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No: she is curst with ghoulish traits. Her scowl" is but the blight that freights With mortal scourge, aye, pestilence Earth's poor forsaken innocents. Her smile is but the smirk that sneers At sight of exiles' heart-racked tears. Her breath spits famine's putrid slime, About e'en nature's teeming clime : It blasts also the human heirs ; Lest they should dream of life's dread cares ; Its fumes soon paralyze fresh zeal ; Existence may become too real. Her heart is but Hell's mockery ; It gloats o'er victims' dying plea. And supplicant, or poor or weak, Must bear these tortures — and not speak. Her fell ambition rides rough-shod, Despite the mercy of her God, O'er ev'ry people, ev'ry clime — And destitute of pity's whim. Imperialism, her foul greed. Her lust of empire, goads to seeu Each trusting nation that forfeits Its own rich freedom, and entreats True justice from her Parliament : 'Tis boon unknown to her mind's bent. As witness Erin. Her distress Adown the ages testifies What 'trocious wrongs wait to oppress The simple people, most unwise, Who '11 e'er submit to such control. Ah, better death — .or exile's goal ! Is she alone in such despair ? Are hers the ravings bred of air ? The mouthings brewed from discontent ? Is hers malignancy's accent ? What other people can attest Like misery ? Where earth's harvest Well nigh o'erlooks man's agency; Where nature's gardens flourish free, — Rich India — e'en at this hour, There stalks grim famine, plague's twin pow'r And beckoned on, aye, sanctioned e'en By shrewd indiff'rence and neglect : And millions starve ; and death's weird grin Blasphemes each moment, flaunts effect. That clime where romance doubly blooms, And ages halo mem'ry's fumes, Now mildews man's vitality: It clots his spir'tuality. There now the germs of foul disease, Taxation's burdensome increase, Are propagating future plagues, While vampire 'ficials strain the dregs. Then pensioners e'en curse the day That destiny dares 'sert her sway. But grandeur's temples, here and there, And courtly ceremonies share Their loyal spectacle, so man Might be as wise — nor once complain. These are the triumphs of the care That Britain, with her lordly air, Now dedicates to peoples' trust. And who dares call this empire's lust ? And in abeyance now her greed ? Or torpid from the dearth of need ? Or hers the stupor that prevails When deep distempers lose their spells ? Or in that majesty of worth. When justice garbs each moment's birth, When honor's true impressiveness Indentifies her people's dress .' Ah, vain presumption ! List, what groans, E'en at this instant — human moans — Unnerve the pilgrim who delays 'Bout Afric's vales ? What hellish bays Mock thunder's frenzy, aye, blaspheme The faith of nature's own regime ? O'er veldt and kopje, ever green, Now Britain's war-dogs, nursed on spleen. Pursue their trail, all frothing mad. Their appetite goads on their raid, And craves its fill of human gore : Nor recks the murd'rous schemes of war. Their eyes are bloodshot with wild rage. And blazon with the snake's visage. Their tongues protrude with hellish zest ; All anxious, too, man's blood to test. Their nostrils, too, strain and dilate, To scent their victims' habitat. Their breaths spit fumes of deadly green. So e'en the air transmits their spleen. Their very presence desecrates These sacred precincts — violates The simple peasantry who toil Content to live, proof 'gainst fate's spoil. Ye humble Boers, what foul offence Here stultifies your innocence ? What awful crime attests your sway, As but crude savagery's assay ? What 'trocious outrage alienates Humanity ? Flaunt ye hell's traits ? Alas^! Ah, know, ye honest folk. That when yon wilderness ye broke, And from wild beasts and savage men. Ye dared reclaim a hearthstone — den, Ye e'en presumed to beathe, tor live In nature's freedom, and so give Your spirits true immunity From man's officiousness — envy. Nor once considered Britain's smirk ; That omen of some fiendish work. Then, too, ye dared to claim, aye, own The jeweled sands and sun-lit quartz Within your precincts : where are sown The gorgeous treasures earth supports. Whilst Britain's avarice and greed Half mocked possessions' s title-deed. Then worst of all, ye dared, forsooth. To organize a government : And, too, presumed — O fateful truth ! To regulate e'en aliens' bent. Nor sued ye once at Britain's shrine, In token of her rights divine And her omnipotence of zeal, To supervise all peoples' weal. Alas, ye, too, unmasked her schemes ; Ye balked her filibusters' dreams : So think ye she '11 once change her role. And glory in true righteousness ? As well the devil yield control. And pestilence its foul caress ! Ah, witness — how humane her way ! Her war-hounds only ease their prey. Indeed ! see, they tear poor farmers ; Then gloat like ghouls, hell's slimed charmers. And Chamberlain, high imp of grace. And Salisbury, goad on their pace. And this is her humanity. And Christian, too, her sanity. Whilst scribbling knaves and rhyming freaks Sing their hosannas — vampire shrieks. Their maudlin mouthings — anthems sweet Unto the slums — would honor cheat. But, waifs of fate, ye peasants, bred Where liberty anoints the sod. Stampede the murd'rous whelps with lead, Give them chilled steel's impressive nod. Yield not an inch — protect your kin, Your wives, your homes — flout discipline With weird ambush, lest strategy And tenfold numbers circumvent Your noble few — grasp destiny And twist it now subservient. Frustrate the penury of pride ; Be stealthy as the snake in glide : Fling back their onslaughts — blast their packs W^ith instant yet unseen attacks : Precipitate the linghtning's spell ; Teach them the horrors of war's hell ; Prostrate their bloated arrogance : Waylay their majesty's advance : Debauch their confidence with fear ; Then reason will suppress greed's sneer ; And forced humanity will sert Its true precedence — now inert. Proscribe all favors they'd extend ; Your independence comprehend. So shift all dreams of happiness. Until those hounds unsinewed be : Nor 'just existence 'til distress Be but a whim of memory. Nor barter vigilance e'en then At beck of glory ; for vengeance Will permeate their ev'ry vein, And jeopardize your welfare's chance. And 't will, if need there be, confess Full penitence, don meek address. And well, so far, ye've fixed your worth : Ye've corraled here the wolves of earth: Ye've flaunted grim defiance, too. Afore such packs — villainy's crew. And e'er do so. Let time record That Spion Kop — O rich reward ! Reverberates Majuba's psalm And soothes your souls in fearless calm. Ah, these are master 'chievements, too. They demonstrate manhood's issue. O G5d of Righteousness, ordain Destruction to yon murd'rous train ! O'erwhelm their dread marauding bands ; Lest they bring famine o'er these lands ! Hurl down Your thunderbolts and sear Their hellish hearts 'til abject fear Strikes terror to their vague conscience, And sloughs off greed's omnipotence ! 'T is easy for fiends to assume Humanity's integrity : Their scruples deprecate the doom, They effervesce in secrecy. Their machinations, too, convince Their hearts that justice, honor, faith — Are theirs incarnate : their instincts Vouchsafe to soothe poor peasants' death. Ah, how impressive ! yes ; how grand ! What spectacle for this crude land ! See — countless legions, bristling deep With pregnant steel, in braggart sweep, Strut up and down these haunts, and prey Like cannibals on human clay. Then frothing steeds take up the trail When they default — nor 'lowed to fail. Yet these are but the instruments Of empire's lust and false pretense : And all in search of but a few Of noble hearts, who dared undo E'en Britain's deviltry and spite ; Who still debauch her thieving might. Ah, Spartan valor seems most tame. When tested 'gainst your courage here. Ye loyal Boers ! Let earth proclaim A folk more fit to engineer The virtues of sound equity. True solvent in State's chemistry. Yours are the homes and families Where spirit of utmost good faith Prevails ; where confidences please : Nor selfish whims reveal their wraith. Your piety and reverence Need not the sanction of hell's 'gents : Nor need your homely honesty Certificate from villainy. But are thase virtues all unknown That nations seem so callous now. Whilst dying patriots atone With their life's blood for freedom's vow ? Are governments so jealous that Humanity is but spite's brat ? »7 Or are they paralized with fear, Lest ocean's Juggernaut might sneer ? 'T is yesterday in conference They thrilled the soul with evidence Of their good faith, their equity : And arbitration their strong plea. To-day ? Indeed, they're all perverse : Not one dares balk earth's dreadful curse. These fields now sweat with human gore ; And morrows 'bode hell's own down-pour. 'T is not Boer men alone who bleed; E'en beardless youths, striplings, indeed, Obey the instincts of their clime : Their fresh young blood yields to greed's crime. But are these all ? See, whose yon clay Yet warm from life's extinguished sway ? O see, the form declares the sex. Ah, maiden she. What foul effects ! And this is war ? yes ; murder grim — And Christianity's regime. There trikle down her virgin breasts The crimson streams — death's fell bequests. The ugly gashes 'dentify The bayonets' mad savagery. Alas, behold, how fair her face ! Yet fixed her brow in death's embrace. Her lineaments, girlish quite. Are fresh as those of sleeping sprite. She seems the index of chaste worth : And yet so soon cut off from earth. Is this a sample of man's care. Of martial chivalry and pride ? Ah, Britian, answer! Is 't despair That wreaks such vengeance, since aside Your steel-browed hordes maraud in vain ? And yours humanity's fit reign ? Atrocious murder ! And alone ? Nay — many such have here been known. And why ? Come, Britain, what's your plea ? Dare ye confess your infamy ? Or, would ye, if ye dared ? Ah, no ! Ye'U gloat, and make it glory's show. Your greed, your conscience and your gold, The trinity your schemes unfold, Here run amuck : they'd scourge, aye, rot Man's own existence — life e'en blot — From these crude haunts : then blaze on high What awful crimes stirred destiny. But know, your genius and your zeal, Your dev'lish iustincts — climes to steal — Have e'en before been set at naught And blasted by brave farmers ; taught Their independence scorned your might. , And here again ye'll see it smite. Your Anglo-Saxon liberty Is but a synonym for lust Of empire; 'tis, indeed, myst'ry : And effervescent with pride's rust. This panacea cures the ills All alien peoples suffer from : Then balks their hopes, and mocks appeals, Whilst filibust'ring with freedom. And, too, ere long oppression's spell Initiates its burdens fell. Then tyranny blights every hearth : And man thus 'joys its cursed berth. 'Tis plague to independence' worth. So, sturdy Boers, let sinews speak : Let ev'ry nerve be strung to wreak Unending vengeance 'gainst yon packs, 'Gainst Britian's infamous attacks. Let grim defiance be your faith, E'en to the moment of your death. Let yonder crags and peaks imbue Your souls with thunder's blasting brew. Let fiery hail annihilate The squadrons that would steal your state. Let lightning's blinding torch efface Aught vestige of their sordid race. Let not defeat annul your zeal; Be ready e'er to blunt their steel. Let ev'ry precipice ordain Your sleepless vigils, and sustain Your resolutions to defy Their tried maneuvers — strategy. The air that fans yon kopjes grand And yon bold ridges doth demand Allegiance most inviolate : It scorns submission — 'tis slaves' trait. And faithfully, ye noble band. Have ye defied the fiends' demand : Ye've spurned their machinations fell ; And e'en profaned their citadel : Ye've blanketed their haughty pride ; And dared to tear their shams aside : Ye've shattered, too, their venal ranks ; And blasted more than one phalanx : Ye've taught the filibusters how True freemen consecrate their vow, To hold most sacred kin and home ; Also to dedicate freedom. So yours the destiny that pleads, Not in loud boasts, but in grim deeds. O ever thus continue here ! Spurn suzerainty's bastard sphere : 'Tis but oppression's stealthy whim, The legerdemain of greed's dream. Let your tried manhood and prowess Effectuate your readiness To challenge instantly the herd Of villains, who'd — all undeterred — Attempt to e'en subvert your State, Your Government. Let death create — And naught save death — your apathy, And terminate your energy. Let yonder thickets, aye, yon heights Intensify your confidence : They yawn as heritage where rights Must be immune from felons' prints. Let such grim fastnesses reserve Their mystical omnipotence, 'Til when all-fagged beats ev'ry nerve, They then breathe forth hopes' eloquence, And fire the worn out spirits, so They 'gain respond; aye; challenge foe. Let future ages realize The awful hardships you have borne. What 'trocious wrongs dared jeopardize E'en your existence : what foul scorn Those hypocrites — O Nations bred In Christianity's wise creed ! — Rained down upon your ev'ry pray'r For recognition: what despair. Too, racked your torn vitality, And tortured with mad agony. Yet through them all your fortitude Ignored defeat : your courage brewed A fearlessness that beggared aught E'er known to man — with wisdom fraught. Hence may the God of Righteousness Continue to protect your cause ! And may His infinite process 23 Inaugurate immortal laws Of freedom and humanity ! And may He manifest His care For your concern, your constancy And your fidelity — most rare ! And may His confirmation bless Your heroism with true success ! THE FATE OF DULLSTROOM THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Tvw3 CofiES Received OCT. 28 1901 COPVRIQMT EKTHY 0LASS ^ XXa Nc COPY a Copyright igoi By JOHN W. RODDY THE FATE OF DULLSTROOM AH, see : how sweet, how innocent Down Steilport Vale the rich pageant Of village and of hamlet now ! Each seems a garden full in blow. They nestle 'neath yon ridges wild, Yon rugged heights, each as the child Who rests upon its mother's breast. And flourishes alone most blest. And balms and perfumes mingle there, As tho' they'd dedicate the care, The soothing bliss each day reveals. Contentment smothers greed's appeals. The breaths from yonder crags undo Aught shadow of distrust : they brew An incense that exhilarates Man's spirit to defy such fates, As would torment him with the gloom Of bondage, or oppression's doom. Now ev'ry village far and near Is garbed in home's familiar cheer. There is that sanctity of grace, That air of humbleness, that trace Of true humility and worth. Which permeates the fam'ly hearth. 'Tis DuUstroom's panorama opes Afore the wand'rer's wak'ning hopes. His startled gaze, his wond'ring sense, In deep appreciative spell, Drink in the precious influence Yon cozy spectacle doth tell. See : how reputable, how free, Each farmstead looms in specialty. Each seems impressed with solemn pride, As 'midst yon fruit trees it doth 'bide. While yonder are the herds and flocks. Unguarded as yon barren rocks. Too, cereals and flowers play At efflorescence like dawn's ray. All vegetation seems abloom, As tho' 'twere nature's own green-room. And see : how glorious, how gay, 'Bout mother earth's rich velvet couch, The babes now while the hours away. And gambol to each zephyr's touch. Their sun-kissed locks, their glowing cheeks, Their dancing eyes where mischief speaks, Their sacred brows and dimpled smiles, Their merry laughter, artless wiles. Their lisping voices without end, All mingle there, and seem to blend In holy cadence, while on high The songstresses of air reply. Theirs is an innocence, indeed, Nor brute nor savage would impede. But where the mothers? where the maids? Ah, theirs the cares ! Duty pervades Their ev'ry move as now they toil Within their homes. Their thoughts recoil Again and 'gain from such routine. To wish and pray, with nerve-racked mien, For dear ones safety and success On fields afar where fiends transgress. Their senses reel at times as tho' The madhouse would round out life's glow. Their nervous tension, wrung with fear. Half beckons to prostration's swoon ; And burning cheeks and sobs revere Aught circumstance of justice boon. 29 Whence vivid imagery faith saps ; And tears interpret hearts' collapse. Then, too, again their eyes but stare, As tho they read impressions rare, Transmitted from the haunts of strife ; Where loyalty seems merged with life. Their cheeks also take on a pale, Unnatural tint, as some veil Of mystery. And efforts seem Mechanical as babe's first whim. They 're cognizant of dear ones' trust In brave DeWet. Ah, 'tis most just ! Yet those dear ones may at this time Be wrapped in sleep's eternal hush : Or, they may never, such their crime, Behold their babes, their wives — so blush. Ye Christian scoundrels, 'tis your greed That 's sowing evils' hell-nursed seed Through ev'iy precinct of this clime! Disasters seem to ye sublime. But constant as the break of dawn These women through grim perils' yawn. Tbe tender airs quite sooth and 'suage Aught of misgiving, hence their nerves 30 Again doth reconcile faith's pledge, The glory independence serves. And now their spirits fairly thrill, As tho' rehearsing Heav'n's own will — Responsive to rich freedom's breath, Their hopes defy the pangs of death. Enthusiasm fires ev'ry sense And thieves their hearts of consequence, Of vague exhaustion's impotence. Their eyes, too, blaze with sudden glow, And warmth and zeal refresh their brow. And buoyant visions justify Their new born confidence. Each sigh But consecrates devotion's 'pulse, And dedicates hopes' fond results. II Now morn is on : the heavens glow In richest radiance; their flow Of infinite splendor imports Refreshing tenderness, and thwarts Aught circumstance of witching gloom. Hell's horrors break not here in bloom. Greed's murd'rous frenzy visits not 31 This sanctuary; nor invades These fatherless homes. 'Tis their lot To 'scape the ghouls' atrocious raids. Here nature, too, now consummates Her ev'ry promise. These estates Are garbed in vegetation's wealth : Whose fragrance stays the drooping health. The sunbeams soften sorrow's touch And half propitiate fate's clutch. They tender sweet refreshment here To hearts quite racked with mortal fear. And ev'ry breeze seems charged with joy ; The hours know not war's dread alloy. The wraiths of mis'ry desecrate Not these blest haunts ; nor 'nitiate Their fatal scourge, their pestilence. Abroad there 's naught but innocence. The babes, too, dance and frisk as tho' Some angel whispered that day's glow Should be eternal. They engage Each moment ere it craves passage. They clap their hands and shout with glee — The butterflies are not more free. But, stay : behold the mothers now : 32 Also, the maids. Alas ! each brow Is sad : some eyes are fixed afar : They search yon kopjes : mortal war They know is raging ♦ and its brands Are devastating neighbor lands. They scan in vain familiar heights : No dear one's form grows on their sights. Their thoughts reck not the day's progress j Nor contemplate households' address. Some eyes are fixed upon the hearths, As near the mothers sit and stare : But their protectors make their berths Afar — to stay greed's wolves most spare. They hold communion with the forms, That seem to people, as weird worms, The smoking embers : but no light Arouses the depths of their sight. They seem half lifeless, and intent To let all duties be misspent. No tidings from the grim conflict For days have 'prised them of their lords : Hence dreadful suff'ring they depict As dear ones' lot 'gainst fiendish hordes. This crude uncertainty torments 33 With constant gnawing. Its incense E'en smothers faith, and blasts each dream Wherein they'd color hopes' regime. Few words are uttered : heavy sighs At times upset — O weird surprise — This gloomy stillness : cheeks are wan And haggard ; eyes of dull ebon ; And lips take on a bloodless hue. Half livid; while jet tresses strew, With careless 'bandon, all restraint. Expression's fervor grows most faint. Indifferent attention 'tends Day's ev'ry incident : fate spends In vain aught premonition here : Its chrysalis wakes lone and drear. And ev'ry movement seems endowed With sheer exhaustion : spirits proud Have grown inanimate, indeed : Ambition's 'pulse clots ere 'tis freed. Ill But, stay ! O see ! yes ; look again ! 'Tis no phantom of a mad brain, 'Tis grim reality. O God ! 34 It paralyzes ev'ry sense : Aye ; shrivels up earth's fertile sod; And blights this land's intelligence. See : what thickening clouds of smoke, As tho' in mock'ry of night's cloak, Break from yon farmsteads ! smoth'ring, too, Yon lamps that 'witch the heaven's blue. It swells on high like some vast wave That sweeps resistless ocean's grave. What fleecy haze hangs on its rear ! What dense infernal blazes smear And burst the rafters with that rage E'er known as hell's own heritage! They glut the heavens with wild fire; Annihilating gloom's attire. O, awful conflagration this ! Alas, DuUstroom, what Nemesis Breathes such chastisement ? And wherefore ? Answer, Britain ! Yes ; 'tis your score. See: snaky tongues of ghastly flame. As tho' imbued with greed's foul aim, Spit sulph'rous slime about each breeze. And 'noint disorders' lethal ease. Their presence flaunts a gangrene such 35 As violates e'en death's dread touch. A hundred flames merge into one : 'Tis man's volcano ; his, alone. Its fumes are charged with venom's zeal: They suffocate all human weal. Its lurid fangs, with fiendish glee, Froth pestilence — decay's orgy. But, stay : whose are those forms ? they flit With burning brands 'bout each farmstead, Like demons breathing hell's spirit — They grovel like hyenas dread. They batter down each guardless door, And burglarize each home: aye, more : They pillage, yes, e'en violate. And smash and tear each hearth's estate. They smirk and sneer, and comment, too, That valuables are so few. They brush aside each mistress, while Their lusty eyes would fain defile. They penetrate each sanctum there : Not e'en babes' chambers 'scape their care. Then like some ghouls from out a fen They half compare each other's gain. Their glances seem endowed with glow 36 Most devilish, like wolves' shadow. Their dull grimaces illustrate What tender feelings thrill their hearts ; What warm humanity doth sate Their sense of righteousness ; what starts Their condescending chivalry, And 'stablishes their sympathy. Indeed ! how true ! see; like mean swine, They drive the mothers — all unstrung — And their weak babes, O gems divine ! With taunts and sneers, from hearths now wrung W^ith mem'ries of a thousand joys, From homes where thrive love's ev'ry voice. And this, too, with that fiendish zeal, Allied to savagery's revel. Aye; e'en with force they dispossess Each helpless maid, unnerved mistress. Nor infant nor the aged stay The sinews of proud Britain's sway. And into night's damp chilly air They turn them loose, racked with despair. They, too, deny them shelter e'en Within the stalls, or cribs, or pen. What noble men ! ah, heroes all ! 37 How 'lustrious ! theirs is the call To honor and to glory here. Protectors they of fame most dear ! And theirs are consciences most pure ! Intoxication doth assure Fidelity to aught pretense — They 're civilization's agents ! They'd reconcile the reign of law ! But human lives ? Ugh ! trifles raw. Indeed ! who dares question their course ? Whose is the impudence ? what force ? They'd institute true righteousness ! But innocents ? Curse their distress ! They'd stamp their genius o'er this land ! The people ? Well, beast and brigand Attest the spell of Britain's arm : Why not these folks thrive 'neath its charm ? Their nationality ? W^hy, fate Ignores such shading; 'tis sham trait. But British nationality ? 'Deed, sir ! Damn such effrontery ! 'Tis 'trocious insult! Britain's care Pre-empts all use of earth and air. IV Behold : in groups the women drift Now here, now there : their senses shift From soul-torn lamentations low And gnawing anguish's collapse To half unconscious stupor's glow In dumb amazement. Their mishaps Become forgotten, while yon sight, Yon conflagration, fiends' foul blight, Bewilders reason's dominance. They stare, as tho' undone in trance, Aye, half possessed of some weird spell, ■At seething flames, the slime of hell. They see their sacred hearths and homes Devoured by fire; whose fury combs Each circumstance of destiny. The long lean fangs, with murd'rous glee. Jab at the deep rich vault on high And its soft gleams, as tho' to try Their fitful reign of vengeance here. As 'gainst the calms of night's career. The suffocating clouds of smoke, On ev'ry hand, half serve to cloak Yon villainous monsters, outlaws : 39 Whose hatred recks not faith or cause. Where'er some farmstead seems immune To flames progress their torches soon Establish hell's significance. Alas ! what fiends men countenance ! Now DuUstroom blazes — one dense mass Of crackling ruins. O, alas ! W^hat spectacle for human souls ! O God ! What awful grandeur this ! What fiery belching ! Sulph'rous shoals 'Pear now and then 'bove flames' abyss. 'Tis hell's own maelstrom of wild fire, Let loose to vindicate man's ire. In raging torrents, not unlike Volcano's mad upheaval, now The flames tear upward : yes; and strike 'E'en yon foul whelps with terror low. They crawl and crouch as tho' they knew The outraged Providence would brew Some punishment, condign and meet. Their bragadocio wilts complete. And who are these brutal scoundrels? Why, these are Kitchener's gallants — The pride of Britain. His counsels, 40 Too, formulated their advance. His is the master-brain, that smears This land with mothers' heart-wrenched tears. And laughs to scorn ought shelter here For babes from nights' chill atmosphere. All hail ! the soul of Alva reigns. 'Tis 'gain incarnate o'er these plains. Akin to pestilence its breath Disseminates disease and death. V See : DuUstroom 's but a smold'ring pile Of charred ruins, of ashes vile. Its thrifty avenues now yawn With gruesome debris. Each fresh lawn Is all besmeared with refuge foul. The flowers and vines ne'er again Shall soothe the weary fatigued soul. Nor vegetation trust man's reign. The earmarks of prosperity — The well stocked farms and homes most trim- Are gone fore'er. Gaunt misery E'en grovels in its weird regime. The honest efforts, worthy zeal, 41 Vicissitudes of life's appeal, The simple wants and purpose true, Indomitable courage, too, — All, all are blasted : naught remains. Grim desolation marks these plains, But stay : there is some evidence Of life about : see; children stray All aimlessly: their innocence Would temper e'en the beasts of prey. And scanty, too, is their attire : While chilling airs raw drafts respire. Pitiably they cry and moan, W^hile clinging to each mother's gown. They call for home and its retreat : The ghastly ruins mock and greet. Then, too, the babes that take the breast Instinctively crave for night's rest. The half-bare bosoms mitigate In vain their sorely distressed state. Their soft angelic dimples fade : And plaintive wails break o'er night's shade. And now the mothers, quite distraught. Approach unconsciously the haunts, Which scarce a moment since were fraught 42 With love's beneficence, life's wants. They 'gin to wake, as from a dream : Their cheeks half flush — their dark eyes gleam With witching fire — their lips are set — And ev'ry nerve is strung to whet Their bitter indignation now. Their spirits devastate hopes' care, And thrill vitality's marrow W^ith blood refreshed from grim despair. And half in hiss they voice each pulse : Their feelings challenge times results. " Sneak off, you cursed whelps of hell ! 'Tis meet ye *d know your Alva's spell. Go — slink away, ye monsters foul ! Ye well deserve his confidence. There 's written in your zeal, your scowl, The impress of his recompense. Ye craven curs, your spirits slime The institutions of this clime. The genius of our land ye 'd blight, To gratify your 'trocious spite. Traditions, too, ye 'd blast and smear With greed's omnipotence, veneer. Our innocence ye 'd flaunt and twit 43 As primitive: our hope's ye 'd greet With stern oppression's policy : And all our comforts ye 'd decree As most repugnant to the sense Of Christianity's patience. 'Tis manifest, humanity Wakes not your pulse, your sanity. But, who 's deceived ? 'Tis self same spite, That armed the savages of night, And egged them on to murd'rous hate Along the Mohawk : then more late Applied the torch to Norfolk's homes; And 'gain to Washington's. Time combs Invain your fell malignancy. Destruction clots your crude fancy. Indeed ! ye are most competent To civilize mankind — to mold Ambitions, yes, temperament, And soothe his feelings' intense hold ! Yes ; ye devilish fiends, ye ghouls. Solicitude subdues your souls ! Ye maudlin brats, 'tis vengeance' hate, That 's raging in your hearts. Our State Ye 're determined to burn and scourge ; But we 're not dead : the dawn must urge Some retribution. If naught be, Then for vengeance and its mis'ry. Aye, everlasting. Let grim time Establish 'gain the reign of crime. Let sire to son these days reveal. Let solemn vows — oaths on cold steel — Refresh their spirits, buoy their pride, Adown the ages. Let hopes' tide Unleash restraint, and spurn with vim Suspicion e'en of compromise. Let mortal combat, stern and grim. E'er flourish o'er this land — revise Its homely instincts, and endow Its ev'ry sinew and marrow. Let ev'ry morn invigorate The night's allegiance, despite fate. Let steel and lead and torch transmit The homage here our sons deem fit. Let Britain's vampires realize The untold tortures wars devise — The utter 'bandonment of faith — The lacerations of slow death. Let ev'ry haunt be peopled e'er 45 With sleuth hounds charged with sore despair. Let yonder hills and mountains gauge Security to freedom's badge. Let crags and peaks reverberate Defiance echoes — life's estate. Let Britain's bastard dreams and greed, Her rampant perfidy, her creed Of infamous officiousness, Be shattered by cold lead's process. VI Yet her mad onslaughts are outdone By gospel mongers' cheap reason. Her Christian ministers pervert The brainless multitude's conscience; And prompt their spirits to assert And 'stablish their omnipotence. Her mothers, too, coerce each heart, That fain would yield to honor's smart. Another Chamberlain, indeed, Or Kitchener, twins of hell's breed, They half imagine in each son. Alas ! their senses seem undone. The rare sagacity and trust 46 Of Gladstone's worth they spurn as dust. 'Tis most offensive to their pride. But wait — our blood will yet decide. O Nature, clothe our wombs with care, Give us fecundity most rare, That sons aplenty may be our share ! All hopes of comfort we'll forego: We'll charge out milk with vengeance' vow Since fiends from hell tear and destroy Our homes, our lives let death employ His slimy machinations, too, And clot their souls with lethal dew. O may their multitudes be curst With loathsome plagues, diseases worst ! May some dread cataclysm devour Their ev'ry corse ! May floods o'erpow'r ! May some cloudburst denude these lands Of ev'ry trace of their fell bands ! May grim paralysis besmear Their hell-nursed spirits ! May life's cheer Be strangled by mad agony. By sloughing tortures' specialty ! May ev'ry sense be ravaged, torn By foulest blights earth can suborn ! May awful misery attend Their ev'ry moment 'neath this clime ! May their hypocrisy, their blend Of national weal, rot in slime ! And may their wives and mothers know What awful suff'ring 's been our woe ! May their fond hearts be racked and wrung. As ours have been by throes unsung ! May their proud souls be scalded, too, With burning fevers' wasting brew ! May they experience the blight Of some wild demons' 'trocious spite ! May their devotion win the sneers Of maudlin wretches, while their tears Are charged with frenzy's mad despair ! May gnawing anguish be their share ! And may their dreams of love and bliss Succumb to instincts, crude, amiss ! VII "Yes, know: our heritage is air and sun, While mother earth confers her tone Of liberty, of freedom here. Fate's augury grows less austere. 48 Our habitat, if needs must be, Shall be transferred to regions free, Amidst yon rocky fastnesses ; And next their crags our brood we'll bless. The granite sinews of yon heights Shall mould our young, restore their rights. Aye ; more ; invigorate each heart. And blend their spirits with man's start. Our wants are few ; nor aught disburse, Save what necessity must nurse. Yon noble crests shall cradle be For our offspring, till liberty, Birth-right of man, shall blast and rot Greed's petty meannesses, hell's lot. DeWet and Botha shall destroy Yon bloodthirsty whelps, and employ All merciless means to stampede, W^ith grim destruction, their foul greed. Inhuman zeal identifies Proud Britain's magnanimity. Her glory wallows in disguise — The sordid mask of infamy. The dev'lish energy, the boast Of her blind hordes, recks not wars' cost, 49 But craves the recognition e'er Of royalty, with its cheap glare, Its affectations and pretence, Its gaudy functions and nonsense. What frills or gewgaws, pray, dear friend, Are there about true righteousness ? What glamor haloes honor's trend. That their proud spirits would possess ? Alas ! Justice, thy glories dim Afore the tinsel of greed's whim ! VIII " Down with kingly sovereignty ! Effete excrescence — mockery ! 'Tis as the slime upon the surf. Or, as the toadstool on the turf. Man's independence withers where Its empty vanities appear. It vitiates his brotherhood ; For caste pulsates e'en with its blood. And privileges dissipate True equity, proud honor's state. Therefore, away with its vile taint ! 'Twould blight th' integrity of saint. 5° Faugh ! its foul effluvia clot Humanity's true franchise — lot. O God ! sustain our hopes— endow Our spirits with undying glow Of dominant defiance — blend Our ev'ry instinct, to the end That grim existence must respond To naught save warfare's bristling wand — Maintain our 'legiance to the cause Of liberty, till death's weird jaws Close down upon each bleeding clay. O sweet such ending ! 'Tis faith's way. 'Tis but the triumph of the soul, The glory of the mind's control. So may our eve of life be sung With no regrets ; nor know the tongue Of sacrilege or perfidy : Nor aught but psalms of constancy. Not e'en one hint of faithlessness Must mar our confidence — success. Then Heav'nly Grace will 'noint our days j And our crude wisdom chant His praise." ^hl? 89 " Preservationlechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN COLLECTIONS PRESERVATION 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111 y Vi^;7^'\ co^la;i''\ /.t^;^'\ c^ HECKMAN BINDERY INC. ^. DEC 88 T^^ N. MANCHESTER, ^■*s*^ INDIANA 46962 .» .^^°-^