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Thanks are due Mrs, Mabel Osgood Wright, Mr. Milton S. Lacey and Dr. Frank S. Child, jr., for the illustrations which adorn this handbook. Thanks are also due Mr. J. Sanford Saltus and other loyal members of the Fairfield Historical Society for their financial assistance in the preparation of the volume. CONTENTS A Summary of Dates, ..... Page 9 Uncoa, The Great Swamp Fight, 15 — The Towu, 16 — Village Green, 17. The Academy, 23 — The Old Burying Ground, 24 — Ward Monu- ment, 25 — Eunice Dennie Burr, 26 — The East Cemetery, 27 — Oaklawu, 28. Benson Tavern, 28 — The Powder House, 28 — Railroad and Trol- ley, 29. Black Rock Harbor, 29 — The Beach, 30 — Grover's Hill, 30 — Ash Creek, 30 — The Marshes, 31 — Penfield Reef, 31 — Southport Harbor, 32. The Burning of Fairfield in 1779,33 — General Washington in Fairfield, 35, Names of Distinguished Citizens : — Roger Ludlow, Lieutenant- Governor Gold, Chief Justice Burr, Judge Ebenezer Silli- man. Col. Andrew Burr, General Silliman, President Aaron Burr, Dr. Caner, Jonathan Sturges, Judge Samuel Burr Sherwood, Morris K. Jesup, Dr. Bronson, President Timothy Dwight, Governor Tomlinson, President Sereno Dwight, Judge Hobart, Judge Roger M. Sherman, Dr. Nathaniel Hewit, President Heman Humphrey, Father Augustus Hewit, Joseph E. Sheffield, Frederick Marquand and others, 36. A Village of Pleasant Homes, 41 — The Intellectual Atmosphere, 42 — Historic Sites, 43. Noteworthy Houses — The Burr Homestead, 44 — The Silliman House, 46 — Professor Silliman' s story of his father's capture, 47 — Sherman Parsonage, 47 — The Gould Homestead, 48 — Waldstein, 49 — The Rowland Homestead, 50 — Round Hill, 50 — Mailands, 51 — Greenfield Hill, 51 — Verna F'arm, 51 — Holland Pleights, 52— Mill Hill, 52— Witch Hill, 53— The First Work of the Landscape Gardener in Town. 53. The Churches, 54 — Fairfield East Parish, 56 — West Parish of Fairfield, 56. Fairfield Fresh Air Home, 57 — A Convalescent Hospital in 1898, 58 — American National Red Cross, Fairfield Branch, 58 — Auxiliary No. 29, 59. The Doroth}^ Ripley Chapter — Daughters of the American Revo- lution, 60 — The Fountain, 60. Eunice Dennie Burr Chapter — Daughters of the American Revo- lution, 61. Fairfield Memorial Library, ..... 62 Fairfield Bathing Pavilion, ..... 63 Pequot Library, Southport, ..... 64 Sasquanaug Association, Southport, .... 65 The Village Improvement Society, Fairfield, . . 65 The Country Club, Greenfield Hill, .... 66 The Grange, Greenfield Hill, 67 The Consumers' League, ..... 67 Audubon Society of the State of Connecticut, . . 68 The Gould Homestead Summer Home for Women, . 69 P'airfield Historical Society, ..... 69 Bibliography, . . . . . . . 71 Letter of Rev. Andrew Eliot, ..... 74 "Fairfield," Extract from Dr. Dwight's " Greenfield Hill", 75 ^^"'^•a^ ILLUSTRATIONS A Monumental Boulder on the Green Main Street ..... The Pequot Monument .... Town Hall — Old Whipping Post in the foreground The Sixth Sanctuary of the Prime Ancient Society St. Paul's Church ..... Lich-Gate at the Ancient Burying Ground Ward Monument ..... The Powder House .... Fairfield Beach — Grover's Hill in the distance Southport Harbor — from the Lawn of Mr. W. H. Perry Beach Lane, up which the British marched in 1779 The Sun Tavern . Sherman Parsonage Arching Elms A Colonial House on the Green The Burr Mansion A Garden View of Sherman Parsonage Pulpit Rock The Southport Congregational Church Trinity Church St. Thomas' Church Fairfield Fresh Air Home . Memorial Fountain — Southport Fairfield Memorial Library Pequot Library — Southport The Fairfield Fountain The Gould Homestead Mill River Ford Saved from the Burning in 1779 A View on Mill Plain Frontispiece. 8 15 17 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 41 43 44 47 49 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 69 70 72 74 Main Street A SUMMARY OF DATES. The Great Swamp Fight, which ended the Pequot War, July 13th, 1637 The settlement of Uncoa by Roger Ludlow and other ad- venturers, 163^ Court established at Uncoa, 1640 First Meeting-house — a log structure — probably erected, 1640 Magistrates appointed for Uncoa, 1643 Rev. John Jones and a company from Concord join the Plantation, 1644 Name of settlement changed to Fairfield. 1645 First Mill built — the miller being Henry Jackson, 1648 The First Probate Records, 1648 The First Land Records (the first twelve pages being lost) William Hill being Recorder. 1649 Roger Ludlow's Code for Connecticut completed, 1650 The trial and execution of ' ' Goody Knapp' ' for Witchcraft, 1653 Fairfield raises troops and declares war against the Dutch, Ludlow being appointed Commander-in-chief of the mili- tary forces, 1653 Ludlow returns to England and serves under Cromwell on the First Irish Commission. 1654 Meeting House rebuilt, 1663 County of Fairfield established, and Fairfield chosen as the Shire town, County buildings being erected and Courts held on the second Tuesday in March and the first Tues- day in November each year, 1666 Fairfield Probate Court created for the County, 1666 Major Nathan Gold appointed by General Court Com- mander-in-chief of militia iu Fairfield County, 1672 A Town Magazine ordered, 1674 Voted by the Town to build a stockade around the principal part of the settlement, 1675 A new Prison erected on the Meeting House Green, 1679 The Town orders a Stone Fort to be built on the Green, 168 1 The Town votes that a stockade be constructed around the Meeting House, the School House and the Parsonage, 1689 Parish of Pequounock (Stratfield) set off, 1691 Four Trials for Witchcraft, viz., Mrs. Staples, Goody Miller, Elizabeth Clawson and Mercy Desborough. The last named was convacted, but finally pardoned. The others were acquitted, 1692 Grammar School started, 1 693 Death of Major Nathan Gold, "A Pious and Worthy Magistrate," 1694 New School House on the Green, 1695 The new Meeting House, forty-five feet square, 1698 Rev. Joseph Webb joins with nine other ministers in found- ing Yale College, 1701 Fairfield made a Port of Entry, 1702 Nathan Gold (the second) elected Eieutenant-Governor of Connecticut, continuing in ofiice sixteen years, 1708 The Parish of West Farms (Green's Farms) set off, 171 1 The new County Court House, Prison and Jailer's House erected on the Green, 17 18 The Parish of Greenfield Hill set off, 1725 First House of Worship erected by Church of England people on Mill Plain, 1725 The Parish of Redding organized, 1729 Church of England people build their second house of wor- ship on the King's Highway, west of the Meeting House Green, 1738 The Town orders a new Meeting House for the members of the State Church, The edifice is built on the site of the former house of Worship, and stands sixty feet long, fort3'-four feet wide, twenty-six feet high, with a steeple rising one hundred and twenty feet from the foundation, 1747 Rev. Noah Hobart's Second Book Addressed to the Epis- copal Separation is published by D. Fowle, in Queen Street, Boston. 1751 The Parish of Norfield (Weston) is set off, 1757 Guard House and Hospital for His Majesty's 48th Regi- ment erected, 1758 Stratfield Baptist Church erects House of Worship, 1761 The Parish of North Fairfield (now called Easton) is organized, 1763 Court House, Jail, Jailer's House and Pound are destroyed by fire, 1768 Town voted in April to erect new Court House, Jail and Jailer's House, 176S Judge Ebenezer Silliman elected Speaker of Assembly, I773 Town voted to send relief to Boston — 750 bushels of grain, 1774 Daughters of Liberty make stockings, linen shirts, home- spun garments of various kinds, and send them to the be- sieged citizens in Boston, i774 Major Gold Sellick Silliman appointed Eieutenant-Colonel. 1774 Washington passes through Fairfield en route for Boston, June 28th, 1775 " Married at the residence of Thaddeus Burr, Esq., by the Rev. Andrew Eliot, the Hon. John Hancock, President of the Continental Congress, to Miss Dorothy Ouincy, daughter of Edmund Quincy of Boston," September 28, 1775 (Extract from Church Register.) General Silliman captured and carried by the British to Long Island, May ist, 1779 The Burning of Fairfield by General Tryon, July 8th and 9th, 1779 The Town votes to build a new Town House and Court House on site where the School House stood, August 31, 1779 The Academy at Greenfield Hill is established, 1783 Fairfield a Half-Shire Town, 1784 The new i^Ieeting House begun on site of former House, 1785 "The Conquest of Canaan," by Timothy Dwight, is pub- lished, 1785 Jonathan Sturges becomes the first member of Congress from this district. 1789 Washington visits Fairfield, his fourth visit in town, October i6th, 1789 A Stake is to be driven on the Parade, Mill Plain, where the new Episcopal Church is to be built, 1790 " Greenfield Plill," a poem by Timothy Dwight, appears, 1794 Dr. Dwight is called to the Presidency of Yale College, 1795 Trinity Church is dedicated, 1798 Fairfield Academy is founded, 1804 Lewis B. Sturges serves this District as a Member of Con- gress, 1805 Fort on Grover's Hill is put in order, and Fairfield prepares for war, 1 8 1 2 Samuel Burr Sherwood serves the District as Member of Congress, 18 17 The State Church is dis-established by Legislature. The Prime Ancient Society continues to be supported by a tax levied upon members of the Parish, 18 18 Gideon Tomlinson represents the District in Congress, 18 19 Gideon Tomlinson is elected Governor of the State, 1827 Gideon Tomlinson becomes a member of the U. S. Senate, 1831 Thomas B. Osborne represents the District in Congress, 1839 Roger Minott Sherman is appointed a Judge of the Superior Court, 1840 The new House of Worship for the Prime Ancient Society is erected, 1850 The Court removes to Bridgeport, 1853 New House of Worship, Greenfield Hill, is erected, 1854 St. Paul's Church is organized. 1856 The Fifth Edifice of Trinity Church is destroyed by a tor- nado, 1862 The Gray Stone House of Worship for Southport Congre- gational Church is dedicated. 1876 Fairfield Memorial Library is founded, 1876 The Town Hall rebuilt, 1870 The Centennial Commemoration of the Burning of Fairfield 1879 The One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Fairfield Consociations is observed in Fairfield, June 8th, 1886 Sasquanaug Association organized in Southport, 1887 The Fifth Sanctuary of the Prime Ancient Society is burned, May 30, 1890 The dedication of the Sixth Sanctuary, May 2nd, 1892 The Pequot Library is opened to the Public, 1893 The Fairfield Memorial Library Building is dedicated, 1903 The Fairfield Historical Society is organized, 1903 x^r The Peouot Monument 3fairfielb. THIS old New England town lies on the north shore of Long Island Sound, in the State of Connecticut, about Mty miles distant from New York City. The many waters of the sea fret the indented, low-lying shore. There are various plains extending from the beach and the marshes to the first range of hills. The ascending territory rises in a sort of terrace-like way as hill after hill contributes its strength and beauty to the scene, until such commanding eleva- tion is attained that miles upon miles of field and forest, lowland and upland, blue sea and rolling country, refresh and gladden the eye of the observer. The rich, wide panorama is a beautiful expanse of rolling scenery. THE GREAT SWAMP FIGHT. The dignified and substantial monument reared by the Sons of the Colonial Wars in the southwestern part of the town commem- orates one of the most important events in the history of the Colonies: The Great Swamp Fight Here Ended The Pequot War July 13, 1637. This ending of the Pequot nation led to a beginning of the Plantation first called Uncoa. Roger Ludlow, soldier, statesman, adventurer, was one of the little army which pursued the fleeing i6 savages. Charmed with the landscape which unfolded before his eyes, he sought permission from the General Court at a later date to found a settlement here. This purpose resulted in a small emigration to this place in the autumn of 1639, under the leadership of Ludlow, who was at the time Deputy- Governor of Connecticut. Weathersfield, Windsor and the Massachusetts Bay Colony were represented in this company. Other planters soon followed in goodly numbers. Religious services were im- mediately organized, a Court established in 164c, the village soon platted, a rude log Meeting-house reared on the site of the pres- ent Congregational Church, the stocks and whipping-post set up opposite the place of worship on the Green, and the young settle- ment assumed an air of hope and prosperity. Magistrates were appointed for Uncoa in the year 1643. The following year the first minister, with a goodly company from Concord, arrived in town. The name of the plantation was changed to Fairfield in 1645. The first mill, erected by Henry Jackson, miller, began business in 1648, the same year that is marked by the first Probate Records. William Hill was the first Recorder of papers. The first twelve pages of his Records are lost. THE TOWN. The first settlers purchased the tract from the Indians. Ulti- mately Fairfield extended from the Stratford line on the east to the Norwalk line on the west, the territory running back into the thickly wooded hills some twelve miles from the shore. A patent confirming this purchase was granted to the proprietors in possession by the General Court of Connecticut, May 25th, 1685 — a quitclaim deed having been previously executed by the Indians. The original town has been pared and carved for the advan- tage and enrichment of various neighbors — Westport, Weston, Redding, Easton, Bridgeport, and the like — until the territory is diminished to a quite modest portion of landscape. The four distinct settlements which are centres of population The Town Hall on the Green The Oi.d Whipping Post made into a Bulletin Board 17 lie so close together that the town has the appearance of one great, spacious, hospitable village. The settlement in the neigh- borhood of the Green is the most ancient part of the town. Southport has long been the business portion of Fairfield, its harbour, wharves, banks, stores and offices bearing witness to its importance. Greenfield Hill still retains its beautiful rural char- acter, while Stratfield has become practically a suburb of Bridgeport. Between four and five thousand people constitute the population of the town. THE COUNTY. The Count}' of Fairfield was established in 1666, the year of the Great I^ondon fire. The village of Fairfield became the county seat. The necessary buildings were erected, aiid County Courts were held on the second Tuesday in March and the first Tuesday in November each year. The Probate Court was also established in Fairfield. In 1718 the county erected a new Court House, Prison and Jailer's House on the Green. The honor of being a county capital was transferred to the neighboring and aggressive city of Bridgeport in 1853 — a neighbor which has largely en- croached upon Fairfield territory, taking into the city limits a goodly portion of the towni, absorbing the business interests of the earlier settlement, superseding Fairfield as a Port of Entr}', drawing into the rank and file of its business men mau}^ of our most prominent citizens. THE VILLAGE GEEEN. In platting the settlement the Green became the chief place of interest. Here was located the Meeting House, the Court House, the Jail, the School House, and the Ordinary or Inn. A cleared space for the evolutions of the citizen soldiers was also prepared on the Green. The Green has verily been the center of life through all the generations. Here the townsmen gathered in Meeting House or Court House or Town Hall for discussing public matters, and for the exercise of the right to vote. Here the train band and the militia were drilled — the regulation training days being festive occasions, drawing the people together for gossip and bargain. Ludlov/ summoned his soldier company to this familiar place and prepared them for an attack upon the Dutch, for which he was reprimanded by his critical associates in the Colonial Government. On the west side of the Green a generous piece of water diver- sified the landscape, making a pond so deep that Mercy Disbrow and Elizabeth Clawson, reputed witches, were thrust into it so as to determine by sinking or swimming whether they were daugh- ters of Belial or not. It is recorded ' ' that they buoyed up like a cork" — evidence which satisfied some onlookers that they be- longed to the Evil One. The swamp which extended from the pond into the marshes was a favorite resort of wolves and other wild beasts, and the tradition runs that witch meetings often convened in the dark and murky spot, their strange, wild cries sounding hideously upon the midnight air, their baleful influences scattering wide- spread over the community. The Green is intimately associated with the history of the Fairfield Bar, for here lawyers, judges, litigants, witnesses and spectators gathered for more than two hundred years in the Court House, and sought the settlement of legal difficulties. Some of the most eloquent and learned addresses ever made in Connecticut were delivered in the little, old wooden structure near the middle of the Green. The noon hour saw judge and jury, defendant and plaintiff, witnesses, with friends and foes, mingling amicably together as they passed back and forth be- tween Court House and tavern. Indians were seen to skulk across the Green and hide behind the trees, to the great alarm of the neighbors on many an occa- sion. There were periods when this peril became so imminent (the year 1675 for example) that the order went forth to stock- ade the town. It was ordered that a Town Magazine be main- tained in 1674. In 1 68 1 it was voted that a stone fort twenty or 19 twenty-five rods square be built on the Green. It was voted in 1689 that a stockade be built around the Meeting House, the School House, and the residence of Samuel Wakeman, the minister. It was on this piece of open field that Colonel Andrew Burr drilled his men when preparing for strife with Indians and Frenchmen. Here General Silliman gathered the militia in the days when our people were fighting for their liberties. The ad- dress to the inhabitants of Connecticut, prepared by Commodore Sir George Collier and Major-General Tryon, which was freely distributed in town, on their arrival off the shore, received the following spirited answ-er: "Fairfield, July 7th, 1779. Sir: Connecticut having nobly dared to oppose the usurpation of an unjust and oppressive nation, (as flames have preceded the answer to your flag,) we hope they vv^ill still continue, as far as in their power, to protect persecuted and oppressed innocence. Sam. Whiting, Colonel. Sir George Collier and Governor Tryon. Per Mr. Sayer, in flag." When the British assaulted and burned the town, General Sil- liman made his headquarters in the Bulkley house on the south edge of the Green, while his troops bivouacked in the open spaces lying beneath his eyes. Two or three nights later, when the town was nothing but a heap of hot ashes, burning cinders, tall blackened chimneys and scorched withered trees, the Conti- nental troops, under Colonel Whiting, covered the Green with their white tents and turned their hands to the alleviation of misery. It was in Deacon Bulkley' s house on the Green, one of the five left standing, that public w^orship was conducted by Rev. Andrew Eliot the Sunday following the conflagration. When the local militia left the Green, many of the citizens encamped here until some rude shelters were erected for their use on the various desolated home lots. 20 The new Court House was built on the site of the old School House, near the center of the Green, and after September loth, 1780, the people who worshipped according to the forms of the Established Religion of Connecticut used the building for their service until the new Meeting House erected on the site of the old one was enclosed and made fairly comfortable in March, 1786. On training days the Green sometimes assumed the appear- ance of an open market, where various articles were offered for sale. During the War of 1812 the Green became the scene of fresh preparations for war, the militia meeting often for drill, the citi- zens gathering in the open as a convenient rendezvous W'here they might discuss the affairs of the nation. When peace was declared a great celebration was here enacted. The day chosen was February the 25th, 18 15. Early in the morning a Federal salute was fired by the soldiers of Fort Union on Grover's Hill. Colonel Gershom Burr had placed his artillery on the Green, and an answer to the soldiery of Fort Union was returned. A procession started from Fort Union at ten in the morning, and marched across Ash Creek and along the highwaj', passing the Gould homestead, the destination being the Green. It was snowing and the day was inclement, but thousands had gath- ered to rejoice in the event. The gay, erect soldiers, the bands of music, the emblematic craft set on runners, beautifully trimmed with red, white and blue — the flags of England, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, and other nations — the ringing of bells, the blazing of guns, the huzzas of the multitudes, the gaj^ety, enthusiasm and abandon of the da}', made the scene one of the most delightful associated with the Green. There w^as a religious service in the Meeting Flouse, where Mr. Hiimphrey, the minister, made an eloquent speech. Then the procession marched up and down the streets so that all the spectators might enjoy a good look at their splendor. Then everybody hastened to the Green and gazed wonderingly upon the steaming, sizzling ox which was barbecued for the entertain- ment of the people. HousK OF Worship of the Prime Ancient Society 21 The second story of the Court House became the scene of wildest merriment, for here the feast was spread, and the proces- sion of guests streamed in and out through the day. At sunset there was another Federal salute, the town was illuminated, each window pane with a tallow or sperm candle, the white, crisp snow enhancing the brilliancy of the picture. A tall, slender tree had been set in the midst of the parade ground, many cross pieces being nailed to it, each end of each cross-piece adorned with a tar barrel. This tar- besmeared, towering object was then set on fire, and the illumination of the tovv^n reached its climax. But the crowning event of the occasion was the ball in the Knapp tavern on the northeast corner of the Green. The ball- room was adorned with much bunting and innumerable candles, the fire places heaped with drift wood shed light and heat upon the gorgeous assembly, all the fine old garments of the neighbor- hood appeared in the pageant, silks brought from China by ad- venturous captains, velvets from the looms of France, laces, plumes, gold chains and sparkling jewels — the treasured heir- looms of a generation. The sober, wearied people tramping over the Green disappeared at nine o'clock when the illumination concluded, but the youth and the gentry tarried at the tavern until the small hours of the night. There have been many lively scenes upon the Green at various periods of history, sometimes social in character, sometimes political, and sometimes martial and occasionally religious. For the past twelve years it has been the custom of the Eunice Dennie Burr Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion to invite the public to join with them in the observance of Independence Day on the Green. The over-arching, venerable trees make a natural temple. Beneath this grateful shade the com.pany gathers to hear anew the Declaration of Independence and a brief patriotic address, to join in singing national hymns and to listen to the martial notes of the band. It has become an annual re-consecration of the place and the people to the aims and hopes of the original planters in Fairfield. Very early in the history of the settlement a whipping-post and the stocks were placed on the Green directly across the 22 street from the Meeting House. The records note how one and another offender was sentenced to be whipped twenty or thirty or forty lashes, or to be confined in the stocks three hours, five hours, or a day. Drunkenness, profanity, unseemly carriage, inveagling a girl's affections, petty breaches of the peace, scold- ing, profanation of the Sabbath, witch work in the community, unlicensed use of tobacco, disturbance of meetings and many like crimes were expiated here in full view of the citizens who gathered on I^ecture day or on some special occasion. The boys had a way of baiting the law-breakers, reminding them of their sins and crimes, magnifying the punishment by those pestiferous annoyances which are so aptly administered by the rising gener- ation. The rude jail on the edge of the Green was repaired in 1675 and a new one built in 1679. The jail with other buildings was destroyed in 1768 — set on fire by one of the prisoners. The next jail — reared on the site where St. Paul's Church now stands — suffered the fate of the town in 1779 and went up in flames. When the county seat moved to Bridgeport in 1853, St. Paul's Church entered into possession of the property, re-constructed the edifice and transformed it into the Gothic structure which stands beautifully mantled with ivy to-day, contributing its rest- ful and suggestive beauty to the historic Green. The Norman Church on the opposite side of the street is the suc- cessor of five other sacred edifices which have been reared at vari- ous periods on the same hallowed ground. The log Meeting House of 1640, re-built in 1668, gave way to a frame building in 1698. This was superseded by a dignified colonial structure worthy of a prosperous settlement. This third building was torn down to make way for an enlarged and comely Meeting House with lofty spire and ornate entrance. The British burned it although Tryon had promised to preserve both the parish Meet- ing House and Trinity Church. The povert}'^ of a war scourged country crippled the people when they reared the next edifice, but it was finished after many years and finally gave place to the more modern and elegant sanctuary dedicated in 1840. This latter building was ' ' caught up " by fire on the night of May ^^sSB^ 1- t/F^^^^f|MnHI^ ^9 tt^^JB| — '■ 'ffejjWNwWy^ r^^^^ %^' t- ''^^i^^^^H St. Paul's Church 23 29th and the morn of May 30tli, 1890. The sixth Sanctuary, described by Principal Fairbairn of Mansfield College, Oxford, as one of the most beautiful churches of America, was gratefully dedicated as a precious memorial of the Forefathers in Fairfield on May the 2nd, 1892. THE FAIRFIELD ACADEMY. The one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Acade- my was celebrated by the Historical Societj^ and the Alumni of the school on October 28th, 1904. Although the institution has suspended work for several years its history is treasured by many people and the roll of its constituency contains many prominent names. The first trustees were Judge Jonathan Sturges, Rev. Andrew Eliot, Deacon David Judson, Nathan Beers, jr., and Samuel Rowland, Esq. The gentlemen who served on the Board in addition to the first named are David Allen, Dr. Heman Hum- phrey, Joshua Green, David Hull, Judge Roger M. Sherman, Ebenezer D. Dimon, General Gershom Burr, Walter Thorp, Jesup Wakeman, W. B. Nash, M. D., Dr. Nathaniel Hewit, Ed- ward Hooker, Andrew Eliot, jr.. Rev. Leonard Bacon, Rev. John Hunter, W. B. Jones, Abram Gould Jennings, Charles Bennett, Judge Thomas Osborne, O. W. Jones, Dr. Lyman At- water, George A. Phelps, Hon. John Gould, Henry T. Curtiss, Captain David M. Bunker, Moses G. Betts, John G. Morehouse, Rev. E. E. Rankin, D. D., Rev. L. B. Stimson, John H. Glover, Rev. Frederick W. Hyde, Oliver B. Jennings, Samuel Glover, Samuel Morehouse, Rev. J. K. Lombard, President George S. Burroughs, D. D., S. M. Garlick, M. D., and Benjamin Betts. Among the principals were Samuel Hitchcock, the eminent lawyer; President Humphrey of Amherst College, Governor Henry Dutton, Rev. Dr. EHhu Baldwin, first President of Marietta College; Dr. A. B. Pearce, first President of Western Reserve College; Dr. Daniel March, the author; Henry Day, one of the eminent lawyers of New York, and Morris W. Lyon 24 who for man}' years conducted a famous and successful prepara- tory school for boys in the metropolis. The Acadeni)' attracted generous patronage during the early years of its life. The multiplication of schools and the changes in methods of public instruction acted adversely upon the old academies of the land and the Fairfield institution suffered with schools of a kindred character. The Hargrove School, recently established in Fairfield, is a high class preparatory school, aiming to do a special work for students who desire individual guidance and instruction. An opportunity is given to do two years' class-room tasks in one year. The tutors take the pupils singly, devoting one, two, three or four hours to them as may be deemed advisable. It is not that the young man is crowded, but simply that there is no waste. He receives the master's undivided attention during the time set apart for his lesson. This enables a student to com- press into brief period work that often lags through the years. THE OLD BURYING GROUND. Southeast of the Green lies the ancient God's Acre on the road to the beach. This sacred place has been reverently safe- guarded by substantial walls over which fond vines tenderly climb. A beautiful stone lich-gate gives entrance to the quiet field. Here the earlier burials occurred. Venerable stones — the oldest date is 1687 — still mark some resting-places of the dead, but many graves remain unmarked. The later monuments show good state of preservation. The names of numerous eminent citizens, soldiers and scholars appear upon the stones. On May 30th, 1904, the Eunice Dennie Burr Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution dedicated a bronze tablet placed on the lich-gate in memory of the soldiers and patriots of the American Revolution whose mortal remains repose here beneath the greensward. The Burying Ground has become the Mecca of many a pious pilgrimage — a place suggestive of peace, honor, loyalty and courage. LiCH Gate at the Ancient Burying Ground 25 One of the earlier settlers and adventurers in Fairfield — An- drew Ward, has been recently commemorated by a chaste, stal- wart block of granite reared near the centre of the Ground. His numerous living descendants thus honor a fearless, aggres- sive, conspicuous pioneer and citizen almost two hundred and fifty years after the close of his strenuous, enterprising career. An interesting and remarkable inscription chiseled into the modest Silliman monument reads as follows : In memor)^ of Gold Selleck Silliman Esq. Who died in Brookl5-n, New York June 3, 1868 in the 91st year of his age. And of Benjamin Silliman Iv.L.D. More than fifty years Professor of Natural Science in Yale College, Who died in New Haven, Connecticut Nove. 24, 1 86 1 in the 86th year of his age. Their remains are interred in the places of their decease. Eminent in Honor, Generosity, Affection, Patriotism, Intellectual Culture, and Christian Principle. They were bound together through life by the strongest fraternal ties. They were sons of General Gold S. Silliman Who died A. D, 1790, and grandsons of Honorable Ebenezer Silliman deceased A. D. 1778; who was the son of Robert Silliman deceased A. D. 17 18, and grandson of Daniel Silliman deceased A. D. 1600, All of Fairfield. Their children add this to the record of their ancestors A. D. 1877 26 Mrs. Kate E. Perry, in her book entitled " The Old Burying Ground of Fairfield," performed a most onerous and noteworthy task, contributing valuable material to the literature which deals with life in the town. Patriotic ladies have reared the substan- tial walls which frame the grounds, and given very generously toward the adornment and preservation of the place. In the northeast corner of the yard the observer finds the massive brown- stone slabs, supported by heavy pillars, covering the graves of Mr. and Mrs. James Dennie, Eunice Dennie became the wife of Thaddeus Burr, the grandson of Chief Justice Burr. A member of the Town Committee on War, Deputy of the General Court, High Sheriff, one of the Governor's Council, a gentleman of large fortune and generous nature, Thaddeus Burr was a con- spicuous figure in the life of the colony and state. The friend of New England's leading statesmen and financiers, he practiced a princel)'' hospitality. His accomplished wife, in whose honor the Fairfield Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution is named, was a lady of rare merits and attractions. Her courage and fidelity are illustrated by numerous incidents. When the town was burned she sought to save their mansion, which was filled with treasures and associated with many delightful memories. She tells the story. "When the rabble surged into the house they shouted 'You damned rebel, where is your husband ? ' at the same time stripping me of my buckles, tearing down the curtains of my bed, breaking the frame of my dressing-glass, pulling out the drawers of my table and desk. , . In the midst of this confu- sion Gen. Tryon came into the house. He behaved with polite- ness ; he demanded the papers. I told him there was none but of very old dates which related to the estates. The general said those are what we want, for we intend to have the estates. . . Very soon after he had taken leave of me there came in a set more dreadful than the ruffians who had first attacked me. These being informed or suspicious that I was possessed of a watch, attempted to search me. I drew back to the yard, the only shelter that I had, and there committed myself to God, . . They were, however, permitted to pursue me, throw me on the Ward Monument 27 ground and search me, pulling and tearing my clothes from me in a most barbarous manner. . ." After a spirited and well- sustained defence, Mrs. Burr was finally driven into her mead- ows, where the grief-stricken woman saw the mansion fired by ruthless hands and burned with its precious heirlooms to the ground. Another grave, which has special interest — lying near to those of Mr. and Mrs. Burr, is that of Mrs. Hall, the grand-daughter of Judge Peter Burr. The inscription reads as follows : " Here lies buried the Body of Mrs. Abigail Hall, wife of Ivyman Hall, M. A., Daughter of Thaddeus Burr, Esq., Died July 8th, 1755, aged 24 years. Modest, yet free, with innocence adorned; To please and win by Art and Nature formed; Benevolent and wise, in Virtue firm; Constant in Friendship, in Religion warm; A partner tender, unaffected, kind; A lovely Form, with a more lovely mind — The scene of Life, tho' short sh' improved so well, No charms in human forms could more excel; Christ's L/ife her copy, His pure I^aw her Guide: Each part She acted, perfected, and dy'd." Lyman Hall, the husband of this honored young woman, be- came a citizen of Georgia, was one of the Signers of the Decla- ration of Independence, and served as Governor of his adopted state. THE EAST CEMETERY. A new cemetery was needed early in the nineteenth century. The honored Town Clerk, Mr. Samuel Rowland, and a few of his contemporaries, purchased the land where the cemetery was established in the year 1827. An iron railing was placed around one of the lots, and curious people came long distances to see this interesting innovation. 28 The uew stone wall, the gate, the substantial fence, the mac- adam roads and the well-trimmed lawn are evidences of the faithful services rendered the public by two of our esteemed citizens. OAKIvAWN CEMETERY. This beautiful resting-place lies between Fairfield village and Greenfield Hill. A venerable oak — one of the most ancient in the country — stands facing the entrance. A rolling landscape, a gurgling brook, wooded retreats and the quiet waters of the bor- dering Mill River, suggest sweet repose. The Association was organized December 29th, 1865. THE BENSON TAVERN. This old hostelry is now a private house. It was built imme- diately after the close of the war of the American Revolution and occupied by General Abel. Captain Benson converted jt into a place of public entertainment and for many years it was a favorite resort of travellers, statesmen, scholars, actors and the people who passed back and forth between Boston and New York on horseback or in stagecoach. Col. Aaron Burr, Daniel Webster, General Jackson, the elder Booth, Macready and many famous men were guests of the house. Captain Benson's daugh- ter, the present occupant of the homestead, has in her possession various relics and heirlooms of value. One of the old chairs is known as Peter Parley's chair, his favorite when enjoying the hospitality^ of " mine host". THE POWDER HOUSE. The little brick structure on the elevation above the railroad northwest of the station served the public as a place of deposit for their powder during the war of 1812. The building has been put in order by the Eunice Dennie Burr Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and appropriately marked. The Powder Housp: 29 THE RAIIvROAD AND TROLLEY. It made considerable change in the geography of the town when in 1853 the New Haven Railroad cut in twain varions properties and divided the shore levels from the neighboring hills. The change in certain town features was not less marked in 1894 when the trolley invaded the main street and con tributed its unwelcome noise and careless disfigurement to this charming, famous, elm-arched, historic avenue. • BLACK ROCK HARBOR. Two harbours have served the commercial interests of Fairfield — Black Rock on the southeastern edge of the town and South- port on the southwestern. Black Rock is now included within the corporation of Bridgeport. During a period of more than two hundred years, however, it was a part of Fairfield. Here trade flourished and war blazed defiance. The little fort on Grover's Hill afforded an uncertain sense of security on various occasions. The quiet waters behind Fayerweather's Island in- vited ships to safe anchorage. The collector of the Port of Fair- field here exercised authority. Captains of commerce made their homes in this neighborhood. Fishermen, warriors, mar- iners, pleasure-seekers, builders of maritime industry have shared the life of the Port. During the American Revolution this harbour was the scene of noteworthy activity. Colonel Parsons sailed from Black Rock on the evening of August 14th, 1777, with a sloop and six sail- boats, one hundred and fifty men and a brass six-pounder in order to dislodge Colonel Hewlett who had fortified Bookhaven on Long Island. Black Rock was a convenient place for the men engaged in whale boat warfare. Captain Caleb Brewster, one of the heroes who won enviable fame by his victories over British craft along these shores, made Black Rock his home. Many an expedition against the enemy did he organize among his sailor friends. In 30 lySi he brought into the harbour a British armed boat and all her crew. It was on Dec. 7th, 1782, that his most desperate encour- ter with the enemy occurred. This was known as the "boat fight". On this particular morning several of the enemy's boats came down the Sound and Captain Brewster with his brave comrades intercepted them. It was a savage fight — a hand to hand conflict — for in twenty minutes nearly all the men engaged were either killed or wounded. Two boats were captured. Cap- tain Brewster was among the injured. He was able, however, to continue his work a few months later. On March 9th, 1783, he captured the Fox, one of the enemy's vessels. The Fairfield Historical Society has among its treasures an elegant silver lov- ing cup presented to Captain Brewster by admiring friends as an expression of their esteem. THE BEACH. Fairfield beach is one of the safest and most attractive along the shores of the Sound. To the East lies Black Rock Harbour, a favorite rendezvous for the fleet of whale boats during the American Revolution — a pleasant haven for fleets of various yacht clubs and diverse shipping to-day. Grover's Hill projects itself boldly into the sea on the west of the harbour. Here the Continental troops built their fort and kept guard as best they could over this long line of exposed and imperiled coast. Fort Union, which frowned on the height dur- ing the war of 181 2, gave a feeling of hope and courage to the citizens of the town. This emerald hill is now a beautiful private park, containing .several of the most elegant and expensive country residences in Connecticut. The views from Schoonhoven Park are superb, land and sea merging into a shifting panorama of beautiful and fascinating pictures. Ash Creek lies on the west of the hill, pushing back into the country a mile or two. In the pioneer days there were tide mills here, the first one being erected a considerable distance up the inlet. It was through Ash Creek that the British soldiers ran Fairfield Beach Grover's Hill in the distance 31 their boat on the night when they captured General Silliman. Leaving the swift flowing current of the out-going tide, the observer wanders down the beach until he comes to the bathing pavilions which have been erected by this generation of pleasure seekers. Here there are ample opportunities and facilities for the enjoyment of a swim in the sea. Two settlements of cottages have been formed within the past ten years along this shore, where several hundred visitors spend delightful summers. THE MARSHES. One of the charming features of the landscape which frames the village of Fairfield is the sinuous stretch of marshes on the east and south, close under the sand rifts, that make a low barri- cade for resisting encroachments of the sea. Pine Creek and Ash Creek and other tortuous inlets cut their fitful way through these low-lying meadows. The wealth of varied grasses, the occasional masses of short shrubbery and myriads of beautiful wild flowers mingle with the frequent glint of ebbing or flowing tide. Birds nest in the quiet places or sing exquisite melodies which float carelessly over the strange expanse. The winds play with the graceful, swaying tufts and plumes. Wild fowl fly low here, and make a trysting place. A wonderful, prolific life flourishes in these marshes. " How ample the marsh and the sea and the sky," "A league and a league of marsh grass, waist-high, broad in the blade," " Green, and all of a height, and unflecked with a light or a shade," "Stretch leisurely off, in a pleasant plain," "To the terminal blue of the main." PENFIELD REEF. This natural breakwater pushes into the Sound a distance of two miles or more from the bend of the beach midway between Grover's Hill and the Southport harbour. A considerable por- 32 tion of the ancient meadow land has become submerged since the days when little Benjamin Silliman ran away from his teacher, and in company with other truants came near losing his life by reason of the rising tide, which cut them off from the shore. This narrow, rocky reef — a favorite resort of the clam — haunted by Indians and pioneers, each in their day — has been the scene of various wrecks, catastrophes, perils and deaths. The light- house near the extreme end now warns ships when they approach the treacherous ledges. In wild storms the Penfield Reef Ivight is sometimes almost submerged by the force of the waves, and the keeper has been a prisoner in the place through many anxious, distressful nights. SOUTHPORT HARBOR. Southport Harbour, on the southwestern edge of the town, Sasco Hill and Rose Hill watchful over its placid waters, has been for generations the favored centre of large and important local business interests. Its fleets have engaged in lively com- merce with Boston, New York and the various ports of this coun- try and other countries. Regular lines of communication be- tween Southport and several shore cities flourished for years. A lucrative commerce and many influential men of affairs gave great prominence to this part of the town. Our local banks are situated here. The large proportion of trade and business in the town gravitated naturally to Southport after the burning of Fairfield in 1779. Homes of wealth and culture have character- ized the place during these years. It is the most thickly settled portion of the town — much has been done to adorn and beautify the streets — many handsome private residences impart an air of dignity and repose. The sloop which brought Colonel Aaron Burr from Boston to New York on his return from Europe in 18 12 lingered two days in Southport harbour. It was commanded by Captain Dimon, and there were other Fairfield men on board — distant relatives of the ex- Vice-President. It was off the shore of Norwalk Light that the ill-fated Lex- SouTHPORT Harbor A VIEW FROM THE IvAWN OF Mr. \V. H. PERRV 33 ington was burned in Janiiar)^, 1840. The citizens of Sonthport rallied and attempted to save the perishing sufferers, but swift havoc of fire did not wait upon any merciful tender of help. The sloop Merchant, owned by Sherwood & Meeker, went to the rescue, but only three men were saved. Numerous bands of Tories from Long Island committed vexa- tious or cruel depredations along these shores during the war of the American Revolution. Captain Amos Perry, one June evening, sailed from Southport harbor in his sloop ' ' Racer, ' ' with the purpose of punishing one of these bands which had besn specially active in the neighborhood. The following morning the " Racer" appeared among the enemy — apparently driven by force ofthe night's storm into their borders. A Tory sloop, observing the difficulties of the "Racer," saluted Captain Perry and pro ceeded to board the Connecticut vessel. When the opportune moment came, Captain Perr)^ stamped his foot, a goodly number of men concealed in the cabin suddenly swarmed upon deck, there was a brief hand-to-hand struggle, and the Tory sloop, with its crew and munitions, became the reward of the Americans' daring. During the war of 18 12 a volunteer military company was organized in Southport, and " Fort Defence" was built near the place now known as the lower wharf. Four ship yards have flourished here at different periods. Mill River, the name given to the settlement on the harbour, was exchanged for Southport, and a charter granted to the Bor- ough in 1 85 1. THE BURNING OF FAIRFIELD IN 1779. Fairfield was a special object of hatred to the British, for it was the home of Gen. Silliman and a goodly number of patriots, soldiers and statesmen. It had furnished men, supplies and in- spiration with unstinted generosity. It was a center of whale- boat warfare for the coast. It had treated Tories with a degree of severity. It was playing an important and conspicuous part in the struggle for Independence. 34 Tryon and the fleet arrived off shore the morning of July 7th. A landing in two divisions was made in the afternoon — one divi- sion coming over Sasco Hill, the other up Beach Lane. The militia on the Green and the little garrison under Lieut. Jarvis in the fort on Grover's Hill fired on the invaders. There was a babel of noises — march of troops, shrill cries of frightened chil- dren, wild shouts of men, the crack-crack of muskets, booming of cannon from the fort, hoarse notes of defiance, and finally a hand-to-hand fight for the possession of the Green. The British numbers and discipline pushed the small American troop back into the hill country, and night settled down upon the scene. But the village had been condemned, and the torch was ap- plied in various places. Dr. Dwight writes a graphic account of the conflagration in the third volume of his travels. Rev. Andrew Eliot, an eye-witness, describes the event in a letter to his brother: "About an hour before sunset the conflagration began at the house of Mr. Isaac Jennings. . . At sunrise some considerable part of the town was standing, but in about two hours the flames became general. The burning parties car- ried on their business with horrible alacrity . . all the town from the bridge by Col. Gold's to Mill River, a few houses ex- cepted, was a heap of ruins." " Oh, the horrors of that dreadful night," writes Mary Silli- man in her journal. " The sky," says Dr. Dwight, "was speed- ily hung with the deepest darkness wherever the clouds were not tinged by the melancholy lustre of the flames. . . At in- tervals the lightnings blazed with a livid and terrible splendor. The thunder rolled above. Beneath, the roaring of the fires filled up the intervals with a deep and hollow sound, which seemed to be the protracted murmur of the thunder, reverber- ated from one end of the heaven to another. Add to this con- vulsion of the elements, and these dreadful effects of vindictive and wanton devastation, the trembling of the earth, the sharp sound of musketry occasionally discharged, the groans here and there of the wounded and dying, and the shouts of triumph; then place before your eyes crowds of miserable sufferers. Beach Lane, up which the British marched in 1779 35 mingled with bodies of the militia. . . . and you will form a just but imperfect picture of the burning of Fairfield." "The distress of this poor people is inexpressible," .said Mr. Eliot in giving his account of the calamity. "I feel myself in a state of uncertainty as to the many necessities of life. ' ' "Could Tryon hope to quench the patriot flame," "Or make his deeds survive in glory's page?" "Could Britons seek of savages the same," "Or deem it conquest, thus the war to wage?" More than two hundred and eighteen buildings were destroyed by the flames. WASHINGTON IN FAIRFIElvD. Washington passed through Fairfield when he was a British officer twenty-four years old. Irving has drawn a picture of him at this period. He was en route for Boston. Nineteen 3'ears later he was made Commander-in-Chief of the Continental forces and came this way a second time en route for Boston. He arrived at Fairfield June 28th, 1775, where dinner was served to his company. Dr. Ripley of Greens Farms accompanied him through the parish. Washington returned this way after the campaign in the neighborhood of Boston, arriving at Fairfield April 12th, 1776. President Wa.shington visited the town again when he made his famous tour of the eastern states in 1789, reaching Fairfield on Friday the i6th of October. His journal refers to the appear- ance of desolation which testified to the recent scourge of war. ' ' The destructive evidences of British cruelty are yet visible in Norwalk and Fairfield," he wrote, "as there are the chimneys of many burnt houses standing in them yet." THE SUN TAVERN. Washington was entertained at this interesting hostelry on his last visit to the town. The Sun Tavern, kept by Mr. Pen- field, stood on the south edge of the Green. Here the citizens gathered to do honor to the President. He spent the night in 36 this place and pursued his journej' to New Haven in the morn- ing. In 1818 the property passed to Dr. Nathaniel Hewit, pastor of the Congregational Church, who later became the great temper- ance apostle of his day. Dr. Hewit married Rebecca Hillhouse, the daughter of Hon. James Hillhouse, United States Senator from Connecticut. Augustus Hewit was born in this house. This son of such distinguished ancestry entered the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church and became an eminent preacher and scholar — one of the Paulist fathers and professor of Church History in the Catholic University at Washington, D. C. He was sometimes called the ' ' Newman of America ' ' . Dr. Lyman Atw^ater occupied the transformed "Sun Tavern" for some years. Later it passed through several hands and finalh^ became the property of Mr. Robert S. Manuel. A pri- vate school flourished during a brief period in the place. There is an air of repose and old time dignity clinging to the property to-day so that it is one of the attractive landmarks of our town. THE NAMES OF DISTINGUISHED CITIZENS. The leadership and services of many eminent individuals have been identified with the history of the town, Ludlow the "Father of Connecticut Jurisprudence and founder of the town" seems to have transmitted much of his intellectual force to the interesting succession of public men. The Burrs and the Goulds have been conspicuous through the various generations. Major Gold and his son Lieutenant-Governor Gold labored tirelessly for the benefit of town and colony. Chief Justice Burr held a variety of ofiices and conducted himself with such wisdom and acceptability that his name stands high among New England's worthies. Judge Ebenezer Silliman was another faithful servant on the bench. Soldiership was adorned by numerous brave and splendid sons of Fairfield, conspicuous among them being Col. Andrew Burr of Louisberg fame, General Silliman, Col. Gould, Col. Dimon, Captain Bartram, Commander Samuel Smedley, The Sun Tavern 37 Captain Thorp, Captain Caleb Brewster and a large company of kindred spirits. The five men who served as ministers for life in the Prime Ancient Societ}' were scholars of excellent parts and most active in tov/n and colonial and state affairs. Aaron Burr the Presi- dent of Princeton College was born in this town and spent his earl}' years among its beautiful hills. Dr. Caner first rector of Trinity Church, honored by Oxford University with the degree of Doctor of Divinity, one of the most eminent ministers serving the Church of England in the Colonies during his generation, gave twenty years of his life to this region. What sturdy, invincible and efficient champions of liberty were Thaddeus Burr and Jonathan Sturges — the first holding- office as High Sheriff and member of the Governor's War Coun- cil, the second serving as member of the War Committee, secre- tary of the Connecticut Sons of Libertj^ member of the Consti- tutional Convention, member of Congress and Judge of the Superior Court. The Rev. Samuel Sherwood wrought so faithfully in behalf of the colonies that a guard of Continental soldiers was for a time given him to protect his person. He lived near the border line between the old parish of Redding, the hotbed of Tor5asm. His son Samuel Burr Sherwood became one of the leading jurists of Connecticut and represented this district in Congress. Morris K. Jesup, merchant, banker, edu- cator and philanthropist, grandson of Judge Sherwood, was born in the western part of the old Fairfield parish (now Westport). Dr. Bronson surgeon in the American Army during the War of Independence, a friend of Washington, later a prosperous banker and financier, made his home on Greenfield Hill, where his descendants have continued to reside. On this famous hill Dr. Timothy D wight established his popular school to which pupils were drawn from many parts of the United States. While preaching and teaching in this place he was called to the presi- dency of Yale College. This hill was likewise the home of Governor Tomliuson who lo3ally served town and state and na- tion in various public offices, this service culminating in his election to the United States Senate. 38 Judge Hobart son of Rev. Noah Hobart was another Fairfield man elected to the United States Senate. It was as a citizen of New York where he had practiced law for many years that he was chosen to this exalted position; but preferring the career of a judge he declined his senatorial honors and served in the sphere more congenial to his taste. The Hon. Lewis Burr Sturges repre- sented this district in Congress for several terms. Judge Thomas B. Osborne who frequently represented the town in our state legislature, sat for two terms as a member of Congress, served as county judge and afterwards became Professor of Law in Yale College. Hon. O. S. Fej-ry spent pleasant years in Fairfield, and when he attained distinction as a lawj-er, member of Con- gress and United States Senator recalled his early days here with peculiar delight. Judge Roger M. Sherman was undoubtedly the most eminent and conspicuous citizen of the town belonging to the later gen- erations. A modest and reserved person, he preferred the quiet of his study and the society of his cultivated neighbors rather than the publicity of leadership and the burdens of ofl&cial posi- tion. Senator Hoar has described him as one of the greatest men of New England, the peer of Webster and Mason. Although av'crse to public office, he gave himself to such labor as his con- stituents put upon him — going repeatedly , to the Assembly and State Senate, and serving later as Judge of the Supreme Court of the state. He was earnestly supported by friends as a candi- date for United States Senator, to which position he would probably have been elected had he been willing to yield certain points. A member at the Hartford Convention in 1814 and one of the committee to draw up a report to be presented to the respective State Legislatures he declared on oath that " Its principal object was a more effectual co-operation in the war as to the defence of the New England states. There is not the slightest foundation for impunging the motives of these men, or stamping the proceedings of the convention as treasona- ble. The delegates never contemplated an act inconsistent with their obligations to the United States." Sherman Parsonage 39 Several of the clergymen settled in the town during the nine- teenth centur}- attained national distinction as preachers, authors, educators and men of affairs. The Hon. Oliver H. Perry was for years one of the most influential men of the state, serving as Representative, Senator, Secretary of State, and Speaker of the House of Representatives of Connecticut, in which order of public service he has been suc- ceeded by his son Hon. John H. Perry, a member of the House of Representatives, Speaker, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and First Vice President of the Constitutional Convention of 1902. The present member of Congress from this district, Hon. E. J. Hill, comes of Fairfield ancestors, several of his forefathers being among the early settlers of the town. This strong tie of pioneer ancestry links to the town many great names, for the old families sent their children into all states and territories multi- plying the names of Hill, Burr, Cable, Banks, Gray, Jennings, Barlow, Dickinson, Frost, Green, Jesup, Hoyt , Morehouse, Hawkins, Newton, Pinkney, Nichols, Sherwood, Taintor, Staples, Wilson, Bennett, Jones, Bulkley, Wheeler, Lockwood, Turney, Johnson, Perry, Adams, Andrews, Baldwin, Coley, Dimon, Goodwin, Drake, Ford, Hall, Allen, Hull, Knapp, Hide, Beardsley, Osborn, Rowland, Seeley , Smith, Beers, Churchill, Mayo, Clapham, Nettleton, Palmer, Sturges, Pell, White, Bar- num. Meeker, Bradley, Hubbell, James, Norton, Wakeman, Sil- limau, Ogden, Read, Robinson, Sanford, Rumsey, Taylor and other familiar names. The forceful personality of Judge Jonathan Sturges has re- appeared in several eminent descendants who have attained wide distinction as successful men of affairs, scholars, writers and public servants. A grandson bearing the same name be- came one of the leading merchants of the last century in New York, a generous patron of art, a builder and manager of rail- roads, (President of the Illinois Central R. R.) and a large benefactor to churches, missionary societies, hospitals and other important institutions. This tradition of splendid service has 40 been passed down to members of the present generation who continue to adorn the town and enrich both country and city with innumerable benafactions. Mr. Joseph E. ShejB&eld, for whom the Scientific School of Yale University is named, was born in this town. A prosperous merchant, one of the men concerned in the organization of the New York and New Haven Railroad and the Rock Island and Chicago road, he amassed a large fortune, giving to Yale College and other institutions more than $1,000,000. Thomas F. Rowland who built the celebrated Monitor — the boat which changed the destiny of a nation — was a son of Fair- field ancestors and spent many days as a youth in this place. The name Marquand has been associated with the town since the first Henry settled in the homestead on land now own- ed by the Memorial Library. This was in 1768. The name to- day is widely honored as one suggestive of splendid generosity and devotion to education. Frederick Marquand was a native of Fairfield and like so many other energetic sons of the town became a New York business man. A portion of the wealth which he gathered by a successful career was given into charge of Mrs. Elbert B. Munroe of Southport, Mr. Henry C. Mar- quand, Mrs, Alanson Trask of New York and Mr. D. C. McWil- liams of Brooklyn. This property — managed with great wis- dom and fidelity increased to such an extent that between three and four millions of dollars have been distributed by them to schools, libraries, seminaries, colleges. Young Men's Christian Associations, Churches and other important institutions, Henry C. Marquand the brother became a munificent patron of art, .serving as President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art — a posi- tion which he filled to such purpose that he put the whole country under obligations. In this connection it is pleasant to note that his successor in the place, Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, had intimate relations with Fairfield earlj'' in life and married a lady whose summer home was in this place and whose ancestors were for many generations identified with the history of town and col- ony. And it is also worthy of note that the late President of the Metropolitan Museum of Natural History and one of its Arching Elms 41 g:reatest benefactors was born in the western part of old Fairfield parish and that his successor as President — Professor Henrj- Fairfield Osborn, is likewise a native of this town. A large number of prosperous and enterprising men have been contributed to the world by Fairfield. For generations it was a town well known for its adventurous sea captains — their ships sailing to all ports — their trade a large factor in the life of New England. How familiar are the names repeated many times in various generations — Captain Bartram, Captain Jennings, Cap- tain Burr, Captain Wakeman, Captain Sherwood. Many of these men retired with a competency or with wealth and spent their last days in old homesteads which were filled with treasures gathered from the four quarters of the earth. And the town has been rich in men who shared the characteristic active im- pulse of the typical tradesman and manufacturer— men like O. W. Jones and Henry Rowland whose names are associated with the flouring mills in New York, and John San ford, one of the leading industrial masters of his day, whose sole living descend- ant, J. Sanford Saltus, of New York, has testified his affection for the town by various benefactions. Mr. Henry Dexter, a generous friend and member of the New York Historical Society, contributed the new hall in honor and memory of his son, Orrando Perry, a descendant of an esteemed Fairfield family. The organizer and builder of the American News Company, Mr. Dexter has manifested special interest in the perpetuation of local history, sharing the upbuilding of the Fairfield Historical Society, and enricViing it with numerous and valuable gifts. A VILLAGE OF PLEASANT HOMES. Previous to the American Revolution considerable business was done in Fairfield but during the period following that event, it was known as a place of homes, a quiet, lovely town rich in men and women of character — an old fashioned, ideal, colonial town abounding in good society and intellectual life. Business was transacted in Bridgeport, New Flaven, Norwalk or New '12 York by the citizens of the place. Fairfield invited them to rest. General Parker the Indian chief and soldier who served on the staff of General Grant naturally sought Fairfield as a good place for a home. When the President of the Wheeler and Wilson- Sewing Machine Company returned east, he made his home in Fairfield and it was one of the interesting incidents connected with his home-making here for Mr. Samuel H. Wheeler to discover that he had settled upon the very property which his ancestors had owned and occupied more than two hundred years ago. THE INTEIvLECTUAIv ATMOSPHERE. The strong, rich life of the town has manifested itself not only in the men who have commanded ships, built up great enter- prises, shone as statesmen, attained eminence as teachers, phil- anthropists, soldiers and preachers. A large and worth}^ com- pany of writers have here served their day and generation. Lud- low's Code — the published sermons of early ministers — the six deliverances of Noah Hobart, the doughty controversialist, books which are filled with the learning and passion of a powerful Colonial leader — these are part of New England history. Joel Barlow's ancestors gave the name to Barlow's plain, a portion of l^'airfield ; and the ambitious, witty, buoyant Joel himself haunted the streets of the town, wrote poetry here, studied law, and was admitted to the Bar in Fairfield. His friend the poet, David Humphreys, became a familiar figure in the town, and wrote the elegy on the Burning of Fairfield. Timothy Dwight in his poem entitled "Greenfield Hill," likewise sings his lament over the de- struction of the village. Dr. Sereno Dwight, President of Ham- ilton College, author of the Biography of Timothy Dwight, and numerous other works, was born in Fairfield. Professor Benja- min Silliman, whom Edward Everett called the Nestor of Ameri- can Science, spent childhood and youth in the town of his fore- fathers, gathering strength of bodj' and mind for his arduous in- tellectual tasks. Dr. Atwater, Dr. Lord and Dr. March were all writers of books, some of which attained a wide popularity in A Colonial House on the Green 43 their day. The Rev. Dr. Samuel Osgood, who made his home at "Waldstein," in this town was actively engaged for many years in literary pursuits in addition to pastoral duties. His daughter, Mabel Osgood Wright, the present owner of "Wald- stein," has published seventeen volumns of nature studies and fiction. A goodly company of literary folk, numbering nearly two score, is intimately associated with the old town. These writers cover a wide field of activity in the one hundred and forty vol- umns or mxore which they have published. Innumerable pam- phlets, sermons, addresses, lectures, papers, reports and similar articles must be added to this collection. These various authors W' rote books on theology, horticulture, law, natural history, poli- tics, logic. One writer describes his travels at home and abroad — another writer, Professor Silliman, puts into ten volumes the results of long and fruitful scientific research — a third, President ' D wight, combines religion, travel, education, poetry, history, showing a delightful versatility of mind. There is hardly a de- partment of American literature that has not been enriched at one time or another by some of these workmen. HISTORIC SITES, A committee appointed by the Historical Societ}^ has recentl}' marked certain interesting historic sites. As the village was burned by the British in 1779 the number of buildings which escaped destruction can be counted on the fingers of two hands. But vv^hen the Andrew Ward monument was dedicated twelve markers indicated sites which had particular interest: (i) Oldest House now^ standing in Fairfield — 1720, propert}- of Mrs. Josephine Brown. (2) First Mill — by .side of the inlet near the residence of Mr. Oliver Turney. (3) Homestead lyOt of Roger Ludlow — corner place on Main Street and Benson Avenue. (4) Homestead L,ot of William Ward, embracing the residence property of Miss Annie B. Jennings and Mr. Samuel H. Wheeler. (5) Andrew Ward's Main Street House, adjoin- ing Sherman Parsonage. (6) Site of First Meeting Hou.se, 1644. (7) Burr Homestead, Main Street, occupied by Jehu Burr 1649, 44 and Thaddeus Burr, 1759. (8) Trinity Church — second edi- fice, 1738. (7) Philip Pinckney's Lot — 1653. (^o) King's High- way — 1755. (11) Homestead of Henry Marquand — 1768. (12) First site of Trinity Church — 1725. NOTEWORTHY HOUSES. The six colonial houses now standing in the village — the Tur- ney house a few rods east of the first mill site, the tvvo Hobart houses on the Green, the two Judson houses on Beach Lane and the Redfield house on Mill Plain — are the last reminders of early simplicity in building. THE BURR MANSION. The stately Burr mansion, standing on the site of the former hospitable home belonging to the High Sheriff, (Main Street, west of the Academy), seems to take us back into pre-revolu- tionary days, for Mr. Burr rebuilt immediately after the war and his friend John Hancock assisted him. It was in the old house that Mrs. Thomas Hancock and Dorothy Quincy tarried a good part of the year when Boston was besieged and affairs in that neighborhood were in an unsettled state. Here Mrs. Hancock died only three days after Washington's third visit to Fairfield. Her body lies in the ancient Burying Ground, a stone placed at the head of her grave testifying to the curious fact that Thad- deus Burr put it there at his own expense, although Mrs. Han- cock was a woman of fortune and this fortune is said to have been given to her husband's nephew, the Honorable John Han- cock. It was in the old Burr house that Dorothy Quincy often met Col. Aaron Burr, greatly to the annoyance of her fiance, and the watchful aunt into whose charge she had been given. It was also in the old mansion that the President of the Continental Congress and Dorothy Quincy were united in wedlock — a gay occasion for Fairfield when the terrors of war were forgotten for an hour and the town gave itself up to festivity. A letter written by Thaddeus Burr to a Philadelphia friend The Burr Mansion 45 and preserved in the Emmet Collectiou, now owned by the New York Public Library, refers to the presence of General Lafayette in Fairfield. It is dated the last Sunday of August, 1778 : " The latest accounts we have from Rhode Island are Friday evening last by the Marquis De La Fayette, aid-de-camp, who arrived at my house on Sunday evening on the way to General Washing- ton, He informed me that the determination there was to hold the ground we had got. That General Hancock had gone to Bos- ton to make provision for marching the French troops from there to Rhode Island. That the Marquis was to set out for Boston on Friday to take command of the troops. That it was agreed that all the French fleet which were in a condition to put to sea were immediately to return to Rhode Island. ." One of John Hancock's love letters to his fiancee tarrying at Thaddeus Burr's shows that the President of the Continental Congress did not give all his time to public duties : "My Dr. Dolly, — I am almost prevail'd on to think that my let- ters to my Aunt and you are not read, for I cannot obtain a reply. I have ask'd a million questions and not an an.swer to one. I beg'd you to let me know what things my Aunt wanted and you, and many other matters I wanted to know, but not one word in answer. I Really Take it extreme unkind. Pray my Dr. use not so much Ceremony and Reservedness. Why can't you use freedom in writing. Be not afraid of me. I want Long Letters. Why did you not write me of the top of the Umbrella. I am sorry it was spoiled, but I will send you another by Express wch will go down in a few days. How did my Aunt like her gown and do let me know if the Stockings suited her ; she had better send a pattern shoe and stocking. I warrant I will suit her. . . I Beg, my Dear Dolly, you will write me often and Long Letters. I will forgive the past if you will mend in future. Do ask my Aunt to make me up and send me a Watch String and do you make up another and send me. I wear them out fast. I want some little thing of your doing. Remember to all Friends with you as if nam'd. I am call'd upon and must obey. I have sent you by Doer Church in a paper Box Directed to you, the 46 following things for your acceptance, and which I do insist you wear. If you do not I shall think the Donor is the objection : — 2 pair white silk stockings which 4 pr. white thread I think will fit you I pr. Black Satin shoes, the other I pr. Black Calem Co Shall be sent when done. I very pretty light Hat 1 neat Airy Summer Cloak. (I ask Doer. Church) 2 caps I Fann I wish these may please you. I shall be gratified if they do, I will attend all your Commands. Adieu my Dr. Girl, and believe me to be with great Esteem and Affection. Yours without Reserve, John Hancock. Remember me to Katy Brackett." Dr. Church, by whose hand this letter was brought to Doro- thy Q. , was shortly after expelled from the Massachusetts Assembly, being accused of treason. Confined in prison for some months he was finally permitted to sail for the West Indies. The vessel and all on board were lost. The Burr homestead now called " Garden Court," is the coun- tr}^ seat of Mr. A. Holland Forbes. THE SIIvLIMAN HOME. The Silliman home on Holland Hill was the center of a gener- ous and abundant life. General Silliman, a man of large affairs and varied interests, entertained in true colonial style — his home, the frequent stopping place for distinguished travelers and a favorite rendezvous for the lively company of young gallants and charming girls, thronging the town. Mrs. Silliman, in whose honor the Bridgeport Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution is named, was a woman of fine culture and beautiful spirit. Her journal, giving an account of the burning of Fair- field, the sudden migration of her family to Unity (Trumbull) A Garden View of Sherman Parsonage 47 where Benjamin was born, is a precious and illuminating narra- tive. Prof. Fisher quotes freely from it in his biography of Prof. Silliman. The old house on the hill remains in good state of ])reservation. In a brief sketch Prof. Silliman describes the capture of his father by the British on the night of May ist, 1779. " Between twelve and one o'clock a. m. the house was violently assaulted by large heavy stones banging against both doors, with oaths, imprecations and threats. My father being awaked from a sound sleep, seized two loaded guns standing at his bedside, rushed to tlie front windows, and by the light of the moon seeing armed men on the stoop or portico, he thrust the muzzle of a musket through a pane of glass and pulled the trigger, but there was only a flash in the pan and the gun did not go off. . . In- stantly the windows were dashed in and the ruffians were upon him. . . and he became their prisoner. William, his son, although ill with ague and fever, was aroused from his bed and became also their captive. These rude men, bearing guns vv'ith fixed bayonets, followed my father into the bedroom, a terrific sight to his wife, .she being in bed with her little son. . . The invaders were soothed b}^ my father as if they were gentlemen soldiers and were desired to withdraw from the presence of his wife. They sulkily complied, and my father, by tossing mj^ mother's dress over a basket containnig the sacramental silver of the Church of which he was deacon, thus concealed from them what would have been a rich prize." The tvv^o captives were hurried down to the whale boat, which lay hidden on the shore of Ash Creek, and carried across the Sound. The following year he returned to his home through an exchange of prisoners. SHERMAN PARvSONAGE. Sherman Parsonage (the house with sixt\' closets) was built by Judge Roger M. Sherman, a nephew of Roger Sherman, signer of the Declaration of Independence. The Judge purchased some eight acres of land in the square w^hich had been occupied by Governor Roger lyudlow. Deputy Andrew Ward, Major Na- 48 than Gold, Goodman Staples (whose wife was accused of witch- craft) and other Fairfield worthies. He erected an ample, colo- nial mansion — one of the most dignified and expensive in this part of the State. Here many eminent scholars, statesmen and public servants were entertained and a generous hospitality be- came the characteristic of this beautiful home. The distinctive feature of the mansion, however, was the multiplicity and arrangement of the closets. Mrs. Sherman' s beneficence extended to a wide circle of friends and dependents. The closets scattered through the house contained not only the private effects of the family, but large stores of goods — flannels, linen, cloths, jellies, preserved fruits, garments and similar stuff — which were freely distributed to people in need. When Judge and Mrs. Sherman passed away they bequeathed the place to the Prime Ancient Society for a parsonage. It has been occupied successively by Dr. Atwater, Dr. Lord, Dr. McLean, Dr. Rankin, Dr. Burroughs, Dr. Bushnell and the present minister. The portraits of Judge and Mrs. Sherman, the fine workman- ship of the artist Jocelyn, hang on the wall of the ea.st drawing- room. The Judge's private library is preserved intact and rests behind glass cases in the old study of the east wing. Many of the books are presentation copies containing autographs of Judge Sherman's distinguished friends. One case holds various inter- esting papers, manuscripts, journals, account books, letters and other valuable historical matter. Sherman Parsonage is an attractive, old-fashioned mansion, intimately associated with the best life of the town during the past century. THE GOULD HOMESTEAD. Fairfield has long been distinguished for its pleasant, unpre- tentious homes. The conservative character of old residents expresses itself in houses that are commodious and comfortable standing amid well-kept lawns, which reach down to large, beau- tiful gardens. Velvet turf, graceful shrubbery, trim hedges, Pulpit Rock 49 flower-bordered walks, magnificent shade trees — these adorn- ments impart dignity and loveliness to the town. The Gould homestead is one of the conspicuous places on the eastern edge of the town. The dignified mansion sits on a slight elevation and makes a pleasant impression upon the traveler passing along the King's Highway. For many generations the Goulds have had possession of property in this section of the town. Abraham Gould, however, son of Col. Abraham Gould, moved to Roxbury, N. Y., the latter part of the eighteenth cen- tury. The family traditions concerning active life and natural leadership have been vindicated in the successful business career of Jay Gould, great grandson of Col. Gould, and other prominent workers bearing the name. The house which invites attention was built by Hon. John Gould, an eminent and respected sou of the old stock — Captain, Member of Assembly, State Senator, Railroad Commissioner and U. vS. Marshall for tlie State of Con- necticut. WALDSTKIN. On a rise of ground north of the railroad station the observer notes the shaded seclusion of Waldstein. Fifty years ago Dr. Osgood purchased the rugged, cedar-covered tract, .which to-da)' is a quiet, lovely, rural retreat, suggestive of a close friendship with nature and the spirit of poesy. Winding walks, shady nooks, rocks which bear the names of patriots, authors and artists, summer houses, a lily pool, and an old-fashioned flower garden with its sundials, enhance the charm of the place. As people pass along the street they notice a deep cut inscription on the bold rock which juts upon the sidewalk: "God and Our Country, 1862." This date was put there to commemorate pa- triotic and religious services held during the shock and heat of the Civil War that fateful summer when the rustic house, which tops the rock, was used as a pulpit, while the street below and the field across the way became an audience room where the hun- dreds gathered and gave rapt heed to the eloquent message which fell from the lips of the preacher. The man who cut the inscription enlisted and served his term in the war. 50 THE ROWLAND HOMESTEAD. The Rowland Homestead, which stands near the site of the famous Marine Hotel and the second edifice of Trinity Church, has an air of amplitude and hospitality most delightful. Its gen- erous lawns and old fashioned gardens, its noble shade trees and lovely vistas of the sea impart unforgetable charm. It was from the spire of the adjoining church that little Samuel Rowland, aged ten, saw the approach of the British marching up Beach Lane on a July afternoon, 1779. "Make haste, you young rascal, and get away," shouted one of the neighbors, who had climbed to the lookout that he might observe the enemy. An old chest dis- covered in the attic of the Rowland Homestead recently contained various important ancient documents and some portion of the old town records. The lad who braved the excitement of the hour in 1779 and watched the progress of the foe pushing along toward the Green, became one of Fairfield's efficient and honored ser- vants in later years, holding various ofiices, among them that of Town Clerk during a period extending over forty years. It was the name of this lad's father, Mr. Andrew Rowland, one of the Committee of Correspondence, which was appended to the sheet announcing the battle of Lexington and forwarded to New York, the other Fairfield names being Jonathan Sturges, Thaddeus Burr and Job Bartram. ROUND HILL. Fairfield is diversified by numerous hills, the prospects from whose summits extend many miles over sea and land. Round Hill, which has been converted into a beautiful park by Mr. Frederick Sturges. is an objective point for all lovers of fine scenery. It was an old signal station during the ages of the In- dians' sway. Fires often blazed their warning messages from its vantage point. Keen eyes at night may see a dozen beacons off in the Sound shining their cheer and help from the lighthouses placed along our shores. 51 MAILANDS. Osborn Hill is crowned with the commodious country seat of Mr. Oliver G. Jennings. This large stone mansion with its com- manding tower, broad facades, lofty-pointed roofs and ample porticoes is the noteworthy feature of the landscape as the traveler passes up and down the country. The estate covers many acres of field and forest, upland and lowland, wide spread lawn and elaborate gardens — one of the loveliest and most attractive places on the sea coast of New England. There is a tradition that the hill was once the abode of a rabid Tory whose bitter hatred and offensive conduct aroused the sus- picion and alarm of the neighboring patriots. After the war he was said to have disappeared raysteriousl}'. The hill was another favorite resort of savage tribes and might tell strange tales of Indian rites, customs and conflicts. GREENFIELD HILL. Greenfield Hill lies to the northwest, the white slender spire of the Congregational Church making a landmark most useful to men on the sea and adding its touch of beauty and repose to the scene. It was from the spire of the meeting house on Greenfield Hill that Major Tallmadge often watched the movements of British ships and directed some of his secret service work done as one of Washington's trusted agents. VERNA FARM. The conspicuous and substantial red brick mansion which shines amid its environment of charming fields and noble trees is the Bronson home. Verna Farm is an estate of broad acres and commanding situation, long associated with an honored famih'. Mrs. Bronson and her daughter, Mrs. Griscom, wife of the American Ambassador to Italy, reside at the Embassy in Rome. Mr. J. Kelly Robinson, a prominent financier and capitalist of New York, made his country home at Verna Farm for several years before his recent death. The mansion stands on ground which was once the homestead property of Dr. Timothy Dwight. 52 HOIvI^AND HEIGHTS. Holland Hill or Heights is intimately associated with the his- tory of the Silliraan family. Here the Rev. Andrew Eliot fled when driven from Fairfield after the burning of the town. When Mrs. Silliman returned to her home on the withdrawing of the enemy she writes that she found it ' ' full of distressed people whose houses had been burned, and our friend, Captain Bartram, lay there a wounded man." There were eleven slaves in the Silliman family and the pastor of the parish was the owner of two. Many of these colored people disappeared during the war. They were kindly treated by their masters, but the fortunes of war made great changes in the customs of the people. It is said to the credit of these Connecticut slaves that many of them fought in the War of the Revolution and stood loyally with the patriots receiving afterward their due reward. Mlhh HILIv. Mill Hill is another point of vantage overlooking the sea. Lovely homes adorn its broad acres. A daily panorama unrolls before the fortunate dwellers here as they gaze upon the multi- tude of ships which pass up and down the generous waterway. SASCO HILL. The harbour at Southport is guarded on the east by Sasco Hill, a piece of headland projecting boldly into the sea. This elevated, attractive portion of goodly acres includes another region of homes where the skill and devotion of men vie with nature in making the landscape beautiful. GROVER'S HILL. The hill which lies near to the extreme east of the old Fairfield Parish has already been described as the location of a fort during the war of the American Revolution and the war of 1812. Schoonhoven Park, which now embraces the modest eminence The Southport Congregational Church 53 once associated with war, secret service and traditions of adven- ture, has become a quiet, lovely retreat graced by lovely homes, around which cluster man}' pleasant associations. WITCH HIIvIv. There are legends of a Witch Hill, the elevation on which the poor woman convicted of witchcraft in 1653 was hanged. It has been a difficult matter to identify this place. The little hill which slopes down to Ash Creek is sometimes pointed out as the historic spot. ' ' I hav^e been fished withal in private more than you are aware of," said the forlorn sufferer, as she was taken to the gibbet, " but I must not return evil for evil." When death came and the body was lowered affrighted women searched for witch marks and according to oft repeated stories detected these telltale witnesses. ' ' Never, never, was a poor creature tempted as I am tempted. Pray, pray for me !" These words rang in the public ear for many a sad day. STURGES HOMESTEAD The residence of Judge Jonathan Sturges occupied the site cf his ancestor, the first John Sturges in town, situated opposite the present St. Thomas Church. It was in this house (which was burned in 1779) that Paul Revere spent the night when on his way from Boston to New York with despatches for General Washington. Jonathan Sturges, the grandson, purchased the estate on Mill Plain, now owned by his son, Henry C. Sturges, Esq., and erected a Gothic cottage, employing a famous land- scape gardener to lay out the grounds. It became one of the famous popular sights in Connecticut, numerous visitors travel- ing to Fairfield in order to see the rare, fine work which had been done by this pioneer artist in landscapes. ^^J- CHURCHES. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST, First Congregational Church— 1639. Rev. Frank S. Chii.d, D. D., Pastor. The parish of the Prime Ancient Society originally embraced the Entire town of Fairfield whose boundaries were Stratford on the east, Redding on the north, Norwalk on the west and Long Island Sound on the south. The Established Religion of Con- necticut was Congregationalism until the adoption of the New State Constitution in the year 181 8. During this period the Church was supported by taxation like other State Churches. An historical tablet, designed by Tiffany and containing the names of the ministers and the dates of their pastorates, has been recently placed in the vestibule of the Church, a gift of Miss Jennings. TRINITY CHURCH— 1724. REV. Edmund Guii^bert, D.D., Rector. The first Church edifice was erected in 1725 on Mill Plain. In 1738 a second edifice was reared near the center of the village "on the highway near the old Fields Gate." This house of worship was burned by the British in 1779. The third structure was built on the Green at Mill Plain and dedicated on the 5th o^ September, 1790. The fourth edifice to serve the members of Trinity Parish was erected in Southport, situated a mile or more from Mill Plain. The congregation continues to worship in this dignified, commodious house of God. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF GREENFIELD HILI^-i725- REV. Edgar H. Olmstead, Pastor. This is the third parish set off from the Prime Ancient Society. The chaste, old-fashioned Meeting-house, the fourth edifice placed in the midst of the little Green on the hill, stands as one Trinity Church 55 of the historic aud conspicuous landmarks for all this region. It was from this point of vantage and the spire of the second edifice that Major Tallmadge, one of Washington's aids who had charge "of a particular part of his private correspondence," observed the movements of the enemy along the Sound. BAPTIST CHURCH OF STRATFIELD— 1761. REV. William Swanson, Pastor. The sanctuary crowns a little hill which divides the highwaj^ leading from Bridgeport to Easton. Although situated on the edge of our neighboring city, this is essentially a rural parish with the traditions and customs of the olden days. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF SOUTH PORT— 1843. Rev. William H. Holman, Pastor This Church — one of the various offshoots of the Prime Ancient Society — was organized in 1843. The members of the congregation worship in the second edifice whiph they have reared. The beautiful granite structure, dedicated February 2nd, 1876, makes a generous contribution to the noteworthy attractiveness of the town. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH— 1856. Rev. Allen E. Beeman, Archdeacon of Fairfield County, Rector This parish was organized some twenty years after Trinity Church removed from Mill Plain to Southport. The shapely edifice in which its members worship has been transformed by the grace of luxuriant vines into a temple of beauty, adding charm to a street and neighborhood called unique in loveliness among New England villages. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF SOUTHPORT— 1860. Rev. E. F. Lounsbury, Pastor. The present edifice is the second one built by this society. It is a symmetrical brick structure pleasantly located on Pequot avenue and was dedicated in 1898. 56 ST. THOMAS CHURCH (Roman Catholic.) Rev. Thomas J. Coleman, Rector. The first edifice erected by this congregation was destroyed by fire together with the adjoining rectory and school building in the winter of 1892. The present edifice was erected during the year 1893. It is a commodious structure built of red brick — an adornment to the town. A large congregation is serv'ed by the Church, the parish embracing territory extending from Bridge- port to Westport and far back in the hill country. FAIRFIELD EAST PARISH. In 1690 thirty-three taxpayers of Fairfield and thirteen from Stratford asked the General Court of Connecticut to be exempted from paying minister's rates to these resjective parishes. Four year later the Court gave these people permission to organize a Church. The Meeting-house was erected on what is now called Park Avenue, half the site being acquired from Fairfield and half from Stratford. This first offshoot of the parent stock is known as the First or North Church of Bridgeport. WEST PARISH OF FAIRFIELD. People of the West Parish of Fairfield received permission of the General Assembly to embody themselves in a Church estate in 171 1. This was the second withdrawal of members from the parent Fairfield Parish in order to form a new Church. The Green's Farms section of the town united with contiguous terri- tory on the west and north to form the town of Westport. Dr. Ripley was the honored pastor of this Church from 1766-7 to 1 82 1, a learned, distinguished and patriotic minister. Chan- cellor Kent of New York, referring to this honored friend, tells how "the British incendiaries on the morning of the 8th of July swept over the village of Green's Farms and destroyed all the houses for near a mile in succession ; among others the house where I had slept on the Tuesday evening preceding, and the house of the Rev. Dr. Ripley, and the Meeting-house in which St. Thomas's Church 57 that excellent man used to preach." In some reminiscences Dr. Ripley mentions the fact that he accompanied General Washing- ton to Fairfield when he passed that way to assume command of the American Army at Boston. The General and his companion alighted at Bulkley's Inn on the Fairfield Green. While they were standing in front of the tavern, waiting for their horses, Washington conversed with Dr. Ripley on public affairs and passing his finger through the buttonhole of the minister's coat said that if the Americans could prolong the contest for one year he believed they would ultimately succeed, because in that time arms and ammunition could be obtained and they would be invincible. FAIRFIEIvD FRESH AIR HOME. President Franks. Child, D.D. Vice-President W. H. Donaldson, M.D. Secretary and Treasurer Amory E. Rowland, Esq. This beneficent institution has co-operated for seventeen years with the Tribune Fresh Air Fund in giving happy vacations to the children of poverty in New York. Nearly two thousand lit- tle girls have enjoyed its hospitality and inspiration. It is sup- ported by the free gifts of many friends. A handsome and com- modious house was built by popular subscription for the Associa- tion during the winter and spring of 1906. A pleasant beach house near the sea makes a rendezvous for the children when they play in the sand or bathe in the salt water. This beautiful charity has brought much brightness and healthful cheer into hundreds of narrow, pinched, desolate homes. The Home was transformed into a Convalescent Hospital in the autumn of 1898 and filled with sick soldiers returned from the Spanish- American War. 58 THE CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL. Finance Committee Rev. Frank S. Child Miss Annie B. Jennings Oliver G. Jennings Mrs. E. L. Wells Amory E. Rowland Mrs. William B. Glover Committee on Supplies Rev. Allen E. Beeman Mrs. Henry S. Glover Rev. T. J. Coleman Mrs. Henry T. Bulkley Ward Committee W. H. Donaldson, M.D. Mrs. James O. Wright S. M. Garlick, M.D. Mrs. Henry C. Sturges AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS— Fairfield Branch. President Hon. John H. Perry Secretary Mrs. G. B. Bunnell TrEAvSURER Miss Mary B. Kippen During the Spanish-American War the Red Cross Society was tireless in its efforts to aid the sick and wounded among our sol- diers. Large contributions of money and supplies were forwarded through the National Society to places of need. When the con- valescent soldiers sent over from the camp at Montauk Point were received into our Fresh Air Home the Fairfield Auxiliary redoubled its energies and rendered all needed assistance. When the National Society was re-organized recently a few members of the former organization in Fairfield met and re-organized in har- mony with the suggestions of the Washington authorities. The local Auxiliary is now prepared to help in time of fire, plague, flood, war or disaster of any kind. A great work of humane min- istry is achieved through this organization, its fraternal activities reaching unto the uttermost parts of the earth. Fairfield Fresh Air Home 59 AUXIUARY, No. 29. As a matter of historical interest the names of the officers and committees serving Auxiliary, No. 29, and the Children's Branch during the Spanish- American War, 1898, are recorded as follows: Mrs. H. S. Glover, Chairman Miss M. F. Sturges, Secretary Miss Mary B. Kippen, Treasurer Executive Committee Mrs. A. E. Beeman Mrs. E. W. Harral Mrs. Oliver G. Jennings Mrs. H. C. Sturges Mrs. F. S. Child Miss A. R. Jennings Miss S. B. Nichols Mrs. James O. Wright Mrs. J. H. Hewit Miss Alice Bartram Miss Emma F. Wakeman Mrs. S. F. Mills Miss Annie B. Jennings Mrs. Charles Clucas Mrs. Simon Bradley Mrs. M. C. Pierce Miss A. O. Morehouse Mrs. A. P. Hinckley Mrs. Howard Wakeman Cutting Committee Mrs. H. C. Sturges, Chairman Ways and Means Committee Miss Mary B. Kippen, Chairman Purchasing Committee Miss Emma F. Wakeman, Chairman Entertainment Committee Miss A. O. Morehouse, Chairman Mrs. F. S. Mills, Secretary, pro tem. Miss Emma F. Wakeman Children's Auxiliary Helen E- R. Glover, Pres. Theodora M. Child, Vice-Pres. Annie A. Sturges, Treas. Eleanor Hewit, Sec. 6o THE DOROTHY RIPLEY CHAPTER OP The Daughters of the American Revoi^ution Founded in 1893 Regent Mrs. Edmund Guilbert Vice-Regent Mrs. George B. Bunnell Recording Secretary Mrs. E. E. Wells Treasurer ;; Miss Lottie E. Lacy Corresponding Secretary Miss Abbie Peffers Historian Mrs. Nehemiah Perry Registrar Miss Cornelia Pomeroy This chapter has been liberal and industrious in patriotic ser- vices. Frequent contributions to local and national movements mark the years of its history. Perhaps its most notable work is the elegant granite fountain which was reared in 1903 on the small plat near the Southport Post Office. The day of its dedication will be long remembered. A great company of friends and citizens assembled. Eloquent addresses were delivered. The Wheeler & Wilson band rendered appropriate musical selections. Such gifts not only quicken local pride and add to the dignity of a town. They also enrich life and serve the helpful social purposes. Memorial Fountain, Southport 6i THE EUNICE DENNIE BURR CHAPTER OP The Daughters of the American Revolution Founded 1894 Regent Mrs. Frank S. Child Vice-Regent Miss Emma F. Wakeman Recording Secretary Miss Emma E. Brown Corresponding Secretary Miss Loretta B. Perry Registrar Mrs. Francis H. Brewer This patriotic society named in honor of Eunice Deunie, the accomplished wife of Hon. Thaddeus Burr, has been an efficient contributor to the well-being of the town. The marking of his- toric sites, the commemoration of historic events, the encourage- ment of patriotism in our public schools, the care of God's Acre where rest the forms of many Revolutionary soldiers — these are some of the helpful services which the Society has rendered the town. For twelve years the Chapter has conducted an Independ- ence Day celebration on the Green at ten o'clock in the morning — an occasion which has proved most delightful and inspiring. The Society has a room in the second story of the Memorial Library which is furnished and adorned with many interesting articles and heirlooms. The addresses gathered into the volumn entitled "An Old New England Town," were prepared and delivered by request of the Eunice Dennie Burr Chapter and the book is dedi- cated to the members of the Society. 62 FAIRFIEI.D MEMORIAL LIBRARY Founded 1876 President Oliver G. Jennings Vice-President Frank S. Child, D.D. Secretary Rev. Allen E. Beeman Treasurer Amory E. Rowland Librarian Miss Emma F. Wakeman Assistant Librarian Miss Eleanor B. Morehouse Library Committee Chairman, Frank S. Child Secretary, Allen E. Beeman Henry C. Sturges Mrs. Mabel Osgood Wright Wm. A. Wheatley Miss Annie B. Jennings Mrs. Wni. B. Glover House and Grounds Committee Chairman, Charles B. Jennings Samuel H. Wheeler, Wm. H. Donaldson, M.D. Finance Committee Chairman, Oliver G. Jennings Henry S. Glover, Amory E. Rowland. This library was organized and incorporated in 1876 through the inspiration and leadership of Mr. Morris W. Lyon, who gave most generously to the institution and cherished it with unswerv- ing fidelity during the later years of his beneficent life. Although called by its founder a memorial of our national independence Fairfiei-d Me:morial Library 63 and other important events, it is really a memorial of Mr. Lyon, witnessing to his local patriotism and his spirit of noble helpful, ness. Associated with him in loyal co-operation when the library received its charter was Rev. Samuel Osgood, D.D., the first President of the Board, Captain Isaac Jennings, Rev. James K. Lombard, Mr. Oliver B. Jennings, Mr. Samuel Morehouse, Rev. E. E. Rankin, D.D., and Mr. John Glover. The edifice which now serves the association, built by popular subscription, was dedicated on the afternoon of June eleventh, 1903. A large and notable company was present on the occasion and addresses were made by Rev. Samuel Hart, D.D., President of the Connecticut Historical Society, Prof. Henry Fairfield Osborn, Ph.D., of Columbia University, Prof. William E- Phelps, Ph.D., of Yale University, Hon. John H. Perry, President of the Pequot Librar)^ Association, Southport, and ex- President Timo- thy Dwight, D.D., EE.D., of Yale University. The library is free — supported by the gifts of friends and pa- trons. It is open six days of the week. The assembly room on the second floor is given to the uses of the Fairfield Flistorical Society for their collections, and is also used for lectures and public meetings. FAIRFIELD BEACH AND THE BATHING PAVILION. Directors of the Association President, Oliver G. Jennings Secretary and Treasurer, H. Edwards Rowland Edward W. Harral, Frederick Sturges, Samuel H. Wheeler. This beach has been a favorite resort of pleasure tor genera- tions. The Beach Association was organized 1886. A convenient and commodious club house was erected and members of the association enjoyed its privileges. In response to public wishes the building has been enlarged and a second house added to the plant. The assembly room on the second floor of the large pavilion affords facilities for dances, suppers, concerts and amateur dra- matic performances. 64 PEQUOT LIBRARY, SOUTHPORT Founded 1894 President < Hon. John H. Perry Vice-President George Bulkley Secretary C. O. Jelliff Treasurer R. P. Curtis Librarian Miss Josephine Heydrick Assistant Librarian Miss Frances D. Gleason In 1894 this library, built and equipped by the munificent gen- erosity of Mrs. Elbert B. Monroe, was opened to the public. Named in commemoration of the Pequot fight, which waged in sight of the spot on which the edifice stands, it has become a treasure house of precious books which have to do with Ameri- can history. A rare and unique collection has been gathered at a great expenditure of money and service — one of the most valu- able and illuminative along certain lines which the country affords. The library contains more than 34,000 volumes. The building standing in the midst of a generous and beautiful lawn — the former homestead of the late Frederick Marquand and the former home of his niece, Mrs. Monroe — is a splendid adorn- ment to the town. The library is free to all citizens, admirably conducted, and a great educative force. "Fortunate, even among New England towns," observes Judge Perry, "is this of ours, and, I am persuaded, also worthy. It only remains for us to show appreciation and an increasing wide-spread intellectual blessing is assured." Peouot Library, Southport 65 SASQUANAUG ASSOCIATION, SOUTHPORT Organized 1887 President Mrs. John H. Perry First Vice-President Miss Frances Wakeman Second Vice-President Mrs. Roderick Curtis Secretary Mrs. Wilbur C. Jennings Treasurer Mrs. H. H. Perry This association has for its object the improvement of South- port. During the years of its service the society has been a most loyal contributor to the health, safety and attractiveness of the village. It has raised large sums of money which have been ex- pended in laying pavements throughout the village and in light- ing its streets, draining portions of the town, adorning various sections and rendering the place more healthful and beautiful. The association holds a considerable sum of money given by living donors or left by will for its good purposes. It has also built for its members and patrons a large bathing pavilion on the South port beach. THE VILIvAGE IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY, FAIRFIELD Organized 1901 President Benjamin Betts Vice-President Miss Mary B. Kippen Secretary Rev. Allen E. Beeman Treasurer Miss S. E. Betts This Society has been a helpful agent in fostering various good 66 works. The chaste, substantial fountain near the Memorial Library, is one of the valuable contributions made by the Society. The sprinkling of the main street during summer, and the placing of lights where they were especially needed, has also been done under the direction of this association. The work of village improvement was inaugurated many years ago under the efficient leadership of several prominent citizens. Through the generosity of Mr. Frederick Sturges a ver)^ import- ant task in drainage was done and much accomplished for the better sanitation of the village, Mr. Sturges also constructed several miles of excellent macadam road which he continues to keep in fine condition. The late Frederick Brouson was likewise a benefactor — macadamizing the highway between Southport and Greenfield Hill. Mr. Oliver G. Jennings is a third contributor to this form of public progress — macadamizing the highway be- tween Osborn Hill and the main street — a kind of service and benefit which appeals to all classes of men and wir s universal praise. The town owes a great debt to her public-spirited citi- zens who have given freely their abundant means and their per- sonal interest and devotion in behalf of numerous helpful works. The macadam road between Ash Creek and Southport was built largely by private subscription. The East Cemetery, recently enclosed by a substantial stone wall and fence and made attracti\e by macadam roads and patriotic watch-care, bears witness to this prevailing loyal impulse. THE COUNTRY CLUB, GREENFIELD HILL Incorporated Feb. 226., 1902. President Nellis H. Sherwood Secretary Mrs. D. B. Adams Treasurer J. Nelson Hutchinson This organization has enjoyed a remarkable prosperity, start- ing in a modest way and expanding in its usefulness until it has become one of the most popular and profitable institutions in the The Fairfield Fountain 67 town. The development of a pleasant, healthful social life, the encouragement of legitimate sport, the fostering of agricultural and horticultural interests and the general uplift of rural life — these are the chief ends in view. The founders and supporters of the Club have achieved their aim. One of the delightful fea- tures of each autumn is the Fair conducted by this organization on their grounds — an event which has come - to be regarded as important to a wide extent of territory — an event which draws together the largest number of people accustomed to assemble in any part of this region. THE GRANGE, GREENFIEED HILL Master Simeon Pease Lecturer Frank H. Whiting Secretary D. Frank Brown Treasurer John P. Morehouse THE CONSUMERS' LEAGUE President Mrs. William B. Glover First Vice-President Miss Annie B. Jennings Second Vice-President Mrs. Samuel H. Wheeler Secretary Miss Bessie L. Child Treasurer Mr. J. Biting Deyo Auditor Mr. William A. Wheatley Associated with the Officers as Members of the Executive Board Rev. Allen E. Beeman Rev. Frank S. Child, D.D. Mrs. James O. Wright Mrs. W. H. Hinckley 68 AUDUBON SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT For the Preservation of Birds Founded at Fairfield, Jan. 28th, 1898 President Mrs. James Osborne Wright (Mabel Osgood Wright), Fairfield Vice-President Mrs. Edward Livingston Wells, Southport Rev. Allen E. Beeman, Fairfield Mrs. Morris F. Tyler, New Haven Honorary Vice-Presidents Mr. John H. Sage, Portland Mr. Chas. S. DeForest, New Haven Mrs. Nathaniel Wheeler, Bridgeport Mrs. E. Livingston Wells, Southport Rev. Edmund Guilbert, D.D., " Mr. Charles M. Oilman, " Hon. John H. Perry, " Miss C. M. Milbank, Greenfield Hill Mr. Jonas B. Kissam, " " Mrs. Thomas K. Noble, Norwalk Hon. E. J. Hill, Mrs. Melbert B. Carey, Ridgefield Hon. P. C. Lounsbury " Mrs. E. L. Scofield, Stamford Miss Maria W. Averill, Danbury Mrs. J. L. Fauton, " Hon. F. J. Kingsbury, Waterbury Secretary Mrs. William B. Glover, Fairfield Assistant Secretary Miss Fanny B. Hincklev, Fairfield ScHooiv Secretary Miss F. A. Hurd, South Norwalk Treasurer Miss Mary B. Kippen, Fairfield Executive Committee Mrs. Samuel H. Wheeler, Fairfield Mrs. E. L. Wells, Southport Mrs. Morris P. Tyler, New HaYcn Mr. WillardG.VanName, " Mrs. C. K. Averill, Bridgeport Miss Grace R. Moody, " Mr. Howard H. Knapp, " Mrs. Catherine M. Spaulding, B'port Mrs. Walter M. Smith, Stamford Miss Katharine A. Wilcox, Westport Mrs. Chester H. Brush, Danbury Miss F, A. Hurd, South Norwalk Mrs W. D. Bishop, Jr., Hon. Morris B. Beardsley, " Mr. Chas. K. Averill, Charles C. Godfrey, M.D., Geo. L. Porter, M.D., Mr. David F. Read, " Mrs. Oliver G. Jennings, Fairfield Mrs. Henry C. Sturges, " Mr. Samuel H. Wheeler, ' ' Mr. Henry S. Glover. " Rev, Frank S. Child, D.D., " Mrs. Nehemiah Perry, " Miss Laura G. Jones, Hartford Miss Mary B. Kippen, " Mrs. James O. Wright, " Mrs. W. B. Glover, Mrs. H C. Sturges, Miss Fanny B. Hinckley " Rev. Allen E. Beeman, " Miss Lottie A. Lacey, Southport Mrs. Edmund Guilbert, " Mrs. Howard N. Wakeman, S'port Mrs. W. H. Holman, Mr. William Smith, South Norwalk The Gould Homestead 69 This is a vState organization, but Fairfield has been its home and headquarters from the inception. Many of its officers and active workers live in the town. The splendid work which the Society has done m the matter of general nature study is well known as well as for bird protection. By means of lectures, pic- tures, pamphlets, traveling libraries, public meetings and untir- ing officials it has proved to be a royal friend to birds and men. THE GOULD HOMESTEAD— SUMMER HOME FOR WOMEN The daughters of the Hon. John Gould bequeathed their Homestead and the major portion of their estate to Charles B. Jennings, Rev. Frank S. Child, Hamilton S. Shelton and Samuel M. Garlick in trust for the purpose of maintaining "a free Sum- mer Home for white, unmarried Protestant females, between the ages of eighteen and fifty years, who may be wholly dependent upon their own labor for support and residing in the County of Fairfield." This Home — which commemorates the distinguished services of a family connected with the history of town and colony since the years of first immigration to Connecticut — continues in char- acteristic way the generous ministrj^ of this eminent line of public benefactors. FAIRFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY Members of the Executive Council President Frank Samuel Child, D.D. Vice-President Henry Cady Sturges, Esq. Secretary Rev. Allen Everett Beeman Treasurer Samuel Hickox Wheeler William Hanford Burr John Hoyt Perry Oliver Gould Jennings Winthrop Hoj't Perry Milton Silliman Lacey Amory Edwards Rowland 70 This Society was organized at a meeting held iu the historic Sherman mansion on June 17th, 1902 — the one hundred and twenty-seventh anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill. Its object is to foster a spirit of local and national patriotism by pub- He meetings, historical research, the marking of interesting sites, the publication of papers and documents, and the collection and preservation of old letters, journals, books, furniture, garments and heirlooms handed down from an honorable ancestry. One of its- first tasks was the copying of "Volume A" of the Land Records belonging to the town. This book was rapidly disintegrating. At an expense of $350 a copy of the ancient book was made, an index was prepared and the completed work presented to the town at the annual meeting Monday, October 2nd, 1905. Another work of importance which has engaged the Society is the platting of the town. The history of each homestead lot — the names of successive owners — the character of the building located upon the property and other interesting details — such is the work of platting the town. The initiative has been taken in erecting a monument to the memory of Roger Ludlow the founder of Fairfield. The Society has issued seven publications — its regular Annual Reports, the Commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Fairfield Academ}^ and a Hand-Book of Local History. A museum of antiquities has already been established in the second story of the Memorial Library where the Society holds its public meetings. Numerous valuable and suggestive gifts have been received. Friends are cordially invited to co-operate in the work. The Society has a membership of more than two hundred citi- zens and well wishers. The need of a separate, fire-proof build- ing, devoted exclusively to its purposes, is to-day imperative. An endowment for the support of such an institution has been started by the generous bequests of three deceased friends. The Society promises to become one of the most important educational factors in the life of this rich, historic section of New England. Mill River Ford 71 BIBUOGRAPHY. Colonial Records of Connecticut. Town Records of Fairfield. Records of the Prime Ancient Society. Schenck's — History of Fairfield. Guilbert's — Annals of An Old Parish. Address on the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of Pub- lic Worship in Fairfield. Hobart's — First and Second Address to the Members of the Episcopal Separation in New England. Todd's — Life of Joel Barlow. Todd's — In Olde Connecticut. Centennial Commemoration of the Burning of Fairfield Historical Sermons of Hewit, Humphrey, Atwater, Rankin and Child. Fisher's — L,ife of Prof. Benjamin Silliman. Davis' — Memoirs of Aaron Burr. Dwight's — Travels in New England and New York. Barber's — Historical Collection. Trumbull's — History of Connecticut. Hollister's — History of Connecticut. Lossing's — Field Book of the American Revolution. Todd's — Genealogy of the Burr Family. Wakeman's — Genealogy of the Wakeman Family. Child's— An Old New England Town. A Colonial Witch. A Puritan Wooing. An Unknown Patriot. Friend or Foe. The House with Sixty Closets. Wright's — The Friendship of Nature (Pictures of Fairfield Scenery). Wright's — Flowers and Ferns in their Haunts (Descriptive of Fairfield Flora). Beers' — John Jones. Beers' — Judge Roger M, Sherman. 72 Perry's — The Great Swamp Fight in Fairfield. Perry's — Andrew Ward, An Historical Sketch Child's — Ministers in the Prime Ancient Society. Centennial of the Fairfield Academy. Annual Reports of the Fairfield Historical Society. Unveiling of the Andrew Ward Monument. Laying of the Corner Stone of Fairfield Memorial Library. Dedication of Memorial Library, 1903. Report of the Fairfield Fresh Air Home. Report of the Fairfield Fresh Air Hospital for Convalescent Soldiers. The Sixth Sanctuary. Mrs. Kate E. Perry's — The Old Burying Ground of Fairfield. Town's — Detail of the American Revolution. Taylor's — Roger Ludlow, The Colonial Lawmaker. History of the Pequot War — Contemporary Accounts of Mason, Underbill, Vincent and Gardener — Reprinted from the Collec- tions of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Memoirs of Col. Benjamin Tallmadge, prepared by Himself. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of Connecticut. Beardsley's — History of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. Hinman's — Connecticut in the American Revolution. Bulkley's — Mill River, Southport, Reminiscences of the Past. Higgings' — Dorothy Q. Hancock. Beers' — Major Nathan Gold. Mill's — Manuscript Notes on Fairfield. Mill's — Notes for Meeting of Colonial Dames at "Mailands," Oct. 1 2th, 1905. Child's — Major Nathan Gold. Memorial of Nathaniel Hewit, D.D. Memorial of Heman Humphrey, D.D. Atwater's — Address on Judge Roger M. Sherman, Auxiliary, No. 29 — American National Red Cross Relief Com- mittee. Sturges' — Social and Intellectual Life in Old Fairfield. Todd's — History of Redding. Saved from the Burning, 1779 73 Kurd's — History of Fairfield County. The Fairfield Gazette (1787). Child's — "A Church of the Established Religion in Connecti- cut" — "Being an Historical Sketch of the First Church of Christ and the Prime Ancient Society of Fairfield," Commem- orating the Two Hundred and Seventieth Anniversary of Public Worship in Town. The Southport Chronicle. The Fairfield Record. The Weekly Times. Manuscripts — Genealogical, Descriptive and Historical — belong- ing to the Fairfield Historical Society. Osborne's — Captain Samuel Smedley. 74 The Rev. Andrew Eliot, A. M., to his father, the Rev. Andrew Eliot, D. D. "Fairfield, May 21st, 1778 Rev. and Hon'd Sir : Can 3^ou think it ? On Monday Evening in Election Week — In Hartford, the Capital of the State — in the Court House — the place where the Fathers of the Senate meet — at the most public time, and in the most public manner, was acted Tancred and Sigismunda, by the Junior Sophister Class of Yale College, who had been forbidden to act the same at Glastonbury (where they have lately studied) and who embraced the opportunity of vacation and secured the Court House for the purpose. To this succeeded a farce of their own composing in which Gen 'Is Burgoyne and Prescot were intro- duced. To keep up the characters of these Generals, especially Prescot, they were obliged (I believe not to their sorrow), to indulge in very indecent and profane language. The audience consisted of the Gentry of Hartford and the vicinity, and a number of strangers, among whom were Dr. Rodgers and Mr. Tennent. These Rev'd Gentlemen were much offended at the profane language introduced What adds to the illegality of the affair is that the actors were not only dressed agreeable to the characters they assumed as Men, but female apparel and ornaments were put on some, contrary to an express statute. Besides it cost the lads sixty p' unds ster- ling to prepare for the exhibition." .... %^*^^*fft3* BSrt::::i£S? ••i^Zir*"'.'' S^ ' MiLiv Plain Green 75 THE BURNING OF FAIRFIEI^D." By Timothy Dwight. On yon bright plain, with beauty gay," Where waters wind and cattle play," Where gardens, groves and orchards bloom," Unconscious of her coming doom," Once Fairfield smiled. The tidy dome," Of pleasure and of peace, the home," There rose ; and there the glittering spire," Secure from sacrilegious fire." And now no scenes had brighter smiled," No skies, with purer splendor mild," No greener wreath had crowned the spring," ■ Nor sweeter breezes spread the wing," Nor streams through gayer margins rolled," ' Nor harvests waved with richer gold," ' Nor flocks on brighter hillocks played," ' Nor groves intwined a safer shade." ' But o'er her plains, infernal war" ' Has whirled the terrors of his car," ' The vengeance poured of wasting flame," ' And blackened man with endless .shame." 4^"'%^*e^™ THE F"AIRriEUD fRINXIIMO CO. F-AIFtF-ieLO, CONN. Lh JL 03 FAIRFIELD Ancient and Modern A. Hand Book: of Uocal History By FRANK SAMUEL CHILD IllUiStrated Rairfielcl Historical Society Connecticut IQOQ •^_ o; ^r -3^ ^. -i-.' ;':^ \[r * »"■ '-'i>^'. .-2v 4^ /^%f/^>„ ^^ A^ .^ cK^>M,/Za° v.^^ .s^"-. .<^- .^ o , 5 , ' ,0 0' ^' A^-" o V o t .^' -i- .nO- V' -?► 0' A^ ,0 .^^^^-, v^"' "'^, V-^ <' o o ,^^ .^^ "> V K^ .-^c 0' ■^ }',-x\)y -1^ ."v- ..^■ o. o o ^^>5^.' i^^'-n^ ,. f?- ,^ o > ^ -^^^^Af^ _^[C^ A-' ■iy- ry^ ' <, & ,-J^ .^' ^^. ^■ ^> v^- <^, <^ -^ o V -^^ o o 0^ i "^^ 1^ N. MANCHESTER. ^ ^o 1 .0 .^^