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Helena^ and ha\1ng remained several months on the island, the inquiries concerning him, on my return to Eng- land were so repeated, that I may be said to have been in a state of perse- cution from the curiosity which pre- vails respecting that extraordinary character. Circumstances, connect- ed with my profession, gave me fre- A 2 quent opportunities of conversing with him; and with the principal persons of his suite, I may be said, particularly during the voyage, to have lived in ra- ther intimate society. The subjects of various conversa- tions with him and with them, I com- mitted to my Journal, from whose pages the following Letters were formed, with such additions as might occur to my recollection at the time they were written. — No idea, howev- er, could be more remote from my mind, than that they would extend be- yond the circle for whose gratification they were composed. But a wish for their publication seemed to meet me wherever I went; the most minute circumstance respecting the present vn point of Napoleon's career, appeared to excite an extraordinary interest, and I have yielded, rather reluctantly, to become an Author from persuasions I scarce knew how to resist; and to wliich I had some reasons to suspect resistance might be in vain. Whe- ther these Letters will answer the general expectations of those who have seen, and of a still far greater number of those who have only heard of them, I do not consider myself as qualified to judge. All I have to say in their favour is this: — That every fact related in them is true; and the purport of every conversation correct. It will not, I trust, bethought neces- sary for me to say more; — and the justice I owe to myself, will not allow me to say less. William Warden. . Vlll Fac Similes of the writing of extra- ordinary men are, I am told, particu- lar objects of research, and therefore I have introduced the graphic charac- ters of Napoleon, in a note on ge- neral Bertrand's Sketch of the Battle of Areola. The Medal was struck on Nap o- LEON'S marriage: the original, which is in gold, was presented to me by general Bertrand. He considered it as of great medallic value from its rarity. I have since heard however, that these medals are by no means uncommon^ at least in inferior metal. But be that as it may, an apology will not, I pre- sume, be thought necessary for hav- ing given an engraving of it. — At the same time it may be proper to observe, V * Fold-oi Pfacehol IX that the smaller circle is the size of the medal. The emblematic representa- tion was enlarged for the better illus- tration of the design. LETTERS JROM SAINT HELENA, m. &c. At Sea, HY dear- It is, certainly, not the first time that I have been induced to exclaim — how strange and unexpected are the occur- rences of life; how frequently is the calm of to-day succeeded by the storm of to* morrow, and the ordinary course of Na- ture interrupted by phenomena, which the philosopher himself is puzzled to ex- plain: But the world of politics illustrates 12 tiie doctrine of wonders as much as the operations of the elements. — Nothing, I presume, could have been less probable to the view of captain Maitland's mind when he was ordered on duty off Rochfort than the voluntary surrender of the ex-emperor of France and his suite, with bag and bag- gage, on board the Bellerophon. To have taken the ship in which he might have at- tempted to make his escape, was a natural expectation, as it would have been a proba- ble event; but the manner in which such an extraordinary^ person submitted himself to his custody, must have taken him, which could not have happened in any other part of his duty, by surprise* In- deed, to compare small things with great^ I cannot reconcile to my common notions of probability the subject of my present epistle, and that the letters which you would naturally expect to receive from me, instead of the common topics of a sea voyage, should contain an account of the conduct, and information respecting the character of Napoleon Buonaparte, from 13 tKe personal opportunities which my si- tuation so unexpectedly afforded me. Such has been the attention which this eminent person has attracted; so great the daily crowd of boats, and other vessels fil- led with curious spectators, (some of w^hom it is confidently said, have come on purpose from remote parts of the country, and even from London,) to snatch such a glimpse of him as could be caught at the distance they were obliged to keep from the Bellerophon^ on whose gangway he oc- casionally stood; that I feel myself more than justified in supposing the most trif- ling particulars, respecting him and his suite, to be welcome to you and those of our common friends, to whom you may choose to communicate them! and of this you may be assured, that I shall inform you of little that occurred after Napoleon put his foot on the deck of our ship, but what I myself saw and heard. My piece- meal narrative, for such it must be, will have the merit of authenticity, if it should 14 be thought to have no other. I have written down every thing respecting our distinguished passenger, as it has hitherto happened; and I shall continue to do so as circumstances occur, in the way best suit- ed to a seaman, by adopting the form of a Journal. You must, therefore, expect nothing but a succession of detached ar- ticles; a recital of domestic occurrences, if I may use the expression, on board a ship, as they occurred, when the ex-em- peror offered himself to my observation; and I shall begin with his short passage from the Bdlerophon to the Northumber- land. On the 3d of August, 1815, his ma- jesty's ship Northumberland^ captain Ross, bearing the flag of admiral sir George Cockburn, who was selected by govern- ment for this important duty, weighed an- chor from Spithead, and, after having contended with adverse winds, came with- 15 in sight of the Berry-head, a head-lan(i forming the extremity of Torbay, at an early hour of the day. She was there joined by the Tonnant, captain Brenton, bearing the flag of lord Keith, admiral of the channel fleet, accompanied by the Bellerophon^ captain Maitland, the latter ship having on board Napoleon Bi;o- NAPARTE. — As soon as signals were ex- changed with the approaching ship, a sa- lute w^as fired from the ISorthumherlandy and answered by the Tonnant. — Lord Keith, having had an interview with sir George Cockburn, anchored under Ber- ry-head, to avoid, as it was supposed, the eager curiosity of the very numerous visi- tors in all descriptions of vessels, who constantly surrounded the Bellerophon. The remainder of the evening passed without any occurrence that is worthy of notice. On the following morning, the count de las Casesy chamberlain to the ex-empe- ror, came on board to arrange the requisite 16 accommodations for his fallen master. The baggage followed — nor shall I attempt to describe the universal and anxious curios- ity which was displayed on board, to see the effects of the extraordinary personage to whom they belonged; the sole remain- ing possessions of a man who had so late- ly commanded the art, industry, and pro- duce of many kingdoms: But it was not calculated to gratify the expectation that awaited his arrival. One mahogany case indeed, was distinguished by the imperial arms, but the rest exhibited no better figure and appearance than the properties of an itinerant theatre. The count de las Cases does not ex- ceed five feet and an inch in height, and appears to be fifty years of age, of a mea- gre form, and with a wrinkled forehead: His dress was a French naval uniform. His stay on board the Northumberland did not exceed an hour; but, while he was employed in the hasty discharge of his of- fice, his diminutive appearance did not 17 fail to invite observations from the inquis- itive beholders. Some of them, I could fancy, expected herculean figures to be employed in the service of a man who had lately bestrode so large a portion of Eu- rope. If there were any under such im- pressions, and we never can answer for the impressions of the moment, they had cer- tainly forgotten, if they had ever been in- formed, that Alexander the great, the mighty lord of vanquished nations, is rep- resented in history as a man of small sta- ture — and, indeed, they were shortly to be convinced, that Buonaparte himself would not gratify any expectations of an athletic figure. From eleven to twelve we were prepa- red to receive Napoleon on board — and lord Keith, as it may be presumed, from a noble delicacy to his situation and feel- ings, declined receiving the usual compli- ments attendant on his rank, that they might, according to their settled form, de volve on the ex-emperor, whose sounding B 2 18 titles had passed away with the power that bestowed them. The rank of general is considered as adequate to all his claims on a government who never acknowledged him under any other. A captain's guard of marines was arranged on the poop, to wait his arrival, with orders to present arms and the drum to beat the roll thrice; the usual salute to a general oflS^ccr in the British service. The barge of the Tmxnant reached the Northumberland in a -few minutes after it left the Bellerophon.^ Our quarter-deck was covered with officers, and there were also some individuals of rank, who had come round from motives of curiosity, to view the passing scene. Besides the ob- ject of general attraction and attention, the * I have been given to understand that Buona- parte's conduct on board the Bellerophon had been such as rather to conciliate the good humour of all onboard, so that his departure was not attended with the slightest mark of disapprobation or disrespect, but with that kind of awful silence which accom- panies the fatal close of a public execution. 15 barge contained lord Keith and sir George Cockburn, marshal Bertrand, who had shared in all his imperial master's for- tunes, and the generals Montholon and Courgoriy who had been, and still continued to retain the titles of his aides-de-camp. As the boat approached, the figure of Na- poleon was readily distinguished, from his apparent resemblance to the various prints of him which are displayed in the windows of the shops. The marines occupied the front of the poop, and the officers kept the quarter-deck. An universal silence pre- vailed when the barge reached the side, and there was a grave, but anxious aspect in all the spectators which, in the opinion of others as well as myself, was no small ad- dition to the solemnity of the ceremonial. Count Bertrand ascended first, and having bowed, retired a few steps to give place to him whom he still considered as his mas- ter, and in whose presence he appeared to feel that all his most respectful homage was still due. The whole ship's company seemed at this moment to be in breath* 20 less "expectation. Lord Keith was the last who quitted the barge, and I cannot give you a more complete idea of the wrap- ped attention of all on board to the figure of Napoleon, than that his lordship, high as he is in naval character, admiral also of the channel fleet, to which we belonged, arrayed in the full uniform of his rank, and emblazoned with the decorations of his orders, did not seem to be noticed, nor scarcely even to be seen, among the group which was subject to him. With a slow step Buonaparte mounted the gangway, and, on feeling himself firm on the quarter-deck, he raised his hat, when the guard presented arms and the drum rolled. The officers of the Northumber- land^ who were uncovered, stood conside- rably in advance. Those he ap[)roached, and saluted with an air of the most affable politeness. He then addressed himself to sir George Cockburn, and hastily asked for the capitaine de vaisseau^ who was im- mediately introduced; but finding that he 21 did not speak French, he successively spoke to several others, till an officer of artillery replied to him in that language. Lord Lowther, and the honourable Mr. Lyttelton were then introduced to him; and, in a few minutes, he intimated a de- sire, though more by gesture than by words, to enter the cabin, where he conti- nued for about an hour. His dress was that of a general of French infantry, when it formed a part of his army. The coat was green, faced with white; the rest was white, with white silk stockings, and a handsome shoe with gold oval buckles. He was decorated with a red ribbon and a star, with three medals suspended from a button-hole. One of them represented the iron crown, and the others, different gradations of the Legion of Honour. His face was pale, and his beard of an unshaven appearance. Indeed, his general aspect justified the conjecture that he had not passed the preceding night in sound repose. His forehead is thinly co- 22 vered with dark hair, as well as the top of his head, which is large, and has a singu- lar flatness: what hair he has behind, is bushy, and I could not discern the slight- est mixture of white in it. His eyes, which are gray, are in continual motion, and hur- ry rapidly to the various objects around him. His teeth are regular and good; his neck is short, but his shoulders of the finest proportion. The rest of his figure, though a little blended with the Dutch fulness, is of a very handsome form. It may be thought, perhaps, that I am very minute in my description of this dis- tinguished person, — but I fancied you would expect it of me, and that your well- known predominant curiosity on the sub- ject must be gratified by it Besides, I may be naturally induced, from my stu- dies, my profession, and my habits, to ex- amine the human figure with an anatomi- cal eye; and, on particular occasions and with particular objects, I have sometimes ventured, for I may safely acknowlege it 23 to you, to indulge a reverie as to the con- formation of the human frame, and deduce notions, erroneous enough perhaps, from a comparative view of corporal form and structure, with intellectual capacity and leading dispositions. Indeed I am ready to acknowledge that I actually presumed to play Lavater a little with the late em- peror of France and king of Italy — but I shall not trouble you, at present, with the result of my vagaries. On returning upon deck, he engaged in conversation with lord Lowther, Mr. Lyttelton, and sir George Byngham, for an hour before dinner. It is understood that he complained of the severity with which he was treated, in being consigned to pass his days on the rock of St. Helena, buffeted by the winds, and amidst the waste of waters; and that he could not compre- hend the policy or the apprehensions of England, in refusing him an asylum, now that his political career was terminated.* — He continued to repeat a succession of questions to the same effect, with some degree of impetuosity; but it would be taking a liberty with Mr. Lyttelton, who principally maintained the discourse with him, to repeat that gentleman's replies from the inform.ation of others. I shall only observe, that they were accompanied with that courteous address which might be expected of him. In a conversation which I had with count Bertrand on the following day, he complained in very forcible terms, of the needless cruelty of their allotment. The emperor, he said, for that title he conti- nued to receive from his attendants, had thrown himself on the mercy of England, from a full and consoling confidence that he should there find a place of refuge. He asked, what worse f^ite could have befallen him, had he been taken a prisoner on board an American ship, in which he might have endeavoured to make his es- cape. He reasoned, for some time, on the probability of success in such an attempt; and they might now, he added, have cause 2S to repent that his imperial master had not risked it. He then proceeded : — ^^ Could not the emperor, think you, have placed himself at the head of the ar- my of the Loire? and can you persuade yourself that it would not have been proud to range itself under his command? And is it not possible — nay, more than proba- ble, that he would have been joined by numerous adherents from the Norths the South, and the East? Nor can it be de- nied that he might have placed himself in such a position, as to have made far better terms for himself than have now been im- posed upon him. It was to save the further effusion of blood that he threw himself into your arms; that he trusted to the honour of a nation famed for its gene- rosity and love of justice; nor would it have been a disgrace to England to have acknowledged Napoleon Buonaparte as a citizen. He demanded to be enrolled among the humblest of them: and wished for little more than the heavens as a cover- 26 ing, and the soil of England, on which he might tread in safety. Was this too much for such a man to ask? — surely not: nor could such a man imagine, in any moment of depression, if it were possible for such a spirit as his to be so depressed, that the boon would be refused him. It might ra- ther have been a subject of pride to Eng- land, that the conqueror of almost all Eu- rope but herself, sought, in his adverse fortune, to pass the remainder of a life, which forms so splendid an epocha in the history of our age, in any retired spot of her domains, which she might have allot- ted him." He acknowledged that Napoleon had consulted him as to the probable magna- nimity of the English government, on the measure then in contemplation; but in this instance, he said, '* I refused the opinion which he requested of me. It was not from any preconceived opinion to the prejudice of the English nation, no, — far from it, > fatah she was seized with a violent inflammation in the lungs, which defied all medical assis* tance, and in a few days she was no more, I 2 102 From the same authority I give you an account of her marriage with Napoleon, which certainly differs, as far as my recol- lection serves, from the credited histories of that event: it is not, however, for me to attempt a reconciliation of opposing narratives; but to relate, for your amuse- ment, what I have heard, and the author of my information: it is as follows: — An order which was issued by the con- vention to disarm the citizens, occasioned the introduction of Buonaparte, then a ge- neral, and high in military command, to Josephine. Her husband was said to have suffered eighteen months before the cir- cumstance about to be mentioned. He had left a son, Eugene Beauharnois, at this time a most interesting youth, who took an opportunity to address the general on the parade, and solicit his father's sword; which, according to the late order, had been removed from his mother's resi- dence. Buonaparte, charmed by the re- quest, and the animated modesty with 103 which it was made, instantly granted it. The mother wrote a letter the following day to thank the general for his kindness to her son. This grateful attention pro- duced a visit on his part, and the lady not being at home, she sent a note of apology and particular invitation. An interview of course followed: He was instantly capti- vated, and in six weeks they were married. It has been generally thought, I believe, that the second marriage did not obliterate his regard for her: and it is here asserted, by those who were qualified to form a cor- rect opinion of the matter, that he would have given more evident proofs of his re- gard, if the jealousy of the second empress had not interposed to prevent them. Having induced you, perhaps, to sup- pose that Napoleon was susceptible of love, I shall introduce madame Bertrand to persuade you, that he is not without a capacity for friendship. She related, ia a very impressive manner to us, the last in- 102 From the same authority I give you an account of her marriage with Napoleon, which certainly differs, as far as my recol- lection serves, from the credited histories of that event: it is not, however, for me to attempt a reconciliation of opposing narratives; but to relate, for your amuse- ment, what I have heard, and the author of my information: it is as follows: — An order which was issued by the con- vention to disarm the citizens, occasioned the introduction of Buonaparte, then a ge- neral, and high in military command, to Josephine. Her husband was said to have suffered eighteen months before the cir- cumstance about to be mentioned. He had left a son, Eugene Beauharnois, at this time a most interesting youth, who took an opportunity to address the general on the parade, and solicit his father's sword; which, according to the late order, had be^n removed from his mother's resi- dence. Buonaparte, charmed by the re- quest, and the animated modesty with 103 which it was made, instantly granted it. The mother wrote a letter the following day to thank the general for his kindness to her son. This grateful attention pro- duced a visit on his part, and the lady not being at home, she sent a note of apology and particular invitation. An interview of course followed: He was instantly capti- vated, and in six weeks they were married. It has been generally thought, I believe, that the second marriage did not obliterate his regard for her: and it is here asserted, by those who were qualified to form a cor- rect opinion of the matter, that he would have given more evident proofs of his re- gard, if the jealousy of the second empress had not interposed to prevent them. Having induced you, perhaps, to sup- pose that Napoleon was susceptible of love, I shall introduce madame Bertrand to persuade you, that he is not without a capacity for friendship. She related, in a very impressive manner to us, the last in- 104 terview with Duroc, duke of Frieuli, and- his afflicted sovereign. That officer, who, as it will appear, stood high in his master's regard and confidence, was struck by a cannon-ball, as he was re- connoitring the position for a night en- campment of the army, and his bowels fell to the ground; when he had the extraor- dinary resolution to collect and replace them with his own hands, on tlie spot. In this hopeless state he was removed to a neighbouring cottage, where he survived twenty-four hours. A mortification soon took place, and a very offensive smell be- gan to issue from his body, which continu- ed to increase. After he had been some time in this state, the emperor came to vi- liit and console him. The dying man, after expressing his acknowledgments to his master for this gracious act of kindness, which he accompanied with sentiments of the utmost loyalty and devotion, recom- mended his wife and daughter to the im- perial protection; and then entreated him 105 to depart, lest the effluvia proceeding from him might be attended with infection. She represented Napoleon's grief as per- fectly romantic, and stated as a fact, that he lay, for it is not to be supposed that he slept, a whole night on the stone which covered the grave of his friend. She also mentioned that he possessed an equal attachment to Lasnes, duke of Montebello, who was killed at the battle of Esling, when a similar scene of afflic- tion and regard took place. That brave officer had been obliged to submit to the amputation of one leg just below the knee, and the other just above the ancle. Buona- parte and Bertrand visited him in this un- happy condition, on the left bank of the Danube. Bertrand was endeavouring to console him by comparing his situation to that of the brave Caffarelli, when he, with a certain eagerness of expression, thus in- terrupted him: '' The attachment of Caf- farelli to the emperor was cold, when com- pared with the affectioo which I feeL'' 106 It was on a Sunday, at the admi- ral's table, that Buonaparte catechised the chaplain of the Northumberland in the fol- lowing curious and unexpected manner: though the learned divine is well qualified to have answered a far more profound in- quiry respecting the faith which he teaches, and the things that belong to it. How many sacraments does the church of England acknowledge? Two — Baptism and the Lord's supper. Does not the church of England consi- der marriage as a sacrament? No. What are the tenets of the church of England? The tenets of the church of England are Lutheran, or episcopal protestant. How often is the sacrament of the Lord's supper administered? In the churches of the metropolis, and other cities and large towns, the eucharist is observed monthly; but in the country churches, where the population is not so 107 large, quarterly. The festivals of the nati- vity of our Saviour, ©r Christmas day; of the resurrection, or Easter Sunday; the descent of the Holy Ghost, or Whit- sunday; and the feast of St. Michael, are the quarterly observations of the eucharist. Do all the communicants drink out of the same cup? — They do. Is the bread made use of in the sacra- ment common bread? The bread is of wheat, and the best that can be conveniently procured. Supposing that wine could not be pro- cured in the administration of the sacra* ment, would any other liquid be allowed as its substitute? It is not at all probable that a case of this kind ever occurred: wine being to be procured in every part of the kingdom. Do the bishops frequently preach? Seldom but on extraordinary occasions. Do they wear the mitre? I believe I may venture to say — never. Though I cannot affirm whether the arch- 108 bishops do or do not wear the mitre, when they crown the king. Have not the bishops a seat in the house of peers? They have. How long is it requisite for persons who are candidates for holy orders at the university, to have resided there? Four years: — but previous to their be- coming members of the university, they are generally seven or eight years at a clas- bical school. Of how long standing must a person be in the university, before the degree of a doctor of divinity? Nineteen years from the time of his matriculation. Which are the most approved places of education for the candidates for holy orders? The universities of Oxford and Cam- bridge. Are there many puritans (meaning pres- byterians) in England? There are a great many. 109 What are the religious tenets of the church of Scotland? The tenets of that church are calvinis- tic. They do not allow episcopacy or the government by bishops. They are pres- byterians, because they hold the govern- ment of priests, and presbyters or elders. To whose custody are the registers of baptisms, marriages, and deaths commit- ted? They are generally entrusted to the care of the minister; but it is a more regular proceeding to keep them in a strong chest which remains in the vestry-room of the parish church. This chest is guarded by three locks of different construction; so that it cannot, or at least ought not, to be opened, without the concurrence of three persons — the minister, and the two church wardens; who, each of them, possess their official and separate key. — The idea of keys and locking up, might not excite sen- sations altogether pleasing to the extraordi- nary captive, for here he closed his inqui- ries. K 110 It may be said that every thing is pos- sible, if it should please God; as was ob- served according to the story, by a Dutch burgo-master, when a man was brought before him who was accused of having bit off his own nose. But at all events, it may be considered as a very striking article of the chapter of improbabilities, in any pre- ceding part of Bounaparte's life, that he should ever be found catechizing the chap- lain on board an English man of war bound for St, Helena, respecting the forms ceremonies, tenets, &c. of the Anglican church. — The ceremony of crossing the line, a day of jubilee to the voyagers of every maritime nation, is so well known, that it would be superfluous to give a minute description of it; though more than usual ceremony was displayed on the present occasion: and it must be acknowledged that the French party submitted with the best grace, that is to say, with the most perfect good humour, to the novel free- Ill cloms of the marine Saturnalia: — Nor had the Neptune and Amphitrite of the day any cause of complaint. They were seated in a boat filled with water, the throne a match-tub, and the sceptre a painter's brush. They were surrounded by their Tritons, consisting of fifty or sixty of the most athletic men in the ship, naked to the waist, and bedaubed with various colours, each bearing a pail of salt water, to drench, more or less, the subjects of the briny god. The license of the pastime may be im- agined, when captain Ross, who com- manded the ship, received the contents of one of them with perfect pleasantry. — Bertrand, Montholon, Gourgond, and De las Cases, with all the domestics, pre- sented themselves to the temporary, but potent Neptune, and received, with the necessary cheerfulness, their share of his ablutions. The two former led their chil- dren forward, each of them presenting, from their extended little hands, a double Napoleon as their offering to the presiding deity of the deep. A sea-boy sung the 112 song of '^ The snug little island," some of whose lines were not very complimentary to the enemies of Great Britain, but not an unpleasant look was produced by them. The ladies viewed the scene from an ele- vated position, and appeared to be equal- ly amused and astonished at the festivities of it. Neptune was rather disappointed that Napoleon did not make his appear- ance, though he acknowledged the so- vereign dignity by sending his tribute.— In short, harmony prevailed to the close of this festive medley. —You, my dear friend, who have af- forded a vigilant attention to every part of Napoleon^s extraordinary career, and to satisfy whose prevailing curiosity con- cerning hiTi, I have become a writer of biography, such as it may prove; you, I say, may remember, though it does not occur to me, that a rumour prevailed after the treaty of Tilsit, of a projected mar- riage between the emperor of Franc e and a Russian princess. — This circumstance 113 seems to be acknowledged here; and it is said, moreover, that the failure of this negociation arose from the bigotry of the lady's royal mother, who insisted on the establishment of a Greek church in the palace of the Thuilleries. — I merely state it as a little article of our political chit-cat, for your political amusement, ~I recur once more to the person of this object of your inquisitive spirit, as it leads to circumstances (I know they will not be thought trifling by you,) which are coimected with this additional description of it. He has an uncommon face; large full and pale, but not sickly. In conversation, the muscles suffer little or no exertion: with the exception of those in the imme- diate vicinity of the mouth, the whole seemed fixed, and the forehead perfectly smooth. That of a Frenchman is ge- nerally wrinkled, from the habitual, mus- cular exertion of the countenance, which we denominate grimace: but however ear- nest Napoleon may be in conversation, he K 2 114 discovers no distortion of feature. When he wishes to enforce a question, he some- times employs his hand, but that alone: and were I describing a petit maitre^ I might attribute the display to its uncom- mon handsomeness. He sometimes smiles, but I believe he seldom laughs. — I have never observed, when laughter has pre- vailed around him, that he has caught the pleasant infection. The interesting chil- dren on board, who amuse every body, do not attract his attention. There is a large, good-tempered Newfoundland dog who is a frequent and rather a rude play- fellow of these urchins; and in a situation where no active entertainments are exhi- bited, the interludes of these performers afford no small degree of amusement to those around them. But they have never won a smile, that I have observed, from the ex-impcrial spectator. — Once, indeed, when Bertrand was in conversation with his master, the count's little girl, intruded upon it, with a story which all her father's prohibitions could not silence. On this 115 occasion Napoleon took her by the hand, heard out her little tale, and at the con- clusion kissed her. But this very uncom- mon attention was probably paid to the child as the only mode of getting rid of her, which might not have been painful to the feelings of the father. You will say, perhaps, when you have read a little further, that we are very much in want of amusements on board a ship, which we certainly know as well as you, and that we are pleased with little things; however, as you are the father of children, I will tell you something which I think will amuse you. Frequent attempts are made on the loyalty of the little Bertrands, by courting them, in very seducing ways, to say, Vive le roij and vive Louis dix huit. But the two eldest are loyal children, and true, and never fail to reply with, vive lem- pereur. The youngest of the three was, however, at length, bribed by irresistible sweetmeats, to say, vive Louis dix huit;^ for he, like other cautious politicians, 116 could not be persuaded to go all lengths, and add, vive le rot. But this daring de- fection neve-r failed to be followed by the reproaches of his uncurruptible brother and sister. This charming boy is said to bear a strong resemblance to the young Napoleon, and has acquired the title among us of John Bull, which he triumphantly retains; and if asked who he is, appears pleased to exclaim, Jean BoolL You have known me long, and have been acquainted with my general views in life: but who can foresee what he may come to? and could you suppose that I should ever be a teacher of the English language, and to the late grand marshal of the palace of the Thuiileries; though I have reason to be proud of my scholar for his amiable disposition, soldier-like frankness, and cultivated mind. He speaks English intelligibly, but with a very French accent. This he wished to improve, and I under- took to read with him. Such has been my task for an hour or two every day dur- 117 ing the last fortnight. We have gat through the Vicar of Wakefield with great success; Roderic Random, the never failing novel of a seaman, now occupies us. The sea terms and the seaman's language are ra- ther peq^lexing, as my persevering scholar will not suffer a single sentence to pass by without the best explanation that I can find. The Tour of Doctor Syntax yet re- mains, and will probably last us to St. Helena. As you have desired me to omit no- thing, however trifling, that relates to, or is authentically related of, our chief passen- ger, I shall just mention that count Ber- trand, in the history which he gave of the German campaign in 1807, took occasion to observe that Buonaparte had very seL dom employed spies. He appeared, in the course of his warfare, to know but one in- stance of a person being engaged by his master in that capacity, which was in Italy; at the same time he acknowledged that the services performed by him were of 118 considerable importance. In speaking also of Napoleon's talents, for which he uniformly avows the most profound admi- ration, he expressed himself to the follow- ing effect: — '' When I was first admitted to the emperor's confidence, he employed me on a particular service, and no zeal was w^anting, on my part, to execute it; but I found it, as I thought, to be imprac- ticable; and I did not hesitate to submit my opinion to him that it was so. It may be so to you, he replied, but in what man- ner did you proceed? I accordingly ex- plained the means I had pursued. You have failed, he said, in following your plans: now see what success you will have in pursuing mine. These he explained — I adhered to them of course, and succeed- ed. I then determined never again to sup- pose that any commands of his could fail of being fulfilled; and in any future ope- rations which he entrusted to me, the idea of impossibility never occurred to my thoughts in the performance of my duty, 119 or was forced upon mc by my experience in the failure of it.'' I have observed, that at cards, our ex- traordinary man plays rather a negligent game, and loses his money with great good humour. Nay, he is frequently inaccurate in reckoning his points, &c. but as often, most assuredly, to his loss as his gain. At chess, indeed, which is a scientific game, independent of fortune, and considered as being connected with a leading branch of military tactics, he may not possess, per- haps, the same indiiference. However that may be, I shrewdly suspect that Montho- Ion, when he plays with him, takes care to be the loser. I have read, though I know not where, that some great com- mander, on being beat at chess by one of his officers, was so infuriated by the jea- lousy of the moment, that he drew forth a pistol and despatched his conqueror. I wonder whether the aide-de-camp has ever heard this story. 120 Having crossed the line, the south-west winds occasioned our making a sweep off the gulf of Guinea, before we were en- abled to shape a course for our destined port. The declining sun of the 14th of October, 1815, shot out a parting ray ere it sunk beneath the horizon* Under this small illumined space, was obscurely- perceived the lofty peak of St. Helena* The memorable morning soon dawned which was to usher in the commencement of Napoleon's exile. This new feature in his history will be the subject of my next letter. &c. &c. &c. 121 ST. HELENAj MY DEAR The sensation excited in the little interesting colony of St. Helena, on the ar- rival of this extraordinary guest, may be more easily imagined than described. Curiosity, astonishment, and interest com- bined to rouse the inhabitants from their habitual tranquillity, into a state of busy activity and inquisitive solicitude. Napoleon did not leave his cabin for a full hour after the ship had anchored in the bav: however, when the deck became clear, he made his appearance, and ascend- ed the poop ladder, from which he could examine every gun that bristles at the mouth of James Valley, in the centre of which the town of that name, and the only L 122 one in the island, is situate. — While he stood there, I watched his countenance with the most observant attention, and it betrayed no particular sensation: he looked as any other man would look at a place which he beheld for the first time. — I shall also take this opportunity to mention that during the whole voyage, from the moment the Northumberland set sail from England, to its arrival at St. Helena, I never saw any change in the placid coun- tenance and unassuming manners of our distinguished shipmate; nor did I hear of a discontented look, or a peevish expression, being remarked by any oiher person in the ship. The ladies, indeed, discovered some distress on the first view of their rocky cage; but their general conduct on the oc- casion, displayed a degree of self-posses- sion which was not expected of them. The first object of the admiral was to make the necessary arrangements for the accommodation of Napoleon and his suite, and the lieutenant governor's house was appropriated for that purpose, till a proper 123 place could be prepared for his fixed resi- dence. It was not, therefore, till the 17th that they disembarked. — After sun-set, on that day, when the inhabitants of the town, wearied out in wailing for the spectacle of Bounapart's landing, had retired to their homes, he according to the wish he had expressed, passed unobserved to the house where he was to pass the first night as an inhabitant of St. Helena. ' — At an early hour of the following morning, the general was on horseback, accompanied by sir George Cockburn. They ascended the mountain to Longwood which was to be the tranquil residence of a man, on an isolated rock in Africa, who had possessed gorgeous palaces in so many of the splendid cities of Europe. About a mile from the town, and mid- way up the mountain, stands the country, house of a most respectable man and a merchant of the island, Mr. Balcombe: It is named The Briars^ and is situated on a level spot, which might almost be imagined 124 to have been formed by art in the steep as- cent. It occupies about two acres, and is bountifully supplied with water, by whose irrigating influence a pleasing and con- trasted scene of vegetation, enriched by fruit trees, has been produced; and seems, as it were, suspended between the heights above and the depths below. Here Napo- leon, on his descent from Longwood, was induced to call; and such was the hos- pitable importunity of the amiable master of the mansion, that he relinquished his intention of returning to the valley, and thereby avoided the public gaze that was waiting his appearance. On an elevated mound, about fifty yards from the house, is a gothic building, hav- ing one room below, and two small apart- ments above. This masonette Napoleon chose for his residence, till Longwood could be completed. There was no choice in the arrangement of this confined abode: the ground-floor was, of course, occupied by him, while De las Cases, with his son, 125 who was a page, and the valet in waiting were to possess the upper story. A few days after he had fixed his resi- dencc at the Briars^ I called to pay him a complimentary visit, v/hen I found him re- clining upon a sofa, apparently incommo- ded by the heat. He had been, he said, amusing himself with a walk in the garden; but that towards noon he found it neces- sary to shelter himself from the sun, be- neath his little roof. He appeared to be in very good spirits, and expressed himself With great civility to me, as^ well as in his inquiry after the officers of the Northum- berland. After some general questions respecting the restrictions on visiting him, he said, '' I find there is a considerable force on the island, full as many as the produce of the place is capable of main- taining. What could induce your go- vernment to send out the fifty-third regi- ment? There was, surely, a sufiicient force before for my security; but this is the way that you English people get rid of your l2 126 money. ^' To this observation I did not hesitate to reply: '* When a measure is once resolved upon, you, general, will ac- knowledge it to be the best policy to em- ploy all the means that may secure its be^ ing carried into complete effect. '^ You, my friend, may think, that I hazarded his displeasure by my answer; but the man- ner in which he received it, convinced me that he was better pleased with my frank- ness, than if I had hammered out a com- pliment, in which manufactory you well know that I am but an unskilful workman. I now took my leave, and strolled down with count Bertrand to dinner. It was not till some time in November, that I paid a second visit to the Briars^ whither an invitation to dine with Mr. Balcombe had called me. As I reached the spot some time before the dinner- hour, I proposed to amuse myself in examining the cultivated spots, attached to the do- main. I accidentally took the path which leads to the gardens, and at the gate where it terminates there is a narrow goats' pas- - 127 sage, whose sides are lined with prickly pear bush. At the angle formed by the two paths, I met Napoleon clattering down from among the rocks in his heavy mili- tary boots. He accosted me with an ap- parent mixture of satisfaction and surprise; and reproached me in terms of great civi* lity for my loag absence. There was a rough deal board placed as a seat between two stones, on which after having brushed away the dust with his hand, he sat him- self down, and desired me to take my place by him. — Las Cases soon joined us, for in scrambling through these rocky paths, his master, badly as he walks, had got the start of him. On all sides of the spot where we were seated, rocks were piled on rocks to the height of a thousand feet above our heads, while there was an abyss of equal depth at our feet. Nature seems in a sportive mood to have afforded this level space for a semi- aerial dwelling; and while I was gazing with some astonish- ment on the barren wonders of the scene around me- — '* Well,'' said Napoleon^ 128 with a smile, " what say you to it? — and can you think that your countrymen have treated mc kindly?" — I had but one an« swer to such a question; and that was, by not giving any answer at all. — His con- versation then turned upon the state and character of the island, of which, he ob- served, all the books he read respecting it, during the voyage had given a very partial representation, unless there were parts of a more pleasing aspect than any he had seen in his rides to Longxvood^ which compre- hended the utmost extent of his observa- tion. His conversation was, on this oc- casion, as on all others when I have been with him — easy, goodhumoured, and fa- miliar, without the least taint of his former greatness: and whenever the topic would admit of it, he never failed to give an air of cheerfulness to his remarks. On my mentioning the activity of the admiral in superintending the repairs at Longwood, and that it would probably be ready to receive him in the course of a month; — he replied, \ our admiral knows, 1 doubt 129 not, to a moment, in what time a ship may be got ready, but as an architect, I think his calculations will fail. — I main- tained, however, that whether it was upon land or sea, sir George Cockburn was of a character that would ensure success in whatever he might be called upon to un- dertake. — I added, that the officers were actually employed in accompanying the seamen to Longwood, with the materials necessary for its completion. He then inquired after those gentlemen whose names he endeavoured to recollect; and expressed a wish to see them as they pas- sed. *' If,'* said he, " they will be con- tented to visit me as you now do, in the fields; as my present habitation, which serves me for breakfast, dinner, and bed- room, is not precisely calculated to receive company." The Briars had derived, and will ever retain a certain degree of celebrity, from its having been the unexpected residence of Napoleon^ and this circumstance will, I 130 doubt not, bring to your recollection, the various instances where remote and ob- scure situations, which never formed the smallest speck on a map, have by accidental events, become important points in the ge- ography of the historian, — Napoleon fre- quently makes one of Mr. Balcombe's family parties, where he is neither trouble- some nor intrusive, but conducts himself w^ith the manners of a gentleman, and a live- ly demeanor that promotes the general vivacity of the domestic circle*. — I have not heard of any instance of his discontent but on the following occasion. — Since he has been at the Briars^ an officer of cap- tain's rank is constantly in attendance there, and becomes answerable for his person. This, I understand, has occasioned remon- strances to the admiral, who has not thought proper to answer them with any relaxation of this duty. * I have since seen, in the English newspapers, accounts of his playing at cards for sugar-piums, being impetuous with a child, and engaging in something like monkey tricks; for which there is not the kast foundation of any kind. 131 Napoleon having complained of the in- tnision of visitors, during his stay at the Briars it afforded the admiral an opportu- nity of executing the orders transmitted from England with a degree of delicacy which whoever has the pleasure of know- ing him, must be satisfied that he would prefer. It was accordingly ordered, that no one should be permitted to visit Long- wood^ withou a passport from the admiral or the governor. On his removal thither, certain limits were assigned him for exercise, around which a cordon of centinels were stationed. While he continues within the circle he experiences no additional vigilance; but when he ventures beyond, an officer is on duty to attend him. The latter circum- stance, which he considers as irksome, disposes him to confine himself in a great measure to the gi ounds of his mansion. The indisposition of general Gourgond occasioned my passmg much of m\ time at Longwood. The disease^ from its com- 132 mencement, had assumed very unfavour-- able appearances; and my friend Mr. O' Meara, whom I have already introduced to you as the ex -imperial surgeon, was desirous that we should be together du- ring the treatment. My first visit, on this occasion, was attended with some particulars, which, I presume, from your rivetted attention to the principal character in the scene, you will not think unworthy of being related. About six in the evening I reached Huts- gate^ a small house on the Longwood road, about a mile from the principal residence, and the habitation of count Bertrand. It consists of two small apartments below, and the name number above. But in this cottage, health reigns, the children are charming, and care seems to be banished from it. — A volume might be filled with all I know of this family. Most of my spare hours during the voyage were dedicated to reading English with the marshal; and, in return, he gave an history of some of the campaigns in which he had served. He 133 would often say, *^ You are de bad master; you will hear all, and speak to me none.'^ Napoleon, when inquiring after me, du- ring our passage, would ditstinguish me by the title of Bertrand^s friend. Ma- dame insisted upon my dismounting from my horse and accompanying her in the carriage to Longwood, as her husband had gone on before. It was now growing dusk, and as we approached the house, we saw her emperor, as she always call- ed him, and Bertrand in conversation close to the road-side. ^* Now,'' said the la- dy, '* let us surprise them: show yourself at the carriage window as we pass; when they will fancy a gallant, and it will remind them of Paris tricks.'' We passed them at a quick pace; I obeyed my instructions^ and, having handed the countess from the carriage, she left me to go and explain who the stranger was. In a few minutes I re- ceived a message from Napoleon himself, with an invitation to dinner. I very readi- ly accepted it, as you may imagine; and was rather pleasingly surprised at it; as he M 134 had for some time confined his guests to his own suite. I had no means of presen- ting myself, but in my riding equipments, and in such guise I made my entre. Ge- neral Montholon, in full dress, received me in the anti- chamber, and introduced mc to an adjoining room, where Buonaparte was engaged at chess with the count Ber- trand. He received me with the com- mon salutations, very civilly expressed, and, on my taking a position behind his chair, as if to observe the game, he con- tinued the contest. There was little con- versation among the party in the room; and that was carried on in a kind of res- pectful whisper, which, as I knew not how to adopt, was interrupted at times by the thorough-bass of my answers to the ques- tions which were addressed to me. A very short time before dinner was announced, general Montholon whispered in my ear, that I was to take my seat at table between tlie emperor 'u,\\A iht grand marshml. Here are honours for you, aiid 135 I will give you leave to figure your plain, humble, unassuming friend in his eleva- ted station. 1 cannot say that my situa- tion resembled that of Sancho Pancha, because every dish was at my service; but a piece of roast beef or a leg of mut- ton, with caper sauce, would have afforded a relief to my appetite, which has never been familiarised with ragouts and fricas- see s, I had Napoleon on my right, and the marshal on my left; and there was a vacant chair, that had the air of ceremoni- ous emptiness, as a reserved seat for Ma- ria Louisa. A bottle of claret and a de- canter of water was placed by each plate: but there was no drinking to each other at dinner; and if you did not help yourself during the time it lasted, the opportunity would be lost, as the wine vanished with the eatables. The service of porcelain far exceeds in beauty whatever of that kind I have beheld. The silver plate is massive, and decorated with eagles in cu- rious abundance; the gold service appear- ed in the desert. The entertainment last- ed ibout an hour, and so frequent were 136 the questions of my host, that from the perplexity I suffered in conjuring up an- swers to them, I scarce knew what I eat, or what I drank. I will endeavour to give you a general specimen of his convivial in- quiries. Have you visited general Gourgond? — Yes, general, I came to Longwood for that purpose. How have you found him? Extremely ill. What is his disorder? Dy sentry. Where is its* seat? In the intestines? What has been the cause? Heat of climate on a constitution peculiar- ly predisposed; but remove the cause and the effect will cease. Had he been bled in the first instance, it is probable that the disease would have been less violent. — What remedy is now proposed? The functions of the liver and other viscera are deranged: To restore them, therefore, to a healthy action, it will be necessary to have recourse to mercury. That is a bad medicine. Experience has taught me the contrary. Did Hippocrates use it? I be- 137 lieve not. He had great faith in simples. Yet, he is considered as among the first physicians. He might, nevertheless, have derived great advantages from modern dis- coveries. Does not nature endeavour to expel morbific matter; and may not the present painful straggles be an effort of nature to rid herself of what is obnoxious? I have been taught to assist nature. And could not you do so without having re* course to this dangerous mineral? Expe- rience has convinced me that mercury, provided it produces salivation, is infalli- ble. Then go on with your mercury. Have you lost many men on board the Northumberland? We have had the mis- fortune to lose several. Of what disease? Dysentry and inflammation of the liver. Have you examined them after death? In- variably. What was the appearance? Ex- tensive suppurations of the liver in the one disease, and gangrene of the intes- tines in the other. What is death, or how do you define death? A suspension of the M 2 138 vital functions, the organs of respiration^ and the action of the heart. When does the soul quit the body? That is a ques- tion I do not presume to answer with a precision which would satisfy you: for, in cases of suspended aninuuion and in syn- cope, man is to all appearance, dead; yet, by artificial means, resuscitation is ,j)roduced and life preserved. When do you suppose that the soul enters the body? I am not sufficiently skilled in metaphy- sics to give a satisfactory reply. The fa- culty of thought appears to be the dawn- ing of the soul; and to whatever perfec- tion reason attains, then the soul is most perfect, at least then man becomes the most responsible for his actions. Here the conversation ended to my great satis- faction, as it seemed to be taking a turn too profound for my philosophy: you will say, perhaps, that part of it was not calcu- lated to whet the stomach of any one at dinner, but a medical man. I fancy, how- ever, that, to your appetite, it will prove a savoury dish. 139 Napoleon now rose, and was followed by his party into a card-room when whist succeeded. He appears to be master of the game, but plays with a kind of care- lessness, and good humour, as if he pre- ferred loshig his money. He stayed half an hour longer this evening than was usiral with him, and during that time he walked up and down the room, continuing his pre- vailing habit of asking questions. On his taking leave, Las Cases, m his good hu- moured way, said, '* Well, this has been a day of questions: indeed, 1 fear it must be a punishment for you to dine with us, it is so like undergoing an examination: but you may be assured, that your an- swers afford satisfaction, or you would not be troubled with so many questions.'^ In a few days after, the arrival of a ship from England induced me to take a ride to the valley; and, on my return in the evening, I was informed, that Napoleon desired to see me in general Gourgond's apartment as soon as I returned; and there 140 I found him waiting for me. On my en- trance, the first question related to the progress of the general's disorder: when he suddenly changed the subject. " You have been at the town; and is the ship just arrived from England — if so, I suppose she brings letters and newspapers. Cer- tainly; and I have looked over a file of the Courier. — Is there no Morning Chronicle? I have not yet seen it. The other papers which I have just had a glimpse of, were the Times^ and a provincial paper. — What is the news from France? I did but slight- ly glance over the French news. Be that as it may, you remember, I suppose, some- thing of what you read; so let me hear it, I saw some articles respecting you; but the principal part of the French news which I had the opportunity of examining, related to the trial and sentence of marshal Ney. Napeleon now advanced a step nearer to me, but without the least change of counte- nance; — ''^ What," said he, " marshal Ney has been sentenced to be shot." — I replied 141 *^ It was even so: he addressed the minis- ters of the allied sovereigns, but in vain: he urged in his defence the 12th article of the convention: he pleaded on his trial that he was deceived by you: that the procla- mation of which he was accused, and made a part of the charges against him, was written by major general Bertrand; and that he was deceived by your report of Austria and England.'' Count Bertrand, who was in the room, quietly observed, that marshal Ney had a right to save him- self if he could; and if fabricated stories w^ould answer his purpose, he could not be blamed for employing them. But he added, *' respecting the proclamation, it was an assertion equally false and ridicu- lous: marshal Ney could write himself, and wanted not my assistance." Napoleon made no comments on the account which had been given to him. One solitary ex- pression, indeed, broke from him, and that was, '^ marshal Ney was a brave man." I mentioned a report, as stated in one of the London papers, that an apprehension 142 was entertained of an insurrection in Paris, on the event of marshal Ney's sentence being carried into execution. " An in- surrection," said Napoleon, with a kind of contemptuous calmness, '' pugh! get the troops imder arms! Has the duke of Wel- lington left Paris? I really do not know. Are the English and allied forces still in the vicinity of the capital? — The English, I believe, are still in its neighbourhood; but it appears, from the papers, that the Russians and Prussians have retired upon the Rhine. That disposition of them, he replied, is altogether the most proper. — But how is it, he continued, that among the papers which are sent for my perusd, I so seldom see the Morning Chronicle. That was a question, which 1 did not pretend to answer. I thought proper, however, to in- form him, with some little curiosity to see how he would receive the intelligejice, ?riPiing EK it may appear, that, accordme to the papers, a Parisian had been sentenced to pay a fine for pubHshing a caricature in which he was represented. He permitted 143 pie to describe it, which 1 did in the Ian- guage of the paragraph: *' On one side of the print appeared the figure of Louis XVIII, surrounded by his family, with the inscription, ' This is well;'* and on the other side, that of Napoleon attended by his fa- mily, with the motto, * This is better.^ " **Pugh!" said he, " what nonsense! but such trash will be propagated, from some idle motive or other:" and with this ob- servation he retired to his apartment. General Gourgond's disorder assumed a very dangerous appearance; and the symptoms seemed to announce a fatal ter- mination. His spirits, indeed, were so sunk, that he refused to take the only medicine that promised the least chance of relief; and even though it continued to be administered by contrivance, and subter- fuge, he must have become the prey of his melancholy apprehensions, if that voice which he dare not disobey, had not urged a sharp, and as it proved, a saving remon- strance. *' V\ hat ridiculous behaviour is 144 this,'^ said Napoleon to him; *^ and what are these silly fears of your own creation, and which you appear to be fond of in- dulging, by refusing the means of dissi- pating them. How often have you faced death in the field of battle, without the least sensation of fear; and now you are re- solved to yield to his power, as if you were afraid to resist him. What a childish ob- stinacy! Play the fool no longer, I beg of you, but submit to the remedies with cheerfulness, which can alone promote your restoration to health." This reproach softened the paiient's obstinacy, he be- came submissive to the regimen prescrib- ed, and recovered. Some short time after, Napoleon said to me, ^' Well, you doctors have performed wonders with Gourgond: if, however, there had been a priest on the island, he would have discharged you both, and trusted alone to his treatment: but for- tunately for him, such a thing as a confes- sor was not to be found." 145 I am about to vary the scene, but I follow the track of the distinguished exile, whenever I have the opportunity; and I now call you to attend him among the Ar- cadians of St. Helena. When he takes his exercise on horseback, he generally bends his way through a deep ravine, luxuriantly covered with vegetation and used for pas- ture. The road is narrow, the place lone- ly; and he, in a sentimental or poetical moment, had named it " The valley of Si- lence.'^^ On ascending this contracted pass, the eye is greeted, and on the first occasion might probably be surprised, by the resi- dence of a farmer. Here the confined tour- ist, on his first excursion, determined to snatch a probable amusement; by paying a visit. Fortunately for him, the family were taken by surprise; for the . pprehen- sion of such a guest would have emptied the house of its inhabitants. Master Legg, the tenant of the mansion, a plain honest countryman, met him at die door, when the extraordinary visitor, on the invitation which he received, dismounted from his N 146 horse, and accompanied by the count de las Cases, entered the house, familiarly took his seat, and, as usual, began his in- terrogatories. Have you a wife? Yes, and please you, sir emperor. Have you any children? Six. How much land have you got? A hun- dred acres. All capable of being cultiva- ted? No, not one-half. What profit does it bring you? Not a great deal; but it is much improved since you, Mr. emperor, came amongst us. Aye, how do you make that out? Why, you must know, sir em- peror, we do not grow corn in this here island; and our green vegetables require a ready market. We have generally had to wait for the arrival of a fleet; and then, rat ^em, they would sometimes all spoil: but now, sir general, we have a prime sale for every article. Where is your wife? Dang it, and please you, I believe she is scared; for I see my children have all run out. Send for them, and let me be introduced. Pray have you any good water? Yes, sir; 147 and wine too, such as is to be had from the Cape. The good woman's alarm had by this time subsided; and she was persuaded by her husband to make her appearance, and entered with every mark of respect, and some astonishment. Napoleon, De las Cases, the farmer and his wife, forming a partie quarree^ for your philosophic and profound contemplation, sat down to four glasses of Cape wine; and when they were emptied, the visit concluded. The good man and his family had been placed so much at their ease by the cour- teous demeanour of their unexpected guests, that the subsequent visits laid them under no restraint; and even the little chil- dren used frequently to express their wishes by inquiring of their mother, " When will Boney come and see us again?" But there is another farmer, whose name is Robinson, who like his neighbour Legg, 148 occupies his acres of garden ground, which are divided into enclosures by fences of earth enlivened by the aloe and the prickly pear. Here, as in the former humble ha- bitation, the honest simplicity of rural life appears in all its native colours: but there is a flow^er of no common beauty that adorns the spot; a very pretty girl of about seventeen, the daughter of the owiiers of it. She is what we should call in Scotland, ''a very bonny lassie." Whether it was the primitive sincerity and innocent manners of these honest people, or the native charms of the rustic nymph, or the picture of con- tentment that they presented to their vi- sitor, which attracted him, I shall not pre- tend to determine; but his visits became so frequent, that the relations of these good people in the town, recommended precau- tion respecting their daughter, who was then forbidden to make her appearance whenever the great man favoured the farm with his visits: this circumstance he soon observed, and accordingly ceased to con- tinue them. 149 I shall not wait for any additional occur- rences, which are uncertain, with a view to lengthen my letter. If any further in- formation occurs, it may form the subject of another epistle. I therefore seize the present opportunity of assuring you that I am, &c. &c. W. W. N 2 150 ST. HELENA, MY DEAR I began to think that my last letter would have concluded the little history which I have compiled from the living documents around me, for the amusement and gratification of your anxious curiosity. If it has answered that purpose, I shall be satisfied; and I am happy to continue my disjointed narrative, with some unex- pected notices that may be equally inte- resting, as far as the term can be applied, to those which have preceded them. It is near six weeks since I have visited Longwood, or have had any communica- tion with the inhabitants of it. Chance, however, conducted me to a party where I met De las Cases. After some general 151 eonversation on the arrival of the new go- vernor, he informed me that his master had made frequent inquiries after me; and had even expressed his surprise at my absence. *' We have not seen you," he added, " since your resuscitation of general Gour- gond; and I cannot but feel curious to know, whether your acting as a stranger, arises from any disinclination on your part, or a particular prohibition from the admi- ral? I replied, '' neither the one nor the other: but, at the same time, I thought it became me to attend to the general orders, and I could not justify myself in request- ing a passport to Longwood without hav- ing some ostensible reason." " But I wish very much," he answered, ** to cpnsult you about the health of my son." " That reason is sufficient; I will immediately ap- ply to the admiral, who is now in the room, and have no doubt of his ready acquies- cence." I was accordingly engaged to breakfast with Napoleon on the following morning, at eleven o'clock. The violent rains, however, disappointed me; but I 152 took the earliest opportunity of fulfilling my promise. The breakfast hour was passed when I reached Longwood, and its master had been invited by the serenity of the day, to take an earlier walk in the garden than was his general custom. I presume that he had observed me as I ap- proached the house, while he was screened from me by an intervening hedge. As I had exceeded the breakfast hour, after which he generally retires to the solitude of his apartment, I did not expect to see him; and to say the truth, unless there had been a prospect of obtaining some novelty, my dear friend, for your entertainment, I should rather have felt a relief in the idea that I was not to be exposed to one of his rapid examinations. I soon, however, met the count De las Cases, who, presuming that the great man had retired for the day, proposed my accompanying him to his apartment, where, he said, after you have seen my son, we will take a few peeps into our history, which I know will interest you, as the work itself will interest the 153 whole world, if we have perseverance to get through with it. I do not recollect whether, in any of my former letters I mentioned, from the au- thority of this gentleman, who is the ama- nuensis of the historian, that Buonaparte was seriously and laboriously engaged in writing the Annals of his Life. I had al- ready been informed by the same person, that the campaigns of Egypt and of Italy, and what he styles My reign of an hundred days^ or some such title, were completed;* and that the intermediate periods were in a progressive state. I therefore was look- ing forward to a very curious morning, and hugging myself on the approaching view of such manuscripts as were to be unfolded to me: but this expectation was disappointed by a message from Napoleon to attend him in his room. As I knew that my visit would not be one of mere * This work includes the interval, or some portion of it, between the abdication of Fontain- bieau and that of Paris, 154 ceremony, I prevailed upon my companion to accompany me, as his interpretations are always given with such aptitude and perspicuity, and besides, afford me time to arrange my answers. There was some little finesse employed in making this ar^ rangement, as the forms of the court at Longwood are most respectfully observed by the attendants on it. On entering the room I observed the back of a sofa turned towards me; and on advancing I saw Napoleon laying at full length on it, with his left-arm hanging over the upper part. The glare of light was excluded by a Venetian blind, and before him there was a table covered with books. I could distinguish among them some fine bound volumes on the French Revolution. The heat of the day had oc- casioned him to dismantle himself of coat and waistcoat. The moment his eye met mine, he started up, and exclaimed, in English, in a tone of good humoured vi- vacity, '* Ah Warden, how do you do?'' 155 I bowed in return; when he stretched out his hand, saying, ^' I have got a fever." I immediately applied my hand to the wrist, and observing, both from the regularity of the pulsation and the jocular expression of his countenance, that he was exercising a little of his pleasantry, I expressed my wish that his health might always remain the same. He then gave me a gentle tap on the cheek, with the back of his hand; and desired me to go into the middle of the room as he had something, to say to me. I now congratulated him on the pre- servation of his health, and complimented him at the same time, on the progress he appeared to have made in the Engli:^h language. ^' I certainly enjoy," he said, '^ a very good state of health, which I at- tribute to a rigorous observance of regi- men. My appetite is such that I feel as if I could eat at any time of the day: but I am regular in my meals; and always leave off eating with an appetite: besides, I never, as you know, drink strong wines. With respect to the English language," he con- 156 tinued, " I have been very diligent: I now read your newspapers with ease; and must own, that they afford me no inconsiderable amusement. They are, occasionally, in- consistent, and sometimes abusive. In one paper I am called a liar^ in another a ty- rantf in a third a monster^ and, in one of them, which I really did not expect, I am described as a coward; but it turned out, after all, that the writer did not accuse me of avoiding danger in the field of battle, or flying from an enemy, or fearing to look at the menaces of fate and fortune; it did not charge me with wanting presence of mind in the hurry of battle, and in the suspence of conflicting armies. No such thing; I wanted courage it seems, because I did not coolly take a dose of poison, or throw myself into the sea, or blow out my brains. The editor, most certainly misunderstands me; I have, at least, too much cour- age for that. Your papers are influenced by party principles: what one praises the other will abuse; and so vice versa. They who live in the metropolis where they are I 157 published, can judge of passing events and transactions for themselves; but persons living at a distance from the capital, and particularly foreigners, must be at a loss to determine upon the real state of things, and the characters of public men, from the perusal of your journals.'^ Napoleon appearing, as it were, to be speaking out, and in a humour to deliver opinions, instead of confining himself to asking questions, I was determined to speak out too; and I had no doubt that I should lead him into an interesting con- versation, or induce him to wish me a good day. I accordingly replied, ^' I really think that you must possess more patience than my countrymen are disposed to allow you, if you really wade through all the columns that have been filled on your subject. You cannot, general, suppose for a mo- ment, that the extraordinary events which have taken place, and of which you have o 158 formed such a prominent part, would not be considered and observed upon with great freedom by a thinking people Hke the English, and who have the privilege, and may they ever possess it, of speaking and writing what they think." I was pro- ceeding in full swing and in a very patrio- tic way, when he thus interrupted me. ^* This calling of names, and these scold- ing epithets, only serve to amuse me; but there are observations in your papers, which produce far different sensations. You havt:'^ he continued, '' a writer whom I greatly admire; I believe he is of your country, a Scotchman — Macpherson, the author of Ossian. There is also a p>crson of the name of Belsham: on what subjects has he written?" I replied, '* that I be- lieved he had written an account of the reign of our excellent sovereign." ^* Yes," he said, '' your laws permit you to write of kings, of ministers, of measures, and of one another." '' Yes," I replied, ** such is the privilege of Englishmen; and, posses- sing the infirmities of human nature, they i 159 may sometimes abuse it. Misconception, party spirit, and perhaps factious minds, may, at times, tend to propagate and sup- port erroneous, and even violent opinions; but the love of justice and of truth, forms the genuine character of an Englishman," *< Nevertheless," he observed, *' you ap- pear to handle my character rather roughly: and more so, since I have been in your power." ^^ To that opinion, general," I answered, rather quickly, '^ I must beg leave to address a direct negative. You have not always had the leisure to examine English publications which you enjoy at present; but I do assure you, that from the time of your becoming first consul of France, to the moment when you set your foot on the deck of the Beilerophon, the English press has never ceased to fulmi- nate its displeasure against your and this without exception, for the parties who dif- fered in every thing besides, expressed btft one and the same opinion of you. This, I presume, you must have known at the time, though the vast projects that have 160 occupied your mind, may have prevented your memory from retaining a detail of our literary offences: your official papers, how- ever, marked their perfect acquaintance with the hostility of our journals, and re- turned their paragraphic missiles in every direction. You were rather angry with old England, when you ordered the Moniteur to call us a * Nation of shopkeepers:' A great commercial nation we certainly are, and may we ever remain so: for it is that commerce which has proved a fountain of resources, whose failure would have pre- vented even the native and irresistible bravery of Englishmen from making the late immortal additions to our national glory. But we are also a most noble- minded, magnanimous and generous peo- ple; and were never known to insult a con- quered enemy; nay, how often has it hap- pened that both our sailors and our soldiers have risked their lives to save a fallen foe. Even whtn you had thrown away one of the brightest diadems ia Europe, and had accepted a slender seep- 161 tre in Elba, you were instantly treated with comparative mildness by the more prevail- ing public opinions in England. And now that you are, as you choose to term it, in our power^ a general feeling of a generous nature is known to be excited: Yes, sir, there are numbers who would have re- joiced to hear that you had bit the ground on the field of battle, who are now dis- posed to wish you every comfort that can be safely allowed in your present situation. If the Northumberland had overtaken you in a French man-of-war, endeavouring to make your meditated escape to America, every officer, and every sailor and soldier would have been bravely engaged in the at- tempt to take, burn, sink, or destroy the ship that bore you; yet, as you have readily ac- knowledged, you were treated by them, du- ring the whole of the voyage, with every gentle, manly, and polite attention. And, if I may venture to speak of myself, I shall beg leave to add, that I was bred up in the ha- tred of you: nay, that no proofs of holy writ were more strongly imprinted in my o2 162 mind, than the truth of the then universally- prevailing opinions concerning you; never- theless, I am ready to show you every per- sonal courtesy, to be thankful for the ci- vilities I have received from you, and to offer you such service as I am permitted by the benevolence of the government which I serve, and may be consistent with those regulations which its political wis- dom has thought necessary to provide, for the safeguard and ultimate security of your person." I was resolved to speak my sentiments with freedom, and you may now think my good friend, that I did not balk my resolu- tion. I could not, indeed, forbear to defend the generous temper of Englismen, when it received such an attack. My candid sentiments and unreserved language ap- peared, however, to meet my auditor's ap. probation, and he asked me, to my great surprise, if 1 remembered the history of captain Wright. I answered, '^ Perfectly well; and it is a prevailing opinion in En- 163 gland, that you ordered him to be murder- ed in the Temple." With the utmost ra- pidity of speech he replied, '* For what object? Of all men he was the person whom I should have most desired to live. Whence could I have procured bo valuable an evi- dence as he would have proved on the trial of the conspirators in and about Paris. The heads of it he himself had landed on the French coast." My curiosity was at this moment such as to be betrayed in my looks, '' Listen," continued Napoleon, ^* and you shall hear. The English brig of war, commanded by captain Wright, was employed by your government in landing traitors and spies on the west coast of France. Seventy of the number had actu- ally reached Paris; and, so mysterious were their proceedings, so veiled in im- penetrable concealment, that although ge- neral Ryal, of the police, gave me this information, the name or place of their re- sort could not be discovered. I received daily assurances that my life would be at- tempted, and though I did not give entire 164 credit to them, I took every precaution for ray preservation. The brig was afterwards taken near L'Orient, with captain Wright, its commander, who was carried before the prefect of the department of Morbeau, at Vannes: general Julian, then prefect, had accompanied me in the expedition to Egypt, and recognised captain Wright on the first view of him. Intelligence of this circumstance was instantly transmitted to Paris; and instructions were expeditiously returned to interrogate the crew, separate- ly, and transfer their testimonies to the minister of police. The purport of their examination was at first very unsatisfacto- ry; but, at length, on the examination of one of the crew, some light was thrown on the subject. He stated that the brig had landed several Frenchmen, and among them he particularly remembred one, a very merry fellow, who was called Pi- chegru. Thus a clue was found that led to the discovery of a plot, which, had it succeeded, would have thrown the French Hation, a second time, into a state of revo- 165 lution. Captain Wright was accordingly conveyed to Paris, and confined in the Temple; there to remain till it was found convenient to bring the formidable ac- cessaries of this treasonable design to tri- al. The law of France would have sub- jected Wright to the punishment of death: but he was of minor consideration. My grand object was to secure the principals, and I considered the English captain's evidence of the utmost consequence to- wards completing my object." He again and again, most solemnly asserted, that captain Wright died in the Temple, by his own hand, as described in the Mont- teiir^ and at a much earlier period than has been generally believed. At the same time, he stated, that his assertion was found- ed on documents which he had since exa- mined. The cause of his inquiry arose from the visit, I think, he said, of lord Ebringtop. to Elba, and he added, '' That nobleman appeared to be perfectly satisfi- ed with the account which was given him of this mysterious business." 166 I was so far encouraged by the easy, communicative manner of the ex-einperor, that 1 continued my observations without reserve: I, therefore, did not hesitate to express my doubts respecting the time that Capt. Wright remained in the Tem- ple previous to his death. To satisfy me in this particular, Napoleon turned over a long succession of pages in a late publica- tion of Mr. Goldsmith's, which had been brought him by sir Hudson Lowe. I do not recollect the title, which is probably familiar to you, who have suffered nothing that relates to the government of France to have escaped you, but I could perceive, that it consisted of extracts from the Mo- niteur, &c. during the imperial reign. As he referred to the index he frequently pointed out the name of IVright^ spelled Eighty and with a confident expectation, as it certainly appeared to me, of finding some document, that would confirm his account. The author, however, either had not been able to discover any written tes- timony, to mark the precise time of cap-. 16: tain Wright-s death, or had intentionally withheld it; and the latter Buonaparte re- peatedly and firmly insisted must have been the cause of any doubt remaining as to the truth of his assertion. As he turned over the leaves of this vo- lume, he acknowledged that many of the reports were genuine, but with frequent in- accuracies and mistatements; and, if my memory is correct, he particularised that which was given of the battle of Marengo. But he did not stop here; and continually desired to know whether I perfectly com- prehended his meaning, as that was his most earnest wish. And now, to my ut- ter astonishment, he entered upon the event of the duke ITEnghierCs death. This was atopic that could not be expect- ed; and particularly by me, as there ap- peared even among his followers, who \vere always on tip-toe to be his apologists, an evasive silence or contradictory state- ments, whenever this afflicting event be- came the subject of inquiry, which had 168 occasionally happened, during the course 6f our voyage. Here Napoleon, became very animated, and ofted raised himself on the sofa where he had hitherto remained in a reclining posture. The interest at- tached to the subject, and the energy of his delivery, combined to impress the tenor of his narrative so strongly on my mind, that you need not doubt the accura- cy of this repetition. He began as follows: ^^ At this eventful period of my life, I had succeeded in restoring order and tran- quillity to a kingdom torn asunder by fac- tion, and deluged in blood. That nation had placed me at their head. I came not as your Cromwell did, or your third Ri- chard. No such thing. I found a crown in the kennel; I cleansed it from its filth, and placed it on my head. My safety now became necessary, to preserve that tranquillity so recently restored; and, hi- therto, so satisfactorily preserved, as the leading characters of the nation well know. At the same time, reports were every 169 night brought me'^ (I think, he said, by general Ryal,) " that conspiracies were in agitation; that meetings were held in par- ticular houses in Paris, and names even were mentioned; at the same time, no sa- tisfactory proofs could be obtained and the utmost vigilance and ceaseless pursuit of the police was evaded. General Mo- reau, indeed, became suspected, and I was seriously importuned to issue an order for his arrest; but his character was such, his name stood so high, and the estimation of him so great in the public mind, that, as it appeared to me, he had nothing to gain, and every thing to lose, by becoming a conspirator against me: I, therefore, could not but exhonerate him from such a suspicion. I accordingly refused an order for the proposed arrest, by the following intimation to the minister of police. ' You have named Pichegru, Georges, and Mo- reau: convince me that the former is in Paris, and I will immediately cause the latter to arrested.' Another and a very singular circumstance led to the develop, p 170 ment of the plot. One night, as I lay agi- tated and wakeful, I rose from my bed, and examined the list of suspected trai- tors; and chance, which rules the world, occasioned my stumbling, as it were, on the name of a surgeon, who had lately re-^ turned from an English prison. This man's age, education, and experience in life, induced me to believe, that his con- duct must be attributed to any other mo- tive than that of youthful fanaticism in fa- vour of a Bourbon; as far as circumstan- ces qualified me to judge, money appear- ed to be his object. I accordingly gave orders for this man to be arrested; when a summary mock trial was instituted, by which he was found guihy, sentenced to die, and informed he had but six hours to live. This stratagem had the desired ef- fect: he was terrified into confession. It was now known that Pichcgru had a bro- ther, a monastic priest, then residing in Paris. I ordered a party of gens d'armes to visit this man, and if he had quitted his house, I conceived there would be good 171 ground for suspicion. The old monk was secured, and, in the act of his arrest, his fears betrayed what I most wanted to know. * Is it,Vhe exclaimed, * because I afforded shelter to a brother that I am thus treated.' The object of the plot was to destroy me; and the success of it would, of course, have been my destruction. It emanated from the capital of your country, with the count d'Artois at the head of it. To the west he sent the duke de Berri, and to the east the duke D'Engbein. To France your vessels conveyed underlings of the plot, and Moreau became a convert to the cause. The moment was big with evil: I felt myself on a tottering eminence, and, I resolved to hurl the thunder back upon the Bourbons even in the metropolis of the British empire. My minister vehemently urged the seisure of the duke though in a neutral territory. But I still hesitated, and prince Benevento brought the order twice, and urged the measure with all his powers of persuasion: It was not, howev- er, till I was fully convinced of its neces- 172 sity, that I sanctioned it by my signature. The matter could be easily arranged be- tween me and the duke of Baden. Why, indeed, should I suffer a man residing on the very confines of my kingdom, to com- mit a crime which, within the distance of a mile, by the ordinarj^ course of law, jus- tice herself would condemn to the scaf- fold* And now answer me; — Did I do more than adopt the principle of your go- vernment, when it ordered the capture of the Danish fleet, which was thought to threaten mischief to your country? It had been urged to me again and again, as a sound political opinioa, that the new dy- nasty could not be secure, while the Bour» bons remained. Talleyrand never deviated from this principle: it was a fixed, unchange able article in his political creed. But I did not become a ready or a willing con- vert. 1 examined the opinion with care and with caution: and the result was a per- fect conviction of its necessity. The duke D'Enghein was accessary to the confedera- cy; and although the resident of a neutral 173 territory, the urgency of the case, in which my safety and the public tranquilli- ty, to use no stronger expression, were in- volved, justified the proceeding. I accor- dingly ordered him to be seized and tried: He was found guilty, and sentenced to be shot. The sentence was immediately executed; and the same fate would have followed had it been Louis the Eighteenth. For I again declare that I found it neces- sary to roll the thunder back on the metro- polis of England, as from thence, with the count d'Artois at their head, did the assassins assail me. *' Your country also accuses me of the death of Pichegruy I replied, *' It is most certainly and universally believed throughout the whole British empire, that he was strangled in prison by your orders.'* He rapidly answered, " What idle, disin- genuous folly! a fine proof, how prejudice can destroy the boasted reasoning faculties of Englishmen! Why, I ask you, should that life be taken away in secret which the p2 174 laws consigned to the hands of a pubHc executioner. The matter would have been different with respect to Moreau. Had he died in a dungeon, there might have been grounds to justify the suspicion that he had not been guilty of suicide. He was a very popular character, as well as much beloved by the army; and I should never have lost the odium, however guiltless I might have been, if the justice of his death, supposing his life to have been forfeited by the laws, had not been made apparent by the most public execution. '^ Here he paused; and I replied, ^' There may, perhaps, be persons in England, who are disposed to acknowledge the necessity of rigorous measures at this important pe- ridd of your history; but none, I believe, are to be found who would attempt to justify the precipitate manner in which the young prince was seized, tried, sentenced, and shot.'' He instantly answered, *' I was justified in my own mind; and I repeat the declaration which I have already made, 175 that I would have ordered the execution of Louis XVIII. At the same time, I solemn- ly affirm, that no message or letter from the duke reached me after sentence of death had been passed upon him." Talleyrand, however, was said to be in possession of a letter from the royal pri- soner addressed to Napoleon, which they who are well qualified to know, declared he took upon himself not to deliver, till it was too late to be of any service to the WTiter. I saw a copy of this letter in pos- session of count de las Cases, which he calmly represented to me as one of the mass of documents, formed or collected to authenticate and justify certain mysterious parts of the history which he was occa- sionally employed in writing, under the dictation of the hero of it. Do not startle — the letter was to beg his life; and to this effect. — It stated his opinion that the Bour- bon dynasty was terminated. That was the settled opinion of his mind, and he was about to prove the sincerity of it. He now 17G considered France no otherwise than as his country, which he loved with the most patriotic ardour, but merely as a private citizen. The crown was no longer in his view: it was now beyond the possibility of recovery: it would not, it could not be re- stored. He therefore requested to be al- lowed to live and devote his life and ser- vices to France, merely as a native of it. He was ready to take any command or any rank in the French army, to become a brave and loyal soldier, subject to the will and orders of the government, in whose hands soever it might be, to which he was ready to swear fealty; and that, if his life were spared, he would devote it with the utmost courage and fidelity to support France against all its enemies. Such was the letter which as it was represented to me, Talleyrand took care not to deliver till the hand that wrote it was unnerved by death. Napoleon continued to speak of the Bourbon {^mWy—'' Had I," he said, ''been 177 anxious to get any, or all the Bourbons in- to my possession, I could have accom- plished the object. Your smugglers offer- ed me a Bourbon for a stated sum (I think he named 40,000 francs) but, on coming to a more precise explanation, they enter- tained a doubt of fulfilling the engage- ment as it was originally proposed. They would not undertake to possess them- selves of any of the Bourbon family abso- lutely alive: though, with the alternative, alive or dead, they had no doubt of com- pleting it. But it was not my wish merely to deprive them of life. Besides, circum- stances had taken a turn which then fixed mc without fear of change or chance on the throne I possessed. I felt my se- curity, and left the Bourbons undisturbed. Wanton, useless murder, whatever has been said and thought of me in England, has never been my practice: to what end or purpose could I have indulged the hor- rible propensity. When sir George Rum- bold and Mr. Drake, who had been carry- ing on a correspondence with conspirators 178 in Paris, were seized, they were not mur- dered.^" Here he ceased to speak; and as I was determined to gratify my curiosity as far as his present communicative spirit would allow, I was determined to continue the conversation. I accordingly observed, ^^ that of all the undertakings which com* posed his wonderful career, no circum- stance had excited such astonishment in England, as his expedition to Russia, be- fore he had brought the peninsular war to a termination, which at that time appeared to be an attainable object." I paused, ex- pecting a reply on the subject; however, he gave none; but, as if he had not heard my observation, proceeded to a renewal in some degree, of the former topics. < * In looking over these letters, for the press, I felt a doubt whether this observation respecting sir George Rumbold was made at this time, or at some other; or whether it proceeded from Buona- parte or count de las Cases: but I am positive that it was made by one or the other. 179 " Your country,'' he said, ^* has accused me of having murdered the sick and wounded of my army at Jaffa. Be assured that if I had committed such a horrid act, my very soldiers themselves would have execrated me; and I might have looked to their ceasing to obey me. There is no oc- currence of my life to which I gave more publicity than this. You have an officer, a sir Robert Wilson, who has written very copiously on the subject of my campaign in Egypt." As he repeated the last sen- tence, he assumed an air and tone of sarcas- tic jocularity; and then asked me, if I had read sir Robert's publication. I replied in the affirmative: '' It is possible," he said, " that he wrote from the testimony of other people equally prone to error as himself: he cannot pretend to have done it from his own observation. Can vou tell me." con- tinned Napoleon, '* whether sir Sydney Smith, in any official communications to your government, attempted, in any way, to corroborate the testimony of sir Robert Wilson." I could not, at the moment, suf- 180 ficiently recollect the purport of his des- patches, to determine the point, but I re- plied, as I felt, *' That he had not." This reply however, indecisive as it was, ap- peared to afford him considerable satis- faction, as he instantly repeated — *' I be- lieve so: for sir Sydney Smith is a brave and just man." I here observed that " There are many in England who ima- gine your jealousy and hatred of sir Syd- ney Smith influenced your conduct to- wards captain Wright." He smiled with astonishment at such an idea — the thought of coupling the two names appeared never to have entered his imagination. " Ridicu- lous! nonsense!" was his reply. He then entered on the following narrative. ^' On raising the siege of St. Jean de Acre, the army retired upon Jaffa. It had become a matter of urgent necessity. The occupation of this town for any length of time was totally impracticable, from the force that Jezza Pacha was enabled to bring forward. The sick and wounded were numerous; and their removal was my first consideration. Carriages, the most convenient that could be formed, were ap- propriated to the purpose. Some of them were sent by water to Damietta, and the rest were accommodated, in the best pos- sible manner, to accompany their com- rades in their march through the desert. Seven men, however, occupied a quaran- tine hospital, who were infected with the plague; whose report was made me by the chief of the medical staff; (I think it was Degenette). He further added, that the disease had gained such a stage of ma- lignancy, there was not the least proba- bility of their continuing alive beyond forty. eight hours." I here exclaimed in a dubious tone, the word — seven? and im- mediately asked whether I was to under- stand that there were no more than seven — " I perceive," he replied, '* that you have heard a different account." " Most assuredly, general: sir Robert Wilson states fifty. seven or seventy -seven; and speaking more collectively — your whole 182 sick and wounded." He then proceeded — '' The turks were numerous and power- ** ful, and their cruelty proverbial through- " out the army. Their practice of muti- ^^ lating and barbarously treating their '^ christian prisoners, in particular, was *^ well known among my troops, and had " a preservative influence on my mind and " conduct; and I doafiirm, that there were " only seven men whom circumstances ^' compelled me to leave as short-lived ** sufferers at Jaffa, They were in that ** stage of the disease which rendered their " removal utterly impracticable, exclusive " of the dissemination of the disease among " the healthy troops. Situated as I was, ** I could not place them under the protec- " tion of the English; I, therefore, desired ^* to see the senior medical ofliicer, and ob- ^^ serving to him, that the afflictions of their " disease would be cruelly aggravated by " the conduct of the Turks towards them: " and that it was impossible to continue in " possession of the town, I desired him to " ^ive me his best advice on the occasion. 183 " I said, tell me what is to be done? He *^ hesitated for some time, and then repeat- *' ed, that these men, who were the objects '' of my very painful solicitude, could not '' survive forty-eight hours. I according- " ly suggested, (what appeared to be his *' opinion, though he might not choose to ^* declare it, but wait with the trembling '' hope to receive it from me;) the propri- *' cry, because I felt it would be humanity '^ to shorten the sufferings of these seven '^ men by administering opium. Such a " relief, I added, in a similar occasion, I " should anxiously solicit for myself. But, " rather contrary to my expectation, the ''' proposition was opposed, and conse- '^ quently abandoned. I therefore halted " the army one day longer than I intend- ** ed; and, on my quitting Jaffa, left a strong '^ rear guard, who continued in that city '' till the third day. At the expiration of '' that period, an officer's report reached '^ me, that the men were dead." — " Then, general," I could not resist exclaiming, '* no opium was given," The emphatic 184 answer I received was — ** No: none! — A '^ report was brought me that the men died ^^ before the rear-guard had evacuated the '' city." I again interrupted him by mentioning that sir Sydney Smith, when he after- wards entered Jaffa, found one or two Frenchmen alive. '' Well," he answered, ^* that, after all, may be possible 1" It was, I think, at this period of the conversation, that he stated his being in possession of a letter from sir Sydney Smith, written in very complimentary language, which ex- pressed the writer's astonishment, as well as praise, on the accommodations which were contrived and executed to transport the French sick and wounded from Acre to Jaffa, and thence across the desert. I here took occasion to observe, " that a late English traveller, a distinguished scholar and learned professor of the uni- versity of Cambridge, had excited a very general doubt respecting the accuracy of 185 this particular part of sir Robert Wilson's narrative. Dr. Clark, the person to whom I alluded, had," I said, " travelled through Turkey, and, as I believed, by the route of Aleppo and Damascus to Jerusalem, and from thence to Jaffa, where he remain- ed some time. This gentleman, whose character stands high in the world, may be said to contradict the testimony of his countryman, sir Robert, respecting the charge which the former may be said to have brought forward against you. Though he merely states that he never heard of the cruel transaction; but very naturally observes, that if such an extraordinary event had occurred as the murder of such a number of Frenchmen by their own ge- neral, some traces or recollection of so horrid an event, and of such recent occur- rence, must have transpired and been com- municated to him during his residence there." A question instantaneously fol- lowed: '' Has this traveller said any rhing of El Arish?" My memory did not serve me sufficiently to give an answer.— 9.2 186 ^^ Well," he continued, ^^you shall also hear the particulars of El Arish and the garrison of Jaffa. You have read, without doubt, of my having ordered the Turks to be shot at Jaffa." '^ Yes, indeed," I replied, '' I have often heard of that massa- cre in England: it was a general topic at the time, and treated as a British mind never fails to consider subjects of that de- scription." He then proceeded — '^ At the period in question, general Desaix was left in Upper Egypt, and Kleber in the vicinity of Damietta. I left Cairo, and traversed the Arabian desert, in order to unite my force with that of the latter at El Arish. The town was attacked, and a capitulation succeeded. Many of the pri- soners were found, on examination, to be natives of the mountains, and inhabitants of Mount Tabor, but chiefly fi:om Naza- reth. They were immediately released, on their engaging to return quietly to their homes, children, and wives: at the same time they were recommended to acquaint their countrymen, the Napolese, that the 187 French were no longer their enemies, un- less they were found in arms, assisting the pacha. When this ceremony was cone ud- ed, the army proceeded on its march to- wards Jaffa. Gaza surrendered on the route. That city, on the first view of it, bore a formidable appearance, and the gar- rison was considerable. It v/as summoned to surrender: when the officer, who bore my flag of truce, no sooner passed the city wall, than his head was inhumanly struck off, instantly fixed upon a pole, and insultingly exposed to the view of the French army. At the sight of this horrid and unexpected object, the indignation of the soldiers knew no bounds: thty were perfectly infuriated; and, with the most eager impatience, demanded to be led on to the storm. I did not hesitate, under such circumstances, to command it. The attack was dreadful, and the carnage ex- ceeded any action I had then witnessed. We carried the place, and it required all my efforts and influence to restrain the fury of the enraged soldiers. At length, 188 I succeeded, and night closed the sangui- nary scene. At the dawn of the following morning, a report was brought me, that five hundred men, chiefly Napolese, who had lately formed a part of the garrison of El Arish, and to whom I had a few days before given liberty, on condition that they should return to their homes, were actu- ally found and recognised amongst the prisoners. On this fact being indubitably ascertained, I ordered the five hundred men to be drawn out and instantly shot." —In the course of our conversation, his anxiety appeared to be extreme, that I should be satisfied of the truth of every part of his narrative, and he continually in- terrupted it, by asking me if I perfectly comprehended him. He was, however, patience itself, when I made any ob- servations expressive of doubts I had previously entertained respecting any part of the subjects agitated between us, or any unfavourable opinion entertained or pro- pagated in England. Whenever I appear- ed embarrassed for an answer, he gave me 189 time to reflect! and I could not but lament that I had not made myself better acquain- ted with the events of the period under consideration, as it might have drawn him into a more enlarged history of them. He now returned to the subject of sir Robert Wilson, and asked me if I knew any thing of his military character, and the tendency of his writings; and if the latter had added to his fortune. I replied, that I could not speak upon either, from my own knowledge; but I was induced to suppose from the services in which he had been engaged, he mtist have stood high in the opinion of those who employ- ed him; and I had also understood that his works were considered as having been very honourable to him both as a writer and a soldier. ^^ Pray can you tell me," he continued, '' from what motive this officer has acted in the escape of La Val- ette, the decided and avowed friend of the man whom he has so wantonly calumnia- ted?" I was here, as it may be supposed, rather embarrassed for an immediate re^ 190 ply, but he gave me full time to collect myself; and I answered, *' That I had no doubt they were such as did honour to his heart; whatever imputation may have been passed upon his judgment and his discre- tion. Somewhat of an adventurous and ro- mantic spirit might have governed him: but it never was imagined by any one, that he was influenced by sordid or pecu- niary motives: that idea never seems to have occurred, when the transaction was the subject of universal consideration and inquiry. There was not, I thought, a person in England who received him or his companions, with a diminution of their regard for the part they had taken in this mysterious business." In an instant he observed, ^* I believe every word you have .said, at the same time you may be assured, that money would not have been wanting to save La Valette. I desire you also to give your particular attention to my opinion, which is a decided one. That this act of sir Robert Wilson, fortl.e pre. servation of La Valette, is the commence- 191 ment of his recantation of what he has written against me.^" It is a coincidence, perhaps, not worth mentioning, but is a shigular circumstance, that we had a son of sir Robert Wilson, at this time a mid- shipman on board the Northumberland, My curiosity now grew bold, and I was determined to try whether I could induce Napoleon to satisfy me as to the particulars of a conversation . between him and Mr. Fox, relative to the infernal machine, which I had heard related by the honoura- ble Mr. Bennet, who took passage with lord W. Stewart, in the Lavinia, from Lisbon to England, in the year 1807. * La Valette, I believe, was a great fovourite of his late emperor; and I well know, that every- one of the suite expressed the'greatest joy at his escape. I remember hearing general Bertrand say, that during the whole time La Valette was in the post-office, not a single instance of unnecessary rigour was known to have taken place; nor was the peace of a private f&mily ever disturbed in the slightest degree. 192 I prefaced my inquiry by observing, that an account had been published, and was veiy generally believed in England, stating a conversation between him and Mr. Charles Fox, at St. Cloud, that to myself was very interesting; and as I heard it related by a gentleman of rank, talent, and character, I had entertained no doubt of the general fact as he related it. Napo- leon, in a most good-humoured way, said, ^^ Repeat it — I shall remember." — I then proceeded. 1* " The account, general, is as follows: As you were one evening going to the theatre, you encountered great danger of your life, by the explosion of a machine, to which the title of infernal was after- wards applied. This engine of destruction was said to have been placed in a norrow street through which you were to pass. The rashness of you coachman, it is said, saved your life: for finding a vehicle pla- ced in such a manner as would have pre- sented an insurmountable difficulty to a less timid driver, he gave speed lo his horses, and the wheel of your carriage 193 coming in contact with the machine, overset it with great violence, and immediately after you had passed, the explosion took place." " That," he replied, *' is true : your informa- tion is correct.'* "And it is also said, that you went to the theatre, and enjoyed the play as if nothing had happened.'' He now nodded, or rather made a slight obeisance. " And it is also asserted, that in a conver- sation you had with Mr. Fox, at St. Cloud, on the subject, you accused the English of having invented the machine for your de- struction." — "That is the fact," he said, " I certainly did." "And that you parti- cularly alluded to Mr. Windham.'' " Yes, Mr. Vandam.^^ — "It is also said, general, that Mr. Fox contended it was not of English invention, for that the crime of as- sassination was repugnant to the national character. He also particularly defended Mr. Windham, who, he said, though he had differed in politics, he knew to be an honourable man, and incapable, as a British minister, of sanctioning such a dishonoura- ble transaction." Napoleon remembered R 194 the conversation, and acknowledged that he accused Mr. Windham. I now ventured to ask him if he continued of the same opinion. " Yes," he said, ^' the English ministry were instrumental to the plot. Their money has gone for that and other extraordinary purposes." My English blood was a little up on the occasion ; and my reply, depend upon it, was to the follow- ing effect. — ^^My nation detests an assassin more than it does a coward : indeed he is the worst of cowards ; and I do not believe, tliat there is a British heart which does not re- volt at the thought, and subscribe with an honest and glowing sincerity to the opinion of Mr. Fox." — He gave me no answer, but I could perceive that he was not con- vinced : and he still retains his original be- lief in the contrivance of the infernal ma- chine. I now discontinued the subject, and ap- proached the chimney-piece to examine a small bust in marble, which appeared to me to be exquisitely sculptured. When ^ he 195 j saw my attention to it, he exclaimed, ^' that ** is my son." Indeed the resemblance to the father is so very striking that it is discer- nible at the first glance. On one side is a mini- ature also of young Napoleon, and a highly- finished portrait of his mother, Maria Louisa, on the other. He now complained of a pain in the great- toe of his right foot ; described the sensa- sation he felt, and asked if it betokened the gout. — I requested to know if he could trace the disease of gout to any hereditary trans- mission. ^' No," he replied, neither of his parents ever had the gout ; but, recollecting himself, he added, "that his uncle, cardinal Fesch, had been very much afflicted by it." I remarked, that even when the disease was known to be hereditary in families, at- tention in early years, to exercise and diet, often retarded its approach, and, when it came at length, would render the disease more mild. I observed to him, that, considering the 196 active life he led, it did not appear that he took sufficient exercise to preserve himself n a right state of health. He replied, " my * rides, indeed, are too confined ; but the * being accompanied by an officer is so very ' disagreeable to me, that I must be con- ^ tent to suffer the consequences of abridg- ' ing them. However, I feel no inconve- ^ nience from the want of exercise. Man ' can accustom himself to privations. — At ' one period of my Hfe I was many hours ' on horseback every day, for six years ; and ' I was once eighteen months without pass- * ing from the house." He now returned to the grievance of be- ing watched by an officer. **You are ac- " quainted," he said, '' with the island of St. '' Helena, and must be sensible that a sen- '' tinel, placed on either of these hills, can '' command the sight of me from the mo- '^ ment I quit thijs house, till I return to it. ^' If an officer or soldier placed on that height '^ will not satisfy your governor, why not '* place ten, tw^enty, a troop of dragoons. 197 " Let them never lose sight of me, on ly keep " an officer from my side. '^ BeUeve me, my good friend, I do not grudge the pains this letter has cost me, that I might be clear in my recollections and ac- curate in my report. — I know the pleasure it will afford you, and that reflection repays me. Future circumstances can alone deter- mine, whether you will receive another St. Helena letter from, &c. &c. &c. W. W. R 2 198 St. Helena, MY DEAR The arrival of a fleet at the island from India, and which will afford the means of conveying my last letter, has already en- abled me to begin another. This circum- stance crowded the little tovni with passen- gers, who were all, as usual, eager to see Buonaparte. The countess of Loudon dis- embarked from this fleet; and, during her stay at St. Helena, was accommodated at Plantation-House, the residence of the go- vernor. In compliment to this lady a dinner of ceremony was given on the following day, by sir Hudson Lowe ; and an invitation was dispatched through general Bertrand to ge- neral Buonaparte, so arranged in point of politeness and etiquette, as to justify an ex- pectation that it would be accepted. This, however, happened to be the first invitation which he had received ; and some remarks passed, that it had rather the appearance of a wish to gratify the countess, than an act of 199 particular civility to the person to whom it was addressed. I know that it was received in this light at Longwood. Count Ber- trand delivered the governor's card, which was read and returned without a word of observation. " Sire," said marshal Ber- trand, " what answer is it your majesty's pleasure that I should return ?" " Say, the emperor gave no answer." I passed a considerable part of the after- noon of that day in Napoleon's apartment : and, as usual, was employed in answering, to the best of my information, such as it is, the various questions, which he thought pro- per to ask me. His enquiries were particu- larly directed to the nature, circumstances, and state of the fleet which had just arrived : Our trade to India, and the numerous Eng- ligh which appeared to be constantly passing to and fro, between India and Europe. In the course of this conversation I happened to mention the hope entertained by the strangers in the town of being gratified by the sight of him as he passed to the Planta- 200 tion- House, to dine with the governor. This little piece of information proved to be fort mal a propos, as it produced the only symp- tom of petulance I had witnessed in my va- rious communications with the ex-emperor; and it was displayed in tone, look, and ges- ture, in his very brief but hasty reply. — ^' What, go to dinner, perhaps, with a file of soldiers to guard me !'' — In a few mi- nutes, however, he resumed his usual cool manner, and continued the subject.-^" Af- ter all," he said, " they could not, I think, expect me to accept the invitation. The distance is considerable, and the hour unsea- sonable; and I have almost relinquished the idea of exceeding my chain, accompanied as I must be by an officer." The countess of Loudon left the island without seeing the ex-emperor, and is said to have acknowleged her disappointment on the occasion ; and if I may venture an opi- nion, but remember it is altogether my own, I think the regret is mutual. 201 He asked me some days after, if I had seen the countess. I answered in the affir- mative; and added, that she had honoured the Northumberland with a visit, and, as it was usual with all visitors to the ship, she was shewn the cabin which he had occupied during the passage, I thought also, it would amuse him to be informed that curious strangers generally chose to indulge their fancy by sitting down in his chair. '' And did the countess," he said, '' do the chair that honour?" Unfortunately I could not speak with certainty on that item of his in- quiry ; not having been in the cabin at the time. He seemed, however, to enjoy the whim of sitting in his chair; and continued his questions. " Would it, do you suppose, *' have appeared indecorous to the people of " England, if the countess pf Loudon had '* visited Longwood ! Could it have been "thought incorrect in any degree, if the " lady, in company with madame Bertrand, " had paid me a visit in this garden ? Many " ladies, on their return to England, have " been introduced to me in that manner. 202 " Had the countess of Loudon expressed " herself fatigued by the voyage, or had been '^ indisposed from any other cause, I should "have been pleased to wait on her." — I could only say, in return, '* that I was a " countryman of her ladyship, and if, by " any chance, I should have the honour *^ of possessing the opportunity, I would " certainly intrude myself so far upon her ** attention, as to inform her of your polite "disposition towards her." He now dashed at once on a subject so totally different from any thing you can ex- pect, that I would give your sagacity its full play for the rest of your life, nor fear your stumbling upon it. It was, as usual, in the form of a question, and your impatience will, in a moment, be satisfied. " Have you," he exclaimed, " any know- " ledge of physiognomy ?" — " Not from "study." — "Have you read Lavater?" — " I have read some extracts from his works, "and that is all I know of them." — " Can 203 *^ you judge whether a man possesses talents ^^ from observing the features of his face ?" — " All I can say, general, is this : that I know " when a face is pleasing or displeasing to ^' me.'' — " Ah," he replied in an instant, " there it is — ^you have found it out. Have " you observed sir Hudson Lowe's face ?" • — ** Yes, I have." — " And what does it *^ promise ?" — '' If I am to speak the truth, " I like lady Lowe's much better," — ^He now laughed, and I was thinking how to get rid of the subject, which had a tendency to be an awkward one, as it might be ad- dressed to me. He, however, gave me no time, and proceeded to draw comparisons between his late and his present guardian ; but in a vein of pleasantry, as it appeared, and with such a rapid succession of ideas, that I did not, by any means, comprehend his expressions, or the objects of them. I happened to be at Longwood, when Mr. Raffles, the late governor of Java, and his suite, obtained permission to visit the grounds at Longwood. The anxiety of that S04 gentleman to see Buonaparte was extreme : his curiosity was a perfect rage, and the ut- most was done to accomplish its gratifica- tion. In short, though indisposition might have been pleaded, an hour was appointed by the ex-emperor to receive the ex-gover- ndr ; and the latter had not words to express his delight at the manner in which he had been received. In a short time after Mr. Raffles had taken leave, I received a message from Napoleon to join him in the garden. On my arrival there I found him surrounded by his whole suite, mesdames and messieurs, with the carriage drawn up, saddle-horses by it, and all ready for immediate departure. My ap- pearance, however, disarranged their inten- tion : For, instead of stepping into the car- riage, the principal person of the scene turn- ed round, as if to address me. I bowed, removed my hat from my head, and instantly replaced it : while the marshals, counts, and general, stood with their hats under their arms. That circumstance did not altoge- 205 ther disturb me ; though my gallantry was somewhat embarrassed on account of the ladies, whose petticoats were blowing about them from a smart, and rather unmannerly breeze. " Do you know,^' he said, ^' this governor of Java?" — '^ I know no more of him than from the introduction of to-day," — " Do you know any thing of that island ?" — " What I know of it is merely from the information of others." — " The Dutch have represented it as a pestilential climate ; but I believe that a more favourable opinion is now entertained of it." — " I believe so : at least we have not found it so bad as, from previous accounts, we had reason to ex- pect." — ** Have you ever seen a case of the plague ?" — '' Never." — " Do you know the disease ?"— '^ My only knowlege of it proceeds from what I have read." — " Thfe army of Egypt suffered much by it ; and I had some difficulty in supporting the spirits of many of those who remained free from it. Yet for two years I contrived to keep my soldiers ignorant of what I myself knew. The disease can only be communicated s 206 through the organs of respiration.'' — I re- plied, '^ that I had understood actual contact would convey it." — ^^No:" he said, "I visited the hospital constantly, and touch- ed the bodies of the sick to give confidence to their attendants ; being convinced by ob- servation, that the disease could only be comnmunicated by the lungs. At the same time I always took the precaution of visiting after a meal and a few glasses of wine ; placing myself on the side of the infected person from which the wind blew." — We must have been at least twenty minutes in conversation, with the suite in all the for- mality of attendance, when I thought it proper to make some show of retiring ; but he would not take the hint, for a considera- ble time. At length he made a slight bow, and led madame Bertrand to the car- riage : he followed ; and I stood to see them drive off: observing, however, that there was a vacant seat in the carriage, he hailed me to come and take a ride with them : I, of course, accepted the invitation ; and I declare, if it had been a party in a 207 jaunting car to a country-fair in Ireland, there would not have been more mirth, ease, and affability. The carriage drove oft' at a pretty round pace, and the pleasantry of Napoleon seemed to keep pace with it. He began to talk English ; and having thrown his arm half round Madame Bertrand's neck, he exclaimed, addressing himself to me, *' This is my mistress ! O not mistress- yes, yes, this is my mistress!" while the lady was endeavouring to extricate herself, and the count her husband bursting with laughten He then asked if he had made a mistake, and being informed of the Eng- lish interpretation of the word, he cried out " O, no, no — I say, my friend, my love; No, not love; my friend, my friend." The fact was, that madame Bertrand had been indisposed for several days, and he wished to rally her spirits, as well as to give an un- reserved ease to the conversation. In short, to use a well-known English phrase — He was the life of the party. 208 The circuitous windings of the ride at Longwood may extend to five or six miles ; and in our progress, with a half comic, half serious countenance, he asked this very unexpected question : — *' In the course of your practice, and on your conscience, how many patients have you killed?" — It is not unlikely that I looked a little surprised; but I calmly answered, " My conscience does not accuse me of having caused the death of any one.'' He laughed, and continued, " I imagine that physicians may mistake dis- eases : that they may sometimes do too much, at other times too little. After you have treated a case that has terminated fa- tally, have you not reflected with yourself, and said — well, if I had not bled, or vice versa, if I had bled this man, he would have recovered, or if he had not consulted a physician at all, he might have been now alive/' 1 made no reply, and he con- tinued his questions. *^ Which do you think are the best sur- geons, the French or the English ?" — ^^ The 209 English, undoubtedly/'—" But wherefore?'* — '' Because our schools are better. There is more system in our education ; and the examination is such as to establish the fit- ness of any candidate for the profession before he is regularly admitted into it.*' — " But in point of practice will you not allow that the French surgeons have the advantage of you ?'^— "In practice, gene- ral, the French are empirics, though they do not vend nostrums like our quacks in England- They are, in fact, more guided by experience than theory. But you, sir, have enabled my brethren in the Eng- lish army to be tolerable proficients in field practice. Napoleon smiled at my reply, and immediately proceeded to a question, which, though it is not altogether discon- nected with the former subject, I did not expect. It was this. " Who is your first physician in London?" — '^ That is an enquiry which I did not expect, and cannot take upon myself to answer : there are so many physicians of eminence there, that it would be hazardous to mention a favourite s 2 210 name.'' — '' But have you no particular per- son in the profession that takes the lead ?'' — ^^ No, indeed ; there are, it it is true, fash- ionable physicians, who have their run for a season or two, or even three ; but I could not give the preference to one, without doing injustice to fifty. I could, I think, more particularly distinguish eminent surgeons." " What is the general fee ?" " That frequently depends on the rank and fortune of the patient.'' — " What is the highest that you have ever known?" — ** I really cannot give a precise answer to that ques- tion : no particular sum in that way at pre- sent occurs to me% Handsome fortunes are sometimes acquired by practice in a few years ; but that falls to the lot of but few, whom particular circumstances, and distin- guished patronage, as well as professional skill, have raised into great celebrity." — " When Corvesart attended my wife, the empress Maria Louisia, on the birth of my son, he was ordered three thousand Napo- leons. I wished, at one time, that the em- press should be bled, according to your 211 practice, but Corvesart refused : she was in a very full habit. You are much employ- ed on shore, are you not, as well as on board of ships?" — " I am sometimes asked to visit the patients of my friends." — " Do they pay you well?" — " I never yet accepted of a fee. While I serve, I am satisfied with my pay." — " What does your king allow you ?" — '^ Two hundred and twenty pounds a year." — ^^ You have been all your life at sea, have you not ?'^ ^' I have, indeed ; and during a space of near twenty years."— "Does your king provide for you after- wards ?" — " Yes, sir, he does. At the ex- piration of six years service, he allows me, provided I am no longer in employ, six shillings a day: but that sum is not in- creased for any subsequent service, until I have completed thirty years." "That, I think, is not an adequate remuneration." " I think so too, general ; however, I have no right to complain, because I knew the conditions before I engaged; and, in England, we are never obliged to do so against our inclinations." " Is it not 212 very expensive living in the island of St, Helena?'' — "Very much so: a stranger cannot board under thirty shillings a day.*' " How, then, do you contrive to live ?'' — " At present, by the hospitality of a very kind and generous friend ; and, occasional- ^ ly, I have recourse to the fare of the North- umberla.nd." He continued his questions, and I my replies, as you will perceive. " The army must be an enormous expense to your government, is it not ?'' " Not more, I trust, than it can maintain. It is, I fancy, greater than the navy.'' *' But from what cause ?" — " The expense of the army is oftentimes, and indeed necessarily in- creased, I conceive, from its local situa- tion." '' And why not the navy ?^' " The latter is merely stationary, and the former more or less permanent." "Is not Eng- land more attached to its navy than its ar- my ?" — " The navy is certainly consider- ed as its more natural, essential, and effect- ual defence ; but the army will sometimes raise its head very high, and be regarded with a rival favour when it is crowned, as it 213 so often is, with laurels : such a field as that of Waterloo can hardly find adequate gratitude in the hearts of Englishmen.^' To this observation Napoleon made no re- ply, nor did he give an unpleasant look : — But he changed the subject. ^' Where," said he, ^^were you educa- ted?"— I replied, " in Edinburgh."— "You have very eminent professors there, I know: I remember doctor Brown's system was in repute during my first Italian campaign. I have read of your other men of note, and I wash you would call them to my recollection by repeating their names." I accordingly men- tioned Black in Chemistry ; Monro in Anatomy and Surgery^ and Gregory in Physic ; but, at the same time I observed , that while I particularized these distinguish- ed characters whose pupil I was; I could name others of equal merit in the different schools of the British empire. -" I never knew," said Napoleon, " but one physi-- cian who was infallible in his diagnostics. He was certain in his discovery of the nature 214 and seat of a disease; his name was D ubos; but strange to say, he could not prescribe : and, consequently, would never undertake the treatment or cure of a complaint whose char- acter his acumen could so accurately pene- trate." I observed, '' that he had a ytry able surgeon wdth him in Egypt, monsieur Larry/' ^' Yes,'' he answered, ''he was excellent in his field arrangements ; but I have had men with me, who, in scientific knowledge, were far superior to him." '' Mn Percy,'' I said, '' who joined you on the morning of the battle of Austerlitz, had the reputation of superior professional talents." '' Ah,'^ he exclaimed, with a glow on his counte- nance, '' how did you know that?" I must either have read of it in Larry's Publication, or heard it mentioned by general Bertrand." — He continued. " It was my intention in France to have classed your profession into three divisions. I have always respected it : it is a science and more than a science; because it re- quires a knowledge of several : Chemis- 215 try, Anatomy, Botany, and Physic. For the first class I should have selected the most eminent of the profession.'' "But how, general, would you have discovered them ?" — " By their reputation, income, and the figure which they made in the w^orld." " But would not that plan be lia- ble to objection? many men of merit live in obscurity." " Then there let them remain," he said, "what else are they fit for ? if I were to choose a surgeon from your fleet, should not I take him from the North- umberland in preference to the little brig ?'' — " There general, you may also be mista- ken." " No, no, no; a man of talent in every station and condition in life will discover himself. Depend upon it I should be safe, in a general sense, in adopting my own plan. The first ranks should have had some honorary marks of distinction, exclu- sive of that respect in private life which their education will always command. The third class should be humble in the ex- treme ; nor would they have been permit- ted to administer any thing beyond the 216 most inoffensive medicines. '^ '' Perhaps, sir,'' I remarked, " after such an arrange- ment, you might, according to our English custom, have submitted future candidates to an examination." ^' Yes,'' he repUed, " that might have been right." " A physician," continued he, " appears to me to resemble a general officer. He must be a man of observation and discern- ment, with a penetrating eye. Possessed of these qualities, he will discover the strength of the enemy's position. Thus far, doctor Dubos could go, and no farther. A sagacious practitioner will just employ suf- ficient force to dispossess the enemy of his strong hold : a force beyond that might in- jure the citadel. Now, I think, if you car- ry your mercury too far you must do mis- chief: so I say of the practice of Sangra- do." 1 then expressed to him my sur- prise at the general good health which he had uniformly experienced during the sin- gular vicissitudes of his extraordinary life. " Yes," he said, '^ my health has been very 217 good. When the talian army was en- camped in the vicinity of swamps, many suffered by fever, while I had not any com- plaint ; as I observed temperance and a generally abstemious balancing between my appetite and the powers of my digestive organs. I had, at the same time, exercise sufficient, both of the body and the mind." — " It was reported, however, that you were very ill on your return from Egypt.''— -~ " I was very thin ; and at that time subject to a bad cough. For my recovery I was indebted to doctor Corvesart, who blistered me twice on the chest." '' Report also said, that you were then subject also to an eruption, at least on the skin. Your friend Goldsmith says so." — " Yes," he answered, " I will tell you." — Never shall I forget the pleasant manner in which he re- lateci this anecdote. " x\t the siege of Toulon, I commanded a small battery of two guns. One of your boats approached close to the shore, and firing their gun, killed two canonneers by T 220 ^ — " Have you read them?'' — " I have in- deed, and with more than common in- terest." — " And what occasioned this par- ticular feehng of interest ?'' — " There is more truth and candour displayed in these two publications than any I have hitherto read ; and more particularly the work of Mr. Boyce, which I should wish you to see.'' — " Why, then, did you not buy it for me ?'' — " There happened, general, to be but one copy on the island, and it was pur- chased by a gentleman, on his way to China, who wished me to read it ; that, by cor- recting any inaccuracies I might ooserve, the work would become doubly interesting to his friends in that part of the world.'' " Is it like the work of Helen Maria Wil- liams?" — '^' Very superior, and much more authentic." — ^^ Of what does it treat?" — " Your motives for quitting Elba : your subsequent conduct, from your landing at Frejus till you embarked in the Bellero- phon. They still, however, represent you as subject to violent fits of passion, taking hasty strides across your apartment, with 221 other impetuous marks of anger and disap- pointment. There is also a pathetic story i-elated of the introduction of general Solig- nac, when he waited upon you from the chamber of deputies, to urge your abdica- tion. This author, as well as Paul, whose letters are under a feigned name, gives very interesting particulars of Waterloo. It will, I think, make you smile, general, when I tell you that your guide La Coste is nqt forgotten. He is represented as having been most dreadfully frightened." " Frightened! at what?" — " At the balls, sir, that were flying about him. It is said also, that you, at the time, rallied and con- soled him with the assurance, that it was much more honourable to receive a ball in the breast than in the back. Besides, he is made to complain, that he was very inade- quately recompensed for the labour and dan- gers of the day ; that a single Napoleon w^as his only reward." Napoleon instantly re- plied, with an intelligent smile, " It might .as well have been said five hundred." — J- continued :— • T 2 222 *' Mr. Boyce appears to me to have been %^ery attentive to accuracy in his report of the two contending armies." '' What num- ber," I was instantly asked, ^Moeahe give to that of France ?'' " He quotes from an officer, and makes them to have been seven- ty thousand." — The reply was — *^ I had seventy. one thousand : and how many Eng- lish is it stated there were in the field ?'' — '' Including the German Legion, I under- stand there were thirty thousand British troops ; which, united with the Belgians, Hanoverians, and Brunswickers, formed a whole of sixty-eight thousand men."— *' How many Prussians were there imder Bulow ?" — ^^ I cannot correctly say, per- haps fifteen thousand." — " iVnd how many on the arrival of Blucher, in the evening?" — ^* I really do not know : but it is said that the duke of Wellington acknowledges how very happy he felt at the appearance of his old friend ; and that the person did not exist who could have been more wel- come to him in the course of the evening than Blucher." 223 Ever since I had enjoyed an occasional communication with Napoleon, I never ceased to be animated with a strong and cu- rious desire, to learn his opinion of our re- nowned commander. I had repeatedly .heard that he did not withold it, but I could never ascertain the fact on any certain authority. The present moment appeared to afford me the opportunity which I had so anxiously sought ; as he seem^ed to be in a temper of more than usual communication and courtesy, though I have never had rea- son no complain of either. At all hazards, I therefore resolved to make the trial ; as it might be the only opportunity I should ever possess.—" The people of England,'' I said, " appear to feel an interest in know- ing your sentiments respecting the military character of the duke of Wellington. They have no doubt that you would be just; and, perhaps, they may indulge the expectation that your justice would produce an eulo- gium of which the duke of Wellington might be proud." Silence ensued : I be- gan to think that I might have gone rather too far ; for it is most true, that I had never before addressed him without looking full in his face for a reply, but my eyes dropped at the pause, and no reply was made. This, however, was the second question I had ever asked which remained a moment unanswered. At the same time, he did not appear to be in the least displeased; as in a few minutes he renewed the conversation with this enquiry. " You mentioned a Review — ^ what does it contain ?" " Criticisms on new publications as they appear ; and this number observes upon three publications that relate to you : one in particular, said to be by a lieutenant of the Bellerophon.'* — " What could he find on my subject to work up into a book ?" — ^' I am almost ashamed, general, to repeat to you the trash these publications contain : indeed, it sur- prised me, that so respectable a work as this review should condescend to notice them, and quote such silly falsehoods ; nor can iX .be accounted for in any other way, than .a 225 desire to gratify the public impatience to be informed of every thing and any thing that may relate to you. It contains, among other misinformations, accounts of your conduct and demeanour while you resided at the Briars. You will judge of the inge- nuity of its inventions when I add, that he mentions your being angry with one of the little girls, because she was ignorant of your coin, the Napoleon. You are also represent- ed, on the same authority, as having been in a great rage with one of her brothers, for having shown you the picture of the great mogul on a pack of cards. Nay, sir, mon- sieur De las Cases does not escape : for he is sent to the side-board to play at Patience^ until the new pack would deal with more facility."—'' Your editors, '^ said Napoleon, ^^ are mfinitely amusing : but is it to be supposed that they believe what they w^ite ?'^ ^' At least, sir, I presume, that they hope to amuse those who read. There is, how- ever, another work, which, from its appa- ^•ent authenticity, has been received with at- tention. It is written by a Frenchman, the 226 abbe Pradt." I was now perfectly con- founded by a general, and, as . it appeared, an involuntary laugh ; with an exclamation of ^' O, the abbe!" — It appears that this personage was the very humblest of the most humble adulators of Napoleon : he had been in a low situation in the police, but possessed qualities that are favourable to advancement in such times as those in which he lived. ^' He had both cunning and hu- mour," said Napoleon, " and I took him with me when I went to Spain ; and, as I had to wage war with monasteries, I found the abbe a phalanx against the dominion of priests. De las Cases,*' he added, ^' will give you fifty entertaining anecdotes of the abbe. Can you tell me what is become of him ?" — " I really have not heard. He also gives a description of your return to Warsaw after the disasters in Russia ; which, I doubt not, would amuse you. He de- scribes a tall figure entering his hotel wrap- ped in fur, more resembling a being of the other world than any thing earthly. — It was Caulincourt. He says, likewise, you were 22r concealed at the English hotel, where lie procured you some excellent wine. This review, however, does not spare the abbe^ who declares that the subjugation of Rus- sia was inevitable, had it not been for the sagacity of one man : ' And pray,' says the Reviewer, ^ who is this man ? — Why no less a personage than the abbe Pradt, who would have it thought that by his roguery he out- witted his master.''^ Napoleon does not often laugh ; but the story, or the idea of the abbe, or perhaps both, brought his risible faculties into complete exertion. Unroll your map of Flanders, my friend ; display it in due form on your table, and follow me, if you can. I was this morn- ing curiously gratified by a military descrip- tion of the various movements of the French army, on Napoleoii's Chart ^ from the day it passed the Sambre to the event- ful battle of Waterloo. I naturally ex- pected, as you may suppose, a detail of those various circumstances by which it Was lost, or, which amounts to die same 228 thing,— The whif and the wherefore it was not gamed. My conjecture was not ill- founded, for Gourgond proceeded to point out to me the errors which were. committed by some of the principal commanders in the French armv, and proved so fatal to the last great eifort of their imperial master. These he traced with a readines-. and per- spicuity which induced me to imagine, at the time, that I clearly comprehended the whole. Nevertheless, I have my doubts, whether I shall make the errors of these blundering captains as clear to you, as they were, m my fancy, made apparent to me. N i?oleon, it seems, was completely igno- rant of the movement made from Frasnes. by count Erelon (Drouet), on the 16th. For when he appeared near Ligny^ Napo- leon actually deployed a column of French to oppose him, mistaking his force at the time, for a division of the Prussian army. Erelon was now made acquainted with the defeat of the Prussians ; and, without think- ing it ne. ssary to have any co;ui..unication 229 with Napoleon, as to future operations, re- turned to his original position. That di* vision of the army, therefore, became totally useless for that day both to the emperor and to marshal Ney. Grouchy, losing sight of Blacher, and taking the circuitous route which he pursued, was represented as hav- ing committed a most fatal error. While the right wing of the French, in the batde of the 18th, was engaged in defeating the flank movement of Bulow, of which they were perfectly apprised, marshal Ney had orders to engage the attention of the English during this part of the action ; but by no means to hazard the loss of his troops, or to exhaust their strength. Ney, it ap- pears, did not obey the order, or met with circumstances that rendered it impracticable for him to adhere to it. He was stated to have contended for the occupation of a height, and thus weakened his corps, so that when the imperial guards were brought to the charge, he was unable to assist them. I understood that Napoleon had crossed the Sambre with 111,000 men. In the battles u 230 of Ligny and Quatre Bras he lost 10,000. Grouchy 's division consisted of 30,000 de- tached to follow Blucher, leaving an effec- tive force, on the morning of the 18th, of 71,000. I hope you wdll comprehend my account, which I think was the purport of general Gourgond's statement to me ; though I do not know any two characters more lia- ble to a small share of perplexity, than a sailor describing a terra fir ma battle ; and a soldier entering into the particulars of a na- val engagement. But, by way of climax, I was assured that the report of Buonaparte's standing on an elevated w^ooden frame to obtain a commanding view of the field of battle, is altogether a misrepresentation. — It was, on the contrary, a raised mound of earth, where he placed himself with his staff; and the ground being sloppy and slippery, he ordered some trusses of straw to be placed under his feet to keep them dry, and pre- vent his sliding. Tftis was the last visit I paid to Napo- leon : and when I took my leave of him, he rose from his chair, and said, '^ I wish you health and happiness, and a safe voyage to your country, where I hope you will find your friends in health and ready to receive you/' I had been uniformly treated with such respectful kindness, and, in some degree, with such partial confidence, by general Bertrand, Mons. De las Cases, and, indeed, by every one of the suite, that I could not take my leave of them without a consider- able degree of sensibility. A more amia- blCj united, and delightful family than that of general Bertrand I never yet saw : nor is his affection as a husband, and his fondness as a father, less striking than his fidelity to his master. And here I conclude my Narrative. If any other little matters should occur to my recollection, I can make a kind of post- script of them. The sketch which you desired of St. Helena, may be the subject 232 of conversation hereafter, by your hospita- ble and friendly fire- side, In the mean ^ime, and at all times, I am, &c. &c, W. W. 233 ADDITIONAL NOTICES. Captain Piontowski^ an officer in the Polish troops attached to Buonaparte's per- son, who had accompanied him to Elba, and had a command m the little army that land- ed in France, formed one of the suite which accompanied the ex-emperor to England* He was, however, refused to attend the exile of his fallen master. The disappoint- ment he suffered, on the occasion, was ex- treme; and he still continued to persevere in his application to follow that fortune to which a sense of the most ardent and affec- tionate duty impelled him. Notwithstand- ing a lady from France, to whom he had been betrothed, joined him at Plymouth and married him, he still most zealously adhered to his original object ; and, having at length obtained the sanction of government, h^ took his passage in a store-ship for St. He- lena. The arrival of this faithful follower was not expected: Napoleon, however, could not but be sensible of his attachment, and received him with kindness. But u 2 234 neither his situation nor his manners were such as to associate him with the suite, nor did his modesty appear to expect it. An apartment was assigned him by thq generals ; and Mr. O'Meara, the surgeon, thinking he was neglected, with that goodness of heart and generous nature which distinguishes his character, made him welcome to his table. Such were the amiable and unassuming manners of the romantic Pole, that this dis- tant treatment of him was a subject of gene- ral animadversion ; and a want of generous feeling was attributed to Napoleon, for in- attention to such an evident example of fidelity. But this afterwards appeared to be a groundless suspicion. The captain occupied his garret during the night, and occasionally amused himself with his gun during the day ; happy in the enthusiastic satisfaction of sharing the fate of the great object of his Idolatry. It happened, how- ever, in one of his sporting excursions, that his piece accidentally went off in the act of loading it ; and very severely wounded his right-hand. With this mischance Napo- 235 leon became acquainted, and expressed a desire to see and console him : but, pre- vious to the execution of this kind inten- tion, a female servant of general Montholon was removed from one of the very comfort- able rooms at Longwood, and Piontowski was conveyed thither. The following day, Napoleon paid him the projected visit, but without suspecting he had been in any other apartment, and amply repaid his devoted Pole for the wound in his hand, by giving such a warm delight to his honest and faith- ful heart. In speaking of different diseases to which the human frame was subject, a favourite topic with Napoleon, when a professional man was by any means admitted to him, the small-pox happened to be mentioned ; and he instantly entered upon the discovery of vaccination, with which he appeared to be perfectly acquainted, and whose benefi- cial eifects hcmentioaed with the highest 236 encomiums. Nor did his observations close without their usual finale an interroga- tory. '' Have not the people of England given me some credit, for my having adopt- ed, encouraged, and indeed decreed, the rigid observance of Dr. Jenner^s system ?" The quiet, unassuming demeanour of the persons composing the suite of Napoleon, never knew any interruption on the deck of the Northumberland, where we held our conversation, but when general Gourgond chose to display the bloody track of his heroic feats in the field. No idea, however, is intended to be conveyed of his exceeding the real prowess of his military character ; but only that he loved to talk about it^ when his former companions in arms were silent. Among other proofs of his hair-breadth 'scapes, he was fond of exhibiting a sword, whose renown, as well as that of its owner, was engraved on the blade ; and whose in- scription related, that with this mighty and 237 glorious weapon he saved the life of Napo- leon, in Russia, when it was threatened by the uplifted arm of a fierce and avenging Cossack. The following is a correct abstract of a conversation had with general Bertrand ; when, and particularly at the commencement of it, his feelings appeared to be very strongly excited, He acknowleged very fully, and lamented very sensibly, the too extend- ed grasp of Napoleon's ambition. '* It was *^ in itself a grand and noble principle, and, " left to its own original objects, and confin- " ed to its natural operations, might have ^* proved a source of extensive good and " untarnished glory. But evil councils, and " who can, at all moments, and under all cir- " cumstances, repel their insinuating or mo- *^ mentary influence, provoked the excesses, " which have been so often seen to strip the " most commanding of all passions, of its "associate virtues.'^ Here his opinion 238 seemed to point to Maret, duke of Bassano, as the cause of unspeakable mischief, and an example that inferior spirits are some- times permitted to influence minds of a far higher order; and not unfrequently to their dishonour, if not to their ruin. " Napo- " leon," he added, " is a most extraorcJinary " and wonderful man. — The conversation proceeded, and I replied. " That is not to be doubted : but I wish ** to see more of the ordinary man in him. '^ Could I but observe him endearingly *^ caressing children, as you, general, do " your Hortentia and your Henry ; or play- " ing with a dog, or patting his horse, I *' should consider him with very different " sentiments from those which I now feel.'' — " Believe me, dear doctor, he is a mam "totally different from all others." " That may be : but I want him to pos- *^ sess certain qualities in common with " ordinary men, and I wish you would tell ^^ me that he discovers, at any time, the feeU 239 *^ ings of affection and tenderness ; the capa- " city to be a kind husband and a fond "parent." " That I can most assuredly do. He is " not without a heart, in your sense of the " expression. But he does not, cannot, will "not make a parade of it. Is it possible " that you should expect any thing of a " frivolous, or trifling appearance from him; " and, in a character like his, the amiable " playfulness of private domestic life, might " have such a semblance ; besides, the in- " dividual feelings of the man must, after " all, be lost to those who only view him in " the blaze of his public life." — "But that blaze, general Bertrand, is " now extinguished ; and I wish for his " sake and the honour of human nature, that " the symptoms of love, tenderness, and at- " tachment might appear, in some direction " or other, to beam from him." " You may believe me, when I assure 240 *^ you, that though they may not have ap- ^* peared to you, they are by no means want- " ing in him. — By way of example, ima- " gine a day as it used to be passed at the ^^ Thidlleries: I will describe it to you. — " At six in the morning he would be exa- " mining a Russian dispatch ; at seven, the "same from Vienna; at eight, he might " visit a work of art ; at ten, a review succeed- " ed ; at twelve, the reception of some de- " partment ; at one, the affairs of the army ; " at four, a prefect demanded audience ; at " six, perhaps, he had appointed to meet ^^ the empress, whom he would treat with " every mark of kindness and affection ; ad- " mire, with a Parisian gallantry, the em- " broidery of her gown, the folds of her robe, *^ the flowers in her hair, or the display of " jewels on her person : while he would con- " tinue devoted to her, till public business "again required his attention; to which he " was ever in a state of preparation. He " was never sensual, never gross, but in an " unceasing state of action.'* Count De las Cases continued the subject 241 " He never speaks of himself; he never ^^ mentions his achievements. Of money ^Mie is totally regardless; and he was not '^ known to express a regret for any part of "his treasure but the diamond necklace, " which he wore constantly in his neckcloth^ ^* because it was the gift of his sister, the " princess Bourgoise, whom he tenderly " loved.'' This he lost, after the battle of Waterloo. I was naturally induced to make a sketch of the state and position of our passengers, at the moment when we came to an anchor, off St. Helena; but, having mislaid it at the moment when I wrote the account of our arrival in one of the foregoing Letters, I then stated it from the general recollection of the instant. Having now recovered the sketch, I have added it as a more exact pic- ture of the scene, and which I have been persuaded will not be considered as an inj- pertinent repetition. X 242 The morning was pleasant, and the'breeze steady : at dawn we were sufficiently near to behold the black peak of St. Helena. Be- tween eight and nine, we were close under the Sugar-Loaf HilL The whole of the French party had quitted their cabins, with the exception of Napoleon, and taken their respective stations, — On the right stood madame Montholon, with her arm entwin- ed in that of the general, her husband. Her look seemed to ask a cheering influence from him : I could fancy that she said — " If this is to be my lot, still I have you for my comfort; and there is Tristram, that little darUng, who will be a comfort to us both.'' On the poop sat madame Bertrand, and the marshal stood behind her. I was the only unoccupied person belonging to the ship^ and could therefore, undisturbed, contem- plate the scene around me. I was afraid to approach madame Bertrand, for I was near enough to perceive an action in the muscle of her throat which betokened a sob. — De las Cases, resting his arm on the shoulder of his son, was stretchino: his little fiq;urj ou 243 tip-toe, but in vain, to look over the gang- way ; but all his exertion would not enable him to see more than half- way down the mountain.— General Gourgond endeavour- ed, by a smile, to suppress what he felt ; for he had no female to console him. The servants were gazing widi open mouths, and all their eyes ; while the children, un- conscious of island or rock, or prison or palace, were performing their little evolu- tions as usual ; when the Newfoundland dog Vv'Ould occasionally break in upon their hollovv^ squares. — We did not see Napo- leon till the ship had anchored in front of the town. About eleven he made his ap- pearance. He ascended the poop, and there stood, examining with his little glass the numerous cannon which bristled in his view. I observed him with the utmost attention, as I stood beside him for near half an hour; and couid not discover, in his countenance, the least symptoms of strong or particular sensations. • He afterwards rallied madame Bertrand on the elegant stockings she wore on the occasion ; when she tried to check 244 the tear ; but it would not do, She ex- claimed, " Oh, doctor W- , we are in- deed too eood for St, Helena !" THE ENC. H 52-79 « xOv^