1)6/^ ^LC> Hollinger Gorp* pH 8.5 D 619 .3 .L6 '•••••*•*•• Copy 1 GREATEST PUBLICATION SINCE * ill£i CIVALi W/IK! * • SPY PROOF * AMERICA! if OR, THE * "V. S. S" 1 * * BY J. FRANCIS LOGAN Author of ;;rhe Slacker." "The Living Hell," "Alimony," Etc 1 1 1 AMERICA : 1 i 1 1 1 • * * QPY PROOF America means only one, thing— a O short, quick, decisive victory— and with honor, too! Like all enigmatic problems, some one just had to solve it— and so it has come to pass. From out of the masses there has arisen one whose trumpet- blast prophecy shall be heard across this land, and the call will be truly American : "Help save a million lives, billions of dollars for America, and with no cost to YOU, lower to everlasting Peace and Love, the Greatest Flag that flies-THE STARS AND STRIPES!" • Every City is Mobilizing— Join Now The Voluntary Secret Service — V. S. S. ALL PROFITS TO LIBERTY LOAN ISSUES 1 * Copyrighted, July 1917 All Rights Reserved *********** INDEX JJiJcf Pages 3 to 16 introduction ,3 1 / Page SUBJECTS: 1 A — Allied Professionalism 16 " B — Allied Veterans — G. A. R. and Spanish-American War 17 " C^ — "Agricultnre — American Farmers 17 " D — ^^Abbat'toirs — American ; and Packing Honses 18 " E — Apothecaries — American Druggists 18 " F — Aeroplanes — American Manufacturers 19 " G — American Bankers and Financiers 19 " H — Am.erican Chemist Laboratories 20 " I — ^American Chemical Manufacturers ..: ., ,••;•••• 20 " J — American Civil Service — State, Inter-City, Local 20 " K — American Department Stores ! .'/. . .> .'. . ..-• 21 " L — Employers .;. ; . 22 " M^ — American Ecclesiastic — To Every Pulpiteer 22 " N — American Farms, Dairy and Depots 23 " O — ^American Food Stuffs Makers .'.■/. . .'. "::. 23 " P— American Factories , . 24 " Q — American Hospitals; State, City and Private 24 " R— American Hotels 25 " S — American Horticulturists and Florists , 26 " T — American Inventors 26 " U — American Miners 26 " V — American Merchants 27 " W- American Munition Plants 28 " X — American Manufacturing Plants 28 " Y — American Navigators 29 " Z— American Oil Wells 30 3 A — American Office Buildings 30 " B— Officialdom, State 31 C — American Physicians 31 " D— American Preservers of Foodstuffs 32 " E — American Restaurateurs 32 " F — ^American Ranch Owners 32 " G — American Railroads 33 " H— .American Railroads— Surface Cars 34 I— American Railroads— *A11 Subway Lines 34 " J — American Residential— Travelers 3 5 K — America 30— 39 Remarks:— r/;r author reserves all translatable rights of this book, and into any language, Scandinavia!/ inclusive. V. S. S. AND THE LIBERA' BOND! JUL '.2 1917 ©CIA47U04 SPY PROOF AMERICA By J. Francis Locan. (Copyrig:hted July 1"J17.) All Rights Reserved. TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. Times, such as are these, w'hen the horror .of war is upon this nation, is the exact, the only extraordinary era that our whole existence on this earth may ever again permit of us, as a body, to assist our Flag. We all know that : Only and always and forever, as in all things else in life is it that the spirit makes the man, woman or child. Nothing can be accomplished without spirit ; all tilings with it. There has not yet appeared upon the page of any histor}^, any mortal whose ambitiousness gained zenith power other than along that lofty, that wondrous road which leads to that high, peaked with golden clouds of summit, of soul burning SPIRIT. Nor shall there ever be in this LIFE. What are yoii going to say when the war is over? Are you prepared to tell 'those upon whom you look down and far, far back as you possibly can look into the past of your grand-c'hildren, "that you sat still all through the world's greatest war" — absolutely, inactively so? You know tlhat of all things that will be the hardest to overcome, that one question, don't you?- — what did you do in the great WAR? The writer of this book had the honor of answering the call for men to th^ colors vvhen the issue came and by that great man WILLIAM McKINLEY. And it is for that reason that I v/ant to save yoii from yourself; it is for that reason that I want to show you how — though you may never shoulder a gun, sew a bandage or join the RED CROSS— how you can serve your COUNTRY in an equallv great capacity as though you were in active service, in the midst of a very trying CAMPAIGN . . . and on the field of BATTLE. I sincerely believe tlhat the sale of this book will run up to the 500,000 copy m.ark. Therefore, I will have enlisted one half MILLION people who, and during their spare moments will, give to their COUNTRY a service that could not otherwise be purchased for less than the minimum salary of TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS a year. My method will, if carried out, and by my READERS, save for the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, ONE BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR, and in actual, paid out SALARY. To those who, because of physical disability or over age are prevented from joining one arm or other of tihe service; to those wiho, because of their me- chanical or industrial ability or too large a family, remain at home; or the woman who would but cannot leave a large family to join the RED CROSS, or BOYS and GIRLS w^ho have not yet fully matured, how do you think you would feel, When, five or ten years from now, you throw back your proud heads, and say: "No, I did not go to the war — not exactly, no — but I did give to the Flag tlhat w'hich v.as best in me and throughout the entire war I was one of the HALF MILLION whose active HOME service saved the GOVERNMENT enough money to upkeep FOUR SOLDIERS in the field each year of our service, which upkeep suppHed them with salary, equipments, clothes, food and munitions ; — I was a member of the civilian V. S. S., the VOLUNTARY SECRET SERVICE! ... I WAS ONE OF THE HALF MILLION WHOSE SERVICE, AND FREELY GIVEN, TOO, HELPED KEEP IN THE FIELD AND DURING THE WAR AN ARAIY OF TWO MILLION SOLDIERS !" Will not this be far more beautiful, serenely patriotic than all things else that SPY PROOF AMERICA any one or more Americans could ever hope to do, even though they gave to their COU-NTRY their all? Of course it would! Why? Because we of the HALF MILLION are the MASSES, the guides of DEMOCRACY, of which we shall then be ONE. As those of the V. S. S. read of the daily onslaught, both at home and on foreign soil, they will go forth with a light heart, aye, and with a lighter conscience, for ever in their mind will be that foremost thought : "For every captured SPY that many months nearer PEACE is MY COUNTRY." And so will the world eventually adopt what shall soon be known as a universal phrase: "KEEP OUT OF AMERICA, YOU ALIEN ENEMIES; KEEP OUT! AND IF YOU ARE STILL THERE, STOP; BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T YOU MAY REST ASSURED THAT THE 'VOLUNTARY SECRET SERVICE' WILL POSITIVELY GET YOU !" When our scar-bearing brothers return from the trenches, and relate to you those awful days— days that the thundering guns smoked into the ebony, the inky blackness of cruel, bloody, ill-cultured night; and the nights are be- spoken of as being beyond, inexplicably beyond description by the most gifted genius of the soldiery, or oratorical exponent, what will you then have to say? Instead of fearing to face those whom Almighty God gave to the defense of your COUNTRY, you will greet their oncoming ; j-es — you will ; because you can very proudly, truthfully sav to them : "I, too, served mv countrv. I was an active member of the half million SPY BRIGADE, the V. S. S." Tell me not that this or that or the other soldier, or group of soldiers, will but stand agape at what you yourself might possibly be afcle to relate regarding your personal capture of, or your sterling assis-tance in the capturing of a SPY, else I will say : "Citizen, you speak with little heart, and weakly too do you imitate our TRUE PATRIOT. Because if you let your conscience dictate your determined duty to your dear country and during the war you will, I am sure, have narrated both during and ihence our national conflict saintly truths of thrilling, patient and courageous moment; truths w'hich, though history may overlook, the garment around which we all so humanely enwrap them, the unselfish sacrifice and soul-like manner in whioh we so freely give them, never will forget : The Stars and Stripes !" Never before in 'the history of mankind has there been spread broadcast throughout any free and peace-loving land, and by a Vv^riter of sufficient courage to ask for what he thought his country could use, and at that time, and by the consent of only a necessary and sane conviction do I ask it : I ask my readers to join hearts and hands, and for the benefit of the country in general do I again request, that those who do not go to war, and for reasons heretofore ascribed, w'hich reasons better suggests their home service value, to become, and only during their leisure moments, members of the VOLUNTARY SECRET SERVICE.' The sooner the world learns that American soil hdlds, and free and inde- pendent of the U. S. SECRET SERVICE, and for that period of time during the war only, an army of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND voluntary secret service men and womcn,^ the sooner will we be in a position to eliminate plots and plotters from our soil, and for good and all time; and so, therefore, and in the height of justifiable sanctity and moral ethics of and for Christian man- kind shall we be able to draw to a more s'tringent and conclusive close this mad devastation of free existence. There are so many tricks in the "SPY BOX" that it is imperative that I make my "script" read doubly plain, and for many pages before I begin my minute description oi how Spies gain their information. It is well to know that Spies— real Spies, I mean— are highly cultured men and women; they pos- sess talent and intellect, and the women, beauty: and always do they have a plentiful supply of money. They are devoid of all traits and scruples; passion SPY PROOF AMERICA within them is dead ; mercilessness is their God ; havoc their only thrill, and the more dupes they enhst in the cause, which is their endless chain of intrigue, the more glances they steal into the pages of the only Bible they possess : Crime ! And the combined intelligence of these people have been concentrated upon one solid subject: To serve the crown; to wreck republicanism. These traitors come to our shores and bathe in our democratic friendship; they accept our hospitable consideration, yes — and to get still closer, deeper beneath our skin, they even marry our dear American Girl. But all crime must, sooner or later, pass through that wo.nder school, that labyrinthal gallery of wizardry, that magic glass of democracy — THE AMERICAN PRESS — and this self-same press will be the fairy God to mj! army of one-half million — the V. S. S. ! There are in this country today, and spread throughout our entire land, one quarter of a million of foreign SPIES ! They breed their dupes where they can, and each succeeding convert to their heinous order will cultivate the crim- inal blood in another and advise it into a high state of lawlessness ; desire on their parts to exceed each other in the open field of destruction has long since become the height of monstrosity. Fiendish concoctions, desire to out-lie each other, walking through the blood of each other's soul, that they might gain the approval of the master SPY — Is not this alone sufficient to inform you of the merit of both the men and women whose devilish feet are now traversing our American soil? Why are the}' so active, say you. Because it is an open field of competition and with false promises still fresh in the minds of these dupes they will com- mit any crime; and the more fiendish the crime the quicker the advancement. They all strive for advancement. They are all subjects of a fervent desire to get to that position of authority whereby they can dictate specifically just what is and is not to be destroyed by their subordinates ; and, besides, such a position allows of their shaking the hand of the Master Spy — occasionally; at least they believe it to be the Master Spy. But that man is never known ; always is it a fact that he is never known. And still we hear of many going to jail because of being convicted of Spy work. Don't believe that ! There is always one man or more who is far beyond the Master Spy, and who is still high enough up in his government, and which man is believed to be the Master Spy and by the dupes — who keeps silent and goes to jail. But Mr. Spy is busy again the next day. And the U. S. Secret Service know how hard it is to get the right man, when it comes down to exactly who the real Spy is. They are here for that purpose. Do what they can, while they can ; and when they catch one, he must stop ; but how about the army they leave behind to continue the devastation, which army will in turn develop another. Here is where I claim my half million army — ^the V. S. S. — will be able to keep in touch with every move any Spy emissary tries tries to make, and in any part of the United States, and during the entire war. Every Spy emissary knows that the extraordinary activity of the U. S. Secret Service is at this time greater than at any other era of our history ; and they will therefore act more cautiously, weigh their methods and time every act. But they will not dare to try anything if they become aware of the newest fact : That half mil- lion more tried and true men and women are on their heels! Why? Because with an additional force of patriots whose efficient acts of law I shall so instruct as to be unable to err, and further down in this book, no one need fear to properly execute the law, when the time comes ; because I shall devote fifteen thousand words to the subject: HOW TO DISTINGUISH A SPY, and all men and women whose service the government do not require in the actual war need not fear to carry out my instructions and to the letter. Aside from myself, and I am with the Government to the end, you can rest assured that both the U. S. Government, the Secret Service, the people of this country, and SPY PROOF AMERICA the Army and Navy will thank us for the service we freely give to this — Our Country. If every man, woman and child who reads this book will give his or her undivided devotion to the carrying out of the spirit of this book we will kill, and with one blow, Spy work in this country; and with the dealing of this blow you will be one of the V. S. S. who helped bring peace to the world, for yoii must know: That where plotters cannot involve, intrigue mus't die; and so it is that I want every reader to become a serious, a conscientious member of the V. S. S. Let no mother or father grieve at their blood being in the trenches; for we at home are doing an equal service. LONG LIVE THE VOLUNTARY SECRET SERVICE! Let us stand together as one; let us be determined to wipe out Spies with the same vim and love for our work as we would be serious were we to meet our GOD and on the morrow. With this spirit we can not help but gloriously succeed. The American public are the easiest on earth to deceive ; they take to their hearts and in dire sympathy universal cosmopolitanism ; they believe ; and that is just the thing the people of the V. S. S. must overcome: They must run to cover the very traitor who, and after years of American hospitality, has openly and pubHcly so abused our confidence that we must now suppress or be numbered among those nations who now bow to the iron heel of their giant oppressor — Prussianism. It therefore behooves every American to rise to that height of chivalry so characteristic of those red corpuscles that have so freely flown within his veins, and since the spirit of '76, and resent the further sowing of any satanic seeds by those who, and up to a very recent date, too, smiled on us tlarough a steel mask and firmly shook our hand after having slipped off the iron glove. But we here in America know full well Iioav to handle those who toss their sleepless heads upon those delicate seas of feathered hypocrisy. But this country is here to stay; no power on earth can take one star from Old Glory; nor will any free born American ever cease to stand close up and under our great big Eagle. And close behind them will be that great body of the home- guard— the V. S. S. ! Every great idea is that very thing that the public of that time is actually thinking aboirt ; they live it, breathe it ; and then, when along comes that person who really gives it life, love and progressiveness so do the populace grasp It to their noble hearts and with a spirit that permits of its natural longevity. And so do I hope that that same love shall persist in the wake of the V. S. S. Always and foremost in our minds must we think, and constantly so, this thought: That we as a nation are at war so must we think and seri- ously so— war, war, war! This is no time to pray for peace ; we did all that kind of praying and for three years. Result: They almost put that Mexican deal straight over on us! We can't take any more chances; we have got to so imbue into the minds of our enemies the solid fact that America can't be fooled twice in the same gen- eration ; that we are going to make the world respect us ; and the fact that we might have been too proud to fight must now be looked upon only as though it were a past myth ; that the mere fact of our having blushed because of our saintly courtesy and open patience has nothing to do with, and absolutely so, yesterday; that this is our tomorrow, and that we have no idea of ever even thinking about going back to yesterday; with us it shall be only and always— tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow ! And so it is with our soldiers, those steady boys who never try to shoot unless they first smell the smoke of the opposite trenches ; and when that smoke is once within instinctive distance of their nostrils— well, I v/ould that that great and national loved soldier tell you just what they will do— Theodore Roosevelt. I merely quote the above to show you, dear reader, that even in the trenches SPY PROOF AMERICA our soldiers are humane— until, of course, that first shot is fired; nor would I dare to so write myself were I, myself, not a veteran of one war and for my country, the U. S. A. And so as I go on down through the pages of this book must you know that you are the recipient of facts which are now fresh in the minds of the world's men whose country honor them with high positions of statescraft — American Officialism. But as a patriot I am going to overlook nothing that I think the public should know; and about Spies— .well, hide your modesty and look straight into the face-facts. To overcome your sins of easy going bohemianism, your paying too much heed to a weak-minded clique of society creatures of misplaced vertebrae, whose soliloquies eventually ordained them into a noisy, subconscious state of mind labelled "pacifists," whose pestilential endeavor almost made pervious the big minds of strong men, and the taking of too much for granted, we must now get our minds clear for action; v.-e must be courageous enough to admit our faults ; and by so doing all things else shall be forgotten ; and there shall reniain in our mind's eye thatone and only great thought: Our retrieved reformation. Overcome and for the sake of the country in general things that led to the actual cause of our having been too congenial to those whose every advantage of rights and good will on our soil has been most cruelly abused. And from now on and to the end of the war let us make it our daily bible thought to keep our own counsel. By so doing we shall have begun to strongly establish a great war point — silence. And upon this point alone depends the success of each and every member of the V. S. S. Work for your country and your flag and your people. But do these things with a quiet dignity ; do them so that you will look back upon your task and in after years only as does that person think, and ahvays so, of a lost iove : Daily. Every great national climax brings forth that which is best in the patriots of that country and at that time; never has history told a deliberate lie in this respect, nor shall that long since dormant genius which, great or small, dances along that timid outskirt of the human' soul, longer manacle its spirit of recog- nition and in those retrogressive swamps of cold, stone still, enigmatic wiles of phantasy. Alas! they shall rise, rise, rise! and into tlieir souls once again, as it was a century ago, shall come that rugged determination : Kill, yes, kill, all symptoms of that Nem^esis known as the golden ghost — ^lethargy and procras- tination shall disappear in an unknown grave — the dynamic tray shall serve us no more ; ; the scarlet spread, bleached white, no longer shall deceive us ; dyspeptic victuals will henceforth be rejected; veils worn by our innocent good fellowship shall henceforth be tightened about our heads, and from this hour ou, until peace again extols throughout America, and the Eagle again quietly sub- sides, "We stop be'lieving; we m.ust be shown!" The quiet manner in which the V. S. S. shall go about their duty and expunge all traitors and Spies and their emissaries from our soil, the combined vigilence and intelligence of our "Army 'of a Half Million," together with the knowledge that our Armies in the field of active service are fully aware of the real home fact — that fighting for them and as a rear guard stands another Army of half a million, and what will that say to the men in the field whose every movement is for posterity, but this : That the universe will soon learn that the American genius has ri'sen to its fullest heiglit, that we are alive on both ends ; that for every link we break in the chain of intrigue — foreign attempt to further till our soil with venom— that much louder will our voices be heard over all parts of the earth beneath which there exists, life; prevention of count- less battles, mayhap, and the saving of thousands upon thousands of lives ; the bringing to an early close the most colossal v/ar of all ages and the shouting of the voices of the entire Christian world : "America ! Oh, America ! God bless you, America!" SPY PROOF AMERICA Never forget for one single moment that fhe activity which we throw into our silent work will have a lesser hearing on the eventual, probable saving of the very life of that one whom you dearly love and to whose flag you have given him, because it wiW not; for, as we strive to play that master military blow which, when once delivered, always and abruptly ends every war, so shall we become better acquainted with that bugle blast that must again permit of us to turn our minds and thoughts to concentrative education of American baby- hood, that they in turn might endure in our beautiful past sentiment and traits of precious righteousness ; and the bringing home of those whom we love that they might assist us to bury, and deep down into the very souls of our tots of the rising generation, devotion, chivalry — Americanism. What will those fathers say to their children? Were you unable to join in the descriptive narratives — since the country saw fit to 'leave you behind — how do you think you would then feel? Would you court going into the dazed open, out of physical fear that your ears might be unable to listen to the word, "My Country;" or would you hide behind that old adage: If I hadn't been so old I certainly would have been there.too, — ^or would you not rather stand up, with that ifire burning out of your clear eyes — (the eyes of patriots never dim — and your chest thrown out, and say: "I, sir, was an active member of the home guard," And as you go on and relate of the actual part you took in the running down of such and such a Spy, your trials and tribulations, and the valiant service that you gave to the country and the flag, and without considera- tion — pure voluntary service, and one of the "half million brigade" — of men, women, young boys and girls, and that you, each member, supported four sol- diers a year and during the war — well, what do you think that soldier is going to say? This: "Tell me all about it ; it's wonderful." Members of the V. S. S., the eyes of the world will never cease to be stead- fastly upon you ; you will be acknowledged as the first, the greatest corps de garde ever organized ; other countries at war will mobilize their home guard, and the Paris Bureau, Scotland Yard and the Russian Duma will follow you ; like- wise will the home guards of every Ally get behind the police of their respective nations, and exactly as we here fn America will stand in the silent background and as an iron reinforcement to the U. S. S. S. With such service behind the Allied police forces of the Allies, how long do you think Spies can endure? We are togetlier, and so do we here in America, originate and over night the greatest police army on earth. Your solemn vow to join the V. S. S. is a step nearer peace on earth. Nor could the sudden unity of this country have been believed ever to have so risen, and in only a few short weeks, as to turn into just and only ONE per- son a hundred MILLION PEOPLE. Again we have accomplished the miracu- lous. It is a way we have ; though we sometimes linger too long in deciding the awakening point. However, and since our national convictions have been writ- ten into letters of law we, all of us, must help bear up those three letters of the law — the weightiest on earth: W-A-R. Every hour wasted in idle conjec- ture means an extra day of actual warfare, and to know the true meaning of this statement you must understand distinctly this : Every extra day that we remain at war means to America an expenditure of twent3^-five million dollars. So you can see for yourself that the wiping out of Spies means only one thing, and that I want to make so plain that no one can fail to thoroughly understand me. Here it is : Memorize it— The so'ldiery can move in secrecy ; alien enemies who fear that their every move might be detected by the V. S. S. will not dare try to venture within the bounds of careless daring, nor will their neck-loving dictators care to so dangerously command them; the Navy can likewise maneuver along our coasts with their full thoughts glued upon the flagship; all coast defence and fortifications can specifically concentrate, and salient land forces can mobilize; and every single arm of the service will know SPY PROOF AMERICA that behind them, and as a soHd unit, and in rear of the U. S. S. S., stands that wonderful army of patriots w-'ho'se honor to their flag has wiped out all chances that Spies ever might have had to do damage to the UNITED STATES GOV- ERNMENT — the V. S. S. also. What greater spirit could our men in arms possibly have than the constant, the all loving thought that the entire populace at home are working and together and for and toward one end only ; that their sweethearts are in the service ; that their wives and children are constantly on the alert, and, last but not least, fathers and mothers have — and where age don't count — land for the first time in the history of the wodd been able to offer valuable service to the country? This marvelous state of unison is the first germ of international conception which must eventually become a general and Christian world adoption of neces- sity. A month hence the issue of this warning shall prove my words prophetic. Nor can the living Spy on American soi'l peruse this book less he or she look about them and constantly for the very and actual fear that the wrath of de- mocracy swoop down upon them and crush them to the four winds, evaporate their remains of nothingness into a still further state of extinction and, further stili, despatch, and into the most remote archives of vacuous hell, their last vestige of pre-existence, that republicanism may never again be challenged by retrogression. Those that hide behind the silken banner of modern progress, only to tear and into_ threads and at the earliest opportunity, all grace of God and lawful, conscientious agreements ; and shower the peaceful hearth-stone of innocent neighbors, and for a foot of adjacent territory, with molten steel? Did God give us super-genius only to manifold funereal intent?? And it is t^ preveiit such desecration that I send forth my humane message to all Christian mankind: "Listen, deduct, fathom; serve with your soul; the physical is only the outer half ; the brain, heart, imagination— these lead to the only altar. It is 'neath this mansion roof and before this secret altar that we of America always kneel, and always shall; and, though we have at times sweated blood, we have no regrets for those w'hom we have so freely given, nor shall we ever consider lost those sacrificed upon our altar — ^^that of Amrican conviction. So humane are we of blessed America that we would if we but could — and send forth into the enemies' lines of actual conflict, shells of warning, dead bead aimed shells which accuracy — though empty shells — would tell our enemies to withdraw or prepare for a fusilade of rapid, deadly gun fire that no skill or courage could withstand ; an attack that our enemies' survivors would look back upon as being the only exponents of the fittest deluge of human destruction ever delivered. You of America know that this is only another one of our big traits ; only another one of those beautiful, humanely beautiful characteristics in our national box of priceless possessions: The things that the world forced us to prove — Unity. Every living soul in this country should know the full elements of this book and know it from a heart study; and those who are v/ith the sentiment of the backbone of the nation will agree with the author; and those who are not have but to voice their opinion. Dissension against this prophetic writing proves my advocacy as regards the necessity and absolute obliteration of all Spies. For intelligence knows that to deny right means only one thing — be on the lookout for those that truthful accusations hurt; the biggest and best issue possible toward the early campaign of the V. S. S. ! When you walk into the parlor of any well-known Christian family you will find pre-eminent among their book collection, and lying on the table, the Bible. At once you detect solid environment. If you have in mind a subject on ecclesiasm you expect its cordial greeting; and seldom are you disappointed, especially among those who believe in the infinitus. These same staunch people 10 SPY PROOF AMERICA now have the opportunity to equally prove and to their earthly God, asimilai constancy, patriotism, love for their country. And beside that prophetic book of past and forgotten ages they now place, and rightly so, what_ shall yet become an equally strong disciple of our flag as is the Bible, the guide to our souls—the VOLUNTARY SERVICE EDITION. Back home here and afar from the fierce detonations of the battlefield we have to think of, deeply, quietly, carefully, these, the most gigantic of all modern era subjects: Since love made me give my child to my flag an equal and constant and indefatigable love will bring him back to me; and so may every mother acclaim. Likewise may fathers who grieve over the possible loss of their sons, that the family name may not pass down through posterity, help end our present conflict. Sweethearts and prospective brides whose secret and sacred desires for the promulgation of the living images of those to whom they have given love and solemn, holy, chaste can, and with an eulogy in equal de- termination to that fiery love of and for him, help bring him :home to you and fresh from the battlefield. Daughters can help bring back home, brothers ; brothers, brothers and fathers; and relative blood, relatives; while our elderly folks, too, will once more be able to thrill as upon their earshot falls combined tales and laughter of that good old-time family-tree gathering. We have but to do our duty 'to accomplish these things. If every citizen whose service to the country demands that he shall remain at home — for reasons best known to the government — will promise, and keep that prom.ise foremost in the minds eye, and those who may not serve will do likewise, you may rest assured, that — and every V. S. S. member of the great silent army must know : We will clean the entire land of SPIES, save ■ for this, our country, billions of dollars — which money will help keep intact our natural resources ; and enable us to readily, substantially finance worthy considerations and by acts of state— and render a service, v/hich service shall be freely given as does the blood flow and with ease through healthy veins ; and with this great silent service so can we accompHsh the greatest double act in history : — Freely giving to America what would were we forced to procure it and by salary, double the war cost ; whereas, and on the other hand, iind by our loj^'alty, reduce the actual war cost, one half, and help bring to an early close the WAR; and make America — SPY PROOF. May God bless and guide your every movement, you brave members of the V. S. S. What could be more serenely aspired to, and by those who cannot serve at the actual front, than the thought: "As I look at you Old Glory so do I serve you ; and when I say I serve you I mean with my heart, my soul ; my whole intellect, my courage. And if, as one of the great 'silent army' you bid me, so 3'ou can have my life; for, as an exponent of national patriotism, I do not specify; no one must; supposition is dead, meditation decadent, fickle- ness, an open invite to calamity. Since these near above words border upon things that could possibly be thought out, and well by culture as mediocrity, now is the time to obliterate all thoughts, and during the war period, that might at any other time be accused against that ghost of psychology — uncon- sdonable brain shock in the wake of powerful imagination: 'Mental abstrac- tion : 'A traitor which, if you weigh your words, must die !' " Every available body that might aid this country during this crisis already have begun their specific method of mobilization; but now begins the assemb- lage of the SUPREME, the greatest in the history of the world— the V. S. S. The truest and most impartial organization ever conceived since brain power became the vitality of progressive democracy can be observed by the incep- tion of the mightiest money-saving-service-army, and during a war, that ever shall have been construed in this or any other country on this earth. Utilize those of our great nation and as a single, and solid unit, and those only to SPY PROOF AMERICA 11 whom the war voice says "s'tay home"— -as the impervious, the "half milHon" brigade whose^ vigilence in the field of open life, and voluntarily so, will not surely and quickly sweep clean the entire nation and for all time, of Spies, but despatch to the universe what shall become known as the "Immortal Message." The Indefatigable Army^the Voluntary Secret Service is the author's message to the American public ! The creation of this original defence arm of the service is only traditional of the country; we are known as always being able to rise to any and every occasion. And so shall I both detail and instruct, and later down in these pages, what must soon become the acknowledged army of modern times; because, not only shall my corps both support the keen preservation of un- hampered industrialism, and continue to do so and during the war, but save the nation "billions of dollars" by so doing, which saving will, if my army of the V. S. S. should reach the grand membership of TWO AND ONE HALF MILLIONS, amount to FIVE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS A YEAR; enough money to support, each year during the war, our ARMY and NAVY. What do you think this country could do with TEN BILLIONS a year? That is exactly the salary which would have to be paid to (Two and one half millions) of secret service, and at a rate of TWO THOUSAND DOL- LARS a year. And I quote a very low, a minimum figure, at that. And, furthermore, the country is in dire need of this service, and at this actual writing; but it can see no way dear to acquire so gigantic a force of pro- ficient service, for the simple reason that k cannot afford to pay out of the treasury, and at this time, so tremendous a sum of money. This is where the V. S. S. is going to become a blessing to the country in general and at this most opportune of all modern time, times. Always remember that no country can ever have too many Secret Service during a war; that the m.ore they have the shorter becomes the life of the war; and the sooner the war ends the sooner stops what is known as both war tax and the national indebtedness. And why is this a fact? Because the Secret Service of any country is the vital arm of that country and recognized as the guiding body to the war pivot. Why is this a fact? Because the greater the number of this body the greater is the number of plots and intrigue and treason and conspiracy which is positively run to earth. And with this accom- plished, what happens? Simply this. Your nation is Spy Proof. Well, what happens then? Your industries work in capacity; they turn out the supply equal to the demand ; and, greater still, the combined labor of the country works in harmony and absolutely free from any and all impartial molestation. Then wliat? Your Army and Navy moves in secrecy; the enemy is ignorant of any prospective move either by land or water; Spy communications are dead; quick, decisive blows are struck and with victorious effect; the enemy is crushed ; and, so, comes an equally conclusive ending of the war. But the Secret Service is the vital path-finder which ahvays leads us back home; to peace, love — happiness. That, m.y reader, is what the V. S. S. is going to help America to accom- plish ; and by so doing will the early members of my corps go down in history as being the Men, Women, Young Boys and Girls who, though both too old and young to serve, served as the greatest rear guard of the V. S. S. that tlie christian era will ever know. And together with them at home will be found both the brains of the masses and industrial kings and their executive ability, to assist the V. S. S. whenever the occasion arises. Our allegiance to the flag will l)ring to this country the sudden peace that our patience could no longer withstand and with dignity; and, although, we are in no position to look askance upon the gravity of so great and bloody a conflict, we are in just that channel to throw into the war our full and 12 SPY PROOF AMERICA undivided spirit, a spirit of love and devotion, of courage and dependable conviction; and with it we must stand upon that firm and solemn altar of tradition— all that we want to do, shall do, or ever hope to do as an active member of the V. S. S. depends upon, and absolutely so, that which first gave to us the country under which flag God permitted of us the freedom of birth-CONSERVATISM. And now, my esteemed reader, and before I start to tear and into a thousand bits of truthful threads— (and with the full knowledge that I am an American whose humlDle duty it is to answer my country When they call together the brains of the nation, and for which country and whose flag I would give my most sacred all) the Spy Box ! and with a fifteen thousand word description on exactly how to devastate this infamy, I will first portray to you why the sworn honor to the great "silent army" is a duty beneficial to your own future happiness, and vitally so, as is it loyal to the flag and constant to the V. S. S. I use no subterfuge; I cite no facts; I strive neither to incite nor excite; nor would I use one word to misguide you — the delicacy of my principle would abhor me were I to so do ; also would the talent of my art frown down upon me for any literary breach for mere gain; there- for, I will tell you only of our need for you and the real truth. I ask only that you give your full thoughts to the service of your country and only during the war, and only during your leisure hours; and then in a little while and when you grow up with your new thoughts, you can — say, in a month or so — apply them and actively so, and every minute during your working hours and with wonderful results. Thus the great army is in its full stride and "half a million strong!" And, sure as the masses learn of our progress, just so sure will it double in actual number and over night. And so sure as does •lightning streak flash down upon us and from the high heavens, and with a rapidity known only to the gods, equally rapid and through the minds of the masses shall pass my, the prophetic warning; and with this almighty, clear message, soul appeal to the public so, I hope, shall there then have begun an immediate mobilization of the V. S. S. and of so gigantic, so climatic an aptitude that each 'hour tolled off the clock of existence shall take with it the last vestige even of Spy reminiscence, and for all time from our honored free land soil ; and with this known fact so may we again set about to establish AND FOR THE RISING GENERATION, and their childrens childrens, children the setting aside of any and all obstacles that might ever again obstruct their unhampered march along and upon the high roads to progress ; that throughout the life of our nation and clear down to the dawn of eternity we, and those of us shall, and those of them and their children, be free as the rising and setting sun in the working out of our and their, own blessed right to conscientious and individual salvation. This the V. S. S. can do. Ruthless in our stern conviction as have been those rattle-snakes "whom we so honestly gave our warm hand shakes, only to have lived to see, and by those self same people an attempted contempt toward our flag, is the exact and only way to bring to an early closing of amazing success and by the great army of the V. S. S." — the death knell to SPIES. And with devotion never before heard of will the soldiers in the field see, entwined in the very smoke clouds which arise from out of thier roaring guns, imaginary pictures of the spirit of the silent army : And further through the magic twists of that same fading smoke shall they read : The souls of the V. S. S. are with you, boys ; so keep your gallant hearts in front ! Regardless of the fierceness of any battle just as many thoughts will be closing around the near detection, and daily, of SPIES as triggers touch delicate caps. Fast as the army locates the position of the enemy equally fast will the links in our endless chain, which will cordon our entire territory, SPY PROOF AMERICA 13 ferret out the SPIES. With miraculous despatch will the abroad powers learn that all communications have, not only been cut off by both land and sea, but, killed outright and forever. They will then know 'that America never makes the same mistake; that only once can it be fooled in every hundred years; but that hereafter we are even going to put a cipher on the end of that hundred, and — play safe. And that the expenditure in war moneys that certain people think will embarrass America because of their Spy infection — will, when they learn that the V. S. S. have hroken the back of that self same Spy plague, and that instead of being the "Rip Van Winkle" race of the uni- verse we are the "Never Sleeps" — drop dead. When these same people learn that America 'have turned V. S. S. and over night, and that the war which could otherwise have run along for years — because of SPIES — and their con- stant intrigue, and army of dupes — will now come to an early close ; that our country can go ahead and prosecute all slights against its dignity; that the great "silent army" has given itself to the colors, and with a corps of from "two and one half milhons of our noble patriots," down to the immedi- ate starting point of "one half million" which starting point will jump right up to the "two and one half million" point— Avell, I wonder just what they will — when the shock leaves them — say; or think? When certain people learn that the V. S. S. air tight protection saves this country from one BILLION to FIVE BILLIONS of dollars a year (enough to pursue a war)— what then will those same people do in the face of the fact that they have actually thrown to the four winds, every dollar used in this country (the Spy and Dupe fund) and which amount run high as billions— since it has been going on for years? Will any one or more people then say: "They are sound asleep here in America?" Oh, no, no! And all the time we of the V. S. S. are saving for the country, and because of the fact that the spirit of the flag is wrapped around our very souls, actually and really so, and because of our wonderful army — enough money to run the — WAR. And exactly what is the truthful culmination of our creation, "our new born" child, which Almighty God has given us the power to think out, and the courage to inaugurate? What money our U. S. Government would otherwise require to finance the war (may now be loaned and by acts of state and to our compatriots in the field, which moneys, and by discretion of "State Acts" eventually revert back to our national resources). Now that we have covered the war loan— what next? To pay an army of so great a force as will the V. S. S. soon become, our country would have to have a reserve fund of from ONE to FIVE BILLIONS of dollars, and for each year during the WAR. In the face of other equal national necessities this cannot be accompHshed; could it be done there would be no need of the V. S. S. But it can neither be done, nor can the country afford to stand bare of this great national accomplishment having been done: "It is part of the breath of life to the 'Red, white and blue,'" And for it I am ready to give all that there is to me: That_ of an American. I can do no more than give my life to the cause of the birth of this new National Child. I say my life only because I truly believe that this book will yet become the biggest issue aside from actual war-fare itself ; that the blow it will strike will mean sure death to our internal enemies, and the absolute death and forever, to any and all SPIES in these the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. And for this reason I shall never even become surprised at the attempt of any one or more SPIES to endeavor to mistake me for a target. Rather me than UNCLE SAM. The idea of this great "silent army" becoming an immediate reality is my foremost thought. When we wipe out all SPIES, we shorten the war; this saves for our country what moneys it would further cost and, per diem, to continue the war. That is facts: A something stronger than history itself. Our army can 14 SPY PROOF AMERICA terminate a three year war in one year. Spies can do just that much damage. We wipe them out: Tthat's settled. If our one year's service can accomphsh this, this is really what we have done : Saved for our country fifteen "BIL- LIONS" prevented the further sacrifice of our men in arms, lives; brought home to the loving, loved ones ; reigned the christian and democratic world with peace on earth, and forever more, and : To vour flag shall have gone the quickest PEACE with HONOR and VICTORY, this world ever has known. And so shall nations of our, the DEMOCRACY, world look upon us with eyes bright as though heaven itself sanctified their glow for just that one holy glance at our virgin, American soil. This is what the great "silent army" can now accomplish, that the gods of all ancient future time may look back and down into the never fading rocks of tlhe 20th century and see eating inward those same time worn rocks, the true flame of our patriotic conscience of today : "The army of our flag, the V. S. S." Time never shall outlive this war ; always shall it be discussed history; and, too, the V. S. S. This great impartial army will put before each and every member, and foremost in the mind of every being whose honor to the flag swears by its sacred emblem to bear true faith and allegiance to the V. S. S. this: "We all stand as one; we are on the firm ground of solid equality; rich or poor, old or young, masters or servants, it matters not, for we are equal. We are the eyes, ears and brain of America ; we have but one aim.: To clear, and forever, die UNITED STATES of all SPIES." Citizens who are left behind can join this great body by the mere prom- ising to themselves that they will do their duty — FAITHFUL. Every city can come out in the open and notify its members that a meeting of the member- ship of that city will take place at, such and such a place, and that all members are expected to be there present. Every city can do likevv'ise. Soon the entire country has firmly established ; villages and countries are made branches of the nearest city headquarters ; cities communicate with cities, states with states, and, eventually, the entire country is covered with the active order of the greatest army on earth, the V. S. S. _ The headquarters of every city is got up at the low cost to each and every active member of about five cents a week. This will carry all overhead expenses such as this : "Office ; staff ; printing ; stamps and telephone ; and all inter-city telegrams." The combined membership of each and every city may meet and so declare and by a silent vote, just what method shall be best adopted to select their high officers. Every city shall have its chief, its cap- tains, lieutenants and sergeants. These positions shall be honorary; only the active office staff shall receive a salary, which staff must be picked from the vicinity thereat and absolutely and only because of their serene integrity. The commissioned officers will examine all reports on SPY suspects previous to sending them and for action to the U, S. Secret Service who only shall act upon any and all "arrests." Should there be no such office in that vicinity all sound reports will be forwarded forthwith and to the nearest branch office of the V. S. S. that they may be turned over and at once to the U. S. Secret Service. Meantime all suspects will be watched by the V. S. S. in that_ section from w'hence the information derived; and the police of that section, also * * *. This way no suspect can depart without the nearest branch being in full accord with both the instant of the departure and the method of conveyance. If by any means any one or more suspects should elude the V. S. S. it will be an easy matter to again pick up the clue and by our branches, as full description of all suspects, and of both sexes will be on file in that office whose members first found reason to suspect said probable SPIES. On any and all occasions where photographs can be taken of suspects they should be (taken). It will better able every member to recognize suspects, as the office SPY PROOF AMERICA 15 of that city can then have what shall be known as "a foreign rogues gallery." In the event that any living soul should dare join the V. S. S. for any other reason than to give their full spare time and devotion to the cause, and it can be made into a plain fact that such an act of treason has occured against the forces of the order, then that person or persons, shall not only be dropped from the rolls of the V. S. S. of that city thereat, but dealt witli as an alien enemy, a suspect. I can see the brains of the entire nation standing together as one member, and in every city in "God's" country and as solid members of the greatest army on earth. That the masses will take up this work is only traditional of Americanism. _ The wise heads of this or that community will instruct those whose earlier education mig'ht have been neglected, but whose hearts and minds are in the right in the hght of a national emergency; and so can the courage and flame of patriotic constancy mould themselves into thought of one aim : Duty to the flag. Each member is another seed planted which will link itself to the vigil- ance of that great army wihose hands, if clasped together, will form one mass of courage like the world never before dreamed of, and touch, body to body, heart to heart and soul to soul, and with the spirit of '76 clear around the American continent ! Thus \ye have enacted and for the first time in the face of warfare, the exact method of rendering a nation Spy proof; and with the cost of not one cent to the country w'hich soil and whose flag we all call "home, sweet home," AMERICA. In another few minutes you will come upon the first opening of the Spy box. It is imperative that I first go a trifle further on what shall yet become immortal facts in the history of our country. This is the first time that ever the entire army and navy could go forth with the knowledge burning down into their souls t^hat not only is the hearts of the people with them, but that they are part of the actual service ; that what they do will bring to a close, the war ; and doubly fast. Heretofore, we could but sit tight, listen; wait for the return of our loved ones. But with the breast of tlhe times so have we arisen, and with the rising of the whole country so can it but be expected of those in arms to equally rise; and when before them is that great inspiring thought, "America is now Spy proof" — well, what do you think that means to the soldier? That all things at home and against the flag have been wiped out and for good : "Fight fast and get home soon it means." All obstructions vanish before the progressive victory of army and navy when — you do the one and only thing that can be done to overcome it — v/ipe out SPIES. We have half a million V. S. S. against quarter m.illion of SPIES ; but we will have over two and a half millions in the V. S. S. — our great army, — and in a short timxC. This will kill dead, and over night, and forever, all propaganda here in America by both SPIES and their DUPES. Look at the facts square in the face : "War will come to an early close ; where you are working you help make your firm attack proof; it "then permits of the country to rely upon output equal to the demands, because only demands ends war ; and, besides, don't miss this point : "When you get rid of the SPY you are only pro- tecting yourself, because any minute their devilish work may take you with it." Therefore, let it be plain to you, reader, that not only are you saving the country "Billions of Dollars," wiping out the war tax, upkeeping the men in arms and keeping the wheels of industry going round, and ending the war to wisdom of certainty, but, "the lives of the citizens are protected by the V. S. S., because to get rid of them means that they have been wiped out, gone; dead for good." 16 SPY PROOF AMERICA That is a philosophy that all America will not fail to see and keenly so, and tihe author feels that the entire nation will take the mention of it as their bible in the clean sweep, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, against SPIES. Never think it is other than the work of the children of God to preserve your country against all wiles of the enemy and in war times, because it is not; our hearts prove it. Plere in free America every individual has had the honor to pursue the destiny nearest the heart; even the chair in the capitol holds itself out to all men; no ambition is too great of acclamation; women may sit in and help make our laws; it is free! free! free! So to serve the "silent army" is the only keeping it equally free. We are showing our flag, our blood, our nation ; we are working behind the trenches ; we are sending to those that defend us at the front, this message: "Soldiers, you may but look ahead, go ahead, push on ; march, march on, brave soldiers, march ! The rear guard is protecting you ; the. flag is safe, don't even think of looking at other than the enemy, for behind you stands the masses — the V. S. S." Oh ! how grand, how wonderful, how beautiful ; what a sacred honor, citizens, you may now fulfill ; and to so fill it means so much more spirit to those far away — at the front ; and soon. And because America is always to remain free, and that old flag is destined to so fly and forever, God has once more shown us, and in the midst of our turmoil how to save our holy flag from further insult : From out of the masses there has come to you, and by the will of democracy, only a mere mortal who_ shows you light. Follow me, mortals; you disciples of freedom follow : "Life, love, hope — happiness." Cease to wonder how these capitalists of intrigue have accomplished, and before the very door of our nation, the planting of enough devil seeds to smother us ; forget that; it has been done— overcome it, we must and now! Close this book with the solemn vow that you hope to stand by and during the war: The V. S. S. ! Your city is mobilizing! Enroll! Now! 1 A. ( Allied ) —Professionalism. The combined brains of any City will greatly assist the early forming of the immediately necessary mobilization of the forces of that municipality: To help thoroughly instruct those of the lesser gravity in the higher intellec- tual. Constancy and conservation will be their banner; imagination must be tolerated by those that have already gained repute along the higher plane line, together with the already fully trained private detective citizenry whose hidden selves, and talent, have never yet failed to rise to the occasion of the word "duty." To the honor of "professionalism" of every environment will rest the crown duly known as "preceptorial." To either sex will go this equally divided crown. While this is the only organization in the world which is ascertained as bemg impartial, it is to be assumed that suggestions from the learned will be takm as being gifted guides to the members thereat: Unanimously so shall they be understood and accepted by those upon whose earshot fall their uttered recipiency. Likewise, and aside from the regular official staff (elected) will it be a very proficient action, and on the part of the entire membership, to elect, as honorary members, those best known in public life and in that vicinity. Regardless of one's standing in life nothing must prevent all members from becoming adroit: As a body unit they will strive toward one successful end only— the V. S. S." All thought must be Government. Professional folk shall have a still greater chance to indulge in careful SPY PROOF AMERICA 17 conversation with those whom they have reason to suspect as being ahen enemies. As solemn patriots of their country they shall communicate all information to that headquarters to which they are attached, and by the same metihod as would those whose daily duty proves more confining. * * * Teachers are invited to lecture. Police Department "detectives" are cordially invited to legally advise ; Lawyers, point to specific discrepencies in criminology ; doc- tors, the method of "flag" insanity. Woman suffrage will prove the "Joan of Arc" of this mighty movement, I am sure. Many shall be the genius' whose spark must turn from . . . (past dormant ability) into suddenly awakened and most joyful duty — "patriotism" . . . the germ "that counts. (The author will lecture in any ' City and by written and appointive request.) Reiterate, 3^ou professional people, reiterate! Start to talk SPY proof America. Assemble ! Our flag and dignity is at stake : Start now ! Pass the word of the only and first SPY MOVE of its kind in history: Become an advocate, join — NOW! Free as our flag; true as our Hberty; strong as our eagle; loyal as GOD is true! Wake up to the master move of all! AMERICA, SPY PROOF! Protect future America — JOIN ! And so shall the cross of freedom imbed itself down in your souls. IB. (Allied) Veterans of the *'G. A. R." and Spanish American War. You brave boys who served your flag when the call came — you whose days of youth was freely given to the spirit of Abraham Lincoln — ^do you ever have any regrets for that golden past devoted that your flag might wave, and forever o'er our land and proudly on the sweet breezes of almighty free- dom? No! No! No! — shouts the very souls of those among you who still survive : Your hearts, too. You all know the meaning of the word "Spy." I know how you old boys feel now: "If only >'«u could get into one more scrap! Just one more; then — death." I know. The young members of the — V. S. S. will look to you boys of '61, for advice. Make it known that you are at the headquarters to tell all you know about "SPIES"; that in the good old days things were done by SPIES, too; and explain how wars can be brought to an early close when once we get rid of them. Instruct the younger people, and show them that you know ; speak out! TeH them! And you boys of '98. How can you overlook talking about what j^ou absolutely know to have been the cause of our war at that time, and with Spain? How do I know? Troop K, 8th U. S. Cavalry. Three years, Cuba. That is how I know. Can you tell me of any better way to have found out? I am one of you, reader; you, one of us. We are ONE. Let us stand to- gether now, and, as members of the V. S. _S., help start the thing one a quick and solid basis and in every city in the nation, and— at once. Veterans of the nation ! You are called upon to help establish the first silent army on earth ; so rise to the same occasion that you did for "William McKinley." Select your headquarters. Mobilize. Start the great SPY MOVE — now ! Honor America. Your children will read of our activity in all ages of American history. You of the past two wars, listen: "Quarter of a million Spies in America — NOW. Enough! IC. (Agriculture) American Farmers. Remember that once you read this book, and decide to become an active member of the greatest body in the world, you are doing the safest thing 18 SPY PROOF AMERICA possible for both your crops and your future desire for peace on earth and forever Make it known throughout your community that you are a member of the V. S. S. . . u AT 1 u ^ fl • 1 A few SPIES can rum your crops over night. Not only by fire, or fluids (and two of their methods is exactly that) ; but by the infesting of your crops with certain species of insects only too well known to the student of entom- ology. Destroyed crops means only one thing — famine. But when your entire district has enrdled as members of the V. S. S. there isn't a move made by any Spy that you don't know of that very minute. Why? The entire sec- tion is informed' to be on the lookout. No SPY can get away from the NATIONAL SPY MOVE. To preserve your crops means to feed the nation; but to do that you must help the V. S. S. Millions of us are members; you join— NOW. Select a headquarters and begin the world's greatest war move— wipe our land free from the SPY espionage. Go to your prominent citizens; ask questions; start— NOW! Lock the door against SPIES and the war ends quickly. Tihe key is here— turn it! ID. (Abattoirs) American Slaughter Houses and Packers. If your meats are poisoned — after the U. S. Inspection — how do you sup- pose retailers are going to know about it? Only after the family doctor has been called in, and, in all probability, has to call in the Board of Health to prevent a plague. Who is going to pay for the loss of life, less the damage done? Spies v/ill do anything. How about ptomaine poisoning? Are you packers prepared to protect both yourself and this Government? You know that canned goods is a great asset to any army enroute, don't you? Do you think any Spies can get away with this — if your entire body of em- ployees are members of the V. S.. S.? I guess not! The health of our soldiery is put straight up to you, gentlemen. Will you heed the timely warning? You all know what can be done, and prevented, don't you? Encourage your entire firm to enroll — NOW. C)ur nation is in a turni'oil ; we are at war ; spread the news to all whom you know, and the nation will no longer hold one single — SPY. Join ! IE. (Apothecaries) American Druggists. Between prescriptions do you seal ali bottles which hold either component part drugs, or chemicals or soporific ingredients? This nation is at war, therefore it is necessary that you prevent any attempt on the part of SPIES from trying to put out of the way valuable citizens whose prescriptions you fill. This is done. You might just as well know it now. The public trusts you. But war is war, and that is the duty you must fulfill: Vigilance. Acci- dents mean the reputation of both your business, your name and the physician for whom you indirectly subscribe. Watch : Every ounce of medicine in your premise; see that your dispensing clerks are strong for the V. S. S. If not, find out why? You know what microbes can do to. any body of people. To spread plague is the Spies especial heart delight. Stop it ! Have no clerk in your employ who will not advocate the greatest move in history. You are one of the vital arms of the community. No honest clerk will hesitate a second to help pre- serve the public health. If so, as a member of the V. S. S., I advise you to not only report the matter to your headquarters, but to send out to all drug stores in that city (via headquarters) a description of this or those clerks. Likewise are they watched; and when they leave town the next branch is noti- fied. In this particular case all hospitals are duly notified. Notify the V. S. S. SPY PROOF AMERICA 19 at once of all sales of powerful drugs, and to whom, that doctors might have overlooked on the spur of too busy a moment. The dignity of a physician at times fools him; and in war time a SPY'S dupe needs a brace before committing an act of treason. You know how that clever vixen fooled countless "Benedict Arnolds," don't you? Well! In the good name of this nation be careful, and begin by joining the V. S. S. — NOW! Become one of the millions to cleanse this nation of, and forever — SPIES. Ask questions ! IF. (Aeroplanes) American Manufacturers of Aeroplanes. Of all plants the aeroplane shops is the place to find SPIES. It is of vital importance that the enemy know exactly what progress we are making and against the common foe. Therefore it is essential that this method be adopted — the V. S. S. Ail employees are then on an equal footing. If you then have a small number among the many who are adverse toward this great movement — well, don't you suppose thousands can make absolutely impossible, any treasonable move against the wilful few? Yes, sir! The sooner these names go to the V. S. S. office the better for the country; because all suspects are then under strict surveillance. A wrong move means an arrest. Querulous people in these plants must be watched : Maps are of value to the enemy. This war has only begun ; therefore, I make a special plea to the heads of these works, and because of the trust this government has in these same heads, to advocate this wonderful move of the nation to wipe off our part of the map, all— SPIES. When the eyes, ears and brains of one of these plants are working together, tell me : How do you expect any few can ever either steal designs, intrigue to blow up or arrange to do any damage to that works and during the entire war? It cannot be done. And so can you see tliat the V. S. S. shall be the guide to this nation throughout the great war into which we have now become involved. Our future: America, SPY PROOF. IG. American Bankers and Financiers. Bankers and financiers of note are the back bone of a nation during a war. You gentlemen, must learn not to take up any pen and place it near your lips. That is another Spy trick. Be careful that the paper you handle has not been sprinkled with any poisonous powder. Advocate the V. S. S. to all your employees; and pay much attention to those who frown upon this great national movement. Never mind how long em.ployed or faithful servants they are; you be sure of them now. — America needs you. Have some of the prominent mxcmbers of the V. S. S. pay you a visit in your home it may surprise you to get the version of your servants (to whom you seldom talk) and from a clever V. S. S. member. If they are wrong they are wrong; if right, they will read this and be natural; otherwise they will either prepare for the grilling or leave your service at once. And so do they go on record in the office of the V. S. S. Either way is a dead give away. They can't beat the most powerful movement ever put into operation in this or any other country. Make sure that you know all about your chauffeur ; accidents do happen. But they manifold during a war. Plave your relative take charge of 3'our household during your week-end this coming summer. Help sometimes bold strange meetings. Are you sure that you have a clear (no branch) wire running from your home — when you 20 SPY PROOF AMERICA telephone? Examine your animals: Diseases sometimes reaches the master^ of the home. Talk about the— V. S. S. IH. ( American ) Chemists — Laboratories. This nation, gentlemen, and as a solid body, looks to you for your_ inde- fatigable support. Problems of national importance will ask your genius to solve them. Our imm.ediate future surety-shop, and with much weight, will rest upon your shoulders. Are you ready? Your secrets of state and firm privacy are wanted by SPIES. How do you propose to make impervious attacks against even your very self, let alone secrets of the government (in- trusted to you) or those of 3^our own or your firm's or, those of your arsenal? Conspiracy such as this is SPIES insane delight : Make them so morbid that the}'- become super-villainous. What must happen can be overcome — NOW ! When we actuate our present war move we may well prepare for the real SPY miove. So do I portray the premature movement against any such attack, or attacks. Take the utmost care in picking your assistants ; constantly discuss with them the merits of the V. S. S. _; suggest their becoming members : And to show results join yourself. Keep in touch with the V. S. S. office daily; telephone; have your assistants hear you ask: "What results have we today? This is NO talking," Then tell your assistants what news you just received from the V. S. S. Protect your nation. Every city in our land is doing likewise. No SPIES ends a five year war in just one year. No military or naval authority can rightly give other than this exact version. Remember : We save billions for America : It costs us : Only our honor and loyalty. II. ( American ) Chemical — Manufacturers. Without your able assistance no war could long subsist ; therefore, you must know that : Any cessation will prevent the rapid pursuit of this war of humanity; and that only inspired vigilance on the part of all units will spell "victory." It is of country-wide, indescribable importance that such plants as are these be so protected that even the very thought of destructive action against them capture the inmost, the very hearts and souls and combined brains of all solid loyalty within, that they may remain vital to our progressive, righteous, free land. Print down into your very spirit — you of the chemical plants, I mean — this thought : You are part of the war ; your service is war ; your country needs you — every one of you ; and an accident means not only pain to your loved ones at home, delay to your output and loss of your salary, but, a. serious impediment to your country, and to your — flag. All this can be evaded by becoming an active member of the V. S. S. — NOW ! With every^ one of you a member of the greatest silent army in history, how long will it take to wipe SPIES out of your plant? Make yourself a V. S. S. You have the authority then to report to your headquarters all suspects. So will every man in the plant do likewise. This is co-operation. In a flash you have 3^our suspect ; the eyes of the plant are on that SPY. And so is that SPY watched nigiht and day. Everybody wants to make that arrest. Why?^ Because you are an enrolled member of the V. S. S. You will be recog- nized in every part of this great country. Start to talk about it. Ask about the city headquarters. The world's greatest force— JOIN ! IJ. Civil Service: State, Inter-State and Local. Teachers : Ask your pupils many questions of their home life. You have SPY PROOF AMERICA 21 no idea of conditions that might come before your notice ; children remember things. And the most innocent remarks at times lead to the greatest clues of disloyalty and against warring natiions. Of course, this requires great judg- ment on the part of all teachers — whom they ask, I mean. I can only trust to your diplomacy. Every one on the Civil Service pay roll— Dept. of Bridges, Public High- ways, Parks, Docks and Ferries, Water, Gas and Electricity; Dept. of Street Cleaning .and Kindergartens. And all clerks whether State or local : This nation is at war ! You swore allegience to your present appointive duty — well, why not to your country; and now? Every one of you can greatly assist in making this entire nation SPY proof. Hesitate not one second to ask any suspicious person exactly what they mean by acting in that way which you term suspicious. Meet the leading people in your hom_e office ; discuss the gravity of this gigantic movement; instruct anyone whose enthusiasm is much beyond their breadth of intellect. Work, yes — but watch your docks and your ferries and, by all means — your bridges ; and your water and gas ; and your electricity, too. Forget — for just a little while, your pleasures; and remember: That by throwing our solid spirit into tJiis movement, now, we are doing what it will take years to do, and immediate future years, too — "if we let the other fellow do it now." Never let this slip your memory: This country wants our service. The dignity of the nation prevents the asking of it. Can this nation pay us "five or &ix billions a year?" No! But our service gives that much to our allies. And our protection brings the war to an early and victorious close. Rise, America, rise to the pulse of modern times, and thought. Posterity is looking you straight in the eye ! Are you going to stand up under the great- est move in history? Become a member of the V. S. S. ! JOIN! IK. (American) Department Stores. Every employee in this line of business can novv^ make a name for either sex self. The flower of your community purchase over j^our counter and daily. You come in contact with all classes and hourly, each day. It is a positive fact that SPIES have been known to, and are working — ^this minute, in our greater department stores. W^hy? Because it is the one big medium of the many channels through which these SPIES cultivate acquaintances whose closer friendship leads to the germ which develops indirect, foreign propaganda. Once a clever, an intellectual foreigner, or their equally intelligent (though adventurous dupe) procures the warm friendship of any international sympa- thizer you can be sure of a planting that will take some ploughing to again root out of the brain of the easily led person whose carelessness led to so venomous, merciless mal-friendship. This practice is not only one of their great successes, and today, here In America, but in every single nation on earth where they can get o foot hold, and today. American folks, weigh your true confidence ; make sure that you talk sympathy with only those whom blood claims a holy-tie — your family. Keep your eye on both the distinguished working girl who tells you that her relatives lost a fortune abroad, because of the war; also the misled couriers whose promises — for liielr aid will never be fulfilled, other than for the greed of a few traitorous dollars ! Don't permit of any one to help use good American- ism as a stepping stone that they might attain their aim ; instill into your minds timid thoughts : This is a war of humanity and freedom onl}^ The future of us all belong to our country, and the only way to protect that free- dom is by loyal vigilance; nothing else will accomplish it. We must become a "unit." Never mind your store detectives ; forget them ; so many can only watch SPY PROOF AMERICA SO many; but the V. S. S. watches every living soul. Honor your country by your active service. Save the head of your concern sleepless nights. Have him honor his employees, too. Visit and enroll in your home headquarters — now. Tell America that we are awake to all emergencies. Your activity helps suppo.rt the Army and Navy save this nation many billions, end the war and reduce the expenditures, and with honor and victory. From the wrapping girl to the delivery boy: Keep your eyes open for all people who at/tempt to advocate anything that intimates intrigue against the good and sacred graces of the country, in or out of your place of employment ; take especial pride in reporting to your V. S. S. anything that bespeaks of plotting, or treason ; watch your country's future ! Get together; talk about and join the V. S. S. AT ONCE! 1 L. ( American ) — -Employers. Since it is the will of God that this nation shall have become the greatest of all liberty loving nations upon thfs earth, and that all people are considered as equal, and where the press voices the sentiment and convictions of all the people all of the time — it is your solemn, soul and holy duty to gather around you and in the name of this Government, all of your family : And your em- ployees : And to say to them in a voice strong as you hope your business shall remain sound : Having brought before our notice and in these chmatic days of botth history and humanity, who can deny the power of what shall yet become the financial saviour of our entire, immediate resources — the new child of the republic — the silent army of the V. S. S.? Who can deny that the making of a nation Spy proof ties one hand of any enemy? Nor can any one deny that the crippling of an enemy cuts the war in half, because to so deny means that you are not abreast of modern times. And today we must march not only abreast of the times but far ahead of them ; otherwise we retrograde. This must not happen ; it cannot happen ! The secret of our home success has been placed before us ; we have but to grasp it. I, myself, wish to declare that my full services are hereby freely given to the great army of the V. S. S. An equal action on the part of every member of this concern shall be honored not only bv mvself, or by this state, but, I am sure, by the Government of the UNITED STATES. Place on the roll of honor, here, in this city, your name. And may God bless you one and all. IM. Ecclesiastic — To Every Pulpiteer on American Soil. The house of God is ever behind every movement that bespeaks of right- eousness. It always has been, it always shall be. A Belgium V. S. S. would now find Sitanding as erected, and not in solid mass of debris their churches. The world knows this to be a fact. Learned men who stand behind the pulpit equal the world's greatest wisdom. Nor do I fear, and in the face of foreign devastation, their voluntary advocacy of the great army that might, and through their sole constancy to our country be instrumental in the prevention of what could really happen, and in the traditional wake of foreign destruction. War is war until that war is ended, wholly so ; it is war until the end has been announced ; an end which is as yet intangible. There must be a beginning to everything; and some one must take the initiative. In the house of God I look to his disciples to come forth with the timely warning. I look to you, disciples, 'to tell your congregation that the giving of their true conscience to this great niovement is equal to the giving to their God their undivided devotion, their souls, spirit, all ! I also look to SPY PROOF AMERICA 23 you, disciples, to preach the true category of the present time — ^that right today means to obstruct feigned might only gracing the universe in the haunted- background of right; and that to not obstruct this sudden, mad lily white desire for devilish power could mean (and I am not writing in the supersti- tional) the falling of a shell upon the steeple o'er the very roof of the house of God in which you send forth your heavenly messages. Throw back your robe and speak not the voice of God, but that of the nation. This nation whose industries carry, and through their children, your churches, has been challenged ; their peace molested ; and so I ask your sanc- tion of the V. S. S. Will not you holy men of the church advise in the making of America SPY proof? IN. Farms — Daii'y and Depots. It is imperative that you, gentlemen, instruct your general hands in the ability of the V. S. S. that you preserve your entire output, both in health and purity. You must admit the gravity of the thought which tells you how very possible it could be to devastate your service. Health inspectors are in nowise numerous as flies ; they can not be ever3^where as can the activity of the V. S. S. Bacteria can be spread, and by SPIES, over night. And you well know what can result from such a daring defy in favor of noxiousness ; how, above all else, infant America would suffer. Why could not every milker on your farm be found stiff on the floor of your barn stall, tomorrow morning? What precaution have you taken against even arson? Do you know what a milk famine means to an at war nation? Surely, you know. You are now feeding through your industry countless of children whose maturity will figure among those who shall yet hold the reins of destiny of this nation. And to be careless means to touch upon the power of those who, at this minute, are guiding stars of the immediate safety of this entire nation, of which you yourself, are an item of its citizenry. To have your general help enroll as members of the V. S. S. you accom- plish, this : Everyone is looking to the full interest of not only your safety and success, but that of the nation and the populace. Farm hands, drivers, depot and branch store hands, v/ill know of the power, dignity and vigilance of the V. S. S. and act accordingly. You, are happy. Discuss it — NOWM We will spread our force across the American continent. It costs only our honor. Every city shall organize ; the army has been formed ; and we are Spy proof ! Join. lO. Food Stuffs — Makers. I don't care whether you have taken the utmost precaution in the pres- ent sealing up of your product — ^^added to your force of watches, I mean — you will never equal the service presented to this entire land — and by 3'our entire workers — as that which is now in the making and by the V. S. S. No Spy can long endure in the way of checking your output — compare it with emissary reports and, by way of certain assignments, have them later reach the statis- tician who reports our internal strength — and to the common enemy — if the plant you operate members are united into that most wonderful "all American move in our history — the V. S. S." So soon as the classes learn that they represent what concerns all classes just so soon shall the unanimity of its power flash across our land and with the speed of purpose equal in dignity as is our most blessed word— democracy. The worlds future depends upon our today, and tomorrows carefulness ; 24 SPY PROOF AMERICA and it can be covered by us in one way, and only one way — the heart of America way: A heaUhy way; and a SPY proof way. I, myself, the author of this book, will gladly address any and all places of employment in this country — free from cost — and preach the gospel of the V. S. S. We need it! When your nation thinks at home as the boys fight at the front, why — you win! We must think of only one thing — victory. Keep your foodstuffs free from poison! Remember: The soldiery and the citizenry eat your pro- ducts : Health wins all wars. Advocate this great movement; ask your plant to enroll, now; get rid of all SPIES! IP. American Factories. While we are at war, we are not yet at war proper ; for that very reason we now are in a position to prevent whatever sparks of intrigue that patiently rests in the smouldering brains of our uncanny, common foes, — and before they ever, make psychological the placing of the torch to their inhuman hatcheries. A wounded soldier is taken behind the lines ; but he never would have reached the line but for one reason — proficiently; the machine like regularity of our home industry. Suppose we become careless; what then? He, the soldier, would nev^er even have gotten far enough to receive his wound. Myth- ical as thi'S might sound it is, nevertheless, exactly what we must prevent : Outwit the fellow who plays the ruthless, no rule game : And by the eye, ear and brain of the V. S. S. ! Station a dozen policemen around a square block wherein a criminal is housed and they will arrest that person ; but if the entire households on that block were members of the V. S. S. I ask you : What chance would that same person have of escape? Settled. Now let us assume that block consists of one large factory ; that it is one place which output is of vital importance to our government ; and for that reason it must be kept up to capacity output? The owners won't dare admit a possible chance of intrigue against that plant; but the v/orry they pass through cuts the rest of their lives in half ; and the men that operate that plant, or women, grad- ually scent danger, and, therefore, endeavor that in the event of same shall strive to protect, and only — number one ; because it's only human nature. WTiat then? You face an any minute "stampede"; because it's only nature. Now we change the scene : We see the owner come into the plant all smiles ; he goes to the nearest box, mounts it, and calls out to his fellow- men : Members of the V. S. S. ! — You have honored your country by your loyalty to your flag ; you have done a great thing. I, too, am proud to say that I am enrolled in this greatest of all modern history movements. May we so stand together that we shall perish from our land and forever, all SPIES ! Our nation has the last word in protection. And so with a new spirit may we forget our imaginary timidity of yesterday. In the name of the nation of the flag we love, I say to you, one and all : God bless you ! You may then stop worrying; for this land shall become Spy proof, and by the V. S. S. ! IQ. Hospitals — State, City and Private. Delirious utterances voiced in illness should — according to the prestige and nationality of the patient, I mean — be recorded during a state of war ! Nurses of reputation have overlooked the importance of this tangible, re- search war file. All trained nurses should know that they can greatly assist the V. S. S. Dispensaries should be placed under constant guard, and all medical depart- SPY PROOF AMERICA 25 ments proper should be locked. Night nurses should forget to become even drowsy ; we can't chance it. Suspicious patients who pay to have mail dropped for them should cease; and only nurses can stop it. See to it that private rooms hired to "run down" patients are not used for meetings in private and of a treasonable nature. I am telling you what I know about SPIES. People of the medical world need only their cue. They do the job up good, too. Suspicious notes passed over a sick-bed ? — can be traced very easily : One designated unit daily can pass her chart — if necessary, to No. 2 — and return shortly with the address of the departed? Report it to the office of the V. S. S. Ward nurses: Keep your prescriptions under lock and key; unlocking a chest is easier than curbing a plague? Private nurses: Enroll in your district hospital. They may need you ; because big offers now to keep you in private life means to lessen the service ; and to those now in the service : Lookout for those grand offers and with big salaries elsewhere? Student nurses are more easily fooled — so we should think our foes believe. This also appHes to our student doctors. Don't let yourselves ever forget that we are at war, and that we need you — all of you; and that with the hospitals of America lined up strong for the great movement of the V. S. S. we are not only the greatest protected nation on earth, but — SPY proof! Big business heads who are one of this great army will invite you, doctors and nurses, to visit their plants to discuss health conditions ; and, therefore, you will find that you shall now be able to greatly honor not only your mem- bership to the V. S. S. but your profession, in that you will address great throngs of workers in the art of personal health preservation and war time carefulness. Join the V. S. S. ! IR. American Hotels. No real American wants to be guilty of residing in that hotel wherein plots are in the making and against this country. Modern hotels have thousands of rooms beneath a single structure. _ These same hotels never have more than one head, and from on to four assistants, house detectives. No hotel can afford a larger staff. Now the minute you mention, and to the entire staff, that the V. S. S. is covering every hotel in this country, that minute you get results. Before this great movement became a fact no one or more persons would undertake the authority to infringe upon the privacy of conspiracy; no one seemed to care. But the moment you make a movement national that moment you make it individual. Being at war we have turned our nation into a solid, safe and sane secret service force, and over night. Every city office officials will see that no guess reports become active ; which method will make our great order real, and not— theoretical. Wise heads will weigh things before passing them to that ultra body — U. S. S. S. And so: Switch board girls will keep in touch with the desk; the desk with every maid — and all bell and page boys; and the maids, in turn and with the desk. House detectives always have been busy watching crooks. They now can concentrate. Waiters, bartenders, counter tenders, checkers and coat girls — every hotel employee forms a part of the great body unit, the SPY proof unit of the V. S. S. Useless as they have always been, and to every country converts to the harlotries, and their less useless parasites — whose presence maim every decent hostelry— are requested to try and respect this great order- by keeping their names off the rolls of the V. S. S. (This is a special request by the author who loves their absence.) Now: With the entire staff, V. S. S. — and all guests— transients at home 26 SPY PROOF AMERICA in every city — you have the solving o£ the greatest American obstacle in the palm of your hand ; killing— SPY moves ! Get together, hotel men, assist, locate ; build up the guard behind the firing lines ! IS. American — Horticulturists and Florists. Examine your flowers. See to it that no strange insects infest your growth. You are fully aware — ^v/hen brought before your notice — what certain insects can do to our flower lovers, particularly those who thoughtlessly — or through habit — place them again&t their nostrils? Advocate against this habit during the war : It's a SPY trick 1 We can't have any of our big men and women on their backs — waiting for the family doctors to discover a new way to saw through the human skull ; we certainly cannot ! So to prevent it all you have but to stop smelling flowers. Florists : There is no good reason for your hesitancy — you won't lose a single customer ; so go ahead — and tell the public to stop smelling. War means health and we're going to WIN ! The only cost to any member of the V. S. S. is honor to your country and flag. Our activity saves the nation billions ; and those billions, per-year, figure it out — would, if the nation had to pay for our service, support our Army and Navy. This way we make SPY proof, gratis ; and the amount actually saved permits of the nation to so finance OUR ALLIES that we are assured of peace on earth — yes, and forever. That is what you are doing, America ; now, and for — christian universe. Look at the movement straight in the eye ; make up your mind, talk about it, and — enroll ! IT. American Inventors. Since your nation is at war it, therefore, behooves you to practice reticence. Yours could be ithe one invention that your country needs ; but it also could be that one which you could awaken to find destroyed. Blame one of your jealous friends is about exactly what you would do. Friend gone — invention gone. If you had not confided in your friends' (which is natural) they could never have so innocently boosted your genius to one of our foreign emissaries, a— SPY! You see. now what I am getting at? We have been taught to be- come careful, perforce; to do otherwise v/ould be to sacrifice the future of our posterity ; this we cannot, dare not even think of doing. For this reason the silent army is now in the field. Inventors, to be such you must first possess an imagination. Weigh it ; use it — tell all whom you know that you are an active member of the new national child — ^the new iron clad baby of this nation — the V. S. S. ! And may God grant its progress. lU. American Miners. Gentlemen of the Mining World : Your prolific output substantiates all wheels of American industry, both directly and indirectly. Without your services we become an immediate retrogressive mass of impotency. To invalidate your industry is to but court the instant embarrassment of your many families; financial suffering. You all know what you are to this government — what you mean to it, at present — now. Nor have you ever before, in the history of this — ^or any other nation, come _^face to face with that problem which can so very easily solve the "SPY" propaganda; that awful menace that has worked so smoothly SPY PROOF AMERICA 27 (daringly) and in our very midst, and for the near past three constant years. America can solve anything when put to the acid test. We have been challenger by that same test, now ; and equally fast have we had the extreme pleasure to step upon the highways of our free existence and with one mighty shout, call out: WE are ready; our die is cast: Come on you SPIES! You are called upon by the mightiest army on earth to assemble in your district! Shake hands across the American continent; link and interlink our great, broad chain against any and all SPY methods ; that we may pave the way to future love, progressiveness — liberty; and for these things and as one, let us rise; rise ! And upon you and for all time shall smile the great and earthly gods of peace. Elect your competent officers for the V. S. S. Locate where you may com- municate and at once with all sub and inter-city branches. Organize your entire district. Learn to fully realize that our com.bincd effort can cut this war in half; that intrigue must go and at once; that war will cease; our resources will remain intact ; loans shall revert to us, freedom to the world will come, and to us — ^lioly peace. But to get these things we must fight like our foes tried to treat us — but not with the same bludgeon — no; but with our combined vigilance and our brains. The V. S. S. is equal to the task. Avow yourselves to its membership, you Americans, and now ! Forward march ! For labor, for future dignity, for right — V. S. S. ! For- ward march ! And until that day when we again lower from the masts our American flag, let there be no halt in our vigilance — no command other than: Afarch — march — march ! Enroll ! IV. American Merchants. You, gentlemen, are in the best position possible to devote yourselves to the cause of the movement which will, eventually, permit of you to look into the faces of those whom you love and say : "Our wonderful activity has brought this Avar to an early close. But for our allied constancy to both our flag and our country, we might even now be in the midst of our only near past world's conflict. That's exactly what the impression of our mind masses will be and shortly after the war. For that very reason we must not dare neglect our immediate duty to the V. S. S. To so do is to but tamper with the golden lock that hangs conspicuously upon that gate to freedom, behind which lies the road that leads to all-time flowery freedom. Dispose of your mental wares that you may add to the glory of the move- ment which you so proudly represent, that you might stimulate the apprehension of all well considered SPY attempts against any and all arms of American preparedness. When you give your conscience to this movement you enter as an equal, as is the spirit of your country, as an ardent member in history that knows only the term impartiality ; where men, women and boys and girls — all are equal in this great order; equal in the combined desire to create a world- wide phrase, SPY-,proof America. Start to discuss the movement. Inquire of your nearest office. Go there and enroll. Make it a point to become active, now — it means the future of the universe ; so advocate it ! Teach its gospel to your children. Awaken from somewhere amongst our midst that dormant genius which shall arise, and over night, to flaming heights of leadership. Opportunity is knocking, people, so cast aside fetters which, heretofore, mocked your inner attempts at fame back into that ghost-like state of inertia — and rise! Breast of the times holds out to you all the sacred cross, liberty; and the laurel wreath of honor — an active membership in the spirit movement, V. S. S. ! NOW ! 28 SPY PROOF AMERICA 1 w. Munition — Plants. No longer think that j-our dail}^ toil distributes to the world implements of dire destruction, epistles of death, torture and the like, for it absolutely does not. To those whose thirst for fiendish desire could not be appeased even by the holy passages in scripture we herewith place before that identical (those) a new American bible : The book that reads of passages that count. Through a free nation we have an inner ruler whose laws are written in ink erasible only upon death itself — ^when our children rewrite it : The super- law of American conscience. Look up at the cold stone over your workshop door tomorrow as you enter upon your daily toil. What do you see? Only plain, cold stone, eh? Look again; look hard! From behind your first glance you feel a faint prompting, an urging ; then, your eyes give way to the gods imaginary : Mythical ! Inscribed o'er that outer door transom you read the sacred words of Christianity: "Those who enter here perform only the saintly duties of universal peacefulness." You, gentlemen, are moulding together, and with every shell, a new brick in that endless road of democratic, world wide desire : Th imperturbable road to quiet, no fear of attack or intrigue, days of innocently free and independent tomorrows ; gloriously countless years upon years of tomorrows : Millions upon millions of years to come. All things else have been tried. They failed. And as the last resort, we, too, have had to proclaim ourselves the new disciples of His last infinite request : Peace on earth. And we are going to preserve that peace even if we must adorn that imiage robe of Christ Himself. Since wisdom of a very Solomon has been called weakness, we can do naught else but build our pulpit behind the cannon's mouth. Men of the munitions plants : With every dispatched shell so have you spoken a new word, in a new way, and through our new national bible. And in the near future our new book will be new American history. Meantime we must not allow any SPY work cause any kind of industrial cessation. Be care- ful ! Blown up plants and dead people will hold up the quick printing of our bible — the reading of freedom in free lands. I write these words as a prophet from the masses, and only with my country in mind; and its golden future liberty. To have our industry, and as a man, turn V. S. S., means this : Author- ity to think and act in all cases of suspicion ; to know that the nation is behind your vigilance; that your plant, and from the owner to the newest man are members of the V. S. S. And that your headquarters acts in all reports and zt once. That's the power that stands behind the V. S. S. . . . and it shakes hands across this whole nation. The nation will love us for our loyalty; our organization, known around the globe. Perish your fear; your plant is buzzing with the new power; every man is a V. S, S. ! Heads of your concern will join; they will honor you; and you — your country. Pass the world of solid suspicion to your nearest brother member. In an hour the plant knows just v.^ho the SPY is. Later, your office. Spies are dealt with accordingly. But be sure that you make no mistake in your suspicion. Rise ! The nation is with you ; all America is with you ; so rise, men — rise ! And make America SPY-proof . Enroll ! Now ! IX. American — Manufacturing Plants. Regardless of your station in Hfe you may now become an equal member of one mighty organization which membership is the cornerstone of our popu- lace ; an order w'hich slogan shall be: Masses' brains combined that the genius of the many may evolve into the sensational execution, and be construed in the SPY PROOF AMERICA 29 entirety, as being the direct national accomplishment of a conscientious unity— the V. S. S. ! Citizens in mind, but not yet in naturalization, listen: We of America look to you for what you can give to us in both freedom of spirit and endeavor; for the test of your real zeal and love for that flag under whose banner you have long since forgotten, insofar as constancy be concerned, as being your permanent home— your birth-land. If you have so both done, and thought, your loyalty to the V. S. S. proves it beyond all doubt. You are therefore, as part of us, invited to join in and with us, in the wrapping around your soul, and now — the true sentiment of the new army the V. S. S. ! All Americans understand ; others can see and feel the meaning of the pro- tection of them and by our dignity; whidi is suffice to make them rally to the new order of national obliteration of all SPIES, and for us all and for all the time — forever. Whether at home or in your place of daily livelihood, keep before your mind's eye this constant thought: Never overlook anything that might mean the leading up to the direct destruction of either your place of business— by fire or otlier method — or some public or private arm of the government which swears to protect both you and yours, and for always and during your citizenry to this nation. Is not this only proving that you love the honor of returning only that which you have received — free protection? We are now engaged in giving all of our resources, if needs be, to continue that protection : Will you not uphold this sacred right? We are, as a body, and from coast to coast, behind this almighty move- ment ! V. S. S.— Now! 1 Y. American- — Navigators. The submarine is something that we will overcome. No sleep will Ameri- can genius lose over the thought of this thing becoming, and an early one, too —fact. What we must always worry over has now been solved— getting rid of aboard ship — SPIES. Therefore, that past worry having been solved, we now 'have only to tighten around all methods of navigable intrigue, our chain of priceless vigilance— the V. S. S. Navigators and crews : Let no one ship whose slightest action comes under the title of sound suspicion. All ports in our land will acknowledge as official priceless vigilance — ^the V. S. S. Should you overlook suspicion before your departure of any one or more persons, I mean— ^why, make sure of your wireless operator. This done, have him flash the nearest port — iwhose U. S. S. S. will meet and relieve you of your SPIES . . . and affidavits of said of methods treason. Then make your des- tined port. Always inform passing s'hips of your every arrest; it will add to their vigilance. This means both ocean and inter-ocean liners, as well as all our tourists, state and inter-state— in fact, all things that float and to traffic. Con- traband cargoes will, I feel sure, be — if reported by any member of the V. S. S. —highly commend ever by the most dignified holders of the nation's most im- portant office powers. (Hoist, and in some conspicuous boat part, j^our new loyal guidon— V. S. S. !) Never let carelessness cause you to fail to discuss this great movement to all of your crew, and daily — and take it up with all passenger members — ^you captains ! Welcome in every port, it is advisable that all crew members enroll in their home port ; as it then gives a broader working knowledge of the order, and from a many port viewpoint. Selves, families, nation — the great move protects us all. Talk it over daily ! 30 SPY PROOF AMERICA IZ. American^ — Oil Wells. Gushers can be destroyed in many v/ays. The most disastrous way being that of the use of dynamite. Close by the sudden flow diere will be found, if the ground is examined, and after any such catastrophe— were it to happen — ramified electric wires. These wires are heavily dhargd. Result : Explosion ; then conflagration. SPIES do not work in the singular — oh, no, never have — attacks are done in the plural. And for that reason I warn all industries (and not only oil wells) whose interest is centered, either wholly or partly on oils, to be careful. This is one branch of our national industry that we must keep intact from any and all SPY moves. Well fields, local tank containers — I specify the conduit met'hod. Think hard ! We are face to face with the system by which all dangers can be overcome, and now ! The world's greatest SPY rake will soon scratch across our dear continent. Equally fast Vv-ill that same be heard around the Christian world ; and, also, shall it fall upon the ears of lost effort people of intrigue, with a force heavy to so shock the cerebrum of this same people as to stagger even their arch reason! To all those whose efforts engage in the co-assistance of keeping the wheels of this government so greased that no cog can ever become SPY Vv^edged for even one hour, I say : Never allow your nation — in war time — to suffer the danger of submission to even temporary brain fag — and no men is an indefatigable super-thinker which is the exact reason of the necessity of the service of the V. S. S. : That greatest thinkers of this nation may be given the chance to temporarily think, and deeply and carefully and fully and trul}-, between the lines. The constant vigilance of the V. S. S. will permit of our higher officials to so indulge in this pleasure; so plain, dear America, isn't it — that even they need rest; and our help? You of the oil field, mobilize ! Dispatch your names by courier to the nearest office ; anyway — even via Paul Revere route— to count your flag's stars, and look — straight into the patriotic eyes of the future of us all — America. Join— now ! 2 A. American Oftice Buildings. Had your eye on so and so for a long time now, haven't 3^ou? Huh! Guess there isn't anything wrong with ? Never would have said that had the V. S. S. been in the big SPY move field, would you? Well, you are now able to resent any such action, so go ahead! Office buildings are the mecca for certain SPY incubators whose feigned lawfulness alm.ost succeeded in their inexpHcable attempt to sanction our in- nocent lethargy against any too hasty entrance into a proved too greater delayed, absolutely inevitable conflict. Watch these arch, saintly, well supplied with money, though triple robed, foreign, gifted legists! Beyond eye for eye: Their orders. Where they are so are their wires, or ears in touch with your private business. And we are the host of a quarter of a million of them ; plus at least three dupes per SPY. There are only three men to every woman, too. Look out for that vixen ! Only information against your country is their sole aim. Which also means disruption. Heads of all offices: From the lobby to the roof, advocate to all, the V. S. S. ! , , ^, , , T SPY dupes usually work; so some one must employ them. That s why 1 say: Enroll Now! SPY PROOF AMERICA 31 2B. ( Officialdom ) — State. Political brains of this nation: You acquaint yourselves with, and daily, the prime intellects of this country. Of course, you also meet distinguished for- eign gentlemen. That distinguished foreign coterie is, I suppose, very bitter against all SPIES ! But! this nation is at war. It therefore behooves us to just and only listen. The best way to teach a SPY a master lesson is to put the combination on the entire state and national utterance safe. Henceforth, all personal questions may be bovved out of, and most apologetically, and with only one thing in mind: Should that person ever again attempt to even intimate the prosecution of an already restricted answer to any question relative, directly or indirectly, or touch- ing in any way on so delicate a subject as war, I should con.sider that person as capable of being placed under the surveillance of the V. S. S. So gifted are these ladies and gentlemen in the art of taking advantage of the psychological moment that only the m.ost carefully prepared conversational- ist can overcome their arch feign at common foe antagonism. Some people hate to think that they may wrongly accuse. Suspicion is sus- picion, though, and war means the tombstone to timidity. The SPIES' delight is to mix with the family of the acquainted statesman. There is a reason for everything, yoii know ; and also, a greater reason for overcoming it. Officers, don't; see to it that your staff don't talk.. Help make America SPY-proof. You gentlemen can do it. Advocate the power of the great army -the V. S. S. ! 2C. American Physicians. Never before, gentlemen, has the history of your profession offered a more splendid opportunity to assist your country than at this time. As a body you can make yourselves loved b}^ the entire membership of the V. S. S. Countless are the times that yoiir good offices have been visited and by persons wide open to suspicion. Your bible w^ord is reticence, I know ; but your country's name is, at present — War. \Ve ask no divulgcnce of professionalism, no, not that — but your SPY-proof wisdom. The combined brains of the nation for the nation is the nation's present need ; a medical knowledge upon which degree we can pivot our prov/ess that we might so substantiate all possible SPY moves as to render impossible action on the part of these "no man's land" culprits, is our especial desire and through the patriotic aid of your ever highlv essential pro- fession. When you belong to the V. S. S. you will more fully realize that part of your honor to 3^our country will be to strongly advise both your contact nurses and neighboring druggists against any method other than loyalty and to the world's greatest war movement, the V. S. S. You, too, should resolve that this nation shall bcomie SPY-proof; that you hope to lecture on the event; that you will become part of it; that all previous hesitancy is dead ; that you have lived again and in the flame of the new orders life. That you will strive to suppress contagious diseases, or plague; and that enactors of such shall suffer the discretion of the V. S. S. Tjaat attempts at state distress shall at once be dispatched to the order's office. That it shall he assumed that weaklings are subject to hire for property destruction — and for this reason are dangerous to any war time (say nothing of peace time) com- munity. Therefore, and to direct all SPY preventives against specific hirelings such as are these, it will he essential that all victims of "narcosis" be known to the members of the V. S. S. Doctors: Through the pulse of the flag the nation calls. Do you hear? Answer Now ! 32 SPY PROOF AMERICA 2D. American Preservers of Foodstuffs. You, gentlemen, are now the commanding chiefs of the greater percentage of the stomachs of Am.erica. War means that that country at war will, if subjected to a lengthy conflict, greatly rely upon all purveyors of the then indispensable com.modity— canned goods. I trust you all to accept your com- missions with spirit equal to that confidence which this nation deems necessarj to now thrust upon you — vigilance. Seal all your canned and bottle goods under the strict surveillance of the members of the new silent army — ^the V. S. S. Nor will you regret the loss of any order because of ptomaine poisoning, which blow at the delicacy of the masses is another master trick enactment from the SPY box. Also, will there be kept immune from any and all attacks, and during the war, your co-operative industry. That is in itself a credit to both nation and industry. Prevail upon the entire link members of the chain of your industry to as- semble, and as a solid chain, that they may mould themselves within the national, maze wide unity of the V. S. S. The eyes of health are upon you. Advocate — V. S. S. 2E. American Restaurateurs. Among your diners, and daily, hourl}^, 3''es, minutes, can be seen, imaged America. And to honor the prestige of so brilliant a patronage one must be- come WAR careful. How do you know just who it is that would, and by a journey to Heaven, meet with the approval of all SPIES? Usually we find that the innocent dispenser of service is back toward the SPY. Result : The loss of a war time celebrity^-which must not, but which positively can happen, and a business ; and reputation. Can either the nation or you afford this loss? No. Is not this a message of warning to all restaura- teurs? Yes? Well, take it then, and from whence it comes — a voice from the heart of America, a unit of the masses, an American. I would expect deaf ears to this warning, to ner-er forgive one's self for preventing what can very easily happen, but which can now be evaded, and by constant loyalty to the V. S. S. Don't let any SPY use your reputation as a medium through which method aim can be attained. Cashiers and house detectives can't be all over, and shouldn't be expected to be. But all restaurant help can be; thus we tighten the chain of national safety. Only your country and its future thought must 3^ou awaken in your very souls ; the protection of that emblem that must wave and forever, and in free- dom ; our flag. Let us stand together and, in one echo, send clear around the world, the voice of the iron guard behind the trenches : America and the V. S. S. stands ready to sweep clean and keep clean our country of all SPIES ! Members : Assemble to your order ! 2F. ^ American Ranch Owners. Prairie fires, cattle rustling, water and food poisoning, plague innoculation — all such tricks, arson inclusive — can now be blocked to either the emissary or Spy. Give a cowboy a gun and he will use it when he meets trouble ; but tell that same cowboy that the nation honors him as a unit of loyalty to the national Spy movement ; that his activity helps preserve the food of the nation — 'what then? Why, he stops waiting for possibilities. He can't help it; 'it's traditional ! And with the nation behind this movement, strong in the West as it is in the East, equally strong are all roads which lead to the Golden Gate — ^SPY proof. SPY PROOF AMERICA 33 And so can we sa}- to all "beneath the skin" x\mericans : The future of your nation is safe! But we can not begin by tolerating either supposition or con- jecture; nor can we even start to idolize the imaginary; we must clasp hands against what we know positively could happen, has happened, is this minute happening, and which happenings can be wiped out only by the entire nation turning— V. S. S. ! Thus you have the plain picture painting before your very eyes ; no sane person can deny facts, and those who know, will not; and so do we teach the lesson, and to the world : Not only do we give an Army and Navy, but we support it in this way : Air tight against SPIES cuts a war in half ; resources remain intact; debts reduce one-halif, millions of lives are saved, and billions of dollars. There is the secret of the holy cross which you bear, your solemn duty to both America and the V. S. S. ! Will not all people behind the lines, and across the continent, membership it — now? Mobilize in your district! Our spirit will strengthen the soldiery, too! Join ! 2G. American Railroads. If our common foe delights in the thought of having intermingled the ranks of all enemies with their soldiery; if they claim as their art in military destruction, then I say — and to 3'ou of the four wheeled world : Not only can thev not invade our Army or Navy, but that they cannot even pierce the lines of the V. S. S. ! Gentlemen : You are so strongly entrenched and with the wisdom of the nation, and with its vital organs of existence — life, food, fuel, materials, min- erals — in fact all beings and things that make you into an already capable army — and second to that of the uniformed forces, that you have now only to con- centrate to overwhelm the most ghastly move emissary, and upon this soil and during our most worthy conflict ! Organize, and from your ticket ofhce to your locomotive engineer ; and let it be known that the eyes, ears and brains of the traffic world is open to de- tection of any and all things treasonable against this nation and during our armed array ; that the Railroads of America and to a man have gone — V. S. S. ! Forget entirely the very fact that there exists in your world a police force ; and for the simple and sane reason that these poor boys are even now doing machine work — and in every capacity in this country today; and that any greater request is beyond either their brain or physical prowess ; that sleepless speed already is their aim in honor to their flag. As a nation we relax, that they may breathe freely, and just for a few hours — and recuperate, the allies Police Forces of Am_erica. All forces, whether Government or State or City, will idolize your timely, human help. Ticket agents and depot baggagemen and porters: Stand together! Keep in the closest touch with your depot Police Headquarters ! All workers of the freight and sleeper yards : Look out ! Signal and ground switchmen : Make your new God that one to whom we must learn to bow—Vigilance ! Engineers and Firemen : Eyes front ! Don't look straight though ; use the eye axis — up and down and around; look hard, too — for you are now soldiers of the nation! Conductors and brakemen and porters : You are now members of the guard ; salute ! Keep in close touch with the passengers ; help them — they are mem- bers, too ; and will help you. After your inspection inform your engineer that all aboard looks safe this run. These men need aid and courage — now; they have families, too. If suspjcious passengers disboard — no matter where the point— notify that station (by 'written notice) — V. S. S. ! That is : _ Scratch down a description these people — you can know when they are leaving the train — and throw it to that 34 SPY PROOF AMERICA station (in charge) man. Being one of us he will know, or she. Suspicious characters may go ahead on the next train, stay there, or go back again — it all depends on the appointive place of meeting — to actuate their SPY work. Again, gentlemen: You are the guardians of our most vital organs! The national trumpet is blowing its true heart blast ! To those who hear : Fall in ! And so will march the army of the V. S. S. ! 2H. American — Railroad — Surface Car Lines. All street car line operators, such as motormen, conductors and inspectors, have an excellent opportunity to now exercise their most perfect ear shot. You never can tell just what you may hear, and relative to things that may lead up to things that might evolve a heretofore accidental overlooking of a SPY plot. You must learn to beheve that these people are located in every walk in our public life, and have been for three years past — and that we are now going to rid this country of them, and for good and all time I We've got to get rid of them — all at one time ; to leave one would be like leaving behind a few flies in July — an ill brain will certainly breed new eggs — so we might just as well make a clean sweep ! The answer: Make inquiries as regards the location of that office in your district. Don't hesitate a second to become known as an active member to the order whose specific and solemn duty is to obliterate all those whose endeavor has' been, and long since so, and against the heart freedom o^f citizenry America, to disrupt the eternal liberty of the cornerstone of universal idolatory — Ameri- canism ! 21. American Railroad — -All Subway Lines. From terminal to terminal you boys can shake hands with each other and in the name of the V. S. S. ! Never forget that a time fuse explosive is a perfectly, can happen, proposition. You say : We watch every one who enters and leaves. All right; fine! But suppose you were just looking into space? — against some obstacle trying to see through a crowd, or through "lights out" ebony darkness; um? A subway jam cannot be seen through; and everybody knows that ! But SPIES can I Before you leave your terminal, conductors, examine all mechanism be- neath those cars which you operate. Each man will then know that no car which he operates will ever hold, and secreted under either seat or car proper, any explosive. This settled, all track v/alkers will examine all walls and overhead architecture, together with that of all tracks, beneath all heaped material and in all darkened corners. Hollow sounds behind any subway walls proper might develop a few startling things, were they at once pursued, and during chaotic times. Rivers and mountains have been drilled through — why not walls? Station ticket offices : You get drowsy around three or four A. M. you of the night shift, don't you? If you did that nov/, and in uniform, you would be court martialed at once and on General Order charges ! Don't leave everything to the fellow upstairs. From now on, remember : Your nation is at war ! Every one who passes you by, and who looks suspicious, should be investigated at once! Alone? Telephone the next station. Try to designate the car that or those persons are riding in. You already have given the conductor the infor- mation. He will be on the look-out for next station assistance . . . provided no uniformed or known officer is at this time riding. Printed^ slips should be put in operation. The original writer can then keep a copy of his sHp, which will bear his capacity, time, place and number; station or car number, too. And so can the slip pass along until some authority can take it up for action. But you must remember that officers must account for SPY PROOF AMERICA 35 their time ; hence the sHp. But in all likelihood, you won't have to go that far : All around you and probably watching that same person, or persons, you will find members of the V. S. S. ! * This way the entire populace is behind you; all are one, a unity; and all for the one idea — our flag. Vigilance means a quick victory; negligence — strife and regret. Which do you choose? The only expense— your honor. Shake hands with the Stars and Stripes! And now ! 2 J. Residential — Travelers. Heretofore it was only traditional that you go to the morning paper for anv and all information as regards SPIES and their activities. Now all is different. You visit the V. S. S. office, show your card, the index is run over in a second, your name is located, and 3^ou are given the information that no newspaper can use or publish until we have given them that information, which is only after action has been taken by the Government Agents, to whom we for- ward ALL information. This courtesy is afforded all travelers whose home city CARD proves membership. And it is to this same office, regardless of jus't what city you might then be in, that you, Mr. Traveler, will file your re- ports, information relative to all SPIES. And so will you create a host of new friends, whose merits you will long cherish. This way we get to the bottom of things relative to our national SPY system. It will strengthen our method into the highest slate of continental efficiency, a broader field of exploit open to our brilliant young men whose firm integrity they hold in their hand's palm, and add to the general safety of this nation ten-fold over any and all past or present manifold efforts at SPY obliteration. Nor shall this nation every fail to thank all those whose citizenry vigilance work itself up into that wonderful, magical word of all words — love. Love is success. And the sooner we gather together our nation, form a love pact, and make 'that one and only glorious emblem our sweetheart, just so soon shall we have peace — with very high and distinguished honor, too. This is a WAR of individuality; no one can look straight in the face of the situation in its entirety and fail to do other than bow to the idol of truth in the acknowledgment of this, as yet to be learned, and I hope not before the door of Hght thought, negligence nemesis — fact. Since no two people ever think alike, even in those cases which cover what might be classed as being psychological coincidences, everybody, no exclusives, who fail to look with other than a heavy conscience, and concentrate upon the "greater than cannon roar" subject," SPY, will soon learn to become more friendly with the name, and with a life-long regret; and if a five year WAR tax which can be wiped out in two years isn't a serene regret— well, we have lost in the maze somewhere our entire sentiment, that's all! Remember that Spies can never so hurt this country as to annex Coney Island, but they can make us, and by their method, fight like hell and for our preservation, and for five long years! Do yoii want to pay those bills? Oh, no! say you. But that don't go in the alphabet; you do! And if you bought all the exempt bonds on sale you couldn't beat the market; you pay! Why? How? You know that Uncle Sam must be a smart chap to have raised so large a family, don't you? It really is beyond me — and, say— Dowie would be a piker! But letus go back to bonds. Sooner we clean the national slate just so soon will this issue of bonds be called in. You know how you feel about that mortgage hanging over_ that so and so piece of property around the corner, don't you? Longer you linger on the hard luck story with the mortgagee the more you pay! When a Government finds itself in hock it tries to get out ; it goes looking for the method by which the slate can be cleaned, and in a hurry! Because foreclosures are bad actors, are awful tragedies, and would, if enough took 36 SPY PROOF AMERICA place, exhaust the scidhtz powdter market, forgetting entirely that great, life shortening thought, poverty and exposure. A Government is run on the same basis : It will, if you allow her, call in BONDS ! This done, rehabilitation starts in on a tremendous footing, and resources again become intact, an essential which, unless it can be done, renders any coiuntry subject to vital exposure of arch, subsequent attack, and, henceforth — triple hell ! And the man whose editorials educated me will tell you — Arthur Brisbane! Should this happen, don't forget that we are at WAR — and that statecraft is only salesmanship — in the higher mathematics — and that it can happen, will happen — if they can stick it over — ^which means getting even for our present participation — what about the BONDS? Maybe your great-grandchildren will get them; and, maybe they won't! That's WAR! It's the mortgage stunt all over again! Why? Foreclosure means credit; lost — you lose. War terminates; nation heavily indebted; everything starts rolling; when, bang ! We are into another WAR- — China, Japan, Mexico — somebody wants a concession — they think we are caught napping; and we would be, actually speaking ; but, of course, we would also turn right around again, and — fight ! What would that sound like? A dream? You would know better then— and now is the time to prevent it. Weigh the possibilities ; loosen up on the liberty loan ; get results quickly ; get it over with, and — now ! You stop dreaming and waiting ; and remember : That a quick finish is going to prevent any and all nations from any and -all future attempts to even try to butt in on our calm, cool and collective methods of future general resuscitation. Each day at the track you see the previous day "Bookie" touting. Why? Over-confidence. That can, and it almost broke, England. That nation showed the world's mightiest wisdom imaginable to all future modernism by submitting to truth ; by casting aside all pride ; by trusting us to so benefit by that truth that we wall evade that same, awfully fateful stop— over-pride. And that is exactly what we are absolutely not doing. We have got to go by England ; either that, or stand still. And the first along that line is to get rid of every SPY on this Continent ! The next step — money; and the more you hand to this Government now, the quicker it will accomplish what we are after— peace with honor, victory. And the quicker you can sell your Bonds, or be sure of their future par ; but I if you are buying those Bonds other than with a WAR viewpoint, you are creating an act of conscientious treason; you are admitting that you have no interest; that you are playing i&af e ; and you will regret the day that you didn't think about America first — regret ! Nothing exempts our conscience, let alone a patriotic condescension in favor of mere money! This must be our bible: To see to it that we put this country in a position to clear their Bond debt soon after the WAR as possible, which will put the warning in the word DARE to any nation whose design it is to start something, and in view of the fact that we cannot fight at that time, because we owe too much money. If we linger a year, and France and England wants too much money, and can't get it, and lose, we don't get their billions upon billions that they owe us. Not in this decade, anyhow. Settled. That money, together wath what this nation will owe to the public, in Bonds, couldn't be paid until the foreign loan was replaced and as a simple matter of protection to ourselves. But the interest, yes. But for every hour and_ every dollar we spent and got we would have to pay the price — strife. And with the thought ever before us that this nation was subject to attack and by those who knew too well our circumstances, and because of a WAR which we did not go at with our souls, and forget the bigness of our pocket books. We must get up on our toes ; rise to the occasion ; do this thing quickly or live to remem'ber that we had a WAR that we cannot ever forget. And that means the dollar bill! SPY PROOF AMERICA 37 Make America SPY proof; take an active interest in the liberty loans—you might as wdll do it now as to know that later on you must do it or lose your freedom, a freedom of hard times that will make us look like we were bankrupt in regrets. The minute a nation asks for "five billions" and gets it in a day or two, this is the result :_ What's the use of fighting a nation busy fighting among them- selves in their effort^ to purchase Bonds? iVToral effect wins WARS, too; remember that ! But if we get together now, and go hand in hand, and kill the SPY move and give to this nation all the money they want, and when they v.-ant it— and don't embarrass our Treasurer, by having him tour the country to convince you of the fact that I have already made plain — we Vvill win this fight and in a hurry! Forget that we are in any waj' making an appearance; we are not. Wash- ington sees the writing on the wall; k asks your confidence; it can't give all its secrets ; bwt those State secrets are your future protection. So, believe America, believe ; take action ; think — and give, now ! The Bond issue, and the V. S. S. means : Quick peace, and love, and — liberty. Enroll now ! 3K. Residential— America. America, see to it that no home cm_ploys any person that appears to be under the influence of foreign SPIES, or that that male or female is not a direct SPY! This means all places of abode, whether apartm.ent houses, pri\'ate dwellings or countr}' seats ; flats, tenements or boarding houses. Apartment houses proper can so regulate their cognizance that every tenant cam be trul}^ understood both in method and visiting associates; and the elevator boys can act as sentries — and tips shouldn't let them forget that their country is at WAR; and I don't think that it will. Landlords ought to talk to tenants, too — they know what taxes mean. Ever^^body does. Solid American tenants should meet; a closer friendship dur- ing the confiict is an almost necessity; because co-operation is the best point in favor of the V. S. S. Private dwellings should know the history of their household ; and country seat owners should have a trustworthy person to prevent tany private conspiracy pact. Flats, especially those whose premises som.etimes ho'lds queer meetings — other th-an for just common gambling— ishould be made known, and their method of queerness. Tenement houses are a more or less mecca for the emissaries' dupes or the SPY. 'Careful consideration can ascertain enough knowledge from these side street dwellings to promptly consider whether or not they hold any one or more SPIES. It is but the weighing of their movements carefully that will convince any and all members of the V. S. S. just how far they can proceed before routine apprehension. But the boarding house is the identical spot to locate the very shrewd SPY. All boarding houses should know the element of their business indulged in, and by all persons who reside under the roof of a reliable household — in fact, I believe that all such premises will do their duty to the country wdio upholds their citizenry. Find mit who lives under your roof, and during the WAR. And all rooming houses and landlords too : Report all strange things and happen- ings to the office nearest your residence — the V. S. S. ! Every one is doing the same thing— and will keep on cleaning this land, and until peace comes to us again, of-^SPIES I How many of us have not already thrilled at the facing of the very thought of that horrible death? When we almost drown we only knov\^ one word: Help! .When the gruff character jumps out of the darkness and upon us, we think : This thing would kill if I dare resent. So you hand over your valu- 38 SPY PROOF AMERICA ables. Next day you report it to the police ; but it is past now, and you feel brave agiain. I ask you only one question : Excluding insanity, of course, how many murderers now in the death house are there who would think twice — if only they couild enjoy freedom all over again? They have had time lo weigh their thoughts, and in deep, soul deep, and heartmost logic? Carelessness now, and on our parts, places us in an even more distressing state than even those that have but to await the inevitable hour. But they know — we can never know — other than that invasion means a more excruciating, painful death. The menace of greed, once upon our shores — then what? Have you no imagination? Do you women court what I cannot write — inexplicable treat- ment? — knowing that the one and onh- climax can be but the glisten of the blood soaked bayonet? Would you like to see triflings — Americans — don't over- step adventure this time^ — 'Would you like to see your loved ones hanging in efligy? Forget al!l about that almighty dollar then, wouldn't you? Why? Be- cause you shall -then have awakened to a fact, a true state of affairs — and all because you wouldn't believe your flag ! Give all you had then, your persons — then your lives : And before your newly awakened, but to.o late eyes, you would see your men breathe their last ; and in the one eye — every eye, I mean- that everlasting flicker of sorro.w, mistake — death ! You can never doubt but that you would, were you only able to again rise, rise and as a body, one — shout : Our all to 3^ou and forever, all ! all — \\ oodrow Wilson, all ! all ! all ! In the name of Almighty God, why- — I ask, why — since we possess the same brain — only less clouded — I ask: A.gain I ask: VVhy not now, now, now! — in the name of humanity, now! Age cannot bring youth, but youth, age ; and so could young America be- come old. You must know that one year's sacrifice is greater than fifty retro- gressive ones ! Look out! — you screech in admonishment of all danger; but America, ah! — with only a strip of water between deafening, treacherous guns; mountain high — -WAR smoke in blood drop bigness ; and across water venom that has scorched our souls — what do you do ? Shame our s-pirit — our bible : Word wise our enemy of our new disease: That of lethargy. Cabaret nonchalance, listen you : Hear McAdoo is going to stump speech the Liberty Loan? And vixens: Discussing the honorable Red Cross: The one order whose valor bows onl}^ to women — and to on'ly just females it means: Distance : Enchantment. Tear great pieces out of the heart of dignified statesm.anship, if you will ; but it cannot deter the effort of that gentleman from whose Capitol desk you drag him — that he might save from themselves — you, and you! America — you! — that eternal freedom may reign. To those who will not hear military suicide can but be their only aim. Patriots : Assemble, less 3'ou dare to bathe in frightful mire, to that still chan- nel of calm, soothing, well balanced island of longevity : The mound of pride Liberty Bond ! Conscience tact your thoughts ; and with an orderless order — that of an overwhelming subscription for the veins blood of our republic. Bonds, have that silent but powerful heart throb of this continent, read: Dear Mr. McAdoo: You sit tight! . . . And the answer from this great man will likewise not be forthcoming, but ! and to those whose psychic power can read the very depths of his soul, only one answer possible can be made visible to the human eye: Quick peace; honor — and forever. 1 trust very member of the V. S. S. to never cease to advocate the BOND issue. The very heart's blood of our SPY-proof movement equallj^ shares of endeavor with that of rising to the subscription occasion, that we might sub- stantiate those before us, and in the trenches, with both that glorious fighting spirit fact, that we have met a'll demands equal to their capable progressiveness, together with the rendering impotent of all foe orders to their emissaries; SPY PROOF AMERICA 39 staggerin.c,^ their every turn; and with their helplessness comes the sad revelation of wasted propaganda funds, closely followed hy their l)ein<2: made to believe this fact: SPY proof America!— and the end of their Rainbow. Foremost in my mind and during the WAR lingers but one supreme, lofty thought — giving my full time and devotion to the spirit of this book. I cast to the four winds all things else, and my advocacy of this work shall not only be taken up, and by the hciart of young America, but find a choice spot on every household table in intellectual, patriotic America. Beyond me do I scatter all thoughts of monetary aim; for such an aim, and during a WAR, is but common treason : Guiltless am I. As they are issued so shall all my personal profits from this work go to the purchasing of Li'berty Bonds. Hence the waving o'er our land of that sacred, magic wand (called Peace) just so soon shall I sur- render "MY BONDS" to a gift fund, which fund shall accept all BONDS, gratis. And so_ shall proud America again hear our supreme EAGLE screech aloud : Posterity, your heirloom from us of yesterday shall read— 'neath mountain like words, and made human by golden morning sun rays, this im- mortal message: Hold high your heads, children; high — for you are debtless ! Evasion means invasion; we cannot look askance; it is too late — ^we must fight! Equally s'trong must be the impression vrith which we permeate the spirit of our soldiery, and our navy— that the flag pulse of the entire nation stands behind them; and, also, the Red Cross. This they must know: That we know, and appreciate. Libertv Loan and the Voluntary Secret Service — God Bless You Both ! FINIS. To those who are not called upon to enter into the active service of this great WAR, because of their ability to perform an even greatr at-home service, and all native citizenry. When tlie ver}^^ history — present day, today's — history of this gigantic organization becomes known, and our across the continent hand- shake becomes an early fact — and that will be soon — ^just so soon have we rightly begun to really end this world WAR. Heretofore, the left-behind hearthstone became the one altar of sorrowful throbs, the palace of thrills, shrine of pangs. In the name of our serene unity these heretic thoughts have now long since died, and with the declaration of WAR. And with these same old, dead thoughts of the remote past hastened into the distant background, so have we lived anew, and with that power which will serve us to concentrate, and fully so, upon the mightiest subject of our day — Our New Baby— the "Liberty Loan" and the "V. S. S !"— SPY PROOF AMERICA ! All big ideas must be carefully nurtured ; and so must this one be. While this infant is enjoying excellent health we must not dare think of it as being immune to illness, but carefully guard against it. Proper care now, vig- ilance, cannot help but gain our speedy and national long recovery — the keeping of ourselves from all future attack or treachery. The writing is plain ; it is written in red blood ; to not read it, and mountain wall against its progress means stone blindness. AMERICA : make your new bible the "Liberty Loan," your sacred altar — ^the "V. S. S !" And soon now, even the very birds will chirp PEACE. And our Country, the Troops, the Red Cross, and all humanity ,will BLESS YOU. ORDER BLANK J. FRANCIS LOGAN, 543 Seneca Street, Buffalo, N. Y. : Inclosed please find Money Order for TEN CENTS (money sent will be at the risk of sender), for which amount you will forward to me One Copy of "SPY PROOF AMERICA, or the V. S! S." I am purchasing a TWENTY- FIVE THOUSAND WORD BOOK. This book must merit the reading of a HUNDRED THOUSAND WORD NOVEL, made down into a text, less De- scription and DIALOGUE of same; otherwise I shall deem your edition as m.isleading. Sho'uld this happen I will fill out BELOW blank, return the BOOK, and by return ]\IAIL, accept the return of my TEN CENTS— no questions ASKED. A postage stamp is required (2 cents) with all single orders. Name Address. City State . . . Objection, or return money blank. Please return to Name Address . City State . NO TRUE AMERICAN CAN AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT THIS BOOK AUTHOR'S PROFITS TO FUTURE LIBERTY LOAN ISSUES.