 Neilson, Thomas Rundle, Jr. . 1924 William La Coste 1901 Nesbit, Robert, Tr 1933 Nevin, Walter Scott 1918 *Newbold, Edward 1843 *Tose'^h Trotter 1857 Newell, Carl Lester 1915 Newhall, Barker 1887 *William Estes 1852 Newkirk, John Bacon 1879 NewHn, Gurney Elwood . . . 1902 *Harold Parker 1875 PAGE 135 461 383 16 273 703 229 694 92 247 529 260 40 279 324 68 560 95 659 110 237 665 501 694 488 311 99 476 309 515 37 16 252 376 683 303 703 703 659 433 402 329 3 561 463 633 4« 104 3 27 505 63S 694 678 515 633 703 351 476 16 703 410 694 639 32 79 608 247 53 188 433 169 748 INDEX NAME CLASS NewHn, Thomas 1885 Newman, Herman 1902 *JSIichoIs, David Holder 1865 Eli 1912 Nicholson, Alfred 1921 *Coleman Lindzey 1850 Herbert Victor 1913 John Whitall 1876 *John Whitall, Jr 1907 Percival 1902 *William Hopkins 1846 William Hopkins, Jr. ... 1892 Nieh, Kwangchi Christopher . 1924 Kwonkwing 1923 Nields, John P 1888 Nitobe, Yoshio 1915 ■*Noble, Charles 1859 Nock, Samuel Albert 1921 o Oberholtzer, Charles Herman, Jr 1916 Oberteuffer, James Pritchett . 1893 Off, Edward Peltz 1901 Offerman, Harry Carl 1913 Ohl, Frederick William 1905 Raymond Theodore 1921 Okie, John Mickle 1893 Richardson Brognard .... 1896 Oliver, Alan Douglas 1919 Herbert Willard 1922 Kenneth Stuart 1920 Robert Hugh Henderson . 1925 Olver, Cyrus Hicks 1896 *0'Neill, John Lamond 1895 Orbison, Thomas 1888 *Osborne, Charles 1837 Charles 1893 William Elmore 1883 *WiIliam Peckham 1855 Osier, Chester Arthur 1919 Howard Benjamin 1923 Overman, William Franklin . . 1889 Owen, Charles Raymond 1904 Horace Thornburgh . (1896) *01iver 1870 Padin, Jose 1907 Page, William Enoch 1881 *Paige, Franklin Enoch 1851 Painter, Donald Hinshaw ... 1917 Herbert Joseph 1918 *Howard 1871 *John Vickers 1855 Joseph Henry 1889 Palen, Gilbert Joseph, Jr. ... 1892 *Palmer, George Martin 1897 Lewis 1911 Louis Jaquette 1894 Thomas Chalkley 1883 Walter 1910 *Pancoast, Albert 1864 Charles Edward, 2d 1919 ^Charles Howard 1848 *George Abbott 1853 *Henry Boiler 1863 *Richard 1860 *William Henry 1853 *Pancoast, William Henrv ....(1876) William Howard .". 1894 Parke, Thomas 1933 Parker, Douglas Leonard . . . 1914 John Eberly 1887 John Hollowell 1912 PAGE 230 425 122 561 678 49 575 175 489 434 41 303 703 694 364 602 92 672 615 317 416 575 463 .672 311 354 648 688 659 710 355 344 264 8 311 216 68 649 694 273 455 724 146 489 199 50 628 639 153 68 274 303 360 551 325 207 529 117 654 46 59 113 95 56 730 332 694 589 253 561 NAME CLASS PAGE *Parrish, Alfred 1867 136 *Dillwyn, Jr 1859 93 James Cresson 1859 93 *Joseph 1863 114 *Parrish, Joseph (1884) 731 Maxfield 1892 307 Parrish, Maxfield (1914) 733 *William Wright 1864 130 *Parry, Charles 1864 120 *Edward Randolph 1853 55 ♦Israel Hollowell 1854 64 Richard Randolph 1854 64 *Parsons, Robert Bowne 1837 4 Samuel 1862 105 *Samuel Bowne 1836 2 *William Bowne 1841 21 Patrick, Jesse Kersey 1911 544 Patterson, Clement Finney ...(1896) 724 Edward Bell 1924 703 George Stuart 1888 265 Patteson, William Sheppard . 1914 590 Patton, Richard 1901 410 *Paul, Joseph William 1878 186 Paxson, Chauncey Cause 1922 683 Newlin Fell 1917 633 *Richard C 1859 88 *Samuel 1851 52 Payne, Harold Carnaby 1924 703 *Pearce, Robert Kester 1878 186 *Pearsall, Robert 1845 38 *Pearson, George 1869 144 Henry Grant 1908 508 *Ralph Lincoln 1905 462 Peaslee, Francis Albert 1913 580 Peck, Horace Sill, Jr 1935 711 Pedrick, Alexander K 1858 85 Peelle, Jonathan Irving 1900 398 Peet, Herbert Orvis 1921 678 William Fellows 1884 334 Peirce, Edmund Converse . . . 1905 463 *George 1903 439 Peirson, Frank Warrington . 1889 274 *Peitsmeier, Edward 1873 163 *Pendleton, Charles Mason . . . 1866 129 Edward Gray 1866 129 Penney, Humphrey Linthorne 1917 634 *Pennock, Abraham Liddon . . 1847 43 Edward Garrett 1925 711 *Joseph Liddon 1837 4 Pennypacker, Joseph Whitaker 1909 516 William Cause, Jr 1893 317 *Perkins, Benjamin Douglas . . 1853 59 *Lindley Murray 1847 43 Lindley Murray, Jr 1904 455 *Perot, James Poultney 1841 19 *Sansom 1845 39 Perry, Foster Nichols 1922 688 William Francis 1880 192 Retry, Loren Clifford 1908 503 Robert Lowell 1920 659 Petty, Herbert Clinton 1899 383 Pfund, Harry William 1933 683 Pharo, Eugene Morris 1915 603 Joseph John 1865 136 *Walter Willits 1875 169 Phelps, Charles Edward 1930 665 Philips, David Leon 1909 516 Jesse Duer 1906 477 Tesse Evans 1887 247 Jesse Evan 1919 649 Rowland Stanton 1914 590 William Pyle 1902 425 *Phillips, Albert Shreeve 1864 120 Alfred Ingersoll, Jr 1910 538 Arthur John 1903 439 INDEX 749 NAME CLASS Phillips, Clifford Stevenson . . 1908 *John Lougeay 1881 John Phillips 1910 Pickett, Samuel Caleb 1913 Pierce, James Lawrence 1920 *Pillcher, Samuel F 1857 *Pinkham, Charles Heber 1894 Gilbert Latey 1868 *John Warren 1860 *Joseph Gurney 1863 Pittman, Chalmers VanAnglen 1925 *Pleasants, Charles Israel . . . 1860 Henry, Jr 1906 Poley, Irvin Corson 1913 *Pope, Edward Morrill 1888 Porch, Willard Ralph 1918 Porter, Edward Arthur Grib- bon 1918 Oliver Moore 1913 Robert Russell 1920 Post, Levi Arnold 1911 *Potts, William Newlin 1861 *William Weaver 1858 Powell, Amos Arthur 1931 Wilfred Mansell 1904 *William Chambers, Jr. ... 1909 *Pratt, Charles Eadward 1870 Price, Edmund Taber 1917 Ferris Leggett 1920 Joseph Haines 1911 *Joseph M. Paul 1848 *Richard, Jr 1851 Robert Barber 1919 *Stephen Simmons 1849 Theophilus Pharo 1874 Walter Ferris 1881 *William Ballinger 1856 William Farmer 1883 Priestman, Albert Glyndon . . 1905 Pritchard, Charles Edgar (1890) Prokosch, Frederick 1925 Pruitt, Dudley McConnell . . . 1923 Purdy, Ellison Reynolds 1887 *Pusey, William Webb, 2d. ... 1903 *Pyle, Cyrus 1903 Q Quimby, Edward Entwisle . . . 1894 *Quinby, Watson Fell 1843 R Rabinowitz, Elias Nathan 1903 Samuel Abraham 1910 Raiford, Edward Paul 1909 Ramsey, Frank McCracken . . 1909 Lawrence Marshall 1917 Randolph, Edward 1882 Evan 1901 *George 1839 *Richard 1839 William Henry 1869 *Ratcliff, Ellwood I860 William Robinson 1858 Raub, William Webster 1912 Ravenel, Samuel Prioleau . . 1889 Read. Walter George 1889 William Johns, Jr 1893 Reagan, William J 1905 Redfield, Alfred Clarence . . . 1913 John Howard, Jr 1899 *Redman, Joseph Sweet 1838 *Samuel Bispham 1866 *Redmond, Charles Philip 1848 Reeder, John Wallace 1902 Reese, John Davies 1920 PAGE 508 202 530 575 659 79 333 139 95 111 711 99 477 561 365 644 639 575 665 545 103 86 673 455 531 U6 628 666 545 46 52 654 48 165 199 74 216 463 716 711 695 253 425 434 325 32 440 530 516 517 628 308 417 17 13 141 100 86 567 374 274 317 463 580 383 11 129 46 426 659 NAME CLASS PAGE *Reeve, Augustus 1855 69 Augustus Henry 1885 230 Augustus Henry, Jr 1918 645 *William Cooper 1852 55 William Foster 1885 231 Reeves, Ellis Biddle 1871 151 Francis Butler 1893 317 Reich, John Frederick 1924 703 *Reid, David J 1906 477 Reinhardt, David Tones 1889 274 David Jones, jr 1925 711 Reiter, John Harkey 1922 683 Reitzel, William Attich 1922 683 Renninger, John D 1913 562 Reynolds, David Duer 1911 545 *Lindley Murray Hoag ... 1878 183 *Rex, Frank Clayton 1894 335 Rhoad, Kenneth Andrew 1912 562 Rhoads, Charles James 1893 313 *Edward 1859 89 *Edward 1893 313 Joseph 1880 192 Joseph Howard 1891 396 "Owen Brooke 1920 711 Philip Garrett 1934 704 Samuel 1898 370 *William Gibbons 1858 86 William Gibbons 1897 366 William Lester 1933 684 Rhodes, Richard Somers Smith 1883 217 Rice. Edward, Jr 1914 590 Willard Martin, IV 1935 711 Richards, Archer 1875 171 Elliott Bartram 1906 477 Theodore William 1885 231 Richards, Theodore William .(1908) 732 William 1913 581 Richardson, Baxter Key 1914 590 Francis I860 96 *Henry Banning 1865 126 Hubert Townsend 1931 678 *John D 1836 3 Richie, Elisha Roberts 1899 384 *Richmond, Alexander A 1854 65 *James Henry Crocker . . . 1854 65 Ricks, Richard Arnold, Jr. .. 1907 489 *Riddick, Joseph H 1855 69 *Reuben Briggs 1855 69 Ristine, Charles Scott 1910 530 Frederick Pearce 1894 336 Rittenhouse, John Olmstead . 1924 704 Ritts, Elias .". 1905 463 Leonard Chase 1912 562 *Roberts, Alfred Reginald . . . 1871 151 Alfred Stokes 1910 531 Ashbel Sellew 1910 538 *Charles 1864 117 Christopher 1920 660 *David Allen 1902 426 Edward Churchman 1865 136 Garrett 1921 673 George Brinton 1888 260 *George Wilson 1852 55 Harmer Denny 1921 679 John 1893 313 Joseph Russel Evans 1880 193 Percival, Jr 1876 175 *Thomas Batten 1896 355 William Hooten 1912 563 Robertson, James Theodore . 1934 704 Robinson, Abraham Penrose . 1930 666 Herbert Winslow 1882 209 Lucian Moore (1891) 718 William Henry 1882 209 Robuck, Pearl Franz 1912 567 750 INDEX NAME CLASS *Rodman, Edmund 1842 *Thomas Rotch 1842 Rodney, Warren Brown 1897 Roedel, George Joyce 1934 Rogers, Albert Edward 1921 Charles Henry 1908 *James Wadsworth 1889 Joseph Elsworth 1930 Robert Groves 1914 Robert William (1890) William Davis 1935 Rollins, Carroll Joseph 1920 Rorer, Jonathan Taylor, Jr. . 1894 *Rose, David Franklin 1870 Ross, Eldon Roxy 1898 Robert John 1902 Rosse, George Morton 1913 Rosskam, Edwin Bernard .... 1924 Rossmassler, Edward Collins . 1901 William Ryle 1907 Round, Julian Mills 1897 *Rowell, John F 1855 *Rowntree, Lawrence Edmund 1916 Ruffu, Henry 1921 Rush, Calvin C 1901 Rushmore, Townsend 1882 Rushton, Kenneth, Jr 1916 Russell, Charles 1914 Edwin A 1911 Rutt, Morman Eby 1923 Ryan, Thomas Augustine .... 1909 S Sachse, Albert Frederic 1889 Sadtler, George Lewis 1924 Leander Riddle 1924 Sagebeer, Richard Grafflin . . . 1923 Sampson, Alden 1873 *Edward Cobb 1859 *Elijah Pope 1864 *George 1859 *Henry 1859 Sanders, James Montgomery . 1925 Sanderson, George 1917 Sands, Ralph William 1906 *William Leach 1866 Sandt, Walter Correll 1909 Sangree, Carl Michael 1917 Milton Huyett 1921 Nathan Barnitz 1922 Paul Hudson 1914 Sargent, Frederick Homer, Jr. 1922 Gorham Parsons 1913 Winthrop, Jr 1908 Sassaman, Walter Richard . . . 1925 Satterthwaite, Benjamin Cad- walader 1868 Samuel T 1858 Savage, Albert Edward 1924 Savery, William H 1886 Sayre, Austin Bartholomew . . 1923 Sayrs, William Christopher . . (1890) Scarborough, Henry Wismer Stover 1804 Scattergood, Alfred Garrett . . 1898 *Arnold Chase 1919 Herbert Armitt 1902 Joseph Henry 1896 Schabacker, Harold Messner . 1904 Schenck, Henry Paul 1918 *Schively, Edwin Ford 1880 Schober, George Mitchell .... 1900 Schoch, Wendell Deringer . . . 1917 Schoepperle, Hubert Vinzens . 1917 Richard Joseph 1914 PAGE 23 24 361 704 673 509 279 660 591 716 711 666 332 147 370 426 581 704 410 489 366 69 620 679 411 210 630 594 551 695 523 279 704 704 684 161 89 117 89 93 712 634 478 129 517 628 673 684 591 688 581 502 711 137 81 704 340 695 716 326 371 654 436 352 451 639 193 403 639 639 595 NAME CLASS PAGE Schoepperle, Victor 1911 546 Scholey, Howard Wilson 1901 417 Schrag, Andrew Dante 1902 426 Schrope, Jacob 1919 654 Schultz, Robert 1923 695 Schulze, John Lewis, Jr 1925 712 Schwartz, John Loeser 1889 279 Schweyer, Daniel Herbert . . . 1906 478 Scott, Alexander Harvey 1886 337 Carl Forse 1908 503 Kenneth Schurch 1933 695 Norris Alexander 1903 437 Roderick 1906 478 Thomas, Jr 1863 114 *Scull, David 1854 63 *Edward Lawrence 1864 118 Edward Marshall 1901 411 *Gideon Delaplaine 1843 32 *Jacob Ridgway 1853 59 John Lawrence 1905 468 William Ellis 1883 213 Seager, Schuyler Fiske 1900 403 Seckel, Herbert Wetherill . . . 1914 595 Seely, Leslie Birchard 1905 464 Seevers, Marion Bruner 1905 464 Seller, C. Linn 1903 427 Sellers, Charles Coleman .... 1925 712 Nathan 1857 79 Sensenig, Barton 1893 313 Heber 1900 398 Wayne 1901 413 *Serrill, Isaac S 1837 8 Shaflfer, Elmer Lentz 1915 603 "Shannon, John Relph 1865 126 *Shapleigh, Norwald 1906 482 Sharp, Frederick William . . . 1901 413 Joseph Webster, Jr 1888 361 Joseph Webster, III 1918 645 "Sharpies, Abram 1859 89 *Sharpless, Charles Leeds .... 1837 4 *Charles Williams 1867 131 *Daniel Offley 1840 19 Francis Parvin 1916 616 Frederic Cope 1900 398 *Henry Hale Graham 1840 17 *Henry Williams 1865 132 *Isaac 1841 21 Samuel Franklin 1873 160 Thomas Kite 1909 517 William Clemson 1896 355 Shaw, James George, Jr 1890 291 Sheldon, Carlos Noyes 1904 451 Franklin Gates 1906 479 *George Bertron 1916 630 "Shepherd, Caleb William 1864 120 "Sheppard, Clarkson 1836 3 *John E 1879 188 Shero, Lucius Rogers 1911 546 *Shinn, Samuel Earl 1847 43 *Thomas Jefferson 1860 100 Shipley, James Emlen 1916 616 Malcolm Augustus 1899 384 Morris Shotwell, Jr 1918 645 Thomas Emlen 1912 563 Walter Penn 1881 203 Walter Penn, Jr 1919 654 William Ellis 1892 303 Shoemaker, Benjamin Hallo- well, 2d 1894 333 Benjamin Hallowell, 3d. . 1923 695 Comly Bird, 2d 1910 531 Edwin 1909 517 Howard Hey 1907 490 *Samuel Bines 1883 213 Walter Rodman 1908 503 INDEX 751 NAME CLASS Sholem, Grover 1910 Shortlidge, Raphael Johnson . 1906 *Shotwell, Augustus Fox 1847 *George Fox 1838 *Joseph Fox 1847 Shultz, Walter Dexter 1910 Shupert, Charles M 1889 Sidel, James Eckel 1932 Sidwell, Wilson 1908 Silver, Francis Stokes 1920 John Archer 1925 William Easter 1923 Simkin, Robert Louis 1903 Simpson, William, 3d 1919 William Percy 1890 Sisler, Perlee Chandler 1898 Slocum, Allison Wing 1888 Slonimsky, Harry Nahum 1905 * Smiley, Albert Keith 1849 Albert Keith 1906 *Alfred Homans 1849 Daniel 1878 Francis Gerow 1912 Hugh 1908 *Smith, Albanus 1841 Albanus Longstreth 1881 Alfred Percival 1884 *Barclay Arney 1838 *Benjamin Hayes 1859 *Benjamin Raper 1842 Charles Harper 1902 *Clement Lawrence I860 *Siinth, Clement Lazvrence . . . (1888) *Dillwyn 1837 Edward Lincoln, Jr 1930 *Franklin Whitall 1874 *George, Jr 1865 Gibson 1911 Horace Eugene 1886 James Bennett, Jr 1924 Joseph Hopkinson 1920 Joseph Hutchinson 1921 Lloyd Mellor 1913 *Lloyd Pearsall 1837 Logan Pearsall 1885 Manning James 1905 *Richard Morris 1844 Robert Buoy 1930 Robert Chapman 1914 *Robert Pearsall 1844 Rutledge Fell 1925 * Stephen Decatur, Jr. ... 1883 ■*Thomas C I860 *Walter Emanuel 1889 William Brinton, Tr 1923 William Eastwick 1861 William Foulke 1877 *Wilson Longstreth 1889 *Smyth, Horace 1864 *Lindley. Jr 1905 Snader, Craige McComb 1922 Edward Roland, Jr 1917 Snipes, Edgar Thomas 1904 Snowden, James Ross 1903 Sowell, George Aubrey 1915 Spaeth, John William, Jr. ... 1917 Reynold Albrecht 1909 Sigmund 1905 Spaid, Arthur Rusmiselle Mil- ler (1894) Spaulding, Eugene Ristine . . . 1910 Spellissy, Arthur Emerson . . 1917 Spencer, Eben Hall 1911 George Henry 1906 Horace Fish 1920 PAGE 538 479 44 11 44 538 280 684 509 660 712 684 440 654 287 376 261 469 46 479 47 184 563 509 21 199 231 12 89 24 437 96 731 167 123 551 237 704 666 673 563 4 235" 465 35 660 591 35 713 217 100 380 688 105 179 280 120 469 684 629 452 445 608 629 518 465 731 531 639 546 483 NAME CLASS PAGE Spiers, Alexander Guy Hol- born 1903 428 Mark Herbert Carver . . . 1909 518 Sprankle, Joseph Fleming, Jr. 1934 705 Spruance, John Spotswood . . 1883 213 ^Stabler, Charles Miller 1874 167 *Thomas S 1855 69 *William Davis 1854 65 Stadelman, Frederic 1898 372 nacob Latch 1853 60 Stair, Philip Whitney 1919 655 Stanley, Jesse Betts 1918 640 Stapler, John Wardell 1843 33 *Starbuck, Charles Casey 1845 39 John Clinton 1925 712 Starkey, Glenn Wendell 1905 469 Howard Abbott 1883 217 *Starr, Edward 1863 108 Isaac Tatnall 1886 340 *Joseph West 1858 86 Louis 1868 137 Starr. Louis (1908) 733 *Theodore 1861 '105 *Statler, Frank B (1893) 719 *Steele, John Dutton 1870 147 *Thomas C 1859 93 Steere, Isaac Thomas 1916 616 Jonathan Mowry 1890 387 Walter Hopk-ins 1912 564 Stein, Herman Kroberger .... 1905 466 Sterner, Ira Isbon 1898 372 Stetson, Joseph VanDusgn . . 1909 522 Stevens, Lindley Murray 1889 275 Stevenson, John Bryant 1923 695 *Stewardson-, John 1847 44 *Thomas 1847 44 Stief. David Ralston 1918 645 Stieff, Frederick Philip, Jr. . 1913 581 Stifler, Francis Mcllhenny . . . 1925 712 Stinson, James Edme 1913 583 Stokes, Andrew Maloney 1899 388 *Francis 1853 55 Francis Collins 1914 595 Francis Joseph 1894 327 Henry Newlin 1878 184 Henry Warrington 1887 248 James Martin, Jr 1904 452 *Tohn Newton 1844 36 John Stogdell 1889 275 Joseph, Tr 1916 616 Joseph Warrington 1909 518 *T. Spencer 1862 108 *"N. Newlin, Tr 1875 171 Samuel Emlen 1914 591 Walter Percival, Jr 1925 713 *Wistar H 1853 60 Stone, Albert Hendrix 1916 617 Elliott Rays 1905 466 Tohn Lyon 1903 438 Ralph Warren 1892 304 Stork, Charles Wharton 1902 438 Stotesbury, William Alfred . . 1890 291 Stout, John Amos 1914 595 Strassburger, Perry Beaver . . 1910 539 Stratton, John Alfred 1906 479 Strawbridge, Francis Reeves . 1898 372 Frederic Heap 1887 348 Frederic Heap, Jr 1919 655 Gordon Weld 1933 696 Justus Clayton. 2d 1917 630 Robert Early 1893 307 *William Justus 1894 327 Straver, Chariton Bevan 1923 696 *Street, David 1858 87 George 1856 74 752 INDEX NAME CLASS Street, John 1881 *John W 1857 *Lewis 1854 *Ogden 1856 Stribling, William Clarkson .. 1908 Strode, George King 1908 Strong, Henry Hooker 1925 *Stroud, Morris Robeson .... 1843 *William Daniel 1843 Stuart, Francis Bacon 1883 * Harry Harlan 1900 *Uhu Harlan 1861 Stiibbs, Martin Bell 1888 Thomas Hodgson 1919 Sturgis, Samuel Booth 1913 Supplee, William Wagner . . . 1895 ■ Sutton, Chester McKinley . . . 1919 Isaac 1885 James Edward 1930 Richard Manliffe 1923 Swan, Frederick Asa 1898 Swift, Henry Hinsdale 1865 Willard Everett 1903 *William Lane 1867 Syze, Albert 1898 T *Taber, Abraham 1851 *Augustus 1843 *Charles 1839 David Shearman, Jr 1894 John Clarkson 1918 *"Robert Barney 1865 *William Congdon, Jr. ... 1856 Takasaki, Koh Ichi 1888 *Talcott, Joseph D 1842 Taney, Robert Brooke 1925 Tang, Man Hoi 1915 *Tanner, Clarence Lincoln .... 1887 *Tatham, Henry Billington . . . 1867 Tatnall, Abram Gibbons 1900 Charles Gibbons 1897 *Edward 1837 Edward Comfort 1907 Emmett Robinson 1907 Henry Rumsey 1930 Joseph 1913 Robert Richardson 1890 Samuel Alsop 1895 Thomas, Jr 1922 *William 1842 *Tatum, Charles 1853 George M 1858 *John Cooper 1854 Oliver Parry 1918 *Samuel Canby 1843 Taubel, Louis Edward 1925 Taylor, Albert M 1914 *Augustus 1854 Charles Clifford 1895 Charles Shoemaker 1871 Edward Allinson 1922 Edward Ballinger 1869 Edward Ballinger, Jr. ... 1900 Francis Richards 1906 Frank H 1876 Frederick Raymond 1909 Gerard Kirkbride 1913 Hamilton Dana 1919 Harold Benjamin 1925 Henry Longstreet 1878 Herbert Hazzard 1901 Herbert William 1914 Howard Gardiner 1876 Howard Gardiner, Jr. . . . 1911 PAGE 105 79 65 74 510 504 713 33 38 314 403 103 261 649 567 344 649 233 660 684 373 127 445 136 377 53 24 13 327 646 123 74 365 37 713 603 253 136 398 361 8 •490 491 667 576 288 344 688 28 60 87 65 640 33 713 596 65 340 151 685 141 399 480 175 519 582 655 713 185 417 593 176 547 NAME CLASS PAGE Taylor, James Gurney 1893 318 *Joseph B 1843 28 Joseplr McFerran 1900 399 *Joseph Petty 1855 69 Joseph Wright 1898 373 Kempton Potter Aiken . . 1915 603 Lawrence Newbold 1934 705 *Lewis Alfred 1876 176 Morris Peck 1923 696 Norman Henry 1913 576 *Thomas Chalkley 1854 66 Willard Samuel 1921 674 William Jordan 1897 361 *William Shipley 1869 143 Tebbetts, Charles Edwin 1875 169 J. Walter (1911) 727 Teller, Chester Jacob 1905 466 Terrell, Charles Clayton 1907 491 *Charles Ernest (1890) 717 Paul Tasso (1897) 735 Test, Alfred LongstafiE 1923 696 *Zaccheus 1851 50 *Tevis, Alfred Collins 1890 288 *Edwin L 1858 87 *Norman 1858 87 Thacher, Frank William 1897 362 John Wilkins 1918 640 Theis, Grover Cleveland 1915 608 Thiers, Frank Harrison 1916 617 *Thomas, Allen Clapp 1865 123 Allen Curry 1895 341 *Bond Valentine 1883 314 Charles Yarnall 1871 153 Cleaver Shoemaker 1919 655 Edward 1897 363 *Evan 1857 79 Frank Snowden 1894 333 Frederick Throckmorton . 1907 495 George, 3d 1891 394 George, 4th 1935 713 George Brinton 1856 75 George Herbert 1902 429 *Henry Evan 1895 341 Henry M 1883 210 Henry Malcolm. Tr 1913 564 Howard Pitner 1905 467 *Tames Carey 1851 50 James Carey, 2d 1908 504 John Clapp 1861 103 *Thomas. John J (1877) 730 *John Mickle Whitall 1878 185 John Roberts 1904 452 *Jonas Preston 1864 130 Leonard VanHoesen .... 1915 608 Lester Ralston 1913 576 *Lewin Wethered 1856 75 Raymond Moore 1935 713 *Richard Henry 1873 158 Russell Elmslie 1901 417 *William Ashbridge, Jr. .. 1843 33 *WilIiam Richard 1855 69 Thompson, Charles Baker 1909 519 *David Allen 1868 139 Edward Jackson .... 1922 685 Frank Earle 1889 276 *James Beatin 1874 166 John James, Jr 1877 180 "Thomson, Edgar Lewis 1858 87 Thorn, Henry Norman 1904 453 "Thorne, Barton F 1856 75 *Edwin 1843 33 ^Jonathan, Jr 1863 114 Thornton, Percy Stokes 1918 640 Thorpe, Clinton Clement Han- cock 1920 667 INDEX 753 NAME CLASS Thorpe, Edward Sheppard . . . 1918 Elmer Hancock 1919 Thurber, Charles Herbert (1890) Thurston, Edward Day 1871 *Joseph D 1840 *WiUiam Richardson 1863 *William Richardson, Tr. . 1837 Tiffany, John Neil 1923 *Tillinghast, Joseph 1853 Tilney, Israel Sheldon 1903 *Nicholas Lechmere 1905 Timbres, Harry Garland 1931 Tingley, Charles Love Scott, Jr. 1934 Todd, Henry Arnold 1891 *Todhunter, Layton Wilson . . . 1889 Tomlinson, Albert Hibbs 1918 Alexander Cooper 1901 *Allen Josiah 1871 Benjamin Albert 1867 *Edwin 1861 *Ephraim, Jr 1867 *Julius Lines 1873 *Toinlinson, Julius Lines (1885) *Samuel Finley 1868 Thomas 1914 Willard Pyle 1910 *VVilliam Inskeep 1859 *Toms, Richard H. R 1863 Toogood, Granville Ernest . . . 1930 Tostenson, Frederick Oscar . . 1911 Totah, Selim 1915 Towle, Clifton Augustus 1898 Townsend, Alfred James .... 1918 *Clayton William 1880 Horace Raymond 1910 Wilson 1877 *Trimhle, Henry (1895) *William Webster 1887 : Troth, John Theodore 1908 *John Trimble 1853 *Samuel 1854 *Trotter, Charles West 1844 *Francis Laurie 1886 *Frederick Newbold 1887 Joseph 1874 *Newbold Hough 1844 *Walter Newbold 1875 *William Henry 1841 Trout, Edgar Earl 1903 Trueblood, Charles Kingsley . 1914 Howard Moffitt 1903 Ralph Waldo (1905) Tucker, Benjamin 1857 Tunis, Joseph Price 1886 Richard 1913 Tunney, Joseph John 1906 Turner, (Charles Brinkley .... 1915 Gordon Mackenzie 1934 *Paul Flagler 1935 *Tyler, John Edgar 1863 William Graham 1858 *Tyson, Isaac 1853 *James 1860 *Tyson, James (1908) *James Wood 1845 "Tames Wood, Jr 1884 *Jesse 1844 *John Snowden 1853 *Richard Wood 1844 LTfford, Charles Wilbur 1930 Uhler, Harvey Thomas 1890 *LTnderhi!l, Alfred Mott, Tr. . 1886 *Edmund B 1853 PAGE 640 649 717 151 19 108 8 696 60 440 469 674 705 394 376 641 417 154 136 105 136 162 731 138 596 531, 93 114 660 547 608 377 641 194 533 179 732 249 510 60 66 36 340 253 166 36 171 21 430 593 441 736 79 340 568 480 603 705 713 114 81 60 96 733 39 335 36 61 36 661 291 238 61 NAME CLASS Underbill, Edward B 1860 *George W 1843 *Joseph Turner 1886 ^Robert 1846 *Robert F 1853 Robert Lindley Murray . 1909 *Silas Albertson 1860 Stephen 1858 * William Henry 1860 *William W 1843 *Updegraff, David Brainard . . . 1853 *William Ross 1880 V Vail, Benjamin Augustus .... 1865 Frederic Neilson 1889 *George Requa 1881 Herbert Eli 1883 * Vail, Hugh D 1858 *John Randolph 1881 Walter Elwood 1915 *V'alentine, Abram Sharpless . . 1857 *Benjamin Eyre 1866 *Bond 1856 Edward Abram Uffington 1891 *George 1856 George, Jr 1891 *Jacob, Downing 1846 *John Reed 1890 *Robert 1846 *Samuel Rhoads 1857 *William Thomas 1857 VanBuskirk, George 1916 Vandever, Henry Shreve .... 1925 VanHollen, Donald Beauchamp 1915 VanNoppen, Leonard Charles. (1893) VanSickle, John Valentine . . 1913 Schuyler Curtis 1930 VanTine, Edward Postle- thwaite 1924 VanZandt, Howard 1934 Varney, Alpheus Gould 1898 Charles Arthur 1898 Vaux, George, Jr., (IX) 1884 *Roberts 1863 *William Sansom, Jr. ... 1893 Veeder, Herman Greig 1889 Vernon, John Jesse 1898 Villars, John Oscar (1895) Votaw, Ernest Nicholson .... 1915 George Joseph 1913 Wadsworth, Charles, 3d 1911 Edward Dorland 1886 Wagenseller, Wayne McVeagh 1933 Wagner, Samuel, Jr 1915 Walenta, George John 1901 Walker, Austin Shaffner 1921 Elwood Thomas 1924 Frank Dinwiddle 1894 *Robert 1849 *Thomas 1849 Wallenstein, Nathaniel ..;... 1924 Wallerstein, Edward 1912 Wain, Robert Lee 1933 Yvo Orestes 1915 Walter, Frank Keller 1899 ■^Walton, Ernest Forster 1890 *Francis 1855 *Isaac M 1856 *James M 1856 *Joseph 1836 Joseph James 1919 Kenneth Betts 1933 PAGE 100 33 341 41 61 519 97 88 100 33 61 194 124 376 202 217 739 303 604 80 137 75 396 75 297 41 291 41 80 80 620 713 604 720 577 661 705 705 377 378 222 114 313 280 378 721 604 568 547 338 696 604 413 679 705 333 48 48 705 564 696 605 385 288 69 75 71 1 655 685 754 INDEX NAME CLASS PAGE *Walton, William Kite 1869 144 William Wyclif 1923 696 Waples, Douglas 1914 592 Warden, Herbert Watson 1894 334 Nelson Bushnell 1894 334 •Warder, William _ 1841 21 Warfield, Benjamin Breckin- ridge 1925 713 Warner, Alexander Nes 1907 491 Charles, Jr 1923 697 George Malin 1873 163 William Weatherby 1909 523 Warnock, A. Degrauw 1909 522 Warriner, Farnham 1923 697 *Warrington, Curtis Hoopes . . 1874 167 ♦Samuel Abbott 1903 445 Thomas Francis 1876 177 *Watkins, James Carey Thomas 1897 366 Watson, Edgar Jordan 1915 609 James Rose 1925 714 John Norris 1913 582 Matthew Herbert 1909 520 *Way, Marshall Warren 1896 353 Weatherby, Benjamin B., 2d . 1921 674 •Weaver, Thomas 1852 56 Webb, John Richard (1917) 728 Kenneth Waldie 1918 641 William 1913 577 Weber, Georges Minch 1913 582 •Webster, Homer Jeptha 1896 353 "1. Herbert 1901 418 Walter Coates 1895 341 William Dampier 1915 605 Weigand, William Frederick, Jr 1921 679 Weikel, Malcolm Husted 1915 605 Weisser, Charles O'Neil 1925 714 Weller, Henry Seymour 1917 634 Wells, Bert Calvin 1904 453 Wendell, Douglas Cary 1916 617 Robert Stewart 1901 418 Wescott, Eugene Marion 1893 314 West, Erwyn Porter 1904 453 William Nelson, 3d 1924 705 William Nelson Loflin . . . 1892 304 Westcott, Harry Mackmann . 1893 308 Weston, Edward Mitchell 1917 630 Wetherell, John McIIvane . . . 1883 218 Wetzel, Charles Howard 1912 568 Wheeler, Guy Samuel 1910 533 Victor Wayne 1905 469 Whipple, Paul Kimball 1915 605 *Whitall, Franklin 1893 314 •James 1852 53 James 1910 532 John Mickle 1880 194 •Thomas Wistar 1885 235 William Henry Bacon . . . 1914 593 White, David Francis 1876 177 •Elias Albertson 1841 20 Elias Henley 1885 232 •Francis 1843 28 Francis Albertson 1884 233 •George Wilson 1878 185 Henry Alva 1897 362 •Irving 1903 441 Joseph Dixon 1930 661 Linden Harris 1900 404 Lyndon Lea 1905 467 Miles, Jr 1875 170 Nelson Arold 1923 697 Oliver H 1878 186 Richard Janney 1887 249 •Roy Wilson (1895) 723 •Thomas Newby 1880 194 NAME CLASS PAGE White, Walter 1881 203 Wilfred Wallace 1900 399 Wilfred Walton 1886 239 William Alnheus 1883 214 William Alpheus, Jr 1915 606 Whiteley, Stockett Matthews . 1903 434 Whitlock, James Gilbert 1869 142 Whitney, Charles Henry 1883 214 John Drayton 1891 397 Louis Butler 1883 215 Whitson, Thomas Barclay . . . 1917 630 Walter Wilkin 1908 504 *WhiUier, John Greenleaf (1860) 729 Wickersham, William Frederic 1885 233 •Wigham, Thomas Matthew . . . 1844 37 Wilbur, Bertrand Henry . . . 1921 674 Donald Elliott 1924 706 •Harry Lawrence 1883 218 Harry Lawrence .... 1923 697 William Hale 1911 552 Wilcox, William W., Jr 1920 667 Wild, Arthur Clement 1899 386 Wilder, Donald 1913 583 •Wildes, Thomas 1859 93 •Willets, Jeremiah, Jr 1846 41 •John Titus 1854 66 •William Henry 1862 108 Willey, Stanley Edward 1925 714 Williams, Charles Rhoads . . . 1914 593 •Horace 1862 107 John Steele 1920 661 •Joseph Kirkbride 1840 19 Parker Shortridge 1894 338 William Lloyd Garrison . 1910 533 Williamson, Alexander Jardine 1933 697 •Wills, Joseph Henry 1868 138 William Mintzer 1904 454 Willson, David Harris 1931 674 Hugh Latimer 1935 714 Wilson, Calvert 1887 354 Edwin Mood (1894) 721 Francis Stirling 1917 634 Gerald 1924 706 James Gordon 1917 630 John French 1910 539 Louis Round 1899 388 •Matthew Terrell 1885 333 Robert North 1898 373 Samuel Norman 1903 441 Windle, William Butler 1907 493 •Wines, Gilbert H 1846 43 Wing, Stephen Remington . . . 1908 505 •Winslow, Caleb 1843 34 Caleb 1911 548 Edwards Fayssoux 1913 577 Fitz Randolph 1903 441 George Leiper 1913 578 John Leiper 1901 413 •John Randolph 1840 17 Oliver Parry 1916 617 Randolph 1871 153 Thomas Newby 1881 199 •Winston, John Clark 1881 300 Lindley Murray 1883 308 Wirgman, William Wayne . . . 1901 413 Wirt, Prosper Daniel 1922 688 Wise, Malcolm Rose 1922 685 •Wistar, Bartholomew 1870 149 •Bartholomew Wyatt 1837 5 •Caleb Cresson 1865 124 •Caspar 1852 56 •Caspar 1902 435 Edward Morris 1873 160 Isaac Jones 1844 37 John 1867 136 INDEX 755 NAME CLASS PAGE *Wistar, Richard 1838 12 *Thomas 1858 83 Thomas, Jr 1898 374 ♦William Wilberforce 1856 76 Withers, Samuel Clayton 1904 454 "Witmer, Adam Exton 1867 136 John Steele 1859 94 Wood, Adelbert Day 1913 583 Alexander C. Jr 1903 430 Arnold 1894 334 Charles 1870 147 Charles Randolph 1888 266 Edward Randolph 1856 71 George 1862 109 *George Bacon 1848 46 *Geor£e Bacon 1887 249 George Hallock 1907 492 Gilbert Congdon 1889 377 Grahame 1895 344 Henry 1869 143 Horatio C, 3d 1934 706 *Isaac Francis 1863 107 James 1858 88 Wood, James (1883) 730 James Henry 1893 319 ♦Joseph 1846 43 Joseph Densmore 1916 618 ♦Joseph Remington 1892 304 Levi Hollingsworth 1896 353 ♦Randolph 1864 118 ♦Richard 1846 42 ♦Richard 1851 51 Richard Davis 1898 374 Richard Reeve 1920 661 Robert Newlin 1931 674 ♦Stephen 1857 76 ♦Stuart 1870 148 Walter 1867 132 Walter 1869 143 ♦Walter Hallock 1901 413 William Congdon 1887 249 ♦William Cooper 1857 80 ♦William Eldridge 1844 37 ♦William H. S 1859 94 Woodard, Raymond Clarence. 1908 505 Woodbridge, Raymond Lester 1916 621 NAME CLASS Woodward, Parke Lewis 1902 ♦Thomas, Jr 1866 William Wellington 1901 Woolman, Edward 1893 Woosley, John Brooks 1913 Worrell, Granville, 2d 1930 Worthington, Harold 1911 Joseph Kent 1903 Thomas Kimber 1883 Wright, Austin, Jr 1925 ♦Benjamin H 1844 Edwin 1908 Gifford King 1893 John Colvin 1923 ♦John Howard 1847 Minturn Tatum, Jr 1931 •Robert Cassel 1888 William Jenks 1918 William Townsend 1887 Y ♦Yardley, Edwin 1860 Yarnall, Charlton 1884 *Yarnall, Ellis (1879) ♦Ellis Hornor 1858 ♦Francis Cope 1847 ♦Harold Ellis 1887 Stanley Rhoads 1893 ♦William 1837 Yearsley, Arthur Ralston .... 1901 Yeh, Kung Hue 1933 Yerkes, Harman Alfred 1935 Yocum, Charles Crawford . . . 1900 York, Harold Quimby 1917 Young, Alan Sedgwick 1911 Charles Otis 1913 Frank Levi 1887 Walter Albert 1906 Wilmer J 1911 Va Zerega, John Whitman 1917 Zerrer, Edwin Walter 1933 Zieber, Eugene Roy 1910 Zook, Allan 1930 Charles Augustus Bitner 1901 John Miller 1864 PAGE 430 129 413 314 578 667 552 442 215 714 37 505 315 685 44 679 266 646 254 100 225 730 82 44 254 304 8 413 688 714 404 631 548 578 354 480 648 634 685 539 661 418 121 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS Page 11, Page 20. Page 26. Page 38. Page 68. Page 103. Page 114. Page 131. Page 162. Howell, Joseph Kirkbridge. For "Kirkbridge" read "Kirkbride." Before the name of "Birdsall, Thomas Webb," insert "Non-Grad- uates." Huhn, John. For "Huhn" read "Hunn." Before the name of "Adams, Samuel F." insert "Non-Graduates." Osborn, William Peckham. For "Osborn" read "Osborne." Exton, Joseph Capnerhurst. For "Capnerhurst" read "Carpenter." Thorne, Johnathan, Jr. For "Johnathan" read "Jonathan." Jones, Richard Mott. In line 6, ofnit "(?)". Sampson, Alden. For "s. Alden and Sarah Taber (Pope)" read "s. Alden Sampson and Sarah Taber (Pope)." Page 249. Wood, William Condon. For "Condon" read "Congdon." Page 284. Guildford, William Moore, Jr. For "Guildford" read "Guilford." Page 342. Derderian, Navaret Kevork. For "Navaret" read "Nazaret." Page 355. Oliver, Cyrus Hicks. For "Oliver," in line 1 and line 4, read "Olver." Page 360. Mendenhall, Otis Earl. For "Otis" read "Ottis." Page 398. Peele, Jonathan Irving. For "Peele," in line 1 and line 7, read "Peelle." Page 439. Pierce, George. For "Pierce," read "Peirce." Page 444. Kelsey, Cadwallader Washburn. For' "Cadwallader" read "Cad- walader." Page 521. Powell, William Chambers. After "Chambers" insert "Jr." Page 534. Coates, Sidney Hornor. For "Sidney" read "Sydney." Page 550. Gallagher, Herbert Van Buren. For "Gallagher," in line 1 and line 5, read "Gallager." Page 565. Wheeler, Guy Samuel. See page 533. Degree awarded 1912, as of the Class of 1910. Page 580. Redfield, Arthur Clarence. For "Arthur" read "Alfred." Page 595. Schoepperle, Richerd Joseph. For "Richerd" read "Richard." Page 617. Wendell, Douglass Gary. For "Douglass" read "Douglas." Page 651. Collins, Frederick, 3rd. For "Frederick" read "Frederic." Page 674. Timbers, Harry Garland. For "Timbers" read "Timbres." Page 695. Sadtler, George Lewis. See page 704. Name should not appear as of Class of 1923. 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