^. 'r^r^' ^^ O > o 5' -^ ^^<=u ^'^o* "o .0^ To SENECA G. LEWIS — who always has fought life's workaday battles with his mental shirt-sleeves rolled up; who has taken the hardest wallops with the broadest smile; who has daily denied the cant of can^t; who ever spoke of courage when the heart refused to sing; whose eager hand constantly gave the strengthening grip of fellowship and human comprehension; who is a man because he's one of the boys — this little volume is most affectionately dedicated. Copyright, 1921 by c. p. McDonald Third Edition UP AND DOING up and Doing By C. P. McDonald With an Introduction by William C. Freeman Cover design by Raymond Carter -^ Carey Craft New York 1921 JAN -5 1922 ^CU654113 up and Doing CONTENTS Introduction by William C. Freeman . . 9 Up and Doing .11 Energy 13 Wake Up! > .... 15 Ambition 17 What Are You Waiting For .? 19 Perseverance 21 Come Across! 23 Aggressiveness 25 The Punch in the Pinch 27 Initiative 29 Game To the Core! 31 Courage 33 Tackle It! 35 Thought 37 Dig In or Dig Out 39 Enthusiasm 41 Carry On! 43 Courtesy 44 A Little Way Ahead 46 Snap Shots 48 See It Through 50 Stick! 52 Seven up and Doing Think It Over 54 The Balance 56 Thrift 58 Quit Dreaming 60 A Creed 62 Doing Your Bit 63 The Sticker 65 The Crown 66 Go Out and Get It 68 The Dreamer .70 Success 72 You'll Win Out 73 Bill Forged Ahead 74 When the Heart Sings 76 The Fighting Blood 78 The World 80 Building the Name 81 Smile 83 Ballade of Toil 84 Eight I up and Doing- INTRODUCTION AM honored to be asked by my good friend, C. P. McDonald, author of this book, to write an introduction for it. Maybe he asked me to write this introduction because he knows the different topics he so ably presents to the reader have all played a big part in my own life. Largely because of my many mistakes, I have been knocked down several times, but I always refused to be counted out. '*Up and Doing' must have been brought to me from somewhere, just as the fine thoughts for the several topics in this helpful book came to friend McDonald from somewhere. I don't know why I always refused to surrender or why something told me to be ''Up and Doing' even when all the cards looked as though they were stacked against me. It was a great pleasure to read ''Up and Doing' the first time in manuscript form; it has been a greater pleasure to re-read it several times; it will be the greatest pleasure to preserve it and read it many times again during the balance of Nine up and Doing my life. I get great inspiration from it. It teaches courage, faith, manhood and woman- hood. Women, as well as men, cannot fail to profit by reading it. It is a great thing for a man to take the time out of a very busy life to write the beautiful, helpful, practical things con- tained in this volume. It may interest the reader to know that I am writing this on October 4, 192 1 — ^the fortieth anniversary of my wedding — and at the age of sixty-one. It may be stimulating to know that the subject, **Bill Forged Ahead," which is treated so splendidly by friend McDonald in this book, fits my case almost to a ''t." At sixty-one^ I am still happily and enthusiastically engaged in forging ahead. Reach the goal, some time ? Sure ; why not ? This is the lesson of this wonderful book — no real man or real woman will ever "give up'' after getting the inspiration of it in his or her brain heart, and soul. God bless you, Mac, for giving us ^^Up and Doingr WILLIAM C. FREEMAN. New York City, October 4, 192 1. Ten u up and Doing UP AND DOING P AND DOING! That's the song that fits the scheme of things ; Hear the engines snorting it and hear the whistles shrill it. In the hustle, bustle, rustle what a joy it brings, Shouting, "Here's a niche for you to fill — buck up and fill it!" Boilers gurgle merrily and grates with life aglow, Whirling wheels and laughing looms and ham- mers hum together; You've been boasting what you'd do if you but had a show^ Now's the time to come across and slip your galling tether! Up and Doing! Listen — don't you hear the motor s song, Calling you to action and to quit your idle dreaming? Hear the sledges slugging in a cadence sweet and strong. And the snapping dynamos with progress daily scheming : Eleven up and Doing Hear the shovels booming it and hear the clacking steam. Hear the turbines triUing as they pound and pulse the rhythm. Get the spirit of the song — forget the dullard dream — Let your fellow plodders know you'll sweat and labor with 'em! Up and Doing! Hear it in the engine room and plant, From the foundries, factories, and workshops how it rises, Telling you on life to take a new and different slant, Mix the game with muscle, brains, and nerve and win the prizes : Standing still and waiting never got a man a thing. Men who count take action when Success they go a-wooing; Listen to the world of work — the wonder wheels that sing A cheery welcome to the man who's always up and doing! Twelve T Up and Doing ENERGY i^r me on YOUR ]oh\ When troubles betide you — When adversity stalks beside you — When failures deride you — Fall back on me. Grant, Adams, Johnson went to the White House because they knew my value. Grant rose from a real estate agent ; Adams from a malt seller; Johnson from a tailor s bench. But for me, Edison would have remained a train butcher; Napoleon a book agent; Astor a 'piano salesman; Columbus a wool peddler. I am the dividing line between the ''good'' time and the ''saw wood'' time. I give those who woo me and stick to me the sea- soning power of reasoning power — The learning power that develops earning power. Utilized by men of brains today, I make them men of gains tomorrow. I am the weaver of the fabric of character — Thirteen up and Doing The invisible instrument upon which men pick out the tune of attainment — The magnet that draws the dollars of diligence. You won't find me used by the chap looking for a snap — By the man who quits using his wits — By the fellow who doesn't aspire to climb higher — Who watches the clock and delights to knock — By the laggard who joys to rob his job of what he ought to put into it — Who won't pitch in and begin something because he can't see the end, I am for the strong-willed^ long-willed, song-filled man — The hustler — The tussler — The man who can buck up and pluck up — Who can take his clay and mould it to the satis- faction of those he moulds for. Give me the chap who can measure with the yard- stick of experience a goodly margin over and above what he sets out to achieve — Who tries for the prize — Who has a mental wallop in every brain cell — Who begins the day by buying a set purpose on credit and pays for it when the knock-off whistle blows with the earnings of fulfilment. Try me on YOUR ]oh\ I am ENERGY! Fourteen w up and Doing WAKE UP! ^KE UP! Dismiss the notion you're defeated Before you hardly get into the scrap ; Stand on the Kne to which you have retreated And plan the contours of your business map ; Reorganize your forces for a rally, You too can do what other men have done ; Let perseverance guide you from the valley Until the game worth winning has been want Wake up! Shake off the dreams that have you shackled — The dreams that keep a man from doing things ; Assail the jobs that you have left untackled And earn the joy that honest effort brings; You've got to sweat and swelter in the doing If you expect to get there and produce; You can't accomplish anything pursuing The cheater's attitude of "What's the use!" Fifteen up and Doing Wake up! Forget the grumbling and the grunting, The whimpering, the whining, and the rest ; The chap who wins Success's banner bunting Has chuckle, chirk, and chortle on his chest; Wake up and fight Hke hell from dawn to night time, Get out into the open — quit the woods; Today, and not tomorrow, is the right time To wake up — buckle down — produce the goods. Sixteen T Up and Doing AMBITION i^r me on YOUR]oh\ I send a man home at the end of a long day's work with a whistle on his Ups — And a song in his heart. I make him long for the dawn of a new day — When he can plunge in again. I make him a man among men — Whether he swings a pick, Drives a truck, Keeps books, Edits a newspaper, Or sells goods. I lend solidity to his slumbers — Relish to his food — Joy to his journeyings. With me as his constant companion, he walks straight, His chin comes out — His jaws square — His eys flash a do-or-die determination. He acquires the winning punch that knocks out Adversity. Seventeen up and Doing He is neither a spiritually minded bigot who de- cries the commercialism of the age, Nor a materialist sneering at the dreamers — For he knows the world has its uses for all kinds. I keep the universe throbbing and pulsating with hope — Needles flashing — Spindles humming — Looms clashing — Hammers pounding — Steam hissing — Dynamos snapping, I keep a perennial song bursting from the throats of working millions. I make men train for bigger things — Those things which the indolent mountebanks and lackadaisical pessimists have given up striving for. I keep the yeast of man's desire fomenting in the seething, ever-expanding world of material gain. I keep alive in the breast of the plodder the ever- burning spark o{ future mastery — The irresistible impulse to reach the domain of leadership, Trymeon rOC/i^ job! I am AMBITION I Eighteen up and Doing WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? JV 'HAT are you waiting for? Why not go after The prizes you think you're entitled to get ? Nothing is gained without tears with the laughter And ease is the offspring of labor and sweat. Make up your mind merely waiting s 3. blunder, That action is what the world calls for today; Roll up your sleeves and go to it like thunder And grubstake yourself to a claim that will pay. What are you waiting for? Just look about you And notice the toilers who battle the gaf; Glad when you're with them or doing without you And, failing, renewing the scrap with a laugh : Making each minute pay something tomorrow. Or maybe the next day, but — making it pay; Robbing the future of man-breaking sorrow By driving their bargains with fortune today. Nineteen up and Doing What are you waiting for? Get into action No matter how hopeless the *'going" may grow; Steep though the road, let your efforts give trac- tion To deeds that will carry you up from below. Do something — start — cut the loafing, time- killing, Stand in the trenches of business and fight ; Dive deep today in the moiling and milling — You can't win on time that has taken to flight. Twenty T Up and Doing PERSEVERANCE 'RYmton YOUR ]oh\ Let me show you the short cut Out of the deep rut. Let me prove that the man who's content to move in a groove is tramping and tamping the tread- mill o{ failure. Try me out and Fll get you in — Right up among the hig men who are worth while. Don't stay among the runts and blunts of the rank and file. Get up with the stalwarts of business — The men who carry their load over the road of progress without a goad and never stop at the way stations of discontent. Give me a chance to help you advance — To walk with and talk with your work. Let me show you the ways to the boss's praise, And a frequent raise. And why the long work day beats the short shirk day. Put the rowels oi determination into the flanks of indecision. I want to help you — Twenty-one up and Doing Make you a man worth much who works for all he's worth. ril make you peel off your coat and pitch into the seeming impossible and make it a reality, ril give you the power to make z flower of resuhs bloom in the weedy hower of skepticism. ril make you a David to all the Goliaths of adver- sity. ril give you a mallet of faith with which to crush and hush the exponents of indolence, ril put you on the inside — On the win side — of life. Try me on YOUR]oh\ I am PERSEVERANCE! Twenty "two c up and Doing COME ACROSS! OME across with the best you have in you, With a wallop backed up by a brain. Never whine that the fates are "agin" you Or be so damned quick to complain; But pick up the hoe and go grubbing. Just winnow the gold from the dross; Break away from the droning and dubbing — Show the world what you've got — come across! Come across with the faith of a leader, Show your hang-dog persistence and grit, For the practice of trying s a breeder Of those things that make a man ''fit'' Don't quit in the race you have started Or figure each failure a loss ; The world is too small for half-hearted Endeavor — brace up! — come across! Twenty-three up and Doing Come across with the vim and the vigor That blessed you the day of your birth; Make the hig deeds forerunners of bigger. For the doers inherit the earth: To the quitter black clouds seem the blacker, The buried stone gathers no moss ; Get out of the class of the slacker — Show your mettle and force — come across! Twenty-jour T Up and Doin^ AGGRESSIVENESS ri?r me on YOUR]oh\ I have inspired men — Fired men — To extend themselves and lend themselves to reaching the dizzy, busy heights of victory, I have given men the strength That has driven them the length Of the rough, rutty, but royal road to leadership, I have been a compass to their ship of faith Through the storm-tossed seas of reverses. I have laid for them substantial foundations un- der their castles built in the air. I have made it possible for real men to come out of the woods and deliver the goods. I give a man the power of seeing through things And seeing things through. I supply the force of purpose that distinguishes the doer from the idler. I inspired Sam Brown to conceive the suspension bridge from a suspended spider's web. For fifty years I was the stand-by oi Galileo while he worked out and completed the invention of the pendulum. Twenty-five up and Doing I teach men how to increase their earning capac- ity by increasing their efficiency. I am the friend of men who have the nerve and the verve to put their ability to the test — Who make mistakes the stepping stones to success. The man I befriend keeps moiling and toiling on the song-^iAt — On the strong'S,idQ — of duty. And he smiles to know He has a show To grow — To throw out his chest — Do his eternal best — Meet every test — Treat trouble as a jest. Try me on YOUR]oh\ I am AGGRESSIVENESS! Twenty-six T Up and Doing THE PUNCH IN THE PINCH ^HE fellow who grins when his trouble begins And who bunches his muscles and swears That he don't give a damn for the kick and the slam And the weight of adversity's cares, Is sure to win out for he's taking the douht Out of life and is playing a cinch — It's a hundred to one, when it comes to be done. He'll deliver the punch in a pinch! The game may be grim, but it's nothing to him, For he's made up his mind he will win; And there's nothing to do but to see the game through And just peel off his coat and dig in: Producing the stuff and ignoring the hluff And not knowing the meaning of flinch, He is sure to come through with the big things to do And deliver the punch in a pinch! Twenty-seven up and Doing The fellow who smiled is the fellow who piles Every ounce of his pep in the fight ; Who warbles a song as he struggles along Toward the joy of the welcoming height; He's turning a trick worth the while every lick, Every knock is a boost he will clinch; And he's there, on the square, while he plugs to prepare To deliver the punch in a pinch! Twenty-eight T Up and Doing INITIATIVE 'i^rmeon FOf/i^job! I keep a man from standing aside to let the next best fellow jorge ahead. I enthuse him to pick up a heavy burden with a light heart. I put him where he belongs — In the ranks of winners who make commercial history. I force him to say '*/ wilW and forget ''/ cantT I transform him from a runner-up to a leader — From a slave to a master; From a dreamer of little things To a schemer of big things. I make a man think more, plan more, do more; Make him create new avenues of business — Fight for the recognition due him. I make him a champion instead of a trailer — A man of mark instead of a marked man. I supplant deficiency with efficiency — Weakness with power. I clear a man's heart and mind of pessimism and crowd them with inspiration — confidence — determination. Twenty-nine up and Doing I make him a brother ofwan rather than a broth- er to the ox; Knock off the shackles and fetters of inaction And bring him the shekels of his betters — in action. Load him with happiness — Snappiness — Scrappiness; Goad him with vim, vigor, virility, to the vortex of victory — To hustle and tussle with broadened brain and greater man-muscle; Spur him to clear the decks of today Of the wrecks of yesterday; To sense the cents and garner the dollars. I am responsible for the success of every great man in the world. I have won battles of business, brain, and brawn. I am the quality that makes a man put his own money back of his own *'0. K." I am the creator of prosperity — Lubricant on the wheels of progress. Try me on YOUR]oh\ I am INITIATIVE! Thirty G Up and Doing GAME TO THE CORE I AME to the core, with a heart filled with laughter^ A smile on his lips and a song in his heart, A fellow is sure to ''land" what he goes after, For he has all he needs for a good running start : Luck is a thing that he never will count on To help win the battle of brains and of brawn; Gameness is all that he uses to mount on In climbing the heights where his betters have gone. His is the job of the tackling and doing Of things that the pervert says no man can do; Hitting the trail of the victor and wooing The gods of Success while the dream's coming true: Whistling away the rebuff and the setback Of every new phase of the task he is on, Sweating and laughing and fighting to get back And sail in the waters he quitted at dawn. Thirty-one up and Doing Yesterday's race doesn't count in his makeup — The one of to-day is the one to be run — And his is the job to get busy and take up The challenge and stay till the victory's won: Steadily, headily, readily sticking And looking not backward but always before, Give me the chap who can take a good licking And come back a winner who's game to the core! Thirty-two T Up and Doing COURAGE ^i^rmeon YOUR ]oh\ You who say you too could make good if you but had the other fellow's luck! It was I who stood by Fulton when the great Napoleon ridiculed his idea of a steam- propelled boat. I helped the Goulds make a hundred million dollars after the Vanderhilts had scoffed at the notion of elevated railroads. I was with Palissy when he laid the crude founda- tion of the porcelain industry. It wasn't luck that stood by him while he fed his household possessions to the flames from which Success ultimately flashed — It was I! Napoleon, Alexander, and Caesar, despite their physical handicaps, believed in me — And became great. Carlyle, not knowing the meaning of good health, lived up to his motto — **He can who thinks he can!" Fawcett, Gore, Prescott, Parkman — blind, all of them — ^welcomed me — and achieved. Thirty-three up and Doing I was Stevenson's greatest asset during fourteen years of hemorrhages, illness, violent cough- ing. Had it not been for me, ''Treasure Island'' would never have been written. If you had the other fellow's luckl It wasn't luck that transformed Socrates from a commonplace stone-mason to a great phi- losopher. It was /. I was the friend who helped Sir Isaac Newton to greatness from a bookkeeper's stool; Who made Burns, the chore boy, the renowned Scotch poet; Shakespeare, the son of a butcher, an immortal ; A janitor a Supreme Court Justice. Were it not for me. Judge Kenesaw M. Landis still would be a newsboy; Montgomery Ward would have remained a cooper; George B. Cortelyou a stenographer. I am man's greatest capital — His one indispensable asset. With me on the job, he cant fail; Without me, he's helpless. I bring health, happiness, hope, achievement Try me on YOUR]oh\ I am COURAGE! Thirty'four T Up and Doing TACKLE IT! ^ AC RLE 7 r/— don't give the world the idea you're a quitter; Don't lay down just because you think the goal is out of reach, But tug for it and plug for it and play the role of ''gutter''— The higher you may have to climb the sweeter grows the peach; Take the bit between your teeth and set your muscles to it, Although to goad and hump yourself may go against the grain ; Just chuckle as you hit the pike and tell yourself you'll do it — A lot of labor is the price of every little gain. Tackle it! Go to it like a thoroughbred in harness, Forget the sluggards who gave up before they got a start; Forget the distance to the prize — its nearness or its farness — And face the grind ahead of you with laughter in your heart. Thirty-five up and Doing Hopeless though it seems to be, keep digging like the devil; Things are hound to come your way if you but stick it out; Play the game of winning on the square and on the level — Purge your soul of discontent and visionary douht. Tackle it with all the fep and vigor of a giant, With all the nerve and all the verve ambition gives a man; Any job is easy for the man who's self-reliant. And you can reach the summit if you only think you can. Hit it up for all you're worth — don't mind the humps and hruises — The climb is stif but what's the odds if finally you win? The fool who always goes down grade instead of uphill, loses — He cannot finish something if he never will heginl Thirty-six T Up and Doing THOUGHT 'iJFmeon YOUR ]oh\ I am the source of the world's best work — The maker of individuality — The foundation of achievement. I am the bone and sinew of accomplishment — The locomotion of promotion — The inspiration of elevation — The spur to energy — The wooer of the doer. Failure marks the circular path of those who spurn me. Mind-muscle and brain-brazvn are born of my cultivation. I am the synonym of progress — Of a deed well done and a race well run. I make directors of office boys — Executives of salespeople — Presidents of rail- splitters and deckhands. When I am consulted before action nothing is said demanding retraction. I cause men to act with tact — To read the creed of the days ahead — To hold the road when the going's rough — Thirty-seven up and Doing To reach the ripest peach of reward. I force men to assay the claims on business mines, sink shafts, and delve deep for the nuggets of opportunity — For the gains of brains — • The cumulative spoils of uncompromising moil and toil. I energize defeat with renewed endeavor — Turn mistakes into earning power — Give the ''get-back^' after the setback — The strongest muscle for the longest tussle. I am the breeder of leaders — The molder of winners — Nutrition to ambition. Try me on YOUR]oh\ I am CONSTANT THOUGHT! Thlrty-eighi D Up and Doing DIG IN OR DIG OUT IG in or dig out, for the world is too small For a man who can move to stand still in — For the doer who's willing to give it his all There's a niche he can moil and can mill in: There's nary an inch for the droner who waits For the big chance the others are winning, For him who knows how but who still hesitates To begin at the very beginning. Dig in or dig out, for you can't do a thing As it ought to be done in a minute ; You can't reap the harvest achievement will bring If you're never disposed to begin it. The job's to be done and the race will be run By the hard-hitting, go-to-it digger — The bound-to-win, don't-give-in son of a gun Who develops and daily grows bigger. Tkirty'itine up and Doing Dig in or dig out — there is no middle track Or a fence for the quitter to straddle ; Start right and keep going and never turn back When you're once firmly fixed in the saddle. Remember that doing your bit means your best. That the spirit you play in or work in Makes the world a good place for the man duty- blessed. But a bad place to shuffle and shirk in. Forty r Up and Doing ENTHUSIASM '^rmeon YOUR ]oh\ I am the greatest of all prerequisites of Success. I lead to better things — The coveted, attainable prizes. It is I who make men win — 'achieve — advance — become doers — take the initiative — the ag- gressive. I make the gray day a gay day — The dull day a happy, snappy day. I point the way to opportunity — A vanguard of greater mental vigor — Of fresh, new inspiration. I make the present beginner a future winner. I force men to move from a groove — To take heart and start all over. I give them the soul to win the goal — A chance to play the leading role. Men who walk hand-in-hand with me, land with me — On the top rung with the victors. Without me, they simply fill in — hold down a job momentarily, and then — Oblivion. Forty'One up and Doing I make the shirker a worker — A performer of hig things — An accompHsher of deeds. I make for efficiency — Put the grit there to ''git'' there — Substitute a backbone for a yellow streak, I give the right man — the bright man — a fund of fluck Which the failure mistakes for luck. Only the doubter is a flouter — A scouter — Who goes unmourned, unsung, unmissed. The believer is the receiver — The winner of the better things — The ''gitter' who reaps While the quitter sleeps. Try me on YOUR]oh\ I am ENTHUSIASM! Forty-two up and Doing CARRY ON! y^ARRY ON! Don't stop to grumble or complain^ Doil't blubber that you never had a chance, But hammer out Success with hand and brain, And labor every minute to advance. L Carry on! There's hope for every man of grit, Of backbone, muscle, energy, and sand; For every chap who yearns to '^do his bit," Who knows that if he sticks, he's sure to land. Carry on and do your damnedest to achieve; Pass up the notion you can dream and win ; Don't pass the buck or bluff with make-believe — Get down to earth and hustle and dig in. Carry on! The road to Fortune may be steep. But you can go where other men have gone. The world rewards the fighting clan who keep Their courage up and grimly carry on! Forty'three up and Doing T COURTESY 'i^Fmeon YOUR ]oh\ I make good salespeople of poor clerks. I give a store a proud name rather than a hlack eye. I make first-time customers regular customers. When Fm with you, the '*boss" puts your name on the mental promotion lists, and in due time the mental note develops into a salary in- crease. I change you from one of the store's necessities into one of its best assets. I swell your daily sales into over double those made hy the person who gets along without me. Because of me, buyers come to your store with unfaltering loyalty — because of you. I can make almost any store — without me, sales- people can break almost any store. When / come into a store, real trade learns of it — and poor business sneaks out the back door. I have done more to win and hold a good paying clientele than everything else in the world combined. Forty-jour up and Doing And while Fm a store's greatest asset, I don't cost anybody a solitary red cent — not even an effort — Fm absolutely all profit, I can keep a cash register jingling to the tune of ''Prosperity'^ every working day of the year. Ask your boss what Fm worth to him — he'll answer by saying you re worth nothing with- out me. Fm the best advertisement any store — big or small — ever had. I sell more goods than a million written empty words. Try me on YOUR ]oh\ I am COURTESY! Forty-five up and Doing J A LITTLE WAY AHEAD UST a little way ahead is what you're after, The reward of years of struggle and oi fight; Just a step or two and you will find the laughter And the sunshine you inherit as your right: It is up to you to go ahead and get it Or to quit and give a better man a chance, For if you're content to lie down, you can bet it Is a cinch the other fellow will advance. Just a little way ahead Success is waiting For the lad who puts his shoulder to the load, But there isn't time for one who's hesitating Long enough to choose the smooth spots in the road. Bend your back and set your jaws and hit the highway To the things you started out in life to gain; Pass the siren-like allurements of the byway. Through the tempest, and the hurricane, and rain. Forty-six up and Doing Just a little way ahead you'll find the haven Of achievement that the bravest seek and find ; There is nothing in the offing for the craven Who's content to dally and to lag behind: It's the fellow who strikes out and hits the long road To the things for which his betters fought and bled, Not the chap who takes the shortcut and the jong-road, Who finds Success — a little way ahead! Forty-seven up and Doing M SNAP SHOTS Y BOY, shake hands with the World! It is going to accept you only for what you are — Not for what you might have been. It's going to exact a Httle more than it gives. It's going to applaud your good deeds — Condemn your faults. It's going to make you plod and plug for your- self— It will lend you a hand only when you compel it. Sometimes you'll get the notion it's cold — unsym- pathetic — unresponsive. Forget it! It returns, measure for measure, whatever warmth, sympathy, and responsiveness to its mandates you put into it. When something goes wrong, grin — Dig in — Remember the pessimist doesn't belong. You'll find the happy man is sought after and re- warded with the fruits oi friendship. The World likes a smile — A cheerful voice — A pleasant manner — Forty-eight up and Doing A glad greeting. It fosters the game of the man who acquires strength with the muscles of self-reliance. It pampers the fellow who knows possibiliiies are inexhaustible — Who works with his brain and not with his skull — Who dignifies his job with a fondness for the menial as well as the sovereign duty. The World admires good intentions but pays only on their fulfilment. It pats on the back the man of aggressive action and careful speech — Who thinks right and does as he thinks — Who profits from a study of the giant of com- merce and the ant of industry — The man who comes up smiling. My boy, shake hands with the World ! Forty-nine up and Doing m SEE IT THROUGH HEN you feel the world has gone Dead against you, stumbHng on, And you see no kindly eye In the throngs that pass you by, Don^t get yellow^ whine , and say: "What's the use? I've seen my day!" That's the time it's up to you To get busy — see it through! When it seems that hope is dead And the joys of Hfe have fled. And you yearn to shake the hand Of some pal who'll understand: When the job looms mountain-high Daring you to tug and try To achieve it — ^what's to do? Buck your luck and see it through! Fifty up and Doing Life's a stif game, won and played By the chap who's not afraid Of the hard things that he finds But just goes ahead and grinds. Smiling as he plows a way Through the rabble day by day, Doing what he's got to do — Fight like hell and see it through! Fifty-one up and Doing m STICK! EN you have come to the aching point, To the all-in, unequal, forsaking point. To the back-bending, courage-racked breaking point. And have done all you think you can do. Brace up and stick to the winning point, To the blistering, faith-building grinning point, To the ri^t-ixovci'-tht-Y try -he ginning point — What you start you have got to see through! When it grows steep on the road ahead And you shrink from the weight of the load ahead. Just stiffen your backbone and goad ahead. Though the harness may cut to the bone : Others may grumble to hit the pace And whiningly lay down and quit the race. But you can plod on with grim grit and chase For the rainbow of promise alone! Fifty-two up and Doing Given a will and the pluck to win And a good stiff battle to buck '*agin/' And a fellow won't hanker for luck to win When there's regular mans work to do ; He pitches right in with a happy smile, With a hig man's joy and a scrappy style, And blazes ahead every snappy mile With a sureness of seeing it through! Fifty-three up and Doing M THINK IT OVER Y BOY, think well of the World ! If it owes you something, it will pay — it yields treasure and gains for every measure of brains you contribute. It backs up the man who never slacks up — Who never asks about the tasks, but dives in the hives of work for the love of it. It's an old story — this glory that comes from the unalloyed joy of doing with a smile the things the other fellow grumbles over. And the World keeps its eye peeled for the chap who cuts loose from the leash of leisure and wallops work with a will — For the lad who gets out in the grain-fields of the gain-fields and reaps a harvest of good will and — what goes with it. The World is yours — to make good ox fail in. It likes to have you sail in — drive a nail in every time you pick up the hammer of industry. It's yours to get ahead in or play dead in — ^to be a bellwether or one of the meek and mild mendicant millions. Bear in mind, hard horse sense and fidelity gets you more than mule mind and mutiny. Fifty-four up and Doing The day^s toll of application determines the elasticity of the payroll. Be a dynamic factor — a star actor — in the drama of dollars. Learn the beauty of duty — the power of purpose — the satisfaction of wading through, instead of over, what you have to do. My boy, think well of the World ! Fifty-five up and Doing Y THE BALANCE OU'FE got to grin and disregard the bruises — A wallop, stiff and rugged, helps a man; It's the fortitude and brains a fellow uses That keep him from the class of ''also ran'' If you can hobble forward without crutches, And make at least a little gain a day, You're sure to wiggle from the eager clutches Of Gloom and travel, winning, on your way. Don't falter when you think the going's easy Or lag behind and handicap your pace. But hit it up with gumption, brisk and breezy, And lead the other toilers in the race : Don't be a hanger-on or selling-plater, An in-betweener blindly being led. Or be content to be a second-rater. But earn the laurels of a thoroughbred. Fifty-six up and Doing A man is measured by the height he reaches, Not by the deeds he undertakes to do, Nor by the things he eloquently preaches. But seldom has the nerve to carry through; For when it comes to balancing the ledger And crediting achievements one by one. The reckoning will show who is the hedger — Who meant to and who went ahead and ''done'' Fifty-seven up and Doing T THRIFT 'i^rmeon YOUR]oh\ I am the key to personal independence, I am the builder of self-respect. I make it possible for men to avail themselves ad- vantageously of opportunities. You will find me in happy, contented homes. For I make possible a cheerful fireside, a festive board. I keep men from the sorrowing of borrowing — from the burden of debt — giving them the guerdon of freedom. I am the unrelenting foe of poverty — the nucleus of prosperity, I clear the road ahead of dangerous pitfalls. Men who have planned with me stand with me for the advancement and enhancement of business stability. If more merchants played the game with me^ there would be its^tx failures. If more salespeople cultivated me, there would be more achievers and far fewer disgruntled grieve rs. Fifty-eight up and Doing Many men who have ignored me have found themselves below the deadline of respectabil- ity in the breadline of degradation. I make few things impossible to diligence and application. I make the first years of man make provision for the last, I bring a right start and a light heart to the right sort, I make men tower inthe confidence of power — in the fullness of possession. I make the world a comedy of^uccess for those who seek me — a tragedy of failure for those who disdain me. I develop square men — fair men — get there men — do-and'dare men. I crown them with the laurel wreaths of victory, I make them belie the cant of cant. I give them the joy of buoyancy — the awards of the lords of industry. Trymeon r0i7ie job! I am THRIFT! Fifty-nine Q Up and Doing QUIT DREAMING UIT dreaming and act — take a reef in your sails And girdle your loins for the fray; It's only the dreamer who steadily fails In the battle of business to-day. Cash in on your actions — you cant on your dreams — Get back of the wheel with your shoulder; The mold of success with material teems, Awaiting the skill of the molder. Quit dreaming and act like a regular man Who is out for the big things of life ; Put trouble and worry and care on the ban And rejoice in the glory of strife. Just follow the will when it leads to the prize. Forget there's a streak known as yellow; There's a song in the shower and blue in the skies For the chap who's a deed-doing fellow. Sixty up and Doing Quit dreaming and act — put the punch in the Mow With the pen or the hammer or spade, The chisel or pickax, the Z?r^^jA or the hoe, Or the g^n or the brain or the W<2i/^. The dreamers can dawdle the hope of the days And joy in the wastage of chances. But the Jo^r^ who fight for the world and its praise Are the heroes of business romances. Sixty -one up and Doing T A CREED URN your back on discontent^ disdain to notice worry; Grasp the hand o( opportunity and hold it tight. Worry is the thing that kills, and kills you in a hurry — Why struggle in the darkness when the world is filled with light? Disappointment joys to see a man who is a kicker; Of all the antidotes for trouble, laughter heads the list. Success some day will crown the man who's al- ways been a sticker, And thrust the harpoon of its scorn into the pessimist. Let every life that touches yours derive some inspiration And every whack upon the back return its cherished meed; The fruits of work are not for those who harbor hesitation, But for the man with "tfo it nod'^ forever as his creed. ^ixty-two ,! up and Doing DOING YOUR BIT EN you have struggled and shouldered the load Of the job you have chosen to fill, And you're looking ahead for the turn in the road, But it's always ''just over the hill," 'Keep plodding and plugging and pushing along. Don't stop by the wayside and quit^ But carry your cross with the snack of a song, Content to be ''doing your bit!'' The way may be long and the road may be rough And ambition may seem on the wane. But just bear in mind that the world is half bluff In the game of catch-penny and gain: Contribute your share as you doggedly plod By backing your brawn with your wit; The world never tortures a man with a prod When it knows he is ''doing his bit!" Sixty-three up and Doing Just grin as you bump the rough edges of Hfe And whistle a tune of content; A fight worth the winning is sweetened with strife, And a scrapper has naught to repent. Buck up and pluck up and forge right ahead With backbone and muscle and grit; Rewards are potential, when alFs done and said, For the fellow who's '^doing his bit!'' Sixty-four T Up and Doing THE STICKER HE man who's liked Is the one who hiked On the rough roadway to Success and smiled A smile of cheer As the goal drew near, Who has plodded ahead year after year; Who never dared ^ As he forward fared, To an adverse luck to be reconciled. A man like that. Who's right, stands pat On the cards he's drawn in the game of life, And calls each hluff. For he's built of stuff That wins no matter how fierce the strife, To him the victory, forging along With an upper lip that is stiff and strong. He whistles a melody, sings a song, And scorns to notice the countless throng Of quitters who pass in a mad retreat ; He has won his fight, and the triumph's sweet. For he never has known the word ''Defeat!'' Sixty-jive up and Doing H THE CROWN E kept his eyes upon the goal, Contentment ruled his heart and soul; He faced hard luck With nerve and pluck And paid the world's exacting toll. His winning smile Made life worth while. Each day he did his level best ; He trudged along And sang a song Of cheer while riding on the crest. Though years of toil brought no return, Each knock but made Hope's bright light burn The brighter, and his dauntless air Struck from his life the word ''Despair'' He bore his load Along the road And, though he staggered 'neath its weight. He smiled to know He had a show To win, and did not hesitate ; And when the world kicked hard and pressed, He grimly smiled, threw out his chest. Sixty-six up and Doing And joyed to know he stood the test, And treated trouble as a jest. He lugged his burden And the guerdon Of Success at last came by; And it crowned him When it found him With a fame that would not die. Sixty-seve7i up and Doing G GO OUT AND GET IT out and get it! The getting is good today; Men win their laurels by just sawing wood today; Not what you want to do, do what you should today, That brings the bacon home, son, every time ! Work for tomorrow and thrill with the fun of it ; No job is hard when you once get the run of it. Here is the willing world, prove you're a son of it — Get to the ladder and steadily climb! Go out and get it — your uttermost share of it ; Don't take the bluff and the guff and the dare of it; Fight for Success to the doors of the lair of it, Grin at the whacks and the cracks you receive : See the bright side in the strife of the quest of it ; Grapple each drawback until you've the best of it ; Play the game square and meet every behest of it, Just as it's played by the men who achieve. sixty -eight up and Doing Go out and get it! There's joy in the spell of it ; Mix in the thick and the ebb and the swell of it — Don't let the blows and the woes and the hell of it Keep you from pushing yourself to the front : Rough going, tough going, just get the hang of it, Don't mind the rush and the roar and the bang of it — Jump in the midst of it, get the full tang of it, Join with the giants who shoulder the brunt! Sixty-nine up and Doing H^ THE DREAMER E sat at the window and dreamed of the day He would lead in the ranks of Hfe's turbulent fray; Of the time when the world would stand still in its whirl, Aghast, as the flags of Success he'd unfurl; He dreamed of the power and glory and might That come to the men who determinedly fight The conquests of now; and the future, it seemed, Was rosy and fair as he sat there and dreamed. He dreamed of the things that he some day would do When he'd battle with Fate, and would conquer it, too; When he'd rise from the ashes oi failure and face The dead dreams of yesterday's truculent race: What did he care for the men who had tried, Who had fought their life's battle, and, fighting, had died? Falling with features toil-riven and seamed ! Ah! They should have waited a little — and dreamed! Seventy up and Doing He dreamed — and the years rolled relentlessly on ! Chance knocked, paused a while, then forever was gone! He woke but to find that the world is a place Where doeihs^ not dreamers^ win out in the race : He woke to the knowledge he'd challenged his fate When the grim gods of destiny whispered: "Too later And the hope in his eyes that once fitfully gleamed Passed away with the ghost of the dreams he had dreamed! Seventy'One T Up and Doing SUCCESS HERE'S a word of cheer for the man with pluck, Who never gives way to an adverse luck; Who never confesses that he is stuck, But keeps on moiUng With vigor and toiUng, No matter what comes and no matter what goes. He laughs at the man with a burden of woes, And harvests the crop of content that he sows. His **stick-to-it" spirit eventually grows On those whom he meets In the marts and the streets, And the highways and b3rways of life ; and he greets With a strong word of courage the man who retreats At the first sign oi failure, and shows him the way To work with the sun if he wants to make hay. He lives on the song side Of life, on the strong side, And knows not the wrong side. But clutches the right; Tenaciously clings till he comes out victorious, Earning his spurs in a struggle most glorious; Comes back for more in each unequal fight; Finally winning the goal he is after. Spreading his doctrine of grit and of laughter. Seventy-two Y up and Doing YOU'LL WIN OUT OU'LL win out if you don't give up. When you're called on to drink some bitter cup, Drink it and smile as a brave man should, But don't retreat: Life is a game you have got to play; It is not all worry and not all gay; Some of it's had and some of it's good^ And the hitter is mixed with the sweet. The world is kind to a strong man when He fights when he falls to get up again ; But it has no place for the man who fails And stands in his tracks and howls and wails. Never bow down to the weight of the yoke ; Laugh at a knock as you laugh at a joke. Cut out the worry and cut out the doubt, And you'll win out! Seventv-three up and Doing B BILL FORGED AHEAD ILL forged ahead. He had no doubt; He knew just what he was about. Gay, but determined, day by day, "I'll win out some time!'' he would say. From early boyhood to the wheel He'd placed his shoulders with a zeal Defiant of each new rebuff — For Bill was made of proper stuff. Bill forged ahead and saw the light Of Opportunity burn bright Adown the pathway that he trod, Content to bide his time and plod. His fellow workers laughed and cried They'd hear some day that Bill had died From overwork. Bill only said: *7'w satisfied !" and forged ahead. Seventy'jc up and Doing Bill forged ahead. The knocks and jeers All fell upon unheeding ears, And finally he won Success Through courage and aggressiveness. While those who laughed and those who scorned Upon life's highway wailed and mourned. They had the nerve, they had the pluck, But what they lacked was Bill's great 'Huckr Seventy-five up and Doing G WHEN THE HEART SINGS IVE me a heart that will sing a song When the world's all right, when the world's all wrong; When the skies are dark or the sky's all blue, And the game proves false or the game proves true. Give me a heart that will proudly beat When I forge ahead or perforce retreat; When I go stone broke or I make my pile, I'm all to the good if my heart will smile. Give me a heart that will sing its way Through the mean setbacks of a storm-tossed day ; Through the seething seas of the marts of men Into the joys of the sun again. Give me a heart that will cheer me on When I wake in the drab of a dreary dawn; That will give me strength for the daily fight Up the steepest slope to the victor s height. Seventy-six up and Doing' Give me a heart that will make me see That the task I do is the toil for me; That I come up smiling and do my best For the pal that's singing beneath my vest. Give me a heart that is bright and gay When obstinate luck won't break my way; When the world swings on while I seek to find The golden chance that I left behind. Give me a heart that will smile right through The clouds of black to the skies of blue; That knows Til prove, as I go along, Up to its courage, smile, and song, . . . Give me a heart that will sing a song When the world's all right; when the world's all wrong. What though the road seems hard and long. Give me a heart that will sing a song. Seventy-seven up and Doing I THE FIGHTING BLOOD TV TO the maelstrom of Rosy Thoughts and into the Valley of Dreams He entered, a youth with a happy heart, to fol- low life's rainbow gleams; Ever and ever he looked ahead toward the glare of the beckoning heights. Toiling and moiling through days of hope far into the fathomless nights; Alert to the precepts of stern success that thrive in the hearts of men. Crushed to the earth by the iron hand of Fate, he would rise again. Bruised by adversity, goaded by chance, each day he would grimly smite, For the blood in his veins was the blood that sustains a man in an uphill fight! Courage was his as he carved his path sans cheers of his fellow men. Stemming his way through each turbulent day that closed to but dawn again ; Shoulder to shoulder with mutable luck, un- daunted by jests and jeers, Seventy-eight up and Doing He carried his cross with a patience born of fail- ure throughout the years : Building his castles and seeing them jall^ he builded anew and smiled; Sounding the depth of his pluck he knew with faith he was reconciled. Some day achievement all-infinite would dazzle and blind his sight, For the blood in his veins was the blood that sustains a man in a j earless fight ! Year after year as his fathers had forged, he struggled and staggered on. Over the path of the countless throngs where his sanctified betters had gone ; Out of the smoke of each battle fought emerging to war anew, For the things they had done and the conquests won were naught to the deeds he'd do! What of the failures of yesteryear, the wrecks of a long dead day. Should they serve to swerve him and keep him back from the strife of an endless fray ? Heaven forfend ! He would strive to the end with the last of his curtailed might ! For the blood in his veins was the blood that sustains a man in a losing fight! Seventy-nine up and Doing M THE WORLD Y BOY, it's a pretty good world, you'll find, If you look straight ahead and don't look behind. Though it snows sometimes. And it blows sometimes. And you think it is flooded with woes sometimes ; It's a glad old world. And a sad old world. Or a bad old world When you make it so. But just bear in mind that wherever you go Somewhere the grand old sun's aglow! Forge ahead with a smile, my boy. Make your existence worth while, my boy! Push ahead — don't stop — Though you sometimes drop, Don't give up till you reach the top! *'Git up and git" And a lot of grit Are things that label a man as ''fit'' There's a shadow here and a dark place there, But you'll find there's happiness everywhere If you look for it. Chirk up ! Elate ! Rub the word ''Pessimist'' off your slate! Meet the knocks with a grin, But never give in, And, sooner or later, you're bound to win ! Eighty W\ up and Doing BUILDING THE NAME ERE I a retailer right in the thick of it, Fighting to win in the game of Success, I'd know my business — each small and big trick of it, Cut out the ''maybe,'' the "i/"," and the ''guess'' : Start at the bottom and study the lay of it. Get out and work with the boys on the floor; Joy in the scrap and the snap and the play of it, Make good the name hanging over the door. Were / a retailer, I'd know the plan of it, Winnow the genuine free of the dross; Dream out and scheme out the "can't" and the "can" of it, Weed the dead timber that piles up a loss; Stock up on goods with known quality back of them — Know the good-will I but dreamed of before ; Win back the trade I had lost for the lack of them. Make good the name hanging over the door. Eighty- up and Doing Were / a retailer — made so by preference — Nothing would keep me from gaining the goal ; Service would be my strong letter of reference, Service that gives to a business a soul: Proud in the broadening, deepening chest of it. Proud of the fact it's a regular store, How I would thrill with the toil and the zest of it Building the name hanging over the door. Eighty-tzvo up and Doing SMILE r>iMILE when luck is breaking wrong, 1 \ Chant a snatch or two of song; Cheerfulness will keep you strong Where discontent will fail : Yours is not the hardest lot, Make the most of what you've got ; Smile a bit, for kicking s not A thing that will avail. Let the other fellow frown Who admits that he is down ; You may never gain renown. But laugh, and life's worth while: Laughter makes the heart beat young; The pessimist will die unsung. But you can be a man among - Men if you always smile. Eighty-three s up and Doing BALLADE OF TOIL TICKERS and pluggers are few and rare When Luck her favors will not bestow; Too prone to fluttering here and there, Many among us lack ''pep'' and ''go.'' Seldom we labor to bend the bow For a second shot at the jobs of men. Too many scorn to give blow for blow — Too few are willing to try again! Something goes wrong and we quit and swear That we want to win but we have no shozv; Success, we whine, isn't playing fair — She's given us rows that we cannot hoe. Why should we fight such a giant foe When chances of winning are one in ten ? Too many striving too soon forego — Too few are willing to try again! Eighty -jour up and Doing Some of us stop when we do our share, Reaping but part of the field we sow; Reaching a point where we do not care For the higger things that the winners know: Dwarfed in ambition, we fail to toe The mark that is always the worker s ken. Too many quit when the gains are slow — Too few are willing to try again! SUMMARY Work, all we get to your lash we owe, Though you are harsh with us now and then. Too many rail at the dice you throw — Too few are willing to try again! Eighty-jive IH17 p 1 *^^ o. ^\ ■*:-o^ .f-' .* /. =■->-. t'i ** .V iO-ni. ^oV^ .^'% • ^"i- /^. *o"'TT''A- "<.*--"-\0*' ^V^>.'''''<^ .^ ,\ •*o%^ .•^'' ♦ HECKMAN BINDERY INC. ^^ DEC 88 ^Pffl^ N. MANCHESTER 4- ♦^^^. o •3''"vP. -J <^