.*'^°-*' --^^".° j.°-n*.. \^^^: 4°^ 'bV" ♦ O '^^<^'>' r% ^^0^ ♦ -/* o !M^IKe; PEOPLE OF THE . ^UNirilTAfii ^ m- TO THE .ill :«T'Mli;:mig|3M'^, t^mW-^^^Y- ^^Qm^MMmt-^ ^- ^'^' BY ffEARNLEIgfl LEONARD MOKTAgUE,!:' COPYRIGHT IN 1885 BY F. L ^ONTAGUE. ALL RIGHTS RtSERVEC .f jiKOUGnouHT th' world— search— every land, No pile, no fabric j^et- dotli stand, Rearing its head so near th' sky, Attracting- ev'ry passer-by To stop and read — thereon a name Hung high upon th' walls of fame — Shrined in our hearts — as Free Nona's Son — Noble — Heroic — Washington ! The specks in thee ; th' flaws be few ; Lilve he, wlio for his country drew Th' sword — to make his country free From shore to shore, from sea to sea ; Hold free from stain, his name on thee. Thro' calm— thro' storm — adversity ; Hand down his name — who vict'ry won ! Noble— Heroic— Washington ! Tall, peaceful, graceful, tow'ring shaft ! Speak thou of him, who wept— who laughed — With country's sorrow— country's glee,— Unfurled th' banner of th' free. Dying bequeathed — a name of fire, Which freemen thrill'd with hope— desire — To crown th' work by him begun ; Noble — Heroic — Washington 1 Point upward ! to the noonday sun. Its brilliant light— thou need'st not shun. It— casts thy shadow on this earth— This land— he loved— which gave him birth — This land he worked for — toiled for — bled — Placed freedom's pillow 'neath its hetid. Then threw aside th' sword and gun. Noble— Heroic — Washington ! "^ I ->ODE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STAT By FEARNLEIGH LEONARD M( COfYRIGHT IN 1835, BY F. I .v<5M5X. Point vipward ! mid th" dejiths of nijiht. Point upward ! wlieie faint !• pt cks of light- Denote tliat stars— a Uaming: liost, Now watcli thee at tliy dutied post ; Sentinel faithful, lofty, high— Constantly pointing to th' sky ; Tell to th' heavens ! his work is done ! Noble— Heroic— Washington ! Point upward high ! while we roll by— We as a generation dio. Tell thou to youth as yit unborn, The action mean — the lie to scorn ! As he — ^whose name we grave on thee — (Emblem of truth where 'er it be, 'Neath thick'ning night or blazing sun — ) Noble — Heroic — Washington ! Great noble shaft ! point to the sky ! Fail not our trust in thee so high. Symbolize him, our Reacon sure. Like him, be steadfast ! firm ! endure ! Guard well th' name engraved hereon — When we beholding thee are gone ; Thy watchword pass from Sire to Son ! Noble — Heroic— Washington ! Great marble shaft ! point to th' sky ! Point I while th' elements roll by, Point! 'mid their fire-llame smoke and raj Point ! as th' triumph of the age. Point ! tho' th' thunders round thee roll, Point ! thro' th' flame a livid scroll, Point ! to thy Country's, Freedom's Son ! Point ! to th' name of Washington ! rO THE NATIONAL WASHINGTON MONUMENT.-^ ^GUE, Washington, D. C, 1885. | ^ IE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. fE^f^LEIGH LEQN^I^ MONTAGUE, Landscape Painter, Washington, D. C, I Abbreviated Testimony of the Press, at the U S. Capital, Washington, D. C. " The National Republican : " Notable works of art.—" Daily Post : " Best ever exhibited here. — "Evening Star:" Montague excels. — "Re- public" (society paper) : Montague's pictures are neither many nor com- mon either in color or in pure Chiar-oscuro. The English, the American, the Canadian and Australian press have vied in giving him, in both branches of color and form, the highest praise as a perfect master of his art — he never duplicates his paintings under any pretense — with more meritorious productions than his we are not acquainted. Ho^ ^^„.%* * ^°-n^. O. •^^o^ -o- 0^ ,-' o ♦^ / ^ .-/ste.-, -^z ,^^. ^^^^^^ ..^', \ -ov* ^« -.0 % -