Class -_1A1 > ^ \ 'b- Book __3^x 'b^ CopyrightN"* COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. A MANUAL FOR Aspirants for Commissions IN THK United States Army, IRA L. RKEVBS, First Lieutenant Fourth U. S. Infantry. 1901, HUDSON-KlMBERI/Y PUBLISHING CO., Kansas City, Missouri. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies Received ?^AR. 5 1901 Copyright entry CLASS 0_XXc. Na COPY B. Copyrighted 1901, by HUDSON-KIMBERLY PUBLISHING CO. Kansas City, Mo. CONTENTS. Page. PREFACE 5 CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY 7 CHAPTER II. APPOINTMENTS FROM GRADUATES OP THE UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY 10 Appointment and Admission of Cadets to the United States Mil- itary Academy 10 Qualifications 13 Character of Academical Examination 13 Academic Duties 14 Military Instruction 15 Pay of Cadets IG Assignment to Corps after Graduation 16 Notes 17 CHAPTER III. PROMOTION OF ENLISTED MEN 18 Qualifications Required of Applicants from the Army 18 The Examination 19 Candidates for Promotion 21 CHAPTER IV. ENLISTING FOR A COMMISSION 24 The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Different Arms 24 Cavalry 24 Artillery 25 Infantry 25 Battalion of Engineers , 26 Hospital Corps 26 A Bit of Advice to Aspirants 26 Miscellaneous 28 CHAPTER V. THE ENLISTED MEN OP THE REGULAR ARMY 30 Requirements to Enter the Service 31 Declaration of Recruit 34 Consent in Case of Minor 35 Oath of Enlistment 35 CHAPTER VI. PROMOTIONS FROM CIVIL LIFE 39 Applications— To Whom Made 39 Examining- Boards— How Constituted 39 Qualifications— Rules Governing the Examination 40 Assig-nment to Regiment 41 Expenses Incident to the Examination 42 Notes 42 CHAPTER VII. A SHORT TALK WITH NEWLY COMMIS- SIONED OFFICERS 43 CHAPTER VIII. GRADES OF RANK OF OFFICERS AND NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS 4fi Relative Rank between Officers of the Army and Navy 47 Pay and Allowances of Officers 48 Pay and Allowances of Enlisted Men 51 CHAPTER IX. A FEW WORDS FROM A SOLDIER'S DIC- TIONARY 55 APPENDIX A. QUESTIONS ASKED CANDIDATES FOR AD- MISSION TO THE MILITARY ACADEMY AT A RECENT EXAMINATION 59 APPENDIX B. LAW AUTHORIZING PROMOTION OP EN- LISTED MEN, AND LIST OF QUESTIONS ASKED AT A RECENT EXAMINATION 67 APPENDIX C. QUESTIONS ASKED CANDIDATES FROM CIVIL LIFE AT A RECENT EXAMINATION 77 APPENDIX D. COURSE OF STUDY AND BOOKS USED AT THE MILITARY ACADEMY. PREFACE. Someone has aptly said that, "Military glory consists in get- ting killed on the field of battle and then having your name misspelled in the newspapers." It is for the benefit for young men who are seeking just such glory that this little volume has been prepared. The author (or compiler, for this is but little more than a compilation of Army Regulations, etc.) has strived to give the very latest orders and laws pertaining to the ex- amination and appointment of candidates to the Army as sec- ond lieutenants. In a few original chapters he has assumed the fatherly role, and ventures words of advice and offers bits of information which it is hoped will be of benefit to the ambitious person who reads this volume and pursues his efforts to obtain a second lieutenancy in the best army in the world. CREDITS DUE. In compiling this little work the following have been heavily drawn from: United States Army Regulations. The Official Army Register. General Orders from the Adjutant-General's Office. Enlistment Papers, Recruiting Circular, etc. The Army Paymaster's Manual. The Official Register of Officers and Cadets of the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, June 30, 1900, published by order of Colonel Mills, Superintendent of the Acad- emy, by First Lieutenant W. C. Rivers, First Cavalry, Adjutant U. S. M. A. Many whole paragraphs were appropriated from this little booklet, and nearly all of the information in Chapter II. and Appendix A was obtained from it. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. "For gold the merchant plows the main, The farmer plows the manor; But glory is the soldier's prize, The soldier's wealth is honor."— Burns. An Army officer has no sinecure. His life is not made up of full-dress balls, parades, revelry, gold-laced uniforms and big pay — the popular civilian idea of his daily pastime. The ex- ercise of command is the least onerous of his numerous duties. A young officer frequently finds himself recorder or member of a board of survey, judge-advocate or member of a general court- martial, acting as counsel for a military prisoner; he must take his turn as officer of the guard or officer of the day, attend numerous roll-calls, drills and exercises; he must keep himself "brushed up" on professional subjects, prepare essays, super- intend or actually perform the "paper work" of the company to which he belongs, conduct school for the non-commissionei>(y^i~-^ «, ^ " — -D OO 00 50 50 -* JO CC C-l ?C 21= l:-OCOt^OJOt>OI>t>OOCOOOt^O sDOcooocoecoscaootoooeoo ^oiQGOi-idcotododoocoioiodiA C50- l^JO'co'cfcfrH Cf C4 ■HrH^'T-TT-TrH rH 4) •n-o ij CI S 'CI S o -g c « T3 S . ,0 C S S SiljHTfl C Pi 4) 4) O -se; 14. ra/H; 15. mayor. IV. Write the possessive case of the following words: 1. c/^J7(Z; 2. woman; 3. house; 4. /; 5. s/jeep (plural); 6. James; 7. court-martial; 8. Lo/-{f Mayor of London; 9. Ff«r?/ #7te Eighth; 10. ire. V. Define «- Clause; 2. Define ft Phrase; 3. Define Per- .sc;?a? Pronouns; 4. Define Relative Pronouns; 5. Define a Con- junction; 6. Define « Proposition. Geography. 1. Define a diameter of a sphere. What is the length of the earth's axis; of its circumference? 2. Define an island, isthmus, bay. 3. What oceanic waters bound North America? Name all the channels by which that to the north is connected to the other two, on the east, on the west. 4. What is the language principally spoken in Mexico? Name the capital city of the country, in what State is it? Name two States contiguous to this one. 5. Name in order the countries that would be passed in going along the coast of South America from the mouth of the Amazon to the Isthmus of Panama, the capital of each. Name the two largest rivers of the section and State where they empty. 6 4 A Manual for Aspirants for Commissions 6. Name in order the countries passed to the right in going along the western coast of the continent of Europe from the Strait of Gibraltar to Copenhagen. Name the capital of each. 7. What countries constitute the Scandinavian Peninsula? Name in continuous order the waters that bound it. 8. Locate definitely the following cities of the British Isles, stating upon what waters situated, if any: Portsmouth, Queenstown, Liverpool, Edinburgh. 9. Name the subdivision of Asiatic Russia and state in consecutive order the political divisions of Asia that touch the Black and Caspian seas. 10. Name in consecutive order the political divisions of Asia that touch the Chinese empire on the south and west. 11. Name the provinces of Australia, the capital of each; which three provinces form the eastern part of the country? 12. Name in consecutive order the divisions of Africa bordering on the coast between Suez and Cape Guardafui; name in order the waters touching this coast. 13. Give the directions of the following islands from some well-defined point of the nearest continent: Mauritius, Tas- mania, Formosa, Ascencion. 14. Name in consecutive order the divisions of Canada which lie along our northern border east from Duluth; locate the capital of each. 15. Name in consecutive order from south to north the States along the Atlantic coast. 16. Name in consecutive order the States that touch the Pacific and the States and Territories that touch Mexico. 17. In following the Mississippi from St. Paul to New Orleans, what States are passed to the left. in the United States Army. 65 18. Name in consecutive order the States that touch the Great Lakes. 19. Name in continuous order the States and Territories touched by the main chain of the Rocky Mountains. 20. Bound the following States: South Carolina, Nebras- ka, Ohio, and Idaho. All contiguous States must be named in bounding. 21. Name the three most important seaports of the Gulf, three of the Atlantic Coast, south of Cape Hatteras. 22. Give the eastern and western terminal of the trunk line of railway embracing the Union and Central Pacific roads; name the States traversed by this line. 23. Name and locate definitely the capitals of the following States: North Carolina, Maine, Illinois, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, Washington. State upon what waters situated, if any. 24. The Meridian of Cincinnati passes through what States? History. 1. What explorations or discoveries did each of the follow- ing-named persons make? Give the date in each case. cr. De Narvaez. &. Coronado. c. Marquette, d. La Salle. 2. Name three colonies that were founded for religious reasons and give the sect or denomination by which each was colonized. ho/xi ■-v.^j 1%-lc-u^^- ^'tc-.^.A^^-;?;, >H^'--;^;- .. ...,.u.?4=>j- 3. Who were the Pilgrims? '^ 4. When and under what circumstances was Delaware separated from Pennsylvania? 9/' 5. Give an account of Bacon's Rebellion. ^ ''■ ^ 6. When and where did each of the following events occur? ■•,^.ij-,^7 a. Meeting of the first Colonial Congress; 6. Burgoyne's sur- x^ojtn render; c. Arnold's treason. cjj^h'7/: 66 A Manual for Aspirants for Commissions 7. Name some important results of each of the following battles of the Revolutionary War: a. Long Island; b. Tren- ton; c. Brandy wine. 8. Name four additiojis to the Territory of the United States since the Revolutionary War, and give the way each hi^s been acquired. nJ 9. Bound the Territory of the United States at the close of the Revolutionary War. ,. ., 10. What was the "Massacre of Wyoming"? -Ju'^ < 11. When, where and for what purpose did the Consti- tutional Convention meet? What resulted from its delibera- tions? f-'-^h^^^-^'^ ^e(^ v.--;-- 12. What was the "Whiskey Insurrection"? / 1 ^H 13. What were the "Alien and Sedition" laws? What was their effect? ' ^? ^ 1 ^^ ) 14. When and where was the last battle of the war of ^ \S'^1812 fought? Name the commanders on each side. r^T^ ^'-.t-.'S^ 15. What were the two principal political parties "in i860? 16. With what foreign nations had the United States un- friendly relations during and at the close of the Civil War? Give the cause in each case? r}^,^--- 17. Name, with date, three important military events of 1865. 18. What Vice-Presidents have become President? Name the predecessor in each case. 19. Give an account of the "Tirgiuius affair." 20. In what war were the following fought? What were the opposing forces? Which side . won? a. Ticonderoga. 1). Monterey, c. Saratoga, d. Stony Point, e. Spottsylvania. f. Lundy's Lane. P\p{^ Their candidates for the Presidency? Their leading doctrines '' ci' on the slavery question? Parties? Candidates? Principles? in the United States Army. 6T APPENDIX B. LAW AUTHORIZING THE PROMOTION OP ENLISTED MEN, AND LIST OF QUESTIONS ASKED CANDIDATES AT A RECENT EXAMINATION. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress dssembled. That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to prescribe a system of examination of enlisted men of the Army, by such boards as may be established by him, to determine their fitness for promotion to the grade of second lieutenant: Provided, That all unmarried soldiers under thirty years of age, who are citizens of the United States, are physically sound, who have served honorably not less than two years in the Army, and who have borne a good moral character before and after enlistment, may compete for promotion under any system authorized by this act. Section 2. That the members and recorder of such boards as may be established by the President, under the provisions of the preceding section, shall be sworn in every case to dis- charge their duties honestly and faithfully; and the boards may examine witnesses, and take depositions, for which pur- poses they shall have such powers of a court of inquiry as may be necessary. Section 3. That the vacancies in the grade of second lieu- tenant heretofore filled by promotion of meritorious non-com- missioned officers of the Army, under the provisions of Section three of the act approved June 18, 1878, shall be filled by the appoinment of competitors favorably recommended under this act, in order of merit established by the final examination. Each man who passes the final examination shall receive a 68 A Manual for Aspirants for Commissions certificate of eligibility, setting forth the subjects in which he is proficient and the especial grounds upon which the recom- mendation is based: Provided, That not more than two exam- inations shall be accorded the same competitor. Section 4. That all rights and privileges arising from a certificate of eligibility may be vacated by sentence of a court- martial, but no soldier, while holding the privileges of a cer- tificate, shall be brought before a garrison or regimental court- martial or summary court. Section 5. That sections three and four of the act ap- proved June 18, 1878, providing for the promotion of merito- rious non-commissioned officers, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved June 30, 1892. List of Questions Aslced Candidates at a Recent Examination. No candidate will be passed by the board who shall not have attained an average of 65 per cent in each subject of the examination and a general average of at least 70 per cent. English Crrammar. 1. What are the four divisions of English grammar? 2. How many parts of speech are there in the English language? Define them. 3. Define analysis. 4. What are the principal elements of a sentence called? Define them. 5. Analyze the following sentence: "The boy stood on the burning deck, .whence all but him had fled." 6. Parse the words of the above sentence. 7. Parse the words in the following sentence: "The army crossed the river by a bridge of pontoon boats." in the United States Army. 69 8. Analyze the above sentence. 9. Parse the underscored words of the following sen- tence: '"When my time was expired, I worked my passage home; and glad I was to see Old England again, because I love my country." 10. Quotation from William Cullen Bryant, as an exami- nation in dictation, orthography, and penmanship. AiWimetic. 1. If a family by using two gas burners ly^ hours a day, pays $6.00 a quarter when gas is $2.40 per 1,000 cu. ft, what will a family using three burners four hours a day pay per quarter when gas is $1.80 per 1,000 cu. ft? 2. ((/) Extract the cube root of 1250.6894. (6) Extract the cube root of 7-8. 3. (a) What principal will produce in two years $650.14, compound interest at 6%? 4. A banker has in his safe the following note: A note for $1670.50, dated July 1, 1884, payable on demand with in- terest at 61/^ %, bears the following indorsements: August 20, $315; September 21, $360.50; October 5, $400; December 1, $160. What is due January 1, 1885? 5. (a) What is meant by the least common multiple? {!)) Determine the least common multiple of 6, 15, 85, 42, and 70. (c) Determine the least common multiple of 16, 40, 96, and 105. 6. (a) Change 11-13 into a fraction whose numerator shall be 17. (&) Change 7-19 into a fraction whose numerator shall be 27. (c) Change 9-31 into a fraction whose numer- ator shall be 33. 7. A tailor made three suits of clothes: for the first ho 70 A Manual for Aspirants for Commissions used 2l^ yards of broadcloth, 3 1-16 yards of cassimere, % yards of satin; for the second suit, 2.25 yards of broadcloth, 2.875 yards of cassimere, and 1 yard of satin; for the third suit, 5 1-16 yards of broadcloth, and 1% yards of satin. How many yards of each kind of cloth did he use? How many yards of all? 8. A building contractor has the following tasks to exe- cute; make the required calculations for him: (a) How many perches of masonry in the wall of a cellar which is 20 feet square on the inside, 8 feet high, and 1^^ feet in thickness? (b) How many shingles will it take to cover the roof of a building 46 feet long, each of the two sides of the roof being 20 feet wide, allowing each shingle to be 4 in. wide and to lie 5 in. to the weather? (c) What will it cost to build a wall 240 feet long, 6 feet high and 3 feet thick, at $3.25 per 1000 brick, each brick being 8 in. long, 4 in. wide, and 2 in. thick? 9. If I sell $25,000.00 U. S. 5-20's of 1882 at 93% %, and invest a sufficient amount of the proceeds in U. S. 6's at 109^ % to yield an annual income of $960.00, and buy a house with the remainder, how much will the house cost me? 10. When it was 1 o'clock a. m., January 1, 1983, at Bangor, Maine, 68° 47' west, what was the time at the City of Mexico, 99* 5' west? 11. (a) A grocer bought 40 quarts of milk by beer meas- ure and sold it by wine measure; how many quarts did he gain? (6) A bushel (or 32 quarts dry measure) contains how many more cubic inches than 32 quarts wine measure? 12. (a) Reduce 10 oz. 13 pwt. 9 gr. to the decimal of a pound Troy. (&) Reduce 4% feet to the decimal of a fathom, (f) Reduce 150 sheets of paper to the decimal of a ream. in the United States Army. Tl Algebra. 1. What is the reciprocal of an algebraic quantity? What the reciprocal of a; — m; — d; v + z — 2? 2. Reduce to lowest terms the following: What the reciprocal of a; — m; — d; v -\' z — 2 ? 2. Reduce to lowest terms the following : a^c + 2adc + b^c {Sx^ — 1) {2x^ — l)-x^ {hx^ - 7) a3 + 3a«^ + Ub^ + b^ {Sx^ — l)^ -^ [x^ - (x^ - 3x)' From 4a — db Sa — b d. take labia - b)— 2){a^ — b^) '6ab{a -}- b) — 2{a^ + b') fa + 1 b-\-l c-\-i d+1 \ a b c d 4. Simplify ■{ ' cd ab t C'\- d a + b 5. Find the value of x in the following: 2Ax — .12 4.Qx — 3.6 S4x — .048 2.8 4 7 6. A crew which can row at the rate of 12 miles an hour in still water, finds that it takes 7 hours to come up a river a certain distance, and 5 hours to go down again. At what rate does the river flow? Logarithms. 1. What is a logarithm; the mantissa; the arithmetical complement? 2. Using logarithms, divide 24163 by 4567; 37.149 by 523.76. 3. Using logarithms, find the 7th power of 8. 72 A Manual for Aspirants for Commissions Geometry. 1. Upon what does the size of an angle depend? What are exterior angles? Alternate interior angles? Corresponding angles? Draw a diagram showing these angles. 2. On a circle 3 inches in diameter indicate the follow- ing: The circumference; the center; an arc; a radius; a diam- eter; a chord; a tangent; a secant; and describe them. 3. Theorem: — An angle formed by two secants meeting without the circle is measured by one-half the difference of the intercepted arcs. Draw diagram and demonstrate fully. 4. Theorem: — An exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two interior non-adjacent angles. Draw dia- gram and demonstrate fully. Trigonometry. 1. At the center of a circle 3 inches in diameter draw an angle A, and then add lines to show the following trigonomet- rical functions: Sin. A; Cosin. A; tangent A; cotangent A; secant A; cosecant A; Versin« A; and Coversin. A. 2. Theorem: — The sides of a plane triangle are propor- tional to the sines of their opposite angles. Draw diagram and demonstrate. 3. What is a table of logarithmic sines? Determine the tangent of 37° 28' 31". Determine the arc answering to cosine 9.944599. Surveying. 1. What is meant by a true meridian? Describe briefly the method by which it is determined. 2. Describe levelling. in the United States Army. 73 3. With a surveyor's diain 4 inches too long a man com- putes the area of a tract of land to be 65 A. 2 R. 11 P. Find the correct area. 4. Compute by method of Double Meridian Distance the area of the following compass survey: station. Bearing-. Distance. 1. N. 311/2° W. 10.40 chains 3. S. 36°E. 7.60 chains 2. N. 62°E. 9.20 chains 4. s. 451/2° W. Geography. 10.00 chains 1. Name the Great Lakes. What one lies wholly within the United States. 2. Name the States that border on the Atlantic; the Pa- cific; Gulf of Mexico. 3. Through what waters would you pass going by steamer from Pittsburg, Pa., to Galveston, Texas? From Duluth, Minn., to Boston, Mass.? 4. Name the capitals of the following States; and if on a river, give its name: Virginia, Alabama, Wisconsin, New Jer- sey, Missouri, New York, Oregon, Kentucky, Minnesota, Texas, South Carolina, and Ohio. 5. Bound the States of Tennessee and Nevada; Nebraska and Alabama. 6. Name the States of Central America and their capitals. 7. Name the continents. What portion of the Earth's sur- face is land and what water? ^ 8. What island off the east coast of Africa? Name five rivers in Europe. 74 A Manual for Aspiranis for Commissions 9. Name the transcontinental railways of the United States. 10. Where are the Alps mountains? Great Salt Lake? and the Aleutian Islands? Eisiory. 1. What are the three divisions of history? What period of history is called the Dark Ages, and why so called? 2. What can you tell of the feudal system? Tell all you know about the Crusades. 3. Who was Cyrus the Great? Alexander the Great? Hannibal? Napoleon? 4. Name some event in connection with the life of each. 5. What do you know of the Thirty Years' War? Who was William the Conqueror? Name two campaigns of Napo- leon the Great. 6. Give some event occurring in the following dates: 1588; 1618; 1815; 1846; and 1876. When was America first discov- ered? Who were the Mound Builders? Who was De Soto? Henry Hudson? Ponce de Leon? Tell what you can of the French and Indian War. 7. Name the thirteen original States. What were the causes of the Revolutionary War? Give the dates of the be- ginning and end. Name five battles. 8. What were the causes of the War of 1812? Name three battles of the Mexican War. Name two generals of the United States during this war. Name in order the first five Presidents. 9. What was the cause of the Civil War? Give the date of its beginning and end. Name six battles and the victorious force of each. When was the Constitution adopted and when did it go into operation? in the United States Army. 75 10. Name five important events in the history of the United States during the last ten years. What territory was purchased by the United States in 1867? Constitutional Late. 1. What is the preamble to the Constitution? 2. How are congressional representatives chosen, and for how long? 3. How are vacancies filled? 4. How are senators elected? 5. How are United States judgeships filled, and for how long 6. What constitutes treason against the United States? 7. What States were represented in the body that framed the Constitution? 8. How may the Constitution be amended? 9. What is the supreme law of the land? 10. How may, or shall, the president, vice-president, and all civil officers of the United States be removed from office for treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors? Inte>'*national Late. 1. What is International Law? 2. What is a sovereign State according to the interpreta- tion of International Law? 3. What is Martial Law? 4. What is war? 5. To whom, in every civilized nation, does the right to declare war belong? 6. What is meant by the term "contraband of war"? 7. What is a siege; a blockade? 76 A Manual for Aspirants for Commissions 8. What is meant by the term "parole"? 9. What is a cartel? 10. What is the extent of maritime territory, in a national sense? Army Regulations. 1. What is said in relation to obedience to lawful orders? How is military authority exercised? 2. What is military rank? How is relative rank deter- mined between officers of the same grade and date of appoint- ment, other than promotion through seniority? 3. What are the different Avays, and by whom can enlisted men be discharged? 4. Describe the flag of the United States. How are changes made in it, and when does any change take effect? 5. What honors are paid to the flag by armed bodies? What by individual officers and enlisted men? What by the same when not armed? 6. What is a roster? What details for duty are made by roster? 7. What constitute the books and records of a company of Infantry? 8. Describe the military courtesy between officers meeting, and in making and receiving official reports. 9. What is a national salute? Salute to the Union? When is the latter fired and what does it constitute? 10. What are the rules with reference to saluting the President with cannon? in the United States Army. 77 APPENDIX C. QUESTIONS ASKED CANDIDATES FROM CIVIL LIFE AT A RECENT EXAMINATION. English Grammar. 1. What is a noun and for what are they inflected? 2. Give the feminine form of the following: Giant; am- bassador; sorcerer; hero; testator; dog; Englishman; peacock; conductor; he-bear; duke; traitor; sultan; mankind; bachelor; beau. 3. Write the plurals of the following: Bandit; court- martial; die; motto; lasso; fairy; monkey; wolf; belief; axis; man-of-war; pailful; Norman; tooth-brush; focus; datum; in- dex; Henry; staff; oasis. 4. Write the possessive case of the following: We; women; Charles; they; prince; man-of-war; Frederick the Great; sons. 5. What is a verb? 6. Give the present tense, past tense, and past participle of the following verbs: Steal; tear; fight; loose; smell; lead; catch; crow; eat; freeze; knit; let; mow; slay; throw; stick; fly; love; sit; burst; lie (to recline). 7. What is an adjective and how are they compared? 8. Compare the following: Bad; little; much; honest; many; strong; beautiful. 9. What is the subject of a sentence? What is the predi- cate? 10. Give an example of a regular verb, irregular verb, transitive verb, intransitive verb, and neuter verb. 78 A Manual for Aspirants for Commissions il. Parse the following: (1) Halt! Who is there? (2) Be- ware, lest evil result. (3) He is learning to write. (4) Do you wish him gone? (5) I am he. (6) He gave me a watch. (7) Boys love to play. (8) Whom have ye there? 12. Correct all errors in the following sentences: 1. Choose between these four houses. 2. He jumped in a cab. 3. They were very respected. 4. Ask that man, he who stands by the window. 5. Are either of these places marked on the map? 6. You can hardly find a more universal blunder. 7. I found it harder than I thought it would have been. 8. I have written to him so that he might be ready for us. 9. There is both a large and small dictionary in the room. Arithmetic. 1. Multiply 242.0203 by 0.00203. 2. Divide 0.00203 by 0.000203. 3. Multiply 3 5-6 by 5 2-7. 4. Divide 5 2-7 by 3 5-6. 5. Reduce the following to a decimal: fi of 214 4 -r I X 6,^ 6. Find the least common multiple of 6, 7, 9, 24, and 32. 7. How many cords in a pile of wood 7 ft. high, 8 ft. wide, and 44 ft. long? 8. What time elapsed from November 8th, 11 o'clock a. m. 1847, till December 16th, 4 o'clock p. m., 1850? 9. The longitude of New York is 74° 1' west, and of Phila- m tlie United States Army. 79 delphia 75° 10' west. What o'clock is it at Philadelphia when it Is noon at New York? 10. If three cats kill three rats in three minutes, how many cats will kill 100 rats in 100 minutes? Algeln^a. 1. Divide (x + y)' 4- 3(x + y)^z -f 3{x + y)z^ -f z^ by Cx + y)- + 2(x-f y)z -I- z2. 2. Find value of x in 5(x — 2)^ + T(x — 3)« = (3x — 7)(4x. — 19) + 42. 3. Find highest common factor of 3x3 _|_ q^s _ 24 x, and 6x3 _ 9^x. 4. Find least common multiple of a^ — a -20, and a* -|- a -12. 5. Reduce to lowest terms X 4- y (x + y) (y — y) ., 1 6 Simplify 1 7. Solve this : (x -a) (x -b) = (x -a -b)^ 8. A fraction which is equal to 2-3 is increased to 8-11 when a certain number is added to both its numerator and de- nominator, and is diminished to 5-9 v/hen one more than the same number is subtracted from each. What is the fraction? 9. A boatman rows 30 miles (down stream and back) in 12 hours. He finds he can row 5 miles with the stream in the same time as 3 against it. Find the time he was rowing up stream and time down stream. 80 A Manual for Aspirants for Commissions Geometry. 1. What is a line? 2. What is an angle? 3. Explain and illustrate how to bisect an angle. 4. Explain and illustrate how to construct an angle equal to a given angle. 5. Explain and illustrate how to erect a perpendicular to a line from without. 6. Explain and illustrate how to erect a perpendicular to a line at its extremity when the line cannot be produced. 7. What is an equilateral triangle and what is the value, in degrees, of each of its angles? What is an isosceles triangle? 8. Explain and illustrate how to .divide a line 3 inches long into 7 equal parts. 9. Demonstrate and explain fully the following theorem: Through any three points not in the same straight line one circumference may be made to pass. 10. What is the sum of the interior ang*s of a polygon equal to? What is the sum of the interior angles of a polygon having 7 sides? 11. Find the circumference of a circle whose radius is 3 feet. 12. What is the area of a triangle equal to? 13. The distance of a chord, 8 feet long, from the center of a circle is 3 feet. What is the diameter of the circle? 14. What is the measure of an inscribed angle? 15. What is the size, in degrees, of the largest angle that can be inscribed in an arc of 135? Trigonometry and Logarithms. 1. As an angle varies, which changes the more rapidly, cos, 10 or cos. 80? in tJie United States Army. 81 Given A 27° 34', B 30°, and side 5 ft 325 ft; find C, g, and i. 3. Given a 43 yds., & 55 yds., and angle C 110 degrees; find the remaining parts of the triangle by using logarithms. 4. Prove that the area of any plane triangle is equal to half the rectangle of any two sides multiplied by the sine of their included angle. 5. Given a 32.244 yds., h 49 yds., c 32° 18' 10" find B and side c (by logarithms). (See Fig. 2.) 6. Find the number whose logarithm is ^A of this loga- rithm—namely, 3.0214. 7. Multiply 1.34621 by 0.8. 8. What is the A. C. of 8.20345? 9. What is the base of the Common System of Logarithms? 10. Show graphically, ^ine, co-sine, versine, co-verisine, tangent, co-tangent, secant, co-secant. Surveying. 1. Construct (roughly) a scale of 6.336 inches to 1 mile to read paces of 31 inches. 2. Explain how to adjust the needle of a compass. 3. How is the surveyor's chain folded and opened. 4. Explain how to chain up a hill. 5. What is a plumb line? A bubble tube? 82 A Manual for Aspirants far Commissions 6. Explain how to make the plane of the plate bubbles of the transit perpendicular to the vertical axis. 7. Explain how to make the axis of the bubble tube of the Wye level parallel to the line of collimation. 8. Explain how to find the difference of level between two points, using the Wye level, 9. The declination of a compass is 8° east. The true bear- ing of a line is N. 42° W. Explain how to set out this line with the compass. 10. Explain how to measure a horizontal angle with the transit. A vertical angle. Geography. 1. Name the States on the left bank of the Mississippi? 2. In traveling from New York City to San Francisco by the S. P. Railway, what roads would you travel over, and through what States and Territories would you pass? 3. What rivers and mountains would you cross in going overland from the City of Mexico to New York? 4. Name the Territories of the United States; give the number of States? 5. What is the capital of the Dominion of Canada, and how could you reach it by water from Duluth ? 6. In going from the mouth of the Mississippi to the head of navigation on the Missouri River, what cities would you pass; what States on the left bank of each river? 7. Where is the Orinoco River? 8. What river separates France from Germany? Its direc- tion? 9. What large river flows into the Caspian Sea? 10. What large river flows into the Black Sea? \ in the United States Army. 63 11. Into what does the Rhone flow? 12. What large islands in the Mediterranean Sea? 13. What large islands north of Scotland? 14. What are zones? 15. What are the zones on the earth's surface, and how are they limited? 16. What are the grand divisions on the earth's surface? 17. What is a sea? Where is the Black Sea? 18. What waters separate the British Isles from the Con- tinent? 19. What is a cape? Where are capes Sable and St. Roque? 20. What cape lies at the southern extremity of South America? 21. What is an isthmus? What isthmus connects Asia and Africa? 22. What river separates Kentucky from Ohio? 23. How do you go by water from Chicago to New York City? 24. Bound the United States and North America. 25. Give the capitals of each State and Territory. 26. State the prominent capes on the Atlantic coast of the U. S. On the Pacific Coast. 27. State likewise the bays and gulfs. 28. State likewise the peninsulas. 29. Where is Cape Guardafui? Northeast? Verde? 30. Where is the river Nile? Rhine? Volga? 31. Where is Madagascar? Borneo? Iceland? 32. What seas north of Europe? South? 33. Name the principal rivers flowing into the Mississippi river from the east. From the west. 84 A Manual for Aspirants for Commissions 34. What are the principal mountains east of the Missis- sippi River? 35. What is a strait? Where are the Straits of Mackinac? 36. Bound the following States, and name and locate their capitals: Arkansas; California; Georgia; New Hampshire; Tennessee. 37. How do you go from Omaha to Pittsburg by water, and what States do you pass on both sides? 38. What large river in Africa? Its course? 39. Name and locate the Great Deserts. History. 1. Who was Alexander the Great? When did he live? Who succeeded him? 2. Mention six names famous in Greek history. Six in Roman history. 3. Between what nations were the Punic wars fought? 4. When did the Roman Empire begin? Who was the first Roman emperor? 5. For what was the "Augustan Age" specially famous? 6. Who was Justinian, and for what was he specially famous? 7. Who was Charles the Great? Who succeeded him? In what year? 8. What were the Crusades? Give object and result of the Crusades? 9. Who were (1) Frederick the Great; (2) Peter the Great; (3) Alfred the Great? Give dates of death of each one. 10. Mention five of the battles in which Napoleon Bona- parte figured. in the United States Army. 85 11. Who succeeded Napoleon Bonaparte as ruler of the French? 12. What are the forms of the present governments of Europe? 13. When was the mainland of North America discovered? Where? 14. Where and when was the first English colony in Amer- ica settled? 15. Mention six battles of the Revolutionary War. Give dates and generals commanding the opposing armies, 16. What was the leading cause of the War of 1812? 17. What was the Missouri Compromise? 18. What American city was captured and burned in the War of 1812? 19. What State first passed an ordinance of secession? 20. How and when did the U. S. acquire Louisiana? 21. Name the leading three battles of the Mexican War. Name the opposing commanders. 22. What officers (naval and military) were chiefly con- cerned in the capture of Fort Fisher? 23. When was battle of New Orleans fought? With whom was the United States at war at the time? 24. What was Braddock's expedition? 25. Name one great naval battle in each war in which the United States has been engaged. Constitutional Law. 1. What officers of the Government constitute the Cabinet? 2. Name the different executive departments of the Gov- ernment. 3. With what general duties is the Secretary of War charged? 86 A Manual for Aspirants for Commissions 4. What agents are employed to represent the United States in other countries? 5. Mention some of the duties Avith vdiich consuls are charged. 6. How may a foreign subject become a citizen of the United States? 7. How many States comprise the present Union, and how may new States be admitted? 8. By whom and for what purpose was the Constitution adopted? 9. What is the supreme law of the land in the United States? 10. How does a bill become a law? 11. How can money be drawn from the Treasury? 12. What civil and religious freedom is secured to the people? 13. When can the United States protect a State against domestic violence? 14. What constitutes treason against the United States? 15. What were the principal defects of the Articles of Con- federation? Interna t i iM.a I L a w. 1. Define international law. How are questions of inter- national law decided? 2. What is a sovereign state? 3. What is a treaty? 4. Name the different modes of terminating disputes be- tween independent states. 5. What is war? Name a just cause of war. 6. Bv whom is war declared in the Ignited States? in the United States Army. 87 7. Who are combatants? Non-combatants? Spies? Guer- rillas? Partizans? 8. Name the principal rights and duties of neutrals. 9. Define blockade. What is meant by constructive blockade? 10. Define contraband of war; a truce; an armistice; pa- role; prisoner of war; military occupation; complete conquest. 88 A Manual for Aspirants for Commissions APPENDIX D. COURSE OF STUDY AND BOOKS USED AT THE MIIvI- TARY ACADEMY. (Books marked thus * are for reference.) FIRST YEAR.— FOURTH CIvASS. DEPARTMENT. Mathematics. Modern Langnages COURSE OF STUDY, TEXT-BOOKS, AND BOOKS OF REFERENCE. C. Smith's Treatise on Algebra, Davies' lyCgendre's Geometry. ll,udlow's Elements of Trigonometry. C. Smith's Conic Sections. J. B. Johnston's Theory and Practice of Surv-ej'ing. *Ludlow's I,ogarithmic Tables. Williams' Composition and Rhetoric. Abbott's How to Write Clearly. Meiklejohn's English I,anguage. ♦Smith's Synonyms Discriminated. *Roget's Thesaurus of English Words. *Webster's Diction- ary. De Peiffer's French Pronunciation. Keetels' Analytical and Practical French Grammar. CastarMe's Treatise on the Conjugation of French Verbs. Roemer's Cours de I^ecture et de Traduction, Vol. I. Bdcher's College Series of French Plays, Vol. II. ♦Spiers' and Surenne's French Pronouncing Dictionary, Drill Regulations, U. S. Army. Use of the Sword, &c. Practical Instruction in the Schools of the Soldier. Com- pany and Battalion— Infantry. Theoretical Instruction in the School of the Soldier and Company. Practical and Theoretical Instruction in the School of the Cannoneer— Siege and lyight Artillery. Theoretical and Practical Instruction in the Service of Security and Information. Exercises in applied Tactics, and Practice Marches— In- fantry. Theoretical and Practical Instruction in Target Practice. U. S. Infantry and Ught Artillery Drill Regulations. Firing Regulations for Small Arms. Manual of Security and Information, by the Department of Tactics. Instruction in Fencing with Rapier and Broad Sword, and t ^fyonet Exercise, and Military Gymnastics. in the United States Army. SKCOND YEAR-THIRD CIvASvS. 89 DEPARTMENT. COURSE OF STUDY, TEXT-BOOKS, AND BOOKS OF REFERNCE. Mathematics. C. Smith's Conic Sections and Solid Geometry. Church's Descriptive Geometry, with its Application to Spherical Projections, Shades, Shadows and Perspect- ive. Bass' Differential Calculus. D. A. Murrays' Integral Calculus. Johnson's Text-Book on the Method of Least Squares. Modern I^anguages. Borel's Grammaire Fran^aise, Hennequin's Lessons in Idiomatic French. B6cher's College Series of French Plays, Vol. II. Roemer's Cours de Lecture et de Traduction, Vol, II. Revue Militaire de I'Etranger. The Figaro. Edgren's Compendious French Grammar. *De Peiffer's FrenchJPronunciation. *Spiers' and Surenne's French Pronouncing Dictionary. Monsanto and Languellier's Spanish Grammar. Knapp's Spanish Grammar. Mantilla's Spanish Reader, No. 3. Knapp's Spanish Reader. Eco de Madrid. *Seoane's Neumann and Baretti's Spanish Dictionary. Drawing. Constructive Problems in Plane Geometry. Point Paths. Topography and Plotting of Surveys with lead pencil, pen and ink, and colors; construction of the various problems in Descriptive Geometry, Shades and Shad- ows, Linear Perspective and Isometric Projections; Practical Surveying in the Field. Field Reconnoissance Contouring, and Sketching with and without instruments; Theory of color and laying of tints; History of Cartography and Topography; Triangulation and large Surveys. Lectures on the fore- *Reed's Topographical Drawing and Sketching, including Photography Applied to Surveying. Drill Regulations, U. S. Army. Practical Instruction in the Schools of the Soldier, Com- pany and Battalion— Infantry. Practical Instruction in the School of the Cannoneer— Ligth Artillery and School of the Trooper— Cavalry; and Equitation. Practical Instruction in Small Arms Target Practice. Practical Instruction in the Service of Security and In- formation. Exercises in applied Tactics and Practice Marches— In- fantry. *U. S, Army Drill Regulations. » 90 A Manual for Aspirants for Commissions *Piring Regulations for Smalt Arms. *Manual of Security and Information by the Department Practical Military Engineering. of Tactics. Practical Instruction in the Construction of Ponton, Spar and Trestle Bridges and Suiveying. THIRD YEAR— SECOND CIvASS. DEPARTMENT. COURSE OF STUDY, TEXT-BOOKS, AND BOOKS OF REFERENCE. Natural and Experimental Philosophy. Michie's Analytical Mechanics. Michie and Harlow's Practical Astronomy. Young's General Astronomy. Michie's Elements of Wave Motion relating to Sound and Ivight. Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology. Tillman's Descriptive General Chemistry (2d Edition). Tillman's Elementary IvCssons in Heat (2d Edition.) Tracy's Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene. Thompson's Elementary I,essons in "Electricity and Mag- netism (New and Revised Edition). Tillman's Elementary Text-Book of Mineralogy. I