"VICTORY" COOK BOOK. a a VICTORY" COOK BOOK. ^^^^^^^^^ 3 E '^YVXyO-' C.-^-.^^vt■^,.^, S^^c..^.- iiS^avi^ We may live without poetry, music and art ; We may live without conscience, and live without heart ; We may live without friends, we may live without books ; But civilized men cannot live without cooks. Price 25 cents. ALL MEASUREMENTS USED IN THIS BOOK ARE LEVEL. Qy^^^^■-p.—^^2^—e.y^-e^ SOUPS. "The onion is a homely plant, and rank as most that grows, And yet it beats, to mix with soups, the lily or the rose." Potato and Onion Soup. Four onions One quart milk Four medium sized potatoes One teaspoon butter Seasoning Peel four onions and four potatoes and cover with boiling water to which salt has been added, and cook until soft. Put milk in a double boiler and v'hen scalded add it to the water in which vegetables were boiled. Press to- gether and add butter, salt, and pepper to taste. Mrs. E. T. Carroll. Tomato Soup. Cook one can tomatoes, one pint of water, one teaspoon sugar, a little c love together for fifteen minutes. Melt in small frying pan two tablespoons butter or beef drippings. Add one small chopped onion and fry until light brown. -Add three tablespoons of flour and a little soup. Pour into to- matoes; season with salt and pepper and strain. Mrs. M. Dolan. Corn Chowder. One can corn One sliced onion One pint water I'our medium sized potatoes Seasoning Boil the corn with one pint of water and sliced onion twenty minutes, .^tirring occasionally, add potatoes sliced, and cook until soft but not broken; one pint of hot milk is then added, one teaspoon of salt, and one-eighth of a teaspoon of pepper and two tablespoons of butter. Keep hot until ready to serve. Mrs. Doherty. Dried Green Pea Soup. One cup pens Speck of soda Two quarts water Small piece of butter Seasoning Soak one cup of peas over night in cold water. In the morning add two |uarts of water, add sprinkle of soda, and simmer until peas are soft and can be pressed. Season liquid with salt and pepper and add two cups of hot milk and small piece of butter. Mrs. Donohue. Cream of Celery Soup. • One i)int hot milk One bunch of celery Two tablespoons butter Two tablespoons flour Seasoning One-half cup cold water Small onion Use the outside stalks and green leaves, and onion. Cook in enough boil- ing salted water to cover. When tender, strain and add hot milk, butter and seasoning. Mix flour and cold water, and thicken above mixture. Then cook until of desired thickness. Mrs. Tangnay. Mock Bisque Soup.^ One can tomatoes One quart of milk One teaspoon sugar Seasoning One slice of onion Thickening Cook tomatoes with one teaspoon clove and a slice of onion for twenty minutes. Mix a half cup of water with about one-ciuarter cup of flour. Add the above to one cup of hot milk and cook until thick, stirring all the time. Eoil five minutes, add one teaspoon of salt, speck of pepper, and two table- spoons of butter. Strain tomatoes and add a speck of soda; pour this liquid slowly into the mixture, stirring constantly. Serve at once. Mrs. Walsh. White Soup. Cut in small pieces two pounds neck of the veal or mutton. Put them into a saucepan with two quarts cold water. Cook slowly two hours, add !wo sliced onions and one turnip cut into small pieces, and cook gently one hour. Add one cup of cooked rice or barley. Season with salt and pepper, thicken with one-quarter cup of flour mixed with half cup of water. Boil ril least five minutes after adding this to soup. Mrs. K. Killion. Luncheon Soup. Use the stock from boiled mutton, cooking it down to about two quarts. Add a large cupful of green peas which have been previously boiled and slightly sweetened. Season with a teaspoonful of butter and add a little. [)epper. It is prol)ably salt enough already. Cook until the peas are soft enough to press through a coarse strainer, after which return to the fire and when hot enough stir in a coffee cupful of hot milk and serve immediately. Mrs. M. O'Donner.. Clam Soup. \\'ash the clams free from grit, boil them in a pint of water until they come from the shells easily. Take a small quantity of the liquor, add some milk, thicken with a little flour, and add clams. M. McLaughlin. Asparagus Soup. One hunch of asparagus Two tablespoons flour One pint of l)oilin_s; water Two tablespoons butter Two cups milk Use tips as a vegetable. Cut stalks into small jjieces, and cook in the boiling water until tender. T^ress through a sieve. Blend together the but- ter and flour in a sauce])an. and add gradually two cups of the w^ater in which the asparagus has been cooked. Then add the milk. To the above mixture add one cup of the pulp and when hot season with pepper and salt. Cook the soup in a double boiler and when of the desired thickness, serve 'It once. Mrs. Fitzsimmons. Canteen Potato Soup. Six potatoes, mashed Three cups iiot milk Two table.spoons flour Seasoning One cup cold milk One small onion, chopped Mix flour .^nd cold milk until smooth. Add three cups of hot milk and onion to this, and boil live minutes. Add three tablespoons butter, 1 tea- spoon salt, speck pepper and celery salt. Add potatoes and strain, stir until smooth and re-heat. M. M. D. Fish Chowder. Two pounds haddock or cod Four potatoes Two slices of salt pork One quart of milk Two small onions Seasoning Cut head off and remove skin and bones, cover with cold water and cook :-lowly. Fry fat pork until brown. Fry onions likewise. Add four potatoes sliced and strain in water in w^hich fish has been boiled. Cook twenty min- utes. Cut fle.^h into pieces and add, cook ten minutes, add one quart of milk, Season with salt and pepper. Add crackers if desired. Mrs. Thissill. Consomme. One fowl f^our to six quarts cold water Veal bone weighing two pounds One carrot One pound lean beef One onion One celery stalk I'roportions for Five Persons One bay leaf Six whole allspice Four whole cloves Salt and pepper to taste Cut to pieces meat and bones and brown a little either in oven or on fry- ing pan, then put in kettle with cold water. Allow to cook slowly for two hours, skimming from time to time to clarify. Strain carefully through chee-se cloth, add vegetables and seasoning. Mrs. M. F. Leonard. Lobster Chowder. One-quarter cup of salt pork Three and one-half cups hot milk One-small onion One-half teaspoon salt One-quarter cup of flour Speck paprika One-half cup of milk Two cups lobster Two tablespoons butter Add onions to salt pork and cook. Mix flour and milk until smooth. Add milk to the above mixture, also onions. Stir until thick and smooth. Strain mixture and add half spoonful of salt, paprika and two cups lobster neat cut into cubes. Add two tablespoons butter. Serve hot. Mrs. Christine Crossen. Clam Chowder. One-quarter pound salt pork One quart hot milk Two medium sized onions Six sliced potatoes C^ne quart boiling water Salt and pepper to taste Common crackers Cut pork in dice and fry. Cut onions small. Add water when light brown and the tough part of clams which have been chopped fine; cook twenty minutes, add milk, potatoes and soft part of clams. Cook till potatoes vre soft and add salt and pepper to taste. Add crackers if desired. Mrs. Dowd. . Beef Tea. One pound raw beef One pint cold water Seasoning if desired Chop the meat fine, and put in the top of double-boiler with the cold water. Let .-tand for half an hour. Then cook on back of stove for an hour. Remove fat, strain, season and serve. Mrs. B. Sullivan. Beef Stew. Two pounds beef Three oniions One-quarter cup flour Four medium potatoes Two carrots Water One turnip Sat and pepper to taste Flour Cut meat into small pieces. Save better pieces. Put remainder into stew ])an. Cover with cold water and cook slowly. Try out some of beef fat in frying pan. Roll better pieces of meat in flour and brown. Add onoin. Put these into soup kettle. Cover meat with boiling water and cook slowly at least two hours. Add vegetables and cook until soft. Add seasoning and thickening. FISH. "Master I marvel how the fishes live in the sea! They, as men do on the land: the great ones eat up the little ones." Baked Halibut* Arrange six thin slices of fat salt pork, two and one-half inches square, in dripping pan. Cover with one small onion thinly sliced arid add a bit ■ot bay leaf. Wipe a two-pound piece of chicken halibut and place over rork and onion. Add two tablespoons of butter, creamed and mixed with two tablespoons of flour. Cover with three-fourth cup buttered cracker ■crumbs. Arrange thin strips of fat salt pork over crumbs. Cover with but- tered paper and bake fifty minutes in moderate oven. Remove paper during the last fifteen minutes of the cooking to brown crumbs. Remove to hot serving di.^h. Add to fat in the pan three tablespoons of flour and stir until well browned. Then add one-half can of tomato soup and one cup of hot water. Strain and pour around the fish on the serving dish. Agnes E. Hurley. Scalloped Fish. Remove the skin and bones from left over fish. Cover the bottom of a buttered baking dish with fish. Add a layer of bread stuffing made from bread crumbs, chopped onion, a little chopped pickle, melted butter, salt and pepper and all moistened with milk or water. Add another layer of fish and moisten well with drawn butter sauce. Roughly cover with mashed po- tatoes. Brown in oven. Mrs. Neil J. Devlin. Butter Dressing for Fish. Two tablespoons butter One teaspoon finely chopped parsley Two tablespoons flour One teaspoon lemon juice One-quarter teaspoon salt One cup boiling water Few grains cayenne Put the I)Litter in a bowl and rub until creamy. Add flour, salt, pepper and parsley. Then the lemon juice very slowly. Add boiling water. Boil for five minutes. Parsley may be omitted. Mrs. M. J. Trainor. Fish Sauce. Melt two tablespoons of butter and cook in it sliced onion until light ],rown. Add two tablespoons flour, one-quarter teaspoon of salt, speck of paprika, small bay leaf and one clove. Gradually add one cup boiling water or tomato, cook five minutes. Strain. Mrs. Barry. 9 Kedgeree. ^ Mix two cups of cold fish, salmon preferred, with equal quantity of ■ooked rice. Add two tablespoons of butter, a beaten egg, a teaspoon of salt, one-half teaspoon of mustard, a speck of cayenne and a little chopped pars- ley if desired. Heat and then put into a wet bowl. Mould out on platter and ]:)Our over and around it a cream sauce made as follows: — Melt two tablespoons of butter, add three tablespoons of flour, and when smooth add two cups of hot milk. Cook until thick, stirring constantly; season with salt and pepper. A hard cooked egg may be .sliced into the sauce. Mrs. John T. Corcoran. Finnan Haddie. Soak the fish half an hour in cold water. Drain and put into a baking (iish with water to cover. Bake half an hour. Drain and remove bones and .'::erve with wliite .'^auce or melted butter. Mrs. M. F. Leonard. Scalloped Oysters. Prepare oysters. Sprinkle cnmibs in bottom of buttered baking dish. Cover with oysters, salt and pepper. Add another layer of crumbs and then oysters, etc., until di.'^h is three-fourths filled. Moisten with oyster liquor or cream sauce. Cover with buttered crumbs. Bake fifteen minute^ in hot oven. E. J. Nicholson. Soft Cod Roe Fried. Boil roe in l:)oiling water to which a little vinegar has been added and salt and pepper, for ten minutes. Drain it. Dip roe into beaten egg and then into finely sifted bread crumbs, covering every part. Cook in smoking hot fat until crisp and brown. Serve with butter sauce to which is added a little lemon juice and cayenne. K. E. S. Salmon Cakes. Drain thoroughly a can of salmon. Mince it fine, then add an ecjual amount of mashed potatoes and a beaten egg. Form into little cakes. Dip into egg, then into crumbs and fry in hot grea.sed pan. Margaret A. Coulter. Lobster and Aspic Jelly. Pour a Utile aspic jelly into a mould with a hollow center. When slTff :..ld pieces of lobster and then a little more jelly. Let this stiffen and add slices of hard cooked egg, more lobster and some capers. Fill with jelly. Set on ice. When firm turn out on di.sh and fill centre with Russian dress- ing. ^L T. M. 10 Baked Mackerel. Split fish, clean, remove head and tail. Put in buttered dripping pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper and dot over with butter (about one tablespoon to a medium-size fish), and pour over two-thirds cup milk. Bake thirty nnnutes in hot oven. A. M. M. Baked Fish with Tomato Sauce. Fill fish with stuffing and sew. Cut slits two inches apart on the sides ar.d lay in each a thin strip of fat pork. Place in baking pan on thin slices of fat pork. Pour over it one cup salted boiling water in which two table- spoons butter have been melted. Dust over all, salt, pepper and flour, (^uick oven. Baste often. When flesh begins to separate from bones it is done. Transfer it to hot platter. Tomato Sauce for Baked Fish — Mince two large onions fine. Put in fry- ing pan with two tablespoons butter and fry a delicate brown. Stir fre- quently. Add one quart tomatoes. Let cook a while. Put through sieve to remove seeds and onion. Return to frying pan, thicken with two table- spoons or more of flour. Add a little butter. Serve with fish. M. T. M. Smothered Codfish. Pick boiled codfish free from bones and shred it fine. To one pint of hot milk add one tablespoon of butter and two tablespoons flour rubbed together, moistened with cold milk. Stir it until it boils and thickens. Have ready two eggs beaten light, pour the mixture on them and beat until well mixed. PJace a layer of bread crumbs in the bottom of a baking dish. On this place a la}"er of fish. Sprinkle with pepper and cover with a layer of sauce. Repeat until the dish is filled. Cover the top with bread crumbs and bake twenty minutes. This is delicious. Esther W. Fish Balls. Shred one cup salt codfish in very small pieces and wash in cold water. \\'ash and pare potatoes and cut them into small pieces until you have two cups. Cook the fish and potatoes together until potatoes are tender. Drain and dry the mixture thoroughly. Mash it all and add a little pepper, salt if needed, two teaspoons butter and one beaten egg. Beat all until it is light. Form balls on a tablespoon and drop them into smoking hot fat. Fry until brown, then drain. J. M. Fried Shad Roe. Parboil .shad roe by boiling in salted water, to which has been added one- (jiiarter tablespoon vinegar, for fifteen minutes. Cut in pieces, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and brush over with lemon juice. Dip in egg, then in crumbs. Fry in deep fat. 11 MEATS. "The turnpike road to people's hearts, I find, Lies through their mouths, or I mistake mankind." Veal Loaf. Three pouiids of raw veal chopped very fine. Butter the size of an egg. Three eggs, three tal^lespoons milk. Mix eggs and milk together. Mix with the veal four pounds of crackers, one teaspoon salt and a little sage, Mix all together in the form of a loaf. Bake two and one-half hours, basting with butter and boiling water. Mrs. O. Driscoll. Pot Roast. Buy a piece of bottom of round, put it into a pan, sprinkle with a little flour, salt and pepper and a little water. Then add sliced potatoes and a small onion or two, cut up in small pieces, and bake in hot oven. Cover with a pan. Let the potatoes get crisp and then add more water. Thicken and season. Mrs. B. Sullivan. American Chop Suey. One pound Hamburg steak Medium sized onion One cup cooked macaroni One cup cooked rice One cup canned tomatoes Season meat and onions to taste with salt and pepper. Brown in frying pan, adding macaroni, rice and tomatoes. M. M. D. Glazed Ham. Take a cold boiled ham; after removing the skin, brush all over with beaten egg. To a cup of powdered crackers add enough rich milk or cream to make thick paste, salt it, and work in a teaspoon of melted butter. Spread evenly a quarter of an inch thick over the ham and set in a hot oven to brown. Florence E. Buckley. Meat Flavored with Green Peppers. "1 wo pounds chopped beef One and one-half cups soaked bread Salt and pepper crumbs One onion chopped fine One egg Mix all together and season. Make into loaf, chop two green peppers, lay over top. Bake in hot oven until firm. M. C. O. 12 Sauce for Meat. Chop up one onion, and fry in hot fat until light brown. Add one can of concentrated tomatoes, one cup or more of boiling water. Season with salt and pepper. There should be enough sauce to cover meat. Polenta. Have three cups of boiling water in top of double boiler, and one teaspoonful of salt. Sift in one cup of cornmeal and cook over fire, stirring constantly for ten minutes. Then cook over boiling water. Stir in seme grated cheese. Pour into a wet bowl. Turn at once on a platter and pour over it the above sauce. Estelle McMahon. Veai and Lamb. Use meat cut from the neck and shoulder, about two pounds, two quarts of potatoes, two onions cut in eighths, four tomatoes, sliced, or one cup stewed tomatoes, one-fourth cup of lard or other fat. Salt and pepper to season. Cut raw potatoes into small pieces into a baking pan. Add onions and tomatoe>. Sprinkle well with salt and pepper. Wipe meat with a damp cloth and lay meat on top of vegetables. Lay few slices of pork on top of meat. Cover and cook in oven, turning meat and vegetables occasional!) until potatoes are baked and meat is tender. Pork chops or shoulder blades may be used in the same way, omitting the slices of pork. M. M. D. Meat Pies. Another good way to use a little meat. Have you ever used rice, corn- meal mush, or hominy for a crust? This is less work than a pastry crust and saves wheat. Four cups cooked com, meal. One-eighth teaspoon pepj^er rice, or hominy One tablespoon fat One onion One pound raw meat or left-over Two cups tomato meat cut up small One-half teaspoon salt jMelt the fat, add the sliced onion, and, if raw meat is used, add it and stir until the red color disappears. Add the tomato and seasoning. If cooked meat is used, add it with the tomato and seasoning, after the onion is browned, and heat through. Grease a baking dish, put in a layer of the cereal, add the meat and gravy, and cover with the cereal dotted with fat. Bake for half an hour. F. J. B. Stuffed Leg of Veal. Choose a firm leg of veal, with good pink color. Have the butcher re- move bone and use it for a stew for the next day with remnants of veal left. Make a dressing of bread crumbs, little chopped onion, pepper salt and sage to taste. Mrs. T. Mitchell. 13 stuffing for Veal. ^ 'I'wo level cups mashed potato One-half le\-el teaspoon salt One level cup soft bread crumbs One-half level teaspoon pepjoer One-half cup butter Two level tablespoons scraped onion pulp One-half level teaspoon poultry seasoning Mix thoroughly. Ella J. Shaw. Chicken Pie. Cut in pieces a large chicken or plump white fowl as for fricassee, wash and put into porcelain or agate kettle with water to cover. One teaspoonful of salt and stick of celery. Cover tight and boil slowly until tender. Then take it out of the liquid. Remove skin and large bones. Skim the fat off th.e liquid and thicken it with one tablespoon of flour rubbed smooth in one-half cup of cream. This sauce should measure about five cups. Season with a little white pepper. Pour this over the chicken, which has been placed in a deep pie dish. Cover with a rich pie crust. Cut gashes in crust to let steam escape. Mrs. M. O'Donnell. Baked Ham. One slice ham, three-quarters to one inch thick Twenty whole cloves Five apples Two cups brown sugar Water Remove the skin of the ham but do not remove any fat. Place in frying- ]nm, cover with boiling water and parboil for two or three minutes. Remove from pan and dry tlioroughly. Stick ham and fat with twenty whole cloves. Cover each side with a half a cup of brown sugar and place in small bak- mg pan; fill the four comers of the pan with five apples that have been cored and quartered. Cover apples with one cup of brown sugar. Put enough hot \vater in pan to cover the ham, but do not cover the sugar or ap- ]iles. Bake in a moderate oven for one hour. M. H. R. Stuffing for Turkeys and Chickens. One-third cup melted l)utter i,hie-third le'.el teaspoon pepper One-half level teaspoon salt Two level cups soft, fine bread crumbs One-half level tea.s])oon powdered thyme or poultry seasoning Mix all the ingredients together. The bread should have been baked twenty- four hours. The c^uantity given is enough for one chicken. Double the quantities for a ten pound turkey. • A. L. M. 14 Hague Chop Suey. Two cups Hamburji; steak Two cups of boiled spaghetti One cup of tomato sauce Seasoning Put cooked spaghetti, sauce, and meat into hot greased frying pan; stir and cook, until ready to serve. Season with salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, celery salt, parsley, or Tabasco sauce. John Parsons. Meatless Mince Meat. One cup of bread crumbs One-half cup of vinegar or cider Three cups of apples One teaspoon of cassia One cup of I'aisins One teaspoon of salt One-half cu}) of sugar One-quarter teaspoon of allspice One cup of molasses One-quarter teaspoon of nutmeg One lemon Add, if de.-ired, suet, salt pork and more fruit. Mrs. McCarthy. Mince Meat. Five pounds chopped beef Two quarts of apples 'i wo lemons, juice and rind (^ne pound of raisins Two oranges, rind and juice One-half pound of currants Two quarts of cider One ounce of nutmeg One tablespoon of salt Two cups of molasses One-half pound of suet Six pounds of brown sugar One ounce each of cinnamon, clove and allspice Can while hot. Mary A. Hanafin. Baked Cream Chicken with Mushrooms. Cook two tablespoons of flour in two tablespoons of butter; when frothy tidd gradually one pint of hot milk, then add half a small onion, finely chopped, a sprig of parsley, a dash of cayenne, one-half teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Stir and cook until thick, strain, add one and one-half cups of diced cooked chicken, two-thirds can of mushrooms cut in halves and one diced hard-cooked egg. Turn into a buttered dish, sprinkle with crumbs, dot with butter, bake until brown and garnish with parsley before serving. L. M. Creamed Chipped Beef. Put a piece of butter size of an egg in frying pan. When melted add one- quarter pound chipped ])eef, let fry until well browned, stirring often to keep from burning. When well browned add one pint of milk. When it boils thicken with two tablespoons of flour blended with water. A. M. M. 15 Maryland Fried Chicken. ^ Clean, singe and cut in pieces for serving two young chickens. Plunge in cold water, drain but do not wipe. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and cover with flour, having as much flour adhere to the chicken as possible. Cut one pound of fat salt pork in small pieces and try it out. Cook the chicken slowly in fat until tender and well browned. Serve with white sauce made with half milk and half cream. E. C. Breaded Lamb Chops. Wipe chops, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, beaten esg, imd crumbs; fry in deep fat about seven minutes and drain. Never fry but three at a time, and allow fat to re-heat before frying. After testing fat, put in chops and place kettle back on range, so that the outside of chop may not be too brown, while inside is still under done. Mrs. Ashley. Pan-broiled Chops. Heat a frying pan very hot. Wipe the chops and trim them. Put them into hot frying pan and turn them every ten seconds for three minutes. Then cook them more slowly, turning them occasionally until they are done. The average chop requires about eight minutes. J. M. Irish Stew with Dumplings. Wipe and cut in pieces three pounds lamb. Put in kettle, cover with boil- ing water and cook slowly about two hours, or until tender. After cooking one hour, add one-half cup each carrot and turnip cut in cubes, one onion cut in small slices. Fifteen minutes before serving add three cups boiled potatoes. Thicken with six tablespoons flour, diluted with enough cold water to form a paste. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with dumplingc. Kidney Stew. Carefully wash the kidneys and boil until tender. Set aside to cool. When quite cool cut in tiny squares, remove all fat. Place in stew pan with one tablespoon butter, little salt, dash of pepper, and a large cup of milk. Simmer gently for half an hour, then thicken with a tablespoon of flour, wet with a little cold milk. Serve on platter with small squares of dry toast. A. Barber. Tripe Fried in Batter. Wipe tripe and cut in pieces for serving. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in batter, fry in small quantity of hot fat and drain. Batter for Tripe., jSIix one cup of flour with one-fourth teaspoon salt. Add gradually one- half cup cold water, and when perfectly smooth add one egg well beaten, one-half teaspoon vinegar, and one teaspoon melted butter. M. J. C. 16 VEGETABLES. "The common ifrowth of Mother Earth suffices me." Italian Potato Balls. Boil six medium sized potatoes. Mash potatoes. Season with salt and ]jepper and add one cup of bread crumbs, some chopped parsley, and a lit- tle chopped onion and garlic. Add two beaten eggs. Mix well. Shape itito balls on a tablespoon and fry in .^moking hot fat until l)rown. Drain on soft paper. M. Cahill Potato Cakes. Mash thoroughly ])otatoes just boiled. Add a little salt, butter and • ream. Make into little cakes and fry brown on both sides. M. J. C Potato Croquettes. Parboil and ma.sh six good-sized potatoes. Add one tablespoon of butter, two-thirds cup of hot milk, whites of two eggs well beaten, salt and pepper to taste. When cool enough to handle, work into .shape. Roll in egg and crumbs and fry in hot lard. M. Cahill. Potatoes Roasted With Meats. To roast potatoes with beef, poultry and other meats, pare the potatoes, lay them in a pan and cook them in the gravy. Both white and sweet po- tatoes may 1)e roasted in the same pan with the meat. Jessie Monteith. Macaroni and Cheese. Two cups of macaroni Two cups white sauce Three-fourths cup grated cheese (^ne-half teaspoon of salt Boil macaroni; when soft add white sauce. Put in baking dish, cover with liuttered crumbs and bake in hot oven. Mrs. D. Thompson. Stewed Celery. Wash and scrape celery; cut in one-half inch pieces, and boil until ten- der. Drain, and seive with vegetable sauce; make as white sauce, using one-half celery stock and one-half cup milk for each two cups of celery. Sauces for vegetables may be thickened with twice the usual quantity of :~our if the vegetables are very moi.st. E. B. C. 17 Baked Tomatoes. • Wash ripe tomatoes; cut in halves crosswise, and place, skin down, in a shallow baking dish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and put bits of but- ter on top; bake till soft, 20 to 30 minutes; eat with sugar if desired. Serve each half tomato on a slice of buttered toast. A small green pepper may be chopped fine and mixed with the salt and pepper, and sprinkled over the tomatoes before the butter is put on. Allow one pepper and one-half teaspoon salt and one tablespoon butter for four medium-sized tomatoes. The baked tomatoes may be served with a thick sauce, made by using one tablespoon flour, one tablespoon butter, and a speck of pepper, to one- half cup milk, or strained tomato juice. M. L. M. Fried Tomatoes. Slice firm tomatoes and dip in beaten egg and then in cracker crumbs and fry in butter. Add salt, pepper and a little sugar. Mrs. M. C. Creutz. Stuffed Green Peppers. Cut the tcj.is from the bell of the peppers carefully and remove the seeds. Chop very fine one small onion and one large tomato from which the skin has been removed. Add an equal amount of bread crumbs and salt and pepper to taste. Moisten it with melted butter. Fill the peppers with this mixture, repkice the tops and bake for twenty minutes in a slow oven. :Mrs. \L C. Creutz. Clieese Potatoes. Six potatoes One cup of milk Two tablespoons of butter 3' our tablespoons of grated chce.se Two tablespoons of flour Yolks of two eggs One cup of soup stock Salt and red pepper Boil the potatoes. Melt butter and add flour. Mix till smooth. Add soup stock and milk and boil for five minutes. Take from stove and add cheese, eggs, salt and red pepper. Put a la) er of potatoes on the bottom of baking dish and then a layer of sauce and so on till dish is filled. Cover with bread . rumbs. Bake in quick oven for ten minutes. Italian Potato Omelet. Heat in frying pan one- fourth cuji cooking oil and fr\- one chopped onion and a little chopped par.sley. Add one quart sliced potatoes. Cover and cook until soft. I^ncover and pour three beaten eggs over potatoes. Season with pep])er and salt. Cook until omelet is firm and turn out on a hot plat- ter. M. M. D. 18 Sugared Sweet Potatoes. Cut in slices cold sweet potatoes. Put in shallow dish a layer of potatoes, pieces of butter and sprinkle with brown sugar. Bake until brown. Creamed Potatoes. One-quarter cup of milk ( )ne-eightii tias])Oon of salt One-half tablespoon of butter A few grains of pepper Cut the potatoes in slices and allow the above amount for each cupful. Heat milk and add the potatoes and stir slowly until they have absorbed nearly all the milk; add seasoning and stir until well mixed; cook for five minutes and serve hot. One teaspoon of chopped parsley may be added. Katherine Trainer. Creamed Cauliflower. Remove leaves from cauliflower, cut off stalk, soak thirty minutes head down in cold water to cover. Cook (head up) for twenty minutes, or until soft, in boiling salted water. Drain separate flowerets and reheat in one and one-half cups white sauce. White sauce — Two tablespoons butter, two tablespoons flour, cup milk, one-quarter teaspoon salt, few grains pepper. Cream butter and flour, stir in hot milk. Cook until it thickens. Season. Mrs. J. C. Stuffed Onions. Remove skins from onions and parboil ten minutes in boiling salted water to cover. Let cool and remove part of centre. Fill cavities with chopped cooked chicken, stale soft bread crumbs, and the onion which was removed, also chopped fine. Season with salt and pepper and moisten with cream or melted butter. Sprinkle with buttered crumbs, after placing them in a buttered pan, and bake in moderate oven until onions are soft. A. M. M. Fried Parsnips. Wash parsnips and cook about fifty minutes in boiling salted water. Drain, plunge in cold water, when skins will be found to slip off easily. Mash, season with butter, salt and pepper. Make in flat round cakes, roll in butter, and fry in butter. M. K. M. Corn Fritters. Scrape the corn from six ears, add two well beaten eggs, one teaspoon salt, tiiree teaspoons of baking powder added to enough flour (well sifted) to make a thin batter. No milk required. Have ready a frying pan with hot lard and ■A little butter. Drop from tal)lespoon, cook quickly, place on brown paper in oven. Serve hot. M. 19 SALADS and SALAD DRESSING. "To make a perfect salad there should be a spendthrift for oil, a miser for vinegar, a wise man for salt, and a madcap to stir the ingredients up :'nd mix them well together." French Dressing. One-half teaspoon salt lour tablespoons oil One-quarter teaspoon pepper Two tablespoons vinegar Mix the salt and pepper, add slowly the oil, stirring constantly; add the vinegar. This rule with a green salad will .serve six persons. Mrs. Joseph Ryan Salad Dressing. Into a bowl put one tablespoon sugar, one-half teaspoon salt, one-half tea- spoon dry mustard, one tablespoon soft butter. Beat until smooth; add 2 eggs well beaten and three-fourths cup of milk; heat in double boiler to boiling point, add one-half cup vinegar and cook until like custard. Let cool and serve. Mrs. Annie G. Malley. Foch Salad. Four eggs Salad dressing Lettuce Separate the } oiks of eggs that have been hard cooked. Chop whites fine, marinate with French dressing and arrange on lettuce leaves. Force yolks through a potato ricer and j^ile on the center of whites. Serve with French Dressing. Mrs. Costigan. Boiled Dressing. One-half tablespoon of flour Speck of cayenne ])epper One teaspoon of mustard One egg One tablespoon of sugar Two-thirds cup of milk One teaspoon of salt Two tablespoons of butter One-quarter cup of hot vinegar Mix the dry ingredients. Beat the yolk of egg and add to dry mixture. Add milk slowly, then vinegar. Cook mixture. Stir till it thickens. Add fhe butter and stir Beat the white of egg and add to mixture Mrs. Nicholson. 20 Cheap Russian Dressing. riirec tai)les])Oons of Sniders chili sauce Onc-hulf teaspoon of salt ! wo tablespoons of chopijed pimentos One-half teaspoon of paprika One-half teaspoon of powdered sugar One tablespoon of olives One cuj) of salad oil Speck of pepper (Me-half teaspoon of mustard One egg One tablespoon of Tarragon vinegar Mix the dry ingredients, add vinegar, put in egg; be careful not to break the yolk. Put in one-third cup of oil and beat with egg beater one minute. •Add another one-third cup of oil and beat, then add last one-third and beat. To this add the chili sauce, jiimentos and olives. M. H. R. Potato Salad. Five or six boiled potatoes One-half teaspoon of salt One-half small onion, cut fine One tablespoon of sugar Parsley Yolks of two eggs One-half teaspoon of mustard One-half cup of oil One-half teaspoon of pepper Two tablespoons of vinegar Cut potatoes in dice shape. Use only a small quantity of parsley. Beat together the mustard, pepper, salt, sugar and eggs. Add slowly the oil, beating with a fork; then add the vinegar. Pour over potatoes. Add slices of hard cooked egg and pieces of beet if desired. Mrs. Shaw. Mayonnaise Dressing. One teaspoon sugar Speck cayenne One teaspoon dry mustard One egg One teaspoon salt Ihree-fourths cup oil One-fourth cup vinegar Mix in a bowl the sugar, salt, cayenne, mustard, and beat until smooth. .\.dd egg, unbeaten, vinegar, and one-third of oil. Beat with Dover egg >-ater one minute. Add one-third more of oil and beat. Add remainder o^ oil and beat two minutes. Every ingredient should be cold before combin- ing. Mrs. A. J Malley. Salad Combinations. Lettuce and tomatoes Lettuce, tomatoes and lima beans Lettuce, tomatoes and green peas Lettuce and chicken Lettuce and asparagus tips Lettuce and lobster Lettuce, tom-itoes and onion Lettuce and shrimp Lettuce, onion and celery Lettuce and salmon Lettuce, celery and apples Lettuce and sardine Lettuce, tomatoes and cheese Lettuce and egg Lettuce and radishes Lettuce, fruits and nuts Lettuce and pineapple Lettuce, prunes and pecans Lettuce, potatoes and egg Lettuce and potatoes and beet Water cress or dandelion may be used instead of lettuce. 21 PUDDINGS and DESSERTS. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." Apple Snow. Four baked apples or one cup of apple sauce One egg white Few drops of lemon juice 1 wo or three tablespoons of sugar Press the apples through a strainer. Beat the white of the egg until stiff, add sugar and lemon juice. Gradually beat in apples. Serve cold with custard. M. O'B. Soft Custard. Yelk of one egg Speck of salt Two tablespoons of sugar One cup of hot milk Beat the yolk and add the sugar and salt. Add milk slowly. Cook in doublfe boiler until thick and will coat the back of a spoon. Flavor, strain and cool. J. P, Cream Tapioca. One pint of milk One egg One-quarter cup of minute tapioca Speck of salt Two tablespoons of sugar One teaspoon of vanilla Scald milk. Cook tapioca till transparent. Add sugar and beaten yolk of egg, and salt. Put in double boiler again and let cook until thick, stirring constantly. Beat the white of the egg and add. Remove from stove, flavor. Serve cold. M. J. C. Peach or Apple Tapioca. One pint of boiling water Speck of salt One-quarter cup of minute tapioca Two tablespoons of sugar Two cups of chopped apples or peaches In the double boiler cook the water or the syrup from canned fruits, and uipioca till transparent. Add salt, sugar and fruit. When soft turn into moulds and serve hot or cold. L. O. J. Prune Whip* One pounds of prunes Whites of four eggs One cup of powdered sugar Stew the prunes in as little water as possible. Stone and chop in small ])ieces. Bea* eggs till stiff and add the sugar. Bake in moderate oven for lime long enough to brown. Mrs. N. J. Devlin. 22 Cornstarch Blanc Mange. One and one-half cups of milk Speck of salr Four tablespoons of cornstarch One-half cup of cold milk Two tablespoons of sugar One-half teaspoon of extract Scald the milk. Mix in a bowl the cornstarch, sugar, salt. One teaspoon of cocoa may be added. Add cold milk and stir slowly. Add hot milk and put in top of double boiler. Cook over fire till thick. Cook over boiling water for 15 minutes. If no cocoa has been added flavor with extract. Turn in moulds and scn'e cold with cream. H. J. O. Suet Pudding. One cup of molasses One-half cuj) of currants One cup of milk Three cups of flour One cup of chopped suet One teaspoon of soda One cup of raisins One and one-half teaspoon of salt One-half teaspoon of ginger, cloves and nutmeg Sift dry ingredients. Mix in order given. Put in greased mould and steam three hours. Mrs. Donohue. Spanish Cream. One-half package of Swampscott One teaspoon of salt gelatine One quart of milk One-half cup of sugar Two teaspoons of vanilla Volks of three eggs Soak gelatine in one-half cup of cold milk. Scald remainder of milk. Add milk to sugar and salt and beat in yolks of eggs. Cool until thick. Add soaked gelatine. Beat the whites of eggs stiff. Mix together; add the A anilla. Set away to cool. Mrs. Griffin. Chocolate Saucei. One tablespoon of butter One square of chocolate One-half cup of milk or cream One-half cup of sugar, dissolved in a little hot water Dissolve the chocolate over kettle. Add sugar to butter. Mix together. Thin with milk before serving. Mrs. Parsons. Coffee Mousse. One quart of cream Two tablespoons of cold water One cup of hot, strong coffee One cup of sugar One-quarter box of gelatine Soak gelatine in cold water and add to coffee and sugar. Set in pan in ice water and stir until it begins to thicken, then fold in whipped cream. Pour in a mould. Cover and pack in ice and salt and let stand four hours. Miss D. Redding. 23 Dutch Apple Pudding. One tablespoon luitter One egg One-half cup sugar Four teaspoons baking powder One cup milk Two cups flour One-half teaspoon salt Three apples, sliced Speck of cinnamon Mix butter, sugar, egg and milk together; sift in baking powder, flour, salt and cinnamon. Beat. Put batter in greased pan, sliced apples on top. Sprinkle with sugar. Serve hot with any kind of sauce. Mrs. J. M. Reidy. English Plum Pudding. One pound beef suet Six eggs One pound raisins ()ne teaspoon cinnamon One pound currants (^ne teaspoon cloves One pound brown sugar One teaspoon nutmeg One pound bread crumbs One cup of flour One-half pound citron and lemon peel, mixed Chop suet fine, mix in the order given; put pudding in bag and boil six hours; serve with sauce. Mrs. Frank Loughran. Marshmallow Charlotte Russe. Whip one pint heavy cream until stiff; fold in one-half cup powdered sugar, the stiflly beaten whites of two eggs, one teaspoon vanilla, one cup marshmallows (cut into small pieces) and one-half cup chopped walnuts. Line a mould with lady fingers; fill with the cream and place on ice for one hour !)efore serving. L. M. Plum Pudding. One pound currants One-quarter lea.s]Doon cinnamon One pound raisins (chopped) ()ne-quarter teaspoon cloves One-quarter pound citron One teaspoon baking powder One-half pound brown sugar One and one-half grated nutmegs One-half pound flour Four eggs One-quarter pound bread crumbs One and one-half lemons One-half cup molasses One and one-half cups brandy One-half pound suet (chopped very fine) Mix flour, sugar, molasses; then the well-beaten eggs, next the suet and juice of lemons, then the fruit mixed well; next add baking powder and the brandy. Steam five hours. Mrs. Robert Hyland. Apple Tapioca Pudding^ One cup of tapioca (Jne teaspoon of lemon extract One-half cup of sugar Two or three apples Soak tapioca over night and add sugar and extract. Cut up apples and place on t0]3. Bake until apples are soft. Miss M. McNamara. 24 Cottage Pudding, One-half tea.-poou of sail Three-quarters cup of sugar Four teaspoons of l)aking powder Three tablespoons of melted butter Two cups of flour One egg One cup of milk Mix in order given. Bake in moderate oven for about twenty minutes. Serve with hot sauce. Mrs. M. Sullivan. Vanilla Sauce for Pudding. One cup of boiling water One tablespoon of melted hutttr One cup of sugar C)ne egg One-half teaspoon of vanilla Boil water and sugar for five minutes. Add butter. Beat egg and add. Stir over the hre until it thickens. Add vanilla. Mrs. M. Sullivan. Rice Puddings Three cups boiling water Two cups of milk One cup of rice Two eggs One teaspoon of salt One-half cup of sugar Flavor to taste Boil the rice with the salt and water. Beat the eggs and add milk, sugar and flavoring. Bake twenty minutes. Miss M. McNamara. Bread Pudding. Pieces of bread (about 2 cups) One teaspoon of nutmeg One-half cup of raisins One teaspoon of cinnamon One-half cup of sugar Two eggs Two cups of milk Soak the bread in milk till soft. Beat the eggs and add spice, milk, sugar and raisins. Bake thirty minutes in moderate oven. Miss M. McNamara. Snow Pudding. One-half box of Swampscott gelatine Juice of two lemons One cup of cold water Sugar to taste One cup boiling water Whites of two eggs Speck of salt Pour cold water over gelatine. Let stand one-half hour. Add boiling water, lemon, sugar, and let cool. Beat the whites of eggs to a stiff froth. Beat with gelatine and pour in moulds. Mrs. Drumgoole. Eggless Rice Pudding. One-half cup of rice One-quarter cup of sugar One-quarter teaspoon of salt Two quarts of boiling water Mix together. Put in deep pudding dish, and bake slowly for three hours. M. A. Starkey. 25 stuffed Prunes* * One pound of prunes Soak the prunes over night and stuff with chopped nuts, raisins or apri- cots. Dates may be used instead of prunes. Marshmallow may be used in- stead of nuts, etc. S. A. C. Steamed Puddingy. Two eggs One cup of currants One cup of suet chopped fine One cup of molasses One cup of sweet milk 'J wo cups of flour Two cups of raisins One teaspoon of soda One teaspoon each of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg Steam three hours. Mrs. MacCalduff. Thanksgiving Pudding. One-third cup of suet One-half teaspoon of nutmeg One-half pound of figs One-half cup of raisins Three-quarters cup of milk Two tablespoons of flour One cup of brown sugar i'our eggs One teaspoon of salt Two teaspoons of baking powder Three-quarters teaspoon of cinnamon Two and one-half cups of bread or cracker crumbs Heat milk, add crumbs, flour, spices and baking powder. Beat eggs and add to other ingredients. Steam in tin three hours. Catherine M. McDonald. Sauce for Pudding Two eggs One cup of sugar Three tablespoons of wine j Stand bowl in hot water while beating. Catherine McDonald. Banana Snow^ Mash two bananas and beat with white of one egg and juice of one lemon. Then add one-half cup of sugar and beat again. In a short time you will have a delicious bowl of banana snow. This may be served with plain cake, pudding or gelatin. Mrs. Mitchell. 26 PIES and CAKES. "No soil upon earth is so dear to our eyes, As the soil we first stirred in terrestrial pies." One Egg Cake., One-fourth cup butter One-half cup milk One-half cup sugar One and one-half cups flour One egg One- fourth teaspoon salt Two and one-half teaspoons baking powder Cream the butter, add sugar gradually and egg well beaten Mix and ;ift flour and baking powder, add alternately with milk to first mixture. Bake thirty minutes in a shallow pan. Spread with chocolate frosting. Mrs. A. J. Wolfe. Fruit Calce> One-half package raisins Two teaspoons cinnamon One and one-half cups sugar Two tablespoons butter or shortening Two cups boiling water Mix all together and boil until mixture bubbles. Let cool. Then add two cups flour, one teaspoon baking soda and one and one-half teaspoon salt. Bake in moderate oven one hour. Mrs. J. M. Reidy. Thanksgiving Cake. One cup brown sugar One-half teaspoon cloves One cup raisins 'One-half teaspoon cinnamon One cup water One-half teaspoon nutmeg Two tablespoons lard or dripping One-half teaspoon allspice Boil these for five minutes and let cool. One-half teaspoon soda dissolved in one-half cup boiling water; add to the above when cooled. Then add two cups of flour and one teaspoon bak- ing soda, and bake in a slow oven forty- five to fifty minutes. Miss Katherine G. Loftus. Spice Cake, One-half cup butter substitute One teaspoon ginger One cup sugar ( >ne-half teaspoon allspice One cup molasses One-quarter teaspoon cloves ( >ne cup sour milk Two and one-half cups flour One teaspoon cinnamon One cup seedless raisins Cream shortening and sugar; add molasses, spices and sour milk, in which a teaspoon of soda has been dissolved, sift flour and beat into mixture. Bake about forty minutes. Mrs. M. L. Lavin. 29 Custard Pie. • One tablespoon flour Pinch of salt One cup sugar , Pinch of grated nutmeg Yolks of three eggs Whites of three eggs One pint of milk Stir flour and sugar thoroughly, add to the yolks of the eggs, and beat ■vvell. Then add salt, nutmeg, and well-beaten whites. Lastly add the milk. Make an undercrust, and add above filling. Bake about thirty minutes. Mrs. Margaret Gill. Orange Pie. 'J'hree-quarters cup sugar Three tablespoons orange juice Three-quarters cup boiling water Grated rind of one orange Three tablespoons cornstarch One teaspoon butter Two egg yolks One tablespoon lemon juice Mix cornstarch and sugar, add boiling water, stirring constantly. Cook two minutes, add butter, egg yolks, and rind and juices. Line plate with paste same as for the above pies. Turn in mixture which has been cooled, and bake until pastry has been well browned. Cool slightly and cover with meringue; then return to the oven and bake the meringue. Mrs. J. C. Zimmerman. Lemon Pie (No. 1). One tablespoon of cornstarch Two yolks of eggs One cup of boiling water Rind and juice of two lemons One-half cup of sugar One tablespoon of butter Mix cornstarch with a little cold water, add boiling water, and let boil; add sugar, }olks of eggs, and the lemons and butter. Cool mixture, line plate with crust; while crust is baking beat the whites of eggs, one heaping teaspoon of powdered sugar, to a froth. Pour filling in crust, and spread whites over the top. Brown in hot oven. Mrs. Finnerty. Lemon Pie (No. 2) One cup of boiling water Two yolks of eggs Two-thirds of a cup of sugar juice and rind of one lemon One and one-half tablespoon cornstarch, mixed with a little water Add to cornstarch cup of water (be sure the water is boiling). Let boil for two minutes, then add other ingredients until it thickens. Before re- rioving from fire add piece of butter size of walnut. When ready to serve put in baked pie crust, beat up white of eggs stiff. Add two teaspoons of granulated sugar. Set brown. Mrs. Shaw. 30 Squash Pie. Two cups of squash One teaspoon cinnamon One or two eggs One-half teaspoon ginger One-half cup molasses One-half teaspoon salt IMix squash and molasses. Add seasoning and beaten eggs and milk, tiake in pastry lined pie plate until firm. Mrs. Nicholson. Mince Pie. One package None Such mincemeat Small portion of suet One and one-half pounds beef One level teaspoon allspice Six or seven good-sized apples One-half cup cider One package raisins One small cup sugar One-quarter teaspoon salt Mix in order given, and after making crust, add above filling. This amount makes enough for three large pies. The mince must be made the day before. Mrs. Lynch. Mock Cherry Pie. One cup of cranberries, cut in halves; put in colander and shake seeds out. One cup raisins cut up, one tablespoon flour, one cup of sugar and stir well together. One cup boiling water, a pinch of salt, a little vanilla, eight drops almond extract. Bake with two crusts. Margaret R. Gibson. Pumpkin Pie. One and one-half cups pumpkin (cooked) Two-thirds cup brown sugar Two eggs One teaspoon cinnamon One and one-half cups milk One-half teaspoon ginger One-half cup cream One-half teaspoon salt Mix in order given and pour into a pastr}^ lined dish or pie plate and bake in a moderate oven until firm. Mrs. P. W. L>Tich. "Pershing" Pie. One cup of sugar Thirty drops of vanilla One and one-half cups of milk One-half cup of butter Two cups of flour Two eggs One-half teaspoon of salt Two and one-half teaspoons of baking powder Cream butter and sugar and add milk, eggs well beaten, salt, melted but- ter, vanilla, also sift flour and baking powder, and add. Put in three small pie plates and cook forty-five minutes. Fill with mocha filling, one cup of powdered sugar, two tablespoons butter, two teaspoons of cocoa, two table- spoons of coffee, one teaspoon of vanilla. Mix and spread between layers. ^ H. M. C. 31 Pie Crust for One Pie. « I^our tablespoons lard One and one-half cups flour One teaspoonful salt Rub the lard into the flour and salt. Add enough cold water to make a stiff dough. Chill and roll out on a slightly floured board. A speck of baking powder may be added. Handle as little as possible, because too much handling makes the dough stiff and heavy. Mrs. P. J. Trainor. Apple Pie. I'our or Ave apples One-eighth teaspoon salt One-half cup sugar One teaspoon butter One-quarter teaspoon grated nutmeg One teaspoon lemon juice Few gratings lemon rind Line plate with paste. Pare, core, and cut the apples into eighths, put row around plate, one-half inch from the edge, and work towards the cen- tre until the plate is covered, then pile on the remainder. Mix the sugar, nutmeg, salt, lemon juice, and grated rind, and sprinkle over apples. Dot with butter, and put on the top crust. Press edges firmly together and bake m a moderate oven about forty-five minutes. Mrs. O'Toole. Blueberry Pie. Two and one-half cups berries One-half cup sugar Flour One-eighth teaspoon salt Line a deep pie plate with plain paste, fill with berries slightly dredged with flour, sprinkle with sugar and salt, cover with crust and bake forty- five to fifty minutes in a moderate oven. For sweetening some prefer to use one-third molasses, the remaining two-thirds to be sugar. Six green grapes (from which seeds have been removed) cut in small pieces, much improve the flavor, particularly where huckleberries are used. Mrs. Hennessey. Plain Layer Cake. One-half cup butter Three cups flour One and one-half cups sugar Juice and rind of one lemon One cup milk Four eggs Two teaspoons baking powder Bake in layer tins, in a moderate oven. Mrs. Margaret O'Driscoll. Lily Cake^ Whites of three eggs One cup of milk Two-thirds cup of butter Two and one-half cups of flour One and three-quarter cups of sugar Three teaspoons of baking powder One teaspoonful of vanilla Mar\' MacCalduff. 32 Soldier Boy Cake. One cup of raisins Two cups of flour One cup of sugar or molasses One teaspoon soda . One-half cup of melted shortening One-half teaspoon of cinnamon One cup of coffee, left over from breakfast One-half teaspoon of nutmeg and cloves Boil together coffee and shortening three minutes. Sift together dry ingre- dients. Mix all together and beat. Pour into baking pans (do not have too thin). Bake slowly one hour. Do not cut it the day you bake. J. S. D. Peace Cake. Two tablespoons of butter Three-quarters cup of milk Three-quarters cup of sugar One and one-half cups of flour Two eggs Two and one-half teaspoons of baking powder Mix in order given and beat well. Bake forty minutes. Split into layers. Spread between the layers and ontop this frosting; one cup of sugar, one cup of brown sugar, one-half cup of water, whites of three eggs beaten. Boil to- gether until creamy and spread on cake. Mrs. Costigan. Pound Cakes. One-third cup butter Yolks of two egg.=;, well beaten One-half cup sugar One-half teaspoon baking powder One-half tablespoon milk Three-quarters cup flour One-quarter teaspoon salt Whites of two eggs beaten stiff B. Salloway. MacDonald Cake. One cup of butter creamed One-half cup of corn stardi One and one-half cups of sugar One teaspoon cream of tartar One teaspoonful of vanilla One-half teaspoon of soda One-half cup of milk One and one-half cups of pastry flour Four whites of eggs Mrs. Labertv. Layer Cake. Two tablespoons molasses Little nutmep I' our tablespoons melted butter One cup sugar One teaspoon salt One egg One teaspoon cinnamon One cup sour milk One-quarter teaspoon cloves Two cups flour One teaspoon soda Anne McDonough. 33 Mocha Filling^ ^ One cup confectioners' sugar One tablespoon butter (melted) Two tablespoons cocoa I'wo tablespoons hot coffee Pour coffee over the mixture and beat until creamy. Spread between and over cake. Mrs, Laberty. Enterprise Cake. One cup sugar One teaspoon nutmeg One cup sour milk One-quarter teaspoon clove Two cups flour One cup chopped raisins One teaspoon soda One-half teaspoon salt One teaspoon cinnamon One-half cup butter or beef drippings This is a dark cake without eggs. M. Cahill. Chocolate Cake. Two cups brown sugar One-half cup sour milk One-half cup butter, melted One teaspoon salt One-third cake chocolate or One level teaspoon baking powder Three tablespoons cocoa One level teaspoon soda Two eggs One-half cup cold water One teaspoon vanilla flavoring Bake in three layers in very moderate oven Cream Frosting for Chocolate Cake Add about one cup powdered sugar to enough cream to spread well, and flavor with o little vanilla. Mary A. Hanafin. Chocolate Cake (No. 2). One-half cup butter One and one-half cups flour One cup sugar Two ounces chocolate, melted Two eggs One-half teaspoon vanilla One-half cup milk One-fourth teaspoon salt Two and one-half teaspoons baking powder Cream the butter, add sugar gradually and egg yolks well beaten, then whites beaten until stiff. Add milk, flour mixed and sifted with baking powder and salt, and beat thoroughly. Then add chocolate and vanilla. Bake forty minutes in a shallow cake pan. Mrs. A. J. Wolfe. Substitute Cake;. Three-eighths cup of fat One cup of mashed potato Two squares of chocolate Three teaspoons of baking powder Iwo eggs One-half teaspoon salt One and one- eighth cups of flour One-half teaspoon of vanilla One-half cup of sugar, one-half sup Karo syrup Mrs. Russell. 34 Black Cake. One level cup sugar One-half cup milk Three eggs, beaten light l\vo level cups flour Four tablespoons butter One-half level teaspoon salt Two ounces melted chocolate One-half level teaspoon cinnamon Two and one-half level teaspoons baking powder Cream the butter and sugar, add the eggs beaten light, add the melted chocolate and milk. The flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt should be sifted together four times. Bake twenty-five to thirty minutes. Mrs. P. G^earin. Cream Puffs. Melt a half a cup of butter in one cup of hot water. While boiling beat in one cup of flour. When cool stir in three eggs, one at a time, without beating. Then beat well. Drop the mixture on tins in small spoonfuls and bake in moderate oven. Filling. One and one-half cups of milk, two eggs, four tablespoons of fiour, sugar to taste. Cook in double boiler. Another Filling. Whip one cup sweet, thick cream, stir in one cup mashed strawberries, fresh or canned, and add sugar to taste. Mrs. T. Mitchell. War Cake. Two cups brown sugar One package seedless raisins Two cups hot water One teaspoon cinnamon Two tablespoons butter One teaspoon cloves One teaspoon salt Boil all together for five minutes after they commence to bubble. When cold add four cups of flour and one teaspoon of soda dissolved in hot water. One egg may be added. Bake in two loaves forty-five minutes in a slow oven. Mrs. White. Washington Pie. One-third cuij l)utter One-half cup milk One cup sugar One and one-third cups flour Two eggs One-half tea?poon salt Two and one-half teaspoons baking powder Bake in pic tins and add fillling. M. Doherty. Apple Sauce Cake. Two cups of apple sauce Four cups of flour Two teaspoons of soda One cup of shortening One-half teaspoon of cloves One-half teaspoon of nutmeg One teaspoon of cinnamon Two cups of sugar Two cups of raisins One-half teaspoon of salt Bake in a slow oven. 35 Eggless, Milkless and Butterless Cake* Two cups brown sugar Two tablespoons lard Two cups water One pound seeded raisins One teaspoon each of salt and cinnamon Boil together for five minutes; when cool add three cups flour and one and one-half teaspoon soda. Bake in slow oven. It is better when a few days old. Mrs. Fitzgibbon. Thrift Cake. One-half cup sugar One tablespoon lard (or drippings) One-half cup molasses One egg One-half cup milk One cup raisms One-quarter teaspoon each mace, clove, cinnamon and salt Two and one-half cups flour One teaspoon soda Beat eggs well, add the lard, and sugar. Beat again and add milk and molasses. Sift together two and one-half cups of flour, spices and soda; then add raisms and beat to a stiff batter. Bake slowly in a moderate oven. Mrs. F. W, Doyle. Dark Fruit Cake. One and one -half cups flour One cup raisins One teaspoon baking soda Two teaspoons allspice One cup molasses One egg One-half cup sugar One-fourth teaspoon salt As much milk as needed to make a drop batter. Mrs. D. F. Reardon. Delicate Cake4 One-half cup butter One-half cup milk One cup sugar Two eggs (whites only) Two cups flour Two teaspoons baking powder One-fourth teaspoon salt Almond, vanilla or lemon extract for flavoring Mrs. J. M. Ryan. Plain Cake. One cup sugar Three-quarters cup milk Two eggs Two teaspoons baking powder Four tablespoons butter Two cups flour Mix together and bake in a moderate oven. Flavor with one-half tea- spoon vanilla. Mrs. Madden. Irish Cake. One quart flour Two tablespoons sugar One tablespoon baking powder Two teaspoons salt One cup raisins One tablespoon butter One tablespoon caraway seeds One pint buttermilk Mrs. M. Blaney. 36 BREAD and ROLLS. "The verv staff of life, the comfort of the husband, and the pride of the Aife." Buckwheat Griddle Cakes. One cuj) of buckwheat flour One tablespoon of sugar One-half teaspoon of salt One cup of milk Two level teaspoons of baking powder Sift the dry ingredients together twice, add milk. Stir well. Fry on hot greased pan. Mrs. Wallace. WafFles. One pint flour One-half teaspoon of salt One teaspoon baking powder I'hree eggs One and one-quarter cups milk One tablespoon melted butter Add the beaten yolks of the eggs with the milk, then the melted butter and the whites of the eggs last. Serve with lemon syrup or butter. Mrs. C. Jones. Sour Milk Pancakes^ One egg Speck of salt One-half teaspoon of soda One cup of sour milk Dissolved in a little warm water One cup flour Beat well, fry on hot greased pan. Mrs. Teehan. Tea Muffins^ One-third cup of butter One egg, beaten light One-quarter cup of sugar Three-quarters cup of milk One teaspoon of salt Two cups of flour Four teaspoons of baking powder Cream the butter and sugar. Add salt, egg, milk and flour. Bake twenty- live minutes. Mrs. M. T. Leonard. Oatmeal Bread. Three cups of oatmeal One yeast cake One tablespoon shortening White flour Three tablespoons molasses One tablespoon salt Pour boiling water on oatmeal, about one cup, and stir; let cool until luke- warm, then beat lard in, add molasses, mix yeast into one cup of lukewarm water, mix all together, then sift flour in and two tablespoons of salt; stir with spoon, then knead in with flour just like white bread. This makes four loaves and one pan of biscuits. Mrs. Brooks. 37 Sweet Bread. One and one-half cups of water One cup of sugar One tablespoon salt One half-pound lard One yeast cake mixed with one-half cup lukewarm water One-half pound of raisins or curraifts One teaspoon each, cinnamon, allspice and caraway seeds TlouT to make a dough same as white bread This will make six large loaves. ' Mrs. Crutz. Squash Bread. Two talj]es]jcon of sugar One tablespoon of butter One teaspoon of salt One and one -half cups of scalded milk One cup of winter squash, steamed and strained One }east cake, mixed with one-quarter cup lukewarm water Use flour enough to knead Mix sugar and the butter, salt, and squash, and when cool add the yeast and flour. Knead for fifteen minutes, let it rise till light, knead and shape aito loaves or biscuits. When well risen, bake. Mrs. T. Britt. Irish Bread. One quart of flour Two level teaspoons of cream of tartar One tablespoon baking powder Mix together and add the following: One teaspoon salt One tablespoon of lard Two tablespoons of sugar One-half cup of raisins Wet with buttermilk. Bake in a pie plate in a moderately hot oven. Mrs. Butler. Swedish Rolls. Two cups of milk One-half cup of sugar One-half yeast cake One cup of currants One-quarter cup of lukewarm water Three tablespoons of cinnamon Two eggs Flour to knead One-quarter cup of butter One-half cup of chopped citron Two teaspoons of salt Make as for bread. Let rise twice to double its bulk. Then roll one- quarter inch thick. Roll like a jelly roll, cut in slices. Let rise again. Bake in hot oven fifteen to twenty minutes. Miss Annie O'Donnell. White Bread. Four quarts of white flour Two tablespoons of sugar 'y-wo tablespoons of salt Two tablespoons shortening Dissolve yeast in cup of lukewarm water. Mix with enough lukewarm water to make a soft dough. Rub shortening over the top to prevent crust. Let rise over night in warm place. Mould loaves. Put in greased pans and let rise until they double their size. Bake in moderately hot oven for about one hour. Mrs. Lynch. 38 Whole Wheat Bread. Two cups scalded milk ( )ne yeast cake dissolved in One-quarter cup sugar or molasses one-quarter cup of M'arm water One teaspoon salt Tive cups of whole wheat flour One cup of white flour Add sweetening and salt to milk, cool, and when lukewarm add dissolved }east and flour; beat well, cover, and let rise to double its bulk; turn into greased pans, having pans half full. Let rise and bake. Whole wheat bread should not quite double itself in last rising. Mrs. Parsons. Graham Bread. Two quarts white flour Two tablespoons molasses Three cups graham flour One tablespoon lard One tablespoon sugar One yeast cake Two teaspoons salt I,ukewarm water to make soft dough Amount for two loaves and a pan of biscuits. Mrs. James Ford. Nut Bread (white) ^ Three and one-half cups flour One cup of sugar One tablespoon lard One cup of broken walnuts One teaspoon salt One es;g Two tablespoons baking powder One and one-quarter cups of milk, enough to make a stiff batter Mix all well, put in greased pan and bake one hour. Jessie Montieth. One Egg Muffins* Two cups of flour vOne-half teaspoon of salt Four teaspoons of baking powder One cup of milk Two tablespoons of sugar One egg Two tablespoons of melted butter Mix and 5-ift dry ingredients, adding gradually milk, egg well beaten, 'and melted butter. Bake in buttered pans twenty-five minutes. Mrs. Parsons. Baking Powder Biscuits. One quart of flour One teaspoon of salt Three tablespoons of baking powder ITiree tablespoons of shortening worked in Sift twice. Mix Avith milk or water, just like bread. Roll light and cut. Bake in a moderate oven twelve minutes . Mrs. Lynch. Johnny Cake. Three cups of cornmeal Two cups of milk Two cups of white flour One cup of water One-half cup of sugar One teaspoon of salt Three tablespoons of baking powder One egg jSIix in order given. Mrs. M. J. Salway 39 Pop Overs. Two eggs (beaten light) Two cups of milk Two cups of flour One-half teaspoon salt Beat with Dover egg beater two minutes. Bake about thirty-five minutes in hot oven Serve hot. . Mrs. Shaw. Parker House Rolls. Two cups of scalded milk One yeast cake riiree tablespoons of butter (3ne teaspoon of salt 'T\vo tablespoons of sugar Three cups of flour Add butter and sugar to milk, when lukewarm add yeast, dissolved in one- <:]uarter cup of warm water. Mix salt with flour and add. Beat thoroughly; let rise until light, cut down and add sufficient flour to knead. Let rise, put on flour-covered board and cut in regular size. Let rise and bake in hot oven fifteen minutes. Mrs. M. O'Donnell. Corn Muffins^ One and one-half cups of flour Two eggs One-half cup of cornmeal One cup of niilk One teaspoon of salt Two level teaspoons of baking powder Butter the size of a small egg Mix the dry ingredients. Add eggs, milk, and butter. Beat well. Bake in hot oven from fifteen to twenty minutes in buttered gem pans. Mrs. Doherty. Eggless Corn Bread. One cup corn meal One teaspoon salt One-half cud white flour Two tablespoons shortening One tablespoon baking powder One cup of milk Mix and sift ingredients and add shortening and milk. Beat thoroughly, 1-our into grcv.sed pan and bake in hot oven twenty minutes. Miss K. A. Loftus. Oatmeal Muffins. Two-thirds cup of oatmeal One cup of scalded milk One and one- half cups of flour One egg One-half teaspoon of salt lliree tablespoons of sugar Four level teaspoons of baking powder Two level tablespoons of melted butter Turn scalded milk on oatmeal and let cool, add sugar, salt, and melted butter. Sift in flour and baking powder. Mix and add egg well beaten. Bake in buttered pans. Mrs. M. F. Leonard. 40 Cream of Tartar Biscuits. Two cups of flour One teaspoon of salt Four teaspoons of baking powder Two tablespoons fat Three-quarters of a cup of water and milk in equal parts Marion Leonard. Graham Muffins. One cup of ;Trahani flour One cup of milk One-quarter cup of sugar One egg One cup of white flour Two tablespoons of melted butter Four teaspoons of baking powder Mix in order given. M. Parsons. Cheese Gingerbread. One cup of molasses Two cups of flour One-third cup of cheese, cut small One teaspoon of ginger One-half cup of water One-half teaspoon of salt Four teaspoons of baking powder Heat molasses and cheese in double boiler. When cheese is melted re- move from fire, add other ingredients. Bake fifteen minutes. Mrs. Costigan. Ginger Bread. One-half cup of butter lour teaspoons baking powder Two tablespoons of sugar One egg One-half cup of molasses One cup of rnilk Two cups of sifted flour Speck salt < One teaspoon ginger Mix all ingredients and pour in the shortening, and egg well beaten. ]'our into greased pans and bake in hot oven twenty minutes. Mrs. Giblin. Brown Bread. '.^wo cups rye flour One-half cup molasses Two cups corn meal One teaspoon salt One cup white flour One teaspoon soda Use enough sour milk to make a batter. Add little shortening. Mix in order and steam it two and one-half hours in greased brown bread tin. Mrs. M. J. Salway. Bran Muffins. 'j"wo cups of bran One-half cup of molasses One cup of fiour C">ne tablespoon of baking powder One and one-half cups of milk One-half teaspoon of salt Bake in gem pans forty minutes. A. M. M. 41 Soft Ginger Bread. ^ Three cups of flour One teas])oon of cinnamon One-quarter cup of molasses Two-thirds cups of sugar One egg well beaten One cup of raisins One tablespoon of shortening A little salt Two teaspoons of ginger Sour milk enough to make soft batter One and one-half teaspoons baking soda Mrs. E. T. Carroll. DOUGHNUTS and COOKIES. Dinner may be pleasant, So may social tea; But yet methinks the breakfast Is the best of all the three. Sour Milk Doughnuts. One cup of sugar Flour enougli to roll out One-half teaspoon of soda I wo eggs Oneteaspoon of salt One cup of sour milk One-quarter teaspoon of nutmeg One teaspoon of butter Mary MacCalduff. Rocks. C)ne and one-half cups sugar One teaspoon soda in | Four eggs One teaspoon hot water j One cup butter One teaspoon cinnamon I Two and one-half cups flour Pinch of salt j One and one-half cups chopped raisins i One pound English walnuts (chopped) Cream sugar and butter. Beat in the eggs. Flour raisins, put in other in- gredients, and put the hot water in. They should be quite stiff when mixed, so they could drop off a spoon. Mrs. Bradford Wilson. Dainty Vanilla Wafers^. One cup sugar Fwo-thirds teaspoon soda Two-thirds cup butter Two teaspoons vanilla Four tablespoons milk Flour to roll very thin One egg One and one-half teaspoons cream tartar Cut in round cakes, and bake in a quick oven. Mrs. Melvin L. Breath. 42 Chocolate Doughtnuts. One cup of sugar Three teaspoons of baking jKJwder One egg Speck of salt Two tablespoons of butter Three tablespoons of cocoa Use flour enough to make a stiff dough. Fry in hot fat and roll in sugar. Use srriall biscuit cutter for cutting. M. M. O. Corn Meal Griddle Cakes, One cup of corn meal One-half teaspoon salt One cup white flour Two cups sour milk One egg One teaspoon of soda One tablespoon of butter Beat together and cook on hot greased frying pan. A. M. M. Corn Crisps. One cup of cornmeal One teaspoon of salt Two cups of boiling water Speck of cayenne Cheese Boil together the com meal, salt, and water. Add the grated cheese and cayenne. Roll as thin as cookies. Cut and bake three-quarters of an hour. Mrs. Tracy. Doughnuts. Three-quarters cup of sugar One-half cup of milk One egg Speck of salt One tablespoon of shortening Speck of ginger One and one-half teaspoons baking powder Speck of nutmeg Cream the butter and sugar and add the egg, sugar, milk. Use flour enough to make a dough. Cut and fry in smoking hot fat. Mrs. Montieth. Drop Cookies, One-half cup butter Two cups flour Three and one-quarter cups sugar Two teaspoons baking powder One egg One-half teaspoon salt One teaspoon vanilla INIilk if needed Drop on buttered tins with a spoon. Put a raisin on each cookie. Mrs. White. Brown Sugar Cookies. (Jne cup brown sugar (Jne-half teaspoon soda One-half cup butter Little nutmeg One egg One and one-half tablespoons sour milk Flour to roll not too stiff Bake in rather hot oven. M. A. H. 43 Brownies. I'wo eggs One-half cup butter One cup suQ;ar Speck of salt Bake and cut in squares. Two squares chocolate, melted One-half cup walnuts One-half cup flour M. K. S. Raisin Cookies. One-quarter cup water 1 wo cups flour I'wo teaspoons baking powder l)ne teaspoon vanilla Speck salt One cup sugar creamed with One-half cup Ijutter One egg One-quaiter cup milk One cup chopped raisins Drop a teaspoonful at a time in a buttered tin about two inches apart. This makes twenty- four cookies. Bake in a moderate oven twenty minutes. Mrs. M. O'Donnell. Molasses Cookies. One cup molasses One teaspoon soda One-third cup sour milk One-half teaspoon ginger 1 wo-thirds cup butter One-half teaspoon cinnamon Sift together dry ingredients, then add one-half cup of sugar, then other ingredients and flour to make the mixture stiff enough to roll. Mrs. Margaret O'Driscoll. Ginger Snaps. One tablespoon ginger Flour to make a stiff dough to be rolled very thin CJne cup molasses One teaspooon soda One-half cup sugar One-half cup butter Mix molasses, sugar, ginger and butter. Stir over the fire until the butter ii; melted, then stir in quickly three cups of flour in which the soda is sifted. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth, and set on ice or something cold over night if possible. Roll as thin as pasteboard, and bake in a quick oven. Mrs. S. Gately. Ginger Cookies. One cup molasses One-half cup sugar One tablespoon ginger Heat molasses, pour over sugar. Cut and bake quickly. (3ne teaspoon soda One-half cup softened butter Flour to roll out very thin Add ginger, soda, butter and flour. Mrs. Mearls. 44 CANDY. "Sweets to the Sweet." Home-made candy is cheaper and purer than that generally bought at the stores. Much of the candy bought is made from impure sugars and flavor- ings, and sometimes dangerous coloring matter has been found in cheap candy. Candy Makers' Terms. — Candy makers use soft ball, hard ball, thread, and the crack to describe sugar at different stages in its cooking. Soft ball means sugar cooked till a little, dropped into cold water and rolled between the fingers, becomes a soft ball. Hard ball means sugar cooked till a little, dropped into cold water and rolled between the fingers, becomes a hard ball. Thread mean sugar cooked till a drop let fall from a spoon spins itself into a fine thread. The Crack means sugar cooked till it becomes brittle if dropped into cold water. Helps to Successful Candy Making. — Before starting to make candy have ready all materials and utensils for cooking. If nuts are to be used, have them ready also. Have the pans buttered. Have cold water ready in which to try the candy. After pouring the cooked candy into the pan, do not mar its surface by putting the scrapings from the pan on it. Victory Fudges Three-quarters cup of milk 'Ihree cups of sugar One-quarter cup of butter Four tablespoons cocoa One and one-half teaspoons of vanilla Boil the milk, butter, sugar and cocoa without stirring. When it forms a soft ball in cold water take it from the fire and beat it until it becomes >. creamy, then add the vanilla. Pour on a buttered pan and set away to cool. Mrs. C. Jones. Turkish Delight. One package of gelatine One-half cup of orange juice Two pounds of sugar Grated rind of one lemon One-quarter cup of lemon juice (^ne cup of chopped nuts One-half cup of water Place the sugar and water in a saucepan and add the gelatine that has l^een soaked Cook for ten minutes. Add lemon juice and orange juice. Cook ten minutes longer and stir in orange rind and nuts. Pour in greased pans and let stand over night. Cut in squares and roll in powdered sugar. Mrs. Lynch. 45 Chocolate Caramels. Two cups molasses One-half pound chocolate One cup brown sugar One cup milk Butter size of an egg Beat all together and boil until it forms a soft ball when dropped in water. I'urn into fiat pan well buttered. When nearly cold, cut in small squares. Sea Foam Candy. Three cuns light brown su^ar One teaspoon vanilla One cup water One-cjuarter jjound English walnuts One tablespoon vinegar Whites of two eggs Boil sugar, water and vinegar until it forms a ball when dropped into cold water. Tlien j)ut in the stiffly beaten whites of eggs and continue beat- ing until ne;irl\- cold. Add the vanilla and walnuts and drop from spoon on buttered ))lates or parafiine paper. Mrs. McCall. Peanut Brittle. Two cups sugar One cup peanuts (chopped fine) Put the peanuts into a slightly buttered tin pan and set it on the back of tJie range. Cook the sugar in an iron frying pan, stirring it constantly that it may not burn. When the sugar is a clear, yellow sirup, pour it over the peanuts. Cut the candy into squares while it is still warm. IVIolasses Candy, Two cups molasses Three tablespoons butter One cup brown sugar One tablespoon vinegar Mix the molasses, sugar, and butter together; put the mixture into a saucepan and cook it slowly until the sugar is dissolved. Boil it until it fomis a hard Ijall when dropped into cold water. Add the vinegar and con- tinue the cooking until the mixture will become brittle. Pour it into a but- tered pan and mark it off into scjuares while it is warm. Butter Taffy. Two cups light brown sugar One-quarter teaspoon salt One-quarter cup molasses Two tablespoons butter Two tablespoons water Two tal>lesi)oons lemon juice or vinegar One teaspoon vanilla Boil the first five ingredients together until the sirup forms a hard ball in cold water. Add the butter and continue the cooking until the mixture, when tested, ijecomes brittle. Remove it from the fire, add the vanilla, and pour the taff}' into a buttered pan. When it is nearly cool, mark it into squares. 46 Plain Fondant. Three cups sugar One-half teaspoon vanilla One-quarter teaspoon cream of tartar Three-quarters cup water Put the sugar, cream of tartar and water into an agate saucepan and stir the mixture thoroughly. Place it on the range and heat it slowly to the boil- ing point. Boil it without stirring until the sirup threads, or until it forma a soft ball in cold water. After the sirup has been boiling a few minutes sugar will adhere to sides of the saucepan. This should be removed by washing it off with a piece of soft cloth dipped in cold water. When the fondant is cooked, add the vanilla, pour the sirup slowly on a large platter, and let it stand until it is nearly cool, or until it can be handled. Knead it, like bread dough, until it is perfectly smooth. Put it into a covered jar and let it stand at least twenty-four hours before using it. Fondant is used in many ways: plain, for the centers of chocolate creams and bonbons, mixed with cocoanut, nuts, candied cherries, dates, figs, etc., and as frosting for cakes. Any other flavoring may be substituted for vanilla. Fudge. '] wo cups of sugar ()ne-half cup of milk 'Three tablespoons of cocoa Butter the size of an egg One-half teaspoon of vanilla Boil togetlier the sugar, cocoa and milk. Add butter when boiling. Stir thoroughly and add the vanilla. Beat until creamy. Pour on buttered dish and set away to cool. Mrs. Mitchell. Vinegar Candy. 1 wo cups sugar One-half cup vinegar Two tablespoons butter Mix all the ingredients together in a saucepan. Stir the mixture over the fire until the sugar is dissolved, and occasionally afterward. Boil it until it i • brittle when tried in cold water. Pour it on a buttered plate to cool, and mark it into squares while it is M^arm. Cocoanut Cream Candy. '! wo cups of eat until it begins to grain Pour on buttered dish and mark \vhen cool. Helen Costigan. Marshmallow Pinoche. Three cups oi brown sugar Initter the size of a walnut Three-quarters cup of milk One-half pound of best marshmallows One cup of broken English walnut meat Boil together the sugar and milk about ten minutes stirring all the time. \dd the butter, walnut meat and marshmallows. Heat over the stove until ready to poui. Pour on buttered plate and harden. Mae Barret. Gocoanut Marshmallow Squares. 'i'wo cups of stoned dates ' -ne tablesv)oons of milk One-quarter cup of powdered sugar Ore cup of canned cocoanut (squeezed dry) Mix all together and press one-half the mixture into a square tin. Place a layer of mrshmallow between and the remainder of mixture on top. Tress firmly tc ^ether, cut in squares, and set away. Mildred Thompson. Peanut Butter Candy,., < ;ne cup of light brown sugar One-half cup of molasses Three-quarters cup of peanut butter Boil .sugar and molasses together until it hardens in water. Remove from fire and stir in peanut butter. Let cool and then pull it. Helen F. Thompson. Karo Candy. One cup of karo One teaspoon of vinegar (Tie cupj of '^ugar Sniiill piece (jf l)utter Boil till it is hard in cold water. Mary Nicholson. 48 Molasses Taffy- Four tablespoons of sugar i wo tablespoons of water Six tablespoons of molasses One teaspoon of butter Roil until l)rittle in cold water. Pour on buttered dish. Mrs. F. M. Salway. Cocoa Fudge. One cup of sugar oi.\ teaspoons of cocoa or chocolate One-fourth cup of milk Butter the size of an egg One teaspoon of vanilla Boil until it threads, take from stove and add the butter and vanilla and r.eat until thick. Pour into buttered pans and cut when cool. Mary Salway. Butter Scotch. One-half cup of molas.ses One-half cuj) of l)utter One cup of .sugar Two tablespoons of boiling water One tablespoon of vinegar i.)ne teaspoon of vanilla Boil the mixture until it becomes brittle in cold water. Add the vanilla. Pour in buttered pans. Bonnie Fedell. Peppermint Creams. Two cups of sugar One teaspoon of peppermint extract One-half cup of water One-eighth teaspoon of cream of tartar Add sugar and water together. Add the cream of tartar. Cook until soft i*all in cold water. Stir until cloudy and add the extract. Drop on waxed ]>aper. Ruth Nicholson. Puffed Rice Brittle. One cup of sugar One-half i)ackage of puffed rice ( )ne-half cup water One teaspoon vinegar f)ne-half teaspoon salt Two tablespoons molasses Butter size of walnut Boil sugar, water and vinegar for five minutes, then add molasses, butter and salt. Boil until when dropped in cold water it becomes hard and brit- tle. Take from fire, stir in puffed rice previously warmed and spread on buttered dish to cool. Mrs. C. I. Adams. Pop-Corn Balls. One cuj^ of sirup One tablespoon of vinegar Two or three quarts of popped corn Boil siruj) and vinegar until sirup hardens in cold water. Pour over pop- <.orn and roll into t)alls. Mrs. D. Thompson. 49 PRESERVES and PICKLES. "Variety is the very spice of life that gives it all its flavor." Canned Pears. Cut a dozen Bartlett pears in halves, leaving the stem on half. Pare and remove the cores. Cook until soft. Make a syrup of one cup and a half of sugar, and a cup of water and the juice of one lemon. Skim. Put pears into sterilized quart jars. Add the syrup to overflow. Place rubber on jar. Cover and tighten the jar. The lemon may be omitted. Can peaches in the same way. Mrs. Wallace. Spiced Crab Apples. Cook one pint of vinegar and six pounds of sugar, two teaspoons cinna- mon, one-half teaspoon cloves, add six pounds of crab apples, cored and chopped fine, two oranges with peel and chopped fine, two pounds seeded raisins. Boil slowly about twenty-five minutes. M. M. D. Orange Marmalade. "I welve oranges Four lemons Eight pounds of white sugar Cut up fruit and soak for thirty-six hours in four quarts of cold water. Then boil two hours, add sugar and boil until it jellies. Mrs. MacCalduff. Gingered Pears. Eight pounds of pears cut in thin slices. Cook four pounds of sugar, four cups of water, the juice of four lemons and grated rind. Two ounces ginger root soaked over night in a little water and then chopped fine is then added. Boil slowly about four hours. Mrs. Mary Cullen. Chilli Sauce. Eighteen ripe tomatoes peeled and sliced Two small peppers (remove seeds) Two large onions or four small ones, peeled and chopped with the peppers Boil all these together one and one-half hours Then add two tablespoons cf salt, one-half teaspoon of cloves, one teaspoon of cinnamon, one-half cup of sugar, two cups of vinegar to the above and boil one-half hour longer. Miss Catherine Loftus. 50 Beet Relish. One quart of boiled beets chopped fine, one quart raw cabbage chopped, ater. Mix well, strain and serve very cold. Orangeade. Juice of one orange One and one-half pounds sugar One tablespoon lemon juice One cup boiling water Wash the orange and cut a thin slice from the center, and remove the seeds. Squeeze the juice from the orange, add the lemon juice, sugar and boiling water. Put into a bowl, cover and let stand until it is cold. Strain into a glass and put the slices of orange on top. 55 HOUSEHOLD HINTS. To prevent clothes from freezing to clothesline— Soak clothes in salt and \. ater. Rub wet cloth over line just before hanging clothes out to dry. To cook string beans quickly — ^Add a pinch of soda to water and you will find they cook much quicker. To remove odor of cabbage and corned beef from kitchen — Sprinkle a lit- tle coffee on the stove and it will remove odor. Sprinkle a little flour over suet when chopping it, to prevent the pieces Slicking together. Keep cranberries in a cool place in cold water; will keep for weeks. To make whites of eggs beat up quickly, add a pinch of salt. The juice from a ripe tomato will remove stains from the hands and whiten them. Cabbage chopped and seasoned well with celery salt is a good substitute for celery in a salad. The following is a table of weights and measures that will be found useful One quart sifted flour One pound One pint of granulated sugar One pound Two cups of butter, packed One pound One generous pint of liquid One pound Two vups granulated sugar One pound Two cups powdered sugar One pound One pint of tinely chopped meat, packed solidly One pound The cup used is the common kitchen cup, holding one-half pint. You can get a bottle or a barrel of oil off any carpet or woolen stuff by i-j.plying dr}- buckwheat flour plentifully and faithfully. To remove peach stains from linen, saturate the stain with spirits of cam- phor before washing and the stain will disappear. A tin cm o*" washing soda should be kept on hand to clean pots and pans and sweeten the sink. The dishcloth should be boiled in soda water fre- quently. Ammonia can be used for the same purpose, but it is more ex- pensive. \ frying liasket, which costs only a trifle, saves much labor and material. A jar for breadcrumb.*, which should never be thrown away but dried in ihe oven and rolled out for dressing and thickenings. Keep a pot for fat. Never allow any fat liquor to be thrown away, it will ierve as a basis of good vegetable soup tomorrow. Save all skimmings from .ame, and all drippings from the roast. When bread or pastry is in danger of burning, a basin of cold water set Of the upper grate protects the bread and lowers the temperature, and is much better than covering with paper or leaving the door open. Mrs. D. Thompson. 56 ' Grass stains may be removed from colored goods by dipping stain in alco- hol and rubbing spot vigorously. For a burn apply equal parts white of egg and olive oil mixed together. If applied at once no blister will form. Clean piano keys by rubbing with alcohol. To remove iron rust, saturate spot with lemon juice, then cover with salt, I.et stand in sun for several hours. Tumblers which have contained milk should be rinsed in cold 'vater be- fore being put into hot water. Never put knives with ivory handles in hot water. Hot water causes them to discolor and crack. To toughen lamp chimneys put them in a kettle of cold water, heat gradu- ally until water reaches boiling point. Set aside; when water is cold, re- move chimne}'s. This prevents chimneys from cracking. When a water bottles begins to look cloudy, half fill the bottle with seeds from grape fruit, and water; shake wel for a few minutes, take out and wash in warm suds, then rinse in clear warm water; this will cause the glass to glisten and look like new. Place all garbage in paper bags before putting in the garbage can. The can lasts much longer and is easier to keep clean. A long handled corn popper is very useful for broiling a bit of steak, a chop, or for making a slice of toast in the furnace when the kitchen fire isn't in cooking order. To soften a paint brush that has been allowed to harden, boil for half an hour in vessel containing vinegar to cover. The brush will come out like new. Pack glass or china in straw that has been slightly moistened; this will prevent the articles from slipping about. Wrap each article separately, placing the heaviest at the bottom. To test eggs, put them in water. A fresh egg will sink, a bad egg will f oat on the surface. Cubes of sugar rubbed over the surface of an orange will retain the or- ange flavor by absorbing the oil. Sugar thus prepared and used in tea im- parts most delicious flavor, suggesting orange pekoe. If the knives of the food chopper become black and dull, run a piece of sandsoap through the machine as you would if it were food; it brightens and sharpens the knives. V/hen frying anything that causes the hot fat to spatter, try sprinkling a little flour into the hot fat l)efore beginning to fry. This will instantly stop the spattering. Mix stove polish with milk instead of water; it gives a higher polish. When washing vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, dandelions, water cress, etc., add one tablespoon of salt to the water and all small inescts which can't otherwise be washed will quickly rise to the top. L. N. Crosby. 57 Notes on Meat., Cheap cut? of meat contain the same amount of nourishment as expen- sive cuts. Intense heat long applied soils the texture of meat. Baste meat to cook the outside, thereby keeping in the juice. A little vinegar added to water makes meat more tender when boiling. Cold water should be used in making soups. For roasting a hot oven should be used and then reduce the heat and let cook more slowly. Give children more milk and less meat. Good beef should be good red color, creamy fat, and flesh should be elas- tic to the touch. Long, slow cooking in water makes tough meat tender. Preservation of Eggs. Eggs may be preserved when they are cheap and plentiful by means of water glass or silicate of sodium. The eggs should be perfectly fresh when packed, and a five gallon crock or jar will hold iifteen dozen eggs. Nine quarts of water, cooled, one quart of water glass. More eggs may be added from time to time. Hard Soap. Five pounds clarified and strained fat One pound potash Two taljlcspoons jiowdered borax One quart of water One-third cup washing soda, dissolved in one-quarter cup boiling water. Line a box with greased paper. Put the fat on the back of the range until it is melted. Mix the potash and when dissolved add the ammonia, borax and dissolved soda mixture. Stir it occasionally, then let it stand until it is cold. When fat is melted and warm, pour it into the potash slowly, stirring all the time and continue to stir it, from ten to fifteen minutes, until the soap is the consisteniy of thick cream. Pour it into the paper lined box. Let it stand a few hours, and then cut it into pieces convenient for use. Do not remove it from the box for three days. ]. M. 4 58 Kitchen Time Table. Beans, 8 to hours Beef, sirloin, well done, per Ih. 12 to 15 minutes Bread, brick loaf, 40 to 60 minutes Cake sponge, 45 to 60 min. Custards, 5 to 20 minutes Duck, tame, 40 to 60 minutes Fish 6 to 8 lbs., 1 hour Mutton, rare, per lb., 10 min. Mutton well done, per lb. 15 minutes Potatoes 30 to 45 minutes Pork, well done, per pound, 30 minutes Veal, well done, per pound 20 minutes Lamb, well done, per pound, 15 minutes Boilins. Time required for baking. Onions, 30 to 45 minutes Pudding, rice, tapioca, 1 hcnir Turkey, 10 lbs., .i hours Beef, rare, per pound 8 to 10 minutes Biscuit 10 to 20 minutes Cake, plain, 20 to 40 minutes Cookies, 10 to 15 minutes Chickens, 3 to 4 pounds, 1 to 1 1-2 hours Pie crust, 30 to 40 minutes Pudding, plum, 2 to 3 hours I Asparagus 15 to 20 minutes Beans, shell, 1 to 2 hours Beets, young, 45 to 60 min. Cabbage, young 30 to 45 minutes Chickens, 45 to 60 minutes Corned beef, 4 to 5 hours Eggs, hard boiled, 15 to 20 minutes Beans, string, 2 hours Brown bread, 3 hours Carrots, 45 to 60 minutes Cauliflower, 30 to 45 minutes Corn, green, 5 to 8 minutes Eggs, 3 to 5 minutes Ham, 5 hours Parsnips, 30 to 45 minutes Potatoes, 20 to 30 minutes Squash, 20 to 30 minutes Turnips, 30 to 45 minutes Winter vegetables, 1 to 2 hours Bass, per pound, 10 minutes Lamb, one hour Oysters, 3 minutes Oysters, 3 minutes Peas, 15 to 20 minutes Salmon, per pound, 15 minutes Tomatoes, 15 to 20 minutes Veal, 2 to 3 hours Broiling. Chops 8 minutes Chickens, 20 minutes Steak, 1 inch thick, 4 to 6 minutes Fi.«h, thin, 5 to 8 minutes Fish, thick, 12 to 15 minutes Bacon, 20 minutes Doughnuts, 3 to 5 minutes Fritters, 3 to 5 minutes Frying Croquets, 1 minute Fish balls, 1 minute Mildred Thompson. 59 Memoranda. -i Q>gffs can not 6e imltatec/, hut as an economic necessitij, tve suggest NEG REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. Eliminates Eggs in Cooking THE NEW PURE FOOD PREPARATION FOR ALL COOKING AND BAKING 25c PACKAGE ELIMINATES USE OF 18 EGGS USED SUCCESSFULLY IN MANY HOTELS, HOSPITALS, COLLEGES, INSTITUTIONS, ETC. ^s/^ Uf he do ijoun grocer. kJT ne noes not carrij N£Vji send us his name and address, utith 25 cents. J. urchase price gladlt/ refunded, if found un= satisfactory . ■ <• > * Jimerican Economy Products Co. Inc. 65 "Broad St., "Boston Babbitt's Cleanser Babbitts ?leaHser COSTS 5c. WHY PAY MORE Compliments of Boston Ice Cream Co., 40 King Street, Boston, Mass. Compliments of H jfrienb. The Chef says: " If you want the rep- utation for making the best pie crust, bread, cake, stuffed dates, and candy — evei — use SAWTAY SAWTAY is the snow-white butter make from the rich cream of tropical nuts. It takes the place of the finest creamery butter in every form of cooking. Just try SAWTAY STUFFED DATES Cream together one cup of confectioner's sugar with 2 tablespoonfuls of Sawtay. Add '4 teaspoonful vanilla and beat until a creamy consistency is obtained. Wash dates and cut the entire length, removing stones. Fill cav- ities with above mixture. Garnish each date with a slice of candied cherry or a small nut. SAUTE PRODUCTS CORP., Woolworfh Tower, N. Y. Kindiv Patronize Our Advertisers. Spredit Nut Butter The Original Danish Formula H. G. CUSHMAN, 136 State St., Boston One of the charms of a social dinner is the beauty and lustre of your Silver and Glass HNO0RerbTe The LITTLE CANDLE" takes care of any and all odors from cooking and pleases your guest Ask for EGYPTIAN DEODORIZER and AEROPUME Delightful in the Home. THE CANDO COMPANY, BOSTON Aladdin Dye Soap COLORS WHILE YOU WASH and the results are perfect. There is no fuss or muss such as mixing or boiling. You need not even wear rubber gloves, as ALADDIN does not stain hands, bowl or basin. Dyeing with any of the 15 beautiful fast colors is surprisingly simple. In fact, you really do not knoiv a satisfactory dye soap until you have used Aladdin. For dark colors use Aladdin Dye- easiest regular dye — dissolves readily in warm water — will not crock or streak — no straining or boiling to secure beauti- ful lasting black, brown or navy blue. A. E. CLEVELAND CO., 29 INDIA STREET, BOSTON, MASS. Distributors for New England. AsR for Improved Queen Fruit Jars (New Lightning Style; No wire across top to break glass covers 95% of the broken covers were caused by the top wire on all Lightning Style Jars. Improved Queen Fruit Jars recommended by Government Canning Teachers, Domestic Science, and Canning School. Do not take old model jars when you can get the new Improved Queen Fruit Jars at the same price. Kold Prosso Rubbers are recommended by the highest U. S. Government authorities, do not take chances with any other. Manufactured by Smalley, Rivlan & Onthank, 21 Blackstone St., Boston There are innumerable ways to use milk in cookery such as in puddings, blanc mange, soups, chowder, sauces, "junket", etc. and in all these ways it is both appetizing and nourishing. Practical cooks exsrcise the same careful judgment in the selection of the milk and cream w^hich they use as they do in the selection of extracts, flour, etc., etc. Our trade mark on your milk bottle corresponds to the Sterling Mark on Silver.— IT STANDS FOR THE BEST. D. WHITING & SONS. Kindly Patronize Our Advertisers. COOK ■WITH Baker's Extracts COMPLY WITH ALL FOOD LAWS The more stringent the law the better we like it. We expect to still be making Baker's Extracts when the law has rid the market of cheap imitations. Baker's Extracts may cost a little more, but flavor better, go further and are healthfuL BAKER EXTRACT COMPANY CONDENSED MII.H 802 "VirasKington Street, Boston Ask for Free Cook Book. No. 3—351. r. C.N. P. Of all nour- n f '^Vv -'''' isting foods, I \ ''"7 ^ pure cocoa is XH'^^ifcz.one of the ''/ easiest for children to digest. They love it, too. l0W>fEY3C0C0A At ^ocers, in tins, 10c to 50c sizes Famous for Quality CLARK A'^o MAC KUSICK C2Z BOSTON Kindly Patronize Our Advertisers. COFFEE ERCHANT5 CXCLUSIVaY Jos. Middleby, Jr. Inc. Boston, Mass. University Club SHaw^mut Federal Preserves cSts 4Ae ^^£afl ^ Tliat's tHe Reason IVlix* W ^W^ PEOPLE WHO USE QUINBY'S la iouraine - ' ^ SAY iTsThe Perfect Coffee WASHBURN-CROSBY CO. Gold Medal Flour Kindly Patronize Our Advertisers. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS liiiiiiiiiy"! 005 824 805 8 •