4^ < -,^ /#3£^ ^ ^^ <^ ' o „ o ' ^' ,-*- t* 4 q^ - ^'' '>>' •^. .^V^^ <$^ * . . ^ O THE <^H VAN HOUTEN MANUSCRIPTS A Century of Historical Documents AssessmGi Lists, Unrecorded Deeds, Vendues, Inven- tories, Bonds^ Letters, Accounts, Pleadings in Law Suits, and other Papers Relating to Men and Events, Manners and Customs, in the Olden Times in Paterson and Vicinity. Selected and Edited, with an Intkoduction, By WILLIAM Ni I,SON. PATERSON, NEW JERSEY. 1894. One Hundred Copies Printed. 9k ' CONTENTS. Introduction : — "Out of the Depths," ix Sketch of Gerrebrandt Van Houten, xii A Century of Historical Documents : I. Taxpayers and Taxes in Saddle River Township, 1807, - - 3 II. Inventory of Personal Estate of Michael Enoch Yreeland, de- ceased, 1784, 11 See also pp. 48, 49, 60. III. "A List of the Vandue of the goods and Chattels of Garrit H. Garritse, deceased, this Sixth day of October, 178G," - - 13 IV. " A True and perfect inventory of All and Singular the Goods and Chattils rights and Credits of Henry Garritse Late of Weasel in the County of Essex, and State of New Jersey Deceased Made this Eight Day of November 1809," - - - - 14 For otlier papers relating to Henry Garritse, see pp. 38. 70, 88. V. Assignment of a Share in a Mine on Lands of Jacob Van Winkle, 1787, 15 VI. Vendue of Goods and Chattels of Peter Bush, of Totowa, 1813, - 15 VII. A Saddle River Militia Company, 1811, . . . . . ig For other papers relating to the Militia, see pp. 115, 128, 167, 168. VIII. A Father's Trust in his Children, 1806, 19 IX. The Days of Slavery in New Jersey, 20 See also pp. 114, 157, 16.3, 164, 165. IX*. Bill of Peter Simmons, Harness Maker and Shoe Maker, 1793-6, - 29 X. Deed for Part of the Old Vault in the Former Dutch Church Cemetery, Near the Valley of the Rocks, 1817, - - - 29 XI. Vendue of Goods and Chattels of Cornells Westervelt, 1814, - - 30 For other papers relating to the estate of Cornelia Westervelt, see pp 119, 121. XII. Division of a Fence between Garrabrant Van Houten and Hartman C. Vreeland, 1830, 31 XIII. Mary Ryerson to John Doremns — Privilege for a Tail Race, 1790, 32 At or near North Paterson. XIV. Auction Sales of Books in Paterson, 1814, 33 XV. Bill of Costs for Private Legislation, 1787, 35 XVI. Bills of Post Riders for Newspapers, 1794, 1797, 1800. - - 35 XVll. Bill of Adrian Van Riper for Blacksmith Work, 1799, - - - 36 See also p. lo7. XVIII. Bond of Pieter Van Houte, 1731, 36 XIX. How Horse Trades were made in 1805, 37 XX. Papers relating to Henry Gerritse, Collector of Essex County, 1781, 38 IV XXI. Bill of Snle for Goods and Chattels, by David Mcllroy, 1813, 46 XXII. Letter from David Mcllroy, IH 1 3, 47 XXIII. Bond of Michael Euochse Vreeland, of Claverack, 177(1, - 48 XXIV. Bond of Michiel Enochse Vrt eland, of Claverack, 1771, - - 48 XXV. Legal Opinion as to Disposal of Chattels of Michael E. Vree- land. 1784. 49 See also pp. .^^>-6". XXVI. Accounts of Henry Garritse, Juu., Adniinistratnr of Michael E. Vreeland, 1784-8, 49 XXVII. Vendue of Goods and Chattels of Michael En. Vreeland, - 60 XXVIII. Papers Relating to Dispute as to the Boundary Line between Ac(piuckanonk and Newark, 1792-5, <)2 XXIX. Keceipts for United States Direct Taxes on Carriages, etc.. 1813 1817, 65 XXX. Award of Arbitrators, Garrabrant Van Houten vs. John Wood, 1818, ------- . - - 67 XXXI. BillofT. B. Crane, for Saw-Mill Work, 1812, - - - 69 Crane's saw-mill occupied part of the present site of Adams' silk-mill, on Van Houten street, nearly opposite Cross street. XXXII. Unrecorded Quit Claim Deed . to Lands at Acquackanonk. Henry Garritse, Sen., to Henry Garritse, Jun.. and John H. Garritse, 18(»o, 70 X.XXIII. Bond of Kichard Dey, Relative to Lands near Little Falls. 1791, 71 See also p. 106. XXXIV. Lease of Part of Abraham Van Houten's House, 1818, - - 71 This house was on the south side of Broadway, nearly opposite Mul- berry street, where the stables of the Patersou Railway Company now lire XXXV. Affidavit for a Capias, for being called a Thief, 1827, - - 72 XXXVI. Award of Arbitrators, Abraham R. Lynsen vs. Daniel Dod. 1801, 72 See also p. 83. XXXVII. Gerrebrandt Van Houten's Bill against the Paterson and Ham- burgh Turnpike Company, - . - - . - 73 XXXVIII. Contract for Sale of Timber on the Wailis Tract, on Hamburgh Avenue, 1814, - - - - - - - - 75 XXXIX. Henry Godwin's Bill for Suits Brought by Him before Justice Van Houteu, 1810-14, 76 Godwin kept a country store at the corner of Bank and River streets. XL. Declaration in a Suit against Paul Rutan, Constable, for Alleged Neglect of Duty, IKK », - 79 A very unusual procedure. XLI. Unexecuted Mortgage on Lands near Two Bridges, 18 iJ, - 79 XLII. Papers Relating to John Neatio, 1813 15, - - - - 80 Nealle lived on Totowa and owned laud near Little Kails. See p. 2s. XLIII. Lease of Lauds at Slooterdam, IH'24, 83 XLIV. Agreement between Daniel Dod and Abram R. Lynsen, 1803, - 83 See also p. 7'J. XLV. Return of Unpaid Taxes, Saddle River Township, 1812, - 81 XLVI. Unrecorded Deed from Henry Storms to Peter J. Van Allen, for Lands between Totowa and Wagara, 1797, - - - 85 Storms kept a tavern many years in and near Paterson. This deed conveys land in Manctiester, east of Haledon avenue. XLVII. Unrecorded Deed from John J. Ludlow to Henry Garritse, Jun., for Lands at Wesel, 1770, 88 On the Wesel road, near Clifton. XLVIII. Commission of Gerrebrandt Van Houten as Justice t.f the Peace, 1803, 89 XLIX. The Vendue Book of Goods and Chattels of John Amon, 1812, 90 See also p. 104. L. Papers relating to a Duel Fought at Ramapo over a Paterson Beauty, 1823, - - 91 LI. Unrecorded Bargain and Sale Deed, John T. Hennion to Gerrebrant Van Houten, for Hennion's Interest in Lands at Wesel, 1807, 94 Hessel Feterse lived on the Wesel Road, near Market street. LII. Unrecorded Quit-Claim Deed, Michael Vreeland to Henry Garritse, Jun., for Salt Meadow Lot, 1801, - - . 94 LIII. Unrecorded Deed, Hem y P. Kip to Gerrebrant Van Houten, for Salt Meadow Lot, 1812, - 96 LIV. Letters from Stephen Baker (son in-law of Cornelius Van Winkle), Relative to Paterson Property, 1827, - - 97 Baker and Adrian \'an Houten married daughters of Cornelius (Walling) Van Winkle, who owned the Island and several acres ad- jacent on West street, and westerly from the river to Broadway. LV. Lease of a Grist Mill, at Oldham, Gerrebrant Van Hotiten to Charles Oakley, 1821, 98 LVI. Letter from the Rev. William Brush relative to the Pastorate of the Second Reformed Dutch Church. 1833. - - - lOd See also pp. 168-177. LVII. Injunction directed to Benjamin Brundred, in relation to Race- way at Oldham, 1833, 100 Soon after this Brundred removed hia machine shop to Paterson. LVIII. Bill of Gerrebrant Van Houten against the First Reformed Dutch Church of Totowa, 1827-28, 101 See also pp. 168-177. LIX. Vendue cf Grass, by Cornelius Kip, 1805, - . . . 101 LX. Account for Repairing the Totowa Dutch Church, 181G. - 102 LXI. Petition of Abraham Ryerson for Renewal of his Tavern License, 1819, 103 I'roliably near Preakness or Pac(|uauac. LXII. Articles of John Amon's Vendue. 1812, 104 See also p. 90. LXIII. Contract by Gerrebrant Van Houten. 1818. - - - - 104 LXIV. The Cost of a Trip from Preakness to Genessee and Back, 1806, 104 VI L\V. Copy (if Lease, Gorrebrant Van Houten to .Ii)hn Bruce, 18i:?, 105 For part of the old stone house on Water street, between Allilon anil North West streets. hXVl, Agreemeut by "The People of Totowa" to Prosecute Richard Dey. 18U7, - - Iu6 lAVir. Hill of Adrian Van Riper, for Blacksmith work, 1808-1809. - 107 For another siinihir bill, see p. 36. LWIII. Price of Staves at Paterson Landing (now Passaic), 1809, - 1' 8 L\l\. Unrecorded Deed, John Dorenius to Peter Van Aulen, 1810, - 109 For land near the Uldhani (luairy. LXX. Papers relating to the Estate of Dr. James Van Beuren, of Pater- son, 1802-4, 110 See also p. 138. LXXl. Summary Trial of a Negi-o for Larceny, 1805, - - - lH lAXil. Return of a Miliiia Company, 1811, 115 Thi.s Company was apparently composed of residents of Upper Preak- ness. Lower I'reakness and Pacciuanac. LXXIII. The First Quarry at Haledou for Sale— An Old Handbill. 1H15, 115 LXX1\'. Bill for Stone from the Haledou Quarry for the l-ir.st Bank Building in Paterson, 1815, IIG The "Old Hank" part of the Imildin;^ is still standing, about 215-219 Main street. lAXV. An Order for Work on the First Paterson Bank, ISlC, - - 117 lAXVl. Account with Adrian Van Houten, 1792-3, - . . . 117 LXX VI I. A Suit for Legacies, Robert Hinchman vs. Duncan Monroe, 1824, 118 lAXNlIl. Power of .Vttorney, Samuel Delamarter toGerrebrant VanHouten, 180;», 119 Henjaniin Delainater lived on Kearny street, just north of Doreinus street, in a small frame house still standing. lAXIX. Papers relating to the Estate of Coi-nelins Westervelt, 181('> - 119 See also p. 3(i. LXXX. Suit for Trespass, Avery Richards vs. William W. Ryer.son, 1827, - - 121 lAXXl. Suit on a Tavern Bill, Halniah 11. Van Hoiiteu vs. Hannah Dey, Admx. of Richard Dey, dec'd, 1813. .... 121 LXXXIl. Receipt for Legacies, by the Hens of Richard G. Van Houten, 1813, 125 lAXXIII. Unrecorded Deed from Francis Van Iderstine to Henry A. Van Blarcom. for Lands near Oldham, 1807, ... 126 lAXXlV. Papers relating to the Militia Service, 1793, 1S06, 1808, - 128 LXXXV. Vendue of Goods and Chattels of John H. Garrison, 1810, . 129 L.XXXVI. List of Pews S
By deed dated October 29, 1724, the heirs of Major Brockholst convej'ed to Dirck Van Houten, brother of Roelof and Jacob, what appears to have been Lot No. Two, a tract of 313 acres next east of Lot No. One, for £312. Dirck Van Houten (son of Helmigh Roelofse) had children : 1. Gerrcbrant, b. about 1712 ; m. Jannetje Sip; will proved. 1789. He was a member of the Bergen County Board of Justices and Freeholders, in 1776. 2. Halmagh, b. about 1714 ; m. Antje Post ; will dated November 18, 1783 ' proved Jnnuary 30, 1784. 3. Martje or Marrietje (Mary), b. September 25, 1715 ; m. Johannis Thomasse Van Riper. 4. Jannetje, b. April 19, 1717 ; m. Halmagh Sip. 5. Dirck, b. December 24, 1722. 6. Jacob, b. August 22. 1724. By his will, Dirck Van Houten devised most of his lands on Totowa to his sons Gerrebrant and Halmagh. They had already begun to acquire other tracts on their own account. On April 5, 1751, they received a deed from David Ogdeu for 100 acres, which they "took up" at "the mountain between Wegraw and Pai- ekeniss beginning at a birch tree marked on four sides standing at the meeting of two small brooks called Palm brooks, which bears from Bare mountain South- west and on the north side of Pompton Road that leads to Acquackenock," etc. By deed dated December 27, 1768, the executors and devisees of Henry Brock- XIV hoist, Into of Pouipton, son ami heir of Major Anthony BiockhoLst, conveyed tfi Gftrrebrandt Van Houten, Martin Ryerse, Halmagh Van Honten and Abraham Godwin, a tract of six hundred and thirty-eight acres, being the most easterly portion, or Lot No. Three, of the Totowa patent, and lying between Clinton and Marion streets, the river and the monntain. The consideration named was tl.Ht 10, New York money. (The tract between Marion street and Red Woods avenue was included in Lot No. Three, but had been C(mveyed July 20, 17o4, by Henry Brockholst to the llev. David Murinus. The Dutch church plot had been also ccmveyed, in 17G2.) In the spring of 17G'.t this latter tract was surveyed and partitioned, according to a map in the writer's possession, found among the Van Houten Manuscripts. Abraham Godwin conveyed part of his lot on March 29 17G'J, to the two Van Houtens, and on January 23, 1772, conveyed the rest of his lot to Gerrebrandt Van Houten, who thus became the owner of the tract along the river, from Clinton street to Marion street (in the Valley of the Rocks), and from the river to Doremiis street ; excepting, however, the Dutch Church plot, and 11 nan-ow strip (2.72 chains front and rear, and 19 chains deep) of five acres immediately west of the Doremus homestead. It is believed that in 1769 Gerre- brandt Van Houten removed from Totowa and 1)uilt below the hill, erecting the eastern portion of the present Doremus homestead. As already stated, he died in 1789. It may be noted here that his personalty was inventoried and appraised, April 7, 1789, at £398 15s. Gd., or $99G.93. His funeral expenses were not ex- travagant, footing up just $10.43. His illness was probably brief, as Dr. Philip Dey's bill was only $3.37. Gerrebrandt Van Houten and Jannetje Sip had children as follows : 1. Dirck, or Richard ; m. Marytje (Mary), daughter of Abraham Thomasso Van Riper, of Belleville; her mother was a daughtt-r of Richard Broadberry, ac- cording to family tradition. There are delightfully vague rumors of untold millions locked up in a mythical "Broadberry Estate" in England awaiting Ameri- can claimants. 2. Adrian, b. October 9, 1755 ; m. Elizabeth, daughter of John R. Van Houten, of Totowa ; he died intestate, and Gerrebrandt Van Houten (his father) and John Van Houten were appointed administrators, October 21, 1782. 3. Matje, m. Cornelius R. Van Houten. 4. Garretje, m. Michael H. Vreeland. By his will, Gerrebrandt devised the bulk of his homestead farm to hisoldest sou, Dirck. Dirck or Richard G. Van Houten and Mary Van Riper had children: 1. Gerrebrandt, b. November 2, 1770 ; m. January 30, 1791. Jannetje (b. December 19, 1774), daughter of Henry Gairitse, Jun. (van Wageninge), and Hillegont Van Winkle. Her father was one of the leading spirits of the Revt)lu- tion in this neighborhood, and was Collector of Es.sex County in 1781. 2. Jannetje, b. March 31, 1775. 3. Antye, b. September 11, 1776. 4. Abraham, b. March 23, 1778. 5. Maria, I . • i at i o i"oi 6. Genitjo. f twins, b. March 8, 1 <81. XV 7. Adreyaen, b. December 7, 1782 ; died in infancy'. 8. Adreyaen fA.driaa K. — "Molly's Yuen"), b. March 2, 1784; died February, 1855. 9. Neesye, b. August -1, 1788. From Richard's will, dated August 13, 1810, proved March 27, 1811, it ap- pears that his son Gerrebrandt was alreadj' in the occupancy of the Water street propertj', and that he had also received from his father 111 acres in the Singack. His father devised to him fifteen acres adjoining the land on which he then lived (in Water street), and twelve acres of woodland in the "flat swamp." Gerrebrandt Van Houten was fi'om early life prominent among his fellows, not only because of his large possessions, biat by reason of commanding abilities. He seems to have had a taste for military life, being elected Ensign of a militia company in 17U3. Subsequently, owing probably to an accident, one of his hands was crippled, and we find him excused in 1808, on that account, from military service. It was doubtless due to the same disablity that his handwriting was exceedingly crabbed. He carried on a general country store at or adjoining his residence, for ten or fifteen years, i^rior to 1818. It is probable that his store was in the western part of the old stone house, or in a frame extension. In 1822 it was removed, and the present large and commodious stone residence was erected, adjoining the original building still standing on the east of it, and which is believed to date back to 1769. He was appointed by the Legislature in 1803 one of the Justices of the Peace of Bergen County, and during all the j^olitical changes of later years he was regularly reappointed as long as he lived, being also chosen one of the Judges of the Bergen County Court of Common Pleas for most of the same perioi. His dockets were carefully kept ; so were all the ■writs and pleadings in the countless suits brought before him. The "orders" given on his store were filed away on a string behind the door, where they grew yellow and brown in the course of years, as the great "wad" grew thicker and thicker. That he was generous and accommodating is evidenced by the innumerable "orders ' and notes cashed by him, M'hich were never redeemed, all going to fill the old barrel, and ultimately to be brought to light in this form. He was one of the earliest promoters of the Paterson and Hamburgh turnpike. When the old bridge across the river, at the foot of Bank street, was washed away in 1810. he was active in having it rebuilt. He was the leading spirit in causing North Main street to be laid out and opened, and the Main street bridge to be erected on the present site in 1827. His name was on every subscription list, for public enterprises, private charities, and the support of his church-first the Old Dutch Church of Tctawa, and later the Second Keformed Church. It is a signifi- cant fact, moreover, that his subscriptions are always marked "paid." He not only gave the site for the Second Reformed Church, on the northwest corner of Water and Temple streets, but was the largest contributor in cash, and had de- clared his intention of paying off the debt of $2,600, when a stroke of apoplexy ended his life the very day after he had made this announcement. Being regarded by everybody as a successful business man, of the strictest integrity, he was often selected to be the agent, administrator or executor of estates, which accounts fo^" many of the papers in this collection. The poor and needy, and those in troubF XVI of any kind, tnrneil confiilently for help to Judge Van Houten, sure of a sym- piitbi/.ing beftrt and u helping hand. Although often named for public otiice, it does not appeal- that he ever luspired to anj' position which would take him away from home ; but as a good citizen he was read}' to do his share toward rightly administering tbf- town iiflEiurs, as constiible in 171(6 ; township lussessor, from 1H07 to 1815, inclusive ; town clerk, from 1818 to 1825. inclusive ; overseer of the highway, in 1823, and town committeeman, in 1830. Having been one of the first subscribei-s to the stock of the Paterson Bank, in 1815, and having managed so well the varied trusts committed to his care, it seemed natural that he should be chosen Piesident of that institution, when a man of judgment and meiuis was needed to restore the shidien confidence of the public. For seveial years he held this position, at the modest salary of $5lO yeiuly, contributing not only his timi' and ability, but hu'gely of his personal re- sources, to sustain the Bank, amid all sorts of discouragements, until the burden became too onerous even for his equanimity, and he finallj' told the cashier to ''close it up," on June 2, 1829. Every obligation of the Bank was honorably met, as everybody expected would be the case with such a man at the head of its affairs, although no one ever knew at what personal sacrifice to him. As inti- mated above, Judge Vsin Houten died suddenlj- of apoplexy, on March 11, 1831. Only the night before, he had declared that the next day he would nudce his will ; but the man who had wi'itten hundreds of wills for others left none himself. His death was a shock to the community in which he was held in such universal re- spect. A portrait of the Judge, taken about 1820, and now in the possession of a great-gianddaughter, Mrs. William Nelson, shows him to have been a man of good build, probably of average height, with fine, intelligent countenance, open and smiling florid complexion, hair once brown, turned to grey, smooth- shaven face save for a tuft of whiskers high up on each cheek, hazel-brown eyes, and altogether an attractive-looking man. The Palerson Inielligencer, of Mtu-ch Kl, IH-'Jl, thus announced the death of Judge Van Houten : "At his residence in Paterson, on the 11th in.st., GaiTabrant Van Houten, Esq., aged (>0 yeiu's, 4 months and 9 days. He had been considerably indis- posed through the winter, and most of the time confined to the house, but for some days previous to his decease seemed rather convalescent, inso much that during the afternoon of the day, in the evening of which he died, he walked a short distance from home, and attended as usuid to the transaction of liis official business. On his return he partook of supper with the family, and retired U^ bed ajjpareiitly as well as he had been for some time ; but about 9 o'clock he was found to be indisposed and speechless, and in a few moments expired. By his death a breach has been made in a hu"ge circle of relatives and friends which will not soon be forgotten. The church of which he was a member has ex- perienced lui irreparable loss, and the couimuuity at large become dejn'ived of a vigilant and ])rudent magistrate." His children were : 1. ^laria. b. June 14. 1791 ; m. John li. Berdan, who lived in Bergen coun- ty, on the road from Broadway to Wagaraw ; she died Januiu-y 12, 1862. xvn 2. Hillegont, b. June 24, 1798 ; died young. 3. Catrenau (Cuthurine), b. March 31, 1800; died in infancy. 4. Catrenai; (Catharine), b. June 13, 1806 ; ui. Kalph Doremus, June 1, 1825 ; he was b. July 16, 1797 ; died November 18, 1886 ; she died March 6, 1874. She had two children — twins — Henry C. Doremus and Francis E. Doremus, b. July 15, 1828. Heni-y C. Doremus m. Ann Eliza Banta, Oct. 28, 1850 ; d. May 23, 1889, in the family residence on Water street, leaving two children — Annie Ger- trude, wife of Frank D. Vreeland, M. D. ; and Salome Williams, wife of William Nelson. Francis E. Doremus siarvives his brother, and is unmarried. 5. Helen, b. in 1807 ; m. George John Ryerson, of Manchester ; died June 23. 1847. Upon the death of Judge Van Honten, his three sons-in-law were appointed administrators, March 22, 1831, and the estate was partitioned among the three daughters. The old homestead was allotted to Catharine— Mrs. Kalph Dore- mus — and so it was that the familj' papers were retained by her, then by her children and her grandchildren, until they were at last broiight forth "out of the depths." A CENTURY OF HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS. Olden Times in Paterson and Vicinity. TaXPAYEKS ANT) TaXES IN SaDDLF. ItlVF.li ToWNSHII', 1S(I7. Note.— In iso" .SjuMIp River Township pmimiced tiie territory now included in Wayne and Manchester townsliips, Passaic County; also the First and Second Wards of Paterson, in the same county; and the present township of Saddle River in Bergen County. The fol- lowing list is interesting, as showing the taxpayers in that extensive district, and for the other statistics it gives. " A List of the Ratabi.er of the Township of Sadpi.e River, in the County of Bekgen and State of New Jersey, Taken in the Month of August EifJHTEEN Hundred and Seven with the Assessments Thereon. " PERSON NAMKS. 1 i o, 50 100 30 6 ■e "c. c 06 100 130 S 6 3? e u ■jj 05 a; a lU 1« 1 6 * 00 1 * c '3 Si Peter A. Hopper X Mathew Cronk " Walter Kendrirk 4 1 David llnul .lubn Coonie hou sin seh gle ol e ma d... n... William Rogers 15 3 1 '1 llenrv Cococor Oliver Cannon sin hou g'e sell ma le n. . Thomas Addv ' .. 1 2 4 d .lohn Morfalh 20 90 Charle Malligun .... si a hou gle seh niH ole n.. . llarkles Kachhorn 1 4 2 der John Sliarman 10 '46 30 6 10 fif) 30 30 30 46' 50 Ifi 80 15 ■■3' (ieorge ii. Doremus... Abm. R Sanford James Dods ;-; - Thomas Dods 1 Widow Cane William I'icker (iill)ert Lach Jacob Packer 30 'is' 40 100 25 50 7 3 3 4 "3' 4 2 3 3 3 4 3 loon W. Packer Aron A Post hou seh ole (iarrct A. Post John 1. Ackcrinan ... David 1. Roniin RoloHRomin Aiii-. J. Van llouten. .. ....!.... ...!... 1 . , , PERSON'S NAMES. o 3 •a o. S 6 •20 6 20 40 240 12 ioo' a a •a o. S a & 1 a t 0) s \<- e 6 y. 'E a to a i a N "5 .a '.J fed a Cors. J. Van Hoiiten... 18 io' 30 40 3 4 3 "4 4 I 3 9 .... Jacob A I. Vau Saun.. 1 Jobn S. Vau Winkle... 2 Rich-d Uesray Henry Doieiiins ... 1 1 Old hOU seh er.. 7 .lolin Van Hlorcom — 40 62 10 80 47 20 14 2 3 3 4 .') 4 H . 1 .... Franc I). Ryerson 11 .... I)avi0 8 13 17 C 7 3 12' '35' "\b io 12 16 '4' •) 3 4 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ."> 1 4 ... .... ... 1 1 ■■■ ... 4 1 ^ 6 4 3 1 ••• .... Mersele V. Geson John H. Gerretson Henry 1. Gerretson — Benj. UUmorter John G. Van llouten... I---- ' Ilnnlpl 7clit1' .... Uanlel /.ellir, Jr James Leriu' .... i 1 \"' an . Henrv H. Doremus 2.') 2"i 2 2 .... |. .. ■- I 1 PERSON'S NAMES. a. 'a a c4 £ 35 2 23 16 25 25 rr. 13 a 03 ij ■a a a D 40 K 2 .a 4 a ■ft — n c be « a 0) '5 be n S John Corter Johu Mier David Speer 2 Widow C'ocoro Jolm Carloh 2 2 3 4 1 Ilaramas Carlob I'eter Tise Siu gle ma n .. Isaac 1). Van Blarcom 35 13 25 105 2 2 2 2 1 Thos. Dobbs 1 gle GaiTCt J. Kenneon Sin ma n . . RoleC U. V Houten 40 2 32 is" 1 1 1 1 1 David R.V Ilouteu 1 John Waldronn Sin gle ma n .. Henry B. Speer, Esq.. . 120 120 5 9 1 4 1 Benjamin ^peer Saly McClean 60 6 35 150 14 2 ■ 25 2 25 105 43 20 3 4 2 4 1 2 7 2 4 Gris oris tMi tMi Her Her Andrew Van Orden 1 11 2 2 6 100 130 100 133 I'O 90 140 152 50 '20' 110 50 100 45 45 3 3 3 5 4 2 5 4 1 4 3 5 11 4 5 7 8 1 — 1 1 1 .Ho use ho! der. '26* 50 100 'e' 3 30 60 70 60 4 3 2 1 2 6 9 3 2 2 1 1 Widow Van Riper Richard Van Riper, Jr. Uenry Schoonniaker. .. 2 1 1 Jolin L,ypisick( Leipzig?) 14 2 3 2 7 1 8 1 2 2 2 40 20 20 30 .lames Lyons 1 170 4 1 50 40 9 128 100 * ■ 60 3 3 2 8 4 2 3 6 4 2 1 Corn. Merscle, Esq 100 100 6 3 John I. Westervelt 60 174 100 '54' '20 2 5 2 1 1 2 1 Jacol) Berdan Jacob Berdan, Jr PERSON'S NAMES. •a a ft S 150 76 130 10 '36' 50 50 197' 15 100 100 5 50 50 50 100 '•252 100 170 75 •25 llOO 100 n "O S •0 "ft S 40 50 •20' 2 4 4 3 "2 S 7 6 4 2 1 m a a S 'g 1 2 3 CO u St s :^ S 2 OS s c 00 > ft a s (Janet Viiu Wajrner 1 1 1 lUiiclr Hciilan 1 1 lliclianl .1. Hertlan Jolm C. \aii liiper 1 Widow (iarritsoii John 1'. tierretson 5 8 1 Jolm (ienetson, Jr (iarret J. Gerrotson 50 5U 14' 10 (Jai'lit. Uarretson 4 3 6 4 6 ' 1 Coiiicl. Van KipiT (;eiifi (;. (ierrcison 2 (JL'rrel (JL'rretsoii CiMTc'l C. Van lUper.... 2 2 2 2 4 8 3 4 4 3 4 2 2 3 1 4 9 7 5 4 2 5 4 John \'an Horn .... 1 1 TiKPiiuis \'an Horn Kichaid \an Horn 1 Willow Zaljrise 1 1 1 1 I'rv \'an Riper '■2 lop Car r'ge 1 Isaac Vreland Tlionias Uodmia .... Henry DornuH 1 I'eter H. Donnus Andrew Codniis 1 (;oruelus Cadtnis Mai lie w Speer 1 Coriielis J. V Hoiiten .. 100 i9o' 48 4 68 45 56' '25 25 5 11 1 Joti. C. \'an lloiiien Henry C. V Honlen .. Peter C V Hoiiteu I'eler Van Busseni 2 4 1 Andrew Van Uussem .. liariie Speer 2 2 1 David KouKl 1 James C. Heniarest {;iiarles I)el)auu 1 mU John A. Post 2 2 Gr. and saw ler 1 Widow Post 40 John Devow 2 1 David Devow 1 Widow (larretson 70 40 4 6 1 Jaiii's Deniarost 1 Sin gie ma Tiiiiess \'an IJusem ilaiiiiiie-» Van Busem .. 60 18 •27 75 25 •20 100 4 1 3 8 1 Joseph (lilpin ie' 2 2 4 1 (JariH't C Post 1 t'v . . . . .loll. ,1. Heiry 40 3 2 1 4 .) (iai)iil hou sho Ider liorne C. I'oriiius 48 41 20 20 50 10 12 2 1 Martin \. lloiiff itoberc Mort\;j Widow 1. \'an Kiper... David Ilcnneou <> 3 3 1 1 I'oter Ivowe .... 4 1 2 hou sin sho gle Ider ma 1 I'eter I). Iloiiiieou .... 1 William Colfax, Ksq... 23 . . fi 21 1 - 1 1 diaries Kurd 2 1 1 .... hou hou hou sin sin hou hou hou hou hou sho sho sho gle Ider Ider Ider uia 1 1 .Joseph Thomson David llofTiiu 1 J'eter llowan .lohu Richards 1 1 4 1 Thomas llavc'ock sho sho Ider Ider liler 1 •lolui Tites .lacoi) Titts Tunes '1 iles .lolin Mead 20 20 60 250 Mariiii I. Kyeison 140 iru Ider rne hou sho I'ettr Schvlor 3 4 12 15 2 6 8 2 1 ... "{' Philip Schvler 1 Ahr. Croiik hou .loll. Crowter 25 142 2 3 1 Edward .Ions 1 hou sho Ider .John .loliiison 96 25 5 83 4 6 • 1 I'eter Crowter 1 .lames Mci 'obv David 1. Han [uion ?]. . . '46' io" 11 20 21 5 1 .lacuii Itiker .Jr I hou sho Ider 1 Zekel Miller David Allen . . I'lOlOlf Post Es(| .... 10 10 40 20 10 40 1 .lepty Crane Hi 2 14 1 [ 1 1 12 13 1 ■•; .. .I 10 I'KHSON'S NAMKS. to •e a £ 39 7 6 69 C a 'c. a i o a3 d C3 . X o "3 CO 1 s p 2 e c > 35 o a o be « be « be B o Kldreli Voiks Aiitney l-ines (luiTfl York Kuciiien Doriiuis Wiiluw Vui-k .loliii I'.rower 1 oili'wick 1) Marke.... 3 3 is' 15 • bou s'bo itier ... Kioird IK'V, Ksq I't'isoii Dey Jolm (iambrunt Dunes (Uiialtrani Josliep .Sigler, Ksq Walling .1. Van Wiukle, 1 2 5 1 sin gle ma 31 10 10 :o no 50 •JOO ? 1 John JiUiis Jecolius .laiiK's .IticolUK's.. Willuii i.iii.-iley SiiiU'Oii Doroiu Al)r. HvL'i^on. K.s(i.... 13 4 top car r'ge Wi'low V.Ness .. Petr ('(irter William Ityevson AVilliaiii Sinitli 30 70 lis 1 35 40 30 10 250 3 3 8 1 hou sbo Ider Zilyes Meail, Jr •• ' 4 5 2 2 14 Jacob K. Meatl .- ! Ileal vMeail j 17 1 5 top car r'ge 16 n... siu sin gle 4ic nia ma 1 n.. . 20 ICO 94 75 2 3 3 3 2 5 3 6 (Jorge llveison, Jr. forueles Westervelt.... (jarret A. V. Riper.... Abm. V. Hiper Ablii. Kversoii. Jl' ' (iorge 1.. Hyerson 76 .... 2 6 3 13 2 2 3 9 10 2 3 Al)r. (i. Hyerson 6 1 1 1 l{oleir Jacol)iis.... 275 25 Widow V. Ness Aiitiicv Mandville.... (larrcl V. Delioor 90 50 3' 5 1 1 1 1 cow cow- cow cow hou sbo Ider Henry V. Ilonlen ..... 20 liou sbo Idor 50 25 Willow .lacobiis Henry C Uornius HF, 2 4 sin gle ma n.. . John Kesied 411 2 3 ... 11 PERSON'S XAMKS. •a 05 s ft 3 6 o c ci p 3 a OS 2 o to o 33 o a 3 d CS 6 05 > 1- ft a 611 35 be a 2 be o a Ri'd Bush 1 Henry Terliune TO 34 55 150 46 46 4fi 40 2 3 "h' 2 1 1 Abr. I. Blowvalt 1 1 Corn Rertner ....|.... 1 Cor. Demot i .loll. Doniot 30 ;iO 1 1 .lacol) Doniot ....|.... 1 saac Mead > John Mead 1 - 11. IXVEXTOUY OF PERSONAL EsTATE OF MiCHAEL EnoCH VjiEELANT), DECEASED, 17^^-1. " SEPTEMBER ye 22nd, 1784. ".V True and Perfect Inventory taken of the moveble estate of .Michael En Vreeland Decesed. and apraised liy (iarrit T. Speirand Coinelious Dejrraw." the broon mare £6-0-0 the fo.\ eolt 70-0 tlie baemare 3-o-o the black inare 4-0-0 the Rad cow 5 0-0 the lad in wite cow 4-10 the Rad in wite hitlir 3-0-0 the rad hilllr 4-10 4 Sheep. . 3-4-0 1 waggon 6-0-0 llooin 300 1 (juellon weel in wolpcn bar in rak — 10-0 4 barrels 0-16-0 2dong forks 0-7-0 1 canth hook 0-1-6 2crakcls 3-6 1 pith fork 0-1-6 1 fann 0-2-0 1 .""caft rand o-l-O 1 plaffges .Slay or o 3 barrels toio-o 1 washen tob o-3-O 1 hock Set 0-3-0 la^•hlob 0-2-0 2milkt)b.^ . 0-4-0 2 Shorns .-0 2 cellers 0-.-. 3 pals o-.-O 1 barrel o-.-o 1 wood bole 0-3-0 2 Stone pots 0-3-0 7 casks <'-7-0 1 wash tob 0-4-0 1 lie cask 0- . - . 1 cask 0-. 3 wood bols 0-.-. 1 milk tob o-.-o £.^i-109 12 4 bees hife with bees In honny £3-0-0 I 6emty bees liifc 0-60 1 Spout 0-1-0 1 Rrin Stone oho 1 cask Otio ti cnity bees liife o-5-O s barrels o ■'> o 1 Side 0-1-1 2 liek eels o-4-o 1 Scaft o-lo 1 tray 0-1-6 1 garter loom 0-1-6 1 bell 006 1 cross cut Saw o-io •J •^nicks 14-0 'J aufrers Cii-6-o •Jlookin glass £0-14-0 1 bad in bolster in plllers 2 blanket 4-0-0 1 bad in ;! blauket 0-10-0 1 bad Stad 0-6-0 1 cradle o-3-O 1 dye toll 0-1-0 1 wollen weel CO-4-6 1 cobberd 5-0-0 1 table £0-6-6 a pickters o-2-6 1 cask o-i-o 4 cliars 0-7-0 1 bad in bolsters o-8-O 1 blanket 0-16-0 2 green blankets i-o-O 1 Sjlree.. o-l-o 2 plains 0-4-0 1 bed in bol Stres in ;; pi Hers :i blankets 1-4-0 0-1-6 1 bad Stad 0-6-0 1 plain 2 gutters 0-10-0 1 Sattel bad 0-8-0 4 Suioodin plains 0-4-0 2 bols o-i-o 4 Small agges 0-6-0 " puter plats o-T-0 1 fox trap 0-16-0 4 puter platters o-l-o 1 Spliten nife o-3-o 1 tea put, 3 cups in caser o-.-. 2 liris winibals " o-io 3 puter basens 0-4- . 1 trowel u-1-6 1 puter pint niog o-l-o 1 Stone pick 0-1-0 IT Sllisels 0-7-0 5 gouges 0-2-0 1 hammer o l-o 1 gimli' 1.0 1 cumpe- 0-1.0 —dies 0-1-3 —beads plains 2-0 1 ban Sea w 1-0.0 1 dra wen nife o-3-O 1 s(|uar 0-2-0 CI 2- 16-9 14 spools tO-T-O 1 ratti-1 o-.'i-o 1 lantcr 0-1-6 2 reed in gars 0-16-0 £24-18-6 2 arten Platters £0-i-o 1 candel Stick o-o-o 2 arten liaseus 0-1-6 1 puter bole o-l-o 4 basket o-2-O 1 bible 0-7-0 1 arten basen 0-0-6 thirteen liundred in thirty puts 0-16-6 I 3 clefen bolte in hook 036 1 par or tongs in ash snfels 0-3-6 1 '"ilf -^"k 026 3 trammels 0-I6-O I 1 Ey of in acks oo« 1 par of hand Irons 0-8-O - 1 Stobben hoe 020 1 draser o-i-o | "-^ hoes 020 1 Schest 0-4-0 1 Pi'''C of wol cars 6 I washen ccttcl 0-18-0 I 1 '"""d i^^ks o-O-O 2 basket 0-1-0 1 agges 0-.'.-6 1 narrow acks 0-2-0 1 liaf a bushel 0-0-0 3 puts 0-14.0 1 hammers 0-(i C12-15.6 (iAKKET Si'EER, ("OKNEI.IIS 1)E(!R.\W. Note.— '• in ' •elands for "and;' •' puts." pots ; " arten."' earthen; "caser,'' saucer. \Vliii'(' Jlfjuri's ari' hol ijivfii. Die papei- is tnrii. 13 III. 'A List of the Vandite of the goods, and Chattali of Garrit H. Garritsf., Decesed this Sixth Day of October 178(»." 2 Syder Harrals, Pliilip Van Uussom £0 2 6 2 Dito Moiiuus Van Ripen 0-4-4 1 Dito Michael Vreelan(l,Esqr 0-4-10 1 Outing Box, Heury Garritse 7-1 a Percil of hubs, John A. Post 0-0 7 2 Crotchas, Isaac Kip 0-2-0 2 Waggon Sides, Elias J Vreeland 0-11-6 1 Hiding Banch, Elias J. Vreeland 0-1-0 1 Crotch, Harmon Van Ripen , 0-3 a Parcel of wood, John A. Post 0-10 1 Axteltray, John A. Post 0-2-0 1 Tong for a Waggon, John A. Post 0-0 6 1 Axaltray, Isaac Kip 0-2-1 1 Uito Isaac Kip ...0-1-6 1 Dito Isaac Kip 0-1-6 1 Dito Isaac Kip 2-6 1 Dito Isaac Kip 0-2-0 3 Crotchas, John A. Post 0-2-0 3 Pieces wood, Isaac Kip. l-o 1 Tong, Isaac Kip o-3-O 1 Ceder Cask, Philip Van Bussoni 0-0-6 1 Plow, Paul Poulison 041 1 Large Clevis, John I). Berdan . — 0-4-6 1 Ijithe and Cradle, John Lee 0-30 1 Griddle, Catherine Garritse 0-3-0 1 Bedsted, John A. Post 01 a Parcel of Chisels, Michael A.A'reeland, 0-2-0 2 Large Plain, John A. Post 0-4 9 2 Small Chisels, Peter Garritse 0-2-1 1 Pinchers, Micha Gillum 0-1-4 1 Skale Beem, David Blair.. 0-2-6 2 devices Andrew Cadmus 0-2-2 1 Sithe, Cornelious Van Rypen 0-2-7 1 Ax, Garret Van Rypen 0-1-9 1 Sithe and Trumpery, Barnet Speir — 0-40 1 Shote, William Van Bussom 0-7-4 1 hog, Catherine Garritse 0-16-0 £5-16-3 1 Plowshare, Ilartman En Vreeland.. . 0-1-6 1 Broad Ax. Michael H. Vreeland 0-1.') 2 Chisels, I'cter (;erri;se o-2 4 a Percil of Trumpery, I'eier Garritse 0-2 I 1 Bagnet.'philup Van Bu.s.som 01-2 1 hog, Philip Van Bussom 1-1-7 1 .Saddle. Ilarman Van Rypen 1-3-6 Trumpery, Barnet Speir O 0-2 1 Rule, Henry Garritse, Juur o-i 6 1 Gimblet, Michael Vreeland 0-0 4 Trumpery, Paul Poulison 0-1-7 Trumpery, Barnet Speir 0-5-6 1 hammer, Michael H. Vreeland 0-1-10 2 Betle Rings, Micha Gillum 0-20 2 Sinterbits, Peter Garritse. o-2-(i 1 plate and Dish, John A. Post 0-MO 1 Gun and Bagnet, Garrit Van Rypen.. 1 15-6 1 Bay Horse, John Lee .1-14-8 1 Black Horse, Andris Cadmus 4-50 Paid 1 Set of Harness, Michael Vreeland 0-16-1 1 Waggon, Jacob Corray S 5-0 a Percil of Plank, Philip V. Bussom. ... 0-7-0 1 Wood Slay, Peter Garritse 01-1 4 Slay Runners, Michael Vreeland 7-1 3 Ash Planks, Henry Garritse 1-0 £21-16.10 2-14- 8 5-16- 3 18- 2- £31- 7- 9 1 Auger, Henry Garritse £0-16 1 Dito and Square, Pet«r Garritse... o-2-o 1 Dito Henry Garritse o-2-o 1 Spere, Peter Garritse 0-3-6 1 Coulter, John El Vreeland 0-2 1 1 Crosecut Saw, Henry Colo 0-10-0 1 Snick. Elizebeth Van Bussom 0-4-1 1 hand saw, Paul Poulison 0-6-3 1 Square and Draw knife, Abenezer Blatchley 0-1-0 2 Plains, Henry Garritse 0-1-7 1 Cag, Harmaii Van Ripen 0-2.1 £1 16 1 1 Milk Cow, Catharine Garritse l-6-o 1 yeareling Calf, Catharine Garritse — o-io o 1 Brass i.adle. Peter Garritse 0-5-5 1 Coverled, Catharine Garritse 2 1 Trunnol, Philip V. Bussom 0-0-9 2 Hoggs, Catharine Garritse Oioo 1 'IVa I'ot. Catliariu • Garritse u 0-6 £2-14-S 1 Grinil Stone, Peter Garritse £0-8-0 14 IV. 'A TRUE AND PBRFECT INVENTORY OF AlL, AND SlNGfUR THE GOCDS AND CflATTILS RIGHTS AND CREDITS OF HeNRY GeRRITSE LaTE OF WeASEL IN THE County of Essex, and State of New Jersey Deceased Made this Ekiht Day of November 1809. " 3 Horses, at 50 Dollars $150.00 4 Cows, at 15 1)' ' 60.00 '1 fat Cattle, at 20 Dollars 40.00 4 young Cattle 36.25 3 Calves, at 3 Doll 9.00 8 Hogs 27.00 4 Fat Hogs.,. 40.00 1 Waggon and Harness 55.00 a Lot of Slays and Harrows 5.' 1 .'^lay 4.50 1 Pleasure Slay 10.00 1 Crackel 1.25 1 Set of Harness. . .and Cutting box. . . 3.00 3 pitch forks 1.3i 13 plank 4.00 2 Ox Chains A 2 Large Clevis & Bolta, 4.00 1 Itiding Chair A Harness 20.00 5 young Cattle 52.00 1 Lot of furniture in a small room 20.00 1 Saddle and bridle 5.00 40 liuHliels of Buckwheat 25.00 3 Cuiis 8.00 3 Axes 3.75 a lot of Carpenters tools 5.00 2 UUhliels >j 2.50 a lot of furniture 3 00 a lot of Wheels 4.00 13 l-;iupty bags 5.00 a lot of Casks 50 1 Cradle 1.00 1 Spool Wheel and two swifts 1.00 1001.06 18 Sheep 36.00 1 Negroe Man 200.00 1 Negroe Hoy 100.00 1 Negroe Woman 40.00 1 Eight Day Clock 37.50 J Looking (ilass 5.00 1 Bed and Bedding and Curtains 40.00 1 Desk 7.50 1 Cubboard 5.00 8 table spoons and 8 tea spoons 10.00 Furniture in one Closet 8 00 Furniture in another Closet 3.oo Andirons, Shovel tongs and Bellows.. 3.oo Ifl Chairs 6.00 Boles and p'.ctureR and Candlesticks . . 5.00 2 Tables. 3.00 1 Sfilliards and ColTee mill 4.oo 1 Lot of ladles and household furniture 1.50 1 Lotof Iron work and Carpenters tools 2.00 2 pots with butter 6.00 1 Dresser with its furniture 4.00 1 Bed and furniture in a Small room.. 40 00 pots and Kittles bUd Kilctien furniture 12.00 1 Lot of tubs and lie cask 3.00 1 Water pot 50 1 lot of pails Churns and Shenlcrs 8.00 9 Ceder Casks 9.0O 2 Half Barrels and 1 Half liushel and 1 Cag 2 00 Soap 2.00 Shad 3 00 Pickel I'ork 300 2 pails A 1 tub 50 2 Copper Kittles 5.00 1 lot of hows and Spades Betle and wedges 1.50 8 Barrels A 1 Hogshead 4.50 1 lot of potiitoes 4.00 1 tub Willi sand 50 1 lot of Corn 37.50 $662.60 1 Cross Cut Saw A one hand Saw 4.00 40 Bushels of oats 15.00 60 Busels 01 Rye In the Barrlcks A Wheat 50.00 (irain on the field 60.00 1 Lotof Hay 60.00 15 Barrels of Cyder 30.00 9 Geese 3.37 7 Ducks 1.50 In Cash 185.50 In Notes 512.13 901.50 Brought over from page 1 and 2 662 50 606.06 the Hole Amount of this Inventory ) two thousand One Hundred J $2170.06 Seventy Dollars ) Taken and Appraised by Robert Blair and James 1. Post. ROB'T Blair James \. Post. 15 V. Assignment of a Share in a Mine on Lands of Jacob Van Winkle, 1787. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I John Cosaakt of the County of Bergin and State of New Jersey have Remised Released and for Ever Quit Claimed and by these Presents for me my Hairs Exacutors and Administrators do Remise Releace and for Ever quit Claim unto Henry Gar- ritse and Cornelious Van Winkle of the County of Essix and State afore sd thair Hairs Exacutors Administrators or Assigns the two Equel Nintht Parts of a Certain Mine or Mineral which the sd John Cosaart Hath Discovered on the Lands of the sd Jacob Van Winkle Caty his Wife and Mary Naffie or the Profits Arising from the sd N ine, that is to say the two thirds of one third which the sd John Cosaart Haith Agreed for in writing with the sd Jacob Van Winkle and Caty his wife and Mary Naffie that is to say to Henry Garritse one Equel third Pai t to his hairs and Essignors for Ever to Cornelious Van Winkle one Equel third Part to his hairs and Essign for Ever — and it is Agreed that Each Party is to Share an Equal Part of the Profits Arising from the sd mines After the Cost is Dis- charged a d for the true Performance of these Presents we Bind our Selves our hairs Executors and Administrators and Every of them unto Each Other in the Pennel sum of ooe thousand Pounds Currant money of the State of New Jersey as Witness our hands and Seals this tentht Day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven, Signed Sealed and Delivered { John Cosaabt [seal. ] in the Presence of us j Cornelius Van Winkle [seal. ] David Griffith Walling Van Winkle VI. Vendue of Goods and Chattels of Peter Bush, of Totawa, 1813. ARTICLES of the Vendue held this Day at the House of Peter Bush in totowa in the County of Berp en of the Goods and (Jhattles of the said Peter Bush lat the Goods Shall be Sold to the Highest Bidder at fair and Public Vendue. '2- a H z: w M O C3 o O c; ?» c« H n ffi H t^ o r *^ a: Vendue 1>ook of the Goods A: Chattler of PErER Busn AHTICLES SOLD. \ Cup, 2 rigeons 1 Cask 1 Ciiftk and Crank 1 Lot of liee hives Not taken.. 1 Lot of 1500 111 ves, 1 Lot of lieeliives 1 Lot of Uee lilves 1 & Lot 1 Lot of Iron 1 Reel & Lot 1 Hodstead.. \ liedstead 1 Cuttcnbox Macliine 1 half liiisliel 1 Anger and liasket.. 1 Slssor & Lot 1 Scales h Lot 1 Lot of liaakets 1 Keeler 1 Cow Hell 1 Bread Tra PERSONS NAME. Helniygh Van llonten $ .iiO .lohn (i. (Jarrison 44 Nicholas Cokoro 62 Lodiwick r.ush !» David t>i)car 12 David .Spear 12 David .Spear 1S» Oarrehrant Van lloiiion, Ksq 12 Leotuird Heaty 1.-37 Nicholas Conoro 12 Koconi pence Stansbury ;'jfi David Spear 2.o:> Kinchan liiish "4 .John Doronuis ~» llerniones Carlough 01 Leonard Peaty 4') .lolin Thompson 12 Kecompence Stansbury 14 Cornelius 1. Post 21 David Vreeland SK John Tonipson 44 AKTICLES SOLD 2 Pails A Lot 1 Cliiiiu 1 Cutting Box 1 Cradle 1 Basket A Lot ■. 1 Spade 1 Lot of Picks 1 Pick 1 Iron Sledge 1 Iron Hammer 1 Fike 1 Cag of Matiglum 1 Lot of Shingles 1 Wheel Harrow 1 Cio Par 1 Plow 1 Hogshead 1 Waggon 1 Lot of Cabbage 1 Mair 1 Colt Not taken 1 Harrow & Slay 1 Yoke of Oxen 1 Yoke of Young Steers 1 Beef Cow 1 Cow I Cow 1 Cow 1 Caff 1 Spotted Sow pig ... 1 White Sow I'ig 1 Spotted So w Pig 2 Erthen Potts 1 Erthen Pot 2 Erthen Dishes 1 Jug & Lot 3 Cheers 3 Cheers 1 Priming Needle 3 Cheers 3 Cheers 1 Cheer ' 1 Table llronPot 1 Table. 1 Lot of Corn A. .JECKOBE. 1 Hand Saw 1 Cider Cask 1 Griddle 1 Scigh Sniyde PERSONS KAME. Enos Lyon $ .27 Enos l^y on 31 John Carlough .50 Nicholas Cokoro 2S David Spear 37 John Parke 12 John Parke -. LiJO Benjamin Delamarter 1.09 John Parke 68 John Parke 2.25 Luke Van Allen 1.87 David A. Vreelaud 1.06 Garrebrant Van Houren 4.00 $23.76 John L Van Houten $1.87 John Parke 4.00 Solomon Day 1 . 59 William Pules 1.34 John Carlough 12.87 Enos Lyon 5.37 David Vreeland 5.00 Lodiwick Bush 23.75 Garrebrant Van Houten ' . 25 Garrebrant Van Houten 43. .W Garrebrant Van Houten 33.25 David A. Vreelaud 20.50 Garrebrant Van Houten 11.00 John Seagar 18.00 Garrebrant Van Houten 13.25 David A. Vreeland 8.25 Recompence Stansbury 3.25 Cornelius I. Post 2.50 John Tompson .. ..' 3.25 john Seagar 44 John I. Garrison 20 Solomon Day 09 Solomon Day 12 Solomon Day 56 Enos Lyon 37 Cornelius I. Post 150 Cornelius L Post 1.87 James Beam 19 David A. Vreelanil 50 John teeth 21 HecompenCL' Stansbury 68 Adrian Van Geison 68 $221.72 William Hancock $0.93 John (i. Garrison 75 Daniel Zelitf 100 {Jairebrant V. Houten 53 18 A. -lECKOBE. ARTICLES SOLD. 1 SciKli Sniyde 1 Iron I'ot ] churu & DiisliiT 1 Watering Pot 1 Ladle 1 Pair of liand Irons 1 tut) 1 Paii A Lot 1 Haking tra A- Lot 1 Reel .V Lot 1 Tub 1 keeler 1 Barrel 1 Lot of Iron 1 Saddle 1 Lot of Crockery 1 Hool 2 Unities ) Spinning Wlieel 1 Waggon 1 Basket A Lot. Garrel.rani \ William Pulis Item onderdiink Benjamin Delemarter XicUolas Cokoro Benjamin Delemarter James Ilntcbison John Seagar David A. VreiMand George Petry , William Pulis Nicholas Cokoro William Pulis David Benson William Rodger Mcliolas Cokoro Benjamin Delamater. Nicholas Cokoro . ..., Jolin Tompson Benjamin Delamarter George Petry I'RRSONS NAMES. llouten .34 .31 .28 1.50 . .09 . .25 . .56 . .75 . .28 . .40 . .2^ . 16 . 2.00 15.12 . .31 1 Lot Of Corn 1 Lot of Potatoes 1 Dresser 1 Lot of Hay 1 Lot Of Corn StalKs PETER BUSH. John Seager Rem onderdunk Albert Van Saun Ilelmygh Van llouten. John tompson 1.06 1.12 1.06 2. 75 1.37 Benjamin Delamarter C.25 $42.23 VII. A Saddle Kiver Militia Comp.^xy, 1811. A FiTLi. AND Exact Koll of all Persons duly Enrolled in jiy Company DOING MIL.\TARY DUTY AND LiVINCi IN THE ToWNSHIP OF SADDLE RiVER. CORNELIUS C. Z.\.BRISKIE, Captain Hai'inau Vau Derbeek Sarj^ent Albert Garrison '^'^■ Caspanis Koiigb c^f^- Andrew Post Coi-poral John Vau Derbeek (^o. 19 Cornelius I. Post Private Henry Hariug do Kalph Van Hoiiten " Jacob Garrison " Garrit C. Tan Kiper " Isaac E verson • ' Cornelius H. Bogert " Paramus Dated April 2(\. 1811. To the Assessor of The Township of Saddle River. VIII. A Father's Trust in his Children', ISOf.. Know all men by these presents that we John Van Riper of the Townshij) of Newark and Philip Van Riper of the Township of Acquack- ononck both in the County of Essex and State of New Jersey and Richard Van HouTEN of the township of Saddle River in the County of Bergen and State aforesaid are held and firmly bound unto Abraham Van Riper of the Township of Acquackononk in the County of Essex and State aforesaid in the sum of Five hundred and fifty dollars Lawful money of the State of New Jersey to be paid to the said Abraham Van Riper or to his certain Attorney Heirs Executors Adminis- trators or Assigns for which payment well and truly to be made and done We bind ourselves our Heirs Executors and Administrators Jointly and Severally' firmlj' by these presents Sealed with our Seals and Dated this Sixth Day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six. Whereas the said Abraham Van Riper by his certain Deed of Gift bearing even Date herewith hath sold and conveyed all his right and Interest in and to the farm whereon the said John Van Riper now lives — And hath also by his certain other Deed of Gift sold and conveyed all his right and Interest in and to the farm whereon the said Philip Van Riper now lives —And by his certain other Deed of Gift or Bill of Sale hath sold and assigned certain Goods and Chattels to Mary Van Honteu the wife of the said Riahard Van Houten— Now Therefore the Condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound John Van Riper Philip Van Riper and Richard Van Houten their Heirs Executors and Administrators shall maintain the said Abraham Van Riper during his natural life and find and provide him with Good and sutficient meat Drink washing Lodging and Clothing at either of the Houses of the said John Van Riper Philip Van Ri^ier or Richard Van Houten in which the said Abraham Van Riper shall or may choose to reside and Dwell — and they the said John Van Riper Philip Van Riper and Richard Van Houten their Heirs Executors or Administrators shall well and truly pay or Cause to be paid unto the said Abraham Van Riper yeai'ly and every year from the Date hereof during his natural life the sum of 20 fifteen dollars each in trust for the use of him at whose House the said Abraham Van Riper may choose to reside and Dwell and in that proportion for any part of the Year in which the said Abraham Van Riper may happen to die — Then the above Obligation to be Void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue I Sealed and Delivered ) j^^^ ^-^^, j^ In the presence of J ' ' Note The word ".rti-p" in the eighth line) Phillip Van Riper [sealI of the penalty altered fioni the word j Ti/'o— before the execulion hereof—) G. Van Howten Jno. R. Crane B.ICHAKD Van Houten [seal] \/' IX. THE DAYS OF SLAVERY IN NEW JERSEY A Bilasale from Petek Dkomus, 1801 Know all men by these presents that I Peter Dreamous of Paccaknac for the Sum of two Hundred Dollars in hand Paid to have and do Bergin and Sell unto Garabrant Van Howten to his Executors and Administra- tors and AssinfS one Negro whench and one Child the wheuch nmne Febe and the one Child Ab to have and to hold to him his Executors Administrators and Assiugs Forever of wich Said Whench and Child I Have put the Said Garabrant Van Howten in ftill Posseson by thelivering him tha Said wench and Child at Selings of these Presents hereby Sold and I do Warrent and will forever Defend the said Garabrant Van Howten in Peaceble Possesion of Said Negro Whench and Child Agiust me and all Persons watsoever Witness my Hand and Seal this '21 Day November in the one Thousand Eighundred and one Witness Present Peter T. * Doremvs [seal] James Jones Receved 21 Day of November 1801 the Sum of tow hundred Dollars in full of all Demands Receved bv me Peter T. * Doremus BiTJi OF Sale to Garabrant Vanhoutten for the Negro Woman Margeeet COMMONLY called Pecsgy, 1803 Know all men by these presents that I Sarah Purnell of Paterson County of Essex and State of New Jersey for and in consideration of the Sum of one hiuidred and twenty Dollars to me in hand paid by (Garabrant Vanhoutten of Totoway County of Bergen and State of New Jersey aforesaid do bargain Sell, and deliver unto the said Garabrant Vanhoutten his Heirs and ♦This character looks as if intended for Peter's cross mark. 21 Assigns one Negro Woman named, and Baptised, Margeret called Peggy And I the said Sarah Purnell do sell (the said Margeret by her own i^articular desire) unto the said Garabrant Van Houtten his Heirs and Assigns, against the lawful Claim or Claims of all manner of persons and will forever defend. In Witness whereof I the said Sarah Purnell have hereunto put my hand and Seal this thirtieth Day of March one thousand eight and three Signed Sealed and delivered { in the Presence of us j Saeah Puknell [seal] Ebex'k Blachly Jun'r David Bensen Rec March 30 1803 the within full Eben'e Blachly Jun'r Sarah Puenell David Bensex Dan'l Hedden To Gar"t Van Houten Esq'e A Enx of Sale foe a Nec.eo GiEL Slave, 1804 Know all men by these presents that I Daniel Hedden of the Township of Saddle Kiver County of Bergen and State of New Jersey for «nd in the Consideration of fifty Dollars to me in hand paid by Garribrant Van Houten, Esq'r of the Township County and State aforesaid. I Have granted bargained and Sold, and by these presents do grant Bargain and Sell unto the Said Garribrant Van Houten Esq'r one Negro Girl Slave named Ab, aged about six years to have and to hold the Said Negro Girl Slave unto the Said Garribrant Van Houten his Heirs and assigns, forever — and I do further Covenant that 1 will Warrant and defend the Said negro Girl unto the Said Garribrant Van Houten his Heirs and Assigns against the lawful Claim Challenge and demand of any Person or Persons whatsoever. In -witness where of I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this twenty first day of February in the year of Our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and four Sealed and delivered | Daniel Hedden [seal] in the presence of j Abrm Willis John Moffat RECE'D the above sum of fifty Dollars in full By me Daniel Hedden P.'iTEEsoN 28 June 180(5 Received from James Toekance a Bill of Sale of a Negro Wench Named Jnde which 1 Promise to Returne when Called for John Claek May 29th 1805 Received of Gaeeabr Van Houten the Surae of Seventy five dollers for a negi'ow wommen named Sary in full of all the mands his Riceved By me Francis -f Speer John R. Berdan Mark 22 James ToRRANfE To Garrkb't Van Houtex Esfji-. A Power of Att'y, 1808 KXOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I Jajies Torrance of the Town of Paterson, County of Essex and Stite of New Jersey - do make Constitute and appoint Garrib't Van Houten, Esq'r, of the County of Bergen and State afd my true and hiwf ul Att'y - for me and in my name to Sell for me, a Certain negro wench named Jude, now in his possession (for the sum of one hundred and twenty DoUars) and he is to have the use of Said negro wench as his own, untill he doth Sell her which Sale he is by no means to deb}' on that acount, but to Sell her the Said wench, in which case I give n)y Said Attorney full power to Sell the Said negro wench named Jude, as I my Self might, or Could do, was I personally present — he my Said Attorney accounting tor the price of the same. And to that intent I have Left in his hands a Bill of Sale for Said wench, with Blanks for names and Date Signed with my Signature, hereby rattifying what my Said Attorney Shall Lawfully do for me respecting the premises In Witness whereof, I have hei-e unto S'^t my hand and Seal this Sixteenth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and eight Seal and deliverered [ in the presence of- \ James Torrance [seal! Wm. M. Barlas Bill of Sale Pavl Rutan to Joseph Satres, 180S Knoto all me7i by these presents that I John Clark* of Patterson in the County of Rssex and State of New Jersey for the sum of one liiuvhrd nud fifty Dollars in hand paid, or secured to be paid, have and do bargain and sell to Joseph Sayres of the Township of NewArk County and State aforesaid his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, One Xeqro Woman (Slave) Named Mary, together with her Negro Child. Named Thomas, aged Six Months and Three days, To have tt to hold the said Negro Woman Slave, Named Mary to him his Execut >rs adm'nstrators it assigns f irevdr, To have ct to hold the said Negro Boy, Named Thoinas, till he shall have arrived to the age of Twenty five Years to him his Executoi-s Administrators & Assigns of which said Negro Woman and Boy, I have put the said Joseph Sayres in full possession, by delivering them to him, at the sealing of these presents, & I do warrant and will defend the said Joseph Sayres in the peaceable possession of said Negrow Woman A' Boy against me and all persons whatsoever Witness My hand & Seal this Third day of September Id the Year of our Lord oie tlnusand Eight hundred iV Eight Sealed A- Delivered [ Paul Rutan (se\l1 in the presence of f Aaron 0.sBorn Newark June '2, 1H12 For the consideration of Sixty Six Dollars 2r)\o() we Assign and setover to All ert Van Saun the within described wf nch and one child named Deou P. Allino I Adm'r of Joseph D. D Crane \ Sayrs Jun Dec'd * Tims it W writti'H. attlioiiy delivciing him the said negromau at the signing and sealing of these presents. And I will warrant and defend the said Garribt. Van Houten bis Heirs Executors administrators and assigns, iu the peaceable possession of the said negro man Jim, against me, my heirs, Executors or administrators, and all per- son or persons what soever — In Witness whereof I have her unto set my hand and Seal this twonty fifth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and ten Sealer Marsai>as Van (iiESEN. 181^. KNO W all men by these presents That I Marsalis Van Geisen of the Township of Saddle liiver in the County of Bergen and State of New Jer- sey, for and in Consideration of the sum of Ninety dollars Lawful Money of the United States, to me in hand well and truly paid by Bridget Keane of the Town- ship, County and State aforesaid, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge. Have sold bargained, conveyed and delivered and by these presents do sell bar- gain, convey and deliver unto the said Bridget Keane, and to her her heirs and assigns for Ever, One Negro female Slave named Jinn, of a yellow Comi)lexiou and about nineteen years of age. To have and to hold the said Negro female Slave named and described as aforesaid unto the said Bridget Keane her heirs and as,sigus for Ever. And I do hereby warrant and defend the possession of the said negro female Slave named and described as aforesaid unto the said Bridget Keaue her heirs and assigns, against all persons and lawful claims what- ever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty ninth day of December Anno Domini one Thousand Eight hundred and thirteen "Witness present Marsalas Van Giesen [sealI Thomas Wills Andrrw r. Hori'ER a Bill Sale To Gaubrt Van Hoittkn, 1814. KXO^\' all men by tbese presents that I Andrew P. Hopper of Sad- dle Biver Township iu the County of Bergin and State of New Jersey For and In consideration of the sum of Three Hundred Dollars LawfuU money to me Paid at And before Ensealing and Delivery of These Presents By Garrabrant Van Houten the Receipt Whereof I Do hereby Acknowledge and my self there with 25 fiillj' Satisfied and Paid have Granted Bargained and Sold Released and by these Presents do fully Clearly Obselutely grant Bargin & Sell and Release unto the Said Garrabrant Van Houten A Negro man Named Harr to have and to hold the Said Negro man unto the said Garrabrant Van Houten his Excr Adrs and Assigns for Ever and I the said Andrew P. Hopper for my Self my heiis Admtrs or As- signs do Covenant and Agree and with the Above Named Garrabrant Van Houten his Excts Admts and Assigns to warrent and Defend the Sale of the Above Named Negro man Against all Persons Whatsoever In Witness N\ hereof I have here Unto Set my hand and Seal this Sixt Day of July In the year of our Lord one thousjind Eight hundred and fourteen. Signed Sealed and Delivered I in the presence of \ Andeew P. Hopper [seal] Abrm. Ryerson A BILL OF Sale from Cornels Westervelt To Garbrat Van Houten FOR A JIale Slwe, 1S15. Know all men by these presents, that I Cornelis Westervelt of the Towuship of Saddle liiver in the County of Bergen and State of New Jersey for the sum of one hundred and Twenty five Dollars to me in hand paid have and do bargain and Fell to Garabrant Van Howten his Beirs Excutors administrators and assigns One Negro Man maned Jacob a Slave aged about Twenty f. ur years To have and to hold the Said Negi'o Man a Slave to him the Said GarabraLt Van Howten his Executors administrators and assigns forever of which Said Negro Man I have put the said Garabrant A"an Howten in full possession by delivering him the Said Negro Man at the Signing and Sealing of these presents And I will Warrant and Defend the Said Garabrant V. Howten his Heirs Executors administrators and assigns in the ]jeaceable possession of the Said Negro Man against Me Mj' Heirs Executors or administrators and all person or persons Whatsoever In Witness Whereof I have here tmto Sit My hand and Seal this ninth Day of March in the Year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Fifteen Sealed and Delivered ) his in the Presence of f Cornles + Westervelt [seal] G. V Howten mark. John G. Ryrrson Bill of Sale for a Man and a Woman, 1819. Kyo ir all men by these Presents that I Garret G. Van Wagoner of Slatterdam in the township of Saddle River County of Bergen and State of new Jersey For and in Consideration of the sum of Four Hundred Dollars to me in hand Paid by Garabrant Van Houten of the township County and State afore said The receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge Have granted, Bargained sold and delivered and By these presents do grant bargain sell and deliver unto the said Garabrant Van Houten and to his heirs and assigns forever two Certain Slaves the one a male named Joe the other a 26 female named Peggy To have and to bold the said bargained and Sold Slaves named as aforesaid to the Said Garbraut Van Houten and to his heirs and assigns To the only proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the Said Garbrant Van Houten .and to his heirs and assigns forever. And I the said Garret G. Van Wagoner for myself my heirs Executors and administrators the Said Bargained and Sold Slaves unto him the said Garbrant Van Houten and to his heirs and assigns against the Lawful Claims and Demands of all Person and Persons Shall and will warrant and bj' these Presents for ever Defend. In Wit- ness whereof I Have here unto Set My Hand and Seal this Seventh Daj' of August in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and nineteen Sealed and Delivered in the preseuce of us Garrkt G. Van Wagoneu [seal] John Van Blarcom Henry I. Van Blarcom John Van Ness a bill Sale for a Slave Yon to G. Van Houten, 1825 Know all men by these Presents that I. John Vanness of the Township of Saddle Eiver in the County of Bergen and state of New Jersey for and Consideration of the sum of Two Hundred Dollars of Good and Lawful money of the united states of America to him in hand Paid by Garrebrant Van Houten Eq'r of the Township of Saddle Eiver in the County of Bergen and state aforesaid the Eecei]jt Whereof I heieby acknowledge have Granted I'argaiued and sold and by these Presents Do Grant liargain and sell unto the said Gan-e- braut Van Houten Eq'r his heirs Executors administrators and assigns a Certain Negro Lad Named yon a Slave aged about Twenty six years to have and to hold the said Negro Lad Named yon a Slave unto the said Garrebrant Van Houten Eqx". his heirs Executors administrators and assigns for Ever and the said John Vanness for himself his heirs Executors and administrators Doth Covenant Grant and agree to and to and With the said Garrebiaut Van Houten E(jr his heirs Executors administrators and assigns against all Person or Persons Whatsoever Defend In Witness Whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and seal this Eighteenth Day of March in the year of our Lord one thousend Eight Hundred and Twenty Five Sealed and Delivered In the Presents of John Vanness [seal] Albert Van Saun Isaac Van Saun — Jeremiah Mitchel Bill of Sale, 1825. Know all men by these presents that I Jeremiah Mitchel of the township of Acjuacknonk in the State of New Jersey and County of Essex for and in consideration of the sum of twenty five Dollars Lawful Money of the United States of America to me in hand jjaid at or before the Ensealing Deliver- 27 ing of thes presents by Gavibrants Van Houtin Eqr of the township of Sadill River and county of Bergen and State of New Jersey the Recpt Whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted Sold conveyed and confirmed uto the said Garabrants Van Hoiitea Eqr and to his heirs and assings forevtr the Residue and Reu ainder of the time and term of time and service according to the Laws of the State of New Jersey a certain female Born under the Manumission Act and now Eleven Years Eleven Mounts and Fourteen Days old named Dean having yet to serve Nine Years Sixteen Days from the Date of these presents to have and to hold the Said Negro female Named Dean for and During the Residence and Remainder of her time and term servitude according to the Laws of this State which said female the said Jerimiah Mitchel has put the said Garabrant Van Houten Esqr in full peacable possession by Delivering him these presents and Do also Covenant and agree to and with the said Garabrant Van Houten Esqr his heirs and assings that the said Jerimiah Mitchel was lawfully possessed of the said Negro female and that he has no Done Commited or Sufered any act or thing by which the title ot the same can be in any Ways altered or Changed Charged Detirmed or corected Over * In Witness Whereof I have Set my hand and Seal this twentyith Day of April in the year ofour Lord One thous- and Eight hundred and twenty five Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presenc of the five was interlined before the Execution of this article John . M. Van Gieson John H. Outwateb Jbeemi4h Mitchel [seal] Charles Harrison Bill of Sale To Ralph Doeemus, 1830. Kuow all men by these presents that I Charles Harrison of Orange Township Essex County and State of New Jersey for the sum of One hundred Dollars in hand paid have and do bargain and Sell to Ralph Doremus his executors administrators and assigns the following Coloured persons viz — Mary aged Forty nine years a Slave and Sold for Life Also her ^"on Harry born the Twelfth day of July Eighteen hundred and Fifteen Sold for his term of Service according to Law To have and to hold to him, his executors administrators and assigns for ever, of which Coloured Persons, I have put the Said Ralph Doremus in full possession and I do warrant and will defend the said Ralph Doremus in the peacible possession of Said property against me and all persons whatsom ever Witness my hand and Seal this the Twentieth day of September 1830. Sealed and delivered | in the presence of j Charles Harrison [seal] Abiathar Harrison Abijah Harrison Jr. ♦determined or controverted. 28 Pleadings ik a Kiit to Recover a Reward for Recaptcbing a Slave, 1812. Joseph Hunt Vs James A Ackeriuan — In Debt before Gtirrnbit Van Houteu Es(j. Jwstic of the Peace Bergen Count}' James A Ackerman to Joseph Hunt Dr The Plaintiff Demancls of the defendant — For taking up and returning to the owter your Negro Sum the Sum of Ten Dollars as promised to be paid by an Adverestum Published in the Newark Centinel of Freedom of Nov 3d 1812 which Advertisement was dated at the "ponds near Pompton Oct 20 1S12" and signed "Jas. A Ackerman," for the recovery of said reward of ten Dollars this suit is brought — Joseph Hunt Nov. 28th A D 1812 this State of Demands Was filed before me Garabraut Van llouten this 28 Day of November 1812 The Deft Denies all the within Charges James A Ackerman How John Neafie wished to Dispose of his Slaves, 1814. [Addressed: Garbrunt Vanhouten Esqr Patterson New Jersey] Dr Sir I am willing to jmrt with my three blacks lately in Jersey for three hundred and seventj- five dollars for a term of years in such way as not to interfere with the laws concerning selling Slaves from one State into the other i>rovided you can get notf s which you would be willing to take on Simeon Vauhontcus ^lort- gage Dated June 28th 181 1 \J Youis with Respect &c John Neafir Garrabrant Vauhouttcu Esq — Montgomery 20th June 1814 Sir, This is to inform you that I do agree to hire or sell all my right and interest in or to William Cisco and Jane his Wife and one child a girl for the sum of Two Hundred and seventy five Dollars Cash or in case the monej' is not paid then you may take such notes for the amount adding Interest thereto as you will accept and you can Indorse the amount of the same on the back of the Mortgage of Simeon Vanhoutten, but you will ol)serve that I cannot sell them but will hire him, but I wish you to act as 1 would myself in such case, but you must be care- not to go farther than what the Law will allow you am very respectfullj' — Sir, Your mo. obt hble servt John Neafie 29 IX. Bill of Petee Simmons, Haeness Maker and ShoeMakee, 1793-6. 1793 Henery Garritsee to Peter Simmons Dr Octo ye 15 To Mending a Bairei- of a Chair 0-1-0 1794 May 19 To Part of a harness to Binding a Bridel Mending the traces to a Backhand 1-19-9 1795 Aug 19 to Work a harness 0-3-0 Nover 2 to Makeing a pair of Shues 0-4-6 1796 to a pair of heals 0-0-6 Jenury 21 to a pair of headstals 0-10-0 to Makeing a jjair of Shues 0-5-0 to a pair of heals 0-0-6 Febrry 26 to Makeing a harness 3-0-0 May 5 to a pad in a Sadel 0-8-0 to a Gert & Cruper 0-5-0 to Mending a halter & Bridel 0-1-0 £6-18-3 Augst 9 to the traces & Braces 0-4-0 to Soleing & mending Sues 0-2-0 to a New Browbin Bound 0-2-6 Hejit 10 to makeing 2 pair Sues 0-lU-O to a pair of heals 0-0-6 £7-17-3 Keceived Octo ye 27th 1796 of Henery Garritsee Senior and Henery Garrit" see Jur the Sum ot Six pounds Eight Shillings in full of All Accompts and De- mands pr me Peter Simmons X. Dekd for Part of the Old Vault in the Former Dutch Church Cemetery, Neae the Valley of the Rocks, 1817. KNOW all Persons to whom these presents shall come. That I Kichard Warel of Paterson in the County of Essex and State of New ersey for and in con" sideratiou of the sum of Sixty Dollars to me in hand paid bj' Adrian Van Howten, of the same place, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Have granted, bargained and enfeoffed conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain and sold, enfeoff convey and confirm unto the said Adrian Van Howten and to his heirs and assigns for ever Ail my one equal fourth part or share of, in and to the Burial Vault lately erected in the Totowa Church Yard by Cornelius Van Winkle, Abraham Van Howten, Albert Van Saun and llichard Ward. And I do by these presents fully and absolutely assign transfer and set over unto the said 30 Adrian Van Howten all the right title interest privilege and Share which I ever had, now have, orof right ought to have of in or to the said Burial Vault, and the privi- leges, thereunto belonging. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twelfth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. Sealed and Delivered id / presence of us )" Eich: Waud [seal] John Paeke Chas. Kinney that I Adrian Van Houten do grant Sell and assign over unto Garabrant Van Honten the within, all my one fourth part or Share of in and to the Burial Vault which was assigned by Richard Ward unto Adrian Van Houten on the 12 Day of april 1817 for which I have receved from the Said Garabrant Van Houten the Sum of Fifty two Dollars being in full for the one fourth part or Share of the within Vault and the Privileges thereunto belonging In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal thi-i Second Day of September 1818 Sealed and Delivered I in the Presents of j Adeian Van Houten [seal] Cornelius Van Houten XI. Vendue of Goods and Chattels of Coknelis Westervelt, 1814. The Vendue held this 3d Day of October in the year 18U with the Goods and Chattels of Cornells W^estervelt of the Township of Saddle Eiver in the Count\ of Bergen payable in Six Months after Date Goods Sold. rurchasiors names, £sd 1 Cutting knife 1 Axe 1 Axe 1 pair Andirons 1 Clever 1 I'ost axe 1 Coulter 1 Churn 1 Table 1 Iron pot •iCluirns or milk tubes 1 Tube 1 Spool wheel and swift 1 lirass kettle x 1 Tall X 1 Pail 1 Earllien pot 1 wooden Bowl 2 Gags Cornelius Van Kiper ■ -1 John Bogert xO-o 9 John Hogert xO-2-0 John G. Uyerson xO-4-6 Harmanus Van Nurder 0-3-0 Cornelius Van Horn xO-2-6 Harmanus Xan Nurder 0-2-6 Cornelius Van Kiper 0-5-0 Uarman Van Xiirder 0-36 Garret P. Hopper xl-r!-0 Abraham Post 0-8-0 George 1. Uyerson xO 8-6 Michael Fialiarty xO 3-0 George I. Ryersou x2 16-0 John G . Ryerson xo-5-0 Haramanus Van Nurder 0-2-6 Cornelius \'an Rider. 0-1-6 Abraliam llyersou xoi-6 Barna Riarerr xO-5-6 Harmanus Van Nurder xo-l-0 31 1 Coars Hetchcl 1 Karthen pot 1 I ron pot 1 Couluring tub and earthen pbt x 1 Churu. 1 looking glass 2 milk kelers , sundry articles 1 Iron pot ,. 1 Spinning wheal 1 Earthen jug 1 knot Real Sundries, jugs &c 1 Woolen wheal scythe . 2 Meat casks Sundries 1 Loom with read gears &c 1 pair Andirons Ton gs and shovel 1 Grind stone 1 Barrel Iron shovel wooden box ir Which Payment well and Truly To be made & Done I Bind niyselve my heirs Exrs and Adrs Severly by these present Seald with my Seal Dated this Twenty forth Day of June In the Year of Our lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Ninety Six The Condetion of the Above Obligation is Such that Whareas by Virtue of A Ceartaiu Deed of Conveyance Give by John Duramus 'I'o the Above Bound Mary Ryerson Dated May the Third One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Six for a Ceartain lot of land particularly Disscbrybcd by Said Deed Now If the Above Bounden Mary Ryerson her heirs Or assigns Shall at all times forever hereafter alow & freely To, admit Without Any Cost MoUestation Or Interuption Alow the Above Named John Duremus his heirs and assigns To Dig one Ceartain Ditch for the uses of Erecting water works Beginning on the North west Side of Sd lot and So Bulling true Said lot with a South East Direction then the Above Obligation Shall be Void and of No Affect Other ways It Shall Stand In full force Sealed &, Delivered [ in presence of ) Maby Ryeuson [seal] Abr: Westervelt John Outwater 33 XIV. Auction Sales of Books in Patekson, 1814. A Catalogue of Books sold at Auction in Patterson the 6th Aug. 1814 by To-morrow J Breweu 1-0 Leisure Hours Bow o-2-O Italian Nua Markbry 0-1-6 Abbey Weyhlll Markby 0-4-0 Harlow Writings Markham 0-2-0 Knticks Dictionary I) Reid 0-4-0 French Revolution Bow 0-2 6 McFingal Dd. B. Cocliran 3-6 Contrast Drayton 0-2-0 Bloomflelds Poems 0-2-6 Ready Reconer C.Hill 0-2-3 Hist. (Juadrupeds Randolph 0-8-6 Introduction to Reading Combs 0-10 Three Books in one Strickland 0-2 6 Paynes Geography A Carmile 0-7 Radical cause Brewen 0-2-6 Testament Capl Van Blarkum 0-6-0 Westly's Hymns Brewen 0-1-6 Arithmetic J. Clark 0-2-9 Vol. Sermons . .' do 0-2-3 Writing Book ■ Holberton 0-0-9 Constitution Cuy bert 0-1-6 Ram jach 2 vols Brown 1-0-0 Baxters Call Brewen 0-2-0 2 vols Rambach in Boards J. Hutchinsou O-o-o Plays Hedrach 0-2-3 Solitude Sweetened Crosby 0-4-6 2 vols Spiritual Treasury Douglass 0-14-0 Pocket Miscellan Cochran 1-6 Review N. V — Fish 0-13 Miibodist Hymns Peck 0-3-4 Devils Refuted Douglass 2-6 2 vols 36 Fathers 2-6 Adams 0-5-0 2 Writing books 9d Brown 0-1-6 I'oul Jones Coml)s 0-1-3 Repub Songster do 0-1-4 Review N. Y Bow 01-3 Letters on Faith Douglass 0-1-2 Looking Glass Wills 0-2-11 McGowens Kssays Refan 0-1-4 seven wise masters Clark 0-S 5-17-11 Paynes Europe Holberton 0-8-0 Wise Masters Jones 0-0-9 Arabian Nights do 0-0-9 Bucks Delight E. Peck 0-0-7 Constitution U. S Gillet 0-1-4 Accidents Human Life Wills 1-4 Lord D's &c Sandy 2-3 sermon on fast Gillet 0-1-2 Gazetteer Netherlands Combs 010 Repertory Demarest 4-6 Gospel Treasury 4 vols Retan 0-18-8 Waston or Liberty Gillet 0-2-0 Sermon on fast Wills 1-0 Taylors Concordance Van Houten 2-6 Biog. of Washington Cash 0-0-5 Sir John Bolsby O-l-l Entertaining Controversy. . .Codington 0-0-6 Methodist Hymns Williams 0-3-0 Gajs Fables Holberton 2-0 Watts Psalms Douglass 0-6-0 American Grammar Combs 0-1-0 Tomorrow Bush 0-1-6 Baxters Call Bolstern 0-2-3 Help* Guide Gillet 0-3-0 Goldsmith's Rome Demarest 0-3 6 Essay on Man Cochran 01-3 Lady of Lake Holberton 0-2-6 Murrys Grammar Cash 0-1-3 Paul Jones Cash 0-1-0 Bait. Spelling Rook Gillet 0-1-6 2 pencils Brewen O-l-o Gen Leo Demarest 0-3-0 Henry on prayer Douglass 0-1-6 Abbey W"cyhill Wills 0-3-6 Hawken's Voyages Adams O-l-lo Funny Companion Gillet o-l 4 Blaires Lectures Douglass 0-3-0 N. Y. Reader o-o 6 4-13-4 5-17-11 the Vendue held this 8 Day of October 1814 with the Books of Rich Cuniug- ham at Abrm Godwin Paterson the free mason Wm Miller fo 11 Naval Triumph H Godwin ir, Steven Burrus Oshe Wilder 12>i Clarks travels Thomas Parke 86 Lite of I. Howard T Calient 25 Si'llus in parts of a Wife*. . . II (Jodwin 56 2 do llarveys Meditation R Kings 94 *Coclebs in Search of a Wife 34 2 Do Children of the abbey S. Bass 1 00 2Do Thomas Parke 3 121^ 2 1)0 Robrt King 1 50 1 1) II. Godwin 75 II) 11 Godwin 6 II) S.Bass 94 11) II. Godwin 1 25 II) I. Beach 81 ID C Klnsey 68 ID 11. Godwin 18^ 1 D Wm. Thompson 9 10 IDo I. Beacli 16 1 J I'arke 16 1 C. Kinsey 50 1 II. Alden 12 1 C Kinsey 12 1 M Clark 85 1 S Bass 40 1 W Clark 1 48 $17 94>i Sale of liooks lic'cl at Pntorson this l.") daj' of Octol)cr 1814, bj' R. Cnnninp- ham, pd Osandcrs rooms.. (Jarrt. Van IlowtenCO 1-6 pd Natural PliilOHophy. ...lohn Cronipton 0-1-6 pd ("olumbiaii Naval Triumphs (iarri. Van Ilowten Ol-o Kile of (Jilpin Hugh Jackson O-3-o Do Do George Iieri)efk 0-3-0 Do Do Hugh Jackson 02 3 Do Do Do Do 0-2-3 Do Do John Corrlngton 3 Do Do John Hood 0-2 6 Do Do James Rogers 1-9 Health .V Long life Jason M Bass 1 10 Christian Morals John I) Ward 2-0 r.ridoof Abidos Elviry Dunning 0-7 Ovids art of Love Hugh Jackson 0-2-3 Rjimbacks Meditations 2 Vols John Slingerland o-14-o Death of Abdallali...Garrt. Van llowteu 2-0 Life of Stephen Burrows Jellit 0-6-6 Do Do .HoseaMarkam 0-7-0 Pastoral Lessons (Nothing Bid) Asylum 2 vols, at 3-3 per v. . .Jason Hass 0-6-6 Goldsmith's Poems Klviry Dunning 0-0-6 Do Do Hugh Jackson 0-0 6 Do Do John W Benson 00-6 Do Do Itichard Brower 0-6 Do Do John Flood 0-6 ciarkcsTra\cls 2 vols Garrt. Van Ilowten 0-12 Do Do John I) Ward 0-4 3 Pamphlets Hugh Jackson 0-7-9 /Ini merman on Solitude. Saml Taggard 2-9 Life of Howard Abncr Reaves 0-2 6 1^0 Do Klviry Dunning 0-2-6 Azuny's Maratime Law No Bidder 418-8 Moral Philosophy — Garrt. Van Ilowten 0-4-0 I'carcos Memoirs Thomas Wills 3 6 Do Do John W Benson 3-3 Do Do — Garrt. Van Ilowten 0-3 Coelibs in Search of a Wlfe.Thomas Wills 0-5-6 Small Bible Do Do 0-1-3 Mackenzios Travels 2 vols Thos Parke paid by Woller 0-17- Presents for (iirls. . .« .Simeon Garrison 1 Book on Masonry Richard Brower O-2-o Do Do Simeon Garrison 0-1 3 Do Do (No bidder) Life of LUliput John Vanderhoof 26 Gil Bias David Hedrick 0-17-0 Paul Jones Benjamin Weller 0-1-0 Do Do Simeon (iarrison 0-9 Mirror of Misery Garrt. Van Ilowten 0-1-0 Bride ol .\bldos John W. Benson 0-9 Lord Ds Kxcurslons B Woller 16 Osanders Poems Garrt. Van Ilowten 1-4 Coelii)s in Search of a Wife 2 vol Samuel Taggard 0-4-0 Barbaulds Hymns Jerry Pier 0-1 9 Lottery Adventures Simeon Garrison 0-0-6 3-l.';-4 4-18-8 35 XV. Bill of Costs foe Private Legislation, 1787. The Proprietors of a Tract of Land at Horse Neck in the County of Essex. Dr To the Clerk of Assembly Readg Petition 1st Time in ) „ , „ Mayl786 J "''■'^ Order for 2d Reading 1-6 One Days minutes 01-6 Reading Petition '2d time 0-1-6 Order for leave to present a) ^ , ^ Bill on Advertising ) Copy of order 0-1-6 One Days minutes . 01-6 October 56-10-5 £1,720-13-3 £1,447-19-10 Henry Garritse Junr. Collr. THE RETURN of the Auditor of Accounts to the Treasurer and of the Treasurer to the Subscriber against Henry Garritsee Junr. Esqr. is for Monies due from him On Account of Fines assessd by the Courts holden in the County of Essex, And this Action is instituted agreeably to the Directions of an Act passed December 20th 1781. Entitled "An Act for the more speedy Settlement of the Publick Accoiants " Mr. Garritsee will therefore see the Propriety of his pajiug into the Treasury soon as possible the Monies really due from him, and obtain the Auditor & Treasurers Certificate Accordingly, which Certificate being pro- duced on Return of the Writ may induce a Discontinuance of this Action on the Payment of Costs. Jos. Bloomfield, Atty. Gen. Burlington Jany 20th 1785. New Jersey Supreme Court Of the Term of April in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and eighty five Hunterdon towit James Mott Esquire Treasurer of the State of New Jersey complains of Henry Garritse Junr Esquire late Collector of the County of Essex in Custody &.C Of a Plea that he render to the said State the Sum of one hundred and twenty seven Pounds one Shilling which to the said State he owes and un- justly detains for this towit That whereas the said Henrj' on the thirty first Day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty three at Trenton in the County of Hunterdon aforesaid was ii debted to the said State in the said Sum of one hundred and twenty seven Pounds one Shilling for so much Mony before that time had and received by the said Henry to the use of the said State where by an Action accrued to the said James on Behalf of the said State to demand and have of the said Henry the said Sum of one hundred and twenty seven Pounds one Shilling according to the Form of an Act made and provided in the Legislature of the said State, passed at Trenton the twentieth Day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty 40 ono ontitlod " Au Act for the more speedy Rettleinent of the Publick Accounts:" Never the less the said Ilenrj' although often required hath not yet rendered the said one hundred and twenty Pounds one Shilling to the said James l>ut hath hitherto refused and still doth refuse to render the same to him to and for the use of the said State, whereupon the said James ^^^th the said State is injured and hath damage to the value of one hundred and twenty seven Pounds one Shilling and therefore he brings this Suit on Behalf of the said State. Jos. Bloomfield Atty Genl Sir Inclosed is a Notice of Trial to you it will ho necessary, for you immedatly to come down to me and see about this Buisinoss A prepare for Trial — If I should happen not to be at home Capt Ogden will arrange your Matters for you, in my behalf I am Sir Your humble Servt Ronx OfiDEN Jr Elzh Town April 17th 178(1 New Jersey Supreme ('ourt James Mott Esquire ] Treasurer of N. Jersey, | it )■ In Debt. Ilenrj' Garritsee Junr Esq. j late CoUr. of Essex. 1 Take Notice of Tryal in this Cause in the said Court at Trenton on Friday the Twelfth day of May next— at the hour of ten in the forenoon of the .same Day Dated the fifth day of April seventeen hundred and eighty-six Jos Bloemfield Atty Gcnl To Robert Ogden Esqr. Atty for the Deft. Trenton July 2'.)th: 178'.l Sir By a Resolution of the Legislature of the Thirteenth of March 178(1 (on Set- tlement of the account of John Stevens Esiir. Late Treasurer) I am Directed to Charge you with the Sum of fifty One Pounds Twelve Shillings and one Penny, as Late Collector of Essex County, It being a Sum Allowed You on an Order Drawn by Said Stevens, which he Convinced the Legislature, he had Credited you for Before, Therefore I request you to make Speedy Payment Thereof, as the money Is much wanted I Should have applied to you for Said money Long ago, had I not waited for the Settlement of Mr. Ogdens Accounts, and Thought It 41 might Probably be Paid That way, But on Examining Lis llecepts, It Cannot be Charged to him, I would Take It as a favour to hear from you on the Subject, and am Sir your Obed. Humbl. Servt James Mott Treas Henry Garritsee Junr Esqr former Collector of Essex County Trenton Decemr 24th: 1789 Sir By a Law Passed Last Sitting of the Legislature the Arrearages of Taxes Levied In Your County In The Year 1782 which Avere Payable to the Continental Recever, are Directed to bo Paid Into the Treasury the Sum as Returned to Mo by James Ewing Esqr Is Eight Hundred and foity Eight Pounds One Shilling and Eight Pence, which I Take the Liberty of Notifying you off, and of Request- ing You to Make Speedy Payment Thereof and am Sir Your Obed Humb Servt. James Mott, Treas Henry Garritsee Junr Esqr Former Collector of Essex Countj' This Action is instituted on the aiiplication of the Treasurer, and agreeably to the late act of assembly passed 28th of November last to authorize the Treas- urer to Collect the Defficiencies of the taxes, heretofore payable to the continental Receiver of Taxes and which are now made payable to the Treasurer of this State in the lawful money of this State Joseph Bloomfield, Atty Genl. Burhngton March 22nd 1790. To Henry Garretsie Jr. Esq. late CoUr. of Essex In Hard money for William C: Huston Esqr. the two jinyments of the £90,000 £4360-4-8 Ravay May 8, 1790 Der. Sir. After my Compliments Inform you that I am yet Unwell or Should have been at your house before this but Sir as I know you to be a man of feeling and Humanity and would not wish to take the Advantage of any man without Giving him a Chance of being heard and producing the Accounts which is all I Rccjuest therefore if you Should be kind Enough to Appoint another day I will meet you if I am Able if not you must take Judgment but hope you will not send Execu- tion Emediately as in four weeks time I !>hall be able to pay you Every fiirthiug from Your friend and Humble Servt. John Cbaiq Mr. Henry Garretsee Jun. N B Please to write me a line by my son 11 42 Essex Plefts Henrj' Gnnitse Jnr. ) vs. lu ilfbt for taxes. Nathiiuicl Fiirniud I I do certify that jttdt,'nieiit was entered iu tlie above suit, iu the Inferior Court of Common Pleas holden at Newark in and for the county of Essex in the term of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty six, for the sum of fourteen hundred and fourteen pounds, sixteen shiUings and ten pence three farthings, besides costs of suit, as witness my hand this 6th day of Sept 1700 Aaron Ogden Henry Garritse Ju'r 1 vs. > In del :bt for taxes. Nathaniel Farrand ) Reed of Mr Garritse the sum of three pounds fifteen shillings in full for my costs and charges in presenting the above suit to judgment and execution Sept Gth 17'Jit. Aaron Ogden Rocovcd Actjuacknonk September the 27th 1791 of Henr}' Garritse the Sum of twenty two Pounds for an order which the freehold and Justices of the Town- ship of Newark put into his hands to git it Alowd at the Treasure the above said order Nathaniel Farrand Late Collector for the Township of Newark paid to Josiah Hornblower by me John Lindsly Trenton Oetobr Id: 17!tl Sir In Examining the Account Of Samuel Hays Commisseoner of the Old Loan Office for Essex (bounty, I find Tliat you Stand Charged with the Sum of Two Hundred and fifteen I'ounds One Shilling and Nine Pence Specie, Said to be I'aid to you, by Edd. Thomas In tlie year 1782 — and as I Cannot find That, any Part of Said Sum has IJeen Paid Into the Treasury, I Request you to Inform Me how That Matter Stands as I am Now Stating An account against Said Commissoner.^ and am Not willing to Charge You with It Till I hear from you Therefore I Re- quest your Spedy answer and am Sir Your Obed Humbe Servt James Mott Treas Henry Garritsee Escjr former Collector of Essex County N 13 I must State the account liefore the Meeting of the Legislature Therefore Beg your Answer Before That Time 43 Heed, of Hcnrj- Garritse Jimr three pounds in full of a note of hand I have ixgainst him Aakon Ooden Octo 11 17'J1 Keceived of Majer John Craig Jenuary 31th 1792 The Sum of two Hundred and Seventy one Pounds ten Shillngs and five pence being in full for and on Acct. of an Executions in my hand against him att the Suit of Henery Garrison Jr and att the Suit of Matthias Ward and att the Suit of John Heaverland and also the Sum of Eighty five Pounds four and Nine pence in full of an Execiation att the Suit of Benjamin Morgan Febuary 27th 1793 William Halsted Late Sheriff The Last Payment of the £150,000 in money and Certificates In hard money £2361-16-21^ In State money the two payments of and Certificates €3633-ll-0j>^ the £90,000 in hard 1090-1-2 In State money 1090 1-2 hard £3451-17-41^ State £4723-1 2-2 1.< To be paid to John Stivens Junr Esqr Treasurer Rec'd of Isaac Woodruff Esqr 40- 0- Rec'd of Jones Wade 35-19-11 Rec'd of Jedediah Swan Esqr 31-9-0 Rec'd of Jacob Smith 50-0-0 John Craig 25 9- 6 Nathal. Farrand 117-15- 8 £300-14-1 County Tax Isaac Woodruffs Quota County Tax £40-0-0 my fees l-O-O Rec'd the Above Jedediah Swan Esqr Dito 32-5-0 my fees 0-16-0 Rec'd the whole Jonas Wade Esqr Dito 35-19-11 my fees. (i-lH-0 Rec'd the Above 44 1 Rocept John Ktevons Junr in Siiocie £ 7-10-0 1 of 976-19-0 State £ 505-14-3 1 of Cartificntes GG7- 7-4 1 of 223-7-0 523-19-9 1 Do 796-0-9 595-5-0 1187-18-9 710-12-7 hard 3451-17-4)4 Tresurer — 1188- 1-5 3191-16-3 £3191-16-3 179-15-0 £260-1-11^ Dn 4370-15-4 4723-1 2-2>^ from William C. Huston C794-10-4 Dr £352-16-101^ from Do 617-19-6 State money Cartificts John Stevens Junr £1412-9-10 4360^- 8 £2947-14-1(1 Dr hard nionoy for Williuni (' Huston Novmbr 20tb Rec'tl of Isaac Wootlmff iu County money £ 5-8-0 1782 a^ain Rec'il 5-8-0 again Ree'd 13-0-0 again Rec'd 16-4-0 Rec'd of Isaac Woodruff / £40-0-0 Rec'd of Jadediah Swan Escjr in County Mo'y £15-15-0 16-10-0 £32-5-0 Rec'd of Jones Wadr in County Money £l-17-(i 14-9-1 19-54) Rec'd of Jones Wade £35 11-7 Rec'd of Jones Wade one fronch Crown 0-8-4 Jones Wade £35-19-11 Jedodiiih Swan 32-5-0 Isaac Woodruff 40-0-0 £108-4-11 45 £ s fl C-a-(l Reed of John ogcien Esqr in State paid to Richard l*egray in State money 4-12-6 money 12-9 3 paid to Cornelious Van Winkle In State money 6-19 9 the Remainder in State money O-17-o 12-9-3 Reed of Isaac WoodruilE.sqr.hisQnota Paid to Lewis Woodrurt' 5-8-0 inCountyTax 400-0 Paid to Silos W Arnett 5-8-0 paid to Hazekiah Tompson 13 paid to Stephen Crane 16-4-0 £40 0-0 Reed of Jones Wade his Quota in Coun- paid Joshna Horton 1-17 6 tyTax 35-19-11 paid Stephen Crane 14-9-1 one trench Crown paid llesekiah Tompson 19 5 one f rencli Crown 0-8 4 35-19-11 John Craige his Quota in County Money 25 9 6 Reed ol Jedediah Swan Esqr his paid to Isaac Ilendrecks 15-15 Quota 31-90 paid to Uezekiah Tompson 16-10-0 32-50 Reed of Jacob Smith his (/uota 52-16 10^' paid to Josiahstag 10-2-6 paid to M ichaol Vrceland 5 8-0 paid to Josiah Quiniby 0-12-0 16-2-6 Acomt of money paid to Mr Henry Garese Jnn 1787 Jnnuy 27th To Cash € GO- 2- 3 March :nst To Do 304- 7- 2 May 9th To Do 370- 8-11 1788 Augst 26th To Do 500 Dollers 187-10- £ 928- 8- 4 1789 Aprl 22 To Do 150 Do 56-5-0 £984-13- t 12 46 (Uw- 7-1 f^t.tto monej' 710-12-7 and Cartificates 11B8- 1-5 4723-12- 2^.^ 17;t-15-(> 4370-15- 4 r,(l-;-14-3 523-1 'J-y £352-1 6-10>^ 595- 5-0 4370-15-4 254- 2-10 4300-4-8 7il4-10- 4 2C41-1-6 374- Hl!l (•.17-i;i- C, £2310-3-2 2011- 1- c. w r n* XXI. ]{iLi. OF Sai,e foi; Goods and Chattels, by David McIi.koy, 1813. KNOW iill Men to whom tlicso presents shall come Greeting. That I David "Mtdlroy of the Town of Patcrson in the County of Essex and Sta'o of Now Jersey for and in consideration of Four hundred Dollars lawful money of the United States of America to me in hand '.veil and truly paid at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents by Garrabrant Van Howten of the Countj' of Ber- gen and ytate aforesaid, Esquire — The receipt whereof I do herebj' acknowledge and myself therewith fully satisfied contented and paid. Have Granted bar- gained sold convej'od nnd delivered, and bj' these jiresents do freely, fully fairly and absolutely Grunt, bargain sell, convey and deliver, unto him the snid Garr;i- Itrant Van Howten and to his heirs and assigns for ever. All and singular the Goods and Chatties herein after particularly mentioned and described, that is to say — Two spotted iiilch Cows, Four Weavers Looms, four S- tt of Weavers Hoa- dle-, Seven Weavers Keeds one weavers Hcamiug jMece, four Hy shuttles, seven weavers Lathes Two Spooling Wheels and Swifts One Lot of Large Bobbins, One Lot Shuttle Bobbins, Four Beds with their furniture. Seven Blankets, Four Bed- steads One Iron Tea Kettle, Two Iron pots, one Bake pan. One Griddle, two trammels One fi'ying pan, One pair Andirons one fire Shovel, One Sett of Knives and forks. Ten Chairs One Large Chest, One Dresser, One Looking Glass, Two Tables One Spinning Wheel one Barrel with Pork Two Barrels with Beef One Lot of Crockery ware, One Lot of Earthen ware One Lot of Tin ware. One Lot of Spoons One Lot of Glass ware, 2 Tubs, fiv^e Empty Barrels Two Washing Tubs, Two Cedar pails and One Lot of Books To havi^ and to hold nil and singular the before mentioned and convoyed *The.se are the autograjjh initials of William Churchill Houston, Receiver of Con- tinental Taxes in New Jersey, 17H2-5. 47 Goods and Chatties and every of the same unto the said Garrabrant Van Howten his heirs and assigns for ever — And I the said David Mcllroy for myself my heirs executors and administrators, all and singular the Goods and Chatties herein be- fore mentioned and convej'ed, and now put into full and peaceable possession of him the said Garrabrant Van Howten by delivery of the same, unto him the said GaiTabrant Van Howten his heirs and assigns against myself my heirs. Executors and administrators and against all persons and lawful claims whatsoever shall and will warrant and for ever defend, by virtue of these presents. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Ninth Day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirteen David McIlkoy [seal] Sealed & Delivered [ in presence of us \ John McIleot Thomas Wills XXII. Letter from David McIlroy, 181^]. feairfild Aprel the 7th 1813 Dear Sir I ame verey oneasey on acount that I Have never heard one word from Home yet I wrot to you and Like wise to My wife but no anser which puts me to a great Deal of Oneseyness of mind Please to Let my wife See this and Let Hur to know that She must ither hire waggons hur self to fetch hur to me or other M'ise to Cume to Snectadey by Laud Cerage and then to Cum up the Mohak River to the Litle falls which is ouley Nine mills from me for I Consider that it would not anser for mo to Leave My plese at that Season of the year to Cum to albaney as it will be in the verey throngest tim of puting in grean Let my wife know that if She Cums up the mohak Itiver as Soon as She Lands She must Send up to me and I will Cum ilight Down for Hur and the person worn She will Send Let them inquire for foards taveran in Salsburey and then inquire for mee Dear Squire you Have Had A great Deal of truble by me but it shall be well Kepaid to you if Ilemean in the Land of the Living Let my wife know that I want hur to Cum on to me as fast as posable I Do Not know what Should Detain hur in pat- terson I Exi^ected David before Now with money to me but their no word of nor nothing e'se so I Remean heare as if forgoten by all I Have got the hous put in purtey good order I Have bought a span of good yong horsses for Nintey Dollers l)nt Must pay one half of the money Down as the man is going to move to the Gcnesses I ame to Get his plow and all his Harness Remains yours with all Respect D McIlroy [Addressed:] Gerbrant Vanhouten Esqr Bridge end Patterson New Gersey [Postmarked, in red ink:I Johnstown Ap 17 [cents] 48 WTTI. Bond of Michael ENOcnsE Vrkei-and, of Clavfeack, 1770. Kuow ftU Men by these Presents That I Michael Enockse Vreeland of Claver- ack in the Preciut of Acquackennonck in the County of Essex and Eastern Divis- ion of the Province of New Jersey Caq)enter am held and Firmly bound unto Ilermanus Van Bossom of Slotterdam in the County of Bergen and Eastern Division of the Province aforesaid Cooiier In the Sum of One hundred and Eight potiuds Current money of the Province of New York. To be paid to the said Hermauus Van Bossom or to his Certain Attorney Executors Administrators or Assigns To which Payment Avell and Truly to be made I bind myself my heirs Execiitors Administrators and Assigns Firmly by these Presents Sealed with my Seal Dated this Eighth day of October In the Tenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George 'Ihe Third by the Grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland Lord Defender of the Faith itc And in the Year of our Lord Christ One Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy. The Condition of this Obligation is Such That if the above bouuden Michael Enockse Vreeland his heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns Shall well and truly pay or Cause to be paid unto the above said Hermanus Van Bossum or to his Certain Attorney Execiitors Administrators or Assigns the Just and full Sum of fifty four pounds Current money of the Province of New York aforesaid on or before the Eighth day of October Next Ensuing the day of the date of this pres- ents (with Lawful Interest for the Same at Seven f* Cent) without Fraud or fur- ther delay Then this Obligation To be Void and of none Effect or Else to Hemain in full force and Virtue Sealed and Delivered [ lu the Presence of ( Michiel E Vreland [seal] RicHD. Ludlow Chas. Slade Fullwood [Endorsed on the back:) J772 Aprel 22 Resuad of meykol E Vrclaud one yers Instres of this witchiu Bond ]77r) June 6 Resuead Bey Phclep Van Bossum Twelve Ponds Instros of thos with- in Bond £12-0-') XXIV. Bond of MicnrEL Enochse Vreeland, of Claverac^k, 1771. Know all men by those Presents That I michacl Enockse Vreeland of Clav- crnck in the Precint of Acquackennonck in the County of Essex and Eastern Division of the Provence of new Jersey Carpenter am held and Frimly bound unto Hermanus Van Bossum of Slotterdam in the County of Bergen and Eastern Division of the Provence of oursaid* Cooper In the Sum of Forty Pounds Currant * Aforesaid. 49 Lawful! money of the Collony of Newyork to be paid nnto the Said Hermantis van Bossum or to his attorney heirs Executor Administrator or assigns the which payment well and truly to be made and done I bind myself my heirs Executors administrators and evry of them Severally & jointly firmly by these presents Sealed with my seal dated this Nineteen day of march and in the year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy one 1771 The condition of the Abovesaid Obligation is such that if the above bounden michael Enockse Vreeland or his attorney Heirs Executors Administrators or any of them Shall well & truly pay or Cause to be iJaid unto the abovesaid Hermann < van Bossum or to his attorney Heirs Execiitors adinioistr'ators or assigns the jiist and full sum of Fifteen Pounds Currant Lawfull money as abovesaid with Law- full Intrest for the Same and that at or before the Nineteen day of march Next Ensuing the date of these i^resents then this present obligation to be void and of none Effect or else to Stand and Remain in full Force & Vertue in the Law Signed Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of us MicHiEL E Veeeland [seal] KiCHAED BeADFOED her Maey + Beadfoed mark XXV. Legal Opinion as to Disposal of Chattels of Michael E. Veeeland, 1784. Michael Vreeland in his Life time before Morcj' Purey said lie intended to give his Daughters some particular Things, which he mentioned but never did actually give them, altho' he lived some time after — The Question is, whether the Daughters shall have those things or they shall go to the administrator for the Payment of the Debts of the Intestate — • They clearly go to the Administrator — for 1st A Gift of this Kind cannot pass by Intendment 2d Allowing He did really give them, yet if there is not sufficient Estate, they must go in payment of Debt for it is a Rule of Law — A Man must be just, before he is Generous — So there can be no Doubt, but Michael N. Vreeland, as Administrator, can dispose of those Goods — J. O. Hoffman New Ark Novr 9th 1784 XXVI. Accounts of Heney Gaeeitse, Jun., Administeatoe of Michael E. Veeeland, 1784-8. Adrian J Post to Michael Vreeland Dr £46- ()-3M Michael Vreeland Jun 30-0-3 Jacob Bush C-llMt 50 Potor ITmigwoTit (I- 7-0 Saudcr Cockfare 2- 2-1 Comelious Degraw 1()-1()-G Cristiau lutirest 7-17-3 Halmab Van Winkle 1-14-0 Elins .Smith 0- 5-1 Henry Garritsc Junr 0- 6-7 Michael Vreeland Esqr 0-12-8 Comelious En Vreeland 4-16-4 £105-11-01^ Money yet in hand the Sum of 3-12-0 £109- 3-0>^ Reed of Cornelions Degraw on Account of the Vandue of Michael En Vree- land Deccsed the Sum of ten Pound ten Shillings and Six Pence By me — Henry Gabritse Jtjn The Vandue Amounts to £135-10-11 Paid to llurmonus Van IJussom Junr £ 22-l(i-3 To Derrick Van llypcn 3-11-0 To Harmonus Van Bussom 108- 3-4 To Henry Garritse 16- 4-3 To Hessel Peterse 9-17-0 To llichard Ludlow Esq 43- 0-0 To Abraham Ackramau 1-1 6-U To Jacob Van Wagaue 3-19-8 To Garrit Spcer 1- 4-0 To Mary Vreeland 11-0-8 To Houmor Ludlow 14-9-3 To Comelious Degraw 1-13-6 To CorneUus En Vreeland 1-17-0 To John El Vreeland 0-13-2 To John A Post J- 5-2 To George Personet Esqr 0- 5-0 To John Sip Junr 1-4-0 To John Garrabr:iuts 0-3 To Jerry Garrabrants 7-11-0 To Eldrick Van Hyper l-!4-0 To the Surrogate 1-16-0 To John Driimmond 2- l»-U To Jacob r.rowu O-IO-O To the Surrogate for writing the Deed 1-12 q To Thomas Van Ilyper the Smith 4-2 8 51 To Manning Force for Tax . To Moses Tarp To James Linkfoot To James Linkfoot To Thomas Van Ryper the Smith . To Lucas Wessels 5-13-0 1- 7-5 0-10-0 £270- 2-4 0-10-2 270-12-6 7- 5-9 5-17-4 Paid to Harmoniis Van Bussom Junr £ 22-16-3 To Derrick Van Rypen 3-15-0 To Harmonus Van Bussom 108- 3-4 To Henry Garritse 16-4-3 To Hassel Peterse ... 9-17-0 To Richard Ludlow Esqr 43-0-0 Bonds and Notes £203-15-10 Adrian J Post Dr £ 46- 0- 3} ^ The Land Comes to £253-19- 9 John Sips Share is 126-19-10}^ Adrian Posts Share is 126-19-10;^ 126-19-103^ 101- 1- 7 " 25-18- 3}4 the Land Comes to £253-19- 9 the Vauduo Comes to 135-10-11 £389-10- H To Attanding to Settle the Estate of Michael E Vreeland To Michael Vrenland 17 Days @ 8s B Day C 6-1 6-0 To Selling the Amount of £135-10-11 @ 6d the pound 3-15-0 £10-11-0 To Henry Garritse 17 Days @ 8s ~^ Day 6-16-0 To Michael Vreeland Junr 17 Days at H ... 6-16-0 To Sander Cockafair 9 Days @ 8- 3-12-0 To Heni-y Garritse Junr. Credt — for tending as Clark and Collecting the money and Paying of it out to Several Persons C 4-19-6 £32-14-6 52 one IJond of Ilnrmonus Van Bussem £. 54- 0- Interest of the Bond 5-l-15-ll>^ £108-15-11 1^ one Bond of Hftrmonus Van Bussem 15- 0- Interest of the Bond . . 14-14- Interest paid on the I'lond £ 20-14- ■ 108-15- 11 i:}s- 11- 11 IG-IG- . 7 Ballance Due £121-13- 4 To Van ]?ussem one Note of Tlarmouns Van Bussem Junr of 14-0-0 Interest of the Note 11-8-0 Due to Van Bussem Jun £25-8-0 one Note of Hassel Poterse £ 5-17-1 Interest on the Note 5-l(-0 Due to Hassel Peterse £11-7-1 mv Note of Henry Gnrritse Prock £11-5-0 Interest on the Note H- 0-1 1 Due to Henry tlarritse £19-5-11 11- 7- 1 25- 8- 121-13- 4 £177-14- 4 Miele En Vreeliuid Dr. By Book Account 47-0-2 £224-14- 6 By Book Account 2-18-0 £227-12- (1 By 15ook Account Lucas Wcs-jcls 8-16- By Book Account Richard Ludlow 25-15 By Bond of John J Liullow Deceased 50- 0- £312- 3- 6 53 By Note of Derrick V Riper 3-15. o By Book Account of Henery G Garritse 3-3-8 By Book Account of Abraham V Riper , 1-19- By Book Account of Peter Garritse 8-0-0 £329- 1- 2 Rec'd September 19th 1788 of Adrian J, Post thee Sum of twenty Pounds two Shillings in Part Pay for the Lands of Michael En. Vreeland Decesed Eec'd by me Henky Garritse June Mr Michail E Vreeland Bought at Vendue held at Capas Zaboiske October ye 8th 1754 £ s d To two Locks 00-02-00 To one Chezil 00-01-03 To 3 Gimletts 00-00-10 To AUom 00-00-07 To 1 Knife 00-OC-lO To Cask Nails 00-04-00 00-09-06 [Endorsed:] Jenuary 31 1755 then Receved of mycal e Vreeland the juste and fool Sum of nine Sh and Six pence in fool for the Vandue of Casparres Zeabousky 1 Say Receved by me RiCHAARD VaNDER HaWN £0-9-6 Achquechenonck feberwary 12th 1755 Recevid of michiel E Vreland & Johiinnis E Vreland the Sum of twinty three Pounds Six shillings which being the full Content for a noot which being now in my hands I Say Recevid by me YoRis Steynmets £23-6 Febriwari 12 Dayh 1759 Geresift Van Mechiel E Vreland De som Vau Siieven en Dartig pont twee Schellengen en Ses pens in Vol Var alle Rekeningen Bey Myn Chrisstoffel Van Norstrandt £37-2-6 14 54 onfaugen Van inicbil Enaaec Vriland tlo Somiu Van IG Scelinge de Vanalle llequeuiuge tot desse dage de 13 Juny 1759 DocTEB Joannes DeVaaeeub June 2 ye 1761 Then Receved of michel e Vreland the juste and fool Sum of Sixteen Shillings it being in fool of all accounts I say receved by me Richard Vandeb Hawn Jeneary Ye 23th, 1762 Reed of Micheal A Vrcelandt In bhalfe of John Reerson the Som of Aten Shillins An Ninepens Recti bi Me MicHEAii M Vbeelandt €0-18-9 Received Achquaknah 9th Febry: 1762 of Mr: Michel Vrelant One Pounde Eleaven shillings & Eight Pence in full for Abrm: Van Vleck ^: Me Isaac Van Vleck £1-11-8 Achquacknah Janry. 27th. 1763 Receivd of Mr Myckle E Vrelant The Sume of Thirteen Shillings & 3d In fuU ^ Abaham Is. Van Vleck €0-13-3 Reed this 2nd April 1763 of Mr. Michael Vreland One pound twelve shilling and 9d In full ^ me Thos Griffith Achquacknah April 7th 1764 Receivd: of Mr. Mykcl E Vrelant The Sum Of Twelve ShilUngs & 9d In full Auraham Is. Van Vleck April tb 23 17 — then Received of Mr Jurie Peterse upon the account of his Father iV Law Leat Deceased Seven pounds Twelve Shilngs in full of all De- mands I Say Received by me €07-12-0 65 Octr 28th 1767 Kecd by the Hands of Michael Vreelandt Esqr from Michael Enochse Vreelandt the Sinn of twenty five pounds Current money of the Colony of New York on Acct of a Note Given by sd Michael E: Vreelandt to One Her- manns Vader Isaac Ogden November de 20: 1767 ontfangen Van magiel enogse Vreelant de Som Van drie pent tien Schellen- gen en vollen ont fangen bij mij David van boseeeck 1770 Mikel freland this Is to let yo no that my acont Is 6- 0-0 and your Crad Is 4-14-9 Sr be plesed to help me to the balans Dont fal to prvent trobel for I am in grat wont no moor at present from your frend to serve Nathaniel Kingsland TolmugSyd 004 Tol Gill Rum 0-0 4 To 2 Deners 0-3-0 To 2 Horses on Hay 0-1-0 0-4 8 I promos to Pay unto Horremons Van Bussen the Jest & full Sume of fortten Pound on Demand \\'ith Lawfull Entrest from the Datee as witness my hand & Sele this 14 of June 1773 MicHiEL E Vkeeland in the Presents of Rob Drummond Reed the Sum of £22-16-3 in full of the above Note Reed this 22nd Mar: 1774 of Michael E Vreland four Shillings and Sixpence In full of all accts ^, me Thos: Geiffith March the 22 1774 then received of mykel freeland the Sum of ten Shillings in full of all domands I Saj' received By me GEORGE WiNANS 56 Mfiroh 22 1774 Dben Receiveil from Mikol E Vrelaud the Sum of three Shil- ling And fore Pence In full of All acouuts Uy Me Abkm Wikne June ye 20th 1775 Then Received of Mr Michail E Vreelnnd the Sum of Twenty Pounds York Money which is in full of all Accompts to this Day I say Received By me mark COBNELIXJS -(- E VbKELAND his Betaelt aen mighiel Enog Vreeland Mey ye 23 1775 4 billen Van 32-0 £6- 8-0 12 Do 16-0 9-12-0 2 Do 12-10 1-5-8 1 Do 200-0 10-0-0 £27-5-8 Thomas Post Desember 20th 1780 Receaved of Micel E freeland the Sum of twelve Shiliug hard muney for worke that my Wife did Francies Wood Michel freland Dobto Fobwary 2C 1783 For li(juor . . 0-3-0 to John Garrabrants Personly appeared Before me Isaac Dod one of the Justices of Peace of the Coun. ty of Essex John Garrabrant and made oath that the within account is Just and tnie Sworn Before me the 6 Day of may 1785 Isaac Dod Persunly appeared Before me Isaac Dod one of the Justices of Peace of the County of Essex mercy Perry and Being Du'y sworn saith that the following ar. ticals were Given By michel E freeland in His Life time to the following Persons Viz Casha and Jane freeland His Daughers to Casha were Given 57 one Bed Si)red one Looking Glass Sworn Before me the one Copper Cittle Second Day of nouvem- two puter Platers ber 178J: one puter Bason Isaac Dod one Iron Pot one set of Curtains to Jane one Gum Curbord one Bed Spred one Iron Pot one small Brass Cittle two Filter Platers one Puter Bason one Bed and Beding one Looking Glass Mary Vrceland Dr To Sundries to the Vandue £ 419- (! Cornelious Degraw Dr To Sundries to Dito 12- 4- Heniuer Ludlow Dr To Sundries to Dito 14-9-3 Cornelious En Vreeland Dr To Sundries to Dito 2- 0- G Philip Van Eypeh Dr To Sundries to Dito 0-6-0 Cristian Interest Dr To Sundries to Dito 7-17- 3 William King Juur Dr To Sundries to Dito . . 1-9-2 John El Vreeland Dr To Sundries to Dito 0-13- 2 John A Post Dr To Sundries to Dito 1- C- G Halmah Van Winkle Dr To Sundries to Dito 1-14- John Sip Junr Dr To Sundries to Dito 1-7-0 Elias Smith Dr To Sundries to Dito 0-5-1 Jerey Garrabrants Dr To Sundries to Dito C- 1- 1 Henry Gariitse Junr Dr To Sundries to Dito 0-6-7 Morinus Van Rypen Dr To Sundries to Dito 0-9-6 Robert Blare Dr To Sundries to Dito 0-2-8 Jacob El Vreeland Dr To Sundries to Dito (I- 2-1 1 Micheal Vreeland Esqr Dr To Sundries to Dito (i-12- 8 Nicolus A Garribrants Dr To Sundries to Dito ... 0-8-9 Morinus Vreeland Dr To Sundries to Dito 4-12-10 £61- 2- 5 Micheal Vreeland Junr Dr To Sundries to the Vandue 30-0-3 Aaron Skyler Dr To Sundries to the Vandue 15- 9- 6 David Sandford Dr To Sundries To the Vandue 0- 1-10 Jacob Bush Dr to Sundries to the Vandue 0-19- Peter Haugwout Dr To Sundries to the Vandue 0-7-0 Sander Cockafare Dr To Sundries to the Vandue 2-2-1 Jacob Garritse Dr To Sundries lo the Vandue 1-12- 2 58 Euoch C Vrcolnurl Dr To Sundries to the Vaudne 1-3-6 Adriau A Post Dr To Sundries to the Viiudue 0-9-1 Ahraliani 11 Van Geseu Dr To Simdries to Dito 6-3-6 Ciarret Wouters Dr To Sundries to Ditn 3-0-0 Peter Simmons Dr To Sundries to Dito 0-3-6 Capt. Thomas Sigler Dr To Sundries to Dito 0-17- John Parrot Dr To Sundries to Dito 1-6-0 John Garrabrauts Dr To Sundries to Dito 0-5-6 Garrit Spier Dr To Sundries to Dito 2-2-1 Abraham Mowerse Dr To Sundries to Dito 0- 5-10 John Spier Dr I o Sundries to Dito 6-1-1 Garral)rant J Garrabrauts Dr To Sundries to Dito 0-l'2- 6 73- 7- 5 august 12 177'.i work don for mikel enug Vreeland to makeing 5 i)air of Shoes .... 00-1 5-00 to makeiug 2 pair of Shoes 00-11-00 to the meutling 8 pair of Shoes 1 0- 8-00 01-14-00 Kecd of Henry Garritse Junr the above Account in full by me Elurick V.\n Riper Pcrsonly appeared Before me Isaac Dod one of the Justices of Peace for the County of Essex Eldrick Van llipen and made oath that the within account is just and true Sworn Before me the 15 Day / of february 17n5 \ Iswc Dod three Shillings for pence 7-11-G-34-8 junuare ye 24 1786 this day llesevid of Micheal Vreeland and hcnre Girets in Behalf of the Es- tate of Micheal E Vreeland one pound sovin shillings and fyve pens in full of all acouuts aginst Sd Estate I Say llesevid pr me Moses That e 1-7-5 At an Orplian's Court held at New-Ark on the sixteenth day of January 1786 — Present | William Burnet I ^ , , , , ,, , • Es(irs Judges John Peck ] ' ^ Mathias Ward J On the Application of Henry Garistc and Michael Vreeland Administrators 59 to the Estate of Michael En Vreeland Jnnr deceased for the sale of lands which Mere of the said Michael in his life time, and which are not in any wise encum- bered, for the payment of debts du'^ from the said Intestate and which the said Administrators cannot discharge for want of Assets and it appearing to the Court from the Exhibition of the Inventory and Statement of their accounts upon Oath that there was occasion therefor. — Ordered, that the said Henry Garistee and Michael En Vreeland be authorized to make sale of such and so much of the said lands as will on the best computa- tion that can be made of the value thereof, be sufficient to raise the Sum of two hundred and seventy eight Pounds and seventeen shillings And that they adver- tise the same in live of the most public places in the County where the lands lie, at least one month before the day of sale and that the said Administrators make report of their proceedings thereon to the next OrjAan's Court. — A true copy from the minutes Wm : Livingston Junk Kegister Weesel March 2ud 1786 Reed of Henry Garritse Administrators of the Estate of Michael En. Vreeland Desesed the Sum of Thirty Six Shillings in full of all Demands of the Estate Eecd by me £1 l()-0 Abea ham Akeeman April 18th 1786 Reed of Henry Garritse Adminr of the Estate of Michael En Vreeland Decesed the Sum of three pounds Nineteen Shillings and Eight pence in full of the Estate by me £3-l'J-8 Jacob Van WAf}EN[ER] June 4th 1788 Eecd of Henry Garritse Administrator of the Estate of Michael En Vreeland Decesed the Sum of twenty one Pounds ten shillings and two Pence Reed by me Isaac Van Ryper September 21st 1788 Reed of Henry Garritse Administrator of the Estate of Mi' chael En Vreeland Decesed the Sum of five Pounds Seventeen Shillings and four Pence Reed by me — Lucas Wessels December 12th 1703 Reed of Henry Garritse Admnr of the Estate of Michael En Vreeland Decesed the Sum of one Pound thirteen Shillings -6 one Green Kug Michel Vreeland Junr . 1-1-0 one Green Rug Mary Vreelaud 1-15-0 two Baskets Hennier Ludlow 0-4-8 one Basket Ilenmcr Ludlow 0-2-9 one Slaw Honk Garrit Spear o-13-O Six plains Jacob Garritse 0-12-s three Augers Cornellous E Vreeland 6-0 one Auger Phellp \'an Hypen 0-6 one Auger Chrlstan Intircst 0-2 6 4 Adgses Christian Intiiest 0-12 1 a percel of plains Wiijinm King Junr. . 0-10-2 one Carpenters plow William King Junr 0-8-0 61 one Dito John Garribrantsi 0-2-1 one Snick Christian Interest 0-6-0 one Snick John El Vreclaiid 0-12 6 a percil of plains William KingJunr 0-8-0 one plain William KingJunr 0-30 1 trouel and pick John Garribrants 0-2-5 1 tennent Saw Jacoli Oarritse 0-16-6 1 percil of tools John A Post 0-13-9 1 Rasp Jacob Buck 0-1-6 one hand Saw Cornelious K Vreeland.. 0-13-6 This Vandue Ajurnd till the 5th of November 1784 one Red Cow with one horn Aron Sky- ler 500 one Red HetTer Aron Skiler 4-7-0 one old Cow Michel \'reeland Junr 3-0 one hctler Aron Skyler 3-2-0 4 Sheep Cornelious Uegraw 3-14-0 1 Black mare Michel Vreeland Junr 6-10-0 1300 Shingels Uenmer Ludlow @ 20- ^ hundred 13-0-0 one Bay mare Halmah Van Winkle £1-14-0 1 hand Saw John Sip Junr 0-7-0 1 Dito John Sip Junr 0-8-6 1 Dito Henmer Ludlow 0-6-1 1 Square Henmer Ludlow x 2-8 1 Carpenters Adgs Henmer Ludlow 0-6 7 1 Draw knife John Sip Junr 0-3 6 1 hollow Draw knife Michel Vreeland Junr 0-2-0 1 post Ax John A post 5-9 1 how Henmer Ludlow , 0-0-6 1 Broad Ax Henmer Ludlow 0-6-0 1 frow Cornelious Degraw 0-4-6 1 Neck Yoak Ellas Smith 0-5-1 1 Wevers Loom Abraham R Van Gesen..5-19 3 Clevises Garret spear 3-11 1 Si ve Rand Garret Spear 0-3 1 half Bushel Jery Garrabranth Oil 1 Crackel John A post 0-1-0 1 Crackel Garrabrant I Garrabrants 019 1 pitch fork Henry (iarritse Junr 0-20 1 Large Clevis John Sip Junr 0-2-8 1 Cant Hook John El Vreeland 0-1-0 Agiirnd to the 22nd of November 178-4 1 Dung fork Michel \ reeland Junr. . 0-2-6 1 fan Micliel Vreeland Junr 0-4-0 Sundries Michel Vreeland Junr 1-10 1 Plesure Slay John Spear 5-1 1 dung fork John El Vreeland 0-4-1 1 Leading lines Garrabrant 1 Garra- brants 1-3-0 1 Brown Mare Jery Garrabrants 6-0-0 1 Reed and Gears Morinus Van Rypen. . 0-9-6 1 Read and Gears Robert Blare x 0-2-8 2 Baskets Stephen fordum Answerd by M Vreeland Junr 0-2-0 1 plow Share Michel Vreeland Junr 0-2-0 2 hammers Michel Vreeland Junr 0-2-3 Iplow Share Michel Vreeland Junr 0-0-6 1 Soap Cask Michel Vreeland Junr 0-1-1 ISithesJohn Sip Junr 0-1-3 ISive Garret Spear 0-0 9 1 Wooding tray Michel Vreeland Junr. . 0-0-6 1 Test Sander kockafare 0-1-0 1 Candle Stick Michel Vreeland Junr 0-0 4 3 picktures Garrit Spear 0-0-6 1 Witewood Chist Garrabrant I Garra- brants 0-4 3 1 pair of Smooding Irons Michel Vree- land Junr 0-4-3 1 Wheelbarrow Garrit Spear 0-2-1 1 fox trap Cornelious E Vreeland 1-0-0 1 Bell Cornelious E Vreeland 0-2-0 2 Little Looms Jaoob El Vreeland x 0-1-0 1 Cradle 2 Axes Cristian Interest 0-1-6 14 Spools Cristian Interest 0-4-1 1 Duch Bible Enoch C Vreeland x 1 0-0 1 puter pint mug Henry Garritse Junr.. 0-2 3 1 puter Bole Michel Vreeland Junr o-O 10 7 puter plates Michel Vreeland Junr 0-7-3 1 pair of Wool Cards Michel Vreeland Esqr 0-0-8 J puter Bason &c Cristian Interest x 0-2-0 1 puter Bason Nicolus A Garraljrants. . . 0-3-9 1 puter Bason Michel Vreeland Junr 0-6-1 1 puter platter Nicolas A Garrabrants. . 0-4-0 1 Dito Cristian Interest 80 1 Dito Michel Vreeland Junr 0-16-6 1 puter Tea pot Michel Vreeland Junr. .. o-4-O 2 Erthen Boles Michel Vreeland Junr. ... 0-1-1 1 Erthen Bason Morinus Vreeland 0-7 2 Erthen Dishes Micliel Vreeland Junr. . 00-7 1 Erthen Bason Nicoles A Garrabrants. . 0-1-0 2 Erthen Dishes Mornus ^'reeland 1-3 2 Wooding Boles Michel Vreeland Junr. 0-10 8 Spoons Michel Vreeland Junr 0-1-6 1 Bottle Case Michel Vreeland Junr o-l-o 1 Iron pot Michel Vreeland Esq o-12 1 Iron pot Peter Simmons o-2-O 1 Iron pot Michael Vreeland Junr 0-10-0 1 Brass kettle Sander kockafare 1-10-0 1 Tea kittle Michel A'reeland Junr 0-3-2 1 Copper kittle Michel Vreeland Junr. . . 3-8-0 1 Slate Henry Garritse Junr 0-2-4 1 Looking Glass Jane kockafare 0-4-7 1 Iron Widge Michel Vreeland Junr o-:-2 02 XXVIII. Pateks Relating to Disputk as to the Boundary Line between Acquackanonk AND Newaiik, 17'.>'2-5 To the Surveyor Geucrall &c These are to will and Kequire Yon to Survey and Lay out for Robert Yon^ of Newark two hundred Acres of Laud within the Bounds of Newark aforesaid Pursuant to an order of the Proprietors, In Council! Dated the tweutyeth of Feb- ruary, 16'.)."), And make Return thereof Into the Secretaries Office — And: Hamilton — A true Copy from Lib 0. Page 1.54: and Examined by John Smvth jk Surv Genl l-l}^ By Warrant Dated 20th February 100.5. Surveyed for Robert Yong In New- ark first a Trat't of Land at the Stone house Plaine, begining at the Mouth of the Stone house brook at an Elme Tree mark't on four Sides thence South as the third River Runs 24 Chains to a white oake mark't on four Sides, thence South w. st 40 Chains to A Walnut Bush markt as above, thence North 24 Chains, And thence to where it began bounded South by Samuel Plum East by the third River west and North by Land Unsurveyed. Also an othe Peice Lying on the North Side of the Saii River neare the Mounta'n Swamps. Begining where Achqueckenunck Line Croseth Said River, thence down the River to a white Oak markt on four Sides being J.-djes Rodgers Corner, thence North East 20 Chains to Hachquick- enunck Line, thence along S.aid Line to where it began, bouuded. South by the River North by Hach(iuickeuuiick Line, East by a Small Swamp Unsurveyed and west bj' the River Also an other Tract on the North Side of Said River, begining at a black Oak Bush on the hill marU't on four Sides, thence South West 4U Ch.ains to a white Oak markt on four Sides by the River In Length, And In breadth at the South End G^^ Chains and at the North End 5>^ Chains bounded South and East by the River, West by Land Unsurveyed North by John Brod- berrie Also an other Peice on the East Side of Roway River, Begining at a White Oak markt on four Sides on the Hill, thence As the branch thereof Runs to the turne of the River 20 Chains thence As the River Runs ^0 Chains, thence to the hill 20 Chains bouuded West and North by Said River and branch. South by Sam- uel Freeman and East by Land Unsurveyed Also a Peice of Meadow at the head of fishing Creeke, In Length East and West 10 Chains In bre.idth 5 Chains bounded South by John Baldwine Jun: west by Said Creeke, Noith by a Small W(U-iue .and other Lotts and East by other Lotts. Also an other Peice of meadow on the South Side of Morris Creeke In Length 20 Chains, and In breadth G Chains, bounded South and West by Meadow Unsurveyed, North by the Creeke East by John Brodberry, Also an other Peice of Swamp and Land In the Mill brook Swamp, In Length East and West 20 Chains and In breadth 10 Chaius bounded South by Samuel Plum, North by the Widdow Crane West by Land Unsurveyed East by Other Lotts Containing In all after allowance for Barrens &c 200 Acres John Ct'utis A true Copy from Lib. O P.ige IGl & Examind by John Smyth Jr Surv. Genl .3- 63 Book A I age IGi— XVIth March 1684-The Proprietors To Hawde Diderick — Garret Garretson, Walling Jacobs — Elias Machielson, Hartruan Machielson — Johannes Machielson Cornelius Machielson Adrian Post Urian Tomason — Cornelius Roulifson Sj'mon Jacobs John Hendrickspeare Cor- nelins Lubbers and Abraham Bookej' — for A certaine Tract of Land situate lying and being upon Passaick River in the County of Essex and called and known by the name of AcqTickennunck Beginning at the Northernmost boiinds of the Town of Newark and so running from the lowermost jiart to the Uppmost part thereof as farr as the Steepe Rocks or mountains and from the said lowermost part along Passaick river to the great falls thereof and so along the Steep Rocks and Moun- tains to the Uppmost part of Newark bounds aforsaid as it is more plainly dem- onstrated by a Chart or draught thereof made l)y the late Surveyor General, to- gether along the River to Adrian Van Houtens Lott No 1 to the west of Van Houtens with all my undevided Lands to which he the said Henry Garritse Senior now hath or hereafter may have Rights or title unto, Situate Lying and being within the township of Acquacknonk and included within the Bounds of the Acquacknonk Patent Together with all and singuler the Hereditiments and appurtenences to the Same belonging or in any wise Appertaining and also all the Estate Rights titles Interest Property Claim or demand whatsoever of the said Henry Garritse Senior of in and to the same, and of in and to anj' part and per- cel thereof — to have and to hold all nnd Singular the Said Lotts and undeNided Lands Above described with the Appurtenances unto the said Henrj' Garritse Junr and John H Garritse thair Hairs and Assigns to the only Proper use benefit and behoof of them — the said Heury Garritse Junr and John II Garritse thair Hairs and Assigns forever in Witness whareof the parties to these presents have hereunto Interchaingably Set thair hands and Seals the day and year first above Written Sealed and Delivered I in the presoncee of j Henbby Gebritse [seal,] Martin I Hyerson Abraham Akerman 71 xxxiir. Bond of Kichakd Dey, Relative to Lands near Little Falls, 1791. Know all men by these Presents that I Eichard Dey of the County of Bergen and State of New Jersey Yeoman am Held and firmly bound unto Eichard G Van Houten of the County of Bergen Yeoman in the Just and full Sum of twenty Seven Pounds Lawfull money of the State of new Jersey to be Paid to the Said Eichard G Van Houten or his Certain Attorney his Executors Administrators or assigns to which Payment well and truly to Be made I bind myselfe my Heirs Executors and Administrators firmly by these presents Sealed with my Seal and Dated this Nineteenth Day of May one thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety one 1791 The Condition of the Above Obligation is Such that whereas the Aforesaid Richard G Van Howten Did by his Deed or Indenture Bearing Date the Sixth Day of October one thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty ^fine Convey unto Ehas Vreland all his right and title to a Certain Lott of Land Situate Lying and being in the County of Bergen and State of New Jersey at a place Called the Little falls it being Part of Lott No 1 of Singac Patent out of the Moste westerly end of Sd Lott Containing twelve Acres And Whereas the Said Richard G Van Houten is Apprehensive that the Said Elias Vrelend or his Assigns would have take or Get in Possession more than one Halfe part of the Aforesaid twelve Acres By Virtue of the Said Indenture then and in Such Case the Condition is such that if the said Elias Vreland his heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns shall have take Recover or Get in Possession more than one Halfe of the aforesaid twelve Acres by Virtue of Said Indenture then and in that Case if the Said Richard Dey or Either of his heirs Executors Administrators or Either of them Shall well and truly Pay or Cause to be Paid iinto the said Hichard G Van Houten or his Certain attorney his Heirs Executors or Assigns the Just and full Sum of thirteen pounds ten Shillings of Like money as above said then this obligation to be void or Else to Stand and Remain in full force and Virtue Sealed and Delivered ) in Presence of us j Richaed Dey [seal] John Bensen Jttoer Mary Bensen XXXIV. Lease of Part of Abraham Van Hovten's House, 1818. An article of an agreement made by and between Abraham \'un Houten and James Connor both of the town of Paterson in the County of Essex and State of New Jersey — that Whereas for the payment of Ninety dollars payable Quarterly — the said Abm Van Houten doth let unto the aforsd James Connor the following (for One Year Commencing May the first next) viz — all that part of the House the said Abm Van Houten now occupies— together with the whole use of the eutrj' — (excepting Mr Wessels Family are to have free access to the Garret by entry of the Front door) also one equal half part of the Garden, Door Yard aud Bleaching 72 Place— which the said Van Honten now occnpies (but he reserves to himself the Asparagus Bed) The said Connor to have One third of all the Fn;it that may grow on the afores'd place this present year together with the use of one half that spot of ground between the s'd Van Houten's Barn and the House now occupied by Mr John Clark and the road — for the purjiose of raising Potatoes &c— on — and the said Connor to be put in possession of the above premises on or before the first day of May next — In Witness whereof We have put our hands this 5 day of Feby 1818 Abm Van houten Witness Connoe G, V, HOWTEN XXXV. Affidavit for a Capias, foe being called a Thief, 1827. Bergen County ss. Jotham Eichards of the County of Bergen being dnly sworn according to law on his oath saith that Henry Jacol>us of said County has twice within a fortnight past charged this Deponent with being a thief, that said Henry Jacobus is not a freeholder, & Deponent is fearful that he may leave the State if not held to Bail. Swosn before me Jotham Bichaeds this 27 Ap. 1827 G, Van Houten J P & Judge XXXVI. Award of Abbitrators, Abraham R. Lynsen vs. Danifl Dod, 1804. 1804 ] August 18 I Abraham R Lansing j- In Debt and Damage vs I Daniel Dod j The parties in the above Suits do hereby agree that all matters and contro- versies between the parties be submitted to the final determination of Garabraut Van Houten Henry B. Spear and Albert Van Saun whose report or the report of any two of them in writing made on or before the first day of September next and entered in the Docket of Garabrant Van Houten Esqr i-hall be final and conclusive to the ])arties and that execution Shall be issued thereon accordingly. In Wit- ness whereof the parties have hereunto Set their hands and Seals the the day and year above Abeam. E. L\nsen |seai.J Daniel Dod [seal] We the Subscribers Referees in the above Cause after being sworn according to law, and hearing the aligations and proofs of the parties Do report as follows — 73 That the Sum of fifty one Dollars A fouitj' three Cents is due to Abraham R Lysen the Plaintiff in the above cause from the Defendant — In witness we have hereunto Set our hands and Seals the Eighteenth daj' of August in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and four Garebrant Van Howten [seax] Henby B Spear [seal] Albert Van Saun [seal] For which I gave Judgment with the Cost hereunto Annexed Bill of Cost Referees fees $1 50 Besides reasonable expences Drawing rule . . 13 Swearing Witness 20 Witness fees 2 00 Extra fees for witness 1 00 first Cost 2 42 $7 25 Judgment 10 7 35 XXXVII. Gerbebrandt Van Houten's Bill Against the Pateeson and Hamburgh Turn- pike Company. Dr Turnpike Company in Acct With Garbrant Van Howten 1817. $ Cts May 14 To 1 daj' at Abraham Godwins 1 50 20 To 1 day per do 1 50 June 3 To 3 days to deckertown contracting { 4 50 ' ' for gate tV: Expences on the road \ 1 88 20 To i^ days work, by J. Packer 4 25 To 3^^ days do by M. Cronk 3 75 To 3,^4 days do R. McMur 3 75 To 3?4 days do Man Oxen & Cart 7 50 To 2 days— myself 3 00 To 2,^4 days to Mr Dockities 87 July 7 To 1 day at Pompton 1 50 " To 1 day at Gates 1 50 14 To 2 days at Armstrongs 3 00 26 To 1., day at A. Godwins 75 Augt 2 To } ^ day at Gates 75 17 To 1 day at A. Godwins 1 50 Sept 19 To 4 days work by J. Packer 4 00 October 1 To 6 days work by J. Westervelt 6 00 r,To 2 days work by J. Packer 2 00 19 74 " To 1 day Man Oxon A: Cart 2 50 " To 1 (lay myself 1 50 9 To 1 (lay work by J, Packer ] 00 " To 1 day work by J. Westervelt 1 00 " To 1 day man Wagon & Horses 2 50 20 To 1 day man Oxen & Cart 2 50 " To 1 day work by J. Packer 1 GO Norm 1 To 1 day to Hackensack at the Snte of Ryerson & Van Houten & Expences 3 00 2 To 2 days to hamburgh for to'e moneys & Expences 5 00 " To Will Irelands Note paid U9 82 Anit Carried ovor $223 32 $ Cts " Amt Hrot over 223 32 Deem 1 To 1 day at A. Godwins 1 5it 2 To 1 day work J. Packer 1 UO " To 1 day do J. Westervelt 1 00 ' ' To >*4 day Man Wagon & Horses 1 88 " To ^4 day Myself 1 12 6 To pd Hheritfs fees , 13 50 18 To 1 padlock for gate 25 22 To 1 day at Armstrongs 1 25 1818 Jany 12 To Cash pd for lioards Bill 2 75 " To 1 day at Armstrongs 1 50 13 To going to Newark with petition 1 5o " To Expences there 75 Feby 28 To Cash pd Recording 2 deeds in the Clarks 01 Novm 1 By Cash C. I. Post for do 11 53 3 Bv Cash (t. Smith Gate 46 08 75 " By Cash I. P. Mead do 75 U " By Cash G. Pitengers do 30 (J(» " By Cash I. Coleman do . . 5 00 " By Cash A. Dochity do 39 97 Decm2&3By Cash C. I. Post do 19 33 18 By Rent for tole House 5 80 March 19 By Rent for tole do 4 GO May 4 By Rent for tole do 7 20 By my diibill for traveling the road 3 50 $250 76 XXXVIII. Contract for Sale of Timber on the Wallis Tract, on Hamburgh Avenue, 1814. Articles of Agreement had made and concluded the tenth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, between John Wal- jis of the City & State of New York, Counsellor at Law, and Hutcheson, of Paterson, in the State of New-.Jersey, weaver. Art. 1st. The said John WaUis agrees to sell, convey and dis^jose of, to the said Hutcheson, all the wood and t.mber growing and being upon a certain piece of land owned by the said W«llis, situate lying and being in the Townshii^ of Saddle River County of Bergen and State of New Jersej', near Paterson Bridge, and which was formerly owned by George Adams, late ot the Town of Paterson, for the consider r-tion of forty-tive dollars, to be secured by an approved promis- sory Note, payable on the first day of November next, and for the further consid- eration of the said Huteheson cutting and (dealing from off the said land, or all such paits of it as can te made fit for pasture or meadow, all the wood and brush of every kind gi owing or being thereon — the said brush to be cut even with the surface of the e rth, and to be entirely cleared from otf the said land on or before the fiibt day of Apiil next. Art. 2d The said Hutcheson agrees to pay the said Wallis the sum of forty- five dol'ars, and to secure the same by an approved promissory Note, payable on the first day of November next, and to clear t e said land or such parts of it as can be made fit for meadow or pasture, even with the surface of the earth, of all the wood and underbrush of every kind growing or being thereon, on or before the first day of April next, as a consideration for the wood growing or being upon the said land, he the said Hutcheson being at libertj' to cut and cai'ry away the said wood, at any time after the delivery of the said promissory Note. Art. 3. It is mutually agreed between the said parlies and they do hereby bind themselves their exei utors and administrators, each to the other, to the performance of the above agreement under the penalty of twenty dollars. In 76 witness whoicof the said parties Lave hereto set their hands and seals the day and j'ear first above written Sealed & Delivered in John Wallis [seal] the presence of James Hutchison [seal] "William Wiley witness to the execution of John Wallis G. V HoWTEN XXXIX. Hknry GomviNs Bill foi; Siits Bboight by Him bkfore Jcstice Van Howten, 1810-1 4. Henry Godwin To Garal)rant Van Houten Dr. 1810 Hfnry Godwin ) f Summon Servis A- Jndgt $ 53 June 2 vs. > ■ Execution & return without Propty 3'2 John Dulhagen ) ( 2 Do ' 13 vs. October 1 Andrew Edwards attaohnient with Costs 1 01 1811 vs. March 9 Silas Day Summon and Exn. Costs To vs. May (') Martin G. Ryerson Summon 23 vs. July 23 James Applebey Summon A: Exn. Costs 45 vs. Andrew Edwards Warrant A: Cost 45 vs. August 3d Chrispher Brower Summon iV: Exn. Cost 45 1812 vs. March 28 Adrian Van Gieson Summons A- Exn. (^ost 45 vs. James Lerue Summon iV- Judf^t 23 vs. Cornelis A Post Do Do 23 vs. John Wamsley .. Do Do Do 75 vs. April 10 (larret A. Post Do Do Do 45 1813 vs. Feby 13 Egbert lirown Do Do Do 75 vs. Garret \ Post D" Do 75 vs. HalmahPost Do Do 53 vs. Jacol) D Ackerman Do Do 53 77 vs. Aury Post Do Do 53 vs. Oornelis G Doremus ... Do Do 53 vs. James Van Waggoner Summon Siibpon adg 1 45 vs. Halmah Ackerman Sum Do 53 vs. Elizibeth Carthright Do Do 53 vs. Luke Van Allen Judgt 10 vs. Marcli Henry H Brown Summon Exn Cost 1 05 vs. August 20 James Lougbry Warrant & Exn Costs 90 vs. Sept 27 Daniel M Loyd Warrant and Cost 68 vs. Novm 12 AbrmAKatan. Do Do 83 vs. Henry I. Garrutson Do Do 75 vs John Cronk Do Do 75 vs. Daniel Assley Do Do 75 vs. David Andrews Do Do 75 vs. Pattrick McConnell Do Do 75 vs. Eyner Kip Do Do 53 vs. David Hougben Do Do 90 vs. JobnRDegray Do Do 75 vs. Deer 10 James Gillum Do Do 45 1814 vs. Feby 14 Jese M Chappie Do Do 45 vs. Wm Aymen Do Do 23 vs. James Flarity Do Do 23 vs. Gorge Petry Do Do 45 20 78 vs. 21 John EiTil . . . , Do Do 33 vs. July 12 Eecompence Stansbery Do Do for 2 Sutes Cost 1 51 vs. Sept 20 Hassel H Dormns Sum & Judg vs. James Lerue Do vs. Robrt Rybert Do vs. David Van Dervort Do vs. Conrat Watson Do vs. Garrit A Post.- Do vs Garrit Post Do vs. Elzebeth Redner Do vs. John Rednor Do vs. October 15 James Niblow Do vs. Agness Lyon Do 1810 vs. May 20 Nichles A Ryerson Do vs. Sarah B Dormus Do vs. David Van dervort Do 1H13 Henry Godwin To Garabrant Van Houten Dr Novm 18 To IJook accont 10 Scains of Silk tred 1 25 Junel0181l on 1 Lode of Lime 181 12 Bushels of Lime 1 12).;^ G Day Waggon Hire 2 25 13 1 Silver Mounted Sword 15 00 Novm 19 1 mouth work for Slave Jacob ]0 00 June 4 1816 to 1 Day horse hire 1 50 Per John Morfat Note 1 1 37 Henry Godwins Note 1 15 42 $189 15 Fudg 23 Do 23 Do 23 Do 23 Do 23 Do 23 Do 23 Do 23 Do 23 Do 23 Do 23 Do 23 Do 23 Do 45 79 XL. Declaration in a Suit against Paul Rutan, Constable, for Alleoed Nkglect OF Duty, 1810. Essex County ss Court for the trial of Small Causes Encres Gould E qr Justice Garabrant Van Howten plaintiff ) vs j-in Debt — Paul Ratan Defendant ) The plaintiff Demands of the Defendant Fourty Eight Dollars and Twenty Cents for that the plaintiff heretofore to wit on the thirteenth Day of February A. D. 1809 obtained a Judgement in a Certain Court for the trial of Small Causes in the County of Essex, Whareof Eucres Gould Esqr then was and now is Jus- tices against one George H Dormus for Fourty Eight Dollars Twenty Cents Debt and Six Dollars and Twenty four Cents of Interest for one year and ten months and Sixty two Cents Costs of Sute in all Fifty five Dollars and Eight Cents That afterwards to wit on the 30 Day of May 1809 the Said Justice Encres Gould Issued Execution in behalf of the Said plaintiff against the Said Gorge H Dormus on the S.aid Judgement aforesaid for the Aforesaid Debt and Costs Com- manding a mongst other things the Defendant he being one of the Constables of the Township of Acquacnack in the County of Essex to Levy and make the Debt and Costs of the Goods and Chatties of the Said Gorge H Dormus in the Tounty of Essex Whereupon on the Same 30 Day of May 1809 Justices for the plaintiff Did Deliver the Said Execution to the Defendant in Due form of Law, to Execute the Said Defendant then being and now is one of the Constables of the Town- ship of Acquacneck in the Said County of Essex That the Defendant hath neg- lected to perform the Duty prescribed by the 29th section of the act entitled an act Constitating Courts for the ti ial of Small Causes respecting Said Execution by neglecting to Levy and Make the Debt and Costs aforesaid of the Said Defen- dant the Debt and Interest and Costs aforesaid in all Fifty Five Dollars and Eight Cents. Deem 21. 1810. Gababbant Van Howten Plaintiff XLL Unexecuted Mortgage on Lands near Two Bridges, 1811. THIS INDENTURE made this Ninth Day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Eleven Between John J. Kestead and Isaac I. Eyker of the County of Essix and State of New Jersey of the First Part and Ru- lif 1. Van Houten of totawa in the County of Borgen and State aforesaid of the secound Part Witnesseth that the said John J. Kestead and Isaac I. Ryker for in Consideration of the sum of Twelve Hundred and Sixty five DoUers monej' of the united States of America .Paid by the said Rulif I Van Houten the Receipt Whereof is hereby acknowledged imd the said Rulef I. Van Houten his heirs and assigns acquitted for Ever by these Presence Hath Given Granted Bagained 80 Sold Enfeoffed Convej'ed and Confirmed and the said John I Rested and Isaac I. Kyker Doth by these Presence freely and absolntely Grant Bargain Sell Con- vey and Contirm unto the said lUilef I. Van Houten and to his heirs and assigns for Ever all that Certain Lot Piece or Parcel of Land Situate Lying Between the Newark Branch turnpike Road and the two Bridges in the Township of Saddle River and in the said County of Bergen Begining at the Pesaick River at the South West Corner of a Lot of Land Formerly belonging to John Ryker Deceased thence Runing First North two Degrees and a half West Fifty four Chains and Seventy Links to a Stake thence (2) South Eighty six Degrees and a half West seven Chains and Eleven Links to a Stake thence (3) South three Degrees and a half East Fifty three Chains and sixty six Links to the aforesaid Pesaick River thence Down the said River the several Courses thereof to the Place of Begining Containing thirty six acres and Twentj' four Hundredths of an acre Stiict Meas- ure to have and to Hold the above Discribed Lands Wi h all and Singular the Profits Priviledges and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any Wise ap- pertaining to the said Rulef I. Van Houten and to his heirs and assigns for Ever to the only Proper use benefit and behoof of the said Rulef I. Van Houten his his heirs and assigns for Ever Provided Nevertheless that if the said John I. Kes- tead and Isaac I. Ryker their Heirs Executors administrators or assigns Shall and Do Well and Truly Pay or Cause to be Paid to the said Rulef I. Van Houten or to his heirs Executors administrators or assigns the said sum Twelve Hundred and Sixty five Dollers money as aforesaid to be Paid in two Equal Payments the first Payment is to be made of Six Hundred and thirty two Dollers and Fifty on or before the first Day of May one thousend Eight HuncU'ed and Twelve the sec- ound Payment is to be made on or before the First I'aj' of May one thousend Eight Hundred and thirteen of Six Hundred and thirty two Dollers and Fifty Cents and Both the said Payments to be With LawfuU Intrest from the Ninth Day of May one thoutend Eight Hundred and Eleven untill Paid then this Inden- tu e and Every Clause thereof Shall be Null and Void but upon Neglect or failorg thereof or any Part thereof it is mutunl agreed by the said Parties that the said Rulef I. Van Honten his heirs Executors administrators or assigns Shall and may sell all or any Part of the said Premises at Public Vendue and out of the monies arising from such Sale Shall Discharge the said Debt of Twelve Hundred and Sixty five Dollers With the Intrest and Cost and Return the overplus if any there be to the owner In Witness Whereof the said John I. Kestead and Isaac I. Ryker hath here unto Interchangeably set their hands and affixed their seals the Day and year first above Written Signed sealed and Delivered [seal} In the Piesence of [sbal^ XLII. Papkrs Relating to John Neafie, ISl^-lo. Articles of Vendue held this '2()th Day of April 1813 of the Goods and Chat- tels of John Nafie in pieckness 81 first ale the Goods are to be Set Vy) ami to be Struck of to the Highest Bid- der, and all that by to the amount of one Dollar and Up Wards are to have Six Mounts Ciidit by Given Note with approved Surity and all that Do not by to the amount one Dollar are to pay the money before the Goods are Remove Second the if any the Spute aiise between the Bidders the Goods are to be sot up again third the Moneys of this Vendue Book is to be paid to Garrabrant Van Houten and to be Collected by him in his Name John Nkafie John Nafie To Garabrant V.m Houten Dr 1813 April 20 to 1 Day attending Vendue $ 3 00 21 to 2 Days attending at Prekess before Cornells Murselis for witness . , 2 00 May 14 to 1 pare of Sues for Sam 1 25 June 7 to 3 yd of muslin for Do 1 03 26 to 1 Day with Here & Cher to Lydecker 4 00 1814 Jany 26 to Cash paid Wm Halse Esqr 100 69 for my Self to Hackens to pay Do 3 31 May 9 for man hores to Prehess 1 25 for my Self 3 Day to New York and Expenses 10 CO acknowling a Deed .... Cost on a trial with his Son ... 1815 May 5 to New York and Expenses 3 Day on John Nafes Eequst. . , . to man and horse to Preckess 14 for agi'teing with John Park for John Nafies Blacks and Settel- ing Bisness $156 15 My Commition on the Vendue Book which I Collected $119 96 7 20 163 35 Cr by moneys in my hand on Vendue 119 96 50 1 50 10 00 1 25 16 37 $43 39 John A Ackerman John Neatie ) ^ New Jersey Sup Court On Certiorari To Justice Cornelius Mai-sullis Esqr of Bergen Judgt affirmed Nov Term 1813 Judgt ent below 22d Ai)ril 1813 for $(18 88 Costs 9 51 Costs Supreme Court 18 25 Intst on Judgt & Costs below 4 05 $100 Oil 21 82 Hackensack Jany 20111 1814 reed of Garrebrant Van Houten Esqr for John Neafie one hundred dollars & Sixty nine Cents In full of the above Judgment In- terest & Costs Wm Halsey Atty for plaintiff in Certiorari Hoboken May 2th 1815 Sir I am at Hoboken and will Remain their tell friday Morning I Wish you to Let Mr. Hogeucatup Now that he May Come Down and Settel or he will have to Come to my house at the Walkill if it is Convenient I wish you to Come Along Sir I am Yours John Naphey Mr Garrabrant Van Howten Esqr Receved Paterson August 14th 1815 from Garabrant Van Howten a Note of hand Signed by John Parke Date the Juls 2d 1814, for the Sum of two hundred and Ninety Six Dollars (SU-lOO being in full for the Said note Richd. Neafie which was payable to John Nafie G. Van Houten Escj. Dear Sir, After two or three trips to Greenwich, I at length found where John Neaffie, lived, and then called as many times before I could find hiui at home — I presented him the notes, and tried to get him to pay them — one of the notes, he said he would pay, if he had the money, but that he had no money in the house — the other he ab>olutely refused to have anything to do with, and his wife who was present got into a passion, and swore she never signed it — In tnith they both of them seemed to be in a very bad humour, and by no means friendly to you — I told them I was surprised at this, for I had Tinderstood that you had been a friend to both of them iu time of need — they owned this, but Btill seemed cross and unfriendly and NeulHe particularly wished to see you You must either come down your self, therefore, or write me word what I must do in the business Yours sincerely John Walus New York, Julv -IM 1H17. 83 xLin. Lease of Lands at Slooterdam, 1824. This Indenture made this Eight Day of June in the j'ear of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty four Between Albert Lum of the Town Of Paterson in the County of Essix and state of JJew Jersey of the tirst Part And Abraham J. Van Winkle of Slotterdam in the County of Bergen and State afore- said of the second Part Whereas the said Albert Lum Doth herebj' Remise and Release unto the said Abraham J. Van Winkle his heirs and assigns for two years from the above Date two Lots of Land No 7 & No 8 Containing Twelve acres and Twelve Hundredths of and acre also two other Lots of Land No 3 it No 4 Con- taining sixteen acres & sixty seven Hundredths of and acre Lying on the East side of the Road Leading from the New Bridge to the Red Mills for the term aforesaid and the said Abraham J. Van Winkle Doth hereby agree to Pay yearly and Ever}- year During the said term the sum of Twenty Dollars Each Year to the said Albert Lum or his order for the said use of the aforesaid four Lots of Land as is mentioned and the said Abraham is to make and Put up a Certain fence on the Line of Jacob Herring and James Van Riper and if the Said James Dont Pay the said Abraham for the fence before the Expiration of the time Abra- ham may take the same of the Premises and the said Abraham is not to Cut or Destroy any Wood or timber on the aforesaid Lots of Land During the term aforesaid and the said Abraham is to have the one Equal half of the Grain Now Growing on the Land and the said Abraham is to Repair the fence along the Road With his Rails and to Receive Pay for the same or take them away before the Expiration of time and the said Albert Lum is pay all the taxes on the said Lots of Land During the term aforesaid as Witness ou.- hands the Day and year above Written Witness Pre- en t Alukrt Lum Isaac Van Saun ABr.AHA>r J Van Winkle XLIV. Agreement between Daniel Dod and Abra:« R. Lynsen, 18(t3. New York May the 9—1803 For Valu Recvd I Daniel Dod of the County of Bergen Piomos to Pay to Abram R. Lynsen of Newyork Eighttee Pounds current mony of the State of Newyork Fiftee eight pounds being paid to John Hitsen to pay a Bond that was Due to Said hutsen and the Remainder part of the Eighttee pounds in cash Recvd wich I Daniel Dod Promos to give a morgage to Abram R Lynsen when be cols for it on the Same Land that John Hutsen now has a morgage on for one hundred Pounds and I Al)ram R. Lynsen Doth a gi'ee to let Diuiel Dod have the Said Eighttee pound free of Intres for one year for the tra perforraents of this obligation I bind my Self Eirs Executers and Ailiiiinostraters as witnes my hand and Seal Witnes present Daniel Don |sealJ Daniel Lawrance 84 XLV. Return of Unpaid Taxes, Saddle River Township, 1812. Tliomas Wesicinian x$0 Gl Harnmnui V Orden 1 47 Thomas Wills x 31 Japoh VanSaun x o 44 Wm Rigway .!" Isaac Conklin 62 Jooheph Baldwin 14 fiarret A. Post 65 Joiin CStag 1^ Aljr 1 Van lloutcn 35 Cornelius I Van Uoiiten 33 Abr Lalie 44 David Van Dcrvort — x 62 Efrbert Brown x 37 Daniel Dod 47 Ab APost 75 John I Garretson 31 Henry I (iarretson x 31 Jacob Hiker 62 Luke Van Allen 31 Jacob Ryker o 31 Ann MoDson 19 Henry G Uoremus 25 Benj Armstrong & x John Colwill x 75 William Holsey 2 64 Joeseph Walton -.156 Sy renus Beach 1 62 James Torus 31 Garabrant V Ilouten -X 5 47 Andrew Bilger ' 37 Gilbert Smissart x 50 Wm Francis Jurden x 50 John Wamsley o 31 (Jilbert Cooper 31 Estate of Wm Barren 25 Heirs of Matlock 25 Wm Corbey 69 Issac Kip X 66 Isaac Kip jr x 36 $26 63 Halmab Van Geson 2 ,50 John I Van Geson x 40 Kynear Kip x 72 reter 1' Van Ilouten x 31 Adercau K V Ilouten 3 31 Widow Mary Van Ilouten x 68 Abr K Van Ilouten x 3 61 Garabrant C V Ilouten .\ 2 94 John Jacobus x 75 RolitrVan Ilouten x 3 46 Ilulnuili Van Ilouten x 56 John R Van Ilouten x 1 64 Roliirc Van Houten x 3a Cornelius G Doremus x 37 Jcshua Evings 37 Daniel Zelilljr 37 Jacob Francisco 35 Heirs of Enos Martin 18 John Miller 16 John Naf e x 5 94 Corneluis Kip x 3 62 (ieorge Pelry x 78 James Leriie -.x 70 John Lerue Due 7 Cents x 31 John I Post jr x 78 Daniel Zelilf x 62 F.nos Lyon x 60 Cornelius Low x 45 John (; Van Ilouten x 1 12 Benjn Dilnnarter .x 1 6 Murselas Van Geson x 1 56 Thomas Culbertson x 50 Cornelius I Post x 43 Wm Blachley x 31 Kollif .smith 1 84 John (;own 37 Jacob li Doremus x 1 8 llulmah Mundllckl 72 Cap! John A Post 24 Henry Kcdnor xl 6 Xutlian Minor 43 $47 45 Abr I Blowvelt $0 13 Sally McClean 25 i: vert S. Van Ness x 66 Flly Crane 24 Heirs of John Sindle 53 Kichard I. Dey 31 Siotlcl Sindle 28 Casper Dod 18 Calib Person , x 25 Calib I'.ruin jr 18 Davnl 1) (nine 17 Kvert Van Ness 132 liciliual Ward 15 John Browor 13 John Garabrant 34 Tune Garabrant 34 Walling I Van Winkle 18 Klisha Budnet 25 Thomas Ward 34 Wm Miller 78 James Walker x 71 85 Peter Van Pelt 25 Barne Simson 34 Wm. Kyerson x 2 77 Yellas Mead x 1 32 Nodiali Tliomas x 47 Benjimin Zeliff 43 James N. Jones 6 oc Cornelius Van Ness 31 John Riker. 31 Garret & Wife Jacobus 75 Daniel Salter 40 Heirs of Phillip Uey 48 Albert Terliune o 15 $21 40 Francis Van Iderstine $0 13 Peter S. Van Winkle o 43 Heirs of Peter H. Garretson 40 Henry M. Garretson 20 John Clark x 64 Heirs of Hugh Bigs 1 16 Henry Simmons 64 Jonathan Beach 40 Jacob c Doremus o 51 $ 4 51 21 40 26 63 47 45 $99 99 48 4 51 95 Deer 31th 1812 Be it Remembered that Andrew P. Hopper, Collector of the Town- ship of Saddle River on oath Returned the Duplicate that he bad Lawfull Demands the taxes from the Person or at their place of abode in the Said township Andrew I'. Hopper Collector. Sworn before the day and year aforesaid G V HOWTEN XL VI. Unrecobded Deed feom Heney Stobms to Peteb J. Van Allen, foe Lands Be- tween ToTjWA AND Wagaea, 1797. THIS INDENTURE made and concluded this first day of May in the year of our Lord, One thousand seven hundred and ninety seven, BETWEEN Henry Storm of the Township of Saddle Iliver, in the County of Bergen, and State of New Jersey, and Hizabeth his wife, of the one part— AND Peter J Van Allen, of *Iie Township, County and State aforesaid, of the second part ; WITNESSETH, Thut the Siiid Henrj' Storm and Elizabeth his wife, for and in consideration of the Sum of Five hundred and fifty Pounds New York Currency, to them in hand well and truly paid, by him the said Peter J Van Allen, (The receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, and themselves therewith fully satisfied, contented and paid, and therefrom, and from eveiy part and parcell thereof, DO ac(juit, exon- erate, and for ever discharge him the said Peter J Van Allen, his heirs and as- signs, bj' these presents) HAVE given, granted, bargained, sold, released, aliened, enteoffed, conveyed and confirmed; AND by these presents DO freely, fully and absolutely Give, grant, bargain, sell, release, alien, enfeoff, convey and c nfirm unto him the said Peter J Van Allen his heirs and assigns in FEE SIMPLE for Ever, All that one certain Lot, Tract or Parcel of Land, situate Lying and being near the Totowa Bridge, in the Township, County and State aforesaid, (Heing part of a Tract of Land which formerly belonged to Martin Ryerson Deceased, and which was jiurchased of Isaac Van Derbeck Junr esqr and Rachel his wife, by the said Henry Storm, on the fifth day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and uinetj' five as bj' the Deed of conveyance will more tully apjiear, referreuce thereunto being had:) Beginning at an old Hickory Stump, Standing thirty eight Chains from the Motith of Wagara Brook, and 22 86 within tifty tight Links of Passaick Kiver; in the Line of Corneiins Wostervelt, which 8tunip is the corner of the whole Lot. antl thence rnnniug (first) North Eighty three degrees AVest One Chain and fifteen links, thence (secondly) North Thirty one Degrees and forty five minutes West Seven Chains and fifty Links; thence (thirdly ) South forty eight Degrees West Nineteen Chains and Sixty Links, to the road leading from Totowa Bridge to Pompton; thence (fourthly) South Thirty sevin Degrees and thirty three minutes East Thirty Chains and Sixty five links to Passaick Kiver, thence down Stream, thereof along the Waters Edge, to opposite the Hif koy Stump or Place where it first began, and from thence to the place of Beginning. Containing Sixty Acres strict measure. Bounded North East in part by Passaick River and part by Lands of Cornelius Westervelt. Noithwest by Lands of the said Henry Storm, South West by the Road leading from Totowa Bridge to Pompton in jiart, and part by Lands of John R Ludlow, and South East by Passaick River. TOGETHER with all and singular the Houses, Buildings, Edifices, Barns, O cha ds Trees. Pastures, Gardens, Feedings. Fences, woods. Underwoods, Ways, Paths. Waters, Water courses; Profits. Rents, Issues, Commodities, Emoluments, Advantages, Privileges, Hereditaments and appurte- nances whatsoever to the said Lot of Land and Premises belonging, or in any ^^^se appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said bargained and described Lot of Land, and Premises, with the appurtenances, and every part and pai'cel of the same. AND the Reversion, and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, Rents, Issues and Profits of all and singular the said Premises with the appui'te- nances, and every part and parcel thereof. A D also all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Propertj', Claim and Demand whatsoever, either in Law or equity, of them the said Henry Storm and Elizabeth his wife, their heirs. Executors, or ad- ministrators or either of them, of, in and to all and .singular the said Premises abovementioned— and of. in, and to everj' part and parcel thereof, with the ap- jjurtenances; unto him the said Peter J Van Allen, his heirs and assigns; To the only i)rojjer use, benefit and behoof of him the said Peter J Van Allen his heirs ami assigns for ever; and to none other use purpose or Intent whatsoever. AND the said Henry Storms, for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators DOTH covenant, grant and agree to and with the said Peter J Van Allen his heirs and assigns; that at the lime of sealing and delivering these jnesents He the said Henry Storms, is the true, sole and lawful owner of all and singular the Lot of Land, Hereditaments and Premises above mentioned, with the appurte- nances, and of every part and parcel thereof, Being lawfully and rightfully seised and possessed of the same, in his own projier right, as a good, sure, absolute, uerfect and indefeasible Estate of luheiitance in FEE SIMPLE; and HATH in himself good right, full power, and lawful authority to SELL and CONVEY the same in manner aforesaid; AND farther that he the said Peter J Van Allen, his heirs and assigns, SHALL and MAY from time to time, and at any and all times hereafter FOR EVER, lawfully, peaceably and quietly, have, hold, use, occupy, possess and enjoy all and singular the Premises above described and sold, and every part and j)arcel thereof with the appurtenances, unto his and their own Benefit and Behoof, without the Let, Suit, Trouble, Hindrance, Interruption, Eviction, Molestation or Denial of them the said Henry Storms and Elizabeth his 87 wife, their heirs, Executors or Aclmiuistrators. or of, or from any Person or Per- sons claiming or to claim by, from or under him, her, them or any of them; and that free and oleai'^ and freely and clearlj' acqnited, Exenorated and for ever dis- charged of and from all other and former manner of Gifts, Grants, Bargains, Sales, Leases. Releases, Mortgages, Dowers, and rights of Dower, Wills, Lega- cies, Entails. Extents. Judgements, Executions and Incumbrances of any kind or sort soever. AND he the said Henry Storms, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, the said bargained and Sold Lot of Land and Premises, with the appurtenances, and every part and parcell thereof, against himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, and against all Persons and lawful Claims., what- soever, unto the said Peter •! Van Allen, and his heirs and Assigns shall and will WARRANT and for ever DEFEND, by these Presents. IN WITNESS whereof the Parties of the first part, have hereunto irrevocably set their hands and affixed their Seals the Day and year first above written. SIGNED, SEALED and DELIVERED 1 J^ f/ "^^^ ^^^'f^^ "P^? ^^ *^^ "^I'^f t? ' to these Presents, That one equal half in Presence of P^^* *^^ ^"^^ Green Grain now standing on the Premisses Shall be the property of Isaac Vandkebeck Jur Thomas Wills I ^^"^''^ «torms--and also one equal half part of the right to a Fishing Place on the Premisses to remain to the said Hen- ry Storms his heirs and assigns for Ever Heney Stoemes [seal] Elizabeth Stoems [seal] Received ]May the first 1797, of Mr Peter J Van Allen the full Sum of Five hundred and fifty Pounds in full of the Consideration IMoney, mentioned in the within Deed of Conveyance I, say Received bj' me Witness to the Payment [ Heney Stoemes of the monej' ) Bergen County ss. Be it remembered that on the twenty eighth day of June Anno Domini One thousand seven hundred and ninety seven Personally ajipear- ed before iiie John Benson Esqr one of the Judges of the Inferior Court of Com- mon Pleas in and and for said County. Henry Stormes and Elizabeth his wife the Grantors of the within Instrument of Conveyanoe and acknowledged that they bad Signed, Sealed and Deliveied the Same as their Voluntary Act and Deed for the uses nnd purposes therein mentioned and the said Elizabeth being ex- amined separate and apart from her said husband, declareth and saith. That She executed the same as her Voluntaiy Act and Deed, without any Compulsion. Per- suasion or threats from her said Husband Acknowledged A' Declared before me John Benkkx 88 XLVII. Unbecobded Deed fbom John J. Ludlow to Henry Gasbitse, Jun., fob Lands AT Wesel, 1770. THIS INDENTURE made the Twelfth day of March in the Tenth year of the Keign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third King Sic Annoq Domini: one Thousand seven Hundred and seventy Between John J Ludlow of Aquacanonk in the County of Essex and Eastern Division of the province of New Jersey of the first PaJ't and Heuery Garretse Junr both of the Town County & Province aforesaid of the Second part Witnesseth that the said John J Ludlow for and in Consideration of the Sum of one Hundred and thirty two pounds Current money of New York to him in hand paid before the Sealing Hereof by the said Henery Garretse the Receipt whereof the said John J Ludlow doth hereby acknowledge and himself to be therewith fully satisfied, Contented and paid and therefrom doth Exonerate acquit and Discharge him the said Henery Garretse his Heirs Ex- ecutors and administrators for ever by These presents hath given granted bar- gain'd Sold released EnfeoJBfed Conveyed and Confirmed and by these i)resents doth give grant Bargaii. sell release Enfeoff Convey and Confirm Unto him the said Henery Garretse and to his Heirs and assigns forever a Certain Lot of Land which is the Even half or a Certain Lot Named Number lU in a Certain Map, on the South Side thereof Situate Lying and being to the Southward of Wesel Brook within the Bounds of Aqiiacanonk aiforesaid Said Lot being Bounded Easterly by the Highway Southerly by Lands of Johannis G. Post, Westerly by Lands of Garret Van Wagennon Northerly by the ( ther half of sd Lot No. 10 which for- merly belonged to Johannis Paulisse Deceas'd, now in the possession of Barn't Speer the half hereby mentioned Containing Twenty six acres — —be the same more or Less, Together with all Houses, out Ho\;ses, Buildings, Fences, Im- provements Hereditaments and other appurtenances Whatsoever to half on the southerly sid of the above mentioned Tjact of Land belonging or appertaining TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all the above gi anted A" Bargained Piemisses with the appui tenances to him the sd Henery Gariet^e his Heirs and assigns To the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the sd Henery Garretse his Heiis and assignes for ever, and the sd John J Ludlow doth for himself his Hei s Executo s and administrators Covenant promise and grant to and with the sd Henerj' gar- retse his Heirs and a signes that before <.t at the Time of the Sealing these pies- ents the Sd John J Ludlow is the Tiue Lawful and Rightful Owner of the above granted and Bargained premisses and is Lawfully Seised and possessed of the same in his own proper Right as a good sure peif. ct and absolute Es'ate of In- heritance in fee Simple and hath in himself Good Right, full power and Lawfull authoiity in his own Right to g ant Baigain Sell Ahen Convey & Confirm the Same in manner as above sd. also the sd Heneiy garretse his Heiis and assigns Shall and may for ever hereafter Lawfully peasably and quietly Have Hold use occupy possess and Enjoy all and Singular the above Bargained Pjemisses free and Clear and freely and Clearly ac(pnted Exonerated and Discharged off and from all former and othe* Gifts, grants Bargains Sales Leases Releases mort- gages Wills Indentures Doweiies Judgments Executions and other Incumbrances 89 ■whatsoever to alter Change Charg or Determine the same also the said John J Ludlow his Heirs Executors & administrators the above granted and Bargain'd Piemisses with the appurtenances Unto him the sd Henery Garretse his Heirs and asj^igns against the Lawtul Claim of Every person or persons whatsoever Shall and will forever Warrant & Defend In Witness w hereof the parties first above Named have Herexinto Set theii- hands and Seals the Day and Year first above Written Sealed and Deliver'd John J Ludlow [seal] in the presence of Us NicHs. Roche Adbian P Post Essex county State of Newjersey Beit Remembered that on this fifth Day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and ninety six personally appeared before me Zebulon Jones Esquire one of the judges of the Court of Common pleas of said County Henry Garritse and John E. Vrelandt who being duly sworn deposeth and saith that they know the Hand writing of the grantor and both the witnesses who signed the above Deed or instrument of writing acknowledged and sworn before mo the Day and year above written Zebulon Jones Henery Garritse John El Vbeland XLVin. Commission of Gerrebeandt Van Houten as Justice of thb Pbace, 1803. THE STATE OF NEW-JERSEY, Tj GARhiBRANT Van Houten, E Qr, Gbeeting: The Council and Assembly, reposing especial Trust and Confi- dence in your Integrity, Prudence and Ability, have, at a Joint-Meet- [seal] ing, appointed you the said Garribrant Van Houten to be one of the Justices of the Peace, in and for the County of Bergen. You are therefore hereby commissioned (jointly with others the Justices in and for the said County, and severally) a Justice, assigned to keep the Peace in the said County of Bergen and to keep or cause to be kept, all Laws and Ordinances made for the Good and Conservation of the Peace, and for the quiet Rule and Government of the Peo])le, in all and every the Articles thereof, in the said County, according to the F' rm, Force, and Effect of the same; and to chastise and punish all Persons offending against the Form of those Laws and Ordi- nances, or any of them, in the County asoresaid, as shall be tit to be done, for the Time limited in the Constitution: Giving and her ebj' granting unto you the said Garribrant full Power and Authority to exercise and enjoy all Powers and Jurisdictions, civil and criminal, cognizable before a Jnstice of the Peace, Severally, or jointly with others the Justices in and for the said Count}', agree- ably to the Laws, Ordinances, and Constitution of the said State, and to awai-d Judgm nt and Execution thereon accordiogly; saving unto the State the Anierce- •2J 90 ments and other things to it thereof belonging. And by Virtue of those Presents the Sheriff of tlie County nforesnid is commanded that, at Certain Days and Places which yon together with other the Justices of the said County, or any three or more of you, shall make known to him, or shall be bj' Law appointed, he cause to come before any such three or more of you, such and so many good and lawfid Men of his Bailiwick, by whom the Truth in the Premises may be the better known and enquired of. In Testimony whereof the Great Seal of the State is hereunto affixed: WITNESS Joseph Bloomfield, Governor, Captain- General and Commander in Chief in and over the State of New- Jersey, und Ter- ritories thereunto belonging, Chancellor and Ordinary in the same, at Trenton, the Fourth Day of November, in the Year of our Lord One Thossand Eight Hundred and three A. D. 1803. Bij the Command of Joseph Bloomfieij). John Beatty Sec'y. XLIX. The Vendue Book of Goods and Chattels of John Amon, 1812. 1 he Vendue Book for the Goods and Chattels of John Amon Sold this 22 Day of May 1812 at Ninety Days Cridit of Which the nionfy is to be p id to Gar- abrant Van Howten to Lot of Wood Charles Kinsey Esqr $4 12 to 1 Lot of Post CharU s Kinsey 3 25 to 1 Lot of Rails Charles Kinsey 1 37 to 3GU feet Timber Charles Kinsey 1 83 to 1 warman pan Martin Clark 51 to 1 wooling weel Charles Kiusy 1 06 Heal and fixtr James Buckly 62 a Cot Bed John Flood 1 75 a Saddle Adam Hardy 89 a Ravis Charles Kinsey 76 1 Loom Wm Clark 1 31 a Warping Mill Henry Godwin 54 a Lot of forks G. Van Houten 1 18 a Spade Martin Clark 3H a Do Charles Kinsey 35 a Schoop James Buckly 19 a Do Abrm V Houten , . 29 a Lot of Jugs John Bowden 18 a Stone Gug James Buckly 37 a Bake pan Wm Clark 19 $21 54 a Lamp Henry Godwin 12 a Stove Jane Delmater 2t$ a hook Adam H< rdy 20 91 a Dads John J Post 06 2 Weges G. Van Houten 20 a Cros Cut Saw Charles Kinsey 3 94 1 Table Willm Clark 38^ 1 Do AJiim Hardy 90^- 4 Tin pans Adam Hardy 15 1 Smale Table William Rea 25 1 Shovel & Tongs Adam Hardy 53 1 pair andirons William Clark 1 25 1 Musket Robt V Howten 4 62i 1 Lot Jno Ayman 37 j 1 Hatchet Do 18 1 Bedstead Robt McName 1 32 1 Mule picker Geo. Garrabrant 18 1 Bill Knife Henry Godwin 13^ 1 Chest Charles Kensey 62^ 1 Pig Martin Clark 87^ 1 Pig John J Post 75 1 Pig Daniel Van Horn 78 2 Pigs Danil Van Horn 1 37 1 Sow Geo Vfln Winkle 5 87 1 Heffer G. V. Howten 8 56 $33 32 To Calf John Amon $2 50 a Lot of timber 196 James Buckley 10 s per C 2 47 1 Spin weel 1 Barrel of Lime James McCurdy 76 1 tub John Flood 37 1 Ax Henry Godwin 2 00 1 a Dresser James Buckly 43 $8 53 L. Papers Relating to a Duel Fought at Ramapo ovkb a Pateeson Beauty, 1823. Know All men by these Presents that we William Dickey and William Elli- son of Paterson in the county of Essex and State of New Jersey are held and firmly bound unto Garabrant Van Houten of Saddle River in the county of Ber- gen in the sum of three thousand Dollars to be paid to the said Garabrant Van Hoiiten his certain attorney executors administrators or assigns. For which payment well and truly to be made We bind ourselves our heirs, executors and administrators jointly and S( rally lirm'y by these Presents Sealed with our seals and dated this First day of August In the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Twenty three. The condition of the above obligation is such That whereas at the last court 92 of oyer unci Terminer hoUlen in nnd for the coianty of Rockland in the State of New York the above liounden William Dickey was indicted and bound to give security in the sum of Fifteen hundred Dollars for his appearance at the next court of oyer and Terminer of the said county of Kockland and whereas for the purpose of enabling said William Dickey to give such security the said Gara- brant Van Houten became bound to one Josiah G Pierson of s^.id county of Rock- land to indemnify him for his becoming surety for the ajipearance of said Wil- liam Dickey. Now the condition of the above obligati n is such That if the above bounden William Dickey and William Ellison shall indemnify and com- pletel}' save harmless the said Garabrant Van Houten of and from all costs charges and expenses that he shall or may be piit to, by reason of his so becom- ing bound to the said Josiah G. Tieison, for the said William Dickey then the above obligation to be void otherwise to be and rem.-.in in full force and virtue Wm Dickey [seal] Wm Ellison [seal] Signed Sealed & Delivered In Presence of Ph : DiCKEKSON *Know All Men by these presents That we William Dickey and Garrabrant Van Houten of the Town of Paterson in the State of New Jersey are held and firmly bound unto Josiah G. Pierson of the County of Rockland in the State of New York iu the penal sum of three thousand dollars to be paid to the said Josiah or to his certain attorney his executors, administrators or assigns which pay- ment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves our heirs executors and ad- ministrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Sealed with oui" seals and dated this twenty fifth day of July in the year of our Lord one thous- and eight hundred and twenty three. Whert-as The above bound Josiah G. Pierson at the special Instance and re- quest of the above bound William Dickey, Is about to become bonnd in a Recog- ni together with tbe said William Dickey to the People of the State of New York in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, conditioned for tlie personal ajipearance of the said William Dickey at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol delivery to be held in and for the County of Rockland and State of New York, To Traverse a certain Indictment found against him the saitl William Dickey and one Daniel K. Allen, Now The Condition of this obligation Is such that If the above bound William Dickey do and shall appear according to the Condition of the above in part recited recognizance and as the law in such case requires And if the said William Did. ey and Garrabraut Van Houten their heirs executors and administrators do and shall at all times hereafter save keep harm- less and Indemnified the said Josiah his heirs executors fnd admrs and his and their goods lands and tenements of and from all damages costs and charges whatsoever which he or they or any of them shall or may at any time or times •Copied (1892 from the original In the possession of Mr. J. Gilbert IMerson of Paterson N. J. 93 hereafter sustain or be put to by reason or means of the said Josiah's being bound us aforesaid then this above obligation to be void otherwise to be and re- main in full force and virtue. Sealed and delivered Wm. Dickey. [seal] in the presence of G. Van Houten. ]saAL] the word bound & the word said & the word Obligation being first interlined. KoBERT Campbell. Edward Suffern *Know all men by these presents — That we Robert Dunlop, of Paterson, in the County of Essex and State of New Jersey, Manufacturer, Daniel K. Allen of the same place. Merchant, William Dickey of the same place. Merchant, and Edwin Youle of the same place. Iron founder, are held and firmly bound unto Josiah G. Pierson, of Ramapo Works, in the Township of Hampstead in the County of Rockland and State of New York, in the sum of Four thousand Dol- lars of Lawful money of the United States of America to be paid unto the said Josiah G. Pierson his heirs. Executors, administrators or assigns; for which pay- ment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us, our several and respective heirs, Executors and Administrators, Jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this twenty second day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three. Whereas the above named Jo.siah G. Pierson at the special instance and re- quest of the above bound Robert Dunlop, Daniel K. Allen, William Dickey, and Edwin Youle, is bound in a Recognizance together with the said Robert Dunlop, Daniel K. Allen, William Dickey and Edwin I'oule to the People of the State of New York in the sum of Two thousand Dollars lawful money aforesaid, condi- tioned for the personal appearance of the said Robert Dunlop, Daniel K. Allen, William Die' ey and Edwin Youle at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol delivery to be held in and for the County of Rockland and State of New York, then & there to do and receive what shall be enjoined upon them re- spectively by the Court and in the mean time to keep the peace of the Peojile of said State and especially towards each other as by the said in part recited recog- nizance and Condition thereunder written may more fully appear. Now there- fore the condition of this obligation is such, that if the above bound Robert Dun- lop, Daniel K. Allen, William Dickey, and Edwin Youle do and shall personally appear according to the condition of the said above in part recited recognizance and as the Law in such cases requires; And if the said Robert Dunlojj, Daniel K. Allen, William Dickey and Edwin Youle their and each of their heirs. Execu- tors and Administrators, shall also fi'om time to time and at all times hereafter save harmless and indemnify him the said Josiah G. Pierson, his heirs. Execu- tors and Administrators, and his and their goods and chattels, lands and tene- ments of and from all damages, sum and sums of money, costs and charges ♦Copied (1892) from the original In the possession of Mr. J. Ollbert Pierson, of Paterson. N. j. -24 94 whatsoever, wLioL Le. they, ov any of them shall or may at any time or times hereafter sustain or be put u>nto by reason or means of the said Josiah G. Pier- son being bound in the said recognizance for the appearance of the said Robert Dunloi>, Daniel K. Allen, William Dickey and Edwin Youle, as aforesaid, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Sealed and Delivered KOBKRT DUNLOP. [seal] Wm. Dic:key. [seal] in the presence of us D. K. Allen. [seal] Edwin Yoile. [sealJ Edwakd Suffern. Daniel Johnson. Samvel Smith. LI. Unrecorded Bargain and Sale Deed, John T. Hennion to Gerhebkant Van HouTEN, for Hennion's Interest in Lands at Wesel, 1807. Know all men by these presents that I John T. Hennion of the Township of Saddle river in the County ot Bergen, and state of New Jersey— for and in con- sideration of the sum of tifty Dollars to me in hand paid, by Garribrant Van Houten Escjr. of the Townshii), County and state aforesaid at the sealing and the delivery of these presents, the retipt whereof I. do hereby acknowledge, Have granted bar-;ained and Sold and by these presents, do, grant bargain and Sell, unto him the said Garrebrant Van Houten Esqr his heirs and assigns forever, All the right, title, Interest, property Claim and demand, that I have or ought to have of, in, or to the real Estate of Hessel Peterse late of Wesel in the County of Essex Deceased. To have and to hold the said hereby granted and bargained premises unto him the said Garrt Van Houten his heirs and Assigns, to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said Garrt Van Houten his heirs and Assigns forever. And I do hereby authorize and empower the said Garribt. Van Houten, to demand, sue for and recover mj' full share that is Coming to me and of right belonging to me of the aforesaid Estate And to do all shuch acts and things, for the shure making and recovery of the premises, as I myselt could or might do had I not conveyed the same by thtse presents In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand A: Seal this Nintheenth Day of Deer in the year of our Lord eighteen Hundred and seven Sealed and delived [ John T. Hennion [seal] in the presence of \ Cornelius P Vreeland Abraham R Van Houten LII. Unrecorded Quit-Claim Deed, Michael Vreeland to Henry Gebritse. Jun., foe Salt Meadow Lot, 1801. THIS INDENTURE made the fourteenth day of September in the year of Our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and one Between Michael Vreeland of the Township of Acquacknouk, County of Es.sex and State oi New Jersey of the first part and Henry Gerritse Junior of the Township County and State aforesaid of 95 the second pai't. Where.as the said Michael Vieeland, and Henrj' Gerritse Jur having becom Joint Purchasers of a Certain Tract of Salt Meadows Situate on the East Side of Berries Creek, in the Township of New Barbadoes in the County of Bergen and State of New Jersej' — as will appear by a Deed of Conveyance from Edmond Wm Kingsland to them the said Michael Vreeland, and Henry Gerritse Jr bearing date the Kith day of August 1799. Beference being thereunto had will more full and at Learge appear, and whereas the said Michael Vreeland and Henry Geri'itse Have also divided said meadow into Lots as will appear by a Draught of the same made by the said Peter Cutwater the said 14th day of august 1799. and having Jointly Sold two Lotts thereof do hereby Intend to Eelease the Bemaining Lotts to each other as follows NOW THIS INDENTUBE WIT- NESSETH that the said Michael Vreeland for a like Belease of his share of said meadow from the said Henry Gerritse Junir and for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar to him in hand paid. Hath Beleased Eemised and forever Quit claimed and by these presents doth Belease Bemise and for ever Quitclaim unto the said Henry Gerritse Jur to his Heirs and assigns forever all that Lot marked on the map above mentioned and distinguished bj' Lot No one Extend- ing from Berries Creek along a Ditch thirty chain and fifty Links — six chain and tilty links wide at Bight angres bounded on the north east by said Ditch, on the South Soiith-eas by the Eastermost line of the whole Tract on the South west by the line of Lott No t\^o and on the west bj' Berries Creek. Containing twenty One acres — Also Lott No three Extending from Berries Creek four chain wide to the eastermost bounds of the whole Tract, bounded on the Northeast by the line of Lott No two, East by theboundery Line aforesaid. Southwest by the line of LottNo four Sold to Adriyn J. Post, and west by Berries Creek Containing ten acres To- gether with all and singular the Hereditaments, Priviledges, Commodities and appurtenances, to the hereby Beleased and Bemised premises belonging or in any wise appertaining, with also all the Estate, Bight, Title, Interest, propert}'. Claim and demand of him the said Michael Vreeeland of, in or to, the hereby Granted and bargained premises or any part or parcel thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said hereby granted and bargained premises with their appurte- nances unto the sa d Henry Gerritse Jur his Heirs and assigns, to the only pro- per use benefit and behoof of him the said Henry Gerritse Junr his Heirs and as- signs forever — And the said Michael Vreeland for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators doth covenant and Grant, to and with the said Henry Gar- ritse Junr his Heirs and Assigns, that he the said Henry Garritse his Heirs and assigns shall and may for ever here after Lawfully Peaceably and Quietly, have, hold. Use, Occupy, ijossess and Enjoy, all and singular the before mentioned hereljy Granted and bai'gained premises, with out any Let Suit, trouble Hender- ence Inturuption or Denial from the sd Michl Vreeland, or any other Person or persons Claiming by from or under him In Witness whereof the said Michl Vree- jand hath here unto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written Sealed and delivered I in the presence of \ Micheal Vreeland [seal] John J Van Bburen Abraham Willis 96 LIII. Unrecorded Deed, Henry P. Kip to Gerrebrant Van Houten, for Salt Meadow Lot, 1812. THIS INDENTURE made this Second day of July— in the year of our Lord, One thousand Eight hundred, and twelve, BETWEEN Henry P Kip of the Town- ship of New Barbadoes in the County of Bergen, and State of New Jersej' Far- mer, and Caty his wife of the first part, and Ganabrant Van Howten of the Township of Saddle Eiver in the County and State aforesaid Esquire, of the sec- ond part, WITNESSETH, That the said parties of the first part for divers good causes and considerations them hereunto moving, as well as for and in consider- ation of the sum of One Dollar lawful Money of the Lxiited States, to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof the said parties of the first part, do hereby acknowledge, and themselves therewith fully satisfied, contented and paid, HAVE given, granted, bargained sold released, (piitclaimed aliened, con- veyed and confirmed, and by these presents, DO give, grant, bargain sell, release, quit claim, alien, convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns for Ever, All that One certain Lot, tract, or parcel of Meadow Land, lying situate, and being in the Township of New Barbadoes, County of Bergen and State aforesaid, and which is herein after more particularly described and set forth. Being part of a Tract of Meadow formerly sold by Edmond Wil- liam Kingsland to Henry Garretson Junr and Michael Vreeland, and was sur- veyed on the fourteenth day of August 17!)0. by Peter Outwater, as by the Map thereof will more fully appear. Beginning at the North West Corner of a Twenty one Acre Lot, now or late belonging to Michael Vreeland, and on the Edge of the Creek called Berry-Creek, and thence running along the Edge of the said Creek, in a Northerly direction with the several Courses thereof untill it strikes the South West Corner of a small Lot, now released unto the said Henry P Kip, thence along said Kips Line South fifty degrees and thirty minutes East Thirty three Chains and Two Links, thence South forty one degiees West Nine Chains and Seventy four Links and thence North fifty degrees and thirty minutes West Thirty One Chains and Eight Links to the place of beginning, Containitig fifteen Acres and fifty hundredths of an Acre TOGETHER with all and .singular the profits, privileges, and advantages, \^^th the appurtenances to the same belong- ing, or in any wise appertaining: ALSO all the estate, right, title, interest, pro- perty, claim and demand whatsoever, either in Law or Equity of the said parties of the first part, or either of them of. in or to the said herebj' described and granted Lot of Land and premises, with the appurtenances, or of, in, or to any part or parcel thereof— TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said hereby granted Lot of Land and premises with the appurtenances thereto belong- ing and every part and parcel thereof unto the said Garrabrant Van Howten his heirs and assigns: To the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said Garra- brant Van Howten his heirs and as.=igns for Ever, and to no other use, purpose or intent whatsoever SO that neither of the said parties of the first part, their heirs executors or administrators nor any person or persons claiming by, from, or under them, or either of them, shall at any time or times hereafter for Ever, 97 have, hold, claim, challenge or demand any right, title, interest, property, dower or claim of dower of, in, or to the said hereby granted and described Lot of Land and premises, with the appurtenances, or of, in or to any part or parcel thereof: BUT shall at any and all time and times hereafter for Ever be utterly barred and excluded therefi-om by virtue of these presents. IN WITNESS whereof the pai-- ties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed Sealed and I Henky P. Kip [sealI dehvered m presence of [ Cathaeine Kip [seal] John Banta William Conley LIV. Letters from Stephen Baker (son-in-law of Coenelitjs Van Winkle), 11elati\'e TO Pateeson Property, 1826, 1827. Garrabrant Van Houten Esq Sir As I am about leaving the City of New York for PhiHdelphia and by that means shall be far removed from my Property in Patterson so as to be unable to attend it. I therefore wish to place it all under your control to be taken care of in the best possible manner for my benefit; which as you are residing in the same place you will be more competent to do than myself. I therefore authorise you to collect rents and to do all and every thing that is necessary relating to my property as shall appear for my Interest. And in the first place you will collect the rent due on my house (viz $100) and then put a new roof on it the above named rent to be appropriated to the payment thereof; and you will likcMise collect of Adrian Van Houten Two hundred Dolls being that much due Mrs Baker on the first of May and that sum with all other moneys that may be collected you -n-ill remit to me at Philadelphia. Sir the stock I hold in the Patterson Bank I wish you to try and dispose of so as to enable you to take up the Note (that was given for the same) wlien it becomes due; but if you cannot accompUsh that 1 wish you would hold the above mentioned Note till such time as you may be enabled to sell the Stock to meet the same. Sir by complying with the above re- quests you will Oblige Yours Kespectfully Stephen Baker New York 28 March 1826 [Addressed •.] Garrabrant Van Houten Esq Patterson New Jersey 98 Philft 25 May 1827 G. Van Houten Esq Dear Sir I reed youi' favour of the 10 Instant night bcfour Last at Pott Vill and returd hear this morning in order to remit you the balence of C. W. Van Winkle acct— inclosed is a check for Seven hundred and ten Dollars, and the one hundred you have in hand will make the araont. I had no idea that I owed him \^ of that ammont. I wish that you will be So good as to have the Property in town Laid out in Lots and Sell them for me or any of the other property So that I can pay the Lagerce to John Van Winkle or if he or Mr Sip will take property at a fair Valuation I will Settle with them ameadeutly if not I will pay them as fast as the property Sells but I have no other way to pay them the money Sent to Van Winkle is the Savings of my Salery. I hop yeat to See the Day when I Shall be able to pay every Cent that I ow — your kind attention to the above will much oblidge your friend I remain with respect Stephen Baker P. S. you will please to git a quitclame from C. W. Van Winkle on all other property S. B [Addressed :] G. Van Houten Esqr Prest of the Paterson Bank Paterson N.J. LV. Lease of a Ghist Mill at Oldham, Gebeebkandt Van Houten to Charles Oak- ley, 1821. This Indenture made this Fourteenth day of February In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Twenty one Between Garabrant Van Hou- ten of the county of Bergen and State of New Jersey of the one part, and Charles Oakley of the city of New York of the other part wituissith That the said Gara- brant Van Houten for and in consideration of the yearly rent covenants and con- ditions herein after contained on the part of the said Charles Oaklej' to be paid, kept, and performed. Hath granted, leased, and to farm letten, and by these Pi-esents doth grant, lease, and to farm let unto the said Charles Oakley his exec- utors, administrators and assigns all that certain house or building, situate at Oldham in the township of Saddle River in the county of Bergen now occupied and used by the said Garabrant Van Houten as a grist mill. To Have and to Hold fhe said premises with all and singular appmtenances with the water jjriviledge thereunto belonging unto the said Charles Oakley his executors administrators and assigns, from the date of these presents until the tirst day of May which will 99 be in year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Twenty two, yielding and paying therefor to the said Garabrant Van Houten his heirs and assigns at the rate of one hundred and Twenty five Dollars a year in the following manner, that is to say. the sum of twenty six Dollars and Fifteen cents on the first day of may next, and the sum of thirty one dollars and Twenty five cents, at the expir- ation of each quarter thereafter, during the continuance of this Lease, and the said Garabrant Van Houten for himself his executors, administrators and assigns doth covenant promise and agree to and with the said Charles Oakley, that he the said Charles Oakley his executors administrators or assigns at the expiration of the term hereby granted may at their election continue this Lease, and hold the said premises with the appurtenances and priviledges for and during the full end term of five years next ensuing the end ot the te^m hereby gi-anted upon the same rents, covenants and conditions herein contained; And that the said Charles Oakley his executors, administrators or assigns, may at anj^ time during the con- tinuance of the term hereby granted, make such improvements in the said prem- ises, by ceiling and putting in windows, or otherwise as may be necessary for conveniently using the same, provided that such improvements shall remain for the benefit of the said Garabrant Van Houten after the said Charles Oakley shall quit the premises. And the said Garabrant Van Houten doth further covenant promise and agi-ee to and with the said Charles Oakley his executors administra- tors and assigns That in case he the said Garabrant Van Houten should wish to sell the said premises during the continuance of the term hereby granted, or dur- ing the further term of five years aforsaid if the said Charles Oakley continue the lease for that time, that he will give him the first right to purchase — and further that the said Charles Oakley may erect or build a house attached to the said Mill, and remove the same together with the machinery which he may put in the said premises, at the expiration of the term hereby granted. And the said Charles Oak- ley for himself his executors administrators & assigns doth covenant, grant and agree to and with the said Garabrant Van Houten his heirs and assigns, that he the said Charles Oakley his executors administrators and assigns, will from time to time, well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, to the said Garabrant Van Hou- ten his heirs and assigns, the rent above reserved, at the days and times and in manner aforesaid, and that he will during the term hereby gi'anted keep the said premises including the mill dam sluices &c. in good and sufficient repair, and suffer all improvements done by him to remain after the expiration of tho said term, except his machinery, and any new Building which he may erect attached to said premises, and that he will at the expiration of the term hereby granted, deliver up to the said Garabrant Van Houten his heirs or assigns quiet possession of the same, and that he will at any time during the continuance of the term hereby gi'anted, or during the further term of five years, deliver up the quiet and peaceable possession of the said premises to the said Garabrant Van Houten in case he shall sell the same. In testimony whereof the said Garabrant Van Houten and Charles Oakley have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written Signed Sealed & Delivered I In Presence of \ Charles Oakley [Seal] Cole Bullock G V Houten [Seal] 100 LVI. Letteb fbom the Rev. William Bbush belattve to the Pastobate of the Second Ebfobmeij Dutch Chubch, 1833. New York 11th Dec. 1833 Sir On my return to the city I found a letter at my Fathers, signed by you 'ing Notes with Approved Security if Required Third the money and Notes to be given to Garabrant Van Howten Esqr who is appointed to Collect and Receve the Same in his Own Name Pateson Essex County i j^^^ ^^^^ May 22d 1812 \ ^J. LXIII. CoNTKACT BY Gerrebrant Van Houten, 1818. Whereas Cornelius Van Geisen hath this day conveyed a Lot of Land Ijing in the jilace called the hook to me containing four Acres and a half or thereabouts — Now if I sell the same to Samuel Bridge together with my adjoining Lot for Nine Acres be the same more or less, then I promise to pay to the said Cornelius Van Geisen or his order as soon as the money is received from said Samuel Bridge the Sum of Eighty one dollars eighty seven Cents and a kilf in full for his part of the same Nine Acres — but it Bridge does not take it as aforesaid I en- gage to return the Deeds to said Cornelius Van Giesen Witness my hand this 17th day of November 1818 Witness present G. V. Howten Thomas Wills Receved from Garabrant Van Iloutcn the Sum of Seventy five Dollars on the w ithin November 27 1818 C Vax Giesen Receved Deer 21 1818 from Garabrant Van Ilouton the Sum of Seven Dollars thirty Seven Cents in full for four ackers and a half of land Cornelius Vangieson LXIV. The Cost of a Trip from Pbeakness to Genessee and Back, in 1806. Preakness 24th September 1806 Mr. Henry B. Spear To James Westervelt To passage too and from Genessee as "^ Agi-eement $15 00 To three days provisions on the Road 75 To Carriage of three Skins from Beachwoods 19 $15 94 105 LXV. Copy of Lease, Gereebkant Van Houten to John Bruce, 1813. THIS INDENTURE made tbis first day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirteen Between Garrabrant Van How ten of the township of Saddle River, in the County of Bergen and State of New Jersey, Esqr of the first part, and John Bruce of the City, County and State of New York, Baker of the second part, witnesseth That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the Rents, Covenants, Agreements and conditions, herein after specified and mentioned to be kej^t, done, fullfilled and performed on the i^art and behalf of the said i^arty of the second part. Hath granted, de- mised, letten and to farm letten, and by these presents Doth grant, demise, let and to farm let unto the said John Bruce the party of the second part— All my certain Store house or Building heretofore occupied by me as a dry Good or Grocery Store situate near Totowa Bridge in the Township of Saddle River, County of Bergen and State of New Jersey aforesaid with the premises thereunto annexed, and herein after more particularly described, that is to say; A garden extended by strait line from the Ends of the Store to the Back fence of the front Lot Also the Smoke house now occupied by the said party of the first jjart, which last is to be occupied as a Bake House, TO HAVE AND '10 HOLD all and sin- gular the said hereby gi'anted and demised premises and every part thereof (un- der the Covenants and restrictions herein after specified and mentioned) unto the said John Bruce, for and during the full End, Term and lime of Two years, im- mediately ensuing the day of the date of these i^resents, and then to be fully compleat and Ended, YEILDING and paying therefore yearly, and every year, the Rent or sum of One hundred Dollars, payable in four equal quarterly jmy- ments of Twenty five Dollars each on the first days of August, November, Feb- ruai'y and May in each and every year during the said Term — And the said John Bruce, doth hereby, covenant, promise, engage and agree to and with the said Garrabrant Van Howten, in form and manner following, that is to say. That he will well and truly pay or cause to be paid the said annual or yearly Rent or sum of One hundi'ed dollars for every of the said Two years unto him the said Garra- brant Van Howten, his Executors, administrators or assigns, at such times and in such manner as is herein before specified and mentioned for the payment of the same. And that in default of any such payment — It shall and may be lawful to and for the said Garrabrant Van Howten, his executors, Administrators or assigns, After the space of thirty days having elapsed from and after the same shall have become due the same having been duly demanded and default made, to reenter upon, possess and enjoy the herein before mentioned and demised prem- ises and every part thereof in his and their own proper right and behalf. And also that the said John Bruce, his heirs, executors or administrators, or either of them shall not at any time during the said term. Sell, convey or transfer this Lease or the premises herein demised to any person or persons whatever, with- out the Leave and Consent of the said Garrabrant Van Howten his executors, ad. ministrators or assigns, in writing first had and obtained — And turther that dur- ing the said Term he the said John Bruce his heirs, executors and administrators shall not permit more than One Family to reside or dwell upon or in the prem- 106 ises so demised as aforesaid And also that during the said term be will not per- mit or suffer any fire to be kept in the part herein appropriated for a Bake house after the setting of the sun. And lastly that at the End or Expiration of the said Term, he the said John Bruce, his heirs executors or administrators shall and will quietly and peaceably yield and surrender up the said herein before granted and demised premises and every pait thereof unto the said Garrabrant Van How- ten, his Executors, Administrators or assigns, in good and reasonable condition — And the said Garrabrant Van Howten doth hereby covenant, promise, engage and agree immediately to put the said promises into good and comfortable rejiair and to enlarge the said Smoke or Bake house four feet in Length on each side, And also therein or adjacent thereunto to build and com^jleat a good and suffi- cient Oven Twelve by Ten feet in Diameters, And lastly that He the said John Bruce fuUtilling and performing eacli and every of his said Covenants and agree- ments shall and may peaceably and quietly i>ossess and enjoy the said premises demised as aforesaiil during the said of Two years herein before demised IN WITNESS whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto inter- changably set their hands and seals the day and year first above written Sealed and delivered in presence of ns LXVI. Agbeement by " The People of Totowa " to Pkosect7TE Richaed Dey, 1807. Articles agi-eed upon between John Van Geson Richard Van Houten Roleff I Van Houten Henry Corter Robert RVan Houten Simeon Y Van Nees this Twen- ty first Day of Eeby lh()7 1th the Said John Van Geson Richai-d Van Houten Roleff I Van Honten Henry Corter Robert Van Houten Simeon Y Van Ness the said pairtes witness that the pairties Do promis and A gree with Each other that the pairtees will Procute the Said Richard Dey for Cuting or Boxing the tree Between the Line of Tunes Ryerson and the pairties has Subscribed ther Name 2th the pairtiees Do a gree with Each Other that thej' pay unto Robert Van Houten the Sum of two Dollars Each that is to Saj' John Van Geson Simeon Y Van Ness to pay the Sum of two and Richard Van Houten Robert Van Houten Roleff I Van Houten iV' Henry Corter Do Each promis pay the Sum of two Dol- lars and to pay Siich Sums from time to time as Long as the Said Robert Van Houten is in want of the Sum to prosecut the Sd Richard Dey. 3th that the Said Robert Van Houten is to be paid for his Servis a Reson Bate 4th the that the pairtiees Do a gree that the pairties are to have and Eaqul Share of the Proffits and Lastly for the performance of this a gree ment the Said i)airtices Do bind them selves ther heires Executors and administrators each to the Other in the peanl Sum of Fifty Dollars in witness Whereof the pairtees have here unto 107 interchangably Set there hands and Seals the Daj' and year a foreSaid Sealed and Deliverd I in i:)resence of f John Van Gieson [seal G Van Howten Kichakd Van Houten [seal Halmagh Van gesen Koelof I Van Houten [seal] Heney Coueteb [seal] KoBERT Van Houten [seal] Simon Y Van Ness [seal] [Endorsed:] a Artikel between the people of totaweay LXVII. Bill of Adrian Van Riper, for Blacksmith Work, 1808-1809. 1808 Henry Garretse to Adrn Van Eiper Dr Octor 28 to a pair of new Shoes and Seting them 0-5-0 Novm 11 to npseting three axes 0-4-0 30 to two new axes 1-8-0 Deem 13 to a bail to a box and nails 0-2-0 15 to mending an auger 0-2-G 16 to a pair of new Shoes an 1 Seting them 0-5-0 22 to Corking and Seting a pair of Shoes 0-2-0 180'J Janry 9 to mending handirons 0-9-0 12 to hooping a wheel 0-4-0 to fore revits 0-1-0 Febry 7 to two bolts 0-3-0 to a new Shew and Corking and Seiing three pare 0-6-9 March 1 to mending and Seting a Shew. 0-0-9 4 to mending a Key 0-1-0 9 to mending a wheel 0-1-0 16 to mending a Sled 0-2-0 23 to mending a Saw mill dog 0-1-0 April 7 to mending a waggon tongue 0-1-0 18 to mending a stnbing how 0-1-0 24 to Seting two pair of Shoes 0-2-6 to onj Shew and Seting it 0-2-0 May 1 to mending a dung fork 0-1-0 to mending a trap 0-0-6 to mending a Clevis 0-0-6 to a Cuting box Knife 0-2-0 '^ to Sharping a Shear 0-1-3 5 to a landside and pinting a Shear 0-8-0 to plow plates 0-0-6 17 to one new Shew and Seting it 0-2-3 25 to mending a Spade 0-0-6 June 2 to laying a Shear 0-10-0 to a landside and laving a Shear C-16-0 108 17 to a Shear and Seting it 0-'2-0 20 to pinting a Shear 0-4-0 28 to Sharping a Shear 0-1-3 to two pair of hinges 0-3-0 to nails 0-1-3 July 10 to a plow plate 0-1-6 14 to fore hooks and two stapels 0-1-6 17 to pinting a Shear 0-5-0 to mending and Seting a Shew 0-1-0 18 to mending and Seting two pair of Shoes 0-2-9 7-10-3 Amount Brought forward 7-10-3 July 20 to a hasp and two Stapels 0-1-6 21 to pinting a Shear 0-4-0 24 to an auger 0-5-6 28 to Seting a Shew 0-0-6 Augst 24 to mending a Chear 0-2-0 28 to a Shew and Seting it 0-1-6 to ironing two Scythe Snaths 0-3-0 30 to Sharjnng a Shear 0-1-3 Septm 28 to mending a Shovel 0-2- Octor 12 to one i)air of new Shoes and Seting two pare 0-6-3 13 to mending a waggon 0-1-0 17 to a hoop and bail to a pot 0-4-6 £9-3-3 2-0-3 £7-3-0 3-11-6 2- 0-3 to-ll-D 1- 8-0 Due Adrian V Riper 4-3-9 Heed the within full from Garrabrant Van Ilouten and Henry Kipp April 3 1810 Adbn Van Riper LXVIII. Price of Staves at Patekson Landing (now Passaic), 1809. Patcrson Landing "JUth June 1809. Sir— the Price of Barril Staves is Sixteen Shilling "jri, Hundred at the Landing— I Shal Not Calculate to pay you More than Seventeen for what you Buy after this 109 Day until you Hear from me again if you have any More on hand of what you had Bought be fore this Day Pleas to Send them Down and inform me when you Send the Last with the Carter who Brings them, the price of W O Staves & Hedg is Twenty Six Shillings Rough or Drest wich I Shal Calculate to pay twenty Se'S'in for from now until you hear from Me further the price of Ked Staves is the Same as they have Been this Some time with Eespect yours &G Adrian Van Hodten Garbrant Van Houten Esqr [Addressed:] Garbrant Van Houten Esqr jNIarchant Paterson LXIX. Unrecorded Deed, John Doeemus to Peter Van Aulen, 1810. THIS INDENTURE made iths* Eight day of May in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ten between John Doremus and Ann his wife of the township of Saddle river in the coimty of Bergen and state of New Jersey of the first part: and Peter Van Aulen of the township of Saddle river in the county of Bergen and state of New Jersey of the second part—WlTNESSETH, That the said party of the first jiart, for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and forty Dollars and Eighty Cents money of the United States of America to them in hand well antl truly paid by the said party of the second part, at and be- fore the sealing and delivery of these presents; the receipt whereof is herebj' ac- knowledged, and the said parties of the first part therewith fully satisfied, con- tent and paid; have given, gi-anted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents do give, gi'ant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, convey and confirm to the said partj' of the second part, and to his heirs and as- signs forever, ALL that tract or parcel of land and premises herein after particu- larly described, situate, lying, and being in the township of Saddle river in the county of Bergen and state of New Jersey aforesaid. Beginning at a Stake and Stone heei) at the Southeas corner of a Cleard field, in the line of a lot of wood land now belonging to Richard Turhune, And from thence Running first, North eighty five degi-ees East fifteen chain and sixty links, thence (2) Due north five chain and Seventy eight links, thence (3) North Seventy Eight degi'ees West all along the line of the land of Capt Anderson fifteen chain and forty two links to the north east corner of the said Cleared field, thence (4) South three degi-ees West ten chain and thirty nine links to the beginning containing twelve acres and four Hundredths of an acre Strict measure Together with all and singular the profits, privileges and advantages, with the appurtenances to the same be- longing, or in any wise api")ertaining. Also, all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever, of the said party of the first part, of, in. and to the same, and of, in, and to every part and parcel thereof — TO HAVE *Tliiis in tlio priiiit d blank. 110 AND I'U HOLD nil aud .siugnliir tbe above ilesciibed tract or lot of land and premises, with the appurtenances unto the said party of tbe second part, his heirs and assigns, to the onlj' jjroper use, benefit, and behoof of the said party of the second pjut, heirs and assigns forever. And the said John Doremus and Ann his wife do for them selves their heirs, executors, and administrators, cov- enant and grant to and with the said paity of the second part, his heirs and as- signs, that they the said John Doremus and Ann his wife now are the true, hiw- ful and right owners of all and singular the above described land and premises, anil of evrry part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances thereunto belong- ing; and that tbe said land and premises, or any part thereof, at the time of seal- ing and delivery of these presents, are not incumbered by any mortgage, judg- ment or limitation, or by any incumbrance whatsoever, by which the title of the said party of the second part, hereby made, or intended to be made, for the above described land and premises, caL or may be changed, charged, altered or defeated in any way whatever. And also, that the said party of the first part, now have good right, full power, and lawful authority to giant, bargain, sell, and convey, the said land and premises, in manner aforesaid. Also, that they will warrant, secure, and forever defend, the said land and premises, unto the said Peter Van Aulen heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and de. mands of all and every person, and persons, freely and clearly freed and dis- charged, of and from all manner of incumbrances whatsoever. In Witne.ss whereof, the said John Doremus and Ann his wife have hereunto set their hand and seal the day and year first above written. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED | John Doremus [seal] IN THEPllliKENCEOF )" her G. W. HowTEN Ann -|- Doremus [seal] John J Van Giesen mark Bergen County ss Be it Kembered that on the Ninth Day of April 1811 Personally appered before Garabrant Van Houten Esqr one of the Judges of the Inferior Court of Common pleas in and for the County of Bergen John Dormus and Ann Dormus wife of the Said John Dormus and Severally acknowledged that they respectively Signed Sealed and Delivered the within Instrument as their act and Deed for the purposes therein Expressed and the Said Ann Dormus being by me privately examined Separate and apart from her Said husband Did acknowledge that She Signed Sealed and Delivered the Same freely without fiuy fear threat or Compulsion from her Said Hu.sband. G. V. HoWTEN LXX. Papers relating to the Estate of Dr. James Van Beuben, of Paterson, 1802-4. Vendue Buok of Sundries Goods Sold this 28th day of June 1802 at the house of Doct Jams Van Buren Deed To whom Sold Articles Kennnena V Ihiren 1 Round Table £0-12-0 Kcmina Van Bur 1 Stand 0-8-0 . Ill Kemmena Van Buren Pewter Dishers & Plates 0-11-U Halmagh Van Winkles Smoothing Irons 0- -l-O Kiiunian Van Buren Knives & forks 0- 6-6 Jeremiah Buskirk Pair Candlesticks, Brass 0- 5-0 Elias \'reeland Square Table 0-16-6 Elias Vreeland S Square Table 0- 6-0 Christian Zabriskie And Irons 0-10-0 Adrian I Post Plates & Spoons 0- 3-0 Christian Zabriskie Corner Closet 1- 0-0 Kemmena Van Buren Case & flasks 0- 4-6 Kemman Van Buren Griddle 0-6-0 Kemmana Van Buren Shovel & Tongs 0- 4-0 Kimmane Van Buren Copper Tea Kettle 0-16-0 ,,. ,, -D I Small Iron Pot 0-6-0 Kimmana VanBurenj Ii-on Pott 0-10-0 £7-14-6 Articles Sold To Whom Half Dozen Chairs Kemmena Van Buren £1- l-d Half Dozen Chairs Thomas Post 0-14-0 Brass Kettle Kemmana V Buren 0-13-0 Small C Tub Kemmena V Buren 0-4-0 Gridiron & Spit Christian Zabriskie 0-9-6 Pestle tt Mortar Kemmana Van Buren 0-12-0 Cedar Cask ... Henry Garretse 0- 2-0 Cider barrel Henry Garretse Sen 0-5 barrel Kemman V Buren 0-2-9 Dung fork John Wessels 0- 3-0 Psalm Book Christian Zabriskie 0- 5-6 Branding Iron &c John Van Buren 0-3-6 Rat Trap Elias Vreeland 0-1-6 Hammer Elias Vreeland 0- 1-^ Dutch Psalm Book Halmagh Van Winkle 0-12-0 2 Books S V Buren 0-2-9 2 Books S V Buren 0-4-0 Books Christian Zabriskie 0- 3-0 £5-10-1 Books John Ludlow £0- 1-0 Books Henry Garretse Jur 0-8-0 Books Isaac Schoonmaker 0-14-0 Feather Bed John Van Buren 1- 0-0 Bed Stead Gairet Van Hoiiten 0-4-6 Real Henry Garretse 0-0-10 Pot Ash Adrian Post Mill 0-2-6 Sickle Christian Zabriskie 0- 0-6 Bridle Christian Zabriskie 0- (»-('. l\2 liiend Tray Elius Vioeland .0-2-9 Saow Shoes Clias Vreelnnd 0- 0-3 Wasbiug Tub Kemmana Van Bur 0- -t-O old Irou Isaac Scboonniaker U- 2-2 Feather Bed &, Bolsters Kennueiia Van Buren 5-4-0 Spoons Kenimen V Buren ((-13-0 Cedan Tub Keiuman ^'an Bur 0-5-3 Green Rugf; Kemnian Van Buren 0-12-0 Ruggs S V Buren 0-2-7 9- t>-9 5-10-1 7-U-G 22-10-10 L0-1'2.4> Zachariah Snyder Di 0- 8-0 By the first Vandue £13-11 0-14-0 Credit by Cash £8-0-0 0- 6-6 Dito by Cash 4-0-0 0- 4-6 0- 6-0 12-0-0 2-46-0 1- 1-0 0-13-0 0- 4-0 0-12-0 (I- 2-;> U- 4-0 5- 4-1 > 0-13-0 0- 5-0 0-12-0 CMlT-y IVitcrsou the 30th April 1804 Received of Henry Gurritse Jun Execxitor of Doctor James Van Buren Deed the Sum of one hundred & thirteen dollars & one Eight in full for Mrs. Magdalan Hogg proportion of the Estate of the said Deceased and in full of all demands Witness Sylyestek Van Buren John J Van Beuren Received this 28th day of May 1803— of Mr. Henry Garrison Junr Executor of the last will and Testament of my father Doctor James van Beuren, late of Patterson, in the County of Essex and state of New Jersey deceased, the sum of 113 one hundred and thirteen dollars and twelve cents, beinp; my full proportion or share of the proceeds of the Estate of my said father — bequeathed to me in and by his last will & Testament — I say Received in full of all demands — $113.12 Michael Van Beuren Received this 28th day of May 1803 — of Mr. Henry Garrison Junr Executor of the last will and Testament of my father Doctor James van Beuren, late of Patterson in the County of Essex and state of New Jersey deceased, One Hundred & seventy five dollars and sixty two cents in full of a legacy and my share of the proceeds of the Estate of my said father — bequeathed to me in and by his last Will and Testament — I say received in full of all demands $175.62 Kammanek Van Beuken Received this 28th day of May 1803 of Mr Henry Garrison Junr Executor of the last will and testament of my father Doctor James van Beuren, late of Patter- son in the County of Essex & state of New Jersey, deceased, the sum of One Hundred and thirteen dollars and twelve cents, being my full proportion or share of the proceeds of the Estate of my said father, bequeathed to me in and by his last will and Testament — I say received in full of all demands — $113.12 James van Beoben Received this 2Sth day of may 1803 of Mr Henry Garrison Junr executor of the last will and Testament of my father Doctor James van Beuren, late of Pat- terson in the County of Essex and state of New Jersey, deceased, the sum of one Hundred and thirteen dollars and twelve cents, being my full j^roportion or share of the proceeds of the estate of my said father, bequeathed to me in and by his last Will and Testament -I say received in full of all demands, $113.12 Mary Heaton 1 Day to Newark "| 1 Day to totaway 1 Day to fores 2 Days to Newyork 1 Day first Vandue [ 1 Day second Vandue ] 2 Days to ISettle A Day to Degraws Std i Dav to Paterson i Day to Settle Hairs | for Setting the Estate of Doctr James Van Beuren Decesed Allowed £G-iy-U 29 \ 114 LXXI. Summary Trial of a Negro for Larceny, 1805. Bergen County ss. Deer 7tli, 1805. The State ) vs. - All Acciisatiou for Larceny \inder Six Dollars Negio Claas ) The prisoner being aijprehended before us thp Siibscribers two of the Justices of the peace in «fc for said County before whom the sd prisoner (Consented to be tried —Whereupon the said Court appointed Richard Terhune to jjrefer an Accusation in writing against the said jirisoner, in Obedience thereto the Accusation was drawn up and the said prisoner Charged thereon, to which the said prisoner plead not Guilty. The Court then proceeded in the trial of the Cause, in the Course of which The following Witnesses were Sworn on the part of the State To Wit — Heni-y Goetschius Luke Van Alen Francis Ryerson David Van Blarcom Jacob Van Dein Witness on the part of the jn-isoner Abraham Post After having duly Considered the Testimony for and against the prisoner the Court is of Opinion that the sd prisoner Claas is Guilty of the Charge and Accusation Alleged agt him and do sentince the sd Negro Claas to receive Im- mediately Nineteen lashes on the bare buck and that he further stand Committed until the legal fees are paid fee Bill Examination & Costs 19 Warrent it Serving 85 Drawing Accusation '-iO ',i Subp. it Serving '••<> Witness Sworn 30 3 Witnesses fees 1 50 3 Witnesses do 75 Trial of the Cause CO Drawing Conviction 25 Constable Attending prisner 25 $5 95 Abrm Westebvelt Gaeabrant Van Howten 11; LXXII. Return of a Militia Company, 1811. A Correct Return of all persens names inrolled in the fifth company first Battalion and third regiment of Bergin Brigade commd by Tunis I Henion Capt Jacob K Mead lieutenant David D Demorest Ensign Richard Doremus John G Ryerson Garret Mercelis Isaac Mead John J Berry James Ackerman Jr Nicho Jones John Johnson Jr John Veader Martin H Berry Jeremiah Ryerson Abraham G Rj'ersou * Acker A Rj'erson Dulhagin Benjamin Speer Mead Coe Jacob Speer Look Ryerson Martin Ryerson Peter T Doremus^ Garret Jacobus Peter Courier Nicholas Ryerson William Bogert Peter Ridner Isaac Collier James N Jones Persen Dey Hassel H()i)per Ehas TuUy John A Ryker Anthony Jacobus David Hogan Francis Ryerson Henry Peren Hassel Doremus Theodoris Pulhamus Nicholas A Ryerson John K Henion Nodiah Thomas Peter Row Jur Evert Van Ness William Smith Jacob Berdan Jur Joseph Garlinghous Ralph Smith Danniel Smith John Jacobus David vanhouten William Blakney Giibert Johnson Danniel Ridner Andrew J Vanorden Henry J Vanhouten Abraham mowersou William mowerson David youmens Jacob Roman John J Brown Abraham Cooper John Walden LXXIII. The First Quarry at Haledon for Sale— An Old Handbill, 1815. A GREAT BARGAIN. To l)e sold at private sale, an excellent FARM, con- taining about one hundred and fifteen acres, situated in the Township of Saddle- River, in the County of Bergen, within two miles of the Town of Patterson. — *riie paper is hartly torn where the flr.st names are omitted. 11(5 This tract contnins a good proportion of meadow, wood, and arrable land; each lot being well watered fiom a running stream or spnng. There is on the said Farm, a convenient dwelling-house, and out-buildings; also one of the best quanies in the State of New-Jersey, of brown and gray stone, in which there is every appearance of coal; a good sample of which is to be found in the seams of the gi'ay stone: a copious stream of water runs through this Farm, on which there are several mills erected; the part riinuing through the Farm, affords as eligible a site for a mill, or other water-works, as any on the said stream. This property abounding with building-stone, lire-wood, and timber of every kind, so advantageously situated in the vicinity of the flourishing town of Patter- son, where the demand for these articles are rajiidly increasing, is worth the at- tention of any person wishing to piirchase a place. Gentlemen are invited to view it. Application to be made to Mr. Samuel Bell, No. 219 Water -street. New- York, who will give a good title for the property. The terms of sale may also be known, by application to Captain John Anderson on the premises, or to RoBEET Campbell, Esq. at Hackensack. N. B. If this property is not sold at private sale before the first day of July next, it will then l)e disposed of at public auction on the iJreuiises, at 11 of the clock in the forenoon of that day. Mat, 1815. LXXIV. Bill for Stone from the Haledon Quarry for the First Bank Building in Patekson, 1815. 1H15 t; S D To stone carted to i)atterson for the bank August r2th To fourteLii cills and arches 4 feet long by one brod -4 Inches thick at one &. 8 pence per foot 4 13 4 To 52 feet of Water table at 1 it 8 pence per foot 4 6 8 To 36 Corners 20 inches square by 10 thick 9 00 00 To 1 kitchen mantle 00 18 00 August 11th To 13 single corners at 2S. 6D. per 1 12 6 To 1 kitchen mantle GO 18 00 August 14th To 8 single corners 2S. 6D. each 1 00 IK) August lb. To cills & arches at IS. 8D per toot 3 00 00 To 1 kitchen mantle 00 18 00 Aug. 19. To 3 Unties at 24 shilhngs each 8 feet long 3 12 00 To 2 cills S.i feet long at 24 .shillings each 2 8 GO To 3 stones for circular arches 13 feet each at 2S. per foot 3 18 0(» To 1 Foundation stone 1 00 00 Sept. 2nd. To G.I feet of Water table, 10 in. by 9, at 2S. per foot 00 13 00 To 6 single corners at 2S. GD. each O'J 15 00 To 3 double corners at 5S. each 00 15 0( ) Sept 4th to 6 double corners 1 10 (»0 do 2 single do 00 5 00 117 do to 3 feet of lOin water table at 2S 00 6 00 7 to 10 do do do 1 00 00 9. To 4: corners 2 ft. 6 in by 2 ft. 1 in at 16S. each 3 4 00 11 To 1 double corner 00 5 00 To 3 single corners 00 7 6 To 4 feet of 10 in. water table at 2S 00 S 00 To 2 blocks for pedistals 2 feet 6 by 1 feet 8 Inches thick at 3 S. per foot 1 5 * single corners at 2S. 6D 00 12 nals 3 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 4 in. 4 inches thick at 2S 1 12 4 ft. long D per 00 of 10 Is at 2S. per — To Stone carted to patterson for the Bank £ S D September 22nd To 6 cills and arches 4 foot at 1 S 2 00 00 do 25th to 5 cills and arches 4 foot at 1 S 1 13 4 do 27th to 3 ciUs 4 foot at 1 S 1 00 To one double corner &, 2 single ones ... . 00 10 do 28 to 3 door arches 5 feet 3 in. long by 13 in. wide 6 in. thick Sixteen shillings each 2 8 To 7 feet of water table 10 by 9, at 2S 00 14 To 1 stone 8 feet 6 in. long 12 by 10 in. at 4 S. per 1 October 1st to 3 ai-ches 4 feet long at 1 S 1 To 1 double corner & 1 single corner 00 7 To 1 long stone & 1 double corner 1 17 To 1 pedistal & 1 double corner 1 1 To 1 arch 4 feet long CO LXXV. An Order for Work on the First Paterson Bank, 1816. Patern Jany 27—1816 Garebrant Vanhouten Esqr Pay to Isaack Stagg when he gits the Midle two Soreys of the Bank Lath the Sum of fourteen Dollars & oblig Yours & John Winans [Endorsed :] Eeed the Within in full Isaac I Stagg LXXVI. Account with Adrian Van Houten, 1792-3. This is the Book to keipe the Account of Adderyon Van Howten Land of Expence and Cost March 1 1792 Dr Dr Adderyon Van howten Dr to Richard Van howten for Going to Morris town to git a Survaor to survay his Land one Days Work £0-8-0 March 22th 1792 Dr for tow men work to Drowing Chain one Day £0-12-0 *The blanks are where the paper is torn. 30 118 May 30 1793 Dr for Going to Newark to the Lawer for advese about this Land one Day work £0-8^ June 4 1793 Dr Expence for going to Amboy to Sarch the Records for Adderyon Van Howten Lands Cost at Newaik for a Denner and hors £0-5-0 at woodbridg 0-4-0 at amboy Sarching the Reccard for Land 0-3-0 June 5 1793 to Lodging and Super and horse £0-8-6 at Wodbridg Brexfist and hors £0-6-3 at Newark for a Dinner and hors £0-5-0 to Going to Amboy 2 d 8s 0-16-0 June 11:1793 Aderyon Van Howten Dr to me for attending the Cort three Day at 8 Shil- ling per Day £1-4-0 LXXVII. A Suit fok Legacies, Robert Htnchihan vs. Duncan Monroe, 18'24. Bergen County Court for the Trial of small Causes G. Van-Houten Esq. Justice Robert Hinchmau ) vs y In Debt Duncan Monroe ) The plaintiff demands of the defendant dollars for this— That where- as one Angus Monroe of the County of Bergen by his last Will and Testament executed and bearing date the third day of January 1820 a copy of which certified under the baud and seal of Office of John A. Boyd Surrogate of said County is now shewn to the Court, among other things devised as follows "I give and de- "vise unto my three sons John Monroe Duncan Monroe and Daniel Monroe all "my lands, tenements and hereditaments and real estate whatsoever, and where- "soever found, subjected to the demise given to my said Wife their Mother, to be ' 'divided between them in the following manner viz My son Duncan Monroe all "the land now belonging to me lying and adjoining the said Duncan's land for "which I have formerly given him a deed called the upper place, but not have "order or demand or use of the said land until after the death or marriage of his "said Mother unless by her consent— but after her decease or mairiage to take "full possession and enjoy the same— Item I give and bcipieath unto my two "Sons John Monroe and Daniel Monroe all the farm whereon I now live called "the homestead divided Share and Share alike between them also not to have "possession order or use of the same during the life or widowhood of my said "wife their Mother without her consent, but after that to have possess and enjoy "the same— Item I give and bequeath unto my three daughters, viz Mary Gor- "denhans present wife of Gamaliel Gordenhans, and Jane Hinchman present wife 119 "of Eobert Hinchman and Ann McWhorter present wife of Gilbert McWhorter "one hundred dollars each in cash, to be paid by my three sons, before mentioned — John Monroe one hundred dollars, Duncan Monroe one hundred "dollars, and Daniel Monroe one hundred dollar; the money to be paid, when "they my said Sons shall receive full possession of said real estate above "mentioned, and not until then" — And the pltff in fact saith that the said Duncan Monroe has had full possession of the property so devised to him since the Month of Februai-y 1822 and that Margaret the Mother of said defendant did marry again on the of February 1823, By means of which said several premises the defendant has become bound to pay to his aforementioned sisters, the sum of one hundi-ed dollars with interest in equal proportiims ; and an action has accrued to the pltfE husband of Jane Hinchman, to have and recover of the deft the principal sum of thirty three dollars and thirty three j^ cents, together with interest since the marriage of his mother in 1823 amounting together to the sum of Forty dollars for which he brings his Suit Kobert Hinchman pltff LXXVIII. Power of Attorney, Samuel Delamarter to Gerkebbandt Van Houten, 1809. Know all Men by these Presents that I Samuel Delmarter of the State of New York do Make and ajipoint Garabrant Van Houten of Paterson, State of New Jersej' My attorney for Me and in My Name and to My use to Demand Sue for Receive of Jonah Williams all Debts Dues and Demands Whatsoever Either real or Personally Which are Due and Owing or of Right belonging unto Me at this time and to use all Lawfull Means for the recovery thereof and Com- pound and agree for the Same and to do all other acts concerning the Premises as fully in every respect as I Myself Could do if Personally Present in Witness Whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twenty Sixth Day of July One thousand Eight hundred and Nine Sealed and Delivered { in Presence of \ Samuel: delamarter [seal] Benyamin Delamarter [Endorsed:— probably the residence of Samuel Delamarter:] North Moore Street No 2o LXXIX. Papers relating to the Estate of Cornelius Westervelt, 1816. A true and perfect Inventory of all the Goods and Chattels rights and Credits of Curnelis Westervelt Late of the Township of Saddle River in the County of Bergen and State of New Jersey deceased made the Eleventh Day of March A D 1816 120 3 Note of hand agt H Van Norder $324 70 1 Note of Do agt John G Ryerson 214 1 Bank bill lUO Silver Money 12 13 liooks account acknowledget by H. Van Norder 9 Book account acknowledget by Abrm A Post 9 on Old ^'endue Book agt H. Van Norder 18 9 Do Do Do agt Coruelis V. Eiper 2 34 Do Do Do Do Henry G Doremus 3 31 Do Do Do Do Abrm A. Post 2 6 Do Do Do Do John G. Ryerson 1 5U One Cow 2'2 5U one Old Cubard 4 Silver Spoons Irin for Cooky pipe 5 two tin Dishes 2 Do Smal and Old Watch 1 50 two table Spoons and one Small silver 3 one Old table 3 tramels 3 three Chairs and Small Stan 1 75 one Gridel old pot and thonngs and pan 1 (52 two Beds one bolster and three Pillirs 8 two Line Sheets $3 one Set of Old Curtains 5 four Woolin Sheets 8 Five Woolin Spreds and Blankets 12 two Bed Steds 3 Amount 8781 78 Appraised by us Peter Hoppor John D. Ryerson Received Paterson May 1st 1810 From Gnrubrant Van Houtcn one of Executors of the Lust Will and Teste- ment of Cornolis Westervelt Deceased the Sum of Four Dollers fifty Cents for making a Coflin for the Deceased Richard Berdan Rpceved Paterson April 15 1810 from Garabrant Van Howten one of the Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Cornelis Westervelt Deceased the Sum of Four Dollars for Furnels as Sixton Albert Van Saun IMr. Cornelius Westervelt Deceased To Adrian Van Houten Dr. March 7th 1810 To Funeral Expinces £3-13-0 Reed Paterson June 11th, 1810 of Garbrant Van Houten Esq., one of the Executors the above Acct in full Adrian Van Houten 121 Eeceved Paterson Dec. 13th 1816 from Garabrant Van Houten one of the Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Cornells Westervelt Deceased the sum of two hundred thirty two Dollars Sixtj^ Six Cents in full of Our Share of the Movale Estate of the Deceased Witness Presents his Andrew Ackermrin Abraham + Post Cornelius Van Houten mark Elizabeth A Post Jlargaret Westervelt Cornelus P Westervelt Receved March 13th 1816 from Garabrant Van Houten one of the Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Cornells Westevelt Deceased for Servises of apprament on the Inventory and Going to Haekensack to prove the Inventory of the Said Deceased the Sum of one Dollar twenty Five Peter Hopper John D Everson LXXX. Suit for Trespass, Aveey Richards vs. William W. Ryekson, 1827. Bergen County ss I Court for the trial of small causes before Garrabrant State of New Jersey ( V Houten Justice of said Court Avery Richards Platflf In an action of Trespass on the case William W Ryerson Deft The Plaintiff complains of the Defendent that on or about the twentieth of April 1827 he did brake open his fence on the westwardiy line of the Dey meadow so calleil and and did enter the said meadow with his oxen and waggon and drove to the line of Cornelius V Houten and opened the fence there also, adjoining the common lands and also at another lot called the river lot he the Deft did open the fences one each side of the field and drove his oxen and waggon through the said field and in both lots left the fence open so that the cattle from the commons did enter the said lots and Destroy my herbage grass and clover to my damage of fifteen Dollars and that his oxen and waggon did tread and ciit up the ground it being wet .and soft to my damage of five dollars making in all twenty dollars for the plaintiff brings suit and prays judgment May the 12th 1827 Avery Richards LXXXI. Suit on a Tavern Bill, Halmah R. Van Houten vs. Hannah Dey, Admx. of Richard Dey, dec'd, 1813. ?.T"f Ne"v'jeSey [ ^o anv Con.labls o! said Ccm.y You ai-e hereby commanded to Summon Hannah Dey Administratrix of all and singular the Goods and Chatties, Rights and Credets of Richard Dey Esquire 31 122 deceased to appear at my oflSce in the township of Saddle River on Saturday the twenty seventh Day of Febuaiy Instant at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said Day. To answer Halmah R Van Howten in a plea of Debt twenty live Dol- lars and seven cents. Hereof fail not Given under my hand and seal this 16th day of February 1813. G. V. Howten J, Peace [Endorsed:] I Served the with Summon on the defendant hannach Dey on the 13 day of february th 1813 by reading the same to her and She not demanding a Copy Adrian K. Van houten Constable Bergen County Pleas At a Court for the Trial of small causes ' Garrabrant Van Howten Esq Justice Halmuh R. Van Howten ] vs. I Hannah Dey Administratrix of all and | In debt singularthe Goods and Chatties, Rights | and Credits of Richard Dey deceased J The plaintiff demands of the defendant Adminx as afore- said the sum of Twenty five dollars and seven Cents as fol- lows, to wit the sum of Twelve Dollars and ten Cents, being his part of an account of the expences of a Struck Jury, at the house of the plaintiff, in a suit between the said Richard Dey deceased and Roelef Van Howten and others, as by the Copy of the Bill of Items annexed— as well as for the sum of Three dollars twelve and a half Cents for Interest on the same — And also for the sum of nine dollars and five Cents of Debt on Book account, as by the Bill of Items hereunto annexed will appear— as well as for the sum of Two Dollars and thirty seven and a half cents of Interest on the same making in the whole the sum of Twenty six Dollars and Sixty five Cents, from which the said plaintiff allows a deduction or Credit of One Dollar and fifty Eight Cents, Leaving a Balance due unto the said i)laintifl' of Twenty five Dollars and seven Cents for which he brings suit and prays Judgement. Hai.jiah R V.\n Howtkn by his Attorney February 27, 1813 Tus Wills Bill of Items Oct 1. 1808 Richard Dey and Roelef Van Howten Dr to Halmah R Van Howten for the following Items below mentioned To }. Gallon of Cider £0-1-0 .^ pint Brandy 1-4 i Gill Brandy 0-8 123 ^ pint Brandj' 1-4 1 pint Spirits 2-0 1 quart Spirits 4-0 I Grog 0-6 i Gallon Cider 1-0 II Dinners 13-9 1 pint Spirits 2-0 1 pint Brandy 2-8 1 pint Wine 2-8 Wine 10-0 12 Suppers 1-16-0 7 Horses on Hay 7-0 1 Grog 0-6 .} Gallon Cider 1-0 Brandy & Spirits 1-8 i pint Bitters 1-0 Oats 3-0 5 Breakfasts 10-0 }, pint Bitters 1-0 1 quart Spirits 4-0 3 Dinners 9-0 Liquor 5-0 14 Dinners 2-2-0 1 pint Spirits 2-0 1 pint Brandy 2-8 1 pint Wine 2-8 1 pint Spirits 2-0 1 pint Wine 2-8 1 pint Brandy 2-8 Oats 6-0 horses on hav 9-0 £9-13-8 Equal to $24.20 Richard Deys Share of which is $12 10 Interest on Do. tillFeby 1. 1813 3 12.} Carried forward SI 5 22} Brot forward SIS 22} Book Account Richard Day. To Halmah R. Van Houten. 1808 To 1 pig £0-8-0 3 days Horsehire 12-0 May 23 1 Gill Brandy 8 June 4 Crackers & Cheese 6 7 Gills Spirits 3-6 1 Grog 6 21 2 do 1-0 124 21 2 do 1-0 ■Tnly T) 2 I'.iandy Slings 2-0 9 1 (xiog 8 IG 1 Brandy Grog 8 23 2 ditto 1-4 Ai;g 2 I Gill Bitters 4 1 Dinner 2-G 1 Supper 1-0 Li(pior 7 Sept 8 i Grogs 2-8 2G 1 ditto. 8 Octr 2 .J pint Spirits 1-4 10 8 Grogs r,-4 IG 1 Grog 0-8 24 3 ditto 2-0 Nov 26 2 ditto 1-4 Deer 30 i Gallon Cider 1-0 1809 pJany H 1 Dinner .... 2-0 1 Dinner & Liquor 4-U 22 2 Grogs 1-4 FebylT 1 ditto '., 0-8 2G }. pint Gin 1-4 Abraham Eyersons Expences June 8. [ r. ,. 1808 when attending Deys Business \ March 3 1 Dinner 1-G £3-12-5 Interest on Do till Febv 1. 1813 ("r By Account Balance due . $25 (t7 9 05 2 37.V $26 65 1 58 Bergin County ss Court for the Tryal of Small Causes Garrt'brant Van Houten Esquire Justice Hiinnah Dey Adniinistrix ] The Defendant Comes in Court and pleads that of Hichard Dey Deed j^ the Plaintiff Ought not to Recover his Demand at the Suit of | Against her for this that the said Plaintiff is in- Halmah K Van Houten J debted to the Estate of Said Deed in the following Account which Acknowledged by Plaintiff Copy of Account Ilalmah K Van Houten To Richard Dey Dr 1800 March 28th To 318 feet of whitewood Boards at 12c pr Hundred.. $4 75 To timber for a Slead 2 25 125 To Iron for a Sleigh 1 37 To Services Rendered 2 00 $10 37 Interest 12 years & 11 Months 8 97 $19 34 Total Defendant further Pleads that she has well and Truly Administered and that there are not sufficient assets in the Hands of the said Administratrix to i^ay the Debts of the Estate of Eichard Dey Deed in full But Affords a de\idend of twenty five Cents on the Dollar which Sum was offered and tendered to Plantiff who Refused to Accept the same and Immediately Seized and Carried Away the Account.by him Exhibited to the said Administratrix by which Means his whole Acct as Exhibited Cannot be laid before the Orphins Court for the County of Bergain at their Next term The Defendent therefore Prays the Above Suit may be Abated and Judgment Rendered for the Defendent February 27th 1813. Hannah Dey Administratx New Jersey ss [ Be it Remembered that Miss Hannah Dey Adminisx of Bergain County ) Richard Dey Deed Came before me Garrebrant Van Hoiiteu Esr one of the Justices of the XJeace for sd County Who being duly Sworn Deposseth and Saith She Cannot Safely go to Tryel in the Suit brought Against her by Halmah Van Houten for the want of Anthony Dey a meterial Witness and Out of this State and thinks he maj" be procured at at future time Sworn before me this 13th day ) „ i t^ » i • t i ■ of March 1813 f Hannah Dey Adminstratnx G V Howten LXXXII. Receipt for Legacies, by the Heies of Richard G. Van Houten, 1813. To all to Whom these presents Shall Come David Benson & Elizabeth his wife Peter Powlason & Jaue his wife Jacob Bcrdan Jur and his wife Ann Casper Wissels and Nathia his wife David Demarest and Charity his wife and Mary Van Houten of the Townshii) of Saddle River and the Township of Actpiackack and the Cotmty of Bergen and Essex Send Greeting Whereas Richard G Van Houten of the Township of Saddle River in the County of Bergen Deceased in and by his Last will and Testament iu writing bearing Date on or about the 13 Day of August 1810 did Give and Bequeath unto us David Benson & Ehzabeth his wife Peter Poulason and Jane his wife Jacob Berdan Jur and Ann his wife Casper We.-sel Natiche his wife andDa\ad Demerest and Charity his wife and Mary Van Houten the sum of two Hundred and Seventy five Dollars and the Said Richard G Van Houten by his said wife made antl Con. stituted Ganabrant Van Houten Abram Van Houten and Adrian R Van Houten 32 12G Execiitors thereof. Now know all men by tbese presents that we the said David 13enson A Elizabeth his wife Peter Poiilason and Jane his wife Jacob Berdan Jr and Ann his wife Casperas Wessel and Naethse his wife and David Demaiest and Charity his wife and Mary Van Houten We do hereby acknowledge to have Re- ceived of and from the said Garabrant Van Houten one of the Executors the said Sum of two Hundr d and Seventy five Dollars in full So given and Bequeathed to us in and by the will of the said Richard G. Van Houten as aforesaid and thereof and from every part and ijarcel thereof do fully Clearly and absolutely actpiit Release and forever discharge the Said Garabrant Van Houten his Heirs Administrators and assigns and also the Estate and Effects of the Said testator and Every part tht-reof In Witness Whereof We the Said David Benson & Elizibeth his wife Peter Pauleson and Jane his wife Jacob Berdan Jr and Ann his wife David Demarcst and Charity his wife and jMary Van Houten have here unto set our hands and Seals this twenty Seventh Day of December 1813 Sealed and Delivered / In the Presence of j Adrian R Van hoiiten John G Doremus her Elizibeth + Binson [Seal] mark Peter Powlison [Seal] her Jane -j- Powlisson [Seal J mark Jacob Berdan Junr [Seal] her Ann -|- Berdan (Seal mark Casper Wesscls [Seal] Natia Wessels [Seal] Dnvid Demarest [Seal] Charity Demarest [Seal] her Mary -|- Van Houten ISoal) mark LXXXIII. Unrecorded Deed from Francis Van Iderstine to Henrt A. Van Blarcom, for Lands near Oldham, 1807. THIS INDENTURE made this twenty fourth day of November in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seven between Francis Van Ider- stine, and Anne his wife of the township of Acipiacknonk in the county of Essex and state of New Jersey of the first part : and Henry A. Van Blai'com of the township of Acquacknok in the county of Essex and state of New Jersey of the second part — WITNESSETH, That tfie said party of the first part, for and in consideration of thirty two dollars money of the United States of America to them in hand well and truly paid by the said party of the second part, at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents: the receipt whereof is hereby 127 acknowledged, and the said parties of the first part therewith fully satisfied, con- tent and paid; have given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents do give, gi'ant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, convey, and confirm to the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, ALL that tract or parcel of land and premises herein after particularly described, situate, lying and being in the township of Saddle river in the county of Bergen and state of New Jersey aforesaid Beginning at two Birch trees at the meeting of two Small brooks called Palm brooks, being the north, eastermost corner of a lot heretofore sold and conveyed by the said Francis Van Iderstine, to Majr Abrm Godwin, and running from thence (1) South fifty degrees West five chains and thirty four links to a Stake and Stones thence (2) South seventy degrees East, seven chain and forty links to a stake at the north side of the Public road leading from Oldham to Pompton, thence (3) North fifty degrees East five chains and ninety three links to the line of lands belonging to Cornelius Peterson, thence (i) North, seventy three Degrees West seven chain and sixty five links to the beginning Containing three acres and Sixty Hundredths of an Acre strict measure Together with all and singular the profits, privileges and advantages, with the appurtenances to the same belonging, or in anj- wise ap- pertaining. Also, all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and de- mand whatsoever, of the said parties of the first part, of, in, and to the same, and of, in, and to every part and parcel thereof— TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the above described tract or lot of land and pi'emises, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns to the only proper use, benefit, and behoof of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Francis Van Iderstine doth for himself his heirs, executors, and administrator.';, covenant and grant to and with the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns, that he the said Francis Van Iderstine now is the true, lawful, and right owner of all and singular the above described land and i^remises, and of every part and parcel thereof, with the ap- purtenances thereunto belonging; and that the said land and premises, or any part thereof, at the time of sealing and delivei-y of these presents, are, not in- cumbered by any mortgage, judgment or limitation, or by any incumti'ance whatsoever, by which the title of the said party of of the second p trt, hereby made or intended to be made, for the above described land and promises, can or may be changed, charged, altered, or defeated m any way whatever. And also, that the said iiarties of the first part, now have good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell, and convey, the said land and premises, in manner aforesaid Also that he will warrant, secure, and forever defend the said land premises unto the said Henry A. Van Blarcom his heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all and everj' ])erson, and persons, freely and clearly freed and discharged, of and from all manner of incumbrances whatsoever. In witness whereof, the said Francis Van Iderstine and Anne his wife have hereunto set their hands and se.Js the day and year first above written. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED I francis Van Iderstine IN THE PRESENCE OF ) his Abrm Willis Anna -f Van Iderstine Peter Tise mark 128 New Jersej' J Francis Van Iderstine and Anne his wife the Grantors within Essex County ) Named came before me Encrous Gould one of the Judges of the Court of Common pleas for said County and severally Acknow- ledged that thej' Signed Sealed and Delivered the within Indenture as their Voluntary Act and deed for the uses and purposes within mentioned and the said Anne being by me Examined Apart from her Husband said she Execiited the same Freely and not from any threats or Compultion of her Hi;sbiind Taken before me this ninth day of April ) r n i/i One thousand Eight Hundred and Eight j ii-ncreas ^ouia LXXXIV. Papers relating to the Militia Service, 1793, 180G, 1808. The STATE of NEW-JERSEY. To Garebrandt Van Houten Gentleman Whereas the Commissioner of the County of Bergen hath certitied to the Commander in Chief of this State, the com- pletion of a Company called the 13th Company in the 3d llegiment of the Militia in the said County, and that you were duly chosen by the said Company to be Ensign of the said Company You are therefore to ta e the said Comjiany [Seal] into your charge and care as Ensign thereof, and duly to exercise both Officers and Soldiers of the said Company in Arms; and as they are hereby directed to obey you as their Ensign you are likewise to obey and follow such Orders and Directions, from Time to Time, as you shall receive from your superior Officer or Officers; and for your so d' ing this shall be your Com- mission. In Testimony whereof the great Seal of the said State is hereunto affixed. WITNESS llichard Howell Esquire, Governor, Captain General, and Commander in Chief in and over the State of New Jersey and Territories thereunto belonging, (Jhanc ellor and Ordinary in the same, at Trenton the fifth day of June in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety- three By the Governor. Bowes Reed Secy Rd Howell Received of John Brown one Dollar being the fine Garrabrant Van Houten Esqr for Neglect of duty at our last Rcgui Training $1.00 Novr th 19 180(5 Geo W Colfax Paymaster I Certify that Garralirant Van Houten, Private in Captain Robert Van Houten's Company 1st Battalion 3d Regt. in Consequence of a defect in his hand is unable, to perform Mihtary Duty. Given under my hand this 2ti th day of December 1808. John Campbell Brigade Suige m 129 LXXXV. Vendue of Goods and Chattels of John H. Gaeeison, 1810. A list of the Vendue held by John H Garrison this 21st day of April 1810 Articlas Sold Persons Names £ S D 1 Cross Cutsay Daniel Dodd 10 1 Decanter with Gin William Hunter 3-9 1 Spinning Wheel Henry I Garrison 18 1 Pair of Holsters & Pistles Abram Godwin 1-13- 6 1 Plow Henry I. Garrison 1-12 1 Iron ox chain . . xAbraham R. Van Houten x 16 1 Eed Cow xClaushe Garrison x4-17- 6 1 Lot of Giers xCornelius Van Wenkel x 16-6 1 Hoghead Eichard H. Van Houten 3-7 1 Barrel with Lime xHenry B. SjDeer x 1- 8 1 lot of Hay & Straw Eichard H V Houten 16 1 lot of Straw in hovel xDavid Hunt x 10 1 pair of Sled Soles Abram Van Blarcom 1 1 Do Do Abrm Van Blarcom 1 1 Waggon Henry I. Garrison 2-4 1 lot old Iron & Auger Abrm V Blarcom '.) 1 pr Window Shashes . Abrm Godwin 2- G 1 Bib with Sashes Benjn Delmarter 1-6 1 Lot Eeids & Giers George Garribrants 4-11 1 Do Sundries xPeter Bush . . ! x 1-1 1 Do Do = Abrm V Blarcom 6 1 Do kegs and Cask 9 £13-16- 6 1 Pork Barrel George Garibrants 2- '6 Do Do xAdriyon V Giesen x 3 1 Cask & Sundries Abrm V Blarcom 6 1 Box itc. Abrm V Blarcom l-lo 1 Keg George Garribrants 2-1 2 '1 in basons Benjn Speer x 1-7 1 of Sundries xDavid Hunt . 2 1 Table. . . David Hammond 2-3 1 Caudle Mold & Sundries . Benjn Speer. 1-2 1 Hogshead Abrm Van Blarcom 3 1 wagon 1-11- 6 Lye Tub & Ashes Benjn Speer. 4 Candlestick & snuffer . 2 chairs . . 2 Do Benjn Speer x 2 2 Do Benjn Speer x 5-1 .3.3 130 2 Do X Do X Anthony Jacobus .... x 1-1 1 Ladder Abim Godwin 9-3 '2 Chairs George Garribrants 2-3 1 Horse xJohn G. Van Houten 4 5-14- 5 Page 2 1-11- G Page 1 13-16- G £21- 2- 5 LXXXXVI. List of Pews Sold in the Second Rkfokmed Church, about 1828. Amt. of Notes & Moneys Paid to G. V. Houten John D. Ryerson $100 00 Ralph Doremus 125 00 Hassal Doremus 125 00 John Burhans 125 00 Richard Berdan 100 00 John Degray 100 00 Adrian R Van Houten 140 10 John Jos Blavelt 140 00 G. Van Houten 135 GO G. Van Houten 125 00 Abrm R Van Houten 00 John R Berdan 100(0 John Meriuus 75 00 Adrian R Van Houten 82 00 D. K. Allen 100 00 D. Benson 83 00 John Jos Blauvelt 6i» 00 R. Benson 7G (X) Alb. I. Zabriske 7G 00 John R Van Houten 7G < C. H. Post 40 00 Alb. A Terhnnc 30 00 R. Degray 75 00 John D. Ryerson ,. 84 00 G. Godwin 81 00 C. P. Hopp [er] 81 00 R. King 75 00 I. Stagg 75 00 Sam Post 51 ( John Stagg . . 40 UO P. I. Van Aulin 40 DO Wm. I. Stagg 55 OU G. V. Wagner ... 50 00 John Benson 40 00 A. P. Hopp [er] 41(0 W Van Wet A VB 30 O.t C. I. Westvilt ... . ... 30 00 D. Merinus 30 GO D. Holsman 50 00 Abr V Houten 50 00 S. B. A. G 40 00 A. A. Terhune 4U CO J. Ackerson 30 00 J. Terhune 30 00 J. J. Forsha 40 00 J. & Wm Hogencamp 101 00 Ben. U. & C. G. V. Houten . . 5o dU J. Burhans Imi ( C.VanWagn 70 00 J. Van Ness 50 00 $3635 00 131 LXXXVII. Plan of Pews and Pew Eents in the Second Kefoemed Chuech, about 1835. w o o t^ o o y-l TJ 03 o 0) cc ''w a H « Pulpit o ^ l« o t- 1-1 tH 00 fl O o es a> p 63 64 65 66 75 CO ^ 75 S 8 80 75 CI 00 E. D. 75 70 00 cs 80 100 en a 100 80 -1 o 70 70 R. D. 5 ^ 80 125 C5 125 80 t- -3 bS E. D. 70 GO 1— ( 1-1 OS 80 125 R. D. 125 80 -a 60 55 ■*! 60 125 CO bS 125 75 t-O ^1 55 50 K. D. o h-' -3 75 125 s 125 75 00 50 ■iO 00 I—" 75 ' 100 C5 1^ oc R. D. 100 75 05 00 o 40 •10 60 100 0^ lOU 60 ao 00 tc 40 40 •N 60 100 R. D. 100 60 CO 00 oo 40 40 E. D. ?1 50 75 n ^ 75 50 00 oc E. D. 40 30 to ■-a 40 60 ^ *- c 60 40 00 oc oc .w 30 X tc 40 u. D. 50 C5 oc 50 40 05 00 30 30 CO 30 40 CO CO C5 40 30 I— 1 to 30 30 CO 30 u i>. 30 CO CO 30 R. D. 30 J5 30 Sold. 3, 10, 16, 24, 35, 39, 68, 72, 86, 93, 44. LXXXVIII. P.VPERS RELATING TO CaPT JoHN AnDERSON. OF OlDHAM, 1810-1820. Know all men by these presents that I John Anderson an Insolvent debtor Coutined in the Common Goal of the County of Bergen in the State of new Jersey do assign transfer and set over unto Garrabrant Van Houten of the County of Bergen aforesaid all the real and personal estates to me belonging an Account 132 and Inventory whereof I have this day exhibited to the Judges of the Inferior Court of Common pleas of the County of Bergen, and Also all my Eeal and oer- sonal Estate, wheresoever and whatsoever the same may be to have and to hold to the said Garrabrant Van Houten his heirs and assigns for the use and benefit of my Creditors excepting thereout the wearing apparel of my self my wife and Chilch-en and such tools and impliinents of my trade or Occui>ation as the Court maj' Judge jjroper not exceeding the Value of Ten pounds in the whole Witness my hand and seal this seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten Sealed and Delivered | t i a i . i in the presence of \ J°^^ Anderson [l. s.] John Westervelt Lewis Moore I Garrabrant Van Ilouten d) solemnly swear that I will well and faithfully manage the Estate of John Anderson an Insolvent debtor and keep '& llender a true Account of all that Shall come to my hands of the same - so help me God Sworn it sial' scribed in ) open Court the 17th day - G. V. Tlouten of December 1810 ' ) Lewis Moore John Westervelt 1 Henry Van Dalsem Clerk of Borgen County do Certify the within to be a Copy from the Original Remaining on the tiles of said County In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of saiil County Coi;rt this, ninth day of March in [Seal I the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Eleven Henry Van Dalsem Clk New York, Novr 11th, ISII. Sir. When I last saw you I understood that it was your wish that the cause against Mr. Scott should proceed. I took some trouble to prepare the same, the referees were agreed upon and every thing got in readiness to have a hearing. I then was informed, & gave j'ou that information, that there was n difficulty in the busine-s which prevented your proceeding unless your assignecg would make some arrangement with Mr. Scott on the subject— one of the Gentle. men, called on me, some time after & I understood him that the necessary arrangements would be made. Since which time I have heard nothing of the subject. Mr. Scott seemed disposed, ujion a presentment of your accts, to do every thing that is fair— and he seemed to insinuate that if there should appear to be any thing due you, he was willing to settle, if he was Indemnified in paying it to you, or to your assignees by yr consent. You had better attend to this im- 133 mediately as I am now at leisure to pay attention to it — I think yon may get it amicably Settled— at all events write me your determination on the subject — • I am yrs. art, WHEREAS the said Jacob Ackerman, deceased, in and by his last will and testament made and bearing date the twelfth day of October in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and three, and since the time of his decease to wit on the twentj' third day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twelve, duly proven and recorded in the Surrogates office of the County of Bergen aforesaid, did among other things therein contained, give devise and bequeath unto the said Andrew Acktrman, David Marinus and John Marinus and to their heirs and assigns, all his (the said Jacob Ackermans) real or landed Estate in the Counties of Bergen and Essex, and WHEREAS the said Jacob Ackerman deceased, during his life time, and at or immediately before the time of his decease was seized and possessed in his own jiroper right in fee simple of the certain Lot of Land andjiremises herein after particularly described, which Lot of Land and premises, is now by reason and virtue of the said Will and Testament is now descended to and vested in the said Andrew Ackerman, David Marinus and John Marinus. NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of one thousand thirty seven dollars and fifty cents, lawful money of the United States of America to them in hand well and truly paid or secured to l)e paid by the said John Sharp of the second part, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents— the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the said parties of the first part therewith fully satisfied contented and paid, and therefrom and from every part and parcel thereof do exonorate, acquit and for ever discharge him the said John Sharp his heirs and assigns for Ever. HAVE gi-anted, bargained and sold, released, aliened enfeofifed conveyed and confirmed and by these presents, DO freely fully and absolutely gi'ant, bargain and sell release, alien, enfeoff convey and confirm unto the said John Sharp and to his heirs and assigns, in fee simple for Ever. All that one certain Lot, tract or par- cel of Land situate lying and being in the Township of Saddle River, County of Bergen and State of New Jersey, Beginning at a heap of Stones lying on the East side of the Road opposite Lands formerly belonging to Peter H. Van Houten, and thence running (1) North thirty seven degrees West seven Chains and sev- enty links, thence (2) North forty seven degrees East Six chains and twenty five links, thence (3) North fourteen degrees and thirty minutes West four Chains and ninety five links; thence (4) North forty seven degrees East thirty five Links, thence (5) North thirty seven degrees and thirty minutes West five chains and forty one links; thence (0) South fifty four tlegi'ees and thirty minutes West One Chain; thence (7) North Forty seven degrees West One Chain, and forty five links thence (8th) North Thirty eight degrees East Two Chains; thence (9) South tiftj' seven degrees East four Chains; thence (10) South fifteen degrees East Two Chains and fifty six links; thence (11) South thirty degrees East four Chains; thence (12) South nine negrees and thirty minutes west four Chains and thirty three Links; thence (13) South Eighty seven degrees and thirty minutes East Three Chains, thence (1-1) South twenty three degrees East five chains and twenty four Links to Land now or late of Isaac Vanderbeek, and from thence 137 along said Land South forty degi'ees west to the place of Beginning, Containing Seven Acres and Sixty hundredths of an Acre. Together with all and singular the Buildings, Improvements, Mills, Mill Seats, Privileuges, Advantages, Heredit- aments and appurtenances to the said Lot of Land and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining. And the reversion and reversions, remainder and remain- ders, rents and Issues thereof. Also all the Eight, Title, Interest property possession Claim and demand both in Law and Eqiiity of the said parties of the lirst part or any or either of them, of, in or to the said Lot of land and premises with the appurtenances or of, in or to any part or parcel thereof. To have and to hold the said Lot of Land and premises with the appurtenances, and every part and parcel thereof, unto the said John Sharp, his heirs and assigns. To his and their own proper use, benefit and behoof for Ever, and to none other use purpose or Intent whatever. And the said Andrew Ackerman, David Marinus, and John Marinus for themselves, the-r heirs. Executors and Administrators do by these presents, Covenant, grant, promise and agree to and with the said John Sharpe his heirs and assigns in manner and form following, that is to say, that the said parties of the first part at the time of ensealing and delivery of these presents are the true lawful and rightful owners of all and singiilar the herein before granted and described Lot of Land and premises, and have by virtue of the before in part recited Will and testament and the defuse therein made, full power, good right and law^ful authority to sell and convey the same in fee simple iu manner and form aforesaid — and that the said lot of Land and premises with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof are at the day of the date hereof, and shall hereafter remain, free and Clear and compleatly exonarated acquitted and discharged of and from all Manner of former Charges and Incum- biances of whatever nature, kind or sort soever heretofore done, suffered made or committed And Lastly —That they thesaid Andrew Ackerman, David Marinus and John Maiinus, for themselves their Heits, Executors and Administrators all and singular the said Lot of Land and premises with the ajipurtenances and every part and parcel thereof unto the said John Sharpe, his heirs and assigns, against all and every manner and kind of Persons and Lawful Claims Whatso- ever, shall and will Warrant and by virtue of these presents for ever Defend. IN WITNESS whereof the parties of the first part have hereunto irrevocably set their hands and seals the day and year first above herein wiitten. her Aeghea x Ackerman Andrew Ackerman David Marinus John Marinus mark Susannah Ackerman Lana Marinus her Margeret x Marinus mark Signed, Sealed and Delivered the words "South forty degrees West" being first interlined between Lines 6 and 7 of this page in the presence of us G. V Howten Thomas Wills Bergen County Ss. State of New Jersej', Be it remembered that on the twenty ninth day of March, One thousand Eight huniked and fourteen personally ap- peared before me Garrabrant Van Howten Esq one of the Judges of the Inferior Court of Common pleas in and for said County Aeghea Ackerman, Andrew Ack- 3/) 138 erman and Susannah his vnie, David Marinus and Lenah his wife, John Marinns and Margeret his wife, the Grantors of the within Indenture of Convevunce— Who severally acknowledged that they had signed, sealed and delivered the same of their own free M-ill and accord for the uses and purposes therein mentioned— And the said Susannah Ackerruan, Lenah Marinus and Margeret Marinus being by me Examined sei>erately privately and apart from their said respective husbands, did severally confess and acknowledge that they had executed the same freely and of their- own free will and accord, without any threat fear or compulsion of their respective husbands. Let it be recorded. G. V. How ten XCII. Additional Papers op the Estate of Dr. James Van Beuhen, 1800, 1803. 1800 August 4th. Mr. Henry Garritsie Dr. To Doct John Van Beuren To Servises Rendered in the Year 1798 - - £20-15-0 Credit by Cash - . . 10- 0-0 Balance Due - - £10-15-0 Heed August 5tli 1800 of Henrj' Gnrritsie Junr the simi of ten poiind fifteen shillings in full of the above Account Cathatine Van Beuren Received this 28th day of May 1803 of Mr. Henry Garrison Junr Executor of the last will and Testament of my father. Doctor James Van Buren late of Paterson in the County of Essex and State of New Jersey Deceased— the sum of one hundred and Thirteen Dollars and twelve cents— being my full Proportion or Sh:ire of the Proceeds of the Estat* of my said father. Bequeathed to me in and By his last will and Testament. I say Received in full of all Di-mands. $113 12 Peter 1 Van IJeuren Received this 28th day of May 1803 of Mr. Heniy Gamson Junr Executor of the last Will and Testament of My father Doctor James Van Buren, late of Patterson in the County of Essix and State of New Jersey, deceased, the sum of One hundred and thirteen dollars and twelve Cents being my full proportion or Share of the proceeds of the estate of My said Father, bequeathed to me in and by his last will and Testament I say received in full of all demands $113.20 Sylvester Van Buren 139 Vandiie November 2qc1 1797 Zackariah Snyder By 1 Bay horse Six months Credit from the Date. Eecd of Zachariah Hnyder So-75 Cents Doct. James V. Buren. Dr. .£13-11-0 ...£2-6-0 May 21st 1804 by me in full for the [hknky Gaeeitse Junr. Vandue of the Deceased. XCIII. A PoMPTON Tax Bill, 1827-8-9. Garrabrant Van Houten tax for the Township of Pompton 65 acres 1^27 State County & poor tax unimproved ] Road tax Lan^ ; 1828 State Countj' & poor tax • Koad tax 1829 State County & poor tax Road tax Interest for 3 years Rec'd the above bill of taxes in full Peter S. Demarest (Collector. $0.62 0.93 0.56 0.98 1.35 1.69 6.13 I.IU $7.23 XCIV. Schools and Schooling in the Olden Times. Artemus Davis To Henry Garritse Dr 1791 April To your Board 1 Quarter £3-0-0 October Credt By Account of Harman V Ryper 1-0-0 B Cash 0-0-9 Balance Due 1-19-3 Whe the Subscribers Do promis to be paid or Cause to be paid the Suras annaxed to our names towards Compleating the School house as witnes our names November 7 1739 Edo Merselis Garrabrant Van howten Cornelius Van Houteu Robert Van Houten Daniel Bensen Cornelius V Houten Paid Roelof Van Houten Ralph R Van houten Richard Van Ilowteu s d 6 6 6 8 4 6 6 6 G 140 Oetobo ICtli 180;/ £SD Richad R Van Houten Sigu to a half yeiiis Inglish Servesses x 0-8-0 John G Garrison x y Van Ilonten. 146 altbo the Piazza and steps are in a dilapidated condition The Uuilding was insured by the AVasbington Insurance Couipy New York on the 9tb March 1821 for One Year for $1,7• Jake Van Sawn his X mark Elizabeth Goetschius \ PatersonMay 7th 181(1 Five Months after date I Promise to pay Robert Van houten or his order the sum of Seven pounds three Shillings For Value Received Witness my bond Benjn Youmans £7-3-0 May 8th 1810 Sir place to leat Piter Aimon have Eight Shillings in trade and Charge the same to a Count Owen McDermott Grt van H outer Esqr Sir please to let the Bearer Matthew Cronk have half Barrel Pork and Charge Same to me — I — John Doremus May 28th 1809 'Sir Aron Van houten paterson Landing PatersoD June 28th 1811 Receivd of Garabrant Van Houten the sum of four dollars and twenty nine Cents in full of his acount John Clark itr Venhuttar Sir Plaese to Pay Pattar Stavens 50 Cents In trade and Charge the same to my ACount. James Boon Pattarson Agust 19 1812 Mr G Vanhouten Please Let the bairer Have one (^uart Rum & Charge the same to yours Arc Eml Leazer Deer th 4 1812 156 Shuttle Hill 14 Deer 1812 Esijr V:in hontan Bot of David Auchinvole 24 yds Shirting Muslin (grey) 2 | 10 £3 08-00 23.2 " " Bleachd 4 | 2 4-17-11 K-05-11 Deer. 30, 1812 Sir Please to let Mr Corby have 1 barr of Iron & Charge the same to Yours &c .Inc. Parke G. V Houten Esci Paterson Bleachfield 25 Deer 1813 Reed from ilr Van Houten in full up to this date four Dollars & 68 cs Win Ferguson liecd Paterson Sept 29th 1815 from Joseph MacGinley One Dollar and Twelve & ^ Cents in full for Cuting out old putty and puting in & Glazeing 6 new lights of Glass C L Ball 1816 Jany 1'.) Garabrant Van HoutAi To A Wilcox Dr to one Sett of Shd Soals 81 lb 9 cts $7 29 1 55 Cr By Cash for Recording deed X' taxes 5 74 Received paymeut iu full Alvau Wilccx Please to send me two pound Butter, I will try to send you the money sometime this week J. Sherburne Gai-rabt V. Houten Esqr 9th March 1809 Mr Hopper To Christn Breese, Dr 1820 July 5 To Liquir & Money lent <:l-15-0 $4-37 Reed the Same Robr Breese For Chris Breese 157 Den Corns. W, Van Winkle or order Two 82 | lOO Dollars for Value lleceived without defolcation or discount Paterson July 27. 1826 Paul lluton Haekensack December 12th 1816 On Demand I promise to pay ]\Ir John Bouden or Order the Sum of twenty Dollars for Value Received. his Abraham X Post Witness present mark Isaac P Vanderbeck ^ XCVII. MlSCELLANEOTTS PaPERS, 1711 to IS 10. December 27 1798 Then Received of Garribrant Van Honten In full for a Wench Peter Morselis May the 11 1801 received one hudred and fifty dollars of (larrabrant van howten on A wench feab and hor Child Ab by Mo peter Doi'cmus u- I HOI Deter for work to hooping one Churn 6 to hooping a pale U U 6 to making a handle in a |)ail 6 to hooping a Pail 010 to hooping a tub 1 to mending a Pale 2 to hooping a piggen OOG to 6 Ilticd December 7th bSOl of Henry Garritsc for the above in full to this Day by me — Allen (^uimbj- Jan'r 26 1802 I promise to Deliver the Body of Isaac Dodge to John Van Sauen Counstable on a Executon In faver of Conelous Van Winkle for live DoUors and fifty six Cents or pay the money In Eight Days Isaac Dodge Mr. Jer'th Van Riper Jerrey ^'an Riper 4(1 158 Reeved Paterson Septber 17tb 180(1 of Gaiftbrant Van Howten the Sum thirty four Shilling for Work Don to John WaUis hous Nicholas Van Blarcom That I John D. Brown Do Certify that I Assign over the one half of the Pew of the Totoway Church formerly belonging to Nichles Kip unto Garrabrant Van Houten for a Valuable Consideration to uiy full Satisfaction Witness my hand this 3rd Day of July 1807 John D Brown G Van Houten Es(| Dear Sir, I made enquiry as soon as I got here respecting the price of Plaister of Paris, and find that it has been recently sold by the Caigo at $10.75 per ton, and that 5 or 6 tons may be probably got at about $11 — per ton Large i|uantities are arriving daily, and it may probably grow cheaper Mr Hoyt refuses to certify your bill, — He says he agreed with you for the wood at $4.50 per cord, and not at $5. — as charged in your bill. I have heard that Claw- son's estate is a good deal in debt, and that his pe7-sonal property will not be suffi- cient by a very large sum to pay his debts — that his landed property or some of it, must therefore be sold this perhaps is the true reason why Hoyt refuses to certify your bill. Please to let me know whether the Board of Directors will let me have the money out of the Bank, if I should want it— XTpon my giving my brotherinlaw White, or some other good person as an Indorser — If they should consent to let me have, it, the sooner they are willing to say they are afraid of their money, and agree to take a Mortgage the better I should like it. I have enquired the price of shingles here, and find that the best quality have been sold as high as $26 — a thousand, and as I am but an indifferent Judge of them I should prefer your getting them on my account at the Ijanding. In case however I should buy the house I live in, I would not undertake to pay for the shingles till next fall. My Wife sends her best respects to Mrs Van Houten, and will be very happy to see her in New York Yours sincerely John Wallis, July 20, 1815. No 31, Pine Street. Note. Perhaps j'our better way would be to sue Clawson's Executors here, as you can obtain Judgment much sooner and at less expense than by proceeding by uttachnicnt in your state. Eeceived September 12 1823 from Judge Van Houten y of the United States to him in hand paid by the said Ralph Doremus at or before the sealing of these presents the Recpt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained and sold And by these Presents doth grant bargain and sell unto the said Ralph Doremus my Coloured girl named Gin aged al>out Fifteen Years To have and to hold the said Gin unto the sjxid Ralph Doremus untill she shall have attained to the age of Twenty One 165 Years, And I the said Moses Kanouse Do Warrant and Defend against all claims from any Person or Persons Whomsoever during the remainder of the Term of Service she is hereb}' required to Perform. In Witness I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and Year above wTitten Witness his M. E. Stephens Moses X Kanouse -] l. s, j- mark Tnis Indenture made this the Twenty First day of December A. D 1841 Between Ralph Doremi;s of the Township of Manchester and County of Passaic and State of New Jersey of the one part & Robert Morrell of the Township of Paterson County of Passaic and State of New Jersey of the Second part — — Witnesseth that the said Halph Doremus for and in consideration of the sum of one Hundred Dollars good and Lawful money of the United States to him in hand paid by the said Robert Morrill at or before the sealing of these presents hath gi'anted bargained and sold unto the said Robert Morrill my Coloured girl named Gin aged about Fifteen Years the Twenty third day of May A D Eighteen Hundred Thirty nine, to have and to hold the said Gin unto the said Robert Morrill until she shall have attained to the age of Twenty one Years, and the said Ralph Doremus do warrant and defend against all claims from any Person or Persons whomsoever during the remainder of the Term of Service she is herebj' required to perform In witness I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and j'ear above written Witness ' Ralph Doremus -| L. s. j- W E Stephens January 6th 1842 This is to certify that I delivered the original of which the above is a true copy to Roliert Morrell tliis day. Newark 21 June 1711. Received then of Thomas Fredericks two pounds six shillings iV three pence New-York money in full for two years Quitront of his l-9th part of the Sadie River patient bought of the late Coll: Townley [Unto]* the 25th of March last past, to wch all is cleard for the sd ninth jiart. I say reed for the use of the Proprietors of the Eastern Division of New Jersey bj' me Peter Soumans Recr Gen £2:6:3. . Oue Year after date we promise to Pay Mrs. Jane Van Houten or order Two hundred Dollars without defalcation or discount with interest from date for for Value Received Ralph Doremus Adrin R Van houte This note was given for the ] 200 Note purpose of raising money 7.50 interst to pay for the parsonage House ) $207.50 paid Paid l)y R Doremns. Febry 5 1830 $300.00 raters(mMay 1st, 1835. One Year after date we promise to pay Mr David Benson or order Three hundred Dollars without defalcation or dis- count with interest from date for Value Received Ralph Doremus this note was given for the purpose ) of raising Monej' to pay for the ,■ Parsonage House ) Note $30(1 S M— interst 10 Jany 1830 -$310 paid liy 11 Doremus Adrian R Van boute S2( 10.(10 Paterson May 1st 1835. One Year after date we promise to pay Mr. Richard Van Houten Two hun- dred Dollars without defalcation or discount with interest from date for Value Received This note was given for the 1 Ralph Doremvis purpo.se of I'aising monej' ^ to pay for the Parsonage House ) Adrian R Van houten $200 10 int $210 25.50 deduct his subscviiitimi SI HI. 50 Hal pd hy U 1) Mav 1st lS3r, 7 Year int 28.92 I .n- ,., I'.al duoR 1 ).$«;(',. 42 i^^'* •*■- This may Certify that Jane Martin wife of the llevil. John A. Liddle is a member of the 2nd Reford Dutch Church of Totawa in good and regular stand- ing as such she is at her own request hereby affectionately I'eccommended to the 43 170 feUowsLip ot the Refoiined Dutch Church of Lry (►(' the '2iul R. D. Church of Totawa Dr Brethren: we- hereby apprize you that by the last decision of the General Synod on the Hopper ease, (not repealing the decision of the Particular Synod of New York on the Van Wagoner Appeal) the Hoppers are Continued members with the Church at Paranius, and as they aie under a course of discipline by us, you are hereby friendly and kindly cautioned to take heed How you admit them to the Sealing, ordinances of Gods House y>y order of the Consistory of I'aramus Yours with l>rothf'rly love A: Respect &c Paramus Octr. 1 1th A 18:i8 VVilhehiius Eltin'' Prst. This will certify that I have Two Shares in the Parsonage House in Man- chester Village Amounting to Ten Dollars I hereby transfer them to Mr Ralph Doremus for Value Reed Paterson Novm 23rd 1838 $10-00 John A Zabriskie I'aterson Feb ]', 18:<;1 Ralpli l>oreiiins Esq Dr Sir I returned home last evening and have t») leave again, for Trenton early in the Morning so that I have ni>t been able to see you which I wished to do on your Church application* Mr Hopper returned home also but will not leave until tomorrow afternoon so that you will have an opportunity to- see him upon the subject I enclose my check for $450 certified with which please to take up your note payable at the Manhattan Bank on the 21st instant. I am respectfully Your olxl »Vc A Parsons *ln tlie New .lersey Asseinhfy, Krirlay. .ramijvr.v 9. r8:!ri. Mr. Joriii K. Hopper, of HerKeiv County, preseiilt'd a petition from tlie contTejration of the Hecoiid Dntcli It'^foriiied Cliurclh of Totowa. ill the Couiuy of Berjren, i)rayiiig all alicraiioti of the law rehiiiiifi to reli}riou.'+ societies, wLiicli was read and referred io Messrs. Hopper, Oarrison and Sinilli. Mr. Hopper reported the liiU on .Monday, January 'Jti and it was ordered to a second reading, and to lie printed, on January MH It "was taken up. discussed and postponed. It was ajrain talven ui> on February 20, and the tlrst section disaKreed to. yeas 10. nays 34, and the bill was there- upon di.<»uil9Hed.— .fl.sxe/;vO?(/ MinniexJ'or 18;54-I.s:iu, pp. ir.4, 'Jai, 254, 379-a80. 171 Trenton Fob 21 1835 Rftlph Dorenins Escjr Dr Sir Your Church Bill was not agreed to in our house up- on its second reading yesterday on account of the opposition of Hardenbergh and others stating that it would be an inovation of the discipline & Chvirch govern- ment of the Dutch reformed Church as laid down in the general incorporating act. Mr Whiteheadf and myself endeavored to obtain the passage of it but of no avail as they considered the law as now inacted sufficient for not only all your purposes but any other congregation or denomination. The reasons forwarded to Mr Hopper were read as also your letter to me I regret that we was unable to succeed but found it was impossible. I am Dr Sir ' Your obed Ac A Parsons THIS INDENTURE, made this Eleventh day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven Between "The Trustees of the Second Reformed Dutch Church of Totuwa, at PaterHon" elected and chosen, accord- ing to their Act of Incorporation, of the first part; and Ralph Doremus of Man- chester Township in the County of Passaic and State of New-Jersey, of the>econd part — Wllnesselh, I hat the said "The Tkustees of the SecoaD Reformed Dutch Church OF ToTAWA, AT Patekson," for and in consideration of the sum of One hundred and Seventy five Dollars current lawful money of the United States, to them in hand paid, or caused to be paid, by the party of tlie second part, before the execution of these presents: Have granted, bai'gained, sold, released, conveyed and confirmed; and by these presents, do grant, bargain, sell, release, convey and confirm, to the said party of the second part, his Heirs and Assigns for ever, that certain Pew in snd Church, belonging to the said "The Trustees of the Second Refokmkd Dutch Church of Totawa. at Paterson," designated on the draught of said Pews, and therein known as No 54 on the lower floor. To have and to hold the said Pew, No. 54 with its benefits and appurtenances to the said party of the second part, his Heirs and Assigns, to the onlj' proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part, his Heirs and Assigns for ever. In Witness Whereof, "The Trustees of the Second Reformed Dutch Church of Totawa, at Paterson," have hereunto caused their common Seal to be affixed, and the President of the saiil Trustees, hath also subscribed his name, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered / Jno .\. Liddell Prest in the Presence of ( -j l. s. |- John I Blanvelt *Coinelins L. Hiiiilenbergh, member of the Assembly from .Somerset. t.\sa Whitehead, a New.irk member of the .Assembly. 172 Sftlary tor the Rovd .lolm A Lid.lle Com. May 1st iKlJs. Samuel A. Van Sann $10 00 llicbiud Wessels 5 (M» John I. Blauvelt 5 (K) Henry Bowman I 6 00 Henry G. Garrison. James Sigler Anthony Van Blarcom . Henry T. Cadamns. . . , Thomas Mandeville. . . Henry Garbroch Thomas Devostney . . . James Angus E. Hochey Halmac Van Houten . . Anthony Mandeville. . . William Hopson Davis Miller John Polhamus Mary xMitchill John Simmons 8 00 1 00 2 GO 3 00 1 2 0(- :^ 00 $5 (Ml 2 no 2 50 3 (to 1 (M) 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 (H» 1 5(1 1 (MJ 2 50 1 50 1 50 50 1 00 1 50 50 1 00 1 50 paid paid paid paid ])aid paid paid l>aid paid paid paid paid paid paid paid 33 50 Less 5 50 2H 00 I'atopson N«\v Jersey Octr 2'.) 1838 Kevd Sir 'I'he Second Refonnd Dutch f'huich of Totawa at Paterson being desti- tute of the stated Ministry of the Gospel, Revd ilr. Lidille our late Pastor having; left us. and having heard a good report of you by some of the Hrethren as a Gospel Minister. The Congregation Unanimously agreed to invite you to come and preach for us and Administer the Lords Supper on the Second Sabbath in. November next. If therefore you can make it convenient to be with \is on that day we will be pleased to hear you and will expect if possible that you lecture for us at least in two ditferent parts of the Congregation in the early part of the fol- lowing week, if the above accords with your Views Please let us hear from you immediately on Recpt. of this by order of the Consistory Ralph Doremus Clk Rev. William Demarest ('l.n.r Hill lV>c25 1S3,S To the consistory of the 2nil Dutch Reformed Cliuich ot 'i'otowa Dear Brethren, Since I have left Patterson I have made use of every means in my power to determine what is my duty with reference to the call which yon offered to make upon me. After viewing the matter, both impartially, I trust, and 173 in all its bearings, the eonclusidn to which I have come, is, that upon the whole it is most my duty to remain with my present charge. While I believe that if I should now leave my present congregation, it would become greatly distracted and in all likelihood destroyed, my chief reason for declining to accept your call, is, that by continuing at my present station, I shall be best qualified upon the whole, to discharge the duties which I owe to God, as a minister in his church. If it is any grief to you to hear that I decline coming, it is equally painful to me to make known my determination, for be assured that I have formed this determination not for a want of regard to your interests or from any selfish motives, but from a greater regard to what I conceive to be my duty. But brethren may the Lord not leave you destitute, but send you "a pastor after his own heart," and let me request of you, your prayers for myself, that 1 may be faithful wherever I may be found, and at last, "finish my course with joy and the ministry which I have received " Might I suggest that if you should find anj' difliculty in settling upon a proper person, the respected theological Professors, might aid m determining your choice. Yours in brotherly love, Wm Demai'est P. S. My affectionate remembrance, to the families of Messrs. Doremus, Post, Benson, Sickles, Van Houten and all with whom I had the pleasure of be- coming acquainted. W. D. We the .Sul)soribers do promise and agree to pay to the Consistory of the Second Keformed Dutch Church of Totawa and their Successors in office the Sev- eral Sums placed opposite our respective names for the Supjtort of the Eevd — John H Daryea as our Stated Pastor as long as he may remain with us as a Minister in said Church to be paid half Yearly Paterson January ir)th, 18:il). Names S cts Names $ cts John Jos Blauvelt 1/3. 00 Abraham Stevenson 3.00 Adrian R Van Houten 35.00 Kachae Ackerman 1.00 Benjamin D Doremus 1.00 Peter Van Allen 2.00 Albert I Zabriskie 10.00 James Lawback 50 Garret I Blauvelt 8.00 David I Alyea 3.00 Henry I Van Houten 2.00 John I Geotchius 2.00 Jacobus J. Blauvelt 5.00 Leah Eoberts r>t) John M Van Blarcom 1.50 James Geotchius l.(K) Peter J Van Allen '2.00 A W Dockson 2.(MI Cornelius G Dorr-mus 1.00 Abram Lake 2.00 William S Hogencamp lO.CO David P Herring 2.(K» William Sickles 10.00 A W Hai-ring l.(MI John J Truphagen 5.00 John V Byirsou 5.(M» Nicholas Jacobus 1.0') William I Stagg O.oo Henry J Jacobus 1.50 Cornelius I Westervelt l.(M) 44 174 E(li> Van Sauu -iAl' Kichaid Vau Houteii ;J0.()0 Ira Kyerson 12.00 Richard De Gray Jiinr 1.00 Garret A Hopper 5.1 Alljert P Alyea 5.0O John De Gray 'wife 50 Garrat P Hopper H».00 Garrat H Hopper o.OO Audrew P Hopper 12. (Hi Henry P Hopper 10.00 Abraham H Hopper 3.00 John R Berdan 20.00 Garrabrant V H Berdan 5.00 Rynier J Berdan 3.00 Rynier Berdan 1.00 Richard Berdan 5.00 Jat-ob Herring 2.00 Henry (t Garrison 2.00 Richard De Gray -1.00 .lane Van Hoiaten 12. (H) Ralph Doreums 40.00 David Benson 15.(M:i John Van Allen 4.00 John Van Riper 3.00 John Hollensworth 1,50 Cors C Blauvelt 3.00 Thomas Terhnne 12.00 Gerard G Bensen 3.0O John J Berdan 5.00 George I Ryerson 20.00 Adam Terhnne ^i.'Mt John A Hopper 5.00 Thomas Snyder 50 Peter A Hopper 1.00 Wm McKee l. 1.00 Abraham Garrison 2.00 1.00 Jacob Pulheujus 2.00 1.00 175 James Sigler 3.00 1.50 Samuel A Van Saim 10.00 5.00 Anthony Van Blarcom 1 .00 50 David Miller 8.00 4.00 Edward Lockey 3.00 1.50 Thos Devsney 3.00 1 . ",0 Henry I. Cadamus 4.00 2.00 Betsy Post 50 25 Mrs. Van Aulen 1.50 75 John Van Houten 2.00 1.00 Thos A Maudeville 4.00 2.00 Henry H. Post 5.00 2. .50 Copy of Coninuinication Reed from Rev Mr Elting Paramus May 11th A D 183'J Revd A- Dr. Brother The Consistory of Paramus liaving understood, that the 2nd R D Ch of Totawa have elected Garret P Hopper a member of the Consistory of said Church notwithstanding our friendlj' caution; The Consistor\' of Paramus hereby forwarn you and your Consistory against ordaining said Person to said office for the following Reasons, viz — 1st Because said Hopper if dismiss has not been, and is not Constitutionally dismissed by the Gel Synod of 1838. 2, Be" caus&said Hopper was and is undt-r a course of mild discipline Confession either to us or the Gen Synod. 3rd Because sd Hopper by the Decision of the Part. Synod of N York on Van Wagoner appeal Reversing his reception bj' the Con- sistorj' of 2 R D Ch. of Totawa, and bringing him back to us has not been re- pealed by the Gen Synod of 1838 If however notwithstanding the above weighty reasons, Your Consistory should resolve and decide, to proceed to said Hoppers ordination as Elder, we hereby appeal from sd Resolution and decission to the Next ordinary Meeting of the Classis of Pearamvis By Order Wilhelmus Elting Prt of Con Par Revd Brother Duryea Prest of Const 2 R D Ch Totiwa Wour Tax for the support of the Paterson Fire ^Association for the year 1839, is ^/ J. ^ ( Now Due, and payable to me. The Court of Appeal, in cases of Taxation, will sit at Timothy B. Crane's, St. John's Hall, on the 3d daj' of January next, from 10 o'clock A. M. till 2 P. M. CORNELIUS T. WESTER VELT, Collector. December IDtli lS3i». I Endorsed: I remitted the within Seventy Two Cents Samuel A Van Sann Wm Cundell W Crossett Judges of .\ppciil Reeved Paymt C I Westervelt Treas 17G Oftice of the North Ameiicau Fiif Insnrancf C'1 •^•"'> Samuel A Van Saun paid lO.iO Wide Van Houten Totawa paid by R V H 10.00 John Jos Blauvelt > paid 1".00 Garret Blauvelt paiJ r).00 William S. Hogencamp paid -^00 Peter A Hopper pai'l :5.0<» IraRyers.m 1"*"' D Campbell paid 1.(hi Cornelius H Post •'■>0!t Cornelius C Blauvelt •">'*<^ Richard Van Houten P<1 S15.00 20.0- Mrs L. Ryerson . . Bad 1.00 John Doremus paid 2.0(h 177 Adam Terhune paid 2.(M) Jacob Rutan Bad 1.00 Cornelius C. Blauvelt paid 2.00 Mrs. H. Van Houten paid 1.00 Henry T. Cadamus paid 1.25 E. Lockey paid 1.00 Isaac P Stagg paid 1.00 Thomas Devosney paid l.(K) Richard Benson pd $5.00 8M) Wid. Jane Van Houten paid 10.00 Friend paid .50 INDEX. Ab, slave, 157. Aberdeen, Scotland, 133. Acker, 115. Acker, Cornele, 5. Ackerman, Acki-aman, Abraham, 50, 59, 70. Aeghea, 135, 137. Andrew, 4, 121, 135, 13G, 137. David G., 174. Garret D., 4. (loline, 8. Hahuuli, 77. Henry P.. 7. Jacob, 4, 135, 13G. Jacob D., 7G. James, 5. James A., 28. James, Jr., 5, 115. John, 7. John I., 3. John P., 7. Lawi-ence, 5. Peter J., 174. Rachae, 173. Richard, 6. Susannah, 135, 137, 138. Ackerson, J., 130. Acquackanonk Patent, xiii. 70. Acquackanonk, Acqnacknonk, Ach- qiianah. Township of, xi, 19, 26, 31, 38, 4-2, 48, 53, 54, 62, 63, 64, 70, 79, 88, 94, 125, 126, 136. Adams, , 33. George, 75, 148. Addy, Thomas, 3. Aimon, Piter, 155. Ainslie, R., 176. Albany, 47. Alden," A., 34. Allen, Daniel K., xi, 92, 93, 94, 130, 146. Allen, David, 9. Ailing, P., 22. Alyea, Albert P., 174. David A , 174. David I., 173. Isaac, 31. Peter, 164. Amboy, 118. Amon, John, xi, 90, 91, 104. Anderson, Ann, 133. Hellen, 133. John, Capt., vi, 109, 116, 131, 132, 133, 134. 135. Sarah, 133. Andrews, David, 77. Angns, James, 172, 174, 176. Applebey, James, 76. Arbitrators, award of, 67, 72. Archdeacon, Peter, xi. Armstrong, , 73, 74. Benj., 84. Arnett, Siles W., 45. Arthur, James, 161. Assembly Minutes, extract from, 170. Assley, Daniel, 77. Auchinvole, David, 155. Austin, James, 150. Ayman, John, 91. Ayman, Wm., 77. B. Lachhorn, Ilarkles, 3. Baker, Mrs. Stephen, 97. Stephen, v, 97, 98. Baldwin, Eli, 65. John, 62. J. Newspapers, bills for, 35. New Bruiissvick, 151>, li U. New York, 75, »]. 82. 83, 02, 93, 97, 98, ItllJ, 1U5, 113, IIC), HI). 132, 135, 141, 144. 145. 146. 147, 158, 159, Kil. 162. 165, 17o, 176. O. New York Currency, xiv, 32, 48, 49, 55, 56, 6U, 149. New Y'ork State Prison, 145. Synod of, 175. Niblow, James, 78. 'Nine Witches of the Hocks," xi. North American Fire Insurance Co., 176. North Main street, xv. Oakley, Charles. 98, 99. Ogdeu, Aaron. 42. 43. Capt., . 4(1. David, xiii. David A., 64. I. Ludlow, 64. Isaac, 55. John, 45. Lewis M.. 135. Robert, Jr., 40. Oldham. 98. KKJ. 126, 127. 131. 134. 135, 159. Quarry, 135. Oldis. (iarrct, 7. John. 4. Old Vault. X. (Judcrdonk, Adrian. l!t3. Ondi-rdunk. licm., 18. Orange Township. 27. Orthy. Mickle. 4. Ortman. Robert. 151. Osboru, Aai'on. 22. ••Out of the Depths," ix Ontwater, Capt. , 38. John, 32, 64, 65. John H., 27. Peter, ',)5. 96. Paccaknu". 20. Packer. Cocmrt. H., 4. Coon W., 3. J.. 73. 74. Jacob, 3. Palm Brooks, xiii, 127. Paramus, 19, 170, 175. Paramus, Consistory of, 17it, 175. Parke, John. 17. 30. 34. 81, 82. 153. 156. Th(mias. 33, 31. Parker, James, 63. Purkhuist. Stephen R.. 163. Parrot, Jacob. 60. John. 58. Parsons. Andrew. 23. 161, 170, 171. Passaic. 108. Passaic Countv, xi. 3, 162. 163, 164, 165, 17L Passaic Falls, Archdeacon's sketch of, xi. Passaic River, xiii, 63, 80, 86. Paterson. ix, x, xi, xii, xvi, 20, 21, 22, 23. 2«. 29. 33, 4<). 67. 82. 83. 91, '.»2. 93, 97, 98. 103. 104. 110. 112. 113, 115, 116, 119, 120, 121, 133, 138, 140, 141, 145, 146, 147, 149, 151, 1.52, 1.53, 155, 156, 158, 158, 159. 161. 162. 163, 165, 168, 169. 170, 171. 172, 173, 175. Paterson Bank. xii. xvi, 97. 98. 116. 117. 159, 160. Paterson Bridge. 75. Chronicle. 158. Fire Association, tax bill of, 175. latellingencer, 161; extract from, xvi. Lauding, 108, 153, 155. and Hamburgh Turnpike Companj', XV, 73. Paulisse, Johannis, 88. Peck, E., 33. John, 58. I'eckanan River, xiii. Peet. ElizaVxth, xiii. Peggy, slave, 21, 26. Pennington, Wm. S.. 147. Peren, Henry, 115. Perry, Mercy, 56. Perrom, Henry, 5. Person. Calib, 84. Personet, George. .50. John. 9. Pervow, Henry. 7. John, 7. Pcterse, Hassel, Hessel, .50. 51, 52. 94. Jurie. 54. Peter.son. Cornelius. 127. Petry, Ge2. Snect^dey, 47. Kuyder, Mrs., 174. Thomas. '74. /achariah, 112. 1 9. Socliey E.. 172. Somerset county, 171. Sonmans, Peter, xii, 165. Southard. Sftuiuel L.. 101. Speer. Spear, Spier, Abraham. 5. liarne, 6. Barnot, 13, 8H. IJeniamin. 5, 115, 129. David, 5, l(i, 17. Francis, 21. Garret, 50, 5M. 60, CI. Garret I., 11, 12. Sperr : Henry ]*... 5. 72, 73. 101, 129. Jacob. 115. John. 58, 61, 64, 65. John Hendrick, 63. John I., li». John J., 60. Mathew. 6. Spiner. Uall. 9. S|)ruce street, xi. Stagg. Isaac, 01. Isaac I., 117, 130. 174. Isaac P., 177. Jacob, 15(», 152. John. 130. John C. 84. Josiah, 45. Wm. I., 101. 130, 173. Stansburj', Itecompence. 16, 17, 78. Steale, John, 147, 148. Stevens, Stephens, John, 38. 40. John, Jun.. 45, 44. M. E., 165. Peter, 133, 151. 155. Walter E., 162, 165. Stevenson, Abraham, 173. Steynmets, Yoris. 53. St. 'John's Hall, 175. St. Leger A Flood, 153. Stone House brook. 62. Stone Housd Plain. (52. Storms, Elizabeth, 85. 86. 87. Henry, 85, 86. 87. Stoughton, .146. Strickland, , 3S. Strong. John. 32. Subseriptiims : for blinds in Second Keformed c;hurch, 176, 177. for relief ot Cornelius A. Van Hou- ten. 161. for sahirv of Kev. John H. Duryea. 173. 1(4. for salary of Rev. John A. Liddle, 172. for Second Reformid Chnrch Par- sonage, 169, 170. Suffern, Edwarl. 93. 94. Suit, bill for. 76. Suit. Declaration in. 79. Suits : Joseph Hunt v.s. James A. Acker- man, 2». Albert Terhuyn iV: Thomas Dood vs. Aaron Turce. 37. James Mott, Treasurer of N. J., vs. Henry Gerritse, Jun.. Collector of Essex County, 39, 40. 193 Suits : Francis Van Winkle, John Denn, ex Dem. of, vs. Abraham Van Kiper, G4. Garabiant Van Houten vs. Paul Itutan, 79. Robert Hiuchman vs. Duncan Monroe, 118. Averj' Richai-ds vs. William W. Ryerson, 121. Suits : Halmah R. Van Houten vs. . Han- nah Dey, Admx. of Richard Dey, 121. Summer street, x. Susan, slave, 163. Sussex County, Ifil. Swan, Jedediah, 43, 41, 45. Symons, John, 174. Synod of New York, 170. T. Taggard, Samuel, 34. Tail race, privilege for, 32. Tarp, iloses, 51. Tavern Bills. 55. to Archer GifCord, 63. to John Berry, 63. to Halmah Van Houten, 121, 122, 123. Tavern License, 1819, 103. Tax-bill, 18.<9, 175. Taxes, 65, 66, 67, 175. bills for, 139. list of unpaid, 84. in Saddle River Township, ix. Taylor, , 149. Teeth, John, 17. Temple street, xv. Terhune. A. A., 130. Adam, 174, 177. Albert, 7, 37, 85. Albert A., 130. David, 7. Garret, 7. Henry, 11. J., loO. John, 7. John A., 7. John S., 7. Richard, 4, 1 9, 114. Richard N., 7. Thomas, 174. Tesemic, 133. That, Moses, 58. The New Jerstsy Journal, 35. Thief, affidavit for a capias for being called, 72. Third River, 62. Thomas, slave, 22. Nodiah. 85, 115. Thompson, Hezekiah, 45. John, 16, 17, 18. Wra., 34. Thomson, Joseph, 9. Thorntou, Joseph, 63. Thurs, Samuel, 7. Timber, contract for sale of, 75. Tise, Peter, 5, 127. Tites, Jacob, V. John, 9. Tunes, 9. Tom, slave, 163. Tomason, Urian, 63. Torns, James, 84. Torrance, James, 21, 22. Totowa, Totoway, xiii, xiv, 15, 20, 85, 100, 101, 113, 166, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 176. Totowa Bridge, 85, 8<;, 105, 159. Church Yard, 29. Dutch Church, 102, 140, 158. Patent xiii, xiv. Townley, Col. , 165. Traphagen, John J., 173. Trenton, 38,41, 42, 65, 90, 101, 128, 159, 170, 171. Tiial of a negro for larceny, 114. Trustees of Second Reformed Church, 171. Tnlly, Elias, 115. Turce, Aaron, 37. Turs, Jacob, 7. Tuttle, W., &Co., 148. Two Bridges, 79, 80. U. United States Direct Taxes, xi. 65. 6(). 67. V. Vader, Hermanns, 55. Vail. John, 101, 168. Valentine, Mrs. . 153. Valley of the Rocks, x, xiv, 29. Van Allen, Van Aulen, Jane, 174. Luke. 4. 17, 77. 84, 114. 4in., 5(t, 51. Peter, 6. Philip, 13, 48. Tuness, 6. William. 13. Vancltvc, Benju., 35. Van Dalsem. Henry. 132. Van. Isaac P., 157. John, 18. John P.. 7. Ponies, 7. Rachel, 85. Vander Ilawn, Richard, .53, 54. Van Dehoof, Garret, 10, 103. Vanderhoof, Jithn, -M. Van Dervort, David, 78, 84. Van Dien, Jacob, 114 Van Dnyn", James, 103. Van Emberg, John M., 161. Van EmbnrRh, Peter, 163. Polly, 163. Van Gieson, Van Gesen, Van Geson, Van Gison, Abraham R., 58, 60, 61. Adrian, Adriyon, 17, 67, 76. 129, 106. 107. ('ornelius, 104. 166, 167. Elizabeth, 166, 107. G. A- D., 153. Halmagh. H.lmah, 8, 23. 24, 84, 107. John, 8, 100, 107, 100. John I., 84. John J., 110. John, Jr., 8. John M., 27, 161. Marsalas, Mersele, 4, 24. 84. Poules, 7. Richard, 8. • Van Horn. Cornelius, 30. 31, Daniel, 91, Jt)hn, 0. Richard, 0. Thomas, 0. Van Houten, , 173. Aaron, 155. Aanm A., 101. Abraham, xiv, 29, 71. 72, 90. 103, 125, 130, 161. Abr. I , 84. Abr. J., 3. Abraham R., 8, 84, 94. 129. 130. Adrian, Aderyan, xiv, xv, 7, 8, 29, 30, 70, 97, 109, 117, 118, 120. Adrian tt., xv, 8, 84, 122, 125, 126, 130, 169, 173, 176. Antje, xiv. Benjamin U., 130. Catelyntje, xii. Catharine, Catrenan, xvii, 140. C. C, 102. Cornelius, xii, xiii, 8, 30, 103. 121, 139. Cornelius A., 101. Cornelius 1., 84. C. G., 130. (Jornelis J., 4, V>. Cornel. Jr., 8. Corles. N., 8. {'ornelius 11., xiv. David, 115. David R., 5. Dirck, xiii, xiv. Elizabeth, xiv. G., 130, 101. Gerrebrant, sketch of, xii -xvii. 195 Van Honten : Giirrabrant, (ierrebrant, 8, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 2-4, 25, 2(1, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 46, 47, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, lu2, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 1^5, 126, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 137, 138, l39, 140, 141, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 167, 168. Garrabrant, Mrs., 158. Gai-rabrant C, 84. Garret, 111. Gerritje, xiii, xiv. H., Mrs., 177. Halmagh, Hellemeg, Helmueh, xii, xiii, xiv, 16, 18, 84, 102, 124, 125, 172. Halmah R.. 10, 31, 121, 122, 123, 161. Helen, xvii. Henry, 10. Henry C, 6. Henry I., 173. Henry J., 115. Hillegont, xvii. Isaac, 6. Jacob, xiii. Jacob Helmighse, xiii. Jacob I., 152. Jacob II., 8. Jane, Mrs., 169, 174. Jane, Widow, 8, 176, 177. Jannetje, xiii, xiv. Johannes, xiii. John, xiv, 174, 175. John C, 6. JohnG., 4, 84, 130. John H., 10. John I., 8, 17. John K., xiv, 8. 84, 130. JohnR. I., 8. Leah, 141, 143. Lysbit, xiii. Maria, xiv, xvi. Mary, Martje, Marriftje. xiii. Mary, 19, 125, 126. Mary (Mrs. Simeon), 142, 143. Mary, widow, 84. Matje, xiv. Neesye, xv. Peter, Pieter, xii. 36. 37, 141, 142, 143, 146. Peter C, 6. Van Honton : Peter H., 136. Peter P., 84. Ralph, 19. Ralph R., 139. Richard, Dirck, xiv, 8, 19, 20, 102, 106, 107, 117, 139, 149, 169, 174, 176. Richard G., xiv, 71, 125, 126. Richard H., 8, 129. Richard R., 14U. Robert, xiii, 91, 139, 152, 155. Robert, Gapt., 8, 128. Robert R., 106, 107. Roelof, RoHflf, xii, 84, 122, 139. Rolef C, 5, 8, 84. Roelof Helmighse, xiii. Roletf I., 8, 79, 80, 106, 107. teiineon, 28, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 14s, 149. Van Iderstine, Ann, 126, 127, 128. Francis, b5, 126, 127, 12fS. Joh., 7. Van Lausder, William, 7. Van Ness, Gornelins, 85. Everts., 84, 115. Gerritje, xii. John, 26, 130. Simeon, Simon, Y., 8, 106, 107, 166. Widow, 10. Van Norstrandt, Christoflfel, 53. Van Nurder, Harmanus, 4, 30, 31, 84, 120. Van Orden, Andrew, 5. Andrew J., 115. Haramas, 4, 30, 31, 84, 120. Hendrick, 4. John A., 5. V. Ustrander, John, 8. Van Pelt, Peter, 85. Van Riper, Van Ripen, Abraham. 10, 19, 20, 53, 64. Abraham Thomasse, xiv. Adrian, 36, 107, 108. Cornelius, 6, 13, 30. 31. 120. Derrick, 50, 51, 53. Eldrick, 50, 58. Garret, 13. Garret A. , 10. Garret C., 6, 19. Harmon, 13, 139. I., Widow, 5, 9. Isaac, 59. James, 83. Jerry, 157. Johauuis Thomasse. xiii. John, 10, 19. 2(1, 174. John (".. 6. 196 Van Riper: Mary, Marytje, xiv. Moriiius, VA, 57, (Jl. Philip, 11), 20, 57, 60. Richard, i'A, 05. Richard, Jr., 5. Thomas, 50, 51. Ury, 5, G. Vau Saiin, Albert, 18, 22. i>3, 2G, 20, 72, 7:5, lii2, 120, 151. Albert A., «. Edo, 174. Isaac, 8. 16, 26. 83. Itil. Jacob, 84. Jacob A. I., 4. Jake, 155. John, 8, 157. Samuel, 8. Sanuel A.. 172, 174, 175, 17 '. Van Sile, John, 4. Van Vleck, Abraham Is., 54. Isaac, 51. Van Vorhas, Albert, 7. John, 7. Peter, 7. Van Vorst, Garret, 7. Henry W., 7. Van Wagoner, C. S., 176. (iarret, 6, 88, i:iO. (larret G., 25, 26. Jacob, 50, 5'.). James, 77. Widow, 5. Van Winkle, Abraham J., 83. Caty, 15. Cornelius, 11, 15, 21), 45, 97, 103. 12Vt, 157. Cornelius VV.. 1)8. 157, 161. Dor an, 7. Francis, 64. Frances I., 4. George, 91. Halmah, 50, 57, 61, HI. Helmah I., 8. Millegont, xiv. Jac(.b, X, 6, 15, 153. Jacob J., 151. Jacob S., 154. James, 7. Jane, 152. John, 8, 6-1. 65, 98. John S., 4 161. Mielia»l. 161. I'.t.r S., K5. Walling, 15. Walling 11.. 6. Walling I., 84. Walling J.. 10, 154. Vault, X ; deed for. 29. Veader, Vater, John, 8, 115. Vendue ot grass, 101. Vendues ot: Anion. John, 90, 104. Bush, Peter, 15, 16. Cunningham, Richard, 33. Garrison, Johu H., 129. Garritse, Garret H.. 13. Neatie, John, 80. Van Beuren. Dr. James, 110. 111. Vreeland. Michael Enoch, -50, (U), 61 . WcsterveU. Cornelius, 30. Vincent, Benjamiu. Ii8. Vreeland. Aagtje Cornelisse, xii. Aagtje Johannisse, xii. Cash I. 56. Charles, 112. Cornelius En., 50, 56, 57,58, 60, 61. Cornelius P., 94. David, 16, 17. David A., 16, 17, 18. Edo G., 161. Elias, 71, 111. 112. Elias J., 13. Enoch, 60. Enoch C, 61. Frank D., M. D., xvii. Hartmun, 161. HartnianC, 31, 32. Hartman En., 13. Hartman M., 140. Helena Johannisse, xiii. Isaac, 6. Jacob E., 7, 57, 61. Jane, 56, 57. Johannis E., 53. Johnli., 167. 168. John El., 13. .50, 57, 61. John E., 89. Johu J., 9. Mary, 50, 57, 60. Michael, 13, 45, 51. 55, 57, 58, 59, 1'4, 95, 96. Michael A., 13. Michael Cornelisse, xiii. Michael Enoch, xi, 11, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 5m, 60. ;,uchael En., Jr., 49. 50. 51, 59, 60. 61. Michael H., xiv, 13. Michael M., 54. Michael N.. 49. Morinus, 57, 61. Vreeland's tavern, 160. 197 w. Wade, Jonas, 43, 44, 45. Wagarn, xiii, xvi, 85. Wagara Brook, 85. Waldeu, John, 115. Waldronn, John, 5. Walker, James, 84. Walkill, 82. Wallis, John, 67, 75, 76, 82, 147. 158. Wallis Tract, 75. Walton, Joseph, 84. Wamsley, John, 76, 84. Wanaque, xii. War of 1812, xi. Ward, , 144. Bethual, 84. John D., 34. Matthias, 43, 58. Richard, 29, 30. Thomas, 84. Washington Insurance Company, 146, Washington street, 142. Watches, U. S. Tax on, 67. Water street, xii, xv, xvii. Watson, Conrat, 78. Wayne Township, 3. Weasel 14, 88, 94. Brook, 88. Weasel, Wes.sel Lot, 161. Weeks, Mrs. , 150. Weller, Benjamin, 34, 154. Wells, 64, 65, 102. Wendell, Abraham. 37. Wessel, Mr. , 71. Wessels, Casper, 125, 126. John, 111. Lucas, 51, 52, 59. Nathia, 125, 126, 174. Yaun, slave, 163. Yeaty, Widow, 8. Yerman, William, Yon, .slave. 'Zd. Yong, Robert, ()2. York, Garret, 10. Widow, 10. Zabriskie, Zebriske. A., 102. Abm. C, 161. Albert I., 130, 173. Casparres, 53. Christian, 111. Christian A., 6. Cornelius C, 18. John A., 170. Wessels, Richard, 172. Westermau, Thomas, 84. Westervelt, Abraham, 32, 114. 143. Ann, Widow, 4. Cornelius, xi, 4, 10, 23, 25, 30, 86, 103, 119, 120, 121, 130, 173, 175. Cornelius P., 121. J., 73, 74. James, 5, 104. John, 132. 174. John I., 5. John P., 162. Luke, 101. Margaret, 121. White, , 158. Wilcox, Alvan, 156. Wilder, Oshea, 33, 69. Wiley, William, 76. WiUiams, 33. Jonah, 119. Muthias, 35. Willis, Abraham, 21, 24, 95, 127, 150. Wills, Thomas, 24, 33, 34,47, 84,87, i04, 122, 137, 140. Wilson, Peter, 38. Winans, George, 55. John, 117, 146. Winne, Abrm., 56. Wood, Francies, 56. John, 67, r,8, 69. Woodbridge, 118. Woodruff, Isaac, 38, 43, 44, 45. Lewis, 45. Woodward, A., 133. Woolen machinery, sale of, 163. Wouters, Garret, 58, 60. Y. Yorks, Yourks, Corns., 9. Eldreh, 10. Joh., 9. Youle, Edwin, 93, 94. Youmans, Benjamin. 155. David, 115. Young, James, 151, 152. Z. Zabriskie: Sarah, 164. Widow. (;. Zeli, Smith, 102. Zeliff, Benjamin. 85. Danii'i. 4, 17, 84. Daniel, Jr., 4, 84. Jabe, 4. lRp^»V - QiUa/1^ A_ U-v^V-e^ THE VAN HOUTEN MANUSCRIPTS. / HK2if8-78 'fit. rS ^4bm^/i. . ^^ c*- ! ' -5 ^^-v. -^0 ..■< * o ,;:X .0°^;-;^%°- ^/\^j^>^ .o^.-j^.,-^. ^^,.^ :^^l^^>o j.o-n.. O V ^^0^ ^/ ;;^^;; U.^ :) V ..j:^% o^ "oV" ^^ . 1 • o. *^2 ^^^^-^^ .•'ilB'-. -^..^^ r c.^ . . . ,v ."^1 -^ ... o ,Ho> TV' o' ° " * »°-'*. \** *o. •'/, V... ^^'^t- ^^^ ^. ,.<' c^\^ .-1 '-_..*_ ^i t.^^ ,.^^ i^' ,V ^^•''■^, •" ^^'% to i-'Jx!" o '^T N. ^0' •to. MANCHESTER INDIANA ^^\